My life is the passion : a short way of the Cross / by Walter Sullivan. GRAIL PUBLICATION Indiana A Short Way of the Cross By Walter Sullivan, O.S.B. St. Meinrad Imprimi potest: p Ignatius Esser, O.S.B. Abbot of St. Meinrad’s Abbey Nihil obstat: Joseph D. Brokhage, S.T.D. Censor Ubrorum Imprimatur: p Paul C. Schulte, D.D. Archbishop of Indianapolis Price ten cents Copyright 1952 by St. Meinrad’s Abbey, Inc. MEDITATION The way of the cross was first traveled by Christ the Son of God, and then by His disciples in Jeru- salem, and finally by those who believe in Him during every century and in every part of the world. When I make the stations I must remember that in a real but mystical way Christ Jesus walks to His death every day in me . . . and in others too whose passion I witness. As one of the baptized, I am, in- deed, Christ walking again toward Mt. Calvary. This is what it means to be a Christian. It means to redeem the world with Christ by the redemptive use of pain. It also means that this life is the Passion lived again in each docile and gen- erous member of Christ’s mystical body. Illustrations by Ade de Bethune. Text edited by Walter Sullivan, O.S.B. Copy- right 1952 by St. Meinrad’s Abbey. Christ in me Christ in every human being is again condemned to death. I am on the way to my death every day of my life. How am I preparing for it? 2 Christ in me Christ in everyone takes up His cross today Do not let it be said that Christ in me refuses to carry the cross. 3 When a human being falls info serious sin or refuses the cross, Christ falls again. How many times does Christ in me fall to the ground? 4 Mary is interested in Christ in me and hence interested in the cross I am carrying. Her interest encourages me to keep going; let me not disappoint her. 5 I must see Christ in others especially in those who suffer. When anyone carries a cross I should help him as Simon helped Christ. Then I am also helping Christ. 6 I must not let human respect ever keep me from Christ on the altar or Christ in suffering human beings. Veronica was rewarded by Christ because she disregarded human respect. 7 Christ is weak irs me. But 8 cannot lose courage and confidence because Christ in me cannot lose courage and confidence. Physical weakness need not mean spiritual surrender. 8 Sin is the only terrible thing. When I see suffering in myself or in others ... let me not weep over the suffering, but weep over the sin which caused it. Christ in me hates only one thing—SIN! 9 My body may be crushed. But the Christ-Spirit in me must never be crushed. When I am most humbled, then I am nearest to redeeming the world with Christ. 10 Think of poverty and chastity. The poor Christ in me is deprived of earthly goods and the lonely Christ in me is deprived of earthly loves. Christ in me is nakedly poor and chastely rich. 11 Think of obedience. Christ in me is nailed down by laws and regulations. Christ in me adores the will of the Father by generous and loving obedience. 12 The consecration of my life is renewed at every Mass consecra- tion. I die with Christ . . . death to sinful and selfish self-love. Death to the world . . . that a sinful world be redeemed and live again! I die for love. 13 Mary looks at Christ in my death. In my scars she reads the words of a lying world which promises great things. She gave the world a beautiful Babe, and the world returns to her a Crucified Christ. 14 My life of obscurity . . . hidden and buried with Christ . . . a failure perhaps in the eyes of men but a divine success. 15 Let us pray Dear God the Father, when you look upon me you see Christ, your Divine Son . . . you see Him con- demned, falling, sick, weary, dis- couraged . . . crucified and finally dying . . . you see my flesh laid away in the grave, and marked with a stone, and forgotten . . . but you also see Him triumphant in me in my last resurrection from the dead. Help me, Dear Father, so to live that I may rise again with Christ. Amen. Our Father Hail Mary Glory be to the Father . . . 16 The cross is but half a cross, for the love of Jesus Christ sweetens all. One doesn’t suffer much except when one loves little. —Fenelon