Was St. Aidan an Anglican? S w i +h j S x/oi ne >y m " W& 5 St: A Td ouo a a A (\cj he VII. THE CHURCH AND THE BIBLE. 1. The Blessed Sacrament the 7. Extracts from the writings Centre of Immutable Truth. of St. Irenseus. 2. The Passion of Our Lord. 8. The Pope and the English 3. The Church Catholic. Church. 4. The Bible and the Reforma- 9. Church Defence, 1st series. tion. 10. ,, ,, 2nd series. 5. The Church and the Bible, n. ,, ,, 3rd series. 6. A Scriptural Life of the 12. Questions and Answers. Blessed Virgin. VIII. EIGHT LECTURES ON THE POSI- TION OF CATHOLICS IN ENGLAND. BY CARDINAL NEWMAN. Protestant View of the Catholic Church. Tradition the sustaining Power of the Protestant View. Fable the Basis of the Protestant View. True Testimony unequal to the Protestant View. Prejudice the Life of the Protestant View. Assumed Principles the Ground of the Protestant View. Ignorance the Protection of the Protestant View. Duty of Catholics towards the Protestant View. IX. JESUITRY AND JESUITS. 1. Positivism, 6. St. Alphonsus Rodriguez. 2. Socialism 7. St. John Berchmans. 3. Fr. Olivaint’s Last Retreat, 8. St. Aloysius. 4. St. Ignatius Loyola. 9. St. Francis Xavier. 5. How Theories are Manufac- 10. A Tangled Tale. tured, 11. Missing Links.