Prayers to the Blessed Sacrament %%% PRAYERS ";Aj_ Secc-wHen f I The Blessed Sacrament THE REAL PRESENCE What is the Holy Eucharist? The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament which contains the Body and Blood, soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ un- der the appearances of bread and wine. Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist — Because Jesus Christ promised to give His Flesh as food and His Blood as drink (John vii. 48-70). Because Jesus Christ fulfilled this prom- ise at the Last Supper (Matt. xxvi. 20; Mark xiv. 22-24; Luke xxii. 19-20; 1 Cor. xi. 23-25). Because St. Paul declares this was the belief of the Apostolic Church (1 Cor. x. 16; xi. 27-29). Because the early Fathers explicitly taught that the Eucharist was “the Flesh and Blood of the Incarnate Jesus” (St. Justin, Apol., i. 66). Because Christ’s infallible Church sol- emnly defined this doctrine against the re- formers of the sixteenth .century. “The Holy Synod teaches . . . that in the august Sacrament of the Holy Eucha- rist, after the consecration of the bread and wine, our Lord Jesus Christ, true God and Nihil Obstat: Arthur J. Scanlan, S.T.D., Censor Librorum. Imprimatur : Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop oj New York. New York, December 28, 1933. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE U. 8. A. BY THE PAULIST PRESS, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. 2 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament Man, is truly, really and substantially con- tained under the appearance of those sen- sible things. ... If anyone denies that in the Sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist are contained truly, really and substantially the Body and Blood, together with the Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but says that He is therein only as a sign or a figure or virtually, let him be anathema” (Council of Trent, Sess. xiii. ch. 1, can. i.). (Question Box, page 247.) I GENERAL PRAYERS Act of Faith Look down upon me, loving Master. I kneel before Thee for Thy blessing. I come to Thee, as a weary traveler, seeking rest. The journey of life tires me. I need refreshment. I need strength. Where can I find these, if not in Thee? Of this, I must have no doubt, because Thou hast said: “Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are burdened, and I will re- fresh you. You shall find rest for your souls.” This invitation, coming from Thy lips, fills me with comfort and with hope. My weakness leaves me, my weariness grows lighter when I consider Thy loving good- Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 3 ness. The shadow of Thy Presence fills me with new life. This hour of adoration spent with Thee, O Jesus, should be the bright spot in my life. I should look forward to this as I might to a visit with my dearest friend. In Thee I have a Friend Who faileth not, Who, when all others fail, remaineth the same, Jesus Christ today, yesterday, the same forever. Act of Love O Blessed Savior, Thou art worthy of all love. When Thou wert asked—Which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Thou didst answer: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment” (Matt. xxii. 37, 38). It is not hard, O Jesus, to love God above all things, when we think of His goodness, what He does for us. He has given us all that we have, in body and soul. He fur- nishes food and nourishment for the body, He gives us Thee as Food for our souls. Can God do more than this? What human friend is so constant as never to fail? Is there any? Oh, no, there cannot be. Man is fickle. “Vanity of vanities, and all is vanity,” said the wise King Solomon, who possessed riches and 4 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament wisdom, above all men who ever lived. This same wise king, when he dedicated the Temple, lifted up his voice before all the people and praised God thus: “Lord God of Israel, there is no God like Thee in heaven above, or on earth beneath; Who keepest covenant and mercy with Thy serv- ants that have walked before Thee with all their heart” (3 Kings viii. 23). What na- tion hath its god so close to it as our God is to us! Surely a God of this surpassing goodness is to be loved above all things and for His own sake. Spiritual Communion I believe in Thee, O my Jesus, present in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar; I love Thee above all things and I desire to receive Thee into my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Thee, and I unite myself to Thee as if Thou wert already there. O permit me never to be separated from Thee! O Lord Jesus Christ, let the sweet and consuming force of Thy love absorb my whole soul, that I may die for the love of Thee, Who wast pleased to die for the love of me. Eternal Father, I offer to Thee the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in atone- ment for my sins and for the needs of Holy Church. Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 5 SPECIAL PRAYER (Appropriate* for a Brief Visit) My Lord Jesus Christ, Who through the love which Thou bearest to men, dost re- main with them day and night in this Sacra- ment, full of mercy and of love, expecting, inviting, and receiving all who come to visit Thee, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I adore Thee, confessing my own misery and nothingness, and I thank Thee for all the mercies which Thou hast bestowed upon me especially, for having given me Thyself in this Sacrament, for having given me for my advocate Thy most holy Mother, Mary, and for having called me to visit Thee at this time. I salute Thy most loving heart, and I desire to do so for three ends: 1. In thanksgiving for this great gift. 2. To atone for all the injuries Thou hast received from Thy enemies in this Sacrament. 3. To adore Thee in all places in which Thou art least honored and most aban- doned in the Holy Sacrament. O my Jesus, I love Thee with all my heart. I am sorry for having hitherto dis- pleased Thy infinite goodness. I resolve with the assistance of Thy grace never more to offend Thee; and, at this moment, miserable as I am, I desire to consecrate 6 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament my whole being to Thee. I give Thee my entire will, all my affections, and desires and all that I have. From this day for- ward do what Thou wilt with me, and with whatever belongs to me. I ask and desire only Thy love, the gift of final persever- ance, and the perfect accomplishment of Thy will. I recommend to Thee the souls in Purga- tory, particularly those who were most de- voted to the Blessed Sacrament and to most holy Mary, and I also recommend to Thee all poor sinners. Finally, my dear Savior, I unite all my affections with the affec- tions of Thy most loving Heart; and, thus united, I offer them to Thy Eternal Father, and I beseech Him, in Thy name, and for Thy sake, to accept them. Amen. VISITS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (For each day of the week) First Visit Look down, O Lord, from Thy sanctu- ary, and from Heaven Thy dwelling-place, and behold this holy Victim which Thy holy child Jesus, Our Lord and great High Priest, offers up to Thee for the sins of His brethren ; and let not Thy wrath be kindled upon us for the multitude of our transgres- Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 7 sions. Behold, the voice of the Blood of Jesus, our Brother, calls to Thee from the Cross. Give ear, O Lord! be appeased, O Lord! tarry not for Thy own sake, O my God because Thy name is called upon Thy people; but deal with us according to Thy great mercy. Amen. Second Visit Jesus, my God, my Savior, with that lowly homage with which faith itself in- spires me, I worship Thee, true God and true Man; with my whole heart I love Thee, enclosed in the most blessed Sacra- ment of the Altar, in reparation of all the acts of irreverence, profanation, and sacri- lege which I may ever have been so un- happy as to have committed, as well as for all such like acts that ever have been done, or ever may be done in ages to come. I adore Thee, my God, not indeed according to the measure of Thy merits, not accord- ing to the greatness of my debt to Thee, but according to the little strength I have; and would adore Thee with all the perfec- tion of every reasonable creature. Mean- time, I purpose now and ever to adore Thee, not only for those Catholics who adore Thee not and love Thee not, but also for the conversion of all heretics, schis- matics, atheists, blasphemers, sorcerers and 8 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament idolaters. Jesus, my God, mayst Thou be ever known, adored, loved, and praised every moment, every day, in the most holy and most heavenly Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. Third Visit May Jesus live and reign forever, Who for my salvation, shed the last drop of His most precious Blood. The Blood of Jesus is my life; blessed be His infinite goodness! Praised forever be that Blood which has redeemed the world from hell. This Blood has become our drink indeed—yea and the sacred laver of our souls. The Blood of Jesus appeases the anger of His divine Father, and brings us to the Kingdom of His glory. The blood of Abel cried out to heaven for vengeance! That of Jesus pleads for pardon. If our hearts be sprinkled with this Di- vine Blood, we shall be delivered from the destroying angel. If we extol the Divine Blood of Jesus, heaven exults with joy, and hell trembles and is powerless. Let us therefore cry out with all our might; all praise be given to the sacred Blood of Jesus. Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 9 Fourth Visit I am here before Thee, my Jesus: what do I want? Liberty, love, and life, hu- mility of heart, conformity to the Divine will, purity of soul and body, wisdom to know God’s will, and strength to execute it, and patience to persevere in it, resolu- tion to suffer for my Savior, devotion to sigh after Him, diligence to find Him, and constantly to remain with Him ; courage to endure all, faith to forego all, hope to ex- pect all, charity to give all, and confidence to gain all! Thou art my life, my Lord, and my only hope, till I come to Thee; let Thy Cross be my refuge, Thy will my para- dise. Amen. Fifth Visit Grant, O good Jesus, that every word I utter, every look and action of mine may be regulated by Thy law and influenced by Thy divine grace. O that I could perform every necessary work with a most pure in- tention to be united to Thee, my Savior. Thy senses, O Jesus, were all perfectly in accord with reason, always subservient to the dictates of Thy soul; let mine be sanc- tified accordingly and covered with the merits, the boundless merits of my Jesus; let me live, love, move and employ my senses only in Him, for His sake, and with His assistance. 10 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament O that my heart were perfectly apart from creatures, my will entirely conformed to the will of my God, my memory free from all imaginations and all impressions but of Thee alone, and that my understand- ing were imbued with a knowledge of Thy infinite goodness and divine perfections, elevate it, illuminate it, O gracious God that knowing and loving Thee I may pos- sess Thee for ever and ever. Amen. Sixth Visit O my God, I know not what will happen to me, but this I know, that nothing will happen to me which Thou hast not foreseen from all eternity, and this, my God, is enough to give peace to my mind. I adore Thy eternal designs on my soul. J submit to them from the bottom of my heart, I de- sire all, I make a sacrifice of all to Thee. I add this Sacrifice to that of Thy Divine Son, my Savior, beseeching Thee, by His infinite merits and sacred passion, to in- spire me with patience under afflictions, and with that perfect submission which is due in all Thou wiliest, in all Thou per- mittest. Seventh Visit O adorable Jesus, amidst the cruel suffer- ings which caused Thy death, I adore Thee profoundly with all the powers of my soul. Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 11 I adore Thy sacred humanity scorned and maltreated ; I adore Thy sacred flesh bruised and disfigured; Thy bones dis- jointed; Thy nerves tom; Thy feet and hands pierced with nails; Thy eyes stream- ing with tears; Thy tongue tortured with gall; Thy whole body lacerated and cov- ered with blood; but above all, dear Jesus, I adore Thy agonizing Heart ; Thy soul im- mersed in a sea of bitterness and sadness. 0 holy agony of Jesus! I adore You as the beginning and source of my redemp- tion. O merciful Jesus! by all these pangs and griefs have compassion on me, purify me in Thy Blood, strengthen me by Thy merits, teach me to cling to Thy Cross, and make me worthy to receive those joys which Thou hast purchased for me by Thy bitter sufferings and death. Amen. II ACTS OF ADORATION1 Jesus, abiding in the Blessed Sacrament, I adore Thee. Thou art present before me, truly present as Thou wert in life, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. 1 cannot understand how, nor is it neces- sary; I believe because Thou hast told me.. “This is My Body; this is My Blood,” l Reprinted by permission from The Sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament. 12 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament Thou didst declare at the Last Supper. And on that memorable occasion, Thou didst commit to Thy Apostles the power to renew this surpassing miracle. “Do this in commemoration of Me,” Thou didst com- mand. Ever since, Thy Apostles and their suc- cessors, the priests of Thy Church, have consecrated Thy Body and Blood, and thus Thy Presence has been perpetuated. Oh, miracle of miracles, miracle surpass- ing all thought, and by which Thou dost give us Thyself, as our Food, our Light, and our Strength! Jesus, I adore Thee for this. My heart cannot any longer contain itself, for Thy surpassing and overwhelm- ing goodness. And further marvel, it is my privilege to receive Thee in Holy Communion. Not alone dost Thou come upon our altars, but Thou dost come into our hearts. How can I comprehend this condescension? What abundant fruits should follow from this re- ception ! 0 Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament, in- crease my faith in Thy Real and Abiding Presence. Jesus, great God of Heaven and earth, I am overcome with awe as I realize that I am in Thy Presence. Thou art a power- ful Lord and King. Thy Will must be Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 13 obeyed. And yet, Thou wert subject to Mary and Joseph! Thou art subject to the priest in Thy Sacrament! Thou art sub- ject to me! I will be subject to Thee. I bow down before Thee. I adore Thee. Do with me what Thou wilt. O Supreme Being, Source of all that is good and true and beautiful, I acknowledge Thy infinite Wisdom. With the Angels and Saints in heaven I bow down before Thee. I adore Thee. To Thee alone all honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. O most adorable Jesus, Eternal Son of the Eternal Father, and with Him also Fa- ther of mercies, my poor little mind is struck dumb as it contemplates and tries to understand Thy incomprehensible love and mercy toward Thy sinful creatures! Thy ways are not our ways, O Lord God Almighty! To Thee all honor and glory and adoration from all creatures for ever and ever. Amen. Jesus, in spite of the appearances I see, I firmly believe that Thou art the Son of God, Almighty and Eternal, All-Just and All-Holy. I acknowledge that Thy Divine Will should be done in all things and at all costs. To Thee alone all obedience and 14 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament love, all honor and glory and adoration through endless ages. Amen. 0 Jesus, true God, really present in the Blessed Sacrament, I am filled with ad- miration and awe at the sight of Thy beau- tiful and simple modesty. I am dumb- founded when I think of Thy meekness, humility, love and respect toward Thy own creatures! To Thee alone all honor and love and respect and adoration for ever and ever. Amen. O Great God, I bow down before Thee. I adore Thee. I love Thee with my whole heart and soul. I want to love Thee above everything else, because Thou art All-Good and deserving of all love. To Thee alone all honor, glory, love and adoration throughout endless ages. Amen. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, I adore Thee. Thou alone art Holy. Thou alone art Lord. Thou alone art Most High. To Thee all honor and glory and praise and love from all creatures for ever and ever. Amen. Jesus, great God and King, I acknowl- edge Thy infinite rights and powers over all creatures. Even Thy Mother after be- ing raised to the highest throne in heaven Prayers to Blessed Sacrament IS at the right hand of God bows down be- fore Thee. With her and all the Angels and Saints I adore Thee. To Thee alone, O immortal King of the ages, be honor and glory, praise and love and benediction for ever and ever. Amen. Jesus, great God and Supreme Judge of the living and the dead, I bow down before Thee. Thou art All-Holy, Thou art All- Just, Thou art the Most High. To Thee alone all power and majesty and honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. O Jesus, I am filled with awe as I con- template Thee, true God and true Man, complying so perfectly and promptly with Thy Father’s Will. God alone has a right to be obeyed in all things and by all crea- tures above all other considerations. His Will be done by me now and for ever. Amen. Ill PETITION Act of Petition O Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, heavenly Bread filled with all sweetness, pour forth into my poor soul love of the Cross, strength and perseverance along the Way of the Cross until I die like a Cross- 16 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament bearer and enter triumphantly into Heaven to be happy with Thee for all eternity. Amen. For a Particular Favor O Most Loving Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, full of confidence in Thy Power and Goodness I ask Thee for . . . O Sacred Heart of Jesus I implore that I may love Thee ever more and more. A UNIVERSAL PRAYER For All Things Necessary to Salvation 0 my God, I believe in Thee; do Thou strengthen my faith. All my hopes are in Thee; do Thou enable me to realize them. I love Thee with my whole heart; teach me to love Thee daily more and more. I am sorry that I have offended Thee; do Thou increase my sorrow. 1 adore Thee as my first beginning. I aspire after Thee as my constant Benefac- tor. I call upon Thee as my Sovereign Pro- tector. Vouchsafe, O my God, to conduct me by Thy wisdom, to restrain me by the thought of Thy justice, to comfort me by Thy mercy, to defend me by Thy power. To Thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings, that henceforward I may think of Thee, Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 17 speak of Thee, willingly refer all my ac- tions to Thy greater glory, and suffer will- ingly whatever Thou shalt appoint. Lord, I desire that in all things Thy Will may be done, because it is Thy Will, and may it be done in the manner Thou wiliest. I beg of Thee to enlighten my under- standing, to inflame my will, to purify my body, and to sanctify my soul. Give me strength, O my God, to expiate my offences, to overcome temptation, to subdue my passions, and to acquire the virtue proper to my state. Fill my heart with tender affection for Thy goodness, hatred for my faults, love for my neighbor, and contempt for the world. Let me always remember to be submis- sive to my superiors, kind to my inferiors, faithful to my friends, and charitable to my enemies. Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification, avarice by alms-deeds, anger by meekness, and tepidity by devotion. O my God, make me prudent in my un- dertakings, courageous in dangers, patient in afflictions, and humble in prosperity. Grant that I may be ever attentive at my prayers, temperate at my meals, dili- gent in employments, and constant in my good resolutions. Let my conscience be ever upright and 18 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament pure, my exterior modest, my conversation edifying, and my conduct becoming. Assist me, that I may continually labor to overcome nature, to correspond with Thy grace, to keep Thy commandments, and to work out my salvation. Discover to me, O my God, the nothing- ness of this world, the greatness of heaven, the shortness of time, and the length of eternity. Grant that I may prepare for death, that I may fear Thy judgments, that I may es- cape hell, and in the end obtain heaven, through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Prayer for One’s Parents O Almighty God, who hast given me my father and mother and made them an fcaage of Thy authority and love, and hast commanded me to love, honor and obey them; give me grace faithfully to observe this law. Give me grace to bear with pa- tience all their rebukes. Deliver me from pride, rebellion, stubbornness, evil temper, and laziness. Make me diligent in all my duties and patient in all my trials so that one day I may be happy with Thee forever in heaven. Amen. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on my parents. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for them. Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 19 In Times of Discouragement Dear Lord, Who said, “Come to Me all you who labor and are burdened and I will refresh you,” behold me at Your feet, O my God, burdened and suffering but full of confidence in Your promise. O my Lord and Savior, have pity on me as You had pity on the blind to whom You gave back their sight. Have pity on me as You had pity on the deaf, whose ears You opened, and on the dumb whose tongue You loosened. Have pity on me as You had pity on the lepers whom You made clean. Have pity on me as You had pity on the paralyzed to whom You gave back the use of their limbs. Have pity on me as You had pity on the possessed whom You saved from the power of the devil. Have pity on me as You had pity on the young man of Naim, on Jairus’ daughter, and on Lazarus whom You recalled from death to life. Have pity on me as You had pity on the multitude whom You fed with bread in the wilderness. Have pity on me as You had pity on the Apostles in the midst of the storm. Have pity on me as You had pity on the Samaritan woman, and the Chanaanite. 20 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament Have pity on me as You had pity on Mary Magdalen. Have pity on me as You had pity on the Good Thief on the Cross. Have pity on me as You had pity on Your Apostle Peter when he denied You. O Divine Heart of Jesus, source of all resurrection, of all life, of all health, of all light, of all strength, of all consolation, of all hope, of all grace, have pity on me. For the Souls in Purgatory 0 Almighty God, Who by the love which Thou bearest to men, hast deigned to take our humanity, to live laboriously, to suffer a most cruel Passion, and finally to die on the Cross, I beseech Thee, by the infinite merits purchased for us with Thy Precious Blood, look mercifully on the torments which are endured by those holy souls in Purgatory, who having departed this vale of tears in Thy grace, still suffer in cruel flames in order to atone for the sins, for which they have not yet given full satisfac- tion to Thy divine justice. Accept, O merciful God, the prayers which I offer for them, deliver them from that dark prison, and call them to the glory of Heaven. I recommend to Thee the souls of my rela- tions, of my benefactors, both spiritual and temporal, and in a special manner of those Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 21 to whom I may have been an occasion of sin by my bad example. Most holy Virgin, mother of mercy, comforter of the afflicted, intercede for those souls, that, by thy powerful intercession, they may be ad- mitted to enjoy that Kingdom which is prepared for them. IV ACTS OF THANKSGIVING2 O most loving Jesus, I want to thank Thee for all Thou hast done for me. What can I give Thee in return? I give Thee my will and my love now and for eternity. Amen. O most loving Jesus I am very glad that it is Thou Who art to be my Judge! Thou art so kind and gentle and merciful and Thou dost offer me so many ways of get- ting Thee to judge me favorably! How can I ever thank Thee enough for being so good to a poor little creature like me? I will thank Thee now and love Thee and look forward to thanking and loving Thee in heaven for all eternity. 2Reprinted by permission from the Sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament. 22 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament Dear Jesus, here in the Blessed Sacra- ment, I unite my thanksgiving to that of all the Angels and Saints in heaven and of all pious souls on earth, thanking Thee for the immense and queenly power Thou hast conferred upon our fellow-creature and spiritual mother Mary. I thank Thee es- pecially in the name of the Souls in Purga- tory in whose behalf she exercises most willingly her power for mercy. To Thee be all praise and thanksgiving for ever and ever. Amen. O most loving Jesus, I thank Thee from the bottom of my poor heart for all that Thou dost give me in Thy Blessed Sacra- ment. I should like to give Thee something in return to show my gratitude. I can only give Thee what Thou hast given me, and my sincere desire to give Thee the grateful hearts of all men. To Thee thanksgiving for ever and ever. Amen. See where Thy boundless love has reached, my loving Jesus! Thou, of Thy Flesh and Precious Blood, hast made ready for me a banquet whereby to give me all Thyself. Who drove Thee to this excess of love for me? Thy Heart, Thy loving Heart! O adorable Heart of Jesus, burn- ing furnace of divine love, within Thy sa- cred wound take thou my soul in order Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 23 that in that school of charity I may learn to love that God Who has given me such wondrous proofs of His great love. Amen. (Prayer of Pius VII 100 days indulgencet once a day.) . — O most loving and generous Gift of God, God Himself, how can I thank Thee for having come down into me and for having bestowed Thy seven gifts so lavishy upon me who am so undeserving in every way? In return I will give Thee all I have re ceived and especially my free will to be docile to Thee at all times and to get others to know and love and thank Thee with me in time and in eternity. O most tender and loving Jesus, how can I ever thank Thee for being so patient and kind and merciful toward me, Thy prodi- gal child! I am not worthy to be called Thy child. Never will I be so ungrateful again. Thou hast been so good to me. I want to thank Thee and sing Thy mercies, O Jesus, for ever and ever. Amen. O most kind and loving Jesus, how can I ever thank Thee enough for condescending to live near me, and in me, changing my little daily tasks into happy and holy ac- tions? . Who am I that Thou shouldst think so much of me? Dear, kind Jesus, I thank Thee. 24 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament THE FORTY HOURS DEVOTION Origin of the Devotion This beautiful devotion dates back to 1527, when the city of Milan, Italy, was in the throes of despair. Terribly scourged by disease and famine there was added the horror of threatened invasion by the im- perial army which had sacked Rome. In their extremity the people had recourse to prayer. Led by a holy priest, they gath- ered in the church, and there before the tabernacle, knelt in adoration, begging God to avert the impending evil. For forty consecutive hours groups of faithful adorers alternately kept their prayerful watch. Their prayer was heard, Milan was spared and peace was restored to its people. Fostered by the clergy the devotion quickly spread to other cities of Italy, and in 1551, through the zeal of Saint Philip Neri, was established in Rome. Here by order of Clement VIII provision was made that exposition should be had in continu- ous succession in the different churches of the city. Pope Paul V in 1606 confirmed the Constitution of Clement VIII and by a new Decfee established the Devotion in perpetuity. In 1853 Bishop Neumann introduced the devotion into the Archdiocese of Philadel- phia. Five years later it was begun in the Archdiocese of Baltimore and at length in Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 25 1866 The Plenary Council of Baltimore gave it formal approbation for all Dioceses of the United States. Indulgences A Plenary Indulgence to all who , after Confession and Communion , shall visit the Blessed Sacrament Exposed on one of the three days and pray for the intention of the Holy Father . An Indulgence of ten years and ten times forty days for every visit made with true contrition and a firm purpose of going to Confession . These Indulgences are applicable to the Souls in Purgatory . PRAYER TO THE EUCHARISTIC HEART OF JESUS Appropriate to be Said at a Visit Dur- ing the Forty Hours Devotion O Eucharistic Heart, O sovereign love of Our Lord Jesus, Who hast instituted the august Sacrament in order to dwell here below with us and to give to our souls Thy Flesh as food and Thy Blood as drink, we confidently trust, O Lord Jesus, in the su- preme love which instituted the most holy Eucharist; and here, in the presence of this Victim, it is just that we should adore, confess and exalt this love, as the great storehouse of the life of Thy Church. This 26 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament ' love is an urgent invitation for us, as though Thou didst say to us: “See how I love you! giving you My Flesh as food, and My Blood as drink; I desire by this union to excite your charity, I desire to unite you to Myself, I desire to effect the transformation of your souls into My crucified self, I Who am the bread of eter- nal life. Give Me, then, your hearts, live in My life, and you shall live in God.” We recognize, O Lord, that such is the appeal of Thy Eucharistic Heart, and we thank Thee for it, and we desire earnestly to respond to it. Grant us the grace to be keenly alive to this supreme love, with which, before Thy passion Thou didst in- vite us to receive and feed upon Thy sacred body. Print deeply on our souls the firm determination to respond faith- fully to this invitation. Give us devotion and reverence whereby we may honor and receive worthily the gift of Thy supreme love, and of Thy Eucharistic Heart. Grant that we may thus be able, with Thy grace, to celebrate profitably the remembrance of Thy passion, to make reparation for our offences and our coldness, to nourish and increase our love for Thee, and to keep ever living in our hearts this seed of a blessed immortality. Amen. (Indulgence of 300 days during Exposi- tion.) Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 27 ASPIRATIONS TO OBTAIN AN ARDENT LOVE OF GOD I O Jesus, most sweet and most intimate Spouse of holy souls, I beseech Thee in- flame my heart with love of Thee, that I may delight in Thee from my inmost soul. Visit me in Thy mercy, and fill my heart with Thy grace, for the very depths of my being long for Thee, the fountain of sweet- ness. O my Lord Jesus, O Fire that burnest sweetly, and consumest gently, take full possession of my whole heart. O King of kings, King of eternal glory, grant that I may hunger and thirst ior Thee alone, sigh after Thee, and ardently desire to behold Thy glorious countenance. O amiable Jesus, pierce my heart with the sweetest dart of love; penetrate my soul with burning charity, that it may languish altogether with desire and love of Thee. Let it be wholly dissolved in love, and be absorbed in Thee. O Lord, disengage my soul from all things here below, that it may freely tend to Thee alone, and Thou alone mayst in- habit it, its owner and possessor. Let Thy most sweet fragrance descend upon me; let the ineffable 'odor of Thy divine charity 28 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament come to me, to excite in me incessantly all pure desires. Grant, O Lord, that, wholly filled with the sweetness of Thy love, and wholly set on fire with the flame of heavenly charity, I may delight in Thee with my whole heart, and from the deepest recesses of my inmost soul. May I love Thee, O sweet Lover; may I love Thee, O only salvation of my soul; may I love Thee, for Thou hast first loved me! 0 Spouse most lovely, most beloved, grant that I may love Thee more and more. Let the strong violence of Thy love utterly dislodge from my heart the weight of all earthly desires. II O my God, fount of love and sweetness, come and give Thyself unto my soul. Grant that with a perfect heart, full de- sire, and burning affection, I may unceas- ingly aspire after Thee. May I prefer Thee to every creature, for Thee renounce every transitory delight. Feed me, Lord, Thy poor, famished beg- gar, with Thy divinity; refresh me with the presence of Thy grace. This I seek, this I long for, that a vehement love may penetrate me through and through. Grant, O most benign Redeemer, that I may be wholly inflamed with the love of Thee, that I may delight only in Thee, Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 29 know only Thee, feel only Thee. O over- flowing abyss of divinity draw me to Thee, and immerse me in Thyself ; seize and take to Thyself all the affection of my heart, that it may be wholly dead to all except Thee. O God of all sweetness, I call Thee into my soul; I cry to Thee, I long for Thee! O surpassing delight of the most intimate union! Come, come, a thousand times, that I may inwardly possess Thee and clasp Thee in the embrace of my soul. O Light that ever shinest, and never fad- est, enlighten me! O Fire that ever bum- est, and never failest, enkindle me! O Love that ever glowest, and never faintest, absorb, transmute me into Thee! O dear Light of mine eyes, Jesus, drive away all darkness from the chamber of my heart and illumine me with the splendor of Thy grace! Enter into my soul, O per- fect sweetness, that it may savor of sweet things, and find its joy and rest in Thee! 0 my God, grant that 7 may find Thee, and finding, may retain Thee, and hold Thee fast bound in the arms of my soul. Ill Shine down upon me, O most bright and genial Light, that the thick shades of my blindness may be changed into the clearest noonday splendor. 30 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament O good Jesus, adorn my soul with that grace of charity which Thou lovest ; anoint it with that richness of love which Thou delightest in. Take from it whatever is less pleasing to Thine eyes, and render it in everything acceptable to Thee. O sweetest Flame, devour and happily consume the very ashes of my substance! Transfer me to Thyself. O fairest! O most beautiful Flower, Jesus, O Life that never fadest! O Life, by which I live, without which I die! O Life by which I rejoice, without which I mourn! O Life most sweet and amiable, grant that I may be joined to Thee, and, soothed to sleep in Thy embrace by sweet- est charity, may find my holy rest in Thee, Who art our perfect peace. Grant, O my Lord, that, filled with the violence of a burning love, and melted with the sweetness of a penetrating charity, my soul may be dissolved in Thee. Possess it, O sovereign, O priceless Good, possess it, that it may possess Thee, and find its bless- edness in Thee. O my God, pierce, transfix my heart with the sharpest dart of love, that my soul may be refreshed in languishing for Thee. Let all earthly things grow worth- less in my eyes; do Thou only make me glad with Thy incomparable beauty. Break down, O sweet Jesus, the hateful Prayers to Blessed Sacrament 31 wall of my tepidity, and grant that with a free and ready heart, I may follow Thee with inextinguishable fervor. 0 Jesus, only comforter of my heart, let fall unceasingly upon me, I beseech Thee, the sweet dew of Thy graces. Draw me to Thee by the virtue of Thy love and im- print upon me the kiss of Thy forgive- ness, that sealed therewith, I may hence- forth love nothing besides Thee; for Thou art my whole possession and the whole blessedness of my soul. Indulgenced Prayers Dear Jesus, present in the Sacrament of the Altar, be forever thanked and praised. Love worthy of all celestial and terrestrial love! Who, out of infinite love for me, ungrateful sinner, didst assume our human nature, didst shed Thy most Precious Blood in the cruel scourging, and didst ex- pire on a shameful cross for our eternal welfare! Now illumined with lively faith, with the outpouring of my whole soul and the fervor of my heart, I humbly beseech Thee, through the infinite merits of Thy painful sufferings, give me strength and courage to destroy every evil passion which sways my heart, to bless Thee in my greatest afflic- tions, and to glorify Thee by the exact 32 Prayers to Blessed Sacrament fulfillment of all my duties, supremely to hate all sin, and thus to become a saint. ( 100 days indulgence, once a day.) Divine Jesus, Incarnate Son of God, Who for our salvation didst vouchsafe to be born in a stable, to pass Thy life in pov- erty, trials, and misery, and to die amid the sufferings of the Cross, I entreat Thee, say to Thy Divine Father at the hour of my death: Father, forgive him; say to Thy beloved Mother: Behold thy son; say to my soul: this day thou shalt be with Me in paradise. My God, my God, forsake me not in that hour. I thirst: yes, my God, my soul thirsts after Thee, Who art the fountain of living waters. My life passes like a shadow; yet a little while, and all will be consummated. Wherefore, 0 my adorable Savior, from this moment for all eternity, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. Lord Jesus, receive my soul. Amen. ( Indulgence of 300 days each time.) 51