id sid tid token lemma pos _005457190 1 1 god god PROPN _005457190 1 2 's 's PART _005457190 1 3 little little ADJ _005457190 1 4 ones one NOUN _005457190 1 5 ( ( PUNCT _005457190 1 6 eottfratenttg eottfratenttg NOUN _005457190 1 7 of of ADP _005457190 1 8 ( ( PUNCT _005457190 1 9 eljrtsitan eljrtsitan PROPN _005457190 1 10 boctrim boctrim PROPN _005457190 1 11 god god PROPN _005457190 1 12 ’s ’s PART _005457190 1 13 little little ADJ _005457190 1 14 ones one NOUN _005457190 1 15 second second ADJ _005457190 1 16 semester semester NOUN _005457190 1 17 copyright copyright NOUN _005457190 1 18 by by ADP _005457190 1 19 the the DET _005457190 1 20 parochial parochial ADJ _005457190 1 21 school school NOUN _005457190 1 22 publications publication NOUN _005457190 1 23 , , PUNCT _005457190 1 24 inc inc PROPN _005457190 1 25 . . PROPN _005457190 1 26 detroit detroit PROPN _005457190 1 27 , , PUNCT _005457190 1 28 michigan michigan PROPN _005457190 1 29 printed print VERB _005457190 1 30 in in ADP _005457190 1 31 u. u. PROPN _005457190 1 32 s. s. PROPN _005457190 1 33 a. a. PROPN _005457190 1 34 spec spec PROPN _005457190 1 35 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 1 36 * * PUNCT _005457190 1 37 creed cree VERB _005457190 1 38 1 1 NUM _005457190 1 39 . . PUNCT _005457190 2 1 i i PRON _005457190 2 2 believe believe VERB _005457190 2 3 in in ADP _005457190 2 4 god god PROPN _005457190 2 5 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 6 the the DET _005457190 2 7 father father PROPN _005457190 2 8 almighty almighty ADJ _005457190 2 9 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 10 creator creator NOUN _005457190 2 11 of of ADP _005457190 2 12 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 2 13 and and CCONJ _005457190 2 14 earth earth NOUN _005457190 2 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457190 2 16 and and CCONJ _005457190 2 17 in in ADP _005457190 2 18 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 2 19 christ christ PROPN _005457190 2 20 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 21 his his PRON _005457190 2 22 only only ADJ _005457190 2 23 son son NOUN _005457190 2 24 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 25 our our PRON _005457190 2 26 lord lord PROPN _005457190 2 27 ; ; PUNCT _005457190 2 28 who who PRON _005457190 2 29 was be AUX _005457190 2 30 conceived conceive VERB _005457190 2 31 by by ADP _005457190 2 32 the the DET _005457190 2 33 holy holy ADJ _005457190 2 34 ghost ghost NOUN _005457190 2 35 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 36 born bear VERB _005457190 2 37 of of ADP _005457190 2 38 the the DET _005457190 2 39 virgin virgin PROPN _005457190 2 40 mary mary PROPN _005457190 2 41 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 42 suffered suffer VERB _005457190 2 43 under under ADP _005457190 2 44 pontius pontius NOUN _005457190 2 45 pilate pilate NOUN _005457190 2 46 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 47 was be AUX _005457190 2 48 crucified crucify VERB _005457190 2 49 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 50 died die VERB _005457190 2 51 , , PUNCT _005457190 2 52 and and CCONJ _005457190 2 53 was be AUX _005457190 2 54 buried bury VERB _005457190 2 55 . . PUNCT _005457190 3 1 he he PRON _005457190 3 2 descended descend VERB _005457190 3 3 into into ADP _005457190 3 4 hell hell PROPN _005457190 3 5 ; ; PUNCT _005457190 3 6 the the DET _005457190 3 7 third third ADJ _005457190 3 8 day day NOUN _005457190 3 9 he he PRON _005457190 3 10 arose arise VERB _005457190 3 11 again again ADV _005457190 3 12 from from ADP _005457190 3 13 the the DET _005457190 3 14 dead dead ADJ _005457190 3 15 : : PUNCT _005457190 3 16 he he PRON _005457190 3 17 ascended ascend VERB _005457190 3 18 into into ADP _005457190 3 19 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 3 20 , , PUNCT _005457190 3 21 sitteth sitteth NOUN _005457190 3 22 at at ADP _005457190 3 23 the the DET _005457190 3 24 right right ADJ _005457190 3 25 hand hand NOUN _005457190 3 26 of of ADP _005457190 3 27 god god PROPN _005457190 3 28 , , PUNCT _005457190 3 29 the the DET _005457190 3 30 father father NOUN _005457190 3 31 almighty almighty VERB _005457190 3 32 ; ; PUNCT _005457190 3 33 2 2 X _005457190 3 34 . . PUNCT _005457190 4 1 from from ADP _005457190 4 2 thence thence NOUN _005457190 4 3 he he PRON _005457190 4 4 shall shall AUX _005457190 4 5 come come VERB _005457190 4 6 to to PART _005457190 4 7 judge judge VERB _005457190 4 8 the the DET _005457190 4 9 living living NOUN _005457190 4 10 and and CCONJ _005457190 4 11 the the DET _005457190 4 12 dead dead ADJ _005457190 4 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 5 1 i i PRON _005457190 5 2 believe believe VERB _005457190 5 3 in in ADP _005457190 5 4 the the DET _005457190 5 5 holy holy ADJ _005457190 5 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457190 5 7 , , PUNCT _005457190 5 8 the the DET _005457190 5 9 holy holy ADJ _005457190 5 10 catholic catholic PROPN _005457190 5 11 church church NOUN _005457190 5 12 , , PUNCT _005457190 5 13 the the DET _005457190 5 14 communion communion NOUN _005457190 5 15 of of ADP _005457190 5 16 saints saint NOUN _005457190 5 17 , , PUNCT _005457190 5 18 the the DET _005457190 5 19 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005457190 5 20 of of ADP _005457190 5 21 sins sin NOUN _005457190 5 22 , , PUNCT _005457190 5 23 the the DET _005457190 5 24 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005457190 5 25 of of ADP _005457190 5 26 the the DET _005457190 5 27 body body NOUN _005457190 5 28 and and CCONJ _005457190 5 29 life life NOUN _005457190 5 30 everlasting everlasting ADJ _005457190 5 31 . . PUNCT _005457190 6 1 amen amen INTJ _005457190 6 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 7 1 grace grace NOUN _005457190 7 2 before before SCONJ _005457190 7 3 meals meal NOUN _005457190 7 4 bless bless VERB _005457190 7 5 us we PRON _005457190 7 6 , , PUNCT _005457190 7 7 o o PROPN _005457190 7 8 lord lord PROPN _005457190 7 9 , , PUNCT _005457190 7 10 and and CCONJ _005457190 7 11 these these DET _005457190 7 12 thy thy NOUN _005457190 7 13 gifts gift NOUN _005457190 7 14 , , PUNCT _005457190 7 15 which which PRON _005457190 7 16 we we PRON _005457190 7 17 are be AUX _005457190 7 18 about about ADJ _005457190 7 19 to to PART _005457190 7 20 receive receive VERB _005457190 7 21 from from ADP _005457190 7 22 thy thy PRON _005457190 7 23 bounty bounty NOUN _005457190 7 24 through through ADP _005457190 7 25 christ christ PROPN _005457190 7 26 our our PRON _005457190 7 27 lord lord PROPN _005457190 7 28 . . PUNCT _005457190 7 29 . . PUNCT _005457190 8 1 amen amen INTJ _005457190 8 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 9 1 act act PROPN _005457190 9 2 of of ADP _005457190 9 3 contrition contrition NOUN _005457190 9 4 3 3 NUM _005457190 9 5 . . NUM _005457190 9 6 0 0 NUM _005457190 10 1 my my INTJ _005457190 10 2 god god INTJ _005457190 10 3 i i PRON _005457190 10 4 am be AUX _005457190 10 5 heartily heartily ADV _005457190 10 6 sorry sorry ADJ _005457190 10 7 for for ADP _005457190 10 8 having having AUX _005457190 10 9 offended offend VERB _005457190 10 10 thee thee PRON _005457190 11 1 and and CCONJ _005457190 11 2 i i PRON _005457190 11 3 detest detest VERB _005457190 11 4 all all DET _005457190 11 5 my my PRON _005457190 11 6 sins sin NOUN _005457190 11 7 , , PUNCT _005457190 11 8 because because SCONJ _005457190 11 9 of of ADP _005457190 11 10 your your PRON _005457190 11 11 just just ADJ _005457190 11 12 punishments punishment NOUN _005457190 11 13 , , PUNCT _005457190 11 14 but but CCONJ _005457190 11 15 most most ADJ _005457190 11 16 of of ADP _005457190 11 17 all all PRON _005457190 11 18 because because SCONJ _005457190 11 19 they they PRON _005457190 11 20 offend offend VERB _005457190 11 21 thee thee PRON _005457190 11 22 , , PUNCT _005457190 11 23 my my PRON _005457190 11 24 god god PROPN _005457190 11 25 , , PUNCT _005457190 11 26 who who PRON _005457190 11 27 art art VERB _005457190 11 28 all all ADV _005457190 11 29 - - NOUN _005457190 11 30 good good ADJ _005457190 11 31 and and CCONJ _005457190 11 32 deserving deserving ADJ _005457190 11 33 of of ADP _005457190 11 34 all all DET _005457190 11 35 my my PRON _005457190 11 36 love love NOUN _005457190 11 37 . . PUNCT _005457190 12 1 1 1 NUM _005457190 12 2 firmly firmly ADV _005457190 12 3 resolve resolve VERB _005457190 12 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 12 5 with with ADP _005457190 12 6 the the DET _005457190 12 7 help help NOUN _005457190 12 8 of of ADP _005457190 12 9 thy thy PRON _005457190 12 10 grace grace NOUN _005457190 12 11 , , PUNCT _005457190 12 12 to to PART _005457190 12 13 sin sin VERB _005457190 12 14 no no PRON _005457190 12 15 more more ADV _005457190 12 16 and and CCONJ _005457190 12 17 to to PART _005457190 12 18 avoid avoid VERB _005457190 12 19 the the DET _005457190 12 20 near near ADJ _005457190 12 21 occasions occasion NOUN _005457190 12 22 of of ADP _005457190 12 23 sin sin NOUN _005457190 12 24 . . PUNCT _005457190 13 1 amen amen INTJ _005457190 13 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 14 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 14 2 left leave VERB _005457190 14 3 his his PRON _005457190 14 4 home home NOUN _005457190 14 5 when when SCONJ _005457190 14 6 he he PRON _005457190 14 7 was be AUX _005457190 14 8 a a DET _005457190 14 9 man man NOUN _005457190 14 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 15 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 15 2 went go VERB _005457190 15 3 down down ADP _005457190 15 4 to to ADP _005457190 15 5 the the DET _005457190 15 6 jordan jordan PROPN _005457190 15 7 river river PROPN _005457190 15 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 16 1 saint saint PROPN _005457190 16 2 john john PROPN _005457190 16 3 was be AUX _005457190 16 4 there there ADV _005457190 16 5 * * PUNCT _005457190 16 6 saint saint PROPN _005457190 16 7 john john PROPN _005457190 16 8 took take VERB _005457190 16 9 some some DET _005457190 16 10 water water NOUN _005457190 16 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 17 1 saint saint PROPN _005457190 17 2 john john PROPN _005457190 17 3 poured pour VERB _005457190 17 4 the the DET _005457190 17 5 water water NOUN _005457190 17 6 on on ADP _005457190 17 7 the the DET _005457190 17 8 head head NOUN _005457190 17 9 of of ADP _005457190 17 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 17 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 18 1 saint saint PROPN _005457190 18 2 john john PROPN _005457190 18 3 baptized baptize VERB _005457190 18 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 18 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 19 1 a a DET _005457190 19 2 voice voice NOUN _005457190 19 3 from from ADP _005457190 19 4 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 19 5 said say VERB _005457190 19 6 : : PUNCT _005457190 19 7 % % INTJ _005457190 19 8 “ " PUNCT _005457190 19 9 this this PRON _005457190 19 10 is be AUX _005457190 19 11 my my PRON _005457190 19 12 son son NOUN _005457190 19 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 19 14 ” " PUNCT _005457190 20 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 20 2 christ christ PROPN _005457190 20 3 is be AUX _005457190 20 4 god god PROPN _005457190 20 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 21 1 once once SCONJ _005457190 21 2 you you PRON _005457190 21 3 were be AUX _005457190 21 4 a a DET _005457190 21 5 little little ADJ _005457190 21 6 baby baby NOUN _005457190 21 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 22 1 original original ADJ _005457190 22 2 sin sin NOUN _005457190 22 3 was be AUX _005457190 22 4 on on ADP _005457190 22 5 your your PRON _005457190 22 6 soul soul NOUN _005457190 22 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 23 1 the the DET _005457190 23 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 23 3 poured pour VERB _005457190 23 4 some some DET _005457190 23 5 water water NOUN _005457190 23 6 on on ADP _005457190 23 7 your your PRON _005457190 23 8 head head NOUN _005457190 23 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 24 1 the the DET _005457190 24 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 24 3 said say VERB _005457190 24 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 24 5 “ " PUNCT _005457190 24 6 i i PRON _005457190 24 7 baptize baptize VERB _005457190 24 8 you you PRON _005457190 24 9 in in ADP _005457190 24 10 the the DET _005457190 24 11 name name NOUN _005457190 24 12 of of ADP _005457190 24 13 the the DET _005457190 24 14 father father NOUN _005457190 24 15 and and CCONJ _005457190 24 16 of of ADP _005457190 24 17 the the DET _005457190 24 18 son son NOUN _005457190 24 19 , , PUNCT _005457190 24 20 and and CCONJ _005457190 24 21 of of ADP _005457190 24 22 the the DET _005457190 24 23 holy holy ADJ _005457190 24 24 ghost ghost NOUN _005457190 24 25 . . PUNCT _005457190 25 1 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 25 2 is be AUX _005457190 25 3 a a DET _005457190 25 4 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457190 25 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 26 1 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 26 2 takes take VERB _005457190 26 3 away away ADV _005457190 26 4 original original ADJ _005457190 26 5 sin sin NOUN _005457190 26 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 27 1 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 27 2 gives give VERB _005457190 27 3 us we PRON _005457190 27 4 god god PROPN _005457190 27 5 's 's PART _005457190 27 6 grace grace NOUN _005457190 27 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 28 1 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 28 2 makes make VERB _005457190 28 3 us we PRON _005457190 28 4 children child NOUN _005457190 28 5 of of ADP _005457190 28 6 god god PROPN _005457190 28 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 29 1 6 6 X _005457190 29 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 30 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 30 2 our our PRON _005457190 30 3 friend friend NOUN _005457190 30 4 one one NUM _005457190 30 5 day day NOUN _005457190 30 6 a a DET _005457190 30 7 mother mother NOUN _005457190 30 8 came come VERB _005457190 30 9 to to ADP _005457190 30 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 30 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 31 1 “ " PUNCT _005457190 31 2 dear dear PROPN _005457190 31 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 31 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 31 5 help help VERB _005457190 31 6 my my PRON _005457190 31 7 sick sick ADJ _005457190 31 8 child child NOUN _005457190 31 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 31 10 ” " PUNCT _005457190 32 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 32 2 blessed bless VERB _005457190 32 3 the the DET _005457190 32 4 child child NOUN _005457190 32 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 33 1 the the DET _005457190 33 2 child child NOUN _005457190 33 3 was be AUX _005457190 33 4 well well ADV _005457190 33 5 again again ADV _005457190 33 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 34 1 a a DET _005457190 34 2 man man NOUN _005457190 34 3 said say VERB _005457190 34 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 34 5 “ " PUNCT _005457190 34 6 i i PRON _005457190 34 7 can can AUX _005457190 34 8 not not PART _005457190 34 9 walk walk VERB _005457190 34 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 34 11 ” " PUNCT _005457190 35 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 35 2 blessed bless VERB _005457190 35 3 the the DET _005457190 35 4 man man NOUN _005457190 35 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 36 1 he he PRON _005457190 36 2 could could AUX _005457190 36 3 walk walk VERB _005457190 36 4 again again ADV _005457190 36 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 37 1 god god PROPN _005457190 37 2 will will AUX _005457190 37 3 help help VERB _005457190 37 4 us we PRON _005457190 37 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 38 1 god god PROPN _005457190 38 2 helps help VERB _005457190 38 3 all all PRON _005457190 38 4 who who PRON _005457190 38 5 ask ask VERB _005457190 38 6 him he PRON _005457190 38 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 39 1 when when SCONJ _005457190 39 2 we we PRON _005457190 39 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 39 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 39 5 we we PRON _005457190 39 6 talk talk VERB _005457190 39 7 to to ADP _005457190 39 8 god god PROPN _005457190 39 9 teach teach VERB _005457190 39 10 us we PRON _005457190 39 11 to to PART _005457190 39 12 pray pray VERB _005457190 39 13 7 7 NUM _005457190 39 14 . . X _005457190 40 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 40 2 is be AUX _005457190 40 3 with with ADP _005457190 40 4 his his PRON _005457190 40 5 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 40 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 41 1 “ " PUNCT _005457190 41 2 teach teach VERB _005457190 41 3 us we PRON _005457190 41 4 to to PART _005457190 41 5 pray pray VERB _005457190 41 6 , , PUNCT _005457190 41 7 ” " PUNCT _005457190 41 8 one one PRON _005457190 41 9 said say VERB _005457190 41 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 42 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 42 2 said say VERB _005457190 42 3 , , PUNCT _005457190 42 4 “ " PUNCT _005457190 42 5 when when SCONJ _005457190 42 6 you you PRON _005457190 42 7 pray pray VERB _005457190 42 8 , , PUNCT _005457190 42 9 say say VERB _005457190 42 10 , , PUNCT _005457190 42 11 “ " PUNCT _005457190 42 12 our our PRON _005457190 42 13 father father NOUN _005457190 42 14 who who PRON _005457190 42 15 art art VERB _005457190 42 16 in in ADP _005457190 42 17 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 42 18 . . PUNCT _005457190 42 19 ” " PUNCT _005457190 43 1 god god PROPN _005457190 43 2 is be AUX _005457190 43 3 our our PRON _005457190 43 4 father father NOUN _005457190 43 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 44 1 god god PROPN _005457190 44 2 made make VERB _005457190 44 3 us we PRON _005457190 44 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 45 1 god god PROPN _005457190 45 2 watches watch VERB _005457190 45 3 over over ADP _005457190 45 4 us we PRON _005457190 45 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 46 1 god god PROPN _005457190 46 2 gives give VERB _005457190 46 3 us we PRON _005457190 46 4 all all PRON _005457190 46 5 that that PRON _005457190 46 6 we we PRON _005457190 46 7 have have VERB _005457190 46 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 47 1 let let VERB _005457190 47 2 us we PRON _005457190 47 3 say say VERB _005457190 47 4 the the DET _005457190 47 5 “ " PUNCT _005457190 47 6 our our PRON _005457190 47 7 father father NOUN _005457190 47 8 ” " PUNCT _005457190 47 9 each each DET _005457190 47 10 day day NOUN _005457190 47 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 48 1 god god PROPN _005457190 48 2 will will AUX _005457190 48 3 help help VERB _005457190 48 4 us we PRON _005457190 48 5 if if SCONJ _005457190 48 6 we we PRON _005457190 48 7 pray pray VERB _005457190 48 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 49 1 8 8 X _005457190 49 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 50 1 we we PRON _005457190 50 2 pray pray VERB _005457190 50 3 we we PRON _005457190 50 4 must must AUX _005457190 50 5 pray pray VERB _005457190 50 6 slowly slowly ADV _005457190 50 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 51 1 we we PRON _005457190 51 2 think think VERB _005457190 51 3 of of ADP _005457190 51 4 what what PRON _005457190 51 5 we we PRON _005457190 51 6 say say VERB _005457190 51 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 52 1 we we PRON _005457190 52 2 kneel kneel VERB _005457190 52 3 up up ADP _005457190 52 4 straight straight ADV _005457190 52 5 when when SCONJ _005457190 52 6 we we PRON _005457190 52 7 pray pray VERB _005457190 52 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 53 1 each each DET _005457190 53 2 morning morning NOUN _005457190 53 3 we we PRON _005457190 53 4 should should AUX _005457190 53 5 pray pray VERB _005457190 53 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 54 1 each each DET _005457190 54 2 night night NOUN _005457190 54 3 we we PRON _005457190 54 4 should should AUX _005457190 54 5 pray pray VERB _005457190 54 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 55 1 we we PRON _005457190 55 2 should should AUX _005457190 55 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 55 4 before before SCONJ _005457190 55 5 we we PRON _005457190 55 6 eat eat VERB _005457190 55 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 56 1 we we PRON _005457190 56 2 should should AUX _005457190 56 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 56 4 after after ADP _005457190 56 5 our our PRON _005457190 56 6 meals meal NOUN _005457190 56 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 57 1 we we PRON _005457190 57 2 should should AUX _005457190 57 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 57 4 at at ADP _005457190 57 5 holy holy PROPN _005457190 57 6 mass mass PROPN _005457190 57 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 58 1 god god PROPN _005457190 58 2 hears hear VERB _005457190 58 3 our our PRON _005457190 58 4 prayers prayer NOUN _005457190 58 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 59 1 j j PRON _005457190 59 2 p p PROPN _005457190 59 3 ijjssilllli ijjssilllli PROPN _005457190 59 4 1 1 NUM _005457190 59 5 l_j l_j NUM _005457190 59 6 9 9 NUM _005457190 59 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 60 1 this this PRON _005457190 60 2 is be AUX _005457190 60 3 my my PRON _005457190 60 4 body body NOUN _005457190 60 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 61 1 this this PRON _005457190 61 2 is be AUX _005457190 61 3 my my PRON _005457190 61 4 blood blood NOUN _005457190 61 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 62 1 10 10 NUM _005457190 62 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 63 1 the the DET _005457190 63 2 last last ADJ _005457190 63 3 supper supper NOUN _005457190 63 4 it it PRON _005457190 63 5 was be AUX _005457190 63 6 the the DET _005457190 63 7 night night NOUN _005457190 63 8 before before SCONJ _005457190 63 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 63 10 died die VERB _005457190 63 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 64 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 64 2 was be AUX _005457190 64 3 with with ADP _005457190 64 4 his his PRON _005457190 64 5 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 64 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 65 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 65 2 took take VERB _005457190 65 3 bread bread NOUN _005457190 65 4 in in ADP _005457190 65 5 his his PRON _005457190 65 6 hands hand NOUN _005457190 65 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 66 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 66 2 blessed bless VERB _005457190 66 3 the the DET _005457190 66 4 bread bread NOUN _005457190 66 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 67 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 67 2 said say VERB _005457190 67 3 , , PUNCT _005457190 67 4 “ " PUNCT _005457190 67 5 take take VERB _005457190 67 6 and and CCONJ _005457190 67 7 eat eat VERB _005457190 67 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 68 1 this this PRON _005457190 68 2 is be AUX _005457190 68 3 my my PRON _005457190 68 4 body body NOUN _005457190 68 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 68 6 ” " PUNCT _005457190 69 1 the the DET _005457190 69 2 bread bread NOUN _005457190 69 3 became become VERB _005457190 69 4 the the DET _005457190 69 5 body body NOUN _005457190 69 6 of of ADP _005457190 69 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 69 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 70 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 70 2 took take VERB _005457190 70 3 a a DET _005457190 70 4 cup cup NOUN _005457190 70 5 of of ADP _005457190 70 6 wine wine NOUN _005457190 70 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 71 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 71 2 blessed bless VERB _005457190 71 3 the the DET _005457190 71 4 wine wine NOUN _005457190 71 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 72 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 72 2 said,“this said,“this PROPN _005457190 72 3 is be AUX _005457190 72 4 my my PRON _005457190 72 5 blood blood NOUN _005457190 72 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 73 1 the the DET _005457190 73 2 wine wine NOUN _005457190 73 3 became become VERB _005457190 73 4 the the DET _005457190 73 5 blood blood NOUN _005457190 73 6 of of ADP _005457190 73 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 73 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 74 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 74 2 gave give VERB _005457190 74 3 the the DET _005457190 74 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 74 5 his his PRON _005457190 74 6 body body NOUN _005457190 74 7 and and CCONJ _005457190 74 8 blood blood NOUN _005457190 74 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 75 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 75 2 will will AUX _005457190 75 3 give give VERB _005457190 75 4 us we PRON _005457190 75 5 his his PRON _005457190 75 6 body body NOUN _005457190 75 7 and and CCONJ _005457190 75 8 blood blood NOUN _005457190 75 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 76 1 11 11 NUM _005457190 76 2 .jesus .jesus NOUN _005457190 76 3 prays pray VERB _005457190 76 4 it it PRON _005457190 76 5 was be AUX _005457190 76 6 the the DET _005457190 76 7 night night NOUN _005457190 76 8 before before SCONJ _005457190 76 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 76 10 died die VERB _005457190 76 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 77 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 77 2 went go VERB _005457190 77 3 to to ADP _005457190 77 4 a a DET _005457190 77 5 garden garden NOUN _005457190 77 6 to to PART _005457190 77 7 pray pray VERB _005457190 77 8 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 77 9 was be AUX _005457190 77 10 very very ADV _005457190 77 11 sad sad ADJ _005457190 77 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 78 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 78 2 was be AUX _005457190 78 3 sad sad ADJ _005457190 78 4 about about ADP _005457190 78 5 the the DET _005457190 78 6 sins sin NOUN _005457190 78 7 of of ADP _005457190 78 8 the the DET _005457190 78 9 world world NOUN _005457190 78 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 79 1 big big ADJ _005457190 79 2 drops drop NOUN _005457190 79 3 of of ADP _005457190 79 4 blood blood NOUN _005457190 79 5 came come VERB _005457190 79 6 on on ADP _005457190 79 7 the the DET _005457190 79 8 face face NOUN _005457190 79 9 of of ADP _005457190 79 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 79 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 80 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 80 2 prayed pray VERB _005457190 80 3 to to ADP _005457190 80 4 his his PRON _005457190 80 5 father father NOUN _005457190 80 6 in in ADP _005457190 80 7 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 80 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 81 1 my my PRON _005457190 81 2 sins sin NOUN _005457190 81 3 made make VERB _005457190 81 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 81 5 sad sad ADJ _005457190 81 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 82 1 dear dear PROPN _005457190 82 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 82 3 , , PUNCT _005457190 82 4 i i PRON _005457190 82 5 am be AUX _005457190 82 6 very very ADV _005457190 82 7 sorry sorry ADJ _005457190 82 8 for for ADP _005457190 82 9 all all DET _005457190 82 10 my my PRON _005457190 82 11 sins sin NOUN _005457190 82 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 83 1 12 12 NUM _005457190 83 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 84 1 the the DET _005457190 84 2 cross cross PROPN _005457190 84 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 84 4 took take VERB _005457190 84 5 his his PRON _005457190 84 6 cross cross NOUN _005457190 84 7 up up ADP _005457190 84 8 the the DET _005457190 84 9 hill hill NOUN _005457190 84 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 85 1 the the DET _005457190 85 2 name name NOUN _005457190 85 3 of of ADP _005457190 85 4 the the DET _005457190 85 5 hill hill NOUN _005457190 85 6 was be AUX _005457190 85 7 calvary calvary ADJ _005457190 85 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 86 1 this this PRON _005457190 86 2 was be AUX _005457190 86 3 the the DET _005457190 86 4 first first ADJ _005457190 86 5 good good ADJ _005457190 86 6 friday friday PROPN _005457190 86 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 87 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 87 2 fell fall VERB _005457190 87 3 down down ADV _005457190 87 4 three three NUM _005457190 87 5 times time NOUN _005457190 87 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 88 1 the the DET _005457190 88 2 cross cross NOUN _005457190 88 3 was be AUX _005457190 88 4 very very ADV _005457190 88 5 heavy heavy ADJ _005457190 88 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 89 1 my my PRON _005457190 89 2 sins sin NOUN _005457190 89 3 made make VERB _005457190 89 4 the the DET _005457190 89 5 cross cross NOUN _005457190 89 6 heavy heavy ADJ _005457190 89 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 90 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 90 2 gave give VERB _005457190 90 3 his his PRON _005457190 90 4 life life NOUN _005457190 90 5 for for ADP _005457190 90 6 me i PRON _005457190 90 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 91 1 the the DET _005457190 91 2 soldiers soldier NOUN _005457190 91 3 put put VERB _005457190 91 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 91 5 on on ADP _005457190 91 6 the the DET _005457190 91 7 cross cross NOUN _005457190 91 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 92 1 see see VERB _005457190 92 2 the the DET _005457190 92 3 big big ADJ _005457190 92 4 nails nail NOUN _005457190 92 5 in in ADP _005457190 92 6 the the DET _005457190 92 7 feet foot NOUN _005457190 92 8 of of ADP _005457190 92 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 92 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 93 1 see see VERB _005457190 93 2 the the DET _005457190 93 3 big big ADJ _005457190 93 4 nails nail NOUN _005457190 93 5 in in ADP _005457190 93 6 the the DET _005457190 93 7 hands hand NOUN _005457190 93 8 of of ADP _005457190 93 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 93 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 94 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 94 2 died die VERB _005457190 94 3 on on ADP _005457190 94 4 the the DET _005457190 94 5 cross cross NOUN _005457190 94 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 95 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 95 2 died die VERB _005457190 95 3 for for ADP _005457190 95 4 my my PRON _005457190 95 5 sins sin NOUN _005457190 95 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 96 1 two two NUM _005457190 96 2 men man NOUN _005457190 96 3 took take VERB _005457190 96 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 96 5 down down ADP _005457190 96 6 from from ADP _005457190 96 7 the the DET _005457190 96 8 cross cross NOUN _005457190 96 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 97 1 they they PRON _005457190 97 2 put put VERB _005457190 97 3 the the DET _005457190 97 4 body body NOUN _005457190 97 5 of of ADP _005457190 97 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 97 7 in in ADP _005457190 97 8 a a DET _005457190 97 9 grave grave NOUN _005457190 97 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 98 1 14 14 NUM _005457190 98 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 99 1 easter easter PROPN _005457190 99 2 sunday sunday PROPN _005457190 99 3 it it PRON _005457190 99 4 is be AUX _005457190 99 5 easter easter ADJ _005457190 99 6 sunday sunday PROPN _005457190 99 7 morning morning NOUN _005457190 99 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 100 1 the the DET _005457190 100 2 holy holy ADJ _005457190 100 3 women woman NOUN _005457190 100 4 came come VERB _005457190 100 5 to to ADP _005457190 100 6 the the DET _005457190 100 7 grave grave NOUN _005457190 100 8 of of ADP _005457190 100 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 100 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 101 1 the the DET _005457190 101 2 women woman NOUN _005457190 101 3 saw see VERB _005457190 101 4 an an DET _005457190 101 5 angel angel NOUN _005457190 101 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 102 1 the the DET _005457190 102 2 angel angel NOUN _005457190 102 3 said say VERB _005457190 102 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 102 5 “ " PUNCT _005457190 102 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 102 7 is be AUX _005457190 102 8 not not PART _005457190 102 9 here here ADV _005457190 102 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 103 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 103 2 is be AUX _005457190 103 3 risen rise VERB _005457190 103 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 104 1 go go VERB _005457190 104 2 , , PUNCT _005457190 104 3 tell tell VERB _005457190 104 4 his his PRON _005457190 104 5 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 104 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 104 7 ” " PUNCT _005457190 105 1 the the DET _005457190 105 2 women woman NOUN _005457190 105 3 told tell VERB _005457190 105 4 the the DET _005457190 105 5 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 105 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 106 1 they they PRON _005457190 106 2 said say VERB _005457190 106 3 , , PUNCT _005457190 106 4 “ " PUNCT _005457190 106 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 106 6 is be AUX _005457190 106 7 not not PART _005457190 106 8 dead dead ADJ _005457190 106 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 107 1 he he PRON _005457190 107 2 is be AUX _005457190 107 3 risen rise VERB _005457190 107 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 108 1 he he PRON _005457190 108 2 is be AUX _005457190 108 3 risen rise VERB _005457190 108 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 108 5 ” " PUNCT _005457190 109 1 ascension ascension PROPN _005457190 109 2 day day NOUN _005457190 109 3 15 15 NUM _005457190 109 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 110 1 forty forty NUM _005457190 110 2 days day NOUN _005457190 110 3 after after ADP _005457190 110 4 easter easter PROPN _005457190 110 5 , , PUNCT _005457190 110 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 110 7 was be AUX _005457190 110 8 with with ADP _005457190 110 9 the the DET _005457190 110 10 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 110 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 111 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 111 2 took take VERB _005457190 111 3 the the DET _005457190 111 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 111 5 up up ADP _005457190 111 6 on on ADP _005457190 111 7 a a DET _005457190 111 8 hill hill NOUN _005457190 111 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 112 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 112 2 said/ said/ NUM _005457190 113 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _005457190 113 2 you you PRON _005457190 113 3 are be AUX _005457190 113 4 my my PRON _005457190 113 5 friends friend NOUN _005457190 113 6 you you PRON _005457190 113 7 will will AUX _005457190 113 8 take take VERB _005457190 113 9 my my PRON _005457190 113 10 place place NOUN _005457190 113 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 114 1 you you PRON _005457190 114 2 will will AUX _005457190 114 3 do do VERB _005457190 114 4 my my PRON _005457190 114 5 work work NOUN _005457190 114 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 115 1 teach teach VERB _005457190 115 2 all all DET _005457190 115 3 people people NOUN _005457190 115 4 to to PART _005457190 115 5 know know VERB _005457190 115 6 god god PROPN _005457190 115 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 116 1 baptize baptize VERB _005457190 116 2 all all DET _005457190 116 3 people people NOUN _005457190 116 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 116 5 ” " PUNCT _005457190 117 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 117 2 went go VERB _005457190 117 3 up up ADP _005457190 117 4 to to ADP _005457190 117 5 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 117 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 118 1 we we PRON _005457190 118 2 call call VERB _005457190 118 3 this this DET _005457190 118 4 great great ADJ _005457190 118 5 day day NOUN _005457190 118 6 ascension ascension NOUN _005457190 118 7 thursday thursday PROPN _005457190 118 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 119 1 penance16 penance16 PROPN _005457190 119 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 120 1 see see VERB _005457190 120 2 the the DET _005457190 120 3 boy boy NOUN _005457190 120 4 and and CCONJ _005457190 120 5 girl girl NOUN _005457190 120 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 121 1 the the DET _005457190 121 2 boy boy NOUN _005457190 121 3 speaks speak VERB _005457190 121 4 to to ADP _005457190 121 5 the the DET _005457190 121 6 priest priest NOUN _005457190 121 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 122 1 he he PRON _005457190 122 2 tells tell VERB _005457190 122 3 the the DET _005457190 122 4 priest priest NOUN _005457190 122 5 his his PRON _005457190 122 6 sins sin NOUN _005457190 122 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 123 1 soon soon ADV _005457190 123 2 the the DET _005457190 123 3 girl girl NOUN _005457190 123 4 will will AUX _005457190 123 5 tell tell VERB _005457190 123 6 her her PRON _005457190 123 7 sins sin NOUN _005457190 123 8 to to ADP _005457190 123 9 the the DET _005457190 123 10 priest priest NOUN _005457190 123 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 124 1 the the DET _005457190 124 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 124 3 can can AUX _005457190 124 4 take take VERB _005457190 124 5 away away ADV _005457190 124 6 sin sin NOUN _005457190 124 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 125 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 125 2 said say VERB _005457190 125 3 to to ADP _005457190 125 4 the the DET _005457190 125 5 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 125 6 , , PUNCT _005457190 125 7 “ " PUNCT _005457190 125 8 you you PRON _005457190 125 9 can can AUX _005457190 125 10 take take VERB _005457190 125 11 away away ADP _005457190 125 12 sins sin NOUN _005457190 125 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 125 14 ” " PUNCT _005457190 126 1 penance penance NOUN _005457190 126 2 is be AUX _005457190 126 3 a a DET _005457190 126 4 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457190 126 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 127 1 penance penance NOUN _005457190 127 2 takes take VERB _005457190 127 3 away away ADV _005457190 127 4 all all DET _005457190 127 5 sins sin NOUN _005457190 127 6 after after ADP _005457190 127 7 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 127 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 128 1 penance penance NOUN _005457190 128 2 17 17 NUM _005457190 128 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 129 1 we we PRON _005457190 129 2 tell tell VERB _005457190 129 3 the the DET _005457190 129 4 priest priest NOUN _005457190 129 5 all all DET _005457190 129 6 our our PRON _005457190 129 7 sins sin NOUN _005457190 129 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 130 1 the the DET _005457190 130 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 130 3 takes take VERB _005457190 130 4 the the DET _005457190 130 5 place place NOUN _005457190 130 6 of of ADP _005457190 130 7 our our PRON _005457190 130 8 lord lord PROPN _005457190 130 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 131 1 we we PRON _005457190 131 2 must must AUX _005457190 131 3 be be AUX _005457190 131 4 very very ADV _005457190 131 5 sorry sorry ADJ _005457190 131 6 for for ADP _005457190 131 7 our our PRON _005457190 131 8 sins sin NOUN _005457190 131 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 132 1 sin sin NOUN _005457190 132 2 is be AUX _005457190 132 3 against against ADP _005457190 132 4 god god PROPN _005457190 132 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 133 1 god god PROPN _005457190 133 2 loves love VERB _005457190 133 3 us we PRON _005457190 133 4 very very ADV _005457190 133 5 much much ADV _005457190 133 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 134 1 god god PROPN _005457190 134 2 is be AUX _005457190 134 3 our our PRON _005457190 134 4 best good ADJ _005457190 134 5 friend friend NOUN _005457190 134 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 135 1 god god PROPN _005457190 135 2 hates hate VERB _005457190 135 3 sin sin NOUN _005457190 135 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 136 1 we we PRON _005457190 136 2 must must AUX _005457190 136 3 hate hate VERB _005457190 136 4 sin sin NOUN _005457190 136 5 too too ADV _005457190 136 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 137 1 we we PRON _005457190 137 2 tell tell VERB _005457190 137 3 god god PROPN _005457190 137 4 we we PRON _005457190 137 5 are be AUX _005457190 137 6 sorry sorry ADJ _005457190 137 7 for for ADP _005457190 137 8 our our PRON _005457190 137 9 sins sin NOUN _005457190 137 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 138 1 we we PRON _005457190 138 2 tell tell VERB _005457190 138 3 god god PROPN _005457190 138 4 we we PRON _005457190 138 5 will will AUX _005457190 138 6 do do VERB _005457190 138 7 better well ADV _005457190 138 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 139 1 the the DET _005457190 139 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 139 3 takes take VERB _005457190 139 4 away away ADV _005457190 139 5 our our PRON _005457190 139 6 sins sin NOUN _005457190 139 7 for for ADP _005457190 139 8 god god PROPN _005457190 139 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 140 1 penance penance NOUN _005457190 140 2 is be AUX _005457190 140 3 a a DET _005457190 140 4 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457190 140 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 141 1 penance penance NOUN _005457190 141 2 takes take VERB _005457190 141 3 away away ADV _005457190 141 4 all all DET _005457190 141 5 sins sin NOUN _005457190 141 6 after after ADP _005457190 141 7 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 141 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 142 1 18 18 NUM _005457190 142 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 143 1 god god PROPN _005457190 143 2 's 's PART _005457190 143 3 home home NOUN _005457190 143 4 the the DET _005457190 143 5 church church NOUN _005457190 143 6 is be AUX _005457190 143 7 the the DET _005457190 143 8 home home NOUN _005457190 143 9 of of ADP _005457190 143 10 god god PROPN _005457190 143 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 144 1 see see VERB _005457190 144 2 the the DET _005457190 144 3 boys boy NOUN _005457190 144 4 and and CCONJ _005457190 144 5 girls girl NOUN _005457190 144 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 145 1 they they PRON _005457190 145 2 are be AUX _005457190 145 3 in in ADP _005457190 145 4 church church NOUN _005457190 145 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 146 1 they they PRON _005457190 146 2 are be AUX _005457190 146 3 praying pray VERB _005457190 146 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 147 1 they they PRON _005457190 147 2 say say VERB _005457190 147 3 , , PUNCT _005457190 147 4 “ " PUNCT _005457190 147 5 good good ADJ _005457190 147 6 morning morning NOUN _005457190 147 7 , , PUNCT _005457190 147 8 dear dear PROPN _005457190 147 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 147 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 148 1 dear dear PROPN _005457190 148 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 148 3 , , PUNCT _005457190 148 4 i i PRON _005457190 148 5 love love VERB _005457190 148 6 you you PRON _005457190 148 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 148 8 " " PUNCT _005457190 149 1 the the DET _005457190 149 2 church church NOUN _005457190 149 3 is be AUX _005457190 149 4 the the DET _005457190 149 5 home home NOUN _005457190 149 6 of of ADP _005457190 149 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 149 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 150 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 150 2 waits wait VERB _005457190 150 3 for for ADP _005457190 150 4 us we PRON _005457190 150 5 in in ADP _005457190 150 6 his his PRON _005457190 150 7 home home NOUN _005457190 150 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 151 1 he he PRON _005457190 151 2 wishes wish VERB _005457190 151 3 us we PRON _005457190 151 4 to to PART _005457190 151 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 152 1 come come VERB _005457190 152 2 to to ADP _005457190 152 3 him he PRON _005457190 152 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 153 1 god god PROPN _005457190 153 2 ’s ’s PROPN _005457190 153 3 home home NOUN _005457190 153 4 19 19 NUM _005457190 153 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 154 1 how how SCONJ _005457190 154 2 good good ADJ _005457190 154 3 we we PRON _005457190 154 4 must must AUX _005457190 154 5 always always ADV _005457190 154 6 be be AUX _005457190 154 7 in in ADP _005457190 154 8 church church NOUN _005457190 154 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 155 1 we we PRON _005457190 155 2 do do AUX _005457190 155 3 not not PART _005457190 155 4 talk talk VERB _005457190 155 5 in in ADP _005457190 155 6 church church NOUN _005457190 155 7 to to ADP _005457190 155 8 other other ADJ _005457190 155 9 boys boy NOUN _005457190 155 10 and and CCONJ _005457190 155 11 girls girl NOUN _005457190 155 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 156 1 we we PRON _005457190 156 2 do do AUX _005457190 156 3 not not PART _005457190 156 4 laugh laugh VERB _005457190 156 5 in in ADP _005457190 156 6 church church NOUN _005457190 156 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 157 1 we we PRON _005457190 157 2 do do AUX _005457190 157 3 not not PART _005457190 157 4 make make VERB _005457190 157 5 others other NOUN _005457190 157 6 talk talk VERB _005457190 157 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 158 1 we we PRON _005457190 158 2 do do AUX _005457190 158 3 not not PART _005457190 158 4 make make VERB _005457190 158 5 others other NOUN _005457190 158 6 laugh laugh VERB _005457190 158 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 159 1 we we PRON _005457190 159 2 do do AUX _005457190 159 3 not not PART _005457190 159 4 look look VERB _005457190 159 5 around around ADV _005457190 159 6 when when SCONJ _005457190 159 7 we we PRON _005457190 159 8 are be AUX _005457190 159 9 in in ADP _005457190 159 10 church church NOUN _005457190 159 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 160 1 we we PRON _005457190 160 2 pray pray VERB _005457190 160 3 in in ADP _005457190 160 4 church church NOUN _005457190 160 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 161 1 when when SCONJ _005457190 161 2 we we PRON _005457190 161 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 161 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 161 5 we we PRON _005457190 161 6 talk talk VERB _005457190 161 7 to to ADP _005457190 161 8 god god PROPN _005457190 161 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 162 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 162 2 is be AUX _005457190 162 3 on on ADP _005457190 162 4 the the DET _005457190 162 5 altar altar NOUN _005457190 162 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 163 1 we we PRON _005457190 163 2 are be AUX _005457190 163 3 in in ADP _005457190 163 4 his his PRON _005457190 163 5 home home NOUN _005457190 163 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 164 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 164 2 is be AUX _005457190 164 3 glad glad ADJ _005457190 164 4 to to PART _005457190 164 5 see see VERB _005457190 164 6 us we PRON _005457190 164 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 165 1 the the DET _005457190 165 2 church church NOUN _005457190 165 3 is be AUX _005457190 165 4 god god PROPN _005457190 165 5 ’s ’s PART _005457190 165 6 home home NOUN _005457190 165 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 166 1 20 20 NUM _005457190 166 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 166 3 at at ADP _005457190 166 4 holy holy PROPN _005457190 166 5 mass mass NOUN _005457190 166 6 we we PRON _005457190 166 7 go go VERB _005457190 166 8 to to PART _005457190 166 9 mass mass VERB _005457190 166 10 each each DET _005457190 166 11 sunday sunday PROPN _005457190 166 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 167 1 this this PRON _005457190 167 2 is be AUX _005457190 167 3 god god PROPN _005457190 167 4 ’s ’s PART _005457190 167 5 holy holy ADJ _005457190 167 6 law law NOUN _005457190 167 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 168 1 at at ADP _005457190 168 2 mass mass NOUN _005457190 168 3 the the DET _005457190 168 4 priest priest NOUN _005457190 168 5 tells tell VERB _005457190 168 6 us we PRON _005457190 168 7 about about ADP _005457190 168 8 god god PROPN _005457190 168 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 169 1 the the DET _005457190 169 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 169 3 says say VERB _005457190 169 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 169 5 “ " PUNCT _005457190 169 6 dear dear ADJ _005457190 169 7 children child NOUN _005457190 169 8 , , PUNCT _005457190 169 9 god god PROPN _005457190 169 10 sees see VERB _005457190 169 11 you you PRON _005457190 169 12 god god PROPN _005457190 169 13 loves love VERB _005457190 169 14 you you PRON _005457190 169 15 . . PUNCT _005457190 170 1 your your PRON _005457190 170 2 church church NOUN _005457190 170 3 is be AUX _005457190 170 4 god god PROPN _005457190 170 5 ’s ’s PART _005457190 170 6 home home NOUN _005457190 170 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 171 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 171 2 is be AUX _005457190 171 3 here here ADV _005457190 171 4 to to PART _005457190 171 5 bless bless VERB _005457190 171 6 you you PRON _005457190 171 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 172 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 172 2 is be AUX _005457190 172 3 here here ADV _005457190 172 4 to to PART _005457190 172 5 help help VERB _005457190 172 6 you you PRON _005457190 172 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 173 1 you you PRON _005457190 173 2 must must AUX _005457190 173 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 173 4 every every DET _005457190 173 5 day day NOUN _005457190 173 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 174 1 at at ADP _005457190 174 2 holy holy PROPN _005457190 174 3 mass mass PROPN _005457190 174 4 21 21 NUM _005457190 174 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 175 1 when when SCONJ _005457190 175 2 you you PRON _005457190 175 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 175 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 175 5 use use VERB _005457190 175 6 god god PROPN _005457190 175 7 ’s ’s PART _005457190 175 8 name name NOUN _005457190 175 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 176 1 never never ADV _005457190 176 2 use use VERB _005457190 176 3 god god PROPN _005457190 176 4 ’s ’s PART _005457190 176 5 name name NOUN _005457190 176 6 in in ADP _005457190 176 7 any any DET _005457190 176 8 other other ADJ _005457190 176 9 way way NOUN _005457190 176 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 177 1 go go VERB _005457190 177 2 to to ADP _005457190 177 3 mass mass NOUN _005457190 177 4 on on ADP _005457190 177 5 sunday sunday PROPN _005457190 177 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 178 1 do do VERB _005457190 178 2 all all PRON _005457190 178 3 that that PRON _005457190 178 4 your your PRON _005457190 178 5 mother mother NOUN _005457190 178 6 and and CCONJ _005457190 178 7 father father NOUN _005457190 178 8 wish wish VERB _005457190 178 9 you you PRON _005457190 178 10 to to PART _005457190 178 11 do do VERB _005457190 178 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 179 1 be be AUX _005457190 179 2 kind kind ADJ _005457190 179 3 to to ADP _005457190 179 4 others other NOUN _005457190 179 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 180 1 be be AUX _005457190 180 2 pure pure ADJ _005457190 180 3 in in ADP _005457190 180 4 all all PRON _005457190 180 5 you you PRON _005457190 180 6 say say VERB _005457190 180 7 and and CCONJ _005457190 180 8 do do VERB _005457190 180 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 181 1 do do AUX _005457190 181 2 not not PART _005457190 181 3 take take VERB _005457190 181 4 what what PRON _005457190 181 5 is be AUX _005457190 181 6 not not PART _005457190 181 7 yours yours PRON _005457190 181 8 always always ADV _005457190 181 9 tell tell VERB _005457190 181 10 what what PRON _005457190 181 11 is be AUX _005457190 181 12 true true ADJ _005457190 181 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 182 1 do do AUX _005457190 182 2 not not PART _005457190 182 3 eat eat VERB _005457190 182 4 meat meat NOUN _005457190 182 5 on on ADP _005457190 182 6 friday friday PROPN _005457190 182 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 183 1 these these PRON _005457190 183 2 are be AUX _005457190 183 3 god god PROPN _005457190 183 4 ’s ’s PART _005457190 183 5 holy holy ADJ _005457190 183 6 laws law NOUN _005457190 183 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 183 8 ” " PUNCT _005457190 184 1 the the DET _005457190 184 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 184 3 tells tell VERB _005457190 184 4 us we PRON _005457190 184 5 about about ADP _005457190 184 6 god god PROPN _005457190 184 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 185 1 we we PRON _005457190 185 2 must must AUX _005457190 185 3 listen listen VERB _005457190 185 4 to to ADP _005457190 185 5 the the DET _005457190 185 6 priest priest NOUN _005457190 185 7 at at ADP _005457190 185 8 mass mass NOUN _005457190 185 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 186 1 22 22 NUM _005457190 186 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 187 1 the the DET _005457190 187 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 187 3 at at ADP _005457190 187 4 mass mass NOUN _005457190 187 5 see see VERB _005457190 187 6 the the DET _005457190 187 7 boys boy NOUN _005457190 187 8 and and CCONJ _005457190 187 9 girls girl NOUN _005457190 187 10 at at ADP _005457190 187 11 mass mass NOUN _005457190 187 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 188 1 they they PRON _005457190 188 2 pray pray VERB _005457190 188 3 at at ADP _005457190 188 4 mass mass NOUN _005457190 188 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 189 1 we we PRON _005457190 189 2 must must AUX _005457190 189 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 189 4 at at ADP _005457190 189 5 mass mass PROPN _005457190 189 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 190 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 190 2 prayed pray VERB _005457190 190 3 at at ADP _005457190 190 4 the the DET _005457190 190 5 last last ADJ _005457190 190 6 supper supper NOUN _005457190 190 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 191 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 191 2 took take VERB _005457190 191 3 bread bread NOUN _005457190 191 4 in in ADP _005457190 191 5 his his PRON _005457190 191 6 hands hand NOUN _005457190 191 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 192 1 he he PRON _005457190 192 2 blessed bless VERB _005457190 192 3 the the DET _005457190 192 4 bread bread NOUN _005457190 192 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 193 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 193 2 said,“this said,“this PROPN _005457190 193 3 is be AUX _005457190 193 4 my my PRON _005457190 193 5 body body NOUN _005457190 193 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 193 7 ” " PUNCT _005457190 194 1 the the DET _005457190 194 2 bread bread NOUN _005457190 194 3 became become VERB _005457190 194 4 the the DET _005457190 194 5 body body NOUN _005457190 194 6 of of ADP _005457190 194 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 194 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 195 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 195 2 took take VERB _005457190 195 3 a a DET _005457190 195 4 cup cup NOUN _005457190 195 5 of of ADP _005457190 195 6 wine wine NOUN _005457190 195 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 196 1 the the DET _005457190 196 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 196 3 at at ADP _005457190 196 4 mass mass NOUN _005457190 196 5 23 23 NUM _005457190 196 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 196 7 said say VERB _005457190 196 8 , , PUNCT _005457190 196 9 “ " PUNCT _005457190 196 10 this this PRON _005457190 196 11 is be AUX _005457190 196 12 my my PRON _005457190 196 13 blood blood NOUN _005457190 196 14 . . PUNCT _005457190 196 15 ’ ' PUNCT _005457190 197 1 the the DET _005457190 197 2 wine wine NOUN _005457190 197 3 became become VERB _005457190 197 4 the the DET _005457190 197 5 blood blood NOUN _005457190 197 6 of of ADP _005457190 197 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 197 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 198 1 the the DET _005457190 198 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 198 3 takes take VERB _005457190 198 4 bread bread NOUN _005457190 198 5 and and CCONJ _005457190 198 6 wine wine NOUN _005457190 198 7 at at ADP _005457190 198 8 mass mass PROPN _005457190 198 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 199 1 the the DET _005457190 199 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 199 3 says say VERB _005457190 199 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 199 5 “ " PUNCT _005457190 199 6 this this PRON _005457190 199 7 is be AUX _005457190 199 8 my my PRON _005457190 199 9 body body NOUN _005457190 199 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 199 11 ” " PUNCT _005457190 200 1 the the DET _005457190 200 2 bread bread NOUN _005457190 200 3 becomes become VERB _005457190 200 4 the the DET _005457190 200 5 body body NOUN _005457190 200 6 of of ADP _005457190 200 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 200 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 201 1 the the DET _005457190 201 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 201 3 says say VERB _005457190 201 4 , , PUNCT _005457190 201 5 “ " PUNCT _005457190 201 6 this this PRON _005457190 201 7 is be AUX _005457190 201 8 my my PRON _005457190 201 9 blood blood NOUN _005457190 201 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 201 11 ” " PUNCT _005457190 202 1 the the DET _005457190 202 2 wine wine NOUN _005457190 202 3 becomes become VERB _005457190 202 4 the the DET _005457190 202 5 blood blood NOUN _005457190 202 6 of of ADP _005457190 202 7 christ christ PROPN _005457190 202 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 203 1 the the DET _005457190 203 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 203 3 changes change VERB _005457190 203 4 bread bread NOUN _005457190 203 5 and and CCONJ _005457190 203 6 wine wine NOUN _005457190 203 7 into into ADP _005457190 203 8 the the DET _005457190 203 9 body body NOUN _005457190 203 10 and and CCONJ _005457190 203 11 blood blood NOUN _005457190 203 12 of of ADP _005457190 203 13 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 203 14 . . PUNCT _005457190 204 1 the the DET _005457190 204 2 priest priest NOUN _005457190 204 3 prays pray VERB _005457190 204 4 for for ADP _005457190 204 5 us we PRON _005457190 204 6 at at ADP _005457190 204 7 mass mass PROPN _005457190 204 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 205 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 205 2 gave give VERB _005457190 205 3 the the DET _005457190 205 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 205 5 his his PRON _005457190 205 6 body body NOUN _005457190 205 7 and and CCONJ _005457190 205 8 blood blood NOUN _005457190 205 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 206 1 it it PRON _005457190 206 2 was be AUX _005457190 206 3 the the DET _005457190 206 4 night night NOUN _005457190 206 5 of of ADP _005457190 206 6 the the DET _005457190 206 7 last last ADJ _005457190 206 8 supper supper NOUN _005457190 206 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 207 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 207 2 said say VERB _005457190 207 3 , , PUNCT _005457190 207 4 4 4 NUM _005457190 207 5 ‘ ' PUNCT _005457190 207 6 take take VERB _005457190 207 7 and and CCONJ _005457190 207 8 eat eat VERB _005457190 207 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 208 1 this this PRON _005457190 208 2 is be AUX _005457190 208 3 my my PRON _005457190 208 4 body body NOUN _005457190 208 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 208 6 ” " PUNCT _005457190 209 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 209 2 said,“take said,“take VERB _005457190 209 3 and and CCONJ _005457190 209 4 drink drink VERB _005457190 209 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 210 1 this this PRON _005457190 210 2 is be AUX _005457190 210 3 my my PRON _005457190 210 4 blood blood NOUN _005457190 210 5 . . PUNCT _005457190 210 6 ” " PUNCT _005457190 211 1 one one NUM _005457190 211 2 day day NOUN _005457190 211 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 211 4 will will AUX _005457190 211 5 come come VERB _005457190 211 6 to to ADP _005457190 211 7 us we PRON _005457190 211 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 212 1 he he PRON _005457190 212 2 will will AUX _005457190 212 3 give give VERB _005457190 212 4 us we PRON _005457190 212 5 his his PRON _005457190 212 6 body body NOUN _005457190 212 7 and and CCONJ _005457190 212 8 his his PRON _005457190 212 9 blood blood NOUN _005457190 212 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 213 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 213 2 will will AUX _005457190 213 3 come come VERB _005457190 213 4 in in ADP _005457190 213 5 the the DET _005457190 213 6 little little ADJ _005457190 213 7 white white ADJ _005457190 213 8 host host NOUN _005457190 213 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 214 1 first first ADJ _005457190 214 2 communion communion NOUN _005457190 214 3 25 25 NUM _005457190 214 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 215 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 215 2 will will AUX _005457190 215 3 come come VERB _005457190 215 4 in in ADP _005457190 215 5 holy holy ADJ _005457190 215 6 communion communion NOUN _005457190 215 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 216 1 how how SCONJ _005457190 216 2 good good ADJ _005457190 216 3 god god PROPN _005457190 216 4 is be AUX _005457190 216 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457190 217 1 he he PRON _005457190 217 2 gave give VERB _005457190 217 3 us we PRON _005457190 217 4 our our PRON _005457190 217 5 body body NOUN _005457190 217 6 and and CCONJ _005457190 217 7 soul soul NOUN _005457190 217 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 218 1 he he PRON _005457190 218 2 gave give VERB _005457190 218 3 us we PRON _005457190 218 4 our our PRON _005457190 218 5 home home NOUN _005457190 218 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 219 1 all all PRON _005457190 219 2 that that PRON _005457190 219 3 we we PRON _005457190 219 4 have have VERB _005457190 219 5 comes come VERB _005457190 219 6 from from ADP _005457190 219 7 god god PROPN _005457190 219 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 220 1 god god PROPN _005457190 220 2 came come VERB _005457190 220 3 down down ADP _005457190 220 4 to to ADP _005457190 220 5 earth earth NOUN _005457190 220 6 on on ADP _005457190 220 7 christmas christmas PROPN _005457190 220 8 day day PROPN _005457190 220 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 221 1 he he PRON _005457190 221 2 lives live VERB _005457190 221 3 in in ADP _005457190 221 4 our our PRON _005457190 221 5 church church NOUN _005457190 221 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 222 1 he he PRON _005457190 222 2 takes take VERB _005457190 222 3 away away ADV _005457190 222 4 our our PRON _005457190 222 5 sins sin NOUN _005457190 222 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 223 1 he he PRON _005457190 223 2 gives give VERB _005457190 223 3 us we PRON _005457190 223 4 his his PRON _005457190 223 5 body body NOUN _005457190 223 6 and and CCONJ _005457190 223 7 blood blood NOUN _005457190 223 8 in in ADP _005457190 223 9 holy holy ADJ _005457190 223 10 communion communion NOUN _005457190 223 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 224 1 god god PROPN _005457190 224 2 loves love VERB _005457190 224 3 us we PRON _005457190 224 4 very very ADV _005457190 224 5 much much ADV _005457190 224 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 225 1 26 26 NUM _005457190 225 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 226 1 first first PROPN _005457190 226 2 communion communion NOUN _005457190 226 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 226 4 gave give VERB _005457190 226 5 the the DET _005457190 226 6 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 226 7 his his PRON _005457190 226 8 body body NOUN _005457190 226 9 and and CCONJ _005457190 226 10 blood blood NOUN _005457190 226 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 227 1 it it PRON _005457190 227 2 was be AUX _005457190 227 3 the the DET _005457190 227 4 night night NOUN _005457190 227 5 of of ADP _005457190 227 6 the the DET _005457190 227 7 last last ADJ _005457190 227 8 supper supper NOUN _005457190 227 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 228 1 how how SCONJ _005457190 228 2 happy happy ADJ _005457190 228 3 the the DET _005457190 228 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005457190 228 5 were be AUX _005457190 228 6 ! ! PUNCT _005457190 229 1 one one NUM _005457190 229 2 day day NOUN _005457190 229 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 229 4 will will AUX _005457190 229 5 give give VERB _005457190 229 6 himself himself PRON _005457190 229 7 to to ADP _005457190 229 8 me i PRON _005457190 229 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 230 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 230 2 will will AUX _005457190 230 3 come come VERB _005457190 230 4 in in ADP _005457190 230 5 holy holy ADJ _005457190 230 6 communion communion NOUN _005457190 230 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 231 1 the the DET _005457190 231 2 god god PROPN _005457190 231 3 of of ADP _005457190 231 4 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 231 5 will will AUX _005457190 231 6 come come VERB _005457190 231 7 to to ADP _005457190 231 8 me i PRON _005457190 231 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 232 1 how how SCONJ _005457190 232 2 good good ADJ _005457190 232 3 god god PROPN _005457190 232 4 is be AUX _005457190 232 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457190 233 1 first first ADJ _005457190 233 2 communion communion NOUN _005457190 233 3 27 27 NUM _005457190 233 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 234 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 234 2 comes come VERB _005457190 234 3 only only ADV _005457190 234 4 to to ADP _005457190 234 5 his his PRON _005457190 234 6 friends friend NOUN _005457190 234 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 235 1 there there PRON _005457190 235 2 must must AUX _005457190 235 3 be be AUX _005457190 235 4 no no DET _005457190 235 5 big big ADJ _005457190 235 6 sin sin NOUN _005457190 235 7 in in ADP _005457190 235 8 my my PRON _005457190 235 9 soul soul NOUN _005457190 235 10 when when SCONJ _005457190 235 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 235 12 comes come VERB _005457190 235 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 236 1 confession confession NOUN _005457190 236 2 takes take VERB _005457190 236 3 away away ADV _005457190 236 4 big big ADJ _005457190 236 5 sins sin NOUN _005457190 236 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 237 1 it it PRON _005457190 237 2 makes make VERB _005457190 237 3 us we PRON _005457190 237 4 friends friend NOUN _005457190 237 5 of of ADP _005457190 237 6 god god PROPN _005457190 237 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 238 1 we we PRON _005457190 238 2 go go VERB _005457190 238 3 to to ADP _005457190 238 4 holy holy ADJ _005457190 238 5 communion communion NOUN _005457190 238 6 “ " PUNCT _005457190 238 7 fasting fast VERB _005457190 238 8 ” " PUNCT _005457190 238 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 239 1 we we PRON _005457190 239 2 may may AUX _005457190 239 3 not not PART _005457190 239 4 eat eat VERB _005457190 239 5 anything anything PRON _005457190 239 6 after after ADP _005457190 239 7 twelve twelve NUM _005457190 239 8 o’clock o’clock NOUN _005457190 239 9 at at ADP _005457190 239 10 night night NOUN _005457190 239 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 240 1 we we PRON _005457190 240 2 may may AUX _005457190 240 3 not not PART _005457190 240 4 drink drink VERB _005457190 240 5 anything anything PRON _005457190 240 6 after after ADP _005457190 240 7 twelve twelve NUM _005457190 240 8 o’clock o’clock NOUN _005457190 240 9 at at ADP _005457190 240 10 night night NOUN _005457190 240 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 241 1 we we PRON _005457190 241 2 go go VERB _005457190 241 3 to to ADP _005457190 241 4 holy holy ADJ _005457190 241 5 communion communion NOUN _005457190 241 6 fasting fast VERB _005457190 241 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 242 1 we we PRON _005457190 242 2 thank thank VERB _005457190 242 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 242 4 for for ADP _005457190 242 5 coming come VERB _005457190 242 6 to to ADP _005457190 242 7 us we PRON _005457190 242 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 243 1 28 28 X _005457190 243 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 244 1 facts fact NOUN _005457190 244 2 i i PRON _005457190 244 3 must must AUX _005457190 244 4 know know VERB _005457190 244 5 god god PROPN _005457190 244 6 1 1 NUM _005457190 244 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 245 1 god god PROPN _005457190 245 2 is be AUX _005457190 245 3 the the DET _005457190 245 4 creator creator NOUN _005457190 245 5 of of ADP _005457190 245 6 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 245 7 and and CCONJ _005457190 245 8 of of ADP _005457190 245 9 earth earth NOUN _005457190 245 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 246 1 2 2 X _005457190 246 2 . . X _005457190 246 3 god god PROPN _005457190 246 4 made make VERB _005457190 246 5 me i PRON _005457190 246 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 247 1 3 3 X _005457190 247 2 . . X _005457190 247 3 god god PROPN _005457190 247 4 made make VERB _005457190 247 5 me i PRON _005457190 247 6 to to PART _005457190 247 7 know know VERB _005457190 247 8 him he PRON _005457190 247 9 , , PUNCT _005457190 247 10 to to PART _005457190 247 11 love love VERB _005457190 247 12 him he PRON _005457190 247 13 , , PUNCT _005457190 247 14 and and CCONJ _005457190 247 15 to to PART _005457190 247 16 serve serve VERB _005457190 247 17 him he PRON _005457190 247 18 . . PUNCT _005457190 248 1 4 4 X _005457190 248 2 . . X _005457190 248 3 god god PROPN _005457190 248 4 is be AUX _005457190 248 5 everywhere everywhere ADV _005457190 248 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 249 1 5 5 X _005457190 249 2 . . X _005457190 249 3 god god PROPN _005457190 249 4 knows know VERB _005457190 249 5 and and CCONJ _005457190 249 6 sees see VERB _005457190 249 7 all all DET _005457190 249 8 things thing NOUN _005457190 249 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 250 1 one one NUM _005457190 250 2 god god PROPN _005457190 250 3 6 6 NUM _005457190 250 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 251 1 there there PRON _005457190 251 2 is be VERB _005457190 251 3 only only ADV _005457190 251 4 one one NUM _005457190 251 5 god god PROPN _005457190 251 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 252 1 7 7 X _005457190 252 2 . . X _005457190 252 3 there there PRON _005457190 252 4 are be VERB _005457190 252 5 three three NUM _005457190 252 6 persons person NOUN _005457190 252 7 in in ADP _005457190 252 8 god god PROPN _005457190 252 9 : : PUNCT _005457190 252 10 father father PROPN _005457190 252 11 , , PUNCT _005457190 252 12 son son NOUN _005457190 252 13 and and CCONJ _005457190 252 14 holy holy ADJ _005457190 252 15 ghost ghost NOUN _005457190 252 16 . . PUNCT _005457190 253 1 8 8 X _005457190 253 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 253 3 we we PRON _005457190 253 4 call call VERB _005457190 253 5 the the DET _005457190 253 6 three three NUM _005457190 253 7 persons person NOUN _005457190 253 8 in in ADP _005457190 253 9 one one NUM _005457190 253 10 god god PROPN _005457190 253 11 the the DET _005457190 253 12 blessed bless VERB _005457190 253 13 trinity trinity NOUN _005457190 253 14 . . PUNCT _005457190 254 1 29 29 NUM _005457190 254 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 255 1 adam adam PROPN _005457190 255 2 and and CCONJ _005457190 255 3 eve9 eve9 PROPN _005457190 255 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 256 1 the the DET _005457190 256 2 first first ADJ _005457190 256 3 man man NOUN _005457190 256 4 and and CCONJ _005457190 256 5 woman woman NOUN _005457190 256 6 were be AUX _005457190 256 7 adam adam PROPN _005457190 256 8 and and CCONJ _005457190 256 9 eve eve VERB _005457190 256 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 257 1 10 10 NUM _005457190 257 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 258 1 adam adam PROPN _005457190 258 2 and and CCONJ _005457190 258 3 eve eve PROPN _005457190 258 4 did do AUX _005457190 258 5 not not PART _005457190 258 6 obey obey VERB _005457190 258 7 god god PROPN _005457190 258 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 259 1 11 11 NUM _005457190 259 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 260 1 the the DET _005457190 260 2 sin sin NOUN _005457190 260 3 of of ADP _005457190 260 4 adam adam PROPN _005457190 260 5 and and CCONJ _005457190 260 6 eve eve PROPN _005457190 260 7 is be AUX _005457190 260 8 called call VERB _005457190 260 9 original original ADJ _005457190 260 10 sin sin NOUN _005457190 260 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 261 1 12 12 NUM _005457190 261 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 262 1 original original ADJ _005457190 262 2 sin sin NOUN _005457190 262 3 comes come VERB _005457190 262 4 down down ADP _005457190 262 5 to to ADP _005457190 262 6 us we PRON _005457190 262 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 263 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 263 2 christ christ PROPN _005457190 263 3 13 13 NUM _005457190 263 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 264 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 264 2 christ christ PROPN _005457190 264 3 is be AUX _005457190 264 4 the the DET _005457190 264 5 son son NOUN _005457190 264 6 of of ADP _005457190 264 7 god god PROPN _005457190 264 8 , , PUNCT _005457190 264 9 the the DET _005457190 264 10 second second ADJ _005457190 264 11 person person NOUN _005457190 264 12 of of ADP _005457190 264 13 the the DET _005457190 264 14 blessed bless VERB _005457190 264 15 trinity trinity NOUN _005457190 264 16 . . PUNCT _005457190 265 1 14 14 NUM _005457190 265 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 266 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 266 2 christ christ PROPN _005457190 266 3 was be AUX _005457190 266 4 born bear VERB _005457190 266 5 on on ADP _005457190 266 6 christmas christmas PROPN _005457190 266 7 day day NOUN _005457190 266 8 in in ADP _005457190 266 9 the the DET _005457190 266 10 stable stable NOUN _005457190 266 11 of of ADP _005457190 266 12 bethlehem bethlehem PROPN _005457190 266 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 267 1 • • INTJ _005457190 267 2 15 15 NUM _005457190 267 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 268 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 268 2 christ christ PROPN _005457190 268 3 is be AUX _005457190 268 4 true true ADJ _005457190 268 5 god god PROPN _005457190 268 6 and and CCONJ _005457190 268 7 true true ADJ _005457190 268 8 man man NOUN _005457190 268 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 269 1 16 16 NUM _005457190 269 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 270 1 the the DET _005457190 270 2 blessed bless VERB _005457190 270 3 virgin virgin PROPN _005457190 270 4 mary mary PROPN _005457190 270 5 30 30 NUM _005457190 270 6 . . PUNCT _005457190 270 7 is be AUX _005457190 270 8 the the DET _005457190 270 9 mother mother NOUN _005457190 270 10 of of ADP _005457190 270 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 270 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 271 1 17 17 NUM _005457190 271 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 272 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 272 2 ehanged ehange VERB _005457190 272 3 bread bread NOUN _005457190 272 4 and and CCONJ _005457190 272 5 wine wine NOUN _005457190 272 6 into into ADP _005457190 272 7 his his PRON _005457190 272 8 body body NOUN _005457190 272 9 and and CCONJ _005457190 272 10 blood blood NOUN _005457190 272 11 at at ADP _005457190 272 12 the the DET _005457190 272 13 last last ADJ _005457190 272 14 supper supper NOUN _005457190 272 15 . . PUNCT _005457190 273 1 18 18 X _005457190 273 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 274 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 274 2 died die VERB _005457190 274 3 on on ADP _005457190 274 4 the the DET _005457190 274 5 cross cross NOUN _005457190 274 6 on on ADP _005457190 274 7 good good ADJ _005457190 274 8 friday friday PROPN _005457190 274 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 275 1 19 19 NUM _005457190 275 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 276 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 276 2 came come VERB _005457190 276 3 back back ADV _005457190 276 4 from from ADP _005457190 276 5 the the DET _005457190 276 6 dead dead NOUN _005457190 276 7 on on ADP _005457190 276 8 easter easter ADJ _005457190 276 9 sunday sunday PROPN _005457190 276 10 . . PUNCT _005457190 277 1 20 20 NUM _005457190 277 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 278 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457190 278 2 went go VERB _005457190 278 3 back back ADV _005457190 278 4 to to ADP _005457190 278 5 heaven heaven PROPN _005457190 278 6 on on ADP _005457190 278 7 ascension ascension NOUN _005457190 278 8 day day NOUN _005457190 278 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 279 1 sin sin NOUN _005457190 279 2 21 21 NUM _005457190 279 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 280 1 sin sin NOUN _005457190 280 2 is be AUX _005457190 280 3 anything anything PRON _005457190 280 4 we we PRON _005457190 280 5 do do VERB _005457190 280 6 , , PUNCT _005457190 280 7 think think VERB _005457190 280 8 , , PUNCT _005457190 280 9 or or CCONJ _005457190 280 10 say say VERB _005457190 280 11 against against ADP _005457190 280 12 the the DET _005457190 280 13 law law NOUN _005457190 280 14 of of ADP _005457190 280 15 god god PROPN _005457190 280 16 . . PUNCT _005457190 281 1 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 281 2 22 22 NUM _005457190 281 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 282 1 the the DET _005457190 282 2 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457190 282 3 of of ADP _005457190 282 4 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 282 5 takes take VERB _005457190 282 6 original original ADJ _005457190 282 7 sin sin NOUN _005457190 282 8 from from ADP _005457190 282 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 283 1 our our PRON _005457190 283 2 soul soul NOUN _005457190 283 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 284 1 23 23 NUM _005457190 284 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 285 1 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 285 2 makes make VERB _005457190 285 3 us we PRON _005457190 285 4 31 31 NUM _005457190 285 5 .children .children NUM _005457190 285 6 of of ADP _005457190 285 7 god god PROPN _005457190 285 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 286 1 penance penance NOUN _005457190 286 2 24 24 NUM _005457190 286 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 287 1 penance penance NOUN _005457190 287 2 is be AUX _005457190 287 3 the the DET _005457190 287 4 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457190 287 5 which which PRON _005457190 287 6 takes take VERB _005457190 287 7 away away ADV _005457190 287 8 all all DET _005457190 287 9 sin sin NOUN _005457190 287 10 after after ADP _005457190 287 11 baptism baptism NOUN _005457190 287 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 288 1 25 25 NUM _005457190 288 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 289 1 we we PRON _005457190 289 2 must must AUX _005457190 289 3 tell tell VERB _005457190 289 4 all all DET _005457190 289 5 our our PRON _005457190 289 6 sins sin NOUN _005457190 289 7 to to ADP _005457190 289 8 the the DET _005457190 289 9 priest priest NOUN _005457190 289 10 in in ADP _005457190 289 11 confession confession NOUN _005457190 289 12 . . PUNCT _005457190 290 1 26 26 NUM _005457190 290 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 291 1 we we PRON _005457190 291 2 must must AUX _005457190 291 3 be be AUX _005457190 291 4 sorry sorry ADJ _005457190 291 5 for for ADP _005457190 291 6 our our PRON _005457190 291 7 sins sin NOUN _005457190 291 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 292 1 27 27 NUM _005457190 292 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 293 1 we we PRON _005457190 293 2 must must AUX _005457190 293 3 tell tell VERB _005457190 293 4 god god PROPN _005457190 293 5 that that SCONJ _005457190 293 6 we we PRON _005457190 293 7 will will AUX _005457190 293 8 not not PART _005457190 293 9 sin sin VERB _005457190 293 10 again again ADV _005457190 293 11 . . PUNCT _005457190 294 1 28 28 X _005457190 294 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 295 1 we we PRON _005457190 295 2 must must AUX _005457190 295 3 say say VERB _005457190 295 4 the the DET _005457190 295 5 prayers prayer NOUN _005457190 295 6 which which PRON _005457190 295 7 the the DET _005457190 295 8 priest priest NOUN _005457190 295 9 gives give VERB _005457190 295 10 us we PRON _005457190 295 11 to to PART _005457190 295 12 say say VERB _005457190 295 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 296 1 holy holy PROPN _005457190 296 2 eucharist eucharist PROPN _005457190 296 3 29 29 NUM _005457190 296 4 . . PUNCT _005457190 297 1 holy holy ADJ _005457190 297 2 eucharist eucharist PROPN _005457190 297 3 is be AUX _005457190 297 4 the the DET _005457190 297 5 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457190 297 6 of of ADP _005457190 297 7 our our PRON _005457190 297 8 lord lord PROPN _005457190 297 9 ’s ’s PART _005457190 297 10 body body NOUN _005457190 297 11 and and CCONJ _005457190 297 12 blood blood NOUN _005457190 297 13 . . PUNCT _005457190 298 1 30 30 X _005457190 298 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 299 1 there there PRON _005457190 299 2 must must AUX _005457190 299 3 be be AUX _005457190 299 4 no no DET _005457190 299 5 big big ADJ _005457190 299 6 sin sin NOUN _005457190 299 7 32 32 NUM _005457190 299 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 300 1 on on ADP _005457190 300 2 the the DET _005457190 300 3 soul soul NOUN _005457190 300 4 when when SCONJ _005457190 300 5 we we PRON _005457190 300 6 receive receive VERB _005457190 300 7 holy holy ADJ _005457190 300 8 communion communion NOUN _005457190 300 9 . . PUNCT _005457190 301 1 31 31 NUM _005457190 301 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 302 1 those those PRON _005457190 302 2 who who PRON _005457190 302 3 receive receive VERB _005457190 302 4 holy holy ADJ _005457190 302 5 communion communion NOUN _005457190 302 6 must must AUX _005457190 302 7 not not PART _005457190 302 8 eat eat VERB _005457190 302 9 or or CCONJ _005457190 302 10 drink drink VERB _005457190 302 11 anything anything PRON _005457190 302 12 after after ADP _005457190 302 13 midnight midnight NOUN _005457190 302 14 . . PUNCT _005457190 303 1 sunday sunday PROPN _005457190 303 2 32 32 NUM _005457190 303 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 304 1 we we PRON _005457190 304 2 must must AUX _005457190 304 3 go go VERB _005457190 304 4 to to PART _005457190 304 5 mass mass VERB _005457190 304 6 on on ADP _005457190 304 7 sunday sunday PROPN _005457190 304 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 305 1 33 33 NUM _005457190 305 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 306 1 we we PRON _005457190 306 2 must must AUX _005457190 306 3 be be AUX _005457190 306 4 on on ADP _005457190 306 5 time time NOUN _005457190 306 6 for for ADP _005457190 306 7 mass mass NOUN _005457190 306 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 307 1 34 34 NUM _005457190 307 2 . . PUNCT _005457190 308 1 we we PRON _005457190 308 2 must must AUX _005457190 308 3 pray pray VERB _005457190 308 4 at at ADP _005457190 308 5 holy holy PROPN _005457190 308 6 mass mass PROPN _005457190 308 7 . . PUNCT _005457190 309 1 friday friday PROPN _005457190 309 2 35 35 NUM _005457190 309 3 . . PUNCT _005457190 310 1 we we PRON _005457190 310 2 may may AUX _005457190 310 3 not not PART _005457190 310 4 eat eat VERB _005457190 310 5 meat meat NOUN _005457190 310 6 on on ADP _005457190 310 7 friday friday PROPN _005457190 310 8 . . PUNCT _005457190 311 1 * * PUNCT _005457190 311 2 3 3 NUM _005457190 311 3 ^ ^ NUM _005457190 311 4 73 73 NUM _005457190 311 5 * * NUM _005457190 311 6 3 3 NUM _005457190 311 7 imprimatur imprimatur NOUN _005457190 311 8 : : PUNCT _005457190 311 9 edward edward PROPN _005457190 311 10 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005457190 311 11 mooney mooney PROPN _005457190 311 12 hh hh PROPN _005457190 311 13 archbishop archbishop PROPN _005457190 311 14 of of ADP _005457190 311 15 detroit detroit PROPN _005457190 311 16 march march PROPN _005457190 311 17 1,1946 1,1946 PROPN