id sid tid token lemma pos _005457063 1 1 rare rare ADJ _005457063 1 2 is be AUX _005457063 1 3 the the DET _005457063 1 4 friend friend NOUN _005457063 1 5 ... ... PUNCT _005457063 1 6 " " PUNCT _005457063 1 7 bavs bavs NOUN _005457063 1 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 2 1 is be AUX _005457063 2 2 • • NUM _005457063 2 3 — — PUNCT _005457063 2 4 a a PROPN _005457063 2 5 - - PUNCT _005457063 2 6 j j NOUN _005457063 2 7 > > X _005457063 2 8 tq6!sis tq6!sis NOUN _005457063 2 9 tht tht NOUN _005457063 2 10 fwtfid fwtfid ADJ _005457063 2 11 : : PUNCT _005457063 2 12 nlaro nlaro NOUN _005457063 2 13 t.mccill t.mccill ADV _005457063 3 1 istht istht ADV _005457063 3 2 i i PRON _005457063 3 3 published publish VERB _005457063 3 4 by by ADP _005457063 3 5 « « PUNCT _005457063 3 6 mary mary PROPN _005457063 3 7 e. e. PROPN _005457063 3 8 mcgill mcgill PROPN _005457063 3 9 4363 4363 NUM _005457063 3 10 central central ADJ _005457063 3 11 avenue avenue PROPN _005457063 3 12 indianapolis indianapolis PROPN _005457063 3 13 5 5 NUM _005457063 3 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 3 15 indiana indiana PROPN _005457063 3 16 1949 1949 NUM _005457063 3 17 copyright copyright NOUN _005457063 3 18 mo mo PROPN _005457063 3 19 by by ADP _005457063 3 20 mary mary PROPN _005457063 3 21 e e PROPN _005457063 3 22 , , PUNCT _005457063 3 23 mcgill mcgill VERB _005457063 3 24 first first ADV _005457063 3 25 printing print VERB _005457063 3 26 , , PUNCT _005457063 3 27 november november PROPN _005457063 3 28 1949 1949 NUM _005457063 3 29 printed print VERB _005457063 3 30 by by ADP _005457063 3 31 the the DET _005457063 3 32 abbey abbey PROPN _005457063 3 33 press press PROPN _005457063 3 34 st st PROPN _005457063 3 35 . . PROPN _005457063 3 36 meinrad meinrad PROPN _005457063 3 37 . . PUNCT _005457063 4 1 indiana indiana PROPN _005457063 4 2 deacfdlecr deacfdlecr PROPN _005457063 4 3 reverend reverend VERB _005457063 4 4 ^okn ^okn SPACE _005457063 4 5 3^o 3^o NUM _005457063 4 6 ( ( PUNCT _005457063 4 7 ( ( PUNCT _005457063 4 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 4 9 ' ' NOUN _005457063 4 10 2).^. 2).^. NUM _005457063 4 11 ^istioj ^istioj SPACE _005457063 4 12 ) ) PUNCT _005457063 4 13 oj oj ADP _005457063 4 14 ^ort ^ort SPACE _005457063 4 15 wa^ne wa^ne PUNCT _005457063 4 16 founder founder NOUN _005457063 4 17 and and CCONJ _005457063 4 18 sditor sditor NOUN _005457063 4 19 oj oj PROPN _005457063 4 20 & & CCONJ _005457063 4 21 ur ur PROPN _005457063 4 22 sunday sunday PROPN _005457063 4 23 visitor visitor PROPN _005457063 4 24 sn sn PROPN _005457063 4 25 ^ratejul ^ratejul X _005457063 4 26 appreciation appreciation NOUN _005457063 4 27 and and CCONJ _005457063 4 28 wit^ wit^ PROPN _005457063 4 29 reverent reverent NOUN _005457063 4 30 esteem esteem NOUN _005457063 4 31 and and CCONJ _005457063 4 32 to to AUX _005457063 4 33 uke uke VERB _005457063 4 34 % % INTJ _005457063 4 35 eaden eaden ADJ _005457063 4 36 oj oj ADP _005457063 4 37 0ur 0ur ADJ _005457063 4 38 sunday sunday PROPN _005457063 4 39 ‘ ' PUNCT _005457063 4 40 visitor visitor NOUN _005457063 4 41 and and CCONJ _005457063 4 42 ffo ffo NOUN _005457063 4 43 fffie fffie VERB _005457063 4 44 stajj stajj NOUN _005457063 4 45 and and CCONJ _005457063 4 46 personnel personnel NOUN _005457063 4 47 oj oj ADP _005457063 4 48 this this PRON _005457063 4 49 ^reat ^reat SPACE _005457063 4 50 ^eli^ious ^eli^ious ADJ _005457063 4 51 weehl^ weehl^ INTJ _005457063 4 52 in in ADP _005457063 4 53 memory memory NOUN _005457063 4 54 of of ADP _005457063 4 55 inspirational inspirational ADJ _005457063 4 56 associations association NOUN _005457063 4 57 , , PUNCT _005457063 4 58 in in ADP _005457063 4 59 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005457063 4 60 for for ADP _005457063 4 61 seventeen seventeen NUM _005457063 4 62 years year NOUN _005457063 4 63 of of ADP _005457063 4 64 privileged privileged ADJ _005457063 4 65 service service NOUN _005457063 4 66 on on ADP _005457063 4 67 the the DET _005457063 4 68 visitor visitor NOUN _005457063 4 69 ’s ’s PART _005457063 4 70 staff staff NOUN _005457063 4 71 , , PUNCT _005457063 4 72 and and CCONJ _005457063 4 73 in in ADP _005457063 4 74 happy happy ADJ _005457063 4 75 recollection recollection NOUN _005457063 4 76 of of ADP _005457063 4 77 the the DET _005457063 4 78 generous generous ADJ _005457063 4 79 encouragement encouragement NOUN _005457063 4 80 received receive VERB _005457063 4 81 from from ADP _005457063 4 82 readers reader NOUN _005457063 4 83 of of ADP _005457063 4 84 my my PRON _005457063 4 85 page page NOUN _005457063 4 86 throughout throughout ADP _005457063 4 87 the the DET _005457063 4 88 united united PROPN _005457063 4 89 states states PROPN _005457063 4 90 , , PUNCT _005457063 4 91 canada canada PROPN _005457063 4 92 , , PUNCT _005457063 4 93 and and CCONJ _005457063 4 94 in in ADP _005457063 4 95 foreign foreign ADJ _005457063 4 96 countries country NOUN _005457063 4 97 , , PUNCT _005457063 4 98 this this DET _005457063 4 99 simple simple ADJ _005457063 4 100 little little ADJ _005457063 4 101 book book NOUN _005457063 4 102 is be AUX _005457063 4 103 loyally loyally ADV _005457063 4 104 dedicated dedicate VERB _005457063 4 105 . . PUNCT _005457063 5 1 ' ' PUNCT _005457063 5 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _005457063 5 3 rare rare ADJ _005457063 5 4 is be AUX _005457063 5 5 the the DET _005457063 5 6 friend friend NOUN _005457063 5 7 who who PRON _005457063 5 8 remains remain VERB _005457063 5 9 faithful faithful ADJ _005457063 5 10 through through ADP _005457063 5 11 all all DET _005457063 5 12 his his PRON _005457063 5 13 friend friend NOUN _005457063 5 14 's 's PART _005457063 5 15 distress distress NOUN _005457063 5 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 6 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 6 2 you you PRON _005457063 6 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 6 4 lord lord PROPN _005457063 6 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 6 6 and and CCONJ _005457063 6 7 you you PRON _005457063 6 8 alone alone ADV _005457063 6 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 6 10 are be AUX _005457063 6 11 entirely entirely ADV _005457063 6 12 faithful faithful ADJ _005457063 6 13 in in ADP _005457063 6 14 all all DET _005457063 6 15 things thing NOUN _005457063 6 16 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 6 17 other other ADJ _005457063 6 18 than than ADP _005457063 6 19 you you PRON _005457063 6 20 , , PUNCT _005457063 6 21 there there PRON _005457063 6 22 is be VERB _005457063 6 23 none none NOUN _005457063 6 24 so so ADV _005457063 6 25 faithful faithful ADJ _005457063 6 26 . . PUNCT _005457063 6 27 ” " PUNCT _005457063 7 1 imitation imitation NOUN _005457063 7 2 of of ADP _005457063 7 3 christ christ PROPN _005457063 7 4 '' '' PUNCT _005457063 7 5 rare rare ADJ _005457063 7 6 is be AUX _005457063 7 7 the the DET _005457063 7 8 friend friend NOUN _005457063 7 9 ... ... PUNCT _005457063 7 10 / / PUNCT _005457063 7 11 ' ' PUNCT _005457063 7 12 by by ADP _005457063 7 13 mary mary PROPN _005457063 7 14 e. e. PROPN _005457063 7 15 mcgill mcgill PROPN _005457063 7 16 like like ADP _005457063 7 17 wine wine NOUN _005457063 7 18 properly properly ADV _005457063 7 19 made make VERB _005457063 7 20 from from ADP _005457063 7 21 grapes grape NOUN _005457063 7 22 best well ADV _005457063 7 23 suited suit VERB _005457063 7 24 for for ADP _005457063 7 25 the the DET _005457063 7 26 purpose purpose NOUN _005457063 7 27 , , PUNCT _005457063 7 28 and and CCONJ _005457063 7 29 which which PRON _005457063 7 30 has have AUX _005457063 7 31 been be AUX _005457063 7 32 permitted permit VERB _005457063 7 33 to to PART _005457063 7 34 stand stand VERB _005457063 7 35 until until ADP _005457063 7 36 age age NOUN _005457063 7 37 has have AUX _005457063 7 38 ripened ripen VERB _005457063 7 39 its its PRON _005457063 7 40 flavor flavor NOUN _005457063 7 41 and and CCONJ _005457063 7 42 put put VERB _005457063 7 43 in in ADP _005457063 7 44 its its PRON _005457063 7 45 rich rich ADJ _005457063 7 46 pour pour NOUN _005457063 7 47 the the DET _005457063 7 48 alluring alluring ADJ _005457063 7 49 aroma aroma NOUN _005457063 7 50 of of ADP _005457063 7 51 matured matured ADJ _005457063 7 52 fragrance fragrance NOUN _005457063 7 53 , , PUNCT _005457063 7 54 is be AUX _005457063 7 55 the the DET _005457063 7 56 seasoned seasoned ADJ _005457063 7 57 gift gift NOUN _005457063 7 58 of of ADP _005457063 7 59 a a DET _005457063 7 60 noble noble ADJ _005457063 7 61 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 7 62 . . PUNCT _005457063 8 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 8 2 coleridge coleridge PROPN _005457063 8 3 visualized visualize VERB _005457063 8 4 the the DET _005457063 8 5 protective protective ADJ _005457063 8 6 comfort comfort NOUN _005457063 8 7 in in ADP _005457063 8 8 true true ADJ _005457063 8 9 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 8 10 when when SCONJ _005457063 8 11 he he PRON _005457063 8 12 compared compare VERB _005457063 8 13 it it PRON _005457063 8 14 to to ADP _005457063 8 15 “ " PUNCT _005457063 8 16 a a DET _005457063 8 17 sheltering shelter VERB _005457063 8 18 tree tree NOUN _005457063 8 19 . . PUNCT _005457063 8 20 ” " PUNCT _005457063 9 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 9 2 time time NOUN _005457063 9 3 does do AUX _005457063 9 4 not not PART _005457063 9 5 weaken weaken VERB _005457063 9 6 the the DET _005457063 9 7 bond bond NOUN _005457063 9 8 of of ADP _005457063 9 9 gold gold NOUN _005457063 9 10 that that PRON _005457063 9 11 anchors anchor VERB _005457063 9 12 the the DET _005457063 9 13 heart heart NOUN _005457063 9 14 of of ADP _005457063 9 15 a a DET _005457063 9 16 true true ADJ _005457063 9 17 friend friend NOUN _005457063 9 18 to to ADP _005457063 9 19 another another PRON _005457063 9 20 . . PUNCT _005457063 10 1 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457063 10 2 tests test VERB _005457063 10 3 the the DET _005457063 10 4 bond bond NOUN _005457063 10 5 and and CCONJ _005457063 10 6 proves prove VERB _005457063 10 7 its its PRON _005457063 10 8 durability durability NOUN _005457063 10 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 11 1 joy joy NOUN _005457063 11 2 brushes brush NOUN _005457063 11 3 against against ADP _005457063 11 4 its its PRON _005457063 11 5 burnished burnish VERB _005457063 11 6 glory glory NOUN _005457063 11 7 only only ADV _005457063 11 8 to to PART _005457063 11 9 find find VERB _005457063 11 10 loyalty loyalty NOUN _005457063 11 11 rejoicing rejoice VERB _005457063 11 12 in in ADP _005457063 11 13 the the DET _005457063 11 14 happiness happiness NOUN _005457063 11 15 or or CCONJ _005457063 11 16 the the DET _005457063 11 17 success success NOUN _005457063 11 18 of of ADP _005457063 11 19 the the DET _005457063 11 20 one one NOUN _005457063 11 21 esteemed esteem VERB _005457063 11 22 . . PUNCT _005457063 12 1 someone someone PRON _005457063 12 2 has have AUX _005457063 12 3 said say VERB _005457063 12 4 : : PUNCT _005457063 12 5 “ " PUNCT _005457063 12 6 there there PRON _005457063 12 7 is be VERB _005457063 12 8 no no DET _005457063 12 9 man man NOUN _005457063 12 10 so so ADV _005457063 12 11 poor poor ADJ _005457063 12 12 that that SCONJ _005457063 12 13 he he PRON _005457063 12 14 is be AUX _005457063 12 15 not not PART _005457063 12 16 rich rich ADJ _005457063 12 17 if if SCONJ _005457063 12 18 he he PRON _005457063 12 19 have have VERB _005457063 12 20 a a DET _005457063 12 21 friend friend NOUN _005457063 12 22 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 12 23 there there PRON _005457063 12 24 is be VERB _005457063 12 25 no no DET _005457063 12 26 man man NOUN _005457063 12 27 so so ADV _005457063 12 28 rich rich ADJ _005457063 12 29 that that SCONJ _005457063 12 30 he he PRON _005457063 12 31 is be AUX _005457063 12 32 not not PART _005457063 12 33 poor poor ADJ _005457063 12 34 without without ADP _005457063 12 35 a a DET _005457063 12 36 friend friend NOUN _005457063 12 37 . . PUNCT _005457063 12 38 ” " PUNCT _005457063 13 1 robert robert PROPN _005457063 13 2 louis louis PROPN _005457063 13 3 page page PROPN _005457063 13 4 one one NUM _005457063 13 5 stevenson stevenson NOUN _005457063 13 6 sensed sense VERB _005457063 13 7 the the DET _005457063 13 8 selflessness selflessness NOUN _005457063 13 9 in in ADP _005457063 13 10 true true ADJ _005457063 13 11 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 13 12 when when SCONJ _005457063 13 13 he he PRON _005457063 13 14 wrote write VERB _005457063 13 15 : : PUNCT _005457063 13 16 “ " PUNCT _005457063 13 17 so so ADV _005457063 13 18 long long ADV _005457063 13 19 as as SCONJ _005457063 13 20 we we PRON _005457063 13 21 love love VERB _005457063 13 22 , , PUNCT _005457063 13 23 we we PRON _005457063 13 24 serve serve VERB _005457063 13 25 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 13 26 so so ADV _005457063 13 27 long long ADV _005457063 13 28 as as SCONJ _005457063 13 29 we we PRON _005457063 13 30 are be AUX _005457063 13 31 loved love VERB _005457063 13 32 by by ADP _005457063 13 33 others other NOUN _005457063 13 34 i i PRON _005457063 13 35 should should AUX _005457063 13 36 say say VERB _005457063 13 37 that that SCONJ _005457063 13 38 we we PRON _005457063 13 39 are be AUX _005457063 13 40 almost almost ADV _005457063 13 41 indispensable indispensable ADJ _005457063 13 42 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 13 43 and and CCONJ _005457063 13 44 no no DET _005457063 13 45 man man NOUN _005457063 13 46 is be AUX _005457063 13 47 useless useless ADJ _005457063 13 48 while while SCONJ _005457063 13 49 he he PRON _005457063 13 50 has have VERB _005457063 13 51 a a DET _005457063 13 52 friend friend NOUN _005457063 13 53 . . PUNCT _005457063 13 54 ” " PUNCT _005457063 14 1 ooooo ooooo NOUN _005457063 14 2 but but CCONJ _005457063 14 3 no no DET _005457063 14 4 one one NOUN _005457063 14 5 is be AUX _005457063 14 6 without without ADP _005457063 14 7 a a DET _005457063 14 8 friend friend NOUN _005457063 14 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 14 10 therefore therefore ADV _005457063 14 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 14 12 no no DET _005457063 14 13 one one NOUN _005457063 14 14 can can AUX _005457063 14 15 ever ever ADV _005457063 14 16 be be AUX _005457063 14 17 classifled classifle VERB _005457063 14 18 “ " PUNCT _005457063 14 19 useless useless ADJ _005457063 14 20 . . PUNCT _005457063 14 21 ” " PUNCT _005457063 15 1 christ christ PROPN _005457063 15 2 is be AUX _005457063 15 3 the the DET _005457063 15 4 friend friend NOUN _005457063 15 5 of of ADP _005457063 15 6 everyone everyone PRON _005457063 15 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 16 1 the the DET _005457063 16 2 most most ADV _005457063 16 3 abandoned abandon VERB _005457063 16 4 man man NOUN _005457063 16 5 or or CCONJ _005457063 16 6 woman woman NOUN _005457063 16 7 is be AUX _005457063 16 8 lovingly lovingly ADV _005457063 16 9 sheltered shelter VERB _005457063 16 10 in in ADP _005457063 16 11 the the DET _005457063 16 12 great great ADJ _005457063 16 13 heart heart NOUN _005457063 16 14 of of ADP _005457063 16 15 christ christ PROPN _005457063 16 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 17 1 and and CCONJ _005457063 17 2 on on ADP _005457063 17 3 the the DET _005457063 17 4 soul soul NOUN _005457063 17 5 of of ADP _005457063 17 6 each each PRON _005457063 17 7 is be AUX _005457063 17 8 stamped stamp VERB _005457063 17 9 god god PROPN _005457063 17 10 's 's PART _005457063 17 11 protective protective ADJ _005457063 17 12 seal seal NOUN _005457063 17 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 17 14 for for SCONJ _005457063 17 15 all all DET _005457063 17 16 men man NOUN _005457063 17 17 are be AUX _005457063 17 18 made make VERB _005457063 17 19 to to ADP _005457063 17 20 his his PRON _005457063 17 21 image image NOUN _005457063 17 22 and and CCONJ _005457063 17 23 likeness likeness NOUN _005457063 17 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 18 1 then then ADV _005457063 18 2 why why SCONJ _005457063 18 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 18 4 oh oh INTJ _005457063 18 5 friends friend NOUN _005457063 18 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 18 7 are be AUX _005457063 18 8 we we PRON _005457063 18 9 so so ADV _005457063 18 10 slow slow ADJ _005457063 18 11 in in ADP _005457063 18 12 perceiving perceive VERB _005457063 18 13 christ christ PROPN _005457063 18 14 in in ADP _005457063 18 15 others other NOUN _005457063 18 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 19 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 19 2 someone someone PRON _005457063 19 3 has have AUX _005457063 19 4 said say VERB _005457063 19 5 that that SCONJ _005457063 19 6 love love NOUN _005457063 19 7 and and CCONJ _005457063 19 8 esteem esteem VERB _005457063 19 9 are be AUX _005457063 19 10 the the DET _005457063 19 11 first first ADJ _005457063 19 12 principles principle NOUN _005457063 19 13 of of ADP _005457063 19 14 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 19 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 19 16 it it PRON _005457063 19 17 is be AUX _005457063 19 18 always always ADV _005457063 19 19 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005457063 19 20 if if SCONJ _005457063 19 21 either either PRON _005457063 19 22 of of ADP _005457063 19 23 these these DET _005457063 19 24 two two NUM _005457063 19 25 •fere •fere ADV _005457063 19 26 ' ' PUNCT _005457063 19 27 wanting wanting NOUN _005457063 19 28 . . PUNCT _005457063 20 1 these these DET _005457063 20 2 principles principle NOUN _005457063 20 3 are be AUX _005457063 20 4 sound sound ADJ _005457063 20 5 for for SCONJ _005457063 20 6 the the DET _005457063 20 7 reason reason NOUN _005457063 20 8 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 20 9 should should AUX _005457063 20 10 ennoble ennoble VERB _005457063 20 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 20 12 not not PART _005457063 20 13 dethrone dethrone NOUN _005457063 20 14 . . PUNCT _005457063 21 1 all all DET _005457063 21 2 good good ADJ _005457063 21 3 and and CCONJ _005457063 21 4 honorable honorable ADJ _005457063 21 5 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 21 6 elevate elevate VERB _005457063 21 7 the the DET _005457063 21 8 soul soul NOUN _005457063 21 9 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 21 10 base base NOUN _005457063 21 11 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 21 12 muddy muddy VERB _005457063 21 13 the the DET _005457063 21 14 thought thought NOUN _005457063 21 15 stream stream NOUN _005457063 21 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 21 17 contract contract VERB _005457063 21 18 the the DET _005457063 21 19 heart heart NOUN _005457063 21 20 , , PUNCT _005457063 21 21 and and CCONJ _005457063 21 22 paralyze paralyze VERB _005457063 21 23 the the DET _005457063 21 24 spirit spirit NOUN _005457063 21 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 22 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 22 2 avoidance avoidance NOUN _005457063 22 3 of of ADP _005457063 22 4 unworthy unworthy ADJ _005457063 22 5 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 22 6 should should AUX _005457063 22 7 not not PART _005457063 22 8 lead lead VERB _005457063 22 9 to to ADP _005457063 22 10 hatred hatred NOUN _005457063 22 11 of of ADP _005457063 22 12 sinners sinner NOUN _005457063 22 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 23 1 we we PRON _005457063 23 2 who who PRON _005457063 23 3 strive strive VERB _005457063 23 4 to to PART _005457063 23 5 follow follow VERB _005457063 23 6 christ christ PROPN _005457063 23 7 love love VERB _005457063 23 8 sinners sinner NOUN _005457063 23 9 and and CCONJ _005457063 23 10 hate hate VERB _005457063 23 11 their their PRON _005457063 23 12 sins sin NOUN _005457063 23 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 24 1 loving love VERB _005457063 24 2 sinners sinner NOUN _005457063 24 3 for for ADP _005457063 24 4 their their PRON _005457063 24 5 good good ADJ _005457063 24 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 24 7 not not PART _005457063 24 8 for for ADP _005457063 24 9 our our PRON _005457063 24 10 selfish selfish ADJ _005457063 24 11 designs design NOUN _005457063 24 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 24 13 we we PRON _005457063 24 14 pray pray VERB _005457063 24 15 for for ADP _005457063 24 16 them they PRON _005457063 24 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 24 18 we we PRON _005457063 24 19 are be AUX _005457063 24 20 kind kind ADJ _005457063 24 21 to to ADP _005457063 24 22 them they PRON _005457063 24 23 , , PUNCT _005457063 24 24 we we PRON _005457063 24 25 give give VERB _005457063 24 26 them they PRON _005457063 24 27 encouragement encouragement NOUN _005457063 24 28 and and CCONJ _005457063 24 29 good good ADJ _005457063 24 30 example example NOUN _005457063 24 31 . . PUNCT _005457063 25 1 yet yet CCONJ _005457063 25 2 since since SCONJ _005457063 25 3 pitch pitch NOUN _005457063 25 4 defiles defile NOUN _005457063 25 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 25 6 and and CCONJ _005457063 25 7 evil evil ADJ _005457063 25 8 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 25 9 act act VERB _005457063 25 10 likewise likewise ADV _005457063 25 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 25 12 there there ADV _005457063 25 13 in in ADP _005457063 25 14 no no DET _005457063 25 15 point point NOUN _005457063 25 16 in in ADP _005457063 25 17 seeking seek VERB _005457063 25 18 the the DET _005457063 25 19 companionship companionship NOUN _005457063 25 20 of of ADP _005457063 25 21 those those PRON _005457063 25 22 who who PRON _005457063 25 23 will will AUX _005457063 25 24 to to PART _005457063 25 25 follow follow VERB _005457063 25 26 sin sin NOUN _005457063 25 27 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 25 28 particularly particularly ADV _005457063 25 29 , , PUNCT _005457063 25 30 would would AUX _005457063 25 31 it it PRON _005457063 25 32 be be AUX _005457063 25 33 pointless pointless ADJ _005457063 25 34 for for SCONJ _005457063 25 35 youth youth NOUN _005457063 25 36 to to PART _005457063 25 37 go go VERB _005457063 25 38 into into ADP _005457063 25 39 the the DET _005457063 25 40 habitats habitat NOUN _005457063 25 41 of of ADP _005457063 25 42 evil evil NOUN _005457063 25 43 - - PUNCT _005457063 25 44 doers doer NOUN _005457063 25 45 and and CCONJ _005457063 25 46 associate associate VERB _005457063 25 47 with with ADP _005457063 25 48 the the DET _005457063 25 49 vicious vicious ADJ _005457063 25 50 . . PUNCT _005457063 26 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 26 2 the the DET _005457063 26 3 innocent innocent ADJ _005457063 26 4 should should AUX _005457063 26 5 pray pray VERB _005457063 26 6 often often ADV _005457063 26 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 26 8 earnestly earnestly ADV _005457063 26 9 and and CCONJ _005457063 26 10 compassionately compassionately ADV _005457063 26 11 for for ADP _005457063 26 12 sinners sinner NOUN _005457063 26 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 27 1 god god PROPN _005457063 27 2 's 's PART _005457063 27 3 page page NOUN _005457063 27 4 two two NUM _005457063 27 5 justice justice NOUN _005457063 27 6 will will AUX _005457063 27 7 be be AUX _005457063 27 8 appeased appease VERB _005457063 27 9 through through ADP _005457063 27 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005457063 27 11 . . PUNCT _005457063 28 1 only only ADV _005457063 28 2 in in ADP _005457063 28 3 eternity eternity NOUN _005457063 28 4 will will AUX _005457063 28 5 we we PRON _005457063 28 6 know know VERB _005457063 28 7 how how SCONJ _005457063 28 8 may may AUX _005457063 28 9 have have AUX _005457063 28 10 been be AUX _005457063 28 11 saved save VERB _005457063 28 12 through through ADP _005457063 28 13 selfless selfless ADJ _005457063 28 14 prayers prayer NOUN _005457063 28 15 and and CCONJ _005457063 28 16 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _005457063 28 17 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 29 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 29 2 one one NUM _005457063 29 3 way way NOUN _005457063 29 4 to to PART _005457063 29 5 keep keep VERB _005457063 29 6 your your PRON _005457063 29 7 friends friend NOUN _005457063 29 8 is be AUX _005457063 29 9 not not PART _005457063 29 10 to to PART _005457063 29 11 give give VERB _005457063 29 12 them they PRON _005457063 29 13 away away ADV _005457063 29 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 29 15 thus thus ADV _005457063 29 16 a a DET _005457063 29 17 modest modest ADJ _005457063 29 18 anonymous anonymous ADJ _005457063 29 19 sage sage NOUN _005457063 29 20 warns warn VERB _005457063 29 21 . . PUNCT _005457063 30 1 for for ADP _005457063 30 2 have have AUX _005457063 30 3 we we PRON _005457063 30 4 not not PART _005457063 30 5 all all DET _005457063 30 6 known know VERB _005457063 30 7 men man NOUN _005457063 30 8 and and CCONJ _005457063 30 9 women woman NOUN _005457063 30 10 who who PRON _005457063 30 11 take take VERB _005457063 30 12 delight delight NOUN _005457063 30 13 in in ADP _005457063 30 14 exposing expose VERB _005457063 30 15 the the DET _005457063 30 16 weaknesses weakness NOUN _005457063 30 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 30 18 faults fault NOUN _005457063 30 19 , , PUNCT _005457063 30 20 peculiarities peculiarity NOUN _005457063 30 21 , , PUNCT _005457063 30 22 infirmities infirmity NOUN _005457063 30 23 , , PUNCT _005457063 30 24 and and CCONJ _005457063 30 25 even even ADV _005457063 30 26 grave grave ADJ _005457063 30 27 , , PUNCT _005457063 30 28 hidden hide VERB _005457063 30 29 sins sin NOUN _005457063 30 30 of of ADP _005457063 30 31 others other NOUN _005457063 30 32 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 31 1 yet yet ADV _005457063 31 2 these these DET _005457063 31 3 same same ADJ _005457063 31 4 people people NOUN _005457063 31 5 pretend pretend VERB _005457063 31 6 they they PRON _005457063 31 7 have have VERB _005457063 31 8 love love NOUN _005457063 31 9 for for ADP _005457063 31 10 those those PRON _005457063 31 11 they they PRON _005457063 31 12 belittle belittle VERB _005457063 31 13 or or CCONJ _005457063 31 14 expose expose VERB _005457063 31 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 32 1 the the DET _005457063 32 2 question question NOUN _005457063 32 3 arises arise VERB _005457063 32 4 : : PUNCT _005457063 32 5 why why SCONJ _005457063 32 6 do do AUX _005457063 32 7 acquaintances acquaintance NOUN _005457063 32 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 32 9 much much ADV _005457063 32 10 less less ADJ _005457063 32 11 friends friend NOUN _005457063 32 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 32 13 so so ADV _005457063 32 14 betray betray X _005457063 32 15 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 33 1 the the DET _005457063 33 2 answer answer NOUN _005457063 33 3 is be AUX _005457063 33 4 simple simple ADJ _005457063 33 5 : : PUNCT _005457063 33 6 all all DET _005457063 33 7 such such ADJ _005457063 33 8 seek seek VERB _005457063 33 9 to to PART _005457063 33 10 climb climb VERB _005457063 33 11 out out ADP _005457063 33 12 of of ADP _005457063 33 13 their their PRON _005457063 33 14 own own ADJ _005457063 33 15 insufficiencies insufficiency NOUN _005457063 33 16 as as SCONJ _005457063 33 17 they they PRON _005457063 33 18 pull pull VERB _005457063 33 19 down down ADP _005457063 33 20 others other NOUN _005457063 33 21 . . PUNCT _005457063 34 1 also also ADV _005457063 34 2 , , PUNCT _005457063 34 3 envy envy NOUN _005457063 34 4 and and CCONJ _005457063 34 5 jealousy jealousy NOUN _005457063 34 6 frequently frequently ADV _005457063 34 7 are be AUX _005457063 34 8 the the DET _005457063 34 9 instigators instigator NOUN _005457063 34 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 35 1 whatever whatever DET _005457063 35 2 the the DET _005457063 35 3 motive motive NOUN _005457063 35 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 35 5 it it PRON _005457063 35 6 is be AUX _005457063 35 7 unworthy unworthy ADJ _005457063 35 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 36 1 only only ADV _005457063 36 2 small small ADJ _005457063 36 3 souls soul NOUN _005457063 36 4 stoop stoop VERB _005457063 36 5 to to PART _005457063 36 6 uproot uproot VERB _005457063 36 7 the the DET _005457063 36 8 good good ADJ _005457063 36 9 standing standing NOUN _005457063 36 10 and and CCONJ _005457063 36 11 the the DET _005457063 36 12 reputation reputation NOUN _005457063 36 13 of of ADP _005457063 36 14 others other NOUN _005457063 36 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 37 1 when when SCONJ _005457063 37 2 they they PRON _005457063 37 3 stoop stoop VERB _005457063 37 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 37 5 they they PRON _005457063 37 6 fall fall VERB _005457063 37 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 38 1 it it PRON _005457063 38 2 is be AUX _005457063 38 3 not not PART _005457063 38 4 always always ADV _005457063 38 5 a a DET _005457063 38 6 grave grave ADJ _005457063 38 7 injury injury NOUN _005457063 38 8 to to ADP _005457063 38 9 the the DET _005457063 38 10 spirit spirit NOUN _005457063 38 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 38 12 but but CCONJ _005457063 38 13 it it PRON _005457063 38 14 is be AUX _005457063 38 15 character character NOUN _005457063 38 16 deforming deform VERB _005457063 38 17 to to PART _005457063 38 18 lessen lessen VERB _005457063 38 19 the the DET _005457063 38 20 esteem esteem NOUN _005457063 38 21 in in ADP _005457063 38 22 which which PRON _005457063 38 23 others other NOUN _005457063 38 24 are be AUX _005457063 38 25 held hold VERB _005457063 38 26 even even ADV _005457063 38 27 in in ADP _005457063 38 28 small small ADJ _005457063 38 29 ways way NOUN _005457063 38 30 . . PUNCT _005457063 39 1 pride pride NOUN _005457063 39 2 is be AUX _005457063 39 3 back back ADV _005457063 39 4 of of ADP _005457063 39 5 most most ADJ _005457063 39 6 of of ADP _005457063 39 7 such such ADJ _005457063 39 8 conduct conduct NOUN _005457063 39 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 40 1 no no DET _005457063 40 2 wonder wonder NOUN _005457063 40 3 humility humility NOUN _005457063 40 4 supports support VERB _005457063 40 5 every every DET _005457063 40 6 virtue virtue NOUN _005457063 40 7 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 41 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 41 2 robert robert PROPN _005457063 41 3 louis louis PROPN _005457063 41 4 stevenson stevenson PROPN _005457063 41 5 has have VERB _005457063 41 6 something something PRON _005457063 41 7 to to PART _005457063 41 8 say say VERB _005457063 41 9 that that PRON _005457063 41 10 should should AUX _005457063 41 11 given give VERB _005457063 41 12 men man NOUN _005457063 41 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 41 14 women woman NOUN _005457063 41 15 who who PRON _005457063 41 16 are be AUX _005457063 41 17 afraid afraid ADJ _005457063 41 18 to to PART _005457063 41 19 defend defend VERB _005457063 41 20 another another DET _005457063 41 21 a a DET _005457063 41 22 serious serious ADJ _005457063 41 23 moment moment NOUN _005457063 41 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 42 1 here here ADV _005457063 42 2 are be AUX _005457063 42 3 his his PRON _005457063 42 4 words word NOUN _005457063 42 5 : : PUNCT _005457063 42 6 ‘ ' PUNCT _005457063 42 7 ‘ ' PUNCT _005457063 42 8 the the DET _005457063 42 9 cruelest cruel ADJ _005457063 42 10 lies lie NOUN _005457063 42 11 are be AUX _005457063 42 12 often often ADV _005457063 42 13 told tell VERB _005457063 42 14 in in ADP _005457063 42 15 silence silence NOUN _005457063 42 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 42 17 — — PUNCT _005457063 42 18 a a DET _005457063 42 19 man man NOUN _005457063 42 20 may may AUX _005457063 42 21 have have AUX _005457063 42 22 sat sit VERB _005457063 42 23 for for ADP _005457063 42 24 hours hour NOUN _005457063 42 25 and and CCONJ _005457063 42 26 not not PART _005457063 42 27 opened open VERB _005457063 42 28 his his PRON _005457063 42 29 teeth tooth NOUN _005457063 42 30 , , PUNCT _005457063 42 31 and and CCONJ _005457063 42 32 yet yet ADV _005457063 42 33 have have AUX _005457063 42 34 been be AUX _005457063 42 35 a a DET _005457063 42 36 disloyal disloyal ADJ _005457063 42 37 friend friend NOUN _005457063 42 38 or or CCONJ _005457063 42 39 a a DET _005457063 42 40 vile vile ADJ _005457063 42 41 calumniator calumniator NOUN _005457063 42 42 . . PUNCT _005457063 42 43 ” " PUNCT _005457063 43 1 a a DET _005457063 43 2 true true ADJ _005457063 43 3 soldier soldier NOUN _005457063 43 4 of of ADP _005457063 43 5 christ christ PROPN _005457063 43 6 will will AUX _005457063 43 7 give give VERB _005457063 43 8 his his PRON _005457063 43 9 life life NOUN _005457063 43 10 in in ADP _005457063 43 11 defense defense NOUN _005457063 43 12 of of ADP _005457063 43 13 his his PRON _005457063 43 14 teachings teaching NOUN _005457063 43 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 44 1 a a DET _005457063 44 2 sincere sincere ADJ _005457063 44 3 friend friend NOUN _005457063 44 4 will will AUX _005457063 44 5 speak speak VERB _005457063 44 6 out out ADP _005457063 44 7 for for ADP _005457063 44 8 his his PRON _005457063 44 9 friend friend NOUN _005457063 44 10 in in ADP _005457063 44 11 his his PRON _005457063 44 12 absence absence NOUN _005457063 44 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 44 14 he he PRON _005457063 44 15 will will AUX _005457063 44 16 be be AUX _005457063 44 17 loyal loyal ADJ _005457063 44 18 to to ADP _005457063 44 19 him he PRON _005457063 44 20 page page NOUN _005457063 44 21 three three NUM _005457063 44 22 in in ADP _005457063 44 23 the the DET _005457063 44 24 presence presence NOUN _005457063 44 25 of of ADP _005457063 44 26 others other NOUN _005457063 44 27 . . PUNCT _005457063 45 1 an an DET _005457063 45 2 honorable honorable ADJ _005457063 45 3 man man NOUN _005457063 45 4 or or CCONJ _005457063 45 5 woman woman NOUN _005457063 45 6 will will AUX _005457063 45 7 put put VERB _005457063 45 8 his his PRON _005457063 45 9 tongue tongue NOUN _005457063 45 10 to to ADP _005457063 45 11 good good ADJ _005457063 45 12 use use NOUN _005457063 45 13 in in ADP _005457063 45 14 defense defense NOUN _005457063 45 15 of of ADP _005457063 45 16 anyone anyone PRON _005457063 45 17 when when SCONJ _005457063 45 18 the the DET _005457063 45 19 occasion occasion NOUN _005457063 45 20 warrants warrant NOUN _005457063 45 21 . . PUNCT _005457063 46 1 no no DET _005457063 46 2 one one NOUN _005457063 46 3 with with ADP _005457063 46 4 any any DET _005457063 46 5 moral moral ADJ _005457063 46 6 stamina stamina NOUN _005457063 46 7 will will AUX _005457063 46 8 remain remain VERB _005457063 46 9 silent silent ADJ _005457063 46 10 when when SCONJ _005457063 46 11 friend friend NOUN _005457063 46 12 or or CCONJ _005457063 46 13 foe foe NOUN _005457063 46 14 is be AUX _005457063 46 15 unjustly unjustly ADV _005457063 46 16 attacked attack VERB _005457063 46 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 46 18 whether whether SCONJ _005457063 46 19 that that DET _005457063 46 20 friend friend NOUN _005457063 46 21 or or CCONJ _005457063 46 22 foe foe NOUN _005457063 46 23 be be AUX _005457063 46 24 present present ADJ _005457063 46 25 or or CCONJ _005457063 46 26 absent absent ADJ _005457063 46 27 . . PUNCT _005457063 47 1 it it PRON _005457063 47 2 is be AUX _005457063 47 3 wrong wrong ADJ _005457063 47 4 to to PART _005457063 47 5 lie lie VERB _005457063 47 6 for for ADP _005457063 47 7 another another PRON _005457063 47 8 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 47 9 it it PRON _005457063 47 10 is be AUX _005457063 47 11 charitable charitable ADJ _005457063 47 12 to to PART _005457063 47 13 look look VERB _005457063 47 14 for for ADP _005457063 47 15 the the DET _005457063 47 16 spark spark NOUN _005457063 47 17 of of ADP _005457063 47 18 good good ADJ _005457063 47 19 in in ADP _005457063 47 20 everyone everyone PRON _005457063 47 21 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 48 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 48 2 sidney sidney PROPN _005457063 48 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 4 in in ADP _005457063 48 5 a a DET _005457063 48 6 moment moment NOUN _005457063 48 7 of of ADP _005457063 48 8 loneliness loneliness NOUN _005457063 48 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 10 called call VERB _005457063 48 11 out out ADP _005457063 48 12 : : PUNCT _005457063 48 13 “ " PUNCT _005457063 48 14 my my PRON _005457063 48 15 friend friend NOUN _005457063 48 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 17 that that PRON _005457063 48 18 oft oft PROPN _005457063 48 19 saw see VERB _005457063 48 20 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 21 through through ADP _005457063 48 22 all all DET _005457063 48 23 masks mask NOUN _005457063 48 24 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 25 my my PRON _005457063 48 26 woe woe NOUN _005457063 48 27 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 28 come come VERB _005457063 48 29 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 30 come come VERB _005457063 48 31 , , PUNCT _005457063 48 32 and and CCONJ _005457063 48 33 let let VERB _005457063 48 34 me i PRON _005457063 48 35 pour pour VERB _005457063 48 36 myself myself PRON _005457063 48 37 on on ADP _005457063 48 38 thee thee PRON _005457063 48 39 . . PUNCT _005457063 48 40 ” " PUNCT _005457063 49 1 coooo coooo PROPN _005457063 49 2 blessed bless VERB _005457063 49 3 henry henry PROPN _005457063 49 4 suso suso PROPN _005457063 49 5 warned warn VERB _005457063 49 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 49 7 however however ADV _005457063 49 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 49 9 against against ADP _005457063 49 10 wastefulness wastefulness NOUN _005457063 49 11 when when SCONJ _005457063 49 12 he he PRON _005457063 49 13 advised advise VERB _005457063 49 14 : : PUNCT _005457063 49 15 “ " PUNCT _005457063 49 16 give give VERB _005457063 49 17 not not PART _005457063 49 18 thyself thyself PRON _005457063 49 19 too too ADV _005457063 49 20 much much ADV _005457063 49 21 to to ADP _005457063 49 22 any any DET _005457063 49 23 one one NUM _005457063 49 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 50 1 he he PRON _005457063 50 2 who who PRON _005457063 50 3 gives give VERB _005457063 50 4 himself himself PRON _005457063 50 5 too too ADV _005457063 50 6 freely freely ADV _005457063 50 7 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 50 8 is be AUX _005457063 50 9 generally generally ADV _005457063 50 10 the the DET _005457063 50 11 least least ADV _005457063 50 12 acceptable acceptable ADJ _005457063 50 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 50 14 ” " PUNCT _005457063 51 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 51 2 it it PRON _005457063 51 3 is be AUX _005457063 51 4 recorded record VERB _005457063 51 5 that that SCONJ _005457063 51 6 a a DET _005457063 51 7 young young ADJ _005457063 51 8 man man NOUN _005457063 51 9 in in ADP _005457063 51 10 conversation conversation NOUN _005457063 51 11 with with ADP _005457063 51 12 st st PROPN _005457063 51 13 . . PROPN _005457063 51 14 augustine augustine PROPN _005457063 51 15 observed observe VERB _005457063 51 16 that that SCONJ _005457063 51 17 “ " PUNCT _005457063 51 18 whoever whoever PRON _005457063 51 19 has have AUX _005457063 51 20 a a DET _005457063 51 21 pure pure ADJ _005457063 51 22 soul soul NOUN _005457063 51 23 has have VERB _005457063 51 24 god god PROPN _005457063 51 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 51 26 ” " PUNCT _005457063 52 1 it it PRON _005457063 52 2 is be AUX _005457063 52 3 in in ADP _005457063 52 4 line line NOUN _005457063 52 5 with with ADP _005457063 52 6 the the DET _005457063 52 7 beatitude beatitude NOUN _005457063 52 8 : : PUNCT _005457063 52 9 “ " PUNCT _005457063 52 10 blessed bless VERB _005457063 52 11 are be AUX _005457063 52 12 the the DET _005457063 52 13 clean clean ADJ _005457063 52 14 of of ADP _005457063 52 15 heart heart NOUN _005457063 52 16 for for SCONJ _005457063 52 17 they they PRON _005457063 52 18 shall shall AUX _005457063 52 19 see see VERB _005457063 52 20 god god PROPN _005457063 52 21 . . PUNCT _005457063 52 22 ” " PUNCT _005457063 53 1 to to PART _005457063 53 2 have have AUX _005457063 53 3 god—^possess god—^possess NOUN _005457063 53 4 sanctifying sanctify VERB _005457063 53 5 grace grace NOUN _005457063 53 6 — — PUNCT _005457063 53 7 is be AUX _005457063 53 8 to to PART _005457063 53 9 have have VERB _005457063 53 10 all all PRON _005457063 53 11 . . PUNCT _005457063 54 1 consider consider VERB _005457063 54 2 the the DET _005457063 54 3 perception perception NOUN _005457063 54 4 of of ADP _005457063 54 5 the the DET _005457063 54 6 youth youth NOUN _005457063 54 7 who who PRON _005457063 54 8 understood understand VERB _005457063 54 9 that that SCONJ _005457063 54 10 a a DET _005457063 54 11 pure pure ADJ _005457063 54 12 soul soul NOUN _005457063 54 13 attracts attract VERB _005457063 54 14 even even ADV _005457063 54 15 infinite infinite ADJ _005457063 54 16 purity purity NOUN _005457063 54 17 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 55 1 ooocx ooocx NOUN _005457063 55 2 > > X _005457063 55 3 it it PRON _005457063 55 4 is be AUX _005457063 55 5 not not PART _005457063 55 6 surprising surprising ADJ _005457063 55 7 then then ADV _005457063 55 8 that that SCONJ _005457063 55 9 human human ADJ _005457063 55 10 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 55 11 has have AUX _005457063 55 12 been be AUX _005457063 55 13 likened liken VERB _005457063 55 14 to to PART _005457063 55 15 “ " PUNCT _005457063 55 16 sunshine sunshine VERB _005457063 55 17 on on ADP _005457063 55 18 a a DET _005457063 55 19 cliff cliff NOUN _005457063 55 20 of of ADP _005457063 55 21 snow snow NOUN _005457063 55 22 . . PUNCT _005457063 55 23 ” " PUNCT _005457063 56 1 oh oh INTJ _005457063 56 2 , , PUNCT _005457063 56 3 what what PRON _005457063 56 4 a a DET _005457063 56 5 heaven heaven NOUN _005457063 56 6 - - PUNCT _005457063 56 7 sent send VERB _005457063 56 8 blessing blessing NOUN _005457063 56 9 is be AUX _005457063 56 10 a a DET _005457063 56 11 true true ADJ _005457063 56 12 friend friend NOUN _005457063 56 13 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 57 1 sunshine sunshine PROPN _005457063 57 2 page page NOUN _005457063 57 3 four four NUM _005457063 57 4 warms warm NOUN _005457063 57 5 a a DET _005457063 57 6 chilled chilled ADJ _005457063 57 7 heart heart NOUN _005457063 57 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 58 1 when when SCONJ _005457063 58 2 congenial congenial ADJ _005457063 58 3 minds mind NOUN _005457063 58 4 meet meet VERB _005457063 58 5 and and CCONJ _005457063 58 6 when when SCONJ _005457063 58 7 an an DET _005457063 58 8 understanding understanding NOUN _005457063 58 9 friend friend NOUN _005457063 58 10 expresses express VERB _005457063 58 11 interest interest NOUN _005457063 58 12 or or CCONJ _005457063 58 13 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005457063 58 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 58 15 a a DET _005457063 58 16 refueling refueling NOUN _005457063 58 17 of of ADP _005457063 58 18 strength strength NOUN _005457063 58 19 occurs occur VERB _005457063 58 20 . . PUNCT _005457063 59 1 only only ADJ _005457063 59 2 true true ADJ _005457063 59 3 friends friend NOUN _005457063 59 4 are be AUX _005457063 59 5 thus thus ADV _005457063 59 6 mutually mutually ADV _005457063 59 7 comforting comforting ADJ _005457063 59 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 60 1 their their PRON _005457063 60 2 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 60 3 is be AUX _005457063 60 4 pure pure ADJ _005457063 60 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 60 6 it it PRON _005457063 60 7 is be AUX _005457063 60 8 selflessy selflessy ADJ _005457063 60 9 it it PRON _005457063 60 10 radiates radiate VERB _005457063 60 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 60 12 and and CCONJ _005457063 60 13 it it PRON _005457063 60 14 lights light VERB _005457063 60 15 up up ADP _005457063 60 16 the the DET _005457063 60 17 heart heart NOUN _005457063 60 18 to to ADP _005457063 60 19 a a DET _005457063 60 20 moment moment NOUN _005457063 60 21 of of ADP _005457063 60 22 illuminating illuminate VERB _005457063 60 23 revelation revelation NOUN _005457063 60 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 61 1 thus thus ADV _005457063 61 2 in in ADP _005457063 61 3 lesser less ADJ _005457063 61 4 way way NOUN _005457063 61 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 61 6 a a DET _005457063 61 7 friend friend NOUN _005457063 61 8 sees see VERB _005457063 61 9 another another PRON _005457063 61 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 61 11 as as SCONJ _005457063 61 12 the the DET _005457063 61 13 pure pure ADJ _005457063 61 14 soul soul NOUN _005457063 61 15 senses sense VERB _005457063 61 16 god god PROPN _005457063 61 17 ’s ’s PART _005457063 61 18 presence presence NOUN _005457063 61 19 . . PUNCT _005457063 62 1 indeed indeed ADV _005457063 62 2 , , PUNCT _005457063 62 3 noble noble ADJ _005457063 62 4 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 62 5 lead lead VERB _005457063 62 6 souls soul NOUN _005457063 62 7 to to ADP _005457063 62 8 god god PROPN _005457063 62 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 63 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 63 2 there there PRON _005457063 63 3 is be AUX _005457063 63 4 preserved preserve VERB _005457063 63 5 a a DET _005457063 63 6 caution caution NOUN _005457063 63 7 from from ADP _005457063 63 8 socrates socrate NOUN _005457063 63 9 : : PUNCT _005457063 63 10 “ " PUNCT _005457063 63 11 be be AUX _005457063 63 12 slow slow ADJ _005457063 63 13 to to PART _005457063 63 14 fall fall VERB _005457063 63 15 into into ADP _005457063 63 16 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 63 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 63 18 but but CCONJ _005457063 63 19 when when SCONJ _005457063 63 20 thou thou ADJ _005457063 63 21 art art NOUN _005457063 63 22 in in ADV _005457063 63 23 , , PUNCT _005457063 63 24 continue continue VERB _005457063 63 25 firm firm ADJ _005457063 63 26 and and CCONJ _005457063 63 27 constant constant ADJ _005457063 63 28 . . PUNCT _005457063 63 29 ” " PUNCT _005457063 64 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 64 2 tact tact PROPN _005457063 64 3 is be AUX _005457063 64 4 important important ADJ _005457063 64 5 between between ADP _005457063 64 6 friends friend NOUN _005457063 64 7 in in ADP _005457063 64 8 highly highly ADV _005457063 64 9 sensitized sensitized ADJ _005457063 64 10 moments moment NOUN _005457063 64 11 . . PUNCT _005457063 65 1 balzac balzac PROPN _005457063 65 2 realized realize VERB _005457063 65 3 this this PRON _005457063 65 4 when when SCONJ _005457063 65 5 he he PRON _005457063 65 6 wrote write VERB _005457063 65 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 65 8 — — PUNCT _005457063 65 9 “ " PUNCT _005457063 65 10 in in ADP _005457063 65 11 certain certain ADJ _005457063 65 12 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005457063 65 13 in in ADP _005457063 65 14 life life NOUN _005457063 65 15 we we PRON _005457063 65 16 can can AUX _005457063 65 17 bear bear VERB _005457063 65 18 no no ADV _005457063 65 19 more more ADJ _005457063 65 20 from from ADP _005457063 65 21 a a DET _005457063 65 22 friend friend NOUN _005457063 65 23 than than SCONJ _005457063 65 24 to to PART _005457063 65 25 feel feel VERB _005457063 65 26 him he PRON _005457063 65 27 beside beside ADP _005457063 65 28 us we PRON _005457063 65 29 . . PUNCT _005457063 66 1 spoken speak VERB _005457063 66 2 consolation consolation NOUN _005457063 66 3 irritates irritate VERB _005457063 66 4 the the DET _005457063 66 5 wound wound NOUN _005457063 66 6 and and CCONJ _005457063 66 7 reveals reveal VERB _005457063 66 8 its its PRON _005457063 66 9 depth depth NOUN _005457063 66 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 66 11 ” " PUNCT _005457063 67 1 there there PRON _005457063 67 2 is be VERB _005457063 67 3 a a DET _005457063 67 4 chinese chinese ADJ _005457063 67 5 proverb proverb NOUN _005457063 67 6 to to ADP _005457063 67 7 the the DET _005457063 67 8 same same ADJ _005457063 67 9 effect effect NOUN _005457063 67 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 68 1 it it PRON _005457063 68 2 runs run VERB _005457063 68 3 : : PUNCT _005457063 68 4 “ " PUNCT _005457063 68 5 a a DET _005457063 68 6 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457063 68 7 is be AUX _005457063 68 8 like like ADP _005457063 68 9 an an DET _005457063 68 10 itching itching NOUN _005457063 68 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 68 12 made make VERB _005457063 68 13 worse bad ADJ _005457063 68 14 by by ADP _005457063 68 15 scratching scratch VERB _005457063 68 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 68 17 ” " PUNCT _005457063 69 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 69 2 pascavs pascavs PROPN _005457063 69 3 words word NOUN _005457063 69 4 may may AUX _005457063 69 5 prove prove VERB _005457063 69 6 disconcerting disconcert VERB _005457063 69 7 but but CCONJ _005457063 69 8 they they PRON _005457063 69 9 bear bear VERB _005457063 69 10 repetition repetition NOUN _005457063 69 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 69 12 even even ADV _005457063 69 13 though though SCONJ _005457063 69 14 there there PRON _005457063 69 15 is be VERB _005457063 69 16 a a DET _005457063 69 17 tinge tinge NOUN _005457063 69 18 of of ADP _005457063 69 19 cynicism cynicism NOUN _005457063 69 20 that that PRON _005457063 69 21 will will AUX _005457063 69 22 sting ste VERB _005457063 69 23 the the DET _005457063 69 24 memory.—“i memory.—“i NOUN _005457063 69 25 lay lie VERB _005457063 69 26 it it PRON _005457063 69 27 down down ADP _005457063 69 28 as as ADP _005457063 69 29 a a DET _005457063 69 30 fact fact NOUN _005457063 69 31 that that SCONJ _005457063 69 32 if if SCONJ _005457063 69 33 all all DET _005457063 69 34 men man NOUN _005457063 69 35 knew know VERB _005457063 69 36 what what PRON _005457063 69 37 they they PRON _005457063 69 38 say say VERB _005457063 69 39 of of ADP _005457063 69 40 one one NUM _005457063 69 41 another another DET _005457063 69 42 , , PUNCT _005457063 69 43 there there PRON _005457063 69 44 would would AUX _005457063 69 45 not not PART _005457063 69 46 be be AUX _005457063 69 47 four four NUM _005457063 69 48 friends friend NOUN _005457063 69 49 in in ADP _005457063 69 50 the the DET _005457063 69 51 world world NOUN _005457063 69 52 . . PUNCT _005457063 69 53 ” " PUNCT _005457063 70 1 — — PUNCT _005457063 70 2 one one NUM _005457063 70 3 perceives perceive VERB _005457063 70 4 so so ADV _005457063 70 5 much much ADJ _005457063 70 6 disloyalty disloyalty NOUN _005457063 70 7 in in ADP _005457063 70 8 the the DET _005457063 70 9 world world NOUN _005457063 70 10 between between ADP _005457063 70 11 relatives relative NOUN _005457063 70 12 and and CCONJ _005457063 70 13 friends friend NOUN _005457063 70 14 and and CCONJ _005457063 70 15 is be AUX _005457063 70 16 so so ADV _005457063 70 17 frequently frequently ADV _005457063 70 18 confronted confront VERB _005457063 70 19 with with ADP _005457063 70 20 the the DET _005457063 70 21 ghastly ghastly ADJ _005457063 70 22 wreckage wreckage NOUN _005457063 70 23 of of ADP _005457063 70 24 broken broken ADJ _005457063 70 25 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 70 26 that that PRON _005457063 70 27 strew strew VERB _005457063 70 28 life life PROPN _005457063 70 29 ’s ’s PROPN _005457063 70 30 highway highway NOUN _005457063 70 31 , , PUNCT _005457063 70 32 pascal pascal PROPN _005457063 70 33 may may AUX _005457063 70 34 be be AUX _005457063 70 35 forgiven forgive VERB _005457063 70 36 his his PRON _005457063 70 37 harsh harsh ADJ _005457063 70 38 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005457063 70 39 . . PUNCT _005457063 71 1 in in ADP _005457063 71 2 fact fact NOUN _005457063 71 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 71 4 though though SCONJ _005457063 71 5 i i PRON _005457063 71 6 myself myself PRON _005457063 71 7 have have VERB _005457063 71 8 a a DET _005457063 71 9 page page NOUN _005457063 71 10 five five NUM _005457063 71 11 cheerful cheerful ADJ _005457063 71 12 disposition disposition NOUN _005457063 71 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 71 14 though though SCONJ _005457063 71 15 i i PRON _005457063 71 16 have have AUX _005457063 71 17 been be AUX _005457063 71 18 blessed bless VERB _005457063 71 19 with with ADP _005457063 71 20 friends friend NOUN _005457063 71 21 far far ADV _005457063 71 22 beyond beyond ADP _005457063 71 23 my my PRON _005457063 71 24 merits merit NOUN _005457063 71 25 as as SCONJ _005457063 71 26 i i PRON _005457063 71 27 have have AUX _005457063 71 28 walked walk VERB _005457063 71 29 over over ADP _005457063 71 30 a a DET _005457063 71 31 large large ADJ _005457063 71 32 number number NOUN _005457063 71 33 of of ADP _005457063 71 34 bridges bridge NOUN _005457063 71 35 leading lead VERB _005457063 71 36 from from ADP _005457063 71 37 time time NOUN _005457063 71 38 to to ADP _005457063 71 39 eternity eternity NOUN _005457063 71 40 , , PUNCT _005457063 71 41 and and CCONJ _005457063 71 42 though though SCONJ _005457063 71 43 i i PRON _005457063 71 44 optimistically optimistically ADV _005457063 71 45 anticipate anticipate VERB _005457063 71 46 crossing cross VERB _005457063 71 47 many many ADJ _005457063 71 48 others other NOUN _005457063 71 49 , , PUNCT _005457063 71 50 i i PRON _005457063 71 51 have have AUX _005457063 71 52 come come VERB _005457063 71 53 to to PART _005457063 71 54 reckon reckon VERB _005457063 71 55 true true ADJ _005457063 71 56 friends friend NOUN _005457063 71 57 and and CCONJ _005457063 71 58 inspiring inspire VERB _005457063 71 59 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 71 60 the the DET _005457063 71 61 greatest great ADJ _005457063 71 62 strength strength NOUN _005457063 71 63 and and CCONJ _005457063 71 64 the the DET _005457063 71 65 sweetest sweetest NOUN _005457063 71 66 joy joy NOUN _005457063 71 67 that that PRON _005457063 71 68 god god PROPN _005457063 71 69 bestows bestow VERB _005457063 71 70 other other ADJ _005457063 71 71 than than ADP _005457063 71 72 his his PRON _005457063 71 73 protective protective ADJ _005457063 71 74 power power NOUN _005457063 71 75 and and CCONJ _005457063 71 76 sustaining sustain VERB _005457063 71 77 grace grace NOUN _005457063 71 78 . . PUNCT _005457063 72 1 this this DET _005457063 72 2 thought think VERB _005457063 72 3 embraces embrace VERB _005457063 72 4 family family NOUN _005457063 72 5 affection affection NOUN _005457063 72 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 73 1 for for ADP _005457063 73 2 natural natural ADJ _005457063 73 3 ties tie NOUN _005457063 73 4 of of ADP _005457063 73 5 blood blood NOUN _005457063 73 6 relationship relationship NOUN _005457063 73 7 could could AUX _005457063 73 8 well well ADV _005457063 73 9 weaken weaken VERB _005457063 73 10 if if SCONJ _005457063 73 11 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 73 12 did do AUX _005457063 73 13 not not PART _005457063 73 14 reinforce reinforce VERB _005457063 73 15 the the DET _005457063 73 16 links link NOUN _005457063 73 17 binding bind VERB _005457063 73 18 such such ADJ _005457063 73 19 loyalties loyalty NOUN _005457063 73 20 . . PUNCT _005457063 74 1 pascal pascal ADJ _005457063 74 2 and and CCONJ _005457063 74 3 his his PRON _005457063 74 4 sister sister NOUN _005457063 74 5 jacqueline jacqueline PROPN _005457063 74 6 well well ADV _005457063 74 7 understood understand VERB _005457063 74 8 each each DET _005457063 74 9 other other ADJ _005457063 74 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 75 1 theirs theirs PRON _005457063 75 2 was be AUX _005457063 75 3 a a DET _005457063 75 4 noble noble ADJ _005457063 75 5 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 75 6 as as ADV _005457063 75 7 well well ADV _005457063 75 8 as as ADP _005457063 75 9 a a DET _005457063 75 10 natural natural ADJ _005457063 75 11 brother brother NOUN _005457063 75 12 and and CCONJ _005457063 75 13 sister sister NOUN _005457063 75 14 tie tie PROPN _005457063 75 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 76 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 76 2 god god PROPN _005457063 76 3 being be AUX _005457063 76 4 the the DET _005457063 76 5 supreme supreme ADJ _005457063 76 6 and and CCONJ _005457063 76 7 truest true ADJ _005457063 76 8 friend friend NOUN _005457063 76 9 any any DET _005457063 76 10 one one NOUN _005457063 76 11 can can AUX _005457063 76 12 have have VERB _005457063 76 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 76 14 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 76 15 divine divine VERB _005457063 76 16 lifts lift NOUN _005457063 76 17 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 76 18 itself itself PRON _005457063 76 19 to to ADP _005457063 76 20 the the DET _005457063 76 21 highest high ADJ _005457063 76 22 blessing blessing NOUN _005457063 76 23 . . PUNCT _005457063 77 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 77 2 since since SCONJ _005457063 77 3 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 77 4 is be AUX _005457063 77 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005457063 77 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 77 7 since since SCONJ _005457063 77 8 it it PRON _005457063 77 9 is be AUX _005457063 77 10 beyond beyond ADP _005457063 77 11 price price NOUN _005457063 77 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 77 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 77 14 since since SCONJ _005457063 77 15 only only ADV _005457063 77 16 the the DET _005457063 77 17 very very ADV _005457063 77 18 fine fine ADJ _005457063 77 19 in in ADP _005457063 77 20 character character NOUN _005457063 77 21 make make VERB _005457063 77 22 true true ADJ _005457063 77 23 friends friend NOUN _005457063 77 24 , , PUNCT _005457063 77 25 mortal mortal ADJ _005457063 77 26 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 77 27 is be AUX _005457063 77 28 rare rare ADJ _005457063 77 29 in in ADP _005457063 77 30 its its PRON _005457063 77 31 noblest noble ADJ _005457063 77 32 form form NOUN _005457063 77 33 . . PUNCT _005457063 78 1 la la PROPN _005457063 78 2 bruyere bruyere PROPN _005457063 78 3 wrote write VERB _005457063 78 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 78 5 “ " PUNCT _005457063 78 6 pure pure ADJ _005457063 78 7 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 78 8 is be AUX _005457063 78 9 something something PRON _005457063 78 10 of of ADP _005457063 78 11 which which PRON _005457063 78 12 men man NOUN _005457063 78 13 of of ADP _005457063 78 14 an an DET _005457063 78 15 inferior inferior ADJ _005457063 78 16 nature nature NOUN _005457063 78 17 can can AUX _005457063 78 18 never never ADV _005457063 78 19 taste taste VERB _005457063 78 20 . . PUNCT _005457063 78 21 ” " PUNCT _005457063 79 1 it it PRON _005457063 79 2 is be AUX _005457063 79 3 folly folly ADJ _005457063 79 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 79 5 then then ADV _005457063 79 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 79 7 for for SCONJ _005457063 79 8 a a DET _005457063 79 9 person person NOUN _005457063 79 10 to to PART _005457063 79 11 confuse confuse VERB _005457063 79 12 people people NOUN _005457063 79 13 of of ADP _005457063 79 14 good good ADJ _005457063 79 15 will will NOUN _005457063 79 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 79 17 or or CCONJ _005457063 79 18 mere mere ADJ _005457063 79 19 acquaintances acquaintance NOUN _005457063 79 20 , , PUNCT _005457063 79 21 with with ADP _005457063 79 22 tried tried ADJ _005457063 79 23 friends friend NOUN _005457063 79 24 , , PUNCT _005457063 79 25 and and CCONJ _005457063 79 26 from from ADP _005457063 79 27 such such ADJ _005457063 79 28 confusion confusion NOUN _005457063 79 29 to to PART _005457063 79 30 open open VERB _005457063 79 31 the the DET _005457063 79 32 heart heart NOUN _005457063 79 33 unwisely unwisely ADV _005457063 79 34 to to ADP _005457063 79 35 the the DET _005457063 79 36 untried untried ADJ _005457063 79 37 . . PUNCT _005457063 80 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 80 2 everyone everyone PRON _005457063 80 3 who who PRON _005457063 80 4 has have VERB _005457063 80 5 a a DET _005457063 80 6 friend friend NOUN _005457063 80 7 should should AUX _005457063 80 8 desire desire VERB _005457063 80 9 to to PART _005457063 80 10 keep keep VERB _005457063 80 11 that that DET _005457063 80 12 friend friend NOUN _005457063 80 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 81 1 there there PRON _005457063 81 2 is be VERB _005457063 81 3 a a DET _005457063 81 4 simple simple ADJ _005457063 81 5 rule rule NOUN _005457063 81 6 for for ADP _005457063 81 7 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 81 8 ’s ’s PART _005457063 81 9 insurance insurance NOUN _005457063 81 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 82 1 be be AUX _005457063 82 2 true true ADJ _005457063 82 3 yourself yourself PRON _005457063 82 4 . . PUNCT _005457063 83 1 page page NOUN _005457063 83 2 sia^ sia^ VERB _005457063 83 3 if if SCONJ _005457063 83 4 one one NUM _005457063 83 5 ia ia X _005457063 83 6 a a DET _005457063 83 7 true true ADJ _005457063 83 8 friend friend NOUN _005457063 83 9 one one PRON _005457063 83 10 will will AUX _005457063 83 11 not not PART _005457063 83 12 lose lose VERB _005457063 83 13 a a DET _005457063 83 14 friend friend NOUN _005457063 83 15 who who PRON _005457063 83 16 has have AUX _005457063 83 17 given give VERB _005457063 83 18 witness witness NOUN _005457063 83 19 to to ADP _005457063 83 20 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 83 21 . . PUNCT _005457063 84 1 the the DET _005457063 84 2 principle principle NOUN _005457063 84 3 works work VERB _005457063 84 4 something something PRON _005457063 84 5 like like ADP _005457063 84 6 this this PRON _005457063 84 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 85 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 85 2 you you PRON _005457063 85 3 are be AUX _005457063 85 4 true true ADJ _005457063 85 5 yourself yourself PRON _005457063 85 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 85 7 you you PRON _005457063 85 8 will will AUX _005457063 85 9 not not PART _005457063 85 10 permit permit VERB _005457063 85 11 your your PRON _005457063 85 12 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 85 13 to to PART _005457063 85 14 break break VERB _005457063 85 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 86 1 you you PRON _005457063 86 2 will will AUX _005457063 86 3 go go VERB _005457063 86 4 out out ADP _005457063 86 5 of of ADP _005457063 86 6 your your PRON _005457063 86 7 way way NOUN _005457063 86 8 to to PART _005457063 86 9 support support VERB _005457063 86 10 the the DET _005457063 86 11 weakening weaken VERB _005457063 86 12 dam dam NOUN _005457063 86 13 that that PRON _005457063 86 14 has have AUX _005457063 86 15 contained contain VERB _005457063 86 16 the the DET _005457063 86 17 noble noble ADJ _005457063 86 18 regard regard NOUN _005457063 86 19 you you PRON _005457063 86 20 and and CCONJ _005457063 86 21 your your PRON _005457063 86 22 friend friend NOUN _005457063 86 23 have have AUX _005457063 86 24 had have VERB _005457063 86 25 for for ADP _005457063 86 26 each each DET _005457063 86 27 other other ADJ _005457063 86 28 . . PUNCT _005457063 87 1 by by ADP _005457063 87 2 look look NOUN _005457063 87 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 87 4 by by ADP _005457063 87 5 word word NOUN _005457063 87 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 87 7 by by ADP _005457063 87 8 generous generous ADJ _005457063 87 9 deed deed NOUN _005457063 87 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 87 11 and and CCONJ _005457063 87 12 by by ADP _005457063 87 13 a a DET _005457063 87 14 magnanimous magnanimous ADJ _005457063 87 15 gesture gesture NOUN _005457063 87 16 you you PRON _005457063 87 17 will will AUX _005457063 87 18 again again ADV _005457063 87 19 invite invite VERB _005457063 87 20 wavering waver VERB _005457063 87 21 loyalty loyalty NOUN _005457063 87 22 to to ADP _005457063 87 23 your your PRON _005457063 87 24 heart heart NOUN _005457063 87 25 and and CCONJ _005457063 87 26 there there ADV _005457063 87 27 heal heal VERB _005457063 87 28 a a DET _005457063 87 29 bruised bruised ADJ _005457063 87 30 affection affection NOUN _005457063 87 31 . . PUNCT _005457063 88 1 a a DET _005457063 88 2 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 88 3 on on ADP _005457063 88 4 the the DET _005457063 88 5 verge verge NOUN _005457063 88 6 of of ADP _005457063 88 7 destruction destruction NOUN _005457063 88 8 will will AUX _005457063 88 9 thus thus ADV _005457063 88 10 be be AUX _005457063 88 11 reclaimed reclaim VERB _005457063 88 12 . . PUNCT _005457063 89 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 89 2 you you PRON _005457063 89 3 have have VERB _005457063 89 4 understanding understanding NOUN _005457063 89 5 and and CCONJ _005457063 89 6 compassion compassion NOUN _005457063 89 7 you you PRON _005457063 89 8 will will AUX _005457063 89 9 love love VERB _005457063 89 10 not not PART _005457063 89 11 less less ADJ _005457063 89 12 but but CCONJ _005457063 89 13 more more ADV _005457063 89 14 the the DET _005457063 89 15 one one NUM _005457063 89 16 redeemed redeem VERB _005457063 89 17 from from ADP _005457063 89 18 dishonor dishonor PROPN _005457063 89 19 . . PUNCT _005457063 90 1 for for ADP _005457063 90 2 to to PART _005457063 90 3 “ " PUNCT _005457063 90 4 let let VERB _005457063 90 5 down down ADP _005457063 90 6 ” " PUNCT _005457063 90 7 a a DET _005457063 90 8 friend friend NOUN _005457063 90 9 would would AUX _005457063 90 10 be be AUX _005457063 90 11 a a DET _005457063 90 12 dishonor dishonor NOUN _005457063 90 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 90 14 small small ADJ _005457063 90 15 or or CCONJ _005457063 90 16 large large ADJ _005457063 90 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 90 18 according accord VERB _005457063 90 19 to to ADP _005457063 90 20 the the DET _005457063 90 21 provocation provocation NOUN _005457063 90 22 , , PUNCT _005457063 90 23 unless unless SCONJ _005457063 90 24 that that DET _005457063 90 25 friend friend NOUN _005457063 90 26 had have AUX _005457063 90 27 betrayed betray VERB _005457063 90 28 you you PRON _005457063 90 29 . . PUNCT _005457063 91 1 under under ADP _005457063 91 2 the the DET _005457063 91 3 white white ADJ _005457063 91 4 heat heat NOUN _005457063 91 5 of of ADP _005457063 91 6 a a DET _005457063 91 7 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457063 91 8 affection affection NOUN _005457063 91 9 it it PRON _005457063 91 10 is be AUX _005457063 91 11 possible possible ADJ _005457063 91 12 to to PART _005457063 91 13 anneal anneal VERB _005457063 91 14 to to ADP _005457063 91 15 the the DET _005457063 91 16 heart heart NOUN _005457063 91 17 more more ADV _005457063 91 18 strongly strongly ADV _005457063 91 19 than than ADP _005457063 91 20 ever ever ADV _005457063 91 21 before before ADP _005457063 91 22 a a DET _005457063 91 23 treasured treasured ADJ _005457063 91 24 one one NUM _005457063 91 25 whose whose DET _005457063 91 26 allegiance allegiance NOUN _005457063 91 27 was be AUX _005457063 91 28 gravely gravely ADV _005457063 91 29 threatened threaten VERB _005457063 91 30 . . PUNCT _005457063 92 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 92 2 the the DET _005457063 92 3 chinese chinese PROPN _005457063 92 4 have have VERB _005457063 92 5 a a DET _005457063 92 6 saying saying NOUN _005457063 92 7 that that PRON _005457063 92 8 expresses express VERB _005457063 92 9 well well INTJ _005457063 92 10 the the DET _005457063 92 11 void void NOUN _005457063 92 12 created create VERB _005457063 92 13 by by ADP _005457063 92 14 a a DET _005457063 92 15 lost lost ADJ _005457063 92 16 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 92 17 . . PUNCT _005457063 93 1 it it PRON _005457063 93 2 is be AUX _005457063 93 3 this this PRON _005457063 93 4 . . PUNCT _005457063 94 1 “ " PUNCT _005457063 94 2 a a DET _005457063 94 3 true true ADJ _005457063 94 4 friend friend NOUN _005457063 94 5 is be AUX _005457063 94 6 beat beat VERB _005457063 94 7 known know VERB _005457063 94 8 by by ADP _005457063 94 9 his his PRON _005457063 94 10 loss loss NOUN _005457063 94 11 . . PUNCT _005457063 94 12 ” " PUNCT _005457063 95 1 another another PRON _005457063 95 2 from from ADP _005457063 95 3 the the DET _005457063 95 4 same same ADJ _005457063 95 5 source source NOUN _005457063 95 6 that that PRON _005457063 95 7 should should AUX _005457063 95 8 produce produce VERB _005457063 95 9 meditation meditation NOUN _005457063 95 10 before before ADP _005457063 95 11 shooting shoot VERB _005457063 95 12 a a DET _005457063 95 13 barb barb NOUN _005457063 95 14 in in ADP _005457063 95 15 pique pique NOUN _005457063 95 16 that that PRON _005457063 95 17 may may AUX _005457063 95 18 strike strike VERB _005457063 95 19 a a DET _005457063 95 20 vulnerable^ vulnerable^ NOUN _005457063 95 21 spot spot NOUN _005457063 95 22 , , PUNCT _005457063 95 23 — — PUNCT _005457063 95 24 “ " PUNCT _005457063 95 25 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 95 26 once once ADV _005457063 95 27 broken break VERB _005457063 95 28 , , PUNCT _005457063 95 29 though though SCONJ _005457063 95 30 rejoined rejoin VERB _005457063 95 31 , , PUNCT _005457063 95 32 the the DET _005457063 95 33 knot knot NOUN _005457063 95 34 will will AUX _005457063 95 35 always always ADV _005457063 95 36 remain remain VERB _005457063 95 37 . . PUNCT _005457063 95 38 ” " PUNCT _005457063 96 1 fortunate fortunate VERB _005457063 96 2 the the DET _005457063 96 3 man man NOUN _005457063 96 4 or or CCONJ _005457063 96 5 woman woman NOUN _005457063 96 6 who who PRON _005457063 96 7 has have AUX _005457063 96 8 not not PART _005457063 96 9 encountered encounter VERB _005457063 96 10 “ " PUNCT _005457063 96 11 the the DET _005457063 96 12 knot knot NOUN _005457063 96 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 96 14 ” " PUNCT _005457063 97 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 97 2 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 97 3 in in ADP _005457063 97 4 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 97 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 98 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 98 2 more more ADV _005457063 98 3 marriageable marriageable ADJ _005457063 98 4 youths youth NOUN _005457063 98 5 had have VERB _005457063 98 6 the the DET _005457063 98 7 judgment judgment NOUN _005457063 98 8 to to PART _005457063 98 9 plan plan VERB _005457063 98 10 their their PRON _005457063 98 11 marriages marriage NOUN _005457063 98 12 on on ADP _005457063 98 13 a a DET _005457063 98 14 noble noble ADJ _005457063 98 15 congeniality congeniality NOUN _005457063 98 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 17 on on ADP _005457063 98 18 lofty lofty ADJ _005457063 98 19 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457063 98 20 aspirations aspiration NOUN _005457063 98 21 that that PRON _005457063 98 22 are be AUX _005457063 98 23 akin akin ADJ _005457063 98 24 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 25 on on ADP _005457063 98 26 mental mental ADJ _005457063 98 27 outlooks outlook NOUN _005457063 98 28 that that PRON _005457063 98 29 will will AUX _005457063 98 30 meet meet VERB _005457063 98 31 in in ADP _005457063 98 32 the the DET _005457063 98 33 page page NOUN _005457063 98 34 seven seven NUM _005457063 98 35 far far ADJ _005457063 98 36 vistas vista NOUN _005457063 98 37 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 38 i.e. i.e. X _005457063 98 39 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 40 the the DET _005457063 98 41 years year NOUN _005457063 98 42 in in ADP _005457063 98 43 the the DET _005457063 98 44 making making NOUN _005457063 98 45 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 46 and and CCONJ _005457063 98 47 on on ADP _005457063 98 48 reciprocal reciprocal ADJ _005457063 98 49 affection affection NOUN _005457063 98 50 that that PRON _005457063 98 51 seeks seek VERB _005457063 98 52 the the DET _005457063 98 53 happiness happiness NOUN _005457063 98 54 of of ADP _005457063 98 55 the the DET _005457063 98 56 one one NUM _005457063 98 57 loved love VERB _005457063 98 58 more more ADJ _005457063 98 59 than than ADP _005457063 98 60 the the DET _005457063 98 61 happiness happiness NOUN _005457063 98 62 of of ADP _005457063 98 63 self self NOUN _005457063 98 64 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 65 the the DET _005457063 98 66 divorce divorce NOUN _005457063 98 67 mills mill NOUN _005457063 98 68 would would AUX _005457063 98 69 run run VERB _005457063 98 70 out out ADP _005457063 98 71 of of ADP _005457063 98 72 human human ADJ _005457063 98 73 grain grain NOUN _005457063 98 74 to to PART _005457063 98 75 grind grind VERB _005457063 98 76 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 77 and and CCONJ _005457063 98 78 the the DET _005457063 98 79 indissolubility indissolubility NOUN _005457063 98 80 of of ADP _005457063 98 81 valid valid ADJ _005457063 98 82 marriages marriage NOUN _005457063 98 83 would would AUX _005457063 98 84 give give VERB _005457063 98 85 outward outward ADJ _005457063 98 86 testimony testimony NOUN _005457063 98 87 to to ADP _005457063 98 88 a a DET _005457063 98 89 blind blind ADJ _005457063 98 90 ' ' PUNCT _005457063 98 91 world world NOUN _005457063 98 92 of of ADP _005457063 98 93 that that PRON _005457063 98 94 which which PRON _005457063 98 95 they they PRON _005457063 98 96 are be AUX _005457063 98 97 in in ADP _005457063 98 98 fact fact NOUN _005457063 98 99 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 100 because because SCONJ _005457063 98 101 so so ADV _005457063 98 102 ordained ordain VERB _005457063 98 103 by by ADP _005457063 98 104 god god PROPN _005457063 98 105 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 106 though though SCONJ _005457063 98 107 in in ADP _005457063 98 108 our our PRON _005457063 98 109 day day NOUN _005457063 98 110 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 111 because because SCONJ _005457063 98 112 of of ADP _005457063 98 113 the the DET _005457063 98 114 hardness hardness NOUN _005457063 98 115 of of ADP _005457063 98 116 the the DET _005457063 98 117 hearts heart NOUN _005457063 98 118 of of ADP _005457063 98 119 men man NOUN _005457063 98 120 and and CCONJ _005457063 98 121 women woman NOUN _005457063 98 122 and and CCONJ _005457063 98 123 their their PRON _005457063 98 124 materialistic materialistic ADJ _005457063 98 125 evaluations evaluation NOUN _005457063 98 126 , , PUNCT _005457063 98 127 they they PRON _005457063 98 128 seemingly seemingly ADV _005457063 98 129 are be AUX _005457063 98 130 as as ADV _005457063 98 131 easily easily ADV _005457063 98 132 dissolved dissolve VERB _005457063 98 133 as as ADP _005457063 98 134 ice ice NOUN _005457063 98 135 under under ADP _005457063 98 136 a a DET _005457063 98 137 warm warm ADJ _005457063 98 138 sun sun NOUN _005457063 98 139 . . PUNCT _005457063 99 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 99 2 because because SCONJ _005457063 99 3 the the DET _005457063 99 4 resilient resilient ADJ _005457063 99 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 99 6 forgiving forgiving ADJ _005457063 99 7 type type NOUN _005457063 99 8 of of ADP _005457063 99 9 christian christian ADJ _005457063 99 10 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 99 11 which which PRON _005457063 99 12 heals heal VERB _005457063 99 13 disturbed disturb VERB _005457063 99 14 relations relation NOUN _005457063 99 15 between between ADP _005457063 99 16 married married ADJ _005457063 99 17 couples couple NOUN _005457063 99 18 has have AUX _005457063 99 19 deteriorated deteriorate VERB _005457063 99 20 into into ADP _005457063 99 21 the the DET _005457063 99 22 brittleness brittleness NOUN _005457063 99 23 of of ADP _005457063 99 24 ice ice NOUN _005457063 99 25 , , PUNCT _005457063 99 26 the the DET _005457063 99 27 non non ADJ _005457063 99 28 - - ADJ _005457063 99 29 breakable breakable ADJ _005457063 99 30 quality quality NOUN _005457063 99 31 of of ADP _005457063 99 32 true true ADJ _005457063 99 33 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 99 34 has have AUX _005457063 99 35 assumed assume VERB _005457063 99 36 a a DET _005457063 99 37 false false ADJ _005457063 99 38 aspect aspect NOUN _005457063 99 39 . . PUNCT _005457063 100 1 dead dead ADJ _005457063 100 2 passion passion NOUN _005457063 100 3 — — PUNCT _005457063 100 4 not not PART _005457063 100 5 the the DET _005457063 100 6 passion passion NOUN _005457063 100 7 of of ADP _005457063 100 8 noble noble ADJ _005457063 100 9 love love NOUN _005457063 100 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 100 11 but but CCONJ _005457063 100 12 lust lust NOUN _005457063 100 13 — — PUNCT _005457063 100 14 can can AUX _005457063 100 15 no no ADV _005457063 100 16 longer long ADV _005457063 100 17 draw draw VERB _005457063 100 18 fighting fight VERB _005457063 100 19 spirits spirit NOUN _005457063 100 20 and and CCONJ _005457063 100 21 rebellious rebellious ADJ _005457063 100 22 humanity humanity NOUN _005457063 100 23 together together ADV _005457063 100 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 101 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 101 2 a a DET _005457063 101 3 deep deep ADJ _005457063 101 4 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 101 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 101 6 warmed warm VERB _005457063 101 7 by by ADP _005457063 101 8 understanding understanding NOUN _005457063 101 9 and and CCONJ _005457063 101 10 true true ADJ _005457063 101 11 compassion compassion NOUN _005457063 101 12 and and CCONJ _005457063 101 13 sustained sustain VERB _005457063 101 14 by by ADP _005457063 101 15 a a DET _005457063 101 16 determined determined ADJ _005457063 101 17 christian christian ADJ _005457063 101 18 affection affection NOUN _005457063 101 19 , , PUNCT _005457063 101 20 the the DET _005457063 101 21 combination combination NOUN _005457063 101 22 of of ADP _005457063 101 23 which which PRON _005457063 101 24 attributes attribute VERB _005457063 101 25 can can AUX _005457063 101 26 and and CCONJ _005457063 101 27 will will AUX _005457063 101 28 take take VERB _005457063 101 29 care care NOUN _005457063 101 30 of of ADP _005457063 101 31 natural natural ADJ _005457063 101 32 love love NOUN _005457063 101 33 , , PUNCT _005457063 101 34 would would AUX _005457063 101 35 tenderly tenderly ADV _005457063 101 36 salvage salvage VERB _005457063 101 37 the the DET _005457063 101 38 broken broken ADJ _005457063 101 39 threads thread NOUN _005457063 101 40 that that PRON _005457063 101 41 human human ADJ _005457063 101 42 weakness weakness NOUN _005457063 101 43 had have AUX _005457063 101 44 created create VERB _005457063 101 45 and and CCONJ _005457063 101 46 would would AUX _005457063 101 47 tie tie VERB _005457063 101 48 these these DET _005457063 101 49 threads thread NOUN _005457063 101 50 with with ADP _005457063 101 51 an an DET _005457063 101 52 enduring enduring ADJ _005457063 101 53 , , PUNCT _005457063 101 54 selfless selfless ADJ _005457063 101 55 devotion devotion NOUN _005457063 101 56 that that PRON _005457063 101 57 would would AUX _005457063 101 58 entertain entertain VERB _005457063 101 59 no no DET _005457063 101 60 thought thought NOUN _005457063 101 61 of of ADP _005457063 101 62 making make VERB _005457063 101 63 human human ADJ _005457063 101 64 flotsam flotsam NOUN _005457063 101 65 of of ADP _005457063 101 66 two two NUM _005457063 101 67 who who PRON _005457063 101 68 had have AUX _005457063 101 69 become become VERB _005457063 101 70 one one NUM _005457063 101 71 , , PUNCT _005457063 101 72 with with ADP _005457063 101 73 perhaps perhaps ADV _005457063 101 74 the the DET _005457063 101 75 children child NOUN _005457063 101 76 of of ADP _005457063 101 77 such such ADJ _005457063 101 78 union union NOUN _005457063 101 79 society society NOUN _005457063 101 80 's 's PART _005457063 101 81 jetsam jetsam PROPN _005457063 101 82 . . PUNCT _005457063 102 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 102 2 the the DET _005457063 102 3 finest fine ADJ _005457063 102 4 kind kind NOUN _005457063 102 5 of of ADP _005457063 102 6 love love NOUN _005457063 102 7 lives live VERB _005457063 102 8 on on ADP _005457063 102 9 through through ADP _005457063 102 10 the the DET _005457063 102 11 years year NOUN _005457063 102 12 . . PUNCT _005457063 103 1 j. j. PROPN _005457063 103 2 c. c. PROPN _005457063 103 3 and and CCONJ _005457063 103 4 a. a. PROPN _005457063 103 5 w. w. PROPN _005457063 103 6 hare hare PROPN _005457063 103 7 analyzing analyze VERB _005457063 103 8 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 103 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 103 10 wrote write VERB _005457063 103 11 : : PUNCT _005457063 103 12 ‘ ' PUNCT _005457063 103 13 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 103 14 is be AUX _005457063 103 15 love love NOUN _005457063 103 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 103 17 without without ADP _005457063 103 18 either either CCONJ _005457063 103 19 flowers flower NOUN _005457063 103 20 or or CCONJ _005457063 103 21 veil veil NOUN _005457063 103 22 . . PUNCT _005457063 103 23 ” " PUNCT _005457063 104 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 104 2 why why SCONJ _005457063 104 3 not not PART _005457063 104 4 extend extend VERB _005457063 104 5 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 104 6 to to PART _005457063 104 7 include include VERB _005457063 104 8 married married ADJ _005457063 104 9 love love NOUN _005457063 104 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 104 11 with with ADP _005457063 104 12 flowers flower NOUN _005457063 104 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 104 14 veil veil NOUN _005457063 104 15 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 105 1 page page NOUN _005457063 105 2 eight eight NUM _005457063 105 3 the the DET _005457063 105 4 reason reason NOUN _005457063 105 5 for for ADP _005457063 105 6 sharp sharp ADJ _005457063 105 7 insistence insistence NOUN _005457063 105 8 on on ADP _005457063 105 9 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 105 10 in in ADP _005457063 105 11 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 105 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 105 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 105 14 as as ADP _005457063 105 15 a a DET _005457063 105 16 basis basis NOUN _005457063 105 17 for for ADP _005457063 105 18 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 105 19 lies lie VERB _005457063 105 20 in in ADP _005457063 105 21 the the DET _005457063 105 22 ephemeral ephemeral ADJ _005457063 105 23 nature nature NOUN _005457063 105 24 of of ADP _005457063 105 25 orange orange ADJ _005457063 105 26 blossoms blossom NOUN _005457063 105 27 . . PUNCT _005457063 106 1 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 106 2 in in ADP _005457063 106 3 flower flower NOUN _005457063 106 4 encounters encounter VERB _005457063 106 5 weeds weed NOUN _005457063 106 6 which which PRON _005457063 106 7 must must AUX _005457063 106 8 be be AUX _005457063 106 9 uprooted uproot VERB _005457063 106 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 107 1 rocks rock NOUN _005457063 107 2 cut cut VERB _005457063 107 3 the the DET _005457063 107 4 feet foot NOUN _005457063 107 5 of of ADP _005457063 107 6 the the DET _005457063 107 7 wedded wed VERB _005457063 107 8 couple couple NOUN _005457063 107 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 108 1 briars briars PROPN _005457063 108 2 scratch scratch PROPN _005457063 108 3 . . PUNCT _005457063 109 1 sorrows sorrow NOUN _005457063 109 2 choke choke VERB _005457063 109 3 the the DET _005457063 109 4 heart heart NOUN _005457063 109 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 110 1 fears fear NOUN _005457063 110 2 grip grip VERB _005457063 110 3 the the DET _005457063 110 4 mind mind NOUN _005457063 110 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 111 1 trials trial NOUN _005457063 111 2 test test VERB _005457063 111 3 the the DET _005457063 111 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005457063 111 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 112 1 yet yet CCONJ _005457063 112 2 if if SCONJ _005457063 112 3 the the DET _005457063 112 4 husband husband NOUN _005457063 112 5 and and CCONJ _005457063 112 6 wife wife NOUN _005457063 112 7 have have VERB _005457063 112 8 for for ADP _005457063 112 9 each each DET _005457063 112 10 other other ADJ _005457063 112 11 a a DET _005457063 112 12 deep deep ADJ _005457063 112 13 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 112 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 112 15 which which PRON _005457063 112 16 is be AUX _005457063 112 17 mutually mutually ADV _005457063 112 18 consoling console VERB _005457063 112 19 , , PUNCT _005457063 112 20 they they PRON _005457063 112 21 have have VERB _005457063 112 22 the the DET _005457063 112 23 flnest fln ADJ _005457063 112 24 kind kind NOUN _005457063 112 25 of of ADP _005457063 112 26 love love NOUN _005457063 112 27 . . PUNCT _005457063 113 1 the the DET _005457063 113 2 passion passion NOUN _005457063 113 3 incident incident NOUN _005457063 113 4 to to ADP _005457063 113 5 married married ADJ _005457063 113 6 love love NOUN _005457063 113 7 will will AUX _005457063 113 8 be be AUX _005457063 113 9 balanced balance VERB _005457063 113 10 and and CCONJ _005457063 113 11 sustained sustain VERB _005457063 113 12 by by ADP _005457063 113 13 this this DET _005457063 113 14 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 113 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 114 1 from from ADP _005457063 114 2 it it PRON _005457063 114 3 will will AUX _005457063 114 4 develop develop VERB _005457063 114 5 a a DET _005457063 114 6 love love NOUN _005457063 114 7 that that PRON _005457063 114 8 will will AUX _005457063 114 9 accompany accompany VERB _005457063 114 10 to to ADP _005457063 114 11 the the DET _005457063 114 12 grave grave NOUN _005457063 114 13 the the DET _005457063 114 14 first first ADJ _005457063 114 15 to to PART _005457063 114 16 answer answer VERB _005457063 114 17 the the DET _005457063 114 18 divine divine ADJ _005457063 114 19 call call NOUN _005457063 114 20 , , PUNCT _005457063 114 21 there there ADV _005457063 114 22 to to PART _005457063 114 23 water water VERB _005457063 114 24 the the DET _005457063 114 25 cold cold ADJ _005457063 114 26 earth earth NOUN _005457063 114 27 with with ADP _005457063 114 28 burning burn VERB _005457063 114 29 tears tear NOUN _005457063 114 30 and and CCONJ _005457063 114 31 there there ADV _005457063 114 32 to to PART _005457063 114 33 pour pour VERB _005457063 114 34 forth forth ADP _005457063 114 35 to to ADP _005457063 114 36 the the DET _005457063 114 37 merciful merciful ADJ _005457063 114 38 judge judge NOUN _005457063 114 39 prayers prayer NOUN _005457063 114 40 for for ADP _005457063 114 41 the the DET _005457063 114 42 companion companion NOUN _005457063 114 43 who who PRON _005457063 114 44 will will AUX _005457063 114 45 no no ADV _005457063 114 46 longer long ADV _005457063 114 47 keep keep VERB _005457063 114 48 watch watch NOUN _005457063 114 49 on on ADP _005457063 114 50 earth earth NOUN _005457063 114 51 with with ADP _005457063 114 52 the the DET _005457063 114 53 one one NOUN _005457063 114 54 made make VERB _005457063 114 55 desolate desolate ADJ _005457063 114 56 . . PUNCT _005457063 115 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 115 2 human human PROPN _005457063 115 3 love love NOUN _005457063 115 4 and and CCONJ _005457063 115 5 humanity humanity NOUN _005457063 115 6 's 's PART _005457063 115 7 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 115 8 find find VERB _005457063 115 9 solace solace NOUN _005457063 115 10 in in ADP _005457063 115 11 god god PROPN _005457063 115 12 . . PUNCT _005457063 116 1 someone someone PRON _005457063 116 2 whose whose DET _005457063 116 3 name name NOUN _005457063 116 4 is be AUX _005457063 116 5 hidden hide VERB _005457063 116 6 from from ADP _005457063 116 7 me i PRON _005457063 116 8 learned learn VERB _005457063 116 9 the the DET _005457063 116 10 way way NOUN _005457063 116 11 to to PART _005457063 116 12 cover cover VERB _005457063 116 13 pain pain NOUN _005457063 116 14 . . PUNCT _005457063 117 1 in in ADP _005457063 117 2 verse verse NOUN _005457063 117 3 the the DET _005457063 117 4 method method NOUN _005457063 117 5 is be AUX _005457063 117 6 revealed reveal VERB _005457063 117 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 118 1 i i PRON _005457063 118 2 quote quote VERB _005457063 118 3 : : PUNCT _005457063 118 4 bury bury VERB _005457063 118 5 thy thy PRON _005457063 118 6 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457063 118 7 bury bury VERB _005457063 118 8 thy thy PROPN _005457063 118 9 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457063 118 10 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 118 11 hide hide VERB _005457063 118 12 it it PRON _005457063 118 13 with with ADP _005457063 118 14 care care NOUN _005457063 118 15 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 118 16 bury bury VERB _005457063 118 17 it it PRON _005457063 118 18 deeply deeply ADV _005457063 118 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 118 20 the the DET _005457063 118 21 world world NOUN _005457063 118 22 has have VERB _005457063 118 23 its its PRON _005457063 118 24 share share NOUN _005457063 118 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 119 1 think think VERB _005457063 119 2 of of ADP _005457063 119 3 it it PRON _005457063 119 4 calmly calmly ADV _005457063 119 5 when when SCONJ _005457063 119 6 curtained curtain VERB _005457063 119 7 by by ADP _005457063 119 8 night night NOUN _005457063 119 9 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 119 10 tell tell VERB _005457063 119 11 it it PRON _005457063 119 12 to to ADP _005457063 119 13 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 119 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 119 15 and and CCONJ _005457063 119 16 all all PRON _005457063 119 17 will will AUX _005457063 119 18 be be AUX _005457063 119 19 right right ADJ _005457063 119 20 . . PUNCT _005457063 120 1 tell tell VERB _005457063 120 2 it it PRON _005457063 120 3 to to ADP _005457063 120 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 120 5 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 120 6 he he PRON _005457063 120 7 knoweth knoweth VERB _005457063 120 8 thy thy PRON _005457063 120 9 grief grief NOUN _005457063 120 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 121 1 tell tell VERB _005457063 121 2 it it PRON _005457063 121 3 to to ADP _005457063 121 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 121 5 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 121 6 he he PRON _005457063 121 7 'll will AUX _005457063 121 8 send send VERB _005457063 121 9 thee thee ADJ _005457063 121 10 relief relief NOUN _005457063 121 11 . . PUNCT _005457063 122 1 page page NOUN _005457063 122 2 nine nine NUM _005457063 122 3 hearts heart NOUN _005457063 122 4 grown grow VERB _005457063 122 5 aweary aweary ADJ _005457063 122 6 with with ADP _005457063 122 7 heavier heavy ADJ _005457063 122 8 woe woe NOUN _005457063 122 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 122 10 drop drop VERB _005457063 122 11 into into ADP _005457063 122 12 darkness darkness NOUN _005457063 122 13 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 122 14 go go VERB _005457063 122 15 , , PUNCT _005457063 122 16 comfort comfort VERB _005457063 122 17 them they PRON _005457063 122 18 , , PUNCT _005457063 122 19 go go VERB _005457063 122 20 — — PUNCT _005457063 122 21 bury bury VERB _005457063 122 22 thy thy PROPN _005457063 122 23 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457063 122 24 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 122 25 let let VERB _005457063 122 26 others other NOUN _005457063 122 27 be be AUX _005457063 122 28 blest blest ADJ _005457063 122 29 . . PUNCT _005457063 123 1 give give VERB _005457063 123 2 them they PRON _005457063 123 3 the the DET _005457063 123 4 sunshine sunshine NOUN _005457063 123 5 — — PUNCT _005457063 123 6 tell tell VERB _005457063 123 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 123 8 the the DET _005457063 123 9 rest rest NOUN _005457063 123 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 124 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 124 2 throttled throttle VERB _005457063 124 3 friendship.—h2i2xitt friendship.—h2i2xitt NUM _005457063 124 4 grasped grasp VERB _005457063 124 5 the the DET _005457063 124 6 fact fact NOUN _005457063 124 7 that that SCONJ _005457063 124 8 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 124 9 must must AUX _005457063 124 10 not not PART _005457063 124 11 be be AUX _005457063 124 12 throttled throttle VERB _005457063 124 13 by by ADP _005457063 124 14 exactitudes exactitude NOUN _005457063 124 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 125 1 he he PRON _005457063 125 2 said say VERB _005457063 125 3 there there PRON _005457063 125 4 are be VERB _005457063 125 5 no no DET _005457063 125 6 rules rule NOUN _005457063 125 7 governing govern VERB _005457063 125 8 it it PRON _005457063 125 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 126 1 this this PRON _005457063 126 2 is be AUX _005457063 126 3 not not PART _005457063 126 4 quite quite ADV _005457063 126 5 true true ADJ _005457063 126 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 126 7 for for ADP _005457063 126 8 honor honor NOUN _005457063 126 9 must must AUX _005457063 126 10 always always ADV _005457063 126 11 be be AUX _005457063 126 12 the the DET _005457063 126 13 norm norm NOUN _005457063 126 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 126 15 and and CCONJ _005457063 126 16 the the DET _005457063 126 17 beginning beginning NOUN _005457063 126 18 and and CCONJ _005457063 126 19 the the DET _005457063 126 20 end end NOUN _005457063 126 21 of of ADP _005457063 126 22 a a DET _005457063 126 23 real real ADJ _005457063 126 24 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 126 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 127 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 127 2 a a DET _005457063 127 3 friend friend NOUN _005457063 127 4 merits merit NOUN _005457063 127 5 trust trust NOUN _005457063 127 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 127 7 whether whether SCONJ _005457063 127 8 the the DET _005457063 127 9 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 127 10 is be AUX _005457063 127 11 that that PRON _005457063 127 12 of of ADP _005457063 127 13 one one NUM _005457063 127 14 man man NOUN _005457063 127 15 for for ADP _005457063 127 16 another another PRON _005457063 127 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 127 18 or or CCONJ _005457063 127 19 between between ADP _005457063 127 20 women woman NOUN _005457063 127 21 , , PUNCT _005457063 127 22 or or CCONJ _005457063 127 23 whether whether SCONJ _005457063 127 24 the the DET _005457063 127 25 friend friend NOUN _005457063 127 26 be be AUX _005457063 127 27 your your PRON _005457063 127 28 wife wife NOUN _005457063 127 29 or or CCONJ _005457063 127 30 husband husband NOUN _005457063 127 31 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 127 32 or or CCONJ _005457063 127 33 , , PUNCT _005457063 127 34 shall shall AUX _005457063 127 35 i i PRON _005457063 127 36 go go VERB _005457063 127 37 further,—of further,—of ADJ _005457063 127 38 course course NOUN _005457063 127 39 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 127 40 , , PUNCT _005457063 127 41 and and CCONJ _005457063 127 42 say say VERB _005457063 127 43 whether whether SCONJ _005457063 127 44 that that DET _005457063 127 45 friend friend NOUN _005457063 127 46 be be AUX _005457063 127 47 a a DET _005457063 127 48 man man NOUN _005457063 127 49 or or CCONJ _005457063 127 50 a a DET _005457063 127 51 woman woman NOUN _005457063 127 52 other other ADJ _005457063 127 53 than than ADP _005457063 127 54 your your PRON _005457063 127 55 wife wife NOUN _005457063 127 56 or or CCONJ _005457063 127 57 your your PRON _005457063 127 58 husband husband NOUN _005457063 127 59 ( ( PUNCT _005457063 127 60 but but CCONJ _005457063 127 61 of of ADP _005457063 127 62 the the DET _005457063 127 63 opposite opposite ADJ _005457063 127 64 sex sex NOUN _005457063 127 65 ) ) PUNCT _005457063 127 66 , , PUNCT _005457063 127 67 who who PRON _005457063 127 68 is be AUX _005457063 127 69 honorable honorable ADJ _005457063 127 70 and and CCONJ _005457063 127 71 who who PRON _005457063 127 72 is be AUX _005457063 127 73 honored honor VERB _005457063 127 74 by by ADP _005457063 127 75 you you PRON _005457063 127 76 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 128 1 in in ADP _005457063 128 2 this this DET _005457063 128 3 latter latter ADJ _005457063 128 4 instance instance NOUN _005457063 128 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 128 6 though though ADV _005457063 128 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 128 8 honor honor NOUN _005457063 128 9 must must AUX _005457063 128 10 sternly sternly ADV _005457063 128 11 guard guard VERB _005457063 128 12 that that SCONJ _005457063 128 13 the the DET _005457063 128 14 inalienable inalienable ADJ _005457063 128 15 rights right NOUN _005457063 128 16 of of ADP _005457063 128 17 husband husband NOUN _005457063 128 18 or or CCONJ _005457063 128 19 wife wife NOUN _005457063 128 20 ( ( PUNCT _005457063 128 21 before before ADP _005457063 128 22 god god PROPN _005457063 128 23 ) ) PUNCT _005457063 128 24 are be AUX _005457063 128 25 in in ADP _005457063 128 26 no no DET _005457063 128 27 sense sense NOUN _005457063 128 28 violated violate VERB _005457063 128 29 . . PUNCT _005457063 129 1 these these DET _005457063 129 2 inalienable inalienable ADJ _005457063 129 3 rights right NOUN _005457063 129 4 should should AUX _005457063 129 5 be be AUX _005457063 129 6 more more ADV _005457063 129 7 generally generally ADV _005457063 129 8 recognized recognize VERB _005457063 129 9 in in ADP _005457063 129 10 society society NOUN _005457063 129 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 129 12 and and CCONJ _005457063 129 13 public public ADJ _005457063 129 14 opinion opinion NOUN _005457063 129 15 should should AUX _005457063 129 16 protect protect VERB _005457063 129 17 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 129 18 vows vow NOUN _005457063 129 19 by by ADP _005457063 129 20 discountenancing discountenance VERB _005457063 129 21 rampant rampant ADJ _005457063 129 22 practices practice NOUN _005457063 129 23 of of ADP _005457063 129 24 fornications fornication NOUN _005457063 129 25 and and CCONJ _005457063 129 26 adulteries adultery NOUN _005457063 129 27 . . PUNCT _005457063 130 1 it it PRON _005457063 130 2 is be AUX _005457063 130 3 an an DET _005457063 130 4 eternal eternal ADJ _005457063 130 5 misfortune misfortune NOUN _005457063 130 6 for for ADP _005457063 130 7 multitudes multitude NOUN _005457063 130 8 that that PRON _005457063 130 9 modem modem NOUN _005457063 130 10 mores more NOUN _005457063 130 11 make make VERB _005457063 130 12 of of ADP _005457063 130 13 the the DET _005457063 130 14 divine divine ADJ _005457063 130 15 law law NOUN _005457063 130 16 a a DET _005457063 130 17 travesty travesty NOUN _005457063 130 18 to to PART _005457063 130 19 titillate titillate VERB _005457063 130 20 spoiled spoiled ADJ _005457063 130 21 imaginations imagination NOUN _005457063 130 22 and and CCONJ _005457063 130 23 sated sated ADJ _005457063 130 24 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005457063 130 25 - - PUNCT _005457063 130 26 seeking seek VERB _005457063 130 27 materialists materialist NOUN _005457063 130 28 and and CCONJ _005457063 130 29 sensualists sensualist NOUN _005457063 130 30 . . PUNCT _005457063 131 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 131 2 page page PROPN _005457063 131 3 ten ten NUM _005457063 131 4 if if SCONJ _005457063 131 5 there there PRON _005457063 131 6 is be VERB _005457063 131 7 one one NUM _005457063 131 8 thing thing NOUN _005457063 131 9 more more ADJ _005457063 131 10 than than ADP _005457063 131 11 another another PRON _005457063 131 12 that that PRON _005457063 131 13 wounds wound VERB _005457063 131 14 the the DET _005457063 131 15 delicate delicate ADJ _005457063 131 16 sensibility sensibility NOUN _005457063 131 17 of of ADP _005457063 131 18 a a DET _005457063 131 19 man man NOUN _005457063 131 20 or or CCONJ _005457063 131 21 a a DET _005457063 131 22 woman woman NOUN _005457063 131 23 who who PRON _005457063 131 24 loves love VERB _005457063 131 25 divine divine ADJ _005457063 131 26 beauty beauty NOUN _005457063 131 27 and and CCONJ _005457063 131 28 whose whose DET _005457063 131 29 pure pure ADJ _005457063 131 30 heart heart NOUN _005457063 131 31 seeks seek VERB _005457063 131 32 good good ADJ _005457063 131 33 in in ADP _005457063 131 34 others other NOUN _005457063 131 35 and and CCONJ _005457063 131 36 dwells dwell VERB _005457063 131 37 not not PART _005457063 131 38 on on ADP _005457063 131 39 evil evil NOUN _005457063 131 40 , , PUNCT _005457063 131 41 it it PRON _005457063 131 42 is be AUX _005457063 131 43 , , PUNCT _005457063 131 44 i i PRON _005457063 131 45 think think VERB _005457063 131 46 , , PUNCT _005457063 131 47 the the DET _005457063 131 48 experience experience NOUN _005457063 131 49 of of ADP _005457063 131 50 daily daily ADJ _005457063 131 51 encountering encountering NOUN _005457063 131 52 in in ADP _005457063 131 53 the the DET _005457063 131 54 worldling worldle VERB _005457063 131 55 a a DET _005457063 131 56 writing writing NOUN _005457063 131 57 of of ADP _005457063 131 58 sex sex NOUN _005457063 131 59 expression expression NOUN _005457063 131 60 ( ( PUNCT _005457063 131 61 unsanctified unsanctifie VERB _005457063 131 62 by by ADP _005457063 131 63 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 131 64 ) ) PUNCT _005457063 131 65 into into ADP _005457063 131 66 every every DET _005457063 131 67 word word NOUN _005457063 131 68 , , PUNCT _005457063 131 69 gesture gesture NOUN _005457063 131 70 , , PUNCT _005457063 131 71 or or CCONJ _005457063 131 72 act act NOUN _005457063 131 73 of of ADP _005457063 131 74 associates associate NOUN _005457063 131 75 . . PUNCT _005457063 132 1 yet yet CCONJ _005457063 132 2 the the DET _005457063 132 3 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _005457063 132 4 of of ADP _005457063 132 5 our our PRON _005457063 132 6 times time NOUN _005457063 132 7 is be AUX _005457063 132 8 so so ADV _005457063 132 9 heavily heavily ADV _005457063 132 10 laden laden ADJ _005457063 132 11 with with ADP _005457063 132 12 the the DET _005457063 132 13 fumes fume NOUN _005457063 132 14 of of ADP _005457063 132 15 materialism materialism NOUN _005457063 132 16 and and CCONJ _005457063 132 17 sensuality sensuality NOUN _005457063 132 18 that that PRON _005457063 132 19 condition condition NOUN _005457063 132 20 prevails prevail VERB _005457063 132 21 more more ADV _005457063 132 22 widely widely ADV _005457063 132 23 than than SCONJ _005457063 132 24 a a DET _005457063 132 25 wholesome wholesome ADJ _005457063 132 26 mind mind NOUN _005457063 132 27 can can AUX _005457063 132 28 perceive perceive VERB _005457063 132 29 without without ADP _005457063 132 30 pain pain NOUN _005457063 132 31 . . PUNCT _005457063 133 1 the the DET _005457063 133 2 early early ADJ _005457063 133 3 christians christian NOUN _005457063 133 4 were be AUX _005457063 133 5 martyred martyr VERB _005457063 133 6 for for ADP _005457063 133 7 their their PRON _005457063 133 8 faith faith NOUN _005457063 133 9 or or CCONJ _005457063 133 10 because because SCONJ _005457063 133 11 they they PRON _005457063 133 12 would would AUX _005457063 133 13 not not PART _005457063 133 14 surrender surrender VERB _005457063 133 15 chastity chastity NOUN _005457063 133 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 134 1 in in ADP _005457063 134 2 our our PRON _005457063 134 3 day day NOUN _005457063 134 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 134 5 two two NUM _005457063 134 6 thousand thousand NUM _005457063 134 7 years year NOUN _005457063 134 8 later later ADV _005457063 134 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 134 10 christ christ PROPN _005457063 134 11 ’s ’s PART _005457063 134 12 followers follower NOUN _005457063 134 13 are be AUX _005457063 134 14 similarly similarly ADV _005457063 134 15 tested test VERB _005457063 134 16 in in ADP _005457063 134 17 many many ADJ _005457063 134 18 countries country NOUN _005457063 134 19 , , PUNCT _005457063 134 20 where where SCONJ _005457063 134 21 thousands thousand NOUN _005457063 134 22 have have AUX _005457063 134 23 suffered suffer VERB _005457063 134 24 martyrdom martyrdom NOUN _005457063 134 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 135 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 135 2 fortunately fortunately ADV _005457063 135 3 for for SCONJ _005457063 135 4 us us PROPN _005457063 135 5 persecution persecution NOUN _005457063 135 6 has have AUX _005457063 135 7 not not PART _005457063 135 8 yet yet ADV _005457063 135 9 come come VERB _005457063 135 10 to to ADP _005457063 135 11 americans americans PROPN _005457063 135 12 . . PUNCT _005457063 136 1 yet yet CCONJ _005457063 136 2 our our PRON _005457063 136 3 faith faith NOUN _005457063 136 4 is be AUX _005457063 136 5 challenged challenge VERB _005457063 136 6 by by ADP _005457063 136 7 the the DET _005457063 136 8 godless godless NOUN _005457063 136 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 137 1 morality morality NOUN _005457063 137 2 is be AUX _005457063 137 3 at at ADP _005457063 137 4 low low ADJ _005457063 137 5 tide tide NOUN _005457063 137 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 138 1 everywhere everywhere ADV _005457063 138 2 there there PRON _005457063 138 3 is be VERB _005457063 138 4 a a DET _005457063 138 5 grave grave ADJ _005457063 138 6 disregard disregard NOUN _005457063 138 7 of of ADP _005457063 138 8 christian christian ADJ _005457063 138 9 standards standard NOUN _005457063 138 10 and and CCONJ _005457063 138 11 a a DET _005457063 138 12 scoff scoff NOUN _005457063 138 13 at at ADP _005457063 138 14 christian christian ADJ _005457063 138 15 ideals ideal NOUN _005457063 138 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 139 1 the the DET _005457063 139 2 materialist materialist NOUN _005457063 139 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 139 4 the the DET _005457063 139 5 gross gross ADJ _005457063 139 6 sensualist sensualist NOUN _005457063 139 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 139 8 the the DET _005457063 139 9 mad mad ADJ _005457063 139 10 seeker seeker NOUN _005457063 139 11 of of ADP _005457063 139 12 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005457063 139 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 139 14 has have VERB _005457063 139 15 no no DET _005457063 139 16 congeniality congeniality NOUN _005457063 139 17 with with ADP _005457063 139 18 religion religion NOUN _005457063 139 19 . . PUNCT _005457063 140 1 the the DET _005457063 140 2 apostate apostate PROPN _005457063 140 3 catholic catholic PROPN _005457063 140 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 140 5 the the DET _005457063 140 6 indifferentist indifferentist NOUN _005457063 140 7 to to ADP _005457063 140 8 religion religion NOUN _005457063 140 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 140 10 or or CCONJ _005457063 140 11 the the DET _005457063 140 12 atheist atheist NOUN _005457063 140 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 140 14 can can AUX _005457063 140 15 never never ADV _005457063 140 16 be be AUX _005457063 140 17 trusted trust VERB _005457063 140 18 in in ADP _005457063 140 19 a a DET _005457063 140 20 dark dark ADJ _005457063 140 21 hour hour NOUN _005457063 140 22 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 141 1 one one NUM _005457063 141 2 who who PRON _005457063 141 3 is be AUX _005457063 141 4 not not PART _005457063 141 5 god god PROPN _005457063 141 6 ’s ’s PART _005457063 141 7 friend friend NOUN _005457063 141 8 should should AUX _005457063 141 9 not not PART _005457063 141 10 even even ADV _005457063 141 11 be be AUX _005457063 141 12 expected expect VERB _005457063 141 13 to to PART _005457063 141 14 be be AUX _005457063 141 15 man man NOUN _005457063 141 16 ’s ’s PART _005457063 141 17 friend friend NOUN _005457063 141 18 . . PUNCT _005457063 142 1 a a DET _005457063 142 2 good good ADJ _005457063 142 3 pagan pagan PROPN _005457063 142 4 is be AUX _005457063 142 5 a a DET _005457063 142 6 far far ADV _005457063 142 7 better well ADJ _005457063 142 8 risk risk NOUN _005457063 142 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 143 1 — — PUNCT _005457063 143 2 today today NOUN _005457063 143 3 * * PUNCT _005457063 143 4 s s PART _005457063 143 5 urgency urgency NOUN _005457063 143 6 is be AUX _005457063 143 7 militancy militancy NOUN _005457063 143 8 for for ADP _005457063 143 9 god god PROPN _005457063 143 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 143 11 not not PART _005457063 143 12 frenzied frenzied ADJ _005457063 143 13 manufacture manufacture NOUN _005457063 143 14 of of ADP _005457063 143 15 atom atom NOUN _005457063 143 16 bombs bomb NOUN _005457063 143 17 . . PUNCT _005457063 144 1 youth youth NOUN _005457063 144 2 introduced introduce VERB _005457063 144 3 to to ADP _005457063 144 4 christ christ PROPN _005457063 144 5 — — PUNCT _005457063 144 6 men man NOUN _005457063 144 7 and and CCONJ _005457063 144 8 women woman NOUN _005457063 144 9 openly openly ADV _005457063 144 10 professing profess VERB _005457063 144 11 christianity christianity NOUN _005457063 144 12 by by ADP _005457063 144 13 a a DET _005457063 144 14 brave brave ADJ _005457063 144 15 living living NOUN _005457063 144 16 of of ADP _005457063 144 17 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 144 18 ’ ' PUNCT _005457063 144 19 teachings teaching NOUN _005457063 144 20 — — PUNCT _005457063 144 21 these these PRON _005457063 144 22 are be AUX _005457063 144 23 the the DET _005457063 144 24 friends friend NOUN _005457063 144 25 that that PRON _005457063 144 26 humanity humanity NOUN _005457063 144 27 needs need VERB _005457063 144 28 in in ADP _005457063 144 29 our our PRON _005457063 144 30 crucial crucial ADJ _005457063 144 31 times time NOUN _005457063 144 32 . . PUNCT _005457063 145 1 through through ADP _005457063 145 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005457063 145 3 and and CCONJ _005457063 145 4 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005457063 145 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 145 6 an an DET _005457063 145 7 army army NOUN _005457063 145 8 of of ADP _005457063 145 9 such such ADJ _005457063 145 10 godward godward ADJ _005457063 145 11 marching marching NOUN _005457063 145 12 friends friend NOUN _005457063 145 13 can can AUX _005457063 145 14 bring bring VERB _005457063 145 15 peace peace NOUN _005457063 145 16 to to ADP _005457063 145 17 the the DET _005457063 145 18 world world NOUN _005457063 145 19 . . PUNCT _005457063 146 1 through through ADP _005457063 146 2 virtuous virtuous ADJ _005457063 146 3 practise practise NOUN _005457063 146 4 christians christian NOUN _005457063 146 5 can can AUX _005457063 146 6 create create VERB _005457063 146 7 a a DET _005457063 146 8 clean clean ADJ _005457063 146 9 society society NOUN _005457063 146 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 147 1 purified purify VERB _005457063 147 2 hearts heart NOUN _005457063 147 3 and and CCONJ _005457063 147 4 washed wash VERB _005457063 147 5 minds mind NOUN _005457063 147 6 speak speak VERB _005457063 147 7 to to ADP _005457063 147 8 a a DET _005457063 147 9 sinning sin VERB _005457063 147 10 world world NOUN _005457063 147 11 clamorously clamorously ADV _005457063 147 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 147 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 147 14 even even ADV _005457063 147 15 without without ADP _005457063 147 16 words word NOUN _005457063 147 17 . . PUNCT _005457063 148 1 for for ADP _005457063 148 2 no no DET _005457063 148 3 page page NOUN _005457063 148 4 eleven eleven NUM _005457063 148 5 worldling worldle VERB _005457063 148 6 can can AUX _005457063 148 7 look look VERB _005457063 148 8 into into ADP _005457063 148 9 chaste chaste ADJ _005457063 148 10 eyes eye NOUN _005457063 148 11 without without ADP _005457063 148 12 realizing realize VERB _005457063 148 13 there there PRON _005457063 148 14 is be VERB _005457063 148 15 a a DET _005457063 148 16 light light NOUN _005457063 148 17 of of ADP _005457063 148 18 greater great ADJ _005457063 148 19 luminosity luminosity NOUN _005457063 148 20 shining shine VERB _005457063 148 21 forth forth ADV _005457063 148 22 than than ADP _005457063 148 23 in in ADP _005457063 148 24 bold bold ADJ _005457063 148 25 headlights headlight NOUN _005457063 148 26 glowing glow VERB _005457063 148 27 with with ADP _005457063 148 28 a a DET _005457063 148 29 sparkle sparkle NOUN _005457063 148 30 drawn draw VERB _005457063 148 31 from from ADP _005457063 148 32 heirs heir NOUN _005457063 148 33 fire fire NOUN _005457063 148 34 . . PUNCT _005457063 149 1 and and CCONJ _005457063 149 2 this this DET _005457063 149 3 heavendighted heavendighted ADJ _005457063 149 4 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 149 5 it it PRON _005457063 149 6 is be AUX _005457063 149 7 the the DET _005457063 149 8 destiny destiny NOUN _005457063 149 9 of of ADP _005457063 149 10 christians christians PROPN _005457063 149 11 to to PART _005457063 149 12 cast cast VERB _005457063 149 13 over over ADP _005457063 149 14 the the DET _005457063 149 15 whole whole ADJ _005457063 149 16 world world NOUN _005457063 149 17 . . PUNCT _005457063 150 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 150 2 returning return VERB _005457063 150 3 to to ADP _005457063 150 4 hazlitt hazlitt NOUN _005457063 150 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 150 6 to to PART _005457063 150 7 whom whom PRON _005457063 150 8 i i PRON _005457063 150 9 have have AUX _005457063 150 10 heretofore heretofore ADV _005457063 150 11 referred refer VERB _005457063 150 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 150 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 150 14 quoting quote VERB _005457063 150 15 him he PRON _005457063 150 16 : : PUNCT _005457063 150 17 “ " PUNCT _005457063 150 18 there there PRON _005457063 150 19 are be VERB _005457063 150 20 no no DET _005457063 150 21 rules rule NOUN _005457063 150 22 for for ADP _005457063 150 23 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 150 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 151 1 it it PRON _005457063 151 2 must must AUX _005457063 151 3 be be AUX _005457063 151 4 left leave VERB _005457063 151 5 to to ADP _005457063 151 6 itself itself PRON _005457063 151 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 152 1 we we PRON _005457063 152 2 can can AUX _005457063 152 3 not not PART _005457063 152 4 force force VERB _005457063 152 5 it it PRON _005457063 152 6 any any PRON _005457063 152 7 more more ADV _005457063 152 8 than than ADP _005457063 152 9 love love NOUN _005457063 152 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 152 11 ” " PUNCT _005457063 153 1 it it PRON _005457063 153 2 is be AUX _005457063 153 3 a a DET _005457063 153 4 long long ADV _005457063 153 5 admitted admit VERB _005457063 153 6 fact fact NOUN _005457063 153 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 153 8 proven prove VERB _005457063 153 9 by by ADP _005457063 153 10 humanity humanity NOUN _005457063 153 11 's 's PART _005457063 153 12 experience experience NOUN _005457063 153 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 153 14 that that SCONJ _005457063 153 15 neither neither CCONJ _005457063 153 16 love love NOUN _005457063 153 17 nor nor CCONJ _005457063 153 18 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 153 19 can can AUX _005457063 153 20 be be AUX _005457063 153 21 forced force VERB _005457063 153 22 . . PUNCT _005457063 154 1 each each PRON _005457063 154 2 is be AUX _005457063 154 3 a a DET _005457063 154 4 gift gift NOUN _005457063 154 5 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 155 1 the the DET _005457063 155 2 gift gift NOUN _005457063 155 3 reciprocated reciprocate VERB _005457063 155 4 becomes become VERB _005457063 155 5 a a DET _005457063 155 6 fused fuse VERB _005457063 155 7 offering offering NOUN _005457063 155 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 156 1 the the DET _005457063 156 2 noblest noble ADJ _005457063 156 3 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 156 4 is be AUX _005457063 156 5 love love NOUN _005457063 156 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 157 1 the the DET _005457063 157 2 love love NOUN _005457063 157 3 type type NOUN _005457063 157 4 depends depend VERB _005457063 157 5 on on ADP _005457063 157 6 whether whether SCONJ _005457063 157 7 it it PRON _005457063 157 8 is be AUX _005457063 157 9 destined destine VERB _005457063 157 10 to to PART _005457063 157 11 lead lead VERB _005457063 157 12 to to ADP _005457063 157 13 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 157 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 157 15 whereupon whereupon NOUN _005457063 157 16 it it PRON _005457063 157 17 assumes assume VERB _005457063 157 18 a a DET _005457063 157 19 oneness oneness NOUN _005457063 157 20 of of ADP _005457063 157 21 heart heart NOUN _005457063 157 22 , , PUNCT _005457063 157 23 mind mind NOUN _005457063 157 24 and and CCONJ _005457063 157 25 body body NOUN _005457063 157 26 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 157 27 or or CCONJ _005457063 157 28 whether whether SCONJ _005457063 157 29 it it PRON _005457063 157 30 is be AUX _005457063 157 31 to to PART _005457063 157 32 exist exist VERB _005457063 157 33 in in ADP _005457063 157 34 the the DET _005457063 157 35 form form NOUN _005457063 157 36 of of ADP _005457063 157 37 a a DET _005457063 157 38 noble noble ADJ _005457063 157 39 regard regard NOUN _005457063 157 40 . . PUNCT _005457063 158 1 platonic platonic ADJ _005457063 158 2 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 158 3 between between ADP _005457063 158 4 man man NOUN _005457063 158 5 and and CCONJ _005457063 158 6 woman woman NOUN _005457063 158 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 158 8 however however ADV _005457063 158 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 158 10 requires require VERB _005457063 158 11 strong strong ADJ _005457063 158 12 character character NOUN _005457063 158 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 159 1 it it PRON _005457063 159 2 must must AUX _005457063 159 3 be be AUX _005457063 159 4 sustained sustain VERB _005457063 159 5 by by ADP _005457063 159 6 great great ADJ _005457063 159 7 prudence prudence NOUN _005457063 159 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 160 1 it it PRON _005457063 160 2 of of ADP _005457063 160 3 necessity necessity NOUN _005457063 160 4 is be AUX _005457063 160 5 dependent dependent ADJ _005457063 160 6 for for ADP _005457063 160 7 continuation continuation NOUN _005457063 160 8 in in ADP _005457063 160 9 status status NOUN _005457063 160 10 quo quo NOUN _005457063 160 11 on on ADP _005457063 160 12 deep deep ADJ _005457063 160 13 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457063 160 14 routings routing NOUN _005457063 160 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 161 1 then then ADV _005457063 161 2 it it PRON _005457063 161 3 becomes become VERB _005457063 161 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 161 5 as as SCONJ _005457063 161 6 johnson johnson PROPN _005457063 161 7 declared declare VERB _005457063 161 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 161 9 — — PUNCT _005457063 161 10 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 161 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 161 12 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005457063 161 13 boon boon NOUN _005457063 161 14 of of ADP _005457063 161 15 heav’n heav’n PROPN _005457063 161 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 161 17 the the DET _005457063 161 18 noble noble ADJ _005457063 161 19 mind mind NOUN _005457063 161 20 's 's PART _005457063 161 21 delight delight NOUN _005457063 161 22 and and CCONJ _005457063 161 23 pride pride NOUN _005457063 161 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 161 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 161 26 . . PUNCT _005457063 161 27 '' '' PUNCT _005457063 162 1 the the DET _005457063 162 2 sensualist sensualist NOUN _005457063 162 3 can can AUX _005457063 162 4 not not PART _005457063 162 5 understand understand VERB _005457063 162 6 this this DET _005457063 162 7 kind kind NOUN _005457063 162 8 of of ADP _005457063 162 9 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 162 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 163 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 163 2 platonic platonic ADJ _005457063 163 3 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 163 4 has have AUX _005457063 163 5 existed exist VERB _005457063 163 6 throughout throughout ADP _005457063 163 7 the the DET _005457063 163 8 ages age NOUN _005457063 163 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 164 1 it it PRON _005457063 164 2 does do AUX _005457063 164 3 exist exist VERB _005457063 164 4 today today NOUN _005457063 164 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 165 1 it it PRON _005457063 165 2 has have AUX _005457063 165 3 glorified glorify VERB _005457063 165 4 in in ADP _005457063 165 5 history history NOUN _005457063 165 6 man man NOUN _005457063 165 7 's 's PART _005457063 165 8 nobility nobility NOUN _005457063 165 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 165 10 manifesting manifest VERB _005457063 165 11 anew anew ADV _005457063 165 12 the the DET _005457063 165 13 truth truth NOUN _005457063 165 14 that that SCONJ _005457063 165 15 he he PRON _005457063 165 16 is be AUX _005457063 165 17 made make VERB _005457063 165 18 to to ADP _005457063 165 19 the the DET _005457063 165 20 image image NOUN _005457063 165 21 and and CCONJ _005457063 165 22 likeness likeness NOUN _005457063 165 23 of of ADP _005457063 165 24 god god PROPN _005457063 165 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 166 1 like like ADP _005457063 166 2 a a DET _005457063 166 3 most most ADV _005457063 166 4 precious precious ADJ _005457063 166 5 jewel jewel NOUN _005457063 166 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 166 7 platonic platonic ADJ _005457063 166 8 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 166 9 is be AUX _005457063 166 10 to to PART _005457063 166 11 be be AUX _005457063 166 12 guarded guard VERB _005457063 166 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 167 1 like like ADP _005457063 167 2 an an DET _005457063 167 3 exquisite exquisite ADJ _005457063 167 4 flower flower NOUN _005457063 167 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 167 6 the the DET _005457063 167 7 species specie NOUN _005457063 167 8 that that PRON _005457063 167 9 grows grow VERB _005457063 167 10 best well ADV _005457063 167 11 in in ADP _005457063 167 12 high high ADJ _005457063 167 13 altitudes altitude NOUN _005457063 167 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 167 15 it it PRON _005457063 167 16 is be AUX _005457063 167 17 to to PART _005457063 167 18 be be AUX _005457063 167 19 accepted accept VERB _005457063 167 20 and and CCONJ _005457063 167 21 held hold VERB _005457063 167 22 in in ADP _005457063 167 23 sacred sacred ADJ _005457063 167 24 trust trust NOUN _005457063 167 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 168 1 indeed indeed ADV _005457063 168 2 , , PUNCT _005457063 168 3 for for ADP _005457063 168 4 the the DET _005457063 168 5 majority majority NOUN _005457063 168 6 it it PRON _005457063 168 7 had have AUX _005457063 168 8 better well ADV _005457063 168 9 be be AUX _005457063 168 10 left leave VERB _005457063 168 11 blooming bloom VERB _005457063 168 12 alone alone ADV _005457063 168 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 168 14 lest lest ADP _005457063 168 15 its its PRON _005457063 168 16 beauty beauty NOUN _005457063 168 17 drug drug NOUN _005457063 168 18 prudence prudence NOUN _005457063 168 19 . . PUNCT _005457063 169 1 god god PROPN _005457063 169 2 's 's PART _005457063 169 3 page page NOUN _005457063 169 4 twelve twelve NUM _005457063 169 5 beauty beauty NOUN _005457063 169 6 alone alone ADV _005457063 169 7 is be AUX _005457063 169 8 absolute absolute ADJ _005457063 169 9 proof proof NOUN _005457063 169 10 against against ADP _005457063 169 11 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005457063 169 12 blindness blindness NOUN _005457063 169 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 170 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 170 2 counsel counsel PROPN _005457063 170 3 with with ADP _005457063 170 4 god god PROPN _005457063 170 5 before before SCONJ _005457063 170 6 you you PRON _005457063 170 7 choose choose VERB _005457063 170 8 a a DET _005457063 170 9 friend friend NOUN _005457063 170 10 . . PUNCT _005457063 171 1 then then ADV _005457063 171 2 you you PRON _005457063 171 3 will will AUX _005457063 171 4 choose choose VERB _005457063 171 5 your your PRON _005457063 171 6 friends friend NOUN _005457063 171 7 in in ADP _005457063 171 8 honor honor NOUN _005457063 171 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 172 1 let let VERB _005457063 172 2 honor honor NOUN _005457063 172 3 keep keep VERB _005457063 172 4 watch watch VERB _005457063 172 5 over over ADP _005457063 172 6 your your PRON _005457063 172 7 devotion devotion NOUN _005457063 172 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 172 9 and and CCONJ _005457063 172 10 to to ADP _005457063 172 11 a a DET _005457063 172 12 good good ADJ _005457063 172 13 friend friend NOUN _005457063 172 14 never never ADV _005457063 172 15 turn turn VERB _005457063 172 16 your your PRON _005457063 172 17 back back NOUN _005457063 172 18 . . PUNCT _005457063 173 1 refuse refuse VERB _005457063 173 2 to to PART _005457063 173 3 judge judge VERB _005457063 173 4 a a DET _005457063 173 5 friend friend NOUN _005457063 173 6 harshly harshly ADV _005457063 173 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 174 1 the the DET _005457063 174 2 sioux sioux NOUN _005457063 174 3 is be AUX _005457063 174 4 said say VERB _005457063 174 5 to to PART _005457063 174 6 have have AUX _005457063 174 7 prayed pray VERB _005457063 174 8 : : PUNCT _005457063 174 9 “ " PUNCT _005457063 174 10 great great ADJ _005457063 174 11 spirit spirit NOUN _005457063 174 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 174 13 help help VERB _005457063 174 14 me i PRON _005457063 174 15 never never ADV _005457063 174 16 to to PART _005457063 174 17 judge judge VERB _005457063 174 18 another another PRON _005457063 174 19 until until SCONJ _005457063 174 20 i i PRON _005457063 174 21 have have AUX _005457063 174 22 walked walk VERB _005457063 174 23 two two NUM _005457063 174 24 weeks week NOUN _005457063 174 25 in in ADP _005457063 174 26 his his PRON _005457063 174 27 moccasins moccasin NOUN _005457063 174 28 . . PUNCT _005457063 174 29 ” " PUNCT _005457063 175 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 175 2 “ " PUNCT _005457063 175 3 the the DET _005457063 175 4 best good ADJ _005457063 175 5 mirror mirror NOUN _005457063 175 6 is be AUX _005457063 175 7 an an DET _005457063 175 8 old old ADJ _005457063 175 9 friend friend NOUN _005457063 175 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 175 11 ” " PUNCT _005457063 175 12 an an DET _005457063 175 13 old old ADJ _005457063 175 14 proverb proverb NOUN _005457063 175 15 runs run NOUN _005457063 175 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 176 1 and and CCONJ _005457063 176 2 in in ADP _005457063 176 3 the the DET _005457063 176 4 scripture scripture NOUN _005457063 176 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 176 6 prov prov PROPN _005457063 176 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 177 1 27 27 NUM _005457063 177 2 , , PUNCT _005457063 177 3 6 6 NUM _005457063 177 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 177 5 one one NUM _005457063 177 6 reads read VERB _005457063 177 7 — — PUNCT _005457063 177 8 “ " PUNCT _005457063 177 9 better well ADJ _005457063 177 10 are be AUX _005457063 177 11 the the DET _005457063 177 12 wounds wound NOUN _005457063 177 13 of of ADP _005457063 177 14 a a DET _005457063 177 15 friend friend NOUN _005457063 177 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 177 17 than than ADP _005457063 177 18 the the DET _005457063 177 19 deceitful deceitful ADJ _005457063 177 20 kisses kiss NOUN _005457063 177 21 of of ADP _005457063 177 22 an an DET _005457063 177 23 enemy enemy NOUN _005457063 177 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 177 25 ” " PUNCT _005457063 178 1 from from ADP _005457063 178 2 the the DET _005457063 178 3 same same ADJ _005457063 178 4 source source NOUN _005457063 178 5 is be AUX _005457063 178 6 taken take VERB _005457063 178 7 the the DET _005457063 178 8 injunction injunction NOUN _005457063 178 9 : : PUNCT _005457063 178 10 “ " PUNCT _005457063 178 11 practice practice VERB _005457063 178 12 no no DET _005457063 178 13 evil evil NOUN _005457063 178 14 against against ADP _005457063 178 15 thy thy PRON _005457063 178 16 friend friend NOUN _005457063 178 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 178 18 when when SCONJ _005457063 178 19 he he PRON _005457063 178 20 has have VERB _005457063 178 21 confidence confidence NOUN _005457063 178 22 in in ADP _005457063 178 23 thee thee NOUN _005457063 178 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 178 25 ” " PUNCT _005457063 179 1 new new ADJ _005457063 179 2 friends friend NOUN _005457063 179 3 : : PUNCT _005457063 179 4 it it PRON _005457063 179 5 is be AUX _005457063 179 6 wise wise ADJ _005457063 179 7 to to PART _005457063 179 8 widen widen VERB _005457063 179 9 the the DET _005457063 179 10 field field NOUN _005457063 179 11 of of ADP _005457063 179 12 acquaintances acquaintance NOUN _005457063 179 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 179 14 to to PART _005457063 179 15 make make VERB _005457063 179 16 a a DET _005457063 179 17 few few ADJ _005457063 179 18 new new ADJ _005457063 179 19 friends friend NOUN _005457063 179 20 , , PUNCT _005457063 179 21 but but CCONJ _005457063 179 22 the the DET _005457063 179 23 scripture scripture NOUN _005457063 179 24 informs inform VERB _005457063 179 25 for for ADP _005457063 179 26 man^s man^s ADJ _005457063 179 27 stability stability NOUN _005457063 179 28 : : PUNCT _005457063 179 29 “ " PUNCT _005457063 179 30 forsake forsake VERB _005457063 179 31 not not PART _005457063 179 32 an an DET _005457063 179 33 old old ADJ _005457063 179 34 friend friend NOUN _005457063 179 35 for for ADP _005457063 179 36 the the DET _005457063 179 37 new new ADJ _005457063 179 38 one one NOUN _005457063 179 39 will will AUX _005457063 179 40 not not PART _005457063 179 41 be be AUX _005457063 179 42 like like ADP _005457063 179 43 him he PRON _005457063 179 44 . . PUNCT _005457063 179 45 ” " PUNCT _005457063 180 1 again again ADV _005457063 180 2 , , PUNCT _005457063 180 3 “ " PUNCT _005457063 180 4 he he PRON _005457063 180 5 that that PRON _005457063 180 6 feareth feareth PROPN _005457063 180 7 god god PROPN _005457063 180 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 180 9 shall shall AUX _005457063 180 10 likewise likewise ADV _005457063 180 11 have have VERB _005457063 180 12 good good ADJ _005457063 180 13 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 180 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 180 15 because because SCONJ _005457063 180 16 according accord VERB _005457063 180 17 to to ADP _005457063 180 18 him he PRON _005457063 180 19 shall shall AUX _005457063 180 20 his his PRON _005457063 180 21 friend friend NOUN _005457063 180 22 be be AUX _005457063 180 23 . . PUNCT _005457063 180 24 ” " PUNCT _005457063 181 1 and and CCONJ _005457063 181 2 there there PRON _005457063 181 3 is be VERB _005457063 181 4 the the DET _005457063 181 5 following following NOUN _005457063 181 6 from from ADP _005457063 181 7 the the DET _005457063 181 8 imitation imitation NOUN _005457063 181 9 of of ADP _005457063 181 10 christ christ PROPN _005457063 181 11 ( ( PUNCT _005457063 181 12 thomas thomas PROPN _005457063 181 13 k k PROPN _005457063 181 14 kempis kempis PROPN _005457063 181 15 ) ) PUNCT _005457063 181 16 that that PRON _005457063 181 17 contains contain VERB _005457063 181 18 a a DET _005457063 181 19 kernel kernel NOUN _005457063 181 20 of of ADP _005457063 181 21 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005457063 181 22 : : PUNCT _005457063 181 23 “ " PUNCT _005457063 181 24 do do AUX _005457063 181 25 not not PART _005457063 181 26 open open VERB _005457063 181 27 your your PRON _005457063 181 28 heart heart NOUN _005457063 181 29 to to ADP _005457063 181 30 every every DET _005457063 181 31 man man NOUN _005457063 181 32 , , PUNCT _005457063 181 33 but but CCONJ _005457063 181 34 discuss discuss VERB _005457063 181 35 your your PRON _005457063 181 36 affairs affair NOUN _005457063 181 37 with with ADP _005457063 181 38 one one NUM _005457063 181 39 who who PRON _005457063 181 40 is be AUX _005457063 181 41 wise wise ADJ _005457063 181 42 and and CCONJ _005457063 181 43 who who PRON _005457063 181 44 fears fear VERB _005457063 181 45 god god PROPN _005457063 181 46 . . PUNCT _005457063 181 47 ” " PUNCT _005457063 182 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 182 2 the the DET _005457063 182 3 following follow VERB _005457063 182 4 lines line NOUN _005457063 182 5 were be AUX _005457063 182 6 sent send VERB _005457063 182 7 to to ADP _005457063 182 8 me i PRON _005457063 182 9 by by ADP _005457063 182 10 a a DET _005457063 182 11 good good ADJ _005457063 182 12 franciscan franciscan ADJ _005457063 182 13 padre padre NOUN _005457063 182 14 several several ADJ _005457063 182 15 years year NOUN _005457063 182 16 ago ago ADV _005457063 182 17 . . PUNCT _005457063 183 1 ministering minister VERB _005457063 183 2 in in ADP _005457063 183 3 the the DET _005457063 183 4 church church NOUN _005457063 183 5 of of ADP _005457063 183 6 st st PROPN _005457063 183 7 . . PROPN _005457063 183 8 francis francis PROPN _005457063 183 9 of of ADP _005457063 183 10 assisi assisi PROPN _005457063 183 11 in in ADP _005457063 183 12 new new PROPN _005457063 183 13 york york PROPN _005457063 183 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 183 15 this this DET _005457063 183 16 son son NOUN _005457063 183 17 of of ADP _005457063 183 18 the the DET _005457063 183 19 holy holy PROPN _005457063 183 20 francis francis PROPN _005457063 183 21 knows know VERB _005457063 183 22 well well INTJ _005457063 183 23 the the DET _005457063 183 24 hunger hunger NOUN _005457063 183 25 souls soul NOUN _005457063 183 26 have have VERB _005457063 183 27 page page NOUN _005457063 183 28 thirteen thirteen NUM _005457063 183 29 for for ADP _005457063 183 30 peace peace NOUN _005457063 183 31 . . PUNCT _005457063 184 1 for for ADP _005457063 184 2 this this DET _005457063 184 3 church church NOUN _005457063 184 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 184 5 located locate VERB _005457063 184 6 in in ADP _005457063 184 7 a a DET _005457063 184 8 busy busy ADJ _005457063 184 9 section section NOUN _005457063 184 10 of of ADP _005457063 184 11 americans americans PROPN _005457063 184 12 greatest greatest PROPN _005457063 184 13 metropolis metropolis PROPN _005457063 184 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 184 15 literally literally ADV _005457063 184 16 elbowing elbow VERB _005457063 184 17 the the DET _005457063 184 18 ingoing ingoing NOUN _005457063 184 19 and and CCONJ _005457063 184 20 outgoing outgoing ADJ _005457063 184 21 throngs throng NOUN _005457063 184 22 crowding crowd VERB _005457063 184 23 the the DET _005457063 184 24 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN _005457063 184 25 station station NOUN _005457063 184 26 , , PUNCT _005457063 184 27 welcomes welcome VERB _005457063 184 28 thousands thousand NOUN _005457063 184 29 who who PRON _005457063 184 30 daily daily ADV _005457063 184 31 come come VERB _005457063 184 32 to to PART _005457063 184 33 adore adore VERB _005457063 184 34 christ christ PROPN _005457063 184 35 in in ADP _005457063 184 36 his his PRON _005457063 184 37 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _005457063 184 38 of of ADP _005457063 184 39 love love NOUN _005457063 184 40 . . PUNCT _005457063 185 1 there there ADV _005457063 185 2 lonely lonely ADJ _005457063 185 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 185 4 tired tired ADJ _005457063 185 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 185 6 anxious anxious ADJ _005457063 185 7 hearts heart NOUN _005457063 185 8 go go VERB _005457063 185 9 for for ADP _005457063 185 10 understanding understanding NOUN _005457063 185 11 . . PUNCT _005457063 186 1 there there PRON _005457063 186 2 joyous joyous ADJ _005457063 186 3 souls soul NOUN _005457063 186 4 enter enter VERB _005457063 186 5 to to PART _005457063 186 6 give give VERB _005457063 186 7 thanks thank NOUN _005457063 186 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 187 1 there there PRON _005457063 187 2 sinners sinner NOUN _005457063 187 3 find find VERB _005457063 187 4 their their PRON _005457063 187 5 way way NOUN _005457063 187 6 seeking seek VERB _005457063 187 7 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005457063 187 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 188 1 there there ADV _005457063 188 2 men man NOUN _005457063 188 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 188 4 women woman NOUN _005457063 188 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 188 6 and and CCONJ _005457063 188 7 children child NOUN _005457063 188 8 learn learn VERB _005457063 188 9 to to PART _005457063 188 10 * * PUNCT _005457063 188 11 * * PUNCT _005457063 188 12 love love VERB _005457063 188 13 each each DET _005457063 188 14 other other ADJ _005457063 188 15 better well ADV _005457063 188 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 188 17 ” " PUNCT _005457063 189 1 quoting quote VERB _005457063 189 2 the the DET _005457063 189 3 promised promise VERB _005457063 189 4 lines line NOUN _005457063 189 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 189 6 it it PRON _005457063 189 7 is be AUX _005457063 189 8 regretted regret VERB _005457063 189 9 the the DET _005457063 189 10 author author NOUN _005457063 189 11 's 's PART _005457063 189 12 name name NOUN _005457063 189 13 can can AUX _005457063 189 14 not not PART _005457063 189 15 be be AUX _005457063 189 16 given give VERB _005457063 189 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 189 18 for for ADP _005457063 189 19 like like INTJ _005457063 189 20 many many ADJ _005457063 189 21 others other NOUN _005457063 189 22 who who PRON _005457063 189 23 have have VERB _005457063 189 24 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005457063 189 25 thoughts thought NOUN _005457063 189 26 , , PUNCT _005457063 189 27 in in ADP _005457063 189 28 humility humility NOUN _005457063 189 29 he he PRON _005457063 189 30 wears wear VERB _005457063 189 31 a a DET _005457063 189 32 mask mask NOUN _005457063 189 33 — — PUNCT _005457063 189 34 anonymous anonymous ADJ _005457063 189 35 . . PUNCT _005457063 190 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 190 2 we we PRON _005457063 190 3 only only ADV _005457063 190 4 understood understand VERB _005457063 190 5 could could AUX _005457063 190 6 we we PRON _005457063 190 7 but but CCONJ _005457063 190 8 draw draw VERB _005457063 190 9 back back ADP _005457063 190 10 the the DET _005457063 190 11 curtains curtain NOUN _005457063 190 12 that that PRON _005457063 190 13 surround surround VERB _005457063 190 14 each each DET _005457063 190 15 other other ADJ _005457063 190 16 's 's PART _005457063 190 17 lives life NOUN _005457063 190 18 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 190 19 see see VERB _005457063 190 20 the the DET _005457063 190 21 naked naked ADJ _005457063 190 22 heart heart NOUN _005457063 190 23 and and CCONJ _005457063 190 24 spirit spirit NOUN _005457063 190 25 . . PUNCT _005457063 191 1 know know VERB _005457063 191 2 what what PRON _005457063 191 3 spur spur VERB _005457063 191 4 the the DET _005457063 191 5 action action NOUN _005457063 191 6 gives give VERB _005457063 191 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 192 1 often often ADV _005457063 192 2 we we PRON _005457063 192 3 would would AUX _005457063 192 4 find find VERB _005457063 192 5 it it PRON _005457063 192 6 better well ADJ _005457063 192 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 193 1 purer purer NOUN _005457063 193 2 than than SCONJ _005457063 193 3 we we PRON _005457063 193 4 judge judge VERB _005457063 193 5 we we PRON _005457063 193 6 would would AUX _005457063 193 7 : : PUNCT _005457063 193 8 we we PRON _005457063 193 9 would would AUX _005457063 193 10 love love VERB _005457063 193 11 each each DET _005457063 193 12 other other ADJ _005457063 193 13 better well ADV _005457063 193 14 . . PUNCT _005457063 194 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 194 2 we we PRON _005457063 194 3 only only ADV _005457063 194 4 understood understand VERB _005457063 194 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 195 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 195 2 we we PRON _005457063 195 3 knew know VERB _005457063 195 4 the the DET _005457063 195 5 cares care NOUN _005457063 195 6 and and CCONJ _005457063 195 7 trials trial NOUN _005457063 195 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 196 1 knew know VERB _005457063 196 2 the the DET _005457063 196 3 efforts effort NOUN _005457063 196 4 all all ADV _005457063 196 5 in in ADP _005457063 196 6 vain vain ADJ _005457063 196 7 . . PUNCT _005457063 197 1 and and CCONJ _005457063 197 2 the the DET _005457063 197 3 bitter bitter ADJ _005457063 197 4 disappointment disappointment NOUN _005457063 197 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 198 1 understood understand VERB _005457063 198 2 the the DET _005457063 198 3 loss loss NOUN _005457063 198 4 and and CCONJ _005457063 198 5 gain gain NOUN _005457063 198 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 199 1 would would AUX _005457063 199 2 the the DET _005457063 199 3 grim grim ADJ _005457063 199 4 external external ADJ _005457063 199 5 roughness roughness NOUN _005457063 199 6 seem seem VERB _005457063 199 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 199 8 i i PRON _005457063 199 9 wonder wonder VERB _005457063 199 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 199 11 just just ADV _005457063 199 12 the the DET _005457063 199 13 same same ADJ _005457063 199 14 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 200 1 would would AUX _005457063 200 2 we we PRON _005457063 200 3 help help VERB _005457063 200 4 where where SCONJ _005457063 200 5 now now ADV _005457063 200 6 we we PRON _005457063 200 7 hinder hinder VERB _005457063 200 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 201 1 would would AUX _005457063 201 2 we we PRON _005457063 201 3 pity pity VERB _005457063 201 4 where where SCONJ _005457063 201 5 we we PRON _005457063 201 6 blame blame VERB _005457063 201 7 ? ? PUNCT _005457063 202 1 ah ah INTJ _005457063 202 2 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 203 1 we we PRON _005457063 203 2 judge judge VERB _005457063 203 3 each each DET _005457063 203 4 other other ADJ _005457063 203 5 harshly harshly ADV _005457063 203 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 204 1 knowing know VERB _005457063 204 2 not not PART _005457063 204 3 life life NOUN _005457063 204 4 's 's PART _005457063 204 5 hidden hide VERB _005457063 204 6 force force NOUN _005457063 204 7 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 204 8 knowing know VERB _005457063 204 9 not not PART _005457063 204 10 the the DET _005457063 204 11 fount fount NOUN _005457063 204 12 of of ADP _005457063 204 13 action action NOUN _005457063 204 14 is be AUX _005457063 204 15 less less ADV _005457063 204 16 turbid turbid ADJ _005457063 204 17 at at ADP _005457063 204 18 its its PRON _005457063 204 19 source source NOUN _005457063 204 20 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 204 21 seeing see VERB _005457063 204 22 not not PART _005457063 204 23 amid amid ADP _005457063 204 24 the the DET _005457063 204 25 evil evil NOUN _005457063 204 26 . . PUNCT _005457063 205 1 all all DET _005457063 205 2 the the DET _005457063 205 3 golden golden ADJ _005457063 205 4 grains grain NOUN _005457063 205 5 of of ADP _005457063 205 6 good good ADJ _005457063 205 7 : : PUNCT _005457063 205 8 oh oh INTJ _005457063 205 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 205 10 we we PRON _005457063 205 11 'd would AUX _005457063 205 12 love love VERB _005457063 205 13 each each DET _005457063 205 14 other other ADJ _005457063 205 15 better well ADV _005457063 205 16 if if SCONJ _005457063 205 17 we we PRON _005457063 205 18 only only ADV _005457063 205 19 understood understand VERB _005457063 205 20 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 206 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 206 2 page page PROPN _005457063 206 3 fourteen fourteen NUM _005457063 206 4 may may AUX _005457063 206 5 god god PROPN _005457063 206 6 bless bless VERB _005457063 206 7 you you PRON _005457063 206 8 with with ADP _005457063 206 9 a a DET _005457063 206 10 few few ADJ _005457063 206 11 friends friend NOUN _005457063 206 12 . . PUNCT _005457063 207 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 207 2 you you PRON _005457063 207 3 should should AUX _005457063 207 4 be be AUX _005457063 207 5 destined destine VERB _005457063 207 6 to to ADP _005457063 207 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005457063 207 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 207 9 may may AUX _005457063 207 10 your your PRON _005457063 207 11 best good ADJ _005457063 207 12 friend friend NOUN _005457063 207 13 next next ADV _005457063 207 14 to to ADP _005457063 207 15 him he PRON _005457063 207 16 be be AUX _005457063 207 17 an an DET _005457063 207 18 understanding understanding NOUN _005457063 207 19 , , PUNCT _005457063 207 20 faithful faithful ADJ _005457063 207 21 husband husband NOUN _005457063 207 22 or or CCONJ _005457063 207 23 wife wife NOUN _005457063 207 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 208 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 208 2 whether whether SCONJ _005457063 208 3 you you PRON _005457063 208 4 are be AUX _005457063 208 5 consecrated consecrated ADJ _005457063 208 6 to to ADP _005457063 208 7 god god PROPN _005457063 208 8 in in ADP _005457063 208 9 virginity virginity NOUN _005457063 208 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 208 11 or or CCONJ _005457063 208 12 similarly similarly ADV _005457063 208 13 dedicated dedicate VERB _005457063 208 14 though though SCONJ _005457063 208 15 living live VERB _005457063 208 16 in in ADP _005457063 208 17 the the DET _005457063 208 18 world world NOUN _005457063 208 19 , , PUNCT _005457063 208 20 or or CCONJ _005457063 208 21 married married ADJ _005457063 208 22 , , PUNCT _005457063 208 23 it it PRON _005457063 208 24 is be AUX _005457063 208 25 god god PROPN _005457063 208 26 ’s ’s PART _005457063 208 27 will will AUX _005457063 208 28 that that SCONJ _005457063 208 29 you you PRON _005457063 208 30 should should AUX _005457063 208 31 have have VERB _005457063 208 32 friends friend NOUN _005457063 208 33 and and CCONJ _005457063 208 34 be be AUX _005457063 208 35 a a DET _005457063 208 36 faithful faithful ADJ _005457063 208 37 friend friend NOUN _005457063 208 38 to to ADP _005457063 208 39 others other NOUN _005457063 208 40 . . PUNCT _005457063 209 1 with with ADP _005457063 209 2 herder herder NOUN _005457063 209 3 i i PRON _005457063 209 4 agree agree VERB _005457063 209 5 that that SCONJ _005457063 209 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 209 7 — — PUNCT _005457063 209 8 “ " PUNCT _005457063 209 9 friendship friendship NOUN _005457063 209 10 with with ADP _005457063 209 11 the the DET _005457063 209 12 good good NOUN _005457063 209 13 is be AUX _005457063 209 14 like like ADP _005457063 209 15 the the DET _005457063 209 16 evening evening NOUN _005457063 209 17 shadows shadow NOUN _005457063 209 18 , , PUNCT _005457063 209 19 increasing increase VERB _005457063 209 20 till till SCONJ _005457063 209 21 the the DET _005457063 209 22 sun sun NOUN _005457063 209 23 of of ADP _005457063 209 24 life life NOUN _005457063 209 25 sets set NOUN _005457063 209 26 . . PUNCT _005457063 209 27 ” " PUNCT _005457063 210 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 210 2 the the DET _005457063 210 3 believer believer NOUN _005457063 210 4 in in ADP _005457063 210 5 god god PROPN _005457063 210 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 210 7 the the DET _005457063 210 8 lover lover NOUN _005457063 210 9 of of ADP _005457063 210 10 christ christ PROPN _005457063 210 11 , , PUNCT _005457063 210 12 should should AUX _005457063 210 13 never never ADV _005457063 210 14 feel feel VERB _005457063 210 15 altogether altogether ADV _005457063 210 16 alone alone ADV _005457063 210 17 . . PUNCT _005457063 211 1 the the DET _005457063 211 2 paulist paulist ADJ _005457063 211 3 priest priest NOUN _005457063 211 4 . . PUNCT _005457063 212 1 reverend reverend PROPN _005457063 212 2 j. j. PROPN _005457063 212 3 j. j. PROPN _005457063 212 4 burke burke PROPN _005457063 212 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 212 6 reveals reveal VERB _005457063 212 7 admirably admirably ADV _005457063 212 8 the the DET _005457063 212 9 solace solace NOUN _005457063 212 10 companionship companionship NOUN _005457063 212 11 with with ADP _005457063 212 12 christ christ PROPN _005457063 212 13 brings bring VERB _005457063 212 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 212 15 “ " PUNCT _005457063 212 16 i i PRON _005457063 212 17 plod plod VERB _005457063 212 18 not not PART _005457063 212 19 lonely lonely ADJ _005457063 212 20 through through ADP _005457063 212 21 the the DET _005457063 212 22 night night NOUN _005457063 212 23 i i PRON _005457063 212 24 have have VERB _005457063 212 25 a a DET _005457063 212 26 partner partner NOUN _005457063 212 27 in in ADP _005457063 212 28 my my PRON _005457063 212 29 pain pain NOUN _005457063 212 30 ; ; PUNCT _005457063 212 31 yoke yoke NOUN _005457063 212 32 - - PUNCT _005457063 212 33 fellows fellow NOUN _005457063 212 34 in in ADP _005457063 212 35 the the DET _005457063 212 36 selfsame selfsame ADJ _005457063 212 37 plight plight NOUN _005457063 212 38 though though SCONJ _005457063 212 39 he he PRON _005457063 212 40 be be VERB _005457063 212 41 christ christ PROPN _005457063 212 42 , , PUNCT _005457063 212 43 yet yet CCONJ _005457063 212 44 we we PRON _005457063 212 45 are be AUX _005457063 212 46 twain twain ADJ _005457063 212 47 . . PUNCT _005457063 212 48 ” " PUNCT _005457063 213 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 213 2 now now ADV _005457063 213 3 i i PRON _005457063 213 4 pray pray VERB _005457063 213 5 that that SCONJ _005457063 213 6 each each PRON _005457063 213 7 of of ADP _005457063 213 8 you you PRON _005457063 213 9 may may AUX _005457063 213 10 have have VERB _005457063 213 11 this this DET _005457063 213 12 divine divine ADJ _005457063 213 13 partner partner NOUN _005457063 213 14 in in ADP _005457063 213 15 pain pain NOUN _005457063 213 16 and and CCONJ _005457063 213 17 that that SCONJ _005457063 213 18 you you PRON _005457063 213 19 may may AUX _005457063 213 20 love love VERB _005457063 213 21 christ christ PROPN _005457063 213 22 , , PUNCT _005457063 213 23 your your PRON _005457063 213 24 best good ADJ _005457063 213 25 friend friend NOUN _005457063 213 26 , , PUNCT _005457063 213 27 with with ADP _005457063 213 28 all all DET _005457063 213 29 your your PRON _005457063 213 30 heart heart NOUN _005457063 213 31 . . PUNCT _005457063 214 1 for for ADP _005457063 214 2 this this DET _005457063 214 3 best good ADJ _005457063 214 4 friend friend NOUN _005457063 214 5 is be AUX _005457063 214 6 also also ADV _005457063 214 7 god god PROPN _005457063 214 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 214 9 who who PRON _005457063 214 10 knows know VERB _005457063 214 11 your your PRON _005457063 214 12 every every DET _005457063 214 13 thought thought NOUN _005457063 214 14 , , PUNCT _005457063 214 15 yearning yearning NOUN _005457063 214 16 , , PUNCT _005457063 214 17 joy joy NOUN _005457063 214 18 and and CCONJ _005457063 214 19 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005457063 214 20 , , PUNCT _005457063 214 21 and and CCONJ _005457063 214 22 understands understand VERB _005457063 214 23 you you PRON _005457063 214 24 as as ADP _005457063 214 25 no no DET _005457063 214 26 one one NOUN _005457063 214 27 else else ADV _005457063 214 28 can can AUX _005457063 214 29 or or CCONJ _005457063 214 30 ever ever ADV _005457063 214 31 will will AUX _005457063 214 32 . . PUNCT _005457063 215 1 all all DET _005457063 215 2 this this PRON _005457063 215 3 because because SCONJ _005457063 215 4 he he PRON _005457063 215 5 made make VERB _005457063 215 6 you you PRON _005457063 215 7 for for ADP _005457063 215 8 himself himself PRON _005457063 215 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 215 10 to to PART _005457063 215 11 love love VERB _005457063 215 12 him he PRON _005457063 215 13 in in ADP _005457063 215 14 time time NOUN _005457063 215 15 and and CCONJ _005457063 215 16 to to PART _005457063 215 17 adore adore VERB _005457063 215 18 him he PRON _005457063 215 19 forever forever ADV _005457063 215 20 and and CCONJ _005457063 215 21 ever ever ADV _005457063 215 22 in in ADP _005457063 215 23 a a DET _005457063 215 24 bliss bliss NOUN _005457063 215 25 no no DET _005457063 215 26 man man NOUN _005457063 215 27 can can AUX _005457063 215 28 comprehend comprehend VERB _005457063 215 29 . . PUNCT _005457063 216 1 this this PRON _005457063 216 2 is be AUX _005457063 216 3 the the DET _005457063 216 4 happiness happiness NOUN _005457063 216 5 meant mean VERB _005457063 216 6 for for ADP _005457063 216 7 you you PRON _005457063 216 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 217 1 this this PRON _005457063 217 2 is be AUX _005457063 217 3 the the DET _005457063 217 4 peace peace NOUN _005457063 217 5 won win VERB _005457063 217 6 for for ADP _005457063 217 7 you you PRON _005457063 217 8 . . PUNCT _005457063 218 1 this this PRON _005457063 218 2 is be AUX _005457063 218 3 the the DET _005457063 218 4 joy joy NOUN _005457063 218 5 so so ADV _005457063 218 6 desired desire VERB _005457063 218 7 for for ADP _005457063 218 8 you you PRON _005457063 218 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 218 10 that that SCONJ _005457063 218 11 your your PRON _005457063 218 12 best good ADJ _005457063 218 13 friend friend NOUN _005457063 218 14 died die VERB _005457063 218 15 on on ADP _005457063 218 16 the the DET _005457063 218 17 cross cross NOUN _005457063 218 18 so so SCONJ _005457063 218 19 that that SCONJ _005457063 218 20 he he PRON _005457063 218 21 could could AUX _005457063 218 22 give give VERB _005457063 218 23 it it PRON _005457063 218 24 to to ADP _005457063 218 25 you you PRON _005457063 218 26 . . PUNCT _005457063 219 1 all all DET _005457063 219 2 this this PRON _005457063 219 3 your your PRON _005457063 219 4 best good ADJ _005457063 219 5 friend—^jesus!—gives friend—^jesus!—give NOUN _005457063 219 6 with with ADP _005457063 219 7 his his PRON _005457063 219 8 final final ADJ _005457063 219 9 sigh sigh NOUN _005457063 219 10 of of ADP _005457063 219 11 love love NOUN _005457063 219 12 . . PUNCT _005457063 220 1 living live VERB _005457063 220 2 eternally eternally ADV _005457063 220 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 220 4 the the DET _005457063 220 5 god god PROPN _005457063 220 6 - - PUNCT _005457063 220 7 man man PROPN _005457063 220 8 asks ask VERB _005457063 220 9 only only ADV _005457063 220 10 your your PRON _005457063 220 11 love love NOUN _005457063 220 12 in in ADP _005457063 220 13 return return NOUN _005457063 220 14 . . PUNCT _005457063 221 1 he he PRON _005457063 221 2 wants want VERB _005457063 221 3 you you PRON _005457063 221 4 to to PART _005457063 221 5 give give VERB _005457063 221 6 him he PRON _005457063 221 7 page page NOUN _005457063 221 8 fifteen fifteen NUM _005457063 221 9 your your PRON _005457063 221 10 heart heart NOUN _005457063 221 11 and and CCONJ _005457063 221 12 be be AUX _005457063 221 13 true true ADJ _005457063 221 14 to to ADP _005457063 221 15 him he PRON _005457063 221 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 222 1 if if SCONJ _005457063 222 2 you you PRON _005457063 222 3 do do VERB _005457063 222 4 this this PRON _005457063 222 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 222 6 without without ADP _005457063 222 7 cheating cheat VERB _005457063 222 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 222 9 he he PRON _005457063 222 10 will will AUX _005457063 222 11 stand stand VERB _005457063 222 12 by by ADP _005457063 222 13 you you PRON _005457063 222 14 forever forever ADV _005457063 222 15 , , PUNCT _005457063 222 16 and and CCONJ _005457063 222 17 you you PRON _005457063 222 18 may may AUX _005457063 222 19 have have VERB _005457063 222 20 all all DET _005457063 222 21 the the DET _005457063 222 22 good good ADJ _005457063 222 23 human human ADJ _005457063 222 24 friendships friendship NOUN _005457063 222 25 your your PRON _005457063 222 26 heart heart NOUN _005457063 222 27 desires desire NOUN _005457063 222 28 . . PUNCT _005457063 223 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 223 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 223 3 must must AUX _005457063 223 4 come come VERB _005457063 223 5 first first ADV _005457063 223 6 in in ADP _005457063 223 7 your your PRON _005457063 223 8 heart heart NOUN _005457063 223 9 . . PUNCT _005457063 224 1 he he PRON _005457063 224 2 knows know VERB _005457063 224 3 you you PRON _005457063 224 4 are be AUX _005457063 224 5 human human ADJ _005457063 224 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 225 1 better well ADJ _005457063 225 2 than than ADP _005457063 225 3 any any DET _005457063 225 4 human human ADJ _005457063 225 5 friend friend NOUN _005457063 225 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 226 1 he he PRON _005457063 226 2 will will AUX _005457063 226 3 forgive forgive VERB _005457063 226 4 your your PRON _005457063 226 5 failures failure NOUN _005457063 226 6 and and CCONJ _005457063 226 7 heal heal VERB _005457063 226 8 your your PRON _005457063 226 9 wounds wound NOUN _005457063 226 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 226 11 if if SCONJ _005457063 226 12 you you PRON _005457063 226 13 are be AUX _005457063 226 14 sincerely sincerely ADV _005457063 226 15 sorry sorry ADJ _005457063 226 16 . . PUNCT _005457063 227 1 but but CCONJ _005457063 227 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 227 3 is be AUX _005457063 227 4 god god PROPN _005457063 227 5 . . PUNCT _005457063 228 1 he he PRON _005457063 228 2 is be AUX _005457063 228 3 all all PRON _005457063 228 4 beauty beauty NOUN _005457063 228 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 228 6 love love NOUN _005457063 228 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 228 8 mercy mercy NOUN _005457063 228 9 , , PUNCT _005457063 228 10 justice justice NOUN _005457063 228 11 . . PUNCT _005457063 229 1 he he PRON _005457063 229 2 must must AUX _005457063 229 3 rest rest VERB _005457063 229 4 deeper deeply ADV _005457063 229 5 in in ADP _005457063 229 6 your your PRON _005457063 229 7 heart heart NOUN _005457063 229 8 than than ADP _005457063 229 9 any any DET _005457063 229 10 other other ADJ _005457063 229 11 loved love VERB _005457063 229 12 one one NUM _005457063 229 13 . . PUNCT _005457063 229 14 . . PUNCT _005457063 229 15 . . PUNCT _005457063 230 1 deeper deep ADJ _005457063 230 2 than than ADP _005457063 230 3 father father NOUN _005457063 230 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 230 5 mother mother NOUN _005457063 230 6 , , PUNCT _005457063 230 7 sister sister NOUN _005457063 230 8 , , PUNCT _005457063 230 9 brother brother NOUN _005457063 230 10 , , PUNCT _005457063 230 11 friend friend NOUN _005457063 230 12 , , PUNCT _005457063 230 13 even even ADV _005457063 230 14 than than ADP _005457063 230 15 a a DET _005457063 230 16 husband husband NOUN _005457063 230 17 or or CCONJ _005457063 230 18 a a DET _005457063 230 19 wife wife NOUN _005457063 230 20 . . PUNCT _005457063 231 1 so so ADV _005457063 231 2 tenderly tenderly ADV _005457063 231 3 covered cover VERB _005457063 231 4 in in ADP _005457063 231 5 your your PRON _005457063 231 6 love love NOUN _005457063 231 7 , , PUNCT _005457063 231 8 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 231 9 will will AUX _005457063 231 10 send send VERB _005457063 231 11 out out ADP _005457063 231 12 his his PRON _005457063 231 13 holy holy ADJ _005457063 231 14 fire fire NOUN _005457063 231 15 to to ADP _005457063 231 16 warm warm ADJ _005457063 231 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 231 18 bless bless NOUN _005457063 231 19 , , PUNCT _005457063 231 20 and and CCONJ _005457063 231 21 make make VERB _005457063 231 22 happy happy ADJ _005457063 231 23 you you PRON _005457063 231 24 and and CCONJ _005457063 231 25 all all DET _005457063 231 26 those those DET _005457063 231 27 others other NOUN _005457063 231 28 you you PRON _005457063 231 29 love love VERB _005457063 231 30 for for ADP _005457063 231 31 him he PRON _005457063 231 32 and and CCONJ _005457063 231 33 in in ADP _005457063 231 34 him he PRON _005457063 231 35 . . PUNCT _005457063 232 1 ooooo ooooo VERB _005457063 232 2 in in ADP _005457063 232 3 this this DET _005457063 232 4 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005457063 232 5 loving loving NOUN _005457063 232 6 of of ADP _005457063 232 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 232 8 and and CCONJ _005457063 232 9 of of ADP _005457063 232 10 your your PRON _005457063 232 11 friends friend NOUN _005457063 232 12 and and CCONJ _005457063 232 13 all all DET _005457063 232 14 others other NOUN _005457063 232 15 for for ADP _005457063 232 16 him he PRON _005457063 232 17 , , PUNCT _005457063 232 18 you you PRON _005457063 232 19 will will AUX _005457063 232 20 become become VERB _005457063 232 21 an an DET _005457063 232 22 unusual unusual ADJ _005457063 232 23 person person NOUN _005457063 232 24 . . PUNCT _005457063 233 1 you you PRON _005457063 233 2 will will AUX _005457063 233 3 grow grow VERB _005457063 233 4 to to PART _005457063 233 5 resemble resemble VERB _005457063 233 6 the the DET _005457063 233 7 divine divine ADJ _005457063 233 8 second second ADJ _005457063 233 9 person person NOUN _005457063 233 10 of of ADP _005457063 233 11 the the DET _005457063 233 12 holy holy ADJ _005457063 233 13 trinity trinity NOUN _005457063 233 14 . . PUNCT _005457063 234 1 like like ADP _005457063 234 2 that that DET _005457063 234 3 one one NUM _005457063 234 4 , , PUNCT _005457063 234 5 whose whose DET _005457063 234 6 love love NOUN _005457063 234 7 fills fill VERB _005457063 234 8 heaven heaven PROPN _005457063 234 9 and and CCONJ _005457063 234 10 encircles encircle VERB _005457063 234 11 the the DET _005457063 234 12 earth earth NOUN _005457063 234 13 , , PUNCT _005457063 234 14 and and CCONJ _005457063 234 15 whose whose DET _005457063 234 16 protective protective ADJ _005457063 234 17 mercies mercy NOUN _005457063 234 18 and and CCONJ _005457063 234 19 gentle gentle ADJ _005457063 234 20 love love NOUN _005457063 234 21 the the DET _005457063 234 22 sad sad ADJ _005457063 234 23 , , PUNCT _005457063 234 24 cold cold ADJ _005457063 234 25 world world NOUN _005457063 234 26 is be AUX _005457063 234 27 starving starve VERB _005457063 234 28 for for ADP _005457063 234 29 , , PUNCT _005457063 234 30 without without ADP _005457063 234 31 realizing realize VERB _005457063 234 32 its its PRON _005457063 234 33 terrifying terrifying ADJ _005457063 234 34 helplessness helplessness NOUN _005457063 234 35 and and CCONJ _005457063 234 36 its its PRON _005457063 234 37 hungering hungering NOUN _005457063 234 38 quest quest NOUN _005457063 234 39 , , PUNCT _005457063 234 40 you you PRON _005457063 234 41 will will AUX _005457063 234 42 glow glow VERB _005457063 234 43 into into ADP _005457063 234 44 a a DET _005457063 234 45 ( ( PUNCT _005457063 234 46 little little ADJ _005457063 234 47 ) ) PUNCT _005457063 234 48 living live VERB _005457063 234 49 flame flame NOUN _005457063 234 50 of of ADP _005457063 234 51 love love NOUN _005457063 234 52 . . PUNCT _005457063 235 1 like like ADP _005457063 235 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 235 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 235 4 but but CCONJ _005457063 235 5 in in ADP _005457063 235 6 an an DET _005457063 235 7 infinitely infinitely ADV _005457063 235 8 lesser less ADJ _005457063 235 9 manner manner NOUN _005457063 235 10 since since SCONJ _005457063 235 11 he he PRON _005457063 235 12 is be AUX _005457063 235 13 infinitely infinitely ADV _005457063 235 14 greater great ADJ _005457063 235 15 , , PUNCT _005457063 235 16 you you PRON _005457063 235 17 will will AUX _005457063 235 18 be be AUX _005457063 235 19 a a DET _005457063 235 20 rare rare ADJ _005457063 235 21 friend friend NOUN _005457063 235 22 . . PUNCT _005457063 236 1 then then ADV _005457063 236 2 you you PRON _005457063 236 3 will will AUX _005457063 236 4 radiate radiate VERB _005457063 236 5 christ christ PROPN _005457063 236 6 . . PUNCT _005457063 237 1 ooooo ooooo PROPN _005457063 237 2 oh oh INTJ _005457063 237 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 237 4 the the DET _005457063 237 5 joy joy NOUN _005457063 237 6 of of ADP _005457063 237 7 becoming become VERB _005457063 237 8 christ christ PROPN _005457063 237 9 's 's PART _005457063 237 10 mirror mirror NOUN _005457063 237 11 ! ! PUNCT _005457063 238 1 what what PRON _005457063 238 2 foretaste foretaste NOUN _005457063 238 3 of of ADP _005457063 238 4 heaven heaven PROPN _005457063 238 5 , , PUNCT _005457063 238 6 this,—^to this,—^to PROPN _005457063 238 7 have have AUX _005457063 238 8 friends friend NOUN _005457063 238 9 see see VERB _005457063 238 10 him he PRON _005457063 238 11 through through ADP _005457063 238 12 you you PRON _005457063 238 13 and and CCONJ _005457063 238 14 then then ADV _005457063 238 15 hasten hasten VERB _005457063 238 16 to to PART _005457063 238 17 adore adore VERB _005457063 238 18 and and CCONJ _005457063 238 19 love love NOUN _005457063 238 20 not not PART _005457063 238 21 reflected reflect VERB _005457063 238 22 effulgence effulgence NOUN _005457063 238 23 but but CCONJ _005457063 238 24 the the DET _005457063 238 25 light light NOUN _005457063 238 26 itself itself PRON _005457063 238 27 — — PUNCT _005457063 238 28 the the DET _005457063 238 29 lord lord PROPN _005457063 238 30 jesus jesus PROPN _005457063 238 31 , , PUNCT _005457063 238 32 — — PUNCT _005457063 238 33 rarest rare ADJ _005457063 238 34 of of ADP _005457063 238 35 friends friend NOUN _005457063 238 36 , , PUNCT _005457063 238 37 of of ADP _005457063 238 38 whom whom PRON _005457063 238 39 “ " PUNCT _005457063 238 40 there there PRON _005457063 238 41 is be VERB _005457063 238 42 none none NOUN _005457063 238 43 so so ADV _005457063 238 44 faithful faithful ADJ _005457063 238 45 . . PUNCT _005457063 238 46 " " PUNCT _005457063 239 1 page page NOUN _005457063 239 2 sixteen sixteen NUM _005457063 240 1 p p PROPN _005457063 240 2 i i NOUN _005457063 240 3 , , PUNCT _005457063 240 4 } } PUNCT