The constitution and rules of the sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis : together with the morning and evening prayers, and ceremonies of reception, and profession :bx SL0 6 AEfl 5 of the last council, and then give an account of the financial state of the house to the Councilors. 5. The Mother Superior, or her Assistant, shall pre- side at each council. After she has proposed a certain subject for consultation and has explained its circum- stances without, however, expressing her own views, each Councilor shall candidly and conscientiously give her opinion regarding it. In considering a point requiring the decision of the council, if the voices be unequal, the majority decides ; but if they be equally divided, the Mother decides. If they cannot decide at the first consultation, the Mother shall appoint another day on which they are to assemble, and give their decision. But after the second consultation, if the Superior cannot conscientiously sanction it, she must refer it to the Most Rev. Archbishop. The Council has a decisive voice in the following cases : (a) When a Mission house is to be founded or re- signed. (b) When a postulant is to be received or invested; and when a Novice is to be professed or dis- missed. (c) When an incorrigible Sister is to be dismissed from the Community. In this case, however, the decision must have the approval of the Most Rev. Archbishop. (d) When the Mistress of Novices or a Local Superior is to be deposed. But if the Mother Superior find it necessary to depose a Local Superior without dela}', she is not obliged to wait for the consent of the Councilors, but she must inform them, immediately, after stating the reasons for her action. (e) When there is question of extraordinary pur- chases or sales, and in unusual expenditures, which exceed one hundred dollars. # 46 CONSTITUTION. 6. The members of the council must observe strict silence regarding all that has been entrusted to them. If the results must be made known, it is the affair of the Mother Superior to do so. 7. The Councilors should aid the Mother Superior in everything ; offering their assistance, especially, in diffi- cult matters. They shall promptly obey and execute her commands, rejoicing to be able to lighten her heavy burden. 8. Yet, they must guard against assuming more authority in the Convent than the Constitutions or the Mother Superior gives them. They have no power over any of the Sisters, but if they notice that abuses or serious faults exist in any of the Mission houses, they shall accurately inform the Mother Superior about everything. 9. When a Sister has been elected she should not be changed inside of three years, without weighty reason. 10. The Visitation—At least once a year the Mother Superior, or her representative, shall visit each Mission house, to ascertain its moral and physical condition. 11. In order that the Visitation may be productive of good, it is necessary that the Superior, as well as the Sisters, invoke the Holy Ghost to obtain His Divine assistance. At the appointed time the Mother shall assemble the Community, and open the Visitation by reciting a short prayer. 12. She will call each Sister to her, so that all may have an opportunity of manifesting their personal wants, and informing her if abuses have crept in. Each one, however, should mention only what she knows to be true, without exaggerating, lessening, or concealing any point through human respect. 13. She will see if order and cleanliness prevail in the house, visit the cells, remove what is superfluous, and have necessaries supplied. COA'S TlTUTIOm 47 14. She shall particulary examine: (a) Whether the Rule and Constitutions be read as prescribed ; especially if the one on silence be conscientiously observed. (b) Whether harmony, charity, and peace, reign among the Sisters. (c) Whether frequent dispensations from the Rule be granted without sufficient reason. 15. Foundations—When a new Mission house is accepted, the Mother Superior should have a written contract drawn up and signed, first by the Pastor of the parish ; next, by her councilors ; and lastly she should affix her own signature to it, so that if difficulty arise, the conditions on which the house was accepted, may be known. This contract should include a free resi- dence, and a yearly stipend. 16. The Mother Superior should see that there are, at least, four Sisters in each house, as otherwise, the spirit of the Order and the common life can not well be maintained. She should, therefore, never found a new Mission if the other houses cannot easily spare the Sisters necessary for it. 17. The consent of the Most Rev. Archbishop must be obtained to found or resign a mission. 18. Possessions are the common property of the Institute. The Mother Superior should be careful that all legal titles are kept in order, and according to the laws of the country. She must be particular that no unnecessary expenditures be made for buildings ; that every new structure, as well as the furniture of the rooms, be without elegance or ornament, and strictly in conformity with holy poverty ; that they, however, be suitable for the purpose, according to the express wish of our holy founder. Not only should the cells of the Sisters be furnished in a simple manner, but, also, the parlors and rooms for strangers. 48 CONSTITUTION. CHAPTER IV. THE OFFICE OF MOTHER ASSISTANT. 1. The Assistant of the Mother Superior bears the title of u Mother Assistant/’and should be called so by all. 2. In case of absence, or incapacity of the Mother, the Assistant will take her place governing the Institute according to her directions, and presiding at all the consultations. 3. Not only is it the duty of the Mother Assistant to aid the Mother Superior, in words and deeds, in the government of the Institute, but, also, respectfully and charitably, to admonish her if she disregard a point of Rule, tolerate abuses and frequent transgressions, or if she repeatedljydispenses from the Rule. 4. She shall, also, defend the Mother Superior against groundless complaints of Sisters, and by word and example strive to preserve and to promote among the Sisters, not only a good understanding, but also a holy friendship, and mutual esteem between the Mother Superior and her subjects. The Assistants of every house have the same obligations towards their Local Superior, so that the observance of the holy Rule and Constitutions be constantly maintained. CHAPTER V. THE OFFICE OF LOCAL SUPERIOR AND HER ASSISTANTS. 1. The Local Superior shall be called Sister Su- perior. Her authority extends over all the mem- bers and also over the administration of property of the CONSTITUTION. 49 Convent over which she is placed. She should conform herself to the rules and regulations of the Mother Superior. That which the Mother is for all the houses, the Local Superior should be for her particular house. She should lead the Sisters in the way of perfection, with motherly love, prudence, and justice, according to the Rules and Constitutions. No one shall be appoint- ed Local Superior who has not lived six years in the Community as a professed Sister. 2. She appoints the Sisters to their different occupa- tions, and should not allow them to meddle in anything else. She should leave the Sisters the power which the Rule gives to their office. She should not change the Sisters often in their employments, as this only creates confusion. 3. She has no authority to incur an expense of more than twenty-five dollars (food and clothing excepted), without the approval of the Mother Superior. 4. She has the power of correcting the Sisters, both in and out of chapter. 5. It belongs only to the General Superior to appoint the teachers to the different schools, but the Local Superior has the right to arrange these Sisters to take charge of the classes most suitable to each. 6. The Local Superior is not only allowed, but even obliged to visit the schools every two weeks to see how matters progress. She should strictly observe the discipline, cleanliness, and progress of the children, also, the adherence to the proper system of teaching. She should allow the Sisters to make little presents to the children. 7. If a teacher be careless she must admonish her, or impose a penance if necessary. If this fails to have the desired effect, the Superior must then, and only then, write to the Mother. 8. Should a young girl apply to the Local Superior for admission into the convent, the latter should notify 4 50 CONSTITUTION. the Mother, stating, also, all particulars, and then act as advised. If there be any postulants in a Mission house, they must follow, in every detail, the Rule which they observe in the Mother house. 9. She has the right to receive sick persons into her house (if she be Superior of a hospital), as well as decent wajffarers who may ask for a night's lodging — u I was sick and ye invited me, I was a stranger, and ye took me in.” 10. If she be told anything by one of the Sisters, no matter what it may be, she should not speak of it to others. If she disagree with any Sister or have any other difficulty, she should endeavor to arrange such matters herself, and only after making repeated efforts, at reconciliation in vain, shall she write to the Mother. Without express permission from the Mother, no Superior is allowed to introduce innovations or give up old customs. 11. The Superior will ask of sick Persons, who desire to be received into the hospital, and cat pay their board, whatever the Mother has appointed for all such houses. 12. For a better administration of the temporal affairs of the convent, the Superior shall keep, either person- ally or through her Assistant, the following books : (a) A catalogue of the Library. (b) A book of the finances, in which the daily income and expenditures of the convent, shall be entered, and which shall be balanced monthly. (c) She shall, also, keep an inventory of the school or institute that is connected with the convent. In it she shall record the number of children ; the names and residence of those who enter and leave ; the names of u First Communicants,” and of those who CONSTITUTION. 51 are confirmed ; the school system, school books, salary of teachers, and all other important events of the school and con- vent. 13. She shall, also, inspect each branch of the Institu- tion, weekly, to see that it receives the proper care, and that order and cleanliness be maintained. 14. If there are five Sisters in a community, the Superior is to have one assistant ; but if the Com- munity consists of twelve, she must have two, who, in word and deed, will aid her in the government of the convent. The Superior should place great confidence in this assistant and show her due respect, especially in the presence of others. In all important affairs of the house the Superior should ask her advice, and each assistant is obliged, in conscience, frankly and respectfully, to state her opinion, no matter what the views of the Superior may be. 15. An assistant has only those rights the Constitu- tions and the Mother Superior give her. She should always be kind and affable toward her Sisters, and very respectful towards her Superior ; especially in the presence of others. She should observe a strict silence in regard to everything the Superior communicates to her as secret, and she should not show displeasure if the advice she gave the Superior be not carried out. 16. By virtue of her office, she is obliged to inform the Superior of any grave faults or irregularities which she may notice. 17. In case the Superior is sick or absent, the first Assistant, or if she be prevented, the second, and if there be no assistant, the eldest professed Sister takes the Superior’s place, unless the Mother has appointed another Sister to do it. 52 CONSTITUTION. 18. For every unusual expense of more than twenty- five dollars (food and clothing excepted) the Local Superior must have the consent of the Mother. CHAPTER VI. THE OFFICE OF PROCURATRIX. 1. The Procuratrix shall have charge of the tem- poralities of the house, and carefully keep an account of the finances ; noting, punctually, each article with date of its purchase, price, and delivery, so that no mistake or confusion may occur. 2. She must see that these books are always in order, so that they may, at any time, be shown to the Mother Superior or to the ecclesiastical Superiors. CHATPER VII. THE OFFICE OF MISTRESS OF NOVICES AND HER ASSISTANT. 1. The Mistress of Novices is chosen for three years by the Mother Superior with the advice of her council. This office is one of importance and great responsibility, for the spirit of the entire institute, and of each individual member, depends upon the religious educa- tion of the Novices and Postulants. The Mistress must be ten years professed, and, in accordance with a decree of His Holiness, Pope Clement XIII., she must have attained the age of thirty-five years. 2. To lighten, however, the burden of her office she shall have an assistant. Both the Mistress of Novices CONSTITUTION. 53 and her Assistant should thoroughly understand the teachings of religious perfection. They should be devoted to prayer, interior and exterior mortification ; be prudent, full of charity and kindness ; grave and dignified. They should unite holy zeal to meekness, and try, as much as possible, to be free from irritable or passionate dispositions. In a word, they should be models of every virtue, so that those entrusted to their care may not fear them, but rather esteem, honor, and love them as mothers. 3. The Mistress is to have entire control of the Novices, and is dependent on the Mother Superior alone, in the government of the Novitiate. 4. Since the object of the Novitiate is the study and practice of the religious virtues, characteristic of a true Daughter of St. Francis, the Mistress shall con- stantly imbue each Novice with an exalted idea of, and a holy esteem and love for her vocation. She shall instruct her thoroughly in the exact and punctual observance of the Vows, Rules, and Constitutions ; how to practice vocal and mental prayer ; how to make meditation ; how to make particular examen, to guard and mortify her senses ; how to discover and eradicate her faults, and conquer her evil inclinations. She shall accustom her to a certain austerity and make her familiar with the fasts and penances of the Rule. She shall, also, direct her how to receive the Sacraments worthily, and explain to her how useful and salutary it is, to unreservedly manifest her interior emotions and temptations to the Spiritual Director. She shall induce each novice to practice humility, especially in the care of the sick, or aged, and in the menial works of our vocation, as our holy Founder requires of us. She shall, also, teach her to practice reserve and modesty in all her actions, for in the eyes of the world, these virtues reflect a supernatural splendor on the Institute. Lastly, she shall inculcate a love of silence, in 54 CONSTITUTION. which is hidden the richest treasures of wisdom and virtue. 5. Not only shall she clearly explain to the Novices the Rule, Constitutions, and the three vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience, but she shall also expound these minutely, and in detail, referring, at the same time, to the legends of the Saints, especially to those of our Order. To this end she shall, in all things, teach them by example as well as by word, for the latter moves the heart, but the former draws and leads them into the life of perfection. Whilst she thus instructs the Novices in all these points, she shall carefully observe them herself, and test the spirit by which they are ani- mated. For all exterior practices are worthless, if the spirit be wanting, which consists in love, holy joy, and sacrifice in the service of God. She shall, therefore, examine every Novice on the following points : (a) If she truly seeks God ; (b) If she has a real love for the religious life ; (c) If she possesses the virtues of child-like sim- plicity, sincerity, and obedience ; (d) If she is willing to mortify her own will in everything, and to bear, patiently, every humi- liation for the love of God. 6. If the Mistress doubts whether a Novice possesses these dispositions, she should consult the Spiritual Director, and lay the case before the Mother Superior for decision. 7. Every four months she shall give an exact account of the character, ability, and conduct of each Novice to the Mother Superior. £ To be able to do this, she must have a thorough knowledge of each, and must, therefore, always and everywhere, observe her. She must treat each like a prudent, just, and loving Mother—often, and confiden- tially conversing with her, to dertermine the condition of her health, and to ascertain her needs which she CONSTITUTION. 55 (the Mistress) will endeavor to satisfy. She should, however, take special interest in the spiritual welfare of each Novice, and observe an inviolable silence re- garding whatever is entrusted to her as secret, for thus only will she gain the love and confidence of all. 9. In all her instructions, she should adhere to the counsel of the Apostle, 2 Tim *2. u Entreat, reprove, rebuke” i.e., as time and circumstances require, she should show severity at one time ; the earnestness of a mistress at another ; and again, the love and tenderness of a mother. 10. Although the Mistress has no right to demand of the Novices an account of conscience, yet, to enable her to decide, regarding their vocation and ability, she may, and ought to ask, once a month, the following questions : (a) If they be happy in their vocation. (b) If they have any temptations against their vocation ; and if the thought of their rela- tives gives them trouble. (c) If they have any special affection or aver- sion for any one. (d) If they truly seek God, and if they are willing to obey blindly, to restrain their passions, and to endure contradictions and humiliations. But the Mistress must be careful not to examine any- thing that regards confession, and no Novice is obliged to answer any questions of this kind, even if asked, as our Holy Father, Leo XIII., has ordained. 11. Should a Novice wish to manifest her interior sins or temptations, the Mistress should refer her to the Confessor. 12. The Mistress shall keep two books in the house for the Novitiate. In one she shall record the names of the Novices, and the date on which they began their Novitiate; in the other, the date of their profession. 56 CONS TITUTION. In the first book she should leave a space, a hand wide, for remarks, such as—why a Novice was dismissed ; or in case of death, her particular virtues, etc. In the second, she shall write, for each newly professed, the following : “ I, Sister , of the Third Order of St. Francis, do hereby declare, that on the — day of — , in the year of our Lord — , I made my religious Vows of said Order in honor of God, of His blessed Mother and of St. Francis, and for my own salvation.” This document must be signed by each newly professed Sister, by the Mistress, and her assistant. 13. In matters concerning the Novitiate she is per- fectly independent of the Local Superior of the House, and neither she, nor any other professed Sister has any right to employ a Novice in anything without express permission from the Mistress. She, also, has the sole privilege of instructing and correcting the Novices, but she must not introduce new rules or customs, but practice the old ones. She may permit the Novices all that the Constitutions allow. 14. If the Mistress be prevented from attending any Community exercise, she is not obliged to inform the Superior. 15. When letters or parcels are received for the Novices, they must be given to the Mistress, for she is the only one who has the right to open and read them. The same is to be observed in regard to letters which the Novices write. 16. She must attend Chapter the same as other Sisters, and accuse herself in Hie same manner. The Novices’ Chapter, presided over by the Mistress or her Assistant, is held at a different time, and must be sepa- rated from that of the Community. The Mistress shall, also, recite the office with the professed Sisters and Novices in common. 17. The Assistant of the Mistress is to be appointed CONSTITUTION. 57 by the Mother Superior, with the advice of her council. It is the duty of the Assistant to watch over all the Novices, and to inform the Mistress of any faults she may notice in them. 18. When the Mistress is absent, which should be in unavoidable circumstances only, the Assistant shall take her place. She has then the same power as the Mistress, and should conduct the Novitiate in the same manner, but she should not introduce any innovations. She is to spend her recreation with the Novices, and some- times with the professed Sisters. CHAPTER VIII. THE NOVITIATE. 1 . With permission of the Bishop, the Novitiate shall be in the house which the Mother Superior selects, and remain a separate Community from that of the professed Sisters. 2. After receiving the Habit, the Novices shall make a Novitiate for two years, and during that time the Mother Superior must see that they have all that is necessary for their state of life. 8. The right of remaining with the Novices belongs exclusively to the Mistress and her Assistant ; no other Sisters are allowed to frequent the Novitiate, or to speak to any Novice without permission from the Mother Superior. The Days on which Novices and postulants are per- mitted to receive visits from their friends are as follows : The first Sunday of January and of August. “ u after Easter. • 4. In the Novitiate the following should be observed : (a) During their Novitiate, the Novices are not to be sent to other houses, except in case of sickness. 58 CONSTITUTION. (b) They should never be allowed to visit their parents, except in case of serious sickness or death. (c) Those who are talented should attend school for at least four hours every day on which school is held, during the two years of their Novitiate. This study is to be directed by a competent Sister. 5. They shall make a weekly retreat on Friday, keeping strict silence. They shall make the way of the Cross, daily. If a recreation day falls on Friday, the retreat is withdrawn. 6. On the twenty-fifth of each month they shall per- form a devotion to the Infant Jesus, and in the afternoon receive a present. 7. If a Novice be dismissed, all that she brought to the convent is to be returned to her; but a deduction should be made according to the number of months she spent in the Novitiate. CHAPTER IX. RANK OF THE SISTERS. 1. The General Superior takes the first place in the choir, refectory, and in the meetings of the Community. 2. The Mother Assistant, at all times, takes the first place after the Mother. 3. The general Councilors take their places next to the Mother Assistant, according to profession. 4. The Local Superior always retains the first place in the Mission house assigned her, except when the Mother Superior is present. 5. The Assistants of the Local Superior take the next places after their Superior, except when older Sisters from other houses are present. 6. All the other Sisters rank according to the order of their profession. 7. Postulants who enter on the same day, and at the CONSTITUTION. 59 same time, rank according to age ; the elder preceding the younger ones. THE DUTIES OF SUPERIORS. 1. To be Superior is, indeed, a great dignity ; but it is like-wise burdensome, and a great responsibility. For a Superior is God’s visible representative, who, in the spirit of Jesus Christ, should lead the Community, en- trusted to her care, in the way of perfection. Such a dignity and authority necessarily presupposes a vocation from God. 2. When a Sister is lawfully elected or appointed by ecclesiastical authority' Superior of the whole Institute or of a mission-house, she should, after the example of Jesus Christ, govern her Community with charity, prudence, and justice. Therefore, her most important duty is to edify the Sisters entrusted to her care. As our divine Saviour first practised every virtue before He taught it, so, also, should each Superior fervently practice every virtue required by her vocation, and position. She shall, especially, tread the paths of humility, for the higher her office the more numble should her mind and conduct be. As Jesus deprived Himself of all things, so should she renounce herself in all things ; seeking only the glory and will of God, and the salvation of her daughters. For it is her duty to rear her spiritual family according to the example of Jesus Christ, and in practice to be to them a guide in the love of poverty, in the labors of her vocation, and in bearing patiently the trials of Community life, so that she can truly say with the Apostle : “ Be ye followers of Me, as I also am of Christ.” I Cor. iv. 1 6. 3. A Superior must love her Sisters as her children without exception, without regard to person, character, or nationality ; the illiterate as well as the educated, the imperfect as well as the more perfect. For she takes the place of Mother to each and all. As such the 60 CONSTITUTION. dying Redeemer beheld her on the day on which He entrusted to her the holy office she holds. He addressed her, ag He did His holy Mother, from the Cross — “Mother behold thy children,” consequently it is a stringent duty of each Superior to love all her subjects, after the example of Jesus Christ, with a specially tender and generous love, earnestly endeavoring to make them very happy in their vocation ; sincerely compassionating the weak, patiently bearing the pecu- liarities of their character, and affectionately admon- ishing tho erring. When the Sisters come to her for permissions, counsels or assistance, she should receive them kindly and cheerfully, granting them all she can. But especially towards the sick should she show herself a Mother; visiting them every day, and in- quiring, minutely, and with tender care, how they feel, and how they are cared for. By such love and con- descension a Superior cannot fail to gain the esteem and child-like confidence of her Sisters. 4. As Mother , the Superior should instruct and lead her Community in the way of sal ration.—For this reason there should be a mutual understanding between her- self and the Spiritual Director of the convent. In her doubts, she should seek his advice, appreciate his counsels, and, when possible, faithfully comply with them. For the Apostle expressly teaches that God in- structs His people through His annointed. 5. The Superior should see that the Sisters are well instructed in the truths of our holy religion, and in the science of the saints ; therefore, she should request the Spiritual Director to give them, if possible, a confer- ence at least once a month. She, herself, should exhort them to be faithful to the Rule and the Vows and especially to mutual love and harmony among them- selves. 6. She should be very prudent, for “ without prudence the most beautiful virtue becomes a vice”—(St. CONSTITUTION. 61 Bernard). Consequently, she must do nothing without mature reflection ; prudence demands that she seek the advice of her Councilors in all affairs of importance* and she can expect the benediction of heaven on her decisions, only when she is faithful to this Rule. “Do nothing wuthout counsel—and thou wilt not repent when thou hast done.” Eccles. xxxi 24. 7. No Superior should ever speak disparagingly of the ways or methods of her predecessors, nor allow others to do so. REFLECTION ON CHARITY. The Sisters should try to speak well of one another. To speak of others as they would wish to be spoken of* and never utter, in the absence of a Sister, what they would not say in her presence. If they ever hear a Sister speak ill of others, they should be careful neither to encourage her lack of charity, nor appear pleased with her language ; other- wise, they partake of her guilt. They should be careful never to mention to any Sister that another has spoken of her in an uncharitable manner ; for tale- bearing of this kind sometimes occasions disputes and aversions which last a long time. Oh ! how frightful the account which tale-bearers must render to God ! The sowers of discord are objects of abomination in His sight. Six things, there are, that the Lord hateth, and the seventh his soul detesteth. The seventh is the man that someth discord among brethren. They should endeavor, also, to avoid, as much as possible, alldisputes. Sometimes trifles give occasion to arguments that end in altercations and injurious language. If they love charity, they should endeavor to be affable and meek 62 CONSTITUTION. to all. Meekness is the characteristic virtue of the Lamb ; it is the beloved virtue of Jesus Christ, Who, through a love of meekness, took the appellation of Lamb. In their conversation and intercourse with others, the Sisters should try to be agreeable not only to their Superior and to those who are in office, but to all, and particularly to those Sisters who have offended them, or who oppose their wishes, or are displeasing by roughness of manner. Charity is patient : beareth all things. Whoever, then, bears not the defects of his neighbor cannot have true charity. The most perfect souls are not free from all defects. All are subject to faults ; and, notwithstanding her manifold imperfect- ions, each Sister expects to be treated with charity and compassion. Therefore, each should, according to the advice of the Apostle, compassionate the defects of others. Bear ye one another’s burdens. It is by the manner in which one Sister bears the burdens of others, that it is known whether she loves them with true charity, which, because it is supernatural, should be stronger than natural affection. In observing charity, the Sisters should not neglect the practice of politeness, which is called the garment of charity. Although politeness, which is ranked among the little virtues, because it is supposed that religious supernaturalize it by their motive, is a purely hu- man virtue, yet, it is essential to the harmony of society. It is, perhaps, because religious regard it too much as a human virtue, that they frequently seem to forget to practice it among themselves. Nevertheless, politeness is nowhere out of place. It is a desire to please those with whom we are obliged to live, and to conduct our- selves in such a manner that we may give satisfaction to everybody ; to our Superiors, by our respect ; to equals, by our esteem ; to inferiors, by our kindness. It consists, in saying, and doing to each one what is suitable, and may please that person. u With CONS TITUT10N . 63 honor preventing one another/’ says the Apostle ; these marks of honor are what we understand by politeness. We all like one who treats ns with respect, and we feel obliged to make a similar return. Therefore, in a Community, where Christian supernatural politeness reigns, the Sisters will never hear, in conversation, the least rude word, trite remarks, interruptions, boisterous laughter, etc. ; nor will they observe in dress any negligence or want of neatness; nor any unseemly haste in going to and fro ; nor any brusque impatience or hurry which makes the Sisters forget that they must salute one another, at least interiorly, because of the dignity of their vocation. Charity, whatever the nature of its acts, has more need than all the other virtues to be practised with a good grace. Gentleness is its flower, amiability its perfume. Every act of charity, done with an ill grace, is almost valueless. A service rendered ungraciously, in a manner which shows that a Sister regrets being disturbed or troubled, only produces half its effect, and lacking that which should be its charm, it is hardly counted by God and men. But to perform every act of charity with affability, condescension, politeness, and cheerfulness, requires a strong habit of self-control. The Sisters should, therefore, watch over themselves, struggle courageously against their inclinations to self- ishness, sensuality, and pride. No virtue brings its own reward in this world more than charity, and the Holy Spirit desires that all should think of this, for in praising people of the Old Law, He nearly always says : “ they were beloved of God and men.” 64 CONSTITUTION- ADVICE TO SISTERS WHO ARE . TEACHING. Since education is the want of the age, those Sisters, employed in this good work, should rejoice; for it is the most excellent of all zealous labors. Education forms men, moulds generations, decides the fate of individuals in time and eternity, the fate of families and of king- doms. Good education gives worthy Priests to the sanc- tuary, legislators and just magistrates to the State ; it supplies good children to families, and forms those who are fitted to be the heads of households ; it gives protectors to religion and Saints to heaven. There may be other works of zeal more striking to the eye than the instruction of children and the education of youth ; but there is none more solid, more fruitful, or more worthy of the esteem of God and men. Therefore, the Sisters who are engaged in this work, should beg of God the grace to devote themselves to it with all their hearts, and be always ready to spend their entire lives in teaching, should such be the will of God. But to ensure success they must have more than a good will ; they must use the necessary means. They should try to obtain help from God by an ardent charity, a profound humility, and a great purity of conscience and intention ; they ought to be women of prayer, that grace may sustain their courage, and enable them to conquer obstinate, indolent, and passionate natures. They should try to be closely united to their Superiors, by childlike obedience, and to their companions by charity, so that there may be perfect unity in their ways of judging and acting. They should try to be exemplary, so that their lives may preach and persuade more than their words, and thus contribute towards CONSTITUTION. 65 giving them authority. They should devote themselves entirely to the special branch that is given them, no matter what attraction they may feel for other labors or other studies ; in a word, they should be women of abnegation, devotion, and sacrifice. They should beg of God to assist them, to acquire those virtues in which they are deficient. The work of education, especially for those who enter on it while young, is not without its dangers. Many have fallen victims to these ; therefore, to avoid this evil the Sisters should guard : (a) Against the attraction they may feel for some pupils in particular ; there is but one step between that and misplaced affections and familiarities. (b) Against dissipation, whence flow lukewarmness and the loss of a religious spirit. (c) Against the disgust which various contradictions will cause, and which, if the Sisters are not careful, will lead to a great disgust for their vocation. What they should most especially avoid, in this important work, is fickleness of temper and conduct, excessive indulgence in anger, harsh language, humili- ating remarks, especially in* public ; want of punctuality in the hours for assembling ; want of preparation for what they have to say or teach ; routine, pr a want of ingenuity in exciting emulation. They should beg our Blessed Lady and the Saints, who were devoted, in a special manner, to the education of youth, to obtain for them, and for those associated with them, in the apostolate of education, the happiness of leading many souls to God. 5 66 CONS TITUTION. CIVILITY AND RELIGIOUS DECORUM, AND ADVICE FOR NOVICES. As sincere charity, according to the Apostle, u is kind and patient, seeking not her own, but bearing and enduring all things” (1. Cor. xiii.), it is, of course, necessary that religious souls should not undervalue the principles and practice of that forbearance, civility, and simple politeness, which are requisite in all societies, and may be justly termed the exterior of charity. It consequently follows, that the members of all religious Orders, particularly those devoted to the instruction of youth, and obliged to give children not only a Christian, but also a polite education, should be habituated to act in every respect, according to the rules of civility and religious decorum. If, when a resident in the world, you were. initiated in the principles of politeness, and accustomed to act conformably thereto, continue the same line of conduct after your entrance into the convent, as it is by no means contrary to the Spirit of religion. This is manifest from the examples of Saints Paul and Anthony, who so politely ceded to each other the honor of breaking the bread. Religious must, however, purify and elevate tLeir motives, acting from a principle of virtue in the same manner as they formerly did to avoid being considered impolite or uncultured. They should let the deference with which they heretofore treated others, perhaps, through mere compliment, spring now from sincere esteem for the persons with whom they are associated, and also from unfeigned respect for their exalted dignity and sacred character as Spouses of Jesus Christ. They should beware, however, of that affected air and deportment, which denotes a worldy spirit or vain complacency in self; and abstain from those multiplied compliments CONSTITUTION. 67 which border on flattery, and cannot fail to be trouble- some and irksome among persons desirous of living together in the unaffected simplicity of sincere charity. As for those who enter the convent uninstructed in the rules of civility or politeness, they must endeavor, in the Novitiate, to acquire whatever knowledge may be necessary on that head, as well as on every other requisite for the religious life. They must, therefore, take care to speak politely, gently, and always in terms of entreaty when it is necessary to ask for any- thing, never failing to return thanks for whatever has been given them. When spoken to by any one of the elder Sisters, who may be standing they should rise ; and if they speak to any one in the choir or elsewhere, who is sitting or kneeling, they should stoop or kneel, so as to spare her the trouble of rising. They should never speak from a distance, or make signs to call another, particularly an elder, that being allowable only from Superiors to inferiors. At recreation they may take, indifferently, any unoccupied place, but Novices should politely cede to the professed the places near the Mistress, as being the most honorable ; however, if refused, the Novices may take them themselves through condescension. Whenever they meet the professed Sisters, they should salute them, and if it be the Superior, Assistant, or Mistress of Novices, they should stop until she passes. When they are in the infirmary or elsewhere, and a Religious of the Community enters, they should rise, give her their place, and sit below her. There are many other things relating to civility and politeness, best learned by custom, and naturally springing from that respect which religious persons mutually owe to each other, and which should never be lessened by familiar inter- course. PART III. MORNING PRAYERS. 71 MORNING PRAYERS. I N the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, I Believe. AN ACT OF THANKSGIVING. O my God ! I adore Thee, and I love Thee with my whole heart. I thank Thee for all the benefits which Thou hast granted me, and especially for having pro- tected me so mercifully last night. A GOOD INTENTION. To Thee, my God, I offer all that I shall do, all that I may suffer, during the day. I unite all my actions and sufferings with those of Jesus and Mary, and I make the intention now, to gain all the indulgences to which I may be entitled for any good works which I perform this day. RESOLUTION. My God ! I firmly resolve to fly from sin, and I im- plore Thee for Jesus’ sake to grant me the grace of perseverance. And especially am [ resolved, in every trial, to take refuge in Thy holy will. O Lord ! Thy will be done. PRAYER FOR GRACE. O my Jesus ! bear me in Thy hands this day. Mary, holy Virgin ! may I find shelter under thy protecting mantle. And do Thou, O heavenly Father ! help me for the love of Jesus and Mary. My Guardian Angel, 72 MORNING PRA YERiS. holy Father St. Francis, all my holy patrons, and all the Saints, pray for me. Three Hail Marys. Through thy most holy virginity and Immaculate Conception, 0 most pure Virgin, purify our hearts, our bodies, and our souls. THE MEMORARE. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that any one who fled to tkv protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother. • To thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate ! despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS IN THANKSGIVING. For a Religious Vocation. Benign and merciful God ! how have I merited the great grace of being called to the Order of our holy Seraphic Father St. Francis, and for having been with- drawn from the world and its sinful vanities, that I may not return to my old ways and state, and instead of serving God, serve the world? Inflame my heart with the fire of Thy Divine love, that I may ever serve Thee with a chaste body and a pure heart, Thou who livest and reignest, for ever and ever. Amen. LITANY OF THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison, Lord, have mercy on us, Christ, have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, MORNING PRA YERS. 73 Jesu audi nos, Jesu exaudi nos. Pater de coelis Deus. ] Fili Redemptor mun- di Deus, Spiritus Sancte De- us, Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, Jesu, Fili Dei vivi, Jesu, Splendor Pa- tris, Jesu, Candor lucis aeternae, Jesu, Rex Gloriae. Jesu, Sol Justitiae, Jesu, Fili Mariae Virginis, Jesu, amabilis, Jesu, admirabilis, Jesu, Deus fortis, Jesu, K Pater futuri saeculi, Jesu, Magni Concilii Angele^ Jesu, potentissime, OS SS o Cr4 os Jesu, patientissime, Jesu, obedientis- sime, Jesu, mitis et hu- milis corde, j Jesus, hear ns, Jesus, graciously hear us, God, the Father of Heaven. God, the Son, Re- deemer of . the world, God, the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Jesus, Son of the living God, Jesus, splendor of the Father, Jesus, brightness of Eternal light, Jesus, King of glory. Jesus, Son of Justice, Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, amiable, Jesus, admirable, Jesus, powerful God, Jesus, Father of the world to come, Jesus, Angel of the Great Council, Jesus, most power- ful, Jesus, most patient, Jesus, most Obedi- | ent, I Jesus, meek and I humble of heart, j Have mercy on ns. 74 MORNING PRA YERS. Jesu, Amator casti- tatis, Jesu, Amor noster, Jesu, Deus pacis, Jesu, Auctor vitae, Jesu, Exemplar vir- tutum, * Jesu, Zelator ani- marum, Jesu, Deus noster, Jesu, Refugium nos- trum, Jesu, Pater pau- perum, Jesu, Thesaurus f?.- delium, Jesu, bone Pastor, Jesu, Lux vera, Jesu, Sapientia ae- terna, Jesu, Bonitas infi- nita, Jesu, Via et Vita nostra, Jesu, Gaudium An- gelorum, Jesu, Rex Patriar- charum, Jesu, M a g i s t e r Apostolorum, Jesu, Doctor Evan- gelistarum, Jesu, Fortitudo Mar- tyrum, Jesu, Lumen Con- fessorum, 's’ o Cr- J esus, Lover of chas- 1 tity, Jesus, Lover of us, Jesus, God of peace, Jesus, Authorof life, Jesus, Model of vir- tues. Jesus, zealous for souls, Jesus, our God, Jesus, our Refuge, Jesus, Father of the poor, Jesus, Treasure of the faithful, Jesus, Good Shep- herd, Jesus, True light, Jesus, Eternal Wis- dom, Jesus, Infinite Good- ness, Jesus, our Way and our Life, Jesus, Joy of Angels, Jesus, Kingj of the Patriarchs, Jesus, Master of the Apostles, Jesus, Teacher of the Evangelists, Jesus, Strength of Martyrs, Jesus, Light of Con- fessors, J Have mercy on us. MORNING PRA YERS. 75 num, ! 3 Jesu, Corona Sane- j 1 torum omnium, J | Propitius esto, parce nobis Jesu. Propitius esto, exaudi nos Jesu. Ab omni malo, 1 libera nos Jesu. Ab omni peccato, Ab ira tua, Ab insidiis diaboli, A spiritu fornicati- onis, A morte perpetua, A neglectu inspira- tionum tuarum. Per mysterium sanc- tae Incarnationis tuae, Per Nativitatem tu- am, Per Infantiam tuam, Per divinissimam Yitam tuam, Per Labores tuos, Per Agoniam et Passionem tuam, Per Crucem et De- relictioneir tuam, Per Languores tuos, J ! 3 a r e a i f Ci J * us O us O 1 Jesus, Purity of Vir- ) tej gins, ' Jesus, Crown of all Saints, Be merciful : Spare Jesus. Be merciful : hear Jesus. From all evil, Jesus deliver us. From all sin, From Thy wrath, From the snares of the devil, From the spirit of fornication, From everlasting death, From the neglect of Thy inspirations, ^ Through the mys- tery of Thy Holy Incarnation, Through Thy Nati- vity, Through fancy, Through Divine Life, Through Thy bors, Through Thy Agony and Passion, Through Thy Cross and Dereliction, Through Thy Lan- guors, Thy In- Thy most La- 76 MORNING PRAYERS. Per Mortem et Sepulturam tuam, Per Resurrectionem tuam, Per Ascensionem tuam, Per Gaudia tua, Per Gloriam tuam, Agnus Dei, Qui peccata mundi, — nobis Jesu. S3 Os 5 o to toll is parce Agnus Dei, Qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos, Jesu. Agnus Dei, Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis, Jesu. Jesu, audi nos. Jesu, exaudi nos. * a, Through Thy Death and Burial, Through Thy Resur- rection , Through Thy Ascen- sion, Through Thy Joys, Through Thy Glory, Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world : Spare us, 0 Jesus. Lamb of God, etc. Hear us, O Jesus. Lamb of God, etc. Have mercy on us, O Jesus. Jesus, hear us. Jesus, graciously hear us. OREMUS. Domine Jesu, qui dixisti petite et accipietis, quaerite et invenietis, pulsate et aperietur vobis, quaesumus, da nobis petentibus divinissimi Tui amoris affectum, ut Te toto corde, ore et opere diligamus, et a Tua nunquam laude cessemus. Qui vivis et regnas, etc. Amen . THE ANGELUS. V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. Ave Maria, etc. V. Ecce ancilla Do- mini. R. Fiat mihi secundum Y. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary, etc. y. Behold the hand- maid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me MORNING PRA YERS. 77 verbum tuum. Ave Maria, etc. Y. Et Verbam caro factum est. R. Et babitavit in nobis. Ave Maria, etc. V. Ora pro nobis. Sancta Dei Genitrix. R. Ut digni effi- ciamur promissionibus Christi. according to Thy word. Hail Mary, etc. y. And the word was made flesh. R. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary, etc. y. Pi ay for us 0 Holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the prom- ises of Christ. oREMUS. Gratiam tuam, quaesm mus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde, ut qui, an- gelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui, Incarnationem coguovimus, per Passio- nem Ejus et Crucem ad Resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eum- dem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen . Gloria Patri, etc. PRAYER. Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the mess- age of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His resurrection. T hrough the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Glory be to the Father (three times.) y. Ora pro nobis, beatissime Joseph. R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. oREMUS. Sanctissimae Genitricis Tuae Sponsi quaesumus Domine mentis adjuvemur : ut quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet, ejus nobis intercessione donetur. Qui vivis, etc. 78 MORNING PRA YERS. During the Paschal season—that is from Ho.y Saturday, at noon, to Trinity Eve, at noon—instead of the foregoing, the fol- lowing is said standing: Regina Coeli laetare, Alleluia. Quia Quem meruisti portare, Alleluia. Resurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia. V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, Alleluia. R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere, Alleluia. OREMUS. Deus, qui per Resurrectionem Filii tui Domini nostri, Jesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es, praesta quaesumus, ut per ejus Genitricem, Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem. The Hail Mary, three times. Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Maty, ever Virgin. PRAYER BEFORE MEDITATION. My God, my Creator, my last End, and my All ! I firmly believe that Thou art here present ; that I am in Thee, and that Thou art in me ; that Thy eyes are fixed on me, as if I were the only one in the world. I adore Thee, O my God, with the most profound re- spect of which I am capable, and unite this adoration to that which Thou receivest from Thy angels and saints in heaven and faithful on earth. It is for Thy glory, and for the sanctification of my soul, O my God, that I desire to make this meditation. I renounce all the distractions which I may have through the levity of my mind and the artifices of the enemy. Adorable Trinity ! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! I consecrate to Thee, my memory, understanding, and will. Grant me, I most humbly beseech Thee, the attention, lights, and affections necessary to profit by this Meditation. O my most amiable Saviour ! permit me to unite my- self to Tbee, and to pray in Thy name. O my blessed 79NIGHT PRAYERS. Virgin Mother ! My holy angel, holy patrons and patronesses, assist me ! V. Tu autem Domine, miserere nobis. R. Deo gratias. Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve ! Ad te clamamus, exules filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrymarum valle. Eja ergo, Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Jesum, benedictum Fructnm ventris tui, nobis post hoc exilium ostende. O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria ! V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Defende quaesumus Domine, beata Maria semper Virgine intercedente, istam ab omni adversitate fami- liam, et toto corde Tibi prostratam, ab hostium pro- pitius tuere clementer insidiis. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. GREAT and mighty God ! I prostrate myself before Thee, to adore Thee with my whole heart. I believe in Thee, O Eternal Truth ! I hope in Thee, O infinite Mercy ! I love Thee with all my heart, be- cause Thou art infinitely worthy of all my love. For Thy sake, I love my neighbor as myself. O my good God ! how can I sufficiently thank Thee for all the favors I have received from Thee? Thou hast thought of me from all eternit}7 , created me out of nothing, re- deemed me by the death of Thy only Son, and bestowest One Hail Mary. AFTER MEDITATION. OREMUS. NIGHT PRAYERS. Our Father, Hail Mary. 80 NIGHT PRA YERS. upon me daily innumerable blessings. O Lord ! how shall I show myself grateful for so many benefits? O ye heavenly Spirits ! help me to praise the God of Mercy, Who still continues to grant me, His most unworthy child, so many blessings ! O Holy Ghost, Eternal Source of Light, drive away the darkness of my understanding, that I may see the wickedness and enormity of my sins, repent of them with all my heart, detest them above all things, and fear them more than any other evil—more than death itself ! EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE. Because all my sins displease Thee, O Sovereign Goodness ! I am heartily sorry for having committed them ; I most humbly ask pardon for them, and promise, by the help of Thy grace, not only to avoid the like faults for the future, but also to do penance for them. O most Holy Virgin ! who hast the happiness of being the Mother of God ! be a mother to me ; pray for me now, and at the hour of my death. O my good angel 1 whom God has appointed to be my guardian ! enlighten me, and guard me in all my actions. PRAYER FOR FINAL PERSEVERANCE. O Jesus, my Saviour, my God ! by Thy Sacred Heart, by the most pure Heart of Thy Virgin Mother ; by whatever is pleasing to Thee in heaven and on earth, I beg and entreat Thee, grant me perseverance (say three times), grant me patience. Bestow grace; add courage ; that I may efficaciously employ the means which Thou has given. Sweet Heart of Mary be my Salvation. PRAYER FOR HOLY CHURCH. O Almighty and everlasting God, who hast revealed Thy glory to all nations in Christ, preserve the works of Thy mercy, that Thy Church, spread throughout the mam prayers. 81 world, may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of Thy name : through, etc. FOR THE SOVEREIGN PONTIFF. V. Let us pray for our Pontiff. R. The Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon earth 2 and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. Our Father, and Hail Mary. 300 days’ Indulgence. FOR OUR BISHOP. Almighty and everlasting God, who alone dost great marvels, send down upon Thy servant (N) our Bishop, the spirit of Thy saving grace ; and, that he may truly please Thee, pour upon him continually the dew of Thy blessing. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jlmen. Our Father, and Hail Mary. ACT OF FAITH. My God ! I firmly believe all that Thou commandest me to believe through Thy Holy Catholic Church, be- cause Thou, O Infallible Truth, hast revealed it. ACT OF HOPE. My God ! I hope, with a firm confidence, through the merits of Jesus Christ, to obtain Thy grace in this world, and if I keep Thy commandments, eternal happiness in the next ; because Thou hast promised it, Who art infinitely faithful to Thy promises. ACT OF LOVE. ¥My God ! I love Thee with all my heart, and above all things, because Thou art infinitely worthy of all my love, and I love my neighbor as myself. THE LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Sub tuum praesidium We fly to thy patronage, confugimus, sancta Dei O holy Mother of God. Genitrix. Nostras depre- Despise not our petitions 6 82 NIGIIT PRA VERS. cationes ne despicias in necessitatibus nostris ; sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. in our necessities : but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and Blessed Virgin. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison, Christe audi nos, Christe exaudi nos. Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Christ, hear us, Christ, graciously hear Pater decoelisDeus, 1 ’ i F i 1 i, R e d e m ptor mundi Deus, Spirit us Sancte, Deus, SanctaTrinitas, unus Deus, Sancta Maria, Sancta DeiGenitrix, Sancta Virgo Virgi- num, Mater Christ i, Mater divinae gra- tiae, Mater purissima, Mater castissima, Mater inviolata, Mater intemerata, Mater amabilis, Y i I s? o Os' O 5 o 53 o Mater admirabilis, Mater Creatoris, us. God the Father of Heaven, God the Son Redeem- er of the world, God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Holy Mary, Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of Virgins, Mother of Christ, Mother of divine & o 53 grace, Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, Mother inviolate, Mother undefiled, Mother most amia- ble. Mother most admir- able, Mother of our Creator, * i ] NIGHT PRA YERS. 83 Mater Salvatoris, j Virgo prudentissima, j Virgo veneranda, Virgo praedicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo clemens, Virgo fidelis, Speculum justitiae, Sedes sapientiae, Causa nostrae laeti- tiae, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigne devo- tionis, Rosa mystica, Turris davidica, Turris eburnea, Domus aurea, ' V Foederis area, Janua coeli, Stella matutina, Salus infirmorum, Refugium peccator- | ura. Consolatrix afflic- torum, Auxilium Christia- norum, Regina angelorum, Regina patriar- charum, Regina prophetarum, Mother of our 1 Saviour, Virgin most prudent, Virgin most vener- able, Virgin most renown- ed, Virgin most power- ful, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy. Spiritual vessel, S* Vessel of honor, ^ Vessel of Singular devotion, 5 * Mystical rose, §- Tower of David, ¥' Tower of ivory, House of gold, Ark of the covenant, Gate of heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, I Comfortress of the afflicted, Help of Christians, Queen of angels, Queen of patriarchs, Queen of prophets, Pray for us. 84 NIGHT PRAYERS. Regina apostolorum, Regina martyrum, Regina confessorum, Regina virginum, Regina sanctorum, omnium, Regina sine labe concepta, Regina sacratissimi Rosarii, j Agnus Dei, qui tollis etc., parce nobis Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis etc., exaudi nos Domine. Agnus Dei. qui tollis etc., miserere nobis. Christe audi nos. Christe exaudi nos. V. Ora pro nobis, Sane* ta Dei Genitrix. R. Ut digni efficiamur, promissionibus Christi. s o Cr-* # GO Queen of apostles, Queen of martyrs, Queen of confessors, Queen of virgins, Queen of all saints, Queen conceived without sin. Queen of the most holy Rosary. Lamb of God, who takest away, etc., spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away, etc., hear us, O Lord, Lamb of God, who takest away, etc., have mercy on us. Christ hear us, Christ, graciously hear us. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. Ttiat we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. OREMUS. Gratiam tuam, quaesu- mus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde ; ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui Incarnationem cognovimus per Passionem ejus et Crucem ad Resurrectionisgloriam per- ducamur. Per eumdem LET US PRAY. Pour forth we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, has been made known by the mes- sage of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His GRACE BEFORE MEALS. 85 Christum Dominum nos- trum. R. Amen. V. Divinum auxilium maneat semper nobiscum. R. Amen. Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix, nostras depreca- tiones ne despicias in necessitatibus nostris, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. V. Ora pro nobis bea- tissime Joseph. R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. V. May the Divine assistance remain always with us. R. Amen. We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother o# God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities ; but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. V. Pray for us, O holy St. Joseph. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. OREMUS. Sanctissimae Genitricis tuae Sponsi quaesumus Domine meritis adjuvemur : ut quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet, ejus nobis intercessione donetur. Qui vivis et regnas, etc. Three Hail Marys and the De Profundis. (For our deceased Sisters. ) GRACE BEFORE MEALS, V. Benedicite, R. Benedicite, V. Oculi omnium, R. In te sperant Do- mine, et tu das escam illorum in tempore opportuno. Aperis tu manum tuam, et imples omne animal benedictione. 86 GRACE BEFORE MEALS. Y. Gloria Patri, etc., R. Sicut erat, etc., Y. Kyrie eleison, R. Christe eleison. Y. Kyrie eleison, Pater Noster. Y. Et ne nos in, etc., R. Sed libera, etc. Y. Oremus : Benedic Domine nos et haec tua dona quae de tua largitate sum us sumpturi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen . [The reader says:] Jube domne benedieere. [The Blessing.] V. Mensae coelestis participes faciat nos Rex aeternae gloriae. R. Amen . AFTER THE REPAST THE READER SAYS : Y. Tu autem Domine, miserere nobi$. R. Deo gratias. Y. Confiteantur tibi Domine, omnia opera tua. R. Et sancti tui benedicant tibi. Y. Gloria Patri, etc. R. Sicut erat, etc. Y. Agimus tibi gratias, omnipotens Deus, pro universis beneficiis tuis : Qui vivis et regnas in saecula ssecluorum. R. Amen. Psalm Miserere. Psalm 50. Miserere mei, Deus,* secundum magnam miseri- cord i am tuam. Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum,* dele iniquitatem meam. Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea :* et a peccato meo munda me. Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco :* et pecca- tum meum contra mea est semper. Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci :* ut justi- ficeris in sermonibus tuis, et vincas cum judicaris. GRACE BEFORE MEALS. 87 Ecce enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum :* et in peccatis concepit me mater mea. Ecce enim veritatem ailexisti :* incerta et occulta sapientiae tuae manifestasti mihi. Asperges me hyssopo, et mundabor :* lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor. Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam :* et exulta- bunt ossa humiliata. Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis :* et omnes iniquitates meas dele. Cor mundum crea in me, Dens :* et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus meis. Ne projicias me a facie tua :* et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me. Redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui :* et spiritu princi- pali confirma me. Docebo iniquos vias tuas :* et impii ad te converten- tur. Libera me de sanguinibus Deus, Deus salutis meae :* et exultabit lingua mea justitiam tuam. Dornine, labia mea aperies :* et os meum anuuntiabit laudem tuam. Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, dedissem utique :* holocaustis non delectaberis. N Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus :* cor contritum et humiliatum Deus non despicies. Benigne fac, Dornine, in bona voluntate tua Sion :* ut aedificentur muri Jerusalem. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae, oblationes, et holocausta :* tunc imponent super altare tuum vitulos. Gloria Patri , etc. V. Dispersit, dedit pauperibus. R. Justitia ejus manet in saeculum saeculi. Y. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. R. Semper laus ejus in ore meo. Y. In Domino laudabitur anima mea. R. Audiant mansueti et laetentur. 88 GRACE BEFORE MEALS. Y. Magniticate Dominum raecum. E. Et exaltemus nomen ejus in idipsum. Y. Sit nomen Domini benedictum. R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum. [, V. Retribuere dignare Domine omnibus nobis bona facientibus propter nomen tuum vitam aeternam. ^ R. Amen. Y. Benedicamus Do' R. Deo gratias. mino. L Y. Fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei requies- cant in pace. R. Amen. Pater Noster (in secret.) Y. Deus det nobis suam pacem. R. Amen. !H X EVENING REPAST. Y. Benedicite. R. Benedicite. Edent pauperes et saturabuntur et laudabunt Dominum, qui requirunt eum vivent corde eorum, et in saeculum saeculi. Gloria Patri, etc. Y. Kyrie eleison, R. Christe eleison, Y. Kyrie eleison, Pater Noster. Y. Et ne nos, etc. R. Sed libera nos, etc. Y. Oremus : Benedic Domine nos et haec tua dona quae de tua largitate sumus sumpturi. Per Christum, etc. R. Amen. [[The Reader says:] Jube domne benedicere. [The Blessing.] Y. Ad coenam vitae aeternae perducat nos Rex aeternae gloriae. R. Amen. AFTER THE REPAST. Y. Memoriam fecit mirabilium suorum misericors et miserator Dominus. GRACE BEFORE MEALS. 89 R. Escam cledit timentibus se. Y. Beneclictus Deus in donis suis et sanctus in omnibus operibus suis. R. Qui yivit et regnat in, etc. Psalm Landate. Y. Dispersit, etc. From Christmas until the Epiphany, is said: V r . Yerbum caro factum est. Alleluia. R. Et habitavit in nobis. Alleluia. Gloria Patri, etc. AFTER THE REPAST. Y. Notum fecit Dominus. Alleluia. R. Salutare suum. Alleluia. Gloria Patri, etc. Psalm 95, or Laudate. ON THE EPIPHANY, AND THROUGHOUT THE OCTAVE, IS SAID BEFORE THE MEAL : Y. Reges Tharsis et insulae munera offerent. Alleluia. R. Reges Arabum et Saba dona adducent. Alleluia. AFTER THE MEAL. V. Omnes de Saba venient. Alleluia. R. Aurum et thus deferentes. Alleluia. Psalm 71. On Maundy Thursday, is said in an under tone: Y. Christus factus est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem. 90 GRACE BEFORE MEALS. Pater Nosier ( in secret. ) After which the Superior silently blesses the table with the sign of the Cross. Jube domne, is not said. After the Repast, is said: Y. Christus factns est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem. Psalm, Miserere, without Gloria Patri. Pater Noster (in secret). Then the Superior says : Y. Respice, quaesumus Domine, super hanc familiam tuam, pro qua, Dominus noster Jesus Christus, non dubitavit manibus tradi nocentium, et crucis subire tormentum. Pater Noster (in secret.) On Good Friday, the same prayers as on Maundy Thursday, except UY.—Christus factus est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis.’ ' On Holy Saturday, before the Repast. Y. Benedicite. R. Benedicite. Y. Yespere autem sabbati quae lucescit in prima sabbati, Alleluia. R. Yenit Maria Magdalena et altera Maria videre sepulchrum. Alleluia. Gloria Patri, etc. AFTER THE REPAST. Y. Yespere autem, etc. Gloria Patri. Psalm Laudat*e. Gloria Patri, Kyrie eleison, etc. ON EASTER DAY. BEFORE AND AFTER THE REPAST, IS SAID : Y. Hsec dies quam fecit Dominus. R. Alleluia. GRACE BEFORE MEALS . 91 On Ascension Day, and until Whitsunday Eve, exclusively, is said : V. Ascendit Deus in jubilatione. Alleluia. E. Et Dominus in voce tubae, Alleluia. Gloria Patri, etc. AFTER THE REPAST. V. Ascenden s Christus in allum. Alleluia. R. Captivam duxit captivitatem. Alleluia. Gloria Patri, etc. Psalm 46. From Witsunday Eve till the Evening Repast the Saturday following. BEFORE MEALS. y. Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum. Alle- luia. R. Et hoc quod continet omnia scientiam habet vocis. Alleluia. Gloria Patri. * AFTER MEALS. * y. Repleti sunt ornnes Spiritu Sancto. Alleluia. R. Et coeperunt loqui. Alleluia. Gloria Patri. Psalm 47. During the year. BEFORE THE REPAST. y. Hoc donum charitatis benedieat dextera Dei Patris. R. Amen . AFTER THE REPAST. y. Sit nomen Domini benedictum. R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum. 92 CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. AT the appointed hour all the Sisters will assemblein the Community Room, with lighted candles in their hands. The postulant, on her knees, will ask the Superior for the name to be given her in Religion. Then a signal is given, and the choir commences the hymn : — “O Gloriosa, etc.” The Sisters advance, two by two. The following order is to be observed in the pro- cession : First, a cross bearer, next the novices, after them the professed Sisters, then the postulants who are to be received, and the Superior last. Having arrived at the altar, they make a genuflection before the Blessed Sacrament. The Superior and the Sisters retire to their places, the postulants remaining on their knees. THE HYMN. O Gloriosa Virginum, Sublimis inter sidera, Qui te creavit parvulum, Lactente nutris ubere. Quod Eva tristis abstulit, Tu reddis almo germine ; Intrent ut astra flebiles, Coeli recludis cardines, etc. O thou of Virgins glori- ous, Amid the stars of Heaven sublime, Thy God, Himself, has found a rest, In those maternal arms of thine. The grace that Eve in sadness lost, Thy fruitful love dost now repair ; Thou openest wide the gate of Heaven, The weak, through thee, find entrance there, etc. CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. 93 As soon as the Celebrant has arrived at the foot of the Altar, he intones, kneeling, the Hymn. “ Yeni Creator Spiritus.” THE HYMN. Yeni, Creator Spiritus, Mentes tuorum visita, Imple superna gratia, Qnse Tu creasti pectora, Qui diceris Paraclitus, Altissimi donum Dei, Come Holy Ghost, Crea- tor come, The souls which are Thine own invade, And with supernal grace inflame. The hearts which Thou, Thyself, hast made. O Thou, that art the Com- forter, The gift of God most high, Fons vivus, ignis, cliaritas, The living font of fire and love, Et spiritalis unctio, Celestial unction from etc. above, etc. Y. Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur. R. Et renovabis faciem OREMUS, Deus qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustra- tione docuisti, da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere, et de Ejus sem- per consolalione gaudere ; per Dominum nostrum, etc. terrae. LET US PRAY. O God, who hast taught the hearts of the faithful, by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant that we may be truly wise in the same spirit, and ever rejoice in His consolation, through, etc. The Celebrant then sprinkles the Postulant with holy water, and giving her his blessing, says : Y. Adjutorium nos- Y. Our help is in the trum in nomine Domini. name of the Lord. 94 CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. R. Qui fecit eoelum, et terrain. V. Sit nomen Domini benedictnm. R. Ex hoc mine et usque in saeculum. V. Domine exaudi ora- tionem meum. R. Et clamor mens ad te veniat. V. Dominus vobiscum, R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. Who made the Heavens and the earth. y. May the name of the Lord be blest. R. From this time forth and forever more. y. O Lord hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. y. The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit OREMUS. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui propter Tuam. solitam bonitatem et per mortem Unigeniti Filii Tui, Domini nostri Jesu Christi, mundum fractum restaurare misericorditer dignatus es, ut a morte perpetua nos liberes et ad gaudia perducas Paradisi ; respice, humili- ter quaesumus, pietatis tuae oculo praesentem devotam familiam tuam, hie hodie in Tuo nomine congregatam, cujus famulus tuus S. Franciscus, ut tibi augeatur credentium numerus, exstitit Institutor, ut earn supra firmam petram, quae Christus est, taliter semper con- firmes, ut ab omnibus perturbationibus mundi, carnis et diaboli sit secura, et incedens per tuorum semitam mandatorum, post ergastulum praesentis vitae, meritis acerbissimae Passionis Filii tui, et immaculatae ejus Matris, semper Virginia Mariae, ac ejusdem S. P. N. Francisci, tuorumque omnium Sanctorum, gaudia vera possideat. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula, etc. The Celebrant then ascends the Altar, and at the Epistle side blesses the Postulant’s candle. y, Adjutorium nos- y. Our help is in the trum in nomine Domini. name of the Lord, CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION . 95 terram. Y. Dominus vobiscum. R. Qui fecit coelum, et R. Who made the Heavens and earth. Y. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. OREMus. Domine Jesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, bene * die candelam istam ; supplicationibus nostris infunde ei, Domine, per virtutem sanctae * Crucis benedictionem coelestem, qui earn ad repellendas tenebras humano generi tribuisti ; talemque benedictionem signaculo sanctae * Crucis accipiat, ut quibuscumque locis accensa sen posita fuerit, discedant principes tene- brarum, et contremiscant et fugiant pavidi cum omni- bus ministris suis, ab liabitationibus illis ; nec prae- sumunt amplius inquietare, aut molestare servientes Tibi, omnipotenti Deo ; qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in imitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen. The Celebrant puts incense into the thurible and blesses it; he sprinkles the candle with holy water and incenses it, then presents it lighted to the Postulant, saying: Sit lucerna ardens in manibus tuis, ut abjicias opera tenebrarum, et induaris arma lucis, in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Yeni, sponsa Christi ; accipe coronam, quam tibi Dominus praeparavit in aeternum. Regnum mundi et omnem ornatum saeculi contempsi propter amorem Domini mei, Jesu Christi, quern vidi, quern amavi, in quern eredidi, quern dilexi. Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum dico ego opera meaRegi; quern vidi, quern amavi, in quern eredidi, quem dilexi. After this he says : 96 CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION The Celebrant now begins Mass. After the Gospel, the Superior and Assistant conduct the pos- tulant to the foot of the altar, where the celebrant, sitting, inter- rogates her as follows:. Celebrant . My child what do you desire ? Postulant. The mercy of God and the Holy Habit of Religion. Celebrant . Is it with your own free will you desire the Holy Habit of Religion ? Postulant. Yes, my Lord (or Rev. Father). Celebrant. Mother-Superior, have you made the necessary inquiries, and are you satisfied? Superior. Yes, my Lord (or Rev. Father). Celebrant. My child, have you a firm intention to per- severe in Religion to the end of your life, and do you hope to have sufficient strength to carry constantly the sweet yoke of our Lord Jesus Christ, solely for the love and fear of God ? Postulant. Relying on the mercy of God, I hope to be able to do so. The Celebrant, rising, says: Quod Deus in te incepit Ipse perficiat. Postulant. Amen. Celebrant. Exuat te Dominus veterem hominem cum actibus suis. Postulant. Amen. The sermon is now preached; after which the celebrant again asks : Celebrant. Are you still firm in your intention? Postulant. Yes, my Lord (or Rev. Father). He then says: Oremus itaque et imploremus devote divinum auxilium ac Spiritus Sancti gratiam, ut ea mediante hoc ipsum opus sancte et meritorie perficiatur. In nomine Patris THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. 97 et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen . Veni, Sancte Spiri- tus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende. The Postulant then prostrates herself. LITANY OF THE SAINTS. (From the Franciscan Breviary). Kyrie eieison, Christe eieison, Kyrie eieison, Christe audi nos, Christe exaudi nos, Pater de coelis Deus, Mis- erere nobis, Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Christ, hear ns, Christ, graciously hear us, God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us, Filii Redemptor mundi Deus, Spiritus Sancte De- us, SanctaTrinitas, unus Deus. Sancta Maria, Sancta Dei Geni- trix, Sancta Virgo Virgi- ns o num, Sancte Michael, Sancte Gabriel, Sancte Raphael, Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli, ora- te pro nobis. Omnes sancti beat- orum Spiritum or- dines, orate pro nobis. 7 ^ God, the Son, Re- deemer of the § world, S God, the Holy | Ghost, 2! Holy Trinity, one 50 God, Holy Mary, rs Holy Mother of g God, ^ Holy Virgin of Vir- o gins, § St. Michael . 51 St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, All ye holy Angels and Archangels, All ye Orders of blessed Spirits, Have mercy , etc. Pray for us. 98 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. Sancte Joannes Bap- tista, ora. Sancte Joseph, ora. Omnes sancti Patri- archae et Prophe- tae, orate. Sancte Petre, Sancte Paule, Sancte Andrea, Sancte Jacobe, Sancte Joannes, Sancte Thoma, Sancte Jacobe, Sancte Philippe, Sancte Bartholo- msee, Sancte Matthaee, Sancte Simon, Sancte Thaddsee, Sancte Mathia, Sancte Barnaba, Sancte Luca, Sancte Marce, Omnes Sancti Apos- toli et Evangel- istae, orate. Omnes sancti Disci- puli Domini, orate. Omnes sancti Inno- centes, orate. Sancte Stephane,ora. Sancte Laurenti, u Sancte Vincenti, “ " " Sancti Fabiane et 4 Sebastiane, orate. Sancti Joannes et Paule, orate. St. John the Bap- tist, St. Joseph, All ye holy Patri- archs and Pro- phets, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Andrew, St. James, St. John, St. Thomas, § St. James, St. Philip, ^ St. Bartholomew, g S! St. Matthew, St. Simon, St. Thaddeus, St. Mathias, St. Barnaba, St. Luke, St. Mark, j All ye holy Apos- tles and Evangel- ists, All ye holy Disci- ples of our Lord, All ye holy Inno- cents, St. Stephen, St. Lawrence, St. Vincent, SS. Fabian and Se- bastian , SS. John and Paul, Pray for us. Pray for us. THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. 99 Sancti Cosma et Damiane, orate. Sancti Gervasi et Protasi, orate. Sancte Bernarde, Sancte Petre, Sancte Accursi, Sancte Adjute, Sancte Otlio, Sancte Daniel, Sancte Angele, Sancte Samuel, Sancte Domne, Sancte Leo, Sancte Hugoline, Sancte Nicolae, Sancte Fidelis, Ornnes sancti Mar- tyres, orate. Sancte Sylvester, ] Sancte Gregori, Sancte Ambrcsi, Sancte Augustine, Sancte Hieronyme, Sancte Bonaventura, Sancte Martine, Sancte Nicolae', Sancte Ludovice, Sancte Benevenute, - Omnes sancti Ponti- fices et Confes- sores, orate pro nobis, Sancte Antoni, Sancte Benedicte, Sancte Bernarde, Sancte Dominice, O o S3 © o^. Cc o *$ d o o- SS. Cosmas and Damian, SS. Gervase and Protase, St. Bernard, St. Peter, St. Accursius, St. Adjutus, St. Otho, St. Daniel, St. Angelus, St. Samuel, St. Domnus, St. Leo, St. Hugolinus, St. Nicolas, St. Fidelis, All ye holy Martyrs , St. Sylvester, St. Gregory, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Bonaventure, St. Martin, St. Nicholas, St. Louis, St. Benevenuto, All ye holy Bishops and Confessors, St. Anthony, ) St. Benedict, j St. Bernard, St. Dominic, j Pray for us. Pray for us. Prayfoms. 100 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. Saucte Pater Fran- chisee, Sancte Antoni de Padua, Sancte Bernardine, Sancte Joanne a Ca- pistrano, Sancte Jacobe de Marchia, Sancte Petre de Alcantara, Sancte Francisce Solan e, Sancte Petre Rega- late, Sancte Pacifice, Sancte Joanne Jos- eph a Cruce, Sancte Didace, Sancte Paschale, Sancte Benedicte, Sancte Felix, Sancte Joseph a Le- onissa, Sancte Seraphine, Sancte Joseph a Cu- pertino, Sancte Ludovice, Sancte Ivo, Sancte Elzeari, Sancte Roche, Sancte Conrade, Omnes sancti Sac- erdotes et Levitae, orate pro nobis. Omnes sancti Mon- achi et Eremitae, orate, O a "2 o 5S Holy Father Francis, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Bernardine, St. John Capistran, St. James of Mar- chia, St. Peter of Alcan- tara, St. Francis Solano, St. Peter Regalato, St. Pacificus, St. John Joseph of the Cross, St. Didacus, St. Paschal, St. Benedict, St. Felix, St. Joseph of Leon- issa, St. Seraphin, St. Joseph Cuper- tino, St. Louis, St. Ivo, St. Eleazar St. Roch, St. Conrad, All ye holy Priests and Levites, All ye holy Monks and Hermits. Pray for us. THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. 101 Sancta Maria Mag- dalena, Sancta Agatha, Sancta Lucia, Sancta Agnes, Sancta Caecilia, Sancta Catharina, Sancta Clara, Sancta Agnes Assi- sinsis, Sancta Catharina de Bononia, Sancta Coleta, Sancta Rosa de Viterbo, Sancta Hyacintha, Sancta Angela, Sancta Veronica, Sancta Anastasia, Sancta Elizabeth Hungariae, Sancta Elizabeth Portugalliae, Sancta Margarita de Cortona, Omnes sanctae Vir- gines et Viduae, orate pro nobis. Omnes Sancti et sanctae trium Or- dinum Sancti P. N. Francisci, inter- cedite, pro nobis, Propitius esto, Parce nobis Domine. Propitius esto, Ex- audi nos, Domine, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Agatha, St. Lucy, St. Agnes, St. Cecilia, St. Catharine, St. Clare, St. Agnes of Assissi, St. Catharine of Bologna, St. Coletta, St. Rose of Viterbo, . St. Hyacinth, St. Angela, St. Veronica, St. Anastasia, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Elizabeth of Portugal, St. Margaret of Cortona, All ye holy Virgins and Widows, All ye Saints of the three Orders of our holy F. Francis, intercede for us. Be merciful : spare us, O Lord. Be merciful : hear us, O Lord. Pray for us. 102 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. Ab omni rnalo, Ab omni peccato, Ab ira tua, A subitanea et im- provisa morte, Ab insidiis diaboli, Ab ira, et odio, et om- ni mala voluntate, A spiritu fornica- tion is, A fulgure et tem- pe state, A morte perpetua, Per mysterium sanc- tae Incarnationis tuae, Per Adventum tuum Per Nativitatem tu- am, Per Baptismum et sanctum jejunium tuum, Per Crucem et Pas- sionem tuam, Per Mortem et Sepulturam tuam. Per sanctam Resur- rectionem tuam, Per admirabilem As- censionem tuam, Per adventum Spiri- tu s Sancti Para- cliti, In die judicii, . From all evil, From all sin, From thy wrath, From sudden and unlooked for death, From the snares of the devil, From anger, hatred, and ill-will, I From the spirit of fornication. From lightning and tempest, From everlasting death, Through the mystery of Thy holy Incar- nation, Through ThyComing Through Thy Nativ- - ity, I Through Thy Bap- tism, and holy Fasting, Through Thy Cross and Passion, Through Thy Death and Burial, Through Thy holy Resurrection, Through Thy admir- able Ascension, Through the coming of the Hoi}7 Ghost, the Paraclete, In the day of judg- ment, j OLord , deliver us. THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. 103 Peccatores, Te rogamus audi nos. Ut nobis pareas, Ut nobis indulgeas, Ut ad veram poeni- tentiam nos per- ducere digneris, Ut Ecclesiam tuam sanctam regere et conservare digne- ris, Ut Domnum Apos- tolicum, et omnes ecclesiasticos or- l dines in sanctare- ligione conservare digneris, Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humili- are digneris, Ut regibus et prin- cipibus cliristianis pacem et veram concordiam do- nare digneris, 6 £ Os a £ g- s O Os Ut cuncto populo christiano pacem et unitatem largiri digneris, Ut nosmetipsos in tuo sancto ser- AVe sinners, We beseech Thee , hear us. thou TThwould st 1 spare us, That Thou wouldst pardon us, That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to gov- ern and preserve Thy Holy Church, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to pre- serve our Apos- tolic Prelate, and all orders of the Church in holy . religion, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to hum- ble the enemies of Thy holy Church, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give peace and true concord to Christ- | ian kings and princes, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant peace and unity to all Christian peo- ples, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to con- J We beseech Thee , hear us. 104 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. vitio confortare et ] conservare dig- J neris, Ut mentes nostras ad cselestia desi- deria erigas, Ut omnibus bene- factoribus nostris sempiterna bona retribuas, Ut an i mas nostras, fratrum, propin- quorum, et bene- factorum nostro- rum ab aeterna damnatione eri- - pias, Ut fructus terrae dare et conservare digneris. £ o oj Ut omnibus fideli- bus defunctis re- quiem aeternam donare digneris, Ut nos exaudire digneris, Fili Dei, Agnus Dei, Qui tollis pec- cata mundi, parce nobis, Domine. Agnus Dei, Qui tollis pec- cata mundi, Exaudi nos, Domine. firm and preserve us in Thy holy service, That Thou wouldst lift up our minds to heavenly desires, That Thou wouldst render eternal blessings to all our benefactors, That Thou wouldst deliver our souls, and the souls of our brethren, rela- tions and benefac- tors from eternal damnation, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give and preserve the fruits of the earth, That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant eternal rest to all the faithful de- parted. That Thou wouldst vouchsafe gra- ciously to hear us, Son of God, Lamb of God, Who takest awajT the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. 3 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. 105 Agnus Dei, Qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, Who takest cata mundi, miserere away the sins of the nobis. ~ world, have mercy on us. The Litany being finished, the Celebrant rises and turns towards the altar, the Postulant remaining prostrate. Celebrant . Kyrie eleison. Attendant . Christe eleison. Celebrant . Kyrie eleison. Pater noster. V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. R. Sed libera nos a malo. V. Domine exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. Y. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. OREMUS.' Deus, qui per coaeternum tibi Filium cuncta creasti, quique hunc mundum peccatis inveteratum, per myste- riurn Incarnationis divinae renovare dignatus es : Te supplices exoramus, ut ejusdem Filii Tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi dementia super lianc famulam tuum [has famulas tuas] respicere digneris quatenus spiritu mentis suae renovata veterem hominem cum actibus suis exuat, et novum, qui secundum Deum creatus est, induere mereatur, per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. The Celebrant then sprinkles the postulant with holy water, the Assistant directs her to rise. BLESSING OF THE HABIT. Whilst the Habit is being blessed, and the postulant is being invested, the Psalm, “In Exitu Israel” is chanted. 106 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. - Psalraus cxiii. In exitu Israel de iEgj'pto : * domus Jacob de populo barbaro. F acta est Judaea sanctificatio Ejus :* Israel potestas Ejus. Mare vidit et fugit :* Jordanis conversus est retror- sum. Montes exultaverunt ut arietes :* et colies, sicut agni ovium. Quid est tibi mare, quod fugisti :* et tu, Jordanis, quia conversus es retrorsum? Montes, exultastis sicut arietes:* et colies, sicut agni ovium. A facie Domini mota est terra:* a facie Dei Jacob. Qui convertit petram in stagna aquarum ;* et rupem in fontes aquarum. Non nobis Domine, non nobis :* sed nomini Tuo da gloriam. Super misericordia Tua, et veritate Tua:* nequando dicant gentes : ubi es Deus eorum? Deus autem noster in coelo :* omnia quaecumque voluit, fecit. Simulacra gentium argentum et aurum,^ opera manuuffl hominum. Os habent, et non loquentur :* oculos habent, et non videbunt. Aures habent, et non audient :* nares habent, et non odorabunt. Manus habent, et non palpabunt ; pedes habent, et non ambulabunt :* non clamabunt in gutture suo. Similes illis fiant, qui faciunt ea :* et omnes, qui contidunt in eis. Domus Israel speravit in Domino :* adjutor eorum, et protector eorum est. Domus Aaron speravit in Domino:* adjutor eorum, et protector eorum est. THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. 107 Qui timent Dominum, speraverunt in Domino:* ad- jutor eorum, et protector eorum est. Dominus memor fnit nostri :* et benedixit nobis. Benedixit omnibus, qui timent Dominum :* pusillis, cum majoribus. Adjiciat Dominus super vos :* super vos et super filios vestros. Benedicti vos a Domino :* qui fecit coelum et terram. Coelum coeli Domino :* terram autem dedit filiis hominum. Non mortui laudabunt Te, Domine :* neque omnes, qui descendunt in infernum. Sed nos qui vivimus, benedicimus Domino :* ex hoc nunc, et usque in saeculum. Gloria Patri, etc. THE BLESSING OF THE HABIT. V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. R. Qui fecit coelum et terram. V. Sit nomen Domini benedictum. R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum. y. Domine exaudi orationein mean). R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. y. Dominus vobiscum, R. Et cum spiritu tuo. OREMUS. Domine Jesu Christe, qui tegumen nostrae mortali- tatis induere dignatus es, quique gloriosum Confessorem tuum,Beatum Patrem Franciscum tresOrdines instituere salubriter inspirasti, ac per operis tui yicarios, suramos Ecclesiae tuae Pontifices, ipsos approbare fecisti, im~ mensam clementiae tuae largitatem suppliciter ex- oramus, ut haec indumenta, quae idem Beatus Fran- ciscus ad innocentiae, mortificationis et honestatis in- dicium, ac pro valicla contra saeculum, carnem et daemones armatura, commilitones suos fratres de 108 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. poenitentia in Ordine portare decrevit, ita benedicere et sancti * ficare digneris, ut haec famnla tua (hae famidae tuae) ea devote suscipiens ( suscipientes ) et intra se taliter induat (indnant) sieut honestam humilemque vitam indumenta ipsa praetendunt, etiam quolibet vitio, te adjuvante, subacto veraciter corde, ore ac opere vivere mereatur (rnereantur) et ate nullis unquarn tentationibus separetur (separentur) . Qui vivis et reguas in saecula sseculorum. Amen. THE BLESSING OF THE VEIL. Supplices Te, Domine, rogamus, ut super hanc vestem, ancillae tuae capiti imponendam (has vestes ancillarum capitibus imponendas), bene p dictio Tua benigna descendat : et sit haec vestis benedicta, consecrata, immaeulata et sancta [et sint hae vestes benedictae, consecratae, imaculatae et sanctae]. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. The Veil is then sprinkled with Holy Water. BLESSING OF THE CORD. Deus, qui, ut servum redimeres, Filium Tuum per manus impiorum ligari voluisti : bene J* die quaesumus, cingulum istud (cingula ista) et praesta, ut famula tua quae eo velut ligamine poemtentiali sui corporis cingetur, vinculorum ejusdem Domini nostri Jesu Christi per- petuo memor existat et benedictionis tuae largitatem misericorditer conseqnatur. Per eumdem Dominum nostrum, etc. Amen. Blessing of the Rosary. OREMUS. Omnipotens et misericors Deus, qui propter nos Filium Tuum Unigenitum, Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, de coelis in terram descendere, et de beatis- THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION 109 simae Virginis Mariae utero, angelo nuntiante carnem suscipere voluisti, ut nos eriperes cle potestate diaboli : obsecramus immensam clementiam tuam, ut haec signa psalterii iu honorem et laudem ejusdem Genitricis Filii tui bene ^ dicas et sancti * fices, eisque sanctam infun- das virtutem Spiritus sancti, ut quaecumque horum quodlibet secum portaverit, idque in domo sua reverentur habuerit sancta abundet clevotione, et ab omni hoste visibili semper et ubique in sseculo liberetur, et in exitu sua Beatissima semper Virgine Maria Tibi plena bonis operibus praesentari mereatur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen . The Celebrant next sprinkles the habit, cord, and rosary, with holy water. Taking the wreath from the Postulant’s head, he says : Exuat te Dominus veterem hominem cum actibus sms, et eripiat de corde tuo sseculi pompas^ quibus ab renuntiasti, dum baptismum suscepisti. The hair is then cut off. Approaching the Novice, the Celebrant places the Habit upon her, saying: Induat te Dominus indumento salutis, et circumdet te vestimento justitiae. Tolle jugum Domini suave super te ut invenias requiem animae tuae. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen, Then, holding the blessed veil over her head, he says: Accipe vestem candidam, signum internae puritatis, ut sequaris Agnum sine macula, et ambules cum eo in albis, in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen, He then gives her the Cord, saying: Praecingat te Dominus, charissima soror, cingulo Ordinis hujus, ad invccationem Sanctissimi Nominis ui, et beatissimi Patris nostri Francisci, quo poasis. 1 10 THE CEREMONIES OF RECEPTION. recordari vinculorum Passionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, et servire ad opera poenitentiae et charitatis. Giving her the Office of the Blessed Virgin, the Book of Rules, and the Rosary, he says : Accipe regulam, quam tibi servandam tradirnus ; quod si ejus praecepta servaris, ipsa custodiet te, et addet Dominus vitae tuae benedictionem. Amen . The Celebrant turns towards the Altar, and prays: V. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. OREMUS. Majestatem tuam, Domine, suppliciter exoramus ut famulam tuam (famulas tuas), et sororem nostram (sorores nostras), cui (quibus) Ordinis nostri vestem imposuimus digneris inter discipulas tuas virtute ex alto induere et salutis protegere vestimento, ut sub humilitatis veste tibi perseveranter deserviens (deservi- entes) ad stolam immortalitatis et gloriae mereatur (mereantur) pervenire. Benedictio Dei omnipotentis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti descendat super vos et maneat semper. Amen. The Mass is then continued, and at its conclusion, the . Te Deum is chanted. THE CEREMONY OF PROFESSION. Ill CEREMONY OF PROFESSION. ON the clay of Profession all the sisters shall offer their holyCommunion for the novice. She will communicate at the Mass celebrated for the ceremony. The black veil is left near the Altar. The procession of the Sisters enter as in the Ceremony of Reception. 1Arrived at the foot of the altar, and kneeling, the Celebrant intones the “Veni Creator, Spiritus,” which is immediately sung by the choir, the Sisters all kneeling. The Hymn, Yeni Creator Spiritus, etc. (See page 93.) Y. Emitte spiritum Tuum, et creabuntur. R. Et renovabis faeiem terrae. OREMUS. Deus, Qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti, da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere, et de Ejus semper consolatione gaudere, per Dominum nostrum. Jesum Christum, Filium Tuum, Qui Tecum, etc. Amen . The Celebrant then ascends the Altar, and, at the Epistle side blesses the Yeil and Crucifix. Y. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. R. Qui fecit coelum et terrain. Y. Ostende nobis Domine, misericordiam Tuam. R. Et salutare Tuum da nobis. Y. Domine, Deus virtutum, converte nos. R. Et ostende faeiem Tuam et salvi erimus, Y. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad Te veniat. Y. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. OREMUS. Suppliciter Te Domine rogamus, ut super hanc vestem ancillae Tuae capiti imponendam, benedictio Tua 112 THE CEREMONY OF PROFESSION. benigna descendat ; ut sit haec vestis ^ benedicta, con- secrata, immaculata, et sancta, per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen . OREMUS. Caput omnium fidelium Deus, et totius corporis Sal- vator, hoc operimentum velaminis, quod famula Tua, propter Tuum, Tuaeque Genitricis, beatissimae Virgi- nis Mariae, amorem, suo capiti est impositura, dextera Tua sanctifica ; et hoc, quod per illud mystice datur intelligi, Tua semper custodia, corpore pariter et anima incontaminata custodiat, ut quando ad perpetuam sanctorum remunerationem venerit, cum prudentibus et ipa virginibus praeparata, Te duce, ad sempiternae felicitatis nuptias introire mereatur. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre, in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. The Celebrant then sprinkles the Veil and Crucifix with holy water, saying: In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen • The Celebrant begins Mass. After the Gospel the Sermon is preached. Then the Celebrant, seated upon the platform of the Altar, invites the novice to the foot of the Altar; she kneels, and he asks the following questions: Celebrant . My child what do you desire? Novice. My Lord [or Rev. Father], I most humbly beg to be received to the Holy Profession. Celebrant. My child do you consider yourself suffici- ent^ instructed in regard to the Vows of Religion, and the Rules and Constitutions of this Institute ; and do you know the obligations you contract by the Holy Profes- sion ? Novice. Yes, my Lord [or Rev. Father], with the grace of God. Celebrant. Det tibi Deus in hoc sancto proposito per- severantiam, illudque ad optatum effectual perducere, THE CEREMONY OF PROFESSION. 113 Sua benignitate dignetur. In nomine Patris, ^ et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen . Here the novice will prostrate herself. LITANY OF THE SAINTS. (From the Franciscan Breviary. See page 93.) N. B.—If there be more than one novice to be professed, each one shall be interrogated separately. The Litany being finished, the Celebrant sprinkles the novice with holy water; the Assistant directs her to arise, and the Mass is continued. At the Communion, the novice enters the sanctuary, and kneels on the prie-dieu prepared for her. His Grace, seated at the altar receives her vows, which she repeats as follows : I, Sister N. N., promise Almighty God, Mary, His Immaculate Mother, our Holy Father St. Francis, all the Saints, and my most Reverend Archbishop [or Rev- erend Father], to keep the Commandments of God as long as I live ; to give satisfaction for all the transgressions I may have committed against our Rules ; to obey our Holy Father the Pope, and His legitimate successors. And I vow to live in Obedience, Poverty, and Chastity, according to the Rules and commands of my Superiors. Whilst the novice pronounces her vows, one of the assistants takes her candle, returning it to her after she has received Communion. The Confiteor is then said, and the Archbishop gives her Holy Communion, pronouncing the words: Quod Deus in te incepit, Ipse perficiat ; et corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen. After the Mass is ended, the newly professed sister, accom- panied by the Mother-Superior and Mistress of Novices, again enters the Sanctuary, and, kneeling on the Altar-step, receives the Crucifix and black Veil from the Celebrant. 8 CONTENTS. 115 CONTENTS. Part First PAGE Chapter v. Reception, - - - - - - - 9 “ vi. Dress, - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 10 44 vii. Furniture of the Sisters’ Cells, ----- li 44 viii. Order of the Day, - - -- -- -- -- n 44 ix. Office and Prayer in General, ----- 12 44 x. How the Sisters should Conduct Them- selves in and out of the Convent, - - - 14 44 xi. Principal Occupations of the Sisters, - - - 15 14 xii. The Schools, - - - 15 44 xiii. The Hospitals, - - - 16 “ xiv. “ Portress, ---------- 17 44 xv. “ Inhrmarian, 18 44 xvi. “ Sacristan, - - 20 44 xvii. Silence, - - 20 44 xviii. Recreation Days, ---------- 21 44 xix. Meals, - -- -- -- -- -- -- 21 44 xx. Fasts, Abstinence, Penance, and Correc- tion of Faults, - - - - - 22 Decree, - -- ----- 23 44 xxi. Confession and Communion, ------ 27 44 xxii. Charity Towards our Neighbor, 31 44 xxiii. The Yow of Poverty, - - - 32 44 xxiv. “ 44 Chastity, - - 33 44 xxv. “ 44 Obedience, 34 Part Second. Chapter i. j The General Chapter, ------- 39 The Election of Delegates, ----- 40 ii. The Election of the Mother-Superior and the General Councilors, ------- 41 116 CONTENTS. PAGB Chapter iii. The Office of the Mother-Superior and of the General Councilors, 44 Matters in which the General Counci- lors have a decisive voice, ... 45 Visitation and Foundations, - - - 46 “ iv. The Office of Mother-Assistant, - - - - 48 “ v. The Office of Local-Superior and her Assistants, 48 “ vi. The Office of Procuratrix, 52 “ vii. The Office of Mistress of Novices and her Assistant, ------ 52 “ viii. The Novitiate, 57 “ ix. Rank of the Sisters, - - - 58 The Duties of Superiors, 59 Reflection on Charity, 61 Advice to Teachers, 64 Civility and Religious Decorum, - - 66 Part Third. Morning Prayers, - - - 71 Night “ - - - - - - 79 Grace Before Meals, ----- 85 The Ceremonies of Reception, -------- - - 92 The Ceremony of Profession, ----- HI