id sid tid token lemma pos _005457003 1 1 g g NOUN _005457003 1 2 u u INTJ _005457003 1 3 i i PROPN _005457003 1 4 l l PROPN _005457003 1 5 d d PROPN _005457003 1 6 pamphlets pamphlets PROPN _005457003 1 7 method method PROPN _005457003 1 8 c. c. PROPN _005457003 1 9 billy billy PROPN _005457003 1 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 1 11 o. o. PROPN _005457003 1 12 f f PROPN _005457003 1 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 2 1 m. m. PROPN _005457003 2 2 conv conv PROPN _005457003 2 3 . . PUNCT _005457003 2 4 : : PUNCT _005457003 3 1 l l X _005457003 3 2 i i PRON _005457003 3 3 f f X _005457003 3 4 e e NOUN _005457003 3 5 in in ADP _005457003 3 6 the the DET _005457003 3 7 servics servic NOUN _005457003 3 8 dean dean PROPN _005457003 3 9 corcoran corcoran PROPN _005457003 3 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 3 11 o. o. PROPN _005457003 3 12 f f PROPN _005457003 3 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 4 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 4 2 cap cap PROPN _005457003 4 3 . . PUNCT _005457003 5 1 : : PUNCT _005457003 6 1 they they PRON _005457003 6 2 burned burn VERB _005457003 6 3 a a DET _005457003 6 4 forest forest NOUN _005457003 6 5 the the DET _005457003 6 6 story story NOUN _005457003 6 7 of of ADP _005457003 6 8 blessed bless VERB _005457003 6 9 john john PROPN _005457003 6 10 forest forest PROPN _005457003 6 11 maire maire PROPN _005457003 6 12 cotter cotter NOUN _005457003 6 13 : : PUNCT _005457003 6 14 a a DET _005457003 6 15 mother mother NOUN _005457003 6 16 and and CCONJ _005457003 6 17 mystic mystic ADJ _005457003 6 18 at at ADP _005457003 6 19 home home NOUN _005457003 6 20 most most ADV _005457003 6 21 rev rev PROPN _005457003 6 22 . . PROPN _005457003 6 23 richard richard PROPN _005457003 6 24 j j PROPN _005457003 6 25 . . PUNCT _005457003 6 26 cushing cushing PROPN _005457003 6 27 : : PUNCT _005457003 6 28 the the DET _005457003 6 29 third third ADJ _005457003 6 30 order order NOUN _005457003 6 31 in in ADP _005457003 6 32 our our PRON _005457003 6 33 b b NOUN _005457003 6 34 a a DET _005457003 6 35 y y PROPN _005457003 6 36 william william PROPN _005457003 6 37 j j PROPN _005457003 6 38 . . PUNCT _005457003 6 39 doheny doheny PROPN _005457003 6 40 , , PUNCT _005457003 6 41 c. c. PROPN _005457003 6 42 s. s. PROPN _005457003 6 43 c. c. PROPN _005457003 6 44 : : PUNCT _005457003 6 45 give give VERB _005457003 6 46 us we PRON _005457003 6 47 this this DET _005457003 6 48 b b NOUN _005457003 6 49 a a DET _005457003 6 50 y y PROPN _005457003 6 51 our our PRON _005457003 6 52 b b NOUN _005457003 7 1 a a DET _005457003 7 2 i i PROPN _005457003 7 3 l l PROPN _005457003 7 4 y y PROPN _005457003 7 5 bread bread NOUN _005457003 7 6 very very ADV _005457003 7 7 rev rev PROPN _005457003 7 8 . . PROPN _005457003 8 1 john john PROPN _005457003 8 2 j j PROPN _005457003 8 3 . . PUNCT _005457003 9 1 dougherty dougherty PROPN _005457003 9 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 9 3 the the DET _005457003 9 4 complete complete ADJ _005457003 9 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005457003 9 6 victor victor NOUN _005457003 9 7 elmer elmer NOUN _005457003 9 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 9 9 o. o. PROPN _005457003 9 10 f f PROPN _005457003 9 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 10 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 10 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 10 3 st st PROPN _005457003 10 4 . . PROPN _005457003 10 5 bernardine bernardine PROPN _005457003 10 6 of of ADP _005457003 10 7 siena siena PROPN _005457003 10 8 felician felician PROPN _005457003 10 9 foy foy PROPN _005457003 10 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 10 11 o. o. PROPN _005457003 10 12 f f PROPN _005457003 10 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 11 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 11 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 11 3 christ christ PROPN _005457003 11 4 and and CCONJ _005457003 11 5 you you PRON _005457003 11 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 11 7 redeemers redeemers PROPN _005457003 11 8 rev rev VERB _005457003 11 9 . . PROPN _005457003 12 1 richard richard PROPN _005457003 12 2 ginder ginder PROPN _005457003 12 3 : : PUNCT _005457003 12 4 the the DET _005457003 12 5 christian christian PROPN _005457003 12 6 nobility nobility PROPN _005457003 12 7 l l PROPN _005457003 12 8 i i PRON _005457003 12 9 f f PROPN _005457003 12 10 e e PROPN _005457003 12 11 begins begin VERB _005457003 12 12 at at ADP _005457003 12 13 baptism baptism NOUN _005457003 12 14 peace peace NOUN _005457003 12 15 of of ADP _005457003 12 16 mind mind NOUN _005457003 12 17 and and CCONJ _005457003 12 18 heart heart NOUN _005457003 12 19 francis francis PROPN _005457003 12 20 j j PROPN _005457003 12 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 13 1 greiner greiner PROPN _005457003 13 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 13 3 s. s. PROPN _005457003 13 4 m. m. PROPN _005457003 13 5 : : PUNCT _005457003 13 6 mary mary PROPN _005457003 13 7 's 's PART _005457003 13 8 work work NOUN _005457003 13 9 in in ADP _005457003 13 10 the the DET _005457003 13 11 world world NOUN _005457003 13 12 most most ADV _005457003 13 13 rev rev PROPN _005457003 13 14 . . PROPN _005457003 13 15 william william PROPN _005457003 13 16 griffln griffln PROPN _005457003 13 17 : : PUNCT _005457003 13 18 veni veni PROPN _005457003 13 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 13 20 sponsa sponsa PROPN _005457003 13 21 chrlstl chrlstl PROPN _005457003 13 22 marion marion PROPN _005457003 13 23 a. a. PROPN _005457003 13 24 habig habig PROPN _005457003 13 25 , , PUNCT _005457003 13 26 o. o. PROPN _005457003 13 27 f f PROPN _005457003 13 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 14 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 14 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 14 3 man man NOUN _005457003 14 4 of of ADP _005457003 14 5 peace peace PROPN _005457003 14 6 st st PROPN _005457003 14 7 . . PROPN _005457003 14 8 francis francis PROPN _005457003 14 9 solano solano PROPN _005457003 14 10 vlco vlco PROPN _005457003 14 11 necchi necchi PROPN _005457003 14 12 our our PRON _005457003 14 13 l l PROPN _005457003 14 14 a a X _005457003 14 15 d d PROPN _005457003 14 16 y y PROPN _005457003 14 17 of of ADP _005457003 14 18 the the DET _005457003 14 19 highway highway NOUN _005457003 14 20 walter walter PROPN _005457003 14 21 hammon hammon PROPN _005457003 14 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 14 23 o. o. PROPN _005457003 14 24 f f PROPN _005457003 14 25 . . PUNCT _005457003 15 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 15 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 15 3 the the DET _005457003 15 4 power power NOUN _005457003 15 5 of of ADP _005457003 15 6 love love PROPN _005457003 15 7 rudolf rudolf NOUN _005457003 15 8 harvey harvey NOUN _005457003 15 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 15 10 o. o. PROPN _005457003 15 11 f f PROPN _005457003 15 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 16 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 16 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 16 3 a a DET _005457003 16 4 new new ADJ _005457003 16 5 birth birth NOUN _005457003 16 6 of of ADP _005457003 16 7 freedom freedom NOUN _005457003 16 8 the the DET _005457003 16 9 pursuit pursuit NOUN _005457003 16 10 of of ADP _005457003 16 11 happiness happiness NOUN _005457003 16 12 this this DET _005457003 16 13 nation nation NOUN _005457003 16 14 under under ADP _005457003 16 15 god god PROPN _005457003 16 16 what what PRON _005457003 16 17 i i PRON _005457003 16 18 s s VERB _005457003 16 19 man man NOUN _005457003 16 20 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 17 1 augustine augustine PROPN _005457003 17 2 p. p. PROPN _005457003 17 3 hennessy hennessy PROPN _005457003 17 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 17 5 c. c. PROPN _005457003 17 6 p p PROPN _005457003 17 7 . . PUNCT _005457003 18 1 : : PUNCT _005457003 18 2 god god PROPN _005457003 18 3 's 's PART _005457003 18 4 troubadour troubadour NOUN _005457003 18 5 and and CCONJ _005457003 18 6 his his PRON _005457003 18 7 l l X _005457003 18 8 a a DET _005457003 18 9 d d PROPN _005457003 18 10 y y PROPN _005457003 18 11 jeffrey jeffrey PROPN _005457003 18 12 keefe keefe PROPN _005457003 18 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 18 14 o. o. PROPN _005457003 18 15 f f PROPN _005457003 18 16 . . PUNCT _005457003 19 1 m. m. PROPN _005457003 19 2 conv conv PROPN _005457003 19 3 . . PUNCT _005457003 19 4 : : PUNCT _005457003 20 1 the the DET _005457003 20 2 gospel gospel NOUN _005457003 20 3 truth truth NOUN _005457003 20 4 miracles miracle NOUN _005457003 20 5 : : PUNCT _005457003 20 6 f f X _005457003 20 7 a a DET _005457003 20 8 c c NOUN _005457003 20 9 t t NOUN _005457003 20 10 s s PROPN _005457003 20 11 or or CCONJ _005457003 20 12 f f PROPN _005457003 20 13 a a X _005457003 20 14 n n NOUN _005457003 20 15 t t NOUN _005457003 20 16 a a DET _005457003 20 17 s s X _005457003 20 18 i i PRON _005457003 20 19 e e X _005457003 20 20 s s NOUN _005457003 20 21 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 21 1 gordon gordon PROPN _005457003 21 2 krahe krahe PROPN _005457003 21 3 , , PUNCT _005457003 21 4 o. o. PROPN _005457003 21 5 f f PROPN _005457003 21 6 . . PUNCT _005457003 22 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 22 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 23 1 what what PRON _005457003 23 2 the the DET _005457003 23 3 mass mass NOUN _005457003 23 4 i i PRON _005457003 23 5 s s VERB _005457003 23 6 for for ADP _005457003 23 7 you you PRON _005457003 23 8 giles gile NOUN _005457003 23 9 lawlor lawlor PROPN _005457003 23 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 23 11 o. o. PROPN _005457003 23 12 f f PROPN _005457003 23 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 24 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 24 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 24 3 bon't bon't NOUN _005457003 24 4 b b NOUN _005457003 24 5 e e NOUN _005457003 24 6 afraid afraid ADJ _005457003 24 7 to to PART _005457003 24 8 go go VERB _005457003 24 9 to to PART _005457003 24 10 confession confession VERB _005457003 24 11 j j PROPN _005457003 24 12 a a X _005457003 24 13 m m PROPN _005457003 24 14 e e NOUN _005457003 24 15 s s PART _005457003 24 16 m. m. NOUN _005457003 24 17 linehan linehan PROPN _005457003 24 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 24 19 o. o. PROPN _005457003 24 20 f f PROPN _005457003 24 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 25 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 25 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 25 3 a a DET _005457003 25 4 living live VERB _005457003 25 5 crucifix crucifix NOUN _005457003 25 6 valentine valentine NOUN _005457003 25 7 long long ADV _005457003 25 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 25 9 o. o. PROPN _005457003 25 10 f f PROPN _005457003 25 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 26 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 26 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 26 3 christmas christmas PROPN _005457003 26 4 the the DET _005457003 26 5 bternal bternal PROPN _005457003 26 6 cross cross VERB _005457003 26 7 a a DET _005457003 26 8 j j PROPN _005457003 26 9 u u NOUN _005457003 26 10 d d PROPN _005457003 26 11 g g PROPN _005457003 27 1 e e PROPN _005457003 27 2 speaks speak VERB _005457003 27 3 to to ADP _005457003 27 4 the the DET _005457003 27 5 graduates graduate NOUN _005457003 27 6 the the DET _005457003 27 7 l l PROPN _005457003 27 8 a a DET _005457003 27 9 s s NOUN _005457003 27 10 t t NOUN _005457003 27 11 supper supper NOUN _005457003 27 12 every every DET _005457003 27 13 b b NOUN _005457003 27 14 a a X _005457003 27 15 y y PROPN _005457003 28 1 the the DET _005457003 28 2 nobody nobody PRON _005457003 28 3 everybody everybody PRON _005457003 28 4 loves love VERB _005457003 28 5 on on ADP _005457003 28 6 thanking thank VERB _005457003 28 7 the the DET _005457003 28 8 hand hand NOUN _005457003 28 9 that that PRON _005457003 28 10 feeds feed VERB _005457003 28 11 on on ADP _005457003 28 12 using use VERB _005457003 28 13 the the DET _005457003 28 14 brain brain NOUN _005457003 28 15 the the DET _005457003 28 16 troubled troubled ADJ _005457003 28 17 mind mind NOUN _005457003 28 18 the the DET _005457003 28 19 way way NOUN _005457003 28 20 home home ADV _005457003 28 21 who who PRON _005457003 28 22 believes believe VERB _005457003 28 23 in in ADP _005457003 28 24 sin sin NOUN _005457003 28 25 any any PRON _005457003 28 26 more more ADV _005457003 28 27 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 29 1 why why SCONJ _005457003 29 2 not not PART _005457003 29 3 take take VERB _005457003 29 4 god god PROPN _005457003 29 5 's 's PART _005457003 29 6 word word NOUN _005457003 29 7 for for ADP _005457003 29 8 i i NOUN _005457003 29 9 t t NOUN _005457003 29 10 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 30 1 youth youth NOUN _005457003 30 2 — — PUNCT _005457003 30 3 springtime springtime NOUN _005457003 30 4 of of ADP _005457003 30 5 love love NOUN _005457003 30 6 cuthbert cuthbert PROPN _005457003 30 7 malone malone NOUN _005457003 30 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 30 9 o. o. PROPN _005457003 30 10 f f PROPN _005457003 30 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 31 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 31 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 31 3 st st PROPN _005457003 31 4 . . PROPN _005457003 31 5 faschav faschav PROPN _005457003 31 6 baylon baylon PROPN _005457003 32 1 y y PROPN _005457003 32 2 o o PROPN _005457003 32 3 u u PROPN _005457003 32 4 are be AUX _005457003 32 5 the the DET _005457003 32 6 church church NOUN _005457003 32 7 g g PROPN _005457003 32 8 e e PROPN _005457003 32 9 r r NOUN _005457003 32 10 a a DET _005457003 32 11 l l X _005457003 32 12 d d NOUN _005457003 32 13 m m NOUN _005457003 32 14 . . PUNCT _005457003 33 1 d d NOUN _005457003 33 2 o o X _005457003 33 3 l l X _005457003 33 4 a a DET _005457003 33 5 n n NOUN _005457003 33 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 33 7 o o NOUN _005457003 33 8 . . PUNCT _005457003 34 1 f f PROPN _005457003 34 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 35 1 m m PROPN _005457003 35 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 36 1 st st PROPN _005457003 36 2 . . PROPN _005457003 36 3 anthony anthony PROPN _005457003 36 4 's 's PART _005457003 36 5 guild guild PROPN _005457003 36 6 paterson paterson PROPN _005457003 36 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 36 8 n n PROPN _005457003 36 9 . . PUNCT _005457003 37 1 j j NOUN _005457003 37 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 38 1 copyright copyright PROPN _005457003 38 2 © © ADJ _005457003 38 3 1961 1961 NUM _005457003 38 4 by by ADP _005457003 38 5 st st PROPN _005457003 38 6 . . PROPN _005457003 38 7 anthony anthony PROPN _005457003 38 8 's 's PART _005457003 38 9 guild guild PROPN _005457003 38 10 imprimi imprimi PROPN _005457003 38 11 potest potest PROPN _005457003 38 12 : : PUNCT _005457003 38 13 donald donald PROPN _005457003 38 14 hoag hoag PROPN _005457003 38 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 38 16 o o PROPN _005457003 38 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 39 1 f f PROPN _005457003 39 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 40 1 m m PROPN _005457003 40 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 41 1 minister minister PROPN _005457003 41 2 provincial provincial PROPN _005457003 41 3 nihil nihil PROPN _005457003 41 4 obstat obstat PROPN _005457003 41 5 : : PUNCT _005457003 41 6 bede bede NOUN _005457003 41 7 babo babo NOUN _005457003 41 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 41 9 o o NOUN _005457003 41 10 . . PUNCT _005457003 42 1 s s X _005457003 42 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 43 1 b b X _005457003 43 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 44 1 censor censor NOUN _005457003 44 2 librorum librorum PROPN _005457003 44 3 imprimatur imprimatur NOUN _005457003 44 4 : : PUNCT _005457003 44 5 -fjames -fjame NOUN _005457003 44 6 a. a. NOUN _005457003 44 7 mcnuity mcnuity PROPN _005457003 44 8 bishop bishop PROPN _005457003 44 9 of of ADP _005457003 44 10 paterson paterson PROPN _005457003 44 11 january january PROPN _005457003 44 12 10 10 NUM _005457003 44 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 44 14 1962 1962 NUM _005457003 44 15 printed print VERB _005457003 44 16 in in ADP _005457003 44 17 the the DET _005457003 44 18 united united PROPN _005457003 44 19 states states PROPN _005457003 44 20 of of ADP _005457003 44 21 america america PROPN _005457003 44 22 " " PUNCT _005457003 44 23 . . PUNCT _005457003 45 1 . . PUNCT _005457003 45 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 46 1 the the DET _005457003 46 2 faithful faithful ADJ _005457003 46 3 , , PUNCT _005457003 46 4 more more ADV _005457003 46 5 precisely precisely ADV _005457003 46 6 the the DET _005457003 46 7 laity laity NOUN _005457003 46 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 46 9 are be AUX _005457003 46 10 in in ADP _005457003 46 11 the the DET _005457003 46 12 front front ADJ _005457003 46 13 line line NOUN _005457003 46 14 of of ADP _005457003 46 15 the the DET _005457003 46 16 church church NOUN _005457003 46 17 's 's PART _005457003 46 18 life life NOUN _005457003 46 19 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 46 20 through through ADP _005457003 46 21 them they PRON _005457003 46 22 the the DET _005457003 46 23 church church NOUN _005457003 46 24 is be AUX _005457003 46 25 the the DET _005457003 46 26 vital vital ADJ _005457003 46 27 ' ' PART _005457003 46 28 principle principle NOUN _005457003 46 29 of of ADP _005457003 46 30 human human ADJ _005457003 46 31 society society NOUN _005457003 46 32 . . PUNCT _005457003 46 33 " " PUNCT _005457003 47 1 — — PUNCT _005457003 47 2 pope pope PROPN _005457003 47 3 p p NOUN _005457003 48 1 i i PRON _005457003 48 2 u u PROPN _005457003 48 3 s s PART _005457003 48 4 xii xii NOUN _005457003 48 5 " " PUNCT _005457003 48 6 t t NOUN _005457003 48 7 h h NOUN _005457003 48 8 e e PROPN _005457003 48 9 church church NOUN _005457003 48 10 of of ADP _005457003 48 11 today today NOUN _005457003 48 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 48 13 of of ADP _005457003 48 14 the the DET _005457003 48 15 present present NOUN _005457003 48 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 48 17 is be AUX _005457003 48 18 the the DET _005457003 48 19 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 48 20 of of ADP _005457003 48 21 christ christ PROPN _005457003 48 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 48 23 and and CCONJ _005457003 48 24 the the DET _005457003 48 25 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 48 26 of of ADP _005457003 48 27 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 48 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 48 29 " " PUNCT _005457003 49 1 — — PUNCT _005457003 49 2 s s NOUN _005457003 49 3 t t NOUN _005457003 49 4 . . PUNCT _005457003 50 1 a a DET _005457003 50 2 u u NOUN _005457003 50 3 g g NOUN _005457003 50 4 u u PROPN _005457003 50 5 s s VERB _005457003 50 6 t t NOUN _005457003 50 7 i i PRON _005457003 50 8 n n X _005457003 50 9 e e X _005457003 50 10 " " PUNCT _005457003 50 11 t t NOUN _005457003 50 12 h h NOUN _005457003 50 13 e e NOUN _005457003 50 14 c c NOUN _005457003 50 15 h h PROPN _005457003 50 16 u u NOUN _005457003 50 17 r r NOUN _005457003 50 18 c c NOUN _005457003 50 19 h h NOUN _005457003 50 20 was be AUX _005457003 50 21 christ christ PROPN _005457003 50 22 's 's PART _005457003 50 23 theme theme NOUN _005457003 50 24 throughout throughout ADP _005457003 50 25 his his PRON _005457003 50 26 public public ADJ _005457003 50 27 life life NOUN _005457003 50 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 51 1 h h PROPN _005457003 51 2 e e PROPN _005457003 51 3 outlined outline VERB _005457003 51 4 its its PRON _005457003 51 5 characteristics characteristic NOUN _005457003 51 6 in in ADP _005457003 51 7 parables parable NOUN _005457003 51 8 . . PUNCT _005457003 52 1 it it PRON _005457003 52 2 was be AUX _005457003 52 3 coming come VERB _005457003 52 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 52 5 yet yet CCONJ _005457003 52 6 it it PRON _005457003 52 7 had have AUX _005457003 52 8 already already ADV _005457003 52 9 begun begin VERB _005457003 52 10 to to PART _005457003 52 11 exist exist VERB _005457003 52 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 53 1 though though SCONJ _005457003 53 2 of of ADP _005457003 53 3 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 53 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 53 5 it it PRON _005457003 53 6 would would AUX _005457003 53 7 be be AUX _005457003 53 8 of of ADP _005457003 53 9 earth earth NOUN _005457003 53 10 . . PUNCT _005457003 54 1 it it PRON _005457003 54 2 would would AUX _005457003 54 3 enclose enclose VERB _005457003 54 4 within within ADP _005457003 54 5 it it PRON _005457003 54 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 54 7 as as ADP _005457003 54 8 a a DET _005457003 54 9 net net ADJ _005457003 54 10 encloses enclose VERB _005457003 54 11 fish fish NOUN _005457003 54 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 54 13 all all DET _005457003 54 14 manner manner NOUN _005457003 54 15 of of ADP _005457003 54 16 men man NOUN _005457003 54 17 , , PUNCT _005457003 54 18 good good ADJ _005457003 54 19 and and CCONJ _005457003 54 20 bad bad ADJ _005457003 54 21 , , PUNCT _005457003 54 22 who who PRON _005457003 54 23 would would AUX _005457003 54 24 dwell dwell VERB _005457003 54 25 together together ADV _005457003 54 26 , , PUNCT _005457003 54 27 to to PART _005457003 54 28 be be AUX _005457003 54 29 separated separate VERB _005457003 54 30 only only ADV _005457003 54 31 at at ADP _005457003 54 32 the the DET _005457003 54 33 end end NOUN _005457003 54 34 of of ADP _005457003 54 35 time time NOUN _005457003 54 36 . . PUNCT _005457003 55 1 i i PRON _005457003 55 2 t t PROPN _005457003 55 3 would would AUX _005457003 55 4 be be AUX _005457003 55 5 a a DET _005457003 55 6 pearl pearl NOUN _005457003 55 7 of of ADP _005457003 55 8 great great ADJ _005457003 55 9 price price NOUN _005457003 55 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 55 11 for for ADP _005457003 55 12 which which PRON _005457003 55 13 the the DET _005457003 55 14 one one NOUN _005457003 55 15 beholding behold VERB _005457003 55 16 it it PRON _005457003 55 17 would would AUX _005457003 55 18 sacrifice sacrifice VERB _005457003 55 19 all all PRON _005457003 55 20 he he PRON _005457003 55 21 possessed possess VERB _005457003 55 22 . . PUNCT _005457003 56 1 entrance entrance NOUN _005457003 56 2 to to ADP _005457003 56 3 it it PRON _005457003 56 4 would would AUX _005457003 56 5 require require VERB _005457003 56 6 nothing nothing PRON _005457003 56 7 less less ADJ _005457003 56 8 than than ADP _005457003 56 9 a a DET _005457003 56 10 new new ADJ _005457003 56 11 birth birth NOUN _005457003 56 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 57 1 beginning begin VERB _005457003 57 2 as as ADP _005457003 57 3 a a DET _005457003 57 4 tiny tiny ADJ _005457003 57 5 seed seed NOUN _005457003 57 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 57 7 it it PRON _005457003 57 8 would would AUX _005457003 57 9 grow grow VERB _005457003 57 10 into into ADP _005457003 57 11 a a DET _005457003 57 12 great great ADJ _005457003 57 13 sheltering shelter VERB _005457003 57 14 tree tree NOUN _005457003 57 15 . . PUNCT _005457003 58 1 it it PRON _005457003 58 2 would would AUX _005457003 58 3 be be AUX _005457003 58 4 visible visible ADJ _005457003 58 5 to to ADP _005457003 58 6 all all PRON _005457003 58 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 58 8 yet yet CCONJ _005457003 58 9 its its PRON _005457003 58 10 action action NOUN _005457003 58 11 would would AUX _005457003 58 12 be be AUX _005457003 58 13 as as ADV _005457003 58 14 silent silent ADJ _005457003 58 15 as as ADP _005457003 58 16 that that PRON _005457003 58 17 of of ADP _005457003 58 18 yeast yeast NOUN _005457003 58 19 leavening leavening NOUN _005457003 58 20 dough dough NOUN _005457003 58 21 " " PUNCT _005457003 58 22 y y PROPN _005457003 58 23 o o PROPN _005457003 58 24 u u PROPN _005457003 58 25 a a DET _005457003 58 26 r r NOUN _005457003 58 27 e e NOUN _005457003 58 28 the the DET _005457003 58 29 c c NOUN _005457003 58 30 h h NOUN _005457003 58 31 u u NOUN _005457003 58 32 r r NOUN _005457003 58 33 c c X _005457003 58 34 h h X _005457003 58 35 w w X _005457003 58 36 h h NOUN _005457003 58 37 e e NOUN _005457003 58 38 r r NOUN _005457003 58 39 e e NOUN _005457003 58 40 v v X _005457003 58 41 e e NOUN _005457003 58 42 r r NOUN _005457003 58 43 o o PROPN _005457003 58 44 n n CCONJ _005457003 58 45 e e NOUN _005457003 58 46 may may AUX _005457003 58 47 go go VERB _005457003 58 48 in in ADP _005457003 58 49 the the DET _005457003 58 50 world world NOUN _005457003 58 51 , , PUNCT _005457003 58 52 the the DET _005457003 58 53 catholic catholic ADJ _005457003 58 54 church church NOUN _005457003 58 55 is be AUX _005457003 58 56 there there ADV _005457003 58 57 . . PUNCT _005457003 59 1 into into ADP _005457003 59 2 whatever whatever DET _005457003 59 3 field field NOUN _005457003 59 4 of of ADP _005457003 59 5 human human ADJ _005457003 59 6 activity activity NOUN _005457003 59 7 one one PRON _005457003 59 8 may may AUX _005457003 59 9 enter enter VERB _005457003 59 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 59 11 the the DET _005457003 59 12 influence influence NOUN _005457003 59 13 of of ADP _005457003 59 14 the the DET _005457003 59 15 church church NOUN _005457003 59 16 is be AUX _005457003 59 17 felt feel VERB _005457003 59 18 . . PUNCT _005457003 60 1 throughout throughout ADP _005457003 60 2 the the DET _005457003 60 3 world world NOUN _005457003 60 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 60 5 cathedrals cathedral NOUN _005457003 60 6 and and CCONJ _005457003 60 7 churches church NOUN _005457003 60 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 60 9 some some PRON _005457003 60 10 the the DET _005457003 60 11 artistic artistic ADJ _005457003 60 12 monuments monument NOUN _005457003 60 13 of of ADP _005457003 60 14 antiquity antiquity NOUN _005457003 60 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 60 16 others other NOUN _005457003 60 17 revealing reveal VERB _005457003 60 18 the the DET _005457003 60 19 most most ADV _005457003 60 20 modern modern ADJ _005457003 60 21 tendencies tendency NOUN _005457003 60 22 of of ADP _005457003 60 23 architectural architectural ADJ _005457003 60 24 geniiis geniiis NOUN _005457003 60 25 , , PUNCT _005457003 60 26 bear bear VERB _005457003 60 27 witness witness NOUN _005457003 60 28 to to ADP _005457003 60 29 its its PRON _005457003 60 30 continuity continuity NOUN _005457003 60 31 and and CCONJ _005457003 60 32 perennial perennial ADJ _005457003 60 33 youth youth NOUN _005457003 60 34 . . PUNCT _005457003 61 1 it it PRON _005457003 61 2 is be AUX _005457003 61 3 ancient ancient ADJ _005457003 61 4 and and CCONJ _005457003 61 5 picturesque picturesque ADJ _005457003 61 6 in in ADP _005457003 61 7 its its PRON _005457003 61 8 solemn solemn ADJ _005457003 61 9 9 9 NUM _005457003 61 10 rites rite NOUN _005457003 61 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 61 12 yet yet CCONJ _005457003 61 13 at at ADP _005457003 61 14 home home NOUN _005457003 61 15 with with ADP _005457003 61 16 the the DET _005457003 61 17 most most ADV _005457003 61 18 recent recent ADJ _005457003 61 19 administrative administrative ADJ _005457003 61 20 techniques technique NOUN _005457003 61 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 62 1 i i PRON _005457003 62 2 t t NOUN _005457003 62 3 is be AUX _005457003 62 4 in in ADP _005457003 62 5 the the DET _005457003 62 6 world world NOUN _005457003 62 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 62 8 visible visible ADJ _005457003 62 9 for for SCONJ _005457003 62 10 all all PRON _005457003 62 11 to to PART _005457003 62 12 see see VERB _005457003 62 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 62 14 yet yet ADV _005457003 62 15 shrouded shroud VERB _005457003 62 16 in in ADP _005457003 62 17 otherworld otherworld PROPN _005457003 62 18 mystery mystery NOUN _005457003 62 19 . . PUNCT _005457003 63 1 it it PRON _005457003 63 2 is be AUX _005457003 63 3 loved love VERB _005457003 63 4 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 63 5 it it PRON _005457003 63 6 is be AUX _005457003 63 7 feared fear VERB _005457003 63 8 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 63 9 it it PRON _005457003 63 10 is be AUX _005457003 63 11 hated hate VERB _005457003 63 12 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 63 13 it it PRON _005457003 63 14 is be AUX _005457003 63 15 persecuted persecute VERB _005457003 63 16 . . PUNCT _005457003 64 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 64 2 with with ADP _005457003 64 3 imperturbable imperturbable ADJ _005457003 64 4 purpose purpose NOUN _005457003 64 5 , , PUNCT _005457003 64 6 despite despite SCONJ _005457003 64 7 every every DET _005457003 64 8 obstacle obstacle NOUN _005457003 64 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 64 10 it it PRON _005457003 64 11 goes go VERB _005457003 64 12 about about ADP _005457003 64 13 its its PRON _005457003 64 14 business business NOUN _005457003 64 15 in in ADP _005457003 64 16 the the DET _005457003 64 17 calm calm ADJ _005457003 64 18 assurance assurance NOUN _005457003 64 19 that that SCONJ _005457003 64 20 , , PUNCT _005457003 64 21 as as SCONJ _005457003 64 22 it it PRON _005457003 64 23 has have AUX _005457003 64 24 outlived outlive VERB _005457003 64 25 its its PRON _005457003 64 26 enemies enemy NOUN _005457003 64 27 in in ADP _005457003 64 28 the the DET _005457003 64 29 past past NOUN _005457003 64 30 , , PUNCT _005457003 64 31 so so ADV _005457003 64 32 it it PRON _005457003 64 33 will will AUX _005457003 64 34 continue continue VERB _005457003 64 35 to to PART _005457003 64 36 do do VERB _005457003 64 37 till till SCONJ _005457003 64 38 time time NOUN _005457003 64 39 is be AUX _005457003 64 40 no no DET _005457003 64 41 more more ADJ _005457003 64 42 . . PUNCT _005457003 65 1 c c X _005457003 65 2 h h X _005457003 65 3 r r X _005457003 65 4 i i PRON _005457003 65 5 s s VERB _005457003 65 6 t t NOUN _005457003 65 7 ' ' PUNCT _005457003 65 8 s s NOUN _005457003 65 9 w w NOUN _005457003 65 10 o o NOUN _005457003 65 11 r r NOUN _005457003 65 12 k k PROPN _005457003 65 13 t t PROPN _005457003 65 14 o o NOUN _005457003 65 15 understand understand VERB _005457003 65 16 its its PRON _005457003 65 17 mission mission NOUN _005457003 65 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 65 19 one one PRON _005457003 65 20 must must AUX _005457003 65 21 ask ask VERB _005457003 65 22 what what PRON _005457003 65 23 was be AUX _005457003 65 24 the the DET _005457003 65 25 mission mission NOUN _005457003 65 26 of of ADP _005457003 65 27 christ christ PROPN _005457003 65 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 66 1 st st PROPN _005457003 66 2 . . PROPN _005457003 66 3 john john PROPN _005457003 66 4 writes write VERB _005457003 66 5 in in ADP _005457003 66 6 the the DET _005457003 66 7 prologue prologue NOUN _005457003 66 8 of of ADP _005457003 66 9 his his PRON _005457003 66 10 gospel gospel NOUN _005457003 66 11 : : PUNCT _005457003 66 12 " " PUNCT _005457003 66 13 h h NOUN _005457003 66 14 e e PROPN _005457003 66 15 came come VERB _005457003 66 16 unto unto ADP _005457003 66 17 his his PRON _005457003 66 18 own own ADJ _005457003 66 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 66 20 and and CCONJ _005457003 66 21 his his PRON _005457003 66 22 own own ADJ _005457003 66 23 received receive VERB _005457003 66 24 him he PRON _005457003 66 25 not not PART _005457003 66 26 . . PUNCT _005457003 67 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 67 2 to to ADP _005457003 67 3 as as ADV _005457003 67 4 many many ADJ _005457003 67 5 as as ADP _005457003 67 6 received receive VERB _005457003 67 7 him he PRON _005457003 67 8 h h X _005457003 67 9 e e PROPN _005457003 67 10 gave give VERB _005457003 67 11 the the DET _005457003 67 12 power power NOUN _005457003 67 13 of of ADP _005457003 67 14 becoming become VERB _005457003 67 15 sons son NOUN _005457003 67 16 of of ADP _005457003 67 17 g g PROPN _005457003 67 18 o o PROPN _005457003 67 19 d d PROPN _005457003 67 20 . . PUNCT _005457003 67 21 " " PUNCT _005457003 68 1 the the DET _005457003 68 2 second second ADJ _005457003 68 3 person person NOUN _005457003 68 4 of of ADP _005457003 68 5 the the DET _005457003 68 6 blessed bless VERB _005457003 68 7 trinity trinity NOUN _005457003 68 8 became become VERB _005457003 68 9 man man NOUN _005457003 68 10 to to PART _005457003 68 11 restore restore VERB _005457003 68 12 what what PRON _005457003 68 13 man man NOUN _005457003 68 14 had have AUX _005457003 68 15 lost lose VERB _005457003 68 16 . . PUNCT _005457003 69 1 god god PROPN _005457003 69 2 had have AUX _005457003 69 3 created create VERB _005457003 69 4 adam adam PROPN _005457003 69 5 to to PART _005457003 69 6 be be AUX _005457003 69 7 the the DET _005457003 69 8 father father NOUN _005457003 69 9 of of ADP _005457003 69 10 the the DET _005457003 69 11 human human ADJ _005457003 69 12 race race NOUN _005457003 69 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 69 14 endowed endow VERB _005457003 69 15 him he PRON _005457003 69 16 with with ADP _005457003 69 17 a a DET _005457003 69 18 mind mind NOUN _005457003 69 19 and and CCONJ _005457003 69 20 a a DET _005457003 69 21 will will NOUN _005457003 69 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 69 23 made make VERB _005457003 69 24 him he PRON _005457003 69 25 capable capable ADJ _005457003 69 26 of of ADP _005457003 69 27 rendering render VERB _005457003 69 28 homage homage NOUN _005457003 69 29 and and CCONJ _005457003 69 30 thanks thank NOUN _005457003 69 31 to to ADP _005457003 69 32 his his PRON _005457003 69 33 creator creator NOUN _005457003 69 34 on on ADP _005457003 69 35 behalf behalf NOUN _005457003 69 36 of of ADP _005457003 69 37 all all DET _005457003 69 38 creation creation NOUN _005457003 69 39 . . PUNCT _005457003 70 1 adam adam PROPN _005457003 70 2 's 's PART _005457003 70 3 body body NOUN _005457003 70 4 was be AUX _005457003 70 5 made make VERB _005457003 70 6 in in ADP _005457003 70 7 the the DET _005457003 70 8 likeness likeness NOUN _005457003 70 9 of of ADP _005457003 70 10 material material ADJ _005457003 70 11 things thing NOUN _005457003 70 12 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 70 13 but but CCONJ _005457003 70 14 his his PRON _005457003 70 15 soul soul NOUN _005457003 70 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 70 17 having having AUX _005457003 70 18 received receive VERB _005457003 70 19 sanctifying sanctify VERB _005457003 70 20 10 10 NUM _005457003 70 21 grace grace NOUN _005457003 70 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 70 23 a a DET _005457003 70 24 spark spark NOUN _005457003 70 25 of of ADP _005457003 70 26 the the DET _005457003 70 27 divine divine ADJ _005457003 70 28 life life NOUN _005457003 70 29 , , PUNCT _005457003 70 30 was be AUX _005457003 70 31 made make VERB _005457003 70 32 in in ADP _005457003 70 33 the the DET _005457003 70 34 image image NOUN _005457003 70 35 and and CCONJ _005457003 70 36 likeness likeness NOUN _005457003 70 37 of of ADP _005457003 70 38 god god PROPN _005457003 70 39 himself himself PRON _005457003 70 40 . . PUNCT _005457003 71 1 through through ADP _005457003 71 2 this this DET _005457003 71 3 gift gift NOUN _005457003 71 4 he he PRON _005457003 71 5 would would AUX _005457003 71 6 be be AUX _005457003 71 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 71 8 not not PART _005457003 71 9 only only ADV _005457003 71 10 a a DET _005457003 71 11 creature creature NOUN _005457003 71 12 destined destine VERB _005457003 71 13 for for ADP _005457003 71 14 this this DET _005457003 71 15 world world NOUN _005457003 71 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 71 17 but but CCONJ _005457003 71 18 a a DET _005457003 71 19 son son NOUN _005457003 71 20 of of ADP _005457003 71 21 god god PROPN _005457003 71 22 with with ADP _005457003 71 23 the the DET _005457003 71 24 birthright birthright NOUN _005457003 71 25 to to ADP _005457003 71 26 an an DET _005457003 71 27 eternity eternity NOUN _005457003 71 28 in in ADP _005457003 71 29 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 71 30 . . PUNCT _005457003 72 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 72 2 the the DET _005457003 72 3 g g NOUN _005457003 72 4 i i PRON _005457003 72 5 f f PROPN _005457003 72 6 t t PROPN _005457003 72 7 of of ADP _005457003 72 8 grace grace NOUN _005457003 72 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 72 10 for for ADP _005457003 72 11 adam adam PROPN _005457003 72 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 72 13 his his PRON _005457003 72 14 progeny progeny NOUN _005457003 72 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 72 16 was be AUX _005457003 72 17 conditional conditional ADJ _005457003 72 18 upon upon SCONJ _005457003 72 19 obedience obedience NOUN _005457003 72 20 . . PUNCT _005457003 73 1 when when SCONJ _005457003 73 2 adam adam PROPN _005457003 73 3 disobeyed disobey VERB _005457003 73 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 73 5 as as SCONJ _005457003 73 6 st st PROPN _005457003 73 7 . . PROPN _005457003 73 8 paul paul PROPN _005457003 73 9 tells tell VERB _005457003 73 10 us we PRON _005457003 73 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 73 12 " " PUNCT _005457003 73 13 through through ADP _005457003 73 14 one one NUM _005457003 73 15 man man NOUN _005457003 73 16 sin sin NOUN _005457003 73 17 entered enter VERB _005457003 73 18 into into ADP _005457003 73 19 the the DET _005457003 73 20 world world NOUN _005457003 73 21 and and CCONJ _005457003 73 22 through through ADP _005457003 73 23 sin sin NOUN _005457003 73 24 death death NOUN _005457003 73 25 , , PUNCT _005457003 73 26 and and CCONJ _005457003 73 27 thus thus ADV _005457003 73 28 death death NOUN _005457003 73 29 has have AUX _005457003 73 30 passed pass VERB _005457003 73 31 unto unto ADP _005457003 73 32 all all DET _005457003 73 33 men man NOUN _005457003 73 34 because because SCONJ _005457003 73 35 all all PRON _005457003 73 36 have have AUX _005457003 73 37 sinned sin VERB _005457003 73 38 . . PUNCT _005457003 73 39 " " PUNCT _005457003 74 1 y y PROPN _005457003 74 2 e e PROPN _005457003 74 3 t t PROPN _005457003 74 4 the the DET _005457003 74 5 creator creator NOUN _005457003 74 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 74 7 in in ADP _005457003 74 8 his his PRON _005457003 74 9 mercy mercy NOUN _005457003 74 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 74 11 would would AUX _005457003 74 12 not not PART _005457003 74 13 leave leave VERB _005457003 74 14 man man NOUN _005457003 74 15 without without ADP _005457003 74 16 a a DET _005457003 74 17 second second ADJ _005457003 74 18 chance chance NOUN _005457003 74 19 . . PUNCT _005457003 75 1 h h PROPN _005457003 75 2 e e PROPN _005457003 75 3 promised promise VERB _005457003 75 4 a a DET _005457003 75 5 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005457003 75 6 : : PUNCT _005457003 75 7 one one NUM _005457003 75 8 who who PRON _005457003 75 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 75 10 atoning atone VERB _005457003 75 11 for for ADP _005457003 75 12 the the DET _005457003 75 13 sins sin NOUN _005457003 75 14 of of ADP _005457003 75 15 men man NOUN _005457003 75 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 75 17 would would AUX _005457003 75 18 reinstate reinstate VERB _005457003 75 19 them they PRON _005457003 75 20 as as ADP _005457003 75 21 children child NOUN _005457003 75 22 of of ADP _005457003 75 23 god god PROPN _005457003 75 24 and and CCONJ _005457003 75 25 heirs heir NOUN _005457003 75 26 of of ADP _005457003 75 27 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 75 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 76 1 t t NOUN _005457003 76 2 h h NOUN _005457003 76 3 e e NOUN _005457003 76 4 c c AUX _005457003 76 5 o o PROPN _005457003 76 6 m m VERB _005457003 77 1 i i PRON _005457003 78 1 n n ADP _005457003 79 1 g g PROPN _005457003 79 2 o o NOUN _005457003 79 3 f f PROPN _005457003 79 4 t t PROPN _005457003 80 1 h h X _005457003 81 1 e e X _005457003 82 1 k k PROPN _005457003 82 2 i i PROPN _005457003 82 3 n n PROPN _005457003 83 1 g g PROPN _005457003 83 2 d d PROPN _005457003 84 1 o o PROPN _005457003 84 2 m m PROPN _005457003 84 3 christ christ PROPN _005457003 84 4 died die VERB _005457003 84 5 for for ADP _005457003 84 6 all all DET _005457003 84 7 men man NOUN _005457003 84 8 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 84 9 being be AUX _005457003 84 10 god god PROPN _005457003 84 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 84 12 h h NOUN _005457003 84 13 e e NOUN _005457003 84 14 could could AUX _005457003 84 15 have have AUX _005457003 84 16 transmitted transmit VERB _005457003 84 17 the the DET _005457003 84 18 blessings blessing NOUN _005457003 84 19 of of ADP _005457003 84 20 his his PRON _005457003 84 21 redemption redemption NOUN _005457003 84 22 directly directly ADV _005457003 84 23 to to ADP _005457003 84 24 all all PRON _005457003 84 25 . . PUNCT _005457003 85 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 85 2 h h PROPN _005457003 85 3 e e PROPN _005457003 85 4 chose choose VERB _005457003 85 5 that that SCONJ _005457003 85 6 h h INTJ _005457003 85 7 i i PRON _005457003 85 8 s s VERB _005457003 85 9 creatures creature NOUN _005457003 85 10 should should AUX _005457003 85 11 collaborate collaborate VERB _005457003 85 12 with with ADP _005457003 85 13 him he PRON _005457003 85 14 . . PUNCT _005457003 86 1 h h NOUN _005457003 86 2 e e PROPN _005457003 86 3 would would AUX _005457003 86 4 establish establish VERB _005457003 86 5 a a DET _005457003 86 6 church church NOUN _005457003 86 7 wherein wherein SCONJ _005457003 86 8 men man NOUN _005457003 86 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 86 10 united unite VERB _005457003 86 11 with with ADP _005457003 86 12 him he PRON _005457003 86 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 86 14 would would AUX _005457003 86 15 distribute distribute VERB _005457003 86 16 to to ADP _005457003 86 17 others other NOUN _005457003 86 18 the the DET _005457003 86 19 benefits benefit NOUN _005457003 86 20 of of ADP _005457003 86 21 his his PRON _005457003 86 22 sacrificial sacrificial ADJ _005457003 86 23 death death NOUN _005457003 86 24 . . PUNCT _005457003 87 1 11 11 NUM _005457003 87 2 this this DET _005457003 87 3 church church NOUN _005457003 87 4 was be AUX _005457003 87 5 christ christ PROPN _005457003 87 6 's 's PART _005457003 87 7 theme theme NOUN _005457003 87 8 throughout throughout ADP _005457003 87 9 his his PRON _005457003 87 10 public public ADJ _005457003 87 11 life life NOUN _005457003 87 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 88 1 h h PROPN _005457003 88 2 e e PROPN _005457003 88 3 described describe VERB _005457003 88 4 the the DET _005457003 88 5 role role NOUN _005457003 88 6 it it PRON _005457003 88 7 would would AUX _005457003 88 8 play play VERB _005457003 88 9 among among ADP _005457003 88 10 men man NOUN _005457003 88 11 under under ADP _005457003 88 12 the the DET _005457003 88 13 name name NOUN _005457003 88 14 of of ADP _005457003 88 15 " " PUNCT _005457003 88 16 the the DET _005457003 88 17 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 88 18 of of ADP _005457003 88 19 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 88 20 . . PUNCT _005457003 88 21 " " PUNCT _005457003 89 1 h h PROPN _005457003 89 2 e e PROPN _005457003 89 3 outlined outline VERB _005457003 89 4 its its PRON _005457003 89 5 characteristics characteristic NOUN _005457003 89 6 in in ADP _005457003 89 7 parables parable NOUN _005457003 89 8 . . PUNCT _005457003 90 1 it it PRON _005457003 90 2 was be AUX _005457003 90 3 coming come VERB _005457003 90 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 90 5 yet yet CCONJ _005457003 90 6 it it PRON _005457003 90 7 had have AUX _005457003 90 8 already already ADV _005457003 90 9 begun begin VERB _005457003 90 10 to to PART _005457003 90 11 exist exist VERB _005457003 90 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 91 1 though though SCONJ _005457003 91 2 of of ADP _005457003 91 3 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 91 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 91 5 it it PRON _005457003 91 6 would would AUX _005457003 91 7 be be AUX _005457003 91 8 of of ADP _005457003 91 9 earth earth NOUN _005457003 91 10 . . PUNCT _005457003 92 1 it it PRON _005457003 92 2 would would AUX _005457003 92 3 enclose enclose VERB _005457003 92 4 within within ADP _005457003 92 5 it it PRON _005457003 92 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 92 7 as as ADP _005457003 92 8 a a DET _005457003 92 9 net net ADJ _005457003 92 10 encloses enclose VERB _005457003 92 11 fish fish NOUN _005457003 92 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 92 13 all all DET _005457003 92 14 manner manner NOUN _005457003 92 15 of of ADP _005457003 92 16 men man NOUN _005457003 92 17 , , PUNCT _005457003 92 18 good good ADJ _005457003 92 19 and and CCONJ _005457003 92 20 bad bad ADJ _005457003 92 21 , , PUNCT _005457003 92 22 who who PRON _005457003 92 23 would would AUX _005457003 92 24 dwell dwell VERB _005457003 92 25 together together ADV _005457003 92 26 , , PUNCT _005457003 92 27 to to PART _005457003 92 28 be be AUX _005457003 92 29 separated separate VERB _005457003 92 30 only only ADV _005457003 92 31 at at ADP _005457003 92 32 the the DET _005457003 92 33 end end NOUN _005457003 92 34 of of ADP _005457003 92 35 time time NOUN _005457003 92 36 . . PUNCT _005457003 93 1 it it PRON _005457003 93 2 would would AUX _005457003 93 3 be be AUX _005457003 93 4 a a DET _005457003 93 5 pearl pearl NOUN _005457003 93 6 of of ADP _005457003 93 7 great great ADJ _005457003 93 8 price price NOUN _005457003 93 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 93 10 for for ADP _005457003 93 11 which which PRON _005457003 93 12 the the DET _005457003 93 13 one one NOUN _005457003 93 14 beholding behold VERB _005457003 93 15 it it PRON _005457003 93 16 would would AUX _005457003 93 17 sacrifice sacrifice VERB _005457003 93 18 all all PRON _005457003 93 19 he he PRON _005457003 93 20 possessed possess VERB _005457003 93 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 94 1 entrance entrance NOUN _005457003 94 2 to to ADP _005457003 94 3 it it PRON _005457003 94 4 would would AUX _005457003 94 5 require require VERB _005457003 94 6 nothing nothing PRON _005457003 94 7 less less ADJ _005457003 94 8 than than ADP _005457003 94 9 a a DET _005457003 94 10 new new ADJ _005457003 94 11 birth birth NOUN _005457003 94 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 95 1 beginning begin VERB _005457003 95 2 as as ADP _005457003 95 3 a a DET _005457003 95 4 tiny tiny ADJ _005457003 95 5 seed seed NOUN _005457003 95 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 95 7 it it PRON _005457003 95 8 would would AUX _005457003 95 9 grow grow VERB _005457003 95 10 into into ADP _005457003 95 11 a a DET _005457003 95 12 great great ADJ _005457003 95 13 sheltering shelter VERB _005457003 95 14 tree tree NOUN _005457003 95 15 . . PUNCT _005457003 96 1 it it PRON _005457003 96 2 would would AUX _005457003 96 3 be be AUX _005457003 96 4 visible visible ADJ _005457003 96 5 to to ADP _005457003 96 6 all all PRON _005457003 96 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 96 8 yet yet CCONJ _005457003 96 9 its its PRON _005457003 96 10 action action NOUN _005457003 96 11 would would AUX _005457003 96 12 be be AUX _005457003 96 13 as as ADV _005457003 96 14 silent silent ADJ _005457003 96 15 as as ADP _005457003 96 16 that that PRON _005457003 96 17 of of ADP _005457003 96 18 yeast yeast NOUN _005457003 96 19 leavening leavening NOUN _005457003 96 20 dough dough NOUN _005457003 96 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 97 1 h h PROPN _005457003 97 2 e e PROPN _005457003 97 3 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005457003 97 4 the the DET _005457003 97 5 coming coming NOUN _005457003 97 6 of of ADP _005457003 97 7 this this DET _005457003 97 8 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 97 9 to to ADP _005457003 97 10 everyone everyone PRON _005457003 97 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 97 12 but but CCONJ _005457003 97 13 to to ADP _005457003 97 14 a a DET _005457003 97 15 chosen choose VERB _005457003 97 16 few few ADJ _005457003 97 17 h h PROPN _005457003 97 18 e e PROPN _005457003 97 19 explained explain VERB _005457003 97 20 its its PRON _005457003 97 21 mysteries mystery NOUN _005457003 97 22 . . PUNCT _005457003 98 1 twelve twelve NUM _005457003 98 2 men man NOUN _005457003 98 3 would would AUX _005457003 98 4 be be AUX _005457003 98 5 h h NOUN _005457003 98 6 i i PRON _005457003 98 7 s s VERB _005457003 98 8 vicegerents vicegerent NOUN _005457003 98 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 98 10 the the DET _005457003 98 11 rulers ruler NOUN _005457003 98 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 98 13 directors director NOUN _005457003 98 14 of of ADP _005457003 98 15 the the DET _005457003 98 16 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 98 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 99 1 t t NOUN _005457003 99 2 o o NOUN _005457003 99 3 them they PRON _005457003 99 4 would would AUX _005457003 99 5 be be AUX _005457003 99 6 given give VERB _005457003 99 7 power power NOUN _005457003 99 8 from from ADP _005457003 99 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 99 10 to to PART _005457003 99 11 teach teach VERB _005457003 99 12 all all DET _005457003 99 13 men man NOUN _005457003 99 14 , , PUNCT _005457003 99 15 to to PART _005457003 99 16 legislate legislate VERB _005457003 99 17 the the DET _005457003 99 18 laws law NOUN _005457003 99 19 of of ADP _005457003 99 20 the the DET _005457003 99 21 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 99 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 99 23 arid arid NOUN _005457003 99 24 , , PUNCT _005457003 99 25 through through ADP _005457003 99 26 the the DET _005457003 99 27 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005457003 99 28 , , PUNCT _005457003 99 29 to to PART _005457003 99 30 apply apply VERB _005457003 99 31 the the DET _005457003 99 32 merits merit NOUN _005457003 99 33 of of ADP _005457003 99 34 christ christ PROPN _005457003 99 35 's 's PART _005457003 99 36 redemptive redemptive ADJ _005457003 99 37 death death NOUN _005457003 99 38 to to ADP _005457003 99 39 souls soul NOUN _005457003 99 40 . . PUNCT _005457003 100 1 one one NUM _005457003 100 2 of of ADP _005457003 100 3 these these DET _005457003 100 4 twelve twelve NUM _005457003 100 5 , , PUNCT _005457003 100 6 peter peter PROPN _005457003 100 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 100 8 would would AUX _005457003 100 9 be be AUX _005457003 100 10 their their PRON _005457003 100 11 leader leader NOUN _005457003 100 12 12 12 NUM _005457003 100 13 and and CCONJ _005457003 100 14 chief chief NOUN _005457003 100 15 . . PUNCT _005457003 101 1 t t NOUN _005457003 101 2 o o NOUN _005457003 101 3 him he PRON _005457003 101 4 were be AUX _005457003 101 5 promised promise VERB _005457003 101 6 " " PUNCT _005457003 101 7 the the DET _005457003 101 8 keys key NOUN _005457003 101 9 of of ADP _005457003 101 10 the the DET _005457003 101 11 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 101 12 " " PUNCT _005457003 101 13 — — PUNCT _005457003 101 14 the the DET _005457003 101 15 power power NOUN _005457003 101 16 to to PART _005457003 101 17 admit admit VERB _005457003 101 18 entrance entrance NOUN _005457003 101 19 or or CCONJ _005457003 101 20 refuse refuse VERB _005457003 101 21 it it PRON _005457003 101 22 . . PUNCT _005457003 102 1 peter peter PROPN _005457003 102 2 's 's PART _005457003 102 3 power power NOUN _005457003 102 4 would would AUX _005457003 102 5 be be AUX _005457003 102 6 ratified ratify VERB _005457003 102 7 in in ADP _005457003 102 8 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 102 9 . . PUNCT _005457003 103 1 h h PROPN _005457003 103 2 e e PROPN _005457003 103 3 would would AUX _005457003 103 4 be be AUX _005457003 103 5 the the DET _005457003 103 6 special special ADJ _005457003 103 7 object object NOUN _005457003 103 8 of of ADP _005457003 103 9 the the DET _005457003 103 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005457003 103 11 of of ADP _005457003 103 12 christ christ PROPN _005457003 103 13 that that PRON _005457003 103 14 his his PRON _005457003 103 15 faith faith NOUN _005457003 103 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 103 17 once once ADV _005457003 103 18 strengthened strengthen VERB _005457003 103 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 103 20 might might AUX _005457003 103 21 confirm confirm VERB _005457003 103 22 the the DET _005457003 103 23 faith faith NOUN _005457003 103 24 of of ADP _005457003 103 25 the the DET _005457003 103 26 others other NOUN _005457003 103 27 . . PUNCT _005457003 104 1 finally finally ADV _005457003 104 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 104 3 peter peter PROPN _005457003 104 4 was be AUX _005457003 104 5 given give VERB _005457003 104 6 the the DET _005457003 104 7 office office NOUN _005457003 104 8 of of ADP _005457003 104 9 shepherd shepherd NOUN _005457003 104 10 of of ADP _005457003 104 11 all all DET _005457003 104 12 christ christ PROPN _005457003 104 13 's 's PART _005457003 104 14 flock flock NOUN _005457003 104 15 — — PUNCT _005457003 104 16 the the DET _005457003 104 17 power power NOUN _005457003 104 18 and and CCONJ _005457003 104 19 authority authority NOUN _005457003 104 20 to to PART _005457003 104 21 teach teach VERB _005457003 104 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 104 23 rule rule NOUN _005457003 104 24 , , PUNCT _005457003 104 25 and and CCONJ _005457003 104 26 sanctify sanctify VERB _005457003 104 27 all all DET _005457003 104 28 men man NOUN _005457003 104 29 . . PUNCT _005457003 105 1 in in ADP _005457003 105 2 him he PRON _005457003 105 3 would would AUX _005457003 105 4 the the DET _005457003 105 5 unity unity NOUN _005457003 105 6 of of ADP _005457003 105 7 the the DET _005457003 105 8 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 105 9 center center NOUN _005457003 105 10 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 105 11 upon upon SCONJ _005457003 105 12 him he PRON _005457003 105 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 105 14 as as ADP _005457003 105 15 upon upon SCONJ _005457003 105 16 a a DET _005457003 105 17 cornerstone cornerstone NOUN _005457003 105 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 105 19 would would AUX _005457003 105 20 the the DET _005457003 105 21 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005457003 105 22 find find VERB _005457003 105 23 its its PRON _005457003 105 24 firm firm ADJ _005457003 105 25 support support NOUN _005457003 105 26 . . PUNCT _005457003 106 1 the the DET _005457003 106 2 role role NOUN _005457003 106 3 of of ADP _005457003 106 4 the the DET _005457003 106 5 church church NOUN _005457003 106 6 had have AUX _005457003 106 7 been be AUX _005457003 106 8 described describe VERB _005457003 106 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 106 10 its its PRON _005457003 106 11 ruling rule VERB _005457003 106 12 authority authority NOUN _005457003 106 13 instituted institute VERB _005457003 106 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 106 15 now now ADV _005457003 106 16 its its PRON _005457003 106 17 charter charter NOUN _005457003 106 18 would would AUX _005457003 106 19 be be AUX _005457003 106 20 declared declare VERB _005457003 106 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 107 1 just just ADV _005457003 107 2 before before ADP _005457003 107 3 his his PRON _005457003 107 4 ascension ascension NOUN _005457003 107 5 , , PUNCT _005457003 107 6 christ christ PROPN _005457003 107 7 said say VERB _005457003 107 8 to to ADP _005457003 107 9 his his PRON _005457003 107 10 apostles apostle NOUN _005457003 107 11 : : PUNCT _005457003 107 12 " " PUNCT _005457003 107 13 all all DET _005457003 107 14 power power NOUN _005457003 107 15 in in ADP _005457003 107 16 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 107 17 and and CCONJ _005457003 107 18 on on ADP _005457003 107 19 earth earth NOUN _005457003 107 20 has have AUX _005457003 107 21 been be AUX _005457003 107 22 given give VERB _005457003 107 23 to to ADP _005457003 107 24 me i PRON _005457003 107 25 . . PUNCT _005457003 108 1 go go VERB _005457003 108 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 3 therefore therefore ADV _005457003 108 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 5 and and CCONJ _005457003 108 6 make make VERB _005457003 108 7 disciples disciple NOUN _005457003 108 8 of of ADP _005457003 108 9 all all DET _005457003 108 10 nations nation NOUN _005457003 108 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 12 baptizing baptize VERB _005457003 108 13 them they PRON _005457003 108 14 in in ADP _005457003 108 15 the the DET _005457003 108 16 name name NOUN _005457003 108 17 of of ADP _005457003 108 18 the the DET _005457003 108 19 father father NOUN _005457003 108 20 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 21 and and CCONJ _005457003 108 22 of of ADP _005457003 108 23 the the DET _005457003 108 24 son son NOUN _005457003 108 25 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 26 and and CCONJ _005457003 108 27 of of ADP _005457003 108 28 the the DET _005457003 108 29 holy holy PROPN _005457003 108 30 spirit spirit PROPN _005457003 108 31 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 32 teaching teach VERB _005457003 108 33 them they PRON _005457003 108 34 to to PART _005457003 108 35 observe observe VERB _005457003 108 36 all all PRON _005457003 108 37 that that PRON _005457003 108 38 i i PRON _005457003 108 39 have have AUX _005457003 108 40 commanded command VERB _005457003 108 41 you you PRON _005457003 108 42 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 108 43 and and CCONJ _005457003 108 44 behold behold VERB _005457003 108 45 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 46 i i PRON _005457003 108 47 am be AUX _005457003 108 48 with with ADP _005457003 108 49 you you PRON _005457003 108 50 all all DET _005457003 108 51 days day NOUN _005457003 108 52 , , PUNCT _005457003 108 53 even even ADV _005457003 108 54 unto unto ADP _005457003 108 55 the the DET _005457003 108 56 consummation consummation NOUN _005457003 108 57 of of ADP _005457003 108 58 the the DET _005457003 108 59 world world NOUN _005457003 108 60 . . PUNCT _005457003 108 61 " " PUNCT _005457003 109 1 a a DET _005457003 109 2 greater great ADJ _005457003 109 3 challenge challenge NOUN _005457003 109 4 has have AUX _005457003 109 5 never never ADV _005457003 109 6 been be AUX _005457003 109 7 given give VERB _005457003 109 8 : : PUNCT _005457003 109 9 to to PART _005457003 109 10 bring bring VERB _005457003 109 11 to to ADP _005457003 109 12 all all DET _005457003 109 13 men man NOUN _005457003 109 14 the the DET _005457003 109 15 word word NOUN _005457003 109 16 of of ADP _005457003 109 17 god god PROPN _005457003 109 18 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 109 19 to to PART _005457003 109 20 bring bring VERB _005457003 109 21 to to ADP _005457003 109 22 all all DET _005457003 109 23 men man NOUN _005457003 109 24 that that PRON _005457003 109 25 which which PRON _005457003 109 26 christ christ PROPN _005457003 109 27 had have AUX _005457003 109 28 died die VERB _005457003 109 29 to to PART _005457003 109 30 secure secure VERB _005457003 109 31 , , PUNCT _005457003 109 32 a a DET _005457003 109 33 13 13 NUM _005457003 109 34 sharing sharing NOUN _005457003 109 35 , , PUNCT _005457003 109 36 through through ADP _005457003 109 37 grace grace NOUN _005457003 109 38 , , PUNCT _005457003 109 39 in in ADP _005457003 109 40 the the DET _005457003 109 41 divine divine ADJ _005457003 109 42 life life NOUN _005457003 109 43 here here ADV _005457003 109 44 and and CCONJ _005457003 109 45 hereafter hereafter ADV _005457003 109 46 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 109 47 to to PART _005457003 109 48 gather gather VERB _005457003 109 49 all all DET _005457003 109 50 men man NOUN _005457003 109 51 under under ADP _005457003 109 52 the the DET _005457003 109 53 regimen regimen NOUN _005457003 109 54 necessary necessary ADJ _005457003 110 1 f f PROPN _005457003 110 2 o o X _005457003 110 3 r r NOUN _005457003 110 4 c c NOUN _005457003 110 5 a a DET _005457003 110 6 r r NOUN _005457003 110 7 r r NOUN _005457003 110 8 y y NOUN _005457003 111 1 i i PRON _005457003 111 2 n n PROPN _005457003 112 1 g g PROPN _005457003 112 2 o o PROPN _005457003 112 3 u u PROPN _005457003 112 4 t t PROPN _005457003 112 5 christ christ PROPN _005457003 112 6 's 's PART _005457003 112 7 mission mission NOUN _005457003 112 8 in in ADP _005457003 112 9 the the DET _005457003 112 10 world world NOUN _005457003 112 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 113 1 t t NOUN _005457003 113 2 h h NOUN _005457003 113 3 e e NOUN _005457003 113 4 c c NOUN _005457003 113 5 h h PROPN _005457003 113 6 u u NOUN _005457003 113 7 r r NOUN _005457003 113 8 c c NOUN _005457003 113 9 h h NOUN _005457003 113 10 is be AUX _005457003 113 11 b b NOUN _005457003 113 12 o o NOUN _005457003 113 13 r r NOUN _005457003 113 14 n n ADP _005457003 113 15 the the DET _005457003 113 16 church church NOUN _005457003 113 17 itself itself PRON _005457003 113 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 113 19 born bear VERB _005457003 113 20 from from ADP _005457003 113 21 the the DET _005457003 113 22 pierced pierced ADJ _005457003 113 23 side side NOUN _005457003 113 24 of of ADP _005457003 113 25 the the DET _005457003 113 26 saviour saviour NOUN _005457003 113 27 on on ADP _005457003 113 28 the the DET _005457003 113 29 cross cross NOUN _005457003 113 30 , , PUNCT _005457003 113 31 would would AUX _005457003 113 32 receive receive VERB _005457003 113 33 the the DET _005457003 113 34 breath breath NOUN _005457003 113 35 of of ADP _005457003 113 36 life life NOUN _005457003 113 37 on on ADP _005457003 113 38 pentecost pentecost NOUN _005457003 113 39 sunday sunday PROPN _005457003 113 40 . . PUNCT _005457003 114 1 during during ADP _005457003 114 2 the the DET _005457003 114 3 last last ADJ _005457003 114 4 supper supper NOUN _005457003 114 5 , , PUNCT _005457003 114 6 our our PRON _005457003 114 7 lord lord PROPN _005457003 114 8 had have AUX _005457003 114 9 promised promise VERB _005457003 114 10 to to PART _005457003 114 11 send send VERB _005457003 114 12 the the DET _005457003 114 13 apostles apostle NOUN _005457003 114 14 " " PUNCT _005457003 114 15 another another DET _005457003 114 16 advocate advocate NOUN _005457003 114 17 " " PUNCT _005457003 114 18 who who PRON _005457003 114 19 would would AUX _005457003 114 20 make make VERB _005457003 114 21 clear clear ADJ _005457003 114 22 and and CCONJ _005457003 114 23 firm firm ADJ _005457003 114 24 in in ADP _005457003 114 25 their their PRON _005457003 114 26 minds mind NOUN _005457003 114 27 whatever whatever PRON _005457003 114 28 christ christ PROPN _005457003 114 29 had have AUX _005457003 114 30 told tell VERB _005457003 114 31 them they PRON _005457003 114 32 . . PUNCT _005457003 115 1 in in ADP _005457003 115 2 the the DET _005457003 115 3 great great ADJ _005457003 115 4 wind wind NOUN _005457003 115 5 and and CCONJ _005457003 115 6 the the DET _005457003 115 7 tongues tongue NOUN _005457003 115 8 of of ADP _005457003 115 9 flame flame NOUN _005457003 115 10 of of ADP _005457003 115 11 pentecost pentecost NOUN _005457003 115 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 115 13 this this DET _005457003 115 14 advocate advocate NOUN _005457003 115 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 115 16 the the DET _005457003 115 17 holy holy PROPN _005457003 115 18 spirit spirit PROPN _005457003 115 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 115 20 the the DET _005457003 115 21 spirit spirit NOUN _005457003 115 22 of of ADP _005457003 115 23 light light NOUN _005457003 115 24 and and CCONJ _005457003 115 25 of of ADP _005457003 115 26 truth truth NOUN _005457003 115 27 , , PUNCT _005457003 115 28 came come VERB _005457003 115 29 down down ADP _005457003 115 30 upon upon SCONJ _005457003 115 31 them they PRON _005457003 115 32 . . PUNCT _005457003 116 1 h h PROPN _005457003 116 2 e e PROPN _005457003 116 3 was be AUX _005457003 116 4 to to PART _005457003 116 5 be be AUX _005457003 116 6 their their PRON _005457003 116 7 life life NOUN _005457003 116 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 116 9 confirming confirm VERB _005457003 116 10 their their PRON _005457003 116 11 efforts effort NOUN _005457003 116 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 116 13 leading lead VERB _005457003 116 14 the the DET _005457003 116 15 church church NOUN _005457003 116 16 strongly strongly ADV _005457003 116 17 yet yet ADV _005457003 116 18 gently gently ADV _005457003 116 19 to to ADP _005457003 116 20 the the DET _005457003 116 21 destiny destiny NOUN _005457003 116 22 given give VERB _005457003 116 23 it it PRON _005457003 116 24 by by ADP _005457003 116 25 its its PRON _005457003 116 26 founder founder NOUN _005457003 116 27 . . PUNCT _005457003 117 1 st st PROPN _005457003 117 2 . . PROPN _005457003 117 3 paul paul PROPN _005457003 117 4 describes describe VERB _005457003 117 5 the the DET _005457003 117 6 church church NOUN _005457003 117 7 to to ADP _005457003 117 8 the the DET _005457003 117 9 ephesians ephesian NOUN _005457003 117 10 under under ADP _005457003 117 11 the the DET _005457003 117 12 aspect aspect NOUN _005457003 117 13 of of ADP _005457003 117 14 a a DET _005457003 117 15 living living NOUN _005457003 117 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 117 17 organic organic ADJ _005457003 117 18 body body NOUN _005457003 117 19 : : PUNCT _005457003 117 20 " " PUNCT _005457003 117 21 and and CCONJ _005457003 117 22 h h NOUN _005457003 117 23 e e NOUN _005457003 117 24 himself himself PRON _005457003 117 25 gave give VERB _005457003 117 26 some some DET _005457003 117 27 men man NOUN _005457003 117 28 as as ADP _005457003 117 29 apostles apostle NOUN _005457003 117 30 , , PUNCT _005457003 117 31 and and CCONJ _005457003 117 32 some some PRON _005457003 117 33 as as ADP _005457003 117 34 prophets prophet NOUN _005457003 117 35 , , PUNCT _005457003 117 36 — — PUNCT _005457003 117 37 for for ADP _005457003 117 38 building build VERB _005457003 117 39 up up ADP _005457003 117 40 the the DET _005457003 117 41 body body NOUN _005457003 117 42 of of ADP _005457003 117 43 christ christ PROPN _005457003 117 44 , , PUNCT _005457003 117 45 until until SCONJ _005457003 117 46 we we PRON _005457003 117 47 all all PRON _005457003 117 48 attain attain VERB _005457003 117 49 to to ADP _005457003 117 50 the the DET _005457003 117 51 unity unity NOUN _005457003 117 52 of of ADP _005457003 117 53 faith faith NOUN _005457003 117 54 and and CCONJ _005457003 117 55 the the DET _005457003 117 56 14 14 NUM _005457003 117 57 deep deep ADJ _005457003 117 58 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005457003 117 59 of of ADP _005457003 117 60 the the DET _005457003 117 61 son son NOUN _005457003 117 62 of of ADP _005457003 117 63 god god PROPN _005457003 117 64 , , PUNCT _005457003 117 65 to to PART _005457003 117 66 perfect perfect VERB _005457003 117 67 m m PROPN _005457003 117 68 a a DET _005457003 117 69 n n NOUN _005457003 117 70 h h NOUN _005457003 117 71 o o NOUN _005457003 117 72 o o NOUN _005457003 117 73 d d PROPN _005457003 117 74 , , PUNCT _005457003 117 75 for for ADP _005457003 117 76 f f X _005457003 117 77 r r NOUN _005457003 117 78 o o NOUN _005457003 117 79 m m VERB _005457003 118 1 h h PROPN _005457003 118 2 i i PRON _005457003 118 3 m m VERB _005457003 119 1 the the DET _005457003 119 2 whole whole ADJ _005457003 119 3 body body NOUN _005457003 119 4 ( ( PUNCT _005457003 119 5 being be AUX _005457003 119 6 closely closely ADV _005457003 119 7 joined join VERB _005457003 119 8 and and CCONJ _005457003 119 9 knit knit VERB _005457003 119 10 together together ADV _005457003 119 11 through through ADP _005457003 119 12 every every DET _005457003 119 13 joint joint NOUN _005457003 119 14 of of ADP _005457003 119 15 the the DET _005457003 119 16 system system NOUN _005457003 119 17 according accord VERB _005457003 119 18 to to ADP _005457003 119 19 the the DET _005457003 119 20 functioning functioning NOUN _005457003 119 21 in in ADP _005457003 119 22 due due ADJ _005457003 119 23 measure measure NOUN _005457003 119 24 of of ADP _005457003 119 25 each each DET _005457003 119 26 single single ADJ _005457003 119 27 part part NOUN _005457003 119 28 ) ) PUNCT _005457003 119 29 derives derive VERB _005457003 119 30 its its PRON _005457003 119 31 increase increase NOUN _005457003 119 32 to to ADP _005457003 119 33 the the DET _005457003 119 34 building building NOUN _005457003 119 35 up up ADP _005457003 119 36 of of ADP _005457003 119 37 itself itself PRON _005457003 119 38 in in ADP _005457003 119 39 love love NOUN _005457003 119 40 . . PUNCT _005457003 119 41 " " PUNCT _005457003 120 1 c c AUX _005457003 120 2 h h X _005457003 120 3 r r X _005457003 120 4 i i PRON _005457003 120 5 s s VERB _005457003 120 6 t t NOUN _005457003 120 7 ' ' PUNCT _005457003 120 8 s s NOUN _005457003 120 9 m m VERB _005457003 120 10 y y PROPN _005457003 120 11 s s PART _005457003 121 1 t t NOUN _005457003 121 2 i i PRON _005457003 121 3 c c VERB _005457003 121 4 a a DET _005457003 121 5 l l X _005457003 121 6 b b NOUN _005457003 121 7 o o NOUN _005457003 121 8 d d PROPN _005457003 121 9 y y PROPN _005457003 121 10 such such ADJ _005457003 121 11 is be AUX _005457003 121 12 the the DET _005457003 121 13 catholic catholic ADJ _005457003 121 14 church church NOUN _005457003 121 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 121 16 the the DET _005457003 121 17 mystical mystical ADJ _005457003 121 18 body body NOUN _005457003 121 19 of of ADP _005457003 121 20 christ christ PROPN _005457003 121 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 122 1 though though SCONJ _005457003 122 2 the the DET _005457003 122 3 term term NOUN _005457003 122 4 is be AUX _005457003 122 5 metaphorical metaphorical ADJ _005457003 122 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 122 7 it it PRON _005457003 122 8 does do AUX _005457003 122 9 express express VERB _005457003 122 10 in in ADP _005457003 122 11 a a DET _005457003 122 12 concrete concrete ADJ _005457003 122 13 way way NOUN _005457003 122 14 the the DET _005457003 122 15 relation relation NOUN _005457003 122 16 the the DET _005457003 122 17 individual individual NOUN _005457003 122 18 baptized baptize VERB _005457003 122 19 christian christian ADJ _005457003 122 20 bears bear NOUN _005457003 122 21 to to ADP _005457003 122 22 christ christ PROPN _005457003 122 23 . . PUNCT _005457003 123 1 every every DET _005457003 123 2 living live VERB _005457003 123 3 body body NOUN _005457003 123 4 is be AUX _005457003 123 5 an an DET _005457003 123 6 ordered ordered ADJ _005457003 123 7 complex complex NOUN _005457003 123 8 of of ADP _005457003 123 9 separate separate ADJ _005457003 123 10 parts part NOUN _005457003 123 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 124 1 although although SCONJ _005457003 124 2 each each PRON _005457003 124 3 carries carry VERB _005457003 124 4 out out ADP _005457003 124 5 its its PRON _005457003 124 6 own own ADJ _005457003 124 7 definite definite ADJ _005457003 124 8 function function NOUN _005457003 124 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 124 10 its its PRON _005457003 124 11 action action NOUN _005457003 124 12 is be AUX _005457003 124 13 in in ADP _005457003 124 14 itself itself PRON _005457003 124 15 incomplete incomplete ADJ _005457003 124 16 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 124 17 for for ADP _005457003 124 18 each each DET _005457003 124 19 part part NOUN _005457003 124 20 is be AUX _005457003 124 21 designed design VERB _005457003 124 22 to to PART _005457003 124 23 contribute contribute VERB _005457003 124 24 to to ADP _005457003 124 25 the the DET _005457003 124 26 welfare welfare NOUN _005457003 124 27 of of ADP _005457003 124 28 the the DET _005457003 124 29 whole whole NOUN _005457003 124 30 . . PUNCT _005457003 125 1 the the DET _005457003 125 2 individual individual ADJ _005457003 125 3 parts part NOUN _005457003 125 4 indeed indeed ADV _005457003 125 5 possess possess VERB _005457003 125 6 life life NOUN _005457003 125 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 125 8 but but CCONJ _005457003 125 9 only only ADV _005457003 125 10 in in ADP _005457003 125 11 and and CCONJ _005457003 125 12 through through ADP _005457003 125 13 the the DET _005457003 125 14 life life NOUN _005457003 125 15 of of ADP _005457003 125 16 the the DET _005457003 125 17 organism organism NOUN _005457003 125 18 . . PUNCT _005457003 126 1 if if SCONJ _005457003 126 2 a a DET _005457003 126 3 cell cell NOUN _005457003 126 4 or or CCONJ _005457003 126 5 organ organ NOUN _005457003 126 6 is be AUX _005457003 126 7 separated separate VERB _005457003 126 8 from from ADP _005457003 126 9 the the DET _005457003 126 10 whole whole NOUN _005457003 126 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 126 12 it it PRON _005457003 126 13 will will AUX _005457003 126 14 wither wither VERB _005457003 126 15 and and CCONJ _005457003 126 16 die die VERB _005457003 126 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 127 1 s s NOUN _005457003 128 1 o o NOUN _005457003 128 2 too too ADV _005457003 128 3 with with ADP _005457003 128 4 the the DET _005457003 128 5 mystical mystical ADJ _005457003 128 6 body body NOUN _005457003 128 7 . . PUNCT _005457003 129 1 christ christ PROPN _005457003 129 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 129 3 visibly visibly ADV _005457003 129 4 represented represent VERB _005457003 129 5 in in ADP _005457003 129 6 the the DET _005457003 129 7 world world NOUN _005457003 129 8 by by ADP _005457003 129 9 his his PRON _005457003 129 10 vicar vicar NOUN _005457003 129 11 15 15 NUM _005457003 129 12 the the DET _005457003 129 13 pope pope NOUN _005457003 129 14 , , PUNCT _005457003 129 15 is be AUX _005457003 129 16 the the DET _005457003 129 17 head head NOUN _005457003 129 18 of of ADP _005457003 129 19 this this DET _005457003 129 20 body body NOUN _005457003 129 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 130 1 the the DET _005457003 130 2 individual individual ADJ _005457003 130 3 members member NOUN _005457003 130 4 are be AUX _005457003 130 5 christians christian NOUN _005457003 130 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 130 7 united unite VERB _005457003 130 8 with with ADP _005457003 130 9 him he PRON _005457003 130 10 in in ADP _005457003 130 11 their their PRON _005457003 130 12 firm firm ADJ _005457003 130 13 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005457003 130 14 of of ADP _005457003 130 15 his his PRON _005457003 130 16 word word NOUN _005457003 130 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 131 1 they they PRON _005457003 131 2 are be AUX _005457003 131 3 subject subject ADJ _005457003 131 4 to to ADP _005457003 131 5 his his PRON _005457003 131 6 authority authority NOUN _005457003 131 7 and and CCONJ _005457003 131 8 the the DET _005457003 131 9 authority authority NOUN _005457003 131 10 of of ADP _005457003 131 11 their their PRON _005457003 131 12 bishops bishop NOUN _005457003 131 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 131 14 and and CCONJ _005457003 131 15 through through ADP _005457003 131 16 baptism baptism NOUN _005457003 131 17 receive receive VERB _005457003 131 18 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005457003 131 19 life life NOUN _005457003 131 20 , , PUNCT _005457003 131 21 sanctifying sanctify VERB _005457003 131 22 g g NOUN _005457003 131 23 r r NOUN _005457003 131 24 a a DET _005457003 131 25 c c NOUN _005457003 131 26 e e NOUN _005457003 131 27 , , PUNCT _005457003 131 28 c c PROPN _005457003 131 29 o o NOUN _005457003 131 30 m m VERB _005457003 131 31 m m VERB _005457003 131 32 u u NOUN _005457003 132 1 n n ADP _005457003 132 2 i i PRON _005457003 132 3 c c VERB _005457003 132 4 a a DET _005457003 132 5 t t NOUN _005457003 132 6 e e NOUN _005457003 132 7 d d NOUN _005457003 132 8 through through ADP _005457003 132 9 the the DET _005457003 132 10 holy holy PROPN _005457003 132 11 spirit spirit PROPN _005457003 132 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 132 13 who who PRON _005457003 132 14 is be AUX _005457003 132 15 the the DET _005457003 132 16 soul soul NOUN _005457003 132 17 , , PUNCT _005457003 132 18 the the DET _005457003 132 19 vital vital ADJ _005457003 132 20 principle principle NOUN _005457003 132 21 , , PUNCT _005457003 132 22 of of ADP _005457003 132 23 the the DET _005457003 132 24 whole whole NOUN _005457003 132 25 . . PUNCT _005457003 133 1 they they PRON _005457003 133 2 are be AUX _005457003 133 3 to to PART _005457003 133 4 work work VERB _005457003 133 5 together together ADV _005457003 133 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 133 7 in in ADP _005457003 133 8 harmony harmony NOUN _005457003 133 9 and and CCONJ _005457003 133 10 proper proper ADJ _005457003 133 11 subordination subordination NOUN _005457003 133 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 133 13 to to PART _005457003 133 14 fulfill fulfill VERB _005457003 133 15 that that PRON _005457003 133 16 for for ADP _005457003 133 17 which which PRON _005457003 133 18 christ christ PROPN _005457003 133 19 instituted institute VERB _005457003 133 20 the the DET _005457003 133 21 church church NOUN _005457003 133 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 133 23 the the DET _005457003 133 24 salvation salvation NOUN _005457003 133 25 of of ADP _005457003 133 26 all all DET _005457003 133 27 mankind mankind NOUN _005457003 133 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 134 1 and and CCONJ _005457003 134 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 134 3 in in ADP _005457003 134 4 working work VERB _005457003 134 5 for for ADP _005457003 134 6 the the DET _005457003 134 7 good good NOUN _005457003 134 8 of of ADP _005457003 134 9 the the DET _005457003 134 10 body body NOUN _005457003 134 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 134 12 they they PRON _005457003 134 13 perfect perfect VERB _005457003 134 14 themselves themselves PRON _005457003 134 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 134 16 growing grow VERB _005457003 134 17 ever ever ADV _005457003 134 18 more more ADV _005457003 134 19 in in ADP _005457003 134 20 the the DET _005457003 134 21 image image NOUN _005457003 134 22 of of ADP _005457003 134 23 christ christ PROPN _005457003 134 24 , , PUNCT _005457003 134 25 the the DET _005457003 134 26 head head NOUN _005457003 134 27 . . PUNCT _005457003 135 1 this this PRON _005457003 135 2 was be AUX _005457003 135 3 the the DET _005457003 135 4 image image NOUN _005457003 135 5 of of ADP _005457003 135 6 the the DET _005457003 135 7 church church NOUN _005457003 135 8 in in ADP _005457003 135 9 the the DET _005457003 135 10 mind mind NOUN _005457003 135 11 of of ADP _005457003 135 12 st st PROPN _005457003 135 13 . . PROPN _005457003 135 14 paul paul PROPN _005457003 135 15 when when SCONJ _005457003 135 16 he he PRON _005457003 135 17 wrote write VERB _005457003 135 18 to to ADP _005457003 135 19 the the DET _005457003 135 20 corinthians corinthian NOUN _005457003 135 21 : : PUNCT _005457003 135 22 " " PUNCT _005457003 135 23 n n ADV _005457003 135 24 o o NOUN _005457003 135 25 w w ADP _005457003 135 26 you you PRON _005457003 135 27 are be AUX _005457003 135 28 the the DET _005457003 135 29 body body NOUN _005457003 135 30 of of ADP _005457003 135 31 christ christ PROPN _005457003 135 32 , , PUNCT _005457003 135 33 member member NOUN _005457003 135 34 for for ADP _005457003 135 35 member member NOUN _005457003 135 36 . . PUNCT _005457003 135 37 " " PUNCT _005457003 136 1 h h PROPN _005457003 136 2 e e PROPN _005457003 136 3 was be AUX _005457003 136 4 addressing address VERB _005457003 136 5 himself himself PRON _005457003 136 6 to to ADP _005457003 136 7 the the DET _005457003 136 8 whole whole ADJ _005457003 136 9 church church NOUN _005457003 136 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 136 11 clergy clergy NOUN _005457003 136 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 136 13 laity laity NOUN _005457003 136 14 alike alike ADV _005457003 136 15 . . PUNCT _005457003 137 1 n n X _005457003 137 2 o o X _005457003 137 3 r r NOUN _005457003 137 4 was be AUX _005457003 137 5 his his PRON _005457003 137 6 declaration declaration NOUN _005457003 137 7 limited limit VERB _005457003 137 8 to to ADP _005457003 137 9 the the DET _005457003 137 10 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 137 11 age age NOUN _005457003 137 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 138 1 it it PRON _005457003 138 2 applies apply VERB _005457003 138 3 to to ADP _005457003 138 4 each each DET _005457003 138 5 successive successive ADJ _005457003 138 6 period period NOUN _005457003 138 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 138 8 and and CCONJ _005457003 138 9 speaks speak VERB _005457003 138 10 with with ADP _005457003 138 11 special special ADJ _005457003 138 12 emphasis emphasis NOUN _005457003 138 13 to to ADP _005457003 138 14 our our PRON _005457003 138 15 own own ADJ _005457003 138 16 . . PUNCT _005457003 139 1 w w PROPN _005457003 139 2 e e PROPN _005457003 139 3 too too ADV _005457003 139 4 must must AUX _005457003 139 5 be be AUX _005457003 139 6 conscious conscious ADJ _005457003 139 7 of of ADP _005457003 139 8 and and CCONJ _005457003 139 9 committed commit VERB _005457003 139 10 to to ADP _005457003 139 11 our our PRON _005457003 139 12 mission mission NOUN _005457003 139 13 in in ADP _005457003 139 14 the the DET _005457003 139 15 world world NOUN _005457003 139 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 139 17 which which PRON _005457003 139 18 is be AUX _005457003 139 19 to to PART _005457003 139 20 extend extend VERB _005457003 139 21 and and CCONJ _005457003 139 22 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457003 139 23 the the DET _005457003 139 24 body body NOUN _005457003 139 25 of of ADP _005457003 139 26 christ christ PROPN _005457003 139 27 , , PUNCT _005457003 139 28 the the DET _005457003 139 29 church church NOUN _005457003 139 30 . . PUNCT _005457003 140 1 16 16 NUM _005457003 140 2 t t NOUN _005457003 140 3 h h NOUN _005457003 140 4 e e NOUN _005457003 140 5 c c NOUN _005457003 140 6 h h PROPN _005457003 140 7 u u NOUN _005457003 140 8 r r NOUN _005457003 140 9 c c NOUN _005457003 140 10 h h NOUN _005457003 140 11 t t NOUN _005457003 140 12 o o NOUN _005457003 140 13 d d X _005457003 140 14 a a X _005457003 140 15 y y PROPN _005457003 140 16 now now ADV _005457003 140 17 , , PUNCT _005457003 140 18 the the DET _005457003 140 19 civilization civilization NOUN _005457003 140 20 of of ADP _005457003 140 21 the the DET _005457003 140 22 twentieth twentieth ADJ _005457003 140 23 century century NOUN _005457003 140 24 has have VERB _005457003 140 25 some some DET _005457003 140 26 admirable admirable ADJ _005457003 140 27 qualities quality NOUN _005457003 140 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 141 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 141 2 it it PRON _005457003 141 3 is be AUX _005457003 141 4 secular secular ADJ _005457003 141 5 . . PUNCT _005457003 142 1 its its PRON _005457003 142 2 interest interest NOUN _005457003 142 3 is be AUX _005457003 142 4 in in ADP _005457003 142 5 procuring procure VERB _005457003 142 6 as as ADV _005457003 142 7 many many ADJ _005457003 142 8 benefits benefit NOUN _005457003 142 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 142 10 material material NOUN _005457003 142 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 142 12 social social ADJ _005457003 142 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 142 14 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005457003 142 15 and and CCONJ _005457003 142 16 moral moral ADJ _005457003 142 17 , , PUNCT _005457003 142 18 as as ADP _005457003 142 19 possible possible ADJ _005457003 142 20 , , PUNCT _005457003 142 21 but but CCONJ _005457003 142 22 it it PRON _005457003 142 23 is be AUX _005457003 142 24 limited limit VERB _005457003 142 25 to to ADP _005457003 142 26 the the DET _005457003 142 27 here here ADV _005457003 142 28 and and CCONJ _005457003 142 29 the the DET _005457003 142 30 now now ADV _005457003 142 31 . . PUNCT _005457003 143 1 moreover moreover ADV _005457003 143 2 the the DET _005457003 143 3 standard standard NOUN _005457003 143 4 according accord VERB _005457003 143 5 to to ADP _005457003 143 6 which which PRON _005457003 143 7 the the DET _005457003 143 8 " " PUNCT _005457003 143 9 good good ADJ _005457003 143 10 life life NOUN _005457003 143 11 " " PUNCT _005457003 143 12 is be AUX _005457003 143 13 judged judge VERB _005457003 143 14 has have AUX _005457003 143 15 become become VERB _005457003 143 16 ever ever ADV _005457003 143 17 more more ADV _005457003 143 18 dependent dependent ADJ _005457003 143 19 on on ADP _005457003 143 20 the the DET _005457003 143 21 machinery machinery NOUN _005457003 143 22 of of ADP _005457003 143 23 material material NOUN _005457003 143 24 production production NOUN _005457003 143 25 . . PUNCT _005457003 144 1 the the DET _005457003 144 2 drive drive NOUN _005457003 144 3 to to PART _005457003 144 4 accumulate accumulate VERB _005457003 144 5 material material NOUN _005457003 144 6 goods good NOUN _005457003 144 7 has have AUX _005457003 144 8 never never ADV _005457003 144 9 been be AUX _005457003 144 10 more more ADV _005457003 144 11 furious furious ADJ _005457003 144 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 145 1 this this DET _005457003 145 2 mass mass NOUN _005457003 145 3 mania mania NOUN _005457003 145 4 for for ADP _005457003 145 5 possession possession NOUN _005457003 145 6 tends tend VERB _005457003 145 7 to to PART _005457003 145 8 force force VERB _005457003 145 9 men man NOUN _005457003 145 10 into into ADP _005457003 145 11 economic economic ADJ _005457003 145 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 145 13 social social ADJ _005457003 145 14 bondage bondage NOUN _005457003 145 15 . . PUNCT _005457003 146 1 a a PRON _005457003 146 2 s s VERB _005457003 146 3 the the DET _005457003 146 4 demand demand NOUN _005457003 146 5 for for ADP _005457003 146 6 goods good NOUN _005457003 146 7 increases increase NOUN _005457003 146 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 146 9 so so ADV _005457003 146 10 does do VERB _005457003 146 11 the the DET _005457003 146 12 power power NOUN _005457003 146 13 of of ADP _005457003 146 14 those those PRON _005457003 146 15 who who PRON _005457003 146 16 hold hold VERB _005457003 146 17 the the DET _005457003 146 18 reins rein NOUN _005457003 146 19 of of ADP _005457003 146 20 production production NOUN _005457003 146 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 147 1 there there PRON _005457003 147 2 is be VERB _005457003 147 3 constant constant ADJ _005457003 147 4 pressure pressure NOUN _005457003 147 5 to to PART _005457003 147 6 convince convince VERB _005457003 147 7 men man NOUN _005457003 147 8 that that SCONJ _005457003 147 9 nonessentials nonessential NOUN _005457003 147 10 are be AUX _005457003 147 11 essential essential ADJ _005457003 147 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 148 1 and and CCONJ _005457003 148 2 with with ADP _005457003 148 3 this this DET _005457003 148 4 pressure pressure NOUN _005457003 148 5 , , PUNCT _005457003 148 6 the the DET _005457003 148 7 determination determination NOUN _005457003 148 8 of of ADP _005457003 148 9 what what PRON _005457003 148 10 is be AUX _005457003 148 11 good good ADJ _005457003 148 12 for for SCONJ _005457003 148 13 the the DET _005457003 148 14 individual individual ADJ _005457003 148 15 passes pass VERB _005457003 148 16 more more ADV _005457003 148 17 and and CCONJ _005457003 148 18 more more ADV _005457003 148 19 from from ADP _005457003 148 20 himself himself PRON _005457003 148 21 to to ADP _005457003 148 22 a a DET _005457003 148 23 power power NOUN _005457003 148 24 outside outside ADP _005457003 148 25 himself himself PRON _005457003 148 26 , , PUNCT _005457003 148 27 whether whether SCONJ _005457003 148 28 industry industry NOUN _005457003 148 29 or or CCONJ _005457003 148 30 a a DET _005457003 148 31 benevolent benevolent ADJ _005457003 148 32 state state NOUN _005457003 148 33 . . PUNCT _005457003 149 1 t t NOUN _005457003 149 2 o o X _005457003 149 3 the the DET _005457003 149 4 individual individual ADJ _005457003 149 5 person person NOUN _005457003 149 6 striving strive VERB _005457003 149 7 for for ADP _005457003 149 8 security security NOUN _005457003 149 9 and and CCONJ _005457003 149 10 status status NOUN _005457003 149 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 149 12 this this PRON _005457003 149 13 is be AUX _005457003 149 14 the the DET _005457003 149 15 current current ADJ _005457003 149 16 danger danger NOUN _005457003 149 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 150 1 here here ADV _005457003 150 2 is be AUX _005457003 150 3 the the DET _005457003 150 4 world world NOUN _005457003 150 5 which which PRON _005457003 150 6 the the DET _005457003 150 7 church church NOUN _005457003 150 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 150 9 christ christ PROPN _005457003 150 10 's 's PART _005457003 150 11 mystical mystical ADJ _005457003 150 12 body body NOUN _005457003 150 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 150 14 must must AUX _005457003 150 15 changé changé VERB _005457003 150 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 150 17 win win VERB _005457003 150 18 over over ADP _005457003 150 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 150 20 and and CCONJ _005457003 150 21 lead lead VERB _005457003 150 22 once once ADV _005457003 150 23 more more ADJ _005457003 150 24 to to ADP _005457003 150 25 the the DET _005457003 150 26 feet foot NOUN _005457003 150 27 of of ADP _005457003 150 28 god god PROPN _005457003 150 29 . . PUNCT _005457003 151 1 17 17 NUM _005457003 151 2 in in ADP _005457003 151 3 this this DET _005457003 151 4 work work NOUN _005457003 151 5 of of ADP _005457003 151 6 renewal renewal NOUN _005457003 151 7 and and CCONJ _005457003 151 8 redemption redemption NOUN _005457003 151 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 151 10 the the DET _005457003 151 11 layman layman NOUN _005457003 151 12 must must AUX _005457003 151 13 find find VERB _005457003 151 14 his his PRON _005457003 151 15 proper proper ADJ _005457003 151 16 place place NOUN _005457003 151 17 and and CCONJ _005457003 151 18 function function NOUN _005457003 151 19 . . PUNCT _005457003 152 1 n n X _005457003 152 2 o o NOUN _005457003 152 3 t t NOUN _005457003 152 4 that that SCONJ _005457003 152 5 the the DET _005457003 152 6 laity laity NOUN _005457003 152 7 are be AUX _005457003 152 8 liberated liberate VERB _005457003 152 9 from from ADP _005457003 152 10 the the DET _005457003 152 11 teaching teaching NOUN _005457003 152 12 authority authority NOUN _005457003 152 13 of of ADP _005457003 152 14 the the DET _005457003 152 15 sovereign sovereign ADJ _005457003 152 16 pontiff pontiff NOUN _005457003 152 17 and and CCONJ _005457003 152 18 the the DET _005457003 152 19 bishops bishop NOUN _005457003 152 20 , , PUNCT _005457003 152 21 to to ADP _005457003 152 22 whom whom PRON _005457003 152 23 in in ADP _005457003 152 24 a a DET _005457003 152 25 very very ADV _005457003 152 26 special special ADJ _005457003 152 27 manner manner NOUN _005457003 152 28 christ christ PROPN _005457003 152 29 entrusted entrust VERB _005457003 152 30 the the DET _005457003 152 31 guardianship guardianship NOUN _005457003 152 32 of of ADP _005457003 152 33 his his PRON _005457003 152 34 revelation revelation NOUN _005457003 152 35 . . PUNCT _005457003 153 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 153 2 as as ADP _005457003 153 3 free free ADJ _005457003 153 4 " " PUNCT _005457003 153 5 and and CCONJ _005457003 153 6 adult adult NOUN _005457003 153 7 christians christian NOUN _005457003 153 8 in in ADP _005457003 153 9 belief belief NOUN _005457003 153 10 and and CCONJ _005457003 153 11 profession profession NOUN _005457003 153 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 153 13 they they PRON _005457003 153 14 are be AUX _005457003 153 15 to to PART _005457003 153 16 be be AUX _005457003 153 17 witnesses witness NOUN _005457003 153 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 153 19 each each PRON _005457003 153 20 in in ADP _005457003 153 21 his his PRON _005457003 153 22 own own ADJ _005457003 153 23 capacity capacity NOUN _005457003 153 24 and and CCONJ _005457003 153 25 environment environment NOUN _005457003 153 26 , , PUNCT _005457003 153 27 to to ADP _005457003 153 28 the the DET _005457003 153 29 word word NOUN _005457003 153 30 of of ADP _005457003 153 31 god god PROPN _005457003 153 32 . . PUNCT _005457003 154 1 for for ADP _005457003 154 2 christ christ PROPN _005457003 154 3 wills will VERB _005457003 154 4 that that SCONJ _005457003 154 5 the the DET _005457003 154 6 salvation salvation NOUN _005457003 154 7 of of ADP _005457003 154 8 all all DET _005457003 154 9 men man NOUN _005457003 154 10 shall shall AUX _005457003 154 11 depend depend VERB _005457003 154 12 on on ADP _005457003 154 13 the the DET _005457003 154 14 work work NOUN _005457003 154 15 of of ADP _005457003 154 16 his his PRON _005457003 154 17 members member NOUN _005457003 154 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 154 19 freely freely ADV _005457003 154 20 co co VERB _005457003 154 21 - - VERB _005457003 154 22 operating operate VERB _005457003 154 23 with with ADP _005457003 154 24 him he PRON _005457003 154 25 and and CCONJ _005457003 154 26 organically organically ADV _005457003 154 27 united unite VERB _005457003 154 28 to to ADP _005457003 154 29 the the DET _005457003 154 30 authority authority NOUN _005457003 154 31 h h PROPN _005457003 154 32 e e PROPN _005457003 154 33 has have AUX _005457003 154 34 established establish VERB _005457003 154 35 on on ADP _005457003 154 36 earth earth NOUN _005457003 154 37 . . PUNCT _005457003 155 1 christ christ PROPN _005457003 155 2 needs need VERB _005457003 155 3 free free ADJ _005457003 155 4 and and CCONJ _005457003 155 5 adult adult NOUN _005457003 155 6 christians christian NOUN _005457003 155 7 . . PUNCT _005457003 156 1 a a DET _005457003 156 2 child child NOUN _005457003 156 3 is be AUX _005457003 156 4 born bear VERB _005457003 156 5 . . PUNCT _005457003 157 1 throughout throughout ADP _005457003 157 2 the the DET _005457003 157 3 years year NOUN _005457003 157 4 of of ADP _005457003 157 5 childhood childhood NOUN _005457003 157 6 he he PRON _005457003 157 7 is be AUX _005457003 157 8 kept keep VERB _005457003 157 9 within within ADP _005457003 157 10 narrow narrow ADJ _005457003 157 11 bounds bound NOUN _005457003 157 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 157 13 taught teach VERB _005457003 157 14 the the DET _005457003 157 15 things thing NOUN _005457003 157 16 he he PRON _005457003 157 17 will will AUX _005457003 157 18 need need VERB _005457003 157 19 for for ADP _005457003 157 20 his his PRON _005457003 157 21 future future ADJ _005457003 157 22 years year NOUN _005457003 157 23 . . PUNCT _005457003 158 1 only only ADV _005457003 158 2 little little ADJ _005457003 158 3 by by ADP _005457003 158 4 little little ADJ _005457003 158 5 is be AUX _005457003 158 6 he he PRON _005457003 158 7 given give VERB _005457003 158 8 independence independence NOUN _005457003 158 9 from from ADP _005457003 158 10 parental parental ADJ _005457003 158 11 authority authority NOUN _005457003 158 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 159 1 finally finally ADV _005457003 159 2 the the DET _005457003 159 3 day day NOUN _005457003 159 4 comes come VERB _005457003 159 5 when when SCONJ _005457003 159 6 he he PRON _005457003 159 7 launches launch VERB _005457003 159 8 out out ADP _005457003 159 9 into into ADP _005457003 159 10 the the DET _005457003 159 11 world world NOUN _005457003 159 12 to to PART _005457003 159 13 make make VERB _005457003 159 14 his his PRON _005457003 159 15 own own ADJ _005457003 159 16 way way NOUN _005457003 159 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 160 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 160 2 is be AUX _005457003 160 3 he he PRON _005457003 160 4 thereby thereby ADV _005457003 160 5 a a DET _005457003 160 6 free free ADJ _005457003 160 7 adult adult NOUN _005457003 160 8 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 161 1 h h NOUN _005457003 161 2 e e PROPN _005457003 161 3 may may AUX _005457003 161 4 be be AUX _005457003 161 5 constrained constrain VERB _005457003 161 6 by by ADP _005457003 161 7 no no DET _005457003 161 8 external external ADJ _005457003 161 9 pressure pressure NOUN _005457003 161 10 to to PART _005457003 161 11 do do AUX _005457003 161 12 this this PRON _005457003 161 13 or or CCONJ _005457003 161 14 that that PRON _005457003 161 15 . . PUNCT _005457003 162 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 162 2 only only ADV _005457003 162 3 when when SCONJ _005457003 162 4 he he PRON _005457003 162 5 becomes become VERB _005457003 162 6 conscious conscious ADJ _005457003 162 7 that that SCONJ _005457003 162 8 there there PRON _005457003 162 9 are be VERB _005457003 162 10 others other NOUN _005457003 162 11 in in ADP _005457003 162 12 the the DET _005457003 162 13 world world NOUN _005457003 162 14 to to PART _005457003 162 15 whom whom PRON _005457003 162 16 he he PRON _005457003 162 17 can can AUX _005457003 162 18 minister minister NOUN _005457003 162 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 162 20 and and CCONJ _005457003 162 21 strives strive VERB _005457003 162 22 to to PART _005457003 162 23 be be AUX _005457003 162 24 of of ADP _005457003 162 25 service service NOUN _005457003 162 26 18 18 NUM _005457003 162 27 to to ADP _005457003 162 28 them they PRON _005457003 162 29 , , PUNCT _005457003 162 30 will will AUX _005457003 162 31 he he PRON _005457003 162 32 be be AUX _005457003 162 33 a a DET _005457003 162 34 free free ADJ _005457003 162 35 adult adult NOUN _005457003 162 36 . . PUNCT _005457003 163 1 for for ADP _005457003 163 2 to to PART _005457003 163 3 be be AUX _005457003 163 4 free free ADJ _005457003 163 5 is be AUX _005457003 163 6 to to PART _005457003 163 7 be be AUX _005457003 163 8 liberated liberate VERB _005457003 163 9 from from ADP _005457003 163 10 self self NOUN _005457003 163 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 163 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 163 13 to to PART _005457003 163 14 be be AUX _005457003 163 15 mature mature ADJ _005457003 163 16 is be AUX _005457003 163 17 to to PART _005457003 163 18 see see VERB _005457003 163 19 others other NOUN _005457003 163 20 as as SCONJ _005457003 163 21 one one PRON _005457003 163 22 sees see VERB _005457003 163 23 oneself oneself PRON _005457003 163 24 . . PUNCT _005457003 164 1 and and CCONJ _005457003 164 2 this this DET _005457003 164 3 freedom freedom NOUN _005457003 164 4 will will AUX _005457003 164 5 only only ADV _005457003 164 6 be be AUX _005457003 164 7 enhanced enhance VERB _005457003 164 8 when when SCONJ _005457003 164 9 he he PRON _005457003 164 10 becomes become VERB _005457003 164 11 conscious conscious ADJ _005457003 164 12 that that SCONJ _005457003 164 13 his his PRON _005457003 164 14 whole whole ADJ _005457003 164 15 being being NOUN _005457003 164 16 depends depend VERB _005457003 164 17 on on ADP _005457003 164 18 god god PROPN _005457003 164 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 164 20 that that SCONJ _005457003 164 21 god god PROPN _005457003 164 22 is be AUX _005457003 164 23 the the DET _005457003 164 24 source source NOUN _005457003 164 25 , , PUNCT _005457003 164 26 the the DET _005457003 164 27 meaning meaning NOUN _005457003 164 28 , , PUNCT _005457003 164 29 the the DET _005457003 164 30 end end NOUN _005457003 164 31 of of ADP _005457003 164 32 his his PRON _005457003 164 33 life life NOUN _005457003 164 34 , , PUNCT _005457003 164 35 and and CCONJ _005457003 164 36 he he PRON _005457003 164 37 gives give VERB _005457003 164 38 himself himself PRON _005457003 164 39 wholly wholly ADV _005457003 164 40 up up ADP _005457003 164 41 to to ADP _005457003 164 42 god god PROPN _005457003 164 43 's 's PART _005457003 164 44 will will NOUN _005457003 164 45 . . PUNCT _005457003 165 1 then then ADV _005457003 165 2 shall shall AUX _005457003 165 3 he he PRON _005457003 165 4 taste taste VERB _005457003 165 5 true true ADJ _005457003 165 6 liberty liberty NOUN _005457003 165 7 . . PUNCT _005457003 166 1 in in ADP _005457003 166 2 the the DET _005457003 166 3 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457003 166 4 life life NOUN _005457003 166 5 also also ADV _005457003 166 6 there there PRON _005457003 166 7 is be VERB _005457003 166 8 childhood childhood NOUN _005457003 166 9 and and CCONJ _005457003 166 10 maturity maturity NOUN _005457003 166 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 167 1 through through ADP _005457003 167 2 baptism baptism NOUN _005457003 167 3 , , PUNCT _005457003 167 4 a a DET _005457003 167 5 man man NOUN _005457003 167 6 is be AUX _005457003 167 7 reborn reborn ADJ _005457003 167 8 and and CCONJ _005457003 167 9 given give VERB _005457003 167 10 individuality individuality NOUN _005457003 167 11 in in ADP _005457003 167 12 the the DET _005457003 167 13 church church NOUN _005457003 167 14 . . PUNCT _005457003 168 1 h h PROPN _005457003 168 2 e e PROPN _005457003 168 3 receives receive VERB _005457003 168 4 grace grace NOUN _005457003 168 5 and and CCONJ _005457003 168 6 holiness holiness NOUN _005457003 168 7 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 168 8 the the DET _005457003 168 9 image image NOUN _005457003 168 10 of of ADP _005457003 168 11 christ christ PROPN _005457003 168 12 is be AUX _005457003 168 13 stamped stamp VERB _005457003 168 14 on on ADP _005457003 168 15 his his PRON _005457003 168 16 soul soul NOUN _005457003 168 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 169 1 the the DET _005457003 169 2 holy holy PROPN _005457003 169 3 spirit spirit PROPN _005457003 169 4 comes come VERB _005457003 169 5 to to ADP _005457003 169 6 him he PRON _005457003 169 7 to to PART _005457003 169 8 strengthen strengthen VERB _005457003 169 9 and and CCONJ _005457003 169 10 guide guide VERB _005457003 169 11 him he PRON _005457003 169 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 170 1 h h NOUN _005457003 170 2 e e PROPN _005457003 170 3 is be AUX _005457003 170 4 entrusted entrust VERB _005457003 170 5 with with ADP _005457003 170 6 the the DET _005457003 170 7 word word NOUN _005457003 170 8 of of ADP _005457003 170 9 god god PROPN _005457003 170 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 170 11 the the DET _005457003 170 12 creed creed NOUN _005457003 170 13 and and CCONJ _005457003 170 14 the the DET _005457003 170 15 commandments commandment NOUN _005457003 170 16 . . PUNCT _005457003 171 1 h h PROPN _005457003 171 2 e e PROPN _005457003 171 3 is be AUX _005457003 171 4 to to PART _005457003 171 5 become become AUX _005457003 171 6 instructed instruct VERB _005457003 171 7 by by ADP _005457003 171 8 hearing hear VERB _005457003 171 9 the the DET _005457003 171 10 word word NOUN _005457003 171 11 of of ADP _005457003 171 12 god god PROPN _005457003 171 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 172 1 h h PROPN _005457003 172 2 e e NOUN _005457003 172 3 is be AUX _005457003 172 4 to to PART _005457003 172 5 strive strive VERB _005457003 172 6 to to PART _005457003 172 7 grow grow VERB _005457003 172 8 in in ADP _005457003 172 9 perfection perfection NOUN _005457003 172 10 by by ADP _005457003 172 11 practicing practice VERB _005457003 172 12 the the DET _005457003 172 13 word word NOUN _005457003 172 14 of of ADP _005457003 172 15 god god PROPN _005457003 172 16 . . PUNCT _005457003 173 1 and and CCONJ _005457003 173 2 he he PRON _005457003 173 3 is be AUX _005457003 173 4 made make VERB _005457003 173 5 capable capable ADJ _005457003 173 6 of of ADP _005457003 173 7 receiving receive VERB _005457003 173 8 the the DET _005457003 173 9 other other ADJ _005457003 173 10 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005457003 173 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 173 12 through through ADP _005457003 173 13 whose whose DET _005457003 173 14 graces grace NOUN _005457003 173 15 he he PRON _005457003 173 16 will will AUX _005457003 173 17 advance advance VERB _005457003 173 18 toward toward ADP _005457003 173 19 the the DET _005457003 173 20 " " PUNCT _005457003 173 21 perfect perfect ADJ _005457003 173 22 manhood manhood NOUN _005457003 173 23 " " PUNCT _005457003 173 24 described describe VERB _005457003 173 25 by by ADP _005457003 173 26 st st PROPN _005457003 173 27 . . PROPN _005457003 173 28 paul paul PROPN _005457003 173 29 . . PUNCT _005457003 174 1 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457003 174 2 is be AUX _005457003 174 3 the the DET _005457003 174 4 specific specific ADJ _005457003 174 5 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457003 174 6 of of ADP _005457003 174 7 christian christian ADJ _005457003 174 8 maturity maturity NOUN _005457003 174 9 . . PUNCT _005457003 175 1 the the DET _005457003 175 2 christian'receiving christian'receive VERB _005457003 175 3 it it PRON _005457003 175 4 ceases cease VERB _005457003 175 5 to to PART _005457003 175 6 be be AUX _005457003 175 7 a a DET _005457003 175 8 child child NOUN _005457003 175 9 who who PRON _005457003 175 10 must must AUX _005457003 175 11 be be AUX _005457003 175 12 warned warn VERB _005457003 175 13 and and CCONJ _005457003 175 14 cajoled cajole VERB _005457003 175 15 into into ADP _005457003 175 16 fulfilling fulfil VERB _005457003 175 17 his his PRON _005457003 175 18 obligations obligation NOUN _005457003 175 19 . . PUNCT _005457003 176 1 19 19 NUM _005457003 176 2 through through ADP _005457003 176 3 the the DET _005457003 176 4 anointing anointing NOUN _005457003 176 5 of of ADP _005457003 176 6 the the DET _005457003 176 7 bishop bishop PROPN _005457003 176 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 176 9 the the DET _005457003 176 10 holy holy PROPN _005457003 176 11 spirit spirit PROPN _005457003 176 12 is be AUX _005457003 176 13 given give VERB _005457003 176 14 to to ADP _005457003 176 15 him he PRON _005457003 176 16 that that SCONJ _005457003 176 17 , , PUNCT _005457003 176 18 as as ADP _005457003 176 19 by by ADP _005457003 176 20 another another DET _005457003 176 21 pentecost pentecost NOUN _005457003 176 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 176 23 he he PRON _005457003 176 24 may may AUX _005457003 176 25 assume assume VERB _005457003 176 26 his his PRON _005457003 176 27 proper proper ADJ _005457003 176 28 place place NOUN _005457003 176 29 and and CCONJ _005457003 176 30 function function NOUN _005457003 176 31 in in ADP _005457003 176 32 the the DET _005457003 176 33 church church NOUN _005457003 176 34 . . PUNCT _005457003 177 1 h h PROPN _005457003 177 2 e e PROPN _005457003 177 3 must must AUX _005457003 177 4 become become VERB _005457003 177 5 conscious conscious ADJ _005457003 177 6 of of ADP _005457003 177 7 its its PRON _005457003 177 8 needs need NOUN _005457003 177 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 177 10 and and CCONJ _005457003 177 11 of of ADP _005457003 177 12 his his PRON _005457003 177 13 own own ADJ _005457003 177 14 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005457003 177 15 to to PART _005457003 177 16 help help VERB _005457003 177 17 in in ADP _005457003 177 18 their their PRON _005457003 177 19 fulfillment fulfillment NOUN _005457003 177 20 . . PUNCT _005457003 178 1 h h PROPN _005457003 178 2 e e PROPN _005457003 178 3 is be AUX _005457003 178 4 now now ADV _005457003 178 5 not not PART _005457003 178 6 merely merely ADV _005457003 178 7 the the DET _005457003 178 8 statistical statistical ADJ _005457003 178 9 stuff stuff NOUN _005457003 178 10 out out SCONJ _005457003 178 11 of of ADP _005457003 178 12 which which PRON _005457003 178 13 the the DET _005457003 178 14 church church NOUN _005457003 178 15 is be AUX _005457003 178 16 made make VERB _005457003 178 17 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 178 18 rather rather ADV _005457003 178 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 178 20 conforming conform VERB _005457003 178 21 himself himself PRON _005457003 178 22 to to ADP _005457003 178 23 unity unity NOUN _005457003 178 24 of of ADP _005457003 178 25 faith faith NOUN _005457003 178 26 and and CCONJ _005457003 178 27 discipline discipline NOUN _005457003 178 28 , , PUNCT _005457003 178 29 he he PRON _005457003 178 30 in in ADP _005457003 178 31 a a DET _005457003 178 32 true true ADJ _005457003 178 33 sense sense NOUN _005457003 178 34 makes make VERB _005457003 178 35 the the DET _005457003 178 36 church church NOUN _005457003 178 37 . . PUNCT _005457003 178 38 " " PUNCT _005457003 179 1 y y PROPN _005457003 179 2 o o PROPN _005457003 179 3 u u PROPN _005457003 179 4 a a DET _005457003 179 5 r r NOUN _005457003 179 6 e e NOUN _005457003 179 7 t t NOUN _005457003 179 8 h h NOUN _005457003 179 9 e e NOUN _005457003 179 10 c c NOUN _005457003 179 11 h h PROPN _005457003 179 12 u u NOUN _005457003 179 13 r r NOUN _005457003 179 14 c c NOUN _005457003 179 15 h h NOUN _005457003 179 16 " " PUNCT _005457003 179 17 pope pope PROPN _005457003 179 18 pius pius PROPN _005457003 179 19 x x PUNCT _005457003 180 1 i i PRON _005457003 180 2 i i PRON _005457003 180 3 had have VERB _005457003 180 4 this this DET _005457003 180 5 sense sense NOUN _005457003 180 6 of of ADP _005457003 180 7 christian christian ADJ _005457003 180 8 commitment commitment NOUN _005457003 180 9 in in ADP _005457003 180 10 mind mind NOUN _005457003 180 11 when when SCONJ _005457003 180 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 180 13 in in ADP _005457003 180 14 1946 1946 NUM _005457003 180 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 180 16 he he PRON _005457003 180 17 spoke speak VERB _005457003 180 18 to to ADP _005457003 180 19 the the DET _005457003 180 20 newly newly ADV _005457003 180 21 created create VERB _005457003 180 22 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005457003 180 23 the the DET _005457003 180 24 following follow VERB _005457003 180 25 significant significant ADJ _005457003 180 26 words word NOUN _005457003 180 27 : : PUNCT _005457003 180 28 " " PUNCT _005457003 180 29 t t NOUN _005457003 180 30 h h NOUN _005457003 180 31 e e PROPN _005457003 180 32 church church NOUN _005457003 180 33 can can AUX _005457003 180 34 not not PART _005457003 180 35 shut shut VERB _005457003 180 36 herself herself PRON _005457003 180 37 up up ADP _005457003 180 38 , , PUNCT _005457003 180 39 inactive inactive ADJ _005457003 180 40 , , PUNCT _005457003 180 41 in in ADP _005457003 180 42 the the DET _005457003 180 43 privacy privacy NOUN _005457003 180 44 of of ADP _005457003 180 45 her her PRON _005457003 180 46 churches church NOUN _005457003 180 47 , , PUNCT _005457003 180 48 and and CCONJ _005457003 180 49 thus thus ADV _005457003 180 50 neglect neglect VERB _005457003 180 51 the the DET _005457003 180 52 mission mission NOUN _005457003 180 53 entrusted entrust VERB _005457003 180 54 to to ADP _005457003 180 55 her she PRON _005457003 180 56 by by ADP _005457003 180 57 divine divine ADJ _005457003 180 58 providence providence NOUN _005457003 180 59 , , PUNCT _005457003 180 60 ... ... PUNCT _005457003 181 1 the the DET _005457003 181 2 church church NOUN _005457003 181 3 is be AUX _005457003 181 4 the the DET _005457003 181 5 society society NOUN _005457003 181 6 of of ADP _005457003 181 7 those those PRON _005457003 181 8 who who PRON _005457003 181 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 181 10 under under ADP _005457003 181 11 the the DET _005457003 181 12 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005457003 181 13 influence influence NOUN _005457003 181 14 of of ADP _005457003 181 15 grace grace NOUN _005457003 181 16 , , PUNCT _005457003 181 17 in in ADP _005457003 181 18 the the DET _005457003 181 19 perfection perfection NOUN _005457003 181 20 of of ADP _005457003 181 21 their their PRON _005457003 181 22 personal personal ADJ _005457003 181 23 dignity dignity NOUN _005457003 181 24 as as ADP _005457003 181 25 sons son NOUN _005457003 181 26 of of ADP _005457003 181 27 god god PROPN _005457003 181 28 , , PUNCT _005457003 181 29 and and CCONJ _005457003 181 30 in in ADP _005457003 181 31 the the DET _005457003 181 32 harmonious harmonious ADJ _005457003 181 33 development development NOUN _005457003 181 34 of of ADP _005457003 181 35 every every DET _005457003 181 36 human human ADJ _005457003 181 37 bent bent NOUN _005457003 181 38 and and CCONJ _005457003 181 39 energy energy NOUN _005457003 181 40 , , PUNCT _005457003 181 41 build build VERB _005457003 181 42 up up ADP _005457003 181 43 the the DET _005457003 181 44 mighty mighty ADJ _005457003 181 45 framework framework NOUN _005457003 181 46 of of ADP _005457003 181 47 the the DET _005457003 181 48 community community NOUN _005457003 181 49 of of ADP _005457003 181 50 men man NOUN _005457003 181 51 . . PUNCT _005457003 182 1 from from ADP _005457003 182 2 this this DET _005457003 182 3 aspect aspect NOUN _005457003 182 4 the the DET _005457003 182 5 faithful faithful ADJ _005457003 182 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 182 7 more more ADV _005457003 182 8 20 20 NUM _005457003 182 9 precisely precisely ADV _005457003 182 10 the the DET _005457003 182 11 laity laity NOUN _005457003 182 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 182 13 are be AUX _005457003 182 14 in in ADP _005457003 182 15 the the DET _005457003 182 16 front front ADJ _005457003 182 17 line line NOUN _005457003 182 18 of of ADP _005457003 182 19 the the DET _005457003 182 20 church church NOUN _005457003 182 21 's 's PART _005457003 182 22 life life NOUN _005457003 182 23 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 182 24 through through ADP _005457003 182 25 them they PRON _005457003 182 26 the the DET _005457003 182 27 church church NOUN _005457003 182 28 is be AUX _005457003 182 29 the the DET _005457003 182 30 vital vital ADJ _005457003 182 31 principle principle NOUN _005457003 182 32 of of ADP _005457003 182 33 human human ADJ _005457003 182 34 society society NOUN _005457003 182 35 . . PUNCT _005457003 183 1 consequently consequently ADV _005457003 183 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 183 3 they they PRON _005457003 183 4 particularly particularly ADV _005457003 183 5 must must AUX _005457003 183 6 have have VERB _005457003 183 7 an an DET _005457003 183 8 ever ever ADV _005457003 183 9 clearer clear ADJ _005457003 183 10 consciousness consciousness NOUN _005457003 183 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 183 12 not not PART _005457003 183 13 only only ADV _005457003 183 14 of of ADP _005457003 183 15 be be AUX _005457003 183 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 184 1 longing long VERB _005457003 184 2 to to ADP _005457003 184 3 the the DET _005457003 184 4 church church NOUN _005457003 184 5 , , PUNCT _005457003 184 6 but but CCONJ _005457003 184 7 of of ADP _005457003 184 8 being be AUX _005457003 184 9 t t NOUN _005457003 184 10 h h NOUN _005457003 184 11 e e NOUN _005457003 184 12 church church NOUN _005457003 184 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 184 14 that that PRON _005457003 184 15 is be AUX _005457003 184 16 to to PART _005457003 184 17 say say VERB _005457003 184 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 184 19 the the DET _005457003 184 20 community community NOUN _005457003 184 21 of of ADP _005457003 184 22 the the DET _005457003 184 23 faithful faithful NOUN _005457003 184 24 on on ADP _005457003 184 25 earth earth NOUN _005457003 184 26 under under ADP _005457003 184 27 the the DET _005457003 184 28 leadership leadership NOUN _005457003 184 29 of of ADP _005457003 184 30 the the DET _005457003 184 31 common common ADJ _005457003 184 32 head head NOUN _005457003 184 33 , , PUNCT _005457003 184 34 the the DET _005457003 184 35 pope pope NOUN _005457003 184 36 , , PUNCT _005457003 184 37 and and CCONJ _005457003 184 38 of of ADP _005457003 184 39 the the DET _005457003 184 40 bishops bishop NOUN _005457003 184 41 in in ADP _005457003 184 42 communion communion NOUN _005457003 184 43 with with ADP _005457003 184 44 him he PRON _005457003 184 45 . . PUNCT _005457003 184 46 " " PUNCT _005457003 185 1 hear hear VERB _005457003 185 2 christ christ PROPN _005457003 185 3 , , PUNCT _005457003 185 4 speaking speak VERB _005457003 185 5 through through ADP _005457003 185 6 his his PRON _005457003 185 7 vicar vicar NOUN _005457003 185 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 185 9 tell tell VERB _005457003 185 10 christians christian NOUN _005457003 185 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 185 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 185 13 particularly particularly ADV _005457003 185 14 the the DET _005457003 185 15 laity laity NOUN _005457003 185 16 : : PUNCT _005457003 186 1 y y PROPN _005457003 186 2 o o PROPN _005457003 186 3 u u PROPN _005457003 186 4 are be AUX _005457003 186 5 t t NOUN _005457003 186 6 h h NOUN _005457003 186 7 e e NOUN _005457003 186 8 c c NOUN _005457003 186 9 h h PROPN _005457003 186 10 u u X _005457003 186 11 r r NOUN _005457003 186 12 c c NOUN _005457003 186 13 h h NOUN _005457003 186 14 . . PUNCT _005457003 187 1 how how SCONJ _005457003 187 2 can can AUX _005457003 187 3 you you PRON _005457003 187 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 187 5 adult adult NOUN _005457003 187 6 christian christian PROPN _005457003 187 7 living live VERB _005457003 187 8 in in ADP _005457003 187 9 modern modern ADJ _005457003 187 10 society society NOUN _005457003 187 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 187 12 fulfill fulfill VERB _005457003 187 13 this this DET _005457003 187 14 commitment commitment NOUN _005457003 187 15 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 188 1 how how SCONJ _005457003 188 2 can can AUX _005457003 188 3 you you PRON _005457003 188 4 present present VERB _005457003 188 5 a a DET _005457003 188 6 true true ADJ _005457003 188 7 image image NOUN _005457003 188 8 of of ADP _005457003 188 9 the the DET _005457003 188 10 church church NOUN _005457003 188 11 to to ADP _005457003 188 12 those those PRON _005457003 188 13 about about ADP _005457003 188 14 you you PRON _005457003 188 15 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 189 1 the the DET _005457003 189 2 concrete concrete ADJ _005457003 189 3 ways way NOUN _005457003 189 4 are be AUX _005457003 189 5 limitless limitless ADJ _005457003 189 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 189 7 but but CCONJ _005457003 189 8 they they PRON _005457003 189 9 fall fall VERB _005457003 189 10 into into ADP _005457003 189 11 three three NUM _005457003 189 12 groups group NOUN _005457003 189 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 189 14 " " PUNCT _005457003 190 1 i i PRON _005457003 190 2 f f VERB _005457003 190 3 you you PRON _005457003 190 4 ask ask VERB _005457003 190 5 the the DET _005457003 190 6 father father NOUN _005457003 190 7 anything anything PRON _005457003 190 8 in in ADP _005457003 190 9 my my PRON _005457003 190 10 name name NOUN _005457003 190 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 190 12 h h PROPN _005457003 190 13 e e NOUN _005457003 190 14 will will AUX _005457003 190 15 give give VERB _005457003 190 16 it it PRON _005457003 190 17 to to ADP _005457003 190 18 you you PRON _005457003 190 19 . . PUNCT _005457003 190 20 " " PUNCT _005457003 191 1 your your PRON _005457003 191 2 first first ADJ _005457003 191 3 duty duty NOUN _005457003 191 4 is be AUX _005457003 191 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005457003 191 6 . . PUNCT _005457003 192 1 pray pray VERB _005457003 192 2 for for ADP _005457003 192 3 the the DET _005457003 192 4 pope pope NOUN _005457003 192 5 and and CCONJ _005457003 192 6 the the DET _005457003 192 7 bishops bishop NOUN _005457003 192 8 that that PRON _005457003 192 9 they they PRON _005457003 192 10 may may AUX _005457003 192 11 be be AUX _005457003 192 12 strong strong ADJ _005457003 192 13 and and CCONJ _005457003 192 14 forthright forthright ADJ _005457003 192 15 in in ADP _005457003 192 16 defending defend VERB _005457003 192 17 the the DET _005457003 192 18 deposit deposit NOUN _005457003 192 19 of of ADP _005457003 192 20 faith faith NOUN _005457003 192 21 which which PRON _005457003 192 22 christ christ PROPN _005457003 192 23 has have AUX _005457003 192 24 given give VERB _005457003 192 25 into into ADP _005457003 192 26 their their PRON _005457003 192 27 keeping keeping NOUN _005457003 192 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 193 1 pray pray VERB _005457003 193 2 for for ADP _005457003 193 3 your your PRON _005457003 193 4 pastors pastor NOUN _005457003 193 5 and and CCONJ _005457003 193 6 all all DET _005457003 193 7 priests priest NOUN _005457003 193 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 193 9 that that SCONJ _005457003 193 10 they they PRON _005457003 193 11 may may AUX _005457003 193 12 be be AUX _005457003 193 13 selfless selfless ADJ _005457003 193 14 in in ADP _005457003 193 15 their their PRON _005457003 193 16 care care NOUN _005457003 193 17 of of ADP _005457003 193 18 souls soul NOUN _005457003 193 19 . . PUNCT _005457003 194 1 pray pray VERB _005457003 194 2 for for ADP _005457003 194 3 21 21 NUM _005457003 194 4 missionaries missionary NOUN _005457003 194 5 , , PUNCT _005457003 194 6 that that SCONJ _005457003 194 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 194 8 overcoming overcome VERB _005457003 194 9 discouragement discouragement NOUN _005457003 194 10 and and CCONJ _005457003 194 11 anxiety anxiety NOUN _005457003 194 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 194 13 they they PRON _005457003 194 14 may may AUX _005457003 194 15 always always ADV _005457003 194 16 press press VERB _005457003 194 17 onward onward ADV _005457003 194 18 to to PART _005457003 194 19 bring bring VERB _005457003 194 20 the the DET _005457003 194 21 word word NOUN _005457003 194 22 of of ADP _005457003 194 23 god god PROPN _005457003 194 24 to to ADP _005457003 194 25 those those PRON _005457003 194 26 who who PRON _005457003 194 27 do do AUX _005457003 194 28 not not PART _005457003 194 29 know know VERB _005457003 194 30 him he PRON _005457003 194 31 . . PUNCT _005457003 195 1 pray pray VERB _005457003 195 2 for for ADP _005457003 195 3 those those PRON _005457003 195 4 who who PRON _005457003 195 5 are be AUX _005457003 195 6 not not PART _005457003 195 7 members member NOUN _005457003 195 8 of of ADP _005457003 195 9 the the DET _005457003 195 10 church church NOUN _005457003 195 11 } } PUNCT _005457003 195 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 195 13 seven seven NUM _005457003 195 14 for for ADP _005457003 195 15 those those PRON _005457003 195 16 who who PRON _005457003 195 17 actively actively ADV _005457003 195 18 persecute persecute VERB _005457003 195 19 her she PRON _005457003 195 20 throughout throughout ADP _005457003 195 21 the the DET _005457003 195 22 world world NOUN _005457003 195 23 , , PUNCT _005457003 195 24 that that SCONJ _005457003 195 25 god god PROPN _005457003 195 26 's 's PART _005457003 195 27 grace grace NOUN _005457003 195 28 may may AUX _005457003 195 29 remove remove VERB _005457003 195 30 every every DET _005457003 195 31 cloud cloud NOUN _005457003 195 32 of of ADP _005457003 195 33 doubt doubt NOUN _005457003 195 34 and and CCONJ _005457003 195 35 pride pride NOUN _005457003 195 36 from from ADP _005457003 195 37 .their .their NUM _005457003 195 38 minds mind NOUN _005457003 195 39 and and CCONJ _005457003 195 40 lead lead VERB _005457003 195 41 them they PRON _005457003 195 42 to to ADP _005457003 195 43 their'true their'true PROPN _005457003 195 44 home home NOUN _005457003 195 45 . . PUNCT _005457003 196 1 pray pray VERB _005457003 196 2 for for ADP _005457003 196 3 the the DET _005457003 196 4 whole whole ADJ _005457003 196 5 church church NOUN _005457003 196 6 and and CCONJ _005457003 196 7 for for ADP _005457003 196 8 thei thei PROPN _005457003 196 9 church church NOUN _005457003 196 10 in in ADP _005457003 196 11 our our PRON _005457003 196 12 own own ADJ _005457003 196 13 country country NOUN _005457003 196 14 , , PUNCT _005457003 196 15 that that SCONJ _005457003 196 16 throughout throughout ADP _005457003 196 17 all all DET _005457003 196 18 her her PRON _005457003 196 19 ranks rank NOUN _005457003 196 20 she she PRON _005457003 196 21 may may AUX _005457003 196 22 ever ever ADV _005457003 196 23 perfect perfect VERB _005457003 196 24 herself herself PRON _005457003 196 25 to to PART _005457003 196 26 be be AUX _005457003 196 27 worthy worthy ADJ _005457003 196 28 of of ADP _005457003 196 29 her her PRON _005457003 196 30 head head NOUN _005457003 196 31 . . PUNCT _005457003 196 32 " " PUNCT _005457003 197 1 y y PROPN _005457003 197 2 o o PROPN _005457003 197 3 u u PROPN _005457003 197 4 are be AUX _005457003 197 5 the the DET _005457003 197 6 salt salt NOUN _005457003 197 7 of of ADP _005457003 197 8 the the DET _005457003 197 9 earth earth NOUN _005457003 197 10 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 197 11 but but CCONJ _005457003 197 12 if if SCONJ _005457003 197 13 the the DET _005457003 197 14 salt salt NOUN _005457003 197 15 loses lose VERB _005457003 197 16 its its PRON _005457003 197 17 strength strength NOUN _005457003 197 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 197 19 what what PRON _005457003 197 20 shall shall AUX _005457003 197 21 it it PRON _005457003 197 22 be be AUX _005457003 197 23 salted salt VERB _005457003 197 24 with with ADP _005457003 197 25 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 197 26 " " PUNCT _005457003 198 1 y y PROPN _005457003 198 2 o o PROPN _005457003 198 3 u u PRON _005457003 198 4 must must AUX _005457003 198 5 grow grow VERB _005457003 198 6 in in ADP _005457003 198 7 p p NOUN _005457003 198 8 e e NOUN _005457003 198 9 r r NOUN _005457003 198 10 s s X _005457003 198 11 o o NOUN _005457003 198 12 n n ADV _005457003 198 13 a a DET _005457003 198 14 l l NOUN _005457003 198 15 h h NOUN _005457003 198 16 o o X _005457003 199 1 l l X _005457003 199 2 i i PRON _005457003 199 3 n n VERB _005457003 199 4 e e PROPN _005457003 199 5 s s PROPN _005457003 199 6 s s NOUN _005457003 199 7 . . PUNCT _005457003 200 1 t t NOUN _005457003 200 2 o o NOUN _005457003 200 3 be be AUX _005457003 200 4 committed commit VERB _005457003 200 5 to to ADP _005457003 200 6 the the DET _005457003 200 7 christian christian ADJ _005457003 200 8 life life NOUN _005457003 200 9 is be AUX _005457003 200 10 no no DET _005457003 200 11 small small ADJ _005457003 200 12 matter matter NOUN _005457003 200 13 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 200 14 it it PRON _005457003 200 15 is be AUX _005457003 200 16 to to PART _005457003 200 17 take take VERB _005457003 200 18 to to ADP _005457003 200 19 heart heart NOUN _005457003 200 20 christ christ PROPN _005457003 200 21 's 's PART _005457003 200 22 injunction injunction NOUN _005457003 200 23 : : PUNCT _005457003 200 24 " " PUNCT _005457003 201 1 y y PROPN _005457003 201 2 o o PROPN _005457003 201 3 u u PROPN _005457003 201 4 therefore therefore ADV _005457003 201 5 are be AUX _005457003 201 6 to to PART _005457003 201 7 be be AUX _005457003 201 8 perfect perfect ADJ _005457003 201 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 201 10 even even ADV _005457003 201 11 as as SCONJ _005457003 201 12 your your PRON _005457003 201 13 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005457003 201 14 father father NOUN _005457003 201 15 is be AUX _005457003 201 16 perfect perfect ADJ _005457003 201 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 201 18 " " PUNCT _005457003 202 1 it it PRON _005457003 202 2 is be AUX _005457003 202 3 to to PART _005457003 202 4 grow grow VERB _005457003 202 5 in in ADP _005457003 202 6 grace grace NOUN _005457003 202 7 by by ADP _005457003 202 8 receiving receive VERB _005457003 202 9 the the DET _005457003 202 10 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005457003 202 11 often often ADV _005457003 202 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 202 13 well well ADV _005457003 202 14 . . PUNCT _005457003 203 1 it it PRON _005457003 203 2 is be AUX _005457003 203 3 to to PART _005457003 203 4 read read VERB _005457003 203 5 the the DET _005457003 203 6 scriptures scripture NOUN _005457003 203 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 203 8 especially especially ADV _005457003 203 9 the the DET _005457003 203 10 gospels gospel NOUN _005457003 203 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 203 12 and and CCONJ _005457003 203 13 those those DET _005457003 203 14 books book NOUN _005457003 203 15 which which PRON _005457003 203 16 provide provide VERB _005457003 203 17 solid solid ADJ _005457003 203 18 food food NOUN _005457003 203 19 for for ADP _005457003 203 20 thought thought NOUN _005457003 203 21 and and CCONJ _005457003 203 22 reflection reflection NOUN _005457003 203 23 , , PUNCT _005457003 203 24 the the DET _005457003 203 25 basis basis NOUN _005457003 203 26 of of ADP _005457003 203 27 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005457003 203 28 growth growth NOUN _005457003 203 29 . . PUNCT _005457003 204 1 it it PRON _005457003 204 2 is be AUX _005457003 204 3 to to PART _005457003 204 4 carry carry VERB _005457003 204 5 out out ADP _005457003 204 6 the the DET _005457003 204 7 duties duty NOUN _005457003 204 8 of of ADP _005457003 204 9 your your PRON _005457003 204 10 state state NOUN _005457003 204 11 in in ADP _005457003 204 12 life life NOUN _005457003 204 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 204 14 whether whether SCONJ _005457003 204 15 married marry VERB _005457003 204 16 or or CCONJ _005457003 204 17 single single ADJ _005457003 204 18 , , PUNCT _005457003 204 19 according accord VERB _005457003 204 20 to to ADP _005457003 204 21 god god PROPN _005457003 204 22 's 's PART _005457003 204 23 law law NOUN _005457003 204 24 . . PUNCT _005457003 205 1 it it PRON _005457003 205 2 is be AUX _005457003 205 3 to to PART _005457003 205 4 make make VERB _005457003 205 5 dynamic dynamic ADJ _005457003 205 6 22 22 NUM _005457003 205 7 in in ADP _005457003 205 8 your your PRON _005457003 205 9 life life NOUN _005457003 205 10 the the DET _005457003 205 11 virtues virtue NOUN _005457003 205 12 of of ADP _005457003 205 13 faith faith NOUN _005457003 205 14 , , PUNCT _005457003 205 15 hope hope NOUN _005457003 205 16 and and CCONJ _005457003 205 17 charity charity NOUN _005457003 205 18 . . PUNCT _005457003 206 1 it it PRON _005457003 206 2 is be AUX _005457003 206 3 to to PART _005457003 206 4 live live VERB _005457003 206 5 in in ADP _005457003 206 6 this this DET _005457003 206 7 world world NOUN _005457003 206 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 206 9 busy busy ADJ _005457003 206 10 and and CCONJ _005457003 206 11 active active ADJ _005457003 206 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 206 13 but but CCONJ _005457003 206 14 to to PART _005457003 206 15 aim aim VERB _005457003 206 16 for for ADP _005457003 206 17 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 206 18 . . PUNCT _005457003 207 1 lastly lastly ADV _005457003 207 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 207 3 a a DET _005457003 207 4 p p NOUN _005457003 207 5 o o NOUN _005457003 207 6 s s NOUN _005457003 207 7 t t NOUN _005457003 207 8 o o NOUN _005457003 208 1 l l X _005457003 208 2 i i PRON _005457003 208 3 c c VERB _005457003 208 4 w w PUNCT _005457003 208 5 o o X _005457003 208 6 r r X _005457003 208 7 k k PROPN _005457003 208 8 s s NOUN _005457003 208 9 help help VERB _005457003 208 10 you you PRON _005457003 208 11 to to PART _005457003 208 12 carry carry VERB _005457003 208 13 forward forward ADV _005457003 208 14 in in ADP _005457003 208 15 your your PRON _005457003 208 16 sphere sphere NOUN _005457003 208 17 the the DET _005457003 208 18 riches rich NOUN _005457003 208 19 of of ADP _005457003 208 20 the the DET _005457003 208 21 church church NOUN _005457003 208 22 which which PRON _005457003 208 23 have have AUX _005457003 208 24 been be AUX _005457003 208 25 entrusted entrust VERB _005457003 208 26 to to ADP _005457003 208 27 you you PRON _005457003 208 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 209 1 it it PRON _005457003 209 2 is be AUX _005457003 209 3 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 209 4 for for SCONJ _005457003 209 5 parents parent NOUN _005457003 209 6 to to PART _005457003 209 7 instruct instruct VERB _005457003 209 8 their their PRON _005457003 209 9 children child NOUN _005457003 209 10 in in ADP _005457003 209 11 the the DET _005457003 209 12 truths truth NOUN _005457003 209 13 of of ADP _005457003 209 14 faith faith NOUN _005457003 209 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 209 16 and and CCONJ _005457003 209 17 teach teach VERB _005457003 209 18 them they PRON _005457003 209 19 to to PART _005457003 209 20 pray pray VERB _005457003 209 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 210 1 i i PRON _005457003 210 2 t t NOUN _005457003 210 3 is be AUX _005457003 210 4 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 210 5 for for SCONJ _005457003 210 6 them they PRON _005457003 210 7 to to PART _005457003 210 8 make make VERB _005457003 210 9 their their PRON _005457003 210 10 home home NOUN _005457003 210 11 a a DET _005457003 210 12 home home NOUN _005457003 210 13 of of ADP _005457003 210 14 virtue virtue NOUN _005457003 210 15 and and CCONJ _005457003 210 16 love love NOUN _005457003 210 17 of of ADP _005457003 210 18 god god PROPN _005457003 210 19 . . PUNCT _005457003 211 1 it it PRON _005457003 211 2 is be AUX _005457003 211 3 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 211 4 to to PART _005457003 211 5 teach teach VERB _005457003 211 6 others other NOUN _005457003 211 7 the the DET _005457003 211 8 catechism catechism NOUN _005457003 211 9 . . PUNCT _005457003 212 1 i i PRON _005457003 212 2 t t NOUN _005457003 212 3 is be AUX _005457003 212 4 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 212 5 to to PART _005457003 212 6 insist insist VERB _005457003 212 7 on on ADP _005457003 212 8 honesty honesty NOUN _005457003 212 9 and and CCONJ _005457003 212 10 fairness fairness NOUN _005457003 212 11 in in ADP _005457003 212 12 the the DET _005457003 212 13 business business NOUN _005457003 212 14 world world NOUN _005457003 212 15 . . PUNCT _005457003 213 1 it it PRON _005457003 213 2 is be AUX _005457003 213 3 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 213 4 to to PART _005457003 213 5 be be AUX _005457003 213 6 concerned concern VERB _005457003 213 7 that that SCONJ _005457003 213 8 the the DET _005457003 213 9 affairs affair NOUN _005457003 213 10 of of ADP _005457003 213 11 government government NOUN _005457003 213 12 , , PUNCT _005457003 213 13 in in ADP _005457003 213 14 which which PRON _005457003 213 15 by by ADP _005457003 213 16 your your PRON _005457003 213 17 vote vote NOUN _005457003 213 18 you you PRON _005457003 213 19 have have VERB _005457003 213 20 a a DET _005457003 213 21 voice voice NOUN _005457003 213 22 , , PUNCT _005457003 213 23 be be AUX _005457003 213 24 regulated regulate VERB _005457003 213 25 according accord VERB _005457003 213 26 to to ADP _005457003 213 27 the the DET _005457003 213 28 demands demand NOUN _005457003 213 29 of of ADP _005457003 213 30 justice justice NOUN _005457003 213 31 and and CCONJ _005457003 213 32 right right NOUN _005457003 213 33 . . PUNCT _005457003 214 1 it it PRON _005457003 214 2 is be AUX _005457003 214 3 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 214 4 to to PART _005457003 214 5 participate participate VERB _005457003 214 6 in in ADP _005457003 214 7 the the DET _005457003 214 8 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005457003 214 9 by by ADP _005457003 214 10 serving serve VERB _005457003 214 11 as as ADP _005457003 214 12 lay lay NOUN _005457003 214 13 reader reader NOUN _005457003 214 14 for for ADP _005457003 214 15 the the DET _005457003 214 16 dialogue dialogue NOUN _005457003 214 17 mass mass NOUN _005457003 214 18 . . PUNCT _005457003 215 1 and and CCONJ _005457003 215 2 it it PRON _005457003 215 3 is be AUX _005457003 215 4 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005457003 215 5 to to PART _005457003 215 6 enroll enroll VERB _005457003 215 7 in in ADP _005457003 215 8 those those DET _005457003 215 9 specifically specifically ADV _005457003 215 10 approved approve VERB _005457003 215 11 associations association NOUN _005457003 215 12 which which PRON _005457003 215 13 perform perform VERB _005457003 215 14 , , PUNCT _005457003 215 15 under under ADP _005457003 215 16 the the DET _005457003 215 17 direction direction NOUN _005457003 215 18 of of ADP _005457003 215 19 the the DET _005457003 215 20 bishops bishop NOUN _005457003 215 21 , , PUNCT _005457003 215 22 a a DET _005457003 215 23 definite definite ADJ _005457003 215 24 function function NOUN _005457003 215 25 in in ADP _005457003 215 26 the the DET _005457003 215 27 church church NOUN _005457003 215 28 , , PUNCT _005457003 215 29 such such ADJ _005457003 215 30 as as ADP _005457003 215 31 the the DET _005457003 215 32 confraternity confraternity NOUN _005457003 215 33 of of ADP _005457003 215 34 christian christian ADJ _005457003 215 35 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005457003 215 36 , , PUNCT _005457003 215 37 the the DET _005457003 215 38 legion legion NOUN _005457003 215 39 of of ADP _005457003 215 40 mary mary PROPN _005457003 215 41 and and CCONJ _005457003 215 42 the the DET _005457003 215 43 christian christian ADJ _005457003 215 44 family family NOUN _005457003 215 45 movement movement NOUN _005457003 215 46 . . PUNCT _005457003 216 1 these these PRON _005457003 216 2 are be AUX _005457003 216 3 among among ADP _005457003 216 4 the the DET _005457003 216 5 many many ADJ _005457003 216 6 ways way NOUN _005457003 216 7 in in ADP _005457003 216 8 which which PRON _005457003 216 9 you you PRON _005457003 216 10 , , PUNCT _005457003 216 11 the the DET _005457003 216 12 layman layman NOUN _005457003 216 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 216 14 can can AUX _005457003 216 15 share share VERB _005457003 216 16 in in ADP _005457003 216 17 the the DET _005457003 216 18 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005457003 216 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 216 20 23 23 NUM _005457003 216 21 witnessing witness VERB _005457003 216 22 by by ADP _005457003 216 23 your your PRON _005457003 216 24 works work NOUN _005457003 216 25 to to ADP _005457003 216 26 the the DET _005457003 216 27 truth truth NOUN _005457003 216 28 of of ADP _005457003 216 29 the the DET _005457003 216 30 gospel gospel NOUN _005457003 216 31 . . PUNCT _005457003 217 1 and and CCONJ _005457003 217 2 having having AUX _005457003 217 3 begun begin VERB _005457003 217 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 217 5 you you PRON _005457003 217 6 will will AUX _005457003 217 7 find find VERB _005457003 217 8 it it PRON _005457003 217 9 not not PART _005457003 217 10 only only ADV _005457003 217 11 possible possible ADJ _005457003 217 12 but but CCONJ _005457003 217 13 deeply deeply ADV _005457003 217 14 satisfying satisfying ADJ _005457003 217 15 to to PART _005457003 217 16 make make VERB _005457003 217 17 more more ADJ _005457003 217 18 and and CCONJ _005457003 217 19 more more ADJ _005457003 217 20 room room NOUN _005457003 217 21 , , PUNCT _005457003 217 22 even even ADV _005457003 217 23 in in ADP _005457003 217 24 your your PRON _005457003 217 25 modern modern ADJ _005457003 217 26 , , PUNCT _005457003 217 27 compartmented compartmented ADJ _005457003 217 28 life life NOUN _005457003 217 29 , , PUNCT _005457003 217 30 for for ADP _005457003 217 31 the the DET _005457003 217 32 needs need NOUN _005457003 217 33 of of ADP _005457003 217 34 the the DET _005457003 217 35 living live VERB _005457003 217 36 body body NOUN _005457003 217 37 of of ADP _005457003 217 38 which which PRON _005457003 217 39 you you PRON _005457003 217 40 are be AUX _005457003 217 41 a a DET _005457003 217 42 part part NOUN _005457003 217 43 . . PUNCT _005457003 218 1 for for ADP _005457003 218 2 you you PRON _005457003 218 3 will will AUX _005457003 218 4 be be AUX _005457003 218 5 more more ADV _005457003 218 6 and and CCONJ _005457003 218 7 more more ADV _005457003 218 8 conscious conscious ADJ _005457003 218 9 of of ADP _005457003 218 10 the the DET _005457003 218 11 loving love VERB _005457003 218 12 rule rule NOUN _005457003 218 13 of of ADP _005457003 218 14 him he PRON _005457003 218 15 who who PRON _005457003 218 16 is be AUX _005457003 218 17 the the DET _005457003 218 18 head head NOUN _005457003 218 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 218 20 christ christ PROPN _005457003 218 21 . . PUNCT _005457003 219 1 24 24 NUM _005457003 219 2 g g NOUN _005457003 219 3 u u PROPN _005457003 219 4 i i PROPN _005457003 219 5 l l PROPN _005457003 219 6 d d PROPN _005457003 219 7 pamphlets pamphlet NOUN _005457003 219 8 most most ADJ _005457003 219 9 rev rev ADJ _005457003 219 10 . . PUNCT _005457003 219 11 timothy timothy PROPN _005457003 219 12 manning manning NOUN _005457003 219 13 : : PUNCT _005457003 219 14 the the DET _005457003 219 15 grey grey PROPN _005457003 219 16 ox ox PROPN _005457003 219 17 ( ( PUNCT _005457003 219 18 junípero junípero PROPN _005457003 219 19 serra serra PROPN _005457003 219 20 ) ) PUNCT _005457003 219 21 rev rev PROPN _005457003 219 22 . . PROPN _005457003 220 1 william william PROPN _005457003 220 2 manning manning NOUN _005457003 220 3 : : PUNCT _005457003 220 4 thoughts thought NOUN _005457003 220 5 from from ADP _005457003 220 6 st st PROPN _005457003 220 7 . . PROPN _005457003 220 8 bonaventuro bonaventuro PROPN _005457003 220 9 about about ADP _005457003 220 10 the the DET _005457003 220 11 mother mother NOUN _005457003 220 12 of of ADP _005457003 220 13 god god PROPN _005457003 221 1 rev rev PROPN _005457003 221 2 . . PROPN _005457003 221 3 charles charles PROPN _005457003 221 4 j j PROPN _005457003 221 5 . . PUNCT _005457003 221 6 mccarthy mccarthy PROPN _005457003 221 7 : : PUNCT _005457003 221 8 baptism baptism NOUN _005457003 221 9 b b NOUN _005457003 221 10 o o NOUN _005457003 221 11 y y PROPN _005457003 221 12 wanted want VERB _005457003 221 13 boniface boniface PROPN _005457003 221 14 mcconville mcconville PROPN _005457003 221 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 221 16 o. o. PROPN _005457003 221 17 f f PROPN _005457003 221 18 . . PUNCT _005457003 222 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 222 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 222 3 peace peace NOUN _005457003 222 4 for for ADP _005457003 222 5 troubled troubled ADJ _005457003 222 6 souls soul NOUN _005457003 222 7 a a DET _005457003 222 8 picture picture NOUN _005457003 222 9 of of ADP _005457003 222 10 the the DET _005457003 222 11 man man NOUN _005457003 222 12 owen owen PROPN _005457003 222 13 f f PROPN _005457003 222 14 . . PUNCT _005457003 223 1 mccormack mccormack PROPN _005457003 223 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 223 3 o. o. PROPN _005457003 223 4 f f PROPN _005457003 223 5 . . PUNCT _005457003 224 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 224 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 224 3 the the DET _005457003 224 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005457003 224 5 family family NOUN _005457003 224 6 noel noel PROPN _005457003 224 7 f f PROPN _005457003 224 8 . . PUNCT _005457003 225 1 moholy moholy PROPN _005457003 225 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 225 3 o. o. PROPN _005457003 225 4 f f PROPN _005457003 225 5 . . PUNCT _005457003 226 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 226 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 226 3 our our PRON _005457003 226 4 l l X _005457003 226 5 a a DET _005457003 226 6 s s NOUN _005457003 226 7 t t NOUN _005457003 226 8 chance chance NOUN _005457003 226 9 very very ADV _005457003 226 10 rev rev ADJ _005457003 226 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 227 1 j j NOUN _005457003 227 2 a a X _005457003 227 3 m m PROPN _005457003 227 4 e e PROPN _005457003 227 5 s s PART _005457003 227 6 h. h. PROPN _005457003 227 7 murphy murphy NOUN _005457003 227 8 : : PUNCT _005457003 227 9 the the DET _005457003 227 10 bread bread NOUN _005457003 227 11 of of ADP _005457003 227 12 l l PROPN _005457003 228 1 i i PRON _005457003 228 2 f f X _005457003 228 3 e e X _005457003 228 4 the the DET _005457003 228 5 church church NOUN _005457003 228 6 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005457003 228 7 when when SCONJ _005457003 228 8 you you PRON _005457003 228 9 go go VERB _005457003 228 10 to to ADP _005457003 228 11 confession confession NOUN _005457003 228 12 who who PRON _005457003 228 13 are be AUX _005457003 228 14 catholics catholic NOUN _005457003 228 15 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 229 1 rev rev PROPN _005457003 229 2 . . PROPN _005457003 230 1 john john PROPN _005457003 230 2 l. l. PROPN _005457003 230 3 murphy murphy PROPN _005457003 230 4 : : PUNCT _005457003 231 1 l l X _005457003 231 2 i i PRON _005457003 231 3 f f X _005457003 231 4 e e NOUN _005457003 231 5 values value NOUN _005457003 231 6 of of ADP _005457003 231 7 the the DET _005457003 231 8 mass mass PROPN _005457003 231 9 albert albert PROPN _005457003 231 10 nimeth nimeth PROPN _005457003 231 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 231 12 o. o. PROPN _005457003 231 13 f f PROPN _005457003 231 14 . . PUNCT _005457003 232 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 232 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 232 3 st st PROPN _005457003 232 4 . . PROPN _005457003 232 5 francis francis PROPN _005457003 232 6 and and CCONJ _005457003 232 7 the the DET _005457003 232 8 eucharist eucharist ADJ _005457003 232 9 marius marius NOUN _005457003 232 10 noe noe PROPN _005457003 232 11 , , PUNCT _005457003 232 12 o. o. PROPN _005457003 232 13 f. f. PROPN _005457003 232 14 m. m. PROPN _005457003 232 15 cap cap PROPN _005457003 232 16 . . PUNCT _005457003 232 17 : : PUNCT _005457003 233 1 " " PUNCT _005457003 233 2 a a DET _005457003 233 3 burning burning NOUN _005457003 233 4 and and CCONJ _005457003 233 5 a a DET _005457003 233 6 shining shine VERB _005457003 233 7 l l NOUN _005457003 233 8 i i PRON _005457003 233 9 g g PROPN _005457003 233 10 h h NOUN _005457003 233 11 t t PROPN _005457003 233 12 " " PUNCT _005457003 233 13 — — PUNCT _005457003 233 14 st st PROPN _005457003 233 15 . . PROPN _005457003 233 16 bonaventure bonaventure PROPN _005457003 233 17 eric eric PROPN _005457003 233 18 o'brien o'brien PROPN _005457003 233 19 , , PUNCT _005457003 233 20 o. o. PROPN _005457003 233 21 f f PROPN _005457003 233 22 . . PUNCT _005457003 234 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 234 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 234 3 apostle apostle PROPN _005457003 234 4 of of ADP _005457003 234 5 california california PROPN _005457003 234 6 isidore isidore PROPN _005457003 234 7 o'brien o'brien PROPN _005457003 234 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 234 9 o. o. PROPN _005457003 234 10 f f PROPN _005457003 234 11 . . PUNCT _005457003 235 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 235 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 235 3 blessed bless VERB _005457003 235 4 are be AUX _005457003 235 5 the the DET _005457003 235 6 clean clean ADJ _005457003 235 7 of of ADP _005457003 235 8 heart heart NOUN _005457003 235 9 brides bride NOUN _005457003 235 10 of of ADP _005457003 235 11 christ christ PROPN _005457003 235 12 christ christ PROPN _005457003 235 13 the the DET _005457003 235 14 physician physician NOUN _005457003 235 15 the the DET _005457003 235 16 church church NOUN _005457003 235 17 our our PRON _005457003 235 18 mother mother NOUN _005457003 235 19 compensation compensation NOUN _005457003 235 20 hands hand NOUN _005457003 235 21 let let VERB _005457003 235 22 us we PRON _005457003 235 23 look look VERB _005457003 235 24 at at ADP _005457003 235 25 l l PROPN _005457003 236 1 i i PROPN _005457003 236 2 f f PROPN _005457003 237 1 e e PROPN _005457003 237 2 l l PROPN _005457003 237 3 i i PRON _005457003 237 4 g g PROPN _005457003 237 5 h h NOUN _005457003 237 6 t t PROPN _005457003 237 7 of of ADP _005457003 237 8 the the DET _005457003 237 9 cross cross NOUN _005457003 237 10 loneliness loneliness NOUN _005457003 237 11 and and CCONJ _005457003 237 12 consolation consolation PROPN _005457003 237 13 lord lord PROPN _005457003 237 14 , , PUNCT _005457003 237 15 teach teach VERB _005457003 237 16 us we PRON _005457003 237 17 to to ADP _005457003 237 18 p p NOUN _005457003 237 19 r r NOUN _005457003 237 20 a a DET _005457003 237 21 y y PROPN _005457003 237 22 meaning meaning NOUN _005457003 237 23 of of ADP _005457003 237 24 christmas christmas PROPN _005457003 237 25 member member NOUN _005457003 237 26 for for ADP _005457003 237 27 member member NOUN _005457003 237 28 our our PRON _005457003 237 29 dead dead ADJ _005457003 237 30 our our PRON _005457003 237 31 father father NOUN _005457003 237 32 the the DET _005457003 237 33 plain plain ADJ _005457003 237 34 truth truth NOUN _005457003 237 35 resignation resignation NOUN _005457003 237 36 ( ( PUNCT _005457003 237 37 also also ADV _005457003 237 38 in in ADP _005457003 237 39 french french ADJ _005457003 237 40 ) ) PUNCT _005457003 237 41 st st PROPN _005457003 237 42 . . PROPN _005457003 237 43 anthony anthony PROPN _005457003 237 44 st st PROPN _005457003 237 45 . . PROPN _005457003 238 1 j j PROPN _005457003 238 2 o o NOUN _005457003 238 3 s s X _005457003 238 4 e e NOUN _005457003 238 5 p p NOUN _005457003 238 6 h h NOUN _005457003 238 7 sculpturing sculpture VERB _005457003 238 8 truth truth NOUN _005457003 238 9 shadow shadow NOUN _005457003 238 10 of of ADP _005457003 238 11 the the DET _005457003 238 12 cross cross NOUN _005457003 238 13 soldiers soldier NOUN _005457003 238 14 of of ADP _005457003 238 15 christ christ PROPN _005457003 238 16 ten ten NUM _005457003 238 17 commandments commandment NOUN _005457003 238 18 of of ADP _005457003 238 19 reason reason NOUN _005457003 238 20 the the DET _005457003 238 21 third third ADJ _005457003 238 22 order order NOUN _005457003 238 23 the the DET _005457003 238 24 parables parable NOUN _005457003 238 25 ( ( PUNCT _005457003 238 26 4 4 NUM _005457003 238 27 pts pt NOUN _005457003 238 28 . . PUNCT _005457003 238 29 ) ) PUNCT _005457003 239 1 the the DET _005457003 239 2 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005457003 239 3 ( ( PUNCT _005457003 239 4 2 2 NUM _005457003 239 5 pts pt NOUN _005457003 239 6 . . PUNCT _005457003 239 7 ) ) PUNCT _005457003 239 8 rev rev PROPN _005457003 239 9 . . PROPN _005457003 239 10 john john PROPN _005457003 239 11 a. a. PROPN _005457003 239 12 o'brien o'brien PROPN _005457003 239 13 : : PUNCT _005457003 239 14 the the DET _005457003 239 15 christian christian PROPN _005457003 239 16 home home NOUN _005457003 239 17 until until ADP _005457003 239 18 death death NOUN _005457003 239 19 do do AUX _005457003 239 20 us we PRON _005457003 239 21 part part NOUN _005457003 239 22 palling pal VERB _005457003 239 23 in in ADP _005457003 239 24 love love NOUN _005457003 239 25 why why SCONJ _005457003 239 26 b b X _005457003 239 27 e e NOUN _005457003 239 28 profane profane NOUN _005457003 239 29 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 240 1 happiness happiness NOUN _005457003 240 2 ! ! PUNCT _005457003 241 1 but but CCONJ _005457003 241 2 where where SCONJ _005457003 241 3 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 242 1 why why SCONJ _005457003 242 2 not not PART _005457003 242 3 receive receive VERB _005457003 242 4 daily daily ADV _005457003 242 5 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 243 1 conall conall NOUN _005457003 243 2 o'leary o'leary PROPN _005457003 243 3 , , PUNCT _005457003 243 4 o. o. PROPN _005457003 243 5 f f PROPN _005457003 243 6 . . PUNCT _005457003 244 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 244 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 244 3 what what PRON _005457003 244 4 i i PRON _005457003 244 5 t t VERB _005457003 244 6 means mean VERB _005457003 244 7 to to PART _005457003 244 8 be be AUX _005457003 244 9 a a DET _005457003 244 10 tertiary tertiary NOUN _005457003 244 11 why why SCONJ _005457003 244 12 the the DET _005457003 244 13 third third ADJ _005457003 244 14 order order NOUN _005457003 244 15 of of ADP _005457003 244 16 st st PROPN _005457003 244 17 . . PROPN _005457003 244 18 francis francis PROPN _005457003 244 19 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 245 1 thomas thomas PROPN _005457003 245 2 plassmann plassmann PROPN _005457003 245 3 , , PUNCT _005457003 245 4 o. o. PROPN _005457003 245 5 f f PROPN _005457003 245 6 . . PUNCT _005457003 246 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 246 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 246 3 the the DET _005457003 246 4 seven seven NUM _005457003 246 5 words word NOUN _005457003 246 6 of of ADP _005457003 246 7 mary mary NOUN _005457003 246 8 upon upon SCONJ _005457003 246 9 this this DET _005457003 246 10 rock rock NOUN _005457003 246 11 francis francis PROPN _005457003 246 12 j j PROPN _005457003 246 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 246 14 remler remler PROPN _005457003 246 15 , , PUNCT _005457003 246 16 c. c. PROPN _005457003 246 17 m. m. PROPN _005457003 246 18 : : PUNCT _005457003 246 19 a a DET _005457003 246 20 bank bank NOUN _005457003 246 21 account account NOUN _005457003 246 22 in in ADP _005457003 246 23 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 246 24 catholics catholic NOUN _005457003 246 25 and and CCONJ _005457003 246 26 sin sin NOUN _005457003 246 27 can can AUX _005457003 246 28 the the DET _005457003 246 29 bible bible PROPN _005457003 246 30 be be AUX _005457003 246 31 the the DET _005457003 246 32 only only ADJ _005457003 246 33 rule rule NOUN _005457003 246 34 of of ADP _005457003 246 35 faith faith NOUN _005457003 246 36 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 247 1 i i PRON _005457003 247 2 s s VERB _005457003 247 3 l l X _005457003 248 1 i i PRON _005457003 248 2 f f X _005457003 248 3 e e PROPN _005457003 248 4 worth worth ADJ _005457003 248 5 living live VERB _005457003 248 6 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 249 1 what what PRON _005457003 249 2 i i PRON _005457003 249 3 s s VERB _005457003 249 4 a a DET _005457003 249 5 good good ADJ _005457003 249 6 catholic?^ catholic?^ PROPN _005457003 249 7 alphonsus alphonsus PROPN _005457003 249 8 ryan ryan PROPN _005457003 249 9 , , PUNCT _005457003 249 10 o. o. PROPN _005457003 249 11 f f PROPN _005457003 249 12 . . PUNCT _005457003 250 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 250 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 250 3 discouraged discouraged ADJ _005457003 250 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 250 5 sister sister NOUN _005457003 250 6 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 251 1 confidence confidence NOUN _005457003 251 2 , , PUNCT _005457003 251 3 sisterl sisterl NOUN _005457003 251 4 doctor doctor NOUN _005457003 251 5 a. a. PROPN _005457003 251 6 f f PROPN _005457003 251 7 . . PUNCT _005457003 252 1 sava sava PROPN _005457003 252 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 252 3 a a DET _005457003 252 4 doetor doetor NOUN _005457003 252 5 's 's PART _005457003 252 6 view view NOUN _005457003 252 7 of of ADP _005457003 252 8 birth birth NOUN _005457003 252 9 control control NOUN _005457003 253 1 g g NOUN _005457003 253 2 u u PROPN _005457003 253 3 i i PROPN _005457003 253 4 l l PROPN _005457003 253 5 d d PROPN _005457003 253 6 pamphlets pamphlet VERB _005457003 253 7 e e PROPN _005457003 253 8 d d PROPN _005457003 253 9 g g PROPN _005457003 253 10 a a DET _005457003 253 11 r r NOUN _005457003 253 12 schmiedeler schmiedeler NOUN _005457003 253 13 , , PUNCT _005457003 253 14 o. o. PROPN _005457003 253 15 s. s. PROPN _005457003 253 16 b b PROPN _005457003 253 17 . . PUNCT _005457003 254 1 : : PUNCT _005457003 254 2 concerning concern VERB _005457003 254 3 parents parent NOUN _005457003 254 4 the the DET _005457003 254 5 family family NOUN _005457003 254 6 your your PRON _005457003 254 7 children child NOUN _005457003 254 8 most most ADV _005457003 254 9 rev rev VERB _005457003 254 10 . . PROPN _005457003 254 11 fulton fulton PROPN _005457003 254 12 j j PROPN _005457003 254 13 . . PUNCT _005457003 255 1 sheen sheen PROPN _005457003 255 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 255 3 communism communism NOUN _005457003 255 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 255 5 the the DET _005457003 255 6 opium opium NOUN _005457003 255 7 of of ADP _005457003 255 8 the the DET _005457003 255 9 people people NOUN _005457003 255 10 the the DET _005457003 255 11 lord lord PROPN _005457003 255 12 's 's PART _005457003 255 13 prayer prayer NOUN _005457003 255 14 on on ADP _005457003 255 15 the the DET _005457003 255 16 cross cross NOUN _005457003 255 17 bev bev PROPN _005457003 255 18 . . PUNCT _005457003 256 1 b b PROPN _005457003 256 2 . . PUNCT _005457003 256 3 southard southard PROPN _005457003 256 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 256 5 s. s. PROPN _005457003 256 6 j j PROPN _005457003 256 7 . . PUNCT _005457003 257 1 : : PUNCT _005457003 257 2 reporter reporter NOUN _005457003 257 3 in in ADP _005457003 257 4 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 257 5 bev bev PROPN _005457003 257 6 . . PUNCT _005457003 258 1 j j NOUN _005457003 258 2 o o NOUN _005457003 258 3 s s X _005457003 258 4 e e NOUN _005457003 258 5 p p NOUN _005457003 258 6 h h NOUN _005457003 258 7 s s NOUN _005457003 258 8 t t NOUN _005457003 258 9 a a DET _005457003 258 10 n n NOUN _005457003 258 11 g g NOUN _005457003 258 12 : : PUNCT _005457003 258 13 margaret margaret PROPN _005457003 258 14 sinclair sinclair PROPN _005457003 258 15 eugene eugene PROPN _005457003 258 16 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005457003 258 17 tisserant tisserant ADJ _005457003 258 18 : : PUNCT _005457003 258 19 the the DET _005457003 258 20 iron iron NOUN _005457003 258 21 curtain curtain NOUN _005457003 258 22 pastoral pastoral ADJ _005457003 258 23 florence florence NOUN _005457003 258 24 wedge wedge NOUN _005457003 258 25 : : PUNCT _005457003 258 26 guardian guardian NOUN _005457003 258 27 angels angel NOUN _005457003 258 28 sebastian sebastian ADJ _005457003 258 29 weber weber PROPN _005457003 258 30 , , PUNCT _005457003 258 31 o. o. PROPN _005457003 258 32 f f PROPN _005457003 258 33 . . PUNCT _005457003 259 1 m. m. PROPN _005457003 259 2 conv conv PROPN _005457003 259 3 . . PUNCT _005457003 259 4 : : PUNCT _005457003 259 5 butcher butcher PROPN _005457003 259 6 , , PUNCT _005457003 259 7 baker baker PROPN _005457003 259 8 , , PUNCT _005457003 259 9 candlestickmaker candlestickmaker NOUN _005457003 259 10 — — PUNCT _005457003 259 11 and and CCONJ _005457003 259 12 christ christ PROPN _005457003 259 13 complete complete ADJ _005457003 259 14 religion religion NOUN _005457003 259 15 divine divine ADJ _005457003 259 16 art art NOUN _005457003 259 17 of of ADP _005457003 259 18 iiiving iiive VERB _005457003 259 19 inside inside ADJ _005457003 259 20 story story NOUN _005457003 259 21 of of ADP _005457003 259 22 god god PROPN _005457003 259 23 mystery mystery NOUN _005457003 259 24 in in ADP _005457003 259 25 catholic catholic ADJ _005457003 259 26 churches church NOUN _005457003 259 27 superman superman NOUN _005457003 259 28 and and CCONJ _005457003 259 29 the the DET _005457003 259 30 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005457003 259 31 of of ADP _005457003 259 32 confirmation confirmation NOUN _005457003 259 33 alexander alexander NOUN _005457003 259 34 wyse wyse PROPN _005457003 259 35 , , PUNCT _005457003 259 36 o. o. PROPN _005457003 259 37 f f PROPN _005457003 259 38 . . PUNCT _005457003 260 1 m. m. NOUN _005457003 260 2 : : PUNCT _005457003 260 3 franciscan franciscan ADJ _005457003 260 4 vocation vocation NOUN _005457003 260 5 the the DET _005457003 260 6 negro negro NOUN _005457003 260 7 saint saint NOUN _005457003 261 1 no no DET _005457003 261 2 small small ADJ _005457003 261 3 matter matter PROPN _005457003 261 4 st st PROPN _005457003 261 5 . . PROPN _005457003 261 6 francis francis PROPN _005457003 261 7 and and CCONJ _005457003 261 8 the the DET _005457003 261 9 christ christ PROPN _005457003 261 10 - - PUNCT _005457003 261 11 child child NOUN _005457003 261 12 shall shall AUX _005457003 261 13 heaven heaven PROPN _005457003 261 14 be be AUX _005457003 261 15 filled fill VERB _005457003 261 16 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 262 1 why why SCONJ _005457003 262 2 penance penance NOUN _005457003 262 3 ? ? PUNCT _005457003 263 1 devotional devotional ADJ _005457003 263 2 b b NOUN _005457003 263 3 o o NOUN _005457003 263 4 o o X _005457003 263 5 k k PROPN _005457003 263 6 l l X _005457003 263 7 e e PROPN _005457003 263 8 t t PROPN _005457003 263 9 s s PART _005457003 263 10 frayerbook frayerbook NOUN _005457003 263 11 for for ADP _005457003 263 12 our our PRON _005457003 263 13 times time NOUN _005457003 263 14 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 15 prayers prayer NOUN _005457003 263 16 for for ADP _005457003 263 17 a a DET _005457003 263 18 j j PROPN _005457003 263 19 o o NOUN _005457003 263 20 u u PROPN _005457003 263 21 r r NOUN _005457003 263 22 n n CCONJ _005457003 263 23 e e PROPN _005457003 263 24 y y PROPN _005457003 263 25 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 26 prayers prayer NOUN _005457003 263 27 to to ADP _005457003 263 28 the the DET _005457003 263 29 infant infant NOUN _005457003 263 30 of of ADP _005457003 263 31 p p NOUN _005457003 263 32 r r NOUN _005457003 263 33 a a DET _005457003 263 34 g g NOUN _005457003 263 35 u u NOUN _005457003 263 36 e e NOUN _005457003 263 37 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 38 angelic angelic ADJ _005457003 263 39 chaplet chaplet NOUN _005457003 263 40 stations station NOUN _005457003 263 41 : : PUNCT _005457003 263 42 the the DET _005457003 263 43 way way NOUN _005457003 263 44 of of ADP _005457003 263 45 the the DET _005457003 263 46 cross cross NOUN _005457003 263 47 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 48 crib crib PROPN _005457003 263 49 and and CCONJ _005457003 263 50 cross cross NOUN _005457003 263 51 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 52 priest priest NOUN _005457003 263 53 's 's PART _005457003 263 54 via via ADP _005457003 263 55 crucis crucis PROPN _005457003 263 56 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 57 seminarian seminarian PROPN _005457003 263 58 's 's PART _005457003 263 59 via via ADP _005457003 263 60 crucis crucis PROPN _005457003 263 61 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 62 stations station NOUN _005457003 263 63 for for ADP _005457003 263 64 eastertide eastertide NOUN _005457003 263 65 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 263 66 for for ADP _005457003 263 67 seminarians seminarian NOUN _005457003 263 68 the the DET _005457003 263 69 holy holy ADJ _005457003 263 70 bucharist bucharist NOUN _005457003 263 71 in in ADP _005457003 263 72 our our PRON _005457003 263 73 daily daily ADJ _005457003 263 74 l l NOUN _005457003 264 1 i i NOUN _005457003 264 2 v v VERB _005457003 264 3 e e PROPN _005457003 264 4 s s X _005457003 264 5 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 6 holy holy ADJ _005457003 264 7 h h PROPN _005457003 264 8 o o NOUN _005457003 264 9 u u NOUN _005457003 264 10 r r NOUN _005457003 264 11 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 12 three three NUM _005457003 264 13 hours hour NOUN _005457003 264 14 ' ' PART _005457003 264 15 agony agony ADJ _005457003 264 16 devotion devotion NOUN _005457003 264 17 little little ADJ _005457003 264 18 treasury treasury NOUN _005457003 264 19 : : PUNCT _005457003 264 20 of of ADP _005457003 264 21 st st PROPN _005457003 264 22 . . PROPN _005457003 264 23 anthony anthony PROPN _005457003 264 24 ( ( PUNCT _005457003 264 25 english english ADJ _005457003 264 26 or or CCONJ _005457003 264 27 italian italian ADJ _005457003 264 28 ) ) PUNCT _005457003 264 29 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 30 of of ADP _005457003 264 31 st st PROPN _005457003 264 32 . . PROPN _005457003 264 33 j j PROPN _005457003 264 34 u u PROPN _005457003 264 35 d d PROPN _005457003 264 36 e e PROPN _005457003 264 37 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 38 of of ADP _005457003 264 39 st st PROPN _005457003 264 40 . . PROPN _005457003 264 41 philomena philomena NOUN _005457003 264 42 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 43 of of ADP _005457003 264 44 the the DET _005457003 264 45 sacred sacred ADJ _005457003 264 46 h h NOUN _005457003 264 47 e e X _005457003 264 48 a a DET _005457003 264 49 r r NOUN _005457003 264 50 t t NOUN _005457003 264 51 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 52 iiittle iiittle NOUN _005457003 264 53 manual manual NOUN _005457003 264 54 of of ADP _005457003 264 55 st st PROPN _005457003 264 56 , , PUNCT _005457003 264 57 madeleine madeleine PROPN _005457003 264 58 sophie sophie PROPN _005457003 264 59 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 60 st st PROPN _005457003 264 61 . . PROPN _005457003 264 62 anthony anthony PROPN _005457003 264 63 's 's PART _005457003 264 64 everyday everyday ADJ _005457003 264 65 companion companion NOUN _005457003 264 66 novenas novena NOUN _005457003 264 67 : : PUNCT _005457003 264 68 in in ADP _005457003 264 69 honor honor NOUN _005457003 264 70 of of ADP _005457003 264 71 the the DET _005457003 264 72 immaculate immaculate NOUN _005457003 264 73 conception conception NOUN _005457003 264 74 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 75 to to ADP _005457003 264 76 st st PROPN _005457003 264 77 . . PROPN _005457003 264 78 benedict benedict VERB _005457003 264 79 the the DET _005457003 264 80 moor moor NOUN _005457003 264 81 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 82 to to ADP _005457003 264 83 st st PROPN _005457003 264 84 . . PROPN _005457003 264 85 f f PROPN _005457003 264 86 r r NOUN _005457003 264 87 a a DET _005457003 264 88 n n NOUN _005457003 264 89 c c X _005457003 264 90 i i PRON _005457003 264 91 s s VERB _005457003 264 92 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 93 to to ADP _005457003 264 94 our our PRON _005457003 264 95 sorrowful sorrowful ADJ _005457003 264 96 mother mother NOUN _005457003 264 97 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 98 to to ADP _005457003 264 99 st st PROPN _005457003 264 100 . . PROPN _005457003 264 101 joseph joseph PROPN _005457003 264 102 the the DET _005457003 264 103 portiuncula portiuncula NOUN _005457003 264 104 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005457003 264 105 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 106 marriage marriage NOUN _005457003 264 107 legislation legislation NOUN _005457003 264 108 of of ADP _005457003 264 109 the the DET _005457003 264 110 church church NOUN _005457003 264 111 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 112 ordination ordination NOUN _005457003 264 113 of of ADP _005457003 264 114 a a DET _005457003 264 115 p p NOUN _005457003 264 116 r r NOUN _005457003 264 117 i i PRON _005457003 264 118 e e NOUN _005457003 264 119 s s NOUN _005457003 264 120 t t NOUN _005457003 264 121 ; ; PUNCT _005457003 264 122 mass mass NOUN _005457003 264 123 dial dial NOUN _005457003 264 124 s s NOUN _005457003 264 125 t t NOUN _005457003 264 126 . . PUNCT _005457003 265 1 anthony anthony PROPN _005457003 265 2 's 's PART _005457003 265 3 guild guild NOUN _005457003 265 4 , , PUNCT _005457003 265 5 faterson faterson NOUN _005457003 265 6 3 3 NUM _005457003 265 7 , , PUNCT _005457003 265 8 n. n. PROPN _005457003 265 9 j j PROPN _005457003 265 10 . . PUNCT _005457003 266 1 special special ADJ _005457003 266 2 prices price NOUN _005457003 266 3 on on ADP _005457003 266 4 quantity quantity NOUN _005457003 266 5 lots lot NOUN