Novena holy hour in honor of the Blessed Sacrament lOV'Tft ii- NOVENA EOLY HOUR IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Fifteenth Edition, 78,000 Printed in U. S. A. February 27, 1 950 By OUR SUNDAY VISITOR PRESS Huntington, Indiana 2 *253^.. OUR SUNDAY VISITOR LIBRARY HUNTINGTON, INDIANA Nihil Obstcrn F. P. MULLIGAN Censor Librorum Imprimatur FRANCIS J. BECKMAN Archbishop of Dubuque Cedar Falls, Iowa, Feb. 7, 1 940 Compiled by S. J. MAUER Foreword Of recent years our people have become Novena-minded. Many parishes can boast of Novenas held without interruption for years and attended by a large concourse of people. The Church has given them its hearty approval and many are the spiritual and temporal favors that have been granted through them. Our Blessed Lord is pleased with any due honor we pay the Saints; He looks with special favor upon honor paid to His holy Mother. But the Source of grace must not be overlooked. The “Holy Hour” in honor of the Blessed Sacrament places emphasis upon the Fountainhead of grace, the Eucharistic God—that dynamo of power that will charge Christian souls with vitality and fervor. This must have been in the minds of the Most Reverend Archbishops and Bishops when, in their recent annual assembly in Washington, they urged the promotion of the “Holy Hour” and suggested that it be held in all churches, wherever possible. And mak- ing the “Holy Hour” in the form of a Novena will be an inducement for the faithful to attend regularly. It is important that those who make Novenas, do so with balanced judgment. Novenas do not form a regular part of divinely ordained service. More important than the making of Novenas is the faithful performance of one’s duties as a Catholic in the line of attending Mass on Sundays and Holydays and receiving the Sacra- ments at regular intervals. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and the latter can never take the place of the former. Meager blessings can be expected through the making of Novenas unless and until pri- mary duties have been fulfilled. No superstition must be connected with a Novena. The Church makes no definite promise as to requests being granted through them. While often great favors are granted through Novenas, we must re- member that all blessings are dependent on the will of God. It is therefore proper that we ask for favors to be granted only on condition that they be conducive to the glory of God and our own welfare. However, Novenas should not be made merely to request favors. They should be a medium through which we fulfill the first purpose of our existence, that of bringing glory to God. And certainly, the “Holy Hour” lends itself admirably to this purpose. The “Holy Hour” is further- more a splendid means through which to render thanksgiving to God for favors re- ceived. Of all Novenas, that to the Blessed Sac- rament is the most beautiful and most ef- fective. Most beautiful, because the Eucharist is the most beautiful treasure in the possession of the Church; most ef- fective, because through it we approach the very source of grace. Pastors who will introduce it into their parishes will find that it will effect such improvements and reforms as their preaching could not possibly effect. The faithful who make this Novena will be charged with zeal — the zeal that is needed for positive Cath- olic Action. A “Holy Hour” in which the faithful are not mere listeners but active participants is never dull. All too quickly the hour we watch with Jesus will pass, but it will leave in its wake most bounteous bless- ings. Directions The faithful are to take part in the sing- ing of all hymns. The parts prefixed with "Pr.” are said by the priest; those pre- fixed with “P” are said by the people. The priest will announce each prayer and each hymn before it is recited or sung. For the sake of variation the prayers may be re- cited in a different sequence and adapta- tions have to be made as necessity re- quires. If the priest in charge sees to it that the pauses are scrupulously observed, the faithful will recite these prayers with un- ction and dignity. Additional prayers can be found at the end of the booklet. The Compiler Exposition Of The Blessed Sacrament 0 Salutaris (Everybody sing) 0 Salutaris Hostia, Quae coeli pandis ostium! Bella premunt hostilia; Da robur fer auxilium. Uni Trinoque Domino Sit sempeterna gloria; Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. Amen No. 1 Intention (From the, Roman Breviary) All—In the name of the Father,—and of the Son,—and of the Holy Ghost Amen. Pr. Open, O Lord our mouths — P. To bless Thy holy Name ;—cleanse our hearts—from all vain, evil and distracting thoughts ;—enlighten our understanding, —inflame our wills ;—that we may worth- ily,—attentively and devoutly—spend this hour—in the presence of Thy divine Maj- esty;—thru Christ our Lord.—Amen. 8 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR 0 Lord, we offer these prayers to Thee —in union with that divine intention — with which Thou Thyself,—whilst on earth,—didst render praises to God. No. 2 Opening Prayer Pr. Come Holy Ghost,—fill the hearts of Thy faithful. P. And kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Pr. 0 Lord,—Jesus Christ — P. Who hast promised—that wherever two or three—shall be gathered in Thy name,—Thou wilt be in the midst of them ; —look down with compassion,—love and mercy upon us,—who are now united be- fore Thee—in the lowliness of our hearts —to adore Thy Sacred Presence,—in the desire to make it known and loved by all. —Stay in our midst,—sweet Jesus.—Fill our hearts with Thy blessings,—inflame them with Thy love.—0 Jesus,—humbly kneeling in Thy Presence,—and united with all the faithful on earth,—and the saints in heaven,—we adore Thee,—true God and true Man,—here present in the Eucharist. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 9 Lord Jesus,—we desire during this hour —to adore Thee,—to thank Thee,—to re- new our sorrow for sin,—and to ask for all the graces—of which we stand in need. —We also desire to make reparation—for our own coldness towards Thee—in the Sacrament of Thy love;—for the ingrati- tude and sins of others,—especially for the outrages and sacrileges offered Thee —in the most Holy Sacrament. We offer this Holy Hour—for the gen- eral intention for which we make it — (that God might bless this parish)—and for our own particular intentions. Grant us the grace, dear Jesus,—to spend this hour—for Thy greater honor and glory. 0 Sacramental Jesus,—be Thou our Mediator with Thy heavenly Father. — Strengthen our weakness;—confirm our resolutions;— make us love Thee more and more;—grant that nothing in life or death—may ever separate us from Thee- Amen. 10 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR No. 3 Invitation (Partly from Ps. 9U.) Pr. O Sacrament most holy,—O Sacra- ment divine. P. All praise and all thanksgiving—be every moment Thine. Pr. Come,—let us praise our Eucharistic Lord,—the King of everlasting glory. P. Come,—let us praise our Eucharistic Lord,—the King of everlasting glory. Pr. Come,—let us sing unto the Lord with joy;—to God, our Savior,—let us raise a song of praise;—before His face let us appear betimes to offer thanks, — and raise our hearts to Him—in psalms of jubilee. P. Come,—let us praise our Eucharistic Lord,—the King of everlasting glory. Pr. Because the Lord is great,—the God of might,—a mighty King above all gods; —His people He will not disdain;—for in His hand are all the ends of the earth — and on the mountain heights His eye doth rest. P. Come,—let us praise our Eucharistic Lord,—the King of everlasting glory. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 11 Pr. The sea is His,—for He created it; — the land His hands have formed.—Come, —in adoration let us bend the knee before our God;—for verily He is our Lord, — our God;—and we His people—are the sheep of His pasture. P. Come,—let us praise our Eucharistic Lord,—the King of everlasting glory. Pr. O Sacrament, most holy,—0 Sacra- ment divine. P. All praise and all thanksgiving—be every moment Thine. No. 4 Acts of Adoration Pr. Jesus, our God — P. We adore Thee,—here present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar,—where Thou waitest, day and night,—to be our comfort—while we await Thine unveiled Presence in heaven.—Jesus, our God, — we adore Thee in all places—where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved,—especi- ally where Thou art little honored,—and where sins are committed against this Sacrament of love.—Jesus, our God,—we adore Thee for all time,—past, present 12 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR and future,—for every soul that ever was, —is, or shall be created.—Jesus, our God, —Who for us hast endured hunger and cold,—labor and fatigue,—we adore Thee. —Jesus, our God,—Who for our sake has deigned to subject Thyself—to the humili- ation of temptation,—to the perfidy and defection of friends,—to the scorn of Thy enemies,—we adore Thee.—Jesus, our God, Who for us hast endured the buffet- ings of Thy Passion,—the scourging, — the crown of thorns,—the heavy weight of the Cross,—we adore Thee.—Jesus, our God,—Who for our salvation,—and that of all mankind—was cruelly nailed to the Cross,—hung thereon for three long hours in bitter agony,—we adore Thee. — Jesus, our God,—Who for love of us, — didst institute this Blessed Sacrament — dost offer Thyself daily for the sins of men,—we adore Thee.—Jesus, our God, — Who in Holy Communion becomest the food of our souls,—we adore Thee. — Jesus, for Thee I live,—Jesus, for Thee I die,—Jesus, I am Thine,—in life and in death. Amen. No. 5 Hymn (As announced) Stand OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 13 No. 6 Versicles and Prayer Pr. Praised be Jesus Christ. P. Now, and forever more. Pr. Heart of Jesus,—burning with love for us. P. Inflame our hearts with love of Thee. Pr. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus,—we im- plore. P. The grace to love Thee, more and more. Pr. 0 Lord, hear our prayer. P. And let our cry come unto Thee. Pr. Let us pray. P. 0, almighty and eternal God,—look upon the Heart—of Thy dearly beloved Son,—and upon the praise and satisfac- tion—He offers Thee in the name of sin- ners—and for those who seek Thy mercy ; —be Thou appeased,—and grant us par- don—in the name of the same Jesus Christ,—Thy Son, our Lord,—Who liveth and reigneth with Thee,—in unity of the Holy Ghost,—world without end.—Amen. 14 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR No. 7 Offering Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise; Take my hands and let them work Duty’s bidding never shirk. Take my feet and let them be Swift and dutiful to Thee. Take my voice and let it sing Thine eternal love, my King; Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages from Thee; Take my intellect and use Every power as Thou shalt choose; Take my will and make it flee All that gives offense to Thee. Take my heart, it is Thine own, Let it be Thy royal throne; Take my love, my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store; Take myself, all that is mine To be forever only Thine. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 15 No. 8 Thanksgiving Pr. 0 my God — P. I thank Thee for all the favors—Thou hast bestowed upon me.—I give Thee thanks from the bottom of my heart—for having created me,—for all the joys of life —and its sorrows too,—for the home Thou gavest me,—for the loved ones with which Thou hast surrounded me,— for the friends I have made through life. My Lord God,—I thank Thee for guard- ing me always,—and keeping me safe; — I thank Thee for forgiving me so often — in the Sacrament of Penance;—for offer- ing Thyself in the holy Mass—with all Thy infinite merits to the Father for me; —for coming to me in Holy Communion — in spite of the coldness of my welcome; — for Thy patient waiting in the adorable Sacrament of the Altar. My Jesus,—I thank Thee for having lived—suffered, and died for me.—I thank Thee for Thy love.—I thank Thee, Lord, —for preparing a place for me in heaven, —where I hope to be happy with Thee, — and to thank Thee for all eternity. Amen 16 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR No. 9 To Christ the King (From the Mass of Christ the King.) Pr. To the King of Ages,—immortal and invisible,—the only God. P. Be honor and glory,—forever and ever. Amen. Pr. Benediction,—glory and wisdom, — thanksgiving and honor,—power and strength P. To our God—forever and ever. Amen. Pr. The Lamb that was slain—is worthy to receive power—and divinity and wis- dom,—and strength and honor P. For ever and ever. Amen. Pr. Give to the King Thy judgment,— 0 God,—and Thy justice unto the King’s Son.—Glory be to the Father,—and to the Son,—and to the Holy Ghost. P. As it was in the beginning,—is now and forever shall be,—world without end. Amen. Pr. The Lamb that was slain—is worthy to receive power—and divinity and wis- dom—and strength and honor. P. To Him be glory and empire—forever and ever. Amen. Pr. Let us pray: OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 17 P. Almighty and everlasting God,—Who didst will that all things should be made new—in Thy beloved Son,—the Universal King,—mercifully grant,—that all peoples among the gentiles,—scattered by the rav- ages of sin,—may be brought under the sweet yoke of His rule,—Who liveth and reigneth with Thee—in unity of the Holy Ghost,—God world without end. Amen. Pr. 0 Sacred Banquet P. In which Christ is received,—the memory of His passion is renewed,—the soul is filled with grace,—and a pledge of future glory is given us, Pr. Thou hast fed Thy people with the Bread of angels. P. Thou hast given them Bread from heaven. Pr. Let us bless the Lord. P. It is meet and just. Pr. It is truly meet and just,—right and salutary,—that we should at all times — and in all places—give thanks unto Thee, —0 Holy Lord, Father Almighty,—ever- lasting God;—Who didst anoint with the oil of gladness—thine only begotten Son, —our Lord Jesus Christ,—the eternal 18 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR priest and universal King,—that He might accomplish the mystery of man's redemption—by immolating Himself—an unspotted sacrifice and peace offering — on the altar of the cross:—and having subjected all creatures to His dominion, —might deliver to Thine infinite majesty —an eternal and universal kingdom, — a kingdom of truth and life,—a kingdom of sanctification and grace:—a kingdom of justice,—love and peace.—And there- fore, with the angels and archangels, — the thrones and dominations,—and the whole host of the heavenly army—we sing the hymn of Thy glory,—saying again and again : P. Holy,—holy,—holy,—Lord God of Hosts ;—the heavens and the earth — are full of Thy glory;—hosanna in the highest;—blessed is He—Who cometh in the name of the Lord;—hosanna in the highest. No. 1 0 Hymn At this point the priest may give a ser- mon or a meditation, during which the people are seated. If no sermon or medi- tation is given, the following prayers may be said instead: OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 19 No. 1 1 Litany of Sacred Heart Pr. Lord have mercy on us. P. Christ, have mercy on us. Pr. Lord have mercy on us. Christ hear us. P. Christ, graciously hear us. Pr. God, the Father of Heaven, P. Have mercy on us. (This same res- ponse for the following invocations.) Pr. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, God, the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Ghost, in the Womb of the Virgin Mother, Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God, Heart of Jesus, of Infinite Majesty, Heart of Jesus, Holy Temple of God, Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High, Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven, 20 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of Charity, Heart of Jesus, abode of Justice and Love, Heart of Jesus, full of Goodness and Love, Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, Heart of Jesus, King and Center of all hearts, Heart of Jesus, in Whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Heart of Jesus, in Whom dwells the full- ness of Divinity, Heart of Jesus, in Whom the Father was well pleased, Heart of Jesus, of Whose fullness we have all received, Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills, Heart of Jesus, patient and full of mercy, Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke Thee, Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holi- ness. Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 21 Heart of Jesus, loaded down with re- proaches, Heart of Jesus, bruised for our offenses, Heart of Jesus, obedient unto death, Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, Heart of Jesus, source of all consola- tion, Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrec- tion, Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconcili- ation, Heart of Jesus, Victim of sin, Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who trust in Thee, Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, Heart of Jesus, delight of all the saints, Pr. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, — P. Spare us, 0 Lord. Pr. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, — P. Graciously hear us, 0 Lord ! Pr. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, — P. Have mercy on us ! 22 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR Pr. Jesus, meek and humble of Heart. P. Make our hearts like unto Thine. Pr. LET US PRAY:—0 Almighty and Eternal God, look upon the Heart of Thy dearly beloved Son, and upon the praise and satisfaction He offers Thee in the name of sinners and for those who seek Thy mercy; be Thou appeased, and grant us pardon in the name of the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Who liveth and reign- eth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. P. Amen. No. 12 Dedication of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Pr. Most sweet Jesus. P. Redeemer of the human race,—look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thy altar.—We are Thine and Thine we wish to be ;—but to be more surely united with Thee,—behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today—to Thy Most Sacred Heart.—Many indeed have never known Thee;—many, too, despising Thy OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 23 precepts,—have rejected Thee.—Have mercy on them all,—Most Merciful Jesus, —and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. — Be Thou King, 0 Lord,—not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, — but also of the prodigal children—who have abandoned Thee. Grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house—lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.—Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions,—or whom discord keeps aloof,—and call them back to the harbor of truth—and unity of faith—so that soon there may be but one flock and one shepherd.—Be Thou King of all those—who are still involved in the darkness of Idolatry and Islamism—and refuse not to draw them all—into the light and kingdom of God.—Turn Thy eyes of mercy towards the children of that race, —once Thy chosen people.—Of old they called down upon themselves—the blood of the Savior;—may it now descend upon them,—a laver of redemption and of life. —Grant, 0 Lord to Thy Church,—assur- ance of freedom and immunity from harm; —give peace and order to all nations, — and make the earth resound from pole to 24 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR pole with one cry:—Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation;—to it be glory and honor forever.—Amen. No. 1 3 Hymn No. 14 Promises of Our Lord (To Saint Margaret Mary for souls de- voted to His Sacred Heart.) Pr. 1. I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life. P. O Sacred Heart of Jesus—grant us the grace—to fulfill faithfully—the duties of our state of life. Pr. 2. I will establish peace in their homes. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—bless our homes—with Thy sweet peace. Pr. 3. I will comfort them in all their afflictions. P. O Sacred Heart of Jesus—console us —in the hour of affliction. Pr. 4. I will be their secure refuge dur- ing life, and above all in death. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—Secure us in Thy Sacred Heart—and assist us—in the hour of our death. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 25 Pr. 5. I will bestow a great blessing upon all their undertakings. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—crown our efforts with success. Pr. 6. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—Show forth to sinners—the depth of Thy mercy. Pr. 7. Tepid souls shall grow fervent. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—inflame our hearts—with zeal for Thy kingdom. Pr. 8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—aid us to greater perfection. Pr. 9. I will bless every place, where a picture of My Heart shall be set up and honored. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—let Thy Sacred image—bring blessings upon our homes. Pr. 10. I will give to priests the gifts of touching the most hardened sinners. P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—grant the grace of repentance—to wayward sinners. Pr. 11. Those who shall promote this devotion, shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be blotted out. 26 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR P. 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus—engrave our names—in Thy Sacred Heart. Pr. 12. I promise thee in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant—to all those who com- municate on the first Friday in nine con- secutive months, the grace of final perser- verance ; they shall not die in My disgrace —nor without receiving the Sacraments; P. O Sacred Heart of Jesus—be our solace in death—and grant us the grace — of final perserverance. Amen. No. 15 Acts of Reparation Pr. 0 Divine Jesus — P. Hid beneath the mystic emblems— I adore Thee—and acknowledge Thee true God and true man. By this, my act of adoration—I intend to make reparation — for the cold hearts of so many of Thy people—who pass before Thy holy church- es—and before Thy very tabernacle — where hour after hour—Thou dost deign to dwell with loving impatience—to give Thyself as the food of men—who yet do not even bend the knee before Thee—their God; but like the Israelites in the wilder- ness—seem by their very indifference—to OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 27 loathe this heavenly Manna. I offer Thee in reparation—Thine own most Precious Blood—as with fervor I exclaim — Pr. 0 Sacrament most holy, 0 Sacrament divine — P. All praise and all thanksgiving—be every moment Thine. Pr. 0 Divine Jesus — P. Profoundly I adore Thee—as I ack- nowledge Thy presence—in this holy Sac- rament. By this act of adoration—fain would I make amends—for the forgetful- ness of Thy people—so many of whom seem—as though they knew Thee not—But while they see Thee go to the sick—to be their strength on their journey to eternity —leave Thee unescorted—and give Thee no sign of homage. I offer Thee in repara- tion for this coldness—Thine own most Precious Blood—as with fervor I ex- claim — Pr. 0 Sacrament most holy, 0 Sacrament divine — P. All praise and all thanksgiving—be every moment Thine. Pr. 0 Divine Jesus — P. Profoundly I adore Thee—true Bread of eternal life ; an d by this act of adoration 28 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR —I would fain make Thee compensation — for all the wounds with which Thy Sacred Heart doth daily bleed—to see the pro- fanation of the churches—wherein Thou dost abide—beneath the sacramental spe- cies—to receive the love and adoration of Thy people. I offer Thee—in reparation for such irreverence—Thine own most Precious Blood—as with fervor I ex- claim — Pr. O Sacrament most holy, O Sacra- ment divine — P. All praise and all thanksgiving—be every moment Thine. Pr. O Divine Jesus — P. Profoundly I adore Thee—living Bread come down from heaven. And by this act of adoration—I fain would make amends—for all the acts of irreverance — which Thy people, day by day—commit in assisting at holy Mass—wherein Thou dost renew bloodlessly—that selfsame Sac- rifice—which Thou didst consumate on Calvary—for our salvation. I offer Thee — in reparation for this ingratitude—Thine own most Precious Blood—as with fervor I exclaim — OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 29 Pr. 0 Sacrament most holy, 0 Sacrament divine — P. All praise and all thanksgiving—be every moment Thine. Pr. 0 Divine Jesus — P. Profoundly I adore Thee—true victim of atonement for our sins. And I offer this act of adoration—in compensation for the sacrilegious outrages—which Thou dost receive from so many ungrateful people—who dare draw nigh to Thee—and receive Thee unworthily—in holy Com- munion. In reparation for these sacrileges —I offer Thee Thine own most Precious Blood—as with fervor I exclaim — Pr. O Sacrament most holy, 0 Sacrament divine — P. All praise and all thanksgiving—be every moment Thine. No. 16 Prayer for Peace (By St. Francis of Assisi.) Pr. Dear Jesus — P. Make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred—let me sow love — where there is injury—pardon: where there is doubt—faith : where there is des- 30 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR pair—hope: where there is darkness — light: and where there is sickness—joy. 0 Divine Master—grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled—as to console : to be understood—as to understand : to be loved—as to love: for it is in giving that we receive : it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying—that we are born to eternal life. Amen. No. 1 7 Hymn No. 18 Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Pr. 0 divine Jesus. P. Lonely tonight—in so many tabernac- les,—without visitor or worshipper,— I offer Thee my poor,—but loving heart. — May its every beating—be a prayer of love for Thee. Thou art ever watching—under the sac- ramental veils;—in Thy love Thou never sleepest—and art never weary of Thy vigil for sinners.—O good Jesus, I love Thee; — I am truly sorry for having offended Thee. O lonely Jesus,—may my heart be a lamp,—the light of which shall burn and OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 31 beam for Thee alone.—Bless me, O Jesus, —and fill my heart with love for Thee. — Make me, Jesus,—wholly Thine.—Take this wayward heart of mine.—Guide it through this vale of tears—Heart of Jesus hear me. — When I draw my parting breath, — when my eyes shall close in death,—then, sweet Jesus,—be Thou near me,—Watch, Sacramental Sentinel,—watch for the weary world,—for the erring soul,—and for Thy poor lonely child. Pr. Let us pray: P. 0 God—Thou Who hast left us in this wonderful Sacrament—a memorial of Thy passion,—grant us, we beseech Thee,—so to venerate the sacred myster- ies of Thy body and blood,—that we may ever experience in ourselves—the fruit of Thy redemption;—Who livest and reign- est—world without end. Amen. No. 19 Act of Reparation Pr. 0 good Jesus,—in gratitude for Thy many graces,—and in sorrow for many abuses of these graces,—we wish at this moment,—both for ourselves,—ever un- 32 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR grateful,—and for the world,—ever crim- inal,—to make an act of solemn repara- tion. — For the irreverence we have committed in the house of God. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For our careless and distracted at- tendance at Mass, P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For our lack of preparation before, —and our poor thanksgiving after Holy Communion. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For our failure to cooperate with Thy daily graces, P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For our sins of pride, sensuality and uncharitableness, P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For our bad example—and the sins we have caused in others, P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For our abuses of Thy holy Name in cursing and swearing. P. We wish to make reparation. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 33 Pr. For the frightful blasphemies utter- ed against Thee. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For the deplorable untruths of heresy. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For all deserters and apostates. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For the profanations of the Lord’s Day. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For the sacrilegious desecration of Thy churches and altars. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. For every offense ever committed against Thee—by ourselves and others. P. We wish to make reparation. Pr. 0 Love neglected,—0 Goodness but too little known. P. We wish to make reparation. No. 20 Act of Praise Pr. 0 good Master,—what shall I give Thee in exchange—for all Thou hast given me?—I would like to give Thee my soul, —all sparkling with purity and sincerity — 34 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR P. But mine is afflicted with so many miseries. Pr. I would like to pray to Thee—with the burning words of the Seraphim — P. But I feel riveted to earthly things. Pr. I would like to offer Thee—sweet delicate virtues — P. But I can find so little in me. Pr. I would bring Thee—a humble, gentle, generous heart — P. But mine has been hardened—with pride and selfishness. Pr. I would like at least,—to have a de- sire for holiness — P. But I allow myself to be discouraged by failures. Pr. O good Jesus, I have nothing to give Thee,—and Thou hast given everything. —I can only join my poor voice—in the chorus of praise to Thee,—rising out of all the works of Thy creation—and say — P. I praise Thy majesty. Pr. With the vastness of the mountains, —the immensity of the desert,—the roar of the ocean,—the fury of the storm — P. I praise Thy power. Pr. With the flowers of the field,— OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 35 the colors of the rainbow,—the whiteness of the snow,—the green of the fields,—the blue of the skies — P. I praise Thy beauty. Pr. With the fruits of the earth,—the air I breathe,—the light I see,—the life I en- joy— P. I praise Thy goodness. Pr. With the splendor of the stars,—the rays of the sun,—the moon’s pale light, — the depths of space — P. I praise Thy immensity. Pr. With all the millions—now living on earth — P. I praise Thy mercy. Pr. May our voices unite—with the bil- lions of those—who inhabited the earth before us,—and out of whose dust—the beauty of nature perpetually arises — P. To praise Thy glory. Pr. May an infinite concert of voices, — from cottages and palaces,—from fields and forests,—from towns and deserts, — from workshops and cathedrals,—from earth and from heaven,—from time and from eternity,—arise — P. To give thanks unto Thee forever, — Amen. 36 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR No. 21 For the conversion of Sinners Pr. 0 Lord, Jesus Christ — P. We humbly beseech Thee—to hear with loving compassion—the fervent prayer—that we pour forth to Thee,—in behalf of the strayed of this parish—and of the whole world.—It is Thy most earn- est desire—that no soul should be lost — but that all should come to the love and knowledge of God.—And yet, kind Jesus, —how many there are—whom Thou hast called to the true faith,—but who have permitted that faith—to die out in their hearts?—A dread judgment awaits them —if Thou dost not show them great mercy. —Spare them, 0 Lord,—spare them, in Thy mercy ;—give them the grace to come back to Thy Church,—lest they die in their sins—and Thou be angry with them for- ever. Thou hast come upon earth—to spread the fire of love among men,—and what wouldst Thou more—than it be kindled. — Look therefore with compassionate eye, — upon the strayed in this parish—and in OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 37 the whole world—in whose mind the light of faith still shines,—but out of whose hearts—Thy grace has been driven by sin. —Move these by Thy divine light,—warn them by the voice of conscience,—so that the light of grace may follow them night and day—until, humbled and sorry for their sins,—they invoke and obtain par- don. To us also,—most loving Jesus,—impart Thy special blessing,—that as now we lovingly gather around Thine altar on earth,—we may one day be gathered around Thy throne in heaven,—there to praise Thee—and to bless Thee forever. —Amen. No. 22 Period of Silent Prayer At this point all lights in the church, ex- cept those on the altar, are extinguished. (After this period until the singing of the ‘Tantum Ergo' or another hymn, the faith- ful might be seated.) 38 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR No. 23 Protestation of Loyalty to God Pr. God the Father,—Creator of heaven and earth. P. I love Thee, O my God. (Same res- ponse for all invocations.) Pr. God the Son, Redeemer of the world. God, the Holy Ghost. Holy Trinity, one God. Thou, Who art infinite love. Thou, Who didst first love me. Thou, Who commandest me to love Thee. With all my heart. With all my soul. With all my mind. With all my strength. Above all possessions and honors. Above all pleasures and enjoyments. More than myself. More than anything belonging to me. More than all my relatives and friends. More than all men and angels. Above all created things in heaven and on earth. Because Thou art the Sovereign God. Only for Thyself. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 39 Because Thou art infinitely worthy of be- ing loved. Even hadst Thou not promised me heaven. Even hadst Thou not menaced me with hell. Even shouldst Thou try me with want and misfortune. In wealth and poverty. In prosperity and adversity. In health and in sickness. In time and in eternity. In union with that love wherewith the saints love Thee. In union with that love wherewith the Blessed Virgin loves Thee. In union with that love wherewith the angels love Thee in heaven. In union with that love wherewith Thou lovest Thyself eternally. No. 24 Rabboni (Written by a Jesuit priest just before he expired.) Rabboni,—when I am dying How glad I shall be That the lamp of my life Has burned out for Thee. That sorrow has darkened 40 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR The path that I trod, That thorns and not roses Were strewn o’er the sod. That anguish of spirit So often was mine, Since anguish of spirit So often was Thine. My cherished Rabboni, How glad I shall be That the lamp of my life Has burned out for Thee. No. 25 Prayer for Priests Pr. 0 Jesus Eternal Priest — P. Keep Thy priests within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart,—where none may touch them. Keep unstained their annointed hands, — which daily touch Thy Sacred Body. Keep unsullied their lips,—daily purpled with Thy Precious Blood. Keep pure and unworldly their hearts, — sealed with the sublime mark of the priesthood. Let Thy love surround them—from the world's contagion. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 41 Bless their labors with abundant fruit, — And may the souls to whom they min- ister—be their consolation here—and their everlasting crown hereafter. — Amen. No. 26 Act of Petition Pr. Dear Savior — P. We have adored Thee,—we have thanked Thee for Thy blessings—we have tried to make amends for our sins.—We now come to pray Thee for blessings—for ourselves and for our dear ones. 0 my Jesus, Fountain of inexhaustible benediction,—Thou Who didst bless the Apostles—before Thou didst ascend into heaven ;—bless me also—and with Thy presence sanctify me. Bless my memory,—that it may ever rec- ollect Thee. Bless my understanding,—that it may ever think of Thee. Bless my will,—that it may never seek or desire—that which displeases Thee. Bless my body, and all its actions; Bless my heart with all its affections; Bless me now and in the hour of my death. 42 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR Bless and sanctify,—dear Savior,—the absent ones in every nook and corner of this parish.—Bless the homes of our peo- ple—and make them living pictures—of Thy sweet home at Nazareth.—Make them sanctuaries of peace and domestic har- mony.—Unite the hearts that are in dis- cord.—Heal wounded feelings—and unite members of families,—priest and people, —by the bonds of love. Bless our parents. Make them pious; induce them to fulfill their duties—and live up to their responsibilities.—Bless the young;—make our men manly,—pure and sober.—Bless our young women ;—let them observe in their lives—the ideals of Christian womanhood—that we have lov- ed and revered in our parents.—Bless our little ones,—so dear to Thy Sacred Heart; —make them obedient,—truthful and pious.—Bless their teachers,—and give them the grace to live up to their holy call- ing. Dear Savior,—in the days of Thy mor- tal life,—Thou didst show Thy love and preference—for the poor and lowly,—the suffering and the sick.—Give solace to OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 43 those who are in poverty and want ;—con- sole and strengthen the sick,—and bring consolation to those—who mourn the loss of dear ones. Bless particularly,—dear Jesus,—those who have strayed from the true fold—and lead them back to the haven of peace. Bless and comfort the Missioner,—far from home and loved ones.—Bless the priests,—laboring in this portion of Thy vineyard.—Bless us all and grant—that as now we are gathered about Thine altar — we may one day be gathered—about Thy throne in heaven. Amen. Pr. Let us pray. All—O Jesus, Who hast said:—“Come to Me and I will refresh you,”—we have come,—heavily burdened with the cares of life.—Refresh us before we depart — with Thy holy Benediction,—so that car- rying our cross with new hope and cour- age,—we may at the end of our lives — hear from Thy lips—those words of final Benediction: — “Come, you blessed of My Father,—possess the kingdom prepared for you—from the foundation of the world.”—Amen. 44 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR No. 27 Tantum ergo Sacramentum, Veneremur cernui ; Et antiquum documentum, Novo cedat ritui: Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque, Laus et jubilatio: Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen. Pr. Panem de coelo praestitisti eis. (Alleluia) P. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. (Alleluia) Pr. Oremus: Deus, qui nobis sub Sac- ramento mirabili Passionis tuae memor- iam reliquisti; tribue, quaesumus, ita nos Corporis et Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis jugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. P. Amen. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 45 No. 28 Benediction No. 29 Divine Praises Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His most Sacred Heart. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacra- ment of the Altar. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Con- ception. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph, chaste Spouse of Mary. Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. 46 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR HYMNS No. 1. 0 ESCA VIATORUM O esca viatorum, O Panis Angelorum, 0 Manna Coelitum: Esurientes Ciba Dulcedine non priva Corda quaerentium Corda quaerentium. 0 lympha, fons amoris, Qui puro Salvatoris E corde Profluis; Te sitientes pota, Haec sola nostra vota, His, una sufficis, His, una sufficis. O Jesu, tuum vultum, Qui colimus occultum Sub panis specie; Fac ut remoto velo Post libera in coelo, Cernamus acie, Cernamus acie. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 47 No. 2. WHEN MORNING GILDS THE SKIES. (Melody as above.) When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries: May Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer, To Jesus I repair: May Jesus Christ be praised, May Jesus Christ be praised! The sacred minster bell It peals o’er hill and dell: May Jesus Christ be praised! Oh, hark to what it sings, As joyously it rings: May Jesus Christ be praised, May Jesus Christ be praised! No. 3. JESUS, MY LORD, MY GOD Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, How can I love Thee as I ought? And how revere this wondrous gift, So far surpassing hope and thought, Chorus: Sweet Sacrament! we Thee adore, 0 make us love Thee more and more. 0 make us love Thee more and more. 48 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR Had I but Mary’s sinless Heart, To love Thee with, my dearest King, 0 with what bursts of fervent praise, Thy goodness Jesus, would I sing. Chorus: Sweet Sacrament! (etc.) No. 4. COME, HOLY GHOST Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, And in our hearts take up Thy rest; Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid, To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. 0 Comforter, to Thee we cry, Thou heavenly Gift of God most High; Thou Fount of Life and Fire of Love, And sweet anointing from above, And sweet anointing from above. No. 5. 0! WHAT COULD MY JESUS DO MORE 0! what could my Jesus do more, Or what greater blessings impart, 0 silence my soul and adore, And press Him still nearer Thy heart. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 49 ’Tis here from my labor I’ll rest, Since He makes my poor heart His abode. To Him all my cares I’ll address, And speak to the heart of my God. In life and in death Thou art mine. My Savior, I’m sealed with Thy blood Till eternity on me doth shine, I’ll live on the flesh of my God. In Jesus triumphant I’ll live, In Jesus triumphant I’ll die. The terrors of death calmly brave, On His bosom breathe out my last sigh. No. 6. HEART OF JESUS Heart of Jesus, we are grateful For Thy answer to our pray’r; We have sought Thee, ever hopeful, That Thy blessings we might share' Thou hast heard us interceding, With Thy love which is untold. And in answer to our pleading, All Thy treasures dost unfold. Chorus: Heart of Jesus, we will thank Thee, We will love Thee more and more; Heart of Jesus, we will praise Thee, And we’ll thank Thee o’er and o’er. 50 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR Heart of Jesus, Thou hast taught us How to seek and how to find, And that lesson now hast brought us To Thy Heart so sweet and kind. What we ask with faith believing, Thou hast pledged Thy word to give, And Thy word is not deceiving, But the truth by which we live. Chorus: Heart of Jesus, we will, (etc.) No. 7. PEACE BE STILL Peace be still; Our God is dwelling Silent on His altar throne; Let us kneel, our bosoms swelling, With a joy but seldom known. Heart of Jesus! come we hither, With our burdens meekly in From a world where spirits wither, From a world whose breath is sin. Chorus: Heart of Jesus! strength supernal, Send us power from above; Heart of Jesus! light eternal, Fill our souls with light and love. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 51 Thou hast called the heavy laden, Called the poor, the frail to Thee. See us then, O Son of Maiden! None could poorer, frailer be. Thou dost know the woes and weakness Of a nature prone to ill, Heart of mercy! Heart of meekness, Be our shield, our succor still. Chorus: Heart of Jesus! (etc.) No. 8. IN THIS SACRAMENT In this Sacrament, Sweet Jesus, Thou dost give Thy Flesh and Blood; With Thy soul and Godhead also, As our own most precious food. Yes, dear Jesus, I believe it, And Thy Presence I adore; And with all my heart I love Thee, May I love Thee more and more. No. 9. O SACRED HEART OF JESUS, I PLACE MY TRUST IN THEE 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1 place my trust in Thee. 52 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR Whatever may befall me, Lord, Tho’ dark the hour may be; In all my joys, in all my woes Tho’ naught but grief I see, 0 Jesus, my Lord, Jesus, my Lord. It is my one sweet prayer, Lord, My faith, my trust, my love, But most of all in that last hour When called to Thee above; Ah then, sweet Jesus, may Thy face Smile on my soul set free, O Jesus, my Lord, Jesus, my Lord. No. 10. SOUL OF MY SAVIOR Soul of my Savior, sanctify my breast, Body of Christ, be Thou my saving Guest, Blood of my Savior, bathe me in Thy tide ; Wash me, ye waters, gushing from His Side. Strength and protection, may His Passion be, 0 blessed Jesus, hear and answer me; Deep in Thy Wounds, Lord, hide and shelter me So shall I never, never part from Thee. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 53 Guard and defend me from the foe malign In death’s dread moments make me only Thine. Call me and bid me come to Thee that day Where I may praise Thee with Thy Saints for aye. No. 11. I SEE MY JESUS CRUCIFIED. I see my Jesus crucified, His wounded Hands and Feet and Side, His Sacred Flesh all rent and torn, His bloody crown of sharpest thorn. Those cruel nails, I drove them in Each time I pierced Him with my sin, That crown of thorns ’twas I who wove When I despised His gracious love. Then to those feet I’ll venture near And wash them with a contrite tear; And ev’ry bleeding wound I see I’ll think He bore them all for me. Deep graven on my sinful heart Oh! never may that form depart, That with me always may abide That thought of Jesus Crucified. 54 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR No. 12. LORD JESUS, THINK OF ME Lord Jesus, think of me And purge me from my sin, From earth-borne passions set me free And make me pure within. Lord Jesus, think of me, With care and woe oppressed; Let me Thy loving kindness see And taste Thy promised rest. Lord Jesus, think of me, Nor let me go astray; Through darkness and perplexity Point Thou the heavenly way. Lord Jesus, think of me, That when the flood is past I may the eternal brightness see And taste Thy joy at last. No. 13. I NEED THEE, PRECIOUS JESUS I need Thee, Precious Jesus, I need a Friend like Thee; A Friend to soothe and sympathize A Friend to care for me. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT I need Thy Heart, sweet Jesus, To feel each anxious care; I long to tell my ev’ry want, And all my sorrows share. I need Thy Blood, sweet Jesus, To wash each sinful stain; To cleanse this sinful soul of mine, And make it pure again. I need Thy Wounds, sweet Jesus, To fly from perils near. To shelter in these hallowed clefts, From ev’ry doubt and fear. No. 14. TO JESUS’ HEART ALL BURNING To Jesus’ Heart all burning With fervent love for men, My heart with fondest yearning Shall raise the joyful strain. Chorus: While ages course along, Blest be with loudest song : The Sacred Heart of Jesus By ev’ry heart and tongue. : 0 Heart for me on fire, With love no man can speak, 56 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR My yet untold desire, God gives me for Thy sake. Chorus: While ages course along, (etc.) No. 15. SWEET SAVIOR! BLESS US Sweet Savior, bless us ere we go, Thy words into our minds instill, And make our lukewarm hearts to glow, With lowly love and fervent will. Chorus: Through Life’s long Day, And death’s dark night, 0 gentle Jesus, be our light, 0 gentle Jesus, be our light. The day is done, its hour has run; And Thou hast taken count of all The scanty triumphs grace has won The broken vow, the frequent fall. Chorus: Through Life’s long Day, (etc.) OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 57 Litany For A Happy Death Indulgence 100 Days Pr. O Lord Jesus,—God of goodness and Father of mercies ! I approach Thee with a contrite and humble heart; to Thee I recommend the last hour of my life—and the decision of my eternal doom. When my feet—benumbed with death — shall admonish me—that my mortal course is drawing to an end, P. Merciful Jesus,—have mercy on me. Pr. When my trembling hands—shall no longer be able to press the crucifix to my heart,—and, despite my efforts,—shall let it fall on my bed of sorrow, P. Merciful Jesus,— have mercy on me. Pr. When my eyes,—dim and troubled at the approach of death,—shall fix them- selves on Thee,—my last and only support, P. Merciful Jesus, —have mercy on me. Pr. When my face—pale and livid—shall inspire the beholders with pity and dis- may ; when my hair—bathed in the sweat of death—and stiffening on my head—shall forbode my approaching end, 58 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. When my ears—soon to be forever shut to the discourse of men—shall be opened to hear the irrevocable decree — which is to cut me off from the number of the living, P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. When my lips—cold and trembling — shall pronounce for the last time Thy adorable name, P. Merciful Jesus —have mercy on me. Pr. When my soul—affrighted with the sight of my iniquities—and the terrors of Thy judgments—shall have to fight against the angel of darkness—who will endeavor to conceal Thy mercies from my eyes—and to plunge me into despair, P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. When the last tear—the forerunner of my dissolution—shall drop from my eyes—receive it as a sacrifice—for the ex- piation of my sins; grant that I may ex- pire the victim of penance—and in that dreadful hour, P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. When my friends and relations—en- OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 59 circling my bed—shall shed a tear over me —and invoke Thy clemency in my behalf, P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. When I shall have lost the use of my senses ; when the world shall have vanish- ed from my sight ; when my agonizing soul shall feel the sorrows of death, P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. When my soul—trembling on my lips —shall bid adieu to the world—and leave my body lifeless—pale, and cold—receive this separation as an homage—which I willing pay to Thy Divine Majesty;—and in that last moment of my mortal life, P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. When at length my soul—admitted to Thy presence—shall first behold the splen- dor of Thy Majesty—reject me not—but receive me into Thy bosom—where I may forever sing Thy praises;—and in that moment—when eternity shall begin for me. P. Merciful Jesus—have mercy on me. Pr. Sweet Jesus—when our turn comes to die—grant that we may sleep calmly the sleep of the just. Guard us from the enemy; save us from the pit. Let our friends remember us—and pray for us—so 60 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR that the pains of Purgatory—so much de- served by us—and therefore so truly wel- comed by us—may be over with little delay. Give us seasons of refreshment there: — wrap us around with holy dreams and soothing contemplations—while we gather strength to ascend the heavens. — (Card. Newman.) P. Amen. Promises Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus Pr. 0 Heart of Jesus—Divine Heart — Heart filled with kindness and mercy for men—we lay before Thee—the desires and resolutions of our hearts—and offer them in reparation—of the offenses daily com- mitted against Thee—by the malice and ingratitude of men. Bless our intentions — and grant us the grace—perfectly to ac- complish them. P. Amen. Pr. The more Thy enemies endeavor—to rob men of faith in Thee— and of trust in Thy merits—thus closing to them the gates of heaven, — P. The more we believe in Thee—hope in Thee—and love Thee. OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 61 Pr. The more hell strives—by cunning and open violence—to cast our souls—into the darkness of error and petition, — P. The more carefully—and constantly — will we walk in the way of salvation. Pr. The more the truths of our holy re- ligion—are denied and opposed, — P. The more perseveringly—will we con- fess them. Pr. The more worldlings despise eternal life—seeking and loving the things of earth instead, — P. The more anxiously—we will strive after eternal life. Pr. The more Thy graces are despised — and Thy services neglected, — P. The more carefully—we will seek them. Pr. The more hearts harden themselves against Thy teachings—and admonitions — Thy promises and threats, — P. The more willingly—will we heed them. Pr. The more Thy divine example is for- gotten—and in its stead— that of the worldly-minded is praised—and ad- mired, — 62 NOVENA—HOLY HOUR IN HONOR P. The more attentively—we will medi- tate upon it. Pr. The more men—from pride and sen- suality—flee the cross—penance — and self-renunciation, — P. The more we will love them. Pr. The more the holy means of salvation —instituted by Thee— are neglected and abused, — P. The more frequently and devoutly — we will make use of them. Pr. The more Thy holy Church—the treasury of Thy grace—is reviled and calumniated, — P. With the more childlike love—we will cling to her. Pr. The more the visible head of Thy Church—Thy representative on earth—is oppressed—afflicted and persecuted, — P. The more faithfully—we will adhere to him. Pr. O Heart of Jesus! Heart divinely loving—humbly suffering— mildly par- doning—and obediently dying, — P. Make our hearts like unto Thine- Amen.