id sid tid token lemma pos _005459559 1 1 how how SCONJ _005459559 1 2 are be AUX _005459559 1 3 things thing NOUN _005459559 1 4 in in ADP _005459559 1 5 tito tito PROPN _005459559 1 6 - - PUNCT _005459559 1 7 slavia slavia PROPN _005459559 1 8 ? ? PUNCT _005459559 2 1 how how SCONJ _005459559 2 2 are be AUX _005459559 2 3 things thing NOUN _005459559 2 4 in in ADP _005459559 2 5 tito tito PROPN _005459559 2 6 - - PUNCT _005459559 2 7 slavia slavia PROPN _005459559 2 8 ? ? PUNCT _005459559 3 1 by by ADP _005459559 3 2 richard richard PROPN _005459559 3 3 cinder cinder PROPN _005459559 3 4 this this PRON _005459559 3 5 is be AUX _005459559 3 6 no no NOUN _005459559 3 7 . . NOUN _005459559 3 8 9 9 NUM _005459559 3 9 in in ADP _005459559 3 10 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _005459559 3 11 series series NOUN _005459559 3 12 on on ADP _005459559 3 13 communism communism NOUN _005459559 3 14 published publish VERB _005459559 3 15 by by ADP _005459559 3 16 the the DET _005459559 3 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 3 18 information information NOUN _005459559 3 19 society society NOUN _005459559 3 20 214 214 NUM _005459559 3 21 west west PROPN _005459559 3 22 31st 31st PROPN _005459559 3 23 st st PROPN _005459559 3 24 . . PROPN _005459559 3 25 , , PUNCT _005459559 3 26 neif neif PROPN _005459559 3 27 york york PROPN _005459559 3 28 1 1 NUM _005459559 3 29 , , PUNCT _005459559 3 30 n. n. PROPN _005459559 3 31 y. y. PROPN _005459559 3 32 ( ( PUNCT _005459559 3 33 opposite opposite ADJ _005459559 3 34 penn penn NOUN _005459559 3 35 , , PUNCT _005459559 3 36 terminal terminal ADJ _005459559 3 37 ) ) PUNCT _005459559 3 38 see see VERB _005459559 3 39 back back ADP _005459559 3 40 cover cover NOUN _005459559 3 41 for for ADP _005459559 3 42 other other ADJ _005459559 3 43 titles title NOUN _005459559 3 44 in in ADP _005459559 3 45 series series NOUN _005459559 3 46 by by ADP _005459559 3 47 outstanding outstanding ADJ _005459559 3 48 authors author NOUN _005459559 3 49 . . PUNCT _005459559 4 1 1 1 NUM _005459559 4 2 copyright copyright NOUN _005459559 4 3 1947 1947 NUM _005459559 4 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 4 5 information information NOUN _005459559 4 6 society society NOUN _005459559 4 7 , , PUNCT _005459559 4 8 n. n. PROPN _005459559 4 9 y. y. PROPN _005459559 4 10 how how SCONJ _005459559 4 11 are be AUX _005459559 4 12 things thing NOUN _005459559 4 13 in in ADP _005459559 4 14 tito tito PROPN _005459559 4 15 - - PUNCT _005459559 4 16 siavia siavia PROPN _005459559 4 17 ? ? PUNCT _005459559 5 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 5 2 i i PRON _005459559 5 3 did do AUX _005459559 5 4 not not PART _005459559 5 5 come come VERB _005459559 5 6 here here ADV _005459559 5 7 to to PART _005459559 5 8 ask ask VERB _005459559 5 9 any any DET _005459559 5 10 favor favor NOUN _005459559 5 11 for for ADP _005459559 5 12 myself myself PRON _005459559 5 13 . . PUNCT _005459559 6 1 i i PRON _005459559 6 2 came come VERB _005459559 6 3 because because SCONJ _005459559 6 4 you you PRON _005459559 6 5 sent send VERB _005459559 6 6 for for ADP _005459559 6 7 me i PRON _005459559 6 8 . . PUNCT _005459559 7 1 you you PRON _005459559 7 2 have have AUX _005459559 7 3 taken take VERB _005459559 7 4 me i PRON _005459559 7 5 out out ADP _005459559 7 6 of of ADP _005459559 7 7 the the DET _005459559 7 8 prison prison NOUN _005459559 7 9 for for ADP _005459559 7 10 a a DET _005459559 7 11 purpose purpose NOUN _005459559 7 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 8 1 let let VERB _005459559 8 2 me i PRON _005459559 8 3 remind remind VERB _005459559 8 4 you you PRON _005459559 8 5 what what PRON _005459559 8 6 i i PRON _005459559 8 7 stand stand VERB _005459559 8 8 for for ADP _005459559 8 9 : : PUNCT _005459559 8 10 i i PRON _005459559 8 11 insist insist VERB _005459559 8 12 upon upon SCONJ _005459559 8 13 freedom freedom NOUN _005459559 8 14 for for ADP _005459559 8 15 all all DET _005459559 8 16 the the DET _005459559 8 17 people people NOUN _005459559 8 18 . . PUNCT _005459559 9 1 you you PRON _005459559 9 2 have have AUX _005459559 9 3 given give VERB _005459559 9 4 no no DET _005459559 9 5 signs sign NOUN _005459559 9 6 that that SCONJ _005459559 9 7 you you PRON _005459559 9 8 intend intend VERB _005459559 9 9 to to PART _005459559 9 10 respect respect VERB _005459559 9 11 the the DET _005459559 9 12 constitution constitution NOUN _005459559 9 13 . . PUNCT _005459559 10 1 i i PRON _005459559 10 2 am be AUX _005459559 10 3 going go VERB _005459559 10 4 to to PART _005459559 10 5 resist resist VERB _005459559 10 6 you you PRON _005459559 10 7 on on ADP _005459559 10 8 every every DET _005459559 10 9 move move NOUN _005459559 10 10 in in ADP _005459559 10 11 which which PRON _005459559 10 12 you you PRON _005459559 10 13 disregard disregard VERB _005459559 10 14 the the DET _005459559 10 15 constitution constitution NOUN _005459559 10 16 and and CCONJ _005459559 10 17 the the DET _005459559 10 18 people people NOUN _005459559 10 19 . . PUNCT _005459559 10 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 10 21 . . PUNCT _005459559 10 22 ” " PUNCT _005459559 11 1 brave brave ADJ _005459559 11 2 words word NOUN _005459559 11 3 — — PUNCT _005459559 11 4 spoken speak VERB _005459559 11 5 by by ADP _005459559 11 6 a a DET _005459559 11 7 defenseless defenseless ADJ _005459559 11 8 citizen citizen NOUN _005459559 11 9 to to ADP _005459559 11 10 a a DET _005459559 11 11 ruthless ruthless ADJ _005459559 11 12 dictator dictator NOUN _005459559 11 13 : : PUNCT _005459559 11 14 “ " PUNCT _005459559 11 15 i i PRON _005459559 11 16 insist insist VERB _005459559 11 17 upon upon SCONJ _005459559 11 18 freedom freedom NOUN _005459559 11 19 for for ADP _005459559 11 20 all all DET _005459559 11 21 the the DET _005459559 11 22 people people NOUN _005459559 11 23 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 11 24 ” " PUNCT _005459559 12 1 on on ADP _005459559 12 2 one one NUM _005459559 12 3 side side NOUN _005459559 12 4 of of ADP _005459559 12 5 the the DET _005459559 12 6 desk desk NOUN _005459559 12 7 , , PUNCT _005459559 12 8 a a DET _005459559 12 9 tall tall ADJ _005459559 12 10 christlike christlike ADJ _005459559 12 11 man man NOUN _005459559 12 12 , , PUNCT _005459559 12 13 armed arm VERB _005459559 12 14 only only ADV _005459559 12 15 with with ADP _005459559 12 16 a a DET _005459559 12 17 good good ADJ _005459559 12 18 conscience conscience NOUN _005459559 12 19 and and CCONJ _005459559 12 20 the the DET _005459559 12 21 loyalty loyalty NOUN _005459559 12 22 of of ADP _005459559 12 23 thousands thousand NOUN _005459559 12 24 of of ADP _005459559 12 25 friends friend NOUN _005459559 12 26 — — PUNCT _005459559 12 27 aloysius aloysius NOUN _005459559 12 28 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 12 29 , , PUNCT _005459559 12 30 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 12 31 of of ADP _005459559 12 32 zagreb zagreb NOUN _005459559 12 33 ; ; PUNCT _005459559 12 34 on on ADP _005459559 12 35 the the DET _005459559 12 36 other other ADJ _005459559 12 37 side side NOUN _005459559 12 38 of of ADP _005459559 12 39 the the DET _005459559 12 40 desk desk NOUN _005459559 12 41 , , PUNCT _005459559 12 42 josef josef PROPN _005459559 12 43 tito tito PROPN _005459559 12 44 , , PUNCT _005459559 12 45 moscow moscow PROPN _005459559 12 46 - - PUNCT _005459559 12 47 trained train VERB _005459559 12 48 overlord overlord NOUN _005459559 12 49 of of ADP _005459559 12 50 prisons prison NOUN _005459559 12 51 and and CCONJ _005459559 12 52 concentration concentration NOUN _005459559 12 53 camps camp NOUN _005459559 12 54 , , PUNCT _005459559 12 55 head head NOUN _005459559 12 56 of of ADP _005459559 12 57 the the DET _005459559 12 58 army army NOUN _005459559 12 59 and and CCONJ _005459559 12 60 spy spy NOUN _005459559 12 61 - - PUNCT _005459559 12 62 corps corps PROPN _005459559 12 63 , , PUNCT _005459559 12 64 stalin stalin PROPN _005459559 12 65 ’s ’s PROPN _005459559 12 66 deputy deputy NOUN _005459559 12 67 for for ADP _005459559 12 68 yugoslavia yugoslavia PROPN _005459559 12 69 . . PUNCT _005459559 13 1 by by ADP _005459559 13 2 richard richard PROPN _005459559 13 3 cinder cinder PROPN _005459559 13 4 what what PRON _005459559 13 5 would would AUX _005459559 13 6 you you PRON _005459559 13 7 do do VERB _005459559 13 8 if if SCONJ _005459559 13 9 you you PRON _005459559 13 10 had have AUX _005459559 13 11 been be AUX _005459559 13 12 in in ADP _005459559 13 13 tito tito PROPN _005459559 13 14 ’s ’s PART _005459559 13 15 place place NOUN _005459559 13 16 , , PUNCT _005459559 13 17 confronted confront VERB _005459559 13 18 with with ADP _005459559 13 19 so so ADV _005459559 13 20 fearless fearless ADJ _005459559 13 21 a a DET _005459559 13 22 man man NOUN _005459559 13 23 ? ? PUNCT _005459559 14 1 tito tito PROPN _005459559 14 2 was be AUX _005459559 14 3 afraid afraid ADJ _005459559 14 4 to to PART _005459559 14 5 have have VERB _005459559 14 6 him he PRON _005459559 14 7 shot shoot VERB _005459559 14 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 14 9 so so ADV _005459559 14 10 he he PRON _005459559 14 11 arranged arrange VERB _005459559 14 12 a a DET _005459559 14 13 “ " PUNCT _005459559 14 14 trial trial NOUN _005459559 14 15 ” " PUNCT _005459559 14 16 as as ADP _005459559 14 17 a a DET _005459559 14 18 result result NOUN _005459559 14 19 of of ADP _005459559 14 20 which which PRON _005459559 14 21 the the DET _005459559 14 22 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 14 23 was be AUX _005459559 14 24 sentenced sentence VERB _005459559 14 25 to to ADP _005459559 14 26 sixteen sixteen NUM _005459559 14 27 years year NOUN _005459559 14 28 of of ADP _005459559 14 29 hard hard ADJ _005459559 14 30 labor labor NOUN _005459559 14 31 . . PUNCT _005459559 15 1 it it PRON _005459559 15 2 was be AUX _005459559 15 3 rigged rig VERB _005459559 15 4 from from ADP _005459559 15 5 the the DET _005459559 15 6 start start NOUN _005459559 15 7 , , PUNCT _005459559 15 8 to to PART _005459559 15 9 be be AUX _005459559 15 10 sure sure ADJ _005459559 15 11 , , PUNCT _005459559 15 12 but but CCONJ _005459559 15 13 what what PRON _005459559 15 14 of of ADP _005459559 15 15 that that PRON _005459559 15 16 ? ? PUNCT _005459559 16 1 it it PRON _005459559 16 2 served serve VERB _005459559 16 3 its its PRON _005459559 16 4 purpose purpose NOUN _005459559 16 5 and and CCONJ _005459559 16 6 put put VERB _005459559 16 7 the the DET _005459559 16 8 churchman churchman NOUN _005459559 16 9 behind behind ADP _005459559 16 10 bars bar NOUN _005459559 16 11 when when SCONJ _005459559 16 12 he he PRON _005459559 16 13 could could AUX _005459559 16 14 no no ADV _005459559 16 15 longer long ADV _005459559 16 16 work work VERB _005459559 16 17 to to PART _005459559 16 18 stir stir VERB _005459559 16 19 the the DET _005459559 16 20 hearts heart NOUN _005459559 16 21 and and CCONJ _005459559 16 22 minds mind NOUN _005459559 16 23 of of ADP _005459559 16 24 croats croat NOUN _005459559 16 25 , , PUNCT _005459559 16 26 serbs serb NOUN _005459559 16 27 and and CCONJ _005459559 16 28 slovenes slovene NOUN _005459559 16 29 . . PUNCT _005459559 17 1 destroying destroy VERB _005459559 17 2 religion religion NOUN _005459559 17 3 as as ADP _005459559 17 4 usual usual ADJ _005459559 17 5 , , PUNCT _005459559 17 6 the the DET _005459559 17 7 communist communist ADJ _005459559 17 8 conspirators conspirator NOUN _005459559 17 9 are be AUX _005459559 17 10 concentrating concentrate VERB _005459559 17 11 their their PRON _005459559 17 12 main main ADJ _005459559 17 13 efforts effort NOUN _005459559 17 14 on on ADP _005459559 17 15 the the DET _005459559 17 16 uprooting uprooting NOUN _005459559 17 17 of of ADP _005459559 17 18 religion religion NOUN _005459559 17 19 in in ADP _005459559 17 20 yugoslavia yugoslavia PROPN _005459559 17 21 . . PUNCT _005459559 18 1 the the DET _005459559 18 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 18 3 church church NOUN _005459559 18 4 and and CCONJ _005459559 18 5 clergy clergy NOUN _005459559 18 6 are be AUX _005459559 18 7 constantly constantly ADV _005459559 18 8 being be AUX _005459559 18 9 villified villifie VERB _005459559 18 10 in in ADP _005459559 18 11 the the DET _005459559 18 12 press press NOUN _005459559 18 13 and and CCONJ _005459559 18 14 on on ADP _005459559 18 15 the the DET _005459559 18 16 air air NOUN _005459559 18 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 19 1 the the DET _005459559 19 2 objects object NOUN _005459559 19 3 of of ADP _005459559 19 4 this this DET _005459559 19 5 scurrilous scurrilous ADJ _005459559 19 6 campaign campaign NOUN _005459559 19 7 are be AUX _005459559 19 8 helpless helpless ADJ _005459559 19 9 . . PUNCT _005459559 20 1 of of ADP _005459559 20 2 the the DET _005459559 20 3 hundred hundred NUM _005459559 20 4 or or CCONJ _005459559 20 5 so so ADV _005459559 20 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 20 7 periodicals periodical NOUN _005459559 20 8 which which PRON _005459559 20 9 flourished flourish VERB _005459559 20 10 before before ADP _005459559 20 11 the the DET _005459559 20 12 war war NOUN _005459559 20 13 , , PUNCT _005459559 20 14 not not PART _005459559 20 15 one one NOUN _005459559 20 16 is be AUX _005459559 20 17 being be AUX _005459559 20 18 published publish VERB _005459559 20 19 today today NOUN _005459559 20 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 21 1 an an DET _005459559 21 2 observer observer NOUN _005459559 21 3 in in ADP _005459559 21 4 the the DET _005459559 21 5 balkans balkan NOUN _005459559 21 6 , , PUNCT _005459559 21 7 reporting report VERB _005459559 21 8 in in ADP _005459559 21 9 the the DET _005459559 21 10 magazine magazine NOUN _005459559 21 11 plain plain ADJ _005459559 21 12 talk talk NOUN _005459559 21 13 ( ( PUNCT _005459559 21 14 december december PROPN _005459559 21 15 1946 1946 NUM _005459559 21 16 ) ) PUNCT _005459559 21 17 says say VERB _005459559 21 18 that that SCONJ _005459559 21 19 atheism atheism NOUN _005459559 21 20 and and CCONJ _005459559 21 21 irreligion irreligion NOUN _005459559 21 22 are be AUX _005459559 21 23 being be AUX _005459559 21 24 taught teach VERB _005459559 21 25 in in ADP _005459559 21 26 the the DET _005459559 21 27 schools school NOUN _005459559 21 28 . . PUNCT _005459559 22 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 22 2 to to PART _005459559 22 3 bring bring VERB _005459559 22 4 the the DET _005459559 22 5 point point NOUN _005459559 22 6 home home NOUN _005459559 22 7 , , PUNCT _005459559 22 8 the the DET _005459559 22 9 pupils pupil NOUN _005459559 22 10 are be AUX _005459559 22 11 told tell VERB _005459559 22 12 4 4 NUM _005459559 22 13 to to PART _005459559 22 14 pray pray VERB _005459559 22 15 to to ADP _005459559 22 16 god god PROPN _005459559 22 17 for for ADP _005459559 22 18 candy candy NOUN _005459559 22 19 . . PUNCT _005459559 23 1 nothing nothing PRON _005459559 23 2 happens happen VERB _005459559 23 3 . . PUNCT _005459559 24 1 then then ADV _005459559 24 2 they they PRON _005459559 24 3 are be AUX _005459559 24 4 told tell VERB _005459559 24 5 to to PART _005459559 24 6 ask ask VERB _005459559 24 7 tito tito NOUN _005459559 24 8 for for ADP _005459559 24 9 candy candy NOUN _005459559 24 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 25 1 at at ADP _005459559 25 2 once once ADV _005459559 25 3 a a DET _005459559 25 4 shower shower NOUN _005459559 25 5 of of ADP _005459559 25 6 candy candy NOUN _005459559 25 7 falls fall VERB _005459559 25 8 through through ADP _005459559 25 9 the the DET _005459559 25 10 skylight skylight NOUN _005459559 25 11 . . PUNCT _005459559 26 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 26 2 in in ADP _005459559 26 3 addition addition NOUN _005459559 26 4 to to ADP _005459559 26 5 anti anti ADJ _005459559 26 6 - - ADJ _005459559 26 7 religious religious ADJ _005459559 26 8 lessons lesson NOUN _005459559 26 9 and and CCONJ _005459559 26 10 songs song NOUN _005459559 26 11 , , PUNCT _005459559 26 12 ” " PUNCT _005459559 26 13 the the DET _005459559 26 14 observer observer NOUN _005459559 26 15 continues continue VERB _005459559 26 16 , , PUNCT _005459559 26 17 “ " PUNCT _005459559 26 18 definite definite ADJ _005459559 26 19 efforts effort NOUN _005459559 26 20 are be AUX _005459559 26 21 made make VERB _005459559 26 22 to to PART _005459559 26 23 break break VERB _005459559 26 24 down down ADP _005459559 26 25 the the DET _005459559 26 26 moral moral ADJ _005459559 26 27 standards standard NOUN _005459559 26 28 of of ADP _005459559 26 29 youth youth NOUN _005459559 26 30 . . PUNCT _005459559 27 1 in in ADP _005459559 27 2 the the DET _005459559 27 3 best good ADJ _005459559 27 4 tradition tradition NOUN _005459559 27 5 of of ADP _005459559 27 6 hitler hitler NOUN _005459559 27 7 youth youth NOUN _005459559 27 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 27 9 lascivious lascivious ADJ _005459559 27 10 stories story NOUN _005459559 27 11 are be AUX _005459559 27 12 told tell VERB _005459559 27 13 to to ADP _005459559 27 14 teen teen NOUN _005459559 27 15 - - PUNCT _005459559 27 16 agers ager NOUN _005459559 27 17 by by ADP _005459559 27 18 their their PRON _005459559 27 19 teachers teacher NOUN _005459559 27 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 28 1 promiscuity promiscuity NOUN _005459559 28 2 is be AUX _005459559 28 3 encouraged encourage VERB _005459559 28 4 . . PUNCT _005459559 29 1 it it PRON _005459559 29 2 is be AUX _005459559 29 3 hoped hope VERB _005459559 29 4 that that SCONJ _005459559 29 5 a a DET _005459559 29 6 demoralized demoralize VERB _005459559 29 7 youth youth NOUN _005459559 29 8 will will AUX _005459559 29 9 spontaneously spontaneously ADV _005459559 29 10 fall fall VERB _005459559 29 11 away away ADV _005459559 29 12 from from ADP _005459559 29 13 religion religion NOUN _005459559 29 14 . . PUNCT _005459559 29 15 ” " PUNCT _005459559 30 1 young young ADJ _005459559 30 2 catholics catholic NOUN _005459559 30 3 , , PUNCT _005459559 30 4 styled style VERB _005459559 30 5 “ " PUNCT _005459559 30 6 reactionaries reactionary NOUN _005459559 30 7 ” " PUNCT _005459559 30 8 and and CCONJ _005459559 30 9 clerico clerico NOUN _005459559 30 10 - - PUNCT _005459559 30 11 fascists fascist NOUN _005459559 30 12 , , PUNCT _005459559 30 13 ” " PUNCT _005459559 30 14 have have AUX _005459559 30 15 been be AUX _005459559 30 16 barred bar VERB _005459559 30 17 from from ADP _005459559 30 18 higher high ADJ _005459559 30 19 education education NOUN _005459559 30 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 31 1 to to PART _005459559 31 2 keep keep VERB _005459559 31 3 the the DET _005459559 31 4 people people NOUN _005459559 31 5 from from ADP _005459559 31 6 mass mass NOUN _005459559 31 7 on on ADP _005459559 31 8 sundays sunday NOUN _005459559 31 9 , , PUNCT _005459559 31 10 children child NOUN _005459559 31 11 and and CCONJ _005459559 31 12 older old ADJ _005459559 31 13 people people NOUN _005459559 31 14 are be AUX _005459559 31 15 obliged oblige VERB _005459559 31 16 to to PART _005459559 31 17 do do VERB _005459559 31 18 “ " PUNCT _005459559 31 19 public public ADJ _005459559 31 20 work work NOUN _005459559 31 21 ” " PUNCT _005459559 31 22 or or CCONJ _005459559 31 23 to to PART _005459559 31 24 attend attend VERB _005459559 31 25 “ " PUNCT _005459559 31 26 spontaneous spontaneous ADJ _005459559 31 27 ” " PUNCT _005459559 31 28 demonstrations demonstration NOUN _005459559 31 29 . . PUNCT _005459559 32 1 the the DET _005459559 32 2 work work NOUN _005459559 32 3 - - PUNCT _005459559 32 4 week week NOUN _005459559 32 5 is be AUX _005459559 32 6 now now ADV _005459559 32 7 a a DET _005459559 32 8 seven seven NUM _005459559 32 9 - - PUNCT _005459559 32 10 day day NOUN _005459559 32 11 affair affair NOUN _005459559 32 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 33 1 worshippers worshipper NOUN _005459559 33 2 are be AUX _005459559 33 3 occasionally occasionally ADV _005459559 33 4 attacked attack VERB _005459559 33 5 and and CCONJ _005459559 33 6 beaten beat VERB _005459559 33 7 by by ADP _005459559 33 8 mobs mob NOUN _005459559 33 9 incited incite VERB _005459559 33 10 by by ADP _005459559 33 11 the the DET _005459559 33 12 communist communist ADJ _005459559 33 13 secret secret ADJ _005459559 33 14 police police NOUN _005459559 33 15 . . PUNCT _005459559 34 1 these these DET _005459559 34 2 same same ADJ _005459559 34 3 agents agent NOUN _005459559 34 4 have have VERB _005459559 34 5 so so ADV _005459559 34 6 twisted twist VERB _005459559 34 7 innocent innocent ADJ _005459559 34 8 sermons sermon NOUN _005459559 34 9 into into ADP _005459559 34 10 “ " PUNCT _005459559 34 11 political political ADJ _005459559 34 12 utterances utterance NOUN _005459559 34 13 ” " PUNCT _005459559 34 14 that that SCONJ _005459559 34 15 the the DET _005459559 34 16 clergy clergy NOUN _005459559 34 17 have have AUX _005459559 34 18 been be AUX _005459559 34 19 instructed instruct VERB _005459559 34 20 by by ADP _005459559 34 21 their their PRON _005459559 34 22 superiors superior NOUN _005459559 34 23 instead instead ADV _005459559 34 24 of of ADP _005459559 34 25 preaching preach VERB _005459559 34 26 to to PART _005459559 34 27 read read VERB _005459559 34 28 to to ADP _005459559 34 29 the the DET _005459559 34 30 people people NOUN _005459559 34 31 from from ADP _005459559 34 32 pious pious ADJ _005459559 34 33 books book NOUN _005459559 34 34 . . PUNCT _005459559 35 1 5 5 NUM _005459559 35 2 use use NOUN _005459559 35 3 of of ADP _005459559 35 4 lies lie NOUN _005459559 35 5 and and CCONJ _005459559 35 6 murder murder NOUN _005459559 35 7 hundreds hundred NOUN _005459559 35 8 of of ADP _005459559 35 9 churches church NOUN _005459559 35 10 have have AUX _005459559 35 11 been be AUX _005459559 35 12 closed close VERB _005459559 35 13 — — PUNCT _005459559 35 14 many many ADJ _005459559 35 15 of of ADP _005459559 35 16 them they PRON _005459559 35 17 turned turn VERB _005459559 35 18 to to ADP _005459559 35 19 secular secular ADJ _005459559 35 20 use use NOUN _005459559 35 21 . . PUNCT _005459559 36 1 the the DET _005459559 36 2 wayside wayside ADJ _005459559 36 3 shrines shrine NOUN _005459559 36 4 for for ADP _005459559 36 5 which which PRON _005459559 36 6 the the DET _005459559 36 7 country country NOUN _005459559 36 8 was be AUX _005459559 36 9 famous famous ADJ _005459559 36 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 36 11 have have AUX _005459559 36 12 been be AUX _005459559 36 13 almost almost ADV _005459559 36 14 totally totally ADV _005459559 36 15 destroyed destroy VERB _005459559 36 16 . . PUNCT _005459559 37 1 in in ADP _005459559 37 2 zagreb zagreb PROPN _005459559 37 3 , , PUNCT _005459559 37 4 the the DET _005459559 37 5 capital capital NOUN _005459559 37 6 of of ADP _005459559 37 7 croatia croatia PROPN _005459559 37 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 37 9 the the DET _005459559 37 10 communists communist NOUN _005459559 37 11 entered enter VERB _005459559 37 12 the the DET _005459559 37 13 cathedral cathedral NOUN _005459559 37 14 and and CCONJ _005459559 37 15 smashed smash VERB _005459559 37 16 the the DET _005459559 37 17 statue statue NOUN _005459559 37 18 of of ADP _005459559 37 19 our our PRON _005459559 37 20 lady lady NOUN _005459559 37 21 of of ADP _005459559 37 22 bistrica bistrica PROPN _005459559 37 23 . . PUNCT _005459559 38 1 then then ADV _005459559 38 2 , , PUNCT _005459559 38 3 cynically cynically ADV _005459559 38 4 , , PUNCT _005459559 38 5 the the DET _005459559 38 6 government government NOUN _005459559 38 7 charged charge VERB _005459559 38 8 the the DET _005459559 38 9 clergy clergy NOUN _005459559 38 10 with with ADP _005459559 38 11 this this DET _005459559 38 12 crime crime NOUN _005459559 38 13 and and CCONJ _005459559 38 14 threatened threaten VERB _005459559 38 15 to to PART _005459559 38 16 punish punish VERB _005459559 38 17 them they PRON _005459559 38 18 for for ADP _005459559 38 19 “ " PUNCT _005459559 38 20 an an DET _005459559 38 21 act act NOUN _005459559 38 22 against against ADP _005459559 38 23 religion religion NOUN _005459559 38 24 . . PUNCT _005459559 38 25 ” " PUNCT _005459559 39 1 land land NOUN _005459559 39 2 mines mine NOUN _005459559 39 3 were be AUX _005459559 39 4 buried bury VERB _005459559 39 5 near near ADP _005459559 39 6 a a DET _005459559 39 7 shrine shrine NOUN _005459559 39 8 in in ADP _005459559 39 9 slovenia slovenia PROPN _005459559 39 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 39 11 so so SCONJ _005459559 39 12 that that SCONJ _005459559 39 13 a a DET _005459559 39 14 child child NOUN _005459559 39 15 who who PRON _005459559 39 16 went go VERB _005459559 39 17 near near ADV _005459559 39 18 to to PART _005459559 39 19 pray pray VERB _005459559 39 20 was be AUX _005459559 39 21 blown blow VERB _005459559 39 22 to to ADP _005459559 39 23 bits bit NOUN _005459559 39 24 . . PUNCT _005459559 40 1 catholics catholic NOUN _005459559 40 2 are be AUX _005459559 40 3 denied deny VERB _005459559 40 4 the the DET _005459559 40 5 right right NOUN _005459559 40 6 of of ADP _005459559 40 7 association association NOUN _005459559 40 8 . . PUNCT _005459559 41 1 their their PRON _005459559 41 2 societies society NOUN _005459559 41 3 have have AUX _005459559 41 4 been be AUX _005459559 41 5 dissolved dissolve VERB _005459559 41 6 to to ADP _005459559 41 7 the the DET _005459559 41 8 extent extent NOUN _005459559 41 9 that that SCONJ _005459559 41 10 even even ADV _005459559 41 11 choir choir NOUN _005459559 41 12 - - PUNCT _005459559 41 13 practices practice NOUN _005459559 41 14 have have AUX _005459559 41 15 been be AUX _005459559 41 16 forbidden forbid VERB _005459559 41 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 42 1 soldiers soldier NOUN _005459559 42 2 are be AUX _005459559 42 3 forbidden forbid VERB _005459559 42 4 to to PART _005459559 42 5 enter enter VERB _005459559 42 6 a a DET _005459559 42 7 church church NOUN _005459559 42 8 or or CCONJ _005459559 42 9 to to PART _005459559 42 10 summon summon VERB _005459559 42 11 a a DET _005459559 42 12 priest priest NOUN _005459559 42 13 when when SCONJ _005459559 42 14 sick sick ADJ _005459559 42 15 or or CCONJ _005459559 42 16 dying die VERB _005459559 42 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 43 1 they they PRON _005459559 43 2 are be AUX _005459559 43 3 even even ADV _005459559 43 4 denied deny VERB _005459559 43 5 christian christian ADJ _005459559 43 6 burial burial NOUN _005459559 43 7 . . PUNCT _005459559 44 1 all all DET _005459559 44 2 catholic catholic PROPN _005459559 44 3 schools school NOUN _005459559 44 4 , , PUNCT _005459559 44 5 elementary elementary ADJ _005459559 44 6 and and CCONJ _005459559 44 7 secondary secondary ADJ _005459559 44 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 44 9 have have AUX _005459559 44 10 been be AUX _005459559 44 11 closed close VERB _005459559 44 12 and and CCONJ _005459559 44 13 the the DET _005459559 44 14 buildings building NOUN _005459559 44 15 confiscated confiscate VERB _005459559 44 16 . . PUNCT _005459559 45 1 all all DET _005459559 45 2 institutions institution NOUN _005459559 45 3 of of ADP _005459559 45 4 charity charity NOUN _005459559 45 5 have have AUX _005459559 45 6 been be AUX _005459559 45 7 shut shut VERB _005459559 45 8 down down ADP _005459559 45 9 with with ADP _005459559 45 10 the the DET _005459559 45 11 exception exception NOUN _005459559 45 12 of of ADP _005459559 45 13 a a DET _005459559 45 14 few few ADJ _005459559 45 15 of of ADP _005459559 45 16 the the DET _005459559 45 17 larger large ADJ _005459559 45 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 45 19 hospitals hospital NOUN _005459559 45 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 46 1 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 46 2 orphanages orphanage NOUN _005459559 46 3 and and CCONJ _005459559 46 4 homes home NOUN _005459559 46 5 for for ADP _005459559 46 6 6 6 NUM _005459559 46 7 the the DET _005459559 46 8 aged aged PROPN _005459559 46 9 have have AUX _005459559 46 10 been be AUX _005459559 46 11 closed close VERB _005459559 46 12 and and CCONJ _005459559 46 13 the the DET _005459559 46 14 sisters sister NOUN _005459559 46 15 turned turn VERB _005459559 46 16 out out ADP _005459559 46 17 on on ADP _005459559 46 18 the the DET _005459559 46 19 streets street NOUN _005459559 46 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 47 1 convents convent NOUN _005459559 47 2 and and CCONJ _005459559 47 3 religious religious ADJ _005459559 47 4 houses house NOUN _005459559 47 5 are be AUX _005459559 47 6 being be AUX _005459559 47 7 dissolved dissolve VERB _005459559 47 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 47 9 the the DET _005459559 47 10 properties property NOUN _005459559 47 11 appropriated appropriate VERB _005459559 47 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 48 1 the the DET _005459559 48 2 nuns nun NOUN _005459559 48 3 are be AUX _005459559 48 4 directed direct VERB _005459559 48 5 to to PART _005459559 48 6 get get VERB _005459559 48 7 out out ADP _005459559 48 8 and and CCONJ _005459559 48 9 get get AUX _005459559 48 10 married marry VERB _005459559 48 11 . . PUNCT _005459559 48 12 ' ' PUNCT _005459559 49 1 communist communist ADJ _005459559 49 2 organizations organization NOUN _005459559 49 3 are be AUX _005459559 49 4 occupying occupy VERB _005459559 49 5 hundreds hundred NOUN _005459559 49 6 of of ADP _005459559 49 7 parish parish NOUN _005459559 49 8 and and CCONJ _005459559 49 9 diocesan diocesan ADJ _005459559 49 10 buildings building NOUN _005459559 49 11 . . PUNCT _005459559 50 1 endowments endowment NOUN _005459559 50 2 built build VERB _005459559 50 3 up up ADP _005459559 50 4 over over ADP _005459559 50 5 centuries century NOUN _005459559 50 6 for for ADP _005459559 50 7 education education NOUN _005459559 50 8 and and CCONJ _005459559 50 9 charity charity NOUN _005459559 50 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 50 11 the the DET _005459559 50 12 gifts gift NOUN _005459559 50 13 of of ADP _005459559 50 14 generations generation NOUN _005459559 50 15 of of ADP _005459559 50 16 generous generous ADJ _005459559 50 17 people people NOUN _005459559 50 18 , , PUNCT _005459559 50 19 are be AUX _005459559 50 20 being be AUX _005459559 50 21 used use VERB _005459559 50 22 for for ADP _005459559 50 23 the the DET _005459559 50 24 consolidation consolidation NOUN _005459559 50 25 of of ADP _005459559 50 26 the the DET _005459559 50 27 communist communist ADJ _005459559 50 28 state state NOUN _005459559 50 29 and and CCONJ _005459559 50 30 the the DET _005459559 50 31 maintenance maintenance NOUN _005459559 50 32 of of ADP _005459559 50 33 the the DET _005459559 50 34 huge huge ADJ _005459559 50 35 communist communist ADJ _005459559 50 36 army army NOUN _005459559 50 37 . . PUNCT _005459559 51 1 in in ADP _005459559 51 2 many many ADJ _005459559 51 3 sections section NOUN _005459559 51 4 , , PUNCT _005459559 51 5 newly newly ADV _005459559 51 6 appointed appoint VERB _005459559 51 7 parish parish ADJ _005459559 51 8 priests priest NOUN _005459559 51 9 have have AUX _005459559 51 10 not not PART _005459559 51 11 been be AUX _005459559 51 12 allowed allow VERB _005459559 51 13 to to PART _005459559 51 14 take take VERB _005459559 51 15 possession possession NOUN _005459559 51 16 of of ADP _005459559 51 17 their their PRON _005459559 51 18 parishes parish NOUN _005459559 51 19 unless unless SCONJ _005459559 51 20 they they PRON _005459559 51 21 have have AUX _005459559 51 22 first first ADV _005459559 51 23 been be AUX _005459559 51 24 approved approve VERB _005459559 51 25 by by ADP _005459559 51 26 the the DET _005459559 51 27 local local ADJ _005459559 51 28 commissars commissar NOUN _005459559 51 29 . . PUNCT _005459559 52 1 parish parish PROPN _005459559 52 2 priests priest NOUN _005459559 52 3 in in ADP _005459559 52 4 other other ADJ _005459559 52 5 places place NOUN _005459559 52 6 have have AUX _005459559 52 7 been be AUX _005459559 52 8 turned turn VERB _005459559 52 9 out out ADP _005459559 52 10 of of ADP _005459559 52 11 their their PRON _005459559 52 12 rectories rectory NOUN _005459559 52 13 and and CCONJ _005459559 52 14 forced force VERB _005459559 52 15 to to PART _005459559 52 16 find find VERB _005459559 52 17 a a DET _005459559 52 18 roof roof NOUN _005459559 52 19 wherever wherever SCONJ _005459559 52 20 they they PRON _005459559 52 21 could could AUX _005459559 52 22 . . PUNCT _005459559 53 1 in in ADP _005459559 53 2 scores score NOUN _005459559 53 3 of of ADP _005459559 53 4 villages village NOUN _005459559 53 5 , , PUNCT _005459559 53 6 priests priest NOUN _005459559 53 7 have have AUX _005459559 53 8 been be AUX _005459559 53 9 forbidden forbid VERB _005459559 53 10 from from ADP _005459559 53 11 entering enter VERB _005459559 53 12 their their PRON _005459559 53 13 churches church NOUN _005459559 53 14 under under ADP _005459559 53 15 penalty penalty NOUN _005459559 53 16 of of ADP _005459559 53 17 death death NOUN _005459559 53 18 . . PUNCT _005459559 54 1 religious religious ADJ _005459559 54 2 books book NOUN _005459559 54 3 and and CCONJ _005459559 54 4 objects object NOUN _005459559 54 5 of of ADP _005459559 54 6 devotion devotion NOUN _005459559 54 7 have have AUX _005459559 54 8 been be AUX _005459559 54 9 burned burn VERB _005459559 54 10 in in ADP _005459559 54 11 churches church NOUN _005459559 54 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 55 1 the the DET _005459559 55 2 churches church NOUN _005459559 55 3 themselves themselves PRON _005459559 55 4 have have AUX _005459559 55 5 been be AUX _005459559 55 6 saved save VERB _005459559 55 7 from from ADP _005459559 55 8 conflagration conflagration NOUN _005459559 55 9 only only ADV _005459559 55 10 by by ADP _005459559 55 11 the the DET _005459559 55 12 heroic heroic ADJ _005459559 55 13 efforts effort NOUN _005459559 55 14 of of ADP _005459559 55 15 the the DET _005459559 55 16 faithful faithful NOUN _005459559 55 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 56 1 7 7 NUM _005459559 56 2 not not PART _005459559 56 3 even even ADV _005459559 56 4 the the DET _005459559 56 5 dead dead ADJ _005459559 56 6 are be AUX _005459559 56 7 safe safe ADJ _005459559 56 8 against against ADP _005459559 56 9 tito tito PROPN _005459559 56 10 ’s ’s PART _005459559 56 11 minions minion NOUN _005459559 56 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 57 1 the the DET _005459559 57 2 graves grave NOUN _005459559 57 3 of of ADP _005459559 57 4 “ " PUNCT _005459559 57 5 enemies enemy NOUN _005459559 57 6 of of ADP _005459559 57 7 the the DET _005459559 57 8 people people NOUN _005459559 57 9 ” " PUNCT _005459559 57 10 have have AUX _005459559 57 11 been be AUX _005459559 57 12 leveled level VERB _005459559 57 13 and and CCONJ _005459559 57 14 crosses crosse NOUN _005459559 57 15 over over ADP _005459559 57 16 them they PRON _005459559 57 17 destroyed destroy VERB _005459559 57 18 . . PUNCT _005459559 58 1 this this PRON _005459559 58 2 is be AUX _005459559 58 3 how how SCONJ _005459559 58 4 the the DET _005459559 58 5 bodies body NOUN _005459559 58 6 of of ADP _005459559 58 7 our our PRON _005459559 58 8 five five NUM _005459559 58 9 american american ADJ _005459559 58 10 airmen airman NOUN _005459559 58 11 came come VERB _005459559 58 12 to to PART _005459559 58 13 be be AUX _005459559 58 14 thrown throw VERB _005459559 58 15 into into ADP _005459559 58 16 a a DET _005459559 58 17 rubbish rubbish ADJ _005459559 58 18 heap heap NOUN _005459559 58 19 in in ADP _005459559 58 20 a a DET _005459559 58 21 nearby nearby ADJ _005459559 58 22 cemetery cemetery NOUN _005459559 58 23 . . PUNCT _005459559 59 1 a a DET _005459559 59 2 reign reign NOUN _005459559 59 3 of of ADP _005459559 59 4 terror terror NOUN _005459559 59 5 terror terror NOUN _005459559 59 6 pervades pervade VERB _005459559 59 7 the the DET _005459559 59 8 entire entire ADJ _005459559 59 9 country country NOUN _005459559 59 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 60 1 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 60 2 men man NOUN _005459559 60 3 and and CCONJ _005459559 60 4 women woman NOUN _005459559 60 5 disappear disappear VERB _005459559 60 6 in in ADP _005459559 60 7 the the DET _005459559 60 8 dead dead NOUN _005459559 60 9 of of ADP _005459559 60 10 the the DET _005459559 60 11 night night NOUN _005459559 60 12 and and CCONJ _005459559 60 13 their their PRON _005459559 60 14 families family NOUN _005459559 60 15 can can AUX _005459559 60 16 not not PART _005459559 60 17 find find VERB _005459559 60 18 out out ADP _005459559 60 19 where where SCONJ _005459559 60 20 they they PRON _005459559 60 21 have have AUX _005459559 60 22 been be AUX _005459559 60 23 taken take VERB _005459559 60 24 . . PUNCT _005459559 61 1 most most ADJ _005459559 61 2 of of ADP _005459559 61 3 them they PRON _005459559 61 4 never never ADV _005459559 61 5 return return VERB _005459559 61 6 ; ; PUNCT _005459559 61 7 the the DET _005459559 61 8 others other NOUN _005459559 61 9 come come VERB _005459559 61 10 back back ADV _005459559 61 11 , , PUNCT _005459559 61 12 broken break VERB _005459559 61 13 and and CCONJ _005459559 61 14 silent silent ADJ _005459559 61 15 . . PUNCT _005459559 62 1 but but CCONJ _005459559 62 2 if if SCONJ _005459559 62 3 they they PRON _005459559 62 4 talk talk VERB _005459559 62 5 of of ADP _005459559 62 6 their their PRON _005459559 62 7 experiences experience NOUN _005459559 62 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 62 9 they they PRON _005459559 62 10 disappear disappear VERB _005459559 62 11 again again ADV _005459559 62 12 — — PUNCT _005459559 62 13 this this DET _005459559 62 14 time time NOUN _005459559 62 15 for for ADP _005459559 62 16 good good ADJ _005459559 62 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 63 1 leading lead VERB _005459559 63 2 laymen layman NOUN _005459559 63 3 in in ADP _005459559 63 4 the the DET _005459559 63 5 church church NOUN _005459559 63 6 are be AUX _005459559 63 7 not not PART _005459559 63 8 spared spare VERB _005459559 63 9 . . PUNCT _005459559 64 1 in in ADP _005459559 64 2 the the DET _005459559 64 3 concentration concentration NOUN _005459559 64 4 camp camp NOUN _005459559 64 5 at at ADP _005459559 64 6 lepoglava lepoglava ADV _005459559 64 7 there there PRON _005459559 64 8 are be VERB _005459559 64 9 2,100 2,100 NUM _005459559 64 10 intellectuals intellectual NOUN _005459559 64 11 who who PRON _005459559 64 12 at at ADP _005459559 64 13 one one NUM _005459559 64 14 time time NOUN _005459559 64 15 played play VERB _005459559 64 16 a a DET _005459559 64 17 prominent prominent ADJ _005459559 64 18 part part NOUN _005459559 64 19 in in ADP _005459559 64 20 church church NOUN _005459559 64 21 affairs affair NOUN _005459559 64 22 . . PUNCT _005459559 65 1 a a DET _005459559 65 2 separate separate ADJ _005459559 65 3 camp camp NOUN _005459559 65 4 for for ADP _005459559 65 5 the the DET _005459559 65 6 religious religious ADJ _005459559 65 7 is be AUX _005459559 65 8 maintained maintain VERB _005459559 65 9 at at ADP _005459559 65 10 stara stara PROPN _005459559 65 11 gradiska gradiska PROPN _005459559 65 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 66 1 an an DET _005459559 66 2 eyewitness eyewitness NOUN _005459559 66 3 report report NOUN _005459559 66 4 from from ADP _005459559 66 5 this this DET _005459559 66 6 latter latter ADJ _005459559 66 7 camp camp NOUN _005459559 66 8 states state NOUN _005459559 66 9 : : PUNCT _005459559 66 10 “ " PUNCT _005459559 66 11 when when SCONJ _005459559 66 12 the the DET _005459559 66 13 story story NOUN _005459559 66 14 of of ADP _005459559 66 15 stara stara PROPN _005459559 66 16 gradiska gradiska PROPN _005459559 66 17 is be AUX _005459559 66 18 told tell VERB _005459559 66 19 , , PUNCT _005459559 66 20 the the DET _005459559 66 21 world world NOUN _005459559 66 22 will will AUX _005459559 66 23 blanch blanch VERB _005459559 66 24 with with ADP _005459559 66 25 horror horror NOUN _005459559 66 26 , , PUNCT _005459559 66 27 and and CCONJ _005459559 66 28 the the DET _005459559 66 29 camp camp NOUN _005459559 66 30 will will AUX _005459559 66 31 take take VERB _005459559 66 32 rank rank NOUN _005459559 66 33 with with ADP _005459559 66 34 belsen belsen PROPN _005459559 66 35 and and CCONJ _005459559 66 36 dachau dachau VERB _005459559 66 37 in in ADP _005459559 66 38 the the DET _005459559 66 39 history history NOUN _005459559 66 40 of of ADP _005459559 66 41 human human ADJ _005459559 66 42 degradation degradation NOUN _005459559 66 43 . . PUNCT _005459559 66 44 ” " PUNCT _005459559 67 1 s s VERB _005459559 67 2 the the DET _005459559 67 3 walls wall NOUN _005459559 67 4 of of ADP _005459559 67 5 houses house NOUN _005459559 67 6 all all ADV _005459559 67 7 over over ADP _005459559 67 8 the the DET _005459559 67 9 country country NOUN _005459559 67 10 are be AUX _005459559 67 11 covered cover VERB _005459559 67 12 with with ADP _005459559 67 13 the the DET _005459559 67 14 slogan slogan NOUN _005459559 67 15 painted paint VERB _005459559 67 16 by by ADP _005459559 67 17 the the DET _005459559 67 18 communists communist NOUN _005459559 67 19 : : PUNCT _005459559 67 20 “ " PUNCT _005459559 67 21 death death NOUN _005459559 67 22 to to ADP _005459559 67 23 the the DET _005459559 67 24 priests priest NOUN _005459559 67 25 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 68 1 death death NOUN _005459559 68 2 to to ADP _005459559 68 3 the the DET _005459559 68 4 signers signer NOUN _005459559 68 5 of of ADP _005459559 68 6 the the DET _005459559 68 7 pastoral pastoral ADJ _005459559 68 8 letter letter NOUN _005459559 68 9 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 68 10 ” " PUNCT _005459559 69 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 69 2 it it PRON _005459559 69 3 would would AUX _005459559 69 4 be be AUX _005459559 69 5 a a DET _005459559 69 6 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005459559 69 7 for for SCONJ _005459559 69 8 me i PRON _005459559 69 9 to to PART _005459559 69 10 kill kill VERB _005459559 69 11 you you PRON _005459559 69 12 , , PUNCT _005459559 69 13 ” " PUNCT _005459559 69 14 communists communist NOUN _005459559 69 15 have have AUX _005459559 69 16 told tell VERB _005459559 69 17 many many ADJ _005459559 69 18 a a DET _005459559 69 19 priest priest NOUN _005459559 69 20 , , PUNCT _005459559 69 21 “ " PUNCT _005459559 69 22 but but CCONJ _005459559 69 23 the the DET _005459559 69 24 party party NOUN _005459559 69 25 thinks think VERB _005459559 69 26 the the DET _005459559 69 27 time time NOUN _005459559 69 28 has have AUX _005459559 69 29 not not PART _005459559 69 30 yet yet ADV _005459559 69 31 come come VERB _005459559 69 32 . . PUNCT _005459559 69 33 ” " PUNCT _005459559 70 1 everyone everyone PRON _005459559 70 2 of of ADP _005459559 70 3 the the DET _005459559 70 4 yugoslav yugoslav ADJ _005459559 70 5 archbishops archbishop NOUN _005459559 70 6 and and CCONJ _005459559 70 7 bishops bishop NOUN _005459559 70 8 has have AUX _005459559 70 9 been be AUX _005459559 70 10 arrested arrest VERB _005459559 70 11 and and CCONJ _005459559 70 12 held hold VERB _005459559 70 13 in in ADP _005459559 70 14 prison prison NOUN _005459559 70 15 by by ADP _005459559 70 16 the the DET _005459559 70 17 secret secret ADJ _005459559 70 18 police police NOUN _005459559 70 19 , , PUNCT _005459559 70 20 some some PRON _005459559 70 21 for for ADP _005459559 70 22 only only ADV _005459559 70 23 a a DET _005459559 70 24 few few ADJ _005459559 70 25 hours hour NOUN _005459559 70 26 , , PUNCT _005459559 70 27 some some PRON _005459559 70 28 for for ADP _005459559 70 29 several several ADJ _005459559 70 30 days day NOUN _005459559 70 31 , , PUNCT _005459559 70 32 some some PRON _005459559 70 33 for for ADP _005459559 70 34 weeks week NOUN _005459559 70 35 . . PUNCT _005459559 71 1 all all PRON _005459559 71 2 of of ADP _005459559 71 3 them they PRON _005459559 71 4 are be AUX _005459559 71 5 under under ADP _005459559 71 6 surveillance surveillance NOUN _005459559 71 7 , , PUNCT _005459559 71 8 practically practically ADV _005459559 71 9 under under ADP _005459559 71 10 house house NOUN _005459559 71 11 arrest arrest NOUN _005459559 71 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 72 1 the the DET _005459559 72 2 following follow VERB _005459559 72 3 statistics statistic NOUN _005459559 72 4 have have AUX _005459559 72 5 recently recently ADV _005459559 72 6 become become VERB _005459559 72 7 available available ADJ _005459559 72 8 : : PUNCT _005459559 72 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 10 priests priest NOUN _005459559 72 11 in in ADP _005459559 72 12 yugo.slavia yugo.slavia PROPN _005459559 72 13 in in ADP _005459559 72 14 1939 1939 NUM _005459559 72 15 1,916 1,916 NUM _005459559 72 16 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 17 priests priest NOUN _005459559 72 18 in in ADP _005459559 72 19 yugoslavia yugoslavia PROPN _005459559 72 20 in in ADP _005459559 72 21 1946 1946 NUM _005459559 72 22 401 401 NUM _005459559 72 23 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 24 priests priest NOUN _005459559 72 25 killed kill VERB _005459559 72 26 369 369 NUM _005459559 72 27 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 28 priests priest NOUN _005459559 72 29 imprisoned imprison VERB _005459559 72 30 176 176 NUM _005459559 72 31 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 32 priests priest NOUN _005459559 72 33 in in ADP _005459559 72 34 exile exile NOUN _005459559 72 35 409 409 NUM _005459559 72 36 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 37 priests priest NOUN _005459559 72 38 missing miss VERB _005459559 72 39 562 562 NUM _005459559 72 40 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 41 sisters sister NOUN _005459559 72 42 killed kill VERB _005459559 72 43 12 12 NUM _005459559 72 44 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 45 sisters sister NOUN _005459559 72 46 imprisoned imprison VERB _005459559 72 47 60 60 NUM _005459559 72 48 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 49 laity laity NOUN _005459559 72 50 killed kill VERB _005459559 72 51 , , PUNCT _005459559 72 52 estimated estimate VERB _005459559 72 53 ( ( PUNCT _005459559 72 54 in in ADP _005459559 72 55 croatia croatia NOUN _005459559 72 56 alone alone ADV _005459559 72 57 ) ) PUNCT _005459559 72 58 at at ADP _005459559 72 59 400,000 400,000 NUM _005459559 72 60 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 61 laity laity NOUN _005459559 72 62 imprisoned imprison VERB _005459559 72 63 , , PUNCT _005459559 72 64 estimated estimate VERB _005459559 72 65 at at ADP _005459559 72 66 over over ADP _005459559 72 67 100,000 100,000 NUM _005459559 72 68 report report NOUN _005459559 72 69 from from ADP _005459559 72 70 amsterdam amsterdam PROPN _005459559 72 71 according accord VERB _005459559 72 72 to to ADP _005459559 72 73 a a DET _005459559 72 74 report report NOUN _005459559 72 75 recently recently ADV _005459559 72 76 received receive VERB _005459559 72 77 from from ADP _005459559 72 78 amsterdam amsterdam PROPN _005459559 72 79 at at ADP _005459559 72 80 the the DET _005459559 72 81 national national ADJ _005459559 72 82 catholic catholic PROPN _005459559 72 83 welfare welfare NOUN _005459559 72 84 conference conference NOUN _005459559 72 85 in in ADP _005459559 72 86 washington washington PROPN _005459559 72 87 , , PUNCT _005459559 72 88 communists communist NOUN _005459559 72 89 in in ADP _005459559 72 90 yugoslavia yugoslavia PROPN _005459559 72 91 are be AUX _005459559 72 92 currently currently ADV _005459559 72 93 concentrating concentrate VERB _005459559 72 94 their their PRON _005459559 72 95 anti anti ADJ _005459559 72 96 - - ADJ _005459559 72 97 religious religious ADJ _005459559 72 98 persecution persecution NOUN _005459559 72 99 on on ADP _005459559 72 100 priests priest NOUN _005459559 72 101 and and CCONJ _005459559 72 102 lajmien lajmien PROPN _005459559 72 103 , , PUNCT _005459559 72 104 hoping hope VERB _005459559 72 105 , , PUNCT _005459559 72 106 apparently apparently ADV _005459559 72 107 , , PUNCT _005459559 72 108 to to PART _005459559 72 109 cripple cripple VERB _005459559 72 110 the the DET _005459559 72 111 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 72 112 church church NOUN _005459559 72 113 without without ADP _005459559 72 114 arousing arouse VERB _005459559 72 115 unfavorable unfavorable ADJ _005459559 72 116 comment comment NOUN _005459559 72 117 and and CCONJ _005459559 72 118 publicity publicity NOUN _005459559 72 119 abroad abroad ADV _005459559 72 120 . . PUNCT _005459559 73 1 according accord VERB _005459559 73 2 to to ADP _005459559 73 3 this this DET _005459559 73 4 statement statement NOUN _005459559 73 5 , , PUNCT _005459559 73 6 “ " PUNCT _005459559 73 7 communist communist ADJ _005459559 73 8 ‘ ' PUNCT _005459559 73 9 activitists activitist NOUN _005459559 73 10 ’ ' PUNCT _005459559 73 11 are be AUX _005459559 73 12 warning warn VERB _005459559 73 13 catholics catholic NOUN _005459559 73 14 that that SCONJ _005459559 73 15 they they PRON _005459559 73 16 must must AUX _005459559 73 17 not not PART _005459559 73 18 visit visit VERB _005459559 73 19 their their PRON _005459559 73 20 priests priest NOUN _005459559 73 21 or or CCONJ _005459559 73 22 allow allow VERB _005459559 73 23 clergymen clergyman NOUN _005459559 73 24 to to PART _005459559 73 25 visit visit VERB _005459559 73 26 them they PRON _005459559 73 27 in in ADP _005459559 73 28 their their PRON _005459559 73 29 homes home NOUN _005459559 73 30 . . PUNCT _005459559 74 1 people people NOUN _005459559 74 2 who who PRON _005459559 74 3 speak speak VERB _005459559 74 4 to to ADP _005459559 74 5 priests priest NOUN _005459559 74 6 in in ADP _005459559 74 7 passing pass VERB _005459559 74 8 on on ADP _005459559 74 9 the the DET _005459559 74 10 streets street NOUN _005459559 74 11 are be AUX _005459559 74 12 questioned question VERB _005459559 74 13 and and CCONJ _005459559 74 14 threatened threaten VERB _005459559 74 15 by by ADP _005459559 74 16 the the DET _005459559 74 17 agents agent NOUN _005459559 74 18 of of ADP _005459559 74 19 the the DET _005459559 74 20 secret secret ADJ _005459559 74 21 police police NOUN _005459559 74 22 . . PUNCT _005459559 74 23 . . PUNCT _005459559 74 24 . . PUNCT _005459559 75 1 the the DET _005459559 75 2 government government NOUN _005459559 75 3 is be AUX _005459559 75 4 also also ADV _005459559 75 5 levying levy VERB _005459559 75 6 impossible impossible ADJ _005459559 75 7 taxes taxis NOUN _005459559 75 8 against against ADP _005459559 75 9 church church NOUN _005459559 75 10 institutions institution NOUN _005459559 75 11 as as ADP _005459559 75 12 a a DET _005459559 75 13 way way NOUN _005459559 75 14 of of ADP _005459559 75 15 forcing force VERB _005459559 75 16 them they PRON _005459559 75 17 out out ADP _005459559 75 18 of of ADP _005459559 75 19 existence existence NOUN _005459559 75 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 75 21 ” " PUNCT _005459559 76 1 this this DET _005459559 76 2 reporter reporter NOUN _005459559 76 3 says say VERB _005459559 76 4 that that SCONJ _005459559 76 5 during during ADP _005459559 76 6 a a DET _005459559 76 7 recent recent ADJ _005459559 76 8 two two NUM _005459559 76 9 - - PUNCT _005459559 76 10 month month NOUN _005459559 76 11 period period NOUN _005459559 76 12 , , PUNCT _005459559 76 13 nine nine NUM _005459559 76 14 priests priest NOUN _005459559 76 15 of of ADP _005459559 76 16 the the DET _005459559 76 17 zagreb zagreb PROPN _005459559 76 18 archdiocese archdiocese NOUN _005459559 76 19 have have AUX _005459559 76 20 been be AUX _005459559 76 21 arrested arrest VERB _005459559 76 22 and and CCONJ _005459559 76 23 a a DET _005459559 76 24 number number NOUN _005459559 76 25 of of ADP _005459559 76 26 others other NOUN _005459559 76 27 have have AUX _005459559 76 28 been be AUX _005459559 76 29 forced force VERB _005459559 76 30 to to PART _005459559 76 31 leave leave VERB _005459559 76 32 their their PRON _005459559 76 33 parishes parish NOUN _005459559 76 34 under under ADP _005459559 76 35 threat threat NOUN _005459559 76 36 of of ADP _005459559 76 37 death death NOUN _005459559 76 38 . . PUNCT _005459559 77 1 father father PROPN _005459559 77 2 anthony anthony PROPN _005459559 77 3 strasek strasek PROPN _005459559 77 4 , , PUNCT _005459559 77 5 a a DET _005459559 77 6 priest priest NOUN _005459559 77 7 of of ADP _005459559 77 8 the the DET _005459559 77 9 archdiocese archdiocese NOUN _005459559 77 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 77 11 was be AUX _005459559 77 12 killed kill VERB _005459559 77 13 at at ADP _005459559 77 14 carlovic carlovic NOUN _005459559 77 15 by by ADP _005459559 77 16 communist communist ADJ _005459559 77 17 soldiers soldier NOUN _005459559 77 18 because because SCONJ _005459559 77 19 he he PRON _005459559 77 20 submitted submit VERB _005459559 77 21 evidence evidence NOUN _005459559 77 22 10 10 NUM _005459559 77 23 of of ADP _005459559 77 24 the the DET _005459559 77 25 illegal illegal ADJ _005459559 77 26 exaction exaction NOUN _005459559 77 27 of of ADP _005459559 77 28 wheat wheat NOUN _005459559 77 29 from from ADP _005459559 77 30 farmers farmer NOUN _005459559 77 31 by by ADP _005459559 77 32 these these DET _005459559 77 33 same same ADJ _005459559 77 34 soldiers soldier NOUN _005459559 77 35 . . PUNCT _005459559 78 1 the the DET _005459559 78 2 largely largely ADV _005459559 78 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 78 4 district district NOUN _005459559 78 5 around around ADP _005459559 78 6 siroki siroki PROPN _005459559 78 7 brieg brieg PROPN _005459559 78 8 in in ADP _005459559 78 9 herzegovina herzegovina PROPN _005459559 78 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 78 11 it it PRON _005459559 78 12 is be AUX _005459559 78 13 reported report VERB _005459559 78 14 , , PUNCT _005459559 78 15 has have AUX _005459559 78 16 been be AUX _005459559 78 17 subjected subject VERB _005459559 78 18 to to ADP _005459559 78 19 a a DET _005459559 78 20 ruthless ruthless ADJ _005459559 78 21 transfer transfer NOUN _005459559 78 22 of of ADP _005459559 78 23 population population NOUN _005459559 78 24 ; ; PUNCT _005459559 78 25 the the DET _005459559 78 26 catholics catholic NOUN _005459559 78 27 have have AUX _005459559 78 28 been be AUX _005459559 78 29 forced force VERB _005459559 78 30 to to PART _005459559 78 31 abandon abandon VERB _005459559 78 32 their their PRON _005459559 78 33 homes home NOUN _005459559 78 34 and and CCONJ _005459559 78 35 move move VERB _005459559 78 36 farther far ADV _005459559 78 37 from from ADP _005459559 78 38 the the DET _005459559 78 39 coast coast NOUN _005459559 78 40 into into ADP _005459559 78 41 eastern eastern ADJ _005459559 78 42 bosnia bosnia PROPN _005459559 78 43 . . PUNCT _005459559 79 1 in in ADP _005459559 79 2 the the DET _005459559 79 3 severe severe ADJ _005459559 79 4 wintry wintry NOUN _005459559 79 5 weather weather NOUN _005459559 79 6 of of ADP _005459559 79 7 the the DET _005459559 79 8 mountains mountain NOUN _005459559 79 9 , , PUNCT _005459559 79 10 mothers mother NOUN _005459559 79 11 were be AUX _005459559 79 12 compelled compel VERB _005459559 79 13 to to PART _005459559 79 14 carry carry VERB _005459559 79 15 their their PRON _005459559 79 16 babies baby NOUN _005459559 79 17 in in ADP _005459559 79 18 their their PRON _005459559 79 19 arms arm NOUN _005459559 79 20 as as SCONJ _005459559 79 21 they they PRON _005459559 79 22 walked walk VERB _005459559 79 23 through through ADP _005459559 79 24 sleet sleet NOUN _005459559 79 25 and and CCONJ _005459559 79 26 snow snow NOUN _005459559 79 27 for for ADP _005459559 79 28 many many ADJ _005459559 79 29 scores score NOUN _005459559 79 30 of of ADP _005459559 79 31 miles mile NOUN _005459559 79 32 to to ADP _005459559 79 33 their their PRON _005459559 79 34 new new ADJ _005459559 79 35 location location NOUN _005459559 79 36 , , PUNCT _005459559 79 37 where where SCONJ _005459559 79 38 they they PRON _005459559 79 39 are be AUX _005459559 79 40 now now ADV _005459559 79 41 housed house VERB _005459559 79 42 in in ADP _005459559 79 43 rough rough ADJ _005459559 79 44 huts hut NOUN _005459559 79 45 . . PUNCT _005459559 80 1 nor nor CCONJ _005459559 80 2 are be AUX _005459559 80 3 the the DET _005459559 80 4 protestants protestant NOUN _005459559 80 5 being be AUX _005459559 80 6 spared spare VERB _005459559 80 7 : : PUNCT _005459559 80 8 at at ADP _005459559 80 9 petrovgrad petrovgrad ADJ _005459559 80 10 in in ADP _005459559 80 11 the the DET _005459559 80 12 banato banato PROPN _005459559 80 13 district district NOUN _005459559 80 14 , , PUNCT _005459559 80 15 a a DET _005459559 80 16 baptist baptist ADJ _005459559 80 17 church church NOUN _005459559 80 18 was be AUX _005459559 80 19 burned burn VERB _005459559 80 20 by by ADP _005459559 80 21 communist communist ADJ _005459559 80 22 soldiers soldier NOUN _005459559 80 23 . . PUNCT _005459559 81 1 the the DET _005459559 81 2 stepinac stepinac PROPN _005459559 81 3 case case NOUN _005459559 81 4 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 81 5 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 81 6 , , PUNCT _005459559 81 7 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005459559 81 8 chief chief NOUN _005459559 81 9 of of ADP _005459559 81 10 all all DET _005459559 81 11 yugoslav yugoslav ADJ _005459559 81 12 catholics catholic NOUN _005459559 81 13 , , PUNCT _005459559 81 14 was be AUX _005459559 81 15 arrested arrest VERB _005459559 81 16 on on ADP _005459559 81 17 september september PROPN _005459559 81 18 18 18 NUM _005459559 81 19 , , PUNCT _005459559 81 20 1946 1946 NUM _005459559 81 21 . . PUNCT _005459559 82 1 from from ADP _005459559 82 2 that that DET _005459559 82 3 time time NOUN _005459559 82 4 until until ADP _005459559 82 5 the the DET _005459559 82 6 day day NOUN _005459559 82 7 of of ADP _005459559 82 8 his his PRON _005459559 82 9 conviction conviction NOUN _005459559 82 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 82 11 october october PROPN _005459559 82 12 11 11 NUM _005459559 82 13 , , PUNCT _005459559 82 14 he he PRON _005459559 82 15 was be AUX _005459559 82 16 allowed allow VERB _005459559 82 17 to to PART _005459559 82 18 see see VERB _005459559 82 19 his his PRON _005459559 82 20 counsel counsel NOUN _005459559 82 21 only only ADV _005459559 82 22 once once ADV _005459559 82 23 , , PUNCT _005459559 82 24 and and CCONJ _005459559 82 25 then then ADV _005459559 82 26 for for ADP _005459559 82 27 just just ADV _005459559 82 28 one one NUM _005459559 82 29 hour hour NOUN _005459559 82 30 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 83 1 tito tito PROPN _005459559 83 2 alleged allege VERB _005459559 83 3 six six NUM _005459559 83 4 charges charge NOUN _005459559 83 5 against against ADP _005459559 83 6 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 83 7 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 83 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 83 9 trying try VERB _005459559 83 10 to to PART _005459559 83 11 make make VERB _005459559 83 12 him he PRON _005459559 83 13 out out ADP _005459559 83 14 as as ADP _005459559 83 15 a a DET _005459559 83 16 quisling quisling NOUN _005459559 83 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 84 1 but but CCONJ _005459559 84 2 the the DET _005459559 84 3 indictment indictment NOUN _005459559 84 4 n n CCONJ _005459559 84 5 was be AUX _005459559 84 6 false false ADJ _005459559 84 7 on on ADP _005459559 84 8 every every DET _005459559 84 9 count count NOUN _005459559 84 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 84 11 as as SCONJ _005459559 84 12 can can AUX _005459559 84 13 clearly clearly ADV _005459559 84 14 be be AUX _005459559 84 15 shown show VERB _005459559 84 16 from from ADP _005459559 84 17 the the DET _005459559 84 18 record record NOUN _005459559 84 19 . . PUNCT _005459559 85 1 even even ADV _005459559 85 2 the the DET _005459559 85 3 nazis nazi NOUN _005459559 85 4 reported report VERB _005459559 85 5 , , PUNCT _005459559 85 6 in in ADP _005459559 85 7 the the DET _005459559 85 8 voelkischer voelkischer ADJ _005459559 85 9 beobachter beobachter NOUN _005459559 85 10 of of ADP _005459559 85 11 nov nov PROPN _005459559 85 12 . . PROPN _005459559 85 13 3 3 NUM _005459559 85 14 , , PUNCT _005459559 85 15 1943 1943 NUM _005459559 85 16 , , PUNCT _005459559 85 17 that that DET _005459559 85 18 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 85 19 stepinac stepinac PROPN _005459559 85 20 had have AUX _005459559 85 21 “ " PUNCT _005459559 85 22 protested protest VERB _005459559 85 23 against against ADP _005459559 85 24 mass mass NOUN _005459559 85 25 reprisals reprisal NOUN _005459559 85 26 " " PUNCT _005459559 85 27 and and CCONJ _005459559 85 28 , , PUNCT _005459559 85 29 in in ADP _005459559 85 30 general general ADJ _005459559 85 31 , , PUNCT _005459559 85 32 “ " PUNCT _005459559 85 33 attacked attack VERB _005459559 85 34 the the DET _005459559 85 35 present present ADJ _005459559 85 36 regime regime NOUN _005459559 85 37 . . PUNCT _005459559 85 38 ” " PUNCT _005459559 86 1 but but CCONJ _005459559 86 2 tito tito PROPN _005459559 86 3 was be AUX _005459559 86 4 not not PART _005459559 86 5 interested interested ADJ _005459559 86 6 in in ADP _005459559 86 7 arriving arrive VERB _005459559 86 8 at at ADP _005459559 86 9 the the DET _005459559 86 10 truth truth NOUN _005459559 86 11 . . PUNCT _005459559 87 1 his his PRON _005459559 87 2 principal principal ADJ _005459559 87 3 concern concern NOUN _005459559 87 4 was be AUX _005459559 87 5 to to PART _005459559 87 6 get get VERB _005459559 87 7 the the DET _005459559 87 8 fearless fearless ADJ _005459559 87 9 churchman churchman NOUN _005459559 87 10 behind behind ADP _005459559 87 11 bars bar NOUN _005459559 87 12 — — PUNCT _005459559 87 13 by by ADP _005459559 87 14 hook hook NOUN _005459559 87 15 or or CCONJ _005459559 87 16 by by ADP _005459559 87 17 crook crook NOUN _005459559 87 18 . . PUNCT _005459559 88 1 the the DET _005459559 88 2 “ " PUNCT _005459559 88 3 trial trial NOUN _005459559 88 4 ” " PUNCT _005459559 88 5 took take VERB _005459559 88 6 place place NOUN _005459559 88 7 in in ADP _005459559 88 8 a a DET _005459559 88 9 school school NOUN _005459559 88 10 gymnasium gymnasium NOUN _005459559 88 11 . . PUNCT _005459559 89 1 the the DET _005459559 89 2 audience audience NOUN _005459559 89 3 , , PUNCT _005459559 89 4 admitted admit VERB _005459559 89 5 by by ADP _005459559 89 6 ticket ticket NOUN _005459559 89 7 , , PUNCT _005459559 89 8 was be AUX _005459559 89 9 hand hand NOUN _005459559 89 10 - - PUNCT _005459559 89 11 picked pick VERB _005459559 89 12 by by ADP _005459559 89 13 the the DET _005459559 89 14 communists communist NOUN _005459559 89 15 . . PUNCT _005459559 90 1 the the DET _005459559 90 2 state state NOUN _005459559 90 3 “ " PUNCT _005459559 90 4 proved prove VERB _005459559 90 5 ” " PUNCT _005459559 90 6 its its PRON _005459559 90 7 case case NOUN _005459559 90 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 90 9 of of ADP _005459559 90 10 course course NOUN _005459559 90 11 . . PUNCT _005459559 91 1 it it PRON _005459559 91 2 had have AUX _005459559 91 3 been be AUX _005459559 91 4 framed frame VERB _005459559 91 5 before before SCONJ _005459559 91 6 it it PRON _005459559 91 7 started start VERB _005459559 91 8 . . PUNCT _005459559 92 1 on on ADP _005459559 92 2 october october PROPN _005459559 92 3 11 11 NUM _005459559 92 4 , , PUNCT _005459559 92 5 1946 1946 NUM _005459559 92 6 , , PUNCT _005459559 92 7 the the DET _005459559 92 8 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 92 9 was be AUX _005459559 92 10 sentenced sentence VERB _005459559 92 11 to to ADP _005459559 92 12 sixteen sixteen NUM _005459559 92 13 years year NOUN _005459559 92 14 of of ADP _005459559 92 15 forced force VERB _005459559 92 16 labor labor NOUN _005459559 92 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 93 1 an an DET _005459559 93 2 immediate immediate ADJ _005459559 93 3 outcry outcry NOUN _005459559 93 4 was be AUX _005459559 93 5 raised raise VERB _005459559 93 6 all all ADV _005459559 93 7 over over ADP _005459559 93 8 the the DET _005459559 93 9 world world NOUN _005459559 93 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 94 1 acting act VERB _005459559 94 2 secretary secretary PROPN _005459559 94 3 of of ADP _005459559 94 4 state state PROPN _005459559 94 5 dean dean PROPN _005459559 94 6 acheson acheson PROPN _005459559 94 7 told tell VERB _005459559 94 8 a a DET _005459559 94 9 press press NOUN _005459559 94 10 - - PUNCT _005459559 94 11 conference conference NOUN _005459559 94 12 that that SCONJ _005459559 94 13 the the DET _005459559 94 14 conduct conduct NOUN _005459559 94 15 of of ADP _005459559 94 16 the the DET _005459559 94 17 trial trial NOUN _005459559 94 18 left leave VERB _005459559 94 19 a a DET _005459559 94 20 great great ADJ _005459559 94 21 deal deal NOUN _005459559 94 22 to to PART _005459559 94 23 be be AUX _005459559 94 24 desired desire VERB _005459559 94 25 — — PUNCT _005459559 94 26 a a DET _005459559 94 27 profound profound ADJ _005459559 94 28 understatement understatement NOUN _005459559 94 29 , , PUNCT _005459559 94 30 to to PART _005459559 94 31 be be AUX _005459559 94 32 sure sure ADJ _005459559 94 33 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 95 1 winston winston PROPN _005459559 95 2 churchill churchill PROPN _005459559 95 3 , , PUNCT _005459559 95 4 speaking speak VERB _005459559 95 5 before before ADP _005459559 95 6 the the DET _005459559 95 7 house house NOUN _005459559 95 8 of of ADP _005459559 95 9 commons common NOUN _005459559 95 10 , , PUNCT _005459559 95 11 said say VERB _005459559 95 12 that that SCONJ _005459559 95 13 “ " PUNCT _005459559 95 14 the the DET _005459559 95 15 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005459559 95 16 of of ADP _005459559 95 17 the the DET _005459559 95 18 trial trial NOUN _005459559 95 19 and and CCONJ _005459559 95 20 condemnation condemnation NOUN _005459559 95 21 12 12 NUM _005459559 95 22 of of ADP _005459559 95 23 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 95 24 stepinac stepinac PROPN _005459559 95 25 have have AUX _005459559 95 26 created create VERB _005459559 95 27 widespread widespread ADJ _005459559 95 28 regret regret NOUN _005459559 95 29 . . PUNCT _005459559 95 30 . . PUNCT _005459559 96 1 4 4 NUM _005459559 96 2 non non ADJ _005459559 96 3 - - ADJ _005459559 96 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 96 5 bishop bishop PROPN _005459559 96 6 says say VERB _005459559 96 7 according accord VERB _005459559 96 8 to to ADP _005459559 96 9 the the DET _005459559 96 10 non non ADJ _005459559 96 11 - - ADJ _005459559 96 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 96 13 bishop bishop PROPN _005459559 96 14 dionisije dionisije PROPN _005459559 96 15 milivojevitch milivojevitch PROPN _005459559 96 16 , , PUNCT _005459559 96 17 head head NOUN _005459559 96 18 of of ADP _005459559 96 19 the the DET _005459559 96 20 serb serb ADJ _005459559 96 21 orthodox orthodox NOUN _005459559 96 22 church church NOUN _005459559 96 23 in in ADP _005459559 96 24 the the DET _005459559 96 25 united united PROPN _005459559 96 26 states states PROPN _005459559 96 27 and and CCONJ _005459559 96 28 canada canada PROPN _005459559 96 29 , , PUNCT _005459559 96 30 “ " PUNCT _005459559 96 31 this this DET _005459559 96 32 trial trial NOUN _005459559 96 33 was be AUX _005459559 96 34 prepared prepare VERB _005459559 96 35 in in ADP _005459559 96 36 the the DET _005459559 96 37 political political ADJ _005459559 96 38 sphere sphere NOUN _005459559 96 39 . . PUNCT _005459559 97 1 it it PRON _005459559 97 2 was be AUX _005459559 97 3 for for ADP _005459559 97 4 the the DET _005459559 97 5 purpose purpose NOUN _005459559 97 6 of of ADP _005459559 97 7 dividing divide VERB _005459559 97 8 the the DET _005459559 97 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 97 10 church church NOUN _005459559 97 11 in in ADP _005459559 97 12 croatia croatia NOUN _005459559 97 13 from from ADP _005459559 97 14 its its PRON _005459559 97 15 leadership leadership NOUN _005459559 97 16 at at ADP _005459559 97 17 the the DET _005459559 97 18 vatican vatican PROPN _005459559 97 19 . . PUNCT _005459559 98 1 tito tito PROPN _005459559 98 2 has have AUX _005459559 98 3 openly openly ADV _005459559 98 4 expressed express VERB _005459559 98 5 this this DET _005459559 98 6 purpose purpose NOUN _005459559 98 7 . . PUNCT _005459559 99 1 the the DET _005459559 99 2 strategy strategy NOUN _005459559 99 3 , , PUNCT _005459559 99 4 which which PRON _005459559 99 5 comes come VERB _005459559 99 6 definitely definitely ADV _005459559 99 7 from from ADP _005459559 99 8 the the DET _005459559 99 9 kremlin kremlin PROPN _005459559 99 10 in in ADP _005459559 99 11 russia russia PROPN _005459559 99 12 , , PUNCT _005459559 99 13 is be AUX _005459559 99 14 to to PART _005459559 99 15 break break VERB _005459559 99 16 the the DET _005459559 99 17 leadership leadership NOUN _005459559 99 18 of of ADP _005459559 99 19 religion religion NOUN _005459559 99 20 . . PUNCT _005459559 100 1 it it PRON _005459559 100 2 should should AUX _005459559 100 3 be be AUX _005459559 100 4 noted note VERB _005459559 100 5 that that SCONJ _005459559 100 6 opposition opposition NOUN _005459559 100 7 to to ADP _005459559 100 8 atheism atheism NOUN _005459559 100 9 is be AUX _005459559 100 10 stronger strong ADJ _005459559 100 11 when when SCONJ _005459559 100 12 there there PRON _005459559 100 13 is be VERB _005459559 100 14 outside outside ADJ _005459559 100 15 leadership leadership NOUN _005459559 100 16 . . PUNCT _005459559 101 1 i i PRON _005459559 101 2 refer refer VERB _005459559 101 3 to to ADP _005459559 101 4 the the DET _005459559 101 5 pope pope NOUN _005459559 101 6 . . PUNCT _005459559 102 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 102 2 the the DET _005459559 102 3 trial trial NOUN _005459559 102 4 was be AUX _005459559 102 5 not not PART _005459559 102 6 based base VERB _005459559 102 7 on on ADP _005459559 102 8 justice justice NOUN _005459559 102 9 , , PUNCT _005459559 102 10 but but CCONJ _005459559 102 11 was be AUX _005459559 102 12 an an DET _005459559 102 13 outrage outrage NOUN _005459559 102 14 on on ADP _005459559 102 15 justice justice NOUN _005459559 102 16 . . PUNCT _005459559 103 1 tito tito PROPN _005459559 103 2 's 's PART _005459559 103 3 regime regime NOUN _005459559 103 4 has have VERB _005459559 103 5 no no DET _005459559 103 6 interest interest NOUN _005459559 103 7 in in ADP _005459559 103 8 justice justice NOUN _005459559 103 9 . . PUNCT _005459559 104 1 it it PRON _005459559 104 2 seeks seek VERB _005459559 104 3 only only ADV _005459559 104 4 to to PART _005459559 104 5 stifle stifle VERB _005459559 104 6 opposition opposition NOUN _005459559 104 7 . . PUNCT _005459559 105 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 105 2 i i PRON _005459559 105 3 see see VERB _005459559 105 4 only only ADV _005459559 105 5 martyrdom martyrdom NOUN _005459559 105 6 for for ADP _005459559 105 7 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 105 8 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 105 9 , , PUNCT _005459559 105 10 an an DET _005459559 105 11 innocent innocent ADJ _005459559 105 12 man man NOUN _005459559 105 13 , , PUNCT _005459559 105 14 beloved beloved ADJ _005459559 105 15 in in ADP _005459559 105 16 yugoslavia yugoslavia PROPN _005459559 105 17 . . PUNCT _005459559 106 1 i i PRON _005459559 106 2 am be AUX _005459559 106 3 an an DET _005459559 106 4 orthodox orthodox ADJ _005459559 106 5 serb serb NOUN _005459559 106 6 , , PUNCT _005459559 106 7 but but CCONJ _005459559 106 8 i i PRON _005459559 106 9 think think VERB _005459559 106 10 the the DET _005459559 106 11 accusation accusation NOUN _005459559 106 12 and and CCONJ _005459559 106 13 sentencing sentencing NOUN _005459559 106 14 of of ADP _005459559 106 15 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 106 16 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 106 17 is be AUX _005459559 106 18 very very ADV _005459559 106 19 unjust unjust ADJ _005459559 106 20 , , PUNCT _005459559 106 21 as as SCONJ _005459559 106 22 was be AUX _005459559 106 23 the the DET _005459559 106 24 trial trial NOUN _005459559 106 25 and and CCONJ _005459559 106 26 execution execution NOUN _005459559 106 27 of of ADP _005459559 106 28 general general ADJ _005459559 106 29 mihailovitch mihailovitch NOUN _005459559 106 30 , , PUNCT _005459559 106 31 and and CCONJ _005459559 106 32 i i PRON _005459559 106 33 sin13 sin13 VERB _005459559 106 34 cerely cerely ADV _005459559 106 35 hope hope VERB _005459559 106 36 that that SCONJ _005459559 106 37 proper proper ADJ _005459559 106 38 steps step NOUN _005459559 106 39 will will AUX _005459559 106 40 be be AUX _005459559 106 41 taken take VERB _005459559 106 42 to to PART _005459559 106 43 liberate liberate VERB _005459559 106 44 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 106 45 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 106 46 . . PUNCT _005459559 106 47 ” " PUNCT _005459559 107 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 107 2 this this DET _005459559 107 3 great great ADJ _005459559 107 4 churchman churchman NOUN _005459559 107 5 has have AUX _005459559 107 6 been be AUX _005459559 107 7 charged charge VERB _005459559 107 8 with with ADP _005459559 107 9 being be AUX _005459559 107 10 a a DET _005459559 107 11 collaborator collaborator NOUN _005459559 107 12 with with ADP _005459559 107 13 the the DET _005459559 107 14 nazis nazi NOUN _005459559 107 15 . . PUNCT _005459559 108 1 we we PRON _005459559 108 2 jews jews PROPN _005459559 108 3 deny deny VERB _005459559 108 4 that that PRON _005459559 108 5 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 108 6 ” " PUNCT _005459559 108 7 said say VERB _005459559 108 8 louis louis PROPN _005459559 108 9 s. s. PROPN _005459559 108 10 breier breier PROPN _005459559 108 11 , , PUNCT _005459559 108 12 programme programme NOUN _005459559 108 13 director director NOUN _005459559 108 14 , , PUNCT _005459559 108 15 american american ADJ _005459559 108 16 jewish jewish ADJ _005459559 108 17 committee committee PROPN _005459559 108 18 . . PUNCT _005459559 109 1 “ " PUNCT _005459559 109 2 we we PRON _005459559 109 3 , , PUNCT _005459559 109 4 the the DET _005459559 109 5 methodist methodist ADJ _005459559 109 6 ministers minister NOUN _005459559 109 7 ’ ' PUNCT _005459559 109 8 meeting meeting NOUN _005459559 109 9 of of ADP _005459559 109 10 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN _005459559 109 11 and and CCONJ _005459559 109 12 vicinity vicinity NOUN _005459559 109 13 , , PUNCT _005459559 109 14 join join VERB _005459559 109 15 our our PRON _005459559 109 16 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 109 17 brethren brother NOUN _005459559 109 18 in in ADP _005459559 109 19 protest protest NOUN _005459559 109 20 over over ADP _005459559 109 21 the the DET _005459559 109 22 persecution persecution NOUN _005459559 109 23 and and CCONJ _005459559 109 24 imprisonment imprisonment NOUN _005459559 109 25 of of ADP _005459559 109 26 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 109 27 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 109 28 by by ADP _005459559 109 29 communist communist ADJ _005459559 109 30 elements element NOUN _005459559 109 31 ” " PUNCT _005459559 109 32 — — PUNCT _005459559 109 33 so so ADV _005459559 109 34 begins begin VERB _005459559 109 35 a a DET _005459559 109 36 unanimous unanimous ADJ _005459559 109 37 resolution resolution NOUN _005459559 109 38 of of ADP _005459559 109 39 nearly nearly ADV _005459559 109 40 a a DET _005459559 109 41 hundred hundred NUM _005459559 109 42 methodist methodist ADJ _005459559 109 43 ministers minister NOUN _005459559 109 44 . . PUNCT _005459559 110 1 the the DET _005459559 110 2 cause cause NOUN _005459559 110 3 of of ADP _005459559 110 4 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 110 5 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 110 6 must must AUX _005459559 110 7 not not PART _005459559 110 8 be be AUX _005459559 110 9 forgotten forget VERB _005459559 110 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 111 1 tito tito PROPN _005459559 111 2 must must AUX _005459559 111 3 not not PART _005459559 111 4 be be AUX _005459559 111 5 allowed allow VERB _005459559 111 6 to to PART _005459559 111 7 have have VERB _005459559 111 8 his his PRON _005459559 111 9 way way NOUN _005459559 111 10 — — PUNCT _005459559 111 11 and and CCONJ _005459559 111 12 our our PRON _005459559 111 13 government government NOUN _005459559 111 14 can can AUX _005459559 111 15 very very ADV _005459559 111 16 neatly neatly ADV _005459559 111 17 , , PUNCT _005459559 111 18 very very ADV _005459559 111 19 easily easily ADV _005459559 111 20 , , PUNCT _005459559 111 21 force force VERB _005459559 111 22 his his PRON _005459559 111 23 hand hand NOUN _005459559 111 24 . . PUNCT _005459559 112 1 what what PRON _005459559 112 2 you you PRON _005459559 112 3 can can AUX _005459559 112 4 do do AUX _005459559 112 5 there there PRON _005459559 112 6 are be VERB _005459559 112 7 two two NUM _005459559 112 8 resolutions resolution NOUN _005459559 112 9 now now ADV _005459559 112 10 before before ADP _005459559 112 11 the the DET _005459559 112 12 house house PROPN _005459559 112 13 committee committee PROPN _005459559 112 14 on on ADP _005459559 112 15 foreign foreign ADJ _005459559 112 16 affairs affair NOUN _005459559 112 17 which which PRON _005459559 112 18 would would AUX _005459559 112 19 require require VERB _005459559 112 20 our our PRON _005459559 112 21 government government NOUN _005459559 112 22 to to PART _005459559 112 23 take take VERB _005459559 112 24 formal formal ADJ _005459559 112 25 action action NOUN _005459559 112 26 . . PUNCT _005459559 113 1 one one NUM _005459559 113 2 is be AUX _005459559 113 3 the the DET _005459559 113 4 rooney rooney NOUN _005459559 113 5 resolution resolution NOUN _005459559 113 6 ( ( PUNCT _005459559 113 7 house house NOUN _005459559 113 8 concurrent concurrent ADJ _005459559 113 9 resolution resolution NOUN _005459559 113 10 no no NOUN _005459559 113 11 . . NOUN _005459559 113 12 4 4 X _005459559 113 13 ) ) PUNCT _005459559 113 14 which which PRON _005459559 113 15 calls call VERB _005459559 113 16 upon upon SCONJ _005459559 113 17 the the DET _005459559 113 18 president president NOUN _005459559 113 19 to to PART _005459559 113 20 demand demand VERB _005459559 113 21 the the DET _005459559 113 22 immediate immediate ADJ _005459559 113 23 release release NOUN _005459559 113 24 14 14 NUM _005459559 113 25 of of ADP _005459559 113 26 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005459559 113 27 stepinac stepinac NOUN _005459559 113 28 and and CCONJ _005459559 113 29 all all DET _005459559 113 30 others other NOUN _005459559 113 31 imprisoned imprison VERB _005459559 113 32 in in ADP _005459559 113 33 defense defense NOUN _005459559 113 34 of of ADP _005459559 113 35 their their PRON _005459559 113 36 faith faith NOUN _005459559 113 37 . . PUNCT _005459559 114 1 the the DET _005459559 114 2 other other ADJ _005459559 114 3 is be AUX _005459559 114 4 the the DET _005459559 114 5 ross ross PROPN _005459559 114 6 - - PUNCT _005459559 114 7 potts pott NOUN _005459559 114 8 resolution resolution NOUN _005459559 114 9 ( ( PUNCT _005459559 114 10 house house NOUN _005459559 114 11 concurrent concurrent ADJ _005459559 114 12 resolution resolution NOUN _005459559 114 13 no no NOUN _005459559 114 14 . . NOUN _005459559 114 15 32 32 NUM _005459559 114 16 ) ) PUNCT _005459559 114 17 which which PRON _005459559 114 18 demands demand VERB _005459559 114 19 that that SCONJ _005459559 114 20 the the DET _005459559 114 21 stepinac stepinac ADJ _005459559 114 22 case case NOUN _005459559 114 23 be be AUX _005459559 114 24 submitted submit VERB _005459559 114 25 to to ADP _005459559 114 26 the the DET _005459559 114 27 general general ADJ _005459559 114 28 assembly assembly NOUN _005459559 114 29 of of ADP _005459559 114 30 the the DET _005459559 114 31 united united PROPN _005459559 114 32 nations nations PROPN _005459559 114 33 . . PUNCT _005459559 115 1 you you PRON _005459559 115 2 could could AUX _005459559 115 3 help help VERB _005459559 115 4 this this DET _005459559 115 5 great great ADJ _005459559 115 6 humanitarian humanitarian ADJ _005459559 115 7 by by ADP _005459559 115 8 writing write VERB _005459559 115 9 in in ADP _005459559 115 10 favor favor NOUN _005459559 115 11 of of ADP _005459559 115 12 these these DET _005459559 115 13 resolutions resolution NOUN _005459559 115 14 to to ADP _005459559 115 15 rep rep PROPN _005459559 115 16 . . PROPN _005459559 115 17 charles charles PROPN _005459559 115 18 a. a. PROPN _005459559 115 19 eaton eaton PROPN _005459559 115 20 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 21 chairman chairman NOUN _005459559 115 22 of of ADP _005459559 115 23 the the DET _005459559 115 24 house house PROPN _005459559 115 25 conamittee conamittee NOUN _005459559 115 26 on on ADP _005459559 115 27 forei^ forei^ PROPN _005459559 115 28 affairs affair NOUN _005459559 115 29 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 30 washington washington PROPN _005459559 115 31 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 32 d. d. PROPN _005459559 115 33 c. c. PROPN _005459559 115 34 copies copies PROPN _005459559 115 35 of of ADP _005459559 115 36 your your PRON _005459559 115 37 letter letter NOUN _005459559 115 38 should should AUX _005459559 115 39 be be AUX _005459559 115 40 sent send VERB _005459559 115 41 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 42 as as ADV _005459559 115 43 well well ADV _005459559 115 44 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 45 to to ADP _005459559 115 46 rep rep PROPN _005459559 115 47 . . PROPN _005459559 115 48 john john PROPN _005459559 115 49 j. j. PROPN _005459559 115 50 rooney rooney PROPN _005459559 115 51 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 52 the the DET _005459559 115 53 author author NOUN _005459559 115 54 of of ADP _005459559 115 55 the the DET _005459559 115 56 rooney rooney NOUN _005459559 115 57 resolution resolution NOUN _005459559 115 58 ; ; PUNCT _005459559 115 59 rep rep PROPN _005459559 115 60 . . PROPN _005459559 115 61 robert robert PROPN _005459559 115 62 tripp tripp PROPN _005459559 115 63 ross ross PROPN _005459559 115 64 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 65 a a DET _005459559 115 66 co co NOUN _005459559 115 67 - - NOUN _005459559 115 68 author author NOUN _005459559 115 69 of of ADP _005459559 115 70 the the DET _005459559 115 71 ross ross PROPN _005459559 115 72 - - PUNCT _005459559 115 73 potts pott NOUN _005459559 115 74 resolution resolution NOUN _005459559 115 75 ; ; PUNCT _005459559 115 76 and and CCONJ _005459559 115 77 mr mr PROPN _005459559 115 78 . . PROPN _005459559 115 79 sava sava PROPN _005459559 115 80 n. n. PROPN _005459559 115 81 kosanovitch kosanovitch PROPN _005459559 115 82 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 83 yugoslav yugoslav ADJ _005459559 115 84 ambassador ambassador PROPN _005459559 115 85 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 86 washington washington PROPN _005459559 115 87 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 88 d. d. PROPN _005459559 115 89 c. c. PROPN _005459559 115 90 the the DET _005459559 115 91 united united PROPN _005459559 115 92 states states PROPN _005459559 115 93 is be AUX _005459559 115 94 a a DET _005459559 115 95 democracy democracy NOUN _005459559 115 96 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 97 after after ADV _005459559 115 98 all all ADV _005459559 115 99 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 100 in in ADP _005459559 115 101 which which PRON _005459559 115 102 your your PRON _005459559 115 103 voice voice NOUN _005459559 115 104 and and CCONJ _005459559 115 105 mine mine NOUN _005459559 115 106 count count VERB _005459559 115 107 for for ADP _005459559 115 108 something something PRON _005459559 115 109 — — PUNCT _005459559 115 110 and and CCONJ _005459559 115 111 remember remember VERB _005459559 115 112 , , PUNCT _005459559 115 113 it it PRON _005459559 115 114 's be AUX _005459559 115 115 the the DET _005459559 115 116 wheel wheel NOUN _005459559 115 117 that that PRON _005459559 115 118 squeaks squeak VERB _005459559 115 119 that that PRON _005459559 115 120 gets get VERB _005459559 115 121 tiie tiie ADP _005459559 115 122 grease grease NOUN _005459559 115 123 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 116 1 published publish VERB _005459559 116 2 by by ADP _005459559 116 3 the the DET _005459559 116 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 116 5 information information NOUN _005459559 116 6 society society NOUN _005459559 116 7 214 214 NUM _005459559 116 8 west west PROPN _005459559 116 9 3ist 3ist PROPN _005459559 116 10 st st PROPN _005459559 116 11 . . PROPN _005459559 116 12 , , PUNCT _005459559 116 13 new new PROPN _005459559 116 14 york york PROPN _005459559 116 15 1 1 NUM _005459559 116 16 , , PUNCT _005459559 116 17 n. n. PROPN _005459559 116 18 y. y. PROPN _005459559 116 19 ( ( PUNCT _005459559 116 20 opposite opposite ADJ _005459559 116 21 penn penn NOUN _005459559 116 22 terminal terminal NOUN _005459559 116 23 ) ) PUNCT _005459559 116 24 15 15 NUM _005459559 116 25 j j PROPN _005459559 116 26 / / SYM _005459559 116 27 n. n. PROPN _005459559 116 28 plain plain ADJ _005459559 116 29 jmvijfcju jmvijfcju PROPN _005459559 116 30 , , PUNCT _005459559 116 31 miul miul ADJ _005459559 116 32 " " PUNCT _005459559 116 33 plain plain ADJ _005459559 116 34 talk talk NOUN _005459559 116 35 " " PUNCT _005459559 116 36 make make VERB _005459559 116 37 no no DET _005459559 116 38 mistake mistake NOUN _005459559 116 39 — — PUNCT _005459559 116 40 america america PROPN _005459559 116 41 is be AUX _005459559 116 42 in in ADP _005459559 116 43 perill perill NOUN _005459559 116 44 the the DET _005459559 116 45 only only ADV _005459559 116 46 tested test VERB _005459559 116 47 way way NOUN _005459559 116 48 to to PART _005459559 116 49 fight fight VERB _005459559 116 50 communism communism NOUN _005459559 116 51 is be AUX _005459559 116 52 with with ADP _005459559 116 53 the the DET _005459559 116 54 weapon weapon NOUN _005459559 116 55 of of ADP _005459559 116 56 balanced balanced ADJ _005459559 116 57 inside inside ADP _005459559 116 58 information information NOUN _005459559 116 59 . . PUNCT _005459559 117 1 the the DET _005459559 117 2 magazine magazine NOUN _005459559 117 3 plain plain ADJ _005459559 117 4 talk talk NOUN _005459559 117 5 exposes expose VERB _005459559 117 6 the the DET _005459559 117 7 enemies enemy NOUN _005459559 117 8 of of ADP _005459559 117 9 genuine genuine ADJ _005459559 117 10 liberalism liberalism NOUN _005459559 117 11 and and CCONJ _005459559 117 12 world world NOUN _005459559 117 13 peace peace NOUN _005459559 117 14 . . PUNCT _005459559 118 1 read read VERB _005459559 118 2 by by ADP _005459559 118 3 people people NOUN _005459559 118 4 in in ADP _005459559 118 5 - - PUNCT _005459559 118 6 the the DET _005459559 118 7 - - PUNCT _005459559 118 8 know know NOUN _005459559 118 9 — — PUNCT _005459559 118 10 by by ADP _005459559 118 11 opinion opinion NOUN _005459559 118 12 - - PUNCT _005459559 118 13 makers maker NOUN _005459559 118 14 and and CCONJ _005459559 118 15 policy policy NOUN _005459559 118 16 - - PUNCT _005459559 118 17 makers maker NOUN _005459559 118 18 — — PUNCT _005459559 118 19 plain plain ADJ _005459559 118 20 talk talk NOUN _005459559 118 21 is be AUX _005459559 118 22 a a DET _005459559 118 23 must must NOUN _005459559 118 24 for for ADP _005459559 118 25 you you PRON _005459559 118 26 . . PUNCT _005459559 119 1 only only ADV _005459559 119 2 $ $ SYM _005459559 119 3 3.00 3.00 NUM _005459559 119 4 a a DET _005459559 119 5 year year NOUN _005459559 119 6 plain plain ADJ _005459559 119 7 talk talk NOUN _005459559 119 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 119 9 inc inc PROPN _005459559 119 10 . . PROPN _005459559 119 11 340 340 NUM _005459559 119 12 madison madison PROPN _005459559 119 13 avenue avenue PROPN _005459559 119 14 • • PROPN _005459559 119 15 new new PROPN _005459559 119 16 york york PROPN _005459559 119 17 16 16 NUM _005459559 119 18 , , PUNCT _005459559 119 19 n. n. PROPN _005459559 119 20 y. y. PROPN _005459559 119 21 do do AUX _005459559 119 22 n’t not PART _005459559 119 23 turn turn VERB _005459559 119 24 this this PRON _005459559 119 25 down down ADP _005459559 119 26 ! ! PUNCT _005459559 120 1 the the DET _005459559 120 2 most most ADV _005459559 120 3 fearless fearless ADJ _005459559 120 4 and and CCONJ _005459559 120 5 factual factual ADJ _005459559 120 6 expose expose NOUN _005459559 120 7 of of ADP _005459559 120 8 communism communism NOUN _005459559 120 9 ever ever ADV _005459559 120 10 published publish VERB _005459559 120 11 , , PUNCT _005459559 120 12 a a DET _005459559 120 13 brief brief ADJ _005459559 120 14 biographical biographical ADJ _005459559 120 15 sketch sketch NOUN _005459559 120 16 of of ADP _005459559 120 17 author author NOUN _005459559 120 18 in in ADP _005459559 120 19 each each DET _005459559 120 20 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _005459559 120 21 . . PUNCT _005459559 121 1 face face VERB _005459559 121 2 these these DET _005459559 121 3 facts fact NOUN _005459559 121 4 , , PUNCT _005459559 121 5 mr mr PROPN _005459559 121 6 . . PROPN _005459559 121 7 america america PROPN _005459559 121 8 , , PUNCT _005459559 121 9 and and CCONJ _005459559 121 10 act act VERB _005459559 121 11 while while SCONJ _005459559 121 12 you you PRON _005459559 121 13 are be AUX _005459559 121 14 still still ADV _005459559 121 15 free free ADJ _005459559 121 16 . . PUNCT _005459559 122 1 1 1 X _005459559 122 2 . . NUM _005459559 122 3 everyday everyday ADJ _005459559 122 4 life life NOUN _005459559 122 5 under under ADP _005459559 122 6 the the DET _005459559 122 7 soviet soviet ADJ _005459559 122 8 system system NOUN _005459559 122 9 . . PUNCT _005459559 123 1 by by ADP _005459559 123 2 eugene eugene NOUN _005459559 123 3 lyons lyon NOUN _005459559 123 4 . . PUNCT _005459559 124 1 2 2 X _005459559 124 2 . . X _005459559 124 3 the the DET _005459559 124 4 soviet soviet ADJ _005459559 124 5 regime regime NOUN _005459559 124 6 in in ADP _005459559 124 7 practice practice NOUN _005459559 124 8 . . PUNCT _005459559 125 1 by by ADP _005459559 125 2 eugene eugene NOUN _005459559 125 3 lyons lyon NOUN _005459559 125 4 3 3 NUM _005459559 125 5 . . X _005459559 125 6 mind mind NOUN _005459559 125 7 and and CCONJ _005459559 125 8 spirit spirit NOUN _005459559 125 9 in in ADP _005459559 125 10 the the DET _005459559 125 11 land land NOUN _005459559 125 12 of of ADP _005459559 125 13 soviets soviet NOUN _005459559 125 14 . . PUNCT _005459559 126 1 by by ADP _005459559 126 2 eugene eugene PROPN _005459559 126 3 lyons lyon NOUN _005459559 126 4 4 4 NUM _005459559 126 5 . . PUNCT _005459559 126 6 the the DET _005459559 126 7 communist communist ADJ _005459559 126 8 conspiracy conspiracy NOUN _005459559 126 9 against against ADP _005459559 126 10 the the DET _005459559 126 11 negroes negro NOUN _005459559 126 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 127 1 by by ADP _005459559 127 2 george george PROPN _005459559 127 3 s. s. PROPN _005459559 127 4 schuyler schuyler VERB _005459559 127 5 5 5 NUM _005459559 127 6 . . X _005459559 127 7 communism communism NOUN _005459559 127 8 means mean VERB _005459559 127 9 slavery slavery NOUN _005459559 127 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 128 1 by by ADP _005459559 128 2 william william PROPN _005459559 128 3 h. h. PROPN _005459559 128 4 chamberlin chamberlin PROPN _005459559 128 5 6 6 NUM _005459559 128 6 . . PUNCT _005459559 129 1 stalin stalin PROPN _005459559 129 2 's 's PART _005459559 129 3 world world NOUN _005459559 129 4 - - PUNCT _005459559 129 5 wide wide ADJ _005459559 129 6 fifth fifth ADJ _005459559 129 7 column column NOUN _005459559 129 8 . . PUNCT _005459559 130 1 by by ADP _005459559 130 2 wm wm PROPN _005459559 130 3 . . PUNCT _005459559 130 4 h. h. PROPN _005459559 130 5 chamberlin chamberlin PROPN _005459559 130 6 7 7 PROPN _005459559 130 7 . . PROPN _005459559 130 8 soviet soviet ADJ _005459559 130 9 communism communism NOUN _005459559 130 10 : : PUNCT _005459559 130 11 the the DET _005459559 130 12 record record NOUN _005459559 130 13 of of ADP _005459559 130 14 aggression aggression NOUN _005459559 130 15 . . PUNCT _005459559 131 1 by by ADP _005459559 131 2 william william PROPN _005459559 131 3 h. h. PROPN _005459559 131 4 chamberlin chamberlin PROPN _005459559 131 5 red red PROPN _005459559 131 6 tyranny tyranny PROPN _005459559 131 7 vs. vs. ADP _005459559 131 8 stepinac stepinac PROPN _005459559 131 9 . . PUNCT _005459559 132 1 by by ADP _005459559 132 2 richard richard PROPN _005459559 132 3 ginder ginder PROPN _005459559 132 4 the the DET _005459559 132 5 reds red NOUN _005459559 132 6 in in ADP _005459559 132 7 our our PRON _005459559 132 8 labor labor NOUN _005459559 132 9 unions union NOUN _005459559 132 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 133 1 by by ADP _005459559 133 2 richard richard PROPN _005459559 133 3 ginder ginder PROPN _005459559 133 4 the the DET _005459559 133 5 red red ADJ _005459559 133 6 terror terror NOUN _005459559 133 7 and and CCONJ _005459559 133 8 religion religion NOUN _005459559 133 9 . . PUNCT _005459559 134 1 by by ADP _005459559 134 2 richard richard PROPN _005459559 134 3 ginder ginder PROPN _005459559 134 4 the the DET _005459559 134 5 soviet soviet ADJ _005459559 134 6 caste caste NOUN _005459559 134 7 system system NOUN _005459559 134 8 . . PUNCT _005459559 135 1 by by ADP _005459559 135 2 dr dr PROPN _005459559 135 3 . . PROPN _005459559 135 4 hermann hermann PROPN _005459559 135 5 borchardt borchardt PROPN _005459559 135 6 i i PRON _005459559 135 7 was be AUX _005459559 135 8 a a DET _005459559 135 9 teacher teacher NOUN _005459559 135 10 in in ADP _005459559 135 11 soviet soviet ADJ _005459559 135 12 russia russia PROPN _005459559 135 13 . . PUNCT _005459559 136 1 by by ADP _005459559 136 2 dr dr PROPN _005459559 136 3 . . PROPN _005459559 136 4 hermann hermann PROPN _005459559 136 5 borchardt borchardt PROPN _005459559 136 6 communism communism NOUN _005459559 136 7 and and CCONJ _005459559 136 8 fascism fascism NOUN _005459559 136 9 : : PUNCT _005459559 136 10 two two NUM _005459559 136 11 of of ADP _005459559 136 12 a a DET _005459559 136 13 kind kind NOUN _005459559 136 14 . . PUNCT _005459559 137 1 by by ADP _005459559 137 2 dr dr PROPN _005459559 137 3 . . PROPN _005459559 137 4 hermann hermann PROPN _005459559 137 5 borchardt borchardt PROPN _005459559 137 6 radio radio NOUN _005459559 137 7 in in ADP _005459559 137 8 the the DET _005459559 137 9 red red PROPN _005459559 137 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 137 11 red red PROPN _005459559 137 12 star star PROPN _005459559 137 13 over over ADP _005459559 137 14 hollywood hollywood NOUN _005459559 137 15 . . PUNCT _005459559 138 1 spain spain PROPN _005459559 138 2 and and CCONJ _005459559 138 3 wishful wishful ADJ _005459559 138 4 thinking thinking NOUN _005459559 138 5 . . PUNCT _005459559 139 1 the the DET _005459559 139 2 enemy enemy NOUN _005459559 139 3 in in ADP _005459559 139 4 our our PRON _005459559 139 5 schools school NOUN _005459559 139 6 . . PUNCT _005459559 140 1 communist communist ADJ _005459559 140 2 strategy strategy NOUN _005459559 140 3 and and CCONJ _005459559 140 4 tactics tactic NOUN _005459559 140 5 . . PUNCT _005459559 141 1 the the DET _005459559 141 2 red red ADJ _005459559 141 3 drive drive NOUN _005459559 141 4 in in ADP _005459559 141 5 the the DET _005459559 141 6 colonies colony NOUN _005459559 141 7 . . PUNCT _005459559 142 1 by by ADP _005459559 142 2 oliver oliver PROPN _005459559 142 3 carlson carlson PROPN _005459559 142 4 by by ADP _005459559 142 5 oliver oliver PROPN _005459559 142 6 carlson carlson PROPN _005459559 142 7 by by ADP _005459559 142 8 alice alice NOUN _005459559 142 9 - - PUNCT _005459559 142 10 leone leone NOUN _005459559 142 11 moats moat NOUN _005459559 142 12 by by ADP _005459559 142 13 eugene eugene NOUN _005459559 142 14 lyons lyon NOUN _005459559 142 15 by by ADP _005459559 142 16 liston liston PROPN _005459559 142 17 m. m. PROPN _005459559 142 18 oak oak NOUN _005459559 142 19 by by ADP _005459559 142 20 george george PROPN _005459559 142 21 s. s. PROPN _005459559 142 22 schuyler schuyler VERB _005459559 142 23 my my PRON _005459559 142 24 conscience conscience NOUN _005459559 142 25 is be AUX _005459559 142 26 clear clear ADJ _005459559 142 27 . . PUNCT _005459559 142 28 " " PUNCT _005459559 143 1 by by ADP _005459559 143 2 archbishop archbishop PROPN _005459559 143 3 aloysius aloysius PROPN _005459559 143 4 stepinac stepinac PROPN _005459559 143 5 how how SCONJ _005459559 143 6 are be AUX _005459559 143 7 things thing NOUN _005459559 143 8 in in ADP _005459559 143 9 tito tito PROPN _005459559 143 10 - - PUNCT _005459559 143 11 slavia slavia PROPN _005459559 143 12 ? ? PUNCT _005459559 144 1 by by ADP _005459559 144 2 richard richard PROPN _005459559 144 3 ginder ginder PROPN _005459559 144 4 the the DET _005459559 144 5 jewish jewish ADJ _005459559 144 6 tragedy tragedy NOUN _005459559 144 7 in in ADP _005459559 144 8 soviet soviet ADJ _005459559 144 9 russia russia PROPN _005459559 144 10 . . PUNCT _005459559 145 1 by by ADP _005459559 145 2 isaac isaac PROPN _005459559 145 3 don don PROPN _005459559 145 4 levine levine PROPN _005459559 145 5 humanity humanity NOUN _005459559 145 6 debased debase VERB _005459559 145 7 . . PUNCT _005459559 146 1 by by ADP _005459559 146 2 isaac isaac PROPN _005459559 146 3 don don PROPN _005459559 146 4 levine levine PROPN _005459559 146 5 how how SCONJ _005459559 146 6 communism communism NOUN _005459559 146 7 demoralizes demoralize VERB _005459559 146 8 youth youth NOUN _005459559 146 9 . . PUNCT _005459559 147 1 by by ADP _005459559 147 2 ralph ralph PROPN _005459559 147 3 de de PROPN _005459559 147 4 toleddno toleddno PROPN _005459559 147 5 why why SCONJ _005459559 147 6 i i PRON _005459559 147 7 ceased cease VERB _005459559 147 8 to to PART _005459559 147 9 be be AUX _005459559 147 10 a a DET _005459559 147 11 communist communist NOUN _005459559 147 12 . . PUNCT _005459559 148 1 by by ADP _005459559 148 2 freda freda NOUN _005459559 148 3 utl^v utl^v ADP _005459559 148 4 justice justice NOUN _005459559 148 5 by by ADP _005459559 148 6 assassination assassination NOUN _005459559 148 7 . . PUNCT _005459559 149 1 by by ADP _005459559 149 2 suzanne suzanne PROPN _005459559 149 3 la la PROPN _005459559 149 4 folleffe folleffe PROPN _005459559 149 5 entire entire ADJ _005459559 149 6 series series NOUN _005459559 149 7 $ $ SYM _005459559 149 8 1.00 1.00 NUM _005459559 149 9 postpaid postpaid ADJ _005459559 149 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005459559 149 11 information information NOUN _005459559 149 12 society society NOUN _005459559 149 13 214 214 NUM _005459559 149 14 west west PROPN _005459559 149 15 31st 31st PROPN _005459559 149 16 street street PROPN _005459559 149 17 • • PROPN _005459559 149 18 new new PROPN _005459559 149 19 york york PROPN _005459559 149 20 1 1 NUM _005459559 149 21 , , PUNCT _005459559 149 22 n. n. PROPN _005459559 149 23 y. y. PROPN