id sid tid token lemma pos _005457122 1 1 the the DET _005457122 1 2 story story NOUN _005457122 1 3 of of ADP _005457122 1 4 the the DET _005457122 1 5 family family NOUN _005457122 1 6 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 1 7 mary mary NOUN _005457122 1 8 in in ADP _005457122 1 9 your your PRON _005457122 1 10 home home NOUN _005457122 1 11 the the DET _005457122 1 12 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 1 13 in in ADP _005457122 1 14 your your PRON _005457122 1 15 family family NOUN _005457122 1 16 circle circle NOUN _005457122 1 17 no no DET _005457122 1 18 home home NOUN _005457122 1 19 on on ADP _005457122 1 20 earth earth NOUN _005457122 1 21 is be AUX _005457122 1 22 worthy worthy ADJ _005457122 1 23 of of ADP _005457122 1 24 the the DET _005457122 1 25 great great ADJ _005457122 1 26 honor honor NOUN _005457122 1 27 of of ADP _005457122 1 28 opening open VERB _005457122 1 29 its its PRON _005457122 1 30 doors door NOUN _005457122 1 31 to to ADP _005457122 1 32 mary mary PROPN _005457122 1 33 — — PUNCT _005457122 1 34 mary mary PROPN _005457122 1 35 , , PUNCT _005457122 1 36 daughter daughter NOUN _005457122 1 37 of of ADP _005457122 1 38 god god PROPN _005457122 1 39 the the DET _005457122 1 40 father father PROPN _005457122 1 41 , , PUNCT _005457122 1 42 mother mother NOUN _005457122 1 43 of of ADP _005457122 1 44 god god PROPN _005457122 1 45 the the DET _005457122 1 46 son son NOUN _005457122 1 47 , , PUNCT _005457122 1 48 spouse spouse NOUN _005457122 1 49 of of ADP _005457122 1 50 god god PROPN _005457122 1 51 the the DET _005457122 1 52 holy holy ADJ _005457122 1 53 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 1 54 . . PUNCT _005457122 2 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 2 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 2 3 gracious gracious ADJ _005457122 2 4 mother mother NOUN _005457122 2 5 that that SCONJ _005457122 2 6 she she PRON _005457122 2 7 is be AUX _005457122 2 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 2 9 mary mary PROPN _005457122 2 10 not not PART _005457122 2 11 only only ADV _005457122 2 12 invites invite VERB _005457122 2 13 you you PRON _005457122 2 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 2 15 she she PRON _005457122 2 16 begs beg VERB _005457122 2 17 you you PRON _005457122 2 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 2 19 to to PART _005457122 2 20 accept accept VERB _005457122 2 21 this this DET _005457122 2 22 honor honor NOUN _005457122 2 23 . . PUNCT _005457122 3 1 open open ADJ _005457122 3 2 wide wide ADV _005457122 3 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 3 4 then then ADV _005457122 3 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 3 6 the the DET _005457122 3 7 doors door NOUN _005457122 3 8 of of ADP _005457122 3 9 your your PRON _005457122 3 10 heart heart NOUN _005457122 3 11 and and CCONJ _005457122 3 12 your your PRON _005457122 3 13 home home NOUN _005457122 3 14 to to ADP _005457122 3 15 mary mary PROPN _005457122 3 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 4 1 recite recite VERB _005457122 4 2 the the DET _005457122 4 3 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 4 4 family family NOUN _005457122 4 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 4 6 the the DET _005457122 4 7 daily daily ADJ _005457122 4 8 family family NOUN _005457122 4 9 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 4 10 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 5 1 story story NOUN _005457122 5 2 of of ADP _005457122 5 3 tfjr tfjr NOUN _005457122 5 4 v v X _005457122 5 5 jfamity jfamity NOUN _005457122 5 6 jtaary jtaary NOUN _005457122 5 7 the the DET _005457122 5 8 family family NOUN _005457122 5 9 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 5 10 albany albany PROPN _005457122 5 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 5 12 n. n. PROPN _005457122 5 13 y. y. PROPN _005457122 5 14 a a DET _005457122 5 15 mother mother NOUN _005457122 5 16 who who PRON _005457122 5 17 would would AUX _005457122 5 18 not not PART _005457122 5 19 fail fail VERB _005457122 5 20 him he PRON _005457122 5 21 . . PUNCT _005457122 6 1 with with ADP _005457122 6 2 all all DET _005457122 6 3 the the DET _005457122 6 4 fervor fervor NOUN _005457122 6 5 of of ADP _005457122 6 6 his his PRON _005457122 6 7 soul soul NOUN _005457122 6 8 he he PRON _005457122 6 9 called call VERB _005457122 6 10 upon upon SCONJ _005457122 6 11 her she PRON _005457122 6 12 . . PUNCT _005457122 7 1 then then ADV _005457122 7 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 7 3 according accord VERB _005457122 7 4 to to ADP _005457122 7 5 tradition tradition NOUN _005457122 7 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 7 7 the the DET _005457122 7 8 lovely lovely ADJ _005457122 7 9 queen queen NOUN _005457122 7 10 of of ADP _005457122 7 11 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 7 12 and and CCONJ _005457122 7 13 earth earth NOUN _005457122 7 14 appeared appear VERB _005457122 7 15 to to ADP _005457122 7 16 him he PRON _005457122 7 17 holding hold VERB _005457122 7 18 a a DET _005457122 7 19 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 7 20 in in ADP _005457122 7 21 her her PRON _005457122 7 22 hand hand NOUN _005457122 7 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 7 24 taught teach VERB _005457122 7 25 him he PRON _005457122 7 26 how how SCONJ _005457122 7 27 to to PART _005457122 7 28 pray pray VERB _005457122 7 29 it it PRON _005457122 7 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 7 31 and and CCONJ _005457122 7 32 instructed instruct VERB _005457122 7 33 him he PRON _005457122 7 34 to to PART _005457122 7 35 preach preach VERB _005457122 7 36 it it PRON _005457122 7 37 to to ADP _005457122 7 38 the the DET _005457122 7 39 world world NOUN _005457122 7 40 . . PUNCT _005457122 8 1 these these PRON _005457122 8 2 are be AUX _005457122 8 3 her her PRON _005457122 8 4 words word NOUN _005457122 8 5 telling tell VERB _005457122 8 6 the the DET _005457122 8 7 secret secret NOUN _005457122 8 8 of of ADP _005457122 8 9 its its PRON _005457122 8 10 power power NOUN _005457122 8 11 : : PUNCT _005457122 8 12 '' '' PUNCT _005457122 8 13 introduce introduce VERB _005457122 8 14 the the DET _005457122 8 15 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 8 16 devotion devotion NOUN _005457122 8 17 everywhere everywhere ADV _005457122 8 18 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 8 19 teach teach VERB _005457122 8 20 it it PRON _005457122 8 21 to to ADP _005457122 8 22 the the DET _005457122 8 23 people people NOUN _005457122 8 24 and and CCONJ _005457122 8 25 tell tell VERB _005457122 8 26 them they PRON _005457122 8 27 that that SCONJ _005457122 8 28 this this DET _005457122 8 29 devotion devotion NOUN _005457122 8 30 is be AUX _005457122 8 31 most most ADV _005457122 8 32 pleasing pleasing ADJ _005457122 8 33 to to ADP _005457122 8 34 my my PRON _005457122 8 35 divine divine ADJ _005457122 8 36 son son NOUN _005457122 8 37 as as ADV _005457122 8 38 well well ADV _005457122 8 39 as as ADP _005457122 8 40 to to ADP _005457122 8 41 me i PRON _005457122 8 42 . . PUNCT _005457122 9 1 by by ADP _005457122 9 2 means mean NOUN _005457122 9 3 of of ADP _005457122 9 4 the the DET _005457122 9 5 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 9 6 devotion devotion NOUN _005457122 9 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 9 8 virtue virtue NOUN _005457122 9 9 will will AUX _005457122 9 10 flourish flourish VERB _005457122 9 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 9 12 vice vice NOUN _005457122 9 13 will will AUX _005457122 9 14 be be AUX _005457122 9 15 destroyed destroy VERB _005457122 9 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 9 17 heresy heresy NOUN _005457122 9 18 will will AUX _005457122 9 19 perish perish VERB _005457122 9 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 9 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 9 22 divine divine ADJ _005457122 9 23 graces grace NOUN _005457122 9 24 will will AUX _005457122 9 25 be be AUX _005457122 9 26 obtained obtain VERB _005457122 9 27 . . PUNCT _005457122 10 1 the the DET _005457122 10 2 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 10 3 will will AUX _005457122 10 4 be be AUX _005457122 10 5 an an DET _005457122 10 6 inexhaustible inexhaustible ADJ _005457122 10 7 fountain fountain NOUN _005457122 10 8 of of ADP _005457122 10 9 every every DET _005457122 10 10 kind kind NOUN _005457122 10 11 of of ADP _005457122 10 12 blessing blessing NOUN _005457122 10 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 11 1 i i PRON _005457122 11 2 promise promise VERB _005457122 11 3 you you PRON _005457122 11 4 that that SCONJ _005457122 11 5 i i PRON _005457122 11 6 will will AUX _005457122 11 7 prove prove VERB _005457122 11 8 by by ADP _005457122 11 9 many many ADJ _005457122 11 10 graces grace NOUN _005457122 11 11 how how SCONJ _005457122 11 12 pleasing pleasing ADJ _005457122 11 13 this this DET _005457122 11 14 devotion devotion NOUN _005457122 11 15 is be AUX _005457122 11 16 to to ADP _005457122 11 17 me i PRON _005457122 11 18 and and CCONJ _005457122 11 19 how how SCONJ _005457122 11 20 profitable profitable ADJ _005457122 11 21 to to ADP _005457122 11 22 the the DET _005457122 11 23 faithful faithful NOUN _005457122 11 24 . . PUNCT _005457122 11 25 ” " PUNCT _005457122 12 1 this this PRON _005457122 12 2 was be AUX _005457122 12 3 what what PRON _005457122 12 4 dominic dominic ADJ _005457122 12 5 had have AUX _005457122 12 6 been be AUX _005457122 12 7 waiting wait VERB _005457122 12 8 for for ADP _005457122 12 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 13 1 he he PRON _005457122 13 2 did do AUX _005457122 13 3 introduce introduce VERB _005457122 13 4 the the DET _005457122 13 5 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 13 6 to to ADP _005457122 13 7 the the DET _005457122 13 8 people people NOUN _005457122 13 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 13 10 as as SCONJ _005457122 13 11 his his PRON _005457122 13 12 lady lady NOUN _005457122 13 13 asked ask VERB _005457122 13 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 13 15 preached preach VERB _005457122 13 16 but but CCONJ _005457122 13 17 more more ADJ _005457122 13 18 than than ADP _005457122 13 19 that that PRON _005457122 13 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 13 21 he he PRON _005457122 13 22 by by ADP _005457122 13 23 a a DET _005457122 13 24 made make VERB _005457122 13 25 it it PRON _005457122 13 26 his his PRON _005457122 13 27 life life NOUN _005457122 13 28 ’s ’s NOUN _005457122 13 29 work work NOUN _005457122 13 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 14 1 the the DET _005457122 14 2 son son PROPN _005457122 14 3 people people NOUN _005457122 14 4 must must AUX _005457122 14 5 have have AUX _005457122 14 6 been be AUX _005457122 14 7 waiting wait VERB _005457122 14 8 for for ADP _005457122 14 9 it it PRON _005457122 14 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 14 11 too too ADV _005457122 14 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 14 13 for for SCONJ _005457122 14 14 they they PRON _005457122 14 15 took take VERB _005457122 14 16 it it PRON _005457122 14 17 from from ADP _005457122 14 18 the the DET _005457122 14 19 churches church NOUN _005457122 14 20 to to ADP _005457122 14 21 their their PRON _005457122 14 22 homes home NOUN _005457122 14 23 . . PUNCT _005457122 15 1 it it PRON _005457122 15 2 became become VERB _005457122 15 3 the the DET _005457122 15 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 15 5 that that PRON _005457122 15 6 conquered conquer VERB _005457122 15 7 vice vice NOUN _005457122 15 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 15 9 caused cause VERB _005457122 15 10 virtue virtue NOUN _005457122 15 11 to to PART _005457122 15 12 flourish flourish VERB _005457122 15 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 15 14 and and CCONJ _005457122 15 15 brought bring VERB _005457122 15 16 divine divine ADJ _005457122 15 17 graces grace NOUN _005457122 15 18 and and CCONJ _005457122 15 19 blessings blessing NOUN _005457122 15 20 to to ADP _005457122 15 21 everyone everyone PRON _005457122 15 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 16 1 2 2 NUM _005457122 16 2 for for ADP _005457122 16 3 nearly nearly ADV _005457122 16 4 two two NUM _005457122 16 5 centuries century NOUN _005457122 16 6 the the DET _005457122 16 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 16 8 remained remain VERB _005457122 16 9 the the DET _005457122 16 10 great great ADJ _005457122 16 11 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 16 12 of of ADP _005457122 16 13 christians christian NOUN _005457122 16 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 17 1 later later ADV _005457122 17 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 17 3 when when SCONJ _005457122 17 4 the the DET _005457122 17 5 first first ADJ _005457122 17 6 ardor ardor NOUN _005457122 17 7 for for ADP _005457122 17 8 the the DET _005457122 17 9 the the DET _005457122 17 10 plea plea NOUN _005457122 17 11 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 17 12 seemed seem VERB _005457122 17 13 to to PART _005457122 17 14 slacken slacken VERB _005457122 17 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 17 16 of of ADP _005457122 17 17 a a DET _005457122 17 18 our our PRON _005457122 17 19 lady lady NOUN _005457122 17 20 appeared appear VERB _005457122 17 21 to to ADP _005457122 17 22 mother mother PROPN _005457122 17 23 blessed blessed PROPN _005457122 17 24 alan alan PROPN _005457122 17 25 , , PUNCT _005457122 17 26 another another PRON _005457122 17 27 of of ADP _005457122 17 28 her her PRON _005457122 17 29 zealous zealous ADJ _005457122 17 30 sons son NOUN _005457122 17 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 18 1 she she PRON _005457122 18 2 told tell VERB _005457122 18 3 him he PRON _005457122 18 4 to to PART _005457122 18 5 revive revive VERB _005457122 18 6 the the DET _005457122 18 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 18 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 18 9 adding add VERB _005457122 18 10 that that SCONJ _005457122 18 11 immense immense ADJ _005457122 18 12 volumes volume NOUN _005457122 18 13 would would AUX _005457122 18 14 be be AUX _005457122 18 15 needed need VERB _005457122 18 16 to to PART _005457122 18 17 tell tell VERB _005457122 18 18 of of ADP _005457122 18 19 all all PRON _005457122 18 20 its its PRON _005457122 18 21 miracles miracle NOUN _005457122 18 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 19 1 to to ADP _005457122 19 2 him he PRON _005457122 19 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 19 4 too too ADV _005457122 19 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 19 6 she she PRON _005457122 19 7 made make VERB _005457122 19 8 certain certain ADJ _005457122 19 9 promises promise NOUN _005457122 19 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 20 1 here here ADV _005457122 20 2 are be AUX _005457122 20 3 four four NUM _005457122 20 4 of of ADP _005457122 20 5 them they PRON _005457122 20 6 : : PUNCT _005457122 20 7 " " PUNCT _005457122 20 8 he he PRON _005457122 20 9 who who PRON _005457122 20 10 calls call VERB _005457122 20 11 on on ADP _005457122 20 12 me i PRON _005457122 20 13 through through ADP _005457122 20 14 the the DET _005457122 20 15 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 20 16 shall shall AUX _005457122 20 17 not not PART _005457122 20 18 perish perish VERB _005457122 20 19 . . PUNCT _005457122 21 1 — — PUNCT _005457122 21 2 the the DET _005457122 21 3 true true ADJ _005457122 21 4 children child NOUN _005457122 21 5 of of ADP _005457122 21 6 the the DET _005457122 21 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 21 8 shall shall AUX _005457122 21 9 enjoy enjoy VERB _005457122 21 10 a a DET _005457122 21 11 great great ADJ _005457122 21 12 glory glory NOUN _005457122 21 13 in in ADP _005457122 21 14 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 21 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 22 1 — — PUNCT _005457122 22 2 whatever whatever PRON _005457122 22 3 you you PRON _005457122 22 4 ask ask VERB _005457122 22 5 through through ADP _005457122 22 6 the the DET _005457122 22 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 22 8 shall shall AUX _005457122 22 9 be be AUX _005457122 22 10 granted grant VERB _005457122 22 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 23 1 — — PUNCT _005457122 23 2 those those PRON _005457122 23 3 who who PRON _005457122 23 4 propagate propagate VERB _005457122 23 5 my my PRON _005457122 23 6 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 23 7 shall shall AUX _005457122 23 8 be be AUX _005457122 23 9 helped help VERB _005457122 23 10 by by ADP _005457122 23 11 me i PRON _005457122 23 12 in in ADP _005457122 23 13 all all PRON _005457122 23 14 their their PRON _005457122 23 15 necessities necessity NOUN _005457122 23 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 23 17 ” " PUNCT _005457122 24 1 the the DET _005457122 24 2 events event NOUN _005457122 24 3 of of ADP _005457122 24 4 the the DET _005457122 24 5 succeeding succeed VERB _005457122 24 6 years year NOUN _005457122 24 7 proved prove VERB _005457122 24 8 that that SCONJ _005457122 24 9 she she PRON _005457122 24 10 kept keep VERB _005457122 24 11 her her PRON _005457122 24 12 promises promise NOUN _005457122 24 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 25 1 the the DET _005457122 25 2 mohammedans mohammedan NOUN _005457122 25 3 were be AUX _005457122 25 4 ready ready ADJ _005457122 25 5 to to PART _005457122 25 6 overrun overrun VERB _005457122 25 7 salvation salvation NOUN _005457122 25 8 of of ADP _005457122 25 9 europe europe PROPN _005457122 25 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 26 1 mary mary PROPN _005457122 26 2 ’s ’s PROPN _005457122 26 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 26 4 the the DET _005457122 26 5 christian christian PROPN _005457122 26 6 stopped stop VERB _005457122 26 7 them they PRON _005457122 26 8 by by ADP _005457122 26 9 two two NUM _005457122 26 10 great great ADJ _005457122 26 11 world world NOUN _005457122 26 12 victories victory NOUN _005457122 26 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 26 14 that that PRON _005457122 26 15 broke break VERB _005457122 26 16 their their PRON _005457122 26 17 sea sea NOUN _005457122 26 18 power power NOUN _005457122 26 19 and and CCONJ _005457122 26 20 destroyed destroy VERB _005457122 26 21 the the DET _005457122 26 22 last last ADJ _005457122 26 23 remnants remnant NOUN _005457122 26 24 of of ADP _005457122 26 25 their their PRON _005457122 26 26 land land NOUN _005457122 26 27 forces force NOUN _005457122 26 28 . . PUNCT _005457122 27 1 pope pope PROPN _005457122 27 2 clement clement PROPN _005457122 27 3 xi xi PROPN _005457122 27 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 27 5 to to PART _005457122 27 6 commemorate commemorate VERB _005457122 27 7 these these DET _005457122 27 8 victories victory NOUN _005457122 27 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 27 10 along along ADP _005457122 27 11 with with ADP _005457122 27 12 the the DET _005457122 27 13 even even ADV _005457122 27 14 greater great ADJ _005457122 27 15 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457122 27 16 victory victory NOUN _005457122 27 17 of of ADP _005457122 27 18 st st PROPN _005457122 27 19 . . PROPN _005457122 27 20 dominic dominic ADJ _005457122 27 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 27 22 blessed blessed PROPN _005457122 27 23 alan alan PROPN _005457122 27 24 , , PUNCT _005457122 27 25 commanded command VERB _005457122 27 26 the the DET _005457122 27 27 whole whole ADJ _005457122 27 28 church church NOUN _005457122 27 29 to to PART _005457122 27 30 celebrate celebrate VERB _005457122 27 31 the the DET _005457122 27 32 feast feast NOUN _005457122 27 33 of of ADP _005457122 27 34 the the DET _005457122 27 35 most most ADV _005457122 27 36 holy holy ADJ _005457122 27 37 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 27 38 . . PUNCT _005457122 28 1 3 3 NUM _005457122 28 2 coming come VERB _005457122 28 3 closer close ADV _005457122 28 4 to to ADP _005457122 28 5 our our PRON _005457122 28 6 own own ADJ _005457122 28 7 times time NOUN _005457122 28 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 28 9 we we PRON _005457122 28 10 have have VERB _005457122 28 11 further further ADJ _005457122 28 12 evidence evidence NOUN _005457122 28 13 of of ADP _005457122 28 14 the the DET _005457122 28 15 great great ADJ _005457122 28 16 value value NOUN _005457122 28 17 of of ADP _005457122 28 18 the the DET _005457122 28 19 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 28 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 29 1 eighteen eighteen NUM _005457122 29 2 times time NOUN _005457122 29 3 at at ADP _005457122 29 4 recommended recommend VERB _005457122 29 5 lourdes lourde NOUN _005457122 29 6 our our PRON _005457122 29 7 immaculate immaculate NOUN _005457122 29 8 to to ADP _005457122 29 9 the the DET _005457122 29 10 mother mother NOUN _005457122 29 11 appeared appear VERB _005457122 29 12 to to PART _005457122 29 13 bemaworld bemaworld NOUN _005457122 29 14 dette dette PROPN _005457122 29 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 29 16 recited recite VERB _005457122 29 17 the the DET _005457122 29 18 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 29 19 with with ADP _005457122 29 20 her she PRON _005457122 29 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 29 22 and and CCONJ _005457122 29 23 recommended recommend VERB _005457122 29 24 the the DET _005457122 29 25 practice practice NOUN _005457122 29 26 to to ADP _005457122 29 27 the the DET _005457122 29 28 w’orld w’orld NOUN _005457122 29 29 . . PUNCT _005457122 30 1 again again ADV _005457122 30 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 30 3 on on ADP _005457122 30 4 october october PROPN _005457122 30 5 13 13 NUM _005457122 30 6 in in ADP _005457122 30 7 1917 1917 NUM _005457122 30 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 30 9 in in ADP _005457122 30 10 fatima fatima PROPN _005457122 30 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 30 12 portugal portugal PROPN _005457122 30 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 30 14 our our PRON _005457122 30 15 lady lady NOUN _005457122 30 16 summed sum VERB _005457122 30 17 up up ADP _005457122 30 18 the the DET _005457122 30 19 greatness greatness NOUN _005457122 30 20 of of ADP _005457122 30 21 the the DET _005457122 30 22 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 30 23 by by ADP _005457122 30 24 calling call VERB _005457122 30 25 herself herself PRON _005457122 30 26 the the DET _005457122 30 27 lady lady NOUN _005457122 30 28 of of ADP _005457122 30 29 the the DET _005457122 30 30 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 30 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 31 1 these these PRON _005457122 31 2 are be AUX _005457122 31 3 her her PRON _005457122 31 4 w^ords w^ord NOUN _005457122 31 5 : : PUNCT _005457122 31 6 " " PUNCT _005457122 31 7 i i PRON _005457122 31 8 am be AUX _005457122 31 9 the the DET _005457122 31 10 lady lady NOUN _005457122 31 11 of of ADP _005457122 31 12 the the DET _005457122 31 13 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 31 14 and and CCONJ _005457122 31 15 i i PRON _005457122 31 16 have have AUX _005457122 31 17 come come VERB _005457122 31 18 to to PART _005457122 31 19 warn warn VERB _005457122 31 20 the the DET _005457122 31 21 faithful faithful ADJ _005457122 31 22 to to PART _005457122 31 23 amend amend VERB _005457122 31 24 their their PRON _005457122 31 25 lives life NOUN _005457122 31 26 and and CCONJ _005457122 31 27 ask ask VERB _005457122 31 28 pardon pardon NOUN _005457122 31 29 for for ADP _005457122 31 30 their their PRON _005457122 31 31 sins sin NOUN _005457122 31 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 32 1 they they PRON _005457122 32 2 must must AUX _005457122 32 3 not not PART _005457122 32 4 continue continue VERB _005457122 32 5 to to PART _005457122 32 6 offend offend VERB _005457122 32 7 our our PRON _005457122 32 8 lord lord PROPN _005457122 32 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 32 10 already already ADV _005457122 32 11 so so ADV _005457122 32 12 deeply deeply ADV _005457122 32 13 offended offend VERB _005457122 32 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 33 1 they they PRON _005457122 33 2 must must AUX _005457122 33 3 say say VERB _005457122 33 4 the the DET _005457122 33 5 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 33 6 ” " PUNCT _005457122 33 7 the the DET _005457122 33 8 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 33 9 has have AUX _005457122 33 10 had have VERB _005457122 33 11 a a DET _005457122 33 12 glorious glorious ADJ _005457122 33 13 past past NOUN _005457122 33 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 34 1 our our PRON _005457122 34 2 lady lady NOUN _005457122 34 3 of of ADP _005457122 34 4 the the DET _005457122 34 5 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 34 6 has have AUX _005457122 34 7 kept keep VERB _005457122 34 8 all all PRON _005457122 34 9 of of ADP _005457122 34 10 her her PRON _005457122 34 11 promises promise NOUN _005457122 34 12 . . PUNCT _005457122 35 1 she she PRON _005457122 35 2 has have AUX _005457122 35 3 saved save VERB _005457122 35 4 indithe indithe ADJ _005457122 35 5 viduals vidual NOUN _005457122 35 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 35 7 families family NOUN _005457122 35 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 35 9 nations nation NOUN _005457122 35 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 35 11 family family NOUN _005457122 35 12 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 35 13 and and CCONJ _005457122 35 14 the the DET _005457122 35 15 whole whole ADJ _005457122 35 16 world world NOUN _005457122 35 17 today today NOUN _005457122 35 18 through through ADP _005457122 35 19 its its PRON _005457122 35 20 power power NOUN _005457122 35 21 . . PUNCT _005457122 36 1 now now ADV _005457122 36 2 the the DET _005457122 36 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 36 4 takes take VERB _005457122 36 5 on on ADP _005457122 36 6 a a DET _005457122 36 7 new new ADJ _005457122 36 8 glory glory NOUN _005457122 36 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 37 1 it it PRON _005457122 37 2 is be AUX _005457122 37 3 the the DET _005457122 37 4 family family NOUN _005457122 37 5 that that PRON _005457122 37 6 is be AUX _005457122 37 7 threatened threaten VERB _005457122 37 8 today today NOUN _005457122 37 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 38 1 it it PRON _005457122 38 2 is be AUX _005457122 38 3 the the DET _005457122 38 4 family family NOUN _005457122 38 5 that that PRON _005457122 38 6 must must AUX _005457122 38 7 be be AUX _005457122 38 8 saved save VERB _005457122 38 9 if if SCONJ _005457122 38 10 the the DET _005457122 38 11 world world NOUN _005457122 38 12 is be AUX _005457122 38 13 to to PART _005457122 38 14 be be AUX _005457122 38 15 saved save VERB _005457122 38 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 39 1 the the DET _005457122 39 2 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 39 3 has have AUX _005457122 39 4 saved save VERB _005457122 39 5 the the DET _005457122 39 6 world world NOUN _005457122 39 7 in in ADP _005457122 39 8 the the DET _005457122 39 9 past past NOUN _005457122 39 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 40 1 it it PRON _005457122 40 2 will will AUX _005457122 40 3 save save VERB _005457122 40 4 the the DET _005457122 40 5 wrorld wrorld NOUN _005457122 40 6 now now ADV _005457122 40 7 by by ADP _005457122 40 8 saving save VERB _005457122 40 9 the the DET _005457122 40 10 family family NOUN _005457122 40 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 41 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 41 2 it it PRON _005457122 41 3 is be AUX _005457122 41 4 no no ADV _005457122 41 5 longer long ADV _005457122 41 6 the the DET _005457122 41 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 41 8 alone alone ADV _005457122 41 9 — — PUNCT _005457122 41 10 it it PRON _005457122 41 11 is be AUX _005457122 41 12 the the DET _005457122 41 13 fam4 fam4 PROPN _005457122 41 14 ily ily ADV _005457122 41 15 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 41 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 42 1 it it PRON _005457122 42 2 is be AUX _005457122 42 3 the the DET _005457122 42 4 family family NOUN _005457122 42 5 saying say VERB _005457122 42 6 the the DET _005457122 42 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 42 8 . . PUNCT _005457122 43 1 it it PRON _005457122 43 2 is be AUX _005457122 43 3 the the DET _005457122 43 4 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 43 5 saving save VERB _005457122 43 6 the the DET _005457122 43 7 family family NOUN _005457122 43 8 through through ADP _005457122 43 9 the the DET _005457122 43 10 family family NOUN _005457122 43 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 44 1 the the DET _005457122 44 2 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 44 3 by by ADP _005457122 44 4 itself itself PRON _005457122 44 5 has have AUX _005457122 44 6 proved prove VERB _005457122 44 7 its its PRON _005457122 44 8 power power NOUN _005457122 44 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 45 1 the the DET _005457122 45 2 family family NOUN _005457122 45 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 45 4 has have VERB _005457122 45 5 a a DET _005457122 45 6 new new ADJ _005457122 45 7 power power NOUN _005457122 45 8 all all DET _005457122 45 9 its its PRON _005457122 45 10 own own ADJ _005457122 45 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 46 1 the the DET _005457122 46 2 family family NOUN _005457122 46 3 in in ADP _005457122 46 4 itself itself PRON _005457122 46 5 a a PRON _005457122 46 6 is be AUX _005457122 46 7 already already ADV _005457122 46 8 a a DET _005457122 46 9 power power NOUN _005457122 46 10 : : PUNCT _005457122 46 11 it it PRON _005457122 46 12 is be AUX _005457122 46 13 family family NOUN _005457122 46 14 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 46 15 one one NUM _005457122 46 16 of of ADP _005457122 46 17 the the DET _005457122 46 18 units unit NOUN _005457122 46 19 upon upon SCONJ _005457122 46 20 of of ADP _005457122 46 21 power power NOUN _005457122 46 22 which which DET _005457122 46 23 society society NOUN _005457122 46 24 is be AUX _005457122 46 25 founded found VERB _005457122 46 26 . . PUNCT _005457122 47 1 its its PRON _005457122 47 2 bond bond NOUN _005457122 47 3 of of ADP _005457122 47 4 unity unity NOUN _005457122 47 5 is be AUX _005457122 47 6 mutual mutual ADJ _005457122 47 7 love love NOUN _005457122 47 8 . . PUNCT _005457122 48 1 when when SCONJ _005457122 48 2 such such DET _005457122 48 3 a a DET _005457122 48 4 unit unit NOUN _005457122 48 5 lifts lift VERB _005457122 48 6 its its PRON _005457122 48 7 voice voice NOUN _005457122 48 8 in in ADP _005457122 48 9 the the DET _005457122 48 10 family family NOUN _005457122 48 11 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 48 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 48 13 the the DET _005457122 48 14 power power NOUN _005457122 48 15 of of ADP _005457122 48 16 this this DET _005457122 48 17 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 48 18 of of ADP _005457122 48 19 the the DET _005457122 48 20 centuries century NOUN _005457122 48 21 increases increase VERB _005457122 48 22 as as SCONJ _005457122 48 23 the the DET _005457122 48 24 family family NOUN _005457122 48 25 becomes become VERB _005457122 48 26 one one NUM _005457122 48 27 with with ADP _005457122 48 28 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 48 29 christ christ PROPN _005457122 48 30 who who PRON _005457122 48 31 said say VERB _005457122 48 32 , , PUNCT _005457122 48 33 " " PUNCT _005457122 48 34 ... ... PUNCT _005457122 48 35 where where SCONJ _005457122 48 36 two two NUM _005457122 48 37 or or CCONJ _005457122 48 38 three three NUM _005457122 48 39 are be AUX _005457122 48 40 gathered gather VERB _005457122 48 41 together together ADV _005457122 48 42 for for ADP _005457122 48 43 my my PRON _005457122 48 44 sake sake NOUN _005457122 48 45 , , PUNCT _005457122 48 46 there there PRON _005457122 48 47 am be AUX _005457122 48 48 i i PRON _005457122 48 49 in in ADP _005457122 48 50 the the DET _005457122 48 51 midst midst NOUN _005457122 48 52 of of ADP _005457122 48 53 them they PRON _005457122 48 54 . . PUNCT _005457122 48 55 ” " PUNCT _005457122 49 1 " " PUNCT _005457122 49 2 where where SCONJ _005457122 49 3 two two NUM _005457122 49 4 or or CCONJ _005457122 49 5 three three NUM _005457122 49 6 are be AUX _005457122 49 7 gathered gather VERB _005457122 49 8 together together ADV _005457122 49 9 ” " PUNCT _005457122 49 10 : : PUNCT _005457122 49 11 how how SCONJ _005457122 49 12 much much ADV _005457122 49 13 more more ADV _005457122 49 14 truly truly ADV _005457122 49 15 are be AUX _005457122 49 16 they they PRON _005457122 49 17 gathered gather VERB _005457122 49 18 together together ADV _005457122 49 19 for for ADP _005457122 49 20 his his PRON _005457122 49 21 sake sake NOUN _005457122 49 22 when when SCONJ _005457122 49 23 it it PRON _005457122 49 24 is be AUX _005457122 49 25 the the DET _005457122 49 26 family family NOUN _005457122 49 27 already already ADV _005457122 49 28 united unite VERB _005457122 49 29 by by ADP _005457122 49 30 love love NOUN _005457122 49 31 that that PRON _005457122 49 32 is be AUX _005457122 49 33 so so ADV _005457122 49 34 gathered gathered ADJ _005457122 49 35 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 50 1 how how SCONJ _005457122 50 2 much much ADV _005457122 50 3 more more ADV _005457122 50 4 truly truly ADV _005457122 50 5 does do AUX _005457122 50 6 the the DET _005457122 50 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 50 8 of of ADP _005457122 50 9 the the DET _005457122 50 10 family family NOUN _005457122 50 11 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 50 12 ascend ascend VERB _005457122 50 13 as as ADP _005457122 50 14 one one NUM _005457122 50 15 voice voice NOUN _005457122 50 16 with with ADP _005457122 50 17 that that PRON _005457122 50 18 of of ADP _005457122 50 19 mary mary PROPN _005457122 50 20 ’s ’s PROPN _005457122 50 21 son son NOUN _005457122 50 22 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 51 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 51 2 is be AUX _005457122 51 3 talking talk VERB _005457122 51 4 to to ADP _005457122 51 5 god god PROPN _005457122 51 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 52 1 the the DET _005457122 52 2 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 52 3 is be AUX _005457122 52 4 mary mary PROPN _005457122 52 5 ’s ’s PART _005457122 52 6 way way NOUN _005457122 52 7 for for SCONJ _005457122 52 8 us we PRON _005457122 52 9 to to PART _005457122 52 10 talk talk VERB _005457122 52 11 to to ADP _005457122 52 12 him he PRON _005457122 52 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 52 14 for for SCONJ _005457122 52 15 she she PRON _005457122 52 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 52 17 his his PRON _005457122 52 18 mother mother NOUN _005457122 52 19 , , PUNCT _005457122 52 20 gave give VERB _005457122 52 21 us we PRON _005457122 52 22 this this DET _005457122 52 23 way way NOUN _005457122 52 24 , , PUNCT _005457122 52 25 and and CCONJ _005457122 52 26 a a DET _005457122 52 27 mother mother NOUN _005457122 52 28 knows know VERB _005457122 52 29 best well ADV _005457122 52 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 53 1 when when SCONJ _005457122 53 2 individuals individual NOUN _005457122 53 3 so so ADV _005457122 53 4 closely closely ADV _005457122 53 5 united unite VERB _005457122 53 6 in in ADP _005457122 53 7 love love NOUN _005457122 53 8 as as SCONJ _005457122 53 9 to to PART _005457122 53 10 form form VERB _005457122 53 11 a a DET _005457122 53 12 family family NOUN _005457122 53 13 talk talk NOUN _005457122 53 14 to to ADP _005457122 53 15 god god PROPN _005457122 53 16 in in ADP _005457122 53 17 mary mary PROPN _005457122 53 18 ’s ’s PART _005457122 53 19 way way NOUN _005457122 53 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 53 21 the the DET _005457122 53 22 power power NOUN _005457122 53 23 of of ADP _005457122 53 24 the the DET _005457122 53 25 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 53 26 is be AUX _005457122 53 27 increased increase VERB _005457122 53 28 . . PUNCT _005457122 54 1 the the DET _005457122 54 2 most most ADV _005457122 54 3 powerful powerful ADJ _005457122 54 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 54 5 said say VERB _005457122 54 6 by by ADP _005457122 54 7 the the DET _005457122 54 8 members member NOUN _005457122 54 9 of of ADP _005457122 54 10 5 5 NUM _005457122 54 11 life life NOUN _005457122 54 12 ’s ’s NUM _005457122 54 13 most most ADV _005457122 54 14 powerful powerful ADJ _005457122 54 15 social social ADJ _005457122 54 16 unit unit NOUN _005457122 54 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 54 18 the the DET _005457122 54 19 family family NOUN _005457122 54 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 54 21 becomes become VERB _005457122 54 22 an an DET _005457122 54 23 irresistible irresistible ADJ _005457122 54 24 plea plea NOUN _005457122 54 25 to to ADP _005457122 54 26 god god PROPN _005457122 54 27 and and CCONJ _005457122 54 28 his his PRON _005457122 54 29 mother mother NOUN _005457122 54 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 54 31 mary mary PROPN _005457122 54 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 55 1 the the DET _005457122 55 2 family family NOUN _005457122 55 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 55 4 is be AUX _005457122 55 5 a a DET _005457122 55 6 lesson lesson NOUN _005457122 55 7 in in ADP _005457122 55 8 living live VERB _005457122 55 9 a a DET _005457122 55 10 father father NOUN _005457122 55 11 and and CCONJ _005457122 55 12 mother mother NOUN _005457122 55 13 on on ADP _005457122 55 14 their their PRON _005457122 55 15 knees knee NOUN _005457122 55 16 teach teach VERB _005457122 55 17 their their PRON _005457122 55 18 children child NOUN _005457122 55 19 dependence dependence VERB _005457122 55 20 a a DET _005457122 55 21 family family NOUN _005457122 55 22 upon upon SCONJ _005457122 55 23 god god PROPN _005457122 55 24 . . PUNCT _005457122 56 1 the the DET _005457122 56 2 simple simple ADJ _005457122 56 3 lesson lesson NOUN _005457122 56 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 56 5 of of ADP _005457122 56 6 the the DET _005457122 56 7 children child NOUN _005457122 56 8 in in ADP _005457122 56 9 living living NOUN _005457122 56 10 brings bring VERB _005457122 56 11 back back ADV _005457122 56 12 to to ADP _005457122 56 13 their their PRON _005457122 56 14 parents parent NOUN _005457122 56 15 christ christ PROPN _005457122 56 16 ’s ’s PART _005457122 56 17 words word NOUN _005457122 56 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 56 19 " " PUNCT _005457122 56 20 ... ... PUNCT _005457122 56 21 whoever whoever PRON _005457122 56 22 does do AUX _005457122 56 23 not not PART _005457122 56 24 accept accept VERB _005457122 56 25 the the DET _005457122 56 26 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457122 56 27 of of ADP _005457122 56 28 god god PROPN _005457122 56 29 as as SCONJ _005457122 56 30 a a DET _005457122 56 31 little little ADJ _005457122 56 32 child child NOUN _005457122 56 33 will will AUX _005457122 56 34 not not PART _005457122 56 35 enter enter VERB _005457122 56 36 into into ADP _005457122 56 37 it it PRON _005457122 56 38 . . PUNCT _005457122 56 39 ” " PUNCT _005457122 57 1 no no DET _005457122 57 2 husband husband NOUN _005457122 57 3 and and CCONJ _005457122 57 4 wife wife NOUN _005457122 57 5 who who PRON _005457122 57 6 learn learn VERB _005457122 57 7 well well INTJ _005457122 57 8 the the DET _005457122 57 9 lessons lesson NOUN _005457122 57 10 of of ADP _005457122 57 11 the the DET _005457122 57 12 family family NOUN _005457122 57 13 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 57 14 can can AUX _005457122 57 15 be be AUX _005457122 57 16 unfaithful unfaithful ADJ _005457122 57 17 to to ADP _005457122 57 18 each each DET _005457122 57 19 other other ADJ _005457122 57 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 57 21 or or CCONJ _005457122 57 22 live live VERB _005457122 57 23 very very ADV _005457122 57 24 long long ADV _005457122 57 25 in in ADP _005457122 57 26 a a DET _005457122 57 27 state state NOUN _005457122 57 28 of of ADP _005457122 57 29 mortal mortal ADJ _005457122 57 30 sin sin NOUN _005457122 57 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 58 1 the the DET _005457122 58 2 petty petty ADJ _005457122 58 3 quarrels quarrel NOUN _005457122 58 4 of of ADP _005457122 58 5 brothers brother NOUN _005457122 58 6 and and CCONJ _005457122 58 7 sisters sister NOUN _005457122 58 8 will will AUX _005457122 58 9 give give VERB _005457122 58 10 way way NOUN _005457122 58 11 to to ADP _005457122 58 12 true true ADJ _005457122 58 13 love love NOUN _005457122 58 14 for for ADP _005457122 58 15 one one NUM _005457122 58 16 another another DET _005457122 58 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 59 1 it it PRON _005457122 59 2 is be AUX _005457122 59 3 impossible impossible ADJ _005457122 59 4 to to PART _005457122 59 5 imagine imagine VERB _005457122 59 6 a a DET _005457122 59 7 family family NOUN _005457122 59 8 dedicated dedicate VERB _005457122 59 9 to to ADP _005457122 59 10 the the DET _005457122 59 11 daily daily ADJ _005457122 59 12 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 59 13 of of ADP _005457122 59 14 the the DET _005457122 59 15 family family NOUN _005457122 59 16 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 59 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 59 18 living live VERB _005457122 59 19 in in ADP _005457122 59 20 enmity enmity NOUN _005457122 59 21 with with ADP _005457122 59 22 one one NUM _005457122 59 23 another another DET _005457122 59 24 or or CCONJ _005457122 59 25 with with ADP _005457122 59 26 god god PROPN _005457122 59 27 . . PUNCT _005457122 60 1 the the DET _005457122 60 2 family family NOUN _005457122 60 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 60 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 60 5 too too ADV _005457122 60 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 60 7 is be AUX _005457122 60 8 a a DET _005457122 60 9 practical practical ADJ _005457122 60 10 way way NOUN _005457122 60 11 to to PART _005457122 60 12 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457122 60 13 the the DET _005457122 60 14 unity unity NOUN _005457122 60 15 of of ADP _005457122 60 16 family family NOUN _005457122 60 17 life life NOUN _005457122 60 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 60 19 so so ADV _005457122 60 20 easily easily ADV _005457122 60 21 weakened weaken VERB _005457122 60 22 by by ADP _005457122 60 23 the the DET _005457122 60 24 builder builder NOUN _005457122 60 25 of of ADP _005457122 60 26 modern modern ADJ _005457122 60 27 way way NOUN _005457122 60 28 of of ADP _005457122 60 29 living living NOUN _005457122 60 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 61 1 fafamily fafamily ADV _005457122 61 2 ther ther ADJ _005457122 61 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 61 4 away away ADV _005457122 61 5 from from ADP _005457122 61 6 home home NOUN _005457122 61 7 in in ADP _005457122 61 8 unity unity NOUN _005457122 61 9 the the DET _005457122 61 10 office office NOUN _005457122 61 11 or or CCONJ _005457122 61 12 factory factory NOUN _005457122 61 13 most most ADJ _005457122 61 14 of of ADP _005457122 61 15 the the DET _005457122 61 16 day day NOUN _005457122 61 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 61 18 sisters sister NOUN _005457122 61 19 and and CCONJ _005457122 61 20 brothers brother NOUN _005457122 61 21 at at ADP _005457122 61 22 work work NOUN _005457122 61 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 61 24 school school NOUN _005457122 61 25 , , PUNCT _005457122 61 26 or or CCONJ _005457122 61 27 play play VERB _005457122 61 28 , , PUNCT _005457122 61 29 come come VERB _005457122 61 30 home home ADV _005457122 61 31 often often ADV _005457122 61 32 to to ADP _005457122 61 33 their their PRON _005457122 61 34 own own ADJ _005457122 61 35 individual individual ADJ _005457122 61 36 interests interest NOUN _005457122 61 37 with with ADP _005457122 61 38 6 6 NUM _005457122 61 39 little little ADJ _005457122 61 40 thought thought NOUN _005457122 61 41 for for ADP _005457122 61 42 one one NUM _005457122 61 43 another another DET _005457122 61 44 . . PUNCT _005457122 62 1 the the DET _005457122 62 2 family family NOUN _005457122 62 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 62 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 62 5 for for ADP _005457122 62 6 at at ADV _005457122 62 7 least least ADJ _005457122 62 8 a a DET _005457122 62 9 few few ADJ _005457122 62 10 short short ADJ _005457122 62 11 moments moment NOUN _005457122 62 12 of of ADP _005457122 62 13 every every DET _005457122 62 14 day day NOUN _005457122 62 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 62 16 will will AUX _005457122 62 17 join join VERB _005457122 62 18 them they PRON _005457122 62 19 in in ADP _005457122 62 20 a a DET _005457122 62 21 bond bond NOUN _005457122 62 22 of of ADP _005457122 62 23 loving love VERB _005457122 62 24 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 62 25 to to ADP _005457122 62 26 god god PROPN _005457122 62 27 and and CCONJ _005457122 62 28 his his PRON _005457122 62 29 mother mother NOUN _005457122 62 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 63 1 today today NOUN _005457122 63 2 more more ADV _005457122 63 3 than than ADP _005457122 63 4 ever ever ADV _005457122 63 5 there there PRON _005457122 63 6 is be VERB _005457122 63 7 need need NOUN _005457122 63 8 of of ADP _005457122 63 9 a a DET _005457122 63 10 powerful powerful ADJ _005457122 63 11 weapon weapon NOUN _005457122 63 12 to to PART _005457122 63 13 protect protect VERB _005457122 63 14 family family NOUN _005457122 63 15 life life NOUN _005457122 63 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 64 1 worldliness worldliness NOUN _005457122 64 2 and and CCONJ _005457122 64 3 worldly worldly ADV _005457122 64 4 against against ADP _005457122 64 5 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005457122 64 6 — — PUNCT _005457122 64 7 the the DET _005457122 64 8 sworn swear VERB _005457122 64 9 eneworldly eneworldly ADJ _005457122 64 10 mies mie NOUN _005457122 64 11 of of ADP _005457122 64 12 the the DET _005457122 64 13 christian christian ADJ _005457122 64 14 life life NOUN _005457122 64 15 wickedness wickedness NOUN _005457122 64 16 — — PUNCT _005457122 64 17 strike strike VERB _005457122 64 18 first first ADV _005457122 64 19 at at ADP _005457122 64 20 the the DET _005457122 64 21 family family NOUN _005457122 64 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 65 1 these these PRON _005457122 65 2 are be AUX _005457122 65 3 stronger strong ADJ _005457122 65 4 forces force NOUN _005457122 65 5 today today NOUN _005457122 65 6 than than ADP _005457122 65 7 ever ever ADV _005457122 65 8 before before ADV _005457122 65 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 66 1 what what PRON _005457122 66 2 hope hope NOUN _005457122 66 3 has have VERB _005457122 66 4 any any DET _005457122 66 5 family family NOUN _005457122 66 6 against against ADP _005457122 66 7 them they PRON _005457122 66 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457122 67 1 what what PRON _005457122 67 2 hope hope NOUN _005457122 67 3 has have VERB _005457122 67 4 family family NOUN _005457122 67 5 life life NOUN _005457122 67 6 against against ADP _005457122 67 7 the the DET _005457122 67 8 teachings teaching NOUN _005457122 67 9 of of ADP _005457122 67 10 many many ADJ _005457122 67 11 college college NOUN _005457122 67 12 professors professor NOUN _005457122 67 13 on on ADP _005457122 67 14 planned plan VERB _005457122 67 15 parenthood parenthood NOUN _005457122 67 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 67 17 companionate companionate ADJ _005457122 67 18 marriage marriage NOUN _005457122 67 19 , , PUNCT _005457122 67 20 divorce divorce NOUN _005457122 67 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 67 22 and and CCONJ _005457122 67 23 general general ADJ _005457122 67 24 immorality immorality NOUN _005457122 67 25 ? ? PUNCT _005457122 68 1 the the DET _005457122 68 2 radio radio NOUN _005457122 68 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 68 4 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005457122 68 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 68 6 comic comic ADJ _005457122 68 7 sheets sheet NOUN _005457122 68 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 68 9 and and CCONJ _005457122 68 10 magazines magazine NOUN _005457122 68 11 bring bring VERB _005457122 68 12 these these DET _005457122 68 13 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005457122 68 14 into into ADP _005457122 68 15 the the DET _005457122 68 16 home home NOUN _005457122 68 17 itself itself PRON _005457122 68 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 68 19 lay lie VERB _005457122 68 20 them they PRON _005457122 68 21 on on ADP _005457122 68 22 the the DET _005457122 68 23 table table NOUN _005457122 68 24 for for SCONJ _005457122 68 25 all all PRON _005457122 68 26 to to PART _005457122 68 27 see see VERB _005457122 68 28 , , PUNCT _005457122 68 29 leave leave VERB _005457122 68 30 them they PRON _005457122 68 31 ringing ring VERB _005457122 68 32 in in ADP _005457122 68 33 everyone everyone PRON _005457122 68 34 ’s ’s PART _005457122 68 35 ears ear NOUN _005457122 68 36 . . PUNCT _005457122 69 1 moving move VERB _005457122 69 2 pictures picture NOUN _005457122 69 3 with with ADP _005457122 69 4 color color NOUN _005457122 69 5 and and CCONJ _005457122 69 6 sound sound NOUN _005457122 69 7 attract attract VERB _005457122 69 8 even even ADV _005457122 69 9 the the DET _005457122 69 10 wisest wise ADJ _005457122 69 11 and and CCONJ _005457122 69 12 wariest wary ADJ _005457122 69 13 by by ADP _005457122 69 14 scenes scene NOUN _005457122 69 15 that that PRON _005457122 69 16 make make VERB _005457122 69 17 a a DET _005457122 69 18 joke joke NOUN _005457122 69 19 of of ADP _005457122 69 20 family family NOUN _005457122 69 21 life life NOUN _005457122 69 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 70 1 happily happily ADV _005457122 70 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 70 3 god god PROPN _005457122 70 4 provides provide VERB _005457122 70 5 us we PRON _005457122 70 6 with with ADP _005457122 70 7 the the DET _005457122 70 8 weapon weapon NOUN _005457122 70 9 we we PRON _005457122 70 10 need need VERB _005457122 70 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 71 1 it it PRON _005457122 71 2 is be AUX _005457122 71 3 the the DET _005457122 71 4 family family NOUN _005457122 71 5 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 71 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 72 1 the the DET _005457122 72 2 history history NOUN _005457122 72 3 of of ADP _005457122 72 4 the the DET _005457122 72 5 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 72 6 has have VERB _005457122 72 7 protector protector NOUN _005457122 72 8 of of ADP _005457122 72 9 proved prove VERB _005457122 72 10 already already ADV _005457122 72 11 how how SCONJ _005457122 72 12 powerfamily powerfamily ADV _005457122 72 13 ful ful ADJ _005457122 72 14 it it PRON _005457122 72 15 is be AUX _005457122 72 16 against against ADP _005457122 72 17 the the DET _005457122 72 18 forces force NOUN _005457122 72 19 life life NOUN _005457122 72 20 of of ADP _005457122 72 21 sin sin NOUN _005457122 72 22 and and CCONJ _005457122 72 23 evil evil NOUN _005457122 72 24 , , PUNCT _005457122 72 25 whatever whatever PRON _005457122 72 26 these these DET _005457122 72 27 forces force NOUN _005457122 72 28 be be VERB _005457122 72 29 . . PUNCT _005457122 73 1 it it PRON _005457122 73 2 won win VERB _005457122 73 3 the the DET _005457122 73 4 7 7 NUM _005457122 73 5 victories victory NOUN _005457122 73 6 of of ADP _005457122 73 7 lepanto lepanto NOUN _005457122 73 8 and and CCONJ _005457122 73 9 temesvar temesvar NOUN _005457122 73 10 against against ADP _005457122 73 11 the the DET _005457122 73 12 turks turk NOUN _005457122 73 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 73 14 and and CCONJ _005457122 73 15 saved save VERB _005457122 73 16 nations nation NOUN _005457122 73 17 when when SCONJ _005457122 73 18 they they PRON _005457122 73 19 took take VERB _005457122 73 20 the the DET _005457122 73 21 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 73 22 into into ADP _005457122 73 23 their their PRON _005457122 73 24 hands hand NOUN _005457122 73 25 . . PUNCT _005457122 74 1 now now ADV _005457122 74 2 it it PRON _005457122 74 3 will will AUX _005457122 74 4 all all DET _005457122 74 5 the the PRON _005457122 74 6 more more ADV _005457122 74 7 save save VERB _005457122 74 8 the the DET _005457122 74 9 family family NOUN _005457122 74 10 if if SCONJ _005457122 74 11 the the DET _005457122 74 12 family family NOUN _005457122 74 13 will will AUX _005457122 74 14 only only ADV _005457122 74 15 take take VERB _005457122 74 16 it it PRON _005457122 74 17 into into ADP _005457122 74 18 its its PRON _005457122 74 19 hands hand NOUN _005457122 74 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 75 1 the the DET _005457122 75 2 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 75 3 has have AUX _005457122 75 4 accomplished accomplish VERB _005457122 75 5 great great ADJ _005457122 75 6 things thing NOUN _005457122 75 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 76 1 in in ADP _005457122 76 2 the the DET _005457122 76 3 providence providence NOUN _005457122 76 4 of of ADP _005457122 76 5 god god PROPN _005457122 76 6 the the DET _005457122 76 7 family family NOUN _005457122 76 8 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 76 9 will will AUX _005457122 76 10 do do VERB _005457122 76 11 even even ADV _005457122 76 12 greater great ADJ _005457122 76 13 things thing NOUN _005457122 76 14 if if SCONJ _005457122 76 15 families family NOUN _005457122 76 16 will will AUX _005457122 76 17 only only ADV _005457122 76 18 use use VERB _005457122 76 19 it it PRON _005457122 76 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 77 1 the the DET _005457122 77 2 power power NOUN _005457122 77 3 of of ADP _005457122 77 4 the the DET _005457122 77 5 family family NOUN _005457122 77 6 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 77 7 is be AUX _005457122 77 8 not not PART _005457122 77 9 surprising surprising ADJ _005457122 77 10 to to ADP _005457122 77 11 anyone anyone PRON _005457122 77 12 who who PRON _005457122 77 13 realizes realize VERB _005457122 77 14 the the DET _005457122 77 15 perfection perfection NOUN _005457122 77 16 of of ADP _005457122 77 17 its its PRON _005457122 77 18 very very ADV _005457122 77 19 make make NOUN _005457122 77 20 - - PUNCT _005457122 77 21 up up NOUN _005457122 77 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 78 1 it it PRON _005457122 78 2 is be AUX _005457122 78 3 a a DET _005457122 78 4 a a DET _005457122 78 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 78 6 living live VERB _005457122 78 7 organism organism NOUN _005457122 78 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 78 9 so so ADV _005457122 78 10 to to ADP _005457122 78 11 of of ADP _005457122 78 12 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 78 13 speak speak NOUN _005457122 78 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 78 15 with with ADP _005457122 78 16 a a DET _005457122 78 17 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 78 18 body body NOUN _005457122 78 19 parts part NOUN _005457122 78 20 and and CCONJ _005457122 78 21 soul soul NOUN _005457122 78 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 79 1 its its PRON _005457122 79 2 body body NOUN _005457122 79 3 ( ( PUNCT _005457122 79 4 the the DET _005457122 79 5 vocal vocal ADJ _005457122 79 6 prayers prayer NOUN _005457122 79 7 ) ) PUNCT _005457122 79 8 is be AUX _005457122 79 9 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 79 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 79 11 since since SCONJ _005457122 79 12 it it PRON _005457122 79 13 is be AUX _005457122 79 14 made make VERB _005457122 79 15 up up ADP _005457122 79 16 of of ADP _005457122 79 17 the the DET _005457122 79 18 sign sign NOUN _005457122 79 19 of of ADP _005457122 79 20 our our PRON _005457122 79 21 salvation salvation NOUN _005457122 79 22 and and CCONJ _005457122 79 23 the the DET _005457122 79 24 three three NUM _005457122 79 25 greatest great ADJ _005457122 79 26 prayers prayer NOUN _005457122 79 27 of of ADP _005457122 79 28 the the DET _005457122 79 29 catholic catholic ADJ _005457122 79 30 faith faith NOUN _005457122 79 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 80 1 its its PRON _005457122 80 2 soul soul NOUN _005457122 80 3 ( ( PUNCT _005457122 80 4 the the DET _005457122 80 5 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 80 6 ) ) PUNCT _005457122 80 7 is be AUX _005457122 80 8 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 80 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 80 10 too too ADV _005457122 80 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 80 12 since since SCONJ _005457122 80 13 these these DET _005457122 80 14 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 80 15 are be AUX _005457122 80 16 christ christ PROPN _005457122 80 17 ’s ’s PART _005457122 80 18 life life NOUN _005457122 80 19 — — PUNCT _005457122 80 20 the the DET _005457122 80 21 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 80 22 life life NOUN _005457122 80 23 — — PUNCT _005457122 80 24 relived relive VERB _005457122 80 25 again again ADV _005457122 80 26 in in ADP _005457122 80 27 the the DET _005457122 80 28 minds mind NOUN _005457122 80 29 of of ADP _005457122 80 30 the the DET _005457122 80 31 praying pray VERB _005457122 80 32 family family NOUN _005457122 80 33 . . PUNCT _005457122 81 1 the the DET _005457122 81 2 first first ADJ _005457122 81 3 act act NOUN _005457122 81 4 of of ADP _005457122 81 5 the the DET _005457122 81 6 family family NOUN _005457122 81 7 is be AUX _005457122 81 8 the the DET _005457122 81 9 sign sign NOUN _005457122 81 10 of of ADP _005457122 81 11 the the DET _005457122 81 12 cross cross NOUN _005457122 81 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 82 1 they they PRON _005457122 82 2 begin begin VERB _005457122 82 3 the the DET _005457122 82 4 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 82 5 family family NOUN _005457122 82 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 82 7 in in ADP _005457122 82 8 the the DET _005457122 82 9 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 82 10 way way NOUN _005457122 82 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 83 1 the the DET _005457122 83 2 sign sign NOUN _005457122 83 3 they they PRON _005457122 83 4 sign sign VERB _005457122 83 5 themselves themselves PRON _005457122 83 6 with with ADP _005457122 83 7 of of ADP _005457122 83 8 the the DET _005457122 83 9 sign sign NOUN _005457122 83 10 of of ADP _005457122 83 11 redemption redemption NOUN _005457122 83 12 salvafion salvafion NOUN _005457122 83 13 and and CCONJ _005457122 83 14 with with ADP _005457122 83 15 united united PROPN _005457122 83 16 voice voice PROPN _005457122 83 17 they they PRON _005457122 83 18 offer offer VERB _005457122 83 19 their their PRON _005457122 83 20 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 83 21 in in ADP _005457122 83 22 the the DET _005457122 83 23 name name NOUN _005457122 83 24 of of ADP _005457122 83 25 the the DET _005457122 83 26 father father NOUN _005457122 83 27 and and CCONJ _005457122 83 28 of of ADP _005457122 83 29 the the DET _005457122 83 30 son son NOUN _005457122 83 31 and and CCONJ _005457122 83 32 of of ADP _005457122 83 33 the the DET _005457122 83 34 holy holy ADJ _005457122 83 35 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 83 36 . . PUNCT _005457122 84 1 as as SCONJ _005457122 84 2 each each DET _005457122 84 3 member member NOUN _005457122 84 4 of of ADP _005457122 84 5 the the DET _005457122 84 6 8 8 NUM _005457122 84 7 family family NOUN _005457122 84 8 tenderly tenderly ADV _005457122 84 9 holds hold VERB _005457122 84 10 the the DET _005457122 84 11 cross cross NOUN _005457122 84 12 of of ADP _005457122 84 13 salvation salvation NOUN _005457122 84 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 84 15 from from ADP _005457122 84 16 their their PRON _005457122 84 17 lips lip NOUN _005457122 84 18 comes come VERB _005457122 84 19 forth forth ADV _005457122 84 20 a a DET _005457122 84 21 firm firm ADJ _005457122 84 22 and and CCONJ _005457122 84 23 united united ADJ _005457122 84 24 profession profession NOUN _005457122 84 25 of of ADP _005457122 84 26 faith faith NOUN _005457122 84 27 for for ADP _005457122 84 28 all all PRON _005457122 84 29 that that PRON _005457122 84 30 the the DET _005457122 84 31 cross cross NOUN _005457122 84 32 stands stand VERB _005457122 84 33 for for ADP _005457122 84 34 . . PUNCT _005457122 85 1 they they PRON _005457122 85 2 recite recite VERB _005457122 85 3 the the DET _005457122 85 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005457122 85 5 ’ ’ PART _005457122 85 6 creed creed NOUN _005457122 85 7 — — PUNCT _005457122 85 8 a a DET _005457122 85 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 85 10 that that PRON _005457122 85 11 embraces embrace VERB _005457122 85 12 all all DET _005457122 85 13 the the DET _005457122 85 14 christian christian ADJ _005457122 85 15 truths truth NOUN _005457122 85 16 and and CCONJ _005457122 85 17 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 85 18 of of ADP _005457122 85 19 our our PRON _005457122 85 20 holy holy ADJ _005457122 85 21 faith faith NOUN _005457122 85 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 86 1 the the DET _005457122 86 2 our our PRON _005457122 86 3 father father NOUN _005457122 86 4 raises raise VERB _005457122 86 5 the the DET _005457122 86 6 family family NOUN _005457122 86 7 circle circle NOUN _005457122 86 8 to to ADP _005457122 86 9 a a DET _005457122 86 10 divine divine ADJ _005457122 86 11 level level NOUN _005457122 86 12 . . PUNCT _005457122 87 1 no no ADV _005457122 87 2 longer long ADV _005457122 87 3 as as ADP _005457122 87 4 earthly earthly ADJ _005457122 87 5 father father NOUN _005457122 87 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 87 7 mother mother NOUN _005457122 87 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 87 9 son son NOUN _005457122 87 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 87 11 and and CCONJ _005457122 87 12 daughter daughter NOUN _005457122 87 13 our our PRON _005457122 87 14 does do AUX _005457122 87 15 the the DET _005457122 87 16 family family NOUN _005457122 87 17 pray pray VERB _005457122 88 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 88 2 lord lord PROPN _005457122 88 3 's 's PART _005457122 88 4 rather rather ADV _005457122 88 5 as as ADP _005457122 88 6 children child NOUN _005457122 88 7 of of ADP _005457122 88 8 god god PROPN _005457122 88 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 88 10 composition composition NOUN _005457122 88 11 united unite VERB _005457122 88 12 into into ADP _005457122 88 13 a a DET _005457122 88 14 higher high ADJ _005457122 88 15 family family NOUN _005457122 88 16 circle circle NOUN _005457122 88 17 where where SCONJ _005457122 88 18 god god PROPN _005457122 88 19 is be AUX _005457122 88 20 father father PROPN _005457122 88 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 88 22 mary mary PROPN _005457122 88 23 immaculate immaculate PROPN _005457122 88 24 is be AUX _005457122 88 25 mother mother NOUN _005457122 88 26 . . PUNCT _005457122 89 1 no no DET _005457122 89 2 one one NOUN _005457122 89 3 but but CCONJ _005457122 89 4 the the DET _005457122 89 5 son son NOUN _005457122 89 6 of of ADP _005457122 89 7 god god PROPN _005457122 89 8 himself himself PRON _005457122 89 9 could could AUX _005457122 89 10 have have AUX _005457122 89 11 composed compose VERB _005457122 89 12 a a DET _005457122 89 13 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 89 14 so so ADV _005457122 89 15 full full ADJ _005457122 89 16 of of ADP _005457122 89 17 meaning meaning NOUN _005457122 89 18 and and CCONJ _005457122 89 19 power power NOUN _005457122 89 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 90 1 it it PRON _005457122 90 2 is be AUX _005457122 90 3 not not PART _005457122 90 4 merely merely ADV _005457122 90 5 a a DET _005457122 90 6 portion portion NOUN _005457122 90 7 of of ADP _005457122 90 8 the the DET _005457122 90 9 gospel gospel NOUN _005457122 90 10 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 90 11 it it PRON _005457122 90 12 is be AUX _005457122 90 13 a a DET _005457122 90 14 summary summary NOUN _005457122 90 15 of of ADP _005457122 90 16 the the DET _005457122 90 17 gospel gospel NOUN _005457122 90 18 — — PUNCT _005457122 90 19 that that DET _005457122 90 20 gospel gospel NOUN _005457122 90 21 by by ADP _005457122 90 22 which which PRON _005457122 90 23 we we PRON _005457122 90 24 must must AUX _005457122 90 25 live live VERB _005457122 90 26 to to PART _005457122 90 27 be be AUX _005457122 90 28 true true ADJ _005457122 90 29 children child NOUN _005457122 90 30 of of ADP _005457122 90 31 god god PROPN _005457122 90 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 91 1 , , PUNCT _005457122 91 2 the the DET _005457122 91 3 hail hail NOUN _005457122 91 4 mary mary NOUN _005457122 91 5 is be AUX _005457122 91 6 the the DET _005457122 91 7 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 91 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 91 9 that that PRON _005457122 91 10 for for ADP _005457122 91 11 centuries century NOUN _005457122 91 12 has have AUX _005457122 91 13 been be AUX _005457122 91 14 lovingly lovingly ADV _005457122 91 15 spoken speak VERB _005457122 91 16 by by ADP _005457122 91 17 old old ADJ _005457122 91 18 and and CCONJ _005457122 91 19 young young ADJ _005457122 91 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 92 1 still still ADV _005457122 92 2 a a DET _005457122 92 3 today today NOUN _005457122 92 4 it it PRON _005457122 92 5 is be AUX _005457122 92 6 on on ADP _005457122 92 7 the the DET _005457122 92 8 lips lip NOUN _005457122 92 9 of of ADP _005457122 92 10 divine divine ADJ _005457122 92 11 millions million NOUN _005457122 92 12 — — PUNCT _005457122 92 13 in in ADP _005457122 92 14 health health NOUN _005457122 92 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 92 16 in in ADP _005457122 92 17 masterpiece masterpiece PROPN _005457122 92 18 sickness sickness NOUN _005457122 92 19 , , PUNCT _005457122 92 20 in in ADP _005457122 92 21 death death NOUN _005457122 92 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 93 1 it it PRON _005457122 93 2 is be AUX _005457122 93 3 so so ADV _005457122 93 4 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 93 5 that that SCONJ _005457122 93 6 it it PRON _005457122 93 7 finds find VERB _005457122 93 8 its its PRON _005457122 93 9 way way NOUN _005457122 93 10 into into ADP _005457122 93 11 music music NOUN _005457122 93 12 and and CCONJ _005457122 93 13 into into ADP _005457122 93 14 song song NOUN _005457122 93 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 94 1 if if SCONJ _005457122 94 2 we we PRON _005457122 94 3 ask ask VERB _005457122 94 4 ourselves ourselves PRON _005457122 94 5 what what PRON _005457122 94 6 is be AUX _005457122 94 7 the the DET _005457122 94 8 secret secret NOUN _005457122 94 9 of of ADP _005457122 94 10 its its PRON _005457122 94 11 beauty beauty NOUN _005457122 94 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 94 13 the the DET _005457122 94 14 answer answer NOUN _005457122 94 15 is be AUX _005457122 94 16 that that SCONJ _005457122 94 17 it it PRON _005457122 94 18 is be AUX _005457122 94 19 god god PROPN _005457122 94 20 ’s ’s PROPN _005457122 94 21 word word NOUN _005457122 94 22 - - PUNCT _005457122 94 23 picture picture NOUN _005457122 94 24 of of ADP _005457122 94 25 the the DET _005457122 94 26 9 9 NUM _005457122 94 27 loveliest lovely ADJ _005457122 94 28 of of ADP _005457122 94 29 all all DET _005457122 94 30 creatures creature NOUN _005457122 94 31 , , PUNCT _005457122 94 32 his his PRON _005457122 94 33 mother mother NOUN _005457122 94 34 and and CCONJ _005457122 94 35 ours our NOUN _005457122 94 36 . . PUNCT _005457122 95 1 never never ADV _005457122 95 2 do do VERB _005457122 95 3 we we PRON _005457122 95 4 tire tire NOUN _005457122 95 5 of of ADP _005457122 95 6 repeating repeat VERB _005457122 95 7 over over ADV _005457122 95 8 and and CCONJ _005457122 95 9 over over ADV _005457122 95 10 again again ADV _005457122 95 11 his his PRON _005457122 95 12 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 95 13 description description NOUN _005457122 95 14 of of ADP _005457122 95 15 mary mary PROPN _005457122 95 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 96 1 she she PRON _005457122 96 2 is be AUX _005457122 96 3 full full ADJ _005457122 96 4 of of ADP _005457122 96 5 grace grace NOUN _005457122 96 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 97 1 the the DET _005457122 97 2 lord lord PROPN _005457122 97 3 is be AUX _005457122 97 4 with with ADP _005457122 97 5 her she PRON _005457122 97 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 98 1 she she PRON _005457122 98 2 is be AUX _005457122 98 3 blessed bless VERB _005457122 98 4 among among ADP _005457122 98 5 all all DET _005457122 98 6 the the DET _005457122 98 7 women woman NOUN _005457122 98 8 of of ADP _005457122 98 9 the the DET _005457122 98 10 world world NOUN _005457122 98 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 99 1 she she PRON _005457122 99 2 is be AUX _005457122 99 3 the the DET _005457122 99 4 powerful powerful ADJ _005457122 99 5 mother mother NOUN _005457122 99 6 of of ADP _005457122 99 7 god god PROPN _005457122 99 8 who who PRON _005457122 99 9 can can AUX _005457122 99 10 help help VERB _005457122 99 11 us we PRON _005457122 99 12 now now ADV _005457122 99 13 and and CCONJ _005457122 99 14 at at ADP _005457122 99 15 the the DET _005457122 99 16 hour hour NOUN _005457122 99 17 of of ADP _005457122 99 18 our our PRON _005457122 99 19 death death NOUN _005457122 99 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 100 1 most most ADV _005457122 100 2 blessed bless VERB _005457122 100 3 in in ADP _005457122 100 4 the the DET _005457122 100 5 sight sight NOUN _005457122 100 6 of of ADP _005457122 100 7 god god PROPN _005457122 100 8 is be AUX _005457122 100 9 the the DET _005457122 100 10 family family NOUN _005457122 100 11 that that PRON _005457122 100 12 brings bring VERB _005457122 100 13 to to ADP _005457122 100 14 life life NOUN _005457122 100 15 fifty fifty NUM _005457122 100 16 - - PUNCT _005457122 100 17 three three NUM _005457122 100 18 times time NOUN _005457122 100 19 each each DET _005457122 100 20 day day NOUN _005457122 100 21 this this DET _005457122 100 22 masterpiece masterpiece NOUN _005457122 100 23 of of ADP _005457122 100 24 divine divine ADJ _005457122 100 25 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005457122 100 26 . . PUNCT _005457122 101 1 the the DET _005457122 101 2 greatest great ADJ _005457122 101 3 mystery mystery NOUN _005457122 101 4 of of ADP _005457122 101 5 our our PRON _005457122 101 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005457122 101 7 faith faith NOUN _005457122 101 8 is be AUX _005457122 101 9 that that PRON _005457122 101 10 of of ADP _005457122 101 11 the the DET _005457122 101 12 most most ADV _005457122 101 13 blessed bless VERB _005457122 101 14 trinity trinity NOUN _005457122 101 15 : : PUNCT _005457122 101 16 one one NUM _005457122 101 17 god god NOUN _005457122 101 18 in in ADP _005457122 101 19 three three NUM _005457122 101 20 divine divine ADJ _005457122 101 21 persons person NOUN _005457122 101 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 102 1 a a DET _005457122 102 2 family family NOUN _005457122 102 3 that that PRON _005457122 102 4 says say VERB _005457122 102 5 the the DET _005457122 102 6 family family NOUN _005457122 102 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 102 8 daily daily PROPN _005457122 102 9 gives give VERB _005457122 102 10 glory glory NOUN _005457122 102 11 six six NUM _005457122 102 12 times time NOUN _005457122 102 13 a a DET _005457122 102 14 day day NOUN _005457122 102 15 to to ADP _005457122 102 16 the the DET _005457122 102 17 blessed bless VERB _005457122 102 18 trinity trinity NOUN _005457122 102 19 as as SCONJ _005457122 102 20 they they PRON _005457122 102 21 raise raise VERB _005457122 102 22 their their PRON _005457122 102 23 voices voice NOUN _005457122 102 24 in in ADP _005457122 102 25 the the DET _005457122 102 26 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 102 27 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 102 28 of of ADP _005457122 102 29 praise praise NOUN _005457122 102 30 : : PUNCT _005457122 102 31 " " PUNCT _005457122 102 32 glory glory NOUN _005457122 102 33 be be AUX _005457122 102 34 to to ADP _005457122 102 35 the the DET _005457122 102 36 father father NOUN _005457122 102 37 and and CCONJ _005457122 102 38 to to ADP _005457122 102 39 the the DET _005457122 102 40 son son NOUN _005457122 102 41 and and CCONJ _005457122 102 42 • • VERB _005457122 102 43 to to ADP _005457122 102 44 the the DET _005457122 102 45 holy holy ADJ _005457122 102 46 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 102 47 . . PUNCT _005457122 102 48 ” " PUNCT _005457122 103 1 the the DET _005457122 103 2 most most ADV _005457122 103 3 important important ADJ _005457122 103 4 part part NOUN _005457122 103 5 of of ADP _005457122 103 6 the the DET _005457122 103 7 family family NOUN _005457122 103 8 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 103 9 is be AUX _005457122 103 10 its its PRON _005457122 103 11 soul soul NOUN _005457122 103 12 — — PUNCT _005457122 103 13 the the DET _005457122 103 14 meditations meditation NOUN _005457122 103 15 on on ADP _005457122 103 16 the the DET _005457122 103 17 joyful joyful ADJ _005457122 103 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 103 19 sorrowful sorrowful ADJ _005457122 103 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 103 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 103 22 •the •the DET _005457122 103 23 soul soul NOUN _005457122 103 24 glorious glorious ADJ _005457122 103 25 events event NOUN _005457122 103 26 in in ADP _005457122 103 27 the the DET _005457122 103 28 lives life NOUN _005457122 103 29 ° ° SPACE _005457122 103 30 f f DET _005457122 103 31 fhe fhe NOUN _005457122 103 32 of of ADP _005457122 103 33 our our PRON _005457122 103 34 lord lord PROPN _005457122 103 35 and and CCONJ _005457122 103 36 of of ADP _005457122 103 37 our our PRON _005457122 103 38 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 103 39 lady lady NOUN _005457122 103 40 . . PUNCT _005457122 104 1 this this PRON _005457122 104 2 is be AUX _005457122 104 3 the the DET _005457122 104 4 part part NOUN _005457122 104 5 of of ADP _005457122 104 6 the the DET _005457122 104 7 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 104 8 which which PRON _005457122 104 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 104 10 according accord VERB _005457122 104 11 to to ADP _005457122 104 12 tradition tradition NOUN _005457122 104 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 104 14 our our PRON _005457122 104 15 lady lady NOUN _005457122 104 16 took take VERB _005457122 104 17 such such ADJ _005457122 104 18 pains pain NOUN _005457122 104 19 to to PART _005457122 104 20 explain explain VERB _005457122 104 21 to to ADP _005457122 104 22 st st PROPN _005457122 104 23 . . PROPN _005457122 104 24 dominic dominic PROPN _005457122 104 25 . . PUNCT _005457122 105 1 it it PRON _005457122 105 2 is be AUX _005457122 105 3 easy easy ADJ _005457122 105 4 to to PART _005457122 105 5 see see VERB _005457122 105 6 why why SCONJ _005457122 105 7 she she PRON _005457122 105 8 did do VERB _005457122 105 9 this this PRON _005457122 105 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 106 1 she she PRON _005457122 106 2 wanted want VERB _005457122 106 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 106 4 and and CCONJ _005457122 106 5 wants want VERB _005457122 106 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 106 7 the the DET _005457122 106 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 106 9 of of ADP _005457122 106 10 the the DET _005457122 106 11 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 106 12 to to PART _005457122 106 13 be be AUX _005457122 106 14 more more ADJ _005457122 106 15 than than ADP _005457122 106 16 a a DET _005457122 106 17 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 106 18 of of ADP _005457122 106 19 memorized memorized ADJ _005457122 106 20 sentences sentence NOUN _005457122 106 21 . . PUNCT _005457122 107 1 she she PRON _005457122 107 2 wants want VERB _005457122 107 3 it it PRON _005457122 107 4 10 10 NUM _005457122 107 5 to to PART _005457122 107 6 be be AUX _005457122 107 7 a a DET _005457122 107 8 way way NOUN _005457122 107 9 for for SCONJ _005457122 107 10 the the DET _005457122 107 11 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005457122 107 12 person person NOUN _005457122 107 13 of of ADP _005457122 107 14 a a DET _005457122 107 15 busy busy ADJ _005457122 107 16 workaday workaday NOUN _005457122 107 17 world world NOUN _005457122 107 18 to to PART _005457122 107 19 think think VERB _005457122 107 20 over over ADP _005457122 107 21 the the DET _005457122 107 22 things thing NOUN _005457122 107 23 she she PRON _005457122 107 24 and and CCONJ _005457122 107 25 her her PRON _005457122 107 26 son son NOUN _005457122 107 27 have have AUX _005457122 107 28 done do VERB _005457122 107 29 for for ADP _005457122 107 30 them they PRON _005457122 107 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 108 1 she she PRON _005457122 108 2 knows know VERB _005457122 108 3 that that SCONJ _005457122 108 4 no no DET _005457122 108 5 person person NOUN _005457122 108 6 with with ADP _005457122 108 7 a a DET _005457122 108 8 human human ADJ _005457122 108 9 heart heart NOUN _005457122 108 10 can can AUX _005457122 108 11 ever ever ADV _005457122 108 12 be be AUX _005457122 108 13 ungrateful ungrateful ADJ _005457122 108 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 108 15 forgetful forgetful ADJ _005457122 108 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 108 17 or or CCONJ _005457122 108 18 cruel cruel ADJ _005457122 108 19 once once SCONJ _005457122 108 20 he he PRON _005457122 108 21 has have AUX _005457122 108 22 understood understand VERB _005457122 108 23 what what PRON _005457122 108 24 pain pain NOUN _005457122 108 25 sin sin NOUN _005457122 108 26 has have AUX _005457122 108 27 caused cause VERB _005457122 108 28 the the DET _005457122 108 29 hearts heart NOUN _005457122 108 30 of of ADP _005457122 108 31 the the DET _005457122 108 32 sweetest sweetest NOUN _005457122 108 33 mother mother NOUN _005457122 108 34 and and CCONJ _005457122 108 35 son son NOUN _005457122 108 36 . . PUNCT _005457122 109 1 she she PRON _005457122 109 2 knows know VERB _005457122 109 3 that that SCONJ _005457122 109 4 there there PRON _005457122 109 5 is be VERB _005457122 109 6 no no DET _005457122 109 7 surer surer NOUN _005457122 109 8 way way NOUN _005457122 109 9 for for SCONJ _005457122 109 10 a a DET _005457122 109 11 person person NOUN _005457122 109 12 to to PART _005457122 109 13 grow grow VERB _005457122 109 14 up up ADP _005457122 109 15 to to PART _005457122 109 16 be be AUX _005457122 109 17 worthy worthy ADJ _005457122 109 18 to to PART _005457122 109 19 be be AUX _005457122 109 20 called call VERB _005457122 109 21 a a DET _005457122 109 22 son son NOUN _005457122 109 23 of of ADP _005457122 109 24 god god PROPN _005457122 109 25 than than SCONJ _005457122 109 26 to to PART _005457122 109 27 review review VERB _005457122 109 28 with with ADP _005457122 109 29 her she PRON _005457122 109 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 109 31 his his PRON _005457122 109 32 mother mother NOUN _005457122 109 33 , , PUNCT _005457122 109 34 some some DET _005457122 109 35 part part NOUN _005457122 109 36 of of ADP _005457122 109 37 the the DET _005457122 109 38 life life NOUN _005457122 109 39 of of ADP _005457122 109 40 the the DET _005457122 109 41 son son NOUN _005457122 109 42 of of ADP _005457122 109 43 god god PROPN _005457122 109 44 each each DET _005457122 109 45 day day NOUN _005457122 109 46 until until SCONJ _005457122 109 47 one one NUM _005457122 109 48 finally finally ADV _005457122 109 49 learns learn VERB _005457122 109 50 to to PART _005457122 109 51 imitate imitate VERB _005457122 109 52 him he PRON _005457122 109 53 so so ADV _005457122 109 54 closely closely ADV _005457122 109 55 that that SCONJ _005457122 109 56 she she PRON _005457122 109 57 will will AUX _005457122 109 58 say say VERB _005457122 109 59 to to ADP _005457122 109 60 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 109 61 : : PUNCT _005457122 109 62 " " PUNCT _005457122 109 63 son son NOUN _005457122 109 64 — — PUNCT _005457122 109 65 behold behold VERB _005457122 109 66 thy thy PROPN _005457122 109 67 brother brother NOUN _005457122 109 68 . . PUNCT _005457122 109 69 ” " PUNCT _005457122 110 1 daily daily ADJ _005457122 110 2 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 110 3 is be AUX _005457122 110 4 the the DET _005457122 110 5 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457122 110 6 power power NOUN _005457122 110 7 house house NOUN _005457122 110 8 of of ADP _005457122 110 9 the the DET _005457122 110 10 great great ADJ _005457122 110 11 leaders leader NOUN _005457122 110 12 of of ADP _005457122 110 13 the the DET _005457122 110 14 church church NOUN _005457122 110 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 111 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 111 2 it it PRON _005457122 111 3 is be AUX _005457122 111 4 not not PART _005457122 111 5 for for ADP _005457122 111 6 them they PRON _005457122 111 7 alone alone ADV _005457122 111 8 . . PUNCT _005457122 112 1 power power NOUN _005457122 112 2 house house PROPN _005457122 112 3 every every DET _005457122 112 4 person person NOUN _005457122 112 5 in in ADP _005457122 112 6 the the DET _005457122 112 7 world world NOUN _005457122 112 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 112 9 of of ADP _005457122 112 10 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457122 112 11 no no ADV _005457122 112 12 matter matter ADV _005457122 112 13 what what PRON _005457122 112 14 his his PRON _005457122 112 15 talents talent VERB _005457122 112 16 energy energy NOUN _005457122 112 17 be be AUX _005457122 112 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 112 19 can can AUX _005457122 112 20 draw draw VERB _005457122 112 21 from from ADP _005457122 112 22 this this DET _005457122 112 23 same same ADJ _005457122 112 24 power power NOUN _005457122 112 25 house house NOUN _005457122 112 26 by by ADP _005457122 112 27 daily daily ADJ _005457122 112 28 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 112 29 on on ADP _005457122 112 30 a a DET _005457122 112 31 portion portion NOUN _005457122 112 32 of of ADP _005457122 112 33 the the DET _005457122 112 34 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 112 35 of of ADP _005457122 112 36 the the DET _005457122 112 37 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 112 38 . . PUNCT _005457122 113 1 the the DET _005457122 113 2 home home NOUN _005457122 113 3 that that PRON _005457122 113 4 makes make VERB _005457122 113 5 a a DET _005457122 113 6 daily daily ADJ _005457122 113 7 practice practice NOUN _005457122 113 8 of of ADP _005457122 113 9 the the DET _005457122 113 10 family family NOUN _005457122 113 11 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 113 12 is be AUX _005457122 113 13 strong strong ADJ _005457122 113 14 unto unto ADP _005457122 113 15 selflessness selflessness NOUN _005457122 113 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 113 17 meets meet VERB _005457122 113 18 trials trial NOUN _005457122 113 19 courageously courageously ADV _005457122 113 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 113 21 faces face VERB _005457122 113 22 life life NOUN _005457122 113 23 joyously joyously PROPN _005457122 113 24 . . PUNCT _005457122 114 1 father father PROPN _005457122 114 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 114 3 mother mother NOUN _005457122 114 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 114 5 brothers brother NOUN _005457122 114 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 114 7 and and CCONJ _005457122 114 8 sisters sister NOUN _005457122 114 9 all all PRON _005457122 114 10 sense sense VERB _005457122 114 11 the the DET _005457122 114 12 new new ADJ _005457122 114 13 feeling feeling NOUN _005457122 114 14 of of ADP _005457122 114 15 power power NOUN _005457122 114 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 115 1 the the DET _005457122 115 2 family family NOUN _005457122 115 3 is be AUX _005457122 115 4 not not PART _005457122 115 5 only only ADV _005457122 115 6 teeming teem VERB _005457122 115 7 with with ADP _005457122 115 8 life life NOUN _005457122 115 9 — — PUNCT _005457122 115 10 it it PRON _005457122 115 11 is be AUX _005457122 115 12 teeming teem VERB _005457122 115 13 with with ADP _005457122 115 14 the the DET _005457122 115 15 life life NOUN _005457122 115 16 of of ADP _005457122 115 17 christ christ PROPN _005457122 115 18 . . PUNCT _005457122 116 1 11 11 NUM _005457122 116 2 the the DET _005457122 116 3 family family NOUN _005457122 116 4 will will AUX _005457122 116 5 find find VERB _005457122 116 6 no no DET _005457122 116 7 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005457122 116 8 in in ADP _005457122 116 9 meditating meditate VERB _005457122 116 10 on on ADP _005457122 116 11 the the DET _005457122 116 12 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 116 13 of of ADP _005457122 116 14 the the DET _005457122 116 15 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 116 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 117 1 each each PRON _005457122 117 2 of of ADP _005457122 117 3 the the DET _005457122 117 4 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 117 5 gives give VERB _005457122 117 6 a a DET _005457122 117 7 the the DET _005457122 117 8 snapshot snapshot NOUN _005457122 117 9 of of ADP _005457122 117 10 some some DET _005457122 117 11 event event NOUN _005457122 117 12 in in ADP _005457122 117 13 mind mind NOUN _005457122 117 14 's 's PART _005457122 117 15 eye eye NOUN _005457122 117 16 the the DET _005457122 117 17 life life NOUN _005457122 117 18 of of ADP _005457122 117 19 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 117 20 and and CCONJ _005457122 117 21 mary mary PROPN _005457122 117 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 118 1 sees see VERB _005457122 118 2 meditating meditate VERB _005457122 118 3 means mean NOUN _005457122 118 4 looking look VERB _005457122 118 5 at at ADP _005457122 118 6 that that DET _005457122 118 7 snapshot snapshot NOUN _005457122 118 8 with with ADP _005457122 118 9 the the DET _005457122 118 10 eyes eye NOUN _005457122 118 11 of of ADP _005457122 118 12 the the DET _005457122 118 13 mind mind NOUN _005457122 118 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 119 1 at at ADP _005457122 119 2 first first ADV _005457122 119 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 119 4 if if SCONJ _005457122 119 5 the the DET _005457122 119 6 eyes eye NOUN _005457122 119 7 have have AUX _005457122 119 8 not not PART _005457122 119 9 been be AUX _005457122 119 10 used use VERB _005457122 119 11 to to ADP _005457122 119 12 looking look VERB _005457122 119 13 at at ADP _005457122 119 14 these these DET _005457122 119 15 pictures picture NOUN _005457122 119 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 119 17 they they PRON _005457122 119 18 may may AUX _005457122 119 19 get get VERB _005457122 119 20 a a DET _005457122 119 21 dim dim ADJ _005457122 119 22 , , PUNCT _005457122 119 23 hazy hazy ADJ _005457122 119 24 view view NOUN _005457122 119 25 . . PUNCT _005457122 120 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 120 2 once once SCONJ _005457122 120 3 they they PRON _005457122 120 4 are be AUX _005457122 120 5 in in ADP _005457122 120 6 focus focus NOUN _005457122 120 7 by by ADP _005457122 120 8 a a DET _005457122 120 9 little little ADJ _005457122 120 10 practice practice NOUN _005457122 120 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 120 12 the the DET _005457122 120 13 picture picture NOUN _005457122 120 14 will will AUX _005457122 120 15 become become VERB _005457122 120 16 clear clear ADJ _005457122 120 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 121 1 then then ADV _005457122 121 2 just just ADV _005457122 121 3 one one NUM _005457122 121 4 thing thing NOUN _005457122 121 5 can can AUX _005457122 121 6 happen happen VERB _005457122 121 7 — — PUNCT _005457122 121 8 the the DET _005457122 121 9 person person NOUN _005457122 121 10 behind behind ADP _005457122 121 11 those those DET _005457122 121 12 eyes eye NOUN _005457122 121 13 will will AUX _005457122 121 14 have have VERB _005457122 121 15 to to PART _005457122 121 16 say say VERB _005457122 121 17 : : PUNCT _005457122 121 18 " " PUNCT _005457122 121 19 now now ADV _005457122 121 20 i i PRON _005457122 121 21 see see VERB _005457122 121 22 what what PRON _005457122 121 23 god god PROPN _005457122 121 24 and and CCONJ _005457122 121 25 his his PRON _005457122 121 26 mother mother NOUN _005457122 121 27 have have AUX _005457122 121 28 done do VERB _005457122 121 29 for for ADP _005457122 121 30 me i PRON _005457122 121 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 122 1 i i PRON _005457122 122 2 must must AUX _005457122 122 3 do do VERB _005457122 122 4 something something PRON _005457122 122 5 for for ADP _005457122 122 6 them they PRON _005457122 122 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 123 1 what what PRON _005457122 123 2 can can AUX _005457122 123 3 i i PRON _005457122 123 4 do do VERB _005457122 123 5 to to PART _005457122 123 6 prove prove VERB _005457122 123 7 that that SCONJ _005457122 123 8 i i PRON _005457122 123 9 mean mean VERB _005457122 123 10 what what PRON _005457122 123 11 i i PRON _005457122 123 12 say say VERB _005457122 123 13 ? ? PUNCT _005457122 123 14 ” " PUNCT _005457122 123 15 even even ADV _005457122 123 16 the the DET _005457122 123 17 seven seven NUM _005457122 123 18 - - PUNCT _005457122 123 19 yearolds yearold NOUN _005457122 123 20 can can AUX _005457122 123 21 understand understand VERB _005457122 123 22 that that PRON _005457122 123 23 . . PUNCT _005457122 124 1 they they PRON _005457122 124 2 learn learn VERB _005457122 124 3 before before SCONJ _005457122 124 4 this this DET _005457122 124 5 age age NOUN _005457122 124 6 to to PART _005457122 124 7 say say VERB _005457122 124 8 " " PUNCT _005457122 124 9 thank thank VERB _005457122 124 10 you you PRON _005457122 124 11 ” " PUNCT _005457122 124 12 for for ADP _005457122 124 13 a a DET _005457122 124 14 gift gift NOUN _005457122 124 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 125 1 there there PRON _005457122 125 2 is be VERB _005457122 125 3 no no DET _005457122 125 4 one one NUM _005457122 125 5 method method NOUN _005457122 125 6 of of ADP _005457122 125 7 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 125 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 125 9 but but CCONJ _005457122 125 10 for for ADP _005457122 125 11 an an DET _005457122 125 12 example example NOUN _005457122 125 13 here here ADV _005457122 125 14 is be AUX _005457122 125 15 one one NUM _005457122 125 16 on on ADP _005457122 125 17 the the DET _005457122 125 18 first first ADJ _005457122 125 19 joyful joyful ADJ _005457122 125 20 mystery mystery NOUN _005457122 125 21 . . PUNCT _005457122 126 1 first first ADV _005457122 126 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 126 3 an an DET _005457122 126 4 listen listen NOUN _005457122 126 5 carefully carefully ADV _005457122 126 6 as as SCONJ _005457122 126 7 the the DET _005457122 126 8 unforgettable unforgettable ADJ _005457122 126 9 leader leader NOUN _005457122 126 10 announces announce VERB _005457122 126 11 the the DET _005457122 126 12 myspicture myspicture NOUN _005457122 126 13 tery tery NOUN _005457122 126 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 127 1 imagine imagine VERB _005457122 127 2 yourself yourself PRON _005457122 127 3 right right ADV _005457122 127 4 there there ADV _005457122 127 5 in in ADP _005457122 127 6 mary mary PROPN _005457122 127 7 ’s ’s PART _005457122 127 8 own own ADJ _005457122 127 9 room room NOUN _005457122 127 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 128 1 you you PRON _005457122 128 2 watch watch VERB _005457122 128 3 her her PRON _005457122 128 4 praying pray VERB _005457122 128 5 . . PUNCT _005457122 129 1 you you PRON _005457122 129 2 see see VERB _005457122 129 3 the the DET _005457122 129 4 angel angel NOUN _005457122 129 5 gabriel gabriel PROPN _005457122 129 6 approach approach VERB _005457122 129 7 her she PRON _005457122 129 8 . . PUNCT _005457122 130 1 you you PRON _005457122 130 2 notice notice VERB _005457122 130 3 that that SCONJ _005457122 130 4 she she PRON _005457122 130 5 is be AUX _005457122 130 6 frightened frightened ADJ _005457122 130 7 as as SCONJ _005457122 130 8 she she PRON _005457122 130 9 suddenly suddenly ADV _005457122 130 10 sees see VERB _005457122 130 11 a a DET _005457122 130 12 strange strange ADJ _005457122 130 13 12 12 NUM _005457122 130 14 person person NOUN _005457122 130 15 in in ADP _005457122 130 16 her her PRON _005457122 130 17 room room NOUN _005457122 130 18 . . PUNCT _005457122 131 1 the the DET _005457122 131 2 sound sound NOUN _005457122 131 3 of of ADP _005457122 131 4 his his PRON _005457122 131 5 voice voice NOUN _005457122 131 6 is be AUX _005457122 131 7 like like ADP _005457122 131 8 sweet sweet ADJ _005457122 131 9 music music NOUN _005457122 131 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 132 1 she she PRON _005457122 132 2 is be AUX _005457122 132 3 no no ADV _005457122 132 4 longer long ADV _005457122 132 5 afraid afraid ADJ _005457122 132 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 133 1 you you PRON _005457122 133 2 listen listen VERB _005457122 133 3 to to ADP _005457122 133 4 what what PRON _005457122 133 5 the the DET _005457122 133 6 angel angel NOUN _005457122 133 7 is be AUX _005457122 133 8 saying say VERB _005457122 133 9 : : PUNCT _005457122 133 10 " " PUNCT _005457122 133 11 hail hail NOUN _005457122 133 12 mary mary NOUN _005457122 133 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 134 1 ... ... PUNCT _005457122 134 2 ” " PUNCT _005457122 135 1 the the DET _005457122 135 2 words word NOUN _005457122 135 3 are be AUX _005457122 135 4 on on ADP _005457122 135 5 your your PRON _005457122 135 6 lips lip NOUN _005457122 135 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 135 8 too too ADV _005457122 135 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 136 1 " " PUNCT _005457122 136 2 full full ADJ _005457122 136 3 of of ADP _005457122 136 4 grace grace NOUN _005457122 136 5 . . PUNCT _005457122 136 6 ” " PUNCT _005457122 137 1 not not PART _005457122 137 2 another another DET _005457122 137 3 person person NOUN _005457122 137 4 in in ADP _005457122 137 5 the the DET _005457122 137 6 world world NOUN _005457122 137 7 is be AUX _005457122 137 8 full full ADJ _005457122 137 9 of of ADP _005457122 137 10 grace grace NOUN _005457122 137 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 137 12 yet yet CCONJ _005457122 137 13 how how SCONJ _005457122 137 14 humble humble ADJ _005457122 137 15 mary mary NOUN _005457122 137 16 is be AUX _005457122 137 17 about about ADP _005457122 137 18 it it PRON _005457122 137 19 all all PRON _005457122 137 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 138 1 the the DET _005457122 138 2 mother mother NOUN _005457122 138 3 of of ADP _005457122 138 4 god god PROPN _005457122 138 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 139 1 such such DET _005457122 139 2 a a DET _005457122 139 3 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 139 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 139 5 or or CCONJ _005457122 139 6 any any DET _005457122 139 7 other other ADJ _005457122 139 8 that that SCONJ _005457122 139 9 you you PRON _005457122 139 10 like like INTJ _005457122 139 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 139 12 can can AUX _005457122 139 13 be be AUX _005457122 139 14 used use VERB _005457122 139 15 for for ADP _005457122 139 16 each each PRON _005457122 139 17 of of ADP _005457122 139 18 the the DET _005457122 139 19 joyful joyful ADJ _005457122 139 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 139 21 sorrowful sorrowful ADJ _005457122 139 22 , , PUNCT _005457122 139 23 and and CCONJ _005457122 139 24 glorious glorious ADJ _005457122 139 25 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 139 26 . . PUNCT _005457122 140 1 later later ADV _005457122 140 2 we we PRON _005457122 140 3 shall shall AUX _005457122 140 4 give give VERB _005457122 140 5 a a DET _005457122 140 6 short short ADJ _005457122 140 7 sample sample NOUN _005457122 140 8 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 140 9 for for ADP _005457122 140 10 all all PRON _005457122 140 11 of of ADP _005457122 140 12 them they PRON _005457122 140 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 141 1 just just ADV _005457122 141 2 as as SCONJ _005457122 141 3 there there PRON _005457122 141 4 is be VERB _005457122 141 5 no no DET _005457122 141 6 single single ADJ _005457122 141 7 way way NOUN _005457122 141 8 of of ADP _005457122 141 9 meditating meditating NOUN _005457122 141 10 on on ADP _005457122 141 11 the the DET _005457122 141 12 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 141 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 141 14 so so ADV _005457122 141 15 there there PRON _005457122 141 16 is be VERB _005457122 141 17 no no DET _005457122 141 18 one one NUM _005457122 141 19 manner manner NOUN _005457122 141 20 of of ADP _005457122 141 21 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 141 22 of of ADP _005457122 141 23 the the DET _005457122 141 24 the the DET _005457122 141 25 family family NOUN _005457122 141 26 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 141 27 . . PUNCT _005457122 142 1 the the DET _005457122 142 2 most most ADV _005457122 142 3 family family NOUN _005457122 142 4 practical practical ADJ _005457122 142 5 way way NOUN _005457122 142 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 142 7 however however ADV _005457122 142 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 142 9 recitations recitation NOUN _005457122 142 10 seems seem VERB _005457122 142 11 to to PART _005457122 142 12 be be AUX _005457122 142 13 this this PRON _005457122 142 14 : : PUNCT _005457122 142 15 first first ADV _005457122 142 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 142 17 at at ADP _005457122 142 18 the the DET _005457122 142 19 beginning beginning NOUN _005457122 142 20 of of ADP _005457122 142 21 each each DET _005457122 142 22 decade decade NOUN _005457122 142 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 142 24 let let VERB _005457122 142 25 the the DET _005457122 142 26 leader leader NOUN _005457122 142 27 announce announce VERB _005457122 142 28 the the DET _005457122 142 29 proper proper ADJ _005457122 142 30 mystery mystery NOUN _005457122 142 31 so so SCONJ _005457122 142 32 that that SCONJ _005457122 142 33 all all PRON _005457122 142 34 may may AUX _005457122 142 35 hear hear VERB _005457122 142 36 . . PUNCT _005457122 143 1 if if SCONJ _005457122 143 2 convenient convenient ADJ _005457122 143 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 143 4 the the DET _005457122 143 5 leader leader NOUN _005457122 143 6 may may AUX _005457122 143 7 offer offer VERB _005457122 143 8 a a DET _005457122 143 9 few few ADJ _005457122 143 10 suggestions suggestion NOUN _005457122 143 11 to to PART _005457122 143 12 make make VERB _005457122 143 13 the the DET _005457122 143 14 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 143 15 easier easier ADV _005457122 143 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 144 1 he he PRON _005457122 144 2 may may AUX _005457122 144 3 read read VERB _005457122 144 4 the the DET _005457122 144 5 meditations meditation NOUN _005457122 144 6 which which PRON _005457122 144 7 we we PRON _005457122 144 8 have have AUX _005457122 144 9 placed place VERB _005457122 144 10 at at ADP _005457122 144 11 the the DET _005457122 144 12 end end NOUN _005457122 144 13 of of ADP _005457122 144 14 this this DET _005457122 144 15 booklet booklet NOUN _005457122 144 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 144 17 or or CCONJ _005457122 144 18 any any DET _005457122 144 19 others other NOUN _005457122 144 20 he he PRON _005457122 144 21 may may AUX _005457122 144 22 have have VERB _005457122 144 23 . . PUNCT _005457122 145 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457122 145 2 he he PRON _005457122 145 3 may may AUX _005457122 145 4 wish wish VERB _005457122 145 5 to to PART _005457122 145 6 compose compose VERB _005457122 145 7 his his PRON _005457122 145 8 own own ADJ _005457122 145 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 146 1 where where SCONJ _005457122 146 2 practicable practicable ADJ _005457122 146 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 146 4 the the DET _005457122 146 5 whole whole ADJ _005457122 146 6 family family NOUN _005457122 146 7 may may AUX _005457122 146 8 together together ADV _005457122 146 9 read read VERB _005457122 146 10 aloud aloud ADV _005457122 146 11 the the DET _005457122 146 12 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 146 13 for for ADP _005457122 146 14 each each DET _005457122 146 15 mystery mystery NOUN _005457122 146 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 146 17 since since SCONJ _005457122 146 18 the the DET _005457122 146 19 vocal vocal ADJ _005457122 146 20 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 146 21 directs direct VERB _005457122 146 22 the the DET _005457122 146 23 attention attention NOUN _005457122 146 24 13 13 NUM _005457122 146 25 of of ADP _005457122 146 26 each each DET _005457122 146 27 one one NOUN _005457122 146 28 more more ADV _005457122 146 29 effectively effectively ADV _005457122 146 30 to to ADP _005457122 146 31 the the DET _005457122 146 32 mystery mystery NOUN _005457122 146 33 in in ADP _005457122 146 34 hand hand NOUN _005457122 146 35 , , PUNCT _005457122 146 36 and and CCONJ _005457122 146 37 gives give VERB _005457122 146 38 all all DET _005457122 146 39 a a DET _005457122 146 40 fuller full ADJ _005457122 146 41 sense sense NOUN _005457122 146 42 of of ADP _005457122 146 43 participation participation NOUN _005457122 146 44 in in ADP _005457122 146 45 the the DET _005457122 146 46 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 146 47 . . PUNCT _005457122 147 1 the the DET _005457122 147 2 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 147 3 of of ADP _005457122 147 4 the the DET _005457122 147 5 family family NOUN _005457122 147 6 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 147 7 should should AUX _005457122 147 8 be be AUX _005457122 147 9 the the DET _005457122 147 10 unfailing unfailing ADJ _005457122 147 11 practice practice NOUN _005457122 147 12 every every DET _005457122 147 13 day day NOUN _005457122 147 14 in in ADP _005457122 147 15 every every DET _005457122 147 16 family family NOUN _005457122 147 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 147 18 no no ADV _005457122 147 19 matter matter ADV _005457122 147 20 what what PRON _005457122 147 21 a a PRON _005457122 147 22 may may AUX _005457122 147 23 take take VERB _005457122 147 24 members member NOUN _005457122 147 25 of of ADP _005457122 147 26 the the DET _005457122 147 27 daily daily ADJ _005457122 147 28 family family NOUN _005457122 147 29 away away ADV _005457122 147 30 from from ADP _005457122 147 31 home home NOUN _005457122 147 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 148 1 practice practice NOUN _005457122 148 2 as as ADV _005457122 148 3 long long ADV _005457122 148 4 as as SCONJ _005457122 148 5 two two NUM _005457122 148 6 members member NOUN _005457122 148 7 of of ADP _005457122 148 8 the the DET _005457122 148 9 family family NOUN _005457122 148 10 say say VERB _005457122 148 11 the the DET _005457122 148 12 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 148 13 together together ADV _005457122 148 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 148 15 they they PRON _005457122 148 16 say say VERB _005457122 148 17 the the DET _005457122 148 18 family family NOUN _005457122 148 19 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 148 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 148 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 148 22 all all DET _005457122 148 23 the the DET _005457122 148 24 added add VERB _005457122 148 25 power power NOUN _005457122 148 26 of of ADP _005457122 148 27 the the DET _005457122 148 28 family family NOUN _005457122 148 29 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 148 30 is be AUX _005457122 148 31 present present ADJ _005457122 148 32 in in ADP _005457122 148 33 their their PRON _005457122 148 34 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 148 35 . . PUNCT _005457122 149 1 of of ADP _005457122 149 2 course course NOUN _005457122 149 3 the the DET _005457122 149 4 entire entire ADJ _005457122 149 5 family family NOUN _005457122 149 6 should should AUX _005457122 149 7 try try VERB _005457122 149 8 to to PART _005457122 149 9 be be AUX _005457122 149 10 present present ADJ _005457122 149 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 150 1 those those DET _005457122 150 2 members member NOUN _005457122 150 3 who who PRON _005457122 150 4 are be AUX _005457122 150 5 deliberately deliberately ADV _005457122 150 6 absent absent ADJ _005457122 150 7 not not PART _005457122 150 8 only only ADV _005457122 150 9 fail fail VERB _005457122 150 10 to to PART _005457122 150 11 receive receive VERB _005457122 150 12 the the DET _005457122 150 13 fruits fruit NOUN _005457122 150 14 of of ADP _005457122 150 15 the the DET _005457122 150 16 family family NOUN _005457122 150 17 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 150 18 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 150 19 which which PRON _005457122 150 20 they they PRON _005457122 150 21 would would AUX _005457122 150 22 receive receive VERB _005457122 150 23 were be AUX _005457122 150 24 they they PRON _005457122 150 25 present present ADJ _005457122 150 26 , , PUNCT _005457122 150 27 but but CCONJ _005457122 150 28 they they PRON _005457122 150 29 also also ADV _005457122 150 30 weaken weaken VERB _005457122 150 31 the the DET _005457122 150 32 power power NOUN _005457122 150 33 of of ADP _005457122 150 34 the the DET _005457122 150 35 united united PROPN _005457122 150 36 family family PROPN _005457122 150 37 plea plea NOUN _005457122 150 38 before before ADP _005457122 150 39 god god PROPN _005457122 150 40 . . PUNCT _005457122 151 1 the the DET _005457122 151 2 presence presence NOUN _005457122 151 3 of of ADP _005457122 151 4 visitors visitor NOUN _005457122 151 5 should should AUX _005457122 151 6 never never ADV _005457122 151 7 be be AUX _005457122 151 8 the the DET _005457122 151 9 occasion occasion NOUN _005457122 151 10 for for ADP _005457122 151 11 letting let VERB _005457122 151 12 a a DET _005457122 151 13 day day NOUN _005457122 151 14 go go VERB _005457122 151 15 by by ADV _005457122 151 16 without without ADP _005457122 151 17 the the DET _005457122 151 18 family family NOUN _005457122 151 19 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 151 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 152 1 no no DET _005457122 152 2 win win NOUN _005457122 152 3 guest guest NOUN _005457122 152 4 at at ADP _005457122 152 5 your your PRON _005457122 152 6 home home NOUN _005457122 152 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 152 8 no no INTJ _005457122 152 9 the the DET _005457122 152 10 family family NOUN _005457122 152 11 matter matter VERB _005457122 152 12 what what PRON _005457122 152 13 his his PRON _005457122 152 14 religion religion NOUN _005457122 152 15 guest guest NOUN _005457122 152 16 may may AUX _005457122 152 17 be be AUX _005457122 152 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 152 19 would would AUX _005457122 152 20 want want VERB _005457122 152 21 to to PART _005457122 152 22 feel feel VERB _005457122 152 23 that that SCONJ _005457122 152 24 because because SCONJ _005457122 152 25 of of ADP _005457122 152 26 his his PRON _005457122 152 27 presence presence NOUN _005457122 152 28 in in ADP _005457122 152 29 your your PRON _005457122 152 30 home home NOUN _005457122 152 31 god god PROPN _005457122 152 32 and and CCONJ _005457122 152 33 mary mary PROPN _005457122 152 34 were be AUX _005457122 152 35 put put VERB _005457122 152 36 aside aside ADV _005457122 152 37 for for ADP _005457122 152 38 fear fear NOUN _005457122 152 39 of of ADP _005457122 152 40 embarrassing embarrass VERB _005457122 152 41 him he PRON _005457122 152 42 . . PUNCT _005457122 153 1 experience experience NOUN _005457122 153 2 has have AUX _005457122 153 3 shown show VERB _005457122 153 4 that that SCONJ _005457122 153 5 the the DET _005457122 153 6 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 153 7 of of ADP _005457122 153 8 the the DET _005457122 153 9 family family NOUN _005457122 153 10 ros14 ros14 NOUN _005457122 153 11 recite recite NOUN _005457122 153 12 at at ADP _005457122 153 13 any any DET _005457122 153 14 hour hour NOUN _005457122 153 15 ary ary ADJ _005457122 153 16 in in ADP _005457122 153 17 the the DET _005457122 153 18 presence presence NOUN _005457122 153 19 of of ADP _005457122 153 20 visitors visitor NOUN _005457122 153 21 has have AUX _005457122 153 22 been be AUX _005457122 153 23 one one NUM _005457122 153 24 of of ADP _005457122 153 25 the the DET _005457122 153 26 most most ADV _005457122 153 27 fruitful fruitful ADJ _005457122 153 28 means mean NOUN _005457122 153 29 of of ADP _005457122 153 30 spreading spread VERB _005457122 153 31 the the DET _005457122 153 32 family family NOUN _005457122 153 33 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 153 34 to to ADP _005457122 153 35 others other NOUN _005457122 153 36 . . PUNCT _005457122 154 1 is be AUX _005457122 154 2 it it PRON _005457122 154 3 any any DET _005457122 154 4 wonder wonder NOUN _005457122 154 5 ? ? PUNCT _005457122 155 1 if if SCONJ _005457122 155 2 it it PRON _005457122 155 3 is be AUX _005457122 155 4 a a DET _005457122 155 5 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 155 6 thing thing NOUN _005457122 155 7 to to PART _005457122 155 8 do do VERB _005457122 155 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 155 10 then then ADV _005457122 155 11 it it PRON _005457122 155 12 is be AUX _005457122 155 13 a a DET _005457122 155 14 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 155 15 thing thing NOUN _005457122 155 16 to to PART _005457122 155 17 see see VERB _005457122 155 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 155 19 and and CCONJ _005457122 155 20 those those PRON _005457122 155 21 who who PRON _005457122 155 22 see see VERB _005457122 155 23 it it PRON _005457122 155 24 themselves themselves PRON _005457122 155 25 will will AUX _005457122 155 26 wish wish VERB _005457122 155 27 to to PART _005457122 155 28 do do VERB _005457122 155 29 it it PRON _005457122 155 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 156 1 there there PRON _005457122 156 2 is be VERB _005457122 156 3 no no DET _005457122 156 4 determined determined ADJ _005457122 156 5 time time NOUN _005457122 156 6 at at ADP _005457122 156 7 which which PRON _005457122 156 8 to to PART _005457122 156 9 recite recite VERB _005457122 156 10 the the DET _005457122 156 11 family family NOUN _005457122 156 12 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 156 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 157 1 different different ADJ _005457122 157 2 times time NOUN _005457122 157 3 fit fit ADJ _005457122 157 4 different different ADJ _005457122 157 5 families family NOUN _005457122 157 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 158 1 the the DET _005457122 158 2 most most ADV _005457122 158 3 popular popular ADJ _005457122 158 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 158 5 however however ADV _005457122 158 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 158 7 seems seem VERB _005457122 158 8 to to PART _005457122 158 9 be be AUX _005457122 158 10 after after ADP _005457122 158 11 the the DET _005457122 158 12 evening evening NOUN _005457122 158 13 meal meal NOUN _005457122 158 14 — — PUNCT _005457122 158 15 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457122 158 16 even even ADV _005457122 158 17 before before SCONJ _005457122 158 18 th th DET _005457122 158 19 e e NOUN _005457122 158 20 dishes dish NOUN _005457122 158 21 are be AUX _005457122 158 22 washed wash VERB _005457122 158 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 158 24 while while SCONJ _005457122 158 25 everyone everyone PRON _005457122 158 26 is be AUX _005457122 158 27 at at ADP _005457122 158 28 the the DET _005457122 158 29 family family NOUN _005457122 158 30 table table NOUN _005457122 158 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 159 1 our our PRON _005457122 159 2 lady lady NOUN _005457122 159 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 159 4 good good ADJ _005457122 159 5 housekeeper housekeeper NOUN _005457122 159 6 though though SCONJ _005457122 159 7 she she PRON _005457122 159 8 is be AUX _005457122 159 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 159 10 will will AUX _005457122 159 11 not not PART _005457122 159 12 condemn condemn VERB _005457122 159 13 the the DET _005457122 159 14 housewife housewife NOUN _005457122 159 15 who who PRON _005457122 159 16 delays delay VERB _005457122 159 17 washing wash VERB _005457122 159 18 the the DET _005457122 159 19 dishes dish NOUN _005457122 159 20 for for ADP _005457122 159 21 ten ten NUM _005457122 159 22 minutes minute NOUN _005457122 159 23 in in ADP _005457122 159 24 order order NOUN _005457122 159 25 that that SCONJ _005457122 159 26 she she PRON _005457122 159 27 may may AUX _005457122 159 28 bring bring VERB _005457122 159 29 to to ADP _005457122 159 30 the the DET _005457122 159 31 family family NOUN _005457122 159 32 table table NOUN _005457122 159 33 prayers prayer NOUN _005457122 159 34 worth worth ADJ _005457122 159 35 an an DET _005457122 159 36 eternity eternity NOUN _005457122 159 37 . . PUNCT _005457122 160 1 the the DET _005457122 160 2 fruits fruit NOUN _005457122 160 3 of of ADP _005457122 160 4 the the DET _005457122 160 5 family family NOUN _005457122 160 6 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 160 7 ? ? PUNCT _005457122 161 1 what what PRON _005457122 161 2 is be AUX _005457122 161 3 there there ADV _005457122 161 4 to to PART _005457122 161 5 say say VERB _005457122 161 6 about about ADP _005457122 161 7 them they PRON _005457122 161 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457122 162 1 who who PRON _005457122 162 2 can can AUX _005457122 162 3 enumerate enumerate VERB _005457122 162 4 them they PRON _005457122 162 5 ? ? PUNCT _005457122 163 1 ffistory ffistory NOUN _005457122 163 2 tells tell VERB _005457122 163 3 its its PRON _005457122 163 4 story story NOUN _005457122 163 5 — — PUNCT _005457122 163 6 from from ADP _005457122 163 7 dominic dominic ADJ _005457122 163 8 to to ADP _005457122 163 9 lepanto lepanto PROPN _005457122 163 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 163 11 from from ADP _005457122 163 12 lourdes lourde NOUN _005457122 163 13 to to ADP _005457122 163 14 fatima fatima PROPN _005457122 163 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 163 16 and and CCONJ _005457122 163 17 down down ADV _005457122 163 18 to to ADP _005457122 163 19 the the DET _005457122 163 20 present present ADJ _005457122 163 21 day day NOUN _005457122 163 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 164 1 the the DET _005457122 164 2 beauty beauty NOUN _005457122 164 3 of of ADP _005457122 164 4 its its PRON _005457122 164 5 prayers prayer NOUN _005457122 164 6 is be AUX _005457122 164 7 beyond beyond ADP _005457122 164 8 comparison comparison NOUN _005457122 164 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 164 10 the the DET _005457122 164 11 power power NOUN _005457122 164 12 of of ADP _005457122 164 13 its its PRON _005457122 164 14 plea plea NOUN _005457122 164 15 is be AUX _005457122 164 16 irresistible irresistible ADJ _005457122 164 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 165 1 in in ADP _005457122 165 2 addition addition NOUN _005457122 165 3 to to ADP _005457122 165 4 these these DET _005457122 165 5 fruits fruit NOUN _005457122 165 6 the the DET _005457122 165 7 church church NOUN _005457122 165 8 grants grant VERB _005457122 165 9 a a DET _005457122 165 10 special special ADJ _005457122 165 11 value value NOUN _005457122 165 12 its its PRON _005457122 165 13 indulgences indulgence NOUN _005457122 165 14 15 15 NUM _005457122 165 15 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005457122 165 16 to to ADP _005457122 165 17 the the DET _005457122 165 18 family family NOUN _005457122 165 19 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 165 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 165 21 because because SCONJ _005457122 165 22 it it PRON _005457122 165 23 grants grant VERB _005457122 165 24 twice twice DET _005457122 165 25 the the DET _005457122 165 26 amount amount NOUN _005457122 165 27 to to ADP _005457122 165 28 group group NOUN _005457122 165 29 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 165 30 as as ADP _005457122 165 31 to to ADP _005457122 165 32 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 165 33 alone alone ADV _005457122 165 34 . . PUNCT _005457122 166 1 also also ADV _005457122 166 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 166 3 on on ADP _005457122 166 4 the the DET _005457122 166 5 last last ADJ _005457122 166 6 sunday sunday NOUN _005457122 166 7 of of ADP _005457122 166 8 the the DET _005457122 166 9 month month NOUN _005457122 166 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 166 11 the the DET _005457122 166 12 family family NOUN _005457122 166 13 that that PRON _005457122 166 14 has have AUX _005457122 166 15 been be AUX _005457122 166 16 faithful faithful ADJ _005457122 166 17 to to ADP _005457122 166 18 the the DET _005457122 166 19 daily daily ADJ _005457122 166 20 family family NOUN _005457122 166 21 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 166 22 may may AUX _005457122 166 23 gain gain VERB _005457122 166 24 a a DET _005457122 166 25 plenary plenary ADJ _005457122 166 26 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005457122 166 27 by by ADP _005457122 166 28 going go VERB _005457122 166 29 to to ADP _005457122 166 30 confession confession NOUN _005457122 166 31 , , PUNCT _005457122 166 32 receiving receive VERB _005457122 166 33 holy holy ADJ _005457122 166 34 communion communion NOUN _005457122 166 35 , , PUNCT _005457122 166 36 and and CCONJ _005457122 166 37 visiting visit VERB _005457122 166 38 a a DET _005457122 166 39 church church NOUN _005457122 166 40 . . PUNCT _005457122 167 1 the the DET _005457122 167 2 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 167 3 is be AUX _005457122 167 4 not not PART _005457122 167 5 a a DET _005457122 167 6 new new ADJ _005457122 167 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 167 8 — — PUNCT _005457122 167 9 it it PRON _005457122 167 10 goes go VERB _005457122 167 11 far far ADV _005457122 167 12 back back ADV _005457122 167 13 in in ADP _005457122 167 14 history history NOUN _005457122 167 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 168 1 the the DET _005457122 168 2 family family NOUN _005457122 168 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 168 4 goes go VERB _005457122 168 5 back back ADV _005457122 168 6 just just ADV _005457122 168 7 as as ADV _005457122 168 8 far far ADV _005457122 168 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 168 10 and and CCONJ _005457122 168 11 if if SCONJ _005457122 168 12 tothe tothe ADJ _005457122 168 13 day day NOUN _005457122 168 14 families family NOUN _005457122 168 15 do do AUX _005457122 168 16 not not PART _005457122 168 17 everyfamily everyfamily ADV _005457122 168 18 rosary rosary VERB _005457122 168 19 where where SCONJ _005457122 168 20 say say VERB _005457122 168 21 the the DET _005457122 168 22 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 168 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 168 24 it it PRON _005457122 168 25 is be AUX _005457122 168 26 crusade crusade ADJ _005457122 168 27 not not PART _005457122 168 28 because because SCONJ _005457122 168 29 the the DET _005457122 168 30 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 168 31 does do AUX _005457122 168 32 not not PART _005457122 168 33 belong belong VERB _005457122 168 34 to to ADP _005457122 168 35 families family NOUN _005457122 168 36 but but CCONJ _005457122 168 37 rather rather ADV _005457122 168 38 because because SCONJ _005457122 168 39 families family NOUN _005457122 168 40 have have AUX _005457122 168 41 failed fail VERB _005457122 168 42 to to PART _005457122 168 43 belong belong VERB _005457122 168 44 to to ADP _005457122 168 45 the the DET _005457122 168 46 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 168 47 . . PUNCT _005457122 169 1 this this PRON _005457122 169 2 is be AUX _005457122 169 3 the the DET _005457122 169 4 reason reason NOUN _005457122 169 5 why why SCONJ _005457122 169 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 169 7 in in ADP _005457122 169 8 january january PROPN _005457122 169 9 of of ADP _005457122 169 10 1942 1942 NUM _005457122 169 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 169 12 father father PROPN _005457122 169 13 patrick patrick PROPN _005457122 169 14 peyton peyton PROPN _005457122 169 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 169 16 a a DET _005457122 169 17 young young ADJ _005457122 169 18 priest priest NOUN _005457122 169 19 of of ADP _005457122 169 20 the the DET _005457122 169 21 congregation congregation NOUN _005457122 169 22 of of ADP _005457122 169 23 holy holy PROPN _005457122 169 24 cross cross PROPN _005457122 169 25 , , PUNCT _005457122 169 26 obtained obtain VERB _005457122 169 27 the the DET _005457122 169 28 permission permission NOUN _005457122 169 29 of of ADP _005457122 169 30 his his PRON _005457122 169 31 superiors superior NOUN _005457122 169 32 to to PART _005457122 169 33 dedicate dedicate VERB _005457122 169 34 his his PRON _005457122 169 35 life life NOUN _005457122 169 36 to to ADP _005457122 169 37 the the DET _005457122 169 38 restoration restoration NOUN _005457122 169 39 of of ADP _005457122 169 40 the the DET _005457122 169 41 family family NOUN _005457122 169 42 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 169 43 . . PUNCT _005457122 170 1 he he PRON _005457122 170 2 is be AUX _005457122 170 3 not not PART _005457122 170 4 the the DET _005457122 170 5 creator creator NOUN _005457122 170 6 of of ADP _005457122 170 7 the the DET _005457122 170 8 family family NOUN _005457122 170 9 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 170 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 171 1 he he PRON _005457122 171 2 is be AUX _005457122 171 3 not not PART _005457122 171 4 even even ADV _005457122 171 5 the the DET _005457122 171 6 first first ADJ _005457122 171 7 leader leader NOUN _005457122 171 8 of of ADP _005457122 171 9 the the DET _005457122 171 10 present present ADJ _005457122 171 11 family family NOUN _005457122 171 12 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 171 13 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 171 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 172 1 he he PRON _005457122 172 2 has have AUX _005457122 172 3 only only ADV _005457122 172 4 taken take VERB _005457122 172 5 up up ADP _005457122 172 6 the the DET _005457122 172 7 cause cause NOUN _005457122 172 8 of of ADP _005457122 172 9 the the DET _005457122 172 10 vicars vicar NOUN _005457122 172 11 of of ADP _005457122 172 12 christ christ PROPN _005457122 172 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 173 1 the the DET _005457122 173 2 popes pope NOUN _005457122 173 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 173 4 especially especially ADV _005457122 173 5 of of ADP _005457122 173 6 recent recent ADJ _005457122 173 7 years year NOUN _005457122 173 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 173 9 have have AUX _005457122 173 10 been be AUX _005457122 173 11 constant constant ADJ _005457122 173 12 in in ADP _005457122 173 13 their their PRON _005457122 173 14 plea plea NOUN _005457122 173 15 for for ADP _005457122 173 16 the the DET _005457122 173 17 family family NOUN _005457122 173 18 16 16 NUM _005457122 173 19 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 173 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 174 1 pius pius PROPN _005457122 174 2 ix ix PROPN _005457122 174 3 said say VERB _005457122 174 4 : : PUNCT _005457122 174 5 " " PUNCT _005457122 174 6 if if SCONJ _005457122 174 7 began begin VERB _005457122 174 8 you you PRON _005457122 174 9 desire desire VERB _005457122 174 10 peace peace NOUN _005457122 174 11 in in ADP _005457122 174 12 your your PRON _005457122 174 13 with with ADP _005457122 174 14 the the DET _005457122 174 15 hearts heart NOUN _005457122 174 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 174 17 in in ADP _005457122 174 18 your your PRON _005457122 174 19 homes home NOUN _005457122 174 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 174 21 in in ADP _005457122 174 22 popes pope NOUN _005457122 174 23 your your PRON _005457122 174 24 country country NOUN _005457122 174 25 , , PUNCT _005457122 174 26 assemble assemble VERB _005457122 174 27 every every DET _005457122 174 28 evening evening NOUN _005457122 174 29 to to PART _005457122 174 30 recite recite VERB _005457122 174 31 the the DET _005457122 174 32 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 174 33 . . PUNCT _005457122 174 34 ” " PUNCT _005457122 175 1 the the DET _005457122 175 2 last last ADJ _005457122 175 3 plea plea NOUN _005457122 175 4 of of ADP _005457122 175 5 this this DET _005457122 175 6 same same ADJ _005457122 175 7 father father NOUN _005457122 175 8 of of ADP _005457122 175 9 the the DET _005457122 175 10 christian christian ADJ _005457122 175 11 family family NOUN _005457122 175 12 was be AUX _005457122 175 13 : : PUNCT _005457122 175 14 " " PUNCT _005457122 175 15 in in ADP _005457122 175 16 the the DET _005457122 175 17 whole whole NOUN _005457122 175 18 of of ADP _005457122 175 19 the the DET _005457122 175 20 vatican vatican NOUN _005457122 175 21 there there PRON _005457122 175 22 is be VERB _005457122 175 23 no no DET _005457122 175 24 greater great ADJ _005457122 175 25 treasure treasure NOUN _005457122 175 26 than than ADP _005457122 175 27 the the DET _005457122 175 28 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 175 29 . . PUNCT _005457122 175 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 175 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 176 1 . . PUNCT _005457122 177 1 let let VERB _005457122 177 2 the the DET _005457122 177 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 177 4 — — PUNCT _005457122 177 5 this this DET _005457122 177 6 simple simple ADJ _005457122 177 7 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 177 8 method method NOUN _005457122 177 9 of of ADP _005457122 177 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 177 11 enriched enrich VERB _005457122 177 12 with with ADP _005457122 177 13 many many ADJ _005457122 177 14 indulgences indulgence NOUN _005457122 177 15 — — PUNCT _005457122 177 16 be be AUX _005457122 177 17 habitually habitually ADV _005457122 177 18 recited recite VERB _005457122 177 19 of of ADP _005457122 177 20 an an DET _005457122 177 21 evening evening NOUN _005457122 177 22 in in ADP _005457122 177 23 every every DET _005457122 177 24 household household NOUN _005457122 177 25 . . PUNCT _005457122 178 1 these these PRON _005457122 178 2 are be AUX _005457122 178 3 my my PRON _005457122 178 4 last last ADJ _005457122 178 5 words word NOUN _005457122 178 6 to to ADP _005457122 178 7 you you PRON _005457122 178 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 178 9 the the DET _005457122 178 10 memorial memorial NOUN _005457122 178 11 i i PRON _005457122 178 12 leave leave VERB _005457122 178 13 behind behind ADP _005457122 178 14 me i PRON _005457122 178 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 178 16 ” " PUNCT _005457122 179 1 wifh wifh VERB _005457122 179 2 repeated repeat VERB _005457122 179 3 pleas pleas PROPN _005457122 179 4 pope pope PROPN _005457122 179 5 leo leo PROPN _005457122 179 6 xiii xiii PROPN _005457122 179 7 was be AUX _005457122 179 8 another another DET _005457122 179 9 great great ADJ _005457122 179 10 apostle apostle NOUN _005457122 179 11 of of ADP _005457122 179 12 the the DET _005457122 179 13 family family NOUN _005457122 179 14 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 179 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 180 1 he he PRON _005457122 180 2 appealed appeal VERB _005457122 180 3 for for ADP _005457122 180 4 it it PRON _005457122 180 5 in in ADP _005457122 180 6 several several ADJ _005457122 180 7 encyclicals encyclical NOUN _005457122 180 8 . . PUNCT _005457122 181 1 these these PRON _005457122 181 2 are be AUX _005457122 181 3 some some PRON _005457122 181 4 of of ADP _005457122 181 5 his his PRON _005457122 181 6 words word NOUN _005457122 181 7 : : PUNCT _005457122 181 8 " " PUNCT _005457122 181 9 it it PRON _005457122 181 10 is be AUX _005457122 181 11 therefore therefore ADV _005457122 181 12 not not PART _005457122 181 13 only only ADV _005457122 181 14 agreeable agreeable ADJ _005457122 181 15 to to ADP _005457122 181 16 the the DET _005457122 181 17 devotion devotion NOUN _005457122 181 18 of of ADP _005457122 181 19 private private ADJ _005457122 181 20 persons person NOUN _005457122 181 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 181 22 but but CCONJ _005457122 181 23 also also ADV _005457122 181 24 suitable suitable ADJ _005457122 181 25 to to ADP _005457122 181 26 the the DET _005457122 181 27 public public ADJ _005457122 181 28 needs need NOUN _005457122 181 29 of of ADP _005457122 181 30 the the DET _005457122 181 31 times time NOUN _005457122 181 32 , , PUNCT _005457122 181 33 that that SCONJ _005457122 181 34 this this DET _005457122 181 35 kind kind NOUN _005457122 181 36 of of ADP _005457122 181 37 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 181 38 should should AUX _005457122 181 39 be be AUX _005457122 181 40 restored restore VERB _005457122 181 41 to to ADP _005457122 181 42 that that DET _005457122 181 43 place place NOUN _005457122 181 44 of of ADP _005457122 181 45 honor honor NOUN _005457122 181 46 which which PRON _005457122 181 47 it it PRON _005457122 181 48 long long ADV _005457122 181 49 held hold VERB _005457122 181 50 , , PUNCT _005457122 181 51 when when SCONJ _005457122 181 52 each each DET _005457122 181 53 christian christian ADJ _005457122 181 54 family family NOUN _005457122 181 55 would would AUX _005457122 181 56 suffer suffer VERB _005457122 181 57 no no DET _005457122 181 58 day day NOUN _005457122 181 59 to to PART _005457122 181 60 pass pass VERB _005457122 181 61 without without ADP _005457122 181 62 the the DET _005457122 181 63 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 181 64 of of ADP _005457122 181 65 the the DET _005457122 181 66 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 181 67 . . PUNCT _005457122 181 68 ” " PUNCT _005457122 182 1 again again ADV _005457122 182 2 he he PRON _005457122 182 3 said say VERB _005457122 182 4 : : PUNCT _005457122 182 5 " " PUNCT _005457122 182 6 the the DET _005457122 182 7 formula formula NOUN _005457122 182 8 of of ADP _005457122 182 9 the the DET _005457122 182 10 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 182 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 182 12 too too ADV _005457122 182 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 182 14 is be AUX _005457122 182 15 excellently excellently ADV _005457122 182 16 adapted adapt VERB _005457122 182 17 to to ADP _005457122 182 18 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 182 19 17 17 NUM _005457122 182 20 in in ADP _005457122 182 21 common common PROPN _005457122 182 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 182 23 ” " PUNCT _005457122 183 1 — — PUNCT _005457122 183 2 " " PUNCT _005457122 183 3 it it PRON _005457122 183 4 will will AUX _005457122 183 5 not not PART _005457122 183 6 then then ADV _005457122 183 7 seem seem VERB _005457122 183 8 too too ADV _005457122 183 9 much much ADJ _005457122 183 10 to to PART _005457122 183 11 say say VERB _005457122 183 12 that that PRON _005457122 183 13 ... ... PUNCT _005457122 183 14 in in ADP _005457122 183 15 families family NOUN _005457122 183 16 ... ... PUNCT _005457122 183 17 in in ADP _005457122 183 18 which which PRON _005457122 183 19 the the DET _005457122 183 20 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 183 21 of of ADP _005457122 183 22 mary mary PROPN _005457122 183 23 retains retain VERB _005457122 183 24 its its PRON _005457122 183 25 ancient ancient ADJ _005457122 183 26 honor honor NOUN _005457122 183 27 , , PUNCT _005457122 183 28 the the DET _005457122 183 29 loss loss NOUN _005457122 183 30 of of ADP _005457122 183 31 faith faith NOUN _005457122 183 32 through through ADP _005457122 183 33 error error NOUN _005457122 183 34 and and CCONJ _005457122 183 35 vicious vicious ADJ _005457122 183 36 ignorance ignorance NOUN _005457122 183 37 need need AUX _005457122 183 38 not not PART _005457122 183 39 be be AUX _005457122 183 40 feared fear VERB _005457122 183 41 . . PUNCT _005457122 183 42 ” " PUNCT _005457122 184 1 the the DET _005457122 184 2 late late ADJ _005457122 184 3 pius pius NOUN _005457122 184 4 xi xi PROPN _005457122 184 5 carried carry VERB _005457122 184 6 the the DET _005457122 184 7 family family NOUN _005457122 184 8 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 184 9 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 184 10 directly directly ADV _005457122 184 11 to to ADP _005457122 184 12 parents parent NOUN _005457122 184 13 with with ADP _005457122 184 14 this this DET _005457122 184 15 message message NOUN _005457122 184 16 : : PUNCT _005457122 184 17 " " PUNCT _005457122 184 18 the the DET _005457122 184 19 fathers father NOUN _005457122 184 20 and and CCONJ _005457122 184 21 mothers mother NOUN _005457122 184 22 of of ADP _005457122 184 23 families family NOUN _005457122 184 24 particularly particularly ADV _005457122 184 25 must must AUX _005457122 184 26 give give VERB _005457122 184 27 an an DET _005457122 184 28 example example NOUN _005457122 184 29 to to ADP _005457122 184 30 their their PRON _005457122 184 31 children child NOUN _005457122 184 32 , , PUNCT _005457122 184 33 especially especially ADV _005457122 184 34 when when SCONJ _005457122 184 35 at at ADP _005457122 184 36 sunset sunset NOUN _005457122 184 37 they they PRON _005457122 184 38 gather gather VERB _005457122 184 39 together together ADV _005457122 184 40 . . PUNCT _005457122 184 41 . . PUNCT _005457122 184 42 . . PUNCT _005457122 185 1 and and CCONJ _005457122 185 2 recite recite VERB _005457122 185 3 the the DET _005457122 185 4 holy holy ADJ _005457122 185 5 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 185 6 on on ADP _005457122 185 7 bended bended ADJ _005457122 185 8 knees knee NOUN _005457122 185 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 185 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 186 1 . . PUNCT _005457122 186 2 . . PUNCT _005457122 187 1 this this PRON _005457122 187 2 is be AUX _005457122 187 3 a a DET _005457122 187 4 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 187 5 and and CCONJ _005457122 187 6 salutary salutary ADJ _005457122 187 7 custom custom NOUN _005457122 187 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 187 9 from from ADP _005457122 187 10 which which PRON _005457122 187 11 certainly certainly ADV _005457122 187 12 there there PRON _005457122 187 13 can can AUX _005457122 187 14 not not PART _005457122 187 15 but but CCONJ _005457122 187 16 be be AUX _005457122 187 17 derived derive VERB _005457122 187 18 tranquillity tranquillity NOUN _005457122 187 19 and and CCONJ _005457122 187 20 abundance abundance NOUN _005457122 187 21 of of ADP _005457122 187 22 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457122 187 23 gifts gift NOUN _005457122 187 24 for for ADP _005457122 187 25 the the DET _005457122 187 26 household household NOUN _005457122 187 27 . . PUNCT _005457122 187 28 ” " PUNCT _005457122 188 1 and and CCONJ _005457122 188 2 today today NOUN _005457122 188 3 our our PRON _005457122 188 4 present present ADJ _005457122 188 5 holy holy ADJ _005457122 188 6 father father PROPN _005457122 188 7 preaches preach VERB _005457122 188 8 the the DET _005457122 188 9 family family NOUN _005457122 188 10 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 188 11 by by ADP _005457122 188 12 both both DET _005457122 188 13 word word NOUN _005457122 188 14 and and CCONJ _005457122 188 15 example example NOUN _005457122 188 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 189 1 in in ADP _005457122 189 2 an an DET _005457122 189 3 adand adand NOUN _005457122 189 4 dress dress NOUN _005457122 189 5 to to ADP _005457122 189 6 newly newly ADV _005457122 189 7 wedded wed VERB _005457122 189 8 humble humble ADJ _005457122 189 9 groups group NOUN _005457122 189 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 189 11 speaking speak VERB _005457122 189 12 of of ADP _005457122 189 13 the the DET _005457122 189 14 reexample reexample ADJ _005457122 189 15 citation citation NOUN _005457122 189 16 of of ADP _005457122 189 17 the the DET _005457122 189 18 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 189 19 he he PRON _005457122 189 20 said say VERB _005457122 189 21 : : PUNCT _005457122 189 22 " " PUNCT _005457122 189 23 you you PRON _005457122 189 24 may may AUX _005457122 189 25 be be AUX _005457122 189 26 sure sure ADJ _005457122 189 27 that that SCONJ _005457122 189 28 in in ADP _005457122 189 29 doing do VERB _005457122 189 30 so so ADV _005457122 189 31 you you PRON _005457122 189 32 are be AUX _005457122 189 33 insuring insure VERB _005457122 189 34 the the DET _005457122 189 35 success success NOUN _005457122 189 36 of of ADP _005457122 189 37 your your PRON _005457122 189 38 future future ADJ _005457122 189 39 family family NOUN _005457122 189 40 life life NOUN _005457122 189 41 . . PUNCT _005457122 189 42 ” " PUNCT _005457122 190 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 190 2 to to PART _005457122 190 3 clinch clinch VERB _005457122 190 4 his his PRON _005457122 190 5 words word NOUN _005457122 190 6 with with ADP _005457122 190 7 action action NOUN _005457122 190 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 190 9 each each DET _005457122 190 10 day day NOUN _005457122 190 11 he he PRON _005457122 190 12 gathers gather VERB _005457122 190 13 the the DET _005457122 190 14 papal papal ADJ _005457122 190 15 household household NOUN _005457122 190 16 together together ADV _005457122 190 17 to to PART _005457122 190 18 recite recite VERB _005457122 190 19 with with ADP _005457122 190 20 them they PRON _005457122 190 21 the the DET _005457122 190 22 family family NOUN _005457122 190 23 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 190 24 . . PUNCT _005457122 191 1 father father PROPN _005457122 191 2 peyton peyton PROPN _005457122 191 3 took take VERB _005457122 191 4 up up ADP _005457122 191 5 this this DET _005457122 191 6 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 191 7 of of ADP _005457122 191 8 the the DET _005457122 191 9 holy holy ADJ _005457122 191 10 fathers father NOUN _005457122 191 11 in in ADP _005457122 191 12 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _005457122 191 13 to to ADP _005457122 191 14 the the DET _005457122 191 15 mother mother NOUN _005457122 191 16 18 18 NUM _005457122 191 17 of of ADP _005457122 191 18 god god PROPN _005457122 191 19 for for ADP _005457122 191 20 the the DET _005457122 191 21 restoration restoration NOUN _005457122 191 22 modern modern ADJ _005457122 191 23 of of ADP _005457122 191 24 his his PRON _005457122 191 25 health health NOUN _005457122 191 26 . . PUNCT _005457122 192 1 he he PRON _005457122 192 2 made make VERB _005457122 192 3 the the DET _005457122 192 4 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 192 5 first first ADJ _005457122 192 6 plans plan NOUN _005457122 192 7 for for ADP _005457122 192 8 a a DET _005457122 192 9 world world NOUN _005457122 192 10 - - PUNCT _005457122 192 11 wide wide ADJ _005457122 192 12 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 192 13 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 192 14 for for ADP _005457122 192 15 the the DET _005457122 192 16 family family NOUN _005457122 192 17 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 192 18 at at ADP _005457122 192 19 holy holy PROPN _005457122 192 20 cross cross PROPN _005457122 192 21 college college PROPN _005457122 192 22 , , PUNCT _005457122 192 23 washington washington PROPN _005457122 192 24 , , PUNCT _005457122 192 25 d. d. PROPN _005457122 192 26 c. c. PROPN _005457122 192 27 , , PUNCT _005457122 192 28 in in ADP _005457122 192 29 january january PROPN _005457122 192 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 192 31 1942 1942 NUM _005457122 192 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 193 1 in in ADP _005457122 193 2 september september PROPN _005457122 193 3 of of ADP _005457122 193 4 the the DET _005457122 193 5 same same ADJ _005457122 193 6 year year NOUN _005457122 193 7 he he PRON _005457122 193 8 opened open VERB _005457122 193 9 the the DET _005457122 193 10 first first ADJ _005457122 193 11 family family NOUN _005457122 193 12 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 193 13 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 193 14 office office NOUN _005457122 193 15 in in ADP _005457122 193 16 albany albany PROPN _005457122 193 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 193 18 n. n. PROPN _005457122 193 19 y. y. PROPN _005457122 193 20 from from ADP _005457122 193 21 there there ADV _005457122 193 22 the the DET _005457122 193 23 family family NOUN _005457122 193 24 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 193 25 message message NOUN _005457122 193 26 went go VERB _005457122 193 27 to to ADP _005457122 193 28 every every DET _005457122 193 29 church church NOUN _005457122 193 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 193 31 school school NOUN _005457122 193 32 , , PUNCT _005457122 193 33 and and CCONJ _005457122 193 34 religious religious ADJ _005457122 193 35 institution institution NOUN _005457122 193 36 in in ADP _005457122 193 37 america america PROPN _005457122 193 38 . . PUNCT _005457122 194 1 so so ADV _005457122 194 2 great great ADJ _005457122 194 3 was be AUX _005457122 194 4 the the DET _005457122 194 5 response response NOUN _005457122 194 6 and and CCONJ _005457122 194 7 enthusiasm enthusiasm NOUN _005457122 194 8 of of ADP _005457122 194 9 america america PROPN _005457122 194 10 to to ADP _005457122 194 11 this this DET _005457122 194 12 appeal appeal NOUN _005457122 194 13 that that SCONJ _005457122 194 14 its its PRON _005457122 194 15 effects effect NOUN _005457122 194 16 soon soon ADV _005457122 194 17 began begin VERB _005457122 194 18 to to PART _005457122 194 19 be be AUX _005457122 194 20 felt feel VERB _005457122 194 21 in in ADP _005457122 194 22 canada canada PROPN _005457122 194 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 194 24 cuba cuba PROPN _005457122 194 25 , , PUNCT _005457122 194 26 panama panama PROPN _005457122 194 27 , , PUNCT _005457122 194 28 newfoundland newfoundland PROPN _005457122 194 29 , , PUNCT _005457122 194 30 australia australia PROPN _005457122 194 31 , , PUNCT _005457122 194 32 hawaii hawaii PROPN _005457122 194 33 , , PUNCT _005457122 194 34 ireland ireland PROPN _005457122 194 35 , , PUNCT _005457122 194 36 and and CCONJ _005457122 194 37 england england PROPN _005457122 194 38 . . PUNCT _005457122 195 1 the the DET _005457122 195 2 american american ADJ _005457122 195 3 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005457122 195 4 at at ADP _005457122 195 5 their their PRON _005457122 195 6 annual annual ADJ _005457122 195 7 meeting meeting NOUN _005457122 195 8 in in ADP _005457122 195 9 1942 1942 NUM _005457122 195 10 recommended recommend VERB _005457122 195 11 the the DET _005457122 195 12 family family NOUN _005457122 195 13 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 195 14 to to ADP _005457122 195 15 america america PROPN _005457122 195 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 196 1 requests request NOUN _005457122 196 2 for for ADP _005457122 196 3 leaflets leaflet NOUN _005457122 196 4 and and CCONJ _005457122 196 5 pledge pledge NOUN _005457122 196 6 - - PUNCT _005457122 196 7 cards card NOUN _005457122 196 8 poured pour VERB _005457122 196 9 into into ADP _005457122 196 10 the the DET _005457122 196 11 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 196 12 office office NOUN _005457122 196 13 by by ADP _005457122 196 14 the the DET _005457122 196 15 thousands thousand NOUN _005457122 196 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 197 1 radio radio NOUN _005457122 197 2 stations station NOUN _005457122 197 3 included include VERB _005457122 197 4 the the DET _005457122 197 5 family family NOUN _005457122 197 6 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 197 7 on on ADP _005457122 197 8 their their PRON _005457122 197 9 schedule schedule NOUN _005457122 197 10 of of ADP _005457122 197 11 programs program NOUN _005457122 197 12 . . PUNCT _005457122 198 1 translations translation NOUN _005457122 198 2 were be AUX _005457122 198 3 made make VERB _005457122 198 4 into into ADP _005457122 198 5 braille braille NOUN _005457122 198 6 and and CCONJ _005457122 198 7 spanish spanish ADJ _005457122 198 8 . . PUNCT _005457122 199 1 french french ADJ _005457122 199 2 and and CCONJ _005457122 199 3 italian italian ADJ _005457122 199 4 translations translation NOUN _005457122 199 5 were be AUX _005457122 199 6 asked ask VERB _005457122 199 7 for for ADP _005457122 199 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 199 9 too too ADV _005457122 199 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 200 1 personal personal ADJ _005457122 200 2 letters letter NOUN _005457122 200 3 praising praise VERB _005457122 200 4 the the DET _005457122 200 5 family family NOUN _005457122 200 6 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 200 7 came come VERB _005457122 200 8 from from ADP _005457122 200 9 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005457122 200 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 200 11 archbishops archbishop NOUN _005457122 200 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 200 13 bishops bishop NOUN _005457122 200 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 200 15 religious religious ADJ _005457122 200 16 superiors superior NOUN _005457122 200 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 200 18 national national ADJ _005457122 200 19 and and CCONJ _005457122 200 20 diocesan diocesan ADJ _005457122 200 21 leaders leader NOUN _005457122 200 22 of of ADP _005457122 200 23 lay lay ADJ _005457122 200 24 organizations organization NOUN _005457122 200 25 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 200 26 from from ADP _005457122 200 27 students student NOUN _005457122 200 28 and and CCONJ _005457122 200 29 families family NOUN _005457122 200 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 201 1 the the DET _005457122 201 2 voice voice NOUN _005457122 201 3 of of ADP _005457122 201 4 america america PROPN _005457122 201 5 clamoring clamor VERB _005457122 201 6 for for ADP _005457122 201 7 the the DET _005457122 201 8 perfect perfect ADJ _005457122 201 9 family family NOUN _005457122 201 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 201 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 201 12 is be AUX _005457122 201 13 even even ADV _005457122 201 14 heard hear VERB _005457122 201 15 beyond beyond ADP _005457122 201 16 19 19 NUM _005457122 201 17 its its PRON _005457122 201 18 own own ADJ _005457122 201 19 boundaries boundary NOUN _005457122 201 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 202 1 soon soon ADV _005457122 202 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 202 3 please please INTJ _005457122 202 4 god god PROPN _005457122 202 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 202 6 there there PRON _005457122 202 7 will will AUX _005457122 202 8 be be AUX _005457122 202 9 a a DET _005457122 202 10 world world NOUN _005457122 202 11 - - PUNCT _005457122 202 12 wide wide ADJ _005457122 202 13 united united NOUN _005457122 202 14 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 202 15 ascending ascend VERB _005457122 202 16 to to ADP _005457122 202 17 the the DET _005457122 202 18 throne throne NOUN _005457122 202 19 of of ADP _005457122 202 20 god god PROPN _005457122 202 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 202 22 the the DET _005457122 202 23 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 202 24 of of ADP _005457122 202 25 the the DET _005457122 202 26 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 202 27 said say VERB _005457122 202 28 by by ADP _005457122 202 29 millions million NOUN _005457122 202 30 of of ADP _005457122 202 31 families family NOUN _005457122 202 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 203 1 the the DET _005457122 203 2 family family NOUN _005457122 203 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 203 4 is be AUX _005457122 203 5 not not PART _005457122 203 6 only only ADV _005457122 203 7 the the DET _005457122 203 8 family family NOUN _005457122 203 9 ’s ’s PART _005457122 203 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 203 11 — — PUNCT _005457122 203 12 it it PRON _005457122 203 13 is be AUX _005457122 203 14 the the DET _005457122 203 15 family family NOUN _005457122 203 16 ’s ’s PART _005457122 203 17 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 203 18 . . PUNCT _005457122 204 1 as as SCONJ _005457122 204 2 each each DET _005457122 204 3 family family NOUN _005457122 204 4 takes take VERB _005457122 204 5 up up ADP _005457122 204 6 the the DET _005457122 204 7 practhe practhe ADJ _005457122 204 8 tice tice NOUN _005457122 204 9 of of ADP _005457122 204 10 the the DET _005457122 204 11 daily daily ADJ _005457122 204 12 family family NOUN _005457122 204 13 family family NOUN _005457122 204 14 's 's PART _005457122 204 15 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 204 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 204 17 its its PRON _005457122 204 18 members member NOUN _005457122 204 19 become become VERB _005457122 204 20 crusade crusade ADJ _005457122 204 21 apostles apostle NOUN _005457122 204 22 , , PUNCT _005457122 204 23 persuading persuade VERB _005457122 204 24 other other ADJ _005457122 204 25 families family NOUN _005457122 204 26 of of ADP _005457122 204 27 the the DET _005457122 204 28 beauty beauty NOUN _005457122 204 29 and and CCONJ _005457122 204 30 power power NOUN _005457122 204 31 of of ADP _005457122 204 32 the the DET _005457122 204 33 family family NOUN _005457122 204 34 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 204 35 , , PUNCT _005457122 204 36 and and CCONJ _005457122 204 37 of of ADP _005457122 204 38 the the DET _005457122 204 39 peace peace NOUN _005457122 204 40 and and CCONJ _005457122 204 41 love love NOUN _005457122 204 42 it it PRON _005457122 204 43 will will AUX _005457122 204 44 bring bring VERB _005457122 204 45 into into ADP _005457122 204 46 their their PRON _005457122 204 47 home home NOUN _005457122 204 48 . . PUNCT _005457122 205 1 there there PRON _005457122 205 2 are be VERB _005457122 205 3 many many ADJ _005457122 205 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005457122 205 5 and and CCONJ _005457122 205 6 many many ADJ _005457122 205 7 ways way NOUN _005457122 205 8 to to PART _005457122 205 9 be be AUX _005457122 205 10 an an DET _005457122 205 11 apostle apostle NOUN _005457122 205 12 . . PUNCT _005457122 206 1 the the DET _005457122 206 2 family family NOUN _005457122 206 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 206 4 said say VERB _005457122 206 5 for for ADP _005457122 206 6 the the DET _005457122 206 7 promotion promotion NOUN _005457122 206 8 of of ADP _005457122 206 9 this this DET _005457122 206 10 apostles apostle NOUN _005457122 206 11 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 206 12 has have AUX _005457122 206 13 in in ADP _005457122 206 14 itself itself PRON _005457122 206 15 a a PRON _005457122 206 16 by by ADP _005457122 206 17 world world NOUN _005457122 206 18 - - PUNCT _005457122 206 19 conquering conquering NOUN _005457122 206 20 sweep sweep NOUN _005457122 206 21 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 206 22 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 206 23 for for ADP _005457122 206 24 like like INTJ _005457122 206 25 true true ADJ _005457122 206 26 love love NOUN _005457122 206 27 it it PRON _005457122 206 28 is be AUX _005457122 206 29 never never ADV _005457122 206 30 satisfied satisfied ADJ _005457122 206 31 until until SCONJ _005457122 206 32 there there PRON _005457122 206 33 are be VERB _005457122 206 34 no no PRON _005457122 206 35 more more ADJ _005457122 206 36 worlds world NOUN _005457122 206 37 to to PART _005457122 206 38 win win VERB _005457122 206 39 for for ADP _005457122 206 40 the the DET _005457122 206 41 beloved beloved ADJ _005457122 206 42 . . PUNCT _005457122 207 1 bernadette bernadette PROPN _005457122 207 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 207 3 after after SCONJ _005457122 207 4 she she PRON _005457122 207 5 had have AUX _005457122 207 6 drawn draw VERB _005457122 207 7 first first ADV _005457122 207 8 a a DET _005457122 207 9 village village NOUN _005457122 207 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 207 11 then then ADV _005457122 207 12 a a DET _005457122 207 13 nation nation NOUN _005457122 207 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 207 15 then then ADV _005457122 207 16 a a DET _005457122 207 17 whole whole ADJ _005457122 207 18 world world NOUN _005457122 207 19 , , PUNCT _005457122 207 20 to to PART _005457122 207 21 lourdes lourde NOUN _005457122 207 22 to to PART _005457122 207 23 say say VERB _005457122 207 24 the the DET _005457122 207 25 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 207 26 , , PUNCT _005457122 207 27 quietly quietly ADV _005457122 207 28 went go VERB _005457122 207 29 to to ADP _005457122 207 30 a a DET _005457122 207 31 convent convent NOUN _005457122 207 32 to to PART _005457122 207 33 be be AUX _005457122 207 34 out out ADP _005457122 207 35 of of ADP _005457122 207 36 the the DET _005457122 207 37 reach reach NOUN _005457122 207 38 of of ADP _005457122 207 39 the the DET _005457122 207 40 world world NOUN _005457122 207 41 . . PUNCT _005457122 208 1 yet yet ADV _005457122 208 2 she she PRON _005457122 208 3 knew know VERB _005457122 208 4 she she PRON _005457122 208 5 had have AUX _005457122 208 6 lost lose VERB _005457122 208 7 none none NOUN _005457122 208 8 of of ADP _005457122 208 9 her her PRON _005457122 208 10 marvelous marvelous ADJ _005457122 208 11 power power NOUN _005457122 208 12 by by ADP _005457122 208 13 so so ADV _005457122 208 14 doing do VERB _005457122 208 15 — — PUNCT _005457122 208 16 she she PRON _005457122 208 17 still still ADV _005457122 208 18 had have VERB _005457122 208 19 its its PRON _005457122 208 20 source source NOUN _005457122 208 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 208 22 for for SCONJ _005457122 208 23 as as SCONJ _005457122 208 24 she she PRON _005457122 208 25 herself herself PRON _005457122 208 26 said say VERB _005457122 208 27 : : PUNCT _005457122 208 28 " " PUNCT _005457122 208 29 i i PRON _005457122 208 30 can can AUX _005457122 208 31 do do VERB _005457122 208 32 two two NUM _005457122 208 33 things thing NOUN _005457122 208 34 , , PUNCT _005457122 208 35 i i PRON _005457122 208 36 can can AUX _005457122 208 37 love love VERB _005457122 208 38 mary mary NOUN _005457122 208 39 and and CCONJ _005457122 208 40 i i PRON _005457122 208 41 can can AUX _005457122 208 42 say say VERB _005457122 208 43 my my PRON _005457122 208 44 beads bead NOUN _005457122 208 45 . . PUNCT _005457122 208 46 ” " PUNCT _005457122 209 1 the the DET _005457122 209 2 family family NOUN _005457122 209 3 that that PRON _005457122 209 4 loves love VERB _005457122 209 5 mary mary NOUN _005457122 209 6 and and CCONJ _005457122 209 7 says say VERB _005457122 209 8 the the DET _005457122 209 9 20 20 NUM _005457122 209 10 family family NOUN _005457122 209 11 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 209 12 will will AUX _005457122 209 13 draw draw VERB _005457122 209 14 families family NOUN _005457122 209 15 to to ADP _005457122 209 16 the the DET _005457122 209 17 family family NOUN _005457122 209 18 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 209 19 as as SCONJ _005457122 209 20 bernadette bernadette PROPN _005457122 209 21 drew draw VERB _005457122 209 22 crowds crowd NOUN _005457122 209 23 to to ADP _005457122 209 24 lourdes lourde NOUN _005457122 209 25 . . PUNCT _005457122 210 1 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 210 2 apostles apostle NOUN _005457122 210 3 have have AUX _005457122 210 4 not not PART _005457122 210 5 limited limit VERB _005457122 210 6 themselves themselves PRON _005457122 210 7 to to ADP _005457122 210 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 210 9 alone alone ADV _005457122 210 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 210 11 but but CCONJ _005457122 210 12 have have VERB _005457122 210 13 developed develop VERB _005457122 210 14 methods method NOUN _005457122 210 15 of of ADP _005457122 210 16 organized organize VERB _005457122 210 17 acapostles acapostle NOUN _005457122 210 18 tion tion NOUN _005457122 210 19 . . PUNCT _005457122 211 1 bishops bishop NOUN _005457122 211 2 promote promote VERB _005457122 211 3 it it PRON _005457122 211 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 211 5 by by ADP _005457122 211 6 pastors pastor NOUN _005457122 211 7 make make VERB _005457122 211 8 it it PRON _005457122 211 9 a a DET _005457122 211 10 parish parish ADJ _005457122 211 11 action action NOUN _005457122 211 12 project project NOUN _005457122 211 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 212 1 army army NOUN _005457122 212 2 and and CCONJ _005457122 212 3 navy navy PROPN _005457122 212 4 chaplains chaplain NOUN _005457122 212 5 preach preach VERB _005457122 212 6 it it PRON _005457122 212 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 213 1 congregations congregation NOUN _005457122 213 2 of of ADP _005457122 213 3 religious religious ADJ _005457122 213 4 spread spread NOUN _005457122 213 5 it it PRON _005457122 213 6 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 213 7 students student NOUN _005457122 213 8 of of ADP _005457122 213 9 colleges college NOUN _005457122 213 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 213 11 high high ADJ _005457122 213 12 schools school NOUN _005457122 213 13 and and CCONJ _005457122 213 14 grade grade NOUN _005457122 213 15 schools school NOUN _005457122 213 16 win win VERB _005457122 213 17 family family NOUN _005457122 213 18 pledges pledge NOUN _005457122 213 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 213 20 the the DET _005457122 213 21 catholic catholic ADJ _005457122 213 22 press press NOUN _005457122 213 23 pleads plead NOUN _005457122 213 24 for for ADP _005457122 213 25 it it PRON _005457122 213 26 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 213 27 and and CCONJ _005457122 213 28 the the DET _005457122 213 29 lay lay ADJ _005457122 213 30 organizations organization NOUN _005457122 213 31 of of ADP _005457122 213 32 america america PROPN _005457122 213 33 have have AUX _005457122 213 34 adopted adopt VERB _005457122 213 35 it it PRON _005457122 213 36 . . PUNCT _005457122 214 1 great great ADJ _005457122 214 2 advances advance NOUN _005457122 214 3 have have AUX _005457122 214 4 been be AUX _005457122 214 5 made make VERB _005457122 214 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 214 7 as as SCONJ _005457122 214 8 you you PRON _005457122 214 9 see see VERB _005457122 214 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 214 11 but but CCONJ _005457122 214 12 the the DET _005457122 214 13 end end NOUN _005457122 214 14 is be AUX _005457122 214 15 still still ADV _005457122 214 16 not not PART _005457122 214 17 in in ADP _005457122 214 18 sight sight NOUN _005457122 214 19 . . PUNCT _005457122 215 1 there there PRON _005457122 215 2 is be VERB _005457122 215 3 a a DET _005457122 215 4 world world NOUN _005457122 215 5 to to PART _005457122 215 6 win win VERB _005457122 215 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 216 1 yet yet ADV _005457122 216 2 even even ADV _005457122 216 3 for for ADP _005457122 216 4 when when SCONJ _005457122 216 5 that that DET _005457122 216 6 world world NOUN _005457122 216 7 is be AUX _005457122 216 8 won win VERB _005457122 216 9 and and CCONJ _005457122 216 10 all all DET _005457122 216 11 the the DET _005457122 216 12 family family NOUN _005457122 216 13 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 216 14 crusade crusade NOUN _005457122 216 15 eternity eternity NOUN _005457122 216 16 is be AUX _005457122 216 17 finished finish VERB _005457122 216 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 216 19 the the DET _005457122 216 20 story story NOUN _005457122 216 21 of of ADP _005457122 216 22 the the DET _005457122 216 23 family family NOUN _005457122 216 24 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 216 25 will will AUX _005457122 216 26 still still ADV _005457122 216 27 go go VERB _005457122 216 28 on on ADP _005457122 216 29 . . PUNCT _005457122 217 1 for for ADP _005457122 217 2 it it PRON _005457122 217 3 is be AUX _005457122 217 4 a a DET _005457122 217 5 living living NOUN _005457122 217 6 story story NOUN _005457122 217 7 — — PUNCT _005457122 217 8 a a DET _005457122 217 9 story story NOUN _005457122 217 10 of of ADP _005457122 217 11 the the DET _005457122 217 12 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 217 13 of of ADP _005457122 217 14 a a DET _005457122 217 15 living live VERB _005457122 217 16 family family NOUN _005457122 217 17 which which PRON _005457122 217 18 will will AUX _005457122 217 19 worship worship VERB _005457122 217 20 god god PROPN _005457122 217 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 217 22 honor honor VERB _005457122 217 23 mary mary NOUN _005457122 217 24 for for ADP _005457122 217 25 all all DET _005457122 217 26 eternity eternity NOUN _005457122 217 27 . . PUNCT _005457122 218 1 21 21 NUM _005457122 218 2 directions direction NOUN _005457122 218 3 for for ADP _005457122 218 4 the the DET _005457122 218 5 family family NOUN _005457122 218 6 rosary rosary VERB _005457122 218 7 recitation recitation NOUN _005457122 218 8 vocal vocal ADJ _005457122 218 9 prayers prayer NOUN _005457122 218 10 of of ADP _005457122 218 11 the the DET _005457122 218 12 family family NOUN _005457122 218 13 rosary rosary VERB _005457122 218 14 all all ADV _005457122 218 15 : : PUNCT _005457122 218 16 in in ADP _005457122 218 17 the the DET _005457122 218 18 name name NOUN _005457122 218 19 of of ADP _005457122 218 20 the the DET _005457122 218 21 father father NOUN _005457122 218 22 , , PUNCT _005457122 218 23 and and CCONJ _005457122 218 24 of of ADP _005457122 218 25 the the DET _005457122 218 26 son son NOUN _005457122 218 27 , , PUNCT _005457122 218 28 and and CCONJ _005457122 218 29 of of ADP _005457122 218 30 the the DET _005457122 218 31 holy holy ADJ _005457122 218 32 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 218 33 . . PUNCT _005457122 219 1 amen amen INTJ _005457122 219 2 . . PUNCT _005457122 220 1 leader leader NOUN _005457122 220 2 : : PUNCT _005457122 221 1 i i PRON _005457122 221 2 believe believe VERB _005457122 221 3 in in ADP _005457122 221 4 god god PROPN _005457122 221 5 the the DET _005457122 221 6 father father PROPN _005457122 221 7 almighty almighty ADJ _005457122 221 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 221 9 creator creator NOUN _005457122 221 10 of of ADP _005457122 221 11 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 221 12 and and CCONJ _005457122 221 13 earth earth NOUN _005457122 221 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 15 and and CCONJ _005457122 221 16 in in ADP _005457122 221 17 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 221 18 christ christ PROPN _005457122 221 19 , , PUNCT _005457122 221 20 his his PRON _005457122 221 21 only only ADJ _005457122 221 22 son son NOUN _005457122 221 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 221 24 our our PRON _005457122 221 25 lord lord PROPN _005457122 221 26 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 27 who who PRON _005457122 221 28 was be AUX _005457122 221 29 conceived conceive VERB _005457122 221 30 by by ADP _005457122 221 31 the the DET _005457122 221 32 holy holy ADJ _005457122 221 33 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 221 34 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 35 born bear VERB _005457122 221 36 of of ADP _005457122 221 37 the the DET _005457122 221 38 virgin virgin PROPN _005457122 221 39 mary mary PROPN _005457122 221 40 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 41 suffered suffer VERB _005457122 221 42 under under ADP _005457122 221 43 pontius pontius NOUN _005457122 221 44 pilate pilate NOUN _005457122 221 45 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 46 was be AUX _005457122 221 47 crucified crucify VERB _005457122 221 48 , , PUNCT _005457122 221 49 died die VERB _005457122 221 50 , , PUNCT _005457122 221 51 and and CCONJ _005457122 221 52 was be AUX _005457122 221 53 buried bury VERB _005457122 221 54 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 55 he he PRON _005457122 221 56 descended descend VERB _005457122 221 57 into into ADP _005457122 221 58 hell hell PROPN _005457122 221 59 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 60 the the DET _005457122 221 61 third third ADJ _005457122 221 62 day day NOUN _005457122 221 63 he he PRON _005457122 221 64 arose arise VERB _005457122 221 65 again again ADV _005457122 221 66 from from ADP _005457122 221 67 the the DET _005457122 221 68 dead dead ADJ _005457122 221 69 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 70 he he PRON _005457122 221 71 ascended ascend VERB _005457122 221 72 into into ADP _005457122 221 73 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 221 74 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 75 sitteth sitteth NOUN _005457122 221 76 at at ADP _005457122 221 77 the the DET _005457122 221 78 right right ADJ _005457122 221 79 hand hand NOUN _005457122 221 80 of of ADP _005457122 221 81 god god PROPN _005457122 221 82 the the DET _005457122 221 83 father father PROPN _005457122 221 84 almighty almighty ADJ _005457122 221 85 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 221 86 from from ADP _005457122 221 87 thence thence NOUN _005457122 221 88 he he PRON _005457122 221 89 shall shall AUX _005457122 221 90 come come VERB _005457122 221 91 to to PART _005457122 221 92 judge judge VERB _005457122 221 93 the the DET _005457122 221 94 living living NOUN _005457122 221 95 and and CCONJ _005457122 221 96 the the DET _005457122 221 97 dead dead ADJ _005457122 221 98 . . PUNCT _005457122 222 1 group group NOUN _005457122 222 2 : : PUNCT _005457122 222 3 i i PRON _005457122 222 4 believe believe VERB _005457122 222 5 in in ADP _005457122 222 6 the the DET _005457122 222 7 holy holy ADJ _005457122 222 8 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 222 9 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 222 10 the the DET _005457122 222 11 holy holy ADJ _005457122 222 12 catholic catholic PROPN _005457122 222 13 church church NOUN _005457122 222 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 222 15 the the DET _005457122 222 16 communion communion NOUN _005457122 222 17 of of ADP _005457122 222 18 saints saint NOUN _005457122 222 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 222 20 the the DET _005457122 222 21 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005457122 222 22 of of ADP _005457122 222 23 sins sin NOUN _005457122 222 24 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 222 25 the the DET _005457122 222 26 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005457122 222 27 of of ADP _005457122 222 28 the the DET _005457122 222 29 body body NOUN _005457122 222 30 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 222 31 and and CCONJ _005457122 222 32 life life NOUN _005457122 222 33 everlasting everlasting ADJ _005457122 222 34 . . PUNCT _005457122 223 1 amen amen INTJ _005457122 223 2 . . PUNCT _005457122 224 1 leader leader NOUN _005457122 224 2 : : PUNCT _005457122 224 3 our our PRON _005457122 224 4 father father NOUN _005457122 224 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 224 6 who who PRON _005457122 224 7 art art VERB _005457122 224 8 in in ADP _005457122 224 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 224 10 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 224 11 hallowed hallowed ADJ _005457122 224 12 be be AUX _005457122 224 13 thy thy PRON _005457122 224 14 name name NOUN _005457122 224 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 224 16 thy thy PRON _005457122 224 17 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457122 224 18 come come VERB _005457122 224 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 224 20 thy thy PRON _005457122 224 21 will will AUX _005457122 224 22 be be AUX _005457122 224 23 done do VERB _005457122 224 24 on on ADP _005457122 224 25 earth earth NOUN _005457122 224 26 as as SCONJ _005457122 224 27 it it PRON _005457122 224 28 is be AUX _005457122 224 29 in in ADP _005457122 224 30 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 224 31 . . PUNCT _005457122 225 1 22 22 NUM _005457122 225 2 group group NOUN _005457122 225 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 225 4 give give VERB _005457122 225 5 us we PRON _005457122 225 6 this this DET _005457122 225 7 day day NOUN _005457122 225 8 our our PRON _005457122 225 9 daily daily ADJ _005457122 225 10 bread bread NOUN _005457122 225 11 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 225 12 and and CCONJ _005457122 225 13 forgive forgive VERB _005457122 225 14 us we PRON _005457122 225 15 our our PRON _005457122 225 16 trespasses trespass NOUN _005457122 225 17 as as SCONJ _005457122 225 18 we we PRON _005457122 225 19 forgive forgive VERB _005457122 225 20 those those PRON _005457122 225 21 who who PRON _005457122 225 22 trespass trespass VERB _005457122 225 23 against against ADP _005457122 225 24 us we PRON _005457122 225 25 , , PUNCT _005457122 225 26 and and CCONJ _005457122 225 27 lead lead VERB _005457122 225 28 us we PRON _005457122 225 29 not not PART _005457122 225 30 into into ADP _005457122 225 31 temptation temptation NOUN _005457122 225 32 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 225 33 but but CCONJ _005457122 225 34 deliver deliver VERB _005457122 225 35 us we PRON _005457122 225 36 from from ADP _005457122 225 37 evil evil NOUN _005457122 225 38 . . PUNCT _005457122 226 1 amen amen INTJ _005457122 226 2 . . PUNCT _005457122 227 1 leader leader NOUN _005457122 227 2 : : PUNCT _005457122 227 3 hail hail NOUN _005457122 227 4 mary mary NOUN _005457122 227 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 227 6 full full ADJ _005457122 227 7 of of ADP _005457122 227 8 grace grace NOUN _005457122 227 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 227 10 the the DET _005457122 227 11 lord lord PROPN _005457122 227 12 is be AUX _005457122 227 13 with with ADP _005457122 227 14 thee thee PRON _005457122 227 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 227 16 blessed bless VERB _005457122 227 17 art art NOUN _005457122 227 18 thou thou NOUN _005457122 227 19 among among ADP _005457122 227 20 women woman NOUN _005457122 227 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 227 22 and and CCONJ _005457122 227 23 blessed bless VERB _005457122 227 24 is be AUX _005457122 227 25 the the DET _005457122 227 26 fruit fruit NOUN _005457122 227 27 of of ADP _005457122 227 28 thy thy PROPN _005457122 227 29 womb womb NOUN _005457122 227 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 227 31 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 227 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 228 1 group group PROPN _005457122 228 2 : : PUNCT _005457122 228 3 holy holy PROPN _005457122 228 4 mary mary PROPN _005457122 228 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 228 6 mother mother NOUN _005457122 228 7 of of ADP _005457122 228 8 god god PROPN _005457122 228 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 228 10 pray pray VERB _005457122 228 11 for for ADP _005457122 228 12 us us PROPN _005457122 228 13 sinners sinner NOUN _005457122 228 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 228 15 now now ADV _005457122 228 16 and and CCONJ _005457122 228 17 at at ADP _005457122 228 18 the the DET _005457122 228 19 hour hour NOUN _005457122 228 20 of of ADP _005457122 228 21 our our PRON _005457122 228 22 death death NOUN _005457122 228 23 . . PUNCT _005457122 229 1 amen amen INTJ _005457122 229 2 . . PUNCT _005457122 230 1 ( ( PUNCT _005457122 230 2 three three NUM _005457122 230 3 hail hail NOUN _005457122 230 4 marys mary NOUN _005457122 230 5 as as ADP _005457122 230 6 above above ADJ _005457122 230 7 ) ) PUNCT _005457122 230 8 leader leader NOUN _005457122 230 9 : : PUNCT _005457122 230 10 glory glory NOUN _005457122 230 11 be be AUX _005457122 230 12 to to ADP _005457122 230 13 the the DET _005457122 230 14 father father NOUN _005457122 230 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 230 16 and and CCONJ _005457122 230 17 to to ADP _005457122 230 18 the the DET _005457122 230 19 son son NOUN _005457122 230 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 230 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 230 22 to to ADP _005457122 230 23 the the DET _005457122 230 24 holy holy ADJ _005457122 230 25 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 230 26 . . PUNCT _005457122 231 1 group group NOUN _005457122 231 2 : : PUNCT _005457122 231 3 as as SCONJ _005457122 231 4 it it PRON _005457122 231 5 was be AUX _005457122 231 6 in in ADP _005457122 231 7 the the DET _005457122 231 8 beginning beginning NOUN _005457122 231 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 231 10 is be AUX _005457122 231 11 now now ADV _005457122 231 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 231 13 and and CCONJ _005457122 231 14 ever ever ADV _005457122 231 15 shall shall AUX _005457122 231 16 be be AUX _005457122 231 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 231 18 world world NOUN _005457122 231 19 without without ADP _005457122 231 20 end end NOUN _005457122 231 21 . . PUNCT _005457122 232 1 amen amen INTJ _005457122 232 2 . . PUNCT _005457122 233 1 leader leader NOUN _005457122 233 2 or or CCONJ _005457122 233 3 all all PRON _005457122 233 4 together together ADV _005457122 233 5 : : PUNCT _005457122 233 6 first first ADJ _005457122 233 7 mystery mystery NOUN _005457122 233 8 announce announce NOUN _005457122 233 9 if if SCONJ _005457122 233 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 234 1 then then ADV _005457122 234 2 give give VERB _005457122 234 3 the the DET _005457122 234 4 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005457122 234 5 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 234 6 — — PUNCT _005457122 234 7 either either DET _005457122 234 8 one one NUM _005457122 234 9 suggested suggest VERB _005457122 234 10 below below ADV _005457122 234 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 234 12 23 23 NUM _005457122 234 13 or or CCONJ _005457122 234 14 any any DET _005457122 234 15 other other ADJ _005457122 234 16 you you PRON _005457122 234 17 like like ADP _005457122 234 18 . . PUNCT _005457122 235 1 the the PRON _005457122 235 2 more more ADV _005457122 235 3 closely closely ADV _005457122 235 4 it it PRON _005457122 235 5 applies apply VERB _005457122 235 6 to to ADP _005457122 235 7 the the DET _005457122 235 8 particular particular ADJ _005457122 235 9 group group NOUN _005457122 235 10 the the PRON _005457122 235 11 better well ADJ _005457122 235 12 it it PRON _005457122 235 13 is be AUX _005457122 235 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 236 1 then then ADV _005457122 236 2 : : PUNCT _005457122 236 3 one one NUM _005457122 236 4 our our PRON _005457122 236 5 father father NOUN _005457122 236 6 ten ten NUM _005457122 236 7 hail hail NOUN _005457122 236 8 marys mary VERB _005457122 236 9 one one NUM _005457122 236 10 glory glory NOUN _005457122 236 11 be be AUX _005457122 236 12 to to ADP _005457122 236 13 the the DET _005457122 236 14 father father NOUN _005457122 236 15 leader leader NOUN _005457122 236 16 takes take VERB _005457122 236 17 the the DET _005457122 236 18 first first ADJ _005457122 236 19 part part NOUN _005457122 236 20 of of ADP _005457122 236 21 these these DET _005457122 236 22 prayers prayer NOUN _005457122 236 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 236 24 the the DET _005457122 236 25 group group NOUN _005457122 236 26 the the DET _005457122 236 27 last last ADJ _005457122 236 28 part part NOUN _005457122 236 29 . . PUNCT _005457122 237 1 after after SCONJ _005457122 237 2 the the DET _005457122 237 3 glory glory NOUN _005457122 237 4 be be AUX _005457122 237 5 to to ADP _005457122 237 6 the the DET _005457122 237 7 father father PROPN _005457122 237 8 is be AUX _005457122 237 9 said say VERB _005457122 237 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 237 11 announce announce VERB _005457122 237 12 the the DET _005457122 237 13 second second ADJ _005457122 237 14 mystery mystery NOUN _005457122 237 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 237 16 then then ADV _005457122 237 17 continue continue VERB _005457122 237 18 as as ADP _005457122 237 19 above above ADV _005457122 237 20 , , PUNCT _005457122 237 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 237 22 so so ADV _005457122 237 23 on on ADP _005457122 237 24 for for ADP _005457122 237 25 all all PRON _005457122 237 26 of of ADP _005457122 237 27 the the DET _005457122 237 28 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 237 29 . . PUNCT _005457122 238 1 24 24 NUM _005457122 238 2 sample sample NOUN _005457122 238 3 meditations meditation NOUN _005457122 238 4 on on ADP _005457122 238 5 the the DET _005457122 238 6 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 238 7 of of ADP _005457122 238 8 the the DET _005457122 238 9 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 238 10 the the DET _005457122 238 11 joyful joyful ADJ _005457122 238 12 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 238 13 monday monday PROPN _005457122 238 14 and and CCONJ _005457122 238 15 thursday thursday PROPN _005457122 238 16 ( ( PUNCT _005457122 238 17 also also ADV _005457122 238 18 sundays sunday VERB _005457122 238 19 from from ADP _005457122 238 20 the the DET _005457122 238 21 first first ADJ _005457122 238 22 sunday sunday PROPN _005457122 238 23 of of ADP _005457122 238 24 advent advent NOUN _005457122 238 25 to to ADP _005457122 238 26 the the DET _005457122 238 27 first first ADJ _005457122 238 28 sunday sunday PROPN _005457122 238 29 of of ADP _005457122 238 30 lent lent NOUN _005457122 238 31 ) ) PUNCT _005457122 238 32 setting set VERB _005457122 238 33 the the DET _005457122 238 34 scene scene NOUN _005457122 238 35 : : PUNCT _005457122 238 36 today today NOUN _005457122 238 37 may may AUX _005457122 238 38 have have AUX _005457122 238 39 been be AUX _005457122 238 40 a a DET _005457122 238 41 day day NOUN _005457122 238 42 of of ADP _005457122 238 43 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 238 44 and and CCONJ _005457122 238 45 pain pain NOUN _005457122 238 46 . . PUNCT _005457122 239 1 so so ADV _005457122 239 2 many many ADJ _005457122 239 3 days day NOUN _005457122 239 4 of of ADP _005457122 239 5 life life NOUN _005457122 239 6 are be AUX _005457122 239 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 240 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 240 2 meditation meditation NOUN _005457122 240 3 on on ADP _005457122 240 4 the the DET _005457122 240 5 five five NUM _005457122 240 6 joyful joyful ADJ _005457122 240 7 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 240 8 will will AUX _005457122 240 9 help help VERB _005457122 240 10 to to PART _005457122 240 11 turn turn VERB _005457122 240 12 sadness sadness NOUN _005457122 240 13 into into ADP _005457122 240 14 true true ADJ _005457122 240 15 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457122 240 16 joy joy NOUN _005457122 240 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 241 1 the the DET _005457122 241 2 annunciation annunciation NOUN _005457122 241 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 241 4 an an DET _005457122 241 5 angel angel NOUN _005457122 241 6 came come VERB _005457122 241 7 to to ADP _005457122 241 8 you you PRON _005457122 241 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 241 10 dear dear ADJ _005457122 241 11 mother mother NOUN _005457122 241 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 241 13 as as SCONJ _005457122 241 14 you you PRON _005457122 241 15 prayed pray VERB _005457122 241 16 in in ADP _005457122 241 17 your your PRON _005457122 241 18 home home NOUN _005457122 241 19 at at ADP _005457122 241 20 nazareth nazareth PROPN _005457122 241 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 241 22 and and CCONJ _005457122 241 23 told tell VERB _005457122 241 24 you you PRON _005457122 241 25 that that SCONJ _005457122 241 26 you you PRON _005457122 241 27 were be AUX _005457122 241 28 to to PART _005457122 241 29 be be AUX _005457122 241 30 the the DET _005457122 241 31 mother mother NOUN _005457122 241 32 in in ADP _005457122 241 33 the the DET _005457122 241 34 holy holy ADJ _005457122 241 35 family family NOUN _005457122 241 36 and and CCONJ _005457122 241 37 that that SCONJ _005457122 241 38 the the DET _005457122 241 39 son son NOUN _005457122 241 40 of of ADP _005457122 241 41 god god PROPN _005457122 241 42 would would AUX _005457122 241 43 be be AUX _005457122 241 44 your your PRON _005457122 241 45 child child NOUN _005457122 241 46 . . PUNCT _005457122 242 1 you you PRON _005457122 242 2 are be AUX _005457122 242 3 god god PROPN _005457122 242 4 ’s ’s PART _005457122 242 5 mother mother NOUN _005457122 242 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 242 7 but but CCONJ _005457122 242 8 you you PRON _005457122 242 9 are be AUX _005457122 242 10 our our PRON _005457122 242 11 mother mother NOUN _005457122 242 12 too too ADV _005457122 242 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 243 1 god god PROPN _005457122 243 2 always always ADV _005457122 243 3 listens listen VERB _005457122 243 4 to to ADP _005457122 243 5 you you PRON _005457122 243 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 244 1 mother mother NOUN _005457122 244 2 of of ADP _005457122 244 3 god god PROPN _005457122 244 4 and and CCONJ _005457122 244 5 of of ADP _005457122 244 6 us we PRON _005457122 244 7 all all PRON _005457122 244 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 244 9 listen listen VERB _005457122 244 10 to to ADP _005457122 244 11 our our PRON _005457122 244 12 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 244 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 245 1 the the DET _005457122 245 2 visitation visitation NOUN _005457122 245 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 245 4 dear dear ADJ _005457122 245 5 mother mother NOUN _005457122 245 6 mary mary PROPN _005457122 245 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 245 8 when when SCONJ _005457122 245 9 you you PRON _005457122 245 10 ieft ieft VERB _005457122 245 11 your your PRON _005457122 245 12 home home NOUN _005457122 245 13 to to PART _005457122 245 14 visit visit VERB _005457122 245 15 your your PRON _005457122 245 16 cousin cousin NOUN _005457122 245 17 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005457122 245 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 245 19 you you PRON _005457122 245 20 brought bring VERB _005457122 245 21 the the DET _005457122 245 22 son son NOUN _005457122 245 23 of of ADP _005457122 245 24 god god PROPN _005457122 245 25 into into ADP _005457122 245 26 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005457122 245 27 ’s ’s PROPN _005457122 245 28 home home NOUN _005457122 245 29 . . PUNCT _005457122 246 1 through through ADP _005457122 246 2 the the DET _005457122 246 3 family family NOUN _005457122 246 4 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 246 5 we we PRON _005457122 246 6 invite invite VERB _005457122 246 7 you you PRON _005457122 246 8 to to PART _005457122 246 9 bring bring VERB _005457122 246 10 him he PRON _005457122 246 11 into into ADP _005457122 246 12 our our PRON _005457122 246 13 home home NOUN _005457122 246 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 247 1 25 25 NUM _005457122 247 2 the the DET _005457122 247 3 nativity nativity NOUN _005457122 247 4 : : PUNCT _005457122 247 5 mother mother NOUN _005457122 247 6 of of ADP _005457122 247 7 christ christ PROPN _005457122 247 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 247 9 when when SCONJ _005457122 247 10 you you PRON _005457122 247 11 brought bring VERB _005457122 247 12 your your PRON _005457122 247 13 son son NOUN _005457122 247 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 247 15 into into ADP _005457122 247 16 the the DET _005457122 247 17 world world NOUN _005457122 247 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 247 19 his his PRON _005457122 247 20 first first ADJ _005457122 247 21 home home NOUN _005457122 247 22 was be AUX _005457122 247 23 a a DET _005457122 247 24 cave cave NOUN _005457122 247 25 for for ADP _005457122 247 26 animals animal NOUN _005457122 247 27 , , PUNCT _005457122 247 28 but but CCONJ _005457122 247 29 he he PRON _005457122 247 30 was be AUX _005457122 247 31 happy happy ADJ _005457122 247 32 because because SCONJ _005457122 247 33 you you PRON _005457122 247 34 were be AUX _005457122 247 35 there there ADV _005457122 247 36 to to PART _005457122 247 37 care care VERB _005457122 247 38 for for ADP _005457122 247 39 him he PRON _005457122 247 40 . . PUNCT _005457122 248 1 we we PRON _005457122 248 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 248 3 too too ADV _005457122 248 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 248 5 will will AUX _005457122 248 6 know know VERB _005457122 248 7 real real ADJ _005457122 248 8 happiness happiness NOUN _005457122 248 9 if if SCONJ _005457122 248 10 you you PRON _005457122 248 11 come come VERB _005457122 248 12 to to ADP _005457122 248 13 our our PRON _005457122 248 14 home home NOUN _005457122 248 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 248 16 however however ADV _005457122 248 17 humble humble ADJ _005457122 248 18 it it PRON _005457122 248 19 be be VERB _005457122 248 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 249 1 come come VERB _005457122 249 2 to to ADP _005457122 249 3 us we PRON _005457122 249 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 249 5 then then ADV _005457122 249 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 249 7 as as SCONJ _005457122 249 8 we we PRON _005457122 249 9 recite recite VERB _005457122 249 10 your your PRON _005457122 249 11 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 249 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 250 1 the the DET _005457122 250 2 presentation presentation NOUN _005457122 250 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 250 4 in in ADP _005457122 250 5 the the DET _005457122 250 6 temple temple NOUN _005457122 250 7 of of ADP _005457122 250 8 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _005457122 250 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 250 10 immaculate immaculate PROPN _005457122 250 11 mother mother NOUN _005457122 250 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 250 13 you you PRON _005457122 250 14 offered offer VERB _005457122 250 15 your your PRON _005457122 250 16 little little ADJ _005457122 250 17 son son NOUN _005457122 250 18 to to ADP _005457122 250 19 the the DET _005457122 250 20 father father NOUN _005457122 250 21 to to ADP _005457122 250 22 whom whom PRON _005457122 250 23 he he PRON _005457122 250 24 belonged belong VERB _005457122 250 25 . . PUNCT _005457122 251 1 although although SCONJ _005457122 251 2 simeon simeon PROPN _005457122 251 3 prophesied prophesy VERB _005457122 251 4 that that SCONJ _005457122 251 5 a a DET _005457122 251 6 sword sword NOUN _005457122 251 7 of of ADP _005457122 251 8 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 251 9 would would AUX _005457122 251 10 pierce pierce VERB _005457122 251 11 your your PRON _005457122 251 12 heart heart NOUN _005457122 251 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 251 14 yet yet CCONJ _005457122 251 15 your your PRON _005457122 251 16 joy joy NOUN _005457122 251 17 remained remain VERB _005457122 251 18 because because SCONJ _005457122 251 19 you you PRON _005457122 251 20 knew know VERB _005457122 251 21 that that SCONJ _005457122 251 22 you you PRON _005457122 251 23 and and CCONJ _005457122 251 24 your your PRON _005457122 251 25 beloved beloved ADJ _005457122 251 26 son son NOUN _005457122 251 27 belonged belong VERB _005457122 251 28 to to ADP _005457122 251 29 god god PROPN _005457122 251 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 252 1 let let VERB _005457122 252 2 us we PRON _005457122 252 3 likewise likewise ADV _005457122 252 4 remember remember VERB _005457122 252 5 that that SCONJ _005457122 252 6 no no DET _005457122 252 7 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 252 8 can can AUX _005457122 252 9 drive drive VERB _005457122 252 10 away away ADV _005457122 252 11 our our PRON _005457122 252 12 family family NOUN _005457122 252 13 joy joy NOUN _005457122 252 14 if if SCONJ _005457122 252 15 we we PRON _005457122 252 16 offer offer VERB _005457122 252 17 ourselves ourselves PRON _005457122 252 18 generously generously ADV _005457122 252 19 to to ADP _005457122 252 20 god god PROPN _005457122 252 21 . . PUNCT _005457122 253 1 the the DET _005457122 253 2 finding finding NOUN _005457122 253 3 in in ADP _005457122 253 4 the the DET _005457122 253 5 temple temple NOUN _005457122 253 6 : : PUNCT _005457122 253 7 dear dear ADJ _005457122 253 8 mother mother NOUN _005457122 253 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 253 10 after after ADP _005457122 253 11 three three NUM _005457122 253 12 days day NOUN _005457122 253 13 of of ADP _005457122 253 14 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 253 15 and and CCONJ _005457122 253 16 searching search VERB _005457122 253 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 253 18 you you PRON _005457122 253 19 found find VERB _005457122 253 20 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 253 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 253 22 your your PRON _005457122 253 23 soul soul NOUN _005457122 253 24 was be AUX _005457122 253 25 filled fill VERB _005457122 253 26 with with ADP _005457122 253 27 joy joy NOUN _005457122 253 28 . . PUNCT _005457122 254 1 never never ADV _005457122 254 2 again again ADV _005457122 254 3 can can AUX _005457122 254 4 you you PRON _005457122 254 5 lose lose VERB _005457122 254 6 him he PRON _005457122 254 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 255 1 yet yet ADV _005457122 255 2 daily daily ADV _005457122 255 3 you you PRON _005457122 255 4 seek seek VERB _005457122 255 5 him he PRON _005457122 255 6 in in ADP _005457122 255 7 the the DET _005457122 255 8 soul soul NOUN _005457122 255 9 of of ADP _005457122 255 10 each each PRON _005457122 255 11 of of ADP _005457122 255 12 us we PRON _005457122 255 13 in in ADP _005457122 255 14 this this DET _005457122 255 15 family family NOUN _005457122 255 16 circle circle NOUN _005457122 255 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 256 1 may may AUX _005457122 256 2 your your PRON _005457122 256 3 search search NOUN _005457122 256 4 be be AUX _005457122 256 5 ever ever ADV _005457122 256 6 rewarded reward VERB _005457122 256 7 by by ADP _005457122 256 8 finding find VERB _005457122 256 9 him he PRON _005457122 256 10 in in ADP _005457122 256 11 our our PRON _005457122 256 12 souls soul NOUN _005457122 256 13 when when SCONJ _005457122 256 14 they they PRON _005457122 256 15 are be AUX _005457122 256 16 free free ADJ _005457122 256 17 from from ADP _005457122 256 18 mortal mortal ADJ _005457122 256 19 sin sin NOUN _005457122 256 20 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 257 1 26 26 NUM _005457122 258 1 the the DET _005457122 258 2 sorrowful sorrowful ADJ _005457122 258 3 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 258 4 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005457122 258 5 and and CCONJ _005457122 258 6 friday friday PROPN _005457122 258 7 ( ( PUNCT _005457122 258 8 also also ADV _005457122 258 9 sundays sunday NOUN _005457122 258 10 in in ADP _005457122 258 11 lent lent NOUN _005457122 258 12 ) ) PUNCT _005457122 258 13 setting set VERB _005457122 258 14 the the DET _005457122 258 15 scene scene NOUN _005457122 258 16 : : PUNCT _005457122 258 17 today today NOUN _005457122 258 18 you you PRON _005457122 258 19 go go VERB _005457122 258 20 with with ADP _005457122 258 21 out out ADP _005457122 258 22 lord lord PROPN _005457122 258 23 and and CCONJ _005457122 258 24 his his PRON _005457122 258 25 mother mother NOUN _005457122 258 26 over over ADP _005457122 258 27 the the DET _005457122 258 28 way way NOUN _005457122 258 29 of of ADP _005457122 258 30 the the DET _005457122 258 31 sorrowful sorrowful ADJ _005457122 258 32 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 258 33 . . PUNCT _005457122 259 1 there there PRON _005457122 259 2 is be VERB _005457122 259 3 no no DET _005457122 259 4 need need NOUN _005457122 259 5 to to PART _005457122 259 6 tell tell VERB _005457122 259 7 you you PRON _005457122 259 8 of of ADP _005457122 259 9 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 259 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 260 1 if if SCONJ _005457122 260 2 you you PRON _005457122 260 3 have have AUX _005457122 260 4 lived live VERB _005457122 260 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 260 6 you you PRON _005457122 260 7 have have AUX _005457122 260 8 felt feel VERB _005457122 260 9 it it PRON _005457122 260 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 261 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 261 2 let let VERB _005457122 261 3 your your PRON _005457122 261 4 only only ADJ _005457122 261 5 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 261 6 in in ADP _005457122 261 7 this this DET _005457122 261 8 short short ADJ _005457122 261 9 journey journey NOUN _005457122 261 10 be be AUX _005457122 261 11 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 261 12 for for ADP _005457122 261 13 sin sin NOUN _005457122 261 14 — — PUNCT _005457122 261 15 yours your NOUN _005457122 261 16 and and CCONJ _005457122 261 17 the the DET _005457122 261 18 world world NOUN _005457122 261 19 ’s ’s NOUN _005457122 261 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 262 1 for for ADP _005457122 262 2 the the DET _005457122 262 3 rest rest NOUN _005457122 262 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 262 5 let let VERB _005457122 262 6 peace peace NOUN _005457122 262 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 262 8 confidence confidence NOUN _005457122 262 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 262 10 love love NOUN _005457122 262 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 262 12 and and CCONJ _005457122 262 13 joy joy NOUN _005457122 262 14 stirred stir VERB _005457122 262 15 by by ADP _005457122 262 16 the the DET _005457122 262 17 thought thought NOUN _005457122 262 18 of of ADP _005457122 262 19 so so ADV _005457122 262 20 loving love VERB _005457122 262 21 a a DET _005457122 262 22 god god PROPN _005457122 262 23 , , PUNCT _005457122 262 24 be be AUX _005457122 262 25 the the DET _005457122 262 26 sentiments sentiment NOUN _005457122 262 27 of of ADP _005457122 262 28 these these DET _005457122 262 29 meditations meditation NOUN _005457122 262 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 263 1 the the DET _005457122 263 2 agony agony NOUN _005457122 263 3 in in ADP _005457122 263 4 the the DET _005457122 263 5 garden garden NOUN _005457122 263 6 : : PUNCT _005457122 263 7 dear dear PROPN _005457122 263 8 lord lord PROPN _005457122 263 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 263 10 permit permit VERB _005457122 263 11 us we PRON _005457122 263 12 to to PART _005457122 263 13 kneel kneel VERB _005457122 263 14 with with ADP _005457122 263 15 you you PRON _005457122 263 16 as as SCONJ _005457122 263 17 you you PRON _005457122 263 18 pray pray VERB _005457122 263 19 in in ADP _005457122 263 20 the the DET _005457122 263 21 garden garden NOUN _005457122 263 22 . . PUNCT _005457122 264 1 we we PRON _005457122 264 2 are be AUX _005457122 264 3 sorry sorry ADJ _005457122 264 4 because because SCONJ _005457122 264 5 our our PRON _005457122 264 6 sins sin NOUN _005457122 264 7 caused cause VERB _005457122 264 8 you you PRON _005457122 264 9 so so ADV _005457122 264 10 much much ADJ _005457122 264 11 suffering suffering NOUN _005457122 264 12 . . PUNCT _005457122 265 1 with with ADP _005457122 265 2 this this DET _005457122 265 3 family family NOUN _005457122 265 4 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 265 5 we we PRON _005457122 265 6 will will AUX _005457122 265 7 try try VERB _005457122 265 8 to to PART _005457122 265 9 show show VERB _005457122 265 10 you you PRON _005457122 265 11 that that SCONJ _005457122 265 12 we we PRON _005457122 265 13 love love VERB _005457122 265 14 you you PRON _005457122 265 15 very very ADV _005457122 265 16 much much ADV _005457122 265 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 266 1 give give VERB _005457122 266 2 us we PRON _005457122 266 3 the the DET _005457122 266 4 grace grace NOUN _005457122 266 5 to to PART _005457122 266 6 be be AUX _005457122 266 7 always always ADV _005457122 266 8 a a DET _005457122 266 9 comfort comfort NOUN _005457122 266 10 to to ADP _005457122 266 11 you you PRON _005457122 266 12 and and CCONJ _005457122 266 13 to to ADP _005457122 266 14 your your PRON _005457122 266 15 sorrowful sorrowful ADJ _005457122 266 16 mother mother NOUN _005457122 266 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 267 1 the the DET _005457122 267 2 scourging scourging NOUN _005457122 267 3 at at ADP _005457122 267 4 the the DET _005457122 267 5 pillar pillar NOUN _005457122 267 6 : : PUNCT _005457122 267 7 the the DET _005457122 267 8 crack crack NOUN _005457122 267 9 of of ADP _005457122 267 10 the the DET _005457122 267 11 whip whip NOUN _005457122 267 12 rings ring NOUN _005457122 267 13 in in ADP _005457122 267 14 our our PRON _005457122 267 15 ears ear NOUN _005457122 267 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 267 17 dear dear ADJ _005457122 267 18 lord lord PROPN _005457122 267 19 , , PUNCT _005457122 267 20 as as SCONJ _005457122 267 21 they they PRON _005457122 267 22 scourge scourge VERB _005457122 267 23 you you PRON _005457122 267 24 . . PUNCT _005457122 268 1 what what PRON _005457122 268 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 268 3 terrible terrible ADJ _005457122 268 4 pain pain NOUN _005457122 268 5 you you PRON _005457122 268 6 suffei suffei VERB _005457122 268 7 just just ADV _005457122 268 8 for for ADP _005457122 268 9 us we PRON _005457122 268 10 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 269 1 help help VERB _005457122 269 2 all all PRON _005457122 269 3 in in ADP _005457122 269 4 our our PRON _005457122 269 5 family family NOUN _005457122 269 6 to to PART _005457122 269 7 be be AUX _005457122 269 8 holy holy ADJ _005457122 269 9 in in ADP _005457122 269 10 body body NOUN _005457122 269 11 and and CCONJ _005457122 269 12 soul soul NOUN _005457122 269 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 270 1 v v ADP _005457122 270 2 the the DET _005457122 270 3 crowning crowning NOUN _005457122 270 4 with with ADP _005457122 270 5 thorns thorn NOUN _005457122 270 6 : : PUNCT _005457122 270 7 your your PRON _005457122 270 8 crown crown PROPN _005457122 270 9 , , PUNCT _005457122 270 10 dear dear ADJ _005457122 270 11 savior savior NOUN _005457122 270 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 270 13 is be AUX _005457122 270 14 made make VERB _005457122 270 15 of of ADP _005457122 270 16 cruel cruel ADJ _005457122 270 17 thorns thorn NOUN _005457122 270 18 . . PUNCT _005457122 271 1 many many ADJ _005457122 271 2 people people NOUN _005457122 271 3 will will AUX _005457122 271 4 not not PART _005457122 271 5 have have VERB _005457122 271 6 you you PRON _005457122 271 7 as as ADP _005457122 271 8 their their PRON _005457122 271 9 king king NOUN _005457122 271 10 . . PUNCT _005457122 272 1 but but CCONJ _005457122 272 2 you you PRON _005457122 272 3 will will AUX _005457122 272 4 always always ADV _005457122 272 5 be be AUX _005457122 272 6 the the DET _005457122 272 7 glorious glorious ADJ _005457122 272 8 king king NOUN _005457122 272 9 who who PRON _005457122 272 10 rules rule VERB _005457122 272 11 our our PRON _005457122 272 12 family family NOUN _005457122 272 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 273 1 the the DET _005457122 273 2 carrying carrying NOUN _005457122 273 3 of of ADP _005457122 273 4 the the DET _005457122 273 5 cross cross NOUN _005457122 273 6 : : PUNCT _005457122 273 7 we we PRON _005457122 273 8 are be AUX _005457122 273 9 walking walk VERB _005457122 273 10 at at ADP _005457122 273 11 your your PRON _005457122 273 12 side side NOUN _005457122 273 13 , , PUNCT _005457122 273 14 dear dear ADJ _005457122 273 15 lord lord PROPN _005457122 273 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 274 1 we we PRON _005457122 274 2 are be AUX _005457122 274 3 carrying carry VERB _005457122 274 4 crosses crosse NOUN _005457122 274 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 274 6 too too ADV _005457122 274 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 275 1 you you PRON _005457122 275 2 told tell VERB _005457122 275 3 us we PRON _005457122 275 4 that that SCONJ _005457122 275 5 we we PRON _005457122 275 6 must must AUX _005457122 275 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 276 1 our our PRON _005457122 276 2 crosses crosse NOUN _005457122 276 3 are be AUX _005457122 276 4 little little ADJ _005457122 276 5 ones one NOUN _005457122 276 6 . . PUNCT _005457122 276 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 276 8 . . PUNCT _005457122 277 1 yours yours PRON _005457122 277 2 is be AUX _005457122 277 3 the the DET _005457122 277 4 heavy heavy ADJ _005457122 277 5 cross cross NOUN _005457122 277 6 of of ADP _005457122 277 7 calvary calvary NOUN _005457122 277 8 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 278 1 the the DET _005457122 278 2 crucifixion crucifixion NOUN _005457122 278 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 278 4 in in ADP _005457122 278 5 spirit spirit PROPN _005457122 278 6 we we PRON _005457122 278 7 stand stand VERB _005457122 278 8 at at ADP _005457122 278 9 the the DET _005457122 278 10 foot foot NOUN _005457122 278 11 of of ADP _005457122 278 12 your your PRON _005457122 278 13 cross cross NOUN _005457122 278 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 278 15 dear dear ADJ _005457122 278 16 lord lord PROPN _005457122 278 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 279 1 you you PRON _005457122 279 2 hang hang VERB _005457122 279 3 there there ADV _005457122 279 4 for for ADP _005457122 279 5 three three NUM _005457122 279 6 hours hour NOUN _005457122 279 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 280 1 our our PRON _005457122 280 2 family family NOUN _005457122 280 3 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 280 4 takes take VERB _005457122 280 5 us we PRON _005457122 280 6 only only ADV _005457122 280 7 a a DET _005457122 280 8 few few ADJ _005457122 280 9 minutes minute NOUN _005457122 280 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 280 11 but but CCONJ _005457122 280 12 we we PRON _005457122 280 13 will will AUX _005457122 280 14 remember remember VERB _005457122 280 15 all all DET _005457122 280 16 our our PRON _005457122 280 17 lives life NOUN _005457122 280 18 the the DET _005457122 280 19 lesson lesson NOUN _005457122 280 20 we we PRON _005457122 280 21 are be AUX _005457122 280 22 now now ADV _005457122 280 23 learning learn VERB _005457122 280 24 — — PUNCT _005457122 280 25 the the DET _005457122 280 26 lesson lesson NOUN _005457122 280 27 of of ADP _005457122 280 28 your your PRON _005457122 280 29 great great ADJ _005457122 280 30 love love NOUN _005457122 280 31 for for ADP _005457122 280 32 us we PRON _005457122 280 33 . . PUNCT _005457122 281 1 dear dear PROPN _005457122 281 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 281 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 281 4 our our PRON _005457122 281 5 family family NOUN _005457122 281 6 thanks thank VERB _005457122 281 7 you you PRON _005457122 281 8 for for ADP _005457122 281 9 all all PRON _005457122 281 10 that that PRON _005457122 281 11 you you PRON _005457122 281 12 have have AUX _005457122 281 13 suffered suffer VERB _005457122 281 14 for for ADP _005457122 281 15 us we PRON _005457122 281 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 282 1 the the DET _005457122 282 2 glorious glorious ADJ _005457122 282 3 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 282 4 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005457122 282 5 and and CCONJ _005457122 282 6 saturday saturday PROPN _005457122 282 7 ( ( PUNCT _005457122 282 8 also also ADV _005457122 282 9 sundays sunday NOUN _005457122 282 10 from from ADP _005457122 282 11 easter easter ADJ _005457122 282 12 to to ADP _005457122 282 13 advent advent NOUN _005457122 282 14 ) ) PUNCT _005457122 282 15 setting set VERB _005457122 282 16 the the DET _005457122 282 17 scene scene NOUN _005457122 282 18 : : PUNCT _005457122 282 19 in in ADP _005457122 282 20 life life NOUN _005457122 282 21 on on ADP _005457122 282 22 earth earth NOUN _005457122 282 23 joy joy NOUN _005457122 282 24 follows follow VERB _005457122 282 25 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 282 26 and and CCONJ _005457122 282 27 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 282 28 follows follow VERB _005457122 282 29 joy joy NOUN _005457122 282 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 282 31 until until SCONJ _005457122 282 32 life life NOUN _005457122 282 33 ends end VERB _005457122 282 34 with with ADP _005457122 282 35 the the DET _005457122 282 36 last last ADJ _005457122 282 37 great great ADJ _005457122 282 38 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457122 282 39 — — PUNCT _005457122 282 40 death death NOUN _005457122 282 41 . . PUNCT _005457122 283 1 then then ADV _005457122 283 2 joy joy NOUN _005457122 283 3 alone alone ADV _005457122 283 4 28 28 NUM _005457122 283 5 remains remain VERB _005457122 283 6 — — PUNCT _005457122 283 7 joy joy NOUN _005457122 283 8 so so ADV _005457122 283 9 great great ADJ _005457122 283 10 that that SCONJ _005457122 283 11 we we PRON _005457122 283 12 call call VERB _005457122 283 13 it it PRON _005457122 283 14 glory glory NOUN _005457122 283 15 , , PUNCT _005457122 283 16 for for SCONJ _005457122 283 17 there there PRON _005457122 283 18 is be VERB _005457122 283 19 a a DET _005457122 283 20 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005457122 283 21 and and CCONJ _005457122 283 22 coronation coronation NOUN _005457122 283 23 waiting wait VERB _005457122 283 24 for for ADP _005457122 283 25 us we PRON _005457122 283 26 , , PUNCT _005457122 283 27 too too ADV _005457122 283 28 , , PUNCT _005457122 283 29 when when SCONJ _005457122 283 30 we we PRON _005457122 283 31 enter enter VERB _005457122 283 32 forever forever ADV _005457122 283 33 on on ADP _005457122 283 34 the the DET _005457122 283 35 way way NOUN _005457122 283 36 of of ADP _005457122 283 37 the the DET _005457122 283 38 glorious glorious ADJ _005457122 283 39 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 283 40 . . PUNCT _005457122 284 1 the the DET _005457122 284 2 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005457122 284 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 284 4 dear dear ADJ _005457122 284 5 mother mother NOUN _005457122 284 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 284 7 this this PRON _005457122 284 8 is be AUX _005457122 284 9 a a DET _005457122 284 10 happy happy ADJ _005457122 284 11 day day NOUN _005457122 284 12 for for ADP _005457122 284 13 you you PRON _005457122 284 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 285 1 your your PRON _005457122 285 2 son son NOUN _005457122 285 3 has have AUX _005457122 285 4 come come VERB _005457122 285 5 back back ADV _005457122 285 6 to to ADP _005457122 285 7 life life NOUN _005457122 285 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 285 9 and and CCONJ _005457122 285 10 his his PRON _005457122 285 11 glorious glorious ADJ _005457122 285 12 body body NOUN _005457122 285 13 will will AUX _005457122 285 14 live live VERB _005457122 285 15 forever forever ADV _005457122 285 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 286 1 our our PRON _005457122 286 2 bodies body NOUN _005457122 286 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 286 4 too too ADV _005457122 286 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 286 6 will will AUX _005457122 286 7 rise rise VERB _005457122 286 8 from from ADP _005457122 286 9 the the DET _005457122 286 10 dead dead ADJ _005457122 286 11 and and CCONJ _005457122 286 12 will will AUX _005457122 286 13 live live VERB _005457122 286 14 forever forever ADV _005457122 286 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 287 1 help help VERB _005457122 287 2 us we PRON _005457122 287 3 to to PART _005457122 287 4 live live VERB _005457122 287 5 so so SCONJ _005457122 287 6 that that SCONJ _005457122 287 7 our our PRON _005457122 287 8 family family NOUN _005457122 287 9 will will AUX _005457122 287 10 be be AUX _005457122 287 11 together together ADV _005457122 287 12 again again ADV _005457122 287 13 in in ADP _005457122 287 14 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 287 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 288 1 the the DET _005457122 288 2 ascension ascension NOUN _005457122 288 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 288 4 dear dear ADJ _005457122 288 5 blessed blessed ADJ _005457122 288 6 mother mother NOUN _005457122 288 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 288 8 we we PRON _005457122 288 9 kneel kneel VERB _005457122 288 10 beside beside ADP _005457122 288 11 you you PRON _005457122 288 12 as as SCONJ _005457122 288 13 your your PRON _005457122 288 14 divine divine ADJ _005457122 288 15 son son NOUN _005457122 288 16 ascends ascend VERB _005457122 288 17 into into ADP _005457122 288 18 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 288 19 . . PUNCT _005457122 289 1 he he PRON _005457122 289 2 is be AUX _005457122 289 3 going go VERB _005457122 289 4 to to PART _005457122 289 5 prepare prepare VERB _005457122 289 6 a a DET _005457122 289 7 place place NOUN _005457122 289 8 for for ADP _005457122 289 9 you you PRON _005457122 289 10 — — PUNCT _005457122 289 11 you you PRON _005457122 289 12 will will AUX _005457122 289 13 be be AUX _005457122 289 14 queen queen ADJ _005457122 289 15 of of ADP _005457122 289 16 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 289 17 and and CCONJ _005457122 289 18 of of ADP _005457122 289 19 earth earth NOUN _005457122 289 20 . . PUNCT _005457122 290 1 ask ask VERB _005457122 290 2 him he PRON _005457122 290 3 to to PART _005457122 290 4 prepare prepare VERB _005457122 290 5 a a DET _005457122 290 6 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457122 290 7 home home NOUN _005457122 290 8 for for ADP _005457122 290 9 our our PRON _005457122 290 10 family family NOUN _005457122 290 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 291 1 the the DET _005457122 291 2 descent descent NOUN _005457122 291 3 of of ADP _005457122 291 4 the the DET _005457122 291 5 holy holy ADJ _005457122 291 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 291 7 : : PUNCT _005457122 291 8 blessed blessed ADJ _005457122 291 9 mother mother NOUN _005457122 291 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 291 11 our our PRON _005457122 291 12 family family NOUN _005457122 291 13 can can AUX _005457122 291 14 not not PART _005457122 291 15 be be AUX _005457122 291 16 good good ADJ _005457122 291 17 unless unless SCONJ _005457122 291 18 the the DET _005457122 291 19 holy holy ADJ _005457122 291 20 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 291 21 lives live VERB _005457122 291 22 in in ADP _005457122 291 23 it it PRON _005457122 291 24 . . PUNCT _005457122 292 1 as as SCONJ _005457122 292 2 you you PRON _005457122 292 3 prayed pray VERB _005457122 292 4 with with ADP _005457122 292 5 the the DET _005457122 292 6 apostles apostle NOUN _005457122 292 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 292 8 the the DET _005457122 292 9 holy holy PROPN _005457122 292 10 spirit spirit PROPN _005457122 292 11 came come VERB _005457122 292 12 upon upon SCONJ _005457122 292 13 them they PRON _005457122 292 14 . . PUNCT _005457122 293 1 pray pray VERB _005457122 293 2 with with ADP _005457122 293 3 us we PRON _005457122 293 4 how how SCONJ _005457122 293 5 that that SCONJ _005457122 293 6 during during ADP _005457122 293 7 this this DET _005457122 293 8 family family NOUN _005457122 293 9 rosary rosary VERB _005457122 293 10 the the DET _005457122 293 11 holy holy ADJ _005457122 293 12 ghost ghost NOUN _005457122 293 13 may may AUX _005457122 293 14 come come VERB _005457122 293 15 and and CCONJ _005457122 293 16 bring bring VERB _005457122 293 17 his his PRON _005457122 293 18 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005457122 293 19 gifts gift NOUN _005457122 293 20 to to ADP _005457122 293 21 cur cur PROPN _005457122 293 22 family family NOUN _005457122 293 23 circle circle NOUN _005457122 293 24 . . PUNCT _005457122 294 1 the the DET _005457122 294 2 assumption assumption NOUN _005457122 294 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 294 4 you you PRON _005457122 294 5 are be AUX _005457122 294 6 in in ADP _005457122 294 7 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 294 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 294 9 dearest dearest NOUN _005457122 294 10 mother mother NOUN _005457122 294 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 294 12 body body NOUN _005457122 294 13 and and CCONJ _005457122 294 14 soul soul NOUN _005457122 294 15 . . PUNCT _005457122 295 1 you you PRON _005457122 295 2 are be AUX _005457122 295 3 preparing prepare VERB _005457122 295 4 a a DET _005457122 295 5 place place NOUN _005457122 295 6 for for ADP _005457122 295 7 us we PRON _005457122 295 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 295 9 29 29 NUM _005457122 295 10 you you PRON _005457122 295 11 made make VERB _005457122 295 12 a a DET _005457122 295 13 promise promise NOUN _005457122 295 14 that that SCONJ _005457122 295 15 the the DET _005457122 295 16 true true ADJ _005457122 295 17 children child NOUN _005457122 295 18 of of ADP _005457122 295 19 the the DET _005457122 295 20 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 295 21 would would AUX _005457122 295 22 enjoy enjoy VERB _005457122 295 23 great great ADJ _005457122 295 24 glory glory NOUN _005457122 295 25 in in ADP _005457122 295 26 heaven heaven PROPN _005457122 295 27 . . PUNCT _005457122 296 1 we we PRON _005457122 296 2 know know VERB _005457122 296 3 that that SCONJ _005457122 296 4 you you PRON _005457122 296 5 will will AUX _005457122 296 6 keep keep VERB _005457122 296 7 that that DET _005457122 296 8 promise promise NOUN _005457122 296 9 . . PUNCT _005457122 297 1 the the DET _005457122 297 2 coronation coronation NOUN _005457122 297 3 : : PUNCT _005457122 297 4 your your PRON _005457122 297 5 son son NOUN _005457122 297 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 297 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 297 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 297 9 dear dear ADJ _005457122 297 10 lady lady NOUN _005457122 297 11 , , PUNCT _005457122 297 12 is be AUX _005457122 297 13 the the DET _005457122 297 14 king king NOUN _005457122 297 15 in in ADP _005457122 297 16 our our PRON _005457122 297 17 family family NOUN _005457122 297 18 . . PUNCT _005457122 298 1 you you PRON _005457122 298 2 are be AUX _005457122 298 3 the the DET _005457122 298 4 queen queen NOUN _005457122 298 5 . . PUNCT _005457122 299 1 our our PRON _005457122 299 2 lord lord PROPN _005457122 299 3 has have AUX _005457122 299 4 promised promise VERB _005457122 299 5 to to PART _005457122 299 6 be be AUX _005457122 299 7 with with ADP _005457122 299 8 us we PRON _005457122 299 9 when when SCONJ _005457122 299 10 we we PRON _005457122 299 11 pray pray VERB _005457122 299 12 in in ADP _005457122 299 13 the the DET _005457122 299 14 family family NOUN _005457122 299 15 group group NOUN _005457122 299 16 . . PUNCT _005457122 300 1 we we PRON _005457122 300 2 know know VERB _005457122 300 3 that that SCONJ _005457122 300 4 you you PRON _005457122 300 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 300 6 too too ADV _005457122 300 7 , , PUNCT _005457122 300 8 are be AUX _005457122 300 9 in in ADP _005457122 300 10 our our PRON _005457122 300 11 midst midst NOUN _005457122 300 12 when when SCONJ _005457122 300 13 we we PRON _005457122 300 14 say say VERB _005457122 300 15 your your PRON _005457122 300 16 favorite favorite ADJ _005457122 300 17 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 300 18 — — PUNCT _005457122 300 19 the the DET _005457122 300 20 daily daily ADJ _005457122 300 21 family family NOUN _005457122 300 22 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 300 23 . . PUNCT _005457122 301 1 30 30 NUM _005457122 301 2 though though SCONJ _005457122 301 3 not not PART _005457122 301 4 a a DET _005457122 301 5 part part NOUN _005457122 301 6 of of ADP _005457122 301 7 the the DET _005457122 301 8 family family NOUN _005457122 301 9 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 301 10 , , PUNCT _005457122 301 11 these these DET _005457122 301 12 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457122 301 13 prayers prayer NOUN _005457122 301 14 are be AUX _005457122 301 15 said say VERB _005457122 301 16 by by ADP _005457122 301 17 many many ADJ _005457122 301 18 families family NOUN _005457122 301 19 as as ADP _005457122 301 20 its its PRON _005457122 301 21 fitting fitting ADJ _005457122 301 22 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005457122 301 23 . . PUNCT _005457122 302 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005457122 302 2 jjfjail jjfjail PROPN _005457122 302 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 302 4 holy holy PROPN _005457122 302 5 queen queen PROPN _005457122 302 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 302 7 mother mother NOUN _005457122 302 8 of of ADP _005457122 302 9 mercy mercy NOUN _005457122 302 10 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 302 11 our our PRON _005457122 302 12 tjf tjf ADJ _005457122 302 13 life life NOUN _005457122 302 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 302 15 our our PRON _005457122 302 16 sweetness sweetness NOUN _005457122 302 17 , , PUNCT _005457122 302 18 and and CCONJ _005457122 302 19 our our PRON _005457122 302 20 hope hope NOUN _005457122 302 21 ! ! PUNCT _005457122 303 1 to to ADP _005457122 303 2 thee thee PRON _005457122 303 3 do do AUX _005457122 303 4 we we PRON _005457122 303 5 cry cry VERB _005457122 303 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 303 7 poor poor ADJ _005457122 303 8 banished banish VERB _005457122 303 9 children child NOUN _005457122 303 10 of of ADP _005457122 303 11 eve eve NOUN _005457122 303 12 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 303 13 to to ADP _005457122 303 14 thee thee PRON _005457122 303 15 do do AUX _005457122 303 16 we we PRON _005457122 303 17 send send VERB _005457122 303 18 up up ADP _005457122 303 19 our our PRON _005457122 303 20 sighs sigh NOUN _005457122 303 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 303 22 mourning mourn VERB _005457122 303 23 and and CCONJ _005457122 303 24 weeping weeping NOUN _005457122 303 25 in in ADP _005457122 303 26 this this DET _005457122 303 27 valley valley NOUN _005457122 303 28 of of ADP _005457122 303 29 tears tear NOUN _005457122 303 30 . . PUNCT _005457122 304 1 turn turn VERB _005457122 304 2 , , PUNCT _005457122 304 3 then then ADV _005457122 304 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 304 5 most most ADV _005457122 304 6 gracious gracious ADJ _005457122 304 7 advocate advocate NOUN _005457122 304 8 , , PUNCT _005457122 304 9 thine thine ADJ _005457122 304 10 eyes eye NOUN _005457122 304 11 of of ADP _005457122 304 12 mercy mercy NOUN _005457122 304 13 toward toward ADP _005457122 304 14 us we PRON _005457122 304 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457122 304 16 and and CCONJ _005457122 304 17 after after ADP _005457122 304 18 this this PRON _005457122 304 19 our our PRON _005457122 304 20 exile exile NOUN _005457122 304 21 show show NOUN _005457122 304 22 unto unto ADP _005457122 304 23 us we PRON _005457122 304 24 the the DET _005457122 304 25 blessed bless VERB _005457122 304 26 fruit fruit NOUN _005457122 304 27 of of ADP _005457122 304 28 thy thy PROPN _005457122 304 29 womb womb NOUN _005457122 304 30 , , PUNCT _005457122 304 31 jesus jesus PROPN _005457122 304 32 . . PUNCT _005457122 305 1 o o PROPN _005457122 305 2 clement clement NOUN _005457122 305 3 , , PUNCT _005457122 305 4 o o NOUN _005457122 305 5 loving love VERB _005457122 305 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 305 7 o o NOUN _005457122 305 8 sweet sweet ADJ _005457122 305 9 virgin virgin PROPN _005457122 305 10 mary mary PROPN _005457122 305 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 306 1 v. v. PROPN _005457122 306 2 pray pray VERB _005457122 306 3 for for ADP _005457122 306 4 us we PRON _005457122 306 5 , , PUNCT _005457122 306 6 0 0 NUM _005457122 306 7 holy holy ADJ _005457122 306 8 mother mother NOUN _005457122 306 9 of of ADP _005457122 306 10 god god PROPN _005457122 306 11 . . PUNCT _005457122 307 1 r. r. PROPN _005457122 307 2 that that SCONJ _005457122 307 3 we we PRON _005457122 307 4 may may AUX _005457122 307 5 be be AUX _005457122 307 6 made make VERB _005457122 307 7 worthy worthy ADJ _005457122 307 8 of of ADP _005457122 307 9 the the DET _005457122 307 10 promises promise NOUN _005457122 307 11 of of ADP _005457122 307 12 christ christ PROPN _005457122 307 13 . . PUNCT _005457122 308 1 © © PROPN _005457122 308 2 let let VERB _005457122 308 3 us we PRON _005457122 308 4 pray pray VERB _005457122 308 5 god god PROPN _005457122 308 6 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 7 whose whose DET _005457122 308 8 only only ADV _005457122 308 9 - - PUNCT _005457122 308 10 begotten beget VERB _005457122 308 11 son son NOUN _005457122 308 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 13 by by ADP _005457122 308 14 his his PRON _005457122 308 15 life life NOUN _005457122 308 16 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 17 death death NOUN _005457122 308 18 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 19 and and CCONJ _005457122 308 20 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005457122 308 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 22 hath hath NOUN _005457122 308 23 purchased purchase VERB _005457122 308 24 for for ADP _005457122 308 25 us we PRON _005457122 308 26 the the DET _005457122 308 27 rewards reward NOUN _005457122 308 28 of of ADP _005457122 308 29 everlasting everlaste VERB _005457122 308 30 life life NOUN _005457122 308 31 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 32 grant grant NOUN _005457122 308 33 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 34 we we PRON _005457122 308 35 beseech beseech VERB _005457122 308 36 thee thee PRON _005457122 308 37 , , PUNCT _005457122 308 38 that that SCONJ _005457122 308 39 we we PRON _005457122 308 40 who who PRON _005457122 308 41 meditate meditate VERB _005457122 308 42 upon upon SCONJ _005457122 308 43 these these DET _005457122 308 44 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457122 308 45 of of ADP _005457122 308 46 the the DET _005457122 308 47 most most ADV _005457122 308 48 holy holy ADJ _005457122 308 49 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 308 50 of of ADP _005457122 308 51 the the DET _005457122 308 52 blessed bless VERB _005457122 308 53 virgin virgin PROPN _005457122 308 54 mary mary PROPN _005457122 308 55 may may AUX _005457122 308 56 both both PRON _005457122 308 57 imitate imitate VERB _005457122 308 58 what what PRON _005457122 308 59 they they PRON _005457122 308 60 contain contain VERB _005457122 308 61 and and CCONJ _005457122 308 62 attain attain VERB _005457122 308 63 to to ADP _005457122 308 64 what what PRON _005457122 308 65 they they PRON _005457122 308 66 promise promise VERB _005457122 308 67 . . PUNCT _005457122 309 1 through through ADP _005457122 309 2 the the DET _005457122 309 3 same same ADJ _005457122 309 4 christ christ PROPN _005457122 309 5 our our PRON _005457122 309 6 lord lord PROPN _005457122 309 7 . . PUNCT _005457122 310 1 amen amen INTJ _005457122 310 2 . . PUNCT _005457122 311 1 for for ADP _005457122 311 2 additional additional ADJ _005457122 311 3 copies copy NOUN _005457122 311 4 of of ADP _005457122 311 5 this this DET _005457122 311 6 booklet booklet NOUN _005457122 311 7 or or CCONJ _005457122 311 8 other other ADJ _005457122 311 9 literature literature NOUN _005457122 311 10 on on ADP _005457122 311 11 the the DET _005457122 311 12 family family NOUN _005457122 311 13 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 311 14 , , PUNCT _005457122 311 15 address address NOUN _005457122 311 16 : : PUNCT _005457122 311 17 the the DET _005457122 311 18 reverend reverend ADJ _005457122 311 19 patrick patrick ADJ _005457122 311 20 peyton peyton PROPN _005457122 311 21 , , PUNCT _005457122 311 22 c. c. PROPN _005457122 311 23 s. s. PROPN _005457122 311 24 c. c. PROPN _005457122 311 25 the the DET _005457122 311 26 family family NOUN _005457122 311 27 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 311 28 albany albany PROPN _005457122 311 29 , , PUNCT _005457122 311 30 n. n. PROPN _005457122 311 31 y. y. PROPN _005457122 311 32 © © PROPN _005457122 311 33 here here ADV _005457122 311 34 is be AUX _005457122 311 35 no no DET _005457122 311 36 greater great ADJ _005457122 311 37 hope hope NOUN _005457122 311 38 for for ADP _005457122 311 39 earth earth NOUN _005457122 311 40 than than ADP _005457122 311 41 the the DET _005457122 311 42 sight sight NOUN _005457122 311 43 of of ADP _005457122 311 44 father father NOUN _005457122 311 45 , , PUNCT _005457122 311 46 mother mother NOUN _005457122 311 47 , , PUNCT _005457122 311 48 brothers brother NOUN _005457122 311 49 , , PUNCT _005457122 311 50 and and CCONJ _005457122 311 51 sisters sister NOUN _005457122 311 52 on on ADP _005457122 311 53 their their PRON _005457122 311 54 knees knee NOUN _005457122 311 55 together together ADV _005457122 311 56 in in ADP _005457122 311 57 the the DET _005457122 311 58 quiet quiet ADJ _005457122 311 59 of of ADP _005457122 311 60 their their PRON _005457122 311 61 home home NOUN _005457122 311 62 saying say VERB _005457122 311 63 the the DET _005457122 311 64 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 311 65 . . PUNCT _005457122 312 1 on on ADP _005457122 312 2 their their PRON _005457122 312 3 lips lip NOUN _005457122 312 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 312 5 the the DET _005457122 312 6 words word NOUN _005457122 312 7 of of ADP _005457122 312 8 god god PROPN _005457122 312 9 in in ADP _005457122 312 10 their their PRON _005457122 312 11 hearts heart NOUN _005457122 312 12 , , PUNCT _005457122 312 13 the the DET _005457122 312 14 lore lore NOUN _005457122 312 15 of of ADP _005457122 312 16 mary mary PROPN _005457122 312 17 . . PUNCT _005457122 313 1 within within ADP _005457122 313 2 their their PRON _005457122 313 3 home home NOUN _005457122 313 4 , , PUNCT _005457122 313 5 all all DET _005457122 313 6 the the DET _005457122 313 7 special special ADJ _005457122 313 8 graces grace NOUN _005457122 313 9 and and CCONJ _005457122 313 10 blessings blessing NOUN _005457122 313 11 god god PROPN _005457122 313 12 pours pour VERB _005457122 313 13 down down ADP _005457122 313 14 on on ADP _005457122 313 15 those those PRON _005457122 313 16 who who PRON _005457122 313 17 make make VERB _005457122 313 18 their their PRON _005457122 313 19 home home NOUN _005457122 313 20 a a DET _005457122 313 21 home home NOUN _005457122 313 22 of of ADP _005457122 313 23 the the DET _005457122 313 24 daily daily ADJ _005457122 313 25 family family NOUN _005457122 313 26 rosary rosary NOUN _005457122 313 27 . . PUNCT