Words to Catholic hymns WORDS OF CATHOLIC HYMNS CONGREGATION OF HOLY CROSS THE AVE MARIA PRESS NOTRE DAME, INDIANA - I WORDS OF CATHOLIC HYMNS CONGREGATION OF HOLY CROSS THE AVE MARIA PRESS NOTRE DAME, INDIANA 1924 WORDS OF CATHOLIC HYMNS 1—AVE MARIS STELLA. Ave Maris stella, Dei Mater alma, || :Atque semper Virgo, Felix caeli porta. :|| Sumens illud Ave, Gabrielis ore, || :Funda nos in pace, Mutans Evae nomen. :|| Solve vincla reis, Profer lumen caecis, || : Mala nostra pelle, Bona cuncta posce. : || Monstra te esse Matrem, Sumat per te preces, ||:Qui pro nobis natus, Tulit esse tuus. :|| Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis, || : Nos culpis solutos, Mites fac et castos:|| Vitam praesta puram, Iter para tutum, || :Ut videntes Iesum, Semper collaetemur. : || Sit laus Deo Patri, Summo Christo decus, (I : Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus. : || 4- 2—ALMA REDEMFIORIS. ( From Advent till the Purification.) Alma, Alma, Alma, Redemptoris Mater quae pervia caeli, Porta manes et stella maris, succurre cadenti. Surgere qui curat populo, tu quae genuisti, natura mirante, Tuum sanctum Genitorem, tuum sanctum Genitorem. Virgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore sumens illud Ave, Peccatorum miserere, peccatorum miserere. 3—AYE REGINA. Ave, Ave, Ave Regina, Regina, caelorum Ave, Ave, Ave, Domina angelorum. Gaude, Gaude, Gaude, Virgo gloriosa; Super omnes speciosa omnes speciosa. Chorus. Salve radix, salve porta, Ex qua mundo lux est orta. Salve radix salve porta Ex qua mundo lux est orta, Ex qua mundo lux est orta. Vale o valde valde decora Et pro nobis Christum exora. Vale o valde, valde decora Et pro nobis Christum exora, Et pro nobis Christum exora. 4—REGINA CAELI. ( From Easter till Trinity.) Regina Caeli, Regina Caeli laetare, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Quia quem meruisti portare; Quem meruisti portare; Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Resurexit sicut dixit, resurexit sicut dixit. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Ora, ora, pro nobis Deum. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. 5—0 SALUTARIS. 0 salutaris hostia, Quae caeli pandis ostium; Bella premunt hostilia, Da robur fer auxilium. Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempitema gloria, Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. Amen. 6—TANTUM ERGO. Tantum ergo sacramentum, Veneremur cernui, Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui, Praestet tides supplementum Sensuum defectui. Genitori, genitoque* Laus et iubilatio, Salus honor virtus quoque, Sit et benedictio; Procedenti ab utroque, Compar sit laudatio. Amen. V. Panem de caelo praestitisti eis, R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. 7—LAUDATE DOMINUM. Psalm cxvi. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes: Laudate eum, omnes populi. Quoniam confirmata est super nos || miseri-cor- dia eius: Et veritas Domini manet in aeternum. Gloria Patri et Filio f et Spi-ritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principo, || et nunc et semper, et in saecula saecu-Zorwm. Amen . 8—PARCE DOMINE. ( For Lent.) After Benediction three times instead of Laudate. Parce Domine, Parce populo tuo, Ne in aeternum Irascaris nobis. —9— 9—CHRISTUS VINCIT. Christus vincit! Christus imperat! Christus regnat! Alleluia! Laudate Dominum omnes gentes, Laudate eum omnes populi. Christus vincit! Christus imperat! Christus regnat! Alleluia! Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia eius, Et veritas Domini manet in aeternum, Christus vincit! Christus imperat! Christus regnat! Alleluia! v' —10— 10—ADORO TE DEVOTE. Adoro te devote, latens Deitas, Quae sub his figuris vere latitas; Tibi se cor meum totum subiicit, Quia te contemplans totum deficit. Visus, tactus gustus in te fallitur, Sed auditu solo tuto creditur; Credo, quidquid dixit Dei Filius; Nil hoc veritatis verbo verius. In cruce latebat sola Deitas, At hie latet simul et humanitas; Ambo tamen credens atque confitens, Peto quod petivit latro paenitens. Amen. —11— 11—ADORO TE. Adoro te, O panis caelice, O Domine 0 Deus maxime. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Sine fine Sanctus. Semper tibi gloria. Sacra sit sub hostia. Nos famulos, 0 Deus respice, Et gratia, Nos semper refice. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Sine fine Sanctus. Semper tibi gloria. Sacra sit sub hostia. —12— 12—PANIS ANGELICUS. Panis angelicus fit panis hominum, Dat panis caelicus, figuris terminum: O res mirabilis! manducat Dominum, Pauper, servus, et humilis. Te, trina Deitas unaque poscimus Sic nos tu visita, sicut te colimus, Per tuas semitas, due nos quo tendimus Ad lucem quam inhabitas. 13—IESU DULCIS MEMORIA. Iesu dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordis gaudia: Sed super mel et omnia, Eius dulcis praesentia. Chorus. Iesu, Iesu, Iesu dulcis memoria. Iesu, Iesu, Iesu, Iesu dulcis memoria. -13- Nil canitur suavius, Nil auditur iucundius, Nil cogitatur dulcius, Quam Iesu Dei filius. Iesu spes paenitentibus, Quam pius es petentibus, Quam bonus te quaerentibus ; Sed quid invenientibus ? Iesu dulcedo cordium, Fons vivus lumen mentium, Excedens omne gaudium, Et omne desiderium. Nec lingua valet dicere, Nec littera exprimere; Expertus potest credere, Quid sit Iesum diligere. Sis Iesu, nostrum gaudium, Qui es futurus praemium; Sit nostra in te gloria, Per cuncta semper saecula. —14— 14—PANGE LINGUA. Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium, Sanguinisque pretiosi, Quem in mundi pretium Fructus ventris generosi Rex effudit gentium. Nobis datus, nobis natus, Ex intacta Virgine, Et in mundo conversatus, Sparso verbi semine, Sui moras incolatus Miro clausit ordine. In supremae nocte cenae, Recumbens cum fratribus, Observata lege plene Cibis in legalibus, Cibum turbae duodenae Se dat suis manibus. Verbum caro, panem verum Verbo carnem efficit: Fitque sanguis Christi merum Etsi sensus deficit. Ad firmandum cor sincerum Sola fides sufficit. —15— 15—0 FILII ET FILIAE. Chorus. Alleluia, alleluia, Alleluia ! O filii et filiae, Rex caelestis, Rex gloriae, Morte surrexit hodie. Alleluia. Et Maria Magdalene, Et Iacobi, et Salome, Venerunt corpus ungere. Allelun . A Magdalena moniti, Ad ostium monumenti, Duo currunt discipuli. Alleluia. Sed Ioannes Apostolus, Cucurrit Petro citius; Ad sepulchrum venit prius. Alleluia. In albis sedens Angelus — Respondit mulieribus, Quia surrexit Dominus. Alleluia. Discipulus adstantibtis, In medio stetit Christus—_ Dicens : Pax vobis omnibus. Alleluia. —16— 16—ADESTE FIDELES. Adeste fideles, laeti triumphantes, Venite, venite in Bethlehem! Natum videte Regem angelorum, Chorus. Venite adoremus! Venite, adoremus! Venite, adoremus Dominum. Engrege relicto hiimiles ad cunas Vocati pastores adproperant; Nosque ovanti gradu festinemus. Aeterni Parentis splendorem aeternum Velatum sub carne videbimus; Deum infantem pannis involutum. —17— 17—VENI, CREATOR SPIRITUS. Veni, Creator Spiritus,, Mentes tuorum visita, Imple superna gratia, Quae tu creasti pectora. Qui diceris Paraclitus, altissimi donum Dei: Fons vivus, ignis, caritas, et spiritalis unctio. Tu septiformis munere, digitus Paternae dexterae; Tu rite promissum Patris, sermone ditans guttura. Accende lumen sensibus, infunde amorem cordibus; Infirma nostri corporis virtute firmans perpeti. Hostem repellas longius, pacemque dones protinus ; Ductore sic te praevio vitemus omne noxium. Per te sciamus da Patrem, noscamus atque Filium, Teque utriusque Spiritum credamus omni tempore. Deo Patri sit gloria et Filio, qui a mortuis surrexit, Ac Paraclito in sempiterna saecula. Amen. —18— 18—STABAT MATER. Stabat Mater dolorosa, Iuxta crucem, lacrimosa, Dum pendebat filius. Cuius animan gementem, Contristatam et dolentem, Pertransivit gladius. O quam tristis et afflicta, Fuit ilia benedicta, Mater Unigeniti! Quae maerebat et dolebat, Pia Mater dum videbat Nati poenas incliti. Quis est homo qui non fleret, Matrem Christi si videret In tanto supplicio? Quis non posset constristari, Christi Matrem contemplari Dolentem cum Filio? Pro peccatis suae gentis, Vidit Iesum in tormentis Et flagellis subditum. 19— Vidit suum dulcem natum, Moriendo desolatum, Dum emisit spiritum. Eia Mater, fans amoris, Me sentire vim doloris Fac ut tecum lugeam. Fac ut ardeat car meum In amando Christum Deum, Ut sibi complaceam. Sancta Mater istud agas Crucifixi fige plagas Cordi me valide. Tui nati vulnerati, Tam dignati pro me pati, Poenas mecum divide. Fac me tecum pie flere Crucifixo condolere Donee ego vixero. Iuxta crucem tecum stare, Et me tibi sociare In planctu desidero. Virgo virginum praeclara, Mihi iam non sis amara; Fac me tecum plangere. —20— 19—0 MARIA, VIRGO PIA. 0 Maria, Virgo pia, Mater admirabilis, Per te Deus iudex meus, Mihi sit placabilis. Commendare me dignare Christo tuo Filio, Ut non cadam, sed evadam De mundi naufragio. Pro me pete, ut quiete Sempiterna perfruar; Ne tormentis comburentis Stagni miser obruar. Esto tutrix et adiutrix Christian! populi ; Pacem praesta, ne molesta Nos perturbent saeculi. Tua dulci prece fulci Supplices et refove; Quidquid gravat vel depravat Mentes nostras, remove. —21— 20—O SANCTISSIMA. O Sanctissima, O purissima, Dulcis Virgo Maria, Mater amata, intemerata, Ora, ora pro nobis. Tota pulchra es, 0 Maria, Et macula non est in te! Mater amata, intemerata. Ora, ora pro nobis. Sicut lilium inter spinas. Sic Maria inter filias: Mater amata, intemerata. Ora, ora pro nobis. 21—ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD. Angels we have heard on high — Sweetly singing o’er the plains, And the mountains in reply Echo back their joyous strains. Chorus. Gloria in excelsis Deo Gloria in excelsis Deo. Shepherds why this jubilee? Why your rapturous strains prolong? Say what may the tidings be, Which inspire your heav’nly song. Come to Bethlehem, come and see Him whose birth the angels sing; Come adore on bended knee, The Infant Christ, the new-born King. See within a manger laid, Jesus, Lord of Heav’n and earth I Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, With us sing our Saviour’s birth. —23— 22—1 NEED THEE, HEART OF JESUS. I need Thee, Heart of Jesus, I need a friend like Thee, A friend to soothe and pity, A friend to care for me, Sweet Jesus, keep me near Thee, Close by Thee all the day. Permit me not, e’en tho’ I would, From Thy loved side to stray. I need Thee, Heart of Jesus, To feel each anxious care; To tell to Thee my ev’ry want, And all my sorrows share. Protect me then, sweet Jesus, My falt’ring footsteps guide, And tho’ my path be darkness, I’ll fear not, but confide. 0 loving Heart, but teach me Each duty to fulfil, And it shall be my pleasure To do Thy holy will. And this request I’ll make Thee, This recompense implore, By ev’ry thought, and word, and act, To love Thee more and more. —24— 23—AT THE OFFERTORY. Accept, Almighty Father, These gifts of bread and wine, Which now the priest is offering, For us before Thy shrine; But soon the Word will make them His body and His blood, The sacrifice renewing, Once offered on the Rood. With these, altho’ unworthy, Some offerings we make, But all we have, Thou gavest, Then what Thou gavest, take; Our heart, our soul, our senses, We give thro’ Mary’s hands, Who by the cross once standing, Now by the altar stands. —25— 24—JESUS, MY LORD, MY GOD. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all! How can I love Thee as I ought, And how revere this wondrous gift, So far surpassing hope or thought? Chorus. Sweet Sacrament! we Thee adore, O make us love Thee more and more, 0 make us love Thee more and more. Had I but Mary’s sinless heart To love Thee with, my dearest King, Oh with what bursts of fervent praise, Thy Goodness, Jesus, would I sing! Oh see! within a creature’s hand The vast Creator deigns to be, Reposing infant-like, as though On Joseph’s arm or Mary’s knee. He chose my heart for His abode; He there becomes my daily bread; There on me flows His healing blood, There with His flesh my soul is fed. -26— 25—0 LORD, I AM NOT WORTHY! 0 Lard, I am not worthy That Thou shouldst come to me, But speak the words of comfort, My spirit healed shall be. And humbly Fll receive Thee, The Bridegroom of my soul, No more by sin to grieve Thee, Or fly Thy sweet control. And when Thy heart, dear Jesus, Is beating close to mine, 0 cleanse my heart in mercy, And make it worthy Thine. And low before Thee bending, I make this prayer to Thee: When death shall send his summons, That Thou wilt come to me. And then, although unworthy Of Thee, my souks sweet guest, In Love Divine my spirit Shall find eternal rest. —27— 26—TO JESUS’ HEART ALL BURNING. To Jesus’ Heart, all burning With fervent love for men, My heart with fondest yearning Shall raise the joyful strain. Chorus. While ages course along, Blest be the loudest song, || :The Sacred Heart of Jesus By ev’ry heart and tongue. :|| O heart for me on fire With love no man can speak, My yet untold desire God gives me for Thy sake. When life away is flying, And earth’s false glare is done, Still, Sacred Heart, in dying, I’ll say, I’m all Thine own. —28— 27—0 JESUS! OPEN WIDE THY HEART. Chorus. 0 Jesus! open wide Thy Heart, And let me rest there-in; For I am weary dearest Lord, Of this cold world and sin. Fve sought for rest and found it not, In things of earthly mold; 1 pine to love and be beloved, By that heart that grows not cold. 0 take me in Thy Sacred Heart, Then seal the entrance o’er. That from that home my wayward heart May never wander more. 0 Mary, by the priceless love Which Jesus’ Heart bore thee, Pray that my home, in life and death. That loving Heart may be. —29— 28—LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT. Lead, Kindly Light, amid th’ encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on ! The night is dark, and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on ! Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene, one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on ; I loved to choose and see my path, but now Lead Thou me on! I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will ; remember not past years. So long Thy power hath blessed me, sure it still Will lead me on, O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent till The night is gone; And with the morn those angel faces smile Which I have loved long since and lost awhile. —30— 29—holy god, we praise thy name. Holy God, we praise Thy name, Lord of all, we bow before Thee! All on earth Thy sceptre claim, All in heav’n above adore Thee; Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy reign. Hark! the loud celestial hymn, Angel choirs above are singing! Cherubim and Seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising ; Fill the heavens with sweet accord : Holy! Holy! Holy Lord! —31— 30—TO LOVE HOLY MARY. To love Holy Mary, I ever will try; For she is my lady, her servant am I; My Heart, Holy Mary, burns always for thee, With love and with gladness, dear Mary, love me. Now guard and protect me, O Mary! I pray, When I am in danger, ah, go not away ; For thou art my Mother thy child I will be, In life and when dying, I’ll love God and thee. My heart and my wishes, and all that I have, To love Holy Mary, forever I give; Ah, had I a thousand immortal souls more, Each one would be singing, Her praise evermore. O Mary, I give thee, this poor heart of mine» In life and when dying, it ever is thine; Ah, had I a thousand immortal souls more, Each one would be singing, her praise evermore* —32— 31—THOU ART ALL FAIR. Thou art all fair 0 Mother blest, In thee is found no stain, Thou’rt purer far than whitest crest That decks the troubled main. Thy soul no taint did ever bear Of imperfections shade; And Satan never counted there The blots his wiles had made. First creature formed since Adam’s fall Who shared not Adam’s sin, Thy life was spent that mortals all Celestial life might win. Glad sight to heaven’s highest court, To view their peerless Queen; And feeble man’s most firm support In that fair maid is seen. 33— 32—HAIL, QUEEN OF HEAVEN. Hail, Queen of Heav’n, the ocean Star, Guide of the wanderer here below! Thrown on life’s surge we claim thy care, Save us from peril and from woe. Mother of Christ, Star of the Sea, Pray for the wanderer, Pray for me. O gentle, chaste, and spotless Maid, We sinners make our prayers thro’ thee, Remind thy Son that He has paid The price of our iniquity. Virgin most pure, Star of the Sea, Pray for the sinner, 0 pray for me. —34— 33—IMMACULATE. 0 Mather, I could weep for mirth, Joy fills my heart so fast; My soul to-day is heav'n on earth, Oh could the transport last. Chorus. I think of thee and what thou art, Thy Majesty, thy state; And I keep singing in my heart, Immaculate, Immaculate. When Jesus looks upon thy face His Heart with rapture glows, And in the Church, by His sweet grace, Thy blessed worship grows. Conceived, conceived, Immaculate! Oh, what a joy for thee! Conceived, conceived, Immaculate! Oh, greater joy for me! Oh, I would rather, Mother dear! Thou shouldst be what thou art, Than sit where thou dost. Oh so near Unto the Sacred Heart. Dear Mother Mary, leave me not, Protect me night and day; And should the hand of death approach, Stay near me, Mother stay. —35— 34—ON THIS DAY, 0 BEAUTIFUL MOTHER. Chorus. On this day, O beautiful Mother, On this day we give thee our love. Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover. Trusting thy gentle care to prove. On this day we ask to share, Dearest Mother, thy sweet care; Aid us ere our feet astray, Wander from thy guiding way. On this day, etc. Queen of angels, deign to hear Lisping children’s humble pray’r; Young hearts gain, O Virgin pure. And sweetly to thyself allure. On this day, etc. —36— 35—OUR LOVELY QUEEN OF MAY. Chorus. Hail, Virgin! dearest Mary, Our lovely Queen of May, O spotless, blessed Lady, Our Lovely Queen of May. V Thy children humbly bending, Around thy shrine so dear; With heart and voice ascending, Sweet Mary, hear our prayer. Hail, etc. And now our blessed Mother, Smile on thy festal day; Accept our wreath of flowers, And be our Queen of May. Hail, etc. 36—0 BLEST FORE’ER THE MOTHER. O blest fore’er the Mother, And Virgin full of grace, That bore our God, our Brother, The Saviour of our race. Sweet Jesus, low before Thee, We bend in fear and love*; O grant we may adore thee In thy bright realms above! Pure as the light of heaven i In meekness nearest thee, Our Lady hast thou given A guide, a friend to be. Sweet Mother, tears are falling From hearts that love thy Son;; Then hear thy children calling, And bless us, every one. —38— 37—TIS THE MONTH OF OUR MOTHER. *Tis the month of our Mother, The blessed and beautiful days, When our lips and our spirits Are glowing with love and with praise. Chorus. All hail to dear Mary The guardian of our way, To the fairest of Queens, Be the fairest of seasons, sweet May. Oh! what peace to her children, ’Mid sorrow and trials to know, That the love of their Mother Hath ever a solace for woe! And what joy to the erring, The sinful and sorrowful soul, That a trust in her guidance Will lead to a glorious goal! Let us sing then, rejoicing, That God hath so honor’d our race As to clothe with our nature Sweet Mary the Mother of grace. —39- — 38—HAIL, HEAVENLY QUEEN. Hail, heav’nly Queen! Hail, foamy ocean’s star! O be our guide, diffuse thy beams afar; Hail, Mother of God! Above all virgins blest; Hail, happy gate of heav’n’s eternal rest. Chorus. Hail, foamy ocean’s star! Hail, heav’nly Queen! || :0 be our guide to endless joys unseen.' : f| “Hail, full of grace,” with Gabriel we repeat, Thee, Queen of heav’n, from him we learn to greet; Then give us peace, which heav’n alone can give, And dead thro’ Eve; thro’ Mary let us live. —40 39—MOTHER dear, o pray for me. Mother dear, 0! pray for me, While far from heav,n and thee I wander in a fragile bark O’er life’s tempestuous sea; O Virgin Mother, from thy throne All bright in bliss above, Protect thy child and cheer my path With thy sweet smile of love. Chorus. Mother dear, remember me, And never cease thy care, Till in heav’n eternally, Thy love and bliss I share. Mother dear, Oh, pray for me Should pleasure’s siren lay E’er tempt thy child to wander far From virtue’s path away; When thorns beset life’s devious way And darkling waters flow, Then, Mary, aid thy weeping child, Thyself a Mother show. —41— 40—MARY, dearest mother. Mary, dearest Mother From thy heavenly height Look on us thy children, Lost in earth’s dark night. Chorus. Oh we pray the lov’d Mary, Mary, fondly we entreat, Guide us to our sweet Saviour, And leave us at His feet. Mary shield us from danger Keep our souls from sin, Help thy exiled children, Heav’n at last to win. Oh! we love thee, Mary, Trusting all to thee; What is past or present What is yet to be. —42— 41—WITH HOLY CHOIRS OF ANGELS. With holy choirs of angels* Come let us j oin our lays ; With songs, 0 Queen of heaven, We celebrate thy praise. Chorus. Holy Mary, let us praise thee^ From thy love we’ll ne’er depart! Now before thee, we implore thee, Come and reign o’er ev’ry heart. Beside thee Star of morning, Fair nature hides her face; And heav’n’s bright adorning Is thy transcendent grace. —43— 42—MOTHER DEAREST. Mather dearest, Mother fairest, Help of all who call on thee; Virgin purest, brightest, rarest, Help us, help, we cry to thee. Chorus. Mary help us, help we pray, Mary help us, help we pray, Help us in all care and sorrow, Mary help us, help we pray. Lady help in pain and sorrow, Soothe those racked on bed of pain; May the golden light of morrow, Bring them health and joy again. —44— 43—BRIGHT QUEEN OF HEAVEN. Bright Queen of heaven, Virgin most fair, Mary most gentle, list to our pray’r: Mother protect us, aid to us bring, || ‘Sweetly enfold us, ’neath sheltering wing. :|| Star of the ocean, shedding soft light, Solace in sorrow, and rest ’mid the night; Send in our slumbers, peace from above, || : Shine on us ever, bright Star of Love. : || —45— 44—MACULA NON EST IN TE. Daughter of a Mighty Father Maiden Patron of the May, Angel forms around thee gather, Macula non est in te. Chorus. Macula non est in te, Macula non est in te, Macula non est in te, Macula non est in te. Mother of the Son and Saviour, Of the Truth, the Life, the Way, Guide our footsteps, calm our passions, Macula non est in te. Spouse of the Eternal Spirit, Blossom that will ne’er decay, Let us but thy love inherit, Macula non est in te. 45—OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL. Virgin Mather, Lady of Good Counsel! Sweetest picture artist ever drew. In all doubts I cry to thee for guidance, Mother, tell me, what am I to do ? Chorus. By thy face to Jesus' face inclining Sheltered safely in thy mantle blue, By His little arms around thee twining ]| : Mother, tell me what am I to do. :|| Should I ever, wilfully forgetting, Fail to pay my God His homage due; Should I sin, and live without regretting, Mother, tell me, what am I to do? 46—JOSEPH, GUARDIAN OF MARY. Holy Joseph Guardian of Mary, Heaven owns Thy potent sway, Jesus when a child lov’d ever, Thy gentle mandates to obey. Chorus. Dear St. Joseph Oh! Remember, Never has a child of thine, Vainly sought for grace or comfort >;1; At thy lilied shrine. We have come when life’s sky was shaded With the clouds of pain and grief, < - A We have called on thee, St. Joseph, And thy name has always brought relief. Holy Patron, whose angelic spirit Breathed itself in love away In the arms of its Creator, Be thou near us at death, we pray! —48— 47—SAINT JOSEPH. Dear Guardian of Mary! dear nurse of her child! Life's ways are full weary, the desert is wild! Bleak sands are all round us, no home can we see; Sweet spouse of Our Lady! we lean upon thee. ^ For thou to the pilgrim art father and guide, And Jesus and Mary felt safe at thy side; Ah! blessed Saint Joseph, how safe should I be, Sweet Spouse of Our Lady ! if thou wert with me. —49 48—GUARDIAN ANGEL. Angel guardian, from heav’n so bright, Watching beside me, to lead me aright, Fold thy wings round me, 0 guard me with love, Softly sing songs to me, of heav’n above. Chorus. Beautiful angel, my guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, for I am thy child Angel so holy! whom God sends to me, Sinful and lowly, my guardian to be — Wilt thou not cherish the child of thy care? Let me not perish—my trust is thy pray’r. Angel, dear Angel, oh, close by me stay; Safe from harm shield me and ill keep away — Then thou wilt lead me when this life is o’er To Jesus and Mary to praise evermore. —50— 49—HIBERNIA’S CHAMPION SAINT. Hibernia’s champion saint, all hail! With fadeless glory crown’d; The offspring of your ardent zeal, This day your praise shall sound. Chorus. Great and glorious Saint Patrick, Pray for that dear country, Great and glorious Saint Patrick, Hearken to the pray’rs of thy children. Borne on the wings of charity, To Erin’s coast you flew, Bade Satan from her valleys flee, And his dark shrines o’erthrew. 50—COR IESU. Cor Iesu, Iesu, miserere nobis. Cor Iesu miserere Cor Iesu miserere nobis. 51—JESUS, THE VERY THOUGHT OF THEE. Jesus, the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see, And in Thy presence rest. Chorus. Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame. Nor can the mem’ry find, A sweeter sound than Thy blest name, O Saviour of mankind. O Hope of every contrite heart, O joy of all the meek; To those that fall how kind Thou art. How good to those that seek. —52— 52—AS THE DEWY SHADES OF EVEN. As the dewy shades of even Gather o’er the balmy air, Listen, gentle Queen of Heaven, Listen to my vesper prayer. Chorus. Holy Mother, near me hover, Free my tho’ts from aught defiled; With thy wings of mercy cover, Save from harm thy helpless child. Thine own sinless heart was broken, Sorrow’s sword had pierced its core; Holy Mother, by that token, Now thy pity I implore. Queen of heaven, guard and guide me, Save my soul from dark despair; In thy tender bosom hide me, Take me, Mother, to thy care. —53— 53—COME, HOLY GHOST, CREATOR BLEST. Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest, And in our hearts take up Thy rest; Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid, || :To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. : || O Comforter to Thee we cry Thou heavenly gift of God most high; Thou Fount of life and Fire of Love, || : And sweet anointing from above. :|| —54— 54—the MESSAGE. A message from the Sacred Heart! What may this message be ? “My child, my child! give Me thy hearty My heart has bled for thee.” This is the message Jesus sends To my poor heart to-day. And from His throne in heaven He bends To hear what I shall say. A message to the Sacred Heart! Ah! bear it back with speed; “Come, Jesus, reign within my heart, Thy Heart is all I need.” This prayer I’ll pray while here I pine, From heaven and Thee apart; Nor cease, dear Lord, till I am Thine Forever heart to heart. —55— 55—0 SACRED HEART. 0 Sacred Heart, Our home lies deep in thee; On earth thou art an exile's rest, In heav'n the glory of the blest, 0 Sacred Heart. O Sacred Heart, Thou fount of contrite tears, Where'er those living waters flow New life to sinners they bestow: O Sacred Heart. O Sacred Heart, Our trust is all in Thee, For tho' earth’s night be dark and drear, Thou breathest rest, where Thou are near, O Sacred Heart. O Sacred Heart, Lead exiled children home, Where we may ever rest near Thee, In peace and joy eternally: O Sacred Heart. —56— 56—JESUS SAVIOUR OF MY SOUL. Jesus! Saviour of my soul, Let me to Thy refuge fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is nigh. Hide me, O my Saviour, hide Till the storm of life is past; Safe into Thy haven guide, O receive my soul at last. Chorus. Jesus! refuge of my soul, Let me to Thy refuge fly; Ave, Ave, Jesus mild, Deign to hear Thy lowly child. Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee, Leave, oh leave me not alone, Still support and strengthen me. All my trust in Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head, With the cover of Thy wing. —57— 57—SALVE REGINA. Salve, salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae; Vita, vita dulcedo, et spes nostra salve. Ad te clamamus exules, exules filii Evae: Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes, In hac lacrimarum valle, In hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, eia ergo advocata nostra, illos tuos Misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Jesum benedictum fructum ventris, ventris tui, Nobiss post hoc exsilium, exsilium ostende 0 clemens! O pia! 0 dulcis Virgo Maria. —58— 58—SWEET LADY. Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart, Thy own sweet month of May, So bright with bloom and crown’d with flowers, Is fading fast away: || Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart. Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart, This lovely month we crown, While from thy home in heav’n above, Thy gentle eyes look down. || Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart. Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart, When life is darkest here, To us thy potent aid impart, To comfort and to cheer: || Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart. 59— 59—HOLY MARY, MOTHER MILD. Holy Mary, Mother mild! O sweet, sweet Mother! Hear, O hear thy feeble child, O sweet, sweet Mother! s Chorus. 0 exult! ye Cherubim! O rejoice! ye Seraphim! Praise her! Praise her, 0 praise our spotless mother. Tossed on life’s tempestuous sea, O sweet, sweet Mother! Cast thy loving eyes on me, 0 sweet, sweet Mother! Dangers press on ev’ry side, O sweet, sweet Mother! Star of the Ocean, be my guide, O sweet, sweet Mother! Maiden Mother, hear my pray’r, 0 sweet, sweet Mother! Prove to us thy loving care, 0 sweet, sweet Mother! —60— 60—SILENT NIGHT. Silent Night, Holy Night, All is calm, all is bright, Hound yon Virgin Mother and Child, Holy Infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace! Sleep in heavenly peace! Silent night, Holy Night, Shepherds quake at the sight, Glories stream from heaven afar, Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia; Christ, the Saviour, is born! Christ, the Saviour, is born! Silent night, Holy Night, Son of God, love’s pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face, * With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. 61—ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the Cross of Jesus going on before; Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; Forward unto battle, see His banner goT Chorus. Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the Cross of Jesus going on before. Like a mighty army moves the Church of God; Bdothers, we are treading where the saints have trod; We are not divided, all one body we, One in hope and doctrine, one in charity. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Page Adeste Fideles 16 Adoro Te Devote 10 Adoro Te . 11 Alma Redemptoris 4 Angels We Have Heard 22 As the Dewy Shades of Even 52 At the Offertory 24 Ave Maris Stella 3 Ave Regina 5 Bright Queen of Heaven ! 44 Christus Vincit 9 Come, Holy Ghost 53 Cor Jesu , 51 Guardian Angel 49 Hail, Queen of Heaven 33 Hail, Heavenly Queen 39 Hibernia’s Champion Saint 50 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name 1 . 30 Holy Mary, Mother Mild 59 Immaculate . < 34 I Need Thee, Heart of Jesus - 23 Jesu Dulcis Memoria . 13 Jesus, My Lord, My God ..1 25 Jesus! Saviour of My Soul 50 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee 51 Joseph, Guardian of Mary 47 Laudate Dominum . . - 8 Lead, Kindly Light i ~~—......... 29 Macula Non Est In Te .. 40 Page Mary, Dearest Mother 41 Mother Dear, O Pray for Me 40 Mother Dearest 43 O Blest Fore’er The Mother 37 O Filii et Filiae 15 O Jesus! Open Wide Thy Heart 28 O Lord, I Am Not Worthy 26 O Maria, Virgo Pia 20 O Sacred Heart 55 O Salutaris , 6 O Sanctissima 21 On This Day, O Beautfful Mother 35 Onward, Christian Soldiers .• 61 Our Lady of Good Council 46 Our Lovely Queen of May 36 Panis Angelicus 12 Pange Lingua 14 Parce Domine 8 Regina Caeli 6 Salve Regina 57 Silent Night 60 Stabat Mater 18 St. Joseph .' 48 Sweet Lady 58 Tantum Ergo 7 The Message 54 Thou Art All Fair 32 ’Tis the Month of Our Mother 38 To Jesus’ Heart All Burning 27 To Love Holy Mary 31 Veni Creator Spiritus y 17 With Holy Choirs of Angels 42