Jesus in the hearts of little children / P. Lukas. COe^') AS/i'ftft IMPORTANT We will write to you later in regard to the enclosed order : so if contents are not satisfactory, or order not com- plete, please wait until you hear from us before writing. Jesus lllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllll in the Hearts of Little Children Rev. P. Lukas, O. S.B. Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri Nihil Obslat philippus Abbas Neo-Angelo Montanus Imprimatur FRANCISCUS Ebiscopus Sancti Josebhi Copyright 1920 by Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri "Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” — Mark x. 14. Us Name : O happy children, you can be so near to Jesus! You can rest on His Heart. He blesses you; He smiles upon you. He does even more — in Holy Communion, He comes into your very heart! How to Spend the Day There is a time to pray and a time to work; a time to eat and a time to sleep; a time to play and a time to study. Everything must be done at the right time, in the right way. In all you do, my dear child, from morn- ing till night, have the intention to please God. When you wake up in the morning, make the sign of the Cross and say : In the name of the Father, d* and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then dress yourself quickly and modestly, because God and your guard- ian angel see you. Wash your hands and face clean. Love to be clean and neat. 6 How to Spend the Day Kneel down and say your morn- ing prayer with folded hands. Do not forget to pray before and after meals. On the way to church, do not be naughty, because you are going to the house where God lives; where Jesus is on the altar in the holy Tabernacle. Walk into the church with great reverence, and make the genuflection very devoutly. Bend your knee down to the floor. Adore Jesus on the altar. The angels are around Jesus and love Him. At school, pay attention to all that the teacher says. Be diligent in study- ing your lessons, and obey quickly. After school, go home with a happy heart. Perhaps Mother has something for you to do. Love to obey your parents. Help at home and become How to Spend the Day 7 useful. Study your school lessons well. When you play, do not be naughty or quarrelsome with other children, or stay on the streets. The little Jesus never did such a thing. Keep away from bad children who quarrel and fight; who say or do nasty things. Be kind to the poor and the sick children. Give them something when you can; never make fun of poor children or old people. When night comes, say your night prayers. Stop awhile and think if you have done anything wrong during the day. Be very sorry for it because you have offended the good Jesus. Then go to sleep in the Heart of Jesus, beneath the mantle of the Blessed Virgin, under the wings of your guard- ian angel. Then you can be quiet and sleep well. Jesus runs when everything for love of Him. How to Spend the Day 9 Pray and Work You, too, must pray and work as big people do. But the main thing is prayer. You have to eat several times a day so that your body will grow strong, so also must you give food to your soul. Prayer is the food of your soul. You know what it means to pray. It means to talk very de- voutly with our dear God, with the little Jesus, or with the Blessed Virgin. That is not so very hard, my child. You should think that you talk to a dear loving father who loves to listen to you and asks : “What are you going to tell me, my child ?” Then tell Him everything just as you would tell it to your mother. Tell Jesus and His Holy Mother that you wish to love them, that you wish 10 How to Spend the Day to be a good child, and that you do not want to commit sin. If you do this, you have prayed well. Good Intention Jesus is pleased when little children tell Him that they do everything for Him. When you work, think of how the Child Jesus worked. When He was little He picked up the shavings in St. Joseph's carpenter shop. He ran errands for the Blessed Virgin. He watered the flowers. He listened when His Holy Mother spoke to Him of God. When Jesus grew older. He worked hard with St. Joseph. Say often during the day, but especially before you begin to study, work, or even play : 0 my Jesus, I do all this for love of Thee ! t When You are Tempted If you are tempted to do something bad, to say bad words, or to quarrel, say: O Jesus, Mary and Joseph, help me ! Keep me from displeasing the good God ! Daily Prayers 11 0 Mary, remember I am thine. Take care of me and protect me as thy own child. If you fall into sin, say at once: O my God, I am very sorry for having offended Thee ! Help me to be good and not displease Thee again. ^7 Daily Prayers The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, 4* and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Our Father Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our ^iiiiniiiiiiMntiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmmiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMtiitiitmiiiimiiiiniiiii!iimiitimiiiiRiiiiiiiiMittitimiiflRfltfflBi@ 1 This is the beautiful Child Jesus looking up §§ 1 to the Heavenly Father and praying. When M 1 you pray, you, too, must look up to God and 1 1 say: “Our Father who art in heaven/' / Daily Prayers 13 daily bread; and forgive us our tres- passes, as we forgive those who tres- pass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. The Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace ! the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father Al- mighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; suf- fered under Pontius Pilate, was cruci- fied, died and was buried; He de- 14 Daily Prayers scended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven; sitteth at the right hand of God the Father, Al- mighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. The Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Aet of Faith 0 my God ! I firmly believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I believe that Jesus Christ Daily Prayers 15 came into this world as a little Child, suffered and died for me on the Cross. I believe that Jesus is in heaven and with us in the Blessed Sacrament. Act of Hope 0 my God ! I hope and trust in Thy great goodness. I place all my hope in Thee, 0 my God ! I hope Thou wilt forgive me my sins. I hope that Thou wilt take me to heaven after my death. Through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Savior. Act of Love 0 my God ! I love Thee more than myself, more than I love my fa- ther and mother; I love Thee with my whole heart and soul, because Thou art so good and worthy of all my love. I will love other people as I love myself for the love of Thee. 16 Daily Prayers Act of Contrition 0 my God ! I am sorry from the bottom of my heart that I have offend- ed Thee. I will sin no more, because sin offends Thee, my good God, who art deserving of all my love. Prayer before Meals A good child never goes to table without praying, and does not forget to thank God after eating. Make the sign of the Cross and say : Bless us, 0 Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Father , Hail Mary. Prayer after Meals Make the sign of the Cross and say: We give Thee thanks, 0 Almighty God, for all Thy benefits, who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen, Hail Mary. The Angelus It is very nice if little children pray the “Angelus,” just as big people do. Three times a day the bell is rung, at morning, noon and evening. Then you should thank our dear Lord for coming down from heaven and being born as a little Infant for us. Pray the “Angelus” devoutly. The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary , etc. 18 Daily Prayers Behold the handmaid of the Lord; Be it done unto me according to Thy word. Hail Mary , etc. And the Word was made flesh, And dwelt among us. Hail Mary , etc. v. Pray for us, 0 holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. LET US PRAY Pour forth, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. Daily Prayers 19 The Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Remember, 0 most gracious Virgin Mary ! that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, im- plored thy help and sought thy inter- cession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, 0 Virgin of virgins, my Mother ! To thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. 0 Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sac- rament, burning with love of us in- flame our hearts with love of Thee. 0 sweetest Heart of Jesus, I implore that I may ever love Thee more and more. 20 Daily Prayers Morning Prayer I thank Thee, 0 dear Infant Jesus, for this quiet night. I thank Thee, 0 Jesus, for watching over me. Today I will try to be a good child for love of Thee. I will obey at once when my parents and teachers tell me to do something. I will not be naughty. I will not say or listen to bad words. 0 Jesus, help me to please Thee ! Thou, too, my dear Mother Mary, help me. Oh, thou art so good ! Take care of me. I will love thee very much. Thou didst watch over the Infant Jesus and care for Him. Oh, watch over me, too, when there is danger for my body or soul. I want to be a holy child, a good child like the Infant Jesus. 0 God, I love Thee, and will always Daily Prayers 21 love Thee and do Thy holy will. I will keep my heart pure and never offend Thee. Bless me, good Jesus; bless my parents and all those who are dear to me, and lead us all to heaven. Acts of Faith, Hope and Love My God, I believe in Thee because Thou art Truth itself. My God, I hope in Thee because Thou art kind and merciful and faithful to Thy promises. My God, I love Thee because Thou art infinitely good, and I am sorry for having offended Thee. * My God, I offer Thee this day All I shall do, or think, or say; Uniting it with what was done On earth, by Jesus, Thy dear Son. * Indulgence of 7 years and 7 quarantines, every time. — Benedict XIV, Jan. 28, 1756. Beautiful angel, my guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me for I am thy child. Daily Prayers 23 Send Your Angel to Holy Mass Jesus is much pleased when little children go to Holy Mass every day. If you cannot go, say this little prayer asking your Guardian Angel to hear Holy Mass for you. 0 holy Angel at my side, Go to the church for me, Kneel in my place at Holy Mass Where I desire to be. At Offertory, in my stead, Take all I am and own, And place it as a sacrifice Upon the altar throne. At holy Consecration’s bell, Adore with seraph’s love My Jesus hidden in the Host, Come down from heav’n above. Then pray for those I dearly love, And those who cause me grief, That Jesus’ Blood may cleanse all hearts And suffering souls relieve. 24 Daily Prayers And when the priest Communion takes, Oh, bring my Lord to me, That His sweet Heart may rest on mine And I His temple be. Pray that this Sacrifice Divine May mankind’s sins efface; Then bring me Jesus’ blessing home — The pledge of every grace. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. To Your Guardian Angel Angel of God, my guardian dear; To whom His love commits me here : Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide. Indulgence of 100 days every time. Pius VII, May 15, 1821. 0 my good angel, protect me this day. Be ever near me, teach me to love Jesus, and keep me from sin. Daily Prayers 25 Night Prayer Now the night is coming on, And my day’s work is all done. But before I go to rest, I come to thank Thee, Jesus blest ! Heart and hands to Thee I raise, Let me always sing Thy praise. Show me how I failed today Then for pardon I will pray. Sorrow Now think and ask yourself : Have I been naughty today ? Did I forget my morning prayer and my meal prayers ? Did I talk in church or laugh or look around? Did I dis- obey my parents and teachers? Did I quar- rel with my brothers and sisters or other children ? Did I do something that made my guardian angel be ashamed of me? Did I tell lies? Did I say bad words? think of bad things? Did I take things from the pantry without asking? Was I stubborn? 26 Daily Prayers 0 my good Jesus ! I have failed. I am very sorry, because I have dis- pleased Thee. Have patience with me. Forgive me for doing wrong. Tomor- row I will do better. Now I lay my sins in Thy open Heart, 0 Jesus, that they may be washed away in Thy Blood. My good Jesus, protect me this night. Help me that I may not displease Thee anymore. My dearest Mother, Mary, keep me in thy care. My holy guardian angel, watch over me. Amen. Now good night, 0 Jesus sweet, Let me kiss Thy little feet. Angels, watch me while I sleep, From me every danger keep. Virgin Mother, meek and mild, Bless me with thy loving Child. Prayers During Holy Mass 27 Cross your hands on your breast and say : Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. Amen. Prayers During Holy Mass Instruction My dear child, when you go to church to hear Mass, always take your prayer- book with you. Read the Mass prayers slowly and very devoutly. On Sundays and Holydays you are bound to hear Mass. Not to do so would be a great sin. If you do not live too far from church, you ought to go to Mass every day. You should be very devout during Holy Mass. In Holy Mass our dear Savior comes on the altar. Many holy angels come with Him. Oh, if only you could see This is the Last Supper. Jesus changed bread into His Body, and wine into His Blood. At the Consecration of the Mass, the priest says the same words as Jesus said. Prayers Daring Holy Mass 29 these holy angels! If you could see our dear Lord, how very good you would be. You cannot see Him, but He sees you; and the angels see you, too. Think of that, my dear child, and you will pray devoutly. Holy Mass has three main parts: The first main part is called “Offer- tory.” It is when the altar boy brings water and wine to the priest. The second main part is called “Con- secration.” Right after, the priest raises the Sacred Host high up so that all can see it. This is called Elevation, which means: raising up. He also raises the chalice with the Precious Blood. The third main part is called “Com- munion” because the priest receives the Sacred Host and drinks the holy Blood which is in the chalice. At Communion the altar boy rings the bell three times. Pay special attention during these three main parts of Holy Mass. Holy Mass is so great, so holy, that nothing pleases the Heavenly Father as much as when we offer Him this Holy Sac- rifice. Jesus on the altar prays with you during Mass. He adores, praises and thanks God for you. Ask Jesus to forgive you your sins. Ask Him to give you all 30 Prayers During Holy Mass you need for soul and body. Our Lord gives every blessing to those who assist at Mass devoutly. The sweet Infant Jesus is very, very much pleased when children come to Holy Mass. He smiles at you, if you behave well and pray as the little an- gels prayed who stood around His crib. But if you look around, laugh or talk in church, the dear Child Jesus does not like it. The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, will love you very much if you hear Mass and think only of her dear Child while you say the Mass prayers. The angels are glad, and your guardian angel is very happy to see you pray devoutly. Intention 0 Jesus, Thou wilt now offer Thy- self to the Heavenly Father on the Cross. Thou dost want me to join in offering Thee to the good Heavenly Father. Dear Jesus, I unite myself and my prayers with Thee, with the intention : 1. To honor and glorify Thee, 0 Prayers During Holy Mass 31 God, that everybody may know and love Thee. 2. To thank Thee for all Thou hast done for us. 3. To receive forgiveness of all my sins. 4. To obtain graces and blessings for myself and others. At the Beginning of Mass At the beginning of Mass, the priest stands at the foot of the altar. He bends low and asks God to forgive our sins. While he prays the Confiteor, you pray : O my dear Jesus, I have often offended Thee by my sins. Many a time I have been naughty. I am very, very sorry, because my sins made Thee cry in the stable of Bethlehem. My sins made Thee suffer and die on the Cross. 0 sweet Infant Jesus, I kiss Thy sacred feet and ask Thee • 32 Prayers During Holy Mass to forgive me. Make my soul clean with Thy tears. Wash me with Thy Precious Blood. I will never offend Thee again. Help me to pray with all my heart during this Mass and to think only of Thee. 0 Blessed Virgin, my dear Mother, all ye angels and saints, pray to Jesus for me. My good guardian angel, stand by my side and help me to love Jesus. At the Kyrie Gleison The priest stands at the middle of the altar. 0 Heavenly Father, have mercy on me. 0 good Heavenly Father, have mercy on me. 0 great and holy Heavenly Father, have mercy on me. 0 Infant Jesus, have mercy on me. Prayers During Holy Mass 33 O dear Infant Jesus, have mercy on me. 0 sweet and loving Infant Jesus, have mercy on me. 0 Holy Ghost, have mercy on me. 0 Holy Ghost, Spirit of love, have mercy on me. 0 Holy Ghost, Spirit of light, have mercy on me. At the Gloria 0 dear Infant Jesus, Thou wast born on a cold night in the stable of Bethlehem for me. Let me kneel at Thy holy Mother’s side and kiss Thy little hands. 0 sweet Infant Jesus, Thou dost love good children. 0 Divine Child, Thou didst have the angels sing by Thy crib. The angels are here at Holy Mass, too, around the altar. Thou didst call the good shepherds to come and adore Thee E^iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin P O Divine Child! the angels are around the altar at Holy Mass just as they adored Thee in Thy Mother's arms. (lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllH Prayers During Holy Mass 35 on the straw. Now I adore Thee on the altar, for Thou art here just as in the manger. Glory to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we adore Thee; we glorify Thee. We give Thee thanks for Thy great glory, 0 Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. 0 Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son; 0 Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mer- cy on us : Thou who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers: Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou only art holy; Thou only art the Lord; Thou only, 0 Jesus Christ, art most high with the Holy Ghost in the glory of God the Father. Amen. 36 Prayers During Holy Mass At the Prayer and Epistle The priest goes to the right side of the altar. 0 Jesus, Thou didst come into this world as a little Child. After thirty- three years Thou didst die on the Cross for my sins, that I may not go to hell, but to the beautiful heaven. 0 dear Jesus, help me to be a good child. Help me to obey my parents and teachers. Make me kind to my brothers and sisters and playmates. Oh! give me the grace to love Thee with my whole heart and to receive Thee often and devoutly in Holy Communion. Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen. At the Gospel The book is carried to the left side of the altar. All the people stand. With your thumb make the sign of the Cross on your forehead, lips and breast. At the same time. Prayers During Holy Mass 37 tell Jesus you will think of His words and love them with all your heart. Joseph went out of the city of Nazareth, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, to be enrolled with Mary, his wife. And when they were there she brought forth her first-born Son, and wrapped Him up in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds watching, and keeping the night watches over their flock. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round them; and they feared with a great fear. And the angel said to them : Fear not; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the 38 Prayers During Holy Mass people; for this day is born to you a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: You shall find the Infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will . . . The shepherds . . . came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the Infant lying in a manger. At the Credo After the Gospel when the priest says the Creed, you say the Apostles' Creed: I believe in God, the Father Al- mighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Prayers During Holy Mass 39 Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven; sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Al- mighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. First Main Part of Mass The Offertory The bell is rung. Now the priest takes the little gold plate with a round white bread, called "host” and offers it to God. Afterwards he puts wine and a little water into the chalice and also 40 Prayers During Holy Mass offers it to God, praying that this bread and wine may, at the Consecration, be changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. You say: 0 my God, the priest offers Thee bread and wine to be changed at the Consecration into the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. With this bread and wine, I also offer my body and soul. Change my heart. Make it humble, meek and loving, that I may please Thee and do Thy holy will in all things. The Priest Washes His Hands The priest goes to the right side of the altar and washes his hands. He soon turns to the people and says, “Orate Fratres” which means, “Pray, brethren.” My dear child, now you must begin to pray very devoutly. Give your whole heart to Jesus and say: O my dear Jesus, hear our prayers. Receive this Holy Mass which the priest offers. Pour Thy graces and Prayers During Holy Mass 41 blessings into our hearts and upon the Holy Church. At the Preface 0 holy Lord, Father in heaven, I, a little child, join my voice to that of the angels and saints who sing to Thee in heaven. I adore Thee because Thou art the great God. I praise Thee because Thou art so holy. I thank Thee because Thou art so kind, so full of mercy. I love Thee because Thou art so good and so beautiful. 0 Jesus, help me always to be a good child that I may sing forever in heaven : At the Sanctus The bell is rung three times. Say with the priest what the angels say in heaven : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts! Heaven and earth are full 42 Prayers During Holy Mass of Thy glory. Hosanna in the high- est. Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. At the Canon Now the holiest part of Mass begins. The priest does not pray out loud for some time. You pray: O my good Jesus, Thou didst sweat blood for my sins and the sins of all men. Thou wast most cruelly beaten and whipped, 0 Jesus, till Thou wast all covered with Blood. A crown of thorns was put on Thy head, and the long thorns stuck very deep in it. Then Thy hands and feet were nailed with long nails to the- Cross. Oh ! how much Thou must have suffered, my good Jesus, when Thou wast so cruelly treated ! I am very sorry for Prayers During Holy Mass 43. my sins, because my sins and the sins of all men have crucified Thee, my good Jesus. Before the Consecration The bell is rung. 0 my good Jesus, Thou art com- ing from heaven. 0 Jesus, Thou wilt soon be here on the altar. This bread and wine will soon be changed into Thy own Body and Blood. Oh, help me to be very devout! Second Main Part of Mass The Consecration See how the priest bends low over the altar. He says the same words Jesus said at the Last Supper when He changed the bread and wine into His own Body and Blood. Again the bell is rung. Now the priest kneels and adores our Lord. Then he raises the Sacred Host high up that all the people in church can see It. Look at the Sacred Host and say : ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM See the Divine Infant in the Sacred Host which the priest is holding. See the angels with the Cross. This means: in every Holy Mass Jesus is bom again, suffers @ sjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiiiimii{H Communion Mass 63 Prayer for the Living 0 my God, bless my parents, my teachers, my brothers and sisters. Bless them all. Bless me, too, 0 dear Jesus. Bless the Holy Father in Rome. Bad people hate him and want to do evil to him. Bless our priests that they may lead holy lives. Amen. Before the Consecration Now Thou art coming on the altar, 0 Jesus. Hundreds of angels are now around the altar. They see Thee, 0 Jesus, face to face, and they cover their faces with their wings, because Thou art so great and holy. They can only adore Thee, my Jesus. But 1 can have Thee in my heart ! Oh, yes, in a few minutes Thou wilt be in my heart! 0 Jesus, 0 good Jesus, 64 Communion Mass help me to love Thee and to give Thee my heart ! At the Elevation of the Sacred Host Look at the Sacred Host and say : My Lord and my God ! 0 Jesus, I believe in Thee ! Thou art truly present on the altar. 0 Jesus, I hope in Thee. 0 Jesus, I love Thee with my whole heart. 0 Jesus, I thank Thee that Thou wilt soon give me Thy holy Body for the food of my soul. At the Elevation of the Chalice Hail, Precious Blood, flowing from the Wounds of my Jesus ! 0 Precious Blood flow on my soul. Wash my soul from every stain of sin. Communion Mass 65 O Heavenly Father, I offer Thee this Precious Blood of Thy Son for my sins, and for the sins of the whole world, for the wants of the Holy Church, and for the holy souls in purgatory. After the Elevation Dear Jesus, Thou art now on the altar. In the Sacred Host Thou wilt soon come to me. Oh, I can hardly wait until the priest lays Thee on my tongue ! Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Body and Blood of our good Jesus, which is truly here on the altar. I praise Thee, I thank Thee, I love Thee, through Jesus, with Jesus and in Jesus. Who lives with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, forever. Amen. 3 Holy Mass helps the Poor Souls very much. Do not forget to offer the Precious Blood often for the Souls in Purgatory. Communion Mass 67 Prayer for the Dead We offer Thee, 0 Eternal Father, the Precious Blood and water flowing from the pierced Heart of Jesus, Thy Son, for the poor souls suffering so great pains in purgatory. At the Pater Noster Pray devoutly: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tres- passes as we forgive those who tres- pass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. 0 Jesus, Thou didst teach Thy apostles to ask : “Give us this day our daily bread.” By this daily bread, 68 Communion Mass Thou didst mean Holy Communion, because in the Blessed Sacrament Thou dost hide Thyself under the form of bread. And Thou dost want us to receive Thee every day. Come to me, dear Jesus. Give Thyself to me in the Sacred Host. At the Agnus Dei 0 my good Jesus, Thou art the Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world. Thou wilt take away my sins, too, as I am so very, very sorry for them. My sins have displeased Thee. The sins of man- kind made Thee suffer and even caused Thee to be nailed to the Cross and die. Thou hast forgiven my sins, kind Jesus. And now Thou wilt come to me in Holy Communion to help me not to sin any more. . Communion Mass 69 I want Thee to come, dear Jesus. Oh, come into my heart. Make my heart good. Make it pure. Make it love Thee. Come, oh, come, good Jesus ! Come and never, never leave me. See how much I love Thee. I am so happy to receive Thee in Holy Communion ! I will always receive Thee with a pure soul. Never will I go to Holy Communion with a mortal sin on my soul. At the Communion Look at the priest. See how he gives him- self Holy Communion. Then he takes the chalice and drinks the Precious Blood. Receive Com- munion spiritually with the priest. Say: O my Jesus, with the priest, I will receive Thee into my heart. Oh, how I desire Thee to come ! Come, 0 sweet Jesus, take my heart for Thyself. 0 Mother of God, help me that I fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiin | How lovingly the Blessed Virgin receives | 1 Jesus in the Sacred Host. How glad the jg 1 angels would be if they could receive Holy i j§ Communion, as you can, my dear child! 1 ^liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Communion Mass 71 may receive Jesus with great devo- tion. Amen. Now the altar boy prays the “Confiteor,” then the priest turns to the people and says : May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant you pardon, absolution and forgiveness of all your sins. Amen. He shows the Sacred Host to the people' saying: Behold the Lamb of God who tak- eth away the sins of the world. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof : say but the word and my soul shall be healed. (Say this three times. ) Dearest Jesus, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst come to me. But Thou dost love little children. Thou didst say : Let the little ones come unto me ! I come to Thee, dear Jesus. Thou art so kind, so loving ! The priest goes to the people and says to 72 Communion Mass each one as he lays the Sacred Host on the tongue : May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve thy soul unto life everlasting. Amen. While you are walking to the Communion railing, say : I come to Thee, 0 Jesus, to receive Thee. Come, oh, come, my Jesus! I long to give Thee my heart. 0 Mary, my Heavenly Mother, now give me thy Jesus as thou didst lay Him in the arms of the good shepherds ! After Holy Communion After you have received Holy Communion, return devoutly to your place. Swallow the Sacred Host soon. Should the Sacred Host stick to the roof of your mouth, loosen it slowly with the tongue, never with your finger. Do not use your handkerchief to spit out for about fifteen minutes. When you return to your place after Holy Communion, do not take your prayer-book right away. Speak a few moments to Jesus in your heart and then say: Communion Mass 73 O my Jesus, now I have Thee in my heart ! Oh, I am so happy ! I love Thee. I give Thee my heart. Thy Heart now beats with my own. I thank Thee for hiding Thyself in the tiny white Host so Thou canst come to me. I thank Thee for all Thou hast suffered for me! 0 good Jesus, I thank Thee for having died on the Cross for me! 0 Jesus! 0 kind Jesus! live in me. Stay with me always. Make me a good and holy child, that I may go to heaven to be with Thee always. Amen. Read “Prayers after Holy Communion” on page 95. At the Blessing Make the sign of the Cross and say : May the blessing of Almighty God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, come down upon us and stay with us always. Amen. ^Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll® I The Child Jesus invites us to come to i 1 confession. He had to suffer so much for jg I our sins. That is why He has a cross and | | presses it to His Heart. jg ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllll!l!!lll!llllillllllllllll!l!lfllllllllllllll!l!lllllllillllllllllfllllllllllllll!l^ Prayers for Confession 75 Prayers for Confession My dear child, you want to receive Holy Communion. To receive our dear Jesus, you must have a pure heart. No mortal sin must stain your soul. A good confession will clean your heart from all your sins. If you have committed a mortal sin since your last confession, do not be ashamed to tell it. If you keep back even one mortal sin, God could not even for- give those sins which you confess. You will put on your soul another black sin, a sacrilege. Make every confession just as if it would be your last. If you forgot a mortal sin in your last confession, you must tell it, too. To make a good confession, you must: 1. Pray to the Holy Ghost to help you know your sins. 2. Think over your sins so you can tell them to the priest. 3. Be very, very sorry for your sins, and promise faithfully to do better. 76 Prayers for Confession 4. Tell your sins to the priest. 5. Pray devoutly the penance the priest gives you. Prayer to the Holy Ghost Come, 0 Holy Ghost, enlighten my mind that I may know my sins. Move my heart that I may hate them. Give strength to my will that I may never offend Thee again. 0 my Savior, I, a poor little child, have the great happiness to go to confession. How glad I am that I can obtain the forgiveness of my sins ! How I thank Thee, my good Jesus, for having given the priest the power to forgive my sins ! Now my soul will be washed in Thy Precious Blood. Then I will be pleasing to Thee. I will be pure and holy as an angel. 0 sweet Jesus, I wish to make my heart Prayers for Confession 77 worthy for Thee to come in Holy Communion. Dear Mother of God, help me to make a good confession, that I may again be a good child of the Heavenly Father. Thou art my good Mother, I want to be Thy good child. Think of Your Sins How long has it been since my last confession ? Now, think if you have committed any of the following sins, and how often: Greater Sins 2d Commandment Did I curse or swear? 3d Commandment Did I miss Mass on Sundays or holydays ? 4th Commandment Did I grieve my parents or teachers 78 Prayers for Confession very much ? Did I make them very angry ? Was I very stubborn or rude toward them ? How often ? 6th Commandment Did I keep company with bad children ? Did I take pleasure in im- pure thoughts ? Did I look at nasty things ? at bad pictures ? Did I speak of bad things ? or listen to such talk ? Did I do nasty or impure things ? alone or with others ? How often ? Venial Sins Although we are bound to confess only our mortal sins, it is well to confess some venial sins, especially those which we have committed more wilfully. 1st Commandment I am the Lord, thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before Me. Did I forget to say my morning Prayers for Confession 79 and night prayers ? my meal prayers ? Did I look around in church ? laugh, talk and cause others to misbehave ? 2d Commandment Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. Did I say the name of God care- lessly without reverence ? 3d Commandment Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. Did I come late for Mass ? or stay away from Church in the afternoon when I should have gone ? Did I neglect to study my Catechism lesson ? Did I misbehave during instructions in Catechism ? The little Jesus desires very much that children obey their parents. See Him point with His finger to the fourth command- ment. Good children love their father and mother, obey and respect them. Jesus obeyed until he was thirty years old. @llllllllllllllll!lll[||IHIIIIIIIilllllljll||||||||||||^ 81Prayers for Confession 4th Commandment Honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth. Did I disobey my parents and teachers ? Was I stubborn ? 5th Commandment Thou shalt not kill. Was I greedy ? Did I make my- self sick by eating too much candy or other good things ? Was I angry ? Did I quarrel and fight with my play- mates, brothers or sisters? Was I proud or jealous ? 7th Commandment Thou shalt not steal. Did I steal ? Did I let others give me stolen things ? Did I damage other people’s property ? Did I want to keep what I had found ? 82 Prayers for Confession 8th Commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Did I tell lies to my parents, teach- ers or others ? Act of Contrition Now make an act of contrition, with your whole heart. Sorrow for your sins is one of the main things in confession. O my dear Jesus, I have committed many sins. For the mortal sins I de- serve to be cast away from Thee for- ever, and to burn in hell. For my venial sins I deserve to suffer in pur- gatory. But I am sorry, most of all, because by my sins I have offended Thee, 0 my good Jesus. On account of my sins Thou didst suffer and die on the Cross for me. I am very sorry when I see Thee covered with Blood, Prayers for Confession 83 crowned with thorns and nailed to the Cross. My sins have caused Thee so great suffering. Oh, I am very, very sorry that I have offended Thee, 0 good God ! I will do better. From now on I will be a good and obedient child. I will think of God when I pray, will be glad to go to church and behave well there. I will obey my parents and teachers. I will love my brothers and sisters. I will not go with bad children or play with them. I will never do anything impure and nasty, of which I should be ashamed if my parents saw it. 0 Jesus, Thou dost see me always and my guardian angel would weep if I would do such a thing. O my good Jesus, help me ! I am a weak, little child. Help me not to sin any more. 0 Mary, my Mother ! See that little girl with her hands folded, looking up into our Savior's face. She is telling Jesus that she did sorne^ thing wrong. But Jesus is so kind, He stretches out His arms to embrace her. He forgives her because she is sorry. When you go to confession, think you are telling your sins to the merciful Jesus. He will forgive all if only you are sorry and tell Him you will not offend Him again. Prayers for Confession 85 come to help me also, that I may be- come a good, pious child. Amen. Short Act of Contrition 0 my God ! I am sorry from the bottom of my heart that I have of- fended Thee. I will sin no more, be- cause sin offends Thee, my good God, who art deserving of all my love. When your turn comes, go into the confes- sional, kneel down before the priest, who takes the place of Jesus, and say what you were taught to say; or else you may say this little prayer: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. In the name of the Father, •F and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My last confession was. . . weeks ago. Tell the priest all the sins you can remember. Do not be afraid of the priest. He is just like a good, merciful father, who is glad to forgive your sins. First confess your mortal sins. If you have not committed any mortal sins, say: 86 Prayers for Confession With the grace of God I have not committed any mortal sins, but I have committed the following venial sins : Now tell your sins, just as if you were telling them to Jesus. After you have finished, say what you were taught, or else: This is all, Father. For these and all my past sins, or those which I have forgotten, I am most heartily sorry. I humbly beg pardon of God, and penance and absolution of you, my spiritual Father. Listen with attention to what the priest says to you and do not forget the penance he gives you. When the priest gives you absolution, think that you are kneeling at the foot of the Cross. The Precious Blood of Jesus flows from His Sacred Wounds upon your soul. Say once more: My Savior, I am most heartily sorry for all my sins, because by them I have offended Thee, 0 good Jesus ! Prayers for Confession 87 After Confession Go reverently to your place, and pray very slowly and devoutly the penance given you by the priest. When you have said the penance, thank God as follows : O my good Jesus, how can I thank Thee that Thou hast forgiven me my sins ! How happy I feel ! All my sins are washed away with Thy Precious Blood. My soul is now pure, and God is pleased with me. Jesus will come to me in Holy Communion with great joy, because my heart is now pure and holy. 0 Mary, my dear Mother, protect me that I may not offend the good God any more. Keep me from sin that I may always be pleasing to the Heavenly Father. Amen. If you have time, you may read one of the “Visits” near the end of the book, and ask for grace to practice a special virtue. IjlllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH | Sweetest Jesus, meek and mild, | Oh, come to me, a little child! | | Make me pure and good like Thee, | Come, my Jesus, come to me! | Prayers for Holy Communion 89 Prayers for Holy Communion Look at the opposite picture. The Di- vine Child holds grapes in one hand, wheat in the other. These signify Holy Mass, when bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of our Savior. Our Sweet Jesus, even as a little Boy, thought of giving us His Body and Blood in the Blessed Sacrament, so we could receive Him in Holy Communion. See the Cross behind our Lord. Jesus loved to think of the Cross on which He would redeem us from sin and hell. If you receive Holy Communion either before or after Holy Mass, use the follow- ing prayers. Remember, never go to Holy Communion if you know that you have committed a mortal sin since your last worthy confession. When you receive Holy Communion, you cannot see or taste Jesus. But you must believe that you really receive Him, as true God and true man. Say these prayers slowly and very devoutly. They may be used before Holy Mass. 90 Prayers for Holy Communion Act of Faith 0 my Jesus, I believe Thou art really in the Blessed Sacrament. Thou dost come to me in Holy Communion as the great and holy God, full of mercy and love. Thou dost come to me as true man. Thou didst come upon earth as a little child. Now, Thou dost come to me with Thy merits. Dearest Jesus, Thou wast always so kind and loving to little children. Thou didst bless them ! Thou wilt do even more for me. Thou wilt come into my very heart. Oh, how glad I am that Thou wilt soon be with Me ! Act of Hope Good Jesus, I hope in Thy good- ness and mercy. Thou art like a good Father, Thou wilt give us all we Prayers for Holy Communion 91 need. I hope Thou wilt keep me from sin and make me Thy good and pious child. Soon Thou wilt give Thyself to me in Holy Communion to make my heart Thy throne. With Thy help I will always remain good, that after my death I can live forever with Thee in the beau- tiful heaven. Act of Humility and Contrition 0 my Jesus, I am not worthy to receive Thee into my heart. I have often displeased Thee. When Thou wast a little child, Thou didst never disobey the Blessed Virgin or Saint Joseph. Oh, forgive me for having disobeyed my parents and teachers. Sweetest Child, Thou wast so gentle. Forgive me for having been angry with my little playmates. Dearest 92 Prayers for Holy Communion Jesus, Thou didst never think of other things when Thou wast praying to Thy Heavenly Father. Oh, pardon me for having said my prayers so badly, and for forgetting to say them. For love of Thee I will try to be obedient and gentle, and very devout when I pray. Act of Love 0 my Jesus, I love Thee with my whole heart and soul. I love Thee even more than I love my father and my mother. And Thou dost love me so much ! For love of me Thou wast born as a poor Infant in a cold stable. For love of me Thy Body was beaten with whips until it bled. For love of me, Thou wast nailed to the Cross. Thy Sacred Heart was opened with a spear, for love of me. 0 Jesus, how Prayers for Holy Communion 93 good Thou art to do all this to save my soul ! Now, for love of me Thou art in the little Host. During the long, dark night, Thou dost stay on the altar— all alone. Thou art so happy when we come to visit Thee. Thou dost want us to receive Thee in Holy Communion, because Thou dost wish to be very near to our heart. 0 Jesus, I thank Thee for all Thy love, for all Thou hast done for me. Oh, I want to love Thee very much. Act of Desire Come, dear Child, and stay with me, Let me love and think of Thee ! Come and dwell within my heart, Let me not from Thee depart. 0 good Jesus, I want to have Thee in my heart. Come to me now in See how near these children are to Jesus. They want to receive Him. In a few m '•ments you, too, will receive Jesus. Tell Him that you love Him very much. Our Lord's Heart beats with joy when good little children receive Him in Holy Communion. Try to give Jesus this joy as often as you can. Prayers for Holy Communion 95 Holy Communion. I would like to receive Thee every day, so that I would be a good child and have Thee always with me. Oh, come, dear Jesus ! Wait no longer. Come, I give Thee my whole heart. 0 Mary, my Heavenly Mother, pray for me. Help me. Lead me to Jesus. 0 my dear Mother, make my soul beautiful so that Jesus will come into my heart wit!? joy. Come, 0 lovely Jesus. Come and rest in my heart as Thou didst rest in the arms of Thy Blessed Mother. After Holy Communion When the priest is about to lay the Sacred Host on your tongue, raise your head a little. Put the tip of your tongue on the lower lip. Cast your eyes down. Receive Jesus with great devotion. When the Sacred Host has been laid on your 96 Prayers for Holy Communion tongue, then draw in your tongue with great reverence. While you are walking to your place, join your hands. Keep your eyes cast down and say these words more with your heart than with your lips: 0 Jesus, I have Thee in my heart ! 0 Jesus, I love Thee ! I love Thee ! 0 Jesus, my good Jesus, I want to love Thee very much. I give Thee my heart and my soul. Welcome 0 Jesus, I love Thee ! How good, how kind Thou art to me, sweet Jesus! Welcome ! a thousand times welcome ! How happy I am to have Thee in my heart ! I press Thee to my heart as Thy dear Mother did when she held Thee in her arms. Prayers for Holy Communion 97 Adoration 0 Jesus, Thou, the great and holy God, art within me. Thou art the King of heaven and earth, and I am only a little child. I bow down before Thee. I adore Thee. 0 you dear angels and saints, help me to adore my Jesus ! Union 1 love Thee, my Jesus. Thou art my life, my joy. I am very happy to have Thee in my heart. 0 dearest Child Jesus, let me kiss Thy little forehead and think of Thee often. Let me kiss Thy sweet lips and speak to Thee of my love. Let me kiss Thy lovely hands and tell Thee I will work for Thee. Let me kiss Thy Sacred Heart, 0 Jesus, which loves me so much, which 4 98 Prayers for Holy Communion is now beating with my own. 0 Jesus, 0 loving Heart of Jesus, inflame my heart with love for Thee. Make me love Thee more each day. Thanksgiving 0 my dear Jesus, I can never thank Thee enough for this Holy Commun- ion ! It is so great, so high an honor to have Thee in my heart ! 1 thank Thee, 0 good Jesus, for coming down from heaven to be a sweet little Child for love of me. I thank Thee for suffering so much for me ! Thou didst sweat Blood for me. Thy holy Body was torn by whips and covered with Blood for me. Thou wast crowned with thorns for me. Thou didst die nailed to the Cross for me! 0 Jesus, I kiss Thy painful Wounds; in Thy Blood Thou Prayers for Holy Communion 99 didst wash my soul from sin. Oh, I thank Thee. I will always love Thee and thank Thee for Thy sufferings. I thank Thee that Thou dost offer Thyself every day in Holy Mass to adore the Heavenly Father, and to beg His forgiveness for our sins. I thank Thee that Thou dost re- main always in the Sacred Host so that I can come for Thy blessing and tell Thee all my joys and sorrows. I thank Thee that Thou dost come to my heart in Holy Communion, and make me all Thine own. 0 Jesus I press Thee to my heart. Yes, I am Thine and Thine I will always be. Mary, my dearest Mother, I thank thee, too. Thou art the Mother of Jesus. Through thee I have received thy dear Son. I will thank thee in every Holy Communion. Amen. 100 Prayers for Holy Communion Offering- Dearest Jesus, Thou hast given Thy whole Self to me. Now I hear Thee say: “My child, give Me thy heart!” Yes, my sweet Jesus, I give Thee my whole heart with all I am and all I have. I give Thee my body— keep it pure. I give Thee my soul — keep it from sin. I give Thee my heart — keep it in Thy love. Petition 0 my Jesus, Thou hast been so good and kind as to come into my heart. Thou dost give me Thy grace and blessings. Thou canst refuse me nothing. Good Jesus, bless my father and mother. Bless my sisters and broth- Prayers for Holy Communion 101 ers. Bless my teachers. Give them Thy grace and lead them to heaven. Dear Jesus, bless my friends, bless Thy priests, bless our holy Father, the Pope. 0 my good Jesus, have mercy on so many wicked people, who offend Thee by great sins. 0 my good Jesus, help the souls in purgatory who are suffering and waiting to be with Thee in heaven. Take them very soon to paradise that with the angels they may praise Thee forever. 0 Jesus, make all the world love Thee. 0 Jesus, give me Thy love. I wish to love Thee and Thy sweet Mother very much. | How much didst Thou suffer, dear Jesus, I whilst hanging for three long hours on the | Cross! How painful it was to have Thy | hands and feet pierced with those big nails! | I thank Thee, my Jesus, for suffering so much | to wash my soul from sin in Thy holy Blood. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiinm Prayers for Holy Communion 103 Prayer before a Crucifix Behold, 0 kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fer- vent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee that Thou woudst im- press upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm desire of amendment, whilst with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds; having before my eyes that which David spoke in prophecy : “They have pierced My hands and feet: they have numbered all My bones.” Every devout “Hail Mary” is like a beautiful rose. Litany of the Blessed Virgin 106 Litany of the Blessed Virgin (Indulgence 300 days) Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, * God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Holy Mary, t Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of virgins, Mother of Christ, Mother of Divine grace, Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, *Have mercy on us. t Pray for us . 106 Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mother inviolate,* Mother undefiled, Mother most amiable, Mother most admirable, Mother of good counsel, Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Savior, Virgin most prudent, Virgin most venerable, Virgin most renowned, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of Wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honor, Singular vessel of devotion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, * Pray for us. Litany of the Blessed Virgin 107 Ark of the covenant,* Gate of heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Comfortress of the afflicted, Help of Christians, Queen of angels, Queen of patriarchs, Queen of prophets, Queen of apostles, Queen of martyrs, Queen of confessors, Queen of virgins, Queen of all saints, Queen conceived without original sin, Queen of the most holy rosary, Queen of peace, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Pray for us. 108 Litany of the Blessed Virgin Graciously hear us, O Lord \ Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us, O Lord. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Ant. We fly to thy patronage, 0 holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities; but deliver us from all dangers, 0 ever glorious and blessed Virgin. v. Pray for us, 0 holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. LET US PRAY Pour forth, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may, by His Litany of the Blessed Virgin 109 Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen, v. Pray for us, St. Joseph, R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. LET US PRAY Assist us, 0 Lord, we beseech Thee, by the merits of the spouse of Thy most holy Mother, that what of ourselves we are unable to obtain, may be granted to us by his inter- cession, who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. Holy Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God and our Mother, speak thou for us to the Heart of Jesus, who is Thy Son and our Brother. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament My dear child, Jesus loves you very much. When He was on earth, Jesus treated the little children very kindly. One day our Lord had walked a long time. He was tired after preach- ing to the people. Towards evening, Benediction 111 He sat down in the shade to rest. Some mothers came to Him with their children. The apostles knew that Jesus was so very tired and they told the people to go away. But Jesus said: “Let the little children come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Then Jesus took the little ones on His knees. He hugged them to His Heart and blessed them. An- other time Jesus said to His apostles : “Unless you become like a child, you cannot go to heaven.” That shows how much Jesus loves you, dear child ! He is very happy if children come to Benediction to receive His blessing. Jesus blesses you from the Sacred Host. He smiles upon you. You can- not see Jesus on His throne, the altar; you see only the white Host. But Jesus sees you, and He smiles when you kneel before Him devoutly. Once a holy priest went to visit the Blessed Sacrament. He saw the In- 112 Benediction of the fant Jesus come out of the Tabernacle. The Holy Child had His hands full of treasures, — so many, that they were falling through His tiny fingers. Jesus held out His hands to the priest and said : ‘ ‘Oh ! if only someone would come and take these treasures from Me !” Our Lord meant that He gives many heavenly gifts to those who visit Him on the altar. But how sad ! — Jesus is left alone nearly all the time ! The sweet Child Jesus will give you these precious treasures when you visit Him, and especially when He blesses you during Benediction. Look at the Sacred Host on the altar, and say : 0 my good Jesus, Thou art here. Thou seest me. Thou art full of love and mercy. 0 Jesus, I love Thee. 0 Jesus, bless me. Give me Thy heavenly gifts. Make me good and holy. 0 Jesus, bless the Holy Father Most Blessed Sacrament 113 in Rome. Bless my parents. Bless all our priests. 0 Jesus, may everybody love Thee in the Blessed Sacrament. 0 Sacrament most holy! 0 Sacrament Divine ! All praise and all thanksgiving, Be every moment Thine ! When the priest gives the blessing with the golden monstrance, look at the Sacred Host and say: My Lord and my God! 0 Jesus, I believe in Thee ! 0 Jesus, I hope in Thee ! 0 Jesus, I love Thee ! 0 Jesus, I give Thee my heart ! Praised and adored be without end, Jesus, our Lord, in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sac- rament, burning with love of us, in- flame our hearts with love of Thee. Jesus falls to the ground under the Cross. Way of the Cross 115 The Way of the Cross Preparatory Prayer 0 my God, behold me here at Thy feet. I am about to visit the Way of the Cross for love and compassion to Thee, 0 my Jesus, who hast walked the same way for me. Give me the grace to perform this devotion with due recollection; to gain thereby for myself and the poor souls all the indulgences I can, and to do some penance for my sins. I am heartily sorry, 0 my God, that I have ever offended Thee by committing sin. In future I will love Thee above all things. 0 Jesus crucified, help me to do so ! 0 Mary, Mother most Sorrow- ful, pray for me ! Before each station say: V. We adore Thee, 0 Christ, and we bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. 116 Way of the Cross After each station say: V. Crucified Lord Jesus, have mercy on us. R. And help the suffering souls in purgatory. STATION I Jesus is condemned to death. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, through this unjust sen- tence of death which I have so often signed by my sins, save me from the sentence of everlasting death which I have so often deserved. Our Father , etc. , Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. STATION II Jesus is made to bear His Cross. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, who didst willingly take upon Thyself that heavy Cross pre- pared by my sins, grant that I may duly comprehend their grievousness, and bewail them my whole life long. Our Father , etc.. Hail Mary , etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. Way of the Cross 117 STATION III Jesus falls the first time. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, the heavy burden of my sins has pressed Thee to the ground. I hate and detest them. I ask pardon and firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, never more to offend Thee. Our Father, etc., Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. STATION IV Jesus is met by His Blessed Mother. We adore Thee, etc. 0 most sorrowful Jesus ! 0 most sorrowful Mother! If heretofore I have been the cause of your sorrow by my sins, it shall not be so hence- forth. With your assistance I shall love you, and remain faithful to you until death. Our Father , etc., Hail Mary , etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. 118 Way of the Cross STATION V The Cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, how happy was Simon that he helped Thee carry the Cross ! How happy would I be, if in future I would help Thee carry the Cross by patience in all my sufferings ! 0 Jesus, grant me the grace to do so. Our Father, etc., Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. STATION VI Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, who didst deign to im- print the image of Thy Sacred Coun- tenance upon the veil of Veronica, oh, imprint deeply upon my soul the re- membrance of Thy bitter sufferings. Our Father, etc., Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. Way of the Cross 119 STATION VII Jesus falls the second time. We adore Thee, etc. My repeated sins are the cause of Thy repeated falls under the Cross. 0 beloved Jesus, assist me to make use of the means which will preserve me from a relapse into sin. Our Father , etc., Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. STATION VIII Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, Thou consolest the women of Jerusalem, weeping over Thy suf- ferings. Console also my soul with Thy grace, in which I place my only hope, and of which I will avail myself. Our Father , etc. , Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus etc. 120 Way of the Cross STATION IX Jesus falls the third time. We adore Thee, etc. On account of the excess of the pains suffered, Thou 0 Jesus, fallest the third time under the weight of the Cross. 0 grant, that I may never relapse into sin. 0 yes, my Jesus, let me rather die than sin again. Our Father , etc., Hail Mary , etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. STATION X Jesus is stripped and receives gall to drink. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, who wast stripped of Thy garments, and given vinegar and gall to drink, deliver me from all attach- ment to earthly things, and grant that I may detest whatever is according to the world, or might lead me into sin. Our Father , etc., Hail Mary , etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. Way of the Cross 121 STATION XI Jesus is nailed to the Cross. We adore Thee, etc. Through those cruel pains Thou didst suffer when the nails were driven through Thy sacred hands and feet, grant, 0 Jesus, that I may ever crucify my flesh with Christian mortification. Our Father , etc. , Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. STATION XII Jesus dies on the Cross. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, who after three hours agony didst die upon the Cross, oh, do rather let me die than offend Thee, so that I may ever love and serve Thee. Our Father , etc., Hail Mary , etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. 122 Way of the Cross STATION XIII The body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross, and laid in Mary’s arms. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Sorrowful Mother, what a sword pierced thy Heart when holding the lifeless Body of thy beloved Jesus in thy arms! Oh, obtain for me the grace to detest sin as the cause of His death and thy sorrows, to lead a peni- tential life, and die happily in thy holy arms. Our Father , etc. , Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. STATION XIV Jesus is laid in the tomb. We adore Thee, etc. 0 Jesus, in sight of Thy Body in the tomb, I will die to everything, to live but for Thee. As long as I will have to abide here below, I will live in and with Thee, to live eternally Way of the Cross 123 with Thee in heaven, and there to enjoy the fruits of Thy bitter Passion and death. Our Father, etc. , Hail Mary, etc. Crucified Lord Jesus, etc. PRAYER 0 merciful God, let us always gratefully remember the sufferings of our Redeemer; and for the sake of His cruel pains let us avoid the pleas- ures of the world, willingly carry our Cross and increase in all perfection, that we, as inhabitants of the heaven- ly kingdom, may render Thee inces- sant praise and unceasing adoration. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. — Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, in satisfaction for my sins and for the wants of Holy Church. Jesus says: “Come to me, my child/' i llllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH Visits to Jesus 125 Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle First Visit Jesus is Waiting for You My child, suppose your dear, good mother is in a room all alone. She would like to see you very much, but you would say, “I don’t care. I’d rather play !” And you’d let a whole week pass without going to see your mother, or speaking to her. That would show that you do not love your mother. It would make her feel very, very bad. Now, our dear good Jesus is all alone on the altar. How will you show Him that you love Him ? By going to Mass, by receiving Him in Holy Com- munion, and also by visiting Him in the church. In some convents, the Sisters never leave Jesus alone. All during the long, dark night when 126 Visits to Jesus everybody is asleep, some Sisters are kneeling before the Tabernacle. You cannot do that, my child, but you can visit Jesus during the day. Perhaps just a few minutes before school time, or during the noon recess, or before you start home after school, if it is only for a few minutes. Jesus will feel sad if you never visit Him. St. Gerard was only three years old when his mother took him to church. He felt very happy. He felt that Jesus was on the altar. Once his parents could not find him. They looked in the house, in the yard, and on the street. He was not to be seen. At last someone went to the church. There sat little Gerard on the floor near the altar steps. After that he went often to the church. The little Infant Jesus used to come out of the Tabernacle and play with Gerard. That shows how pleased Jesus is when we visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Visits to Jesus 127 Prayer 0 dear Infant Jesus, the Tabernacle is Thy little home on earth. How good Thou art to stay on the altar day and night for love of me ! Oh, I love Thee, sweetest Jesus! I kneel here to show Thee that I love Thee. I will stay with Thee a few minutes so Thou wilt not be lonely. My dear guardian angel, all ye holy angels around the altar, help me to adore Jesus. 0 Blessed Virgin Mary, help me to thank Jesus who is in the Sacred Host as truly as He was in thy arms. What can I give Thee, dear little Infant ? I know there is only one thing that will please Thee very much. — It is my heart. I give it to Thee. Oh, yes, dear Jesus, take my heart. Keep it all for Thyself. Never 128 Visits to Jesus let me take it back from Thee by committing a mortal sin. 0 Sweetest Heart of Jesus, I im- plore, That I may ever love Thee more and more. Second Visit Flowers for Your Little Garden Now, my dear child, during these Visits I will tell you about devout and holy children. Their example will show you how to keep away from what is bad and adorn your heart with virtues. The virtues are flowers blooming in the garden of your little heart. The more of such flowers that bloom therein, the more beautiful will be your little garden, and the more gladly the Divine Infant will come into your heart in Holy Communion. If you want Jesus to come gladly to this flower-garden, you must first pull out the weeds of sin. Every day Visits to Jesus 129 you must make up your mind not to displease our good God. If, however, you have been naughty toward your parents, or if you have told lies or quarreled with others, or if you have done something bad, then you must go to the good God and tell Him that you are very sorry for what you have done. This sorrow in your heart will make your heart pure again and wash away the stains of sin. That is the way to pull up the weeds and keep your garden clean. By being good you plant the flowers. Prayer 0 Divine Jesus, lonely in so many Tabernacles without anyone to visit or adore Thee, I offer Thee my heart. Every time it beats I wish to make an act of love to Thee. Thou art always watching in the Blessed Sac- rament, hidden in the little Host. In 5 130 Visits to Jesus Thy love Thou never sleepest. Thou art never tired of waiting for us to visit Thee. 0 lovely Jesus ! 0 lonely Jesus! may my heart be like the little red lamp near Thy altar. It burns always for Thee. So let my heart be all on fire with love for Thee. 0 Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I will come to adore Thee often. I will come and tell Thee of my troubles, and of my joys. I will come and tell Thee when I have been naughty, and ask Thee to forgive me. Help me to pull out the weeds of sin in my soul. Help me to plant in my garden the beautiful roses of love, the lilies of purity, the violets of humility. My Jesus, I love Thee, I will love Thee alone. I will always please Thee. Jesus, my God, I adore Thee here present in the Sacrament of Thy Love. Visits to Jesus 131 The Divine Praises Blessed be God. Blessed be His holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His most Sacred Heart. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints. Good St. Ann teaches little Mary to pray. Visits to Jesus 133 Third Visit Love to Pray Devoutly I knew a poor little girl whose name was “Agnes. ” Every morning she went to Mass with her mother. It was a long way to the church. Once it rained very hard and mother wanted to leave little Agnes at home. But the pious child begged her mother to take her along. While both were at Holy Mass, the ceiling fell down in the room where little Agnes slept and played. What would have happened if Agnes had stayed at home ? The falling ceiling would surely have killed her. Oh ! how happy mother and child were and how they thanked the dear God that they had gone to church that morning. You, too, my child, go to Holy Mass every day, and do not easily stay away. Holy Mass brings you blessings for the whole day. St. Rose of Lima 134 Visits to Jesus loved to pray very much. Even when she was playing, she thought often of the good God. She made a little chapel in the corner of her flower-garden. Often she prayed there for a long time. If Rose didn’t get time to pray much during the day, she prayed during the night in her room. Love to listen to those who teach you to pray. See by the picture how attentive the Blessed Virgin was when her holy mother, St. Ann, taught her to pray. Prayer 0 Jesus, when Thou wast a little Child, Thou didst often fold Thy tiny hands and pray to Thy good Heavenly Father. Thou didst often gather Thy playmates around Thee and pray with them. For three years before Thy death, Thou didst often feel very tired teaching the people all day, but even then, Thou wouldst often pray all night. Visits to Jesus 135 Now, in the Blessed Sacrament, Thou art praying to the Heavenly Father for us all the time. Especially in Holy Mass Thou dost pray with us and for us. 0 Jesus, I thank Thee for giving us Thyself in Holy Mass. I will come often to Holy Mass. Then my prayers will be pleasing to the good Heavenly Father, because Thou wilt pray with me. 0 Jesus, teach me how to pray, Suffer not my thoughts to stray, Send distractions far away, Sweet, Holy Child. Dear Jesus, I will think of Thee often every day, and I will not forget my morning and night prayers. 0 Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, burning with love of us, inflame our hearts with love for Thee ! | The Child Jesus obeyed St. Joseph. Visits to Jesus 137 Fourth Visit Love the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph St. Teresa was quite a little girl when her mother died. Oh, how she cried, because she loved her dear mother so very much ! Then she knelt down before a picture of the good Mother of God and prayed: “0 Mary, I have no mother any more ! She is dead. Now, you must be my Mother! St. Teresa often prayed to the Mother of God. When she was sad she went to the Blessed Virgin and told her of it. When she was happy, she again told her good Mother. Mary loved to listen to the child and always helped her. St. Teresa also loved St. Joseph very much. She prayed to him every day, too, especially when she was sick and when she wanted to have a very great grace from God. St. Joseph always helped her. St. Teresa used to say: “I have never prayed to St. Visits to Jesus Joseph in vain. He has always given me what I asked of him.” My dear child, you must also love and honor the Blessed Mother of God and St. Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus. Jesus is very much pleased when you love His parents, for He loved and obeyed them on earth, and they are nearest to Him in heaven. It is very nice when a child suffers something for love of the Blessed Virgin. For example, do not grumble if another child treats you roughly. Don’t tell everybody about it. Don’t cry about it, but say to the Mother of God, “0 Mary, all for love of thee! I will suffer this little thing for thee!” Mary loves you if you offer her these little sacrifices and she will surely reward you. Prayer 0 Jesus, I adore Thee here present in the Blessed Sacrament. I thank Visits to Jesus 139 Thee for staying always with us on the altar, and giving us Thyself in Holy Communion. I thank Thee, too, dear Jesus, for having given us Thy dear Mother, Mary, to be our Mother also. 0 Jesus, let me love Mary as Thou didst love her. 0 sweet Mother of my Jesus, I love thee! Thou art my dearest, sweetest, holiest Mother! I thank thee for having taken such good care of Jesus when He was a little Child. I thank thee for having stood by His Cross and not letting Him alone when He was dying for my sins. 0 loving ! 0 pious ! 0 sweet Virgin Mary ! help me to praise thy dear Son, Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament. St. Joseph, thou art the foster- father of Jesus; pray to Him for me. O sweet Blessed Virgin, keep me pure! Visits to Jesus 141 Fifth Visit Be Pure and Modest Did you ever see a lily? Didn’t you think : what a beautiful white flower that is ! My dear child, this flower blooms in the little garden of your heart if you are very modest and pure. St. Aloysius, St. Stanislaus and St. Agnes were all holy children. They didn’t want to hear a nasty, bad word. Once little St. Stanislaus was at table when a visitor of his father said some- thing very immodest. The little boy commenced to cry very hard. His father had to take him away. The visitor felt very much ashamed of himself. When bad children want to tell you something which your father or mother should not hear, then go away from them. Do not listen. Have nothing to do with those boys or girls. Tell them that you don’t want to go with them at all. 142 Visits to Jesus All holy children are very modest when they dress or undress, when they go to bed. You must be the same. If you sleep in the same room with your brothers or sisters, do not watch the others. When you are in bed, cross your hands on your breast, or if it is not cold, fold them over the cover. Prayer 0 Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I love Thee ! Oh, why do not people come to visit Thee when they know Thou art here on the altar ! I love Thee, I adore Thee, sweet Jesus, for those who do not think of Thee, or do not come to Thee. What can I do to please Thee ? I hear Thee say : “I love little children if they are innocent. If you are pure, you are like the angels in heaven.” 0 Visits to Jesus 143 Jesus, help me to be like a little angel. When Thou wast about to become a little Infant, Thou didst want only a pure virgin to be Thy Mother. The apostles were pure; all good people that love Thee are pure. Now, in the Blessed Sacrament, Thou dost hide Thyself in a white Host. All the linen cloths of the altar must be white and clean. This teaches me that my soul, too, must be pure and innocent and white as snow, to please Thee when Thou dost come to me in Holy Communion. Dear Jesus, come to me often in Holy Communion. Come and help me to keep my heart pure. I love Thee, 0 Jesus, all-pure ! My heart belongs to Thee ! Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love ! Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! 144 Visits to Jesus Sixth Visit Never Tell a Lie When St. Francis de Sales was a little boy he stole a silk ribbon. It belonged to a working-man who had hung it up in the garden on his hoe. Little Francis liked it very much and he took it along. In the evening the workman looked for his ribbon. No- body knew where it was. Francis’ papa asked his little son : ‘ ‘ Do you know where the ribbon is ?” The pious boy knelt down, raised his little hands and said, “0 papa, I took it. I am afraid you will punish me, but I would rather take a whipping than tell a lie.” His father was so well pleased because Francis told the truth right away that he did not punish him. My good child, you must be ready to suffer anything rather than tell a lie. If you ever tell a lie, then own up to it. You must do so, especially Visits to Jesus 145 if you have hurt others by your lies. If you have taken an apple or some- thing else, or if you have broken something, do not say, “No, I didn’t do it. ” Always be truthful and honest. Do not copy your school work from other children. That is also lying, be- cause you make the teacher believe that you did the work yourself. Prayer 0 Jesus, most holy ! 0 Jesus Divine ! All praise and thanksgiving, Forever be Thine. Dear Jesus, the holy angels are here around the altar day and night. They cover their faces with their wings and adore Thee. With these holy angels I, too, wish to adore Thee sweet Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I give joy to Thy Heart, I know, by coming to visit Thee. See me, good Jesus, I am one of Thy little ones. I come to tell Thee that I wish to love Thee very, very much. I come to thank Thee for all Thy goodness to me. Thou wilt give me every grace I need. Today, dear Jesus, I ask Thee especially to help me never to tell a lie. Thou didst never speak an untrue Visits to Jesus 147 word — make me truthful. Make me love Thee, 0 dear and loving Child Jesus. Let me become a good child like Thee. Take me to the beautiful heaven when I die. Oh, how happy I will be to go to Thee, to live with Thee always. Oh, let me love Thee, let me visit Thee often in the Blessed Sacrament. Then Thou wilt smile on me when I come to heaven. I must leave Thee now, dear Jesus, but I leave my heart on the altar. I will love Thee with my whole heart. Amen. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love Thee. Thy kingdom come ! Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, make all people love and adore thy dear Jesus on our altars. iiiiiii iiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii ii ilium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[Q iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|Q Visits to Jesus 149 Seventh Visit Always Be Diligent When St. Catherine was a little girl, her playmates asked her to join them in a game. She was happy to go with them. But while she was play- ing, all at once she happened to think that she had not studied her lesson. The other children asked her to stay with them, and not mind it. But Catherine did not do so. She would have liked to play longer, but she said, “I must do my work first, then I can play. ’ ’ And she went home right away. All diligent boys and girls think and act like Catherine. First study your lessons then you can be happy and gay at your play. There was another little girl who always went home right away when school was out. She never stood a- round and talked a long time on the way. “Why are you always in such a hurry?” asked one of her playmates. 150 Visits to Jesus Little Josephine said, “I go home quickly because I can do lots of things at home. I take care of my two baby sisters and help mother, and then she does not have to work so hard.” Josephine was a very good child, diligent in school and helpful at home. Like her, you, too, should make good use of your time, and help your mother whenever you can. Prayer .... Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I adore Thee as the dear Son of the Heavenly Father. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I adore Thee as the sweet Son of the Virgin Mary. 0 Jesus, I adore Thee hidden in the Sacred Host on the altar. Thou art the sweet, little Jesus who worked so well at Nazareth. Thou didst run Visits to Jesus 151 errands for Thy Holy Mother, carry water, and pick up the shavings in St. Joseph’s workshop. When Thou wast older, Thou didst help St. Joseph very much. Often Thou wast very tired after working all day and often Thou didst sweat when the work was hard. Angels were all around Thee. They could have lifted those heavy boards and have done all Thy work for Thee. But Thou didst want to use Thy hands to teach me that I please Thee by working. 0 dear Jesus, I will think of Thee when I work. I will try very hard to do my work well, for love of Thee and to please Thee. When I work or when I play, Be Thou with me through the day; Teach me what to do and say. That I can go Thy holy way. 152 Visits to Jesus Eighth Visit Suffer Patiently Even children can suffer patiently. St. Rose of Lima was only about three years old when her thumb was mashed in a door that was closed quickly. Oh, it hurt her very much! But little Rose did not even cry. She just bit her lips and hid her hands under her apron. She thought of how our good Jesus suffered still more; so for love of Him she did not want to cry and complain. Rose was often sick when she was little, but she always kept very patient. Sometimes the doctor had to cut her head, because she had big boils. Her mother asked if it hurt. “Oh, yes, a little bit!” Rose answered. Now, when you have a little tooth- ache or a headache, do not cry right away. Our dear Lord sends you these sufferings. Bear them lovingly and patiently and think of our dear Jesus, Visits to Jesus 153 who suffered so very much for us when He was nailed to the Cross. Prayer My dear Jesus in the Blessed Sac- rament, I adore Thee. Thou didst suffer so much for love of me ! Bad men took off Thy clothes and beat Thee with whips and rods. Cruelly they drove the sharp points of a crown of thorns into Thy adorable head. They made Thee carry Thy heavy Cross a long way. Then they drove big nails into Thy hands and feet to fasten Thee to the Cross. Oh ! how much pain Thou didst suffer for three long hours hanging on the Cross. But Thou didst not complain of the awful pain. I thank Thee, 0 Jesus ! How much Thou lovest me, that Thou didst suffer such great pains! 154 Visits to Jesus 0 Jesus, I will love Thee and suffer for Thee ! I will think of Thee, my dear Jesus, when I have a little ache. Only give me the grace to love Thee and Thy Sorrowful Mother very much. Oh, I cannot be happy unless I love Thee. I will remember that Thou didst forgive those wicked men who nailed Thee to the Cross, and I will forgive those who make me suffer. I kiss Thy wounded hands, dear Lord, With sorrow deep and true, And may each movement of my hands, Be an act of love for You. I kiss Thy wounded feet, dear Lord, With sorrow deep and true, And may each movement of my feet, Be an act of love for You. I kiss Thy wounded Heart, sweet Lord, With sorrow deep and true, And may each beating of my heart, Be an act of love for You. Litany of the Sacred Heart 155 Litany of the Sacred Heart Lord, have mercy on us. Lord , have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Christ , have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ , graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, * God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mother, Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God, Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty, Heart of Jesus, sacred temple of God, *Have mercy on us. 156 Litany of the Sacred Heart Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the most High, * Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven, Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity, Heart of Jesus, abode of justice and love, Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, % Heart of Jesus, Heart of Jesus, praise, Heart of Jesus, King and centre of all hearts, Heart of Jesus, in which are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Heart of Jesus, in which dwells the fullness of Divinity, Heart of Jesus, in which the Father was well pleased, Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received, abyss of all virtues, most worthy of all *Have mercy on us. Litany of the Sacred Heart 157 Heart of Jesus, desire of the ever- lasting hills,* Heart of Jesus, patient and most merciful, Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke Thee, Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness, Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins, Heart of Jesus, loaded down with opprobrium, Heart of Jesus, bruised for our of- fenses, Heart of Jesus, obedient unto death, Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, Heart of Jesus, source of all consola- tion, Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrec- tion, Heart of Jesus, our peace and recon- ciliation, Heart of Jesus, victim for sin, * Have mercy on us. 158 Litany of the Sacred Heart Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who trust in Thee,* Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, Heart of Jesus, delight of all the saints, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us, O Lord. v. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, R. Make our hearts like unto Thine. LET US PRAY 0 Almighty and Eternal God, look upon the Heart of Thy dearly beloved Son, and upon the praise and satis- faction He offers Thee in the name of sinners and for those who seek * Have mercy on us. Litany of the Sacred Heart 159 Thy mercy; be Thou appeased, and grant us pardon in the Name of the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world with- out end. Amen. sf&r All for Thee, most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy king- dom come. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee. 0 sweetest Heart of Jesus, I im- plore that I may ever love Thee more and more. Blessed be the most holy Eucha- ristic Heart of Jesus. CONTENTS Page How to Spend the Day - - - 5 Daily Prayers H Morning Prayer - - - - 20 Send Your Angel to Holy Mass - 23 Night Prayer 25 Prayers during Holy Mass - - 27 Communion Mass - - - - 53 Prayers for Confession - - - 75 Prayers for Holy Communion - - 89 Litany of the Blessed Virgin - - 105 Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 110 The Way of the Cross - - -115 Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle - 125 Jesus is Waiting for You - - 125 Flowers for Your Little Garden - 128 The Divine Praises - - - 131 Love to Pray Devoutly - - - 133 Love the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph 137 Be Pure and Modest - - - 141 Never Tell a Lie - 144 Always Be Diligent- - - - 149 Suffer Patiently - 152 Litany of the Sacred Heart - 155 251 HID