id sid tid token lemma pos _005457100 1 1 i i PRON _005457100 1 2 receive receive VERB _005457100 1 3 the the DET _005457100 1 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 1 5 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 1 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 1 7 stories story NOUN _005457100 1 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 1 9 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 1 10 for for ADP _005457100 1 11 my my PRON _005457100 1 12 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 1 13 \zon \zon PROPN _005457100 1 14 cr cr VERB _005457100 1 15 > > PROPN _005457100 1 16 kh kh PROPN _005457100 1 17 ft?o ft?o X _005457100 1 18 i i NOUN _005457100 1 19 4.v 4.v PROPN _005457100 1 20 > > PROPN _005457100 1 21 k k PROPN _005457100 1 22 { { PUNCT _005457100 1 23 pvqy pvqy NOUN _005457100 1 24 - - PUNCT _005457100 1 25 kfca^n kfca^n PROPN _005457100 1 26 / / SYM _005457100 1 27 o<273 o<273 NOUN _005457100 1 28 ir ir ADJ _005457100 1 29 and and CCONJ _005457100 1 30 rayers rayer NOUN _005457100 1 31 confirmation confirmation PROPN _005457100 1 32 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005457100 1 33 von von PROPN _005457100 1 34 schmidt schmidt PROPN _005457100 1 35 - - PUNCT _005457100 1 36 pauli pauli NOUN _005457100 1 37 i i PRON _005457100 1 38 receive receive VERB _005457100 1 39 the the DET _005457100 1 40 holy holy ADJ _005457100 1 41 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 1 42 • • NUM _005457100 1 43 stores store NOUN _005457100 1 44 and and CCONJ _005457100 1 45 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 1 46 for for ADP _005457100 1 47 my my PRON _005457100 1 48 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 1 49 translated translate VERB _005457100 1 50 from from ADP _005457100 1 51 the the DET _005457100 1 52 german german ADJ _005457100 1 53 by by ADP _005457100 1 54 rev rev PROPN _005457100 1 55 . . PROPN _005457100 1 56 geo geo PROPN _005457100 1 57 . . PUNCT _005457100 1 58 m. m. PROPN _005457100 1 59 dennerle dennerle PROPN _005457100 1 60 verse verse PROPN _005457100 1 61 arrangement arrangement NOUN _005457100 1 62 by by ADP _005457100 1 63 rev rev PROPN _005457100 1 64 . . PROPN _005457100 1 65 john john PROPN _005457100 1 66 c. c. PROPN _005457100 1 67 rath rath PROPN _005457100 1 68 catechetical catechetical PROPN _005457100 1 69 guild guild PROPN _005457100 1 70 st st PROPN _005457100 1 71 . . PROPN _005457100 1 72 paul paul PROPN _005457100 1 73 , , PUNCT _005457100 1 74 minn minn PROPN _005457100 1 75 . . PROPN _005457100 2 1 printed print VERB _005457100 2 2 in in ADP _005457100 2 3 u. u. PROPN _005457100 2 4 s. s. PROPN _005457100 2 5 a. a. PROPN _005457100 3 1 i i PRON _005457100 3 2 receive receive VERB _005457100 3 3 the the DET _005457100 3 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 3 5 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 3 6 this this DET _005457100 3 7 little little ADJ _005457100 3 8 book book NOUN _005457100 3 9 of of ADP _005457100 3 10 stories story NOUN _005457100 3 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 3 12 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 3 13 is be AUX _005457100 3 14 for for ADP _005457100 3 15 boys boy NOUN _005457100 3 16 and and CCONJ _005457100 3 17 girls girl NOUN _005457100 3 18 who who PRON _005457100 3 19 are be AUX _005457100 3 20 preparing prepare VERB _005457100 3 21 for for ADP _005457100 3 22 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 3 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 4 1 you you PRON _005457100 4 2 will will AUX _005457100 4 3 notice notice VERB _005457100 4 4 that that SCONJ _005457100 4 5 it it PRON _005457100 4 6 is be AUX _005457100 4 7 divided divide VERB _005457100 4 8 into into ADP _005457100 4 9 twelve twelve NUM _005457100 4 10 days day NOUN _005457100 4 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 5 1 read read VERB _005457100 5 2 the the DET _005457100 5 3 first first ADJ _005457100 5 4 nine nine NUM _005457100 5 5 days day NOUN _005457100 5 6 before before ADP _005457100 5 7 your your PRON _005457100 5 8 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 5 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 6 1 they they PRON _005457100 6 2 will will AUX _005457100 6 3 help help VERB _005457100 6 4 you you PRON _005457100 6 5 to to PART _005457100 6 6 prepare prepare VERB _005457100 6 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 6 8 as as SCONJ _005457100 6 9 mary mary PROPN _005457100 6 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 6 11 the the DET _005457100 6 12 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 6 13 prepared prepare VERB _005457100 6 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 6 15 for for ADP _005457100 6 16 the the DET _005457100 6 17 coming coming NOUN _005457100 6 18 of of ADP _005457100 6 19 the the DET _005457100 6 20 holy holy ADJ _005457100 6 21 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 6 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 7 1 the the DET _005457100 7 2 tenth tenth ADJ _005457100 7 3 day day NOUN _005457100 7 4 is be AUX _005457100 7 5 for for ADP _005457100 7 6 your your PRON _005457100 7 7 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 7 8 day day NOUN _005457100 7 9 itself itself PRON _005457100 7 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 8 1 the the DET _005457100 8 2 two two NUM _005457100 8 3 days day NOUN _005457100 8 4 which which PRON _005457100 8 5 follow follow VERB _005457100 8 6 are be AUX _005457100 8 7 in in ADP _005457100 8 8 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _005457100 8 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 8 10 in in ADP _005457100 8 11 order order NOUN _005457100 8 12 that that SCONJ _005457100 8 13 your your PRON _005457100 8 14 joy joy NOUN _005457100 8 15 may may AUX _005457100 8 16 not not PART _005457100 8 17 end end VERB _005457100 8 18 too too ADV _005457100 8 19 quickly quickly ADV _005457100 8 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 9 1 read read VERB _005457100 9 2 these these DET _005457100 9 3 stories story NOUN _005457100 9 4 and and CCONJ _005457100 9 5 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 9 6 to to ADP _005457100 9 7 your your PRON _005457100 9 8 parents parent NOUN _005457100 9 9 or or CCONJ _005457100 9 10 to to ADP _005457100 9 11 your your PRON _005457100 9 12 brothers brother NOUN _005457100 9 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 9 14 sisters sister NOUN _005457100 9 15 at at ADP _005457100 9 16 home home NOUN _005457100 9 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 10 1 some some PRON _005457100 10 2 of of ADP _005457100 10 3 you you PRON _005457100 10 4 may may AUX _005457100 10 5 not not PART _005457100 10 6 receive receive VERB _005457100 10 7 this this DET _005457100 10 8 book book NOUN _005457100 10 9 until until ADP _005457100 10 10 the the DET _005457100 10 11 very very ADJ _005457100 10 12 day day NOUN _005457100 10 13 of of ADP _005457100 10 14 your your PRON _005457100 10 15 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 10 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 11 1 you you PRON _005457100 11 2 may may AUX _005457100 11 3 begin begin VERB _005457100 11 4 reading read VERB _005457100 11 5 with with ADP _005457100 11 6 the the DET _005457100 11 7 tenth tenth ADJ _005457100 11 8 day day NOUN _005457100 11 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 12 1 read read VERB _005457100 12 2 the the DET _005457100 12 3 other other ADJ _005457100 12 4 eleven eleven NUM _005457100 12 5 lessons lesson NOUN _005457100 12 6 after after ADP _005457100 12 7 your your PRON _005457100 12 8 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 12 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 12 10 as as ADP _005457100 12 11 a a DET _005457100 12 12 reminder reminder NOUN _005457100 12 13 of of ADP _005457100 12 14 all all PRON _005457100 12 15 -the -the PRON _005457100 12 16 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 12 17 the the DET _005457100 12 18 holy holy ADJ _005457100 12 19 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 12 20 brought bring VERB _005457100 12 21 to to ADP _005457100 12 22 you you PRON _005457100 12 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 13 1 now now ADV _005457100 13 2 i i PRON _005457100 13 3 would would AUX _005457100 13 4 like like VERB _005457100 13 5 to to PART _005457100 13 6 make make VERB _005457100 13 7 a a DET _005457100 13 8 bargain bargain NOUN _005457100 13 9 with with ADP _005457100 13 10 you you PRON _005457100 13 11 children child NOUN _005457100 13 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 13 13 far far ADV _005457100 13 14 and and CCONJ _005457100 13 15 near near ADJ _005457100 13 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 13 17 who who PRON _005457100 13 18 learn learn VERB _005457100 13 19 to to PART _005457100 13 20 love love VERB _005457100 13 21 this this DET _005457100 13 22 little little ADJ _005457100 13 23 book book NOUN _005457100 13 24 . . PUNCT _005457100 14 1 wo will AUX _005457100 14 2 n't not PART _005457100 14 3 we we PRON _005457100 14 4 meet meet VERB _005457100 14 5 every every DET _005457100 14 6 year year NOUN _005457100 14 7 during during ADP _005457100 14 8 the the DET _005457100 14 9 nine nine NUM _005457100 14 10 days day NOUN _005457100 14 11 before before ADP _005457100 14 12 the the DET _005457100 14 13 feast feast NOUN _005457100 14 14 of of ADP _005457100 14 15 pentecost pentecost NOUN _005457100 14 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 15 1 we we PRON _005457100 15 2 can can AUX _005457100 15 3 read read VERB _005457100 15 4 over over ADP _005457100 15 5 the the DET _005457100 15 6 stories story NOUN _005457100 15 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 15 8 say say VERB _005457100 15 9 the the DET _005457100 15 10 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 15 11 together together ADV _005457100 15 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 16 1 we we PRON _005457100 16 2 'll will AUX _005457100 16 3 make make VERB _005457100 16 4 our our PRON _005457100 16 5 promise promise NOUN _005457100 16 6 again again ADV _005457100 16 7 of of ADP _005457100 16 8 being be AUX _005457100 16 9 true true ADJ _005457100 16 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 16 11 faithful faithful ADJ _005457100 16 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 16 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 16 14 we we PRON _005457100 16 15 'll will AUX _005457100 16 16 receive receive VERB _005457100 16 17 new new ADJ _005457100 16 18 strength strength NOUN _005457100 16 19 from from ADP _005457100 16 20 the the DET _005457100 16 21 holy holy ADJ _005457100 16 22 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 16 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 17 1 we we PRON _005457100 17 2 need need VERB _005457100 17 3 this this DET _005457100 17 4 strength strength NOUN _005457100 17 5 very very ADV _005457100 17 6 much much ADV _005457100 17 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 17 8 if if SCONJ _005457100 17 9 we we PRON _005457100 17 10 want want VERB _005457100 17 11 to to PART _005457100 17 12 be be AUX _005457100 17 13 on on ADP _005457100 17 14 the the DET _005457100 17 15 side side NOUN _005457100 17 16 of of ADP _005457100 17 17 god god PROPN _005457100 17 18 in in ADP _005457100 17 19 these these DET _005457100 17 20 days day NOUN _005457100 17 21 when when SCONJ _005457100 17 22 so so ADV _005457100 17 23 many many ADJ _005457100 17 24 people people NOUN _005457100 17 25 are be AUX _005457100 17 26 against against ADP _005457100 17 27 him he PRON _005457100 17 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 18 1 3 3 NUM _005457100 18 2 contents content NOUN _005457100 18 3 page page NOUN _005457100 18 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 18 5 to to ADP _005457100 18 6 the the DET _005457100 18 7 holy holy ADJ _005457100 18 8 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 18 9 5 5 NUM _005457100 18 10 noe noe NUM _005457100 18 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 18 12 the the DET _005457100 18 13 dove dove NOUN _005457100 18 14 ------6 ------6 PROPN _005457100 18 15 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 18 16 and and CCONJ _005457100 18 17 the the DET _005457100 18 18 dove dove NOUN _005457100 18 19 ---9 ---9 INTJ _005457100 18 20 the the DET _005457100 18 21 promise promise NOUN _005457100 18 22 -----13 -----13 NOUN _005457100 18 23 coming come VERB _005457100 18 24 of of ADP _005457100 18 25 the the DET _005457100 18 26 holy holy PROPN _005457100 18 27 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 18 28 15 15 NUM _005457100 18 29 changed change VERB _005457100 18 30 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 19 1 -----19 -----19 ADV _005457100 20 1 laying lay VERB _005457100 20 2 on on ADP _005457100 20 3 of of ADP _005457100 20 4 hands hand NOUN _005457100 20 5 ----20 ----20 NOUN _005457100 20 6 the the DET _005457100 20 7 indelible indelible ADJ _005457100 20 8 mark mark NOUN _005457100 20 9 ------24 ------24 PROPN _005457100 20 10 made make VERB _005457100 20 11 strong strong ADJ _005457100 20 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 21 1 ----28 ----28 ADJ _005457100 21 2 knights knight NOUN _005457100 21 3 of of ADP _005457100 21 4 christ christ PROPN _005457100 21 5 --------31 --------31 VERB _005457100 22 1 your your PRON _005457100 22 2 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 22 3 day day NOUN _005457100 22 4 -----36 -----36 NOUN _005457100 22 5 dove dove NOUN _005457100 22 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 22 7 wind wind NOUN _005457100 22 8 - - PUNCT _005457100 22 9 storm storm NOUN _005457100 22 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 22 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 22 12 fire fire NOUN _005457100 22 13 ----40 ----40 NOUN _005457100 22 14 fruits fruit NOUN _005457100 22 15 ----44 ----44 PUNCT _005457100 22 16 this this DET _005457100 22 17 english english ADJ _005457100 22 18 version version NOUN _005457100 22 19 has have AUX _005457100 22 20 been be AUX _005457100 22 21 made make VERB _005457100 22 22 from from ADP _005457100 22 23 the the DET _005457100 22 24 original original ADJ _005457100 22 25 " " PUNCT _005457100 22 26 ich ich ADJ _005457100 22 27 empfange empfange NOUN _005457100 22 28 den den NOUN _005457100 22 29 heiligen heiligen NOUN _005457100 22 30 geist geist NOUN _005457100 22 31 " " PUNCT _005457100 22 32 , , PUNCT _005457100 22 33 published publish VERB _005457100 22 34 by by ADP _005457100 22 35 herder herder PROPN _005457100 22 36 & & CCONJ _005457100 22 37 co. co. PROPN _005457100 22 38 , , PUNCT _005457100 22 39 freiburg freiburg PROPN _005457100 22 40 i i PROPN _005457100 22 41 m m VERB _005457100 22 42 breisgau breisgau NOUN _005457100 22 43 , , PUNCT _005457100 22 44 1932 1932 NUM _005457100 22 45 . . PUNCT _005457100 23 1 here here ADV _005457100 23 2 and and CCONJ _005457100 23 3 there there ADV _005457100 23 4 we we PRON _005457100 23 5 have have AUX _005457100 23 6 taken take VERB _005457100 23 7 the the DET _005457100 23 8 liberty liberty NOUN _005457100 23 9 of of ADP _005457100 23 10 departing depart VERB _005457100 23 11 somewhat somewhat ADV _005457100 23 12 from from ADP _005457100 23 13 the the DET _005457100 23 14 german german ADJ _005457100 23 15 text text NOUN _005457100 23 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 24 1 thus thus ADV _005457100 24 2 the the DET _005457100 24 3 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 24 4 for for ADP _005457100 24 5 the the DET _005457100 24 6 various various ADJ _005457100 24 7 days day NOUN _005457100 24 8 have have AUX _005457100 24 9 been be AUX _005457100 24 10 arranged arrange VERB _005457100 24 11 in in ADP _005457100 24 12 rhymed rhyme VERB _005457100 24 13 verse verse NOUN _005457100 24 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 24 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 24 16 the the DET _005457100 24 17 hymn hymn NOUN _005457100 24 18 " " PUNCT _005457100 24 19 come come VERB _005457100 24 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 24 21 holy holy ADJ _005457100 24 22 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 24 23 " " PUNCT _005457100 24 24 has have AUX _005457100 24 25 been be AUX _005457100 24 26 substituted substitute VERB _005457100 24 27 for for ADP _005457100 24 28 the the DET _005457100 24 29 " " PUNCT _005457100 24 30 freudenlied freudenlied ADJ _005457100 24 31 " " PUNCT _005457100 24 32 on on ADP _005457100 24 33 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 24 34 day day NOUN _005457100 24 35 . . PUNCT _005457100 25 1 the the DET _005457100 25 2 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 25 3 on on ADP _005457100 25 4 the the DET _005457100 25 5 last last ADJ _005457100 25 6 two two NUM _005457100 25 7 pages page NOUN _005457100 25 8 are be AUX _005457100 25 9 not not PART _005457100 25 10 in in ADP _005457100 25 11 the the DET _005457100 25 12 german german ADJ _005457100 25 13 original original NOUN _005457100 25 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 26 1 nihil nihil PROPN _005457100 26 2 obstat obstat PROPN _005457100 26 3 : : PUNCT _005457100 26 4 floyd floyd PROPN _005457100 26 5 l. l. PROPN _005457100 26 6 begin begin PROPN _005457100 26 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 26 8 d.d d.d PROPN _005457100 26 9 . . PROPN _005457100 26 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 26 11 censor censor VERB _005457100 26 12 deputatus deputatus NOUN _005457100 26 13 imprimatur imprimatur NOUN _005457100 26 14 : : PUNCT _005457100 26 15 -^josephus -^josephus X _005457100 26 16 schrembs schremb NOUN _005457100 26 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 26 18 episcopus episcopus NOUN _005457100 26 19 clevelandensis clevelandensis VERB _005457100 26 20 copyright copyright NOUN _005457100 26 21 1941 1941 NUM _005457100 26 22 — — PUNCT _005457100 26 23 catechetical catechetical ADJ _005457100 26 24 guild guild NOUN _005457100 26 25 — — PUNCT _005457100 26 26 printed print VERB _005457100 26 27 in in ADP _005457100 26 28 u. u. PROPN _005457100 26 29 s. s. PROPN _005457100 26 30 a. a. NOUN _005457100 26 31 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 26 32 to to ADP _005457100 26 33 the the DET _005457100 26 34 holy holy ADJ _005457100 26 35 ghost ghost PROPN _005457100 26 36 holy holy ADJ _005457100 26 37 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 26 38 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 27 1 lord lord PROPN _005457100 27 2 of of ADP _005457100 27 3 light light NOUN _005457100 27 4 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 28 1 from from ADP _005457100 28 2 thy thy PRON _005457100 28 3 clear clear ADJ _005457100 28 4 celestial celestial ADJ _005457100 28 5 height height NOUN _005457100 28 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 28 7 thy thy PRON _005457100 28 8 pure pure ADJ _005457100 28 9 beaming beam VERB _005457100 28 10 radiance radiance NOUN _005457100 28 11 give give NOUN _005457100 28 12 : : PUNCT _005457100 28 13 come come VERB _005457100 28 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 28 15 thou thou DET _005457100 28 16 father father NOUN _005457100 28 17 of of ADP _005457100 28 18 the the DET _005457100 28 19 poor poor ADJ _005457100 28 20 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 29 1 come come VERB _005457100 29 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 29 3 with with ADP _005457100 29 4 treasures treasure NOUN _005457100 29 5 which which PRON _005457100 29 6 endure endure VERB _005457100 29 7 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 30 1 come come VERB _005457100 30 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 30 3 thou thou DET _005457100 30 4 light light NOUN _005457100 30 5 of of ADP _005457100 30 6 all all DET _005457100 30 7 that that PRON _005457100 30 8 live live VERB _005457100 30 9 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 31 1 thou thou PROPN _005457100 31 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 31 3 of of ADP _005457100 31 4 all all DET _005457100 31 5 consolers consoler NOUN _005457100 31 6 best well ADV _005457100 31 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 31 8 visiting visit VERB _005457100 31 9 the the DET _005457100 31 10 troubled troubled ADJ _005457100 31 11 breast breast NOUN _005457100 31 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 31 13 dost dost VERB _005457100 31 14 refreshing refreshing ADJ _005457100 31 15 peace peace NOUN _005457100 31 16 bestow bestow NOUN _005457100 31 17 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 31 18 thou thou PRON _005457100 31 19 in in ADP _005457100 31 20 toil toil NOUN _005457100 31 21 are be AUX _005457100 31 22 comfort comfort NOUN _005457100 31 23 sweet sweet ADJ _005457100 31 24 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 31 25 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005457100 31 26 coolness coolness NOUN _005457100 31 27 in in ADP _005457100 31 28 the the DET _005457100 31 29 heat heat NOUN _005457100 31 30 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 31 31 solace solace NOUN _005457100 31 32 in in ADP _005457100 31 33 the the DET _005457100 31 34 midst midst NOUN _005457100 31 35 of of ADP _005457100 31 36 woe woe NOUN _005457100 31 37 . . PUNCT _005457100 32 1 light light ADJ _005457100 32 2 immortal immortal ADJ _005457100 32 3 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 33 1 light light NOUN _005457100 33 2 divine divine ADJ _005457100 33 3 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 34 1 visit visit VERB _005457100 34 2 thou thou ADP _005457100 34 3 these these DET _005457100 34 4 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 34 5 of of ADP _005457100 34 6 thine thine NOUN _005457100 34 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 34 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 34 9 our our PRON _005457100 34 10 inmost inmost NOUN _005457100 34 11 being be AUX _005457100 34 12 fill fill NOUN _005457100 34 13 : : PUNCT _005457100 34 14 if if SCONJ _005457100 34 15 thou thou PRON _005457100 34 16 take take VERB _005457100 34 17 thy thy PRON _005457100 34 18 grace grace NOUN _005457100 34 19 away away ADV _005457100 34 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 34 21 nothing nothing PRON _005457100 34 22 pure pure ADJ _005457100 34 23 in in ADP _005457100 34 24 man man NOUN _005457100 34 25 will will AUX _005457100 34 26 stay stay VERB _005457100 34 27 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 34 28 all all PRON _005457100 34 29 his his PRON _005457100 34 30 good good NOUN _005457100 34 31 is be AUX _005457100 34 32 turn'd turn'd PROPN _005457100 34 33 to to PART _005457100 34 34 ill ill PROPN _005457100 34 35 . . PUNCT _005457100 35 1 heal heal VERB _005457100 35 2 our our PRON _005457100 35 3 wounds wound NOUN _005457100 35 4 — — PUNCT _005457100 35 5 our our PRON _005457100 35 6 strength strength NOUN _005457100 35 7 renew renew NOUN _005457100 35 8 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 35 9 on on ADP _005457100 35 10 our our PRON _005457100 35 11 dryness dryness ADJ _005457100 35 12 pour pour NOUN _005457100 35 13 thy thy PRON _005457100 35 14 dew dew NOUN _005457100 35 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 35 16 wash wash VERB _005457100 35 17 the the DET _005457100 35 18 stains stain NOUN _005457100 35 19 of of ADP _005457100 35 20 guilt guilt NOUN _005457100 35 21 away away ADV _005457100 35 22 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 35 23 bend bend VERB _005457100 35 24 the the DET _005457100 35 25 stubborn stubborn ADJ _005457100 35 26 heart heart NOUN _005457100 35 27 and and CCONJ _005457100 35 28 will will AUX _005457100 35 29 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 35 30 melt melt VERB _005457100 35 31 the the DET _005457100 35 32 frozen frozen ADJ _005457100 35 33 , , PUNCT _005457100 35 34 warm warm ADJ _005457100 35 35 the the DET _005457100 35 36 chill chill NOUN _005457100 35 37 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 35 38 guide guide VERB _005457100 35 39 the the DET _005457100 35 40 steps step NOUN _005457100 35 41 that that PRON _005457100 35 42 go go VERB _005457100 35 43 astray astray ADV _005457100 35 44 . . PUNCT _005457100 36 1 thou thou PROPN _005457100 36 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 36 3 on on ADP _005457100 36 4 those those PRON _005457100 36 5 who who PRON _005457100 36 6 evermore evermore VERB _005457100 36 7 thee thee PRON _005457100 36 8 confess confess NOUN _005457100 36 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 36 10 thee thee NOUN _005457100 36 11 adore adore NOUN _005457100 36 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 36 13 in in ADP _005457100 36 14 thy thy PRON _005457100 36 15 sevenfold sevenfold NOUN _005457100 36 16 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 36 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 36 18 descend descend NOUN _005457100 36 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 36 20 give give VERB _005457100 36 21 them they PRON _005457100 36 22 comfort comfort NOUN _005457100 36 23 when when SCONJ _005457100 36 24 they they PRON _005457100 36 25 die die VERB _005457100 36 26 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 36 27 give give VERB _005457100 36 28 them they PRON _005457100 36 29 life life NOUN _005457100 36 30 with with ADP _005457100 36 31 thee thee PRON _005457100 36 32 on on ADP _005457100 36 33 high high ADJ _005457100 36 34 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 36 35 give give VERB _005457100 36 36 them they PRON _005457100 36 37 joys joy NOUN _005457100 36 38 which which PRON _005457100 36 39 never never ADV _005457100 36 40 end end VERB _005457100 36 41 — — PUNCT _005457100 36 42 amen amen INTJ _005457100 36 43 . . PROPN _005457100 36 44 5 5 NUM _005457100 36 45 noe noe NUM _005457100 36 46 and and CCONJ _005457100 36 47 the the DET _005457100 36 48 dove dove NOUN _005457100 36 49 first first ADJ _005457100 36 50 day day NOUN _005457100 36 51 noe noe NUM _005457100 36 52 looked look VERB _005457100 36 53 out out ADP _005457100 36 54 of of ADP _005457100 36 55 the the DET _005457100 36 56 window window NOUN _005457100 36 57 of of ADP _005457100 36 58 the the DET _005457100 36 59 ark ark PROPN _005457100 36 60 . . PUNCT _005457100 37 1 he he PRON _005457100 37 2 was be AUX _005457100 37 3 waiting wait VERB _005457100 37 4 for for ADP _005457100 37 5 his his PRON _005457100 37 6 dove dove NOUN _005457100 37 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 38 1 if if SCONJ _005457100 38 2 it it PRON _005457100 38 3 came come VERB _005457100 38 4 back back ADV _005457100 38 5 with with ADP _005457100 38 6 a a DET _005457100 38 7 green green ADJ _005457100 38 8 branch branch NOUN _005457100 38 9 in in ADP _005457100 38 10 its its PRON _005457100 38 11 mouth mouth NOUN _005457100 38 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 38 13 noe noe NUM _005457100 38 14 would would AUX _005457100 38 15 know know VERB _005457100 38 16 that that DET _005457100 38 17 some6 some6 NOUN _005457100 38 18 where where SCONJ _005457100 38 19 a a DET _005457100 38 20 tree tree NOUN _005457100 38 21 had have AUX _005457100 38 22 lifted lift VERB _005457100 38 23 its its PRON _005457100 38 24 head head NOUN _005457100 38 25 out out ADP _005457100 38 26 of of ADP _005457100 38 27 the the DET _005457100 38 28 high high ADJ _005457100 38 29 waters water NOUN _005457100 38 30 of of ADP _005457100 38 31 the the DET _005457100 38 32 flood flood NOUN _005457100 38 33 . . PUNCT _005457100 39 1 that that PRON _005457100 39 2 would would AUX _005457100 39 3 make make VERB _005457100 39 4 noe noe NUM _005457100 39 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 39 6 his his PRON _005457100 39 7 family family NOUN _005457100 39 8 happy happy ADJ _005457100 39 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 40 1 very very ADV _005457100 40 2 soon soon ADV _005457100 40 3 the the DET _005457100 40 4 water water NOUN _005457100 40 5 would would AUX _005457100 40 6 disappear disappear VERB _005457100 40 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 41 1 there there PRON _005457100 41 2 would would AUX _005457100 41 3 be be AUX _005457100 41 4 dry dry ADJ _005457100 41 5 land land NOUN _005457100 41 6 again again ADV _005457100 41 7 .. .. PUNCT _005457100 42 1 look look VERB _005457100 42 2 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 43 1 what what PRON _005457100 43 2 is be AUX _005457100 43 3 that that PRON _005457100 43 4 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 44 1 is be AUX _005457100 44 2 n't not PART _005457100 44 3 it it PRON _005457100 44 4 the the DET _005457100 44 5 white white NOUN _005457100 44 6 dove dive VERB _005457100 44 7 off off ADP _005457100 44 8 in in ADP _005457100 44 9 the the DET _005457100 44 10 distance distance NOUN _005457100 44 11 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 45 1 can can AUX _005457100 45 2 you you PRON _005457100 45 3 see see VERB _005457100 45 4 anything anything PRON _005457100 45 5 in in ADP _005457100 45 6 its its PRON _005457100 45 7 mouth mouth NOUN _005457100 45 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 46 1 it it PRON _005457100 46 2 is be AUX _005457100 46 3 still still ADV _005457100 46 4 too too ADV _005457100 46 5 far far ADV _005457100 46 6 away away ADV _005457100 46 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 47 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 47 2 as as SCONJ _005457100 47 3 it it PRON _005457100 47 4 comes come VERB _005457100 47 5 nearer near ADV _005457100 47 6 — — PUNCT _005457100 47 7 oh oh INTJ _005457100 47 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 47 9 no no INTJ _005457100 47 10 — — PUNCT _005457100 47 11 there there PRON _005457100 47 12 is be VERB _005457100 47 13 nothing nothing PRON _005457100 47 14 in in ADP _005457100 47 15 its its PRON _005457100 47 16 mouth mouth NOUN _005457100 47 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 48 1 noe noe NUM _005457100 48 2 knew know VERB _005457100 48 3 there there PRON _005457100 48 4 was be VERB _005457100 48 5 no no DET _005457100 48 6 green green ADJ _005457100 48 7 tree tree NOUN _005457100 48 8 to to PART _005457100 48 9 be be AUX _005457100 48 10 seen see VERB _005457100 48 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 49 1 still still ADV _005457100 49 2 he he PRON _005457100 49 3 trusted trust VERB _005457100 49 4 in in ADP _005457100 49 5 god god PROPN _005457100 49 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 50 1 he he PRON _005457100 50 2 did do AUX _005457100 50 3 not not PART _005457100 50 4 doubt doubt VERB _005457100 50 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 51 1 after after ADP _005457100 51 2 some some DET _005457100 51 3 days day NOUN _005457100 51 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 51 5 he he PRON _005457100 51 6 again again ADV _005457100 51 7 sent send VERB _005457100 51 8 forth forth ADP _005457100 51 9 the the DET _005457100 51 10 dove dove NOUN _005457100 51 11 out out ADP _005457100 51 12 of of ADP _005457100 51 13 the the DET _005457100 51 14 ark ark NOUN _005457100 51 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 52 1 he he PRON _005457100 52 2 looked look VERB _005457100 52 3 out out ADP _005457100 52 4 over over ADP _005457100 52 5 the the DET _005457100 52 6 high high ADJ _005457100 52 7 waters water NOUN _005457100 52 8 of of ADP _005457100 52 9 the the DET _005457100 52 10 flood flood NOUN _005457100 52 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 52 12 waited wait VERB _005457100 52 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 53 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 53 2 all all DET _005457100 53 3 his his PRON _005457100 53 4 family family NOUN _005457100 53 5 waited wait VERB _005457100 53 6 with with ADP _005457100 53 7 him he PRON _005457100 53 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 54 1 one one NUM _005457100 54 2 evening evening NOUN _005457100 54 3 a a DET _005457100 54 4 white white ADJ _005457100 54 5 speck speck NOUN _005457100 54 6 was be AUX _005457100 54 7 seen see VERB _005457100 54 8 in in ADP _005457100 54 9 the the DET _005457100 54 10 sky sky NOUN _005457100 54 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 55 1 it it PRON _005457100 55 2 moved move VERB _005457100 55 3 nearer near ADV _005457100 55 4 and and CCONJ _005457100 55 5 nearer near ADJ _005457100 55 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 56 1 " " PUNCT _005457100 56 2 the the DET _005457100 56 3 dove dove NOUN _005457100 56 4 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 57 1 the the DET _005457100 57 2 dove dove NOUN _005457100 57 3 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 57 4 " " PUNCT _005457100 57 5 cried cry VERB _005457100 57 6 all all PRON _005457100 57 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 58 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 58 2 when when SCONJ _005457100 58 3 it it PRON _005457100 58 4 came come VERB _005457100 58 5 quite quite ADV _005457100 58 6 close close ADJ _005457100 58 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 58 8 they they PRON _005457100 58 9 could could AUX _005457100 58 10 see see VERB _005457100 58 11 that that SCONJ _005457100 58 12 it it PRON _005457100 58 13 carried carry VERB _005457100 58 14 the the DET _005457100 58 15 twig twig NOUN _005457100 58 16 of of ADP _005457100 58 17 a a DET _005457100 58 18 tree tree NOUN _005457100 58 19 with with ADP _005457100 58 20 green green ADJ _005457100 58 21 leaves leave NOUN _005457100 58 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 59 1 they they PRON _005457100 59 2 were be AUX _005457100 59 3 the the DET _005457100 59 4 leaves leave NOUN _005457100 59 5 of of ADP _005457100 59 6 an an DET _005457100 59 7 olive olive NOUN _005457100 59 8 tree tree NOUN _005457100 59 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 60 1 noe noe NUM _005457100 60 2 fell fall VERB _005457100 60 3 to to ADP _005457100 60 4 his his PRON _005457100 60 5 knees knee NOUN _005457100 60 6 * * PUNCT _005457100 60 7 he he PRON _005457100 60 8 thanked thank VERB _005457100 60 9 god god PROPN _005457100 60 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 60 11 for for SCONJ _005457100 60 12 he he PRON _005457100 60 13 knew know VERB _005457100 60 14 that that SCONJ _005457100 60 15 the the DET _005457100 60 16 waters water NOUN _005457100 60 17 had have AUX _005457100 60 18 gone go VERB _005457100 60 19 down down ADV _005457100 60 20 and and CCONJ _005457100 60 21 soon soon ADV _005457100 60 22 the the DET _005457100 60 23 earth earth NOUN _005457100 60 24 would would AUX _005457100 60 25 be be AUX _005457100 60 26 dry dry ADJ _005457100 60 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 61 1 after after ADP _005457100 61 2 seven seven NUM _005457100 61 3 days day NOUN _005457100 61 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 61 5 he he PRON _005457100 61 6 sent send VERB _005457100 61 7 the the DET _005457100 61 8 dove dove NOUN _005457100 61 9 out out ADP _005457100 61 10 a a DET _005457100 61 11 third third ADJ _005457100 61 12 time time NOUN _005457100 61 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 62 1 if if SCONJ _005457100 62 2 it it PRON _005457100 62 3 did do AUX _005457100 62 4 not not PART _005457100 62 5 come come VERB _005457100 62 6 back back ADV _005457100 62 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 62 8 that that PRON _005457100 62 9 would would AUX _005457100 62 10 be be AUX _005457100 62 11 a a DET _005457100 62 12 sign sign NOUN _005457100 62 13 that that SCONJ _005457100 62 14 it it PRON _005457100 62 15 had have AUX _005457100 62 16 found find VERB _005457100 62 17 dry dry ADJ _005457100 62 18 land land NOUN _005457100 62 19 on on ADP _005457100 62 20 which which PRON _005457100 62 21 to to PART _005457100 62 22 rest rest VERB _005457100 62 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 63 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 63 2 sure sure ADV _005457100 63 3 enough enough ADV _005457100 63 4 the the DET _005457100 63 5 dove dove NOUN _005457100 63 6 did do AUX _005457100 63 7 not not PART _005457100 63 8 come come VERB _005457100 63 9 back back ADV _005457100 63 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 64 1 noe noe PROPN _005457100 64 2 opened open VERB _005457100 64 3 the the DET _005457100 64 4 roof roof NOUN _005457100 64 5 of of ADP _005457100 64 6 the the DET _005457100 64 7 ark ark NOUN _005457100 64 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 64 9 saw see VERB _005457100 64 10 that that SCONJ _005457100 64 11 there there PRON _005457100 64 12 was be VERB _005457100 64 13 dry dry ADJ _005457100 64 14 land land NOUN _005457100 64 15 all all ADV _005457100 64 16 about about ADP _005457100 64 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 65 1 so so ADV _005457100 65 2 he he PRON _005457100 65 3 and and CCONJ _005457100 65 4 his his PRON _005457100 65 5 family family NOUN _005457100 65 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 65 7 the the DET _005457100 65 8 animals animal NOUN _005457100 65 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 65 10 birds bird NOUN _005457100 65 11 went go VERB _005457100 65 12 out out ADP _005457100 65 13 of of ADP _005457100 65 14 the the DET _005457100 65 15 ark ark NOUN _005457100 65 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 66 1 he he PRON _005457100 66 2 built build VERB _005457100 66 3 an an DET _005457100 66 4 altar altar NOUN _005457100 66 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 66 6 gave give VERB _005457100 66 7 thanks thank NOUN _005457100 66 8 to to ADP _005457100 66 9 god god PROPN _005457100 66 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 67 1 thus thus ADV _005457100 67 2 long long ADV _005457100 67 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 67 4 long long ADV _005457100 67 5 ago ago ADV _005457100 67 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 67 7 the the DET _005457100 67 8 good good ADJ _005457100 67 9 god god PROPN _005457100 67 10 made make VERB _005457100 67 11 use use NOUN _005457100 67 12 of of ADP _005457100 67 13 the the DET _005457100 67 14 dove dove NOUN _005457100 67 15 as as ADP _005457100 67 16 a a DET _005457100 67 17 messenger messenger NOUN _005457100 67 18 of of ADP _005457100 67 19 peace peace NOUN _005457100 67 20 and and CCONJ _005457100 67 21 joy joy NOUN _005457100 67 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 68 1 7 7 NUM _005457100 68 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 68 3 for for ADP _005457100 68 4 the the DET _005457100 68 5 first first ADJ _005457100 68 6 day day NOUN _005457100 68 7 dear dear PROPN _005457100 68 8 god god PROPN _005457100 68 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 68 10 you you PRON _005457100 68 11 cared care VERB _005457100 68 12 for for ADP _005457100 68 13 noe noe NUM _005457100 68 14 in in ADP _005457100 68 15 a a DET _005457100 68 16 very very ADV _005457100 68 17 kindly kindly ADJ _005457100 68 18 way way NOUN _005457100 68 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 68 20 i i PRON _005457100 68 21 wonder wonder VERB _005457100 68 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 68 23 do do AUX _005457100 68 24 you you PRON _005457100 68 25 care care VERB _005457100 68 26 for for ADP _005457100 68 27 us we PRON _005457100 68 28 so so ADV _005457100 68 29 very very ADV _005457100 68 30 much much ADV _005457100 68 31 today today NOUN _005457100 68 32 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 69 1 poor poor ADJ _005457100 69 2 noe noe NUM _005457100 69 3 never never ADV _005457100 69 4 called call VERB _005457100 69 5 you you PRON _005457100 69 6 father father NOUN _005457100 69 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 69 8 like like SCONJ _005457100 69 9 we we PRON _005457100 69 10 children child NOUN _005457100 69 11 do do VERB _005457100 69 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 69 13 for for SCONJ _005457100 69 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 69 15 said say VERB _005457100 69 16 that that SCONJ _005457100 69 17 men man NOUN _005457100 69 18 are be AUX _005457100 69 19 children child NOUN _005457100 69 20 who who PRON _005457100 69 21 belong belong VERB _005457100 69 22 to to ADP _005457100 69 23 you you PRON _005457100 69 24 . . PUNCT _005457100 70 1 a a DET _005457100 70 2 home home NOUN _005457100 70 3 to to PART _005457100 70 4 make make VERB _005457100 70 5 him he PRON _005457100 70 6 happy happy ADJ _005457100 70 7 for for ADP _005457100 70 8 a a DET _005457100 70 9 few few ADJ _005457100 70 10 short short ADJ _005457100 70 11 years year NOUN _005457100 70 12 of of ADP _005457100 70 13 life life NOUN _005457100 70 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 70 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 70 16 children child NOUN _005457100 70 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 70 18 too too ADV _005457100 70 19 , , PUNCT _005457100 70 20 the the DET _005457100 70 21 good good ADJ _005457100 70 22 god god PROPN _005457100 70 23 gave give VERB _005457100 70 24 to to ADP _005457100 70 25 noe noe NUM _005457100 70 26 and and CCONJ _005457100 70 27 his his PRON _005457100 70 28 wife wife NOUN _005457100 70 29 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 70 30 but but CCONJ _005457100 70 31 think think VERB _005457100 70 32 about about ADP _005457100 70 33 the the DET _005457100 70 34 promise promise NOUN _005457100 70 35 that that SCONJ _005457100 70 36 the the DET _005457100 70 37 future future NOUN _005457100 70 38 holds hold VERB _005457100 70 39 in in ADP _005457100 70 40 store store NOUN _005457100 70 41 — — PUNCT _005457100 70 42 a a DET _005457100 70 43 happy happy ADJ _005457100 70 44 home home NOUN _005457100 70 45 in in ADP _005457100 70 46 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 70 47 with with ADP _005457100 70 48 ' ' PUNCT _005457100 70 49 our our PRON _005457100 70 50 father father NOUN _005457100 70 51 evermore evermore ADV _005457100 70 52 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 71 1 for for ADP _005457100 71 2 needs need NOUN _005457100 71 3 of of ADP _005457100 71 4 soul soul NOUN _005457100 71 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 71 6 body body NOUN _005457100 71 7 you you PRON _005457100 71 8 have have VERB _005457100 71 9 such such DET _005457100 71 10 a a DET _005457100 71 11 father father NOUN _005457100 71 12 's 's PART _005457100 71 13 care care NOUN _005457100 71 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 71 15 that that SCONJ _005457100 71 16 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 71 17 's 's PART _005457100 71 18 happy happy ADJ _005457100 71 19 home home NOUN _005457100 71 20 above above ADP _005457100 71 21 your your PRON _005457100 71 22 children child NOUN _005457100 71 23 soon soon ADV _005457100 71 24 may may AUX _005457100 71 25 share share VERB _005457100 71 26 . . PUNCT _005457100 72 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 72 2 now now ADV _005457100 72 3 i i PRON _005457100 72 4 hear hear VERB _005457100 72 5 the the DET _005457100 72 6 joyful joyful ADJ _005457100 72 7 news news NOUN _005457100 72 8 about about ADP _005457100 72 9 the the DET _005457100 72 10 holy holy ADJ _005457100 72 11 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 72 12 you you PRON _005457100 72 13 want want VERB _005457100 72 14 to to PART _005457100 72 15 send send VERB _005457100 72 16 to to PART _005457100 72 17 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457100 72 18 me i PRON _005457100 72 19 who who PRON _005457100 72 20 needs need VERB _005457100 72 21 his his PRON _005457100 72 22 help help NOUN _005457100 72 23 the the DET _005457100 72 24 most most ADJ _005457100 72 25 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 72 26 i i PRON _005457100 72 27 thank thank VERB _005457100 72 28 you you PRON _005457100 72 29 , , PUNCT _005457100 72 30 father father PROPN _005457100 72 31 , , PUNCT _005457100 72 32 for for ADP _005457100 72 33 the the DET _005457100 72 34 joy joy NOUN _005457100 72 35 you you PRON _005457100 72 36 promise promise VERB _005457100 72 37 soon soon ADV _005457100 72 38 to to PART _005457100 72 39 give give VERB _005457100 72 40 — — PUNCT _005457100 72 41 the the DET _005457100 72 42 coming coming NOUN _005457100 72 43 of of ADP _005457100 72 44 the the DET _005457100 72 45 holy holy ADJ _005457100 72 46 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 72 47 to to PART _005457100 72 48 teach teach VERB _005457100 72 49 me i PRON _005457100 72 50 how how SCONJ _005457100 72 51 to to PART _005457100 72 52 live live VERB _005457100 72 53 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 73 1 \ \ PROPN _005457100 73 2 8 8 NUM _005457100 73 3 amen aman NOUN _005457100 73 4 . . PUNCT _005457100 74 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 74 2 and and CCONJ _005457100 74 3 the the DET _005457100 74 4 dove dove NOUN _005457100 74 5 second second ADJ _005457100 74 6 day day NOUN _005457100 74 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 74 8 stood stand VERB _005457100 74 9 in in ADP _005457100 74 10 the the DET _005457100 74 11 river river PROPN _005457100 74 12 jordan jordan PROPN _005457100 74 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 75 1 he he PRON _005457100 75 2 was be AUX _005457100 75 3 being be AUX _005457100 75 4 baptized baptize VERB _005457100 75 5 by by ADP _005457100 75 6 st st PROPN _005457100 75 7 . . PROPN _005457100 75 8 john john PROPN _005457100 75 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 76 1 as as ADV _005457100 76 2 soon soon ADV _005457100 76 3 as as SCONJ _005457100 76 4 he he PRON _005457100 76 5 came come VERB _005457100 76 6 out out ADP _005457100 76 7 of of ADP _005457100 76 8 the the DET _005457100 76 9 water water NOUN _005457100 76 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 76 11 something something PRON _005457100 76 12 very very ADV _005457100 76 13 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005457100 76 14 happened happen VERB _005457100 76 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 77 1 john john PROPN _005457100 77 2 looked look VERB _005457100 77 3 up up ADP _005457100 77 4 into into ADP _005457100 77 5 the the DET _005457100 77 6 blue blue ADJ _005457100 77 7 sky sky NOUN _005457100 77 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 78 1 suddenly suddenly ADV _005457100 78 2 the the DET _005457100 78 3 heavens heaven NOUN _005457100 78 4 opened open VERB _005457100 78 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 79 1 a a DET _005457100 79 2 dove dove NOUN _005457100 79 3 flew fly VERB _005457100 79 4 down down ADV _005457100 79 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 79 6 rested rest VERB _005457100 79 7 over over ADP _005457100 79 8 the the DET _005457100 79 9 head head NOUN _005457100 79 10 of of ADP _005457100 79 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 79 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 80 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 80 2 knew know VERB _005457100 80 3 at at ADP _005457100 80 4 once once ADV _005457100 80 5 that that SCONJ _005457100 80 6 it it PRON _005457100 80 7 was be AUX _005457100 80 8 not not PART _005457100 80 9 an an DET _005457100 80 10 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005457100 80 11 dove dove NOUN _005457100 80 12 of of ADP _005457100 80 13 this this DET _005457100 80 14 earth earth NOUN _005457100 80 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 81 1 it it PRON _005457100 81 2 was be AUX _005457100 81 3 a a DET _005457100 81 4 dove dove NOUN _005457100 81 5 that that PRON _005457100 81 6 came come VERB _005457100 81 7 with with ADP _005457100 81 8 a a DET _005457100 81 9 message message NOUN _005457100 81 10 from from ADP _005457100 81 11 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 81 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 82 1 god god PROPN _005457100 82 2 the the DET _005457100 82 3 father father PROPN _005457100 82 4 could could AUX _005457100 82 5 send send VERB _005457100 82 6 9 9 NUM _005457100 82 7 no no PRON _005457100 82 8 more more ADV _005457100 82 9 worthy worthy ADJ _005457100 82 10 messenger messenger NOUN _005457100 82 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 83 1 here here ADV _005457100 83 2 in in ADP _005457100 83 3 the the DET _005457100 83 4 form form NOUN _005457100 83 5 of of ADP _005457100 83 6 the the DET _005457100 83 7 dove dove NOUN _005457100 83 8 was be AUX _005457100 83 9 the the DET _005457100 83 10 holy holy ADJ _005457100 83 11 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 83 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 83 13 the the DET _005457100 83 14 love love NOUN _005457100 83 15 of of ADP _005457100 83 16 god god PROPN _005457100 83 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 83 18 who who PRON _005457100 83 19 himself himself PRON _005457100 83 20 came come VERB _005457100 83 21 down down ADP _005457100 83 22 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 83 23 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 83 24 . . PUNCT _005457100 84 1 at at ADP _005457100 84 2 the the DET _005457100 84 3 same same ADJ _005457100 84 4 time time NOUN _005457100 84 5 a a DET _005457100 84 6 voice voice NOUN _005457100 84 7 spoke speak VERB _005457100 84 8 from from ADP _005457100 84 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 84 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 85 1 it it PRON _005457100 85 2 was be AUX _005457100 85 3 the the DET _005457100 85 4 voice voice NOUN _005457100 85 5 of of ADP _005457100 85 6 god god PROPN _005457100 85 7 the the DET _005457100 85 8 father father NOUN _005457100 85 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 86 1 " " PUNCT _005457100 86 2 this this PRON _005457100 86 3 is be AUX _005457100 86 4 my my PRON _005457100 86 5 beloved beloved ADJ _005457100 86 6 son son NOUN _005457100 86 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 86 8 in in ADP _005457100 86 9 whom whom PRON _005457100 86 10 i i PRON _005457100 86 11 am be AUX _005457100 86 12 well well ADV _005457100 86 13 pleased pleased ADJ _005457100 86 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 86 15 " " PUNCT _005457100 87 1 all all DET _005457100 87 2 this this PRON _005457100 87 3 was be AUX _005457100 87 4 very very ADV _005457100 87 5 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005457100 87 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 88 1 for for ADP _005457100 88 2 the the DET _005457100 88 3 first first ADJ _005457100 88 4 time time NOUN _005457100 88 5 the the DET _005457100 88 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 88 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 88 8 showed show VERB _005457100 88 9 himself himself PRON _005457100 88 10 to to ADP _005457100 88 11 men man NOUN _005457100 88 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 89 1 he he PRON _005457100 89 2 showed show VERB _005457100 89 3 himself himself PRON _005457100 89 4 in in ADP _005457100 89 5 the the DET _005457100 89 6 form form NOUN _005457100 89 7 of of ADP _005457100 89 8 a a DET _005457100 89 9 dove dove NOUN _005457100 89 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 89 11 for for ADP _005457100 89 12 otherwise otherwise ADV _005457100 89 13 the the DET _005457100 89 14 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 89 15 of of ADP _005457100 89 16 men man NOUN _005457100 89 17 could could AUX _005457100 89 18 not not PART _005457100 89 19 have have AUX _005457100 89 20 looked look VERB _005457100 89 21 at at ADP _005457100 89 22 his his PRON _005457100 89 23 brightness brightness NOUN _005457100 89 24 . . PUNCT _005457100 90 1 do do AUX _005457100 90 2 you you PRON _005457100 90 3 know know VERB _005457100 90 4 why why SCONJ _005457100 90 5 the the DET _005457100 90 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 90 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 90 8 chose choose VERB _005457100 90 9 the the DET _005457100 90 10 form form NOUN _005457100 90 11 of of ADP _005457100 90 12 a a DET _005457100 90 13 dove dove NOUN _005457100 90 14 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 91 1 was be AUX _005457100 91 2 n't not PART _005457100 91 3 it it PRON _005457100 91 4 that that SCONJ _005457100 91 5 we we PRON _005457100 91 6 might might AUX _005457100 91 7 learn learn VERB _005457100 91 8 that that SCONJ _005457100 91 9 the the DET _005457100 91 10 holy holy ADJ _005457100 91 11 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 91 12 brings bring VERB _005457100 91 13 joy joy NOUN _005457100 91 14 wherever wherever SCONJ _005457100 91 15 he he PRON _005457100 91 16 goes go VERB _005457100 91 17 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 92 1 \ \ PROPN _005457100 92 2 10 10 NUM _005457100 92 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 92 4 for for ADP _005457100 92 5 the the DET _005457100 92 6 second second ADJ _005457100 92 7 day day NOUN _005457100 92 8 dear dear PROPN _005457100 92 9 god god PROPN _005457100 92 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 92 11 when when SCONJ _005457100 92 12 i i PRON _005457100 92 13 was be AUX _005457100 92 14 baptized baptize VERB _005457100 92 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 92 16 my my PRON _005457100 92 17 soul soul NOUN _005457100 92 18 made make VERB _005457100 92 19 white white ADJ _005457100 92 20 as as ADP _005457100 92 21 snow snow NOUN _005457100 92 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 92 23 you you PRON _005457100 92 24 must must AUX _005457100 92 25 have have AUX _005457100 92 26 looked look VERB _005457100 92 27 from from ADP _005457100 92 28 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 92 29 at at ADP _005457100 92 30 this this DET _005457100 92 31 world world NOUN _005457100 92 32 so so ADV _005457100 92 33 far far ADV _005457100 92 34 below below ADV _005457100 92 35 , , PUNCT _005457100 92 36 and and CCONJ _005457100 92 37 said say VERB _005457100 92 38 : : PUNCT _005457100 92 39 " " PUNCT _005457100 92 40 behold behold VERB _005457100 92 41 my my PRON _005457100 92 42 little little ADJ _005457100 92 43 child child NOUN _005457100 92 44 in in ADP _005457100 92 45 whom whom PRON _005457100 92 46 i i PRON _005457100 92 47 am be AUX _005457100 92 48 well well ADV _005457100 92 49 pleased pleased ADJ _005457100 92 50 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 92 51 " " PUNCT _005457100 93 1 on on ADP _005457100 93 2 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 93 3 day day NOUN _005457100 93 4 my my PRON _005457100 93 5 soul soul NOUN _005457100 93 6 shall shall AUX _005457100 93 7 hear hear VERB _005457100 93 8 those those DET _005457100 93 9 words word NOUN _005457100 93 10 again again ADV _005457100 93 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 93 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 93 13 know know VERB _005457100 93 14 the the DET _005457100 93 15 holy holy ADJ _005457100 93 16 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 93 17 is be AUX _005457100 93 18 come come VERB _005457100 93 19 to to PART _005457100 93 20 make make VERB _005457100 93 21 us we PRON _005457100 93 22 like like ADP _005457100 93 23 the the DET _005457100 93 24 men man NOUN _005457100 93 25 who who PRON _005457100 93 26 followed follow VERB _005457100 93 27 after after ADP _005457100 93 28 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 93 29 and and CCONJ _005457100 93 30 in in ADP _005457100 93 31 whom whom PRON _005457100 93 32 god god PROPN _005457100 93 33 was be AUX _005457100 93 34 well well ADV _005457100 93 35 pleased pleased ADJ _005457100 93 36 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 94 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 94 2 tell tell VERB _005457100 94 3 me i PRON _005457100 94 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 94 5 god god PROPN _005457100 94 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 94 7 what what PRON _005457100 94 8 have have AUX _005457100 94 9 i i PRON _005457100 94 10 done do VERB _005457100 94 11 to to PART _005457100 94 12 make make VERB _005457100 94 13 you you PRON _005457100 94 14 pleased pleased ADJ _005457100 94 15 with with ADP _005457100 94 16 me i PRON _005457100 94 17 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 95 1 i i PRON _005457100 95 2 've 've AUX _005457100 95 3 done do VERB _005457100 95 4 so so ADV _005457100 95 5 very very ADV _005457100 95 6 little little ADJ _005457100 95 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 95 8 but but CCONJ _005457100 95 9 i i PRON _005457100 95 10 promise promise VERB _005457100 95 11 now now ADV _005457100 95 12 to to PART _005457100 95 13 be be AUX _005457100 95 14 a a DET _005457100 95 15 better well ADJ _005457100 95 16 follower follower NOUN _005457100 95 17 of of ADP _005457100 95 18 him he PRON _005457100 95 19 in in ADP _005457100 95 20 whom whom PRON _005457100 95 21 you you PRON _005457100 95 22 were be AUX _005457100 95 23 well well ADV _005457100 95 24 pleased pleased ADJ _005457100 95 25 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 96 1 while while SCONJ _005457100 96 2 from from ADP _005457100 96 3 your your PRON _005457100 96 4 home home NOUN _005457100 96 5 in in ADP _005457100 96 6 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 96 7 you you PRON _005457100 96 8 watch watch VERB _005457100 96 9 every every DET _005457100 96 10 girl girl NOUN _005457100 96 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 96 12 boy boy NOUN _005457100 96 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 96 14 and and CCONJ _005457100 96 15 see see VERB _005457100 96 16 the the DET _005457100 96 17 little little ADJ _005457100 96 18 things thing NOUN _005457100 96 19 they they PRON _005457100 96 20 do do VERB _005457100 96 21 to to PART _005457100 96 22 give give VERB _005457100 96 23 their their PRON _005457100 96 24 father father NOUN _005457100 96 25 joy joy NOUN _005457100 96 26 , , PUNCT _005457100 96 27 may may AUX _005457100 96 28 i i PRON _005457100 96 29 be be AUX _005457100 96 30 always always ADV _005457100 96 31 with with ADP _005457100 96 32 the the DET _005457100 96 33 good good NOUN _005457100 96 34 in in ADP _005457100 96 35 whom whom PRON _005457100 96 36 you you PRON _005457100 96 37 are be AUX _005457100 96 38 well well ADV _005457100 96 39 pleased pleased ADJ _005457100 96 40 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 97 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 97 2 n n CCONJ _005457100 97 3 come come VERB _005457100 97 4 to to ADP _005457100 97 5 me i PRON _005457100 97 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 97 7 all all PRON _005457100 97 8 you you PRON _005457100 97 9 that that DET _005457100 97 10 labor labor NOUN _005457100 97 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 97 12 are be AUX _005457100 97 13 burdened burden VERB _005457100 97 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 97 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 97 16 i i PRON _005457100 97 17 will will AUX _005457100 97 18 refresh refresh VERB _005457100 97 19 you you PRON _005457100 97 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 98 1 12 12 NUM _005457100 98 2 the the DET _005457100 98 3 promise promise NOUN _005457100 98 4 third third ADJ _005457100 98 5 day day NOUN _005457100 98 6 when when SCONJ _005457100 98 7 we we PRON _005457100 98 8 love love VERB _005457100 98 9 some some DET _005457100 98 10 one one NUM _005457100 98 11 very very ADV _005457100 98 12 much much ADV _005457100 98 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 98 14 we we PRON _005457100 98 15 find find VERB _005457100 98 16 many many ADJ _005457100 98 17 ways way NOUN _005457100 98 18 of of ADP _005457100 98 19 showing show VERB _005457100 98 20 that that DET _005457100 98 21 love love NOUN _005457100 98 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 99 1 we we PRON _005457100 99 2 put put VERB _005457100 99 3 our our PRON _005457100 99 4 arms arm NOUN _005457100 99 5 around around ADP _005457100 99 6 that that DET _005457100 99 7 person person NOUN _005457100 99 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 99 9 kiss kiss VERB _005457100 99 10 him he PRON _005457100 99 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 99 12 give give VERB _005457100 99 13 him he PRON _005457100 99 14 presents present NOUN _005457100 99 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 99 16 do do AUX _005457100 99 17 kind kind VERB _005457100 99 18 things thing NOUN _005457100 99 19 to to PART _005457100 99 20 make make VERB _005457100 99 21 him he PRON _005457100 99 22 happy happy ADJ _005457100 99 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 100 1 still still ADV _005457100 100 2 we we PRON _005457100 100 3 can can AUX _005457100 100 4 not not PART _005457100 100 5 tell tell VERB _005457100 100 6 all all DET _005457100 100 7 the the DET _005457100 100 8 love love NOUN _005457100 100 9 that that PRON _005457100 100 10 is be AUX _005457100 100 11 in in ADP _005457100 100 12 our our PRON _005457100 100 13 heart heart NOUN _005457100 100 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 101 1 our our PRON _005457100 101 2 words word NOUN _005457100 101 3 are be AUX _005457100 101 4 too too ADV _005457100 101 5 few few ADJ _005457100 101 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 101 7 too too ADV _005457100 101 8 weak weak ADJ _005457100 101 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 102 1 so so ADV _005457100 102 2 the the DET _005457100 102 3 one one NOUN _005457100 102 4 we we PRON _005457100 102 5 love love VERB _005457100 102 6 must must AUX _005457100 102 7 read read VERB _005457100 102 8 it it PRON _005457100 102 9 in in ADP _005457100 102 10 our our PRON _005457100 102 11 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 102 12 or or CCONJ _005457100 102 13 catch catch VERB _005457100 102 14 it it PRON _005457100 102 15 from from ADP _005457100 102 16 our our PRON _005457100 102 17 heart heart NOUN _005457100 102 18 . . PUNCT _005457100 103 1 long long ADV _005457100 103 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 103 3 long long ADV _005457100 103 4 ago ago ADV _005457100 103 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 103 6 people people NOUN _005457100 103 7 were be AUX _005457100 103 8 able able ADJ _005457100 103 9 to to PART _005457100 103 10 read read VERB _005457100 103 11 the the DET _005457100 103 12 love love NOUN _005457100 103 13 of of ADP _005457100 103 14 god god PROPN _005457100 103 15 in in ADP _005457100 103 16 the the DET _005457100 103 17 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 103 18 of of ADP _005457100 103 19 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 103 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 104 1 persons person NOUN _005457100 104 2 who who PRON _005457100 104 3 were be AUX _005457100 104 4 sick sick ADJ _005457100 104 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 104 6 sad sad ADJ _005457100 104 7 came come VERB _005457100 104 8 to to ADP _005457100 104 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 104 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 105 1 he he PRON _005457100 105 2 looked look VERB _005457100 105 3 at at ADP _005457100 105 4 them they PRON _005457100 105 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 105 6 made make VERB _005457100 105 7 them they PRON _005457100 105 8 healthy healthy ADJ _005457100 105 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 105 10 happy happy ADJ _005457100 105 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 106 1 others other NOUN _005457100 106 2 came come VERB _005457100 106 3 who who PRON _005457100 106 4 were be AUX _005457100 106 5 wicked wicked ADJ _005457100 106 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 106 7 weary weary ADJ _005457100 106 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 107 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 107 2 looked look VERB _005457100 107 3 at at ADP _005457100 107 4 them they PRON _005457100 107 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 108 1 his his PRON _005457100 108 2 look look NOUN _005457100 108 3 made make VERB _005457100 108 4 them they PRON _005457100 108 5 good good ADJ _005457100 108 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 108 7 glad glad ADJ _005457100 108 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 109 1 see see VERB _005457100 109 2 how how SCONJ _005457100 109 3 the the DET _005457100 109 4 love love NOUN _005457100 109 5 of of ADP _005457100 109 6 god god PROPN _005457100 109 7 spoke speak VERB _005457100 109 8 from from ADP _005457100 109 9 the the DET _005457100 109 10 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 109 11 of of ADP _005457100 109 12 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 109 13 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 110 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 110 2 we we PRON _005457100 110 3 can can AUX _005457100 110 4 not not PART _005457100 110 5 look look VERB _005457100 110 6 into into ADP _005457100 110 7 the the DET _005457100 110 8 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 110 9 of of ADP _005457100 110 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 110 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 111 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 111 2 knew know VERB _005457100 111 3 that that PRON _005457100 111 4 . . PUNCT _005457100 112 1 so so ADV _005457100 112 2 before before SCONJ _005457100 112 3 he he PRON _005457100 112 4 left leave VERB _005457100 112 5 this this DET _005457100 112 6 world world NOUN _005457100 112 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 112 8 he he PRON _005457100 112 9 said say VERB _005457100 112 10 to to ADP _005457100 112 11 his his PRON _005457100 112 12 friends friend NOUN _005457100 112 13 : : PUNCT _005457100 112 14 " " PUNCT _005457100 112 15 i i PRON _005457100 112 16 will will AUX _005457100 112 17 not not PART _005457100 112 18 leave leave VERB _005457100 112 19 you you PRON _005457100 112 20 orphans orphan NOUN _005457100 112 21 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 112 22 " " PUNCT _005457100 113 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 113 2 thought think VERB _005457100 113 3 of of ADP _005457100 113 4 everything everything PRON _005457100 113 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 114 1 so so ADV _005457100 114 2 he he PRON _005457100 114 3 made make VERB _005457100 114 4 plans plan NOUN _005457100 114 5 that that SCONJ _005457100 114 6 men man NOUN _005457100 114 7 could could AUX _005457100 114 8 know know VERB _005457100 114 9 the the DET _005457100 114 10 love love NOUN _005457100 114 11 of of ADP _005457100 114 12 god god PROPN _005457100 114 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 114 14 even even ADV _005457100 114 15 when when SCONJ _005457100 114 16 they they PRON _005457100 114 17 could could AUX _005457100 114 18 no no ADV _005457100 114 19 longer long ADV _005457100 114 20 see see VERB _005457100 114 21 him he PRON _005457100 114 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 115 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 115 2 that that PRON _005457100 115 3 is be AUX _005457100 115 4 why why SCONJ _005457100 115 5 he he PRON _005457100 115 6 said say VERB _005457100 115 7 to to ADP _005457100 115 8 his his PRON _005457100 115 9 friends friend NOUN _005457100 115 10 : : PUNCT _005457100 115 11 " " PUNCT _005457100 115 12 i i PRON _005457100 115 13 will will AUX _005457100 115 14 send send VERB _005457100 115 15 you you PRON _005457100 115 16 a a DET _005457100 115 17 comforter comforter NOUN _005457100 115 18 — — PUNCT _005457100 115 19 the the DET _005457100 115 20 holy holy ADJ _005457100 115 21 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 115 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 115 23 " " PUNCT _005457100 116 1 he he PRON _005457100 116 2 wanted want VERB _005457100 116 3 the the DET _005457100 116 4 love love NOUN _005457100 116 5 of of ADP _005457100 116 6 god god PROPN _005457100 116 7 to to PART _005457100 116 8 be be AUX _005457100 116 9 on on ADP _005457100 116 10 earth earth NOUN _005457100 116 11 always always ADV _005457100 116 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 117 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 117 2 how how SCONJ _005457100 117 3 was be AUX _005457100 117 4 that that PRON _005457100 117 5 to to PART _005457100 117 6 take take VERB _005457100 117 7 place place NOUN _005457100 117 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 118 1 the the DET _005457100 118 2 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 118 3 believed believe VERB _005457100 118 4 the the DET _005457100 118 5 word word NOUN _005457100 118 6 of of ADP _005457100 118 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 118 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 119 1 they they PRON _005457100 119 2 knew know VERB _005457100 119 3 he he PRON _005457100 119 4 would would AUX _005457100 119 5 keep keep VERB _005457100 119 6 his his PRON _005457100 119 7 promise promise NOUN _005457100 119 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 120 1 so so ADV _005457100 120 2 they they PRON _005457100 120 3 waited wait VERB _005457100 120 4 and and CCONJ _005457100 120 5 waited wait VERB _005457100 120 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 121 1 13 13 NUM _005457100 121 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 121 3 for for ADP _005457100 121 4 the the DET _005457100 121 5 third third ADJ _005457100 121 6 day day NOUN _005457100 121 7 dear dear ADJ _005457100 121 8 holy holy ADJ _005457100 121 9 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 121 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 11 though though SCONJ _005457100 121 12 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 121 13 is be AUX _005457100 121 14 so so ADV _005457100 121 15 very very ADV _005457100 121 16 far far ADV _005457100 121 17 away away ADV _005457100 121 18 that that SCONJ _005457100 121 19 only only ADV _005457100 121 20 prayers prayer NOUN _005457100 121 21 can can AUX _005457100 121 22 reach reach VERB _005457100 121 23 it it PRON _005457100 121 24 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 25 yet yet CCONJ _005457100 121 26 i i PRON _005457100 121 27 know know VERB _005457100 121 28 that that SCONJ _005457100 121 29 if if SCONJ _005457100 121 30 i i PRON _005457100 121 31 pray pray VERB _005457100 121 32 and and CCONJ _005457100 121 33 wait wait VERB _005457100 121 34 for for ADP _005457100 121 35 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 121 36 ' ' PART _005457100 121 37 promise promise NOUN _005457100 121 38 to to PART _005457100 121 39 come come VERB _005457100 121 40 true true ADJ _005457100 121 41 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 42 he he PRON _005457100 121 43 'll will AUX _005457100 121 44 send send VERB _005457100 121 45 to to ADP _005457100 121 46 me i PRON _005457100 121 47 your your PRON _005457100 121 48 own own ADJ _005457100 121 49 dear dear ADJ _005457100 121 50 self self NOUN _005457100 121 51 to to PART _005457100 121 52 raise raise VERB _005457100 121 53 my my PRON _005457100 121 54 soul soul NOUN _005457100 121 55 as as ADV _005457100 121 56 close close ADV _005457100 121 57 as as SCONJ _005457100 121 58 it it PRON _005457100 121 59 can can AUX _005457100 121 60 be be AUX _005457100 121 61 to to ADP _005457100 121 62 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 121 63 ] ] PUNCT _005457100 121 64 dear dear ADJ _005457100 121 65 holy holy ADJ _005457100 121 66 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 121 67 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 68 you you PRON _005457100 121 69 see see VERB _005457100 121 70 the the DET _005457100 121 71 things thing NOUN _005457100 121 72 i i PRON _005457100 121 73 do do VERB _005457100 121 74 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 75 both both CCONJ _005457100 121 76 good good ADJ _005457100 121 77 and and CCONJ _005457100 121 78 bad bad ADJ _005457100 121 79 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 121 80 the the DET _005457100 121 81 good good ADJ _005457100 121 82 things thing NOUN _005457100 121 83 make make VERB _005457100 121 84 you you PRON _005457100 121 85 happy happy ADJ _005457100 121 86 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 87 but but CCONJ _005457100 121 88 the the DET _005457100 121 89 others other NOUN _005457100 121 90 make make VERB _005457100 121 91 you you PRON _005457100 121 92 sad sad ADJ _005457100 121 93 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 121 94 so so ADV _005457100 121 95 fill fill VERB _005457100 121 96 my my PRON _005457100 121 97 heart heart NOUN _005457100 121 98 with with ADP _005457100 121 99 love love NOUN _005457100 121 100 that that PRON _005457100 121 101 all all PRON _005457100 121 102 may may AUX _005457100 121 103 read read VERB _005457100 121 104 it it PRON _005457100 121 105 in in ADP _005457100 121 106 my my PRON _005457100 121 107 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 121 108 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 109 and and CCONJ _005457100 121 110 know know VERB _005457100 121 111 the the DET _005457100 121 112 god god PROPN _005457100 121 113 of of ADP _005457100 121 114 love love NOUN _005457100 121 115 , , PUNCT _005457100 121 116 whose whose DET _005457100 121 117 home home NOUN _005457100 121 118 is be AUX _005457100 121 119 far far ADV _005457100 121 120 beyond beyond ADP _005457100 121 121 the the DET _005457100 121 122 skies sky NOUN _005457100 121 123 — — PUNCT _005457100 121 124 in in ADP _005457100 121 125 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 121 126 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 122 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 122 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 123 1 \ \ PROPN _005457100 123 2 14 14 NUM _005457100 123 3 coming come VERB _005457100 123 4 of of ADP _005457100 123 5 the the DET _005457100 123 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 123 7 ghost ghost PROPN _005457100 123 8 fourth fourth ADJ _005457100 123 9 day day NOUN _005457100 123 10 the the DET _005457100 123 11 twelve twelve NUM _005457100 123 12 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 123 13 with with ADP _005457100 123 14 mary mary PROPN _005457100 123 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 123 16 the the DET _005457100 123 17 mother mother NOUN _005457100 123 18 of of ADP _005457100 123 19 god god PROPN _005457100 123 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 123 21 and and CCONJ _005457100 123 22 other other ADJ _005457100 123 23 friends friend NOUN _005457100 123 24 of of ADP _005457100 123 25 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 123 26 , , PUNCT _005457100 123 27 were be AUX _005457100 123 28 waiting wait VERB _005457100 123 29 in in ADP _005457100 123 30 the the DET _005457100 123 31 15 15 NUM _005457100 123 32 upper upper ADJ _005457100 123 33 room room NOUN _005457100 123 34 of of ADP _005457100 123 35 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _005457100 123 36 . . PUNCT _005457100 124 1 nine nine NUM _005457100 124 2 days day NOUN _005457100 124 3 they they PRON _005457100 124 4 waited wait VERB _005457100 124 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 124 6 prayed pray VERB _005457100 124 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 125 1 they they PRON _005457100 125 2 said say VERB _005457100 125 3 to to ADP _005457100 125 4 one one NUM _005457100 125 5 another another DET _005457100 125 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 125 7 " " PUNCT _005457100 125 8 he he PRON _005457100 125 9 promised promise VERB _005457100 125 10 us we PRON _005457100 125 11 the the DET _005457100 125 12 love love NOUN _005457100 125 13 of of ADP _005457100 125 14 god god PROPN _005457100 125 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 125 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 125 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 126 1 he he PRON _005457100 126 2 will will AUX _005457100 126 3 send send VERB _005457100 126 4 us we PRON _005457100 126 5 the the DET _005457100 126 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 126 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 126 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 126 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 126 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 127 1 when when SCONJ _005457100 127 2 is be AUX _005457100 127 3 the the DET _005457100 127 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 127 5 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 127 6 coming come VERB _005457100 127 7 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 127 8 " " PUNCT _005457100 128 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 128 2 they they PRON _005457100 128 3 kept keep VERB _005457100 128 4 on on ADP _005457100 128 5 waiting wait VERB _005457100 128 6 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 128 7 they they PRON _005457100 128 8 kept keep VERB _005457100 128 9 on on ADP _005457100 128 10 praying pray VERB _005457100 128 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 129 1 still still ADV _005457100 129 2 they they PRON _005457100 129 3 noticed notice VERB _005457100 129 4 nothing nothing PRON _005457100 129 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 130 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 130 2 their their PRON _005457100 130 3 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 130 4 opened open VERB _005457100 130 5 wider wider ADV _005457100 130 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 130 7 wider wide ADJ _005457100 130 8 each each DET _005457100 130 9 day day NOUN _005457100 130 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 131 1 when when SCONJ _005457100 131 2 the the DET _005457100 131 3 heart heart NOUN _005457100 131 4 is be AUX _005457100 131 5 open open ADJ _005457100 131 6 wide wide ADV _005457100 131 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 131 8 it it PRON _005457100 131 9 can can AUX _005457100 131 10 see see VERB _005457100 131 11 more more ADJ _005457100 131 12 than than ADP _005457100 131 13 the the DET _005457100 131 14 eye eye NOUN _005457100 131 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 132 1 since since SCONJ _005457100 132 2 the the DET _005457100 132 3 time time NOUN _005457100 132 4 that that PRON _005457100 132 5 people people NOUN _005457100 132 6 could could AUX _005457100 132 7 not not PART _005457100 132 8 read read VERB _005457100 132 9 the the DET _005457100 132 10 love love NOUN _005457100 132 11 of of ADP _005457100 132 12 god god PROPN _005457100 132 13 in in ADP _005457100 132 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 132 15 ' ' PART _005457100 132 16 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 132 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 132 18 they they PRON _005457100 132 19 could could AUX _005457100 132 20 get get VERB _005457100 132 21 that that DET _005457100 132 22 love love NOUN _005457100 132 23 only only ADV _005457100 132 24 with with ADP _005457100 132 25 their their PRON _005457100 132 26 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 132 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 133 1 nine nine NUM _005457100 133 2 days day NOUN _005457100 133 3 and and CCONJ _005457100 133 4 nine nine NUM _005457100 133 5 nights night NOUN _005457100 133 6 have have AUX _005457100 133 7 passed pass VERB _005457100 133 8 in in ADP _005457100 133 9 that that DET _005457100 133 10 upper upper ADJ _005457100 133 11 room room NOUN _005457100 133 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 134 1 listen listen VERB _005457100 134 2 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 135 1 what what PRON _005457100 135 2 noise noise NOUN _005457100 135 3 is be AUX _005457100 135 4 that that PRON _005457100 135 5 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 136 1 it it PRON _005457100 136 2 is be AUX _005457100 136 3 a a DET _005457100 136 4 sound sound NOUN _005457100 136 5 from from ADP _005457100 136 6 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 136 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 136 8 like like ADP _005457100 136 9 the the DET _005457100 136 10 coming coming NOUN _005457100 136 11 of of ADP _005457100 136 12 a a DET _005457100 136 13 mighty mighty ADJ _005457100 136 14 wind wind NOUN _005457100 136 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 137 1 it it PRON _005457100 137 2 fills fill VERB _005457100 137 3 the the DET _005457100 137 4 whole whole ADJ _005457100 137 5 room room NOUN _005457100 137 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 138 1 mary mary PROPN _005457100 138 2 and and CCONJ _005457100 138 3 the the DET _005457100 138 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 138 5 tremble tremble ADJ _005457100 138 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 139 1 they they PRON _005457100 139 2 look look VERB _005457100 139 3 up up ADP _005457100 139 4 . . PUNCT _005457100 140 1 tongues tongue NOUN _005457100 140 2 of of ADP _005457100 140 3 fire fire NOUN _005457100 140 4 are be AUX _005457100 140 5 just just ADV _005457100 140 6 above above ADP _005457100 140 7 them they PRON _005457100 140 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 141 1 their their PRON _005457100 141 2 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 141 3 are be AUX _005457100 141 4 all all ADV _005457100 141 5 aflame aflame ADJ _005457100 141 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 142 1 they they PRON _005457100 142 2 fall fall VERB _005457100 142 3 to to ADP _005457100 142 4 their their PRON _005457100 142 5 knees knee NOUN _005457100 142 6 in in ADP _005457100 142 7 fear fear NOUN _005457100 142 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 142 9 joy joy NOUN _005457100 142 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 143 1 they they PRON _005457100 143 2 know know VERB _005457100 143 3 the the DET _005457100 143 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 143 5 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 143 6 has have AUX _005457100 143 7 come come VERB _005457100 143 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 144 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 144 2 has have AUX _005457100 144 3 kept keep VERB _005457100 144 4 his his PRON _005457100 144 5 promise promise NOUN _005457100 144 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 145 1 the the DET _005457100 145 2 great great ADJ _005457100 145 3 storm storm NOUN _005457100 145 4 passed pass VERB _005457100 145 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 146 1 the the DET _005457100 146 2 tongues tongue NOUN _005457100 146 3 of of ADP _005457100 146 4 fire fire NOUN _005457100 146 5 disappeared disappear VERB _005457100 146 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 147 1 the the DET _005457100 147 2 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 147 3 looked look VERB _005457100 147 4 at at ADP _005457100 147 5 one one NUM _005457100 147 6 another another DET _005457100 147 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 147 8 they they PRON _005457100 147 9 looked look VERB _005457100 147 10 at at ADP _005457100 147 11 mary mary NOUN _005457100 147 12 — — PUNCT _005457100 147 13 but but CCONJ _005457100 147 14 they they PRON _005457100 147 15 saw see VERB _005457100 147 16 no no DET _005457100 147 17 special special ADJ _005457100 147 18 change change NOUN _005457100 147 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 148 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 148 2 yet yet ADV _005457100 148 3 each each DET _005457100 148 4 one one NUM _005457100 148 5 knew know VERB _005457100 148 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 148 7 i i PRON _005457100 148 8 am be AUX _005457100 148 9 a a DET _005457100 148 10 changed changed ADJ _005457100 148 11 person person NOUN _005457100 148 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 149 1 yes yes INTJ _005457100 149 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 149 3 different different ADJ _005457100 149 4 than than SCONJ _005457100 149 5 i i PRON _005457100 149 6 was be AUX _005457100 149 7 before before ADV _005457100 149 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 150 1 the the DET _005457100 150 2 love love NOUN _005457100 150 3 of of ADP _005457100 150 4 god god PROPN _005457100 150 5 has have AUX _005457100 150 6 gone go VERB _005457100 150 7 through through ADV _005457100 150 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 150 9 through through ADP _005457100 150 10 me i PRON _005457100 150 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 151 1 it it PRON _005457100 151 2 has have AUX _005457100 151 3 set set VERB _005457100 151 4 fire fire NOUN _005457100 151 5 to to ADP _005457100 151 6 my my PRON _005457100 151 7 heart heart NOUN _005457100 151 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 152 1 i i PRON _005457100 152 2 know know VERB _005457100 152 3 it it PRON _005457100 152 4 is be AUX _005457100 152 5 in in ADP _005457100 152 6 me i PRON _005457100 152 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 152 8 never never ADV _005457100 152 9 to to PART _005457100 152 10 leave leave VERB _005457100 152 11 me i PRON _005457100 152 12 again again ADV _005457100 152 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 153 1 \ \ X _005457100 153 2 16 16 NUM _005457100 153 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 153 4 for for ADP _005457100 153 5 the the DET _005457100 153 6 fourth fourth ADJ _005457100 153 7 day day NOUN _005457100 153 8 dear dear ADJ _005457100 153 9 holy holy ADJ _005457100 153 10 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 153 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 153 12 i i PRON _005457100 153 13 can can AUX _005457100 153 14 not not PART _005457100 153 15 pray pray VERB _005457100 153 16 like like ADP _005457100 153 17 mary mary NOUN _005457100 153 18 and and CCONJ _005457100 153 19 the the DET _005457100 153 20 rest rest NOUN _005457100 153 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 153 22 yet yet CCONJ _005457100 153 23 i i PRON _005457100 153 24 shall shall AUX _005457100 153 25 try try VERB _005457100 153 26 in in ADP _005457100 153 27 everything everything PRON _005457100 153 28 to to PART _005457100 153 29 do do VERB _005457100 153 30 my my PRON _005457100 153 31 very very ADV _005457100 153 32 best good ADJ _005457100 153 33 — — PUNCT _005457100 153 34 preparing prepare VERB _005457100 153 35 for for ADP _005457100 153 36 the the DET _005457100 153 37 day day NOUN _005457100 153 38 when when SCONJ _005457100 153 39 you you PRON _005457100 153 40 will will AUX _005457100 153 41 come come VERB _005457100 153 42 to to PART _005457100 153 43 stayl stayl VERB _005457100 153 44 it it PRON _005457100 153 45 makes make VERB _005457100 153 46 me i PRON _005457100 153 47 very very ADV _005457100 153 48 happy happy ADJ _005457100 153 49 just just ADV _005457100 153 50 , , PUNCT _005457100 153 51 to to PART _005457100 153 52 think think VERB _005457100 153 53 that that SCONJ _005457100 153 54 when when SCONJ _005457100 153 55 you you PRON _005457100 153 56 're be AUX _005457100 153 57 near near ADJ _005457100 153 58 , , PUNCT _005457100 153 59 i i PRON _005457100 153 60 never never ADV _005457100 153 61 will will AUX _005457100 153 62 be be AUX _005457100 153 63 lonely lonely ADJ _005457100 153 64 , , PUNCT _005457100 153 65 nor nor CCONJ _005457100 153 66 have have VERB _005457100 153 67 any any DET _005457100 153 68 cause cause NOUN _005457100 153 69 to to PART _005457100 153 70 fear fear VERB _005457100 153 71 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 153 72 for for ADP _005457100 153 73 you you PRON _005457100 153 74 will will AUX _005457100 153 75 make make VERB _005457100 153 76 me i PRON _005457100 153 77 strong strong ADJ _005457100 153 78 enough enough ADV _005457100 153 79 to to PART _005457100 153 80 keep keep VERB _005457100 153 81 from from ADP _005457100 153 82 every every DET _005457100 153 83 sin sin NOUN _005457100 153 84 , , PUNCT _005457100 153 85 and and CCONJ _005457100 153 86 always always ADV _005457100 153 87 tell tell VERB _005457100 153 88 me i PRON _005457100 153 89 what what PRON _005457100 153 90 is be AUX _005457100 153 91 right right ADJ _005457100 153 92 , , PUNCT _005457100 153 93 that that SCONJ _005457100 153 94 i i PRON _005457100 153 95 may may AUX _005457100 153 96 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 153 97 win win VERB _005457100 153 98 . . PUNCT _005457100 154 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 154 2 best good ADJ _005457100 154 3 of of ADP _005457100 154 4 all all PRON _005457100 154 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 154 6 with with SCONJ _005457100 154 7 you you PRON _005457100 154 8 to to PART _005457100 154 9 help help VERB _005457100 154 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 154 11 when when SCONJ _005457100 154 12 big big ADJ _005457100 154 13 things thing NOUN _005457100 154 14 come come VERB _005457100 154 15 along along ADV _005457100 154 16 that that SCONJ _005457100 154 17 i i PRON _005457100 154 18 must must AUX _005457100 154 19 do do VERB _005457100 154 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 154 21 i i PRON _005457100 154 22 'll will AUX _005457100 154 23 do do VERB _005457100 154 24 them they PRON _005457100 154 25 , , PUNCT _005457100 154 26 for for ADP _005457100 154 27 your your PRON _005457100 154 28 love love NOUN _005457100 154 29 will will AUX _005457100 154 30 make make VERB _005457100 154 31 me i PRON _005457100 154 32 strong strong ADJ _005457100 154 33 — — PUNCT _005457100 154 34 come come VERB _005457100 154 35 , , PUNCT _005457100 154 36 holy holy ADJ _005457100 154 37 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 154 38 , , PUNCT _005457100 154 39 i i PRON _005457100 154 40 pray pray VERB _005457100 154 41 , , PUNCT _005457100 154 42 come come VERB _005457100 154 43 help help VERB _005457100 154 44 me i PRON _005457100 154 45 on on ADP _005457100 154 46 my my PRON _005457100 154 47 way way NOUN _005457100 154 48 ] ] PUNCT _005457100 154 49 amen amen INTJ _005457100 154 50 . . PUNCT _005457100 155 1 17 17 NUM _005457100 155 2 thou thou PROPN _005457100 155 3 art art NOUN _005457100 155 4 peter peter PROPN _005457100 155 5 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 155 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 155 7 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 155 8 this this DET _005457100 155 9 rock rock NOUN _005457100 155 10 i i PRON _005457100 155 11 will will AUX _005457100 155 12 build build VERB _005457100 155 13 my my PRON _005457100 155 14 church church NOUN _005457100 155 15 18 18 NUM _005457100 155 16 changed change VERB _005457100 155 17 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 156 1 fifth fifth ADJ _005457100 156 2 day day NOUN _005457100 156 3 peter peter PROPN _005457100 156 4 acted act VERB _005457100 156 5 the the DET _005457100 156 6 coward coward NOUN _005457100 156 7 when when SCONJ _005457100 156 8 he he PRON _005457100 156 9 denied deny VERB _005457100 156 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 156 11 three three NUM _005457100 156 12 times time NOUN _005457100 156 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 156 14 said say VERB _005457100 156 15 : : PUNCT _005457100 156 16 " " PUNCT _005457100 156 17 truly truly ADV _005457100 156 18 , , PUNCT _005457100 156 19 i i PRON _005457100 156 20 do do AUX _005457100 156 21 not not PART _005457100 156 22 know know VERB _005457100 156 23 the the DET _005457100 156 24 man man NOUN _005457100 156 25 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 156 26 ” " PUNCT _005457100 157 1 later later ADV _005457100 157 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 157 3 peter peter PROPN _005457100 157 4 cried cry VERB _005457100 157 5 bitterly bitterly ADV _005457100 157 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 157 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 157 8 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 157 9 forgave forgive VERB _005457100 157 10 him he PRON _005457100 157 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 158 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 158 2 who who PRON _005457100 158 3 could could AUX _005457100 158 4 be be AUX _005457100 158 5 sure sure ADJ _005457100 158 6 that that SCONJ _005457100 158 7 peter peter PROPN _005457100 158 8 would would AUX _005457100 158 9 be be AUX _005457100 158 10 true true ADJ _005457100 158 11 to to ADP _005457100 158 12 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 158 13 from from ADP _005457100 158 14 then then ADV _005457100 158 15 on on ADV _005457100 158 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 159 1 yet yet CCONJ _005457100 159 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 159 3 was be AUX _005457100 159 4 going go VERB _005457100 159 5 to to PART _005457100 159 6 build build VERB _005457100 159 7 his his PRON _005457100 159 8 church church NOUN _005457100 159 9 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 159 10 peter peter PROPN _005457100 159 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 160 1 did do AUX _005457100 160 2 anything anything PRON _005457100 160 3 happen happen VERB _005457100 160 4 when when SCONJ _005457100 160 5 the the DET _005457100 160 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 160 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 160 8 came come VERB _005457100 160 9 in in ADP _005457100 160 10 the the DET _005457100 160 11 mighty mighty ADJ _005457100 160 12 wind wind NOUN _005457100 160 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 160 14 in in ADP _005457100 160 15 the the DET _005457100 160 16 tongues tongue NOUN _005457100 160 17 of of ADP _005457100 160 18 fire fire NOUN _005457100 160 19 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 161 1 yes yes INTJ _005457100 161 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 161 3 a a DET _005457100 161 4 great great ADJ _005457100 161 5 change change NOUN _005457100 161 6 came come VERB _005457100 161 7 over over ADP _005457100 161 8 peter peter PROPN _005457100 161 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 162 1 before before ADV _005457100 162 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 162 3 he he PRON _005457100 162 4 had have AUX _005457100 162 5 been be AUX _005457100 162 6 afraid afraid ADJ _005457100 162 7 of of ADP _005457100 162 8 a a DET _005457100 162 9 servant servant ADJ _005457100 162 10 girl girl NOUN _005457100 162 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 163 1 after after ADP _005457100 163 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 163 3 he he PRON _005457100 163 4 feared fear VERB _005457100 163 5 nothing nothing PRON _005457100 163 6 — — PUNCT _005457100 163 7 not not PART _005457100 163 8 even even ADV _005457100 163 9 the the DET _005457100 163 10 crowds crowd NOUN _005457100 163 11 of of ADP _005457100 163 12 pagans pagans PROPN _005457100 163 13 before before ADP _005457100 163 14 whom whom PRON _005457100 163 15 he he PRON _005457100 163 16 preached preach VERB _005457100 163 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 164 1 he he PRON _005457100 164 2 was be AUX _005457100 164 3 not not PART _005457100 164 4 afraid afraid ADJ _005457100 164 5 of of ADP _005457100 164 6 the the DET _005457100 164 7 dark dark ADJ _005457100 164 8 prison prison NOUN _005457100 164 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 164 10 where where SCONJ _005457100 164 11 he he PRON _005457100 164 12 lay lie VERB _005457100 164 13 bound bind VERB _005457100 164 14 with with ADP _005457100 164 15 chains chain NOUN _005457100 164 16 until until SCONJ _005457100 164 17 the the DET _005457100 164 18 angel angel NOUN _005457100 164 19 freed free VERB _005457100 164 20 him he PRON _005457100 164 21 . . PUNCT _005457100 165 1 now now ADV _005457100 165 2 he he PRON _005457100 165 3 cried cry VERB _005457100 165 4 out out ADP _005457100 165 5 so so SCONJ _005457100 165 6 all all PRON _005457100 165 7 could could AUX _005457100 165 8 hear hear VERB _005457100 165 9 him he PRON _005457100 165 10 : : PUNCT _005457100 165 11 " " PUNCT _005457100 165 12 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 165 13 christ christ PROPN _005457100 165 14 is be AUX _005457100 165 15 god god PROPN _005457100 165 16 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 165 17 " " PUNCT _005457100 166 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 166 2 when when SCONJ _005457100 166 3 the the DET _005457100 166 4 pagans pagans PROPN _005457100 166 5 wanted want VERB _005457100 166 6 to to PART _005457100 166 7 crucify crucify VERB _005457100 166 8 him he PRON _005457100 166 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 166 10 peter peter PROPN _005457100 166 11 said say VERB _005457100 166 12 : : PUNCT _005457100 166 13 " " PUNCT _005457100 166 14 i i PRON _005457100 166 15 am be AUX _005457100 166 16 not not PART _005457100 166 17 good good ADJ _005457100 166 18 enough enough ADV _005457100 166 19 to to PART _005457100 166 20 die die VERB _005457100 166 21 like like ADP _005457100 166 22 my my PRON _005457100 166 23 master master NOUN _005457100 166 24 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 166 25 crucify crucify VERB _005457100 166 26 me i PRON _005457100 166 27 head head VERB _005457100 166 28 down down ADP _005457100 166 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 166 30 " " PUNCT _005457100 167 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 167 2 even even ADV _005457100 167 3 while while SCONJ _005457100 167 4 he he PRON _005457100 167 5 was be AUX _005457100 167 6 dying die VERB _005457100 167 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 167 8 he he PRON _005457100 167 9 kept keep VERB _005457100 167 10 on on ADP _005457100 167 11 calling call VERB _005457100 167 12 out out ADP _005457100 167 13 the the DET _005457100 167 14 name name NOUN _005457100 167 15 of of ADP _005457100 167 16 christ christ PROPN _005457100 167 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 168 1 see see VERB _005457100 168 2 how how SCONJ _005457100 168 3 strong strong ADJ _005457100 168 4 the the DET _005457100 168 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 168 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 168 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 168 8 the the DET _005457100 168 9 love love NOUN _005457100 168 10 of of ADP _005457100 168 11 god god PROPN _005457100 168 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 168 13 made make VERB _005457100 168 14 poor poor ADJ _005457100 168 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 168 16 weak weak ADJ _005457100 168 17 peter peter PROPN _005457100 168 18 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 169 1 the the DET _005457100 169 2 holy holy ADJ _005457100 169 3 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 169 4 also also ADV _005457100 169 5 made make VERB _005457100 169 6 the the DET _005457100 169 7 other other ADJ _005457100 169 8 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 169 9 strong strong ADJ _005457100 169 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 170 1 they they PRON _005457100 170 2 all all PRON _005457100 170 3 became become VERB _005457100 170 4 heroes hero NOUN _005457100 170 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 170 6 saints saint NOUN _005457100 170 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 171 1 19 19 NUM _005457100 171 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 171 3 for for ADP _005457100 171 4 the the DET _005457100 171 5 fifth fifth ADJ _005457100 171 6 day day NOUN _005457100 171 7 great great ADJ _005457100 171 8 holy holy ADJ _005457100 171 9 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 171 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 171 11 for for ADP _005457100 171 12 love love NOUN _005457100 171 13 of of ADP _005457100 171 14 you you PRON _005457100 171 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 171 16 shall shall AUX _005457100 171 17 i i PRON _005457100 171 18 become become VERB _005457100 171 19 a a DET _005457100 171 20 hero hero NOUN _005457100 171 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 171 22 too too ADV _005457100 171 23 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 172 1 shall shall AUX _005457100 172 2 i i PRON _005457100 172 3 be be AUX _005457100 172 4 good good ADJ _005457100 172 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 172 6 strong strong ADJ _005457100 172 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 172 8 brave brave ADJ _005457100 172 9 enough enough ADV _005457100 172 10 my my PRON _005457100 172 11 own own ADJ _005457100 172 12 poor poor ADJ _005457100 172 13 soul soul NOUN _005457100 172 14 to to PART _005457100 172 15 save save VERB _005457100 172 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 173 1 little little ADJ _005457100 173 2 by by ADP _005457100 173 3 little little ADJ _005457100 173 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 173 5 i i PRON _005457100 173 6 want want VERB _005457100 173 7 to to PART _005457100 173 8 grow grow VERB _005457100 173 9 stronger strong ADJ _005457100 173 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 173 11 stronger strong ADJ _005457100 173 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 173 13 that that SCONJ _005457100 173 14 i i PRON _005457100 173 15 may may AUX _005457100 173 16 show show VERB _005457100 173 17 better well ADJ _005457100 173 18 and and CCONJ _005457100 173 19 better well ADJ _005457100 173 20 the the DET _005457100 173 21 love love NOUN _005457100 173 22 of of ADP _005457100 173 23 god god PROPN _005457100 173 24 flaming flame VERB _005457100 173 25 within within ADP _005457100 173 26 my my PRON _005457100 173 27 heart heart NOUN _005457100 173 28 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 174 1 little little ADJ _005457100 174 2 by by ADP _005457100 174 3 little little ADJ _005457100 174 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 174 5 my my PRON _005457100 174 6 love love NOUN _005457100 174 7 shall shall AUX _005457100 174 8 be be AUX _005457100 174 9 greater great ADJ _005457100 174 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 174 11 greater great ADJ _005457100 174 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 174 13 that that SCONJ _005457100 174 14 men man NOUN _005457100 174 15 may may AUX _005457100 174 16 see see VERB _005457100 174 17 clearer clear ADJ _005457100 174 18 and and CCONJ _005457100 174 19 clearer clear ADJ _005457100 174 20 the the DET _005457100 174 21 love love NOUN _005457100 174 22 of of ADP _005457100 174 23 god god PROPN _005457100 174 24 helping help VERB _005457100 174 25 me i PRON _005457100 174 26 do do VERB _005457100 174 27 my my PRON _005457100 174 28 part part NOUN _005457100 174 29 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 175 1 great great ADJ _005457100 175 2 holy holy ADJ _005457100 175 3 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 175 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 175 5 help help VERB _005457100 175 6 me i PRON _005457100 175 7 to to PART _005457100 175 8 play play VERB _005457100 175 9 a a DET _005457100 175 10 hero hero NOUN _005457100 175 11 's 's PART _005457100 175 12 part part NOUN _005457100 175 13 from from ADP _005457100 175 14 day day NOUN _005457100 175 15 to to ADP _005457100 175 16 day day NOUN _005457100 175 17 that that SCONJ _005457100 175 18 other other ADJ _005457100 175 19 men man NOUN _005457100 175 20 may may AUX _005457100 175 21 hear hear VERB _005457100 175 22 of of ADP _005457100 175 23 you you PRON _005457100 175 24 , , PUNCT _005457100 175 25 and and CCONJ _005457100 175 26 i i PRON _005457100 175 27 shall shall AUX _005457100 175 28 die die VERB _005457100 175 29 a a DET _005457100 175 30 hero hero NOUN _005457100 175 31 , , PUNCT _005457100 175 32 too!—amen too!—amen NOUN _005457100 175 33 . . PUNCT _005457100 176 1 laying lay VERB _005457100 176 2 on on ADP _005457100 176 3 of of ADP _005457100 176 4 hands hand NOUN _005457100 176 5 sixth sixth ADJ _005457100 176 6 day day NOUN _005457100 176 7 the the DET _005457100 176 8 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 176 9 understood understand VERB _005457100 176 10 well well INTJ _005457100 176 11 that that SCONJ _005457100 176 12 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 176 13 was be AUX _005457100 176 14 not not PART _005457100 176 15 sending send VERB _005457100 176 16 the the DET _005457100 176 17 holy holy ADJ _005457100 176 18 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 176 19 only only ADV _005457100 176 20 to to ADP _005457100 176 21 them they PRON _005457100 176 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 176 23 but but CCONJ _005457100 176 24 to to ADP _005457100 176 25 all all PRON _005457100 176 26 . . PUNCT _005457100 177 1 they they PRON _005457100 177 2 knew know VERB _005457100 177 3 also also ADV _005457100 177 4 that that PRON _005457100 177 5 just just ADV _005457100 177 6 as as SCONJ _005457100 177 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 177 8 died die VERB _005457100 177 9 for for ADP _005457100 177 10 all all PRON _005457100 177 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 177 12 so so ADV _005457100 177 13 too too ADV _005457100 177 14 he he PRON _005457100 177 15 wanted want VERB _005457100 177 16 all all PRON _005457100 177 17 to to PART _005457100 177 18 be be AUX _005457100 177 19 made make VERB _005457100 177 20 new new ADJ _005457100 177 21 with with ADP _005457100 177 22 water water NOUN _005457100 177 23 and and CCONJ _005457100 177 24 the the DET _005457100 177 25 holy holy ADJ _005457100 177 26 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 177 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 178 1 that that PRON _005457100 178 2 is be AUX _005457100 178 3 why why SCONJ _005457100 178 4 the the DET _005457100 178 5 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 178 6 went go VERB _005457100 178 7 about about ADP _005457100 178 8 from from ADP _005457100 178 9 country country NOUN _005457100 178 10 to to ADP _005457100 178 11 country country NOUN _005457100 178 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 178 13 baptizing baptize VERB _005457100 178 14 people people NOUN _005457100 178 15 everywhere everywhere ADV _005457100 178 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 179 1 then then ADV _005457100 179 2 they they PRON _005457100 179 3 laid lay VERB _005457100 179 4 their their PRON _005457100 179 5 hands hand NOUN _005457100 179 6 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 179 7 those those PRON _005457100 179 8 they they PRON _005457100 179 9 had have AUX _005457100 179 10 baptized baptize VERB _005457100 179 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 179 12 called call VERB _005457100 179 13 the the DET _005457100 179 14 holy holy ADJ _005457100 179 15 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 179 16 down down ADP _005457100 179 17 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 179 18 them they PRON _005457100 179 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 180 1 20 20 NUM _005457100 180 2 today today NOUN _005457100 180 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 180 4 still still ADV _005457100 180 5 has have VERB _005457100 180 6 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 180 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 181 1 they they PRON _005457100 181 2 are be AUX _005457100 181 3 the the DET _005457100 181 4 bishops bishop NOUN _005457100 181 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 182 1 the the DET _005457100 182 2 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 182 3 holds hold VERB _005457100 182 4 his his PRON _005457100 182 5 hands hand NOUN _005457100 182 6 over over ADP _005457100 182 7 the the DET _005457100 182 8 children child NOUN _005457100 182 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 182 10 grown grow VERB _005457100 182 11 people people NOUN _005457100 182 12 who who PRON _005457100 182 13 have have AUX _005457100 182 14 come come VERB _005457100 182 15 to to PART _005457100 182 16 be be AUX _005457100 182 17 confirmed confirm VERB _005457100 182 18 and and CCONJ _005457100 182 19 prays pray VERB _005457100 182 20 out out ADP _005457100 182 21 loud loud ADV _005457100 182 22 : : PUNCT _005457100 182 23 come come VERB _005457100 182 24 down down ADP _005457100 182 25 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 182 26 them they PRON _005457100 182 27 , , PUNCT _005457100 182 28 holy holy ADJ _005457100 182 29 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 182 30 , , PUNCT _005457100 182 31 with with ADP _005457100 182 32 your your PRON _005457100 182 33 seven seven NUM _005457100 182 34 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 182 35 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 183 1 like like ADP _005457100 183 2 the the DET _005457100 183 3 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 183 4 of of ADP _005457100 183 5 old old ADJ _005457100 183 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 183 7 the the DET _005457100 183 8 bishop bishop NOUN _005457100 183 9 lays lay VERB _005457100 183 10 his his PRON _005457100 183 11 hand hand NOUN _005457100 183 12 on on ADP _005457100 183 13 the the DET _005457100 183 14 head head NOUN _005457100 183 15 of of ADP _005457100 183 16 each each DET _005457100 183 17 person person NOUN _005457100 183 18 who who PRON _005457100 183 19 kneels kneel VERB _005457100 183 20 before before ADP _005457100 183 21 him he PRON _005457100 183 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 183 23 anoints anoint VERB _005457100 183 24 him he PRON _005457100 183 25 and and CCONJ _005457100 183 26 prays pray NOUN _005457100 183 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 184 1 the the DET _005457100 184 2 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 184 3 will will AUX _005457100 184 4 soon soon ADV _005457100 184 5 do do VERB _005457100 184 6 that that PRON _005457100 184 7 to to ADP _005457100 184 8 you you PRON _005457100 184 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 185 1 you you PRON _005457100 185 2 will will AUX _005457100 185 3 not not PART _005457100 185 4 see see VERB _005457100 185 5 tongues tongue NOUN _005457100 185 6 of of ADP _005457100 185 7 fire fire NOUN _005457100 185 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 185 9 you you PRON _005457100 185 10 will will AUX _005457100 185 11 not not PART _005457100 185 12 hear hear VERB _005457100 185 13 the the DET _005457100 185 14 blowing blowing NOUN _005457100 185 15 of of ADP _005457100 185 16 the the DET _005457100 185 17 wind wind NOUN _005457100 185 18 , , PUNCT _005457100 185 19 as as SCONJ _005457100 185 20 the the DET _005457100 185 21 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 185 22 did do VERB _005457100 185 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 186 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 186 2 you you PRON _005457100 186 3 will will AUX _005457100 186 4 know know VERB _005457100 186 5 that that SCONJ _005457100 186 6 the the DET _005457100 186 7 great great ADJ _005457100 186 8 moment moment NOUN _005457100 186 9 has have AUX _005457100 186 10 come come VERB _005457100 186 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 187 1 the the DET _005457100 187 2 holy holy ADJ _005457100 187 3 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 187 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 187 5 like like ADP _005457100 187 6 a a DET _005457100 187 7 breath breath NOUN _005457100 187 8 of of ADP _005457100 187 9 air air NOUN _005457100 187 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 187 11 will will AUX _005457100 187 12 enter enter VERB _005457100 187 13 your your PRON _005457100 187 14 soul soul NOUN _005457100 187 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 188 1 the the DET _005457100 188 2 holy holy ADJ _005457100 188 3 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 188 4 is be AUX _005457100 188 5 the the DET _005457100 188 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005457100 188 7 of of ADP _005457100 188 8 god god PROPN _005457100 188 9 's 's PART _005457100 188 10 love love NOUN _005457100 188 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 189 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 189 2 what what PRON _005457100 189 3 will will AUX _005457100 189 4 happen happen VERB _005457100 189 5 to to ADP _005457100 189 6 you you PRON _005457100 189 7 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 190 1 will will AUX _005457100 190 2 you you PRON _005457100 190 3 be be AUX _005457100 190 4 able able ADJ _005457100 190 5 to to PART _005457100 190 6 speak speak VERB _005457100 190 7 in in ADP _005457100 190 8 a a DET _005457100 190 9 strange strange ADJ _005457100 190 10 language language NOUN _005457100 190 11 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 191 1 will will AUX _005457100 191 2 you you PRON _005457100 191 3 be be AUX _005457100 191 4 able able ADJ _005457100 191 5 to to PART _005457100 191 6 work work VERB _005457100 191 7 miracles miracle NOUN _005457100 191 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 192 1 you you PRON _005457100 192 2 are be AUX _005457100 192 3 still still ADV _005457100 192 4 a a DET _005457100 192 5 child child NOUN _005457100 192 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 193 1 just just ADV _005457100 193 2 wait wait VERB _005457100 193 3 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 194 1 by by ADP _005457100 194 2 and and CCONJ _005457100 194 3 by by ADP _005457100 194 4 the the DET _005457100 194 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 194 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 194 7 will will AUX _005457100 194 8 do do VERB _005457100 194 9 many many ADJ _005457100 194 10 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005457100 194 11 things thing NOUN _005457100 194 12 with with ADP _005457100 194 13 you you PRON _005457100 194 14 and and CCONJ _005457100 194 15 through through ADP _005457100 194 16 you you PRON _005457100 194 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 195 1 your your PRON _005457100 195 2 soul soul NOUN _005457100 195 3 is be AUX _005457100 195 4 now now ADV _005457100 195 5 like like ADP _005457100 195 6 a a DET _005457100 195 7 garden garden NOUN _005457100 195 8 in in ADP _005457100 195 9 the the DET _005457100 195 10 early early ADJ _005457100 195 11 spring spring NOUN _005457100 195 12 - - PUNCT _005457100 195 13 time time NOUN _005457100 195 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 196 1 look look VERB _005457100 196 2 at at ADP _005457100 196 3 the the DET _005457100 196 4 garden garden NOUN _005457100 196 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 197 1 you you PRON _005457100 197 2 can can AUX _005457100 197 3 see see VERB _005457100 197 4 only only ADV _005457100 197 5 the the DET _005457100 197 6 black black ADJ _005457100 197 7 ground ground NOUN _005457100 197 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 198 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 198 2 underneath underneath ADP _005457100 198 3 many many ADJ _005457100 198 4 tiny tiny ADJ _005457100 198 5 seeds seed NOUN _005457100 198 6 are be AUX _005457100 198 7 growing grow VERB _005457100 198 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 199 1 some some DET _005457100 199 2 day day NOUN _005457100 199 3 when when SCONJ _005457100 199 4 you you PRON _005457100 199 5 come come VERB _005457100 199 6 to to ADP _005457100 199 7 the the DET _005457100 199 8 garden garden NOUN _005457100 199 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 199 10 the the DET _005457100 199 11 little little ADJ _005457100 199 12 green green ADJ _005457100 199 13 heads head NOUN _005457100 199 14 of of ADP _005457100 199 15 these these DET _005457100 199 16 seeds seed NOUN _005457100 199 17 will will AUX _005457100 199 18 be be AUX _005457100 199 19 lifting lift VERB _005457100 199 20 themselves themselves PRON _005457100 199 21 out out ADP _005457100 199 22 of of ADP _005457100 199 23 the the DET _005457100 199 24 ground ground NOUN _005457100 199 25 . . PUNCT _005457100 200 1 slowly slowly ADV _005457100 200 2 they they PRON _005457100 200 3 will will AUX _005457100 200 4 grow grow VERB _005457100 200 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 201 1 first first ADV _005457100 201 2 the the DET _005457100 201 3 bud bud NOUN _005457100 201 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 201 5 then then ADV _005457100 201 6 the the DET _005457100 201 7 flower flower NOUN _005457100 201 8 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 202 1 what what PRON _005457100 202 2 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457100 202 3 colors color NOUN _005457100 202 4 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 203 1 how how SCONJ _005457100 203 2 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005457100 203 3 it it PRON _005457100 203 4 is be AUX _005457100 203 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 204 1 in in ADP _005457100 204 2 the the DET _005457100 204 3 same same ADJ _005457100 204 4 way way NOUN _005457100 204 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 204 6 the the DET _005457100 204 7 holy holy ADJ _005457100 204 8 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 204 9 will will AUX _005457100 204 10 make make VERB _005457100 204 11 every every DET _005457100 204 12 good good ADJ _005457100 204 13 thing thing NOUN _005457100 204 14 within within ADP _005457100 204 15 you you PRON _005457100 204 16 grow grow VERB _005457100 204 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 204 18 if if SCONJ _005457100 204 19 only only ADV _005457100 204 20 you you PRON _005457100 204 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 204 22 like like ADP _005457100 204 23 good good ADJ _005457100 204 24 ground ground NOUN _005457100 204 25 , , PUNCT _005457100 204 26 will will AUX _005457100 204 27 wait wait VERB _005457100 204 28 and and CCONJ _005457100 204 29 help help VERB _005457100 204 30 along along ADV _005457100 204 31 . . PUNCT _005457100 205 1 21 21 NUM _005457100 205 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 205 3 for for ADP _005457100 205 4 the the DET _005457100 205 5 sixth sixth ADJ _005457100 205 6 day day NOUN _005457100 205 7 come come NOUN _005457100 205 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 205 9 holy holy ADJ _005457100 205 10 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 205 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 205 12 i i PRON _005457100 205 13 've 've AUX _005457100 205 14 opened open VERB _005457100 205 15 wide wide ADV _005457100 205 16 my my PRON _005457100 205 17 little little ADJ _005457100 205 18 garden garden NOUN _005457100 205 19 gate gate NOUN _005457100 205 20 : : PUNCT _005457100 205 21 please please INTJ _005457100 205 22 come come VERB _005457100 205 23 and and CCONJ _005457100 205 24 plant plant VERB _005457100 205 25 your your PRON _005457100 205 26 seven seven NUM _005457100 205 27 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 205 28 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 205 29 my my PRON _005457100 205 30 soul soul NOUN _005457100 205 31 can can AUX _005457100 205 32 hardly hardly ADV _005457100 205 33 wait wait VERB _005457100 205 34 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 206 1 as as SCONJ _005457100 206 2 days day NOUN _005457100 206 3 go go VERB _005457100 206 4 by by ADV _005457100 206 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 206 6 i i PRON _005457100 206 7 'd would AUX _005457100 206 8 like like VERB _005457100 206 9 to to PART _005457100 206 10 know know VERB _005457100 206 11 just just ADV _005457100 206 12 what what PRON _005457100 206 13 you you PRON _005457100 206 14 want want VERB _005457100 206 15 of of ADP _005457100 206 16 me i PRON _005457100 206 17 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 206 18 what what PRON _005457100 206 19 others other NOUN _005457100 206 20 and and CCONJ _005457100 206 21 all all DET _005457100 206 22 creatures creature NOUN _005457100 206 23 of of ADP _005457100 206 24 this this DET _005457100 206 25 earth earth NOUN _005457100 206 26 were be AUX _005457100 206 27 meant mean VERB _005457100 206 28 to to PART _005457100 206 29 be be AUX _005457100 206 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 207 1 come come VERB _005457100 207 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 207 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 207 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 207 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 207 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 207 7 plant plant VERB _005457100 207 8 your your PRON _005457100 207 9 gift gift NOUN _005457100 207 10 of of ADP _005457100 207 11 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005457100 207 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 208 1 i i PRON _005457100 208 2 would would AUX _005457100 208 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 208 4 i i PRON _005457100 208 5 could could AUX _005457100 208 6 understand understand VERB _005457100 208 7 the the DET _005457100 208 8 daily daily ADJ _005457100 208 9 life life NOUN _005457100 208 10 of of ADP _005457100 208 11 man man NOUN _005457100 208 12 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 208 13 that that SCONJ _005457100 208 14 i i PRON _005457100 208 15 could could AUX _005457100 208 16 live live VERB _005457100 208 17 a a DET _005457100 208 18 better well ADJ _005457100 208 19 life life NOUN _005457100 208 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 208 21 according accord VERB _005457100 208 22 to to ADP _005457100 208 23 your your PRON _005457100 208 24 plan plan NOUN _005457100 208 25 . . PUNCT _005457100 209 1 come come VERB _005457100 209 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 209 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 209 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 209 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 209 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 209 7 plant plant VERB _005457100 209 8 your your PRON _005457100 209 9 gift gift NOUN _005457100 209 10 of of ADP _005457100 209 11 understanding understanding NOUN _005457100 209 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 210 1 i i PRON _005457100 210 2 try try VERB _005457100 210 3 to to PART _005457100 210 4 use use VERB _005457100 210 5 my my PRON _005457100 210 6 time time NOUN _005457100 210 7 aright aright NOUN _005457100 210 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 210 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 210 10 waste waste VERB _005457100 210 11 it it PRON _005457100 210 12 not not PART _005457100 210 13 at at ADV _005457100 210 14 all all ADV _005457100 210 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 210 16 to to PART _005457100 210 17 listen listen VERB _005457100 210 18 when when SCONJ _005457100 210 19 you you PRON _005457100 210 20 speak speak VERB _005457100 210 21 to to ADP _005457100 210 22 me i PRON _005457100 210 23 , , PUNCT _005457100 210 24 and and CCONJ _005457100 210 25 answer answer VERB _005457100 210 26 when when SCONJ _005457100 210 27 you you PRON _005457100 210 28 call call VERB _005457100 210 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 211 1 come come VERB _005457100 211 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 211 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 211 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 211 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 211 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 211 7 plant plant VERB _005457100 211 8 your your PRON _005457100 211 9 gift gift NOUN _005457100 211 10 of of ADP _005457100 211 11 counsel counsel NOUN _005457100 211 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 212 1 i i PRON _005457100 212 2 do do AUX _005457100 212 3 not not PART _005457100 212 4 want want VERB _005457100 212 5 to to PART _005457100 212 6 be be AUX _005457100 212 7 afraid afraid ADJ _005457100 212 8 along along ADP _005457100 212 9 the the DET _005457100 212 10 way way NOUN _005457100 212 11 i i PRON _005457100 212 12 trod trod VERB _005457100 212 13 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 212 14 to to ADP _005457100 212 15 those those PRON _005457100 212 16 who who PRON _005457100 212 17 wonder wonder VERB _005457100 212 18 at at ADP _005457100 212 19 my my PRON _005457100 212 20 strength strength NOUN _005457100 212 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 212 22 i i PRON _005457100 212 23 'll will AUX _005457100 212 24 teach teach VERB _005457100 212 25 the the DET _005457100 212 26 love love NOUN _005457100 212 27 of of ADP _005457100 212 28 god god PROPN _005457100 212 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 213 1 come come VERB _005457100 213 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 213 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 213 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 213 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 213 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 213 7 plant plant VERB _005457100 213 8 your your PRON _005457100 213 9 gift gift NOUN _005457100 213 10 of of ADP _005457100 213 11 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005457100 213 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 214 1 22 22 NUM _005457100 215 1 i i PRON _005457100 215 2 seek seek VERB _005457100 215 3 to to PART _005457100 215 4 learn learn VERB _005457100 215 5 the the DET _005457100 215 6 things thing NOUN _005457100 215 7 of of ADP _005457100 215 8 god god PROPN _005457100 215 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 215 10 above above ADP _005457100 215 11 all all DET _005457100 215 12 earthly earthly ADJ _005457100 215 13 things thing NOUN _005457100 215 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 215 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 215 16 what what PRON _005457100 215 17 it it PRON _005457100 215 18 's be AUX _005457100 215 19 like like ADP _005457100 215 20 in in ADP _005457100 215 21 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 215 22 with with ADP _005457100 215 23 the the DET _005457100 215 24 mighty mighty ADJ _005457100 215 25 king king NOUN _005457100 215 26 of of ADP _005457100 215 27 kings king NOUN _005457100 215 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 216 1 come come VERB _005457100 216 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 216 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 216 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 216 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 216 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 216 7 plant plant VERB _005457100 216 8 your your PRON _005457100 216 9 gift gift NOUN _005457100 216 10 of of ADP _005457100 216 11 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005457100 216 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 217 1 i i PRON _005457100 217 2 wish wish VERB _005457100 217 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 217 4 i i PRON _005457100 217 5 could could AUX _005457100 217 6 walk walk VERB _005457100 217 7 with with ADP _005457100 217 8 god god PROPN _005457100 217 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 217 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 217 11 hold hold VERB _005457100 217 12 his his PRON _005457100 217 13 hand hand NOUN _005457100 217 14 in in ADP _005457100 217 15 mine mine NOUN _005457100 217 16 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 217 17 and and CCONJ _005457100 217 18 thank thank VERB _005457100 217 19 him he PRON _005457100 217 20 for for ADP _005457100 217 21 his his PRON _005457100 217 22 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005457100 217 23 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 217 24 , , PUNCT _005457100 217 25 and and CCONJ _005457100 217 26 talk talk NOUN _005457100 217 27 of of ADP _005457100 217 28 things thing NOUN _005457100 217 29 divine divine ADJ _005457100 217 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 218 1 come come VERB _005457100 218 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 218 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 218 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 218 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 218 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 218 7 plant plant VERB _005457100 218 8 your your PRON _005457100 218 9 gift gift NOUN _005457100 218 10 of of ADP _005457100 218 11 piety piety NOUN _005457100 218 12 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 219 1 i i PRON _005457100 219 2 'd would AUX _005457100 219 3 like like VERB _005457100 219 4 to to PART _005457100 219 5 keep keep VERB _005457100 219 6 the the DET _005457100 219 7 sight sight NOUN _005457100 219 8 of of ADP _005457100 219 9 god god PROPN _005457100 219 10 before before ADP _005457100 219 11 me i PRON _005457100 219 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 219 13 day day NOUN _005457100 219 14 and and CCONJ _005457100 219 15 night night NOUN _005457100 219 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 219 17 lest lest SCONJ _005457100 219 18 when when SCONJ _005457100 219 19 i i PRON _005457100 219 20 die die VERB _005457100 219 21 my my PRON _005457100 219 22 fudge fudge NOUN _005457100 219 23 shall shall AUX _005457100 219 24 send send VERB _005457100 219 25 me i PRON _005457100 219 26 ever ever ADV _005457100 219 27 from from ADP _005457100 219 28 his his PRON _005457100 219 29 sight sight NOUN _005457100 219 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 220 1 come come VERB _005457100 220 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 220 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 220 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 220 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 220 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 220 7 plant plant VERB _005457100 220 8 your your PRON _005457100 220 9 gift gift NOUN _005457100 220 10 of of ADP _005457100 220 11 fear fear NOUN _005457100 220 12 of of ADP _005457100 220 13 the the DET _005457100 220 14 lord lord PROPN _005457100 220 15 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 221 1 come come VERB _005457100 221 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 221 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 221 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 221 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 221 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 221 7 make make VERB _005457100 221 8 my my PRON _005457100 221 9 soul soul NOUN _005457100 221 10 as as ADV _005457100 221 11 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457100 221 12 as as ADP _005457100 221 13 spring spring NOUN _005457100 221 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 221 15 when when SCONJ _005457100 221 16 flowers flower NOUN _005457100 221 17 bloom bloom VERB _005457100 221 18 in in ADP _005457100 221 19 praise praise NOUN _005457100 221 20 of of ADP _005457100 221 21 god god PROPN _005457100 221 22 and and CCONJ _005457100 221 23 pretty pretty ADV _005457100 221 24 songbirds songbird NOUN _005457100 221 25 sing sing VERB _005457100 221 26 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 222 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 222 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 223 1 23 23 NUM _005457100 224 1 the the DET _005457100 224 2 indelible indelible ADJ _005457100 224 3 mark mark NOUN _005457100 224 4 seventh seventh ADJ _005457100 224 5 day day NOUN _005457100 224 6 when when SCONJ _005457100 224 7 the the DET _005457100 224 8 holy holy ADJ _005457100 224 9 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 224 10 comes come VERB _005457100 224 11 to to PART _005457100 224 12 fill fill VERB _005457100 224 13 your your PRON _005457100 224 14 heart heart NOUN _005457100 224 15 with with ADP _005457100 224 16 his his PRON _005457100 224 17 seven seven NUM _005457100 224 18 great great ADJ _005457100 224 19 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 224 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 224 21 he he PRON _005457100 224 22 leaves leave VERB _005457100 224 23 you you PRON _005457100 224 24 a a DET _005457100 224 25 remembrance remembrance NOUN _005457100 224 26 that that PRON _005457100 224 27 will will AUX _005457100 224 28 last last VERB _005457100 224 29 forever forever ADV _005457100 224 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 225 1 it it PRON _005457100 225 2 is be AUX _005457100 225 3 a a DET _005457100 225 4 mark mark NOUN _005457100 225 5 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 225 6 your your PRON _005457100 225 7 soul soul NOUN _005457100 225 8 that that PRON _005457100 225 9 can can AUX _005457100 225 10 not not PART _005457100 225 11 be be AUX _005457100 225 12 erased erase VERB _005457100 225 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 226 1 24 24 NUM _005457100 226 2 after after SCONJ _005457100 226 3 cain cain PROPN _005457100 226 4 killed kill VERB _005457100 226 5 his his PRON _005457100 226 6 brother brother NOUN _005457100 226 7 abel abel PROPN _005457100 226 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 226 9 god god PROPN _005457100 226 10 sent send VERB _005457100 226 11 him he PRON _005457100 226 12 off off ADP _005457100 226 13 to to PART _005457100 226 14 roam roam VERB _005457100 226 15 the the DET _005457100 226 16 world world NOUN _005457100 226 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 227 1 cain cain PROPN _005457100 227 2 was be AUX _005457100 227 3 afraid afraid ADJ _005457100 227 4 . . PUNCT _005457100 228 1 he he PRON _005457100 228 2 cried cry VERB _005457100 228 3 out out ADP _005457100 228 4 : : PUNCT _005457100 228 5 " " PUNCT _005457100 228 6 now now ADV _005457100 228 7 anyone anyone PRON _005457100 228 8 that that PRON _005457100 228 9 meets meet VERB _005457100 228 10 me i PRON _005457100 228 11 can can AUX _005457100 228 12 kill kill VERB _005457100 228 13 me i PRON _005457100 228 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 228 15 " " PUNCT _005457100 229 1 so so ADV _005457100 229 2 he he PRON _005457100 229 3 begged beg VERB _005457100 229 4 god god PROPN _005457100 229 5 to to PART _005457100 229 6 protect protect VERB _005457100 229 7 him he PRON _005457100 229 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 230 1 god god PROPN _005457100 230 2 listened listen VERB _005457100 230 3 to to ADP _005457100 230 4 this this DET _005457100 230 5 cry cry NOUN _005457100 230 6 for for ADP _005457100 230 7 help help NOUN _005457100 230 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 231 1 he he PRON _005457100 231 2 put put VERB _005457100 231 3 a a DET _005457100 231 4 mark mark NOUN _005457100 231 5 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 231 6 cain cain PROPN _005457100 231 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 231 8 so so SCONJ _005457100 231 9 that that SCONJ _005457100 231 10 no no DET _005457100 231 11 one one PRON _005457100 231 12 would would AUX _005457100 231 13 kill kill VERB _005457100 231 14 him he PRON _005457100 231 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 232 1 no no DET _005457100 232 2 one one NOUN _005457100 232 3 dared dare VERB _005457100 232 4 to to PART _005457100 232 5 harm harm VERB _005457100 232 6 cain cain PROPN _005457100 232 7 after after SCONJ _005457100 232 8 god god PROPN _005457100 232 9 had have AUX _005457100 232 10 put put VERB _005457100 232 11 that that DET _005457100 232 12 mark mark NOUN _005457100 232 13 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 232 14 him he PRON _005457100 232 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 233 1 how how SCONJ _005457100 233 2 good good ADJ _005457100 233 3 god god PROPN _005457100 233 4 is be AUX _005457100 233 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 234 1 he he PRON _005457100 234 2 protects protect VERB _005457100 234 3 even even ADV _005457100 234 4 the the DET _005457100 234 5 wicked wicked ADJ _005457100 234 6 cain cain NOUN _005457100 234 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 235 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 235 2 god god PROPN _005457100 235 3 saves save VERB _005457100 235 4 the the DET _005457100 235 5 best good ADJ _005457100 235 6 mark mark NOUN _005457100 235 7 in in ADP _005457100 235 8 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 235 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 235 10 on on ADP _005457100 235 11 earth earth NOUN _005457100 235 12 for for ADP _005457100 235 13 his his PRON _005457100 235 14 friends friend NOUN _005457100 235 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 235 16 for for ADP _005457100 235 17 his his PRON _005457100 235 18 own own ADJ _005457100 235 19 children child NOUN _005457100 235 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 236 1 this this PRON _005457100 236 2 is be AUX _005457100 236 3 the the DET _005457100 236 4 sign sign NOUN _005457100 236 5 of of ADP _005457100 236 6 the the DET _005457100 236 7 cross cross NOUN _005457100 236 8 which which PRON _005457100 236 9 is be AUX _005457100 236 10 made make VERB _005457100 236 11 in in ADP _005457100 236 12 the the DET _005457100 236 13 name name NOUN _005457100 236 14 of of ADP _005457100 236 15 the the DET _005457100 236 16 father father NOUN _005457100 236 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 236 18 and and CCONJ _005457100 236 19 of of ADP _005457100 236 20 the the DET _005457100 236 21 son son NOUN _005457100 236 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 236 23 and and CCONJ _005457100 236 24 of of ADP _005457100 236 25 the the DET _005457100 236 26 holy holy ADJ _005457100 236 27 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 236 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 237 1 one one NUM _005457100 237 2 who who PRON _005457100 237 3 receives receive VERB _005457100 237 4 this this DET _005457100 237 5 mark mark NOUN _005457100 237 6 in in ADP _005457100 237 7 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 237 8 becomes become VERB _005457100 237 9 a a DET _005457100 237 10 soldier soldier NOUN _005457100 237 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 237 12 god god PROPN _005457100 237 13 's 's PART _005457100 237 14 soldier soldier NOUN _005457100 237 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 238 1 no no DET _005457100 238 2 one one NOUN _005457100 238 3 can can AUX _005457100 238 4 really really ADV _005457100 238 5 harm harm VERB _005457100 238 6 him he PRON _005457100 238 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 239 1 wherever wherever SCONJ _005457100 239 2 he he PRON _005457100 239 3 goes go VERB _005457100 239 4 on on ADP _005457100 239 5 the the DET _005457100 239 6 face face NOUN _005457100 239 7 of of ADP _005457100 239 8 the the DET _005457100 239 9 earth earth NOUN _005457100 239 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 239 11 this this DET _005457100 239 12 mark mark NOUN _005457100 239 13 stays stay VERB _005457100 239 14 with with ADP _005457100 239 15 him he PRON _005457100 239 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 239 17 so so SCONJ _005457100 239 18 that that SCONJ _005457100 239 19 all all PRON _005457100 239 20 may may AUX _005457100 239 21 know know VERB _005457100 239 22 : : PUNCT _005457100 239 23 he he PRON _005457100 239 24 comes come VERB _005457100 239 25 from from ADP _005457100 239 26 god god PROPN _005457100 239 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 240 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 240 2 through through ADP _005457100 240 3 it it PRON _005457100 240 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 240 5 he he PRON _005457100 240 6 should should AUX _005457100 240 7 one one NUM _005457100 240 8 day day NOUN _005457100 240 9 gain gain VERB _005457100 240 10 entrance entrance NOUN _005457100 240 11 to to ADP _005457100 240 12 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 240 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 241 1 soon soon ADV _005457100 241 2 the the DET _005457100 241 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 241 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 241 5 will will AUX _005457100 241 6 put put VERB _005457100 241 7 this this DET _005457100 241 8 mark mark NOUN _005457100 241 9 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 241 10 you you PRON _005457100 241 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 242 1 of of ADV _005457100 242 2 course course ADV _005457100 242 3 the the DET _005457100 242 4 sign sign NOUN _005457100 242 5 of of ADP _005457100 242 6 the the DET _005457100 242 7 cross cross NOUN _005457100 242 8 has have AUX _005457100 242 9 been be AUX _005457100 242 10 made make VERB _005457100 242 11 over over ADP _005457100 242 12 you you PRON _005457100 242 13 many many ADJ _005457100 242 14 times time NOUN _005457100 242 15 before before ADV _005457100 242 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 243 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 243 2 this this DET _005457100 243 3 time time NOUN _005457100 243 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 243 5 the the DET _005457100 243 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 243 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 243 8 himself himself PRON _005457100 243 9 will will AUX _005457100 243 10 make make VERB _005457100 243 11 it it PRON _005457100 243 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 244 1 so so ADV _005457100 244 2 he he PRON _005457100 244 3 sends send VERB _005457100 244 4 a a DET _005457100 244 5 person person NOUN _005457100 244 6 who who PRON _005457100 244 7 takes take VERB _005457100 244 8 his his PRON _005457100 244 9 place place NOUN _005457100 244 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 244 11 the the DET _005457100 244 12 bishop bishop NOUN _005457100 244 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 245 1 on on ADP _005457100 245 2 the the DET _005457100 245 3 day day NOUN _005457100 245 4 of of ADP _005457100 245 5 your your PRON _005457100 245 6 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 245 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 245 8 you you PRON _005457100 245 9 will will AUX _005457100 245 10 kneel kneel VERB _005457100 245 11 before before ADP _005457100 245 12 the the DET _005457100 245 13 bishop bishop NOUN _005457100 245 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 246 1 he he PRON _005457100 246 2 will will AUX _005457100 246 3 call call VERB _005457100 246 4 you you PRON _005457100 246 5 by by ADP _005457100 246 6 name name NOUN _005457100 246 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 247 1 that that PRON _005457100 247 2 tells tell VERB _005457100 247 3 you you PRON _005457100 247 4 that that SCONJ _005457100 247 5 what what PRON _005457100 247 6 the the DET _005457100 247 7 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 247 8 says say VERB _005457100 247 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 247 10 does do AUX _005457100 247 11 is be AUX _005457100 247 12 meant mean VERB _005457100 247 13 just just ADV _005457100 247 14 for for ADP _005457100 247 15 you you PRON _005457100 247 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 248 1 you you PRON _005457100 248 2 will will AUX _005457100 248 3 receive receive VERB _005457100 248 4 that that DET _005457100 248 5 mark mark NOUN _005457100 248 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 249 1 the the DET _005457100 249 2 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 249 3 says say VERB _005457100 249 4 : : PUNCT _005457100 249 5 " " PUNCT _005457100 249 6 i i PRON _005457100 249 7 sign sign VERB _005457100 249 8 you you PRON _005457100 249 9 with with ADP _005457100 249 10 the the DET _005457100 249 11 sign sign NOUN _005457100 249 12 of of ADP _005457100 249 13 the the DET _005457100 249 14 cross/ cross/ NUM _005457100 249 15 ' ' PUNCT _005457100 249 16 then then ADV _005457100 249 17 he he PRON _005457100 249 18 traces trace VERB _005457100 249 19 the the DET _005457100 249 20 sign sign NOUN _005457100 249 21 of of ADP _005457100 249 22 the the DET _005457100 249 23 cross cross NOUN _005457100 249 24 with with ADP _005457100 249 25 holy holy ADJ _005457100 249 26 oil oil NOUN _005457100 249 27 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 249 28 your your PRON _005457100 249 29 forehead forehead NOUN _005457100 249 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 250 1 25 25 NUM _005457100 250 2 do do AUX _005457100 250 3 you you PRON _005457100 250 4 know know VERB _005457100 250 5 who who PRON _005457100 250 6 sees see VERB _005457100 250 7 god god PROPN _005457100 250 8 's 's PART _005457100 250 9 bright bright ADJ _005457100 250 10 mark mark NOUN _005457100 250 11 that that PRON _005457100 250 12 is be AUX _005457100 250 13 now now ADV _005457100 250 14 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 250 15 you you PRON _005457100 250 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 251 1 the the DET _005457100 251 2 archangel archangel NOUN _005457100 251 3 michael michael PROPN _005457100 251 4 sees see VERB _005457100 251 5 it it PRON _005457100 251 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 252 1 he he PRON _005457100 252 2 knows know VERB _005457100 252 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 252 4 now now ADV _005457100 252 5 you you PRON _005457100 252 6 belong belong VERB _005457100 252 7 to to ADP _005457100 252 8 his his PRON _005457100 252 9 army army NOUN _005457100 252 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 252 11 that that SCONJ _005457100 252 12 you you PRON _005457100 252 13 will will AUX _005457100 252 14 fight fight VERB _005457100 252 15 against against ADP _005457100 252 16 all all PRON _005457100 252 17 of of ADP _005457100 252 18 god god PROPN _005457100 252 19 's 's PART _005457100 252 20 enemies enemy NOUN _005457100 252 21 on on ADP _005457100 252 22 earth earth NOUN _005457100 252 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 253 1 the the DET _005457100 253 2 angels angel NOUN _005457100 253 3 and and CCONJ _005457100 253 4 saints saint NOUN _005457100 253 5 see see VERB _005457100 253 6 it it PRON _005457100 253 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 254 1 they they PRON _005457100 254 2 expect expect VERB _005457100 254 3 to to PART _005457100 254 4 have have VERB _005457100 254 5 you you PRON _005457100 254 6 one one NUM _005457100 254 7 day day NOUN _005457100 254 8 join join VERB _005457100 254 9 their their PRON _005457100 254 10 company company NOUN _005457100 254 11 in in ADP _005457100 254 12 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 254 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 255 1 the the DET _005457100 255 2 bad bad ADJ _005457100 255 3 angels angel NOUN _005457100 255 4 see see VERB _005457100 255 5 it it PRON _005457100 255 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 255 7 too too ADV _005457100 255 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 256 1 they they PRON _005457100 256 2 will will AUX _005457100 256 3 all all ADV _005457100 256 4 run run VERB _005457100 256 5 away away ADV _005457100 256 6 if if SCONJ _005457100 256 7 you you PRON _005457100 256 8 have have VERB _005457100 256 9 courage courage NOUN _005457100 256 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 256 11 pass pass VERB _005457100 256 12 them they PRON _005457100 256 13 by by ADV _005457100 256 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 257 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 257 2 if if SCONJ _005457100 257 3 you you PRON _005457100 257 4 dilly dilly ADV _005457100 257 5 dally dally ADV _005457100 257 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 257 7 they they PRON _005457100 257 8 will will AUX _005457100 257 9 rush rush VERB _005457100 257 10 in in ADP _005457100 257 11 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 257 12 you you PRON _005457100 257 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 258 1 they they PRON _005457100 258 2 can can AUX _005457100 258 3 not not PART _005457100 258 4 erase erase VERB _005457100 258 5 the the DET _005457100 258 6 sign sign NOUN _005457100 258 7 of of ADP _005457100 258 8 the the DET _005457100 258 9 cross cross NOUN _005457100 258 10 that that PRON _005457100 258 11 is be AUX _005457100 258 12 on on ADP _005457100 258 13 you you PRON _005457100 258 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 259 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 259 2 they they PRON _005457100 259 3 will will AUX _005457100 259 4 try try VERB _005457100 259 5 to to PART _005457100 259 6 cover cover VERB _005457100 259 7 it it PRON _005457100 259 8 over over ADP _005457100 259 9 with with ADP _005457100 259 10 their their PRON _005457100 259 11 own own ADJ _005457100 259 12 wicked wicked ADJ _005457100 259 13 sign sign NOUN _005457100 259 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 260 1 never never ADV _005457100 260 2 let let VERB _005457100 260 3 that that PRON _005457100 260 4 happen happen VERB _005457100 260 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 261 1 otherwise otherwise ADV _005457100 261 2 the the DET _005457100 261 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 261 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 261 5 has have AUX _005457100 261 6 trusted trust VERB _005457100 261 7 you you PRON _005457100 261 8 in in ADP _005457100 261 9 vain vain ADJ _005457100 261 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 262 1 can can AUX _005457100 262 2 people people NOUN _005457100 262 3 you you PRON _005457100 262 4 meet meet VERB _005457100 262 5 see see VERB _005457100 262 6 this this DET _005457100 262 7 sign sign NOUN _005457100 262 8 too too ADV _005457100 262 9 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 263 1 no no INTJ _005457100 263 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 263 3 because because SCONJ _005457100 263 4 it it PRON _005457100 263 5 is be AUX _005457100 263 6 on on ADP _005457100 263 7 your your PRON _005457100 263 8 soul soul NOUN _005457100 263 9 which which PRON _005457100 263 10 they they PRON _005457100 263 11 can can AUX _005457100 263 12 not not PART _005457100 263 13 see see VERB _005457100 263 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 264 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 264 2 they they PRON _005457100 264 3 must must AUX _005457100 264 4 know know VERB _005457100 264 5 it it PRON _005457100 264 6 is be AUX _005457100 264 7 thereby thereby ADV _005457100 264 8 your your PRON _005457100 264 9 good good ADJ _005457100 264 10 words word NOUN _005457100 264 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 264 12 deeds deed NOUN _005457100 264 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 265 1 that that PRON _005457100 265 2 is be AUX _005457100 265 3 the the DET _005457100 265 4 main main ADJ _005457100 265 5 reason reason NOUN _005457100 265 6 the the DET _005457100 265 7 holy holy ADJ _005457100 265 8 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 265 9 puts put VERB _005457100 265 10 this this DET _005457100 265 11 mark mark NOUN _005457100 265 12 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 265 13 you you PRON _005457100 265 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 266 1 people people NOUN _005457100 266 2 should should AUX _005457100 266 3 learn learn VERB _005457100 266 4 from from ADP _005457100 266 5 all all DET _005457100 266 6 your your PRON _005457100 266 7 actions action NOUN _005457100 266 8 that that SCONJ _005457100 266 9 you you PRON _005457100 266 10 are be AUX _005457100 266 11 god god PROPN _005457100 266 12 's 's PART _005457100 266 13 messenger messenger NOUN _005457100 266 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 267 1 they they PRON _005457100 267 2 should should AUX _005457100 267 3 be be AUX _005457100 267 4 able able ADJ _005457100 267 5 to to PART _005457100 267 6 say say VERB _005457100 267 7 of of ADP _005457100 267 8 you you PRON _005457100 267 9 : : PUNCT _005457100 267 10 " " PUNCT _005457100 267 11 he he PRON _005457100 267 12 carries carry VERB _005457100 267 13 the the DET _005457100 267 14 sign sign NOUN _005457100 267 15 of of ADP _005457100 267 16 the the DET _005457100 267 17 three three NUM _005457100 267 18 persons person NOUN _005457100 267 19 of of ADP _005457100 267 20 god god PROPN _005457100 267 21 . . PUNCT _005457100 268 1 he he PRON _005457100 268 2 brings bring VERB _005457100 268 3 us we PRON _005457100 268 4 god god PROPN _005457100 268 5 's 's PART _005457100 268 6 love love NOUN _005457100 268 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 268 8 " " PUNCT _005457100 269 1 if if SCONJ _005457100 269 2 you you PRON _005457100 269 3 come come VERB _005457100 269 4 among among ADP _005457100 269 5 people people NOUN _005457100 269 6 who who PRON _005457100 269 7 are be AUX _005457100 269 8 sad sad ADJ _005457100 269 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 269 10 broken break VERB _005457100 269 11 - - PUNCT _005457100 269 12 hearted hearte VERB _005457100 269 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 269 14 the the DET _005457100 269 15 mark mark NOUN _005457100 269 16 on on ADP _005457100 269 17 your your PRON _005457100 269 18 soul soul NOUN _005457100 269 19 will will AUX _005457100 269 20 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457100 269 21 them they PRON _005457100 269 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 270 1 for for ADP _005457100 270 2 wherever wherever SCONJ _005457100 270 3 you you PRON _005457100 270 4 go go VERB _005457100 270 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 270 6 this this DET _005457100 270 7 cross cross NOUN _005457100 270 8 will will AUX _005457100 270 9 go go VERB _005457100 270 10 with with ADP _005457100 270 11 you you PRON _005457100 270 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 271 1 if if SCONJ _005457100 271 2 you you PRON _005457100 271 3 come come VERB _005457100 271 4 among among ADP _005457100 271 5 people people NOUN _005457100 271 6 who who PRON _005457100 271 7 have have AUX _005457100 271 8 forgotten forget VERB _005457100 271 9 god god PROPN _005457100 271 10 — — PUNCT _005457100 271 11 you you PRON _005457100 271 12 have have VERB _005457100 271 13 god god PROPN _005457100 271 14 's 's PART _005457100 271 15 sign sign NOUN _005457100 271 16 on on ADP _005457100 271 17 your your PRON _005457100 271 18 forehead forehead NOUN _005457100 271 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 272 1 so so ADV _005457100 272 2 it it PRON _005457100 272 3 is be AUX _005457100 272 4 there there ADV _005457100 272 5 in in ADP _005457100 272 6 their their PRON _005457100 272 7 midst midst NOUN _005457100 272 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 273 1 anywhere anywhere ADV _005457100 273 2 you you PRON _005457100 273 3 visit visit VERB _005457100 273 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 273 5 even even ADV _005457100 273 6 in in ADP _005457100 273 7 places place NOUN _005457100 273 8 where where SCONJ _005457100 273 9 otherwise otherwise ADV _005457100 273 10 there there PRON _005457100 273 11 is be VERB _005457100 273 12 no no DET _005457100 273 13 cross cross NOUN _005457100 273 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 273 15 you you PRON _005457100 273 16 carry carry VERB _005457100 273 17 it it PRON _005457100 273 18 with with ADP _005457100 273 19 you you PRON _005457100 273 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 274 1 well well INTJ _005457100 274 2 then then ADV _005457100 274 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 274 4 soldier soldier NOUN _005457100 274 5 of of ADP _005457100 274 6 christ christ PROPN _005457100 274 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 274 8 be be AUX _005457100 274 9 proud proud ADJ _005457100 274 10 of of ADP _005457100 274 11 your your PRON _005457100 274 12 sign sign NOUN _005457100 274 13 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 275 1 carry carry VERB _005457100 275 2 it it PRON _005457100 275 3 with with ADP _005457100 275 4 honor honor NOUN _005457100 275 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 276 1 26 26 NUM _005457100 276 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 276 3 for for ADP _005457100 276 4 the the DET _005457100 276 5 seventh seventh ADJ _005457100 276 6 day day NOUN _005457100 276 7 dear dear ADJ _005457100 276 8 father father NOUN _005457100 276 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 276 10 son son NOUN _005457100 276 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 276 12 holy holy ADJ _005457100 276 13 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 276 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 276 15 i i PRON _005457100 276 16 thank thank VERB _005457100 276 17 you you PRON _005457100 276 18 for for ADP _005457100 276 19 the the DET _005457100 276 20 sign sign NOUN _005457100 276 21 you you PRON _005457100 276 22 've 've AUX _005457100 276 23 given give VERB _005457100 276 24 me i PRON _005457100 276 25 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 277 1 how how SCONJ _005457100 277 2 powerful powerful ADJ _005457100 277 3 it it PRON _005457100 277 4 is be AUX _005457100 277 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 278 1 how how SCONJ _005457100 278 2 great great ADJ _005457100 278 3 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 279 1 how how SCONJ _005457100 279 2 fine fine ADJ _005457100 279 3 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 280 1 this this DET _005457100 280 2 holy holy ADJ _005457100 280 3 sign sign NOUN _005457100 280 4 shall shall AUX _005457100 280 5 lead lead VERB _005457100 280 6 me i PRON _005457100 280 7 on on ADP _005457100 280 8 to to PART _005457100 280 9 conquer conquer VERB _005457100 280 10 in in ADP _005457100 280 11 the the DET _005457100 280 12 strife strife NOUN _005457100 280 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 280 14 for for ADP _005457100 280 15 with with ADP _005457100 280 16 this this DET _005457100 280 17 sign sign NOUN _005457100 280 18 my my PRON _005457100 280 19 god god PROPN _005457100 280 20 has have AUX _005457100 280 21 marked mark VERB _005457100 280 22 the the DET _005457100 280 23 manner manner NOUN _005457100 280 24 of of ADP _005457100 280 25 my my PRON _005457100 280 26 life life NOUN _005457100 280 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 281 1 each each PRON _005457100 281 2 thought think VERB _005457100 281 3 i i PRON _005457100 281 4 think think VERB _005457100 281 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 281 6 each each DET _005457100 281 7 deed deed NOUN _005457100 281 8 i i PRON _005457100 281 9 do do VERB _005457100 281 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 281 11 each each DET _005457100 281 12 single single ADJ _005457100 281 13 word word NOUN _005457100 281 14 i i PRON _005457100 281 15 say say VERB _005457100 281 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 281 17 will will AUX _005457100 281 18 start start VERB _005457100 281 19 with with ADP _005457100 281 20 god god PROPN _005457100 281 21 's 's PART _005457100 281 22 most most ADV _005457100 281 23 holy holy ADJ _005457100 281 24 name name NOUN _005457100 281 25 , , PUNCT _005457100 281 26 and and CCONJ _005457100 281 27 end end VERB _005457100 281 28 the the DET _005457100 281 29 selfsame selfsame ADJ _005457100 281 30 way way NOUN _005457100 281 31 . . PUNCT _005457100 282 1 when when SCONJ _005457100 282 2 evils evil NOUN _005457100 282 3 rise rise VERB _005457100 282 4 within within ADP _005457100 282 5 me i PRON _005457100 282 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 282 7 or or CCONJ _005457100 282 8 i i PRON _005457100 282 9 see see VERB _005457100 282 10 them they PRON _005457100 282 11 drawing draw VERB _005457100 282 12 near near ADV _005457100 282 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 282 14 i i PRON _005457100 282 15 'll will AUX _005457100 282 16 make make VERB _005457100 282 17 this this DET _005457100 282 18 sign sign NOUN _005457100 282 19 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 282 20 me i PRON _005457100 282 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 282 22 and and CCONJ _005457100 282 23 have have VERB _005457100 282 24 nothing nothing PRON _005457100 282 25 more more ADJ _005457100 282 26 to to PART _005457100 282 27 fear fear VERB _005457100 282 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 283 1 how how SCONJ _005457100 283 2 pleased pleased ADJ _005457100 283 3 archangel archangel NOUN _005457100 283 4 michael michael PROPN _005457100 283 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 283 6 his his PRON _005457100 283 7 army army NOUN _005457100 283 8 all all PRON _005457100 283 9 will will AUX _005457100 283 10 be be AUX _005457100 283 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 283 12 when when SCONJ _005457100 283 13 they they PRON _005457100 283 14 behold behold VERB _005457100 283 15 me i PRON _005457100 283 16 fighting fight VERB _005457100 283 17 for for ADP _005457100 283 18 the the DET _005457100 283 19 holy holy ADJ _005457100 283 20 trinity trinity NOUN _005457100 283 21 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 284 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 284 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 285 1 27 27 NUM _005457100 285 2 made make VERB _005457100 285 3 strong strong ADJ _005457100 285 4 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 286 1 eighth eighth ADJ _005457100 286 2 day day NOUN _005457100 286 3 long long ADV _005457100 286 4 ago ago ADV _005457100 286 5 the the DET _005457100 286 6 little little ADJ _005457100 286 7 dove dove NOUN _005457100 286 8 flew fly VERB _005457100 286 9 over over ADP _005457100 286 10 land land NOUN _005457100 286 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 286 12 sea sea NOUN _005457100 286 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 286 14 carrying carry VERB _005457100 286 15 the the DET _005457100 286 16 olive olive ADJ _005457100 286 17 branch branch NOUN _005457100 286 18 with with ADP _005457100 286 19 its its PRON _005457100 286 20 message message NOUN _005457100 286 21 of of ADP _005457100 286 22 joy joy NOUN _005457100 286 23 to to PART _005457100 286 24 noe noe NUM _005457100 286 25 . . PUNCT _005457100 287 1 that that DET _005457100 287 2 dove dove NOUN _005457100 287 3 is be AUX _005457100 287 4 a a DET _005457100 287 5 symbol symbol NOUN _005457100 287 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 287 7 a a DET _005457100 287 8 reminder reminder NOUN _005457100 287 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 287 10 of of ADP _005457100 287 11 the the DET _005457100 287 12 holy holy ADJ _005457100 287 13 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 287 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 288 1 for for ADP _005457100 288 2 the the DET _005457100 288 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 288 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 288 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 288 6 too too ADV _005457100 288 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 288 8 brings bring VERB _005457100 288 9 a a DET _005457100 288 10 message message NOUN _005457100 288 11 of of ADP _005457100 288 12 joy joy NOUN _005457100 288 13 from from ADP _005457100 288 14 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 288 15 to to PART _005457100 288 16 souls soul NOUN _005457100 288 17 all all ADV _005457100 288 18 over over ADP _005457100 288 19 the the DET _005457100 288 20 world world NOUN _005457100 288 21 . . PUNCT _005457100 289 1 the the DET _005457100 289 2 olive olive ADJ _005457100 289 3 branch branch NOUN _005457100 289 4 also also ADV _005457100 289 5 reminds remind VERB _005457100 289 6 you you PRON _005457100 289 7 of of ADP _005457100 289 8 something something PRON _005457100 289 9 that that PRON _005457100 289 10 takes take VERB _005457100 289 11 place place NOUN _005457100 289 12 at at ADP _005457100 289 13 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 289 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 290 1 before before SCONJ _005457100 290 2 the the DET _005457100 290 3 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 290 4 marks mark VERB _005457100 290 5 the the DET _005457100 290 6 sign sign NOUN _005457100 290 7 of of ADP _005457100 290 8 the the DET _005457100 290 9 cross cross NOUN _005457100 290 10 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 290 11 your your PRON _005457100 290 12 forehead forehead NOUN _005457100 290 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 290 14 he he PRON _005457100 290 15 dips dip VERB _005457100 290 16 his his PRON _005457100 290 17 thumb thumb NOUN _005457100 290 18 in in ADP _005457100 290 19 holy holy ADJ _005457100 290 20 oil oil NOUN _005457100 290 21 . . PUNCT _005457100 291 1 this this DET _005457100 291 2 oil oil NOUN _005457100 291 3 is be AUX _005457100 291 4 pressed press VERB _005457100 291 5 from from ADP _005457100 291 6 the the DET _005457100 291 7 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 291 8 of of ADP _005457100 291 9 the the DET _005457100 291 10 olive olive NOUN _005457100 291 11 tree tree NOUN _005457100 291 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 291 13 mixed mix VERB _005457100 291 14 with with ADP _005457100 291 15 a a DET _005457100 291 16 little little ADJ _005457100 291 17 balsam balsam NOUN _005457100 291 18 , , PUNCT _005457100 291 19 and and CCONJ _005457100 291 20 is be AUX _005457100 291 21 blessed bless VERB _005457100 291 22 by by ADP _005457100 291 23 the the DET _005457100 291 24 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 291 25 himself himself PRON _005457100 291 26 on on ADP _005457100 291 27 holy holy ADJ _005457100 291 28 thursday thursday PROPN _005457100 291 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 292 1 we we PRON _005457100 292 2 call call VERB _005457100 292 3 it it PRON _005457100 292 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 292 5 chrism chrism NOUN _005457100 292 6 after after SCONJ _005457100 292 7 it it PRON _005457100 292 8 is be AUX _005457100 292 9 blessed bless VERB _005457100 292 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 293 1 is be AUX _005457100 293 2 n't not PART _005457100 293 3 it it PRON _005457100 293 4 nice nice ADJ _005457100 293 5 to to PART _005457100 293 6 know know VERB _005457100 293 7 that that SCONJ _005457100 293 8 from from ADP _005457100 293 9 this this DET _005457100 293 10 earth earth NOUN _005457100 293 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 293 12 where where SCONJ _005457100 293 13 often often ADV _005457100 293 14 good good ADJ _005457100 293 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 293 16 bad bad ADJ _005457100 293 17 things thing NOUN _005457100 293 18 are be AUX _005457100 293 19 side side VERB _005457100 293 20 by by ADP _005457100 293 21 side side NOUN _005457100 293 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 293 23 a a DET _005457100 293 24 little little ADJ _005457100 293 25 something something PRON _005457100 293 26 is be AUX _005457100 293 27 set set VERB _005457100 293 28 apart apart ADV _005457100 293 29 and and CCONJ _005457100 293 30 made make VERB _005457100 293 31 holy holy ADJ _005457100 293 32 for for ADP _005457100 293 33 god god PROPN _005457100 293 34 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 294 1 do do AUX _005457100 294 2 n't not PART _005457100 294 3 you you PRON _005457100 294 4 think think VERB _005457100 294 5 that that SCONJ _005457100 294 6 since since SCONJ _005457100 294 7 the the DET _005457100 294 8 sign sign NOUN _005457100 294 9 of of ADP _005457100 294 10 the the DET _005457100 294 11 cross cross NOUN _005457100 294 12 of of ADP _005457100 294 13 christ christ PROPN _005457100 294 14 has have AUX _005457100 294 15 been be AUX _005457100 294 16 made make VERB _005457100 294 17 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 294 18 you you PRON _005457100 294 19 with with ADP _005457100 294 20 holy holy ADJ _005457100 294 21 oil oil NOUN _005457100 294 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 294 23 you you PRON _005457100 294 24 also also ADV _005457100 294 25 have have AUX _005457100 294 26 been be AUX _005457100 294 27 set set VERB _005457100 294 28 apart apart ADV _005457100 294 29 and and CCONJ _005457100 294 30 made make VERB _005457100 294 31 holy holy ADJ _005457100 294 32 for for ADP _005457100 294 33 god god PROPN _005457100 294 34 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 295 1 this this PRON _005457100 295 2 really really ADV _005457100 295 3 happened happen VERB _005457100 295 4 some some DET _005457100 295 5 time time NOUN _005457100 295 6 ago ago ADV _005457100 295 7 at at ADP _005457100 295 8 your your PRON _005457100 295 9 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 295 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 296 1 the the DET _005457100 296 2 priest priest NOUN _005457100 296 3 anointed anoint VERB _005457100 296 4 your your PRON _005457100 296 5 head head NOUN _005457100 296 6 with with ADP _005457100 296 7 holy holy ADJ _005457100 296 8 chrism chrism NOUN _005457100 296 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 297 1 you you PRON _005457100 297 2 were be AUX _005457100 297 3 set set VERB _005457100 297 4 apart apart ADV _005457100 297 5 thereby thereby ADV _005457100 297 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 297 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 297 8 marked mark VERB _005457100 297 9 for for ADP _005457100 297 10 the the DET _005457100 297 11 service service NOUN _005457100 297 12 of of ADP _005457100 297 13 god god PROPN _005457100 297 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 298 1 then then ADV _005457100 298 2 you you PRON _005457100 298 3 were be AUX _005457100 298 4 only only ADV _005457100 298 5 a a DET _005457100 298 6 babe babe NOUN _005457100 298 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 299 1 you you PRON _005457100 299 2 did do AUX _005457100 299 3 not not PART _005457100 299 4 realize realize VERB _005457100 299 5 what what PRON _005457100 299 6 had have AUX _005457100 299 7 taken take VERB _005457100 299 8 place place NOUN _005457100 299 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 300 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 300 2 as as SCONJ _005457100 300 3 you you PRON _005457100 300 4 grew grow VERB _005457100 300 5 older old ADJ _005457100 300 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 300 7 many many DET _005457100 300 8 a a DET _005457100 300 9 time time NOUN _005457100 300 10 you you PRON _005457100 300 11 did do AUX _005457100 300 12 not not PART _005457100 300 13 stop stop VERB _005457100 300 14 to to PART _005457100 300 15 think think VERB _005457100 300 16 that that SCONJ _005457100 300 17 even even ADV _005457100 300 18 your your PRON _005457100 300 19 body body NOUN _005457100 300 20 was be AUX _005457100 300 21 made make VERB _005457100 300 22 a a DET _005457100 300 23 holy holy ADJ _005457100 300 24 place place NOUN _005457100 300 25 of of ADP _005457100 300 26 god god PROPN _005457100 300 27 , , PUNCT _005457100 300 28 a a DET _005457100 300 29 temple temple NOUN _005457100 300 30 of of ADP _005457100 300 31 the the DET _005457100 300 32 holy holy ADJ _005457100 300 33 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 300 34 . . PUNCT _005457100 301 1 28 28 NUM _005457100 301 2 now now ADV _005457100 301 3 you you PRON _005457100 301 4 understand understand VERB _005457100 301 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 302 1 happy happy ADJ _005457100 302 2 child child NOUN _005457100 302 3 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 303 1 the the DET _005457100 303 2 great great ADJ _005457100 303 3 work work NOUN _005457100 303 4 that that PRON _005457100 303 5 was be AUX _005457100 303 6 begun begin VERB _005457100 303 7 in in ADP _005457100 303 8 you you PRON _005457100 303 9 at at ADP _005457100 303 10 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 303 11 will will AUX _005457100 303 12 be be AUX _005457100 303 13 completed complete VERB _005457100 303 14 when when SCONJ _005457100 303 15 the the DET _005457100 303 16 bishop bishop NOUN _005457100 303 17 marks mark VERB _005457100 303 18 the the DET _005457100 303 19 cross cross NOUN _005457100 303 20 of of ADP _005457100 303 21 christ christ PROPN _005457100 303 22 with with ADP _005457100 303 23 holy holy ADJ _005457100 303 24 chrism chrism NOUN _005457100 303 25 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 303 26 your your PRON _005457100 303 27 forehead forehead NOUN _005457100 303 28 and and CCONJ _005457100 303 29 says say VERB _005457100 303 30 : : PUNCT _005457100 303 31 " " PUNCT _005457100 303 32 i i PRON _005457100 303 33 sign sign VERB _005457100 303 34 thee thee PRON _005457100 303 35 with with ADP _005457100 303 36 the the DET _005457100 303 37 sign sign NOUN _005457100 303 38 of of ADP _005457100 303 39 the the DET _005457100 303 40 cross cross NOUN _005457100 303 41 and and CCONJ _005457100 303 42 i i PRON _005457100 303 43 confirm confirm VERB _005457100 303 44 thee thee PRON _005457100 303 45 with with ADP _005457100 303 46 the the DET _005457100 303 47 chrism chrism NOUN _005457100 303 48 of of ADP _005457100 303 49 salvation salvation NOUN _005457100 303 50 , , PUNCT _005457100 303 51 in in ADP _005457100 303 52 the the DET _005457100 303 53 name name NOUN _005457100 303 54 of of ADP _005457100 303 55 the the DET _005457100 303 56 father father NOUN _005457100 303 57 , , PUNCT _005457100 303 58 and and CCONJ _005457100 303 59 of of ADP _005457100 303 60 the the DET _005457100 303 61 son son NOUN _005457100 303 62 , , PUNCT _005457100 303 63 and and CCONJ _005457100 303 64 of of ADP _005457100 303 65 the the DET _005457100 303 66 holy holy ADJ _005457100 303 67 ghost/ ghost/ SPACE _005457100 303 68 ' ' PUNCT _005457100 303 69 in in ADP _005457100 303 70 the the DET _005457100 303 71 old old ADJ _005457100 303 72 testament testament NOUN _005457100 303 73 , , PUNCT _005457100 303 74 priests priest NOUN _005457100 303 75 and and CCONJ _005457100 303 76 kings king NOUN _005457100 303 77 were be AUX _005457100 303 78 anointed anoint VERB _005457100 303 79 with with ADP _005457100 303 80 oil oil NOUN _005457100 303 81 at at ADP _005457100 303 82 the the DET _005457100 303 83 command command NOUN _005457100 303 84 of of ADP _005457100 303 85 god god PROPN _005457100 303 86 . . PUNCT _005457100 304 1 in in ADP _005457100 304 2 the the DET _005457100 304 3 church church NOUN _005457100 304 4 of of ADP _005457100 304 5 christ christ PROPN _005457100 304 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 304 7 bishops bishop NOUN _005457100 304 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 304 9 priests priest NOUN _005457100 304 10 are be AUX _005457100 304 11 anointed anoint VERB _005457100 304 12 with with ADP _005457100 304 13 holy holy ADJ _005457100 304 14 oil oil NOUN _005457100 304 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 305 1 you you PRON _005457100 305 2 also also ADV _005457100 305 3 are be AUX _005457100 305 4 to to PART _005457100 305 5 be be AUX _005457100 305 6 anointed anoint VERB _005457100 305 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 306 1 are be AUX _005457100 306 2 you you PRON _005457100 306 3 to to PART _005457100 306 4 be be AUX _005457100 306 5 a a DET _005457100 306 6 priest priest NOUN _005457100 306 7 or or CCONJ _005457100 306 8 bishop bishop NOUN _005457100 306 9 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 307 1 yes yes INTJ _005457100 307 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 307 3 in in ADP _005457100 307 4 a a DET _005457100 307 5 way way NOUN _005457100 307 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 308 1 of of ADP _005457100 308 2 course course NOUN _005457100 308 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 308 4 you you PRON _005457100 308 5 are be AUX _005457100 308 6 not not PART _005457100 308 7 ordained ordain VERB _005457100 308 8 to to ADP _005457100 308 9 the the DET _005457100 308 10 service service NOUN _005457100 308 11 of of ADP _005457100 308 12 the the DET _005457100 308 13 altar altar NOUN _005457100 308 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 309 1 you you PRON _005457100 309 2 can can AUX _005457100 309 3 not not PART _005457100 309 4 offer offer VERB _005457100 309 5 the the DET _005457100 309 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 309 7 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005457100 309 8 of of ADP _005457100 309 9 the the DET _005457100 309 10 mass mass NOUN _005457100 309 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 310 1 you you PRON _005457100 310 2 can can AUX _005457100 310 3 not not PART _005457100 310 4 hold hold VERB _005457100 310 5 the the DET _005457100 310 6 sacred sacred ADJ _005457100 310 7 host host NOUN _005457100 310 8 in in ADP _005457100 310 9 your your PRON _005457100 310 10 hands hand NOUN _005457100 310 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 311 1 you you PRON _005457100 311 2 can can AUX _005457100 311 3 not not PART _005457100 311 4 forgive forgive VERB _005457100 311 5 sins sin NOUN _005457100 311 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 312 1 you you PRON _005457100 312 2 will will AUX _005457100 312 3 not not PART _005457100 312 4 receive receive VERB _005457100 312 5 the the DET _005457100 312 6 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 312 7 's 's PART _005457100 312 8 cross cross NOUN _005457100 312 9 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 312 10 nor nor CCONJ _005457100 312 11 his his PRON _005457100 312 12 ring ring NOUN _005457100 312 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 312 14 or or CCONJ _005457100 312 15 mitre mitre NOUN _005457100 312 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 312 17 or or CCONJ _005457100 312 18 crosier crosi ADJ _005457100 312 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 313 1 still still ADV _005457100 313 2 you you PRON _005457100 313 3 are be AUX _005457100 313 4 to to PART _005457100 313 5 be be AUX _005457100 313 6 a a DET _005457100 313 7 priest priest NOUN _005457100 313 8 in in ADP _005457100 313 9 your your PRON _005457100 313 10 little little ADJ _005457100 313 11 way way NOUN _005457100 313 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 314 1 you you PRON _005457100 314 2 are be AUX _005457100 314 3 to to PART _005457100 314 4 carry carry VERB _005457100 314 5 christ christ PROPN _005457100 314 6 in in ADP _005457100 314 7 your your PRON _005457100 314 8 heart heart NOUN _005457100 314 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 315 1 you you PRON _005457100 315 2 are be AUX _005457100 315 3 to to PART _005457100 315 4 take take VERB _005457100 315 5 him he PRON _005457100 315 6 to to ADP _005457100 315 7 other other ADJ _005457100 315 8 people people NOUN _005457100 315 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 316 1 like like ADP _005457100 316 2 an an DET _005457100 316 3 apostle apostle NOUN _005457100 316 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 316 5 you you PRON _005457100 316 6 are be AUX _005457100 316 7 to to PART _005457100 316 8 fight fight VERB _005457100 316 9 for for ADP _005457100 316 10 christ christ PROPN _005457100 316 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 316 12 suffer suffer VERB _005457100 316 13 for for ADP _005457100 316 14 him he PRON _005457100 316 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 316 16 even even ADV _005457100 316 17 die die VERB _005457100 316 18 for for ADP _005457100 316 19 him he PRON _005457100 316 20 if if SCONJ _005457100 316 21 need need NOUN _005457100 316 22 arises arise VERB _005457100 316 23 . . PUNCT _005457100 317 1 you you PRON _005457100 317 2 are be AUX _005457100 317 3 to to PART _005457100 317 4 be be AUX _005457100 317 5 made make VERB _005457100 317 6 strong strong ADJ _005457100 317 7 for for ADP _005457100 317 8 this this PRON _005457100 317 9 with with ADP _005457100 317 10 holy holy ADJ _005457100 317 11 oil oil NOUN _005457100 317 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 318 1 true true ADJ _005457100 318 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 318 3 the the DET _005457100 318 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 318 5 oil oil NOUN _005457100 318 6 that that PRON _005457100 318 7 the the DET _005457100 318 8 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 318 9 puts put VERB _005457100 318 10 on on ADP _005457100 318 11 your your PRON _005457100 318 12 forehead forehead NOUN _005457100 318 13 will will AUX _005457100 318 14 be be AUX _005457100 318 15 wiped wipe VERB _005457100 318 16 off off ADP _005457100 318 17 with with ADP _005457100 318 18 cotton cotton NOUN _005457100 318 19 by by ADP _005457100 318 20 one one NUM _005457100 318 21 of of ADP _005457100 318 22 the the DET _005457100 318 23 priests priest NOUN _005457100 318 24 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 318 25 and and CCONJ _005457100 318 26 the the DET _005457100 318 27 cotton cotton NOUN _005457100 318 28 will will AUX _005457100 318 29 be be AUX _005457100 318 30 burned burn VERB _005457100 318 31 . . PUNCT _005457100 319 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 319 2 the the DET _005457100 319 3 sign sign NOUN _005457100 319 4 of of ADP _005457100 319 5 anointing anointing NOUN _005457100 319 6 can can AUX _005457100 319 7 never never ADV _005457100 319 8 be be AUX _005457100 319 9 erased erase VERB _005457100 319 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 320 1 you you PRON _005457100 320 2 will will AUX _005457100 320 3 have have VERB _005457100 320 4 that that DET _005457100 320 5 sign sign NOUN _005457100 320 6 for for ADP _005457100 320 7 time time NOUN _005457100 320 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 320 9 eternity eternity NOUN _005457100 320 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 320 11 now now ADV _005457100 320 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 320 13 forever forever ADV _005457100 320 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 321 1 29 29 NUM _005457100 321 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 321 3 for for ADP _005457100 321 4 the the DET _005457100 321 5 eighth eighth ADJ _005457100 321 6 day day NOUN _005457100 321 7 dear dear PROPN _005457100 321 8 god god PROPN _005457100 321 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 321 10 you you PRON _005457100 321 11 know know VERB _005457100 321 12 that that SCONJ _005457100 321 13 i i PRON _005457100 321 14 believe believe VERB _005457100 321 15 whatever whatever PRON _005457100 321 16 you you PRON _005457100 321 17 have have AUX _005457100 321 18 said say VERB _005457100 321 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 321 20 but but CCONJ _005457100 321 21 should should AUX _005457100 321 22 it it PRON _005457100 321 23 ever ever ADV _005457100 321 24 happen happen VERB _005457100 321 25 that that SCONJ _005457100 321 26 i i PRON _005457100 321 27 start start VERB _005457100 321 28 to to PART _005457100 321 29 doubt doubt VERB _005457100 321 30 instead instead ADV _005457100 321 31 , , PUNCT _005457100 321 32 then then ADV _005457100 321 33 , , PUNCT _005457100 321 34 holy holy ADJ _005457100 321 35 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 321 36 , , PUNCT _005457100 321 37 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457100 321 38 me i PRON _005457100 321 39 , , PUNCT _005457100 321 40 make make VERB _005457100 321 41 firm firm ADJ _005457100 321 42 my my PRON _005457100 321 43 faith faith NOUN _005457100 321 44 , , PUNCT _005457100 321 45 that that SCONJ _005457100 321 46 i i PRON _005457100 321 47 may may AUX _005457100 321 48 see see VERB _005457100 321 49 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 322 1 dear dear INTJ _005457100 322 2 god god PROPN _005457100 322 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 322 4 i i PRON _005457100 322 5 want want VERB _005457100 322 6 to to PART _005457100 322 7 always always ADV _005457100 322 8 fight fight VERB _005457100 322 9 against against ADP _005457100 322 10 the the DET _005457100 322 11 world world NOUN _005457100 322 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 322 13 sin sin NOUN _005457100 322 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 322 15 but but CCONJ _005457100 322 16 should should AUX _005457100 322 17 the the DET _005457100 322 18 danger danger NOUN _005457100 322 19 be be AUX _005457100 322 20 so so ADV _005457100 322 21 great great ADJ _005457100 322 22 that that SCONJ _005457100 322 23 i i PRON _005457100 322 24 could could AUX _005457100 322 25 scarcely scarcely ADV _005457100 322 26 win win VERB _005457100 322 27 , , PUNCT _005457100 322 28 then then ADV _005457100 322 29 , , PUNCT _005457100 322 30 holy holy ADJ _005457100 322 31 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 322 32 , , PUNCT _005457100 322 33 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457100 322 34 me i PRON _005457100 322 35 , , PUNCT _005457100 322 36 that that SCONJ _005457100 322 37 i i PRON _005457100 322 38 may may AUX _005457100 322 39 gain gain VERB _005457100 322 40 the the DET _005457100 322 41 victory victory NOUN _005457100 322 42 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 323 1 dear dear ADJ _005457100 323 2 god god PROPN _005457100 323 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 323 4 when when SCONJ _005457100 323 5 health health NOUN _005457100 323 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 323 7 joy joy NOUN _005457100 323 8 are be AUX _005457100 323 9 here here ADV _005457100 323 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 323 11 i i PRON _005457100 323 12 know know VERB _005457100 323 13 i i PRON _005457100 323 14 will will AUX _005457100 323 15 be be AUX _005457100 323 16 strong strong ADJ _005457100 323 17 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 323 18 but but CCONJ _005457100 323 19 should should AUX _005457100 323 20 my my PRON _005457100 323 21 courage courage NOUN _005457100 323 22 melt melt VERB _005457100 323 23 away away ADP _005457100 323 24 when when SCONJ _005457100 323 25 sickness sickness NOUN _005457100 323 26 comes come VERB _005457100 323 27 along along ADV _005457100 323 28 , , PUNCT _005457100 323 29 then then ADV _005457100 323 30 , , PUNCT _005457100 323 31 holy holy ADJ _005457100 323 32 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 323 33 , , PUNCT _005457100 323 34 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457100 323 35 me i PRON _005457100 323 36 , , PUNCT _005457100 323 37 that that SCONJ _005457100 323 38 i i PRON _005457100 323 39 may may AUX _005457100 323 40 suffer suffer VERB _005457100 323 41 patiently patiently ADV _005457100 323 42 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 324 1 dear dear INTJ _005457100 324 2 god god PROPN _005457100 324 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 324 4 you you PRON _005457100 324 5 want want VERB _005457100 324 6 to to PART _005457100 324 7 live live VERB _005457100 324 8 in in ADP _005457100 324 9 me i PRON _005457100 324 10 as as ADP _005457100 324 11 in in ADP _005457100 324 12 a a DET _005457100 324 13 temple temple NOUN _005457100 324 14 hall hall NOUN _005457100 324 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 324 16 but but CCONJ _005457100 324 17 should should AUX _005457100 324 18 a a DET _005457100 324 19 sin sin NOUN _005457100 324 20 arise arise VERB _005457100 324 21 to to PART _005457100 324 22 put put VERB _005457100 324 23 a a DET _005457100 324 24 blot blot NOUN _005457100 324 25 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 324 26 the the DET _005457100 324 27 wall wall NOUN _005457100 324 28 , , PUNCT _005457100 324 29 then then ADV _005457100 324 30 , , PUNCT _005457100 324 31 holy holy ADJ _005457100 324 32 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 324 33 , , PUNCT _005457100 324 34 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457100 324 35 me i PRON _005457100 324 36 , , PUNCT _005457100 324 37 that that SCONJ _005457100 324 38 i i PRON _005457100 324 39 may may AUX _005457100 324 40 keep keep VERB _005457100 324 41 my my PRON _005457100 324 42 purity purity NOUN _005457100 324 43 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 325 1 dear dear ADJ _005457100 325 2 god god PROPN _005457100 325 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 325 4 i i PRON _005457100 325 5 love love VERB _005457100 325 6 you you PRON _005457100 325 7 more more ADV _005457100 325 8 than than ADP _005457100 325 9 all all DET _005457100 325 10 the the DET _005457100 325 11 things thing NOUN _005457100 325 12 that that PRON _005457100 325 13 you you PRON _005457100 325 14 have have AUX _005457100 325 15 made make VERB _005457100 325 16 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 325 17 but but CCONJ _005457100 325 18 should should AUX _005457100 325 19 the the DET _005457100 325 20 pleasures pleasure NOUN _005457100 325 21 of of ADP _005457100 325 22 this this DET _005457100 325 23 world world NOUN _005457100 325 24 make make VERB _005457100 325 25 love love NOUN _005457100 325 26 of of ADP _005457100 325 27 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 325 28 fade fade NOUN _005457100 325 29 , , PUNCT _005457100 325 30 then then ADV _005457100 325 31 , , PUNCT _005457100 325 32 holy holy ADJ _005457100 325 33 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 325 34 , , PUNCT _005457100 325 35 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457100 325 36 me i PRON _005457100 325 37 , , PUNCT _005457100 325 38 and and CCONJ _005457100 325 39 fill fill VERB _005457100 325 40 my my PRON _005457100 325 41 heart heart NOUN _005457100 325 42 with with ADP _005457100 325 43 charity charity NOUN _005457100 325 44 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 326 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 326 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 327 1 30 30 NUM _005457100 327 2 knights knight NOUN _005457100 327 3 of of ADP _005457100 327 4 christ christ PROPN _005457100 327 5 ninth ninth ADJ _005457100 327 6 day day NOUN _005457100 327 7 many many ADJ _005457100 327 8 years year NOUN _005457100 327 9 ago ago ADV _005457100 327 10 it it PRON _005457100 327 11 was be AUX _005457100 327 12 considered consider VERB _005457100 327 13 a a DET _005457100 327 14 great great ADJ _005457100 327 15 honor honor NOUN _005457100 327 16 to to PART _005457100 327 17 be be AUX _005457100 327 18 a a DET _005457100 327 19 knight knight NOUN _005457100 327 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 328 1 a a DET _005457100 328 2 great great ADJ _005457100 328 3 feast feast NOUN _005457100 328 4 was be AUX _005457100 328 5 prepared prepare VERB _005457100 328 6 when when SCONJ _005457100 328 7 a a DET _005457100 328 8 boy boy NOUN _005457100 328 9 was be AUX _005457100 328 10 made make VERB _005457100 328 11 a a DET _005457100 328 12 knight knight NOUN _005457100 328 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 328 14 received receive VERB _005457100 328 15 his his PRON _005457100 328 16 sword sword NOUN _005457100 328 17 and and CCONJ _005457100 328 18 shield shield NOUN _005457100 328 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 329 1 the the DET _005457100 329 2 night night NOUN _005457100 329 3 before before ADV _005457100 329 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 329 5 he he PRON _005457100 329 6 had have VERB _005457100 329 7 to to PART _005457100 329 8 pray pray VERB _005457100 329 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 329 10 stand stand VERB _005457100 329 11 watch watch NOUN _005457100 329 12 alone alone ADV _005457100 329 13 in in ADP _005457100 329 14 the the DET _005457100 329 15 church church NOUN _005457100 329 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 330 1 his his PRON _005457100 330 2 armor armor NOUN _005457100 330 3 lay lie VERB _005457100 330 4 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 330 5 the the DET _005457100 330 6 altar altar NOUN _005457100 330 7 before before ADP _005457100 330 8 him he PRON _005457100 330 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 331 1 the the DET _005457100 331 2 next next ADJ _005457100 331 3 morning morning NOUN _005457100 331 4 he he PRON _005457100 331 5 was be AUX _005457100 331 6 allowed allow VERB _005457100 331 7 to to PART _005457100 331 8 speak speak VERB _005457100 331 9 the the DET _005457100 331 10 solemn solemn ADJ _005457100 331 11 promise promise NOUN _005457100 331 12 of of ADP _005457100 331 13 knighthood knighthood NOUN _005457100 331 14 — — PUNCT _005457100 331 15 to to PART _005457100 331 16 attend attend VERB _005457100 331 17 31 31 NUM _005457100 331 18 mass mass NOUN _005457100 331 19 every every DET _005457100 331 20 day day NOUN _005457100 331 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 331 22 to to PART _005457100 331 23 fight fight VERB _005457100 331 24 always always ADV _005457100 331 25 for for ADP _005457100 331 26 what what PRON _005457100 331 27 is be AUX _005457100 331 28 right right ADJ _005457100 331 29 and and CCONJ _005457100 331 30 good good ADJ _005457100 331 31 , , PUNCT _005457100 331 32 and and CCONJ _005457100 331 33 to to PART _005457100 331 34 defend defend VERB _005457100 331 35 the the DET _005457100 331 36 weak weak ADJ _005457100 331 37 and and CCONJ _005457100 331 38 the the DET _005457100 331 39 poor poor ADJ _005457100 331 40 . . PUNCT _005457100 332 1 then then ADV _005457100 332 2 the the DET _005457100 332 3 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 332 4 solemnly solemnly ADV _005457100 332 5 handed hand VERB _005457100 332 6 him he PRON _005457100 332 7 the the DET _005457100 332 8 shield shield NOUN _005457100 332 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 332 10 sword sword NOUN _005457100 332 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 333 1 with with ADP _005457100 333 2 the the DET _005457100 333 3 sword sword NOUN _005457100 333 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 333 5 the the DET _005457100 333 6 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 333 7 tapped tap VERB _005457100 333 8 the the DET _005457100 333 9 boy boy NOUN _005457100 333 10 lightly lightly ADV _005457100 333 11 on on ADP _005457100 333 12 the the DET _005457100 333 13 head head NOUN _005457100 333 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 334 1 that that PRON _005457100 334 2 made make VERB _005457100 334 3 him he PRON _005457100 334 4 a a DET _005457100 334 5 knight knight NOUN _005457100 334 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 335 1 of of ADV _005457100 335 2 course course NOUN _005457100 335 3 such such DET _005457100 335 4 a a DET _005457100 335 5 boy boy NOUN _005457100 335 6 was be AUX _005457100 335 7 a a DET _005457100 335 8 knight knight NOUN _005457100 335 9 of of ADP _005457100 335 10 the the DET _005457100 335 11 world world NOUN _005457100 335 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 336 1 you you PRON _005457100 336 2 are be AUX _005457100 336 3 to to PART _005457100 336 4 be be AUX _005457100 336 5 made make VERB _005457100 336 6 a a DET _005457100 336 7 knight knight NOUN _005457100 336 8 of of ADP _005457100 336 9 christ christ PROPN _005457100 336 10 at at ADP _005457100 336 11 your your PRON _005457100 336 12 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 336 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 337 1 your your PRON _005457100 337 2 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 337 3 will will AUX _005457100 337 4 give give VERB _005457100 337 5 you you PRON _005457100 337 6 a a DET _005457100 337 7 light light ADJ _005457100 337 8 tap tap NOUN _005457100 337 9 on on ADP _005457100 337 10 the the DET _005457100 337 11 cheek cheek NOUN _005457100 337 12 with with ADP _005457100 337 13 his his PRON _005457100 337 14 right right ADJ _005457100 337 15 hand hand NOUN _005457100 337 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 338 1 at at ADP _005457100 338 2 the the DET _005457100 338 3 same same ADJ _005457100 338 4 time time NOUN _005457100 338 5 he he PRON _005457100 338 6 will will AUX _005457100 338 7 speak speak VERB _005457100 338 8 the the DET _005457100 338 9 greeting greeting NOUN _005457100 338 10 words word NOUN _005457100 338 11 of of ADP _005457100 338 12 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 338 13 christ christ PROPN _005457100 338 14 : : PUNCT _005457100 338 15 " " PUNCT _005457100 338 16 peace peace NOUN _005457100 338 17 be be VERB _005457100 338 18 with with ADP _005457100 338 19 you/ you/ NOUN _005457100 338 20 ' ' PUNCT _005457100 338 21 whether whether SCONJ _005457100 338 22 you you PRON _005457100 338 23 are be AUX _005457100 338 24 a a DET _005457100 338 25 boy boy NOUN _005457100 338 26 or or CCONJ _005457100 338 27 a a DET _005457100 338 28 girl girl NOUN _005457100 338 29 makes make VERB _005457100 338 30 little little ADJ _005457100 338 31 difference difference NOUN _005457100 338 32 in in ADP _005457100 338 33 the the DET _005457100 338 34 service service NOUN _005457100 338 35 of of ADP _005457100 338 36 christ christ PROPN _005457100 338 37 . . PUNCT _005457100 339 1 boys boy NOUN _005457100 339 2 and and CCONJ _005457100 339 3 girls girl NOUN _005457100 339 4 have have VERB _005457100 339 5 different different ADJ _005457100 339 6 talents talent NOUN _005457100 339 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 339 8 they they PRON _005457100 339 9 take take VERB _005457100 339 10 up up ADP _005457100 339 11 different different ADJ _005457100 339 12 tasks task NOUN _005457100 339 13 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 339 14 but but CCONJ _005457100 339 15 both both PRON _005457100 339 16 must must AUX _005457100 339 17 try try VERB _005457100 339 18 in in ADP _005457100 339 19 their their PRON _005457100 339 20 own own ADJ _005457100 339 21 way way NOUN _005457100 339 22 to to PART _005457100 339 23 win win VERB _005457100 339 24 the the DET _005457100 339 25 world world NOUN _005457100 339 26 for for ADP _005457100 339 27 christ christ PROPN _005457100 339 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 340 1 you you PRON _005457100 340 2 must must AUX _005457100 340 3 do do VERB _005457100 340 4 your your PRON _005457100 340 5 part part NOUN _005457100 340 6 to to PART _005457100 340 7 spread spread VERB _005457100 340 8 christ christ PROPN _005457100 340 9 's 's PART _005457100 340 10 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457100 340 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 341 1 wherever wherever SCONJ _005457100 341 2 you you PRON _005457100 341 3 are be AUX _005457100 341 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 341 5 you you PRON _005457100 341 6 must must AUX _005457100 341 7 drive drive VERB _005457100 341 8 out out ADP _005457100 341 9 evil evil ADJ _005457100 341 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 341 11 do do VERB _005457100 341 12 what what PRON _005457100 341 13 is be AUX _005457100 341 14 good good ADJ _005457100 341 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 342 1 it it PRON _005457100 342 2 does do AUX _005457100 342 3 not not PART _005457100 342 4 have have VERB _005457100 342 5 to to PART _005457100 342 6 be be AUX _005457100 342 7 always always ADV _005457100 342 8 something something PRON _005457100 342 9 great great ADJ _005457100 342 10 that that SCONJ _005457100 342 11 you you PRON _005457100 342 12 do do VERB _005457100 342 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 343 1 every every DET _005457100 343 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 343 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 343 4 every every DET _005457100 343 5 good good ADJ _005457100 343 6 word word NOUN _005457100 343 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 343 8 every every DET _005457100 343 9 kind kind NOUN _005457100 343 10 thought think VERB _005457100 343 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 343 12 every every DET _005457100 343 13 little little ADJ _005457100 343 14 act act NOUN _005457100 343 15 of of ADP _005457100 343 16 service service NOUN _005457100 343 17 helps help VERB _005457100 343 18 to to PART _005457100 343 19 spread spread VERB _005457100 343 20 the the DET _005457100 343 21 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457100 343 22 of of ADP _005457100 343 23 god god PROPN _005457100 343 24 on on ADP _005457100 343 25 earth earth NOUN _005457100 343 26 . . PUNCT _005457100 344 1 like like ADP _005457100 344 2 the the DET _005457100 344 3 apostles apostle NOUN _005457100 344 4 you you PRON _005457100 344 5 must must AUX _005457100 344 6 sleep sleep VERB _005457100 344 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 344 8 wake wake VERB _005457100 344 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 344 10 work work VERB _005457100 344 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 344 12 think think VERB _005457100 344 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 344 14 talk talk VERB _005457100 344 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 344 16 act act VERB _005457100 344 17 for for ADP _005457100 344 18 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 344 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 345 1 to to PART _005457100 345 2 do do VERB _005457100 345 3 this this PRON _005457100 345 4 well well ADV _005457100 345 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 345 6 you you PRON _005457100 345 7 will will AUX _005457100 345 8 be be AUX _005457100 345 9 filled fill VERB _005457100 345 10 with with ADP _005457100 345 11 the the DET _005457100 345 12 holy holy ADJ _005457100 345 13 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 345 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 346 1 he he PRON _005457100 346 2 will will AUX _005457100 346 3 mark mark VERB _005457100 346 4 you you PRON _005457100 346 5 with with ADP _005457100 346 6 the the DET _005457100 346 7 sign sign NOUN _005457100 346 8 of of ADP _005457100 346 9 the the DET _005457100 346 10 cross cross NOUN _005457100 346 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 347 1 he he PRON _005457100 347 2 will will AUX _005457100 347 3 make make VERB _005457100 347 4 you you PRON _005457100 347 5 strong strong ADJ _005457100 347 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 348 1 he he PRON _005457100 348 2 promises promise VERB _005457100 348 3 to to PART _005457100 348 4 stand stand VERB _005457100 348 5 by by ADP _005457100 348 6 you you PRON _005457100 348 7 in in ADP _005457100 348 8 all all DET _005457100 348 9 things thing NOUN _005457100 348 10 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 348 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 348 12 his his PRON _005457100 348 13 promise promise NOUN _005457100 348 14 will will AUX _005457100 348 15 never never ADV _005457100 348 16 fail fail VERB _005457100 348 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 349 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 349 2 this this PRON _005457100 349 3 is be AUX _005457100 349 4 a a DET _005457100 349 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 349 6 agreement agreement NOUN _005457100 349 7 between between ADP _005457100 349 8 god god PROPN _005457100 349 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 349 10 yourself yourself PRON _005457100 349 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 350 1 so so ADV _005457100 350 2 you you PRON _005457100 350 3 must must AUX _005457100 350 4 also also ADV _005457100 350 5 promise promise VERB _005457100 350 6 something something PRON _005457100 350 7 to to ADP _005457100 350 8 god god PROPN _005457100 350 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 351 1 some some DET _005457100 351 2 years year NOUN _005457100 351 3 ago ago ADV _005457100 351 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 351 5 your your PRON _005457100 351 6 god god PROPN _005457100 351 7 - - PUNCT _005457100 351 8 parents parent NOUN _005457100 351 9 made make VERB _005457100 351 10 cer32 cer32 ADJ _005457100 351 11 tain tain NOUN _005457100 351 12 promises promise NOUN _005457100 351 13 for for ADP _005457100 351 14 you you PRON _005457100 351 15 at at ADP _005457100 351 16 your your PRON _005457100 351 17 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 351 18 . . PUNCT _005457100 352 1 then then ADV _005457100 352 2 you you PRON _005457100 352 3 were be AUX _005457100 352 4 little little ADJ _005457100 352 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 352 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 352 7 could could AUX _005457100 352 8 not not PART _005457100 352 9 understand understand VERB _005457100 352 10 or or CCONJ _005457100 352 11 speak speak VERB _005457100 352 12 for for ADP _005457100 352 13 yourself yourself PRON _005457100 352 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 353 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 353 2 now now ADV _005457100 353 3 you you PRON _005457100 353 4 are be AUX _005457100 353 5 old old ADJ _005457100 353 6 enough enough ADV _005457100 353 7 to to PART _005457100 353 8 make make VERB _005457100 353 9 these these DET _005457100 353 10 promises promise NOUN _005457100 353 11 for for ADP _005457100 353 12 yourself yourself PRON _005457100 353 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 354 1 at at ADP _005457100 354 2 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 354 3 god god PROPN _005457100 354 4 made make VERB _005457100 354 5 you you PRON _005457100 354 6 his his PRON _005457100 354 7 child child NOUN _005457100 354 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 355 1 picture picture VERB _005457100 355 2 god god PROPN _005457100 355 3 before before ADP _005457100 355 4 you you PRON _005457100 355 5 now now ADV _005457100 355 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 356 1 listen listen VERB _005457100 356 2 to to ADP _005457100 356 3 him he PRON _005457100 356 4 . . PUNCT _005457100 357 1 answer answer VERB _005457100 357 2 the the DET _005457100 357 3 questions question NOUN _005457100 357 4 he he PRON _005457100 357 5 asks ask VERB _005457100 357 6 you you PRON _005457100 357 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 358 1 my my PRON _005457100 358 2 promises promise VERB _005457100 358 3 god god PROPN _005457100 358 4 's 's PART _005457100 358 5 question question NOUN _005457100 358 6 to to ADP _005457100 358 7 your your PRON _005457100 358 8 soul soul NOUN _005457100 358 9 : : PUNCT _005457100 358 10 when when SCONJ _005457100 358 11 you you PRON _005457100 358 12 were be AUX _005457100 358 13 little little ADJ _005457100 358 14 and and CCONJ _005457100 358 15 wanted want VERB _005457100 358 16 to to PART _005457100 358 17 enter enter VERB _005457100 358 18 the the DET _005457100 358 19 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457100 358 20 of of ADP _005457100 358 21 god god PROPN _005457100 358 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 358 23 the the DET _005457100 358 24 priest priest NOUN _005457100 358 25 asked ask VERB _005457100 358 26 you you PRON _005457100 358 27 certain certain ADJ _005457100 358 28 questions question NOUN _005457100 358 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 359 1 your your PRON _005457100 359 2 god god PROPN _005457100 359 3 - - PUNCT _005457100 359 4 parents parent NOUN _005457100 359 5 spoke speak VERB _005457100 359 6 for for ADP _005457100 359 7 you you PRON _005457100 359 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 359 9 because because SCONJ _005457100 359 10 you you PRON _005457100 359 11 were be AUX _005457100 359 12 not not PART _005457100 359 13 able able ADJ _005457100 359 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 360 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 360 2 god god PROPN _005457100 360 3 took take VERB _005457100 360 4 that that DET _005457100 360 5 answer answer NOUN _005457100 360 6 as as SCONJ _005457100 360 7 though though SCONJ _005457100 360 8 it it PRON _005457100 360 9 came come VERB _005457100 360 10 from from ADP _005457100 360 11 your your PRON _005457100 360 12 own own ADJ _005457100 360 13 lips lip NOUN _005457100 360 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 361 1 at at ADP _005457100 361 2 your your PRON _005457100 361 3 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 361 4 the the DET _005457100 361 5 priest priest NOUN _005457100 361 6 put put VERB _005457100 361 7 this this DET _005457100 361 8 question question NOUN _005457100 361 9 : : PUNCT _005457100 361 10 " " PUNCT _005457100 361 11 what what PRON _005457100 361 12 do do AUX _005457100 361 13 you you PRON _005457100 361 14 ask ask VERB _005457100 361 15 of of ADP _005457100 361 16 the the DET _005457100 361 17 church church NOUN _005457100 361 18 of of ADP _005457100 361 19 god god PROPN _005457100 361 20 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 361 21 " " PUNCT _005457100 362 1 your your PRON _005457100 362 2 god god PROPN _005457100 362 3 - - PUNCT _005457100 362 4 parents parent NOUN _005457100 362 5 replied reply VERB _005457100 362 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 362 7 " " PUNCT _005457100 362 8 faith faith NOUN _005457100 362 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 362 10 " " PUNCT _005457100 363 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 363 2 what what PRON _005457100 363 3 is be AUX _005457100 363 4 your your PRON _005457100 363 5 answer answer NOUN _005457100 363 6 today today NOUN _005457100 363 7 when when SCONJ _005457100 363 8 you you PRON _005457100 363 9 can can AUX _005457100 363 10 speak speak VERB _005457100 363 11 for for ADP _005457100 363 12 yourself yourself PRON _005457100 363 13 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 364 1 answer answer VERB _005457100 364 2 : : PUNCT _005457100 364 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 364 4 i i PRON _005457100 364 5 ask ask VERB _005457100 364 6 of of ADP _005457100 364 7 the the DET _005457100 364 8 church church NOUN _005457100 364 9 of of ADP _005457100 364 10 god god PROPN _005457100 364 11 that that PRON _005457100 364 12 faith faith NOUN _005457100 364 13 which which PRON _005457100 364 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 364 15 christ christ PROPN _005457100 364 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 364 17 my my PRON _005457100 364 18 king king NOUN _005457100 364 19 and and CCONJ _005457100 364 20 lord lord PROPN _005457100 364 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 364 22 gave give VERB _005457100 364 23 into into ADP _005457100 364 24 her her PRON _005457100 364 25 keeping keeping NOUN _005457100 364 26 . . PUNCT _005457100 364 27 " " PUNCT _005457100 365 1 god god PROPN _005457100 365 2 's 's PART _005457100 365 3 question question NOUN _005457100 365 4 to to ADP _005457100 365 5 your your PRON _005457100 365 6 soul soul NOUN _005457100 365 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 365 8 the the DET _005457100 365 9 priest priest NOUN _005457100 365 10 then then ADV _005457100 365 11 said say VERB _005457100 365 12 : : PUNCT _005457100 365 13 " " PUNCT _005457100 365 14 what what PRON _005457100 365 15 does do AUX _005457100 365 16 faith faith NOUN _005457100 365 17 bring bring VERB _005457100 365 18 you you PRON _005457100 365 19 to to ADP _005457100 365 20 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 365 21 " " PUNCT _005457100 366 1 your your PRON _005457100 366 2 god god PROPN _005457100 366 3 - - PUNCT _005457100 366 4 parents parent NOUN _005457100 366 5 answered answer VERB _005457100 366 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 366 7 " " PUNCT _005457100 366 8 life life NOUN _005457100 366 9 everlasting everlasting ADJ _005457100 366 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 366 11 " " PUNCT _005457100 367 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 367 2 what what PRON _005457100 367 3 do do AUX _005457100 367 4 you you PRON _005457100 367 5 answer answer VERB _005457100 367 6 today today NOUN _005457100 367 7 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 368 1 33 33 NUM _005457100 368 2 answer answer NOUN _005457100 368 3 : : PUNCT _005457100 368 4 " " PUNCT _005457100 368 5 i i PRON _005457100 368 6 know know VERB _005457100 368 7 that that SCONJ _005457100 368 8 every every DET _005457100 368 9 man man NOUN _005457100 368 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 368 11 woman woman NOUN _005457100 368 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 368 13 child child NOUN _005457100 368 14 must must AUX _005457100 368 15 die die VERB _005457100 368 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 369 1 i i PRON _005457100 369 2 know know VERB _005457100 369 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 369 4 too too ADV _005457100 369 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 369 6 that that SCONJ _005457100 369 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 369 8 did do AUX _005457100 369 9 not not PART _005457100 369 10 want want VERB _005457100 369 11 us we PRON _005457100 369 12 to to PART _005457100 369 13 die die VERB _005457100 369 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 370 1 he he PRON _005457100 370 2 wanted want VERB _005457100 370 3 to to PART _005457100 370 4 give give VERB _005457100 370 5 us we PRON _005457100 370 6 life life NOUN _005457100 370 7 that that PRON _005457100 370 8 would would AUX _005457100 370 9 last last VERB _005457100 370 10 forever forever ADV _005457100 370 11 in in ADP _005457100 370 12 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 370 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 371 1 i i PRON _005457100 371 2 believe believe VERB _005457100 371 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 371 4 he he PRON _005457100 371 5 earned earn VERB _005457100 371 6 this this DET _005457100 371 7 eternal eternal ADJ _005457100 371 8 life life NOUN _005457100 371 9 for for ADP _005457100 371 10 us we PRON _005457100 371 11 by by ADP _005457100 371 12 his his PRON _005457100 371 13 life life NOUN _005457100 371 14 and and CCONJ _005457100 371 15 death death NOUN _005457100 371 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 372 1 i i PRON _005457100 372 2 believe believe VERB _005457100 372 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 372 4 in in ADP _005457100 372 5 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 372 6 i i PRON _005457100 372 7 received receive VERB _005457100 372 8 the the DET _005457100 372 9 promise promise NOUN _005457100 372 10 of of ADP _005457100 372 11 living live VERB _005457100 372 12 forever forever ADV _005457100 372 13 in in ADP _005457100 372 14 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 372 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 372 16 " " PUNCT _005457100 373 1 god god PROPN _005457100 373 2 's 's PART _005457100 373 3 question question NOUN _005457100 373 4 to to ADP _005457100 373 5 your your PRON _005457100 373 6 soul soul NOUN _005457100 373 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 373 8 at at ADP _005457100 373 9 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 373 10 the the DET _005457100 373 11 priest priest NOUN _005457100 373 12 asked ask VERB _005457100 373 13 : : PUNCT _005457100 373 14 " " PUNCT _005457100 373 15 do do AUX _005457100 373 16 you you PRON _005457100 373 17 renounce renounce VERB _005457100 373 18 satan satan PROPN _005457100 373 19 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 373 20 " " PUNCT _005457100 374 1 your your PRON _005457100 374 2 god god PROPN _005457100 374 3 - - PUNCT _005457100 374 4 parents parent NOUN _005457100 374 5 answered answer VERB _005457100 374 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 374 7 " " PUNCT _005457100 374 8 i i PRON _005457100 374 9 do do AUX _005457100 374 10 renounce renounce VERB _005457100 374 11 him he PRON _005457100 374 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 374 13 " " PUNCT _005457100 375 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 375 2 what what PRON _005457100 375 3 is be AUX _005457100 375 4 your your PRON _005457100 375 5 answer answer NOUN _005457100 375 6 today today NOUN _005457100 375 7 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 376 1 answer answer NOUN _005457100 376 2 : : PUNCT _005457100 376 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 376 4 i i PRON _005457100 376 5 promise promise VERB _005457100 376 6 not not PART _005457100 376 7 to to PART _005457100 376 8 have have VERB _005457100 376 9 anything anything PRON _005457100 376 10 to to PART _005457100 376 11 do do VERB _005457100 376 12 with with ADP _005457100 376 13 the the DET _005457100 376 14 devil devil NOUN _005457100 376 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 376 16 especially especially ADV _005457100 376 17 in in ADP _005457100 376 18 these these DET _005457100 376 19 days day NOUN _005457100 376 20 when when SCONJ _005457100 376 21 the the DET _005457100 376 22 devil devil NOUN _005457100 376 23 leads lead VERB _005457100 376 24 so so ADV _005457100 376 25 many many ADJ _005457100 376 26 people people NOUN _005457100 376 27 to to PART _005457100 376 28 turn turn VERB _005457100 376 29 their their PRON _005457100 376 30 backs back NOUN _005457100 376 31 on on ADP _005457100 376 32 god god PROPN _005457100 376 33 . . PUNCT _005457100 376 34 " " PUNCT _005457100 377 1 god god PROPN _005457100 377 2 's 's PART _005457100 377 3 question question NOUN _005457100 377 4 to to ADP _005457100 377 5 your your PRON _005457100 377 6 soul soul NOUN _005457100 377 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 377 8 then then ADV _005457100 377 9 the the DET _005457100 377 10 priest priest NOUN _005457100 377 11 went go VERB _005457100 377 12 on on ADP _005457100 377 13 : : PUNCT _005457100 377 14 " " PUNCT _005457100 377 15 do do AUX _005457100 377 16 you you PRON _005457100 377 17 renounce renounce VERB _005457100 377 18 all all PRON _005457100 377 19 of of ADP _005457100 377 20 satan satan PROPN _005457100 377 21 's 's PART _005457100 377 22 works work NOUN _005457100 377 23 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 377 24 " " PUNCT _005457100 378 1 your your PRON _005457100 378 2 god god PROPN _005457100 378 3 - - PUNCT _005457100 378 4 parents parent NOUN _005457100 378 5 promptly promptly ADV _005457100 378 6 said say VERB _005457100 378 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 378 8 " " PUNCT _005457100 378 9 i i PRON _005457100 378 10 do do AUX _005457100 378 11 renounce renounce VERB _005457100 378 12 them they PRON _005457100 378 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 378 14 " " PUNCT _005457100 379 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 379 2 what what PRON _005457100 379 3 have have AUX _005457100 379 4 you you PRON _005457100 379 5 to to PART _005457100 379 6 say say VERB _005457100 379 7 today today NOUN _005457100 379 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 380 1 answer answer NOUN _005457100 380 2 : : PUNCT _005457100 380 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 380 4 i i PRON _005457100 380 5 shall shall AUX _005457100 380 6 not not PART _005457100 380 7 make make VERB _005457100 380 8 this this DET _005457100 380 9 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457100 380 10 earth earth NOUN _005457100 380 11 a a DET _005457100 380 12 hateful hateful ADJ _005457100 380 13 place place NOUN _005457100 380 14 through through ADP _005457100 380 15 wicked wicked ADJ _005457100 380 16 deeds deed NOUN _005457100 380 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 381 1 i i PRON _005457100 381 2 shall shall AUX _005457100 381 3 rather rather ADV _005457100 381 4 by by ADP _005457100 381 5 good good ADJ _005457100 381 6 deeds deed NOUN _005457100 381 7 help help NOUN _005457100 381 8 to to PART _005457100 381 9 spread spread VERB _005457100 381 10 christ christ PROPN _005457100 381 11 's 's PART _005457100 381 12 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457100 381 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 382 1 i i PRON _005457100 382 2 shall shall AUX _005457100 382 3 turn turn VERB _005457100 382 4 my my PRON _005457100 382 5 back back NOUN _005457100 382 6 on on ADP _005457100 382 7 all all DET _005457100 382 8 sin sin NOUN _005457100 382 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 382 10 " " PUNCT _005457100 383 1 god god PROPN _005457100 383 2 's 's PART _005457100 383 3 question question NOUN _005457100 383 4 to to ADP _005457100 383 5 your your PRON _005457100 383 6 soul soul NOUN _005457100 383 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 383 8 again again ADV _005457100 383 9 the the DET _005457100 383 10 priest priest NOUN _005457100 383 11 spoke speak VERB _005457100 383 12 : : PUNCT _005457100 383 13 34 34 NUM _005457100 383 14 " " PUNCT _005457100 383 15 do do AUX _005457100 383 16 you you PRON _005457100 383 17 renounce renounce VERB _005457100 383 18 all all PRON _005457100 383 19 of of ADP _005457100 383 20 satan satan PROPN _005457100 383 21 's 's PART _005457100 383 22 pomps pomp NOUN _005457100 383 23 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 383 24 " " PUNCT _005457100 384 1 your your PRON _005457100 384 2 god god PROPN _005457100 384 3 - - PUNCT _005457100 384 4 parents parent NOUN _005457100 384 5 said say VERB _005457100 384 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 384 7 " " PUNCT _005457100 384 8 i i PRON _005457100 384 9 do do VERB _005457100 384 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 384 11 " " PUNCT _005457100 385 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 385 2 your your PRON _005457100 385 3 reply reply NOUN _005457100 385 4 today today NOUN _005457100 385 5 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 386 1 answer answer VERB _005457100 386 2 : : PUNCT _005457100 386 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 386 4 i i PRON _005457100 386 5 promise promise VERB _005457100 386 6 to to PART _005457100 386 7 adore adore VERB _005457100 386 8 god god PROPN _005457100 386 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 386 10 the the DET _005457100 386 11 lord lord PROPN _005457100 386 12 of of ADP _005457100 386 13 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 386 14 and and CCONJ _005457100 386 15 earth earth NOUN _005457100 386 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 386 17 and and CCONJ _005457100 386 18 to to PART _005457100 386 19 serve serve VERB _005457100 386 20 him he PRON _005457100 386 21 alone alone ADV _005457100 386 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 387 1 i i PRON _005457100 387 2 promise promise VERB _005457100 387 3 to to PART _005457100 387 4 do do VERB _005457100 387 5 all all PRON _005457100 387 6 in in ADP _005457100 387 7 my my PRON _005457100 387 8 power power NOUN _005457100 387 9 to to PART _005457100 387 10 keep keep VERB _005457100 387 11 from from ADP _005457100 387 12 serving serve VERB _005457100 387 13 myself myself PRON _005457100 387 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 387 15 my my PRON _005457100 387 16 pride pride NOUN _005457100 387 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 387 18 my my PRON _005457100 387 19 vanity vanity NOUN _005457100 387 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 387 21 and and CCONJ _005457100 387 22 my my PRON _005457100 387 23 own own ADJ _005457100 387 24 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005457100 387 25 . . PUNCT _005457100 387 26 " " PUNCT _005457100 388 1 god god PROPN _005457100 388 2 's 's PART _005457100 388 3 question question NOUN _005457100 388 4 to to ADP _005457100 388 5 your your PRON _005457100 388 6 soul soul NOUN _005457100 388 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 388 8 your your PRON _005457100 388 9 god god PROPN _005457100 388 10 - - PUNCT _005457100 388 11 parents parent NOUN _005457100 388 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 388 13 speaking speak VERB _005457100 388 14 for for ADP _005457100 388 15 you you PRON _005457100 388 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 388 17 said say VERB _005457100 388 18 that that SCONJ _005457100 388 19 you you PRON _005457100 388 20 believed believe VERB _005457100 388 21 in in ADP _005457100 388 22 god god PROPN _005457100 388 23 the the DET _005457100 388 24 father father PROPN _005457100 388 25 , , PUNCT _005457100 388 26 god god PROPN _005457100 388 27 the the DET _005457100 388 28 son son PROPN _005457100 388 29 , , PUNCT _005457100 388 30 and and CCONJ _005457100 388 31 god god PROPN _005457100 388 32 the the DET _005457100 388 33 holy holy ADJ _005457100 388 34 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 388 35 . . PUNCT _005457100 389 1 speak speak VERB _005457100 389 2 now now ADV _005457100 389 3 for for ADP _005457100 389 4 yourself yourself PRON _005457100 389 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 390 1 do do AUX _005457100 390 2 you you PRON _005457100 390 3 believe believe VERB _005457100 390 4 in in ADP _005457100 390 5 god god PROPN _005457100 390 6 — — PUNCT _005457100 390 7 father father PROPN _005457100 390 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 390 9 son son NOUN _005457100 390 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 390 11 holy holy ADJ _005457100 390 12 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 390 13 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 391 1 answer answer NOUN _005457100 391 2 : : PUNCT _005457100 391 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 391 4 yes yes INTJ _005457100 391 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 391 6 i i PRON _005457100 391 7 believe believe VERB _005457100 391 8 in in ADP _005457100 391 9 god god PROPN _005457100 391 10 the the DET _005457100 391 11 father father PROPN _005457100 391 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 391 13 who who PRON _005457100 391 14 created create VERB _005457100 391 15 all all DET _005457100 391 16 things thing NOUN _005457100 391 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 391 18 seen see VERB _005457100 391 19 and and CCONJ _005457100 391 20 unseen unseen ADJ _005457100 391 21 . . PUNCT _005457100 392 1 i i PRON _005457100 392 2 believe believe VERB _005457100 392 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 392 4 he he PRON _005457100 392 5 is be AUX _005457100 392 6 my my PRON _005457100 392 7 father father NOUN _005457100 392 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 392 9 that that SCONJ _005457100 392 10 he he PRON _005457100 392 11 loves love VERB _005457100 392 12 me i PRON _005457100 392 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 392 14 takes take VERB _005457100 392 15 care care NOUN _005457100 392 16 of of ADP _005457100 392 17 me i PRON _005457100 392 18 . . PUNCT _005457100 393 1 " " PUNCT _005457100 393 2 i i PRON _005457100 393 3 believe believe VERB _005457100 393 4 also also ADV _005457100 393 5 in in ADP _005457100 393 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 393 7 christ christ PROPN _005457100 393 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 393 9 his his PRON _005457100 393 10 son son NOUN _005457100 393 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 393 12 who who PRON _005457100 393 13 is be AUX _005457100 393 14 my my PRON _005457100 393 15 king king NOUN _005457100 393 16 and and CCONJ _005457100 393 17 lord lord PROPN _005457100 393 18 , , PUNCT _005457100 393 19 because because SCONJ _005457100 393 20 he he PRON _005457100 393 21 bought buy VERB _005457100 393 22 me i PRON _005457100 393 23 with with ADP _005457100 393 24 the the DET _005457100 393 25 price price NOUN _005457100 393 26 of of ADP _005457100 393 27 his his PRON _005457100 393 28 own own ADJ _005457100 393 29 blood blood NOUN _005457100 393 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 394 1 i i PRON _005457100 394 2 am be AUX _005457100 394 3 marked mark VERB _005457100 394 4 with with ADP _005457100 394 5 his his PRON _005457100 394 6 sign sign NOUN _005457100 394 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 394 8 i i PRON _005457100 394 9 will will AUX _005457100 394 10 serve serve VERB _005457100 394 11 him he PRON _005457100 394 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 395 1 " " PUNCT _005457100 395 2 i i PRON _005457100 395 3 believe believe VERB _005457100 395 4 in in ADP _005457100 395 5 the the DET _005457100 395 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 395 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 395 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 395 9 the the DET _005457100 395 10 love love NOUN _005457100 395 11 of of ADP _005457100 395 12 god god PROPN _005457100 395 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 395 14 who who PRON _005457100 395 15 is be AUX _005457100 395 16 soon soon ADV _005457100 395 17 coming come VERB _005457100 395 18 to to ADP _005457100 395 19 me i PRON _005457100 395 20 on on ADP _005457100 395 21 a a DET _005457100 395 22 special special ADJ _005457100 395 23 visit visit NOUN _005457100 395 24 . . PUNCT _005457100 396 1 he he PRON _005457100 396 2 will will AUX _005457100 396 3 make make VERB _005457100 396 4 me i PRON _005457100 396 5 strong strong ADJ _005457100 396 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 396 7 he he PRON _005457100 396 8 will will AUX _005457100 396 9 teach teach VERB _005457100 396 10 me i PRON _005457100 396 11 everything everything PRON _005457100 396 12 i i PRON _005457100 396 13 must must AUX _005457100 396 14 do do VERB _005457100 396 15 to to PART _005457100 396 16 remain remain VERB _005457100 396 17 god god PROPN _005457100 396 18 's 's PART _005457100 396 19 child child NOUN _005457100 396 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 396 21 " " PUNCT _005457100 397 1 god god PROPN _005457100 397 2 's 's PART _005457100 397 3 question question NOUN _005457100 397 4 to to ADP _005457100 397 5 your your PRON _005457100 397 6 soul soul NOUN _005457100 397 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 397 8 are be AUX _005457100 397 9 you you PRON _005457100 397 10 ready ready ADJ _005457100 397 11 to to PART _005457100 397 12 receive receive VERB _005457100 397 13 the the DET _005457100 397 14 holy holy ADJ _005457100 397 15 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 397 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 398 1 answer answer NOUN _005457100 398 2 : : PUNCT _005457100 398 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 398 4 yes yes INTJ _005457100 398 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 399 1 i i PRON _005457100 399 2 made make VERB _005457100 399 3 my my PRON _005457100 399 4 soul soul NOUN _005457100 399 5 pure pure ADJ _005457100 399 6 for for ADP _005457100 399 7 his his PRON _005457100 399 8 coming coming NOUN _005457100 399 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 400 1 i i PRON _005457100 400 2 told tell VERB _005457100 400 3 35 35 NUM _005457100 400 4 my my PRON _005457100 400 5 sins sin NOUN _005457100 400 6 in in ADP _005457100 400 7 confession confession NOUN _005457100 400 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 401 1 i i PRON _005457100 401 2 was be AUX _005457100 401 3 sorry sorry ADJ _005457100 401 4 for for ADP _005457100 401 5 them they PRON _005457100 401 6 all all PRON _005457100 401 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 402 1 i i PRON _005457100 402 2 know know VERB _005457100 402 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 402 4 i i PRON _005457100 402 5 was be AUX _005457100 402 6 not not PART _005457100 402 7 always always ADV _005457100 402 8 as as ADV _005457100 402 9 good good ADJ _005457100 402 10 as as SCONJ _005457100 402 11 i i PRON _005457100 402 12 should should AUX _005457100 402 13 have have AUX _005457100 402 14 been be AUX _005457100 402 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 403 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 403 2 i i PRON _005457100 403 3 promise promise VERB _005457100 403 4 from from ADP _005457100 403 5 now now ADV _005457100 403 6 on on ADV _005457100 403 7 to to PART _005457100 403 8 be be AUX _005457100 403 9 a a DET _005457100 403 10 true true ADJ _005457100 403 11 soldier soldier NOUN _005457100 403 12 of of ADP _005457100 403 13 christ christ PROPN _005457100 403 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 404 1 i i PRON _005457100 404 2 will will AUX _005457100 404 3 fight fight VERB _005457100 404 4 all all DET _005457100 404 5 evil evil NOUN _005457100 404 6 that that PRON _005457100 404 7 is be AUX _005457100 404 8 within within ADP _005457100 404 9 me i PRON _005457100 404 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 404 11 around around ADV _005457100 404 12 about about ADP _005457100 404 13 me i PRON _005457100 404 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 405 1 please please INTJ _005457100 405 2 help help VERB _005457100 405 3 me i PRON _005457100 405 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 405 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 405 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 405 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 405 8 " " PUNCT _005457100 406 1 you you PRON _005457100 406 2 are be AUX _005457100 406 3 ready ready ADJ _005457100 406 4 now now ADV _005457100 406 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 406 6 my my PRON _005457100 406 7 child child NOUN _005457100 406 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 407 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 407 2 is be AUX _005457100 407 3 with with ADP _005457100 407 4 you you PRON _005457100 407 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 408 1 the the DET _005457100 408 2 great great ADJ _005457100 408 3 day day NOUN _005457100 408 4 is be AUX _005457100 408 5 near near ADJ _005457100 408 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 409 1 receive receive VERB _005457100 409 2 the the DET _005457100 409 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 409 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 409 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 409 6 be be AUX _005457100 409 7 true true ADJ _005457100 409 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 410 1 your your PRON _005457100 410 2 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 410 3 day day NOUN _005457100 410 4 the the DET _005457100 410 5 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 410 6 he he PRON _005457100 410 7 comes come VERB _005457100 410 8 in in ADP _005457100 410 9 the the DET _005457100 410 10 name name NOUN _005457100 410 11 of of ADP _005457100 410 12 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 410 13 christ christ PROPN _005457100 410 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 411 1 he he PRON _005457100 411 2 is be AUX _005457100 411 3 the the DET _005457100 411 4 messenger messenger NOUN _005457100 411 5 of of ADP _005457100 411 6 the the DET _005457100 411 7 most most ADV _005457100 411 8 high high ADJ _005457100 411 9 god god PROPN _005457100 411 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 412 1 that that PRON _005457100 412 2 is be AUX _005457100 412 3 the the DET _005457100 412 4 reason reason NOUN _005457100 412 5 you you PRON _005457100 412 6 greet greet VERB _005457100 412 7 him he PRON _005457100 412 8 with with ADP _005457100 412 9 honor honor NOUN _005457100 412 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 412 11 joy joy NOUN _005457100 412 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 413 1 the the DET _005457100 413 2 bishop bishop PROPN _005457100 413 3 blesses bless VERB _005457100 413 4 you you PRON _005457100 413 5 in in ADP _005457100 413 6 the the DET _005457100 413 7 name name NOUN _005457100 413 8 of of ADP _005457100 413 9 the the DET _005457100 413 10 three three NUM _005457100 413 11 persons person NOUN _005457100 413 12 of of ADP _005457100 413 13 god god PROPN _005457100 413 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 414 1 he he PRON _005457100 414 2 will will AUX _005457100 414 3 call call VERB _005457100 414 4 the the DET _005457100 414 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 414 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 414 7 down down ADP _005457100 414 8 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 414 9 you you PRON _005457100 414 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 415 1 the the DET _005457100 415 2 church church NOUN _005457100 415 3 bells bell NOUN _005457100 415 4 are be AUX _005457100 415 5 ringing ring VERB _005457100 415 6 merrily merrily ADV _005457100 415 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 416 1 you you PRON _005457100 416 2 hear hear VERB _005457100 416 3 them they PRON _005457100 416 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 416 5 but but CCONJ _005457100 416 6 you you PRON _005457100 416 7 can can AUX _005457100 416 8 not not PART _005457100 416 9 hear hear VERB _005457100 416 10 the the DET _005457100 416 11 song song NOUN _005457100 416 12 of of ADP _005457100 416 13 gladness gladness NOUN _005457100 416 14 that that SCONJ _005457100 416 15 the the DET _005457100 416 16 angels angel NOUN _005457100 416 17 and and CCONJ _005457100 416 18 saints saint NOUN _005457100 416 19 are be AUX _005457100 416 20 singing singe VERB _005457100 416 21 . . PUNCT _005457100 417 1 they they PRON _005457100 417 2 are be AUX _005457100 417 3 happy happy ADJ _005457100 417 4 because because SCONJ _005457100 417 5 you you PRON _005457100 417 6 are be AUX _005457100 417 7 signed sign VERB _005457100 417 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 417 9 anointed anoint VERB _005457100 417 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 417 11 are be AUX _005457100 417 12 to to PART _005457100 417 13 belong belong VERB _005457100 417 14 to to ADP _005457100 417 15 them they PRON _005457100 417 16 forever forever ADV _005457100 417 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 418 1 your your PRON _005457100 418 2 clothes clothe NOUN _005457100 418 3 when when SCONJ _005457100 418 4 you you PRON _005457100 418 5 were be AUX _005457100 418 6 baptized baptize VERB _005457100 418 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 418 8 the the DET _005457100 418 9 priest priest NOUN _005457100 418 10 placed place VERB _005457100 418 11 a a DET _005457100 418 12 little little ADJ _005457100 418 13 white white ADJ _005457100 418 14 cloth cloth NOUN _005457100 418 15 on on ADP _005457100 418 16 your your PRON _005457100 418 17 head head NOUN _005457100 418 18 and and CCONJ _005457100 418 19 spoke speak VERB _005457100 418 20 these these DET _005457100 418 21 words word NOUN _005457100 418 22 : : PUNCT _005457100 418 23 " " PUNCT _005457100 418 24 receive receive VERB _005457100 418 25 this this DET _005457100 418 26 white white ADJ _005457100 418 27 garment garment NOUN _005457100 418 28 and and CCONJ _005457100 418 29 carry carry VERB _005457100 418 30 it it PRON _005457100 418 31 without without ADP _005457100 418 32 spot spot NOUN _005457100 418 33 before before ADP _005457100 418 34 the the DET _005457100 418 35 judgment judgment NOUN _005457100 418 36 seat seat NOUN _005457100 418 37 of of ADP _005457100 418 38 our our PRON _005457100 418 39 lord lord PROPN _005457100 418 40 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 418 41 christ christ PROPN _005457100 418 42 , , PUNCT _005457100 418 43 that that SCONJ _005457100 418 44 you you PRON _005457100 418 45 may may AUX _005457100 418 46 have have VERB _005457100 418 47 life life NOUN _005457100 418 48 everlasting everlasting ADJ _005457100 418 49 . . PUNCT _005457100 419 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 419 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 419 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 420 1 if if SCONJ _005457100 420 2 you you PRON _005457100 420 3 are be AUX _005457100 420 4 a a DET _005457100 420 5 boy boy NOUN _005457100 420 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 420 7 you you PRON _005457100 420 8 have have VERB _005457100 420 9 your your PRON _005457100 420 10 best good ADJ _005457100 420 11 suit suit NOUN _005457100 420 12 on on ADP _005457100 420 13 today today NOUN _005457100 420 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 421 1 you you PRON _005457100 421 2 are be AUX _005457100 421 3 neat neat ADJ _005457100 421 4 and and CCONJ _005457100 421 5 clean clean ADJ _005457100 421 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 422 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 422 2 shall shall AUX _005457100 422 3 know know VERB _005457100 422 4 that that SCONJ _005457100 422 5 you you PRON _005457100 422 6 want want VERB _005457100 422 7 to to PART _005457100 422 8 come come VERB _005457100 422 9 with with ADP _005457100 422 10 spotless spotless NOUN _005457100 422 11 soul soul NOUN _005457100 422 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 422 13 that that SCONJ _005457100 422 14 you you PRON _005457100 422 15 36 36 NUM _005457100 422 16 want want VERB _005457100 422 17 to to PART _005457100 422 18 join join VERB _005457100 422 19 the the DET _005457100 422 20 company company NOUN _005457100 422 21 of of ADP _005457100 422 22 those those PRON _005457100 422 23 who who PRON _005457100 422 24 love love VERB _005457100 422 25 and and CCONJ _005457100 422 26 defend defend VERB _005457100 422 27 their their PRON _005457100 422 28 church church NOUN _005457100 422 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 423 1 if if SCONJ _005457100 423 2 you you PRON _005457100 423 3 are be AUX _005457100 423 4 a a DET _005457100 423 5 girl girl NOUN _005457100 423 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 423 7 you you PRON _005457100 423 8 are be AUX _005457100 423 9 wearing wear VERB _005457100 423 10 a a DET _005457100 423 11 white white ADJ _005457100 423 12 dress dress NOUN _005457100 423 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 423 14 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457100 423 15 a a DET _005457100 423 16 white white ADJ _005457100 423 17 veil veil NOUN _005457100 423 18 . . PUNCT _005457100 424 1 you you PRON _005457100 424 2 want want VERB _005457100 424 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 424 4 to to PART _005457100 424 5 see see VERB _005457100 424 6 that that SCONJ _005457100 424 7 you you PRON _005457100 424 8 are be AUX _005457100 424 9 eager eager ADJ _005457100 424 10 to to PART _005457100 424 11 keep keep VERB _005457100 424 12 your your PRON _005457100 424 13 soul soul NOUN _005457100 424 14 just just ADV _005457100 424 15 as as ADV _005457100 424 16 pure pure ADJ _005457100 424 17 and and CCONJ _005457100 424 18 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457100 424 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 425 1 the the DET _005457100 425 2 altar altar NOUN _005457100 425 3 today today NOUN _005457100 425 4 you you PRON _005457100 425 5 can can AUX _005457100 425 6 again again ADV _005457100 425 7 come come VERB _005457100 425 8 very very ADV _005457100 425 9 close close ADJ _005457100 425 10 to to ADP _005457100 425 11 the the DET _005457100 425 12 altar altar NOUN _005457100 425 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 426 1 this this PRON _005457100 426 2 is be AUX _005457100 426 3 a a DET _005457100 426 4 great great ADJ _005457100 426 5 honor honor NOUN _005457100 426 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 427 1 can can AUX _005457100 427 2 you you PRON _005457100 427 3 understand understand VERB _005457100 427 4 these these DET _005457100 427 5 words word NOUN _005457100 427 6 of of ADP _005457100 427 7 the the DET _005457100 427 8 bible bible NOUN _005457100 427 9 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 428 1 " " PUNCT _005457100 428 2 you you PRON _005457100 428 3 are be AUX _005457100 428 4 a a DET _005457100 428 5 chosen choose VERB _005457100 428 6 race race NOUN _005457100 428 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 428 8 a a DET _005457100 428 9 kingly kingly ADJ _005457100 428 10 priesthood priesthood NOUN _005457100 428 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 428 12 " " PUNCT _005457100 429 1 they they PRON _005457100 429 2 have have VERB _005457100 429 3 a a DET _005457100 429 4 special special ADJ _005457100 429 5 meaning meaning NOUN _005457100 429 6 for for ADP _005457100 429 7 you you PRON _005457100 429 8 on on ADP _005457100 429 9 this this DET _005457100 429 10 day day NOUN _005457100 429 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 430 1 the the DET _005457100 430 2 candles candle NOUN _005457100 430 3 at at ADP _005457100 430 4 your your PRON _005457100 430 5 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 430 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 430 7 your your PRON _005457100 430 8 god god PROPN _005457100 430 9 - - PUNCT _005457100 430 10 parents parent NOUN _005457100 430 11 held hold VERB _005457100 430 12 a a DET _005457100 430 13 blessed bless VERB _005457100 430 14 candle candle NOUN _005457100 430 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 430 16 the the DET _005457100 430 17 priest priest NOUN _005457100 430 18 said say VERB _005457100 430 19 these these DET _005457100 430 20 words word NOUN _005457100 430 21 : : PUNCT _005457100 430 22 " " PUNCT _005457100 430 23 receive receive VERB _005457100 430 24 this this DET _005457100 430 25 burning burn VERB _005457100 430 26 light light NOUN _005457100 430 27 and and CCONJ _005457100 430 28 keep keep VERB _005457100 430 29 your your PRON _005457100 430 30 baptism baptism NOUN _005457100 430 31 so so SCONJ _005457100 430 32 as as SCONJ _005457100 430 33 to to PART _005457100 430 34 be be AUX _005457100 430 35 without without ADP _005457100 430 36 blame blame NOUN _005457100 430 37 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 430 38 observe observe VERB _005457100 430 39 the the DET _005457100 430 40 commandments commandment NOUN _005457100 430 41 of of ADP _005457100 430 42 god god PROPN _005457100 430 43 , , PUNCT _005457100 430 44 that that SCONJ _005457100 430 45 when when SCONJ _005457100 430 46 our our PRON _005457100 430 47 lord lord PROPN _005457100 430 48 shall shall AUX _005457100 430 49 come come VERB _005457100 430 50 to to ADP _005457100 430 51 his his PRON _005457100 430 52 wedding• wedding• PROPN _005457100 430 53 feast feast NOUN _005457100 430 54 , , PUNCT _005457100 430 55 you you PRON _005457100 430 56 may may AUX _005457100 430 57 meet meet VERB _005457100 430 58 him he PRON _005457100 430 59 together together ADV _005457100 430 60 with with ADP _005457100 430 61 all all DET _005457100 430 62 the the DET _005457100 430 63 saints saint NOUN _005457100 430 64 in in ADP _005457100 430 65 the the DET _005457100 430 66 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457100 430 67 court court NOUN _005457100 430 68 , , PUNCT _005457100 430 69 and and CCONJ _005457100 430 70 live live VERB _005457100 430 71 forever forever ADV _005457100 430 72 and and CCONJ _005457100 430 73 ever ever ADV _005457100 430 74 . . PUNCT _005457100 431 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 431 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 431 3 " " PUNCT _005457100 432 1 today today NOUN _005457100 432 2 the the DET _005457100 432 3 altar altar NOUN _005457100 432 4 is be AUX _005457100 432 5 decorated decorate VERB _005457100 432 6 with with ADP _005457100 432 7 many many ADJ _005457100 432 8 burning burning NOUN _005457100 432 9 candles candle NOUN _005457100 432 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 433 1 they they PRON _005457100 433 2 should should AUX _005457100 433 3 remind remind VERB _005457100 433 4 you you PRON _005457100 433 5 that that SCONJ _005457100 433 6 you you PRON _005457100 433 7 are be AUX _005457100 433 8 soon soon ADV _005457100 433 9 to to PART _005457100 433 10 receive receive VERB _005457100 433 11 a a DET _005457100 433 12 divine divine ADJ _005457100 433 13 guest guest NOUN _005457100 433 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 433 15 the the DET _005457100 433 16 holy holy ADJ _005457100 433 17 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 433 18 . . PUNCT _005457100 434 1 a a DET _005457100 434 2 temple temple NOUN _005457100 434 3 of of ADP _005457100 434 4 the the DET _005457100 434 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 434 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 434 7 the the DET _005457100 434 8 holy holy ADJ _005457100 434 9 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 434 10 will will AUX _005457100 434 11 live live VERB _005457100 434 12 in in ADP _005457100 434 13 you you PRON _005457100 434 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 435 1 you you PRON _005457100 435 2 will will AUX _005457100 435 3 be be AUX _005457100 435 4 his his PRON _005457100 435 5 temple temple NOUN _005457100 435 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 435 7 his his PRON _005457100 435 8 church church NOUN _005457100 435 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 435 10 his his PRON _005457100 435 11 house house NOUN _005457100 435 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 436 1 when when SCONJ _005457100 436 2 you you PRON _005457100 436 3 are be AUX _005457100 436 4 at at ADP _005457100 436 5 play play NOUN _005457100 436 6 today today NOUN _005457100 436 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 436 8 speak speak VERB _005457100 436 9 a a DET _005457100 436 10 whispered whisper VERB _005457100 436 11 word word NOUN _005457100 436 12 to to ADP _005457100 436 13 him he PRON _005457100 436 14 now now ADV _005457100 436 15 and and CCONJ _005457100 436 16 then then ADV _005457100 436 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 437 1 above above ADP _005457100 437 2 all all PRON _005457100 437 3 thank thank VERB _005457100 437 4 him he PRON _005457100 437 5 for for ADP _005457100 437 6 being be AUX _005457100 437 7 so so ADV _005457100 437 8 good good ADJ _005457100 437 9 to to ADP _005457100 437 10 you you PRON _005457100 437 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 438 1 he he PRON _005457100 438 2 wants want VERB _005457100 438 3 to to PART _005457100 438 4 stay stay VERB _005457100 438 5 with with ADP _005457100 438 6 you you PRON _005457100 438 7 — — PUNCT _005457100 438 8 not not PART _005457100 438 9 only only ADV _005457100 438 10 today today NOUN _005457100 438 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 438 12 but but CCONJ _005457100 438 13 always always ADV _005457100 438 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 439 1 37 37 NUM _005457100 439 2 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 439 3 hymn hymn NOUN _005457100 439 4 come come VERB _005457100 439 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 439 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 439 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 439 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 439 9 creator creator NOUN _005457100 439 10 blest blest NOUN _005457100 439 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 439 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 439 13 in in ADP _005457100 439 14 our our PRON _005457100 439 15 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 439 16 take take VERB _005457100 439 17 up up ADP _005457100 439 18 thy thy PRON _005457100 439 19 rest rest NOUN _005457100 439 20 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 439 21 come come VERB _005457100 439 22 with with ADP _005457100 439 23 thy thy PRON _005457100 439 24 grace grace NOUN _005457100 439 25 and and CCONJ _005457100 439 26 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457100 439 27 aid aid NOUN _005457100 439 28 , , PUNCT _005457100 439 29 to to PART _005457100 439 30 fill fill VERB _005457100 439 31 the the DET _005457100 439 32 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 439 33 which which PRON _005457100 439 34 thou thou DET _005457100 439 35 hast hast NOUN _005457100 439 36 made make VERB _005457100 439 37 . . PUNCT _005457100 440 1 to to PART _005457100 440 2 fill fill VERB _005457100 440 3 the the DET _005457100 440 4 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 440 5 which which PRON _005457100 440 6 thou thou DET _005457100 440 7 hast hast NOUN _005457100 440 8 made make VERB _005457100 440 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 441 1 ojcomforter ojcomforter VERB _005457100 441 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 441 3 to to ADP _005457100 441 4 thee thee NOUN _005457100 441 5 we we PRON _005457100 441 6 cry cry VERB _005457100 441 7 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 441 8 thou thou DET _005457100 441 9 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457100 441 10 gift gift NOUN _005457100 441 11 of of ADP _005457100 441 12 god god PROPN _005457100 441 13 most most ADV _005457100 441 14 high high ADJ _005457100 441 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 441 16 thou thou DET _005457100 441 17 fount fount NOUN _005457100 441 18 of of ADP _005457100 441 19 life life NOUN _005457100 441 20 and and CCONJ _005457100 441 21 fire fire NOUN _005457100 441 22 of of ADP _005457100 441 23 love love NOUN _005457100 441 24 , , PUNCT _005457100 441 25 and and CCONJ _005457100 441 26 sweet sweet ADJ _005457100 441 27 anointing anointing NOUN _005457100 441 28 from from ADP _005457100 441 29 above above ADV _005457100 441 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 442 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 442 2 sweet sweet ADJ _005457100 442 3 anointing anointing NOUN _005457100 442 4 from from ADP _005457100 442 5 above above ADV _005457100 442 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 443 1 o o X _005457100 443 2 holy holy ADJ _005457100 443 3 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 443 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 443 5 through through ADP _005457100 443 6 thee thee NOUN _005457100 443 7 alone alone ADV _005457100 443 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 443 9 know know VERB _005457100 443 10 we we PRON _005457100 443 11 the the DET _005457100 443 12 father father PROPN _005457100 443 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 443 14 the the DET _005457100 443 15 son son NOUN _005457100 443 16 : : PUNCT _005457100 443 17 be be AUX _005457100 443 18 this this PRON _005457100 443 19 our our PRON _005457100 443 20 never never ADV _005457100 443 21 - - PUNCT _005457100 443 22 changing change VERB _005457100 443 23 creed creed NOUN _005457100 443 24 , , PUNCT _005457100 443 25 that that SCONJ _005457100 443 26 thou thou PRON _005457100 443 27 dost dost X _005457100 443 28 from from ADP _005457100 443 29 them they PRON _005457100 443 30 both both PRON _005457100 443 31 proceed proceed VERB _005457100 443 32 . . PUNCT _005457100 444 1 that that SCONJ _005457100 444 2 thou thou PRON _005457100 444 3 dost dost X _005457100 444 4 from from ADP _005457100 444 5 them they PRON _005457100 444 6 both both PRON _005457100 444 7 proceed proceed VERB _005457100 444 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 445 1 praise praise VERB _005457100 445 2 we we PRON _005457100 445 3 the the DET _005457100 445 4 father father PROPN _005457100 445 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 445 6 the the DET _005457100 445 7 son son NOUN _005457100 445 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 445 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 445 10 holy holy ADJ _005457100 445 11 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 445 12 with with ADP _005457100 445 13 them they PRON _005457100 445 14 one one NUM _005457100 445 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 445 16 and and CCONJ _005457100 445 17 may may AUX _005457100 445 18 the the DET _005457100 445 19 son son NOUN _005457100 445 20 on on ADP _005457100 445 21 us we PRON _005457100 445 22 bestow bestow VERB _005457100 445 23 the the DET _005457100 445 24 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 445 25 that that PRON _005457100 445 26 the the DET _005457100 445 27 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 445 28 that that PRON _005457100 445 29 from from ADP _005457100 445 30 the the DET _005457100 445 31 spirit spirit NOUN _005457100 445 32 flow flow NOUN _005457100 445 33 , , PUNCT _005457100 445 34 from from ADP _005457100 445 35 the the DET _005457100 445 36 spirit spirit NOUN _005457100 445 37 flow flow NOUN _005457100 445 38 . . PUNCT _005457100 446 1 — — PUNCT _005457100 446 2 the the DET _005457100 446 3 baltimore baltimore NOUN _005457100 446 4 catechism catechism NOUN _005457100 446 5 38 38 NUM _005457100 446 6 evening evening NOUN _005457100 446 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 446 8 on on ADP _005457100 446 9 the the DET _005457100 446 10 day day NOUN _005457100 446 11 of of ADP _005457100 446 12 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457100 446 13 dear dear ADJ _005457100 446 14 holy holy ADJ _005457100 446 15 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 446 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 446 17 how how SCONJ _005457100 446 18 good good ADJ _005457100 446 19 you you PRON _005457100 446 20 've 've AUX _005457100 446 21 been be AUX _005457100 446 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 446 23 to to PART _005457100 446 24 give give VERB _005457100 446 25 your your PRON _005457100 446 26 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 446 27 to to ADP _005457100 446 28 little little ADJ _005457100 446 29 men man NOUN _005457100 446 30 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 447 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 447 2 when when SCONJ _005457100 447 3 i i PRON _005457100 447 4 see see VERB _005457100 447 5 the the DET _005457100 447 6 work work NOUN _005457100 447 7 you you PRON _005457100 447 8 've 've AUX _005457100 447 9 done do VERB _005457100 447 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 447 11 your your PRON _005457100 447 12 love love NOUN _005457100 447 13 seems seem VERB _005457100 447 14 like like ADP _005457100 447 15 the the DET _005457100 447 16 springtime springtime NOUN _005457100 447 17 sun sun NOUN _005457100 447 18 that that PRON _005457100 447 19 makes make VERB _005457100 447 20 the the DET _005457100 447 21 grass grass NOUN _005457100 447 22 and and CCONJ _005457100 447 23 trees tree NOUN _005457100 447 24 to to PART _005457100 447 25 grow grow VERB _005457100 447 26 , , PUNCT _005457100 447 27 and and CCONJ _005457100 447 28 pretty pretty ADJ _005457100 447 29 flowers flower NOUN _005457100 447 30 , , PUNCT _005457100 447 31 row row NOUN _005457100 447 32 on on ADP _005457100 447 33 row row NOUN _005457100 447 34 . . PUNCT _005457100 448 1 the the DET _005457100 448 2 earth earth NOUN _005457100 448 3 can can AUX _005457100 448 4 never never ADV _005457100 448 5 understand understand VERB _005457100 448 6 what what PRON _005457100 448 7 makes make VERB _005457100 448 8 the the DET _005457100 448 9 blossoms blossom NOUN _005457100 448 10 fair fair ADJ _005457100 448 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 448 12 grand grand ADJ _005457100 448 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 448 14 but but CCONJ _005457100 448 15 keeps keep VERB _005457100 448 16 on on ADP _005457100 448 17 looking look VERB _005457100 448 18 at at ADP _005457100 448 19 the the DET _005457100 448 20 sky sky NOUN _005457100 448 21 and and CCONJ _005457100 448 22 asking ask VERB _005457100 448 23 for for ADP _005457100 448 24 the the DET _005457100 448 25 reason reason NOUN _005457100 448 26 why why SCONJ _005457100 448 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 449 1 like like ADP _005457100 449 2 sunbeams sunbeam NOUN _005457100 449 3 come come VERB _005457100 449 4 to to ADP _005457100 449 5 every every DET _005457100 449 6 tree tree NOUN _005457100 449 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 449 8 so so ADV _005457100 449 9 let let VERB _005457100 449 10 your your PRON _005457100 449 11 love love NOUN _005457100 449 12 come come VERB _005457100 449 13 down down ADP _005457100 449 14 to to ADP _005457100 449 15 me i PRON _005457100 449 16 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 449 17 awaken awaken VERB _005457100 449 18 what what PRON _005457100 449 19 is be AUX _005457100 449 20 good good ADJ _005457100 449 21 and and CCONJ _005457100 449 22 true true ADJ _005457100 449 23 , , PUNCT _005457100 449 24 and and CCONJ _005457100 449 25 let let VERB _005457100 449 26 it it PRON _005457100 449 27 blossom blossom VERB _005457100 449 28 forth forth ADP _005457100 449 29 for for ADP _005457100 449 30 you you PRON _005457100 449 31 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 450 1 each each DET _005457100 450 2 day day NOUN _005457100 450 3 i i PRON _005457100 450 4 'll will AUX _005457100 450 5 look look VERB _005457100 450 6 to to ADP _005457100 450 7 you you PRON _005457100 450 8 above above ADV _005457100 450 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 450 10 make make VERB _005457100 450 11 another another DET _005457100 450 12 act act NOUN _005457100 450 13 of of ADP _005457100 450 14 love love NOUN _005457100 450 15 — — PUNCT _005457100 450 16 more more ADV _005457100 450 17 perfect perfect ADJ _005457100 450 18 than than ADP _005457100 450 19 the the DET _005457100 450 20 day day NOUN _005457100 450 21 before before ADV _005457100 450 22 , , PUNCT _005457100 450 23 for for SCONJ _005457100 450 24 i i PRON _005457100 450 25 shall shall AUX _005457100 450 26 know know VERB _005457100 450 27 a a DET _005457100 450 28 little little ADJ _005457100 450 29 more more ADJ _005457100 450 30 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 451 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 451 2 so so ADV _005457100 451 3 tonight tonight NOUN _005457100 451 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 451 5 for for ADP _005457100 451 6 just just ADV _005457100 451 7 a a DET _005457100 451 8 start start NOUN _005457100 451 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 451 10 i i PRON _005457100 451 11 thank thank VERB _005457100 451 12 you you PRON _005457100 451 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 451 14 god god PROPN _005457100 451 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 451 16 with with ADP _005457100 451 17 all all DET _005457100 451 18 my my PRON _005457100 451 19 heart heart NOUN _005457100 451 20 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 452 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 452 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 453 1 39 39 NUM _005457100 453 2 dove dove NOUN _005457100 453 3 , , PUNCT _005457100 453 4 wind wind NOUN _005457100 453 5 - - PUNCT _005457100 453 6 storm storm NOUN _005457100 453 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 453 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 453 9 fire fire NOUN _005457100 453 10 eleventh eleventh ADJ _005457100 453 11 day day NOUN _005457100 453 12 how how SCONJ _005457100 453 13 did do AUX _005457100 453 14 the the DET _005457100 453 15 holy holy ADJ _005457100 453 16 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 453 17 come come VERB _005457100 453 18 to to ADP _005457100 453 19 you you PRON _005457100 453 20 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 454 1 was be AUX _005457100 454 2 it it PRON _005457100 454 3 in in ADP _005457100 454 4 the the DET _005457100 454 5 gentle gentle ADJ _005457100 454 6 form form NOUN _005457100 454 7 of of ADP _005457100 454 8 a a DET _005457100 454 9 dove dove NOUN _005457100 454 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 454 11 or or CCONJ _005457100 454 12 as as ADP _005457100 454 13 a a DET _005457100 454 14 mighty mighty ADJ _005457100 454 15 storm storm NOUN _005457100 454 16 , , PUNCT _005457100 454 17 or or CCONJ _005457100 454 18 as as ADP _005457100 454 19 fire fire NOUN _005457100 454 20 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 455 1 was be AUX _005457100 455 2 it it PRON _005457100 455 3 with with ADP _005457100 455 4 you you PRON _005457100 455 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 455 6 as as SCONJ _005457100 455 7 it it PRON _005457100 455 8 was be AUX _005457100 455 9 with with ADP _005457100 455 10 the the DET _005457100 455 11 blind blind ADJ _005457100 455 12 man man NOUN _005457100 455 13 to to PART _005457100 455 14 whom whom PRON _005457100 455 15 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 455 16 said say VERB _005457100 455 17 : : PUNCT _005457100 455 18 " " PUNCT _005457100 455 19 what what PRON _005457100 455 20 wilt wilt VERB _005457100 455 21 thou thou NOUN _005457100 455 22 that that SCONJ _005457100 455 23 i i PRON _005457100 455 24 do do VERB _005457100 455 25 to to ADP _005457100 455 26 thee thee PRON _005457100 455 27 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 455 28 " " PUNCT _005457100 455 29 did do AUX _005457100 455 30 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 455 31 bend bend VERB _005457100 455 32 over over ADP _005457100 455 33 you you PRON _005457100 455 34 and and CCONJ _005457100 455 35 did do VERB _005457100 455 36 the the DET _005457100 455 37 love love NOUN _005457100 455 38 of of ADP _005457100 455 39 god god PROPN _005457100 455 40 , , PUNCT _005457100 455 41 the the DET _005457100 455 42 holy holy ADJ _005457100 455 43 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 455 44 , , PUNCT _005457100 455 45 then then ADV _005457100 455 46 pass pass VERB _005457100 455 47 gently gently ADV _005457100 455 48 , , PUNCT _005457100 455 49 softly softly ADV _005457100 455 50 from from ADP _005457100 455 51 him he PRON _005457100 455 52 to to ADP _005457100 455 53 you you PRON _005457100 455 54 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 456 1 40 40 NUM _005457100 456 2 or or CCONJ _005457100 456 3 did do AUX _005457100 456 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 456 5 look look VERB _005457100 456 6 at at ADP _005457100 456 7 you you PRON _005457100 456 8 with with ADP _005457100 456 9 eyes eye NOUN _005457100 456 10 afire afire ADV _005457100 456 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 456 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 456 13 light light VERB _005457100 456 14 the the DET _005457100 456 15 spark spark NOUN _005457100 456 16 of of ADP _005457100 456 17 god god PROPN _005457100 456 18 's 's PART _005457100 456 19 love love NOUN _005457100 456 20 in in ADP _005457100 456 21 you you PRON _005457100 456 22 with with ADP _005457100 456 23 these these DET _005457100 456 24 words word NOUN _005457100 456 25 : : PUNCT _005457100 456 26 " " PUNCT _005457100 456 27 lam lam NOUN _005457100 456 28 come come VERB _005457100 456 29 to to PART _005457100 456 30 cast cast VERB _005457100 456 31 fire fire NOUN _005457100 456 32 on on ADP _005457100 456 33 the the DET _005457100 456 34 earth earth NOUN _005457100 456 35 : : PUNCT _005457100 456 36 and and CCONJ _005457100 456 37 what what PRON _005457100 456 38 will will AUX _005457100 456 39 i i PRON _005457100 456 40 , , PUNCT _005457100 456 41 but but CCONJ _005457100 456 42 that that SCONJ _005457100 456 43 it it PRON _005457100 456 44 be be AUX _005457100 456 45 kindled kindle VERB _005457100 456 46 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 456 47 " " PUNCT _005457100 457 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457100 457 2 you you PRON _005457100 457 3 did do AUX _005457100 457 4 not not PART _005457100 457 5 notice notice VERB _005457100 457 6 any any PRON _005457100 457 7 of of ADP _005457100 457 8 these these DET _005457100 457 9 things thing NOUN _005457100 457 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 458 1 as as SCONJ _005457100 458 2 you you PRON _005457100 458 3 grow grow VERB _005457100 458 4 older old ADJ _005457100 458 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 458 6 god god PROPN _005457100 458 7 will will AUX _005457100 458 8 often often ADV _005457100 458 9 speak speak VERB _005457100 458 10 to to ADP _005457100 458 11 you you PRON _005457100 458 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 459 1 sometimes sometimes ADV _005457100 459 2 it it PRON _005457100 459 3 will will AUX _005457100 459 4 be be AUX _005457100 459 5 softly softly ADV _005457100 459 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 459 7 lovingly lovingly ADV _005457100 459 8 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 459 9 sometimes sometimes ADV _005457100 459 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 459 11 strongly strongly ADV _005457100 459 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 459 13 with with ADP _005457100 459 14 burning burn VERB _005457100 459 15 words word NOUN _005457100 459 16 . . PUNCT _005457100 460 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457100 460 2 you you PRON _005457100 460 3 do do AUX _005457100 460 4 not not PART _005457100 460 5 understand understand VERB _005457100 460 6 all all DET _005457100 460 7 this this PRON _005457100 460 8 now now ADV _005457100 460 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 461 1 well well INTJ _005457100 461 2 — — PUNCT _005457100 461 3 long long ADJ _005457100 461 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 461 5 long long ADV _005457100 461 6 ago ago ADV _005457100 461 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 461 8 during during ADP _005457100 461 9 the the DET _005457100 461 10 life life NOUN _005457100 461 11 - - PUNCT _005457100 461 12 time time NOUN _005457100 461 13 of of ADP _005457100 461 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 461 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 461 16 there there PRON _005457100 461 17 lived live VERB _005457100 461 18 a a DET _005457100 461 19 very very ADV _005457100 461 20 wise wise ADJ _005457100 461 21 man man NOUN _005457100 461 22 . . PUNCT _005457100 462 1 his his PRON _005457100 462 2 name name NOUN _005457100 462 3 was be AUX _005457100 462 4 nicodemus nicodemus PROPN _005457100 462 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 463 1 he he PRON _005457100 463 2 was be AUX _005457100 463 3 a a DET _005457100 463 4 lawyer lawyer NOUN _005457100 463 5 and and CCONJ _005457100 463 6 a a DET _005457100 463 7 pharisee pharisee PROPN _005457100 463 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 464 1 even even ADV _005457100 464 2 he he PRON _005457100 464 3 \ \ PROPN _005457100 464 4 could could AUX _005457100 464 5 not not PART _005457100 464 6 understand understand VERB _005457100 464 7 what what PRON _005457100 464 8 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 464 9 told tell VERB _005457100 464 10 him he PRON _005457100 464 11 about about ADP _005457100 464 12 the the DET _005457100 464 13 holy holy ADJ _005457100 464 14 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 464 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 465 1 he he PRON _005457100 465 2 wanted want VERB _005457100 465 3 to to PART _005457100 465 4 ask ask VERB _005457100 465 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 465 6 . . PUNCT _005457100 466 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 466 2 he he PRON _005457100 466 3 was be AUX _005457100 466 4 afraid afraid ADJ _005457100 466 5 to to PART _005457100 466 6 visit visit VERB _005457100 466 7 our our PRON _005457100 466 8 lord lord PROPN _005457100 466 9 during during ADP _005457100 466 10 broad broad ADJ _005457100 466 11 daylight daylight NOUN _005457100 466 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 467 1 he he PRON _005457100 467 2 thought think VERB _005457100 467 3 people people NOUN _005457100 467 4 would would AUX _005457100 467 5 make make VERB _005457100 467 6 fun fun NOUN _005457100 467 7 of of ADP _005457100 467 8 him he PRON _005457100 467 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 468 1 so so ADV _005457100 468 2 he he PRON _005457100 468 3 started start VERB _005457100 468 4 out out ADP _005457100 468 5 on on ADP _005457100 468 6 his his PRON _005457100 468 7 journey journey NOUN _005457100 468 8 in in ADP _005457100 468 9 the the DET _005457100 468 10 dark dark NOUN _005457100 468 11 of of ADP _005457100 468 12 night night NOUN _005457100 468 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 469 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 469 2 heard hear VERB _005457100 469 3 the the DET _005457100 469 4 rap rap NOUN _005457100 469 5 at at ADP _005457100 469 6 the the DET _005457100 469 7 door door NOUN _005457100 469 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 470 1 it it PRON _005457100 470 2 was be AUX _005457100 470 3 rather rather ADV _005457100 470 4 late late ADJ _005457100 470 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 470 6 but but CCONJ _005457100 470 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 470 8 never never ADV _005457100 470 9 sent send VERB _005457100 470 10 anyone anyone PRON _005457100 470 11 away away ADV _005457100 470 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 470 13 whether whether SCONJ _005457100 470 14 he he PRON _005457100 470 15 came come VERB _005457100 470 16 by by ADP _005457100 470 17 day day NOUN _005457100 470 18 or or CCONJ _005457100 470 19 by by ADP _005457100 470 20 night night NOUN _005457100 470 21 . . PUNCT _005457100 471 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 471 2 and and CCONJ _005457100 471 3 nicodemus nicodemus PROPN _005457100 471 4 sat sit VERB _005457100 471 5 out out ADP _005457100 471 6 on on ADP _005457100 471 7 the the DET _005457100 471 8 flat flat ADJ _005457100 471 9 roof roof NOUN _005457100 471 10 of of ADP _005457100 471 11 the the DET _005457100 471 12 house house NOUN _005457100 471 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 471 14 under under ADP _005457100 471 15 the the DET _005457100 471 16 stars star NOUN _005457100 471 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 472 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 472 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 472 3 let let VERB _005457100 472 4 nicodemus nicodemus NOUN _005457100 472 5 ask ask VERB _005457100 472 6 as as ADP _005457100 472 7 many many ADJ _005457100 472 8 questions question NOUN _005457100 472 9 as as SCONJ _005457100 472 10 he he PRON _005457100 472 11 wanted want VERB _005457100 472 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 473 1 nicodemus nicodemus PROPN _005457100 473 2 asked ask VERB _005457100 473 3 about about ADP _005457100 473 4 the the DET _005457100 473 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 473 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 473 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 473 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 473 9 how how SCONJ _005457100 473 10 he he PRON _005457100 473 11 comes come VERB _005457100 473 12 to to ADP _005457100 473 13 souls soul NOUN _005457100 473 14 . . PUNCT _005457100 474 1 this this PRON _005457100 474 2 is be AUX _005457100 474 3 the the DET _005457100 474 4 answer answer NOUN _005457100 474 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 474 6 gave give VERB _005457100 474 7 him he PRON _005457100 474 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 475 1 " " PUNCT _005457100 475 2 the the DET _005457100 475 3 wind wind NOUN _005457100 475 4 blows blow VERB _005457100 475 5 where where SCONJ _005457100 475 6 it it PRON _005457100 475 7 wills will VERB _005457100 475 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 476 1 you you PRON _005457100 476 2 hear hear VERB _005457100 476 3 its its PRON _005457100 476 4 voice voice NOUN _005457100 476 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 476 6 but but CCONJ _005457100 476 7 you you PRON _005457100 476 8 can can AUX _005457100 476 9 not not PART _005457100 476 10 tell tell VERB _005457100 476 11 from from ADP _005457100 476 12 where where SCONJ _005457100 476 13 it it PRON _005457100 476 14 comes come VERB _005457100 476 15 or or CCONJ _005457100 476 16 where where SCONJ _005457100 476 17 it it PRON _005457100 476 18 will will AUX _005457100 476 19 go go VERB _005457100 476 20 . . PUNCT _005457100 477 1 so so ADV _005457100 477 2 it it PRON _005457100 477 3 is be AUX _005457100 477 4 with with ADP _005457100 477 5 the the DET _005457100 477 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 477 7 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 477 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 477 9 " " PUNCT _005457100 478 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 478 2 nicodemus nicodemus PROPN _005457100 478 3 looked look VERB _005457100 478 4 up up ADP _005457100 478 5 at at ADP _005457100 478 6 the the DET _005457100 478 7 stars star NOUN _005457100 478 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 478 9 thought think VERB _005457100 478 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 478 11 thought think VERB _005457100 478 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 479 1 41 41 NUM _005457100 479 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 479 3 for for ADP _005457100 479 4 the the DET _005457100 479 5 eleventh eleventh ADJ _005457100 479 6 day day NOUN _005457100 479 7 dear dear PROPN _005457100 479 8 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 479 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 479 10 come come VERB _005457100 479 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 479 12 answer answer VERB _005457100 479 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 479 14 for for SCONJ _005457100 479 15 i i PRON _005457100 479 16 'm be AUX _005457100 479 17 knocking knock VERB _005457100 479 18 at at ADP _005457100 479 19 your your PRON _005457100 479 20 door door NOUN _005457100 479 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 479 22 and and CCONJ _005457100 479 23 let let VERB _005457100 479 24 me i PRON _005457100 479 25 sit sit VERB _005457100 479 26 beside beside ADP _005457100 479 27 you you PRON _005457100 479 28 , , PUNCT _005457100 479 29 just just ADV _005457100 479 30 to to PART _005457100 479 31 learn learn VERB _005457100 479 32 a a DET _005457100 479 33 little little ADJ _005457100 479 34 more more ADJ _005457100 479 35 about about ADP _005457100 479 36 the the DET _005457100 479 37 holy holy ADJ _005457100 479 38 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 479 39 who who PRON _005457100 479 40 came come VERB _005457100 479 41 to to ADP _005457100 479 42 me i PRON _005457100 479 43 . . PUNCT _005457100 480 1 42 42 NUM _005457100 480 2 sometimes sometimes ADV _005457100 480 3 i i PRON _005457100 480 4 was be AUX _005457100 480 5 all all ADV _005457100 480 6 eager eager ADJ _005457100 480 7 to to PART _005457100 480 8 be be AUX _005457100 480 9 doing do VERB _005457100 480 10 noble noble ADJ _005457100 480 11 things thing NOUN _005457100 480 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 480 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 480 14 then then ADV _005457100 480 15 i i PRON _005457100 480 16 felt feel VERB _005457100 480 17 the the DET _005457100 480 18 joy joy NOUN _005457100 480 19 of of ADP _005457100 480 20 soul soul NOUN _005457100 480 21 that that PRON _005457100 480 22 love love NOUN _005457100 480 23 of of ADP _005457100 480 24 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 480 25 brings bring VERB _005457100 480 26 . . PUNCT _005457100 480 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 480 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 481 1 was be AUX _005457100 481 2 that that SCONJ _005457100 481 3 the the DET _005457100 481 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 481 5 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 481 6 at at ADP _005457100 481 7 work work NOUN _005457100 481 8 in in ADP _005457100 481 9 me i PRON _005457100 481 10 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 482 1 you you PRON _005457100 482 2 said say VERB _005457100 482 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 482 4 men man NOUN _005457100 482 5 know know VERB _005457100 482 6 not not PART _005457100 482 7 from from ADP _005457100 482 8 where where SCONJ _005457100 482 9 the the DET _005457100 482 10 wind wind NOUN _005457100 482 11 shall shall AUX _005457100 482 12 come come VERB _005457100 482 13 or or CCONJ _005457100 482 14 go go VERB _005457100 482 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 482 16 like like ADP _005457100 482 17 nicodemus nicodemus PROPN _005457100 482 18 i i PRON _005457100 482 19 must must AUX _005457100 482 20 think think VERB _005457100 482 21 and and CCONJ _005457100 482 22 say say VERB _005457100 482 23 that that SCONJ _005457100 482 24 it it PRON _005457100 482 25 is be AUX _005457100 482 26 so so ADV _005457100 482 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 482 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 482 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 483 1 whence whence NOUN _005457100 483 2 comes come VERB _005457100 483 3 the the DET _005457100 483 4 holy holy ADJ _005457100 483 5 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 483 6 to to PART _005457100 483 7 work work VERB _005457100 483 8 in in ADP _005457100 483 9 me i PRON _005457100 483 10 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 484 1 he he PRON _005457100 484 2 comes come VERB _005457100 484 3 from from ADP _005457100 484 4 out out ADP _005457100 484 5 of of ADP _005457100 484 6 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 484 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 484 8 like like ADP _005457100 484 9 the the DET _005457100 484 10 wind wind NOUN _005457100 484 11 itself itself PRON _005457100 484 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 484 13 i i PRON _005457100 484 14 know know VERB _005457100 484 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 484 16 that that SCONJ _005457100 484 17 he he PRON _005457100 484 18 might might AUX _005457100 484 19 help help VERB _005457100 484 20 god god PROPN _005457100 484 21 's 's PART _005457100 484 22 children child NOUN _005457100 484 23 , , PUNCT _005457100 484 24 and and CCONJ _005457100 484 25 his his PRON _005457100 484 26 seven seven NUM _005457100 484 27 gifts gift NOUN _005457100 484 28 bestow bestow ADJ _005457100 484 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 484 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 484 31 . . PUNCT _005457100 485 1 that that PRON _005457100 485 2 's be AUX _005457100 485 3 how how SCONJ _005457100 485 4 the the DET _005457100 485 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 485 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 485 7 came come VERB _005457100 485 8 into into ADP _005457100 485 9 me i PRON _005457100 485 10 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 486 1 and and CCONJ _005457100 486 2 now now ADV _005457100 486 3 that that SCONJ _005457100 486 4 he he PRON _005457100 486 5 lives live VERB _005457100 486 6 in in ADP _005457100 486 7 me i PRON _005457100 486 8 , , PUNCT _005457100 486 9 let let VERB _005457100 486 10 me i PRON _005457100 486 11 feel feel VERB _005457100 486 12 him he PRON _005457100 486 13 working work VERB _005457100 486 14 there there ADV _005457100 486 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 486 16 and and CCONJ _005457100 486 17 make make VERB _005457100 486 18 me i PRON _005457100 486 19 always always ADV _005457100 486 20 listen listen VERB _005457100 486 21 when when SCONJ _005457100 486 22 he he PRON _005457100 486 23 speaks speak VERB _005457100 486 24 to to ADP _005457100 486 25 me i PRON _005457100 486 26 in in ADP _005457100 486 27 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 486 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 486 29 . . PUNCT _005457100 486 30 . . PUNCT _005457100 487 1 oh oh INTJ _005457100 487 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 487 3 let let VERB _005457100 487 4 the the DET _005457100 487 5 holy holy ADJ _005457100 487 6 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 487 7 work work NOUN _005457100 487 8 hard hard ADV _005457100 487 9 in in ADP _005457100 487 10 me i PRON _005457100 487 11 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 488 1 as as ADV _005457100 488 2 mighty mighty ADV _005457100 488 3 as as ADP _005457100 488 4 a a DET _005457100 488 5 windstorm windstorm NOUN _005457100 488 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 488 7 or or CCONJ _005457100 488 8 as as ADV _005457100 488 9 gentle gentle ADJ _005457100 488 10 as as ADP _005457100 488 11 a a DET _005457100 488 12 dove dove NOUN _005457100 488 13 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 488 14 with with ADP _005457100 488 15 words word NOUN _005457100 488 16 that that PRON _005457100 488 17 burn burn VERB _005457100 488 18 like like ADP _005457100 488 19 tongues tongue NOUN _005457100 488 20 of of ADP _005457100 488 21 fire fire NOUN _005457100 488 22 or or CCONJ _005457100 488 23 words word NOUN _005457100 488 24 that that PRON _005457100 488 25 tell tell VERB _005457100 488 26 of of ADP _005457100 488 27 love love NOUN _005457100 488 28 that that PRON _005457100 488 29 's be AUX _005457100 488 30 how how SCONJ _005457100 488 31 the the DET _005457100 488 32 holy holy ADJ _005457100 488 33 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 488 34 works work VERB _005457100 488 35 now now ADV _005457100 488 36 in in ADP _005457100 488 37 me i PRON _005457100 488 38 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 488 39 43 43 NUM _005457100 488 40 amen amen INTJ _005457100 488 41 . . PUNCT _005457100 489 1 fruits fruit NOUN _005457100 489 2 twelfth twelfth ADJ _005457100 489 3 day day NOUN _005457100 489 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 489 5 gave give VERB _005457100 489 6 generously generously ADV _005457100 489 7 of of ADP _005457100 489 8 the the DET _005457100 489 9 love love NOUN _005457100 489 10 of of ADP _005457100 489 11 god god PROPN _005457100 489 12 wherever wherever SCONJ _005457100 489 13 he he PRON _005457100 489 14 went go VERB _005457100 489 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 490 1 yet yet ADV _005457100 490 2 he he PRON _005457100 490 3 was be AUX _005457100 490 4 sometimes sometimes ADV _005457100 490 5 stern stern ADJ _005457100 490 6 and and CCONJ _005457100 490 7 severe severe ADJ _005457100 490 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 491 1 for for ADP _005457100 491 2 he he PRON _005457100 491 3 knew know VERB _005457100 491 4 that that SCONJ _005457100 491 5 god god PROPN _005457100 491 6 must must AUX _005457100 491 7 punish punish VERB _005457100 491 8 the the DET _005457100 491 9 wicked wicked ADJ _005457100 491 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 492 1 one one NUM _005457100 492 2 day day NOUN _005457100 492 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 492 4 told tell VERB _005457100 492 5 his his PRON _005457100 492 6 disciples disciple NOUN _005457100 492 7 the the DET _005457100 492 8 story story NOUN _005457100 492 9 of of ADP _005457100 492 10 the the DET _005457100 492 11 fig fig NOUN _005457100 492 12 tree tree NOUN _005457100 492 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 493 1 a a DET _005457100 493 2 certain certain ADJ _005457100 493 3 man man NOUN _005457100 493 4 had have VERB _005457100 493 5 a a DET _005457100 493 6 fig fig NOUN _005457100 493 7 tree tree NOUN _005457100 493 8 that that PRON _005457100 493 9 grew grow VERB _005457100 493 10 in in ADP _005457100 493 11 his his PRON _005457100 493 12 vineyard vineyard NOUN _005457100 493 13 . . PUNCT _005457100 494 1 this this DET _005457100 494 2 tree tree NOUN _005457100 494 3 grew grow VERB _005457100 494 4 in in ADP _005457100 494 5 good good ADJ _005457100 494 6 ground ground NOUN _005457100 494 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 495 1 the the DET _005457100 495 2 owner owner NOUN _005457100 495 3 of of ADP _005457100 495 4 the the DET _005457100 495 5 vineyard vineyard NOUN _005457100 495 6 passed pass VERB _005457100 495 7 by by ADP _005457100 495 8 the the DET _005457100 495 9 fig fig NOUN _005457100 495 10 tree tree NOUN _005457100 495 11 one one NUM _005457100 495 12 day day NOUN _005457100 495 13 and and CCONJ _005457100 495 14 wanted want VERB _005457100 495 15 to to PART _005457100 495 16 pick pick VERB _005457100 495 17 some some DET _005457100 495 18 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 495 19 . . PUNCT _005457100 496 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 496 2 he he PRON _005457100 496 3 found find VERB _005457100 496 4 none none NOUN _005457100 496 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 497 1 then then ADV _005457100 497 2 he he PRON _005457100 497 3 said say VERB _005457100 497 4 to to ADP _005457100 497 5 his his PRON _005457100 497 6 caretaker caretaker NOUN _005457100 497 7 : : PUNCT _005457100 497 8 " " PUNCT _005457100 497 9 see see VERB _005457100 497 10 here here ADV _005457100 497 11 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 498 1 three three NUM _005457100 498 2 years year NOUN _005457100 498 3 i i PRON _005457100 498 4 have have AUX _005457100 498 5 come come VERB _005457100 498 6 to to ADP _005457100 498 7 this this DET _005457100 498 8 tree tree NOUN _005457100 498 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 498 10 hoping hope VERB _005457100 498 11 to to PART _005457100 498 12 pick pick VERB _005457100 498 13 some some DET _005457100 498 14 figs fig NOUN _005457100 498 15 . . PUNCT _005457100 499 1 not not PART _005457100 499 2 once once ADV _005457100 499 3 have have AUX _005457100 499 4 i i PRON _005457100 499 5 found find VERB _005457100 499 6 any any PRON _005457100 499 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 500 1 cut cut VERB _005457100 500 2 the the DET _005457100 500 3 tree tree NOUN _005457100 500 4 down down ADP _005457100 500 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 501 1 why why SCONJ _005457100 501 2 should should AUX _005457100 501 3 it it PRON _005457100 501 4 take take VERB _005457100 501 5 up up ADP _005457100 501 6 space space NOUN _005457100 501 7 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 501 8 " " PUNCT _005457100 502 1 44 44 NUM _005457100 502 2 the the DET _005457100 502 3 caretaker caretaker NOUN _005457100 502 4 begged beg VERB _005457100 502 5 the the DET _005457100 502 6 owner owner NOUN _005457100 502 7 to to PART _005457100 502 8 spare spare VERB _005457100 502 9 it it PRON _005457100 502 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 503 1 " " PUNCT _005457100 503 2 let let VERB _005457100 503 3 it it PRON _005457100 503 4 stand stand VERB _005457100 503 5 this this DET _005457100 503 6 one one NUM _005457100 503 7 year year NOUN _005457100 503 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 504 1 i i PRON _005457100 504 2 'll will AUX _005457100 504 3 dig dig VERB _005457100 504 4 up up ADP _005457100 504 5 the the DET _005457100 504 6 ground ground NOUN _005457100 504 7 around around ADP _005457100 504 8 it it PRON _005457100 504 9 and and CCONJ _005457100 504 10 fertilize fertilize VERB _005457100 504 11 it it PRON _005457100 504 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 505 1 maybe maybe ADV _005457100 505 2 it it PRON _005457100 505 3 will will AUX _005457100 505 4 bear bear VERB _005457100 505 5 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 505 6 next next ADJ _005457100 505 7 year year NOUN _005457100 505 8 . . PUNCT _005457100 506 1 if if SCONJ _005457100 506 2 it it PRON _005457100 506 3 does do VERB _005457100 506 4 not not PART _005457100 506 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 506 6 then then ADV _005457100 506 7 you you PRON _005457100 506 8 may may AUX _005457100 506 9 cut cut VERB _005457100 506 10 it it PRON _005457100 506 11 down down ADP _005457100 506 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 506 13 " " PUNCT _005457100 507 1 you you PRON _005457100 507 2 also also ADV _005457100 507 3 are be AUX _005457100 507 4 planted plant VERB _005457100 507 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 507 6 like like ADP _005457100 507 7 that that DET _005457100 507 8 tree tree NOUN _005457100 507 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 507 10 in in ADP _005457100 507 11 good good ADJ _005457100 507 12 ground ground NOUN _005457100 507 13 — — PUNCT _005457100 507 14 in in ADP _005457100 507 15 the the DET _005457100 507 16 garden garden NOUN _005457100 507 17 of of ADP _005457100 507 18 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 507 19 christ christ PROPN _005457100 507 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 507 21 in in ADP _005457100 507 22 the the DET _005457100 507 23 catholic catholic ADJ _005457100 507 24 church church NOUN _005457100 507 25 . . PUNCT _005457100 508 1 god god PROPN _005457100 508 2 nourishes nourish VERB _005457100 508 3 you you PRON _005457100 508 4 . . PUNCT _005457100 509 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 509 2 himself himself PRON _005457100 509 3 takes take VERB _005457100 509 4 care care NOUN _005457100 509 5 of of ADP _005457100 509 6 you you PRON _005457100 509 7 . . PUNCT _005457100 510 1 the the DET _005457100 510 2 holy holy ADJ _005457100 510 3 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 510 4 , , PUNCT _005457100 510 5 as as ADP _005457100 510 6 a a DET _005457100 510 7 kind kind NOUN _005457100 510 8 sun sun NOUN _005457100 510 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 510 10 warms warm VERB _005457100 510 11 you you PRON _005457100 510 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 511 1 how how SCONJ _005457100 511 2 often often ADV _005457100 511 3 has have AUX _005457100 511 4 god god PROPN _005457100 511 5 passed pass VERB _005457100 511 6 by by ADP _005457100 511 7 your your PRON _005457100 511 8 soul soul NOUN _005457100 511 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 511 10 looking look VERB _005457100 511 11 for for ADP _005457100 511 12 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 511 13 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 512 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457100 512 2 he he PRON _005457100 512 3 found find VERB _005457100 512 4 none none NOUN _005457100 512 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 513 1 but but CCONJ _005457100 513 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 513 3 asked ask VERB _005457100 513 4 his his PRON _005457100 513 5 father father NOUN _005457100 513 6 to to PART _005457100 513 7 spare spare VERB _005457100 513 8 you you PRON _005457100 513 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 514 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 514 2 gives give VERB _005457100 514 3 you you PRON _005457100 514 4 everything everything PRON _005457100 514 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 515 1 himself himself PRON _005457100 515 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 515 3 even even ADV _005457100 515 4 to to ADP _005457100 515 5 the the DET _005457100 515 6 last last ADJ _005457100 515 7 drop drop NOUN _005457100 515 8 of of ADP _005457100 515 9 his his PRON _005457100 515 10 blood blood NOUN _005457100 515 11 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 516 1 in in ADP _005457100 516 2 the the DET _005457100 516 3 sacred sacred ADJ _005457100 516 4 host host NOUN _005457100 516 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 516 6 he he PRON _005457100 516 7 stays stay VERB _005457100 516 8 near near ADP _005457100 516 9 you you PRON _005457100 516 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 516 11 comes come VERB _005457100 516 12 to to ADP _005457100 516 13 you you PRON _005457100 516 14 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 517 1 it it PRON _005457100 517 2 was be AUX _005457100 517 3 he he PRON _005457100 517 4 who who PRON _005457100 517 5 sent send VERB _005457100 517 6 the the DET _005457100 517 7 holy holy ADJ _005457100 517 8 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 517 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 517 10 the the DET _005457100 517 11 love love NOUN _005457100 517 12 of of ADP _005457100 517 13 god god PROPN _005457100 517 14 , , PUNCT _005457100 517 15 to to ADP _005457100 517 16 you you PRON _005457100 517 17 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 518 1 do do AUX _005457100 518 2 you you PRON _005457100 518 3 want want VERB _005457100 518 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 518 5 to to PART _005457100 518 6 say say VERB _005457100 518 7 to to ADP _005457100 518 8 his his PRON _005457100 518 9 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457100 518 10 father father NOUN _005457100 518 11 : : PUNCT _005457100 518 12 " " PUNCT _005457100 518 13 maybe maybe ADV _005457100 518 14 this this DET _005457100 518 15 tree tree NOUN _005457100 518 16 will will AUX _005457100 518 17 bear bear VERB _005457100 518 18 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 518 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 518 20 if if SCONJ _005457100 518 21 it it PRON _005457100 518 22 does do VERB _005457100 518 23 not not PART _005457100 518 24 , , PUNCT _005457100 518 25 you you PRON _005457100 518 26 may may AUX _005457100 518 27 cut cut VERB _005457100 518 28 it it PRON _005457100 518 29 down down ADP _005457100 518 30 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 518 31 " " PUNCT _005457100 518 32 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 519 1 surely surely ADV _005457100 519 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 519 3 you you PRON _005457100 519 4 do do AUX _005457100 519 5 not not PART _005457100 519 6 want want VERB _005457100 519 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 519 8 to to PART _005457100 519 9 say say VERB _005457100 519 10 that that PRON _005457100 519 11 . . PUNCT _005457100 520 1 you you PRON _005457100 520 2 want want VERB _005457100 520 3 him he PRON _005457100 520 4 to to PART _005457100 520 5 say say VERB _005457100 520 6 : : PUNCT _005457100 520 7 " " PUNCT _005457100 520 8 this this DET _005457100 520 9 tree tree NOUN _005457100 520 10 will will AUX _005457100 520 11 certainly certainly ADV _005457100 520 12 bear bear VERB _005457100 520 13 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 520 14 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 520 15 " " PUNCT _005457100 521 1 surely surely ADV _005457100 521 2 , , PUNCT _005457100 521 3 you you PRON _005457100 521 4 would would AUX _005457100 521 5 not not PART _005457100 521 6 let let VERB _005457100 521 7 god god PROPN _005457100 521 8 look look VERB _005457100 521 9 for for ADP _005457100 521 10 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 521 11 and and CCONJ _005457100 521 12 find find VERB _005457100 521 13 none none NOUN _005457100 521 14 in in ADP _005457100 521 15 your your PRON _005457100 521 16 soul soul NOUN _005457100 521 17 . . PUNCT _005457100 522 1 from from ADP _005457100 522 2 today today NOUN _005457100 522 3 on on ADP _005457100 522 4 let let VERB _005457100 522 5 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 522 6 of of ADP _005457100 522 7 many many ADJ _005457100 522 8 kinds kind NOUN _005457100 522 9 grow grow VERB _005457100 522 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 522 11 ripen ripen VERB _005457100 522 12 within within ADP _005457100 522 13 you you PRON _005457100 522 14 — — PUNCT _005457100 522 15 all all PRON _005457100 522 16 for for ADP _005457100 522 17 god god PROPN _005457100 522 18 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 523 1 god god PROPN _005457100 523 2 himself himself PRON _005457100 523 3 tells tell VERB _005457100 523 4 you you PRON _005457100 523 5 what what PRON _005457100 523 6 these these DET _005457100 523 7 fruits fruit NOUN _005457100 523 8 of of ADP _005457100 523 9 the the DET _005457100 523 10 holy holy ADJ _005457100 523 11 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 523 12 are be AUX _005457100 523 13 : : PUNCT _005457100 523 14 charity charity NOUN _005457100 523 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 16 joy joy NOUN _005457100 523 17 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 18 peace peace NOUN _005457100 523 19 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 20 patience patience NOUN _005457100 523 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 22 benignity benignity NOUN _005457100 523 23 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 24 goodness goodness NOUN _005457100 523 25 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 26 long long ADV _005457100 523 27 - - PUNCT _005457100 523 28 suffering suffer VERB _005457100 523 29 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 30 mildness mildness NOUN _005457100 523 31 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 32 faith faith NOUN _005457100 523 33 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 34 modesty modesty ADJ _005457100 523 35 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 36 continency continency NOUN _005457100 523 37 , , PUNCT _005457100 523 38 chastity chastity NOUN _005457100 523 39 — — PUNCT _005457100 523 40 twelve twelve NUM _005457100 523 41 in in ADP _005457100 523 42 all all PRON _005457100 523 43 . . PUNCT _005457100 524 1 would would AUX _005457100 524 2 you you PRON _005457100 524 3 like like VERB _005457100 524 4 to to PART _005457100 524 5 have have VERB _005457100 524 6 one one NUM _005457100 524 7 of of ADP _005457100 524 8 these these DET _005457100 524 9 fruits fruit NOUN _005457100 524 10 in in ADP _005457100 524 11 a a DET _005457100 524 12 very very ADV _005457100 524 13 special special ADJ _005457100 524 14 way way NOUN _005457100 524 15 in in ADP _005457100 524 16 your your PRON _005457100 524 17 soul soul NOUN _005457100 524 18 ? ? PUNCT _005457100 525 1 ask ask VERB _005457100 525 2 the the DET _005457100 525 3 holy holy ADJ _005457100 525 4 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 525 5 for for ADP _005457100 525 6 it it PRON _005457100 525 7 every every DET _005457100 525 8 day day NOUN _005457100 525 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 526 1 practice practice VERB _005457100 526 2 it it PRON _005457100 526 3 every every DET _005457100 526 4 day day NOUN _005457100 526 5 . . PUNCT _005457100 527 1 45 45 NUM _005457100 527 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 527 3 for for ADP _005457100 527 4 the the DET _005457100 527 5 twelfth twelfth ADJ _005457100 527 6 day day NOUN _005457100 527 7 dear dear PROPN _005457100 527 8 god god PROPN _005457100 527 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 527 10 have have VERB _005457100 527 11 patience patience NOUN _005457100 527 12 with with ADP _005457100 527 13 your your PRON _005457100 527 14 child child NOUN _005457100 527 15 when when SCONJ _005457100 527 16 stormy stormy ADJ _005457100 527 17 clouds cloud NOUN _005457100 527 18 arise arise VERB _005457100 527 19 and and CCONJ _005457100 527 20 cover cover VERB _005457100 527 21 up up ADP _005457100 527 22 your your PRON _005457100 527 23 sunshine sunshine NOUN _005457100 527 24 that that SCONJ _005457100 527 25 i i PRON _005457100 527 26 look look VERB _005457100 527 27 for for ADP _005457100 527 28 in in ADP _005457100 527 29 the the DET _005457100 527 30 skies sky NOUN _005457100 527 31 ! ! PUNCT _005457100 528 1 since since SCONJ _005457100 528 2 god god PROPN _005457100 528 3 the the DET _005457100 528 4 father father NOUN _005457100 528 5 made make VERB _005457100 528 6 me i PRON _005457100 528 7 , , PUNCT _005457100 528 8 and and CCONJ _005457100 528 9 his his PRON _005457100 528 10 son son NOUN _005457100 528 11 once once ADV _005457100 528 12 died die VERB _005457100 528 13 for for ADP _005457100 528 14 me i PRON _005457100 528 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 528 16 and and CCONJ _005457100 528 17 god god PROPN _005457100 528 18 the the DET _005457100 528 19 holy holy ADJ _005457100 528 20 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 528 21 has have AUX _005457100 528 22 come come VERB _005457100 528 23 , , PUNCT _005457100 528 24 i i PRON _005457100 528 25 should should AUX _005457100 528 26 forever forever ADV _005457100 528 27 be be AUX _005457100 528 28 a a DET _005457100 528 29 tree tree NOUN _005457100 528 30 that that PRON _005457100 528 31 grows grow VERB _005457100 528 32 and and CCONJ _005457100 528 33 spreads spread VERB _005457100 528 34 afar afar ADV _005457100 528 35 upon upon SCONJ _005457100 528 36 the the DET _005457100 528 37 church church NOUN _005457100 528 38 's 's PART _005457100 528 39 land land NOUN _005457100 528 40 — — PUNCT _005457100 528 41 that that PRON _005457100 528 42 bears bear VERB _005457100 528 43 good good ADJ _005457100 528 44 fruit fruit NOUN _005457100 528 45 for for SCONJ _005457100 528 46 all all PRON _005457100 528 47 to to PART _005457100 528 48 see see VERB _005457100 528 49 when when SCONJ _005457100 528 50 summer summer NOUN _005457100 528 51 is be AUX _005457100 528 52 at at ADP _005457100 528 53 hand hand NOUN _005457100 528 54 . . PUNCT _005457100 529 1 it it PRON _005457100 529 2 would would AUX _005457100 529 3 be be AUX _005457100 529 4 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005457100 529 5 to to PART _005457100 529 6 be be AUX _005457100 529 7 a a DET _005457100 529 8 sister sister NOUN _005457100 529 9 or or CCONJ _005457100 529 10 a a DET _005457100 529 11 priest priest NOUN _005457100 529 12 , , PUNCT _005457100 529 13 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457100 529 14 to to PART _005457100 529 15 work work VERB _005457100 529 16 on on ADP _005457100 529 17 missions mission NOUN _005457100 529 18 , , PUNCT _005457100 529 19 but but CCONJ _005457100 529 20 i i PRON _005457100 529 21 want want VERB _005457100 529 22 to to PART _005457100 529 23 be be AUX _005457100 529 24 at at ADP _005457100 529 25 least least ADJ _005457100 529 26 a a DET _005457100 529 27 man man NOUN _005457100 529 28 or or CCONJ _005457100 529 29 woman woman NOUN _005457100 529 30 trying try VERB _005457100 529 31 to to PART _005457100 529 32 be be AUX _005457100 529 33 good good ADJ _005457100 529 34 along along ADP _005457100 529 35 the the DET _005457100 529 36 way way NOUN _005457100 529 37 that that PRON _005457100 529 38 leads lead VERB _005457100 529 39 to to ADP _005457100 529 40 god god PROPN _005457100 529 41 's 's PART _005457100 529 42 own own ADJ _005457100 529 43 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457100 529 44 , , PUNCT _005457100 529 45 where where SCONJ _005457100 529 46 he he PRON _005457100 529 47 wants want VERB _005457100 529 48 us we PRON _005457100 529 49 all all PRON _005457100 529 50 to to PART _005457100 529 51 stay stay VERB _005457100 529 52 . . PUNCT _005457100 530 1 in in ADP _005457100 530 2 honor honor NOUN _005457100 530 3 of of ADP _005457100 530 4 the the DET _005457100 530 5 father father NOUN _005457100 530 6 , , PUNCT _005457100 530 7 and and CCONJ _005457100 530 8 the the DET _005457100 530 9 son son NOUN _005457100 530 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 530 11 holy holy ADJ _005457100 530 12 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 530 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 530 14 i i PRON _005457100 530 15 promise promise VERB _005457100 530 16 to to PART _005457100 530 17 be be AUX _005457100 530 18 faithful faithful ADJ _005457100 530 19 , , PUNCT _005457100 530 20 for for SCONJ _005457100 530 21 i i PRON _005457100 530 22 love love VERB _005457100 530 23 my my PRON _005457100 530 24 god god PROPN _005457100 530 25 the the DET _005457100 530 26 most!—amen most!—aman NOUN _005457100 530 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 531 1 46 46 NUM _005457100 531 2 a a DET _005457100 531 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005457100 531 4 to to ADP _005457100 531 5 the the DET _005457100 531 6 holy holy ADJ _005457100 531 7 ghost ghost PROPN _005457100 531 8 o o NOUN _005457100 531 9 holy holy ADJ _005457100 531 10 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 531 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 531 12 divine divine ADJ _005457100 531 13 spirit spirit NOUN _005457100 531 14 of of ADP _005457100 531 15 light light NOUN _005457100 531 16 and and CCONJ _005457100 531 17 love love NOUN _005457100 531 18 , , PUNCT _005457100 531 19 i i PRON _005457100 531 20 consecrate consecrate VERB _005457100 531 21 to to PART _005457100 531 22 thee thee VERB _005457100 531 23 my my PRON _005457100 531 24 understanding understanding NOUN _005457100 531 25 , , PUNCT _005457100 531 26 heart heart NOUN _005457100 531 27 and and CCONJ _005457100 531 28 will will AUX _005457100 531 29 , , PUNCT _005457100 531 30 my my PRON _005457100 531 31 whole whole ADJ _005457100 531 32 being be AUX _005457100 531 33 for for ADP _005457100 531 34 time time NOUN _005457100 531 35 and and CCONJ _005457100 531 36 for for ADP _005457100 531 37 eternity eternity NOUN _005457100 531 38 . . PUNCT _005457100 532 1 may may AUX _005457100 532 2 my my PRON _005457100 532 3 understanding understanding NOUN _005457100 532 4 be be AUX _005457100 532 5 always always ADV _005457100 532 6 submissive submissive ADJ _005457100 532 7 to to ADP _005457100 532 8 thy thy PRON _005457100 532 9 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457100 532 10 inspirations inspiration NOUN _005457100 532 11 , , PUNCT _005457100 532 12 and and CCONJ _005457100 532 13 to to ADP _005457100 532 14 the the DET _005457100 532 15 teaching teaching NOUN _005457100 532 16 of of ADP _005457100 532 17 the the DET _005457100 532 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005457100 532 19 church church NOUN _005457100 532 20 , , PUNCT _005457100 532 21 of of ADP _005457100 532 22 which which PRON _005457100 532 23 thou thou ADJ _005457100 532 24 art art NOUN _005457100 532 25 the the DET _005457100 532 26 infallible infallible ADJ _005457100 532 27 guide guide NOUN _005457100 532 28 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 532 29 may may AUX _005457100 532 30 my my PRON _005457100 532 31 heart heart NOUN _005457100 532 32 be be AUX _005457100 532 33 ever ever ADV _005457100 532 34 inflamed inflame VERB _005457100 532 35 with with ADP _005457100 532 36 love love NOUN _005457100 532 37 of of ADP _005457100 532 38 god god PROPN _005457100 532 39 and and CCONJ _005457100 532 40 of of ADP _005457100 532 41 my my PRON _005457100 532 42 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005457100 532 43 ; ; PUNCT _005457100 532 44 may may AUX _005457100 532 45 my my PRON _005457100 532 46 will will AUX _005457100 532 47 be be AUX _005457100 532 48 ever ever ADV _005457100 532 49 conformed conform VERB _005457100 532 50 to to ADP _005457100 532 51 the the DET _005457100 532 52 divine divine ADJ _005457100 532 53 will will NOUN _005457100 532 54 , , PUNCT _005457100 532 55 and and CCONJ _005457100 532 56 may may AUX _005457100 532 57 my my PRON _005457100 532 58 whole whole ADJ _005457100 532 59 life life NOUN _005457100 532 60 be be AUX _005457100 532 61 a a DET _005457100 532 62 faithful faithful ADJ _005457100 532 63 imitation imitation NOUN _005457100 532 64 of of ADP _005457100 532 65 the the DET _005457100 532 66 life life NOUN _005457100 532 67 and and CCONJ _005457100 532 68 virtues virtue NOUN _005457100 532 69 of of ADP _005457100 532 70 our our PRON _005457100 532 71 lord lord PROPN _005457100 532 72 and and CCONJ _005457100 532 73 savior savior PROPN _005457100 532 74 jesus jesus PROPN _005457100 532 75 christ christ PROPN _005457100 532 76 , , PUNCT _005457100 532 77 to to ADP _005457100 532 78 whom whom PRON _005457100 532 79 with with ADP _005457100 532 80 the the DET _005457100 532 81 father father NOUN _005457100 532 82 and and CCONJ _005457100 532 83 thee thee NOUN _005457100 532 84 be be VERB _005457100 532 85 honor honor NOUN _005457100 532 86 and and CCONJ _005457100 532 87 glory glory NOUN _005457100 532 88 for for ADP _005457100 532 89 ever ever ADV _005457100 532 90 . . PUNCT _005457100 533 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 533 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 534 1 the the DET _005457100 534 2 raccolta—300 raccolta—300 PROPN _005457100 534 3 days day NOUN _005457100 534 4 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005457100 534 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 534 6 once once ADV _005457100 534 7 a a DET _005457100 534 8 day day NOUN _005457100 534 9 . . PUNCT _005457100 534 10 . . PUNCT _005457100 535 1 , , PUNCT _005457100 535 2 : : PUNCT _005457100 535 3 t t NOUN _005457100 535 4 a a DET _005457100 535 5 47 47 NUM _005457100 535 6 a a DET _005457100 535 7 song song NOUN _005457100 535 8 to to ADP _005457100 535 9 the the DET _005457100 535 10 holy holy PROPN _005457100 535 11 ghost ghost PROPN _005457100 535 12 o o PROPN _005457100 535 13 holy holy PROPN _005457100 535 14 spirit spirit PROPN _005457100 535 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 535 16 lord lord PROPN _005457100 535 17 of of ADP _005457100 535 18 grace grace NOUN _005457100 535 19 , , PUNCT _005457100 535 20 eternal eternal ADJ _005457100 535 21 source source NOUN _005457100 535 22 of of ADP _005457100 535 23 love love NOUN _005457100 535 24 , , PUNCT _005457100 535 25 inflame inflame NOUN _005457100 535 26 , , PUNCT _005457100 535 27 we we PRON _005457100 535 28 pray pray VERB _005457100 535 29 , , PUNCT _005457100 535 30 our our PRON _005457100 535 31 inmost inmost NOUN _005457100 535 32 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 535 33 with with ADP _005457100 535 34 fire fire NOUN _005457100 535 35 from from ADP _005457100 535 36 heaven heaven PROPN _005457100 535 37 above above ADV _005457100 535 38 . . PUNCT _005457100 536 1 as as SCONJ _005457100 536 2 thou thou ADJ _005457100 536 3 dost dost X _005457100 536 4 join join VERB _005457100 536 5 with with ADP _005457100 536 6 holiest holy ADJ _005457100 536 7 bonds bond NOUN _005457100 536 8 the the DET _005457100 536 9 father father NOUN _005457100 536 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 536 11 the the DET _005457100 536 12 son son NOUN _005457100 536 13 , , PUNCT _005457100 536 14 so so ADV _005457100 536 15 fill fill VERB _005457100 536 16 thy thy PRON _005457100 536 17 saints saint NOUN _005457100 536 18 with with ADP _005457100 536 19 mutual mutual ADJ _005457100 536 20 love love NOUN _005457100 536 21 and and CCONJ _005457100 536 22 link link VERB _005457100 536 23 their their PRON _005457100 536 24 hearts heart NOUN _005457100 536 25 in in ADP _005457100 536 26 one one NUM _005457100 536 27 . . PUNCT _005457100 537 1 to to ADP _005457100 537 2 god god PROPN _005457100 537 3 the the DET _005457100 537 4 father father PROPN _005457100 537 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 537 6 god god PROPN _005457100 537 7 the the DET _005457100 537 8 son son PROPN _005457100 537 9 , , PUNCT _005457100 537 10 and and CCONJ _005457100 537 11 god god PROPN _005457100 537 12 the the DET _005457100 537 13 holy holy ADJ _005457100 537 14 ghost ghost NOUN _005457100 537 15 , , PUNCT _005457100 537 16 eternal eternal ADJ _005457100 537 17 glory glory NOUN _005457100 537 18 be be AUX _005457100 537 19 from from ADP _005457100 537 20 man man NOUN _005457100 537 21 , , PUNCT _005457100 537 22 and and CCONJ _005457100 537 23 from from ADP _005457100 537 24 the the DET _005457100 537 25 angel angel NOUN _005457100 537 26 - - PUNCT _005457100 537 27 host host NOUN _005457100 537 28 . . PUNCT _005457100 538 1 amen amen INTJ _005457100 538 2 . . PUNCT _005457100 539 1 o o NOUN _005457100 539 2 fons fon NOUN _005457100 539 3 amoris amoris PROPN _005457100 539 4 spiritus spiritus PROPN _005457100 539 5 , , PUNCT _005457100 539 6 translated translate VERB _005457100 539 7 by by ADP _005457100 539 8 john john PROPN _005457100 539 9 chandler chandler PROPN _005457100 539 10 , , PUNCT _005457100 539 11 1837 1837 NUM _005457100 539 12 . . PUNCT _005457100 540 1 48 48 NUM _005457100 540 2 < < X _005457100 540 3 r r NUM _005457100 540 4 — — PUNCT _005457100 540 5 ^ ^ PUNCT