id sid tid token lemma pos _005456899 1 1 courtesy courtesy VERB _005456899 1 2 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1 4 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 1 5 a a DET _005456899 1 6 collection collection NOUN _005456899 1 7 of of ADP _005456899 1 8 sixteen sixteen NUM _005456899 1 9 maqazine maqazine NOUN _005456899 1 10 articles article NOUN _005456899 1 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1 12 a a DET _005456899 1 13 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 2 1 address address NOUN _005456899 2 2 by by ADP _005456899 2 3 austin austin PROPN _005456899 2 4 j. j. PROPN _005456899 2 5 app app PROPN _005456899 2 6 . . PROPN _005456899 2 7 ph.d ph.d PROPN _005456899 2 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 3 1 published publish VERB _005456899 3 2 by by ADP _005456899 3 3 the the DET _005456899 3 4 author author NOUN _005456899 3 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 3 6 PROPN _005456899 3 7 san san PROPN _005456899 3 8 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 3 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 10 texas texas PROPN _005456899 3 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 12 u. u. PROPN _005456899 3 13 s. s. PROPN _005456899 3 14 a. a. PROPN _005456899 3 15 $ $ SYM _005456899 3 16 1.00 1.00 NUM _005456899 3 17 our our PRON _005456899 3 18 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 3 19 visitor visitor PROPN _005456899 3 20 library library PROPN _005456899 3 21 huntington huntington PROPN _005456899 3 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 23 indian indian VERB _005456899 3 24 a a DET _005456899 3 25 copyright copyright NOUN _005456899 3 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 27 19.7 19.7 NUM _005456899 3 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 29 by by ADP _005456899 3 30 the the DET _005456899 3 31 author author NOUN _005456899 3 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 33 austin austin PROPN _005456899 3 34 j. j. PROPN _005456899 3 35 app app PROPN _005456899 3 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 37 san san PROPN _005456899 3 38 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 3 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 3 40 texas texas PROPN _005456899 3 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 4 1 permission permission NOUN _005456899 4 2 to to PART _005456899 4 3 reprint reprint VERB _005456899 4 4 sections section NOUN _005456899 4 5 including include VERB _005456899 4 6 whole whole ADJ _005456899 4 7 chapters chapter NOUN _005456899 4 8 in in ADP _005456899 4 9 serial serial ADJ _005456899 4 10 form form NOUN _005456899 4 11 is be AUX _005456899 4 12 granted grant VERB _005456899 4 13 provided provide VERB _005456899 4 14 due due ADJ _005456899 4 15 credit credit NOUN _005456899 4 16 is be AUX _005456899 4 17 given give VERB _005456899 4 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 5 1 similarly similarly ADV _005456899 5 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 5 3 permission permission NOUN _005456899 5 4 is be AUX _005456899 5 5 granted grant VERB _005456899 5 6 to to PART _005456899 5 7 translate translate VERB _005456899 5 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 5 9 use use VERB _005456899 5 10 sections section NOUN _005456899 5 11 up up ADP _005456899 5 12 to to ADP _005456899 5 13 whole whole ADJ _005456899 5 14 chapters chapter NOUN _005456899 5 15 in in ADP _005456899 5 16 serial serial ADJ _005456899 5 17 form form NOUN _005456899 5 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 6 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 6 2 to to PART _005456899 6 3 print print VERB _005456899 6 4 more more ADJ _005456899 6 5 than than ADP _005456899 6 6 individual individual ADJ _005456899 6 7 paragraphs paragraph NOUN _005456899 6 8 in in ADP _005456899 6 9 book book NOUN _005456899 6 10 form form NOUN _005456899 6 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 6 12 special special ADJ _005456899 6 13 permission permission NOUN _005456899 6 14 is be AUX _005456899 6 15 required require VERB _005456899 6 16 from from ADP _005456899 6 17 the the DET _005456899 6 18 author author NOUN _005456899 6 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 7 1 printed print VERB _005456899 7 2 in in ADP _005456899 7 3 the the DET _005456899 7 4 u.s u.s PROPN _005456899 7 5 . . PROPN _005456899 7 6 a. a. NOUN _005456899 7 7 author author NOUN _005456899 7 8 note note VERB _005456899 7 9 until until SCONJ _005456899 7 10 drafted draft VERB _005456899 7 11 into into ADP _005456899 7 12 the the DET _005456899 7 13 army army NOUN _005456899 7 14 in in ADP _005456899 7 15 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 7 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 7 17 the the DET _005456899 7 18 writer writer NOUN _005456899 7 19 was be AUX _005456899 7 20 head head NOUN _005456899 7 21 of of ADP _005456899 7 22 the the DET _005456899 7 23 english english PROPN _005456899 7 24 department department PROPN _005456899 7 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 7 26 university university PROPN _005456899 7 27 of of ADP _005456899 7 28 scranton scranton PROPN _005456899 7 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 7 30 scranton scranton PROPN _005456899 7 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 7 32 pa pa PROPN _005456899 7 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 8 1 he he PRON _005456899 8 2 is be AUX _005456899 8 3 now now ADV _005456899 8 4 professor professor NOUN _005456899 8 5 of of ADP _005456899 8 6 english english PROPN _005456899 8 7 at at ADP _005456899 8 8 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 8 9 word word NOUN _005456899 8 10 college college PROPN _005456899 8 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 8 12 san san PROPN _005456899 8 13 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 8 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 8 15 texas texas PROPN _005456899 8 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 9 1 in in ADP _005456899 9 2 1939 1939 NUM _005456899 9 3 he he PRON _005456899 9 4 was be AUX _005456899 9 5 awarded award VERB _005456899 9 6 the the DET _005456899 9 7 university university PROPN _005456899 9 8 of of ADP _005456899 9 9 scranton scranton PROPN _005456899 9 10 faculty faculty NOUN _005456899 9 11 medal medal NOUN _005456899 9 12 as as ADP _005456899 9 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 9 14 outstanding outstanding ADJ _005456899 9 15 educator educator NOUN _005456899 9 16 of of ADP _005456899 9 17 men man NOUN _005456899 9 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 9 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 9 20 born bear VERB _005456899 9 21 in in ADP _005456899 9 22 milwaukee milwaukee PROPN _005456899 9 23 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 9 24 b. b. PROPN _005456899 9 25 a. a. PROPN _005456899 9 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 27 1924 1924 NUM _005456899 9 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 29 st st PROPN _005456899 9 30 . . PROPN _005456899 9 31 francis francis PROPN _005456899 9 32 seminary seminary PROPN _005456899 9 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 34 milwaukee milwaukee PROPN _005456899 9 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 36 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN _005456899 9 37 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 9 38 m.a m.a PROPN _005456899 9 39 . . PROPN _005456899 9 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 41 1926 1926 NUM _005456899 9 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 43 ph ph PROPN _005456899 9 44 . . PROPN _005456899 9 45 d. d. PROPN _005456899 9 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 47 1929 1929 NUM _005456899 9 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 49 the the DET _005456899 9 50 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 9 51 university university PROPN _005456899 9 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 53 washington washington PROPN _005456899 9 54 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 55 d. d. PROPN _005456899 9 56 c. c. PROPN _005456899 9 57 spent spend VERB _005456899 9 58 four four NUM _005456899 9 59 summers summer NOUN _005456899 9 60 in in ADP _005456899 9 61 europe europe PROPN _005456899 9 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 63 1927 1927 NUM _005456899 9 64 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 9 65 spain spain PROPN _005456899 9 66 and and CCONJ _005456899 9 67 france france PROPN _005456899 9 68 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 9 69 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 70 1931 1931 NUM _005456899 9 71 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 9 72 central central ADJ _005456899 9 73 europe europe PROPN _005456899 9 74 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 9 75 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 76 1923 1923 NUM _005456899 9 77 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 9 78 great great ADJ _005456899 9 79 britain britain PROPN _005456899 9 80 and and CCONJ _005456899 9 81 france france PROPN _005456899 9 82 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 9 83 , , PUNCT _005456899 9 84 1934 1934 NUM _005456899 9 85 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 9 86 ireland ireland PROPN _005456899 9 87 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 9 88 . . PUNCT _005456899 10 1 co co NOUN _005456899 10 2 - - NOUN _005456899 10 3 founder founder NOUN _005456899 10 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 10 5 former former ADJ _005456899 10 6 associate associate ADJ _005456899 10 7 editor editor NOUN _005456899 10 8 of of ADP _005456899 10 9 best good ADJ _005456899 10 10 sellers seller NOUN _005456899 10 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 10 12 bimonthly bimonthly ADV _005456899 10 13 review review NOUN _005456899 10 14 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 10 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 11 1 in in ADP _005456899 11 2 add add NOUN _005456899 11 3 ~ ~ NUM _005456899 11 4 tion tion NOUN _005456899 11 5 to to ADP _005456899 11 6 numerous numerous ADJ _005456899 11 7 reviews review NOUN _005456899 11 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 11 9 some some DET _005456899 11 10 verse verse NOUN _005456899 11 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 11 12 fiction fiction NOUN _005456899 11 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 11 14 has have AUX _005456899 11 15 contributed contribute VERB _005456899 11 16 over over ADP _005456899 11 17 a a DET _005456899 11 18 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 11 19 articles article NOUN _005456899 11 20 to to ADP _005456899 11 21 various various ADJ _005456899 11 22 educational educational ADJ _005456899 11 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 11 24 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 11 25 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 11 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 12 1 in in ADP _005456899 12 2 december december PROPN _005456899 12 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 12 4 1946 1946 NUM _005456899 12 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 12 6 he he PRON _005456899 12 7 published publish VERB _005456899 12 8 history history NOUN _005456899 12 9 's 's PART _005456899 12 10 most most ADV _005456899 12 11 terrifying terrifying ADJ _005456899 12 12 peace peace NOUN _005456899 12 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 12 14 thirteen thirteen NUM _005456899 12 15 reprinted reprinted ADJ _005456899 12 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 12 17 original original ADJ _005456899 12 18 articles article NOUN _005456899 12 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 12 20 vii vii INTJ _005456899 12 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 12 22 109 109 NUM _005456899 12 23 pages page NOUN _005456899 12 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 13 1 this this DET _005456899 13 2 summer summer NOUN _005456899 13 3 he he PRON _005456899 13 4 is be AUX _005456899 13 5 conducting conduct VERB _005456899 13 6 the the DET _005456899 13 7 graduate graduate NOUN _005456899 13 8 courses course NOUN _005456899 13 9 in in ADP _005456899 13 10 english english PROPN _005456899 13 11 for for ADP _005456899 13 12 the the DET _005456899 13 13 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 13 14 university university NOUN _005456899 13 15 summer summer NOUN _005456899 13 16 session session NOUN _005456899 13 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 13 18 southern southern ADJ _005456899 13 19 branch branch NOUN _005456899 13 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 14 1 three three NUM _005456899 14 2 review review NOUN _005456899 14 3 comments comment NOUN _005456899 14 4 on on ADP _005456899 14 5 the the DET _005456899 14 6 author author NOUN _005456899 14 7 's 's PART _005456899 14 8 history history NOUN _005456899 14 9 's 's PART _005456899 14 10 most most ADV _005456899 14 11 terrifying terrifying ADJ _005456899 14 12 peace peace NOUN _005456899 14 13 first first ADJ _005456899 14 14 printing printing NOUN _005456899 14 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 16 december december PROPN _005456899 14 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 18 1946 1946 NUM _005456899 14 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 20 2500 2500 NUM _005456899 14 21 copies copy NOUN _005456899 14 22 second second ADJ _005456899 14 23 printing printing NOUN _005456899 14 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 25 february february PROPN _005456899 14 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 27 1947 1947 NUM _005456899 14 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 29 4000 4000 NUM _005456899 14 30 copies copy VERB _005456899 14 31 the the DET _005456899 14 32 christian christian ADJ _005456899 14 33 century century NOUN _005456899 14 34 : : PUNCT _005456899 14 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 14 36 insofar insofar ADV _005456899 14 37 as as SCONJ _005456899 14 38 this this PRON _005456899 14 39 is be AUX _005456899 14 40 a a DET _005456899 14 41 vigorous vigorous ADJ _005456899 14 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 43 even even ADV _005456899 14 44 vehement vehement ADJ _005456899 14 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 46 demand demand NOUN _005456899 14 47 for for ADP _005456899 14 48 a a DET _005456899 14 49 just just ADJ _005456899 14 50 peace peace NOUN _005456899 14 51 in in ADP _005456899 14 52 europe europe PROPN _005456899 14 53 based base VERB _005456899 14 54 on on ADP _005456899 14 55 a a DET _005456899 14 56 christian christian ADJ _005456899 14 57 conception conception NOUN _005456899 14 58 of of ADP _005456899 14 59 the the DET _005456899 14 60 human human ADJ _005456899 14 61 rights right NOUN _005456899 14 62 which which PRON _005456899 14 63 even even ADV _005456899 14 64 the the DET _005456899 14 65 vanquished vanquished ADJ _005456899 14 66 peoples people NOUN _005456899 14 67 possess possess VERB _005456899 14 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 14 69 we we PRON _005456899 14 70 say say VERB _005456899 14 71 amen amen INTJ _005456899 14 72 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 14 73 " " PUNCT _005456899 15 1 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 15 2 february february PROPN _005456899 15 3 12 12 NUM _005456899 15 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 15 5 1947 1947 NUM _005456899 15 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 15 7 p. p. NOUN _005456899 15 8 207 207 NUM _005456899 15 9 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 15 10 the the DET _005456899 15 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 15 12 world world NOUN _005456899 15 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 15 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 15 15 history history NOUN _005456899 15 16 's 's PART _005456899 15 17 most most ADV _005456899 15 18 terrifying terrifying ADJ _005456899 15 19 peace peace NOUN _005456899 15 20 has have AUX _005456899 15 21 provoked provoke VERB _005456899 15 22 criticism criticism NOUN _005456899 15 23 both both CCONJ _005456899 15 24 pro pro ADJ _005456899 15 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 15 26 con con ADJ _005456899 15 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 16 1 while while SCONJ _005456899 16 2 not not PART _005456899 16 3 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 16 4 comforting comforting ADJ _005456899 16 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 16 6 it it PRON _005456899 16 7 is be AUX _005456899 16 8 an an DET _005456899 16 9 excellent excellent ADJ _005456899 16 10 piece piece NOUN _005456899 16 11 of of ADP _005456899 16 12 work work NOUN _005456899 16 13 calling call VERB _005456899 16 14 for for ADP _005456899 16 15 widespread widespread ADJ _005456899 16 16 distribution distribution NOUN _005456899 16 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 16 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 17 1 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 17 2 april april PROPN _005456899 17 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 17 4 1947 1947 NUM _005456899 17 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 17 6 p. p. NOUN _005456899 17 7 95 95 NUM _005456899 17 8 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 17 9 the the DET _005456899 17 10 magnificat magnificat PROPN _005456899 17 11 : : PUNCT _005456899 17 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 17 13 the the DET _005456899 17 14 accumulated accumulate VERB _005456899 17 15 effect effect NOUN _005456899 17 16 of of ADP _005456899 17 17 this this DET _005456899 17 18 collection collection NOUN _005456899 17 19 drives drive VERB _005456899 17 20 home home ADV _005456899 17 21 with with ADP _005456899 17 22 renewed renew VERB _005456899 17 23 vigor vigor NOUN _005456899 17 24 the the DET _005456899 17 25 author author NOUN _005456899 17 26 's 's PART _005456899 17 27 main main ADJ _005456899 17 28 thesis thesis NOUN _005456899 17 29 : : PUNCT _005456899 17 30 that that SCONJ _005456899 17 31 there there PRON _005456899 17 32 are be VERB _005456899 17 33 no no DET _005456899 17 34 two two NUM _005456899 17 35 rights right NOUN _005456899 17 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 17 37 one one NUM _005456899 17 38 for for ADP _005456899 17 39 the the DET _005456899 17 40 victors victor NOUN _005456899 17 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 17 42 and and CCONJ _005456899 17 43 one one NUM _005456899 17 44 for for ADP _005456899 17 45 the the DET _005456899 17 46 vanquished vanquished NOUN _005456899 17 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 17 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 18 1 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 18 2 may may PROPN _005456899 18 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 18 4 1947 1947 NUM _005456899 18 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 18 6 p. p. NOUN _005456899 18 7 53 53 NUM _005456899 18 8 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 18 9 foreword foreword NOUN _005456899 18 10 as as ADP _005456899 18 11 the the DET _005456899 18 12 table table NOUN _005456899 18 13 of of ADP _005456899 18 14 contents content NOUN _005456899 18 15 outlines outline VERB _005456899 18 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 18 17 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 18 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 18 19 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 18 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 18 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 18 22 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 18 23 is be AUX _005456899 18 24 the the DET _005456899 18 25 publication publication NOUN _005456899 18 26 in in ADP _005456899 18 27 book book NOUN _005456899 18 28 form form NOUN _005456899 18 29 of of ADP _005456899 18 30 sixteen sixteen NUM _005456899 18 31 articles article NOUN _005456899 18 32 previously previously ADV _005456899 18 33 published publish VERB _005456899 18 34 in in ADP _005456899 18 35 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 18 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 18 37 plus plus CCONJ _005456899 18 38 one one NUM _005456899 18 39 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 18 40 address address NOUN _005456899 18 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 19 1 the the DET _005456899 19 2 fact fact NOUN _005456899 19 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 19 4 they they PRON _005456899 19 5 were be AUX _005456899 19 6 previously previously ADV _005456899 19 7 published publish VERB _005456899 19 8 in in ADP _005456899 19 9 respectable respectable ADJ _005456899 19 10 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 19 11 might might AUX _005456899 19 12 be be AUX _005456899 19 13 thought think VERB _005456899 19 14 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005456899 19 15 warrant warrant NOUN _005456899 19 16 for for ADP _005456899 19 17 collecting collect VERB _005456899 19 18 them they PRON _005456899 19 19 in in ADP _005456899 19 20 book book NOUN _005456899 19 21 form form NOUN _005456899 19 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 20 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 20 2 some some DET _005456899 20 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 20 4 should should AUX _005456899 20 5 be be AUX _005456899 20 6 given give VERB _005456899 20 7 for for ADP _005456899 20 8 undertaking undertake VERB _005456899 20 9 to to PART _005456899 20 10 publish publish VERB _005456899 20 11 them they PRON _005456899 20 12 myself myself PRON _005456899 20 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 21 1 because because SCONJ _005456899 21 2 these these DET _005456899 21 3 articles article NOUN _005456899 21 4 were be AUX _005456899 21 5 written write VERB _005456899 21 6 for for ADP _005456899 21 7 different different ADJ _005456899 21 8 types type NOUN _005456899 21 9 of of ADP _005456899 21 10 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 21 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 21 12 they they PRON _005456899 21 13 are be AUX _005456899 21 14 uneven uneven ADJ _005456899 21 15 in in ADP _005456899 21 16 length length NOUN _005456899 21 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 21 18 varied varied ADJ _005456899 21 19 in in ADP _005456899 21 20 tone tone NOUN _005456899 21 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 21 22 from from ADP _005456899 21 23 popular popular ADJ _005456899 21 24 to to ADP _005456899 21 25 scholarly scholarly ADV _005456899 21 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 22 1 furthermore furthermore ADV _005456899 22 2 they they PRON _005456899 22 3 are be AUX _005456899 22 4 not not PART _005456899 22 5 as as ADV _005456899 22 6 mutually mutually ADV _005456899 22 7 unified unified ADJ _005456899 22 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 22 9 coherent coherent ADJ _005456899 22 10 as as ADP _005456899 22 11 one one NUM _005456899 22 12 title title NOUN _005456899 22 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 22 14 one one NUM _005456899 22 15 book book NOUN _005456899 22 16 usually usually ADV _005456899 22 17 imply imply VERB _005456899 22 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 23 1 for for ADP _005456899 23 2 that that DET _005456899 23 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 23 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 23 5 only only ADV _005456899 23 6 much much ADJ _005456899 23 7 rewriting rewrite VERB _005456899 23 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 23 9 expanding expand VERB _005456899 23 10 could could AUX _005456899 23 11 have have AUX _005456899 23 12 made make VERB _005456899 23 13 them they PRON _005456899 23 14 fully fully ADV _005456899 23 15 suitable suitable ADJ _005456899 23 16 for for ADP _005456899 23 17 a a DET _005456899 23 18 regular regular ADJ _005456899 23 19 publisher publisher NOUN _005456899 23 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 24 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 24 2 i i PRON _005456899 24 3 did do AUX _005456899 24 4 not not PART _005456899 24 5 wish wish VERB _005456899 24 6 to to PART _005456899 24 7 revise revise VERB _005456899 24 8 them they PRON _005456899 24 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 25 1 i i PRON _005456899 25 2 believe believe VERB _005456899 25 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 25 4 in in ADP _005456899 25 5 their their PRON _005456899 25 6 own own ADJ _005456899 25 7 way way NOUN _005456899 25 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 25 9 present present ADJ _005456899 25 10 form form NOUN _005456899 25 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 25 12 they they PRON _005456899 25 13 serve serve VERB _005456899 25 14 their their PRON _005456899 25 15 purpose purpose NOUN _005456899 25 16 very very ADV _005456899 25 17 well well ADV _005456899 25 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 26 1 another another DET _005456899 26 2 time time NOUN _005456899 26 3 i i PRON _005456899 26 4 will will AUX _005456899 26 5 write write VERB _005456899 26 6 another another DET _005456899 26 7 book book NOUN _005456899 26 8 on on ADP _005456899 26 9 these these DET _005456899 26 10 themes theme NOUN _005456899 26 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 26 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 26 13 then then ADV _005456899 26 14 i i PRON _005456899 26 15 will will AUX _005456899 26 16 write write VERB _005456899 26 17 it it PRON _005456899 26 18 differently differently ADV _005456899 26 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 26 20 in in ADP _005456899 26 21 a a DET _005456899 26 22 different different ADJ _005456899 26 23 tone tone NOUN _005456899 26 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 26 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 26 26 above above ADP _005456899 26 27 all all PRON _005456899 26 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 26 29 more more ADV _005456899 26 30 comprehensively comprehensively ADV _005456899 26 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 27 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 27 2 now now ADV _005456899 27 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 27 4 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 27 5 with with ADP _005456899 27 6 an an DET _005456899 27 7 author author NOUN _005456899 27 8 's 's PART _005456899 27 9 customary customary ADJ _005456899 27 10 self self NOUN _005456899 27 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 27 12 assurance assurance NOUN _005456899 27 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 27 14 i i PRON _005456899 27 15 believe believe VERB _005456899 27 16 these these DET _005456899 27 17 essays essay NOUN _005456899 27 18 to to PART _005456899 27 19 be be AUX _005456899 27 20 not not PART _005456899 27 21 only only ADV _005456899 27 22 quite quite ADV _005456899 27 23 readable readable ADJ _005456899 27 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 27 25 but but CCONJ _005456899 27 26 very very ADV _005456899 27 27 much much ADV _005456899 27 28 needed need VERB _005456899 27 29 reading reading NOUN _005456899 27 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 28 1 i i PRON _005456899 28 2 also also ADV _005456899 28 3 think think VERB _005456899 28 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 28 5 they they PRON _005456899 28 6 are be AUX _005456899 28 7 sufficiently sufficiently ADV _005456899 28 8 related relate VERB _005456899 28 9 in in ADP _005456899 28 10 theme theme NOUN _005456899 28 11 for for ADP _005456899 28 12 most most ADJ _005456899 28 13 readers reader NOUN _005456899 28 14 interested interested ADJ _005456899 28 15 in in ADP _005456899 28 16 any any PRON _005456899 28 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 28 18 to to PART _005456899 28 19 be be AUX _005456899 28 20 interested interested ADJ _005456899 28 21 in in ADP _005456899 28 22 all all PRON _005456899 28 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 29 1 their their PRON _005456899 29 2 greatest great ADJ _005456899 29 3 shortcoming shortcoming NOUN _005456899 29 4 as as ADP _005456899 29 5 a a DET _005456899 29 6 unit unit NOUN _005456899 29 7 is be AUX _005456899 29 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 29 9 they they PRON _005456899 29 10 do do AUX _005456899 29 11 not not PART _005456899 29 12 include include VERB _005456899 29 13 articles article NOUN _005456899 29 14 on on ADP _005456899 29 15 all all DET _005456899 29 16 phases phase NOUN _005456899 29 17 suggested suggest VERB _005456899 29 18 by by ADP _005456899 29 19 the the DET _005456899 29 20 big big ADJ _005456899 29 21 title title NOUN _005456899 29 22 of of ADP _005456899 29 23 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 29 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 29 25 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 29 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 29 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 29 28 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 29 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 30 1 for for ADP _005456899 30 2 example example NOUN _005456899 30 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 30 4 the the DET _005456899 30 5 thorny thorny ADJ _005456899 30 6 problem problem NOUN _005456899 30 7 of of ADP _005456899 30 8 lovemaking lovemake VERB _005456899 30 9 in in ADP _005456899 30 10 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 30 11 is be AUX _005456899 30 12 not not PART _005456899 30 13 treated treat VERB _005456899 30 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 30 15 that that PRON _005456899 30 16 of of ADP _005456899 30 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 30 18 planned plan VERB _005456899 30 19 parenthood parenthood NOUN _005456899 30 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 30 21 in in ADP _005456899 30 22 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 30 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 31 1 in in ADP _005456899 31 2 short short ADJ _005456899 31 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 31 4 it it PRON _005456899 31 5 is be AUX _005456899 31 6 a a DET _005456899 31 7 collection collection NOUN _005456899 31 8 of of ADP _005456899 31 9 essays essay NOUN _005456899 31 10 on on ADP _005456899 31 11 the the DET _005456899 31 12 themes theme NOUN _005456899 31 13 of of ADP _005456899 31 14 the the DET _005456899 31 15 title title NOUN _005456899 31 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 31 17 not not PART _005456899 31 18 a a DET _005456899 31 19 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ _005456899 31 20 treatise treatise NOUN _005456899 31 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 32 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 32 2 that that PRON _005456899 32 3 ought ought AUX _005456899 32 4 to to PART _005456899 32 5 make make VERB _005456899 32 6 them they PRON _005456899 32 7 more more ADJ _005456899 32 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 32 9 not not PART _005456899 32 10 less less ADJ _005456899 32 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 32 12 stimulating stimulate VERB _005456899 32 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 32 14 interesting interesting ADJ _005456899 32 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 33 1 publishing publish VERB _005456899 33 2 them they PRON _005456899 33 3 myself myself PRON _005456899 33 4 in in ADP _005456899 33 5 this this DET _005456899 33 6 book book NOUN _005456899 33 7 form form NOUN _005456899 33 8 came come VERB _005456899 33 9 about about ADV _005456899 33 10 as as SCONJ _005456899 33 11 follows follow VERB _005456899 33 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 34 1 for for ADP _005456899 34 2 a a DET _005456899 34 3 long long ADJ _005456899 34 4 while while SCONJ _005456899 34 5 the the DET _005456899 34 6 injustices injustice NOUN _005456899 34 7 committed commit VERB _005456899 34 8 by by ADP _005456899 34 9 the the DET _005456899 34 10 victors victor NOUN _005456899 34 11 of of ADP _005456899 34 12 this this DET _005456899 34 13 war war NOUN _005456899 34 14 had have AUX _005456899 34 15 outraged outrage VERB _005456899 34 16 my my PRON _005456899 34 17 soul soul NOUN _005456899 34 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 35 1 what what PRON _005456899 35 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 35 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 35 4 possible possible ADJ _005456899 35 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 35 6 outraged outrage VERB _005456899 35 7 me i PRON _005456899 35 8 still still ADV _005456899 35 9 more more ADV _005456899 35 10 was be AUX _005456899 35 11 the the DET _005456899 35 12 comparative comparative ADJ _005456899 35 13 silence silence NOUN _005456899 35 14 about about ADP _005456899 35 15 these these DET _005456899 35 16 injustices injustice NOUN _005456899 35 17 in in ADP _005456899 35 18 the the DET _005456899 35 19 very very ADJ _005456899 35 20 press press NOUN _005456899 35 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 35 22 publicity publicity NOUN _005456899 35 23 agencies agency NOUN _005456899 35 24 which which PRON _005456899 35 25 used use VERB _005456899 35 26 to to PART _005456899 35 27 shriek shriek VERB _005456899 35 28 to to ADP _005456899 35 29 high high ADJ _005456899 35 30 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 35 31 every every DET _005456899 35 32 real real ADJ _005456899 35 33 or or CCONJ _005456899 35 34 invented invent VERB _005456899 35 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 35 36 usually usually ADV _005456899 35 37 much much ADV _005456899 35 38 smaller small ADJ _005456899 35 39 german german ADJ _005456899 35 40 or or CCONJ _005456899 35 41 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 35 42 crime crime NOUN _005456899 35 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 36 1 about about ADV _005456899 36 2 a a PRON _005456899 36 3 year year NOUN _005456899 36 4 ago ago ADV _005456899 36 5 i i PRON _005456899 36 6 could could AUX _005456899 36 7 no no ADV _005456899 36 8 longer long ADV _005456899 36 9 watch watch VERB _005456899 36 10 the the DET _005456899 36 11 criminal criminal ADJ _005456899 36 12 morgenthauistic morgenthauistic ADJ _005456899 36 13 peace peace NOUN _005456899 36 14 policies policy NOUN _005456899 36 15 in in ADP _005456899 36 16 silence silence NOUN _005456899 36 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 37 1 determined determined ADJ _005456899 37 2 to to PART _005456899 37 3 do do VERB _005456899 37 4 my my PRON _005456899 37 5 bit bit NOUN _005456899 37 6 for for ADP _005456899 37 7 justice justice NOUN _005456899 37 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 37 9 truth truth NOUN _005456899 37 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 37 11 i i PRON _005456899 37 12 began begin VERB _005456899 37 13 publishing publish VERB _005456899 37 14 things thing NOUN _005456899 37 15 myself myself PRON _005456899 37 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 38 1 one one NUM _005456899 38 2 of of ADP _005456899 38 3 my my PRON _005456899 38 4 earliest early ADJ _005456899 38 5 efforts effort NOUN _005456899 38 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 38 7 to to ADP _005456899 38 8 my my PRON _005456899 38 9 glad glad ADJ _005456899 38 10 surprise surprise NOUN _005456899 38 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 38 12 swept sweep VERB _005456899 38 13 on on ADP _005456899 38 14 to to ADP _005456899 38 15 a a DET _005456899 38 16 circulation circulation NOUN _005456899 38 17 of of ADP _005456899 38 18 15,000 15,000 NUM _005456899 38 19 copies copy NOUN _005456899 38 20 to to ADP _005456899 38 21 date date NOUN _005456899 38 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 39 1 also also ADV _005456899 39 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 39 3 however however ADV _005456899 39 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 39 5 the the DET _005456899 39 6 mailing mailing NOUN _005456899 39 7 problems problem NOUN _005456899 39 8 were be AUX _005456899 39 9 not not PART _005456899 39 10 only only ADV _005456899 39 11 overwhelming overwhelming ADJ _005456899 39 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 39 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 39 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 39 15 as as SCONJ _005456899 39 16 i i PRON _005456899 39 17 soon soon ADV _005456899 39 18 noted note VERB _005456899 39 19 with with ADP _005456899 39 20 anxiety anxiety NOUN _005456899 39 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 39 22 continuous continuous ADJ _005456899 39 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 40 1 no no ADV _005456899 40 2 longer long ADV _005456899 40 3 could could AUX _005456899 40 4 i i PRON _005456899 40 5 simply simply ADV _005456899 40 6 lock lock VERB _005456899 40 7 the the DET _005456899 40 8 doors door NOUN _005456899 40 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 40 10 go go VERB _005456899 40 11 off off ADP _005456899 40 12 on on ADP _005456899 40 13 a a DET _005456899 40 14 vacation vacation NOUN _005456899 40 15 trip trip NOUN _005456899 40 16 when when SCONJ _005456899 40 17 not not PART _005456899 40 18 teaching teach VERB _005456899 40 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 41 1 i i PRON _005456899 41 2 now now ADV _005456899 41 3 had have VERB _005456899 41 4 to to PART _005456899 41 5 make make VERB _005456899 41 6 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 41 7 provisions provision NOUN _005456899 41 8 for for ADP _005456899 41 9 taking take VERB _005456899 41 10 care care NOUN _005456899 41 11 of of ADP _005456899 41 12 my my PRON _005456899 41 13 mail mail NOUN _005456899 41 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 41 15 orders order NOUN _005456899 41 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 41 17 new new ADJ _005456899 41 18 printings printing NOUN _005456899 41 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 42 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 42 2 i i PRON _005456899 42 3 soon soon ADV _005456899 42 4 found find VERB _005456899 42 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 42 6 the the DET _005456899 42 7 time time NOUN _005456899 42 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 42 9 expense expense NOUN _005456899 42 10 of of ADP _005456899 42 11 taking take VERB _005456899 42 12 care care NOUN _005456899 42 13 of of ADP _005456899 42 14 any any DET _005456899 42 15 publishing publishing NOUN _005456899 42 16 was be AUX _005456899 42 17 almost almost ADV _005456899 42 18 as as ADV _005456899 42 19 great great ADJ _005456899 42 20 as as ADP _005456899 42 21 taking take VERB _005456899 42 22 care care NOUN _005456899 42 23 of of ADP _005456899 42 24 more more ADJ _005456899 42 25 of of ADP _005456899 42 26 it it PRON _005456899 42 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 43 1 for for ADP _005456899 43 2 that that DET _005456899 43 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 43 4 i i PRON _005456899 43 5 am be AUX _005456899 43 6 risking risk VERB _005456899 43 7 the the DET _005456899 43 8 present present ADJ _005456899 43 9 publication publication NOUN _005456899 43 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 43 11 in in ADP _005456899 43 12 a a DET _005456899 43 13 field field NOUN _005456899 43 14 altogether altogether ADV _005456899 43 15 different different ADJ _005456899 43 16 from from ADP _005456899 43 17 my my PRON _005456899 43 18 former former ADJ _005456899 43 19 efforts effort NOUN _005456899 43 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 43 21 which which PRON _005456899 43 22 were be AUX _005456899 43 23 confined confine VERB _005456899 43 24 to to ADP _005456899 43 25 rectifying rectify VERB _005456899 43 26 the the DET _005456899 43 27 crimes crime NOUN _005456899 43 28 of of ADP _005456899 43 29 this this DET _005456899 43 30 peace peace NOUN _005456899 43 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 44 1 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 44 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 44 3 it it PRON _005456899 44 4 is be AUX _005456899 44 5 a a DET _005456899 44 6 financial financial ADJ _005456899 44 7 risk risk NOUN _005456899 44 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 45 1 i i PRON _005456899 45 2 hope hope VERB _005456899 45 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 45 4 all all DET _005456899 45 5 those those PRON _005456899 45 6 who who PRON _005456899 45 7 are be AUX _005456899 45 8 inclined inclined ADJ _005456899 45 9 to to PART _005456899 45 10 be be AUX _005456899 45 11 sympathetic sympathetic ADJ _005456899 45 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 45 13 who who PRON _005456899 45 14 find find VERB _005456899 45 15 the the DET _005456899 45 16 book book NOUN _005456899 45 17 valuable valuable ADJ _005456899 45 18 will will AUX _005456899 45 19 do do VERB _005456899 45 20 what what PRON _005456899 45 21 they they PRON _005456899 45 22 conveniently conveniently ADV _005456899 45 23 can can AUX _005456899 45 24 to to PART _005456899 45 25 help help VERB _005456899 45 26 its its PRON _005456899 45 27 distribution distribution NOUN _005456899 45 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 46 1 since since SCONJ _005456899 46 2 the the DET _005456899 46 3 articles article NOUN _005456899 46 4 were be AUX _005456899 46 5 originally originally ADV _005456899 46 6 written write VERB _005456899 46 7 for for ADP _005456899 46 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 46 9 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 46 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 46 11 non non ADJ _005456899 46 12 - - NOUN _005456899 46 13 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 46 14 must must AUX _005456899 46 15 expect expect VERB _005456899 46 16 a a DET _005456899 46 17 certain certain ADJ _005456899 46 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 46 19 flavor flavor NOUN _005456899 46 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 47 1 they they PRON _005456899 47 2 must must AUX _005456899 47 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 47 4 for for ADP _005456899 47 5 example example NOUN _005456899 47 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 47 7 expect expect VERB _005456899 47 8 a a DET _005456899 47 9 fixed fix VERB _005456899 47 10 attitude attitude NOUN _005456899 47 11 against against ADP _005456899 47 12 re re ADJ _005456899 47 13 - - ADJ _005456899 47 14 marriageable marriageable ADJ _005456899 47 15 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 47 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 48 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 48 2 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 48 3 these these DET _005456899 48 4 articles article NOUN _005456899 48 5 are be AUX _005456899 48 6 not not PART _005456899 48 7 polemic polemic ADJ _005456899 48 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 48 9 they they PRON _005456899 48 10 are be AUX _005456899 48 11 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 48 12 ethical ethical ADJ _005456899 48 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 49 1 as as ADP _005456899 49 2 the the DET _005456899 49 3 dominant dominant ADJ _005456899 49 4 aim aim NOUN _005456899 49 5 of of ADP _005456899 49 6 religion religion NOUN _005456899 49 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 49 8 according accord VERB _005456899 49 9 to to ADP _005456899 49 10 matthew matthew PROPN _005456899 49 11 arnold arnold PROPN _005456899 49 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 49 13 is be AUX _005456899 49 14 to to PART _005456899 49 15 make make VERB _005456899 49 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 49 17 human human ADJ _005456899 49 18 nature nature NOUN _005456899 49 19 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 49 20 on on ADP _005456899 49 21 the the DET _005456899 49 22 moral moral ADJ _005456899 49 23 side side NOUN _005456899 49 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 49 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 49 26 the the DET _005456899 49 27 general general ADJ _005456899 49 28 aim aim NOUN _005456899 49 29 of of ADP _005456899 49 30 these these DET _005456899 49 31 essays essay NOUN _005456899 49 32 is be AUX _005456899 49 33 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 49 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 49 35 which which PRON _005456899 49 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 49 37 according accord VERB _005456899 49 38 to to ADP _005456899 49 39 arnold arnold NOUN _005456899 49 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 49 41 is be AUX _005456899 49 42 to to PART _005456899 49 43 make make VERB _005456899 49 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 49 45 human human ADJ _005456899 49 46 nature nature NOUN _005456899 49 47 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 49 48 on on ADP _005456899 49 49 all all DET _005456899 49 50 its its PRON _005456899 49 51 sides side NOUN _005456899 49 52 . . PUNCT _005456899 49 53 " " PUNCT _005456899 50 1 for for ADP _005456899 50 2 that that DET _005456899 50 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 50 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 50 5 they they PRON _005456899 50 6 should should AUX _005456899 50 7 on on ADP _005456899 50 8 the the DET _005456899 50 9 whole whole ADJ _005456899 50 10 prove prove NOUN _005456899 50 11 as as ADP _005456899 50 12 interesting interesting ADJ _005456899 50 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 50 14 useful useful ADJ _005456899 50 15 to to PART _005456899 50 16 noncatholic noncatholic VERB _005456899 50 17 as as SCONJ _005456899 50 18 to to AUX _005456899 50 19 catholic catholic VERB _005456899 50 20 readers reader NOUN _005456899 50 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 51 1 after after ADV _005456899 51 2 all all ADV _005456899 51 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 51 4 dante dante PROPN _005456899 51 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 51 6 the the DET _005456899 51 7 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 51 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 51 9 is be AUX _005456899 51 10 read read VERB _005456899 51 11 by by ADP _005456899 51 12 protestants protestant NOUN _005456899 51 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 51 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 51 15 bacon bacon NOUN _005456899 51 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 51 17 the the DET _005456899 51 18 protestant protestant NOUN _005456899 51 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 51 20 is be AUX _005456899 51 21 similarly similarly ADV _005456899 51 22 read read VERB _005456899 51 23 by by ADP _005456899 51 24 iv iv NOUN _005456899 51 25 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 51 26 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 52 1 one one NUM _005456899 52 2 other other ADJ _005456899 52 3 reader reader NOUN _005456899 52 4 qualification qualification NOUN _005456899 52 5 should should AUX _005456899 52 6 be be AUX _005456899 52 7 added add VERB _005456899 52 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 52 9 namely namely ADV _005456899 52 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 52 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 52 12 the the DET _005456899 52 13 articles article NOUN _005456899 52 14 in in ADP _005456899 52 15 general general ADJ _005456899 52 16 are be AUX _005456899 52 17 slanted slant VERB _005456899 52 18 more more ADV _005456899 52 19 for for ADP _005456899 52 20 girls girl NOUN _005456899 52 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 52 22 women woman NOUN _005456899 52 23 than than ADP _005456899 52 24 for for ADP _005456899 52 25 men man NOUN _005456899 52 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 53 1 i i PRON _005456899 53 2 want want VERB _005456899 53 3 to to PART _005456899 53 4 express express VERB _005456899 53 5 my my PRON _005456899 53 6 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005456899 53 7 to to ADP _005456899 53 8 the the DET _005456899 53 9 editors editor NOUN _005456899 53 10 of of ADP _005456899 53 11 the the DET _005456899 53 12 following follow VERB _005456899 53 13 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 53 14 for for ADP _005456899 53 15 permitting permit VERB _005456899 53 16 me i PRON _005456899 53 17 to to PART _005456899 53 18 republish republish VERB _005456899 53 19 these these DET _005456899 53 20 articles article NOUN _005456899 53 21 from from ADP _005456899 53 22 their their PRON _005456899 53 23 pages page NOUN _005456899 53 24 : : PUNCT _005456899 53 25 to to ADP _005456899 53 26 the the DET _005456899 53 27 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 53 28 home home PROPN _005456899 53 29 journal journal NOUN _005456899 53 30 for for ADP _005456899 53 31 five five NUM _005456899 53 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 53 33 the the DET _005456899 53 34 magnificat magnificat NOUN _005456899 53 35 for for ADP _005456899 53 36 one one NUM _005456899 53 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 53 38 the the DET _005456899 53 39 queen queen NOUN _005456899 53 40 's 's PART _005456899 53 41 work work NOUN _005456899 53 42 for for ADP _005456899 53 43 four four NUM _005456899 53 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 53 45 the the DET _005456899 53 46 sign sign NOUN _005456899 53 47 for for ADP _005456899 53 48 one one NUM _005456899 53 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 53 50 and and CCONJ _005456899 53 51 the the DET _005456899 53 52 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 53 53 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 53 54 for for ADP _005456899 53 55 five five NUM _005456899 53 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 54 1 i i PRON _005456899 54 2 am be AUX _005456899 54 3 also also ADV _005456899 54 4 grateful grateful ADJ _005456899 54 5 to to PART _005456899 54 6 incarnate incarnate VERB _005456899 54 7 word word NOUN _005456899 54 8 college college PROPN _005456899 54 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 54 10 san san PROPN _005456899 54 11 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 54 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 54 13 texas texas PROPN _005456899 54 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 54 15 for for ADP _005456899 54 16 having having AUX _005456899 54 17 invited invite VERB _005456899 54 18 me i PRON _005456899 54 19 to to PART _005456899 54 20 give give VERB _005456899 54 21 the the DET _005456899 54 22 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 54 23 address address NOUN _005456899 54 24 here here ADV _005456899 54 25 published publish VERB _005456899 54 26 for for ADP _005456899 54 27 the the DET _005456899 54 28 first first ADJ _005456899 54 29 time time NOUN _005456899 54 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 55 1 it it PRON _005456899 55 2 is be AUX _005456899 55 3 important important ADJ _005456899 55 4 to to PART _005456899 55 5 emphasize emphasize VERB _005456899 55 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 55 7 the the DET _005456899 55 8 preliminary preliminary ADJ _005456899 55 9 introductions introduction NOUN _005456899 55 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 55 11 the the DET _005456899 55 12 sub sub NOUN _005456899 55 13 - - NOUN _005456899 55 14 heads head NOUN _005456899 55 15 are be AUX _005456899 55 16 editorial editorial ADJ _005456899 55 17 additions addition NOUN _005456899 55 18 to to ADP _005456899 55 19 this this DET _005456899 55 20 book book NOUN _005456899 55 21 version version NOUN _005456899 55 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 55 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 55 24 were be AUX _005456899 55 25 not not PART _005456899 55 26 in in ADP _005456899 55 27 the the DET _005456899 55 28 first first ADJ _005456899 55 29 serial serial ADJ _005456899 55 30 or or CCONJ _005456899 55 31 oral oral ADJ _005456899 55 32 version version NOUN _005456899 55 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 56 1 i i PRON _005456899 56 2 also also ADV _005456899 56 3 want want VERB _005456899 56 4 to to PART _005456899 56 5 state state VERB _005456899 56 6 very very ADV _005456899 56 7 especially especially ADV _005456899 56 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 56 9 i i PRON _005456899 56 10 am be AUX _005456899 56 11 grateful grateful ADJ _005456899 56 12 to to ADP _005456899 56 13 many many ADJ _005456899 56 14 authors author NOUN _005456899 56 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 56 16 publishers publisher NOUN _005456899 56 17 for for ADP _005456899 56 18 incidental incidental ADJ _005456899 56 19 quotations quotation NOUN _005456899 56 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 56 21 allusions allusion NOUN _005456899 56 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 57 1 they they PRON _005456899 57 2 are be AUX _005456899 57 3 properly properly ADV _005456899 57 4 credited credit VERB _005456899 57 5 in in ADP _005456899 57 6 every every DET _005456899 57 7 instance instance NOUN _005456899 57 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 58 1 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 58 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 58 3 however however ADV _005456899 58 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 58 5 i i PRON _005456899 58 6 absolutely absolutely ADV _005456899 58 7 lacked lack VERB _005456899 58 8 the the DET _005456899 58 9 time time NOUN _005456899 58 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 58 11 money money NOUN _005456899 58 12 to to PART _005456899 58 13 write write VERB _005456899 58 14 to to ADP _005456899 58 15 the the DET _005456899 58 16 author author NOUN _005456899 58 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 58 18 publisher publisher NOUN _005456899 58 19 of of ADP _005456899 58 20 every every DET _005456899 58 21 incidental incidental ADJ _005456899 58 22 quotation quotation NOUN _005456899 58 23 used use VERB _005456899 58 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 59 1 i i PRON _005456899 59 2 am be AUX _005456899 59 3 sorry sorry ADJ _005456899 59 4 i i PRON _005456899 59 5 could could AUX _005456899 59 6 not not PART _005456899 59 7 do do VERB _005456899 59 8 so so ADV _005456899 59 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 60 1 i i PRON _005456899 60 2 never never ADV _005456899 60 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 60 4 however however ADV _005456899 60 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 60 6 quoted quote VERB _005456899 60 7 so so ADV _005456899 60 8 lengthily lengthily ADV _005456899 60 9 as as SCONJ _005456899 60 10 to to PART _005456899 60 11 offend offend VERB _005456899 60 12 the the DET _005456899 60 13 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005456899 60 14 customs custom NOUN _005456899 60 15 of of ADP _005456899 60 16 copyright copyright NOUN _005456899 60 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 61 1 in in ADP _005456899 61 2 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005456899 61 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 61 4 if if SCONJ _005456899 61 5 i i PRON _005456899 61 6 may may AUX _005456899 61 7 be be AUX _005456899 61 8 a a DET _005456899 61 9 little little ADJ _005456899 61 10 playful playful ADJ _005456899 61 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 61 12 i i PRON _005456899 61 13 have have AUX _005456899 61 14 taught teach VERB _005456899 61 15 thousands thousand NOUN _005456899 61 16 of of ADP _005456899 61 17 college college NOUN _005456899 61 18 students student NOUN _005456899 61 19 in in ADP _005456899 61 20 my my PRON _005456899 61 21 life life NOUN _005456899 61 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 62 1 nearly nearly ADV _005456899 62 2 every every PRON _005456899 62 3 class class NOUN _005456899 62 4 of of ADP _005456899 62 5 them they PRON _005456899 62 6 at at ADP _005456899 62 7 some some DET _005456899 62 8 time time NOUN _005456899 62 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 62 10 other other ADJ _005456899 62 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 62 12 when when SCONJ _005456899 62 13 in in ADP _005456899 62 14 the the DET _005456899 62 15 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 62 16 of of ADP _005456899 62 17 poetry poetry NOUN _005456899 62 18 studied study VERB _005456899 62 19 i i PRON _005456899 62 20 digressed digress VERB _005456899 62 21 a a DET _005456899 62 22 bit bit NOUN _005456899 62 23 on on ADP _005456899 62 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 62 25 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 62 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 62 27 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 62 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 62 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 62 30 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 62 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 62 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 62 33 would would AUX _005456899 62 34 say say VERB _005456899 62 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 62 36 half half NOUN _005456899 62 37 in in ADP _005456899 62 38 jest jest NOUN _005456899 62 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 62 40 half half NOUN _005456899 62 41 in in ADP _005456899 62 42 earnest earnest ADJ _005456899 62 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 62 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 62 45 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 62 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 62 47 why why SCONJ _005456899 62 48 do do AUX _005456899 62 49 n't not PART _005456899 62 50 you you PRON _005456899 62 51 write write VERB _005456899 62 52 a a DET _005456899 62 53 book book NOUN _005456899 62 54 about about ADP _005456899 62 55 that that PRON _005456899 62 56 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 62 57 " " PUNCT _005456899 63 1 well well INTJ _005456899 63 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 63 3 now now ADV _005456899 63 4 i i PRON _005456899 63 5 say say VERB _005456899 63 6 to to ADP _005456899 63 7 them they PRON _005456899 63 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 63 9 equally equally ADV _005456899 63 10 half half NOUN _005456899 63 11 in in ADP _005456899 63 12 jest jest NOUN _005456899 63 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 63 14 half half NOUN _005456899 63 15 in in ADP _005456899 63 16 earnest earnest ADJ _005456899 63 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 63 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 63 19 here here ADV _005456899 63 20 is be AUX _005456899 63 21 the the DET _005456899 63 22 book book NOUN _005456899 63 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 64 1 go go VERB _005456899 64 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 64 3 read read VERB _005456899 64 4 it it PRON _005456899 64 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 65 1 i i PRON _005456899 65 2 hope hope VERB _005456899 65 3 you you PRON _005456899 65 4 can can AUX _005456899 65 5 get get VERB _005456899 65 6 it it PRON _005456899 65 7 at at ADP _005456899 65 8 any any DET _005456899 65 9 book book NOUN _005456899 65 10 store store NOUN _005456899 65 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 66 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 66 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 66 3 you you PRON _005456899 66 4 ca can AUX _005456899 66 5 n't not PART _005456899 66 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 66 7 inclose inclose VERB _005456899 66 8 a a DET _005456899 66 9 dollar dollar NOUN _005456899 66 10 to to ADP _005456899 66 11 me i PRON _005456899 66 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 66 13 you you PRON _005456899 66 14 'll will AUX _005456899 66 15 get get VERB _005456899 66 16 a a DET _005456899 66 17 copy copy NOUN _005456899 66 18 - - PUNCT _005456899 66 19 autographed autograph VERB _005456899 66 20 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 67 1 san san PROPN _005456899 67 2 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 67 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 67 4 texas texas PROPN _005456899 67 5 july july PROPN _005456899 67 6 4 4 NUM _005456899 67 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 67 8 1947 1947 NUM _005456899 67 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 67 10 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 68 1 ra ra PROPN _005456899 68 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 69 1 j. j. PROPN _005456899 69 2 app app PROPN _005456899 69 3 v v PROPN _005456899 69 4 table table NOUN _005456899 69 5 of of ADP _005456899 69 6 contents content NOUN _005456899 69 7 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 69 8 page page NOUN _005456899 69 9 foreword foreword NOUN _005456899 69 10 -----------------------------------------i -----------------------------------------i X _005456899 70 1 i i PRON _005456899 71 1 i i PRON _005456899 71 2 i i PRON _005456899 71 3 saying say VERB _005456899 71 4 things thing NOUN _005456899 71 5 the the DET _005456899 71 6 tactful tactful ADJ _005456899 71 7 way-----------1 way-----------1 NOUN _005456899 71 8 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 71 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 10 a a DET _005456899 71 11 soft soft ADJ _005456899 71 12 answer answer NOUN _005456899 71 13 turneth turneth NOUN _005456899 71 14 away away ADV _005456899 71 15 wrath wrath NOUN _005456899 71 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 18 the the DET _005456899 71 19 queen queen PROPN _005456899 71 20 's 's PART _005456899 71 21 work work NOUN _005456899 71 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 23 january january PROPN _005456899 71 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 25 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 71 26 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 71 27 ii ii PROPN _005456899 71 28 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 71 29 our our PRON _005456899 71 30 friends friend NOUN _005456899 71 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 71 32 keeping keep VERB _005456899 71 33 them they PRON _005456899 71 34 ------------------------7 ------------------------7 NOUN _005456899 71 35 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 71 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 37 do do AUX _005456899 71 38 n't not PART _005456899 71 39 lose lose VERB _005456899 71 40 your your PRON _005456899 71 41 friends friend NOUN _005456899 71 42 : : PUNCT _005456899 71 43 they they PRON _005456899 71 44 are be AUX _005456899 71 45 not not PART _005456899 71 46 expendable expendable ADJ _005456899 71 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 49 the the DET _005456899 71 50 queen queen PROPN _005456899 71 51 's 's PART _005456899 71 52 work work NOUN _005456899 71 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 54 april april PROPN _005456899 71 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 56 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 71 57 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 71 58 iii iii NUM _005456899 71 59 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 71 60 and and CCONJ _005456899 71 61 kindness kindness NOUN _005456899 71 62 begin begin VERB _005456899 71 63 in in ADP _005456899 71 64 the the DET _005456899 71 65 heart heart NOUN _005456899 71 66 -------------------------------13 -------------------------------13 NOUN _005456899 71 67 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 71 68 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 69 is be AUX _005456899 71 70 your your PRON _005456899 71 71 heart heart NOUN _005456899 71 72 in in ADP _005456899 71 73 the the DET _005456899 71 74 right right ADJ _005456899 71 75 place place NOUN _005456899 71 76 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 77 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 78 the the DET _005456899 71 79 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 71 80 home home PROPN _005456899 71 81 journal journal PROPN _005456899 71 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 83 july july PROPN _005456899 71 84 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 85 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 71 86 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 71 87 iv iv VERB _005456899 71 88 the the DET _005456899 71 89 real real ADJ _005456899 71 90 reason reason NOUN _005456899 71 91 , , PUNCT _005456899 71 92 or or CCONJ _005456899 71 93 merely merely ADV _005456899 71 94 a a DET _005456899 71 95 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 96 good good ADJ _005456899 71 97 reason reason NOUN _005456899 71 98 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 99 -----~------------------19 -----~------------------19 PROPN _005456899 71 100 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 71 101 " " PUNCT _005456899 71 102 do do AUX _005456899 71 103 you you PRON _005456899 71 104 give give VERB _005456899 71 105 real real ADJ _005456899 71 106 or or CCONJ _005456899 71 107 phoney phoney ADJ _005456899 71 108 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 71 109 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 71 110 " " PUNCT _005456899 72 1 the the DET _005456899 72 2 queen queen PROPN _005456899 72 3 's 's PART _005456899 72 4 work work NOUN _005456899 72 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 72 6 may may PROPN _005456899 72 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 72 8 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 72 9 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 72 10 v v NOUN _005456899 72 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 72 12 a a DET _005456899 72 13 girl girl NOUN _005456899 72 14 wants want VERB _005456899 72 15 to to PART _005456899 72 16 decline decline VERB _005456899 72 17 a a DET _005456899 72 18 date date NOUN _005456899 72 19 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 72 20 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 72 21 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 72 22 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 1 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 2 25 25 NUM _005456899 73 3 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 73 4 the the DET _005456899 73 5 queen queen NOUN _005456899 73 6 's 's PART _005456899 73 7 work work NOUN _005456899 73 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 73 9 may may PROPN _005456899 73 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 73 11 1946 1946 NUM _005456899 73 12 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 73 13 vi vi X _005456899 73 14 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 73 15 is be AUX _005456899 73 16 the the DET _005456899 73 17 best good ADJ _005456899 73 18 policyalways policyalway NOUN _005456899 73 19 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 20 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 21 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 22 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 23 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 24 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 25 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 26 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 73 27 32 32 NUM _005456899 73 28 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 73 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 73 30 are be AUX _005456899 73 31 we we PRON _005456899 73 32 a a DET _005456899 73 33 nation nation NOUN _005456899 73 34 of of ADP _005456899 73 35 liars liar NOUN _005456899 73 36 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 73 37 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 74 1 the the DET _005456899 74 2 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 74 3 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 74 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 74 5 june june PROPN _005456899 74 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 74 7 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 74 8 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 74 9 vii vii VERB _005456899 74 10 the the DET _005456899 74 11 first first ADJ _005456899 74 12 thing thing NOUN _005456899 74 13 a a DET _005456899 74 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 74 15 should should AUX _005456899 74 16 ask ask VERB _005456899 74 17 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 18 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 19 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 20 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 21 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 22 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 23 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 24 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 74 25 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 1 36 36 NUM _005456899 75 2 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 75 3 the the DET _005456899 75 4 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 75 5 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 75 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 75 7 september september PROPN _005456899 75 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 75 9 1943 1943 NUM _005456899 75 10 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 75 11 viii viii NOUN _005456899 75 12 how how SCONJ _005456899 75 13 not not PART _005456899 75 14 to to PART _005456899 75 15 choose choose VERB _005456899 75 16 a a DET _005456899 75 17 mate mate NOUN _005456899 75 18 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 19 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 20 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 21 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 22 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 23 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 24 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 25 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 26 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 27 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 28 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 29 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 30 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 31 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 32 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 33 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 34 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 75 35 39 39 NUM _005456899 76 1 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 76 2 the the DET _005456899 76 3 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 76 4 home home PROPN _005456899 76 5 journal journal PROPN _005456899 76 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 76 7 september september PROPN _005456899 76 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 76 9 1946 1946 NUM _005456899 76 10 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 76 11 ix ix ADP _005456899 76 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 76 13 he he PRON _005456899 76 14 does do AUX _005456899 76 15 n't not PART _005456899 76 16 propose propose VERB _005456899 76 17 ----------------------46 ----------------------46 PUNCT _005456899 76 18 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 76 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 76 20 why why SCONJ _005456899 76 21 does do AUX _005456899 76 22 n't not PART _005456899 76 23 he he PRON _005456899 76 24 propose propose VERB _005456899 76 25 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 76 26 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 77 1 the the DET _005456899 77 2 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 77 3 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 77 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 77 5 february february PROPN _005456899 77 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 77 7 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 77 8 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 77 9 x x PUNCT _005456899 78 1 the the DET _005456899 78 2 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 78 3 for for ADP _005456899 78 4 life life NOUN _005456899 78 5 ---------------------49 ---------------------49 X _005456899 78 6 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 78 7 the the DET _005456899 78 8 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 78 9 home home PROPN _005456899 78 10 journal journal PROPN _005456899 78 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 78 12 july july PROPN _005456899 78 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 78 14 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 78 15 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 78 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 78 17 · · PUNCT _005456899 78 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 78 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 78 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 79 1 xi xi PROPN _005456899 79 2 the the DET _005456899 79 3 unique unique ADJ _005456899 79 4 function function NOUN _005456899 79 5 of of ADP _005456899 79 6 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 79 7 --------55 --------55 PROPN _005456899 79 8 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 79 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 79 10 thou thou ADJ _005456899 79 11 shalt shalt NOUN _005456899 79 12 not not PART _005456899 79 13 commit commit VERB _005456899 79 14 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 79 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 79 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 79 17 the the DET _005456899 79 18 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 79 19 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 79 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 79 21 june june PROPN _005456899 79 22 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 79 23 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 80 1 xii xii NOUN _005456899 81 1 the the DET _005456899 81 2 first first ADJ _005456899 81 3 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 81 4 is be AUX _005456899 81 5 the the DET _005456899 81 6 best good ADJ _005456899 81 7 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 81 8 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 81 9 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 81 10 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 81 11 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 81 12 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 81 13 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 81 14 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 81 15 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 82 1 58 58 NUM _005456899 82 2 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 82 3 the the DET _005456899 82 4 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 82 5 home home PROPN _005456899 82 6 journal journal PROPN _005456899 82 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 82 8 november november PROPN _005456899 82 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 82 10 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 82 11 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 83 1 xiii xiii PROPN _005456899 83 2 parents parent NOUN _005456899 83 3 are be AUX _005456899 83 4 the the DET _005456899 83 5 best good ADJ _005456899 83 6 models model NOUN _005456899 83 7 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 8 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 9 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 10 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 11 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 12 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 13 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 14 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 15 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 16 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 17 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 18 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 19 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 83 20 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 84 1 64 64 NUM _005456899 84 2 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 84 3 the the DET _005456899 84 4 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 84 5 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 84 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 84 7 january january PROPN _005456899 84 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 84 9 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 84 10 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 85 1 xiv xiv PROPN _005456899 85 2 famous famous ADJ _005456899 85 3 writers writer NOUN _005456899 85 4 from from ADP _005456899 85 5 large large ADJ _005456899 85 6 families family NOUN _005456899 85 7 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 85 8 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 85 9 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 85 10 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 85 11 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 85 12 67 67 NUM _005456899 85 13 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 85 14 the the DET _005456899 85 15 sign sign NOUN _005456899 85 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 85 17 january january PROPN _005456899 85 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 85 19 1932 1932 NUM _005456899 85 20 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 85 21 xv xv ADP _005456899 85 22 a a DET _005456899 85 23 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 85 24 person person NOUN _005456899 85 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 85 26 a a DET _005456899 85 27 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 85 28 nation----------------------74 nation----------------------74 NOUN _005456899 85 29 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 85 30 the the DET _005456899 85 31 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 85 32 home home PROPN _005456899 85 33 journal journal PROPN _005456899 85 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 85 35 september september PROPN _005456899 85 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 85 37 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 85 38 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 85 39 xvi xvi PROPN _005456899 85 40 woman woman NOUN _005456899 85 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 85 42 where where SCONJ _005456899 85 43 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 85 44 is be AUX _005456899 85 45 not not PART _005456899 85 46 -------81 -------81 X _005456899 85 47 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 85 48 the the DET _005456899 85 49 magnificat magnificat PROPN _005456899 85 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 85 51 november november PROPN _005456899 85 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 85 53 1941 1941 NUM _005456899 85 54 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 86 1 xvii xvii VERB _005456899 86 2 you you PRON _005456899 86 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 86 4 i i PRON _005456899 86 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 86 6 a a DET _005456899 86 7 better well ADJ _005456899 86 8 world world NOUN _005456899 86 9 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 10 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 11 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 12 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 13 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 14 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 15 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 16 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 17 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 18 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 19 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 20 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 21 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 22 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 86 23 90 90 NUM _005456899 86 24 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 86 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 86 26 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 86 27 address address NOUN _005456899 86 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 86 29 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 86 30 \-vord \-vord PROPN _005456899 86 31 college college NOUN _005456899 86 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 86 33 may may AUX _005456899 86 34 31 31 NUM _005456899 86 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 86 36 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 86 37 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 87 1 index index NOUN _005456899 87 2 -------------------------------------------------99 -------------------------------------------------99 NOUN _005456899 87 3 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 87 4 i i PRON _005456899 87 5 saying say VERB _005456899 87 6 things thing NOUN _005456899 87 7 the the DET _005456899 87 8 tactful tactful ADJ _005456899 87 9 way way NOUN _005456899 87 10 this this DET _005456899 87 11 article article NOUN _005456899 87 12 is be AUX _005456899 87 13 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 87 14 from from ADP _005456899 87 15 the the DET _005456899 87 16 queen queen NOUN _005456899 87 17 's 's PART _005456899 87 18 work work NOUN _005456899 87 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 87 20 january january PROPN _005456899 87 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 87 22 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 87 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 87 24 where where SCONJ _005456899 87 25 it it PRON _005456899 87 26 was be AUX _005456899 87 27 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 87 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 87 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 87 30 a a DET _005456899 87 31 soft soft ADJ _005456899 87 32 answer answer NOUN _005456899 87 33 turneth turneth NOUN _005456899 87 34 away away ADV _005456899 87 35 wrath wrath NOUN _005456899 87 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 87 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 88 1 under under ADP _005456899 88 2 the the DET _005456899 88 3 title title NOUN _005456899 88 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 88 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 88 6 tact tact NOUN _005456899 88 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 88 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 88 9 subtitled subtitle VERB _005456899 88 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 88 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 88 12 truth truth NOUN _005456899 88 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 88 14 beauty beauty NOUN _005456899 88 15 meet meet NOUN _005456899 88 16 in in ADP _005456899 88 17 unction unction NOUN _005456899 88 18 : : PUNCT _005456899 88 19 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 88 20 it it PRON _005456899 88 21 appeared appear VERB _005456899 88 22 in in ADP _005456899 88 23 the the DET _005456899 88 24 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 88 25 digest digest NOUN _005456899 88 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 88 27 march march PROPN _005456899 88 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 88 29 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 88 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 89 1 the the DET _005456899 89 2 article article NOUN _005456899 89 3 assumes assume VERB _005456899 89 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 89 5 life life NOUN _005456899 89 6 is be AUX _005456899 89 7 full full ADJ _005456899 89 8 of of ADP _005456899 89 9 occasions occasion NOUN _005456899 89 10 when when SCONJ _005456899 89 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 89 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 89 13 one one PRON _005456899 89 14 has have VERB _005456899 89 15 principles principle NOUN _005456899 89 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 89 17 one one PRON _005456899 89 18 must must AUX _005456899 89 19 say say VERB _005456899 89 20 what what PRON _005456899 89 21 is be AUX _005456899 89 22 not not PART _005456899 89 23 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 89 24 agreeable agreeable ADJ _005456899 89 25 to to ADP _005456899 89 26 another another PRON _005456899 89 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 89 28 but but CCONJ _005456899 89 29 that that SCONJ _005456899 89 30 it it PRON _005456899 89 31 can can AUX _005456899 89 32 usually usually ADV _005456899 89 33 be be AUX _005456899 89 34 said say VERB _005456899 89 35 in in ADP _005456899 89 36 such such DET _005456899 89 37 a a DET _005456899 89 38 way way NOUN _005456899 89 39 that that PRON _005456899 89 40 the the DET _005456899 89 41 heal heal NOUN _005456899 89 42 is be AUX _005456899 89 43 greater great ADJ _005456899 89 44 than than ADP _005456899 89 45 the the DET _005456899 89 46 hurt hurt NOUN _005456899 89 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 90 1 tact tact NOUN _005456899 90 2 in in ADP _005456899 90 3 speech speech NOUN _005456899 90 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 90 5 like like ADP _005456899 90 6 virtue virtue NOUN _005456899 90 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 90 8 needs need VERB _005456899 90 9 constant constant ADJ _005456899 90 10 watching watching NOUN _005456899 90 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 90 12 practice practice VERB _005456899 90 13 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 91 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 91 2 just just ADV _005456899 91 3 the the DET _005456899 91 4 way way NOUN _005456899 91 5 a a DET _005456899 91 6 thinq thinq NOUN _005456899 91 7 is be AUX _005456899 91 8 said say VERB _005456899 91 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 91 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 91 11 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 91 12 none none NOUN _005456899 91 13 critical critical ADJ _005456899 91 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 91 15 diplomatic diplomatic ADJ _005456899 91 16 occasion occasion NOUN _005456899 91 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 91 18 queen queen PROPN _005456899 91 19 victoria victoria PROPN _005456899 91 20 showed show VERB _005456899 91 21 vher vher ADJ _005456899 91 22 husband husband NOUN _005456899 91 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 91 24 prince prince PROPN _005456899 91 25 albert albert PROPN _005456899 91 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 91 27 a a DET _005456899 91 28 note note NOUN _005456899 91 29 she she PRON _005456899 91 30 had have AUX _005456899 91 31 prepared prepare VERB _005456899 91 32 to to PART _005456899 91 33 dispatch dispatch VERB _005456899 91 34 to to ADP _005456899 91 35 some some DET _005456899 91 36 foreign foreign ADJ _005456899 91 37 government government NOUN _005456899 91 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 92 1 according accord VERB _005456899 92 2 to to ADP _005456899 92 3 laurence laurence PROPN _005456899 92 4 housman housman NOUN _005456899 92 5 's 's PART _005456899 92 6 play play NOUN _005456899 92 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 92 8 victoria victoria PROPN _005456899 92 9 regina regina PROPN _005456899 92 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 92 11 albert albert PROPN _005456899 92 12 said say VERB _005456899 92 13 to to ADP _005456899 92 14 her she PRON _005456899 92 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 92 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 92 17 alter alter VERB _005456899 92 18 a a DET _005456899 92 19 few few ADJ _005456899 92 20 words word NOUN _005456899 92 21 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 92 22 say say VERB _005456899 92 23 it it PRON _005456899 92 24 but but CCONJ _005456899 92 25 say say VERB _005456899 92 26 it it PRON _005456899 92 27 differently differently ADV _005456899 92 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 93 1 often often ADV _005456899 93 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 94 1 it it PRON _005456899 94 2 is be AUX _005456899 94 3 just just ADV _005456899 94 4 the the DET _005456899 94 5 way way NOUN _005456899 94 6 a a DET _005456899 94 7 thing thing NOUN _005456899 94 8 is be AUX _005456899 94 9 said say VERB _005456899 94 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 94 11 decides decide VERB _005456899 94 12 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 94 13 it it PRON _005456899 94 14 shall shall AUX _005456899 94 15 be be AUX _005456899 94 16 peace peace NOUN _005456899 94 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 94 18 war war NOUN _005456899 94 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 95 1 it it PRON _005456899 95 2 is be AUX _005456899 95 3 the the DET _005456899 95 4 same same ADJ _005456899 95 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 95 6 two two NUM _005456899 95 7 people people NOUN _005456899 95 8 quarrel quarrel VERB _005456899 95 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 96 1 you you PRON _005456899 96 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 96 3 i i PRON _005456899 96 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 96 5 weibchen weibchen PROPN _005456899 96 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 96 7 might might AUX _005456899 96 8 often often ADV _005456899 96 9 have have AUX _005456899 96 10 quarreled quarrel VERB _005456899 96 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 96 12 had have AUX _005456899 96 13 we we PRON _005456899 96 14 said say VERB _005456899 96 15 the the DET _005456899 96 16 same same ADJ _005456899 96 17 thing thing NOUN _005456899 96 18 that that PRON _005456899 96 19 we we PRON _005456899 96 20 did do AUX _005456899 96 21 say say VERB _005456899 96 22 - - PUNCT _005456899 96 23 differently differently ADV _005456899 96 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 96 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 97 1 every every DET _005456899 97 2 day day NOUN _005456899 97 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 97 4 at at ADP _005456899 97 5 home home NOUN _005456899 97 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 97 7 at at ADP _005456899 97 8 work work NOUN _005456899 97 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 97 10 at at ADP _005456899 97 11 play play NOUN _005456899 97 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 97 13 we we PRON _005456899 97 14 talk talk VERB _005456899 97 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 97 16 comment comment NOUN _005456899 97 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 97 18 discuss discuss VERB _005456899 97 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 97 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 97 21 often often ADV _005456899 97 22 it it PRON _005456899 97 23 is be AUX _005456899 97 24 just just ADV _005456899 97 25 the the DET _005456899 97 26 way way NOUN _005456899 97 27 a a DET _005456899 97 28 thing thing NOUN _005456899 97 29 is be AUX _005456899 97 30 said say VERB _005456899 97 31 that that PRON _005456899 97 32 decides decide VERB _005456899 97 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 97 34 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 97 35 our our PRON _005456899 97 36 notes note NOUN _005456899 97 37 are be AUX _005456899 97 38 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 97 39 or or CCONJ _005456899 97 40 sour sour ADJ _005456899 97 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 97 42 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 97 43 we we PRON _005456899 97 44 make make VERB _005456899 97 45 a a DET _005456899 97 46 point point NOUN _005456899 97 47 or or CCONJ _005456899 97 48 muff muff VERB _005456899 97 49 it it PRON _005456899 97 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 97 51 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 97 52 we we PRON _005456899 97 53 force force VERB _005456899 97 54 our our PRON _005456899 97 55 point point NOUN _005456899 97 56 or or CCONJ _005456899 97 57 make make VERB _005456899 97 58 it it PRON _005456899 97 59 welcome welcome ADJ _005456899 97 60 . . PUNCT _005456899 98 1 framinq framinq ADP _005456899 98 2 the the DET _005456899 98 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 98 4 no no NOUN _005456899 98 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 98 6 softly softly ADV _005456899 98 7 life life NOUN _005456899 98 8 is be AUX _005456899 98 9 almost almost ADV _005456899 98 10 a a DET _005456899 98 11 continual continual ADJ _005456899 98 12 give give NOUN _005456899 98 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 98 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 98 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 98 16 take take VERB _005456899 98 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 99 1 often often ADV _005456899 99 2 we we PRON _005456899 99 3 want want VERB _005456899 99 4 something something PRON _005456899 99 5 of of ADP _005456899 99 6 someone someone PRON _005456899 99 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 99 8 the the DET _005456899 99 9 problem problem NOUN _005456899 99 10 is be AUX _005456899 99 11 how how SCONJ _005456899 99 12 to to PART _005456899 99 13 frame frame VERB _005456899 99 14 our our PRON _005456899 99 15 request request NOUN _005456899 99 16 so so SCONJ _005456899 99 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 99 18 it it PRON _005456899 99 19 will will AUX _005456899 99 20 make make VERB _005456899 99 21 a a DET _005456899 99 22 yes yes INTJ _005456899 99 23 easy easy ADJ _005456899 99 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 99 25 a a DET _005456899 99 26 no no ADV _005456899 99 27 not not PART _005456899 99 28 painful painful ADJ _005456899 99 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 100 1 more more ADV _005456899 100 2 often often ADV _005456899 100 3 we we PRON _005456899 100 4 are be AUX _005456899 100 5 asked ask VERB _005456899 100 6 for for ADP _005456899 100 7 something something PRON _005456899 100 8 we we PRON _005456899 100 9 can can AUX _005456899 100 10 not not PART _005456899 100 11 grant grant VERB _005456899 100 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 100 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 100 14 then then ADV _005456899 100 15 the the DET _005456899 100 16 problem problem NOUN _005456899 100 17 is be AUX _005456899 100 18 to to PART _005456899 100 19 frame frame VERB _005456899 100 20 our our PRON _005456899 100 21 no no INTJ _005456899 100 22 so so ADV _005456899 100 23 it it PRON _005456899 100 24 will will AUX _005456899 100 25 fall fall VERB _005456899 100 26 soft soft ADJ _005456899 100 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 100 28 gentle gentle ADJ _005456899 100 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 100 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 100 31 still still ADV _005456899 100 32 be be AUX _005456899 100 33 honest honest ADJ _005456899 100 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 101 1 iii iii VERB _005456899 101 2 the the DET _005456899 101 3 give give NOUN _005456899 101 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 101 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 101 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 101 7 take take NOUN _005456899 101 8 of of ADP _005456899 101 9 life life NOUN _005456899 101 10 the the DET _005456899 101 11 softer soft ADJ _005456899 101 12 word word NOUN _005456899 101 13 can can AUX _005456899 101 14 make make VERB _005456899 101 15 the the DET _005456899 101 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 101 17 taking take VERB _005456899 101 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 101 19 easier easy ADJ _005456899 101 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 102 1 it it PRON _005456899 102 2 can can AUX _005456899 102 3 prevent prevent VERB _005456899 102 4 a a DET _005456899 102 5 strained strained ADJ _005456899 102 6 friendship friendship NOUN _005456899 102 7 or or CCONJ _005456899 102 8 even even ADV _005456899 102 9 a a DET _005456899 102 10 broken broken ADJ _005456899 102 11 one one NUM _005456899 102 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 103 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 103 2 alas alas INTJ _005456899 103 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 103 4 they they PRON _005456899 103 5 had have AUX _005456899 103 6 been be AUX _005456899 103 7 friends friend NOUN _005456899 103 8 in in ADP _005456899 103 9 youth youth NOUN _005456899 103 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 103 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 103 12 says say VERB _005456899 103 13 coleridge coleridge PROPN _005456899 103 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 103 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 103 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 103 17 each each DET _005456899 103 18 spake spake ADJ _005456899 103 19 words word NOUN _005456899 103 20 of of ADP _005456899 103 21 high high ADJ _005456899 103 22 disdain disdain NOUN _005456899 103 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 103 24 insult insult NOUN _005456899 103 25 to to ADP _005456899 103 26 his his PRON _005456899 103 27 heart heart NOUN _005456899 103 28 's 's PART _005456899 103 29 best good ADJ _005456899 103 30 brother brother NOUN _005456899 103 31 : : PUNCT _005456899 103 32 they they PRON _005456899 103 33 parted part VERB _005456899 103 34 - - PUNCT _005456899 103 35 ne'er ne'er NOUN _005456899 103 36 to to PART _005456899 103 37 meet meet VERB _005456899 103 38 again again ADV _005456899 103 39 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 103 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 104 1 2 2 NUM _005456899 104 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 104 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 104 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 104 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 104 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 104 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 104 8 usually usually ADV _005456899 104 9 it it PRON _005456899 104 10 is be AUX _005456899 104 11 not not PART _005456899 104 12 so so ADV _005456899 104 13 much much ADJ _005456899 104 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 104 15 words word NOUN _005456899 104 16 of of ADP _005456899 104 17 high high ADJ _005456899 104 18 disdain disdain NOUN _005456899 104 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 104 20 that that PRON _005456899 104 21 strain strain VERB _005456899 104 22 friendships friendship NOUN _005456899 104 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 104 24 but but CCONJ _005456899 104 25 words word NOUN _005456899 104 26 of of ADP _005456899 104 27 bad bad ADJ _005456899 104 28 choosing choosing NOUN _005456899 104 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 105 1 once once ADV _005456899 105 2 my my PRON _005456899 105 3 best good ADJ _005456899 105 4 school school NOUN _005456899 105 5 friend friend NOUN _005456899 105 6 was be AUX _005456899 105 7 displeased displeased ADJ _005456899 105 8 with with ADP _005456899 105 9 a a DET _005456899 105 10 club club NOUN _005456899 105 11 talk talk NOUN _005456899 105 12 i i PRON _005456899 105 13 had have AUX _005456899 105 14 given give VERB _005456899 105 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 106 1 he he PRON _005456899 106 2 came come VERB _005456899 106 3 to to ADP _005456899 106 4 me i PRON _005456899 106 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 106 6 said say VERB _005456899 106 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 106 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 106 9 that that DET _005456899 106 10 speech speech NOUN _005456899 106 11 of of ADP _005456899 106 12 yours your NOUN _005456899 106 13 was be AUX _005456899 106 14 mostly mostly ADV _005456899 106 15 ranting rant VERB _005456899 106 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 106 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 107 1 this this DET _005456899 107 2 hurt hurt PROPN _005456899 107 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 108 1 years year NOUN _005456899 108 2 have have AUX _005456899 108 3 passed pass VERB _005456899 108 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 108 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 108 6 of of ADP _005456899 108 7 course course NOUN _005456899 108 8 we we PRON _005456899 108 9 remained remain VERB _005456899 108 10 friends friend NOUN _005456899 108 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 108 12 but but CCONJ _005456899 108 13 even even ADV _005456899 108 14 though though SCONJ _005456899 108 15 he he PRON _005456899 108 16 is be AUX _005456899 108 17 now now ADV _005456899 108 18 dead dead ADJ _005456899 108 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 108 20 i i PRON _005456899 108 21 pray pray VERB _005456899 108 22 for for ADP _005456899 108 23 him he PRON _005456899 108 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 108 25 i i PRON _005456899 108 26 still still ADV _005456899 108 27 unhappily unhappily ADV _005456899 108 28 remember remember VERB _005456899 108 29 that that DET _005456899 108 30 comment comment NOUN _005456899 108 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 109 1 i i PRON _005456899 109 2 believe believe VERB _005456899 109 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 109 4 he he PRON _005456899 109 5 had have AUX _005456899 109 6 said say VERB _005456899 109 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 109 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 109 9 your your PRON _005456899 109 10 speech speech NOUN _005456899 109 11 today today NOUN _005456899 109 12 sounded sound VERB _005456899 109 13 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 109 14 too too ADV _005456899 109 15 loud loud ADJ _005456899 109 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 109 17 unrestrained unrestrained ADJ _005456899 109 18 to to ADP _005456899 109 19 me i PRON _005456899 109 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 109 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 109 22 i i PRON _005456899 109 23 would would AUX _005456899 109 24 have have AUX _005456899 109 25 felt feel VERB _005456899 109 26 no no DET _005456899 109 27 hurt hurt NOUN _005456899 109 28 at at ADV _005456899 109 29 all all ADV _005456899 109 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 109 31 would would AUX _005456899 109 32 have have AUX _005456899 109 33 liked like VERB _005456899 109 34 him he PRON _005456899 109 35 more more ADV _005456899 109 36 than than ADP _005456899 109 37 ever ever ADV _005456899 109 38 for for ADP _005456899 109 39 saying say VERB _005456899 109 40 it it PRON _005456899 109 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 110 1 people people NOUN _005456899 110 2 's 's PART _005456899 110 3 face face NOUN _005456899 110 4 must must AUX _005456899 110 5 be be AUX _005456899 110 6 saved save VERB _005456899 110 7 in in ADP _005456899 110 8 home home NOUN _005456899 110 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 110 10 shop shop NOUN _005456899 110 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 110 12 in in ADP _005456899 110 13 school school NOUN _005456899 110 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 110 15 camp camp NOUN _005456899 110 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 110 17 virtually virtually ADV _005456899 110 18 no no PRON _005456899 110 19 trait trait NOUN _005456899 110 20 is be AUX _005456899 110 21 more more ADV _005456899 110 22 valued value VERB _005456899 110 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 110 24 rewarded reward VERB _005456899 110 25 than than ADP _005456899 110 26 the the DET _005456899 110 27 gift gift NOUN _005456899 110 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 110 29 habit habit NOUN _005456899 110 30 of of ADP _005456899 110 31 saying say VERB _005456899 110 32 things thing NOUN _005456899 110 33 the the DET _005456899 110 34 most most ADV _005456899 110 35 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005456899 110 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 110 37 the the DET _005456899 110 38 least least ADJ _005456899 110 39 offensive offensive ADJ _005456899 110 40 way way NOUN _005456899 110 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 111 1 saving save VERB _005456899 111 2 face face NOUN _005456899 111 3 is be AUX _005456899 111 4 said say VERB _005456899 111 5 to to PART _005456899 111 6 be be AUX _005456899 111 7 the the DET _005456899 111 8 indispensable indispensable ADJ _005456899 111 9 passport passport NOUN _005456899 111 10 for for ADP _005456899 111 11 social social ADJ _005456899 111 12 intercourse intercourse NOUN _005456899 111 13 among among ADP _005456899 111 14 the the DET _005456899 111 15 chinese chinese PROPN _005456899 111 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 112 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 112 2 for for ADP _005456899 112 3 real real ADJ _005456899 112 4 peace peace NOUN _005456899 112 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 112 6 good good ADJ _005456899 112 7 will will AUX _005456899 112 8 it it PRON _005456899 112 9 is be AUX _005456899 112 10 important important ADJ _005456899 112 11 everywhere everywhere ADV _005456899 112 12 to to PART _005456899 112 13 help help VERB _005456899 112 14 others other NOUN _005456899 112 15 save save VERB _005456899 112 16 face face NOUN _005456899 112 17 as as ADV _005456899 112 18 much much ADV _005456899 112 19 as as ADP _005456899 112 20 possible possible ADJ _005456899 112 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 113 1 metaphorically metaphorically ADV _005456899 113 2 speaking speak VERB _005456899 113 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 113 4 the the DET _005456899 113 5 opposite opposite NOUN _005456899 113 6 of of ADP _005456899 113 7 saving save VERB _005456899 113 8 someone someone PRON _005456899 113 9 's 's PART _005456899 113 10 face face NOUN _005456899 113 11 is be AUX _005456899 113 12 slapping slap VERB _005456899 113 13 it it PRON _005456899 113 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 114 1 that that PRON _005456899 114 2 is be AUX _005456899 114 3 what what PRON _005456899 114 4 the the DET _005456899 114 5 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 114 6 word word NOUN _005456899 114 7 can can AUX _005456899 114 8 do do VERB _005456899 114 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 115 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 115 2 we we PRON _005456899 115 3 stop stop VERB _005456899 115 4 to to PART _005456899 115 5 think think VERB _005456899 115 6 about about ADP _005456899 115 7 it it PRON _005456899 115 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 115 9 it it PRON _005456899 115 10 is be AUX _005456899 115 11 really really ADV _005456899 115 12 surprising surprising ADJ _005456899 115 13 how how SCONJ _005456899 115 14 ~?ften ~?ften ADJ _005456899 115 15 even even ADV _005456899 115 16 the the DET _005456899 115 17 meekest meek ADJ _005456899 115 18 person person NOUN _005456899 115 19 has have VERB _005456899 115 20 to to PART _005456899 115 21 try try VERB _005456899 115 22 to to PART _005456899 115 23 influence influence VERB _005456899 115 24 people people NOUN _005456899 115 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 116 1 during during ADP _005456899 116 2 every every DET _005456899 116 3 meal meal NOUN _005456899 116 4 we we PRON _005456899 116 5 ask ask VERB _005456899 116 6 to to PART _005456899 116 7 have have VERB _005456899 116 8 this this PRON _005456899 116 9 passed pass VERB _005456899 116 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 116 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 116 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 116 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 116 14 the the DET _005456899 116 15 manner manner NOUN _005456899 116 16 in in ADP _005456899 116 17 which which PRON _005456899 116 18 we we PRON _005456899 116 19 do do VERB _005456899 116 20 it it PRON _005456899 116 21 is be AUX _005456899 116 22 taken take VERB _005456899 116 23 as as ADP _005456899 116 24 some some DET _005456899 116 25 index index NOUN _005456899 116 26 of of ADP _005456899 116 27 our our PRON _005456899 116 28 breeding breeding NOUN _005456899 116 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 117 1 every every DET _005456899 117 2 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 117 3 - - PUNCT _005456899 117 4 to to PART _005456899 117 5 talk talk VERB _005456899 117 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 117 7 or or CCONJ _005456899 117 8 walk walk VERB _005456899 117 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 117 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 117 11 dance dance NOUN _005456899 117 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 117 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 117 14 dine dine NOUN _005456899 117 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 117 16 or or CCONJ _005456899 117 17 go go VERB _005456899 117 18 to to ADP _005456899 117 19 a a DET _005456899 117 20 play play NOUN _005456899 117 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 117 22 in in ADP _005456899 117 23 making make VERB _005456899 117 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 117 25 accepting accept VERB _005456899 117 26 or or CCONJ _005456899 117 27 declining decline VERB _005456899 117 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 117 29 is be AUX _005456899 117 30 a a DET _005456899 117 31 matter matter NOUN _005456899 117 32 for for ADP _005456899 117 33 pleasing pleasing ADJ _005456899 117 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 117 35 tactful tactful ADJ _005456899 117 36 phraseology phraseology NOUN _005456899 117 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 118 1 no no DET _005456899 118 2 need need NOUN _005456899 118 3 for for ADP _005456899 118 4 contradicting contradict VERB _005456899 118 5 flatly flatly ADV _005456899 118 6 it it PRON _005456899 118 7 is be AUX _005456899 118 8 said say VERB _005456899 118 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 118 10 eve1y eve1y PROPN _005456899 118 11 virtue virtue NOUN _005456899 118 12 has have VERB _005456899 118 13 a a DET _005456899 118 14 negative negative NOUN _005456899 118 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 119 1 the the DET _005456899 119 2 most most ADV _005456899 119 3 important important ADJ _005456899 119 4 negative negative ADJ _005456899 119 5 for for ADP _005456899 119 6 tactfulness tactfulness NOUN _005456899 119 7 is be AUX _005456899 119 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 119 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 119 10 do do AUX _005456899 119 11 n't not PART _005456899 119 12 contradict contradict VERB _005456899 119 13 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 119 14 flatly flatly ADV _005456899 119 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 119 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 120 1 this this DET _005456899 120 2 rule rule NOUN _005456899 120 3 ought ought AUX _005456899 120 4 to to PART _005456899 120 5 be be AUX _005456899 120 6 followed follow VERB _005456899 120 7 even even ADV _005456899 120 8 toward toward ADP _005456899 120 9 one one PRON _005456899 120 10 's 's PART _005456899 120 11 closest close ADJ _005456899 120 12 friends friend NOUN _005456899 120 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 120 14 relatives relative NOUN _005456899 120 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 120 16 in in ADP _005456899 120 17 the the DET _005456899 120 18 lightest light ADJ _005456899 120 19 matters matter NOUN _005456899 120 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 121 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 121 2 he he PRON _005456899 121 3 says say VERB _005456899 121 4 casually casually ADV _005456899 121 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 121 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 121 7 this this PRON _005456899 121 8 is be AUX _005456899 121 9 a a DET _005456899 121 10 fine fine ADJ _005456899 121 11 snapshot snapshot NOUN _005456899 121 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 121 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 121 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 121 15 his his PRON _005456899 121 16 wife wife NOUN _005456899 121 17 replies reply VERB _005456899 121 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 121 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 121 20 no no INTJ _005456899 121 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 121 22 it it PRON _005456899 121 23 's be AUX _005456899 121 24 vile vile ADJ _005456899 121 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 121 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 121 27 even even ADV _005456899 121 28 in in ADP _005456899 121 29 this this DET _005456899 121 30 case case NOUN _005456899 121 31 her her PRON _005456899 121 32 flat flat ADJ _005456899 121 33 contradiction contradiction NOUN _005456899 121 34 leaves leave VERB _005456899 121 35 some some DET _005456899 121 36 little little ADJ _005456899 121 37 sting sting NOUN _005456899 121 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 122 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 122 2 sister sister NOUN _005456899 122 3 says say VERB _005456899 122 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 122 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 122 6 gee gee INTJ _005456899 122 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 122 8 that that PRON _005456899 122 9 was be AUX _005456899 122 10 a a DET _005456899 122 11 good good ADJ _005456899 122 12 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 122 13 radio radio NOUN _005456899 122 14 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 122 15 program program NOUN _005456899 122 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 122 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 122 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 122 19 brother brother NOUN _005456899 122 20 answers answer NOUN _005456899 122 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 122 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 122 23 it it PRON _005456899 122 24 was be AUX _005456899 122 25 lousy lousy ADJ _005456899 122 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 122 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 122 28 there there PRON _005456899 122 29 is be VERB _005456899 122 30 some some DET _005456899 122 31 little little ADJ _005456899 122 32 unnecessary unnecessary ADJ _005456899 122 33 hurt hurt NOUN _005456899 122 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 123 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 123 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 123 3 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 123 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 123 5 tl1ey tl1ey NOUN _005456899 123 6 all all PRON _005456899 123 7 go go VERB _005456899 123 8 to to ADP _005456899 123 9 eight eight NUM _005456899 123 10 o'clock o'clock NOUN _005456899 123 11 mass mass NOUN _005456899 123 12 this this DET _005456899 123 13 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 123 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 123 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 123 16 the the DET _005456899 123 17 children child NOUN _005456899 123 18 cry cry VERB _005456899 123 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 123 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 123 21 gosh gosh INTJ _005456899 123 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 123 23 no no INTJ _005456899 123 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 123 25 that that PRON _005456899 123 26 's be AUX _005456899 123 27 too too ADV _005456899 123 28 early early ADJ _005456899 123 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 123 30 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 123 31 there there PRON _005456899 123 32 is be VERB _005456899 123 33 at at ADP _005456899 123 34 least least ADJ _005456899 123 35 a a DET _005456899 123 36 little little ADJ _005456899 123 37 discomfiture discomfiture NOUN _005456899 123 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 124 1 this this PRON _005456899 124 2 could could AUX _005456899 124 3 have have AUX _005456899 124 4 been be AUX _005456899 124 5 minimized minimize VERB _005456899 124 6 or or CCONJ _005456899 124 7 avoided avoid VERB _005456899 124 8 had have AUX _005456899 124 9 they they PRON _005456899 124 10 answered answer VERB _005456899 124 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 124 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 124 13 do do AUX _005456899 124 14 n't not PART _005456899 124 15 you you PRON _005456899 124 16 fear fear VERB _005456899 124 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 124 18 mother mother NOUN _005456899 124 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 124 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 124 21 it it PRON _005456899 124 22 will will AUX _005456899 124 23 be be AUX _005456899 124 24 a a DET _005456899 124 25 little little ADJ _005456899 124 26 hard hard ADJ _005456899 124 27 for for SCONJ _005456899 124 28 us we PRON _005456899 124 29 to to PART _005456899 124 30 make make VERB _005456899 124 31 it it PRON _005456899 124 32 that that PRON _005456899 124 33 early early ADV _005456899 124 34 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 124 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 124 36 saying say VERB _005456899 124 37 things thing NOUN _005456899 124 38 the the DET _005456899 124 39 tactful tactful ADJ _005456899 124 40 way way NOUN _005456899 124 41 3 3 NUM _005456899 124 42 among among ADP _005456899 124 43 persons person NOUN _005456899 124 44 only only ADV _005456899 124 45 slightly slightly ADV _005456899 124 46 acquainted acquaint VERB _005456899 124 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 124 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 124 49 among among ADP _005456899 124 50 large large ADJ _005456899 124 51 groups group NOUN _005456899 124 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 124 53 and and CCONJ _005456899 124 54 in in ADP _005456899 124 55 important important ADJ _005456899 124 56 matters matter NOUN _005456899 124 57 flat flat ADJ _005456899 124 58 contradictions contradiction NOUN _005456899 124 59 lead lead VERB _005456899 124 60 to to ADP _005456899 124 61 serious serious ADJ _005456899 124 62 embarrassments embarrassment NOUN _005456899 124 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 124 64 ill ill ADJ _005456899 124 65 feelings feeling NOUN _005456899 124 66 , , PUNCT _005456899 124 67 and and CCONJ _005456899 124 68 often often ADV _005456899 124 69 ruptures rupture VERB _005456899 124 70 . . PUNCT _005456899 125 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 125 2 a a DET _005456899 125 3 recent recent ADJ _005456899 125 4 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005456899 125 5 invited invite VERB _005456899 125 6 you you PRON _005456899 125 7 to to PART _005456899 125 8 have have VERB _005456899 125 9 an an DET _005456899 125 10 ice ice NOUN _005456899 125 11 cream cream NOUN _005456899 125 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 125 13 you you PRON _005456899 125 14 declined decline VERB _005456899 125 15 bluntly bluntly ADV _005456899 125 16 with with ADP _005456899 125 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 125 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 125 19 no no INTJ _005456899 125 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 125 21 thanks thank NOUN _005456899 125 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 125 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 125 24 instead instead ADV _005456899 125 25 of of ADP _005456899 125 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 125 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 125 28 it it PRON _005456899 125 29 's be AUX _005456899 125 30 nice nice ADJ _005456899 125 31 of of ADP _005456899 125 32 you you PRON _005456899 125 33 to to PART _005456899 125 34 ask ask VERB _005456899 125 35 me i PRON _005456899 125 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 125 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 125 38 i i PRON _005456899 125 39 am be AUX _005456899 125 40 sorry sorry ADJ _005456899 125 41 i i PRON _005456899 125 42 ca can AUX _005456899 125 43 n't not PART _005456899 125 44 go go VERB _005456899 125 45 with with ADP _005456899 125 46 you you PRON _005456899 125 47 today today NOUN _005456899 125 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 125 49 " " PUNCT _005456899 125 50 your your PRON _005456899 125 51 new new ADJ _005456899 125 52 friend friend NOUN _005456899 125 53 would would AUX _005456899 125 54 not not PART _005456899 125 55 readily readily ADV _005456899 125 56 ask ask VERB _005456899 125 57 you you PRON _005456899 125 58 again again ADV _005456899 125 59 and and CCONJ _005456899 125 60 in in ADP _005456899 125 61 any any DET _005456899 125 62 case case NOUN _005456899 125 63 would would AUX _005456899 125 64 feel feel VERB _005456899 125 65 pointedly pointedly ADV _005456899 125 66 rebuffed rebuff VERB _005456899 125 67 . . PUNCT _005456899 126 1 as as ADP _005456899 126 2 an an DET _005456899 126 3 important important ADJ _005456899 126 4 matter matter NOUN _005456899 126 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 126 6 if if SCONJ _005456899 126 7 a a DET _005456899 126 8 man man NOUN _005456899 126 9 proposed propose VERB _005456899 126 10 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 126 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 126 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 126 13 the the DET _005456899 126 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 126 15 answered answer VERB _005456899 126 16 bluntly bluntly ADV _005456899 126 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 126 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 126 19 no no INTJ _005456899 126 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 126 21 i i PRON _005456899 126 22 wo will AUX _005456899 126 23 n't not PART _005456899 126 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 126 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 126 26 he he PRON _005456899 126 27 would would AUX _005456899 126 28 not not PART _005456899 126 29 only only ADV _005456899 126 30 be be AUX _005456899 126 31 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 126 32 but but CCONJ _005456899 126 33 angry angry ADJ _005456899 126 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 127 1 whereas whereas SCONJ _005456899 127 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 127 3 she she PRON _005456899 127 4 emphasizes emphasize VERB _005456899 127 5 how how SCONJ _005456899 127 6 honored honored ADJ _005456899 127 7 she she PRON _005456899 127 8 feels feel VERB _005456899 127 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 127 10 he he PRON _005456899 127 11 should should AUX _005456899 127 12 propose propose VERB _005456899 127 13 to to ADP _005456899 127 14 her she PRON _005456899 127 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 127 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 127 17 how how SCONJ _005456899 127 18 sorry sorry ADJ _005456899 127 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 127 20 she she PRON _005456899 127 21 can can AUX _005456899 127 22 not not PART _005456899 127 23 say say VERB _005456899 127 24 yes yes INTJ _005456899 127 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 127 26 he he PRON _005456899 127 27 will will AUX _005456899 127 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 127 29 of of ADP _005456899 127 30 course course NOUN _005456899 127 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 127 32 not not PART _005456899 127 33 feel feel VERB _005456899 127 34 happy happy ADJ _005456899 127 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 127 36 but but CCONJ _005456899 127 37 he he PRON _005456899 127 38 will will AUX _005456899 127 39 go go VERB _005456899 127 40 away away ADV _005456899 127 41 feeling feel VERB _005456899 127 42 friendly friendly ADJ _005456899 127 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 128 1 the the DET _005456899 128 2 story story NOUN _005456899 128 3 is be AUX _005456899 128 4 told tell VERB _005456899 128 5 of of ADP _005456899 128 6 an an DET _005456899 128 7 english english ADJ _005456899 128 8 writer writer NOUN _005456899 128 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 128 10 when when SCONJ _005456899 128 11 he he PRON _005456899 128 12 proposed propose VERB _005456899 128 13 to to ADP _005456899 128 14 a a DET _005456899 128 15 lady lady NOUN _005456899 128 16 she she PRON _005456899 128 17 bluntly bluntly ADV _005456899 128 18 rejected reject VERB _005456899 128 19 him he PRON _005456899 128 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 129 1 subsequently subsequently ADV _005456899 129 2 the the DET _005456899 129 3 lady lady NOUN _005456899 129 4 exercised exercise VERB _005456899 129 5 her her PRON _005456899 129 6 feminine feminine ADJ _005456899 129 7 privilege privilege NOUN _005456899 129 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 129 9 sent send VERB _005456899 129 10 a a DET _005456899 129 11 servant servant NOUN _005456899 129 12 who who PRON _005456899 129 13 announced announce VERB _005456899 129 14 his his PRON _005456899 129 15 message message NOUN _005456899 129 16 to to ADP _005456899 129 17 the the DET _005456899 129 18 writer writer NOUN _005456899 129 19 by by ADP _005456899 129 20 saying say VERB _005456899 129 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 129 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 129 23 sir sir NOUN _005456899 129 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 129 25 the the DET _005456899 129 26 lady lady NOUN _005456899 129 27 has have AUX _005456899 129 28 changed change VERB _005456899 129 29 her her PRON _005456899 129 30 mind mind NOUN _005456899 129 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 129 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 130 1 the the DET _005456899 130 2 writer writer NOUN _005456899 130 3 answered answer VERB _005456899 130 4 laconically laconically ADV _005456899 130 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 130 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 130 7 so so ADV _005456899 130 8 have have VERB _005456899 130 9 i i PRON _005456899 130 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 130 11 boy boy INTJ _005456899 130 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 130 13 so so ADV _005456899 130 14 have have AUX _005456899 130 15 1 1 NUM _005456899 130 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 130 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 131 1 parliamentary parliamentary ADJ _005456899 131 2 rules rule NOUN _005456899 131 3 for for ADP _005456899 131 4 not not PART _005456899 131 5 offendinq offendinq ADJ _005456899 131 6 the the DET _005456899 131 7 fact fact NOUN _005456899 131 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 131 9 it it PRON _005456899 131 10 was be AUX _005456899 131 11 thought think VERB _005456899 131 12 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 131 13 to to PART _005456899 131 14 erect erect VERB _005456899 131 15 elaborate elaborate ADJ _005456899 131 16 in in ADP _005456899 131 17 · · PUNCT _005456899 131 18 directions direction NOUN _005456899 131 19 in in ADP _005456899 131 20 parliamentary parliamentary ADJ _005456899 131 21 procedure procedure NOUN _005456899 131 22 is be AUX _005456899 131 23 pointed point VERB _005456899 131 24 proof proof NOUN _005456899 131 25 of of ADP _005456899 131 26 the the DET _005456899 131 27 danger danger NOUN _005456899 131 28 of of ADP _005456899 131 29 sharp sharp ADJ _005456899 131 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 131 31 flat flat ADJ _005456899 131 32 contradictions contradiction NOUN _005456899 131 33 in in ADP _005456899 131 34 large large ADJ _005456899 131 35 groups group NOUN _005456899 131 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 132 1 at at ADP _005456899 132 2 class class NOUN _005456899 132 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 132 4 club club NOUN _005456899 132 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 132 6 church church NOUN _005456899 132 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 132 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 132 9 sodality sodality NOUN _005456899 132 10 meetings meeting NOUN _005456899 132 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 132 12 every every DET _005456899 132 13 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 132 14 owes owe VERB _005456899 132 15 it it PRON _005456899 132 16 to to ADP _005456899 132 17 himseu himseu NOUN _005456899 132 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 132 19 the the DET _005456899 132 20 group group NOUN _005456899 132 21 to to PART _005456899 132 22 avoid avoid VERB _005456899 132 23 sharp sharp ADJ _005456899 132 24 contradictions contradiction NOUN _005456899 132 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 132 26 to to PART _005456899 132 27 introduce introduce VERB _005456899 132 28 his his PRON _005456899 132 29 objections objection NOUN _005456899 132 30 in in ADP _005456899 132 31 the the DET _005456899 132 32 least least ADJ _005456899 132 33 offensive offensive ADJ _005456899 132 34 mariner mariner NOUN _005456899 132 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 133 1 such such ADJ _005456899 133 2 openings opening NOUN _005456899 133 3 as as ADP _005456899 133 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 133 6 mr mr PROPN _005456899 133 7 . . PROPN _005456899 133 8 chairman chairman PROPN _005456899 133 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 10 i i PRON _005456899 133 11 do do AUX _005456899 133 12 n't not PART _005456899 133 13 agree agree VERB _005456899 133 14 with with ADP _005456899 133 15 the the DET _005456899 133 16 last last ADJ _005456899 133 17 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 133 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 133 20 or or CCONJ _005456899 133 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 133 23 the the DET _005456899 133 24 last last ADJ _005456899 133 25 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 133 26 is be AUX _005456899 133 27 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 133 28 in in ADP _005456899 133 29 his his PRON _005456899 133 30 estimate estimate NOUN _005456899 133 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 133 33 or or CCONJ _005456899 133 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 133 35 the the DET _005456899 133 36 motion motion NOUN _005456899 133 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 38 made make VERB _005456899 133 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 133 40 seconded seconded ADJ _005456899 133 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 42 is be AUX _005456899 133 43 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 133 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 133 45 " " PUNCT _005456899 133 46 are be AUX _005456899 133 47 entirely entirely ADV _005456899 133 48 unforgivable unforgivable ADJ _005456899 133 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 134 1 no no ADV _005456899 134 2 matter matter ADV _005456899 134 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 134 4 definitely definitely ADV _005456899 134 5 one one NUM _005456899 134 6 has have VERB _005456899 134 7 to to PART _005456899 134 8 differ differ VERB _005456899 134 9 with with ADP _005456899 134 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 134 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 134 12 object object NOUN _005456899 134 13 to to ADP _005456899 134 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 134 15 a a DET _005456899 134 16 matter matter NOUN _005456899 134 17 proposed propose VERB _005456899 134 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 134 19 one one PRON _005456899 134 20 must must AUX _005456899 134 21 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 134 22 soften soften VERB _005456899 134 23 one one PRON _005456899 134 24 's 's PART _005456899 134 25 contradiction contradiction NOUN _005456899 134 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 135 1 the the DET _005456899 135 2 best good ADJ _005456899 135 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 135 4 most most ADV _005456899 135 5 honest honest ADJ _005456899 135 6 way way NOUN _005456899 135 7 to to PART _005456899 135 8 do do VERB _005456899 135 9 it it PRON _005456899 135 10 is be AUX _005456899 135 11 to to PART _005456899 135 12 open open VERB _005456899 135 13 one one PRON _005456899 135 14 's 's PART _005456899 135 15 remark remark NOUN _005456899 135 16 with with ADP _005456899 135 17 a a DET _005456899 135 18 recognition recognition NOUN _005456899 135 19 of of ADP _005456899 135 20 something something PRON _005456899 135 21 favorable favorable ADJ _005456899 135 22 in in ADP _005456899 135 23 the the DET _005456899 135 24 previous previous ADJ _005456899 135 25 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 135 26 or or CCONJ _005456899 135 27 in in ADP _005456899 135 28 his his PRON _005456899 135 29 proposal proposal NOUN _005456899 135 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 136 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 136 2 to to PART _005456899 136 3 soften soften VERB _005456899 136 4 opposition opposition NOUN _005456899 136 5 some some DET _005456899 136 6 such such ADJ _005456899 136 7 openings opening NOUN _005456899 136 8 as as ADP _005456899 136 9 the the DET _005456899 136 10 following following NOUN _005456899 136 11 are be AUX _005456899 136 12 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 136 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 136 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 136 15 though though SCONJ _005456899 136 16 the the DET _005456899 136 17 last last ADJ _005456899 136 18 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 136 19 was be AUX _005456899 136 20 very very ADV _005456899 136 21 plausible plausible ADJ _005456899 136 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 136 23 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 136 24 i i PRON _005456899 136 25 think think VERB _005456899 136 26 one one PRON _005456899 136 27 can can AUX _005456899 136 28 point point VERB _005456899 136 29 out out ADP _005456899 136 30 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 136 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 136 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 136 33 the the DET _005456899 136 34 last last ADJ _005456899 136 35 objection objection NOUN _005456899 136 36 is be AUX _005456899 136 37 a a DET _005456899 136 38 sound sound ADJ _005456899 136 39 one one NUM _005456899 136 40 but but CCONJ _005456899 136 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 136 42 in in ADP _005456899 136 43 my my PRON _005456899 136 44 opinion opinion NOUN _005456899 136 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 136 46 it it PRON _005456899 136 47 is be AUX _005456899 136 48 not not PART _005456899 136 49 so so ADV _005456899 136 50 weighty weighty ADJ _005456899 136 51 as as ADP _005456899 136 52 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 136 53 " " PUNCT _005456899 137 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 137 2 the the DET _005456899 137 3 opposition opposition NOUN _005456899 137 4 's 's PART _005456899 137 5 statistics statistic NOUN _005456899 137 6 are be AUX _005456899 137 7 correct correct ADJ _005456899 137 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 137 9 representative representative NOUN _005456899 137 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 137 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 137 12 i i PRON _005456899 137 13 would would AUX _005456899 137 14 give give VERB _005456899 137 15 them they PRON _005456899 137 16 a a DET _005456899 137 17 different different ADJ _005456899 137 18 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005456899 137 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 137 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 138 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 138 2 the the DET _005456899 138 3 motion motion NOUN _005456899 138 4 clearly clearly ADV _005456899 138 5 shows show VERB _005456899 138 6 a a DET _005456899 138 7 good good ADJ _005456899 138 8 intention intention NOUN _005456899 138 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 139 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 139 2 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 139 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 139 4 surely surely ADV _005456899 139 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 139 6 with with ADP _005456899 139 7 a a DET _005456899 139 8 little little ADJ _005456899 139 9 bit bit NOUN _005456899 139 10 of of ADP _005456899 139 11 careful careful ADJ _005456899 139 12 thought thought NOUN _005456899 139 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 139 14 analysis analysis NOUN _005456899 139 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 139 16 one one PRON _005456899 139 17 can can AUX _005456899 139 18 find find VERB _005456899 139 19 something something PRON _005456899 139 20 to to PART _005456899 139 21 commend commend VERB _005456899 139 22 in in ADP _005456899 139 23 every every DET _005456899 139 24 motion motion NOUN _005456899 139 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 139 26 suggestion suggestion NOUN _005456899 139 27 before before ADP _005456899 139 28 attacking attack VERB _005456899 139 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 139 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 139 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 139 32 4 4 NUM _005456899 139 33 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 139 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 139 35 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 139 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 139 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 139 38 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 139 39 it it PRON _005456899 139 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 140 1 doing do VERB _005456899 140 2 so so ADV _005456899 140 3 is be AUX _005456899 140 4 not not PART _005456899 140 5 compromising compromise VERB _005456899 140 6 our our PRON _005456899 140 7 point point NOUN _005456899 140 8 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 140 9 it it PRON _005456899 140 10 is be AUX _005456899 140 11 making make VERB _005456899 140 12 it it PRON _005456899 140 13 more more ADV _005456899 140 14 effective effective ADJ _005456899 140 15 by by ADP _005456899 140 16 making make VERB _005456899 140 17 it it PRON _005456899 140 18 less less ADV _005456899 140 19 painful painful ADJ _005456899 140 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 141 1 the the DET _005456899 141 2 humble humble ADJ _005456899 141 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 141 4 modest modest ADJ _005456899 141 5 approach approach NOUN _005456899 141 6 never never ADV _005456899 141 7 contradicting contradict VERB _005456899 141 8 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 141 9 flatly flatly ADV _005456899 141 10 is be AUX _005456899 141 11 the the DET _005456899 141 12 great great ADJ _005456899 141 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 141 14 do do AUX _005456899 141 15 n't not PART _005456899 141 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 141 17 in in ADP _005456899 141 18 the the DET _005456899 141 19 habit habit NOUN _005456899 141 20 of of ADP _005456899 141 21 saying say VERB _005456899 141 22 things thing NOUN _005456899 141 23 the the DET _005456899 141 24 most most ADV _005456899 141 25 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005456899 141 26 way way NOUN _005456899 141 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 142 1 being be AUX _005456899 142 2 modest modest ADJ _005456899 142 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 142 4 presenting present VERB _005456899 142 5 one one PRON _005456899 142 6 's 's PART _005456899 142 7 view view NOUN _005456899 142 8 modestly modestly ADV _005456899 142 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 142 10 is be AUX _005456899 142 11 the the DET _005456899 142 12 great great ADJ _005456899 142 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 142 14 do do NOUN _005456899 142 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 142 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 143 1 alexander alexander PROPN _005456899 143 2 pope pope PROPN _005456899 143 3 recommends recommend VERB _005456899 143 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 143 5 one one NUM _005456899 143 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 143 7 speak speak NOUN _005456899 143 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 143 9 tho tho PROPN _005456899 143 10 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 143 11 sure sure ADJ _005456899 143 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 143 13 with with ADP _005456899 143 14 seeming seeming NOUN _005456899 143 15 diffidence diffidence NOUN _005456899 143 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 143 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 144 1 a a DET _005456899 144 2 humble humble ADJ _005456899 144 3 manner manner NOUN _005456899 144 4 makes make VERB _005456899 144 5 people people NOUN _005456899 144 6 want want VERB _005456899 144 7 to to PART _005456899 144 8 agree agree VERB _005456899 144 9 with with ADP _005456899 144 10 you you PRON _005456899 144 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 144 12 whereas whereas ADV _005456899 144 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 144 14 according accord VERB _005456899 144 15 to to ADP _005456899 144 16 benjamin benjamin PROPN _005456899 144 17 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 144 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 144 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 144 20 a a DET _005456899 144 21 positive positive ADJ _005456899 144 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 144 23 assuming assume VERB _005456899 144 24 manner manner NOUN _005456899 144 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 144 26 that that PRON _005456899 144 27 seldom seldom ADV _005456899 144 28 fails fail VERB _005456899 144 29 to to PART _005456899 144 30 disgust disgust VERB _005456899 144 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 144 32 tends tend VERB _005456899 144 33 to to PART _005456899 144 34 create create VERB _005456899 144 35 opposition opposition NOUN _005456899 144 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 144 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 145 1 boys boy NOUN _005456899 145 2 like like VERB _005456899 145 3 to to PART _005456899 145 4 throw throw VERB _005456899 145 5 snowballs snowball NOUN _005456899 145 6 at at ADP _005456899 145 7 a a DET _005456899 145 8 silk silk NOUN _005456899 145 9 top top ADJ _005456899 145 10 hat hat NOUN _005456899 145 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 145 12 objections objection NOUN _005456899 145 13 at at ADP _005456899 145 14 a a DET _005456899 145 15 cocksure cocksure NOUN _005456899 145 16 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 145 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 146 1 lord lord PROPN _005456899 146 2 chesterfield chesterfield PROPN _005456899 146 3 says say VERB _005456899 146 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 146 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 146 6 be be AUX _005456899 146 7 wiser wise ADJ _005456899 146 8 than than ADP _005456899 146 9 other other ADJ _005456899 146 10 people people NOUN _005456899 146 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 146 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 146 13 you you PRON _005456899 146 14 can can AUX _005456899 146 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 146 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 146 17 do do AUX _005456899 146 18 not not PART _005456899 146 19 tell tell VERB _005456899 146 20 them they PRON _005456899 146 21 so so ADV _005456899 146 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 146 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 147 1 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 147 2 in in ADP _005456899 147 3 his his PRON _005456899 147 4 autobiography autobiography NOUN _005456899 147 5 presents present VERB _005456899 147 6 the the DET _005456899 147 7 clearest clear ADJ _005456899 147 8 case case NOUN _005456899 147 9 for for ADP _005456899 147 10 the the DET _005456899 147 11 modest modest ADJ _005456899 147 12 approach approach NOUN _005456899 147 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 148 1 he he PRON _005456899 148 2 says say VERB _005456899 148 3 he he PRON _005456899 148 4 dropped drop VERB _005456899 148 5 his his PRON _005456899 148 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 148 7 abrupt abrupt ADJ _005456899 148 8 contradiction contradiction NOUN _005456899 148 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 148 10 positive positive ADJ _005456899 148 11 argumentation argumentation NOUN _005456899 148 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 148 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 148 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 148 15 acquired acquire VERB _005456899 148 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 148 17 retained retain VERB _005456899 148 18 the the DET _005456899 148 19 habit habit NOUN _005456899 148 20 of of ADP _005456899 148 21 expressing express VERB _005456899 148 22 himself himself PRON _005456899 148 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 148 24 in in ADP _005456899 148 25 terms term NOUN _005456899 148 26 of of ADP _005456899 148 27 modest modest ADJ _005456899 148 28 diffidence diffidence NOUN _005456899 148 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 148 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 149 1 his his PRON _005456899 149 2 method method NOUN _005456899 149 3 is be AUX _005456899 149 4 so so ADV _005456899 149 5 well well ADV _005456899 149 6 described describe VERB _005456899 149 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 149 8 so so ADV _005456899 149 9 practical practical ADJ _005456899 149 10 for for ADP _005456899 149 11 everyone everyone PRON _005456899 149 12 that that SCONJ _005456899 149 13 it it PRON _005456899 149 14 deserves deserve VERB _005456899 149 15 to to PART _005456899 149 16 be be AUX _005456899 149 17 quoted quote VERB _005456899 149 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 150 1 it it PRON _005456899 150 2 is be AUX _005456899 150 3 as as SCONJ _005456899 150 4 follows follow VERB _005456899 150 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 150 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 150 7 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 150 8 never never ADV _005456899 150 9 using use VERB _005456899 150 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 150 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 150 12 i i PRON _005456899 150 13 advanced advance VERB _005456899 150 14 anything anything PRON _005456899 150 15 that that PRON _005456899 150 16 may may AUX _005456899 150 17 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 150 18 be be AUX _005456899 150 19 disputed dispute VERB _005456899 150 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 150 21 the the DET _005456899 150 22 words word NOUN _005456899 150 23 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 150 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 150 25 undoubtedly undoubtedly ADV _005456899 150 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 150 27 or or CCONJ _005456899 150 28 any any DET _005456899 150 29 others other NOUN _005456899 150 30 that that PRON _005456899 150 31 give give VERB _005456899 150 32 the the DET _005456899 150 33 air air NOUN _005456899 150 34 of of ADP _005456899 150 35 positiveness positiveness NOUN _005456899 150 36 to to ADP _005456899 150 37 an an DET _005456899 150 38 opinion opinion NOUN _005456899 150 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 150 40 but but CCONJ _005456899 150 41 rather rather ADV _005456899 150 42 say say VERB _005456899 150 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 150 44 i i PRON _005456899 150 45 conceive conceive VERB _005456899 150 46 or or CCONJ _005456899 150 47 apprehend apprehend VERB _005456899 150 48 a a DET _005456899 150 49 thing thing NOUN _005456899 150 50 to to PART _005456899 150 51 be be AUX _005456899 150 52 be be AUX _005456899 151 1 so so ADV _005456899 152 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 152 2 so so ADV _005456899 152 3 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 152 4 it it PRON _005456899 152 5 appears appear VERB _005456899 152 6 to to ADP _005456899 152 7 me i PRON _005456899 152 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 152 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 152 10 i i PRON _005456899 152 11 should should AUX _005456899 152 12 think think VERB _005456899 152 13 it it PRON _005456899 152 14 so so ADV _005456899 152 15 or or CCONJ _005456899 152 16 so so ADV _005456899 152 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 152 18 for for ADP _005456899 152 19 such such ADJ _005456899 152 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 152 21 such such ADJ _005456899 152 22 reason reason NOUN _005456899 152 23 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 152 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 152 25 i i PRON _005456899 152 26 imagine imagine VERB _005456899 152 27 it it PRON _005456899 152 28 to to PART _005456899 152 29 be be AUX _005456899 152 30 so so ADV _005456899 152 31 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 152 32 or or CCONJ _005456899 152 33 it it PRON _005456899 152 34 is be AUX _005456899 152 35 so so ADV _005456899 152 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 152 37 if if SCONJ _005456899 152 38 i i PRON _005456899 152 39 am be AUX _005456899 152 40 not not PART _005456899 152 41 mistaken mistaken ADJ _005456899 152 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 152 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 152 44 . . PUNCT _005456899 152 45 " " PUNCT _005456899 153 1 such such DET _005456899 153 2 a a DET _005456899 153 3 habit habit NOUN _005456899 153 4 of of ADP _005456899 153 5 modesty modesty NOUN _005456899 153 6 in in ADP _005456899 153 7 presentation presentation NOUN _005456899 153 8 becomes become VERB _005456899 153 9 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 153 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 153 11 would would AUX _005456899 153 12 help help VERB _005456899 153 13 to to PART _005456899 153 14 make make VERB _005456899 153 15 the the DET _005456899 153 16 family family NOUN _005456899 153 17 circle circle NOUN _005456899 153 18 more more ADV _005456899 153 19 amiable amiable ADJ _005456899 153 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 153 21 international international ADJ _005456899 153 22 congresses congress NOUN _005456899 153 23 more more ADV _005456899 153 24 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005456899 153 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 154 1 saying say VERB _005456899 154 2 thi.t1gs thi.t1gs PUNCT _005456899 154 3 c c NOUN _005456899 154 4 : : PUNCT _005456899 154 5 s s X _005456899 154 6 ofuers ofuer NOUN _005456899 154 7 see see VERB _005456899 154 8 them they PRON _005456899 154 9 modesty modesty ADJ _005456899 154 10 of of ADP _005456899 154 11 viewpoint viewpoint NOUN _005456899 154 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 154 13 avoidance avoidance NOUN _005456899 154 14 of of ADP _005456899 154 15 bald bald ADJ _005456899 154 16 contraditions contradition NOUN _005456899 154 17 must must AUX _005456899 154 18 in in ADP _005456899 154 19 a a DET _005456899 154 20 really really ADV _005456899 154 21 courteous courteous ADJ _005456899 154 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 154 23 tactful tactful ADJ _005456899 154 24 person person NOUN _005456899 154 25 be be AUX _005456899 154 26 supplemented supplement VERB _005456899 154 27 by by ADP _005456899 154 28 a a DET _005456899 154 29 regular regular ADJ _005456899 154 30 talent talent NOUN _005456899 154 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 154 32 habit habit NOUN _005456899 154 33 of of ADP _005456899 154 34 saying say VERB _005456899 154 35 things thing NOUN _005456899 154 36 as as SCONJ _005456899 154 37 others other NOUN _005456899 154 38 hear hear VERB _005456899 154 39 them they PRON _005456899 154 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 155 1 secretary secretary NOUN _005456899 155 2 lansing lanse VERB _005456899 155 3 once once ADV _005456899 155 4 related relate VERB _005456899 155 5 how how SCONJ _005456899 155 6 a a DET _005456899 155 7 gallant gallant ADJ _005456899 155 8 french french ADJ _005456899 155 9 official official NOUN _005456899 155 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 155 11 required require VERB _005456899 155 12 to to PART _005456899 155 13 make make VERB _005456899 155 14 out out ADP _005456899 155 15 a a DET _005456899 155 16 passport passport NOUN _005456899 155 17 for for ADP _005456899 155 18 a a DET _005456899 155 19 lady lady NOUN _005456899 155 20 who who PRON _005456899 155 21 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 155 22 had have VERB _005456899 155 23 only only ADV _005456899 155 24 one one NUM _005456899 155 25 eye eye NOUN _005456899 155 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 155 27 wrote write VERB _005456899 155 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 155 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 155 30 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 155 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 155 32 brilliant brilliant ADJ _005456899 155 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 155 34 brown brown ADJ _005456899 155 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 155 36 expressive expressive ADJ _005456899 155 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 155 38 only only ADV _005456899 155 39 one one NUM _005456899 155 40 missing miss VERB _005456899 155 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 155 42 " " PUNCT _005456899 156 1 here here ADV _005456899 156 2 was be AUX _005456899 156 3 a a DET _005456899 156 4 case case NOUN _005456899 156 5 of of ADP _005456899 156 6 choosing choose VERB _005456899 156 7 the the DET _005456899 156 8 words word NOUN _005456899 156 9 which which PRON _005456899 156 10 had have VERB _005456899 156 11 the the DET _005456899 156 12 best good ADJ _005456899 156 13 possible possible ADJ _005456899 156 14 sound sound NOUN _005456899 156 15 for for ADP _005456899 156 16 the the DET _005456899 156 17 other other ADJ _005456899 156 18 person person NOUN _005456899 156 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 157 1 in in ADP _005456899 157 2 like like ADP _005456899 157 3 manner manner NOUN _005456899 157 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 157 5 a a PRON _005456899 157 6 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 157 7 saying say VERB _005456899 157 8 things thing NOUN _005456899 157 9 the the DET _005456899 157 10 tactful tactful ADJ _005456899 157 11 way way NOUN _005456899 157 12 5 5 NUM _005456899 157 13 shoe shoe NOUN _005456899 157 14 clerk clerk NOUN _005456899 157 15 will will AUX _005456899 157 16 say say VERB _005456899 157 17 to to ADP _005456899 157 18 a a DET _005456899 157 19 lady lady NOUN _005456899 157 20 who who PRON _005456899 157 21 asks ask VERB _005456899 157 22 which which PRON _005456899 157 23 of of ADP _005456899 157 24 her her PRON _005456899 157 25 feet foot NOUN _005456899 157 26 is be AUX _005456899 157 27 larger large ADJ _005456899 157 28 that that SCONJ _005456899 157 29 her her PRON _005456899 157 30 left left ADJ _005456899 157 31 foot foot NOUN _005456899 157 32 is be AUX _005456899 157 33 smaller small ADJ _005456899 157 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 158 1 a a DET _005456899 158 2 moment moment NOUN _005456899 158 3 's 's PART _005456899 158 4 thought thought NOUN _005456899 158 5 as as ADP _005456899 158 6 to to ADP _005456899 158 7 the the DET _005456899 158 8 other other ADJ _005456899 158 9 's 's PART _005456899 158 10 viewpoint viewpoint NOUN _005456899 158 11 will will AUX _005456899 158 12 often often ADV _005456899 158 13 enable enable VERB _005456899 158 14 one one NUM _005456899 158 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 158 16 without without ADP _005456899 158 17 dishonesty dishonesty NOUN _005456899 158 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 158 19 to to PART _005456899 158 20 change change VERB _005456899 158 21 the the DET _005456899 158 22 emphasis emphasis NOUN _005456899 158 23 so so SCONJ _005456899 158 24 as as SCONJ _005456899 158 25 to to PART _005456899 158 26 sound sound VERB _005456899 158 27 less less ADV _005456899 158 28 harsh harsh ADJ _005456899 158 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 159 1 a a DET _005456899 159 2 verse verse NOUN _005456899 159 3 by by ADP _005456899 159 4 elinor elinor NOUN _005456899 159 5 powell powell NOUN _005456899 159 6 in in ADP _005456899 159 7 the the DET _005456899 159 8 new new PROPN _005456899 159 9 york york PROPN _005456899 159 10 post post PROPN _005456899 159 11 indicates indicate VERB _005456899 159 12 this this PRON _005456899 159 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 159 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 159 15 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 159 16 say say VERB _005456899 159 17 i i PRON _005456899 159 18 'm be AUX _005456899 159 19 eccentric eccentric ADJ _005456899 159 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 159 21 but but CCONJ _005456899 159 22 do do AUX _005456899 159 23 n't not PART _005456899 159 24 say say VERB _005456899 159 25 crazy crazy ADJ _005456899 159 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 160 1 my my PRON _005456899 160 2 nose nose NOUN _005456899 160 3 is be AUX _005456899 160 4 n't not PART _005456899 160 5 large large ADJ _005456899 160 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 160 7 my my PRON _005456899 160 8 features feature NOUN _005456899 160 9 are be AUX _005456899 160 10 prominent prominent ADJ _005456899 160 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 161 1 oh oh INTJ _005456899 161 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 161 3 you you PRON _005456899 161 4 can can AUX _005456899 161 5 work work VERB _005456899 161 6 wonders wonder NOUN _005456899 161 7 by by ADP _005456899 161 8 watching watch VERB _005456899 161 9 your your PRON _005456899 161 10 diction diction NOUN _005456899 161 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 161 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 162 1 it it PRON _005456899 162 2 is be AUX _005456899 162 3 more more ADV _005456899 162 4 painful painful ADJ _005456899 162 5 to to PART _005456899 162 6 be be AUX _005456899 162 7 called call VERB _005456899 162 8 too too ADV _005456899 162 9 old old ADJ _005456899 162 10 for for ADP _005456899 162 11 a a DET _005456899 162 12 job job NOUN _005456899 162 13 than than ADP _005456899 162 14 not not PART _005456899 162 15 young young ADJ _005456899 162 16 enough enough ADV _005456899 162 17 for for ADP _005456899 162 18 it it PRON _005456899 162 19 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 162 20 too too ADV _005456899 162 21 fat fat ADJ _005456899 162 22 for for ADP _005456899 162 23 a a DET _005456899 162 24 part part NOUN _005456899 162 25 than than SCONJ _005456899 162 26 not not PART _005456899 162 27 slender slender NOUN _005456899 162 28 enough enough ADV _005456899 162 29 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 162 30 too too ADV _005456899 162 31 clumsy clumsy ADJ _005456899 162 32 than than SCONJ _005456899 162 33 not not PART _005456899 162 34 handy handy ADJ _005456899 162 35 enough enough ADV _005456899 162 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 163 1 a a DET _005456899 163 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 163 3 would would AUX _005456899 163 4 rather rather ADV _005456899 163 5 be be AUX _005456899 163 6 told tell VERB _005456899 163 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 163 8 her her PRON _005456899 163 9 child child NOUN _005456899 163 10 is be AUX _005456899 163 11 backward backward ADJ _005456899 163 12 than than ADP _005456899 163 13 a a DET _005456899 163 14 moron moron NOUN _005456899 163 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 164 1 an an DET _005456899 164 2 english english ADJ _005456899 164 3 teacher teacher NOUN _005456899 164 4 was be AUX _005456899 164 5 right right ADJ _005456899 164 6 in in ADP _005456899 164 7 telling tell VERB _005456899 164 8 his his PRON _005456899 164 9 pupils pupil NOUN _005456899 164 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 164 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 164 12 horses horse NOUN _005456899 164 13 sweat sweat VERB _005456899 164 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 164 15 men man NOUN _005456899 164 16 perspire perspire VERB _005456899 164 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 164 18 but but CCONJ _005456899 164 19 ladies lady NOUN _005456899 164 20 merely merely ADV _005456899 164 21 glow glow VERB _005456899 164 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 164 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 165 1 the the DET _005456899 165 2 compliment compliment NOUN _005456899 165 3 is be AUX _005456899 165 4 mighter might ADJ _005456899 165 5 than than SCONJ _005456899 165 6 the the DET _005456899 165 7 command command NOUN _005456899 165 8 nice nice ADJ _005456899 165 9 words word NOUN _005456899 165 10 are be AUX _005456899 165 11 more more ADV _005456899 165 12 irresistible irresistible ADJ _005456899 165 13 than than ADP _005456899 165 14 good good ADJ _005456899 165 15 looks look NOUN _005456899 165 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 166 1 soft soft ADJ _005456899 166 2 talkers talker NOUN _005456899 166 3 win win VERB _005456899 166 4 more more ADJ _005456899 166 5 hearts heart NOUN _005456899 166 6 than than ADP _005456899 166 7 rude rude ADJ _005456899 166 8 adonises adonis NOUN _005456899 166 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 167 1 a a DET _005456899 167 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 167 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 167 4 anxious anxious ADJ _005456899 167 5 for for ADP _005456899 167 6 her her PRON _005456899 167 7 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 167 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 167 9 fears fear VERB _005456899 167 10 more more ADV _005456899 167 11 a a DET _005456899 167 12 man man NOUN _005456899 167 13 's 's PART _005456899 167 14 so so ADV _005456899 167 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 167 16 called call VERB _005456899 167 17 line line NOUN _005456899 167 18 than than ADP _005456899 167 19 his his PRON _005456899 167 20 wavy wavy NOUN _005456899 167 21 hair hair NOUN _005456899 167 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 168 1 most most ADJ _005456899 168 2 of of ADP _005456899 168 3 us we PRON _005456899 168 4 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 168 5 the the DET _005456899 168 6 power power NOUN _005456899 168 7 of of ADP _005456899 168 8 the the DET _005456899 168 9 soft soft ADJ _005456899 168 10 phrase phrase NOUN _005456899 168 11 in in ADP _005456899 168 12 love love NOUN _005456899 168 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 169 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 169 2 we we PRON _005456899 169 3 do do AUX _005456899 169 4 n't not PART _005456899 169 5 realize realize VERB _005456899 169 6 quite quite ADV _005456899 169 7 so so ADV _005456899 169 8 well well ADV _005456899 169 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 169 10 in in ADP _005456899 169 11 controversy controversy NOUN _005456899 169 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 169 13 too too ADV _005456899 169 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 169 15 the the DET _005456899 169 16 fair fair ADJ _005456899 169 17 analogy analogy NOUN _005456899 169 18 wins win VERB _005456899 169 19 faster fast ADV _005456899 169 20 than than ADP _005456899 169 21 the the DET _005456899 169 22 harsh harsh ADJ _005456899 169 23 syllogism syllogism NOUN _005456899 169 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 170 1 the the DET _005456899 170 2 bible bible PROPN _005456899 170 3 says say VERB _005456899 170 4 of of ADP _005456899 170 5 the the DET _005456899 170 6 serpent serpent NOUN _005456899 170 7 that that PRON _005456899 170 8 tempted tempt VERB _005456899 170 9 eve eve NOUN _005456899 170 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 170 11 it it PRON _005456899 170 12 was be AUX _005456899 170 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 170 14 more more ADV _005456899 170 15 subtle subtle ADJ _005456899 170 16 than than ADP _005456899 170 17 any any PRON _005456899 170 18 of of ADP _005456899 170 19 the the DET _005456899 170 20 beasts beast NOUN _005456899 170 21 of of ADP _005456899 170 22 the the DET _005456899 170 23 earth earth NOUN _005456899 170 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 170 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 171 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 171 2 the the DET _005456899 171 3 first first ADJ _005456899 171 4 thing thing NOUN _005456899 171 5 the the DET _005456899 171 6 serpent serpent NOUN _005456899 171 7 said say VERB _005456899 171 8 to to ADP _005456899 171 9 eve eve PROPN _005456899 171 10 was be AUX _005456899 171 11 not not PART _005456899 171 12 an an DET _005456899 171 13 abstract abstract ADJ _005456899 171 14 argument argument NOUN _005456899 171 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 171 16 something something PRON _005456899 171 17 which which PRON _005456899 171 18 touched touch VERB _005456899 171 19 her her PRON _005456899 171 20 own own ADJ _005456899 171 21 personal personal ADJ _005456899 171 22 vanity vanity NOUN _005456899 171 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 172 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 172 2 why why SCONJ _005456899 172 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 172 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 172 5 asked ask VERB _005456899 172 6 the the DET _005456899 172 7 serpent serpent NOUN _005456899 172 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 172 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 172 10 hath hath AUX _005456899 172 11 god god PROPN _005456899 172 12 commanded command VERB _005456899 172 13 you you PRON _005456899 172 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 172 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 172 16 you you PRON _005456899 172 17 should should AUX _005456899 172 18 not not PART _005456899 172 19 eat eat VERB _005456899 172 20 of of ADP _005456899 172 21 every every DET _005456899 172 22 tree tree NOUN _005456899 172 23 of of ADP _005456899 172 24 paradise?"as paradise?"a NOUN _005456899 172 25 much much ADV _005456899 172 26 as as SCONJ _005456899 172 27 to to PART _005456899 172 28 imply imply VERB _005456899 172 29 that that SCONJ _005456899 172 30 surely surely ADV _005456899 172 31 one one PRON _005456899 172 32 should should AUX _005456899 172 33 expect expect VERB _005456899 172 34 that that SCONJ _005456899 172 35 a a DET _005456899 172 36 fair fair ADJ _005456899 172 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 172 38 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005456899 172 39 creature creature NOUN _005456899 172 40 like like ADP _005456899 172 41 herself herself PRON _005456899 172 42 should should AUX _005456899 172 43 have have VERB _005456899 172 44 the the DET _005456899 172 45 right right NOUN _005456899 172 46 to to PART _005456899 172 47 eat eat VERB _005456899 172 48 of of ADP _005456899 172 49 every every DET _005456899 172 50 tree tree NOUN _005456899 172 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 173 1 in in ADP _005456899 173 2 words word NOUN _005456899 173 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 173 4 be be AUX _005456899 173 5 ye ye ADV _005456899 173 6 wise wise ADJ _005456899 173 7 ass-- ass-- PUNCT _005456899 173 8 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 173 9 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 173 10 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 173 11 the the DET _005456899 173 12 subtlety subtlety NOUN _005456899 173 13 of of ADP _005456899 173 14 the the DET _005456899 173 15 words word NOUN _005456899 173 16 the the DET _005456899 173 17 serpent serpent NOUN _005456899 173 18 employed employ VERB _005456899 173 19 for for ADP _005456899 173 20 an an DET _005456899 173 21 evil evil ADJ _005456899 173 22 purpose purpose NOUN _005456899 173 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 173 24 good good ADJ _005456899 173 25 men man NOUN _005456899 173 26 will will AUX _005456899 173 27 employ employ VERB _005456899 173 28 for for ADP _005456899 173 29 good good ADJ _005456899 173 30 purposes purpose NOUN _005456899 173 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 174 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 174 2 be be AUX _005456899 174 3 ye ye ADV _005456899 174 4 wise wise ADJ _005456899 174 5 as as ADP _005456899 174 6 serpents serpent NOUN _005456899 174 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 174 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 174 9 said say VERB _005456899 174 10 the the DET _005456899 174 11 lord lord PROPN _005456899 174 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 175 1 the the DET _005456899 175 2 debater debater NOUN _005456899 175 3 who who PRON _005456899 175 4 instead instead ADV _005456899 175 5 of of ADP _005456899 175 6 saying say VERB _005456899 175 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 175 8 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 176 1 your your PRON _005456899 176 2 hospitals hospital NOUN _005456899 176 3 are be AUX _005456899 176 4 only only ADV _005456899 176 5 one one NUM _005456899 176 6 third third ADJ _005456899 176 7 as as ADV _005456899 176 8 modem modem NOUN _005456899 176 9 as as ADP _005456899 176 10 ours our NOUN _005456899 176 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 176 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 176 13 said say VERB _005456899 176 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 176 15 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 176 16 your your PRON _005456899 176 17 hospitals hospital NOUN _005456899 176 18 are be AUX _005456899 176 19 three three NUM _005456899 176 20 times time NOUN _005456899 176 21 as as ADV _005456899 176 22 backward backward ADJ _005456899 176 23 as as ADP _005456899 176 24 ours our NOUN _005456899 176 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 176 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 176 27 made make VERB _005456899 176 28 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 176 29 mad mad ADJ _005456899 176 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 177 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 177 2 louis louis PROPN _005456899 177 3 xiv xiv PROPN _005456899 177 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 177 5 instead instead ADV _005456899 177 6 of of ADP _005456899 177 7 saying say VERB _005456899 177 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 177 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 177 10 i i PRON _005456899 177 11 speak speak VERB _005456899 177 12 for for ADP _005456899 177 13 the the DET _005456899 177 14 state state NOUN _005456899 177 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 177 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 177 17 said say VERB _005456899 177 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 177 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 177 20 i i PRON _005456899 177 21 am be AUX _005456899 177 22 the the DET _005456899 177 23 state state NOUN _005456899 177 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 177 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 177 26 he he PRON _005456899 177 27 built build VERB _005456899 177 28 the the DET _005456899 177 29 first first ADJ _005456899 177 30 steps step NOUN _005456899 177 31 up up ADP _005456899 177 32 the the DET _005456899 177 33 guillotine guillotine NOUN _005456899 177 34 that that PRON _005456899 177 35 beheaded behead VERB _005456899 177 36 his his PRON _005456899 177 37 successors successor NOUN _005456899 177 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 178 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 178 2 bethmann bethmann PROPN _005456899 178 3 - - PUNCT _005456899 178 4 hollweg hollweg PROPN _005456899 178 5 in in ADP _005456899 178 6 1914 1914 NUM _005456899 178 7 referred refer VERB _005456899 178 8 to to ADP _005456899 178 9 the the DET _005456899 178 10 6 6 NUM _005456899 178 11 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 178 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 178 13 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 178 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 178 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 178 16 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 178 17 treaty treaty NOUN _005456899 178 18 guaranteeing guarantee VERB _005456899 178 19 belgium belgium NOUN _005456899 178 20 's 's PART _005456899 178 21 neutrality neutrality NOUN _005456899 178 22 as as ADP _005456899 178 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 178 24 a a DET _005456899 178 25 scrap scrap NOUN _005456899 178 26 of of ADP _005456899 178 27 paper paper NOUN _005456899 178 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 178 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 178 30 he he PRON _005456899 178 31 unwittingly unwittingly ADV _005456899 178 32 did do VERB _005456899 178 33 a a DET _005456899 178 34 lot lot NOUN _005456899 178 35 to to PART _005456899 178 36 change change VERB _005456899 178 37 a a DET _005456899 178 38 european european ADJ _005456899 178 39 war war NOUN _005456899 178 40 into into ADP _005456899 178 41 a a DET _005456899 178 42 world world NOUN _005456899 178 43 war war NOUN _005456899 178 44 . . PUNCT _005456899 179 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 179 2 some some PRON _005456899 179 3 say say VERB _005456899 179 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 179 5 the the DET _005456899 179 6 farmers farmer NOUN _005456899 179 7 of of ADP _005456899 179 8 iowa iowa PROPN _005456899 179 9 have have AUX _005456899 179 10 never never ADV _005456899 179 11 been be AUX _005456899 179 12 quite quite ADV _005456899 179 13 tractable tractable ADJ _005456899 179 14 since since SCONJ _005456899 179 15 the the DET _005456899 179 16 late late ADJ _005456899 179 17 vice vice NOUN _005456899 179 18 - - NOUN _005456899 179 19 president president PROPN _005456899 179 20 curtis curtis NOUN _005456899 179 21 said say VERB _005456899 179 22 that that SCONJ _005456899 179 23 they they PRON _005456899 179 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 179 25 were be AUX _005456899 179 26 too too ADV _005456899 179 27 dumb dumb ADJ _005456899 179 28 to to PART _005456899 179 29 understand understand VERB _005456899 179 30 national national ADJ _005456899 179 31 issues issue NOUN _005456899 179 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 179 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 180 1 yes yes INTJ _005456899 180 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 180 3 queen queen PROPN _005456899 180 4 victoria victoria PROPN _005456899 180 5 's 's PART _005456899 180 6 husband husband NOUN _005456899 180 7 was be AUX _005456899 180 8 right right ADJ _005456899 180 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 180 10 he he PRON _005456899 180 11 advised advise VERB _005456899 180 12 her she PRON _005456899 180 13 that that SCONJ _005456899 180 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 180 15 often often ADV _005456899 180 16 it it PRON _005456899 180 17 is be AUX _005456899 180 18 just just ADV _005456899 180 19 the the DET _005456899 180 20 way way NOUN _005456899 180 21 a a DET _005456899 180 22 thing thing NOUN _005456899 180 23 is be AUX _005456899 180 24 said say VERB _005456899 180 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 180 26 decides decide VERB _005456899 180 27 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 180 28 it it PRON _005456899 180 29 shall shall AUX _005456899 180 30 be be AUX _005456899 180 31 peace peace NOUN _005456899 180 32 or or CCONJ _005456899 180 33 war war NOUN _005456899 180 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 180 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 181 1 ar ar PROPN _005456899 181 2 . . PROPN _005456899 181 3 ite ite VERB _005456899 181 4 · · NUM _005456899 181 5 ere ere NOUN _005456899 181 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 181 7 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 182 1 1a 1a NOUN _005456899 182 2 s s AUX _005456899 182 3 the the DET _005456899 182 4 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 182 5 ii ii PROPN _005456899 182 6 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 182 7 our our PRON _005456899 182 8 friends friend NOUN _005456899 182 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 182 10 keeping keep VERB _005456899 182 11 them they PRON _005456899 182 12 this this DET _005456899 182 13 article article NOUN _005456899 182 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 182 15 originally originally ADV _005456899 182 16 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 182 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 182 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 182 19 do do AUX _005456899 182 20 n't not PART _005456899 182 21 lose lose VERB _005456899 182 22 your your PRON _005456899 182 23 friends friend NOUN _005456899 182 24 : : PUNCT _005456899 182 25 they they PRON _005456899 182 26 are be AUX _005456899 182 27 not not PART _005456899 182 28 expendable expendable ADJ _005456899 182 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 182 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 182 31 is be AUX _005456899 182 32 also also ADV _005456899 182 33 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 182 34 from from ADP _005456899 182 35 the the DET _005456899 182 36 queen queen NOUN _005456899 182 37 's 's PART _005456899 182 38 work work NOUN _005456899 182 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 182 40 april april PROPN _005456899 182 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 182 42 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 182 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 183 1 it it PRON _005456899 183 2 describes describe VERB _005456899 183 3 what what PRON _005456899 183 4 seems seem VERB _005456899 183 5 to to ADP _005456899 183 6 me i PRON _005456899 183 7 the the DET _005456899 183 8 very very ADJ _005456899 183 9 heart heart NOUN _005456899 183 10 of of ADP _005456899 183 11 the the DET _005456899 183 12 christian christian ADJ _005456899 183 13 moral moral ADJ _005456899 183 14 order order NOUN _005456899 183 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 183 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 183 17 we we PRON _005456899 183 18 must must AUX _005456899 183 19 love love VERB _005456899 183 20 even even ADV _005456899 183 21 our our PRON _005456899 183 22 enemies enemy NOUN _005456899 183 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 183 24 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 183 25 all all DET _005456899 183 26 human human ADJ _005456899 183 27 beings being NOUN _005456899 183 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 183 29 not not PART _005456899 183 30 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 183 31 because because SCONJ _005456899 183 32 they they PRON _005456899 183 33 deserve deserve VERB _005456899 183 34 it it PRON _005456899 183 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 183 36 but but CCONJ _005456899 183 37 because because SCONJ _005456899 183 38 they they PRON _005456899 183 39 are be AUX _005456899 183 40 our our PRON _005456899 183 41 brethren brother NOUN _005456899 183 42 in in ADP _005456899 183 43 christ christ PROPN _005456899 183 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 183 45 because because SCONJ _005456899 183 46 it it PRON _005456899 183 47 is be AUX _005456899 183 48 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 183 49 and and CCONJ _005456899 183 50 good good ADJ _005456899 183 51 for for SCONJ _005456899 183 52 us we PRON _005456899 183 53 to to PART _005456899 183 54 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 183 55 them they PRON _005456899 183 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 184 1 it it PRON _005456899 184 2 maintains maintain VERB _005456899 184 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 184 4 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 184 5 our our PRON _005456899 184 6 friends friend NOUN _005456899 184 7 is be AUX _005456899 184 8 the the DET _005456899 184 9 chief chief ADJ _005456899 184 10 secret secret NOUN _005456899 184 11 of of ADP _005456899 184 12 keeping keep VERB _005456899 184 13 them they PRON _005456899 184 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 185 1 our our PRON _005456899 185 2 best good ADJ _005456899 185 3 friends friend NOUN _005456899 185 4 sometime sometime ADV _005456899 185 5 let let VERB _005456899 185 6 us we PRON _005456899 185 7 down down ADP _005456899 185 8 one one NUM _005456899 185 9 thing thing NOUN _005456899 185 10 you you PRON _005456899 185 11 can can AUX _005456899 185 12 safely safely ADV _005456899 185 13 predict predict VERB _005456899 185 14 about about ADP _005456899 185 15 your your PRON _005456899 185 16 friends friend NOUN _005456899 185 17 is be AUX _005456899 185 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 185 19 some some DET _005456899 185 20 time time NOUN _005456899 185 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 185 22 other other ADJ _005456899 185 23 they they PRON _005456899 185 24 will will AUX _005456899 185 25 let let VERB _005456899 185 26 you you PRON _005456899 185 27 down down ADP _005456899 185 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 186 1 it it PRON _005456899 186 2 may may AUX _005456899 186 3 be be AUX _005456899 186 4 only only ADV _005456899 186 5 in in ADP _005456899 186 6 a a DET _005456899 186 7 small small ADJ _005456899 186 8 matter matter NOUN _005456899 186 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 187 1 he he PRON _005456899 187 2 assured assure VERB _005456899 187 3 you you PRON _005456899 187 4 he he PRON _005456899 187 5 would would AUX _005456899 187 6 pick pick VERB _005456899 187 7 you you PRON _005456899 187 8 up up ADP _005456899 187 9 at at ADP _005456899 187 10 such such DET _005456899 187 11 a a DET _005456899 187 12 spot spot NOUN _005456899 187 13 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 187 14 at at ADP _005456899 187 15 five five NUM _005456899 187 16 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 187 17 you you PRON _005456899 187 18 are be AUX _005456899 187 19 there there ADV _005456899 187 20 at at ADP _005456899 187 21 five five NUM _005456899 187 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 187 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 187 24 it it PRON _005456899 187 25 also also ADV _005456899 187 26 starts start VERB _005456899 187 27 raining rain VERB _005456899 187 28 at at ADP _005456899 187 29 five five NUM _005456899 187 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 187 31 but but CCONJ _005456899 187 32 your your PRON _005456899 187 33 friend friend NOUN _005456899 187 34 does do AUX _005456899 187 35 n't not PART _005456899 187 36 come come VERB _005456899 187 37 until until ADP _005456899 187 38 five five NUM _005456899 187 39 - - PUNCT _005456899 187 40 thirty thirty NUM _005456899 187 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 188 1 in in ADP _005456899 188 2 big big ADJ _005456899 188 3 things thing NOUN _005456899 188 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 188 5 small small ADJ _005456899 188 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 188 7 it it PRON _005456899 188 8 is be AUX _005456899 188 9 a a DET _005456899 188 10 safe safe ADJ _005456899 188 11 bet bet NOUN _005456899 188 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 188 13 your your PRON _005456899 188 14 friends friend NOUN _005456899 188 15 will will AUX _005456899 188 16 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 188 17 disappoint disappoint VERB _005456899 188 18 you you PRON _005456899 188 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 189 1 the the DET _005456899 189 2 best good ADJ _005456899 189 3 man man NOUN _005456899 189 4 in in ADP _005456899 189 5 all all DET _005456899 189 6 the the DET _005456899 189 7 world world NOUN _005456899 189 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 189 9 our our PRON _005456899 189 10 lord lord PROPN _005456899 189 11 himself himself PRON _005456899 189 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 189 13 was be AUX _005456899 189 14 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 189 15 let let VERB _005456899 189 16 down down ADP _005456899 189 17 by by ADP _005456899 189 18 his his PRON _005456899 189 19 friends friend NOUN _005456899 189 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 190 1 one one NUM _005456899 190 2 of of ADP _005456899 190 3 the the DET _005456899 190 4 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 190 5 betrayed betray VERB _005456899 190 6 him he PRON _005456899 190 7 with with ADP _005456899 190 8 a a DET _005456899 190 9 kiss kiss NOUN _005456899 190 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 190 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 190 12 the the DET _005456899 190 13 great great ADJ _005456899 190 14 peter peter PROPN _005456899 190 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 190 16 in in ADP _005456899 190 17 the the DET _005456899 190 18 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 190 19 hour hour NOUN _005456899 190 20 of of ADP _005456899 190 21 christ christ PROPN _005456899 190 22 's 's PART _005456899 190 23 greatest great ADJ _005456899 190 24 trial trial NOUN _005456899 190 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 190 26 denied deny VERB _005456899 190 27 his his PRON _005456899 190 28 master master NOUN _005456899 190 29 three three NUM _005456899 190 30 times time NOUN _005456899 190 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 191 1 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 191 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 191 3 seventy seventy NUM _005456899 191 4 times time NOUN _005456899 191 5 seven seven NUM _005456899 191 6 times time NOUN _005456899 191 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 191 8 seemed seem VERB _005456899 191 9 impossible impossible ADJ _005456899 191 10 whenever whenever ADV _005456899 191 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 191 12 as as ADP _005456899 191 13 a a DET _005456899 191 14 boy boy NOUN _005456899 191 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 191 16 i i PRON _005456899 191 17 thought think VERB _005456899 191 18 of of ADP _005456899 191 19 christ christ PROPN _005456899 191 20 's 's PART _005456899 191 21 order order NOUN _005456899 191 22 to to PART _005456899 191 23 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 191 24 an an DET _005456899 191 25 offending offend VERB _005456899 191 26 brother brother NOUN _005456899 191 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 191 28 seventy seventy NUM _005456899 191 29 times time NOUN _005456899 191 30 seven seven NUM _005456899 191 31 times time NOUN _005456899 191 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 191 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 191 34 i i PRON _005456899 191 35 used use VERB _005456899 191 36 to to PART _005456899 191 37 shudder shudder VERB _005456899 191 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 192 1 i i PRON _005456899 192 2 felt feel VERB _005456899 192 3 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 192 4 like like ADP _005456899 192 5 the the DET _005456899 192 6 little little ADJ _005456899 192 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 192 8 who who PRON _005456899 192 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 192 10 having having AUX _005456899 192 11 been be AUX _005456899 192 12 often often ADV _005456899 192 13 warned warn VERB _005456899 192 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 192 15 god god PROPN _005456899 192 16 did do AUX _005456899 192 17 n't not PART _005456899 192 18 like like VERB _005456899 192 19 this this PRON _005456899 192 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 192 21 the the DET _005456899 192 22 policeman policeman NOUN _005456899 192 23 would would AUX _005456899 192 24 get get VERB _005456899 192 25 her she PRON _005456899 192 26 for for ADP _005456899 192 27 that that PRON _005456899 192 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 192 29 said say VERB _005456899 192 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 192 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 192 32 would would AUX _005456899 192 33 n't not PART _005456899 192 34 this this PRON _005456899 192 35 be be AUX _005456899 192 36 a a DET _005456899 192 37 jolly jolly ADJ _005456899 192 38 world world NOUN _005456899 192 39 if if SCONJ _005456899 192 40 it it PRON _005456899 192 41 were be AUX _005456899 192 42 n't not PART _005456899 192 43 for for ADP _005456899 192 44 god god PROPN _005456899 192 45 and and CCONJ _005456899 192 46 policemen policeman NOUN _005456899 192 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 192 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 193 1 it it PRON _005456899 193 2 seemed seem VERB _005456899 193 3 to to ADP _005456899 193 4 my my PRON _005456899 193 5 boyish boyish ADJ _005456899 193 6 mind mind NOUN _005456899 193 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 193 8 our our PRON _005456899 193 9 lord lord PROPN _005456899 193 10 insisted insist VERB _005456899 193 11 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 193 12 this this DET _005456899 193 13 multitudinous multitudinous ADJ _005456899 193 14 forgiving forgiving NOUN _005456899 193 15 of of ADP _005456899 193 16 our our PRON _005456899 193 17 brethren brother NOUN _005456899 193 18 merely merely ADV _005456899 193 19 to to PART _005456899 193 20 beset beset VERB _005456899 193 21 the the DET _005456899 193 22 way way NOUN _005456899 193 23 to to ADP _005456899 193 24 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 193 25 with with ADP _005456899 193 26 a a DET _005456899 193 27 lot lot NOUN _005456899 193 28 of of ADP _005456899 193 29 stiff stiff ADJ _005456899 193 30 hurdles hurdle NOUN _005456899 193 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 194 1 it it PRON _005456899 194 2 was be AUX _005456899 194 3 one one NUM _005456899 194 4 of of ADP _005456899 194 5 his his PRON _005456899 194 6 especially especially ADV _005456899 194 7 ingenious ingenious ADJ _005456899 194 8 devices device NOUN _005456899 194 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 194 10 i i PRON _005456899 194 11 thought think VERB _005456899 194 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 194 13 for for ADP _005456899 194 14 making make VERB _005456899 194 15 the the DET _005456899 194 16 already already ADV _005456899 194 17 narrow narrow ADJ _005456899 194 18 path path NOUN _005456899 194 19 to to ADP _005456899 194 20 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 194 21 also also ADV _005456899 194 22 bumpy bumpy ADJ _005456899 194 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 195 1 a a DET _005456899 195 2 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 195 3 who who PRON _005456899 195 4 vv'ouldn't vv'ouldn't AUX _005456899 195 5 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 195 6 his his PRON _005456899 195 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 195 8 even even ADV _005456899 195 9 once once SCONJ _005456899 195 10 it it PRON _005456899 195 11 took take VERB _005456899 195 12 the the DET _005456899 195 13 experience experience NOUN _005456899 195 14 of of ADP _005456899 195 15 a a DET _005456899 195 16 friend friend NOUN _005456899 195 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 195 18 years year NOUN _005456899 195 19 later later ADV _005456899 195 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 195 21 to to PART _005456899 195 22 make make VERB _005456899 195 23 me i PRON _005456899 195 24 see see VERB _005456899 195 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 195 26 the the DET _005456899 195 27 command command NOUN _005456899 195 28 to to PART _005456899 195 29 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 195 30 is be AUX _005456899 195 31 given give VERB _005456899 195 32 us we PRON _005456899 195 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 195 34 not not PART _005456899 195 35 to to PART _005456899 195 36 make make VERB _005456899 195 37 it it PRON _005456899 195 38 hard hard ADJ _005456899 195 39 to to PART _005456899 195 40 get get VERB _005456899 195 41 to to ADP _005456899 195 42 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 195 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 195 44 but but CCONJ _005456899 195 45 to to PART _005456899 195 46 make make VERB _005456899 195 47 it it PRON _005456899 195 48 easier easy ADJ _005456899 195 49 to to PART _005456899 195 50 live live VERB _005456899 195 51 on on ADP _005456899 195 52 earth earth NOUN _005456899 195 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 196 1 this this DET _005456899 196 2 friend friend NOUN _005456899 196 3 8 8 NUM _005456899 196 4 courtesy courtesy PROPN _005456899 196 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 196 6 courtsillp courtsillp NOUN _005456899 196 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 196 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 196 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 196 10 liked like VERB _005456899 196 11 a a DET _005456899 196 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 196 13 so so ADV _005456899 196 14 much much ADV _005456899 196 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 196 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 196 17 while while SCONJ _005456899 196 18 not not PART _005456899 196 19 yet yet ADV _005456899 196 20 formally formally ADV _005456899 196 21 engaged engage VERB _005456899 196 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 196 23 he he PRON _005456899 196 24 had have AUX _005456899 196 25 got get VERB _005456899 196 26 her she PRON _005456899 196 27 to to PART _005456899 196 28 promise promise VERB _005456899 196 29 never never ADV _005456899 196 30 to to AUX _005456899 196 31 date date NOUN _005456899 196 32 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 196 33 else else ADV _005456899 196 34 any any PRON _005456899 196 35 more more ADV _005456899 196 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 197 1 one one NUM _005456899 197 2 day day NOUN _005456899 197 3 he he PRON _005456899 197 4 learned learn VERB _005456899 197 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 197 6 she she PRON _005456899 197 7 had have AUX _005456899 197 8 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 197 9 had have VERB _005456899 197 10 such such DET _005456899 197 11 a a DET _005456899 197 12 date date NOUN _005456899 197 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 198 1 it it PRON _005456899 198 2 seems seem VERB _005456899 198 3 a a DET _005456899 198 4 former former ADJ _005456899 198 5 boy boy NOUN _005456899 198 6 friend friend NOUN _005456899 198 7 had have AUX _005456899 198 8 simply simply ADV _005456899 198 9 dropped drop VERB _005456899 198 10 in in ADP _005456899 198 11 one one NUM _005456899 198 12 evening evening NOUN _005456899 198 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 198 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 198 15 she she PRON _005456899 198 16 had have AUX _005456899 198 17 found find VERB _005456899 198 18 it it PRON _005456899 198 19 simpler simple ADJ _005456899 198 20 to to PART _005456899 198 21 go go VERB _005456899 198 22 to to ADP _005456899 198 23 a a DET _005456899 198 24 show show NOUN _005456899 198 25 with with ADP _005456899 198 26 him he PRON _005456899 198 27 than than ADP _005456899 198 28 to to PART _005456899 198 29 tum tum VERB _005456899 198 30 him he PRON _005456899 198 31 out out ADP _005456899 198 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 199 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 199 2 my my PRON _005456899 199 3 friend friend NOUN _005456899 199 4 was be AUX _005456899 199 5 furious furious ADJ _005456899 199 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 200 1 he he PRON _005456899 200 2 denied deny VERB _005456899 200 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 200 4 he he PRON _005456899 200 5 was be AUX _005456899 200 6 jealous jealous ADJ _005456899 200 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 201 1 a a DET _005456899 201 2 principle principle NOUN _005456899 201 3 was be AUX _005456899 201 4 at at ADP _005456899 201 5 stake stake NOUN _005456899 201 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 201 7 he he PRON _005456899 201 8 declared declare VERB _005456899 201 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 202 1 she she PRON _005456899 202 2 had have AUX _005456899 202 3 promised promise VERB _005456899 202 4 to to PART _005456899 202 5 have have VERB _005456899 202 6 no no DET _005456899 202 7 other other ADJ _005456899 202 8 dates date NOUN _005456899 202 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 202 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 202 11 she she PRON _005456899 202 12 had have AUX _005456899 202 13 broken break VERB _005456899 202 14 her her PRON _005456899 202 15 promise promise NOUN _005456899 202 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 203 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 203 2 a a DET _005456899 203 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 203 4 even even ADV _005456899 203 5 before before ADP _005456899 203 6 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 203 7 can can AUX _005456899 203 8 break break VERB _005456899 203 9 such such DET _005456899 203 10 a a DET _005456899 203 11 promise promise NOUN _005456899 203 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 203 13 he he PRON _005456899 203 14 told tell VERB _005456899 203 15 her she PRON _005456899 203 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 203 17 then then ADV _005456899 203 18 obviously obviously ADV _005456899 203 19 she she PRON _005456899 203 20 can can AUX _005456899 203 21 not not PART _005456899 203 22 be be AUX _005456899 203 23 trusted trust VERB _005456899 203 24 to to PART _005456899 203 25 make make VERB _005456899 203 26 a a DET _005456899 203 27 good good ADJ _005456899 203 28 wife wife NOUN _005456899 203 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 204 1 no no DET _005456899 204 2 explanations explanation NOUN _005456899 204 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 204 4 he he PRON _005456899 204 5 argued argue VERB _005456899 204 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 204 7 could could AUX _005456899 204 8 alter alter VERB _005456899 204 9 the the DET _005456899 204 10 presumption presumption NOUN _005456899 204 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 204 12 he he PRON _005456899 204 13 who who PRON _005456899 204 14 breaks break VERB _005456899 204 15 a a DET _005456899 204 16 promise promise NOUN _005456899 204 17 once once ADV _005456899 204 18 will will AUX _005456899 204 19 never never ADV _005456899 204 20 keep keep VERB _005456899 204 21 promises promise NOUN _005456899 204 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 205 1 now now ADV _005456899 205 2 the the DET _005456899 205 3 happy happy ADJ _005456899 205 4 husband husband NOUN _005456899 205 5 of of ADP _005456899 205 6 the the DET _005456899 205 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 205 8 he he PRON _005456899 205 9 lonq lonq VERB _005456899 205 10 could could AUX _005456899 205 11 n't not PART _005456899 205 12 forqive forqive VERB _005456899 205 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 205 14 so so ADV _005456899 205 15 they they PRON _005456899 205 16 broke break VERB _005456899 205 17 off off ADP _005456899 205 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 206 1 cutting cut VERB _005456899 206 2 his his PRON _005456899 206 3 nose nose NOUN _005456899 206 4 off off ADP _005456899 206 5 to to PART _005456899 206 6 spite spite VERB _005456899 206 7 his his PRON _005456899 206 8 face face NOUN _005456899 206 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 206 10 he he PRON _005456899 206 11 drove drive VERB _005456899 206 12 her she PRON _005456899 206 13 into into ADP _005456899 206 14 steady steady ADJ _005456899 206 15 company company NOUN _005456899 206 16 with with ADP _005456899 206 17 the the DET _005456899 206 18 man man NOUN _005456899 206 19 she she PRON _005456899 206 20 would would AUX _005456899 206 21 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 206 22 have have AUX _005456899 206 23 seen see VERB _005456899 206 24 only only ADV _005456899 206 25 once once ADV _005456899 206 26 or or CCONJ _005456899 206 27 twice twice ADV _005456899 206 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 207 1 for for ADP _005456899 207 2 himself himself PRON _005456899 207 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 207 4 he he PRON _005456899 207 5 was be AUX _005456899 207 6 self self NOUN _005456899 207 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 207 8 righteously righteously ADV _005456899 207 9 miserable miserable ADJ _005456899 207 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 207 11 lonely lonely ADJ _005456899 207 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 208 1 he he PRON _005456899 208 2 met meet VERB _005456899 208 3 one one NUM _005456899 208 4 girl girl NOUN _005456899 208 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 208 6 as as SCONJ _005456899 208 7 if if SCONJ _005456899 208 8 on on ADP _005456899 208 9 the the DET _005456899 208 10 proverbial proverbial ADJ _005456899 208 11 rebound rebound NOUN _005456899 208 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 208 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 208 14 dated date VERB _005456899 208 15 her she PRON _005456899 208 16 enthusiastically enthusiastically ADV _005456899 208 17 for for ADP _005456899 208 18 two two NUM _005456899 208 19 months month NOUN _005456899 208 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 208 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 208 22 then then ADV _005456899 208 23 suddenly suddenly ADV _005456899 208 24 tired tired ADJ _005456899 208 25 of of ADP _005456899 208 26 her she PRON _005456899 208 27 - - PUNCT _005456899 208 28 almost almost NOUN _005456899 208 29 to to PART _005456899 208 30 nausea nausea NOUN _005456899 208 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 209 1 the the DET _005456899 209 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 209 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 209 4 o£ o£ ADJ _005456899 209 5 course course NOUN _005456899 209 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 209 7 was be AUX _005456899 209 8 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 209 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 209 10 could could AUX _005456899 209 11 not not PART _005456899 209 12 understand understand VERB _005456899 209 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 210 1 the the DET _005456899 210 2 process process NOUN _005456899 210 3 repeated repeat VERB _005456899 210 4 itself itself PRON _005456899 210 5 with with ADP _005456899 210 6 another another DET _005456899 210 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 210 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 211 1 since since SCONJ _005456899 211 2 he he PRON _005456899 211 3 was be AUX _005456899 211 4 an an DET _005456899 211 5 honorable honorable ADJ _005456899 211 6 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 211 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 211 8 his his PRON _005456899 211 9 fickleness fickleness NOUN _005456899 211 10 added add VERB _005456899 211 11 to to ADP _005456899 211 12 his his PRON _005456899 211 13 unhappiness unhappiness NOUN _005456899 211 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 212 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 212 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 212 3 however however ADV _005456899 212 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 212 5 reproached reproach VERB _005456899 212 6 for for ADP _005456899 212 7 not not PART _005456899 212 8 trying try VERB _005456899 212 9 to to PART _005456899 212 10 make make VERB _005456899 212 11 up up ADP _005456899 212 12 with with ADP _005456899 212 13 the the DET _005456899 212 14 first first ADJ _005456899 212 15 girl girl NOUN _005456899 212 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 212 17 he he PRON _005456899 212 18 still still ADV _005456899 212 19 vehemently vehemently ADV _005456899 212 20 insisted insist VERB _005456899 212 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 212 22 no no DET _005456899 212 23 making making NOUN _005456899 212 24 up up ADP _005456899 212 25 was be AUX _005456899 212 26 possible possible ADJ _005456899 212 27 with with ADP _005456899 212 28 a a DET _005456899 212 29 girl girl NOUN _005456899 212 30 who who PRON _005456899 212 31 had have AUX _005456899 212 32 once once ADV _005456899 212 33 let let VERB _005456899 212 34 him he PRON _005456899 212 35 down down ADP _005456899 212 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 213 1 it it PRON _005456899 213 2 took take VERB _005456899 213 3 him he PRON _005456899 213 4 two two NUM _005456899 213 5 more more ADJ _005456899 213 6 years year NOUN _005456899 213 7 along along ADP _005456899 213 8 the the DET _005456899 213 9 hard hard ADJ _005456899 213 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 213 11 bitter bitter ADJ _005456899 213 12 road road NOUN _005456899 213 13 of of ADP _005456899 213 14 experience experience NOUN _005456899 213 15 to to PART _005456899 213 16 learn learn VERB _005456899 213 17 what what PRON _005456899 213 18 christ christ PROPN _005456899 213 19 wanted want VERB _005456899 213 20 to to PART _005456899 213 21 tell tell VERB _005456899 213 22 him he PRON _005456899 213 23 in in ADP _005456899 213 24 one one NUM _005456899 213 25 sentence sentence NOUN _005456899 213 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 214 1 luckily luckily ADV _005456899 214 2 for for ADP _005456899 214 3 him he PRON _005456899 214 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 214 5 though though SCONJ _005456899 214 6 not not PART _005456899 214 7 for for ADP _005456899 214 8 the the DET _005456899 214 9 men man NOUN _005456899 214 10 who who PRON _005456899 214 11 had have AUX _005456899 214 12 wasted waste VERB _005456899 214 13 their their PRON _005456899 214 14 time time NOUN _005456899 214 15 on on ADP _005456899 214 16 her she PRON _005456899 214 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 214 18 the the DET _005456899 214 19 girl girl NOUN _005456899 214 20 had have AUX _005456899 214 21 likewise likewise ADV _005456899 214 22 not not PART _005456899 214 23 found find VERB _005456899 214 24 another another PRON _005456899 214 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 214 26 to to PART _005456899 214 27 free free VERB _005456899 214 28 the the DET _005456899 214 29 hollow hollow ADJ _005456899 214 30 heart heart NOUN _005456899 214 31 from from ADP _005456899 214 32 paining pain VERB _005456899 214 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 214 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 214 35 as as SCONJ _005456899 214 36 coleridge coleridge PROPN _005456899 214 37 says say VERB _005456899 214 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 214 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 214 40 so so ADV _005456899 214 41 was be AUX _005456899 214 42 able able ADJ _005456899 214 43 to to PART _005456899 214 44 take take VERB _005456899 214 45 him he PRON _005456899 214 46 back back ADV _005456899 214 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 215 1 today today NOUN _005456899 215 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 215 3 he he PRON _005456899 215 4 is be AUX _005456899 215 5 the the DET _005456899 215 6 happy happy ADJ _005456899 215 7 husband husband NOUN _005456899 215 8 of of ADP _005456899 215 9 the the DET _005456899 215 10 girl girl NOUN _005456899 215 11 he he PRON _005456899 215 12 long long ADV _005456899 215 13 shunned shun VERB _005456899 215 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 215 15 never never ADV _005456899 215 16 to to PART _005456899 215 17 be be AUX _005456899 215 18 trusted trust VERB _005456899 215 19 again again ADV _005456899 215 20 because because SCONJ _005456899 215 21 she she PRON _005456899 215 22 had have AUX _005456899 215 23 once once ADV _005456899 215 24 under under ADP _005456899 215 25 stress stress NOUN _005456899 215 26 broken break VERB _005456899 215 27 one one NUM _005456899 215 28 promise promise NOUN _005456899 215 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 216 1 three three NUM _005456899 216 2 children child NOUN _005456899 216 3 now now ADV _005456899 216 4 think think VERB _005456899 216 5 the the DET _005456899 216 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 216 7 he he PRON _005456899 216 8 picked pick VERB _005456899 216 9 is be AUX _005456899 216 10 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005456899 216 11 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 217 1 our our PRON _005456899 217 2 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 217 3 requires require VERB _005456899 217 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 217 5 we we PRON _005456899 217 6 learn learn VERB _005456899 217 7 to to PART _005456899 217 8 forqive forqive VERB _005456899 217 9 observing observe VERB _005456899 217 10 the the DET _005456899 217 11 misery misery NOUN _005456899 217 12 these these DET _005456899 217 13 two two NUM _005456899 217 14 young young ADJ _005456899 217 15 people people NOUN _005456899 217 16 brought bring VERB _005456899 217 17 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 217 18 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 217 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 217 20 others other NOUN _005456899 217 21 because because SCONJ _005456899 217 22 one one NUM _005456899 217 23 of of ADP _005456899 217 24 them they PRON _005456899 217 25 self self NOUN _005456899 217 26 - - PUNCT _005456899 217 27 righteously righteously NOUN _005456899 217 28 re re PROPN _005456899 217 29 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 217 30 fl fl ADP _005456899 217 31 aj aj PROPN _005456899 217 32 is be AUX _005456899 217 33 m m VERB _005456899 217 34 ca can AUX _005456899 217 35 frt frt NOUN _005456899 217 36 irr irr VERB _005456899 217 37 a a DET _005456899 217 38 j j PROPN _005456899 217 39 bu bu PROPN _005456899 217 40 pli pli PROPN _005456899 217 41 nat nat PROPN _005456899 217 42 an an DET _005456899 217 43 to~ to~ PROPN _005456899 217 44 aga aga NOUN _005456899 217 45 sev1 sev1 PROPN _005456899 217 46 off off ADV _005456899 217 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 217 48 ingl ingl ADJ _005456899 217 49 suit suit NOUN _005456899 217 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 217 51 blar blar NOUN _005456899 217 52 of of ADP _005456899 217 53 h h PROPN _005456899 217 54 of of ADP _005456899 217 55 l1 l1 PROPN _005456899 217 56 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 217 57 boy boy NOUN _005456899 217 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 217 59 stam stam VERB _005456899 217 60 girl girl NOUN _005456899 217 61 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 217 62 our our PRON _005456899 217 63 friends friend NOUN _005456899 217 64 and and CCONJ _005456899 217 65 keeping keep VERB _005456899 217 66 them they PRON _005456899 217 67 9 9 NUM _005456899 217 68 fused fuse VERB _005456899 217 69 to to PART _005456899 217 70 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 217 71 the the DET _005456899 217 72 other other ADJ _005456899 217 73 's 's PART _005456899 217 74 real real ADJ _005456899 217 75 if if SCONJ _005456899 217 76 small small ADJ _005456899 217 77 offense offense NOUN _005456899 217 78 made make VERB _005456899 217 79 me i PRON _005456899 217 80 see see VERB _005456899 217 81 that that SCONJ _005456899 217 82 jesus jesus PROPN _005456899 217 83 told tell VERB _005456899 217 84 us we PRON _005456899 217 85 to to PART _005456899 217 86 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 217 87 " " PUNCT _005456899 217 88 seventy seventy NUM _005456899 217 89 times time NOUN _005456899 217 90 seven seven NUM _005456899 217 91 times time NOUN _005456899 217 92 " " PUNCT _005456899 217 93 because because SCONJ _005456899 217 94 he he PRON _005456899 217 95 loved love VERB _005456899 217 96 us we PRON _005456899 217 97 so so ADV _005456899 217 98 much much ADV _005456899 217 99 and and CCONJ _005456899 217 100 hated hate VERB _005456899 217 101 to to PART _005456899 217 102 see see VERB _005456899 217 103 us we PRON _005456899 217 104 go go VERB _005456899 217 105 through through ADP _005456899 217 106 life life NOUN _005456899 217 107 along along ADP _005456899 217 108 a a DET _005456899 217 109 trail trail NOUN _005456899 217 110 of of ADP _005456899 217 111 bruises bruise NOUN _005456899 217 112 . . PUNCT _005456899 218 1 the the DET _005456899 218 2 old old ADJ _005456899 218 3 roman roman ADJ _005456899 218 4 stoic stoic ADJ _005456899 218 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 218 6 epictetus epictetus PROPN _005456899 218 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 218 8 i i PRON _005456899 218 9 became become VERB _005456899 218 10 convinced convinced ADJ _005456899 218 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 218 12 was be AUX _005456899 218 13 right right ADJ _005456899 218 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 219 1 he he PRON _005456899 219 2 said say VERB _005456899 219 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 219 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 219 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 219 6 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 219 7 will will AUX _005456899 219 8 take take VERB _005456899 219 9 these these DET _005456899 219 10 two two NUM _005456899 219 11 words word NOUN _005456899 219 12 to to ADP _005456899 219 13 heart heart NOUN _005456899 219 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 219 15 use use VERB _005456899 219 16 them they PRON _005456899 219 17 for for ADP _005456899 219 18 his his PRON _005456899 219 19 own own ADJ _005456899 219 20 guidance guidance NOUN _005456899 219 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 219 22 regulation regulation NOUN _005456899 219 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 219 24 he he PRON _005456899 219 25 will will AUX _005456899 219 26 be be AUX _005456899 219 27 almost almost ADV _005456899 219 28 without without ADP _005456899 219 29 sin sin NOUN _005456899 219 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 219 31 will will AUX _005456899 219 32 lead lead VERB _005456899 219 33 a a DET _005456899 219 34 very very ADV _005456899 219 35 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005456899 219 36 life life NOUN _005456899 219 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 220 1 these these DET _005456899 220 2 two two NUM _005456899 220 3 words word NOUN _005456899 220 4 are be AUX _005456899 220 5 bear bear ADJ _005456899 220 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 220 7 forbear forbear NOUN _005456899 220 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 220 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 221 1 we we PRON _005456899 221 2 must must AUX _005456899 221 3 learn learn VERB _005456899 221 4 to to PART _005456899 221 5 forbear forbear VERB _005456899 221 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 221 7 to to PART _005456899 221 8 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 221 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 221 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 221 11 we we PRON _005456899 221 12 want want VERB _005456899 221 13 to to PART _005456899 221 14 be be AUX _005456899 221 15 happy happy ADJ _005456899 221 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 222 1 human human ADJ _005456899 222 2 beings being NOUN _005456899 222 3 are be AUX _005456899 222 4 weak weak ADJ _005456899 222 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 222 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 222 7 our our PRON _005456899 222 8 nearest near ADJ _005456899 222 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 222 10 dearest dear ADJ _005456899 222 11 will will AUX _005456899 222 12 often often ADV _005456899 222 13 disappoint disappoint VERB _005456899 222 14 us we PRON _005456899 222 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 223 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 223 2 to to PART _005456899 223 3 err err VERB _005456899 223 4 is be AUX _005456899 223 5 human human ADJ _005456899 223 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 223 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 223 8 says say VERB _005456899 223 9 pope pope PROPN _005456899 223 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 223 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 223 12 to to PART _005456899 223 13 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 223 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 223 15 divine divine ADJ _005456899 223 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 223 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 224 1 it it PRON _005456899 224 2 is be AUX _005456899 224 3 more more ADJ _005456899 224 4 than than ADP _005456899 224 5 divine divine ADJ _005456899 224 6 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 224 7 it it PRON _005456899 224 8 as as ADP _005456899 224 9 a a DET _005456899 224 10 social social ADJ _005456899 224 11 necessity necessity NOUN _005456899 224 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 225 1 st st PROPN _005456899 225 2 . . PROPN _005456899 225 3 augustine augustine PROPN _005456899 225 4 spoke speak VERB _005456899 225 5 of of ADP _005456899 225 6 mankind mankind NOUN _005456899 225 7 as as ADP _005456899 225 8 a a DET _005456899 225 9 mass mass NOUN _005456899 225 10 of of ADP _005456899 225 11 sin sin NOUN _005456899 225 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 226 1 just just ADV _005456899 226 2 as as SCONJ _005456899 226 3 we we PRON _005456899 226 4 quite quite ADV _005456899 226 5 literally literally ADV _005456899 226 6 have have VERB _005456899 226 7 daily daily ADJ _005456899 226 8 cause cause NOUN _005456899 226 9 to to PART _005456899 226 10 ask ask VERB _005456899 226 11 god god PROPN _005456899 226 12 to to PART _005456899 226 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 226 14 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 226 15 us we PRON _005456899 226 16 our our PRON _005456899 226 17 trespasses trespass NOUN _005456899 226 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 226 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 226 20 so so CCONJ _005456899 226 21 we we PRON _005456899 226 22 also also ADV _005456899 226 23 have have VERB _005456899 226 24 frequent frequent ADJ _005456899 226 25 need need NOUN _005456899 226 26 to to PART _005456899 226 27 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 226 28 one one NOUN _005456899 226 29 another another DET _005456899 226 30 our our PRON _005456899 226 31 trespasses trespass NOUN _005456899 226 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 227 1 the the DET _005456899 227 2 best good ADJ _005456899 227 3 of of ADP _005456899 227 4 human human ADJ _005456899 227 5 beings being NOUN _005456899 227 6 often often ADV _005456899 227 7 are be AUX _005456899 227 8 weak weak ADJ _005456899 227 9 the the DET _005456899 227 10 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 227 11 of of ADP _005456899 227 12 charity charity NOUN _005456899 227 13 is be AUX _005456899 227 14 realizing realize VERB _005456899 227 15 how how SCONJ _005456899 227 16 weak weak ADJ _005456899 227 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 227 18 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 227 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 227 20 irresponsible irresponsible ADJ _005456899 227 21 human human ADJ _005456899 227 22 beings being NOUN _005456899 227 23 really really ADV _005456899 227 24 are be AUX _005456899 227 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 228 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 228 2 know know VERB _005456899 228 3 all all PRON _005456899 228 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 228 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 228 6 says say VERB _005456899 228 7 thomas thomas PROPN _005456899 228 8 a a DET _005456899 228 9 kempis kempis PROPN _005456899 228 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 228 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 228 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 228 13 you you PRON _005456899 228 14 will will AUX _005456899 228 15 pardon pardon VERB _005456899 228 16 all all PRON _005456899 228 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 228 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 229 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 229 2 an an DET _005456899 229 3 american american PROPN _005456899 229 4 said say VERB _005456899 229 5 rebukingly rebukingly ADV _005456899 229 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 229 7 the the DET _005456899 229 8 french french ADJ _005456899 229 9 do do AUX _005456899 229 10 n't not PART _005456899 229 11 trust trust VERB _005456899 229 12 their their PRON _005456899 229 13 wives wife NOUN _005456899 229 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 229 15 a a DET _005456899 229 16 frenchman frenchman NOUN _005456899 229 17 replied reply VERB _005456899 229 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 229 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 229 20 we we PRON _005456899 229 21 trust trust VERB _005456899 229 22 our our PRON _005456899 229 23 wives wife NOUN _005456899 229 24 perfectly perfectly ADV _005456899 229 25 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 229 26 what what PRON _005456899 229 27 we we PRON _005456899 229 28 do do AUX _005456899 229 29 n't not PART _005456899 229 30 trust trust VERB _005456899 229 31 is be AUX _005456899 229 32 human human ADJ _005456899 229 33 nature nature NOUN _005456899 229 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 229 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 230 1 a a DET _005456899 230 2 fine fine ADJ _005456899 230 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 230 4 religious religious ADJ _005456899 230 5 girl girl NOUN _005456899 230 6 was be AUX _005456899 230 7 engaged engage VERB _005456899 230 8 to to PART _005456899 230 9 be be AUX _005456899 230 10 married marry VERB _005456899 230 11 in in ADP _005456899 230 12 a a DET _005456899 230 13 month month NOUN _005456899 230 14 to to ADP _005456899 230 15 an an DET _005456899 230 16 equally equally ADV _005456899 230 17 fine fine ADJ _005456899 230 18 man man NOUN _005456899 230 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 230 20 a a DET _005456899 230 21 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 230 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 231 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 231 2 an an DET _005456899 231 3 old old ADJ _005456899 231 4 boy boy NOUN _005456899 231 5 friend friend NOUN _005456899 231 6 came come VERB _005456899 231 7 to to ADP _005456899 231 8 town town NOUN _005456899 231 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 231 10 called call VERB _005456899 231 11 her she PRON _005456899 231 12 up up ADP _005456899 231 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 231 14 she she PRON _005456899 231 15 felt feel VERB _005456899 231 16 an an DET _005456899 231 17 irresistible irresistible ADJ _005456899 231 18 urge urge NOUN _005456899 231 19 to to PART _005456899 231 20 see see VERB _005456899 231 21 him he PRON _005456899 231 22 again again ADV _005456899 231 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 232 1 telling tell VERB _005456899 232 2 her her PRON _005456899 232 3 fiance fiance NOUN _005456899 232 4 she she PRON _005456899 232 5 was be AUX _005456899 232 6 attending attend VERB _005456899 232 7 club club NOUN _005456899 232 8 meetings meeting NOUN _005456899 232 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 232 10 she she PRON _005456899 232 11 had have VERB _005456899 232 12 several several ADJ _005456899 232 13 dates date NOUN _005456899 232 14 with with ADP _005456899 232 15 this this DET _005456899 232 16 man man NOUN _005456899 232 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 233 1 mter mter ADV _005456899 233 2 a a DET _005456899 233 3 few few ADJ _005456899 233 4 dates date NOUN _005456899 233 5 the the DET _005456899 233 6 novelty novelty NOUN _005456899 233 7 wore wear VERB _005456899 233 8 off off ADP _005456899 233 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 233 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 233 11 she she PRON _005456899 233 12 married marry VERB _005456899 233 13 the the DET _005456899 233 14 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 233 15 on on ADP _005456899 233 16 schedule schedule NOUN _005456899 233 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 233 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 233 19 was be AUX _005456899 233 20 overwhelmingly overwhelmingly ADV _005456899 233 21 happy happy ADJ _005456899 233 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 234 1 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 234 2 who who PRON _005456899 234 3 will will AUX _005456899 234 4 gauge gauge VERB _005456899 234 5 the the DET _005456899 234 6 tragedy tragedy NOUN _005456899 234 7 that that PRON _005456899 234 8 could could AUX _005456899 234 9 have have AUX _005456899 234 10 resulted result VERB _005456899 234 11 if if SCONJ _005456899 234 12 her her PRON _005456899 234 13 fiance fiance NOUN _005456899 234 14 had have AUX _005456899 234 15 discovered discover VERB _005456899 234 16 her her PRON _005456899 234 17 deceit deceit NOUN _005456899 234 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 235 1 few few ADJ _005456899 235 2 would would AUX _005456899 235 3 have have AUX _005456899 235 4 blamed blame VERB _005456899 235 5 him he PRON _005456899 235 6 for for ADP _005456899 235 7 breaking break VERB _005456899 235 8 the the DET _005456899 235 9 engagement engagement NOUN _005456899 235 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 236 1 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 236 2 here here ADV _005456899 236 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 236 4 too too ADV _005456899 236 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 236 6 the the DET _005456899 236 7 path path NOUN _005456899 236 8 of of ADP _005456899 236 9 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 236 10 lay lie VERB _005456899 236 11 alcr.g alcr.g PROPN _005456899 236 12 christ christ PROPN _005456899 236 13 's 's PART _005456899 236 14 words word NOUN _005456899 236 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 236 16 a a DET _005456899 236 17 patient patient ADJ _005456899 236 18 understanding understanding NOUN _005456899 236 19 of of ADP _005456899 236 20 human human ADJ _005456899 236 21 weakness weakness NOUN _005456899 236 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 237 1 once once SCONJ _005456899 237 2 i i PRON _005456899 237 3 was be AUX _005456899 237 4 shocked shock VERB _005456899 237 5 to to PART _005456899 237 6 learn learn VERB _005456899 237 7 from from ADP _005456899 237 8 a a DET _005456899 237 9 girl girl NOUN _005456899 237 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 237 11 a a DET _005456899 237 12 most most ADV _005456899 237 13 gentlemanly gentlemanly ADJ _005456899 237 14 boy boy NOUN _005456899 237 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 237 16 a a DET _005456899 237 17 few few ADJ _005456899 237 18 weeks week NOUN _005456899 237 19 before before SCONJ _005456899 237 20 he he PRON _005456899 237 21 married marry VERB _005456899 237 22 his his PRON _005456899 237 23 regular regular ADJ _005456899 237 24 girl girl NOUN _005456899 237 25 friend friend NOUN _005456899 237 26 of of ADP _005456899 237 27 years year NOUN _005456899 237 28 standing stand VERB _005456899 237 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 237 30 had have AUX _005456899 237 31 asked ask VERB _005456899 237 32 her she PRON _005456899 237 33 for for ADP _005456899 237 34 a a DET _005456899 237 35 date date NOUN _005456899 237 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 238 1 since since SCONJ _005456899 238 2 he he PRON _005456899 238 3 was be AUX _005456899 238 4 handsome handsome ADJ _005456899 238 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 238 6 this this DET _005456899 238 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 238 8 was be AUX _005456899 238 9 attracted attract VERB _005456899 238 10 to to ADP _005456899 238 11 him he PRON _005456899 238 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 239 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 239 2 she she PRON _005456899 239 3 was be AUX _005456899 239 4 also also ADV _005456899 239 5 an an DET _005456899 239 6 exceptionally exceptionally ADV _005456899 239 7 fine fine ADJ _005456899 239 8 10 10 NUM _005456899 239 9 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 239 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 239 11 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 239 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 239 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 239 14 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 239 15 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 239 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 239 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 239 18 reminding remind VERB _005456899 239 19 him he PRON _005456899 239 20 gently gently ADV _005456899 239 21 of of ADP _005456899 239 22 his his PRON _005456899 239 23 obligation obligation NOUN _005456899 239 24 to to ADP _005456899 239 25 the the DET _005456899 239 26 girl girl NOUN _005456899 239 27 he he PRON _005456899 239 28 had have AUX _005456899 239 29 gone go VERB _005456899 239 30 with with ADP _005456899 239 31 for for ADP _005456899 239 32 years year NOUN _005456899 239 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 239 34 declined decline VERB _005456899 239 35 the the DET _005456899 239 36 date date NOUN _005456899 239 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 240 1 he he PRON _005456899 240 2 then then ADV _005456899 240 3 married marry VERB _005456899 240 4 his his PRON _005456899 240 5 regular regular ADJ _005456899 240 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 240 7 friend friend NOUN _005456899 240 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 240 9 now now ADV _005456899 240 10 has have VERB _005456899 240 11 a a DET _005456899 240 12 happy happy ADJ _005456899 240 13 family family NOUN _005456899 240 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 241 1 had have AUX _005456899 241 2 she she PRON _005456899 241 3 learned learn VERB _005456899 241 4 of of ADP _005456899 241 5 his his PRON _005456899 241 6 attempted attempt VERB _005456899 241 7 disloyalty disloyalty NOUN _005456899 241 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 241 9 many many ADJ _005456899 241 10 would would AUX _005456899 241 11 have have AUX _005456899 241 12 justified justify VERB _005456899 241 13 her she PRON _005456899 241 14 in in ADP _005456899 241 15 discarding discard VERB _005456899 241 16 him he PRON _005456899 241 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 242 1 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 242 2 here here ADV _005456899 242 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 242 4 too too ADV _005456899 242 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 242 6 their their PRON _005456899 242 7 path path NOUN _005456899 242 8 of of ADP _005456899 242 9 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 242 10 lay lie VERB _005456899 242 11 along along ADP _005456899 242 12 christ christ PROPN _005456899 242 13 's 's PART _005456899 242 14 words word NOUN _005456899 242 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 242 16 boys boy NOUN _005456899 242 17 disappoint disappoint VERB _005456899 242 18 girls girl NOUN _005456899 242 19 it it PRON _005456899 242 20 is be AUX _005456899 242 21 often often ADV _005456899 242 22 said say VERB _005456899 242 23 one one PRON _005456899 242 24 should should AUX _005456899 242 25 hope hope VERB _005456899 242 26 for for ADP _005456899 242 27 the the DET _005456899 242 28 best good ADJ _005456899 242 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 242 30 expect expect VERB _005456899 242 31 the the DET _005456899 242 32 worst bad ADJ _005456899 242 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 243 1 towards towards ADP _005456899 243 2 our our PRON _005456899 243 3 friends friend NOUN _005456899 243 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 243 5 acquaintances acquaintance NOUN _005456899 243 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 243 7 this this PRON _005456899 243 8 is be AUX _005456899 243 9 too too ADV _005456899 243 10 strong strong ADJ _005456899 243 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 243 12 too too ADV _005456899 243 13 cynical cynical ADJ _005456899 243 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 244 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 244 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 244 3 the the PRON _005456899 244 4 sooner soon ADJ _005456899 244 5 one one NUM _005456899 244 6 learns learn VERB _005456899 244 7 not not PART _005456899 244 8 to to PART _005456899 244 9 expect expect VERB _005456899 244 10 too too ADV _005456899 244 11 much much ADJ _005456899 244 12 of of ADP _005456899 244 13 one one NUM _005456899 244 14 's 's PART _005456899 244 15 friends friend NOUN _005456899 244 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 244 17 the the PRON _005456899 244 18 better well ADJ _005456899 244 19 it it PRON _005456899 244 20 will will AUX _005456899 244 21 be be AUX _005456899 244 22 for for ADP _005456899 244 23 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 244 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 245 1 young young ADJ _005456899 245 2 people people NOUN _005456899 245 3 especially especially ADV _005456899 245 4 are be AUX _005456899 245 5 inclined inclined ADJ _005456899 245 6 to to PART _005456899 245 7 expect expect VERB _005456899 245 8 idealistic idealistic ADJ _005456899 245 9 perfection perfection NOUN _005456899 245 10 on on ADP _005456899 245 11 the the DET _005456899 245 12 part part NOUN _005456899 245 13 of of ADP _005456899 245 14 those those PRON _005456899 245 15 they they PRON _005456899 245 16 love love VERB _005456899 245 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 246 1 every every DET _005456899 246 2 boy boy NOUN _005456899 246 3 likes like VERB _005456899 246 4 to to PART _005456899 246 5 think think VERB _005456899 246 6 his his PRON _005456899 246 7 father father NOUN _005456899 246 8 can can AUX _005456899 246 9 lick lick VERB _005456899 246 10 every every DET _005456899 246 11 man man NOUN _005456899 246 12 coming come VERB _005456899 246 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 246 14 except except SCONJ _005456899 246 15 maybe maybe ADV _005456899 246 16 joe joe PROPN _005456899 246 17 louis louis PROPN _005456899 246 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 247 1 every every DET _005456899 247 2 little little ADJ _005456899 247 3 boy boy NOUN _005456899 247 4 is be AUX _005456899 247 5 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 247 6 when when SCONJ _005456899 247 7 his his PRON _005456899 247 8 older old ADJ _005456899 247 9 sister sister NOUN _005456899 247 10 suddenly suddenly ADV _005456899 247 11 seems seem VERB _005456899 247 12 to to PART _005456899 247 13 prefer prefer VERB _005456899 247 14 some some DET _005456899 247 15 bearded bearded ADJ _005456899 247 16 stranger stranger NOUN _005456899 247 17 to to ADP _005456899 247 18 him he PRON _005456899 247 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 247 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 247 21 every every DET _005456899 247 22 kid kid ADJ _005456899 247 23 sister sister NOUN _005456899 247 24 is be AUX _005456899 247 25 alarmed alarmed ADJ _005456899 247 26 when when SCONJ _005456899 247 27 her her PRON _005456899 247 28 older old ADJ _005456899 247 29 brother brother NOUN _005456899 247 30 brings bring VERB _005456899 247 31 some some DET _005456899 247 32 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ _005456899 247 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 247 34 woman woman NOUN _005456899 247 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 247 36 to to ADP _005456899 247 37 dinner dinner NOUN _005456899 247 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 248 1 a a DET _005456899 248 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 248 3 who who PRON _005456899 248 4 has have AUX _005456899 248 5 met meet VERB _005456899 248 6 her her PRON _005456899 248 7 first first ADJ _005456899 248 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 248 9 one one NUM _005456899 248 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 248 11 only only ADV _005456899 248 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 248 13 is be AUX _005456899 248 14 crushed crush VERB _005456899 248 15 to to PART _005456899 248 16 have have VERB _005456899 248 17 him he PRON _005456899 248 18 call call VERB _005456899 248 19 for for ADP _005456899 248 20 her her PRON _005456899 248 21 late late ADJ _005456899 248 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 23 is be AUX _005456899 248 24 shocked shock VERB _005456899 248 25 when when SCONJ _005456899 248 26 she she PRON _005456899 248 27 learns learn VERB _005456899 248 28 that that SCONJ _005456899 248 29 he he PRON _005456899 248 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 31 too too ADV _005456899 248 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 33 takes take VERB _005456899 248 34 a a DET _005456899 248 35 strong strong ADJ _005456899 248 36 drink drink NOUN _005456899 248 37 once once ADV _005456899 248 38 in in ADP _005456899 248 39 a a DET _005456899 248 40 while while NOUN _005456899 248 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 42 is be AUX _005456899 248 43 humiliated humiliate VERB _005456899 248 44 when when SCONJ _005456899 248 45 she she PRON _005456899 248 46 finds find VERB _005456899 248 47 him he PRON _005456899 248 48 at at ADP _005456899 248 49 times time NOUN _005456899 248 50 lying lie VERB _005456899 248 51 and and CCONJ _005456899 248 52 boastful boastful ADJ _005456899 248 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 54 is be AUX _005456899 248 55 bewildered bewildered ADJ _005456899 248 56 and and CCONJ _005456899 248 57 sick sick ADJ _005456899 248 58 when when SCONJ _005456899 248 59 she she PRON _005456899 248 60 is be AUX _005456899 248 61 forced force VERB _005456899 248 62 to to PART _005456899 248 63 realize realize VERB _005456899 248 64 that that SCONJ _005456899 248 65 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 66 when when SCONJ _005456899 248 67 he he PRON _005456899 248 68 sees see VERB _005456899 248 69 someone someone PRON _005456899 248 70 else else ADV _005456899 248 71 with with ADP _005456899 248 72 a a DET _005456899 248 73 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 248 74 girl girl NOUN _005456899 248 75 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 76 he he PRON _005456899 248 77 directly directly ADV _005456899 248 78 maneuvers maneuver VERB _005456899 248 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 80 in in ADP _005456899 248 81 spite spite NOUN _005456899 248 82 of of ADP _005456899 248 83 his his PRON _005456899 248 84 regard regard NOUN _005456899 248 85 for for ADP _005456899 248 86 her she PRON _005456899 248 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 248 88 an an DET _005456899 248 89 exchange exchange NOUN _005456899 248 90 of of ADP _005456899 248 91 dances dance NOUN _005456899 248 92 . . PUNCT _005456899 249 1 girls girl NOUN _005456899 249 2 disappoint disappoint VERB _005456899 249 3 men man NOUN _005456899 249 4 similarly similarly ADV _005456899 249 5 a a DET _005456899 249 6 boy boy NOUN _005456899 249 7 who who PRON _005456899 249 8 has have AUX _005456899 249 9 just just ADV _005456899 249 10 decided decide VERB _005456899 249 11 to to PART _005456899 249 12 devote devote VERB _005456899 249 13 his his PRON _005456899 249 14 every every DET _005456899 249 15 sigh sigh NOUN _005456899 249 16 to to ADP _005456899 249 17 the the DET _005456899 249 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 249 19 one one NUM _005456899 249 20 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 249 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 249 22 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 249 23 angel angel NOUN _005456899 249 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 249 25 is be AUX _005456899 249 26 surprised surprised ADJ _005456899 249 27 to to PART _005456899 249 28 find find VERB _005456899 249 29 her she PRON _005456899 249 30 seldom seldom ADV _005456899 249 31 ready ready ADJ _005456899 249 32 on on ADP _005456899 249 33 time time NOUN _005456899 249 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 249 35 perturbed perturb VERB _005456899 249 36 to to PART _005456899 249 37 have have VERB _005456899 249 38 her she PRON _005456899 249 39 often often ADV _005456899 249 40 put put VERB _005456899 249 41 him he PRON _005456899 249 42 off off ADP _005456899 249 43 with with ADP _005456899 249 44 dubious dubious ADJ _005456899 249 45 headaches headache NOUN _005456899 249 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 249 47 too too ADV _005456899 249 48 - - PUNCT _005456899 249 49 busy busy ADJ _005456899 249 50 pleas plea NOUN _005456899 249 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 249 52 disillusioned disillusion VERB _005456899 249 53 to to PART _005456899 249 54 learn learn VERB _005456899 249 55 that that SCONJ _005456899 249 56 she she PRON _005456899 249 57 has have AUX _005456899 249 58 had have VERB _005456899 249 59 dates date NOUN _005456899 249 60 with with ADP _005456899 249 61 several several ADJ _005456899 249 62 other other ADJ _005456899 249 63 men man NOUN _005456899 249 64 in in ADP _005456899 249 65 her her PRON _005456899 249 66 life life NOUN _005456899 249 67 , , PUNCT _005456899 249 68 shudders shudder NOUN _005456899 249 69 to to PART _005456899 249 70 think think VERB _005456899 249 71 that that SCONJ _005456899 249 72 she she PRON _005456899 249 73 has have AUX _005456899 249 74 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 249 75 even even ADV _005456899 249 76 been be AUX _005456899 249 77 kissed kiss VERB _005456899 249 78 before before ADV _005456899 249 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 249 80 is be AUX _005456899 249 81 pained pain VERB _005456899 249 82 to to PART _005456899 249 83 see see VERB _005456899 249 84 her her PRON _005456899 249 85 dance dance NOUN _005456899 249 86 almost almost ADV _005456899 249 87 cheek cheek NOUN _005456899 249 88 to to PART _005456899 249 89 cheek cheek NOUN _005456899 249 90 with with ADP _005456899 249 91 precisely precisely ADV _005456899 249 92 the the DET _005456899 249 93 handsomest handsomest NOUN _005456899 249 94 of of ADP _005456899 249 95 his his PRON _005456899 249 96 friends friend NOUN _005456899 249 97 , , PUNCT _005456899 249 98 and and CCONJ _005456899 249 99 finally finally ADV _005456899 249 100 burns burn VERB _005456899 249 101 with with ADP _005456899 249 102 a a DET _005456899 249 103 jealous jealous ADJ _005456899 249 104 fury fury NOUN _005456899 249 105 when when SCONJ _005456899 249 106 during during ADP _005456899 249 107 one one NUM _005456899 249 108 exchange exchange NOUN _005456899 249 109 - - PUNCT _005456899 249 110 dance dance NOUN _005456899 249 111 she she PRON _005456899 249 112 and and CCONJ _005456899 249 113 her her PRON _005456899 249 114 temporary temporary ADJ _005456899 249 115 escort escort NOUN _005456899 249 116 walk walk VERB _005456899 249 117 out out ADV _005456899 249 118 to to ADP _005456899 249 119 the the DET _005456899 249 120 balcony balcony NOUN _005456899 249 121 for for ADP _005456899 249 122 two two NUM _005456899 249 123 minutes minute NOUN _005456899 249 124 . . PUNCT _005456899 250 1 both both DET _005456899 250 2 men man NOUN _005456899 250 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 250 4 women woman NOUN _005456899 250 5 are be AUX _005456899 250 6 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 250 7 one one NUM _005456899 250 8 young young ADJ _005456899 250 9 husband husband NOUN _005456899 250 10 raised raise VERB _005456899 250 11 such such DET _005456899 250 12 a a DET _005456899 250 13 row row NOUN _005456899 250 14 because because SCONJ _005456899 250 15 after after ADP _005456899 250 16 a a DET _005456899 250 17 dance dance NOUN _005456899 250 18 the the DET _005456899 250 19 escort escort NOUN _005456899 250 20 held hold VERB _005456899 250 21 the the DET _005456899 250 22 wife wife NOUN _005456899 250 23 's 's PART _005456899 250 24 hand hand NOUN _005456899 250 25 a a DET _005456899 250 26 moment moment NOUN _005456899 250 27 longer long ADV _005456899 250 28 than than ADP _005456899 250 29 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 250 30 that that SCONJ _005456899 250 31 she she PRON _005456899 250 32 vowed vow VERB _005456899 250 33 never never ADV _005456899 250 34 to to PART _005456899 250 35 attend attend VERB _005456899 250 36 another another DET _005456899 250 37 dance dance NOUN _005456899 250 38 - - PUNCT _005456899 250 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 250 40 kept keep VERB _005456899 250 41 it it PRON _005456899 250 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 251 1 the the DET _005456899 251 2 great great ADJ _005456899 251 3 russian russian ADJ _005456899 251 4 writer writer NOUN _005456899 251 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 251 6 dostoievski dostoievski NOUN _005456899 251 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 251 8 once once ADV _005456899 251 9 stalked stalk VERB _005456899 251 10 away away ADV _005456899 251 11 angry angry ADJ _005456899 251 12 from from ADP _005456899 251 13 a a DET _005456899 251 14 receptior receptior ADJ _005456899 251 15 someone someone PRON _005456899 251 16 tc tc ADP _005456899 251 17 students student NOUN _005456899 251 18 a a DET _005456899 251 19 them they PRON _005456899 251 20 as as ADP _005456899 251 21 a a DET _005456899 251 22 : : PUNCT _005456899 251 23 of of ADP _005456899 251 24 the the DET _005456899 251 25 one one NUM _005456899 251 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 251 27 mittee mittee NOUN _005456899 251 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 251 29 the the DET _005456899 251 30 classm classm NOUN _005456899 251 31 every every DET _005456899 251 32 year year NOUN _005456899 251 33 because because SCONJ _005456899 251 34 the the DET _005456899 251 35 reply reply NOUN _005456899 251 36 is be AUX _005456899 251 37 lat lat ADJ _005456899 251 38 when when SCONJ _005456899 251 39 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 251 40 love love NOUN _005456899 251 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 251 42 atten1 atten1 ADJ _005456899 251 43 beings being NOUN _005456899 251 44 are be AUX _005456899 251 45 says say NOUN _005456899 251 46 to to ADP _005456899 251 47 ge ge PROPN _005456899 251 48 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 251 49 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 251 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 251 51 " " PUNCT _005456899 251 52 a1 a1 NOUN _005456899 251 53 that that SCONJ _005456899 251 54 men man NOUN _005456899 251 55 one one NUM _005456899 251 56 is be AUX _005456899 251 57 perf perf NUM _005456899 251 58 are be AUX _005456899 251 59 growin growin ADJ _005456899 251 60 needed need VERB _005456899 251 61 agt agt CCONJ _005456899 251 62 " " PUNCT _005456899 251 63 as as ADV _005456899 251 64 . . PUNCT _005456899 252 1 am be AUX _005456899 252 2 rea rea PROPN _005456899 252 3 than than SCONJ _005456899 252 4 i i PRON _005456899 252 5 lucky lucky ADJ _005456899 252 6 i i PRON _005456899 252 7 to to PART _005456899 252 8 wink wink VERB _005456899 252 9 at at ADP _005456899 252 10 the the DET _005456899 252 11 poet poet NOUN _005456899 252 12 < < X _005456899 252 13 thyself thyself PRON _005456899 252 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 252 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 253 1 every every PRON _005456899 253 2 or or CCONJ _005456899 253 3 others other NOUN _005456899 253 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 253 5 sho sho NOUN _005456899 253 6 parents parent NOUN _005456899 253 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 253 8 fri fri ADJ _005456899 253 9 self self NOUN _005456899 253 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 254 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 254 2 tt tt PROPN _005456899 254 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 254 4 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 254 5 us we PRON _005456899 254 6 us we PRON _005456899 254 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 254 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 255 1 this this PRON _005456899 255 2 : : PUNCT _005456899 255 3 but but CCONJ _005456899 255 4 the the DET _005456899 255 5 sweetheart sweetheart NOUN _005456899 255 6 of of ADP _005456899 255 7 a a DET _005456899 255 8 crime crime NOUN _005456899 255 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 255 10 covered cover VERB _005456899 255 11 hi1 hi1 PRON _005456899 255 12 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 255 13 our our PRON _005456899 255 14 friends friend NOUN _005456899 255 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 255 16 keeping keep VERB _005456899 255 17 them they PRON _005456899 255 18 11 11 NUM _005456899 255 19 a a DET _005456899 255 20 reception reception NOUN _005456899 255 21 because because SCONJ _005456899 255 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 255 23 he he PRON _005456899 255 24 later later ADV _005456899 255 25 explained explain VERB _005456899 255 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 255 27 his his PRON _005456899 255 28 wife wife NOUN _005456899 255 29 had have AUX _005456899 255 30 permitted permit VERB _005456899 255 31 someone someone PRON _005456899 255 32 to to PART _005456899 255 33 kiss kiss VERB _005456899 255 34 her her PRON _005456899 255 35 hand hand NOUN _005456899 255 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 255 37 too too ADV _005456899 255 38 passionately passionately ADV _005456899 255 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 255 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 256 1 between between ADP _005456899 256 2 two two NUM _005456899 256 3 college college NOUN _005456899 256 4 students student NOUN _005456899 256 5 a a DET _005456899 256 6 long long ADJ _005456899 256 7 friendship friendship NOUN _005456899 256 8 was be AUX _005456899 256 9 forever forever ADV _005456899 256 10 disrupted disrupt VERB _005456899 256 11 because because SCONJ _005456899 256 12 one one NUM _005456899 256 13 of of ADP _005456899 256 14 them they PRON _005456899 256 15 as as ADP _005456899 256 16 a a DET _005456899 256 17 stag stag NOUN _005456899 256 18 failed fail VERB _005456899 256 19 to to PART _005456899 256 20 return return VERB _005456899 256 21 the the DET _005456899 256 22 girl girl NOUN _005456899 256 23 after after ADP _005456899 256 24 two two NUM _005456899 256 25 numbers number NOUN _005456899 256 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 256 27 instead instead ADV _005456899 256 28 of of ADP _005456899 256 29 the the DET _005456899 256 30 one one NOUN _005456899 256 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 256 32 as as SCONJ _005456899 256 33 had have AUX _005456899 256 34 been be AUX _005456899 256 35 agreed agree VERB _005456899 256 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 257 1 one one NUM _005456899 257 2 chairman chairman NOUN _005456899 257 3 of of ADP _005456899 257 4 the the DET _005456899 257 5 picture picture NOUN _005456899 257 6 committee committee NOUN _005456899 257 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 257 8 his his PRON _005456899 257 9 classmate classmate NOUN _005456899 257 10 became become VERB _005456899 257 11 permanently permanently ADV _005456899 257 12 estranged estranged ADJ _005456899 257 13 because because SCONJ _005456899 257 14 the the DET _005456899 257 15 classmate classmate NOUN _005456899 257 16 failed fail VERB _005456899 257 17 to to PART _005456899 257 18 get get VERB _005456899 257 19 his his PRON _005456899 257 20 picture picture NOUN _005456899 257 21 taken take VERB _005456899 257 22 for for ADP _005456899 257 23 the the DET _005456899 257 24 yearbook yearbook NOUN _005456899 257 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 258 1 every every DET _005456899 258 2 year year NOUN _005456899 258 3 hundreds hundred NOUN _005456899 258 4 of of ADP _005456899 258 5 friendships friendship NOUN _005456899 258 6 are be AUX _005456899 258 7 strained strained ADJ _005456899 258 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 258 9 even even ADV _005456899 258 10 wrecked wreck VERB _005456899 258 11 because because SCONJ _005456899 258 12 the the DET _005456899 258 13 more more ADV _005456899 258 14 ardent ardent ADJ _005456899 258 15 letter letter NOUN _005456899 258 16 writer writer NOUN _005456899 258 17 can can AUX _005456899 258 18 not not PART _005456899 258 19 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 258 20 the the DET _005456899 258 21 one one NOUN _005456899 258 22 whose whose DET _005456899 258 23 reply reply NOUN _005456899 258 24 is be AUX _005456899 258 25 late late ADJ _005456899 258 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 259 1 do do AUX _005456899 259 2 n't not PART _005456899 259 3 expect expect VERB _005456899 259 4 perfection perfection NOUN _005456899 259 5 from from ADP _005456899 259 6 others other NOUN _005456899 259 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 259 8 we we PRON _005456899 259 9 are be AUX _005456899 259 10 young young ADJ _005456899 259 11 we we PRON _005456899 259 12 tend tend VERB _005456899 259 13 to to PART _005456899 259 14 expect expect VERB _005456899 259 15 from from ADP _005456899 259 16 our our PRON _005456899 259 17 friends friend NOUN _005456899 259 18 such such ADJ _005456899 259 19 love love NOUN _005456899 259 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 259 21 attention attention NOUN _005456899 259 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 259 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 259 24 devotion devotion NOUN _005456899 259 25 as as SCONJ _005456899 259 26 angels angel NOUN _005456899 259 27 could could AUX _005456899 259 28 give give VERB _005456899 259 29 us we PRON _005456899 259 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 259 31 but but CCONJ _005456899 259 32 human human ADJ _005456899 259 33 beings being NOUN _005456899 259 34 are be AUX _005456899 259 35 sure sure ADJ _005456899 259 36 to to PART _005456899 259 37 fail fail VERB _005456899 259 38 in in ADP _005456899 259 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 260 1 in in ADP _005456899 260 2 thornton thornton PROPN _005456899 260 3 wilder wilder NOUN _005456899 260 4 's 's PART _005456899 260 5 our our PRON _005456899 260 6 town town NOUN _005456899 260 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 260 8 emily emily ADV _005456899 260 9 says say VERB _005456899 260 10 to to ADP _005456899 260 11 george george PROPN _005456899 260 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 260 13 both both CCONJ _005456899 260 14 in in ADP _005456899 260 15 high high ADJ _005456899 260 16 school school NOUN _005456899 260 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 260 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 260 19 i i PRON _005456899 260 20 always always ADV _005456899 260 21 expect expect VERB _005456899 260 22 a a DET _005456899 260 23 man man NOUN _005456899 260 24 to to PART _005456899 260 25 be be AUX _005456899 260 26 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 260 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 260 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 260 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 260 30 george george PROPN _005456899 260 31 answers answer NOUN _005456899 260 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 260 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 260 34 i i PRON _005456899 260 35 feel feel VERB _005456899 260 36 it it PRON _005456899 260 37 's be AUX _005456899 260 38 the the DET _005456899 260 39 other other ADJ _005456899 260 40 way way NOUN _005456899 260 41 around around ADV _005456899 260 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 261 1 that that SCONJ _005456899 261 2 men man NOUN _005456899 261 3 are be AUX _005456899 261 4 n't not PART _005456899 261 5 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 261 6 good good ADJ _005456899 261 7 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 261 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 261 9 girls girl NOUN _005456899 261 10 are be AUX _005456899 261 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 261 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 262 1 realizing realize VERB _005456899 262 2 that that SCONJ _005456899 262 3 no no DET _005456899 262 4 one one NOUN _005456899 262 5 is be AUX _005456899 262 6 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 262 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 262 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 262 9 not not PART _005456899 262 10 expecting expect VERB _005456899 262 11 so so ADV _005456899 262 12 much much ADJ _005456899 262 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 262 14 is be AUX _005456899 262 15 a a DET _005456899 262 16 sure sure ADJ _005456899 262 17 sign sign NOUN _005456899 262 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 262 19 we we PRON _005456899 262 20 are be AUX _005456899 262 21 growing grow VERB _005456899 262 22 in in ADP _005456899 262 23 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005456899 262 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 263 1 samuel samuel PROPN _005456899 263 2 johnson johnson PROPN _005456899 263 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 263 4 a a DET _005456899 263 5 great great ADJ _005456899 263 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 263 7 good good ADJ _005456899 263 8 man man NOUN _005456899 263 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 263 10 needed need VERB _005456899 263 11 age age NOUN _005456899 263 12 before before SCONJ _005456899 263 13 he he PRON _005456899 263 14 was be AUX _005456899 263 15 wise wise ADJ _005456899 263 16 enough enough ADV _005456899 263 17 to to PART _005456899 263 18 say say VERB _005456899 263 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 263 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 263 21 as as SCONJ _005456899 263 22 i i PRON _005456899 263 23 know know VERB _005456899 263 24 more more ADJ _005456899 263 25 of of ADP _005456899 263 26 mankind mankind NOUN _005456899 263 27 1 1 NUM _005456899 263 28 expect expect VERB _005456899 263 29 less less ADJ _005456899 263 30 of of ADP _005456899 263 31 them they PRON _005456899 263 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 263 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 263 34 am be AUX _005456899 263 35 ready ready ADJ _005456899 263 36 now now ADV _005456899 263 37 to to PART _005456899 263 38 call call VERB _005456899 263 39 a a DET _005456899 263 40 man man NOUN _005456899 263 41 a a DET _005456899 263 42 good good ADJ _005456899 263 43 man man NOUN _005456899 263 44 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 263 45 easier easy ADJ _005456899 263 46 terms term NOUN _005456899 263 47 than than SCONJ _005456899 263 48 i i PRON _005456899 263 49 was be AUX _005456899 263 50 formerly formerly ADV _005456899 263 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 263 52 " " PUNCT _005456899 264 1 lucky lucky ADJ _005456899 264 2 is be AUX _005456899 264 3 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 264 4 who who PRON _005456899 264 5 learns learn VERB _005456899 264 6 young young ADJ _005456899 264 7 as as SCONJ _005456899 264 8 addison addison PROPN _005456899 264 9 phrases phrase VERB _005456899 264 10 it it PRON _005456899 264 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 264 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 264 13 how how SCONJ _005456899 264 14 to to PART _005456899 264 15 wink wink VERB _005456899 264 16 at at ADP _005456899 264 17 human human ADJ _005456899 264 18 frailty frailty PROPN _005456899 264 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 264 20 o~ o~ PROPN _005456899 264 21 pardon pardon NOUN _005456899 264 22 weakness weakness NOUN _005456899 264 23 that that SCONJ _005456899 264 24 he he PRON _005456899 264 25 never never ADV _005456899 264 26 felt feel VERB _005456899 264 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 264 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 265 1 the the DET _005456899 265 2 poet poet NOUN _005456899 265 3 george george PROPN _005456899 265 4 herbert herbert PROPN _005456899 265 5 says say VERB _005456899 265 6 still still ADV _005456899 265 7 more more ADV _005456899 265 8 wisely wisely ADV _005456899 265 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 265 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 265 11 pardon pardon VERB _005456899 265 12 all all PRON _005456899 265 13 but but SCONJ _005456899 265 14 thyself thyself PRON _005456899 265 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 265 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 266 1 everyone everyone PRON _005456899 266 2 should should AUX _005456899 266 3 obviously obviously ADV _005456899 266 4 try try VERB _005456899 266 5 very very ADV _005456899 266 6 hard hard ADV _005456899 266 7 never never ADV _005456899 266 8 to to PART _005456899 266 9 disappoint disappoint VERB _005456899 266 10 others other NOUN _005456899 266 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 266 12 should should AUX _005456899 266 13 strive strive VERB _005456899 266 14 neither neither CCONJ _005456899 266 15 in in ADP _005456899 266 16 big big ADJ _005456899 266 17 things thing NOUN _005456899 266 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 266 19 small small ADJ _005456899 266 20 to to PART _005456899 266 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 266 22 let let VERB _005456899 266 23 down down ADP _005456899 266 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 266 25 parents parent NOUN _005456899 266 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 266 27 friends friend NOUN _005456899 266 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 266 29 or or CCONJ _005456899 266 30 sweethearts sweetheart NOUN _005456899 266 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 267 1 he he PRON _005456899 267 2 should should AUX _005456899 267 3 not not PART _005456899 267 4 easily easily ADV _005456899 267 5 pardon pardon VERB _005456899 267 6 himself himself PRON _005456899 267 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 268 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 268 2 toward toward ADP _005456899 268 3 others other NOUN _005456899 268 4 the the DET _005456899 268 5 mandate mandate NOUN _005456899 268 6 of of ADP _005456899 268 7 the the DET _005456899 268 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 268 9 our our PRON _005456899 268 10 father father NOUN _005456899 268 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 268 12 is be AUX _005456899 268 13 clear clear ADJ _005456899 268 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 268 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 268 16 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 268 17 us we PRON _005456899 268 18 our our PRON _005456899 268 19 trespasses trespass NOUN _005456899 268 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 268 21 as as SCONJ _005456899 268 22 we we PRON _005456899 268 23 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 268 24 those those PRON _005456899 268 25 who who PRON _005456899 268 26 trespass trespass VERB _005456899 268 27 against against ADP _005456899 268 28 us we PRON _005456899 268 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 268 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 269 1 this this PRON _005456899 269 2 is be AUX _005456899 269 3 not not PART _005456899 269 4 a a DET _005456899 269 5 counsel counsel NOUN _005456899 269 6 of of ADP _005456899 269 7 perfection perfection NOUN _005456899 269 8 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 269 9 it it PRON _005456899 269 10 is be AUX _005456899 269 11 an an DET _005456899 269 12 elementary elementary ADJ _005456899 269 13 duty duty NOUN _005456899 269 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 270 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 270 2 a a DET _005456899 270 3 sweetheart sweetheart NOUN _005456899 270 4 is be AUX _005456899 270 5 seriously seriously ADV _005456899 270 6 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 270 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 270 8 the the DET _005456899 270 9 question question NOUN _005456899 270 10 arises arise VERB _005456899 270 11 as as ADP _005456899 270 12 to to ADP _005456899 270 13 what what PRON _005456899 270 14 we we PRON _005456899 270 15 must must AUX _005456899 270 16 do do AUX _005456899 270 17 if if SCONJ _005456899 270 18 friend friend NOUN _005456899 270 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 270 20 sweetheart sweetheart NOUN _005456899 270 21 is be AUX _005456899 270 22 guilty guilty ADJ _005456899 270 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 270 24 not not PART _005456899 270 25 of of ADP _005456899 270 26 a a DET _005456899 270 27 frailty frailty NOUN _005456899 270 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 270 29 of of ADP _005456899 270 30 a a DET _005456899 270 31 venial venial ADJ _005456899 270 32 sin sin NOUN _005456899 270 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 270 34 but but CCONJ _005456899 270 35 of of ADP _005456899 270 36 a a DET _005456899 270 37 vice vice NOUN _005456899 270 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 270 39 of of ADP _005456899 270 40 a a DET _005456899 270 41 crime crime NOUN _005456899 270 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 270 43 of of ADP _005456899 270 44 a a DET _005456899 270 45 mortal mortal ADJ _005456899 270 46 sin sin NOUN _005456899 270 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 271 1 a a DET _005456899 271 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 271 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 271 4 formally formally ADV _005456899 271 5 engaged engage VERB _005456899 271 6 to to ADP _005456899 271 7 a a DET _005456899 271 8 man man NOUN _005456899 271 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 271 10 discovered discover VERB _005456899 271 11 him he PRON _005456899 271 12 to to PART _005456899 271 13 have have AUX _005456899 271 14 had have VERB _005456899 271 15 an an DET _005456899 271 16 affair affair NOUN _005456899 271 17 with with ADP _005456899 271 18 another another DET _005456899 271 19 girl girl NOUN _005456899 271 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 272 1 what what PRON _005456899 272 2 was be AUX _005456899 272 3 12 12 NUM _005456899 272 4 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 272 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 273 1 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 273 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 273 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 273 4 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 273 5 her her PRON _005456899 273 6 right right ADJ _005456899 273 7 or or CCONJ _005456899 273 8 duty duty NOUN _005456899 273 9 here here ADV _005456899 273 10 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 274 1 she she PRON _005456899 274 2 had have VERB _005456899 274 3 the the DET _005456899 274 4 right right NOUN _005456899 274 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 274 6 it it PRON _005456899 274 7 seems seem VERB _005456899 274 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 274 9 to to PART _005456899 274 10 marry marry VERB _005456899 274 11 him he PRON _005456899 274 12 anyway anyway ADV _005456899 274 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 275 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 275 2 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 275 3 she she PRON _005456899 275 4 also also ADV _005456899 275 5 had have VERB _005456899 275 6 the the DET _005456899 275 7 right right NOUN _005456899 275 8 to to PART _005456899 275 9 break break VERB _005456899 275 10 off off ADP _005456899 275 11 the the DET _005456899 275 12 engagement engagement NOUN _005456899 275 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 275 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 275 15 she she PRON _005456899 275 16 did do VERB _005456899 275 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 276 1 the the DET _005456899 276 2 meaning meaning NOUN _005456899 276 3 of of ADP _005456899 276 4 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005456899 276 5 is be AUX _005456899 276 6 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 276 7 in in ADP _005456899 276 8 such such ADJ _005456899 276 9 cases case NOUN _005456899 276 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 277 1 she she PRON _005456899 277 2 is be AUX _005456899 277 3 required require VERB _005456899 277 4 to to PART _005456899 277 5 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 277 6 him he PRON _005456899 277 7 in in ADP _005456899 277 8 the the DET _005456899 277 9 sense sense NOUN _005456899 277 10 of of ADP _005456899 277 11 not not PART _005456899 277 12 wishing wish VERB _005456899 277 13 him he PRON _005456899 277 14 ill ill ADJ _005456899 277 15 or or CCONJ _005456899 277 16 bearing bear VERB _005456899 277 17 him he PRON _005456899 277 18 a a DET _005456899 277 19 grudge grudge NOUN _005456899 277 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 278 1 forgiving forgiving PROPN _005456899 278 2 does do AUX _005456899 278 3 not not PART _005456899 278 4 mean mean VERB _005456899 278 5 marrying marry VERB _005456899 278 6 but but CCONJ _005456899 278 7 one one NUM _005456899 278 8 · · PUNCT _005456899 278 9 does do AUX _005456899 278 10 not not PART _005456899 278 11 need need VERB _005456899 278 12 to to PART _005456899 278 13 marry marry VERB _005456899 278 14 everyone everyone PRON _005456899 278 15 whom whom PRON _005456899 278 16 one one NUM _005456899 278 17 forgives forgive NOUN _005456899 278 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 278 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 278 20 to to PART _005456899 278 21 take take VERB _005456899 278 22 into into ADP _005456899 278 23 one one PRON _005456899 278 24 's 's PART _005456899 278 25 home home NOUN _005456899 278 26 all all DET _005456899 278 27 the the DET _005456899 278 28 neighbors neighbor NOUN _005456899 278 29 that that PRON _005456899 278 30 scripture scripture NOUN _005456899 278 31 enjoins enjoin VERB _005456899 278 32 us we PRON _005456899 278 33 to to PART _005456899 278 34 love love VERB _005456899 278 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 279 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 279 2 a a DET _005456899 279 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 279 4 finds find VERB _005456899 279 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 279 6 her her PRON _005456899 279 7 boy boy NOUN _005456899 279 8 friend friend NOUN _005456899 279 9 is be AUX _005456899 279 10 a a DET _005456899 279 11 chronic chronic ADJ _005456899 279 12 drunkard drunkard NOUN _005456899 279 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 279 14 surely surely ADV _005456899 279 15 religion religion NOUN _005456899 279 16 permits permit NOUN _005456899 279 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 279 18 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005456899 279 19 dictates dictate NOUN _005456899 279 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 279 21 she she PRON _005456899 279 22 refuse refuse VERB _005456899 279 23 to to PART _005456899 279 24 marry marry VERB _005456899 279 25 him he PRON _005456899 279 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 280 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 280 2 my my PRON _005456899 280 3 friend friend NOUN _005456899 280 4 slips slip VERB _005456899 280 5 from from ADP _005456899 280 6 frailty frailty PROPN _005456899 280 7 into into ADP _005456899 280 8 vice vice NOUN _005456899 280 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 280 10 into into ADP _005456899 280 11 consorting consort VERB _005456899 280 12 with with ADP _005456899 280 13 thieves thief NOUN _005456899 280 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 280 15 drunkards drunkard NOUN _005456899 280 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 280 17 atheists atheist NOUN _005456899 280 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 280 19 libertinists libertinist NOUN _005456899 280 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 280 21 i i PRON _005456899 280 22 ought ought AUX _005456899 280 23 to to PART _005456899 280 24 pray pray VERB _005456899 280 25 for for ADP _005456899 280 26 him he PRON _005456899 280 27 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 280 28 i i PRON _005456899 280 29 have have VERB _005456899 280 30 no no DET _005456899 280 31 right right NOUN _005456899 280 32 to to PART _005456899 280 33 abuse abuse VERB _005456899 280 34 him he PRON _005456899 280 35 or or CCONJ _005456899 280 36 break break VERB _005456899 280 37 his his PRON _005456899 280 38 neck neck NOUN _005456899 280 39 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 280 40 i i PRON _005456899 280 41 ought ought AUX _005456899 280 42 to to PART _005456899 280 43 feel feel VERB _005456899 280 44 sorry sorry ADJ _005456899 280 45 for for ADP _005456899 280 46 him he PRON _005456899 280 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 280 48 not not PART _005456899 280 49 hateful hateful ADJ _005456899 280 50 towards towards ADP _005456899 280 51 him he PRON _005456899 280 52 . . PUNCT _005456899 281 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 281 2 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 281 3 also also ADV _005456899 281 4 i i PRON _005456899 281 5 have have VERB _005456899 281 6 a a DET _005456899 281 7 right right NOUN _005456899 281 8 to to PART _005456899 281 9 disassociate disassociate VERB _005456899 281 10 myself myself PRON _005456899 281 11 from from ADP _005456899 281 12 his his PRON _005456899 281 13 friendly friendly ADJ _005456899 281 14 company company NOUN _005456899 281 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 282 1 i i PRON _005456899 282 2 need need VERB _005456899 282 3 no no ADV _005456899 282 4 longer long ADV _005456899 282 5 welcome welcome VERB _005456899 282 6 him he PRON _005456899 282 7 as as ADP _005456899 282 8 a a DET _005456899 282 9 personal personal ADJ _005456899 282 10 friend friend NOUN _005456899 282 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 283 1 a a DET _005456899 283 2 good good ADJ _005456899 283 3 rule rule NOUN _005456899 283 4 is be AUX _005456899 283 5 to to PART _005456899 283 6 avoid avoid VERB _005456899 283 7 people people NOUN _005456899 283 8 who who PRON _005456899 283 9 are be AUX _005456899 283 10 so so ADV _005456899 283 11 wicked wicked ADJ _005456899 283 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 283 13 so so ADV _005456899 283 14 weak weak ADJ _005456899 283 15 as as SCONJ _005456899 283 16 to to PART _005456899 283 17 do do VERB _005456899 283 18 the the DET _005456899 283 19 sort sort NOUN _005456899 283 20 of of ADP _005456899 283 21 things thing NOUN _005456899 283 22 which which PRON _005456899 283 23 objectively objectively ADV _005456899 283 24 are be AUX _005456899 283 25 mortal mortal ADJ _005456899 283 26 sins sin NOUN _005456899 283 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 284 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 284 2 a a DET _005456899 284 3 friend friend NOUN _005456899 284 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 284 5 loved love VERB _005456899 284 6 one one NUM _005456899 284 7 sinks sink NOUN _005456899 284 8 to to ADP _005456899 284 9 th th PRON _005456899 284 10 ~ ~ NUM _005456899 284 11 t t NOUN _005456899 284 12 level level NOUN _005456899 284 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 284 14 sorrowfully sorrowfully ADV _005456899 284 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 284 16 firmly firmly ADV _005456899 284 17 turn turn VERB _005456899 284 18 away away ADV _005456899 284 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 284 20 find find VERB _005456899 284 21 someone someone PRON _005456899 284 22 better well ADV _005456899 284 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 285 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 285 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 285 3 the the DET _005456899 285 4 wrongs wrong NOUN _005456899 285 5 done do VERB _005456899 285 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 285 7 even even ADV _005456899 285 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 285 9 they they PRON _005456899 285 10 greatly greatly ADV _005456899 285 11 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 285 12 your your PRON _005456899 285 13 vanity vanity NOUN _005456899 285 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 285 15 convenience convenience NOUN _005456899 285 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 285 17 are be AUX _005456899 285 18 really really ADV _005456899 285 19 at at ADV _005456899 285 20 worst bad ADJ _005456899 285 21 only only ADJ _005456899 285 22 venial venial ADJ _005456899 285 23 sins sin NOUN _005456899 285 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 285 25 not not PART _005456899 285 26 only only ADV _005456899 285 27 forgive forgive VERB _005456899 285 28 them they PRON _005456899 285 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 285 30 but but CCONJ _005456899 285 31 forget forget VERB _005456899 285 32 them they PRON _005456899 285 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 286 1 better well ADV _005456899 286 2 still still ADV _005456899 286 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 286 4 take take VERB _005456899 286 5 practically practically ADV _005456899 286 6 no no DET _005456899 286 7 notice notice NOUN _005456899 286 8 of of ADP _005456899 286 9 them they PRON _005456899 286 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 287 1 let let VERB _005456899 287 2 them they PRON _005456899 287 3 not not PART _005456899 287 4 disturb disturb VERB _005456899 287 5 the the DET _005456899 287 6 course course NOUN _005456899 287 7 of of ADP _005456899 287 8 your your PRON _005456899 287 9 friendship friendship NOUN _005456899 287 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 288 1 even even ADV _005456899 288 2 a a DET _005456899 288 3 more more ADV _005456899 288 4 serious serious ADJ _005456899 288 5 trespass trespass NOUN _005456899 288 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 288 7 if if SCONJ _005456899 288 8 it it PRON _005456899 288 9 is be AUX _005456899 288 10 but but CCONJ _005456899 288 11 a a DET _005456899 288 12 rare rare ADJ _005456899 288 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 288 14 an an DET _005456899 288 15 occasional occasional ADJ _005456899 288 16 lapse lapse NOUN _005456899 288 17 of of ADP _005456899 288 18 weakness weakness NOUN _005456899 288 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 288 20 had have AUX _005456899 288 21 better well ADV _005456899 288 22 be be AUX _005456899 288 23 gracefully gracefully ADV _005456899 288 24 forgiven forgive VERB _005456899 288 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 288 26 forgotten forget VERB _005456899 288 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 289 1 a a DET _005456899 289 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 289 3 forgives forgive VERB _005456899 289 4 a a DET _005456899 289 5 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 289 6 who who PRON _005456899 289 7 got get VERB _005456899 289 8 drunk drunk ADJ _005456899 289 9 one one NUM _005456899 289 10 young young ADJ _005456899 289 11 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 289 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 289 13 after after ADP _005456899 289 14 staying stay VERB _005456899 289 15 on on ADP _005456899 289 16 the the DET _005456899 289 17 water water NOUN _005456899 289 18 wagon wagon NOUN _005456899 289 19 two two NUM _005456899 289 20 years year NOUN _005456899 289 21 to to PART _005456899 289 22 establish establish VERB _005456899 289 23 his his PRON _005456899 289 24 worthiness worthiness NOUN _005456899 289 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 289 26 was be AUX _005456899 289 27 finally finally ADV _005456899 289 28 accepted accept VERB _005456899 289 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 290 1 at at ADP _005456899 290 2 ten ten NUM _005456899 290 3 saturday saturday PROPN _005456899 290 4 morning morning NOUN _005456899 290 5 the the DET _005456899 290 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 290 7 was be AUX _005456899 290 8 to to PART _005456899 290 9 wait wait VERB _005456899 290 10 for for ADP _005456899 290 11 him he PRON _005456899 290 12 in in ADP _005456899 290 13 the the DET _005456899 290 14 courthouse courthouse NOUN _005456899 290 15 to to PART _005456899 290 16 get get VERB _005456899 290 17 the the DET _005456899 290 18 license license NOUN _005456899 290 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 291 1 the the DET _005456899 291 2 night night NOUN _005456899 291 3 before before ADV _005456899 291 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 291 5 his his PRON _005456899 291 6 friends friend NOUN _005456899 291 7 gave give VERB _005456899 291 8 him he PRON _005456899 291 9 a a DET _005456899 291 10 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 291 11 party party NOUN _005456899 291 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 292 1 mter mter ADV _005456899 292 2 two two NUM _005456899 292 3 years year NOUN _005456899 292 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 292 5 it it PRON _005456899 292 6 happened happen VERB _005456899 292 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 293 1 he he PRON _005456899 293 2 had have VERB _005456899 293 3 to to PART _005456899 293 4 be be AUX _005456899 293 5 carried carry VERB _005456899 293 6 home home ADV _005456899 293 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 294 1 he he PRON _005456899 294 2 had have AUX _005456899 294 3 not not PART _005456899 294 4 told tell VERB _005456899 294 5 his his PRON _005456899 294 6 friends friend NOUN _005456899 294 7 of of ADP _005456899 294 8 his his PRON _005456899 294 9 all all ADV _005456899 294 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 294 11 important important ADJ _005456899 294 12 appointment appointment NOUN _005456899 294 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 295 1 the the DET _005456899 295 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 295 3 waited wait VERB _005456899 295 4 for for ADP _005456899 295 5 two two NUM _005456899 295 6 hours hour NOUN _005456899 295 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 296 1 at at ADP _005456899 296 2 three three NUM _005456899 296 3 in in ADP _005456899 296 4 the the DET _005456899 296 5 afternoon afternoon NOUN _005456899 296 6 a a DET _005456899 296 7 sick sick ADJ _005456899 296 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 296 9 looking look VERB _005456899 296 10 individual individual NOUN _005456899 296 11 begged beg VERB _005456899 296 12 her her PRON _005456899 296 13 mother mother NOUN _005456899 296 14 to to PART _005456899 296 15 arrange arrange VERB _005456899 296 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 296 17 he he PRON _005456899 296 18 might might AUX _005456899 296 19 see see VERB _005456899 296 20 her she PRON _005456899 296 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 297 1 · · PUNCT _005456899 297 2 i i PRON _005456899 297 3 am be AUX _005456899 297 4 happy happy ADJ _005456899 297 5 to to PART _005456899 297 6 report report VERB _005456899 297 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 297 8 she she PRON _005456899 297 9 agreed agree VERB _005456899 297 10 to to PART _005456899 297 11 repeat repeat VERB _005456899 297 12 the the DET _005456899 297 13 appointment appointment NOUN _005456899 297 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 297 15 on on ADP _005456899 297 16 condition condition NOUN _005456899 297 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 297 18 he he PRON _005456899 297 19 spend spend VERB _005456899 297 20 the the DET _005456899 297 21 preceding precede VERB _005456899 297 22 friday friday PROPN _005456899 297 23 night night NOUN _005456899 297 24 with with ADP _005456899 297 25 her her PRON _005456899 297 26 mother mother NOUN _005456899 297 27 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 298 1 they they PRON _005456899 298 2 have have VERB _005456899 298 3 two two NUM _005456899 298 4 children child NOUN _005456899 298 5 now now ADV _005456899 298 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 299 1 he he PRON _005456899 299 2 thinks think VERB _005456899 299 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 299 4 all all DET _005456899 299 5 this this DET _005456899 299 6 insistence insistence NOUN _005456899 299 7 on on ADP _005456899 299 8 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 299 9 trespasses trespass NOUN _005456899 299 10 in in ADP _005456899 299 11 the the DET _005456899 299 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 299 13 our our PRON _005456899 299 14 father father NOUN _005456899 299 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 299 16 is be AUX _005456899 299 17 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 299 18 what what PRON _005456899 299 19 the the DET _005456899 299 20 world world NOUN _005456899 299 21 needs need VERB _005456899 299 22 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 300 1 co co INTJ _005456899 300 2 i i PRON _005456899 300 3 t t NOUN _005456899 300 4 rig rig NOUN _005456899 300 5 jol jol NOUN _005456899 300 6 to to ADP _005456899 300 7 1 1 NUM _005456899 300 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 300 9 wht wht NOUN _005456899 300 10 to to ADP _005456899 300 11 1 1 NUM _005456899 300 12 wor wor PROPN _005456899 300 13 . . PROPN _005456899 301 1 thai thai PROPN _005456899 301 2 proi proi NOUN _005456899 301 3 wha wha NOUN _005456899 301 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 301 5 hav hav PROPN _005456899 301 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 302 1 we1 we1 X _005456899 302 2 how how SCONJ _005456899 302 3 has have AUX _005456899 302 4 mor mor VERB _005456899 302 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 303 1 you you PRON _005456899 303 2 say say VERB _005456899 303 3 with with SCONJ _005456899 303 4 a a DET _005456899 303 5 1 1 NUM _005456899 303 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 303 7 pail pail NOUN _005456899 303 8 chile chile NOUN _005456899 303 9 acts act VERB _005456899 303 10 vel vel NOUN _005456899 303 11 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 303 12 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 304 1 will will AUX _005456899 304 2 at at ADP _005456899 304 3 i i PRON _005456899 304 4 really really ADV _005456899 304 5 he he PRON _005456899 304 6 evel evel VERB _005456899 304 7 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 304 8 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 305 1 it it PRON _005456899 305 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 306 1 we we PRON _005456899 306 2 h h VERB _005456899 306 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 306 4 yet yet ADV _005456899 306 5 to to PART _005456899 306 6 ou ou PART _005456899 306 7 bite bite VERB _005456899 306 8 the the DET _005456899 306 9 children child NOUN _005456899 306 10 really really ADV _005456899 306 11 lm lm ADV _005456899 306 12 when when SCONJ _005456899 306 13 a a DET _005456899 306 14 thorn thorn NOUN _005456899 306 15 i i PRON _005456899 306 16 beast beast NOUN _005456899 306 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 18 re re VERB _005456899 306 19 < < X _005456899 306 20 pulling pull VERB _005456899 306 21 t1 t1 NOUN _005456899 306 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 306 23 mad mad ADJ _005456899 306 24 < < X _005456899 306 25 the the DET _005456899 306 26 lion lion NOUN _005456899 306 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 28 · · PUNCT _005456899 306 29 saw see VERB _005456899 306 30 there there ADV _005456899 306 31 gentle gentle ADJ _005456899 306 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 33 to• to• PROPN _005456899 306 34 chapter chapter PROPN _005456899 306 35 iii iii PROPN _005456899 306 36 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 306 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 306 38 kindness kindness NOUN _005456899 306 39 begin begin VERB _005456899 306 40 in in ADP _005456899 306 41 the the DET _005456899 306 42 heart heart NOUN _005456899 306 43 this this DET _005456899 306 44 article article NOUN _005456899 306 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 46 originally originally ADV _005456899 306 47 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 306 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 49 " " PUNCT _005456899 306 50 is be AUX _005456899 306 51 your your PRON _005456899 306 52 heart heart NOUN _005456899 306 53 in in ADP _005456899 306 54 the the DET _005456899 306 55 right right ADJ _005456899 306 56 place place NOUN _005456899 306 57 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 58 " " PUNCT _005456899 306 59 is be AUX _005456899 306 60 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 306 61 from from ADP _005456899 306 62 the the DET _005456899 306 63 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 306 64 home home PROPN _005456899 306 65 journal journal PROPN _005456899 306 66 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 67 july july PROPN _005456899 306 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 306 69 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 306 70 . . PUNCT _005456899 307 1 it it PRON _005456899 307 2 enforces enforce VERB _005456899 307 3 the the DET _005456899 307 4 truism truism NOUN _005456899 307 5 that that PRON _005456899 307 6 the the DET _005456899 307 7 way way NOUN _005456899 307 8 to to PART _005456899 307 9 be be AUX _005456899 307 10 loved love VERB _005456899 307 11 is be AUX _005456899 307 12 to to PART _005456899 307 13 love love VERB _005456899 307 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 307 15 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 307 16 meaning mean VERB _005456899 307 17 affecton affecton PROPN _005456899 307 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 307 19 not not PART _005456899 307 20 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 307 21 love love NOUN _005456899 307 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 307 23 where where SCONJ _005456899 307 24 luckily luckily ADV _005456899 307 25 it it PRON _005456899 307 26 does do AUX _005456899 307 27 not not PART _005456899 307 28 always always ADV _005456899 307 29 work work VERB _005456899 307 30 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 307 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 308 1 most most ADJ _005456899 308 2 people people NOUN _005456899 308 3 ajbout ajbout VERB _005456899 308 4 to to PART _005456899 308 5 meet meet VERB _005456899 308 6 someone someone PRON _005456899 308 7 important important ADJ _005456899 308 8 to to ADP _005456899 308 9 them they PRON _005456899 308 10 say say VERB _005456899 308 11 to to ADP _005456899 308 12 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 308 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 308 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 308 15 i i PRON _005456899 308 16 wonder wonder VERB _005456899 308 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 308 18 will will AUX _005456899 308 19 he he PRON _005456899 308 20 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 308 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 308 22 she she PRON _005456899 308 23 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 308 24 like like ADP _005456899 308 25 me i PRON _005456899 308 26 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 308 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 309 1 according accord VERB _005456899 309 2 to to ADP _005456899 309 3 this this DET _005456899 309 4 article article NOUN _005456899 309 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 309 6 that that PRON _005456899 309 7 is be AUX _005456899 309 8 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 309 9 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 309 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 309 11 for for SCONJ _005456899 309 12 it it PRON _005456899 309 13 implies imply VERB _005456899 309 14 a a DET _005456899 309 15 kind kind NOUN _005456899 309 16 of of ADP _005456899 309 17 fear fear NOUN _005456899 309 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 309 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 309 20 fear fear NOUN _005456899 309 21 produces produce VERB _005456899 309 22 antagonism antagonism NOUN _005456899 309 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 310 1 the the DET _005456899 310 2 right right ADJ _005456899 310 3 approach approach NOUN _005456899 310 4 is be AUX _005456899 310 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 310 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 310 7 i i PRON _005456899 310 8 do do AUX _005456899 310 9 n't not PART _005456899 310 10 know know VERB _005456899 310 11 what what PRON _005456899 310 12 he he PRON _005456899 310 13 will will AUX _005456899 310 14 be be AUX _005456899 310 15 like like ADP _005456899 310 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 310 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 310 18 from from ADP _005456899 310 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 310 20 all all PRON _005456899 310 21 i i PRON _005456899 310 22 have have AUX _005456899 310 23 heard hear VERB _005456899 310 24 about about ADP _005456899 310 25 him he PRON _005456899 310 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 310 27 considering consider VERB _005456899 310 28 all all DET _005456899 310 29 his his PRON _005456899 310 30 responsibilities responsibility NOUN _005456899 310 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 310 32 one one PRON _005456899 310 33 would would AUX _005456899 310 34 almost almost ADV _005456899 310 35 have have VERB _005456899 310 36 to to PART _005456899 310 37 like like VERB _005456899 310 38 him he PRON _005456899 310 39 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 310 40 or or CCONJ _005456899 310 41 her she PRON _005456899 310 42 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 310 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 310 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 311 1 so so ADV _005456899 311 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 311 3 being be AUX _005456899 311 4 sympathetic sympathetic ADJ _005456899 311 5 ourselves ourselves PRON _005456899 311 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 311 7 we we PRON _005456899 311 8 ourselves ourselves PRON _005456899 311 9 can can AUX _005456899 311 10 hardly hardly ADV _005456899 311 11 help help VERB _005456899 311 12 being be AUX _005456899 311 13 liked like VERB _005456899 311 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 312 1 children child NOUN _005456899 312 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 312 3 animals animal NOUN _005456899 312 4 sense sense VERB _005456899 312 5 who who PRON _005456899 312 6 likes like VERB _005456899 312 7 them they PRON _005456899 312 8 how how SCONJ _005456899 312 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 312 10 way way NOUN _005456899 312 11 down down ADV _005456899 312 12 deep deep ADV _005456899 312 13 in in ADP _005456899 312 14 your your PRON _005456899 312 15 heart heart NOUN _005456899 312 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 312 17 you you PRON _005456899 312 18 feel feel VERB _005456899 312 19 towards towards ADP _005456899 312 20 people people NOUN _005456899 312 21 has have VERB _005456899 312 22 more more ADJ _005456899 312 23 to to PART _005456899 312 24 do do VERB _005456899 312 25 with with ADP _005456899 312 26 making make VERB _005456899 312 27 them they PRON _005456899 312 28 like like ADP _005456899 312 29 you you PRON _005456899 312 30 or or CCONJ _005456899 312 31 dislike dislike VERB _005456899 312 32 you you PRON _005456899 312 33 than than ADP _005456899 312 34 what what PRON _005456899 312 35 you you PRON _005456899 312 36 say say VERB _005456899 312 37 to to ADP _005456899 312 38 them they PRON _005456899 312 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 312 40 often often ADV _005456899 312 41 even even ADV _005456899 312 42 what what PRON _005456899 312 43 you you PRON _005456899 312 44 do do VERB _005456899 312 45 to to ADP _005456899 312 46 them they PRON _005456899 312 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 313 1 a a DET _005456899 313 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 313 3 with with ADP _005456899 313 4 a a DET _005456899 313 5 heart heart NOUN _005456899 313 6 full full ADJ _005456899 313 7 of of ADP _005456899 313 8 live live NOUN _005456899 313 9 can can AUX _005456899 313 10 spank spank VERB _005456899 313 11 a a DET _005456899 313 12 child child NOUN _005456899 313 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 313 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 313 15 the the DET _005456899 313 16 child child NOUN _005456899 313 17 in in ADP _005456899 313 18 tears tear NOUN _005456899 313 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 313 20 pain pain NOUN _005456899 313 21 will will AUX _005456899 313 22 yet yet ADV _005456899 313 23 throw throw VERB _005456899 313 24 her her PRON _005456899 313 25 arms arm NOUN _005456899 313 26 lovingly lovingly ADV _005456899 313 27 about about ADP _005456899 313 28 the the DET _005456899 313 29 mother mother NOUN _005456899 313 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 314 1 children child NOUN _005456899 314 2 by by ADP _005456899 314 3 instinct instinct NOUN _005456899 314 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 314 5 intuition intuition NOUN _005456899 314 6 will will AUX _005456899 314 7 not not PART _005456899 314 8 take take VERB _005456899 314 9 to to ADP _005456899 314 10 a a DET _005456899 314 11 person person NOUN _005456899 314 12 who who PRON _005456899 314 13 acts act VERB _005456899 314 14 very very ADV _005456899 314 15 nice nice ADJ _005456899 314 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 314 17 who who PRON _005456899 314 18 is be AUX _005456899 314 19 really really ADV _005456899 314 20 callous callous ADJ _005456899 314 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 314 22 indifferent indifferent ADJ _005456899 314 23 at at ADP _005456899 314 24 heart heart NOUN _005456899 314 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 314 26 yet yet ADV _005456899 314 27 will will AUX _005456899 314 28 at at ADP _005456899 314 29 the the DET _005456899 314 30 same same ADJ _005456899 314 31 time time NOUN _005456899 314 32 take take VERB _005456899 314 33 to to ADP _005456899 314 34 an an DET _005456899 314 35 apparently apparently ADV _005456899 314 36 gruff gruff ADJ _005456899 314 37 person person NOUN _005456899 314 38 who who PRON _005456899 314 39 really really ADV _005456899 314 40 has have VERB _005456899 314 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 314 42 a a DET _005456899 314 43 truly truly ADV _005456899 314 44 kind kind ADJ _005456899 314 45 mind mind NOUN _005456899 314 46 hidden hide VERB _005456899 314 47 beneath beneath ADP _005456899 314 48 the the DET _005456899 314 49 rough rough ADJ _005456899 314 50 surface surface NOUN _005456899 314 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 314 52 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 315 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 315 2 has have VERB _005456899 315 3 this this DET _005456899 315 4 intuition intuition NOUN _005456899 315 5 to to ADP _005456899 315 6 a a DET _005456899 315 7 degree degree NOUN _005456899 315 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 316 1 even even ADV _005456899 316 2 animals animal NOUN _005456899 316 3 have have VERB _005456899 316 4 it it PRON _005456899 316 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 317 1 we we PRON _005456899 317 2 have have AUX _005456899 317 3 often often ADV _005456899 317 4 seen see VERB _005456899 317 5 children child NOUN _005456899 317 6 abuse abuse VERB _005456899 317 7 a a DET _005456899 317 8 pet pet ADJ _005456899 317 9 dog dog NOUN _005456899 317 10 most most ADV _005456899 317 11 cruelly cruelly ADV _005456899 317 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 317 13 yet yet ADV _005456899 317 14 to to ADP _005456899 317 15 our our PRON _005456899 317 16 amazement amazement NOUN _005456899 317 17 the the DET _005456899 317 18 dog dog NOUN _005456899 317 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 317 20 though though SCONJ _005456899 317 21 howling howl VERB _005456899 317 22 with with ADP _005456899 317 23 pain pain NOUN _005456899 317 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 317 25 will will AUX _005456899 317 26 not not PART _005456899 317 27 bite bite VERB _005456899 317 28 the the DET _005456899 317 29 children child NOUN _005456899 317 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 318 1 the the DET _005456899 318 2 reason reason NOUN _005456899 318 3 is be AUX _005456899 318 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 318 5 he he PRON _005456899 318 6 instinctively instinctively ADV _005456899 318 7 sees see VERB _005456899 318 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 318 9 the the DET _005456899 318 10 children child NOUN _005456899 318 11 love love VERB _005456899 318 12 him he PRON _005456899 318 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 319 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 319 2 even even ADV _005456899 319 3 an an DET _005456899 319 4 animal animal NOUN _005456899 319 5 does do AUX _005456899 319 6 n't not PART _005456899 319 7 bite bite VERB _005456899 319 8 someone someone PRON _005456899 319 9 who who PRON _005456899 319 10 really really ADV _005456899 319 11 loves love VERB _005456899 319 12 it it PRON _005456899 319 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 320 1 true true ADJ _005456899 320 2 kindness kindness NOUN _005456899 320 3 tamed tame VERB _005456899 320 4 a a DET _005456899 320 5 lion lion NOUN _005456899 320 6 when when SCONJ _005456899 320 7 androclus androclus NOUN _005456899 320 8 in in ADP _005456899 320 9 the the DET _005456899 320 10 old old ADJ _005456899 320 11 story story NOUN _005456899 320 12 saw see VERB _005456899 320 13 the the DET _005456899 320 14 lion lion NOUN _005456899 320 15 suffering suffer VERB _005456899 320 16 from from ADP _005456899 320 17 a a DET _005456899 320 18 thorn thorn NOUN _005456899 320 19 in in ADP _005456899 320 20 its its PRON _005456899 320 21 paw paw NOUN _005456899 320 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 320 23 he he PRON _005456899 320 24 felt feel VERB _005456899 320 25 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005456899 320 26 for for ADP _005456899 320 27 the the DET _005456899 320 28 lion lion NOUN _005456899 320 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 321 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 321 2 the the DET _005456899 321 3 fierce fierce ADJ _005456899 321 4 beast beast NOUN _005456899 321 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 321 6 recognizing recognize VERB _005456899 321 7 this this DET _005456899 321 8 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005456899 321 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 321 10 submitted submit VERB _005456899 321 11 gently gently ADV _005456899 321 12 to to ADP _005456899 321 13 androclus androclus VERB _005456899 321 14 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 321 15 pulling pull VERB _005456899 321 16 the the DET _005456899 321 17 thorn thorn NOUN _005456899 321 18 out out ADP _005456899 321 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 322 1 later later ADV _005456899 322 2 in in ADP _005456899 322 3 the the DET _005456899 322 4 arena arena NOUN _005456899 322 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 322 6 this this DET _005456899 322 7 same same ADJ _005456899 322 8 lion lion NOUN _005456899 322 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 322 10 starved starve VERB _005456899 322 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 322 12 maddened madden VERB _005456899 322 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 322 14 was be AUX _005456899 322 15 let let VERB _005456899 322 16 loose loose ADJ _005456899 322 17 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 322 18 androclus androclus NOUN _005456899 322 19 to to PART _005456899 322 20 devour devour VERB _005456899 322 21 him he PRON _005456899 322 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 323 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 323 2 the the DET _005456899 323 3 lion lion NOUN _005456899 323 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 323 5 catching catch VERB _005456899 323 6 the the DET _005456899 323 7 same same ADJ _005456899 323 8 kindly kindly ADV _005456899 323 9 look look VERB _005456899 323 10 in in ADP _005456899 323 11 androclus androclus NOUN _005456899 323 12 ' ' PART _005456899 323 13 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 323 14 that that PRON _005456899 323 15 it it PRON _005456899 323 16 saw see VERB _005456899 323 17 there there ADV _005456899 323 18 when when SCONJ _005456899 323 19 androclus androclus NOUN _005456899 323 20 pulled pull VERB _005456899 323 21 the the DET _005456899 323 22 thorn thorn NOUN _005456899 323 23 out out ADP _005456899 323 24 of of ADP _005456899 323 25 its its PRON _005456899 323 26 paw paw NOUN _005456899 323 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 323 28 grew grow VERB _005456899 323 29 gentle gentle ADJ _005456899 323 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 323 31 too too ADV _005456899 323 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 323 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 323 34 refused refuse VERB _005456899 323 35 to to PART _005456899 323 36 attack attack VERB _005456899 323 37 the the DET _005456899 323 38 saint saint NOUN _005456899 323 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 324 1 14 14 NUM _005456899 324 2 courtesy courtesy PROPN _005456899 324 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 324 4 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 324 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 324 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 324 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 324 8 fear fear NOUN _005456899 324 9 makes make VERB _005456899 324 10 enemies enemy NOUN _005456899 324 11 scienti scienti NOUN _005456899 324 12 ~ ~ AUX _005456899 324 13 ts ts ADP _005456899 324 14 say say VERB _005456899 324 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 324 16 when when SCONJ _005456899 324 17 a a DET _005456899 324 18 person person NOUN _005456899 324 19 encounters encounter VERB _005456899 324 20 what what PRON _005456899 324 21 he he PRON _005456899 324 22 is be AUX _005456899 324 23 afraid afraid ADJ _005456899 324 24 of of ADP _005456899 324 25 his his PRON _005456899 324 26 adrenal adrenal ADJ _005456899 324 27 glands gland NOUN _005456899 324 28 will will AUX _005456899 324 29 give give VERB _005456899 324 30 off off ADP _005456899 324 31 an an DET _005456899 324 32 odor odor ADJ _005456899 324 33 perceivable perceivable NOUN _005456899 324 34 by by ADP _005456899 324 35 any any DET _005456899 324 36 animal animal NOUN _005456899 324 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 324 38 arouse arouse VERB _005456899 324 39 it it PRON _005456899 324 40 to to PART _005456899 324 41 attack attack VERB _005456899 324 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 325 1 the the DET _005456899 325 2 psychology psychology NOUN _005456899 325 3 of of ADP _005456899 325 4 this this PRON _005456899 325 5 seems seem VERB _005456899 325 6 to to PART _005456899 325 7 be be AUX _005456899 325 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 325 9 whatever whatever PRON _005456899 325 10 we we PRON _005456899 325 11 fear fear VERB _005456899 325 12 we we PRON _005456899 325 13 dislike dislike VERB _005456899 325 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 325 15 hate hate VERB _005456899 325 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 326 1 fearing fear VERB _005456899 326 2 an an DET _005456899 326 3 animal animal NOUN _005456899 326 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 326 5 we we PRON _005456899 326 6 hate hate VERB _005456899 326 7 it it PRON _005456899 326 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 326 9 the the DET _005456899 326 10 animal animal NOUN _005456899 326 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 326 12 instinctively instinctively ADV _005456899 326 13 perceiving perceive VERB _005456899 326 14 this this PRON _005456899 326 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 326 16 dislikes dislikes PROPN _005456899 326 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 326 18 too too ADV _005456899 326 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 326 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 326 21 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 326 22 bites bite VERB _005456899 326 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 327 1 we we PRON _005456899 327 2 must must AUX _005456899 327 3 not not PART _005456899 327 4 merely merely ADV _005456899 327 5 act act VERB _005456899 327 6 kind kind ADV _005456899 327 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 327 8 tey tey NOUN _005456899 327 9 to to PART _005456899 327 10 feel feel VERB _005456899 327 11 kind kind ADV _005456899 327 12 but but CCONJ _005456899 327 13 just just ADV _005456899 327 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 327 15 an an DET _005456899 327 16 animal animal NOUN _005456899 327 17 intuitively intuitively ADV _005456899 327 18 perceives perceive VERB _005456899 327 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 327 20 someone someone PRON _005456899 327 21 dislikes dislike VERB _005456899 327 22 it it PRON _005456899 327 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 327 24 so so CCONJ _005456899 327 25 human human ADJ _005456899 327 26 beings being NOUN _005456899 327 27 intuitively intuitively ADV _005456899 327 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 327 29 often often ADV _005456899 327 30 uncons uncon NOUN _005456899 327 31 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 327 32 iously iously ADV _005456899 327 33 feel feel VERB _005456899 327 34 that that SCONJ _005456899 327 35 someone someone PRON _005456899 327 36 really really ADV _005456899 327 37 likes like VERB _005456899 327 38 them they PRON _005456899 327 39 or or CCONJ _005456899 327 40 really really ADV _005456899 327 41 dislikes dislike VERB _005456899 327 42 them they PRON _005456899 327 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 328 1 human human ADJ _005456899 328 2 beings being NOUN _005456899 328 3 have have VERB _005456899 328 4 the the DET _005456899 328 5 same same ADJ _005456899 328 6 basic basic ADJ _005456899 328 7 intuitions intuition NOUN _005456899 328 8 animals animal NOUN _005456899 328 9 have have VERB _005456899 328 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 329 1 only only ADV _005456899 329 2 with with ADP _005456899 329 3 us us PROPN _005456899 329 4 reason reason NOUN _005456899 329 5 has have AUX _005456899 329 6 often often ADV _005456899 329 7 overlaid overlay VERB _005456899 329 8 intuition intuition NOUN _005456899 329 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 330 1 no no ADV _005456899 330 2 matter matter ADV _005456899 330 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 330 4 nice nice ADJ _005456899 330 5 we we PRON _005456899 330 6 act act VERB _005456899 330 7 towards towards ADP _005456899 330 8 people people NOUN _005456899 330 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 330 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 330 11 way way NOUN _005456899 330 12 down down ADV _005456899 330 13 in in ADP _005456899 330 14 our our PRON _005456899 330 15 heart heart NOUN _005456899 330 16 we we PRON _005456899 330 17 do do AUX _005456899 330 18 not not PART _005456899 330 19 really really ADV _005456899 330 20 like like VERB _005456899 330 21 them they PRON _005456899 330 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 330 23 they they PRON _005456899 330 24 will will AUX _005456899 330 25 intuitively intuitively ADV _005456899 330 26 feel feel VERB _005456899 330 27 it it PRON _005456899 330 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 330 29 dislike dislike VERB _005456899 330 30 us we PRON _005456899 330 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 330 32 too too ADV _005456899 330 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 331 1 this this DET _005456899 331 2 fact fact NOUN _005456899 331 3 is be AUX _005456899 331 4 constantly constantly ADV _005456899 331 5 giving give VERB _005456899 331 6 rise rise NOUN _005456899 331 7 to to ADP _005456899 331 8 perplexity perplexity NOUN _005456899 331 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 331 10 grief grief NOUN _005456899 331 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 332 1 many many ADJ _005456899 332 2 a a DET _005456899 332 3 mother mother NOUN _005456899 332 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 332 5 in in ADP _005456899 332 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 332 7 law law NOUN _005456899 332 8 says say VERB _005456899 332 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 332 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 332 11 i i PRON _005456899 332 12 do do AUX _005456899 332 13 n't not PART _005456899 332 14 see see VERB _005456899 332 15 why why SCONJ _005456899 332 16 john john PROPN _005456899 332 17 's 's PART _005456899 332 18 wife wife NOUN _005456899 332 19 is be AUX _005456899 332 20 so so ADV _005456899 332 21 nasty nasty ADJ _005456899 332 22 to to ADP _005456899 332 23 me i PRON _005456899 332 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 332 25 when when SCONJ _005456899 332 26 i i PRON _005456899 332 27 am be AUX _005456899 332 28 trying try VERB _005456899 332 29 so so ADV _005456899 332 30 hard hard ADJ _005456899 332 31 to to PART _005456899 332 32 be be AUX _005456899 332 33 nice nice ADJ _005456899 332 34 to to ADP _005456899 332 35 her she PRON _005456899 332 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 332 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 333 1 the the DET _005456899 333 2 question question NOUN _005456899 333 3 to to PART _005456899 333 4 ask ask VERB _005456899 333 5 is be AUX _005456899 333 6 : : PUNCT _005456899 333 7 way way NOUN _005456899 333 8 deep deep ADV _005456899 333 9 down down ADV _005456899 333 10 in in ADP _005456899 333 11 your your PRON _005456899 333 12 heart heart NOUN _005456899 333 13 did do AUX _005456899 333 14 you you PRON _005456899 333 15 really really ADV _005456899 333 16 want want VERB _005456899 333 17 your your PRON _005456899 333 18 son son NOUN _005456899 333 19 to to PART _005456899 333 20 marry marry VERB _005456899 333 21 her she PRON _005456899 333 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 333 23 do do AUX _005456899 333 24 you you PRON _005456899 333 25 really really ADV _005456899 333 26 like like ADP _005456899 333 27 her she PRON _005456899 333 28 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 334 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 334 2 you you PRON _005456899 334 3 do do VERB _005456899 334 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 334 5 you you PRON _005456899 334 6 wo will AUX _005456899 334 7 n't not PART _005456899 334 8 have have VERB _005456899 334 9 to to PART _005456899 334 10 try try VERB _005456899 334 11 to to PART _005456899 334 12 be be AUX _005456899 334 13 nice nice ADJ _005456899 334 14 to to ADP _005456899 334 15 her she PRON _005456899 334 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 334 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 334 18 if if SCONJ _005456899 334 19 you you PRON _005456899 334 20 do do VERB _005456899 334 21 n't not PART _005456899 334 22 you you PRON _005456899 334 23 ca can AUX _005456899 334 24 n't not PART _005456899 334 25 be be AUX _005456899 334 26 really really ADV _005456899 334 27 nice nice ADJ _005456899 334 28 to to ADP _005456899 334 29 her she PRON _005456899 334 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 335 1 love love VERB _005456899 335 2 sinners sinner NOUN _005456899 335 3 the the DET _005456899 335 4 way way NOUN _005456899 335 5 a a DET _005456899 335 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 335 7 loves love VERB _005456899 335 8 a a DET _005456899 335 9 sinful sinful ADJ _005456899 335 10 son son NOUN _005456899 335 11 the the DET _005456899 335 12 place place NOUN _005456899 335 13 to to PART _005456899 335 14 start start VERB _005456899 335 15 making make VERB _005456899 335 16 friends friend NOUN _005456899 335 17 is be AUX _005456899 335 18 in in ADP _005456899 335 19 your your PRON _005456899 335 20 heart heart NOUN _005456899 335 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 336 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 336 2 you you PRON _005456899 336 3 can can AUX _005456899 336 4 really really ADV _005456899 336 5 get get VERB _005456899 336 6 yourself yourself PRON _005456899 336 7 to to PART _005456899 336 8 like like VERB _005456899 336 9 people people NOUN _005456899 336 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 336 11 to to PART _005456899 336 12 disapprove disapprove VERB _005456899 336 13 of of ADP _005456899 336 14 their their PRON _005456899 336 15 sins sin NOUN _005456899 336 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 336 17 to to PART _005456899 336 18 love love VERB _005456899 336 19 the the DET _005456899 336 20 sinners sinner NOUN _005456899 336 21 the the DET _005456899 336 22 way way NOUN _005456899 336 23 you you PRON _005456899 336 24 disapprove disapprove VERB _005456899 336 25 of of ADP _005456899 336 26 your your PRON _005456899 336 27 son son NOUN _005456899 336 28 's 's PART _005456899 336 29 swearing swear VERB _005456899 336 30 yet yet ADV _005456899 336 31 love love VERB _005456899 336 32 him he PRON _005456899 336 33 in in ADP _005456899 336 34 spite spite NOUN _005456899 336 35 of of ADP _005456899 336 36 it it PRON _005456899 336 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 336 38 then then ADV _005456899 336 39 people people NOUN _005456899 336 40 will will AUX _005456899 336 41 like like VERB _005456899 336 42 you you PRON _005456899 336 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 337 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 337 2 they they PRON _005456899 337 3 ca can AUX _005456899 337 4 n't not PART _005456899 337 5 help help VERB _005456899 337 6 liking like VERB _005456899 337 7 you you PRON _005456899 337 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 338 1 a a DET _005456899 338 2 man man NOUN _005456899 338 3 famous famous ADJ _005456899 338 4 for for ADP _005456899 338 5 friendship friendship NOUN _005456899 338 6 is be AUX _005456899 338 7 big big ADJ _005456899 338 8 jim jim PROPN _005456899 338 9 farley farley PROPN _005456899 338 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 339 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 339 2 on on ADP _005456899 339 3 his his PRON _005456899 339 4 fiftieth fiftieth ADJ _005456899 339 5 birthday birthday NOUN _005456899 339 6 he he PRON _005456899 339 7 was be AUX _005456899 339 8 asked ask VERB _005456899 339 9 how how SCONJ _005456899 339 10 he he PRON _005456899 339 11 was be AUX _005456899 339 12 able able ADJ _005456899 339 13 to to PART _005456899 339 14 make make VERB _005456899 339 15 so so ADV _005456899 339 16 many many ADJ _005456899 339 17 friends friend NOUN _005456899 339 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 339 19 he he PRON _005456899 339 20 replied reply VERB _005456899 339 21 : : PUNCT _005456899 339 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 339 23 i i PRON _005456899 339 24 have have AUX _005456899 339 25 made make VERB _005456899 339 26 friends friend NOUN _005456899 339 27 because because SCONJ _005456899 339 28 i i PRON _005456899 339 29 could could AUX _005456899 339 30 n't not PART _005456899 339 31 help help VERB _005456899 339 32 it it PRON _005456899 339 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 340 1 i i PRON _005456899 340 2 like like VERB _005456899 340 3 people people NOUN _005456899 340 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 340 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 340 6 i i PRON _005456899 340 7 like like VERB _005456899 340 8 to to PART _005456899 340 9 meet meet VERB _005456899 340 10 new new ADJ _005456899 340 11 people people NOUN _005456899 340 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 340 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 340 14 the the DET _005456899 340 15 older old ADJ _005456899 340 16 i i PRON _005456899 340 17 get get VERB _005456899 340 18 the the DET _005456899 340 19 more more ADV _005456899 340 20 convinced convinced ADJ _005456899 340 21 i i PRON _005456899 340 22 am be AUX _005456899 340 23 that that SCONJ _005456899 340 24 on on ADP _005456899 340 25 the the DET _005456899 340 26 whole whole NOUN _005456899 340 27 the the DET _005456899 340 28 human human ADJ _005456899 340 29 race race NOUN _005456899 340 30 is be AUX _005456899 340 31 pretty pretty ADV _005456899 340 32 good good ADJ _005456899 340 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 340 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 341 1 in in ADP _005456899 341 2 that that DET _005456899 341 3 statement statement NOUN _005456899 341 4 we we PRON _005456899 341 5 have have VERB _005456899 341 6 the the DET _005456899 341 7 essence essence NOUN _005456899 341 8 of of ADP _005456899 341 9 the the DET _005456899 341 10 matter matter NOUN _005456899 341 11 : : PUNCT _005456899 341 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 341 13 i i PRON _005456899 341 14 like like VERB _005456899 341 15 people people NOUN _005456899 341 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 341 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 342 1 he he PRON _005456899 342 2 has have VERB _005456899 342 3 many many ADJ _005456899 342 4 friends friend NOUN _005456899 342 5 - - PUNCT _005456899 342 6 because because SCONJ _005456899 342 7 people people NOUN _005456899 342 8 just just ADV _005456899 342 9 cadt cadt VERB _005456899 342 10 · · PUNCT _005456899 342 11 help help VERB _005456899 342 12 liking like VERB _005456899 342 13 someone someone PRON _005456899 342 14 who who PRON _005456899 342 15 deep deep VERB _005456899 342 16 down down ADV _005456899 342 17 in in ADP _005456899 342 18 his his PRON _005456899 342 19 heart heart NOUN _005456899 342 20 likes like VERB _005456899 342 21 them they PRON _005456899 342 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 343 1 1 1 NUM _005456899 343 2 b b X _005456899 343 3 f~ f~ PROPN _005456899 343 4 e~ e~ PROPN _005456899 343 5 sa sa NUM _005456899 343 6 if if SCONJ _005456899 343 7 lo lo PROPN _005456899 343 8 fri fri VERB _005456899 343 9 on on ADP _005456899 343 10 pe pe PROPN _005456899 344 1 wa wa INTJ _005456899 344 2 eve eve VERB _005456899 344 3 we we PRON _005456899 344 4 hea hea VERB _005456899 345 1 it~ it~ PROPN _005456899 345 2 it it PRON _005456899 345 3 h h VERB _005456899 345 4 hare hare NOUN _005456899 345 5 new new ADJ _005456899 345 6 sour sour ADJ _005456899 345 7 with with ADP _005456899 345 8 new new ADJ _005456899 345 9 that that PRON _005456899 345 10 take take VERB _005456899 345 11 i i PRON _005456899 345 12 d d VERB _005456899 345 13 my my PRON _005456899 345 14 to to ADP _005456899 345 15 al al PROPN _005456899 345 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 345 17 es es PROPN _005456899 345 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 345 19 sel sel NOUN _005456899 345 20 · · PUNCT _005456899 345 21 is be AUX _005456899 345 22 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 345 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 345 24 kindness kindness NOUN _005456899 345 25 begin begin VERB _005456899 345 26 in in ADP _005456899 345 27 the the DET _005456899 345 28 heart heart NOUN _005456899 345 29 15 15 NUM _005456899 345 30 in in ADP _005456899 345 31 dorothy dorothy PROPN _005456899 345 32 canfield canfield PROPN _005456899 345 33 fisher fisher PROPN _005456899 345 34 's 's PART _005456899 345 35 novel novel NOUN _005456899 345 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 345 37 her her PRON _005456899 345 38 son son NOUN _005456899 345 39 's 's PART _005456899 345 40 wife wife NOUN _005456899 345 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 345 42 a a DET _005456899 345 43 mother mother NOUN _005456899 345 44 is be AUX _005456899 345 45 upset upset ADJ _005456899 345 46 because because SCONJ _005456899 345 47 her her PRON _005456899 345 48 son son NOUN _005456899 345 49 married marry VERB _005456899 345 50 what what PRON _005456899 345 51 she she PRON _005456899 345 52 thought think VERB _005456899 345 53 a a DET _005456899 345 54 too too ADV _005456899 345 55 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005456899 345 56 and and CCONJ _005456899 345 57 uncultured uncultured ADJ _005456899 345 58 girl girl NOUN _005456899 345 59 . . PUNCT _005456899 346 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 346 2 she she PRON _005456899 346 3 determined determine VERB _005456899 346 4 for for ADP _005456899 346 5 her her PRON _005456899 346 6 son son NOUN _005456899 346 7 's 's PART _005456899 346 8 sake sake NOUN _005456899 346 9 to to PART _005456899 346 10 be be AUX _005456899 346 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 347 1 nice nice ADJ _005456899 347 2 to to ADP _005456899 347 3 her she PRON _005456899 347 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 348 1 she she PRON _005456899 348 2 was be AUX _005456899 348 3 mortified mortify VERB _005456899 348 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 348 5 shocked shock VERB _005456899 348 6 when when SCONJ _005456899 348 7 the the DET _005456899 348 8 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 348 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 348 10 inlaw inlaw NOUN _005456899 348 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 348 12 though though SCONJ _005456899 348 13 treated treat VERB _005456899 348 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 348 15 nicely nicely ADV _005456899 348 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 348 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 348 18 was be AUX _005456899 348 19 not not PART _005456899 348 20 grateful grateful ADJ _005456899 348 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 348 22 nice nice ADJ _005456899 348 23 in in ADP _005456899 348 24 return return NOUN _005456899 348 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 349 1 she she PRON _005456899 349 2 need need AUX _005456899 349 3 not not PART _005456899 349 4 have have AUX _005456899 349 5 been be AUX _005456899 349 6 surprised surprise VERB _005456899 349 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 350 1 what what PRON _005456899 350 2 the the DET _005456899 350 3 young young ADJ _005456899 350 4 wife wife NOUN _005456899 350 5 wanted want VERB _005456899 350 6 was be AUX _005456899 350 7 love love NOUN _005456899 350 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 350 9 the the DET _005456899 350 10 mother mother NOUN _005456899 350 11 's 's PART _005456899 350 12 honest honest ADJ _005456899 350 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 350 14 to to ADP _005456899 350 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 350 16 goodness goodness NOUN _005456899 350 17 kindliness kindliness NOUN _005456899 350 18 of of ADP _005456899 350 19 heart heart NOUN _005456899 350 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 351 1 had have AUX _005456899 351 2 the the DET _005456899 351 3 mother mother NOUN _005456899 351 4 converted convert VERB _005456899 351 5 her her PRON _005456899 351 6 heart heart NOUN _005456899 351 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 351 8 instead instead ADV _005456899 351 9 of of ADP _005456899 351 10 merely merely ADV _005456899 351 11 her her PRON _005456899 351 12 external external ADJ _005456899 351 13 manners manner NOUN _005456899 351 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 351 15 so so SCONJ _005456899 351 16 as as SCONJ _005456899 351 17 to to PART _005456899 351 18 feel feel VERB _005456899 351 19 toward toward ADP _005456899 351 20 the the DET _005456899 351 21 wife wife NOUN _005456899 351 22 's 's PART _005456899 351 23 faults fault NOUN _005456899 351 24 the the DET _005456899 351 25 way way NOUN _005456899 351 26 she she PRON _005456899 351 27 felt feel VERB _005456899 351 28 towards towards ADP _005456899 351 29 any any PRON _005456899 351 30 of of ADP _005456899 351 31 her her PRON _005456899 351 32 son son NOUN _005456899 351 33 's 's PART _005456899 351 34 shortcomings shortcoming NOUN _005456899 351 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 351 36 then then ADV _005456899 351 37 the the DET _005456899 351 38 young young ADJ _005456899 351 39 wife wife NOUN _005456899 351 40 could could AUX _005456899 351 41 not not PART _005456899 351 42 have have AUX _005456899 351 43 helped help VERB _005456899 351 44 liking like VERB _005456899 351 45 her she PRON _005456899 351 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 352 1 love love NOUN _005456899 352 2 does do AUX _005456899 352 3 not not PART _005456899 352 4 necessarily necessarily ADV _005456899 352 5 beqet beqet VERB _005456899 352 6 love love NOUN _005456899 352 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 352 8 it it PRON _005456899 352 9 does do VERB _005456899 352 10 beqet beqet NOUN _005456899 352 11 affection affection NOUN _005456899 352 12 one one PRON _005456899 352 13 can can AUX _005456899 352 14 say say VERB _005456899 352 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 352 16 it it PRON _005456899 352 17 is be AUX _005456899 352 18 almost almost ADV _005456899 352 19 impossible impossible ADJ _005456899 352 20 for for SCONJ _005456899 352 21 people people NOUN _005456899 352 22 not not PART _005456899 352 23 to to PART _005456899 352 24 like like VERB _005456899 352 25 someone someone PRON _005456899 352 26 who who PRON _005456899 352 27 sincerely sincerely ADV _005456899 352 28 likes like VERB _005456899 352 29 them they PRON _005456899 352 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 353 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 353 2 you you PRON _005456899 353 3 really really ADV _005456899 353 4 like like VERB _005456899 353 5 someone someone PRON _005456899 353 6 it it PRON _005456899 353 7 becomes become VERB _005456899 353 8 almost almost ADV _005456899 353 9 a a DET _005456899 353 10 psychological psychological ADJ _005456899 353 11 necessity necessity NOUN _005456899 353 12 for for SCONJ _005456899 353 13 her she PRON _005456899 353 14 to to PART _005456899 353 15 like like VERB _005456899 353 16 you you PRON _005456899 353 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 354 1 as as ADV _005456899 354 2 far far ADV _005456899 354 3 as as SCONJ _005456899 354 4 friendship friendship NOUN _005456899 354 5 goes go VERB _005456899 354 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 354 7 the the DET _005456899 354 8 expression expression NOUN _005456899 354 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 354 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 354 11 love love NOUN _005456899 354 12 is be AUX _005456899 354 13 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 354 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 354 15 is be AUX _005456899 354 16 true true ADJ _005456899 354 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 355 1 as as SCONJ _005456899 355 2 regards regard VERB _005456899 355 3 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 355 4 love love NOUN _005456899 355 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 355 6 of of ADP _005456899 355 7 course course NOUN _005456899 355 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 355 9 though though SCONJ _005456899 355 10 it it PRON _005456899 355 11 is be AUX _005456899 355 12 often often ADV _005456899 355 13 true true ADJ _005456899 355 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 355 15 it it PRON _005456899 355 16 is be AUX _005456899 355 17 not not PART _005456899 355 18 essentially essentially ADV _005456899 355 19 true true ADJ _005456899 355 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 356 1 john john PROPN _005456899 356 2 's 's PART _005456899 356 3 falling fall VERB _005456899 356 4 in in ADP _005456899 356 5 love love NOUN _005456899 356 6 with with ADP _005456899 356 7 mary mary PROPN _005456899 356 8 does do AUX _005456899 356 9 not not PART _005456899 356 10 necessarily necessarily ADV _005456899 356 11 make make VERB _005456899 356 12 mary mary NOUN _005456899 356 13 fall fall VERB _005456899 356 14 in in ADP _005456899 356 15 love love NOUN _005456899 356 16 with with ADP _005456899 356 17 john john PROPN _005456899 356 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 357 1 it it PRON _005456899 357 2 would would AUX _005456899 357 3 be be AUX _005456899 357 4 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005456899 357 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 357 6 it it PRON _005456899 357 7 were be AUX _005456899 357 8 true true ADJ _005456899 357 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 357 10 for for SCONJ _005456899 357 11 john john PROPN _005456899 357 12 might might AUX _005456899 357 13 be be AUX _005456899 357 14 a a DET _005456899 357 15 married married ADJ _005456899 357 16 boss boss NOUN _005456899 357 17 that that PRON _005456899 357 18 has have AUX _005456899 357 19 fallen fall VERB _005456899 357 20 in in ADP _005456899 357 21 love love NOUN _005456899 357 22 with with ADP _005456899 357 23 mary mary PROPN _005456899 357 24 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 358 1 love love NOUN _005456899 358 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 358 3 sex sex NOUN _005456899 358 4 are be AUX _005456899 358 5 something something PRON _005456899 358 6 over over ADP _005456899 358 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 358 8 above above ADP _005456899 358 9 friendship friendship NOUN _005456899 358 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 358 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 358 12 should should AUX _005456899 358 13 be be AUX _005456899 358 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 359 1 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 359 2 love love NOUN _005456899 359 3 should should AUX _005456899 359 4 be be AUX _005456899 359 5 for for ADP _005456899 359 6 one one NUM _005456899 359 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 359 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 359 9 only only ADV _005456899 359 10 one one NUM _005456899 359 11 person person NOUN _005456899 359 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 359 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 359 14 one one PRON _005456899 359 15 should should AUX _005456899 359 16 want want VERB _005456899 359 17 it it PRON _005456899 359 18 returned return VERB _005456899 359 19 by by ADP _005456899 359 20 only only ADV _005456899 359 21 one one NUM _005456899 359 22 person person NOUN _005456899 359 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 360 1 it it PRON _005456899 360 2 's be AUX _005456899 360 3 important important ADJ _005456899 360 4 to to PART _005456899 360 5 learn learn VERB _005456899 360 6 to to PART _005456899 360 7 like like VERB _005456899 360 8 certain certain ADJ _005456899 360 9 people people NOUN _005456899 360 10 but but CCONJ _005456899 360 11 friendly friendly ADJ _005456899 360 12 love love NOUN _005456899 360 13 we we PRON _005456899 360 14 should should AUX _005456899 360 15 feel feel VERB _005456899 360 16 for for ADP _005456899 360 17 many many ADJ _005456899 360 18 people people NOUN _005456899 360 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 360 20 should should AUX _005456899 360 21 want want VERB _005456899 360 22 it it PRON _005456899 360 23 returned return VERB _005456899 360 24 by by ADP _005456899 360 25 many many ADJ _005456899 360 26 people people NOUN _005456899 360 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 361 1 ideally ideally ADV _005456899 361 2 we we PRON _005456899 361 3 should should AUX _005456899 361 4 feel feel VERB _005456899 361 5 it it PRON _005456899 361 6 for for ADP _005456899 361 7 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 361 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 361 9 want want VERB _005456899 361 10 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 361 11 to to PART _005456899 361 12 feel feel VERB _005456899 361 13 it it PRON _005456899 361 14 towards towards ADP _005456899 361 15 us we PRON _005456899 361 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 362 1 practically practically ADV _005456899 362 2 we we PRON _005456899 362 3 can can AUX _005456899 362 4 make make VERB _005456899 362 5 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 362 6 like like ADP _005456899 362 7 us we PRON _005456899 362 8 whom whom PRON _005456899 362 9 we we PRON _005456899 362 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 362 11 deep deep ADV _005456899 362 12 down down ADV _005456899 362 13 in in ADP _005456899 362 14 our our PRON _005456899 362 15 heart heart NOUN _005456899 362 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 362 17 sincerely sincerely ADV _005456899 362 18 like like ADP _005456899 362 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 363 1 very very ADV _005456899 363 2 often often ADV _005456899 363 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 363 4 however however ADV _005456899 363 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 363 6 we we PRON _005456899 363 7 do do AUX _005456899 363 8 n't not PART _005456899 363 9 like like VERB _005456899 363 10 precisely precisely ADV _005456899 363 11 the the DET _005456899 363 12 persons person NOUN _005456899 363 13 whom whom PRON _005456899 363 14 it it PRON _005456899 363 15 would would AUX _005456899 363 16 be be AUX _005456899 363 17 more more ADV _005456899 363 18 happy happy ADJ _005456899 363 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 363 20 fortunate fortunate ADJ _005456899 363 21 for for SCONJ _005456899 363 22 us we PRON _005456899 363 23 to to PART _005456899 363 24 like like INTJ _005456899 363 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 364 1 in in ADP _005456899 364 2 school school NOUN _005456899 364 3 life life NOUN _005456899 364 4 it it PRON _005456899 364 5 nappens nappen VERB _005456899 364 6 over over ADP _005456899 364 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 364 8 over over ADV _005456899 364 9 again again ADV _005456899 364 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 364 11 the the DET _005456899 364 12 child child NOUN _005456899 364 13 that that PRON _005456899 364 14 finds find VERB _005456899 364 15 grammar grammar PROPN _005456899 364 16 hard hard ADJ _005456899 364 17 will will NOUN _005456899 364 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 364 19 even even ADV _005456899 364 20 before before SCONJ _005456899 364 21 she she PRON _005456899 364 22 gets get VERB _005456899 364 23 into into ADP _005456899 364 24 the the DET _005456899 364 25 english english ADJ _005456899 364 26 class class NOUN _005456899 364 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 364 28 dislike dislike VERB _005456899 364 29 the the DET _005456899 364 30 new new ADJ _005456899 364 31 english english ADJ _005456899 364 32 teacher teacher NOUN _005456899 364 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 365 1 thousands thousand NOUN _005456899 365 2 of of ADP _005456899 365 3 potentially potentially ADV _005456899 365 4 happy happy ADJ _005456899 365 5 jobs job NOUN _005456899 365 6 are be AUX _005456899 365 7 soured sour VERB _005456899 365 8 by by ADP _005456899 365 9 the the DET _005456899 365 10 fact fact NOUN _005456899 365 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 365 12 l l NOUN _005456899 365 13 ~ ~ NOUN _005456899 365 14 e e NOUN _005456899 365 15 new new ADJ _005456899 365 16 employees employee NOUN _005456899 365 17 go go VERB _005456899 365 18 to to PART _005456899 365 19 work work VERB _005456899 365 20 the the DET _005456899 365 21 first first ADJ _005456899 365 22 day day NOUN _005456899 365 23 with with ADP _005456899 365 24 a a DET _005456899 365 25 sort sort NOUN _005456899 365 26 of of ADP _005456899 365 27 fear fear NOUN _005456899 365 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 365 29 consequent consequent ADJ _005456899 365 30 dislike dislike NOUN _005456899 365 31 for for ADP _005456899 365 32 their their PRON _005456899 365 33 new new ADJ _005456899 365 34 bosses boss NOUN _005456899 365 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 366 1 a a DET _005456899 366 2 new new ADJ _005456899 366 3 recruit recruit NOUN _005456899 366 4 gets get VERB _005456899 366 5 himself himself PRON _005456899 366 6 two two NUM _005456899 366 7 strikes strike NOUN _005456899 366 8 right right ADV _005456899 366 9 off off ADV _005456899 366 10 by by ADP _005456899 366 11 feeling feel VERB _005456899 366 12 certain certain ADJ _005456899 366 13 that that SCONJ _005456899 366 14 the the DET _005456899 366 15 sergeant sergeant NOUN _005456899 366 16 will will AUX _005456899 366 17 mistreat mistreat VERB _005456899 366 18 him he PRON _005456899 366 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 366 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 366 21 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 366 22 he he PRON _005456899 366 23 wo will AUX _005456899 366 24 n't not PART _005456899 366 25 take take VERB _005456899 366 26 it it PRON _005456899 366 27 lying lie VERB _005456899 366 28 down down ADP _005456899 366 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 367 1 16 16 NUM _005456899 367 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 367 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 367 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 367 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 367 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 367 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 367 8 how how SCONJ _005456899 367 9 to to PART _005456899 367 10 learn learn VERB _005456899 367 11 to to PART _005456899 367 12 like like VERB _005456899 367 13 your your PRON _005456899 367 14 future future ADJ _005456899 367 15 mother mother NOUN _005456899 367 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 367 17 in in ADP _005456899 367 18 - - PUNCT _005456899 367 19 law law NOUN _005456899 367 20 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 367 21 a a DET _005456899 367 22 boy boy NOUN _005456899 367 23 asks ask VERB _005456899 367 24 his his PRON _005456899 367 25 best good ADJ _005456899 367 26 girl girl NOUN _005456899 367 27 to to PART _005456899 367 28 meet meet VERB _005456899 367 29 his his PRON _005456899 367 30 folks folk NOUN _005456899 367 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 368 1 she she PRON _005456899 368 2 exclaims exclaim VERB _005456899 368 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 368 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 368 5 oh oh INTJ _005456899 368 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 368 7 tom tom PROPN _005456899 368 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 368 9 that that PRON _005456899 368 10 's be AUX _005456899 368 11 darling darling NOUN _005456899 368 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 369 1 your your PRON _005456899 369 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 369 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 369 4 i i PRON _005456899 369 5 bet bet VERB _005456899 369 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 369 7 is be AUX _005456899 369 8 a a DET _005456899 369 9 most most ADV _005456899 369 10 charming charming ADJ _005456899 369 11 woman woman NOUN _005456899 369 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 370 1 i i PRON _005456899 370 2 am be AUX _005456899 370 3 dying die VERB _005456899 370 4 to to PART _005456899 370 5 meet meet VERB _005456899 370 6 her she PRON _005456899 370 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 370 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 371 1 so so ADV _005456899 371 2 says say VERB _005456899 371 3 mary mary PROPN _005456899 371 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 371 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 371 6 what what PRON _005456899 371 7 she she PRON _005456899 371 8 says say VERB _005456899 371 9 she she PRON _005456899 371 10 wants want VERB _005456899 371 11 to to PART _005456899 371 12 mean mean VERB _005456899 371 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 372 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 372 2 actually actually ADV _005456899 372 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 372 4 what what PRON _005456899 372 5 begins begin VERB _005456899 372 6 to to PART _005456899 372 7 happen happen VERB _005456899 372 8 inside inside ADP _005456899 372 9 of of ADP _005456899 372 10 mary mary NOUN _005456899 372 11 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 373 1 what what PRON _005456899 373 2 mary mary PROPN _005456899 373 3 did do AUX _005456899 373 4 do do AUX _005456899 373 5 something something PRON _005456899 373 6 deep deep ADV _005456899 373 7 down down ADV _005456899 373 8 in in ADP _005456899 373 9 her her PRON _005456899 373 10 heart heart NOUN _005456899 373 11 begins begin VERB _005456899 373 12 to to PART _005456899 373 13 speculate speculate VERB _005456899 373 14 unhappily unhappily ADV _005456899 373 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 374 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 374 2 i i PRON _005456899 374 3 wonder wonder VERB _005456899 374 4 what what PRON _005456899 374 5 tom tom PROPN _005456899 374 6 's 's PART _005456899 374 7 mother mother NOUN _005456899 374 8 is be AUX _005456899 374 9 really really ADV _005456899 374 10 like like ADP _005456899 374 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 375 1 i i PRON _005456899 375 2 bet bet VERB _005456899 375 3 she she PRON _005456899 375 4 thinks think VERB _005456899 375 5 tom tom PROPN _005456899 375 6 is be AUX _005456899 375 7 marvelous marvelous ADJ _005456899 375 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 376 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 376 2 i i PRON _005456899 376 3 do do AUX _005456899 376 4 hope hope VERB _005456899 376 5 she she PRON _005456899 376 6 is be AUX _005456899 376 7 n't not PART _005456899 376 8 like like ADP _005456899 376 9 so so ADV _005456899 376 10 many many ADJ _005456899 376 11 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 376 12 who who PRON _005456899 376 13 think think VERB _005456899 376 14 no no DET _005456899 376 15 one one NOUN _005456899 376 16 is be AUX _005456899 376 17 good good ADJ _005456899 376 18 enough enough ADV _005456899 376 19 for for ADP _005456899 376 20 their their PRON _005456899 376 21 sons son NOUN _005456899 376 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 377 1 i i PRON _005456899 377 2 'll will AUX _005456899 377 3 have have VERB _005456899 377 4 to to PART _005456899 377 5 behave behave VERB _005456899 377 6 extra extra ADJ _005456899 377 7 well well ADV _005456899 377 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 377 9 be be AUX _005456899 377 10 very very ADV _005456899 377 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 377 12 very very ADV _005456899 377 13 nice nice ADJ _005456899 377 14 to to ADP _005456899 377 15 her she PRON _005456899 377 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 378 1 it it PRON _005456899 378 2 would would AUX _005456899 378 3 be be AUX _005456899 378 4 terrible terrible ADJ _005456899 378 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 378 6 she she PRON _005456899 378 7 did do AUX _005456899 378 8 not not PART _005456899 378 9 like like VERB _005456899 378 10 me i PRON _005456899 378 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 378 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 379 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 379 2 even even ADV _005456899 379 3 now now ADV _005456899 379 4 the the DET _005456899 379 5 evil evil ADJ _005456899 379 6 seed seed NOUN _005456899 379 7 is be AUX _005456899 379 8 sown sown ADJ _005456899 379 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 380 1 by by ADP _005456899 380 2 this this DET _005456899 380 3 time time NOUN _005456899 380 4 mary mary PROPN _005456899 380 5 deep deep ADV _005456899 380 6 down down ADV _005456899 380 7 in in ADP _005456899 380 8 her her PRON _005456899 380 9 heart heart NOUN _005456899 380 10 is be AUX _005456899 380 11 no no ADV _005456899 380 12 longer long ADV _005456899 380 13 anxious anxious ADJ _005456899 380 14 to to PART _005456899 380 15 meet meet VERB _005456899 380 16 tom tom PROPN _005456899 380 17 's 's PART _005456899 380 18 mother mother NOUN _005456899 380 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 381 1 deep deep ADV _005456899 381 2 down down ADV _005456899 381 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 381 4 she she PRON _005456899 381 5 now now ADV _005456899 381 6 fears fear VERB _005456899 381 7 the the DET _005456899 381 8 mother mother NOUN _005456899 381 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 381 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 381 11 whom whom PRON _005456899 381 12 we we PRON _005456899 381 13 fear fear VERB _005456899 381 14 we we PRON _005456899 381 15 do do AUX _005456899 381 16 not not PART _005456899 381 17 like like VERB _005456899 381 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 382 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 382 2 she she PRON _005456899 382 3 meets meet VERB _005456899 382 4 tom tom PROPN _005456899 382 5 's 's PART _005456899 382 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 382 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 382 8 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 382 9 who who PRON _005456899 382 10 is be AUX _005456899 382 11 just just ADV _005456899 382 12 an an DET _005456899 382 13 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005456899 382 14 human human NOUN _005456899 382 15 being being NOUN _005456899 382 16 with with ADP _005456899 382 17 all all DET _005456899 382 18 the the DET _005456899 382 19 virtues virtue NOUN _005456899 382 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 382 21 faults fault NOUN _005456899 382 22 of of ADP _005456899 382 23 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005456899 382 24 people people NOUN _005456899 382 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 382 26 not not PART _005456899 382 27 a a DET _005456899 382 28 saint saint NOUN _005456899 382 29 or or CCONJ _005456899 382 30 a a DET _005456899 382 31 wise wise ADJ _005456899 382 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 382 33 patient patient ADJ _005456899 382 34 psychologist psychologist NOUN _005456899 382 35 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 383 1 the the DET _005456899 383 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 383 3 will will AUX _005456899 383 4 intuitively intuitively ADV _005456899 383 5 sense sense VERB _005456899 383 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 383 7 mary mary PROPN _005456899 383 8 does do AUX _005456899 383 9 n't not PART _005456899 383 10 really really ADV _005456899 383 11 like like VERB _005456899 383 12 her she PRON _005456899 383 13 even even ADV _005456899 383 14 though though SCONJ _005456899 383 15 she she PRON _005456899 383 16 tries try VERB _005456899 383 17 hard hard ADV _005456899 383 18 to to PART _005456899 383 19 act act VERB _005456899 383 20 as as SCONJ _005456899 383 21 if if SCONJ _005456899 383 22 she she PRON _005456899 383 23 does do VERB _005456899 383 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 384 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 384 2 so so ADV _005456899 384 3 a a DET _005456899 384 4 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 384 5 dislike dislike NOUN _005456899 384 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 384 7 silent silent ADJ _005456899 384 8 of of ADP _005456899 384 9 course course NOUN _005456899 384 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 384 11 suppressed suppress VERB _005456899 384 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 384 13 frozen freeze VERB _005456899 384 14 over over ADV _005456899 384 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 384 16 has have AUX _005456899 384 17 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 384 18 been be AUX _005456899 384 19 hom hom VERB _005456899 384 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 385 1 both both PRON _005456899 385 2 will will AUX _005456899 385 3 suffer suffer VERB _005456899 385 4 from from ADP _005456899 385 5 it it PRON _005456899 385 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 385 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 385 8 poor poor ADJ _005456899 385 9 tom tom NOUN _005456899 385 10 will will AUX _005456899 385 11 be be AUX _005456899 385 12 bitterly bitterly ADV _005456899 385 13 perplexed perplexed ADJ _005456899 385 14 to to PART _005456899 385 15 note note VERB _005456899 385 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 385 17 two two NUM _005456899 385 18 such such ADJ _005456899 385 19 good good ADJ _005456899 385 20 people people NOUN _005456899 385 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 385 22 both both PRON _005456899 385 23 of of ADP _005456899 385 24 whom whom PRON _005456899 385 25 love love VERB _005456899 385 26 him he PRON _005456899 385 27 so so ADV _005456899 385 28 much much ADV _005456899 385 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 385 30 should should AUX _005456899 385 31 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 385 32 not not PART _005456899 385 33 like like ADP _005456899 385 34 each each DET _005456899 385 35 other other ADJ _005456899 385 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 386 1 what what PRON _005456899 386 2 mary mary NOUN _005456899 386 3 should should AUX _005456899 386 4 have have AUX _005456899 386 5 done do VERB _005456899 386 6 however however ADV _005456899 386 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 386 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 386 9 mary mary PROPN _005456899 386 10 had have AUX _005456899 386 11 instead instead ADV _005456899 386 12 allowed allow VERB _005456899 386 13 herself herself PRON _005456899 386 14 to to PART _005456899 386 15 daydream daydream VERB _005456899 386 16 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 386 17 as as SCONJ _005456899 386 18 follows follow VERB _005456899 386 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 386 20 everything everything PRON _005456899 386 21 would would AUX _005456899 386 22 have have AUX _005456899 386 23 been be AUX _005456899 386 24 different different ADJ _005456899 386 25 : : PUNCT _005456899 386 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 386 27 i i PRON _005456899 386 28 am be AUX _005456899 386 29 glad glad ADJ _005456899 386 30 to to PART _005456899 386 31 have have VERB _005456899 386 32 a a DET _005456899 386 33 chance chance NOUN _005456899 386 34 to to PART _005456899 386 35 meet meet VERB _005456899 386 36 tom tom PROPN _005456899 386 37 's 's PART _005456899 386 38 mother mother NOUN _005456899 386 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 387 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 387 2 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 387 3 it it PRON _005456899 387 4 will will AUX _005456899 387 5 be be AUX _005456899 387 6 a a DET _005456899 387 7 little little ADJ _005456899 387 8 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 387 9 for for ADP _005456899 387 10 both both PRON _005456899 387 11 of of ADP _005456899 387 12 us we PRON _005456899 387 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 388 1 even even ADV _005456899 388 2 though though SCONJ _005456899 388 3 she she PRON _005456899 388 4 is be AUX _005456899 388 5 tom tom PROPN _005456899 388 6 's 's PART _005456899 388 7 mother mother NOUN _005456899 388 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 388 9 i i PRON _005456899 388 10 must must AUX _005456899 388 11 expect expect VERB _005456899 388 12 her she PRON _005456899 388 13 to to PART _005456899 388 14 be be AUX _005456899 388 15 after after ADV _005456899 388 16 all all ADV _005456899 388 17 just just ADV _005456899 388 18 an an DET _005456899 388 19 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005456899 388 20 woman woman NOUN _005456899 388 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 389 1 just just ADV _005456899 389 2 like like ADP _005456899 389 3 my my PRON _005456899 389 4 mother mother NOUN _005456899 389 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 389 6 she she PRON _005456899 389 7 will will AUX _005456899 389 8 be be AUX _005456899 389 9 worried worried ADJ _005456899 389 10 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 389 11 the the DET _005456899 389 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 389 13 her her PRON _005456899 389 14 son son NOUN _005456899 389 15 picked pick VERB _005456899 389 16 is be AUX _005456899 389 17 worthy worthy ADJ _005456899 389 18 of of ADP _005456899 389 19 him he PRON _005456899 389 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 390 1 without without ADP _005456899 390 2 her she PRON _005456899 390 3 realizing realize VERB _005456899 390 4 it it PRON _005456899 390 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 390 6 though though SCONJ _005456899 390 7 she she PRON _005456899 390 8 would would AUX _005456899 390 9 never never ADV _005456899 390 10 be be AUX _005456899 390 11 able able ADJ _005456899 390 12 to to PART _005456899 390 13 admit admit VERB _005456899 390 14 it it PRON _005456899 390 15 even even ADV _005456899 390 16 to to ADP _005456899 390 17 herself herself PRON _005456899 390 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 390 19 she she PRON _005456899 390 20 will will AUX _005456899 390 21 tend tend VERB _005456899 390 22 to to PART _005456899 390 23 be be AUX _005456899 390 24 a a DET _005456899 390 25 bit bit NOUN _005456899 390 26 fearful fearful ADJ _005456899 390 27 of of ADP _005456899 390 28 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 390 29 who who PRON _005456899 390 30 is be AUX _005456899 390 31 threatening threaten VERB _005456899 390 32 to to PART _005456899 390 33 take take VERB _005456899 390 34 her her PRON _005456899 390 35 son son NOUN _005456899 390 36 from from ADP _005456899 390 37 her she PRON _005456899 390 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 391 1 my my PRON _005456899 391 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 391 3 would would AUX _005456899 391 4 be be AUX _005456899 391 5 the the DET _005456899 391 6 same same ADJ _005456899 391 7 way way NOUN _005456899 391 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 392 1 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 392 2 she she PRON _005456899 392 3 will will AUX _005456899 392 4 even even ADV _005456899 392 5 be be AUX _005456899 392 6 a a DET _005456899 392 7 little little ADV _005456899 392 8 afraid afraid ADJ _005456899 392 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 392 10 i i PRON _005456899 392 11 won win VERB _005456899 392 12 not not PART _005456899 392 13 best good ADJ _005456899 392 14 they they PRON _005456899 392 15 motl motl NOUN _005456899 392 16 keep keep VERB _005456899 392 17 tom tom PROPN _005456899 392 18 how how SCONJ _005456899 392 19 thee thee NOUN _005456899 392 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 392 21 · · PUNCT _005456899 392 22 .abd .abd PUNCT _005456899 392 23 n n ADV _005456899 392 24 gun gun VERB _005456899 392 25 to to PART _005456899 392 26 lik lik VERB _005456899 392 27 her she PRON _005456899 392 28 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 392 29 she she PRON _005456899 392 30 · · PUNCT _005456899 392 31 getting get VERB _005456899 392 32 th th DET _005456899 392 33 introduce introduce NOUN _005456899 392 34 < < X _005456899 392 35 of of ADP _005456899 392 36 her she PRON _005456899 392 37 ey ey NOUN _005456899 392 38 · · PUNCT _005456899 392 39 that that PRON _005456899 392 40 mom mom NOUN _005456899 392 41 motherly motherly ADJ _005456899 392 42 • • VERB _005456899 392 43 parents parent NOUN _005456899 392 44 but but CCONJ _005456899 392 45 there there PRON _005456899 392 46 scold scold VERB _005456899 392 47 too too ADV _005456899 392 48 1 1 NUM _005456899 392 49 does do AUX _005456899 392 50 n't not PART _005456899 392 51 lov~ lov~ VERB _005456899 392 52 like like ADP _005456899 392 53 the the DET _005456899 392 54 ch ch NOUN _005456899 392 55 red red NOUN _005456899 392 56 and and CCONJ _005456899 392 57 bi bi PROPN _005456899 392 58 tendency tendency NOUN _005456899 392 59 o o NOUN _005456899 392 60 irritated irritated ADJ _005456899 392 61 ar ar ADP _005456899 392 62 one one NUM _005456899 392 63 mome1 mome1 NOUN _005456899 392 64 angry angry ADJ _005456899 392 65 witl1 witl1 NOUN _005456899 392 66 when when SCONJ _005456899 392 67 ¥ ¥ X _005456899 392 68 . . PUNCT _005456899 393 1 for for ADP _005456899 393 2 doing do VERB _005456899 393 3 it it PRON _005456899 393 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 393 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 393 6 1 1 NUM _005456899 393 7 this this DET _005456899 393 8 rule rule NOUN _005456899 393 9 is be AUX _005456899 393 10 c c PROPN _005456899 393 11 it it PRON _005456899 393 12 is be AUX _005456899 393 13 astonis astonis PROPN _005456899 393 14 from from ADP _005456899 393 15 someo someo ADJ _005456899 393 16 scoldings scolding NOUN _005456899 393 17 ar ar PART _005456899 393 18 let let VERB _005456899 393 19 y y PROPN _005456899 393 20 a a DET _005456899 393 21 custorr custorr NOUN _005456899 393 22 ticed tice VERB _005456899 393 23 among among ADP _005456899 393 24 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 393 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 393 26 kindness kindness NOUN _005456899 393 27 begin begin VERB _005456899 393 28 in in ADP _005456899 393 29 the the DET _005456899 393 30 heart heart NOUN _005456899 393 31 17 17 NUM _005456899 393 32 wo will AUX _005456899 393 33 n't not PART _005456899 393 34 like like VERB _005456899 393 35 her she PRON _005456899 393 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 393 37 just just ADV _005456899 393 38 as as SCONJ _005456899 393 39 i i PRON _005456899 393 40 tend tend VERB _005456899 393 41 to to PART _005456899 393 42 be be AUX _005456899 393 43 afraid afraid ADJ _005456899 393 44 that that SCONJ _005456899 393 45 she she PRON _005456899 393 46 might might AUX _005456899 393 47 not not PART _005456899 393 48 like like VERB _005456899 393 49 me i PRON _005456899 393 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 393 51 and and CCONJ _005456899 393 52 harden harden NOUN _005456899 393 53 on on ADP _005456899 393 54 that that DET _005456899 393 55 account account NOUN _005456899 393 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 394 1 i i PRON _005456899 394 2 'll will AUX _005456899 394 3 just just ADV _005456899 394 4 do do VERB _005456899 394 5 the the DET _005456899 394 6 best good ADJ _005456899 394 7 i i PRON _005456899 394 8 can can AUX _005456899 394 9 do do VERB _005456899 394 10 to to PART _005456899 394 11 sympathize sympathize VERB _005456899 394 12 with with ADP _005456899 394 13 her her PRON _005456899 394 14 unconscious unconscious ADJ _005456899 394 15 feelingsthey feelingsthey PRON _005456899 394 16 are be AUX _005456899 394 17 natural natural ADJ _005456899 394 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 395 1 i i PRON _005456899 395 2 ought ought AUX _005456899 395 3 to to PART _005456899 395 4 be be AUX _005456899 395 5 glad glad ADJ _005456899 395 6 she she PRON _005456899 395 7 is be AUX _005456899 395 8 a a DET _005456899 395 9 natural natural ADJ _005456899 395 10 mother mother NOUN _005456899 395 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 395 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 395 13 i i PRON _005456899 395 14 'll will AUX _005456899 395 15 not not PART _005456899 395 16 be be AUX _005456899 395 17 fearful fearful ADJ _005456899 395 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 395 19 resentful resentful ADJ _005456899 395 20 about about ADP _005456899 395 21 it it PRON _005456899 395 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 396 1 i i PRON _005456899 396 2 'll will AUX _005456899 396 3 keep keep VERB _005456899 396 4 remembering remember VERB _005456899 396 5 that that PRON _005456899 397 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 397 2 for for ADP _005456899 397 3 her she PRON _005456899 397 4 there there PRON _005456899 397 5 would would AUX _005456899 397 6 be be AUX _005456899 397 7 no no DET _005456899 397 8 tom tom NOUN _005456899 397 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 397 10 so so ADV _005456899 397 11 what what PRON _005456899 397 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 397 13 she she PRON _005456899 397 14 does do AUX _005456899 397 15 hate hate VERB _005456899 397 16 to to PART _005456899 397 17 give give VERB _005456899 397 18 tom tom PROPN _005456899 397 19 up up PROPN _005456899 397 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 398 1 heavens heaven NOUN _005456899 398 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 398 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 398 4 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 398 5 my my PRON _005456899 398 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 398 7 has have AUX _005456899 398 8 often often ADV _005456899 398 9 been be AUX _005456899 398 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 399 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 399 2 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 399 3 in in ADP _005456899 399 4 the the DET _005456899 399 5 end end NOUN _005456899 399 6 she she PRON _005456899 399 7 usually usually ADV _005456899 399 8 gives give VERB _005456899 399 9 me i PRON _005456899 399 10 what what PRON _005456899 399 11 i i PRON _005456899 399 12 have have VERB _005456899 399 13 a a DET _005456899 399 14 right right NOUN _005456899 399 15 to to PART _005456899 399 16 want want VERB _005456899 399 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 399 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 399 19 that that PRON _005456899 399 20 's be AUX _005456899 399 21 just just ADV _005456899 399 22 the the DET _005456899 399 23 way way NOUN _005456899 399 24 i i PRON _005456899 399 25 'll will AUX _005456899 399 26 think think VERB _005456899 399 27 of of ADP _005456899 399 28 tom tom PROPN _005456899 399 29 's 's PART _005456899 399 30 mother mother NOUN _005456899 399 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 399 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 400 1 an.d an.d PROPN _005456899 400 2 magically magically ADV _005456899 400 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 400 4 mary mary PROPN _005456899 400 5 deep deep ADV _005456899 400 6 down down ADV _005456899 400 7 in in ADP _005456899 400 8 her her PRON _005456899 400 9 heart heart NOUN _005456899 400 10 would would AUX _005456899 400 11 have have AUX _005456899 400 12 begun begin VERB _005456899 400 13 to to PART _005456899 400 14 like like VERB _005456899 400 15 tom tom PROPN _005456899 400 16 's 's PART _005456899 400 17 mother mother NOUN _005456899 400 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 401 1 she she PRON _005456899 401 2 would would AUX _005456899 401 3 be be AUX _005456899 401 4 glad glad ADJ _005456899 401 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 401 6 not not PART _005456899 401 7 afraid afraid ADJ _005456899 401 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 401 9 to to PART _005456899 401 10 meet meet VERB _005456899 401 11 her she PRON _005456899 401 12 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 401 13 she she PRON _005456899 401 14 would would AUX _005456899 401 15 look look VERB _005456899 401 16 forward forward ADV _005456899 401 17 joyfully joyfully ADV _005456899 401 18 to to ADP _005456899 401 19 the the DET _005456899 401 20 little little ADJ _005456899 401 21 strategies strategy NOUN _005456899 401 22 for for ADP _005456899 401 23 getting get VERB _005456899 401 24 the the DET _005456899 401 25 mother mother NOUN _005456899 401 26 's 's PART _005456899 401 27 real real ADJ _005456899 401 28 consent consent NOUN _005456899 401 29 to to ADP _005456899 401 30 tom tom PROPN _005456899 401 31 's 's PART _005456899 401 32 release release NOUN _005456899 401 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 402 1 on on ADP _005456899 402 2 their their PRON _005456899 402 3 being be AUX _005456899 402 4 introduced introduce VERB _005456899 402 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 402 6 this this DET _005456899 402 7 feeling feeling NOUN _005456899 402 8 of of ADP _005456899 402 9 deep deep ADJ _005456899 402 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 402 11 down down ADP _005456899 402 12 kindliness kindliness NOUN _005456899 402 13 would would AUX _005456899 402 14 shine shine VERB _005456899 402 15 out out ADP _005456899 402 16 of of ADP _005456899 402 17 her her PRON _005456899 402 18 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 402 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 402 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 402 21 tom tom PROPN _005456899 402 22 's 's PART _005456899 402 23 mother mother NOUN _005456899 402 24 would would AUX _005456899 402 25 feel feel VERB _005456899 402 26 it it PRON _005456899 402 27 intuitively intuitively ADV _005456899 402 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 402 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 402 30 in in ADP _005456899 402 31 that that DET _005456899 402 32 moment moment NOUN _005456899 402 33 the the DET _005456899 402 34 feminine feminine ADJ _005456899 402 35 peck peck NOUN _005456899 402 36 would would AUX _005456899 402 37 be be AUX _005456899 402 38 transformed transform VERB _005456899 402 39 into into ADP _005456899 402 40 the the DET _005456899 402 41 motherly motherly ADJ _005456899 402 42 kiss kiss NOUN _005456899 402 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 403 1 do do AUX _005456899 403 2 n't not PART _005456899 403 3 scold scold VERB _005456899 403 4 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 403 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 403 6 angry angry ADJ _005456899 403 7 parents parent NOUN _005456899 403 8 are be AUX _005456899 403 9 told tell VERB _005456899 403 10 not not PART _005456899 403 11 to to PART _005456899 403 12 punish punish VERB _005456899 403 13 a a DET _005456899 403 14 child child NOUN _005456899 403 15 in in ADP _005456899 403 16 anger anger NOUN _005456899 403 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 403 18 scold scold VERB _005456899 403 19 in in ADP _005456899 403 20 anger anger NOUN _005456899 403 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 404 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 404 2 the the DET _005456899 404 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 404 4 is be AUX _005456899 404 5 not not PART _005456899 404 6 that that PRON _005456899 404 7 while while SCONJ _005456899 404 8 angry angry ADJ _005456899 404 9 one one PRON _005456899 404 10 might might AUX _005456899 404 11 hit hit VERB _005456899 404 12 too too ADV _005456899 404 13 hard hard ADV _005456899 404 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 404 15 scold scold VERB _005456899 404 16 too too ADV _005456899 404 17 loud loud ADJ _005456899 404 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 405 1 the the DET _005456899 405 2 reason reason NOUN _005456899 405 3 is be AUX _005456899 405 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 405 5 in in ADP _005456899 405 6 the the DET _005456899 405 7 moment moment NOUN _005456899 405 8 of of ADP _005456899 405 9 anger anger NOUN _005456899 405 10 one one NOUN _005456899 405 11 does do AUX _005456899 405 12 n't not PART _005456899 405 13 love love VERB _005456899 405 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 406 1 in in ADP _005456899 406 2 that that DET _005456899 406 3 one one NUM _005456899 406 4 moment moment NOUN _005456899 406 5 of of ADP _005456899 406 6 anger anger NOUN _005456899 406 7 the the DET _005456899 406 8 parent parent NOUN _005456899 406 9 does do AUX _005456899 406 10 n't not PART _005456899 406 11 really really ADV _005456899 406 12 like like VERB _005456899 406 13 the the DET _005456899 406 14 child child NOUN _005456899 406 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 407 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 407 2 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 407 3 such such ADJ _005456899 407 4 angry angry ADJ _005456899 407 5 punishment punishment NOUN _005456899 407 6 arouses arouse VERB _005456899 407 7 hatred hatred NOUN _005456899 407 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 407 9 bitterness bitterness NOUN _005456899 407 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 407 11 sullenness sullenness ADJ _005456899 407 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 408 1 untold untold ADJ _005456899 408 2 grief grief NOUN _005456899 408 3 comes come VERB _005456899 408 4 from from ADP _005456899 408 5 the the DET _005456899 408 6 tendency tendency NOUN _005456899 408 7 of of SCONJ _005456899 408 8 people people NOUN _005456899 408 9 to to PART _005456899 408 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 408 11 speak speak VERB _005456899 408 12 their their PRON _005456899 408 13 minds mind NOUN _005456899 408 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 408 15 precisely precisely ADV _005456899 408 16 when when SCONJ _005456899 408 17 they they PRON _005456899 408 18 are be AUX _005456899 408 19 irritated irritated ADJ _005456899 408 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 408 21 angry angry ADJ _005456899 408 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 409 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 409 2 a a DET _005456899 409 3 husband husband NOUN _005456899 409 4 does do AUX _005456899 409 5 n't not PART _005456899 409 6 like like VERB _005456899 409 7 his his PRON _005456899 409 8 wife wife NOUN _005456899 409 9 's 's PART _005456899 409 10 hat hat NOUN _005456899 409 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 409 12 the the DET _005456899 409 13 one one NUM _005456899 409 14 moment moment NOUN _005456899 409 15 he he PRON _005456899 409 16 should should AUX _005456899 409 17 n't not PART _005456899 409 18 pick pick VERB _005456899 409 19 to to PART _005456899 409 20 tell tell VERB _005456899 409 21 her she PRON _005456899 409 22 about about ADP _005456899 409 23 it it PRON _005456899 409 24 is be AUX _005456899 409 25 when when SCONJ _005456899 409 26 he he PRON _005456899 409 27 is be AUX _005456899 409 28 angry angry ADJ _005456899 409 29 with with ADP _005456899 409 30 her she PRON _005456899 409 31 because because SCONJ _005456899 409 32 she she PRON _005456899 409 33 burnt burn VERB _005456899 409 34 his his PRON _005456899 409 35 supper supper NOUN _005456899 409 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 410 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 410 2 we we PRON _005456899 410 3 want want VERB _005456899 410 4 to to PART _005456899 410 5 correct correct VERB _005456899 410 6 someone someone PRON _005456899 410 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 410 8 the the DET _005456899 410 9 right right ADJ _005456899 410 10 time time NOUN _005456899 410 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 410 12 setting set VERB _005456899 410 13 for for ADP _005456899 410 14 doing do VERB _005456899 410 15 it it PRON _005456899 410 16 is be AUX _005456899 410 17 a a DET _005456899 410 18 moment moment NOUN _005456899 410 19 when when SCONJ _005456899 410 20 there there PRON _005456899 410 21 is be VERB _005456899 410 22 sunshine sunshine NOUN _005456899 410 23 in in ADP _005456899 410 24 our our PRON _005456899 410 25 heart heart NOUN _005456899 410 26 for for ADP _005456899 410 27 him he PRON _005456899 410 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 410 29 when when SCONJ _005456899 410 30 the the DET _005456899 410 31 shadow shadow NOUN _005456899 410 32 of of ADP _005456899 410 33 his his PRON _005456899 410 34 fault fault NOUN _005456899 410 35 is be AUX _005456899 410 36 at at ADP _005456899 410 37 its its PRON _005456899 410 38 noonday noonday NOUN _005456899 410 39 smallest smallest ADV _005456899 410 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 411 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 411 2 this this DET _005456899 411 3 rule rule NOUN _005456899 411 4 is be AUX _005456899 411 5 observed observe VERB _005456899 411 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 411 7 then then ADV _005456899 411 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 411 9 like like ADP _005456899 411 10 the the DET _005456899 411 11 pet pet ADJ _005456899 411 12 dog dog NOUN _005456899 411 13 whom whom PRON _005456899 411 14 the the DET _005456899 411 15 children child NOUN _005456899 411 16 abuse abuse NOUN _005456899 411 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 411 18 it it PRON _005456899 411 19 is be AUX _005456899 411 20 astonishing astonishing ADJ _005456899 411 21 what what PRON _005456899 411 22 scoldings scolding NOUN _005456899 411 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 411 24 punishments punishment VERB _005456899 411 25 people people NOUN _005456899 411 26 will will AUX _005456899 411 27 take take VERB _005456899 411 28 from from ADP _005456899 411 29 someone someone PRON _005456899 411 30 who who PRON _005456899 411 31 sincerely sincerely ADV _005456899 411 32 likes like VERB _005456899 411 33 them they PRON _005456899 411 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 412 1 this this PRON _005456899 412 2 is be AUX _005456899 412 3 so so ADV _005456899 412 4 true true ADJ _005456899 412 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 412 6 some some DET _005456899 412 7 scoldings scolding NOUN _005456899 412 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 412 9 punishments punishment NOUN _005456899 412 10 have have AUX _005456899 412 11 been be AUX _005456899 412 12 accepted accept VERB _005456899 412 13 as as ADP _005456899 412 14 tokens token NOUN _005456899 412 15 of of ADP _005456899 412 16 love love NOUN _005456899 412 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 413 1 let let VERB _005456899 413 2 your your PRON _005456899 413 3 hard hard ADJ _005456899 413 4 words word NOUN _005456899 413 5 never never ADV _005456899 413 6 hide hide VERB _005456899 413 7 your your PRON _005456899 413 8 soft soft ADJ _005456899 413 9 heart heart NOUN _005456899 413 10 a a DET _005456899 413 11 custom custom NOUN _005456899 413 12 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 413 13 not not PART _005456899 413 14 recommended recommend VERB _005456899 413 15 to to ADP _005456899 413 16 american american ADJ _005456899 413 17 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 413 18 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 413 19 is be AUX _005456899 413 20 practiced practice VERB _005456899 413 21 among among ADP _005456899 413 22 some some DET _005456899 413 23 siberian siberian ADJ _005456899 413 24 tribes tribe NOUN _005456899 413 25 which which PRON _005456899 413 26 makes make VERB _005456899 413 27 pain pain NOUN _005456899 413 28 a a DET _005456899 413 29 token token NOUN _005456899 413 30 of of ADP _005456899 413 31 18 18 NUM _005456899 413 32 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 413 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 413 34 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 413 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 413 36 and and CCONJ _005456899 413 37 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 413 38 love love NOUN _005456899 413 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 414 1 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 414 2 are be AUX _005456899 414 3 said say VERB _005456899 414 4 to to PART _005456899 414 5 keep keep VERB _005456899 414 6 leather leather NOUN _005456899 414 7 tongs tong NOUN _005456899 414 8 hanging hang VERB _005456899 414 9 on on ADP _005456899 414 10 the the DET _005456899 414 11 bed bed NOUN _005456899 414 12 post post NOUN _005456899 414 13 with with ADP _005456899 414 14 which which PRON _005456899 414 15 they they PRON _005456899 414 16 administer administer VERB _005456899 414 17 weekly weekly ADJ _005456899 414 18 chastisements chastisement NOUN _005456899 414 19 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 414 20 their their PRON _005456899 414 21 wives wife NOUN _005456899 414 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 414 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 414 24 the the DET _005456899 414 25 wives wife NOUN _005456899 414 26 are be AUX _005456899 414 27 said say VERB _005456899 414 28 to to PART _005456899 414 29 consider consider VERB _005456899 414 30 this this PRON _005456899 414 31 as as ADP _005456899 414 32 proof proof NOUN _005456899 414 33 that that SCONJ _005456899 414 34 their their PRON _005456899 414 35 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 414 36 still still ADV _005456899 414 37 love love VERB _005456899 414 38 them they PRON _005456899 414 39 as as ADV _005456899 414 40 much much ADV _005456899 414 41 as as ADP _005456899 414 42 ever ever ADV _005456899 414 43 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 415 1 in in ADP _005456899 415 2 other other ADJ _005456899 415 3 words word NOUN _005456899 415 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 415 5 just just ADV _005456899 415 6 as as SCONJ _005456899 415 7 scolding scolding NOUN _005456899 415 8 born bear VERB _005456899 415 9 of of ADP _005456899 415 10 jealousy jealousy NOUN _005456899 415 11 is be AUX _005456899 415 12 taken take VERB _005456899 415 13 to to PART _005456899 415 14 prove prove VERB _005456899 415 15 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 415 16 love love NOUN _005456899 415 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 415 18 so so ADV _005456899 415 19 any any DET _005456899 415 20 scolding scolding NOUN _005456899 415 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 415 22 if if SCONJ _005456899 415 23 the the DET _005456899 415 24 heart heart NOUN _005456899 415 25 is be AUX _005456899 415 26 in in ADP _005456899 415 27 the the DET _005456899 415 28 right right ADJ _005456899 415 29 place place NOUN _005456899 415 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 415 31 can can AUX _005456899 415 32 give give VERB _005456899 415 33 the the DET _005456899 415 34 impres impre NOUN _005456899 415 35 · · PUNCT _005456899 415 36 sion sion NOUN _005456899 415 37 of of ADP _005456899 415 38 genuine genuine ADJ _005456899 415 39 regard regard NOUN _005456899 415 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 416 1 the the DET _005456899 416 2 way way NOUN _005456899 416 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005456899 416 4 said say VERB _005456899 416 5 to to ADP _005456899 416 6 peter peter PROPN _005456899 416 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 416 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 416 9 get get VERB _005456899 416 10 thee thee NOUN _005456899 416 11 be be AUX _005456899 416 12 · · PUNCT _005456899 416 13 hind hind VERB _005456899 416 14 me i PRON _005456899 416 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 416 16 satan satan PROPN _005456899 416 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 416 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 416 19 made make VERB _005456899 416 20 peter peter PROPN _005456899 416 21 a a DET _005456899 416 22 disciple disciple NOUN _005456899 416 23 forever forever ADV _005456899 416 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 417 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 417 2 that that SCONJ _005456899 417 3 genuine genuine ADJ _005456899 417 4 regard regard NOUN _005456899 417 5 shows show VERB _005456899 417 6 through through ADP _005456899 417 7 the the DET _005456899 417 8 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 417 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 417 10 the the DET _005456899 417 11 hardest hard ADJ _005456899 417 12 words word NOUN _005456899 417 13 fall fall VERB _005456899 417 14 soft soft ADJ _005456899 417 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 417 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 417 17 the the DET _005456899 417 18 hardest hard ADJ _005456899 417 19 blows blow NOUN _005456899 417 20 are be AUX _005456899 417 21 merely merely ADV _005456899 417 22 physical physical ADJ _005456899 417 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 418 1 even even ADV _005456899 418 2 · · NUM _005456899 418 3 isaac isaac PROPN _005456899 418 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 418 5 we we PRON _005456899 418 6 gather gather VERB _005456899 418 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 418 8 because because SCONJ _005456899 418 9 he he PRON _005456899 418 10 saw see VERB _005456899 418 11 how how SCONJ _005456899 418 12 deeply deeply ADV _005456899 418 13 abraham abraham PROPN _005456899 418 14 loved love VERB _005456899 418 15 him he PRON _005456899 418 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 418 17 did do AUX _005456899 418 18 not not PART _005456899 418 19 hate hate VERB _005456899 418 20 his his PRON _005456899 418 21 father father NOUN _005456899 418 22 even even ADV _005456899 418 23 when when SCONJ _005456899 418 24 his his PRON _005456899 418 25 father father NOUN _005456899 418 26 was be AUX _005456899 418 27 placing place VERB _005456899 418 28 him he PRON _005456899 418 29 on on ADP _005456899 418 30 the the DET _005456899 418 31 sacrificial sacrificial ADJ _005456899 418 32 altar altar NOUN _005456899 418 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 419 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 419 2 jephte jephte PROPN _005456899 419 3 iii iii PROPN _005456899 419 4 the the DET _005456899 419 5 old old ADJ _005456899 419 6 testament testament NOUN _005456899 419 7 told tell VERB _005456899 419 8 his his PRON _005456899 419 9 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 419 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 11 while while SCONJ _005456899 419 12 rending rend VERB _005456899 419 13 his his PRON _005456899 419 14 garments garment NOUN _005456899 419 15 from from ADP _005456899 419 16 grief grief NOUN _005456899 419 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 419 18 love love NOUN _005456899 419 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 419 21 he he PRON _005456899 419 22 would would AUX _005456899 419 23 have have VERB _005456899 419 24 to to PART _005456899 419 25 sacrifice sacrifice VERB _005456899 419 26 her she PRON _005456899 419 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 419 29 for for ADP _005456899 419 30 i i PRON _005456899 419 31 have have AUX _005456899 419 32 opened open VERB _005456899 419 33 my my PRON _005456899 419 34 mouth mouth NOUN _005456899 419 35 to to ADP _005456899 419 36 the the DET _005456899 419 37 lord lord PROPN _005456899 419 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 419 40 i i PRON _005456899 419 41 can can AUX _005456899 419 42 do do VERB _005456899 419 43 no no DET _005456899 419 44 other other ADJ _005456899 419 45 thing thing NOUN _005456899 419 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 47 " " PUNCT _005456899 419 48 his his PRON _005456899 419 49 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 419 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 51 feeling feel VERB _005456899 419 52 his his PRON _005456899 419 53 great great ADJ _005456899 419 54 regard regard NOUN _005456899 419 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 56 told tell VERB _005456899 419 57 him he PRON _005456899 419 58 not not PART _005456899 419 59 to to PART _005456899 419 60 hesitate hesitate VERB _005456899 419 61 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 62 for for ADP _005456899 419 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 64 in in ADP _005456899 419 65 the the DET _005456899 419 66 poet poet NOUN _005456899 419 67 byron byron NOUN _005456899 419 68 's 's PART _005456899 419 69 words word NOUN _005456899 419 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 71 if if SCONJ _005456899 419 72 the the DET _005456899 419 73 hand hand NOUN _005456899 419 74 that that PRON _005456899 419 75 i i PRON _005456899 419 76 love love VERB _005456899 419 77 lay lie VERB _005456899 419 78 me i PRON _005456899 419 79 low low ADJ _005456899 419 80 , , PUNCT _005456899 419 81 there there PRON _005456899 419 82 can can AUX _005456899 419 83 not not PART _005456899 419 84 be be AUX _005456899 419 85 pain pain NOUN _005456899 419 86 in in ADP _005456899 419 87 the the DET _005456899 419 88 blow blow NOUN _005456899 419 89 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 419 90 . . PUNCT _005456899 420 1 . . PUNCT _005456899 420 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 421 1 forget forget VERB _005456899 421 2 not not PART _005456899 421 3 i i PRON _005456899 421 4 smiled smile VERB _005456899 421 5 as as SCONJ _005456899 421 6 i i PRON _005456899 421 7 died die VERB _005456899 421 8 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 422 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 422 2 a a DET _005456899 422 3 loyal loyal ADJ _005456899 422 4 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 422 5 called call VERB _005456899 422 6 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 422 7 a a DET _005456899 422 8 fool fool NOUN _005456899 422 9 during during ADP _005456899 422 10 the the DET _005456899 422 11 civil civil ADJ _005456899 422 12 war war NOUN _005456899 422 13 a a DET _005456899 422 14 young young ADJ _005456899 422 15 lieutenant lieutenant NOUN _005456899 422 16 colonel colonel NOUN _005456899 422 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 422 18 oliver oliver PROPN _005456899 422 19 wendell wendell PROPN _005456899 422 20 holmes holmes PROPN _005456899 422 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 422 22 was be AUX _005456899 422 23 very very ADV _005456899 422 24 proud proud ADJ _005456899 422 25 to to PART _005456899 422 26 show show VERB _005456899 422 27 his his PRON _005456899 422 28 commander commander NOUN _005456899 422 29 - - PUNCT _005456899 422 30 in in ADP _005456899 422 31 - - PUNCT _005456899 422 32 chief chief NOUN _005456899 422 33 about about ADP _005456899 422 34 the the DET _005456899 422 35 fortifications fortification NOUN _005456899 422 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 423 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 423 2 at at ADP _005456899 423 3 an an DET _005456899 423 4 exposed expose VERB _005456899 423 5 point point NOUN _005456899 423 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 423 7 the the DET _005456899 423 8 commanderin commanderin NOUN _005456899 423 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 423 10 chief chief NOUN _005456899 423 11 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 423 12 recklessly recklessly ADV _005456899 423 13 got get VERB _005456899 423 14 up up ADP _005456899 423 15 from from ADP _005456899 423 16 the the DET _005456899 423 17 trenches trench NOUN _005456899 423 18 to to PART _005456899 423 19 see see VERB _005456899 423 20 the the DET _005456899 423 21 enemy enemy NOUN _005456899 423 22 lines line NOUN _005456899 423 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 424 1 in in ADP _005456899 424 2 a a DET _005456899 424 3 second second ADJ _005456899 424 4 there there PRON _005456899 424 5 was be VERB _005456899 424 6 a a DET _005456899 424 7 flash flash NOUN _005456899 424 8 of of ADP _005456899 424 9 enemy enemy NOUN _005456899 424 10 musketry musketry NOUN _005456899 424 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 425 1 in in ADP _005456899 425 2 excited excited ADJ _005456899 425 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 425 4 affectionate affectionate ADJ _005456899 425 5 urgency urgency NOUN _005456899 425 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 425 7 the the DET _005456899 425 8 young young ADJ _005456899 425 9 officer officer NOUN _005456899 425 10 grabbed grab VERB _005456899 425 11 the the DET _005456899 425 12 commander commander NOUN _005456899 425 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 425 14 in in ADP _005456899 425 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 425 16 chief chief NOUN _005456899 425 17 by by ADP _005456899 425 18 the the DET _005456899 425 19 arm arm NOUN _005456899 425 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 425 21 pulled pull VERB _005456899 425 22 him he PRON _005456899 425 23 under under ADP _005456899 425 24 cover cover NOUN _005456899 425 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 425 26 cry cry NOUN _005456899 425 27 · · PUNCT _005456899 425 28 ing ing NOUN _005456899 425 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 425 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 425 31 get get VERB _005456899 425 32 down down ADP _005456899 425 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 425 34 you you PRON _005456899 425 35 fool fool VERB _005456899 425 36 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 425 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 426 1 a a DET _005456899 426 2 moment moment NOUN _005456899 426 3 after after SCONJ _005456899 426 4 he he PRON _005456899 426 5 was be AUX _005456899 426 6 appalled appal VERB _005456899 426 7 by by ADP _005456899 426 8 what what PRON _005456899 426 9 he he PRON _005456899 426 10 had have AUX _005456899 426 11 said say VERB _005456899 426 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 427 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 427 2 abraham abraham PROPN _005456899 427 3 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 427 4 looked look VERB _005456899 427 5 at at ADP _005456899 427 6 the the DET _005456899 427 7 young young ADJ _005456899 427 8 of of ADP _005456899 427 9 · · PUNCT _005456899 427 10 ficer ficer NOUN _005456899 427 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 427 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 427 13 said say VERB _005456899 427 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 427 15 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 427 16 tm tm NOUN _005456899 427 17 glad glad ADJ _005456899 427 18 to to PART _005456899 427 19 see see VERB _005456899 427 20 you you PRON _005456899 427 21 know know VERB _005456899 427 22 how how SCONJ _005456899 427 23 to to PART _005456899 427 24 talk talk VERB _005456899 427 25 to to ADP _005456899 427 26 a a DET _005456899 427 27 civilian civilian NOUN _005456899 427 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 427 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 428 1 even even ADV _005456899 428 2 a a DET _005456899 428 3 commander commander NOUN _005456899 428 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 428 5 in in ADP _005456899 428 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 428 7 chief chief NOUN _005456899 428 8 ca can AUX _005456899 428 9 n't not PART _005456899 428 10 really really ADV _005456899 428 11 be be AUX _005456899 428 12 resentful resentful ADJ _005456899 428 13 when when SCONJ _005456899 428 14 some some DET _005456899 428 15 · · PUNCT _005456899 428 16 one one NUM _005456899 428 17 rebukes rebuke VERB _005456899 428 18 him he PRON _005456899 428 19 but but CCONJ _005456899 428 20 rebukes rebuke VERB _005456899 428 21 him he PRON _005456899 428 22 justly justly ADV _005456899 428 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 428 24 with with ADP _005456899 428 25 his his PRON _005456899 428 26 heart heart NOUN _005456899 428 27 in in ADP _005456899 428 28 the the DET _005456899 428 29 right right ADJ _005456899 428 30 place place NOUN _005456899 428 31 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 429 1 the the DET _005456899 429 2 ri ri NOUN _005456899 429 3 this this PRON _005456899 429 4 may may AUX _005456899 429 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 429 6 1~ 1~ ADJ _005456899 429 7 body body NOUN _005456899 429 8 s1 s1 NOUN _005456899 429 9 of of ADP _005456899 429 10 the the DET _005456899 429 11 true true ADJ _005456899 429 12 re re PROPN _005456899 429 13 selves selve VERB _005456899 429 14 t t PROPN _005456899 429 15 themse themse PROPN _005456899 429 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 429 17 mocrac mocrac PROPN _005456899 429 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 430 1 to to PART _005456899 430 2 crou crou PROPN _005456899 430 3 recogn recogn PROPN _005456899 430 4 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 430 5 would would AUX _005456899 430 6 l l VERB _005456899 430 7 in in ADV _005456899 430 8 in in ADP _005456899 430 9 blunder blunder NOUN _005456899 430 10 instruct instruct NOUN _005456899 430 11 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 430 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 430 13 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 430 14 ary ary PROPN _005456899 430 15 rea1 rea1 PROPN _005456899 430 16 wrong wrong PROPN _005456899 430 17 o o PROPN _005456899 430 18 effect effect NOUN _005456899 430 19 w w PROPN _005456899 430 20 ness ness NOUN _005456899 430 21 rea rea NOUN _005456899 430 22 that that SCONJ _005456899 430 23 teli teli PROPN _005456899 430 24 assents assent NOUN _005456899 430 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 430 26 course course NOUN _005456899 430 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 431 1 am be AUX _005456899 431 2 people people NOUN _005456899 431 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 431 4 e e NOUN _005456899 431 5 trouble trouble NOUN _005456899 431 6 if if SCONJ _005456899 431 7 the the DET _005456899 431 8 ly ly X _005456899 431 9 good good ADJ _005456899 431 10 reas rea NOUN _005456899 432 1 the the DET _005456899 432 2 real real ADJ _005456899 432 3 reas rea NOUN _005456899 432 4 ' ' PART _005456899 432 5 a a DET _005456899 432 6 lady lady NOUN _005456899 432 7 a a DET _005456899 432 8 gether gether NOUN _005456899 432 9 on on ADP _005456899 432 10 fr fr PROPN _005456899 432 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 432 12 why why SCONJ _005456899 432 13 are be AUX _005456899 432 14 yo yo PROPN _005456899 432 15 sons son NOUN _005456899 432 16 spring spring NOUN _005456899 432 17 t t NOUN _005456899 432 18 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 432 19 on on ADP _005456899 432 20 friday friday PROPN _005456899 432 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 432 22 tl tl PROPN _005456899 432 23 fish fish NOUN _005456899 432 24 is be AUX _005456899 432 25 not not PART _005456899 432 26 ra ra NOUN _005456899 432 27 among among ADP _005456899 432 28 these these DET _005456899 432 29 1 1 NUM _005456899 432 30 her her PRON _005456899 432 31 answt answt NOUN _005456899 432 32 reason reason NOUN _005456899 432 33 insteao insteao PROPN _005456899 432 34 classical classical PROPN _005456899 432 35 the the PRON _005456899 432 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 433 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 433 2 iv iv VERB _005456899 433 3 the the DET _005456899 433 4 real real ADJ _005456899 433 5 reason reason NOUN _005456899 433 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 433 7 or or CCONJ _005456899 433 8 merely merely ADV _005456899 433 9 a a DET _005456899 433 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 433 11 good good ADJ _005456899 433 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 433 13 reason reason NOUN _005456899 433 14 this this DET _005456899 433 15 article article NOUN _005456899 433 16 originally originally ADV _005456899 433 17 appeared appear VERB _005456899 433 18 in in ADP _005456899 433 19 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 433 20 the the DET _005456899 433 21 queen queen NOUN _005456899 433 22 's 's PART _005456899 433 23 work work NOUN _005456899 433 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 433 25 may may PROPN _005456899 433 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 433 27 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 433 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 433 29 a·s a· VERB _005456899 433 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 433 31 do do AUX _005456899 433 32 you you PRON _005456899 433 33 give give VERB _005456899 433 34 real real ADJ _005456899 433 35 or or CCONJ _005456899 433 36 ph ph ADJ _005456899 433 37 - - PUNCT _005456899 433 38 ony ony NOUN _005456899 433 39 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 433 40 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 433 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 434 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 434 2 sneers sneer VERB _005456899 434 3 at at ADP _005456899 434 4 the the DET _005456899 434 5 person person NOUN _005456899 434 6 who who PRON _005456899 434 7 cheats cheat VERB _005456899 434 8 at at ADP _005456899 434 9 solitaire solitaire NOUN _005456899 434 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 435 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 435 2 one one NUM _005456899 435 3 · · PUNCT _005456899 435 4 ot ot ADP _005456899 435 5 the the DET _005456899 435 6 most most ADV _005456899 435 7 prevalent prevalent ADJ _005456899 435 8 vices vice NOUN _005456899 435 9 is be AUX _005456899 435 10 self self NOUN _005456899 435 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 435 12 deception deception NOUN _005456899 435 13 as as SCONJ _005456899 435 14 regards regard VERB _005456899 435 15 our our PRON _005456899 435 16 true true ADJ _005456899 435 17 reason reason NOUN _005456899 435 18 tor tor NOUN _005456899 435 19 doing do VERB _005456899 435 20 things thing NOUN _005456899 435 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 436 1 whole whole ADJ _005456899 436 2 nations nation NOUN _005456899 436 3 deceive deceive VERB _005456899 436 4 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 436 5 as as ADP _005456899 436 6 to to ADP _005456899 436 7 their their PRON _005456899 436 8 true true ADJ _005456899 436 9 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 436 10 tor tor NOUN _005456899 436 11 going go VERB _005456899 436 12 to to ADP _005456899 436 13 war war NOUN _005456899 436 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 437 1 they they PRON _005456899 437 2 make make VERB _005456899 437 3 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 437 4 think think VERB _005456899 437 5 they they PRON _005456899 437 6 fight fight VERB _005456899 437 7 to to PART _005456899 437 8 make make VERB _005456899 437 9 the the DET _005456899 437 10 world world NOUN _005456899 437 11 sate sate VERB _005456899 437 12 for for ADP _005456899 437 13 democracy democracy NOUN _005456899 437 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 437 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 437 16 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 437 17 too too ADV _005456899 437 18 late late ADV _005456899 437 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 437 20 they they PRON _005456899 437 21 fought fight VERB _005456899 437 22 selfishly selfishly ADV _005456899 437 23 to to PART _005456899 437 24 crowd crowd VERB _005456899 437 25 a a DET _005456899 437 26 capafble capafble ADJ _005456899 437 27 competitor competitor NOUN _005456899 437 28 out out ADP _005456899 437 29 of of ADP _005456899 437 30 the the DET _005456899 437 31 world world NOUN _005456899 437 32 markets market NOUN _005456899 437 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 438 1 recognizing recognize VERB _005456899 438 2 real real ADJ _005456899 438 3 as as ADP _005456899 438 4 against against ADP _005456899 438 5 phony phony ADJ _005456899 438 6 or or CCONJ _005456899 438 7 secondary secondary ADJ _005456899 438 8 motives motive NOUN _005456899 438 9 would would AUX _005456899 438 10 have have AUX _005456899 438 11 prevented prevent VERB _005456899 438 12 many many ADJ _005456899 438 13 wars war NOUN _005456899 438 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 439 1 in in ADP _005456899 439 2 individuals individual NOUN _005456899 439 3 it it PRON _005456899 439 4 would would AUX _005456899 439 5 prevent prevent VERB _005456899 439 6 many many ADJ _005456899 439 7 of of ADP _005456899 439 8 life life NOUN _005456899 439 9 's 's PART _005456899 439 10 greatest great ADJ _005456899 439 11 blunders blunder NOUN _005456899 439 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 439 13 sins sin NOUN _005456899 439 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 440 1 this this DET _005456899 440 2 article article NOUN _005456899 440 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 440 4 however however ADV _005456899 440 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 440 6 does do AUX _005456899 440 7 not not PART _005456899 440 8 so so ADV _005456899 440 9 much much ADV _005456899 440 10 instruct instruct NOUN _005456899 440 11 as as ADP _005456899 440 12 to to ADP _005456899 440 13 how how SCONJ _005456899 440 14 one one PRON _005456899 440 15 can can AUX _005456899 440 16 come come VERB _005456899 440 17 to to PART _005456899 440 18 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 440 19 one one NUM _005456899 440 20 's 's PART _005456899 440 21 real real ADJ _005456899 440 22 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 440 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 440 24 as as ADP _005456899 440 25 that that PRON _005456899 440 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 440 27 recognizing recognize VERB _005456899 440 28 them they PRON _005456899 440 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 440 30 one one PRON _005456899 440 31 should should AUX _005456899 440 32 give give VERB _005456899 440 33 one one PRON _005456899 440 34 's 's PART _005456899 440 35 real real ADJ _005456899 440 36 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 440 37 to to ADP _005456899 440 38 others other NOUN _005456899 440 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 440 40 rather rather ADV _005456899 440 41 than than ADP _005456899 440 42 one one NUM _005456899 440 43 's 's PART _005456899 440 44 secondary secondary ADJ _005456899 440 45 ones one NOUN _005456899 440 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 441 1 secondary secondary ADJ _005456899 441 2 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 441 3 often often ADV _005456899 441 4 are be AUX _005456899 441 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 441 6 good good ADJ _005456899 441 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 441 8 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 441 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 441 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 441 11 it it PRON _005456899 441 12 is be AUX _005456899 441 13 not not PART _005456899 441 14 always always ADV _005456899 441 15 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 441 16 or or CCONJ _005456899 441 17 dishonest dishonest ADJ _005456899 441 18 to to PART _005456899 441 19 use use VERB _005456899 441 20 them they PRON _005456899 441 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 442 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 442 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 442 3 they they PRON _005456899 442 4 are be AUX _005456899 442 5 in in ADP _005456899 442 6 effect effect NOUN _005456899 442 7 usually usually ADV _005456899 442 8 phony phony ADJ _005456899 442 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 443 1 they they PRON _005456899 443 2 are be AUX _005456899 443 3 not not PART _005456899 443 4 the the DET _005456899 443 5 real real ADJ _005456899 443 6 honest honest ADJ _005456899 443 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 443 8 to to ADP _005456899 443 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 443 10 goodness goodness NOUN _005456899 443 11 reason reason NOUN _005456899 443 12 why why SCONJ _005456899 443 13 we we PRON _005456899 443 14 did do VERB _005456899 443 15 a a DET _005456899 443 16 thing thing NOUN _005456899 443 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 444 1 it it PRON _005456899 444 2 is be AUX _005456899 444 3 strongly strongly ADV _005456899 444 4 suggested suggest VERB _005456899 444 5 here here ADV _005456899 444 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 444 7 telling tell VERB _005456899 444 8 others other NOUN _005456899 444 9 our our PRON _005456899 444 10 honest honest ADJ _005456899 444 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 444 12 to to ADP _005456899 444 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 444 14 goodness goodness NOUN _005456899 444 15 reason reason NOUN _005456899 444 16 tor tor NOUN _005456899 444 17 our our PRON _005456899 444 18 assents assent NOUN _005456899 444 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 444 20 tor tor NOUN _005456899 444 21 our our PRON _005456899 444 22 refusals refusal NOUN _005456899 444 23 is be AUX _005456899 444 24 generally generally ADV _005456899 444 25 rtly rtly ADV _005456899 444 26 tar tar VERB _005456899 444 27 the the DET _005456899 444 28 wisest wise ADJ _005456899 444 29 course course NOUN _005456899 444 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 445 1 among among ADP _005456899 445 2 several several ADJ _005456899 445 3 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 445 4 one one NUM _005456899 445 5 is be AUX _005456899 445 6 the the DET _005456899 445 7 real real ADJ _005456899 445 8 one one NUM _005456899 445 9 people people NOUN _005456899 445 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 445 11 especially especially ADV _005456899 445 12 young young ADJ _005456899 445 13 people people NOUN _005456899 445 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 445 15 could could AUX _005456899 445 16 save save VERB _005456899 445 17 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 445 18 much much ADJ _005456899 445 19 trouble trouble NOUN _005456899 445 20 if if SCONJ _005456899 445 21 they they PRON _005456899 445 22 made make VERB _005456899 445 23 clear clear ADJ _005456899 445 24 their their PRON _005456899 445 25 real real ADJ _005456899 445 26 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 445 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 445 28 buried bury VERB _005456899 445 29 their their PRON _005456899 445 30 merely merely ADV _005456899 445 31 good good ADJ _005456899 445 32 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 445 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 446 1 people people NOUN _005456899 446 2 too too ADV _005456899 446 3 frequently frequently ADV _005456899 446 4 confuse confuse VERB _005456899 446 5 good good ADJ _005456899 446 6 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 446 7 with with ADP _005456899 446 8 the the DET _005456899 446 9 real real ADJ _005456899 446 10 reason reason NOUN _005456899 446 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 447 1 a a DET _005456899 447 2 lady lady NOUN _005456899 447 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 447 4 a a DET _005456899 447 5 recent recent ADJ _005456899 447 6 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005456899 447 7 chance chance NOUN _005456899 447 8 to to PART _005456899 447 9 have have AUX _005456899 447 10 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 447 11 together together ADV _005456899 447 12 on on ADP _005456899 447 13 friday friday PROPN _005456899 447 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 447 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 447 16 she she PRON _005456899 447 17 orders order VERB _005456899 447 18 fish fish VERB _005456899 447 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 448 1 the the DET _005456899 448 2 friend friend NOUN _005456899 448 3 asks ask VERB _005456899 448 4 casually casually ADV _005456899 448 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 448 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 448 7 why why SCONJ _005456899 448 8 are be AUX _005456899 448 9 you you PRON _005456899 448 10 ordering order VERB _005456899 448 11 fish fish NOUN _005456899 448 12 today today NOUN _005456899 448 13 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 448 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 449 1 instantaneously instantaneously ADV _005456899 449 2 several several ADJ _005456899 449 3 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 449 4 spring spre VERB _005456899 449 5 to to ADP _005456899 449 6 her her PRON _005456899 449 7 mind mind NOUN _005456899 449 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 449 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 449 10 as as ADP _005456899 449 11 a a DET _005456899 449 12 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 449 13 she she PRON _005456899 449 14 may may AUX _005456899 449 15 not not PART _005456899 449 16 eat eat VERB _005456899 449 17 meat meat NOUN _005456899 449 18 on on ADP _005456899 449 19 friday friday PROPN _005456899 449 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 449 21 that that DET _005456899 449 22 fish fish NOUN _005456899 449 23 is be AUX _005456899 449 24 a a DET _005456899 449 25 wholesome wholesome ADJ _005456899 449 26 food food NOUN _005456899 449 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 449 28 that that SCONJ _005456899 449 29 she she PRON _005456899 449 30 likes like VERB _005456899 449 31 fish fish NOUN _005456899 449 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 449 33 that that DET _005456899 449 34 fish fish NOUN _005456899 449 35 is be AUX _005456899 449 36 not not PART _005456899 449 37 rationed ration VERB _005456899 449 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 449 39 or or CCONJ _005456899 449 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 449 41 playfully playfully ADV _005456899 449 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 449 43 that that DET _005456899 449 44 fish fish NOUN _005456899 449 45 is be AUX _005456899 449 46 brain brain NOUN _005456899 449 47 food food NOUN _005456899 449 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 450 1 from from ADP _005456899 450 2 among among ADP _005456899 450 3 these these DET _005456899 450 4 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 450 5 she she PRON _005456899 450 6 produces produce VERB _005456899 450 7 this this DET _005456899 450 8 c c NOUN _005456899 450 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 450 10 me i PRON _005456899 450 11 : : PUNCT _005456899 450 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 450 13 oh oh INTJ _005456899 450 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 450 15 i i PRON _005456899 450 16 like like VERB _005456899 450 17 fish fish NOUN _005456899 450 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 450 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 451 1 psychology psychology NOUN _005456899 451 2 on on ADP _005456899 451 3 good good ADJ _005456899 451 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 451 5 real real ADJ _005456899 451 6 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 451 7 her her PRON _005456899 451 8 answer answer NOUN _005456899 451 9 represents represent VERB _005456899 451 10 what what PRON _005456899 451 11 psychologists psychologist NOUN _005456899 451 12 call call VERB _005456899 451 13 giving give VERB _005456899 451 14 a a DET _005456899 451 15 good good ADJ _005456899 451 16 reason reason NOUN _005456899 451 17 instead instead ADV _005456899 451 18 of of ADP _005456899 451 19 the the DET _005456899 451 20 real real ADJ _005456899 451 21 reason reason NOUN _005456899 451 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 452 1 james james PROPN _005456899 452 2 harvey harvey PROPN _005456899 452 3 robinson robinson PROPN _005456899 452 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 452 5 in in ADP _005456899 452 6 the the DET _005456899 452 7 classical classical ADJ _005456899 452 8 the the DET _005456899 452 9 mind mind NOUN _005456899 452 10 in in ADP _005456899 452 11 the the DET _005456899 452 12 making making NOUN _005456899 452 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 452 14 says say VERB _005456899 452 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 452 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 452 17 : : PUNCT _005456899 452 18 --~ --~ PROPN _005456899 452 19 20 20 NUM _005456899 452 20 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 452 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 452 22 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 452 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 452 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 452 25 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 452 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 452 27 this this DET _005456899 452 28 distinction distinction NOUN _005456899 452 29 between between ADP _005456899 452 30 good good ADJ _005456899 452 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 452 32 real real ADJ _005456899 452 33 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 452 34 is be AUX _005456899 452 35 one one NUM _005456899 452 36 of of ADP _005456899 452 37 the the DET _005456899 452 38 most most ADV _005456899 452 39 clarifying clarifying NOUN _005456899 452 40 and and CCONJ _005456899 452 41 essential essential ADJ _005456899 452 42 in in ADP _005456899 452 43 the the DET _005456899 452 44 whole whole ADJ _005456899 452 45 realm realm NOUN _005456899 452 46 of of ADP _005456899 452 47 thought thought NOUN _005456899 452 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 452 49 " " PUNCT _005456899 453 1 the the DET _005456899 453 2 lady lady NOUN _005456899 453 3 above above ADV _005456899 453 4 gave give VERB _005456899 453 5 the the DET _005456899 453 6 good good ADJ _005456899 453 7 reason reason NOUN _005456899 453 8 that that PRON _005456899 453 9 she she PRON _005456899 453 10 likes like VERB _005456899 453 11 fish fish NOUN _005456899 453 12 instead instead ADV _005456899 453 13 of of ADP _005456899 453 14 the the DET _005456899 453 15 real real ADJ _005456899 453 16 reason reason NOUN _005456899 453 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 453 18 as as ADP _005456899 453 19 a a DET _005456899 453 20 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 453 21 she she PRON _005456899 453 22 substitutes substitute VERB _005456899 453 23 fish fish NOUN _005456899 453 24 for for ADP _005456899 453 25 meat meat NOUN _005456899 453 26 on on ADP _005456899 453 27 friday friday PROPN _005456899 453 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 454 1 now now ADV _005456899 454 2 let let VERB _005456899 454 3 's us PRON _005456899 454 4 see see VERB _005456899 454 5 what what PRON _005456899 454 6 may may AUX _005456899 454 7 well well ADV _005456899 454 8 happen happen VERB _005456899 454 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 455 1 a a DET _005456899 455 2 few few ADJ _005456899 455 3 fridays friday NOUN _005456899 455 4 later later ADV _005456899 455 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 455 6 the the DET _005456899 455 7 friend friend NOUN _005456899 455 8 invites invite VERB _005456899 455 9 her she PRON _005456899 455 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 455 11 others other NOUN _005456899 455 12 to to ADP _005456899 455 13 a a DET _005456899 455 14 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 455 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 456 1 disarmingly disarmingly ADV _005456899 456 2 she she PRON _005456899 456 3 says say VERB _005456899 456 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 456 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 456 6 you you PRON _005456899 456 7 told tell VERB _005456899 456 8 me i PRON _005456899 456 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 456 10 catherine catherine NOUN _005456899 456 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 456 12 you you PRON _005456899 456 13 like like VERB _005456899 456 14 fish fish NOUN _005456899 456 15 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 457 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 457 2 i i PRON _005456899 457 3 have have VERB _005456899 457 4 a a DET _005456899 457 5 surprise surprise NOUN _005456899 457 6 for for ADP _005456899 457 7 you you PRON _005456899 457 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 458 1 i i PRON _005456899 458 2 have have VERB _005456899 458 3 something something PRON _005456899 458 4 even even ADV _005456899 458 5 better well ADJ _005456899 458 6 than than ADP _005456899 458 7 fish fish NOUN _005456899 458 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 459 1 i i PRON _005456899 459 2 was be AUX _005456899 459 3 able able ADJ _005456899 459 4 to to PART _005456899 459 5 get get VERB _005456899 459 6 some some DET _005456899 459 7 quail quail NOUN _005456899 459 8 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 459 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 460 1 now now ADV _005456899 460 2 the the DET _005456899 460 3 good good ADJ _005456899 460 4 reason reason NOUN _005456899 460 5 has have AUX _005456899 460 6 boomeranged boomerang VERB _005456899 460 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 461 1 the the DET _005456899 461 2 lady lady NOUN _005456899 461 3 will will AUX _005456899 461 4 now now ADV _005456899 461 5 either either CCONJ _005456899 461 6 have have VERB _005456899 461 7 to to PART _005456899 461 8 eat eat VERB _005456899 461 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 461 10 sin sin VERB _005456899 461 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 461 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 461 13 blush blush NOUN _005456899 461 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 461 15 produce produce VERB _005456899 461 16 the the DET _005456899 461 17 real real ADJ _005456899 461 18 reason reason NOUN _005456899 461 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 462 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 462 2 once once ADV _005456899 462 3 exposed expose VERB _005456899 462 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 462 5 any any DET _005456899 462 6 merely merely ADV _005456899 462 7 good good ADJ _005456899 462 8 reason reason NOUN _005456899 462 9 looks look VERB _005456899 462 10 phony phony ADJ _005456899 462 11 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 462 12 only only ADV _005456899 462 13 the the DET _005456899 462 14 real real ADJ _005456899 462 15 reason reason NOUN _005456899 462 16 is be AUX _005456899 462 17 never never ADV _005456899 462 18 phony phony ADJ _005456899 462 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 463 1 we we PRON _005456899 463 2 must must AUX _005456899 463 3 first first ADV _005456899 463 4 of of ADP _005456899 463 5 all all PRON _005456899 463 6 make make VERB _005456899 463 7 the the DET _005456899 463 8 NOUN _005456899 463 9 reason reason NOUN _005456899 463 10 clear clear ADJ _005456899 463 11 to to ADP _005456899 463 12 ourselves ourselves PRON _005456899 463 13 even even ADV _005456899 463 14 the the DET _005456899 463 15 best good ADJ _005456899 463 16 of of ADP _005456899 463 17 people people NOUN _005456899 463 18 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 463 19 often often ADV _005456899 463 20 confuse confuse VERB _005456899 463 21 their their PRON _005456899 463 22 good good NOUN _005456899 463 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 463 24 their their PRON _005456899 463 25 real real ADJ _005456899 463 26 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 463 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 463 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 463 29 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 463 30 try try VERB _005456899 463 31 to to PART _005456899 463 32 side side NOUN _005456899 463 33 - - PUNCT _005456899 463 34 step step NOUN _005456899 463 35 an an DET _005456899 463 36 issue issue NOUN _005456899 463 37 by by ADP _005456899 463 38 giving give VERB _005456899 463 39 a a DET _005456899 463 40 good good NOUN _005456899 463 41 instead instead ADV _005456899 463 42 of of ADP _005456899 463 43 the the DET _005456899 463 44 real real ADJ _005456899 463 45 reason reason NOUN _005456899 463 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 464 1 sometill1es sometill1es PROPN _005456899 464 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 464 3 in in ADP _005456899 464 4 some some DET _005456899 464 5 matters matter NOUN _005456899 464 6 people people NOUN _005456899 464 7 do do AUX _005456899 464 8 n't not PART _005456899 464 9 even even ADV _005456899 464 10 know know VERB _005456899 464 11 their their PRON _005456899 464 12 real real ADJ _005456899 464 13 reason reason NOUN _005456899 464 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 465 1 robinson robinson PROPN _005456899 465 2 says say VERB _005456899 465 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 465 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 465 5 the the DET _005456899 465 6 real real ADJ _005456899 465 7 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 465 8 for for ADP _005456899 465 9 our our PRON _005456899 465 10 beliefs belief NOUN _005456899 465 11 are be AUX _005456899 465 12 concealed conceal VERB _005456899 465 13 from from ADP _005456899 465 14 ourselves ourselves PRON _005456899 465 15 as as ADV _005456899 465 16 well well ADV _005456899 465 17 as as ADP _005456899 465 18 others other NOUN _005456899 465 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 465 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 466 1 not not PART _005456899 466 2 recognizing recognize VERB _005456899 466 3 our our PRON _005456899 466 4 own own ADJ _005456899 466 5 real real ADJ _005456899 466 6 reason reason NOUN _005456899 466 7 is be AUX _005456899 466 8 what what PRON _005456899 466 9 we we PRON _005456899 466 10 call call VERB _005456899 466 11 wishful wishful ADJ _005456899 466 12 thinking thinking NOUN _005456899 466 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 466 14 kidding kid VERB _005456899 466 15 ourselves ourselves PRON _005456899 466 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 467 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 467 2 it it PRON _005456899 467 3 is be AUX _005456899 467 4 silly silly ADJ _005456899 467 5 to to PART _005456899 467 6 cheat cheat VERB _005456899 467 7 at at ADP _005456899 467 8 solitaire solitaire NOUN _005456899 467 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 467 10 then then ADV _005456899 467 11 it it PRON _005456899 467 12 is be AUX _005456899 467 13 much much ADV _005456899 467 14 more more ADJ _005456899 467 15 than than ADP _005456899 467 16 silly silly ADJ _005456899 467 17 to to PART _005456899 467 18 violate violate VERB _005456899 467 19 the the DET _005456899 467 20 integrity integrity NOUN _005456899 467 21 of of ADP _005456899 467 22 one one PRON _005456899 467 23 's 's PART _005456899 467 24 own own ADJ _005456899 467 25 mind mind NOUN _005456899 467 26 by by ADP _005456899 467 27 nursing nurse VERB _005456899 467 28 phony phony ADJ _005456899 467 29 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 467 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 468 1 here here ADV _005456899 468 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 468 3 however however ADV _005456899 468 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 468 5 we we PRON _005456899 468 6 will will AUX _005456899 468 7 concern concern VERB _005456899 468 8 ourselves ourselves PRON _005456899 468 9 with with ADP _005456899 468 10 cases case NOUN _005456899 468 11 where where SCONJ _005456899 468 12 a a DET _005456899 468 13 moment moment NOUN _005456899 468 14 's 's PART _005456899 468 15 reflection reflection NOUN _005456899 468 16 makes make VERB _005456899 468 17 the the DET _005456899 468 18 real real ADJ _005456899 468 19 reason reason NOUN _005456899 468 20 clear clear ADJ _005456899 468 21 to to ADP _005456899 468 22 the the DET _005456899 468 23 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 468 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 469 1 the the DET _005456899 469 2 real real ADJ _005456899 469 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 469 4 would would AUX _005456899 469 5 have have AUX _005456899 469 6 made make VERB _005456899 469 7 a a DET _005456899 469 8 boy boy NOUN _005456899 469 9 happyperhaps happyperhap VERB _005456899 469 10 the the DET _005456899 469 11 girl girl NOUN _005456899 469 12 too too ADV _005456899 469 13 teenage teenage ADJ _005456899 469 14 girls girl NOUN _005456899 469 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 469 16 who who PRON _005456899 469 17 want want VERB _005456899 469 18 to to PART _005456899 469 19 seem seem VERB _005456899 469 20 older old ADJ _005456899 469 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 469 22 more more ADV _005456899 469 23 independent independent ADJ _005456899 469 24 than than SCONJ _005456899 469 25 they they PRON _005456899 469 26 are be AUX _005456899 469 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 469 28 are be AUX _005456899 469 29 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 469 30 partial partial ADJ _005456899 469 31 to to PART _005456899 469 32 good good ADJ _005456899 469 33 as as ADP _005456899 469 34 against against ADP _005456899 469 35 real real ADJ _005456899 469 36 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 469 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 470 1 in in ADP _005456899 470 2 going go VERB _005456899 470 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 470 4 coming come VERB _005456899 470 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 470 6 in in ADP _005456899 470 7 drinking drinking NOUN _005456899 470 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 470 9 smoking smoking NOUN _005456899 470 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 470 11 dating date VERB _005456899 470 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 470 13 they they PRON _005456899 470 14 are be AUX _005456899 470 15 restricted restrict VERB _005456899 470 16 specifically specifically ADV _005456899 470 17 by by ADP _005456899 470 18 what what PRON _005456899 470 19 mother mother NOUN _005456899 470 20 allows allow VERB _005456899 470 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 471 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 471 2 the the DET _005456899 471 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 471 4 these these DET _005456899 471 5 girls girl NOUN _005456899 471 6 give give VERB _005456899 471 7 for for ADP _005456899 471 8 not not PART _005456899 471 9 doing do VERB _005456899 471 10 this this PRON _005456899 471 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 471 12 that that PRON _005456899 471 13 is be AUX _005456899 471 14 not not PART _005456899 471 15 that that PRON _005456899 471 16 mother mother NOUN _005456899 471 17 forbids forbid VERB _005456899 471 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 471 19 but but CCONJ _005456899 471 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 471 21 they they PRON _005456899 471 22 do do AUX _005456899 471 23 n't not PART _005456899 471 24 feel feel VERB _005456899 471 25 like like ADP _005456899 471 26 doing do VERB _005456899 471 27 it it PRON _005456899 471 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 471 29 or or CCONJ _005456899 471 30 that that SCONJ _005456899 471 31 they they PRON _005456899 471 32 have have VERB _005456899 471 33 to to PART _005456899 471 34 study study VERB _005456899 471 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 471 36 or or CCONJ _005456899 471 37 that that SCONJ _005456899 471 38 they they PRON _005456899 471 39 do do AUX _005456899 471 40 n't not PART _005456899 471 41 like like VERB _005456899 471 42 the the DET _005456899 471 43 person person NOUN _005456899 471 44 making make VERB _005456899 471 45 the the DET _005456899 471 46 suggestion suggestion NOUN _005456899 471 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 472 1 a a DET _005456899 472 2 certain certain ADJ _005456899 472 3 college college NOUN _005456899 472 4 boy boy NOUN _005456899 472 5 at at ADP _005456899 472 6 a a DET _005456899 472 7 social social ADJ _005456899 472 8 affair affair NOUN _005456899 472 9 was be AUX _005456899 472 10 greatly greatly ADV _005456899 472 11 attracted attract VERB _005456899 472 12 to to ADP _005456899 472 13 a a DET _005456899 472 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 472 15 who who PRON _005456899 472 16 looked look VERB _005456899 472 17 old old ADJ _005456899 472 18 enough enough ADV _005456899 472 19 to to PART _005456899 472 20 go go VERB _005456899 472 21 out out ADV _005456899 472 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 473 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 473 2 he he PRON _005456899 473 3 asked ask VERB _005456899 473 4 her she PRON _005456899 473 5 for for ADP _005456899 473 6 a a DET _005456899 473 7 ti ti NOUN _005456899 473 8 date date NOUN _005456899 473 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 473 10 she she PRON _005456899 473 11 sa sa VERB _005456899 473 12 : : PUNCT _005456899 473 13 when when SCONJ _005456899 473 14 he he PRON _005456899 473 15 sa sa AUX _005456899 473 16 not not PART _005456899 473 17 liked like VERB _005456899 473 18 hi hi INTJ _005456899 473 19 few few ADJ _005456899 473 20 years year NOUN _005456899 473 21 t1 t1 PROPN _005456899 473 22 again again ADV _005456899 473 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 474 1 yean yean PROPN _005456899 474 2 said say VERB _005456899 474 3 no no INTJ _005456899 474 4 to to ADP _005456899 474 5 h h NOUN _005456899 474 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 474 7 had have AUX _005456899 474 8 · · PUNCT _005456899 474 9 ly ly ADJ _005456899 474 10 been be AUX _005456899 474 11 sta sta NOUN _005456899 474 12 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 474 13 gave give VERB _005456899 474 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 474 15 as as ADP _005456899 474 16 several several ADJ _005456899 474 17 year year NOUN _005456899 474 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 475 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 475 2 she she PRON _005456899 475 3 was be AUX _005456899 475 4 phony phony ADJ _005456899 475 5 reaso reaso VERB _005456899 475 6 happy happy ADJ _005456899 475 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 475 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 475 9 se se PROPN _005456899 475 10 had have AUX _005456899 475 11 she she PRON _005456899 475 12 said say VERB _005456899 475 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 475 14 thank thank VERB _005456899 475 15 yo yo PRON _005456899 475 16 the the DET _005456899 475 17 hedg hedg NOUN _005456899 475 18 is be AUX _005456899 475 19 pathetic pathetic ADJ _005456899 475 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 476 1 counter counter PROPN _005456899 476 2 - - NOUN _005456899 476 3 reaso reaso PROPN _005456899 476 4 look look VERB _005456899 476 5 naive naive ADJ _005456899 476 6 ar ar ADP _005456899 476 7 she she PRON _005456899 476 8 answers answer VERB _005456899 476 9 : : PUNCT _005456899 476 10 may may AUX _005456899 476 11 be be AUX _005456899 476 12 a a DET _005456899 476 13 fac fac NOUN _005456899 476 14 fore fore NOUN _005456899 476 15 invited invite VERB _005456899 476 16 t t NOUN _005456899 476 17 either either CCONJ _005456899 476 18 has have AUX _005456899 476 19 to to ADP _005456899 476 20 real real ADJ _005456899 476 21 reason reason NOUN _005456899 476 22 a a DET _005456899 476 23 friends friend NOUN _005456899 476 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 477 1 he he PRON _005456899 477 2 n n ADV _005456899 477 3 with with ADP _005456899 477 4 sam sam PROPN _005456899 477 5 ha ha PROPN _005456899 477 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 477 7 friends friend NOUN _005456899 477 8 f f X _005456899 477 9 < < X _005456899 477 10 escape escape VERB _005456899 477 11 with with ADP _005456899 477 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 477 13 correctly correctly ADV _005456899 477 14 ansv ansv PROPN _005456899 477 15 just just ADV _005456899 477 16 a a DET _005456899 477 17 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 477 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 478 1 l l NOUN _005456899 478 2 by by ADP _005456899 478 3 this this DET _005456899 478 4 tir tir NOUN _005456899 478 5 will will AUX _005456899 478 6 now now ADV _005456899 478 7 stim stim VERB _005456899 478 8 after after ADV _005456899 478 9 all all ADV _005456899 478 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 479 1 it it PRON _005456899 479 2 's be AUX _005456899 479 3 ried rie VERB _005456899 479 4 men man NOUN _005456899 479 5 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 479 6 it it PRON _005456899 479 7 de de X _005456899 479 8 he he PRON _005456899 479 9 would would AUX _005456899 479 10 und und VERB _005456899 479 11 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 479 12 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 479 13 with with ADP _005456899 479 14 a a DET _005456899 479 15 rr rr NOUN _005456899 479 16 . . PROPN _005456899 479 17 postponed postpone VERB _005456899 479 18 the the DET _005456899 479 19 aesitant aesitant ADJ _005456899 479 20 step step NOUN _005456899 479 21 t t NOUN _005456899 479 22 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 480 1 d d X _005456899 480 2 the the DET _005456899 480 3 real real ADJ _005456899 480 4 reason reason NOUN _005456899 480 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 480 6 or or CCONJ _005456899 480 7 merely merely ADV _005456899 480 8 a a DET _005456899 480 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 480 10 goon goon NOUN _005456899 480 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 480 12 reason reason NOUN _005456899 480 13 21 21 NUM _005456899 480 14 date date NOUN _005456899 480 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 480 16 she she PRON _005456899 480 17 said say VERB _005456899 480 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 480 19 she she PRON _005456899 480 20 was be AUX _005456899 480 21 staying stay VERB _005456899 480 22 in in ADP _005456899 480 23 another another DET _005456899 480 24 city city NOUN _005456899 480 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 480 26 could could AUX _005456899 480 27 n't not PART _005456899 480 28 go go VERB _005456899 480 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 481 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 481 2 he he PRON _005456899 481 3 saw see VERB _005456899 481 4 her she PRON _005456899 481 5 that that DET _005456899 481 6 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 481 7 in in ADP _005456899 481 8 church church NOUN _005456899 481 9 he he PRON _005456899 481 10 felt feel VERB _005456899 481 11 she she PRON _005456899 481 12 had have AUX _005456899 481 13 evidently evidently ADV _005456899 481 14 not not PART _005456899 481 15 liked like VERB _005456899 481 16 him he PRON _005456899 481 17 at at ADV _005456899 481 18 all all ADV _005456899 481 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 481 20 put put VERB _005456899 481 21 him he PRON _005456899 481 22 off off ADP _005456899 481 23 with with ADP _005456899 481 24 · · PUNCT _005456899 481 25 a a DET _005456899 481 26 lie lie NOUN _005456899 481 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 482 1 during during ADP _005456899 482 2 the the DET _005456899 482 3 next next ADJ _005456899 482 4 few few ADJ _005456899 482 5 years year NOUN _005456899 482 6 their their PRON _005456899 482 7 paths path NOUN _005456899 482 8 crossed cross VERB _005456899 482 9 several several ADJ _005456899 482 10 times time NOUN _005456899 482 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 482 12 they they PRON _005456899 482 13 never never ADV _005456899 482 14 spoke speak VERB _005456899 482 15 again again ADV _005456899 482 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 483 1 years year NOUN _005456899 483 2 after after ADP _005456899 483 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 483 4 too too ADV _005456899 483 5 late late ADV _005456899 483 6 these these DET _005456899 483 7 facts fact NOUN _005456899 483 8 transpired transpire VERB _005456899 483 9 : : PUNCT _005456899 483 10 she she PRON _005456899 483 11 had have AUX _005456899 483 12 said say VERB _005456899 483 13 no no INTJ _005456899 483 14 to to ADP _005456899 483 15 him he PRON _005456899 483 16 because because SCONJ _005456899 483 17 she she PRON _005456899 483 18 was be AUX _005456899 483 19 younger young ADJ _005456899 483 20 than than SCONJ _005456899 483 21 she she PRON _005456899 483 22 looked look VERB _005456899 483 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 483 24 her her PRON _005456899 483 25 mother mother NOUN _005456899 483 26 had have AUX _005456899 483 27 absolutely absolutely ADV _005456899 483 28 forbidden forbid VERB _005456899 483 29 her she PRON _005456899 483 30 to to PART _005456899 483 31 have have VERB _005456899 483 32 dates date NOUN _005456899 483 33 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 483 34 she she PRON _005456899 483 35 had have AUX _005456899 483 36 actually actually ADV _005456899 483 37 been be AUX _005456899 483 38 staying stay VERB _005456899 483 39 a a DET _005456899 483 40 few few ADJ _005456899 483 41 weeks week NOUN _005456899 483 42 with with ADP _005456899 483 43 her her PRON _005456899 483 44 aunt aunt NOUN _005456899 483 45 in in ADP _005456899 483 46 another another DET _005456899 483 47 city city NOUN _005456899 483 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 483 49 gave give VERB _005456899 483 50 that that PRON _005456899 483 51 as as ADP _005456899 483 52 the the DET _005456899 483 53 good good NOUN _005456899 483 54 but but CCONJ _005456899 483 55 not not PART _005456899 483 56 the the DET _005456899 483 57 real real ADJ _005456899 483 58 reason reason NOUN _005456899 483 59 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 483 60 she she PRON _005456899 483 61 had have VERB _005456899 483 62 then then ADV _005456899 483 63 and and CCONJ _005456899 483 64 for for ADP _005456899 483 65 several several ADJ _005456899 483 66 years year NOUN _005456899 483 67 after after SCONJ _005456899 483 68 been be AUX _005456899 483 69 as as ADV _005456899 483 70 much much ADJ _005456899 483 71 attracted attract VERB _005456899 483 72 to to ADP _005456899 483 73 him he PRON _005456899 483 74 as as ADP _005456899 483 75 he he PRON _005456899 483 76 to to ADP _005456899 483 77 her she PRON _005456899 483 78 , , PUNCT _005456899 483 79 but but CCONJ _005456899 483 80 she she PRON _005456899 483 81 was be AUX _005456899 483 82 too too ADV _005456899 483 83 bashful bashful ADJ _005456899 483 84 and and CCONJ _005456899 483 85 he he PRON _005456899 483 86 too too ADV _005456899 483 87 deceived deceive VERB _005456899 483 88 to to PART _005456899 483 89 brush brush VERB _005456899 483 90 away away ADV _005456899 483 91 the the DET _005456899 483 92 phony phony ADJ _005456899 483 93 reason reason NOUN _005456899 483 94 for for ADP _005456899 483 95 the the DET _005456899 483 96 first first ADJ _005456899 483 97 refusal refusal NOUN _005456899 483 98 . . PUNCT _005456899 484 1 one one PRON _005456899 484 2 can can AUX _005456899 484 3 easily easily ADV _005456899 484 4 imagine imagine VERB _005456899 484 5 the the DET _005456899 484 6 happy happy ADJ _005456899 484 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 484 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 484 9 sensibly sensibly ADV _005456899 484 10 delayed delay VERB _005456899 484 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 484 12 romance romance NOUN _005456899 484 13 that that PRON _005456899 484 14 would would AUX _005456899 484 15 have have AUX _005456899 484 16 developed develop VERB _005456899 484 17 had have AUX _005456899 484 18 she she PRON _005456899 484 19 said say VERB _005456899 484 20 : : PUNCT _005456899 484 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 484 22 my my PRON _005456899 484 23 mother mother NOUN _005456899 484 24 says say VERB _005456899 484 25 i i PRON _005456899 484 26 am be AUX _005456899 484 27 too too ADV _005456899 484 28 young young ADJ _005456899 484 29 to to PART _005456899 484 30 go go VERB _005456899 484 31 out out ADP _005456899 484 32 on on ADP _005456899 484 33 dates date NOUN _005456899 484 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 485 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 485 2 thank thank VERB _005456899 485 3 you you PRON _005456899 485 4 for for ADP _005456899 485 5 asking ask VERB _005456899 485 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 485 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 486 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 486 2 a a DET _005456899 486 3 married married ADJ _005456899 486 4 man man NOUN _005456899 486 5 asks ask VERB _005456899 486 6 for for ADP _005456899 486 7 a a DET _005456899 486 8 date date NOUN _005456899 486 9 the the DET _005456899 486 10 hedging hedging NOUN _005456899 486 11 girls girl NOUN _005456899 486 12 will will AUX _005456899 486 13 do do VERB _005456899 486 14 when when SCONJ _005456899 486 15 a a DET _005456899 486 16 married married ADJ _005456899 486 17 man man NOUN _005456899 486 18 asks ask VERB _005456899 486 19 for for ADP _005456899 486 20 a a DET _005456899 486 21 date date NOUN _005456899 486 22 is be AUX _005456899 486 23 pathetic pathetic ADJ _005456899 486 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 487 1 every every DET _005456899 487 2 one one NUM _005456899 487 3 of of ADP _005456899 487 4 the the DET _005456899 487 5 good good ADJ _005456899 487 6 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 487 7 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 487 8 a a DET _005456899 487 9 smarter smart ADJ _005456899 487 10 counter counter NOUN _005456899 487 11 - - NOUN _005456899 487 12 reason reason NOUN _005456899 487 13 to to ADP _005456899 487 14 him he PRON _005456899 487 15 until until SCONJ _005456899 487 16 she she PRON _005456899 487 17 is be AUX _005456899 487 18 virtually virtually ADV _005456899 487 19 committed committed ADJ _005456899 487 20 to to PART _005456899 487 21 say say VERB _005456899 487 22 yes yes INTJ _005456899 487 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 487 24 look look VERB _005456899 487 25 naive naive ADJ _005456899 487 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 487 27 dishonest dishonest ADJ _005456899 487 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 488 1 he he PRON _005456899 488 2 asks ask VERB _005456899 488 3 to to PART _005456899 488 4 take take VERB _005456899 488 5 her she PRON _005456899 488 6 to to ADP _005456899 488 7 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 488 8 thursday thursday PROPN _005456899 488 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 489 1 she she PRON _005456899 489 2 answers answer VERB _005456899 489 3 she she PRON _005456899 489 4 regretfully regretfully ADV _005456899 489 5 has have VERB _005456899 489 6 an an DET _005456899 489 7 engagement engagement NOUN _005456899 489 8 for for ADP _005456899 489 9 thursday thursday PROPN _005456899 489 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 490 1 this this PRON _005456899 490 2 may may AUX _005456899 490 3 be be AUX _005456899 490 4 a a DET _005456899 490 5 fact fact NOUN _005456899 490 6 but but CCONJ _005456899 490 7 it it PRON _005456899 490 8 is be AUX _005456899 490 9 not not PART _005456899 490 10 the the DET _005456899 490 11 real real ADJ _005456899 490 12 reason reason NOUN _005456899 490 13 for for ADP _005456899 490 14 her she PRON _005456899 490 15 no no NOUN _005456899 490 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 491 1 he he PRON _005456899 491 2 is be AUX _005456899 491 3 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 491 4 invited invite VERB _005456899 491 5 to to PART _005456899 491 6 say say VERB _005456899 491 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 491 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 491 9 too too ADV _005456899 491 10 bad bad ADJ _005456899 491 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 492 1 what what PRON _005456899 492 2 about about ADP _005456899 492 3 friday friday PROPN _005456899 492 4 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 492 5 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 493 1 finally finally ADV _005456899 493 2 ~>he ~>he PUNCT _005456899 493 3 either either CCONJ _005456899 493 4 has have VERB _005456899 493 5 to to PART _005456899 493 6 say say VERB _005456899 493 7 yes yes INTJ _005456899 493 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 493 9 shift shift VERB _005456899 493 10 her her PRON _005456899 493 11 ground ground NOUN _005456899 493 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 494 1 she she PRON _005456899 494 2 again again ADV _005456899 494 3 sidesteps sidestep VERB _005456899 494 4 the the DET _005456899 494 5 real real ADJ _005456899 494 6 reason reason NOUN _005456899 494 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 494 8 says say VERB _005456899 494 9 she she PRON _005456899 494 10 prefers prefer VERB _005456899 494 11 to to ADP _005456899 494 12 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 494 13 alone alone ADV _005456899 494 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 494 15 with with ADP _005456899 494 16 her her PRON _005456899 494 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 494 18 friends friend NOUN _005456899 494 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 495 1 he he PRON _005456899 495 2 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 495 3 counters counter VERB _005456899 495 4 with with ADP _005456899 495 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 495 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 495 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 495 8 i i PRON _005456899 495 9 saw see VERB _005456899 495 10 you you PRON _005456899 495 11 have have VERB _005456899 495 12 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 495 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 496 1 with with ADP _005456899 496 2 sam sam PROPN _005456899 496 3 harris harris PROPN _005456899 496 4 last last ADJ _005456899 496 5 week week NOUN _005456899 496 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 496 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 496 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 496 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 496 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 496 11 surely surely ADV _005456899 496 12 you you PRON _005456899 496 13 can can AUX _005456899 496 14 do do AUX _005456899 496 15 without without ADP _005456899 496 16 your your PRON _005456899 496 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 496 18 friends friend NOUN _005456899 496 19 for for ADP _005456899 496 20 one one NUM _005456899 496 21 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 496 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 496 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 497 1 so so ADV _005456899 497 2 she she PRON _005456899 497 3 is be AUX _005456899 497 4 cornered corner VERB _005456899 497 5 again again ADV _005456899 497 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 497 7 tries try VERB _005456899 497 8 to to PART _005456899 497 9 escape escape VERB _005456899 497 10 with with ADP _005456899 497 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 497 12 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 497 13 well well INTJ _005456899 497 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 497 15 the the DET _005456899 497 16 fact fact NOUN _005456899 497 17 is be AUX _005456899 497 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 497 19 i i PRON _005456899 497 20 do do AUX _005456899 497 21 n't not PART _005456899 497 22 like like VERB _005456899 497 23 you you PRON _005456899 497 24 that that DET _005456899 497 25 way way NOUN _005456899 497 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 497 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 498 1 he he PRON _005456899 498 2 correctly correctly ADV _005456899 498 3 answers answer VERB _005456899 498 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 498 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 498 6 but but CCONJ _005456899 498 7 you you PRON _005456899 498 8 do do AUX _005456899 498 9 n't not PART _005456899 498 10 have have VERB _005456899 498 11 to to PART _005456899 498 12 like like VERB _005456899 498 13 me i PRON _005456899 498 14 that that DET _005456899 498 15 way way NOUN _005456899 498 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 499 1 it it PRON _005456899 499 2 's be AUX _005456899 499 3 just just ADV _005456899 499 4 a a DET _005456899 499 5 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 499 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 500 1 i i PRON _005456899 500 2 am be AUX _005456899 500 3 not not PART _005456899 500 4 asking ask VERB _005456899 500 5 you you PRON _005456899 500 6 to to PART _005456899 500 7 love love VERB _005456899 500 8 me i PRON _005456899 500 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 500 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 501 1 her her PRON _005456899 501 2 phony phony ADJ _005456899 501 3 exuses exuse NOUN _005456899 501 4 comer comer VERB _005456899 501 5 her she PRON _005456899 501 6 by by ADP _005456899 501 7 this this DET _005456899 501 8 time time NOUN _005456899 501 9 she she PRON _005456899 501 10 is be AUX _005456899 501 11 dangerously dangerously ADV _005456899 501 12 cornered cornered ADJ _005456899 501 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 502 1 her her PRON _005456899 502 2 predicament predicament NOUN _005456899 502 3 will will AUX _005456899 502 4 now now ADV _005456899 502 5 stimulate stimulate VERB _005456899 502 6 a a DET _005456899 502 7 dozen dozen NOUN _005456899 502 8 good good ADJ _005456899 502 9 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 502 10 for for ADP _005456899 502 11 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 502 12 saying say VERB _005456899 502 13 yes yes INTJ _005456899 502 14 after after ADV _005456899 502 15 all all ADV _005456899 502 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 503 1 it it PRON _005456899 503 2 's be AUX _005456899 503 3 only only ADV _005456899 503 4 a a DET _005456899 503 5 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 503 6 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 503 7 many many ADJ _005456899 503 8 girls girl NOUN _005456899 503 9 go go VERB _005456899 503 10 out out ADP _005456899 503 11 to to ADP _005456899 503 12 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 503 13 with with ADP _005456899 503 14 married married ADJ _005456899 503 15 men man NOUN _005456899 503 16 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 503 17 it it PRON _005456899 503 18 does do AUX _005456899 503 19 n't not PART _005456899 503 20 mean mean VERB _005456899 503 21 anything anything PRON _005456899 503 22 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 503 23 she she PRON _005456899 503 24 really really ADV _005456899 503 25 needs need VERB _005456899 503 26 the the DET _005456899 503 27 good good ADJ _005456899 503 28 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 503 29 he he PRON _005456899 503 30 would would AUX _005456899 503 31 undoubtedly undoubtedly ADV _005456899 503 32 buy buy VERB _005456899 503 33 her she PRON _005456899 503 34 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 503 35 there there PRON _005456899 503 36 is be VERB _005456899 503 37 really really ADV _005456899 503 38 no no DET _005456899 503 39 sin sin NOUN _005456899 503 40 in in ADP _005456899 503 41 just just ADV _005456899 503 42 having have VERB _005456899 503 43 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 503 44 with with ADP _005456899 503 45 a a DET _005456899 503 46 married married ADJ _005456899 503 47 man man NOUN _005456899 503 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 503 49 etc etc X _005456899 503 50 . . X _005456899 503 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 503 52 etc etc X _005456899 503 53 . . X _005456899 504 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 504 2 she she PRON _005456899 504 3 says say VERB _005456899 504 4 yes yes INTJ _005456899 504 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 504 6 she she PRON _005456899 504 7 has have AUX _005456899 504 8 merely merely ADV _005456899 504 9 postponed postpone VERB _005456899 504 10 the the DET _005456899 504 11 day day NOUN _005456899 504 12 for for ADP _005456899 504 13 the the DET _005456899 504 14 real real ADJ _005456899 504 15 reason reason NOUN _005456899 504 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 504 17 has have AUX _005456899 504 18 taken take VERB _005456899 504 19 her her PRON _005456899 504 20 first first ADJ _005456899 504 21 liesitant liesitant ADJ _005456899 504 22 step step NOUN _005456899 504 23 towards towards ADP _005456899 504 24 scandal scandal NOUN _005456899 504 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 504 26 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 504 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 505 1 22 22 NUM _005456899 505 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 505 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 505 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 505 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 505 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 505 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 505 8 one one NUM _005456899 505 9 sentence sentence NOUN _005456899 505 10 containing contain VERB _005456899 505 11 the the DET _005456899 505 12 real real ADJ _005456899 505 13 reason reason NOUN _005456899 505 14 would would AUX _005456899 505 15 have have AUX _005456899 505 16 saved save VERB _005456899 505 17 her she PRON _005456899 505 18 all all DET _005456899 505 19 this this DET _005456899 505 20 fencing fencing NOUN _005456899 505 21 on on ADP _005456899 505 22 the the DET _005456899 505 23 losing lose VERB _005456899 505 24 side side NOUN _005456899 505 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 505 26 would would AUX _005456899 505 27 have have AUX _005456899 505 28 won win VERB _005456899 505 29 her her PRON _005456899 505 30 instant instant ADJ _005456899 505 31 respect respect NOUN _005456899 505 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 505 33 too too ADV _005456899 505 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 506 1 she she PRON _005456899 506 2 simply simply ADV _005456899 506 3 ought ought AUX _005456899 506 4 to to PART _005456899 506 5 have have AUX _005456899 506 6 said say VERB _005456899 506 7 immediately immediately ADV _005456899 506 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 506 9 gently gently ADV _005456899 506 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 506 11 firmly firmly ADV _005456899 506 12 : : PUNCT _005456899 506 13 · · PUNCT _005456899 506 14 ~u ~u PUNCT _005456899 506 15 you you PRON _005456899 506 16 were be AUX _005456899 506 17 n't not PART _005456899 506 18 married married ADJ _005456899 506 19 r r NOUN _005456899 506 20 d d NOUN _005456899 506 21 be be AUX _005456899 506 22 glad glad ADJ _005456899 506 23 to to PART _005456899 506 24 go go VERB _005456899 506 25 to to ADP _005456899 506 26 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 506 27 with with ADP _005456899 506 28 you you PRON _005456899 506 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 507 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 507 2 no no ADV _005456899 507 3 matter matter ADV _005456899 507 4 how how SCONJ _005456899 507 5 well well ADV _005456899 507 6 you you PRON _005456899 507 7 may may AUX _005456899 507 8 mean mean VERB _005456899 507 9 it it PRON _005456899 507 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 507 11 i i PRON _005456899 507 12 do do AUX _005456899 507 13 not not PART _005456899 507 14 go go VERB _005456899 507 15 out out ADP _005456899 507 16 with with ADP _005456899 507 17 married married ADJ _005456899 507 18 men man NOUN _005456899 507 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 507 20 not not PART _005456899 507 21 even even ADV _005456899 507 22 to to ADP _005456899 507 23 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 507 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 507 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 508 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 508 2 he he PRON _005456899 508 3 is be AUX _005456899 508 4 a a DET _005456899 508 5 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 508 6 bad bad ADJ _005456899 508 7 sort sort NOUN _005456899 508 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 508 9 some some PRON _005456899 508 10 more more ADJ _005456899 508 11 side side NOUN _005456899 508 12 - - PUNCT _005456899 508 13 stepping step VERB _005456899 508 14 reasoning reasoning NOUN _005456899 508 15 is be AUX _005456899 508 16 possible possible ADJ _005456899 508 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 509 1 he he PRON _005456899 509 2 may may AUX _005456899 509 3 now now ADV _005456899 509 4 say say VERB _005456899 509 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 509 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 509 7 why why SCONJ _005456899 509 8 not not PART _005456899 509 9 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 510 1 what what PRON _005456899 510 2 's be AUX _005456899 510 3 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 510 4 with with ADP _005456899 510 5 going go VERB _005456899 510 6 to to ADP _005456899 510 7 lunch lunch NOUN _005456899 510 8 with with ADP _005456899 510 9 a a DET _005456899 510 10 married married ADJ _005456899 510 11 man man NOUN _005456899 510 12 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 510 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 511 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 511 2 she she PRON _005456899 511 3 now now ADV _005456899 511 4 grasps grasp VERB _005456899 511 5 for for ADP _005456899 511 6 a a DET _005456899 511 7 good good NOUN _005456899 511 8 instead instead ADV _005456899 511 9 of of ADP _005456899 511 10 the the DET _005456899 511 11 real real ADJ _005456899 511 12 reason reason NOUN _005456899 511 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 14 she she PRON _005456899 511 15 will will AUX _005456899 511 16 say say VERB _005456899 511 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 511 19 oh oh INTJ _005456899 511 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 21 your your PRON _005456899 511 22 wife wife NOUN _005456899 511 23 would would AUX _005456899 511 24 n't not PART _005456899 511 25 like like VERB _005456899 511 26 it it PRON _005456899 511 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 511 29 which which PRON _005456899 511 30 corners corner VERB _005456899 511 31 her she PRON _005456899 511 32 again again ADV _005456899 511 33 when when SCONJ _005456899 511 34 he he PRON _005456899 511 35 says say VERB _005456899 511 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 511 38 oh oh INTJ _005456899 511 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 40 she she PRON _005456899 511 41 does do AUX _005456899 511 42 n't not PART _005456899 511 43 mind mind VERB _005456899 511 44 at at ADV _005456899 511 45 all all ADV _005456899 511 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 47 " " PUNCT _005456899 511 48 or or CCONJ _005456899 511 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 511 50 " " PUNCT _005456899 511 51 she she PRON _005456899 511 52 and and CCONJ _005456899 511 53 i i PRON _005456899 511 54 have have AUX _005456899 511 55 been be AUX _005456899 511 56 separated separate VERB _005456899 511 57 for for ADP _005456899 511 58 months month NOUN _005456899 511 59 . . PUNCT _005456899 511 60 " " PUNCT _005456899 512 1 in in ADP _005456899 512 2 this this PRON _005456899 512 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 512 4 as as ADP _005456899 512 5 in in ADP _005456899 512 6 all all DET _005456899 512 7 cases case NOUN _005456899 512 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 512 9 there there PRON _005456899 512 10 is be VERB _005456899 512 11 only only ADV _005456899 512 12 one one NUM _005456899 512 13 reason reason NOUN _005456899 512 14 one one PRON _005456899 512 15 can can AUX _005456899 512 16 stand stand VERB _005456899 512 17 on on ADP _005456899 512 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 512 19 stand stand VERB _005456899 512 20 by by ADP _005456899 512 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 512 22 that that PRON _005456899 512 23 is be AUX _005456899 512 24 the the DET _005456899 512 25 real real ADJ _005456899 512 26 reason reason NOUN _005456899 512 27 : : PUNCT _005456899 512 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 512 29 you you PRON _005456899 512 30 are be AUX _005456899 512 31 a a DET _005456899 512 32 married married ADJ _005456899 512 33 man man NOUN _005456899 512 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 512 35 even even ADV _005456899 512 36 a a DET _005456899 512 37 luncheon luncheon NOUN _005456899 512 38 date date NOUN _005456899 512 39 starts start VERB _005456899 512 40 something something PRON _005456899 512 41 that that PRON _005456899 512 42 ca can AUX _005456899 512 43 n't not PART _005456899 512 44 honorably honorably ADV _005456899 512 45 be be AUX _005456899 512 46 finished finish VERB _005456899 512 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 513 1 we we PRON _005456899 513 2 wo will AUX _005456899 513 3 n't not PART _005456899 513 4 start start VERB _005456899 513 5 it it PRON _005456899 513 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 513 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 514 1 phony phony ADJ _005456899 514 2 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 514 3 may may AUX _005456899 514 4 get get VERB _005456899 514 5 a a DET _005456899 514 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 514 7 into into ADP _005456899 514 8 sin sin NOUN _005456899 514 9 a a DET _005456899 514 10 girl girl NOUN _005456899 514 11 is be AUX _005456899 514 12 asked ask VERB _005456899 514 13 for for ADP _005456899 514 14 a a DET _005456899 514 15 date date NOUN _005456899 514 16 by by ADP _005456899 514 17 a a DET _005456899 514 18 man man NOUN _005456899 514 19 whose whose DET _005456899 514 20 character character NOUN _005456899 514 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 514 22 intentions intention NOUN _005456899 514 23 she she PRON _005456899 514 24 doubts doubt VERB _005456899 514 25 but but CCONJ _005456899 514 26 whom whom PRON _005456899 514 27 she she PRON _005456899 514 28 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 514 29 likes like VERB _005456899 514 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 515 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 515 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 515 3 giving give VERB _005456899 515 4 the the DET _005456899 515 5 real real ADJ _005456899 515 6 reason reason NOUN _005456899 515 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 515 8 she she PRON _005456899 515 9 says say VERB _005456899 515 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 515 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 515 12 thanks thank NOUN _005456899 515 13 for for ADP _005456899 515 14 asking ask VERB _005456899 515 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 516 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 516 2 because because SCONJ _005456899 516 3 i i PRON _005456899 516 4 do do AUX _005456899 516 5 n't not PART _005456899 516 6 know know VERB _005456899 516 7 you you PRON _005456899 516 8 well well ADV _005456899 516 9 enough enough ADV _005456899 516 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 516 11 what what PRON _005456899 516 12 you you PRON _005456899 516 13 are be AUX _005456899 516 14 like like ADP _005456899 516 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 516 16 i i PRON _005456899 516 17 ca can AUX _005456899 516 18 n't not PART _005456899 516 19 say say VERB _005456899 516 20 yes yes INTJ _005456899 516 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 516 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 516 23 she she PRON _005456899 516 24 gives give VERB _005456899 516 25 him he PRON _005456899 516 26 a a DET _005456899 516 27 chance chance NOUN _005456899 516 28 to to PART _005456899 516 29 try try VERB _005456899 516 30 to to PART _005456899 516 31 prove prove VERB _005456899 516 32 himself himself PRON _005456899 516 33 decent decent ADJ _005456899 516 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 516 35 worthy worthy ADJ _005456899 516 36 of of ADP _005456899 516 37 an an DET _005456899 516 38 ev ev NOUN _005456899 516 39 ~ ~ SYM _005456899 516 40 ntual ntual ADJ _005456899 516 41 glad glad ADJ _005456899 516 42 yes yes INTJ _005456899 516 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 517 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 517 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 517 3 she she PRON _005456899 517 4 sidesteps sidestep VERB _005456899 517 5 the the DET _005456899 517 6 real real ADJ _005456899 517 7 reason reason NOUN _005456899 517 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 517 9 says say VERB _005456899 517 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 517 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 517 12 we we PRON _005456899 517 13 have have AUX _005456899 517 14 n't not PART _005456899 517 15 been be AUX _005456899 517 16 properly properly ADV _005456899 517 17 introduced introduce VERB _005456899 517 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 517 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 517 20 he he PRON _005456899 517 21 can can AUX _005456899 517 22 produce produce VERB _005456899 517 23 a a DET _005456899 517 24 casual casual ADJ _005456899 517 25 introduction introduction NOUN _005456899 517 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 517 27 so so ADV _005456899 517 28 virtually virtually ADV _005456899 517 29 commit commit VERB _005456899 517 30 her she PRON _005456899 517 31 to to PART _005456899 517 32 go go VERB _005456899 517 33 out out ADP _005456899 517 34 with with ADP _005456899 517 35 him he PRON _005456899 517 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 518 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 518 2 she she PRON _005456899 518 3 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 518 4 jays jay NOUN _005456899 518 5 she she PRON _005456899 518 6 is be AUX _005456899 518 7 busy busy ADJ _005456899 518 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 518 9 he he PRON _005456899 518 10 will will AUX _005456899 518 11 either either ADV _005456899 518 12 leave leave VERB _005456899 518 13 her she PRON _005456899 518 14 as as ADV _005456899 518 15 hopeless hopeless ADJ _005456899 518 16 or or CCONJ _005456899 518 17 persist persist VERB _005456899 518 18 in in ADP _005456899 518 19 naming name VERB _005456899 518 20 alternate alternate ADJ _005456899 518 21 dates date NOUN _005456899 518 22 until until SCONJ _005456899 518 23 both both PRON _005456899 518 24 feel feel VERB _005456899 518 25 resentful resentful ADJ _005456899 518 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 518 27 humiliated humiliate VERB _005456899 518 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 519 1 a a DET _005456899 519 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 519 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 519 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 519 5 learning learn VERB _005456899 519 6 after after ADP _005456899 519 7 some some DET _005456899 519 8 dates date NOUN _005456899 519 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 519 10 an an DET _005456899 519 11 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 519 12 fine fine ADJ _005456899 519 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 519 14 attractive attractive ADJ _005456899 519 15 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 519 16 was be AUX _005456899 519 17 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 519 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 519 19 wanted want VERB _005456899 519 20 to to PART _005456899 519 21 break break VERB _005456899 519 22 off off ADP _005456899 519 23 with with ADP _005456899 519 24 him he PRON _005456899 519 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 520 1 this this PRON _005456899 520 2 proved prove VERB _005456899 520 3 to to PART _005456899 520 4 be be AUX _005456899 520 5 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 520 6 to to PART _005456899 520 7 do do VERB _005456899 520 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 521 1 the the DET _005456899 521 2 chief chief ADJ _005456899 521 3 cause cause NOUN _005456899 521 4 was be AUX _005456899 521 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 521 6 she she PRON _005456899 521 7 kept keep VERB _005456899 521 8 giving give VERB _005456899 521 9 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 521 10 which which PRON _005456899 521 11 after after ADP _005456899 521 12 some some DET _005456899 521 13 reflection reflection NOUN _005456899 521 14 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 521 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 521 16 · · PUNCT _005456899 521 17 another another DET _005456899 521 18 date date NOUN _005456899 521 19 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 521 20 the the DET _005456899 521 21 man man NOUN _005456899 521 22 could could AUX _005456899 521 23 logically logically ADV _005456899 521 24 brush brush VERB _005456899 521 25 aside aside ADV _005456899 521 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 522 1 she she PRON _005456899 522 2 said say VERB _005456899 522 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 522 4 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 522 5 i i PRON _005456899 522 6 'm be AUX _005456899 522 7 not not PART _005456899 522 8 really really ADV _005456899 522 9 in in ADP _005456899 522 10 love love NOUN _005456899 522 11 with with ADP _005456899 522 12 you you PRON _005456899 522 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 522 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 523 1 he he PRON _005456899 523 2 answered answer VERB _005456899 523 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 523 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 523 5 mter mter ADV _005456899 523 6 enough enough ADJ _005456899 523 7 dates date NOUN _005456899 523 8 you you PRON _005456899 523 9 may may AUX _005456899 523 10 come come VERB _005456899 523 11 to to PART _005456899 523 12 love love VERB _005456899 523 13 me i PRON _005456899 523 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 523 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 524 1 she she PRON _005456899 524 2 said say VERB _005456899 524 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 524 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 524 5 we we PRON _005456899 524 6 belong belong VERB _005456899 524 7 to to ADP _005456899 524 8 different different ADJ _005456899 524 9 religions religion NOUN _005456899 524 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 524 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 525 1 he he PRON _005456899 525 2 answered answer VERB _005456899 525 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 525 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 525 5 even even ADV _005456899 525 6 your your PRON _005456899 525 7 church church NOUN _005456899 525 8 recognizes recognize VERB _005456899 525 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 525 10 some some DET _005456899 525 11 mixed mixed ADJ _005456899 525 12 marriages marriage NOUN _005456899 525 13 turn turn VERB _005456899 525 14 out out ADP _005456899 525 15 well well ADV _005456899 525 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 525 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 526 1 she she PRON _005456899 526 2 said say VERB _005456899 526 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 526 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 526 5 i i PRON _005456899 526 6 do do AUX _005456899 526 7 n't not PART _005456899 526 8 know know VERB _005456899 526 9 anything anything PRON _005456899 526 10 about about ADP _005456899 526 11 your your PRON _005456899 526 12 family family NOUN _005456899 526 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 526 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 527 1 he he PRON _005456899 527 2 answered answer VERB _005456899 527 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 527 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 527 5 i i PRON _005456899 527 6 am be AUX _005456899 527 7 making make VERB _005456899 527 8 arrangements arrangement NOUN _005456899 527 9 to to PART _005456899 527 10 have have VERB _005456899 527 11 you you PRON _005456899 527 12 meet meet VERB _005456899 527 13 them they PRON _005456899 527 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 527 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 528 1 more more ADJ _005456899 528 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 528 3 more more ADV _005456899 528 4 cornered cornered ADJ _005456899 528 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 528 6 she she PRON _005456899 528 7 said say VERB _005456899 528 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 528 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 528 10 i i PRON _005456899 528 11 could could AUX _005456899 528 12 never never ADV _005456899 528 13 be be AUX _005456899 528 14 happy happy ADJ _005456899 528 15 married marry VERB _005456899 528 16 to to ADP _005456899 528 17 a a DET _005456899 528 18 man man NOUN _005456899 528 19 who who PRON _005456899 528 20 had have AUX _005456899 528 21 been be AUX _005456899 528 22 married marry VERB _005456899 528 23 before before ADV _005456899 528 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 528 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 529 1 he he PRON _005456899 529 2 an an PRON _005456899 529 3 · · PUNCT _005456899 529 4 t t NOUN _005456899 529 5 l l NOUN _005456899 529 6 swered swere VERB _005456899 529 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 529 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 529 9 s• s• NUM _005456899 529 10 second second ADJ _005456899 529 11 mru mru NOUN _005456899 529 12 at at ADP _005456899 529 13 long long ADV _005456899 529 14 she she PRON _005456899 529 15 product product NOUN _005456899 529 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 529 17 for for ADP _005456899 529 18 solute solute NOUN _005456899 529 19 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 529 20 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 530 1 with with ADP _005456899 530 2 a a PRON _005456899 530 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 530 4 i i PRON _005456899 530 5 each each PRON _005456899 530 6 oi oi VERB _005456899 530 7 the the DET _005456899 530 8 reo reo NOUN _005456899 530 9 if if SCONJ _005456899 530 10 a a DET _005456899 530 11 girl girl NOUN _005456899 530 12 whatever whatever PRON _005456899 530 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 530 14 e e NOUN _005456899 530 15 olivia olivia PROPN _005456899 530 16 in in ADP _005456899 530 17 sl sl PROPN _005456899 530 18 page page NOUN _005456899 530 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 530 20 does do AUX _005456899 530 21 : : PUNCT _005456899 530 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 530 23 your your PRON _005456899 530 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 530 25 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 530 26 j j PRON _005456899 530 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 530 28 a a DET _005456899 530 29 gr gr NOUN _005456899 530 30 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 530 31 she she PRON _005456899 530 32 should should AUX _005456899 530 33 s s AUX _005456899 530 34 tered tere VERB _005456899 530 35 that that SCONJ _005456899 530 36 yc yc PRON _005456899 530 37 at at ADV _005456899 530 38 all all ADV _005456899 530 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 530 40 th th PRON _005456899 530 41 you you PRON _005456899 530 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 530 43 for for ADP _005456899 530 44 i i PRON _005456899 530 45 wi wi PROPN _005456899 530 46 just just ADV _005456899 530 47 like like ADP _005456899 530 48 that that PRON _005456899 530 49 understand understand VERB _005456899 530 50 a a DET _005456899 530 51 ing ing NOUN _005456899 530 52 friendly friendly ADJ _005456899 530 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 531 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 531 2 it it PRON _005456899 531 3 giving give VERB _005456899 531 4 th th DET _005456899 531 5 danger danger NOUN _005456899 531 6 or or CCONJ _005456899 531 7 sin sin NOUN _005456899 531 8 drink drink VERB _005456899 531 9 more more ADJ _005456899 531 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 531 11 s s VERB _005456899 531 12 spent spend VERB _005456899 531 13 enough enough ADV _005456899 531 14 can can AUX _005456899 531 15 all all PRON _005456899 531 16 be be AUX _005456899 531 17 ar ar ADP _005456899 531 18 the the DET _005456899 531 19 drink drink NOUN _005456899 531 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 532 1 i i PRON _005456899 532 2 should should AUX _005456899 532 3 say say VERB _005456899 532 4 f1 f1 PROPN _005456899 532 5 thanks thank NOUN _005456899 532 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 532 7 i i PRON _005456899 532 8 mal mal VERB _005456899 532 9 moderately moderately ADV _005456899 532 10 b b PROPN _005456899 532 11 thanks thank NOUN _005456899 532 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 532 13 i i PRON _005456899 532 14 hav hav VERB _005456899 532 15 she she PRON _005456899 532 16 can can AUX _005456899 532 17 defen defen VERB _005456899 532 18 can can AUX _005456899 532 19 simply simply ADV _005456899 532 20 st st PROPN _005456899 532 21 phony phony ADJ _005456899 532 22 reason reason NOUN _005456899 532 23 aved ave VERB _005456899 532 24 her her PRON _005456899 532 25 er er INTJ _005456899 532 26 instant instant NOUN _005456899 532 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 533 1 gentwith gentwith ADP _005456899 533 2 ~not ~not ADV _005456899 533 3 ping ping VERB _005456899 533 4 rea·ong rea·ong PROPN _005456899 533 5 with with ADP _005456899 533 6 r r NOUN _005456899 533 7 a a DET _005456899 533 8 good good NOUN _005456899 533 9 would would AUX _005456899 533 10 n't not PART _005456899 533 11 e e VERB _005456899 533 12 does do AUX _005456899 533 13 n't not PART _005456899 533 14 nths nth VERB _005456899 533 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 533 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 534 1 in in ADP _005456899 534 2 l l PROPN _005456899 534 3 on on ADV _005456899 534 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 534 5 man man NOUN _005456899 534 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 534 7 rably rably ADV _005456899 534 8 he he PRON _005456899 534 9 the the DET _005456899 534 10 real real ADJ _005456899 534 11 reason reason NOUN _005456899 534 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 534 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 534 14 merely merely ADV _005456899 534 15 a a DET _005456899 534 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 534 17 coon coon NOUN _005456899 534 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 534 19 reason reason NOUN _005456899 534 20 23 23 NUM _005456899 534 21 swered swere VERB _005456899 534 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 534 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 534 24 some some PRON _005456899 534 25 of of ADP _005456899 534 26 the the DET _005456899 534 27 happiest happy ADJ _005456899 534 28 marriages marriage NOUN _005456899 534 29 on on ADP _005456899 534 30 record record NOUN _005456899 534 31 have have AUX _005456899 534 32 been be AUX _005456899 534 33 second second ADJ _005456899 534 34 marriages marriage NOUN _005456899 534 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 534 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 535 1 at at ADP _005456899 535 2 long long ADV _005456899 535 3 last last ADV _005456899 535 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 535 5 repeatedly repeatedly ADV _005456899 535 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 535 7 ignobly ignobly ADV _005456899 535 8 forced force VERB _005456899 535 9 to to PART _005456899 535 10 shift shift VERB _005456899 535 11 her her PRON _005456899 535 12 ground ground NOUN _005456899 535 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 535 14 she she PRON _005456899 535 15 produced produce VERB _005456899 535 16 the the DET _005456899 535 17 real real ADJ _005456899 535 18 reason reason NOUN _005456899 535 19 : : PUNCT _005456899 535 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 535 21 for for ADP _005456899 535 22 a a DET _005456899 535 23 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 535 24 like like ADP _005456899 535 25 me i PRON _005456899 535 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 535 27 marrying marry VERB _005456899 535 28 a a DET _005456899 535 29 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 535 30 man man NOUN _005456899 535 31 is be AUX _005456899 535 32 absolutely absolutely ADV _005456899 535 33 out out ADP _005456899 535 34 of of ADP _005456899 535 35 the the DET _005456899 535 36 question question NOUN _005456899 535 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 535 38 and and CCONJ _005456899 535 39 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 535 40 even even ADV _005456899 535 41 going go VERB _005456899 535 42 out out ADP _005456899 535 43 with with ADP _005456899 535 44 a a DET _005456899 535 45 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 535 46 man man NOUN _005456899 535 47 is be AUX _005456899 535 48 pointless pointless ADJ _005456899 535 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 536 1 that that PRON _005456899 536 2 's be AUX _005456899 536 3 why why SCONJ _005456899 536 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 536 5 no no ADV _005456899 536 6 matter matter ADV _005456899 536 7 how how SCONJ _005456899 536 8 i i PRON _005456899 536 9 might might AUX _005456899 536 10 like like VERB _005456899 536 11 things thing NOUN _005456899 536 12 to to PART _005456899 536 13 be be AUX _005456899 536 14 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 536 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 536 16 we we PRON _005456899 536 17 wo will AUX _005456899 536 18 n't not PART _005456899 536 19 date date VERB _005456899 536 20 each each DET _005456899 536 21 other other ADJ _005456899 536 22 any any PRON _005456899 536 23 more more ADV _005456899 536 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 536 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 537 1 the the DET _005456899 537 2 real real ADJ _005456899 537 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 537 4 when when SCONJ _005456899 537 5 she she PRON _005456899 537 6 just just ADV _005456899 537 7 does do AUX _005456899 537 8 n't not PART _005456899 537 9 want want VERB _005456899 537 10 the the DET _005456899 537 11 date date NOUN _005456899 537 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 537 13 a a DET _005456899 537 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 537 15 is be AUX _005456899 537 16 simply simply ADV _005456899 537 17 unable unable ADJ _005456899 537 18 to to PART _005456899 537 19 like like VERB _005456899 537 20 a a DET _005456899 537 21 worthy worthy ADJ _005456899 537 22 boy boy NOUN _005456899 537 23 for for ADP _005456899 537 24 no no DET _005456899 537 25 reason reason NOUN _005456899 537 26 whatever whatever PRON _005456899 537 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 537 28 even even ADV _005456899 537 29 then then ADV _005456899 537 30 it it PRON _005456899 537 31 is be AUX _005456899 537 32 best good ADJ _005456899 537 33 courteously courteously ADV _005456899 537 34 to to PART _005456899 537 35 say say VERB _005456899 537 36 so so ADV _005456899 537 37 frankly frankly ADV _005456899 537 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 537 39 as as ADP _005456899 537 40 olivia olivia ADJ _005456899 537 41 in in ADP _005456899 537 42 shakespeare shakespeare PROPN _005456899 537 43 's 's PART _005456899 537 44 twelfth twelfth ADJ _005456899 537 45 night night NOUN _005456899 537 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 537 47 speaking speak VERB _005456899 537 48 to to ADP _005456899 537 49 the the DET _005456899 537 50 duke duke NOUN _005456899 537 51 's 's PART _005456899 537 52 page page NOUN _005456899 537 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 537 54 does do VERB _005456899 537 55 : : PUNCT _005456899 537 56 " " PUNCT _005456899 537 57 your your PRON _005456899 537 58 lord lord PROPN _005456899 537 59 does do AUX _005456899 537 60 know know VERB _005456899 537 61 my my PRON _005456899 537 62 mind mind NOUN _005456899 537 63 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 537 64 i i PRON _005456899 537 65 can can AUX _005456899 537 66 not not PART _005456899 537 67 love love VERB _005456899 537 68 him he PRON _005456899 537 69 . . PUNCT _005456899 538 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 538 2 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 538 3 i i PRON _005456899 538 4 suppose suppose VERB _005456899 538 5 him he PRON _005456899 538 6 virtuous virtuous ADJ _005456899 538 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 538 8 know know VERB _005456899 538 9 him he PRON _005456899 538 10 noble noble ADJ _005456899 538 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 538 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 538 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 539 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 539 2 a a DET _005456899 539 3 gracious gracious ADJ _005456899 539 4 person person NOUN _005456899 539 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 539 6 but but CCONJ _005456899 539 7 yet yet ADV _005456899 539 8 i i PRON _005456899 539 9 can can AUX _005456899 539 10 not not PART _005456899 539 11 love love VERB _005456899 539 12 him he PRON _005456899 539 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 539 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 540 1 she she PRON _005456899 540 2 should should AUX _005456899 540 3 say say VERB _005456899 540 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 540 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 540 6 you you PRON _005456899 540 7 seem seem VERB _005456899 540 8 to to PART _005456899 540 9 be be AUX _005456899 540 10 nice nice ADJ _005456899 540 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 540 12 all all DET _005456899 540 13 that that PRON _005456899 540 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 540 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 540 16 i i PRON _005456899 540 17 feel feel VERB _005456899 540 18 flattered flattered ADJ _005456899 540 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 540 20 you you PRON _005456899 540 21 ask ask VERB _005456899 540 22 me i PRON _005456899 540 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 540 24 but but CCONJ _005456899 540 25 i i PRON _005456899 540 26 simply simply ADV _005456899 540 27 do do AUX _005456899 540 28 n't not PART _005456899 540 29 like like VERB _005456899 540 30 you you PRON _005456899 540 31 romantically romantically ADV _005456899 540 32 at at ADV _005456899 540 33 all all ADV _005456899 540 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 540 35 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 540 36 please please INTJ _005456899 540 37 do do AUX _005456899 540 38 n't not PART _005456899 540 39 ask ask VERB _005456899 540 40 me i PRON _005456899 540 41 any any PRON _005456899 540 42 more more ADJ _005456899 540 43 to to PART _005456899 540 44 go go VERB _005456899 540 45 out out ADP _005456899 540 46 with with ADP _005456899 540 47 you you PRON _005456899 540 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 540 49 for for SCONJ _005456899 540 50 i i PRON _005456899 540 51 will will AUX _005456899 540 52 have have VERB _005456899 540 53 to to PART _005456899 540 54 say say VERB _005456899 540 55 no no INTJ _005456899 540 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 540 57 " " PUNCT _005456899 541 1 most most ADJ _005456899 541 2 men man NOUN _005456899 541 3 have have AUX _005456899 541 4 often often ADV _005456899 541 5 enough enough ADV _005456899 541 6 felt feel VERB _005456899 541 7 just just ADV _005456899 541 8 like like ADP _005456899 541 9 that that PRON _005456899 541 10 towards towards ADP _005456899 541 11 girls girl NOUN _005456899 541 12 who who PRON _005456899 541 13 liked like VERB _005456899 541 14 them they PRON _005456899 541 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 541 16 will will AUX _005456899 541 17 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 541 18 easily easily ADV _005456899 541 19 understand understand VERB _005456899 541 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 541 21 go go VERB _005456899 541 22 away away ADV _005456899 541 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 541 24 if if SCONJ _005456899 541 25 they they PRON _005456899 541 26 are be AUX _005456899 541 27 reasonably reasonably ADV _005456899 541 28 civilized civilized ADJ _005456899 541 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 541 30 still still ADV _005456899 541 31 being be AUX _005456899 541 32 friendly friendly ADJ _005456899 541 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 542 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 542 2 it it PRON _005456899 542 3 's be AUX _005456899 542 4 a a DET _005456899 542 5 sin sin NOUN _005456899 542 6 one one PRON _005456899 542 7 must must AUX _005456899 542 8 say say VERB _005456899 542 9 no no INTJ _005456899 542 10 because because SCONJ _005456899 542 11 it it PRON _005456899 542 12 is be AUX _005456899 542 13 a a DET _005456899 542 14 sin sin NOUN _005456899 542 15 giving give VERB _005456899 542 16 the the DET _005456899 542 17 real real ADJ _005456899 542 18 reason reason NOUN _005456899 542 19 is be AUX _005456899 542 20 obviously obviously ADV _005456899 542 21 important important ADJ _005456899 542 22 where where SCONJ _005456899 542 23 serious serious ADJ _005456899 542 24 danger danger NOUN _005456899 542 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 542 26 sin sin NOUN _005456899 542 27 hang hang VERB _005456899 542 28 in in ADP _005456899 542 29 the the DET _005456899 542 30 balance balance NOUN _005456899 542 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 543 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 543 2 he he PRON _005456899 543 3 insists insist VERB _005456899 543 4 she she PRON _005456899 543 5 drink drink VERB _005456899 543 6 or or CCONJ _005456899 543 7 she she PRON _005456899 543 8 drink drink VERB _005456899 543 9 more more ADJ _005456899 543 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 543 11 such such ADJ _005456899 543 12 refusals refusal NOUN _005456899 543 13 as as ADP _005456899 543 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 543 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 16 it it PRON _005456899 543 17 does do AUX _005456899 543 18 n't not PART _005456899 543 19 taste taste VERB _005456899 543 20 good good ADJ _005456899 543 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 543 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 543 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 25 you you PRON _005456899 543 26 have have AUX _005456899 543 27 spent spend VERB _005456899 543 28 enough enough ADV _005456899 543 29 on on ADP _005456899 543 30 me i PRON _005456899 543 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 543 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 33 or or CCONJ _005456899 543 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 35 it it PRON _005456899 543 36 's be AUX _005456899 543 37 getting get VERB _005456899 543 38 late late ADJ _005456899 543 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 543 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 41 or or CCONJ _005456899 543 42 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 43 i i PRON _005456899 543 44 have have VERB _005456899 543 45 a a DET _005456899 543 46 headache headache NOUN _005456899 543 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 543 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 543 49 can can AUX _005456899 543 50 all all PRON _005456899 543 51 he he PRON _005456899 543 52 argued argue VERB _005456899 543 53 down down ADP _005456899 543 54 and and CCONJ _005456899 543 55 leave leave VERB _005456899 543 56 her she PRON _005456899 543 57 almost almost ADV _005456899 543 58 committed committed ADJ _005456899 543 59 to to PART _005456899 543 60 take take VERB _005456899 543 61 the the DET _005456899 543 62 drink drink NOUN _005456899 543 63 . . PUNCT _005456899 544 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 544 2 she she PRON _005456899 544 3 does do AUX _005456899 544 4 n't not PART _005456899 544 5 drink drink VERB _005456899 544 6 at at ADV _005456899 544 7 all all ADV _005456899 544 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 544 9 does do AUX _005456899 544 10 n't not PART _005456899 544 11 want want VERB _005456899 544 12 to to PART _005456899 544 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 544 14 she she PRON _005456899 544 15 should should AUX _005456899 544 16 say say VERB _005456899 544 17 frankly frankly ADV _005456899 544 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 544 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 544 20 no no INTJ _005456899 544 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 544 22 thanks thank NOUN _005456899 544 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 544 24 i i PRON _005456899 544 25 never never ADV _005456899 544 26 drink drink VERB _005456899 544 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 544 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 544 29 or or CCONJ _005456899 544 30 if if SCONJ _005456899 544 31 truer truer VERB _005456899 544 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 544 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 544 34 no no DET _005456899 544 35 thanks thank NOUN _005456899 544 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 544 37 i i PRON _005456899 544 38 make make VERB _005456899 544 39 it it PRON _005456899 544 40 a a DET _005456899 544 41 practice practice NOUN _005456899 544 42 not not PART _005456899 544 43 to to PART _005456899 544 44 drink drink VERB _005456899 544 45 on on ADP _005456899 544 46 dates date NOUN _005456899 544 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 544 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 545 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 545 2 she she PRON _005456899 545 3 drinks drink VERB _005456899 545 4 moderately moderately ADV _005456899 545 5 hut hut NOUN _005456899 545 6 feels feel VERB _005456899 545 7 she she PRON _005456899 545 8 has have AUX _005456899 545 9 had have VERB _005456899 545 10 enough enough ADV _005456899 545 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 545 12 she she PRON _005456899 545 13 should should AUX _005456899 545 14 say say VERB _005456899 545 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 545 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 545 17 no no DET _005456899 545 18 thanks thank NOUN _005456899 545 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 545 20 i i PRON _005456899 545 21 have have AUX _005456899 545 22 had have VERB _005456899 545 23 as as ADV _005456899 545 24 much much ADJ _005456899 545 25 as as SCONJ _005456899 545 26 is be AUX _005456899 545 27 good good ADJ _005456899 545 28 for for ADP _005456899 545 29 me i PRON _005456899 545 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 545 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 546 1 these these DET _005456899 546 2 positions position NOUN _005456899 546 3 she she PRON _005456899 546 4 can can AUX _005456899 546 5 defend defend VERB _005456899 546 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 546 7 in in ADP _005456899 546 8 fact fact NOUN _005456899 546 9 she she PRON _005456899 546 10 does do AUX _005456899 546 11 not not PART _005456899 546 12 need need VERB _005456899 546 13 to to PART _005456899 546 14 defend defend VERB _005456899 546 15 them they PRON _005456899 546 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 547 1 she she PRON _005456899 547 2 can can AUX _005456899 547 3 simply simply ADV _005456899 547 4 stand stand VERB _005456899 547 5 on on ADP _005456899 547 6 them they PRON _005456899 547 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 547 8 gentlemen gentleman NOUN _005456899 547 9 will will AUX _005456899 547 10 accept accept VERB _005456899 547 11 them they PRON _005456899 547 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 548 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 548 2 phony phony ADJ _005456899 548 3 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 548 4 no no DET _005456899 548 5 one one PRON _005456899 548 6 need need AUX _005456899 548 7 accept accept VERB _005456899 548 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 549 1 24 24 NUM _005456899 549 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 549 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 549 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 549 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 549 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 549 7 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 549 8 the the DET _005456899 549 9 more more ADV _005456899 549 10 serious serious ADJ _005456899 549 11 the the DET _005456899 549 12 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 549 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 549 14 the the PRON _005456899 549 15 more more ADV _005456899 549 16 important important ADJ _005456899 549 17 it it PRON _005456899 549 18 is be AUX _005456899 549 19 to to PART _005456899 549 20 state state VERB _005456899 549 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 549 22 insist insist VERB _005456899 549 23 on on ADP _005456899 549 24 the the DET _005456899 549 25 real real ADJ _005456899 549 26 reason reason NOUN _005456899 549 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 550 1 does do AUX _005456899 550 2 he he PRON _005456899 550 3 want want VERB _005456899 550 4 to to PART _005456899 550 5 park park VERB _005456899 550 6 the the DET _005456899 550 7 car car NOUN _005456899 550 8 in in ADP _005456899 550 9 a a DET _005456899 550 10 lonely lonely ADJ _005456899 550 11 spot spot NOUN _005456899 550 12 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 551 1 is be AUX _005456899 551 2 he he PRON _005456899 551 3 urging urge VERB _005456899 551 4 going go VERB _005456899 551 5 to to ADP _005456899 551 6 his his PRON _005456899 551 7 apartment apartment NOUN _005456899 551 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 551 9 to to ADP _005456899 551 10 a a DET _005456899 551 11 hotel hotel NOUN _005456899 551 12 room room NOUN _005456899 551 13 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 552 1 is be AUX _005456899 552 2 he he PRON _005456899 552 3 attempting attempt VERB _005456899 552 4 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005456899 552 5 familiarities familiarity NOUN _005456899 552 6 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 553 1 only only ADV _005456899 553 2 the the DET _005456899 553 3 real real ADJ _005456899 553 4 reason reason NOUN _005456899 553 5 for for ADP _005456899 553 6 refusing refuse VERB _005456899 553 7 stands stand VERB _005456899 553 8 the the DET _005456899 553 9 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 553 10 chance chance NOUN _005456899 553 11 of of ADP _005456899 553 12 succeeding succeed VERB _005456899 553 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 554 1 is be AUX _005456899 554 2 he he PRON _005456899 554 3 saying say VERB _005456899 554 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 554 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 554 6 we we PRON _005456899 554 7 ca can AUX _005456899 554 8 n't not PART _005456899 554 9 get get AUX _005456899 554 10 married marry VERB _005456899 554 11 now now ADV _005456899 554 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 555 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 555 2 why why SCONJ _005456899 555 3 must must AUX _005456899 555 4 we we PRON _005456899 555 5 wait wait VERB _005456899 555 6 to to PART _005456899 555 7 have have VERB _005456899 555 8 fun fun NOUN _005456899 555 9 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 556 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 556 2 is be AUX _005456899 556 3 doing do VERB _005456899 556 4 it it PRON _005456899 556 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 556 6 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 557 1 at at ADP _005456899 557 2 such such DET _005456899 557 3 a a DET _005456899 557 4 point point NOUN _005456899 557 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 557 6 when when SCONJ _005456899 557 7 her her PRON _005456899 557 8 own own ADJ _005456899 557 9 flesh flesh NOUN _005456899 557 10 would would AUX _005456899 557 11 betray betray VERB _005456899 557 12 her her PRON _005456899 557 13 soul soul NOUN _005456899 557 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 557 15 phony phony ADJ _005456899 557 16 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 557 17 would would AUX _005456899 557 18 be be AUX _005456899 557 19 her she PRON _005456899 557 20 undoing undoing NOUN _005456899 557 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 558 1 answers answer NOUN _005456899 558 2 such such ADJ _005456899 558 3 as as ADP _005456899 558 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 6 i i PRON _005456899 558 7 do do AUX _005456899 558 8 n't not PART _005456899 558 9 feel feel VERB _005456899 558 10 like like ADP _005456899 558 11 it it PRON _005456899 558 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 558 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 16 somebody somebody PRON _005456899 558 17 would would AUX _005456899 558 18 find find VERB _005456899 558 19 out out ADP _005456899 558 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 22 or or CCONJ _005456899 558 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 24 there there PRON _005456899 558 25 might might AUX _005456899 558 26 be be AUX _005456899 558 27 a a DET _005456899 558 28 baby baby NOUN _005456899 558 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 31 or or CCONJ _005456899 558 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 33 we we PRON _005456899 558 34 might might AUX _005456899 558 35 get get VERB _005456899 558 36 sick sick ADJ _005456899 558 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 38 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 39 or or CCONJ _005456899 558 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 41 mterwards mterward NOUN _005456899 558 42 you you PRON _005456899 558 43 would would AUX _005456899 558 44 loathe loathe VERB _005456899 558 45 me i PRON _005456899 558 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 47 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 48 or or CCONJ _005456899 558 49 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 50 i i PRON _005456899 558 51 do do AUX _005456899 558 52 n't not PART _005456899 558 53 love love VERB _005456899 558 54 you you PRON _005456899 558 55 enough enough ADV _005456899 558 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 57 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 58 or or CCONJ _005456899 558 59 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 60 let let VERB _005456899 558 61 's us PRON _005456899 558 62 wait wait VERB _005456899 558 63 for for ADP _005456899 558 64 a a DET _005456899 558 65 better well ADJ _005456899 558 66 time time NOUN _005456899 558 67 and and CCONJ _005456899 558 68 place place NOUN _005456899 558 69 , , PUNCT _005456899 558 70 " " PUNCT _005456899 558 71 all all DET _005456899 558 72 such such ADJ _005456899 558 73 good good ADJ _005456899 558 74 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 558 75 are be AUX _005456899 558 76 little little ADV _005456899 558 77 more more ADJ _005456899 558 78 than than ADP _005456899 558 79 the the DET _005456899 558 80 front front ADJ _005456899 558 81 - - PUNCT _005456899 558 82 line line NOUN _005456899 558 83 pawns pawn NOUN _005456899 558 84 to to PART _005456899 558 85 sin sin VERB _005456899 558 86 . . PUNCT _005456899 559 1 the the DET _005456899 559 2 tempter tempter NOUN _005456899 559 3 will will AUX _005456899 559 4 logically logically ADV _005456899 559 5 brush brush VERB _005456899 559 6 each each PRON _005456899 559 7 of of ADP _005456899 559 8 them they PRON _005456899 559 9 aside aside ADV _005456899 559 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 560 1 their their PRON _005456899 560 2 weakness weakness NOUN _005456899 560 3 will will AUX _005456899 560 4 even even ADV _005456899 560 5 make make VERB _005456899 560 6 him he PRON _005456899 560 7 feel feel VERB _005456899 560 8 justified justify VERB _005456899 560 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 560 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 560 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 560 12 alas alas INTJ _005456899 560 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 560 14 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 560 15 her she PRON _005456899 560 16 too too ADV _005456899 560 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 561 1 the the DET _005456899 561 2 real real ADJ _005456899 561 3 reason reason NOUN _005456899 561 4 is be AUX _005456899 561 5 the the DET _005456899 561 6 only only ADJ _005456899 561 7 final final ADJ _005456899 561 8 reason reason NOUN _005456899 561 9 there there PRON _005456899 561 10 is be VERB _005456899 561 11 only only ADV _005456899 561 12 one one NUM _005456899 561 13 unassailable unassailable ADJ _005456899 561 14 reason reason NOUN _005456899 561 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 562 1 one one NUM _005456899 562 2 reason reason NOUN _005456899 562 3 by by ADP _005456899 562 4 which which PRON _005456899 562 5 she she PRON _005456899 562 6 can can AUX _005456899 562 7 live live VERB _005456899 562 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 562 9 by by ADP _005456899 562 10 which which PRON _005456899 562 11 she she PRON _005456899 562 12 can can AUX _005456899 562 13 die die VERB _005456899 562 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 562 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 562 16 which which PRON _005456899 562 17 no no DET _005456899 562 18 man man NOUN _005456899 562 19 can can AUX _005456899 562 20 argue argue VERB _005456899 562 21 down down ADP _005456899 562 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 563 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 563 2 that that SCONJ _005456899 563 3 real real ADJ _005456899 563 4 reason reason NOUN _005456899 563 5 is be AUX _005456899 563 6 : : PUNCT _005456899 563 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 563 8 some some DET _005456899 563 9 things thing NOUN _005456899 563 10 are be AUX _005456899 563 11 right right ADJ _005456899 563 12 only only ADV _005456899 563 13 in in ADP _005456899 563 14 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 563 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 564 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 564 2 i i PRON _005456899 564 3 'm be AUX _005456899 564 4 married married ADJ _005456899 564 5 i i PRON _005456899 564 6 will will AUX _005456899 564 7 do do VERB _005456899 564 8 them they PRON _005456899 564 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 564 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 564 11 not not PART _005456899 564 12 till till SCONJ _005456899 564 13 then then ADV _005456899 564 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 565 1 i i PRON _005456899 565 2 am be AUX _005456899 565 3 sure sure ADJ _005456899 565 4 this this PRON _005456899 565 5 is be AUX _005456899 565 6 the the DET _005456899 565 7 last last ADJ _005456899 565 8 time time NOUN _005456899 565 9 you you PRON _005456899 565 10 will will AUX _005456899 565 11 make make VERB _005456899 565 12 any any DET _005456899 565 13 such such ADJ _005456899 565 14 dishonorable dishonorable ADJ _005456899 565 15 suggestion suggestion NOUN _005456899 565 16 to to ADP _005456899 565 17 me i PRON _005456899 565 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 565 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 566 1 yes yes INTJ _005456899 566 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 566 3 there there PRON _005456899 566 4 are be VERB _005456899 566 5 good good ADJ _005456899 566 6 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 566 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 566 8 there there PRON _005456899 566 9 is be VERB _005456899 566 10 the the DET _005456899 566 11 real real ADJ _005456899 566 12 reason reason NOUN _005456899 566 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 567 1 the the DET _005456899 567 2 good good ADJ _005456899 567 3 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 567 4 are be AUX _005456899 567 5 phony phony ADJ _005456899 567 6 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 567 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 567 8 they they PRON _005456899 567 9 finally finally ADV _005456899 567 10 make make VERB _005456899 567 11 a a DET _005456899 567 12 person person NOUN _005456899 567 13 either either CCONJ _005456899 567 14 look look VERB _005456899 567 15 silly silly ADJ _005456899 567 16 or or CCONJ _005456899 567 17 be be AUX _005456899 567 18 sinful sinful ADJ _005456899 567 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 568 1 sensible sensible ADJ _005456899 568 2 people people NOUN _005456899 568 3 will will AUX _005456899 568 4 stop stop VERB _005456899 568 5 long long ADJ _005456899 568 6 enough enough ADV _005456899 568 7 to to PART _005456899 568 8 know know VERB _005456899 568 9 their their PRON _005456899 568 10 real real ADJ _005456899 568 11 reason reason NOUN _005456899 568 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 568 13 then then ADV _005456899 568 14 they they PRON _005456899 568 15 wo will AUX _005456899 568 16 n't not PART _005456899 568 17 side side NOUN _005456899 568 18 - - PUNCT _005456899 568 19 step step NOUN _005456899 568 20 it it PRON _005456899 568 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 568 22 to to PART _005456899 568 23 lean lean VERB _005456899 568 24 on on ADP _005456899 568 25 a a DET _005456899 568 26 mere mere ADJ _005456899 568 27 good good ADJ _005456899 568 28 one one NOUN _005456899 568 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 569 1 wh wh VERB _005456899 569 2 this this DET _005456899 569 3 1 1 NUM _005456899 569 4 the the DET _005456899 569 5 q'g q'g NOUN _005456899 569 6 is be AUX _005456899 569 7 alwa'l alwa'l PROPN _005456899 569 8 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 570 1 ters ter NOUN _005456899 570 2 of of ADP _005456899 570 3 l l X _005456899 570 4 which which PRON _005456899 570 5 si si NOUN _005456899 570 6 ly ly X _005456899 570 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 570 8 c c AUX _005456899 570 9 i i PRON _005456899 570 10 kn01 kn01 PROPN _005456899 570 11 unwelco unwelco NOUN _005456899 570 12 dishone1 dishone1 PROPN _005456899 570 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 570 14 sick sick ADJ _005456899 570 15 o o NOUN _005456899 570 16 calling call VERB _005456899 570 17 : : PUNCT _005456899 570 18 say say VERB _005456899 570 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 570 20 ye1 ye1 INTJ _005456899 570 21 even even ADV _005456899 570 22 tea tea NOUN _005456899 570 23 they they PRON _005456899 570 24 are be AUX _005456899 570 25 ever ever ADV _005456899 570 26 sm sm NOUN _005456899 570 27 if if SCONJ _005456899 570 28 god god PROPN _005456899 570 29 1 1 NUM _005456899 570 30 necessar necessar PROPN _005456899 570 31 this this PRON _005456899 570 32 c c AUX _005456899 570 33 feel feel VERB _005456899 570 34 har har PROPN _005456899 570 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 571 1 america america PROPN _005456899 571 2 com com PROPN _005456899 571 3 para para PROPN _005456899 571 4 ethical ethical PROPN _005456899 571 5 l l PROPN _005456899 571 6 them they PRON _005456899 571 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 572 1 it it PRON _005456899 572 2 conductt conductt VERB _005456899 572 3 an an DET _005456899 572 4 easy easy ADJ _005456899 572 5 i i PRON _005456899 572 6 ly ly X _005456899 572 7 forces force NOUN _005456899 572 8 le le X _005456899 572 9 conte conte PROPN _005456899 572 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 572 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 572 12 ficult ficult ADJ _005456899 572 13 pi pi NOUN _005456899 572 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 572 15 atterr atterr VERB _005456899 572 16 one one NUM _005456899 572 17 of of ADP _005456899 572 18 the the DET _005456899 572 19 othe othe NOUN _005456899 572 20 : : PUNCT _005456899 572 21 ly ly ADJ _005456899 572 22 unexpecte unexpecte NOUN _005456899 572 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 572 24 attitude attitude NOUN _005456899 572 25 usually usually ADV _005456899 573 1 i i PRON _005456899 573 2 st st PROPN _005456899 573 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 573 4 casion casion NOUN _005456899 573 5 i i PRON _005456899 573 6 act act VERB _005456899 573 7 whenever whenever SCONJ _005456899 573 8 th1 th1 NOUN _005456899 573 9 by by ADP _005456899 573 10 some some DET _005456899 573 11 rasl rasl PROPN _005456899 573 12 expense expense NOUN _005456899 573 13 in in ADV _005456899 573 14 ij ij NOUN _005456899 573 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 573 16 this this DET _005456899 573 17 defense defense NOUN _005456899 573 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 574 1 in in ADP _005456899 574 2 1 1 NUM _005456899 574 3 count count NOUN _005456899 574 4 orsini orsini NOUN _005456899 574 5 is be AUX _005456899 574 6 to to PART _005456899 574 7 car car VERB _005456899 574 8 to to ADP _005456899 574 9 tel tel PROPN _005456899 574 10 real real ADJ _005456899 574 11 we we PRON _005456899 574 12 hen hen VERB _005456899 574 13 her she PRON _005456899 574 14 ody ody PRON _005456899 574 15 get get VERB _005456899 574 16 ou ou ADP _005456899 574 17 > > X _005456899 575 1 od od ADV _005456899 575 2 rhe rhe ADJ _005456899 575 3 ess ess PROPN _005456899 575 4 o. o. NOUN _005456899 575 5 ch ch NOUN _005456899 575 6 an an DET _005456899 575 7 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 575 8 v v NOUN _005456899 575 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 575 10 a a DET _005456899 575 11 girl girl NOUN _005456899 575 12 wants want VERB _005456899 575 13 to to PART _005456899 575 14 decline decline VERB _005456899 575 15 a a DET _005456899 575 16 date date NOUN _005456899 575 17 this this DET _005456899 575 18 article article NOUN _005456899 575 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 575 20 too too ADV _005456899 575 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 575 22 first first ADV _005456899 575 23 appeared appear VERB _005456899 575 24 under under ADP _005456899 575 25 the the DET _005456899 575 26 ajbove ajbove NOUN _005456899 575 27 title title NOUN _005456899 575 28 in in ADP _005456899 575 29 the the DET _005456899 575 30 queen queen NOUN _005456899 575 31 's 's PART _005456899 575 32 work work NOUN _005456899 575 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 575 34 may may PROPN _005456899 575 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 575 36 1946 1946 NUM _005456899 575 37 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 576 1 it it PRON _005456899 576 2 assumes assume VERB _005456899 576 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 576 4 the the DET _005456899 576 5 truth truth NOUN _005456899 576 6 is be AUX _005456899 576 7 always always ADV _005456899 576 8 desirable desirable ADJ _005456899 576 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 576 10 even even ADV _005456899 576 11 where where SCONJ _005456899 576 12 it it PRON _005456899 576 13 is be AUX _005456899 576 14 most most ADV _005456899 576 15 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 576 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 576 17 in in ADP _005456899 576 18 matters matter NOUN _005456899 576 19 of of ADP _005456899 576 20 love love NOUN _005456899 576 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 576 22 romance romance NOUN _005456899 576 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 577 1 it it PRON _005456899 577 2 gives give VERB _005456899 577 3 examples example NOUN _005456899 577 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 577 5 illustrations illustration NOUN _005456899 577 6 which which PRON _005456899 577 7 should should AUX _005456899 577 8 help help VERB _005456899 577 9 gir.l NOUN _005456899 577 10 turn turn VERB _005456899 577 11 down down ADP _005456899 577 12 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 577 13 dates date NOUN _005456899 577 14 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 577 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 577 16 openly openly ADV _005456899 577 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 577 18 yet yet ADV _005456899 577 19 not not PART _005456899 577 20 offensively offensively ADV _005456899 577 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 578 1 i i PRON _005456899 578 2 know know VERB _005456899 578 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 578 4 girls girl NOUN _005456899 578 5 feel feel VERB _005456899 578 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 578 7 they they PRON _005456899 578 8 simply simply ADV _005456899 578 9 can can AUX _005456899 578 10 not not PART _005456899 578 11 get get VERB _005456899 578 12 out out ADP _005456899 578 13 of of ADP _005456899 578 14 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 578 15 dates date NOUN _005456899 578 16 except except SCONJ _005456899 578 17 by by ADP _005456899 578 18 subterfuges subterfuge NOUN _005456899 578 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 578 20 lies lie NOUN _005456899 578 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 578 22 petty petty ADJ _005456899 578 23 dishonesties dishonesty NOUN _005456899 578 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 579 1 they they PRON _005456899 579 2 feel feel VERB _005456899 579 3 they they PRON _005456899 579 4 have have VERB _005456899 579 5 to to PART _005456899 579 6 say say VERB _005456899 579 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 579 8 they they PRON _005456899 579 9 are be AUX _005456899 579 10 busy busy ADJ _005456899 579 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 579 12 sick sick ADJ _005456899 579 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 579 14 taking take VERB _005456899 579 15 care care NOUN _005456899 579 16 of of ADP _005456899 579 17 their their PRON _005456899 579 18 qrandmother qrandmother NOUN _005456899 579 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 579 20 when when SCONJ _005456899 579 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 579 22 if if SCONJ _005456899 579 23 the the DET _005456899 579 24 boy boy NOUN _005456899 579 25 calling call VERB _005456899 579 26 were be AUX _005456899 579 27 the the DET _005456899 579 28 captain captain NOUN _005456899 579 29 of of ADP _005456899 579 30 the the DET _005456899 579 31 football football NOUN _005456899 579 32 team team NOUN _005456899 579 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 579 34 they they PRON _005456899 579 35 could could AUX _005456899 579 36 say say VERB _005456899 579 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 579 38 yes yes INTJ _005456899 579 39 " " PUNCT _005456899 579 40 immediately immediately ADV _005456899 579 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 580 1 i i PRON _005456899 580 2 a.lso a.lso ADV _005456899 580 3 know know VERB _005456899 580 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 580 5 many many ADJ _005456899 580 6 parents parent NOUN _005456899 580 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 580 8 even even ADV _005456899 580 9 tea·chers tea·cher NOUN _005456899 580 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 580 11 clergymen clergyman NOUN _005456899 580 12 justify justify VERB _005456899 580 13 these these DET _005456899 580 14 methods method NOUN _005456899 580 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 580 16 say say VERB _005456899 580 17 they they PRON _005456899 580 18 are be AUX _005456899 580 19 not not PART _005456899 580 20 rea.lly rea.lly ADJ _005456899 580 21 lies lie NOUN _005456899 580 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 581 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 581 2 i i PRON _005456899 581 3 insrist insrist VERB _005456899 581 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 581 5 they they PRON _005456899 581 6 are be AUX _005456899 581 7 lies lie NOUN _005456899 581 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 581 9 however however ADV _005456899 581 10 small small ADJ _005456899 581 11 the the DET _005456899 581 12 fault fault NOUN _005456899 581 13 of of ADP _005456899 581 14 them they PRON _005456899 581 15 may may AUX _005456899 581 16 be be AUX _005456899 581 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 582 1 i i PRON _005456899 582 2 also also ADV _005456899 582 3 maintain maintain VERB _005456899 582 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 582 5 it it PRON _005456899 582 6 god god PROPN _005456899 582 7 is be AUX _005456899 582 8 the the DET _005456899 582 9 truth truth NOUN _005456899 582 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 582 11 then then ADV _005456899 582 12 any any DET _005456899 582 13 sort sort NOUN _005456899 582 14 of of ADP _005456899 582 15 dishones•ty dishones•ty NUM _005456899 582 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 582 17 however however ADV _005456899 582 18 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 582 19 it it PRON _005456899 582 20 seems seem VERB _005456899 582 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 582 22 can can AUX _005456899 582 23 not not PART _005456899 582 24 be be AUX _005456899 582 25 the the DET _005456899 582 26 wisest wise ADJ _005456899 582 27 procedure procedure NOUN _005456899 582 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 583 1 this this DET _005456899 583 2 article article NOUN _005456899 583 3 tries try VERB _005456899 583 4 to to PART _005456899 583 5 help help VERB _005456899 583 6 girls girl NOUN _005456899 583 7 to to PART _005456899 583 8 be be AUX _005456899 583 9 honest honest ADJ _005456899 583 10 who who PRON _005456899 583 11 do do AUX _005456899 583 12 not not PART _005456899 583 13 feel feel VERB _005456899 583 14 happy happy ADJ _005456899 583 15 about about ADP _005456899 583 16 their their PRON _005456899 583 17 subterfuges subterfuge NOUN _005456899 583 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 583 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 583 20 white white ADJ _005456899 583 21 lies lie NOUN _005456899 583 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 583 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 584 1 the the DET _005456899 584 2 americantype americantype PROPN _005456899 584 3 of of ADP _005456899 584 4 unchaperoned unchaperoned ADJ _005456899 584 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 584 6 free free ADJ _005456899 584 7 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 584 8 is be AUX _005456899 584 9 something something PRON _005456899 584 10 comparatively comparatively ADV _005456899 584 11 new new ADJ _005456899 584 12 in in ADP _005456899 584 13 the the DET _005456899 584 14 world world NOUN _005456899 584 15 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 585 1 lt lt PROPN _005456899 585 2 brings bring VERB _005456899 585 3 with with ADP _005456899 585 4 it it PRON _005456899 585 5 a a DET _005456899 585 6 world world NOUN _005456899 585 7 of of ADP _005456899 585 8 ethical ethical ADJ _005456899 585 9 problems problem NOUN _005456899 585 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 586 1 that that PRON _005456899 586 2 of of ADP _005456899 586 3 conducting conduct VERB _005456899 586 4 it it PRON _005456899 586 5 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 586 6 is be AUX _005456899 586 7 one one NUM _005456899 586 8 of of ADP _005456899 586 9 them they PRON _005456899 586 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 587 1 it it PRON _005456899 587 2 has have AUX _005456899 587 3 not not PART _005456899 587 4 been be AUX _005456899 587 5 achieved achieve VERB _005456899 587 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 588 1 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 588 2 is be AUX _005456899 588 3 still still ADV _005456899 588 4 generally generally ADV _005456899 588 5 conducted conduct VERB _005456899 588 6 in in ADP _005456899 588 7 a a DET _005456899 588 8 web web NOUN _005456899 588 9 of of ADP _005456899 588 10 dishonesties dishonesty NOUN _005456899 588 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 588 12 d.eceptions d.eception NOUN _005456899 588 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 589 1 it it PRON _005456899 589 2 is be AUX _005456899 589 3 not not PART _005456899 589 4 an an DET _005456899 589 5 easy easy ADJ _005456899 589 6 problem problem NOUN _005456899 589 7 to to PART _005456899 589 8 solve solve VERB _005456899 589 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 590 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 590 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 590 3 when when SCONJ _005456899 590 4 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 590 5 finally finally ADV _005456899 590 6 forces force VERB _005456899 590 7 the the DET _005456899 590 8 truth truth NOUN _005456899 590 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 590 10 the the DET _005456899 590 11 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 590 12 often often ADV _005456899 590 13 goes go VERB _005456899 590 14 sour sour ADJ _005456899 590 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 591 1 this this DET _005456899 591 2 article article NOUN _005456899 591 3 contends contend VERB _005456899 591 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 591 5 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 591 6 is be AUX _005456899 591 7 the the DET _005456899 591 8 best good ADJ _005456899 591 9 policy policy NOUN _005456899 591 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 591 11 though though SCONJ _005456899 591 12 a a DET _005456899 591 13 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 591 14 policy policy NOUN _005456899 591 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 591 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 591 17 should should AUX _005456899 591 18 begin begin VERB _005456899 591 19 with with ADP _005456899 591 20 the the DET _005456899 591 21 very very ADV _005456899 591 22 first first ADJ _005456899 591 23 date date NOUN _005456899 591 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 591 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 591 26 attempt attempt VERB _005456899 591 27 at at ADP _005456899 591 28 one one NUM _005456899 591 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 592 1 one one NUM _005456899 592 2 of of ADP _005456899 592 3 shakespeare shakespeare NOUN _005456899 592 4 's 's PART _005456899 592 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 592 6 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 592 7 young young ADJ _005456899 592 8 things thing NOUN _005456899 592 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 592 10 tries try VERB _005456899 592 11 to to PART _005456899 592 12 sidestep sidestep VERB _005456899 592 13 a a DET _005456899 592 14 date date NOUN _005456899 592 15 the the DET _005456899 592 16 other other ADJ _005456899 592 17 day day NOUN _005456899 592 18 in in ADP _005456899 592 19 my my PRON _005456899 592 20 shakespeare shakespeare ADJ _005456899 592 21 class class NOUN _005456899 592 22 i i PRON _005456899 592 23 got get VERB _005456899 592 24 myself myself PRON _005456899 592 25 into into ADP _005456899 592 26 a a DET _005456899 592 27 totally totally ADV _005456899 592 28 unexpected unexpected ADJ _005456899 592 29 bushel bushel NOUN _005456899 592 30 of of ADP _005456899 592 31 trouble trouble NOUN _005456899 592 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 593 1 i i PRON _005456899 593 2 was be AUX _005456899 593 3 trying try VERB _005456899 593 4 to to PART _005456899 593 5 explain explain VERB _005456899 593 6 the the DET _005456899 593 7 ideals ideal NOUN _005456899 593 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 593 9 attitudes attitude NOUN _005456899 593 10 of of ADP _005456899 593 11 twelfth twelfth ADJ _005456899 593 12 night night NOUN _005456899 593 13 to to ADP _005456899 593 14 a a DET _005456899 593 15 class class NOUN _005456899 593 16 of of ADP _005456899 593 17 junior junior ADJ _005456899 593 18 college college NOUN _005456899 593 19 girls girl NOUN _005456899 593 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 594 1 usually usually ADV _005456899 594 2 i i PRON _005456899 594 3 stand stand VERB _005456899 594 4 by by ADP _005456899 594 5 shakespeare shakespeare NOUN _005456899 594 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 594 7 come come VERB _005456899 594 8 what what PRON _005456899 594 9 may may AUX _005456899 594 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 595 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 595 2 on on ADP _005456899 595 3 this this DET _005456899 595 4 occasion occasion NOUN _005456899 595 5 i i PRON _005456899 595 6 accused accuse VERB _005456899 595 7 him he PRON _005456899 595 8 of of ADP _005456899 595 9 a a DET _005456899 595 10 false false ADJ _005456899 595 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 595 12 a a DET _005456899 595 13 negative negative ADJ _005456899 595 14 ideal ideal NOUN _005456899 595 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 596 1 ordinarily ordinarily ADV _005456899 596 2 whenever whenever SCONJ _005456899 596 3 the the DET _005456899 596 4 old old ADJ _005456899 596 5 bard bard NOUN _005456899 596 6 is be AUX _005456899 596 7 discovered discover VERB _005456899 596 8 to to PART _005456899 596 9 have have AUX _005456899 596 10 nodded nod VERB _005456899 596 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 596 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 596 13 is be AUX _005456899 596 14 accused accuse VERB _005456899 596 15 by by ADP _005456899 596 16 some some DET _005456899 596 17 rash rash ADJ _005456899 596 18 critic critic NOUN _005456899 596 19 to to PART _005456899 596 20 have have AUX _005456899 596 21 done do VERB _005456899 596 22 so so ADV _005456899 596 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 596 24 the the DET _005456899 596 25 whole whole ADJ _005456899 596 26 class class NOUN _005456899 596 27 rejoices rejoice NOUN _005456899 596 28 at at ADP _005456899 596 29 my my PRON _005456899 596 30 expense expense NOUN _005456899 596 31 in in ADP _005456899 596 32 mischievous mischievous ADJ _005456899 596 33 glee glee NOUN _005456899 596 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 597 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 597 2 this this DET _005456899 597 3 time time NOUN _005456899 597 4 there there PRON _005456899 597 5 was be VERB _005456899 597 6 an an DET _005456899 597 7 immediate immediate ADJ _005456899 597 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 597 9 spirited spirited ADJ _005456899 597 10 rush rush NOUN _005456899 597 11 to to ADP _005456899 597 12 his his PRON _005456899 597 13 defense defense NOUN _005456899 597 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 598 1 in in ADP _005456899 598 2 this this DET _005456899 598 3 play play NOUN _005456899 598 4 lady lady NOUN _005456899 598 5 olivia olivia PROPN _005456899 598 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 598 7 though though SCONJ _005456899 598 8 she she PRON _005456899 598 9 admires admire VERB _005456899 598 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 598 11 respects respect NOUN _005456899 598 12 count count VERB _005456899 598 13 orsino orsino PROPN _005456899 598 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 598 15 feels feel VERB _005456899 598 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 598 17 she she PRON _005456899 598 18 can can AUX _005456899 598 19 not not PART _005456899 598 20 love love VERB _005456899 598 21 him he PRON _005456899 598 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 599 1 however however ADV _005456899 599 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 599 3 he he PRON _005456899 599 4 .loves .love NOUN _005456899 599 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 600 1 26 26 NUM _005456899 600 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 600 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 600 4 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 600 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 600 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 600 7 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 600 8 her she PRON _005456899 600 9 very very ADV _005456899 600 10 much much ADV _005456899 600 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 600 12 keeps keep VERB _005456899 600 13 trying try VERB _005456899 600 14 to to PART _005456899 600 15 see see VERB _005456899 600 16 her she PRON _005456899 600 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 600 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 600 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 600 20 not not PART _005456899 600 21 being be AUX _005456899 600 22 admitted admit VERB _005456899 600 23 himseh himseh NOUN _005456899 600 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 600 25 sends send VERB _005456899 600 26 messengers messenger NOUN _005456899 600 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 601 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 601 2 there there PRON _005456899 601 3 is be VERB _005456899 601 4 a a DET _005456899 601 5 knock knock NOUN _005456899 601 6 at at ADP _005456899 601 7 the the DET _005456899 601 8 gate gate NOUN _005456899 601 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 601 10 lady lady PROPN _005456899 601 11 olivia olivia PROPN _005456899 601 12 orders order NOUN _005456899 601 13 the the DET _005456899 601 14 servant servant NOUN _005456899 601 15 to to PART _005456899 601 16 see see VERB _005456899 601 17 if if SCONJ _005456899 601 18 the the DET _005456899 601 19 messenger messenger NOUN _005456899 601 20 is be AUX _005456899 601 21 from from ADP _005456899 601 22 count count NOUN _005456899 601 23 orsiao orsiao NOUN _005456899 601 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 601 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 601 26 if if SCONJ _005456899 601 27 so so ADV _005456899 601 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 601 29 to to PART _005456899 601 30 say say VERB _005456899 601 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 601 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 601 33 i i PRON _005456899 601 34 am be AUX _005456899 601 35 sick sick ADJ _005456899 601 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 601 37 or or CCONJ _005456899 601 38 not not PART _005456899 601 39 at at ADP _005456899 601 40 home home NOUN _005456899 601 41 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 601 42 what what PRON _005456899 601 43 you you PRON _005456899 601 44 will will AUX _005456899 601 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 601 46 to to PART _005456899 601 47 dismiss dismiss VERB _005456899 601 48 him he PRON _005456899 601 49 " " PUNCT _005456899 601 50 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 601 51 act act PROPN _005456899 601 52 ii ii PROPN _005456899 601 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 601 54 sc sc PROPN _005456899 601 55 . . PUNCT _005456899 601 56 iv iv PROPN _005456899 601 57 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 601 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 602 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 602 2 here here ADV _005456899 602 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 602 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 602 5 i i PRON _005456899 602 6 said say VERB _005456899 602 7 sadly sadly ADV _005456899 602 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 602 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 602 10 shakespeare shakespeare NOUN _005456899 602 11 makes make VERB _005456899 602 12 it it PRON _005456899 602 13 seem seem VERB _005456899 602 14 right right ADJ _005456899 602 15 for for SCONJ _005456899 602 16 olivia olivia ADJ _005456899 602 17 to to PART _005456899 602 18 lie lie VERB _005456899 602 19 in in ADP _005456899 602 20 order order NOUN _005456899 602 21 to to PART _005456899 602 22 get get VERB _005456899 602 23 out out ADP _005456899 602 24 of of ADP _005456899 602 25 an an DET _005456899 602 26 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 602 27 date date NOUN _005456899 602 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 603 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 603 2 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005456899 603 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 603 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 603 5 i i PRON _005456899 603 6 continued continue VERB _005456899 603 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 603 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 603 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 603 10 this this DET _005456899 603 11 great great ADJ _005456899 603 12 poet poet NOUN _005456899 603 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 603 14 usually usually ADV _005456899 603 15 every every DET _005456899 603 16 bit bit NOUN _005456899 603 17 as as ADV _005456899 603 18 ethical ethical ADJ _005456899 603 19 as as ADP _005456899 603 20 st st PROPN _005456899 603 21 . . PROPN _005456899 603 22 thomas thomas PROPN _005456899 603 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 603 24 should should AUX _005456899 603 25 promote promote VERB _005456899 603 26 the the DET _005456899 603 27 universal universal ADJ _005456899 603 28 vice vice NOUN _005456899 603 29 of of ADP _005456899 603 30 girls girl NOUN _005456899 603 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 603 32 that that PRON _005456899 603 33 of of ADP _005456899 603 34 lying lie VERB _005456899 603 35 when when SCONJ _005456899 603 36 they they PRON _005456899 603 37 do do AUX _005456899 603 38 n't not PART _005456899 603 39 want want VERB _005456899 603 40 to to PART _005456899 603 41 go go VERB _005456899 603 42 out out ADP _005456899 603 43 with with ADP _005456899 603 44 a a DET _005456899 603 45 man man NOUN _005456899 603 46 who who PRON _005456899 603 47 calls call VERB _005456899 603 48 them they PRON _005456899 603 49 for for ADP _005456899 603 50 a a DET _005456899 603 51 date date NOUN _005456899 603 52 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 603 53 " " PUNCT _005456899 604 1 my my PRON _005456899 604 2 students student NOUN _005456899 604 3 defend defend VERB _005456899 604 4 the the DET _005456899 604 5 lie lie NOUN _005456899 604 6 to to PART _005456899 604 7 evade evade VERB _005456899 604 8 a a DET _005456899 604 9 date date NOUN _005456899 604 10 the the DET _005456899 604 11 spontaneous spontaneous ADJ _005456899 604 12 cry cry NOUN _005456899 604 13 of of ADP _005456899 604 14 protest protest NOUN _005456899 604 15 that that PRON _005456899 604 16 arose arise VERB _005456899 604 17 from from ADP _005456899 604 18 every every DET _005456899 604 19 part part NOUN _005456899 604 20 of of ADP _005456899 604 21 the the DET _005456899 604 22 classroom classroom NOUN _005456899 604 23 practically practically ADV _005456899 604 24 blew blow VERB _005456899 604 25 me i PRON _005456899 604 26 behind behind ADP _005456899 604 27 my my PRON _005456899 604 28 desk desk NOUN _005456899 604 29 for for ADP _005456899 604 30 safety safety NOUN _005456899 604 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 605 1 what what PRON _005456899 605 2 was be AUX _005456899 605 3 a a DET _005456899 605 4 girl girl NOUN _005456899 605 5 to to PART _005456899 605 6 do do VERB _005456899 605 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 605 8 they they PRON _005456899 605 9 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005456899 605 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 605 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 605 12 some some DET _005456899 605 13 drip drip NOUN _005456899 605 14 calls call VERB _005456899 605 15 for for ADP _005456899 605 16 a a DET _005456899 605 17 date date NOUN _005456899 605 18 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 606 1 surely surely ADV _005456899 606 2 i i PRON _005456899 606 3 did do AUX _005456899 606 4 n't not PART _005456899 606 5 want want VERB _005456899 606 6 them they PRON _005456899 606 7 to to PART _005456899 606 8 say say VERB _005456899 606 9 brutally brutally ADV _005456899 606 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 606 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 606 12 i i PRON _005456899 606 13 do do AUX _005456899 606 14 n't not PART _005456899 606 15 like like VERB _005456899 606 16 you you PRON _005456899 606 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 607 1 i i PRON _005456899 607 2 wo will AUX _005456899 607 3 n't not PART _005456899 607 4 go go VERB _005456899 607 5 out out ADP _005456899 607 6 with with ADP _005456899 607 7 you you PRON _005456899 607 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 607 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 608 1 after after ADV _005456899 608 2 all all DET _005456899 608 3 one one NUM _005456899 608 4 must must AUX _005456899 608 5 save save VERB _005456899 608 6 the the DET _005456899 608 7 boy boy NOUN _005456899 608 8 's 's PART _005456899 608 9 feelings feeling NOUN _005456899 608 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 609 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 609 2 the the DET _005456899 609 3 only only ADJ _005456899 609 4 way way NOUN _005456899 609 5 to to PART _005456899 609 6 do do VERB _005456899 609 7 it it PRON _005456899 609 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 609 9 they they PRON _005456899 609 10 protested protest VERB _005456899 609 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 609 12 is be AUX _005456899 609 13 by by ADP _005456899 609 14 telling tell VERB _005456899 609 15 him he PRON _005456899 609 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 609 17 one one PRON _005456899 609 18 is be AUX _005456899 609 19 sick sick ADJ _005456899 609 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 609 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 609 22 busy busy ADJ _005456899 609 23 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 610 1 after after SCONJ _005456899 610 2 the the DET _005456899 610 3 first first ADJ _005456899 610 4 wave wave NOUN _005456899 610 5 had have AUX _005456899 610 6 subsided subside VERB _005456899 610 7 slightly slightly ADV _005456899 610 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 610 9 one one NUM _005456899 610 10 very very ADV _005456899 610 11 conscientious conscientious ADJ _005456899 610 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 610 13 confessed confess VERB _005456899 610 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 610 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 610 16 i i PRON _005456899 610 17 have have VERB _005456899 610 18 trouble trouble NOUN _005456899 610 19 all all DET _005456899 610 20 the the DET _005456899 610 21 time time NOUN _005456899 610 22 when when SCONJ _005456899 610 23 i i PRON _005456899 610 24 try try VERB _005456899 610 25 to to PART _005456899 610 26 be be AUX _005456899 610 27 honest honest ADJ _005456899 610 28 with with ADP _005456899 610 29 boys boy NOUN _005456899 610 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 611 1 even even ADV _005456899 611 2 my my PRON _005456899 611 3 mother mother NOUN _005456899 611 4 gets get VERB _005456899 611 5 disgusted disgust VERB _005456899 611 6 with with ADP _005456899 611 7 me i PRON _005456899 611 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 611 9 says say VERB _005456899 611 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 611 11 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 611 12 why why SCONJ _005456899 611 13 do do AUX _005456899 611 14 n't not PART _005456899 611 15 you you PRON _005456899 611 16 tell tell VERB _005456899 611 17 'em them PRON _005456899 611 18 you you PRON _005456899 611 19 're be AUX _005456899 611 20 sick sick ADJ _005456899 611 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 611 22 or or CCONJ _005456899 611 23 let let VERB _005456899 611 24 me i PRON _005456899 611 25 answer answer VERB _005456899 611 26 the the DET _005456899 611 27 phone phone NOUN _005456899 611 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 611 29 tell tell VERB _005456899 611 30 'em them PRON _005456899 611 31 you you PRON _005456899 611 32 are be AUX _005456899 611 33 out out ADV _005456899 611 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 611 35 or or CCONJ _005456899 611 36 something something PRON _005456899 611 37 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 611 38 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 611 39 " " PUNCT _005456899 612 1 i i PRON _005456899 612 2 looked look VERB _005456899 612 3 horrified horrified ADJ _005456899 612 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 612 5 cried cry VERB _005456899 612 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 612 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 612 8 what what PRON _005456899 612 9 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 613 1 can can AUX _005456899 613 2 it it PRON _005456899 613 3 be be AUX _005456899 613 4 you you PRON _005456899 613 5 girls girl NOUN _005456899 613 6 even even ADV _005456899 613 7 get get VERB _005456899 613 8 your your PRON _005456899 613 9 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 613 10 to to PART _005456899 613 11 lie lie VERB _005456899 613 12 for for SCONJ _005456899 613 13 you you PRON _005456899 613 14 to to PART _005456899 613 15 get get VERB _005456899 613 16 out out ADP _005456899 613 17 of of ADP _005456899 613 18 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 613 19 dates date NOUN _005456899 613 20 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 613 21 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 614 1 now now ADV _005456899 614 2 they they PRON _005456899 614 3 were be AUX _005456899 614 4 just just ADV _005456899 614 5 a a DET _005456899 614 6 bit bit NOUN _005456899 614 7 discomfited discomfit VERB _005456899 614 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 614 9 but but CCONJ _005456899 614 10 it it PRON _005456899 614 11 was be AUX _005456899 614 12 clear clear ADJ _005456899 614 13 their their PRON _005456899 614 14 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 614 15 did do AUX _005456899 614 16 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 614 17 help help VERB _005456899 614 18 them they PRON _005456899 614 19 lie lie VERB _005456899 614 20 out out ADP _005456899 614 21 of of ADP _005456899 614 22 dates date NOUN _005456899 614 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 615 1 they they PRON _005456899 615 2 ask ask VERB _005456899 615 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 615 4 a a DET _005456899 615 5 girl girl NOUN _005456899 615 6 can can AUX _005456899 615 7 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 615 8 evade evade VERB _005456899 615 9 a a DET _005456899 615 10 date date NOUN _005456899 615 11 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 615 12 in in ADP _005456899 615 13 a a DET _005456899 615 14 second second NOUN _005456899 615 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 615 16 they they PRON _005456899 615 17 were be AUX _005456899 615 18 re re VERB _005456899 615 19 - - VERB _005456899 615 20 formed form VERB _005456899 615 21 for for ADP _005456899 615 22 battle battle NOUN _005456899 615 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 616 1 seriously seriously ADV _005456899 616 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 616 3 they they PRON _005456899 616 4 wanted want VERB _005456899 616 5 to to PART _005456899 616 6 know know VERB _005456899 616 7 what what PRON _005456899 616 8 i i PRON _005456899 616 9 had have VERB _005456899 616 10 to to PART _005456899 616 11 suggest suggest VERB _005456899 616 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 617 1 what what PRON _005456899 617 2 should should AUX _005456899 617 3 they they PRON _005456899 617 4 say say VERB _005456899 617 5 to to ADP _005456899 617 6 a a DET _005456899 617 7 boy boy NOUN _005456899 617 8 who who PRON _005456899 617 9 asks ask VERB _005456899 617 10 for for ADP _005456899 617 11 a a DET _005456899 617 12 date date NOUN _005456899 617 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 617 14 with with ADP _005456899 617 15 whom whom PRON _005456899 617 16 they they PRON _005456899 617 17 do do AUX _005456899 617 18 not not PART _005456899 617 19 want want VERB _005456899 617 20 to to PART _005456899 617 21 go go VERB _005456899 617 22 out out ADV _005456899 617 23 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 618 1 now now ADV _005456899 618 2 i i PRON _005456899 618 3 was be AUX _005456899 618 4 discomfited discomfit VERB _005456899 618 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 619 1 after after ADP _005456899 619 2 some some DET _005456899 619 3 obvious obvious ADJ _005456899 619 4 confusion confusion NOUN _005456899 619 5 i i PRON _005456899 619 6 suggested suggest VERB _005456899 619 7 haltingly haltingly ADV _005456899 619 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 619 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 619 10 well well INTJ _005456899 619 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 619 12 why why SCONJ _005456899 619 13 do do AUX _005456899 619 14 n't not PART _005456899 619 15 you you PRON _005456899 619 16 say say VERB _005456899 619 17 to to ADP _005456899 619 18 him he PRON _005456899 619 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 619 20 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 619 21 it it PRON _005456899 619 22 's be AUX _005456899 619 23 nice nice ADJ _005456899 619 24 of of ADP _005456899 619 25 you you PRON _005456899 619 26 to to PART _005456899 619 27 ask ask VERB _005456899 619 28 me i PRON _005456899 619 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 620 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 620 2 though though SCONJ _005456899 620 3 i i PRON _005456899 620 4 think think VERB _005456899 620 5 you you PRON _005456899 620 6 are be AUX _005456899 620 7 nice nice ADJ _005456899 620 8 too too ADV _005456899 620 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 620 10 i i PRON _005456899 620 11 do do AUX _005456899 620 12 not not PART _005456899 620 13 feel feel VERB _005456899 620 14 in in ADP _005456899 620 15 the the DET _005456899 620 16 mood mood NOUN _005456899 620 17 for for ADP _005456899 620 18 a a DET _005456899 620 19 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 620 20 friendship friendship NOUN _005456899 620 21 with with ADP _005456899 620 22 you you PRON _005456899 620 23 at at ADP _005456899 620 24 this this DET _005456899 620 25 time time NOUN _005456899 620 26 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 620 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 620 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 621 1 an an DET _005456899 621 2 avalanche avalanche NOUN _005456899 621 3 of of ADP _005456899 621 4 laughter laughter NOUN _005456899 621 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 621 6 protests protest NOUN _005456899 621 7 greeted greet VERB _005456899 621 8 this this PRON _005456899 621 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 622 1 one one NUM _005456899 622 2 usually usually ADV _005456899 622 3 quiet quiet ADJ _005456899 622 4 girl girl NOUN _005456899 622 5 asl asl NOUN _005456899 622 6 what what PRON _005456899 622 7 si si VERB _005456899 622 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 622 9 you you PRON _005456899 622 10 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 622 11 yourselj yourselj VERB _005456899 622 12 you you PRON _005456899 622 13 is be AUX _005456899 622 14 1 1 NUM _005456899 622 15 we we PRON _005456899 622 16 at at ADP _005456899 622 17 t1 t1 PROPN _005456899 622 18 a a DET _005456899 622 19 chanc chanc NOUN _005456899 622 20 came come VERB _005456899 622 21 to to ADP _005456899 622 22 getting get VERB _005456899 622 23 · · PUNCT _005456899 622 24 welcom€ welcom€ PRON _005456899 622 25 telling tell VERB _005456899 622 26 f f PROPN _005456899 622 27 : : PUNCT _005456899 622 28 you you PRON _005456899 622 29 don don PROPN _005456899 622 30 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 622 31 realized realize VERB _005456899 622 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 622 33 with with ADP _005456899 622 34 him he PRON _005456899 623 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 623 2 i i PRON _005456899 623 3 lying lie VERB _005456899 623 4 to to ADP _005456899 623 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 623 6 b b X _005456899 623 7 can can AUX _005456899 623 8 not not PART _005456899 623 9 bt bt VERB _005456899 623 10 him he PRON _005456899 623 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 624 1 i i PRON _005456899 624 2 rer rer VERB _005456899 624 3 to to ADP _005456899 624 4 a a DET _005456899 624 5 painl painl NOUN _005456899 624 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 624 7 harm harm NOUN _005456899 624 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 624 9 for for ADP _005456899 624 10 on on ADP _005456899 624 11 really really ADV _005456899 624 12 dev~ dev~ NOUN _005456899 624 13 one one NUM _005456899 624 14 timet timet NOUN _005456899 624 15 whom whom PRON _005456899 624 16 she she PRON _005456899 624 17 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 624 18 as as ADP _005456899 624 19 t t NOUN _005456899 624 20 < < X _005456899 624 21 plained plain VERB _005456899 624 22 tha tha PROPN _005456899 624 23 swered swered PROPN _005456899 624 24 tha tha PROPN _005456899 624 25 friday friday PROPN _005456899 624 26 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 624 27 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 625 1 sl sl PROPN _005456899 625 2 friday friday PROPN _005456899 625 3 too too ADV _005456899 625 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 625 5 tinued tinue VERB _005456899 625 6 acco acco PROPN _005456899 625 7 put put VERB _005456899 625 8 her she PRON _005456899 625 9 on on ADP _005456899 625 10 tending tend VERB _005456899 625 11 to to ADP _005456899 625 12 1 1 NUM _005456899 625 13 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 625 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 625 15 am be AUX _005456899 625 16 her she PRON _005456899 625 17 to to PART _005456899 625 18 go go VERB _005456899 625 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 625 20 finally finally ADV _005456899 625 21 to to ADP _005456899 625 22 o o NOUN _005456899 625 23 · · PUNCT _005456899 625 24 would would AUX _005456899 625 25 have have VERB _005456899 625 26 where where SCONJ _005456899 625 27 to to PART _005456899 625 28 p p NOUN _005456899 625 29 u u NOUN _005456899 625 30 dmitted dmitte VERB _005456899 625 31 : : PUNCT _005456899 625 32 e e PROPN _005456899 625 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 625 34 lady lady NOUN _005456899 625 35 1 1 NUM _005456899 625 36 count count NOUN _005456899 625 37 ou ou NOUN _005456899 625 38 will will NOUN _005456899 625 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 625 40 ght ght VERB _005456899 625 41 for for ADP _005456899 625 42 ow ow NOUN _005456899 625 43 unbit unbit NOUN _005456899 625 44 as as ADP _005456899 625 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 625 46 f f PROPN _005456899 625 47 girls girl NOUN _005456899 625 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 625 49 10 10 NUM _005456899 625 50 calls call NOUN _005456899 625 51 1art 1art NUM _005456899 625 52 of of ADP _005456899 625 53 what what PRON _005456899 625 54 date date NOUN _005456899 625 55 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 626 1 wo will AUX _005456899 626 2 n't not PART _005456899 626 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 626 4 when when SCONJ _005456899 626 5 a a DET _005456899 626 6 gffil gffil NOUN _005456899 626 7 wants want VERB _005456899 626 8 to to PART _005456899 626 9 decline decline VERB _005456899 626 10 a a DET _005456899 626 11 date date NOUN _005456899 626 12 27 27 NUM _005456899 626 13 girl girl NOUN _005456899 626 14 asked ask VERB _005456899 626 15 archly archly ADV _005456899 626 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 626 17 if if SCONJ _005456899 626 18 i i PRON _005456899 626 19 did do AUX _005456899 626 20 n't not PART _005456899 626 21 think think VERB _005456899 626 22 myself myself PRON _005456899 626 23 that that SCONJ _005456899 626 24 that that PRON _005456899 626 25 sounded sound VERB _005456899 626 26 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 626 27 stuffy stuffy ADJ _005456899 626 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 627 1 another another PRON _005456899 627 2 said say VERB _005456899 627 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 627 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 627 5 he he PRON _005456899 627 6 'd would AUX _005456899 627 7 hate hate VERB _005456899 627 8 you you PRON _005456899 627 9 for for ADP _005456899 627 10 the the DET _005456899 627 11 rest rest NOUN _005456899 627 12 of of ADP _005456899 627 13 his his PRON _005456899 627 14 life life NOUN _005456899 627 15 if if SCONJ _005456899 627 16 you you PRON _005456899 627 17 said say VERB _005456899 627 18 that that PRON _005456899 627 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 627 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 628 1 a a DET _005456899 628 2 third third NOUN _005456899 628 3 said say VERB _005456899 628 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 628 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 628 6 a a DET _005456899 628 7 boy boy NOUN _005456899 628 8 would would AUX _005456899 628 9 answer answer VERB _005456899 628 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 628 11 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 628 12 do do AUX _005456899 628 13 n't not PART _005456899 628 14 give give VERB _005456899 628 15 yourself yourself PRON _005456899 628 16 big big ADJ _005456899 628 17 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 628 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 629 1 who who PRON _005456899 629 2 said say VERB _005456899 629 3 anything anything PRON _005456899 629 4 about about ADP _005456899 629 5 romance romance NOUN _005456899 629 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 630 1 all all PRON _005456899 630 2 i i PRON _005456899 630 3 asked ask VERB _005456899 630 4 you you PRON _005456899 630 5 is be AUX _005456899 630 6 to to PART _005456899 630 7 go go VERB _005456899 630 8 to to ADP _005456899 630 9 a a DET _005456899 630 10 show show NOUN _005456899 630 11 with with ADP _005456899 630 12 me i PRON _005456899 630 13 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 630 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 630 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 631 1 we we PRON _005456899 631 2 admit admit VERB _005456899 631 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 631 4 it it PRON _005456899 631 5 is be AUX _005456899 631 6 seldom seldom ADV _005456899 631 7 easy easy ADJ _005456899 631 8 to to PART _005456899 631 9 deny deny VERB _005456899 631 10 any any DET _005456899 631 11 requests request NOUN _005456899 631 12 at at ADP _005456899 631 13 this this DET _005456899 631 14 point point NOUN _005456899 631 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 631 16 happily happily ADV _005456899 631 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 631 18 the the DET _005456899 631 19 bell bell NOUN _005456899 631 20 rang ring VERB _005456899 631 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 632 1 on on ADP _005456899 632 2 my my PRON _005456899 632 3 way way NOUN _005456899 632 4 home home ADV _005456899 632 5 i i PRON _005456899 632 6 had have VERB _005456899 632 7 a a DET _005456899 632 8 chance chance NOUN _005456899 632 9 to to PART _005456899 632 10 do do AUX _005456899 632 11 some some DET _005456899 632 12 good good ADJ _005456899 632 13 hard hard ADJ _005456899 632 14 thinking thinking NOUN _005456899 632 15 on on ADP _005456899 632 16 the the DET _005456899 632 17 subject subject NOUN _005456899 632 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 633 1 soon soon ADV _005456899 633 2 i i PRON _005456899 633 3 came come VERB _005456899 633 4 to to ADP _005456899 633 5 my my PRON _005456899 633 6 first first ADJ _005456899 633 7 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005456899 633 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 634 1 it it PRON _005456899 634 2 is be AUX _005456899 634 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 634 4 no no ADV _005456899 634 5 matter matter ADV _005456899 634 6 how how SCONJ _005456899 634 7 you you PRON _005456899 634 8 face face VERB _005456899 634 9 it it PRON _005456899 634 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 634 11 getting get VERB _005456899 634 12 out out ADP _005456899 634 13 of of ADP _005456899 634 14 an an DET _005456899 634 15 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 634 16 date date NOUN _005456899 634 17 is be AUX _005456899 634 18 not not PART _005456899 634 19 as as ADV _005456899 634 20 easy easy ADJ _005456899 634 21 as as ADP _005456899 634 22 accepting accept VERB _005456899 634 23 a a DET _005456899 634 24 welcome welcome ADJ _005456899 634 25 one one NUM _005456899 634 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 635 1 it it PRON _005456899 635 2 's be AUX _005456899 635 3 not not PART _005456899 635 4 as as ADV _005456899 635 5 easy easy ADJ _005456899 635 6 as as ADP _005456899 635 7 falling fall VERB _005456899 635 8 off off ADP _005456899 635 9 a a DET _005456899 635 10 log log NOUN _005456899 635 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 636 1 it it PRON _005456899 636 2 's be AUX _005456899 636 3 harder hard ADJ _005456899 636 4 than than ADP _005456899 636 5 telling tell VERB _005456899 636 6 father father NOUN _005456899 636 7 you you PRON _005456899 636 8 got get VERB _005456899 636 9 another another DET _005456899 636 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 636 11 f f NUM _005456899 636 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 636 13 in in ADP _005456899 636 14 deportment deportment NOUN _005456899 636 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 636 16 or or CCONJ _005456899 636 17 mother mother NOUN _005456899 636 18 that that PRON _005456899 636 19 you you PRON _005456899 636 20 do do AUX _005456899 636 21 n't not PART _005456899 636 22 like like VERB _005456899 636 23 the the DET _005456899 636 24 type type NOUN _005456899 636 25 of of ADP _005456899 636 26 dresses dress NOUN _005456899 636 27 she she PRON _005456899 636 28 always always ADV _005456899 636 29 picks pick VERB _005456899 636 30 for for ADP _005456899 636 31 you you PRON _005456899 636 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 637 1 yes yes INTJ _005456899 637 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 637 3 i i PRON _005456899 637 4 realized realize VERB _005456899 637 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 637 6 it it PRON _005456899 637 7 was be AUX _005456899 637 8 n't not PART _005456899 637 9 easy easy ADJ _005456899 637 10 to to PART _005456899 637 11 tell tell VERB _005456899 637 12 a a DET _005456899 637 13 boy boy NOUN _005456899 637 14 you you PRON _005456899 637 15 did do AUX _005456899 637 16 not not PART _005456899 637 17 want want VERB _005456899 637 18 to to PART _005456899 637 19 go go VERB _005456899 637 20 out out ADP _005456899 637 21 with with ADP _005456899 637 22 him he PRON _005456899 637 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 638 1 better well ADV _005456899 638 2 a a DET _005456899 638 3 painful painful ADJ _005456899 638 4 truth truth NOUN _005456899 638 5 than than ADP _005456899 638 6 any any DET _005456899 638 7 kind kind NOUN _005456899 638 8 of of ADP _005456899 638 9 lie lie NOUN _005456899 639 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 639 2 i i PRON _005456899 639 3 felt feel VERB _005456899 639 4 more more ADV _005456899 639 5 certain certain ADJ _005456899 639 6 than than ADP _005456899 639 7 ever ever ADV _005456899 639 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 639 9 using use VERB _005456899 639 10 olivia olivia PROPN _005456899 639 11 's 's PART _005456899 639 12 method method NOUN _005456899 639 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 639 14 lying lie VERB _005456899 639 15 to to ADP _005456899 639 16 him he PRON _005456899 639 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 639 18 deceiving deceive VERB _005456899 639 19 him he PRON _005456899 639 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 639 21 could could AUX _005456899 639 22 not not PART _005456899 639 23 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 639 24 be be AUX _005456899 639 25 the the DET _005456899 639 26 right right ADJ _005456899 639 27 way way NOUN _005456899 639 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 640 1 i i PRON _005456899 640 2 can can AUX _005456899 640 3 not not PART _005456899 640 4 believe believe VERB _005456899 640 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 640 6 deceiving deceive VERB _005456899 640 7 a a DET _005456899 640 8 person person NOUN _005456899 640 9 is be AUX _005456899 640 10 being be AUX _005456899 640 11 charitable charitable ADJ _005456899 640 12 with with ADP _005456899 640 13 him he PRON _005456899 640 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 641 1 i i PRON _005456899 641 2 remember remember VERB _005456899 641 3 goethe goethe PROPN _005456899 641 4 's be AUX _005456899 641 5 saying say VERB _005456899 641 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 641 7 he he PRON _005456899 641 8 preferred prefer VERB _005456899 641 9 a a DET _005456899 641 10 painful painful ADJ _005456899 641 11 truth truth NOUN _005456899 641 12 to to ADP _005456899 641 13 a a DET _005456899 641 14 painless painless ADJ _005456899 641 15 lie lie NOUN _005456899 641 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 641 17 because because SCONJ _005456899 641 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 641 19 he he PRON _005456899 641 20 argued argue VERB _005456899 641 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 641 22 the the DET _005456899 641 23 lie lie NOUN _005456899 641 24 will will AUX _005456899 641 25 sooner soon ADV _005456899 641 26 or or CCONJ _005456899 641 27 later later ADV _005456899 641 28 do do VERB _005456899 641 29 harm harm NOUN _005456899 641 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 641 31 the the DET _005456899 641 32 truth truth NOUN _005456899 641 33 can can AUX _005456899 641 34 not not PART _005456899 641 35 but but CCONJ _005456899 641 36 be be AUX _005456899 641 37 the the DET _005456899 641 38 best good ADJ _005456899 641 39 policy policy NOUN _005456899 641 40 in in ADP _005456899 641 41 the the DET _005456899 641 42 end end NOUN _005456899 641 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 642 1 a a DET _005456899 642 2 boy boy NOUN _005456899 642 3 put put VERB _005456899 642 4 a a DET _005456899 642 5 lying lie VERB _005456899 642 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 642 7 on on ADP _005456899 642 8 the the DET _005456899 642 9 spot spot NOUN _005456899 642 10 for for ADP _005456899 642 11 one one NUM _005456899 642 12 thing thing NOUN _005456899 642 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 642 14 in in ADP _005456899 642 15 many many ADJ _005456899 642 16 cases case NOUN _005456899 642 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 642 18 lying lie VERB _005456899 642 19 either either CCONJ _005456899 642 20 fails fail VERB _005456899 642 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 642 22 provokes provoke VERB _005456899 642 23 a a DET _005456899 642 24 really really ADV _005456899 642 25 devastating devastating ADJ _005456899 642 26 rudeness rudeness NOUN _005456899 642 27 eventually eventually ADV _005456899 642 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 643 1 one one NUM _005456899 643 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 643 3 complained complain VERB _005456899 643 4 to to ADP _005456899 643 5 me i PRON _005456899 643 6 one one NUM _005456899 643 7 time time NOUN _005456899 643 8 that that PRON _005456899 643 9 she she PRON _005456899 643 10 had have AUX _005456899 643 11 had have VERB _005456899 643 12 a a DET _005456899 643 13 date date NOUN _005456899 643 14 with with ADP _005456899 643 15 a a DET _005456899 643 16 foreign foreign ADJ _005456899 643 17 student student NOUN _005456899 643 18 towards towards ADP _005456899 643 19 whom whom PRON _005456899 643 20 she she PRON _005456899 643 21 felt feel VERB _005456899 643 22 a a DET _005456899 643 23 particular particular ADJ _005456899 643 24 dislike dislike NOUN _005456899 643 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 644 1 i i PRON _005456899 644 2 asked ask VERB _005456899 644 3 her she PRON _005456899 644 4 why why SCONJ _005456899 644 5 she she PRON _005456899 644 6 was be AUX _005456899 644 7 so so ADV _005456899 644 8 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 644 9 as as SCONJ _005456899 644 10 to to PART _005456899 644 11 accept accept VERB _005456899 644 12 a a DET _005456899 644 13 date date NOUN _005456899 644 14 with with ADP _005456899 644 15 him he PRON _005456899 644 16 if if SCONJ _005456899 644 17 she she PRON _005456899 644 18 did do AUX _005456899 644 19 not not PART _005456899 644 20 like like VERB _005456899 644 21 him he PRON _005456899 644 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 645 1 she she PRON _005456899 645 2 explained explain VERB _005456899 645 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 645 4 when when SCONJ _005456899 645 5 he he PRON _005456899 645 6 asked ask VERB _005456899 645 7 for for ADP _005456899 645 8 a a DET _005456899 645 9 date date NOUN _005456899 645 10 on on ADP _005456899 645 11 thursday thursday PROPN _005456899 645 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 645 13 she she PRON _005456899 645 14 gliby gliby PROPN _005456899 645 15 answered answer VERB _005456899 645 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 645 17 she she PRON _005456899 645 18 was be AUX _005456899 645 19 busy busy ADJ _005456899 645 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 645 21 whereupon whereupon ADV _005456899 645 22 he he PRON _005456899 645 23 said say VERB _005456899 645 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 645 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 645 26 well well INTJ _005456899 645 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 645 28 what what PRON _005456899 645 29 about about ADP _005456899 645 30 friday friday PROPN _005456899 645 31 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 645 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 646 1 she she PRON _005456899 646 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 646 3 of of ADP _005456899 646 4 course course NOUN _005456899 646 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 646 6 declared declare VERB _005456899 646 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 646 8 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 646 9 she she PRON _005456899 646 10 was be AUX _005456899 646 11 busy busy ADJ _005456899 646 12 friday friday PROPN _005456899 646 13 too too ADV _005456899 646 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 646 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 646 16 hoped hope VERB _005456899 646 17 surely surely ADV _005456899 646 18 that that PRON _005456899 646 19 would would AUX _005456899 646 20 end end VERB _005456899 646 21 matters matter NOUN _005456899 646 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 647 1 her her PRON _005456899 647 2 continued continue VERB _005456899 647 3 account account NOUN _005456899 647 4 was be AUX _005456899 647 5 amusing amusing ADJ _005456899 647 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 648 1 it it PRON _005456899 648 2 seems seem VERB _005456899 648 3 this this DET _005456899 648 4 boy boy NOUN _005456899 648 5 was be AUX _005456899 648 6 determined determined ADJ _005456899 648 7 to to PART _005456899 648 8 put put VERB _005456899 648 9 her she PRON _005456899 648 10 on on ADP _005456899 648 11 the the DET _005456899 648 12 spot spot NOUN _005456899 648 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 648 14 to to PART _005456899 648 15 make make VERB _005456899 648 16 her she PRON _005456899 648 17 either either CCONJ _005456899 648 18 own own ADJ _005456899 648 19 up up ADP _005456899 648 20 or or CCONJ _005456899 648 21 put put VERB _005456899 648 22 up up ADP _005456899 648 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 649 1 pretending pretend VERB _005456899 649 2 to to PART _005456899 649 3 take take VERB _005456899 649 4 her she PRON _005456899 649 5 at at ADP _005456899 649 6 her her PRON _005456899 649 7 word word NOUN _005456899 649 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 649 9 he he PRON _005456899 649 10 suggested suggest VERB _005456899 649 11 saturday saturday PROPN _005456899 649 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 649 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 649 14 then then ADV _005456899 649 15 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 649 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 649 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 649 18 so so ADV _005456899 649 19 on on ADP _005456899 649 20 · · NUM _005456899 649 21 until until SCONJ _005456899 649 22 he he PRON _005456899 649 23 got get VERB _005456899 649 24 around around ADV _005456899 649 25 to to ADP _005456899 649 26 another another DET _005456899 649 27 thursday thursday PROPN _005456899 649 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 650 1 for for SCONJ _005456899 650 2 her she PRON _005456899 650 3 to to PART _005456899 650 4 go go VERB _005456899 650 5 on on ADP _005456899 650 6 saying say VERB _005456899 650 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 650 8 she she PRON _005456899 650 9 was be AUX _005456899 650 10 busy busy ADJ _005456899 650 11 would would AUX _005456899 650 12 have have AUX _005456899 650 13 been be AUX _005456899 650 14 ludicrous ludicrous ADJ _005456899 650 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 651 1 finally finally ADV _005456899 651 2 to to PART _005456899 651 3 own own VERB _005456899 651 4 up up ADP _005456899 651 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 651 6 say say VERB _005456899 651 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 651 8 she she PRON _005456899 651 9 just just ADV _005456899 651 10 did do AUX _005456899 651 11 not not PART _005456899 651 12 want want VERB _005456899 651 13 to to PART _005456899 651 14 date date VERB _005456899 651 15 him he PRON _005456899 651 16 would would AUX _005456899 651 17 have have AUX _005456899 651 18 proved prove VERB _005456899 651 19 her she PRON _005456899 651 20 a a DET _005456899 651 21 liar liar NOUN _005456899 651 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 652 1 consequently consequently ADV _005456899 652 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 652 3 she she PRON _005456899 652 4 was be AUX _005456899 652 5 on on ADP _005456899 652 6 the the DET _005456899 652 7 spot spot NOUN _005456899 652 8 where where SCONJ _005456899 652 9 to to PART _005456899 652 10 put put VERB _005456899 652 11 up up ADP _005456899 652 12 was be AUX _005456899 652 13 easier easy ADJ _005456899 652 14 than than SCONJ _005456899 652 15 to to PART _005456899 652 16 own own VERB _005456899 652 17 up up ADP _005456899 652 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 653 1 28 28 NUM _005456899 653 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 653 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 653 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 653 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 653 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 653 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 653 8 because because SCONJ _005456899 653 9 most most ADJ _005456899 653 10 girls girl NOUN _005456899 653 11 are be AUX _005456899 653 12 not not PART _005456899 653 13 frank frank ADJ _005456899 653 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 653 15 men man NOUN _005456899 653 16 doubt doubt VERB _005456899 653 17 all all DET _005456899 653 18 excuses excuse NOUN _005456899 653 19 then then ADV _005456899 653 20 there there PRON _005456899 653 21 was be VERB _005456899 653 22 the the DET _005456899 653 23 modest modest ADJ _005456899 653 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 653 25 considerate considerate ADJ _005456899 653 26 boy boy NOUN _005456899 653 27 who who PRON _005456899 653 28 asked ask VERB _005456899 653 29 a a DET _005456899 653 30 girl girl NOUN _005456899 653 31 to to ADP _005456899 653 32 a a DET _005456899 653 33 very very ADV _005456899 653 34 fine fine ADJ _005456899 653 35 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 653 36 afternoon afternoon NOUN _005456899 653 37 concert concert NOUN _005456899 653 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 654 1 he he PRON _005456899 654 2 had have AUX _005456899 654 3 picked pick VERB _005456899 654 4 a a DET _005456899 654 5 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 654 6 refined refine VERB _005456899 654 7 occasion occasion NOUN _005456899 654 8 to to PART _005456899 654 9 bring bring VERB _005456899 654 10 about about ADP _005456899 654 11 their their PRON _005456899 654 12 first first ADJ _005456899 654 13 date date NOUN _005456899 654 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 655 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 655 2 she she PRON _005456899 655 3 answered answer VERB _005456899 655 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 655 5 she she PRON _005456899 655 6 had have VERB _005456899 655 7 to to PART _005456899 655 8 take take VERB _005456899 655 9 her her PRON _005456899 655 10 parents parent NOUN _005456899 655 11 out out ADP _005456899 655 12 for for ADP _005456899 655 13 a a DET _005456899 655 14 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 655 15 afternoon afternoon NOUN _005456899 655 16 drive drive NOUN _005456899 655 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 655 18 he he PRON _005456899 655 19 quite quite ADV _005456899 655 20 logically logically ADV _005456899 655 21 concluded conclude VERB _005456899 655 22 that that SCONJ _005456899 655 23 she she PRON _005456899 655 24 had have AUX _005456899 655 25 given give VERB _005456899 655 26 him he PRON _005456899 655 27 a a DET _005456899 655 28 typical typical ADJ _005456899 655 29 feminine feminine ADJ _005456899 655 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 655 31 white white ADJ _005456899 655 32 lie lie NOUN _005456899 655 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 655 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 655 35 that that SCONJ _005456899 655 36 a a DET _005456899 655 37 date date NOUN _005456899 655 38 with with ADP _005456899 655 39 him he PRON _005456899 655 40 was be AUX _005456899 655 41 undoubtedly undoubtedly ADV _005456899 655 42 disagreeable disagreeable ADJ _005456899 655 43 to to ADP _005456899 655 44 her she PRON _005456899 655 45 . . PUNCT _005456899 656 1 being be AUX _005456899 656 2 gentlemanly gentlemanly ADV _005456899 656 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 656 4 sensitive sensitive ADJ _005456899 656 5 to to ADP _005456899 656 6 others other NOUN _005456899 656 7 ' ' PART _005456899 656 8 wishes wish NOUN _005456899 656 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 656 10 he he PRON _005456899 656 11 never never ADV _005456899 656 12 called call VERB _005456899 656 13 her she PRON _005456899 656 14 up up ADP _005456899 656 15 again again ADV _005456899 656 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 657 1 · · PUNCT _005456899 657 2 years year NOUN _005456899 657 3 afterwards afterwards ADV _005456899 657 4 he he PRON _005456899 657 5 learned learn VERB _005456899 657 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 657 7 the the DET _005456899 657 8 girl girl NOUN _005456899 657 9 had have AUX _005456899 657 10 not not PART _005456899 657 11 lied lie VERB _005456899 657 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 657 13 did do AUX _005456899 657 14 not not PART _005456899 657 15 consider consider VERB _005456899 657 16 his his PRON _005456899 657 17 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 657 18 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 657 19 at at ADV _005456899 657 20 all all ADV _005456899 657 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 657 22 but but CCONJ _005456899 657 23 was be AUX _005456899 657 24 in in ADP _005456899 657 25 the the DET _005456899 657 26 h h NOUN _005456899 657 27 abit abit NOUN _005456899 657 28 of of ADP _005456899 657 29 taking take VERB _005456899 657 30 her she PRON _005456899 657 31 p p NOUN _005456899 657 32 arents arent NOUN _005456899 657 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 657 34 who who PRON _005456899 657 35 were be AUX _005456899 657 36 not not PART _005456899 657 37 very very ADV _005456899 657 38 well well ADV _005456899 657 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 657 40 for for ADP _005456899 657 41 a a DET _005456899 657 42 drive drive NOUN _005456899 657 43 every every DET _005456899 657 44 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 657 45 afternoon afternoon NOUN _005456899 657 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 657 47 did do AUX _005456899 657 48 not not PART _005456899 657 49 want want VERB _005456899 657 50 to to PART _005456899 657 51 fail fail VERB _005456899 657 52 them they PRON _005456899 657 53 just just ADV _005456899 657 54 for for ADP _005456899 657 55 what what PRON _005456899 657 56 looked look VERB _005456899 657 57 like like ADP _005456899 657 58 a a DET _005456899 657 59 casual casual ADJ _005456899 657 60 date date NOUN _005456899 657 61 . . PUNCT _005456899 658 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 658 2 when when SCONJ _005456899 658 3 girls girl NOUN _005456899 658 4 so so ADV _005456899 658 5 generally generally ADV _005456899 658 6 get get VERB _005456899 658 7 out out ADP _005456899 658 8 of of ADP _005456899 658 9 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 658 10 dates date NOUN _005456899 658 11 by by ADP _005456899 658 12 lying lie VERB _005456899 658 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 658 14 how how SCONJ _005456899 658 15 is be AUX _005456899 658 16 a a DET _005456899 658 17 gentlemanly gentlemanly ADJ _005456899 658 18 boy boy NOUN _005456899 658 19 to to PART _005456899 658 20 know know VERB _005456899 658 21 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 658 22 a a DET _005456899 658 23 girl girl NOUN _005456899 658 24 's 's PART _005456899 658 25 no no NOUN _005456899 658 26 is be AUX _005456899 658 27 sincere sincere ADJ _005456899 658 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 658 29 honest honest ADJ _005456899 658 30 or or CCONJ _005456899 658 31 is be AUX _005456899 658 32 just just ADV _005456899 658 33 a a DET _005456899 658 34 dishonest dishonest ADJ _005456899 658 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 658 36 and and CCONJ _005456899 658 37 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 658 38 really really ADV _005456899 658 39 insulting insulting ADJ _005456899 658 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 658 41 way way NOUN _005456899 658 42 of of ADP _005456899 658 43 putting put VERB _005456899 658 44 him he PRON _005456899 658 45 off off ADP _005456899 658 46 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 659 1 declining decline VERB _005456899 659 2 an an DET _005456899 659 3 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 659 4 with with ADP _005456899 659 5 a a DET _005456899 659 6 lie lie NOUN _005456899 659 7 is be AUX _005456899 659 8 really really ADV _005456899 659 9 an an DET _005456899 659 10 insult insult NOUN _005456899 659 11 because because SCONJ _005456899 659 12 it it PRON _005456899 659 13 implies imply VERB _005456899 659 14 tl1at tl1at PROPN _005456899 659 15 one one NOUN _005456899 659 16 does do AUX _005456899 659 17 not not PART _005456899 659 18 consider consider VERB _005456899 659 19 the the DET _005456899 659 20 boy boy NOUN _005456899 659 21 gentlemanly gentlemanly ADV _005456899 659 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 659 23 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 659 24 enough enough ADV _005456899 659 25 to to PART _005456899 659 26 accept accept VERB _005456899 659 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 659 28 respect respect VERB _005456899 659 29 an an DET _005456899 659 30 h h NOUN _005456899 659 31 onest onest NOUN _005456899 659 32 no no NOUN _005456899 659 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 660 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 660 2 a a DET _005456899 660 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 660 4 is be AUX _005456899 660 5 engaged engage VERB _005456899 660 6 · · PUNCT _005456899 660 7 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 660 8 girls girl NOUN _005456899 660 9 must must AUX _005456899 660 10 find find VERB _005456899 660 11 an an DET _005456899 660 12 honest honest ADJ _005456899 660 13 way way NOUN _005456899 660 14 of of ADP _005456899 660 15 declining decline VERB _005456899 660 16 an an DET _005456899 660 17 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 660 18 date date NOUN _005456899 660 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 661 1 obviously obviously ADV _005456899 661 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 661 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 661 4 a a DET _005456899 661 5 girl girl NOUN _005456899 661 6 is be AUX _005456899 661 7 married marry VERB _005456899 661 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 661 9 a a DET _005456899 661 10 man man NOUN _005456899 661 11 invites invite VERB _005456899 661 12 her she PRON _005456899 661 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 661 14 she she PRON _005456899 661 15 should should AUX _005456899 661 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 661 17 if if SCONJ _005456899 661 18 he he PRON _005456899 661 19 did do AUX _005456899 661 20 not not PART _005456899 661 21 know know VERB _005456899 661 22 her she PRON _005456899 661 23 married married ADJ _005456899 661 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 661 25 thank thank VERB _005456899 661 26 him he PRON _005456899 661 27 for for ADP _005456899 661 28 the the DET _005456899 661 29 honor honor NOUN _005456899 661 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 661 31 directly directly ADV _005456899 661 32 tell tell VERB _005456899 661 33 him he PRON _005456899 661 34 that that SCONJ _005456899 661 35 she she PRON _005456899 661 36 is be AUX _005456899 661 37 married married ADJ _005456899 661 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 662 1 to to ADP _005456899 662 2 a a DET _005456899 662 3 gentleman gentleman NOUN _005456899 662 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 662 5 no no PRON _005456899 662 6 more more ADV _005456899 662 7 need need NOUN _005456899 662 8 be be AUX _005456899 662 9 said say VERB _005456899 662 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 663 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 663 2 a a DET _005456899 663 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 663 4 is be AUX _005456899 663 5 engaged engage VERB _005456899 663 6 to to PART _005456899 663 7 be be AUX _005456899 663 8 married marry VERB _005456899 663 9 her her PRON _005456899 663 10 answer answer NOUN _005456899 663 11 should should AUX _005456899 663 12 be be AUX _005456899 663 13 similar similar ADJ _005456899 663 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 664 1 she she PRON _005456899 664 2 should should AUX _005456899 664 3 say say VERB _005456899 664 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 664 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 664 6 i i PRON _005456899 664 7 feel feel VERB _005456899 664 8 flattered flattered ADJ _005456899 664 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 664 10 you you PRON _005456899 664 11 should should AUX _005456899 664 12 invite invite VERB _005456899 664 13 me i PRON _005456899 664 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 665 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 665 2 because because SCONJ _005456899 665 3 i i PRON _005456899 665 4 am be AUX _005456899 665 5 engaged engage VERB _005456899 665 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 665 7 i i PRON _005456899 665 8 do do AUX _005456899 665 9 not not PART _005456899 665 10 accept accept VERB _005456899 665 11 other other ADJ _005456899 665 12 dates date NOUN _005456899 665 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 666 1 thank thank VERB _005456899 666 2 you you PRON _005456899 666 3 for for ADP _005456899 666 4 calling call VERB _005456899 666 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 666 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 667 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 667 2 a a DET _005456899 667 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 667 4 is be AUX _005456899 667 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 667 6 out out ADP _005456899 667 7 of of ADP _005456899 667 8 circulation circulation NOUN _005456899 667 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 667 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 667 11 a a DET _005456899 667 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 667 13 is be AUX _005456899 667 14 going go VERB _005456899 667 15 steady steady ADJ _005456899 667 16 with with ADP _005456899 667 17 a a DET _005456899 667 18 boy boy NOUN _005456899 667 19 under under ADP _005456899 667 20 an an DET _005456899 667 21 agreement agreement NOUN _005456899 667 22 that that PRON _005456899 667 23 neither neither CCONJ _005456899 667 24 is be AUX _005456899 667 25 to to AUX _005456899 667 26 date date NOUN _005456899 667 27 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 667 28 else else ADV _005456899 667 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 667 30 but but CCONJ _005456899 667 31 if if SCONJ _005456899 667 32 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 667 33 the the DET _005456899 667 34 possibility possibility NOUN _005456899 667 35 exists exist VERB _005456899 667 36 that that SCONJ _005456899 667 37 they they PRON _005456899 667 38 may may AUX _005456899 667 39 shortly shortly ADV _005456899 667 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 667 41 break break VERB _005456899 667 42 up up ADP _005456899 667 43 " " PUNCT _005456899 667 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 667 45 that that SCONJ _005456899 667 46 then then ADV _005456899 667 47 she she PRON _005456899 667 48 may may AUX _005456899 667 49 very very ADV _005456899 667 50 much much ADV _005456899 667 51 want want VERB _005456899 667 52 another another DET _005456899 667 53 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 667 54 from from ADP _005456899 667 55 the the DET _005456899 667 56 boy boy NOUN _005456899 667 57 calling call VERB _005456899 667 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 667 59 then then ADV _005456899 667 60 her her PRON _005456899 667 61 answer answer NOUN _005456899 667 62 should should AUX _005456899 667 63 be be AUX _005456899 667 64 negative negative ADJ _005456899 667 65 but but CCONJ _005456899 667 66 not not PART _005456899 667 67 quite quite ADV _005456899 667 68 final final ADJ _005456899 667 69 . . PUNCT _005456899 668 1 she she PRON _005456899 668 2 should should AUX _005456899 668 3 say say VERB _005456899 668 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 668 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 668 6 it it PRON _005456899 668 7 's be AUX _005456899 668 8 nice nice ADJ _005456899 668 9 of of ADP _005456899 668 10 you you PRON _005456899 668 11 to to PART _005456899 668 12 invite invite VERB _005456899 668 13 me i PRON _005456899 668 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 669 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 669 2 since since SCONJ _005456899 669 3 march march PROPN _005456899 669 4 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 669 5 or or CCONJ _005456899 669 6 whatever whatever DET _005456899 669 7 time time NOUN _005456899 669 8 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 670 1 i i PRON _005456899 670 2 am be AUX _005456899 670 3 going go VERB _005456899 670 4 steady steady ADJ _005456899 670 5 with with ADP _005456899 670 6 a a DET _005456899 670 7 boy boy NOUN _005456899 670 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 670 9 we we PRON _005456899 670 10 agreed agree VERB _005456899 670 11 not not PART _005456899 670 12 to to PART _005456899 670 13 date date VERB _005456899 670 14 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 670 15 else else ADV _005456899 670 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 671 1 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 671 2 i i PRON _005456899 671 3 should should AUX _005456899 671 4 like like VERB _005456899 671 5 to to PART _005456899 671 6 go go VERB _005456899 671 7 with with ADP _005456899 671 8 you you PRON _005456899 671 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 672 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 672 2 for for ADP _005456899 672 3 the the DET _005456899 672 4 present present NOUN _005456899 672 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 672 6 you you PRON _005456899 672 7 understand understand VERB _005456899 672 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 672 9 i i PRON _005456899 672 10 am be AUX _005456899 672 11 sure sure ADJ _005456899 672 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 672 13 i i PRON _005456899 672 14 must must AUX _005456899 672 15 say say VERB _005456899 672 16 no no INTJ _005456899 672 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 673 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 673 2 i i PRON _005456899 673 3 do do AUX _005456899 673 4 want want VERB _005456899 673 5 to to PART _005456899 673 6 thank thank VERB _005456899 673 7 you you PRON _005456899 673 8 for for ADP _005456899 673 9 asking ask VERB _005456899 673 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 673 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 674 1 such such DET _005456899 674 2 an an DET _005456899 674 3 answer answer NOUN _005456899 674 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 674 5 honest honest ADJ _005456899 674 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 674 7 to to ADP _005456899 674 8 the the DET _005456899 674 9 point point NOUN _005456899 674 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 674 11 will will AUX _005456899 674 12 raise raise VERB _005456899 674 13 a a DET _005456899 674 14 man man NOUN _005456899 674 15 's 's PART _005456899 674 16 respect respect NOUN _005456899 674 17 for for ADP _005456899 674 18 the the DET _005456899 674 19 girl girl NOUN _005456899 674 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 674 21 also also ADV _005456899 674 22 make make VERB _005456899 674 23 him he PRON _005456899 674 24 want want VERB _005456899 674 25 to to PART _005456899 674 26 call call VERB _005456899 674 27 her she PRON _005456899 674 28 again again ADV _005456899 674 29 should should AUX _005456899 674 30 he he PRON _005456899 674 31 eve eve VERB _005456899 674 32 stead stead ADV _005456899 674 33 of of ADP _005456899 674 34 usin1 usin1 ADJ _005456899 674 35 they they PRON _005456899 674 36 are be AUX _005456899 674 37 out out ADV _005456899 674 38 and and CCONJ _005456899 674 39 for for ADP _005456899 674 40 the the DET _005456899 674 41 ti ti NOUN _005456899 674 42 when when SCONJ _005456899 674 43 a a DET _005456899 674 44 g g NOUN _005456899 674 45 it it PRON _005456899 674 46 seems seem VERB _005456899 674 47 t t NOUN _005456899 674 48 < < X _005456899 674 49 most most ADJ _005456899 674 50 other other ADJ _005456899 674 51 c c NOUN _005456899 674 52 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 674 53 calls call VERB _005456899 674 54 a a DET _005456899 674 55 gir gir NOUN _005456899 674 56 1 1 NUM _005456899 674 57 w w PROPN _005456899 674 58 were be AUX _005456899 674 59 the the DET _005456899 674 60 last last ADJ _005456899 674 61 her she PRON _005456899 674 62 with with ADP _005456899 674 63 whoj whoj PROPN _005456899 674 64 were be AUX _005456899 674 65 no no PRON _005456899 674 66 othe othe ADJ _005456899 674 67 enough enough ADJ _005456899 674 68 to to PART _005456899 674 69 en en ADP _005456899 674 70 place place NOUN _005456899 674 71 of of ADP _005456899 674 72 one one NUM _005456899 674 73 t t NOUN _005456899 674 74 when when SCONJ _005456899 674 75 sud sud PROPN _005456899 674 76 tactfully tactfully ADV _005456899 674 77 decl decl PROPN _005456899 674 78 jones jones PROPN _005456899 674 79 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 674 80 , , PUNCT _005456899 674 81 it it PRON _005456899 674 82 's be AUX _005456899 674 83 gc gc PROPN _005456899 674 84 accept accept VERB _005456899 674 85 your your PRON _005456899 674 86 ii ii NOUN _005456899 674 87 time time NOUN _005456899 674 88 for for ADP _005456899 674 89 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 674 90 or or CCONJ _005456899 674 91 a a PRON _005456899 674 92 to to PART _005456899 674 93 start start VERB _005456899 674 94 going go VERB _005456899 674 95 i i PRON _005456899 674 96 appreciate appreciate VERB _005456899 674 97 : : PUNCT _005456899 674 98 somewhere somewhere ADV _005456899 674 99 01 01 NUM _005456899 674 100 a a DET _005456899 674 101 f1 f1 PROPN _005456899 674 102 i i PRON _005456899 674 103 am be AUX _005456899 674 104 com com PROPN _005456899 674 105 appreciate appreciate PROPN _005456899 674 106 suo suo PROPN _005456899 675 1 no no PRON _005456899 675 2 can can AUX _005456899 675 3 not not PART _005456899 675 4 bri bri VERB _005456899 675 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 675 6 potential potential ADJ _005456899 675 7 either either CCONJ _005456899 675 8 fail fail VERB _005456899 675 9 in in SCONJ _005456899 675 10 cognized cognize VERB _005456899 675 11 by by ADP _005456899 675 12 1 1 NUM _005456899 675 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 675 14 angry angry ADJ _005456899 675 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 676 1 it it PRON _005456899 676 2 has have AUX _005456899 676 3 been be AUX _005456899 676 4 lied lie VERB _005456899 676 5 the the DET _005456899 676 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 676 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 677 1 finally finally ADV _005456899 677 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 677 3 w w PROPN _005456899 677 4 would would AUX _005456899 677 5 n't not PART _005456899 677 6 wail wail VERB _005456899 677 7 fortunately fortunately ADV _005456899 677 8 s s PART _005456899 677 9 married married ADJ _005456899 677 10 man man NOUN _005456899 677 11 a a PRON _005456899 677 12 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 677 13 1 1 NUM _005456899 677 14 . . X _005456899 677 15 il il PROPN _005456899 677 16 when when SCONJ _005456899 677 17 a a DET _005456899 677 18 gffil gffil NOUN _005456899 677 19 wants want VERB _005456899 677 20 to to PART _005456899 677 21 decline decline VERB _005456899 677 22 a a DET _005456899 677 23 date date NOUN _005456899 677 24 29 29 NUM _005456899 677 25 should should AUX _005456899 677 26 he he PRON _005456899 677 27 ever ever ADV _005456899 677 28 learn learn VERB _005456899 677 29 or or CCONJ _005456899 677 30 suspect suspect VERB _005456899 677 31 that that SCONJ _005456899 677 32 she she PRON _005456899 677 33 is be AUX _005456899 677 34 again again ADV _005456899 677 35 in in ADP _005456899 677 36 circulation circulation NOUN _005456899 677 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 678 1 instead instead ADV _005456899 678 2 of of ADP _005456899 678 3 using use VERB _005456899 678 4 the the DET _005456899 678 5 words word NOUN _005456899 678 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 678 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 678 8 going go VERB _005456899 678 9 steady steady ADJ _005456899 678 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 678 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 678 12 some some DET _005456899 678 13 girls girl NOUN _005456899 678 14 simply simply ADV _005456899 678 15 say say VERB _005456899 678 16 they they PRON _005456899 678 17 are be AUX _005456899 678 18 out out ADP _005456899 678 19 of of ADP _005456899 678 20 circulation circulation NOUN _005456899 678 21 just just ADV _005456899 678 22 now now ADV _005456899 678 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 678 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 678 25 the the DET _005456899 678 26 man man NOUN _005456899 678 27 understandsand understandsand VERB _005456899 678 28 for for ADP _005456899 678 29 the the DET _005456899 678 30 time time NOUN _005456899 678 31 being be AUX _005456899 678 32 files file NOUN _005456899 678 33 her her PRON _005456899 678 34 name name NOUN _005456899 678 35 away away ADV _005456899 678 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 678 37 for for ADP _005456899 678 38 future future ADJ _005456899 678 39 reference reference NOUN _005456899 678 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 679 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 679 2 a a DET _005456899 679 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 679 4 does do AUX _005456899 679 5 n't not PART _005456899 679 6 like like VERB _005456899 679 7 to to PART _005456899 679 8 sacrifice sacrifice VERB _005456899 679 9 tried try VERB _005456899 679 10 boyfriends boyfriend NOUN _005456899 679 11 for for ADP _005456899 679 12 a a DET _005456899 679 13 new new ADJ _005456899 679 14 one one NOUN _005456899 679 15 it it PRON _005456899 679 16 seems seem VERB _005456899 679 17 to to ADP _005456899 679 18 me i PRON _005456899 679 19 an an DET _005456899 679 20 almost almost ADV _005456899 679 21 similar similar ADJ _005456899 679 22 answer answer NOUN _005456899 679 23 is be AUX _005456899 679 24 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 679 25 possible possible ADJ _005456899 679 26 in in ADP _005456899 679 27 most most ADJ _005456899 679 28 other other ADJ _005456899 679 29 cases case NOUN _005456899 679 30 of of ADP _005456899 679 31 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 679 32 invitations invitation NOUN _005456899 679 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 680 1 occasionally occasionally ADV _005456899 680 2 a a DET _005456899 680 3 man man NOUN _005456899 680 4 calls call VERB _005456899 680 5 a a DET _005456899 680 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 680 7 with with ADP _005456899 680 8 whom whom PRON _005456899 680 9 she she PRON _005456899 680 10 would would AUX _005456899 680 11 not not PART _005456899 680 12 want want VERB _005456899 680 13 to to PART _005456899 680 14 go go VERB _005456899 680 15 out out ADP _005456899 680 16 even even ADV _005456899 680 17 if if SCONJ _005456899 680 18 he he PRON _005456899 680 19 were be AUX _005456899 680 20 the the DET _005456899 680 21 last last ADJ _005456899 680 22 man man NOUN _005456899 680 23 on on ADP _005456899 680 24 earth earth NOUN _005456899 680 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 681 1 more more ADV _005456899 681 2 often often ADV _005456899 681 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 681 4 however however ADV _005456899 681 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 681 6 someone someone PRON _005456899 681 7 calls call VERB _005456899 681 8 her she PRON _005456899 681 9 with with ADP _005456899 681 10 whom whom PRON _005456899 681 11 she she PRON _005456899 681 12 would would AUX _005456899 681 13 not not PART _005456899 681 14 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 681 15 mind mind VERB _005456899 681 16 going go VERB _005456899 681 17 out out ADP _005456899 681 18 if if SCONJ _005456899 681 19 there there PRON _005456899 681 20 were be VERB _005456899 681 21 no no DET _005456899 681 22 other other ADJ _005456899 681 23 men man NOUN _005456899 681 24 around around ADV _005456899 681 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 681 26 but but CCONJ _005456899 681 27 in in ADP _005456899 681 28 whom whom PRON _005456899 681 29 she she PRON _005456899 681 30 is be AUX _005456899 681 31 not not PART _005456899 681 32 interested interested ADJ _005456899 681 33 enough enough ADV _005456899 681 34 to to PART _005456899 681 35 crowd crowd VERB _005456899 681 36 into into ADP _005456899 681 37 a a DET _005456899 681 38 sufficiently sufficiently ADV _005456899 681 39 full full ADJ _005456899 681 40 schedule schedule NOUN _005456899 681 41 or or CCONJ _005456899 681 42 to to PART _005456899 681 43 give give VERB _005456899 681 44 the the DET _005456899 681 45 place place NOUN _005456899 681 46 of of ADP _005456899 681 47 one one NUM _005456899 681 48 of of ADP _005456899 681 49 her her PRON _005456899 681 50 better well ADV _005456899 681 51 - - PUNCT _005456899 681 52 known know VERB _005456899 681 53 friends friend NOUN _005456899 681 54 . . PUNCT _005456899 682 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 682 2 such such DET _005456899 682 3 a a DET _005456899 682 4 boy boy NOUN _005456899 682 5 calls call VERB _005456899 682 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 682 7 it it PRON _005456899 682 8 seems seem VERB _005456899 682 9 to to ADP _005456899 682 10 me i PRON _005456899 682 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 682 12 she she PRON _005456899 682 13 could could AUX _005456899 682 14 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 682 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 682 16 tactfully tactfully ADV _005456899 682 17 decline decline VERB _005456899 682 18 his his PRON _005456899 682 19 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 682 20 as as SCONJ _005456899 682 21 follows follow VERB _005456899 682 22 : : PUNCT _005456899 682 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 682 24 why why SCONJ _005456899 682 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 682 26 john john PROPN _005456899 682 27 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 682 28 or or CCONJ _005456899 682 29 mr mr PROPN _005456899 682 30 . . PROPN _005456899 682 31 jones jones PROPN _005456899 682 32 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 682 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 682 34 it it PRON _005456899 682 35 's be AUX _005456899 682 36 good good ADJ _005456899 682 37 of of ADP _005456899 682 38 you you PRON _005456899 682 39 to to PART _005456899 682 40 call call VERB _005456899 682 41 me i PRON _005456899 682 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 683 1 ordinarily ordinarily ADV _005456899 683 2 i i PRON _005456899 683 3 'd would AUX _005456899 683 4 be be AUX _005456899 683 5 delighted delighted ADJ _005456899 683 6 to to PART _005456899 683 7 accept accept VERB _005456899 683 8 your your PRON _005456899 683 9 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 683 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 684 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 684 2 i i PRON _005456899 684 3 am be AUX _005456899 684 4 going go VERB _005456899 684 5 out out ADP _005456899 684 6 as as ADV _005456899 684 7 much much ADV _005456899 684 8 now now ADV _005456899 684 9 as as SCONJ _005456899 684 10 i i PRON _005456899 684 11 have have VERB _005456899 684 12 time time NOUN _005456899 684 13 for for ADP _005456899 684 14 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 684 15 or or CCONJ _005456899 684 16 as as SCONJ _005456899 684 17 mother mother NOUN _005456899 684 18 allows allow VERB _005456899 684 19 me i PRON _005456899 684 20 to to ADP _005456899 684 21 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 684 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 684 23 so so SCONJ _005456899 684 24 that that SCONJ _005456899 684 25 just just ADV _005456899 684 26 now now ADV _005456899 684 27 i i PRON _005456899 684 28 prefer prefer VERB _005456899 684 29 not not PART _005456899 684 30 to to PART _005456899 684 31 start start VERB _005456899 684 32 going go VERB _005456899 684 33 out out ADP _005456899 684 34 with with ADP _005456899 684 35 anybody anybody PRON _005456899 684 36 new new ADJ _005456899 684 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 685 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 685 2 i i PRON _005456899 685 3 do do AUX _005456899 685 4 want want VERB _005456899 685 5 you you PRON _005456899 685 6 to to PART _005456899 685 7 know know VERB _005456899 685 8 i i PRON _005456899 685 9 appreciate appreciate VERB _005456899 685 10 your your PRON _005456899 685 11 calling calling NOUN _005456899 685 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 685 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 685 14 i i PRON _005456899 685 15 hope hope VERB _005456899 685 16 we we PRON _005456899 685 17 'll will AUX _005456899 685 18 meet meet VERB _005456899 685 19 now now ADV _005456899 685 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 685 21 again again ADV _005456899 685 22 somewhere somewhere ADV _005456899 685 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 685 24 other other ADJ _005456899 685 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 685 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 686 1 a a DET _005456899 686 2 frank frank ADJ _005456899 686 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 686 4 no no PRON _005456899 686 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 686 6 hurts hurt VERB _005456899 686 7 less less ADJ _005456899 686 8 than than ADP _005456899 686 9 a a DET _005456899 686 10 lyinq lyinq NOUN _005456899 686 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 686 12 no no INTJ _005456899 686 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 686 14 i i PRON _005456899 686 15 am be AUX _005456899 686 16 convinced convinced ADJ _005456899 686 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 686 18 the the DET _005456899 686 19 average average ADJ _005456899 686 20 boy boy NOUN _005456899 686 21 would would AUX _005456899 686 22 understand understand VERB _005456899 686 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 686 24 appreciate appreciate VERB _005456899 686 25 such such DET _005456899 686 26 an an DET _005456899 686 27 answer answer NOUN _005456899 686 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 687 1 while while SCONJ _005456899 687 2 to to ADP _005456899 687 3 a a DET _005456899 687 4 boy boy NOUN _005456899 687 5 who who PRON _005456899 687 6 likes like VERB _005456899 687 7 the the DET _005456899 687 8 girl girl NOUN _005456899 687 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 687 10 any any DET _005456899 687 11 no no NOUN _005456899 687 12 can can AUX _005456899 687 13 not not PART _005456899 687 14 bring bring VERB _005456899 687 15 joy joy NOUN _005456899 687 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 687 17 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 687 18 this this DET _005456899 687 19 answer answer NOUN _005456899 687 20 would would AUX _005456899 687 21 keep keep VERB _005456899 687 22 him he PRON _005456899 687 23 as as ADP _005456899 687 24 a a DET _005456899 687 25 friend friend NOUN _005456899 687 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 687 27 potential potential ADJ _005456899 687 28 date date NOUN _005456899 687 29 much much ADV _005456899 687 30 better well ADJ _005456899 687 31 than than ADP _005456899 687 32 putting put VERB _005456899 687 33 him he PRON _005456899 687 34 off off ADP _005456899 687 35 with with ADP _005456899 687 36 lies lie NOUN _005456899 687 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 688 1 lies lie NOUN _005456899 688 2 either either CCONJ _005456899 688 3 fail fail VERB _005456899 688 4 in in ADP _005456899 688 5 preventing prevent VERB _005456899 688 6 the the DET _005456899 688 7 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005456899 688 8 date date NOUN _005456899 688 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 688 10 are be AUX _005456899 688 11 finally finally ADV _005456899 688 12 recognized recognize VERB _005456899 688 13 by by ADP _005456899 688 14 the the DET _005456899 688 15 boy boy NOUN _005456899 688 16 as as ADP _005456899 688 17 lies lie NOUN _005456899 688 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 688 19 in in ADP _005456899 688 20 which which DET _005456899 688 21 case case NOUN _005456899 688 22 he he PRON _005456899 688 23 will will AUX _005456899 688 24 feel feel VERB _005456899 688 25 humiliated humiliated ADJ _005456899 688 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 688 27 angry angry ADJ _005456899 688 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 689 1 it it PRON _005456899 689 2 is be AUX _005456899 689 3 practically practically ADV _005456899 689 4 impossible impossible ADJ _005456899 689 5 for for SCONJ _005456899 689 6 a a DET _005456899 689 7 man man NOUN _005456899 689 8 to to PART _005456899 689 9 find find VERB _005456899 689 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 689 11 he he PRON _005456899 689 12 has have AUX _005456899 689 13 been be AUX _005456899 689 14 lied lie VERB _005456899 689 15 to to ADP _005456899 689 16 without without ADP _005456899 689 17 becoming become VERB _005456899 689 18 angry angry ADJ _005456899 689 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 689 20 losing lose VERB _005456899 689 21 respect respect NOUN _005456899 689 22 for for ADP _005456899 689 23 the the DET _005456899 689 24 girl girl NOUN _005456899 689 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 690 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 690 2 a a DET _005456899 690 3 married married ADJ _005456899 690 4 man man NOUN _005456899 690 5 calls call VERB _005456899 690 6 finally finally ADV _005456899 690 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 690 8 what what PRON _005456899 690 9 will will AUX _005456899 690 10 a a DET _005456899 690 11 girl girl NOUN _005456899 690 12 say say VERB _005456899 690 13 when when SCONJ _005456899 690 14 a a DET _005456899 690 15 man man NOUN _005456899 690 16 calls call VERB _005456899 690 17 with with ADP _005456899 690 18 whom whom PRON _005456899 690 19 she she PRON _005456899 690 20 would would AUX _005456899 690 21 n't not PART _005456899 690 22 want want VERB _005456899 690 23 to to PART _005456899 690 24 go go VERB _005456899 690 25 out out ADP _005456899 690 26 even even ADV _005456899 690 27 if if SCONJ _005456899 690 28 he he PRON _005456899 690 29 were be AUX _005456899 690 30 the the DET _005456899 690 31 last last ADJ _005456899 690 32 man man NOUN _005456899 690 33 on on ADP _005456899 690 34 earth earth NOUN _005456899 690 35 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 691 1 fortunately fortunately ADV _005456899 691 2 such such ADJ _005456899 691 3 cases case NOUN _005456899 691 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 691 5 it it PRON _005456899 691 6 seems seem VERB _005456899 691 7 to to ADP _005456899 691 8 me i PRON _005456899 691 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 691 10 are be AUX _005456899 691 11 rare rare ADJ _005456899 691 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 692 1 obviously obviously ADV _005456899 692 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 692 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 692 4 a a DET _005456899 692 5 married married ADJ _005456899 692 6 man man NOUN _005456899 692 7 invites invite VERB _005456899 692 8 her she PRON _005456899 692 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 692 10 she she PRON _005456899 692 11 should should AUX _005456899 692 12 firmly firmly ADV _005456899 692 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 692 14 not not PART _005456899 692 15 apologetically apologetically ADV _005456899 692 16 30 30 NUM _005456899 692 17 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 692 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 692 19 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 692 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 692 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 692 22 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 692 23 tell tell VERB _005456899 692 24 him he PRON _005456899 692 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 692 26 she she PRON _005456899 692 27 is be AUX _005456899 692 28 shocked shock VERB _005456899 692 29 that that SCONJ _005456899 692 30 he he PRON _005456899 692 31 as as ADP _005456899 692 32 a a DET _005456899 692 33 married married ADJ _005456899 692 34 man man NOUN _005456899 692 35 should should AUX _005456899 692 36 ask ask VERB _005456899 692 37 her she PRON _005456899 692 38 for for ADP _005456899 692 39 a a DET _005456899 692 40 date date NOUN _005456899 692 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 692 42 that that PRON _005456899 692 43 of of ADP _005456899 692 44 course course NOUN _005456899 692 45 she she PRON _005456899 692 46 does do AUX _005456899 692 47 not not PART _005456899 692 48 go go VERB _005456899 692 49 out out ADP _005456899 692 50 with with ADP _005456899 692 51 married married ADJ _005456899 692 52 men man NOUN _005456899 692 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 693 1 nor nor CCONJ _005456899 693 2 should should AUX _005456899 693 3 she she PRON _005456899 693 4 suggest suggest VERB _005456899 693 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 693 6 his his PRON _005456899 693 7 wife wife NOUN _005456899 693 8 would would AUX _005456899 693 9 n't not PART _005456899 693 10 like like VERB _005456899 693 11 it it PRON _005456899 693 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 694 1 that that PRON _005456899 694 2 is be AUX _005456899 694 3 ultimately ultimately ADV _005456899 694 4 largely largely ADV _005456899 694 5 beside beside ADP _005456899 694 6 the the DET _005456899 694 7 point point NOUN _005456899 694 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 695 1 a a DET _005456899 695 2 married married ADJ _005456899 695 3 man man NOUN _005456899 695 4 has have VERB _005456899 695 5 no no DET _005456899 695 6 right right NOUN _005456899 695 7 to to PART _005456899 695 8 date date NOUN _005456899 695 9 other other ADJ _005456899 695 10 women woman NOUN _005456899 695 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 695 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 695 13 a a DET _005456899 695 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 695 15 has have VERB _005456899 695 16 no no DET _005456899 695 17 right right NOUN _005456899 695 18 to to PART _005456899 695 19 date date NOUN _005456899 695 20 him he PRON _005456899 695 21 -no -no PUNCT _005456899 696 1 other other ADJ _005456899 696 2 consideration consideration NOUN _005456899 696 3 is be AUX _005456899 696 4 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 696 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 697 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 697 2 a a DET _005456899 697 3 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 697 4 man man NOUN _005456899 697 5 asks ask VERB _005456899 697 6 for for ADP _005456899 697 7 a a DET _005456899 697 8 date date NOUN _005456899 697 9 if if SCONJ _005456899 697 10 a a DET _005456899 697 11 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 697 12 man man NOUN _005456899 697 13 asks ask VERB _005456899 697 14 her she PRON _005456899 697 15 for for ADP _005456899 697 16 a a DET _005456899 697 17 date date NOUN _005456899 697 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 697 19 her her PRON _005456899 697 20 negative negative ADJ _005456899 697 21 should should AUX _005456899 697 22 be be AUX _005456899 697 23 firm firm ADJ _005456899 697 24 but but CCONJ _005456899 697 25 kindly kindly ADV _005456899 697 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 697 27 sympathetic sympathetic ADJ _005456899 697 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 698 1 she she PRON _005456899 698 2 should should AUX _005456899 698 3 thank thank VERB _005456899 698 4 him he PRON _005456899 698 5 for for ADP _005456899 698 6 the the DET _005456899 698 7 honor honor NOUN _005456899 698 8 of of ADP _005456899 698 9 his his PRON _005456899 698 10 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 698 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 699 1 then then ADV _005456899 699 2 she she PRON _005456899 699 3 should should AUX _005456899 699 4 add add VERB _005456899 699 5 firmly firmly ADV _005456899 699 6 : : PUNCT _005456899 699 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 699 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 699 9 my my PRON _005456899 699 10 religion religion NOUN _005456899 699 11 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 699 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 699 13 my my PRON _005456899 699 14 family family NOUN _005456899 699 15 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 699 16 forbid forbid VERB _005456899 699 17 my my PRON _005456899 699 18 dating date VERB _005456899 699 19 a a DET _005456899 699 20 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 699 21 man man NOUN _005456899 699 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 699 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 699 24 consequently consequently ADV _005456899 699 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 699 26 even even ADV _005456899 699 27 though though SCONJ _005456899 699 28 yours yours PRON _005456899 699 29 is be AUX _005456899 699 30 just just ADV _005456899 699 31 a a DET _005456899 699 32 friendy friendy ADJ _005456899 699 33 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 699 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 699 35 i i PRON _005456899 699 36 prefer prefer VERB _005456899 699 37 not not PART _005456899 699 38 to to PART _005456899 699 39 go go VERB _005456899 699 40 out out ADP _005456899 699 41 with with ADP _005456899 699 42 a a DET _005456899 699 43 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 699 44 man man NOUN _005456899 699 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 699 46 even even ADV _005456899 699 47 if if SCONJ _005456899 699 48 he he PRON _005456899 699 49 is be AUX _005456899 699 50 very very ADV _005456899 699 51 nice nice ADJ _005456899 699 52 . . PUNCT _005456899 699 53 " " PUNCT _005456899 700 1 such such DET _005456899 700 2 an an DET _005456899 700 3 answer answer NOUN _005456899 700 4 insults insult NOUN _005456899 700 5 no no DET _005456899 700 6 man man NOUN _005456899 700 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 701 1 should should AUX _005456899 701 2 he he PRON _005456899 701 3 act act VERB _005456899 701 4 insulted insult VERB _005456899 701 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 701 6 he he PRON _005456899 701 7 proves prove VERB _005456899 701 8 himself himself PRON _005456899 701 9 not not PART _005456899 701 10 only only ADV _005456899 701 11 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 701 12 but but CCONJ _005456899 701 13 unrefined unrefined ADJ _005456899 701 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 701 15 unworthy unworthy ADJ _005456899 701 16 as as ADV _005456899 701 17 well well ADV _005456899 701 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 702 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 702 2 a a DET _005456899 702 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 702 4 bad bad ADJ _005456899 702 5 egg egg NOUN _005456899 702 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 702 7 calls call VERB _005456899 702 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 702 9 a a DET _005456899 702 10 notoriously notoriously ADV _005456899 702 11 fast fast ADJ _005456899 702 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 702 13 wicked wicked ADJ _005456899 702 14 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 702 15 asks ask VERB _005456899 702 16 a a DET _005456899 702 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 702 18 for for ADP _005456899 702 19 a a DET _005456899 702 20 date date NOUN _005456899 702 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 702 22 i i PRON _005456899 702 23 think think VERB _005456899 702 24 she she PRON _005456899 702 25 can can AUX _005456899 702 26 well well ADV _005456899 702 27 say say VERB _005456899 702 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 702 29 even even ADV _005456899 702 30 should should AUX _005456899 702 31 say say VERB _005456899 702 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 702 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 702 34 i i PRON _005456899 702 35 might might AUX _005456899 702 36 be be AUX _005456899 702 37 flattered flatter VERB _005456899 702 38 at at ADP _005456899 702 39 your your PRON _005456899 702 40 interest interest NOUN _005456899 702 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 702 42 but but CCONJ _005456899 702 43 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 702 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 702 45 you you PRON _005456899 702 46 know know VERB _005456899 702 47 your your PRON _005456899 702 48 reputation reputation NOUN _005456899 702 49 is be AUX _005456899 702 50 not not PART _005456899 702 51 such such ADJ _005456899 702 52 as as SCONJ _005456899 702 53 any any DET _005456899 702 54 girl girl NOUN _005456899 702 55 's 's PART _005456899 702 56 mother mother NOUN _005456899 702 57 should should AUX _005456899 702 58 approve approve VERB _005456899 702 59 . . PUNCT _005456899 703 1 so so ADV _005456899 703 2 i i PRON _005456899 703 3 am be AUX _005456899 703 4 sorry sorry ADJ _005456899 703 5 i i PRON _005456899 703 6 ca can AUX _005456899 703 7 n't not PART _005456899 703 8 at at ADV _005456899 703 9 all all ADV _005456899 703 10 consider consider VERB _005456899 703 11 accepting accept VERB _005456899 703 12 your your PRON _005456899 703 13 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 703 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 703 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 704 1 i i PRON _005456899 704 2 do do AUX _005456899 704 3 n't not PART _005456899 704 4 think think VERB _005456899 704 5 a a DET _005456899 704 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 704 7 should should AUX _005456899 704 8 feel feel VERB _005456899 704 9 honored honored ADJ _005456899 704 10 when when SCONJ _005456899 704 11 a a DET _005456899 704 12 rake rake NOUN _005456899 704 13 asks ask VERB _005456899 704 14 her she PRON _005456899 704 15 for for ADP _005456899 704 16 a a DET _005456899 704 17 date date NOUN _005456899 704 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 704 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 704 20 i i PRON _005456899 704 21 think think VERB _005456899 704 22 she she PRON _005456899 704 23 should should AUX _005456899 704 24 in in ADP _005456899 704 25 declining decline VERB _005456899 704 26 make make VERB _005456899 704 27 it it PRON _005456899 704 28 clear clear ADJ _005456899 704 29 that that SCONJ _005456899 704 30 she she PRON _005456899 704 31 does do AUX _005456899 704 32 not not PART _005456899 704 33 feel feel VERB _005456899 704 34 honored honored ADJ _005456899 704 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 704 36 why why SCONJ _005456899 704 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 705 1 i i PRON _005456899 705 2 am be AUX _005456899 705 3 presuming presume VERB _005456899 705 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 705 5 a a DET _005456899 705 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 705 7 knows know VERB _005456899 705 8 the the DET _005456899 705 9 difference difference NOUN _005456899 705 10 between between ADP _005456899 705 11 the the DET _005456899 705 12 bad bad ADJ _005456899 705 13 repute repute NOUN _005456899 705 14 from from ADP _005456899 705 15 immorality immorality NOUN _005456899 705 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 705 17 the the DET _005456899 705 18 false false ADJ _005456899 705 19 social social ADJ _005456899 705 20 stigma stigma NOUN _005456899 705 21 a a DET _005456899 705 22 person person NOUN _005456899 705 23 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 705 24 suffers suffer VERB _005456899 705 25 for for ADP _005456899 705 26 his his PRON _005456899 705 27 race race NOUN _005456899 705 28 or or CCONJ _005456899 705 29 color color NOUN _005456899 705 30 or or CCONJ _005456899 705 31 pacifism pacifism NOUN _005456899 705 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 706 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 706 2 her her PRON _005456899 706 3 girlfriend girlfriend NOUN _005456899 706 4 's be AUX _005456899 706 5 boyhi.end boyhi.end NOUN _005456899 706 6 calls call NOUN _005456899 706 7 if if SCONJ _005456899 706 8 a a DET _005456899 706 9 boy boy NOUN _005456899 706 10 calls call VERB _005456899 706 11 her she PRON _005456899 706 12 who who PRON _005456899 706 13 is be AUX _005456899 706 14 going go VERB _005456899 706 15 with with ADP _005456899 706 16 her her PRON _005456899 706 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 706 18 friend friend NOUN _005456899 706 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 706 20 is be AUX _005456899 706 21 supposed suppose VERB _005456899 706 22 to to PART _005456899 706 23 be be AUX _005456899 706 24 going go VERB _005456899 706 25 steady steady ADJ _005456899 706 26 with with ADP _005456899 706 27 some some DET _005456899 706 28 girl girl NOUN _005456899 706 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 706 30 she she PRON _005456899 706 31 should should AUX _005456899 706 32 say say VERB _005456899 706 33 frankly frankly ADV _005456899 706 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 706 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 706 36 john john PROPN _005456899 706 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 706 38 you you PRON _005456899 706 39 are be AUX _005456899 706 40 going go VERB _005456899 706 41 out out ADP _005456899 706 42 with with ADP _005456899 706 43 my my PRON _005456899 706 44 girl girl NOUN _005456899 706 45 friend friend NOUN _005456899 706 46 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 706 47 or or CCONJ _005456899 706 48 you you PRON _005456899 706 49 are be AUX _005456899 706 50 supposed suppose VERB _005456899 706 51 to to PART _005456899 706 52 be be AUX _005456899 706 53 going go VERB _005456899 706 54 steady steady ADJ _005456899 706 55 with with ADP _005456899 706 56 a a DET _005456899 706 57 girl girl NOUN _005456899 706 58 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 706 59 . . PUNCT _005456899 707 1 under under ADP _005456899 707 2 the the DET _005456899 707 3 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005456899 707 4 my my PRON _005456899 707 5 going go VERB _005456899 707 6 out out ADP _005456899 707 7 with with ADP _005456899 707 8 you you PRON _005456899 707 9 would would AUX _005456899 707 10 cause cause VERB _005456899 707 11 ill ill ADJ _005456899 707 12 feelings feeling NOUN _005456899 707 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 708 1 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 708 2 i i PRON _005456899 708 3 would would AUX _005456899 708 4 be be AUX _005456899 708 5 glad glad ADJ _005456899 708 6 to to PART _005456899 708 7 go go VERB _005456899 708 8 with with ADP _005456899 708 9 you you PRON _005456899 708 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 708 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 708 12 this this DET _005456899 708 13 way way NOUN _005456899 708 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 708 15 no no INTJ _005456899 708 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 708 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 709 1 she she PRON _005456899 709 2 should should AUX _005456899 709 3 not not PART _005456899 709 4 say say VERB _005456899 709 5 this this PRON _005456899 709 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 709 7 however however ADV _005456899 709 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 709 9 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 709 10 were be AUX _005456899 709 11 he he PRON _005456899 709 12 free free ADJ _005456899 709 13 she she PRON _005456899 709 14 would would AUX _005456899 709 15 like like VERB _005456899 709 16 to to PART _005456899 709 17 go go VERB _005456899 709 18 out out ADP _005456899 709 19 with with ADP _005456899 709 20 him he PRON _005456899 709 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 710 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 710 2 not not PART _005456899 710 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 710 4 she she PRON _005456899 710 5 should should AUX _005456899 710 6 say say VERB _005456899 710 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 710 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 710 9 john john PROPN _005456899 710 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 710 11 you you PRON _005456899 710 12 have have VERB _005456899 710 13 a a DET _005456899 710 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 710 15 friend friend NOUN _005456899 710 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 710 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 710 18 my my PRON _005456899 710 19 feelings feeling NOUN _005456899 710 20 for for ADP _005456899 710 21 you you PRON _005456899 710 22 are be AUX _005456899 710 23 not not PART _005456899 710 24 such such ADJ _005456899 710 25 as as SCONJ _005456899 710 26 would would AUX _005456899 710 27 make make VERB _005456899 710 28 it it PRON _005456899 710 29 right right ADJ _005456899 710 30 for for SCONJ _005456899 710 31 me i PRON _005456899 710 32 to to PART _005456899 710 33 give give VERB _005456899 710 34 you you PRON _005456899 710 35 or or CCONJ _005456899 710 36 promise promise VERB _005456899 710 37 you you PRON _005456899 710 38 a a DET _005456899 710 39 date date NOUN _005456899 710 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 710 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 711 1 this this PRON _005456899 711 2 will will AUX _005456899 711 3 discourage discourage VERB _005456899 711 4 the the DET _005456899 711 5 boy boy NOUN _005456899 711 6 from from ADP _005456899 711 7 breaking break VERB _005456899 711 8 off off ADP _005456899 711 9 with with ADP _005456899 711 10 the the DET _005456899 711 11 other other ADJ _005456899 711 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 711 13 under under ADP _005456899 711 14 a a DET _005456899 711 15 false false ADJ _005456899 711 16 hope hope NOUN _005456899 711 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 712 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 712 2 a a DET _005456899 712 3 g g NOUN _005456899 712 4 but but CCONJ _005456899 712 5 wh wh VERB _005456899 712 6 morally morally ADV _005456899 712 7 an an DET _005456899 712 8 not not PART _005456899 712 9 want want VERB _005456899 712 10 t t NOUN _005456899 712 11 < < X _005456899 712 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 712 13 too too ADV _005456899 712 14 stu1 stu1 ADJ _005456899 712 15 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 712 16 is be AUX _005456899 712 17 keep keep VERB _005456899 712 18 from from ADP _005456899 712 19 with with ADP _005456899 712 20 favor favor NOUN _005456899 712 21 1 1 NUM _005456899 712 22 by by ADP _005456899 712 23 lies lie NOUN _005456899 712 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 713 1 oli oli NOUN _005456899 713 2 when when SCONJ _005456899 713 3 s s PRON _005456899 713 4 does do AUX _005456899 713 5 not not PART _005456899 713 6 w w VERB _005456899 713 7 with with ADP _005456899 713 8 h h PROPN _005456899 713 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 713 10 im im PROPN _005456899 713 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 713 12 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 714 1 awfully awfully ADV _005456899 714 2 nio nio INTJ _005456899 715 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 715 2 i i PRON _005456899 715 3 am be AUX _005456899 715 4 s s PRON _005456899 715 5 should should AUX _005456899 715 6 feel feel VERB _005456899 715 7 or or CCONJ _005456899 715 8 wise wise ADJ _005456899 715 9 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 715 10 f01 f01 NOUN _005456899 715 11 happen happen VERB _005456899 715 12 to to ADP _005456899 715 13 j j PROPN _005456899 715 14 you you PRON _005456899 715 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 716 1 for for SCONJ _005456899 716 2 .tl .tl NUM _005456899 716 3 to to PART _005456899 716 4 call call VERB _005456899 716 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 716 6 eve eve VERB _005456899 716 7 this this DET _005456899 716 8 sai sai NOUN _005456899 716 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 716 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 716 11 good good ADJ _005456899 716 12 nigh nigh NOUN _005456899 716 13 contrary contrary ADV _005456899 717 1 no no DET _005456899 717 2 an an DET _005456899 717 3 answer answer NOUN _005456899 717 4 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 717 5 before before SCONJ _005456899 717 6 tryin tryin PROPN _005456899 717 7 answer answer VERB _005456899 717 8 a a DET _005456899 717 9 b b NOUN _005456899 717 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 717 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 717 12 the the DET _005456899 717 13 i i NOUN _005456899 717 14 for for ADP _005456899 717 15 the the DET _005456899 717 16 time time NOUN _005456899 717 17 not not PART _005456899 717 18 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 717 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 717 20 an an DET _005456899 717 21 angelic angelic ADJ _005456899 717 22 t t NOUN _005456899 717 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 717 24 beelzel beelzel NOUN _005456899 717 25 when when SCONJ _005456899 717 26 a a DET _005456899 717 27 gffil gffil NOUN _005456899 717 28 wants want VERB _005456899 717 29 to to PART _005456899 717 30 decline decline VERB _005456899 717 31 a a DET _005456899 717 32 date date NOUN _005456899 717 33 31 31 NUM _005456899 717 34 when when SCONJ _005456899 717 35 a a DET _005456899 717 36 good good ADJ _005456899 717 37 boy boy NOUN _005456899 717 38 calls call VERB _005456899 717 39 whom whom PRON _005456899 717 40 she she PRON _005456899 717 41 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 717 42 " " PUNCT _005456899 717 43 ca can AUX _005456899 717 44 n't not PART _005456899 717 45 stand stand VERB _005456899 717 46 " " PUNCT _005456899 717 47 but but CCONJ _005456899 717 48 what what PRON _005456899 717 49 will will AUX _005456899 717 50 a a DET _005456899 717 51 girl girl NOUN _005456899 717 52 say say VERB _005456899 717 53 to to ADP _005456899 717 54 a a DET _005456899 717 55 man man NOUN _005456899 717 56 who who PRON _005456899 717 57 is be AUX _005456899 717 58 perfectly perfectly ADV _005456899 717 59 all all ADV _005456899 717 60 right right ADV _005456899 717 61 morally morally ADV _005456899 717 62 and and CCONJ _005456899 717 63 socially socially ADV _005456899 717 64 , , PUNCT _005456899 717 65 only only ADV _005456899 717 66 she she PRON _005456899 717 67 ca can AUX _005456899 717 68 n't not PART _005456899 717 69 stand stand VERB _005456899 717 70 him he PRON _005456899 717 71 or or CCONJ _005456899 717 72 absolutely absolutely ADV _005456899 717 73 does do AUX _005456899 717 74 not not PART _005456899 717 75 want want VERB _005456899 717 76 to to PART _005456899 717 77 go go VERB _005456899 717 78 out out ADP _005456899 717 79 with with ADP _005456899 717 80 him he PRON _005456899 717 81 . . PUNCT _005456899 718 1 he he PRON _005456899 718 2 is be AUX _005456899 718 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 718 4 let let VERB _005456899 718 5 us we PRON _005456899 718 6 say say VERB _005456899 718 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 718 8 too too ADV _005456899 718 9 short short ADJ _005456899 718 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 718 11 too too ADV _005456899 718 12 tall tall ADJ _005456899 718 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 718 14 too too ADV _005456899 718 15 stupid stupid ADJ _005456899 718 16 or or CCONJ _005456899 718 17 just just ADV _005456899 718 18 not not PART _005456899 718 19 good good ADV _005456899 718 20 - - PUNCT _005456899 718 21 looking look VERB _005456899 718 22 enough enough ADV _005456899 718 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 719 1 in in ADP _005456899 719 2 such such DET _005456899 719 3 a a DET _005456899 719 4 case case NOUN _005456899 719 5 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 719 6 is be AUX _005456899 719 7 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 719 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 720 1 most most ADJ _005456899 720 2 girls girl NOUN _005456899 720 3 insist insist VERB _005456899 720 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 720 5 only only ADV _005456899 720 6 by by ADP _005456899 720 7 lying lie VERB _005456899 720 8 can can AUX _005456899 720 9 they they PRON _005456899 720 10 keep keep VERB _005456899 720 11 from from ADP _005456899 720 12 hurting hurt VERB _005456899 720 13 the the DET _005456899 720 14 boy boy NOUN _005456899 720 15 's 's PART _005456899 720 16 feelings feeling NOUN _005456899 720 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 721 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 721 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 721 3 i i PRON _005456899 721 4 can can AUX _005456899 721 5 not not PART _005456899 721 6 look look VERB _005456899 721 7 with with ADP _005456899 721 8 favor favor NOUN _005456899 721 9 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 721 10 any any DET _005456899 721 11 social social ADJ _005456899 721 12 intercourse intercourse NOUN _005456899 721 13 that that PRON _005456899 721 14 can can AUX _005456899 721 15 only only ADV _005456899 721 16 be be AUX _005456899 721 17 kept keep VERB _005456899 721 18 smooth smooth ADJ _005456899 721 19 by by ADP _005456899 721 20 lies lie NOUN _005456899 721 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 722 1 olivia olivia PROPN _005456899 722 2 's 's PART _005456899 722 3 way way NOUN _005456899 722 4 can can AUX _005456899 722 5 not not PART _005456899 722 6 be be AUX _005456899 722 7 the the DET _005456899 722 8 right right ADJ _005456899 722 9 way way NOUN _005456899 722 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 723 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 723 2 such such DET _005456899 723 3 a a DET _005456899 723 4 boy boy NOUN _005456899 723 5 asks ask VERB _005456899 723 6 a a DET _005456899 723 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 723 8 for for ADP _005456899 723 9 a a DET _005456899 723 10 date date NOUN _005456899 723 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 723 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 723 13 if if SCONJ _005456899 723 14 she she PRON _005456899 723 15 is be AUX _005456899 723 16 sure sure ADJ _005456899 723 17 she she PRON _005456899 723 18 does do AUX _005456899 723 19 not not PART _005456899 723 20 want want VERB _005456899 723 21 to to PART _005456899 723 22 go go VERB _005456899 723 23 with with ADP _005456899 723 24 him he PRON _005456899 723 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 723 26 that that SCONJ _005456899 723 27 she she PRON _005456899 723 28 never never ADV _005456899 723 29 will will AUX _005456899 723 30 want want VERB _005456899 723 31 to to PART _005456899 723 32 go go VERB _005456899 723 33 out out ADP _005456899 723 34 with with ADP _005456899 723 35 him he PRON _005456899 723 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 723 37 she she PRON _005456899 723 38 should should AUX _005456899 723 39 say say VERB _005456899 723 40 gently gently ADV _005456899 723 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 723 42 sympathetically sympathetically ADV _005456899 723 43 : : PUNCT _005456899 723 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 723 45 john john PROPN _005456899 723 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 723 47 it it PRON _005456899 723 48 is be AUX _005456899 723 49 awfully awfully ADV _005456899 723 50 nice nice ADJ _005456899 723 51 of of ADP _005456899 723 52 you you PRON _005456899 723 53 to to PART _005456899 723 54 ask ask VERB _005456899 723 55 me i PRON _005456899 723 56 to to PART _005456899 723 57 go go VERB _005456899 723 58 out out ADP _005456899 723 59 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 723 60 or or CCONJ _005456899 723 61 to to PART _005456899 723 62 invite invite VERB _005456899 723 63 me i PRON _005456899 723 64 to to ADP _005456899 723 65 a a DET _005456899 723 66 show show NOUN _005456899 723 67 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 723 68 . . PUNCT _005456899 724 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 724 2 i i PRON _005456899 724 3 am be AUX _005456899 724 4 sorry sorry ADJ _005456899 724 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 724 6 john john PROPN _005456899 724 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 724 8 i i PRON _005456899 724 9 just just ADV _005456899 724 10 do do AUX _005456899 724 11 n't not PART _005456899 724 12 feel feel VERB _005456899 724 13 toward toward ADP _005456899 724 14 you you PRON _005456899 724 15 the the DET _005456899 724 16 way way NOUN _005456899 724 17 a a DET _005456899 724 18 girl girl NOUN _005456899 724 19 should should AUX _005456899 724 20 feel feel VERB _005456899 724 21 for for ADP _005456899 724 22 accepting accept VERB _005456899 724 23 a a DET _005456899 724 24 date date NOUN _005456899 724 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 725 1 i i PRON _005456899 725 2 do do AUX _005456899 725 3 n't not PART _005456899 725 4 think think VERB _005456899 725 5 it it PRON _005456899 725 6 is be AUX _005456899 725 7 right right ADJ _005456899 725 8 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 725 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 725 10 smart smart ADJ _005456899 725 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 725 12 wise wise ADJ _005456899 725 13 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 725 14 for for SCONJ _005456899 725 15 a a DET _005456899 725 16 girl girl NOUN _005456899 725 17 to to PART _005456899 725 18 start start VERB _005456899 725 19 going go VERB _005456899 725 20 out out ADP _005456899 725 21 with with ADP _005456899 725 22 a a DET _005456899 725 23 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 725 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 725 25 when when SCONJ _005456899 725 26 she she PRON _005456899 725 27 does do AUX _005456899 725 28 n't not PART _005456899 725 29 happen happen VERB _005456899 725 30 to to PART _005456899 725 31 feel feel VERB _005456899 725 32 like like ADP _005456899 725 33 it it PRON _005456899 725 34 at at ADV _005456899 725 35 all all ADV _005456899 725 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 726 1 i i PRON _005456899 726 2 would would AUX _005456899 726 3 just just ADV _005456899 726 4 be be AUX _005456899 726 5 wasting waste VERB _005456899 726 6 an an DET _005456899 726 7 evening evening NOUN _005456899 726 8 for for ADP _005456899 726 9 you you PRON _005456899 726 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 727 1 for for ADP _005456899 727 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 728 1 that that DET _005456899 728 2 reason reason NOUN _005456899 728 3 i i PRON _005456899 728 4 must must AUX _005456899 728 5 say say VERB _005456899 728 6 no no INTJ _005456899 728 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 729 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 729 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 729 3 really really ADV _005456899 729 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 729 5 it it PRON _005456899 729 6 was be AUX _005456899 729 7 nice nice ADJ _005456899 729 8 of of ADP _005456899 729 9 you you PRON _005456899 729 10 to to PART _005456899 729 11 call call VERB _005456899 729 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 729 13 even even ADV _005456899 729 14 though though SCONJ _005456899 729 15 i i PRON _005456899 729 16 do do AUX _005456899 729 17 n't not PART _005456899 729 18 accept accept VERB _005456899 729 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 729 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 730 1 saying say VERB _005456899 730 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 730 3 no no INTJ _005456899 730 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 730 5 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 730 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 730 7 gracefully gracefully ADV _005456899 730 8 requires require VERB _005456899 730 9 effort effort NOUN _005456899 730 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 730 11 training training NOUN _005456899 730 12 this this PRON _005456899 730 13 said say VERB _005456899 730 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 730 15 she she PRON _005456899 730 16 should should AUX _005456899 730 17 stand stand VERB _005456899 730 18 by by ADP _005456899 730 19 it it PRON _005456899 730 20 firmly firmly ADV _005456899 730 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 730 22 say say VERB _005456899 730 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 730 24 good good ADJ _005456899 730 25 - - PUNCT _005456899 730 26 by by NOUN _005456899 730 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 730 28 or or CCONJ _005456899 730 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 730 30 good good ADJ _005456899 730 31 night night NOUN _005456899 730 32 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 730 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 730 34 not not PART _005456899 730 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 730 36 call call VERB _005456899 730 37 again again ADV _005456899 730 38 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 730 39 " " PUNCT _005456899 731 1 my my PRON _005456899 731 2 shakespeare shakespeare ADJ _005456899 731 3 class class NOUN _005456899 731 4 to to ADP _005456899 731 5 the the DET _005456899 731 6 contrary contrary NOUN _005456899 731 7 notwithstanding notwithstanding ADV _005456899 731 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 731 9 i i PRON _005456899 731 10 do do AUX _005456899 731 11 n't not PART _005456899 731 12 want want VERB _005456899 731 13 any any DET _005456899 731 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 731 15 to to PART _005456899 731 16 protest protest VERB _005456899 731 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 731 18 such such DET _005456899 731 19 an an DET _005456899 731 20 answer answer NOUN _005456899 731 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 731 22 a a DET _005456899 731 23 similar similar ADJ _005456899 731 24 one one NOUN _005456899 731 25 wo will AUX _005456899 731 26 n't not PART _005456899 731 27 work work VERB _005456899 731 28 until until SCONJ _005456899 731 29 she she PRON _005456899 731 30 has have AUX _005456899 731 31 tried try VERB _005456899 731 32 it it PRON _005456899 731 33 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 732 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 732 2 before before ADP _005456899 732 3 trying try VERB _005456899 732 4 it it PRON _005456899 732 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 732 6 she she PRON _005456899 732 7 should should AUX _005456899 732 8 imagine imagine VERB _005456899 732 9 the the DET _005456899 732 10 situation situation NOUN _005456899 732 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 732 12 rehearse rehearse VERB _005456899 732 13 her her PRON _005456899 732 14 answer answer NOUN _005456899 732 15 a a DET _005456899 732 16 bit bit NOUN _005456899 732 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 733 1 after after ADV _005456899 733 2 all all ADV _005456899 733 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 733 4 every every DET _005456899 733 5 girl girl NOUN _005456899 733 6 rehearses rehearse VERB _005456899 733 7 how how SCONJ _005456899 733 8 she she PRON _005456899 733 9 will will AUX _005456899 733 10 say say VERB _005456899 733 11 yes yes INTJ _005456899 733 12 when when SCONJ _005456899 733 13 the the DET _005456899 733 14 right right ADJ _005456899 733 15 man man NOUN _005456899 733 16 proposes propose VERB _005456899 733 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 734 1 why why SCONJ _005456899 734 2 should should AUX _005456899 734 3 n't not PART _005456899 734 4 she she PRON _005456899 734 5 also also ADV _005456899 734 6 rehearse rehearse VERB _005456899 734 7 for for ADP _005456899 734 8 the the DET _005456899 734 9 times time NOUN _005456899 734 10 when when SCONJ _005456899 734 11 she she PRON _005456899 734 12 must must AUX _005456899 734 13 say say VERB _005456899 734 14 no no INTJ _005456899 734 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 734 16 when when SCONJ _005456899 734 17 she she PRON _005456899 734 18 must must AUX _005456899 734 19 deny deny VERB _005456899 734 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 734 21 yet yet ADV _005456899 734 22 should should AUX _005456899 734 23 not not PART _005456899 734 24 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 734 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 734 26 insult insult NOUN _005456899 734 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 735 1 saying say VERB _005456899 735 2 no no ADV _005456899 735 3 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 735 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 735 5 tactfully tactfully ADV _005456899 735 6 is be AUX _005456899 735 7 a a DET _005456899 735 8 hard hard ADJ _005456899 735 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 735 10 an an DET _005456899 735 11 angelic angelic ADJ _005456899 735 12 thing thing NOUN _005456899 735 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 736 1 it it PRON _005456899 736 2 needs need VERB _005456899 736 3 effort effort NOUN _005456899 736 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 736 5 study study NOUN _005456899 736 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 737 1 yes yes INTJ _005456899 737 2 requires require VERB _005456899 737 3 no no DET _005456899 737 4 study study NOUN _005456899 737 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 737 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 737 7 beelzebub beelzebub VERB _005456899 737 8 himself himself PRON _005456899 737 9 prompts prompt VERB _005456899 737 10 the the DET _005456899 737 11 lies lie NOUN _005456899 737 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 738 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 738 2 vi vi PROPN _005456899 738 3 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 738 4 is be AUX _005456899 738 5 the the DET _005456899 738 6 best good ADJ _005456899 738 7 policy policy NOUN _005456899 738 8 always always ADV _005456899 738 9 this this DET _005456899 738 10 article article NOUN _005456899 738 11 first first ADV _005456899 738 12 appeared appear VERB _005456899 738 13 in in ADP _005456899 738 14 the the DET _005456899 738 15 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 738 16 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 738 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 738 18 june june PROPN _005456899 738 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 738 20 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 738 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 738 22 under under ADP _005456899 738 23 the the DET _005456899 738 24 title title NOUN _005456899 738 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 738 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 738 27 are be AUX _005456899 738 28 we we PRON _005456899 738 29 a a DET _005456899 738 30 nation nation NOUN _005456899 738 31 of of ADP _005456899 738 32 liars liar NOUN _005456899 738 33 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 738 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 738 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 738 36 sub sub ADJ _005456899 738 37 - - VERB _005456899 738 38 titled title VERB _005456899 738 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 738 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 738 41 truth truth NOUN _005456899 738 42 takes take VERB _005456899 738 43 a a DET _005456899 738 44 beating beating NOUN _005456899 738 45 every every DET _005456899 738 46 minute minute NOUN _005456899 738 47 of of ADP _005456899 738 48 the the DET _005456899 738 49 day day NOUN _005456899 738 50 at at ADP _005456899 738 51 the the DET _005456899 738 52 hands hand NOUN _005456899 738 53 of of ADP _005456899 738 54 the the DET _005456899 738 55 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 738 56 every every DET _005456899 738 57 - - PUNCT _005456899 738 58 day day NOUN _005456899 738 59 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 738 60 lie lie NOUN _005456899 738 61 . . PUNCT _005456899 738 62 " " PUNCT _005456899 739 1 this this DET _005456899 739 2 short short ADJ _005456899 739 3 article article NOUN _005456899 739 4 really really ADV _005456899 739 5 applies apply VERB _005456899 739 6 the the DET _005456899 739 7 principle principle NOUN _005456899 739 8 of of ADP _005456899 739 9 never never ADV _005456899 739 10 lying lie VERB _005456899 739 11 to to ADP _005456899 739 12 all all DET _005456899 739 13 the the DET _005456899 739 14 affairs affair NOUN _005456899 739 15 of of ADP _005456899 739 16 life life NOUN _005456899 739 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 739 18 whereas whereas SCONJ _005456899 739 19 the the DET _005456899 739 20 previous previous ADJ _005456899 739 21 one one NOUN _005456899 739 22 considered consider VERB _005456899 739 23 merely merely ADV _005456899 739 24 one one NUM _005456899 739 25 phase phase NOUN _005456899 739 26 of of ADP _005456899 739 27 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 739 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 740 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 740 2 says say VERB _005456899 740 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 740 4 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 740 5 is be AUX _005456899 740 6 the the DET _005456899 740 7 best good ADJ _005456899 740 8 policy policy NOUN _005456899 740 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 741 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 741 2 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 741 3 gets get VERB _005456899 741 4 angry angry ADJ _005456899 741 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 741 6 very very ADV _005456899 741 7 angry angry ADJ _005456899 741 8 when when SCONJ _005456899 741 9 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 741 10 says say VERB _005456899 741 11 he he PRON _005456899 741 12 lied lie VERB _005456899 741 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 742 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 742 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 742 3 i i PRON _005456899 742 4 beg beg VERB _005456899 742 5 the the DET _005456899 742 6 readers reader NOUN _005456899 742 7 of of ADP _005456899 742 8 this this DET _005456899 742 9 article article NOUN _005456899 742 10 to to PART _005456899 742 11 pause pause VERB _005456899 742 12 a a DET _005456899 742 13 moment moment NOUN _005456899 742 14 now now ADV _005456899 742 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 742 16 ask ask VERB _005456899 742 17 themsplves themsplve NOUN _005456899 742 18 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 742 19 there there PRON _005456899 742 20 are be VERB _005456899 742 21 n't not PART _005456899 742 22 some some DET _005456899 742 23 things thing NOUN _005456899 742 24 about about ADP _005456899 742 25 which which PRON _005456899 742 26 they they PRON _005456899 742 27 habitually habitually ADV _005456899 742 28 tell tell VERB _005456899 742 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 742 30 if if SCONJ _005456899 742 31 not not PART _005456899 742 32 big big ADJ _005456899 742 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 742 34 at at ADP _005456899 742 35 least least ADJ _005456899 742 36 petty petty ADJ _005456899 742 37 lies lie NOUN _005456899 742 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 743 1 then then ADV _005456899 743 2 after after SCONJ _005456899 743 3 they they PRON _005456899 743 4 have have AUX _005456899 743 5 read read VERB _005456899 743 6 the the DET _005456899 743 7 article article NOUN _005456899 743 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 743 9 i i PRON _005456899 743 10 should should AUX _005456899 743 11 like like VERB _005456899 743 12 them they PRON _005456899 743 13 to to PART _005456899 743 14 make make VERB _005456899 743 15 the the DET _005456899 743 16 same same ADJ _005456899 743 17 review review NOUN _005456899 743 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 744 1 they they PRON _005456899 744 2 will will AUX _005456899 744 3 probably probably ADV _005456899 744 4 find find VERB _005456899 744 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 744 6 they they PRON _005456899 744 7 have have AUX _005456899 744 8 been be AUX _005456899 744 9 habitually habitually ADV _005456899 744 10 telling tell VERB _005456899 744 11 petty petty ADJ _005456899 744 12 lies lie NOUN _005456899 744 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 744 14 have have AUX _005456899 744 15 taken take VERB _005456899 744 16 them they PRON _005456899 744 17 so so ADV _005456899 744 18 much much ADJ _005456899 744 19 tor tor NOUN _005456899 744 20 granted grant VERB _005456899 744 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 744 22 they they PRON _005456899 744 23 did do AUX _005456899 744 24 not not PART _005456899 744 25 even even ADV _005456899 744 26 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 744 27 them they PRON _005456899 744 28 as as ADP _005456899 744 29 lies lie NOUN _005456899 744 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 745 1 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 745 2 is be AUX _005456899 745 3 one one NUM _005456899 745 4 of of ADP _005456899 745 5 the the DET _005456899 745 6 hardest hard ADJ _005456899 745 7 virtues virtue NOUN _005456899 745 8 in in ADP _005456899 745 9 the the DET _005456899 745 10 world world NOUN _005456899 745 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 746 1 just just ADV _005456899 746 2 as as SCONJ _005456899 746 3 no no DET _005456899 746 4 one one NOUN _005456899 746 5 ever ever ADV _005456899 746 6 attains attain NOUN _005456899 746 7 complete complete ADJ _005456899 746 8 sinlessness sinlessness NOUN _005456899 746 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 746 10 so so ADV _005456899 746 11 very very ADV _005456899 746 12 jew jew ADJ _005456899 746 13 people people NOUN _005456899 746 14 ever ever ADV _005456899 746 15 re·ach re·ach VERB _005456899 746 16 a a DET _005456899 746 17 point point NOUN _005456899 746 18 where where SCONJ _005456899 746 19 they they PRON _005456899 746 20 never never ADV _005456899 746 21 tell tell VERB _005456899 746 22 lies lie NOUN _005456899 746 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 747 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 747 2 this this DET _005456899 747 3 article article NOUN _005456899 747 4 begs beg VERB _005456899 747 5 them they PRON _005456899 747 6 at at ADV _005456899 747 7 least least ADJ _005456899 747 8 to to PART _005456899 747 9 try try VERB _005456899 747 10 not not PART _005456899 747 11 to to PART _005456899 747 12 lie lie VERB _005456899 747 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 747 14 to to PART _005456899 747 15 try try VERB _005456899 747 16 never never ADV _005456899 747 17 to to PART _005456899 747 18 lie lie VERB _005456899 747 19 about about ADP _005456899 747 20 anything anything PRON _005456899 747 21 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 747 22 ecause ecause NOUN _005456899 747 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 747 24 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 747 25 is be AUX _005456899 747 26 the the DET _005456899 747 27 best good ADJ _005456899 747 28 policy policy NOUN _005456899 747 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 747 30 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 748 1 most most ADJ _005456899 748 2 people people NOUN _005456899 748 3 lie lie VERB _005456899 748 4 but but CCONJ _005456899 748 5 who who PRON _005456899 748 6 calls call VERB _005456899 748 7 them they PRON _005456899 748 8 liar liar ADJ _005456899 748 9 offends offend NOUN _005456899 748 10 them they PRON _005456899 748 11 more more ADV _005456899 748 12 than than SCONJ _005456899 748 13 if if SCONJ _005456899 748 14 he he PRON _005456899 748 15 called call VERB _005456899 748 16 them they PRON _005456899 748 17 murderer murderer NOUN _005456899 748 18 even even ADV _005456899 748 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 748 20 a a DET _005456899 748 21 just just ADJ _005456899 748 22 man man NOUN _005456899 748 23 shall shall AUX _005456899 748 24 fall fall VERB _005456899 748 25 seven seven NUM _005456899 748 26 times time NOUN _005456899 748 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 748 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 748 29 says say VERB _005456899 748 30 the the DET _005456899 748 31 bible bible NOUN _005456899 748 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 749 1 it it PRON _005456899 749 2 has have AUX _005456899 749 3 always always ADV _005456899 749 4 seemed seem VERB _005456899 749 5 to to ADP _005456899 749 6 me i PRON _005456899 749 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 749 8 the the DET _005456899 749 9 greater great ADJ _005456899 749 10 portion portion NOUN _005456899 749 11 of of ADP _005456899 749 12 these these DET _005456899 749 13 falls fall NOUN _005456899 749 14 must must AUX _005456899 749 15 be be AUX _005456899 749 16 against against ADP _005456899 749 17 the the DET _005456899 749 18 eighth eighth ADJ _005456899 749 19 commandment commandment NOUN _005456899 749 20 thou thou PRON _005456899 749 21 shalt shalt NOUN _005456899 749 22 not not PART _005456899 749 23 lie lie VERB _005456899 749 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 750 1 for for ADP _005456899 750 2 sinful sinful ADJ _005456899 750 3 though though SCONJ _005456899 750 4 mankind mankind NOUN _005456899 750 5 is be AUX _005456899 750 6 said say VERB _005456899 750 7 to to PART _005456899 750 8 be be AUX _005456899 750 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 750 10 the the DET _005456899 750 11 only only ADJ _005456899 750 12 sin sin NOUN _005456899 750 13 i i PRON _005456899 750 14 see see VERB _005456899 750 15 people people NOUN _005456899 750 16 commit commit VERB _005456899 750 17 frequently frequently ADV _005456899 750 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 750 19 eve1y eve1y PROPN _005456899 750 20 day day NOUN _005456899 750 21 as as SCONJ _005456899 750 22 it it PRON _005456899 750 23 were be AUX _005456899 750 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 750 25 is be AUX _005456899 750 26 that that PRON _005456899 750 27 against against ADP _005456899 750 28 the the DET _005456899 750 29 truth truth NOUN _005456899 750 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 751 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 751 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 751 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 751 4 you you PRON _005456899 751 5 answer answer VERB _005456899 751 6 the the DET _005456899 751 7 phone phone NOUN _005456899 751 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 752 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 752 2 it it PRON _005456899 752 3 's be AUX _005456899 752 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 752 5 jones jones PROPN _005456899 752 6 boy boy NOUN _005456899 752 7 again again ADV _005456899 752 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 752 9 tell tell VERB _005456899 752 10 him he PRON _005456899 752 11 i i PRON _005456899 752 12 'm be AUX _005456899 752 13 in in ADP _005456899 752 14 bed bed NOUN _005456899 752 15 with with ADP _005456899 752 16 a a DET _005456899 752 17 cold cold NOUN _005456899 752 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 752 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 753 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 753 2 oh oh INTJ _005456899 753 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 753 4 there there PRON _005456899 753 5 is be VERB _005456899 753 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 753 7 insurance insurance NOUN _005456899 753 8 collector collector NOUN _005456899 753 9 coming come VERB _005456899 753 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 754 1 susan susan PROPN _005456899 754 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 754 3 go go VERB _005456899 754 4 tell tell VERB _005456899 754 5 him he PRON _005456899 754 6 i i PRON _005456899 754 7 am be AUX _005456899 754 8 out out ADV _005456899 754 9 for for ADP _005456899 754 10 the the DET _005456899 754 11 afternoon afternoon NOUN _005456899 754 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 754 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 755 1 · · PUNCT _005456899 755 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 755 3 got get VERB _005456899 755 4 in in ADP _005456899 755 5 at at ADP _005456899 755 6 three three NUM _005456899 755 7 this this DET _005456899 755 8 morning morning NOUN _005456899 755 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 755 10 ugh ugh PROPN _005456899 755 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 756 1 sis sis NOUN _005456899 756 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 756 3 go go VERB _005456899 756 4 call call VERB _005456899 756 5 the the DET _005456899 756 6 office office NOUN _005456899 756 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 756 8 tell tell VERB _005456899 756 9 them they PRON _005456899 756 10 i i PRON _005456899 756 11 'm be AUX _005456899 756 12 sick sick ADJ _005456899 756 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 756 14 ca can AUX _005456899 756 15 n't not PART _005456899 756 16 come come VERB _005456899 756 17 to to PART _005456899 756 18 work work VERB _005456899 756 19 today today NOUN _005456899 756 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 756 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 757 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 757 2 oh oh INTJ _005456899 757 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 757 4 that that DET _005456899 757 5 bridge bridge PROPN _005456899 757 6 party party PROPN _005456899 757 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 758 1 i i PRON _005456899 758 2 hate hate VERB _005456899 758 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 759 1 lt lt PROPN _005456899 759 2 . . PROPN _005456899 759 3 darling darling NOUN _005456899 759 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 759 5 you you PRON _005456899 759 6 simply simply ADV _005456899 759 7 must must AUX _005456899 759 8 call call VERB _005456899 759 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 759 10 tell tell VERB _005456899 759 11 them they PRON _005456899 759 12 i i PRON _005456899 759 13 have have VERB _005456899 759 14 a a DET _005456899 759 15 headache headache NOUN _005456899 759 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 759 17 we we PRON _005456899 759 18 ca can AUX _005456899 759 19 n't not PART _005456899 759 20 come come VERB _005456899 759 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 759 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 760 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 760 2 so so ADV _005456899 760 3 it it PRON _005456899 760 4 goes go VERB _005456899 760 5 the the DET _005456899 760 6 whirling whirling NOUN _005456899 760 7 round round NOUN _005456899 760 8 of of ADP _005456899 760 9 small small ADJ _005456899 760 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 760 11 everyday everyday ADV _005456899 760 12 lying lie VERB _005456899 760 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 761 1 who who PRON _005456899 761 2 lie lie VERB _005456899 761 3 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 761 4 of of ADP _005456899 761 5 couts cout NOUN _005456899 761 6 are be AUX _005456899 761 7 only only ADV _005456899 761 8 th~ th~ PROPN _005456899 761 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 761 10 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 762 1 there there ADV _005456899 762 2 i i PRON _005456899 762 3 for for ADP _005456899 762 4 the the DET _005456899 762 5 time time NOUN _005456899 762 6 ly ly NOUN _005456899 762 7 if if SCONJ _005456899 762 8 people people NOUN _005456899 762 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 762 10 an an DET _005456899 762 11 escap~ escap~ PROPN _005456899 762 12 save save VERB _005456899 762 13 their their PRON _005456899 762 14 lif lif NOUN _005456899 762 15 if if SCONJ _005456899 762 16 a a DET _005456899 762 17 student student NOUN _005456899 762 18 ing ing NOUN _005456899 762 19 is be AUX _005456899 762 20 involv involv ADJ _005456899 762 21 · · PUNCT _005456899 762 22 of of ADP _005456899 762 23 having have VERB _005456899 762 24 cl cl NOUN _005456899 762 25 wic wic VERB _005456899 762 26 obviousl obviousl NOUN _005456899 762 27 for for ADP _005456899 762 28 a a DET _005456899 762 29 dollar dollar NOUN _005456899 762 30 quarter quarter NOUN _005456899 762 31 whi whi NOUN _005456899 762 32 < < X _005456899 762 33 beer beer NOUN _005456899 762 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 762 35 would would AUX _005456899 762 36 meeting meet VERB _005456899 762 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 762 38 on• on• ADV _005456899 762 39 " " PUNCT _005456899 762 40 sin sin NOUN _005456899 762 41 has have AUX _005456899 762 42 mm mm VERB _005456899 762 43 " " PUNCT _005456899 762 44 but but CCONJ _005456899 762 45 a a DET _005456899 762 46 lie lie NOUN _005456899 762 47 is be AUX _005456899 762 48 the the DET _005456899 762 49 trutl trutl PROPN _005456899 762 50 ford ford PROPN _005456899 762 51 it it PRON _005456899 762 52 . . PUNCT _005456899 763 1 the the DET _005456899 763 2 murderer murderer NOUN _005456899 763 3 th th X _005456899 763 4 that that PRON _005456899 763 5 told tell VERB _005456899 763 6 the the DET _005456899 763 7 the the DET _005456899 763 8 truth truth NOUN _005456899 763 9 is be AUX _005456899 763 10 honest honest ADJ _005456899 763 11 at at ADP _005456899 763 12 th th X _005456899 763 13 · · NUM _005456899 763 14 derer derer NOUN _005456899 763 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 763 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 763 17 i i PRON _005456899 763 18 it it PRON _005456899 763 19 is be AUX _005456899 763 20 a a DET _005456899 763 21 pity pity NOUN _005456899 763 22 that that PRON _005456899 763 23 is be AUX _005456899 763 24 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 763 25 that that PRON _005456899 763 26 is be AUX _005456899 763 27 why why SCONJ _005456899 763 28 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 763 29 eople eople PROPN _005456899 763 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 764 1 peo1 peo1 PROPN _005456899 764 2 out out ADP _005456899 764 3 of of ADP _005456899 764 4 the the DET _005456899 764 5 < < X _005456899 764 6 that that PRON _005456899 764 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 764 8 to to ADP _005456899 764 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 764 10 peopl peopl NOUN _005456899 764 11 « « PUNCT _005456899 764 12 varicate varicate NOUN _005456899 764 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 765 1 it it PRON _005456899 765 2 nocent nocent ADJ _005456899 765 3 mat1 mat1 PROPN _005456899 765 4 weapon weapon NOUN _005456899 765 5 of of ADP _005456899 765 6 t t NOUN _005456899 765 7 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 765 8 is be AUX _005456899 765 9 the the DET _005456899 765 10 best good ADJ _005456899 765 11 poucy poucy NOUN _005456899 765 12 - - PUNCT _005456899 765 13 always always ADV _005456899 765 14 who who PRON _005456899 765 15 lies lie VERB _005456899 765 16 about about ADP _005456899 765 17 a a DET _005456899 765 18 small small ADJ _005456899 765 19 matter matter NOUN _005456899 765 20 will will AUX _005456899 765 21 even even ADV _005456899 765 22 move move VERB _005456899 765 23 surely surely ADV _005456899 765 24 lie lie VERB _005456899 765 25 about about ADP _005456899 765 26 a a DET _005456899 765 27 big big ADJ _005456899 765 28 matter matter NOUN _005456899 765 29 33 33 NUM _005456899 765 30 · · PUNCT _005456899 765 31 of of ADP _005456899 765 32 course course NOUN _005456899 765 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 765 34 these these PRON _005456899 765 35 are be AUX _005456899 765 36 not not PART _005456899 765 37 grave grave ADJ _005456899 765 38 matters matter NOUN _005456899 765 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 766 1 quite quite ADV _005456899 766 2 probably probably ADV _005456899 766 3 they they PRON _005456899 766 4 are be AUX _005456899 766 5 only only ADV _005456899 766 6 the the DET _005456899 766 7 smallest small ADJ _005456899 766 8 kind kind NOUN _005456899 766 9 of of ADP _005456899 766 10 sins sin NOUN _005456899 766 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 767 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 767 2 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005456899 767 3 newman newman PROPN _005456899 767 4 says say VERB _005456899 767 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 767 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 767 7 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 768 1 there there PRON _005456899 768 2 is be VERB _005456899 768 3 a a DET _005456899 768 4 way way NOUN _005456899 768 5 of of ADP _005456899 768 6 winning win VERB _005456899 768 7 men man NOUN _005456899 768 8 · · PUNCT _005456899 768 9 from from ADP _005456899 768 10 greater great ADJ _005456899 768 11 sins sin NOUN _005456899 768 12 by by ADP _005456899 768 13 working work VERB _005456899 768 14 for for ADP _005456899 768 15 the the DET _005456899 768 16 time time NOUN _005456899 768 17 at at ADP _005456899 768 18 less less ADJ _005456899 768 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 768 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 769 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 769 2 that that PRON _005456899 769 3 seems seem VERB _005456899 769 4 especially especially ADV _005456899 769 5 hue hue NOUN _005456899 769 6 of of ADP _005456899 769 7 lying lie VERB _005456899 769 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 770 1 surely surely ADV _005456899 770 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 770 3 people people NOUN _005456899 770 4 · · PUNCT _005456899 770 5 will will AUX _005456899 770 6 lie lie VERB _005456899 770 7 for for ADP _005456899 770 8 so so ADV _005456899 770 9 unimportant unimportant ADJ _005456899 770 10 a a DET _005456899 770 11 thing thing NOUN _005456899 770 12 as as ADP _005456899 770 13 an an DET _005456899 770 14 hour hour NOUN _005456899 770 15 of of ADP _005456899 770 16 sleep sleep NOUN _005456899 770 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 770 18 an an DET _005456899 770 19 escape escape NOUN _005456899 770 20 from from ADP _005456899 770 21 a a DET _005456899 770 22 bridge bridge NOUN _005456899 770 23 game game NOUN _005456899 770 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 770 25 one one PRON _005456899 770 26 must must AUX _005456899 770 27 expect expect VERB _005456899 770 28 them they PRON _005456899 770 29 to to PART _005456899 770 30 lie lie VERB _005456899 770 31 to to PART _005456899 770 32 save save VERB _005456899 770 33 their their PRON _005456899 770 34 life life NOUN _005456899 770 35 or or CCONJ _005456899 770 36 their their PRON _005456899 770 37 job job NOUN _005456899 770 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 770 39 or or CCONJ _005456899 770 40 to to PART _005456899 770 41 keep keep VERB _005456899 770 42 their their PRON _005456899 770 43 wife wife NOUN _005456899 770 44 or or CCONJ _005456899 770 45 their their PRON _005456899 770 46 husband husband NOUN _005456899 770 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 771 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 771 2 a a DET _005456899 771 3 student student NOUN _005456899 771 4 will will AUX _005456899 771 5 lie lie VERB _005456899 771 6 about about ADP _005456899 771 7 coming come VERB _005456899 771 8 late late ADV _005456899 771 9 to to ADP _005456899 771 10 class class NOUN _005456899 771 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 771 12 a a DET _005456899 771 13 mere mere ADJ _005456899 771 14 scolding scolding NOUN _005456899 771 15 is be AUX _005456899 771 16 involved involve VERB _005456899 771 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 771 18 how how SCONJ _005456899 771 19 can can AUX _005456899 771 20 i i PRON _005456899 771 21 expect expect VERB _005456899 771 22 him he PRON _005456899 771 23 not not PART _005456899 771 24 to to PART _005456899 771 25 lie lie VERB _005456899 771 26 when when SCONJ _005456899 771 27 i i PRON _005456899 771 28 suspect suspect VERB _005456899 771 29 him he PRON _005456899 771 30 of of ADP _005456899 771 31 having having AUX _005456899 771 32 cheated cheat VERB _005456899 771 33 in in ADP _005456899 771 34 a a DET _005456899 771 35 final final ADJ _005456899 771 36 examination examination NOUN _005456899 771 37 involving involve VERB _005456899 771 38 expulsion expulsion NOUN _005456899 771 39 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 772 1 wicked wicked ADJ _005456899 772 2 people people NOUN _005456899 772 3 need need VERB _005456899 772 4 the the DET _005456899 772 5 lie lie NOUN _005456899 772 6 to to PART _005456899 772 7 escape escape VERB _005456899 772 8 the the DET _005456899 772 9 law law NOUN _005456899 772 10 obviously obviously ADV _005456899 772 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 772 12 who who PRON _005456899 772 13 will will AUX _005456899 772 14 lie lie VERB _005456899 772 15 for for ADP _005456899 772 16 a a DET _005456899 772 17 penny penny NOUN _005456899 772 18 will will AUX _005456899 772 19 much much ADV _005456899 772 20 more more ADV _005456899 772 21 likely likely ADJ _005456899 772 22 lie lie NOUN _005456899 772 23 for for ADP _005456899 772 24 a a DET _005456899 772 25 dollar dollar NOUN _005456899 772 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 773 1 the the DET _005456899 773 2 husband husband NOUN _005456899 773 3 who who PRON _005456899 773 4 will will AUX _005456899 773 5 lie lie VERB _005456899 773 6 to to ADP _005456899 773 7 his his PRON _005456899 773 8 wife wife NOUN _005456899 773 9 about about ADP _005456899 773 10 that that DET _005456899 773 11 quarter quarter NOUN _005456899 773 12 which which PRON _005456899 773 13 should should AUX _005456899 773 14 have have AUX _005456899 773 15 gone go VERB _005456899 773 16 for for ADP _005456899 773 17 cough cough NOUN _005456899 773 18 medicine medicine NOUN _005456899 773 19 but but CCONJ _005456899 773 20 went go VERB _005456899 773 21 for for ADP _005456899 773 22 beer beer NOUN _005456899 773 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 773 24 would would AUX _005456899 773 25 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 773 26 also also ADV _005456899 773 27 lie lie VERB _005456899 773 28 to to ADP _005456899 773 29 her she PRON _005456899 773 30 if if SCONJ _005456899 773 31 his his PRON _005456899 773 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 773 33 important important ADJ _005456899 773 34 business business NOUN _005456899 773 35 meeting meeting NOUN _005456899 773 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 773 37 one one NUM _005456899 773 38 evening evening NOUN _005456899 773 39 had have AUX _005456899 773 40 been be AUX _005456899 773 41 with with ADP _005456899 773 42 a a DET _005456899 773 43 blonde blonde ADJ _005456899 773 44 instead instead ADV _005456899 773 45 of of ADP _005456899 773 46 a a DET _005456899 773 47 broker broker NOUN _005456899 773 48 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 774 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 774 2 sin sin NOUN _005456899 774 3 has have VERB _005456899 774 4 many many ADJ _005456899 774 5 tools tool NOUN _005456899 774 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 774 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 774 8 says say VERB _005456899 774 9 oliver oliver PROPN _005456899 774 10 wendell wendell PROPN _005456899 774 11 holmes holme NOUN _005456899 774 12 in in ADP _005456899 774 13 the the DET _005456899 774 14 autocrat autocrat NOUN _005456899 774 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 774 16 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 774 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 774 18 a a DET _005456899 774 19 lie lie NOUN _005456899 774 20 is be AUX _005456899 774 21 the the DET _005456899 774 22 handle handle NOUN _005456899 774 23 of of ADP _005456899 774 24 them they PRON _005456899 774 25 all all PRON _005456899 774 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 774 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 775 1 the the DET _005456899 775 2 truth truth NOUN _005456899 775 3 is be AUX _005456899 775 4 so so ADV _005456899 775 5 precious precious ADJ _005456899 775 6 a a DET _005456899 775 7 thing thing NOUN _005456899 775 8 that that PRON _005456899 775 9 the the DET _005456899 775 10 bad bad ADJ _005456899 775 11 simply simply ADV _005456899 775 12 can can AUX _005456899 775 13 not not PART _005456899 775 14 afford afford VERB _005456899 775 15 it it PRON _005456899 775 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 776 1 the the DET _005456899 776 2 lie lie NOUN _005456899 776 3 is be AUX _005456899 776 4 the the DET _005456899 776 5 indispensable indispensable ADJ _005456899 776 6 passport passport NOUN _005456899 776 7 for for ADP _005456899 776 8 all all DET _005456899 776 9 evil evil ADJ _005456899 776 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 776 11 doers doer NOUN _005456899 776 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 777 1 the the DET _005456899 777 2 murderer murderer NOUN _005456899 777 3 that that PRON _005456899 777 4 told tell VERB _005456899 777 5 the the DET _005456899 777 6 truth truth NOUN _005456899 777 7 is be AUX _005456899 777 8 in in ADP _005456899 777 9 the the DET _005456899 777 10 electric electric ADJ _005456899 777 11 chair chair NOUN _005456899 777 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 778 1 the the DET _005456899 778 2 adulterer adulterer NOUN _005456899 778 3 that that PRON _005456899 778 4 told tell VERB _005456899 778 5 the the DET _005456899 778 6 truth truth NOUN _005456899 778 7 is be AUX _005456899 778 8 paying pay VERB _005456899 778 9 alimony alimony NOUN _005456899 778 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 779 1 the the DET _005456899 779 2 unfaithful unfaithful ADJ _005456899 779 3 wife wife NOUN _005456899 779 4 who who PRON _005456899 779 5 told tell VERB _005456899 779 6 the the DET _005456899 779 7 truth truth NOUN _005456899 779 8 is be AUX _005456899 779 9 a a DET _005456899 779 10 divorcee divorcee NOUN _005456899 779 11 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 780 1 one one NUM _005456899 780 2 simply simply ADV _005456899 780 3 can can AUX _005456899 780 4 not not PART _005456899 780 5 be be AUX _005456899 780 6 seriously seriously ADV _005456899 780 7 bad bad ADJ _005456899 780 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 780 9 honest honest ADJ _005456899 780 10 at at ADP _005456899 780 11 the the DET _005456899 780 12 same same ADJ _005456899 780 13 time time NOUN _005456899 780 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 781 1 one one PRON _005456899 781 2 can can AUX _005456899 781 3 be be AUX _005456899 781 4 a a DET _005456899 781 5 thief thief NOUN _005456899 781 6 without without ADP _005456899 781 7 being be AUX _005456899 781 8 a a DET _005456899 781 9 murderer murderer NOUN _005456899 781 10 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 781 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 781 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 781 13 one one NUM _005456899 781 14 is be AUX _005456899 781 15 a a DET _005456899 781 16 thief thief NOUN _005456899 781 17 one one PRON _005456899 781 18 must must AUX _005456899 781 19 be be AUX _005456899 781 20 a a DET _005456899 781 21 liar liar NOUN _005456899 781 22 also also ADV _005456899 781 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 782 1 it it PRON _005456899 782 2 is be AUX _005456899 782 3 a a DET _005456899 782 4 pity pity NOUN _005456899 782 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 782 6 decent decent ADJ _005456899 782 7 people people NOUN _005456899 782 8 use use VERB _005456899 782 9 the the DET _005456899 782 10 gangster gangster NOUN _005456899 782 11 's 's PART _005456899 782 12 stand stand NOUN _005456899 782 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 782 14 by by NOUN _005456899 782 15 that that PRON _005456899 782 16 is be AUX _005456899 782 17 why why SCONJ _005456899 782 18 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 782 19 is be AUX _005456899 782 20 really really ADV _005456899 782 21 the the DET _005456899 782 22 guarantee guarantee NOUN _005456899 782 23 of of ADP _005456899 782 24 goodness goodness NOUN _005456899 782 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 782 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 782 27 that that PRON _005456899 782 28 is be AUX _005456899 782 29 why why SCONJ _005456899 782 30 one one PRON _005456899 782 31 simply simply ADV _005456899 782 32 can can AUX _005456899 782 33 not not PART _005456899 782 34 expect expect VERB _005456899 782 35 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 782 36 from from ADP _005456899 782 37 really really ADV _005456899 782 38 bad bad ADJ _005456899 782 39 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 782 40 eople eople NOUN _005456899 782 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 783 1 people people NOUN _005456899 783 2 that that PRON _005456899 783 3 break break VERB _005456899 783 4 the the DET _005456899 783 5 law law NOUN _005456899 783 6 will will AUX _005456899 783 7 have have VERB _005456899 783 8 to to PART _005456899 783 9 lie lie VERB _005456899 783 10 to to PART _005456899 783 11 try try VERB _005456899 783 12 to to PART _005456899 783 13 keep keep VERB _005456899 783 14 out out ADP _005456899 783 15 of of ADP _005456899 783 16 the the DET _005456899 783 17 clutches clutch NOUN _005456899 783 18 of of ADP _005456899 783 19 the the DET _005456899 783 20 law law NOUN _005456899 783 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 784 1 that that SCONJ _005456899 784 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 784 3 too too ADV _005456899 784 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 784 5 is be AUX _005456899 784 6 why why SCONJ _005456899 784 7 it it PRON _005456899 784 8 is be AUX _005456899 784 9 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 784 10 pathetic pathetic ADJ _005456899 784 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 784 12 demoralizini demoralizini ADJ _005456899 784 13 when when SCONJ _005456899 784 14 people people NOUN _005456899 784 15 who who PRON _005456899 784 16 are be AUX _005456899 784 17 not not PART _005456899 784 18 really really ADV _005456899 784 19 bad bad ADJ _005456899 784 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 784 21 like like ADP _005456899 784 22 those those PRON _005456899 784 23 quoted quote VERB _005456899 784 24 above above ADV _005456899 784 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 784 26 prevaricate prevaricate ADJ _005456899 784 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 785 1 it it PRON _005456899 785 2 shows show VERB _005456899 785 3 them they PRON _005456899 785 4 stooping stoop VERB _005456899 785 5 in in ADP _005456899 785 6 unimportant unimportant ADJ _005456899 785 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 785 8 even even ADV _005456899 785 9 innocent innocent ADJ _005456899 785 10 matters matter NOUN _005456899 785 11 to to ADP _005456899 785 12 the the DET _005456899 785 13 same same ADJ _005456899 785 14 tool tool NOUN _005456899 785 15 that that PRON _005456899 785 16 is be AUX _005456899 785 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 785 18 after after ADP _005456899 785 19 the the DET _005456899 785 20 gun gun NOUN _005456899 785 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 785 22 the the DET _005456899 785 23 first first ADJ _005456899 785 24 weapon weapon NOUN _005456899 785 25 of of ADP _005456899 785 26 the the DET _005456899 785 27 criminal criminal NOUN _005456899 785 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 786 1 use use NOUN _005456899 786 2 of of ADP _005456899 786 3 the the DET _005456899 786 4 lie lie NOUN _005456899 786 5 in in ADP _005456899 786 6 everyday everyday ADJ _005456899 786 7 matters matter NOUN _005456899 786 8 is be AUX _005456899 786 9 as as SCONJ _005456899 786 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 786 11 34 34 NUM _005456899 786 12 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 786 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 786 14 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 786 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 786 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 786 17 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 786 18 the the DET _005456899 786 19 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005456899 786 20 citizen citizen NOUN _005456899 786 21 were be AUX _005456899 786 22 caught catch VERB _005456899 786 23 walking walk VERB _005456899 786 24 about about ADP _005456899 786 25 like like ADP _005456899 786 26 a a DET _005456899 786 27 gangster gangster NOUN _005456899 786 28 with with ADP _005456899 786 29 a a DET _005456899 786 30 tommy tommy ADJ _005456899 786 31 gun gun NOUN _005456899 786 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 787 1 the the DET _005456899 787 2 small small ADJ _005456899 787 3 lie lie NOUN _005456899 787 4 paves pave VERB _005456899 787 5 the the DET _005456899 787 6 way way NOUN _005456899 787 7 for for ADP _005456899 787 8 the the DET _005456899 787 9 larger large ADJ _005456899 787 10 lapse lapse NOUN _005456899 787 11 it it PRON _005456899 787 12 is be AUX _005456899 787 13 n't not PART _005456899 787 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 787 15 the the DET _005456899 787 16 common common ADJ _005456899 787 17 house house NOUN _005456899 787 18 lie lie NOUN _005456899 787 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 787 20 as as SCONJ _005456899 787 21 it it PRON _005456899 787 22 were be AUX _005456899 787 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 787 24 is be AUX _005456899 787 25 so so ADV _005456899 787 26 black black ADJ _005456899 787 27 a a DET _005456899 787 28 sin sin NOUN _005456899 787 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 788 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 788 2 neither neither PRON _005456899 788 3 is be AUX _005456899 788 4 snapping snap VERB _005456899 788 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 788 6 damn damn INTJ _005456899 788 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 788 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 788 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 788 10 helf helf PRON _005456899 788 11 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 788 12 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 788 13 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 788 14 it it PRON _005456899 788 15 is be AUX _005456899 788 16 crude crude ADJ _005456899 788 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 789 1 neither neither CCONJ _005456899 789 2 is be AUX _005456899 789 3 the the DET _005456899 789 4 common common ADJ _005456899 789 5 cold cold NOUN _005456899 789 6 a a DET _005456899 789 7 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005456899 789 8 sickness sickness NOUN _005456899 789 9 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 789 10 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 789 11 it it PRON _005456899 789 12 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 789 13 slips slip VERB _005456899 789 14 into into ADP _005456899 789 15 pneumonia pneumonia PROPN _005456899 789 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 790 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 790 2 so so ADV _005456899 790 3 the the DET _005456899 790 4 everyday everyday ADJ _005456899 790 5 lie lie NOUN _005456899 790 6 is be AUX _005456899 790 7 at at ADP _005456899 790 8 least least ADJ _005456899 790 9 cheapening cheapen VERB _005456899 790 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 791 1 it it PRON _005456899 791 2 is be AUX _005456899 791 3 a a DET _005456899 791 4 slow slow ADJ _005456899 791 5 poisoner poisoner NOUN _005456899 791 6 of of ADP _005456899 791 7 self self NOUN _005456899 791 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 791 9 respect respect NOUN _005456899 791 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 792 1 it it PRON _005456899 792 2 is be AUX _005456899 792 3 a a DET _005456899 792 4 weakener weakener NOUN _005456899 792 5 of of ADP _005456899 792 6 mental mental ADJ _005456899 792 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 792 8 moral moral ADJ _005456899 792 9 fiber fiber NOUN _005456899 792 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 793 1 it it PRON _005456899 793 2 may may AUX _005456899 793 3 be be AUX _005456899 793 4 a a DET _005456899 793 5 way way NOUN _005456899 793 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 793 7 paver paver NOUN _005456899 793 8 for for ADP _005456899 793 9 graver graver ADJ _005456899 793 10 sin sin NOUN _005456899 793 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 794 1 the the DET _005456899 794 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 794 3 who who PRON _005456899 794 4 lies lie VERB _005456899 794 5 to to ADP _005456899 794 6 her her PRON _005456899 794 7 mother mother NOUN _005456899 794 8 about about ADP _005456899 794 9 smoking smoke VERB _005456899 794 10 during during ADP _005456899 794 11 a a DET _005456899 794 12 week week NOUN _005456899 794 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 794 14 end end NOUN _005456899 794 15 visit visit NOUN _005456899 794 16 will will AUX _005456899 794 17 also also ADV _005456899 794 18 one one NUM _005456899 794 19 day day NOUN _005456899 794 20 expect expect VERB _005456899 794 21 to to PART _005456899 794 22 lie lie VERB _005456899 794 23 to to ADP _005456899 794 24 her she PRON _005456899 794 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 794 26 if if SCONJ _005456899 794 27 during during ADP _005456899 794 28 another another DET _005456899 794 29 week week NOUN _005456899 794 30 - - PUNCT _005456899 794 31 end end NOUN _005456899 794 32 party party NOUN _005456899 794 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 794 34 she she PRON _005456899 794 35 drinks drink VERB _005456899 794 36 too too ADV _005456899 794 37 much much ADJ _005456899 794 38 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 795 1 the the DET _005456899 795 2 little little ADJ _005456899 795 3 lie lie NOUN _005456899 795 4 does do AUX _005456899 795 5 not not PART _005456899 795 6 produce produce VERB _005456899 795 7 murder murder NOUN _005456899 795 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 795 9 but but CCONJ _005456899 795 10 it it PRON _005456899 795 11 makes make VERB _005456899 795 12 the the DET _005456899 795 13 way way NOUN _005456899 795 14 easier easy ADJ _005456899 795 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 796 1 it it PRON _005456899 796 2 prepares prepare VERB _005456899 796 3 the the DET _005456899 796 4 pit pit NOUN _005456899 796 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 796 6 the the DET _005456899 796 7 great great ADJ _005456899 796 8 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 796 9 should should AUX _005456899 796 10 come come VERB _005456899 796 11 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 797 1 the the DET _005456899 797 2 quakers quaker NOUN _005456899 797 3 so so ADV _005456899 797 4 honest honest ADJ _005456899 797 5 they they PRON _005456899 797 6 do do AUX _005456899 797 7 n't not PART _005456899 797 8 need need VERB _005456899 797 9 an an DET _005456899 797 10 oath oath NOUN _005456899 797 11 charles charles PROPN _005456899 797 12 lamb lamb PROPN _005456899 797 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 797 14 in in ADP _005456899 797 15 his his PRON _005456899 797 16 charming charming ADJ _005456899 797 17 essay essay NOUN _005456899 797 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 797 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 797 20 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005456899 797 21 sympathies sympathy NOUN _005456899 797 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 797 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 797 24 says say VERB _005456899 797 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 797 26 the the DET _005456899 797 27 quakers quaker NOUN _005456899 797 28 were be AUX _005456899 797 29 known know VERB _005456899 797 30 to to PART _005456899 797 31 be be AUX _005456899 797 32 so so ADV _005456899 797 33 truthful truthful ADJ _005456899 797 34 in in ADP _005456899 797 35 all all DET _005456899 797 36 the the DET _005456899 797 37 affairs affair NOUN _005456899 797 38 of of ADP _005456899 797 39 life life NOUN _005456899 797 40 that that PRON _005456899 797 41 no no DET _005456899 797 42 oath oath NOUN _005456899 797 43 was be AUX _005456899 797 44 required require VERB _005456899 797 45 of of ADP _005456899 797 46 them they PRON _005456899 797 47 in in ADP _005456899 797 48 the the DET _005456899 797 49 law law NOUN _005456899 797 50 courts court NOUN _005456899 797 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 798 1 by by ADP _005456899 798 2 contrast contrast ADJ _005456899 798 3 people people NOUN _005456899 798 4 of of ADP _005456899 798 5 other other ADJ _005456899 798 6 denominations denomination NOUN _005456899 798 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 798 8 he he PRON _005456899 798 9 says say VERB _005456899 798 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 798 11 were be AUX _005456899 798 12 wo will AUX _005456899 798 13 nt not PART _005456899 798 14 to to PART _005456899 798 15 indulge indulge VERB _005456899 798 16 in in ADP _005456899 798 17 a a DET _005456899 798 18 double double ADJ _005456899 798 19 second second ADJ _005456899 798 20 - - PUNCT _005456899 798 21 rate rate NOUN _005456899 798 22 sort sort NOUN _005456899 798 23 of of ADP _005456899 798 24 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 798 25 in in ADP _005456899 798 26 everyday everyday PROPN _005456899 798 27 affairs affair NOUN _005456899 798 28 that that PRON _005456899 798 29 on~ on~ PROPN _005456899 798 30 had have VERB _005456899 798 31 to to PART _005456899 798 32 put put VERB _005456899 798 33 them they PRON _005456899 798 34 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 798 35 oath oath NOUN _005456899 798 36 to to PART _005456899 798 37 be be AUX _005456899 798 38 reasonably reasonably ADV _005456899 798 39 assured assure VERB _005456899 798 40 of of ADP _005456899 798 41 the the DET _005456899 798 42 truth truth NOUN _005456899 798 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 799 1 this this PRON _005456899 799 2 is be AUX _005456899 799 3 a a DET _005456899 799 4 great great ADJ _005456899 799 5 compliment compliment NOUN _005456899 799 6 to to ADP _005456899 799 7 the the DET _005456899 799 8 quakers quaker NOUN _005456899 799 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 800 1 i i PRON _005456899 800 2 should should AUX _005456899 800 3 like like VERB _005456899 800 4 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 800 5 to to PART _005456899 800 6 acquire acquire VERB _005456899 800 7 the the DET _005456899 800 8 reputation reputation NOUN _005456899 800 9 of of ADP _005456899 800 10 being be AUX _005456899 800 11 in in ADP _005456899 800 12 all all DET _005456899 800 13 matters matter NOUN _005456899 800 14 the the DET _005456899 800 15 most most ADV _005456899 800 16 honest honest ADJ _005456899 800 17 imaginable imaginable ADJ _005456899 800 18 people people NOUN _005456899 800 19 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 801 1 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 801 2 is be AUX _005456899 801 3 said say VERB _005456899 801 4 to to PART _005456899 801 5 be be AUX _005456899 801 6 not not PART _005456899 801 7 a a DET _005456899 801 8 conspicuous conspicuous ADJ _005456899 801 9 virtue virtue NOUN _005456899 801 10 among among ADP _005456899 801 11 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 801 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 802 1 they they PRON _005456899 802 2 are be AUX _005456899 802 3 not not PART _005456899 802 4 thought think VERB _005456899 802 5 to to PART _005456899 802 6 be be AUX _005456899 802 7 so so ADV _005456899 802 8 now now ADV _005456899 802 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 803 1 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 803 2 are be AUX _005456899 803 3 thought think VERB _005456899 803 4 by by ADP _005456899 803 5 many many ADJ _005456899 803 6 to to PART _005456899 803 7 be be AUX _005456899 803 8 using use VERB _005456899 803 9 the the DET _005456899 803 10 teaching teaching NOUN _005456899 803 11 about about ADP _005456899 803 12 mental mental ADJ _005456899 803 13 reservations reservation NOUN _005456899 803 14 as as ADP _005456899 803 15 a a DET _005456899 803 16 cover cover NOUN _005456899 803 17 for for ADP _005456899 803 18 white white ADJ _005456899 803 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 803 20 other other ADJ _005456899 803 21 lying lie VERB _005456899 803 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 804 1 this this DET _005456899 804 2 accusation accusation NOUN _005456899 804 3 once once ADV _005456899 804 4 inspired inspire VERB _005456899 804 5 a a DET _005456899 804 6 famous famous ADJ _005456899 804 7 book book NOUN _005456899 804 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 805 1 a a DET _005456899 805 2 brilliant brilliant ADJ _005456899 805 3 english english ADJ _005456899 805 4 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005456899 805 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 805 6 nove1ist nove1ist NOUN _005456899 805 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 805 8 charles charles PROPN _005456899 805 9 kingsley kingsley PROPN _005456899 805 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 805 11 once once ADV _005456899 805 12 wrote write VERB _005456899 805 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 805 14 directing direct VERB _005456899 805 15 himself himself PRON _005456899 805 16 to to ADP _005456899 805 17 the the DET _005456899 805 18 great great ADJ _005456899 805 19 newman newman NOUN _005456899 805 20 : : PUNCT _005456899 805 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 805 22 truth truth NOUN _005456899 805 23 for for ADP _005456899 805 24 its its PRON _005456899 805 25 own own ADJ _005456899 805 26 sake sake NOUN _005456899 805 27 had have AUX _005456899 805 28 never never ADV _005456899 805 29 been be AUX _005456899 805 30 a a DET _005456899 805 31 virtue virtue NOUN _005456899 805 32 with with ADP _005456899 805 33 the the DET _005456899 805 34 roman roman ADJ _005456899 805 35 clergy clergy NOUN _005456899 805 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 806 1 father father PROPN _005456899 806 2 newman newman PROPN _005456899 806 3 informs inform VERB _005456899 806 4 us we PRON _005456899 806 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 806 6 it it PRON _005456899 806 7 need need VERB _005456899 806 8 not not PART _005456899 806 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 806 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 806 11 on on ADP _005456899 806 12 the the DET _005456899 806 13 whole whole NOUN _005456899 806 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 806 15 ought ought AUX _005456899 806 16 not not PART _005456899 806 17 to to PART _005456899 806 18 be be AUX _005456899 806 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 806 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 806 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 806 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 807 1 newman newman NOUN _005456899 807 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 807 3 to to PART _005456899 807 4 refute refute VERB _005456899 807 5 this this DET _005456899 807 6 charge charge NOUN _005456899 807 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 807 8 which which PRON _005456899 807 9 reverberated reverberate VERB _005456899 807 10 throughout throughout ADP _005456899 807 11 the the DET _005456899 807 12 british british ADJ _005456899 807 13 isles isle NOUN _005456899 807 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 807 15 wrote write VERB _005456899 807 16 his his PRON _005456899 807 17 famous famous ADJ _005456899 807 18 apologia apologia PROPN _005456899 807 19 pro pro PROPN _005456899 807 20 vita vita PROPN _005456899 807 21 sua sua PROPN _005456899 807 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 808 1 i i PRON _005456899 808 2 should should AUX _005456899 808 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 808 4 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 808 5 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 808 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 809 1 4 4 X _005456899 809 2 - - NUM _005456899 809 3 - - PUNCT _005456899 809 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 809 5 -~ -~ X _005456899 809 6 --_-- --_-- X _005456899 809 7 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 809 8 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 809 9 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 809 10 -like -like ADJ _005456899 809 11 to to ADP _005456899 809 12 s s NOUN _005456899 809 13 things thing NOUN _005456899 809 14 c c AUX _005456899 809 15 bein bein NOUN _005456899 809 16 reward reward NOUN _005456899 809 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 810 1 that that SCONJ _005456899 810 2 the the PRON _005456899 810 3 on on ADP _005456899 810 4 any any PRON _005456899 810 5 it it PRON _005456899 810 6 were be AUX _005456899 810 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 810 8 to to PART _005456899 810 9 lie lie VERB _005456899 810 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 811 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 811 2 the the PRON _005456899 811 3 in in ADP _005456899 811 4 qual qual ADJ _005456899 811 5 imposed impose VERB _005456899 811 6 coward coward NOUN _005456899 811 7 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 811 8 plined pline VERB _005456899 811 9 l l PROPN _005456899 811 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 811 11 got got AUX _005456899 811 12 peo peo VERB _005456899 811 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 811 14 r r X _005456899 811 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 811 16 of of ADP _005456899 811 17 couts cout NOUN _005456899 811 18 make make VERB _005456899 811 19 th th X _005456899 811 20 it it PRON _005456899 811 21 neces nece NOUN _005456899 811 22 lie lie VERB _005456899 811 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 811 24 amount amount VERB _005456899 811 25 dangero dangero NOUN _005456899 811 26 one one NUM _005456899 811 27 verbal verbal ADJ _005456899 811 28 t t PROPN _005456899 811 29 so so ADV _005456899 811 30 well well ADV _005456899 811 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 812 1 distincti distincti VERB _005456899 812 2 when when SCONJ _005456899 812 3 01 01 NUM _005456899 812 4 order order NOUN _005456899 812 5 to to PART _005456899 812 6 gster gster VERB _005456899 812 7 sin sin NOUN _005456899 812 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 813 1 ther ther NOUN _005456899 813 2 1lips 1lips NUM _005456899 813 3 fin fin PROPN _005456899 813 4 g. g. PROPN _005456899 813 5 ntal ntal PROPN _005456899 813 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 813 7 will will AUX _005456899 813 8 r r VERB _005456899 813 9 : : PUNCT _005456899 813 10 y y PROPN _005456899 813 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 813 12 .t .t VERB _005456899 814 1 it it PRON _005456899 814 2 lion lion PROPN _005456899 814 3 af!ts af!ts PROPN _005456899 814 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 815 1 to to ADP _005456899 815 2 irs irs PROPN _005456899 815 3 of of ADP _005456899 815 4 tld tld NOUN _005456899 815 5 he he PRON _005456899 815 6 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 815 7 is be AUX _005456899 815 8 the the DET _005456899 815 9 best good ADJ _005456899 815 10 policy policy NOUN _005456899 815 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 815 12 always always ADV _005456899 815 13 35 35 NUM _005456899 815 14 like like ADJ _005456899 815 15 to to PART _005456899 815 16 see see VERB _005456899 815 17 every every DET _005456899 815 18 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 815 19 by by ADP _005456899 815 20 being be AUX _005456899 815 21 honest honest ADJ _005456899 815 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 815 23 first first ADV _005456899 815 24 of of ADP _005456899 815 25 all all PRON _005456899 815 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 815 27 in in ADP _005456899 815 28 the the DET _005456899 815 29 little little ADJ _005456899 815 30 things thing NOUN _005456899 815 31 of of ADP _005456899 815 32 life life NOUN _005456899 815 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 815 34 refute refute VERB _005456899 815 35 it it PRON _005456899 815 36 for for ADP _005456899 815 37 all all PRON _005456899 815 38 to to PART _005456899 815 39 see see VERB _005456899 815 40 all all DET _005456899 815 41 the the DET _005456899 815 42 time time NOUN _005456899 815 43 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 816 1 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 816 2 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 816 3 makes make VERB _005456899 816 4 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 816 5 for for ADP _005456899 816 6 quick quick ADJ _005456899 816 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 816 8 wittedness wittedness NOUN _005456899 816 9 being be AUX _005456899 816 10 honest honest ADJ _005456899 816 11 in in ADP _005456899 816 12 the the DET _005456899 816 13 everyday everyday ADJ _005456899 816 14 questions question NOUN _005456899 816 15 of of ADP _005456899 816 16 life life NOUN _005456899 816 17 brings bring VERB _005456899 816 18 with with ADP _005456899 816 19 it it PRON _005456899 816 20 a a DET _005456899 816 21 reward reward NOUN _005456899 816 22 right right ADV _005456899 816 23 here here ADV _005456899 816 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 816 25 now now ADV _005456899 816 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 817 1 to to PART _005456899 817 2 cite cite VERB _005456899 817 3 charles charles PROPN _005456899 817 4 lamb lamb PROPN _005456899 817 5 again again ADV _005456899 817 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 818 1 he he PRON _005456899 818 2 says say VERB _005456899 818 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 818 4 the the DET _005456899 818 5 quakers quaker NOUN _005456899 818 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 818 7 because because SCONJ _005456899 818 8 they they PRON _005456899 818 9 are be AUX _005456899 818 10 scrupulously scrupulously ADV _005456899 818 11 careful careful ADJ _005456899 818 12 not not PART _005456899 818 13 to to PART _005456899 818 14 lie lie VERB _005456899 818 15 on on ADP _005456899 818 16 any any DET _005456899 818 17 occasion occasion NOUN _005456899 818 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 818 19 acquire acquire VERB _005456899 818 20 a a DET _005456899 818 21 unique unique ADJ _005456899 818 22 mental mental ADJ _005456899 818 23 quick quick ADJ _005456899 818 24 - - PUNCT _005456899 818 25 wittedness wittedness NOUN _005456899 818 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 818 27 for for ADP _005456899 818 28 as as SCONJ _005456899 818 29 it it PRON _005456899 818 30 were be AUX _005456899 818 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 818 32 they they PRON _005456899 818 33 have have VERB _005456899 818 34 to to PART _005456899 818 35 be be AUX _005456899 818 36 quick quick ADJ _005456899 818 37 on on ADP _005456899 818 38 the the DET _005456899 818 39 verbal verbal ADJ _005456899 818 40 trigger trigger NOUN _005456899 818 41 not not PART _005456899 818 42 to to PART _005456899 818 43 have have VERB _005456899 818 44 to to PART _005456899 818 45 lie lie VERB _005456899 818 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 819 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 819 2 the the DET _005456899 819 3 adinirable adinirable ADJ _005456899 819 4 presence presence NOUN _005456899 819 5 of of ADP _005456899 819 6 mind mind NOUN _005456899 819 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 819 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 819 9 he he PRON _005456899 819 10 says say VERB _005456899 819 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 819 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 819 13 which which PRON _005456899 819 14 is be AUX _005456899 819 15 notorious notorious ADJ _005456899 819 16 in in ADP _005456899 819 17 quakers quaker NOUN _005456899 819 18 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 819 19 all all DET _005456899 819 20 contingencies contingency NOUN _005456899 819 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 819 22 inight inight ADV _005456899 819 23 be be AUX _005456899 819 24 traced trace VERB _005456899 819 25 to to ADP _005456899 819 26 this this DET _005456899 819 27 selfimposed selfimpose VERB _005456899 819 28 watchfulness watchfulness NOUN _005456899 819 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 819 30 never never ADV _005456899 819 31 to to PART _005456899 819 32 fall fall VERB _005456899 819 33 into into ADP _005456899 819 34 · · NUM _005456899 819 35 a a DET _005456899 819 36 lie lie NOUN _005456899 819 37 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 820 1 in in ADP _005456899 820 2 a a DET _005456899 820 3 way way NOUN _005456899 820 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 820 5 only only ADV _005456899 820 6 the the DET _005456899 820 7 cowardly cowardly ADJ _005456899 820 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 820 9 the the DET _005456899 820 10 stupid stupid ADJ _005456899 820 11 need need NOUN _005456899 820 12 to to PART _005456899 820 13 lie lie VERB _005456899 820 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 820 15 the the DET _005456899 820 16 quaker quaker NOUN _005456899 820 17 has have AUX _005456899 820 18 disciplined discipline VERB _005456899 820 19 himself himself PRON _005456899 820 20 so so SCONJ _005456899 820 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 820 22 he he PRON _005456899 820 23 is be AUX _005456899 820 24 too too ADV _005456899 820 25 smart smart ADJ _005456899 820 26 to to PART _005456899 820 27 lie lie VERB _005456899 820 28 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 821 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 821 2 god god PROPN _005456899 821 3 is be AUX _005456899 821 4 the the DET _005456899 821 5 truth truth NOUN _005456899 821 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 821 7 the the DET _005456899 821 8 lie lie NOUN _005456899 821 9 can can AUX _005456899 821 10 not not PART _005456899 821 11 be be AUX _005456899 821 12 his his PRON _005456899 821 13 recommendation recommendation NOUN _005456899 821 14 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 822 1 for for ADP _005456899 822 2 not not PART _005456899 822 3 givinq givinq NOUN _005456899 822 4 pain pain NOUN _005456899 822 5 people people NOUN _005456899 822 6 often often ADV _005456899 822 7 use use VERB _005456899 822 8 the the DET _005456899 822 9 lie lie NOUN _005456899 822 10 as as ADP _005456899 822 11 a a DET _005456899 822 12 device device NOUN _005456899 822 13 to to PART _005456899 822 14 avoid avoid VERB _005456899 822 15 giving give VERB _005456899 822 16 pain pain NOUN _005456899 822 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 823 1 this this PRON _005456899 823 2 of of ADP _005456899 823 3 course course NOUN _005456899 823 4 can can AUX _005456899 823 5 not not PART _005456899 823 6 really really ADV _005456899 823 7 be be AUX _005456899 823 8 right right ADJ _005456899 823 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 824 1 god god PROPN _005456899 824 2 could could AUX _005456899 824 3 not not PART _005456899 824 4 be be AUX _005456899 824 5 so so ADV _005456899 824 6 cruel cruel ADJ _005456899 824 7 as as SCONJ _005456899 824 8 to to PART _005456899 824 9 make make VERB _005456899 824 10 the the DET _005456899 824 11 lie lie NOUN _005456899 824 12 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 824 13 on on ADP _005456899 824 14 the the DET _005456899 824 15 one one NUM _005456899 824 16 hand hand NOUN _005456899 824 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 824 18 on on ADP _005456899 824 19 the the DET _005456899 824 20 other other ADJ _005456899 824 21 hand hand NOUN _005456899 824 22 make make VERB _005456899 824 23 it it PRON _005456899 824 24 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 824 25 to to PART _005456899 824 26 avoid avoid VERB _005456899 824 27 hurting hurt VERB _005456899 824 28 fellow fellow ADJ _005456899 824 29 beings being NOUN _005456899 824 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 825 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 825 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 825 3 not not PART _005456899 825 4 to to PART _005456899 825 5 lie lie VERB _005456899 825 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 825 7 yet yet ADV _005456899 825 8 in in ADP _005456899 825 9 certain certain ADJ _005456899 825 10 instances instance NOUN _005456899 825 11 not not PART _005456899 825 12 to to PART _005456899 825 13 give give VERB _005456899 825 14 pain pain NOUN _005456899 825 15 requires require VERB _005456899 825 16 a a DET _005456899 825 17 great great ADJ _005456899 825 18 amount amount NOUN _005456899 825 19 of of ADP _005456899 825 20 verbal verbal ADJ _005456899 825 21 tactfulness tactfulness NOUN _005456899 825 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 825 23 of of ADP _005456899 825 24 nimbleness nimbleness NOUN _005456899 825 25 in in ADP _005456899 825 26 side side NOUN _005456899 825 27 - - PUNCT _005456899 825 28 stepping step VERB _005456899 825 29 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005456899 825 30 questions question NOUN _005456899 825 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 826 1 one one NUM _005456899 826 2 reward reward NOUN _005456899 826 3 of of ADP _005456899 826 4 habitual habitual ADJ _005456899 826 5 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 826 6 in in ADP _005456899 826 7 the the DET _005456899 826 8 small small ADJ _005456899 826 9 things thing NOUN _005456899 826 10 of of ADP _005456899 826 11 life life NOUN _005456899 826 12 is be AUX _005456899 826 13 a a DET _005456899 826 14 verbal verbal ADJ _005456899 826 15 tact tact NOUN _005456899 826 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 826 17 mental mental ADJ _005456899 826 18 quickness quickness NOUN _005456899 826 19 which which PRON _005456899 826 20 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 826 21 else else ADV _005456899 826 22 can can AUX _005456899 826 23 give give VERB _005456899 826 24 one one NUM _005456899 826 25 so so ADV _005456899 826 26 well well ADV _005456899 826 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 827 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 827 2 m0st m0st NOUN _005456899 827 3 of of ADP _005456899 827 4 all all PRON _005456899 827 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 827 6 avoidance avoidance NOUN _005456899 827 7 of of ADP _005456899 827 8 the the DET _005456899 827 9 everyday everyday ADJ _005456899 827 10 lie lie NOUN _005456899 827 11 gives give VERB _005456899 827 12 one one NUM _005456899 827 13 a a DET _005456899 827 14 distinctive distinctive ADJ _005456899 827 15 self self NOUN _005456899 827 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 827 17 respect respect NOUN _005456899 827 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 828 1 it it PRON _005456899 828 2 is be AUX _005456899 828 3 a a DET _005456899 828 4 great great ADJ _005456899 828 5 thing thing NOUN _005456899 828 6 for for ADP _005456899 828 7 one one PRON _005456899 828 8 's 's PART _005456899 828 9 personality personality NOUN _005456899 828 10 when when SCONJ _005456899 828 11 one one NUM _005456899 828 12 no no ADV _005456899 828 13 longer long ADV _005456899 828 14 needs need VERB _005456899 828 15 to to PART _005456899 828 16 slap slap VERB _005456899 828 17 god god PROPN _005456899 828 18 in in ADP _005456899 828 19 the the DET _005456899 828 20 face face NOUN _005456899 828 21 with with ADP _005456899 828 22 a a DET _005456899 828 23 lie lie NOUN _005456899 828 24 in in ADP _005456899 828 25 order order NOUN _005456899 828 26 to to PART _005456899 828 27 spare spare VERB _005456899 828 28 a a DET _005456899 828 29 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005456899 828 30 a a DET _005456899 828 31 dig dig NOUN _005456899 828 32 in in ADP _005456899 828 33 the the DET _005456899 828 34 ribs rib NOUN _005456899 828 35 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 829 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 829 2 vii vii VERB _005456899 829 3 the the DET _005456899 829 4 first first ADJ _005456899 829 5 thing thing NOUN _005456899 829 6 a a DET _005456899 829 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 829 8 should should AUX _005456899 829 9 ask ask VERB _005456899 829 10 this this DET _005456899 829 11 .article .article NOUN _005456899 829 12 was be AUX _005456899 829 13 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 829 14 from from ADP _005456899 829 15 the the DET _005456899 829 16 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 829 17 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 829 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 829 19 september september PROPN _005456899 829 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 829 21 1943 1943 NUM _005456899 829 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 829 23 under under ADP _005456899 829 24 the the DET _005456899 829 25 same same ADJ _005456899 829 26 title title NOUN _005456899 829 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 830 1 though though SCONJ _005456899 830 2 it it PRON _005456899 830 3 will will AUX _005456899 830 4 seem seem VERB _005456899 830 5 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 830 6 simple simple ADJ _005456899 830 7 to to ADP _005456899 830 8 the the DET _005456899 830 9 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ _005456899 830 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 830 11 meaningless meaningless ADJ _005456899 830 12 to to ADP _005456899 830 13 those those PRON _005456899 830 14 who who PRON _005456899 830 15 believe believe VERB _005456899 830 16 in in ADP _005456899 830 17 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 830 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 830 19 it it PRON _005456899 830 20 has have VERB _005456899 830 21 important important ADJ _005456899 830 22 implications implication NOUN _005456899 830 23 tor tor NOUN _005456899 830 24 the the DET _005456899 830 25 better well ADJ _005456899 830 26 conducting conducting NOUN _005456899 830 27 of of ADP _005456899 830 28 the the DET _005456899 830 29 chaotic chaotic ADJ _005456899 830 30 american american ADJ _005456899 830 31 manner manner NOUN _005456899 830 32 of of ADP _005456899 830 33 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 830 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 831 1 it it PRON _005456899 831 2 is be AUX _005456899 831 3 well well ADJ _005456899 831 4 to to PART _005456899 831 5 caution caution VERB _005456899 831 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 831 7 what what PRON _005456899 831 8 here here ADV _005456899 831 9 is be AUX _005456899 831 10 declared declare VERB _005456899 831 11 to to PART _005456899 831 12 be be AUX _005456899 831 13 the the DET _005456899 831 14 first first ADJ _005456899 831 15 thing thing NOUN _005456899 831 16 the the DET _005456899 831 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 831 18 should should AUX _005456899 831 19 ask ask VERB _005456899 831 20 does do AUX _005456899 831 21 not not PART _005456899 831 22 thereby thereby ADV _005456899 831 23 become become VERB _005456899 831 24 something something PRON _005456899 831 25 the the DET _005456899 831 26 parents parent NOUN _005456899 831 27 need need AUX _005456899 831 28 not not PART _005456899 831 29 ask ask VERB _005456899 831 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 832 1 it it PRON _005456899 832 2 always always ADV _005456899 832 3 remains remain VERB _005456899 832 4 the the DET _005456899 832 5 duty duty NOUN _005456899 832 6 of of ADP _005456899 832 7 parents parent NOUN _005456899 832 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 832 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 832 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 832 11 how how SCONJ _005456899 832 12 they they PRON _005456899 832 13 can can AUX _005456899 832 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 832 15 to to PART _005456899 832 16 keep keep VERB _005456899 832 17 their their PRON _005456899 832 18 children child NOUN _005456899 832 19 from from ADP _005456899 832 20 being be AUX _005456899 832 21 courted court VERB _005456899 832 22 by by ADP _005456899 832 23 improper improper ADJ _005456899 832 24 persons person NOUN _005456899 832 25 through through ADP _005456899 832 26 ignorance ignorance NOUN _005456899 832 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 833 1 girls girl NOUN _005456899 833 2 now now ADV _005456899 833 3 usually usually ADV _005456899 833 4 must must AUX _005456899 833 5 find find VERB _005456899 833 6 out out ADP _005456899 833 7 for for ADP _005456899 833 8 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 833 9 what what PRON _005456899 833 10 parents parent NOUN _005456899 833 11 used use VERB _005456899 833 12 to to PART _005456899 833 13 find find VERB _005456899 833 14 out out ADP _005456899 833 15 for for ADP _005456899 833 16 them they PRON _005456899 833 17 in in ADP _005456899 833 18 the the DET _005456899 833 19 good good ADJ _005456899 833 20 old old ADJ _005456899 833 21 days day NOUN _005456899 833 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 833 23 if if SCONJ _005456899 833 24 a a DET _005456899 833 25 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 833 26 dropped drop VERB _005456899 833 27 in in ADP _005456899 833 28 of of ADP _005456899 833 29 an an DET _005456899 833 30 evening evening NOUN _005456899 833 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 833 32 seemed seem VERB _005456899 833 33 more more ADV _005456899 833 34 interested interested ADJ _005456899 833 35 in in ADP _005456899 833 36 the the DET _005456899 833 37 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 833 38 than than ADP _005456899 833 39 in in ADP _005456899 833 40 the the DET _005456899 833 41 table table NOUN _005456899 833 42 talk talk NOUN _005456899 833 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 833 44 the the DET _005456899 833 45 father father NOUN _005456899 833 46 promptly promptly ADV _005456899 833 47 asked ask VERB _005456899 833 48 him he PRON _005456899 833 49 what what PRON _005456899 833 50 his his PRON _005456899 833 51 intentions intention NOUN _005456899 833 52 were be AUX _005456899 833 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 834 1 before before SCONJ _005456899 834 2 there there PRON _005456899 834 3 was be VERB _005456899 834 4 e':'er e':'er NOUN _005456899 834 5 one one NUM _005456899 834 6 date date NOUN _005456899 834 7 between between ADP _005456899 834 8 boy boy NOUN _005456899 834 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 834 10 girl girl NOUN _005456899 834 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 834 12 parents parent NOUN _005456899 834 13 found find VERB _005456899 834 14 out out ADP _005456899 834 15 for for ADP _005456899 834 16 the the DET _005456899 834 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 834 18 if if SCONJ _005456899 834 19 the the DET _005456899 834 20 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 834 21 was be AUX _005456899 834 22 eligible eligible ADJ _005456899 834 23 free free ADJ _005456899 834 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 834 25 married married ADJ _005456899 834 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 834 27 or or CCONJ _005456899 834 28 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 834 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 835 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 835 2 times time NOUN _005456899 835 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 835 4 customs custom NOUN _005456899 835 5 have have AUX _005456899 835 6 changed change VERB _005456899 835 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 835 8 girls girl NOUN _005456899 835 9 often often ADV _005456899 835 10 live live VERB _005456899 835 11 alone alone ADV _005456899 835 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 835 13 far far ADV _005456899 835 14 from from ADP _005456899 835 15 home home NOUN _005456899 835 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 835 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 835 18 now now ADV _005456899 835 19 it it PRON _005456899 835 20 is be AUX _005456899 835 21 a a DET _005456899 835 22 girl girl NOUN _005456899 835 23 's 's PART _005456899 835 24 duty duty NOUN _005456899 835 25 to to PART _005456899 835 26 do do AUX _005456899 835 27 for for ADP _005456899 835 28 herself herself PRON _005456899 835 29 what what PRON _005456899 835 30 parents parent NOUN _005456899 835 31 did do VERB _005456899 835 32 for for ADP _005456899 835 33 her she PRON _005456899 835 34 in in ADP _005456899 835 35 those those DET _005456899 835 36 good good ADJ _005456899 835 37 old old ADJ _005456899 835 38 days day NOUN _005456899 835 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 836 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 836 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 836 3 the the DET _005456899 836 4 one one NUM _005456899 836 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 836 6 first first ADJ _005456899 836 7 thing thing NOUN _005456899 836 8 a a DET _005456899 836 9 girl girl NOUN _005456899 836 10 should should AUX _005456899 836 11 find find VERB _005456899 836 12 out out ADP _005456899 836 13 before before ADP _005456899 836 14 considering consider VERB _005456899 836 15 a a DET _005456899 836 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 836 17 date date NOUN _005456899 836 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 836 19 she she PRON _005456899 836 20 usually usually ADV _005456899 836 21 does do AUX _005456899 836 22 not not PART _005456899 836 23 do do VERB _005456899 836 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 837 1 the the DET _005456899 837 2 modern modern ADJ _005456899 837 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 837 4 who who PRON _005456899 837 5 is be AUX _005456899 837 6 not not PART _005456899 837 7 too too ADV _005456899 837 8 bashful bashful ADJ _005456899 837 9 to to PART _005456899 837 10 wear wear VERB _005456899 837 11 the the DET _005456899 837 12 scantiest scanty ADJ _005456899 837 13 bathing bathing NOUN _005456899 837 14 suit suit NOUN _005456899 837 15 is be AUX _005456899 837 16 apparently apparently ADV _005456899 837 17 too too ADV _005456899 837 18 bashful bashful ADJ _005456899 837 19 to to PART _005456899 837 20 ask ask VERB _005456899 837 21 the the DET _005456899 837 22 one one NUM _005456899 837 23 needful needful ADJ _005456899 837 24 question question NOUN _005456899 837 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 837 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 837 27 are be AUX _005456899 837 28 you you PRON _005456899 837 29 free free ADJ _005456899 837 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 837 31 good good ADJ _005456899 837 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 837 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 837 34 single single ADJ _005456899 837 35 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 837 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 837 37 only only ADV _005456899 837 38 a a DET _005456899 837 39 few few ADJ _005456899 837 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 837 41 mostly mostly ADV _005456899 837 42 college college NOUN _005456899 837 43 graduates graduate NOUN _005456899 837 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 837 45 have have VERB _005456899 837 46 the the DET _005456899 837 47 poise poise NOUN _005456899 837 48 to to PART _005456899 837 49 ask ask VERB _005456899 837 50 it it PRON _005456899 837 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 838 1 a a DET _005456899 838 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 838 3 feared fear VERB _005456899 838 4 to to PART _005456899 838 5 ask ask VERB _005456899 838 6 a a DET _005456899 838 7 salesman salesman NOUN _005456899 838 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 838 9 he he PRON _005456899 838 10 is be AUX _005456899 838 11 married married ADJ _005456899 838 12 for for ADP _005456899 838 13 a a DET _005456899 838 14 whole whole ADJ _005456899 838 15 year year NOUN _005456899 838 16 a a DET _005456899 838 17 seemingly seemingly ADV _005456899 838 18 nice nice ADJ _005456899 838 19 salesman salesman NOUN _005456899 838 20 kept keep VERB _005456899 838 21 asking ask VERB _005456899 838 22 one one NUM _005456899 838 23 of of ADP _005456899 838 24 the the DET _005456899 838 25 best good ADJ _005456899 838 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 838 27 most most ADV _005456899 838 28 intelligent intelligent ADJ _005456899 838 29 of of ADP _005456899 838 30 girls girl NOUN _005456899 838 31 for for ADP _005456899 838 32 a a DET _005456899 838 33 date date NOUN _005456899 838 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 839 1 though though SCONJ _005456899 839 2 she she PRON _005456899 839 3 wanted want VERB _005456899 839 4 much much ADJ _005456899 839 5 to to PART _005456899 839 6 go go VERB _005456899 839 7 out out ADP _005456899 839 8 with with ADP _005456899 839 9 him he PRON _005456899 839 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 839 11 she she PRON _005456899 839 12 kept keep VERB _005456899 839 13 declining decline VERB _005456899 839 14 because because SCONJ _005456899 839 15 she she PRON _005456899 839 16 did do AUX _005456899 839 17 not not PART _005456899 839 18 know know VERB _005456899 839 19 if if SCONJ _005456899 839 20 he he PRON _005456899 839 21 were be AUX _005456899 839 22 single single ADJ _005456899 839 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 839 24 not not PART _005456899 839 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 840 1 finally finally ADV _005456899 840 2 one one NUM _005456899 840 3 day day NOUN _005456899 840 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 840 5 after after SCONJ _005456899 840 6 she she PRON _005456899 840 7 had have AUX _005456899 840 8 just just ADV _005456899 840 9 about about ADV _005456899 840 10 decided decide VERB _005456899 840 11 to to PART _005456899 840 12 say say VERB _005456899 840 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 840 14 yes yes INTJ _005456899 840 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 840 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 840 17 she she PRON _005456899 840 18 overheard overhear VERB _005456899 840 19 him he PRON _005456899 840 20 long long ADJ _005456899 840 21 distance distance NOUN _005456899 840 22 telephoning telephone VERB _005456899 840 23 his his PRON _005456899 840 24 wife wife NOUN _005456899 840 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 841 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 841 2 she she PRON _005456899 841 3 then then ADV _005456899 841 4 asked ask VERB _005456899 841 5 him he PRON _005456899 841 6 about about ADP _005456899 841 7 a a DET _005456899 841 8 wife wife NOUN _005456899 841 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 841 10 he he PRON _005456899 841 11 simply simply ADV _005456899 841 12 said say VERB _005456899 841 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 841 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 841 15 yes yes INTJ _005456899 841 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 841 17 i i PRON _005456899 841 18 am be AUX _005456899 841 19 married married ADJ _005456899 841 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 842 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 842 2 what what DET _005456899 842 3 difference difference NOUN _005456899 842 4 does do AUX _005456899 842 5 that that PRON _005456899 842 6 make make VERB _005456899 842 7 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 842 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 843 1 this this DET _005456899 843 2 very very ADV _005456899 843 3 every every DET _005456899 843 4 thought thought NOUN _005456899 843 5 asked ask VERB _005456899 843 6 the the DET _005456899 843 7 firs fir NOUN _005456899 843 8 politely politely ADV _005456899 844 1 she she PRON _005456899 844 2 n n ADV _005456899 844 3 know know VERB _005456899 844 4 enough enough ADV _005456899 844 5 your your PRON _005456899 844 6 home home NOUN _005456899 844 7 tt tt PROPN _005456899 844 8 know know VERB _005456899 844 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 844 10 sometij sometij VERB _005456899 844 11 the the DET _005456899 844 12 a a DET _005456899 844 13 girl girl NOUN _005456899 844 14 ca1 ca1 NOUN _005456899 844 15 factory factory NOUN _005456899 844 16 answ1 answ1 NOUN _005456899 844 17 decent decent NOUN _005456899 844 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 845 1 a a DET _005456899 845 2 m m NOUN _005456899 845 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 845 4 to to ADP _005456899 845 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 845 6 probal probal VERB _005456899 845 7 a a DET _005456899 845 8 girl girl NOUN _005456899 845 9 to to PART _005456899 845 10 knov knov VERB _005456899 845 11 for for ADP _005456899 845 12 then then ADV _005456899 845 13 ther ther NOUN _005456899 845 14 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 845 15 pected pecte VERB _005456899 845 16 to to PART _005456899 845 17 say say VERB _005456899 845 18 she she PRON _005456899 845 19 will will AUX _005456899 845 20 get get VERB _005456899 845 21 t t X _005456899 845 22 the the DET _005456899 845 23 count count NOUN _005456899 845 24 with with ADP _005456899 845 25 men man NOUN _005456899 845 26 ar ar AUX _005456899 845 27 married marry VERB _005456899 845 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 846 1 sorr sorr PROPN _005456899 846 2 shameless shameless PROPN _005456899 846 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 846 4 de de X _005456899 846 5 dance dance NOUN _005456899 846 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 846 7 a a DET _005456899 846 8 most most ADJ _005456899 846 9 girls girl NOUN _005456899 846 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 846 11 i i PRON _005456899 846 12 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 846 13 fellows fellow VERB _005456899 846 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 847 1 ac ac ADP _005456899 847 2 then then ADV _005456899 847 3 why why SCONJ _005456899 847 4 for for ADP _005456899 847 5 a a DET _005456899 847 6 date date NOUN _005456899 847 7 if if SCONJ _005456899 847 8 1 1 NUM _005456899 847 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 847 10 lack lack NOUN _005456899 847 11 of of ADP _005456899 847 12 j j DET _005456899 847 13 worthwhile worthwhile ADJ _005456899 847 14 r r NOUN _005456899 847 15 shrewd shrewd ADJ _005456899 847 16 girls girl NOUN _005456899 847 17 always always ADV _005456899 847 18 wang wang PROPN _005456899 847 19 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 847 20 me i PRON _005456899 847 21 man man NOUN _005456899 847 22 also also ADV _005456899 847 23 war war NOUN _005456899 847 24 if if SCONJ _005456899 847 25 she she PRON _005456899 847 26 does do AUX _005456899 847 27 n't not PART _005456899 847 28 without without ADP _005456899 847 29 havi havi NOUN _005456899 847 30 : : PUNCT _005456899 847 31 as as ADP _005456899 847 32 naively naively ADV _005456899 847 33 ha ha INTJ _005456899 847 34 any any DET _005456899 847 35 ingratiat ingratiat NOUN _005456899 848 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 848 2 he he PRON _005456899 848 3 sl sl VERB _005456899 848 4 the the DET _005456899 848 5 first first ADJ _005456899 848 6 tiiing tiie VERB _005456899 848 7 a a DET _005456899 848 8 girl girl NOUN _005456899 848 9 should should AUX _005456899 848 10 ask ask VERB _005456899 848 11 37 37 NUM _005456899 848 12 this this DET _005456899 848 13 very very ADV _005456899 848 14 fine fine ADJ _005456899 848 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 848 16 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 848 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 848 18 could could AUX _005456899 848 19 so so ADV _005456899 848 20 easily easily ADV _005456899 848 21 have have AUX _005456899 848 22 brushed brush VERB _005456899 848 23 every every DET _005456899 848 24 thought thought NOUN _005456899 848 25 of of ADP _005456899 848 26 this this DET _005456899 848 27 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 848 28 aside aside ADV _005456899 848 29 right right ADV _005456899 848 30 at at ADP _005456899 848 31 the the DET _005456899 848 32 start start NOUN _005456899 848 33 had have VERB _005456899 848 34 she she PRON _005456899 848 35 simply simply ADV _005456899 848 36 asked ask VERB _005456899 848 37 the the DET _005456899 848 38 first first ADJ _005456899 848 39 time time NOUN _005456899 848 40 he he PRON _005456899 848 41 suggested suggest VERB _005456899 848 42 a a DET _005456899 848 43 date date NOUN _005456899 848 44 if if SCONJ _005456899 848 45 he he PRON _005456899 848 46 were be AUX _005456899 848 47 free free ADJ _005456899 848 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 848 49 single single ADJ _005456899 848 50 . . PUNCT _005456899 849 1 politely politely ADV _005456899 849 2 she she PRON _005456899 849 3 might might AUX _005456899 849 4 have have AUX _005456899 849 5 said say VERB _005456899 849 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 849 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 849 8 i i PRON _005456899 849 9 am be AUX _005456899 849 10 inclined inclined ADJ _005456899 849 11 to to PART _005456899 849 12 say say VERB _005456899 849 13 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 849 14 yes yes INTJ _005456899 849 15 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 849 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 849 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 849 18 i i PRON _005456899 849 19 do do AUX _005456899 849 20 n't not PART _005456899 849 21 know know VERB _005456899 849 22 enough enough ADJ _005456899 849 23 about about ADP _005456899 849 24 you you PRON _005456899 849 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 850 1 are be AUX _005456899 850 2 you you PRON _005456899 850 3 sure sure ADJ _005456899 850 4 you you PRON _005456899 850 5 do do AUX _005456899 850 6 n't not PART _005456899 850 7 have have VERB _005456899 850 8 a a DET _005456899 850 9 girl girl NOUN _005456899 850 10 in in ADP _005456899 850 11 your your PRON _005456899 850 12 home home NOUN _005456899 850 13 town town NOUN _005456899 850 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 850 15 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 850 16 even even ADV _005456899 850 17 a a DET _005456899 850 18 wife wife NOUN _005456899 850 19 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 851 1 married married ADJ _005456899 851 2 men man NOUN _005456899 851 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 851 4 you you PRON _005456899 851 5 know know VERB _005456899 851 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 851 7 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 851 8 do do AUX _005456899 851 9 ask ask VERB _005456899 851 10 girls girl NOUN _005456899 851 11 for for ADP _005456899 851 12 dates date NOUN _005456899 851 13 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 851 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 852 1 the the DET _005456899 852 2 quickest quick ADJ _005456899 852 3 way way NOUN _005456899 852 4 to to ADP _005456899 852 5 the the DET _005456899 852 6 truth truth NOUN _005456899 852 7 is be AUX _005456899 852 8 to to PART _005456899 852 9 question question VERB _005456899 852 10 a a DET _005456899 852 11 girl girl NOUN _005456899 852 12 can can AUX _005456899 852 13 follow follow VERB _005456899 852 14 up up ADP _005456899 852 15 such such DET _005456899 852 16 a a DET _005456899 852 17 question question NOUN _005456899 852 18 until until SCONJ _005456899 852 19 she she PRON _005456899 852 20 gets get VERB _005456899 852 21 a a DET _005456899 852 22 satisfactory satisfactory ADJ _005456899 852 23 answer answer NOUN _005456899 852 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 853 1 it it PRON _005456899 853 2 also also ADV _005456899 853 3 serves serve VERB _005456899 853 4 useful useful ADJ _005456899 853 5 notice notice NOUN _005456899 853 6 to to ADP _005456899 853 7 a a DET _005456899 853 8 man man NOUN _005456899 853 9 that that PRON _005456899 853 10 she she PRON _005456899 853 11 is be AUX _005456899 853 12 decent decent ADJ _005456899 853 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 854 1 a a DET _005456899 854 2 married married ADJ _005456899 854 3 man man NOUN _005456899 854 4 could could AUX _005456899 854 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 854 6 of of ADP _005456899 854 7 course course NOUN _005456899 854 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 854 9 lie lie VERB _005456899 854 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 855 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 855 2 he he PRON _005456899 855 3 wo will AUX _005456899 855 4 n't not PART _005456899 855 5 like like VERB _005456899 855 6 to to PART _005456899 855 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 855 8 probably probably ADV _005456899 855 9 wo will AUX _005456899 855 10 n't not PART _005456899 855 11 do do VERB _005456899 855 12 it it PRON _005456899 855 13 well well ADV _005456899 855 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 856 1 a a DET _005456899 856 2 philandering philander VERB _005456899 856 3 husband husband NOUN _005456899 856 4 prefers prefer VERB _005456899 856 5 a a DET _005456899 856 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 856 7 to to PART _005456899 856 8 know know VERB _005456899 856 9 he he PRON _005456899 856 10 is be AUX _005456899 856 11 married marry VERB _005456899 856 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 856 13 if if SCONJ _005456899 856 14 he he PRON _005456899 856 15 thinks think VERB _005456899 856 16 he he PRON _005456899 856 17 can can AUX _005456899 856 18 get get VERB _005456899 856 19 away away ADV _005456899 856 20 with with ADP _005456899 856 21 it it PRON _005456899 856 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 856 23 for for ADP _005456899 856 24 then then ADV _005456899 856 25 there there PRON _005456899 856 26 wo will AUX _005456899 856 27 n't not PART _005456899 856 28 be be AUX _005456899 856 29 a a DET _005456899 856 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 856 31 comeback comeback NOUN _005456899 856 32 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 856 33 afterwards afterwards ADV _005456899 856 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 857 1 he he PRON _005456899 857 2 can can AUX _005456899 857 3 be be AUX _005456899 857 4 expected expect VERB _005456899 857 5 to to PART _005456899 857 6 say say VERB _005456899 857 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 857 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 857 9 yes yes INTJ _005456899 857 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 857 11 i i PRON _005456899 857 12 'm be AUX _005456899 857 13 married married ADJ _005456899 857 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 857 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 857 16 what what PRON _005456899 857 17 of of ADP _005456899 857 18 that that PRON _005456899 857 19 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 857 20 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 858 1 at at ADP _005456899 858 2 any any DET _005456899 858 3 rate rate NOUN _005456899 858 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 858 5 she she PRON _005456899 858 6 will will AUX _005456899 858 7 get get VERB _005456899 858 8 the the DET _005456899 858 9 truth truth NOUN _005456899 858 10 sooner soon ADV _005456899 858 11 than than ADP _005456899 858 12 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 858 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 859 1 the the DET _005456899 859 2 country country NOUN _005456899 859 3 is be AUX _005456899 859 4 full full ADJ _005456899 859 5 of of ADP _005456899 859 6 tragedies tragedy NOUN _005456899 859 7 resulting result VERB _005456899 859 8 from from ADP _005456899 859 9 girls girl NOUN _005456899 859 10 going go VERB _005456899 859 11 out out ADP _005456899 859 12 with with ADP _005456899 859 13 men man NOUN _005456899 859 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 859 15 learning learn VERB _005456899 859 16 too too ADV _005456899 859 17 late late ADV _005456899 859 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 859 19 these these DET _005456899 859 20 smooth smooth ADJ _005456899 859 21 fellows fellow NOUN _005456899 859 22 are be AUX _005456899 859 23 married married ADJ _005456899 859 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 860 1 some some DET _005456899 860 2 girls girl NOUN _005456899 860 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 860 4 whom whom PRON _005456899 860 5 we we PRON _005456899 860 6 need need AUX _005456899 860 7 not not PART _005456899 860 8 consider consider VERB _005456899 860 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 860 10 for for ADP _005456899 860 11 they they PRON _005456899 860 12 are be AUX _005456899 860 13 shameless shameless ADJ _005456899 860 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 860 15 do do AUX _005456899 860 16 n't not PART _005456899 860 17 care care VERB _005456899 860 18 to to PART _005456899 860 19 know know VERB _005456899 860 20 if if SCONJ _005456899 860 21 a a DET _005456899 860 22 man man NOUN _005456899 860 23 is be AUX _005456899 860 24 married marry VERB _005456899 860 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 861 1 they they PRON _005456899 861 2 want want VERB _005456899 861 3 a a DET _005456899 861 4 dance dance NOUN _005456899 861 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 861 6 a a DET _005456899 861 7 cocktail cocktail NOUN _005456899 861 8 paid pay VERB _005456899 861 9 for for ADP _005456899 861 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 861 11 no no ADV _005456899 861 12 matter matter ADV _005456899 861 13 what what PRON _005456899 861 14 the the DET _005456899 861 15 man man NOUN _005456899 861 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 862 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 862 2 most most ADJ _005456899 862 3 girls girl NOUN _005456899 862 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 862 5 i i PRON _005456899 862 6 hope hope VERB _005456899 862 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 862 8 want want VERB _005456899 862 9 to to PART _005456899 862 10 go go VERB _005456899 862 11 out out ADP _005456899 862 12 only only ADV _005456899 862 13 with with ADP _005456899 862 14 decent decent ADJ _005456899 862 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 862 16 marriageable marriageable ADJ _005456899 862 17 fellows fellow NOUN _005456899 862 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 863 1 a a DET _005456899 863 2 good good NOUN _005456899 863 3 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 863 4 man man NOUN _005456899 863 5 does do AUX _005456899 863 6 not not PART _005456899 863 7 fear fear VERB _005456899 863 8 the the DET _005456899 863 9 question question NOUN _005456899 863 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 864 1 a a DET _005456899 864 2 bad bad ADJ _005456899 864 3 one one NOUN _005456899 864 4 does do AUX _005456899 864 5 n't not PART _005456899 864 6 count count VERB _005456899 864 7 then then ADV _005456899 864 8 why why SCONJ _005456899 864 9 do do AUX _005456899 864 10 n't not PART _005456899 864 11 they they PRON _005456899 864 12 find find VERB _005456899 864 13 out out ADP _005456899 864 14 from from ADP _005456899 864 15 a a DET _005456899 864 16 man man NOUN _005456899 864 17 as as ADV _005456899 864 18 soon soon ADV _005456899 864 19 as as SCONJ _005456899 864 20 he he PRON _005456899 864 21 angles angle VERB _005456899 864 22 for for ADP _005456899 864 23 a a DET _005456899 864 24 date date NOUN _005456899 864 25 if if SCONJ _005456899 864 26 he he PRON _005456899 864 27 is be AUX _005456899 864 28 married married ADJ _005456899 864 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 865 1 i i PRON _005456899 865 2 believe believe VERB _005456899 865 3 it it PRON _005456899 865 4 is be AUX _005456899 865 5 a a DET _005456899 865 6 queer queer ADJ _005456899 865 7 sort sort NOUN _005456899 865 8 of of ADP _005456899 865 9 bashfulness bashfulness NOUN _005456899 865 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 865 11 lack lack NOUN _005456899 865 12 of of ADP _005456899 865 13 poise poise NOUN _005456899 865 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 866 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 866 2 also also ADV _005456899 866 3 a a DET _005456899 866 4 fear fear NOUN _005456899 866 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 866 6 they they PRON _005456899 866 7 might might AUX _005456899 866 8 scare scare VERB _005456899 866 9 away away ADV _005456899 866 10 a a DET _005456899 866 11 worthwhile worthwhile ADJ _005456899 866 12 man man NOUN _005456899 866 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 867 1 the the DET _005456899 867 2 latter latter ADJ _005456899 867 3 is be AUX _005456899 867 4 precisely precisely ADV _005456899 867 5 where where SCONJ _005456899 867 6 girls girl NOUN _005456899 867 7 are be AUX _005456899 867 8 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 867 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 868 1 shrewd shrewd ADJ _005456899 868 2 girls girl NOUN _005456899 868 3 will will AUX _005456899 868 4 have have AUX _005456899 868 5 observed observe VERB _005456899 868 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 868 7 every every DET _005456899 868 8 kind kind NOUN _005456899 868 9 of of ADP _005456899 868 10 man man NOUN _005456899 868 11 nearly nearly ADV _005456899 868 12 always always ADV _005456899 868 13 wangles wangle NOUN _005456899 868 14 from from ADP _005456899 868 15 them they PRON _005456899 868 16 early early ADV _005456899 868 17 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 868 18 they they PRON _005456899 868 19 are be AUX _005456899 868 20 single single ADJ _005456899 868 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 868 22 not not PART _005456899 868 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 869 1 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 869 2 men man NOUN _005456899 869 3 make make VERB _005456899 869 4 it it PRON _005456899 869 5 a a DET _005456899 869 6 point point NOUN _005456899 869 7 to to PART _005456899 869 8 find find VERB _005456899 869 9 out out ADP _005456899 869 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 870 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 870 2 the the DET _005456899 870 3 right right ADJ _005456899 870 4 kind kind NOUN _005456899 870 5 of of ADP _005456899 870 6 man man NOUN _005456899 870 7 also also ADV _005456899 870 8 wants want VERB _005456899 870 9 a a DET _005456899 870 10 girl girl NOUN _005456899 870 11 to to PART _005456899 870 12 use use VERB _005456899 870 13 her her PRON _005456899 870 14 wits wit NOUN _005456899 870 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 870 16 caution caution NOUN _005456899 870 17 even even ADV _005456899 870 18 against against ADP _005456899 870 19 him he PRON _005456899 870 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 871 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 871 2 she she PRON _005456899 871 3 does do VERB _005456899 871 4 n't not PART _005456899 871 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 871 6 he he PRON _005456899 871 7 tends tend VERB _005456899 871 8 to to PART _005456899 871 9 feel feel VERB _005456899 871 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 871 11 the the DET _005456899 871 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 871 13 who who PRON _005456899 871 14 went go VERB _005456899 871 15 out out ADP _005456899 871 16 with with ADP _005456899 871 17 him he PRON _005456899 871 18 without without ADP _005456899 871 19 having having AUX _005456899 871 20 learned learn VERB _005456899 871 21 if if SCONJ _005456899 871 22 he he PRON _005456899 871 23 is be AUX _005456899 871 24 free free ADJ _005456899 871 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 871 26 good good ADJ _005456899 871 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 871 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 871 29 single single ADJ _005456899 871 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 871 31 would would AUX _005456899 871 32 just just ADV _005456899 871 33 as as ADV _005456899 871 34 naively naively ADV _005456899 871 35 have have AUX _005456899 871 36 gone go VERB _005456899 871 37 out out ADP _005456899 871 38 with with ADP _005456899 871 39 him he PRON _005456899 871 40 had have AUX _005456899 871 41 he he PRON _005456899 871 42 been be AUX _005456899 871 43 married marry VERB _005456899 871 44 or or CCONJ _005456899 871 45 with with ADP _005456899 871 46 any any DET _005456899 871 47 ingratiating ingratiate VERB _005456899 871 48 scoundrel scoundrel NOUN _005456899 871 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 872 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 872 2 he he PRON _005456899 872 3 shudders shudder VERB _005456899 872 4 is be AUX _005456899 872 5 almost almost ADV _005456899 872 6 angry angry ADJ _005456899 872 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 873 1 a a DET _005456899 873 2 man man NOUN _005456899 873 3 hates hate VERB _005456899 873 4 to to PART _005456899 873 5 think think VERB _005456899 873 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 873 7 38 38 NUM _005456899 873 8 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 873 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 873 10 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 873 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 873 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 873 13 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 873 14 it it PRON _005456899 873 15 was be AUX _005456899 873 16 merely merely ADV _005456899 873 17 the the DET _005456899 873 18 grace grace NOUN _005456899 873 19 of of ADP _005456899 873 20 god god PROPN _005456899 873 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 873 22 not not PART _005456899 873 23 her her PRON _005456899 873 24 own own ADJ _005456899 873 25 sense sense NOUN _005456899 873 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 873 27 caution caution NOUN _005456899 873 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 873 29 that that PRON _005456899 873 30 kept keep VERB _005456899 873 31 the the DET _005456899 873 32 girl girl NOUN _005456899 873 33 he he PRON _005456899 873 34 would would AUX _005456899 873 35 like like VERB _005456899 873 36 to to PART _005456899 873 37 admire admire VERB _005456899 873 38 from from ADP _005456899 873 39 dating date VERB _005456899 873 40 a a DET _005456899 873 41 married married ADJ _005456899 873 42 man man NOUN _005456899 873 43 as as ADV _005456899 873 44 readily readily ADV _005456899 873 45 as as ADP _005456899 873 46 him he PRON _005456899 873 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 874 1 girls girl NOUN _005456899 874 2 nowadays nowadays ADV _005456899 874 3 are be AUX _005456899 874 4 on on ADP _005456899 874 5 their their PRON _005456899 874 6 own own ADJ _005456899 874 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 875 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 875 2 too too ADV _005456899 875 3 much much ADV _005456899 875 4 so so ADV _005456899 875 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 876 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 876 2 while while SCONJ _005456899 876 3 they they PRON _005456899 876 4 are be AUX _005456899 876 5 they they PRON _005456899 876 6 have have VERB _005456899 876 7 to to PART _005456899 876 8 do do VERB _005456899 876 9 for for ADP _005456899 876 10 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 876 11 what what PRON _005456899 876 12 parents parent NOUN _005456899 876 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 876 14 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 876 15 did do VERB _005456899 876 16 for for ADP _005456899 876 17 them they PRON _005456899 876 18 then then ADV _005456899 876 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 877 1 before before SCONJ _005456899 877 2 they they PRON _005456899 877 3 go go VERB _005456899 877 4 out out ADP _005456899 877 5 with with ADP _005456899 877 6 any any DET _005456899 877 7 man man NOUN _005456899 877 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 877 9 they they PRON _005456899 877 10 must must AUX _005456899 877 11 take take VERB _005456899 877 12 reasonable reasonable ADJ _005456899 877 13 means mean NOUN _005456899 877 14 to to PART _005456899 877 15 find find VERB _005456899 877 16 out out ADP _005456899 877 17 how how SCONJ _005456899 877 18 proper proper ADJ _005456899 877 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 877 20 eligible eligible ADJ _005456899 877 21 a a DET _005456899 877 22 man man NOUN _005456899 877 23 is be AUX _005456899 877 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 878 1 this this PRON _005456899 878 2 is be AUX _005456899 878 3 not not PART _005456899 878 4 only only ADV _005456899 878 5 a a DET _005456899 878 6 right right NOUN _005456899 878 7 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 878 8 it it PRON _005456899 878 9 is be AUX _005456899 878 10 a a DET _005456899 878 11 duty duty NOUN _005456899 878 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 879 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 879 2 the the DET _005456899 879 3 right right ADJ _005456899 879 4 man man NOUN _005456899 879 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 880 1 will will AUX _005456899 880 2 respect respect VERB _005456899 880 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 880 4 love love VERB _005456899 880 5 her she PRON _005456899 880 6 the the DET _005456899 880 7 more more ADJ _005456899 880 8 for for ADP _005456899 880 9 it it PRON _005456899 880 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 880 11 the the DET _005456899 880 12 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 880 13 man man NOUN _005456899 880 14 be be AUX _005456899 880 15 hanged hang VERB _005456899 880 16 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 881 1 this this PRON _005456899 881 2 an an DET _005456899 881 3 catholi catholi ADJ _005456899 881 4 but but CCONJ _005456899 881 5 with with ADP _005456899 881 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 881 7 sisted siste VERB _005456899 881 8 on on ADP _005456899 881 9 • • NUM _005456899 881 10 mates mate NOUN _005456899 881 11 as as ADP _005456899 881 12 race race NOUN _005456899 881 13 wouz wouz PROPN _005456899 881 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 881 15 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 881 16 j j DET _005456899 881 17 first first ADJ _005456899 881 18 publ publ NOUN _005456899 881 19 finds find VERB _005456899 881 20 tha tha PROPN _005456899 881 21 religion religion PROPN _005456899 881 22 r. r. PROPN _005456899 881 23 marry marry PROPN _005456899 881 24 hi hi AUX _005456899 881 25 < < X _005456899 881 26 support support NOUN _005456899 881 27 t t NOUN _005456899 881 28 i i PRON _005456899 881 29 having have VERB _005456899 881 30 a a PRON _005456899 881 31 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 882 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 882 2 kindl kindl PROPN _005456899 882 3 cerned cerne VERB _005456899 882 4 i i PRON _005456899 882 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 883 1 chronic chronic ADJ _005456899 883 2 d d PROPN _005456899 883 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 883 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 883 5 wisd• wisd• PROPN _005456899 883 6 best good ADJ _005456899 883 7 ones one NOUN _005456899 883 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 883 9 seriously seriously ADV _005456899 883 10 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 884 1 that that SCONJ _005456899 884 2 al al PROPN _005456899 884 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 885 1 describing describe VERB _005456899 885 2 a a DET _005456899 885 3 bachelo bachelo PROPN _005456899 885 4 : : PUNCT _005456899 885 5 ness ness ADJ _005456899 885 6 amo1 amo1 NOUN _005456899 885 7 given give VERB _005456899 885 8 u u PRON _005456899 885 9 : : PUNCT _005456899 885 10 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 885 11 which which PRON _005456899 885 12 i i PRON _005456899 885 13 · · PUNCT _005456899 885 14 ters ter NOUN _005456899 885 15 on on ADP _005456899 885 16 l1 l1 PROPN _005456899 885 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 885 18 slightes·t slightes·t PROPN _005456899 885 19 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 885 20 minded minded PROPN _005456899 885 21 o1 o1 NOUN _005456899 885 22 gray gray NOUN _005456899 885 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 885 24 seve seve VERB _005456899 885 25 there there ADV _005456899 885 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 885 27 she she PRON _005456899 885 28 she she PRON _005456899 885 29 ever ever ADV _005456899 885 30 • • INTJ _005456899 885 31 have have AUX _005456899 885 32 neve neve VERB _005456899 885 33 a a DET _005456899 885 34 novelist novelist NOUN _005456899 885 35 in in ADP _005456899 885 36 buildin buildin PROPN _005456899 885 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 886 1 a a DET _005456899 886 2 horse horse NOUN _005456899 886 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 886 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 886 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 886 6 pi pi PROPN _005456899 886 7 the the DET _005456899 886 8 b b NOUN _005456899 886 9 est est X _005456899 886 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 886 11 bar bar NOUN _005456899 886 12 quite quite ADV _005456899 886 13 natural natural ADJ _005456899 886 14 ] ] PUNCT _005456899 886 15 in in ADP _005456899 886 16 the the DET _005456899 886 17 rna rna PROPN _005456899 886 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 886 19 may may AUX _005456899 886 20 be be AUX _005456899 886 21 i i PRON _005456899 886 22 says say VERB _005456899 886 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 886 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 886 25 do do AUX _005456899 886 26 n't not PART _005456899 886 27 1 1 NUM _005456899 886 28 two two NUM _005456899 886 29 bedroom bedroom NOUN _005456899 886 30 the the DET _005456899 886 31 net net ADJ _005456899 886 32 resul1 resul1 ADJ _005456899 886 33 builders builder NOUN _005456899 886 34 wou wou VERB _005456899 886 35 have have VERB _005456899 886 36 the the DET _005456899 886 37 kine kine NOUN _005456899 886 38 3ut 3ut PROPN _005456899 886 39 fe~ fe~ PROPN _005456899 886 40 i i NOUN _005456899 886 41 > > X _005456899 886 42 le le VERB _005456899 886 43 an an DET _005456899 886 44 be be NOUN _005456899 886 45 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 886 46 viii viii NOUN _005456899 886 47 how how SCONJ _005456899 886 48 not not PART _005456899 886 49 to to PART _005456899 886 50 choose choose VERB _005456899 886 51 a a DET _005456899 886 52 mate mate NOUN _005456899 886 53 this this DET _005456899 886 54 article article NOUN _005456899 886 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 886 56 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 886 57 the the DET _005456899 886 58 same same ADJ _005456899 886 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 886 60 is be AUX _005456899 886 61 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 886 62 from from ADP _005456899 886 63 the the DET _005456899 886 64 the the DET _005456899 886 65 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 886 66 home home PROPN _005456899 886 67 journal journal PROPN _005456899 886 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 886 69 september september PROPN _005456899 886 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 886 71 1946 1946 NUM _005456899 886 72 . . PUNCT _005456899 887 1 it it PRON _005456899 887 2 playfully playfully ADV _005456899 887 3 but but CCONJ _005456899 887 4 with with ADP _005456899 887 5 a a DET _005456899 887 6 serious serious ADJ _005456899 887 7 undertone undertone NOUN _005456899 887 8 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 887 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 887 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 887 11 all all DET _005456899 887 12 people people NOUN _005456899 887 13 insisted insist VERB _005456899 887 14 on on ADP _005456899 887 15 marrying marry VERB _005456899 887 16 only only ADV _005456899 887 17 such such ADJ _005456899 887 18 physically physically ADV _005456899 887 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 887 20 morally morally ADV _005456899 887 21 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 887 22 mates mate NOUN _005456899 887 23 as as SCONJ _005456899 887 24 the the DET _005456899 887 25 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 887 26 counsellors counsellor NOUN _005456899 887 27 prescribe prescribe VERB _005456899 887 28 t t PROPN _005456899 887 29 h h PROPN _005456899 887 30 e e PROPN _005456899 887 31 humap humap PROPN _005456899 887 32 race race NOUN _005456899 887 33 would would AUX _005456899 887 34 quickly quickly ADV _005456899 887 35 die die VERB _005456899 887 36 out out ADP _005456899 887 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 888 1 what what PRON _005456899 888 2 worries worry VERB _005456899 888 3 me i PRON _005456899 888 4 here here ADV _005456899 888 5 is be AUX _005456899 888 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 888 7 in in ADP _005456899 888 8 chapter chapter PROPN _005456899 888 9 ii ii PROPN _005456899 888 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 888 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 888 12 forgiving forgive VERB _005456899 888 13 our our PRON _005456899 888 14 friends friend NOUN _005456899 888 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 888 16 keeping keep VERB _005456899 888 17 them they PRON _005456899 888 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 888 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 888 20 first first ADV _005456899 888 21 published publish VERB _005456899 888 22 way way NOUN _005456899 888 23 back back ADV _005456899 888 24 in in ADP _005456899 888 25 april april PROPN _005456899 888 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 888 27 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 888 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 888 29 i i PRON _005456899 888 30 wrote write VERB _005456899 888 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 888 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 888 33 if if SCONJ _005456899 888 34 a a DET _005456899 888 35 girl girl NOUN _005456899 888 36 finds find VERB _005456899 888 37 that that SCONJ _005456899 888 38 h h PROPN _005456899 888 39 e e NOUN _005456899 888 40 r r NOUN _005456899 888 41 boy boy NOUN _005456899 888 42 friend friend NOUN _005456899 888 43 is be AUX _005456899 888 44 a a DET _005456899 888 45 chronic chronic ADJ _005456899 888 46 drunkard drunkard NOUN _005456899 888 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 888 48 surely surely ADV _005456899 888 49 religion religion NOUN _005456899 888 50 permits permit NOUN _005456899 888 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 888 52 and and CCONJ _005456899 888 53 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005456899 888 54 dictates dictate NOUN _005456899 888 55 that that SCONJ _005456899 888 56 she she PRON _005456899 888 57 refuse refuse VERB _005456899 888 58 to to PART _005456899 888 59 marry marry VERB _005456899 888 60 him he PRON _005456899 888 61 " " PUNCT _005456899 888 62 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 888 63 p.12 p.12 X _005456899 888 64 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 888 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 889 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 889 2 the the DET _005456899 889 3 present present ADJ _005456899 889 4 article article NOUN _005456899 889 5 seems seem VERB _005456899 889 6 not not PART _005456899 889 7 to to PART _005456899 889 8 support support VERB _005456899 889 9 that that DET _005456899 889 10 sentiment sentiment NOUN _005456899 889 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 12 my my PRON _005456899 889 13 answer answer NOUN _005456899 889 14 is be AUX _005456899 889 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 16 first first ADV _005456899 889 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 889 19 i i PRON _005456899 889 20 myself myself PRON _005456899 889 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 22 having having AUX _005456899 889 23 aged age VERB _005456899 889 24 another another DET _005456899 889 25 year year NOUN _005456899 889 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 27 have have AUX _005456899 889 28 become become VERB _005456899 889 29 more more ADV _005456899 889 30 charitable charitable ADJ _005456899 889 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 889 32 kindly kindly ADV _005456899 889 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 34 secondly secondly ADV _005456899 889 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 36 that that SCONJ _005456899 889 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 38 as as SCONJ _005456899 889 39 jar jar NOUN _005456899 889 40 a·s a·s PROPN _005456899 889 41 mere mere ADJ _005456899 889 42 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005456899 889 43 is be AUX _005456899 889 44 concerned concerned ADJ _005456899 889 45 i i PRON _005456899 889 46 still still ADV _005456899 889 47 think think VERB _005456899 889 48 it it PRON _005456899 889 49 usually usually ADV _005456899 889 50 wise wise ADJ _005456899 889 51 tor tor NOUN _005456899 889 52 a a DET _005456899 889 53 girl girl NOUN _005456899 889 54 to to PART _005456899 889 55 jilt jilt VERB _005456899 889 56 a a DET _005456899 889 57 chronic chronic ADJ _005456899 889 58 drunkard drunkard NOUN _005456899 889 59 but but CCONJ _005456899 889 60 am be AUX _005456899 889 61 glad glad ADJ _005456899 889 62 that that SCONJ _005456899 889 63 all all DET _005456899 889 64 girls girl NOUN _005456899 889 65 do do AUX _005456899 889 66 not not PART _005456899 889 67 exercise exercise VERB _005456899 889 68 that that DET _005456899 889 69 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005456899 889 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 71 thirdly thirdly ADV _005456899 889 72 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 73 that that SCONJ _005456899 889 74 writers writer NOUN _005456899 889 75 and and CCONJ _005456899 889 76 preachers preacher NOUN _005456899 889 77 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 78 even even ADV _005456899 889 79 the the DET _005456899 889 80 best good ADJ _005456899 889 81 ones one NOUN _005456899 889 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 83 like like ADP _005456899 889 84 of of ADP _005456899 889 85 course course NOUN _005456899 889 86 myself myself PRON _005456899 889 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 889 88 should should AUX _005456899 889 89 never never ADV _005456899 889 90 be be AUX _005456899 889 91 taken take VERB _005456899 889 92 too too ADV _005456899 889 93 seriously seriously ADV _005456899 889 94 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 890 1 that that PRON _005456899 890 2 also also ADV _005456899 890 3 goes go VERB _005456899 890 4 tor tor NOUN _005456899 890 5 the the DET _005456899 890 6 example example NOUN _005456899 890 7 i i PRON _005456899 890 8 here here ADV _005456899 890 9 make make VERB _005456899 890 10 of of ADP _005456899 890 11 myself myself PRON _005456899 890 12 in in ADP _005456899 890 13 describing describe VERB _005456899 890 14 how how SCONJ _005456899 890 15 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 890 16 of of ADP _005456899 890 17 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 890 18 counselling counselling NOUN _005456899 890 19 have have AUX _005456899 890 20 kept keep VERB _005456899 890 21 me i PRON _005456899 890 22 a a DET _005456899 890 23 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 890 24 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 891 1 the the DET _005456899 891 2 reader reader NOUN _005456899 891 3 is be AUX _005456899 891 4 invited invite VERB _005456899 891 5 to to PART _005456899 891 6 supect supect VERB _005456899 891 7 some some DET _005456899 891 8 fancifulness fancifulness NOUN _005456899 891 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 892 1 among among ADP _005456899 892 2 the the DET _005456899 892 3 real real ADJ _005456899 892 4 facts fact NOUN _005456899 892 5 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 892 6 also also ADV _005456899 892 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 892 8 i i PRON _005456899 892 9 s s VERB _005456899 892 10 ay ay ADP _005456899 892 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 892 12 i i PRON _005456899 892 13 have have AUX _005456899 892 14 given give VERB _005456899 892 15 up up ADP _005456899 892 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 892 17 one one PRON _005456899 892 18 must must AUX _005456899 892 19 suspect suspect VERB _005456899 892 20 some some DET _005456899 892 21 poetic poetic ADJ _005456899 892 22 exaggeration exaggeration NOUN _005456899 892 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 892 24 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 892 25 which which PRON _005456899 892 26 i i PRON _005456899 892 27 rise rise VERB _005456899 892 28 to to PART _005456899 892 29 explain explain VERB _005456899 892 30 merely merely ADV _005456899 892 31 because because SCONJ _005456899 892 32 the the DET _005456899 892 33 previous previous ADJ _005456899 892 34 chapters chapter NOUN _005456899 892 35 on on ADP _005456899 892 36 lying lie VERB _005456899 892 37 have have AUX _005456899 892 38 committed commit VERB _005456899 892 39 me i PRON _005456899 892 40 never never ADV _005456899 892 41 to to PART _005456899 892 42 deviate deviate VERB _005456899 892 43 in in ADP _005456899 892 44 the the DET _005456899 892 45 slightest slight ADJ _005456899 892 46 from from ADP _005456899 892 47 the the DET _005456899 892 48 truth truth NOUN _005456899 892 49 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 892 50 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 893 1 as as ADP _005456899 893 2 to to ADP _005456899 893 3 giving give VERB _005456899 893 4 up up ADP _005456899 893 5 hope hope NOUN _005456899 893 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 893 7 i i PRON _005456899 893 8 am be AUX _005456899 893 9 reminded remind VERB _005456899 893 10 of of ADP _005456899 893 11 the the DET _005456899 893 12 lady lady NOUN _005456899 893 13 i i PRON _005456899 893 14 met meet VERB _005456899 893 15 at at ADP _005456899 893 16 a a DET _005456899 893 17 writer writer NOUN _005456899 893 18 's 's PART _005456899 893 19 conference conference NOUN _005456899 893 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 894 1 she she PRON _005456899 894 2 was be AUX _005456899 894 3 gray gray ADJ _005456899 894 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 894 5 seventy seventy NOUN _005456899 894 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 894 7 jive jive NOUN _005456899 894 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 894 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 894 10 used use VERB _005456899 894 11 a a DET _005456899 894 12 cane cane NOUN _005456899 894 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 895 1 asked ask VERB _005456899 895 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 895 3 why why SCONJ _005456899 895 4 she she PRON _005456899 895 5 came come VERB _005456899 895 6 there there ADV _005456899 895 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 895 8 she she PRON _005456899 895 9 said say VERB _005456899 895 10 she she PRON _005456899 895 11 was be AUX _005456899 895 12 interested interested ADJ _005456899 895 13 in in ADP _005456899 895 14 writing writing NOUN _005456899 895 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 896 1 asked ask VERB _005456899 896 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 896 3 had have AUX _005456899 896 4 she she PRON _005456899 896 5 ever ever ADV _005456899 896 6 written write VERB _005456899 896 7 anything anything PRON _005456899 896 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 896 9 she she PRON _005456899 896 10 replied reply VERB _005456899 896 11 ingenuously ingenuously ADV _005456899 896 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 896 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 896 14 no no INTJ _005456899 896 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 896 16 i i PRON _005456899 896 17 have have AUX _005456899 896 18 never never ADV _005456899 896 19 had have VERB _005456899 896 20 time time NOUN _005456899 896 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 897 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 897 2 when when SCONJ _005456899 897 3 i i PRON _005456899 897 4 get get VERB _005456899 897 5 it it PRON _005456899 897 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 897 7 i i PRON _005456899 897 8 want want VERB _005456899 897 9 to to PART _005456899 897 10 become become VERB _005456899 897 11 a a DET _005456899 897 12 novelist novelist NOUN _005456899 897 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 897 14 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 898 1 it it PRON _005456899 898 2 's be AUX _005456899 898 3 natural natural ADJ _005456899 898 4 to to PART _005456899 898 5 want want VERB _005456899 898 6 the the DET _005456899 898 7 best good ADJ _005456899 898 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 898 9 bargain bargain NOUN _005456899 898 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 898 11 in in ADP _005456899 898 12 building build VERB _005456899 898 13 a a DET _005456899 898 14 house house NOUN _005456899 898 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 898 16 buying buy VERB _005456899 898 17 a a DET _005456899 898 18 farm farm NOUN _005456899 898 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 898 20 choosing choose VERB _005456899 898 21 one one PRON _005456899 898 22 's 's PART _005456899 898 23 job job NOUN _005456899 898 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 898 25 buying buy VERB _005456899 898 26 a a DET _005456899 898 27 horse horse NOUN _005456899 898 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 898 29 or or CCONJ _005456899 898 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 898 31 picking pick VERB _005456899 898 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 898 33 a a DET _005456899 898 34 wife wife NOUN _005456899 898 35 or or CCONJ _005456899 898 36 husband husband NOUN _005456899 898 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 898 38 a a DET _005456899 898 39 person person NOUN _005456899 898 40 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 898 41 looks look VERB _005456899 898 42 for for ADP _005456899 898 43 the the DET _005456899 898 44 best good ADJ _005456899 898 45 " " PUNCT _005456899 898 46 bargain bargain NOUN _005456899 898 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 898 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 899 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 899 2 so so ADV _005456899 899 3 those those PRON _005456899 899 4 who who PRON _005456899 899 5 teach teach VERB _005456899 899 6 prospective prospective ADJ _005456899 899 7 choosers chooser NOUN _005456899 899 8 quite quite ADV _005456899 899 9 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 899 10 teach teach VERB _005456899 899 11 them they PRON _005456899 899 12 how how SCONJ _005456899 899 13 to to PART _005456899 899 14 choose choose VERB _005456899 899 15 the the DET _005456899 899 16 best good ADJ _005456899 899 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 900 1 in in ADP _005456899 900 2 the the DET _005456899 900 3 matter matter NOUN _005456899 900 4 cf cf ADP _005456899 900 5 houses house NOUN _005456899 900 6 or or CCONJ _005456899 900 7 horses horse NOUN _005456899 900 8 this this PRON _005456899 900 9 may may AUX _005456899 900 10 do do VERB _005456899 900 11 no no DET _005456899 900 12 harm harm NOUN _005456899 900 13 at at ADV _005456899 900 14 all all ADV _005456899 900 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 900 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 900 17 may may AUX _005456899 900 18 be be AUX _005456899 900 19 productive productive ADJ _005456899 900 20 of of ADP _005456899 900 21 much much ADJ _005456899 900 22 good good ADJ _005456899 900 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 901 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 901 2 the the DET _005456899 901 3 teacher teacher NOUN _005456899 901 4 for for ADP _005456899 901 5 example example NOUN _005456899 901 6 says say VERB _005456899 901 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 901 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 901 9 do do AUX _005456899 901 10 n't not PART _005456899 901 11 buy buy VERB _005456899 901 12 a a DET _005456899 901 13 house house NOUN _005456899 901 14 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 901 15 it it PRON _005456899 901 16 has have VERB _005456899 901 17 a a DET _005456899 901 18 full full ADJ _005456899 901 19 basement basement NOUN _005456899 901 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 901 21 at at ADP _005456899 901 22 least least ADV _005456899 901 23 two two NUM _005456899 901 24 bedrooms bedroom NOUN _005456899 901 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 901 26 a a DET _005456899 901 27 modem modem NOUN _005456899 901 28 bathroom bathroom NOUN _005456899 901 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 901 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 901 31 rock rock NOUN _005456899 901 32 wool wool NOUN _005456899 901 33 insulation insulation NOUN _005456899 901 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 901 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 901 36 the the DET _005456899 901 37 net net ADJ _005456899 901 38 result result NOUN _005456899 901 39 might might AUX _005456899 901 40 be be AUX _005456899 901 41 improved improve VERB _005456899 901 42 housing housing NOUN _005456899 901 43 all all ADV _005456899 901 44 over over ADP _005456899 901 45 tl tl NUM _005456899 901 46 < < X _005456899 901 47 e e NOUN _005456899 901 48 country country NOUN _005456899 901 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 902 1 builders builder NOUN _005456899 902 2 would would AUX _005456899 902 3 simply simply ADV _005456899 902 4 add add VERB _005456899 902 5 the the DET _005456899 902 6 features feature NOUN _005456899 902 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 902 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 902 9 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 902 10 could could AUX _005456899 902 11 have have VERB _005456899 902 12 the the DET _005456899 902 13 kind kind NOUN _005456899 902 14 of of ADP _005456899 902 15 house house NOUN _005456899 902 16 the the DET _005456899 902 17 teacher teacher NOUN _005456899 902 18 recommends recommend VERB _005456899 902 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 903 1 40 40 NUM _005456899 903 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 903 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 903 4 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 903 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 903 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 903 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 903 8 when when SCONJ _005456899 903 9 it it PRON _005456899 903 10 comes come VERB _005456899 903 11 to to ADP _005456899 903 12 horses horse NOUN _005456899 903 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 903 14 the the DET _005456899 903 15 advice advice NOUN _005456899 903 16 presents present VERB _005456899 903 17 more more ADJ _005456899 903 18 of of ADP _005456899 903 19 a a DET _005456899 903 20 problem problem NOUN _005456899 903 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 904 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 904 2 the the DET _005456899 904 3 teacher teacher NOUN _005456899 904 4 says say VERB _005456899 904 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 904 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 904 7 do do AUX _005456899 904 8 n't not PART _005456899 904 9 buy buy VERB _005456899 904 10 a a DET _005456899 904 11 horse horse NOUN _005456899 904 12 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 904 13 it it PRON _005456899 904 14 is be AUX _005456899 904 15 strong strong ADJ _005456899 904 16 gentle gentle ADJ _005456899 904 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 904 18 tall tall ADJ _005456899 904 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 904 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 904 21 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 904 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 904 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 904 24 the the DET _005456899 904 25 result result NOUN _005456899 904 26 may may AUX _005456899 904 27 not not PART _005456899 904 28 be be AUX _005456899 904 29 unmixed unmixed ADJ _005456899 904 30 good good ADJ _005456899 904 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 905 1 what what PRON _005456899 905 2 about about ADP _005456899 905 3 the the DET _005456899 905 4 horses horse NOUN _005456899 905 5 that that PRON _005456899 905 6 are be AUX _005456899 905 7 n't not PART _005456899 905 8 tall tall ADJ _005456899 905 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 905 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 905 11 strong strong ADJ _005456899 905 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 905 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 905 14 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 905 15 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 906 1 the the DET _005456899 906 2 seller seller NOUN _005456899 906 3 ca can AUX _005456899 906 4 n't not PART _005456899 906 5 add add VERB _005456899 906 6 an an DET _005456899 906 7 inch inch NOUN _005456899 906 8 to to ADP _005456899 906 9 them they PRON _005456899 906 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 906 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 906 12 make make VERB _005456899 906 13 them they PRON _005456899 906 14 stronger strong ADJ _005456899 906 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 907 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 907 2 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 907 3 follows follow VERB _005456899 907 4 the the DET _005456899 907 5 teacher teacher NOUN _005456899 907 6 's 's PART _005456899 907 7 advice advice NOUN _005456899 907 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 907 9 then then ADV _005456899 907 10 these these DET _005456899 907 11 horses horse NOUN _005456899 907 12 may may AUX _005456899 907 13 be be AUX _005456899 907 14 sent send VERB _005456899 907 15 prematurely prematurely ADV _005456899 907 16 to to ADP _005456899 907 17 the the DET _005456899 907 18 soap soap NOUN _005456899 907 19 factory factory NOUN _005456899 907 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 908 1 still still ADV _005456899 908 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 908 3 in in ADP _005456899 908 4 the the DET _005456899 908 5 end end NOUN _005456899 908 6 the the DET _005456899 908 7 country country NOUN _005456899 908 8 might might AUX _005456899 908 9 be be AUX _005456899 908 10 full full ADJ _005456899 908 11 of of ADP _005456899 908 12 good good ADJ _005456899 908 13 horses horse NOUN _005456899 908 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 908 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 908 16 even even ADV _005456899 908 17 more more ADV _005456899 908 18 full full ADJ _005456899 908 19 of of ADP _005456899 908 20 horse horse NOUN _005456899 908 21 soap soap NOUN _005456899 908 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 909 1 what what PRON _005456899 909 2 is be AUX _005456899 909 3 the the DET _005456899 909 4 best good ADJ _005456899 909 5 bargain bargain NOUN _005456899 909 6 in in ADP _005456899 909 7 marrying marry VERB _005456899 909 8 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 910 1 a a DET _005456899 910 2 bitter bitter ADJ _005456899 910 3 social social ADJ _005456899 910 4 revolution revolution NOUN _005456899 910 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 910 6 however however ADV _005456899 910 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 910 8 would would AUX _005456899 910 9 occur occur VERB _005456899 910 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 910 11 the the DET _005456899 910 12 teachers teacher NOUN _005456899 910 13 who who PRON _005456899 910 14 teach teach VERB _005456899 910 15 us we PRON _005456899 910 16 how how SCONJ _005456899 910 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 910 18 to to PART _005456899 910 19 pick pick VERB _005456899 910 20 a a DET _005456899 910 21 mate mate NOUN _005456899 910 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 910 23 were be AUX _005456899 910 24 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 910 25 per per ADP _005456899 910 26 cent cent NOUN _005456899 910 27 effective effective ADJ _005456899 910 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 911 1 recently recently ADV _005456899 911 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 911 3 in in ADP _005456899 911 4 a a DET _005456899 911 5 most most ADV _005456899 911 6 interesting interesting ADJ _005456899 911 7 article article NOUN _005456899 911 8 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 911 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 911 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 911 11 who who PRON _005456899 911 12 shall shall AUX _005456899 911 13 it it PRON _005456899 911 14 be be AUX _005456899 911 15 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 912 1 what what PRON _005456899 912 2 youths youth NOUN _005456899 912 3 want want VERB _005456899 912 4 in in ADP _005456899 912 5 their their PRON _005456899 912 6 mates mate NOUN _005456899 912 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 912 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 912 9 a a DET _005456899 912 10 professor professor NOUN _005456899 912 11 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005456899 912 12 of of ADP _005456899 912 13 mine mine NOUN _005456899 912 14 described describe VERB _005456899 912 15 the the DET _005456899 912 16 results result NOUN _005456899 912 17 of of ADP _005456899 912 18 a a DET _005456899 912 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 912 20 choice choice NOUN _005456899 912 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 912 22 of of ADP _005456899 912 23 - - PUNCT _005456899 912 24 a a DET _005456899 912 25 - - PUNCT _005456899 912 26 mate mate NOUN _005456899 912 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 912 28 questionnaire questionnaire NOUN _005456899 912 29 in in ADP _005456899 912 30 a a DET _005456899 912 31 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 912 32 instruction instruction NOUN _005456899 912 33 course course NOUN _005456899 912 34 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 912 35 gerald gerald PROPN _005456899 912 36 j. j. PROPN _005456899 912 37 schnepp schnepp PROPN _005456899 912 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 912 39 s.m s.m PROPN _005456899 912 40 . . PROPN _005456899 912 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 912 42 family family NOUN _005456899 912 43 digest digest PROPN _005456899 912 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 912 45 june june PROPN _005456899 912 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 912 47 1946 1946 NUM _005456899 912 48 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 912 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 913 1 it it PRON _005456899 913 2 was be AUX _005456899 913 3 in in ADP _005456899 913 4 a a DET _005456899 913 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 913 6 high high ADJ _005456899 913 7 school school NOUN _005456899 913 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 914 1 the the DET _005456899 914 2 boys boy NOUN _005456899 914 3 rated rate VERB _005456899 914 4 in in ADP _005456899 914 5 the the DET _005456899 914 6 order order NOUN _005456899 914 7 of of ADP _005456899 914 8 importance importance NOUN _005456899 914 9 the the DET _005456899 914 10 following follow VERB _005456899 914 11 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 914 12 they they PRON _005456899 914 13 wanted want VERB _005456899 914 14 in in ADP _005456899 914 15 their their PRON _005456899 914 16 future future ADJ _005456899 914 17 wives wife NOUN _005456899 914 18 : : PUNCT _005456899 914 19 domesticity domesticity NOUN _005456899 914 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 21 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005456899 914 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 23 education education NOUN _005456899 914 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 25 beauty beauty NOUN _005456899 914 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 27 health health NOUN _005456899 914 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 29 high high ADJ _005456899 914 30 moral moral ADJ _005456899 914 31 character character NOUN _005456899 914 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 33 similarity similarity NOUN _005456899 914 34 of of ADP _005456899 914 35 religion religion NOUN _005456899 914 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 37 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 914 38 similarity similarity NOUN _005456899 914 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 40 similar similar ADJ _005456899 914 41 recreational recreational ADJ _005456899 914 42 interests interest NOUN _005456899 914 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 44 similar similar ADJ _005456899 914 45 economic economic ADJ _005456899 914 46 background background NOUN _005456899 914 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 48 wealth wealth NOUN _005456899 914 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 914 50 and and CCONJ _005456899 914 51 mfection mfection NOUN _005456899 914 52 . . PUNCT _005456899 915 1 they they PRON _005456899 915 2 presented present VERB _005456899 915 3 their their PRON _005456899 915 4 rating rating NOUN _005456899 915 5 before before ADP _005456899 915 6 instruction instruction NOUN _005456899 915 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 915 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 915 9 then then ADV _005456899 915 10 again again ADV _005456899 915 11 after after ADP _005456899 915 12 a a DET _005456899 915 13 week week NOUN _005456899 915 14 's 's PART _005456899 915 15 instruction instruction NOUN _005456899 915 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 916 1 first first ADJ _005456899 916 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 916 3 second second ADJ _005456899 916 4 time time NOUN _005456899 916 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 916 6 the the DET _005456899 916 7 boys boy NOUN _005456899 916 8 rated rate VERB _005456899 916 9 similarity similarity NOUN _005456899 916 10 of of ADP _005456899 916 11 religion religion NOUN _005456899 916 12 first first ADV _005456899 916 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 916 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 916 15 high high ADJ _005456899 916 16 moral moral ADJ _005456899 916 17 character character NOUN _005456899 916 18 second second ADJ _005456899 916 19 as as ADP _005456899 916 20 most most ADV _005456899 916 21 important important ADJ _005456899 916 22 in in ADP _005456899 916 23 their their PRON _005456899 916 24 future future ADJ _005456899 916 25 wife wife NOUN _005456899 916 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 917 1 mter mter ADV _005456899 917 2 a a DET _005456899 917 3 week week NOUN _005456899 917 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 917 5 the the DET _005456899 917 6 boys boy NOUN _005456899 917 7 were be AUX _005456899 917 8 even even ADV _005456899 917 9 stronger strong ADJ _005456899 917 10 for for ADP _005456899 917 11 these these PRON _005456899 917 12 than than ADP _005456899 917 13 before before ADV _005456899 917 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 918 1 in in ADP _005456899 918 2 third third ADJ _005456899 918 3 place place NOUN _005456899 918 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 918 5 the the DET _005456899 918 6 boys boy NOUN _005456899 918 7 ranked rank VERB _005456899 918 8 mfection mfection NOUN _005456899 918 9 on on ADP _005456899 918 10 the the DET _005456899 918 11 first first ADJ _005456899 918 12 try try NOUN _005456899 918 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 919 1 they they PRON _005456899 919 2 used use VERB _005456899 919 3 such such ADJ _005456899 919 4 expressions expression NOUN _005456899 919 5 as as SCONJ _005456899 919 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 919 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 919 8 beauty beauty NOUN _005456899 919 9 is be AUX _005456899 919 10 only only ADV _005456899 919 11 skin skin NOUN _005456899 919 12 deep deep ADJ _005456899 919 13 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 919 14 what what PRON _005456899 919 15 is be AUX _005456899 919 16 needed need VERB _005456899 919 17 is be AUX _005456899 919 18 love love NOUN _005456899 919 19 to to PART _005456899 919 20 hold hold VERB _005456899 919 21 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 919 22 together together ADV _005456899 919 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 919 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 919 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 919 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 919 27 two two NUM _005456899 919 28 people people NOUN _005456899 919 29 should should AUX _005456899 919 30 be be AUX _005456899 919 31 in in ADP _005456899 919 32 love love NOUN _005456899 919 33 with with ADP _005456899 919 34 each each DET _005456899 919 35 other other ADJ _005456899 919 36 if if SCONJ _005456899 919 37 they they PRON _005456899 919 38 expect expect VERB _005456899 919 39 the the DET _005456899 919 40 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 919 41 to to PART _005456899 919 42 last last VERB _005456899 919 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 919 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 920 1 is be AUX _005456899 920 2 health health NOUN _005456899 920 3 more more ADV _005456899 920 4 important important ADJ _005456899 920 5 than than ADP _005456899 920 6 love love NOUN _005456899 920 7 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 921 1 mter mter ADV _005456899 921 2 a a DET _005456899 921 3 week week NOUN _005456899 921 4 's 's PART _005456899 921 5 instruction instruction NOUN _005456899 921 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 921 7 mfection mfection NOUN _005456899 921 8 dropped drop VERB _005456899 921 9 to to ADP _005456899 921 10 fourth fourth ADJ _005456899 921 11 place place NOUN _005456899 921 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 921 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 921 14 health health NOUN _005456899 921 15 jumped jump VERB _005456899 921 16 all all DET _005456899 921 17 the the DET _005456899 921 18 way way NOUN _005456899 921 19 from from ADP _005456899 921 20 seventh seventh ADJ _005456899 921 21 to to ADP _005456899 921 22 third third ADJ _005456899 921 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 922 1 in in ADP _005456899 922 2 other other ADJ _005456899 922 3 words word NOUN _005456899 922 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 922 5 the the DET _005456899 922 6 teacher teacher NOUN _005456899 922 7 had have AUX _005456899 922 8 impressed impress VERB _005456899 922 9 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 922 10 them they PRON _005456899 922 11 not not PART _005456899 922 12 to to PART _005456899 922 13 marry marry VERB _005456899 922 14 an an DET _005456899 922 15 unhealthy unhealthy ADJ _005456899 922 16 girl girl NOUN _005456899 922 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 923 1 he he PRON _005456899 923 2 had have AUX _005456899 923 3 warned warn VERB _005456899 923 4 them they PRON _005456899 923 5 of of ADP _005456899 923 6 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 923 7 hospital hospital NOUN _005456899 923 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 923 9 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 923 10 exp exp PROPN _005456899 923 11 enses ense NOUN _005456899 923 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 923 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 923 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 923 15 of of ADP _005456899 923 16 the the DET _005456899 923 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 923 18 p p ADJ _005456899 923 19 ossibility ossibility NOUN _005456899 923 20 that that PRON _005456899 923 21 continence continence NOUN _005456899 923 22 might might AUX _005456899 923 23 have have VERB _005456899 923 24 to to PART _005456899 923 25 be be AUX _005456899 923 26 practiced practice VERB _005456899 923 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 923 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 924 1 ifintl ifintl PROPN _005456899 924 2 not not PART _005456899 924 3 marry marry AUX _005456899 924 4 heeded heed VERB _005456899 924 5 tha tha PROPN _005456899 924 6 sings sing NOUN _005456899 924 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 924 8 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 924 9 for for ADP _005456899 924 10 l l X _005456899 924 11 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 924 12 successful successful ADJ _005456899 924 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 924 14 jured jure VERB _005456899 924 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 924 16 fort fort NOUN _005456899 924 17 was be AUX _005456899 924 18 not not PART _005456899 924 19 be be AUX _005456899 924 20 any any DET _005456899 924 21 man man NOUN _005456899 924 22 a a DET _005456899 924 23 tion tion NOUN _005456899 924 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 924 25 for for ADP _005456899 924 26 h h NOUN _005456899 924 27 if if SCONJ _005456899 924 28 ever ever ADV _005456899 924 29 ought ought AUX _005456899 924 30 to to PART _005456899 924 31 b b VERB _005456899 924 32 the the DET _005456899 924 33 way way NOUN _005456899 924 34 tc tc ADP _005456899 924 35 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005456899 924 36 yt yt VERB _005456899 925 1 oouldn't oouldn't ADJ _005456899 925 2 e\ e\ NOUN _005456899 925 3 truthfully truthfully ADV _005456899 926 1 , , PUNCT _005456899 926 2 street street NOUN _005456899 926 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 926 4 tha1 tha1 PROPN _005456899 926 5 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 926 6 h h PROPN _005456899 926 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 926 8 why why SCONJ _005456899 926 9 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 926 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 927 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 927 2 for for ADP _005456899 927 3 m1 m1 PROPN _005456899 927 4 am be AUX _005456899 927 5 a a DET _005456899 927 6 dyinl dyinl NOUN _005456899 927 7 browni1 browni1 VERB _005456899 927 8 instead instead ADV _005456899 927 9 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 927 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 927 11 have have AUX _005456899 927 12 had have VERB _005456899 927 13 consequen consequen PROPN _005456899 927 14 a a DET _005456899 927 15 bit bit NOUN _005456899 927 16 neur neur NOUN _005456899 927 17 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 927 18 carried carry VERB _005456899 927 19 off off ADP _005456899 927 20 british british PROPN _005456899 927 21 au au PROPN _005456899 927 22 elopement elopement ADJ _005456899 927 23 of of ADP _005456899 927 24 the the DET _005456899 927 25 hap hap NOUN _005456899 927 26 ] ] X _005456899 927 27 they they PRON _005456899 927 28 h h VERB _005456899 927 29 : : PUNCT _005456899 927 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 927 31 as as ADP _005456899 927 32 wa wa ADV _005456899 927 33 band band NOUN _005456899 927 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 928 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 928 2 record record NOUN _005456899 928 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 928 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 928 5 an an DET _005456899 928 6 ship ship NOUN _005456899 928 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 928 8 n n NOUN _005456899 928 9 some some PRON _005456899 928 10 0 0 NUM _005456899 928 11 another another PRON _005456899 928 12 · · PUNCT _005456899 928 13 · · NUM _005456899 928 14 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 928 15 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 928 16 --~---/ --~---/ SYM _005456899 928 17 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 928 18 lb[lg lb[lg X _005456899 928 19 ld ld NOUN _005456899 928 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 929 1 he he PRON _005456899 929 2 ynt ynt VERB _005456899 929 3 ry ry ADP _005456899 929 4 p. p. PROPN _005456899 929 5 rs rs X _005456899 930 1 e. e. PROPN _005456899 930 2 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 930 3 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 931 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 931 2 not not PART _005456899 931 3 to to PART _005456899 931 4 choose choose VERB _005456899 931 5 · · PUNCT _005456899 931 6 a a DET _005456899 931 7 mate mate NOUN _005456899 931 8 41 41 NUM _005456899 931 9 if if SCONJ _005456899 931 10 in in ADP _005456899 931 11 the the DET _005456899 931 12 christian christian ADJ _005456899 931 13 era era NOUN _005456899 931 14 all all DET _005456899 931 15 teachers teacher NOUN _005456899 931 16 had have AUX _005456899 931 17 taught teach VERB _005456899 931 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 931 19 one one PRON _005456899 931 20 must must AUX _005456899 931 21 not not PART _005456899 931 22 marry marry VERB _005456899 931 23 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 931 24 not not PART _005456899 931 25 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 931 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 931 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 931 28 if if SCONJ _005456899 931 29 all all DET _005456899 931 30 students student NOUN _005456899 931 31 had have AUX _005456899 931 32 strictly strictly ADV _005456899 931 33 heeded heed VERB _005456899 931 34 that that DET _005456899 931 35 teaching teaching NOUN _005456899 931 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 931 37 one one NUM _005456899 931 38 or or CCONJ _005456899 931 39 two two NUM _005456899 931 40 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005456899 931 41 little little ADJ _005456899 931 42 romances romance NOUN _005456899 931 43 the the DET _005456899 931 44 world world NOUN _005456899 931 45 sings sing VERB _005456899 931 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 931 47 writes write VERB _005456899 931 48 about about ADP _005456899 931 49 would would AUX _005456899 931 50 not not PART _005456899 931 51 have have AUX _005456899 931 52 occurred occur VERB _005456899 931 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 932 1 for for ADP _005456899 932 2 love love NOUN _005456899 932 3 browning brown VERB _005456899 932 4 happily happily ADV _005456899 932 5 married marry VERB _005456899 932 6 a a DET _005456899 932 7 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 932 8 woman woman NOUN _005456899 932 9 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 932 10 a a DET _005456899 932 11 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 932 12 years year NOUN _005456899 932 13 ago ago ADV _005456899 932 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 15 poet poet NOUN _005456899 932 16 robert robert PROPN _005456899 932 17 browning browning PROPN _005456899 932 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 19 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 932 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 21 successful successful ADJ _005456899 932 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 23 thirty thirty NUM _005456899 932 24 - - PUNCT _005456899 932 25 four four NUM _005456899 932 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 27 met meet VERB _005456899 932 28 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 932 29 barrett barrett PROPN _005456899 932 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 31 invalid invalid ADJ _005456899 932 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 33 spinally spinally ADV _005456899 932 34 · · PUNCT _005456899 932 35 injured injure VERB _005456899 932 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 932 37 forty forty NUM _005456899 932 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 933 1 she she PRON _005456899 933 2 was be AUX _005456899 933 3 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 933 4 neurotic neurotic ADJ _005456899 933 5 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 933 6 she she PRON _005456899 933 7 was be AUX _005456899 933 8 not not PART _005456899 933 9 rich rich ADJ _005456899 933 10 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 933 11 she she PRON _005456899 933 12 was be AUX _005456899 933 13 not not PART _005456899 933 14 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 933 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 933 16 she she PRON _005456899 933 17 was be AUX _005456899 933 18 probably probably ADV _005456899 933 19 too too ADV _005456899 933 20 sick sick ADJ _005456899 933 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 933 22 too too ADV _005456899 933 23 old old ADJ _005456899 933 24 to to PART _005456899 933 25 make make VERB _005456899 933 26 any any DET _005456899 933 27 man man NOUN _005456899 933 28 a a DET _005456899 933 29 father father NOUN _005456899 933 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 934 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 934 2 h h VERB _005456899 934 3 andsome andsome ADJ _005456899 934 4 young young ADJ _005456899 934 5 browning browning NOUN _005456899 934 6 felt feel VERB _005456899 934 7 an an DET _005456899 934 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 934 9 affection affection NOUN _005456899 934 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 934 11 for for ADP _005456899 934 12 her she PRON _005456899 934 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 934 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 934 15 the the DET _005456899 934 16 questionnaire questionnaire NOUN _005456899 934 17 would would AUX _005456899 934 18 put put VERB _005456899 934 19 it it PRON _005456899 934 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 935 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 935 2 ever ever ADV _005456899 935 3 a a DET _005456899 935 4 man man NOUN _005456899 935 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 935 6 according accord VERB _005456899 935 7 to to ADP _005456899 935 8 all all DET _005456899 935 9 recipes recipe NOUN _005456899 935 10 on on ADP _005456899 935 11 how how SCONJ _005456899 935 12 to to PART _005456899 935 13 pick pick VERB _005456899 935 14 a a DET _005456899 935 15 wife wife NOUN _005456899 935 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 935 17 ought ought AUX _005456899 935 18 to to PART _005456899 935 19 have have AUX _005456899 935 20 grabbed grab VERB _005456899 935 21 his his PRON _005456899 935 22 hat hat NOUN _005456899 935 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 935 24 run run VERB _005456899 935 25 out out ADP _005456899 935 26 of of ADP _005456899 935 27 the the DET _005456899 935 28 sick sick ADJ _005456899 935 29 room room NOUN _005456899 935 30 all all DET _005456899 935 31 the the DET _005456899 935 32 way way NOUN _005456899 935 33 to to ADP _005456899 935 34 a a DET _005456899 935 35 scotch scotch NOUN _005456899 935 36 loch loch NOUN _005456899 935 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 935 38 that that DET _005456899 935 39 man man NOUN _005456899 935 40 was be AUX _005456899 935 41 browning brown VERB _005456899 935 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 936 1 since since SCONJ _005456899 936 2 her her PRON _005456899 936 3 fifteenth fifteenth ADJ _005456899 936 4 year year NOUN _005456899 936 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 936 6 the the DET _005456899 936 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 936 8 had have AUX _005456899 936 9 been be AUX _005456899 936 10 sick sick ADJ _005456899 936 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 936 12 most most ADJ _005456899 936 13 of of ADP _005456899 936 14 the the DET _005456899 936 15 time time NOUN _005456899 936 16 in in ADP _005456899 936 17 bed bed NOUN _005456899 936 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 937 1 she she PRON _005456899 937 2 oouldn't oouldn't ADV _005456899 937 3 even even ADV _005456899 937 4 walk walk VERB _005456899 937 5 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 938 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 938 2 he he PRON _005456899 938 3 spoke speak VERB _005456899 938 4 to to ADP _005456899 938 5 her she PRON _005456899 938 6 of of ADP _005456899 938 7 love love NOUN _005456899 938 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 938 9 she she PRON _005456899 938 10 answered answer VERB _005456899 938 11 truthfully truthfully ADV _005456899 938 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 938 13 in in ADP _005456899 938 14 rudolf rudolf PROPN _005456899 938 15 besier besi ADJ _005456899 938 16 's 's PART _005456899 938 17 great great ADJ _005456899 938 18 play play NOUN _005456899 938 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 938 20 the the DET _005456899 938 21 barretts barretts PROPN _005456899 938 22 of of ADP _005456899 938 23 wimpole wimpole PROPN _005456899 938 24 street street PROPN _005456899 938 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 938 26 that that SCONJ _005456899 938 27 he he PRON _005456899 938 28 is be AUX _005456899 938 29 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 938 30 to to PART _005456899 938 31 think think VERB _005456899 938 32 of of ADP _005456899 938 33 her she PRON _005456899 938 34 that that DET _005456899 938 35 way way NOUN _005456899 938 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 938 37 that that PRON _005456899 938 38 love love NOUN _005456899 938 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 938 40 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 938 41 have have VERB _005456899 938 42 " " PUNCT _005456899 938 43 no no DET _005456899 938 44 place place NOUN _005456899 938 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 938 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 938 47 can can AUX _005456899 938 48 have have VERB _005456899 938 49 no no DET _005456899 938 50 place place NOUN _005456899 938 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 938 52 in in ADP _005456899 938 53 my my PRON _005456899 938 54 life life NOUN _005456899 938 55 . . PUNCT _005456899 938 56 " " PUNCT _005456899 939 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 939 2 why why SCONJ _005456899 939 3 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 939 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 939 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 939 6 for for ADP _005456899 939 7 many many ADJ _005456899 939 8 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 939 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 939 10 but but CCONJ _005456899 939 11 let let VERB _005456899 939 12 this this DET _005456899 939 13 suffice suffice VERB _005456899 939 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 940 1 as as SCONJ _005456899 940 2 i i PRON _005456899 940 3 told tell VERB _005456899 940 4 you you PRON _005456899 940 5 before before ADV _005456899 940 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 940 7 i i PRON _005456899 940 8 am be AUX _005456899 940 9 a a DET _005456899 940 10 dying die VERB _005456899 940 11 woman woman NOUN _005456899 940 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 940 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 941 1 browning brown VERB _005456899 941 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 941 3 passionately passionately ADV _005456899 941 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 941 5 answered answer VERB _005456899 941 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 941 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 941 8 i i PRON _005456899 941 9 refuse refuse VERB _005456899 941 10 to to PART _005456899 941 11 believe believe VERB _005456899 941 12 it it PRON _005456899 941 13 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 941 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 942 1 instead instead ADV _005456899 942 2 of of ADP _005456899 942 3 believing believe VERB _005456899 942 4 in in ADP _005456899 942 5 health health NOUN _005456899 942 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 942 7 browning browning NOUN _005456899 942 8 believed believe VERB _005456899 942 9 in in ADP _005456899 942 10 love love NOUN _005456899 942 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 942 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 942 13 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 942 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 942 15 though though SCONJ _005456899 942 16 sick sick ADJ _005456899 942 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 942 18 really really ADV _005456899 942 19 loved love VERB _005456899 942 20 him he PRON _005456899 942 21 too too ADV _005456899 942 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 943 1 browning brown VERB _005456899 943 2 surely surely ADV _005456899 943 3 must must AUX _005456899 943 4 have have AUX _005456899 943 5 had have VERB _005456899 943 6 the the DET _005456899 943 7 most most ADV _005456899 943 8 wretched wretched ADJ _005456899 943 9 instruction instruction NOUN _005456899 943 10 in in ADP _005456899 943 11 how how SCONJ _005456899 943 12 to to PART _005456899 943 13 pick pick VERB _005456899 943 14 a a DET _005456899 943 15 wife wife NOUN _005456899 943 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 944 1 consequently consequently ADV _005456899 944 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 944 3 sick sick ADJ _005456899 944 4 though though SCONJ _005456899 944 5 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 944 6 was be AUX _005456899 944 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 944 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 944 9 elderly elderly ADJ _005456899 944 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 944 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 944 12 even even ADV _005456899 944 13 a a DET _005456899 944 14 bit bit NOUN _005456899 944 15 neurotic neurotic ADJ _005456899 944 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 944 17 since since SCONJ _005456899 944 18 he he PRON _005456899 944 19 loved love VERB _005456899 944 20 her she PRON _005456899 945 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 945 2 she she PRON _005456899 945 3 loved love VERB _005456899 945 4 him he PRON _005456899 945 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 945 6 he he PRON _005456899 945 7 had have VERB _005456899 945 8 her she PRON _005456899 945 9 carried carry VERB _005456899 945 10 off off ADP _005456899 945 11 to to ADP _005456899 945 12 the the DET _005456899 945 13 church church NOUN _005456899 945 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 945 15 married marry VERB _005456899 945 16 her she PRON _005456899 945 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 946 1 the the DET _005456899 946 2 biographer biographer NOUN _005456899 946 3 in in ADP _005456899 946 4 british british ADJ _005456899 946 5 authors author NOUN _005456899 946 6 of of ADP _005456899 946 7 the the DET _005456899 946 8 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _005456899 946 9 century century NOUN _005456899 946 10 says say VERB _005456899 946 11 briefly briefly ADV _005456899 946 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 946 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 946 14 their their PRON _005456899 946 15 elopement elopement ADJ _005456899 946 16 followed follow VERB _005456899 946 17 in in ADP _005456899 946 18 september september PROPN _005456899 946 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 946 20 the the DET _005456899 946 21 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 946 22 of of ADP _005456899 946 23 sixteen sixteen NUM _005456899 946 24 years year NOUN _005456899 946 25 of of ADP _005456899 946 26 the the DET _005456899 946 27 happiest happy ADJ _005456899 946 28 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 946 29 on on ADP _005456899 946 30 record record NOUN _005456899 946 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 946 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 947 1 they they PRON _005456899 947 2 had have VERB _005456899 947 3 one one NUM _005456899 947 4 son son NOUN _005456899 947 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 947 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 947 7 as as SCONJ _005456899 947 8 was be AUX _005456899 947 9 to to PART _005456899 947 10 be be AUX _005456899 947 11 expected expect VERB _005456899 947 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 947 13 he he PRON _005456899 947 14 was be AUX _005456899 947 15 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 947 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 947 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 947 18 as as SCONJ _005456899 947 19 was be AUX _005456899 947 20 to to PART _005456899 947 21 be be AUX _005456899 947 22 expected expect VERB _005456899 947 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 947 24 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 947 25 died die VERB _005456899 947 26 long long ADV _005456899 947 27 before before ADP _005456899 947 28 her her PRON _005456899 947 29 husband husband NOUN _005456899 947 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 948 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 948 2 they they PRON _005456899 948 3 h h VERB _005456899 948 4 ad ad NOUN _005456899 948 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 948 6 sixteen sixteen NUM _005456899 948 7 years year NOUN _005456899 948 8 of of ADP _005456899 948 9 the the DET _005456899 948 10 happiest happy ADJ _005456899 948 11 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 948 12 on on ADP _005456899 948 13 record record NOUN _005456899 948 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 948 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 948 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 948 17 the the DET _005456899 948 18 poets poet NOUN _005456899 948 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 948 20 dramatists dramatist NOUN _005456899 948 21 are be AUX _005456899 948 22 still still ADV _005456899 948 23 singing singe VERB _005456899 948 24 that that DET _005456899 948 25 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 948 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 948 27 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 948 28 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 949 1 some some DET _005456899 949 2 other other ADJ _005456899 949 3 great great ADJ _005456899 949 4 men man NOUN _005456899 949 5 married marry VERB _005456899 949 6 happily happily ADV _005456899 949 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 949 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 949 9 not not PART _005456899 949 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 949 11 wisely wisely ADV _005456899 949 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 949 13 another another DET _005456899 949 14 very very ADV _005456899 949 15 stupid stupid ADJ _005456899 949 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 949 17 very very ADV _005456899 949 18 happy happy ADJ _005456899 949 19 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 949 20 was be AUX _005456899 949 21 that that PRON _005456899 949 22 of of ADP _005456899 949 23 42 42 NUM _005456899 949 24 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 949 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 949 26 coui).tsidp coui).tsidp NOUN _005456899 949 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 949 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 949 29 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 949 30 twenty twenty NUM _005456899 949 31 - - PUNCT _005456899 949 32 year year NOUN _005456899 949 33 - - PUNCT _005456899 949 34 old old ADJ _005456899 949 35 snitkina snitkina NOUN _005456899 949 36 to to PART _005456899 949 37 widower widower VERB _005456899 949 38 dostoevski dostoevski NOUN _005456899 949 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 949 40 a a DET _005456899 949 41 very very ADV _005456899 949 42 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005456899 949 43 epileptic epileptic ADJ _005456899 949 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 949 45 passionate passionate ADJ _005456899 949 46 gambler gambler NOUN _005456899 949 47 besides besides ADV _005456899 949 48 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 950 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 950 2 she she PRON _005456899 950 3 loved love VERB _005456899 950 4 him he PRON _005456899 950 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 950 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 950 7 he he PRON _005456899 950 8 her she PRON _005456899 950 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 950 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 950 11 it it PRON _005456899 950 12 was be AUX _005456899 950 13 a a DET _005456899 950 14 very very ADV _005456899 950 15 successful successful ADJ _005456899 950 16 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 950 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 951 1 another another DET _005456899 951 2 happy happy ADJ _005456899 951 3 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 951 4 was be AUX _005456899 951 5 that that PRON _005456899 951 6 of of ADP _005456899 951 7 samuel samuel PROPN _005456899 951 8 johnson johnson PROPN _005456899 951 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 951 10 but but CCONJ _005456899 951 11 the the DET _005456899 951 12 widow widow NOUN _005456899 951 13 who who PRON _005456899 951 14 married marry VERB _005456899 951 15 him he PRON _005456899 951 16 was be AUX _005456899 951 17 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 951 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 951 19 too too ADV _005456899 951 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 951 21 for for SCONJ _005456899 951 22 poor poor ADJ _005456899 951 23 johnson johnson PROPN _005456899 951 24 had have VERB _005456899 951 25 a a DET _005456899 951 26 chronic chronic ADJ _005456899 951 27 face face NOUN _005456899 951 28 - - PUNCT _005456899 951 29 distorting distort VERB _005456899 951 30 case case NOUN _005456899 951 31 of of ADP _005456899 951 32 scrofula scrofula PROPN _005456899 951 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 952 1 another another DET _005456899 952 2 woman woman NOUN _005456899 952 3 very very ADV _005456899 952 4 happily happily ADV _005456899 952 5 but but CCONJ _005456899 952 6 very very ADV _005456899 952 7 foolishly foolishly ADV _005456899 952 8 married marry VERB _005456899 952 9 the the DET _005456899 952 10 consumptive consumptive PROPN _005456899 952 11 robert robert PROPN _005456899 952 12 louis louis PROPN _005456899 952 13 stevenson stevenson PROPN _005456899 952 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 953 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 953 2 the the DET _005456899 953 3 how how ADV _005456899 953 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 953 5 topick topick VERB _005456899 953 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 953 7 a a DET _005456899 953 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 953 9 husband husband NOUN _005456899 953 10 manuals manual NOUN _005456899 953 11 had have VERB _005456899 953 12 their their PRON _005456899 953 13 way way NOUN _005456899 953 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 953 15 these these DET _005456899 953 16 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 953 17 fellows fellow NOUN _005456899 953 18 would would AUX _005456899 953 19 all all ADV _005456899 953 20 have have AUX _005456899 953 21 had have VERB _005456899 953 22 to to PART _005456899 953 23 die die VERB _005456899 953 24 in in ADP _005456899 953 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 953 26 single single ADJ _005456899 953 27 blessedness blessedness NOUN _005456899 953 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 953 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 954 1 the the DET _005456899 954 2 author author NOUN _005456899 954 3 's 's PART _005456899 954 4 bitter bitter ADJ _005456899 954 5 choice choice NOUN _005456899 954 6 between between ADP _005456899 954 7 love love NOUN _005456899 954 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 954 9 tone tone NOUN _005456899 954 10 deafness deafness NOUN _005456899 954 11 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 955 1 in in ADP _005456899 955 2 playful playful ADJ _005456899 955 3 sadness sadness NOUN _005456899 955 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 955 5 i i PRON _005456899 955 6 sigh sigh VERB _005456899 955 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 955 8 i i PRON _005456899 955 9 think think VERB _005456899 955 10 of of ADP _005456899 955 11 what what PRON _005456899 955 12 can can AUX _005456899 955 13 happen happen VERB _005456899 955 14 to to ADP _005456899 955 15 a a DET _005456899 955 16 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 955 17 when when SCONJ _005456899 955 18 he he PRON _005456899 955 19 has have AUX _005456899 955 20 been be AUX _005456899 955 21 taught teach VERB _005456899 955 22 not not PART _005456899 955 23 to to PART _005456899 955 24 marry marry VERB _005456899 955 25 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 955 26 who who PRON _005456899 955 27 is be AUX _005456899 955 28 n't not PART _005456899 955 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 955 30 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 955 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 955 32 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 956 1 once once ADV _005456899 956 2 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 956 3 a a DET _005456899 956 4 time time NOUN _005456899 956 5 it it PRON _005456899 956 6 happened happen VERB _005456899 956 7 to to ADP _005456899 956 8 me i PRON _005456899 956 9 for for ADP _005456899 956 10 the the DET _005456899 956 11 first first ADJ _005456899 956 12 upsetting upsetting ADJ _005456899 956 13 time time NOUN _005456899 956 14 to to PART _005456899 956 15 feel feel VERB _005456899 956 16 for for ADP _005456899 956 17 one one NUM _005456899 956 18 particular particular ADJ _005456899 956 19 damsel damsel NOUN _005456899 956 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 956 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 956 22 affection affection NOUN _005456899 956 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 956 24 the the DET _005456899 956 25 questionnaire questionnaire NOUN _005456899 956 26 speaks speak VERB _005456899 956 27 of of ADP _005456899 956 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 957 1 at at ADP _005456899 957 2 the the DET _005456899 957 3 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 957 4 she she PRON _005456899 957 5 seemed seem VERB _005456899 957 6 to to PART _005456899 957 7 have have VERB _005456899 957 8 all all DET _005456899 957 9 the the DET _005456899 957 10 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 957 11 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 957 12 on on ADP _005456899 957 13 our our PRON _005456899 957 14 list list NOUN _005456899 957 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 958 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 958 2 lo lo PROPN _005456899 958 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 958 4 sadly sadly ADV _005456899 958 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 958 6 it it PRON _005456899 958 7 developed develop VERB _005456899 958 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 958 9 she she PRON _005456899 958 10 was be AUX _005456899 958 11 tone tone NOUN _005456899 958 12 deaf deaf ADJ _005456899 958 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 958 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 958 15 she she PRON _005456899 958 16 not not PART _005456899 958 17 only only ADV _005456899 958 18 could could AUX _005456899 958 19 not not PART _005456899 958 20 dance dance VERB _005456899 958 21 in in ADP _005456899 958 22 rhythm rhythm NOUN _005456899 958 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 958 24 but but CCONJ _005456899 958 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 958 26 she she PRON _005456899 958 27 could could AUX _005456899 958 28 not not PART _005456899 958 29 carry carry VERB _005456899 958 30 a a DET _005456899 958 31 tune tune NOUN _005456899 958 32 - - PUNCT _005456899 958 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 958 34 what what PRON _005456899 958 35 was be AUX _005456899 958 36 infinitely infinitely ADV _005456899 958 37 worse bad ADJ _005456899 958 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 958 39 that that SCONJ _005456899 958 40 her her PRON _005456899 958 41 children child NOUN _005456899 958 42 probably probably ADV _005456899 958 43 would would AUX _005456899 958 44 not not PART _005456899 958 45 be be AUX _005456899 958 46 able able ADJ _005456899 958 47 to to PART _005456899 958 48 dance dance VERB _005456899 958 49 or or CCONJ _005456899 958 50 carry carry VERB _005456899 958 51 a a DET _005456899 958 52 tune tune NOUN _005456899 958 53 either either ADV _005456899 958 54 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 959 1 imagine imagine VERB _005456899 959 2 a a DET _005456899 959 3 man man NOUN _005456899 959 4 growing grow VERB _005456899 959 5 old old ADJ _005456899 959 6 with with ADP _005456899 959 7 five five NUM _005456899 959 8 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 959 9 who who PRON _005456899 959 10 could could AUX _005456899 959 11 not not PART _005456899 959 12 dance dance VERB _005456899 959 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 959 14 carry carry VERB _005456899 959 15 a a DET _005456899 959 16 tune tune NOUN _005456899 959 17 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 960 1 so so ADV _005456899 960 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 960 3 better well ADV _005456899 960 4 instructed instruct VERB _005456899 960 5 than than ADP _005456899 960 6 browning brown VERB _005456899 960 7 in in ADP _005456899 960 8 choice choice NOUN _005456899 960 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 960 10 of of ADP _005456899 960 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 960 12 mate mate NOUN _005456899 960 13 matters matter NOUN _005456899 960 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 960 15 i i PRON _005456899 960 16 sadly sadly ADV _005456899 960 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 960 18 resolutely resolutely ADV _005456899 960 19 turned turn VERB _005456899 960 20 the the DET _005456899 960 21 other other ADJ _005456899 960 22 way way NOUN _005456899 960 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 961 1 the the DET _005456899 961 2 author author NOUN _005456899 961 3 meets meet VERB _005456899 961 4 a a DET _005456899 961 5 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 961 6 creature creature NOUN _005456899 961 7 who who PRON _005456899 961 8 asks ask VERB _005456899 961 9 if if SCONJ _005456899 961 10 he he PRON _005456899 961 11 is be AUX _005456899 961 12 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 961 13 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 962 1 the the DET _005456899 962 2 second second ADJ _005456899 962 3 time time NOUN _005456899 962 4 i i PRON _005456899 962 5 felt feel VERB _005456899 962 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 962 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 962 8 affection affection NOUN _005456899 962 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 962 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 962 11 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 962 12 for for SCONJ _005456899 962 13 it it PRON _005456899 962 14 can can AUX _005456899 962 15 come come VERB _005456899 962 16 several several ADJ _005456899 962 17 times time NOUN _005456899 962 18 in in ADP _005456899 962 19 one one NUM _005456899 962 20 's 's PART _005456899 962 21 life life NOUN _005456899 962 22 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 962 23 it it PRON _005456899 962 24 was be AUX _005456899 962 25 for for ADP _005456899 962 26 someone someone PRON _005456899 962 27 apparently apparently ADV _005456899 962 28 even even ADV _005456899 962 29 more more ADV _005456899 962 30 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 962 31 than than ADP _005456899 962 32 the the DET _005456899 962 33 first first ADJ _005456899 962 34 time time NOUN _005456899 962 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 963 1 in in ADP _005456899 963 2 fact fact NOUN _005456899 963 3 the the PRON _005456899 963 4 better well ADV _005456899 963 5 i i PRON _005456899 963 6 knew know VERB _005456899 963 7 her she PRON _005456899 963 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 963 9 the the PRON _005456899 963 10 more more ADV _005456899 963 11 obvious obvious ADJ _005456899 963 12 it it PRON _005456899 963 13 was be AUX _005456899 963 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 963 15 she she PRON _005456899 963 16 was be AUX _005456899 963 17 a a DET _005456899 963 18 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 963 19 specimen speciman NOUN _005456899 963 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 963 21 someone someone PRON _005456899 963 22 every every DET _005456899 963 23 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 963 24 councellor councellor NOUN _005456899 963 25 would would AUX _005456899 963 26 recommend recommend VERB _005456899 963 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 964 1 so so ADV _005456899 964 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 964 3 seeing see VERB _005456899 964 4 a a DET _005456899 964 5 good good ADJ _005456899 964 6 bargain bargain NOUN _005456899 964 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 964 8 i i PRON _005456899 964 9 made make VERB _005456899 964 10 my my PRON _005456899 964 11 bid bid NOUN _005456899 964 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 965 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 965 2 now now ADV _005456899 965 3 the the DET _005456899 965 4 unexpected unexpected ADJ _005456899 965 5 happened happen VERB _005456899 965 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 966 1 it it PRON _005456899 966 2 was be AUX _005456899 966 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 967 1 completely completely ADV _005456899 967 2 discountenancing discountenance VERB _005456899 967 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 968 1 apparently apparently ADV _005456899 968 2 this this DET _005456899 968 3 creature creature NOUN _005456899 968 4 had have AUX _005456899 968 5 also also ADV _005456899 968 6 had have VERB _005456899 968 7 some some DET _005456899 968 8 courses course NOUN _005456899 968 9 on on ADP _005456899 968 10 how how SCONJ _005456899 968 11 to to PART _005456899 968 12 choose choose VERB _005456899 968 13 a a DET _005456899 968 14 mate mate NOUN _005456899 968 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 969 1 i i PRON _005456899 969 2 had have AUX _005456899 969 3 told tell VERB _005456899 969 4 her she PRON _005456899 969 5 a a DET _005456899 969 6 good good ADJ _005456899 969 7 many many ADJ _005456899 969 8 things thing NOUN _005456899 969 9 about about ADP _005456899 969 10 myself myself PRON _005456899 969 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 970 1 most most ADJ _005456899 970 2 of of ADP _005456899 970 3 them they PRON _005456899 970 4 were be AUX _005456899 970 5 not not PART _005456899 970 6 bad bad ADJ _005456899 970 7 to to PART _005456899 970 8 tell tell VERB _005456899 970 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 971 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 971 2 one one NUM _005456899 971 3 thing thing NOUN _005456899 971 4 i i PRON _005456899 971 5 had have AUX _005456899 971 6 n't not PART _005456899 971 7 told tell VERB _005456899 971 8 her she PRON _005456899 971 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 972 1 however however ADV _005456899 972 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 972 3 it it PRON _005456899 972 4 seems seem VERB _005456899 972 5 one one NUM _005456899 972 6 day day NOUN _005456899 972 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 972 8 she she PRON _005456899 972 9 kept keep VERB _005456899 972 10 insisting insist VERB _005456899 972 11 i i PRON _005456899 972 12 tell tell VERB _005456899 972 13 her she PRON _005456899 972 14 which which PRON _005456899 972 15 of of ADP _005456899 972 16 her her PRON _005456899 972 17 several several ADJ _005456899 972 18 evening evening NOUN _005456899 972 19 dresses dress NOUN _005456899 972 20 i i PRON _005456899 972 21 preferred prefer VERB _005456899 972 22 she she PRON _005456899 972 23 discove discove VERB _005456899 972 24 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 972 25 ed ed NOUN _005456899 972 26 it it PRON _005456899 972 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 973 1 the the DET _005456899 973 2 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 973 3 creature creature NOUN _005456899 973 4 finds find VERB _005456899 973 5 the the DET _005456899 973 6 author author NOUN _005456899 973 7 ~ot ~ot PUNCT _005456899 973 8 perfect perfect VERB _005456899 973 9 the the DET _005456899 973 10 fact fact NOUN _005456899 973 11 is be AUX _005456899 973 12 : : PUNCT _005456899 973 13 i i PRON _005456899 973 14 am be AUX _005456899 973 15 color color NOUN _005456899 973 16 blind blind ADJ _005456899 973 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 974 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 974 2 she she PRON _005456899 974 3 thought think VERB _005456899 974 4 it it PRON _005456899 974 5 would would AUX _005456899 974 6 be be AUX _005456899 974 7 terrible terrible ADJ _005456899 974 8 to to PART _005456899 974 9 grow grow VERB _005456899 974 10 old old ADJ _005456899 974 11 with with ADP _005456899 974 12 five five NUM _005456899 974 13 sons son NOUN _005456899 974 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 974 15 none none NOUN _005456899 974 16 of of ADP _005456899 974 17 whom whom PRON _005456899 974 18 could could AUX _005456899 974 19 compliment compliment VERB _005456899 974 20 her she PRON _005456899 974 21 on on ADP _005456899 974 22 the the DET _005456899 974 23 shade shade NOUN _005456899 974 24 of of ADP _005456899 974 25 her her PRON _005456899 974 26 dresses dress NOUN _005456899 974 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 975 1 anyhow anyhow ADV _005456899 975 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 975 3 i i PRON _005456899 975 4 came come VERB _005456899 975 5 out out ADP _005456899 975 6 of of ADP _005456899 975 7 that that DET _005456899 975 8 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 975 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 975 10 fully fully ADV _005456899 975 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 975 12 safely safely ADV _005456899 975 13 single single ADJ _005456899 975 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 976 1 in in ADP _005456899 976 2 addi addi PROPN _005456899 976 3 i i PRON _005456899 976 4 was be AUX _005456899 976 5 also also ADV _005456899 976 6 been be AUX _005456899 976 7 wise wise ADJ _005456899 976 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 976 9 ways way NOUN _005456899 976 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 976 11 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 976 12 so so ADV _005456899 976 13 unf1 unf1 PROPN _005456899 976 14 casions casion NOUN _005456899 976 15 fo fo ADP _005456899 976 16 aroused arouse VERB _005456899 976 17 tl tl AUX _005456899 976 18 seemed seem VERB _005456899 976 19 to to PART _005456899 976 20 had had VERB _005456899 976 21 them they PRON _005456899 976 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 977 1 months month NOUN _005456899 977 2 of of ADP _005456899 977 3 herself herself PRON _005456899 977 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 977 5 so so SCONJ _005456899 977 6 which which PRON _005456899 977 7 wa wa ADJ _005456899 977 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 977 9 began begin VERB _005456899 977 10 to to PART _005456899 977 11 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 977 12 when when SCONJ _005456899 977 13 that that PRON _005456899 977 14 eveni eveni VERB _005456899 977 15 her her PRON _005456899 977 16 nose nose NOUN _005456899 977 17 -v -v X _005456899 977 18 out out ADP _005456899 977 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 977 20 i i PRON _005456899 977 21 erie erie VERB _005456899 977 22 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 977 23 se se ADV _005456899 977 24 what what PRON _005456899 977 25 can can AUX _005456899 977 26 but but CCONJ _005456899 977 27 in in ADP _005456899 977 28 they they PRON _005456899 977 29 are be AUX _005456899 977 30 vi vi ADV _005456899 977 31 cried cry VERB _005456899 977 32 out~ out~ PROPN _005456899 977 33 hayfever hayfever ADV _005456899 977 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 977 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 977 36 powerfulh powerfulh PROPN _005456899 977 37 well well ADV _005456899 977 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 977 39 tl tl ADP _005456899 977 40 one one NUM _005456899 977 41 could could AUX _005456899 977 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 978 1 ing ing PROPN _005456899 978 2 high~ high~ PROPN _005456899 978 3 than than ADP _005456899 978 4 half half DET _005456899 978 5 t t NOUN _005456899 978 6 army army NOUN _005456899 978 7 rejec rejec NOUN _005456899 978 8 one one NUM _005456899 978 9 looks look VERB _005456899 978 10 a a DET _005456899 978 11 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 978 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 978 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 978 14 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 978 15 · · PUNCT _005456899 978 16 in in ADP _005456899 978 17 their their PRON _005456899 978 18 br br NOUN _005456899 978 19 : : PUNCT _005456899 978 20 never never ADV _005456899 978 21 pass pass VERB _005456899 978 22 ----~~-----~ ----~~-----~ PUNCT _005456899 978 23 ilfortu1 ilfortu1 VERB _005456899 978 24 him he PRON _005456899 978 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 978 26 b.appy b.appy PROPN _005456899 978 27 arried arrie VERB _005456899 978 28 orting orte VERB _005456899 978 29 •lishly •lishly ADV _005456899 978 30 w w NOUN _005456899 978 31 - - NOUN _005456899 978 32 tomuld tomuld NOUN _005456899 978 33 how how SCONJ _005456899 978 34 not not PART _005456899 978 35 to to PART _005456899 978 36 choose choose VERB _005456899 978 37 a a DET _005456899 978 38 mate mate NOUN _005456899 978 39 43 43 NUM _005456899 978 40 in in ADP _005456899 978 41 addition addition NOUN _005456899 978 42 to to ADP _005456899 978 43 being be AUX _005456899 978 44 color color NOUN _005456899 978 45 blind blind ADJ _005456899 978 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 978 47 i i PRON _005456899 978 48 could could AUX _005456899 978 49 not not PART _005456899 978 50 help help VERB _005456899 978 51 realizing realize VERB _005456899 978 52 that that SCONJ _005456899 978 53 i i PRON _005456899 978 54 was be AUX _005456899 978 55 also also ADV _005456899 978 56 subject subject ADJ _005456899 978 57 to to ADP _005456899 978 58 migraine migraine PROPN _005456899 978 59 headaches headache NOUN _005456899 978 60 . . PUNCT _005456899 979 1 really really ADV _005456899 979 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 979 3 the the DET _005456899 979 4 girl girl NOUN _005456899 979 5 had have AUX _005456899 979 6 only only ADV _005456899 979 7 been be AUX _005456899 979 8 wise wise ADJ _005456899 979 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 979 10 i i PRON _005456899 979 11 had have VERB _005456899 979 12 to to PART _005456899 979 13 admit admit VERB _005456899 979 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 979 15 in in ADP _005456899 979 16 saying say VERB _005456899 979 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 979 18 she she PRON _005456899 979 19 hoped hope VERB _005456899 979 20 we we PRON _005456899 979 21 would would AUX _005456899 979 22 always always ADV _005456899 979 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 979 24 only only ADV _005456899 979 25 b_e b_e PUNCT _005456899 979 26 the the DET _005456899 979 27 best good ADJ _005456899 979 28 of of ADP _005456899 979 29 friends friend NOUN _005456899 979 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 979 31 in in ADP _005456899 979 32 spite spite NOUN _005456899 979 33 of of ADP _005456899 979 34 everything everything PRON _005456899 979 35 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 980 1 the the DET _005456899 980 2 author author NOUN _005456899 980 3 has have VERB _005456899 980 4 a a DET _005456899 980 5 third third ADJ _005456899 980 6 disappointment disappointment NOUN _005456899 980 7 so so ADV _005456899 980 8 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 980 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 980 10 after after ADP _005456899 980 11 a a DET _005456899 980 12 suitable suitable ADJ _005456899 980 13 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005456899 980 14 from from ADP _005456899 980 15 public public ADJ _005456899 980 16 occasions occasion NOUN _005456899 980 17 following follow VERB _005456899 980 18 my my PRON _005456899 980 19 discomfiture discomfiture NOUN _005456899 980 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 980 21 i i PRON _005456899 980 22 again again ADV _005456899 980 23 met meet VERB _005456899 980 24 someone someone PRON _005456899 980 25 who who PRON _005456899 980 26 aroused arouse VERB _005456899 980 27 that that SCONJ _005456899 980 28 certain certain ADJ _005456899 980 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 980 30 affection affection NOUN _005456899 980 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 980 32 in in ADP _005456899 980 33 me i PRON _005456899 980 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 981 1 surely surely ADV _005456899 981 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 981 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 981 4 ever ever ADV _005456899 981 5 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 981 6 seemed seem VERB _005456899 981 7 to to PART _005456899 981 8 have have VERB _005456899 981 9 all all DET _005456899 981 10 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 981 11 of of ADP _005456899 981 12 those those DET _005456899 981 13 choice choice NOUN _005456899 981 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 981 15 of of ADP _005456899 981 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 981 17 mate mate NOUN _005456899 981 18 requirements requirement NOUN _005456899 981 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 981 20 she she PRON _005456899 981 21 had have VERB _005456899 981 22 them they PRON _005456899 981 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 982 1 we we PRON _005456899 982 2 knew know VERB _005456899 982 3 each each DET _005456899 982 4 other other ADJ _005456899 982 5 merrily merrily ADV _005456899 982 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 982 7 happily happily ADV _005456899 982 8 through through ADP _005456899 982 9 the the DET _005456899 982 10 months month NOUN _005456899 982 11 of of ADP _005456899 982 12 spring spring NOUN _005456899 982 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 983 1 she she PRON _005456899 983 2 had have AUX _005456899 983 3 evidently evidently ADV _005456899 983 4 not not PART _005456899 983 5 had have VERB _005456899 983 6 proper proper ADJ _005456899 983 7 instruction instruction NOUN _005456899 983 8 herself herself PRON _005456899 983 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 983 10 so so SCONJ _005456899 983 11 she she PRON _005456899 983 12 lightly lightly ADV _005456899 983 13 overlooked overlook VERB _005456899 983 14 my my PRON _005456899 983 15 migraine migraine NOUN _005456899 983 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 983 17 colorblindness colorblindness NOUN _005456899 983 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 983 19 which which PRON _005456899 983 20 was be AUX _005456899 983 21 very very ADV _005456899 983 22 fine fine ADJ _005456899 983 23 with with ADP _005456899 983 24 me i PRON _005456899 983 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 984 1 all all PRON _005456899 984 2 in in ADV _005456899 984 3 all all PRON _005456899 984 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 984 5 this this DET _005456899 984 6 time time NOUN _005456899 984 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 984 8 hope hope NOUN _005456899 984 9 really really ADV _005456899 984 10 began begin VERB _005456899 984 11 to to PART _005456899 984 12 surge surge VERB _005456899 984 13 violently violently ADV _005456899 984 14 in in ADP _005456899 984 15 my my PRON _005456899 984 16 breast breast NOUN _005456899 984 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 985 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 985 2 along along ADV _005456899 985 3 came come VERB _005456899 985 4 the the DET _005456899 985 5 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005456899 985 6 of of ADP _005456899 985 7 august august PROPN _005456899 985 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 986 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 986 2 i i PRON _005456899 986 3 saw see VERB _005456899 986 4 her she PRON _005456899 986 5 that that DET _005456899 986 6 evening evening NOUN _005456899 986 7 i i PRON _005456899 986 8 hardly hardly ADV _005456899 986 9 recognized recognize VERB _005456899 986 10 her she PRON _005456899 986 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 987 1 her her PRON _005456899 987 2 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 987 3 were be AUX _005456899 987 4 swollen swollen ADJ _005456899 987 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 987 6 her her PRON _005456899 987 7 nose nose NOUN _005456899 987 8 was be AUX _005456899 987 9 red red ADJ _005456899 987 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 988 1 violently violently ADV _005456899 988 2 fighting fight VERB _005456899 988 3 an an DET _005456899 988 4 ugly ugly ADJ _005456899 988 5 suspicion suspicion NOUN _005456899 988 6 down down ADV _005456899 988 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 988 8 out out ADV _005456899 988 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 988 10 i i PRON _005456899 988 11 cried cry VERB _005456899 988 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 988 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 988 14 annie annie PROPN _005456899 988 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 988 16 dear dear ADJ _005456899 988 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 988 18 has have AUX _005456899 988 19 someone someone PRON _005456899 988 20 made make VERB _005456899 988 21 you you PRON _005456899 988 22 cry cry VERB _005456899 988 23 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 989 1 have have AUX _005456899 989 2 i i PRON _005456899 989 3 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 989 4 sent send VERB _005456899 989 5 you you PRON _005456899 989 6 a a DET _005456899 989 7 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 989 8 letter letter NOUN _005456899 989 9 in in ADP _005456899 989 10 a a DET _005456899 989 11 right right ADJ _005456899 989 12 envelope envelope NOUN _005456899 989 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 989 14 something something PRON _005456899 989 15 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 990 1 what what PRON _005456899 990 2 can can AUX _005456899 990 3 it it PRON _005456899 990 4 be be AUX _005456899 990 5 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 991 1 what what PRON _005456899 991 2 have have AUX _005456899 991 3 i i PRON _005456899 991 4 done do VERB _005456899 991 5 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 991 6 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 991 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 992 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 992 2 in in ADP _005456899 992 3 this this DET _005456899 992 4 world world NOUN _005456899 992 5 things thing NOUN _005456899 992 6 are be AUX _005456899 992 7 seldom seldom ADV _005456899 992 8 better well ADJ _005456899 992 9 than than SCONJ _005456899 992 10 expected expect VERB _005456899 992 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 992 12 they they PRON _005456899 992 13 are be AUX _005456899 992 14 worse bad ADJ _005456899 992 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 993 1 never never ADV _005456899 993 2 suspecting suspect VERB _005456899 993 3 what what PRON _005456899 993 4 it it PRON _005456899 993 5 would would AUX _005456899 993 6 mean mean VERB _005456899 993 7 to to ADP _005456899 993 8 me i PRON _005456899 993 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 993 10 she she PRON _005456899 993 11 cried cry VERB _005456899 993 12 out out ADP _005456899 993 13 almost almost ADV _005456899 993 14 happily happily ADV _005456899 993 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 993 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 993 17 oh oh INTJ _005456899 993 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 993 19 you you PRON _005456899 993 20 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 994 1 it it PRON _005456899 994 2 's be AUX _005456899 994 3 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 994 4 at at ADV _005456899 994 5 all all ADV _005456899 994 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 995 1 it it PRON _005456899 995 2 's be AUX _005456899 995 3 just just ADV _005456899 995 4 my my PRON _005456899 995 5 hayfever hayfever NOUN _005456899 995 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 996 1 always always ADV _005456899 996 2 comes come VERB _005456899 996 3 on on ADP _005456899 996 4 the the DET _005456899 996 5 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005456899 996 6 of of ADP _005456899 996 7 august august PROPN _005456899 996 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 997 1 i i PRON _005456899 997 2 have have VERB _005456899 997 3 real real ADJ _005456899 997 4 powerful powerful ADJ _005456899 997 5 hayfever hayfever NOUN _005456899 997 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 997 7 i i PRON _005456899 997 8 have have VERB _005456899 997 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 998 1 got get VERB _005456899 998 2 it it PRON _005456899 998 3 from from ADP _005456899 998 4 both both CCONJ _005456899 998 5 my my PRON _005456899 998 6 grandmothers grandmother NOUN _005456899 998 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 998 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 999 1 convinced convince VERB _005456899 999 2 that that SCONJ _005456899 999 3 the the DET _005456899 999 4 human human ADJ _005456899 999 5 race race NOUN _005456899 999 6 is be AUX _005456899 999 7 too too ADV _005456899 999 8 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005456899 999 9 to to PART _005456899 999 10 marry marry VERB _005456899 999 11 the the DET _005456899 999 12 author author NOUN _005456899 999 13 gave give VERB _005456899 999 14 up up ADP _005456899 999 15 hope hope NOUN _005456899 999 16 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1000 1 well well INTJ _005456899 1000 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1000 3 there there ADV _005456899 1000 4 i i PRON _005456899 1000 5 was be AUX _005456899 1000 6 again again ADV _005456899 1000 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1001 1 this this DET _005456899 1001 2 time time NOUN _005456899 1001 3 i i PRON _005456899 1001 4 gave give VERB _005456899 1001 5 up up ADP _005456899 1001 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1002 1 i i PRON _005456899 1002 2 figured figure VERB _005456899 1002 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1002 4 if if SCONJ _005456899 1002 5 one one PRON _005456899 1002 6 could could AUX _005456899 1002 7 only only ADV _005456899 1002 8 marry marry VERB _005456899 1002 9 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1002 10 who who PRON _005456899 1002 11 was be AUX _005456899 1002 12 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 1002 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1002 14 not not PART _005456899 1002 15 even even ADV _005456899 1002 16 mentioning mention VERB _005456899 1002 17 high high ADJ _005456899 1002 18 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1002 19 character character NOUN _005456899 1002 20 or or CCONJ _005456899 1002 21 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005456899 1002 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1002 23 why why SCONJ _005456899 1002 24 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 1002 25 not not PART _005456899 1002 26 more more ADJ _005456899 1002 27 than than ADP _005456899 1002 28 half half DET _005456899 1002 29 the the DET _005456899 1002 30 people people NOUN _005456899 1002 31 in in ADP _005456899 1002 32 the the DET _005456899 1002 33 world world NOUN _005456899 1002 34 could could AUX _005456899 1002 35 ever ever ADV _005456899 1002 36 marry marry VERB _005456899 1002 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1003 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1003 2 even even ADV _005456899 1003 3 the the DET _005456899 1003 4 army army NOUN _005456899 1003 5 rejected reject VERB _005456899 1003 6 one one NUM _005456899 1003 7 out out ADP _005456899 1003 8 of of ADP _005456899 1003 9 every every DET _005456899 1003 10 four four NUM _005456899 1003 11 as as ADP _005456899 1003 12 a a DET _005456899 1003 13 4 4 NUM _005456899 1003 14 - - SYM _005456899 1003 15 f f NUM _005456899 1003 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1003 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1003 18 when when SCONJ _005456899 1003 19 after after SCONJ _005456899 1003 20 that that DET _005456899 1003 21 one one NUM _005456899 1003 22 looks look VERB _005456899 1003 23 at at ADP _005456899 1003 24 those those PRON _005456899 1003 25 the the DET _005456899 1003 26 army army NOUN _005456899 1003 27 accepted accept VERB _005456899 1003 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1003 29 the the DET _005456899 1003 30 fellows fellow NOUN _005456899 1003 31 with with ADP _005456899 1003 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 1003 33 corrected correct VERB _005456899 1003 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 1003 35 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 1003 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1003 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 1003 38 " " PUNCT _005456899 1003 39 corrected correct VERB _005456899 1003 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 1003 41 teeth tooth NOUN _005456899 1003 42 and and CCONJ _005456899 1003 43 with with ADP _005456899 1003 44 boils boil NOUN _005456899 1003 45 on on ADP _005456899 1003 46 their their PRON _005456899 1003 47 face face NOUN _005456899 1003 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 1003 49 kinks kink NOUN _005456899 1003 50 in in ADP _005456899 1003 51 their their PRON _005456899 1003 52 brains brain NOUN _005456899 1003 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 1003 54 clearly clearly ADV _005456899 1003 55 more more ADJ _005456899 1003 56 than than ADP _005456899 1003 57 half half DET _005456899 1003 58 the the DET _005456899 1003 59 men man NOUN _005456899 1003 60 in in ADP _005456899 1003 61 the the DET _005456899 1003 62 world world NOUN _005456899 1003 63 could could AUX _005456899 1003 64 never never ADV _005456899 1003 65 pass pass VERB _005456899 1003 66 the the DET _005456899 1003 67 choice choice NOUN _005456899 1003 68 - - PUNCT _005456899 1003 69 of of ADP _005456899 1003 70 - - PUNCT _005456899 1003 71 a a DET _005456899 1003 72 - - PUNCT _005456899 1003 73 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1003 74 health health NOUN _005456899 1003 75 test test NOUN _005456899 1003 76 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1004 1 42 42 NUM _005456899 1004 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1004 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1004 4 co co NOUN _005456899 1004 5 ~ ~ NOUN _005456899 1004 6 tship tship NOUN _005456899 1004 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1004 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1004 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1004 10 twenty twenty NUM _005456899 1004 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1004 12 year year NOUN _005456899 1004 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 1004 14 old old ADJ _005456899 1004 15 snitkina snitkina NOUN _005456899 1004 16 to to PART _005456899 1004 17 widower widower VERB _005456899 1004 18 dostoevski dostoevski NOUN _005456899 1004 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1004 20 a a DET _005456899 1004 21 very very ADV _005456899 1004 22 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005456899 1004 23 epileptic epileptic ADJ _005456899 1004 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1004 25 passionate passionate ADJ _005456899 1004 26 gambler gambler NOUN _005456899 1004 27 besides besides ADV _005456899 1004 28 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1005 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1005 2 she she PRON _005456899 1005 3 loved love VERB _005456899 1005 4 him he PRON _005456899 1005 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1005 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1005 7 he he PRON _005456899 1005 8 her she PRON _005456899 1005 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1005 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1005 11 it it PRON _005456899 1005 12 was be AUX _005456899 1005 13 a a DET _005456899 1005 14 very very ADV _005456899 1005 15 successful successful ADJ _005456899 1005 16 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1005 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1006 1 another another DET _005456899 1006 2 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1006 3 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1006 4 was be AUX _005456899 1006 5 that that PRON _005456899 1006 6 of of ADP _005456899 1006 7 samuel samuel PROPN _005456899 1006 8 johnson johnson PROPN _005456899 1006 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1006 10 but but CCONJ _005456899 1006 11 the the DET _005456899 1006 12 widow widow NOUN _005456899 1006 13 who who PRON _005456899 1006 14 married marry VERB _005456899 1006 15 him he PRON _005456899 1006 16 was be AUX _005456899 1006 17 foolish foolish ADJ _005456899 1006 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1006 19 too too ADV _005456899 1006 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1006 21 for for SCONJ _005456899 1006 22 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1006 23 johnson johnson PROPN _005456899 1006 24 had have VERB _005456899 1006 25 a a DET _005456899 1006 26 chronic chronic ADJ _005456899 1006 27 face face NOUN _005456899 1006 28 - - PUNCT _005456899 1006 29 distorting distort VERB _005456899 1006 30 case case NOUN _005456899 1006 31 of of ADP _005456899 1006 32 scrofula scrofula PROPN _005456899 1006 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1007 1 another another DET _005456899 1007 2 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1007 3 very very ADV _005456899 1007 4 happily happily ADV _005456899 1007 5 but but CCONJ _005456899 1007 6 very very ADV _005456899 1007 7 foolishly foolishly ADV _005456899 1007 8 married marry VERB _005456899 1007 9 the the DET _005456899 1007 10 consumptive consumptive PROPN _005456899 1007 11 robert robert PROPN _005456899 1007 12 louis louis PROPN _005456899 1007 13 stevenson stevenson PROPN _005456899 1007 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1008 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1008 2 the the DET _005456899 1008 3 how how ADV _005456899 1008 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 1008 5 topick topick VERB _005456899 1008 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 1008 7 a a DET _005456899 1008 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 1008 9 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1008 10 manuals manual NOUN _005456899 1008 11 had have VERB _005456899 1008 12 their their PRON _005456899 1008 13 way way NOUN _005456899 1008 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1008 15 these these DET _005456899 1008 16 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1008 17 fellows fellow NOUN _005456899 1008 18 would would AUX _005456899 1008 19 all all ADV _005456899 1008 20 have have AUX _005456899 1008 21 had have VERB _005456899 1008 22 to to PART _005456899 1008 23 die die VERB _005456899 1008 24 in in ADP _005456899 1008 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 1008 26 single single ADJ _005456899 1008 27 blessedness blessedness NOUN _005456899 1008 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1008 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1009 1 the the DET _005456899 1009 2 author author NOUN _005456899 1009 3 's 's PART _005456899 1009 4 bitter bitter ADJ _005456899 1009 5 choice choice NOUN _005456899 1009 6 between between ADP _005456899 1009 7 love love NOUN _005456899 1009 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1009 9 tone tone NOUN _005456899 1009 10 deafness deafness NOUN _005456899 1009 11 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1010 1 in in ADP _005456899 1010 2 playful playful ADJ _005456899 1010 3 sadness sadness NOUN _005456899 1010 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1010 5 i i PRON _005456899 1010 6 sigh sigh VERB _005456899 1010 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 1010 8 i i PRON _005456899 1010 9 think think VERB _005456899 1010 10 of of ADP _005456899 1010 11 what what PRON _005456899 1010 12 can can AUX _005456899 1010 13 happen happen VERB _005456899 1010 14 to to ADP _005456899 1010 15 a a DET _005456899 1010 16 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 1010 17 when when SCONJ _005456899 1010 18 he he PRON _005456899 1010 19 has have AUX _005456899 1010 20 been be AUX _005456899 1010 21 taught teach VERB _005456899 1010 22 not not PART _005456899 1010 23 to to PART _005456899 1010 24 marry marry VERB _005456899 1010 25 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1010 26 who who PRON _005456899 1010 27 is be AUX _005456899 1010 28 n't not PART _005456899 1010 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1010 30 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 1010 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 1010 32 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1011 1 once once ADV _005456899 1011 2 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1011 3 a a DET _005456899 1011 4 time time NOUN _005456899 1011 5 it it PRON _005456899 1011 6 happened happen VERB _005456899 1011 7 to to ADP _005456899 1011 8 me i PRON _005456899 1011 9 for for ADP _005456899 1011 10 the the DET _005456899 1011 11 first first ADJ _005456899 1011 12 upsetting upsetting ADJ _005456899 1011 13 time time NOUN _005456899 1011 14 to to PART _005456899 1011 15 feel feel VERB _005456899 1011 16 for for ADP _005456899 1011 17 one one NUM _005456899 1011 18 particular particular ADJ _005456899 1011 19 damsel damsel NOUN _005456899 1011 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 1011 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1011 22 affection affection NOUN _005456899 1011 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 1011 24 the the DET _005456899 1011 25 questionnaire questionnaire NOUN _005456899 1011 26 speaks speak VERB _005456899 1011 27 of of ADP _005456899 1011 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1012 1 at at ADP _005456899 1012 2 the the DET _005456899 1012 3 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 1012 4 she she PRON _005456899 1012 5 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1012 6 to to PART _005456899 1012 7 have have VERB _005456899 1012 8 all all DET _005456899 1012 9 the the DET _005456899 1012 10 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 1012 11 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1012 12 on on ADP _005456899 1012 13 our our PRON _005456899 1012 14 list list NOUN _005456899 1012 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1013 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1013 2 lo lo PROPN _005456899 1013 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1013 4 sadly sadly ADV _005456899 1013 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1013 6 it it PRON _005456899 1013 7 developed develop VERB _005456899 1013 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 1013 9 she she PRON _005456899 1013 10 was be AUX _005456899 1013 11 tone tone NOUN _005456899 1013 12 deaf deaf ADJ _005456899 1013 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1013 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 1013 15 she she PRON _005456899 1013 16 not not PART _005456899 1013 17 only only ADV _005456899 1013 18 could could AUX _005456899 1013 19 not not PART _005456899 1013 20 dance dance VERB _005456899 1013 21 in in ADP _005456899 1013 22 rhythm rhythm NOUN _005456899 1013 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1013 24 but but CCONJ _005456899 1013 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 1013 26 she she PRON _005456899 1013 27 could could AUX _005456899 1013 28 not not PART _005456899 1013 29 carry carry VERB _005456899 1013 30 a a DET _005456899 1013 31 tune tune NOUN _005456899 1013 32 - - PUNCT _005456899 1013 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 1013 34 what what PRON _005456899 1013 35 was be AUX _005456899 1013 36 infinitely infinitely ADV _005456899 1013 37 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1013 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1013 39 that that SCONJ _005456899 1013 40 her her PRON _005456899 1013 41 children child NOUN _005456899 1013 42 probably probably ADV _005456899 1013 43 would would AUX _005456899 1013 44 not not PART _005456899 1013 45 be be AUX _005456899 1013 46 able able ADJ _005456899 1013 47 to to PART _005456899 1013 48 dance dance VERB _005456899 1013 49 or or CCONJ _005456899 1013 50 carry carry VERB _005456899 1013 51 a a DET _005456899 1013 52 tune tune NOUN _005456899 1013 53 either either ADV _005456899 1013 54 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1014 1 imagine imagine VERB _005456899 1014 2 a a DET _005456899 1014 3 man man NOUN _005456899 1014 4 growing grow VERB _005456899 1014 5 old old ADJ _005456899 1014 6 with with ADP _005456899 1014 7 five five NUM _005456899 1014 8 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1014 9 who who PRON _005456899 1014 10 could could AUX _005456899 1014 11 not not PART _005456899 1014 12 dance dance VERB _005456899 1014 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 1014 14 carry carry VERB _005456899 1014 15 a a DET _005456899 1014 16 tune tune NOUN _005456899 1014 17 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1015 1 so so ADV _005456899 1015 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1015 3 better well ADV _005456899 1015 4 instructed instruct VERB _005456899 1015 5 than than ADP _005456899 1015 6 browning brown VERB _005456899 1015 7 in in ADP _005456899 1015 8 choice choice NOUN _005456899 1015 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 1015 10 of of ADP _005456899 1015 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1015 12 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1015 13 matters matter NOUN _005456899 1015 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1015 15 i i PRON _005456899 1015 16 sadly sadly ADV _005456899 1015 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1015 18 resolutely resolutely ADV _005456899 1015 19 turned turn VERB _005456899 1015 20 the the DET _005456899 1015 21 other other ADJ _005456899 1015 22 way way NOUN _005456899 1015 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1016 1 the the DET _005456899 1016 2 author author NOUN _005456899 1016 3 meets meet VERB _005456899 1016 4 a a DET _005456899 1016 5 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1016 6 creature creature NOUN _005456899 1016 7 who who PRON _005456899 1016 8 asks ask VERB _005456899 1016 9 if if SCONJ _005456899 1016 10 he he PRON _005456899 1016 11 is be AUX _005456899 1016 12 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1016 13 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1017 1 the the DET _005456899 1017 2 second second ADJ _005456899 1017 3 time time NOUN _005456899 1017 4 i i PRON _005456899 1017 5 felt feel VERB _005456899 1017 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 1017 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1017 8 affection affection NOUN _005456899 1017 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1017 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1017 11 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1017 12 for for SCONJ _005456899 1017 13 it it PRON _005456899 1017 14 can can AUX _005456899 1017 15 come come VERB _005456899 1017 16 several several ADJ _005456899 1017 17 times time NOUN _005456899 1017 18 in in ADP _005456899 1017 19 one one NUM _005456899 1017 20 's 's PART _005456899 1017 21 life life NOUN _005456899 1017 22 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1017 23 it it PRON _005456899 1017 24 was be AUX _005456899 1017 25 for for ADP _005456899 1017 26 someone someone PRON _005456899 1017 27 apparently apparently ADV _005456899 1017 28 even even ADV _005456899 1017 29 more more ADV _005456899 1017 30 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1017 31 than than ADP _005456899 1017 32 the the DET _005456899 1017 33 first first ADJ _005456899 1017 34 time time NOUN _005456899 1017 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1018 1 in in ADP _005456899 1018 2 fact fact NOUN _005456899 1018 3 the the PRON _005456899 1018 4 better well ADV _005456899 1018 5 i i PRON _005456899 1018 6 knew know VERB _005456899 1018 7 her she PRON _005456899 1018 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1018 9 the the PRON _005456899 1018 10 more more ADV _005456899 1018 11 obvious obvious ADJ _005456899 1018 12 it it PRON _005456899 1018 13 was be AUX _005456899 1018 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 1018 15 she she PRON _005456899 1018 16 was be AUX _005456899 1018 17 a a DET _005456899 1018 18 pedect pedect ADJ _005456899 1018 19 specimen speciman NOUN _005456899 1018 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1018 21 someone someone PRON _005456899 1018 22 every every DET _005456899 1018 23 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1018 24 councellor councellor NOUN _005456899 1018 25 would would AUX _005456899 1018 26 recommend recommend VERB _005456899 1018 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1019 1 so so ADV _005456899 1019 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1019 3 seeing see VERB _005456899 1019 4 a a DET _005456899 1019 5 good good ADJ _005456899 1019 6 bargain bargain NOUN _005456899 1019 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1019 8 i i PRON _005456899 1019 9 made make VERB _005456899 1019 10 my my PRON _005456899 1019 11 bid bid NOUN _005456899 1019 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1020 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1020 2 now now ADV _005456899 1020 3 the the DET _005456899 1020 4 unexpected unexpected ADJ _005456899 1020 5 happened happen VERB _005456899 1020 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1021 1 it it PRON _005456899 1021 2 was be AUX _005456899 1021 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 1022 1 completely completely ADV _005456899 1022 2 discountenancing discountenance VERB _005456899 1022 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 1023 1 apparently apparently ADV _005456899 1023 2 this this DET _005456899 1023 3 creature creature NOUN _005456899 1023 4 had have AUX _005456899 1023 5 also also ADV _005456899 1023 6 had have VERB _005456899 1023 7 some some DET _005456899 1023 8 courses course NOUN _005456899 1023 9 on on ADP _005456899 1023 10 how how SCONJ _005456899 1023 11 to to PART _005456899 1023 12 choose choose VERB _005456899 1023 13 a a DET _005456899 1023 14 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1023 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1024 1 i i PRON _005456899 1024 2 had have AUX _005456899 1024 3 told tell VERB _005456899 1024 4 her she PRON _005456899 1024 5 a a DET _005456899 1024 6 good good ADJ _005456899 1024 7 many many ADJ _005456899 1024 8 things thing NOUN _005456899 1024 9 about about ADP _005456899 1024 10 myself myself PRON _005456899 1024 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1025 1 most most ADJ _005456899 1025 2 of of ADP _005456899 1025 3 them they PRON _005456899 1025 4 were be AUX _005456899 1025 5 not not PART _005456899 1025 6 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1025 7 to to PART _005456899 1025 8 tell tell VERB _005456899 1025 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1026 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1026 2 one one NUM _005456899 1026 3 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1026 4 i i PRON _005456899 1026 5 had have AUX _005456899 1026 6 n't not PART _005456899 1026 7 told tell VERB _005456899 1026 8 her she PRON _005456899 1026 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1027 1 however however ADV _005456899 1027 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1027 3 it it PRON _005456899 1027 4 seems seem VERB _005456899 1027 5 one one NUM _005456899 1027 6 day day NOUN _005456899 1027 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 1027 8 she she PRON _005456899 1027 9 kept keep VERB _005456899 1027 10 insisting insist VERB _005456899 1027 11 i i PRON _005456899 1027 12 tell tell VERB _005456899 1027 13 her she PRON _005456899 1027 14 which which PRON _005456899 1027 15 of of ADP _005456899 1027 16 her her PRON _005456899 1027 17 several several ADJ _005456899 1027 18 evening evening NOUN _005456899 1027 19 dresses dress NOUN _005456899 1027 20 i i PRON _005456899 1027 21 preferred prefer VERB _005456899 1027 22 she she PRON _005456899 1027 23 discovez discovez VERB _005456899 1027 24 : : PUNCT _005456899 1027 25 ed ed NOUN _005456899 1027 26 it it PRON _005456899 1027 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1028 1 the the DET _005456899 1028 2 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1028 3 creature creature NOUN _005456899 1028 4 finds find VERB _005456899 1028 5 the the DET _005456899 1028 6 author author NOUN _005456899 1028 7 not not PART _005456899 1028 8 perfect perfect VERB _005456899 1028 9 the the DET _005456899 1028 10 fact fact NOUN _005456899 1028 11 is be AUX _005456899 1028 12 : : PUNCT _005456899 1028 13 i i PRON _005456899 1028 14 am be AUX _005456899 1028 15 color color NOUN _005456899 1028 16 blind blind ADJ _005456899 1028 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1029 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 1029 2 she she PRON _005456899 1029 3 thought think VERB _005456899 1029 4 it it PRON _005456899 1029 5 would would AUX _005456899 1029 6 be be AUX _005456899 1029 7 terrible terrible ADJ _005456899 1029 8 to to PART _005456899 1029 9 grow grow VERB _005456899 1029 10 old old ADJ _005456899 1029 11 with with ADP _005456899 1029 12 five five NUM _005456899 1029 13 sons son NOUN _005456899 1029 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1029 15 none none NOUN _005456899 1029 16 of of ADP _005456899 1029 17 whom whom PRON _005456899 1029 18 could could AUX _005456899 1029 19 compliment compliment VERB _005456899 1029 20 her she PRON _005456899 1029 21 on on ADP _005456899 1029 22 the the DET _005456899 1029 23 shade shade NOUN _005456899 1029 24 of of ADP _005456899 1029 25 her her PRON _005456899 1029 26 dresses dress NOUN _005456899 1029 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1030 1 anyhow anyhow ADV _005456899 1030 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1030 3 i i PRON _005456899 1030 4 came come VERB _005456899 1030 5 out out ADP _005456899 1030 6 of of ADP _005456899 1030 7 that that DET _005456899 1030 8 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1030 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1030 10 fully fully ADV _005456899 1030 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1030 12 safely safely ADV _005456899 1030 13 single single ADJ _005456899 1030 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1031 1 in in ADP _005456899 1031 2 additi additi ADV _005456899 1031 3 i i PRON _005456899 1031 4 was be AUX _005456899 1031 5 also also ADV _005456899 1031 6 s s AUX _005456899 1031 7 been be AUX _005456899 1031 8 wise wise ADJ _005456899 1031 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1031 10 l l NOUN _005456899 1031 11 ways way NOUN _005456899 1031 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1031 13 01 01 NUM _005456899 1031 14 so so ADV _005456899 1031 15 unf01 unf01 ADJ _005456899 1031 16 casions casion NOUN _005456899 1031 17 foil foil NOUN _005456899 1031 18 aroused arouse VERB _005456899 1031 19 th th PRON _005456899 1031 20 : : PUNCT _005456899 1031 21 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1031 22 to to PART _005456899 1031 23 b b VERB _005456899 1031 24 had have VERB _005456899 1031 25 them they PRON _005456899 1031 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1032 1 · · PUNCT _005456899 1032 2 months month NOUN _005456899 1032 3 of of ADP _005456899 1032 4 herself herself PRON _005456899 1032 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1032 6 so so SCONJ _005456899 1032 7 : : PUNCT _005456899 1032 8 which which PRON _005456899 1032 9 was be AUX _005456899 1032 10 began begin VERB _005456899 1032 11 to to ADP _005456899 1032 12 st st PROPN _005456899 1032 13 when~ when~ PROPN _005456899 1032 14 that that PRON _005456899 1032 15 evenij evenij VERB _005456899 1032 16 her her PRON _005456899 1032 17 nose nose NOUN _005456899 1032 18 vi vi NOUN _005456899 1032 19 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1032 20 out out ADV _005456899 1032 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1032 22 i i PRON _005456899 1032 23 criet criet VERB _005456899 1032 24 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 1032 25 se1 se1 VERB _005456899 1032 26 what what PRON _005456899 1032 27 can can AUX _005456899 1032 28 but but CCONJ _005456899 1032 29 in in ADP _005456899 1032 30 they they PRON _005456899 1032 31 are be AUX _005456899 1032 32 w w PART _005456899 1032 33 cried cry VERB _005456899 1032 34 out out ADP _005456899 1032 35 a a DET _005456899 1032 36 hayfever hayfever NOUN _005456899 1032 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1033 1 , , PUNCT _005456899 1033 2 powerful powerful PROPN _005456899 1033 3 b b PROPN _005456899 1033 4 convinc convinc PROPN _005456899 1033 5 well well INTJ _005456899 1033 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1033 7 t t NOUN _005456899 1033 8 one one NOUN _005456899 1033 9 could could AUX _005456899 1033 10 ing e VERB _005456899 1033 11 high high ADJ _005456899 1033 12 j j PROPN _005456899 1033 13 than than ADP _005456899 1033 14 half half NOUN _005456899 1033 15 army army NOUN _005456899 1033 16 rejet rejet NOUN _005456899 1033 17 one one NUM _005456899 1033 18 looks look VERB _005456899 1033 19 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1033 20 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 1033 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1033 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1033 23 in in ADP _005456899 1033 24 their their PRON _005456899 1033 25 br br NOUN _005456899 1033 26 never never ADV _005456899 1033 27 pas~ pas~ VERB _005456899 1033 28 a a PRON _005456899 1033 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1034 1 y y PROPN _005456899 1034 2 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1034 3 i i PRON _005456899 1034 4 g g PROPN _005456899 1034 5 y y PROPN _005456899 1034 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1034 7 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 1034 8 tl tl ADP _005456899 1034 9 how how SCONJ _005456899 1034 10 not not PART _005456899 1034 11 to to PART _005456899 1034 12 choose choose VERB _005456899 1034 13 a a DET _005456899 1034 14 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1034 15 43 43 NUM _005456899 1034 16 in in ADP _005456899 1034 17 addition addition NOUN _005456899 1034 18 to to ADP _005456899 1034 19 being be AUX _005456899 1034 20 color color NOUN _005456899 1034 21 blind blind ADJ _005456899 1034 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1034 23 i i PRON _005456899 1034 24 could could AUX _005456899 1034 25 not not PART _005456899 1034 26 help help VERB _005456899 1034 27 realizing realize VERB _005456899 1034 28 that that SCONJ _005456899 1034 29 i i PRON _005456899 1034 30 was be AUX _005456899 1034 31 also also ADV _005456899 1034 32 subject subject ADJ _005456899 1034 33 to to ADP _005456899 1034 34 migraine migraine PROPN _005456899 1034 35 headaches headache NOUN _005456899 1034 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1035 1 really really ADV _005456899 1035 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1035 3 the the DET _005456899 1035 4 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1035 5 had have AUX _005456899 1035 6 only only ADV _005456899 1035 7 been be AUX _005456899 1035 8 wise wise ADJ _005456899 1035 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1035 10 i i PRON _005456899 1035 11 had have VERB _005456899 1035 12 to to PART _005456899 1035 13 admit admit VERB _005456899 1035 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1035 15 in in ADP _005456899 1035 16 saying say VERB _005456899 1035 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1035 18 she she PRON _005456899 1035 19 hoped hope VERB _005456899 1035 20 we we PRON _005456899 1035 21 would would AUX _005456899 1035 22 always always ADV _005456899 1035 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1035 24 only only ADV _005456899 1035 25 b~ b~ VERB _005456899 1035 26 the the DET _005456899 1035 27 best good ADJ _005456899 1035 28 of of ADP _005456899 1035 29 friends friend NOUN _005456899 1035 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1035 31 in in ADP _005456899 1035 32 spite spite NOUN _005456899 1035 33 of of ADP _005456899 1035 34 everything everything PRON _005456899 1035 35 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1036 1 the the DET _005456899 1036 2 author author NOUN _005456899 1036 3 has have VERB _005456899 1036 4 a a DET _005456899 1036 5 third third ADJ _005456899 1036 6 disappointment disappointment NOUN _005456899 1036 7 so so ADV _005456899 1036 8 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 1036 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1036 10 after after ADP _005456899 1036 11 a a DET _005456899 1036 12 suitable suitable ADJ _005456899 1036 13 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005456899 1036 14 from from ADP _005456899 1036 15 public public ADJ _005456899 1036 16 occasions occasion NOUN _005456899 1036 17 following follow VERB _005456899 1036 18 my my PRON _005456899 1036 19 discomfiture discomfiture NOUN _005456899 1036 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1036 21 i i PRON _005456899 1036 22 again again ADV _005456899 1036 23 met meet VERB _005456899 1036 24 someone someone PRON _005456899 1036 25 who who PRON _005456899 1036 26 aroused arouse VERB _005456899 1036 27 that that SCONJ _005456899 1036 28 certain certain ADJ _005456899 1036 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1036 30 affection affection NOUN _005456899 1036 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 1036 32 in in ADP _005456899 1036 33 me i PRON _005456899 1036 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1037 1 surely surely ADV _005456899 1037 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1037 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 1037 4 ever ever ADV _005456899 1037 5 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1037 6 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1037 7 to to PART _005456899 1037 8 have have VERB _005456899 1037 9 all all DET _005456899 1037 10 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 1037 11 of of ADP _005456899 1037 12 those those DET _005456899 1037 13 choice choice NOUN _005456899 1037 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 1037 15 of of ADP _005456899 1037 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 1037 17 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1037 18 requirements requirement NOUN _005456899 1037 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1037 20 she she PRON _005456899 1037 21 had have VERB _005456899 1037 22 them they PRON _005456899 1037 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1038 1 we we PRON _005456899 1038 2 knew know VERB _005456899 1038 3 each each DET _005456899 1038 4 other other ADJ _005456899 1038 5 merrily merrily ADV _005456899 1038 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1038 7 happily happily ADV _005456899 1038 8 through through ADP _005456899 1038 9 the the DET _005456899 1038 10 months month NOUN _005456899 1038 11 of of ADP _005456899 1038 12 spring spring NOUN _005456899 1038 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1039 1 she she PRON _005456899 1039 2 had have AUX _005456899 1039 3 evidently evidently ADV _005456899 1039 4 not not PART _005456899 1039 5 had have VERB _005456899 1039 6 proper proper ADJ _005456899 1039 7 instruction instruction NOUN _005456899 1039 8 herself herself PRON _005456899 1039 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1039 10 so so SCONJ _005456899 1039 11 she she PRON _005456899 1039 12 lightly lightly ADV _005456899 1039 13 overlooked overlook VERB _005456899 1039 14 my my PRON _005456899 1039 15 migraine migraine NOUN _005456899 1039 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1039 17 colorblindness colorblindness NOUN _005456899 1039 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1039 19 which which PRON _005456899 1039 20 was be AUX _005456899 1039 21 very very ADV _005456899 1039 22 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1039 23 with with ADP _005456899 1039 24 me i PRON _005456899 1039 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1040 1 all all PRON _005456899 1040 2 in in ADV _005456899 1040 3 all all PRON _005456899 1040 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1040 5 this this DET _005456899 1040 6 time time NOUN _005456899 1040 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1040 8 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1040 9 really really ADV _005456899 1040 10 began begin VERB _005456899 1040 11 to to PART _005456899 1040 12 surge surge VERB _005456899 1040 13 violently violently ADV _005456899 1040 14 in in ADP _005456899 1040 15 my my PRON _005456899 1040 16 breast breast NOUN _005456899 1040 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1041 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1041 2 along along ADV _005456899 1041 3 carne carne VERB _005456899 1041 4 the the DET _005456899 1041 5 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005456899 1041 6 of of ADP _005456899 1041 7 august august PROPN _005456899 1041 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1042 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1042 2 i i PRON _005456899 1042 3 saw see VERB _005456899 1042 4 her she PRON _005456899 1042 5 that that DET _005456899 1042 6 evening evening NOUN _005456899 1042 7 i i PRON _005456899 1042 8 hardly hardly ADV _005456899 1042 9 recognized recognize VERB _005456899 1042 10 her she PRON _005456899 1042 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1043 1 her her PRON _005456899 1043 2 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 1043 3 were be AUX _005456899 1043 4 swollen swollen ADJ _005456899 1043 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1043 6 her her PRON _005456899 1043 7 nose nose NOUN _005456899 1043 8 was be AUX _005456899 1043 9 red red ADJ _005456899 1043 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1044 1 violently violently ADV _005456899 1044 2 fighting fight VERB _005456899 1044 3 an an DET _005456899 1044 4 ugly ugly ADJ _005456899 1044 5 suspicion suspicion NOUN _005456899 1044 6 down down ADV _005456899 1044 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1044 8 out out ADV _005456899 1044 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1044 10 i i PRON _005456899 1044 11 cried cry VERB _005456899 1044 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1044 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1044 14 annie annie PROPN _005456899 1044 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1044 16 dear dear ADJ _005456899 1044 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1044 18 has have AUX _005456899 1044 19 someone someone PRON _005456899 1044 20 made make VERB _005456899 1044 21 you you PRON _005456899 1044 22 cry cry VERB _005456899 1044 23 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1045 1 have have AUX _005456899 1045 2 i i PRON _005456899 1045 3 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 1045 4 sent send VERB _005456899 1045 5 you you PRON _005456899 1045 6 a a DET _005456899 1045 7 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 1045 8 letter letter NOUN _005456899 1045 9 in in ADP _005456899 1045 10 a a DET _005456899 1045 11 right right ADJ _005456899 1045 12 envelope envelope NOUN _005456899 1045 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 1045 14 something something PRON _005456899 1045 15 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1046 1 what what PRON _005456899 1046 2 can can AUX _005456899 1046 3 it it PRON _005456899 1046 4 be be AUX _005456899 1046 5 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1047 1 what what PRON _005456899 1047 2 have have AUX _005456899 1047 3 i i PRON _005456899 1047 4 done do VERB _005456899 1047 5 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 1047 6 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1047 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1048 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1048 2 in in ADP _005456899 1048 3 this this DET _005456899 1048 4 world world NOUN _005456899 1048 5 things thing NOUN _005456899 1048 6 are be AUX _005456899 1048 7 seldom seldom ADV _005456899 1048 8 better well ADJ _005456899 1048 9 than than SCONJ _005456899 1048 10 expected expect VERB _005456899 1048 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1048 12 they they PRON _005456899 1048 13 are be AUX _005456899 1048 14 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1048 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1049 1 never never ADV _005456899 1049 2 suspecting suspect VERB _005456899 1049 3 what what PRON _005456899 1049 4 it it PRON _005456899 1049 5 would would AUX _005456899 1049 6 mean mean VERB _005456899 1049 7 to to ADP _005456899 1049 8 me i PRON _005456899 1049 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1049 10 she she PRON _005456899 1049 11 cried cry VERB _005456899 1049 12 out out ADP _005456899 1049 13 almost almost ADV _005456899 1049 14 happily happily ADV _005456899 1049 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1049 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1049 17 oh oh INTJ _005456899 1049 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1049 19 you you PRON _005456899 1049 20 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1050 1 it it PRON _005456899 1050 2 's be AUX _005456899 1050 3 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 1050 4 at at ADV _005456899 1050 5 all all ADV _005456899 1050 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1051 1 it it PRON _005456899 1051 2 's be AUX _005456899 1051 3 just just ADV _005456899 1051 4 my my PRON _005456899 1051 5 hayfever hayfever NOUN _005456899 1051 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1052 1 always always ADV _005456899 1052 2 comes come VERB _005456899 1052 3 on on ADP _005456899 1052 4 the the DET _005456899 1052 5 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005456899 1052 6 of of ADP _005456899 1052 7 august august PROPN _005456899 1052 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1053 1 i i PRON _005456899 1053 2 have have VERB _005456899 1053 3 real real ADJ _005456899 1053 4 powerful powerful ADJ _005456899 1053 5 hayfever hayfever NOUN _005456899 1053 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1053 7 i i PRON _005456899 1053 8 have have VERB _005456899 1053 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1054 1 got get VERB _005456899 1054 2 it it PRON _005456899 1054 3 from from ADP _005456899 1054 4 both both CCONJ _005456899 1054 5 my my PRON _005456899 1054 6 grandmothers grandmother NOUN _005456899 1054 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1054 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1055 1 convinced convince VERB _005456899 1055 2 that that SCONJ _005456899 1055 3 the the DET _005456899 1055 4 human human ADJ _005456899 1055 5 race race NOUN _005456899 1055 6 is be AUX _005456899 1055 7 too too ADV _005456899 1055 8 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005456899 1055 9 to to PART _005456899 1055 10 marry marry VERB _005456899 1055 11 the the DET _005456899 1055 12 author author NOUN _005456899 1055 13 gave give VERB _005456899 1055 14 up up ADP _005456899 1055 15 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1055 16 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1056 1 well well INTJ _005456899 1056 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1056 3 there there ADV _005456899 1056 4 i i PRON _005456899 1056 5 was be AUX _005456899 1056 6 again again ADV _005456899 1056 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1057 1 this this DET _005456899 1057 2 time time NOUN _005456899 1057 3 i i PRON _005456899 1057 4 gave give VERB _005456899 1057 5 up up ADP _005456899 1057 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1058 1 i i PRON _005456899 1058 2 figured figure VERB _005456899 1058 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1058 4 if if SCONJ _005456899 1058 5 one one PRON _005456899 1058 6 could could AUX _005456899 1058 7 only only ADV _005456899 1058 8 marry marry VERB _005456899 1058 9 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1058 10 who who PRON _005456899 1058 11 was be AUX _005456899 1058 12 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 1058 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1058 14 not not PART _005456899 1058 15 even even ADV _005456899 1058 16 mentioning mention VERB _005456899 1058 17 high high ADJ _005456899 1058 18 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1058 19 character character NOUN _005456899 1058 20 or or CCONJ _005456899 1058 21 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005456899 1058 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1058 23 why why SCONJ _005456899 1058 24 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 1058 25 not not PART _005456899 1058 26 more more ADJ _005456899 1058 27 than than ADP _005456899 1058 28 half half DET _005456899 1058 29 the the DET _005456899 1058 30 people people NOUN _005456899 1058 31 in in ADP _005456899 1058 32 the the DET _005456899 1058 33 world world NOUN _005456899 1058 34 could could AUX _005456899 1058 35 ever ever ADV _005456899 1058 36 marry marry VERB _005456899 1058 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1059 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1059 2 even even ADV _005456899 1059 3 the the DET _005456899 1059 4 army army NOUN _005456899 1059 5 rejected reject VERB _005456899 1059 6 one one NUM _005456899 1059 7 out out ADP _005456899 1059 8 of of ADP _005456899 1059 9 every every DET _005456899 1059 10 four four NUM _005456899 1059 11 as as ADP _005456899 1059 12 a a DET _005456899 1059 13 4 4 NUM _005456899 1059 14 - - SYM _005456899 1059 15 f f NUM _005456899 1059 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1059 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1059 18 when when SCONJ _005456899 1059 19 after after SCONJ _005456899 1059 20 that that DET _005456899 1059 21 one one NUM _005456899 1059 22 looks look VERB _005456899 1059 23 at at ADP _005456899 1059 24 those those PRON _005456899 1059 25 the the DET _005456899 1059 26 army army NOUN _005456899 1059 27 accepted accept VERB _005456899 1059 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1059 29 the the DET _005456899 1059 30 fellows fellow NOUN _005456899 1059 31 with with ADP _005456899 1059 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 1059 33 corrected correct VERB _005456899 1059 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 1059 35 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 1059 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1059 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 1059 38 " " PUNCT _005456899 1059 39 corrected correct VERB _005456899 1059 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 1059 41 teeth tooth NOUN _005456899 1059 42 and and CCONJ _005456899 1059 43 with with ADP _005456899 1059 44 boils boil NOUN _005456899 1059 45 on on ADP _005456899 1059 46 their their PRON _005456899 1059 47 face face NOUN _005456899 1059 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 1059 49 kinks kink NOUN _005456899 1059 50 in in ADP _005456899 1059 51 their their PRON _005456899 1059 52 brains brain NOUN _005456899 1059 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 1059 54 clearly clearly ADV _005456899 1059 55 more more ADJ _005456899 1059 56 than than ADP _005456899 1059 57 half half DET _005456899 1059 58 the the DET _005456899 1059 59 men man NOUN _005456899 1059 60 in in ADP _005456899 1059 61 the the DET _005456899 1059 62 world world NOUN _005456899 1059 63 could could AUX _005456899 1059 64 never never ADV _005456899 1059 65 pass pass VERB _005456899 1059 66 the the DET _005456899 1059 67 choice choice NOUN _005456899 1059 68 - - PUNCT _005456899 1059 69 of of ADP _005456899 1059 70 - - PUNCT _005456899 1059 71 a a DET _005456899 1059 72 - - PUNCT _005456899 1059 73 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1059 74 health health NOUN _005456899 1059 75 test test NOUN _005456899 1059 76 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1060 1 44 44 NUM _005456899 1060 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1060 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1060 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1060 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1060 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1060 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1060 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1060 9 from from ADP _005456899 1060 10 what what PRON _005456899 1060 11 i i PRON _005456899 1060 12 could could AUX _005456899 1060 13 guess guess VERB _005456899 1060 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1060 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1060 16 from from ADP _005456899 1060 17 what what PRON _005456899 1060 18 doctors doctor NOUN _005456899 1060 19 told tell VERB _005456899 1060 20 me i PRON _005456899 1060 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 1060 22 they they PRON _005456899 1060 23 get get VERB _005456899 1060 24 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1060 25 only only ADV _005456899 1060 26 because because SCONJ _005456899 1060 27 so so ADV _005456899 1060 28 many many ADJ _005456899 1060 29 women woman NOUN _005456899 1060 30 have have VERB _005456899 1060 31 chronic chronic ADJ _005456899 1060 32 illnesses illness NOUN _005456899 1060 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1060 34 the the DET _005456899 1060 35 percentage percentage NOUN _005456899 1060 36 of of ADP _005456899 1060 37 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 1060 38 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1060 39 must must AUX _005456899 1060 40 be be AUX _005456899 1060 41 still still ADV _005456899 1060 42 lower low ADJ _005456899 1060 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1061 1 it it PRON _005456899 1061 2 would would AUX _005456899 1061 3 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 1061 4 be be AUX _005456899 1061 5 only only ADV _005456899 1061 6 a a DET _005456899 1061 7 man man NOUN _005456899 1061 8 who who PRON _005456899 1061 9 was be AUX _005456899 1061 10 very very ADV _005456899 1061 11 lucky lucky ADJ _005456899 1061 12 who who PRON _005456899 1061 13 could could AUX _005456899 1061 14 find find VERB _005456899 1061 15 a a DET _005456899 1061 16 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1061 17 really really ADV _005456899 1061 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1061 19 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 1061 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1061 21 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1061 22 to to PART _005456899 1061 23 marry marry VERB _005456899 1061 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1061 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1061 26 since since SCONJ _005456899 1061 27 luck luck NOUN _005456899 1061 28 was be AUX _005456899 1061 29 my my PRON _005456899 1061 30 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 1061 31 weak weak ADJ _005456899 1061 32 quality quality NOUN _005456899 1061 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1061 34 i i PRON _005456899 1061 35 just just ADV _005456899 1061 36 gave give VERB _005456899 1061 37 up up ADP _005456899 1061 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1062 1 so so ADV _005456899 1062 2 i i PRON _005456899 1062 3 am be AUX _005456899 1062 4 still still ADV _005456899 1062 5 single single ADJ _005456899 1062 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1063 1 too too ADV _005456899 1063 2 late late ADV _005456899 1063 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1063 4 the the DET _005456899 1063 5 author author NOUN _005456899 1063 6 now now ADV _005456899 1063 7 thinks think VERB _005456899 1063 8 differently differently ADV _005456899 1063 9 at at ADP _005456899 1063 10 long long ADJ _005456899 1063 11 last last ADJ _005456899 1063 12 - - PUNCT _005456899 1063 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1063 14 too too ADV _005456899 1063 15 late late ADJ _005456899 1063 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 1063 17 i i PRON _005456899 1063 18 have have AUX _005456899 1063 19 now now ADV _005456899 1063 20 wisely wisely ADV _005456899 1063 21 come come VERB _005456899 1063 22 to to ADP _005456899 1063 23 the the DET _005456899 1063 24 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005456899 1063 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 1063 26 the the DET _005456899 1063 27 human human ADJ _005456899 1063 28 race race NOUN _005456899 1063 29 would would AUX _005456899 1063 30 long long ADV _005456899 1063 31 ago ago ADV _005456899 1063 32 have have AUX _005456899 1063 33 died die VERB _005456899 1063 34 out out ADP _005456899 1063 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1063 36 if if SCONJ _005456899 1063 37 teachers teacher NOUN _005456899 1063 38 had have AUX _005456899 1063 39 succeeded succeed VERB _005456899 1063 40 in in ADP _005456899 1063 41 making make VERB _005456899 1063 42 all all DET _005456899 1063 43 people people NOUN _005456899 1063 44 choose choose VERB _005456899 1063 45 their their PRON _005456899 1063 46 mates mate NOUN _005456899 1063 47 selfishly selfishly ADV _005456899 1063 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1063 49 for for ADP _005456899 1063 50 their their PRON _005456899 1063 51 good good ADJ _005456899 1063 52 points point NOUN _005456899 1063 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 1063 54 such such ADJ _005456899 1063 55 as as ADP _005456899 1063 56 health health NOUN _005456899 1063 57 and and CCONJ _005456899 1063 58 character character NOUN _005456899 1063 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 1063 60 as as SCONJ _005456899 1063 61 one one NUM _005456899 1063 62 chooses choose VERB _005456899 1063 63 a a DET _005456899 1063 64 horse horse NOUN _005456899 1063 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1064 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1064 2 now now ADV _005456899 1064 3 it it PRON _005456899 1064 4 is be AUX _005456899 1064 5 too too ADV _005456899 1064 6 late late ADJ _005456899 1064 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1065 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1065 2 gather gather VERB _005456899 1065 3 ye ye ADJ _005456899 1065 4 flowers flower NOUN _005456899 1065 5 while while SCONJ _005456899 1065 6 ye ye PRON _005456899 1065 7 may may AUX _005456899 1065 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1065 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1065 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1065 11 one one PRON _005456899 1065 12 may may AUX _005456899 1065 13 not not PART _005456899 1065 14 very very ADV _005456899 1065 15 long long ADJ _005456899 1065 16 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1066 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1066 2 ca can AUX _005456899 1066 3 n't not PART _005456899 1066 4 even even ADV _005456899 1066 5 marry marry VERB _005456899 1066 6 someone someone PRON _005456899 1066 7 with with ADP _005456899 1066 8 a a DET _005456899 1066 9 high high ADJ _005456899 1066 10 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1066 11 character character NOUN _005456899 1066 12 among among ADP _005456899 1066 13 those those DET _005456899 1066 14 selfish selfish ADJ _005456899 1066 15 good good ADJ _005456899 1066 16 points point NOUN _005456899 1066 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1066 18 i i PRON _005456899 1066 19 mention mention VERB _005456899 1066 20 even even ADV _005456899 1066 21 character character NOUN _005456899 1066 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1067 1 of of ADP _005456899 1067 2 course course ADV _005456899 1067 3 it it PRON _005456899 1067 4 is be AUX _005456899 1067 5 great great ADJ _005456899 1067 6 to to PART _005456899 1067 7 marry marry VERB _005456899 1067 8 someone someone PRON _005456899 1067 9 with with ADP _005456899 1067 10 high high ADJ _005456899 1067 11 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1067 12 character character NOUN _005456899 1067 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1068 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1068 2 what what PRON _005456899 1068 3 about about ADP _005456899 1068 4 all all DET _005456899 1068 5 the the DET _005456899 1068 6 people people NOUN _005456899 1068 7 in in ADP _005456899 1068 8 the the DET _005456899 1068 9 world world NOUN _005456899 1068 10 who who PRON _005456899 1068 11 do do AUX _005456899 1068 12 not not PART _005456899 1068 13 have have VERB _005456899 1068 14 high high ADJ _005456899 1068 15 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1068 16 character character NOUN _005456899 1068 17 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1069 1 they they PRON _005456899 1069 2 need need VERB _005456899 1069 3 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1069 4 more more ADJ _005456899 1069 5 than than ADP _005456899 1069 6 the the DET _005456899 1069 7 saints saint NOUN _005456899 1069 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1070 1 they they PRON _005456899 1070 2 need need VERB _005456899 1070 3 it it PRON _005456899 1070 4 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 1070 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1071 1 must must AUX _005456899 1071 2 people people NOUN _005456899 1071 3 be be AUX _005456899 1071 4 taught teach VERB _005456899 1071 5 not not PART _005456899 1071 6 to to PART _005456899 1071 7 marry marry VERB _005456899 1071 8 them they PRON _005456899 1071 9 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1072 1 then then ADV _005456899 1072 2 what what PRON _005456899 1072 3 will will AUX _005456899 1072 4 become become VERB _005456899 1072 5 of of ADP _005456899 1072 6 them they PRON _005456899 1072 7 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1073 1 did do AUX _005456899 1073 2 saint saint PROPN _005456899 1073 3 augustine augustine PROPN _005456899 1073 4 's 's PART _005456899 1073 5 father father NOUN _005456899 1073 6 have have VERB _005456899 1073 7 a a DET _005456899 1073 8 high high ADJ _005456899 1073 9 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1073 10 character character NOUN _005456899 1073 11 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1074 1 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 1074 2 's 's PART _005456899 1074 3 father father NOUN _005456899 1074 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1074 5 seems seem VERB _005456899 1074 6 to to PART _005456899 1074 7 have have AUX _005456899 1074 8 been be AUX _005456899 1074 9 without without ADP _005456899 1074 10 sustained sustained ADJ _005456899 1074 11 industry industry NOUN _005456899 1074 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1074 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1075 1 . . PUNCT _005456899 1075 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 1076 1 some some DET _005456899 1076 2 hint hint NOUN _005456899 1076 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1076 4 he he PRON _005456899 1076 5 drank drink VERB _005456899 1076 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1076 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1077 1 bernard bernard PROPN _005456899 1077 2 shaw shaw PROPN _005456899 1077 3 's 's PART _005456899 1077 4 father father NOUN _005456899 1077 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 1077 6 was be AUX _005456899 1077 7 a a DET _005456899 1077 8 ne'er ne'er NOUN _005456899 1077 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 1077 10 do do AUX _005456899 1077 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1077 12 well well NOUN _005456899 1077 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1077 14 a a DET _005456899 1077 15 notable notable ADJ _005456899 1077 16 drinker drinker NOUN _005456899 1077 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1077 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1078 1 had have VERB _005456899 1078 2 the the DET _005456899 1078 3 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1078 4 who who PRON _005456899 1078 5 married marry VERB _005456899 1078 6 them they PRON _005456899 1078 7 refused refuse VERB _005456899 1078 8 to to PART _005456899 1078 9 do do VERB _005456899 1078 10 so so ADV _005456899 1078 11 because because SCONJ _005456899 1078 12 they they PRON _005456899 1078 13 ~aed ~ae VERB _005456899 1078 14 high high ADJ _005456899 1078 15 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1078 16 character character NOUN _005456899 1078 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1078 18 the the DET _005456899 1078 19 world world NOUN _005456899 1078 20 would would AUX _005456899 1078 21 have have AUX _005456899 1078 22 lost lose VERB _005456899 1078 23 a a DET _005456899 1078 24 great great ADJ _005456899 1078 25 saint saint NOUN _005456899 1078 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1078 27 a a DET _005456899 1078 28 great great ADJ _005456899 1078 29 statesman statesman NOUN _005456899 1078 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1078 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 1078 32 the the DET _005456899 1078 33 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1078 34 modern modern ADJ _005456899 1078 35 dramatist dramatist NOUN _005456899 1078 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1079 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1079 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1079 3 no no DET _005456899 1079 4 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1079 5 had have AUX _005456899 1079 6 married marry VERB _005456899 1079 7 these these DET _005456899 1079 8 men man NOUN _005456899 1079 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1079 10 they they PRON _005456899 1079 11 might might AUX _005456899 1079 12 have have AUX _005456899 1079 13 become become VERB _005456899 1079 14 great great ADJ _005456899 1079 15 criminals criminal NOUN _005456899 1079 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1079 17 not not PART _005456899 1079 18 merely merely ADV _005456899 1079 19 · · NUM _005456899 1079 20 drinkers drinker NOUN _005456899 1079 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1079 22 ne'er ne'er NOUN _005456899 1079 23 - - PUNCT _005456899 1079 24 do do NOUN _005456899 1079 25 - - PUNCT _005456899 1079 26 wells wells PROPN _005456899 1079 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1080 1 most most ADJ _005456899 1080 2 people people NOUN _005456899 1080 3 to to PART _005456899 1080 4 marry marry VERB _005456899 1080 5 must must AUX _005456899 1080 6 finally finally ADV _005456899 1080 7 marry marry VERB _005456899 1080 8 someone someone PRON _005456899 1080 9 not not PART _005456899 1080 10 very very ADV _005456899 1080 11 well well ADV _005456899 1080 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 1080 13 not not PART _005456899 1080 14 very very ADV _005456899 1080 15 good good ADJ _005456899 1080 16 no no INTJ _005456899 1080 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1080 18 the the DET _005456899 1080 19 world world NOUN _005456899 1080 20 is be AUX _005456899 1080 21 so so ADV _005456899 1080 22 full full ADJ _005456899 1080 23 of of ADP _005456899 1080 24 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1080 25 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1080 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1080 27 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1080 28 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1080 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1080 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1080 31 of of ADP _005456899 1080 32 not not PART _005456899 1080 33 very very ADV _005456899 1080 34 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1080 35 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1080 36 and and CCONJ _005456899 1080 37 not not PART _005456899 1080 38 very very ADV _005456899 1080 39 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1080 40 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1080 41 that that SCONJ _005456899 1080 42 most most ADJ _005456899 1080 43 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1080 44 will will AUX _005456899 1080 45 have have VERB _005456899 1080 46 to to PART _005456899 1080 47 marry marry VERB _005456899 1080 48 either either CCONJ _005456899 1080 49 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1080 50 or or CCONJ _005456899 1080 51 not not PART _005456899 1080 52 very very ADV _005456899 1080 53 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1080 54 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1080 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 1080 56 and and CCONJ _005456899 1080 57 most most ADJ _005456899 1080 58 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1080 59 will will AUX _005456899 1080 60 have have VERB _005456899 1080 61 to to PART _005456899 1080 62 marry marry VERB _005456899 1080 63 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1080 64 or or CCONJ _005456899 1080 65 not not PART _005456899 1080 66 very very ADV _005456899 1080 67 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1080 68 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1080 69 . . PUNCT _005456899 1081 1 the the DET _005456899 1081 2 points point NOUN _005456899 1081 3 to to PART _005456899 1081 4 stress stress VERB _005456899 1081 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1081 6 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 1081 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1081 8 in in ADP _005456899 1081 9 a a DET _005456899 1081 10 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1081 11 course course NOUN _005456899 1081 12 would would AUX _005456899 1081 13 seem seem VERB _005456899 1081 14 to to PART _005456899 1081 15 be be AUX _005456899 1081 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1081 17 first first ADJ _005456899 1081 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1081 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 1081 20 each each PRON _005456899 1081 21 who who PRON _005456899 1081 22 takes take VERB _005456899 1081 23 the the DET _005456899 1081 24 course course NOUN _005456899 1081 25 develop develop VERB _005456899 1081 26 in in ADP _005456899 1081 27 himseu himseu NOUN _005456899 1081 28 as as ADV _005456899 1081 29 much much ADV _005456899 1081 30 as as ADP _005456899 1081 31 possible possible ADJ _005456899 1081 32 all all DET _005456899 1081 33 the the DET _005456899 1081 34 desirable desirable ADJ _005456899 1081 35 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1081 36 rather rather ADV _005456899 1081 37 than than ADP _005456899 1081 38 expect expect VERB _005456899 1081 39 them they PRON _005456899 1081 40 in in ADP _005456899 1081 41 a a DET _005456899 1081 42 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1081 43 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1081 44 sec sec PROPN _005456899 1081 45 mutuallo mutuallo PROPN _005456899 1081 46 for for ADP _005456899 1081 47 him he PRON _005456899 1081 48 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1081 49 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1081 50 how how SCONJ _005456899 1081 51 to to ADP _005456899 1081 52 gt gt PROPN _005456899 1081 53 than than ADP _005456899 1081 54 how how SCONJ _005456899 1081 55 everyl everyl PROPN _005456899 1081 56 but but CCONJ _005456899 1081 57 hall hall PROPN _005456899 1081 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 1082 1 not not PART _005456899 1082 2 very very ADV _005456899 1082 3 · · PUNCT _005456899 1082 4 to to PART _005456899 1082 5 make make VERB _005456899 1082 6 be be AUX _005456899 1082 7 selfish selfish ADJ _005456899 1082 8 generous generous ADJ _005456899 1082 9 weak weak ADJ _005456899 1082 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1083 1 to to PART _005456899 1083 2 quite quite ADV _005456899 1083 3 mal mal ADJ _005456899 1083 4 one one NUM _005456899 1083 5 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1083 6 matched match VERB _005456899 1083 7 dium dium PROPN _005456899 1083 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 9 an an DET _005456899 1083 10 get get VERB _005456899 1083 11 toget toget NOUN _005456899 1083 12 for for ADP _005456899 1083 13 eve eve NOUN _005456899 1083 14 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1083 15 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1083 16 ground ground NOUN _005456899 1083 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1083 19 seek seek VERB _005456899 1083 20 eac1 eac1 NOUN _005456899 1083 21 in in ADP _005456899 1083 22 gene gene NOUN _005456899 1083 23 inm inm NOUN _005456899 1083 24 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1083 25 as as ADV _005456899 1083 26 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1083 27 much much ADJ _005456899 1083 28 le le X _005456899 1083 29 a a DET _005456899 1083 30 sober sober ADJ _005456899 1083 31 sume sume NOUN _005456899 1083 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 33 o o NOUN _005456899 1083 34 are be AUX _005456899 1083 35 und und ADJ _005456899 1083 36 cases case NOUN _005456899 1083 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 38 o~ o~ PROPN _005456899 1083 39 trained train VERB _005456899 1083 40 we we PRON _005456899 1083 41 < < X _005456899 1083 42 of of ADP _005456899 1083 43 me i PRON _005456899 1083 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 45 l l NOUN _005456899 1083 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 1083 47 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1083 48 brownil brownil NOUN _005456899 1083 49 sickly sickly ADV _005456899 1083 50 a a PRON _005456899 1083 51 how how SCONJ _005456899 1083 52 not not PART _005456899 1083 53 to to PART _005456899 1083 54 choose choose VERB _005456899 1083 55 a a DET _005456899 1083 56 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1083 57 45 45 NUM _005456899 1083 58 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1083 59 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1083 60 secondly secondly ADV _005456899 1083 61 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 62 that that SCONJ _005456899 1083 63 the the DET _005456899 1083 64 most most ADV _005456899 1083 65 important important ADJ _005456899 1083 66 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1083 67 for for ADP _005456899 1083 68 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1083 69 is be AUX _005456899 1083 70 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1083 71 love love NOUN _005456899 1083 72 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 73 such such ADJ _005456899 1083 74 as as ADP _005456899 1083 75 browning browning NOUN _005456899 1083 76 had have AUX _005456899 1083 77 for for ADP _005456899 1083 78 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1083 79 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 1083 80 and and CCONJ _005456899 1083 81 she she PRON _005456899 1083 82 for for ADP _005456899 1083 83 him he PRON _005456899 1083 84 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1083 85 and and CCONJ _005456899 1083 86 finally finally ADV _005456899 1083 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 1083 88 that that SCONJ _005456899 1083 89 each each PRON _005456899 1083 90 who who PRON _005456899 1083 91 takes take VERB _005456899 1083 92 the the DET _005456899 1083 93 course course NOUN _005456899 1083 94 learn learn VERB _005456899 1083 95 rather rather ADV _005456899 1083 96 how how SCONJ _005456899 1083 97 to to PART _005456899 1083 98 get get VERB _005456899 1083 99 along along ADP _005456899 1083 100 with with ADP _005456899 1083 101 an an DET _005456899 1083 102 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005456899 1083 103 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1083 104 " " PUNCT _005456899 1083 105 for for ADP _005456899 1083 106 better well ADJ _005456899 1083 107 or or CCONJ _005456899 1083 108 for for ADP _005456899 1083 109 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1083 110 " " PUNCT _005456899 1083 111 than than ADP _005456899 1083 112 how how SCONJ _005456899 1083 113 selfishly selfishly ADV _005456899 1083 114 to to PART _005456899 1083 115 avoid avoid VERB _005456899 1083 116 such such DET _005456899 1083 117 a a DET _005456899 1083 118 one one NOUN _005456899 1083 119 . . PUNCT _005456899 1084 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1084 2 can can AUX _005456899 1084 3 selfishly selfishly ADV _005456899 1084 4 refuse refuse VERB _005456899 1084 5 all all DET _005456899 1084 6 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1084 7 houses house NOUN _005456899 1084 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1084 9 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1084 10 horses horse NOUN _005456899 1084 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1085 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1085 2 half half DET _005456899 1085 3 the the DET _005456899 1085 4 people people NOUN _005456899 1085 5 must must AUX _005456899 1085 6 either either CCONJ _005456899 1085 7 remain remain VERB _005456899 1085 8 single single ADJ _005456899 1085 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 1085 10 marry marry VERB _005456899 1085 11 someone someone PRON _005456899 1085 12 not not PART _005456899 1085 13 very very ADV _005456899 1085 14 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 1085 15 or or CCONJ _005456899 1085 16 not not PART _005456899 1085 17 very very ADV _005456899 1085 18 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1085 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1086 1 so so ADV _005456899 1086 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1086 3 let let VERB _005456899 1086 4 them they PRON _005456899 1086 5 rather rather ADV _005456899 1086 6 be be AUX _005456899 1086 7 trained train VERB _005456899 1086 8 to to PART _005456899 1086 9 make make VERB _005456899 1086 10 the the DET _005456899 1086 11 best good ADJ _005456899 1086 12 of of ADP _005456899 1086 13 it it PRON _005456899 1086 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1086 15 should should AUX _005456899 1086 16 that that PRON _005456899 1086 17 be be AUX _005456899 1086 18 their their PRON _005456899 1086 19 lot lot NOUN _005456899 1086 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1087 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1087 2 ca can AUX _005456899 1087 3 n't not PART _005456899 1087 4 be be AUX _005456899 1087 5 selflsh selflsh NOUN _005456899 1087 6 in in ADP _005456899 1087 7 choosing choose VERB _005456899 1087 8 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1087 9 mates mate NOUN _005456899 1087 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1088 1 somebody somebody PRON _005456899 1088 2 must must AUX _005456899 1088 3 be be AUX _005456899 1088 4 noble noble ADJ _005456899 1088 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1088 6 generous generous ADJ _005456899 1088 7 like like ADP _005456899 1088 8 browning brown VERB _005456899 1088 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1088 10 marry marry VERB _005456899 1088 11 the the DET _005456899 1088 12 sickly sickly NOUN _005456899 1088 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1088 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1088 15 even even ADV _005456899 1088 16 the the DET _005456899 1088 17 morally morally ADV _005456899 1088 18 weak weak ADJ _005456899 1088 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1089 1 to to PART _005456899 1089 2 make make VERB _005456899 1089 3 that that PRON _005456899 1089 4 easier easy ADJ _005456899 1089 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1089 6 god god PROPN _005456899 1089 7 invented invent VERB _005456899 1089 8 love love NOUN _005456899 1089 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1089 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1089 11 if if SCONJ _005456899 1089 12 he he PRON _005456899 1089 13 did do AUX _005456899 1089 14 not not PART _005456899 1089 15 quite quite ADV _005456899 1089 16 make make VERB _005456899 1089 17 love love NOUN _005456899 1089 18 blind blind ADJ _005456899 1089 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1089 20 at at ADP _005456899 1089 21 least least ADJ _005456899 1089 22 he he PRON _005456899 1089 23 gave give VERB _005456899 1089 24 it it PRON _005456899 1089 25 rose rose ADJ _005456899 1089 26 - - PUNCT _005456899 1089 27 colored colored ADJ _005456899 1089 28 glasses glass NOUN _005456899 1089 29 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1090 1 in in ADP _005456899 1090 2 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1090 3 matters matter NOUN _005456899 1090 4 similarity similarity NOUN _005456899 1090 5 is be AUX _005456899 1090 6 possible possible ADJ _005456899 1090 7 one one NUM _005456899 1090 8 may may AUX _005456899 1090 9 well well ADV _005456899 1090 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1090 11 however however ADV _005456899 1090 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1090 13 lay lie VERB _005456899 1090 14 stress stress NOUN _005456899 1090 15 on on ADP _005456899 1090 16 such such ADJ _005456899 1090 17 choice choice NOUN _005456899 1090 18 - - PUNCT _005456899 1090 19 of of ADP _005456899 1090 20 - - PUNCT _005456899 1090 21 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1090 22 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1090 23 which which PRON _005456899 1090 24 god god PROPN _005456899 1090 25 distributed distribute VERB _005456899 1090 26 in in ADP _005456899 1090 27 equal equal ADJ _005456899 1090 28 proportions proportion NOUN _005456899 1090 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1090 30 which which PRON _005456899 1090 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1090 32 if if SCONJ _005456899 1090 33 matched match VERB _005456899 1090 34 wisely wisely ADV _005456899 1090 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1090 36 benefit benefit NOUN _005456899 1090 37 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1090 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1091 1 there there PRON _005456899 1091 2 are be VERB _005456899 1091 3 as as ADV _005456899 1091 4 many many ADJ _005456899 1091 5 bright bright ADJ _005456899 1091 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1091 7 medium medium NOUN _005456899 1091 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1091 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1091 10 stupid stupid ADJ _005456899 1091 11 men man NOUN _005456899 1091 12 as as SCONJ _005456899 1091 13 there there PRON _005456899 1091 14 are be VERB _005456899 1091 15 such such ADJ _005456899 1091 16 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1091 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1092 1 let let VERB _005456899 1092 2 the the DET _005456899 1092 3 bright bright ADJ _005456899 1092 4 ones one NOUN _005456899 1092 5 get get VERB _005456899 1092 6 together together ADV _005456899 1092 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1092 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1092 9 the the DET _005456899 1092 10 medium medium NOUN _005456899 1092 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1092 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1092 13 the the DET _005456899 1092 14 stupid stupid ADJ _005456899 1092 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1093 1 that that PRON _005456899 1093 2 will will AUX _005456899 1093 3 be be AUX _005456899 1093 4 good good ADJ _005456899 1093 5 for for ADP _005456899 1093 6 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1093 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1094 1 the the DET _005456899 1094 2 same same ADJ _005456899 1094 3 is be AUX _005456899 1094 4 true true ADJ _005456899 1094 5 of of ADP _005456899 1094 6 economic economic ADJ _005456899 1094 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1094 8 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1094 9 background background NOUN _005456899 1094 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1094 11 recreational recreational ADJ _005456899 1094 12 interests interest NOUN _005456899 1094 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1094 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1094 15 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1094 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1095 1 there there PRON _005456899 1095 2 are be VERB _005456899 1095 3 as as ADV _005456899 1095 4 many many ADJ _005456899 1095 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1095 6 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1095 7 as as ADP _005456899 1095 8 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1095 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1096 1 it it PRON _005456899 1096 2 is be AUX _005456899 1096 3 possible possible ADJ _005456899 1096 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1096 5 beneficial beneficial ADJ _005456899 1096 6 for for SCONJ _005456899 1096 7 them they PRON _005456899 1096 8 to to PART _005456899 1096 9 seek seek VERB _005456899 1096 10 each each DET _005456899 1096 11 other other ADJ _005456899 1096 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1097 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1097 2 it it PRON _005456899 1097 3 hurts hurt VERB _005456899 1097 4 no no DET _005456899 1097 5 one one NOUN _005456899 1097 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1098 1 in in ADP _005456899 1098 2 general general ADJ _005456899 1098 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1098 4 mates mate NOUN _005456899 1098 5 should should AUX _005456899 1098 6 be be AUX _005456899 1098 7 selected select VERB _005456899 1098 8 generously generously ADV _005456899 1098 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1098 10 not not PART _005456899 1098 11 sellishly sellishly ADV _005456899 1098 12 in in ADP _005456899 1098 13 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1098 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1098 15 health health NOUN _005456899 1098 16 matters matter NOUN _005456899 1098 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1098 18 this this PRON _005456899 1098 19 is be AUX _005456899 1098 20 not not PART _005456899 1098 21 so so ADV _005456899 1098 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1099 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1099 2 browning browning NOUN _005456899 1099 3 had have AUX _005456899 1099 4 been be AUX _005456899 1099 5 as as ADV _005456899 1099 6 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1099 7 as as ADP _005456899 1099 8 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 1099 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1099 10 their their PRON _005456899 1099 11 chance chance NOUN _005456899 1099 12 of of ADP _005456899 1099 13 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 1099 14 would would AUX _005456899 1099 15 have have AUX _005456899 1099 16 been be AUX _005456899 1099 17 much much ADV _005456899 1099 18 less less ADJ _005456899 1099 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1100 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1100 2 two two NUM _005456899 1100 3 heavy heavy ADJ _005456899 1100 4 drinkers drinker NOUN _005456899 1100 5 marry marry VERB _005456899 1100 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1100 7 it it PRON _005456899 1100 8 is be AUX _005456899 1100 9 much much ADV _005456899 1100 10 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1100 11 than than SCONJ _005456899 1100 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 1100 13 a a DET _005456899 1100 14 sober sober ADJ _005456899 1100 15 one one NUM _005456899 1100 16 generously generously ADV _005456899 1100 17 marries marry VERB _005456899 1100 18 a a DET _005456899 1100 19 drinker drinker NOUN _005456899 1100 20 whom whom PRON _005456899 1100 21 she she PRON _005456899 1100 22 loves love VERB _005456899 1100 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1101 1 we we PRON _005456899 1101 2 assume assume VERB _005456899 1101 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1101 4 of of ADP _005456899 1101 5 course course NOUN _005456899 1101 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1101 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 1101 8 people people NOUN _005456899 1101 9 too too ADV _005456899 1101 10 sick sick ADJ _005456899 1101 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 1101 12 too too ADV _005456899 1101 13 immoral immoral ADJ _005456899 1101 14 to to PART _005456899 1101 15 marry marry VERB _005456899 1101 16 are be AUX _005456899 1101 17 under under ADP _005456899 1101 18 medical medical ADJ _005456899 1101 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1101 20 institutional institutional ADJ _005456899 1101 21 care care NOUN _005456899 1101 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1102 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1102 2 for for ADP _005456899 1102 3 the the DET _005456899 1102 4 less less ADV _005456899 1102 5 extreme extreme ADJ _005456899 1102 6 cases case NOUN _005456899 1102 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1102 8 of of ADP _005456899 1102 9 which which PRON _005456899 1102 10 the the DET _005456899 1102 11 world world NOUN _005456899 1102 12 is be AUX _005456899 1102 13 full full ADJ _005456899 1102 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1102 15 let let VERB _005456899 1102 16 healthy healthy ADJ _005456899 1102 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1102 18 good good ADJ _005456899 1102 19 people people NOUN _005456899 1102 20 be be AUX _005456899 1102 21 trained train VERB _005456899 1102 22 to to PART _005456899 1102 23 get get VERB _005456899 1102 24 along along ADP _005456899 1102 25 with with ADP _005456899 1102 26 them they PRON _005456899 1102 27 in in ADP _005456899 1102 28 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1102 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1103 1 we we PRON _005456899 1103 2 are be AUX _005456899 1103 3 n't not PART _005456899 1103 4 all all ADV _005456899 1103 5 big big ADJ _005456899 1103 6 enough enough ADV _005456899 1103 7 to to PART _005456899 1103 8 be be AUX _005456899 1103 9 brownings browning NOUN _005456899 1103 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1104 1 let let VERB _005456899 1104 2 no no DET _005456899 1104 3 one one NOUN _005456899 1104 4 expect expect VERB _005456899 1104 5 it it PRON _005456899 1104 6 of of ADP _005456899 1104 7 me i PRON _005456899 1104 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1104 9 for for ADP _005456899 1104 10 example example NOUN _005456899 1104 11 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1105 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1105 2 we we PRON _005456899 1105 3 can can AUX _005456899 1105 4 at at ADP _005456899 1105 5 least least ADJ _005456899 1105 6 teach teach VERB _005456899 1105 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1105 8 admire admire NOUN _005456899 1105 9 in in ADP _005456899 1105 10 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1105 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1105 12 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1105 13 of of ADP _005456899 1105 14 our our PRON _005456899 1105 15 own own ADJ _005456899 1105 16 generation generation NOUN _005456899 1105 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1105 18 what what PRON _005456899 1105 19 we we PRON _005456899 1105 20 want want VERB _005456899 1105 21 them they PRON _005456899 1105 22 to to PART _005456899 1105 23 admire admire VERB _005456899 1105 24 in in ADP _005456899 1105 25 browning brown VERB _005456899 1105 26 : : PUNCT _005456899 1105 27 it it PRON _005456899 1105 28 is be AUX _005456899 1105 29 just just ADV _005456899 1105 30 as as ADP _005456899 1105 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 1105 32 cheap cheap ADJ _005456899 1105 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 1105 34 to to AUX _005456899 1105 35 tum tum VERB _005456899 1105 36 a a DET _005456899 1105 37 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1105 38 down down ADV _005456899 1105 39 b b NOUN _005456899 1105 40 ecause ecause NOUN _005456899 1105 41 she she PRON _005456899 1105 42 is be AUX _005456899 1105 43 sickly sickly ADJ _005456899 1105 44 as as SCONJ _005456899 1105 45 it it PRON _005456899 1105 46 is be AUX _005456899 1105 47 to to PART _005456899 1105 48 tum tum VERB _005456899 1105 49 her she PRON _005456899 1105 50 down down ADP _005456899 1105 51 because because SCONJ _005456899 1105 52 she she PRON _005456899 1105 53 is be AUX _005456899 1105 54 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1105 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 1105 56 or or CCONJ _005456899 1105 57 homely homely ADV _005456899 1105 58 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1106 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1106 2 ix ix VERB _005456899 1106 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 1106 4 he he PRON _005456899 1106 5 does do AUX _005456899 1106 6 n't not PART _005456899 1106 7 propose propose VERB _005456899 1106 8 this this DET _005456899 1106 9 article article NOUN _005456899 1106 10 first first ADV _005456899 1106 11 appeared appear VERB _005456899 1106 12 under under ADP _005456899 1106 13 the the DET _005456899 1106 14 title title NOUN _005456899 1106 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1106 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1106 17 why why SCONJ _005456899 1106 18 does do AUX _005456899 1106 19 n't not PART _005456899 1106 20 he he PRON _005456899 1106 21 propose propose VERB _005456899 1106 22 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1106 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 1106 24 in in ADP _005456899 1106 25 the the DET _005456899 1106 26 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 1106 27 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 1106 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1106 29 february february PROPN _005456899 1106 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1106 31 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 1106 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1107 1 in in ADP _005456899 1107 2 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1107 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1107 4 as as ADP _005456899 1107 5 in in ADP _005456899 1107 6 other other ADJ _005456899 1107 7 matters matter NOUN _005456899 1107 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1107 9 problems problem NOUN _005456899 1107 10 fluctuate fluctuate VERB _005456899 1107 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1108 1 during during ADP _005456899 1108 2 the the DET _005456899 1108 3 depression depression NOUN _005456899 1108 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1108 5 men man NOUN _005456899 1108 6 had have VERB _005456899 1108 7 plenty plenty ADJ _005456899 1108 8 time time NOUN _005456899 1108 9 to to ADP _005456899 1108 10 court court NOUN _005456899 1108 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1108 12 not not PART _005456899 1108 13 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1108 14 job job NOUN _005456899 1108 15 to to PART _005456899 1108 16 propose propose VERB _005456899 1108 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1109 1 during during ADP _005456899 1109 2 the the DET _005456899 1109 3 war war NOUN _005456899 1109 4 they they PRON _005456899 1109 5 had have VERB _005456899 1109 6 plenty plenty ADJ _005456899 1109 7 work work NOUN _005456899 1109 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1109 9 very very ADV _005456899 1109 10 little little ADJ _005456899 1109 11 time time NOUN _005456899 1109 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1109 13 so so ADV _005456899 1109 14 they they PRON _005456899 1109 15 proposed propose VERB _005456899 1109 16 more more ADV _005456899 1109 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1109 18 faster fast ADV _005456899 1109 19 than than SCONJ _005456899 1109 20 they they PRON _005456899 1109 21 should should AUX _005456899 1109 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1110 1 during during ADP _005456899 1110 2 the the DET _005456899 1110 3 war war NOUN _005456899 1110 4 this this DET _005456899 1110 5 article article NOUN _005456899 1110 6 could could AUX _005456899 1110 7 have have AUX _005456899 1110 8 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1110 9 silly silly ADJ _005456899 1110 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1111 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1111 2 hard hard ADJ _005456899 1111 3 times time NOUN _005456899 1111 4 come come VERB _005456899 1111 5 again again ADV _005456899 1111 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1111 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1111 8 especially especially ADV _005456899 1111 9 with with SCONJ _005456899 1111 10 the the DET _005456899 1111 11 quota quota NOUN _005456899 1111 12 of of ADP _005456899 1111 13 men man NOUN _005456899 1111 14 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 1111 15 cut cut VERB _005456899 1111 16 down down ADP _005456899 1111 17 by by ADP _005456899 1111 18 the the DET _005456899 1111 19 war war NOUN _005456899 1111 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1111 21 it it PRON _005456899 1111 22 will will AUX _005456899 1111 23 again again ADV _005456899 1111 24 be be AUX _005456899 1111 25 pertinent pertinent ADJ _005456899 1111 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1112 1 parties party NOUN _005456899 1112 2 in in ADP _005456899 1112 3 power power NOUN _005456899 1112 4 use use VERB _005456899 1112 5 all all DET _005456899 1112 6 kinds kind NOUN _005456899 1112 7 of of ADP _005456899 1112 8 swindles swindle NOUN _005456899 1112 9 to to PART _005456899 1112 10 suggest suggest VERB _005456899 1112 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 1112 12 horses horse NOUN _005456899 1112 13 should should AUX _005456899 1112 14 n n ADV _005456899 1112 15 o o NOUN _005456899 1112 16 t t NOUN _005456899 1112 17 be be AUX _005456899 1112 18 c c NOUN _005456899 1112 19 h h NOUN _005456899 1112 20 a a X _005456899 1112 21 n n NOUN _005456899 1112 22 g g PROPN _005456899 1112 23 e e PROPN _005456899 1112 24 d d PROPN _005456899 1112 25 in in ADP _005456899 1112 26 mid mid NOUN _005456899 1112 27 - - NOUN _005456899 1112 28 stream stream NOUN _005456899 1112 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1113 1 so so ADV _005456899 1113 2 men man NOUN _005456899 1113 3 throughout throughout ADP _005456899 1113 4 the the DET _005456899 1113 5 ages age NOUN _005456899 1113 6 have have AUX _005456899 1113 7 used use VERB _005456899 1113 8 all all DET _005456899 1113 9 kinds kind NOUN _005456899 1113 10 of of ADP _005456899 1113 11 superstitions superstition NOUN _005456899 1113 12 to to PART _005456899 1113 13 maintain maintain VERB _005456899 1113 14 their their PRON _005456899 1113 15 dominance dominance NOUN _005456899 1113 16 over over ADP _005456899 1113 17 women woman NOUN _005456899 1113 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1114 1 one one NUM _005456899 1114 2 is be AUX _005456899 1114 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1114 4 it it PRON _005456899 1114 5 is be AUX _005456899 1114 6 the the DET _005456899 1114 7 man man NOUN _005456899 1114 8 's 's PART _005456899 1114 9 prerogatzve prerogatzve NOUN _005456899 1114 10 to to PART _005456899 1114 11 do do VERB _005456899 1114 12 t t NOUN _005456899 1114 13 h h NOUN _005456899 1114 14 e e NOUN _005456899 1114 15 courting courting NOUN _005456899 1114 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1114 17 the the DET _005456899 1114 18 choosing choosing NOUN _005456899 1114 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1115 1 shakespeare shakespeare PROPN _005456899 1115 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1115 3 the the DET _005456899 1115 4 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1115 5 genius genius NOUN _005456899 1115 6 christendom christendom NOUN _005456899 1115 7 has have AUX _005456899 1115 8 produced produce VERB _005456899 1115 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1115 10 had have VERB _005456899 1115 11 his his PRON _005456899 1115 12 chief chief ADJ _005456899 1115 13 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 1115 14 heroine heroine NOUN _005456899 1115 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1115 16 juliet juliet PROPN _005456899 1115 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1115 18 do do VERB _005456899 1115 19 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 1115 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1115 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1115 22 desdemona desdemona PROPN _005456899 1115 23 is be AUX _005456899 1115 24 represented represent VERB _005456899 1115 25 as as ADP _005456899 1115 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 1115 27 half half DET _005456899 1115 28 the the DET _005456899 1115 29 wooer wooer NOUN _005456899 1115 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1115 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 1116 1 what what PRON _005456899 1116 2 of of ADP _005456899 1116 3 a a DET _005456899 1116 4 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 1116 5 who who PRON _005456899 1116 6 calls call VERB _005456899 1116 7 on on ADP _005456899 1116 8 a a DET _005456899 1116 9 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1116 10 for for ADP _005456899 1116 11 ten ten NUM _005456899 1116 12 years year NOUN _005456899 1116 13 today today NOUN _005456899 1116 14 a a DET _005456899 1116 15 senior senior ADJ _005456899 1116 16 asked ask VERB _005456899 1116 17 me i PRON _005456899 1116 18 what what PRON _005456899 1116 19 i i PRON _005456899 1116 20 think think VERB _005456899 1116 21 of of ADP _005456899 1116 22 a a DET _005456899 1116 23 man man NOUN _005456899 1116 24 he he PRON _005456899 1116 25 knows know VERB _005456899 1116 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1116 27 who who PRON _005456899 1116 28 for for ADP _005456899 1116 29 almost almost ADV _005456899 1116 30 ten ten NUM _005456899 1116 31 years year NOUN _005456899 1116 32 now now ADV _005456899 1116 33 has have AUX _005456899 1116 34 called call VERB _005456899 1116 35 on on ADP _005456899 1116 36 a a DET _005456899 1116 37 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1116 38 every every DET _005456899 1116 39 single single ADJ _005456899 1116 40 evening evening NOUN _005456899 1116 41 of of ADP _005456899 1116 42 every every DET _005456899 1116 43 week week NOUN _005456899 1116 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1116 45 has have VERB _005456899 1116 46 a a DET _005456899 1116 47 bit bit NOUN _005456899 1116 48 of of ADP _005456899 1116 49 cake cake NOUN _005456899 1116 50 and and CCONJ _005456899 1116 51 coffee coffee NOUN _005456899 1116 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 1116 53 and and CCONJ _005456899 1116 54 after after ADP _005456899 1116 55 two two NUM _005456899 1116 56 hours hour NOUN _005456899 1116 57 or or CCONJ _005456899 1116 58 so so ADV _005456899 1116 59 trudges trudge VERB _005456899 1116 60 home home ADV _005456899 1116 61 again again ADV _005456899 1116 62 . . PUNCT _005456899 1117 1 his his PRON _005456899 1117 2 question question NOUN _005456899 1117 3 reminded remind VERB _005456899 1117 4 me i PRON _005456899 1117 5 of of ADP _005456899 1117 6 a a DET _005456899 1117 7 story story NOUN _005456899 1117 8 a a DET _005456899 1117 9 colleague colleague NOUN _005456899 1117 10 tells tell VERB _005456899 1117 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1118 1 a a DET _005456899 1118 2 couple couple NOUN _005456899 1118 3 had have AUX _005456899 1118 4 been be AUX _005456899 1118 5 going go VERB _005456899 1118 6 with with ADP _005456899 1118 7 each each DET _005456899 1118 8 other other ADJ _005456899 1118 9 for for ADP _005456899 1118 10 years year NOUN _005456899 1118 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1118 12 years year NOUN _005456899 1118 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1118 14 years year NOUN _005456899 1118 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1119 1 finally finally ADV _005456899 1119 2 one one NUM _005456899 1119 3 day day NOUN _005456899 1119 4 in in ADP _005456899 1119 5 a a DET _005456899 1119 6 desperate desperate ADJ _005456899 1119 7 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1119 8 she she PRON _005456899 1119 9 said say VERB _005456899 1119 10 to to ADP _005456899 1119 11 him he PRON _005456899 1119 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1119 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1119 14 john john PROPN _005456899 1119 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1119 16 do do AUX _005456899 1119 17 n't not PART _005456899 1119 18 you you PRON _005456899 1119 19 think think VERB _005456899 1119 20 it it PRON _005456899 1119 21 might might AUX _005456899 1119 22 be be AUX _005456899 1119 23 best good ADJ _005456899 1119 24 if if SCONJ _005456899 1119 25 we we PRON _005456899 1119 26 got got AUX _005456899 1119 27 married marry VERB _005456899 1119 28 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1119 29 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1120 1 he he PRON _005456899 1120 2 looked look VERB _005456899 1120 3 up up ADP _005456899 1120 4 at at ADP _005456899 1120 5 her she PRON _005456899 1120 6 innocently innocently ADV _005456899 1120 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1120 8 said say VERB _005456899 1120 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1120 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1120 11 yes yes INTJ _005456899 1120 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1120 13 susan susan PROPN _005456899 1120 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1120 15 i i PRON _005456899 1120 16 suppose suppose VERB _005456899 1120 17 it it PRON _005456899 1120 18 might might AUX _005456899 1120 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1121 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1121 2 who who PRON _005456899 1121 3 in in ADP _005456899 1121 4 the the DET _005456899 1121 5 world world NOUN _005456899 1121 6 would would AUX _005456899 1121 7 have have VERB _005456899 1121 8 either either PRON _005456899 1121 9 of of ADP _005456899 1121 10 us we PRON _005456899 1121 11 now now ADV _005456899 1121 12 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1121 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1122 1 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 1122 2 dating dating NOUN _005456899 1122 3 must must AUX _005456899 1122 4 envisage envisage VERB _005456899 1122 5 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1122 6 my my PRON _005456899 1122 7 answer answer NOUN _005456899 1122 8 to to ADP _005456899 1122 9 the the DET _005456899 1122 10 senior senior ADJ _005456899 1122 11 above above ADV _005456899 1122 12 was be AUX _005456899 1122 13 that that SCONJ _005456899 1122 14 the the DET _005456899 1122 15 man man NOUN _005456899 1122 16 is be AUX _005456899 1122 17 a a DET _005456899 1122 18 fraud fraud NOUN _005456899 1122 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1122 20 the the DET _005456899 1122 21 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1122 22 a a DET _005456899 1122 23 fool fool NOUN _005456899 1122 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1123 1 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1123 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1123 3 i i PRON _005456899 1123 4 said say VERB _005456899 1123 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1123 6 must must AUX _005456899 1123 7 be be AUX _005456899 1123 8 a a DET _005456899 1123 9 front front ADJ _005456899 1123 10 porch porch NOUN _005456899 1123 11 to to ADP _005456899 1123 12 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 1123 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1123 14 not not PART _005456899 1123 15 a a DET _005456899 1123 16 back back ADJ _005456899 1123 17 porch porch NOUN _005456899 1123 18 for for ADP _005456899 1123 19 fun fun NOUN _005456899 1123 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1124 1 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1124 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1124 3 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1124 4 do do AUX _005456899 1124 5 not not PART _005456899 1124 6 have have VERB _005456899 1124 7 the the DET _005456899 1124 8 right right NOUN _005456899 1124 9 to to PART _005456899 1124 10 continue continue VERB _005456899 1124 11 to to PART _005456899 1124 12 go go VERB _005456899 1124 13 with with ADP _005456899 1124 14 each each DET _005456899 1124 15 other other ADJ _005456899 1124 16 just just ADV _005456899 1124 17 to to PART _005456899 1124 18 have have VERB _005456899 1124 19 a a DET _005456899 1124 20 good good ADJ _005456899 1124 21 time time NOUN _005456899 1124 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1124 23 even even ADV _005456899 1124 24 if if SCONJ _005456899 1124 25 it it PRON _005456899 1124 26 be be VERB _005456899 1124 27 not not PART _005456899 1124 28 a a DET _005456899 1124 29 grossly grossly ADV _005456899 1124 30 sinful sinful ADJ _005456899 1124 31 good good ADJ _005456899 1124 32 time time NOUN _005456899 1124 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1125 1 they they PRON _005456899 1125 2 have have VERB _005456899 1125 3 a a DET _005456899 1125 4 right right NOUN _005456899 1125 5 to to PART _005456899 1125 6 go go VERB _005456899 1125 7 with with ADP _005456899 1125 8 each each DET _005456899 1125 9 other other ADJ _005456899 1125 10 romantically romantically ADV _005456899 1125 11 only only ADV _005456899 1125 12 to to PART _005456899 1125 13 discover discover VERB _005456899 1125 14 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 1125 15 they they PRON _005456899 1125 16 might might AUX _005456899 1125 17 some some DET _005456899 1125 18 day day NOUN _005456899 1125 19 make make VERB _005456899 1125 20 a a DET _005456899 1125 21 good good ADJ _005456899 1125 22 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1125 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1125 24 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1125 25 for for ADP _005456899 1125 26 eaeh eaeh PROPN _005456899 1125 27 other other ADJ _005456899 1125 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1126 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1126 2 some some DET _005456899 1126 3 day day NOUN _005456899 1126 4 does do AUX _005456899 1126 5 not not PART _005456899 1126 6 mean mean VERB _005456899 1126 7 ten ten NUM _005456899 1126 8 years year NOUN _005456899 1126 9 from from ADP _005456899 1126 10 now now ADV _005456899 1126 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1127 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1127 2 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1127 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1127 4 even even ADV _005456899 1127 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 1127 6 tl tl ADP _005456899 1127 7 one one NUM _005456899 1127 8 another another DET _005456899 1127 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1127 10 chaperoned chaperone VERB _005456899 1127 11 1 1 NUM _005456899 1127 12 when when SCONJ _005456899 1127 13 they~ they~ PROPN _005456899 1127 14 they they PRON _005456899 1127 15 may may AUX _005456899 1127 16 no no ADV _005456899 1127 17 know know VERB _005456899 1127 18 they they PRON _005456899 1127 19 c c VERB _005456899 1127 20 : : PUNCT _005456899 1127 21 as as SCONJ _005456899 1127 22 is be AUX _005456899 1127 23 often often ADV _005456899 1127 24 tr tr VERB _005456899 1127 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1127 26 eve eve VERB _005456899 1127 27 going go VERB _005456899 1127 28 with with ADP _005456899 1127 29 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1127 30 will will AUX _005456899 1127 31 not not PART _005456899 1127 32 mar mar VERB _005456899 1127 33 any any DET _005456899 1127 34 timetab timetab NOUN _005456899 1127 35 association association NOUN _005456899 1127 36 : : PUNCT _005456899 1127 37 u u PROPN _005456899 1127 38 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1127 39 it it PRON _005456899 1127 40 is be AUX _005456899 1127 41 to to ADP _005456899 1127 42 this this DET _005456899 1127 43 attitud attitud ADJ _005456899 1127 44 « « PUNCT _005456899 1127 45 with with ADP _005456899 1127 46 a a DET _005456899 1127 47 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1127 48 something something PRON _005456899 1127 49 but but SCONJ _005456899 1127 50 wh wh NOUN _005456899 1127 51 : : PUNCT _005456899 1127 52 hope hope PROPN _005456899 1127 53 and and CCONJ _005456899 1127 54 church church NOUN _005456899 1127 55 mt mt PROPN _005456899 1127 56 : : PUNCT _005456899 1127 57 the the DET _005456899 1127 58 pedesb pedesb NOUN _005456899 1127 59 her her PRON _005456899 1127 60 stretch stretch NOUN _005456899 1127 61 to to ADP _005456899 1127 62 me i PRON _005456899 1127 63 duly duly ADV _005456899 1127 64 long long ADV _005456899 1127 65 should should AUX _005456899 1127 66 anything anything PRON _005456899 1127 67 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1128 1 to to ADP _005456899 1128 2 me i PRON _005456899 1128 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1128 4 wn wn PROPN _005456899 1128 5 instea instea VERB _005456899 1128 6 < < X _005456899 1128 7 a a DET _005456899 1128 8 man man NOUN _005456899 1128 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1129 1 or or CCONJ _005456899 1129 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1129 3 julie julie PROPN _005456899 1129 4 her she PRON _005456899 1129 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1129 6 julie julie PROPN _005456899 1129 7 love love VERB _005456899 1129 8 me i PRON _005456899 1129 9 2 2 NUM _005456899 1129 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1129 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1129 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1129 13 who who PRON _005456899 1129 14 ~ent ~ent VERB _005456899 1129 15 got get VERB _005456899 1129 16 ose ose ADJ _005456899 1129 17 if if SCONJ _005456899 1129 18 he he PRON _005456899 1129 19 does do AUX _005456899 1129 20 n't not PART _005456899 1129 21 propose propose VERB _005456899 1129 22 47 47 NUM _005456899 1129 23 when when SCONJ _005456899 1129 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1129 25 how how SCONJ _005456899 1129 26 long long ADV _005456899 1129 27 may may AUX _005456899 1129 28 persons person NOUN _005456899 1129 29 date date NOUN _005456899 1129 30 each each DET _005456899 1129 31 other other ADJ _005456899 1129 32 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1129 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 1129 34 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1129 35 do do AUX _005456899 1129 36 have have VERB _005456899 1129 37 the the DET _005456899 1129 38 right right NOUN _005456899 1129 39 to to ADP _005456899 1129 40 date date NOUN _005456899 1129 41 each each DET _005456899 1129 42 other other ADJ _005456899 1129 43 occasionally occasionally ADV _005456899 1129 44 even even ADV _005456899 1129 45 when when SCONJ _005456899 1129 46 they they PRON _005456899 1129 47 do do AUX _005456899 1129 48 not not PART _005456899 1129 49 have have VERB _005456899 1129 50 any any DET _005456899 1129 51 very very ADV _005456899 1129 52 serious serious ADJ _005456899 1129 53 inclinations inclination NOUN _005456899 1129 54 towards towards ADP _005456899 1129 55 one one NUM _005456899 1129 56 another another DET _005456899 1129 57 , , PUNCT _005456899 1129 58 in in ADP _005456899 1129 59 order order NOUN _005456899 1129 60 to to PART _005456899 1129 61 attend attend VERB _005456899 1129 62 school school NOUN _005456899 1129 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 1129 64 club club NOUN _005456899 1129 65 , , PUNCT _005456899 1129 66 or or CCONJ _005456899 1129 67 sodality sodality NOUN _005456899 1129 68 dances dance NOUN _005456899 1129 69 or or CCONJ _005456899 1129 70 chaperoned chaperone VERB _005456899 1129 71 parties party NOUN _005456899 1129 72 . . PUNCT _005456899 1130 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1130 2 they they PRON _005456899 1130 3 may may AUX _005456899 1130 4 not not PART _005456899 1130 5 date date VERB _005456899 1130 6 each each DET _005456899 1130 7 other other ADJ _005456899 1130 8 romantically romantically ADV _005456899 1130 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 1130 10 they they PRON _005456899 1130 11 ca can AUX _005456899 1130 12 n't not PART _005456899 1130 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1130 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1130 15 know know VERB _005456899 1130 16 they they PRON _005456899 1130 17 wo will AUX _005456899 1130 18 n't not PART _005456899 1130 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1130 20 every every PRON _005456899 1130 21 marry marry VERB _005456899 1130 22 each each DET _005456899 1130 23 other other ADJ _005456899 1130 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1131 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1131 2 they they PRON _005456899 1131 3 may may AUX _005456899 1131 4 not not PART _005456899 1131 5 date date VERB _005456899 1131 6 each each DET _005456899 1131 7 other other ADJ _005456899 1131 8 steadily steadily ADV _005456899 1131 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1131 10 frequently frequently ADV _005456899 1131 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 1131 12 they they PRON _005456899 1131 13 know know VERB _005456899 1131 14 they they PRON _005456899 1131 15 ca can AUX _005456899 1131 16 n't not PART _005456899 1131 17 consider consider VERB _005456899 1131 18 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1131 19 for for ADP _005456899 1131 20 another another DET _005456899 1131 21 eight eight NUM _005456899 1131 22 or or CCONJ _005456899 1131 23 nine nine NUM _005456899 1131 24 years year NOUN _005456899 1131 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1131 26 as as SCONJ _005456899 1131 27 is be AUX _005456899 1131 28 often often ADV _005456899 1131 29 the the DET _005456899 1131 30 case case NOUN _005456899 1131 31 with with ADP _005456899 1131 32 high high ADJ _005456899 1131 33 school school NOUN _005456899 1131 34 students student NOUN _005456899 1131 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1132 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1132 2 even even ADV _005456899 1132 3 more more ADV _005456899 1132 4 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 1132 5 than than SCONJ _005456899 1132 6 that that PRON _005456899 1132 7 is be AUX _005456899 1132 8 the the DET _005456899 1132 9 obligation obligation NOUN _005456899 1132 10 to to PART _005456899 1132 11 stop stop VERB _005456899 1132 12 going go VERB _005456899 1132 13 with with ADP _005456899 1132 14 each each DET _005456899 1132 15 other other ADJ _005456899 1132 16 if if SCONJ _005456899 1132 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1132 18 when when SCONJ _005456899 1132 19 they they PRON _005456899 1132 20 find find VERB _005456899 1132 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 1132 22 they they PRON _005456899 1132 23 can can AUX _005456899 1132 24 not not PART _005456899 1132 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 1132 26 will will AUX _005456899 1132 27 not not PART _005456899 1132 28 marry marry VERB _005456899 1132 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1133 1 the the DET _005456899 1133 2 church church NOUN _005456899 1133 3 in in ADP _005456899 1133 4 general general ADJ _005456899 1133 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1133 6 while while SCONJ _005456899 1133 7 it it PRON _005456899 1133 8 has have AUX _005456899 1133 9 not not PART _005456899 1133 10 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005456899 1133 11 any any DET _005456899 1133 12 timetable timetable NOUN _005456899 1133 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1133 14 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 1133 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 1133 16 two two NUM _005456899 1133 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 1133 18 at at ADP _005456899 1133 19 most most ADV _005456899 1133 20 three three NUM _005456899 1133 21 years year NOUN _005456899 1133 22 of of ADP _005456899 1133 23 steady steady ADJ _005456899 1133 24 association association NOUN _005456899 1133 25 are be AUX _005456899 1133 26 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1133 27 to to PART _005456899 1133 28 find find VERB _005456899 1133 29 the the DET _005456899 1133 30 altar altar NOUN _005456899 1133 31 - - PUNCT _005456899 1133 32 or or CCONJ _005456899 1133 33 the the DET _005456899 1133 34 gate gate NOUN _005456899 1133 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1134 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1134 2 the the DET _005456899 1134 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1134 4 is be AUX _005456899 1134 5 willing willing ADJ _005456899 1134 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1134 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 1134 8 the the DET _005456899 1134 9 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1134 10 seems seem VERB _005456899 1134 11 blind blind ADJ _005456899 1134 12 it it PRON _005456899 1134 13 is be AUX _005456899 1134 14 to to ADP _005456899 1134 15 the the DET _005456899 1134 16 credit credit NOUN _005456899 1134 17 of of ADP _005456899 1134 18 most most ADJ _005456899 1134 19 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1134 20 that that PRON _005456899 1134 21 they they PRON _005456899 1134 22 realize realize VERB _005456899 1134 23 the the DET _005456899 1134 24 sense sense NOUN _005456899 1134 25 of of ADP _005456899 1134 26 this this DET _005456899 1134 27 attitude attitude NOUN _005456899 1134 28 of of ADP _005456899 1134 29 the the DET _005456899 1134 30 church church NOUN _005456899 1134 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1135 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1135 2 most most ADJ _005456899 1135 3 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1135 4 when when SCONJ _005456899 1135 5 they they PRON _005456899 1135 6 have have AUX _005456899 1135 7 gone go VERB _005456899 1135 8 with with ADP _005456899 1135 9 a a DET _005456899 1135 10 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1135 11 for for ADP _005456899 1135 12 two two NUM _005456899 1135 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 1135 14 three three NUM _005456899 1135 15 years year NOUN _005456899 1135 16 realize realize VERB _005456899 1135 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1135 18 they they PRON _005456899 1135 19 ought ought AUX _005456899 1135 20 to to PART _005456899 1135 21 do do VERB _005456899 1135 22 something something PRON _005456899 1135 23 about about ADP _005456899 1135 24 getting getting AUX _005456899 1135 25 married marry VERB _005456899 1135 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1136 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1136 2 what what PRON _005456899 1136 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 1136 4 the the DET _005456899 1136 5 man man NOUN _005456899 1136 6 does do AUX _005456899 1136 7 not not PART _005456899 1136 8 propose propose VERB _005456899 1136 9 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1137 1 should should AUX _005456899 1137 2 a a DET _005456899 1137 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1137 4 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1137 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1137 6 hope hope VERB _005456899 1137 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1137 8 wait wait VERB _005456899 1137 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1137 10 wait wait VERB _005456899 1137 11 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1138 1 should should AUX _005456899 1138 2 she she PRON _005456899 1138 3 wait wait VERB _005456899 1138 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1138 5 wait wait VERB _005456899 1138 6 until until SCONJ _005456899 1138 7 the the DET _005456899 1138 8 church church NOUN _005456899 1138 9 must must AUX _005456899 1138 10 more more ADV _005456899 1138 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1138 12 more more ADV _005456899 1138 13 frown frown ADJ _005456899 1138 14 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1138 15 their their PRON _005456899 1138 16 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1138 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1138 18 until until ADP _005456899 1138 19 the the DET _005456899 1138 20 pedestal pedestal NOUN _005456899 1138 21 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1138 22 which which PRON _005456899 1138 23 he he PRON _005456899 1138 24 said say VERB _005456899 1138 25 at at ADP _005456899 1138 26 the the DET _005456899 1138 27 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 1138 28 he he PRON _005456899 1138 29 was be AUX _005456899 1138 30 putting put VERB _005456899 1138 31 her her PRON _005456899 1138 32 stretches stretch NOUN _005456899 1138 33 more more ADV _005456899 1138 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1138 35 more more ADV _005456899 1138 36 into into ADP _005456899 1138 37 a a DET _005456899 1138 38 shelf shelf NOUN _005456899 1138 39 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1139 1 to to ADP _005456899 1139 2 me i PRON _005456899 1139 3 the the DET _005456899 1139 4 answer answer NOUN _005456899 1139 5 is be AUX _005456899 1139 6 very very ADV _005456899 1139 7 plain plain ADJ _005456899 1139 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1140 1 she she PRON _005456899 1140 2 has have VERB _005456899 1140 3 no no DET _005456899 1140 4 right right NOUN _005456899 1140 5 to to PART _005456899 1140 6 wait wait VERB _005456899 1140 7 unduly unduly ADV _005456899 1140 8 long long ADJ _005456899 1140 9 for for ADP _005456899 1140 10 his his PRON _005456899 1140 11 proposal proposal NOUN _005456899 1140 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1141 1 should should AUX _005456899 1141 2 she she PRON _005456899 1141 3 then then ADV _005456899 1141 4 just just ADV _005456899 1141 5 refuse refuse VERB _005456899 1141 6 to to PART _005456899 1141 7 see see VERB _005456899 1141 8 him he PRON _005456899 1141 9 any any PRON _005456899 1141 10 more more ADV _005456899 1141 11 without without ADP _005456899 1141 12 saying say VERB _005456899 1141 13 anything anything PRON _005456899 1141 14 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1142 1 or or CCONJ _005456899 1142 2 abruptly abruptly ADV _005456899 1142 3 take take VERB _005456899 1142 4 up up ADP _005456899 1142 5 with with ADP _005456899 1142 6 someone someone PRON _005456899 1142 7 else else ADV _005456899 1142 8 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1143 1 that that PRON _005456899 1143 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1143 3 it it PRON _005456899 1143 4 seems seem VERB _005456899 1143 5 to to ADP _005456899 1143 6 me i PRON _005456899 1143 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1143 8 would would AUX _005456899 1143 9 be be AUX _005456899 1143 10 childish childish ADJ _005456899 1143 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1143 12 unreasonable unreasonable ADJ _005456899 1143 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1143 14 unfair unfair ADJ _005456899 1143 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1144 1 shakespeare shakespeare PROPN _005456899 1144 2 's 's PART _005456899 1144 3 juliet juliet PROPN _005456899 1144 4 puts put VERB _005456899 1144 5 romeo romeo NOUN _005456899 1144 6 on on ADP _005456899 1144 7 the the DET _005456899 1144 8 spot spot NOUN _005456899 1144 9 instead instead ADV _005456899 1144 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1144 11 i i PRON _005456899 1144 12 th th X _005456899 1144 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 1144 14 i i PRON _005456899 1144 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1144 16 nk nk INTJ _005456899 1144 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1144 18 she she PRON _005456899 1144 19 should should AUX _005456899 1144 20 for for ADP _005456899 1144 21 one one NUM _005456899 1144 22 instance instance NOUN _005456899 1144 23 in in ADP _005456899 1144 24 her her PRON _005456899 1144 25 life life NOUN _005456899 1144 26 act act NOUN _005456899 1144 27 like like ADP _005456899 1144 28 a a DET _005456899 1144 29 man man NOUN _005456899 1144 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1145 1 or or CCONJ _005456899 1145 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1145 3 rather rather ADV _005456899 1145 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1145 5 she she PRON _005456899 1145 6 should should AUX _005456899 1145 7 act act VERB _005456899 1145 8 like like ADP _005456899 1145 9 juliet juliet PROPN _005456899 1145 10 in in ADP _005456899 1145 11 shakespeare shakespeare PROPN _005456899 1145 12 's 's PART _005456899 1145 13 romeo romeo NOUN _005456899 1145 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1145 15 juliet juliet PROPN _005456899 1145 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1146 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1146 2 romeo romeo PROPN _005456899 1146 3 keeps keep VERB _005456899 1146 4 on on ADP _005456899 1146 5 protesting protest VERB _005456899 1146 6 his his PRON _005456899 1146 7 vast vast ADJ _005456899 1146 8 love love NOUN _005456899 1146 9 for for ADP _005456899 1146 10 her she PRON _005456899 1146 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1146 12 juliet juliet PROPN _005456899 1146 13 finally finally ADV _005456899 1146 14 says say VERB _005456899 1146 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 1146 16 if if SCONJ _005456899 1146 17 you you PRON _005456899 1146 18 mean mean VERB _005456899 1146 19 what what PRON _005456899 1146 20 you you PRON _005456899 1146 21 say say VERB _005456899 1146 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1146 23 if if SCONJ _005456899 1146 24 you you PRON _005456899 1146 25 really really ADV _005456899 1146 26 love love VERB _005456899 1146 27 me i PRON _005456899 1146 28 as as SCONJ _005456899 1146 29 you you PRON _005456899 1146 30 say say VERB _005456899 1146 31 you you PRON _005456899 1146 32 do do VERB _005456899 1146 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1146 34 then then ADV _005456899 1146 35 let let VERB _005456899 1146 36 's us PRON _005456899 1146 37 look look VERB _005456899 1146 38 up up ADP _005456899 1146 39 the the DET _005456899 1146 40 friar friar NOUN _005456899 1146 41 together together ADV _005456899 1146 42 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1147 1 48 48 NUM _005456899 1147 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1147 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1147 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1147 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1147 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1147 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1147 8 in in ADP _005456899 1147 9 other other ADJ _005456899 1147 10 words word NOUN _005456899 1147 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1147 12 the the DET _005456899 1147 13 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1147 14 to to PART _005456899 1147 15 whom whom PRON _005456899 1147 16 my my PRON _005456899 1147 17 senior senior ADJ _005456899 1147 18 alluded allude VERB _005456899 1147 19 should should AUX _005456899 1147 20 long long ADV _005456899 1147 21 ago ago ADV _005456899 1147 22 have have AUX _005456899 1147 23 talked talk VERB _005456899 1147 24 to to ADP _005456899 1147 25 her her PRON _005456899 1147 26 romeo romeo NOUN _005456899 1147 27 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 1147 28 in in ADP _005456899 1147 29 this this DET _005456899 1147 30 wise wise ADJ _005456899 1147 31 : : PUNCT _005456899 1147 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 1147 33 we we PRON _005456899 1147 34 've 've AUX _005456899 1147 35 seen see VERB _005456899 1147 36 each each DET _005456899 1147 37 other other ADJ _005456899 1147 38 for for ADP _005456899 1147 39 several several ADJ _005456899 1147 40 years year NOUN _005456899 1147 41 now now ADV _005456899 1147 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 1148 1 during during ADP _005456899 1148 2 this this DET _005456899 1148 3 time time NOUN _005456899 1148 4 i i PRON _005456899 1148 5 have have AUX _005456899 1148 6 come come VERB _005456899 1148 7 to to PART _005456899 1148 8 like like VERB _005456899 1148 9 you you PRON _005456899 1148 10 more more ADV _005456899 1148 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1148 12 more more ADJ _005456899 1148 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1149 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1149 2 like like INTJ _005456899 1149 3 is be AUX _005456899 1149 4 hardly hardly ADV _005456899 1149 5 the the DET _005456899 1149 6 right right ADJ _005456899 1149 7 word word NOUN _005456899 1149 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1150 1 what what PRON _005456899 1150 2 about about ADP _005456899 1150 3 you you PRON _005456899 1150 4 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1151 1 have have AUX _005456899 1151 2 you you PRON _005456899 1151 3 come come VERB _005456899 1151 4 to to PART _005456899 1151 5 feel feel VERB _005456899 1151 6 more more ADV _005456899 1151 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1151 8 more more ADV _005456899 1151 9 that that DET _005456899 1151 10 way way NOUN _005456899 1151 11 about about ADP _005456899 1151 12 me i PRON _005456899 1151 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1151 14 too too ADV _005456899 1151 15 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1152 1 do do AUX _005456899 1152 2 you you PRON _005456899 1152 3 think think VERB _005456899 1152 4 we we PRON _005456899 1152 5 could could AUX _005456899 1152 6 be be AUX _005456899 1152 7 reasonably reasonably ADV _005456899 1152 8 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1152 9 together together ADV _005456899 1152 10 for for ADP _005456899 1152 11 the the DET _005456899 1152 12 rest rest NOUN _005456899 1152 13 of of ADP _005456899 1152 14 our our PRON _005456899 1152 15 lives life NOUN _005456899 1152 16 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1153 1 or or CCONJ _005456899 1153 2 do do AUX _005456899 1153 3 you you PRON _005456899 1153 4 think think VERB _005456899 1153 5 we we PRON _005456899 1153 6 ought ought AUX _005456899 1153 7 to to PART _005456899 1153 8 celebrate celebrate VERB _005456899 1153 9 a a DET _005456899 1153 10 last last ADJ _005456899 1153 11 date date NOUN _005456899 1153 12 together together ADV _005456899 1153 13 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1153 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1154 1 that that PRON _005456899 1154 2 's be AUX _005456899 1154 3 the the DET _005456899 1154 4 way way NOUN _005456899 1154 5 that that PRON _005456899 1154 6 leads lead VERB _005456899 1154 7 up up ADP _005456899 1154 8 the the DET _005456899 1154 9 aisle aisle NOUN _005456899 1154 10 in in ADP _005456899 1154 11 the the DET _005456899 1154 12 proper proper ADJ _005456899 1154 13 time time NOUN _005456899 1154 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 1154 15 or or CCONJ _005456899 1154 16 to to ADP _005456899 1154 17 a a DET _005456899 1154 18 friendly friendly ADJ _005456899 1154 19 parting parting NOUN _005456899 1154 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1155 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1155 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1155 3 it it PRON _005456899 1155 4 's be AUX _005456899 1155 5 the the DET _005456899 1155 6 latter latter ADV _005456899 1155 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 1155 8 take take VERB _005456899 1155 9 it it PRON _005456899 1155 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1155 11 like like ADP _005456899 1155 12 a a DET _005456899 1155 13 man man NOUN _005456899 1155 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1155 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1156 1 it it PRON _005456899 1156 2 is be AUX _005456899 1156 3 still still ADV _005456899 1156 4 much much ADV _005456899 1156 5 better well ADJ _005456899 1156 6 than than ADP _005456899 1156 7 waiting wait VERB _005456899 1156 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1156 9 waiting wait VERB _005456899 1156 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 1156 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1156 12 hovering hover VERB _005456899 1156 13 ever ever ADV _005456899 1156 14 more more ADV _005456899 1156 15 nearly nearly ADV _005456899 1156 16 along along ADP _005456899 1156 17 the the DET _005456899 1156 18 edge edge NOUN _005456899 1156 19 of of ADP _005456899 1156 20 sin sin NOUN _005456899 1156 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1157 1 this this DET _005456899 1157 2 cat cat NOUN _005456899 1157 3 hi hi INTJ _005456899 1157 4 been be AUX _005456899 1157 5 e e PROPN _005456899 1157 6 it it PRON _005456899 1157 7 is be AUX _005456899 1157 8 t t NOUN _005456899 1157 9 should should AUX _005456899 1157 10 it it PRON _005456899 1157 11 is be AUX _005456899 1157 12 w w ADP _005456899 1157 13 article article NOUN _005456899 1157 14 words word NOUN _005456899 1157 15 · · NUM _005456899 1157 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1158 1 hope hope PROPN _005456899 1158 2 t t PROPN _005456899 1158 3 be be AUX _005456899 1158 4 cret cret ADJ _005456899 1158 5 millin~ millin~ NOUN _005456899 1158 6 in in ADP _005456899 1158 7 thi thi NOUN _005456899 1158 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 1158 9 find find VERB _005456899 1158 10 a a DET _005456899 1158 11 gested gested ADJ _005456899 1158 12 throu~ throu~ NOUN _005456899 1158 13 whc whc PROPN _005456899 1158 14 a a DET _005456899 1158 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1158 16 ph ph PROPN _005456899 1158 17 : : PUNCT _005456899 1158 18 wordswoj wordswoj ADJ _005456899 1158 19 to to PART _005456899 1158 20 make make VERB _005456899 1158 21 t t NOUN _005456899 1158 22 light light NOUN _005456899 1158 23 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1158 24 he he PRON _005456899 1158 25 < < X _005456899 1158 26 this this DET _005456899 1158 27 phant phant NOUN _005456899 1158 28 in in ADP _005456899 1158 29 threes three NOUN _005456899 1158 30 in in ADP _005456899 1158 31 the the DET _005456899 1158 32 apparitior apparitior NOUN _005456899 1158 33 begins begin VERB _005456899 1158 34 to to ADP _005456899 1158 35 at at ADP _005456899 1158 36 : : PUNCT _005456899 1158 37 first first ADV _005456899 1158 38 si~ si~ PROPN _005456899 1158 39 he he PRON _005456899 1158 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 1158 41 loves love VERB _005456899 1158 42 does do AUX _005456899 1158 43 not not PART _005456899 1158 44 l l VERB _005456899 1158 45 when when SCONJ _005456899 1158 46 it it PRON _005456899 1158 47 really really ADV _005456899 1158 48 s s VERB _005456899 1158 49 at at ADP _005456899 1158 50 this this DET _005456899 1158 51 stf stf NOUN _005456899 1158 52 twilight twilight NOUN _005456899 1158 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 1159 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1159 2 a a DET _005456899 1159 3 d. d. PROPN _005456899 1159 4 to to ADP _005456899 1159 5 h h NOUN _005456899 1159 6 she she PRON _005456899 1159 7 is be AUX _005456899 1159 8 hi~ hi~ PROPN _005456899 1159 9 says say VERB _005456899 1159 10 that that DET _005456899 1159 11 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1159 12 's 's PART _005456899 1159 13 i i PRON _005456899 1159 14 time time NOUN _005456899 1159 15 ¥ ¥ VERB _005456899 1159 16 the the DET _005456899 1159 17 more more ADV _005456899 1159 18 nably nably ADV _005456899 1159 19 mght mght ADJ _005456899 1159 20 · · PUNCT _005456899 1159 21 to to ADP _005456899 1159 22 a a DET _005456899 1159 23 i i PRON _005456899 1159 24 still still ADV _005456899 1159 25 ore ore NOUN _005456899 1159 26 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1159 27 x x PUNCT _005456899 1159 28 the the DET _005456899 1159 29 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1159 30 for for ADP _005456899 1159 31 life life NOUN _005456899 1159 32 this this DET _005456899 1159 33 article article NOUN _005456899 1159 34 is be AUX _005456899 1159 35 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 1159 36 with with ADP _005456899 1159 37 its its PRON _005456899 1159 38 original original ADJ _005456899 1159 39 title title NOUN _005456899 1159 40 from from ADP _005456899 1159 41 the the DET _005456899 1159 42 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 1159 43 home home PROPN _005456899 1159 44 journal journal PROPN _005456899 1159 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1159 46 july july PROPN _005456899 1159 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 1159 48 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 1159 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 1160 1 it it PRON _005456899 1160 2 might might AUX _005456899 1160 3 have have AUX _005456899 1160 4 been be AUX _005456899 1160 5 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 1160 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1160 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1160 8 how how SCONJ _005456899 1160 9 a a DET _005456899 1160 10 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1160 11 date date NOUN _005456899 1160 12 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1160 13 grows grow VERB _005456899 1160 14 into into ADP _005456899 1160 15 a a DET _005456899 1160 16 partner partner NOUN _005456899 1160 17 for for ADP _005456899 1160 18 life life NOUN _005456899 1160 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1160 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1161 1 it it PRON _005456899 1161 2 is be AUX _005456899 1161 3 t t NOUN _005456899 1161 4 h h NOUN _005456899 1161 5 e e X _005456899 1161 6 ideal ideal ADJ _005456899 1161 7 picture picture NOUN _005456899 1161 8 of of ADP _005456899 1161 9 w w PROPN _005456899 1161 10 h h PROPN _005456899 1161 11 a a DET _005456899 1161 12 t t NOUN _005456899 1161 13 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1161 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1161 15 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1161 16 should should AUX _005456899 1161 17 be be AUX _005456899 1161 18 -- -- PUNCT _005456899 1161 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1161 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1161 21 we we PRON _005456899 1161 22 hope hope VERB _005456899 1161 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1161 24 really really ADV _005456899 1161 25 is be AUX _005456899 1161 26 for for ADP _005456899 1161 27 a a DET _005456899 1161 28 good good ADJ _005456899 1161 29 many many ADJ _005456899 1161 30 people people NOUN _005456899 1161 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1162 1 it it PRON _005456899 1162 2 is be AUX _005456899 1162 3 what what PRON _005456899 1162 4 we we PRON _005456899 1162 5 like like VERB _005456899 1162 6 to to PART _005456899 1162 7 think think VERB _005456899 1162 8 of of ADP _005456899 1162 9 our our PRON _005456899 1162 10 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 1162 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1162 12 fathers father NOUN _005456899 1162 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1163 1 the the DET _005456899 1163 2 article article NOUN _005456899 1163 3 in in ADP _005456899 1163 4 a a DET _005456899 1163 5 manner manner NOUN _005456899 1163 6 is be AUX _005456899 1163 7 simply simply ADV _005456899 1163 8 an an DET _005456899 1163 9 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005456899 1163 10 of of ADP _005456899 1163 11 one one NUM _005456899 1163 12 of of ADP _005456899 1163 13 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1163 14 's 's PART _005456899 1163 15 poem poem NOUN _005456899 1163 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1164 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1164 2 some some PRON _005456899 1164 3 of of ADP _005456899 1164 4 the the DET _005456899 1164 5 readers reader NOUN _005456899 1164 6 a·re a·re PROPN _005456899 1164 7 teachers teacher NOUN _005456899 1164 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1164 9 i i PRON _005456899 1164 10 hope hope VERB _005456899 1164 11 they they PRON _005456899 1164 12 will will AUX _005456899 1164 13 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 1164 14 this this PRON _005456899 1164 15 as as ADP _005456899 1164 16 the the DET _005456899 1164 17 way way NOUN _005456899 1164 18 every every DET _005456899 1164 19 poem poem NOUN _005456899 1164 20 should should AUX _005456899 1164 21 be be AUX _005456899 1164 22 creatively creatively ADV _005456899 1164 23 read read VERB _005456899 1164 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1164 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1164 26 taught teach VERB _005456899 1164 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1165 1 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1165 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1165 3 boys boy NOUN _005456899 1165 4 who who PRON _005456899 1165 5 are be AUX _005456899 1165 6 still still ADV _005456899 1165 7 milling mill VERB _005456899 1165 8 about about ADP _005456899 1165 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1165 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 1165 11 anxiously anxiously ADV _005456899 1165 12 waiting wait VERB _005456899 1165 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1165 14 for for ADP _005456899 1165 15 a a DET _005456899 1165 16 life life NOUN _005456899 1165 17 's 's PART _005456899 1165 18 partner partner NOUN _005456899 1165 19 can can AUX _005456899 1165 20 in in ADP _005456899 1165 21 this this DET _005456899 1165 22 poem poem NOUN _005456899 1165 23 of of ADP _005456899 1165 24 wordworth wordworth NOUN _005456899 1165 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1165 26 its its PRON _005456899 1165 27 present present ADJ _005456899 1165 28 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005456899 1165 29 find find VERB _005456899 1165 30 all all DET _005456899 1165 31 the the DET _005456899 1165 32 problems problem NOUN _005456899 1165 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 1165 34 temptations temptation NOUN _005456899 1165 35 of of ADP _005456899 1165 36 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1165 37 suggested suggest VERB _005456899 1165 38 -- -- PUNCT _005456899 1165 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1165 40 also also ADV _005456899 1165 41 feel feel VERB _005456899 1165 42 guided guide VERB _005456899 1165 43 and and CCONJ _005456899 1165 44 strengthened strengthen VERB _005456899 1165 45 in in ADP _005456899 1165 46 we·aving we·ave VERB _005456899 1165 47 through through ADP _005456899 1165 48 them they PRON _005456899 1165 49 honorably honorably ADV _005456899 1165 50 and and CCONJ _005456899 1165 51 clean clean ADJ _005456899 1165 52 . . PUNCT _005456899 1166 1 what what PRON _005456899 1166 2 she she PRON _005456899 1166 3 is be AUX _005456899 1166 4 to to ADP _005456899 1166 5 him he PRON _005456899 1166 6 when when SCONJ _005456899 1166 7 he he PRON _005456899 1166 8 asks ask VERB _005456899 1166 9 for for ADP _005456899 1166 10 the the DET _005456899 1166 11 first first ADJ _005456899 1166 12 date date NOUN _005456899 1166 13 a a DET _005456899 1166 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1166 15 phantom phantom NOUN _005456899 1166 16 qf qf AUX _005456899 1166 17 delight delight ADJ _005456899 1166 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1166 19 -that -that NOUN _005456899 1166 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1166 21 according accord VERB _005456899 1166 22 to to ADP _005456899 1166 23 the the DET _005456899 1166 24 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1166 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1166 26 william william PROPN _005456899 1166 27 wordsworth wordsworth PROPN _005456899 1166 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1166 29 is be AUX _005456899 1166 30 what what PRON _005456899 1166 31 a a DET _005456899 1166 32 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1166 33 looks look VERB _005456899 1166 34 like like ADP _005456899 1166 35 to to ADP _005456899 1166 36 a a DET _005456899 1166 37 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1166 38 when when SCONJ _005456899 1166 39 he he PRON _005456899 1166 40 is be AUX _005456899 1166 41 trying try VERB _005456899 1166 42 to to PART _005456899 1166 43 make make VERB _005456899 1166 44 the the DET _005456899 1166 45 first first ADJ _005456899 1166 46 date date NOUN _005456899 1166 47 with with ADP _005456899 1166 48 her she PRON _005456899 1166 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 1167 1 in in ADP _005456899 1167 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 1167 3 she she PRON _005456899 1167 4 was be AUX _005456899 1167 5 a a DET _005456899 1167 6 phantom phantom NOUN _005456899 1167 7 of of ADP _005456899 1167 8 delight delight NOUN _005456899 1167 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1167 10 he he PRON _005456899 1167 11 describes describe VERB _005456899 1167 12 beautifully beautifully ADV _005456899 1167 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1167 14 correctly correctly ADV _005456899 1167 15 how how SCONJ _005456899 1167 16 a a DET _005456899 1167 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1167 18 grows grow VERB _005456899 1167 19 from from ADP _005456899 1167 20 this this DET _005456899 1167 21 phantom phantom NOUN _005456899 1167 22 of of ADP _005456899 1167 23 delight delight NOUN _005456899 1167 24 into into ADP _005456899 1167 25 the the DET _005456899 1167 26 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1167 27 for for ADP _005456899 1167 28 life life NOUN _005456899 1167 29 - - PUNCT _005456899 1167 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1167 31 for for ADP _005456899 1167 32 eternity eternity NOUN _005456899 1167 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1168 1 in in ADP _005456899 1168 2 three three NUM _005456899 1168 3 stanzas stanzas NOUN _005456899 1168 4 he he PRON _005456899 1168 5 pictures picture VERB _005456899 1168 6 three three NUM _005456899 1168 7 stages stage NOUN _005456899 1168 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1169 1 in in ADP _005456899 1169 2 the the DET _005456899 1169 3 first first ADJ _005456899 1169 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1169 5 the the DET _005456899 1169 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1169 7 gleams gleam VERB _005456899 1169 8 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1169 9 the the DET _005456899 1169 10 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1169 11 's 's PART _005456899 1169 12 sight sight NOUN _005456899 1169 13 as as ADP _005456899 1169 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1169 15 a a DET _005456899 1169 16 lovely lovely ADJ _005456899 1169 17 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1169 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1169 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1170 1 from from ADP _005456899 1170 2 among among ADP _005456899 1170 3 a a DET _005456899 1170 4 number number NOUN _005456899 1170 5 of of ADP _005456899 1170 6 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1170 7 one one PRON _005456899 1170 8 overpoweringly overpoweringly ADV _005456899 1170 9 begins begin VERB _005456899 1170 10 to to PART _005456899 1170 11 fascinate fascinate VERB _005456899 1170 12 him he PRON _005456899 1170 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1171 1 this this DET _005456899 1171 2 experience experience NOUN _005456899 1171 3 is be AUX _005456899 1171 4 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 1171 5 called call VERB _005456899 1171 6 love love NOUN _005456899 1171 7 at at ADP _005456899 1171 8 fust fust ADJ _005456899 1171 9 sight sight NOUN _005456899 1171 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1172 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1172 2 what what PRON _005456899 1172 3 is be AUX _005456899 1172 4 it it PRON _005456899 1172 5 really really ADV _005456899 1172 6 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1173 1 it it PRON _005456899 1173 2 is be AUX _005456899 1173 3 a a DET _005456899 1173 4 fascination fascination NOUN _005456899 1173 5 for for ADP _005456899 1173 6 externals external NOUN _005456899 1173 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1174 1 he he PRON _005456899 1174 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 1174 3 loves love VERB _005456899 1174 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1174 5 her her PRON _005456899 1174 6 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 1174 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1174 8 her her PRON _005456899 1174 9 hair hair NOUN _005456899 1174 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1174 11 her her PRON _005456899 1174 12 teeth tooth NOUN _005456899 1174 13 or or CCONJ _005456899 1174 14 her her PRON _005456899 1174 15 ankles ankle NOUN _005456899 1174 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 1174 17 not not PART _005456899 1174 18 her she PRON _005456899 1174 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1175 1 he he PRON _005456899 1175 2 does do AUX _005456899 1175 3 not not PART _005456899 1175 4 know know VERB _005456899 1175 5 her she PRON _005456899 1175 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1176 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1176 2 a a DET _005456899 1176 3 man man NOUN _005456899 1176 4 begins begin VERB _005456899 1176 5 to to PART _005456899 1176 6 feel feel VERB _005456899 1176 7 this this DET _005456899 1176 8 queer queer ADJ _005456899 1176 9 attraction attraction NOUN _005456899 1176 10 for for ADP _005456899 1176 11 a a DET _005456899 1176 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1176 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1176 14 it it PRON _005456899 1176 15 really really ADV _005456899 1176 16 starts start VERB _005456899 1176 17 as as ADP _005456899 1176 18 something something PRON _005456899 1176 19 quite quite ADV _005456899 1176 20 superficial superficial ADJ _005456899 1176 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1177 1 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1177 2 says say VERB _005456899 1177 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1177 4 at at ADP _005456899 1177 5 this this DET _005456899 1177 6 stage stage NOUN _005456899 1177 7 her her PRON _005456899 1177 8 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 1177 9 seem seem VERB _005456899 1177 10 like like ADP _005456899 1177 11 stars star NOUN _005456899 1177 12 to to ADP _005456899 1177 13 him he PRON _005456899 1177 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1177 15 her her PRON _005456899 1177 16 hair hair NOUN _005456899 1177 17 like like ADP _005456899 1177 18 the the DET _005456899 1177 19 twilight twilight NOUN _005456899 1177 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1178 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1178 2 a a DET _005456899 1178 3 dancing dancing NOUN _005456899 1178 4 shape shape NOUN _005456899 1178 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1178 6 an an DET _005456899 1178 7 image image NOUN _005456899 1178 8 gay gay NOUN _005456899 1178 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1178 10 to to PART _005456899 1178 11 haunt haunt VERB _005456899 1178 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1178 13 to to PART _005456899 1178 14 startle startle VERB _005456899 1178 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1178 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1178 17 waylay waylay NOUN _005456899 1178 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1178 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1179 1 she she PRON _005456899 1179 2 is be AUX _005456899 1179 3 his his PRON _005456899 1179 4 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1179 5 prescription prescription NOUN _005456899 1179 6 for for ADP _005456899 1179 7 a a DET _005456899 1179 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1179 9 good good ADJ _005456899 1179 10 time time NOUN _005456899 1179 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1179 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1180 1 rightly rightly ADV _005456899 1180 2 the the DET _005456899 1180 3 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1180 4 says say VERB _005456899 1180 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1180 6 she she PRON _005456899 1180 7 is be AUX _005456899 1180 8 only only ADV _005456899 1180 9 a a DET _005456899 1180 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1180 11 lovely lovely ADJ _005456899 1180 12 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1180 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1180 14 to to ADP _005456899 1180 15 him he PRON _005456899 1180 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1180 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1180 18 sent send VERB _005456899 1180 19 to to PART _005456899 1180 20 be be AUX _005456899 1180 21 a a DET _005456899 1180 22 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1180 23 's 's PART _005456899 1180 24 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1180 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1180 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 1181 1 50 50 NUM _005456899 1181 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1181 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1181 4 courtsinp courtsinp NOUN _005456899 1181 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1181 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1181 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1181 8 at at ADP _005456899 1181 9 this this DET _005456899 1181 10 point point NOUN _005456899 1181 11 the the DET _005456899 1181 12 burning burn VERB _005456899 1181 13 urge urge NOUN _005456899 1181 14 of of ADP _005456899 1181 15 the the DET _005456899 1181 16 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1181 17 is be AUX _005456899 1181 18 not not PART _005456899 1181 19 to to PART _005456899 1181 20 attach attach VERB _005456899 1181 21 to to ADP _005456899 1181 22 himself himself PRON _005456899 1181 23 this this DET _005456899 1181 24 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1181 25 until until SCONJ _005456899 1181 26 death death NOUN _005456899 1181 27 do do AUX _005456899 1181 28 them they PRON _005456899 1181 29 part part VERB _005456899 1181 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1181 31 but but CCONJ _005456899 1181 32 to to PART _005456899 1181 33 have have VERB _005456899 1181 34 a a DET _005456899 1181 35 date date NOUN _005456899 1181 36 with with ADP _005456899 1181 37 her she PRON _005456899 1181 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1182 1 he he PRON _005456899 1182 2 may may AUX _005456899 1182 3 not not PART _005456899 1182 4 even even ADV _005456899 1182 5 think think VERB _005456899 1182 6 of of ADP _005456899 1182 7 two two NUM _005456899 1182 8 dates date NOUN _005456899 1182 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 1182 10 three three NUM _005456899 1182 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1183 1 what what PRON _005456899 1183 2 he he PRON _005456899 1183 3 wants want VERB _005456899 1183 4 immediately immediately ADV _005456899 1183 5 is be AUX _005456899 1183 6 a a DET _005456899 1183 7 date date NOUN _005456899 1183 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1184 1 he he PRON _005456899 1184 2 rushes rush VERB _005456899 1184 3 to to PART _005456899 1184 4 ask ask VERB _005456899 1184 5 her she PRON _005456899 1184 6 to to PART _005456899 1184 7 go go VERB _005456899 1184 8 to to ADP _005456899 1184 9 a a DET _005456899 1184 10 movie movie NOUN _005456899 1184 11 with with ADP _005456899 1184 12 him he PRON _005456899 1184 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1184 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1184 15 a a DET _005456899 1184 16 dance dance NOUN _005456899 1184 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1184 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 1184 19 even even ADV _005456899 1184 20 just just ADV _005456899 1184 21 a a DET _005456899 1184 22 coke coke NOUN _005456899 1184 23 - - PUNCT _005456899 1184 24 anything anything PRON _005456899 1184 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1184 26 just just ADV _005456899 1184 27 so so SCONJ _005456899 1184 28 he he PRON _005456899 1184 29 can can AUX _005456899 1184 30 see see VERB _005456899 1184 31 her she PRON _005456899 1184 32 again again ADV _005456899 1184 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1185 1 why why SCONJ _005456899 1185 2 the the DET _005456899 1185 3 first first ADJ _005456899 1185 4 dates date NOUN _005456899 1185 5 are be AUX _005456899 1185 6 especially especially ADV _005456899 1185 7 critical critical ADJ _005456899 1185 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1185 9 his his PRON _005456899 1185 10 first first ADJ _005456899 1185 11 date date NOUN _005456899 1185 12 is be AUX _005456899 1185 13 a a DET _005456899 1185 14 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005456899 1185 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1185 16 critical critical ADJ _005456899 1185 17 one one NUM _005456899 1185 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1185 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1185 20 better well ADV _005456899 1185 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1185 22 all all DET _005456899 1185 23 the the DET _005456899 1185 24 earlier early ADJ _005456899 1185 25 dates date NOUN _005456899 1185 26 are be AUX _005456899 1185 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1186 1 for for ADP _005456899 1186 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1186 3 psychologically psychologically ADV _005456899 1186 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1186 5 the the DET _005456899 1186 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1186 7 is be AUX _005456899 1186 8 still still ADV _005456899 1186 9 just just ADV _005456899 1186 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1186 11 a a DET _005456899 1186 12 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1186 13 's 's PART _005456899 1186 14 ornament ornament NOUN _005456899 1186 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1186 16 to to ADP _005456899 1186 17 him he PRON _005456899 1186 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1187 1 he he PRON _005456899 1187 2 will will AUX _005456899 1187 3 of of ADP _005456899 1187 4 course course NOUN _005456899 1187 5 want want VERB _005456899 1187 6 to to PART _005456899 1187 7 kiss kiss VERB _005456899 1187 8 her she PRON _005456899 1187 9 as as ADV _005456899 1187 10 much much ADV _005456899 1187 11 as as SCONJ _005456899 1187 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 1187 13 he he PRON _005456899 1187 14 had have AUX _005456899 1187 15 known know VERB _005456899 1187 16 her she PRON _005456899 1187 17 for for ADP _005456899 1187 18 two two NUM _005456899 1187 19 years year NOUN _005456899 1187 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1188 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1188 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1188 3 she she PRON _005456899 1188 4 lets let VERB _005456899 1188 5 him he PRON _005456899 1188 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1188 7 she she PRON _005456899 1188 8 will will AUX _005456899 1188 9 almost almost ADV _005456899 1188 10 automatically automatically ADV _005456899 1188 11 switch switch VERB _005456899 1188 12 herself herself PRON _005456899 1188 13 into into ADP _005456899 1188 14 the the DET _005456899 1188 15 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1188 16 of of ADP _005456899 1188 17 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1188 18 that that PRON _005456899 1188 19 men man NOUN _005456899 1188 20 forget forget VERB _005456899 1188 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1189 1 she she PRON _005456899 1189 2 will will AUX _005456899 1189 3 remain remain VERB _005456899 1189 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 1189 5 just just ADV _005456899 1189 6 a a DET _005456899 1189 7 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1189 8 's 's PART _005456899 1189 9 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1189 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1190 1 his his PRON _005456899 1190 2 reverential reverential ADJ _005456899 1190 3 love love NOUN _005456899 1190 4 will will AUX _005456899 1190 5 be be AUX _005456899 1190 6 nipped nip VERB _005456899 1190 7 in in ADP _005456899 1190 8 the the DET _005456899 1190 9 bud bud NOUN _005456899 1190 10 . . PROPN _005456899 1190 11 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1190 12 will will AUX _005456899 1190 13 begin begin VERB _005456899 1190 14 before before SCONJ _005456899 1190 15 love love NOUN _005456899 1190 16 has have AUX _005456899 1190 17 got get VERB _005456899 1190 18 a a DET _005456899 1190 19 good good ADJ _005456899 1190 20 stmt stmt NOUN _005456899 1190 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1191 1 she she PRON _005456899 1191 2 will will AUX _005456899 1191 3 become become VERB _005456899 1191 4 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005456899 1191 5 for for ADP _005456899 1191 6 him he PRON _005456899 1191 7 instead instead ADV _005456899 1191 8 of of ADP _005456899 1191 9 contentment contentment NOUN _005456899 1191 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1192 1 she she PRON _005456899 1192 2 will will AUX _005456899 1192 3 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1192 4 startle startle VERB _005456899 1192 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1192 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1192 7 waylay waylay VERB _005456899 1192 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1192 9 him he PRON _005456899 1192 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1193 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1193 2 really really ADV _005456899 1193 3 any any DET _005456899 1193 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1193 5 dancing dancing NOUN _005456899 1193 6 shape shape NOUN _005456899 1193 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1193 8 can can AUX _005456899 1193 9 do do VERB _005456899 1193 10 that that PRON _005456899 1193 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1193 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1193 13 very very ADV _005456899 1193 14 probably probably ADV _005456899 1193 15 soon soon ADV _005456899 1193 16 will will AUX _005456899 1193 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1194 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 1194 2 to to PART _005456899 1194 3 become become VERB _005456899 1194 4 more more ADJ _005456899 1194 5 than than ADP _005456899 1194 6 a a DET _005456899 1194 7 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1194 8 's 's PART _005456899 1194 9 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1194 10 to to ADP _005456899 1194 11 a a DET _005456899 1194 12 man man NOUN _005456899 1194 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 1194 14 if if SCONJ _005456899 1194 15 she she PRON _005456899 1194 16 is be AUX _005456899 1194 17 courteous courteous ADJ _005456899 1194 18 to to ADP _005456899 1194 19 him he PRON _005456899 1194 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1194 21 sympathetic sympathetic ADJ _005456899 1194 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1194 23 even even ADV _005456899 1194 24 grateful grateful ADJ _005456899 1194 25 for for ADP _005456899 1194 26 his his PRON _005456899 1194 27 fascination fascination NOUN _005456899 1194 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1194 29 but but CCONJ _005456899 1194 30 modest modest ADJ _005456899 1194 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 1194 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 33 nice nice ADJ _005456899 1194 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1194 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 36 then then ADV _005456899 1194 37 the the DET _005456899 1194 38 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1194 39 will will AUX _005456899 1194 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 41 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1194 42 nearer nearer ADJ _005456899 1194 43 view view NOUN _005456899 1194 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 45 see see VERB _005456899 1194 46 in in ADP _005456899 1194 47 her she PRON _005456899 1194 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 49 a a DET _005456899 1194 50 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 1194 51 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 1194 52 a a DET _005456899 1194 53 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1194 54 tool tool NOUN _005456899 1194 55 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 56 if if SCONJ _005456899 1194 57 from from ADP _005456899 1194 58 the the DET _005456899 1194 59 very very ADV _005456899 1194 60 first first ADJ _005456899 1194 61 conversation conversation NOUN _005456899 1194 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 1194 63 she she PRON _005456899 1194 64 will will AUX _005456899 1194 65 suggest suggest VERB _005456899 1194 66 christian christian PROPN _005456899 1194 67 modesty modesty PROPN _005456899 1194 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 1194 69 he he PRON _005456899 1194 70 will will AUX _005456899 1194 71 grow grow VERB _005456899 1194 72 to to PART _005456899 1194 73 think think VERB _005456899 1194 74 of of ADP _005456899 1194 75 her she PRON _005456899 1194 76 not not PART _005456899 1194 77 merely merely ADV _005456899 1194 78 as as ADP _005456899 1194 79 a a DET _005456899 1194 80 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 81 lovely lovely ADJ _005456899 1194 82 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1194 83 " " PUNCT _005456899 1194 84 but but CCONJ _005456899 1194 85 as as ADP _005456899 1194 86 a a DET _005456899 1194 87 lovely lovely ADJ _005456899 1194 88 presence presence NOUN _005456899 1194 89 . . PUNCT _005456899 1195 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1195 2 the the DET _005456899 1195 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 1195 4 lovely lovely ADJ _005456899 1195 5 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1195 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1195 7 has have AUX _005456899 1195 8 him he PRON _005456899 1195 9 think think VERB _005456899 1195 10 of of ADP _005456899 1195 11 her she PRON _005456899 1195 12 as as ADP _005456899 1195 13 having have VERB _005456899 1195 14 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1195 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 16 father father NOUN _005456899 1195 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 18 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1195 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1195 20 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1195 21 who who PRON _005456899 1195 22 value value VERB _005456899 1195 23 her she PRON _005456899 1195 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 25 if if SCONJ _005456899 1195 26 she she PRON _005456899 1195 27 has have VERB _005456899 1195 28 him he PRON _005456899 1195 29 meet meet VERB _005456899 1195 30 them they PRON _005456899 1195 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1195 33 if if SCONJ _005456899 1195 34 she she PRON _005456899 1195 35 knows know VERB _005456899 1195 36 where where SCONJ _005456899 1195 37 he he PRON _005456899 1195 38 is be AUX _005456899 1195 39 going go VERB _005456899 1195 40 before before SCONJ _005456899 1195 41 she she PRON _005456899 1195 42 agrees agree VERB _005456899 1195 43 to to PART _005456899 1195 44 go go VERB _005456899 1195 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 1195 47 if if SCONJ _005456899 1195 48 there there PRON _005456899 1195 49 is be VERB _005456899 1195 50 no no DET _005456899 1195 51 parking parking NOUN _005456899 1195 52 where where SCONJ _005456899 1195 53 parking parking NOUN _005456899 1195 54 is be AUX _005456899 1195 55 suggestive suggestive ADJ _005456899 1195 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 57 then then ADV _005456899 1195 58 she she PRON _005456899 1195 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 60 turns turn VERB _005456899 1195 61 herself herself PRON _005456899 1195 62 and and CCONJ _005456899 1195 63 him he PRON _005456899 1195 64 into into ADP _005456899 1195 65 the the DET _005456899 1195 66 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1195 67 that that PRON _005456899 1195 68 is be AUX _005456899 1195 69 long long ADJ _005456899 1195 70 as as ADP _005456899 1195 71 life life NOUN _005456899 1195 72 , , PUNCT _005456899 1195 73 and and CCONJ _005456899 1195 74 just just ADV _005456899 1195 75 wide wide ADJ _005456899 1195 76 enough enough ADV _005456899 1195 77 for for ADP _005456899 1195 78 two two NUM _005456899 1195 79 . . PUNCT _005456899 1196 1 he he PRON _005456899 1196 2 will will AUX _005456899 1196 3 develop develop VERB _005456899 1196 4 a a DET _005456899 1196 5 fixed fix VERB _005456899 1196 6 habit habit NOUN _005456899 1196 7 of of ADP _005456899 1196 8 respectful respectful ADJ _005456899 1196 9 desire desire NOUN _005456899 1196 10 for for ADP _005456899 1196 11 her she PRON _005456899 1196 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1197 1 she she PRON _005456899 1197 2 will will AUX _005456899 1197 3 more more ADV _005456899 1197 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1197 5 more more ADV _005456899 1197 6 be be AUX _005456899 1197 7 able able ADJ _005456899 1197 8 to to PART _005456899 1197 9 trust trust VERB _005456899 1197 10 him he PRON _005456899 1197 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1197 12 enjoy enjoy VERB _005456899 1197 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1197 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 1197 15 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1197 16 says say VERB _005456899 1197 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1197 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1197 19 steps step NOUN _005456899 1197 20 of of ADP _005456899 1197 21 virgin virgin NOUN _005456899 1197 22 - - PUNCT _005456899 1197 23 liberty liberty NOUN _005456899 1197 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1197 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 1198 1 a a DET _005456899 1198 2 time time NOUN _005456899 1198 3 will will AUX _005456899 1198 4 come come VERB _005456899 1198 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 1198 6 she she PRON _005456899 1198 7 can can AUX _005456899 1198 8 lean lean VERB _005456899 1198 9 her her PRON _005456899 1198 10 head head NOUN _005456899 1198 11 on on ADP _005456899 1198 12 his his PRON _005456899 1198 13 breast breast NOUN _005456899 1198 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1198 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1198 16 he he PRON _005456899 1198 17 will will AUX _005456899 1198 18 know know VERB _005456899 1198 19 it it PRON _005456899 1198 20 is be AUX _005456899 1198 21 both both PRON _005456899 1198 22 love love NOUN _005456899 1198 23 .and .and PUNCT _005456899 1199 1 trust trust PROPN _005456899 1199 2 - - PUNCT _005456899 1199 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1199 4 he he PRON _005456899 1199 5 would would AUX _005456899 1199 6 rather rather ADV _005456899 1199 7 die die VERB _005456899 1199 8 than than SCONJ _005456899 1199 9 abuse abuse VERB _005456899 1199 10 it it PRON _005456899 1199 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1200 1 cou1 cou1 PROPN _005456899 1200 2 this this DET _005456899 1200 3 dev dev PROPN _005456899 1200 4 tian tian PROPN _005456899 1200 5 courtsh courtsh VERB _005456899 1200 6 what what PRON _005456899 1200 7 words word NOUN _005456899 1200 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1200 9 i i PRON _005456899 1200 10 saw see VERB _005456899 1200 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1201 1 a a DET _005456899 1201 2 spiri1 spiri1 NOUN _005456899 1201 3 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1201 4 i i PRON _005456899 1201 5 both both CCONJ _005456899 1201 6 angeli angeli NOUN _005456899 1201 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1201 8 a a DET _005456899 1201 9 crea crea NOUN _005456899 1201 10 for for ADP _005456899 1201 11 hu hu PROPN _005456899 1201 12 christiaj christiaj PROPN _005456899 1201 13 of of ADP _005456899 1201 14 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1201 15 to to ADP _005456899 1201 16 r r X _005456899 1201 17 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1201 18 passionate passionate VERB _005456899 1201 19 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1201 20 man man NOUN _005456899 1201 21 dances dance NOUN _005456899 1201 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1201 23 anc anc PROPN _005456899 1201 24 a a DET _005456899 1201 25 man man NOUN _005456899 1201 26 wrote write VERB _005456899 1201 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1201 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 1201 29 despi despi ADJ _005456899 1201 30 hand hand NOUN _005456899 1201 31 c c AUX _005456899 1201 32 the the DET _005456899 1201 33 de1 de1 NOUN _005456899 1201 34 down down ADV _005456899 1201 35 it it PRON _005456899 1201 36 may may AUX _005456899 1201 37 develop develop VERB _005456899 1201 38 se se PROPN _005456899 1201 39 portant portant PROPN _005456899 1202 1 du du PROPN _005456899 1202 2 psychologi psychologi ADV _005456899 1202 3 prepare prepare VERB _005456899 1202 4 fo fo ADV _005456899 1202 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 1202 6 com com NOUN _005456899 1202 7 ities itie NOUN _005456899 1202 8 are be AUX _005456899 1202 9 n n ADV _005456899 1202 10 not not PART _005456899 1202 11 neede• neede• PROPN _005456899 1202 12 tractions traction NOUN _005456899 1202 13 easily easily ADV _005456899 1202 14 bla bla ADJ _005456899 1202 15 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1202 16 ple ple NOUN _005456899 1202 17 then then ADV _005456899 1202 18 enjoying enjoy VERB _005456899 1202 19 similar similar ADJ _005456899 1202 20 pl pl PROPN _005456899 1202 21 ing ing NOUN _005456899 1202 22 seasoi seasoi NOUN _005456899 1202 23 ship ship NOUN _005456899 1202 24 is be AUX _005456899 1202 25 to to PART _005456899 1202 26 mantic mantic ADJ _005456899 1202 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1202 28 1 1 NUM _005456899 1202 29 kisses kiss NOUN _005456899 1202 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1202 31 te te NOUN _005456899 1202 32 : : PUNCT _005456899 1202 33 liberty liberty NOUN _005456899 1202 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1202 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 1202 36 : : PUNCT _005456899 1202 37 the the DET _005456899 1202 38 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1202 39 for for ADP _005456899 1202 40 life life NOUN _005456899 1202 41 51 51 NUM _005456899 1202 42 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1202 43 as as ADP _005456899 1202 44 a a DET _005456899 1202 45 way way NOUN _005456899 1202 46 from from ADP _005456899 1202 47 modesty modesty PROPN _005456899 1202 48 te te ADP _005456899 1202 49 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 1202 50 this this DET _005456899 1202 51 developing develop VERB _005456899 1202 52 trust trust NOUN _005456899 1202 53 is be AUX _005456899 1202 54 the the DET _005456899 1202 55 flower flower NOUN _005456899 1202 56 and and CCONJ _005456899 1202 57 fruit fruit NOUN _005456899 1202 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 1203 1 of of ADP _005456899 1203 2 a a DET _005456899 1203 3 true true ADJ _005456899 1203 4 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1203 5 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1203 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1204 1 during during ADP _005456899 1204 2 this this DET _005456899 1204 3 period period NOUN _005456899 1204 4 each each DET _005456899 1204 5 man man NOUN _005456899 1204 6 can can AUX _005456899 1204 7 say say VERB _005456899 1204 8 of of ADP _005456899 1204 9 the the DET _005456899 1204 10 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1204 11 what what PRON _005456899 1204 12 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1204 13 said say VERB _005456899 1204 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1204 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1204 16 i i PRON _005456899 1204 17 saw see VERB _005456899 1204 18 her she PRON _005456899 1204 19 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1204 20 nearer nearer ADJ _005456899 1204 21 view view NOUN _005456899 1204 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1204 23 a a DET _005456899 1204 24 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 1204 25 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 1204 26 a a DET _005456899 1204 27 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1204 28 toot toot VERB _005456899 1204 29 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1204 30 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1204 31 is be AUX _005456899 1204 32 the the DET _005456899 1204 33 delicate delicate ADJ _005456899 1204 34 trying try VERB _005456899 1204 35 time time NOUN _005456899 1204 36 when when SCONJ _005456899 1204 37 a a DET _005456899 1204 38 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1204 39 must must AUX _005456899 1204 40 remain remain VERB _005456899 1204 41 both both PRON _005456899 1204 42 angelic angelic ADJ _005456899 1204 43 - - PUNCT _005456899 1204 44 sugar sugar NOUN _005456899 1204 45 and and CCONJ _005456899 1204 46 spice spice NOUN _005456899 1204 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 1204 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 1204 49 everything everything PRON _005456899 1204 50 nice nice ADJ _005456899 1204 51 - - PUNCT _005456899 1204 52 and and CCONJ _005456899 1204 53 also also ADV _005456899 1204 54 " " PUNCT _005456899 1204 55 a a DET _005456899 1204 56 creature creature NOUN _005456899 1204 57 not not PART _005456899 1204 58 too too ADV _005456899 1204 59 bright bright ADJ _005456899 1204 60 or or CCONJ _005456899 1204 61 good good ADJ _005456899 1204 62 for for ADP _005456899 1204 63 human human ADJ _005456899 1204 64 nature nature NOUN _005456899 1204 65 's 's PART _005456899 1204 66 daily daily ADJ _005456899 1204 67 food food NOUN _005456899 1204 68 . . PUNCT _005456899 1204 69 " " PUNCT _005456899 1205 1 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1205 2 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1205 3 really really ADV _005456899 1205 4 req\}ires req\}ire VERB _005456899 1205 5 the the DET _005456899 1205 6 constant constant ADJ _005456899 1205 7 sublimation sublimation NOUN _005456899 1205 8 of of ADP _005456899 1205 9 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1205 10 to to ADP _005456899 1205 11 romance romance NOUN _005456899 1205 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1205 13 of of ADP _005456899 1205 14 a a DET _005456899 1205 15 physical physical ADJ _005456899 1205 16 urge urge NOUN _005456899 1205 17 to to ADP _005456899 1205 18 a a DET _005456899 1205 19 postponed postpone VERB _005456899 1205 20 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1205 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1205 22 of of ADP _005456899 1205 23 a a DET _005456899 1205 24 passionate passionate ADJ _005456899 1205 25 desire desire NOUN _005456899 1205 26 to to ADP _005456899 1205 27 a a DET _005456899 1205 28 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 1205 29 promise promise NOUN _005456899 1205 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1206 1 that that DET _005456899 1206 2 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 1206 3 promise promise NOUN _005456899 1206 4 is be AUX _005456899 1206 5 a a DET _005456899 1206 6 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1206 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1206 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1207 1 mter mter ADV _005456899 1207 2 dozens dozen NOUN _005456899 1207 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1207 4 dozens dozen NOUN _005456899 1207 5 of of ADP _005456899 1207 6 datesof datesof NOUN _005456899 1207 7 movies movie NOUN _005456899 1207 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1207 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1207 10 dances dance NOUN _005456899 1207 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1207 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1207 13 picnics picnic NOUN _005456899 1207 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 1207 15 it it PRON _005456899 1207 16 is be AUX _005456899 1207 17 the the DET _005456899 1207 18 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1207 19 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005456899 1207 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1208 1 a a DET _005456899 1208 2 man man NOUN _005456899 1208 3 in in ADP _005456899 1208 4 an an DET _005456899 1208 5 advice advice NOUN _005456899 1208 6 article article NOUN _005456899 1208 7 in in ADP _005456899 1208 8 a a DET _005456899 1208 9 secular secular ADJ _005456899 1208 10 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1208 11 's 's PART _005456899 1208 12 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 1208 13 wrote write VERB _005456899 1208 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1208 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1208 16 despite despite SCONJ _005456899 1208 17 au au PROPN _005456899 1208 18 the the DET _005456899 1208 19 foolproof foolproof NOUN _005456899 1208 20 arguments argument NOUN _005456899 1208 21 my my PRON _005456899 1208 22 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1208 23 is be AUX _005456899 1208 24 wo will AUX _005456899 1208 25 nt not PART _005456899 1208 26 to to PART _005456899 1208 27 hand hand VERB _005456899 1208 28 out out ADP _005456899 1208 29 on on ADP _005456899 1208 30 why why SCONJ _005456899 1208 31 you you PRON _005456899 1208 32 should should AUX _005456899 1208 33 pet pet VERB _005456899 1208 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1208 35 i i PRON _005456899 1208 36 consider consider VERB _005456899 1208 37 petting pet VERB _005456899 1208 38 one one NUM _005456899 1208 39 of of ADP _005456899 1208 40 the the DET _005456899 1208 41 deadliest deadly ADJ _005456899 1208 42 enemies enemy NOUN _005456899 1208 43 of of ADP _005456899 1208 44 romance romance NOUN _005456899 1208 45 " " PUNCT _005456899 1208 46 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1208 47 r. r. PROPN _005456899 1208 48 h. h. PROPN _005456899 1208 49 reed reed PROPN _005456899 1208 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 1208 51 " " PUNCT _005456899 1208 52 the the DET _005456899 1208 53 lowdown lowdown NOUN _005456899 1208 54 on on ADP _005456899 1208 55 kissing kiss VERB _005456899 1208 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 1208 57 " " PUNCT _005456899 1208 58 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1208 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 1208 60 april april PROPN _005456899 1208 61 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 1208 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 1208 63 p. p. NOUN _005456899 1208 64 8) 8) PROPN _005456899 1208 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1209 1 it it PRON _005456899 1209 2 may may AUX _005456899 1209 3 seem seem VERB _005456899 1209 4 paradoxical paradoxical ADJ _005456899 1209 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1209 6 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1209 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1209 8 which which PRON _005456899 1209 9 is be AUX _005456899 1209 10 supposed suppose VERB _005456899 1209 11 to to PART _005456899 1209 12 develop develop VERB _005456899 1209 13 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1209 14 partners partner NOUN _005456899 1209 15 for for ADP _005456899 1209 16 life life NOUN _005456899 1209 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1209 18 must must AUX _005456899 1209 19 as as SCONJ _005456899 1209 20 its its PRON _005456899 1209 21 most most ADV _005456899 1209 22 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 1209 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1209 24 important important ADJ _005456899 1209 25 duty duty NOUN _005456899 1209 26 constantly constantly ADV _005456899 1209 27 keep keep VERB _005456899 1209 28 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1209 29 restrained restrain VERB _005456899 1209 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1210 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 1210 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1210 3 there there PRON _005456899 1210 4 is be VERB _005456899 1210 5 a a DET _005456899 1210 6 good good ADJ _005456899 1210 7 psychological psychological ADJ _005456899 1210 8 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1210 9 for for ADP _005456899 1210 10 this this PRON _005456899 1210 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1211 1 the the DET _005456899 1211 2 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1211 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1211 4 which which DET _005456899 1211 5 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1211 6 is be AUX _005456899 1211 7 to to PART _005456899 1211 8 prepare prepare VERB _005456899 1211 9 for for ADP _005456899 1211 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1211 11 must must AUX _005456899 1211 12 last last VERB _005456899 1211 13 for for ADP _005456899 1211 14 life life NOUN _005456899 1211 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1212 1 love love NOUN _005456899 1212 2 grows grow VERB _005456899 1212 3 on on ADP _005456899 1212 4 desire desire NOUN _005456899 1212 5 restrained restrain VERB _005456899 1212 6 if if SCONJ _005456899 1212 7 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1212 8 is be AUX _005456899 1212 9 largely largely ADV _005456899 1212 10 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1212 11 pleasures pleasure NOUN _005456899 1212 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1212 13 these these DET _005456899 1212 14 long long ADJ _005456899 1212 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 1212 16 as as ADP _005456899 1212 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 1212 18 life life NOUN _005456899 1212 19 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1212 20 are be AUX _005456899 1212 21 never never ADV _005456899 1212 22 called call VERB _005456899 1212 23 forth forth ADV _005456899 1212 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 1212 25 developed develop VERB _005456899 1212 26 - - PUNCT _005456899 1212 27 simply simply ADV _005456899 1212 28 because because SCONJ _005456899 1212 29 they they PRON _005456899 1212 30 are be AUX _005456899 1212 31 not not PART _005456899 1212 32 needed need VERB _005456899 1212 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1213 1 at at ADP _005456899 1213 2 the the DET _005456899 1213 3 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1213 4 stage stage NOUN _005456899 1213 5 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1213 6 is be AUX _005456899 1213 7 so so ADV _005456899 1213 8 powerful powerful ADJ _005456899 1213 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1213 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1213 11 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1213 12 attractions attraction NOUN _005456899 1213 13 are be AUX _005456899 1213 14 so so ADV _005456899 1213 15 active active ADJ _005456899 1213 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1213 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1213 18 with with ADP _005456899 1213 19 any any DET _005456899 1213 20 false false ADJ _005456899 1213 21 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005456899 1213 22 they they PRON _005456899 1213 23 will will AUX _005456899 1213 24 easily easily ADV _005456899 1213 25 black black VERB _005456899 1213 26 out out ADP _005456899 1213 27 all all DET _005456899 1213 28 the the DET _005456899 1213 29 other other ADJ _005456899 1213 30 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1213 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 1213 32 possibilities possibility NOUN _005456899 1213 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1214 1 young young ADJ _005456899 1214 2 people people NOUN _005456899 1214 3 then then ADV _005456899 1214 4 think think VERB _005456899 1214 5 they they PRON _005456899 1214 6 are be AUX _005456899 1214 7 in in ADP _005456899 1214 8 love love NOUN _005456899 1214 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 1214 10 in in ADP _005456899 1214 11 reality reality NOUN _005456899 1214 12 they they PRON _005456899 1214 13 are be AUX _005456899 1214 14 merely merely ADV _005456899 1214 15 enjoying enjoy VERB _005456899 1214 16 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1214 17 gratifications gratification NOUN _005456899 1214 18 essentially essentially ADV _005456899 1214 19 not not PART _005456899 1214 20 much much ADV _005456899 1214 21 different different ADJ _005456899 1214 22 from from ADP _005456899 1214 23 similar similar ADJ _005456899 1214 24 pleasures pleasure NOUN _005456899 1214 25 among among ADP _005456899 1214 26 animals animal NOUN _005456899 1214 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1215 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1215 2 as as SCONJ _005456899 1215 3 we we PRON _005456899 1215 4 know know VERB _005456899 1215 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1215 6 after after SCONJ _005456899 1215 7 the the DET _005456899 1215 8 mating mating NOUN _005456899 1215 9 season season NOUN _005456899 1215 10 animals animal NOUN _005456899 1215 11 part part VERB _005456899 1215 12 again again ADV _005456899 1215 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1215 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1215 15 go go VERB _005456899 1215 16 their their PRON _005456899 1215 17 separate separate ADJ _005456899 1215 18 ways way NOUN _005456899 1215 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1216 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1216 2 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1216 3 is be AUX _005456899 1216 4 to to PART _005456899 1216 5 make make VERB _005456899 1216 6 a a DET _005456899 1216 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1216 8 the the DET _005456899 1216 9 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1216 10 for for ADP _005456899 1216 11 life life NOUN _005456899 1216 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1216 13 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1216 14 must must AUX _005456899 1216 15 be be AUX _005456899 1216 16 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 1216 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1216 18 not not PART _005456899 1216 19 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1216 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1217 1 there there PRON _005456899 1217 2 will will AUX _005456899 1217 3 be be AUX _005456899 1217 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1217 5 as as SCONJ _005456899 1217 6 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1217 7 says say VERB _005456899 1217 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1217 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1217 10 love love NOUN _005456899 1217 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1217 12 kisses kiss NOUN _005456899 1217 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1217 14 tears tear NOUN _005456899 1217 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1217 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1217 17 smiles smile VERB _005456899 1217 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1217 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1217 20 but but CCONJ _005456899 1217 21 always always ADV _005456899 1217 22 within within ADP _005456899 1217 23 the the DET _005456899 1217 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1217 25 steps step NOUN _005456899 1217 26 of of ADP _005456899 1217 27 virginliberty virginliberty NOUN _005456899 1217 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1217 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1217 30 always always ADV _005456899 1217 31 far far ADV _005456899 1217 32 short short ADJ _005456899 1217 33 of of ADP _005456899 1217 34 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1217 35 fulfillment fulfillment NOUN _005456899 1217 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1218 1 50 50 NUM _005456899 1218 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1218 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1218 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1218 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1218 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1218 7 maiuuage maiuuage NOUN _005456899 1218 8 at at ADP _005456899 1218 9 this this DET _005456899 1218 10 point point NOUN _005456899 1218 11 the the DET _005456899 1218 12 burning burn VERB _005456899 1218 13 urge urge NOUN _005456899 1218 14 of of ADP _005456899 1218 15 the the DET _005456899 1218 16 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1218 17 is be AUX _005456899 1218 18 not not PART _005456899 1218 19 to to PART _005456899 1218 20 attach attach VERB _005456899 1218 21 to to ADP _005456899 1218 22 himself himself PRON _005456899 1218 23 this this DET _005456899 1218 24 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1218 25 until until SCONJ _005456899 1218 26 death death NOUN _005456899 1218 27 do do AUX _005456899 1218 28 them they PRON _005456899 1218 29 part part VERB _005456899 1218 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1218 31 but but CCONJ _005456899 1218 32 to to PART _005456899 1218 33 have have VERB _005456899 1218 34 a a DET _005456899 1218 35 date date NOUN _005456899 1218 36 with with ADP _005456899 1218 37 her she PRON _005456899 1218 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1219 1 he he PRON _005456899 1219 2 may may AUX _005456899 1219 3 not not PART _005456899 1219 4 even even ADV _005456899 1219 5 think think VERB _005456899 1219 6 of of ADP _005456899 1219 7 two two NUM _005456899 1219 8 dates date NOUN _005456899 1219 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 1219 10 three three NUM _005456899 1219 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1220 1 what what PRON _005456899 1220 2 he he PRON _005456899 1220 3 wants want VERB _005456899 1220 4 immediately immediately ADV _005456899 1220 5 is be AUX _005456899 1220 6 a a DET _005456899 1220 7 date date NOUN _005456899 1220 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1221 1 he he PRON _005456899 1221 2 rushes rush VERB _005456899 1221 3 to to PART _005456899 1221 4 ask ask VERB _005456899 1221 5 her she PRON _005456899 1221 6 to to PART _005456899 1221 7 go go VERB _005456899 1221 8 to to ADP _005456899 1221 9 a a DET _005456899 1221 10 movie movie NOUN _005456899 1221 11 with with ADP _005456899 1221 12 him he PRON _005456899 1221 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1221 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1221 15 a a DET _005456899 1221 16 dance dance NOUN _005456899 1221 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1221 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 1221 19 even even ADV _005456899 1221 20 just just ADV _005456899 1221 21 a a DET _005456899 1221 22 coke coke NOUN _005456899 1221 23 - - PUNCT _005456899 1221 24 anything anything PRON _005456899 1221 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1221 26 just just ADV _005456899 1221 27 so so SCONJ _005456899 1221 28 he he PRON _005456899 1221 29 can can AUX _005456899 1221 30 see see VERB _005456899 1221 31 her she PRON _005456899 1221 32 again again ADV _005456899 1221 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1222 1 why why SCONJ _005456899 1222 2 the the DET _005456899 1222 3 first first ADJ _005456899 1222 4 dates date NOUN _005456899 1222 5 are be AUX _005456899 1222 6 especially especially ADV _005456899 1222 7 critical critical ADJ _005456899 1222 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1222 9 his his PRON _005456899 1222 10 first first ADJ _005456899 1222 11 date date NOUN _005456899 1222 12 is be AUX _005456899 1222 13 a a DET _005456899 1222 14 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005456899 1222 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1222 16 critical critical ADJ _005456899 1222 17 one one NUM _005456899 1222 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1222 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1222 20 better well ADV _005456899 1222 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1222 22 all all DET _005456899 1222 23 the the DET _005456899 1222 24 earlier early ADJ _005456899 1222 25 dates date NOUN _005456899 1222 26 are be AUX _005456899 1222 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1223 1 for for ADP _005456899 1223 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1223 3 psychologically psychologically ADV _005456899 1223 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1223 5 the the DET _005456899 1223 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1223 7 is be AUX _005456899 1223 8 still still ADV _005456899 1223 9 just just ADV _005456899 1223 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1223 11 a a DET _005456899 1223 12 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1223 13 's 's PART _005456899 1223 14 ornament ornament NOUN _005456899 1223 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1223 16 to to ADP _005456899 1223 17 him he PRON _005456899 1223 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1224 1 he he PRON _005456899 1224 2 will will AUX _005456899 1224 3 of of ADP _005456899 1224 4 course course NOUN _005456899 1224 5 want want VERB _005456899 1224 6 to to PART _005456899 1224 7 kiss kiss VERB _005456899 1224 8 her she PRON _005456899 1224 9 as as ADV _005456899 1224 10 much much ADV _005456899 1224 11 as as SCONJ _005456899 1224 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 1224 13 he he PRON _005456899 1224 14 had have AUX _005456899 1224 15 known know VERB _005456899 1224 16 her she PRON _005456899 1224 17 for for ADP _005456899 1224 18 two two NUM _005456899 1224 19 years year NOUN _005456899 1224 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1225 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1225 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1225 3 she she PRON _005456899 1225 4 lets let VERB _005456899 1225 5 him he PRON _005456899 1225 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1225 7 she she PRON _005456899 1225 8 will will AUX _005456899 1225 9 almost almost ADV _005456899 1225 10 automatically automatically ADV _005456899 1225 11 switch switch VERB _005456899 1225 12 herself herself PRON _005456899 1225 13 into into ADP _005456899 1225 14 the the DET _005456899 1225 15 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1225 16 of of ADP _005456899 1225 17 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1225 18 that that PRON _005456899 1225 19 men man NOUN _005456899 1225 20 forget forget VERB _005456899 1225 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1226 1 she she PRON _005456899 1226 2 will will AUX _005456899 1226 3 remain remain VERB _005456899 1226 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 1226 5 just just ADV _005456899 1226 6 a a DET _005456899 1226 7 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1226 8 's 's PART _005456899 1226 9 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1226 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1227 1 his his PRON _005456899 1227 2 reverential reverential ADJ _005456899 1227 3 love love NOUN _005456899 1227 4 will will AUX _005456899 1227 5 be be AUX _005456899 1227 6 nipped nip VERB _005456899 1227 7 in in ADP _005456899 1227 8 the the DET _005456899 1227 9 bud bud NOUN _005456899 1227 10 . . PROPN _005456899 1227 11 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1227 12 will will AUX _005456899 1227 13 begin begin VERB _005456899 1227 14 before before SCONJ _005456899 1227 15 love love NOUN _005456899 1227 16 has have AUX _005456899 1227 17 got get VERB _005456899 1227 18 a a DET _005456899 1227 19 good good ADJ _005456899 1227 20 start start NOUN _005456899 1227 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1228 1 she she PRON _005456899 1228 2 will will AUX _005456899 1228 3 become become VERB _005456899 1228 4 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005456899 1228 5 for for ADP _005456899 1228 6 him he PRON _005456899 1228 7 instead instead ADV _005456899 1228 8 of of ADP _005456899 1228 9 contentment contentment NOUN _005456899 1228 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1229 1 she she PRON _005456899 1229 2 will will AUX _005456899 1229 3 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1229 4 startle startle VERB _005456899 1229 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1229 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1229 7 waylay waylay VERB _005456899 1229 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1229 9 him he PRON _005456899 1229 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1230 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1230 2 really really ADV _005456899 1230 3 any any DET _005456899 1230 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1230 5 dancing dancing NOUN _005456899 1230 6 shape shape NOUN _005456899 1230 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1230 8 can can AUX _005456899 1230 9 do do VERB _005456899 1230 10 that that PRON _005456899 1230 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1230 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1230 13 very very ADV _005456899 1230 14 probably probably ADV _005456899 1230 15 soon soon ADV _005456899 1230 16 will will AUX _005456899 1230 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1231 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 1231 2 to to PART _005456899 1231 3 become become VERB _005456899 1231 4 more more ADJ _005456899 1231 5 than than ADP _005456899 1231 6 a a DET _005456899 1231 7 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1231 8 's 's PART _005456899 1231 9 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1231 10 to to ADP _005456899 1231 11 a a DET _005456899 1231 12 man man NOUN _005456899 1231 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 1231 14 if if SCONJ _005456899 1231 15 she she PRON _005456899 1231 16 is be AUX _005456899 1231 17 courteous courteous ADJ _005456899 1231 18 to to ADP _005456899 1231 19 him he PRON _005456899 1231 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1231 21 sympathetic sympathetic ADJ _005456899 1231 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1231 23 even even ADV _005456899 1231 24 grateful grateful ADJ _005456899 1231 25 for for ADP _005456899 1231 26 his his PRON _005456899 1231 27 fascination fascination NOUN _005456899 1231 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1231 29 but but CCONJ _005456899 1231 30 modest modest ADJ _005456899 1231 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 1231 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 1231 33 nice nice ADJ _005456899 1231 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1231 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 1231 36 then then ADV _005456899 1231 37 the the DET _005456899 1231 38 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1231 39 will will AUX _005456899 1231 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 1231 41 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1231 42 nearer nearer ADJ _005456899 1231 43 view view NOUN _005456899 1231 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 1231 45 see see VERB _005456899 1231 46 in in ADP _005456899 1231 47 her she PRON _005456899 1231 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 1231 49 a a DET _005456899 1231 50 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 1231 51 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 1231 52 a a DET _005456899 1231 53 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1231 54 tool tool NOUN _005456899 1231 55 " " PUNCT _005456899 1231 56 if if SCONJ _005456899 1231 57 from from ADP _005456899 1231 58 the the DET _005456899 1231 59 very very ADV _005456899 1231 60 first first ADJ _005456899 1231 61 conversation conversation NOUN _005456899 1231 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 1231 63 she she PRON _005456899 1231 64 will will AUX _005456899 1231 65 suggest suggest VERB _005456899 1231 66 christian christian PROPN _005456899 1231 67 modesty modesty PROPN _005456899 1231 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 1231 69 he he PRON _005456899 1231 70 will will AUX _005456899 1231 71 grow grow VERB _005456899 1231 72 to to PART _005456899 1231 73 think think VERB _005456899 1231 74 of of ADP _005456899 1231 75 her she PRON _005456899 1231 76 not not PART _005456899 1231 77 merely merely ADV _005456899 1231 78 as as ADP _005456899 1231 79 a a DET _005456899 1231 80 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1231 81 1ovely 1ovely ADJ _005456899 1231 82 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1231 83 " " PUNCT _005456899 1231 84 but but CCONJ _005456899 1231 85 as as ADP _005456899 1231 86 a a DET _005456899 1231 87 lovely lovely ADJ _005456899 1231 88 presence presence NOUN _005456899 1231 89 . . PUNCT _005456899 1232 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1232 2 the the DET _005456899 1232 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 1232 4 lovely lovely ADJ _005456899 1232 5 apparition apparition NOUN _005456899 1232 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1232 7 has have AUX _005456899 1232 8 him he PRON _005456899 1232 9 think think VERB _005456899 1232 10 of of ADP _005456899 1232 11 her she PRON _005456899 1232 12 as as ADP _005456899 1232 13 having have VERB _005456899 1232 14 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1232 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 16 father father NOUN _005456899 1232 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 18 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1232 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1232 20 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1232 21 who who PRON _005456899 1232 22 value value VERB _005456899 1232 23 her she PRON _005456899 1232 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 25 if if SCONJ _005456899 1232 26 she she PRON _005456899 1232 27 has have VERB _005456899 1232 28 him he PRON _005456899 1232 29 meet meet VERB _005456899 1232 30 them they PRON _005456899 1232 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1232 33 if if SCONJ _005456899 1232 34 she she PRON _005456899 1232 35 knows know VERB _005456899 1232 36 where where SCONJ _005456899 1232 37 he he PRON _005456899 1232 38 is be AUX _005456899 1232 39 going go VERB _005456899 1232 40 before before SCONJ _005456899 1232 41 she she PRON _005456899 1232 42 agrees agree VERB _005456899 1232 43 to to PART _005456899 1232 44 go go VERB _005456899 1232 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 1232 47 if if SCONJ _005456899 1232 48 there there PRON _005456899 1232 49 is be VERB _005456899 1232 50 no no DET _005456899 1232 51 parking parking NOUN _005456899 1232 52 where where SCONJ _005456899 1232 53 parking parking NOUN _005456899 1232 54 is be AUX _005456899 1232 55 suggestive suggestive ADJ _005456899 1232 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 57 then then ADV _005456899 1232 58 she she PRON _005456899 1232 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 60 turns turn VERB _005456899 1232 61 herself herself PRON _005456899 1232 62 and and CCONJ _005456899 1232 63 him he PRON _005456899 1232 64 into into ADP _005456899 1232 65 the the DET _005456899 1232 66 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1232 67 that that PRON _005456899 1232 68 is be AUX _005456899 1232 69 long long ADJ _005456899 1232 70 as as ADP _005456899 1232 71 life life NOUN _005456899 1232 72 , , PUNCT _005456899 1232 73 and and CCONJ _005456899 1232 74 just just ADV _005456899 1232 75 wide wide ADJ _005456899 1232 76 enough enough ADV _005456899 1232 77 for for ADP _005456899 1232 78 two two NUM _005456899 1232 79 . . PUNCT _005456899 1233 1 he he PRON _005456899 1233 2 will will AUX _005456899 1233 3 develop develop VERB _005456899 1233 4 a a DET _005456899 1233 5 fixed fix VERB _005456899 1233 6 habit habit NOUN _005456899 1233 7 of of ADP _005456899 1233 8 respectful respectful ADJ _005456899 1233 9 desire desire NOUN _005456899 1233 10 for for ADP _005456899 1233 11 her she PRON _005456899 1233 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1234 1 she she PRON _005456899 1234 2 will will AUX _005456899 1234 3 more more ADV _005456899 1234 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1234 5 more more ADV _005456899 1234 6 be be AUX _005456899 1234 7 able able ADJ _005456899 1234 8 to to PART _005456899 1234 9 trust trust VERB _005456899 1234 10 him he PRON _005456899 1234 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1234 12 enjoy enjoy VERB _005456899 1234 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1234 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 1234 15 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1234 16 says say VERB _005456899 1234 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1234 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1234 19 steps step NOUN _005456899 1234 20 of of ADP _005456899 1234 21 virgin virgin NOUN _005456899 1234 22 - - PUNCT _005456899 1234 23 liberty liberty NOUN _005456899 1234 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1234 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 1235 1 a a DET _005456899 1235 2 time time NOUN _005456899 1235 3 will will AUX _005456899 1235 4 come come VERB _005456899 1235 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 1235 6 she she PRON _005456899 1235 7 can can AUX _005456899 1235 8 lean lean VERB _005456899 1235 9 her her PRON _005456899 1235 10 head head NOUN _005456899 1235 11 on on ADP _005456899 1235 12 his his PRON _005456899 1235 13 breast breast NOUN _005456899 1235 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1235 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1235 16 he he PRON _005456899 1235 17 will will AUX _005456899 1235 18 know know VERB _005456899 1235 19 it it PRON _005456899 1235 20 is be AUX _005456899 1235 21 both both CCONJ _005456899 1235 22 love love NOUN _005456899 1235 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1235 24 trust trust NOUN _005456899 1235 25 - - PUNCT _005456899 1235 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1235 27 he he PRON _005456899 1235 28 would would AUX _005456899 1235 29 rather rather ADV _005456899 1235 30 die die VERB _005456899 1235 31 than than SCONJ _005456899 1235 32 abuse abuse VERB _005456899 1235 33 it it PRON _005456899 1235 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1236 1 co co PROPN _005456899 1236 2 uri uri PROPN _005456899 1236 3 this this DET _005456899 1236 4 devt devt NOUN _005456899 1236 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 1236 6 tian tian PROPN _005456899 1236 7 courtshi courtshi PROPN _005456899 1236 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 1236 9 what what PRON _005456899 1236 10 words\ words\ VERB _005456899 1236 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1236 12 i i PRON _005456899 1236 13 saw see VERB _005456899 1236 14 h h NOUN _005456899 1236 15 a a DET _005456899 1236 16 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 1236 17 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1236 18 is be AUX _005456899 1236 19 both both PRON _005456899 1236 20 angelic angelic ADJ _005456899 1236 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1236 22 a a DET _005456899 1236 23 creat creat NOUN _005456899 1236 24 for for ADP _005456899 1236 25 hur hur PROPN _005456899 1236 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1237 1 christian christian PROPN _005456899 1237 2 of of ADP _005456899 1237 3 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1237 4 to to ADP _005456899 1237 5 ro1 ro1 PRON _005456899 1237 6 passionate passionate VERB _005456899 1237 7 c c PROPN _005456899 1237 8 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1237 9 marri marri NOUN _005456899 1237 10 dances dance NOUN _005456899 1237 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1237 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1237 13 a a DET _005456899 1237 14 man man NOUN _005456899 1237 15 wrote write VERB _005456899 1237 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1237 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1237 18 despit despit NOUN _005456899 1237 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1237 20 hand hand NOUN _005456899 1237 21 ot ot PROPN _005456899 1237 22 the the DET _005456899 1237 23 dea1 dea1 PROPN _005456899 1237 24 down down ADP _005456899 1238 1 o o NOUN _005456899 1238 2 it it PRON _005456899 1238 3 may may AUX _005456899 1238 4 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1239 1 develop develop VERB _005456899 1239 2 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1239 3 portant portant PROPN _005456899 1239 4 dut dut PROPN _005456899 1239 5 psychologic psychologic NOUN _005456899 1239 6 prepare prepare VERB _005456899 1239 7 for for ADP _005456899 1239 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1240 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1240 2 court court NOUN _005456899 1240 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 1240 4 ities itie NOUN _005456899 1240 5 are be AUX _005456899 1240 6 ne ne PROPN _005456899 1240 7 not not PART _005456899 1240 8 needed need VERB _005456899 1240 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1241 1 tractions traction NOUN _005456899 1241 2 aj aj ADP _005456899 1241 3 easily easily ADV _005456899 1241 4 blacl blacl PROPN _005456899 1241 5 pie pie NOUN _005456899 1241 6 then then ADV _005456899 1241 7 tl tl PROPN _005456899 1241 8 enjoying enjoy VERB _005456899 1241 9 st st PROPN _005456899 1241 10 similar similar ADJ _005456899 1241 11 ple ple NOUN _005456899 1241 12 : : PUNCT _005456899 1241 13 ing ing NOUN _005456899 1241 14 season season NOUN _005456899 1241 15 ship ship NOUN _005456899 1241 16 is be AUX _005456899 1241 17 to to ADP _005456899 1241 18 1 1 NUM _005456899 1241 19 mantic mantic ADJ _005456899 1241 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1241 21 nc nc PROPN _005456899 1241 22 kisses kiss NOUN _005456899 1241 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1241 24 tear tear NOUN _005456899 1241 25 liberty liberty NOUN _005456899 1241 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1241 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 1241 28 al al PROPN _005456899 1241 29 tile tile PROPN _005456899 1241 30 helpmeet helpmeet PROPN _005456899 1241 31 for for ADP _005456899 1241 32 life life NOUN _005456899 1241 33 51 51 NUM _005456899 1241 34 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1241 35 as as ADP _005456899 1241 36 a a DET _005456899 1241 37 way way NOUN _005456899 1241 38 from from ADP _005456899 1241 39 modesty modesty PROPN _005456899 1241 40 te te ADP _005456899 1241 41 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 1241 42 this this DET _005456899 1241 43 developing develop VERB _005456899 1241 44 trust trust NOUN _005456899 1241 45 is be AUX _005456899 1241 46 the the DET _005456899 1241 47 flower flower NOUN _005456899 1241 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 1241 49 fruit fruit NOUN _005456899 1241 50 of of ADP _005456899 1241 51 a a DET _005456899 1241 52 true true ADJ _005456899 1241 53 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1241 54 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1241 55 . . PUNCT _005456899 1242 1 during during ADP _005456899 1242 2 this this DET _005456899 1242 3 period period NOUN _005456899 1242 4 each each DET _005456899 1242 5 man man NOUN _005456899 1242 6 can can AUX _005456899 1242 7 say say VERB _005456899 1242 8 of of ADP _005456899 1242 9 the the DET _005456899 1242 10 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1242 11 what what PRON _005456899 1242 12 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1242 13 said say VERB _005456899 1242 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1242 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1242 16 i i PRON _005456899 1242 17 saw see VERB _005456899 1242 18 her she PRON _005456899 1242 19 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1242 20 nearer nearer ADJ _005456899 1242 21 view view NOUN _005456899 1242 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1242 23 a a DET _005456899 1242 24 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 1242 25 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 1242 26 a a DET _005456899 1242 27 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1242 28 toor toor NOUN _005456899 1242 29 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1242 30 is be AUX _005456899 1242 31 the the DET _005456899 1242 32 delicate delicate ADJ _005456899 1242 33 trying try VERB _005456899 1242 34 time time NOUN _005456899 1242 35 when when SCONJ _005456899 1242 36 a a DET _005456899 1242 37 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1242 38 must must AUX _005456899 1242 39 remain remain VERB _005456899 1242 40 both both PRON _005456899 1242 41 angelic angelic ADJ _005456899 1242 42 - - PUNCT _005456899 1242 43 sugar sugar NOUN _005456899 1242 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 1242 45 spice spice NOUN _005456899 1242 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 1242 47 and and CCONJ _005456899 1242 48 everything everything PRON _005456899 1242 49 nice nice ADJ _005456899 1242 50 - - PUNCT _005456899 1242 51 and and CCONJ _005456899 1242 52 also also ADV _005456899 1242 53 " " PUNCT _005456899 1242 54 a a DET _005456899 1242 55 creature creature NOUN _005456899 1242 56 not not PART _005456899 1242 57 too too ADV _005456899 1242 58 bright bright ADJ _005456899 1242 59 or or CCONJ _005456899 1242 60 good good ADJ _005456899 1242 61 for for ADP _005456899 1242 62 human human ADJ _005456899 1242 63 nature nature NOUN _005456899 1242 64 's 's PART _005456899 1242 65 daily daily ADJ _005456899 1242 66 food food NOUN _005456899 1242 67 . . PUNCT _005456899 1242 68 " " PUNCT _005456899 1243 1 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1243 2 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1243 3 really really ADV _005456899 1243 4 req¢res req¢re VERB _005456899 1243 5 the the DET _005456899 1243 6 constant constant ADJ _005456899 1243 7 sublimation sublimation NOUN _005456899 1243 8 of of ADP _005456899 1243 9 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1243 10 to to ADP _005456899 1243 11 romance romance NOUN _005456899 1243 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1243 13 of of ADP _005456899 1243 14 a a DET _005456899 1243 15 physical physical ADJ _005456899 1243 16 urge urge NOUN _005456899 1243 17 to to ADP _005456899 1243 18 a a DET _005456899 1243 19 postponed postpone VERB _005456899 1243 20 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1243 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1243 22 of of ADP _005456899 1243 23 a a DET _005456899 1243 24 passionate passionate ADJ _005456899 1243 25 desire desire NOUN _005456899 1243 26 to to ADP _005456899 1243 27 a a DET _005456899 1243 28 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 1243 29 promise promise NOUN _005456899 1243 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1244 1 that that DET _005456899 1244 2 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 1244 3 promise promise NOUN _005456899 1244 4 is be AUX _005456899 1244 5 a a DET _005456899 1244 6 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1244 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1244 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1245 1 after after ADP _005456899 1245 2 dozens dozen NOUN _005456899 1245 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1245 4 dozens dozen NOUN _005456899 1245 5 of of ADP _005456899 1245 6 datesof datesof NOUN _005456899 1245 7 movies movie NOUN _005456899 1245 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1245 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1245 10 dances dance NOUN _005456899 1245 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1245 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1245 13 picnics picnic NOUN _005456899 1245 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 1245 15 it it PRON _005456899 1245 16 is be AUX _005456899 1245 17 the the DET _005456899 1245 18 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1245 19 fulhlled fulhlle VERB _005456899 1245 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1246 1 a a DET _005456899 1246 2 man man NOUN _005456899 1246 3 in in ADP _005456899 1246 4 an an DET _005456899 1246 5 advice advice NOUN _005456899 1246 6 article article NOUN _005456899 1246 7 in in ADP _005456899 1246 8 a a DET _005456899 1246 9 secular secular ADJ _005456899 1246 10 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1246 11 's 's PART _005456899 1246 12 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 1246 13 wrote write VERB _005456899 1246 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1246 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1246 16 despite despite SCONJ _005456899 1246 17 au au PROPN _005456899 1246 18 the the DET _005456899 1246 19 foolproof foolproof NOUN _005456899 1246 20 arguments argument NOUN _005456899 1246 21 my my PRON _005456899 1246 22 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1246 23 is be AUX _005456899 1246 24 wo will AUX _005456899 1246 25 nt not PART _005456899 1246 26 to to PART _005456899 1246 27 hand hand VERB _005456899 1246 28 out out ADP _005456899 1246 29 on on ADP _005456899 1246 30 why why SCONJ _005456899 1246 31 you you PRON _005456899 1246 32 should should AUX _005456899 1246 33 pet pet VERB _005456899 1246 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1246 35 i i PRON _005456899 1246 36 consider consider VERB _005456899 1246 37 petting pet VERB _005456899 1246 38 one one NUM _005456899 1246 39 of of ADP _005456899 1246 40 the the DET _005456899 1246 41 deadliest deadly ADJ _005456899 1246 42 enemies enemy NOUN _005456899 1246 43 of of ADP _005456899 1246 44 romance romance NOUN _005456899 1246 45 " " PUNCT _005456899 1246 46 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1246 47 r. r. PROPN _005456899 1246 48 h. h. PROPN _005456899 1246 49 reed reed PROPN _005456899 1246 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 1246 51 " " PUNCT _005456899 1246 52 the the DET _005456899 1246 53 lowdown lowdown NOUN _005456899 1246 54 on on ADP _005456899 1246 55 kissing kiss VERB _005456899 1246 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 1246 57 " " PUNCT _005456899 1246 58 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1246 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 1246 60 april april PROPN _005456899 1246 61 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 1246 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 1246 63 p. p. NOUN _005456899 1246 64 8) 8) PROPN _005456899 1246 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1247 1 it it PRON _005456899 1247 2 may may AUX _005456899 1247 3 seem seem VERB _005456899 1247 4 paradoxical paradoxical ADJ _005456899 1247 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1247 6 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1247 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1247 8 which which PRON _005456899 1247 9 is be AUX _005456899 1247 10 supposed suppose VERB _005456899 1247 11 to to PART _005456899 1247 12 develop develop VERB _005456899 1247 13 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1247 14 partners partner NOUN _005456899 1247 15 for for ADP _005456899 1247 16 life life NOUN _005456899 1247 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1247 18 must must AUX _005456899 1247 19 as as SCONJ _005456899 1247 20 its its PRON _005456899 1247 21 most most ADV _005456899 1247 22 difficult difficult ADJ _005456899 1247 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1247 24 important important ADJ _005456899 1247 25 duty duty NOUN _005456899 1247 26 constantly constantly ADV _005456899 1247 27 keep keep VERB _005456899 1247 28 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1247 29 restrained restrain VERB _005456899 1247 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1248 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 1248 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1248 3 there there PRON _005456899 1248 4 is be VERB _005456899 1248 5 a a DET _005456899 1248 6 good good ADJ _005456899 1248 7 psychological psychological ADJ _005456899 1248 8 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1248 9 for for ADP _005456899 1248 10 this this PRON _005456899 1248 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1249 1 the the DET _005456899 1249 2 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1249 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1249 4 which which DET _005456899 1249 5 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1249 6 is be AUX _005456899 1249 7 to to PART _005456899 1249 8 prepare prepare VERB _005456899 1249 9 for for ADP _005456899 1249 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1249 11 must must AUX _005456899 1249 12 last last VERB _005456899 1249 13 for for ADP _005456899 1249 14 life life NOUN _005456899 1249 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1250 1 love love NOUN _005456899 1250 2 grows grow VERB _005456899 1250 3 on on ADP _005456899 1250 4 desire desire NOUN _005456899 1250 5 restrained restrain VERB _005456899 1250 6 if if SCONJ _005456899 1250 7 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1250 8 is be AUX _005456899 1250 9 largely largely ADV _005456899 1250 10 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1250 11 pleasures pleasure NOUN _005456899 1250 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1250 13 these these DET _005456899 1250 14 long long ADJ _005456899 1250 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 1250 16 as as ADP _005456899 1250 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 1250 18 life life NOUN _005456899 1250 19 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1250 20 are be AUX _005456899 1250 21 never never ADV _005456899 1250 22 called call VERB _005456899 1250 23 forth forth ADV _005456899 1250 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 1250 25 developed develop VERB _005456899 1250 26 - - PUNCT _005456899 1250 27 simply simply ADV _005456899 1250 28 because because SCONJ _005456899 1250 29 they they PRON _005456899 1250 30 are be AUX _005456899 1250 31 not not PART _005456899 1250 32 needed need VERB _005456899 1250 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1251 1 at at ADP _005456899 1251 2 the the DET _005456899 1251 3 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1251 4 stage stage NOUN _005456899 1251 5 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1251 6 is be AUX _005456899 1251 7 so so ADV _005456899 1251 8 powerful powerful ADJ _005456899 1251 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1251 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1251 11 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1251 12 attractions attraction NOUN _005456899 1251 13 are be AUX _005456899 1251 14 so so ADV _005456899 1251 15 active active ADJ _005456899 1251 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1251 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1251 18 with with ADP _005456899 1251 19 any any DET _005456899 1251 20 false false ADJ _005456899 1251 21 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005456899 1251 22 they they PRON _005456899 1251 23 ' ' AUX _005456899 1251 24 will will AUX _005456899 1251 25 easily easily ADV _005456899 1251 26 black black VERB _005456899 1251 27 out out ADP _005456899 1251 28 all all DET _005456899 1251 29 the the DET _005456899 1251 30 other other ADJ _005456899 1251 31 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 1251 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1251 33 possibilities possibility NOUN _005456899 1251 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1252 1 young young ADJ _005456899 1252 2 people people NOUN _005456899 1252 3 then then ADV _005456899 1252 4 think think VERB _005456899 1252 5 they they PRON _005456899 1252 6 are be AUX _005456899 1252 7 in in ADP _005456899 1252 8 love love NOUN _005456899 1252 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 1252 10 in in ADP _005456899 1252 11 reality reality NOUN _005456899 1252 12 they they PRON _005456899 1252 13 are be AUX _005456899 1252 14 merely merely ADV _005456899 1252 15 enjoying enjoy VERB _005456899 1252 16 sex sex NOUN _005456899 1252 17 gratifications gratification NOUN _005456899 1252 18 essentially essentially ADV _005456899 1252 19 not not PART _005456899 1252 20 much much ADV _005456899 1252 21 different different ADJ _005456899 1252 22 from from ADP _005456899 1252 23 similar similar ADJ _005456899 1252 24 pleasures pleasure NOUN _005456899 1252 25 among among ADP _005456899 1252 26 animals animal NOUN _005456899 1252 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1253 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1253 2 as as SCONJ _005456899 1253 3 we we PRON _005456899 1253 4 know know VERB _005456899 1253 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1253 6 after after SCONJ _005456899 1253 7 the the DET _005456899 1253 8 mating mating NOUN _005456899 1253 9 season season NOUN _005456899 1253 10 animals animal NOUN _005456899 1253 11 part part VERB _005456899 1253 12 again again ADV _005456899 1253 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1253 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1253 15 go go VERB _005456899 1253 16 their their PRON _005456899 1253 17 separate separate ADJ _005456899 1253 18 ways way NOUN _005456899 1253 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1254 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1254 2 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1254 3 is be AUX _005456899 1254 4 to to PART _005456899 1254 5 make make VERB _005456899 1254 6 a a DET _005456899 1254 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1254 8 the the DET _005456899 1254 9 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1254 10 for for ADP _005456899 1254 11 life life NOUN _005456899 1254 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1254 13 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1254 14 must must AUX _005456899 1254 15 be be AUX _005456899 1254 16 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 1254 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1254 18 not not PART _005456899 1254 19 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1254 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1255 1 there there PRON _005456899 1255 2 will will AUX _005456899 1255 3 be be AUX _005456899 1255 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1255 5 as as SCONJ _005456899 1255 6 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1255 7 says say VERB _005456899 1255 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1255 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1255 10 love love NOUN _005456899 1255 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1255 12 kisses kiss NOUN _005456899 1255 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1255 14 tears tear NOUN _005456899 1255 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1255 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1255 17 smiles smile VERB _005456899 1255 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1255 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1255 20 but but CCONJ _005456899 1255 21 always always ADV _005456899 1255 22 within within ADP _005456899 1255 23 the the DET _005456899 1255 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1255 25 steps step NOUN _005456899 1255 26 of of ADP _005456899 1255 27 virginliberty virginliberty NOUN _005456899 1255 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1255 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1255 30 always always ADV _005456899 1255 31 far far ADV _005456899 1255 32 short short ADJ _005456899 1255 33 of of ADP _005456899 1255 34 sexual sexual ADJ _005456899 1255 35 fulfillment fulfillment NOUN _005456899 1255 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1256 1 52 52 NUM _005456899 1256 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1256 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1256 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1256 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1256 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1256 7 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 1256 8 the the DET _005456899 1256 9 problem problem NOUN _005456899 1256 10 of of ADP _005456899 1256 11 restraint restraint NOUN _005456899 1256 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1256 13 losing lose VERB _005456899 1256 14 interest interest NOUN _005456899 1256 15 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1256 16 on on ADP _005456899 1256 17 the the DET _005456899 1256 18 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1256 19 - - PUNCT _005456899 1256 20 deferred defer VERB _005456899 1256 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 1256 22 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 1256 23 - - PUNCT _005456899 1256 24 promise promise NOUN _005456899 1256 25 level level NOUN _005456899 1256 26 will will AUX _005456899 1256 27 force force VERB _005456899 1256 28 young young ADJ _005456899 1256 29 people people NOUN _005456899 1256 30 to to PART _005456899 1256 31 develop develop VERB _005456899 1256 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1256 33 produce produce VERB _005456899 1256 34 all all DET _005456899 1256 35 their their PRON _005456899 1256 36 personality personality NOUN _005456899 1256 37 powers power NOUN _005456899 1256 38 in in ADP _005456899 1256 39 order order NOUN _005456899 1256 40 to to PART _005456899 1256 41 make make VERB _005456899 1256 42 such such ADJ _005456899 1256 43 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1256 44 pleasurable pleasurable ADJ _005456899 1256 45 enough enough ADV _005456899 1256 46 to to PART _005456899 1256 47 carry carry VERB _005456899 1256 48 over over ADP _005456899 1256 49 a a DET _005456899 1256 50 year year NOUN _005456899 1256 51 or or CCONJ _005456899 1256 52 two two NUM _005456899 1256 53 into into ADP _005456899 1256 54 the the DET _005456899 1256 55 liberty liberty NOUN _005456899 1256 56 of of ADP _005456899 1256 57 matrimony matrimony PROPN _005456899 1256 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 1257 1 of of ADP _005456899 1257 2 course course NOUN _005456899 1257 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1257 4 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 1257 5 it it PRON _005456899 1257 6 does do AUX _005456899 1257 7 n't not PART _005456899 1257 8 carry carry VERB _005456899 1257 9 through through ADV _005456899 1257 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1258 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1258 2 even even ADV _005456899 1258 3 in in ADP _005456899 1258 4 the the DET _005456899 1258 5 best well ADV _005456899 1258 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 1258 7 suited suit VERB _005456899 1258 8 couples couple NOUN _005456899 1258 9 it it PRON _005456899 1258 10 should should AUX _005456899 1258 11 not not PART _005456899 1258 12 be be AUX _005456899 1258 13 expected expect VERB _005456899 1258 14 to to PART _005456899 1258 15 be be AUX _005456899 1258 16 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1258 17 for for ADP _005456899 1258 18 unreasonably unreasonably ADV _005456899 1258 19 long long ADJ _005456899 1258 20 courtships courtship NOUN _005456899 1258 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1259 1 mrs mrs PROPN _005456899 1259 2 . . PROPN _005456899 1259 3 gibbs gibbs PROPN _005456899 1259 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1259 5 the the DET _005456899 1259 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1259 7 in in ADP _005456899 1259 8 thornton thornton PROPN _005456899 1259 9 wilder wilder NOUN _005456899 1259 10 's 's PART _005456899 1259 11 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 1259 12 play play NOUN _005456899 1259 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1259 14 our our PRON _005456899 1259 15 town town NOUN _005456899 1259 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1259 17 says say VERB _005456899 1259 18 when when SCONJ _005456899 1259 19 her her PRON _005456899 1259 20 son son NOUN _005456899 1259 21 wants want VERB _005456899 1259 22 to to PART _005456899 1259 23 marry marry VERB _005456899 1259 24 emily emily ADV _005456899 1259 25 rather rather ADV _005456899 1259 26 than than ADP _005456899 1259 27 spend spend VERB _005456899 1259 28 four four NUM _005456899 1259 29 years year NOUN _005456899 1259 30 at at ADP _005456899 1259 31 college college NOUN _005456899 1259 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1259 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 1259 34 he he PRON _005456899 1259 35 might might AUX _005456899 1259 36 get get VERB _005456899 1259 37 into into ADP _005456899 1259 38 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1259 39 ways way NOUN _005456899 1259 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1260 1 it it PRON _005456899 1260 2 would would AUX _005456899 1260 3 n't not PART _005456899 1260 4 be be AUX _005456899 1260 5 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1260 6 fun fun NOUN _005456899 1260 7 for for SCONJ _005456899 1260 8 him he PRON _005456899 1260 9 to to PART _005456899 1260 10 come come VERB _005456899 1260 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1260 12 sit sit VERB _005456899 1260 13 by by ADP _005456899 1260 14 our our PRON _005456899 1260 15 stove,-and stove,-and NOUN _005456899 1260 16 holding hold VERB _005456899 1260 17 hands hand NOUN _005456899 1260 18 with with ADP _005456899 1260 19 emily emily ADV _005456899 1260 20 for for ADP _005456899 1260 21 a a DET _005456899 1260 22 year year NOUN _005456899 1260 23 might might AUX _005456899 1260 24 n't not PART _005456899 1260 25 be be AUX _005456899 1260 26 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1260 27 either either ADV _005456899 1260 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1261 1 he he PRON _005456899 1261 2 might might AUX _005456899 1261 3 lose lose VERB _005456899 1261 4 interest interest NOUN _005456899 1261 5 in in ADP _005456899 1261 6 her she PRON _005456899 1261 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1261 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1262 1 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1262 2 gibbs gibb NOUN _005456899 1262 3 here here ADV _005456899 1262 4 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 1262 5 a a DET _005456899 1262 6 real real ADJ _005456899 1262 7 problem problem NOUN _005456899 1262 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1262 9 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005456899 1262 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1263 1 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1263 2 must must AUX _005456899 1263 3 never never ADV _005456899 1263 4 be be AUX _005456899 1263 5 considered consider VERB _005456899 1263 6 a a DET _005456899 1263 7 substitute substitute NOUN _005456899 1263 8 for for ADP _005456899 1263 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1263 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1264 1 over over ADP _005456899 1264 2 too too ADV _005456899 1264 3 long long ADV _005456899 1264 4 a a DET _005456899 1264 5 period period NOUN _005456899 1264 6 any any DET _005456899 1264 7 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1264 8 will will AUX _005456899 1264 9 degenerate degenerate VERB _005456899 1264 10 into into ADP _005456899 1264 11 sin sin NOUN _005456899 1264 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 1264 13 evaporate evaporate VERB _005456899 1264 14 into into ADP _005456899 1264 15 disinterest disinter ADJ _005456899 1264 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1265 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1265 2 as as ADP _005456899 1265 3 the the DET _005456899 1265 4 only only ADJ _005456899 1265 5 proper proper ADJ _005456899 1265 6 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1265 7 link link NOUN _005456899 1265 8 to to ADP _005456899 1265 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1265 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1265 11 a a DET _005456899 1265 12 modest modest ADJ _005456899 1265 13 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1265 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1265 15 from from ADP _005456899 1265 16 one one NUM _005456899 1265 17 to to PART _005456899 1265 18 four four NUM _005456899 1265 19 years year NOUN _005456899 1265 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1265 21 is be AUX _005456899 1265 22 practically practically ADV _005456899 1265 23 the the DET _005456899 1265 24 only only ADJ _005456899 1265 25 way way NOUN _005456899 1265 26 to to PART _005456899 1265 27 store store VERB _005456899 1265 28 up up ADP _005456899 1265 29 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1265 30 romance romance NOUN _005456899 1265 31 to to PART _005456899 1265 32 last last VERB _005456899 1265 33 for for ADP _005456899 1265 34 life life NOUN _005456899 1265 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1266 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1266 2 he he PRON _005456899 1266 3 wants want VERB _005456899 1266 4 to to PART _005456899 1266 5 make make VERB _005456899 1266 6 the the DET _005456899 1266 7 date date NOUN _005456899 1266 8 for for ADP _005456899 1266 9 life life NOUN _005456899 1266 10 however however ADV _005456899 1266 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1266 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 1266 13 the the DET _005456899 1266 14 love love NOUN _005456899 1266 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 1266 16 at at ADP _005456899 1266 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 1266 18 first first ADJ _005456899 1266 19 - - PUNCT _005456899 1266 20 sight sight NOUN _005456899 1266 21 was be AUX _005456899 1266 22 the the DET _005456899 1266 23 real real ADJ _005456899 1266 24 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1266 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1266 26 was be AUX _005456899 1266 27 more more ADJ _005456899 1266 28 than than ADP _005456899 1266 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1266 30 a a DET _005456899 1266 31 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1266 32 's 's PART _005456899 1266 33 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1266 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1266 35 " " PUNCT _005456899 1266 36 then then ADV _005456899 1266 37 this this DET _005456899 1266 38 modest modest ADJ _005456899 1266 39 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1266 40 has have AUX _005456899 1266 41 made make VERB _005456899 1266 42 the the DET _005456899 1266 43 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1266 44 the the DET _005456899 1266 45 climax climax NOUN _005456899 1266 46 to to ADP _005456899 1266 47 all all DET _005456899 1266 48 the the DET _005456899 1266 49 man man NOUN _005456899 1266 50 's 's PART _005456899 1266 51 dreams dream NOUN _005456899 1266 52 and and CCONJ _005456899 1266 53 hopes hope VERB _005456899 1266 54 the the DET _005456899 1266 55 one one NUM _005456899 1266 56 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1266 57 that that PRON _005456899 1266 58 gives give VERB _005456899 1266 59 meaning meaning NOUN _005456899 1266 60 to to ADP _005456899 1266 61 his his PRON _005456899 1266 62 life life NOUN _005456899 1266 63 . . PUNCT _005456899 1267 1 he he PRON _005456899 1267 2 has have AUX _005456899 1267 3 found find VERB _005456899 1267 4 himself himself PRON _005456899 1267 5 so so ADV _005456899 1267 6 reflected reflect VERB _005456899 1267 7 in in ADP _005456899 1267 8 her she PRON _005456899 1267 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1267 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1267 11 her she PRON _005456899 1267 12 in in ADP _005456899 1267 13 him he PRON _005456899 1267 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1267 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 1267 16 he he PRON _005456899 1267 17 wants want VERB _005456899 1267 18 her she PRON _005456899 1267 19 for for ADP _005456899 1267 20 himself himself PRON _005456899 1267 21 alone alone ADV _005456899 1267 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1267 23 forever forever ADV _005456899 1267 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1268 1 of of ADP _005456899 1268 2 the the DET _005456899 1268 3 billion billion NUM _005456899 1268 4 other other ADJ _005456899 1268 5 women woman NOUN _005456899 1268 6 in in ADP _005456899 1268 7 the the DET _005456899 1268 8 world world NOUN _005456899 1268 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1268 10 all all PRON _005456899 1268 11 of of ADP _005456899 1268 12 them they PRON _005456899 1268 13 having have VERB _005456899 1268 14 some some PRON _005456899 1268 15 of of ADP _005456899 1268 16 the the DET _005456899 1268 17 things thing NOUN _005456899 1268 18 she she PRON _005456899 1268 19 has have VERB _005456899 1268 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1268 21 he he PRON _005456899 1268 22 has have AUX _005456899 1268 23 found find VERB _005456899 1268 24 only only ADV _005456899 1268 25 in in ADP _005456899 1268 26 her she PRON _005456899 1268 27 some some DET _005456899 1268 28 unique unique ADJ _005456899 1268 29 magical magical ADJ _005456899 1268 30 partnership partnership NOUN _005456899 1268 31 for for ADP _005456899 1268 32 which which PRON _005456899 1268 33 he he PRON _005456899 1268 34 is be AUX _005456899 1268 35 willing willing ADJ _005456899 1268 36 to to PART _005456899 1268 37 say say VERB _005456899 1268 38 no no INTJ _005456899 1268 39 to to ADP _005456899 1268 40 all all DET _005456899 1268 41 other other ADJ _005456899 1268 42 women woman NOUN _005456899 1268 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1269 1 from from ADP _005456899 1269 2 the the DET _005456899 1269 3 moonlight moonlight NOUN _005456899 1269 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1269 5 roses rose NOUN _005456899 1269 6 of of ADP _005456899 1269 7 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1269 8 he he PRON _005456899 1269 9 now now ADV _005456899 1269 10 urges urge VERB _005456899 1269 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1269 12 begs beg VERB _005456899 1269 13 his his PRON _005456899 1269 14 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1269 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1269 16 his his PRON _005456899 1269 17 phantom phantom NOUN _005456899 1269 18 of of ADP _005456899 1269 19 delight delight NOUN _005456899 1269 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1269 21 into into ADP _005456899 1269 22 the the DET _005456899 1269 23 daylight daylight NOUN _005456899 1269 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1269 25 duties duty NOUN _005456899 1269 26 of of ADP _005456899 1269 27 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1269 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1270 1 he he PRON _005456899 1270 2 wants want VERB _005456899 1270 3 to to PART _005456899 1270 4 convert convert VERB _005456899 1270 5 his his PRON _005456899 1270 6 first first ADJ _005456899 1270 7 date date NOUN _005456899 1270 8 of of ADP _005456899 1270 9 an an DET _005456899 1270 10 evening evening NOUN _005456899 1270 11 into into ADP _005456899 1270 12 a a DET _005456899 1270 13 final final ADJ _005456899 1270 14 date date NOUN _005456899 1270 15 for for ADP _005456899 1270 16 life life NOUN _005456899 1270 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1271 1 they they PRON _005456899 1271 2 pledge pledge VERB _005456899 1271 3 each each DET _005456899 1271 4 other other ADJ _005456899 1271 5 the the DET _005456899 1271 6 only only ADJ _005456899 1271 7 life life NOUN _005456899 1271 8 they they PRON _005456899 1271 9 have have VERB _005456899 1271 10 to to ADP _005456899 1271 11 the the DET _005456899 1271 12 tunes tune NOUN _005456899 1271 13 of of ADP _005456899 1271 14 the the DET _005456899 1271 15 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 1271 16 march march NOUN _005456899 1271 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1271 18 he he PRON _005456899 1271 19 takes take VERB _005456899 1271 20 her she PRON _005456899 1271 21 for for ADP _005456899 1271 22 better well ADJ _005456899 1271 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 1271 24 for for ADP _005456899 1271 25 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1271 26 till till SCONJ _005456899 1271 27 death death NOUN _005456899 1271 28 do do AUX _005456899 1271 29 them they PRON _005456899 1271 30 part part VERB _005456899 1271 31 - - PUNCT _005456899 1271 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1271 33 she she PRON _005456899 1271 34 takes take VERB _005456899 1271 35 him he PRON _005456899 1271 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1272 1 the the DET _005456899 1272 2 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 1272 3 is be AUX _005456899 1272 4 a a DET _005456899 1272 5 glorious glorious ADJ _005456899 1272 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1272 7 an an DET _005456899 1272 8 awe awe NOUN _005456899 1272 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 1272 10 inspiring inspire VERB _005456899 1272 11 event event NOUN _005456899 1272 12 - - PUNCT _005456899 1272 13 two two NUM _005456899 1272 14 people people NOUN _005456899 1272 15 pledging pledge VERB _005456899 1272 16 to to PART _005456899 1272 17 spend spend VERB _005456899 1272 18 a a DET _005456899 1272 19 life life NOUN _005456899 1272 20 - - PUNCT _005456899 1272 21 time time NOUN _005456899 1272 22 together together ADV _005456899 1272 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1272 24 the the DET _005456899 1272 25 only only ADJ _005456899 1272 26 one one NUM _005456899 1272 27 life life NOUN _005456899 1272 28 - - PUNCT _005456899 1272 29 time time NOUN _005456899 1272 30 they they PRON _005456899 1272 31 have have VERB _005456899 1272 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1273 1 the the DET _005456899 1273 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1273 3 · · PUNCT _005456899 1273 4 now now ADV _005456899 1273 5 bee bee NOUN _005456899 1273 6 < < X _005456899 1273 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1273 8 phantom phantom PROPN _005456899 1273 9 an an DET _005456899 1273 10 icecre icecre NOUN _005456899 1273 11 : : PUNCT _005456899 1273 12 he he PRON _005456899 1273 13 will will AUX _005456899 1273 14 s s PRON _005456899 1273 15 lot lot NOUN _005456899 1273 16 of of ADP _005456899 1273 17 lov lov NOUN _005456899 1273 18 ' ' PART _005456899 1273 19 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1273 20 million million NUM _005456899 1273 21 n n ADP _005456899 1273 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1273 23 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1273 24 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1273 25 of of ADP _005456899 1273 26 l l ADJ _005456899 1273 27 final final ADJ _005456899 1273 28 apr apr NOUN _005456899 1273 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1273 30 with with ADP _005456899 1273 31 eyt eyt PROPN _005456899 1273 32 its its PRON _005456899 1273 33 little little ADJ _005456899 1273 34 what what PRON _005456899 1273 35 to to PART _005456899 1273 36 money money VERB _005456899 1273 37 f f PROPN _005456899 1273 38 sickness sickness NOUN _005456899 1273 39 slowl slowl PROPN _005456899 1273 40 hair hair NOUN _005456899 1273 41 is be AUX _005456899 1273 42 b b NOUN _005456899 1273 43 he he PRON _005456899 1273 44 doesu doesu VERB _005456899 1273 45 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1273 46 ' ' PART _005456899 1273 47 sourcefu sourcefu NOUN _005456899 1273 48 she she PRON _005456899 1273 49 who who PRON _005456899 1273 50 falter falter VERB _005456899 1273 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 1274 1 v v ADP _005456899 1274 2 the the DET _005456899 1274 3 plan plan NOUN _005456899 1274 4 ness ness NOUN _005456899 1274 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1274 6 theme theme NOUN _005456899 1274 7 as as ADP _005456899 1274 8 tl tl ADP _005456899 1274 9 two two NUM _005456899 1274 10 anc anc NOUN _005456899 1274 11 that that DET _005456899 1274 12 wi1 wi1 NOUN _005456899 1274 13 when when SCONJ _005456899 1274 14 tl tl ADP _005456899 1274 15 the the DET _005456899 1274 16 beu beu NOUN _005456899 1274 17 wha wha NOUN _005456899 1274 18 there there ADV _005456899 1274 19 w w ADV _005456899 1274 20 died die VERB _005456899 1274 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1274 22 it it PRON _005456899 1274 23 wers wer VERB _005456899 1274 24 over over ADP _005456899 1274 25 fmes fme NOUN _005456899 1274 26 s s NOUN _005456899 1274 27 it it PRON _005456899 1274 28 ~ay ~ay X _005456899 1274 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1274 30 han han PROPN _005456899 1274 31 ly ly PROPN _005456899 1274 32 · · PUNCT _005456899 1274 33 the the DET _005456899 1274 34 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1274 35 for for ADP _005456899 1274 36 life life NOUN _005456899 1274 37 53 53 NUM _005456899 1274 38 the the DET _005456899 1274 39 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1274 40 who who PRON _005456899 1274 41 first first ADV _005456899 1274 42 burst burst VERB _005456899 1274 43 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1274 44 him he PRON _005456899 1274 45 as as ADP _005456899 1274 46 " " PUNCT _005456899 1274 47 a a DET _005456899 1274 48 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1274 49 's 's PART _005456899 1274 50 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1274 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 1274 52 " " PUNCT _005456899 1274 53 has have AUX _005456899 1274 54 now now ADV _005456899 1274 55 become become VERB _005456899 1274 56 for for ADP _005456899 1274 57 him he PRON _005456899 1274 58 " " PUNCT _005456899 1274 59 a a DET _005456899 1274 60 traveler traveler NOUN _005456899 1274 61 between between ADP _005456899 1274 62 life life NOUN _005456899 1274 63 and and CCONJ _005456899 1274 64 death death NOUN _005456899 1274 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1274 66 " " PUNCT _005456899 1275 1 the the DET _005456899 1275 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 1275 3 phantom phantom NOUN _005456899 1275 4 of of ADP _005456899 1275 5 delight delight NOUN _005456899 1275 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1275 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1275 8 whom whom PRON _005456899 1275 9 he he PRON _005456899 1275 10 first first ADV _005456899 1275 11 nervously nervously ADV _005456899 1275 12 asked ask VERB _005456899 1275 13 to to PART _005456899 1275 14 share share VERB _005456899 1275 15 an an DET _005456899 1275 16 icecream icecream ADJ _005456899 1275 17 soda soda NOUN _005456899 1275 18 with with ADP _005456899 1275 19 him he PRON _005456899 1275 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1275 21 has have AUX _005456899 1275 22 now now ADV _005456899 1275 23 become become VERB _005456899 1275 24 his his PRON _005456899 1275 25 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1275 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1275 27 with with ADP _005456899 1275 28 whom whom PRON _005456899 1275 29 he he PRON _005456899 1275 30 will will AUX _005456899 1275 31 share share VERB _005456899 1275 32 the the DET _005456899 1275 33 next next ADJ _005456899 1275 34 forty forty NUM _005456899 1275 35 thousands thousand NOUN _005456899 1275 36 meals meal NOUN _005456899 1275 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1276 1 it it PRON _005456899 1276 2 takes take VERB _005456899 1276 3 an an DET _005456899 1276 4 awful awful ADJ _005456899 1276 5 lot lot NOUN _005456899 1276 6 of of ADP _005456899 1276 7 love love NOUN _005456899 1276 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1276 9 romance romance NOUN _005456899 1276 10 to to PART _005456899 1276 11 face face VERB _005456899 1276 12 that that PRON _005456899 1276 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1277 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1277 2 during during ADP _005456899 1277 3 their their PRON _005456899 1277 4 brave brave ADJ _005456899 1277 5 - - PUNCT _005456899 1277 6 modest modest ADJ _005456899 1277 7 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1277 8 they they PRON _005456899 1277 9 have have AUX _005456899 1277 10 banked bank VERB _005456899 1277 11 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1277 12 romance romance NOUN _005456899 1277 13 to to PART _005456899 1277 14 make make VERB _005456899 1277 15 even even ADV _005456899 1277 16 a a DET _005456899 1277 17 million million NUM _005456899 1277 18 meals meal NOUN _005456899 1277 19 together together ADV _005456899 1277 20 look look VERB _005456899 1277 21 few few ADJ _005456899 1277 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1278 1 together together ADV _005456899 1278 2 among among ADP _005456899 1278 3 the the DET _005456899 1278 4 problems problem NOUN _005456899 1278 5 of of ADP _005456899 1278 6 life life NOUN _005456899 1278 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1278 8 only only ADV _005456899 1278 9 now now ADV _005456899 1278 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 1278 11 he he PRON _005456899 1278 12 walks walk VERB _005456899 1278 13 hand hand NOUN _005456899 1278 14 in in ADP _005456899 1278 15 hand hand NOUN _005456899 1278 16 with with ADP _005456899 1278 17 her she PRON _005456899 1278 18 down down ADP _005456899 1278 19 the the DET _005456899 1278 20 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1278 21 of of ADP _005456899 1278 22 life life NOUN _005456899 1278 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1278 24 according accord VERB _005456899 1278 25 to to ADP _005456899 1278 26 wordsworth wordsworth NOUN _005456899 1278 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1278 28 does do VERB _005456899 1278 29 the the DET _005456899 1278 30 real real ADJ _005456899 1278 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1278 32 the the DET _005456899 1278 33 full full ADJ _005456899 1278 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1278 35 £ £ ADJ _005456899 1278 36 nal nal ADJ _005456899 1278 37 appreciation appreciation NOUN _005456899 1278 38 of of ADP _005456899 1278 39 her she PRON _005456899 1278 40 grow grow VERB _005456899 1278 41 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1278 42 him he PRON _005456899 1278 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1279 1 now now ADV _005456899 1279 2 he he PRON _005456899 1279 3 learns learn VERB _005456899 1279 4 to to PART _005456899 1279 5 see see VERB _005456899 1279 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1279 7 with with ADP _005456899 1279 8 eye eye NOUN _005456899 1279 9 serene serene NOUN _005456899 1279 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1279 11 the the DET _005456899 1279 12 very very ADV _005456899 1279 13 pulse pulse NOUN _005456899 1279 14 of of ADP _005456899 1279 15 the the DET _005456899 1279 16 machine machine NOUN _005456899 1279 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1279 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1280 1 every every DET _005456899 1280 2 day day NOUN _005456899 1280 3 brings bring VERB _005456899 1280 4 its its PRON _005456899 1280 5 little little ADJ _005456899 1280 6 problems problem NOUN _005456899 1280 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1280 8 its its PRON _005456899 1280 9 things thing NOUN _005456899 1280 10 to to PART _005456899 1280 11 talk talk VERB _005456899 1280 12 about about ADP _005456899 1280 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1280 14 its its PRON _005456899 1280 15 tears tear NOUN _005456899 1280 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1280 17 smiles smile NOUN _005456899 1280 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1281 1 what what PRON _005456899 1281 2 to to PART _005456899 1281 3 eat eat VERB _005456899 1281 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1281 5 where where SCONJ _005456899 1281 6 to to PART _005456899 1281 7 live live VERB _005456899 1281 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1281 9 how how SCONJ _005456899 1281 10 to to PART _005456899 1281 11 dress dress VERB _005456899 1281 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1281 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1281 14 where where SCONJ _005456899 1281 15 to to PART _005456899 1281 16 get get VERB _005456899 1281 17 the the DET _005456899 1281 18 money money NOUN _005456899 1281 19 for for ADP _005456899 1281 20 everything everything PRON _005456899 1281 21 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1282 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1282 2 there there PRON _005456899 1282 3 are be VERB _005456899 1282 4 big big ADJ _005456899 1282 5 worries worry NOUN _005456899 1282 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 1282 7 child child NOUN _005456899 1282 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 1282 9 bearing bearing NOUN _005456899 1282 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1282 11 sickness sickness NOUN _005456899 1282 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1282 13 grief grief NOUN _005456899 1282 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1283 1 slowly slowly ADV _005456899 1283 2 they they PRON _005456899 1283 3 grow grow VERB _005456899 1283 4 old old ADJ _005456899 1283 5 together together ADV _005456899 1283 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1284 1 the the DET _005456899 1284 2 gold gold NOUN _005456899 1284 3 or or CCONJ _005456899 1284 4 brown brown NOUN _005456899 1284 5 of of ADP _005456899 1284 6 her her PRON _005456899 1284 7 hair hair NOUN _005456899 1284 8 is be AUX _005456899 1284 9 turning turn VERB _005456899 1284 10 to to PART _005456899 1284 11 gray gray VERB _005456899 1284 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1284 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1284 14 the the DET _005456899 1284 15 white white NOUN _005456899 1284 16 of of ADP _005456899 1284 17 her her PRON _005456899 1284 18 skin skin NOUN _005456899 1284 19 to to ADP _005456899 1284 20 wrinkles wrinkle NOUN _005456899 1284 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1285 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1285 2 he he PRON _005456899 1285 3 does do AUX _005456899 1285 4 n't not PART _005456899 1285 5 really really ADV _005456899 1285 6 see see VERB _005456899 1285 7 all all DET _005456899 1285 8 that that PRON _005456899 1285 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1286 1 he he PRON _005456899 1286 2 only only ADV _005456899 1286 3 feels feel VERB _005456899 1286 4 curiously curiously ADV _005456899 1286 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1286 6 the the DET _005456899 1286 7 fragile fragile ADJ _005456899 1286 8 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1286 9 's 's PART _005456899 1286 10 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1286 11 he he PRON _005456899 1286 12 dated date VERB _005456899 1286 13 years year NOUN _005456899 1286 14 ago ago ADV _005456899 1286 15 is be AUX _005456899 1286 16 an an DET _005456899 1286 17 amazingly amazingly ADV _005456899 1286 18 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1286 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1286 20 resourceful resourceful ADJ _005456899 1286 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1286 22 firm firm ADJ _005456899 1286 23 creature creature NOUN _005456899 1286 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1287 1 whenever whenever SCONJ _005456899 1287 2 sufferings suffering NOUN _005456899 1287 3 come come VERB _005456899 1287 4 he he PRON _005456899 1287 5 finds find VERB _005456899 1287 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 1287 7 she she PRON _005456899 1287 8 who who PRON _005456899 1287 9 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1287 10 so so ADV _005456899 1287 11 weak weak ADJ _005456899 1287 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1287 13 gentle gentle ADJ _005456899 1287 14 can can AUX _005456899 1287 15 carry carry VERB _005456899 1287 16 on on ADP _005456899 1287 17 where where SCONJ _005456899 1287 18 he he PRON _005456899 1287 19 would would AUX _005456899 1287 20 falter falter VERB _005456899 1287 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1288 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1288 2 he he PRON _005456899 1288 3 courted court VERB _005456899 1288 4 her she PRON _005456899 1288 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1288 6 he he PRON _005456899 1288 7 was be AUX _005456899 1288 8 the the DET _005456899 1288 9 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1288 10 one one NOUN _005456899 1288 11 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1288 12 he he PRON _005456899 1288 13 did do VERB _005456899 1288 14 all all DET _005456899 1288 15 the the DET _005456899 1288 16 planning planning NOUN _005456899 1288 17 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1288 18 he he PRON _005456899 1288 19 was be AUX _005456899 1288 20 the the DET _005456899 1288 21 oak oak NOUN _005456899 1288 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1288 23 she she PRON _005456899 1288 24 the the DET _005456899 1288 25 vine vine NOUN _005456899 1288 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1289 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1289 2 now now ADV _005456899 1289 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1289 4 in in ADP _005456899 1289 5 sickness sickness NOUN _005456899 1289 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1289 7 in in ADP _005456899 1289 8 health health NOUN _005456899 1289 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1289 10 the the DET _005456899 1289 11 whole whole ADJ _005456899 1289 12 household household NOUN _005456899 1289 13 seems seem VERB _005456899 1289 14 to to PART _005456899 1289 15 revolve revolve VERB _005456899 1289 16 about about ADP _005456899 1289 17 her she PRON _005456899 1289 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1290 1 the the DET _005456899 1290 2 moment moment NOUN _005456899 1290 3 's 's PART _005456899 1290 4 ornament ornament ADJ _005456899 1290 5 has have AUX _005456899 1290 6 become become VERB _005456899 1290 7 his his PRON _005456899 1290 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1290 9 tower tower NOUN _005456899 1290 10 of of ADP _005456899 1290 11 strength strength NOUN _005456899 1290 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1290 13 as as SCONJ _005456899 1290 14 they they PRON _005456899 1290 15 travel travel VERB _005456899 1290 16 together together ADV _005456899 1290 17 down down ADP _005456899 1290 18 that that DET _005456899 1290 19 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1290 20 just just ADV _005456899 1290 21 wide wide ADJ _005456899 1290 22 enough enough ADV _005456899 1290 23 for for ADP _005456899 1290 24 two two NUM _005456899 1290 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1290 26 for for ADP _005456899 1290 27 their their PRON _005456899 1290 28 children child NOUN _005456899 1290 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1290 30 this this DET _005456899 1290 31 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1290 32 man man NOUN _005456899 1290 33 more more ADV _005456899 1290 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1290 35 more more ADJ _005456899 1290 36 feels feel VERB _005456899 1290 37 that that SCONJ _005456899 1290 38 without without ADP _005456899 1290 39 her she PRON _005456899 1290 40 he he PRON _005456899 1290 41 would would AUX _005456899 1290 42 be be AUX _005456899 1290 43 lost lose VERB _005456899 1290 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1290 45 that that SCONJ _005456899 1290 46 he he PRON _005456899 1290 47 needs need VERB _005456899 1290 48 her she PRON _005456899 1290 49 more more ADV _005456899 1290 50 now now ADV _005456899 1290 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 1290 52 when when SCONJ _005456899 1290 53 the the DET _005456899 1290 54 bloom bloom NOUN _005456899 1290 55 of of ADP _005456899 1290 56 her her PRON _005456899 1290 57 cheek cheek NOUN _005456899 1290 58 is be AUX _005456899 1290 59 gone go VERB _005456899 1290 60 , , PUNCT _005456899 1290 61 than than SCONJ _005456899 1290 62 he he PRON _005456899 1290 63 did do VERB _005456899 1290 64 when when SCONJ _005456899 1290 65 she she PRON _005456899 1290 66 was be AUX _005456899 1290 67 the the DET _005456899 1290 68 belle belle NOUN _005456899 1290 69 of of ADP _005456899 1290 70 the the DET _005456899 1290 71 ball ball NOUN _005456899 1290 72 . . PUNCT _005456899 1291 1 what what PRON _005456899 1291 2 makes make VERB _005456899 1291 3 the the DET _005456899 1291 4 home home NOUN _005456899 1291 5 a a DET _005456899 1291 6 home home NOUN _005456899 1291 7 is be AUX _005456899 1291 8 she she PRON _005456899 1291 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1292 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1292 2 he he PRON _005456899 1292 3 were be AUX _005456899 1292 4 to to PART _005456899 1292 5 die die VERB _005456899 1292 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1292 7 he he PRON _005456899 1292 8 feels feel VERB _005456899 1292 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1292 10 there there PRON _005456899 1292 11 would would AUX _005456899 1292 12 still still ADV _005456899 1292 13 be be AUX _005456899 1292 14 a a DET _005456899 1292 15 home home NOUN _005456899 1292 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1293 1 the the DET _005456899 1293 2 home home NOUN _005456899 1293 3 would would AUX _005456899 1293 4 go go VERB _005456899 1293 5 on on ADP _005456899 1293 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1294 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1294 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1294 3 she she PRON _005456899 1294 4 died die VERB _005456899 1294 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1294 6 it it PRON _005456899 1294 7 would would AUX _005456899 1294 8 be be AUX _005456899 1294 9 the the DET _005456899 1294 10 end end NOUN _005456899 1294 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1295 1 he he PRON _005456899 1295 2 would would AUX _005456899 1295 3 then then ADV _005456899 1295 4 be be AUX _005456899 1295 5 merely merely ADV _005456899 1295 6 a a DET _005456899 1295 7 helpless helpless NOUN _005456899 1295 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1295 9 54 54 NUM _005456899 1295 10 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1295 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1295 12 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1295 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1295 14 .and .and PUNCT _005456899 1296 1 maruuage maruuage PROPN _005456899 1296 2 lonely lonely ADJ _005456899 1296 3 old old ADJ _005456899 1296 4 man man NOUN _005456899 1296 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1297 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1297 2 so so ADV _005456899 1297 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1297 4 as as SCONJ _005456899 1297 5 they they PRON _005456899 1297 6 go go VERB _005456899 1297 7 together together ADV _005456899 1297 8 into into ADP _005456899 1297 9 the the DET _005456899 1297 10 last last ADJ _005456899 1297 11 tum tum NOUN _005456899 1297 12 of of ADP _005456899 1297 13 the the DET _005456899 1297 14 lane lane NOUN _005456899 1297 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1297 16 he he PRON _005456899 1297 17 prays pray VERB _005456899 1297 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 1297 19 god god PROPN _005456899 1297 20 who who PRON _005456899 1297 21 so so ADV _005456899 1297 22 kindly kindly ADV _005456899 1297 23 gave give VERB _005456899 1297 24 him he PRON _005456899 1297 25 this this DET _005456899 1297 26 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1297 27 for for ADP _005456899 1297 28 life life NOUN _005456899 1297 29 may may AUX _005456899 1297 30 now now ADV _005456899 1297 31 add add VERB _005456899 1297 32 this this DET _005456899 1297 33 further further ADJ _005456899 1297 34 kindness kindness NOUN _005456899 1297 35 - - PUNCT _005456899 1297 36 to to PART _005456899 1297 37 let let VERB _005456899 1297 38 her she PRON _005456899 1297 39 be be AUX _005456899 1297 40 there there ADV _005456899 1297 41 to to PART _005456899 1297 42 close close VERB _005456899 1297 43 his his PRON _005456899 1297 44 eyes eye NOUN _005456899 1297 45 when when SCONJ _005456899 1297 46 they they PRON _005456899 1297 47 must must AUX _005456899 1297 48 be be AUX _005456899 1297 49 closed close VERB _005456899 1297 50 for for ADP _005456899 1297 51 the the DET _005456899 1297 52 last last ADJ _005456899 1297 53 time time NOUN _005456899 1297 54 , , PUNCT _005456899 1297 55 and and CCONJ _005456899 1297 56 to to PART _005456899 1297 57 straighten straighten VERB _005456899 1297 58 things thing NOUN _005456899 1297 59 out out ADP _005456899 1297 60 after after SCONJ _005456899 1297 61 he he PRON _005456899 1297 62 has have AUX _005456899 1297 63 gone go VERB _005456899 1297 64 to to ADP _005456899 1297 65 the the DET _005456899 1297 66 reward reward NOUN _005456899 1297 67 she she PRON _005456899 1297 68 helped help VERB _005456899 1297 69 him he PRON _005456899 1297 70 deserve deserve VERB _005456899 1297 71 . . PUNCT _005456899 1298 1 that that PRON _005456899 1298 2 is be AUX _005456899 1298 3 the the DET _005456899 1298 4 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1298 5 for for ADP _005456899 1298 6 life life NOUN _005456899 1298 7 : : PUNCT _005456899 1298 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1298 9 a a DET _005456899 1298 10 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1298 11 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1298 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1298 13 nobly nobly ADV _005456899 1298 14 planned plan VERB _005456899 1298 15 to to PART _005456899 1298 16 warn warn VERB _005456899 1298 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1298 18 to to ADP _005456899 1298 19 comfort comfort NOUN _005456899 1298 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1298 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1298 22 command command NOUN _005456899 1298 23 : : PUNCT _005456899 1298 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1298 25 yet yet ADV _005456899 1298 26 a a DET _005456899 1298 27 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 1298 28 still still ADV _005456899 1298 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1298 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1298 31 bright bright ADJ _005456899 1298 32 with with ADP _005456899 1298 33 something something PRON _005456899 1298 34 of of ADP _005456899 1298 35 an an DET _005456899 1298 36 angel angel NOUN _005456899 1298 37 - - PUNCT _005456899 1298 38 light light NOUN _005456899 1298 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 1298 40 " " PUNCT _005456899 1299 1 1 1 NUM _005456899 1299 2 this this PRON _005456899 1299 3 1 1 NUM _005456899 1299 4 adulter adulter NOUN _005456899 1299 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1299 6 june june PROPN _005456899 1299 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1299 8 l l PROPN _005456899 1299 9 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1299 10 union union NOUN _005456899 1299 11 1 1 NUM _005456899 1299 12 aid aid NOUN _005456899 1299 13 par par NOUN _005456899 1299 14 conside conside PROPN _005456899 1299 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1299 16 human human ADJ _005456899 1299 17 them they PRON _005456899 1299 18 u u NOUN _005456899 1299 19 · · PUNCT _005456899 1299 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1300 1 givin givin NOUN _005456899 1300 2 than than SCONJ _005456899 1300 3 tl1 tl1 NOUN _005456899 1300 4 suppo suppo NOUN _005456899 1300 5 his his PRON _005456899 1300 6 tam tam NOUN _005456899 1300 7 nubi nubi ADJ _005456899 1300 8 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1300 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1300 10 ot ot PROPN _005456899 1300 11 husb husb PROPN _005456899 1300 12 other other ADJ _005456899 1300 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1300 14 < < X _005456899 1300 15 teaches teach VERB _005456899 1300 16 matrim matrim NOUN _005456899 1300 17 restrict restrict NOUN _005456899 1300 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1300 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1300 20 ed1 ed1 VERB _005456899 1300 21 ing ing NOUN _005456899 1300 22 of of ADP _005456899 1300 23 sharin9 sharin9 NOUN _005456899 1300 24 a a DET _005456899 1300 25 burle~ burle~ PROPN _005456899 1300 26 the the DET _005456899 1300 27 otl otl NOUN _005456899 1300 28 pistol pistol NOUN _005456899 1300 29 pack pack VERB _005456899 1300 30 once once ADV _005456899 1300 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1301 1 i i PRON _005456899 1301 2 wa wa VERB _005456899 1301 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 1301 4 the the DET _005456899 1301 5 uniqut uniqut PROPN _005456899 1301 6 carrying carry VERB _005456899 1301 7 oj oj ADP _005456899 1301 8 along along ADP _005456899 1301 9 witl witl PROPN _005456899 1301 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 1301 11 shalt shalt VERB _005456899 1301 12 not not PART _005456899 1301 13 c c NOUN _005456899 1301 14 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1301 15 marria marria PROPN _005456899 1301 16 theur theur NOUN _005456899 1301 17 that that PRON _005456899 1301 18 it it PRON _005456899 1301 19 thn thn VERB _005456899 1301 20 other other ADJ _005456899 1301 21 good good NOUN _005456899 1301 22 as as SCONJ _005456899 1301 23 it it PRON _005456899 1301 24 is be AUX _005456899 1301 25 to to ADP _005456899 1301 26 ments ment NOUN _005456899 1301 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1302 1 li1 li1 NOUN _005456899 1302 2 it it PRON _005456899 1302 3 is be AUX _005456899 1302 4 to to PART _005456899 1302 5 go go VERB _005456899 1302 6 riage riage NOUN _005456899 1302 7 hush hush NOUN _005456899 1302 8 thus thus ADV _005456899 1302 9 mar mar VERB _005456899 1302 10 easily easily ADV _005456899 1302 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1303 1 mm mm INTJ _005456899 1303 2 only only ADV _005456899 1303 3 of of ADP _005456899 1303 4 gc gc PROPN _005456899 1303 5 ting ting PROPN _005456899 1303 6 to to ADP _005456899 1303 7 he he PRON _005456899 1303 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 1303 9 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1303 10 xi xi X _005456899 1303 11 the the DET _005456899 1303 12 unique unique ADJ _005456899 1303 13 function function NOUN _005456899 1303 14 of of ADP _005456899 1303 15 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1303 16 this this DET _005456899 1303 17 article article NOUN _005456899 1303 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1303 19 originally originally ADV _005456899 1303 20 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 1303 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1303 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1303 23 thou thou ADJ _005456899 1303 24 shalt shalt NOUN _005456899 1303 25 not not PART _005456899 1303 26 commifi commifi NOUN _005456899 1303 27 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1303 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1303 29 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1303 30 is be AUX _005456899 1303 31 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 1303 32 from from ADP _005456899 1303 33 the the DET _005456899 1303 34 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 1303 35 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 1303 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1303 37 june june PROPN _005456899 1303 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1303 39 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 1303 40 · · PUNCT _005456899 1303 41 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1303 42 is be AUX _005456899 1303 43 here here ADV _005456899 1303 44 represented represent VERB _005456899 1303 45 not not PART _005456899 1303 46 merely merely ADV _005456899 1303 47 as as ADP _005456899 1303 48 a a DET _005456899 1303 49 union union NOUN _005456899 1303 50 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1303 51 creating create VERB _005456899 1303 52 and and CCONJ _005456899 1303 53 rearing rear VERB _005456899 1303 54 children child NOUN _005456899 1303 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 1303 56 but but CCONJ _005456899 1303 57 as as ADP _005456899 1303 58 a a DET _005456899 1303 59 mutualaid mutualaid ADJ _005456899 1303 60 partnership partnership NOUN _005456899 1303 61 for for ADP _005456899 1303 62 getting get VERB _005456899 1303 63 to to ADP _005456899 1303 64 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1303 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1304 1 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1304 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1304 3 rightly rightly ADV _005456899 1304 4 considered consider VERB _005456899 1304 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1304 6 of of ADP _005456899 1304 7 its its PRON _005456899 1304 8 own own ADJ _005456899 1304 9 momentum momentum NOUN _005456899 1304 10 tends tend VERB _005456899 1304 11 to to PART _005456899 1304 12 perfect perfect VERB _005456899 1304 13 two two NUM _005456899 1304 14 human human ADJ _005456899 1304 15 beings being NOUN _005456899 1304 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1304 17 make make VERB _005456899 1304 18 them they PRON _005456899 1304 19 fit fit ADJ _005456899 1304 20 tor tor PROPN _005456899 1304 21 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1304 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1305 1 it it PRON _005456899 1305 2 also also ADV _005456899 1305 3 makes make VERB _005456899 1305 4 them they PRON _005456899 1305 5 unselfish unselfish ADJ _005456899 1305 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1305 7 in in ADP _005456899 1305 8 a a DET _005456899 1305 9 sense sense NOUN _005456899 1305 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1305 11 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1305 12 beings being NOUN _005456899 1305 13 here here ADV _005456899 1305 14 on on ADP _005456899 1305 15 earth earth NOUN _005456899 1305 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1306 1 giving give VERB _005456899 1306 2 this this DET _005456899 1306 3 civilizing civilize VERB _005456899 1306 4 function function NOUN _005456899 1306 5 of of ADP _005456899 1306 6 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1306 7 more more ADJ _005456899 1306 8 emphasis emphasis NOUN _005456899 1306 9 than than ADP _005456899 1306 10 the the DET _005456899 1306 11 child child NOUN _005456899 1306 12 - - PUNCT _005456899 1306 13 bearing bear VERB _005456899 1306 14 one one NOUN _005456899 1306 15 is be AUX _005456899 1306 16 unusual unusual ADJ _005456899 1306 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1307 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1307 2 it it PRON _005456899 1307 3 finds find VERB _005456899 1307 4 direct direct ADJ _005456899 1307 5 support support NOUN _005456899 1307 6 in in ADP _005456899 1307 7 the the DET _005456899 1307 8 following follow VERB _005456899 1307 9 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005456899 1307 10 by by ADP _005456899 1307 11 pope pope PROPN _005456899 1307 12 pius pius PROPN _005456899 1307 13 xi xi PROPN _005456899 1307 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 15 in in ADP _005456899 1307 16 his his PRON _005456899 1307 17 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1307 18 encyclical encyclical NOUN _005456899 1307 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1307 20 on on ADP _005456899 1307 21 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1307 22 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1307 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 1307 24 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1307 25 casti casti PROPN _005456899 1307 26 connubi connubi NOUN _005456899 1307 27 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1307 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 29 december december PROPN _005456899 1307 30 31 31 NUM _005456899 1307 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 32 1930 1930 NUM _005456899 1307 33 : : PUNCT _005456899 1307 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 1307 35 this this DET _005456899 1307 36 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1307 37 inward inward ADJ _005456899 1307 38 moulding moulding NOUN _005456899 1307 39 of of ADP _005456899 1307 40 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1307 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 1307 42 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1307 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 44 this this DET _005456899 1307 45 determined determined ADJ _005456899 1307 46 effort effort NOUN _005456899 1307 47 to to PART _005456899 1307 48 perfect perfect VERB _005456899 1307 49 each each DET _005456899 1307 50 other other ADJ _005456899 1307 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 52 can can AUX _005456899 1307 53 in in ADP _005456899 1307 54 a a DET _005456899 1307 55 very very ADV _005456899 1307 56 real real ADJ _005456899 1307 57 sense sense NOUN _005456899 1307 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 59 as as SCONJ _005456899 1307 60 the the DET _005456899 1307 61 roman roman ADJ _005456899 1307 62 catechism catechism NOUN _005456899 1307 63 teaches teach VERB _005456899 1307 64 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 65 be be AUX _005456899 1307 66 said say VERB _005456899 1307 67 to to PART _005456899 1307 68 be be AUX _005456899 1307 69 the the DET _005456899 1307 70 chief chief ADJ _005456899 1307 71 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1307 72 a a DET _005456899 1307 73 : : PUNCT _005456899 1307 74 n n CCONJ _005456899 1307 75 d d NOUN _005456899 1307 76 purpose purpose NOUN _005456899 1307 77 of of ADP _005456899 1307 78 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 1307 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 1307 80 provided provide VERB _005456899 1307 81 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 1307 82 be be AUX _005456899 1307 83 looked look VERB _005456899 1307 84 at at ADP _005456899 1307 85 not not PART _005456899 1307 86 in in ADP _005456899 1307 87 the the DET _005456899 1307 88 restricted restrict VERB _005456899 1307 89 sense sense NOUN _005456899 1307 90 as as SCONJ _005456899 1307 91 instituted instituted ADJ _005456899 1307 92 . . PUNCT _005456899 1308 1 tor tor VERB _005456899 1308 2 the the DET _005456899 1308 3 proper proper ADJ _005456899 1308 4 conception conception NOUN _005456899 1308 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1308 6 education education NOUN _005456899 1308 7 of of ADP _005456899 1308 8 the the DET _005456899 1308 9 child child NOUN _005456899 1308 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1308 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 1308 12 more more ADV _005456899 1308 13 widely widely ADV _005456899 1308 14 as as ADP _005456899 1308 15 the the DET _005456899 1308 16 blending blending NOUN _005456899 1308 17 of of ADP _005456899 1308 18 life life NOUN _005456899 1308 19 as as ADP _005456899 1308 20 a a DET _005456899 1308 21 whole whole NOUN _005456899 1308 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1308 23 the the DET _005456899 1308 24 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1308 25 interchange interchange NOUN _005456899 1308 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1308 27 sharing share VERB _005456899 1308 28 thereof thereof ADV _005456899 1308 29 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1308 30 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1309 1 a a DET _005456899 1309 2 burlesque burlesque ADJ _005456899 1309 3 song song NOUN _005456899 1309 4 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 1309 5 the the DET _005456899 1309 6 unique unique ADJ _005456899 1309 7 quality quality NOUN _005456899 1309 8 of of ADP _005456899 1309 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1309 10 the the DET _005456899 1309 11 other other ADJ _005456899 1309 12 day day NOUN _005456899 1309 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1309 14 after after ADP _005456899 1309 15 having having AUX _005456899 1309 16 suffered suffer VERB _005456899 1309 17 a a DET _005456899 1309 18 long long ADJ _005456899 1309 19 time time NOUN _005456899 1309 20 from from ADP _005456899 1309 21 the the DET _005456899 1309 22 pistol pistol PROPN _005456899 1309 23 packin packin PROPN _005456899 1309 24 mama mama PROPN _005456899 1309 25 song song NOUN _005456899 1309 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1309 27 i i PRON _005456899 1309 28 finally finally ADV _005456899 1309 29 let let VERB _005456899 1309 30 myself myself PRON _005456899 1309 31 hear hear VERB _005456899 1309 32 it it PRON _005456899 1309 33 through through ADP _005456899 1309 34 just just ADV _005456899 1309 35 once once ADV _005456899 1309 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1310 1 i i PRON _005456899 1310 2 was be AUX _005456899 1310 3 surprised surprised ADJ _005456899 1310 4 to to PART _005456899 1310 5 find find VERB _005456899 1310 6 under under ADP _005456899 1310 7 its its PRON _005456899 1310 8 burlesque burlesque NOUN _005456899 1310 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1310 10 a a DET _005456899 1310 11 recognition recognition NOUN _005456899 1310 12 of of ADP _005456899 1310 13 the the DET _005456899 1310 14 unique unique ADJ _005456899 1310 15 quality quality NOUN _005456899 1310 16 of of ADP _005456899 1310 17 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1310 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1311 1 it it PRON _005456899 1311 2 seems seem VERB _005456899 1311 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1311 4 a a DET _005456899 1311 5 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1311 6 was be AUX _005456899 1311 7 carrying carry VERB _005456899 1311 8 on on ADP _005456899 1311 9 with with ADP _005456899 1311 10 other other ADJ _005456899 1311 11 women woman NOUN _005456899 1311 12 at at ADP _005456899 1311 13 a a DET _005456899 1311 14 cabaret cabaret NOUN _005456899 1311 15 when when SCONJ _005456899 1311 16 his his PRON _005456899 1311 17 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1311 18 came come VERB _005456899 1311 19 along along ADP _005456899 1311 20 with with ADP _005456899 1311 21 a a DET _005456899 1311 22 pistol pistol NOUN _005456899 1311 23 to to PART _005456899 1311 24 remind remind VERB _005456899 1311 25 him he PRON _005456899 1311 26 of of ADP _005456899 1311 27 god god PROPN _005456899 1311 28 's 's PART _005456899 1311 29 injunction injunction NOUN _005456899 1311 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1311 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 1311 32 thou thou PRON _005456899 1311 33 shalt shalt NOUN _005456899 1311 34 not not PART _005456899 1311 35 commit commit VERB _005456899 1311 36 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1311 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1311 38 " " PUNCT _005456899 1312 1 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1312 2 as as ADP _005456899 1312 3 an an DET _005456899 1312 4 alliance alliance NOUN _005456899 1312 5 with with ADP _005456899 1312 6 god god PROPN _005456899 1312 7 to to PART _005456899 1312 8 get get VERB _005456899 1312 9 both both PRON _005456899 1312 10 to to ADP _005456899 1312 11 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1312 12 the the DET _005456899 1312 13 unique unique ADJ _005456899 1312 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1312 15 usually usually ADV _005456899 1312 16 overlooked overlook VERB _005456899 1312 17 quality quality NOUN _005456899 1312 18 of of ADP _005456899 1312 19 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 1312 20 is be AUX _005456899 1312 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 1312 22 it it PRON _005456899 1312 23 throws throw VERB _005456899 1312 24 each each DET _005456899 1312 25 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1312 26 into into ADP _005456899 1312 27 an an DET _005456899 1312 28 alliance alliance NOUN _005456899 1312 29 with with ADP _005456899 1312 30 god god PROPN _005456899 1312 31 to to PART _005456899 1312 32 keep keep VERB _005456899 1312 33 the the DET _005456899 1312 34 other other ADJ _005456899 1312 35 good good NOUN _005456899 1312 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1313 1 in in ADP _005456899 1313 2 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1313 3 the the DET _005456899 1313 4 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1313 5 finds find VERB _005456899 1313 6 it it PRON _005456899 1313 7 as as ADV _005456899 1313 8 much much ADJ _005456899 1313 9 to to ADP _005456899 1313 10 her her PRON _005456899 1313 11 interest interest NOUN _005456899 1313 12 as as SCONJ _005456899 1313 13 it it PRON _005456899 1313 14 is be AUX _005456899 1313 15 to to ADP _005456899 1313 16 god god PROPN _005456899 1313 17 's be AUX _005456899 1313 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 1313 19 the the DET _005456899 1313 20 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1313 21 live live VERB _005456899 1313 22 up up ADP _005456899 1313 23 to to ADP _005456899 1313 24 the the DET _005456899 1313 25 ten ten NUM _005456899 1313 26 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1313 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1314 1 likewise likewise ADV _005456899 1314 2 the the DET _005456899 1314 3 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1314 4 finds find VERB _005456899 1314 5 it it PRON _005456899 1314 6 as as ADV _005456899 1314 7 much much ADJ _005456899 1314 8 to to ADP _005456899 1314 9 his his PRON _005456899 1314 10 interest interest NOUN _005456899 1314 11 as as SCONJ _005456899 1314 12 it it PRON _005456899 1314 13 is be AUX _005456899 1314 14 to to ADP _005456899 1314 15 god god PROPN _005456899 1314 16 's be AUX _005456899 1314 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1314 18 his his PRON _005456899 1314 19 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1314 20 live live VERB _005456899 1314 21 up up ADP _005456899 1314 22 to to ADP _005456899 1314 23 them they PRON _005456899 1314 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1315 1 consequently consequently ADV _005456899 1315 2 in in ADP _005456899 1315 3 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1315 4 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1315 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1315 6 god god PROPN _005456899 1315 7 become become VERB _005456899 1315 8 allies ally NOUN _005456899 1315 9 for for ADP _005456899 1315 10 keeping keep VERB _005456899 1315 11 the the DET _005456899 1315 12 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1315 13 good good ADJ _005456899 1315 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1316 1 thus thus ADV _005456899 1316 2 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1316 3 helps help VERB _005456899 1316 4 both both PRON _005456899 1316 5 to to PART _005456899 1316 6 get get VERB _005456899 1316 7 to to ADP _005456899 1316 8 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1316 9 more more ADV _005456899 1316 10 surely surely ADV _005456899 1316 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1316 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1316 13 easily easily ADV _005456899 1316 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1317 1 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1317 2 is be AUX _005456899 1317 3 a a DET _005456899 1317 4 vocation vocation NOUN _005456899 1317 5 in in ADP _005456899 1317 6 which which PRON _005456899 1317 7 the the DET _005456899 1317 8 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1317 9 has have VERB _005456899 1317 10 the the DET _005456899 1317 11 help help NOUN _005456899 1317 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1317 13 not not PART _005456899 1317 14 only only ADV _005456899 1317 15 of of ADP _005456899 1317 16 god god PROPN _005456899 1317 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1317 18 but but CCONJ _005456899 1317 19 of of ADP _005456899 1317 20 another another DET _005456899 1317 21 vitally vitally ADV _005456899 1317 22 interested interested ADJ _005456899 1317 23 human human NOUN _005456899 1317 24 being being NOUN _005456899 1317 25 in in ADP _005456899 1317 26 getting get VERB _005456899 1317 27 to to ADP _005456899 1317 28 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1317 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1318 1 56 56 NUM _005456899 1318 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1318 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1318 4 courtsiup courtsiup NOUN _005456899 1318 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1318 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1318 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1318 8 in in ADP _005456899 1318 9 the the DET _005456899 1318 10 burlesque burlesque ADJ _005456899 1318 11 song song NOUN _005456899 1318 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1318 13 the the DET _005456899 1318 14 pistol pistol PROPN _005456899 1318 15 packin packin PROPN _005456899 1318 16 ' ' PART _005456899 1318 17 mama mama NOUN _005456899 1318 18 is be AUX _005456899 1318 19 as as ADV _005456899 1318 20 anxious anxious ADJ _005456899 1318 21 to to PART _005456899 1318 22 keep keep VERB _005456899 1318 23 her her PRON _005456899 1318 24 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1318 25 free free ADJ _005456899 1318 26 from from ADP _005456899 1318 27 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1318 28 as as SCONJ _005456899 1318 29 god god PROPN _005456899 1318 30 is be AUX _005456899 1318 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 1318 32 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 1318 33 she she PRON _005456899 1318 34 proceeds proceed VERB _005456899 1318 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1318 36 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1318 37 though though SCONJ _005456899 1318 38 of of ADP _005456899 1318 39 course course NOUN _005456899 1318 40 in in ADP _005456899 1318 41 an an DET _005456899 1318 42 unorthodox unorthodox ADJ _005456899 1318 43 manner manner NOUN _005456899 1318 44 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1318 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1318 46 to to PART _005456899 1318 47 keep keep VERB _005456899 1318 48 her her PRON _005456899 1318 49 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1318 50 straight straight ADV _005456899 1318 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 1319 1 which which PRON _005456899 1319 2 is be AUX _005456899 1319 3 what what PRON _005456899 1319 4 god god PROPN _005456899 1319 5 wants want VERB _005456899 1319 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1319 7 too too ADV _005456899 1319 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1320 1 st st PROPN _005456899 1320 2 . . PROPN _005456899 1320 3 augustine augustine PROPN _005456899 1320 4 says say VERB _005456899 1320 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1320 6 it it PRON _005456899 1320 7 's be AUX _005456899 1320 8 god god PROPN _005456899 1320 9 's 's PART _005456899 1320 10 will will NOUN _005456899 1320 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 1320 12 no no DET _005456899 1320 13 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1320 14 on on ADP _005456899 1320 15 any any DET _005456899 1320 16 account account NOUN _005456899 1320 17 allow allow VERB _005456899 1320 18 a a DET _005456899 1320 19 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1320 20 to to PART _005456899 1320 21 have have VERB _005456899 1320 22 another another DET _005456899 1320 23 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1320 24 besides besides SCONJ _005456899 1320 25 her she PRON _005456899 1320 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1321 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1321 2 the the DET _005456899 1321 3 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1321 4 had have AUX _005456899 1321 5 gone go VERB _005456899 1321 6 to to PART _005456899 1321 7 disport disport VERB _005456899 1321 8 herself herself PRON _005456899 1321 9 in in ADP _005456899 1321 10 the the DET _005456899 1321 11 cabaret cabaret NOUN _005456899 1321 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1321 13 the the DET _005456899 1321 14 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1321 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1321 16 though though SCONJ _005456899 1321 17 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 1321 18 quite quite DET _005456899 1321 19 a a DET _005456899 1321 20 disbeliever disbeliever NOUN _005456899 1321 21 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 1321 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1321 23 would would AUX _005456899 1321 24 suddenly suddenly ADV _005456899 1321 25 have have AUX _005456899 1321 26 recognized recognize VERB _005456899 1321 27 clearly clearly ADV _005456899 1321 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1321 29 overpoweringly overpoweringly ADV _005456899 1321 30 god god PROPN _005456899 1321 31 's 's PART _005456899 1321 32 law law NOUN _005456899 1321 33 in in ADP _005456899 1321 34 the the DET _005456899 1321 35 matter matter NOUN _005456899 1321 36 of of ADP _005456899 1321 37 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1321 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1321 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1321 40 would would AUX _005456899 1321 41 have have AUX _005456899 1321 42 carried carry VERB _005456899 1321 43 his his PRON _005456899 1321 44 erring err VERB _005456899 1321 45 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1321 46 angrily angrily ADV _005456899 1321 47 back back ADV _005456899 1321 48 into into ADP _005456899 1321 49 the the DET _005456899 1321 50 arms arm NOUN _005456899 1321 51 of of ADP _005456899 1321 52 the the DET _005456899 1321 53 ten ten NUM _005456899 1321 54 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1321 55 . . PUNCT _005456899 1322 1 in in ADP _005456899 1322 2 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1322 3 each each PRON _005456899 1322 4 prescribes prescribe VERB _005456899 1322 5 the the DET _005456899 1322 6 ten ten NUM _005456899 1322 7 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1322 8 for for ADP _005456899 1322 9 the the DET _005456899 1322 10 other other ADJ _005456899 1322 11 in in ADP _005456899 1322 12 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1322 13 nearly nearly ADV _005456899 1322 14 every every PRON _005456899 1322 15 broken broken ADJ _005456899 1322 16 commandment commandment NOUN _005456899 1322 17 hurts hurt VERB _005456899 1322 18 the the DET _005456899 1322 19 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1322 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1323 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1323 2 an an DET _005456899 1323 3 unmarried unmarried ADJ _005456899 1323 4 person person NOUN _005456899 1323 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1323 6 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 1323 7 young young ADJ _005456899 1323 8 enough enough ADV _005456899 1323 9 to to PART _005456899 1323 10 affect affect VERB _005456899 1323 11 the the DET _005456899 1323 12 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1323 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1323 14 breaks break VERB _005456899 1323 15 a a DET _005456899 1323 16 commandment commandment NOUN _005456899 1323 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1323 18 it it PRON _005456899 1323 19 often often ADV _005456899 1323 20 seems seem VERB _005456899 1323 21 to to PART _005456899 1323 22 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 1323 23 nobody nobody PRON _005456899 1323 24 directly directly ADV _005456899 1323 25 except except SCONJ _005456899 1323 26 god god PROPN _005456899 1323 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1324 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1324 2 when when SCONJ _005456899 1324 3 a a DET _005456899 1324 4 married married ADJ _005456899 1324 5 person person NOUN _005456899 1324 6 breaks break VERB _005456899 1324 7 a a DET _005456899 1324 8 commandment commandment NOUN _005456899 1324 9 it it PRON _005456899 1324 10 nearly nearly ADV _005456899 1324 11 always always ADV _005456899 1324 12 definitely definitely ADV _005456899 1324 13 hurts hurt VERB _005456899 1324 14 the the DET _005456899 1324 15 spousethat spousethat NOUN _005456899 1324 16 's be AUX _005456899 1324 17 why why SCONJ _005456899 1324 18 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1324 19 throws throw VERB _005456899 1324 20 god god PROPN _005456899 1324 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1324 22 the the DET _005456899 1324 23 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1324 24 together together ADV _005456899 1324 25 to to PART _005456899 1324 26 help help VERB _005456899 1324 27 keep keep VERB _005456899 1324 28 the the DET _005456899 1324 29 other other ADJ _005456899 1324 30 good good NOUN _005456899 1324 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1325 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1325 2 a a DET _005456899 1325 3 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1325 4 at at ADP _005456899 1325 5 a a DET _005456899 1325 6 party party NOUN _005456899 1325 7 meets meet VERB _005456899 1325 8 a a DET _005456899 1325 9 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1325 10 who who PRON _005456899 1325 11 attracts attract VERB _005456899 1325 12 him he PRON _005456899 1325 13 he he PRON _005456899 1325 14 is be AUX _005456899 1325 15 glad glad ADJ _005456899 1325 16 if if SCONJ _005456899 1325 17 she she PRON _005456899 1325 18 is be AUX _005456899 1325 19 flirtatious flirtatious ADJ _005456899 1325 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1325 21 not not PART _005456899 1325 22 very very ADV _005456899 1325 23 loyal loyal ADJ _005456899 1325 24 to to ADP _005456899 1325 25 her her PRON _005456899 1325 26 escort escort NOUN _005456899 1325 27 so so SCONJ _005456899 1325 28 that that SCONJ _005456899 1325 29 he he PRON _005456899 1325 30 can can AUX _005456899 1325 31 make make VERB _005456899 1325 32 a a DET _005456899 1325 33 date date NOUN _005456899 1325 34 with with ADP _005456899 1325 35 herself herself PRON _005456899 1325 36 himself himself PRON _005456899 1325 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1326 1 as as ADV _005456899 1326 2 soon soon ADV _005456899 1326 3 as as SCONJ _005456899 1326 4 she she PRON _005456899 1326 5 is be AUX _005456899 1326 6 his his PRON _005456899 1326 7 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1326 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1326 9 however however ADV _005456899 1326 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1326 11 he he PRON _005456899 1326 12 is be AUX _005456899 1326 13 the the DET _005456899 1326 14 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1326 15 enemy enemy NOUN _005456899 1326 16 of of ADP _005456899 1326 17 her her PRON _005456899 1326 18 flirtatiousness flirtatiousness NOUN _005456899 1326 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1326 20 wants want VERB _005456899 1326 21 her she PRON _005456899 1326 22 to to PART _005456899 1326 23 be be AUX _005456899 1326 24 proper proper ADJ _005456899 1326 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1326 26 loyal loyal ADJ _005456899 1326 27 at at ADP _005456899 1326 28 all all DET _005456899 1326 29 times time NOUN _005456899 1326 30 - - PUNCT _005456899 1326 31 which which PRON _005456899 1326 32 is be AUX _005456899 1326 33 just just ADV _005456899 1326 34 what what PRON _005456899 1326 35 god god PROPN _005456899 1326 36 wants want VERB _005456899 1326 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1327 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1327 2 an an DET _005456899 1327 3 unmarried unmarried ADJ _005456899 1327 4 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1327 5 meets meet VERB _005456899 1327 6 a a DET _005456899 1327 7 man man NOUN _005456899 1327 8 at at ADP _005456899 1327 9 a a DET _005456899 1327 10 party party NOUN _005456899 1327 11 who who PRON _005456899 1327 12 attracts attract VERB _005456899 1327 13 her she PRON _005456899 1327 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1327 15 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 1327 16 makes make VERB _005456899 1327 17 her she PRON _005456899 1327 18 more more ADV _005456899 1327 19 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1327 20 than than ADP _005456899 1327 21 when when SCONJ _005456899 1327 22 he he PRON _005456899 1327 23 is be AUX _005456899 1327 24 flirtatious flirtatious ADJ _005456899 1327 25 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1327 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1327 27 forgetful forgetful ADJ _005456899 1327 28 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1327 29 of of ADP _005456899 1327 30 his his PRON _005456899 1327 31 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1327 32 friend friend NOUN _005456899 1327 33 to to PART _005456899 1327 34 ask ask VERB _005456899 1327 35 her she PRON _005456899 1327 36 for for ADP _005456899 1327 37 a a DET _005456899 1327 38 date date NOUN _005456899 1327 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 1328 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1328 2 as as ADV _005456899 1328 3 soon soon ADV _005456899 1328 4 as as SCONJ _005456899 1328 5 she she PRON _005456899 1328 6 has have VERB _005456899 1328 7 him he PRON _005456899 1328 8 married marry VERB _005456899 1328 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1328 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1328 11 if if SCONJ _005456899 1328 12 at at ADP _005456899 1328 13 any any DET _005456899 1328 14 party party NOUN _005456899 1328 15 he he PRON _005456899 1328 16 is be AUX _005456899 1328 17 again again ADV _005456899 1328 18 trying try VERB _005456899 1328 19 to to PART _005456899 1328 20 be be AUX _005456899 1328 21 flirtatious flirtatious ADJ _005456899 1328 22 with with ADP _005456899 1328 23 anybody anybody PRON _005456899 1328 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 1328 25 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1328 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1328 27 she she PRON _005456899 1328 28 promptly promptly ADV _005456899 1328 29 develops develop VERB _005456899 1328 30 a a DET _005456899 1328 31 fierce fierce ADJ _005456899 1328 32 headache headache NOUN _005456899 1328 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 1328 34 makes make VERB _005456899 1328 35 him he PRON _005456899 1328 36 take take VERB _005456899 1328 37 her her PRON _005456899 1328 38 home home NOUN _005456899 1328 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 1329 1 she she PRON _005456899 1329 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1329 3 god god PROPN _005456899 1329 4 have have AUX _005456899 1329 5 now now ADV _005456899 1329 6 become become VERB _005456899 1329 7 allies ally NOUN _005456899 1329 8 for for ADP _005456899 1329 9 keeping keep VERB _005456899 1329 10 him he PRON _005456899 1329 11 decent decent ADJ _005456899 1329 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1330 1 what what PRON _005456899 1330 2 is be AUX _005456899 1330 3 funny funny ADJ _005456899 1330 4 before before SCONJ _005456899 1330 5 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1330 6 becomes become VERB _005456899 1330 7 painful painful ADJ _005456899 1330 8 after after SCONJ _005456899 1330 9 a a DET _005456899 1330 10 man man NOUN _005456899 1330 11 who who PRON _005456899 1330 12 spends spend VERB _005456899 1330 13 all all DET _005456899 1330 14 his his PRON _005456899 1330 15 money money NOUN _005456899 1330 16 on on ADP _005456899 1330 17 cars car NOUN _005456899 1330 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1330 19 drinks drink NOUN _005456899 1330 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1330 21 flowers flower NOUN _005456899 1330 22 is be AUX _005456899 1330 23 a a DET _005456899 1330 24 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1330 25 's 's PART _005456899 1330 26 dream dream NOUN _005456899 1330 27 - - PUNCT _005456899 1330 28 but but CCONJ _005456899 1330 29 a a DET _005456899 1330 30 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1330 31 's 's PART _005456899 1330 32 agony agony NOUN _005456899 1330 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1331 1 a a DET _005456899 1331 2 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1331 3 who who PRON _005456899 1331 4 spends spend VERB _005456899 1331 5 all all PRON _005456899 1331 6 her her PRON _005456899 1331 7 money money NOUN _005456899 1331 8 on on ADP _005456899 1331 9 gorgeous gorgeous ADJ _005456899 1331 10 evening evening NOUN _005456899 1331 11 gowns gown NOUN _005456899 1331 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1331 13 glamorous glamorous ADJ _005456899 1331 14 hairdoes hairdoe NOUN _005456899 1331 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1331 16 ravishing ravish VERB _005456899 1331 17 perfumes perfume NOUN _005456899 1331 18 is be AUX _005456899 1331 19 a a DET _005456899 1331 20 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1331 21 's 's PART _005456899 1331 22 creme creme NOUN _005456899 1331 23 de de X _005456899 1331 24 mint mint NOUN _005456899 1331 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1331 26 but but CCONJ _005456899 1331 27 a a DET _005456899 1331 28 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1331 29 's 's PART _005456899 1331 30 castor castor NOUN _005456899 1331 31 oil oil NOUN _005456899 1331 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1332 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1332 2 oh oh INTJ _005456899 1332 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1332 4 come come VERB _005456899 1332 5 on on ADP _005456899 1332 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1332 7 another another DET _005456899 1332 8 little little ADJ _005456899 1332 9 drink drink NOUN _005456899 1332 10 wo will AUX _005456899 1332 11 n't not PART _005456899 1332 12 hurt hurt VERB _005456899 1332 13 you you PRON _005456899 1332 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1332 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1332 16 coos coo VERB _005456899 1332 17 the the DET _005456899 1332 18 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1332 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1332 20 who who PRON _005456899 1332 21 wants want VERB _005456899 1332 22 to to PART _005456899 1332 23 make make VERB _005456899 1332 24 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1332 25 headway headway NOUN _005456899 1332 26 : : PUNCT _005456899 1332 27 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1332 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1333 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1333 2 now now ADV _005456899 1333 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1333 4 b b X _005456899 1333 5 enough enough ADV _005456899 1333 6 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1333 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1333 8 body body NOUN _005456899 1333 9 's 's PART _005456899 1333 10 sh sh PROPN _005456899 1333 11 a a DET _005456899 1333 12 bm bm NOUN _005456899 1333 13 an an DET _005456899 1333 14 indus indus ADJ _005456899 1333 15 dustrious dustrious ADJ _005456899 1333 16 tained taine VERB _005456899 1333 17 h h NOUN _005456899 1333 18 } } PUNCT _005456899 1333 19 band band NOUN _005456899 1333 20 witl witl PROPN _005456899 1333 21 hen hen NOUN _005456899 1333 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1334 1 a a PRON _005456899 1334 2 free free ADJ _005456899 1334 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1334 4 adve1 adve1 NOUN _005456899 1334 5 is be AUX _005456899 1334 6 a a DET _005456899 1334 7 hus1 hus1 NOUN _005456899 1334 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 1334 9 makes make VERB _005456899 1334 10 gc gc PROPN _005456899 1334 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1334 12 beau beau NOUN _005456899 1334 13 live live VERB _005456899 1334 14 up up ADP _005456899 1334 15 tc tc ADP _005456899 1334 16 likew likew NOUN _005456899 1334 17 she she PRON _005456899 1334 18 walk walk VERB _005456899 1334 19 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1335 1 preacher preacher ADV _005456899 1335 2 right right ADV _005456899 1335 3 on on ADP _005456899 1335 4 still still ADV _005456899 1335 5 in in ADP _005456899 1335 6 ne1 ne1 PROPN _005456899 1335 7 looks look VERB _005456899 1335 8 to to ADP _005456899 1335 9 s s PRON _005456899 1335 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1335 11 he he PRON _005456899 1335 12 i i PRON _005456899 1335 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1335 14 ........ ........ PUNCT _005456899 1335 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1336 1 -- -- PUNCT _005456899 1336 2 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 1336 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1336 4 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 1336 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1336 6 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 1337 1 --~ --~ PROPN _005456899 1337 2 ---- ---- PUNCT _005456899 1337 3 · · PUNCT _005456899 1337 4 · · NUM _005456899 1337 5 ~ ~ SYM _005456899 1337 6 ....... ....... PUNCT _005456899 1337 7 ----------- ----------- PUNCT _005456899 1337 8 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 1338 1 the the DET _005456899 1338 2 unique unique ADJ _005456899 1338 3 function function NOUN _005456899 1338 4 of of ADP _005456899 1338 5 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1338 6 57 57 NUM _005456899 1338 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1338 8 now now ADV _005456899 1338 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1338 10 be be AUX _005456899 1338 11 careful careful ADJ _005456899 1338 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1338 13 annie annie PROPN _005456899 1338 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1338 15 do do AUX _005456899 1338 16 n't not PART _005456899 1338 17 you you PRON _005456899 1338 18 think think VERB _005456899 1338 19 you you PRON _005456899 1338 20 've 've AUX _005456899 1338 21 had have VERB _005456899 1338 22 about about ADP _005456899 1338 23 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1338 24 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1338 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 1338 26 says say VERB _005456899 1338 27 the the DET _005456899 1338 28 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1338 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1338 30 who who PRON _005456899 1338 31 does do AUX _005456899 1338 32 n't not PART _005456899 1338 33 want want VERB _005456899 1338 34 her she PRON _005456899 1338 35 to to PART _005456899 1338 36 droop droop VERB _005456899 1338 37 on on ADP _005456899 1338 38 anybody anybody PRON _005456899 1338 39 's 's PART _005456899 1338 40 shoulder shoulder NOUN _005456899 1338 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 1338 42 not not PART _005456899 1338 43 even even ADV _005456899 1338 44 his his PRON _005456899 1338 45 own own ADJ _005456899 1338 46 in in ADP _005456899 1338 47 public public NOUN _005456899 1338 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 1339 1 a a DET _005456899 1339 2 busy busy ADJ _005456899 1339 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1339 4 hard hard ADV _005456899 1339 5 - - PUNCT _005456899 1339 6 working work VERB _005456899 1339 7 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1339 8 has have VERB _005456899 1339 9 too too ADV _005456899 1339 10 little little ADJ _005456899 1339 11 time time NOUN _005456899 1339 12 for for ADP _005456899 1339 13 dates date NOUN _005456899 1339 14 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1339 15 an an DET _005456899 1339 16 industrious industrious ADJ _005456899 1339 17 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1339 18 provides provide VERB _005456899 1339 19 a a DET _005456899 1339 20 comfortable comfortable ADJ _005456899 1339 21 home home NOUN _005456899 1339 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1340 1 an an DET _005456899 1340 2 industrious industrious ADJ _005456899 1340 3 maiden maiden NOUN _005456899 1340 4 washes wash VERB _005456899 1340 5 the the DET _005456899 1340 6 dishes dish NOUN _005456899 1340 7 while while SCONJ _005456899 1340 8 the the DET _005456899 1340 9 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1340 10 is be AUX _005456899 1340 11 entertained entertain VERB _005456899 1340 12 by by ADP _005456899 1340 13 the the DET _005456899 1340 14 father father NOUN _005456899 1340 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1340 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 1340 17 the the DET _005456899 1340 18 industrious industrious ADJ _005456899 1340 19 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1340 20 provides provide VERB _005456899 1340 21 the the DET _005456899 1340 22 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1340 23 with with ADP _005456899 1340 24 a a DET _005456899 1340 25 good good ADJ _005456899 1340 26 table table NOUN _005456899 1340 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1340 28 a a DET _005456899 1340 29 clean clean ADJ _005456899 1340 30 house house NOUN _005456899 1340 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1341 1 · · PUNCT _005456899 1341 2 he he PRON _005456899 1341 3 may may AUX _005456899 1341 4 like like VERB _005456899 1341 5 a a DET _005456899 1341 6 frivolous frivolous ADJ _005456899 1341 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1341 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 1341 9 never never ADV _005456899 1341 10 a a DET _005456899 1341 11 frivolous frivolous ADJ _005456899 1341 12 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1341 13 a a DET _005456899 1341 14 frequent frequent ADJ _005456899 1341 15 communicant communicant NOUN _005456899 1341 16 is be AUX _005456899 1341 17 not not PART _005456899 1341 18 a a DET _005456899 1341 19 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1341 20 's 's PART _005456899 1341 21 pick pick NOUN _005456899 1341 22 for for ADP _005456899 1341 23 a a DET _005456899 1341 24 lively lively ADJ _005456899 1341 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1341 26 adventurous adventurous ADJ _005456899 1341 27 saturday saturday PROPN _005456899 1341 28 - - PUNCT _005456899 1341 29 night night NOUN _005456899 1341 30 date date NOUN _005456899 1341 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1342 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1342 2 a a DET _005456899 1342 3 frequent frequent ADJ _005456899 1342 4 communicant communicant NOUN _005456899 1342 5 is be AUX _005456899 1342 6 a a DET _005456899 1342 7 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1342 8 's 's PART _005456899 1342 9 guarantee guarantee NOUN _005456899 1342 10 of of ADP _005456899 1342 11 a a DET _005456899 1342 12 faithful faithful ADJ _005456899 1342 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1342 14 loyal loyal ADJ _005456899 1342 15 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1342 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1343 1 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1343 2 makes make VERB _005456899 1343 3 god god PROPN _005456899 1343 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1343 5 the the DET _005456899 1343 6 for for ADP _005456899 1343 7 ~ ~ ADJ _005456899 1343 8 er er INTJ _005456899 1343 9 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1343 10 of of ADP _005456899 1343 11 one one NUM _005456899 1343 12 mind mind NOUN _005456899 1343 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 1343 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 1343 15 it it PRON _005456899 1343 16 is be AUX _005456899 1343 17 good good ADJ _005456899 1343 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1343 19 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 1343 20 for for SCONJ _005456899 1343 21 the the DET _005456899 1343 22 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1343 23 to to PART _005456899 1343 24 go go VERB _005456899 1343 25 to to ADP _005456899 1343 26 the the DET _005456899 1343 27 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005456899 1343 28 often often ADV _005456899 1343 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1343 30 to to PART _005456899 1343 31 live live VERB _005456899 1343 32 up up ADP _005456899 1343 33 to to ADP _005456899 1343 34 the the DET _005456899 1343 35 ten ten NUM _005456899 1343 36 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1343 37 as as SCONJ _005456899 1343 38 god god PROPN _005456899 1343 39 wrote write VERB _005456899 1343 40 them they PRON _005456899 1343 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 1344 1 she she PRON _005456899 1344 2 wants want VERB _005456899 1344 3 a a DET _005456899 1344 4 good good ADJ _005456899 1344 5 religious religious ADJ _005456899 1344 6 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1344 7 likewise likewise ADV _005456899 1344 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1344 9 as as ADP _005456899 1344 10 to to ADP _005456899 1344 11 the the DET _005456899 1344 12 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1344 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1344 14 she she PRON _005456899 1344 15 is be AUX _005456899 1344 16 never never ADV _005456899 1344 17 more more ADV _005456899 1344 18 content content NOUN _005456899 1344 19 than than ADP _005456899 1344 20 when when SCONJ _005456899 1344 21 she she PRON _005456899 1344 22 walks walk VERB _005456899 1344 23 her her PRON _005456899 1344 24 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1344 25 into into ADP _005456899 1344 26 church church NOUN _005456899 1344 27 on on ADP _005456899 1344 28 sunday sunday PROPN _005456899 1344 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1344 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1344 31 when when SCONJ _005456899 1344 32 the the DET _005456899 1344 33 preacher preacher ADJ _005456899 1344 34 by by ADP _005456899 1344 35 a a DET _005456899 1344 36 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1344 37 chance chance NOUN _005456899 1344 38 accidentally accidentally ADV _005456899 1344 39 hits hit VERB _005456899 1344 40 that that DET _005456899 1344 41 particular particular ADJ _005456899 1344 42 nail nail NOUN _005456899 1344 43 right right ADV _005456899 1344 44 on on ADP _005456899 1344 45 the the DET _005456899 1344 46 head head NOUN _005456899 1344 47 which which PRON _005456899 1344 48 marks mark VERB _005456899 1344 49 the the DET _005456899 1344 50 spot spot NOUN _005456899 1344 51 wherein wherein SCONJ _005456899 1344 52 her her PRON _005456899 1344 53 hubby hubby NOUN _005456899 1344 54 is be AUX _005456899 1344 55 still still ADV _005456899 1344 56 in in ADP _005456899 1344 57 need need NOUN _005456899 1344 58 of of ADP _005456899 1344 59 a a DET _005456899 1344 60 wee wee ADJ _005456899 1344 61 bit bit NOUN _005456899 1344 62 of of ADP _005456899 1344 63 reforming reform VERB _005456899 1344 64 , , PUNCT _005456899 1344 65 she she PRON _005456899 1344 66 ecstatically ecstatically ADV _005456899 1344 67 knows know VERB _005456899 1344 68 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1344 69 and and CCONJ _005456899 1344 70 looks look VERB _005456899 1344 71 to to PART _005456899 1344 72 see see VERB _005456899 1344 73 if if SCONJ _005456899 1344 74 her her PRON _005456899 1344 75 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1344 76 knows know VERB _005456899 1344 77 too too ADV _005456899 1344 78 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1344 79 that that SCONJ _005456899 1344 80 god god PROPN _005456899 1344 81 is be AUX _005456899 1344 82 on on ADP _005456899 1344 83 her her PRON _005456899 1344 84 side side NOUN _005456899 1344 85 . . PUNCT _005456899 1345 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1345 2 he he PRON _005456899 1345 3 is be AUX _005456899 1345 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 1345 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1345 6 he he PRON _005456899 1345 7 is be AUX _005456899 1345 8 on on ADP _005456899 1345 9 hubby hubby NOUN _005456899 1345 10 's 's PART _005456899 1345 11 side side NOUN _005456899 1345 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1345 13 too too ADV _005456899 1345 14 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1346 1 • • PROPN _005456899 1346 2 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1346 3 xii xii NOUN _005456899 1347 1 the the DET _005456899 1347 2 first first ADJ _005456899 1347 3 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1347 4 is be AUX _005456899 1347 5 the the DET _005456899 1347 6 best good ADJ _005456899 1347 7 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1347 8 this this DET _005456899 1347 9 article article NOUN _005456899 1347 10 is be AUX _005456899 1347 11 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 1347 12 with with ADP _005456899 1347 13 the the DET _005456899 1347 14 same same ADJ _005456899 1347 15 title title NOUN _005456899 1347 16 from from ADP _005456899 1347 17 the the DET _005456899 1347 18 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 1347 19 home home PROPN _005456899 1347 20 journal journal PROPN _005456899 1347 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1347 22 november november PROPN _005456899 1347 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1347 24 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 1347 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1348 1 it it PRON _005456899 1348 2 was be AUX _005456899 1348 3 literally literally ADV _005456899 1348 4 suggested suggest VERB _005456899 1348 5 to to ADP _005456899 1348 6 me i PRON _005456899 1348 7 by by ADP _005456899 1348 8 a a DET _005456899 1348 9 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1348 10 who who PRON _005456899 1348 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1348 12 married marry VERB _005456899 1348 13 to to ADP _005456899 1348 14 a a DET _005456899 1348 15 second second ADJ _005456899 1348 16 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1348 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1348 18 wished wish VERB _005456899 1348 19 he he PRON _005456899 1348 20 could could AUX _005456899 1348 21 undo undo VERB _005456899 1348 22 it it PRON _005456899 1348 23 all all PRON _005456899 1348 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1348 25 be be AUX _005456899 1348 26 with with ADP _005456899 1348 27 his his PRON _005456899 1348 28 first first ADJ _005456899 1348 29 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1348 30 again again ADV _005456899 1348 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1349 1 i i PRON _005456899 1349 2 do do AUX _005456899 1349 3 firmly firmly ADV _005456899 1349 4 believe believe VERB _005456899 1349 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1349 6 psychologically psychologically ADV _005456899 1349 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1349 8 as as ADV _005456899 1349 9 well well ADV _005456899 1349 10 as as ADP _005456899 1349 11 morauy morauy ADJ _005456899 1349 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1349 13 the the DET _005456899 1349 14 first first ADJ _005456899 1349 15 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1349 16 is be AUX _005456899 1349 17 usually usually ADV _005456899 1349 18 man man NOUN _005456899 1349 19 's 's PART _005456899 1349 20 greater great ADJ _005456899 1349 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1349 22 as as ADV _005456899 1349 23 well well ADV _005456899 1349 24 as as ADP _005456899 1349 25 better well ADJ _005456899 1349 26 need need NOUN _005456899 1349 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1350 1 however however ADV _005456899 1350 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1350 3 i i PRON _005456899 1350 4 do do AUX _005456899 1350 5 not not PART _005456899 1350 6 want want VERB _005456899 1350 7 to to PART _005456899 1350 8 give give VERB _005456899 1350 9 the the DET _005456899 1350 10 impression impression NOUN _005456899 1350 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 1350 12 from from ADP _005456899 1350 13 a a DET _005456899 1350 14 personal personal ADJ _005456899 1350 15 standpoint standpoint NOUN _005456899 1350 16 some some DET _005456899 1350 17 marriages marriage NOUN _005456899 1350 18 are be AUX _005456899 1350 19 not not PART _005456899 1350 20 mistakes mistake NOUN _005456899 1350 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1350 22 mis mis NOUN _005456899 1350 23 - - PUNCT _005456899 1350 24 matches match NOUN _005456899 1350 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1350 26 second second ADJ _005456899 1350 27 ones one NOUN _005456899 1350 28 never never ADV _005456899 1350 29 more more ADV _005456899 1350 30 satisfying satisfying ADJ _005456899 1350 31 psychologically psychologically ADV _005456899 1350 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1351 1 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 1351 2 they they PRON _005456899 1351 3 are be AUX _005456899 1351 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1351 5 though though SCONJ _005456899 1351 6 n n ADV _005456899 1351 7 ot ot INTJ _005456899 1351 8 as as ADV _005456899 1351 9 often often ADV _005456899 1351 10 as as SCONJ _005456899 1351 11 those those PRON _005456899 1351 12 seeking seek VERB _005456899 1351 13 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1351 14 to to PART _005456899 1351 15 remarry remarry VERB _005456899 1351 16 like like INTJ _005456899 1351 17 to to PART _005456899 1351 18 think think VERB _005456899 1351 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1352 1 in in ADP _005456899 1352 2 the the DET _005456899 1352 3 final final ADJ _005456899 1352 4 analysis analysis NOUN _005456899 1352 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1352 6 it it PRON _005456899 1352 7 seems seem VERB _005456899 1352 8 to to ADP _005456899 1352 9 me i PRON _005456899 1352 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1352 11 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1352 12 to to PART _005456899 1352 13 remarry remarry PROPN _005456899 1352 14 is be AUX _005456899 1352 15 an an DET _005456899 1352 16 evil evil NOUN _005456899 1352 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1352 18 a a DET _005456899 1352 19 wrong wrong NOUN _005456899 1352 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1352 21 not not PART _005456899 1352 22 because because SCONJ _005456899 1352 23 it it PRON _005456899 1352 24 can can AUX _005456899 1352 25 not not PART _005456899 1352 26 serve serve VERB _005456899 1352 27 the the DET _005456899 1352 28 individual individual ADJ _005456899 1352 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1352 30 personal personal ADJ _005456899 1352 31 welfare welfare NOUN _005456899 1352 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1352 33 but but CCONJ _005456899 1352 34 because because SCONJ _005456899 1352 35 its its PRON _005456899 1352 36 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005456899 1352 37 tends tend VERB _005456899 1352 38 to to PART _005456899 1352 39 destroy destroy VERB _005456899 1352 40 the the DET _005456899 1352 41 essential essential ADJ _005456899 1352 42 social social ADJ _005456899 1352 43 value value NOUN _005456899 1352 44 of of ADP _005456899 1352 45 all all DET _005456899 1352 46 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1352 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 1352 48 namely namely ADV _005456899 1352 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 1352 50 its its PRON _005456899 1352 51 security security NOUN _005456899 1352 52 . . PUNCT _005456899 1353 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1353 2 any any DET _005456899 1353 3 new new ADJ _005456899 1353 4 attraction attraction NOUN _005456899 1353 5 can can AUX _005456899 1353 6 dissolve dissolve VERB _005456899 1353 7 any any DET _005456899 1353 8 old old ADJ _005456899 1353 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1353 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1353 11 then then ADV _005456899 1353 12 the the DET _005456899 1353 13 stability stability NOUN _005456899 1353 14 of of ADP _005456899 1353 15 all all DET _005456899 1353 16 family family NOUN _005456899 1353 17 life life NOUN _005456899 1353 18 is be AUX _005456899 1353 19 undermined undermine VERB _005456899 1353 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1353 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1353 22 all all PRON _005456899 1353 23 of of ADP _005456899 1353 24 life life NOUN _005456899 1353 25 can can AUX _005456899 1353 26 become become VERB _005456899 1353 27 a a DET _005456899 1353 28 perpetual perpetual ADJ _005456899 1353 29 scramble scramble NOUN _005456899 1353 30 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1353 31 better well ADV _005456899 1353 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1353 33 better well ADJ _005456899 1353 34 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1353 35 richer rich ADJ _005456899 1353 36 an an DET _005456899 1353 37 d d NOUN _005456899 1353 38 r r NOUN _005456899 1353 39 i i PRON _005456899 1353 40 c c VERB _005456899 1353 41 h h NOUN _005456899 1353 42 e e NOUN _005456899 1353 43 r r NOUN _005456899 1353 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1353 45 or or CCONJ _005456899 1353 46 younger young ADJ _005456899 1353 47 and and CCONJ _005456899 1353 48 younger young ADJ _005456899 1353 49 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1353 50 mate·s mate·s PROPN _005456899 1353 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 1354 1 all all PRON _005456899 1354 2 of of ADP _005456899 1354 3 life life NOUN _005456899 1354 4 would would AUX _005456899 1354 5 become become VERB _005456899 1354 6 the the DET _005456899 1354 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1354 8 shopping shop VERB _005456899 1354 9 ¢bout ¢bout NOUN _005456899 1354 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1354 11 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1354 12 a a DET _005456899 1354 13 more more ADV _005456899 1354 14 desirable desirable ADJ _005456899 1354 15 mate mate NOUN _005456899 1354 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1354 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 1354 18 the the DET _005456899 1354 19 jealous jealous ADJ _005456899 1354 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1354 21 frightened frightened ADJ _005456899 1354 22 securing securing NOUN _005456899 1354 23 of of ADP _005456899 1354 24 one one NUM _005456899 1354 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1354 26 which which PRON _005456899 1354 27 now now ADV _005456899 1354 28 characterize characterize VERB _005456899 1354 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1354 30 agonize agonize VERB _005456899 1354 31 the the DET _005456899 1354 32 customary customary ADJ _005456899 1354 33 years year NOUN _005456899 1354 34 of of ADP _005456899 1354 35 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1354 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1355 1 a a DET _005456899 1355 2 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1355 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 4 married marry VERB _005456899 1355 5 to to ADP _005456899 1355 6 a a DET _005456899 1355 7 second second ADJ _005456899 1355 8 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1355 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 10 wants want VERB _005456899 1355 11 to to PART _005456899 1355 12 see see VERB _005456899 1355 13 his his PRON _005456899 1355 14 first first ADJ _005456899 1355 15 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1355 16 one one NUM _005456899 1355 17 day day NOUN _005456899 1355 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 19 in in ADP _005456899 1355 20 an an DET _005456899 1355 21 army army NOUN _005456899 1355 22 casual casual NOUN _005456899 1355 23 detachment detachment NOUN _005456899 1355 24 where where SCONJ _005456899 1355 25 men man NOUN _005456899 1355 26 were be AUX _005456899 1355 27 waiting wait VERB _005456899 1355 28 fo fo ADP _005456899 1355 29 : : PUNCT _005456899 1355 30 r r X _005456899 1355 31 their their PRON _005456899 1355 32 discharges discharge NOUN _005456899 1355 33 a a DET _005456899 1355 34 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1355 35 turned turn VERB _005456899 1355 36 to to ADP _005456899 1355 37 another another PRON _005456899 1355 38 and and CCONJ _005456899 1355 39 asked ask VERB _005456899 1355 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 1355 42 say say INTJ _005456899 1355 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 44 you you PRON _005456899 1355 45 are be AUX _005456899 1355 46 a a DET _005456899 1355 47 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 1355 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 49 are be AUX _005456899 1355 50 n't not PART _005456899 1355 51 you you PRON _005456899 1355 52 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1355 53 : : PUNCT _005456899 1355 54 rell rell VERB _005456899 1355 55 me i PRON _005456899 1355 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 57 according accord VERB _005456899 1355 58 to to ADP _005456899 1355 59 you you PRON _005456899 1355 60 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 1355 61 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 62 is be AUX _005456899 1355 63 n't not PART _005456899 1355 64 it it PRON _005456899 1355 65 true true ADJ _005456899 1355 66 that that SCONJ _005456899 1355 67 even even ADV _005456899 1355 68 though though SCONJ _005456899 1355 69 a a DET _005456899 1355 70 man man NOUN _005456899 1355 71 is be AUX _005456899 1355 72 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 1355 73 from from ADP _005456899 1355 74 his his PRON _005456899 1355 75 first first ADJ _005456899 1355 76 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1355 77 and and CCONJ _005456899 1355 78 married marry VERB _005456899 1355 79 to to ADP _005456899 1355 80 another another PRON _005456899 1355 81 , , PUNCT _005456899 1355 82 he he PRON _005456899 1355 83 is be AUX _005456899 1355 84 still still ADV _005456899 1355 85 really really ADV _005456899 1355 86 married married ADJ _005456899 1355 87 to to ADP _005456899 1355 88 the the DET _005456899 1355 89 first first ADJ _005456899 1355 90 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1355 91 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1355 92 " " PUNCT _005456899 1356 1 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 1356 2 surprised surprised ADJ _005456899 1356 3 at at ADP _005456899 1356 4 the the DET _005456899 1356 5 unexpected unexpected ADJ _005456899 1356 6 question question NOUN _005456899 1356 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1356 8 the the DET _005456899 1356 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1356 10 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1356 11 said say VERB _005456899 1356 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1356 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1356 14 yes yes INTJ _005456899 1356 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1356 16 i i PRON _005456899 1356 17 guess guess VERB _005456899 1356 18 that that PRON _005456899 1356 19 's be AUX _005456899 1356 20 about about ADP _005456899 1356 21 it it PRON _005456899 1356 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1357 1 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1357 2 whosoever whosoever VERB _005456899 1357 3 shau shau NOUN _005456899 1357 4 put put VERB _005456899 1357 5 away away ADV _005456899 1357 6 his his PRON _005456899 1357 7 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1357 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1357 9 marry marry VERB _005456899 1357 10 another another PRON _005456899 1357 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1357 12 committeth committeth ADJ _005456899 1357 13 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1357 14 : : PUNCT _005456899 1357 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 1357 16 how how SCONJ _005456899 1357 17 do do AUX _005456899 1357 18 you you PRON _005456899 1357 19 come come VERB _005456899 1357 20 to to PART _005456899 1357 21 ask ask VERB _005456899 1357 22 me i PRON _005456899 1357 23 that that PRON _005456899 1357 24 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1358 1 i i PRON _005456899 1358 2 did do AUX _005456899 1358 3 n't not PART _005456899 1358 4 know know VERB _005456899 1358 5 you you PRON _005456899 1358 6 were be AUX _005456899 1358 7 interested interested ADJ _005456899 1358 8 in in ADP _005456899 1358 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1358 10 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005456899 1358 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1358 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1359 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1359 2 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1359 3 oh oh INTJ _005456899 1359 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1359 5 it it PRON _005456899 1359 6 's be AUX _005456899 1359 7 not not PART _005456899 1359 8 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 1359 9 that that PRON _005456899 1359 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1359 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1359 12 explained explain VERB _005456899 1359 13 the the DET _005456899 1359 14 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1359 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1360 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1360 2 only only ADV _005456899 1360 3 i i PRON _005456899 1360 4 'm be AUX _005456899 1360 5 in in ADP _005456899 1360 6 sort sort NOUN _005456899 1360 7 of of ADV _005456899 1360 8 a a DET _005456899 1360 9 mess mess NOUN _005456899 1360 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1361 1 in in ADP _005456899 1361 2 a a DET _005456899 1361 3 few few ADJ _005456899 1361 4 days day NOUN _005456899 1361 5 i i PRON _005456899 1361 6 hope hope VERB _005456899 1361 7 to to PART _005456899 1361 8 have have VERB _005456899 1361 9 my my PRON _005456899 1361 10 discharge discharge NOUN _005456899 1361 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1361 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1361 13 my my PRON _005456899 1361 14 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1361 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1361 16 two two NUM _005456899 1361 17 children child NOUN _005456899 1361 18 will will AUX _005456899 1361 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1361 20 of of ADP _005456899 1361 21 course course NOUN _005456899 1361 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1361 23 expect expect VERB _005456899 1361 24 me i PRON _005456899 1361 25 to to PART _005456899 1361 26 come come VERB _005456899 1361 27 right right ADV _005456899 1361 28 home home ADV _005456899 1361 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1362 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1362 2 she she PRON _005456899 1362 3 is be AUX _005456899 1362 4 my my PRON _005456899 1362 5 second second ADJ _005456899 1362 6 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1362 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1363 1 my my PRON _005456899 1363 2 first first ADJ _005456899 1363 3 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1363 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1363 5 child child NOUN _005456899 1363 6 live live VERB _005456899 1363 7 in in ADP _005456899 1363 8 chicago chicago PROPN _005456899 1363 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1363 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1364 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1364 2 well well ADV _005456899 1364 3 doubt doubt NOUN _005456899 1364 4 sti sti NOUN _005456899 1364 5 after after ADP _005456899 1364 6 se se X _005456899 1365 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1365 2 that that SCONJ _005456899 1365 3 happily happily ADV _005456899 1365 4 1 1 NUM _005456899 1365 5 i i PRON _005456899 1365 6 had have VERB _005456899 1365 7 fal fal DET _005456899 1365 8 a a DET _005456899 1365 9 bit bit NOUN _005456899 1365 10 y01 y01 NOUN _005456899 1365 11 could could AUX _005456899 1365 12 thi thi VERB _005456899 1365 13 about about ADP _005456899 1365 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1366 1 i i PRON _005456899 1366 2 ' ' VERB _005456899 1366 3 well well ADV _005456899 1366 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1366 5 well well ADV _005456899 1366 6 than than ADP _005456899 1366 7 a a DET _005456899 1366 8 f€ f€ ADJ _005456899 1366 9 yearning yearning NOUN _005456899 1366 10 stronger strong ADJ _005456899 1366 11 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1366 12 wha wha NOUN _005456899 1366 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1366 14 wha wha NOUN _005456899 1366 15 did do AUX _005456899 1366 16 n't not PART _005456899 1366 17 w~ w~ NOUN _005456899 1366 18 away away ADV _005456899 1366 19 fro fro NOUN _005456899 1366 20 again again ADV _005456899 1366 21 wi wi PROPN _005456899 1366 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1366 23 did do VERB _005456899 1366 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1366 25 the the DET _005456899 1366 26 bearable bearable ADJ _005456899 1366 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1367 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1367 2 boy boy INTJ _005456899 1367 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1367 4 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1367 5 i i PRON _005456899 1367 6 'm be AUX _005456899 1367 7 j j DET _005456899 1367 8 time time NOUN _005456899 1367 9 of of ADP _005456899 1367 10 spend spend VERB _005456899 1367 11 a a DET _005456899 1367 12 j j NOUN _005456899 1367 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1367 14 in in ADP _005456899 1367 15 o o PROPN _005456899 1367 16 l l NOUN _005456899 1367 17 on on ADP _005456899 1367 18 louis• louis• PROPN _005456899 1367 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1367 20 is be AUX _005456899 1367 21 n't not PART _005456899 1367 22 being be AUX _005456899 1367 23 a a DET _005456899 1367 24 : : PUNCT _005456899 1367 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 1367 26 yes yes INTJ _005456899 1367 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1367 28 no no DET _005456899 1367 29 heel heel NOUN _005456899 1367 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1368 1 been be AUX _005456899 1368 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1368 3 i i PRON _005456899 1368 4 l l NOUN _005456899 1368 5 tiie tiie NOUN _005456899 1368 6 f1rst f1rst PROPN _005456899 1368 7 ~pouse ~pouse PUNCT _005456899 1368 8 is be AUX _005456899 1368 9 tiie tiie ADJ _005456899 1368 10 best well ADV _005456899 1368 11 spouse spouse VERB _005456899 1368 12 59 59 NUM _005456899 1368 13 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1368 14 well well ADV _005456899 1368 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1368 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1368 17 said say VERB _005456899 1368 18 someone someone PRON _005456899 1368 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1368 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1368 21 what what PRON _005456899 1368 22 of of ADP _005456899 1368 23 it it PRON _005456899 1368 24 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1369 1 you you PRON _005456899 1369 2 got got AUX _005456899 1369 3 rid rid VERB _005456899 1369 4 of of ADP _005456899 1369 5 her she PRON _005456899 1369 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1369 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1369 8 no no ADV _005456899 1369 9 doubt doubt NOUN _005456899 1369 10 still still ADV _005456899 1369 11 want want VERB _005456899 1369 12 to to PART _005456899 1369 13 stay stay VERB _005456899 1369 14 as as ADV _005456899 1369 15 far far ADV _005456899 1369 16 away away ADV _005456899 1369 17 from from ADP _005456899 1369 18 chicago chicago PROPN _005456899 1369 19 as as ADP _005456899 1369 20 possible possible ADJ _005456899 1369 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1369 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1370 1 after after ADP _005456899 1370 2 seven seven NUM _005456899 1370 3 years year NOUN _005456899 1370 4 of of ADP _005456899 1370 5 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1370 6 he he PRON _005456899 1370 7 thought think VERB _005456899 1370 8 he he PRON _005456899 1370 9 met meet VERB _005456899 1370 10 his his PRON _005456899 1370 11 affinity affinity NOUN _005456899 1370 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1370 13 that that PRON _005456899 1370 14 's be AUX _005456899 1370 15 just just ADV _005456899 1370 16 the the DET _005456899 1370 17 trouble trouble NOUN _005456899 1370 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1370 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1370 20 answered answer VERB _005456899 1370 21 the the DET _005456899 1370 22 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1370 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1370 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1370 25 i i PRON _005456899 1370 26 do do VERB _005456899 1370 27 n't not PART _005456899 1370 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1371 1 i i PRON _005456899 1371 2 was be AUX _005456899 1371 3 happily happily ADV _005456899 1371 4 married married ADJ _005456899 1371 5 to to PART _005456899 1371 6 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1371 7 for for ADP _005456899 1371 8 seven seven NUM _005456899 1371 9 years year NOUN _005456899 1371 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1372 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1372 2 then then ADV _005456899 1372 3 one one NUM _005456899 1372 4 day day NOUN _005456899 1372 5 i i PRON _005456899 1372 6 felt feel VERB _005456899 1372 7 i i PRON _005456899 1372 8 had have AUX _005456899 1372 9 fallen fall VERB _005456899 1372 10 in in ADP _005456899 1372 11 love love NOUN _005456899 1372 12 with with ADP _005456899 1372 13 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1372 14 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1372 15 that that PRON _005456899 1372 16 is be AUX _005456899 1372 17 my my PRON _005456899 1372 18 second second ADJ _005456899 1372 19 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1372 20 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1372 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1373 1 she she PRON _005456899 1373 2 was be AUX _005456899 1373 3 a a DET _005456899 1373 4 bit bit NOUN _005456899 1373 5 younger young ADJ _005456899 1373 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1373 7 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1373 8 prettier pretty ADJ _005456899 1373 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1373 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1373 11 the the DET _005456899 1373 12 way way NOUN _005456899 1373 13 we we PRON _005456899 1373 14 felt feel VERB _005456899 1373 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1373 16 well well INTJ _005456899 1373 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1373 18 all all PRON _005456899 1373 19 i i PRON _005456899 1373 20 could could AUX _005456899 1373 21 think think VERB _005456899 1373 22 was be AUX _005456899 1373 23 that that SCONJ _005456899 1373 24 this this PRON _005456899 1373 25 was be AUX _005456899 1373 26 the the DET _005456899 1373 27 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1373 28 affinity affinity NOUN _005456899 1373 29 i i PRON _005456899 1373 30 'd would AUX _005456899 1373 31 heard hear VERB _005456899 1373 32 so so ADV _005456899 1373 33 much much ADV _005456899 1373 34 about about ADP _005456899 1373 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1374 1 i i PRON _005456899 1374 2 like like VERB _005456899 1374 3 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1374 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1374 5 the the DET _005456899 1374 6 children child NOUN _005456899 1374 7 a a DET _005456899 1374 8 lot lot NOUN _005456899 1374 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1374 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1375 1 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1375 2 well well INTJ _005456899 1375 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1375 4 then then ADV _005456899 1375 5 what what PRON _005456899 1375 6 are be AUX _005456899 1375 7 you you PRON _005456899 1375 8 griping gripe VERB _005456899 1375 9 about about ADP _005456899 1375 10 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1375 11 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1375 12 said say VERB _005456899 1375 13 several several ADJ _005456899 1375 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1376 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1376 2 well well INTJ _005456899 1376 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1376 4 the the DET _005456899 1376 5 blasted blasted ADJ _005456899 1376 6 luck luck NOUN _005456899 1376 7 of of ADP _005456899 1376 8 it it PRON _005456899 1376 9 is be AUX _005456899 1376 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1376 11 i i PRON _005456899 1376 12 was be AUX _005456899 1376 13 n't not PART _005456899 1376 14 married married ADJ _005456899 1376 15 to to PART _005456899 1376 16 louise louise VERB _005456899 1376 17 more more ADJ _005456899 1376 18 than than ADP _005456899 1376 19 a a DET _005456899 1376 20 few few ADJ _005456899 1376 21 months month NOUN _005456899 1376 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1376 23 happily happily ADV _005456899 1376 24 rid rid VERB _005456899 1376 25 of of ADP _005456899 1376 26 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1376 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1376 28 when when SCONJ _005456899 1376 29 the the DET _005456899 1376 30 goldarnest goldarn ADJ _005456899 1376 31 yearning yearning NOUN _005456899 1376 32 to to PART _005456899 1376 33 be be AUX _005456899 1376 34 with with ADP _005456899 1376 35 her she PRON _005456899 1376 36 began begin VERB _005456899 1376 37 coming come VERB _005456899 1376 38 over over ADP _005456899 1376 39 me i PRON _005456899 1376 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1377 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1377 2 it it PRON _005456899 1377 3 kept keep VERB _005456899 1377 4 getting get VERB _005456899 1377 5 stronger strong ADJ _005456899 1377 6 in in ADP _005456899 1377 7 spite spite NOUN _005456899 1377 8 of of ADP _005456899 1377 9 my my PRON _005456899 1377 10 desire desire NOUN _005456899 1377 11 for for ADP _005456899 1377 12 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1377 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1377 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1378 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1378 2 what what PRON _005456899 1378 3 did do AUX _005456899 1378 4 you you PRON _005456899 1378 5 do do AUX _005456899 1378 6 about about ADP _005456899 1378 7 it it PRON _005456899 1378 8 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1378 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1378 10 soon soon ADV _005456899 1378 11 wanted want VERB _005456899 1378 12 his his PRON _005456899 1378 13 first first ADJ _005456899 1378 14 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1378 15 again again ADV _005456899 1378 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1378 17 what what PRON _005456899 1378 18 could could AUX _005456899 1378 19 i i PRON _005456899 1378 20 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1379 1 i i PRON _005456899 1379 2 was be AUX _005456899 1379 3 now now ADV _005456899 1379 4 legally legally ADV _005456899 1379 5 married married ADJ _005456899 1379 6 to to PART _005456899 1379 7 louise louise VERB _005456899 1379 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1380 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1380 2 i i PRON _005456899 1380 3 did do AUX _005456899 1380 4 n't not PART _005456899 1380 5 want want VERB _005456899 1380 6 to to PART _005456899 1380 7 be be AUX _005456899 1380 8 a a DET _005456899 1380 9 heel heel NOUN _005456899 1380 10 to to ADP _005456899 1380 11 both both DET _005456899 1380 12 women woman NOUN _005456899 1380 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1381 1 i i PRON _005456899 1381 2 had have VERB _005456899 1381 3 hopes hope NOUN _005456899 1381 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 1381 5 getting get VERB _005456899 1381 6 away away ADV _005456899 1381 7 from from ADP _005456899 1381 8 it it PRON _005456899 1381 9 all all PRON _005456899 1381 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1381 11 joining join VERB _005456899 1381 12 the the DET _005456899 1381 13 army army NOUN _005456899 1381 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1381 15 would would AUX _005456899 1381 16 kill kill VERB _005456899 1381 17 that that DET _005456899 1381 18 yearning yearn VERB _005456899 1381 19 to to PART _005456899 1381 20 be be AUX _005456899 1381 21 again again ADV _005456899 1381 22 with with ADP _005456899 1381 23 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1381 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1381 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 1382 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1382 2 did do VERB _005456899 1382 3 it it PRON _005456899 1382 4 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1382 5 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1383 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1383 2 the the DET _005456899 1383 3 deuce deuce NOUN _005456899 1383 4 take take VERB _005456899 1383 5 it it PRON _005456899 1383 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1384 1 no no INTJ _005456899 1384 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1384 3 it it PRON _005456899 1384 4 did do VERB _005456899 1384 5 n't not PART _005456899 1384 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1385 1 it it PRON _005456899 1385 2 just just ADV _005456899 1385 3 made make VERB _005456899 1385 4 it it PRON _005456899 1385 5 almost almost ADV _005456899 1385 6 unbearable unbearable ADJ _005456899 1385 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1386 1 i i PRON _005456899 1386 2 feel feel VERB _005456899 1386 3 i i PRON _005456899 1386 4 've 've AUX _005456899 1386 5 just just ADV _005456899 1386 6 got get VERB _005456899 1386 7 to to PART _005456899 1386 8 see see VERB _005456899 1386 9 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1386 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 1386 11 die die VERB _005456899 1386 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1386 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1387 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1387 2 boy boy INTJ _005456899 1387 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1387 4 you you PRON _005456899 1387 5 are be AUX _005456899 1387 6 in in ADP _005456899 1387 7 a a DET _005456899 1387 8 mess mess NOUN _005456899 1387 9 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1387 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1388 1 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1388 2 i i PRON _005456899 1388 3 'm be AUX _005456899 1388 4 just just ADV _005456899 1388 5 thinking think VERB _005456899 1388 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1389 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1389 2 i i PRON _005456899 1389 3 wo will AUX _005456899 1389 4 n't not PART _005456899 1389 5 wire wire VERB _005456899 1389 6 my my PRON _005456899 1389 7 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1389 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1389 9 that that ADV _005456899 1389 10 is is ADV _005456899 1389 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1389 12 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1389 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1389 14 the the DET _005456899 1389 15 time time NOUN _005456899 1389 16 of of ADP _005456899 1389 17 niy niy ADJ _005456899 1389 18 discharge discharge NOUN _005456899 1389 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1389 20 i i PRON _005456899 1389 21 can can AUX _005456899 1389 22 go go VERB _005456899 1389 23 home home ADV _005456899 1389 24 by by ADP _005456899 1389 25 way way NOUN _005456899 1389 26 of of ADP _005456899 1389 27 chicago chicago PROPN _005456899 1389 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1389 29 spend spend VERB _005456899 1389 30 a a DET _005456899 1389 31 few few ADJ _005456899 1389 32 days day NOUN _005456899 1389 33 with with ADP _005456899 1389 34 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1389 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1389 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 1390 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1390 2 in in ADP _005456899 1390 3 other other ADJ _005456899 1390 4 words word NOUN _005456899 1390 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1390 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1390 7 laughed laugh VERB _005456899 1390 8 one one NUM _005456899 1390 9 of of ADP _005456899 1390 10 them they PRON _005456899 1390 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1390 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1390 13 you you PRON _005456899 1390 14 'll will AUX _005456899 1390 15 cheat cheat VERB _005456899 1390 16 a a DET _005456899 1390 17 little little ADJ _005456899 1390 18 on on ADP _005456899 1390 19 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1390 20 the the DET _005456899 1390 21 same same ADJ _005456899 1390 22 way way NOUN _005456899 1390 23 you you PRON _005456899 1390 24 formerly formerly ADV _005456899 1390 25 cheated cheat VERB _005456899 1390 26 on on ADP _005456899 1390 27 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1390 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1390 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1391 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1391 2 is be AUX _005456899 1391 3 n't not PART _005456899 1391 4 that that PRON _005456899 1391 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1391 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1391 7 said say VERB _005456899 1391 8 a a DET _005456899 1391 9 more more ADV _005456899 1391 10 serious serious ADJ _005456899 1391 11 one one NOUN _005456899 1391 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1391 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1391 14 what what PRON _005456899 1391 15 you you PRON _005456899 1391 16 before before ADP _005456899 1391 17 called call VERB _005456899 1391 18 being be AUX _005456899 1391 19 a a DET _005456899 1391 20 heel heel NOUN _005456899 1391 21 to to ADP _005456899 1391 22 both both PRON _005456899 1391 23 of of ADP _005456899 1391 24 them they PRON _005456899 1391 25 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1391 26 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1392 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1392 2 yes yes INTJ _005456899 1392 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1392 4 i i PRON _005456899 1392 5 'm be AUX _005456899 1392 6 afraid afraid ADJ _005456899 1392 7 it it PRON _005456899 1392 8 is be AUX _005456899 1392 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1393 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1393 2 i i PRON _005456899 1393 3 've 've AUX _005456899 1393 4 just just ADV _005456899 1393 5 got get VERB _005456899 1393 6 to to PART _005456899 1393 7 see see VERB _005456899 1393 8 sarah sarah ADV _005456899 1393 9 again again ADV _005456899 1393 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1393 11 heel heel VERB _005456899 1393 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 1393 13 no no DET _005456899 1393 14 heel heel NOUN _005456899 1393 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1394 1 i i PRON _005456899 1394 2 'll will AUX _005456899 1394 3 go go VERB _005456899 1394 4 crazy crazy ADJ _005456899 1394 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 1394 6 i i PRON _005456899 1394 7 don' don' VERB _005456899 1394 8 matter matter VERB _005456899 1394 9 how how SCONJ _005456899 1394 10 nice nice ADJ _005456899 1394 11 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1394 12 has have AUX _005456899 1394 13 been be AUX _005456899 1394 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1394 15 i i PRON _005456899 1394 16 know know VERB _005456899 1394 17 now now ADV _005456899 1394 18 i i PRON _005456899 1394 19 loved love VERB _005456899 1394 20 my my PRON _005456899 1394 21 first first ADJ _005456899 1394 22 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1394 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1395 1 i i PRON _005456899 1395 2 know know VERB _005456899 1395 3 now now ADV _005456899 1395 4 i i PRON _005456899 1395 5 would would AUX _005456899 1395 6 n't not PART _005456899 1395 7 60 60 NUM _005456899 1395 8 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1395 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1395 10 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 1395 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1395 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1395 13 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1395 14 have have AUX _005456899 1395 15 · · PUNCT _005456899 1395 16 married marry VERB _005456899 1395 17 her she PRON _005456899 1395 18 if if SCONJ _005456899 1395 19 i i PRON _005456899 1395 20 had have AUX _005456899 1395 21 n't not PART _005456899 1395 22 loved love VERB _005456899 1395 23 her she PRON _005456899 1395 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1396 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1396 2 after after SCONJ _005456899 1396 3 you you PRON _005456899 1396 4 live live VERB _005456899 1396 5 seven seven NUM _005456899 1396 6 years year NOUN _005456899 1396 7 with with ADP _005456899 1396 8 a a DET _005456899 1396 9 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1396 10 you you PRON _005456899 1396 11 love love VERB _005456899 1396 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1396 13 a a DET _005456899 1396 14 dozen dozen NOUN _005456899 1396 15 other other ADJ _005456899 1396 16 women woman NOUN _005456899 1396 17 can can AUX _005456899 1396 18 come come VERB _005456899 1396 19 between between ADP _005456899 1396 20 for for ADP _005456899 1396 21 a a DET _005456899 1396 22 while while NOUN _005456899 1396 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1396 24 can can AUX _005456899 1396 25 come come VERB _005456899 1396 26 disastrously disastrously ADV _005456899 1396 27 between between ADP _005456899 1396 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1396 29 but but CCONJ _005456899 1396 30 no no DET _005456899 1396 31 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1396 32 can can AUX _005456899 1396 33 permanently permanently ADV _005456899 1396 34 take take VERB _005456899 1396 35 the the DET _005456899 1396 36 place place NOUN _005456899 1396 37 of of ADP _005456899 1396 38 the the DET _005456899 1396 39 first first ADJ _005456899 1396 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1397 1 that that PRON _005456899 1397 2 's be AUX _005456899 1397 3 what what PRON _005456899 1397 4 i i PRON _005456899 1397 5 know know VERB _005456899 1397 6 now now ADV _005456899 1397 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1398 1 i i PRON _005456899 1398 2 was be AUX _005456899 1398 3 a a DET _005456899 1398 4 darn darn NOUN _005456899 1398 5 fool fool NOUN _005456899 1398 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1398 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1399 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1399 2 but but CCONJ _005456899 1399 3 it it PRON _005456899 1399 4 's be AUX _005456899 1399 5 too too ADV _005456899 1399 6 late late ADJ _005456899 1399 7 now now ADV _005456899 1399 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1400 1 you you PRON _005456899 1400 2 made make VERB _005456899 1400 3 your your PRON _005456899 1400 4 mistake mistake NOUN _005456899 1400 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1401 1 now now ADV _005456899 1401 2 you you PRON _005456899 1401 3 've 've AUX _005456899 1401 4 got get VERB _005456899 1401 5 to to PART _005456899 1401 6 suffer suffer VERB _005456899 1401 7 for for ADP _005456899 1401 8 it it PRON _005456899 1401 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1401 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1401 11 said say VERB _005456899 1401 12 one one NUM _005456899 1401 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1402 1 he he PRON _005456899 1402 2 wishes wish VERB _005456899 1402 3 his his PRON _005456899 1402 4 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1402 5 had have AUX _005456899 1402 6 kept keep VERB _005456899 1402 7 him he PRON _005456899 1402 8 from from ADP _005456899 1402 9 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1402 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1402 11 well well ADV _005456899 1402 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1402 13 i i PRON _005456899 1402 14 suppose suppose VERB _005456899 1402 15 so so ADV _005456899 1402 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1403 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1403 2 i i PRON _005456899 1403 3 was be AUX _005456899 1403 4 just just ADV _005456899 1403 5 thinking think VERB _005456899 1403 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 1403 7 as as ADV _005456899 1403 8 long long ADV _005456899 1403 9 as as ADP _005456899 1403 10 according accord VERB _005456899 1403 11 to to ADP _005456899 1403 12 frank frank PROPN _005456899 1403 13 over over ADV _005456899 1403 14 there there ADV _005456899 1403 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1403 16 the the DET _005456899 1403 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1403 18 church church NOUN _005456899 1403 19 says say VERB _005456899 1403 20 a a DET _005456899 1403 21 man man NOUN _005456899 1403 22 is be AUX _005456899 1403 23 never never ADV _005456899 1403 24 really really ADV _005456899 1403 25 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 1403 26 from from ADP _005456899 1403 27 his his PRON _005456899 1403 28 first first ADJ _005456899 1403 29 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1403 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1403 31 it it PRON _005456899 1403 32 wo will AUX _005456899 1403 33 n't not PART _005456899 1403 34 be be AUX _005456899 1403 35 so so ADV _005456899 1403 36 awfully awfully ADV _005456899 1403 37 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 1403 38 if if SCONJ _005456899 1403 39 i i PRON _005456899 1403 40 see see VERB _005456899 1403 41 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1403 42 a a DET _005456899 1403 43 couple couple NOUN _005456899 1403 44 of of ADP _005456899 1403 45 days day NOUN _005456899 1403 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 1404 1 she she PRON _005456899 1404 2 too too ADV _005456899 1404 3 is be AUX _005456899 1404 4 still still ADV _005456899 1404 5 in in ADP _005456899 1404 6 love love NOUN _005456899 1404 7 with with ADP _005456899 1404 8 me i PRON _005456899 1404 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1405 1 i i PRON _005456899 1405 2 feel feel VERB _005456899 1405 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1405 4 maybe maybe ADV _005456899 1405 5 ethically ethically ADV _005456899 1405 6 it it PRON _005456899 1405 7 's be AUX _005456899 1405 8 just just ADV _005456899 1405 9 as as ADV _005456899 1405 10 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 1405 11 to to PART _005456899 1405 12 be be AUX _005456899 1405 13 with with ADP _005456899 1405 14 the the DET _005456899 1405 15 second second ADJ _005456899 1405 16 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1405 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1405 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1406 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1406 2 you you PRON _005456899 1406 3 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1406 4 devil devil NOUN _005456899 1406 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1406 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1406 7 said say VERB _005456899 1406 8 several several ADJ _005456899 1406 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1406 10 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1407 1 i i PRON _005456899 1407 2 'm be AUX _005456899 1407 3 glad glad ADJ _005456899 1407 4 i i PRON _005456899 1407 5 'm be AUX _005456899 1407 6 not not PART _005456899 1407 7 in in ADP _005456899 1407 8 your your PRON _005456899 1407 9 shoes shoe NOUN _005456899 1407 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1408 1 you you PRON _005456899 1408 2 're be AUX _005456899 1408 3 between between ADP _005456899 1408 4 the the DET _005456899 1408 5 devil devil NOUN _005456899 1408 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1408 7 the the DET _005456899 1408 8 deep deep ADJ _005456899 1408 9 blue blue ADJ _005456899 1408 10 sea sea NOUN _005456899 1408 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1408 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1409 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1409 2 this this PRON _005456899 1409 3 is be AUX _005456899 1409 4 one one NUM _005456899 1409 5 time time NOUN _005456899 1409 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1409 7 is be AUX _005456899 1409 8 n't not PART _005456899 1409 9 it it PRON _005456899 1409 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1409 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1409 12 said say VERB _005456899 1409 13 the the DET _005456899 1409 14 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 1409 15 smiling smile VERB _005456899 1409 16 sympathetically sympathetically ADV _005456899 1409 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1409 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1409 19 when when SCONJ _005456899 1409 20 it it PRON _005456899 1409 21 's be AUX _005456899 1409 22 too too ADV _005456899 1409 23 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1409 24 you you PRON _005456899 1409 25 were be AUX _005456899 1409 26 n't not PART _005456899 1409 27 a a DET _005456899 1409 28 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 1409 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1410 1 had have AUX _005456899 1410 2 you you PRON _005456899 1410 3 been be AUX _005456899 1410 4 a a DET _005456899 1410 5 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 1410 6 you you PRON _005456899 1410 7 would would AUX _005456899 1410 8 have have AUX _005456899 1410 9 had have VERB _005456899 1410 10 to to PART _005456899 1410 11 keep keep VERB _005456899 1410 12 your your PRON _005456899 1410 13 first first ADJ _005456899 1410 14 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1410 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1410 16 no no DET _005456899 1410 17 fooling fooling NOUN _005456899 1410 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1411 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1411 2 would would AUX _005456899 1411 3 n't not PART _005456899 1411 4 you you PRON _005456899 1411 5 feel feel VERB _005456899 1411 6 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1411 7 now now ADV _005456899 1411 8 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1411 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1412 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1412 2 you you PRON _005456899 1412 3 ai be VERB _005456899 1412 4 n't not PART _005456899 1412 5 just just ADV _005456899 1412 6 sayin sayin NOUN _005456899 1412 7 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1412 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 1412 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1412 10 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 1412 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1413 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1413 2 how how SCONJ _005456899 1413 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1413 4 would would AUX _005456899 1413 5 i i PRON _005456899 1413 6 be be AUX _005456899 1413 7 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1413 8 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1414 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1414 2 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1414 3 had have AUX _005456899 1414 4 made make VERB _005456899 1414 5 me i PRON _005456899 1414 6 stick stick VERB _005456899 1414 7 to to ADP _005456899 1414 8 sarah sarah PROPN _005456899 1414 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1414 10 i i PRON _005456899 1414 11 would would AUX _005456899 1414 12 have have AUX _005456899 1414 13 forgotten forget VERB _005456899 1414 14 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1414 15 in in ADP _005456899 1414 16 a a DET _005456899 1414 17 month month NOUN _005456899 1414 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1415 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1415 2 my my PRON _005456899 1415 3 first first ADJ _005456899 1415 4 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1415 5 i i PRON _005456899 1415 6 ca can AUX _005456899 1415 7 n't not PART _005456899 1415 8 forget forget VERB _005456899 1415 9 ever ever ADV _005456899 1415 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1415 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1416 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1416 2 secretaries secretary NOUN _005456899 1416 3 come come VERB _005456899 1416 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1416 5 go go VERB _005456899 1416 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1416 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1416 8 laughed laugh VERB _005456899 1416 9 one one NUM _005456899 1416 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1416 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1416 12 but but CCONJ _005456899 1416 13 a a DET _005456899 1416 14 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1416 15 goes go VERB _005456899 1416 16 on on ADP _005456899 1416 17 forever forever ADV _005456899 1416 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1416 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1417 1 well well INTJ _005456899 1417 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1417 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 1417 4 the the DET _005456899 1417 5 church church NOUN _005456899 1417 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1417 7 the the DET _005456899 1417 8 bible bible PROPN _005456899 1417 9 have have VERB _005456899 1417 10 anything anything PRON _005456899 1417 11 to to PART _005456899 1417 12 say say VERB _005456899 1417 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1417 14 the the DET _005456899 1417 15 last last ADJ _005456899 1417 16 witticism witticism NOUN _005456899 1417 17 holds hold VERB _005456899 1417 18 - - PUNCT _005456899 1417 19 a a DET _005456899 1417 20 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1417 21 goes go VERB _005456899 1417 22 on on ADP _005456899 1417 23 forever forever ADV _005456899 1417 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1418 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1418 2 what what PRON _005456899 1418 3 this this DET _005456899 1418 4 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1418 5 learned learn VERB _005456899 1418 6 too too ADV _005456899 1418 7 late late ADV _005456899 1418 8 is be AUX _005456899 1418 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 1418 10 in in ADP _005456899 1418 11 spite spite NOUN _005456899 1418 12 of of ADP _005456899 1418 13 all all DET _005456899 1418 14 temptations temptation NOUN _005456899 1418 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1418 16 in in ADP _005456899 1418 17 spite spite NOUN _005456899 1418 18 of of ADP _005456899 1418 19 divorces divorce NOUN _005456899 1418 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1418 21 she she PRON _005456899 1418 22 goes go VERB _005456899 1418 23 on on ADP _005456899 1418 24 forever forever ADV _005456899 1418 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1419 1 people people NOUN _005456899 1419 2 must must AUX _005456899 1419 3 realize realize VERB _005456899 1419 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 1419 5 after after ADP _005456899 1419 6 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1419 7 other other ADJ _005456899 1419 8 attractions attraction NOUN _005456899 1419 9 are be AUX _005456899 1419 10 temptations temptation NOUN _005456899 1419 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1419 12 not not PART _005456899 1419 13 affinities affinity NOUN _005456899 1419 14 psychologists psychologist NOUN _005456899 1419 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1419 16 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1419 17 are be AUX _005456899 1419 18 discovering discover VERB _005456899 1419 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 1419 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1419 21 too too ADV _005456899 1419 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1420 1 one one NUM _005456899 1420 2 of of ADP _005456899 1420 3 the the DET _005456899 1420 4 most most ADV _005456899 1420 5 successful successful ADJ _005456899 1420 6 plays play NOUN _005456899 1420 7 in in ADP _005456899 1420 8 recent recent ADJ _005456899 1420 9 years year NOUN _005456899 1420 10 was be AUX _005456899 1420 11 clare clare NOUN _005456899 1420 12 booth booth NOUN _005456899 1420 13 luce luce NOUN _005456899 1420 14 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1420 15 s s VERB _005456899 1420 16 the the DET _005456899 1420 17 women woman NOUN _005456899 1420 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1421 1 after after SCONJ _005456899 1421 2 mary mary PROPN _005456899 1421 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1421 4 stephen stephen PROPN _005456899 1421 5 had have AUX _005456899 1421 6 been be AUX _005456899 1421 7 married marry VERB _005456899 1421 8 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 1421 9 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1421 10 years year NOUN _005456899 1421 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1421 12 stephen stephen PROPN _005456899 1421 13 suddenly suddenly ADV _005456899 1421 14 finds find VERB _005456899 1421 15 himself himself PRON _005456899 1421 16 infatuated infatuate VERB _005456899 1421 17 with with ADP _005456899 1421 18 a a DET _005456899 1421 19 gorgeous gorgeous ADJ _005456899 1421 20 blond blond PROPN _005456899 1421 21 perfume perfume NOUN _005456899 1421 22 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1421 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1422 1 for for ADP _005456899 1422 2 the the DET _005456899 1422 3 time time NOUN _005456899 1422 4 being being NOUN _005456899 1422 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1422 6 like like ADP _005456899 1422 7 our our PRON _005456899 1422 8 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1422 9 's 's PART _005456899 1422 10 louise louise NOUN _005456899 1422 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1422 12 she she PRON _005456899 1422 13 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1422 14 vorced vorced ADJ _005456899 1422 15 frorr frorr PROPN _005456899 1422 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1423 1 of of ADP _005456899 1423 2 a a DET _005456899 1423 3 miseral miseral NOUN _005456899 1423 4 what what PRON _005456899 1423 5 th th NOUN _005456899 1423 6 is be AUX _005456899 1423 7 just just ADV _005456899 1423 8 an an DET _005456899 1423 9 just just ADV _005456899 1423 10 the the DET _005456899 1423 11 old old ADJ _005456899 1423 12 of of ADP _005456899 1423 13 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1423 14 to to ADP _005456899 1423 15 in in ADP _005456899 1423 16 t t PROPN _005456899 1423 17 ] ] PUNCT _005456899 1423 18 the the DET _005456899 1423 19 mo mo NOUN _005456899 1423 20 gulated gulate VERB _005456899 1423 21 rna rna PROPN _005456899 1423 22 him he PRON _005456899 1423 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 1423 24 for for ADP _005456899 1423 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1424 1 love love NOUN _005456899 1424 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1424 3 r. r. PROPN _005456899 1424 4 attractions attraction NOUN _005456899 1424 5 nities nitie NOUN _005456899 1424 6 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1424 7 they they PRON _005456899 1424 8 to to ADP _005456899 1424 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1424 10 l l PROPN _005456899 1424 11 day day NOUN _005456899 1424 12 to to ADP _005456899 1424 13 the the DET _005456899 1424 14 the the DET _005456899 1424 15 gr• gr• NOUN _005456899 1424 16 by by ADP _005456899 1424 17 a a DET _005456899 1424 18 so so ADV _005456899 1424 19 - - PUNCT _005456899 1424 20 ca ca NOUN _005456899 1424 21 man man NOUN _005456899 1424 22 can can AUX _005456899 1424 23 b b VERB _005456899 1424 24 was be AUX _005456899 1424 25 very very ADV _005456899 1424 26 c c ADJ _005456899 1424 27 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1424 28 ca can AUX _005456899 1424 29 her her PRON _005456899 1424 30 fidelit fidelit NOUN _005456899 1424 31 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1424 32 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1424 33 desiring desire VERB _005456899 1424 34 a1 a1 PROPN _005456899 1424 35 that that SCONJ _005456899 1424 36 a a DET _005456899 1424 37 wo will AUX _005456899 1424 38 man man NOUN _005456899 1424 39 true true ADJ _005456899 1424 40 te te X _005456899 1424 41 she she PRON _005456899 1425 1 th th DET _005456899 1425 2 result result NOUN _005456899 1425 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 1425 4 if if SCONJ _005456899 1425 5 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1425 6 af af ADV _005456899 1425 7 in in ADP _005456899 1425 8 his his PRON _005456899 1425 9 pa1 pa1 ADJ _005456899 1425 10 other other ADJ _005456899 1425 11 ma1 ma1 PROPN _005456899 1425 12 this this DET _005456899 1425 13 i~ i~ NOUN _005456899 1425 14 of of ADP _005456899 1425 15 it it PRON _005456899 1425 16 on on ADP _005456899 1425 17 t t NOUN _005456899 1425 18 misery misery NOUN _005456899 1425 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1426 1 l l NOUN _005456899 1426 2 or or CCONJ _005456899 1426 3 anothe anothe PROPN _005456899 1426 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 1426 5 the the DET _005456899 1426 6 wi wi PROPN _005456899 1426 7 tural tural NOUN _005456899 1426 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1426 9 the the DET _005456899 1426 10 first first ADJ _005456899 1426 11 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1426 12 is be AUX _005456899 1426 13 the the DET _005456899 1426 14 best good ADJ _005456899 1426 15 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1426 16 61 61 NUM _005456899 1426 17 she she PRON _005456899 1426 18 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1426 19 his his PRON _005456899 1426 20 affinity affinity NOUN _005456899 1426 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1426 22 his his PRON _005456899 1426 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 1426 24 manifest manifest ADJ _005456899 1426 25 destiny destiny NOUN _005456899 1426 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1426 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 1426 28 until until SCONJ _005456899 1426 29 he he PRON _005456899 1426 30 is be AUX _005456899 1426 31 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 1426 32 from from ADP _005456899 1426 33 mary mary NOUN _005456899 1426 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1426 35 married marry VERB _005456899 1426 36 to to ADP _005456899 1426 37 the the DET _005456899 1426 38 blonde blonde ADJ _005456899 1426 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 1427 1 after after ADP _005456899 1427 2 several several ADJ _005456899 1427 3 years year NOUN _005456899 1427 4 of of ADP _005456899 1427 5 a a DET _005456899 1427 6 miserable miserable ADJ _005456899 1427 7 awakening awakening NOUN _005456899 1427 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1427 9 he he PRON _005456899 1427 10 wants want VERB _005456899 1427 11 mary mary NOUN _005456899 1427 12 again again ADV _005456899 1427 13 at at ADP _005456899 1427 14 any any DET _005456899 1427 15 price price NOUN _005456899 1427 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1428 1 what what PRON _005456899 1428 2 these these DET _005456899 1428 3 people people NOUN _005456899 1428 4 learn learn VERB _005456899 1428 5 too too ADV _005456899 1428 6 late late ADV _005456899 1428 7 is be AUX _005456899 1428 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 1428 9 the the DET _005456899 1428 10 so so ADV _005456899 1428 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1428 12 called call VERB _005456899 1428 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1428 14 affinity affinity NOUN _005456899 1428 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1428 16 is be AUX _005456899 1428 17 just just ADV _005456899 1428 18 an an DET _005456899 1428 19 old old ADJ _005456899 1428 20 - - PUNCT _005456899 1428 21 fashioned fashioned ADJ _005456899 1428 22 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1428 23 dressed dress VERB _005456899 1428 24 in in ADP _005456899 1428 25 decollete decollete NOUN _005456899 1428 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1429 1 it it PRON _005456899 1429 2 is be AUX _005456899 1429 3 just just ADV _005456899 1429 4 the the DET _005456899 1429 5 old old ADJ _005456899 1429 6 sting sting NOUN _005456899 1429 7 of of ADP _005456899 1429 8 the the DET _005456899 1429 9 flesh flesh PROPN _005456899 1429 10 st st PROPN _005456899 1429 11 . . PROPN _005456899 1429 12 paul paul PROPN _005456899 1429 13 worries worry VERB _005456899 1429 14 about about ADP _005456899 1429 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1430 1 it it PRON _005456899 1430 2 is be AUX _005456899 1430 3 the the DET _005456899 1430 4 sort sort NOUN _005456899 1430 5 of of ADP _005456899 1430 6 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1430 7 to to PART _005456899 1430 8 run run VERB _005456899 1430 9 away away ADV _005456899 1430 10 from from ADP _005456899 1430 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1430 12 not not PART _005456899 1430 13 to to PART _005456899 1430 14 get get VERB _005456899 1430 15 a a DET _005456899 1430 16 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1430 17 for for ADP _005456899 1430 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1431 1 in in ADP _005456899 1431 2 the the DET _005456899 1431 3 best good ADJ _005456899 1431 4 marriages marriage NOUN _005456899 1431 5 other other ADJ _005456899 1431 6 attractions attraction NOUN _005456899 1431 7 may may AUX _005456899 1431 8 arise arise VERB _005456899 1431 9 the the DET _005456899 1431 10 most most ADV _005456899 1431 11 important important ADJ _005456899 1431 12 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1431 13 to to PART _005456899 1431 14 remember remember VERB _005456899 1431 15 is be AUX _005456899 1431 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 1431 17 in in ADP _005456899 1431 18 the the DET _005456899 1431 19 best good ADJ _005456899 1431 20 regulated regulate VERB _005456899 1431 21 marriages marriage NOUN _005456899 1431 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1431 23 in in ADP _005456899 1431 24 the the DET _005456899 1431 25 surest sure ADJ _005456899 1431 26 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1431 27 love love NOUN _005456899 1431 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1431 29 sooner soon ADV _005456899 1431 30 or or CCONJ _005456899 1431 31 later later ADV _005456899 1431 32 for for ADP _005456899 1431 33 him he PRON _005456899 1431 34 or or CCONJ _005456899 1431 35 for for ADP _005456899 1431 36 her she PRON _005456899 1431 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1431 38 or or CCONJ _005456899 1431 39 for for ADP _005456899 1431 40 both both PRON _005456899 1431 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 1431 42 some some DET _005456899 1431 43 such such ADJ _005456899 1431 44 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1431 45 is be AUX _005456899 1431 46 likely likely ADJ _005456899 1431 47 to to PART _005456899 1431 48 arise arise VERB _005456899 1431 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 1432 1 love love NOUN _005456899 1432 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1432 3 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1432 4 are be AUX _005456899 1432 5 no no DET _005456899 1432 6 insurance insurance NOUN _005456899 1432 7 against against ADP _005456899 1432 8 other other ADJ _005456899 1432 9 attractions attraction NOUN _005456899 1432 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1433 1 such such ADJ _005456899 1433 2 attractions attraction NOUN _005456899 1433 3 do do AUX _005456899 1433 4 come come VERB _005456899 1433 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1433 6 can can AUX _005456899 1433 7 come come VERB _005456899 1433 8 any any DET _005456899 1433 9 time time NOUN _005456899 1433 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1434 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1434 2 they they PRON _005456899 1434 3 are be AUX _005456899 1434 4 not not PART _005456899 1434 5 affinities affinity NOUN _005456899 1434 6 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1434 7 they they PRON _005456899 1434 8 are be AUX _005456899 1434 9 temptations temptation NOUN _005456899 1434 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1435 1 they they PRON _005456899 1435 2 are be AUX _005456899 1435 3 the the DET _005456899 1435 4 things thing NOUN _005456899 1435 5 that that PRON _005456899 1435 6 make make VERB _005456899 1435 7 getting get VERB _005456899 1435 8 to to ADP _005456899 1435 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1435 10 hard hard ADJ _005456899 1435 11 work work NOUN _005456899 1435 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1436 1 they they PRON _005456899 1436 2 are be AUX _005456899 1436 3 the the DET _005456899 1436 4 things thing NOUN _005456899 1436 5 that that PRON _005456899 1436 6 make make VERB _005456899 1436 7 us we PRON _005456899 1436 8 pray pray VERB _005456899 1436 9 every every DET _005456899 1436 10 day day NOUN _005456899 1436 11 to to ADP _005456899 1436 12 the the DET _005456899 1436 13 lord lord PROPN _005456899 1436 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1436 15 please please INTJ _005456899 1436 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1436 17 not not PART _005456899 1436 18 to to PART _005456899 1436 19 lead lead VERB _005456899 1436 20 us we PRON _005456899 1436 21 into into ADP _005456899 1436 22 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1436 23 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1437 1 the the DET _005456899 1437 2 great great ADJ _005456899 1437 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1437 4 convert convert NOUN _005456899 1437 5 author author NOUN _005456899 1437 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1437 7 sigrid sigrid PROPN _005456899 1437 8 undset undset ADJ _005456899 1437 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1437 10 was be AUX _005456899 1437 11 asked ask VERB _005456899 1437 12 by by ADP _005456899 1437 13 a a DET _005456899 1437 14 so so ADV _005456899 1437 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 1437 16 called call VERB _005456899 1437 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1437 18 emancipated emancipated ADJ _005456899 1437 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1437 20 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1437 21 whether whether SCONJ _005456899 1437 22 she she PRON _005456899 1437 23 believed believe VERB _005456899 1437 24 a a DET _005456899 1437 25 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1437 26 can can AUX _005456899 1437 27 be be AUX _005456899 1437 28 faithful faithful ADJ _005456899 1437 29 to to ADP _005456899 1437 30 a a DET _005456899 1437 31 man man NOUN _005456899 1437 32 in in ADP _005456899 1437 33 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1437 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1438 1 sigrid sigrid PROPN _005456899 1438 2 undset undset PROPN _005456899 1438 3 's 's PART _005456899 1438 4 answer answer NOUN _005456899 1438 5 was be AUX _005456899 1438 6 very very ADV _005456899 1438 7 outspoken outspoken ADJ _005456899 1438 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1439 1 she she PRON _005456899 1439 2 said say VERB _005456899 1439 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1439 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1439 5 i i PRON _005456899 1439 6 not not PART _005456899 1439 7 only only ADV _005456899 1439 8 believe believe VERB _005456899 1439 9 but but CCONJ _005456899 1439 10 know know VERB _005456899 1439 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 1439 12 a a DET _005456899 1439 13 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1439 14 can can AUX _005456899 1439 15 be be AUX _005456899 1439 16 true true ADJ _005456899 1439 17 till till SCONJ _005456899 1439 18 death death NOUN _005456899 1439 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1439 20 if if SCONJ _005456899 1439 21 she she PRON _005456899 1439 22 has have VERB _005456899 1439 23 an an DET _005456899 1439 24 ideal ideal NOUN _005456899 1439 25 which which PRON _005456899 1439 26 deman~ deman~ VERB _005456899 1439 27 her her PRON _005456899 1439 28 fidelity fidelity NOUN _005456899 1439 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1439 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 1440 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1440 2 then then ADV _005456899 1440 3 she she PRON _005456899 1440 4 distinguishes distinguish VERB _005456899 1440 5 between between ADP _005456899 1440 6 keeping keep VERB _005456899 1440 7 one one PRON _005456899 1440 8 's 's PART _005456899 1440 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1440 10 vows vow NOUN _005456899 1440 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1440 12 being be AUX _005456899 1440 13 true true ADJ _005456899 1440 14 to to ADP _005456899 1440 15 a a DET _005456899 1440 16 person person NOUN _005456899 1440 17 in in ADP _005456899 1440 18 the the DET _005456899 1440 19 sense sense NOUN _005456899 1440 20 of of ADP _005456899 1440 21 never never ADV _005456899 1440 22 desiring desire VERB _005456899 1440 23 another another PRON _005456899 1440 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1441 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1441 2 she she PRON _005456899 1441 3 says say VERB _005456899 1441 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1441 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 1441 6 it it PRON _005456899 1441 7 's be AUX _005456899 1441 8 an an DET _005456899 1441 9 unreasonable unreasonable ADJ _005456899 1441 10 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1441 11 to to PART _005456899 1441 12 ask ask VERB _005456899 1441 13 that that SCONJ _005456899 1441 14 a a DET _005456899 1441 15 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1441 16 can can AUX _005456899 1441 17 be be AUX _005456899 1441 18 true true ADJ _005456899 1441 19 to to ADP _005456899 1441 20 a a DET _005456899 1441 21 man man NOUN _005456899 1441 22 - - PUNCT _005456899 1441 23 seeing see VERB _005456899 1441 24 what what PRON _005456899 1441 25 men man NOUN _005456899 1441 26 are be AUX _005456899 1441 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1442 1 or or CCONJ _005456899 1442 2 a a DET _005456899 1442 3 man man NOUN _005456899 1442 4 true true ADJ _005456899 1442 5 to to ADP _005456899 1442 6 a a DET _005456899 1442 7 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1442 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1442 9 seeing see VERB _005456899 1442 10 what what PRON _005456899 1442 11 women woman NOUN _005456899 1442 12 are be AUX _005456899 1442 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1442 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1443 1 temptations temptation NOUN _005456899 1443 2 should should AUX _005456899 1443 3 be be AUX _005456899 1443 4 expected expect VERB _005456899 1443 5 as as SCONJ _005456899 1443 6 the the DET _005456899 1443 7 natural natural ADJ _005456899 1443 8 hurdles hurdle NOUN _005456899 1443 9 to to ADP _005456899 1443 10 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1443 11 she she PRON _005456899 1443 12 then then ADV _005456899 1443 13 continues continue VERB _005456899 1443 14 : : PUNCT _005456899 1443 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1443 16 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1443 17 must must AUX _005456899 1443 18 of of ADP _005456899 1443 19 course course NOUN _005456899 1443 20 arrive arrive VERB _005456899 1443 21 at at ADP _005456899 1443 22 this this DET _005456899 1443 23 result result NOUN _005456899 1443 24 : : PUNCT _005456899 1443 25 if if SCONJ _005456899 1443 26 his his PRON _005456899 1443 27 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1443 28 were be AUX _005456899 1443 29 built build VERB _005456899 1443 30 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1443 31 no no DET _005456899 1443 32 other other ADJ _005456899 1443 33 foundation foundation NOUN _005456899 1443 34 than than ADP _005456899 1443 35 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1443 36 affection affection NOUN _005456899 1443 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 1443 38 respect respect NOUN _005456899 1443 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 1443 40 there there PRON _005456899 1443 41 would would AUX _005456899 1443 42 be be AUX _005456899 1443 43 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 1443 44 unreasonable unreasonable ADJ _005456899 1443 45 in in ADP _005456899 1443 46 his his PRON _005456899 1443 47 partner partner NOUN _005456899 1443 48 preferring prefer VERB _005456899 1443 49 at at ADP _005456899 1443 50 any any DET _005456899 1443 51 rate rate NOUN _005456899 1443 52 now now ADV _005456899 1443 53 and and CCONJ _005456899 1443 54 again again ADV _005456899 1443 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 1443 56 almost almost ADV _005456899 1443 57 any any DET _005456899 1443 58 other other ADJ _005456899 1443 59 man man NOUN _005456899 1443 60 of of ADP _005456899 1443 61 their their PRON _005456899 1443 62 circle circle NOUN _005456899 1443 63 of of ADP _005456899 1443 64 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005456899 1443 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1443 66 " " PUNCT _005456899 1444 1 this this PRON _005456899 1444 2 is be AUX _005456899 1444 3 outspoken outspoken ADJ _005456899 1444 4 language language NOUN _005456899 1444 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1445 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 1445 2 i i PRON _005456899 1445 3 believe believe VERB _005456899 1445 4 a a DET _005456899 1445 5 clear clear ADJ _005456899 1445 6 understanding understanding NOUN _005456899 1445 7 of of ADP _005456899 1445 8 it it PRON _005456899 1445 9 on on ADP _005456899 1445 10 the the DET _005456899 1445 11 part part NOUN _005456899 1445 12 of of ADP _005456899 1445 13 every every DET _005456899 1445 14 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1445 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1445 16 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1445 17 would would AUX _005456899 1445 18 prevent prevent VERB _005456899 1445 19 much much ADJ _005456899 1445 20 misery misery NOUN _005456899 1445 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1446 1 love love NOUN _005456899 1446 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1446 3 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1446 4 are be AUX _005456899 1446 5 not not PART _005456899 1446 6 violated violate VERB _005456899 1446 7 because because SCONJ _005456899 1446 8 at at ADP _005456899 1446 9 some some DET _005456899 1446 10 time time NOUN _005456899 1446 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 1446 12 anot anot PROPN _005456899 1446 13 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 1447 1 l l NOUN _005456899 1447 2 - - NOUN _005456899 1447 3 ter ter NOUN _005456899 1447 4 a a DET _005456899 1447 5 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1447 6 is be AUX _005456899 1447 7 violently violently ADV _005456899 1447 8 attracted attract VERB _005456899 1447 9 to to ADP _005456899 1447 10 some some DET _005456899 1447 11 other other ADJ _005456899 1447 12 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1447 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1447 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1447 15 the the DET _005456899 1447 16 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1447 17 to to PART _005456899 1447 18 sotn.e sotn.e VERB _005456899 1447 19 other other ADJ _005456899 1447 20 man man NOUN _005456899 1447 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1448 1 such such ADJ _005456899 1448 2 things thing NOUN _005456899 1448 3 are be AUX _005456899 1448 4 a a DET _005456899 1448 5 part part NOUN _005456899 1448 6 of of ADP _005456899 1448 7 the the DET _005456899 1448 8 natural natural ADJ _005456899 1448 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1448 10 to to PART _005456899 1448 11 - - PUNCT _005456899 1448 12 be be AUX _005456899 1448 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 1448 14 expected expect VERB _005456899 1448 15 obstacles obstacle NOUN _005456899 1448 16 on on ADP _005456899 1448 17 the the DET _005456899 1448 18 path path NOUN _005456899 1448 19 to to ADP _005456899 1448 20 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1448 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1449 1 62 62 NUM _005456899 1449 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1449 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1449 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1449 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1449 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1449 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1449 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 1449 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 1449 10 it it PRON _005456899 1449 11 happens happen VERB _005456899 1449 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1449 13 the the DET _005456899 1449 14 partner partner NOUN _005456899 1449 15 should should AUX _005456899 1449 16 immediately immediately ADV _005456899 1449 17 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 1449 18 the the DET _005456899 1449 19 feeling feeling NOUN _005456899 1449 20 as as ADP _005456899 1449 21 simply simply ADV _005456899 1449 22 an an DET _005456899 1449 23 ugly ugly ADJ _005456899 1449 24 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1449 25 which which PRON _005456899 1449 26 must must AUX _005456899 1449 27 be be AUX _005456899 1449 28 fought fight VERB _005456899 1449 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1450 1 in in ADP _005456899 1450 2 fighting fight VERB _005456899 1450 3 it it PRON _005456899 1450 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1450 5 it it PRON _005456899 1450 6 is be AUX _005456899 1450 7 better well ADJ _005456899 1450 8 to to PART _005456899 1450 9 give give VERB _005456899 1450 10 up up ADP _005456899 1450 11 one one NUM _005456899 1450 12 's 's PART _005456899 1450 13 residence residence NOUN _005456899 1450 14 in in ADP _005456899 1450 15 a a DET _005456899 1450 16 certain certain ADJ _005456899 1450 17 street street NOUN _005456899 1450 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 1450 19 city city NOUN _005456899 1450 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1450 21 than than SCONJ _005456899 1450 22 to to PART _005456899 1450 23 iose iose VERB _005456899 1450 24 one one NUM _005456899 1450 25 's 's PART _005456899 1450 26 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1450 27 or or CCONJ _005456899 1450 28 one one PRON _005456899 1450 29 's 's PART _005456899 1450 30 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1450 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1450 32 or or CCONJ _005456899 1450 33 more more ADV _005456899 1450 34 directly directly ADV _005456899 1450 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1450 36 one one PRON _005456899 1450 37 's 's PART _005456899 1450 38 virtue virtue NOUN _005456899 1450 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 1451 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1451 2 the the DET _005456899 1451 3 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1451 4 becomes become VERB _005456899 1451 5 critical critical ADJ _005456899 1451 6 one one NUM _005456899 1451 7 might might AUX _005456899 1451 8 best well ADV _005456899 1451 9 ask ask VERB _005456899 1451 10 one one PRON _005456899 1451 11 's 's PART _005456899 1451 12 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1451 13 for for ADP _005456899 1451 14 help help NOUN _005456899 1451 15 ordinarily ordinarily ADV _005456899 1451 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1451 17 it it PRON _005456899 1451 18 is be AUX _005456899 1451 19 wise wise ADJ _005456899 1451 20 to to PART _005456899 1451 21 fight fight VERB _005456899 1451 22 it it PRON _005456899 1451 23 out out ADP _005456899 1451 24 alone alone ADV _005456899 1451 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1451 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1451 27 not not PART _005456899 1451 28 to to PART _005456899 1451 29 mention mention VERB _005456899 1451 30 the the DET _005456899 1451 31 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1451 32 to to ADP _005456899 1451 33 one one PRON _005456899 1451 34 's 's PART _005456899 1451 35 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1451 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1452 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1452 2 when when SCONJ _005456899 1452 3 the the DET _005456899 1452 4 danger danger NOUN _005456899 1452 5 becomes become VERB _005456899 1452 6 extreme extreme ADJ _005456899 1452 7 or or CCONJ _005456899 1452 8 critical critical ADJ _005456899 1452 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1452 10 then then ADV _005456899 1452 11 i i PRON _005456899 1452 12 think think VERB _005456899 1452 13 a a DET _005456899 1452 14 partner partner NOUN _005456899 1452 15 should should AUX _005456899 1452 16 frankly frankly ADV _005456899 1452 17 appeal appeal VERB _005456899 1452 18 to to ADP _005456899 1452 19 the the DET _005456899 1452 20 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1452 21 for for ADP _005456899 1452 22 help help NOUN _005456899 1452 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1453 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1453 2 the the DET _005456899 1453 3 latter latter ADJ _005456899 1453 4 should should AUX _005456899 1453 5 then then ADV _005456899 1453 6 be be AUX _005456899 1453 7 understanding understanding NOUN _005456899 1453 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1453 9 sympathetic sympathetic ADJ _005456899 1453 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1454 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1454 2 helpful helpful ADJ _005456899 1454 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 1455 1 the the DET _005456899 1455 2 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1455 3 should should AUX _005456899 1455 4 realize realize VERB _005456899 1455 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1455 6 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1455 7 is be AUX _005456899 1455 8 not not PART _005456899 1455 9 violated violate VERB _005456899 1455 10 by by ADP _005456899 1455 11 a a DET _005456899 1455 12 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1455 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1456 1 it it PRON _005456899 1456 2 is be AUX _005456899 1456 3 only only ADV _005456899 1456 4 violated violate VERB _005456899 1456 5 by by ADP _005456899 1456 6 giving give VERB _005456899 1456 7 into into ADP _005456899 1456 8 the the DET _005456899 1456 9 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1456 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1457 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1457 2 each each PRON _005456899 1457 3 should should AUX _005456899 1457 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1457 5 must must AUX _005456899 1457 6 help help VERB _005456899 1457 7 the the DET _005456899 1457 8 other other ADJ _005456899 1457 9 in in ADP _005456899 1457 10 preventing prevent VERB _005456899 1457 11 this this PRON _005456899 1457 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1458 1 the the DET _005456899 1458 2 great great ADJ _005456899 1458 3 novelist novelist NOUN _005456899 1458 4 dickens dicken VERB _005456899 1458 5 married marry VERB _005456899 1458 6 one one NUM _005456899 1458 7 of of ADP _005456899 1458 8 two two NUM _005456899 1458 9 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1458 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1459 1 the the DET _005456899 1459 2 othp.r othp.r PROPN _005456899 1459 3 sister sister NOUN _005456899 1459 4 lived live VERB _005456899 1459 5 with with ADP _005456899 1459 6 the the DET _005456899 1459 7 young young ADJ _005456899 1459 8 couple couple NOUN _005456899 1459 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1460 1 as as SCONJ _005456899 1460 2 one one NUM _005456899 1460 3 child child NOUN _005456899 1460 4 after after SCONJ _005456899 1460 5 another another DET _005456899 1460 6 wa~ wa~ PROPN _005456899 1460 7 born bear VERB _005456899 1460 8 to to ADP _005456899 1460 9 mrs mrs PROPN _005456899 1460 10 . . PROPN _005456899 1460 11 dickens dickens PROPN _005456899 1460 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1460 13 the the DET _005456899 1460 14 unmarried unmarried ADJ _005456899 1460 15 sister sister NOUN _005456899 1460 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 1460 17 in in ADP _005456899 1460 18 - - PUNCT _005456899 1460 19 law law NOUN _005456899 1460 20 by by ADP _005456899 1460 21 comparison comparison NOUN _005456899 1460 22 looked look VERB _005456899 1460 23 more more ADV _005456899 1460 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1460 25 more more ADV _005456899 1460 26 attractive attractive ADJ _005456899 1460 27 to to ADP _005456899 1460 28 dickens dickens PROPN _005456899 1460 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1461 1 this this PRON _005456899 1461 2 was be AUX _005456899 1461 3 quite quite DET _005456899 1461 4 a a DET _005456899 1461 5 natural natural ADJ _005456899 1461 6 possibility possibility NOUN _005456899 1461 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1461 8 a a DET _005456899 1461 9 reasonable reasonable ADJ _005456899 1461 10 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1461 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1462 1 this this PRON _005456899 1462 2 was be AUX _005456899 1462 3 the the DET _005456899 1462 4 time time NOUN _005456899 1462 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 1462 6 dickens dicken NOUN _005456899 1462 7 should should AUX _005456899 1462 8 have have AUX _005456899 1462 9 exp.lained exp.laine VERB _005456899 1462 10 it it PRON _005456899 1462 11 to to ADP _005456899 1462 12 his his PRON _005456899 1462 13 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1462 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1462 15 asked ask VERB _005456899 1462 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 1462 17 for for ADP _005456899 1462 18 the the DET _005456899 1462 19 good good NOUN _005456899 1462 20 of of ADP _005456899 1462 21 their their PRON _005456899 1462 22 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1462 23 she she PRON _005456899 1462 24 should should AUX _005456899 1462 25 arrange arrange VERB _005456899 1462 26 to to PART _005456899 1462 27 have have VERB _005456899 1462 28 the the DET _005456899 1462 29 sister sister NOUN _005456899 1462 30 live live VERB _005456899 1462 31 elsewhere elsewhere ADV _005456899 1462 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1463 1 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 1463 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1463 3 mrs mrs PROPN _005456899 1463 4 . . PROPN _005456899 1463 5 dickens dickens PROPN _005456899 1463 6 would would AUX _005456899 1463 7 not not PART _005456899 1463 8 have have AUX _005456899 1463 9 been be AUX _005456899 1463 10 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1463 11 to to PART _005456899 1463 12 learn learn VERB _005456899 1463 13 from from ADP _005456899 1463 14 her her PRON _005456899 1463 15 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1463 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 1463 17 he he PRON _005456899 1463 18 is be AUX _005456899 1463 19 attracted attract VERB _005456899 1463 20 to to ADP _005456899 1463 21 her her PRON _005456899 1463 22 sister sister NOUN _005456899 1463 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1464 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1464 2 she she PRON _005456899 1464 3 should should AUX _005456899 1464 4 immediately immediately ADV _005456899 1464 5 have have AUX _005456899 1464 6 joined join VERB _005456899 1464 7 forces force NOUN _005456899 1464 8 with with ADP _005456899 1464 9 him he PRON _005456899 1464 10 sympathetically sympathetically ADV _005456899 1464 11 to to PART _005456899 1464 12 overcome overcome VERB _005456899 1464 13 this this DET _005456899 1464 14 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1464 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1465 1 actually actually ADV _005456899 1465 2 dickens dickens PROPN _005456899 1465 3 said say VERB _005456899 1465 4 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 1465 5 until until SCONJ _005456899 1465 6 he he PRON _005456899 1465 7 co co VERB _005456899 1465 8 ~ ~ VERB _005456899 1465 9 ld­ ld­ PROPN _005456899 1465 10 n't not PART _005456899 1465 11 stand stand VERB _005456899 1465 12 living live VERB _005456899 1465 13 near near ADP _005456899 1465 14 both both DET _005456899 1465 15 women woman NOUN _005456899 1465 16 anymore anymore ADV _005456899 1465 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1466 1 then then ADV _005456899 1466 2 the the DET _005456899 1466 3 whole whole ADJ _005456899 1466 4 household household NOUN _005456899 1466 5 broke break VERB _005456899 1466 6 up up ADP _005456899 1466 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1467 1 whenever whenever SCONJ _005456899 1467 2 in in ADP _005456899 1467 3 any any DET _005456899 1467 4 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1467 5 such such DET _005456899 1467 6 a a DET _005456899 1467 7 temptation temptation NOUN _005456899 1467 8 arises arise VERB _005456899 1467 9 all all DET _005456899 1467 10 sentimental sentimental ADJ _005456899 1467 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1467 12 other other ADJ _005456899 1467 13 considerations consideration NOUN _005456899 1467 14 must must AUX _005456899 1467 15 be be AUX _005456899 1467 16 ruthlessly ruthlessly ADV _005456899 1467 17 subordinated subordinate VERB _005456899 1467 18 to to ADP _005456899 1467 19 these these DET _005456899 1467 20 two two NUM _005456899 1467 21 : : PUNCT _005456899 1467 22 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1467 23 must must AUX _005456899 1467 24 be be AUX _005456899 1467 25 prevented prevent VERB _005456899 1467 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1467 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1467 28 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1467 29 or or CCONJ _005456899 1467 30 separation separation NOUN _005456899 1467 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1468 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1468 2 in in ADP _005456899 1468 3 that that PRON _005456899 1468 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1468 5 the the DET _005456899 1468 6 church church NOUN _005456899 1468 7 by by ADP _005456899 1468 8 flatly flatly ADV _005456899 1468 9 forbidding forbid VERB _005456899 1468 10 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1468 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1468 12 remarriage remarriage NOUN _005456899 1468 13 really really ADV _005456899 1468 14 proves prove VERB _005456899 1468 15 the the DET _005456899 1468 16 loving love VERB _005456899 1468 17 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1468 18 implied imply VERB _005456899 1468 19 in in ADP _005456899 1468 20 the the DET _005456899 1468 21 words word NOUN _005456899 1468 22 our our PRON _005456899 1468 23 holy holy ADJ _005456899 1468 24 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1468 25 the the DET _005456899 1468 26 church church NOUN _005456899 1468 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1469 1 what what PRON _005456899 1469 2 the the DET _005456899 1469 3 church church NOUN _005456899 1469 4 commands command VERB _005456899 1469 5 ethically ethically ADV _005456899 1469 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1469 7 psychology psychology NOUN _005456899 1469 8 often often ADV _005456899 1469 9 enforces enforce VERB _005456899 1469 10 emotionally emotionally ADV _005456899 1469 11 what what PRON _005456899 1469 12 first first ADV _005456899 1469 13 caused cause VERB _005456899 1469 14 me i PRON _005456899 1469 15 to to PART _005456899 1469 16 realize realize VERB _005456899 1469 17 the the DET _005456899 1469 18 great great ADJ _005456899 1469 19 favor favor NOUN _005456899 1469 20 the the DET _005456899 1469 21 church church NOUN _005456899 1469 22 does do VERB _005456899 1469 23 its its PRON _005456899 1469 24 p p NOUN _005456899 1469 25 marriage\ marriage\ NOUN _005456899 1469 26 in in ADP _005456899 1469 27 which which PRON _005456899 1469 28 the the DET _005456899 1469 29 first first ADJ _005456899 1469 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1470 1 t t NOUN _005456899 1470 2 to to PART _005456899 1470 3 do do VERB _005456899 1470 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 1471 1 some some DET _005456899 1471 2 t t NOUN _005456899 1471 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 1471 4 i i PRON _005456899 1471 5 would would AUX _005456899 1471 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1471 7 how how SCONJ _005456899 1471 8 man man NOUN _005456899 1471 9 vented vent VERB _005456899 1471 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1471 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1472 1 s s PART _005456899 1472 2 first first ADJ _005456899 1472 3 marri marri NOUN _005456899 1472 4 shared share VERB _005456899 1472 5 da1 da1 DET _005456899 1472 6 planted plant VERB _005456899 1472 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1473 1 s~ s~ NOUN _005456899 1473 2 b1'ing b1'ing NOUN _005456899 1473 3 dive dive NOUN _005456899 1473 4 it it PRON _005456899 1473 5 is be AUX _005456899 1473 6 a a DET _005456899 1473 7 olics olic NOUN _005456899 1473 8 from from ADP _005456899 1473 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1473 10 go go VERB _005456899 1473 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1473 12 b1 b1 PROPN _005456899 1473 13 on on ADP _005456899 1473 14 forevm forevm NOUN _005456899 1473 15 ~g­ ~g­ ADV _005456899 1473 16 ibe ibe VERB _005456899 1473 17 a a PRON _005456899 1473 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 1473 19 the the DET _005456899 1473 20 first first ADJ _005456899 1473 21 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1473 22 is be AUX _005456899 1473 23 the the DET _005456899 1473 24 best good ADJ _005456899 1473 25 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1473 26 63 63 NUM _005456899 1473 27 does do AUX _005456899 1473 28 its its PRON _005456899 1473 29 people people NOUN _005456899 1473 30 by by ADP _005456899 1473 31 saving save VERB _005456899 1473 32 them they PRON _005456899 1473 33 from from ADP _005456899 1473 34 the the DET _005456899 1473 35 blunder blunder NOUN _005456899 1473 36 of of ADP _005456899 1473 37 a a DET _005456899 1473 38 second second ADJ _005456899 1473 39 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1473 40 was be AUX _005456899 1473 41 noticing notice VERB _005456899 1473 42 a a DET _005456899 1473 43 surprisingly surprisingly ADV _005456899 1473 44 large large ADJ _005456899 1473 45 number number NOUN _005456899 1473 46 of of ADP _005456899 1473 47 news news NOUN _005456899 1473 48 items item NOUN _005456899 1473 49 in in ADP _005456899 1473 50 which which PRON _005456899 1473 51 someone someone PRON _005456899 1473 52 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 1473 53 his his PRON _005456899 1473 54 second second ADJ _005456899 1473 55 spouse spouse NOUN _005456899 1473 56 only only ADV _005456899 1473 57 to to PART _005456899 1473 58 remarry remarry VERB _005456899 1473 59 the the DET _005456899 1473 60 first first ADJ _005456899 1473 61 . . PUNCT _005456899 1474 1 they they PRON _005456899 1474 2 were be AUX _005456899 1474 3 doing do VERB _005456899 1474 4 exactly exactly ADV _005456899 1474 5 what what PRON _005456899 1474 6 the the DET _005456899 1474 7 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 1474 8 wanted want VERB _005456899 1474 9 so so ADV _005456899 1474 10 badly badly ADV _005456899 1474 11 to to PART _005456899 1474 12 do do VERB _005456899 1474 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1475 1 some some DET _005456899 1475 2 time time NOUN _005456899 1475 3 ago ago ADV _005456899 1475 4 a a DET _005456899 1475 5 divorcee divorcee NOUN _005456899 1475 6 wrote write VERB _005456899 1475 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1475 8 as as SCONJ _005456899 1475 9 digested digest VERB _005456899 1475 10 in in ADP _005456899 1475 11 readers reader NOUN _005456899 1475 12 digest digest VERB _005456899 1475 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1475 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1475 15 i i PRON _005456899 1475 16 would would AUX _005456899 1475 17 not not PART _005456899 1475 18 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1475 19 him he PRON _005456899 1475 20 now now ADV _005456899 1475 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1475 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1476 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1476 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1476 3 i i PRON _005456899 1476 4 wonder wonder VERB _005456899 1476 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1476 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1476 7 she she PRON _005456899 1476 8 wrote write VERB _005456899 1476 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1476 10 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1476 11 how how SCONJ _005456899 1476 12 many many ADJ _005456899 1476 13 other other ADJ _005456899 1476 14 divorcees divorcee NOUN _005456899 1476 15 wish wish VERB _005456899 1476 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 1476 17 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1476 18 had have AUX _005456899 1476 19 never never ADV _005456899 1476 20 been be AUX _005456899 1476 21 invented invent VERB _005456899 1476 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1476 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 1477 1 speaking speak VERB _005456899 1477 2 of of ADP _005456899 1477 3 the the DET _005456899 1477 4 virtual virtual ADJ _005456899 1477 5 impossibility impossibility NOUN _005456899 1477 6 of of ADP _005456899 1477 7 getting get VERB _005456899 1477 8 over over ADP _005456899 1477 9 one one PRON _005456899 1477 10 's 's PART _005456899 1477 11 first first ADJ _005456899 1477 12 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1477 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1477 14 she she PRON _005456899 1477 15 explained explain VERB _005456899 1477 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1477 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1477 18 roots root NOUN _005456899 1477 19 of of ADP _005456899 1477 20 common common ADJ _005456899 1477 21 experience experience NOUN _005456899 1477 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1477 23 of of ADP _005456899 1477 24 shared shared ADJ _005456899 1477 25 days day NOUN _005456899 1477 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1477 27 nights night NOUN _005456899 1477 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1477 29 of of ADP _005456899 1477 30 mutual mutual ADJ _005456899 1477 31 parenthood parenthood NOUN _005456899 1477 32 are be AUX _005456899 1477 33 not not PART _005456899 1477 34 shallowly shallowly ADV _005456899 1477 35 planted plant VERB _005456899 1477 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1478 1 separation separation NOUN _005456899 1478 2 imposed impose VERB _005456899 1478 3 by by ADP _005456899 1478 4 death death NOUN _005456899 1478 5 has have VERB _005456899 1478 6 the the DET _005456899 1478 7 dignity dignity NOUN _005456899 1478 8 of of ADP _005456899 1478 9 fate fate NOUN _005456899 1478 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1479 1 we we PRON _005456899 1479 2 bring bring VERB _005456899 1479 3 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1479 4 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1479 5 ourselves ourselves PRON _005456899 1479 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1479 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1480 1 it it PRON _005456899 1480 2 is be AUX _005456899 1480 3 a a DET _005456899 1480 4 kind kind ADJ _005456899 1480 5 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1480 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1480 7 the the DET _005456899 1480 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1480 9 church church NOUN _005456899 1480 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1480 11 which which PRON _005456899 1480 12 keeps keep VERB _005456899 1480 13 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 1480 14 from from ADP _005456899 1480 15 bringing bring VERB _005456899 1480 16 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1480 17 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1480 18 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 1480 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1481 1 temptations temptation NOUN _005456899 1481 2 come come VERB _005456899 1481 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1481 4 go go VERB _005456899 1481 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1481 6 but but CCONJ _005456899 1481 7 our our PRON _005456899 1481 8 nature nature NOUN _005456899 1481 9 demands demand VERB _005456899 1481 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 1481 11 the the DET _005456899 1481 12 bond bond NOUN _005456899 1481 13 of of ADP _005456899 1481 14 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 1481 15 go go VERB _005456899 1481 16 on on ADP _005456899 1481 17 forever forever ADV _005456899 1481 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1482 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1482 2 xiii xiii PROPN _005456899 1482 3 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1482 4 are be AUX _005456899 1482 5 the the DET _005456899 1482 6 best good ADJ _005456899 1482 7 models model NOUN _005456899 1482 8 this this DET _005456899 1482 9 article article NOUN _005456899 1482 10 is be AUX _005456899 1482 11 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 1482 12 under under ADP _005456899 1482 13 the the DET _005456899 1482 14 same same ADJ _005456899 1482 15 title title NOUN _005456899 1482 16 from from ADP _005456899 1482 17 the the DET _005456899 1482 18 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 1482 19 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 1482 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1482 21 january january PROPN _005456899 1482 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1482 23 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 1482 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1482 25 where where SCONJ _005456899 1482 26 it it PRON _005456899 1482 27 was be AUX _005456899 1482 28 subtitled subtitle VERB _005456899 1482 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1482 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 1482 31 children child NOUN _005456899 1482 32 imitate imitate VERB _005456899 1482 33 whom whom PRON _005456899 1482 34 they they PRON _005456899 1482 35 love love VERB _005456899 1482 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1482 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 1483 1 the the DET _005456899 1483 2 editor editor NOUN _005456899 1483 3 prefaced preface VERB _005456899 1483 4 the the DET _005456899 1483 5 article article NOUN _005456899 1483 6 with with ADP _005456899 1483 7 this this DET _005456899 1483 8 note note NOUN _005456899 1483 9 from from ADP _005456899 1483 10 my my PRON _005456899 1483 11 letter letter NOUN _005456899 1483 12 of of ADP _005456899 1483 13 submission submission NOUN _005456899 1483 14 : : PUNCT _005456899 1483 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1483 16 i i PRON _005456899 1483 17 got get VERB _005456899 1483 18 the the DET _005456899 1483 19 idea idea NOUN _005456899 1483 20 for for ADP _005456899 1483 21 this this DET _005456899 1483 22 article article NOUN _005456899 1483 23 listening listen VERB _005456899 1483 24 to to PART _005456899 1483 25 pearl pearl VERB _005456899 1483 26 buck buck NOUN _005456899 1483 27 talk talk NOUN _005456899 1483 28 at at ADP _005456899 1483 29 antioch antioch PROPN _005456899 1483 30 college college PROPN _005456899 1483 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1484 1 this this PRON _005456899 1484 2 was be AUX _005456899 1484 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 1484 4 ._. ._. PROPN _005456899 1485 1 july july PROPN _005456899 1485 2 5th 5th NOUN _005456899 1485 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1485 4 1944 1944 NUM _005456899 1485 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1486 1 after after ADP _005456899 1486 2 her her PRON _005456899 1486 3 talk talk NOUN _005456899 1486 4 i i PRON _005456899 1486 5 shook shake VERB _005456899 1486 6 hands hand NOUN _005456899 1486 7 with with ADP _005456899 1486 8 the the DET _005456899 1486 9 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 1486 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1486 11 asked ask VERB _005456899 1486 12 if if SCONJ _005456899 1486 13 i i PRON _005456899 1486 14 could could AUX _005456899 1486 15 quote quote VERB _005456899 1486 16 her her PRON _005456899 1486 17 remarks remark NOUN _005456899 1486 18 about about ADP _005456899 1486 19 children child NOUN _005456899 1486 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1486 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1487 1 this this DET _005456899 1487 2 note note NOUN _005456899 1487 3 still still ADV _005456899 1487 4 applies apply VERB _005456899 1487 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1488 1 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1488 2 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1488 3 take take VERB _005456899 1488 4 their their PRON _005456899 1488 5 children child NOUN _005456899 1488 6 along along ADP _005456899 1488 7 some some DET _005456899 1488 8 time time NOUN _005456899 1488 9 ago ago ADV _005456899 1488 10 i i PRON _005456899 1488 11 heard hear VERB _005456899 1488 12 pearl pearl ADJ _005456899 1488 13 buck buck NOUN _005456899 1488 14 say say VERB _005456899 1488 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 1488 16 american american ADJ _005456899 1488 17 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1488 18 do do AUX _005456899 1488 19 not not PART _005456899 1488 20 make make VERB _005456899 1488 21 children child NOUN _005456899 1488 22 feel feel VERB _005456899 1488 23 their their PRON _005456899 1488 24 love love NOUN _005456899 1488 25 enough enough ADV _005456899 1488 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1489 1 pearl pearl NOUN _005456899 1489 2 buck buck PROPN _005456899 1489 3 grew grow VERB _005456899 1489 4 up up ADP _005456899 1489 5 in in ADP _005456899 1489 6 china china PROPN _005456899 1489 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1489 8 won win VERB _005456899 1489 9 the the DET _005456899 1489 10 nobel nobel PROPN _005456899 1489 11 prize prize PROPN _005456899 1489 12 for for ADP _005456899 1489 13 her her PRON _005456899 1489 14 great great ADJ _005456899 1489 15 novel novel NOUN _005456899 1489 16 on on ADP _005456899 1489 17 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1489 18 life life NOUN _005456899 1489 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1489 20 the the DET _005456899 1489 21 good good ADJ _005456899 1489 22 earth earth NOUN _005456899 1489 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1490 1 she she PRON _005456899 1490 2 said say VERB _005456899 1490 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1490 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1490 5 a a DET _005456899 1490 6 person person NOUN _005456899 1490 7 should should AUX _005456899 1490 8 not not PART _005456899 1490 9 merely merely ADV _005456899 1490 10 be be AUX _005456899 1490 11 born bear VERB _005456899 1490 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1490 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 1490 14 should should AUX _005456899 1490 15 be be AUX _005456899 1490 16 born bear VERB _005456899 1490 17 into into ADP _005456899 1490 18 a a DET _005456899 1490 19 family family NOUN _005456899 1490 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1490 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1491 1 in in ADP _005456899 1491 2 china china PROPN _005456899 1491 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1491 4 she she PRON _005456899 1491 5 said say VERB _005456899 1491 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1491 7 a a DET _005456899 1491 8 child child NOUN _005456899 1491 9 is be AUX _005456899 1491 10 constantly constantly ADV _005456899 1491 11 made make VERB _005456899 1491 12 to to PART _005456899 1491 13 feel feel VERB _005456899 1491 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 1491 15 it it PRON _005456899 1491 16 is be AUX _005456899 1491 17 part part NOUN _005456899 1491 18 of of ADP _005456899 1491 19 the the DET _005456899 1491 20 family family NOUN _005456899 1491 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1491 22 that that SCONJ _005456899 1491 23 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1491 24 wants want VERB _005456899 1491 25 it it PRON _005456899 1491 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1491 27 wants want VERB _005456899 1491 28 it it PRON _005456899 1491 29 near near ADV _005456899 1491 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1492 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1492 2 a a DET _005456899 1492 3 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1492 4 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1492 5 wants want VERB _005456899 1492 6 children child NOUN _005456899 1492 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1493 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1493 2 she she PRON _005456899 1493 3 has have VERB _005456899 1493 4 n't not PART _005456899 1493 5 any any PRON _005456899 1493 6 of of ADP _005456899 1493 7 her she PRON _005456899 1493 8 own own ADJ _005456899 1493 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1493 10 she she PRON _005456899 1493 11 adopts adopt VERB _005456899 1493 12 some some PRON _005456899 1493 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1493 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1493 15 she she PRON _005456899 1493 16 continued continue VERB _005456899 1493 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1494 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1494 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1494 3 when when SCONJ _005456899 1494 4 a a DET _005456899 1494 5 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1494 6 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1494 7 goes go VERB _005456899 1494 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1495 1 visiting visit VERB _005456899 1495 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1495 3 she she PRON _005456899 1495 4 wants want VERB _005456899 1495 5 her her PRON _005456899 1495 6 children child NOUN _005456899 1495 7 along along ADV _005456899 1495 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1496 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1496 2 she she PRON _005456899 1496 3 is be AUX _005456899 1496 4 n't not PART _005456899 1496 5 a a DET _005456899 1496 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1496 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1496 8 she she PRON _005456899 1496 9 borrows borrow VERB _005456899 1496 10 a a DET _005456899 1496 11 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005456899 1496 12 's 's PART _005456899 1496 13 child child NOUN _005456899 1496 14 to to PART _005456899 1496 15 take take VERB _005456899 1496 16 with with ADP _005456899 1496 17 her she PRON _005456899 1496 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1496 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1497 1 american american ADJ _005456899 1497 2 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1497 3 give give VERB _005456899 1497 4 children child NOUN _005456899 1497 5 things thing NOUN _005456899 1497 6 to to PART _005456899 1497 7 keep keep VERB _005456899 1497 8 them they PRON _005456899 1497 9 away away ADV _005456899 1497 10 in in ADP _005456899 1497 11 contrast contrast NOUN _005456899 1497 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1497 13 it it PRON _005456899 1497 14 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1497 15 to to ADP _005456899 1497 16 her she PRON _005456899 1497 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1497 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 1497 19 american american ADJ _005456899 1497 20 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1497 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1497 22 of of ADP _005456899 1497 23 course course NOUN _005456899 1497 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1497 25 value value NOUN _005456899 1497 26 theirchildren theirchildren PROPN _005456899 1497 27 just just ADV _005456899 1497 28 as as ADV _005456899 1497 29 much much ADJ _005456899 1497 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1497 31 but but CCONJ _005456899 1497 32 show show VERB _005456899 1497 33 their their PRON _005456899 1497 34 love love NOUN _005456899 1497 35 more more ADV _005456899 1497 36 by by ADP _005456899 1497 37 giving give VERB _005456899 1497 38 the the DET _005456899 1497 39 child child NOUN _005456899 1497 40 things thing NOUN _005456899 1497 41 than than ADP _005456899 1497 42 by by ADP _005456899 1497 43 giving give VERB _005456899 1497 44 it it PRON _005456899 1497 45 affection affection NOUN _005456899 1497 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 1498 1 they they PRON _005456899 1498 2 give give VERB _005456899 1498 3 it it PRON _005456899 1498 4 a a DET _005456899 1498 5 roller roller NOUN _005456899 1498 6 coaster coaster NOUN _005456899 1498 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1498 8 forget forget VERB _005456899 1498 9 the the DET _005456899 1498 10 kiss kiss NOUN _005456899 1498 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1499 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1499 2 a a DET _005456899 1499 3 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1499 4 goes goes AUX _005456899 1499 5 visiting visit VERB _005456899 1499 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1499 7 she she PRON _005456899 1499 8 leaves leave VERB _005456899 1499 9 her her PRON _005456899 1499 10 child child NOUN _005456899 1499 11 in in ADP _005456899 1499 12 a a DET _005456899 1499 13 nursery nursery NOUN _005456899 1499 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1500 1 american american ADJ _005456899 1500 2 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1500 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1500 4 she she PRON _005456899 1500 5 felt feel VERB _005456899 1500 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1500 7 shower shower VERB _005456899 1500 8 their their PRON _005456899 1500 9 children child NOUN _005456899 1500 10 with with ADP _005456899 1500 11 material material NOUN _005456899 1500 12 toys toy NOUN _005456899 1500 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1500 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1500 15 at at ADP _005456899 1500 16 the the DET _005456899 1500 17 same same ADJ _005456899 1500 18 time time NOUN _005456899 1500 19 think think VERB _005456899 1500 20 up up ADP _005456899 1500 21 more more ADV _005456899 1500 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1500 23 more more ADJ _005456899 1500 24 ways way NOUN _005456899 1500 25 of of ADP _005456899 1500 26 keeping keep VERB _005456899 1500 27 children child NOUN _005456899 1500 28 from from ADP _005456899 1500 29 getting get VERB _005456899 1500 30 in in ADP _005456899 1500 31 their their PRON _005456899 1500 32 way way NOUN _005456899 1500 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1501 1 she she PRON _005456899 1501 2 thinks think VERB _005456899 1501 3 children child NOUN _005456899 1501 4 need need VERB _005456899 1501 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1501 6 want want VERB _005456899 1501 7 the the DET _005456899 1501 8 companionship companionship NOUN _005456899 1501 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1501 10 the the DET _005456899 1501 11 physical physical ADJ _005456899 1501 12 affection affection NOUN _005456899 1501 13 of of ADP _005456899 1501 14 the the DET _005456899 1501 15 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1501 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1501 17 older old ADJ _005456899 1501 18 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1501 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1501 20 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1501 21 more more ADV _005456899 1501 22 than than SCONJ _005456899 1501 23 they they PRON _005456899 1501 24 need need VERB _005456899 1501 25 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1501 26 dresses dress NOUN _005456899 1501 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1501 28 many many ADJ _005456899 1501 29 toys toy NOUN _005456899 1501 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1502 1 why why SCONJ _005456899 1502 2 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1502 3 children child NOUN _005456899 1502 4 often often ADV _005456899 1502 5 seem seem VERB _005456899 1502 6 quite quite ADV _005456899 1502 7 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1502 8 hearing hear VERB _005456899 1502 9 pearl pearl NOUN _005456899 1502 10 buck buck NOUN _005456899 1502 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1502 12 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1502 13 of of ADP _005456899 1502 14 two two NUM _005456899 1502 15 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1502 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1502 17 say say VERB _005456899 1502 18 this this PRON _005456899 1502 19 made make VERB _005456899 1502 20 me i PRON _005456899 1502 21 recall recall VERB _005456899 1502 22 ple ple PROPN _005456899 1502 23 had have AUX _005456899 1502 24 worn wear VERB _005456899 1502 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1502 26 an an DET _005456899 1502 27 elegant elegant ADJ _005456899 1502 28 t t NOUN _005456899 1502 29 thin1 thin1 NOUN _005456899 1502 30 children child NOUN _005456899 1502 31 the the DET _005456899 1502 32 time time NOUN _005456899 1502 33 her her PRON _005456899 1502 34 lap lap NOUN _005456899 1502 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1503 1 him he PRON _005456899 1503 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1503 3 anc anc PROPN _005456899 1503 4 whole whole PROPN _005456899 1503 5 p p PROPN _005456899 1503 6 : : PUNCT _005456899 1503 7 supper supper NOUN _005456899 1503 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1503 9 l l NOUN _005456899 1503 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1503 11 • • PROPN _005456899 1503 12 can can AUX _005456899 1503 13 not not PART _005456899 1503 14 g g VERB _005456899 1503 15 nurse nurse NOUN _005456899 1503 16 m m X _005456899 1503 17 : : PUNCT _005456899 1503 18 can can AUX _005456899 1503 19 do do VERB _005456899 1503 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1503 21 lord lord PROPN _005456899 1503 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1503 23 tc tc PROPN _005456899 1503 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1503 25 suffer suffer VERB _005456899 1503 26 t t NOUN _005456899 1503 27 for for ADP _005456899 1503 28 of~ of~ PROPN _005456899 1503 29 whe whe NOUN _005456899 1503 30 along along ADP _005456899 1503 31 v v NOUN _005456899 1503 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1503 33 wm wm PART _005456899 1503 34 feel feel VERB _005456899 1503 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1504 1 bu bu INTJ _005456899 1504 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1504 3 qui qui PRON _005456899 1504 4 lish lish ADJ _005456899 1504 5 pm pm NOUN _005456899 1504 6 more more ADJ _005456899 1504 7 tl tl PROPN _005456899 1504 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1505 1 chil chil PROPN _005456899 1505 2 other other ADJ _005456899 1505 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 1505 4 particul particul VERB _005456899 1505 5 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1505 6 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1505 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1505 8 of of ADP _005456899 1505 9 criti criti PROPN _005456899 1505 10 most most ADV _005456899 1505 11 ir ir ADP _005456899 1505 12 it it PRON _005456899 1505 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 1505 14 most most ADV _005456899 1505 15 5 5 NUM _005456899 1505 16 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1505 17 fr• fr• NOUN _005456899 1505 18 · · PUNCT _005456899 1505 19 --~----~~ --~----~~ VERB _005456899 1505 20 _ _ PRON _005456899 1505 21 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 1506 1 -~ -~ X _005456899 1506 2 -·~ -·~ NOUN _005456899 1506 3 --~ --~ PROPN _005456899 1506 4 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1506 5 are be AUX _005456899 1506 6 the the DET _005456899 1506 7 best good ADJ _005456899 1506 8 models model NOUN _005456899 1506 9 65 65 NUM _005456899 1506 10 me i PRON _005456899 1506 11 recall recall VERB _005456899 1506 12 how how SCONJ _005456899 1506 13 the the DET _005456899 1506 14 apparent apparent ADJ _005456899 1506 15 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 1506 16 of of ADP _005456899 1506 17 the the DET _005456899 1506 18 children child NOUN _005456899 1506 19 of of ADP _005456899 1506 20 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1506 21 people people NOUN _005456899 1506 22 had have AUX _005456899 1506 23 often often ADV _005456899 1506 24 puzzled puzzle VERB _005456899 1506 25 me i PRON _005456899 1506 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1507 1 their their PRON _005456899 1507 2 clothes clothe NOUN _005456899 1507 3 were be AUX _005456899 1507 4 simple simple ADJ _005456899 1507 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1507 6 often often ADV _005456899 1507 7 worn wear VERB _005456899 1507 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1507 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1507 10 their their PRON _005456899 1507 11 food food NOUN _005456899 1507 12 was be AUX _005456899 1507 13 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 1507 14 not not PART _005456899 1507 15 dainty dainty NOUN _005456899 1507 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1507 17 there there PRON _005456899 1507 18 were be VERB _005456899 1507 19 no no DET _005456899 1507 20 elegant elegant ADJ _005456899 1507 21 toys toy NOUN _005456899 1507 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1507 23 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 1507 24 they they PRON _005456899 1507 25 seemed seem VERB _005456899 1507 26 collections collection NOUN _005456899 1507 27 of of ADP _005456899 1507 28 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 1507 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1508 1 thinking think VERB _005456899 1508 2 of of ADP _005456899 1508 3 them they PRON _005456899 1508 4 now now ADV _005456899 1508 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1508 6 a a DET _005456899 1508 7 few few ADJ _005456899 1508 8 characteristics characteristic NOUN _005456899 1508 9 stand stand VERB _005456899 1508 10 forth forth ADP _005456899 1508 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1509 1 these these DET _005456899 1509 2 children child NOUN _005456899 1509 3 always always ADV _005456899 1509 4 knew know VERB _005456899 1509 5 where where SCONJ _005456899 1509 6 their their PRON _005456899 1509 7 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1509 8 was be AUX _005456899 1509 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1509 10 indeed indeed ADV _005456899 1509 11 most most ADJ _005456899 1509 12 of of ADP _005456899 1509 13 the the DET _005456899 1509 14 time time NOUN _005456899 1509 15 one one NUM _005456899 1509 16 or or CCONJ _005456899 1509 17 the the DET _005456899 1509 18 other other ADJ _005456899 1509 19 was be AUX _005456899 1509 20 hanging hang VERB _005456899 1509 21 on on ADP _005456899 1509 22 her her PRON _005456899 1509 23 skirts skirt NOUN _005456899 1509 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 1509 25 sitting sit VERB _005456899 1509 26 on on ADP _005456899 1509 27 her her PRON _005456899 1509 28 lap lap NOUN _005456899 1509 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1510 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1510 2 the the DET _005456899 1510 3 father father NOUN _005456899 1510 4 came come VERB _005456899 1510 5 home home ADV _005456899 1510 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1510 7 the the DET _005456899 1510 8 whole whole ADJ _005456899 1510 9 crew crew NOUN _005456899 1510 10 charged charge VERB _005456899 1510 11 at at ADP _005456899 1510 12 him he PRON _005456899 1510 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1510 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1510 15 he he PRON _005456899 1510 16 did do AUX _005456899 1510 17 not not PART _005456899 1510 18 brush brush VERB _005456899 1510 19 them they PRON _005456899 1510 20 aside aside ADV _005456899 1510 21 but but CCONJ _005456899 1510 22 more more ADV _005456899 1510 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 1510 24 less less ADV _005456899 1510 25 lifted lift VERB _005456899 1510 26 the the DET _005456899 1510 27 whole whole ADJ _005456899 1510 28 pack pack NOUN _005456899 1510 29 to to ADP _005456899 1510 30 his his PRON _005456899 1510 31 shoulders shoulder NOUN _005456899 1510 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1511 1 later later ADV _005456899 1511 2 while while SCONJ _005456899 1511 3 reading read VERB _005456899 1511 4 his his PRON _005456899 1511 5 paper paper NOUN _005456899 1511 6 after after ADP _005456899 1511 7 supper supper NOUN _005456899 1511 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1511 9 he he PRON _005456899 1511 10 managed manage VERB _005456899 1511 11 to to PART _005456899 1511 12 let let VERB _005456899 1511 13 one one NUM _005456899 1511 14 sit sit VERB _005456899 1511 15 on on ADP _005456899 1511 16 his his PRON _005456899 1511 17 knee knee NOUN _005456899 1511 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 1511 19 tug tug NOUN _005456899 1511 20 at at ADP _005456899 1511 21 his his PRON _005456899 1511 22 leg leg NOUN _005456899 1511 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1512 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1512 2 in in ADP _005456899 1512 3 this this DET _005456899 1512 4 way way NOUN _005456899 1512 5 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1512 6 make make VERB _005456899 1512 7 their their PRON _005456899 1512 8 children child NOUN _005456899 1512 9 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1512 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1512 11 though though SCONJ _005456899 1512 12 they they PRON _005456899 1512 13 can can AUX _005456899 1512 14 not not PART _005456899 1512 15 give give VERB _005456899 1512 16 them they PRON _005456899 1512 17 department department NOUN _005456899 1512 18 store store NOUN _005456899 1512 19 toys toy NOUN _005456899 1512 20 or or CCONJ _005456899 1512 21 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1512 22 clothes clothe NOUN _005456899 1512 23 or or CCONJ _005456899 1512 24 educated educate VERB _005456899 1512 25 nurse nurse NOUN _005456899 1512 26 maids maid NOUN _005456899 1512 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1513 1 bismark bismark PROPN _005456899 1513 2 seems seem VERB _005456899 1513 3 to to PART _005456899 1513 4 have have AUX _005456899 1513 5 been be AUX _005456899 1513 6 right right ADJ _005456899 1513 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 1513 8 he he PRON _005456899 1513 9 said say VERB _005456899 1513 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1513 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1513 12 you you PRON _005456899 1513 13 can can AUX _005456899 1513 14 do do VERB _005456899 1513 15 anything anything PRON _005456899 1513 16 with with ADP _005456899 1513 17 children child NOUN _005456899 1513 18 if if SCONJ _005456899 1513 19 you you PRON _005456899 1513 20 only only ADV _005456899 1513 21 play play VERB _005456899 1513 22 with with ADP _005456899 1513 23 them they PRON _005456899 1513 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1513 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 1514 1 our our PRON _005456899 1514 2 lord lord PROPN _005456899 1514 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1514 4 too too ADV _005456899 1514 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1514 6 knew know VERB _005456899 1514 7 what what PRON _005456899 1514 8 children child NOUN _005456899 1514 9 needed need VERB _005456899 1514 10 to to PART _005456899 1514 11 be be AUX _005456899 1514 12 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1514 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1514 14 for for SCONJ _005456899 1514 15 he he PRON _005456899 1514 16 said say VERB _005456899 1514 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1514 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1514 19 suffer suffer VERB _005456899 1514 20 the the DET _005456899 1514 21 little little ADJ _005456899 1514 22 children child NOUN _005456899 1514 23 to to PART _005456899 1514 24 come come VERB _005456899 1514 25 unto unto ADP _005456899 1514 26 me i PRON _005456899 1514 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1514 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1514 29 forbid forbid VERB _005456899 1514 30 them they PRON _005456899 1514 31 not not PART _005456899 1514 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1515 1 for for ADP _005456899 1515 2 of of ADP _005456899 1515 3 such such ADJ _005456899 1515 4 is be AUX _005456899 1515 5 the the DET _005456899 1515 6 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005456899 1515 7 of of ADP _005456899 1515 8 god god PROPN _005456899 1515 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1515 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1516 1 children child NOUN _005456899 1516 2 learn learn VERB _005456899 1516 3 from from ADP _005456899 1516 4 those those PRON _005456899 1516 5 who who PRON _005456899 1516 6 love love VERB _005456899 1516 7 them they PRON _005456899 1516 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1516 9 play play VERB _005456899 1516 10 with with ADP _005456899 1516 11 them they PRON _005456899 1516 12 when when SCONJ _005456899 1516 13 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1516 14 suffer suffer VERB _005456899 1516 15 their their PRON _005456899 1516 16 children child NOUN _005456899 1516 17 near near ADP _005456899 1516 18 them they PRON _005456899 1516 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1516 20 take take VERB _005456899 1516 21 them they PRON _005456899 1516 22 along along ADP _005456899 1516 23 when when SCONJ _005456899 1516 24 possible possible ADJ _005456899 1516 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1516 26 they they PRON _005456899 1516 27 make make VERB _005456899 1516 28 them they PRON _005456899 1516 29 feel feel VERB _005456899 1516 30 that that SCONJ _005456899 1516 31 they they PRON _005456899 1516 32 are be AUX _005456899 1516 33 loved love VERB _005456899 1516 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1516 35 wanted want VERB _005456899 1516 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1517 1 they they PRON _005456899 1517 2 spare spare VERB _005456899 1517 3 them they PRON _005456899 1517 4 the the DET _005456899 1517 5 aching ache VERB _005456899 1517 6 loneliness loneliness NOUN _005456899 1517 7 children child NOUN _005456899 1517 8 easily easily ADV _005456899 1517 9 feel feel VERB _005456899 1517 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1518 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1518 2 more more ADJ _005456899 1518 3 than than ADP _005456899 1518 4 that that PRON _005456899 1518 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1518 6 they they PRON _005456899 1518 7 help help VERB _005456899 1518 8 their their PRON _005456899 1518 9 children child NOUN _005456899 1518 10 learn learn VERB _005456899 1518 11 more more ADV _005456899 1518 12 easily easily ADV _005456899 1518 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1518 14 quickly quickly ADV _005456899 1518 15 most most ADJ _005456899 1518 16 of of ADP _005456899 1518 17 the the DET _005456899 1518 18 things thing NOUN _005456899 1518 19 one one PRON _005456899 1518 20 really really ADV _005456899 1518 21 needs need VERB _005456899 1518 22 to to PART _005456899 1518 23 know know VERB _005456899 1518 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1519 1 the the DET _005456899 1519 2 english english PROPN _005456899 1519 3 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1519 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1519 5 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005456899 1519 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1519 7 george george PROPN _005456899 1519 8 herbert herbert PROPN _005456899 1519 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1519 10 wrote write VERB _005456899 1519 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1519 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1519 13 one one NUM _005456899 1519 14 father father NOUN _005456899 1519 15 is be AUX _005456899 1519 16 more more ADJ _005456899 1519 17 than than ADP _005456899 1519 18 a a DET _005456899 1519 19 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1519 20 schoolmasters schoolmaster NOUN _005456899 1519 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1519 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1520 1 children child NOUN _005456899 1520 2 are be AUX _005456899 1520 3 imitative imitative ADJ _005456899 1520 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 1521 1 they they PRON _005456899 1521 2 learn learn VERB _005456899 1521 3 faster fast ADV _005456899 1521 4 by by ADP _005456899 1521 5 imitating imitate VERB _005456899 1521 6 than than ADP _005456899 1521 7 any any DET _005456899 1521 8 other other ADJ _005456899 1521 9 way way NOUN _005456899 1521 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1522 1 they they PRON _005456899 1522 2 learn learn VERB _005456899 1522 3 better well ADV _005456899 1522 4 by by ADP _005456899 1522 5 seeing see VERB _005456899 1522 6 than than ADP _005456899 1522 7 by by ADP _005456899 1522 8 being be AUX _005456899 1522 9 told tell VERB _005456899 1522 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1523 1 they they PRON _005456899 1523 2 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 1523 3 imitate imitate VERB _005456899 1523 4 whom whom PRON _005456899 1523 5 they they PRON _005456899 1523 6 love love VERB _005456899 1523 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1523 8 for for SCONJ _005456899 1523 9 they they PRON _005456899 1523 10 want want VERB _005456899 1523 11 to to PART _005456899 1523 12 be be AUX _005456899 1523 13 like like ADP _005456899 1523 14 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1523 15 whom whom PRON _005456899 1523 16 they they PRON _005456899 1523 17 admire admire VERB _005456899 1523 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1523 19 love love NOUN _005456899 1523 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1523 21 who who PRON _005456899 1523 22 loves love VERB _005456899 1523 23 them they PRON _005456899 1523 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1524 1 a a DET _005456899 1524 2 french french ADJ _005456899 1524 3 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1524 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1524 5 joubert joubert PROPN _005456899 1524 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1524 7 said say VERB _005456899 1524 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1524 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1524 10 children child NOUN _005456899 1524 11 have have VERB _005456899 1524 12 more more ADJ _005456899 1524 13 need need NOUN _005456899 1524 14 of of ADP _005456899 1524 15 models model NOUN _005456899 1524 16 than than ADP _005456899 1524 17 of of ADP _005456899 1524 18 critics critic NOUN _005456899 1524 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1524 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1525 1 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1525 2 who who PRON _005456899 1525 3 keep keep VERB _005456899 1525 4 their their PRON _005456899 1525 5 children child NOUN _005456899 1525 6 about about ADP _005456899 1525 7 them they PRON _005456899 1525 8 are be AUX _005456899 1525 9 th~ th~ PROPN _005456899 1525 10 most most ADV _005456899 1525 11 irresistible irresistible ADJ _005456899 1525 12 models model NOUN _005456899 1525 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1526 1 it it PRON _005456899 1526 2 is be AUX _005456899 1526 3 usually usually ADV _005456899 1526 4 best good ADJ _005456899 1526 5 when when SCONJ _005456899 1526 6 children child NOUN _005456899 1526 7 learn learn VERB _005456899 1526 8 from from ADP _005456899 1526 9 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1526 10 it it PRON _005456899 1526 11 is be AUX _005456899 1526 12 also also ADV _005456899 1526 13 probable probable ADJ _005456899 1526 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 1526 15 they they PRON _005456899 1526 16 are be AUX _005456899 1526 17 the the DET _005456899 1526 18 best good ADJ _005456899 1526 19 models model NOUN _005456899 1526 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1527 1 even even ADV _005456899 1527 2 the the DET _005456899 1527 3 most most ADV _005456899 1527 4 sinful sinful ADJ _005456899 1527 5 people people NOUN _005456899 1527 6 do do AUX _005456899 1527 7 not not PART _005456899 1527 8 want want VERB _005456899 1527 9 their their PRON _005456899 1527 10 children child NOUN _005456899 1527 11 to to PART _005456899 1527 12 learn learn VERB _005456899 1527 13 anything anything PRON _005456899 1527 14 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1527 15 from from ADP _005456899 1527 16 them they PRON _005456899 1527 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1528 1 others other NOUN _005456899 1528 2 may may AUX _005456899 1528 3 give give VERB _005456899 1528 4 a a DET _005456899 1528 5 child child NOUN _005456899 1528 6 scandal scandal NOUN _005456899 1528 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1528 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1528 9 as as SCONJ _005456899 1528 10 the the DET _005456899 1528 11 bible bible PROPN _005456899 1528 12 66 66 NUM _005456899 1528 13 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1528 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1528 15 courtsinp courtsinp NOUN _005456899 1528 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1528 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1528 18 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1528 19 says say VERB _005456899 1528 20 of of ADP _005456899 1528 21 the the DET _005456899 1528 22 scandle scandle NOUN _005456899 1528 23 - - PUNCT _005456899 1528 24 giver giver NOUN _005456899 1528 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1528 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 1528 27 it it PRON _005456899 1528 28 were be AUX _005456899 1528 29 better well ADJ _005456899 1528 30 for for ADP _005456899 1528 31 him he PRON _005456899 1528 32 that that SCONJ _005456899 1528 33 a a DET _005456899 1528 34 millstone millstone NOUN _005456899 1528 35 were be AUX _005456899 1528 36 hanged hang VERB _005456899 1528 37 about about ADP _005456899 1528 38 his his PRON _005456899 1528 39 neck neck NOUN _005456899 1528 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1528 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 1529 1 the the DET _005456899 1529 2 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1529 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1529 4 father father NOUN _005456899 1529 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1529 6 however however ADV _005456899 1529 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1529 8 will will AUX _005456899 1529 9 always always ADV _005456899 1529 10 want want VERB _005456899 1529 11 their their PRON _005456899 1529 12 children child NOUN _005456899 1529 13 to to PART _005456899 1529 14 see see VERB _005456899 1529 15 only only ADV _005456899 1529 16 their their PRON _005456899 1529 17 good good ADJ _005456899 1529 18 side side NOUN _005456899 1529 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1529 20 so so SCONJ _005456899 1529 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 1529 22 the the DET _005456899 1529 23 good good ADJ _005456899 1529 24 side side NOUN _005456899 1529 25 becomes become VERB _005456899 1529 26 a a DET _005456899 1529 27 habit habit NOUN _005456899 1529 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1529 29 both both CCONJ _005456899 1529 30 child(en child(en NOUN _005456899 1529 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 1529 32 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1529 33 look look VERB _005456899 1529 34 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 1529 35 before before ADP _005456899 1529 36 god god PROPN _005456899 1529 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1530 1 th th X _005456899 1531 1 sig!i sig!i ADV _005456899 1531 2 that that DET _005456899 1531 3 jami jami NOUN _005456899 1531 4 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1531 5 the the DET _005456899 1531 6 publi publi NOUN _005456899 1531 7 time time NOUN _005456899 1531 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1532 1 mari mari PROPN _005456899 1532 2 sine• sine• PROPN _005456899 1532 3 peop peop PROPN _005456899 1532 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 1533 1 i i PRON _005456899 1533 2 rea rea VERB _005456899 1533 3 i i PRON _005456899 1533 4 pa pa NOUN _005456899 1533 5 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1533 6 prin1 prin1 PROPN _005456899 1533 7 it it PRON _005456899 1533 8 is be AUX _005456899 1533 9 the the PRON _005456899 1533 10 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 1533 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 1533 12 tami tami PROPN _005456899 1533 13 siste siste NOUN _005456899 1533 14 : : PUNCT _005456899 1533 15 geni1 geni1 PROPN _005456899 1533 16 char char PROPN _005456899 1533 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1534 1 me i PRON _005456899 1534 2 new new ADJ _005456899 1534 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 1534 4 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1534 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 1534 6 a a DET _005456899 1534 7 shakesp shakesp NOUN _005456899 1534 8 an an DET _005456899 1534 9 inter inter NOUN _005456899 1534 10 the the DET _005456899 1534 11 first first ADJ _005456899 1534 12 importa importa NOUN _005456899 1534 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 1534 14 napolec napolec NOUN _005456899 1534 15 solemn solemn NOUN _005456899 1534 16 would would AUX _005456899 1534 17 s s AUX _005456899 1534 18 ilies ilie NOUN _005456899 1534 19 to to PART _005456899 1534 20 manyb manyb VERB _005456899 1534 21 to to PART _005456899 1534 22 be be AUX _005456899 1534 23 o o NOUN _005456899 1534 24 people people NOUN _005456899 1534 25 large large ADJ _005456899 1534 26 fa fa X _005456899 1534 27 catl catl PROPN _005456899 1534 28 great great PROPN _005456899 1534 29 m m PROPN _005456899 1534 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1534 31 re1 re1 PROPN _005456899 1534 32 quette quette PROPN _005456899 1534 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1534 34 --y --y PROPN _005456899 1534 35 ~·,_.-- ~·,_.-- PROPN _005456899 1534 36 : : PUNCT _005456899 1534 37 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 1534 38 · · PUNCT _005456899 1534 39 · · NUM _005456899 1534 40 · · NUM _005456899 1534 41 -~·- -~·- NUM _005456899 1534 42 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 1534 43 ~~-chapter ~~-chapter PROPN _005456899 1534 44 xiv xiv PROPN _005456899 1534 45 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1534 46 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1534 47 from from ADP _005456899 1534 48 large large ADJ _005456899 1534 49 families family NOUN _005456899 1534 50 this this DET _005456899 1534 51 article article NOUN _005456899 1534 52 i8 i8 PROPN _005456899 1534 53 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 1534 54 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1534 55 with with ADP _005456899 1534 56 its its PRON _005456899 1534 57 original original ADJ _005456899 1534 58 title title NOUN _005456899 1534 59 trom trom ADP _005456899 1534 60 the the DET _005456899 1534 61 sign sign NOUN _005456899 1534 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 1534 63 january january PROPN _005456899 1534 64 , , PUNCT _005456899 1534 65 1932 1932 NUM _005456899 1534 66 · · PUNCT _005456899 1534 67 while while SCONJ _005456899 1534 68 teaching teach VERB _005456899 1534 69 literature literature NOUN _005456899 1534 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 1534 71 i i PRON _005456899 1534 72 noticed notice VERB _005456899 1534 73 that that SCONJ _005456899 1534 74 some some PRON _005456899 1534 75 of of ADP _005456899 1534 76 the the DET _005456899 1534 77 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1534 78 were be AUX _005456899 1534 79 younger young ADJ _005456899 1534 80 children child NOUN _005456899 1534 81 in in ADP _005456899 1534 82 large large ADJ _005456899 1534 83 families family NOUN _005456899 1534 84 . . PUNCT _005456899 1535 1 i i PRON _005456899 1535 2 began begin VERB _005456899 1535 3 keeping keep VERB _005456899 1535 4 a a DET _005456899 1535 5 record record NOUN _005456899 1535 6 of of ADP _005456899 1535 7 any any PRON _005456899 1535 8 i i PRON _005456899 1535 9 came come VERB _005456899 1535 10 across across ADP _005456899 1535 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1536 1 the the DET _005456899 1536 2 result result NOUN _005456899 1536 3 was be AUX _005456899 1536 4 this this DET _005456899 1536 5 article article NOUN _005456899 1536 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1536 7 among among ADP _005456899 1536 8 t t NOUN _005456899 1536 9 he he PRON _005456899 1536 10 first first ADV _005456899 1536 11 i i PRON _005456899 1536 12 ever ever ADV _005456899 1536 13 had have AUX _005456899 1536 14 published publish VERB _005456899 1536 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1537 1 it it PRON _005456899 1537 2 gained gain VERB _005456899 1537 3 quite quite DET _005456899 1537 4 a a DET _005456899 1537 5 bit bit NOUN _005456899 1537 6 of of ADP _005456899 1537 7 favorable favorable ADJ _005456899 1537 8 notice notice NOUN _005456899 1537 9 at at ADP _005456899 1537 10 the the DET _005456899 1537 11 time time NOUN _005456899 1537 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1538 1 the the DET _005456899 1538 2 commonweal commonweal NOUN _005456899 1538 3 for for ADP _005456899 1538 4 february february PROPN _005456899 1538 5 17 17 NUM _005456899 1538 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1538 7 1932 1932 NUM _005456899 1538 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1538 9 summarized summarize VERB _005456899 1538 10 its its PRON _005456899 1538 11 findings finding NOUN _005456899 1538 12 in in ADP _005456899 1538 13 an an DET _005456899 1538 14 editorial editorial NOUN _005456899 1538 15 of of ADP _005456899 1538 16 two two NUM _005456899 1538 17 paragraphs paragraph NOUN _005456899 1538 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1539 1 since since SCONJ _005456899 1539 2 it it PRON _005456899 1539 3 was be AUX _005456899 1539 4 written write VERB _005456899 1539 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1539 6 many many ADJ _005456899 1539 7 more more ADJ _005456899 1539 8 instances instance NOUN _005456899 1539 9 of of ADP _005456899 1539 10 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1539 11 people people NOUN _005456899 1539 12 from from ADP _005456899 1539 13 large large ADJ _005456899 1539 14 families family NOUN _005456899 1539 15 have have AUX _005456899 1539 16 come come VERB _005456899 1539 17 into into ADP _005456899 1539 18 my my PRON _005456899 1539 19 file file NOUN _005456899 1539 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1539 21 ant ant ADJ _005456899 1539 22 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1540 1 i i PRON _005456899 1540 2 really really ADV _005456899 1540 3 ought ought AUX _005456899 1540 4 to to PART _005456899 1540 5 rewrite rewrite VERB _005456899 1540 6 the the DET _005456899 1540 7 article article NOUN _005456899 1540 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1540 9 embody embody VERB _005456899 1540 10 them they PRON _005456899 1540 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1541 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1541 2 i i PRON _005456899 1541 3 partly partly ADV _005456899 1541 4 lack lack VERB _005456899 1541 5 the the DET _005456899 1541 6 time time NOUN _005456899 1541 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1541 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1541 9 partly partly ADV _005456899 1541 10 the the DET _005456899 1541 11 inclination inclination NOUN _005456899 1541 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1542 1 so so ADV _005456899 1542 2 i i PRON _005456899 1542 3 reprint reprint VERB _005456899 1542 4 the the DET _005456899 1542 5 article article NOUN _005456899 1542 6 as as SCONJ _005456899 1542 7 origina'lly origina'lly ADV _005456899 1542 8 written write VERB _005456899 1542 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1543 1 in in ADP _005456899 1543 2 its its PRON _005456899 1543 3 present present ADJ _005456899 1543 4 form form NOUN _005456899 1543 5 it it PRON _005456899 1543 6 is be AUX _005456899 1543 7 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1543 8 to to PART _005456899 1543 9 show show VERB _005456899 1543 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 1543 11 the the DET _005456899 1543 12 more more ADJ _005456899 1543 13 children child NOUN _005456899 1543 14 a a DET _005456899 1543 15 couple couple NOUN _005456899 1543 16 has have VERB _005456899 1543 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1543 18 the the PRON _005456899 1543 19 greater great ADJ _005456899 1543 20 the the DET _005456899 1543 21 likelihood likelihood NOUN _005456899 1543 22 of of ADP _005456899 1543 23 a a DET _005456899 1543 24 genius genius NOUN _005456899 1543 25 being be AUX _005456899 1543 26 among among ADP _005456899 1543 27 them they PRON _005456899 1543 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1544 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1544 2 being be AUX _005456899 1544 3 myself myself PRON _005456899 1544 4 the the DET _005456899 1544 5 oldest old ADJ _005456899 1544 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 7 not not PART _005456899 1544 8 the the DET _005456899 1544 9 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1544 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 11 of of ADP _005456899 1544 12 a a DET _005456899 1544 13 large large ADJ _005456899 1544 14 family family NOUN _005456899 1544 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 16 i i PRON _005456899 1544 17 hasten hasten VERB _005456899 1544 18 to to PART _005456899 1544 19 add add VERB _005456899 1544 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 1544 21 among among ADP _005456899 1544 22 many many ADJ _005456899 1544 23 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1544 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1544 25 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1544 26 the the DET _005456899 1544 27 oldest old ADJ _005456899 1544 28 has have VERB _005456899 1544 29 e?iery e?iery NUM _005456899 1544 30 bit bit NOUN _005456899 1544 31 as as ADV _005456899 1544 32 good good ADJ _005456899 1544 33 a a DET _005456899 1544 34 chance chance NOUN _005456899 1544 35 of of ADP _005456899 1544 36 being be AUX _005456899 1544 37 a a DET _005456899 1544 38 genius genius NOUN _005456899 1544 39 as as ADP _005456899 1544 40 the the DET _005456899 1544 41 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1544 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 43 but but CCONJ _005456899 1544 44 also also ADV _005456899 1544 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 46 alas alas INTJ _005456899 1544 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 48 not not PART _005456899 1544 49 at at ADV _005456899 1544 50 all all ADV _005456899 1544 51 a a DET _005456899 1544 52 better well ADJ _005456899 1544 53 chancel chancel NOUN _005456899 1544 54 many many ADJ _005456899 1544 55 geniuses genius NOUN _005456899 1544 56 had have VERB _005456899 1544 57 many many ADJ _005456899 1544 58 older old ADJ _005456899 1544 59 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1544 60 and and CCONJ _005456899 1544 61 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1544 62 news news NOUN _005456899 1544 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 64 they they PRON _005456899 1544 65 say say VERB _005456899 1544 66 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 67 is be AUX _005456899 1544 68 not not PART _005456899 1544 69 a a DET _005456899 1544 70 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1544 71 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 72 but but CCONJ _005456899 1544 73 merely merely ADV _005456899 1544 74 the the DET _005456899 1544 75 quality quality NOUN _005456899 1544 76 of of ADP _005456899 1544 77 a a DET _005456899 1544 78 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1544 79 : : PUNCT _005456899 1544 80 a a DET _005456899 1544 81 letter letter NOUN _005456899 1544 82 found find VERB _005456899 1544 83 in in ADP _005456899 1544 84 an an DET _005456899 1544 85 old old ADJ _005456899 1544 86 trunk trunk NOUN _005456899 1544 87 would would AUX _005456899 1544 88 hardly hardly ADV _005456899 1544 89 be be AUX _005456899 1544 90 news news NOUN _005456899 1544 91 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 92 but but CCONJ _005456899 1544 93 a a DET _005456899 1544 94 shakespearean shakespearean ADJ _005456899 1544 95 letter letter NOUN _005456899 1544 96 found find VERB _005456899 1544 97 in in ADP _005456899 1544 98 an an DET _005456899 1544 99 old old ADJ _005456899 1544 100 trunk trunk NOUN _005456899 1544 101 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 102 that that ADV _005456899 1544 103 is is ADV _005456899 1544 104 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 105 a a DET _005456899 1544 106 letter letter NOUN _005456899 1544 107 with with ADP _005456899 1544 108 an an DET _005456899 1544 109 interesting interesting ADJ _005456899 1544 110 personal personal ADJ _005456899 1544 111 adjective adjective NOUN _005456899 1544 112 before before ADP _005456899 1544 113 it it PRON _005456899 1544 114 , , PUNCT _005456899 1544 115 would would AUX _005456899 1544 116 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 1544 117 make make VERB _005456899 1544 118 the the DET _005456899 1544 119 first first ADJ _005456899 1544 120 page page NOUN _005456899 1544 121 . . PUNCT _005456899 1545 1 so so ADV _005456899 1545 2 it it PRON _005456899 1545 3 is be AUX _005456899 1545 4 with with ADP _005456899 1545 5 certain certain ADJ _005456899 1545 6 facts fact NOUN _005456899 1545 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1546 1 they they PRON _005456899 1546 2 may may AUX _005456899 1546 3 be be AUX _005456899 1546 4 quite quite ADV _005456899 1546 5 unimportant unimportant ADJ _005456899 1546 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1546 7 unexciting unexciting ADJ _005456899 1546 8 in in ADP _005456899 1546 9 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 1546 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1546 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 1546 12 link link VERB _005456899 1546 13 them they PRON _005456899 1546 14 up up ADP _005456899 1546 15 with with ADP _005456899 1546 16 napoleon napoleon NOUN _005456899 1546 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 1546 18 lincoln lincoln NOUN _005456899 1546 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1546 20 dante dante ADJ _005456899 1546 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1546 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1546 23 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1546 24 's 's PART _005456899 1546 25 ears ear NOUN _005456899 1546 26 prick prick VERB _005456899 1546 27 up up ADP _005456899 1546 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1546 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1546 30 solemn solemn ADJ _005456899 1546 31 lessons lesson NOUN _005456899 1546 32 are be AUX _005456899 1546 33 drawn draw VERB _005456899 1546 34 from from ADP _005456899 1546 35 items item NOUN _005456899 1546 36 which which PRON _005456899 1546 37 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 1546 38 no no DET _005456899 1546 39 one one NOUN _005456899 1546 40 would would AUX _005456899 1546 41 stoop stoop VERB _005456899 1546 42 to to PART _005456899 1546 43 notice notice VERB _005456899 1546 44 . . PUNCT _005456899 1547 1 hence hence ADV _005456899 1547 2 certain certain ADJ _005456899 1547 3 random random ADJ _005456899 1547 4 facts fact NOUN _005456899 1547 5 about about ADP _005456899 1547 6 the the DET _005456899 1547 7 families family NOUN _005456899 1547 8 to to PART _005456899 1547 9 which which PRON _005456899 1547 10 some some PRON _005456899 1547 11 of of ADP _005456899 1547 12 our our PRON _005456899 1547 13 great great ADJ _005456899 1547 14 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1547 15 belonged belong VERB _005456899 1547 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1547 17 showing show VERB _005456899 1547 18 how how SCONJ _005456899 1547 19 many many ADJ _005456899 1547 20 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1547 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1547 22 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1547 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1547 24 especially especially ADV _005456899 1547 25 older old ADJ _005456899 1547 26 ones one NOUN _005456899 1547 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1547 28 they they PRON _005456899 1547 29 had have AUX _005456899 1547 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1547 31 ought ought AUX _005456899 1547 32 to to PART _005456899 1547 33 be be AUX _005456899 1547 34 of of ADP _005456899 1547 35 interest interest NOUN _005456899 1547 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1547 37 especially especially ADV _005456899 1547 38 nowadays nowadays ADV _005456899 1547 39 when when SCONJ _005456899 1547 40 we we PRON _005456899 1547 41 have have VERB _005456899 1547 42 all all DET _005456899 1547 43 sorts sort NOUN _005456899 1547 44 of of ADP _005456899 1547 45 people people NOUN _005456899 1547 46 going go VERB _005456899 1547 47 about about ADP _005456899 1547 48 telling tell VERB _005456899 1547 49 us we PRON _005456899 1547 50 about about ADP _005456899 1547 51 the the DET _005456899 1547 52 dire dire ADJ _005456899 1547 53 effects effect NOUN _005456899 1547 54 of of ADP _005456899 1547 55 having have VERB _005456899 1547 56 large large ADJ _005456899 1547 57 families family NOUN _005456899 1547 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 1548 1 many many ADJ _005456899 1548 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1548 3 saints saint NOUN _005456899 1548 4 came come VERB _005456899 1548 5 from from ADP _005456899 1548 6 large large ADJ _005456899 1548 7 families family NOUN _005456899 1548 8 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 1548 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1548 10 of of ADP _005456899 1548 11 course course NOUN _005456899 1548 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1548 13 when when SCONJ _005456899 1548 14 this this DET _005456899 1548 15 subject subject NOUN _005456899 1548 16 of of ADP _005456899 1548 17 large large ADJ _005456899 1548 18 families family NOUN _005456899 1548 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1548 20 great great ADJ _005456899 1548 21 men man NOUN _005456899 1548 22 is be AUX _005456899 1548 23 brought bring VERB _005456899 1548 24 up up ADP _005456899 1548 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1548 26 readily readily ADV _005456899 1548 27 think think VERB _005456899 1548 28 of of ADP _005456899 1548 29 a a DET _005456899 1548 30 number number NOUN _005456899 1548 31 of of ADP _005456899 1548 32 their their PRON _005456899 1548 33 saints saint NOUN _005456899 1548 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1548 35 religious religious ADJ _005456899 1548 36 who who PRON _005456899 1548 37 had have VERB _005456899 1548 38 many many ADJ _005456899 1548 39 older old ADJ _005456899 1548 40 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1548 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 1548 42 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1548 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1549 1 pere pere PROPN _005456899 1549 2 marquette marquette PROPN _005456899 1549 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1549 4 for for ADP _005456899 1549 5 instance instance NOUN _005456899 1549 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1549 7 whose whose DET _005456899 1549 8 statue statue NOUN _005456899 1549 9 is be AUX _005456899 1549 10 in in ADP _005456899 1549 11 the the DET _005456899 1549 12 hall hall NOUN _005456899 1549 13 of of ADP _005456899 1549 14 fame fame NOUN _005456899 1549 15 in in ADP _005456899 1549 16 our our PRON _005456899 1549 17 68 68 NUM _005456899 1549 18 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1549 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1549 20 courtsiup courtsiup NOUN _005456899 1549 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1549 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1549 23 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1549 24 capitol capitol NOUN _005456899 1549 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1549 26 was be AUX _005456899 1549 27 the the DET _005456899 1549 28 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1549 29 of of ADP _005456899 1549 30 six six NUM _005456899 1549 31 children child NOUN _005456899 1549 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1550 1 ignatius ignatius NOUN _005456899 1550 2 of of ADP _005456899 1550 3 loyola loyola PROPN _005456899 1550 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1550 5 nobleman nobleman NOUN _005456899 1550 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1550 7 saint saint NOUN _005456899 1550 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1550 9 founder founder NOUN _005456899 1550 10 of of ADP _005456899 1550 11 the the DET _005456899 1550 12 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1550 13 teaching teaching NOUN _005456899 1550 14 order order NOUN _005456899 1550 15 in in ADP _005456899 1550 16 the the DET _005456899 1550 17 world world NOUN _005456899 1550 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1550 19 was be AUX _005456899 1550 20 the the DET _005456899 1550 21 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1550 22 of of ADP _005456899 1550 23 thirteen thirteen NUM _005456899 1550 24 children child NOUN _005456899 1550 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1550 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1550 27 his his PRON _005456899 1550 28 follower follower NOUN _005456899 1550 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1550 30 st st PROPN _005456899 1550 31 . . PROPN _005456899 1550 32 francis francis PROPN _005456899 1550 33 xavier xavier PROPN _005456899 1550 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1550 35 another another DET _005456899 1550 36 nobleman nobleman NOUN _005456899 1550 37 saint saint NOUN _005456899 1550 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1550 39 was be AUX _005456899 1550 40 the the DET _005456899 1550 41 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1550 42 of of ADP _005456899 1550 43 at at ADV _005456899 1550 44 least least ADJ _005456899 1550 45 six six NUM _005456899 1550 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 1551 1 joan joan PROPN _005456899 1551 2 of of ADP _005456899 1551 3 arc arc PROPN _005456899 1551 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1551 5 about about ADP _005456899 1551 6 whom whom PRON _005456899 1551 7 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1551 8 sang sing VERB _005456899 1551 9 a a DET _005456899 1551 10 fiery fiery ADJ _005456899 1551 11 war war NOUN _005456899 1551 12 song song NOUN _005456899 1551 13 during during ADP _005456899 1551 14 1917 1917 NUM _005456899 1551 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1551 16 was be AUX _005456899 1551 17 the the DET _005456899 1551 18 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1551 19 of of ADP _005456899 1551 20 five five NUM _005456899 1551 21 children child NOUN _005456899 1551 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1552 1 then then ADV _005456899 1552 2 there there PRON _005456899 1552 3 is be VERB _005456899 1552 4 the the DET _005456899 1552 5 little little ADJ _005456899 1552 6 flower flower NOUN _005456899 1552 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1553 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1553 2 her her PRON _005456899 1553 3 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1553 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1553 5 a a DET _005456899 1553 6 young young ADJ _005456899 1553 7 french french ADJ _005456899 1553 8 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1553 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1553 10 was be AUX _005456899 1553 11 about about ADJ _005456899 1553 12 to to PART _005456899 1553 13 marry marry VERB _005456899 1553 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1553 15 she she PRON _005456899 1553 16 prayed pray VERB _005456899 1553 17 to to ADP _005456899 1553 18 god god PROPN _005456899 1553 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1553 20 saying say VERB _005456899 1553 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1553 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1553 23 i i PRON _005456899 1553 24 beseech beseech VERB _005456899 1553 25 thee thee PRON _005456899 1553 26 to to PART _005456899 1553 27 make make VERB _005456899 1553 28 me i PRON _005456899 1553 29 the the DET _005456899 1553 30 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1553 31 of of ADP _005456899 1553 32 many many ADJ _005456899 1553 33 children child NOUN _005456899 1553 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1553 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 1553 36 to to PART _005456899 1553 37 grant grant VERB _005456899 1553 38 that that SCONJ _005456899 1553 39 all all PRON _005456899 1553 40 of of ADP _005456899 1553 41 them they PRON _005456899 1553 42 may may AUX _005456899 1553 43 be be AUX _005456899 1553 44 consecrated consecrate VERB _005456899 1553 45 to to ADP _005456899 1553 46 thee thee PRON _005456899 1553 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 1553 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 1554 1 god god PROPN _005456899 1554 2 gave give VERB _005456899 1554 3 her she PRON _005456899 1554 4 nine nine NUM _005456899 1554 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 1554 6 four four NUM _005456899 1554 7 of of ADP _005456899 1554 8 them they PRON _005456899 1554 9 went go VERB _005456899 1554 10 to to ADP _005456899 1554 11 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1554 12 in in ADP _005456899 1554 13 infancy infancy NOUN _005456899 1554 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1554 15 the the DET _005456899 1554 16 other other ADJ _005456899 1554 17 five five NUM _005456899 1554 18 became become VERB _005456899 1554 19 nuns nun NOUN _005456899 1554 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1555 1 of of ADP _005456899 1555 2 these these PRON _005456899 1555 3 the the DET _005456899 1555 4 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1555 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1555 6 or or CCONJ _005456899 1555 7 ninth ninth ADJ _005456899 1555 8 child child NOUN _005456899 1555 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1555 10 is be AUX _005456899 1555 11 honored honor VERB _005456899 1555 12 throughout throughout ADP _005456899 1555 13 the the DET _005456899 1555 14 world world NOUN _005456899 1555 15 today today NOUN _005456899 1555 16 as as ADP _005456899 1555 17 st st PROPN _005456899 1555 18 . . PROPN _005456899 1555 19 therese therese PROPN _005456899 1555 20 of of ADP _005456899 1555 21 lisieux lisieux PROPN _005456899 1555 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1555 23 the the DET _005456899 1555 24 little little ADJ _005456899 1555 25 flower flower NOUN _005456899 1555 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1556 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1556 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1556 3 of of ADP _005456899 1556 4 course course NOUN _005456899 1556 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1556 6 everyone everyone PRON _005456899 1556 7 remembers remember VERB _005456899 1556 8 catherine catherine ADV _005456899 1556 9 of of ADP _005456899 1556 10 siena siena NOUN _005456899 1556 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1556 12 the the DET _005456899 1556 13 twenty twenty NUM _005456899 1556 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 1556 15 fifth fifth ADJ _005456899 1556 16 child child NOUN _005456899 1556 17 of of ADP _005456899 1556 18 a a DET _005456899 1556 19 sienese sienese ADJ _005456899 1556 20 dyer dyer NOUN _005456899 1556 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1556 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1556 23 wonders wonder VERB _005456899 1556 24 how how SCONJ _005456899 1556 25 many many ADJ _005456899 1556 26 first first ADJ _005456899 1556 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1556 28 only only ADV _005456899 1556 29 children child NOUN _005456899 1556 30 ever ever ADV _005456899 1556 31 attain attain VERB _005456899 1556 32 to to ADP _005456899 1556 33 the the DET _005456899 1556 34 fame fame NOUN _005456899 1556 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 1556 36 prominence prominence NOUN _005456899 1556 37 that that PRON _005456899 1556 38 was be AUX _005456899 1556 39 hers hers PRON _005456899 1556 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1557 1 coleridge coleridge PROPN _005456899 1557 2 was be AUX _005456899 1557 3 the the DET _005456899 1557 4 thirteenth thirteenth ADJ _005456899 1557 5 child child NOUN _005456899 1557 6 of of ADP _005456899 1557 7 these these DET _005456899 1557 8 holy holy ADJ _005456899 1557 9 people people NOUN _005456899 1557 10 from from ADP _005456899 1557 11 large large ADJ _005456899 1557 12 families family NOUN _005456899 1557 13 we we PRON _005456899 1557 14 know know VERB _005456899 1557 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1557 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 1557 17 few few ADJ _005456899 1557 18 of of ADP _005456899 1557 19 us we PRON _005456899 1557 20 realize realize VERB _005456899 1557 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 1557 22 many many ADJ _005456899 1557 23 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1557 24 english english ADJ _005456899 1557 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1557 26 american american ADJ _005456899 1557 27 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1557 28 were be AUX _005456899 1557 29 also also ADV _005456899 1557 30 born bear VERB _005456899 1557 31 of of ADP _005456899 1557 32 large large ADJ _005456899 1557 33 families family NOUN _005456899 1557 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1557 35 had have VERB _005456899 1557 36 many many ADJ _005456899 1557 37 older old ADJ _005456899 1557 38 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1557 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1557 40 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1557 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 1558 1 most most ADV _005456899 1558 2 striking striking ADJ _005456899 1558 3 of of ADP _005456899 1558 4 these these PRON _005456899 1558 5 is be AUX _005456899 1558 6 the the DET _005456899 1558 7 man man NOUN _005456899 1558 8 who who PRON _005456899 1558 9 wrote write VERB _005456899 1558 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 1558 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1558 12 he he PRON _005456899 1558 13 prayeth prayeth VERB _005456899 1558 14 best well ADV _005456899 1558 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1558 16 who who PRON _005456899 1558 17 loveth loveth VERB _005456899 1558 18 best well ADV _005456899 1558 19 all all DET _005456899 1558 20 things thing NOUN _005456899 1558 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1558 22 both both CCONJ _005456899 1558 23 great great ADJ _005456899 1558 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1558 25 small small ADJ _005456899 1558 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1558 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 1559 1 coleridge coleridge NOUN _005456899 1559 2 was be AUX _005456899 1559 3 a a DET _005456899 1559 4 thirteenth thirteenth ADJ _005456899 1559 5 child child NOUN _005456899 1559 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1560 1 his his PRON _005456899 1560 2 father father NOUN _005456899 1560 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1560 4 a a DET _005456899 1560 5 scholarly scholarly ADJ _005456899 1560 6 english english ADJ _005456899 1560 7 minister minister NOUN _005456899 1560 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1560 9 schoolmaster schoolmaster NOUN _005456899 1560 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1560 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1560 12 his his PRON _005456899 1560 13 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1560 14 were be AUX _005456899 1560 15 not not PART _005456899 1560 16 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1560 17 in in ADP _005456899 1560 18 a a DET _005456899 1560 19 worldly worldly ADJ _005456899 1560 20 way way NOUN _005456899 1560 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1560 22 though though ADV _005456899 1560 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1560 24 good good ADJ _005456899 1560 25 people people NOUN _005456899 1560 26 that that SCONJ _005456899 1560 27 they they PRON _005456899 1560 28 were be AUX _005456899 1560 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1560 30 they they PRON _005456899 1560 31 probably probably ADV _005456899 1560 32 felt feel VERB _005456899 1560 33 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 1560 34 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1560 35 with with ADP _005456899 1560 36 so so ADV _005456899 1560 37 many many ADJ _005456899 1560 38 children child NOUN _005456899 1560 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 1561 1 at at ADP _005456899 1561 2 any any DET _005456899 1561 3 rate rate NOUN _005456899 1561 4 they they PRON _005456899 1561 5 had have VERB _005456899 1561 6 the the DET _005456899 1561 7 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _005456899 1561 8 of of ADP _005456899 1561 9 seeing see VERB _005456899 1561 10 their their PRON _005456899 1561 11 thirteenth thirteenth ADJ _005456899 1561 12 child child NOUN _005456899 1561 13 so so ADV _005456899 1561 14 precocious precocious ADJ _005456899 1561 15 as as SCONJ _005456899 1561 16 to to PART _005456899 1561 17 be be AUX _005456899 1561 18 able able ADJ _005456899 1561 19 to to PART _005456899 1561 20 read read VERB _005456899 1561 21 at at ADP _005456899 1561 22 three three NUM _005456899 1561 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1561 24 so so ADV _005456899 1561 25 gifted gifted ADJ _005456899 1561 26 generally generally ADV _005456899 1561 27 as as SCONJ _005456899 1561 28 to to PART _005456899 1561 29 become become VERB _005456899 1561 30 the the DET _005456899 1561 31 most most ADV _005456899 1561 32 brilliant brilliant ADJ _005456899 1561 33 man man NOUN _005456899 1561 34 of of ADP _005456899 1561 35 his his PRON _005456899 1561 36 time time NOUN _005456899 1561 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1561 38 the the DET _005456899 1561 39 best good ADJ _005456899 1561 40 conversationalist conversationalist NOUN _005456899 1561 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 1561 42 the the DET _005456899 1561 43 best good ADJ _005456899 1561 44 critic critic NOUN _005456899 1561 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1561 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 1561 47 a a DET _005456899 1561 48 rare rare ADJ _005456899 1561 49 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1561 50 . . PUNCT _005456899 1562 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1562 2 he he PRON _005456899 1562 3 died die VERB _005456899 1562 4 at at ADP _005456899 1562 5 sixty sixty NUM _005456899 1562 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 1562 7 two two NUM _005456899 1562 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1562 9 he he PRON _005456899 1562 10 had have AUX _005456899 1562 11 left leave VERB _005456899 1562 12 a a DET _005456899 1562 13 deep deep ADJ _005456899 1562 14 impress impress NOUN _005456899 1562 15 on on ADP _005456899 1562 16 english english ADJ _005456899 1562 17 philosophic philosophic ADJ _005456899 1562 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1562 19 literary literary ADJ _005456899 1562 20 thought think VERB _005456899 1562 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1563 1 one one NUM _005456899 1563 2 seventh seventh ADJ _005456899 1563 3 child child NOUN _005456899 1563 4 is be AUX _005456899 1563 5 the the DET _005456899 1563 6 sanest sane ADJ _005456899 1563 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1563 8 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1563 9 his his PRON _005456899 1563 10 friend friend NOUN _005456899 1563 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1563 12 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005456899 1563 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1563 14 charles charles PROPN _005456899 1563 15 lamb lamb PROPN _005456899 1563 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1563 17 who who PRON _005456899 1563 18 wrote write VERB _005456899 1563 19 the the DET _005456899 1563 20 well well ADV _005456899 1563 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 1563 22 known know VERB _005456899 1563 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1563 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1563 25 all all PRON _005456899 1563 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1563 27 all all PRON _005456899 1563 28 are be AUX _005456899 1563 29 gone go VERB _005456899 1563 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1563 31 the the DET _005456899 1563 32 old old ADJ _005456899 1563 33 familiar familiar ADJ _005456899 1563 34 faces face NOUN _005456899 1563 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1563 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 1563 37 was be AUX _005456899 1563 38 the the DET _005456899 1563 39 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1563 40 of of ADP _005456899 1563 41 seven seven NUM _005456899 1563 42 children child NOUN _005456899 1563 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1564 1 only only ADV _005456899 1564 2 three three NUM _005456899 1564 3 of of ADP _005456899 1564 4 these these PRON _005456899 1564 5 survived survive VERB _005456899 1564 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1565 1 of of ADP _005456899 1565 2 the the DET _005456899 1565 3 oldest old ADJ _005456899 1565 4 of of ADP _005456899 1565 5 the the DET _005456899 1565 6 three three NUM _005456899 1565 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1565 8 john john PROPN _005456899 1565 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1565 10 not not PART _005456899 1565 11 much much ADJ _005456899 1565 12 is be AUX _005456899 1565 13 known know VERB _005456899 1565 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1566 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1566 2 the the DET _005456899 1566 3 one one NUM _005456899 1566 4 surviving survive VERB _005456899 1566 5 sister sister NOUN _005456899 1566 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1566 7 mary mary PROPN _005456899 1566 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1566 9 was be AUX _005456899 1566 10 gifted gifted ADJ _005456899 1566 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1566 12 distinguished distinguished ADJ _005456899 1566 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1567 1 she she PRON _005456899 1567 2 contributed contribute VERB _005456899 1567 3 the the DET _005456899 1567 4 corned corned NOUN _005456899 1567 5 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1567 6 wrote write VERB _005456899 1567 7 t t NOUN _005456899 1567 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1567 9 a a DET _005456899 1567 10 i i PROPN _005456899 1567 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 1567 12 ur ur PROPN _005456899 1567 13 which which PRON _005456899 1567 14 of of ADP _005456899 1567 15 the the DET _005456899 1567 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1567 17 vi vi PROPN _005456899 1567 18 . . PROPN _005456899 1567 19 essays essay NOUN _005456899 1567 20 ears ear NOUN _005456899 1567 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1567 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1567 23 certain certain ADJ _005456899 1567 24 an an DET _005456899 1567 25 irrepn irrepn NOUN _005456899 1567 26 purse purse NOUN _005456899 1567 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1568 1 ately ately ADV _005456899 1568 2 ' ' PART _005456899 1568 3 golds gold NOUN _005456899 1568 4 : : PUNCT _005456899 1568 5 er er ADJ _005456899 1568 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 1568 7 par par NOUN _005456899 1568 8 not not PART _005456899 1568 9 rio rio NOUN _005456899 1568 10 even even ADV _005456899 1568 11 who who PRON _005456899 1568 12 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1568 13 was be AUX _005456899 1568 14 t• t• PROPN _005456899 1568 15 k k PROPN _005456899 1568 16 biogr biogr NOUN _005456899 1568 17 ingto ingto VERB _005456899 1568 18 est est X _005456899 1568 19 ol ol ADJ _005456899 1568 20 what what PRON _005456899 1568 21 it it PRON _005456899 1568 22 wa wa VERB _005456899 1568 23 supp supp NOUN _005456899 1568 24 with with ADP _005456899 1568 25 ltm ltm PROPN _005456899 1568 26 broth broth PROPN _005456899 1568 27 peter peter PROPN _005456899 1568 28 news news PROPN _005456899 1568 29 : : PUNCT _005456899 1568 30 ear ear NOUN _005456899 1568 31 lie lie VERB _005456899 1568 32 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1568 33 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1568 34 from from ADP _005456899 1568 35 large large ADJ _005456899 1568 36 families family NOUN _005456899 1568 37 69 69 NUM _005456899 1568 38 comedy comedy NOUN _005456899 1568 39 tales tale NOUN _005456899 1568 40 to to ADP _005456899 1568 41 the the DET _005456899 1568 42 popular popular ADJ _005456899 1568 43 lambs lamb NOUN _005456899 1568 44 ' ' PART _005456899 1568 45 tales tale NOUN _005456899 1568 46 of of ADP _005456899 1568 47 shakespeare shakespeare NOUN _005456899 1568 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1568 49 and and CCONJ _005456899 1568 50 wrote write VERB _005456899 1568 51 the the DET _005456899 1568 52 well well ADV _005456899 1568 53 - - PUNCT _005456899 1568 54 known know VERB _005456899 1568 55 in in ADP _005456899 1568 56 memoriam memoriam PROPN _005456899 1568 57 , , PUNCT _005456899 1568 58 beginning begin VERB _005456899 1568 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 1568 60 " " PUNCT _005456899 1568 61 a a DET _005456899 1568 62 child child NOUN _005456899 1568 63 's be AUX _005456899 1568 64 a a DET _005456899 1568 65 plaything plaything NOUN _005456899 1568 66 for for ADP _005456899 1568 67 an an DET _005456899 1568 68 hour hour NOUN _005456899 1568 69 . . PUNCT _005456899 1568 70 " " PUNCT _005456899 1569 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1569 2 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 1569 3 she she PRON _005456899 1569 4 was be AUX _005456899 1569 5 subject subject ADJ _005456899 1569 6 to to ADP _005456899 1569 7 fits fit NOUN _005456899 1569 8 of of ADP _005456899 1569 9 insanity insanity NOUN _005456899 1569 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1569 11 in in ADP _005456899 1569 12 one one NUM _005456899 1569 13 of of ADP _005456899 1569 14 which which PRON _005456899 1569 15 she she PRON _005456899 1569 16 killed kill VERB _005456899 1569 17 her her PRON _005456899 1569 18 own own ADJ _005456899 1569 19 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1569 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1570 1 it it PRON _005456899 1570 2 was be AUX _005456899 1570 3 charles charle NOUN _005456899 1570 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1570 5 the the DET _005456899 1570 6 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1570 7 of of ADP _005456899 1570 8 the the DET _005456899 1570 9 children child NOUN _005456899 1570 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1570 11 who who PRON _005456899 1570 12 remained remain VERB _005456899 1570 13 mary mary PROPN _005456899 1570 14 's 's PART _005456899 1570 15 suppor_ter suppor_ter NOUN _005456899 1570 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1570 17 protector protector NOUN _005456899 1570 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1570 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1570 20 who who PRON _005456899 1570 21 lived live VERB _005456899 1570 22 the the DET _005456899 1570 23 most most ADV _005456899 1570 24 normal normal ADJ _005456899 1570 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1570 26 distinguished distinguished ADJ _005456899 1570 27 life life NOUN _005456899 1570 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1571 1 with with ADP _005456899 1571 2 his his PRON _005456899 1571 3 essays essay NOUN _005456899 1571 4 of of ADP _005456899 1571 5 elia elia NOUN _005456899 1571 6 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1571 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1571 8 a a DET _005456899 1571 9 dissertation dissertation NOUN _005456899 1571 10 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1571 11 roast roast NOUN _005456899 1571 12 pig pig NOUN _005456899 1571 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1571 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1571 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1571 16 a a DET _005456899 1571 17 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1571 18 on on ADP _005456899 1571 19 ears ear NOUN _005456899 1571 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1571 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1571 22 etc etc X _005456899 1571 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1571 24 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1572 1 he he PRON _005456899 1572 2 became become VERB _005456899 1572 3 one one NUM _005456899 1572 4 of of ADP _005456899 1572 5 the the DET _005456899 1572 6 most most ADV _005456899 1572 7 beloved beloved ADJ _005456899 1572 8 english english ADJ _005456899 1572 9 authors author NOUN _005456899 1572 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1572 11 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 1572 12 the the DET _005456899 1572 13 best well ADV _005456899 1572 14 loved love VERB _005456899 1572 15 essayist essayist NOUN _005456899 1572 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1573 1 an an DET _005456899 1573 2 irishman irishman NOUN _005456899 1573 3 is be AUX _005456899 1573 4 the the DET _005456899 1573 5 sixth sixth ADJ _005456899 1573 6 child child NOUN _005456899 1573 7 of of ADP _005456899 1573 8 mine mine PRON _005456899 1573 9 another another DET _005456899 1573 10 universally universally ADV _005456899 1573 11 beloved beloved ADJ _005456899 1573 12 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1573 13 is be AUX _005456899 1573 14 oliver oliver ADJ _005456899 1573 15 goldsmith goldsmith PROPN _005456899 1573 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1573 17 the the DET _005456899 1573 18 irrepressible irrepressible ADJ _005456899 1573 19 irishman irishman NOUN _005456899 1573 20 whose whose DET _005456899 1573 21 heart heart NOUN _005456899 1573 22 was be AUX _005456899 1573 23 always always ADV _005456899 1573 24 larger large ADJ _005456899 1573 25 than than ADP _005456899 1573 26 his his PRON _005456899 1573 27 purse purse NOUN _005456899 1573 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1574 1 it it PRON _005456899 1574 2 is be AUX _005456899 1574 3 he he PRON _005456899 1574 4 who who PRON _005456899 1574 5 in in ADP _005456899 1574 6 his his PRON _005456899 1574 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1574 8 deserted deserted ADJ _005456899 1574 9 village village NOUN _005456899 1574 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1574 11 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 1574 12 appropriately appropriately ADV _005456899 1574 13 wrote write VERB _005456899 1574 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1574 15 ill ill ADJ _005456899 1574 16 fares fare NOUN _005456899 1574 17 the the DET _005456899 1574 18 land land NOUN _005456899 1574 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1574 20 to to ADP _005456899 1574 21 hastening hastening NOUN _005456899 1574 22 ills ill VERB _005456899 1574 23 a a DET _005456899 1574 24 prey prey NOUN _005456899 1574 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1574 26 where where SCONJ _005456899 1574 27 wealth wealth NOUN _005456899 1574 28 accumulates accumulate VERB _005456899 1574 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1574 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1574 31 men man NOUN _005456899 1574 32 decay decay VERB _005456899 1574 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1574 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 1575 1 goldsmith goldsmith PROPN _005456899 1575 2 was be AUX _005456899 1575 3 the the DET _005456899 1575 4 sixth sixth ADJ _005456899 1575 5 of of ADP _005456899 1575 6 nine nine NUM _005456899 1575 7 children child NOUN _005456899 1575 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1576 1 his his PRON _005456899 1576 2 father father NOUN _005456899 1576 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1576 4 an an DET _005456899 1576 5 irish irish ADJ _005456899 1576 6 farmer farmer NOUN _005456899 1576 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 1576 8 parson parson NOUN _005456899 1576 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1576 10 passing pass VERB _005456899 1576 11 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1576 12 with with ADP _005456899 1576 13 forty forty NUM _005456899 1576 14 pounds pound NOUN _005456899 1576 15 a a DET _005456899 1576 16 year year NOUN _005456899 1576 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1576 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1576 19 was be AUX _005456899 1576 20 in in ADP _005456899 1576 21 reality reality NOUN _005456899 1576 22 not not PART _005456899 1576 23 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1576 24 in in ADP _005456899 1576 25 anything anything PRON _005456899 1576 26 except except SCONJ _005456899 1576 27 his his PRON _005456899 1576 28 children child NOUN _005456899 1576 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1576 30 a a DET _005456899 1576 31 wealth wealth NOUN _005456899 1576 32 which which PRON _005456899 1576 33 probably probably ADV _005456899 1576 34 even even ADV _005456899 1576 35 in in ADP _005456899 1576 36 those those DET _005456899 1576 37 days day NOUN _005456899 1576 38 few few ADJ _005456899 1576 39 would would AUX _005456899 1576 40 envy envy VERB _005456899 1576 41 him he PRON _005456899 1576 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 1577 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 1577 2 now now ADV _005456899 1577 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1577 4 looking look VERB _005456899 1577 5 back back ADV _005456899 1577 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1577 7 who who PRON _005456899 1577 8 would would AUX _005456899 1577 9 not not PART _005456899 1577 10 gladly gladly ADV _005456899 1577 11 have have AUX _005456899 1577 12 fed feed VERB _005456899 1577 13 nine nine NUM _005456899 1577 14 such such ADJ _005456899 1577 15 mouths mouth NOUN _005456899 1577 16 if if SCONJ _005456899 1577 17 a a DET _005456899 1577 18 goldsmith goldsmith NOUN _005456899 1577 19 was be AUX _005456899 1577 20 to to PART _005456899 1577 21 be be AUX _005456899 1577 22 sixth sixth ADJ _005456899 1577 23 among among ADP _005456899 1577 24 them they PRON _005456899 1577 25 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1578 1 the the DET _005456899 1578 2 author author NOUN _005456899 1578 3 of of ADP _005456899 1578 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1578 5 rip rip NOUN _005456899 1578 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1578 7 ~as ~as PUNCT _005456899 1578 8 the the DET _005456899 1578 9 eleventh eleventh ADJ _005456899 1578 10 child child NOUN _005456899 1578 11 even even ADV _005456899 1578 12 more more ADV _005456899 1578 13 worthy worthy ADJ _005456899 1578 14 of of ADP _005456899 1578 15 enrollment enrollment NOUN _005456899 1578 16 in in ADP _005456899 1578 17 this this DET _005456899 1578 18 paper paper NOUN _005456899 1578 19 is be AUX _005456899 1578 20 goldsmith goldsmith PROPN _005456899 1578 21 's 's PART _005456899 1578 22 biographer biographer NOUN _005456899 1578 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1578 24 our our PRON _005456899 1578 25 own own ADJ _005456899 1578 26 good good ADJ _005456899 1578 27 - - PUNCT _005456899 1578 28 natured natured ADJ _005456899 1578 29 diedrich diedrich NOUN _005456899 1578 30 knickerbocker knickerbocker NOUN _005456899 1578 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1578 32 washington washington PROPN _005456899 1578 33 irving irving PROPN _005456899 1578 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1579 1 he he PRON _005456899 1579 2 was be AUX _005456899 1579 3 the the DET _005456899 1579 4 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1579 5 of of ADP _005456899 1579 6 eleven eleven NUM _005456899 1579 7 children child NOUN _005456899 1579 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1579 9 the the DET _005456899 1579 10 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1579 11 of of ADP _005456899 1579 12 eight eight NUM _005456899 1579 13 sons son NOUN _005456899 1579 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1580 1 for for ADP _005456899 1580 2 many many ADJ _005456899 1580 3 years year NOUN _005456899 1580 4 the the DET _005456899 1580 5 family family NOUN _005456899 1580 6 regarded regard VERB _005456899 1580 7 him he PRON _005456899 1580 8 as as ADP _005456899 1580 9 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 1580 10 of of ADP _005456899 1580 11 a a DET _005456899 1580 12 failure failure NOUN _005456899 1580 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1580 14 yet yet CCONJ _005456899 1580 15 when when SCONJ _005456899 1580 16 the the DET _005456899 1580 17 irving irving PROPN _005456899 1580 18 cutlery cutlery PROPN _005456899 1580 19 firm firm NOUN _005456899 1580 20 failed fail VERB _005456899 1580 21 in in ADP _005456899 1580 22 1818 1818 NUM _005456899 1580 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1580 24 it it PRON _005456899 1580 25 was be AUX _005456899 1580 26 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1580 27 this this DET _005456899 1580 28 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1580 29 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1580 30 that that SCONJ _005456899 1580 31 the the DET _005456899 1580 32 family family NOUN _005456899 1580 33 could could AUX _005456899 1580 34 best well ADV _005456899 1580 35 lean lean VERB _005456899 1580 36 for for ADP _005456899 1580 37 support support NOUN _005456899 1580 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1580 39 since since SCONJ _005456899 1580 40 the the DET _005456899 1580 41 very very ADV _005456899 1580 42 next next ADJ _005456899 1580 43 year year NOUN _005456899 1580 44 he he PRON _005456899 1580 45 published publish VERB _005456899 1580 46 his his PRON _005456899 1580 47 sketch sketch NOUN _005456899 1580 48 book book NOUN _005456899 1580 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 1580 50 with with ADP _005456899 1580 51 its its PRON _005456899 1580 52 " " PUNCT _005456899 1580 53 rip rip NOUN _005456899 1580 54 van van PROPN _005456899 1580 55 winkle winkle PROPN _005456899 1580 56 " " PUNCT _005456899 1580 57 and and CCONJ _005456899 1580 58 " " PUNCT _005456899 1580 59 the the DET _005456899 1580 60 legend legend NOUN _005456899 1580 61 of of ADP _005456899 1580 62 the the DET _005456899 1580 63 sleepy sleepy ADJ _005456899 1580 64 hollow hollow ADJ _005456899 1580 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1580 66 " " PUNCT _005456899 1581 1 it it PRON _005456899 1581 2 made make VERB _005456899 1581 3 him he PRON _005456899 1581 4 celebrated celebrate VERB _005456899 1581 5 both both CCONJ _005456899 1581 6 here here ADV _005456899 1581 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1581 8 abroad abroad ADV _005456899 1581 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1582 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1582 2 of of ADP _005456899 1582 3 the the DET _005456899 1582 4 eight eight NUM _005456899 1582 5 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1582 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1582 7 irving irving NOUN _005456899 1582 8 was be AUX _005456899 1582 9 not not PART _005456899 1582 10 the the DET _005456899 1582 11 only only ADJ _005456899 1582 12 prominent prominent ADJ _005456899 1582 13 one one NUM _005456899 1582 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1583 1 at at ADV _005456899 1583 2 least least ADV _005456899 1583 3 two two NUM _005456899 1583 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 1584 1 peter peter PROPN _005456899 1584 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1584 3 john john PROPN _005456899 1584 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1584 5 went go VERB _005456899 1584 6 to to ADP _005456899 1584 7 columbia columbia PROPN _005456899 1584 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1584 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1584 10 peter peter PROPN _005456899 1584 11 later later ADV _005456899 1584 12 established establish VERB _005456899 1584 13 a a DET _005456899 1584 14 newspaper newspaper NOUN _005456899 1584 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1584 16 the the DET _005456899 1584 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1584 18 morning morning NOUN _005456899 1584 19 chronic!~ chronic!~ NOUN _005456899 1584 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1584 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1584 22 to to PART _005456899 1584 23 which which PRON _005456899 1584 24 irving irving NOUN _005456899 1584 25 : : PUNCT _005456899 1584 26 rnade rnade VERB _005456899 1584 27 his his PRON _005456899 1584 28 earliest early ADJ _005456899 1584 29 contributions contribution NOUN _005456899 1584 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1584 31 the the DET _005456899 1584 32 jonathan jonathan PROPN _005456899 1584 33 oldstyle oldstyle PROPN _005456899 1584 34 letters letter NOUN _005456899 1584 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1585 1 again again ADV _005456899 1585 2 it it PRON _005456899 1585 3 was be AUX _005456899 1585 4 70 70 NUM _005456899 1585 5 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1585 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1585 7 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1585 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1585 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1585 10 marriage marriage VERB _005456899 1585 11 the the DET _005456899 1585 12 oldest old ADJ _005456899 1585 13 brother brother NOUN _005456899 1585 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1585 15 william william PROPN _005456899 1585 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1585 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1585 18 a a DET _005456899 1585 19 relative relative NOUN _005456899 1585 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1585 21 james james PROPN _005456899 1585 22 k. k. PROPN _005456899 1585 23 paulding paulding PROPN _005456899 1585 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1585 25 who who PRON _005456899 1585 26 with with ADP _005456899 1585 27 irving irving NOUN _005456899 1585 28 started start VERB _005456899 1585 29 the the DET _005456899 1585 30 salmagundi salmagundi PROPN _005456899 1585 31 papers paper NOUN _005456899 1585 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1586 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1586 2 capable capable ADJ _005456899 1586 3 as as SCONJ _005456899 1586 4 his his PRON _005456899 1586 5 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1586 6 were be AUX _005456899 1586 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1586 8 it it PRON _005456899 1586 9 was be AUX _005456899 1586 10 irving irving ADJ _005456899 1586 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1586 12 the the DET _005456899 1586 13 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1586 14 of of ADP _005456899 1586 15 the the DET _005456899 1586 16 eleven eleven NUM _005456899 1586 17 children child NOUN _005456899 1586 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1586 19 who who PRON _005456899 1586 20 was be AUX _005456899 1586 21 the the DET _005456899 1586 22 first first ADJ _005456899 1586 23 american american PROPN _005456899 1586 24 to to PART _005456899 1586 25 achieve achieve VERB _005456899 1586 26 international international ADJ _005456899 1586 27 literary literary ADJ _005456899 1586 28 fame fame NOUN _005456899 1586 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1587 1 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 1587 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1587 3 cooper cooper NOUN _005456899 1587 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1587 5 bancroft bancroft ADV _005456899 1587 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1587 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1587 8 jack jack PROPN _005456899 1587 9 london london PROPN _005456899 1587 10 another another DET _005456899 1587 11 american american PROPN _005456899 1587 12 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1587 13 not not PART _005456899 1587 14 to to PART _005456899 1587 15 be be AUX _005456899 1587 16 omitted omit VERB _005456899 1587 17 here here ADV _005456899 1587 18 is be AUX _005456899 1587 19 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 1587 20 of of ADP _005456899 1587 21 poor poor PROPN _005456899 1587 22 richard richard PROPN _005456899 1587 23 's 's PART _005456899 1587 24 almanac almanac ADJ _005456899 1587 25 fame fame NOUN _005456899 1587 26 with with ADP _005456899 1587 27 its its PRON _005456899 1587 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1587 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1587 30 early early ADV _005456899 1587 31 to to ADP _005456899 1587 32 bed bed NOUN _005456899 1587 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1587 34 early early ADV _005456899 1587 35 to to PART _005456899 1587 36 rise rise VERB _005456899 1587 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1587 38 " " PUNCT _005456899 1587 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1587 40 many many ADJ _005456899 1587 41 like like ADP _005456899 1587 42 it it PRON _005456899 1587 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1588 1 he he PRON _005456899 1588 2 was be AUX _005456899 1588 3 the the DET _005456899 1588 4 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005456899 1588 5 of of ADP _005456899 1588 6 seventeen seventeen NUM _005456899 1588 7 children child NOUN _005456899 1588 8 of of ADP _005456899 1588 9 his his PRON _005456899 1588 10 father father NOUN _005456899 1588 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1588 12 ten ten NUM _005456899 1588 13 of of ADP _005456899 1588 14 whom whom PRON _005456899 1588 15 · · PUNCT _005456899 1588 16 were be AUX _005456899 1588 17 of of ADP _005456899 1588 18 the the DET _005456899 1588 19 second second ADJ _005456899 1588 20 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1588 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1589 1 he he PRON _005456899 1589 2 was be AUX _005456899 1589 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1589 4 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 1589 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1589 6 his his PRON _005456899 1589 7 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1589 8 's 's PART _005456899 1589 9 eighth eighth ADJ _005456899 1589 10 child child NOUN _005456899 1589 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1590 1 he he PRON _005456899 1590 2 became become VERB _005456899 1590 3 his his PRON _005456899 1590 4 country country NOUN _005456899 1590 5 's 's PART _005456899 1590 6 earliest early ADJ _005456899 1590 7 outstanding outstanding ADJ _005456899 1590 8 son,-famous son,-famous ADJ _005456899 1590 9 as as ADP _005456899 1590 10 a a DET _005456899 1590 11 statesman statesman NOUN _005456899 1590 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1590 13 a a DET _005456899 1590 14 scholar scholar NOUN _005456899 1590 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1590 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1590 17 a a DET _005456899 1590 18 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1590 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1591 1 his his PRON _005456899 1591 2 father father NOUN _005456899 1591 3 was be AUX _005456899 1591 4 a a DET _005456899 1591 5 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1591 6 candle candle NOUN _005456899 1591 7 maker maker NOUN _005456899 1591 8 whose whose DET _005456899 1591 9 country country NOUN _005456899 1591 10 is be AUX _005456899 1591 11 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1591 12 that that SCONJ _005456899 1591 13 he he PRON _005456899 1591 14 was be AUX _005456899 1591 15 not not PART _005456899 1591 16 too too ADV _005456899 1591 17 selfish selfish ADJ _005456899 1591 18 to to PART _005456899 1591 19 have have VERB _005456899 1591 20 a a DET _005456899 1591 21 large large ADJ _005456899 1591 22 family family NOUN _005456899 1591 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1592 1 along along ADP _005456899 1592 2 with with ADP _005456899 1592 3 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 1592 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 5 our our PRON _005456899 1592 6 first first ADJ _005456899 1592 7 great great ADJ _005456899 1592 8 almanac almanac NOUN _005456899 1592 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1592 10 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 1592 11 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1592 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1592 14 irving irving NOUN _005456899 1592 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 16 our our PRON _005456899 1592 17 first first ADJ _005456899 1592 18 short short ADJ _005456899 1592 19 - - PUNCT _005456899 1592 20 story story NOUN _005456899 1592 21 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1592 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 23 we we PRON _005456899 1592 24 must must AUX _005456899 1592 25 list list VERB _005456899 1592 26 our our PRON _005456899 1592 27 first first ADJ _005456899 1592 28 great great ADJ _005456899 1592 29 novelist novelist NOUN _005456899 1592 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 31 james james PROPN _005456899 1592 32 fenimore fenimore PROPN _005456899 1592 33 cooper cooper PROPN _005456899 1592 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 35 whose whose DET _005456899 1592 36 deerslayer deerslayer NOUN _005456899 1592 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 38 red red ADJ _005456899 1592 39 rover rover PROPN _005456899 1592 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 41 etc etc X _005456899 1592 42 . . X _005456899 1592 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 44 are be AUX _005456899 1592 45 known know VERB _005456899 1592 46 to to ADP _005456899 1592 47 every every DET _005456899 1592 48 american american ADJ _005456899 1592 49 and and CCONJ _005456899 1592 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 51 one one PRON _005456899 1592 52 can can AUX _005456899 1592 53 almost almost ADV _005456899 1592 54 add add VERB _005456899 1592 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 1592 56 every every DET _005456899 1592 57 europear europear ADJ _005456899 1592 58 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1592 59 . . PUNCT _005456899 1593 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1593 2 knows know VERB _005456899 1593 3 several several ADJ _005456899 1593 4 odd odd ADJ _005456899 1593 5 facts fact NOUN _005456899 1593 6 about about ADP _005456899 1593 7 him he PRON _005456899 1593 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1593 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 1593 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1593 11 for for ADP _005456899 1593 12 instance instance NOUN _005456899 1593 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1593 14 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1593 15 his his PRON _005456899 1593 16 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1593 17 's 's PART _005456899 1593 18 entreaties entreaty NOUN _005456899 1593 19 he he PRON _005456899 1593 20 resigned resign VERB _005456899 1593 21 from from ADP _005456899 1593 22 the the DET _005456899 1593 23 navy navy NOUN _005456899 1593 24 to to PART _005456899 1593 25 take take VERB _005456899 1593 26 up up ADP _005456899 1593 27 farming farming NOUN _005456899 1593 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1593 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1593 30 that that SCONJ _005456899 1593 31 he he PRON _005456899 1593 32 subsequently subsequently ADV _005456899 1593 33 started start VERB _005456899 1593 34 novel novel NOUN _005456899 1593 35 - - PUNCT _005456899 1593 36 writing writing NOUN _005456899 1593 37 because because SCONJ _005456899 1593 38 his his PRON _005456899 1593 39 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1593 40 mischi'evously mischi'evously ADV _005456899 1593 41 retorted retort VERB _005456899 1593 42 to to ADP _005456899 1593 43 his his PRON _005456899 1593 44 criticism criticism NOUN _005456899 1593 45 of of ADP _005456899 1593 46 some some DET _005456899 1593 47 novel novel NOUN _005456899 1593 48 with with ADP _005456899 1593 49 the the DET _005456899 1593 50 challenge challenge NOUN _005456899 1593 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 1593 52 " " PUNCT _005456899 1593 53 why why SCONJ _005456899 1593 54 do do AUX _005456899 1593 55 n't not PART _005456899 1593 56 you you PRON _005456899 1593 57 write write VERB _005456899 1593 58 a a DET _005456899 1593 59 better well ADJ _005456899 1593 60 one one NOUN _005456899 1593 61 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1593 62 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1594 1 few few ADJ _005456899 1594 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1594 3 however however ADV _005456899 1594 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1594 5 happen happen VERB _005456899 1594 6 to to PART _005456899 1594 7 know know VERB _005456899 1594 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 1594 9 this this DET _005456899 1594 10 genius genius NOUN _005456899 1594 11 so so ADV _005456899 1594 12 oddly oddly ADV _005456899 1594 13 thrown throw VERB _005456899 1594 14 into into ADP _005456899 1594 15 literature literature NOUN _005456899 1594 16 was be AUX _005456899 1594 17 the the DET _005456899 1594 18 eleventh eleventh ADJ _005456899 1594 19 child child NOUN _005456899 1594 20 of of ADP _005456899 1594 21 his his PRON _005456899 1594 22 quaker quaker NOUN _005456899 1594 23 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1594 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1595 1 to to ADP _005456899 1595 2 these these DET _005456899 1595 3 three three NUM _005456899 1595 4 pioneers pioneer NOUN _005456899 1595 5 in in ADP _005456899 1595 6 american american ADJ _005456899 1595 7 letters letter NOUN _005456899 1595 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1595 9 coming come VERB _005456899 1595 10 from from ADP _005456899 1595 11 large large ADJ _005456899 1595 12 families family NOUN _005456899 1595 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1595 14 we we PRON _005456899 1595 15 must must AUX _005456899 1595 16 add add VERB _005456899 1595 17 also also ADV _005456899 1595 18 the the DET _005456899 1595 19 earliest early ADJ _005456899 1595 20 of of ADP _005456899 1595 21 our our PRON _005456899 1595 22 great great ADJ _005456899 1595 23 historians historian NOUN _005456899 1595 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1595 25 george george PROPN _005456899 1595 26 bancroft bancroft ADV _005456899 1595 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1596 1 he he PRON _005456899 1596 2 started start VERB _005456899 1596 3 his his PRON _005456899 1596 4 life life NOUN _005456899 1596 5 's 's PART _005456899 1596 6 work work NOUN _005456899 1596 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1596 8 the the DET _005456899 1596 9 history history NOUN _005456899 1596 10 of of ADP _005456899 1596 11 the the DET _005456899 1596 12 united united PROPN _005456899 1596 13 states states PROPN _005456899 1596 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1596 15 at at ADP _005456899 1596 16 twenty twenty NUM _005456899 1596 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 1596 18 three three NUM _005456899 1596 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1596 20 published publish VERB _005456899 1596 21 the the DET _005456899 1596 22 first first ADJ _005456899 1596 23 volume volume NOUN _005456899 1596 24 eleven eleven NUM _005456899 1596 25 years year NOUN _005456899 1596 26 later later ADV _005456899 1596 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1596 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1596 29 the the DET _005456899 1596 30 final final ADJ _005456899 1596 31 revised revised ADJ _005456899 1596 32 edition edition NOUN _005456899 1596 33 of of ADP _005456899 1596 34 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 1596 35 volumes volume NOUN _005456899 1596 36 fifty fifty NUM _005456899 1596 37 years year NOUN _005456899 1596 38 later later ADV _005456899 1596 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 1596 40 in in ADP _005456899 1596 41 1884 1884 NUM _005456899 1596 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 1597 1 the the DET _005456899 1597 2 man man NOUN _005456899 1597 3 who who PRON _005456899 1597 4 showed show VERB _005456899 1597 5 such such ADJ _005456899 1597 6 industry industry NOUN _005456899 1597 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1597 8 perseverance perseverance NOUN _005456899 1597 9 was be AUX _005456899 1597 10 the the DET _005456899 1597 11 eighth eighth ADJ _005456899 1597 12 of of ADP _005456899 1597 13 thirteen thirteen NUM _005456899 1597 14 children child NOUN _005456899 1597 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1598 1 his his PRON _005456899 1598 2 father father NOUN _005456899 1598 3 was be AUX _005456899 1598 4 a a DET _005456899 1598 5 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005456899 1598 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1598 7 the the DET _005456899 1598 8 author author NOUN _005456899 1598 9 of of ADP _005456899 1598 10 a a DET _005456899 1598 11 life life NOUN _005456899 1598 12 of of ADP _005456899 1598 13 washington washington PROPN _005456899 1598 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1599 1 hence hence ADV _005456899 1599 2 each each PRON _005456899 1599 3 of of ADP _005456899 1599 4 these these DET _005456899 1599 5 four four NUM _005456899 1599 6 great great ADJ _005456899 1599 7 pioneers pioneer NOUN _005456899 1599 8 in in ADP _005456899 1599 9 american american ADJ _005456899 1599 10 letters letter NOUN _005456899 1599 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1599 12 irving irving PROPN _005456899 1599 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1599 14 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 1599 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1599 16 cooper cooper NOUN _005456899 1599 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1599 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1599 19 bancroft bancroft ADV _005456899 1599 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1599 21 had have VERB _005456899 1599 22 at at ADV _005456899 1599 23 least least ADV _005456899 1599 24 seven seven NUM _005456899 1599 25 older old ADJ _005456899 1599 26 brotheril brotheril NOUN _005456899 1599 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1599 28 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1599 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1600 1 here here ADV _005456899 1600 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1600 3 while while SCONJ _005456899 1600 4 we we PRON _005456899 1600 5 think think VERB _005456899 1600 6 of of ADP _005456899 1600 7 it it PRON _005456899 1600 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1600 9 we we PRON _005456899 1600 10 hurriedly hurriedly ADV _005456899 1600 11 skip skip VERB _005456899 1600 12 to to ADP _005456899 1600 13 a a DET _005456899 1600 14 very very ADV _005456899 1600 15 recent recent ADJ _005456899 1600 16 american american ADJ _005456899 1600 17 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1600 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1600 19 to to ADP _005456899 1600 20 jack jack PROPN _005456899 1600 21 london london PROPN _005456899 1600 22 author author NOUN _005456899 1600 23 of of ADP _005456899 1600 24 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 1600 25 the the DET _005456899 1600 26 best good ADJ _005456899 1600 27 dog dog NOUN _005456899 1600 28 story story NOUN _005456899 1600 29 ever ever ADV _005456899 1600 30 penned pen VERB _005456899 1600 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1600 32 the the DET _005456899 1600 33 call call NOUN _005456899 1600 34 of of ADP _005456899 1600 35 the the DET _005456899 1600 36 wild wild NOUN _005456899 1600 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1601 1 he he PRON _005456899 1601 2 was be AUX _005456899 1601 3 the the DET _005456899 1601 4 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1601 5 of of ADP _005456899 1601 6 ten ten NUM _005456899 1601 7 children child NOUN _005456899 1601 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1602 1 am be AUX _005456899 1602 2 the the DET _005456899 1602 3 clt clt NOUN _005456899 1602 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1602 5 w w ADP _005456899 1602 6 i i PROPN _005456899 1602 7 classic~ classic~ PROPN _005456899 1602 8 seventl seventl PROPN _005456899 1602 9 sim sim ADV _005456899 1602 10 childm childm VERB _005456899 1602 11 the the DET _005456899 1602 12 thi thi NOUN _005456899 1602 13 the the DET _005456899 1602 14 fo fo PROPN _005456899 1602 15 morally morally ADV _005456899 1602 16 fifth fifth ADJ _005456899 1602 17 ch ch NOUN _005456899 1602 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1602 19 per per ADP _005456899 1602 20 possesst possesst NOUN _005456899 1602 21 the the DET _005456899 1602 22 bro bro NOUN _005456899 1602 23 likewise likewise ADV _005456899 1602 24 two two NUM _005456899 1602 25 no no NOUN _005456899 1602 26 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1602 27 still still ADV _005456899 1602 28 rea rea ADV _005456899 1602 29 < < X _005456899 1602 30 of of ADP _005456899 1602 31 a a DET _005456899 1602 32 fail fail ADJ _005456899 1602 33 brother brother NOUN _005456899 1602 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1602 35 distincti distincti PROPN _005456899 1602 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1602 37 ton ton NOUN _005456899 1602 38 rememb1 rememb1 PROPN _005456899 1602 39 was be AUX _005456899 1602 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1602 41 like like INTJ _005456899 1602 42 but but CCONJ _005456899 1602 43 mon mon PROPN _005456899 1602 44 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1602 45 1 1 NUM _005456899 1602 46 rose rose NOUN _005456899 1602 47 - - PUNCT _005456899 1602 48 buds bud NOUN _005456899 1602 49 he he PRON _005456899 1602 50 was be AUX _005456899 1602 51 tl tl PART _005456899 1602 52 goldsmith goldsmith X _005456899 1602 53 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1602 54 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1602 55 from from ADP _005456899 1602 56 large large ADJ _005456899 1602 57 families family NOUN _005456899 1602 58 71 71 NUM _005456899 1603 1 some some DET _005456899 1603 2 english english ADJ _005456899 1603 3 women woman NOUN _005456899 1603 4 novelists novelist NOUN _005456899 1603 5 from from ADP _005456899 1603 6 large large ADJ _005456899 1603 7 families family NOUN _005456899 1603 8 among among ADP _005456899 1603 9 the the DET _005456899 1603 10 english english ADJ _005456899 1603 11 novelists novelist NOUN _005456899 1603 12 to to PART _005456899 1603 13 be be AUX _005456899 1603 14 enrolled enrol VERB _005456899 1603 15 here here ADV _005456899 1603 16 is be AUX _005456899 1603 17 jane jane PROPN _005456899 1603 18 austen austen NOUN _005456899 1603 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1603 20 the the DET _005456899 1603 21 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005456899 1603 22 's 's PART _005456899 1603 23 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 1603 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1603 25 who who PRON _005456899 1603 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1603 27 when when SCONJ _005456899 1603 28 only only ADV _005456899 1603 29 twenty twenty NUM _005456899 1603 30 - - PUNCT _005456899 1603 31 one one NUM _005456899 1603 32 years year NOUN _005456899 1603 33 old old ADJ _005456899 1603 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1603 35 without without ADP _005456899 1603 36 formal formal ADJ _005456899 1603 37 education education NOUN _005456899 1603 38 to to PART _005456899 1603 39 speak speak VERB _005456899 1603 40 of of ADP _005456899 1603 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 1603 42 wrote write VERB _005456899 1603 43 one one NUM _005456899 1603 44 of of ADP _005456899 1603 45 the the DET _005456899 1603 46 great great ADJ _005456899 1603 47 classics classic NOUN _005456899 1603 48 of of ADP _005456899 1603 49 english english PROPN _005456899 1603 50 literature literature NOUN _005456899 1603 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 1603 52 pride pride NOUN _005456899 1603 53 and and CCONJ _005456899 1603 54 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005456899 1603 55 . . PUNCT _005456899 1604 1 she she PRON _005456899 1604 2 was be AUX _005456899 1604 3 the the DET _005456899 1604 4 seventh seventh ADJ _005456899 1604 5 child child NOUN _005456899 1604 6 of of ADP _005456899 1604 7 the the DET _005456899 1604 8 anglican anglican ADJ _005456899 1604 9 rector rector NOUN _005456899 1604 10 of of ADP _005456899 1604 11 a a DET _005456899 1604 12 little little ADJ _005456899 1604 13 village village NOUN _005456899 1604 14 church church NOUN _005456899 1604 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1605 1 similar similar ADJ _005456899 1605 2 to to ADP _005456899 1605 3 jane jane PROPN _005456899 1605 4 austen austen PROPN _005456899 1605 5 are be AUX _005456899 1605 6 the the DET _005456899 1605 7 bronte bronte ADJ _005456899 1605 8 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1605 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1606 1 there there PRON _005456899 1606 2 were be VERB _005456899 1606 3 six six NUM _005456899 1606 4 children child NOUN _005456899 1606 5 in in ADP _005456899 1606 6 the the DET _005456899 1606 7 bronte bronte PROPN _005456899 1606 8 family family NOUN _005456899 1606 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1607 1 the the DET _005456899 1607 2 two two NUM _005456899 1607 3 oldest oldest ADV _005456899 1607 4 died die VERB _005456899 1607 5 in in ADP _005456899 1607 6 their their PRON _005456899 1607 7 teens teen NOUN _005456899 1607 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1608 1 the the DET _005456899 1608 2 third third ADJ _005456899 1608 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1608 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1608 5 charlotte charlotte PROPN _005456899 1608 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1608 7 became become VERB _005456899 1608 8 the the DET _005456899 1608 9 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1608 10 author author NOUN _005456899 1608 11 of of ADP _005456899 1608 12 jane jane NOUN _005456899 1608 13 eyre eyre NOUN _005456899 1608 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1609 1 the the DET _005456899 1609 2 fourth fourth ADJ _005456899 1609 3 child child NOUN _005456899 1609 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1609 5 patrick patrick ADJ _005456899 1609 6 branwell branwell NOUN _005456899 1609 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1609 8 was be AUX _005456899 1609 9 artistically artistically ADV _005456899 1609 10 capable capable ADJ _005456899 1609 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 1609 12 morally morally ADV _005456899 1609 13 weak weak ADJ _005456899 1609 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1609 15 so so SCONJ _005456899 1609 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 1609 17 he he PRON _005456899 1609 18 died die VERB _005456899 1609 19 young young ADJ _005456899 1609 20 of of ADP _005456899 1609 21 delirium delirium NOUN _005456899 1609 22 tremens tremen NOUN _005456899 1609 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1610 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1610 2 the the DET _005456899 1610 3 fifth fifth ADJ _005456899 1610 4 child child NOUN _005456899 1610 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1610 6 emily emily ADV _005456899 1610 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1610 8 is be AUX _005456899 1610 9 commonly commonly ADV _005456899 1610 10 regarded regard VERB _005456899 1610 11 as as ADP _005456899 1610 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1610 13 the the DET _005456899 1610 14 most most ADV _005456899 1610 15 enigmatical enigmatical ADJ _005456899 1610 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1610 17 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 1610 18 the the DET _005456899 1610 19 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1610 20 of of ADP _005456899 1610 21 the the DET _005456899 1610 22 brontes bronte NOUN _005456899 1610 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1610 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1610 25 who who PRON _005456899 1610 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 1610 27 alone alone ADV _005456899 1610 28 of of ADP _005456899 1610 29 the the DET _005456899 1610 30 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1610 31 possessed possess VERB _005456899 1610 32 a a DET _005456899 1610 33 true true ADJ _005456899 1610 34 poetic poetic ADJ _005456899 1610 35 gift gift NOUN _005456899 1610 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 1610 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 1610 38 who who PRON _005456899 1610 39 wrote write VERB _005456899 1610 40 the the DET _005456899 1610 41 most most ADV _005456899 1610 42 powerful powerful ADJ _005456899 1610 43 of of ADP _005456899 1610 44 the the DET _005456899 1610 45 bronte bronte PROPN _005456899 1610 46 novels novel NOUN _005456899 1610 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 1610 48 w w ADP _005456899 1610 49 uthering uthere VERB _005456899 1610 50 heights height NOUN _005456899 1610 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 1611 1 the the DET _005456899 1611 2 sixth sixth ADJ _005456899 1611 3 child child NOUN _005456899 1611 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1611 5 anne anne PROPN _005456899 1611 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1611 7 was be AUX _005456899 1611 8 likewise likewise ADV _005456899 1611 9 possessed possess VERB _005456899 1611 10 of of ADP _005456899 1611 11 unusual unusual ADJ _005456899 1611 12 talent talent NOUN _005456899 1611 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1612 1 she she PRON _005456899 1612 2 wrote write VERB _005456899 1612 3 graceful graceful ADJ _005456899 1612 4 verse verse NOUN _005456899 1612 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1612 6 two two NUM _005456899 1612 7 novels novel NOUN _005456899 1612 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1612 9 agnes agne VERB _005456899 1612 10 grey grey PROPN _005456899 1612 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1612 12 the the DET _005456899 1612 13 tenant tenant NOUN _005456899 1612 14 of of ADP _005456899 1612 15 wildfell wildfell NOUN _005456899 1612 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1612 17 which which PRON _005456899 1612 18 are be AUX _005456899 1612 19 still still ADV _005456899 1612 20 readable readable ADJ _005456899 1612 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1613 1 the the DET _005456899 1613 2 brontes bronte NOUN _005456899 1613 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1613 4 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 1613 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1613 6 present present VERB _005456899 1613 7 a a DET _005456899 1613 8 noteworthy noteworthy ADJ _005456899 1613 9 example example NOUN _005456899 1613 10 of of ADP _005456899 1613 11 a a DET _005456899 1613 12 fairly fairly ADV _005456899 1613 13 large large ADJ _005456899 1613 14 family family NOUN _005456899 1613 15 in in ADP _005456899 1613 16 which which PRON _005456899 1613 17 from from ADP _005456899 1613 18 among among ADP _005456899 1613 19 five five NUM _005456899 1613 20 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1613 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1613 22 one one NUM _005456899 1613 23 brother brother NOUN _005456899 1613 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1613 25 the the DET _005456899 1613 26 three three NUM _005456899 1613 27 youngest young ADJ _005456899 1613 28 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1613 29 achieved achieve VERB _005456899 1613 30 international international ADJ _005456899 1613 31 literary literary ADJ _005456899 1613 32 distinction distinction NOUN _005456899 1613 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1614 1 carew carew NOUN _005456899 1614 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1614 3 herrick herrick PROPN _005456899 1614 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1614 5 herbert herbert PROPN _005456899 1614 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1614 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1614 8 cowley cowley NOUN _005456899 1614 9 to to PART _005456899 1614 10 return return VERB _005456899 1614 11 to to ADP _005456899 1614 12 the the DET _005456899 1614 13 english english ADJ _005456899 1614 14 poets poet NOUN _005456899 1614 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1615 1 thomas thomas PROPN _005456899 1615 2 carew carew PROPN _005456899 1615 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 4 cavalier cavalier ADJ _005456899 1615 5 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1615 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 7 remembered remember VERB _005456899 1615 8 for for ADP _005456899 1615 9 his his PRON _005456899 1615 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1615 11 he he PRON _005456899 1615 12 that that PRON _005456899 1615 13 loves love VERB _005456899 1615 14 a a DET _005456899 1615 15 rosy rosy ADJ _005456899 1615 16 cheek cheek NOUN _005456899 1615 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 1615 19 a a DET _005456899 1615 20 coral coral ADJ _005456899 1615 21 lip lip NOUN _005456899 1615 22 admires admire NOUN _005456899 1615 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1615 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1615 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 1615 28 hearts heart NOUN _005456899 1615 29 with with ADP _005456899 1615 30 equal equal ADJ _005456899 1615 31 love love NOUN _005456899 1615 32 combined combine VERB _005456899 1615 33 kindle kindle PROPN _005456899 1615 34 never never ADV _005456899 1615 35 - - PUNCT _005456899 1615 36 dying die VERB _005456899 1615 37 fires fire NOUN _005456899 1615 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 39 " " PUNCT _005456899 1615 40 was be AUX _005456899 1615 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 42 like like ADP _005456899 1615 43 charlotte charlotte PROPN _005456899 1615 44 bronte bronte PROPN _005456899 1615 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 46 a a DET _005456899 1615 47 third third ADJ _005456899 1615 48 child child NOUN _005456899 1615 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 1615 50 but but CCONJ _005456899 1615 51 a a DET _005456899 1615 52 third third ADJ _005456899 1615 53 child child NOUN _005456899 1615 54 of of ADP _005456899 1615 55 eleven eleven NUM _005456899 1615 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 1616 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1616 2 more more ADV _005456899 1616 3 noteworthy noteworthy ADJ _005456899 1616 4 is be AUX _005456899 1616 5 robert robert PROPN _005456899 1616 6 herrick herrick PROPN _005456899 1616 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1616 8 also also ADV _005456899 1616 9 a a DET _005456899 1616 10 cavalier cavalier NOUN _005456899 1616 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1616 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1616 13 the the DET _005456899 1616 14 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1616 15 pastoral pastoral ADJ _005456899 1616 16 lyricist lyricist NOUN _005456899 1616 17 in in ADP _005456899 1616 18 english english PROPN _005456899 1616 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1617 1 everyone everyone PRON _005456899 1617 2 likes like VERB _005456899 1617 3 his his PRON _005456899 1617 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1617 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 1617 6 gather gather VERB _005456899 1617 7 ye ye ADP _005456899 1617 8 rose rose NOUN _005456899 1617 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 1617 10 buds bud NOUN _005456899 1617 11 while while SCONJ _005456899 1617 12 ye ye PRON _005456899 1617 13 may may AUX _005456899 1617 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1617 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1617 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1617 17 his his PRON _005456899 1617 18 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 1617 19 fair fair ADJ _005456899 1617 20 daffodils daffodil NOUN _005456899 1617 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1617 22 we we PRON _005456899 1617 23 weep weep VERB _005456899 1617 24 to to PART _005456899 1617 25 see see VERB _005456899 1617 26 you you PRON _005456899 1617 27 haste haste VERB _005456899 1617 28 away away ADV _005456899 1617 29 so so ADV _005456899 1617 30 soon soon ADV _005456899 1617 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1617 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 1618 1 he he PRON _005456899 1618 2 was be AUX _005456899 1618 3 the the DET _005456899 1618 4 -seventh -seventh NOUN _005456899 1618 5 of of ADP _005456899 1618 6 eight eight NUM _005456899 1618 7 children child NOUN _005456899 1618 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1619 1 though though SCONJ _005456899 1619 2 his his PRON _005456899 1619 3 father father NOUN _005456899 1619 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1619 5 a a DET _005456899 1619 6 london london PROPN _005456899 1619 7 goldsinith goldsinith PROPN _005456899 1619 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1619 9 died die VERB _005456899 1619 10 when when SCONJ _005456899 1619 11 herrick herrick PROPN _005456899 1619 12 was be AUX _005456899 1619 13 still still ADV _005456899 1619 14 an an DET _005456899 1619 15 infant infant NOUN _005456899 1619 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1619 17 the the DET _005456899 1619 18 boy boy NOUN _005456899 1619 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1619 20 begging beg VERB _005456899 1619 21 72 72 NUM _005456899 1619 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1620 1 courtesy courtesy PROPN _005456899 1620 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1620 3 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 1620 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1620 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1620 6 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1620 7 help help NOUN _005456899 1620 8 from from ADP _005456899 1620 9 an an DET _005456899 1620 10 uncle uncle NOUN _005456899 1620 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1620 12 managed manage VERB _005456899 1620 13 to to PART _005456899 1620 14 get get VERB _005456899 1620 15 to to ADP _005456899 1620 16 cambridge cambridge VERB _005456899 1620 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1620 18 eventually eventually ADV _005456899 1620 19 became become VERB _005456899 1620 20 a a DET _005456899 1620 21 contented contented ADJ _005456899 1620 22 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 1620 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1620 24 a a DET _005456899 1620 25 well well ADV _005456899 1620 26 - - PUNCT _005456899 1620 27 liked like VERB _005456899 1620 28 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005456899 1620 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1620 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1620 31 the the DET _005456899 1620 32 great great ADJ _005456899 1620 33 lyricist lyricist NOUN _005456899 1620 34 we we PRON _005456899 1620 35 still still ADV _005456899 1620 36 love love VERB _005456899 1620 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1621 1 in in ADP _005456899 1621 2 1857 1857 NUM _005456899 1621 3 a a DET _005456899 1621 4 collateral collateral ADJ _005456899 1621 5 descendant descendant NOUN _005456899 1621 6 of of ADP _005456899 1621 7 his his PRON _005456899 1621 8 put put NOUN _005456899 1621 9 up up ADP _005456899 1621 10 a a DET _005456899 1621 11 monument monument NOUN _005456899 1621 12 to to ADP _005456899 1621 13 him he PRON _005456899 1621 14 in in ADP _005456899 1621 15 dean dean PROPN _005456899 1621 16 prior prior ADV _005456899 1621 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1621 18 the the DET _005456899 1621 19 parish parish NOUN _005456899 1621 20 of of ADP _005456899 1621 21 his his PRON _005456899 1621 22 labors labor NOUN _005456899 1621 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1622 1 then then ADV _005456899 1622 2 there there PRON _005456899 1622 3 is be VERB _005456899 1622 4 herrick herrick PROPN _005456899 1622 5 's 's PART _005456899 1622 6 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005456899 1622 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1622 8 george george PROPN _005456899 1622 9 herbert herbert PROPN _005456899 1622 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1622 11 who who PRON _005456899 1622 12 ranks rank VERB _005456899 1622 13 with with ADP _005456899 1622 14 crashaw crashaw NOUN _005456899 1622 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1622 16 thompson thompson NOUN _005456899 1622 17 as as ADP _005456899 1622 18 one one NUM _005456899 1622 19 of of ADP _005456899 1622 20 the the DET _005456899 1622 21 chief chief ADJ _005456899 1622 22 religious religious ADJ _005456899 1622 23 poets poet NOUN _005456899 1622 24 of of ADP _005456899 1622 25 england england PROPN _005456899 1622 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1623 1 some some DET _005456899 1623 2 popular popular ADJ _005456899 1623 3 expressions expression NOUN _005456899 1623 4 attributed attribute VERB _005456899 1623 5 to to ADP _005456899 1623 6 him he PRON _005456899 1623 7 are be AUX _005456899 1623 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 1623 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1623 10 hell hell NOUN _005456899 1623 11 is be AUX _005456899 1623 12 full full ADJ _005456899 1623 13 of of ADP _005456899 1623 14 good good ADJ _005456899 1623 15 meanings meaning NOUN _005456899 1623 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1623 17 wishings wishing NOUN _005456899 1623 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1623 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1623 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1623 21 his his PRON _005456899 1623 22 bark bark NOUN _005456899 1623 23 is be AUX _005456899 1623 24 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1623 25 than than ADP _005456899 1623 26 his his PRON _005456899 1623 27 bite bite NOUN _005456899 1623 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1623 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1623 30 " " PUNCT _005456899 1623 31 god god PROPN _005456899 1623 32 's 's PART _005456899 1623 33 mill mill NOUN _005456899 1623 34 grinds grind VERB _005456899 1623 35 slow slow ADJ _005456899 1623 36 but but CCONJ _005456899 1623 37 sure sure ADJ _005456899 1623 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1623 39 " " PUNCT _005456899 1624 1 before before ADP _005456899 1624 2 dying die VERB _005456899 1624 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1624 4 he he PRON _005456899 1624 5 sent send VERB _005456899 1624 6 the the DET _005456899 1624 7 manuscript manuscript NOUN _005456899 1624 8 of of ADP _005456899 1624 9 his his PRON _005456899 1624 10 poems poem NOUN _005456899 1624 11 to to ADP _005456899 1624 12 a a DET _005456899 1624 13 friend friend NOUN _005456899 1624 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1624 15 asking ask VERB _005456899 1624 16 him he PRON _005456899 1624 17 to to PART _005456899 1624 18 read read VERB _005456899 1624 19 it it PRON _005456899 1624 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1624 21 saying say VERB _005456899 1624 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1624 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 1624 24 if if SCONJ _005456899 1624 25 he he PRON _005456899 1624 26 can can AUX _005456899 1624 27 think think VERB _005456899 1624 28 it it PRON _005456899 1624 29 may may AUX _005456899 1624 30 turn turn VERB _005456899 1624 31 to to ADP _005456899 1624 32 the the DET _005456899 1624 33 advantage advantage NOUN _005456899 1624 34 of of ADP _005456899 1624 35 any any DET _005456899 1624 36 dejected deject VERB _005456899 1624 37 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1624 38 soul soul NOUN _005456899 1624 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 1624 40 let let VERB _005456899 1624 41 it it PRON _005456899 1624 42 be be AUX _005456899 1624 43 made make VERB _005456899 1624 44 public public ADJ _005456899 1624 45 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1624 46 if if SCONJ _005456899 1624 47 not not PART _005456899 1624 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1624 49 let let VERB _005456899 1624 50 him he PRON _005456899 1624 51 burn burn VERB _005456899 1624 52 it it PRON _005456899 1624 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 1624 54 for for ADP _005456899 1624 55 i i PRON _005456899 1624 56 and and CCONJ _005456899 1624 57 it it PRON _005456899 1624 58 are be AUX _005456899 1624 59 less less ADJ _005456899 1624 60 than than ADP _005456899 1624 61 the the DET _005456899 1624 62 least least ADJ _005456899 1624 63 of of ADP _005456899 1624 64 god god PROPN _005456899 1624 65 's 's PART _005456899 1624 66 mercies mercy NOUN _005456899 1624 67 . . PUNCT _005456899 1624 68 " " PUNCT _005456899 1625 1 he he PRON _005456899 1625 2 was be AUX _005456899 1625 3 one one NUM _005456899 1625 4 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1625 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1625 6 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 1625 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1625 8 who who PRON _005456899 1625 9 knew know VERB _005456899 1625 10 the the DET _005456899 1625 11 right right ADJ _005456899 1625 12 spirit spirit NOUN _005456899 1625 13 in in ADP _005456899 1625 14 which which PRON _005456899 1625 15 to to PART _005456899 1625 16 publish publish VERB _005456899 1625 17 his his PRON _005456899 1625 18 work work NOUN _005456899 1625 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1625 20 he he PRON _005456899 1625 21 was be AUX _005456899 1625 22 of of ADP _005456899 1625 23 a a DET _005456899 1625 24 comparatively comparatively ADV _005456899 1625 25 large large ADJ _005456899 1625 26 family family NOUN _005456899 1625 27 - - PUNCT _005456899 1625 28 the the DET _005456899 1625 29 fifth fifth ADJ _005456899 1625 30 son son NOUN _005456899 1625 31 of of ADP _005456899 1625 32 sir sir PROPN _005456899 1625 33 richard richard PROPN _005456899 1625 34 herbert herbert PROPN _005456899 1625 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1626 1 abraham abraham PROPN _005456899 1626 2 cowley cowley PROPN _005456899 1626 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1626 4 another another DET _005456899 1626 5 contemporary contemporary NOUN _005456899 1626 6 of of ADP _005456899 1626 7 herrick herrick PROPN _005456899 1626 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1626 9 too too ADV _005456899 1626 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1626 11 belongs belong VERB _005456899 1626 12 here here ADV _005456899 1626 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1627 1 he he PRON _005456899 1627 2 is be AUX _005456899 1627 3 little little ADJ _005456899 1627 4 read read ADJ _005456899 1627 5 now now ADV _005456899 1627 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1627 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 1627 8 in in ADP _005456899 1627 9 his his PRON _005456899 1627 10 day day NOUN _005456899 1627 11 he he PRON _005456899 1627 12 was be AUX _005456899 1627 13 considered consider VERB _005456899 1627 14 a a DET _005456899 1627 15 fair fair ADJ _005456899 1627 16 rival rival NOUN _005456899 1627 17 of of ADP _005456899 1627 18 milton milton PROPN _005456899 1627 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1627 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1627 21 a a DET _005456899 1627 22 recent recent ADJ _005456899 1627 23 biographer biographer NOUN _005456899 1627 24 calls call VERB _005456899 1627 25 him he PRON _005456899 1627 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 1627 27 the the DET _005456899 1627 28 most most ADV _005456899 1627 29 precocious precocious ADJ _005456899 1627 30 english english ADJ _005456899 1627 31 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1627 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1627 33 excepting except VERB _005456899 1627 34 none none NOUN _005456899 1627 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1627 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 1628 1 his his PRON _005456899 1628 2 poems poem NOUN _005456899 1628 3 began begin VERB _005456899 1628 4 to to PART _005456899 1628 5 be be AUX _005456899 1628 6 published publish VERB _005456899 1628 7 when when SCONJ _005456899 1628 8 he he PRON _005456899 1628 9 was be AUX _005456899 1628 10 ten ten NUM _005456899 1628 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1628 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1628 13 his his PRON _005456899 1628 14 first first ADJ _005456899 1628 15 book book NOUN _005456899 1628 16 of of ADP _005456899 1628 17 poems poem NOUN _005456899 1628 18 appeared appear VERB _005456899 1628 19 when when SCONJ _005456899 1628 20 he he PRON _005456899 1628 21 was be AUX _005456899 1628 22 only only ADV _005456899 1628 23 thirteen thirteen NUM _005456899 1628 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1629 1 he he PRON _005456899 1629 2 was be AUX _005456899 1629 3 also also ADV _005456899 1629 4 one one NUM _005456899 1629 5 of of ADP _005456899 1629 6 our our PRON _005456899 1629 7 essayists essayist NOUN _005456899 1629 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1630 1 this this DET _005456899 1630 2 man man NOUN _005456899 1630 3 who who PRON _005456899 1630 4 throughout throughout ADP _005456899 1630 5 his his PRON _005456899 1630 6 life life NOUN _005456899 1630 7 held hold VERB _005456899 1630 8 a a DET _005456899 1630 9 leading lead VERB _005456899 1630 10 position position NOUN _005456899 1630 11 in in ADP _005456899 1630 12 english english ADJ _005456899 1630 13 letters letter NOUN _005456899 1630 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1630 15 was be AUX _005456899 1630 16 the the DET _005456899 1630 17 seventh seventh ADJ _005456899 1630 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1630 19 a a DET _005456899 1630 20 posthumous posthumous ADJ _005456899 1630 21 child child NOUN _005456899 1630 22 of of ADP _005456899 1630 23 one one NUM _005456899 1630 24 thomas thomas PROPN _005456899 1630 25 cowley cowley PROPN _005456899 1630 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1630 27 probably probably ADV _005456899 1630 28 a a DET _005456899 1630 29 stationer stationer NOUN _005456899 1630 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1630 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 1631 1 tennyson tennyson PROPN _005456899 1631 2 was be AUX _005456899 1631 3 a a DET _005456899 1631 4 fourth fourth ADJ _005456899 1631 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1631 6 shakespeare shakespeare VERB _005456899 1631 7 a a DET _005456899 1631 8 third third ADJ _005456899 1631 9 child child NOUN _005456899 1631 10 another another DET _005456899 1631 11 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1631 12 one one NUM _005456899 1631 13 is be AUX _005456899 1631 14 especially especially ADV _005456899 1631 15 glad glad ADJ _005456899 1631 16 to to PART _005456899 1631 17 introduce introduce VERB _005456899 1631 18 is be AUX _005456899 1631 19 tennyson tennyson NOUN _005456899 1631 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1631 21 one one NUM _005456899 1631 22 of of ADP _005456899 1631 23 the the DET _005456899 1631 24 most most ADV _005456899 1631 25 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005456899 1631 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1631 27 edifying edify VERB _005456899 1631 28 poets poet NOUN _005456899 1631 29 of of ADP _005456899 1631 30 the the DET _005456899 1631 31 world world NOUN _005456899 1631 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1632 1 every every DET _005456899 1632 2 heart heart NOUN _005456899 1632 3 responds respond VERB _005456899 1632 4 to to ADP _005456899 1632 5 his his PRON _005456899 1632 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1632 7 sunset sunset NOUN _005456899 1632 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1632 9 evening evening NOUN _005456899 1632 10 star star NOUN _005456899 1632 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1632 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1632 13 his his PRON _005456899 1632 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1632 15 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1632 16 tis tis NOUN _005456899 1632 17 better well ADJ _005456899 1632 18 to to PART _005456899 1632 19 have have AUX _005456899 1632 20 loved love VERB _005456899 1632 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1632 22 lost lose VERB _005456899 1632 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1632 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1633 1 he he PRON _005456899 1633 2 was be AUX _005456899 1633 3 the the DET _005456899 1633 4 fourth fourth ADJ _005456899 1633 5 of of ADP _005456899 1633 6 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 1633 7 children child NOUN _005456899 1633 8 of of ADP _005456899 1633 9 a a DET _005456899 1633 10 scholarly scholarly ADJ _005456899 1633 11 english english ADJ _005456899 1633 12 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005456899 1633 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1633 14 a a DET _005456899 1633 15 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1633 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1633 17 not not PART _005456899 1633 18 learned learn VERB _005456899 1633 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1633 20 save save VERB _005456899 1633 21 in in ADP _005456899 1633 22 gracious gracious ADJ _005456899 1633 23 household household NOUN _005456899 1633 24 ways way NOUN _005456899 1633 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1633 26 " " PUNCT _005456899 1634 1 all all PRON _005456899 1634 2 of of ADP _005456899 1634 3 these these DET _005456899 1634 4 children child NOUN _005456899 1634 5 were be AUX _005456899 1634 6 poetically poetically ADV _005456899 1634 7 inclined inclined ADJ _005456899 1634 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1634 9 though though SCONJ _005456899 1634 10 only only ADV _005456899 1634 11 the the DET _005456899 1634 12 fourth fourth ADJ _005456899 1634 13 became become VERB _005456899 1634 14 the the DET _005456899 1634 15 first first ADJ _005456899 1634 16 poet poet NOUN _005456899 1634 17 of of ADP _005456899 1634 18 his his PRON _005456899 1634 19 age age NOUN _005456899 1634 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1635 1 before before ADP _005456899 1635 2 concluding conclude VERB _005456899 1635 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1635 4 just just ADV _005456899 1635 5 a a DET _005456899 1635 6 word word NOUN _005456899 1635 7 about about ADP _005456899 1635 8 the the DET _005456899 1635 9 prince prince NOUN _005456899 1635 10 of of ADP _005456899 1635 11 poets poet NOUN _005456899 1635 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1635 13 shakespeare shakespeare ADJ _005456899 1635 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1636 1 we we PRON _005456899 1636 2 know know VERB _005456899 1636 3 quite quite ADV _005456899 1636 4 definitely definitely ADV _005456899 1636 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1636 6 he he PRON _005456899 1636 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1636 8 too too ADV _005456899 1636 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1636 10 was be AUX _005456899 1636 11 of of ADP _005456899 1636 12 a a DET _005456899 1636 13 large large ADJ _005456899 1636 14 family family NOUN _005456899 1636 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1636 16 on on ADP _005456899 1636 17 before before SCONJ _005456899 1636 18 therefo therefo NOUN _005456899 1636 19 am be AUX _005456899 1636 20 to to PART _005456899 1636 21 end end NOUN _005456899 1636 22 born bear VERB _005456899 1636 23 o o PROPN _005456899 1636 24 were be AUX _005456899 1636 25 v v X _005456899 1636 26 emineij emineij NOUN _005456899 1636 27 one one NUM _005456899 1636 28 of of ADP _005456899 1636 29 a.lly a.lly ADV _005456899 1636 30 the the DET _005456899 1636 31 put put NOUN _005456899 1636 32 •ho •ho NOUN _005456899 1636 33 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1637 1 us us PROPN _005456899 1637 2 re re VERB _005456899 1637 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 1637 4 .d .d PROPN _005456899 1637 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1637 6 b.e b.e PROPN _005456899 1637 7 ~t ~t NOUN _005456899 1637 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1637 9 r r X _005456899 1637 10 · · PUNCT _005456899 1637 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1637 12 to to ADP _005456899 1637 13 e e NOUN _005456899 1637 14 ~famous ~famous ADJ _005456899 1637 15 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1637 16 from from ADP _005456899 1637 17 large large ADJ _005456899 1637 18 families family NOUN _005456899 1637 19 73 73 NUM _005456899 1637 20 ily ily ADV _005456899 1637 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1637 22 one one NUM _005456899 1637 23 of of ADP _005456899 1637 24 at at ADV _005456899 1637 25 least least ADJ _005456899 1637 26 eight eight NUM _005456899 1637 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1638 1 at at ADP _005456899 1638 2 least least ADJ _005456899 1638 3 two two NUM _005456899 1638 4 of of ADP _005456899 1638 5 the the DET _005456899 1638 6 children child NOUN _005456899 1638 7 were be AUX _005456899 1638 8 born bear VERB _005456899 1638 9 before before ADP _005456899 1638 10 shakespeare shakespeare NOUN _005456899 1638 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1638 12 but but CCONJ _005456899 1638 13 died die VERB _005456899 1638 14 in in ADP _005456899 1638 15 infancy infancy NOUN _005456899 1638 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1639 1 as as ADV _005456899 1639 2 far far ADV _005456899 1639 3 as as SCONJ _005456899 1639 4 we we PRON _005456899 1639 5 know know VERB _005456899 1639 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1639 7 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 1639 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1639 9 the the DET _005456899 1639 10 great great ADJ _005456899 1639 11 dramatist dramatist NOUN _005456899 1639 12 was be AUX _005456899 1639 13 the the DET _005456899 1639 14 third third ADJ _005456899 1639 15 of of ADP _005456899 1639 16 eight eight NUM _005456899 1639 17 children child NOUN _005456899 1639 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1640 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1640 2 the the DET _005456899 1640 3 holiest holy ADJ _005456899 1640 4 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1640 5 alive alive ADJ _005456899 1640 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1640 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1640 8 now now ADV _005456899 1640 9 with with ADP _005456899 1640 10 not not PART _005456899 1640 11 the the DET _005456899 1640 12 least least ADJ _005456899 1640 13 pretense pretense NOUN _005456899 1640 14 to to ADP _005456899 1640 15 completeness completeness NOUN _005456899 1640 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1640 17 we we PRON _005456899 1640 18 bring bring VERB _005456899 1640 19 to to PART _005456899 1640 20 end end VERB _005456899 1640 21 this this DET _005456899 1640 22 little little ADJ _005456899 1640 23 sketch sketch NOUN _005456899 1640 24 of of ADP _005456899 1640 25 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1640 26 english english ADJ _005456899 1640 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1640 28 american american ADJ _005456899 1640 29 writers writer NOUN _005456899 1640 30 born bear VERB _005456899 1640 31 of of ADP _005456899 1640 32 large large ADJ _005456899 1640 33 families family NOUN _005456899 1640 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1640 35 whose whose DET _005456899 1640 36 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 1640 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1640 38 like like ADP _005456899 1640 39 the the DET _005456899 1640 40 little little ADJ _005456899 1640 41 flower flower NOUN _005456899 1640 42 's 's PART _005456899 1640 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 1640 44 were be AUX _005456899 1640 45 willing willing ADJ _005456899 1640 46 to to PART _005456899 1640 47 take take VERB _005456899 1640 48 the the DET _005456899 1640 49 full full ADJ _005456899 1640 50 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005456899 1640 51 of of ADP _005456899 1640 52 their their PRON _005456899 1640 53 state state NOUN _005456899 1640 54 and and CCONJ _005456899 1640 55 who who PRON _005456899 1640 56 eminently eminently ADV _005456899 1640 57 deserve deserve VERB _005456899 1640 58 the the DET _005456899 1640 59 words word NOUN _005456899 1640 60 of of ADP _005456899 1640 61 coleridge coleridge NOUN _005456899 1640 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 1640 63 the the DET _005456899 1640 64 thirteenth thirteenth ADJ _005456899 1640 65 child child NOUN _005456899 1640 66 of of ADP _005456899 1640 67 one one NUM _005456899 1640 68 of of ADP _005456899 1640 69 them they PRON _005456899 1640 70 : : PUNCT _005456899 1640 71 " " PUNCT _005456899 1640 72 a a DET _005456899 1640 73 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1640 74 is be AUX _005456899 1640 75 a a DET _005456899 1640 76 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1640 77 still still ADV _005456899 1640 78 , , PUNCT _005456899 1640 79 the the DET _005456899 1640 80 holiest holy ADJ _005456899 1640 81 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1640 82 alive alive ADJ _005456899 1640 83 . . PUNCT _005456899 1640 84 " " PUNCT _005456899 1641 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1641 2 xv xv PROPN _005456899 1641 3 a a DET _005456899 1641 4 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1641 5 person person NOUN _005456899 1641 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1641 7 a a DET _005456899 1641 8 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1641 9 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1641 10 this this DET _005456899 1641 11 article article NOUN _005456899 1641 12 is be AUX _005456899 1641 13 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 1641 14 with with ADP _005456899 1641 15 the the DET _005456899 1641 16 same same ADJ _005456899 1641 17 title title NOUN _005456899 1641 18 trom trom ADP _005456899 1641 19 the the DET _005456899 1641 20 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 1641 21 home home PROPN _005456899 1641 22 journal journal PROPN _005456899 1641 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1641 24 september september PROPN _005456899 1641 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1641 26 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 1641 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1642 1 it it PRON _005456899 1642 2 was be AUX _005456899 1642 3 an an DET _005456899 1642 4 article article NOUN _005456899 1642 5 requested request VERB _005456899 1642 6 to to PART _005456899 1642 7 fit fit VERB _005456899 1642 8 an an DET _005456899 1642 9 illustration illustration NOUN _005456899 1642 10 consisting consist VERB _005456899 1642 11 of of ADP _005456899 1642 12 a a DET _005456899 1642 13 tree tree NOUN _005456899 1642 14 whose whose DET _005456899 1642 15 stem stem NOUN _005456899 1642 16 was be AUX _005456899 1642 17 marked mark VERB _005456899 1642 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1642 19 education education NOUN _005456899 1642 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1642 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1642 22 whose whose DET _005456899 1642 23 roots root NOUN _005456899 1642 24 represented represent VERB _005456899 1642 25 books book NOUN _005456899 1642 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1642 27 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1642 28 newpapers newpaper NOUN _005456899 1642 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1642 30 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1642 31 of of ADP _005456899 1642 32 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1642 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1642 34 speech speech NOUN _005456899 1642 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 1642 36 press press NOUN _005456899 1642 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 1642 38 whose whose DET _005456899 1642 39 branches branch NOUN _005456899 1642 40 represented represent VERB _005456899 1642 41 health health NOUN _005456899 1642 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 1642 43 invention invention NOUN _005456899 1642 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1642 45 enterprise enterprise NOUN _005456899 1642 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 1642 47 arts art NOUN _005456899 1642 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1642 49 and and CCONJ _005456899 1642 50 sciences science NOUN _005456899 1642 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 1643 1 the the DET _005456899 1643 2 result result NOUN _005456899 1643 3 was be AUX _005456899 1643 4 something something PRON _005456899 1643 5 i i PRON _005456899 1643 6 hope hope VERB _005456899 1643 7 every every DET _005456899 1643 8 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1643 9 who who PRON _005456899 1643 10 sees see VERB _005456899 1643 11 this this DET _005456899 1643 12 book book NOUN _005456899 1643 13 will will AUX _005456899 1643 14 re·ad re·ad VERB _005456899 1643 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1644 1 some some PRON _005456899 1644 2 of of ADP _005456899 1644 3 its its PRON _005456899 1644 4 implications implication NOUN _005456899 1644 5 are be AUX _005456899 1644 6 too too ADV _005456899 1644 7 tar tar ADV _005456899 1644 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 1644 9 reaching reach VERB _005456899 1644 10 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1644 11 a a DET _005456899 1644 12 short short ADJ _005456899 1644 13 article article NOUN _005456899 1644 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1645 1 it it PRON _005456899 1645 2 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 1645 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1645 4 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1645 5 exa.mple exa.mple NOUN _005456899 1645 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1645 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 1645 8 nations nation NOUN _005456899 1645 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1645 10 races race NOUN _005456899 1645 11 do do AUX _005456899 1645 12 not not PART _005456899 1645 13 have have VERB _005456899 1645 14 different different ADJ _005456899 1645 15 cultures culture NOUN _005456899 1645 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1645 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1645 18 merely merely ADV _005456899 1645 19 a a DET _005456899 1645 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1645 21 higher high ADJ _005456899 1645 22 or or CCONJ _005456899 1645 23 lower low ADJ _005456899 1645 24 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1645 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1646 1 at at ADP _005456899 1646 2 any any DET _005456899 1646 3 given give VERB _005456899 1646 4 point point NOUN _005456899 1646 5 in in ADP _005456899 1646 6 hist01"]j hist01"]j NUM _005456899 1646 7 some some DET _005456899 1646 8 races race NOUN _005456899 1646 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1646 10 nations nation NOUN _005456899 1646 11 have have VERB _005456899 1646 12 a a DET _005456899 1646 13 definitely definitely ADV _005456899 1646 14 higher high ADJ _005456899 1646 15 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1646 16 than than ADP _005456899 1646 17 others other NOUN _005456899 1646 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1647 1 since since SCONJ _005456899 1647 2 the the DET _005456899 1647 3 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1647 4 era era NOUN _005456899 1647 5 those those DET _005456899 1647 6 nations nation NOUN _005456899 1647 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1647 8 races race NOUN _005456899 1647 9 have have VERB _005456899 1647 10 the the DET _005456899 1647 11 highest high ADJ _005456899 1647 12 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1647 13 which which PRON _005456899 1647 14 have have AUX _005456899 1647 15 made make VERB _005456899 1647 16 the the DET _005456899 1647 17 best good ADJ _005456899 1647 18 attempt attempt NOUN _005456899 1647 19 at at ADP _005456899 1647 20 trying try VERB _005456899 1647 21 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1647 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1648 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1648 2 in in ADP _005456899 1648 3 addition addition NOUN _005456899 1648 4 to to ADP _005456899 1648 5 this this DET _005456899 1648 6 notyet notyet NOUN _005456899 1648 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 1648 8 understood understand VERB _005456899 1648 9 concept concept NOUN _005456899 1648 10 of of ADP _005456899 1648 11 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1648 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1648 13 the the DET _005456899 1648 14 article article NOUN _005456899 1648 15 has have VERB _005456899 1648 16 many many ADJ _005456899 1648 17 practical practical ADJ _005456899 1648 18 suggestions suggestion NOUN _005456899 1648 19 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1648 20 becoming become VERB _005456899 1648 21 a a DET _005456899 1648 22 more more ADV _005456899 1648 23 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1648 24 person person NOUN _005456899 1648 25 one one PRON _005456899 1648 26 's 's PART _005456899 1648 27 self self NOUN _005456899 1648 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1648 29 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1648 30 helping help VERB _005456899 1648 31 one one PRON _005456899 1648 32 's 's PART _005456899 1648 33 country country NOUN _005456899 1648 34 to to PART _005456899 1648 35 become become VERB _005456899 1648 36 more more ADV _005456899 1648 37 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1648 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1649 1 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 1649 2 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1649 3 is be AUX _005456899 1649 4 where where SCONJ _005456899 1649 5 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1649 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1649 7 the the DET _005456899 1649 8 will will NOUN _005456899 1649 9 of of ADP _005456899 1649 10 god god PROPN _005456899 1649 11 perfectly perfectly ADV _005456899 1649 12 prevail prevail VERB _005456899 1649 13 to to PART _005456899 1649 14 be be AUX _005456899 1649 15 a a DET _005456899 1649 16 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1649 17 person person NOUN _005456899 1649 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1649 19 to to PART _005456899 1649 20 have have VERB _005456899 1649 21 a a DET _005456899 1649 22 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1649 23 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1649 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1649 25 each each PRON _005456899 1649 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1649 27 all all PRON _005456899 1649 28 must must AUX _005456899 1649 29 be be AUX _005456899 1649 30 in in ADP _005456899 1649 31 the the DET _005456899 1649 32 habit habit NOUN _005456899 1649 33 of of ADP _005456899 1649 34 making make VERB _005456899 1649 35 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1649 36 and and CCONJ _005456899 1649 37 the the DET _005456899 1649 38 will will NOUN _005456899 1649 39 of of ADP _005456899 1649 40 god god PROPN _005456899 1649 41 prevail prevail VERB _005456899 1649 42 making make VERB _005456899 1649 43 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1649 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 1649 45 the the DET _005456899 1649 46 will will NOUN _005456899 1649 47 of of ADP _005456899 1649 48 god god PROPN _005456899 1649 49 prevail prevail VERB _005456899 1649 50 is be AUX _005456899 1649 51 what what PRON _005456899 1649 52 the the DET _005456899 1649 53 great great ADJ _005456899 1649 54 english english ADJ _005456899 1649 55 critic critic NOUN _005456899 1649 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 1649 57 matthew matthew PROPN _005456899 1649 58 arnold arnold PROPN _005456899 1649 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 1649 60 calls call VERB _005456899 1649 61 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1649 62 . . PUNCT _005456899 1650 1 some some PRON _005456899 1650 2 of of ADP _005456899 1650 3 us we PRON _005456899 1650 4 think think VERB _005456899 1650 5 of of ADP _005456899 1650 6 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1650 7 as as ADP _005456899 1650 8 plays play NOUN _005456899 1650 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1650 10 operas opera NOUN _005456899 1650 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1650 12 highbrow highbrow NOUN _005456899 1650 13 books book NOUN _005456899 1650 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1651 1 this this PRON _005456899 1651 2 is be AUX _005456899 1651 3 confusing confuse VERB _005456899 1651 4 the the DET _005456899 1651 5 engine engine NOUN _005456899 1651 6 with with ADP _005456899 1651 7 the the DET _005456899 1651 8 car car NOUN _005456899 1651 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1652 1 these these DET _005456899 1652 2 things thing NOUN _005456899 1652 3 are be AUX _005456899 1652 4 not not PART _005456899 1652 5 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1652 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 1652 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 1652 8 they they PRON _005456899 1652 9 are be AUX _005456899 1652 10 the the DET _005456899 1652 11 engines engine NOUN _005456899 1652 12 of of ADP _005456899 1652 13 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1652 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1653 1 they they PRON _005456899 1653 2 are be AUX _005456899 1653 3 the the DET _005456899 1653 4 things thing NOUN _005456899 1653 5 that that PRON _005456899 1653 6 help help VERB _005456899 1653 7 each each PRON _005456899 1653 8 of of ADP _005456899 1653 9 us we PRON _005456899 1653 10 individually individually ADV _005456899 1653 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1653 12 all all PRON _005456899 1653 13 of of ADP _005456899 1653 14 us we PRON _005456899 1653 15 nationally nationally ADV _005456899 1653 16 to to PART _005456899 1653 17 become become VERB _005456899 1653 18 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1653 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1654 1 points point NOUN _005456899 1654 2 of of ADP _005456899 1654 3 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1654 4 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005456899 1654 5 newman newman NOUN _005456899 1654 6 defined define VERB _005456899 1654 7 a a DET _005456899 1654 8 gentleman gentleman NOUN _005456899 1654 9 as as ADP _005456899 1654 10 one one NUM _005456899 1654 11 who who PRON _005456899 1654 12 never never ADV _005456899 1654 13 inflicts inflict VERB _005456899 1654 14 pain pain NOUN _005456899 1654 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1655 1 to to PART _005456899 1655 2 act act VERB _005456899 1655 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1655 4 think think VERB _005456899 1655 5 so so SCONJ _005456899 1655 6 as as SCONJ _005456899 1655 7 to to PART _005456899 1655 8 give give VERB _005456899 1655 9 a a DET _005456899 1655 10 minimum minimum NOUN _005456899 1655 11 of of ADP _005456899 1655 12 pain pain NOUN _005456899 1655 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1655 14 a a DET _005456899 1655 15 maximum maximum NOUN _005456899 1655 16 of of ADP _005456899 1655 17 contentment contentment NOUN _005456899 1655 18 to to ADP _005456899 1655 19 oneself oneself PRON _005456899 1655 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1655 21 others other NOUN _005456899 1655 22 is be AUX _005456899 1655 23 the the DET _005456899 1655 24 aim aim NOUN _005456899 1655 25 of of ADP _005456899 1655 26 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1655 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1656 1 to to PART _005456899 1656 2 do do VERB _005456899 1656 3 so so ADV _005456899 1656 4 one one PRON _005456899 1656 5 must must AUX _005456899 1656 6 bring bring VERB _005456899 1656 7 the the DET _005456899 1656 8 natural natural ADJ _005456899 1656 9 impulses impulse NOUN _005456899 1656 10 under under ADP _005456899 1656 11 the the DET _005456899 1656 12 control control NOUN _005456899 1656 13 of of ADP _005456899 1656 14 right right ADJ _005456899 1656 15 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1656 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1656 17 the the DET _005456899 1656 18 will will NOUN _005456899 1656 19 of of ADP _005456899 1656 20 god god PROPN _005456899 1656 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1657 1 the the DET _005456899 1657 2 word word NOUN _005456899 1657 3 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1657 4 etymologically etymologically ADV _005456899 1657 5 means mean VERB _005456899 1657 6 tilling till VERB _005456899 1657 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1657 8 systematic systematic ADJ _005456899 1657 9 training training NOUN _005456899 1657 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1658 1 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1658 2 is be AUX _005456899 1658 3 the the DET _005456899 1658 4 degree degree NOUN _005456899 1658 5 to to PART _005456899 1658 6 which which PRON _005456899 1658 7 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1658 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 1658 9 any any DET _005456899 1658 10 group group NOUN _005456899 1658 11 has have AUX _005456899 1658 12 developed develop VERB _005456899 1658 13 the the DET _005456899 1658 14 habit habit NOUN _005456899 1658 15 of of ADP _005456899 1658 16 acting acting NOUN _005456899 1658 17 so so SCONJ _005456899 1658 18 as as SCONJ _005456899 1658 19 to to PART _005456899 1658 20 offend offend VERB _005456899 1658 21 least least ADJ _005456899 1658 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1658 23 please please INTJ _005456899 1658 24 most most ADJ _005456899 1658 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1659 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1659 2 we we PRON _005456899 1659 3 speak speak VERB _005456899 1659 4 of of ADP _005456899 1659 5 american american ADJ _005456899 1659 6 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1659 7 we we PRON _005456899 1659 8 mean mean VERB _005456899 1659 9 life life PROPN _005456899 1659 10 amor amor NOUN _005456899 1659 11 least least ADV _005456899 1659 12 dist dist VERB _005456899 1659 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 1659 14 tesy tesy PROPN _005456899 1659 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1659 16 mari mari PROPN _005456899 1659 17 -all -all NUM _005456899 1659 18 are be AUX _005456899 1659 19 1 1 NUM _005456899 1659 20 termine termine ADP _005456899 1659 21 c c PROPN _005456899 1659 22 tentment tentment NOUN _005456899 1659 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1660 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 1660 2 wetl wetl ADJ _005456899 1660 3 merely merely ADV _005456899 1660 4 tl tl PROPN _005456899 1660 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 1660 6 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1660 7 c c AUX _005456899 1660 8 safe safe ADJ _005456899 1660 9 for for ADP _005456899 1660 10 a a DET _005456899 1660 11 a a DET _005456899 1660 12 gid gid PROPN _005456899 1660 13 c2 c2 PROPN _005456899 1660 14 without without ADP _005456899 1660 15 where where SCONJ _005456899 1660 16 i i PRON _005456899 1660 17 does do AUX _005456899 1660 18 not not PART _005456899 1660 19 establish establish VERB _005456899 1660 20 ing ing NOUN _005456899 1660 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1660 22 peo peo PROPN _005456899 1660 23 granted grant VERB _005456899 1660 24 school school NOUN _005456899 1660 25 ti ti VERB _005456899 1660 26 high high ADJ _005456899 1660 27 cull cull NOUN _005456899 1660 28 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1660 29 j j NOUN _005456899 1660 30 if if SCONJ _005456899 1660 31 in in ADP _005456899 1660 32 the the DET _005456899 1660 33 stror stror NOUN _005456899 1660 34 a a DET _005456899 1660 35 cultiva cultiva NOUN _005456899 1660 36 regardle1 regardle1 NOUN _005456899 1660 37 hindmosi hindmosi PROPN _005456899 1660 38 is be AUX _005456899 1660 39 the the DET _005456899 1660 40 sl sl NOUN _005456899 1660 41 < < PROPN _005456899 1660 42 rule rule NOUN _005456899 1660 43 : : PUNCT _005456899 1660 44 d1 d1 ADV _005456899 1660 45 thou thou ADV _005456899 1660 46 simply simply ADV _005456899 1660 47 c c X _005456899 1660 48 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1660 49 racy racy VERB _005456899 1660 50 the the DET _005456899 1660 51 rights right NOUN _005456899 1660 52 of of ADP _005456899 1660 53 an an DET _005456899 1660 54 unju1 unju1 NOUN _005456899 1660 55 could could AUX _005456899 1660 56 ke ke VERB _005456899 1660 57 ghettoes ghettoes PROPN _005456899 1660 58 clergyme clergyme NOUN _005456899 1660 59 churches church VERB _005456899 1660 60 a a DET _005456899 1660 61 minori minori NOUN _005456899 1660 62 it it PRON _005456899 1660 63 is be AUX _005456899 1660 64 now now ADV _005456899 1660 65 a a DET _005456899 1660 66 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1660 67 person person NOUN _005456899 1660 68 and and CCONJ _005456899 1660 69 a a DET _005456899 1660 70 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1660 71 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1660 72 75 75 NUM _005456899 1660 73 we we PRON _005456899 1660 74 mean mean VERB _005456899 1660 75 those those DET _005456899 1660 76 habits habit NOUN _005456899 1660 77 and and CCONJ _005456899 1660 78 tendencies tendency NOUN _005456899 1660 79 and and CCONJ _005456899 1660 80 customs custom NOUN _005456899 1660 81 which which PRON _005456899 1660 82 make make VERB _005456899 1660 83 life life NOUN _005456899 1660 84 among among ADP _005456899 1660 85 us we PRON _005456899 1660 86 most most ADV _005456899 1660 87 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005456899 1660 88 and and CCONJ _005456899 1660 89 agreeable agreeable ADJ _005456899 1660 90 for for ADP _005456899 1660 91 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1660 92 and and CCONJ _005456899 1660 93 least least ADV _005456899 1660 94 distasteful distasteful ADJ _005456899 1660 95 . . PUNCT _005456899 1661 1 political political ADJ _005456899 1661 2 justice justice NOUN _005456899 1661 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1661 4 economic economic ADJ _005456899 1661 5 efficiency efficiency NOUN _005456899 1661 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1661 7 public public ADJ _005456899 1661 8 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1661 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1661 10 marital marital ADJ _005456899 1661 11 fidelity fidelity PROPN _005456899 1661 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1661 13 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1661 14 habits habit NOUN _005456899 1661 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1661 16 trade trade NOUN _005456899 1661 17 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 1661 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1661 19 table table NOUN _005456899 1661 20 manners manner NOUN _005456899 1661 21 -all -all PUNCT _005456899 1661 22 are be AUX _005456899 1661 23 part part NOUN _005456899 1661 24 of of ADP _005456899 1661 25 the the DET _005456899 1661 26 american american ADJ _005456899 1661 27 way way NOUN _005456899 1661 28 of of ADP _005456899 1661 29 life life NOUN _005456899 1661 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1661 31 of of ADP _005456899 1661 32 our our PRON _005456899 1661 33 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1661 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1662 1 they they PRON _005456899 1662 2 determine determine VERB _005456899 1662 3 our our PRON _005456899 1662 4 personal personal ADJ _005456899 1662 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1662 6 national national ADJ _005456899 1662 7 comfort comfort NOUN _005456899 1662 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1662 9 convenience convenience NOUN _005456899 1662 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1662 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1662 12 contentment contentment ADJ _005456899 1662 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1663 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 1663 2 one one PRON _005456899 1663 3 can can AUX _005456899 1663 4 know know VERB _005456899 1663 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1663 6 a a DET _005456899 1663 7 country country NOUN _005456899 1663 8 has have VERB _005456899 1663 9 a a DET _005456899 1663 10 high high ADJ _005456899 1663 11 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1663 12 we we PRON _005456899 1663 13 think think VERB _005456899 1663 14 we we PRON _005456899 1663 15 have have VERB _005456899 1663 16 a a DET _005456899 1663 17 high high ADJ _005456899 1663 18 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1663 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1664 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1664 2 actually actually ADV _005456899 1664 3 we we PRON _005456899 1664 4 need need AUX _005456899 1664 5 not not PART _005456899 1664 6 merely merely ADV _005456899 1664 7 think think VERB _005456899 1664 8 so so ADV _005456899 1664 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1664 10 we we PRON _005456899 1664 11 can can AUX _005456899 1664 12 know know VERB _005456899 1664 13 so so ADV _005456899 1664 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1665 1 a a DET _005456899 1665 2 country country NOUN _005456899 1665 3 where where SCONJ _005456899 1665 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1665 5 for for ADP _005456899 1665 6 example example NOUN _005456899 1665 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1665 8 a a DET _005456899 1665 9 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1665 10 can can AUX _005456899 1665 11 go go VERB _005456899 1665 12 places place NOUN _005456899 1665 13 alone alone ADV _005456899 1665 14 is be AUX _005456899 1665 15 more more ADV _005456899 1665 16 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005456899 1665 17 than than ADP _005456899 1665 18 where where SCONJ _005456899 1665 19 it it PRON _005456899 1665 20 is be AUX _005456899 1665 21 unsafe unsafe ADJ _005456899 1665 22 for for SCONJ _005456899 1665 23 a a DET _005456899 1665 24 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1665 25 to to PART _005456899 1665 26 go go VERB _005456899 1665 27 shopping shop VERB _005456899 1665 28 or or CCONJ _005456899 1665 29 visiting visit VERB _005456899 1665 30 alone alone ADV _005456899 1665 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1666 1 a a DET _005456899 1666 2 country country NOUN _005456899 1666 3 where where SCONJ _005456899 1666 4 a a DET _005456899 1666 5 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1666 6 can can AUX _005456899 1666 7 with with ADP _005456899 1666 8 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1666 9 safety safety NOUN _005456899 1666 10 go go VERB _005456899 1666 11 to to ADP _005456899 1666 12 a a DET _005456899 1666 13 show show NOUN _005456899 1666 14 with with ADP _005456899 1666 15 her her PRON _005456899 1666 16 boyfriend boyfriend NOUN _005456899 1666 17 without without ADP _005456899 1666 18 a a DET _005456899 1666 19 chaperone chaperone NOUN _005456899 1666 20 is be AUX _005456899 1666 21 more more ADV _005456899 1666 22 pleasant pleasant ADJ _005456899 1666 23 than than ADP _005456899 1666 24 where where SCONJ _005456899 1666 25 she she PRON _005456899 1666 26 can can AUX _005456899 1666 27 not not PART _005456899 1666 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1667 1 where where SCONJ _005456899 1667 2 in in ADP _005456899 1667 3 stores store NOUN _005456899 1667 4 prices price NOUN _005456899 1667 5 are be AUX _005456899 1667 6 fixed fix VERB _005456899 1667 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1667 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1668 1 where where SCONJ _005456899 1668 2 not not PART _005456899 1668 3 being be AUX _005456899 1668 4 swindled swindle VERB _005456899 1668 5 does do AUX _005456899 1668 6 not not PART _005456899 1668 7 depend depend VERB _005456899 1668 8 on on ADP _005456899 1668 9 being be AUX _005456899 1668 10 a a DET _005456899 1668 11 good good ADJ _005456899 1668 12 bargainer bargainer NOUN _005456899 1668 13 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1668 14 where where SCONJ _005456899 1668 15 drivers driver NOUN _005456899 1668 16 follow follow VERB _005456899 1668 17 established establish VERB _005456899 1668 18 signals signal NOUN _005456899 1668 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1668 20 rules rule NOUN _005456899 1668 21 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1668 22 where where SCONJ _005456899 1668 23 instead instead ADV _005456899 1668 24 of of ADP _005456899 1668 25 elbowing elbow VERB _005456899 1668 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1668 27 pushing push VERB _005456899 1668 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1668 29 people people NOUN _005456899 1668 30 line line VERB _005456899 1668 31 up up ADP _005456899 1668 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1668 33 first first ADV _005456899 1668 34 come come AUX _005456899 1668 35 first first ADV _005456899 1668 36 served serve VERB _005456899 1668 37 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1668 38 where where SCONJ _005456899 1668 39 jobs job NOUN _005456899 1668 40 are be AUX _005456899 1668 41 granted grant VERB _005456899 1668 42 on on ADP _005456899 1668 43 merit merit NOUN _005456899 1668 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 1668 45 tests test NOUN _005456899 1668 46 rather rather ADV _005456899 1668 47 than than ADP _005456899 1668 48 an an DET _005456899 1668 49 color color NOUN _005456899 1668 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 1668 51 creed creed NOUN _005456899 1668 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 1668 53 or or CCONJ _005456899 1668 54 old old ADJ _005456899 1668 55 school school NOUN _005456899 1668 56 ties tie NOUN _005456899 1668 57 - - PUNCT _005456899 1668 58 these these PRON _005456899 1668 59 and and CCONJ _005456899 1668 60 hundreds hundred NOUN _005456899 1668 61 of of ADP _005456899 1668 62 similar similar ADJ _005456899 1668 63 things thing NOUN _005456899 1668 64 are be AUX _005456899 1668 65 marks mark NOUN _005456899 1668 66 of of ADP _005456899 1668 67 a a DET _005456899 1668 68 high high ADJ _005456899 1668 69 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1668 70 and and CCONJ _005456899 1668 71 contributions contribution NOUN _005456899 1668 72 to to ADP _005456899 1668 73 the the DET _005456899 1668 74 conveniences convenience NOUN _005456899 1668 75 of of ADP _005456899 1668 76 life life NOUN _005456899 1668 77 . . PUNCT _005456899 1669 1 the the DET _005456899 1669 2 yardstick yardstick NOUN _005456899 1669 3 of of ADP _005456899 1669 4 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1669 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 1669 6 doing do VERB _005456899 1669 7 unto unto ADP _005456899 1669 8 others other NOUN _005456899 1669 9 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 1670 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1670 2 in in ADP _005456899 1670 3 a a DET _005456899 1670 4 fire fire NOUN _005456899 1670 5 people people NOUN _005456899 1670 6 form form VERB _005456899 1670 7 a a DET _005456899 1670 8 line line NOUN _005456899 1670 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1670 10 rather rather ADV _005456899 1670 11 than than ADP _005456899 1670 12 a a DET _005456899 1670 13 stampede stampede NOUN _005456899 1670 14 in in ADP _005456899 1670 15 which which PRON _005456899 1670 16 the the DET _005456899 1670 17 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1670 18 trample trample NOUN _005456899 1670 19 down down ADP _005456899 1670 20 the the DET _005456899 1670 21 weak weak ADJ _005456899 1670 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1670 23 they they PRON _005456899 1670 24 display display VERB _005456899 1670 25 a a DET _005456899 1670 26 high high ADJ _005456899 1670 27 culturea culturea NOUN _005456899 1670 28 cultivated cultivate VERB _005456899 1670 29 control control NOUN _005456899 1670 30 of of ADP _005456899 1670 31 their their PRON _005456899 1670 32 natural natural ADJ _005456899 1670 33 impulse impulse NOUN _005456899 1670 34 to to PART _005456899 1670 35 stampede stampede VERB _005456899 1670 36 to to ADP _005456899 1670 37 safety safety NOUN _005456899 1670 38 regardless regardless ADV _005456899 1670 39 of of ADP _005456899 1670 40 others other NOUN _005456899 1670 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 1671 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1671 2 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1671 3 for for ADP _005456899 1671 4 himself himself PRON _005456899 1671 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1671 6 the the DET _005456899 1671 7 devil devil NOUN _005456899 1671 8 take take VERB _005456899 1671 9 the the DET _005456899 1671 10 hindmost hindmost NOUN _005456899 1671 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1671 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1671 13 is be AUX _005456899 1671 14 the the DET _005456899 1671 15 slogan slogan NOUN _005456899 1671 16 of of ADP _005456899 1671 17 barbarism barbarism NOUN _005456899 1671 18 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1671 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1671 20 consider consider VERB _005456899 1671 21 the the DET _005456899 1671 22 other other ADJ _005456899 1671 23 person person NOUN _005456899 1671 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1671 25 is be AUX _005456899 1671 26 the the DET _005456899 1671 27 slogan slogan NOUN _005456899 1671 28 of of ADP _005456899 1671 29 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1671 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1672 1 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1672 2 is be AUX _005456899 1672 3 really really ADV _005456899 1672 4 the the DET _005456899 1672 5 habit habit NOUN _005456899 1672 6 of of ADP _005456899 1672 7 the the DET _005456899 1672 8 golden golden ADJ _005456899 1672 9 rule rule NOUN _005456899 1672 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 1672 11 do do AUX _005456899 1672 12 unto unto ADP _005456899 1672 13 others other NOUN _005456899 1672 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 1672 15 you you PRON _005456899 1672 16 would would AUX _005456899 1672 17 have have VERB _005456899 1672 18 others other NOUN _005456899 1672 19 do do VERB _005456899 1672 20 to to ADP _005456899 1672 21 you you PRON _005456899 1672 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1673 1 though though SCONJ _005456899 1673 2 mankind mankind NOUN _005456899 1673 3 everywhere everywhere ADV _005456899 1673 4 needs need VERB _005456899 1673 5 this this DET _005456899 1673 6 habit habit NOUN _005456899 1673 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1673 8 a a DET _005456899 1673 9 democracy democracy NOUN _005456899 1673 10 simply simply ADV _005456899 1673 11 can can AUX _005456899 1673 12 not not PART _005456899 1673 13 get get VERB _005456899 1673 14 along along ADP _005456899 1673 15 without without ADP _005456899 1673 16 a a DET _005456899 1673 17 high high ADJ _005456899 1673 18 degree degree NOUN _005456899 1673 19 of of ADP _005456899 1673 20 it it PRON _005456899 1673 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1674 1 in in ADP _005456899 1674 2 a a DET _005456899 1674 3 democracy democracy NOUN _005456899 1674 4 the the DET _005456899 1674 5 majority majority NOUN _005456899 1674 6 rules rule NOUN _005456899 1674 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1675 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1675 2 this this DET _005456899 1675 3 majority majority NOUN _005456899 1675 4 is be AUX _005456899 1675 5 not not PART _005456899 1675 6 considerate considerate ADJ _005456899 1675 7 of of ADP _005456899 1675 8 the the DET _005456899 1675 9 rights right NOUN _005456899 1675 10 of of ADP _005456899 1675 11 the the DET _005456899 1675 12 minority minority NOUN _005456899 1675 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1675 14 there there PRON _005456899 1675 15 would would AUX _005456899 1675 16 soon soon ADV _005456899 1675 17 be be AUX _005456899 1675 18 chaos chaos NOUN _005456899 1675 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1675 20 violence violence NOUN _005456899 1675 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1676 1 an an DET _005456899 1676 2 unjust unjust ADJ _005456899 1676 3 majority majority NOUN _005456899 1676 4 could could AUX _005456899 1676 5 keep keep VERB _005456899 1676 6 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 1676 7 out out ADP _005456899 1676 8 of of ADP _005456899 1676 9 government government NOUN _005456899 1676 10 jobs job NOUN _005456899 1676 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1676 12 could could AUX _005456899 1676 13 keep keep VERB _005456899 1676 14 negroes negro NOUN _005456899 1676 15 out out ADP _005456899 1676 16 of of ADP _005456899 1676 17 schools school NOUN _005456899 1676 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1676 19 could could AUX _005456899 1676 20 force force VERB _005456899 1676 21 all all DET _005456899 1676 22 jews jews PROPN _005456899 1676 23 to to PART _005456899 1676 24 live live VERB _005456899 1676 25 in in ADP _005456899 1676 26 ghettoes ghetto NOUN _005456899 1676 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1676 28 could could AUX _005456899 1676 29 confiscate confiscate VERB _005456899 1676 30 the the DET _005456899 1676 31 property property NOUN _005456899 1676 32 of of ADP _005456899 1676 33 the the DET _005456899 1676 34 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1676 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1676 36 could could AUX _005456899 1676 37 force force VERB _005456899 1676 38 clergymen clergyman NOUN _005456899 1676 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1676 40 quakers quaker NOUN _005456899 1676 41 to to PART _005456899 1676 42 kill kill VERB _005456899 1676 43 in in ADP _005456899 1676 44 wars war NOUN _005456899 1676 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1676 46 could could AUX _005456899 1676 47 even even ADV _005456899 1676 48 take take VERB _005456899 1676 49 the the DET _005456899 1676 50 churches church NOUN _005456899 1676 51 away away ADV _005456899 1676 52 from from ADP _005456899 1676 53 the the DET _005456899 1676 54 churchgoers churchgoer NOUN _005456899 1676 55 . . PUNCT _005456899 1677 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1677 2 a a DET _005456899 1677 3 majority majority NOUN _005456899 1677 4 still still ADV _005456899 1677 5 kept keep VERB _005456899 1677 6 a a DET _005456899 1677 7 minority minority NOUN _005456899 1677 8 as as ADP _005456899 1677 9 slaves slave NOUN _005456899 1677 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1677 11 our our PRON _005456899 1677 12 political political ADJ _005456899 1677 13 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1677 14 was be AUX _005456899 1677 15 so so ADV _005456899 1677 16 much much ADV _005456899 1677 17 lower low ADJ _005456899 1677 18 than than SCONJ _005456899 1677 19 it it PRON _005456899 1677 20 is be AUX _005456899 1677 21 now now ADV _005456899 1677 22 that that SCONJ _005456899 1677 23 it it PRON _005456899 1677 24 finally finally ADV _005456899 1677 25 resulted result VERB _005456899 1677 26 in in ADP _005456899 1677 27 the the DET _005456899 1677 28 worst bad ADJ _005456899 1677 29 violence violence NOUN _005456899 1677 30 in in ADP _005456899 1677 31 our our PRON _005456899 1677 32 history history NOUN _005456899 1677 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1678 1 76 76 NUM _005456899 1678 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1678 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1678 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1678 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1678 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1678 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1678 8 when when SCONJ _005456899 1678 9 a a DET _005456899 1678 10 few few ADJ _005456899 1678 11 years year NOUN _005456899 1678 12 ago ago ADV _005456899 1678 13 the the DET _005456899 1678 14 majority majority NOUN _005456899 1678 15 without without ADP _005456899 1678 16 trial trial NOUN _005456899 1678 17 or or CCONJ _005456899 1678 18 conviction conviction NOUN _005456899 1678 19 put put VERB _005456899 1678 20 all all DET _005456899 1678 21 americans americans PROPN _005456899 1678 22 of of ADP _005456899 1678 23 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1678 24 descent descent NOUN _005456899 1678 25 into into ADP _005456899 1678 26 relocation relocation NOUN _005456899 1678 27 camps camp NOUN _005456899 1678 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1678 29 our our PRON _005456899 1678 30 political political ADJ _005456899 1678 31 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1678 32 took take VERB _005456899 1678 33 a a DET _005456899 1678 34 sudden sudden ADJ _005456899 1678 35 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005456899 1678 36 drop drop NOUN _005456899 1678 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1679 1 state state NOUN _005456899 1679 2 universities university NOUN _005456899 1679 3 which which PRON _005456899 1679 4 do do AUX _005456899 1679 5 not not PART _005456899 1679 6 admit admit VERB _005456899 1679 7 negro negro ADJ _005456899 1679 8 students student NOUN _005456899 1679 9 reflect reflect VERB _005456899 1679 10 a a DET _005456899 1679 11 great great ADJ _005456899 1679 12 depression depression NOUN _005456899 1679 13 in in ADP _005456899 1679 14 our our PRON _005456899 1679 15 national national ADJ _005456899 1679 16 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1679 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1680 1 every every DET _005456899 1680 2 law law NOUN _005456899 1680 3 or or CCONJ _005456899 1680 4 custom custom NOUN _005456899 1680 5 which which PRON _005456899 1680 6 is be AUX _005456899 1680 7 unjust unjust ADJ _005456899 1680 8 to to ADP _005456899 1680 9 someone someone PRON _005456899 1680 10 is be AUX _005456899 1680 11 a a DET _005456899 1680 12 blemish blemish NOUN _005456899 1680 13 in in ADP _005456899 1680 14 our our PRON _005456899 1680 15 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1680 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1680 17 in in ADP _005456899 1680 18 our our PRON _005456899 1680 19 american american ADJ _005456899 1680 20 way way NOUN _005456899 1680 21 of of ADP _005456899 1680 22 life life NOUN _005456899 1680 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1680 24 whose whose DET _005456899 1680 25 ideal ideal NOUN _005456899 1680 26 must must AUX _005456899 1680 27 be be AUX _005456899 1680 28 not not PART _005456899 1680 29 to to PART _005456899 1680 30 inflict inflict VERB _005456899 1680 31 unjust unjust ADJ _005456899 1680 32 pain pain NOUN _005456899 1680 33 or or CCONJ _005456899 1680 34 inconvenience inconvenience NOUN _005456899 1680 35 on on ADP _005456899 1680 36 anybody anybody PRON _005456899 1680 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 1680 38 to to PART _005456899 1680 39 offer offer VERB _005456899 1680 40 a a DET _005456899 1680 41 maximum maximum NOUN _005456899 1680 42 of of ADP _005456899 1680 43 comfort comfort NOUN _005456899 1680 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 1680 45 contentment contentment NOUN _005456899 1680 46 to to ADP _005456899 1680 47 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1680 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 1681 1 unnecessary unnecessary ADJ _005456899 1681 2 nuisances nuisance NOUN _005456899 1681 3 are be AUX _005456899 1681 4 defects defect NOUN _005456899 1681 5 of of ADP _005456899 1681 6 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1681 7 everything everything PRON _005456899 1681 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1681 9 big big ADJ _005456899 1681 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 1681 11 little little ADJ _005456899 1681 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1681 13 personal personal ADJ _005456899 1681 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1681 15 national national ADJ _005456899 1681 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1681 17 which which PRON _005456899 1681 18 unnecessarily unnecessarily ADV _005456899 1681 19 disturbs disturb VERB _005456899 1681 20 or or CCONJ _005456899 1681 21 inconveniences inconvenience VERB _005456899 1681 22 others other NOUN _005456899 1681 23 is be AUX _005456899 1681 24 a a DET _005456899 1681 25 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1681 26 defect defect NOUN _005456899 1681 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1682 1 honking honk VERB _005456899 1682 2 the the DET _005456899 1682 3 auto auto NOUN _005456899 1682 4 horn horn NOUN _005456899 1682 5 too too ADV _005456899 1682 6 loud loud ADJ _005456899 1682 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1682 8 talking talk VERB _005456899 1682 9 ungrammatically ungrammatically ADV _005456899 1682 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 1682 11 coarsely coarsely ADV _005456899 1682 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1682 13 playing play VERB _005456899 1682 14 one one PRON _005456899 1682 15 's 's PART _005456899 1682 16 radio radio NOUN _005456899 1682 17 too too ADV _005456899 1682 18 loud loud ADJ _005456899 1682 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1682 20 too too ADV _005456899 1682 21 late late ADV _005456899 1682 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1682 23 letting let VERB _005456899 1682 24 one one PRON _005456899 1682 25 's 's PART _005456899 1682 26 city city NOUN _005456899 1682 27 yard yard NOUN _005456899 1682 28 grow grow VERB _005456899 1682 29 weedy weedy NOUN _005456899 1682 30 or or CCONJ _005456899 1682 31 littered litter VERB _005456899 1682 32 up up ADP _005456899 1682 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1682 34 pushing push VERB _005456899 1682 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 1682 36 jostling jostle VERB _005456899 1682 37 in in ADP _005456899 1682 38 streetcars streetcar NOUN _005456899 1682 39 - - PUNCT _005456899 1682 40 these these PRON _005456899 1682 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 1682 42 thousands thousand NOUN _005456899 1682 43 of of ADP _005456899 1682 44 other other ADJ _005456899 1682 45 things thing NOUN _005456899 1682 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 1682 47 in in ADP _005456899 1682 48 which which PRON _005456899 1682 49 is be AUX _005456899 1682 50 some some DET _005456899 1682 51 preventable preventable ADJ _005456899 1682 52 offence offence NOUN _005456899 1682 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 1682 54 are be AUX _005456899 1682 55 defects defect NOUN _005456899 1682 56 in in ADP _005456899 1682 57 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1682 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 1683 1 in in ADP _005456899 1683 2 some some DET _005456899 1683 3 countries country NOUN _005456899 1683 4 men man NOUN _005456899 1683 5 still still ADV _005456899 1683 6 turn turn VERB _005456899 1683 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1683 8 stare stare VERB _005456899 1683 9 at at ADP _005456899 1683 10 a a DET _005456899 1683 11 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1683 12 passing pass VERB _005456899 1683 13 by by ADV _005456899 1683 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1684 1 in in ADP _005456899 1684 2 this this PRON _005456899 1684 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1684 4 many many ADJ _005456899 1684 5 smokers smoker NOUN _005456899 1684 6 are be AUX _005456899 1684 7 careless careless ADJ _005456899 1684 8 as as ADP _005456899 1684 9 to to ADP _005456899 1684 10 where where SCONJ _005456899 1684 11 the the DET _005456899 1684 12 smoke smoke NOUN _005456899 1684 13 blows blow VERB _005456899 1684 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1684 15 the the DET _005456899 1684 16 ashes ashe NOUN _005456899 1684 17 fall fall VERB _005456899 1684 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1685 1 a a DET _005456899 1685 2 person person NOUN _005456899 1685 3 publicly publicly ADV _005456899 1685 4 drunk drunk ADJ _005456899 1685 5 has have AUX _005456899 1685 6 not not PART _005456899 1685 7 only only ADV _005456899 1685 8 committed commit VERB _005456899 1685 9 a a DET _005456899 1685 10 sin sin NOUN _005456899 1685 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 1685 12 has have AUX _005456899 1685 13 also also ADV _005456899 1685 14 made make VERB _005456899 1685 15 a a DET _005456899 1685 16 nuisance nuisance NOUN _005456899 1685 17 of of ADP _005456899 1685 18 himself himself PRON _005456899 1685 19 - - PUNCT _005456899 1685 20 by by ADP _005456899 1685 21 failing fail VERB _005456899 1685 22 to to PART _005456899 1685 23 control control VERB _005456899 1685 24 his his PRON _005456899 1685 25 natural natural ADJ _005456899 1685 26 impulses impulse NOUN _005456899 1685 27 he he PRON _005456899 1685 28 has have AUX _005456899 1685 29 made make VERB _005456899 1685 30 life life NOUN _005456899 1685 31 uglier ugly ADJ _005456899 1685 32 than than SCONJ _005456899 1685 33 it it PRON _005456899 1685 34 need need VERB _005456899 1685 35 have have AUX _005456899 1685 36 been be AUX _005456899 1685 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1686 1 by by ADP _005456899 1686 2 so so ADV _005456899 1686 3 much much ADV _005456899 1686 4 he he PRON _005456899 1686 5 has have AUX _005456899 1686 6 lowered lower VERB _005456899 1686 7 the the DET _005456899 1686 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1686 9 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1686 10 level level NOUN _005456899 1686 11 of of ADP _005456899 1686 12 his his PRON _005456899 1686 13 country country NOUN _005456899 1686 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1687 1 men man NOUN _005456899 1687 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1687 3 women woman NOUN _005456899 1687 4 compared compare VERB _005456899 1687 5 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 1687 6 women woman NOUN _005456899 1687 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1687 8 until until ADP _005456899 1687 9 a a DET _005456899 1687 10 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1687 11 years year NOUN _005456899 1687 12 ago ago ADV _005456899 1687 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1687 14 were be AUX _005456899 1687 15 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 1687 16 neglected neglect VERB _005456899 1687 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1688 1 only only ADV _005456899 1688 2 the the DET _005456899 1688 3 churches church NOUN _005456899 1688 4 were be AUX _005456899 1688 5 as as ADV _005456899 1688 6 open open ADJ _005456899 1688 7 to to ADP _005456899 1688 8 them they PRON _005456899 1688 9 as as SCONJ _005456899 1688 10 they they PRON _005456899 1688 11 were be AUX _005456899 1688 12 to to ADP _005456899 1688 13 men man NOUN _005456899 1688 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1689 1 they they PRON _005456899 1689 2 did do AUX _005456899 1689 3 not not PART _005456899 1689 4 get get VERB _005456899 1689 5 the the DET _005456899 1689 6 schooling schooling NOUN _005456899 1689 7 men man NOUN _005456899 1689 8 got get VERB _005456899 1689 9 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1689 10 they they PRON _005456899 1689 11 could could AUX _005456899 1689 12 hardly hardly ADV _005456899 1689 13 attend attend VERB _005456899 1689 14 plays play NOUN _005456899 1689 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1689 16 books book NOUN _005456899 1689 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1689 18 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1689 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1689 20 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005456899 1689 21 were be AUX _005456899 1689 22 kept keep VERB _005456899 1689 23 from from ADP _005456899 1689 24 them they PRON _005456899 1689 25 as as ADP _005456899 1689 26 too too ADV _005456899 1689 27 deep deep ADJ _005456899 1689 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1689 29 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1689 30 for for ADP _005456899 1689 31 them they PRON _005456899 1689 32 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1689 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 1689 34 of of ADP _005456899 1689 35 course course NOUN _005456899 1689 36 they they PRON _005456899 1689 37 could could AUX _005456899 1689 38 not not PART _005456899 1689 39 vote vote VERB _005456899 1689 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1690 1 now now ADV _005456899 1690 2 women woman NOUN _005456899 1690 3 have have VERB _005456899 1690 4 more more ADJ _005456899 1690 5 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1690 6 opportunities opportunity NOUN _005456899 1690 7 than than ADP _005456899 1690 8 men man NOUN _005456899 1690 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1691 1 while while SCONJ _005456899 1691 2 the the DET _005456899 1691 3 men man NOUN _005456899 1691 4 work work VERB _005456899 1691 5 or or CCONJ _005456899 1691 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1691 7 after after ADP _005456899 1691 8 work work NOUN _005456899 1691 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1691 10 talk talk NOUN _005456899 1691 11 shop shop NOUN _005456899 1691 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1691 13 women woman NOUN _005456899 1691 14 can can AUX _005456899 1691 15 spare spare VERB _005456899 1691 16 some some DET _005456899 1691 17 time time NOUN _005456899 1691 18 from from ADP _005456899 1691 19 their their PRON _005456899 1691 20 housework housework NOUN _005456899 1691 21 to to PART _005456899 1691 22 read read VERB _005456899 1691 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1691 24 attend attend VERB _005456899 1691 25 book book NOUN _005456899 1691 26 circles circle NOUN _005456899 1691 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1691 28 see see VERB _005456899 1691 29 shows show NOUN _005456899 1691 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1691 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 1691 32 belong belong VERB _005456899 1691 33 to to ADP _005456899 1691 34 clubs club NOUN _005456899 1691 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 1691 36 roundtables roundtable NOUN _005456899 1691 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1692 1 · · PUNCT _005456899 1692 2 in in ADP _005456899 1692 3 some some DET _005456899 1692 4 respects respect NOUN _005456899 1692 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1692 6 women woman NOUN _005456899 1692 7 have have AUX _005456899 1692 8 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 1692 9 outstripped outstrip VERB _005456899 1692 10 the the DET _005456899 1692 11 men man NOUN _005456899 1692 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1693 1 they they PRON _005456899 1693 2 are be AUX _005456899 1693 3 more more ADV _005456899 1693 4 refined refined ADJ _005456899 1693 5 in in ADP _005456899 1693 6 speech speech NOUN _005456899 1693 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1693 8 less less ADV _005456899 1693 9 coarse coarse ADJ _005456899 1693 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1693 11 more more ADV _005456899 1693 12 grammatical grammatical ADJ _005456899 1693 13 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1693 14 their their PRON _005456899 1693 15 manners manner NOUN _005456899 1693 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1693 17 etiquette etiquette NOUN _005456899 1693 18 are be AUX _005456899 1693 19 better well ADJ _005456899 1693 20 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1693 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1693 22 they they PRON _005456899 1693 23 seem seem VERB _005456899 1693 24 to to PART _005456899 1693 25 talk talk VERB _005456899 1693 26 less less ADJ _005456899 1693 27 shop shop NOUN _005456899 1693 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1694 1 on on ADP _005456899 1694 2 the the DET _005456899 1694 3 other other ADJ _005456899 1694 4 hand hand NOUN _005456899 1694 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1694 6 men man NOUN _005456899 1694 7 say say VERB _005456899 1694 8 they they PRON _005456899 1694 9 still still ADV _005456899 1694 10 talk talk VERB _005456899 1694 11 too too ADV _005456899 1694 12 much much ADV _005456899 1694 13 about about ADP _005456899 1694 14 what what PRON _005456899 1694 15 creeps creep NOUN _005456899 1694 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1694 17 crawls crawl NOUN _005456899 1694 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1694 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1694 20 marries marrie NOUN _005456899 1694 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1694 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1694 23 too too ADV _005456899 1694 24 seldom seldom ADV _005456899 1694 25 talk talk VERB _005456899 1694 26 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 1694 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1695 1 their their PRON _005456899 1695 2 talk talk NOUN _005456899 1695 3 is be AUX _005456899 1695 4 too too ADV _005456899 1695 5 often often ADV _005456899 1695 6 disorganized disorganize VERB _005456899 1695 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1695 8 rather rather ADV _005456899 1695 9 trivial trivial ADJ _005456899 1695 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1695 11 silly silly ADJ _005456899 1695 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1695 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1695 14 strung string VERB _005456899 1695 15 together together ADV _005456899 1695 16 with with ADP _005456899 1695 17 interminable interminable ADJ _005456899 1695 18 ands and NOUN _005456899 1695 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1696 1 all all DET _005456899 1696 2 these these DET _005456899 1696 3 things thing NOUN _005456899 1696 4 detract detract VERB _005456899 1696 5 from from ADP _005456899 1696 6 the the DET _005456899 1696 7 general general ADJ _005456899 1696 8 pleasantness pleasantness NOUN _005456899 1696 9 of of ADP _005456899 1696 10 life life NOUN _005456899 1696 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1697 1 m m PROPN _005456899 1697 2 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1697 3 jilting jilting NOUN _005456899 1697 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1697 5 canno canno NOUN _005456899 1697 6 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1697 7 arem arem NOUN _005456899 1697 8 < < X _005456899 1697 9 politic politic NOUN _005456899 1697 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 1697 11 t1 t1 PROPN _005456899 1697 12 peopl peopl PROPN _005456899 1697 13 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1698 1 buts but NOUN _005456899 1698 2 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1698 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 1698 4 try try VERB _005456899 1698 5 to1 to1 PROPN _005456899 1698 6 than than ADP _005456899 1698 7 1 1 NUM _005456899 1698 8 these these PRON _005456899 1698 9 them they PRON _005456899 1698 10 prove1 prove1 NOUN _005456899 1698 11 is be AUX _005456899 1698 12 the the DET _005456899 1698 13 alway alway NOUN _005456899 1698 14 : : PUNCT _005456899 1698 15 in in ADP _005456899 1698 16 humm humm NOUN _005456899 1698 17 of of ADP _005456899 1698 18 cuj cuj NOUN _005456899 1698 19 the the DET _005456899 1698 20 1v 1v PROPN _005456899 1698 21 emily emily ADV _005456899 1698 22 ware ware NOUN _005456899 1698 23 : : PUNCT _005456899 1698 24 his his PRON _005456899 1698 25 n n NOUN _005456899 1698 26 < < X _005456899 1698 27 pleasi pleasi PROPN _005456899 1698 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1698 29 i1 i1 PROPN _005456899 1698 30 impul impul NOUN _005456899 1698 31 mates mate VERB _005456899 1698 32 urgin urgin ADJ _005456899 1698 33 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1699 1 thing~ thing~ ADP _005456899 1699 2 them they PRON _005456899 1699 3 to to ADP _005456899 1699 4 the the DET _005456899 1699 5 fre fre ADJ _005456899 1699 6 fr fr ADJ _005456899 1699 7 religi religi NOUN _005456899 1699 8 < < X _005456899 1699 9 what what PRON _005456899 1699 10 sary sary ADJ _005456899 1699 11 : : PUNCT _005456899 1699 12 .re .re X _005456899 1699 13 .. .. X _005456899 1699 14 k'$6 k'$6 VERB _005456899 1699 15 a a DET _005456899 1699 16 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1699 17 person person NOUN _005456899 1699 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1699 19 a a DET _005456899 1699 20 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1699 21 nf\tion nf\tion NOUN _005456899 1699 22 77 77 NUM _005456899 1699 23 where where SCONJ _005456899 1699 24 men man NOUN _005456899 1699 25 think think VERB _005456899 1699 26 women woman NOUN _005456899 1699 27 are be AUX _005456899 1699 28 weak weak ADJ _005456899 1699 29 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 1699 30 men man NOUN _005456899 1699 31 furthermore furthermore ADV _005456899 1699 32 insist insist VERB _005456899 1699 33 that that SCONJ _005456899 1699 34 women woman NOUN _005456899 1699 35 have have AUX _005456899 1699 36 not not PART _005456899 1699 37 learned learn VERB _005456899 1699 38 to to PART _005456899 1699 39 take take VERB _005456899 1699 40 a a DET _005456899 1699 41 jilting jilting NOUN _005456899 1699 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 1699 43 an an DET _005456899 1699 44 unsuccessful unsuccessful ADJ _005456899 1699 45 love love NOUN _005456899 1699 46 affair affair NOUN _005456899 1699 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 1699 48 as as ADV _005456899 1699 49 gracefully gracefully ADV _005456899 1699 50 as as ADP _005456899 1699 51 men man NOUN _005456899 1699 52 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1699 53 that that SCONJ _005456899 1699 54 they they PRON _005456899 1699 55 can can AUX _005456899 1699 56 not not PART _005456899 1699 57 take take VERB _005456899 1699 58 criticism criticism NOUN _005456899 1699 59 as as ADP _005456899 1699 60 good good NOUN _005456899 1699 61 - - PUNCT _005456899 1699 62 naturedly naturedly ADV _005456899 1699 63 and and CCONJ _005456899 1699 64 profitably profitably ADV _005456899 1699 65 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1699 66 that that SCONJ _005456899 1699 67 they they PRON _005456899 1699 68 are be AUX _005456899 1699 69 more more ADV _005456899 1699 70 unfair unfair ADJ _005456899 1699 71 towards towards ADP _005456899 1699 72 people people NOUN _005456899 1699 73 they they PRON _005456899 1699 74 do do AUX _005456899 1699 75 n't not PART _005456899 1699 76 like like VERB _005456899 1699 77 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1699 78 that that SCONJ _005456899 1699 79 in in ADP _005456899 1699 80 business business NOUN _005456899 1699 81 and and CCONJ _005456899 1699 82 politics politic NOUN _005456899 1699 83 they they PRON _005456899 1699 84 act act VERB _005456899 1699 85 on on ADP _005456899 1699 86 emotion emotion NOUN _005456899 1699 87 and and CCONJ _005456899 1699 88 hunches hunch NOUN _005456899 1699 89 rather rather ADV _005456899 1699 90 than than ADP _005456899 1699 91 on on ADP _005456899 1699 92 reason reason NOUN _005456899 1699 93 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1699 94 that that SCONJ _005456899 1699 95 they they PRON _005456899 1699 96 think think VERB _005456899 1699 97 too too ADV _005456899 1699 98 well well ADV _005456899 1699 99 of of ADP _005456899 1699 100 their their PRON _005456899 1699 101 own own ADJ _005456899 1699 102 children child NOUN _005456899 1699 103 and and CCONJ _005456899 1699 104 too too ADV _005456899 1699 105 ill ill ADJ _005456899 1699 106 of of ADP _005456899 1699 107 other other ADJ _005456899 1699 108 people people NOUN _005456899 1699 109 's 's PART _005456899 1699 110 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1699 111 that that SCONJ _005456899 1699 112 their their PRON _005456899 1699 113 compliments compliment NOUN _005456899 1699 114 of of ADP _005456899 1699 115 other other ADJ _005456899 1699 116 women woman NOUN _005456899 1699 117 usually usually ADV _005456899 1699 118 end end VERB _005456899 1699 119 in in ADP _005456899 1699 120 buts but NOUN _005456899 1699 121 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1699 122 and and CCONJ _005456899 1699 123 finally finally ADV _005456899 1699 124 that that SCONJ _005456899 1699 125 they they PRON _005456899 1699 126 think think VERB _005456899 1699 127 too too ADV _005456899 1699 128 much much ADJ _005456899 1699 129 about about ADP _005456899 1699 130 personal personal ADJ _005456899 1699 131 beauty beauty NOUN _005456899 1699 132 , , PUNCT _005456899 1699 133 try try VERB _005456899 1699 134 too too ADV _005456899 1699 135 long long ADJ _005456899 1699 136 to to PART _005456899 1699 137 stay stay VERB _005456899 1699 138 young young ADJ _005456899 1699 139 , , PUNCT _005456899 1699 140 and and CCONJ _005456899 1699 141 indulge indulge VERB _005456899 1699 142 in in ADP _005456899 1699 143 far far ADV _005456899 1699 144 more more ADV _005456899 1699 145 little little ADJ _005456899 1699 146 vanities vanity NOUN _005456899 1699 147 than than ADP _005456899 1699 148 men man NOUN _005456899 1699 149 . . PUNCT _005456899 1700 1 men man NOUN _005456899 1700 2 admit admit VERB _005456899 1700 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1700 4 plenty plenty NOUN _005456899 1700 5 of of ADP _005456899 1700 6 men man NOUN _005456899 1700 7 have have VERB _005456899 1700 8 a a DET _005456899 1700 9 good good ADJ _005456899 1700 10 share share NOUN _005456899 1700 11 of of ADP _005456899 1700 12 these these DET _005456899 1700 13 faults fault NOUN _005456899 1700 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1700 15 too too ADV _005456899 1700 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1700 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1700 18 insist insist VERB _005456899 1700 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 1700 20 their their PRON _005456899 1700 21 beloved beloved ADJ _005456899 1700 22 womenfolks womenfolk NOUN _005456899 1700 23 have have VERB _005456899 1700 24 them they PRON _005456899 1700 25 to to ADP _005456899 1700 26 a a DET _005456899 1700 27 greater great ADJ _005456899 1700 28 degree degree NOUN _005456899 1700 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1701 1 in in ADP _005456899 1701 2 general general ADJ _005456899 1701 3 there there PRON _005456899 1701 4 is be VERB _005456899 1701 5 much much ADJ _005456899 1701 6 room room NOUN _005456899 1701 7 for for ADP _005456899 1701 8 improvement improvement NOUN _005456899 1701 9 on on ADP _005456899 1701 10 all all DET _005456899 1701 11 these these DET _005456899 1701 12 counts count NOUN _005456899 1701 13 in in ADP _005456899 1701 14 men man NOUN _005456899 1701 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1701 16 women woman NOUN _005456899 1701 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1702 1 a a DET _005456899 1702 2 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1702 3 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1702 4 is be AUX _005456899 1702 5 the the DET _005456899 1702 6 fruit fruit NOUN _005456899 1702 7 of of ADP _005456899 1702 8 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1702 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1702 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1702 11 like like ADP _005456899 1702 12 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1702 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1702 14 it it PRON _005456899 1702 15 can can AUX _005456899 1702 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1702 17 must must AUX _005456899 1702 18 always always ADV _005456899 1702 19 get get VERB _005456899 1702 20 better well ADJ _005456899 1702 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1703 1 true true ADJ _005456899 1703 2 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1703 3 starts start VERB _005456899 1703 4 with with ADP _005456899 1703 5 the the DET _005456899 1703 6 ten ten NUM _005456899 1703 7 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1703 8 in in ADP _005456899 1703 9 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1703 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1703 11 the the DET _005456899 1703 12 cornerstone cornerstone NOUN _005456899 1703 13 of of ADP _005456899 1703 14 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1703 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1703 16 of of ADP _005456899 1703 17 every every DET _005456899 1703 18 really really ADV _005456899 1703 19 high high ADJ _005456899 1703 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1703 21 humane humane ADJ _005456899 1703 22 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1703 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1703 24 is be AUX _005456899 1703 25 the the DET _005456899 1703 26 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1703 27 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1703 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1704 1 the the DET _005456899 1704 2 structure structure NOUN _005456899 1704 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1704 4 frame frame NOUN _005456899 1704 5 of of ADP _005456899 1704 6 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1704 7 must must AUX _005456899 1704 8 be be AUX _005456899 1704 9 the the DET _005456899 1704 10 ten ten NUM _005456899 1704 11 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1704 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1704 13 the the DET _005456899 1704 14 sermon sermon NOUN _005456899 1704 15 on on ADP _005456899 1704 16 the the DET _005456899 1704 17 mount mount PROPN _005456899 1704 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1705 1 morals moral NOUN _005456899 1705 2 are be AUX _005456899 1705 3 the the DET _005456899 1705 4 prerequisites prerequisite NOUN _005456899 1705 5 of of ADP _005456899 1705 6 manners manner NOUN _005456899 1705 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1706 1 the the DET _005456899 1706 2 most most ADV _005456899 1706 3 emily emily ADV _005456899 1706 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 1706 5 posted post VERB _005456899 1706 6 dinner dinner NOUN _005456899 1706 7 guest guest NOUN _005456899 1706 8 is be AUX _005456899 1706 9 unacceptable unacceptable ADJ _005456899 1706 10 if if SCONJ _005456899 1706 11 he he PRON _005456899 1706 12 spills spill VERB _005456899 1706 13 the the DET _005456899 1706 14 silverware silverware NOUN _005456899 1706 15 into into ADP _005456899 1706 16 his his PRON _005456899 1706 17 pockets pocket NOUN _005456899 1706 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1707 1 the the DET _005456899 1707 2 most most ADV _005456899 1707 3 loving loving ADJ _005456899 1707 4 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1707 5 who who PRON _005456899 1707 6 equally equally ADV _005456899 1707 7 loves love VERB _005456899 1707 8 his his PRON _005456899 1707 9 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005456899 1707 10 's 's PART _005456899 1707 11 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1707 12 is be AUX _005456899 1707 13 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1707 14 than than ADP _005456899 1707 15 a a DET _005456899 1707 16 boor boor NOUN _005456899 1707 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1708 1 a a DET _005456899 1708 2 charming charming ADJ _005456899 1708 3 voice voice NOUN _005456899 1708 4 is be AUX _005456899 1708 5 pleasing pleasing ADJ _005456899 1708 6 only only ADV _005456899 1708 7 after after SCONJ _005456899 1708 8 it it PRON _005456899 1708 9 has have AUX _005456899 1708 10 learned learn VERB _005456899 1708 11 not not PART _005456899 1708 12 to to PART _005456899 1708 13 lie lie VERB _005456899 1708 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1709 1 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1709 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1709 3 in in ADP _005456899 1709 4 a a DET _005456899 1709 5 person person NOUN _005456899 1709 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1709 7 in in ADP _005456899 1709 8 a a DET _005456899 1709 9 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1709 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1709 11 begins begin VERB _005456899 1709 12 with with ADP _005456899 1709 13 the the DET _005456899 1709 14 control control NOUN _005456899 1709 15 over over ADP _005456899 1709 16 the the DET _005456899 1709 17 powerful powerful ADJ _005456899 1709 18 natural natural ADJ _005456899 1709 19 impulses impulse NOUN _005456899 1709 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1709 21 to to PART _005456899 1709 22 kill kill VERB _005456899 1709 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1709 24 to to PART _005456899 1709 25 lie lie VERB _005456899 1709 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1709 27 to to PART _005456899 1709 28 steal steal VERB _005456899 1709 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1709 30 to to PART _005456899 1709 31 get get VERB _005456899 1709 32 drunk drunk ADJ _005456899 1709 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1709 34 to to PART _005456899 1709 35 seduce seduce VERB _005456899 1709 36 each each DET _005456899 1709 37 other other ADJ _005456899 1709 38 's 's PART _005456899 1709 39 mates mate NOUN _005456899 1709 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1710 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1710 2 this this DET _005456899 1710 3 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 1710 4 is be AUX _005456899 1710 5 everywhere everywhere ADV _005456899 1710 6 made make VERB _005456899 1710 7 only only ADV _005456899 1710 8 under under ADP _005456899 1710 9 the the DET _005456899 1710 10 urgings urging NOUN _005456899 1710 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1710 12 sanctions sanction NOUN _005456899 1710 13 of of ADP _005456899 1710 14 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1710 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1711 1 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1711 2 not not PART _005456899 1711 3 only only ADV _005456899 1711 4 tells tell VERB _005456899 1711 5 us we PRON _005456899 1711 6 the the DET _005456899 1711 7 first first ADJ _005456899 1711 8 things thing NOUN _005456899 1711 9 we we PRON _005456899 1711 10 must must AUX _005456899 1711 11 do do VERB _005456899 1711 12 to to PART _005456899 1711 13 get get VERB _005456899 1711 14 along along ADP _005456899 1711 15 with with ADP _005456899 1711 16 one one NUM _005456899 1711 17 another another DET _005456899 1711 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1711 19 but but CCONJ _005456899 1711 20 it it PRON _005456899 1711 21 also also ADV _005456899 1711 22 enlists enlist VERB _005456899 1711 23 the the DET _005456899 1711 24 mighty mighty ADJ _005456899 1711 25 arguments argument NOUN _005456899 1711 26 of of ADP _005456899 1711 27 heaven heaven PROPN _005456899 1711 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1711 29 hell hell NOUN _005456899 1711 30 to to PART _005456899 1711 31 make make VERB _005456899 1711 32 people people NOUN _005456899 1711 33 live live VERB _005456899 1711 34 up up ADP _005456899 1711 35 to to ADP _005456899 1711 36 these these DET _005456899 1711 37 rock rock NOUN _005456899 1711 38 - - PUNCT _005456899 1711 39 bottom bottom NOUN _005456899 1711 40 rules rule NOUN _005456899 1711 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 1712 1 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1712 2 of of ADP _005456899 1712 3 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1712 4 needed need VERB _005456899 1712 5 to to PART _005456899 1712 6 make make VERB _005456899 1712 7 sure sure ADJ _005456899 1712 8 a a DET _005456899 1712 9 faulty faulty ADJ _005456899 1712 10 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1712 11 wo will AUX _005456899 1712 12 n't not PART _005456899 1712 13 forever forever ADV _005456899 1712 14 prevail prevail VERB _005456899 1712 15 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1712 16 of of ADP _005456899 1712 17 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1712 18 is be AUX _005456899 1712 19 indispensable indispensable ADJ _005456899 1712 20 for for ADP _005456899 1712 21 a a DET _005456899 1712 22 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1712 23 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1712 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1713 1 only only ADJ _005456899 1713 2 religious religious ADJ _005456899 1713 3 revelation revelation NOUN _005456899 1713 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1713 5 in in ADP _005456899 1713 6 bible bible PROPN _005456899 1713 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1713 8 church church NOUN _005456899 1713 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1713 10 can can AUX _005456899 1713 11 tell tell VERB _005456899 1713 12 people people NOUN _005456899 1713 13 effectively effectively ADV _005456899 1713 14 what what PRON _005456899 1713 15 is be AUX _005456899 1713 16 forever forever ADV _005456899 1713 17 right right ADJ _005456899 1713 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1713 19 good good ADJ _005456899 1713 20 to to PART _005456899 1713 21 do do VERB _005456899 1713 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1714 1 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1714 2 of of ADP _005456899 1714 3 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1714 4 is be AUX _005456899 1714 5 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 1714 6 so so SCONJ _005456899 1714 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 1714 8 all all DET _005456899 1714 9 people people NOUN _005456899 1714 10 can can AUX _005456899 1714 11 strive strive VERB _005456899 1714 12 to to PART _005456899 1714 13 find find VERB _005456899 1714 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1714 15 to to PART _005456899 1714 16 adopt adopt VERB _005456899 1714 17 the the DET _005456899 1714 18 true true ADJ _005456899 1714 19 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1714 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1715 1 many many ADJ _005456899 1715 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 1716 1 religions religion NOUN _005456899 1716 2 are be AUX _005456899 1716 3 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005456899 1716 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1716 5 some some PRON _005456899 1716 6 are be AUX _005456899 1716 7 almost almost ADV _005456899 1716 8 more more ADV _005456899 1716 9 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1716 10 78 78 NUM _005456899 1716 11 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1716 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1716 13 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1716 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1716 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1716 16 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1716 17 than than ADP _005456899 1716 18 good good ADJ _005456899 1716 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1717 1 only only ADV _005456899 1717 2 where where SCONJ _005456899 1717 3 religious religious ADJ _005456899 1717 4 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1717 5 exists exist VERB _005456899 1717 6 can can AUX _005456899 1717 7 even even ADV _005456899 1717 8 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 1717 9 be be AUX _005456899 1717 10 sure sure ADJ _005456899 1717 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 1717 12 a a DET _005456899 1717 13 majority majority NOUN _005456899 1717 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1717 15 a a DET _005456899 1717 16 mistaken mistaken ADJ _005456899 1717 17 government government NOUN _005456899 1717 18 wo will AUX _005456899 1717 19 n't not PART _005456899 1717 20 some some DET _005456899 1717 21 day day NOUN _005456899 1717 22 make make VERB _005456899 1717 23 a a DET _005456899 1717 24 false false ADJ _005456899 1717 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 1717 26 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005456899 1717 27 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1717 28 mandatory mandatory ADJ _005456899 1717 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1718 1 just just ADV _005456899 1718 2 as as SCONJ _005456899 1718 3 true true ADJ _005456899 1718 4 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1718 5 is be AUX _005456899 1718 6 the the DET _005456899 1718 7 foundation foundation NOUN _005456899 1718 8 of of ADP _005456899 1718 9 a a DET _005456899 1718 10 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1718 11 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1718 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1718 13 so so SCONJ _005456899 1718 14 a a DET _005456899 1718 15 false false ADJ _005456899 1718 16 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1718 17 is be AUX _005456899 1718 18 the the DET _005456899 1718 19 most most ADV _005456899 1718 20 certain certain ADJ _005456899 1718 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1718 22 tragic tragic ADJ _005456899 1718 23 check check NOUN _005456899 1718 24 to to ADP _005456899 1718 25 it it PRON _005456899 1718 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1719 1 sooner soon ADV _005456899 1719 2 or or CCONJ _005456899 1719 3 later later ADV _005456899 1719 4 a a DET _005456899 1719 5 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1719 6 saddled saddle VERB _005456899 1719 7 with with ADP _005456899 1719 8 a a DET _005456899 1719 9 false false ADJ _005456899 1719 10 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1719 11 falls fall VERB _005456899 1719 12 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 1719 13 behind behind ADP _005456899 1719 14 nations nation NOUN _005456899 1719 15 with with ADP _005456899 1719 16 the the DET _005456899 1719 17 true true ADJ _005456899 1719 18 religious religious ADJ _005456899 1719 19 concepts concept NOUN _005456899 1719 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1720 1 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1720 2 help help NOUN _005456899 1720 3 besides besides SCONJ _005456899 1720 4 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1720 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1720 6 ethics ethic NOUN _005456899 1720 7 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1720 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1720 9 ethics ethic NOUN _005456899 1720 10 indicate indicate VERB _005456899 1720 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1720 12 enforce enforce VERB _005456899 1720 13 the the DET _005456899 1720 14 first first ADJ _005456899 1720 15 fundamentals fundamental NOUN _005456899 1720 16 of of ADP _005456899 1720 17 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1720 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1720 19 of of ADP _005456899 1720 20 a a DET _005456899 1720 21 satisfactory satisfactory ADJ _005456899 1720 22 human human ADJ _005456899 1720 23 society society NOUN _005456899 1720 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1721 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1721 2 much much ADJ _005456899 1721 3 that that PRON _005456899 1721 4 is be AUX _005456899 1721 5 not not PART _005456899 1721 6 specifically specifically ADV _005456899 1721 7 comprised comprise VERB _005456899 1721 8 by by ADP _005456899 1721 9 the the DET _005456899 1721 10 ten ten NUM _005456899 1721 11 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1721 12 is be AUX _005456899 1721 13 needed need VERB _005456899 1721 14 for for ADP _005456899 1721 15 full full ADJ _005456899 1721 16 pleasantness pleasantness NOUN _005456899 1721 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1721 18 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 1721 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1722 1 cleanliness cleanliness NOUN _005456899 1722 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1722 3 efficiency efficiency NOUN _005456899 1722 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1722 5 good good ADJ _005456899 1722 6 manners manner NOUN _005456899 1722 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1722 8 tact tact NOUN _005456899 1722 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1722 10 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005456899 1722 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1722 12 health health NOUN _005456899 1722 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 1722 14 all all DET _005456899 1722 15 these these PRON _005456899 1722 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1722 17 others other NOUN _005456899 1722 18 are be AUX _005456899 1722 19 needed need VERB _005456899 1722 20 to to PART _005456899 1722 21 make make VERB _005456899 1722 22 a a DET _005456899 1722 23 person person NOUN _005456899 1722 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 1722 25 a a DET _005456899 1722 26 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1722 27 really really ADV _005456899 1722 28 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1722 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1722 30 agreeable agreeable ADJ _005456899 1722 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1723 1 a a DET _005456899 1723 2 good good ADJ _005456899 1723 3 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1723 4 whose whose DET _005456899 1723 5 dinner dinner NOUN _005456899 1723 6 is be AUX _005456899 1723 7 always always ADV _005456899 1723 8 late late ADJ _005456899 1723 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1723 10 a a DET _005456899 1723 11 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1723 12 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1723 13 whose whose DET _005456899 1723 14 shoes shoe NOUN _005456899 1723 15 are be AUX _005456899 1723 16 never never ADV _005456899 1723 17 polished polish VERB _005456899 1723 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1723 19 a a DET _005456899 1723 20 scholar scholar NOUN _005456899 1723 21 whose whose DET _005456899 1723 22 smile smile NOUN _005456899 1723 23 is be AUX _005456899 1723 24 warped warp VERB _005456899 1723 25 - - PUNCT _005456899 1723 26 all all DET _005456899 1723 27 these these PRON _005456899 1723 28 are be AUX _005456899 1723 29 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 1723 30 deficient deficient ADJ _005456899 1723 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1724 1 in in ADP _005456899 1724 2 addition addition NOUN _005456899 1724 3 to to ADP _005456899 1724 4 church church NOUN _005456899 1724 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1724 6 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1724 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1724 8 people people NOUN _005456899 1724 9 need need VERB _005456899 1724 10 other other ADJ _005456899 1724 11 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1724 12 helps help NOUN _005456899 1724 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1725 1 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1725 2 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005456899 1725 3 is be AUX _005456899 1725 4 carried carry VERB _005456899 1725 5 from from ADP _005456899 1725 6 the the DET _005456899 1725 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1725 8 prophets prophet NOUN _005456899 1725 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1725 10 to to ADP _005456899 1725 11 the the DET _005456899 1725 12 people people NOUN _005456899 1725 13 in in ADP _005456899 1725 14 books book NOUN _005456899 1725 15 of of ADP _005456899 1725 16 these these PRON _005456899 1725 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1725 18 books book NOUN _005456899 1725 19 are be AUX _005456899 1725 20 first first ADJ _005456899 1725 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1725 22 because because SCONJ _005456899 1725 23 they they PRON _005456899 1725 24 are be AUX _005456899 1725 25 the the DET _005456899 1725 26 viaducts viaduct NOUN _005456899 1725 27 of of ADP _005456899 1725 28 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1725 29 from from ADP _005456899 1725 30 generation generation NOUN _005456899 1725 31 to to ADP _005456899 1725 32 generation generation NOUN _005456899 1725 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1725 34 from from ADP _005456899 1725 35 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1725 36 to to ADP _005456899 1725 37 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1725 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1725 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1725 40 from from ADP _005456899 1725 41 scholars scholar NOUN _005456899 1725 42 to to ADP _005456899 1725 43 the the DET _005456899 1725 44 people people NOUN _005456899 1725 45 . . PUNCT _005456899 1726 1 good good ADJ _005456899 1726 2 customs customs PROPN _005456899 1726 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1726 4 good good ADJ _005456899 1726 5 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 1726 6 never never ADV _005456899 1726 7 happen happen VERB _005456899 1726 8 all all PRON _005456899 1726 9 of of ADP _005456899 1726 10 a a ADV _005456899 1726 11 sudden sudden ADJ _005456899 1726 12 to to ADP _005456899 1726 13 all all DET _005456899 1726 14 the the DET _005456899 1726 15 people people NOUN _005456899 1726 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1727 1 they they PRON _005456899 1727 2 always always ADV _005456899 1727 3 start start VERB _005456899 1727 4 with with ADP _005456899 1727 5 a a DET _005456899 1727 6 few few ADJ _005456899 1727 7 prophet prophet NOUN _005456899 1727 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 1727 9 like like ADJ _005456899 1727 10 persons person NOUN _005456899 1727 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1727 12 then then ADV _005456899 1727 13 through through ADP _005456899 1727 14 books book NOUN _005456899 1727 15 reach reach VERB _005456899 1727 16 all all DET _005456899 1727 17 localities locality NOUN _005456899 1727 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1728 1 the the DET _005456899 1728 2 ten ten NUM _005456899 1728 3 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 1728 4 started start VERB _005456899 1728 5 from from ADP _005456899 1728 6 moses moses PROPN _005456899 1728 7 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1728 8 through through ADP _005456899 1728 9 god god PROPN _005456899 1728 10 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1728 11 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1728 12 we we PRON _005456899 1728 13 read read VERB _005456899 1728 14 them they PRON _005456899 1728 15 in in ADP _005456899 1728 16 the the DET _005456899 1728 17 bible bible NOUN _005456899 1728 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1729 1 this this PRON _005456899 1729 2 is be AUX _005456899 1729 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 1729 4 all all DET _005456899 1729 5 good good ADJ _005456899 1729 6 things thing NOUN _005456899 1729 7 develop develop VERB _005456899 1729 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1730 1 only only ADV _005456899 1730 2 sin sin NOUN _005456899 1730 3 is be AUX _005456899 1730 4 everywhere everywhere ADV _005456899 1730 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 1730 6 all all DET _005456899 1730 7 wise wise ADJ _005456899 1730 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1730 9 good good ADJ _005456899 1730 10 things thing NOUN _005456899 1730 11 start start VERB _005456899 1730 12 with with ADP _005456899 1730 13 one one NUM _005456899 1730 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1730 15 two two NUM _005456899 1730 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1730 17 usually usually ADV _005456899 1730 18 spread spread VERB _005456899 1730 19 in in ADP _005456899 1730 20 books book NOUN _005456899 1730 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1731 1 this this PRON _005456899 1731 2 is be AUX _005456899 1731 3 not not PART _005456899 1731 4 only only ADV _005456899 1731 5 true true ADJ _005456899 1731 6 of of ADP _005456899 1731 7 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 1731 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 1731 9 also also ADV _005456899 1731 10 of of ADP _005456899 1731 11 things thing NOUN _005456899 1731 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1732 1 it it PRON _005456899 1732 2 was be AUX _005456899 1732 3 a a DET _005456899 1732 4 novel novel NOUN _005456899 1732 5 by by ADP _005456899 1732 6 bulwer bulwer NOUN _005456899 1732 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 1732 8 lytton lytton PROPN _005456899 1732 9 that that PRON _005456899 1732 10 introduced introduce VERB _005456899 1732 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1732 12 popularized popularize VERB _005456899 1732 13 the the DET _005456899 1732 14 tuxedo tuxedo NOUN _005456899 1732 15 for for ADP _005456899 1732 16 men man NOUN _005456899 1732 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1733 1 to to PART _005456899 1733 2 advance advance VERB _005456899 1733 3 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 1733 4 people people NOUN _005456899 1733 5 must must AUX _005456899 1733 6 read read VERB _005456899 1733 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1734 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1734 2 some some PRON _005456899 1734 3 of of ADP _005456899 1734 4 this this DET _005456899 1734 5 reading reading NOUN _005456899 1734 6 should should AUX _005456899 1734 7 be be AUX _005456899 1734 8 from from ADP _005456899 1734 9 books book NOUN _005456899 1734 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1735 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1735 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1735 3 certainly certainly ADV _005456899 1735 4 every every DET _005456899 1735 5 modem modem NOUN _005456899 1735 6 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1735 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1735 8 should should AUX _005456899 1735 9 find find VERB _005456899 1735 10 time time NOUN _005456899 1735 11 for for ADP _005456899 1735 12 at at ADV _005456899 1735 13 least least ADJ _005456899 1735 14 a a DET _005456899 1735 15 few few ADJ _005456899 1735 16 books book NOUN _005456899 1735 17 a a DET _005456899 1735 18 year year NOUN _005456899 1735 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1736 1 almost almost ADV _005456899 1736 2 any any DET _005456899 1736 3 book book NOUN _005456899 1736 4 in in ADP _005456899 1736 5 a a DET _005456899 1736 6 good good ADJ _005456899 1736 7 library library NOUN _005456899 1736 8 is be AUX _005456899 1736 9 better well ADJ _005456899 1736 10 than than ADP _005456899 1736 11 none none NOUN _005456899 1736 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1737 1 any any DET _005456899 1737 2 librarian librarian NOUN _005456899 1737 3 can can AUX _005456899 1737 4 advise advise VERB _005456899 1737 5 one one NUM _005456899 1737 6 as as ADP _005456899 1737 7 to to ADP _005456899 1737 8 the the DET _005456899 1737 9 best good ADJ _005456899 1737 10 books book NOUN _005456899 1737 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1738 1 one one PRON _005456899 1738 2 must must AUX _005456899 1738 3 read read VERB _005456899 1738 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 1738 5 barbarize barbarize VERB _005456899 1738 6 in in ADP _005456899 1738 7 addition addition NOUN _005456899 1738 8 to to ADP _005456899 1738 9 books book NOUN _005456899 1738 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1738 11 a a DET _005456899 1738 12 person person NOUN _005456899 1738 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1738 14 a a DET _005456899 1738 15 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1738 16 need need VERB _005456899 1738 17 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1738 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1738 19 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005456899 1738 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1739 1 through through ADP _005456899 1739 2 them they PRON _005456899 1739 3 we we PRON _005456899 1739 4 learn learn VERB _005456899 1739 5 what what PRON _005456899 1739 6 's be AUX _005456899 1739 7 going go VERB _005456899 1739 8 on on ADP _005456899 1739 9 in in ADP _005456899 1739 10 the the DET _005456899 1739 11 world world NOUN _005456899 1739 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1740 1 to to PART _005456899 1740 2 be be AUX _005456899 1740 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 1740 4 what what PRON _005456899 1740 5 th th PRON _005456899 1740 6 pens pen NOUN _005456899 1740 7 to to ADP _005456899 1740 8 o'urselv1 o'urselv1 NOUN _005456899 1740 9 obviou obviou VERB _005456899 1740 10 things thing NOUN _005456899 1740 11 • • X _005456899 1740 12 imporh imporh PROPN _005456899 1740 13 is be AUX _005456899 1740 14 hap hap ADJ _005456899 1740 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 1740 16 r r X _005456899 1740 17 : : PUNCT _005456899 1740 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1740 19 ne ne PROPN _005456899 1740 20 my my PRON _005456899 1740 21 person person NOUN _005456899 1740 22 weekly weekly ADV _005456899 1740 23 least least ADV _005456899 1740 24 01 01 NUM _005456899 1740 25 cu cu NOUN _005456899 1740 26 ] ] PUNCT _005456899 1740 27 lecture lecture PROPN _005456899 1740 28 truthfu truthfu PROPN _005456899 1741 1 only only ADV _005456899 1741 2 i i PROPN _005456899 1741 3 l l PROPN _005456899 1741 4 the the DET _005456899 1741 5 pe pe NOUN _005456899 1741 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1741 7 er er INTJ _005456899 1741 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1742 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1742 2 sp sp NOUN _005456899 1742 3 while while SCONJ _005456899 1742 4 largely largely ADV _005456899 1742 5 trois trois PROPN _005456899 1742 6 k k PROPN _005456899 1742 7 lible lible ADJ _005456899 1742 8 g g PROPN _005456899 1742 9 wrong wrong NOUN _005456899 1742 10 will will AUX _005456899 1742 11 di di VERB _005456899 1742 12 th th X _005456899 1742 13 invest invest NOUN _005456899 1742 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1742 15 din din VERB _005456899 1742 16 : : PUNCT _005456899 1742 17 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 1742 18 is be AUX _005456899 1742 19 no no DET _005456899 1742 20 functithing functithing NOUN _005456899 1742 21 if if SCONJ _005456899 1742 22 the the DET _005456899 1742 23 major major ADJ _005456899 1742 24 in in ADP _005456899 1742 25 fav fav ADJ _005456899 1742 26 rise rise NOUN _005456899 1742 27 tc tc ADP _005456899 1742 28 given give VERB _005456899 1742 29 the the DET _005456899 1742 30 pt pt PROPN _005456899 1742 31 a a DET _005456899 1742 32 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1742 33 person person NOUN _005456899 1742 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1742 35 a a DET _005456899 1742 36 cultured cultured ADJ _005456899 1742 37 nation nation NOUN _005456899 1742 38 79 79 NUM _005456899 1742 39 to to PART _005456899 1742 40 be be AUX _005456899 1742 41 a a DET _005456899 1742 42 good good ADJ _005456899 1742 43 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005456899 1742 44 to to ADP _005456899 1742 45 people people NOUN _005456899 1742 46 in in ADP _005456899 1742 47 other other ADJ _005456899 1742 48 states state NOUN _005456899 1742 49 one one PRON _005456899 1742 50 must must AUX _005456899 1742 51 know know VERB _005456899 1742 52 what what PRON _005456899 1742 53 they they PRON _005456899 1742 54 do do VERB _005456899 1742 55 and and CCONJ _005456899 1742 56 think think VERB _005456899 1742 57 and and CCONJ _005456899 1742 58 what what PRON _005456899 1742 59 is be AUX _005456899 1742 60 happening happen VERB _005456899 1742 61 to to ADP _005456899 1742 62 them they PRON _005456899 1742 63 . . PUNCT _005456899 1743 1 what what PRON _005456899 1743 2 happens happen VERB _005456899 1743 3 to to ADP _005456899 1743 4 our our PRON _005456899 1743 5 family family NOUN _005456899 1743 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1743 7 the the DET _005456899 1743 8 neighbors neighbor NOUN _005456899 1743 9 in in ADP _005456899 1743 10 our our PRON _005456899 1743 11 village village NOUN _005456899 1743 12 we we PRON _005456899 1743 13 can can AUX _005456899 1743 14 see see VERB _005456899 1743 15 for for ADP _005456899 1743 16 oi.rrselves oi.rrselve NOUN _005456899 1743 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1743 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1744 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1744 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1744 3 we we PRON _005456899 1744 4 know know VERB _005456899 1744 5 only only ADV _005456899 1744 6 that that PRON _005456899 1744 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1744 8 we we PRON _005456899 1744 9 remain remain VERB _005456899 1744 10 narrow narrow ADJ _005456899 1744 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1744 12 trivial trivial ADJ _005456899 1744 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1745 1 obviously obviously ADV _005456899 1745 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1745 3 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 1745 4 we we PRON _005456899 1745 5 live live VERB _005456899 1745 6 in in ADP _005456899 1745 7 the the DET _005456899 1745 8 white white PROPN _005456899 1745 9 house house PROPN _005456899 1745 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1745 11 great great ADJ _005456899 1745 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1745 13 important important ADJ _005456899 1745 14 things thing NOUN _005456899 1745 15 can can AUX _005456899 1745 16 not not PART _005456899 1745 17 often often ADV _005456899 1745 18 happen happen VERB _005456899 1745 19 in in ADP _005456899 1745 20 our our PRON _005456899 1745 21 immediate immediate ADJ _005456899 1745 22 circle circle NOUN _005456899 1745 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1746 1 to to PART _005456899 1746 2 learn learn VERB _005456899 1746 3 of of ADP _005456899 1746 4 important important ADJ _005456899 1746 5 things thing NOUN _005456899 1746 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1746 7 we we PRON _005456899 1746 8 must must AUX _005456899 1746 9 increase increase VERB _005456899 1746 10 our our PRON _005456899 1746 11 vision vision NOUN _005456899 1746 12 - - PUNCT _005456899 1746 13 we we PRON _005456899 1746 14 must must AUX _005456899 1746 15 see see VERB _005456899 1746 16 what what PRON _005456899 1746 17 is be AUX _005456899 1746 18 happening happen VERB _005456899 1746 19 all all ADV _005456899 1746 20 over over ADP _005456899 1746 21 the the DET _005456899 1746 22 country country NOUN _005456899 1746 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1746 24 the the DET _005456899 1746 25 world world NOUN _005456899 1746 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1747 1 it it PRON _005456899 1747 2 is be AUX _005456899 1747 3 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1747 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1747 5 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005456899 1747 6 that that PRON _005456899 1747 7 give give VERB _005456899 1747 8 us we PRON _005456899 1747 9 this this DET _005456899 1747 10 telescopic telescopic NOUN _005456899 1747 11 eye eye NOUN _005456899 1747 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1748 1 my my PRON _005456899 1748 2 own own ADJ _005456899 1748 3 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1748 4 used use VERB _005456899 1748 5 to to PART _005456899 1748 6 say say VERB _005456899 1748 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1748 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1748 9 i i PRON _005456899 1748 10 must must AUX _005456899 1748 11 read read VERB _005456899 1748 12 or or CCONJ _005456899 1748 13 barbarize barbarize VERB _005456899 1748 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1748 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 1749 1 every every DET _005456899 1749 2 person person NOUN _005456899 1749 3 ought ought AUX _005456899 1749 4 to to PART _005456899 1749 5 glance glance VERB _005456899 1749 6 through through ADP _005456899 1749 7 at at ADV _005456899 1749 8 least least ADV _005456899 1749 9 one one NUM _005456899 1749 10 daily daily ADJ _005456899 1749 11 paper paper NOUN _005456899 1749 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1749 13 one one NUM _005456899 1749 14 weekly weekly ADJ _005456899 1749 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1749 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1749 17 about about ADV _005456899 1749 18 two two NUM _005456899 1749 19 monthly monthly ADJ _005456899 1749 20 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1749 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1750 1 for for ADP _005456899 1750 2 a a DET _005456899 1750 3 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 1750 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1750 5 at at ADP _005456899 1750 6 least least ADJ _005456899 1750 7 one one NUM _005456899 1750 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 1750 9 two two NUM _005456899 1750 10 of of ADP _005456899 1750 11 these these PRON _005456899 1750 12 should should AUX _005456899 1750 13 be be AUX _005456899 1750 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1750 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1751 1 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1751 2 of of ADP _005456899 1751 3 speech speech NOUN _005456899 1751 4 is be AUX _005456899 1751 5 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 1751 6 so so SCONJ _005456899 1751 7 that that DET _005456899 1751 8 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1751 9 can can AUX _005456899 1751 10 win win VERB _005456899 1751 11 over over ADP _005456899 1751 12 error error NOUN _005456899 1751 13 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1751 14 progress progress NOUN _005456899 1751 15 is be AUX _005456899 1751 16 dependent dependent ADJ _005456899 1751 17 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1751 18 books book NOUN _005456899 1751 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1751 20 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1751 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1751 22 papers paper NOUN _005456899 1751 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1751 24 lectures lecture NOUN _005456899 1751 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1751 26 sermons sermon NOUN _005456899 1751 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1751 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1751 29 meetings meeting NOUN _005456899 1751 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1752 1 to to PART _005456899 1752 2 have have VERB _005456899 1752 3 them they PRON _005456899 1752 4 plentifully plentifully ADV _005456899 1752 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1752 6 truthfully truthfully ADV _005456899 1752 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1752 8 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1752 9 of of ADP _005456899 1752 10 speech speech NOUN _005456899 1752 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1752 12 press press NOUN _005456899 1752 13 are be AUX _005456899 1752 14 absolutely absolutely ADV _005456899 1752 15 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 1752 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1753 1 only only ADV _005456899 1753 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1753 3 all all DET _005456899 1753 4 thinkers thinker NOUN _005456899 1753 5 can can AUX _005456899 1753 6 express express VERB _005456899 1753 7 themselves themselves PRON _005456899 1753 8 freely freely ADV _005456899 1753 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1753 10 honestly honestly ADV _005456899 1753 11 can can AUX _005456899 1753 12 the the DET _005456899 1753 13 people people NOUN _005456899 1753 14 be be AUX _005456899 1753 15 sure sure ADJ _005456899 1753 16 of of ADP _005456899 1753 17 finally finally ADV _005456899 1753 18 getting get VERB _005456899 1753 19 what what PRON _005456899 1753 20 is be AUX _005456899 1753 21 best good ADJ _005456899 1753 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1753 23 true true ADJ _005456899 1753 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1754 1 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1754 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1754 3 error error NOUN _005456899 1754 4 do do AUX _005456899 1754 5 not not PART _005456899 1754 6 come come VERB _005456899 1754 7 from from ADP _005456899 1754 8 the the DET _005456899 1754 9 people people NOUN _005456899 1754 10 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1754 11 they they PRON _005456899 1754 12 come come VERB _005456899 1754 13 from from ADP _005456899 1754 14 the the DET _005456899 1754 15 experts expert NOUN _005456899 1754 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1754 17 specialists specialist NOUN _005456899 1754 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1754 19 from from ADP _005456899 1754 20 the the DET _005456899 1754 21 scholars scholar NOUN _005456899 1754 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1754 23 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005456899 1754 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1755 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1755 2 the the DET _005456899 1755 3 people people NOUN _005456899 1755 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1755 5 while while SCONJ _005456899 1755 6 they they PRON _005456899 1755 7 do do AUX _005456899 1755 8 not not PART _005456899 1755 9 discover discover VERB _005456899 1755 10 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1755 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1755 12 readily readily ADV _005456899 1755 13 embrace embrace VERB _005456899 1755 14 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1755 15 or or CCONJ _005456899 1755 16 error error NOUN _005456899 1755 17 largely largely ADV _005456899 1755 18 as as SCONJ _005456899 1755 19 it it PRON _005456899 1755 20 is be AUX _005456899 1755 21 presented present VERB _005456899 1755 22 to to ADP _005456899 1755 23 them they PRON _005456899 1755 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1756 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1756 2 any any DET _005456899 1756 3 party party NOUN _005456899 1756 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 1756 5 government government NOUN _005456899 1756 6 controls control NOUN _005456899 1756 7 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005456899 1756 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1756 9 the the DET _005456899 1756 10 results result NOUN _005456899 1756 11 are be AUX _005456899 1756 12 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005456899 1756 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1757 1 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1757 2 is be AUX _005456899 1757 3 not not PART _005456899 1757 4 the the DET _005456899 1757 5 infallible infallible ADJ _005456899 1757 6 gift gift NOUN _005456899 1757 7 of of ADP _005456899 1757 8 any any DET _005456899 1757 9 party party NOUN _005456899 1757 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 1757 11 government government NOUN _005456899 1757 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1758 1 governments government NOUN _005456899 1758 2 are be AUX _005456899 1758 3 as as ADV _005456899 1758 4 often often ADV _005456899 1758 5 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 1758 6 as as ADV _005456899 1758 7 right right ADV _005456899 1758 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1759 1 sooner soon ADV _005456899 1759 2 or or CCONJ _005456899 1759 3 later later ADV _005456899 1759 4 a a DET _005456899 1759 5 government government NOUN _005456899 1759 6 that that PRON _005456899 1759 7 dictates dictate VERB _005456899 1759 8 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 1759 9 will will AUX _005456899 1759 10 dictate dictate VERB _005456899 1759 11 errors error NOUN _005456899 1759 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1760 1 the the DET _005456899 1760 2 human human ADJ _005456899 1760 3 race race NOUN _005456899 1760 4 arrives arrive VERB _005456899 1760 5 at at ADP _005456899 1760 6 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1760 7 only only ADV _005456899 1760 8 by by ADP _005456899 1760 9 thorough thorough ADJ _005456899 1760 10 pro pro ADJ _005456899 1760 11 - - ADJ _005456899 1760 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1760 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 1760 14 con con NOUN _005456899 1760 15 investigation investigation NOUN _005456899 1760 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1760 17 discussion discussion NOUN _005456899 1760 18 by by ADP _005456899 1760 19 all all DET _005456899 1760 20 the the DET _005456899 1760 21 best good ADJ _005456899 1760 22 minds mind NOUN _005456899 1760 23 in in ADP _005456899 1760 24 the the DET _005456899 1760 25 country country NOUN _005456899 1760 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1761 1 ordinarily ordinarily ADV _005456899 1761 2 the the DET _005456899 1761 3 people people NOUN _005456899 1761 4 will will AUX _005456899 1761 5 believe believe VERB _005456899 1761 6 what what PRON _005456899 1761 7 their their PRON _005456899 1761 8 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 1761 9 tell tell VERB _005456899 1761 10 them they PRON _005456899 1761 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1761 12 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 1761 13 the the DET _005456899 1761 14 contrary contrary ADJ _005456899 1761 15 view view NOUN _005456899 1761 16 is be AUX _005456899 1761 17 developed develop VERB _005456899 1761 18 by by ADP _005456899 1761 19 an an DET _005456899 1761 20 opposition opposition NOUN _005456899 1761 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1762 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1762 2 there there PRON _005456899 1762 3 is be VERB _005456899 1762 4 no no DET _005456899 1762 5 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1762 6 of of ADP _005456899 1762 7 press press NOUN _005456899 1762 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1762 9 speech speech NOUN _005456899 1762 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1762 11 a a DET _005456899 1762 12 democracy democracy NOUN _005456899 1762 13 simply simply ADV _005456899 1762 14 can can AUX _005456899 1762 15 not not PART _005456899 1762 16 function function VERB _005456899 1762 17 because because SCONJ _005456899 1762 18 then then ADV _005456899 1762 19 people people NOUN _005456899 1762 20 are be AUX _005456899 1762 21 in in ADP _005456899 1762 22 no no DET _005456899 1762 23 position position NOUN _005456899 1762 24 to to PART _005456899 1762 25 vote vote VERB _005456899 1762 26 for for ADP _005456899 1762 27 anything anything PRON _005456899 1762 28 except except SCONJ _005456899 1762 29 what what PRON _005456899 1762 30 their their PRON _005456899 1762 31 government government NOUN _005456899 1762 32 tells tell VERB _005456899 1762 33 them they PRON _005456899 1762 34 is be AUX _005456899 1762 35 right right ADJ _005456899 1762 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1763 1 for for ADP _005456899 1763 2 example example NOUN _005456899 1763 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1763 4 if if SCONJ _005456899 1763 5 the the DET _005456899 1763 6 government government NOUN _005456899 1763 7 asks ask VERB _005456899 1763 8 for for ADP _005456899 1763 9 peacetime peacetime NOUN _005456899 1763 10 military military ADJ _005456899 1763 11 conscription conscription NOUN _005456899 1763 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1763 13 the the DET _005456899 1763 14 majority majority NOUN _005456899 1763 15 of of ADP _005456899 1763 16 the the DET _005456899 1763 17 people people NOUN _005456899 1763 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1763 19 if if SCONJ _005456899 1763 20 asked ask VERB _005456899 1763 21 to to PART _005456899 1763 22 vote vote VERB _005456899 1763 23 the the DET _005456899 1763 24 next next ADJ _005456899 1763 25 day day NOUN _005456899 1763 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1763 27 would would AUX _005456899 1763 28 vote vote VERB _005456899 1763 29 in in ADP _005456899 1763 30 favor favor NOUN _005456899 1763 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1764 1 it it PRON _005456899 1764 2 is be AUX _005456899 1764 3 only only ADV _005456899 1764 4 if if SCONJ _005456899 1764 5 clergymen clergymen PROPN _005456899 1764 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1764 7 educators educator NOUN _005456899 1764 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1764 9 philisophers philisopher NOUN _005456899 1764 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1764 11 historians historian NOUN _005456899 1764 12 rise rise VERB _005456899 1764 13 to to PART _005456899 1764 14 argue argue VERB _005456899 1764 15 against against ADP _005456899 1764 16 the the DET _005456899 1764 17 government government NOUN _005456899 1764 18 view view NOUN _005456899 1764 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1764 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1764 21 if if SCONJ _005456899 1764 22 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1764 23 time time NOUN _005456899 1764 24 is be AUX _005456899 1764 25 given give VERB _005456899 1764 26 for for SCONJ _005456899 1764 27 their their PRON _005456899 1764 28 opposing opposing ADJ _005456899 1764 29 views view NOUN _005456899 1764 30 to to PART _005456899 1764 31 be be AUX _005456899 1764 32 weighed weigh VERB _005456899 1764 33 by by ADP _005456899 1764 34 the the DET _005456899 1764 35 people people NOUN _005456899 1764 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1764 37 that that SCONJ _005456899 1764 38 the the DET _005456899 1764 39 people people NOUN _005456899 1764 40 can can AUX _005456899 1764 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 1764 42 probably probably ADV _005456899 1764 43 will will AUX _005456899 1764 44 render render VERB _005456899 1764 45 a a DET _005456899 1764 46 wise wise ADJ _005456899 1764 47 vote vote NOUN _005456899 1764 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 1765 1 consequently consequently ADV _005456899 1765 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1765 3 80 80 NUM _005456899 1765 4 coljrtesy coljrtesy ADJ _005456899 1765 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1765 6 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1765 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1765 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1765 9 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1765 10 whatever whatever PRON _005456899 1765 11 else else ADV _005456899 1765 12 people people NOUN _005456899 1765 13 allow allow VERB _005456899 1765 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1765 15 they they PRON _005456899 1765 16 must must AUX _005456899 1765 17 on on ADP _005456899 1765 18 no no DET _005456899 1765 19 account account NOUN _005456899 1765 20 relinquish relinquish VERB _005456899 1765 21 their their PRON _005456899 1765 22 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1765 23 of of ADP _005456899 1765 24 press press NOUN _005456899 1765 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1765 26 speech speech NOUN _005456899 1765 27 - - PUNCT _005456899 1765 28 not not PART _005456899 1765 29 even even ADV _005456899 1765 30 in in ADP _005456899 1765 31 a a DET _005456899 1765 32 war war NOUN _005456899 1765 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1765 34 for for ADP _005456899 1765 35 precisely precisely ADV _005456899 1765 36 during during ADP _005456899 1765 37 war war NOUN _005456899 1765 38 are be AUX _005456899 1765 39 these these DET _005456899 1765 40 freedoms freedom NOUN _005456899 1765 41 most most ADV _005456899 1765 42 needed need VERB _005456899 1765 43 and and CCONJ _005456899 1765 44 valuable valuable ADJ _005456899 1765 45 . . PUNCT _005456899 1766 1 even even ADV _005456899 1766 2 the the DET _005456899 1766 3 present present ADJ _005456899 1766 4 wartime wartime ADJ _005456899 1766 5 ban ban NOUN _005456899 1766 6 on on ADP _005456899 1766 7 conventions convention NOUN _005456899 1766 8 should should AUX _005456899 1766 9 not not PART _005456899 1766 10 have have AUX _005456899 1766 11 been be AUX _005456899 1766 12 tolerated tolerate VERB _005456899 1766 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1766 14 ought ought AUX _005456899 1766 15 to to PART _005456899 1766 16 be be AUX _005456899 1766 17 revoked revoke VERB _005456899 1766 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1767 1 [ [ X _005456899 1767 2 it it PRON _005456899 1767 3 was be AUX _005456899 1767 4 revoked revoke VERB _005456899 1767 5 soon soon ADV _005456899 1767 6 after after ADP _005456899 1767 7 the the DET _005456899 1767 8 war war NOUN _005456899 1767 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1768 1 yet yet ADV _005456899 1768 2 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1768 3 of of ADP _005456899 1768 4 discussion discussion NOUN _005456899 1768 5 is be AUX _005456899 1768 6 most most ADV _005456899 1768 7 necessary necessary ADJ _005456899 1768 8 during during ADP _005456899 1768 9 a a DET _005456899 1768 10 warwhether warwhether NOUN _005456899 1768 11 it it PRON _005456899 1768 12 is be AUX _005456899 1768 13 just just ADV _005456899 1768 14 or or CCONJ _005456899 1768 15 not not PART _005456899 1768 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1768 17 when when SCONJ _005456899 1768 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1768 19 how how SCONJ _005456899 1768 20 a a DET _005456899 1768 21 peace peace NOUN _005456899 1768 22 should should AUX _005456899 1768 23 be be AUX _005456899 1768 24 negotiated negotiate VERB _005456899 1768 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1768 26 etc etc X _005456899 1768 27 . . X _005456899 1768 28 ] ] X _005456899 1769 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1769 2 there there PRON _005456899 1769 3 is be VERB _005456899 1769 4 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1769 5 of of ADP _005456899 1769 6 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1769 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1769 8 press press NOUN _005456899 1769 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1769 10 speech speech NOUN _005456899 1769 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1769 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1769 13 if if SCONJ _005456899 1769 14 there there PRON _005456899 1769 15 are be VERB _005456899 1769 16 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1769 17 books book NOUN _005456899 1769 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1769 19 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1769 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1769 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1769 22 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005456899 1769 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1769 24 the the DET _005456899 1769 25 people people NOUN _005456899 1769 26 have have VERB _005456899 1769 27 the the DET _005456899 1769 28 tools tool NOUN _005456899 1769 29 to to PART _005456899 1769 30 become become AUX _005456899 1769 31 educated educate VERB _005456899 1769 32 towards towards ADP _005456899 1769 33 a a DET _005456899 1769 34 constantly constantly ADV _005456899 1769 35 higher high ADJ _005456899 1769 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1769 37 more more ADJ _005456899 1769 38 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1769 39 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1769 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1770 1 though though SCONJ _005456899 1770 2 in in ADP _005456899 1770 3 these these DET _005456899 1770 4 tools tool NOUN _005456899 1770 5 there there PRON _005456899 1770 6 will will AUX _005456899 1770 7 be be AUX _005456899 1770 8 many many ADJ _005456899 1770 9 errors error NOUN _005456899 1770 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1770 11 heresies heresy NOUN _005456899 1770 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1770 13 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 1770 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1770 15 when when SCONJ _005456899 1770 16 all all DET _005456899 1770 17 the the DET _005456899 1770 18 best good ADJ _005456899 1770 19 minds mind NOUN _005456899 1770 20 in in ADP _005456899 1770 21 the the DET _005456899 1770 22 counby counby NOUN _005456899 1770 23 argue argue VERB _005456899 1770 24 points point NOUN _005456899 1770 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1770 26 write write VERB _005456899 1770 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1770 28 speak speak VERB _005456899 1770 29 about about ADP _005456899 1770 30 them they PRON _005456899 1770 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1770 32 the the DET _005456899 1770 33 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1770 34 will will AUX _005456899 1770 35 surely surely ADV _005456899 1770 36 if if SCONJ _005456899 1770 37 slowly slowly ADV _005456899 1770 38 rise rise VERB _005456899 1770 39 to to ADP _005456899 1770 40 the the DET _005456899 1770 41 top top NOUN _005456899 1770 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 1771 1 the the DET _005456899 1771 2 people people NOUN _005456899 1771 3 will will AUX _005456899 1771 4 just just ADV _005456899 1771 5 as as ADV _005456899 1771 6 surely surely ADV _005456899 1771 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1771 8 definitely definitely ADV _005456899 1771 9 come come VERB _005456899 1771 10 to to PART _005456899 1771 11 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 1771 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1771 13 adopt adopt VERB _005456899 1771 14 it it PRON _005456899 1771 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1772 1 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1772 2 permeates permeate VERB _005456899 1772 3 a a DET _005456899 1772 4 country country NOUN _005456899 1772 5 gradually gradually ADV _005456899 1772 6 some some PRON _005456899 1772 7 will will AUX _005456899 1772 8 do do VERB _005456899 1772 9 it it PRON _005456899 1772 10 quickly quickly ADV _005456899 1772 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1773 1 others other NOUN _005456899 1773 2 will will AUX _005456899 1773 3 be be AUX _005456899 1773 4 slow slow ADJ _005456899 1773 5 about about ADP _005456899 1773 6 it it PRON _005456899 1773 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 1773 8 these these PRON _005456899 1773 9 are be AUX _005456899 1773 10 called call VERB _005456899 1773 11 backward backward ADV _005456899 1773 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1774 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1774 2 young young ADJ _005456899 1774 3 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 1774 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1774 5 two two NUM _005456899 1774 6 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1774 7 years year NOUN _005456899 1774 8 after after SCONJ _005456899 1774 9 galileo galileo PROPN _005456899 1774 10 had have AUX _005456899 1774 11 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005456899 1774 12 it it PRON _005456899 1774 13 in in ADP _005456899 1774 14 italy italy PROPN _005456899 1774 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1774 16 said say VERB _005456899 1774 17 to to ADP _005456899 1774 18 his his PRON _005456899 1774 19 school school NOUN _005456899 1774 20 mates mate NOUN _005456899 1774 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 1774 22 the the DET _005456899 1774 23 earth earth NOUN _005456899 1774 24 is be AUX _005456899 1774 25 round round ADJ _005456899 1774 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1774 27 not not PART _005456899 1774 28 flat flat ADJ _005456899 1774 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1774 30 they they PRON _005456899 1774 31 walked walk VERB _005456899 1774 32 away away ADV _005456899 1774 33 twirling twirl VERB _005456899 1774 34 their their PRON _005456899 1774 35 fingers finger NOUN _005456899 1774 36 against against ADP _005456899 1774 37 their their PRON _005456899 1774 38 temples temple NOUN _005456899 1774 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1774 40 shaking shake VERB _005456899 1774 41 their their PRON _005456899 1774 42 heads head NOUN _005456899 1774 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1775 1 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 1775 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1775 3 the the DET _005456899 1775 4 first first ADJ _005456899 1775 5 in in ADP _005456899 1775 6 his his PRON _005456899 1775 7 village village NOUN _005456899 1775 8 to to PART _005456899 1775 9 hear hear VERB _005456899 1775 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1775 11 adopt adopt VERB _005456899 1775 12 the the DET _005456899 1775 13 correct correct ADJ _005456899 1775 14 theory theory NOUN _005456899 1775 15 about about ADP _005456899 1775 16 the the DET _005456899 1775 17 solar solar ADJ _005456899 1775 18 system system NOUN _005456899 1775 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1775 20 was be AUX _005456899 1775 21 also also ADV _005456899 1775 22 the the DET _005456899 1775 23 first first ADJ _005456899 1775 24 to to PART _005456899 1775 25 realize realize VERB _005456899 1775 26 that that SCONJ _005456899 1775 27 slavery slavery NOUN _005456899 1775 28 is be AUX _005456899 1775 29 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 1775 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1776 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1776 2 should should AUX _005456899 1776 3 strive strive VERB _005456899 1776 4 to to PART _005456899 1776 5 be be AUX _005456899 1776 6 like like ADP _005456899 1776 7 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 1776 8 in in ADP _005456899 1776 9 this this DET _005456899 1776 10 respect respect NOUN _005456899 1776 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1777 1 everyone everyone PRON _005456899 1777 2 should should AUX _005456899 1777 3 try try VERB _005456899 1777 4 to to PART _005456899 1777 5 see see VERB _005456899 1777 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1777 7 accept accept VERB _005456899 1777 8 the the DET _005456899 1777 9 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1777 10 first first ADV _005456899 1777 11 especially especially ADV _005456899 1777 12 should should AUX _005456899 1777 13 every every DET _005456899 1777 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1777 15 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1777 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1777 17 like like ADP _005456899 1777 18 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 1777 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1777 20 strive strive VERB _005456899 1777 21 to to PART _005456899 1777 22 be be AUX _005456899 1777 23 progressive progressive ADJ _005456899 1777 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1777 25 alert alert ADJ _005456899 1777 26 to to ADP _005456899 1777 27 all all DET _005456899 1777 28 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1777 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1777 30 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1777 31 developments development NOUN _005456899 1777 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1778 1 for for ADP _005456899 1778 2 many many ADJ _005456899 1778 3 centuries century NOUN _005456899 1778 4 catholics catholic NOUN _005456899 1778 5 were be AUX _005456899 1778 6 so so ADV _005456899 1778 7 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1778 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1778 9 oppressed oppress VERB _005456899 1778 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 1778 11 they they PRON _005456899 1778 12 could could AUX _005456899 1778 13 not not PART _005456899 1778 14 go go VERB _005456899 1778 15 to to ADP _005456899 1778 16 higher high ADJ _005456899 1778 17 schools school NOUN _005456899 1778 18 or or CCONJ _005456899 1778 19 read read VERB _005456899 1778 20 the the DET _005456899 1778 21 b b NOUN _005456899 1778 22 etter etter VERB _005456899 1778 23 books book NOUN _005456899 1778 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1778 25 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 1778 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1779 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1779 2 in in ADP _005456899 1779 3 this this DET _005456899 1779 4 counby counby NOUN _005456899 1779 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1779 6 women woman NOUN _005456899 1779 7 now now ADV _005456899 1779 8 have have VERB _005456899 1779 9 as as ADV _005456899 1779 10 much much ADJ _005456899 1779 11 time time NOUN _005456899 1779 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1779 13 talent talent NOUN _005456899 1779 14 to to PART _005456899 1779 15 read read VERB _005456899 1779 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1779 17 learn learn VERB _005456899 1779 18 as as ADP _005456899 1779 19 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1779 20 else else ADV _005456899 1779 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1780 1 one one NUM _005456899 1780 2 hopes hope VERB _005456899 1780 3 earnestly earnestly ADV _005456899 1780 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 1780 5 they they PRON _005456899 1780 6 are be AUX _005456899 1780 7 doing do VERB _005456899 1780 8 so so ADV _005456899 1780 9 : : PUNCT _005456899 1780 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 1780 11 in in ADP _005456899 1780 12 the the DET _005456899 1780 13 arts art NOUN _005456899 1780 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1780 15 the the DET _005456899 1780 16 sciences science NOUN _005456899 1780 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1780 18 in in ADP _005456899 1780 19 health health NOUN _005456899 1780 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1780 21 enterprise enterprise NOUN _005456899 1780 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1780 23 in in ADP _005456899 1780 24 manners manner NOUN _005456899 1780 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1780 26 morals moral NOUN _005456899 1780 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1780 28 in in ADP _005456899 1780 29 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 1780 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1780 31 justice justice NOUN _005456899 1780 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1780 33 they they PRON _005456899 1780 34 are be AUX _005456899 1780 35 taking take VERB _005456899 1780 36 their their PRON _005456899 1780 37 places place NOUN _005456899 1780 38 in in ADP _005456899 1780 39 the the DET _005456899 1780 40 very very ADV _005456899 1780 41 front front ADJ _005456899 1780 42 ranks rank NOUN _005456899 1780 43 of of ADP _005456899 1780 44 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1780 45 . . PUNCT _005456899 1781 1 with with ADP _005456899 1781 2 the the DET _005456899 1781 3 security security NOUN _005456899 1781 4 of of ADP _005456899 1781 5 the the DET _005456899 1781 6 right right ADJ _005456899 1781 7 religion religion NOUN _005456899 1781 8 to to PART _005456899 1781 9 guide guide VERB _005456899 1781 10 them they PRON _005456899 1781 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1781 12 they they PRON _005456899 1781 13 can can AUX _005456899 1781 14 avoid avoid VERB _005456899 1781 15 the the DET _005456899 1781 16 errors error NOUN _005456899 1781 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1781 18 heresies heresy NOUN _005456899 1781 19 that that PRON _005456899 1781 20 one one PRON _005456899 1781 21 can can AUX _005456899 1781 22 not not PART _005456899 1781 23 blame blame VERB _005456899 1781 24 others other NOUN _005456899 1781 25 for for ADP _005456899 1781 26 stumbling stumble VERB _005456899 1781 27 into into ADP _005456899 1781 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 1782 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1782 2 now now ADV _005456899 1782 3 they they PRON _005456899 1782 4 show show VERB _005456899 1782 5 the the DET _005456899 1782 6 same same ADJ _005456899 1782 7 energy energy NOUN _005456899 1782 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1782 9 thirst thirst VERB _005456899 1782 10 for for ADP _005456899 1782 11 the the DET _005456899 1782 12 way way NOUN _005456899 1782 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1782 14 the the DET _005456899 1782 15 truth truth NOUN _005456899 1782 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1782 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1782 18 the the DET _005456899 1782 19 light light NOUN _005456899 1782 20 as as SCONJ _005456899 1782 21 others other NOUN _005456899 1782 22 show show VERB _005456899 1782 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1782 24 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1782 25 women woman NOUN _005456899 1782 26 will will AUX _005456899 1782 27 be be AUX _005456899 1782 28 the the DET _005456899 1782 29 best good ADJ _005456899 1782 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1782 31 finest fine ADJ _005456899 1782 32 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 1782 33 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 1782 34 that that SCONJ _005456899 1782 35 their their PRON _005456899 1782 36 counby counby NOUN _005456899 1782 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 1782 38 the the DET _005456899 1782 39 world world NOUN _005456899 1782 40 - - PUNCT _005456899 1782 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 1782 42 god god PROPN _005456899 1782 43 - - PUNCT _005456899 1782 44 can can AUX _005456899 1782 45 ask ask VERB _005456899 1782 46 for for ADP _005456899 1782 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 1783 1 c c VERB _005456899 1783 2 it it PRON _005456899 1783 3 u u NOUN _005456899 1783 4 $ $ SYM _005456899 1783 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1783 6 d d NOUN _005456899 1783 7 0 0 NUM _005456899 1783 8 t t NOUN _005456899 1783 9 t t NOUN _005456899 1783 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1784 1 r. r. PROPN _005456899 1784 2 s s PROPN _005456899 1784 3 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1784 4 [ [ X _005456899 1784 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1784 6 c c NOUN _005456899 1784 7 1 1 NUM _005456899 1784 8 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1784 9 t t NOUN _005456899 1784 10 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1784 11 zufi zufi NOUN _005456899 1784 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1784 13 sixt€ sixt€ X _005456899 1784 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1784 15 her her PRON _005456899 1784 16 wat wat NOUN _005456899 1784 17 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1784 18 poo poo NOUN _005456899 1784 19 to to ADP _005456899 1784 20 s s PROPN _005456899 1784 21 han han PROPN _005456899 1784 22 pap pap NOUN _005456899 1784 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1784 24 far far ADV _005456899 1784 25 her her PRON _005456899 1784 26 latt latt NOUN _005456899 1784 27 cou cou PROPN _005456899 1784 28 ne ne PROPN _005456899 1784 29 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1785 1 he he PRON _005456899 1785 2 ~re ~re X _005456899 1785 3 ors or NOUN _005456899 1785 4 py py PROPN _005456899 1785 5 ely ely ADV _005456899 1785 6 ely ely ADV _005456899 1785 7 tre tre NOUN _005456899 1785 8 ter ter NOUN _005456899 1785 9 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1786 1 he he PRON _005456899 1786 2 ~rs ~rs X _005456899 1786 3 rst rst PROPN _005456899 1786 4 lar lar ADJ _005456899 1786 5 ry've ry've PROPN _005456899 1786 6 ts ts ADP _005456899 1786 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1787 1 ey ey DET _005456899 1787 2 pame pame NOUN _005456899 1787 3 ry ry ADP _005456899 1787 4 nd nd PROPN _005456899 1788 1 c c PROPN _005456899 1788 2 tor tor PROPN _005456899 1788 3 tor tor PROPN _005456899 1788 4 fu fu PROPN _005456899 1789 1 i i PROPN _005456899 1789 2 d d PROPN _005456899 1789 3 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1789 4 xvi xvi NOUN _005456899 1789 5 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1789 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1789 7 where where SCONJ _005456899 1789 8 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1789 9 is be AUX _005456899 1789 10 not not PART _005456899 1789 11 this this DET _005456899 1789 12 article article NOUN _005456899 1789 13 is be AUX _005456899 1789 14 reprinted reprint VERB _005456899 1789 15 from from ADP _005456899 1789 16 magnificat magnificat PROPN _005456899 1789 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1789 18 november november PROPN _005456899 1789 19 1941 1941 NUM _005456899 1789 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1790 1 it it PRON _005456899 1790 2 was be AUX _005456899 1790 3 condensed condense VERB _005456899 1790 4 in in ADP _005456899 1790 5 the the DET _005456899 1790 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1790 7 digest digest NOUN _005456899 1790 8 for for ADP _005456899 1790 9 january january PROPN _005456899 1790 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1790 11 1942 1942 NUM _005456899 1790 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1790 13 pp.25 pp.25 PROPN _005456899 1790 14 - - SYM _005456899 1790 15 29 29 NUM _005456899 1790 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1791 1 it it PRON _005456899 1791 2 gives give VERB _005456899 1791 3 citations citation NOUN _005456899 1791 4 largely largely ADV _005456899 1791 5 from from ADP _005456899 1791 6 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005456899 1791 7 sources source NOUN _005456899 1791 8 showing show VERB _005456899 1791 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 1791 10 only only ADV _005456899 1791 11 where where SCONJ _005456899 1791 12 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1791 13 is be AUX _005456899 1791 14 established establish VERB _005456899 1791 15 are be AUX _005456899 1791 16 women woman NOUN _005456899 1791 17 treated treat VERB _005456899 1791 18 as as ADP _005456899 1791 19 human human ADJ _005456899 1791 20 beings being NOUN _005456899 1791 21 who who PRON _005456899 1791 22 have have VERB _005456899 1791 23 the the DET _005456899 1791 24 same same ADJ _005456899 1791 25 moral moral ADJ _005456899 1791 26 rights right NOUN _005456899 1791 27 men man NOUN _005456899 1791 28 have have VERB _005456899 1791 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1792 1 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 1792 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1792 3 since since SCONJ _005456899 1792 4 it it PRON _005456899 1792 5 was be AUX _005456899 1792 6 first first ADV _005456899 1792 7 written write VERB _005456899 1792 8 some some DET _005456899 1792 9 new new ADJ _005456899 1792 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1792 11 even even ADV _005456899 1792 12 better well ADJ _005456899 1792 13 evidences evidence NOUN _005456899 1792 14 of of ADP _005456899 1792 15 this this DET _005456899 1792 16 observation observation NOUN _005456899 1792 17 have have AUX _005456899 1792 18 come come VERB _005456899 1792 19 to to ADP _005456899 1792 20 light light NOUN _005456899 1792 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1793 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1793 2 the the DET _005456899 1793 3 old old ADJ _005456899 1793 4 ones one NOUN _005456899 1793 5 are be AUX _005456899 1793 6 incontrovertible incontrovertible ADJ _005456899 1793 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1793 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1793 9 powerful powerful ADJ _005456899 1793 10 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1793 11 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1793 12 their their PRON _005456899 1793 13 purpose purpose NOUN _005456899 1793 14 a a DET _005456899 1793 15 central central ADJ _005456899 1793 16 thesis thesis NOUN _005456899 1793 17 of of ADP _005456899 1793 18 my my PRON _005456899 1793 19 life life NOUN _005456899 1793 20 is be AUX _005456899 1793 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 1793 22 literally literally ADV _005456899 1793 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1793 24 really really ADV _005456899 1793 25 the the DET _005456899 1793 26 only only ADJ _005456899 1793 27 hope hope NOUN _005456899 1793 28 for for ADP _005456899 1793 29 the the DET _005456899 1793 30 world world NOUN _005456899 1793 31 is be AUX _005456899 1793 32 christianity christianity ADJ _005456899 1793 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1794 1 christianity christianity PROPN _005456899 1794 2 not not PART _005456899 1794 3 only only ADV _005456899 1794 4 makes make VERB _005456899 1794 5 nations nation NOUN _005456899 1794 6 decent decent ADJ _005456899 1794 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1794 8 it it PRON _005456899 1794 9 also also ADV _005456899 1794 10 makes make VERB _005456899 1794 11 them they PRON _005456899 1794 12 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1794 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1795 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1795 2 more more ADJ _005456899 1795 3 than than ADP _005456899 1795 4 that that PRON _005456899 1795 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1795 6 it it PRON _005456899 1795 7 even even ADV _005456899 1795 8 gives give VERB _005456899 1795 9 them they PRON _005456899 1795 10 their their PRON _005456899 1795 11 superiority superiority NOUN _005456899 1795 12 in in ADP _005456899 1795 13 plumbing plumbing NOUN _005456899 1795 14 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1796 1 paganism paganism NOUN _005456899 1796 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1796 3 all all DET _005456899 1796 4 branches branch NOUN _005456899 1796 5 of of ADP _005456899 1796 6 it it PRON _005456899 1796 7 are be AUX _005456899 1796 8 immorality immorality NOUN _005456899 1796 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1796 10 dirt dirt NOUN _005456899 1796 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1797 1 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1797 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1797 3 though though SCONJ _005456899 1797 4 still still ADV _005456899 1797 5 nowhere nowhere ADV _005456899 1797 6 perfectly perfectly ADV _005456899 1797 7 applied apply VERB _005456899 1797 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1797 9 is be AUX _005456899 1797 10 the the DET _005456899 1797 11 o o NOUN _005456899 1797 12 n n PROPN _005456899 1797 13 l l PROPN _005456899 1797 14 y y PROPN _005456899 1797 15 creator creator NOUN _005456899 1797 16 of of ADP _005456899 1797 17 justice justice PROPN _005456899 1797 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1797 19 cleanliness cleanliness NOUN _005456899 1797 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1798 1 i i PRON _005456899 1798 2 furthermore furthermore ADV _005456899 1798 3 thoroughly thoroughly ADV _005456899 1798 4 repudiate repudiate VERB _005456899 1798 5 the the DET _005456899 1798 6 propaganda propaganda NOUN _005456899 1798 7 that that PRON _005456899 1798 8 the the DET _005456899 1798 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1798 10 classic classic ADJ _005456899 1798 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1798 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1798 13 pagan pagan ADJ _005456899 1798 14 greeks greek NOUN _005456899 1798 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1798 16 romans romans PROPN _005456899 1798 17 had have VERB _005456899 1798 18 a a DET _005456899 1798 19 civilization civilization NOUN _005456899 1798 20 that that PRON _005456899 1798 21 could could AUX _005456899 1798 22 compare compare VERB _005456899 1798 23 with with ADP _005456899 1798 24 that that PRON _005456899 1798 25 of of ADP _005456899 1798 26 the the DET _005456899 1798 27 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1798 28 nations nation NOUN _005456899 1798 29 of of ADP _005456899 1798 30 today today NOUN _005456899 1798 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1799 1 what what PRON _005456899 1799 2 they they PRON _005456899 1799 3 had have AUX _005456899 1799 4 was be AUX _005456899 1799 5 fleas flea NOUN _005456899 1799 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1799 7 slavery slavery NOUN _005456899 1799 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1799 9 concubines concubine NOUN _005456899 1799 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1799 11 temples temple NOUN _005456899 1799 12 of of ADP _005456899 1799 13 immorality immorality NOUN _005456899 1799 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1800 1 fallen fall VERB _005456899 1800 2 man man NOUN _005456899 1800 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1800 4 even even ADV _005456899 1800 5 in in ADP _005456899 1800 6 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1800 7 countries country NOUN _005456899 1800 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1800 9 is be AUX _005456899 1800 10 still still ADV _005456899 1800 11 much much ADJ _005456899 1800 12 of of ADP _005456899 1800 13 a a DET _005456899 1800 14 beas bea NOUN _005456899 1800 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 1800 16 t t NOUN _005456899 1800 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1800 18 even even ADV _005456899 1800 19 an an DET _005456899 1800 20 atomic atomic ADJ _005456899 1800 21 beas bea NOUN _005456899 1800 22 - - PUNCT _005456899 1800 23 t t NOUN _005456899 1800 24 if if SCONJ _005456899 1800 25 you you PRON _005456899 1800 26 will will AUX _005456899 1800 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1800 28 but but CCONJ _005456899 1800 29 he he PRON _005456899 1800 30 is be AUX _005456899 1800 31 no no ADV _005456899 1800 32 longer long ADV _005456899 1800 33 on on ADP _005456899 1800 34 the the DET _005456899 1800 35 average average ADJ _005456899 1800 36 a a DET _005456899 1800 37 flea flea NOUN _005456899 1800 38 - - PUNCT _005456899 1800 39 bitten bite VERB _005456899 1800 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1800 41 slave slave NOUN _005456899 1800 42 - - PUNCT _005456899 1800 43 holding hold VERB _005456899 1800 44 polygamist polygamist NOUN _005456899 1800 45 . . PUNCT _005456899 1801 1 from from ADP _005456899 1801 2 that that DET _005456899 1801 3 calibanistic calibanistic ADJ _005456899 1801 4 state state NOUN _005456899 1801 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1801 6 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1801 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1801 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1801 9 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1801 10 alone alone ADV _005456899 1801 11 has have AUX _005456899 1801 12 elevated elevate VERB _005456899 1801 13 him he PRON _005456899 1801 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1802 1 i i PRON _005456899 1802 2 want want VERB _005456899 1802 3 you you PRON _005456899 1802 4 to to PART _005456899 1802 5 read read VERB _005456899 1802 6 this this DET _005456899 1802 7 article article NOUN _005456899 1802 8 · · NUM _005456899 1802 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1803 1 a a DET _005456899 1803 2 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1803 3 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1803 4 has have VERB _005456899 1803 5 no no DET _005456899 1803 6 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 1803 7 march march NOUN _005456899 1803 8 when when SCONJ _005456899 1803 9 young young ADJ _005456899 1803 10 king king NOUN _005456899 1803 11 farouk farouk PROPN _005456899 1803 12 of of ADP _005456899 1803 13 egypt egypt PROPN _005456899 1803 14 married marry VERB _005456899 1803 15 pretty pretty ADJ _005456899 1803 16 farida farida PROPN _005456899 1803 17 zuficar zuficar NOUN _005456899 1803 18 in in ADP _005456899 1803 19 the the DET _005456899 1803 20 non non ADJ _005456899 1803 21 - - ADJ _005456899 1803 22 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1803 23 city city NOUN _005456899 1803 24 of of ADP _005456899 1803 25 cairo cairo PROPN _005456899 1803 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1803 27 a a DET _005456899 1803 28 few few ADJ _005456899 1803 29 years year NOUN _005456899 1803 30 ago ago ADV _005456899 1803 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1803 32 the the DET _005456899 1803 33 sixteen sixteen NUM _005456899 1803 34 - - PUNCT _005456899 1803 35 year year NOUN _005456899 1803 36 - - PUNCT _005456899 1803 37 old old ADJ _005456899 1803 38 farida farida NOUN _005456899 1803 39 was be AUX _005456899 1803 40 not not PART _005456899 1803 41 present present ADJ _005456899 1803 42 at at ADP _005456899 1803 43 her her PRON _005456899 1803 44 own own ADJ _005456899 1803 45 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 1803 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 1804 1 while while SCONJ _005456899 1804 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 1804 3 her her PRON _005456899 1804 4 man man NOUN _005456899 1804 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 1804 6 was be AUX _005456899 1804 7 saying say VERB _005456899 1804 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1804 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1804 10 i i PRON _005456899 1804 11 do do VERB _005456899 1804 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1804 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 1804 14 she she PRON _005456899 1804 15 was be AUX _005456899 1804 16 stationed station VERB _005456899 1804 17 at at ADP _005456899 1804 18 a a DET _005456899 1804 19 distance distance NOUN _005456899 1804 20 to to PART _005456899 1804 21 watch watch VERB _005456899 1804 22 her her PRON _005456899 1804 23 own own ADJ _005456899 1804 24 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 1804 25 through through ADP _005456899 1804 26 a a DET _005456899 1804 27 latticed latticed ADJ _005456899 1804 28 partition partition NOUN _005456899 1804 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1805 1 instead instead ADV _005456899 1805 2 of of ADP _005456899 1805 3 receiving receive VERB _005456899 1805 4 a a DET _005456899 1805 5 ring ring NOUN _005456899 1805 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1805 7 a a DET _005456899 1805 8 kiss kiss NOUN _005456899 1805 9 from from ADP _005456899 1805 10 the the DET _005456899 1805 11 bridegroom bridegroom NOUN _005456899 1805 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1805 13 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1805 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1805 15 non non ADJ _005456899 1805 16 - - ADJ _005456899 1805 17 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1805 18 farida farida NOUN _005456899 1805 19 had have VERB _005456899 1805 20 to to PART _005456899 1805 21 be be AUX _005456899 1805 22 content content ADJ _005456899 1805 23 with with ADP _005456899 1805 24 being be AUX _005456899 1805 25 allowed allow VERB _005456899 1805 26 to to PART _005456899 1805 27 see see VERB _005456899 1805 28 from from ADP _005456899 1805 29 afar afar ADV _005456899 1805 30 how how SCONJ _005456899 1805 31 her her PRON _005456899 1805 32 father father NOUN _005456899 1805 33 married marry VERB _005456899 1805 34 her she PRON _005456899 1805 35 off off ADP _005456899 1805 36 with with ADP _005456899 1805 37 a a DET _005456899 1805 38 symbolic symbolic ADJ _005456899 1805 39 handshake handshake NOUN _005456899 1805 40 between between ADP _005456899 1805 41 himself himself PRON _005456899 1805 42 and and CCONJ _005456899 1805 43 the the DET _005456899 1805 44 groom groom NOUN _005456899 1805 45 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1806 1 according accord VERB _005456899 1806 2 to to ADP _005456899 1806 3 a a DET _005456899 1806 4 newspaper newspaper NOUN _005456899 1806 5 report report NOUN _005456899 1806 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1806 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1806 8 the the DET _005456899 1806 9 two two NUM _005456899 1806 10 pressed press VERB _005456899 1806 11 upright upright ADJ _005456899 1806 12 thumbs thumb NOUN _005456899 1806 13 under under ADP _005456899 1806 14 a a DET _005456899 1806 15 silk silk NOUN _005456899 1806 16 cloth cloth NOUN _005456899 1806 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1806 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1806 19 the the DET _005456899 1806 20 bride bride NOUN _005456899 1806 21 's 's PART _005456899 1806 22 father father NOUN _005456899 1806 23 said say VERB _005456899 1806 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1806 25 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1806 26 i i PRON _005456899 1806 27 betroth betroth VERB _005456899 1806 28 to to ADP _005456899 1806 29 your your PRON _005456899 1806 30 majesty majesty ADJ _005456899 1806 31 my my PRON _005456899 1806 32 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 1806 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1806 34 farida farida PROPN _005456899 1806 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1806 36 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1806 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 1807 1 thereupon thereupon ADP _005456899 1807 2 the the DET _005456899 1807 3 groom groom NOUN _005456899 1807 4 thrice thrice PROPN _005456899 1807 5 intoned intone VERB _005456899 1807 6 the the DET _005456899 1807 7 words word NOUN _005456899 1807 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1807 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1807 10 i i PRON _005456899 1807 11 accept accept VERB _005456899 1807 12 her her PRON _005456899 1807 13 betrothal betrothal NOUN _005456899 1807 14 to to ADP _005456899 1807 15 myself myself PRON _005456899 1807 16 from from ADP _005456899 1807 17 thee thee PRON _005456899 1807 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1807 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1808 1 in in ADP _005456899 1808 2 another another DET _005456899 1808 3 building building NOUN _005456899 1808 4 through through ADP _005456899 1808 5 a a DET _005456899 1808 6 lattice lattice NOUN _005456899 1808 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1808 8 the the DET _005456899 1808 9 bride bride NOUN _005456899 1808 10 watched watch VERB _005456899 1808 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1809 1 for for ADP _005456899 1809 2 her she PRON _005456899 1809 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1809 4 mendelssohn mendelssohn NOUN _005456899 1809 5 's 's PART _005456899 1809 6 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 1809 7 march march NOUN _005456899 1809 8 could could AUX _005456899 1809 9 have have VERB _005456899 1809 10 no no DET _005456899 1809 11 meaning meaning NOUN _005456899 1809 12 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1810 1 82 82 NUM _005456899 1810 2 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1810 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1810 4 courtsiup courtsiup NOUN _005456899 1810 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1810 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1810 7 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1810 8 only only ADV _005456899 1810 9 in in ADP _005456899 1810 10 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1810 11 countries country NOUN _005456899 1810 12 do do VERB _005456899 1810 13 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1810 14 marry marry VERB _005456899 1810 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1810 16 in in ADP _005456899 1810 17 others other NOUN _005456899 1810 18 they they PRON _005456899 1810 19 are be AUX _005456899 1810 20 married married ADJ _005456899 1810 21 off off ADP _005456899 1810 22 that that PRON _005456899 1810 23 is be AUX _005456899 1810 24 the the DET _005456899 1810 25 nearest near ADJ _005456899 1810 26 a a DET _005456899 1810 27 non non ADJ _005456899 1810 28 - - ADJ _005456899 1810 29 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1810 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1810 31 egyptian egyptian ADJ _005456899 1810 32 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1810 33 comes come VERB _005456899 1810 34 to to ADP _005456899 1810 35 her her PRON _005456899 1810 36 own own ADJ _005456899 1810 37 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 1810 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1811 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 1811 2 would would AUX _005456899 1811 3 a a DET _005456899 1811 4 sweet sweet ADJ _005456899 1811 5 american american ADJ _005456899 1811 6 young young ADJ _005456899 1811 7 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1811 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1811 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 1811 10 a a DET _005456899 1811 11 european european ADJ _005456899 1811 12 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1811 13 tolerate tolerate NOUN _005456899 1811 14 being be AUX _005456899 1811 15 cheated cheat VERB _005456899 1811 16 out out ADP _005456899 1811 17 of of ADP _005456899 1811 18 her her PRON _005456899 1811 19 parade parade NOUN _005456899 1811 20 up up ADP _005456899 1811 21 the the DET _005456899 1811 22 middle middle ADJ _005456899 1811 23 aisle aisle PROPN _005456899 1811 24 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1812 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1812 2 what what PRON _005456899 1812 3 would would AUX _005456899 1812 4 a a DET _005456899 1812 5 young young ADJ _005456899 1812 6 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1812 7 say say VERB _005456899 1812 8 to to ADP _005456899 1812 9 her her PRON _005456899 1812 10 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1812 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1812 12 once once SCONJ _005456899 1812 13 she she PRON _005456899 1812 14 got get VERB _005456899 1812 15 him he PRON _005456899 1812 16 alone alone ADJ _005456899 1812 17 inside inside ADV _005456899 1812 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1812 19 if if SCONJ _005456899 1812 20 he he PRON _005456899 1812 21 had have AUX _005456899 1812 22 made make VERB _005456899 1812 23 her her PRON _005456899 1812 24 stand stand VERB _005456899 1812 25 in in ADP _005456899 1812 26 the the DET _005456899 1812 27 rectory rectory NOUN _005456899 1812 28 while while SCONJ _005456899 1812 29 he he PRON _005456899 1812 30 married marry VERB _005456899 1812 31 her she PRON _005456899 1812 32 by by ADP _005456899 1812 33 shaking shake VERB _005456899 1812 34 hands hand NOUN _005456899 1812 35 at at ADP _005456899 1812 36 the the DET _005456899 1812 37 altar altar NOUN _005456899 1812 38 with with ADP _005456899 1812 39 her her PRON _005456899 1812 40 father father NOUN _005456899 1812 41 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1813 1 only only ADV _005456899 1813 2 in in ADP _005456899 1813 3 a a DET _005456899 1813 4 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1813 5 country country NOUN _005456899 1813 6 would would AUX _005456899 1813 7 she she PRON _005456899 1813 8 have have VERB _005456899 1813 9 anything anything PRON _005456899 1813 10 to to PART _005456899 1813 11 say say VERB _005456899 1813 12 in in ADP _005456899 1813 13 the the DET _005456899 1813 14 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1813 15 matter matter NOUN _005456899 1813 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1814 1 where where SCONJ _005456899 1814 2 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1814 3 is be AUX _005456899 1814 4 not not PART _005456899 1814 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1814 6 men man NOUN _005456899 1814 7 marry marry VERB _005456899 1814 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1814 9 but but CCONJ _005456899 1814 10 women woman NOUN _005456899 1814 11 are be AUX _005456899 1814 12 only only ADV _005456899 1814 13 married married ADJ _005456899 1814 14 off,-and off,-and PUNCT _005456899 1814 15 it it PRON _005456899 1814 16 is be AUX _005456899 1814 17 not not PART _005456899 1814 18 theirs theirs PRON _005456899 1814 19 to to PART _005456899 1814 20 say say VERB _005456899 1814 21 to to ADP _005456899 1814 22 whom whom PRON _005456899 1814 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1814 24 or or CCONJ _005456899 1814 25 when when SCONJ _005456899 1814 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1814 27 or or CCONJ _005456899 1814 28 how how SCONJ _005456899 1814 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1815 1 even even ADV _005456899 1815 2 the the DET _005456899 1815 3 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1815 4 pagans pagans PROPN _005456899 1815 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1815 6 aristotle aristotle PROPN _005456899 1815 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1815 8 plato plato PROPN _005456899 1815 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1815 10 thought think VERB _005456899 1815 11 women woman NOUN _005456899 1815 12 not not PART _005456899 1815 13 quite quite ADV _005456899 1815 14 human human ADJ _005456899 1815 15 one one NOUN _005456899 1815 16 often often ADV _005456899 1815 17 hears hear VERB _005456899 1815 18 it it PRON _005456899 1815 19 said say VERB _005456899 1815 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 1815 21 it it PRON _005456899 1815 22 was be AUX _005456899 1815 23 the the DET _005456899 1815 24 medieval medieval ADJ _005456899 1815 25 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1815 26 reverence reverence NOUN _005456899 1815 27 for for ADP _005456899 1815 28 the the DET _005456899 1815 29 blessed bless VERB _005456899 1815 30 virgin virgin NOUN _005456899 1815 31 that that PRON _005456899 1815 32 raised raise VERB _005456899 1815 33 the the DET _005456899 1815 34 modern modern ADJ _005456899 1815 35 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1815 36 to to ADP _005456899 1815 37 her her PRON _005456899 1815 38 present present ADJ _005456899 1815 39 level level NOUN _005456899 1815 40 of of ADP _005456899 1815 41 respect respect NOUN _005456899 1815 42 and and CCONJ _005456899 1815 43 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1815 44 . . PUNCT _005456899 1816 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1816 2 few few ADJ _005456899 1816 3 who who PRON _005456899 1816 4 glibly glibly ADV _005456899 1816 5 say say VERB _005456899 1816 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 1816 7 christ christ PROPN _005456899 1816 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1816 9 through through ADP _005456899 1816 10 his his PRON _005456899 1816 11 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1816 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1816 13 put put VERB _005456899 1816 14 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1816 15 on on ADP _005456899 1816 16 a a DET _005456899 1816 17 pedestal pedestal NOUN _005456899 1816 18 really really ADV _005456899 1816 19 understand understand VERB _005456899 1816 20 what what PRON _005456899 1816 21 they they PRON _005456899 1816 22 are be AUX _005456899 1816 23 saying say VERB _005456899 1816 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1817 1 they they PRON _005456899 1817 2 do do AUX _005456899 1817 3 not not PART _005456899 1817 4 really really ADV _005456899 1817 5 grasp grasp VERB _005456899 1817 6 the the DET _005456899 1817 7 great great ADJ _005456899 1817 8 fact fact NOUN _005456899 1817 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 1817 10 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1817 11 did do AUX _005456899 1817 12 literally literally ADV _005456899 1817 13 raise raise VERB _005456899 1817 14 women woman NOUN _005456899 1817 15 from from ADP _005456899 1817 16 a a DET _005456899 1817 17 chattel chattel NOUN _005456899 1817 18 to to ADP _005456899 1817 19 a a DET _005456899 1817 20 partner partner NOUN _005456899 1817 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1817 22 from from ADP _005456899 1817 23 a a DET _005456899 1817 24 beast beast NOUN _005456899 1817 25 of of ADP _005456899 1817 26 burden burden NOUN _005456899 1817 27 to to ADP _005456899 1817 28 an an DET _005456899 1817 29 equal equal ADJ _005456899 1817 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1817 31 from from ADP _005456899 1817 32 a a DET _005456899 1817 33 lot lot NOUN _005456899 1817 34 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1817 35 than than ADP _005456899 1817 36 slavery slavery NOUN _005456899 1817 37 to to ADP _005456899 1817 38 one one NUM _005456899 1817 39 but but CCONJ _005456899 1817 40 little little ADJ _005456899 1817 41 less less ADJ _005456899 1817 42 than than ADP _005456899 1817 43 angelic angelic ADJ _005456899 1817 44 . . PUNCT _005456899 1818 1 they they PRON _005456899 1818 2 do do VERB _005456899 1818 3 riot riot NOUN _005456899 1818 4 grasp grasp NOUN _005456899 1818 5 really really ADV _005456899 1818 6 that that DET _005456899 1818 7 aristotle aristotle PROPN _005456899 1818 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1818 9 the the DET _005456899 1818 10 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1818 11 of of ADP _005456899 1818 12 the the DET _005456899 1818 13 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1818 14 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005456899 1818 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1818 16 declared declare VERB _005456899 1818 17 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1818 18 to to PART _005456899 1818 19 be be AUX _005456899 1818 20 an an DET _005456899 1818 21 inferior inferior ADJ _005456899 1818 22 order order NOUN _005456899 1818 23 of of ADP _005456899 1818 24 being be AUX _005456899 1818 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1818 26 that that SCONJ _005456899 1818 27 plato plato PROPN _005456899 1818 28 said say VERB _005456899 1818 29 it it PRON _005456899 1818 30 was be AUX _005456899 1818 31 beneath beneath ADP _005456899 1818 32 the the DET _005456899 1818 33 dignity dignity NOUN _005456899 1818 34 of of ADP _005456899 1818 35 a a DET _005456899 1818 36 man man NOUN _005456899 1818 37 to to PART _005456899 1818 38 love love VERB _005456899 1818 39 a a DET _005456899 1818 40 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1818 41 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1819 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1819 2 furthermore furthermore ADV _005456899 1819 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1819 4 they they PRON _005456899 1819 5 do do AUX _005456899 1819 6 not not PART _005456899 1819 7 realize realize VERB _005456899 1819 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 1819 9 even even ADV _005456899 1819 10 now now ADV _005456899 1819 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1819 12 where where SCONJ _005456899 1819 13 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1819 14 is be AUX _005456899 1819 15 not not PART _005456899 1819 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1819 17 there there ADV _005456899 1819 18 women woman NOUN _005456899 1819 19 are be AUX _005456899 1819 20 still still ADV _005456899 1819 21 chattels chattel NOUN _005456899 1819 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1819 23 slaves slave NOUN _005456899 1819 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1820 1 africans african NOUN _005456899 1820 2 strike strike VERB _005456899 1820 3 because because SCONJ _005456899 1820 4 the the DET _005456899 1820 5 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1820 6 grab grab VERB _005456899 1820 7 all all DET _005456899 1820 8 the the DET _005456899 1820 9 pretty pretty ADJ _005456899 1820 10 women woman NOUN _005456899 1820 11 recently recently ADV _005456899 1820 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1820 13 the the DET _005456899 1820 14 negroes negro NOUN _005456899 1820 15 of of ADP _005456899 1820 16 some some DET _005456899 1820 17 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1820 18 mrican mrican ADJ _005456899 1820 19 tribes tribe NOUN _005456899 1820 20 went go VERB _005456899 1820 21 on on ADP _005456899 1820 22 a a DET _005456899 1820 23 sort sort NOUN _005456899 1820 24 of of ADP _005456899 1820 25 strike strike NOUN _005456899 1820 26 because because SCONJ _005456899 1820 27 their their PRON _005456899 1820 28 elders elder NOUN _005456899 1820 29 were be AUX _005456899 1820 30 owning own VERB _005456899 1820 31 all all DET _005456899 1820 32 the the DET _005456899 1820 33 desirable desirable ADJ _005456899 1820 34 women woman NOUN _005456899 1820 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1821 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1821 2 these these DET _005456899 1821 3 pagans pagans PROPN _005456899 1821 4 did do AUX _005456899 1821 5 not not PART _005456899 1821 6 rebel rebel VERB _005456899 1821 7 because because SCONJ _005456899 1821 8 each each DET _005456899 1821 9 chief chief NOUN _005456899 1821 10 had have VERB _005456899 1821 11 more more ADJ _005456899 1821 12 than than ADP _005456899 1821 13 one one NUM _005456899 1821 14 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1821 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1822 1 they they PRON _005456899 1822 2 rebelled rebel VERB _005456899 1822 3 only only ADV _005456899 1822 4 because because SCONJ _005456899 1822 5 the the DET _005456899 1822 6 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1822 7 had have AUX _005456899 1822 8 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1822 9 hogged hog VERB _005456899 1822 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1822 11 all all DET _005456899 1822 12 the the DET _005456899 1822 13 desirable desirable ADJ _005456899 1822 14 women woman NOUN _005456899 1822 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1823 1 that that PRON _005456899 1823 2 is be AUX _005456899 1823 3 the the DET _005456899 1823 4 typical typical ADJ _005456899 1823 5 situation situation NOUN _005456899 1823 6 of of ADP _005456899 1823 7 paganism paganism NOUN _005456899 1823 8 in in ADP _005456899 1823 9 all all DET _005456899 1823 10 times time NOUN _005456899 1823 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1823 12 all all DET _005456899 1823 13 places place NOUN _005456899 1823 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1824 1 where where SCONJ _005456899 1824 2 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1824 3 is be AUX _005456899 1824 4 not not PART _005456899 1824 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1824 6 there there ADV _005456899 1824 7 the the DET _005456899 1824 8 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1824 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1824 10 rich rich ADJ _005456899 1824 11 men man NOUN _005456899 1824 12 have have VERB _005456899 1824 13 harems harem NOUN _005456899 1824 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1824 15 the the DET _005456899 1824 16 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1824 17 men man NOUN _005456899 1824 18 share share VERB _005456899 1824 19 scarlet scarlet ADJ _005456899 1824 20 unfortunates unfortunate NOUN _005456899 1824 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1825 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1825 2 the the DET _005456899 1825 3 women woman NOUN _005456899 1825 4 have have VERB _005456899 1825 5 no no PRON _005456899 1825 6 more more ADJ _005456899 1825 7 to to PART _005456899 1825 8 say say VERB _005456899 1825 9 which which PRON _005456899 1825 10 they they PRON _005456899 1825 11 shall shall AUX _005456899 1825 12 be be AUX _005456899 1825 13 than than ADP _005456899 1825 14 the the DET _005456899 1825 15 cattle cattle NOUN _005456899 1825 16 in in ADP _005456899 1825 17 an an DET _005456899 1825 18 american american ADJ _005456899 1825 19 barn,-except barn,-except PROPN _005456899 1825 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 1825 21 our our PRON _005456899 1825 22 cattle cattle NOUN _005456899 1825 23 are be AUX _005456899 1825 24 never never ADV _005456899 1825 25 abused abuse VERB _005456899 1825 26 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1826 1 among among ADP _005456899 1826 2 t t NOUN _005456899 1826 3 do do VERB _005456899 1826 4 y y PROPN _005456899 1826 5 a a DET _005456899 1826 6 native native ADJ _005456899 1826 7 territorie territorie NOUN _005456899 1826 8 you you PRON _005456899 1826 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1826 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1826 11 in in ADP _005456899 1826 12 i i PROPN _005456899 1826 13 'll will AUX _005456899 1826 14 brin brin VERB _005456899 1826 15 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1827 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1827 2 you you PRON _005456899 1827 3 espied espy VERB _005456899 1827 4 a a DET _005456899 1827 5 band band NOUN _005456899 1827 6 an an DET _005456899 1827 7 the the DET _005456899 1827 8 anci anci PROPN _005456899 1827 9 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1827 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1827 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 1827 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1827 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 1827 14 the the DET _005456899 1827 15 helpmee helpmee ADJ _005456899 1827 16 men man NOUN _005456899 1827 17 directly directly ADV _005456899 1827 18 the the DET _005456899 1827 19 leve leve PROPN _005456899 1827 20 kine kine PROPN _005456899 1827 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1828 1 in in ADP _005456899 1828 2 1 1 NUM _005456899 1828 3 cyclopt cyclopt PROPN _005456899 1828 4 tries try VERB _005456899 1828 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1828 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1828 7 no no DET _005456899 1828 8 mor mor NOUN _005456899 1828 9 ern ern PROPN _005456899 1828 10 relatio relatio NOUN _005456899 1828 11 $ $ SYM _005456899 1828 12 4.50 4.50 NUM _005456899 1828 13 1 1 NUM _005456899 1828 14 thirtee1 thirtee1 NOUN _005456899 1828 15 welfar welfar VERB _005456899 1828 16 sales sale NOUN _005456899 1828 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 1828 18 g g NOUN _005456899 1828 19 if if SCONJ _005456899 1828 20 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1828 21 arrang arrang ADJ _005456899 1828 22 never never ADV _005456899 1828 23 you you PRON _005456899 1828 24 cc cc INTJ _005456899 1828 25 not not PART _005456899 1828 26 sh sh NOUN _005456899 1828 27 buy buy VERB _005456899 1828 28 aj aj ADP _005456899 1828 29 you you PRON _005456899 1828 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1829 1 c c X _005456899 1829 2 they they PRON _005456899 1829 3 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1829 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 5 where where SCONJ _005456899 1829 6 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1829 7 is be AUX _005456899 1829 8 not not PART _005456899 1829 9 83 83 NUM _005456899 1829 10 among among ADP _005456899 1829 11 the the DET _005456899 1829 12 non non NOUN _005456899 1829 13 - - NOUN _005456899 1829 14 christians christian NOUN _005456899 1829 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 16 men man NOUN _005456899 1829 17 may may AUX _005456899 1829 18 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1829 19 their their PRON _005456899 1829 20 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1829 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 22 but but CCONJ _005456899 1829 23 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1829 24 may may AUX _005456899 1829 25 not not PART _005456899 1829 26 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1829 27 the the DET _005456899 1829 28 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 1829 29 do do AUX _005456899 1829 30 you you PRON _005456899 1829 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 32 christianized christianize VERB _005456899 1829 33 american american ADJ _005456899 1829 34 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1829 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 36 realize realize VERB _005456899 1829 37 that that PRON _005456899 1829 38 were be AUX _005456899 1829 39 you you PRON _005456899 1829 40 a a DET _005456899 1829 41 native native NOUN _005456899 1829 42 of of ADP _005456899 1829 43 much much ADJ _005456899 1829 44 of of ADP _005456899 1829 45 asia asia PROPN _005456899 1829 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 1829 47 mrica mrica PROPN _005456899 1829 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 49 mohammedan mohammedan NOUN _005456899 1829 50 and and CCONJ _005456899 1829 51 pagan pagan ADJ _005456899 1829 52 territories territory NOUN _005456899 1829 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 54 your your PRON _005456899 1829 55 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1829 56 could could AUX _005456899 1829 57 come come VERB _005456899 1829 58 home home ADV _005456899 1829 59 tonight tonight NOUN _005456899 1829 60 and and CCONJ _005456899 1829 61 say say VERB _005456899 1829 62 to to ADP _005456899 1829 63 you you PRON _005456899 1829 64 , , PUNCT _005456899 1829 65 " " PUNCT _005456899 1829 66 i i PRON _005456899 1829 67 met meet VERB _005456899 1829 68 a a DET _005456899 1829 69 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 1829 70 dancer dancer NOUN _005456899 1829 71 today today NOUN _005456899 1829 72 . . PUNCT _005456899 1830 1 i i PRON _005456899 1830 2 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1830 3 you you PRON _005456899 1830 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 1831 1 leave leave VERB _005456899 1831 2 tonight tonight NOUN _005456899 1831 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 1832 1 fll fll AUX _005456899 1832 2 bring bring VERB _005456899 1832 3 her her PRON _005456899 1832 4 home home NOUN _005456899 1832 5 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN _005456899 1832 6 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1832 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1833 1 yes yes INTJ _005456899 1833 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1833 3 that that PRON _005456899 1833 4 is be AUX _005456899 1833 5 what what PRON _005456899 1833 6 he he PRON _005456899 1833 7 could could AUX _005456899 1833 8 do do VERB _005456899 1833 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1834 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1834 2 you you PRON _005456899 1834 3 could could AUX _005456899 1834 4 n't not PART _005456899 1834 5 collect collect VERB _005456899 1834 6 alimony alimony NOUN _005456899 1834 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1834 8 either either ADV _005456899 1834 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1835 1 nor nor CCONJ _005456899 1835 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1835 3 of of ADP _005456899 1835 4 course course NOUN _005456899 1835 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1835 6 had have AUX _005456899 1835 7 you you PRON _005456899 1835 8 espied espy VERB _005456899 1835 9 a a DET _005456899 1835 10 fine fine ADJ _005456899 1835 11 fullback fullback NOUN _005456899 1835 12 that that DET _005456899 1835 13 day day NOUN _005456899 1835 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1835 15 could could AUX _005456899 1835 16 you you PRON _005456899 1835 17 have have AUX _005456899 1835 18 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 1835 19 the the DET _005456899 1835 20 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1835 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1835 22 brought bring VERB _005456899 1835 23 home home ADV _005456899 1835 24 the the DET _005456899 1835 25 fullback fullback NOUN _005456899 1835 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1836 1 as as SCONJ _005456899 1836 2 you you PRON _005456899 1836 3 know know VERB _005456899 1836 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1836 5 even even ADV _005456899 1836 6 among among ADP _005456899 1836 7 the the DET _005456899 1836 8 ancient ancient ADJ _005456899 1836 9 hebrews hebrew NOUN _005456899 1836 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1836 11 it it PRON _005456899 1836 12 was be AUX _005456899 1836 13 only only ADV _005456899 1836 14 the the DET _005456899 1836 15 man man NOUN _005456899 1836 16 who who PRON _005456899 1836 17 could could AUX _005456899 1836 18 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1836 19 the the DET _005456899 1836 20 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1836 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1836 22 or or CCONJ _005456899 1836 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1836 24 because because SCONJ _005456899 1836 25 of of ADP _005456899 1836 26 the the DET _005456899 1836 27 '' '' PUNCT _005456899 1836 28 hardness hardness NOUN _005456899 1836 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1836 30 of of ADP _005456899 1836 31 his his PRON _005456899 1836 32 heart heart NOUN _005456899 1836 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1836 34 marry marry VERB _005456899 1836 35 two two NUM _005456899 1836 36 or or CCONJ _005456899 1836 37 three three NUM _005456899 1836 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 1836 39 but but CCONJ _005456899 1836 40 the the DET _005456899 1836 41 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1836 42 could could AUX _005456899 1836 43 not not PART _005456899 1836 44 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1836 45 him he PRON _005456899 1836 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 1836 47 or or CCONJ _005456899 1836 48 take take VERB _005456899 1836 49 unto unto ADP _005456899 1836 50 herself herself PRON _005456899 1836 51 an an DET _005456899 1836 52 extra extra ADJ _005456899 1836 53 helpmeet helpmeet NOUN _005456899 1836 54 or or CCONJ _005456899 1836 55 two two NUM _005456899 1836 56 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1837 1 men man NOUN _005456899 1837 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1837 3 women woman NOUN _005456899 1837 4 in in ADP _005456899 1837 5 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1837 6 countries country NOUN _005456899 1837 7 do do AUX _005456899 1837 8 not not PART _005456899 1837 9 realize realize VERB _005456899 1837 10 how how SCONJ _005456899 1837 11 directly directly ADV _005456899 1837 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1837 13 specifically specifically ADV _005456899 1837 14 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1837 15 has have AUX _005456899 1837 16 raised raise VERB _005456899 1837 17 the the DET _005456899 1837 18 men man NOUN _005456899 1837 19 from from ADP _005456899 1837 20 the the DET _005456899 1837 21 level level NOUN _005456899 1837 22 of of ADP _005456899 1837 23 cavemen caveman NOUN _005456899 1837 24 brutes brute NOUN _005456899 1837 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1837 26 women woman NOUN _005456899 1837 27 from from ADP _005456899 1837 28 the the DET _005456899 1837 29 level level NOUN _005456899 1837 30 of of ADP _005456899 1837 31 domestic domestic ADJ _005456899 1837 32 kine kine NOUN _005456899 1837 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1838 1 even even ADV _005456899 1838 2 in in ADP _005456899 1838 3 the the DET _005456899 1838 4 most most ADV _005456899 1838 5 civilized civilized ADJ _005456899 1838 6 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1838 7 country country PROPN _005456899 1838 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1838 9 japan japan PROPN _005456899 1838 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1838 11 the the DET _005456899 1838 12 women woman NOUN _005456899 1838 13 are be AUX _005456899 1838 14 still still ADV _005456899 1838 15 chattels chattel NOUN _005456899 1838 16 in in ADP _005456899 1838 17 1938 1938 NUM _005456899 1838 18 the the DET _005456899 1838 19 baroness baroness NOUN _005456899 1838 20 shizue shizue NOUN _005456899 1838 21 ishimoto ishimoto PROPN _005456899 1838 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1838 23 editor editor NOUN _005456899 1838 24 of of ADP _005456899 1838 25 the the DET _005456899 1838 26 women woman NOUN _005456899 1838 27 's 's PART _005456899 1838 28 cyclopedia cyclopedia NOUN _005456899 1838 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1838 30 shocked shock VERB _005456899 1838 31 japan japan PROPN _005456899 1838 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1838 33 the the DET _005456899 1838 34 most most ADV _005456899 1838 35 advanced advanced ADJ _005456899 1838 36 of of ADP _005456899 1838 37 the the DET _005456899 1838 38 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1838 39 countries country NOUN _005456899 1838 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1838 41 when when SCONJ _005456899 1838 42 she she PRON _005456899 1838 43 declared declare VERB _005456899 1838 44 that that SCONJ _005456899 1838 45 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1838 46 women woman NOUN _005456899 1838 47 are be AUX _005456899 1838 48 treated treat VERB _005456899 1838 49 with with ADP _005456899 1838 50 no no DET _005456899 1838 51 more more ADJ _005456899 1838 52 respect respect NOUN _005456899 1838 53 than than ADP _005456899 1838 54 idiots idiot NOUN _005456899 1838 55 and and CCONJ _005456899 1838 56 lunatics lunatic NOUN _005456899 1838 57 . . PUNCT _005456899 1839 1 ernest ernest PROPN _005456899 1839 2 0 0 NUM _005456899 1839 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 1840 1 hauser hauser PROPN _005456899 1840 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1840 3 former former ADJ _005456899 1840 4 staff staff NOUN _005456899 1840 5 member member NOUN _005456899 1840 6 of of ADP _005456899 1840 7 the the DET _005456899 1840 8 institute institute PROPN _005456899 1840 9 of of ADP _005456899 1840 10 pacific pacific PROPN _005456899 1840 11 relations relation NOUN _005456899 1840 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1840 13 in in ADP _005456899 1840 14 the the DET _005456899 1840 15 survey survey NOUN _005456899 1840 16 graphic graphic NOUN _005456899 1840 17 of of ADP _005456899 1840 18 october october PROPN _005456899 1840 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1840 20 1938 1938 NUM _005456899 1840 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1840 22 states state VERB _005456899 1840 23 that that SCONJ _005456899 1840 24 for for ADP _005456899 1840 25 $ $ SYM _005456899 1840 26 4.50 4.50 NUM _005456899 1840 27 to to ADP _005456899 1840 28 $ $ SYM _005456899 1840 29 10.80 10.80 NUM _005456899 1840 30 a a DET _005456899 1840 31 month month NOUN _005456899 1840 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1840 33 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1840 34 women woman NOUN _005456899 1840 35 have have AUX _005456899 1840 36 been be AUX _005456899 1840 37 working work VERB _005456899 1840 38 thirteen thirteen NUM _005456899 1840 39 to to ADP _005456899 1840 40 fifteen fifteen NUM _005456899 1840 41 hours hour NOUN _005456899 1840 42 a a DET _005456899 1840 43 day day NOUN _005456899 1840 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1840 45 and and CCONJ _005456899 1840 46 that that SCONJ _005456899 1840 47 even even ADV _005456899 1840 48 after after SCONJ _005456899 1840 49 the the DET _005456899 1840 50 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1840 51 welfare welfare PROPN _005456899 1840 52 ministry ministry PROPN _005456899 1840 53 recently recently ADV _005456899 1840 54 ordered order VERB _005456899 1840 55 stores store NOUN _005456899 1840 56 to to PART _005456899 1840 57 close close VERB _005456899 1840 58 at at ADP _005456899 1840 59 10 10 NUM _005456899 1840 60 p.m. p.m. NOUN _005456899 1840 61 , , PUNCT _005456899 1840 62 the the DET _005456899 1840 63 sales sale NOUN _005456899 1840 64 - - PUNCT _005456899 1840 65 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1840 66 ' ' PART _005456899 1840 67 working work VERB _005456899 1840 68 day day NOUN _005456899 1840 69 is be AUX _005456899 1840 70 still still ADV _005456899 1840 71 eleven eleven NUM _005456899 1840 72 hours hour NOUN _005456899 1840 73 . . PUNCT _005456899 1841 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1841 2 you you PRON _005456899 1841 3 were be AUX _005456899 1841 4 the the DET _005456899 1841 5 average average ADJ _005456899 1841 6 young young ADJ _005456899 1841 7 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1841 8 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1841 9 your your PRON _005456899 1841 10 father father PROPN _005456899 1841 11 would would AUX _005456899 1841 12 arrange arrange VERB _005456899 1841 13 to to PART _005456899 1841 14 marry marry VERB _005456899 1841 15 you you PRON _005456899 1841 16 off off ADP _005456899 1841 17 to to ADP _005456899 1841 18 someone someone PRON _005456899 1841 19 whom whom PRON _005456899 1841 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1841 21 probably probably ADV _005456899 1841 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1841 23 you you PRON _005456899 1841 24 had have AUX _005456899 1841 25 never never ADV _005456899 1841 26 seen see VERB _005456899 1841 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1842 1 mter mt ADJ _005456899 1842 2 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1842 3 your your PRON _005456899 1842 4 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1842 5 would would AUX _005456899 1842 6 customarily customarily ADV _005456899 1842 7 keep keep VERB _005456899 1842 8 you you PRON _005456899 1842 9 confined confine VERB _005456899 1842 10 to to ADP _005456899 1842 11 the the DET _005456899 1842 12 house house NOUN _005456899 1842 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1843 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1843 2 he he PRON _005456899 1843 3 wanted want VERB _005456899 1843 4 a a DET _005456899 1843 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 1843 6 good good ADJ _005456899 1843 7 time time NOUN _005456899 1843 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1843 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 1843 10 he he PRON _005456899 1843 11 would would AUX _005456899 1843 12 not not PART _005456899 1843 13 share share VERB _005456899 1843 14 it it PRON _005456899 1843 15 with with ADP _005456899 1843 16 you you PRON _005456899 1843 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1843 18 with with ADP _005456899 1843 19 a a DET _005456899 1843 20 geisha geisha PROPN _005456899 1843 21 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1843 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1844 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1844 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 1844 3 he he PRON _005456899 1844 4 were be AUX _005456899 1844 5 to to PART _005456899 1844 6 buy buy VERB _005456899 1844 7 any any DET _005456899 1844 8 luxury luxury NOUN _005456899 1844 9 for for ADP _005456899 1844 10 a a DET _005456899 1844 11 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1844 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1844 13 it it PRON _005456899 1844 14 would would AUX _005456899 1844 15 be be AUX _005456899 1844 16 for for ADP _005456899 1844 17 the the DET _005456899 1844 18 geisha geisha PROPN _005456899 1844 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1844 20 not not PART _005456899 1844 21 for for ADP _005456899 1844 22 you you PRON _005456899 1844 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1845 1 customarily customarily ADV _005456899 1845 2 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1845 3 men man NOUN _005456899 1845 4 do do AUX _005456899 1845 5 not not PART _005456899 1845 6 take take VERB _005456899 1845 7 their their PRON _005456899 1845 8 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1845 9 to to ADP _005456899 1845 10 parties party NOUN _005456899 1845 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1846 1 they they PRON _005456899 1846 2 go go VERB _005456899 1846 3 on on ADP _005456899 1846 4 stag stag NOUN _005456899 1846 5 parties party NOUN _005456899 1846 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1846 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1846 8 if if SCONJ _005456899 1846 9 they they PRON _005456899 1846 10 need need VERB _005456899 1846 11 women woman NOUN _005456899 1846 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1846 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1847 1 they they PRON _005456899 1847 2 get get AUX _005456899 1847 3 paid pay VERB _005456899 1847 4 ~~~ ~~~ PUNCT _005456899 1847 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 1847 6 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1847 7 --------------------84 --------------------84 PROPN _005456899 1847 8 courtesy courtesy PROPN _005456899 1847 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1847 10 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1847 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1847 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1847 13 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1847 14 ones one NOUN _005456899 1847 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1848 1 of of ADP _005456899 1848 2 course course NOUN _005456899 1848 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1848 4 what what PRON _005456899 1848 5 with with ADP _005456899 1848 6 the the DET _005456899 1848 7 influx influx NOUN _005456899 1848 8 of of ADP _005456899 1848 9 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1848 10 trade trade NOUN _005456899 1848 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1848 12 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1848 13 pictures picture NOUN _005456899 1848 14 from from ADP _005456899 1848 15 europe europe PROPN _005456899 1848 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1848 17 america america PROPN _005456899 1848 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1848 19 things thing NOUN _005456899 1848 20 are be AUX _005456899 1848 21 changing change VERB _005456899 1848 22 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 1848 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1849 1 father father NOUN _005456899 1849 2 clarence clarence NOUN _005456899 1849 3 burns burn NOUN _005456899 1849 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1849 5 maryknoll maryknoll PROPN _005456899 1849 6 missionary missionary NOUN _005456899 1849 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1849 8 who who PRON _005456899 1849 9 in in ADP _005456899 1849 10 1936 1936 NUM _005456899 1849 11 was be AUX _005456899 1849 12 dragged drag VERB _005456899 1849 13 about about ADP _005456899 1849 14 china china PROPN _005456899 1849 15 for for ADP _005456899 1849 16 nine nine NUM _005456899 1849 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1849 18 a a DET _005456899 1849 19 half half NOUN _005456899 1849 20 months month NOUN _005456899 1849 21 by by ADP _005456899 1849 22 bandits bandit NOUN _005456899 1849 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1849 24 says say VERB _005456899 1849 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 1849 26 more more ADJ _005456899 1849 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1849 28 more more ADJ _005456899 1849 29 one one NOUN _005456899 1849 30 can can AUX _005456899 1849 31 see see VERB _005456899 1849 32 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1849 33 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 1849 34 escorting escort VERB _005456899 1849 35 their their PRON _005456899 1849 36 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1849 37 down down ADP _005456899 1849 38 town town NOUN _005456899 1849 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 1850 1 although although SCONJ _005456899 1850 2 the the DET _005456899 1850 3 war war NOUN _005456899 1850 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1850 5 he he PRON _005456899 1850 6 says say VERB _005456899 1850 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1850 8 is be AUX _005456899 1850 9 again again ADV _005456899 1850 10 checking check VERB _005456899 1850 11 this this DET _005456899 1850 12 tendency tendency NOUN _005456899 1850 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1850 14 it it PRON _005456899 1850 15 has have AUX _005456899 1850 16 at at ADV _005456899 1850 17 least least ADJ _005456899 1850 18 made make VERB _005456899 1850 19 a a DET _005456899 1850 20 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 1850 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1851 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 1851 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1851 3 a a DET _005456899 1851 4 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1851 5 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1851 6 is be AUX _005456899 1851 7 still still ADV _005456899 1851 8 socially socially ADV _005456899 1851 9 confined confine VERB _005456899 1851 10 to to ADP _005456899 1851 11 the the DET _005456899 1851 12 house house NOUN _005456899 1851 13 in in ADP _005456899 1851 14 the the DET _005456899 1851 15 manner manner NOUN _005456899 1851 16 of of ADP _005456899 1851 17 a a DET _005456899 1851 18 servant servant NOUN _005456899 1851 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1851 20 a a DET _005456899 1851 21 chattel chattel NOUN _005456899 1851 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1852 1 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 1852 2 in in ADP _005456899 1852 3 japan japan PROPN _005456899 1852 4 can can AUX _005456899 1852 5 bring bring VERB _005456899 1852 6 prostitutes prostitute NOUN _005456899 1852 7 home home ADV _005456899 1852 8 according accord VERB _005456899 1852 9 to to ADP _005456899 1852 10 father father PROPN _005456899 1852 11 burns burn NOUN _005456899 1852 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1852 13 it it PRON _005456899 1852 14 is be AUX _005456899 1852 15 still still ADV _005456899 1852 16 possible possible ADJ _005456899 1852 17 for for SCONJ _005456899 1852 18 a a DET _005456899 1852 19 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1852 20 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1852 21 to to PART _005456899 1852 22 bring bring VERB _005456899 1852 23 a a DET _005456899 1852 24 prostitute prostitute NOUN _005456899 1852 25 home home NOUN _005456899 1852 26 with with ADP _005456899 1852 27 him he PRON _005456899 1852 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1852 29 require require VERB _005456899 1852 30 his his PRON _005456899 1852 31 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1852 32 to to PART _005456899 1852 33 wait wait VERB _005456899 1852 34 on on ADP _005456899 1852 35 her she PRON _005456899 1852 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1852 37 to to PART _005456899 1852 38 do do VERB _005456899 1852 39 even even ADV _005456899 1852 40 menial menial ADJ _005456899 1852 41 tasks task NOUN _005456899 1852 42 for for ADP _005456899 1852 43 her she PRON _005456899 1852 44 . . PUNCT _005456899 1853 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1853 2 furthermore furthermore ADV _005456899 1853 3 the the DET _005456899 1853 4 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1853 5 must must AUX _005456899 1853 6 do do VERB _005456899 1853 7 it it PRON _005456899 1853 8 graciously graciously ADV _005456899 1853 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1853 10 not not PART _005456899 1853 11 seem seem VERB _005456899 1853 12 resentful resentful ADJ _005456899 1853 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1854 1 otherwise otherwise ADV _005456899 1854 2 he he PRON _005456899 1854 3 can can AUX _005456899 1854 4 simply simply ADV _005456899 1854 5 tell tell VERB _005456899 1854 6 her she PRON _005456899 1854 7 to to PART _005456899 1854 8 get get VERB _005456899 1854 9 out out ADV _005456899 1854 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 1854 11 which which PRON _005456899 1854 12 in in ADP _005456899 1854 13 japan japan PROPN _005456899 1854 14 would would AUX _005456899 1854 15 be be AUX _005456899 1854 16 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005456899 1854 17 to to PART _005456899 1854 18 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1854 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1855 1 such such DET _005456899 1855 2 a a DET _005456899 1855 3 dismissal dismissal NOUN _005456899 1855 4 or or CCONJ _005456899 1855 5 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 1855 6 is be AUX _005456899 1855 7 particularly particularly ADV _005456899 1855 8 pathetic pathetic ADJ _005456899 1855 9 for for ADP _005456899 1855 10 a a DET _005456899 1855 11 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1855 12 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1855 13 because because SCONJ _005456899 1855 14 by by ADP _005456899 1855 15 marrying marry VERB _005456899 1855 16 she she PRON _005456899 1855 17 has have AUX _005456899 1855 18 forever forever ADV _005456899 1855 19 given give VERB _005456899 1855 20 up up ADP _005456899 1855 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1855 22 lost lose VERB _005456899 1855 23 her her PRON _005456899 1855 24 family family NOUN _005456899 1855 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1855 26 can can AUX _005456899 1855 27 not not PART _005456899 1855 28 return return VERB _005456899 1855 29 to to ADP _005456899 1855 30 her her PRON _005456899 1855 31 former former ADJ _005456899 1855 32 home home NOUN _005456899 1855 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1856 1 this this PRON _005456899 1856 2 does do AUX _005456899 1856 3 not not PART _005456899 1856 4 happen happen VERB _005456899 1856 5 often often ADV _005456899 1856 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1856 7 of of ADP _005456899 1856 8 course course NOUN _005456899 1856 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1856 10 but but CCONJ _005456899 1856 11 that that SCONJ _005456899 1856 12 it it PRON _005456899 1856 13 is be AUX _005456899 1856 14 socially socially ADV _005456899 1856 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1856 16 legally legally ADV _005456899 1856 17 possible possible ADJ _005456899 1856 18 is be AUX _005456899 1856 19 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005456899 1856 20 proof proof NOUN _005456899 1856 21 of of ADP _005456899 1856 22 the the DET _005456899 1856 23 horribly horribly ADV _005456899 1856 24 degraded degraded ADJ _005456899 1856 25 status status NOUN _005456899 1856 26 of of ADP _005456899 1856 27 women woman NOUN _005456899 1856 28 in in ADP _005456899 1856 29 even even ADV _005456899 1856 30 the the DET _005456899 1856 31 most most ADV _005456899 1856 32 advanced advanced ADJ _005456899 1856 33 of of ADP _005456899 1856 34 pagan pagan ADJ _005456899 1856 35 countries country NOUN _005456899 1856 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1857 1 the the DET _005456899 1857 2 geishas geisha NOUN _005456899 1857 3 are be AUX _005456899 1857 4 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1857 5 the the DET _005456899 1857 6 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1857 7 sold sell VERB _005456899 1857 8 into into ADP _005456899 1857 9 a a DET _005456899 1857 10 life life NOUN _005456899 1857 11 of of ADP _005456899 1857 12 sin sin NOUN _005456899 1857 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1857 14 where where SCONJ _005456899 1857 15 do do AUX _005456899 1857 16 the the DET _005456899 1857 17 geishas geisha NOUN _005456899 1857 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1857 19 brothel brothel NOUN _005456899 1857 20 women woman NOUN _005456899 1857 21 come come VERB _005456899 1857 22 from from ADP _005456899 1857 23 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1858 1 they they PRON _005456899 1858 2 are be AUX _005456899 1858 3 the the DET _005456899 1858 4 young young ADJ _005456899 1858 5 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1858 6 of of ADP _005456899 1858 7 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1858 8 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 1858 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1858 10 whom whom PRON _005456899 1858 11 the the DET _005456899 1858 12 father father NOUN _005456899 1858 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 1858 14 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1858 15 has have AUX _005456899 1858 16 sold sell VERB _005456899 1858 17 for for ADP _005456899 1858 18 from from ADP _005456899 1858 19 fifty fifty NUM _005456899 1858 20 to to ADP _005456899 1858 21 two two NUM _005456899 1858 22 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1858 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1858 24 fifty fifty NUM _005456899 1858 25 dollars dollar NOUN _005456899 1858 26 to to ADP _005456899 1858 27 a a DET _005456899 1858 28 geisha geisha PROPN _005456899 1858 29 broker broker NOUN _005456899 1858 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1858 31 touring tour VERB _005456899 1858 32 about about ADV _005456899 1858 33 quite quite ADV _005456899 1858 34 legally legally ADV _005456899 1858 35 to to PART _005456899 1858 36 do do VERB _005456899 1858 37 such such ADJ _005456899 1858 38 buying buying NOUN _005456899 1858 39 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1859 1 this this DET _005456899 1859 2 broker broker NOUN _005456899 1859 3 will will AUX _005456899 1859 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1859 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 1859 6 a a DET _005456899 1859 7 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1859 8 be be AUX _005456899 1859 9 very very ADV _005456899 1859 10 pretty pretty ADJ _005456899 1859 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1859 12 clever clever ADJ _005456899 1859 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1859 14 make make VERB _005456899 1859 15 a a DET _005456899 1859 16 geisha geisha PROPN _005456899 1859 17 out out ADP _005456899 1859 18 of of ADP _005456899 1859 19 her she PRON _005456899 1859 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1859 21 to to PART _005456899 1859 22 die die VERB _005456899 1859 23 soon soon ADV _005456899 1859 24 enough enough ADJ _005456899 1859 25 of of ADP _005456899 1859 26 syphilis syphilis PROPN _005456899 1859 27 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1859 28 or or CCONJ _005456899 1859 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1859 30 if if SCONJ _005456899 1859 31 she she PRON _005456899 1859 32 is be AUX _005456899 1859 33 nt not PART _005456899 1859 34 clever clever ADJ _005456899 1859 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 1859 36 he he PRON _005456899 1859 37 will will AUX _005456899 1859 38 send send VERB _005456899 1859 39 her she PRON _005456899 1859 40 to to ADP _005456899 1859 41 a a DET _005456899 1859 42 mere mere ADJ _005456899 1859 43 licensed licensed ADJ _005456899 1859 44 brothel brothel PROPN _005456899 1859 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1859 46 to to PART _005456899 1859 47 die die VERB _005456899 1859 48 still still ADV _005456899 1859 49 sooner soon ADV _005456899 1859 50 . . PUNCT _005456899 1860 1 though though SCONJ _005456899 1860 2 you you PRON _005456899 1860 3 were be AUX _005456899 1860 4 the the DET _005456899 1860 5 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1860 6 's 's PART _005456899 1860 7 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1860 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1860 9 it it PRON _005456899 1860 10 being be AUX _005456899 1860 11 a a DET _005456899 1860 12 nonchristian nonchristian ADJ _005456899 1860 13 country country NOUN _005456899 1860 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1860 15 you you PRON _005456899 1860 16 would would AUX _005456899 1860 17 have have VERB _005456899 1860 18 legally legally ADV _005456899 1860 19 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 1860 20 to to PART _005456899 1860 21 say say VERB _005456899 1860 22 as as ADP _005456899 1860 23 to to ADP _005456899 1860 24 what what PRON _005456899 1860 25 your your PRON _005456899 1860 26 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1860 27 does do AUX _005456899 1860 28 with with ADP _005456899 1860 29 her she PRON _005456899 1860 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1861 1 dennis dennis PROPN _005456899 1861 2 mcevoy mcevoy PROPN _005456899 1861 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1861 4 for for ADP _005456899 1861 5 several several ADJ _005456899 1861 6 years year NOUN _005456899 1861 7 newspaper newspaper NOUN _005456899 1861 8 correspondent correspondent NOUN _005456899 1861 9 in in ADP _005456899 1861 10 tokyo tokyo PROPN _005456899 1861 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1861 12 says say VERB _005456899 1861 13 in in ADP _005456899 1861 14 coronet coronet PROPN _005456899 1861 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1861 16 january january PROPN _005456899 1861 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1861 18 1941 1941 NUM _005456899 1861 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1861 20 that that SCONJ _005456899 1861 21 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 1861 22 geisha geisha PROPN _005456899 1861 23 brokers broker NOUN _005456899 1861 24 buy buy VERB _005456899 1861 25 approximately approximately ADV _005456899 1861 26 10,000 10,000 NUM _005456899 1861 27 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1861 28 annually annually ADV _005456899 1861 29 from from ADP _005456899 1861 30 the the DET _005456899 1861 31 poverty poverty NOUN _005456899 1861 32 - - PUNCT _005456899 1861 33 stricken stricken VERB _005456899 1861 34 northern northern ADJ _005456899 1861 35 provinces province NOUN _005456899 1861 36 of of ADP _005456899 1861 37 japan japan PROPN _005456899 1861 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1862 1 that that PRON _005456899 1862 2 's be AUX _005456899 1862 3 what what PRON _005456899 1862 4 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1862 5 's 's PART _005456899 1862 6 life life NOUN _005456899 1862 7 is be AUX _005456899 1862 8 like like INTJ _005456899 1862 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1862 10 where where SCONJ _005456899 1862 11 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1862 12 is be AUX _005456899 1862 13 not not PART _005456899 1862 14 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1863 1 in in ADP _005456899 1863 2 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1863 3 china china PROPN _005456899 1863 4 women woman NOUN _005456899 1863 5 are be AUX _005456899 1863 6 treated treat VERB _005456899 1863 7 even even ADV _005456899 1863 8 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1863 9 than than ADP _005456899 1863 10 in in ADP _005456899 1863 11 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1863 12 japan japan PROPN _005456899 1863 13 nor nor CCONJ _005456899 1863 14 are be AUX _005456899 1863 15 things thing NOUN _005456899 1863 16 better well ADJ _005456899 1863 17 in in ADP _005456899 1863 18 vast vast ADJ _005456899 1863 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1863 20 sprawling sprawl VERB _005456899 1863 21 china china PROPN _005456899 1863 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1864 1 here here ADV _005456899 1864 2 too too ADV _005456899 1864 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1864 4 fathers father NOUN _005456899 1864 5 two two NUM _005456899 1864 6 hm hm AUX _005456899 1864 7 have have AUX _005456899 1864 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1864 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1864 10 fathers father NOUN _005456899 1864 11 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1864 12 · · PUNCT _005456899 1864 13 accord accord NOUN _005456899 1864 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1864 15 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1864 16 : : PUNCT _005456899 1864 17 times time NOUN _005456899 1864 18 e e NOUN _005456899 1864 19 in in ADP _005456899 1864 20 simply simply ADV _005456899 1864 21 love love NOUN _005456899 1864 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1865 1 i i PRON _005456899 1865 2 vious vious ADJ _005456899 1865 3 lookin lookin NOUN _005456899 1865 4 : : PUNCT _005456899 1865 5 to to PART _005456899 1865 6 thij thij VERB _005456899 1865 7 he he PRON _005456899 1865 8 sai• sai• PROPN _005456899 1865 9 woun woun PROPN _005456899 1865 10 < < X _005456899 1865 11 anotht anotht NOUN _005456899 1865 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1865 13 0 0 NUM _005456899 1865 14 some some DET _005456899 1865 15 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1865 16 only only ADV _005456899 1865 17 i i PRON _005456899 1865 18 again again ADV _005456899 1865 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1866 1 of of ADP _005456899 1866 2 a a DET _005456899 1866 3 1 1 NUM _005456899 1866 4 al al PROPN _005456899 1866 5 ple ple PROPN _005456899 1866 6 r r NOUN _005456899 1866 7 yutai yutai NOUN _005456899 1866 8 cans can NOUN _005456899 1866 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1866 10 unde unde ADJ _005456899 1866 11 adul adul NOUN _005456899 1866 12 in in ADP _005456899 1866 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1866 14 h h NOUN _005456899 1866 15 e e NOUN _005456899 1866 16 as as ADP _005456899 1866 17 a a DET _005456899 1866 18 the the PRON _005456899 1866 19 : : PUNCT _005456899 1866 20 kept kept PROPN _005456899 1866 21 wen wen PROPN _005456899 1866 22 mei mei PROPN _005456899 1866 23 · · PUNCT _005456899 1866 24 havi havi NOUN _005456899 1866 25 of of ADP _005456899 1866 26 n n PROPN _005456899 1866 27 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1866 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1866 29 where where SCONJ _005456899 1866 30 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1866 31 is be AUX _005456899 1866 32 not not PART _005456899 1866 33 85 85 NUM _005456899 1866 34 fathers father NOUN _005456899 1866 35 sell sell VERB _005456899 1866 36 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1866 37 into into ADP _005456899 1866 38 slavery slavery NOUN _005456899 1866 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 1866 40 immorality immorality NOUN _005456899 1866 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 1866 42 price price NOUN _005456899 1866 43 possibly possibly ADV _005456899 1866 44 two two NUM _005456899 1866 45 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1866 46 dollars dollar NOUN _005456899 1866 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 1867 1 these these DET _005456899 1867 2 slave slave NOUN _005456899 1867 3 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1867 4 then then ADV _005456899 1867 5 work work VERB _005456899 1867 6 from from ADP _005456899 1867 7 6 6 NUM _005456899 1867 8 a. a. NOUN _005456899 1867 9 m. m. NOUN _005456899 1867 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1867 11 have have VERB _005456899 1867 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1867 13 only only ADJ _005456899 1867 14 duties duty NOUN _005456899 1867 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1867 16 no no DET _005456899 1867 17 rights right NOUN _005456899 1867 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1867 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1867 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1867 21 those those DET _005456899 1867 22 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1867 23 whom whom PRON _005456899 1867 24 their their PRON _005456899 1867 25 fathers father NOUN _005456899 1867 26 do do AUX _005456899 1867 27 not not PART _005456899 1867 28 sell sell VERB _005456899 1867 29 into into ADP _005456899 1867 30 slavery slavery NOUN _005456899 1867 31 are be AUX _005456899 1867 32 bartered barter VERB _005456899 1867 33 into into ADP _005456899 1867 34 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1867 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1868 1 in in ADP _005456899 1868 2 a a DET _005456899 1868 3 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1868 4 country country NOUN _005456899 1868 5 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1868 6 are be AUX _005456899 1868 7 simply simply ADV _005456899 1868 8 not not PART _005456899 1868 9 allowed allow VERB _005456899 1868 10 to to PART _005456899 1868 11 choose choose VERB _005456899 1868 12 a a DET _005456899 1868 13 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1868 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1869 1 according accord VERB _005456899 1869 2 to to ADP _005456899 1869 3 an an DET _005456899 1869 4 item item NOUN _005456899 1869 5 in in ADP _005456899 1869 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1869 7 missions mission NOUN _005456899 1869 8 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1869 9 april april PROPN _005456899 1869 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 1869 11 may may PROPN _005456899 1869 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1869 13 1940 1940 NUM _005456899 1869 14 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1869 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1869 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1869 17 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1869 18 are be AUX _005456899 1869 19 promised promise VERB _005456899 1869 20 in in ADP _005456899 1869 21 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1869 22 at at ADP _005456899 1869 23 the the DET _005456899 1869 24 age age NOUN _005456899 1869 25 of of ADP _005456899 1869 26 two two NUM _005456899 1869 27 or or CCONJ _005456899 1869 28 three three NUM _005456899 1869 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1869 30 sometimes sometimes ADV _005456899 1869 31 even even ADV _005456899 1869 32 before before ADP _005456899 1869 33 birth birth NOUN _005456899 1869 34 with with ADP _005456899 1869 35 the the DET _005456899 1869 36 proviso proviso NOUN _005456899 1869 37 that that SCONJ _005456899 1869 38 it it PRON _005456899 1869 39 be be VERB _005456899 1869 40 a a DET _005456899 1869 41 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 1869 42 . . PUNCT _005456899 1869 43 " " PUNCT _005456899 1870 1 there there PRON _005456899 1870 2 is be VERB _005456899 1870 3 no no DET _005456899 1870 4 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1870 5 in in ADP _005456899 1870 6 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1870 7 china china PROPN _005456899 1870 8 in in ADP _005456899 1870 9 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1870 10 china china PROPN _005456899 1870 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1870 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1870 13 in in ADP _005456899 1870 14 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1870 15 countries country NOUN _005456899 1870 16 everywhere everywhere ADV _005456899 1870 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1870 18 people people NOUN _005456899 1870 19 simply simply ADV _005456899 1870 20 do do AUX _005456899 1870 21 not not PART _005456899 1870 22 have have VERB _005456899 1870 23 the the DET _005456899 1870 24 privilege privilege NOUN _005456899 1870 25 of of ADP _005456899 1870 26 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1870 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1870 28 of of ADP _005456899 1870 29 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1870 30 for for ADP _005456899 1870 31 love love NOUN _005456899 1870 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1871 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1871 2 a a DET _005456899 1871 3 chinaman chinaman NOUN _005456899 1871 4 loves love VERB _005456899 1871 5 his his PRON _005456899 1871 6 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1871 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1871 8 it it PRON _005456899 1871 9 is be AUX _005456899 1871 10 an an DET _005456899 1871 11 accident accident NOUN _005456899 1871 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1871 13 not not PART _005456899 1871 14 a a DET _005456899 1871 15 previous previous ADJ _005456899 1871 16 condition condition NOUN _005456899 1871 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1872 1 a a DET _005456899 1872 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 1872 3 missionary missionary NOUN _005456899 1872 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1872 5 seeing see VERB _005456899 1872 6 a a DET _005456899 1872 7 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1872 8 farmer farmer NOUN _005456899 1872 9 looking look VERB _005456899 1872 10 sad sad ADJ _005456899 1872 11 because because SCONJ _005456899 1872 12 his his PRON _005456899 1872 13 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1872 14 had have AUX _005456899 1872 15 just just ADV _005456899 1872 16 died die VERB _005456899 1872 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1872 18 was be AUX _005456899 1872 19 deeply deeply ADV _005456899 1872 20 moved move VERB _005456899 1872 21 to to PART _005456899 1872 22 think think VERB _005456899 1872 23 how how SCONJ _005456899 1872 24 much much ADJ _005456899 1872 25 this this DET _005456899 1872 26 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 1872 27 had have AUX _005456899 1872 28 loved love VERB _005456899 1872 29 his his PRON _005456899 1872 30 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1872 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1873 1 consolingly consolingly ADV _005456899 1873 2 he he PRON _005456899 1873 3 said say VERB _005456899 1873 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1873 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 1873 6 do do AUX _005456899 1873 7 n't not PART _005456899 1873 8 take take VERB _005456899 1873 9 it it PRON _005456899 1873 10 so so ADV _005456899 1873 11 hard hard ADV _005456899 1873 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1873 13 my my PRON _005456899 1873 14 man man NOUN _005456899 1873 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1874 1 time time NOUN _005456899 1874 2 heals heal VERB _005456899 1874 3 the the DET _005456899 1874 4 worst bad ADJ _005456899 1874 5 of of ADP _005456899 1874 6 wounds wound NOUN _005456899 1874 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 1875 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1875 2 in in ADP _005456899 1875 3 time time NOUN _005456899 1875 4 you you PRON _005456899 1875 5 will will AUX _005456899 1875 6 surely surely ADV _005456899 1875 7 be be AUX _005456899 1875 8 able able ADJ _005456899 1875 9 to to PART _005456899 1875 10 find find VERB _005456899 1875 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1875 12 to to PART _005456899 1875 13 love love VERB _005456899 1875 14 another another DET _005456899 1875 15 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1875 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 1875 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1876 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1876 2 oh oh INTJ _005456899 1876 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1876 4 it it PRON _005456899 1876 5 is be AUX _005456899 1876 6 n't not PART _005456899 1876 7 that that PRON _005456899 1876 8 at at ADV _005456899 1876 9 all all ADV _005456899 1876 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1876 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1876 12 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005456899 1876 13 the the DET _005456899 1876 14 chinaman chinaman NOUN _005456899 1876 15 ruefully ruefully ADV _005456899 1876 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1876 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1876 18 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 1876 19 startled startle VERB _005456899 1876 20 by by ADP _005456899 1876 21 the the DET _005456899 1876 22 missionary missionary NOUN _005456899 1876 23 's 's PART _005456899 1876 24 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 1876 25 sentiment sentiment NOUN _005456899 1876 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1877 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1877 2 it it PRON _005456899 1877 3 is be AUX _005456899 1877 4 only only ADV _005456899 1877 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1877 6 i i PRON _005456899 1877 7 will will AUX _005456899 1877 8 never never ADV _005456899 1877 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1877 10 never never ADV _005456899 1877 11 get get VERB _005456899 1877 12 so so ADV _005456899 1877 13 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1877 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1877 15 good good ADJ _005456899 1877 16 a a DET _005456899 1877 17 worker worker NOUN _005456899 1877 18 again again ADV _005456899 1877 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1877 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1878 1 where where SCONJ _005456899 1878 2 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1878 3 is be AUX _005456899 1878 4 not not PART _005456899 1878 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1878 6 that that PRON _005456899 1878 7 represents represent VERB _005456899 1878 8 the the DET _005456899 1878 9 ultimate ultimate NOUN _005456899 1878 10 of of ADP _005456899 1878 11 a a DET _005456899 1878 12 man man NOUN _005456899 1878 13 's 's PART _005456899 1878 14 appreciation appreciation NOUN _005456899 1878 15 of of ADP _005456899 1878 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1878 17 his his PRON _005456899 1878 18 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1878 19 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1878 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1879 1 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1879 2 is be AUX _005456899 1879 3 a a DET _005456899 1879 4 man man NOUN _005456899 1879 5 's 's PART _005456899 1879 6 glory glory NOUN _005456899 1879 7 in in ADP _005456899 1879 8 china china PROPN _005456899 1879 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1879 10 a a DET _005456899 1879 11 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1879 12 's 's PART _005456899 1879 13 death death NOUN _005456899 1879 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1879 15 as as SCONJ _005456899 1879 16 benjamin benjamin PROPN _005456899 1879 17 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 1879 18 once once ADV _005456899 1879 19 wisely wisely ADV _005456899 1879 20 remarked remark VERB _005456899 1879 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1879 22 where where SCONJ _005456899 1879 23 people people NOUN _005456899 1879 24 marry marry VERB _005456899 1879 25 without without ADP _005456899 1879 26 love love NOUN _005456899 1879 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1879 28 they they PRON _005456899 1879 29 love love VERB _005456899 1879 30 without without ADP _005456899 1879 31 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1879 32 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1880 1 even even ADV _005456899 1880 2 lin lin PROPN _005456899 1880 3 yutang yutang PROPN _005456899 1880 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1880 5 the the DET _005456899 1880 6 celebrated celebrated ADJ _005456899 1880 7 interpreter interpreter NOUN _005456899 1880 8 of of ADP _005456899 1880 9 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1880 10 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1880 11 to to ADP _005456899 1880 12 americans americans PROPN _005456899 1880 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1880 14 says say VERB _005456899 1880 15 blithely blithely ADV _005456899 1880 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 1880 17 the the DET _005456899 1880 18 chinaman chinaman NOUN _005456899 1880 19 wants want VERB _005456899 1880 20 some some DET _005456899 1880 21 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1880 22 who who PRON _005456899 1880 23 understands understand VERB _005456899 1880 24 him he PRON _005456899 1880 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1880 26 if if SCONJ _005456899 1880 27 not not PART _005456899 1880 28 his his PRON _005456899 1880 29 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1880 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1880 31 " " PUNCT _005456899 1880 32 then then ADV _005456899 1880 33 one one NUM _005456899 1880 34 of of ADP _005456899 1880 35 the the DET _005456899 1880 36 sing sing NOUN _005456899 1880 37 - - PUNCT _005456899 1880 38 song song NOUN _005456899 1880 39 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1880 40 . . PUNCT _005456899 1880 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 1881 1 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1881 2 in in ADP _005456899 1881 3 china china PROPN _005456899 1881 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1881 5 in in ADP _005456899 1881 6 all all DET _005456899 1881 7 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1881 8 countries country NOUN _005456899 1881 9 is be AUX _005456899 1881 10 a a DET _005456899 1881 11 sin sin NOUN _005456899 1881 12 a a DET _005456899 1881 13 man man NOUN _005456899 1881 14 glories glory NOUN _005456899 1881 15 in in ADP _005456899 1881 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1881 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1881 18 which which PRON _005456899 1881 19 his his PRON _005456899 1881 20 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1881 21 dies die VERB _005456899 1881 22 for for ADP _005456899 1881 23 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1882 1 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 1882 2 knows know VERB _005456899 1882 3 of of ADP _005456899 1882 4 china china PROPN _005456899 1882 5 's 's PART _005456899 1882 6 generalissimo generalissimo PROPN _005456899 1882 7 chiang chiang PROPN _005456899 1882 8 kai kai PROPN _005456899 1882 9 - - PUNCT _005456899 1882 10 shek shek PROPN _005456899 1882 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1883 1 as as ADP _005456899 1883 2 a a DET _005456899 1883 3 pagan pagan NOUN _005456899 1883 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1883 5 he he PRON _005456899 1883 6 was be AUX _005456899 1883 7 married married ADJ _005456899 1883 8 to to ADP _005456899 1883 9 his his PRON _005456899 1883 10 first first ADJ _005456899 1883 11 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1883 12 in in ADP _005456899 1883 13 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1883 14 fashion fashion NOUN _005456899 1883 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1883 16 at at ADP _005456899 1883 17 the the DET _005456899 1883 18 age age NOUN _005456899 1883 19 of of ADP _005456899 1883 20 sixteen sixteen NUM _005456899 1883 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1883 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 1884 1 she she PRON _005456899 1884 2 became become VERB _005456899 1884 3 the the DET _005456899 1884 4 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1884 5 of of ADP _005456899 1884 6 his his PRON _005456899 1884 7 two two NUM _005456899 1884 8 sons son NOUN _005456899 1884 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1885 1 he he PRON _005456899 1885 2 kept keep VERB _005456899 1885 3 the the DET _005456899 1885 4 sons son NOUN _005456899 1885 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1885 6 but but CCONJ _005456899 1885 7 put put VERB _005456899 1885 8 her she PRON _005456899 1885 9 away away ADV _005456899 1885 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1886 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1886 2 as as SCONJ _005456899 1886 3 a a DET _005456899 1886 4 recent recent ADJ _005456899 1886 5 article article NOUN _005456899 1886 6 says say VERB _005456899 1886 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1886 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1886 9 there there PRON _005456899 1886 10 were be VERB _005456899 1886 11 three three NUM _005456899 1886 12 concubines concubine NOUN _005456899 1886 13 to to PART _005456899 1886 14 be be AUX _005456899 1886 15 disposed dispose VERB _005456899 1886 16 of of ADP _005456899 1886 17 when when SCONJ _005456899 1886 18 chiang chiang PROPN _005456899 1886 19 assumed assume VERB _005456899 1886 20 mei mei PROPN _005456899 1886 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 1886 22 ling ling PROPN _005456899 1887 1 [ [ PUNCT _005456899 1887 2 the the DET _005456899 1887 3 present present ADJ _005456899 1887 4 madam madam PROPN _005456899 1887 5 kai kai PROPN _005456899 1887 6 - - PUNCT _005456899 1887 7 shek shek PROPN _005456899 1887 8 ] ] PUNCT _005456899 1887 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1887 10 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1887 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1887 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1888 1 now now ADV _005456899 1888 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 3 having having AUX _005456899 1888 4 become become VERB _005456899 1888 5 a a DET _005456899 1888 6 christian christian NOUN _005456899 1888 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 8 he he PRON _005456899 1888 9 recently recently ADV _005456899 1888 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1888 11 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005456899 1888 12 in in ADP _005456899 1888 13 the the DET _005456899 1888 14 presence presence NOUN _005456899 1888 15 of of ADP _005456899 1888 16 madame madame PROPN _005456899 1888 17 chiang chiang PROPN _005456899 1888 18 his his PRON _005456899 1888 19 undying undying ADJ _005456899 1888 20 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1888 21 love love NOUN _005456899 1888 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1888 23 complete complete ADJ _005456899 1888 24 mono86 mono86 NOUN _005456899 1888 25 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1888 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 27 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 1888 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 1888 30 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1888 31 gamy gamy NOUN _005456899 1888 32 " " PUNCT _005456899 1888 33 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1888 34 george george PROPN _005456899 1888 35 moorad moorad PROPN _005456899 1888 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 1888 38 chiang chiang PROPN _005456899 1888 39 kai kai PROPN _005456899 1888 40 - - PUNCT _005456899 1888 41 shek shek PROPN _005456899 1888 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 43 " " PUNCT _005456899 1888 44 american american PROPN _005456899 1888 45 mercury mercury PROPN _005456899 1888 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 47 june june PROPN _005456899 1888 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 49 1947 1947 NUM _005456899 1888 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 1888 51 p. p. NOUN _005456899 1888 52 673 673 NUM _005456899 1888 53 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1888 54 . . PUNCT _005456899 1889 1 pagans pagans PROPN _005456899 1889 2 are be AUX _005456899 1889 3 bigamists bigamist NOUN _005456899 1889 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1889 5 concubinists concubinist NOUN _005456899 1889 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1889 7 the the DET _005456899 1889 8 more more ADJ _005456899 1889 9 concubines concubine NOUN _005456899 1889 10 they they PRON _005456899 1889 11 have have VERB _005456899 1889 12 the the DET _005456899 1889 13 more more ADV _005456899 1889 14 respected respected ADJ _005456899 1889 15 they they PRON _005456899 1889 16 are be AUX _005456899 1889 17 for for ADP _005456899 1889 18 it it PRON _005456899 1889 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1890 1 only only ADV _005456899 1890 2 among among ADP _005456899 1890 3 christians christians PROPN _005456899 1890 4 is be AUX _005456899 1890 5 monogamy monogamy VERB _005456899 1890 6 the the DET _005456899 1890 7 accepted accepted ADJ _005456899 1890 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1890 9 if if SCONJ _005456899 1890 10 still still ADV _005456899 1890 11 often often ADV _005456899 1890 12 violated violate VERB _005456899 1890 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1890 14 order order NOUN _005456899 1890 15 of of ADP _005456899 1890 16 things thing NOUN _005456899 1890 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1891 1 [ [ X _005456899 1891 2 this this DET _005456899 1891 3 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005456899 1891 4 was be AUX _005456899 1891 5 not not PART _005456899 1891 6 in in ADP _005456899 1891 7 the the DET _005456899 1891 8 original original ADJ _005456899 1891 9 magnificat magnificat ADJ _005456899 1891 10 article article NOUN _005456899 1891 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1892 1 ] ] PUNCT _005456899 1892 2 pearl pearl PROPN _005456899 1892 3 buck buck PROPN _005456899 1892 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1892 5 in in ADP _005456899 1892 6 her her PRON _005456899 1892 7 novel novel NOUN _005456899 1892 8 about about ADP _005456899 1892 9 chinese chinese ADJ _005456899 1892 10 life life NOUN _005456899 1892 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1892 12 the the DET _005456899 1892 13 good good ADJ _005456899 1892 14 earth earth NOUN _005456899 1892 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1892 16 shows show VERB _005456899 1892 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1892 18 in in ADP _005456899 1892 19 this this DET _005456899 1892 20 pagan pagan ADJ _005456899 1892 21 country country NOUN _005456899 1892 22 it it PRON _005456899 1892 23 is be AUX _005456899 1892 24 the the DET _005456899 1892 25 accepted accepted ADJ _005456899 1892 26 order order NOUN _005456899 1892 27 of of ADP _005456899 1892 28 the the DET _005456899 1892 29 day day NOUN _005456899 1892 30 · · PUNCT _005456899 1892 31 for for SCONJ _005456899 1892 32 the the DET _005456899 1892 33 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1892 34 to to PART _005456899 1892 35 be be AUX _005456899 1892 36 put put VERB _005456899 1892 37 aside aside ADV _005456899 1892 38 by by ADP _005456899 1892 39 her her PRON _005456899 1892 40 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1892 41 in in ADP _005456899 1892 42 favor favor NOUN _005456899 1892 43 of of ADP _005456899 1892 44 one one NUM _005456899 1892 45 or or CCONJ _005456899 1892 46 more more ADJ _005456899 1892 47 concubines concubine NOUN _005456899 1892 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1892 49 and and CCONJ _005456899 1892 50 for for ADP _005456899 1892 51 her her PRON _005456899 1892 52 sons son NOUN _005456899 1892 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 1892 54 even even ADV _005456899 1892 55 in in ADP _005456899 1892 56 their their PRON _005456899 1892 57 teens teen NOUN _005456899 1892 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 1892 59 to to PART _005456899 1892 60 be be AUX _005456899 1892 61 furnished furnish VERB _005456899 1892 62 with with ADP _005456899 1892 63 slave slave NOUN _005456899 1892 64 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1892 65 . . PUNCT _005456899 1893 1 his his PRON _005456899 1893 2 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1893 3 has have AUX _005456899 1893 4 made make VERB _005456899 1893 5 wang wang PROPN _005456899 1893 6 lung lung PROPN _005456899 1893 7 rich rich PROPN _005456899 1893 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1893 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 1893 10 in in ADP _005456899 1893 11 reciprocation reciprocation NOUN _005456899 1893 12 he he PRON _005456899 1893 13 established establish VERB _005456899 1893 14 a a DET _005456899 1893 15 brothel brothel NOUN _005456899 1893 16 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1893 17 in in ADP _005456899 1893 18 the the DET _005456899 1893 19 house house NOUN _005456899 1893 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1894 1 that that PRON _005456899 1894 2 is be AUX _005456899 1894 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 1894 4 a a DET _005456899 1894 5 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1894 6 may may AUX _005456899 1894 7 be be AUX _005456899 1894 8 treated treat VERB _005456899 1894 9 where where SCONJ _005456899 1894 10 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1894 11 is be AUX _005456899 1894 12 not not PART _005456899 1894 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1895 1 that that PRON _005456899 1895 2 is be AUX _005456899 1895 3 how how SCONJ _005456899 1895 4 she she PRON _005456899 1895 5 was be AUX _005456899 1895 6 treated treat VERB _005456899 1895 7 also also ADV _005456899 1895 8 in in ADP _005456899 1895 9 europe europe PROPN _005456899 1895 10 before before SCONJ _005456899 1895 11 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1895 12 made make VERB _005456899 1895 13 all all DET _005456899 1895 14 men man NOUN _005456899 1895 15 bow bow VERB _005456899 1895 16 reverently reverently ADV _005456899 1895 17 before before ADP _005456899 1895 18 the the DET _005456899 1895 19 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1895 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1895 21 her her PRON _005456899 1895 22 child child NOUN _005456899 1895 23 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1896 1 in in ADP _005456899 1896 2 hindu hindu PROPN _005456899 1896 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1896 4 moslem moslem PROPN _005456899 1896 5 india india PROPN _005456899 1896 6 a a DET _005456899 1896 7 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1896 8 may may AUX _005456899 1896 9 not not PART _005456899 1896 10 talk talk VERB _005456899 1896 11 to to ADP _005456899 1896 12 her her PRON _005456899 1896 13 brother brother NOUN _005456899 1896 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 1896 15 in in ADP _005456899 1896 16 - - PUNCT _005456899 1896 17 law law NOUN _005456899 1896 18 in in ADP _005456899 1896 19 india india PROPN _005456899 1896 20 with with ADP _005456899 1896 21 its its PRON _005456899 1896 22 350,000,000 350,000,000 NUM _005456899 1896 23 pagans pagan NOUN _005456899 1896 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1896 25 mohammedans mohammedan NOUN _005456899 1896 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1896 27 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1896 28 's 's PART _005456899 1896 29 lot lot NOUN _005456899 1896 30 is be AUX _005456899 1896 31 as as ADV _005456899 1896 32 shameful shameful ADJ _005456899 1896 33 as as ADP _005456899 1896 34 in in ADP _005456899 1896 35 china china PROPN _005456899 1896 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 1897 1 you you PRON _005456899 1897 2 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1897 3 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1897 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1897 5 how how SCONJ _005456899 1897 6 would would AUX _005456899 1897 7 you you PRON _005456899 1897 8 like like VERB _005456899 1897 9 to to PART _005456899 1897 10 be be AUX _005456899 1897 11 forbidden forbid VERB _005456899 1897 12 to to PART _005456899 1897 13 mention mention VERB _005456899 1897 14 your your PRON _005456899 1897 15 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1897 16 's 's PART _005456899 1897 17 name name NOUN _005456899 1897 18 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1898 1 or or CCONJ _005456899 1898 2 how how SCONJ _005456899 1898 3 would would AUX _005456899 1898 4 you you PRON _005456899 1898 5 like like VERB _005456899 1898 6 to to PART _005456899 1898 7 be be AUX _005456899 1898 8 forbidden forbid VERB _005456899 1898 9 ever ever ADV _005456899 1898 10 to to PART _005456899 1898 11 speak speak VERB _005456899 1898 12 to to ADP _005456899 1898 13 your your PRON _005456899 1898 14 brother brother NOUN _005456899 1898 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 1898 16 in in ADP _005456899 1898 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 1898 18 law law NOUN _005456899 1898 19 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1899 1 those those PRON _005456899 1899 2 are be AUX _005456899 1899 3 but but CCONJ _005456899 1899 4 two two NUM _005456899 1899 5 of of ADP _005456899 1899 6 the the DET _005456899 1899 7 rules rule NOUN _005456899 1899 8 prescribed prescribe VERB _005456899 1899 9 for for ADP _005456899 1899 10 women woman NOUN _005456899 1899 11 in in ADP _005456899 1899 12 the the DET _005456899 1899 13 indian indian ADJ _005456899 1899 14 civil civil ADJ _005456899 1899 15 service service NOUN _005456899 1899 16 textbook textbook NOUN _005456899 1899 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1899 18 social social ADJ _005456899 1899 19 service service NOUN _005456899 1899 20 in in ADP _005456899 1899 21 india india PROPN _005456899 1899 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1899 23 by by ADP _005456899 1899 24 edward edward PROPN _005456899 1899 25 a. a. PROPN _005456899 1899 26 h. h. PROPN _005456899 1899 27 blount blount PROPN _005456899 1899 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1899 29 issued issue VERB _005456899 1899 30 by by ADP _005456899 1899 31 the the DET _005456899 1899 32 british british ADJ _005456899 1899 33 stationery stationery PROPN _005456899 1899 34 office office NOUN _005456899 1899 35 in in ADP _005456899 1899 36 1939 1939 NUM _005456899 1899 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1900 1 the the DET _005456899 1900 2 head head NOUN _005456899 1900 3 of of ADP _005456899 1900 4 a a DET _005456899 1900 5 school school NOUN _005456899 1900 6 for for ADP _005456899 1900 7 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1900 8 in in ADP _005456899 1900 9 calcutta calcutta NOUN _005456899 1900 10 reported report VERB _005456899 1900 11 a a DET _005456899 1900 12 few few ADJ _005456899 1900 13 years year NOUN _005456899 1900 14 ago ago ADV _005456899 1900 15 that that SCONJ _005456899 1900 16 she she PRON _005456899 1900 17 was be AUX _005456899 1900 18 spending spend VERB _005456899 1900 19 five five NUM _005456899 1900 20 thousand thousand NUM _005456899 1900 21 rupees rupee NOUN _005456899 1900 22 a a DET _005456899 1900 23 year year NOUN _005456899 1900 24 for for ADP _005456899 1900 25 teachers teacher NOUN _005456899 1900 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1900 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1900 28 only only ADV _005456899 1900 29 two two NUM _005456899 1900 30 rupees rupee NOUN _005456899 1900 31 for for ADP _005456899 1900 32 the the DET _005456899 1900 33 library library NOUN _005456899 1900 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 1900 35 but but CCONJ _005456899 1900 36 a a DET _005456899 1900 37 full full ADJ _005456899 1900 38 seven seven NUM _005456899 1900 39 thousand thousand NUM _005456899 1900 40 for for ADP _005456899 1900 41 transporting transport VERB _005456899 1900 42 the the DET _005456899 1900 43 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1900 44 to to ADP _005456899 1900 45 and and CCONJ _005456899 1900 46 from from ADP _005456899 1900 47 school school NOUN _005456899 1900 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 1901 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1901 2 why why SCONJ _005456899 1901 3 this this DET _005456899 1901 4 money money NOUN _005456899 1901 5 for for ADP _005456899 1901 6 their their PRON _005456899 1901 7 transportation transportation NOUN _005456899 1901 8 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1902 1 because because SCONJ _005456899 1902 2 among among ADP _005456899 1902 3 these these DET _005456899 1902 4 people people NOUN _005456899 1902 5 a a DET _005456899 1902 6 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1902 7 may may AUX _005456899 1902 8 not not PART _005456899 1902 9 walk walk VERB _005456899 1902 10 on on ADP _005456899 1902 11 a a DET _005456899 1902 12 public public ADJ _005456899 1902 13 street street NOUN _005456899 1902 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1903 1 that that PRON _005456899 1903 2 means mean VERB _005456899 1903 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1903 4 in in ADP _005456899 1903 5 that that DET _005456899 1903 6 moslem moslem NOUN _005456899 1903 7 country country NOUN _005456899 1903 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1903 9 where where SCONJ _005456899 1903 10 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1903 11 is be AUX _005456899 1903 12 not not PART _005456899 1903 13 yet yet ADV _005456899 1903 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1903 15 your your PRON _005456899 1903 16 daughter daughter NOUN _005456899 1903 17 could could AUX _005456899 1903 18 not not PART _005456899 1903 19 walk walk VERB _005456899 1903 20 to to ADP _005456899 1903 21 the the DET _005456899 1903 22 store store NOUN _005456899 1903 23 for for ADP _005456899 1903 24 you you PRON _005456899 1903 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 1903 26 walk walk VERB _005456899 1903 27 to to ADP _005456899 1903 28 high high ADJ _005456899 1903 29 school school NOUN _005456899 1903 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1903 31 nor nor CCONJ _005456899 1903 32 for for ADP _005456899 1903 33 that that DET _005456899 1903 34 matter matter NOUN _005456899 1903 35 could could AUX _005456899 1903 36 you you PRON _005456899 1903 37 - - PUNCT _005456899 1903 38 even even ADV _005456899 1903 39 you you NOUN _005456899 1903 40 - - PUNCT _005456899 1903 41 her her PRON _005456899 1903 42 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1903 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 1904 1 your your PRON _005456899 1904 2 son son NOUN _005456899 1904 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1904 4 of of ADP _005456899 1904 5 course course NOUN _005456899 1904 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1904 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1904 8 your your PRON _005456899 1904 9 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1904 10 could could AUX _005456899 1904 11 go go VERB _005456899 1904 12 anywhere anywhere ADV _005456899 1904 13 they they PRON _005456899 1904 14 pleased please VERB _005456899 1904 15 at at ADP _005456899 1904 16 any any DET _005456899 1904 17 time time NOUN _005456899 1904 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1905 1 in in ADP _005456899 1905 2 all all DET _005456899 1905 3 mohammedan mohammedan NOUN _005456899 1905 4 countries country NOUN _005456899 1905 5 men man NOUN _005456899 1905 6 may may AUX _005456899 1905 7 have have VERB _005456899 1905 8 four four NUM _005456899 1905 9 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1905 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1905 11 replacements replacement NOUN _005456899 1905 12 in in ADP _005456899 1905 13 persia persia PROPN _005456899 1905 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1905 15 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 1905 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1905 17 mrica mrica PROPN _005456899 1905 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1905 19 in in ADP _005456899 1905 20 all all PRON _005456899 1905 21 of of ADP _005456899 1905 22 these these DET _005456899 1905 23 non non ADJ _005456899 1905 24 - - ADJ _005456899 1905 25 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1905 26 territoj territoj PROPN _005456899 1905 27 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 1905 28 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1905 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1905 30 dred dre VERB _005456899 1905 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 1905 32 : : PUNCT _005456899 1905 33 recent recent ADJ _005456899 1905 34 had have VERB _005456899 1905 35 v v NOUN _005456899 1905 36 does do VERB _005456899 1905 37 1 1 NUM _005456899 1905 38 this this DET _005456899 1905 39 n n NOUN _005456899 1905 40 < < X _005456899 1905 41 time time NOUN _005456899 1905 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 1905 43 · · PUNCT _005456899 1905 44 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1905 45 a a DET _005456899 1905 46 mal mal NOUN _005456899 1905 47 that that PRON _005456899 1905 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1905 49 withe withe INTJ _005456899 1905 50 ll ll AUX _005456899 1905 51 still still ADV _005456899 1905 52 : : PUNCT _005456899 1905 53 the the DET _005456899 1905 54 arne arne ADJ _005456899 1905 55 hone hone NOUN _005456899 1905 56 } } PUNCT _005456899 1905 57 of of ADP _005456899 1905 58 h h NOUN _005456899 1905 59 ever ever ADV _005456899 1905 60 one one NUM _005456899 1905 61 stret stret VERB _005456899 1905 62 her she PRON _005456899 1905 63 that that PRON _005456899 1905 64 sud sud VERB _005456899 1905 65 all all DET _005456899 1905 66 witl witl NOUN _005456899 1905 67 be be AUX _005456899 1905 68 · · PUNCT _005456899 1905 69 ah ah INTJ _005456899 1905 70 sol sol NOUN _005456899 1905 71 wo will AUX _005456899 1905 72 ex~ ex~ PROPN _005456899 1905 73 vei vei NOUN _005456899 1905 74 no no NOUN _005456899 1905 75 · · PUNCT _005456899 1905 76 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1905 77 , , PUNCT _005456899 1905 78 where where SCONJ _005456899 1905 79 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1905 80 is be AUX _005456899 1905 81 not not PART _005456899 1905 82 87 87 NUM _005456899 1905 83 territories territory NOUN _005456899 1905 84 the the DET _005456899 1905 85 lot lot NOUN _005456899 1905 86 of of ADP _005456899 1905 87 women woman NOUN _005456899 1905 88 is be AUX _005456899 1905 89 abominable abominable ADJ _005456899 1905 90 . . PUNCT _005456899 1906 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 1906 2 the the DET _005456899 1906 3 king king NOUN _005456899 1906 4 of of ADP _005456899 1906 5 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 1906 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1906 7 ibn ibn PROPN _005456899 1906 8 saud saud PROPN _005456899 1906 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1906 10 was be AUX _005456899 1906 11 eighteen eighteen NUM _005456899 1906 12 years year NOUN _005456899 1906 13 old old ADJ _005456899 1906 14 he he PRON _005456899 1906 15 already already ADV _005456899 1906 16 had have VERB _005456899 1906 17 three three NUM _005456899 1906 18 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1906 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1906 20 at at ADP _005456899 1906 21 thirty thirty NUM _005456899 1906 22 - - PUNCT _005456899 1906 23 seven seven NUM _005456899 1906 24 he he PRON _005456899 1906 25 had have AUX _005456899 1906 26 married marry VERB _005456899 1906 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1906 28 divorced divorce VERB _005456899 1906 29 an an DET _005456899 1906 30 even even ADV _005456899 1906 31 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1906 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1906 33 according accord VERB _005456899 1906 34 to to ADP _005456899 1906 35 richard richard PROPN _005456899 1906 36 halliburton halliburton PROPN _005456899 1906 37 in in ADP _005456899 1906 38 the the DET _005456899 1906 39 baltimore baltimore PROPN _005456899 1906 40 sun sun NOUN _005456899 1906 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 1906 42 and and CCONJ _005456899 1906 43 recently recently ADV _005456899 1906 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1906 45 at at ADP _005456899 1906 46 fifty fifty NUM _005456899 1906 47 - - PUNCT _005456899 1906 48 five five NUM _005456899 1906 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 1906 50 he he PRON _005456899 1906 51 has have AUX _005456899 1906 52 had have VERB _005456899 1906 53 one one NUM _005456899 1906 54 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1906 55 and and CCONJ _005456899 1906 56 sixty sixty NUM _005456899 1906 57 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1906 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 1907 1 he he PRON _005456899 1907 2 had have VERB _005456899 1907 3 twenty twenty NUM _005456899 1907 4 - - PUNCT _005456899 1907 5 seven seven NUM _005456899 1907 6 sons son NOUN _005456899 1907 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1907 8 a a DET _005456899 1907 9 great great ADJ _005456899 1907 10 many many ADJ _005456899 1907 11 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1907 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1907 13 whom whom PRON _005456899 1907 14 he he PRON _005456899 1907 15 does do AUX _005456899 1907 16 not not PART _005456899 1907 17 bother bother VERB _005456899 1907 18 to to PART _005456899 1907 19 count count VERB _005456899 1907 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1907 21 for for ADP _005456899 1907 22 women woman NOUN _005456899 1907 23 are be AUX _005456899 1907 24 not not PART _005456899 1907 25 worth worth ADJ _005456899 1907 26 counting counting NOUN _005456899 1907 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1907 28 in in ADP _005456899 1907 29 this this DET _005456899 1907 30 non non ADJ _005456899 1907 31 - - ADJ _005456899 1907 32 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1907 33 country country NOUN _005456899 1907 34 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1908 1 ibn ibn PROPN _005456899 1908 2 saud saud PROPN _005456899 1908 3 may may AUX _005456899 1908 4 have have VERB _005456899 1908 5 only only ADV _005456899 1908 6 four four NUM _005456899 1908 7 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1908 8 at at ADP _005456899 1908 9 a a DET _005456899 1908 10 time time NOUN _005456899 1908 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1908 12 but but CCONJ _005456899 1908 13 whenever whenever SCONJ _005456899 1908 14 he he PRON _005456899 1908 15 finds find VERB _005456899 1908 16 a a DET _005456899 1908 17 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1908 18 he he PRON _005456899 1908 19 fancies fancy VERB _005456899 1908 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1908 21 he he PRON _005456899 1908 22 says say VERB _005456899 1908 23 to to ADP _005456899 1908 24 one one NUM _005456899 1908 25 of of ADP _005456899 1908 26 his his PRON _005456899 1908 27 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1908 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1908 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1908 30 i i PRON _005456899 1908 31 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1908 32 thee thee PRON _005456899 1908 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1909 1 get get VERB _005456899 1909 2 out out ADP _005456899 1909 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 1909 4 " " PUNCT _005456899 1910 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1910 2 he he PRON _005456899 1910 3 brings bring VERB _005456899 1910 4 in in ADP _005456899 1910 5 the the DET _005456899 1910 6 new new ADJ _005456899 1910 7 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1910 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1911 1 as as ADP _005456899 1911 2 a a DET _005456899 1911 3 matter matter NOUN _005456899 1911 4 of of ADP _005456899 1911 5 fact fact NOUN _005456899 1911 6 he he PRON _005456899 1911 7 usually usually ADV _005456899 1911 8 keeps keep VERB _005456899 1911 9 only only ADV _005456899 1911 10 three three NUM _005456899 1911 11 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1911 12 at at ADP _005456899 1911 13 a a DET _005456899 1911 14 time time NOUN _005456899 1911 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1911 16 so so SCONJ _005456899 1911 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1911 18 when when SCONJ _005456899 1911 19 a a DET _005456899 1911 20 new new ADJ _005456899 1911 21 fancy fancy ADJ _005456899 1911 22 strikes strike VERB _005456899 1911 23 him he PRON _005456899 1911 24 he he PRON _005456899 1911 25 can can AUX _005456899 1911 26 marry marry VERB _005456899 1911 27 her she PRON _005456899 1911 28 on on ADP _005456899 1911 29 the the DET _005456899 1911 30 spot spot NOUN _005456899 1911 31 without without ADP _005456899 1911 32 waiting wait VERB _005456899 1911 33 to to PART _005456899 1911 34 get get VERB _005456899 1911 35 home home ADV _005456899 1911 36 to to PART _005456899 1911 37 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1911 38 one one NUM _005456899 1911 39 of of ADP _005456899 1911 40 the the DET _005456899 1911 41 others other NOUN _005456899 1911 42 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1912 1 the the DET _005456899 1912 2 most most ADV _005456899 1912 3 divorced divorced ADJ _005456899 1912 4 christian christian NOUN _005456899 1912 5 not not PART _005456899 1912 6 as as ADV _005456899 1912 7 foul foul ADJ _005456899 1912 8 as as ADP _005456899 1912 9 these these DET _005456899 1912 10 pagan pagan ADJ _005456899 1912 11 lust lust NOUN _005456899 1912 12 - - PUNCT _005456899 1912 13 pots pot NOUN _005456899 1912 14 how how SCONJ _005456899 1912 15 would would AUX _005456899 1912 16 you you PRON _005456899 1912 17 like like VERB _005456899 1912 18 to to PART _005456899 1912 19 be be AUX _005456899 1912 20 a a DET _005456899 1912 21 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1912 22 in in ADP _005456899 1912 23 such such DET _005456899 1912 24 a a DET _005456899 1912 25 country country NOUN _005456899 1912 26 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1913 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1913 2 still still ADV _005456899 1913 3 some some DET _005456899 1913 4 people people NOUN _005456899 1913 5 say say VERB _005456899 1913 6 christianity christianity PROPN _005456899 1913 7 has have AUX _005456899 1913 8 failed fail VERB _005456899 1913 9 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1914 1 at at ADP _005456899 1914 2 its its PRON _005456899 1914 3 worst bad ADJ _005456899 1914 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1914 5 what what PRON _005456899 1914 6 are be AUX _005456899 1914 7 the the DET _005456899 1914 8 five five NUM _005456899 1914 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 1914 10 six six NUM _005456899 1914 11 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1914 12 in in ADP _005456899 1914 13 a a DET _005456899 1914 14 lifetime lifetime NOUN _005456899 1914 15 of of ADP _005456899 1914 16 a a DET _005456899 1914 17 barrymore barrymore NOUN _005456899 1914 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1914 19 in in ADP _005456899 1914 20 christian christian PROPN _005456899 1914 21 america america PROPN _005456899 1914 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1914 23 compared compare VERB _005456899 1914 24 to to ADP _005456899 1914 25 the the DET _005456899 1914 26 one one NUM _005456899 1914 27 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1914 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 1914 29 sixty sixty NUM _005456899 1914 30 of of ADP _005456899 1914 31 respected respected ADJ _005456899 1914 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 1914 33 honored honored ADJ _005456899 1914 34 rascals rascal NOUN _005456899 1914 35 like like ADP _005456899 1914 36 ibn ibn PROPN _005456899 1914 37 saud saud PROPN _005456899 1914 38 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1915 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1915 2 ibn ibn PROPN _005456899 1915 3 saud saud PROPN _005456899 1915 4 is be AUX _005456899 1915 5 not not PART _005456899 1915 6 at at ADV _005456899 1915 7 all all ADV _005456899 1915 8 exceptional exceptional ADJ _005456899 1915 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1915 10 except except SCONJ _005456899 1915 11 in in ADP _005456899 1915 12 the the DET _005456899 1915 13 number number NOUN _005456899 1915 14 of of ADP _005456899 1915 15 his his PRON _005456899 1915 16 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1915 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1916 1 any any DET _005456899 1916 2 mohammedan mohammedan NOUN _005456899 1916 3 may may AUX _005456899 1916 4 have have VERB _005456899 1916 5 four four NUM _005456899 1916 6 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1916 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1916 8 whenever whenever SCONJ _005456899 1916 9 he he PRON _005456899 1916 10 sees see VERB _005456899 1916 11 a a DET _005456899 1916 12 fifth fifth ADJ _005456899 1916 13 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1916 14 he he PRON _005456899 1916 15 wants want VERB _005456899 1916 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1916 17 he he PRON _005456899 1916 18 can can AUX _005456899 1916 19 merely merely ADV _005456899 1916 20 dispose dispose VERB _005456899 1916 21 of of ADP _005456899 1916 22 one one NUM _005456899 1916 23 of of ADP _005456899 1916 24 the the DET _005456899 1916 25 four four NUM _005456899 1916 26 by by ADP _005456899 1916 27 saying say VERB _005456899 1916 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1916 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 1916 30 i i PRON _005456899 1916 31 divorce divorce VERB _005456899 1916 32 thee thee PRON _005456899 1916 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 1916 34 " " PUNCT _005456899 1916 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 1916 36 she she PRON _005456899 1916 37 is be AUX _005456899 1916 38 out out ADV _005456899 1916 39 on on ADP _005456899 1916 40 the the DET _005456899 1916 41 street street NOUN _005456899 1916 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 1916 43 without without ADP _005456899 1916 44 alimony alimony NOUN _005456899 1916 45 or or CCONJ _005456899 1916 46 redress redress NOUN _005456899 1916 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 1917 1 not not PART _005456899 1917 2 even even ADV _005456899 1917 3 her her PRON _005456899 1917 4 sons son NOUN _005456899 1917 5 can can AUX _005456899 1917 6 bring bring VERB _005456899 1917 7 her she PRON _005456899 1917 8 back back ADV _005456899 1917 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1918 1 one one NUM _005456899 1918 2 bedouin bedouin PROPN _005456899 1918 3 sheikh sheikh PROPN _005456899 1918 4 complained complain VERB _005456899 1918 5 to to ADP _005456899 1918 6 an an DET _005456899 1918 7 american american ADJ _005456899 1918 8 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1918 9 that that PRON _005456899 1918 10 he he PRON _005456899 1918 11 would would AUX _005456899 1918 12 like like VERB _005456899 1918 13 one one NUM _005456899 1918 14 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1918 15 who who PRON _005456899 1918 16 was be AUX _005456899 1918 17 educated educate VERB _005456899 1918 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1918 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 1918 20 if if SCONJ _005456899 1918 21 he he PRON _005456899 1918 22 had have VERB _005456899 1918 23 such such DET _005456899 1918 24 a a DET _005456899 1918 25 one one NOUN _005456899 1918 26 he he PRON _005456899 1918 27 would would AUX _005456899 1918 28 be be AUX _005456899 1918 29 most most ADV _005456899 1918 30 kind kind ADJ _005456899 1918 31 to to ADP _005456899 1918 32 her she PRON _005456899 1918 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1919 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1919 2 the the DET _005456899 1919 3 four four NUM _005456899 1919 4 i i PRON _005456899 1919 5 have have VERB _005456899 1919 6 are be AUX _005456899 1919 7 all all PRON _005456899 1919 8 ignorant ignorant ADJ _005456899 1919 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1919 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 1919 11 he he PRON _005456899 1919 12 said say VERB _005456899 1919 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1919 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1919 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1919 16 cause cause VERB _005456899 1919 17 me i PRON _005456899 1919 18 much much ADJ _005456899 1919 19 trouble trouble NOUN _005456899 1919 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1920 1 i i PRON _005456899 1920 2 want want VERB _005456899 1920 3 one one NUM _005456899 1920 4 with with ADP _005456899 1920 5 whom whom PRON _005456899 1920 6 i i PRON _005456899 1920 7 could could AUX _005456899 1920 8 talk talk VERB _005456899 1920 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1921 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1921 2 i i PRON _005456899 1921 3 can can AUX _005456899 1921 4 find find VERB _005456899 1921 5 the the DET _005456899 1921 6 right right ADJ _005456899 1921 7 one one NOUN _005456899 1921 8 i i PRON _005456899 1921 9 might might AUX _005456899 1921 10 be be AUX _005456899 1921 11 willing willing ADJ _005456899 1921 12 to to PART _005456899 1921 13 let let VERB _005456899 1921 14 her she PRON _005456899 1921 15 wear wear VERB _005456899 1921 16 a a DET _005456899 1921 17 hat hat NOUN _005456899 1921 18 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1921 19 " " PUNCT _005456899 1922 1 such such ADJ _005456899 1922 2 magnanimity magnanimity NOUN _005456899 1922 3 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1923 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1923 2 imagine imagine VERB _005456899 1923 3 a a DET _005456899 1923 4 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1923 5 in in ADP _005456899 1923 6 a a DET _005456899 1923 7 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1923 8 country country NOUN _005456899 1923 9 telling tell VERB _005456899 1923 10 his his PRON _005456899 1923 11 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1923 12 that that SCONJ _005456899 1923 13 if if SCONJ _005456899 1923 14 she she PRON _005456899 1923 15 does do VERB _005456899 1923 16 so so ADV _005456899 1923 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1923 18 thus thus ADV _005456899 1923 19 he he PRON _005456899 1923 20 might might AUX _005456899 1923 21 be be AUX _005456899 1923 22 willing willing ADJ _005456899 1923 23 to to PART _005456899 1923 24 let let VERB _005456899 1923 25 her she PRON _005456899 1923 26 wear wear VERB _005456899 1923 27 a a DET _005456899 1923 28 hat hat NOUN _005456899 1923 29 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1924 1 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1924 2 countries country NOUN _005456899 1924 3 improve improve VERB _005456899 1924 4 only only ADV _005456899 1924 5 after after ADP _005456899 1924 6 contact contact NOUN _005456899 1924 7 with with ADP _005456899 1924 8 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1924 9 countries country NOUN _005456899 1924 10 it it PRON _005456899 1924 11 is be AUX _005456899 1924 12 hue hue ADJ _005456899 1924 13 that that SCONJ _005456899 1924 14 things thing NOUN _005456899 1924 15 are be AUX _005456899 1924 16 improving improve VERB _005456899 1924 17 a a DET _005456899 1924 18 little little ADJ _005456899 1924 19 in in ADP _005456899 1924 20 the the DET _005456899 1924 21 non non ADJ _005456899 1924 22 - - ADJ _005456899 1924 23 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1924 24 world world NOUN _005456899 1924 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1925 1 adopting adopt VERB _005456899 1925 2 western western ADJ _005456899 1925 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1925 4 that that ADV _005456899 1925 5 is is ADV _005456899 1925 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1925 7 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1925 8 ways way NOUN _005456899 1925 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1925 10 turkey turkey PROPN _005456899 1925 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1925 12 for for ADP _005456899 1925 13 example example NOUN _005456899 1925 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1925 15 passed pass VERB _005456899 1925 16 decrees decree NOUN _005456899 1925 17 permitting permit VERB _005456899 1925 18 women woman NOUN _005456899 1925 19 to to PART _005456899 1925 20 appear appear VERB _005456899 1925 21 in in ADP _005456899 1925 22 public public ADJ _005456899 1925 23 unveiled unveil VERB _005456899 1925 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 1926 1 that that DET _005456899 1926 2 turkey turkey PROPN _005456899 1926 3 is be AUX _005456899 1926 4 also also ADV _005456899 1926 5 discouraging discourage VERB _005456899 1926 6 harems harem NOUN _005456899 1926 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1926 8 polygamy polygamy NOUN _005456899 1926 9 now now ADV _005456899 1926 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1926 11 is be AUX _005456899 1926 12 due due ADJ _005456899 1926 13 only only ADV _005456899 1926 14 to to ADP _005456899 1926 15 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1926 16 influence influence NOUN _005456899 1926 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1927 1 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 1927 2 --~-_ --~-_ PROPN _005456899 1927 3 ........... ........... PUNCT _005456899 1927 4 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 1927 5 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 1927 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1927 7 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 1927 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 1927 9 : : PUNCT _005456899 1927 10 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1927 11 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1927 12 · · PUNCT _005456899 1927 13 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1927 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1928 1 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 1928 2 88 88 NUM _005456899 1928 3 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1928 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1928 5 courtsidp courtsidp PROPN _005456899 1928 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1928 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1928 8 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 1928 9 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1928 10 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1928 11 killed kill VERB _005456899 1928 12 not not PART _005456899 1928 13 only only ADV _005456899 1928 14 if if SCONJ _005456899 1928 15 she she PRON _005456899 1928 16 looks look VERB _005456899 1928 17 at at ADP _005456899 1928 18 another another DET _005456899 1928 19 man man NOUN _005456899 1928 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1928 21 but but CCONJ _005456899 1928 22 if if SCONJ _005456899 1928 23 another another DET _005456899 1928 24 man man NOUN _005456899 1928 25 looks look VERB _005456899 1928 26 at at ADP _005456899 1928 27 her she PRON _005456899 1928 28 the the DET _005456899 1928 29 accepted accepted ADJ _005456899 1928 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1928 31 honored honor VERB _005456899 1928 32 injustice injustice NOUN _005456899 1928 33 exercised exercise VERB _005456899 1928 34 against against ADP _005456899 1928 35 women woman NOUN _005456899 1928 36 in in ADP _005456899 1928 37 non non ADJ _005456899 1928 38 - - ADJ _005456899 1928 39 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1928 40 countries country NOUN _005456899 1928 41 is be AUX _005456899 1928 42 so so ADV _005456899 1928 43 utterly utterly ADV _005456899 1928 44 crass crass ADJ _005456899 1928 45 and and CCONJ _005456899 1928 46 hardened harden VERB _005456899 1928 47 that that SCONJ _005456899 1928 48 a a DET _005456899 1928 49 western western ADJ _005456899 1928 50 mind mind NOUN _005456899 1928 51 can can AUX _005456899 1928 52 not not PART _005456899 1928 53 even even ADV _005456899 1928 54 conceive conceive VERB _005456899 1928 55 it it PRON _005456899 1928 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 1929 1 while while SCONJ _005456899 1929 2 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 1929 3 regularly regularly ADV _005456899 1929 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1929 5 acceptably acceptably ADV _005456899 1929 6 practice practice VERB _005456899 1929 7 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1929 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1929 9 polygamy polygamy NOUN _005456899 1929 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1929 11 the the DET _005456899 1929 12 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1929 13 is be AUX _005456899 1929 14 often often ADV _005456899 1929 15 subject subject ADJ _005456899 1929 16 to to ADP _005456899 1929 17 death death NOUN _005456899 1929 18 if if SCONJ _005456899 1929 19 a a DET _005456899 1929 20 man man NOUN _005456899 1929 21 but but CCONJ _005456899 1929 22 manages manage VERB _005456899 1929 23 to to PART _005456899 1929 24 look look VERB _005456899 1929 25 at at ADP _005456899 1929 26 her she PRON _005456899 1929 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1930 1 for for ADP _005456899 1930 2 example example NOUN _005456899 1930 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1930 4 the the DET _005456899 1930 5 ibn ibn PROPN _005456899 1930 6 saud saud PROPN _005456899 1930 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1930 8 of of ADP _005456899 1930 9 the the DET _005456899 1930 10 one one NUM _005456899 1930 11 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1930 12 sixty sixty NUM _005456899 1930 13 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1930 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1930 15 being be AUX _005456899 1930 16 told tell VERB _005456899 1930 17 that that SCONJ _005456899 1930 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 1930 19 western western ADJ _005456899 1930 20 ways way NOUN _005456899 1930 21 " " PUNCT _005456899 1930 22 were be AUX _005456899 1930 23 getting get VERB _005456899 1930 24 around around ADP _005456899 1930 25 in in ADP _005456899 1930 26 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 1930 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1930 28 angrily angrily ADV _005456899 1930 29 interrupted interrupt VERB _005456899 1930 30 a a DET _005456899 1930 31 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 1930 32 at at ADP _005456899 1930 33 a a DET _005456899 1930 34 formal formal ADJ _005456899 1930 35 dinner dinner NOUN _005456899 1930 36 in in ADP _005456899 1930 37 honor honor NOUN _005456899 1930 38 of of ADP _005456899 1930 39 the the DET _005456899 1930 40 crown crown NOUN _005456899 1930 41 prince prince NOUN _005456899 1930 42 emir emir ADJ _005456899 1930 43 saud saud PROPN _005456899 1930 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 1930 45 and and CCONJ _005456899 1930 46 cried cry VERB _005456899 1930 47 : : PUNCT _005456899 1930 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 1930 49 by by ADP _005456899 1930 50 allah allah PROPN _005456899 1930 51 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1931 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 1931 2 i i PRON _005456899 1931 3 saw see VERB _005456899 1931 4 any any DET _005456899 1931 5 one one NUM _005456899 1931 6 of of ADP _005456899 1931 7 my my PRON _005456899 1931 8 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1931 9 talking talk VERB _005456899 1931 10 to to ADP _005456899 1931 11 any any DET _005456899 1931 12 man man NOUN _005456899 1931 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1931 14 even even ADV _005456899 1931 15 my my PRON _005456899 1931 16 brother brother NOUN _005456899 1931 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1931 18 i i PRON _005456899 1931 19 would would AUX _005456899 1931 20 kill kill VERB _005456899 1931 21 both both PRON _005456899 1931 22 immediately immediately ADV _005456899 1931 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 1931 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 1932 1 sinful sinful ADJ _005456899 1932 2 brothers brother NOUN _005456899 1932 3 kill kill VERB _005456899 1932 4 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1932 5 who who PRON _005456899 1932 6 " " PUNCT _005456899 1932 7 fall fall VERB _005456899 1932 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1932 9 dr dr PROPN _005456899 1932 10 . . PROPN _005456899 1932 11 paul paul PROPN _005456899 1932 12 w. w. PROPN _005456899 1932 13 harrison harrison PROPN _005456899 1932 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1932 15 the the DET _005456899 1932 16 famous famous ADJ _005456899 1932 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1932 18 desert desert NOUN _005456899 1932 19 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 1932 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1932 21 of of ADP _005456899 1932 22 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 1932 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1932 24 relates relate VERB _005456899 1932 25 that that SCONJ _005456899 1932 26 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1932 27 have have VERB _005456899 1932 28 their their PRON _005456899 1932 29 throats throat NOUN _005456899 1932 30 slit slit VERB _005456899 1932 31 by by ADP _005456899 1932 32 their their PRON _005456899 1932 33 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1932 34 l:!rothers l:!rother NOUN _005456899 1932 35 for for ADP _005456899 1932 36 committing commit VERB _005456899 1932 37 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 1932 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1933 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1933 2 while while SCONJ _005456899 1933 3 their their PRON _005456899 1933 4 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 1933 5 live live VERB _005456899 1933 6 with with ADP _005456899 1933 7 geishas geisha NOUN _005456899 1933 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 1933 9 their their PRON _005456899 1933 10 equivalents equivalent NOUN _005456899 1933 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1933 12 wives wife NOUN _005456899 1933 13 die die VERB _005456899 1933 14 by by ADP _005456899 1933 15 the the DET _005456899 1933 16 thousand thousand NUM _005456899 1933 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1933 18 because because SCONJ _005456899 1933 19 no no DET _005456899 1933 20 man man NOUN _005456899 1933 21 not not PART _005456899 1933 22 even even ADV _005456899 1933 23 a a DET _005456899 1933 24 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 1933 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1933 26 may may AUX _005456899 1933 27 look look VERB _005456899 1933 28 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 1933 29 them they PRON _005456899 1933 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1934 1 victor victor NOUN _005456899 1934 2 heiser heiser PROPN _005456899 1934 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1934 4 m. m. PROPN _005456899 1934 5 d. d. PROPN _005456899 1934 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1934 7 in in ADP _005456899 1934 8 an an DET _005456899 1934 9 article article NOUN _005456899 1934 10 entitled entitle VERB _005456899 1934 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1934 12 an an DET _005456899 1934 13 american american ADJ _005456899 1934 14 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 1934 15 in in ADP _005456899 1934 16 china china PROPN _005456899 1934 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 1934 18 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1934 19 the the DET _005456899 1934 20 saturday saturday PROPN _005456899 1934 21 evening evening NOUN _005456899 1934 22 post post NOUN _005456899 1934 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1934 24 november november PROPN _005456899 1934 25 20 20 NUM _005456899 1934 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1934 27 1937 1937 NUM _005456899 1934 28 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1934 29 says say VERB _005456899 1934 30 it it PRON _005456899 1934 31 is be AUX _005456899 1934 32 easier easy ADJ _005456899 1934 33 to to PART _005456899 1934 34 train train VERB _005456899 1934 35 women woman NOUN _005456899 1934 36 doctors doctor NOUN _005456899 1934 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 1934 38 than than ADP _005456899 1934 39 change change VERB _005456899 1934 40 the the DET _005456899 1934 41 idee idee PROPN _005456899 1934 42 fixe fixe PROPN _005456899 1934 43 that that PRON _005456899 1934 44 no no DET _005456899 1934 45 male male ADJ _005456899 1934 46 physician physician NOUN _005456899 1934 47 should should AUX _005456899 1934 48 be be AUX _005456899 1934 49 allowed allow VERB _005456899 1934 50 to to PART _005456899 1934 51 examine examine VERB _005456899 1934 52 a a DET _005456899 1934 53 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1934 54 . . PUNCT _005456899 1935 1 in in ADP _005456899 1935 2 the the DET _005456899 1935 3 past past NOUN _005456899 1935 4 his his PRON _005456899 1935 5 diagnosis diagnosis NOUN _005456899 1935 6 had have VERB _005456899 1935 7 to to PART _005456899 1935 8 be be AUX _005456899 1935 9 made make VERB _005456899 1935 10 by by ADP _005456899 1935 11 feeling feel VERB _005456899 1935 12 her she PRON _005456899 1935 13 pulse pulse NOUN _005456899 1935 14 through through ADP _005456899 1935 15 a a DET _005456899 1935 16 gauze gauze NOUN _005456899 1935 17 net net NOUN _005456899 1935 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1935 19 or or CCONJ _005456899 1935 20 even even ADV _005456899 1935 21 by by ADP _005456899 1935 22 means mean NOUN _005456899 1935 23 of of ADP _005456899 1935 24 the the DET _005456899 1935 25 vibrations vibration NOUN _005456899 1935 26 along along ADP _005456899 1935 27 a a DET _005456899 1935 28 silken silken ADJ _005456899 1935 29 cord cord NOUN _005456899 1935 30 made make VERB _005456899 1935 31 fast fast ADV _005456899 1935 32 to to ADP _005456899 1935 33 her her PRON _005456899 1935 34 wrist wrist NOUN _005456899 1935 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 1935 36 passed pass VERB _005456899 1935 37 through through ADP _005456899 1935 38 a a DET _005456899 1935 39 hole hole NOUN _005456899 1935 40 in in ADP _005456899 1935 41 the the DET _005456899 1935 42 wainscot wainscot NOUN _005456899 1935 43 into into ADP _005456899 1935 44 a a DET _005456899 1935 45 neighboring neighboring NOUN _005456899 1935 46 room room NOUN _005456899 1935 47 . . PUNCT _005456899 1935 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 1936 1 in in ADP _005456899 1936 2 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1936 3 countries country NOUN _005456899 1936 4 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1936 5 are be AUX _005456899 1936 6 a a DET _005456899 1936 7 shame shame NOUN _005456899 1936 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 1936 9 a a DET _005456899 1936 10 liability liability NOUN _005456899 1936 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1936 12 why why SCONJ _005456899 1936 13 did do AUX _005456899 1936 14 not not PART _005456899 1936 15 our our PRON _005456899 1936 16 friend friend NOUN _005456899 1936 17 ibn ibn PROPN _005456899 1936 18 saud saud PROPN _005456899 1936 19 bother bother VERB _005456899 1936 20 about about ADP _005456899 1936 21 counting count VERB _005456899 1936 22 his his PRON _005456899 1936 23 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1936 24 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 1937 1 because because SCONJ _005456899 1937 2 in in ADP _005456899 1937 3 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 1937 4 countries country NOUN _005456899 1937 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1937 6 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 1937 7 a a DET _005456899 1937 8 man man NOUN _005456899 1937 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1937 10 like like ADP _005456899 1937 11 the the DET _005456899 1937 12 lowest low ADJ _005456899 1937 13 of of ADP _005456899 1937 14 chinese chinese PROPN _005456899 1937 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1937 16 japanese japanese PROPN _005456899 1937 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1937 18 is be AUX _005456899 1937 19 willing willing ADJ _005456899 1937 20 to to PART _005456899 1937 21 sell sell VERB _005456899 1937 22 his his PRON _005456899 1937 23 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1937 24 into into ADP _005456899 1937 25 prostitution prostitution NOUN _005456899 1937 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1937 27 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1937 28 are be AUX _005456899 1937 29 expensive expensive ADJ _005456899 1937 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1938 1 a a DET _005456899 1938 2 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1938 3 in in ADP _005456899 1938 4 the the DET _005456899 1938 5 new new PROPN _005456899 1938 6 york york PROPN _005456899 1938 7 times times PROPN _005456899 1938 8 magazine magazine PROPN _005456899 1938 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1938 10 march march PROPN _005456899 1938 11 28 28 NUM _005456899 1938 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 1938 13 1937 1937 NUM _005456899 1938 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1938 15 speaking speak VERB _005456899 1938 16 of of ADP _005456899 1938 17 india india PROPN _005456899 1938 18 says say VERB _005456899 1938 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1938 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 1938 21 the the DET _005456899 1938 22 stigma stigma NOUN _005456899 1938 23 attaching attach VERB _005456899 1938 24 to to ADP _005456899 1938 25 unmarried unmarried ADJ _005456899 1938 26 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1938 27 is be AUX _005456899 1938 28 so so ADV _005456899 1938 29 great great ADJ _005456899 1938 30 that that SCONJ _005456899 1938 31 parents parent NOUN _005456899 1938 32 are be AUX _005456899 1938 33 driven drive VERB _005456899 1938 34 to to ADP _005456899 1938 35 desperate desperate ADJ _005456899 1938 36 remedies remedy NOUN _005456899 1938 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 1939 1 one one NUM _005456899 1939 2 of of ADP _005456899 1939 3 them they PRON _005456899 1939 4 is be AUX _005456899 1939 5 the the DET _005456899 1939 6 pathetic pathetic ADJ _005456899 1939 7 dowry dowry NOUN _005456899 1939 8 given give VERB _005456899 1939 9 to to PART _005456899 1939 10 induce induce VERB _005456899 1939 11 young young ADJ _005456899 1939 12 men man NOUN _005456899 1939 13 to to PART _005456899 1939 14 marry marry VERB _005456899 1939 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1939 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 1940 1 the the DET _005456899 1940 2 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1940 3 goes go VERB _005456899 1940 4 on on ADP _005456899 1940 5 to to PART _005456899 1940 6 say say VERB _005456899 1940 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 1940 8 a a DET _005456899 1940 9 brahmin brahmin NOUN _005456899 1940 10 youth youth NOUN _005456899 1940 11 who who PRON _005456899 1940 12 has have AUX _005456899 1940 13 passed pass VERB _005456899 1940 14 the the DET _005456899 1940 15 university university NOUN _005456899 1940 16 entrance entrance NOUN _005456899 1940 17 examinations examination NOUN _005456899 1940 18 commands command VERB _005456899 1940 19 a a DET _005456899 1940 20 dowry dowry NOUN _005456899 1940 21 of of ADP _005456899 1940 22 five five NUM _005456899 1940 23 thousands thousand NOUN _005456899 1940 24 rupees rupee NOUN _005456899 1940 25 to to PART _005456899 1940 26 marry marry VERB _005456899 1940 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1940 28 a a DET _005456899 1940 29 graduate graduate NOUN _005456899 1940 30 ten ten NUM _005456899 1940 31 thousand thousand NUM _005456899 1940 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1941 1 in in ADP _005456899 1941 2 other other ADJ _005456899 1941 3 words word NOUN _005456899 1941 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1941 5 if if SCONJ _005456899 1941 6 you you PRON _005456899 1941 7 were be AUX _005456899 1941 8 a a DET _005456899 1941 9 be~ be~ PROPN _005456899 1941 10 tom tom PROPN _005456899 1941 11 expe expe PROPN _005456899 1941 12 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 13 of of ADP _005456899 1941 14 d1 d1 ADV _005456899 1941 15 the~ the~ NOUN _005456899 1941 16 i i PRON _005456899 1941 17 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 18 nati nati PROPN _005456899 1941 19 < < X _005456899 1941 20 decl decl NOUN _005456899 1941 21 are be AUX _005456899 1941 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1941 23 the the DET _005456899 1941 24 bah bah NOUN _005456899 1941 25 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 26 we1 we1 X _005456899 1941 27 hun hun PROPN _005456899 1941 28 heru heru PROPN _005456899 1941 29 wor wor PROPN _005456899 1941 30 pr01 pr01 PROPN _005456899 1941 31 eur eur PROPN _005456899 1941 32 eur eur PROPN _005456899 1941 33 han han PROPN _005456899 1941 34 an an PRON _005456899 1941 35 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 36 tha1 tha1 PROPN _005456899 1941 37 unv unv PROPN _005456899 1941 38 tin tin PROPN _005456899 1941 39 cit cit NOUN _005456899 1941 40 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 41 on on ADP _005456899 1941 42 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 43 to to PART _005456899 1941 44 wo wo NOUN _005456899 1941 45 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 46 ma ma PROPN _005456899 1941 47 hw hw VERB _005456899 1941 48 twl twl ADJ _005456899 1941 49 af af ADP _005456899 1941 50 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 1941 51 cit cit NOUN _005456899 1941 52 : : PUNCT _005456899 1941 53 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1941 54 , , PUNCT _005456899 1941 55 where where SCONJ _005456899 1941 56 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1941 57 is be AUX _005456899 1941 58 not not PART _005456899 1941 59 89 89 NUM _005456899 1941 60 a a DET _005456899 1941 61 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 1941 62 young young ADJ _005456899 1941 63 thing thing NOUN _005456899 1941 64 in in ADP _005456899 1941 65 india india PROPN _005456899 1941 66 , , PUNCT _005456899 1941 67 instead instead ADV _005456899 1941 68 of of ADP _005456899 1941 69 in in ADP _005456899 1941 70 indiana indiana PROPN _005456899 1941 71 , , PUNCT _005456899 1941 72 and and CCONJ _005456899 1941 73 wanted want VERB _005456899 1941 74 to to PART _005456899 1941 75 marry marry VERB _005456899 1941 76 a a DET _005456899 1941 77 college college NOUN _005456899 1941 78 graduate graduate NOUN _005456899 1941 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 1941 80 it it PRON _005456899 1941 81 is be AUX _005456899 1941 82 not not PART _005456899 1941 83 he he PRON _005456899 1941 84 who who PRON _005456899 1941 85 would would AUX _005456899 1941 86 give give VERB _005456899 1941 87 you you PRON _005456899 1941 88 an an DET _005456899 1941 89 expensive expensive ADJ _005456899 1941 90 diamond diamond NOUN _005456899 1941 91 , , PUNCT _005456899 1941 92 it it PRON _005456899 1941 93 is be AUX _005456899 1941 94 you you PRON _005456899 1941 95 who who PRON _005456899 1941 96 would would AUX _005456899 1941 97 have have VERB _005456899 1941 98 to to PART _005456899 1941 99 pay pay VERB _005456899 1941 100 him he PRON _005456899 1941 101 thousands thousand NOUN _005456899 1941 102 of of ADP _005456899 1941 103 dollars dollar NOUN _005456899 1941 104 to to PART _005456899 1941 105 marry marry VERB _005456899 1941 106 you you PRON _005456899 1941 107 . . PUNCT _005456899 1942 1 that that SCONJ _005456899 1942 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1942 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1942 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 1942 5 literally literally ADV _005456899 1942 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1942 7 is be AUX _005456899 1942 8 the the DET _005456899 1942 9 effect effect NOUN _005456899 1942 10 of of ADP _005456899 1942 11 the the DET _005456899 1942 12 absence absence NOUN _005456899 1942 13 of of ADP _005456899 1942 14 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1942 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1942 16 as as ADV _005456899 1942 17 far far ADV _005456899 1942 18 as as SCONJ _005456899 1942 19 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1942 20 is be AUX _005456899 1942 21 concerned concern VERB _005456899 1942 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1943 1 treatment treatment NOUN _005456899 1943 2 of of ADP _005456899 1943 3 women woman NOUN _005456899 1943 4 not not PART _005456899 1943 5 a a DET _005456899 1943 6 matter matter NOUN _005456899 1943 7 of of ADP _005456899 1943 8 climate climate NOUN _005456899 1943 9 or or CCONJ _005456899 1943 10 race race NOUN _005456899 1943 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 1943 12 of of ADP _005456899 1943 13 culture culture NOUN _005456899 1943 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 1943 15 let let VERB _005456899 1943 16 no no DET _005456899 1943 17 one one NOUN _005456899 1943 18 think think VERB _005456899 1943 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 1943 20 all all DET _005456899 1943 21 this this PRON _005456899 1943 22 is be AUX _005456899 1943 23 a a DET _005456899 1943 24 matter matter NOUN _005456899 1943 25 of of ADP _005456899 1943 26 continent continent NOUN _005456899 1943 27 or or CCONJ _005456899 1943 28 nationality nationality NOUN _005456899 1943 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 1943 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 1943 31 not not PART _005456899 1943 32 of of ADP _005456899 1943 33 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1943 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1944 1 the the DET _005456899 1944 2 greeks greek NOUN _005456899 1944 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1944 4 before before ADP _005456899 1944 5 saint saint PROPN _005456899 1944 6 paul paul PROPN _005456899 1944 7 declared declare VERB _005456899 1944 8 to to ADP _005456899 1944 9 them they PRON _005456899 1944 10 that that SCONJ _005456899 1944 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1944 12 there there PRON _005456899 1944 13 is be VERB _005456899 1944 14 neither neither CCONJ _005456899 1944 15 male male ADJ _005456899 1944 16 nor nor CCONJ _005456899 1944 17 female female ADJ _005456899 1944 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1944 19 for for SCONJ _005456899 1944 20 you you PRON _005456899 1944 21 are be AUX _005456899 1944 22 all all ADV _005456899 1944 23 one one NUM _005456899 1944 24 in in ADP _005456899 1944 25 jesus jesus PROPN _005456899 1944 26 christ christ PROPN _005456899 1944 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 1944 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 1944 29 treated treat VERB _005456899 1944 30 their their PRON _005456899 1944 31 women woman NOUN _005456899 1944 32 just just ADV _005456899 1944 33 as as ADV _005456899 1944 34 badly badly ADV _005456899 1944 35 as as SCONJ _005456899 1944 36 the the DET _005456899 1944 37 persians persians PROPN _005456899 1944 38 treat treat VERB _005456899 1944 39 them they PRON _005456899 1944 40 now now ADV _005456899 1944 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 1945 1 greek greek NOUN _005456899 1945 2 fathers father NOUN _005456899 1945 3 used use VERB _005456899 1945 4 to to PART _005456899 1945 5 expose expose VERB _005456899 1945 6 their their PRON _005456899 1945 7 baby baby NOUN _005456899 1945 8 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 1945 9 to to PART _005456899 1945 10 starve starve VERB _005456899 1945 11 or or CCONJ _005456899 1945 12 to to PART _005456899 1945 13 be be AUX _005456899 1945 14 saved save VERB _005456899 1945 15 by by ADP _005456899 1945 16 someone someone PRON _005456899 1945 17 for for ADP _005456899 1945 18 a a DET _005456899 1945 19 life life NOUN _005456899 1945 20 we we PRON _005456899 1945 21 christians christian NOUN _005456899 1945 22 call call VERB _005456899 1945 23 " " PUNCT _005456899 1945 24 worse bad ADJ _005456899 1945 25 than than ADP _005456899 1945 26 death death NOUN _005456899 1945 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1945 28 " " PUNCT _005456899 1946 1 where where SCONJ _005456899 1946 2 europe europe PROPN _005456899 1946 3 is be AUX _005456899 1946 4 still still ADV _005456899 1946 5 pagan pagan ADJ _005456899 1946 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1947 1 women woman NOUN _005456899 1947 2 still still ADV _005456899 1947 3 wear wear VERB _005456899 1947 4 veils veil NOUN _005456899 1947 5 let let VERB _005456899 1947 6 there there PRON _005456899 1947 7 be be AUX _005456899 1947 8 no no DET _005456899 1947 9 misunderstanding misunderstanding NOUN _005456899 1947 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 1947 11 if if SCONJ _005456899 1947 12 women woman NOUN _005456899 1947 13 are be AUX _005456899 1947 14 treated treat VERB _005456899 1947 15 as as ADP _005456899 1947 16 human human ADJ _005456899 1947 17 beings being NOUN _005456899 1947 18 in in ADP _005456899 1947 19 europe europe PROPN _005456899 1947 20 today today NOUN _005456899 1947 21 it it PRON _005456899 1947 22 is be AUX _005456899 1947 23 because because SCONJ _005456899 1947 24 there there ADV _005456899 1947 25 they they PRON _005456899 1947 26 have have AUX _005456899 1947 27 heard hear VERB _005456899 1947 28 christ christ PROPN _005456899 1947 29 's 's PART _005456899 1947 30 words word NOUN _005456899 1947 31 to to ADP _005456899 1947 32 the the DET _005456899 1947 33 adulterous adulterous ADJ _005456899 1947 34 men man NOUN _005456899 1947 35 about about ADP _005456899 1947 36 to to PART _005456899 1947 37 stone stone VERB _005456899 1947 38 a a DET _005456899 1947 39 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1947 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1947 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 1947 42 let let VERB _005456899 1947 43 him he PRON _005456899 1947 44 who who PRON _005456899 1947 45 is be AUX _005456899 1947 46 innocent innocent ADJ _005456899 1947 47 throw throw VERB _005456899 1947 48 the the DET _005456899 1947 49 first first ADJ _005456899 1947 50 stone stone NOUN _005456899 1947 51 . . PUNCT _005456899 1947 52 " " PUNCT _005456899 1948 1 as as ADP _005456899 1948 2 a a DET _005456899 1948 3 proof proof NOUN _005456899 1948 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 1948 5 without without ADP _005456899 1948 6 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1948 7 women woman NOUN _005456899 1948 8 would would AUX _005456899 1948 9 be be AUX _005456899 1948 10 no no ADV _005456899 1948 11 better well ADV _005456899 1948 12 off off ADP _005456899 1948 13 in in ADP _005456899 1948 14 europe europe PROPN _005456899 1948 15 than than ADP _005456899 1948 16 in in ADP _005456899 1948 17 asia asia PROPN _005456899 1948 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1948 19 one one NUM _005456899 1948 20 need need NOUN _005456899 1948 21 but but CCONJ _005456899 1948 22 call call VERB _005456899 1948 23 attention attention NOUN _005456899 1948 24 to to ADP _005456899 1948 25 that that DET _005456899 1948 26 part part NOUN _005456899 1948 27 of of ADP _005456899 1948 28 europe europe PROPN _005456899 1948 29 which which PRON _005456899 1948 30 is be AUX _005456899 1948 31 not not PART _005456899 1948 32 christian,-albania christian,-albania PROPN _005456899 1948 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 1949 1 there there ADV _005456899 1949 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1949 3 in in ADP _005456899 1949 4 that that DET _005456899 1949 5 last last ADJ _005456899 1949 6 mohammedan mohammedan NOUN _005456899 1949 7 stronghold stronghold NOUN _005456899 1949 8 of of ADP _005456899 1949 9 europe europe PROPN _005456899 1949 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1949 11 a a DET _005456899 1949 12 revolution revolution NOUN _005456899 1949 13 broke break VERB _005456899 1949 14 out out ADP _005456899 1949 15 in in ADP _005456899 1949 16 1937 1937 NUM _005456899 1949 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1949 18 an an DET _005456899 1949 19 insurrection insurrection NOUN _005456899 1949 20 of of ADP _005456899 1949 21 the the DET _005456899 1949 22 albanian albanian ADJ _005456899 1949 23 men man NOUN _005456899 1949 24 against against ADP _005456899 1949 25 the the DET _005456899 1949 26 governor governor NOUN _005456899 1949 27 's 's PART _005456899 1949 28 order order NOUN _005456899 1949 29 that that SCONJ _005456899 1949 30 the the DET _005456899 1949 31 women woman NOUN _005456899 1949 32 of of ADP _005456899 1949 33 albania albania PROPN _005456899 1949 34 should should AUX _005456899 1949 35 henceforth henceforth ADV _005456899 1949 36 appear appear VERB _005456899 1949 37 in in ADP _005456899 1949 38 public public ADJ _005456899 1949 39 unveiled unveil VERB _005456899 1949 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1949 41 as as SCONJ _005456899 1949 42 women woman NOUN _005456899 1949 43 in in ADP _005456899 1949 44 the the DET _005456899 1949 45 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1949 46 countries country NOUN _005456899 1949 47 do do VERB _005456899 1949 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 1950 1 the the DET _005456899 1950 2 new new PROPN _005456899 1950 3 york york PROPN _005456899 1950 4 times times PROPN _005456899 1950 5 caption caption NOUN _005456899 1950 6 for for ADP _005456899 1950 7 may may PROPN _005456899 1950 8 16 16 NUM _005456899 1950 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1950 10 1937 1937 NUM _005456899 1950 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1950 12 read read VERB _005456899 1950 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1950 14 " " PUNCT _005456899 1950 15 revolt revolt NOUN _005456899 1950 16 flares flare NOUN _005456899 1950 17 in in ADP _005456899 1950 18 albania albania PROPN _005456899 1950 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1950 20 city city NOUN _005456899 1950 21 is be AUX _005456899 1950 22 captured capture VERB _005456899 1950 23 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1950 24 enemies enemy NOUN _005456899 1950 25 of of ADP _005456899 1950 26 king king PROPN _005456899 1950 27 act act PROPN _005456899 1950 28 on on ADP _005456899 1950 29 unveiling unveiling NOUN _005456899 1950 30 of of ADP _005456899 1950 31 women woman NOUN _005456899 1950 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1950 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 1951 1 only only ADV _005456899 1951 2 where where SCONJ _005456899 1951 3 christ christ PROPN _005456899 1951 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1951 5 his his PRON _005456899 1951 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1951 7 enter enter VERB _005456899 1951 8 do do VERB _005456899 1951 9 the the DET _005456899 1951 10 polygamists polygamist NOUN _005456899 1951 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1951 12 the the DET _005456899 1951 13 geishas geishas PROPN _005456899 1951 14 exit exit NOUN _005456899 1951 15 yes yes INTJ _005456899 1951 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1951 17 the the DET _005456899 1951 18 saying saying NOUN _005456899 1951 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 1951 20 christ christ PROPN _005456899 1951 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1951 22 his his PRON _005456899 1951 23 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1951 24 raised raise VERB _005456899 1951 25 womanhood womanhood NOUN _005456899 1951 26 to to ADP _005456899 1951 27 queenhood queenhood NOUN _005456899 1951 28 is be AUX _005456899 1951 29 not not PART _005456899 1951 30 empty empty ADJ _005456899 1951 31 rhetoric rhetoric NOUN _005456899 1951 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 1952 1 where where SCONJ _005456899 1952 2 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1952 3 is be AUX _005456899 1952 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1952 5 there there ADV _005456899 1952 6 women woman NOUN _005456899 1952 7 walk walk VERB _005456899 1952 8 about about ADP _005456899 1952 9 free free ADJ _005456899 1952 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1952 11 unveiled unveil VERB _005456899 1952 12 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1952 13 are be AUX _005456899 1952 14 courted court VERB _005456899 1952 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 1952 16 loved love VERB _005456899 1952 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1952 18 married married ADJ _005456899 1952 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1953 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1953 2 wherever wherever SCONJ _005456899 1953 3 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 1953 4 is be AUX _005456899 1953 5 not not PART _005456899 1953 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1953 7 there there ADV _005456899 1953 8 the the DET _005456899 1953 9 wife wife NOUN _005456899 1953 10 helps help VERB _005456899 1953 11 the the DET _005456899 1953 12 husband husband NOUN _005456899 1953 13 with with ADP _005456899 1953 14 his his PRON _005456899 1953 15 slippers slipper NOUN _005456899 1953 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1953 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1953 18 the the DET _005456899 1953 19 geisha geisha PROPN _005456899 1953 20 girl girl NOUN _005456899 1953 21 helps help VERB _005456899 1953 22 him he PRON _005456899 1953 23 with with ADP _005456899 1953 24 his his PRON _005456899 1953 25 two two NUM _005456899 1953 26 - - PUNCT _005456899 1953 27 steps step NOUN _005456899 1953 28 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1954 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1954 2 so so ADV _005456899 1954 3 it it PRON _005456899 1954 4 will will AUX _005456899 1954 5 continue continue VERB _005456899 1954 6 to to PART _005456899 1954 7 be be AUX _005456899 1954 8 until until SCONJ _005456899 1954 9 the the DET _005456899 1954 10 christian christian PROPN _005456899 1954 11 missionary missionary PROPN _005456899 1954 12 has have AUX _005456899 1954 13 carried carry VERB _005456899 1954 14 the the DET _005456899 1954 15 ensign ensign NOUN _005456899 1954 16 of of ADP _005456899 1954 17 the the DET _005456899 1954 18 mother mother NOUN _005456899 1954 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 1954 20 child child NOUN _005456899 1954 21 into into ADP _005456899 1954 22 every every DET _005456899 1954 23 city city NOUN _005456899 1954 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1954 25 hamlet hamlet NOUN _005456899 1954 26 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1955 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 1955 2 xvii xvii VERB _005456899 1955 3 you you PRON _005456899 1955 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 1955 5 i i PRON _005456899 1955 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1955 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1955 8 a a DET _005456899 1955 9 better well ADJ _005456899 1955 10 world world NOUN _005456899 1955 11 this this PRON _005456899 1955 12 is be AUX _005456899 1955 13 the the DET _005456899 1955 14 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1955 15 address address NOUN _005456899 1955 16 delivered deliver VERB _005456899 1955 17 at at ADP _005456899 1955 18 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 1955 19 word word NOUN _005456899 1955 20 college college PROPN _005456899 1955 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1955 22 may may AUX _005456899 1955 23 31 31 NUM _005456899 1955 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1955 25 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 1955 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1955 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 1955 28 is be AUX _005456899 1955 29 here here ADV _005456899 1955 30 printed print VERB _005456899 1955 31 tor tor NOUN _005456899 1955 32 the the DET _005456899 1955 33 first first ADJ _005456899 1955 34 time time NOUN _005456899 1955 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1956 1 i i PRON _005456899 1956 2 think think VERB _005456899 1956 3 it it PRON _005456899 1956 4 fittingly fittingly ADV _005456899 1956 5 closes close VERB _005456899 1956 6 these these DET _005456899 1956 7 chapters chapter NOUN _005456899 1956 8 oj oj ADP _005456899 1956 9 collecte·d collecte·d PROPN _005456899 1956 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1956 11 re re VERB _005456899 1956 12 - - ADJ _005456899 1956 13 published publish VERB _005456899 1956 14 articles article NOUN _005456899 1956 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1957 1 the the DET _005456899 1957 2 reader reader NOUN _005456899 1957 3 will will AUX _005456899 1957 4 make make VERB _005456899 1957 5 allowances allowance NOUN _005456899 1957 6 tor tor VERB _005456899 1957 7 the the DET _005456899 1957 8 topicality topicality NOUN _005456899 1957 9 unavoidable unavoidable ADJ _005456899 1957 10 in in ADP _005456899 1957 11 a a DET _005456899 1957 12 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1957 13 address address NOUN _005456899 1957 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 1958 1 i i PRON _005456899 1958 2 thought think VERB _005456899 1958 3 it it PRON _005456899 1958 4 best well ADV _005456899 1958 5 to to PART _005456899 1958 6 puiblish puiblish VERB _005456899 1958 7 it it PRON _005456899 1958 8 as as SCONJ _005456899 1958 9 it it PRON _005456899 1958 10 was be AUX _005456899 1958 11 delivered deliver VERB _005456899 1958 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 1959 1 beyond beyond ADP _005456899 1959 2 its its PRON _005456899 1959 3 topicality topicality NOUN _005456899 1959 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1959 5 this this PRON _005456899 1959 6 is be AUX _005456899 1959 7 not not PART _005456899 1959 8 just just ADV _005456899 1959 9 another another DET _005456899 1959 10 conventional conventional ADJ _005456899 1959 11 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1959 12 address address NOUN _005456899 1959 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1960 1 it it PRON _005456899 1960 2 has have VERB _005456899 1960 3 in in ADP _005456899 1960 4 it it PRON _005456899 1960 5 things thing NOUN _005456899 1960 6 even even ADV _005456899 1960 7 clergymen clergyman NOUN _005456899 1960 8 might might AUX _005456899 1960 9 well well ADV _005456899 1960 10 ponder ponder VERB _005456899 1960 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1961 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1961 2 it it PRON _005456899 1961 3 makes make VERB _005456899 1961 4 clear clear ADJ _005456899 1961 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 1961 6 the the DET _005456899 1961 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 1961 8 new new ADJ _005456899 1961 9 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1961 10 's 's PART _005456899 1961 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 1961 12 influence influence NOUN _005456899 1961 13 will will AUX _005456899 1961 14 not not PART _005456899 1961 15 be be AUX _005456899 1961 16 good good ADJ _005456899 1961 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 18 necessarily necessarily ADV _005456899 1961 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 20 because because SCONJ _005456899 1961 21 oj oj ADP _005456899 1961 22 any any DET _005456899 1961 23 feminine feminine ADJ _005456899 1961 24 intuition intuition NOUN _005456899 1961 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 26 but but CCONJ _005456899 1961 27 only only ADV _005456899 1961 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 29 if if SCONJ _005456899 1961 30 at at ADV _005456899 1961 31 all all ADV _005456899 1961 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 33 because because SCONJ _005456899 1961 34 of of ADP _005456899 1961 35 training training NOUN _005456899 1961 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 37 a a DET _005456899 1961 38 training training NOUN _005456899 1961 39 more more ADV _005456899 1961 40 truly truly ADV _005456899 1961 41 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1961 42 than than ADP _005456899 1961 43 that that PRON _005456899 1961 44 which which PRON _005456899 1961 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 46 lar.gely lar.gely ADV _005456899 1961 47 restricted restrict VERB _005456899 1961 48 to to ADP _005456899 1961 49 the the DET _005456899 1961 50 men man NOUN _005456899 1961 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 52 has have AUX _005456899 1961 53 not not PART _005456899 1961 54 prevented prevent VERB _005456899 1961 55 christian christian ADJ _005456899 1961 56 nations nation NOUN _005456899 1961 57 from from ADP _005456899 1961 58 fighting fight VERB _005456899 1961 59 a a DET _005456899 1961 60 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 1961 61 years year NOUN _005456899 1961 62 war war NOUN _005456899 1961 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 64 a a DET _005456899 1961 65 thirty thirty NUM _005456899 1961 66 years year NOUN _005456899 1961 67 war war NOUN _005456899 1961 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 1961 69 and and CCONJ _005456899 1961 70 two two NUM _005456899 1961 71 world world NOUN _005456899 1961 72 wars war NOUN _005456899 1961 73 . . PUNCT _005456899 1962 1 the the DET _005456899 1962 2 savages savage NOUN _005456899 1962 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1962 4 the the DET _005456899 1962 5 barbarians barbarian NOUN _005456899 1962 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 1962 7 the the DET _005456899 1962 8 pagans pagans PROPN _005456899 1962 9 fought fight VERB _005456899 1962 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1962 11 fight fight VERB _005456899 1962 12 still still ADV _005456899 1962 13 more more ADJ _005456899 1962 14 wars war NOUN _005456899 1962 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 1963 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1963 2 the the DET _005456899 1963 3 tragedy tragedy NOUN _005456899 1963 4 that that PRON _005456899 1963 5 these these DET _005456899 1963 6 christain christain NOUN _005456899 1963 7 wars war NOUN _005456899 1963 8 have have AUX _005456899 1963 9 been be AUX _005456899 1963 10 fought fight VERB _005456899 1963 11 at at ADP _005456899 1963 12 all all PRON _005456899 1963 13 is be AUX _005456899 1963 14 due due ADJ _005456899 1963 15 solely solely ADV _005456899 1963 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1963 17 entirely entirely ADV _005456899 1963 18 to to ADP _005456899 1963 19 the the DET _005456899 1963 20 tact tact NOUN _005456899 1963 21 that that PRON _005456899 1963 22 christianity christianity PROPN _005456899 1963 23 has have AUX _005456899 1963 24 not not PART _005456899 1963 25 been be AUX _005456899 1963 26 understood understand VERB _005456899 1963 27 sufficiently sufficiently ADV _005456899 1963 28 or or CCONJ _005456899 1963 29 tried try VERB _005456899 1963 30 enough enough ADV _005456899 1963 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1964 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1964 2 we we PRON _005456899 1964 3 are be AUX _005456899 1964 4 making make VERB _005456899 1964 5 progress progress NOUN _005456899 1964 6 . . PUNCT _005456899 1965 1 bishops bishop NOUN _005456899 1965 2 no no ADV _005456899 1965 3 longer long ADV _005456899 1965 4 captain captain VERB _005456899 1965 5 the the DET _005456899 1965 6 bloody bloody ADJ _005456899 1965 7 encounters encounter NOUN _005456899 1965 8 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1966 1 by by ADP _005456899 1966 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 1966 3 by by ADV _005456899 1966 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 1966 5 we we PRON _005456899 1966 6 will will AUX _005456899 1966 7 make make VERB _005456899 1966 8 still still ADV _005456899 1966 9 more more ADJ _005456899 1966 10 progress progress NOUN _005456899 1966 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1967 1 this this DET _005456899 1967 2 essay essay NOUN _005456899 1967 3 gives give VERB _005456899 1967 4 some some DET _005456899 1967 5 hints hint NOUN _005456899 1967 6 which which PRON _005456899 1967 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1967 8 i i PRON _005456899 1967 9 believe believe VERB _005456899 1967 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1967 11 not not PART _005456899 1967 12 only only ADV _005456899 1967 13 every every DET _005456899 1967 14 educated educate VERB _005456899 1967 15 wo1714n wo1714n NOUN _005456899 1967 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1967 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1967 18 every every DET _005456899 1967 19 man man NOUN _005456899 1967 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 1967 21 woman woman NOUN _005456899 1967 22 everywhere everywhere ADV _005456899 1967 23 ought ought AUX _005456899 1967 24 to to PART _005456899 1967 25 grasp grasp VERB _005456899 1967 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 1967 27 take take VERB _005456899 1967 28 to to ADP _005456899 1967 29 heart heart NOUN _005456899 1967 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 1968 1 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1968 2 . . PUNCT _005456899 1969 1 one one NUM _005456899 1969 2 of of ADP _005456899 1969 3 life life NOUN _005456899 1969 4 's 's PART _005456899 1969 5 happiest happy ADJ _005456899 1969 6 milestones milestone NOUN _005456899 1969 7 college college NOUN _005456899 1969 8 commencements commencement NOUN _005456899 1969 9 represent represent VERB _005456899 1969 10 the the DET _005456899 1969 11 happiest happy ADJ _005456899 1969 12 group group NOUN _005456899 1969 13 milestone milestone NOUN _005456899 1969 14 in in ADP _005456899 1969 15 human human ADJ _005456899 1969 16 life life NOUN _005456899 1969 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1970 1 for for ADP _005456899 1970 2 a a DET _005456899 1970 3 whole whole ADJ _005456899 1970 4 class class NOUN _005456899 1970 5 of of ADP _005456899 1970 6 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1970 7 people people NOUN _005456899 1970 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1970 9 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1970 10 sets set VERB _005456899 1970 11 a a DET _005456899 1970 12 colon colon NOUN _005456899 1970 13 to to ADP _005456899 1970 14 exciting exciting ADJ _005456899 1970 15 years year NOUN _005456899 1970 16 of of ADP _005456899 1970 17 work work NOUN _005456899 1970 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 1970 19 play play VERB _005456899 1970 20 well well ADV _005456899 1970 21 done do VERB _005456899 1970 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 1970 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1970 24 the the DET _005456899 1970 25 colon colon NOUN _005456899 1970 26 suggests suggest VERB _005456899 1970 27 long long ADJ _005456899 1970 28 vistas vista NOUN _005456899 1970 29 of of ADP _005456899 1970 30 usefully usefully ADV _005456899 1970 31 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1970 32 years year NOUN _005456899 1970 33 ahead ahead ADV _005456899 1970 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 1971 1 the the DET _005456899 1971 2 ailestones ailestone NOUN _005456899 1971 3 that that PRON _005456899 1971 4 come come VERB _005456899 1971 5 later later ADV _005456899 1971 6 in in ADP _005456899 1971 7 life life NOUN _005456899 1971 8 too too ADV _005456899 1971 9 often often ADV _005456899 1971 10 end end VERB _005456899 1971 11 in in ADP _005456899 1971 12 a a DET _005456899 1971 13 period period NOUN _005456899 1971 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1971 15 not not PART _005456899 1971 16 a a DET _005456899 1971 17 colon colon NOUN _005456899 1971 18 . . PUNCT _005456899 1972 1 at at ADP _005456899 1972 2 midnight midnight NOUN _005456899 1972 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1972 4 june june PROPN _005456899 1972 5 27 27 NUM _005456899 1972 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1972 7 1787 1787 NUM _005456899 1972 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1972 9 in in ADP _005456899 1972 10 switzerland switzerland PROPN _005456899 1972 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1972 12 edward edward PROPN _005456899 1972 13 gibbon gibbon PROPN _005456899 1972 14 completed complete VERB _005456899 1972 15 the the DET _005456899 1972 16 last last ADJ _005456899 1972 17 volume volume NOUN _005456899 1972 18 of of ADP _005456899 1972 19 his his PRON _005456899 1972 20 monumental monumental ADJ _005456899 1972 21 history history NOUN _005456899 1972 22 of of ADP _005456899 1972 23 the the DET _005456899 1972 24 decline decline NOUN _005456899 1972 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 1972 26 fall fall NOUN _005456899 1972 27 of of ADP _005456899 1972 28 the the DET _005456899 1972 29 roman roman ADJ _005456899 1972 30 empire empire NOUN _005456899 1972 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 1973 1 he he PRON _005456899 1973 2 had have AUX _005456899 1973 3 got get VERB _005456899 1973 4 the the DET _005456899 1973 5 idea idea NOUN _005456899 1973 6 for for ADP _005456899 1973 7 it it PRON _005456899 1973 8 many many ADJ _005456899 1973 9 years year NOUN _005456899 1973 10 ago ago ADV _005456899 1973 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 1973 12 as as ADP _005456899 1973 13 a a DET _005456899 1973 14 young young ADJ _005456899 1973 15 man man NOUN _005456899 1973 16 on on ADP _005456899 1973 17 a a DET _005456899 1973 18 visit visit NOUN _005456899 1973 19 to to ADP _005456899 1973 20 rome rome PROPN _005456899 1973 21 he he PRON _005456899 1973 22 heard hear VERB _005456899 1973 23 the the DET _005456899 1973 24 barefooted barefoote VERB _005456899 1973 25 friars friar NOUN _005456899 1973 26 singing singe VERB _005456899 1973 27 vespers vesper NOUN _005456899 1973 28 in in ADP _005456899 1973 29 what what PRON _005456899 1973 30 once once ADV _005456899 1973 31 had have AUX _005456899 1973 32 been be AUX _005456899 1973 33 the the DET _005456899 1973 34 t t NOUN _005456899 1973 35 emple emple NOUN _005456899 1973 36 of of ADP _005456899 1973 37 jupiter jupiter PROPN _005456899 1973 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1974 1 he he PRON _005456899 1974 2 had have AUX _005456899 1974 3 worked work VERB _005456899 1974 4 on on ADP _005456899 1974 5 it it PRON _005456899 1974 6 twenty twenty NUM _005456899 1974 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 1974 8 one one NUM _005456899 1974 9 years year NOUN _005456899 1974 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1974 11 when when SCONJ _005456899 1974 12 on on ADP _005456899 1974 13 this this DET _005456899 1974 14 june june PROPN _005456899 1974 15 night night NOUN _005456899 1974 16 he he PRON _005456899 1974 17 wrote write VERB _005456899 1974 18 a a DET _005456899 1974 19 writer writer NOUN _005456899 1974 20 's 's PART _005456899 1974 21 only only ADJ _005456899 1974 22 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1974 23 word word NOUN _005456899 1974 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1974 25 finis finis PROPN _005456899 1974 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1975 1 he he PRON _005456899 1975 2 records record VERB _005456899 1975 3 the the DET _005456899 1975 4 event event NOUN _005456899 1975 5 in in ADP _005456899 1975 6 his his PRON _005456899 1975 7 autobiography autobiography NOUN _005456899 1975 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1976 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 1976 2 after after ADP _005456899 1976 3 laying lay VERB _005456899 1976 4 down down ADP _005456899 1976 5 my my PRON _005456899 1976 6 pen pen NOUN _005456899 1976 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1976 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1976 9 he he PRON _005456899 1976 10 wrote write VERB _005456899 1976 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1976 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 1976 13 i i PRON _005456899 1976 14 took take VERB _005456899 1976 15 several several ADJ _005456899 1976 16 turns turn NOUN _005456899 1976 17 in in ADP _005456899 1976 18 a a PRON _005456899 1976 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1976 20 . . PUNCT _005456899 1976 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1977 1 covered cover VERB _005456899 1977 2 walk walk NOUN _005456899 1977 3 of of ADP _005456899 1977 4 1 1 NUM _005456899 1977 5 anll anll NOUN _005456899 1977 6 silv silv PROPN _005456899 1977 7 tur tur PROPN _005456899 1977 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 1978 1 rec1 rec1 PROPN _005456899 1978 2 farr farr PROPN _005456899 1978 3 w~ w~ PROPN _005456899 1978 4 last last ADJ _005456899 1978 5 soe soe PROPN _005456899 1978 6 hisl hisl PROPN _005456899 1978 7 uat uat PROPN _005456899 1978 8 rna rna PROPN _005456899 1978 9 tru tru PROPN _005456899 1978 10 ful ful PROPN _005456899 1978 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 1978 12 sp sp NOUN _005456899 1978 13 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 1978 14 ha ha INTJ _005456899 1978 15 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 1978 16 thij thij NOUN _005456899 1978 17 pla pla NOUN _005456899 1978 18 be be AUX _005456899 1978 19 tl tl ADP _005456899 1978 20 of of ADP _005456899 1978 21 ste ste NOUN _005456899 1978 22 : : PUNCT _005456899 1978 23 are be AUX _005456899 1978 24 pe pe NOUN _005456899 1978 25 < < X _005456899 1978 26 · · PUNCT _005456899 1978 27 abl abl CCONJ _005456899 1978 28 wa wa PROPN _005456899 1978 29 en en PROPN _005456899 1978 30 < < X _005456899 1978 31 an an DET _005456899 1978 32 < < X _005456899 1978 33 nol nol NOUN _005456899 1978 34 fro fro NOUN _005456899 1978 35 an an DET _005456899 1978 36 me i PRON _005456899 1978 37 as1 as1 NOUN _005456899 1978 38 th th DET _005456899 1978 39 bui bui PROPN _005456899 1978 40 tioj tioj NOUN _005456899 1978 41 ---------------------------------------you ---------------------------------------you PROPN _005456899 1979 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 1979 2 i i PRON _005456899 1979 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1979 4 a a DET _005456899 1979 5 better well ADJ _005456899 1979 6 world world NOUN _005456899 1979 7 91 91 NUM _005456899 1979 8 of of ADP _005456899 1979 9 acacias acacias PROPN _005456899 1979 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1979 11 which which PRON _005456899 1979 12 commands command VERB _005456899 1979 13 a a DET _005456899 1979 14 prospect prospect NOUN _005456899 1979 15 of of ADP _005456899 1979 16 the the DET _005456899 1979 17 .country .country NOUN _005456899 1979 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1979 19 the the DET _005456899 1979 20 la la ADV _005456899 1979 21 ~ ~ NOUN _005456899 1979 22 e e NUM _005456899 1979 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1979 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 1979 25 the the DET _005456899 1979 26 mount mount PROPN _005456899 1979 27 ~ ~ NUM _005456899 1979 28 ins in NOUN _005456899 1979 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 1980 1 the the DET _005456899 1980 2 air air NOUN _005456899 1980 3 was be AUX _005456899 1980 4 temperate temperate ADJ _005456899 1980 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 1980 6 the the DET _005456899 1980 7 sky sky NOUN _005456899 1980 8 serene serene NOUN _005456899 1980 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1980 10 th~ th~ PROPN _005456899 1980 11 silver silver NOUN _005456899 1980 12 orb orb NOUN _005456899 1980 13 of of ADP _005456899 1980 14 the the DET _005456899 1980 15 moon moon NOUN _005456899 1980 16 was be AUX _005456899 1980 17 reflected reflect VERB _005456899 1980 18 from from ADP _005456899 1980 19 the the DET _005456899 1980 20 waters water NOUN _005456899 1980 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 1980 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 1980 23 all all DET _005456899 1980 24 nature nature NOUN _005456899 1980 25 was be AUX _005456899 1980 26 silent silent ADJ _005456899 1980 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1981 1 i i PRON _005456899 1981 2 will will AUX _005456899 1981 3 not not PART _005456899 1981 4 dissemble dissemble VERB _005456899 1981 5 the the DET _005456899 1981 6 first first ADJ _005456899 1981 7 emotion emotion NOUN _005456899 1981 8 of of ADP _005456899 1981 9 joy joy NOUN _005456899 1981 10 on on ADP _005456899 1981 11 recovery recovery NOUN _005456899 1981 12 of of ADP _005456899 1981 13 my my PRON _005456899 1981 14 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 1981 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 1981 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 1981 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 1981 18 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 1981 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 1981 20 the the DET _005456899 1981 21 establishme!'l~ establishme!'l~ PROPN _005456899 1981 22 of of ADP _005456899 1981 23 my my PRON _005456899 1981 24 fame fame NOUN _005456899 1981 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 1982 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 1982 2 my my PRON _005456899 1982 3 pride pride NOUN _005456899 1982 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 1982 5 was be AUX _005456899 1982 6 sqqn sqqn PROPN _005456899 1982 7 humbje humbje PROPN _005456899 1982 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 1982 9 d d PROPN _005456899 1982 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 1982 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1982 12 a a DET _005456899 1982 13 sober sober ADJ _005456899 1982 14 melancholy melancholy NOUN _005456899 1982 15 was be AUX _005456899 1982 16 spread spread VERB _005456899 1982 17 over over ADP _005456899 1982 18 my my PRON _005456899 1982 19 mi'f!d mi'f!d NOUN _005456899 1982 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 1982 21 by by ADP _005456899 1982 22 the the DET _005456899 1982 23 idea idea NOUN _005456899 1982 24 that that SCONJ _005456899 1982 25 i i PRON _005456899 1982 26 had have AUX _005456899 1982 27 taken take VERB _005456899 1982 28 an an DET _005456899 1982 29 everlasting everlasting ADJ _005456899 1982 30 leave leave NOUN _005456899 1982 31 of of ADP _005456899 1982 32 an an DET _005456899 1982 33 old old ADJ _005456899 1982 34 and and CCONJ _005456899 1982 35 agreeable agreeable ADJ _005456899 1982 36 companion companion NOUN _005456899 1982 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1982 38 and and CCONJ _005456899 1982 39 that that SCONJ _005456899 1982 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 1982 41 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _005456899 1982 42 might might AUX _005456899 1982 43 be be AUX _005456899 1982 44 the the DET _005456899 1982 45 future future ADJ _005456899 1982 46 fate fate NOUN _005456899 1982 47 of of ADP _005456899 1982 48 my my PRON _005456899 1982 49 history history NOUN _005456899 1982 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 1982 51 the the DET _005456899 1982 52 life life NOUN _005456899 1982 53 of of ADP _005456899 1982 54 the the DET _005456899 1982 55 historian historian NOUN _005456899 1982 56 must must AUX _005456899 1982 57 be be AUX _005456899 1982 58 short short ADJ _005456899 1982 59 and and CCONJ _005456899 1982 60 precarious precarious ADJ _005456899 1982 61 . . PUNCT _005456899 1982 62 " " PUNCT _005456899 1983 1 for for ADP _005456899 1983 2 gibbon gibbon NOUN _005456899 1983 3 that that SCONJ _005456899 1983 4 great great ADJ _005456899 1983 5 milestone milestone NOUN _005456899 1983 6 was be AUX _005456899 1983 7 a a DET _005456899 1983 8 period period NOUN _005456899 1983 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1984 1 for for SCONJ _005456899 1984 2 you you PRON _005456899 1984 3 graduates graduate VERB _005456899 1984 4 this this DET _005456899 1984 5 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1984 6 occasion occasion NOUN _005456899 1984 7 tonight tonight NOUN _005456899 1984 8 is be AUX _005456899 1984 9 a a DET _005456899 1984 10 colon colon NOUN _005456899 1984 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 1985 1 it it PRON _005456899 1985 2 marks mark VERB _005456899 1985 3 the the DET _005456899 1985 4 end end NOUN _005456899 1985 5 of of ADP _005456899 1985 6 many many ADJ _005456899 1985 7 things thing NOUN _005456899 1985 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 1985 9 of of ADP _005456899 1985 10 good good ADJ _005456899 1985 11 things thing NOUN _005456899 1985 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1985 13 of of ADP _005456899 1985 14 examinations examination NOUN _005456899 1985 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 1985 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 1985 17 it it PRON _005456899 1985 18 more more ADV _005456899 1985 19 truly truly ADV _005456899 1985 20 means mean VERB _005456899 1985 21 the the DET _005456899 1985 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 1985 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 1985 24 the the DET _005456899 1985 25 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1985 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 1985 27 of of ADP _005456899 1985 28 the the DET _005456899 1985 29 long long ADJ _005456899 1985 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 1985 31 useful useful ADJ _005456899 1985 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 1985 33 the the DET _005456899 1985 34 really really ADV _005456899 1985 35 decisive decisive ADJ _005456899 1985 36 things thing NOUN _005456899 1985 37 ahead ahead ADV _005456899 1985 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 1986 1 i i PRON _005456899 1986 2 am be AUX _005456899 1986 3 happy happy ADJ _005456899 1986 4 on on ADP _005456899 1986 5 such such DET _005456899 1986 6 an an DET _005456899 1986 7 occasion occasion NOUN _005456899 1986 8 to to PART _005456899 1986 9 be be AUX _005456899 1986 10 your your PRON _005456899 1986 11 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1986 12 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 1986 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 1987 1 as as SCONJ _005456899 1987 2 you you PRON _005456899 1987 3 are be AUX _005456899 1987 4 leaving leave VERB _005456899 1987 5 this this PRON _005456899 1987 6 your your PRON _005456899 1987 7 alma alma NOUN _005456899 1987 8 mater mater NOUN _005456899 1987 9 i i PRON _005456899 1987 10 am be AUX _005456899 1987 11 glad glad ADJ _005456899 1987 12 to to PART _005456899 1987 13 have have VERB _005456899 1987 14 the the DET _005456899 1987 15 last last ADJ _005456899 1987 16 word word NOUN _005456899 1987 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1988 1 your your PRON _005456899 1988 2 fathers father NOUN _005456899 1988 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1988 4 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 1988 5 and and CCONJ _005456899 1988 6 friends friend NOUN _005456899 1988 7 may may AUX _005456899 1988 8 think think VERB _005456899 1988 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 1988 10 a a DET _005456899 1988 11 professor professor NOUN _005456899 1988 12 always always ADV _005456899 1988 13 has have VERB _005456899 1988 14 the the DET _005456899 1988 15 last last ADJ _005456899 1988 16 word word NOUN _005456899 1988 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 1989 1 however however ADV _005456899 1989 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 1989 3 i i PRON _005456899 1989 4 can can AUX _005456899 1989 5 playfully playfully ADV _005456899 1989 6 assure assure VERB _005456899 1989 7 them they PRON _005456899 1989 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 1989 9 in in ADP _005456899 1989 10 a a DET _005456899 1989 11 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1989 12 ' ' PART _005456899 1989 13 college college NOUN _005456899 1989 14 a a DET _005456899 1989 15 man man NOUN _005456899 1989 16 professor professor NOUN _005456899 1989 17 can can AUX _005456899 1989 18 be be AUX _005456899 1989 19 sure sure ADJ _005456899 1989 20 of of ADP _005456899 1989 21 the the DET _005456899 1989 22 last last ADJ _005456899 1989 23 word word NOUN _005456899 1989 24 only only ADV _005456899 1989 25 if if SCONJ _005456899 1989 26 he he PRON _005456899 1989 27 is be AUX _005456899 1989 28 the the DET _005456899 1989 29 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 1989 30 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 1989 31 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 1990 1 the the DET _005456899 1990 2 world world NOUN _005456899 1990 3 needs need VERB _005456899 1990 4 flames flame NOUN _005456899 1990 5 of of ADP _005456899 1990 6 justice justice NOUN _005456899 1990 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 1990 8 not not PART _005456899 1990 9 torches torch NOUN _005456899 1990 10 of of ADP _005456899 1990 11 revolution revolution NOUN _005456899 1990 12 my my PRON _005456899 1990 13 first first ADJ _005456899 1990 14 wish wish NOUN _005456899 1990 15 is be AUX _005456899 1990 16 that that SCONJ _005456899 1990 17 you you PRON _005456899 1990 18 do do AUX _005456899 1990 19 not not PART _005456899 1990 20 go go VERB _005456899 1990 21 out out ADP _005456899 1990 22 with with ADP _005456899 1990 23 romantic romantic ADJ _005456899 1990 24 visions vision NOUN _005456899 1990 25 of of ADP _005456899 1990 26 setting set VERB _005456899 1990 27 the the DET _005456899 1990 28 world world NOUN _005456899 1990 29 afire afire ADV _005456899 1990 30 but but CCONJ _005456899 1990 31 with with SCONJ _005456899 1990 32 a a DET _005456899 1990 33 firm firm ADJ _005456899 1990 34 resolution resolution NOUN _005456899 1990 35 to to PART _005456899 1990 36 be be AUX _005456899 1990 37 a a DET _005456899 1990 38 clear clear ADJ _005456899 1990 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 1990 40 steady steady ADJ _005456899 1990 41 flame flame NOUN _005456899 1990 42 of of ADP _005456899 1990 43 justice justice NOUN _005456899 1990 44 and and CCONJ _005456899 1990 45 charity charity NOUN _005456899 1990 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 1990 47 usefulness usefulness NOUN _005456899 1990 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 1990 49 wherever wherever SCONJ _005456899 1990 50 you you PRON _005456899 1990 51 are be AUX _005456899 1990 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 1990 53 all all DET _005456899 1990 54 your your PRON _005456899 1990 55 life life NOUN _005456899 1990 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 1991 1 two two NUM _005456899 1991 2 wars war NOUN _005456899 1991 3 have have AUX _005456899 1991 4 · · PUNCT _005456899 1991 5 made make VERB _005456899 1991 6 me i PRON _005456899 1991 7 terribly terribly ADV _005456899 1991 8 afraid afraid ADJ _005456899 1991 9 of of ADP _005456899 1991 10 people people NOUN _005456899 1991 11 who who PRON _005456899 1991 12 want want VERB _005456899 1991 13 to to PART _005456899 1991 14 set set VERB _005456899 1991 15 the the DET _005456899 1991 16 world world NOUN _005456899 1991 17 on on ADP _005456899 1991 18 fire fire NOUN _005456899 1991 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1992 1 i i PRON _005456899 1992 2 have have AUX _005456899 1992 3 developed develop VERB _005456899 1992 4 an an DET _005456899 1992 5 · · PUNCT _005456899 1992 6 abhorrence abhorrence NOUN _005456899 1992 7 of of ADP _005456899 1992 8 anyone anyone PRON _005456899 1992 9 who who PRON _005456899 1992 10 wants want VERB _005456899 1992 11 to to PART _005456899 1992 12 reform reform VERB _005456899 1992 13 the the DET _005456899 1992 14 world world NOUN _005456899 1992 15 in in ADP _005456899 1992 16 a a DET _005456899 1992 17 big big ADJ _005456899 1992 18 way way NOUN _005456899 1992 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 1993 1 the the DET _005456899 1993 2 big big ADJ _005456899 1993 3 way way NOUN _005456899 1993 4 turns turn VERB _005456899 1993 5 into into ADP _005456899 1993 6 wars war NOUN _005456899 1993 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 1993 8 revolutions revolution NOUN _005456899 1993 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 1993 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 1993 11 the the DET _005456899 1993 12 reform reform NOUN _005456899 1993 13 ends end VERB _005456899 1993 14 in in ADP _005456899 1993 15 ruined ruin VERB _005456899 1993 16 cities city NOUN _005456899 1993 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 1993 18 millions million NOUN _005456899 1993 19 of of ADP _005456899 1993 20 unmarked unmarked ADJ _005456899 1993 21 crosses crosse NOUN _005456899 1993 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 1994 1 history history NOUN _005456899 1994 2 more more ADJ _005456899 1994 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 1994 4 more more ADJ _005456899 1994 5 convinces convince NOUN _005456899 1994 6 me i PRON _005456899 1994 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 1994 8 the the DET _005456899 1994 9 really really ADV _005456899 1994 10 great great ADJ _005456899 1994 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 1994 12 enduring endure VERB _005456899 1994 13 improvements improvement NOUN _005456899 1994 14 in in ADP _005456899 1994 15 the the DET _005456899 1994 16 world world NOUN _005456899 1994 17 have have AUX _005456899 1994 18 come come VERB _005456899 1994 19 from from ADP _005456899 1994 20 very very ADV _005456899 1994 21 noble noble ADJ _005456899 1994 22 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 1994 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1994 24 very very ADV _005456899 1994 25 little little ADJ _005456899 1994 26 noise noise NOUN _005456899 1994 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 1995 1 the the DET _005456899 1995 2 greatest great ADJ _005456899 1995 3 of of ADP _005456899 1995 4 all all PRON _005456899 1995 5 came come VERB _005456899 1995 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 1995 7 not not PART _005456899 1995 8 from from ADP _005456899 1995 9 a a DET _005456899 1995 10 general general ADJ _005456899 1995 11 staff staff NOUN _005456899 1995 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 1995 13 a a DET _005456899 1995 14 military military ADJ _005456899 1995 15 band band NOUN _005456899 1995 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 1995 17 but but CCONJ _005456899 1995 18 from from ADP _005456899 1995 19 a a DET _005456899 1995 20 stable stable ADJ _005456899 1995 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 1995 22 an an DET _005456899 1995 23 angels angel NOUN _005456899 1995 24 ' ' PART _005456899 1995 25 song song NOUN _005456899 1995 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 1996 1 the the DET _005456899 1996 2 mighty mighty ADJ _005456899 1996 3 medieval medieval ADJ _005456899 1996 4 crusades crusade NOUN _005456899 1996 5 today today NOUN _005456899 1996 6 are be AUX _005456899 1996 7 a a DET _005456899 1996 8 bad bad ADJ _005456899 1996 9 memory memory NOUN _005456899 1996 10 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 1996 11 st st PROPN _005456899 1996 12 . . PROPN _005456899 1996 13 francis francis PROPN _005456899 1996 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 1996 15 the the DET _005456899 1996 16 humble humble ADJ _005456899 1996 17 peacemaker peacemaker NOUN _005456899 1996 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 1996 19 the the DET _005456899 1996 20 poor poor ADJ _005456899 1996 21 man man NOUN _005456899 1996 22 of of ADP _005456899 1996 23 assisi assisi PROPN _005456899 1996 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 1996 25 lives live VERB _005456899 1996 26 on on ADP _005456899 1996 27 in in ADP _005456899 1996 28 eleven eleven NUM _005456899 1996 29 thousand thousand NUM _005456899 1996 30 monasteries monastery NOUN _005456899 1996 31 all all ADV _005456899 1996 32 over over ADP _005456899 1996 33 the the DET _005456899 1996 34 world world NOUN _005456899 1996 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 1997 1 three three NUM _005456899 1997 2 girls girl NOUN _005456899 1997 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 1997 4 who who PRON _005456899 1997 5 in in ADP _005456899 1997 6 1869 1869 NUM _005456899 1997 7 came come VERB _005456899 1997 8 to to ADP _005456899 1997 9 texas texas PROPN _005456899 1997 10 to to PART _005456899 1997 11 found find VERB _005456899 1997 12 a a DET _005456899 1997 13 badly badly ADV _005456899 1997 14 needed needed ADJ _005456899 1997 15 but but CCONJ _005456899 1997 16 humble humble ADJ _005456899 1997 17 hospital hospital NOUN _005456899 1997 18 planted plant VERB _005456899 1997 19 a a DET _005456899 1997 20 movement movement NOUN _005456899 1997 21 of of ADP _005456899 1997 22 charity charity NOUN _005456899 1997 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 1997 24 education education NOUN _005456899 1997 25 which which DET _005456899 1997 26 today today NOUN _005456899 1997 27 as as ADP _005456899 1997 28 the the DET _005456899 1997 29 congregation congregation NOUN _005456899 1997 30 of of ADP _005456899 1997 31 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 1997 32 of of ADP _005456899 1997 33 the the DET _005456899 1997 34 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 1997 35 92 92 NUM _005456899 1997 36 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 1997 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 1997 38 courtsinp courtsinp NOUN _005456899 1997 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 1997 40 and and CCONJ _005456899 1997 41 maluuage maluuage NOUN _005456899 1997 42 word word NOUN _005456899 1997 43 embraces embrace NOUN _005456899 1997 44 colleges college NOUN _005456899 1997 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 1997 46 academies academie VERB _005456899 1997 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 1997 48 hospitals hospital NOUN _005456899 1997 49 and and CCONJ _005456899 1997 50 orphanages orphanage NOUN _005456899 1997 51 in in ADP _005456899 1997 52 many many ADJ _005456899 1997 53 states state NOUN _005456899 1997 54 and and CCONJ _005456899 1997 55 several several ADJ _005456899 1997 56 countries country NOUN _005456899 1997 57 . . PUNCT _005456899 1998 1 it it PRON _005456899 1998 2 's be AUX _005456899 1998 3 the the DET _005456899 1998 4 high high ADJ _005456899 1998 5 - - PUNCT _005456899 1998 6 minded minded ADJ _005456899 1998 7 small small ADJ _005456899 1998 8 way way NOUN _005456899 1998 9 that that PRON _005456899 1998 10 benefits benefit VERB _005456899 1998 11 the the DET _005456899 1998 12 world world NOUN _005456899 1998 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 1998 14 not not PART _005456899 1998 15 the the DET _005456899 1998 16 strong strong ADJ _005456899 1998 17 - - PUNCT _005456899 1998 18 armed arm VERB _005456899 1998 19 big big ADJ _005456899 1998 20 way way NOUN _005456899 1998 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 1999 1 st st PROPN _005456899 1999 2 . . PROPN _005456899 1999 3 james james PROPN _005456899 1999 4 the the DET _005456899 1999 5 apostle apostle PROPN _005456899 1999 6 said say VERB _005456899 1999 7 : : PUNCT _005456899 1999 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 1999 9 . . PUNCT _005456899 1999 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 1999 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 2000 1 who who PRON _005456899 2000 2 causeth causeth VERB _005456899 2000 3 one one NUM _005456899 2000 4 sinner sinner NOUN _005456899 2000 5 to to PART _005456899 2000 6 be be AUX _005456899 2000 7 converted convert VERB _005456899 2000 8 from from ADP _005456899 2000 9 the the DET _005456899 2000 10 error error NOUN _005456899 2000 11 of of ADP _005456899 2000 12 his his PRON _005456899 2000 13 way way NOUN _005456899 2000 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2000 15 shall shall AUX _005456899 2000 16 save save VERB _005456899 2000 17 his his PRON _005456899 2000 18 soul soul NOUN _005456899 2000 19 from from ADP _005456899 2000 20 death death NOUN _005456899 2000 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2000 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 2000 23 shall shall AUX _005456899 2000 24 cover cover VERB _005456899 2000 25 a a DET _005456899 2000 26 multitude multitude NOUN _005456899 2000 27 of of ADP _005456899 2000 28 sins sin NOUN _005456899 2000 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 2000 30 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2000 31 epistle epistle PROPN _005456899 2000 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 2000 33 v v NOUN _005456899 2000 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2000 35 20 20 NUM _005456899 2000 36 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2000 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 2001 1 converting convert VERB _005456899 2001 2 people people NOUN _005456899 2001 3 in in ADP _005456899 2001 4 a a DET _005456899 2001 5 small small ADJ _005456899 2001 6 way way NOUN _005456899 2001 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 2001 8 so so ADV _005456899 2001 9 saving save VERB _005456899 2001 10 your your PRON _005456899 2001 11 soul soul NOUN _005456899 2001 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 2001 13 as as ADP _005456899 2001 14 st st PROPN _005456899 2001 15 . . PROPN _005456899 2001 16 james james PROPN _005456899 2001 17 promises promise NOUN _005456899 2001 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2001 19 is be AUX _005456899 2001 20 the the DET _005456899 2001 21 chief chief ADJ _005456899 2001 22 thing thing NOUN _005456899 2001 23 i i PRON _005456899 2001 24 ask ask VERB _005456899 2001 25 of of ADP _005456899 2001 26 you you PRON _005456899 2001 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 2001 28 wish wish VERB _005456899 2001 29 for for ADP _005456899 2001 30 you you PRON _005456899 2001 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 2002 1 some some PRON _005456899 2002 2 call call VERB _005456899 2002 3 this this PRON _005456899 2002 4 the the DET _005456899 2002 5 century century NOUN _005456899 2002 6 of of ADP _005456899 2002 7 the the DET _005456899 2002 8 " " PUNCT _005456899 2002 9 new new ADJ _005456899 2002 10 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2002 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 2002 12 a a DET _005456899 2002 13 few few ADJ _005456899 2002 14 months month NOUN _005456899 2002 15 ago ago ADV _005456899 2002 16 at at ADP _005456899 2002 17 the the DET _005456899 2002 18 centennial centennial NOUN _005456899 2002 19 celebration celebration NOUN _005456899 2002 20 of of ADP _005456899 2002 21 a a DET _005456899 2002 22 texas texas PROPN _005456899 2002 23 college college PROPN _005456899 2002 24 for for ADP _005456899 2002 25 women woman NOUN _005456899 2002 26 the the DET _005456899 2002 27 speaker speaker NOUN _005456899 2002 28 declared declare VERB _005456899 2002 29 that that SCONJ _005456899 2002 30 the the DET _005456899 2002 31 most most ADV _005456899 2002 32 epochmaking epochmaking ADJ _005456899 2002 33 development development NOUN _005456899 2002 34 of of ADP _005456899 2002 35 our our PRON _005456899 2002 36 century century NOUN _005456899 2002 37 is be AUX _005456899 2002 38 not not PART _005456899 2002 39 fast fast ADJ _005456899 2002 40 transportation transportation NOUN _005456899 2002 41 or or CCONJ _005456899 2002 42 world world NOUN _005456899 2002 43 wars war NOUN _005456899 2002 44 but but CCONJ _005456899 2002 45 the the DET _005456899 2002 46 new new ADJ _005456899 2002 47 status status NOUN _005456899 2002 48 of of ADP _005456899 2002 49 women woman NOUN _005456899 2002 50 . . PUNCT _005456899 2003 1 wars war NOUN _005456899 2003 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 2003 3 totalitarianisms totalitarianism NOUN _005456899 2003 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2003 5 he he PRON _005456899 2003 6 said say VERB _005456899 2003 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2003 8 are be AUX _005456899 2003 9 old old ADJ _005456899 2003 10 things thing NOUN _005456899 2003 11 which which PRON _005456899 2003 12 the the DET _005456899 2003 13 world world NOUN _005456899 2003 14 has have AUX _005456899 2003 15 simply simply ADV _005456899 2003 16 not not PART _005456899 2003 17 yet yet ADV _005456899 2003 18 been be AUX _005456899 2003 19 able able ADJ _005456899 2003 20 to to PART _005456899 2003 21 grow grow VERB _005456899 2003 22 out out ADP _005456899 2003 23 of of ADP _005456899 2003 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2003 25 but but CCONJ _005456899 2003 26 the the DET _005456899 2003 27 social social ADJ _005456899 2003 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2003 29 economic economic ADJ _005456899 2003 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2003 31 moral moral ADJ _005456899 2003 32 equality equality NOUN _005456899 2003 33 of of ADP _005456899 2003 34 women woman NOUN _005456899 2003 35 is be AUX _005456899 2003 36 something something PRON _005456899 2003 37 new new ADJ _005456899 2003 38 - - PUNCT _005456899 2003 39 something something PRON _005456899 2003 40 plato plato NOUN _005456899 2003 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 2003 42 aristotle aristotle PROPN _005456899 2003 43 did do AUX _005456899 2003 44 not not PART _005456899 2003 45 even even ADV _005456899 2003 46 dream dream VERB _005456899 2003 47 of of ADP _005456899 2003 48 . . PUNCT _005456899 2004 1 a a DET _005456899 2004 2 thousand thousand NUM _005456899 2004 3 years year NOUN _005456899 2004 4 from from ADP _005456899 2004 5 now now ADV _005456899 2004 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2004 7 he he PRON _005456899 2004 8 said say VERB _005456899 2004 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2004 10 our our PRON _005456899 2004 11 century century NOUN _005456899 2004 12 will will AUX _005456899 2004 13 not not PART _005456899 2004 14 likely likely ADV _005456899 2004 15 be be AUX _005456899 2004 16 called call VERB _005456899 2004 17 the the DET _005456899 2004 18 age age NOUN _005456899 2004 19 of of ADP _005456899 2004 20 the the DET _005456899 2004 21 world world NOUN _005456899 2004 22 wars war NOUN _005456899 2004 23 but but CCONJ _005456899 2004 24 the the DET _005456899 2004 25 age age NOUN _005456899 2004 26 of of ADP _005456899 2004 27 the the DET _005456899 2004 28 new new ADJ _005456899 2004 29 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2004 30 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2004 31 mary mary PROPN _005456899 2004 32 hardin hardin PROPN _005456899 2004 33 baylor baylor PROPN _005456899 2004 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2004 35 centennial centennial NOUN _005456899 2004 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2004 37 feb feb PROPN _005456899 2004 38 . . PROPN _005456899 2004 39 1 1 NUM _005456899 2004 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 2004 41 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 2004 42 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2004 43 . . PUNCT _005456899 2005 1 in in ADP _005456899 2005 2 the the DET _005456899 2005 3 last last ADJ _005456899 2005 4 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 2005 5 years year NOUN _005456899 2005 6 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2005 7 has have AUX _005456899 2005 8 slowly slowly ADV _005456899 2005 9 achieved achieve VERB _005456899 2005 10 the the DET _005456899 2005 11 same same ADJ _005456899 2005 12 school school NOUN _005456899 2005 13 curricula curricula NOUN _005456899 2005 14 as as ADP _005456899 2005 15 men man NOUN _005456899 2005 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2005 17 the the DET _005456899 2005 18 right right NOUN _005456899 2005 19 to to PART _005456899 2005 20 vote vote VERB _005456899 2005 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2005 22 an an DET _005456899 2005 23 open open ADJ _005456899 2005 24 door door NOUN _005456899 2005 25 to to ADP _005456899 2005 26 man man NOUN _005456899 2005 27 's 's PART _005456899 2005 28 professions profession NOUN _005456899 2005 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2005 30 equal equal ADJ _005456899 2005 31 pay pay NOUN _005456899 2005 32 for for ADP _005456899 2005 33 equal equal ADJ _005456899 2005 34 work work NOUN _005456899 2005 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 2005 36 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005456899 2005 37 to to PART _005456899 2005 38 hold hold VERB _005456899 2005 39 ollices ollice NOUN _005456899 2005 40 and and CCONJ _005456899 2005 41 to to PART _005456899 2005 42 manage manage VERB _005456899 2005 43 business business NOUN _005456899 2005 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 2005 45 the the DET _005456899 2005 46 right right NOUN _005456899 2005 47 to to PART _005456899 2005 48 choose choose VERB _005456899 2005 49 her her PRON _005456899 2005 50 own own ADJ _005456899 2005 51 husband husband NOUN _005456899 2005 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 2005 53 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 2005 54 from from ADP _005456899 2005 55 the the DET _005456899 2005 56 chaperone chaperone NOUN _005456899 2005 57 - - PUNCT _005456899 2005 58 and and CCONJ _005456899 2005 59 also also ADV _005456899 2005 60 some some DET _005456899 2005 61 freedoms freedom NOUN _005456899 2005 62 we we PRON _005456899 2005 63 wo will AUX _005456899 2005 64 n't not PART _005456899 2005 65 name name VERB _005456899 2005 66 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2006 1 women woman NOUN _005456899 2006 2 in in ADP _005456899 2006 3 this this DET _005456899 2006 4 country country NOUN _005456899 2006 5 get get VERB _005456899 2006 6 two two NUM _005456899 2006 7 - - PUNCT _005456899 2006 8 thirds third NOUN _005456899 2006 9 as as ADP _005456899 2006 10 many many ADJ _005456899 2006 11 college college NOUN _005456899 2006 12 degrees degree NOUN _005456899 2006 13 as as ADP _005456899 2006 14 men man NOUN _005456899 2006 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2006 16 women woman NOUN _005456899 2006 17 control control VERB _005456899 2006 18 two two NUM _005456899 2006 19 - - PUNCT _005456899 2006 20 thirds third NOUN _005456899 2006 21 of of ADP _005456899 2006 22 the the DET _005456899 2006 23 wealth wealth NOUN _005456899 2006 24 of of ADP _005456899 2006 25 the the DET _005456899 2006 26 country country NOUN _005456899 2006 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 2007 1 culturally culturally ADV _005456899 2007 2 women woman NOUN _005456899 2007 3 seem seem VERB _005456899 2007 4 to to PART _005456899 2007 5 have have VERB _005456899 2007 6 four four NUM _005456899 2007 7 times time NOUN _005456899 2007 8 more more ADJ _005456899 2007 9 chance chance NOUN _005456899 2007 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 2007 11 inclination inclination NOUN _005456899 2007 12 to to PART _005456899 2007 13 attend attend VERB _005456899 2007 14 plays play NOUN _005456899 2007 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 2007 16 motion motion NOUN _005456899 2007 17 pictures picture NOUN _005456899 2007 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2007 19 to to PART _005456899 2007 20 hear hear VERB _005456899 2007 21 reviews review NOUN _005456899 2007 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 2007 23 read read VERB _005456899 2007 24 books book NOUN _005456899 2007 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2007 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 2007 27 to to PART _005456899 2007 28 belong belong VERB _005456899 2007 29 to to ADP _005456899 2007 30 discussion discussion NOUN _005456899 2007 31 clubs club NOUN _005456899 2007 32 - - PUNCT _005456899 2007 33 not not PART _005456899 2007 34 to to PART _005456899 2007 35 mention mention VERB _005456899 2007 36 bridge bridge NOUN _005456899 2007 37 clubs club NOUN _005456899 2007 38 . . PUNCT _005456899 2008 1 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2008 2 's 's PART _005456899 2008 3 influence influence NOUN _005456899 2008 4 in in ADP _005456899 2008 5 civic civic ADJ _005456899 2008 6 affairs affair NOUN _005456899 2008 7 has have AUX _005456899 2008 8 been be AUX _005456899 2008 9 disappointing disappoint VERB _005456899 2008 10 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 2008 11 in in ADP _005456899 2008 12 1937 1937 NUM _005456899 2008 13 on on ADP _005456899 2008 14 her her PRON _005456899 2008 15 79th 79th ADJ _005456899 2008 16 birthday birthday NOUN _005456899 2008 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2008 18 miss miss PROPN _005456899 2008 19 alice alice PROPN _005456899 2008 20 stone stone PROPN _005456899 2008 21 blackwell blackwell PROPN _005456899 2008 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 2008 23 grand grand ADJ _005456899 2008 24 old old ADJ _005456899 2008 25 pioneer pioneer NOUN _005456899 2008 26 of of ADP _005456899 2008 27 the the DET _005456899 2008 28 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2008 29 's 's PART _005456899 2008 30 suffrage suffrage NOUN _005456899 2008 31 movement movement NOUN _005456899 2008 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 2008 33 to to PART _005456899 2008 34 quote quote VERB _005456899 2008 35 a a DET _005456899 2008 36 headline headline NOUN _005456899 2008 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 2008 38 voiced voice VERB _005456899 2008 39 " " PUNCT _005456899 2008 40 disappointment disappointment NOUN _005456899 2008 41 at at ADP _005456899 2008 42 way way NOUN _005456899 2008 43 women woman NOUN _005456899 2008 44 have have AUX _005456899 2008 45 made make VERB _005456899 2008 46 use use NOUN _005456899 2008 47 of of ADP _005456899 2008 48 ballot ballot NOUN _005456899 2008 49 . . PUNCT _005456899 2008 50 " " PUNCT _005456899 2009 1 she she PRON _005456899 2009 2 said say VERB _005456899 2009 3 " " PUNCT _005456899 2009 4 she she PRON _005456899 2009 5 had have AUX _005456899 2009 6 hoped hope VERB _005456899 2009 7 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2009 8 's 's PART _005456899 2009 9 suffrage suffrage NOUN _005456899 2009 10 would would AUX _005456899 2009 11 make make VERB _005456899 2009 12 certain certain ADJ _005456899 2009 13 peace peace NOUN _005456899 2009 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2009 15 temperance temperance NOUN _005456899 2009 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 2009 17 a a DET _005456899 2009 18 child child NOUN _005456899 2009 19 labor labor NOUN _005456899 2009 20 amendment amendment NOUN _005456899 2009 21 to to ADP _005456899 2009 22 the the DET _005456899 2009 23 constitution constitution NOUN _005456899 2009 24 " " PUNCT _005456899 2009 25 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2009 26 news news NOUN _005456899 2009 27 item item PROPN _005456899 2009 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2009 29 ap ap PROPN _005456899 2009 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2009 31 n. n. PROPN _005456899 2009 32 y. y. PROPN _005456899 2009 33 times times PROPN _005456899 2009 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2009 35 jan jan PROPN _005456899 2009 36 . . PROPN _005456899 2009 37 11 11 NUM _005456899 2009 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2009 39 1937 1937 NUM _005456899 2009 40 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2009 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 2010 1 in in ADP _005456899 2010 2 view view NOUN _005456899 2010 3 of of ADP _005456899 2010 4 the the DET _005456899 2010 5 facts fact NOUN _005456899 2010 6 she she PRON _005456899 2010 7 commented comment VERB _005456899 2010 8 quietly quietly ADV _005456899 2010 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2010 10 " " PUNCT _005456899 2010 11 no no DET _005456899 2010 12 reform reform NOUN _005456899 2010 13 ever ever ADV _005456899 2010 14 accomplishes accomplish VERB _005456899 2010 15 as as ADV _005456899 2010 16 much much ADV _005456899 2010 17 as as SCONJ _005456899 2010 18 its its PRON _005456899 2010 19 advocates advocate NOUN _005456899 2010 20 expect expect VERB _005456899 2010 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 2010 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 2011 1 1 1 NUM _005456899 2011 2 : : PUNCT _005456899 2011 3 big big ADJ _005456899 2011 4 ] ] X _005456899 2011 5 they they PRON _005456899 2011 6 that that PRON _005456899 2011 7 judie judie PROPN _005456899 2011 8 ality ality NOUN _005456899 2011 9 in in ADP _005456899 2011 10 en en ADP _005456899 2011 11 c c NOUN _005456899 2011 12 1 1 NUM _005456899 2011 13 they they PRON _005456899 2011 14 us we PRON _005456899 2011 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 2012 1 1 1 NUM _005456899 2012 2 than than ADP _005456899 2012 3 to to ADP _005456899 2012 4 b b PROPN _005456899 2012 5 mak mak PROPN _005456899 2012 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2012 7 wise wise ADJ _005456899 2012 8 unle unle NOUN _005456899 2012 9 } } PUNCT _005456899 2012 10 hun1 hun1 PROPN _005456899 2012 11 amo amo PROPN _005456899 2012 12 itn itn PROPN _005456899 2012 13 : : PUNCT _005456899 2012 14 for for ADP _005456899 2012 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 2012 16 itis itis NOUN _005456899 2012 17 ing ing PROPN _005456899 2012 18 havf havf PROPN _005456899 2013 1 hers her NOUN _005456899 2013 2 forb forb VERB _005456899 2013 3 : : PUNCT _005456899 2013 4 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2013 5 you you PRON _005456899 2013 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 2013 7 i i PRON _005456899 2013 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 2013 9 a a DET _005456899 2013 10 betier beti ADJ _005456899 2013 11 world world NOUN _005456899 2013 12 93 93 NUM _005456899 2013 13 in in ADP _005456899 2013 14 this this DET _005456899 2013 15 matter matter NOUN _005456899 2013 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2013 17 too too ADV _005456899 2013 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2013 19 the the DET _005456899 2013 20 humanitarians humanitarian NOUN _005456899 2013 21 had have AUX _005456899 2013 22 argued argue VERB _005456899 2013 23 for for ADP _005456899 2013 24 the the DET _005456899 2013 25 big big ADJ _005456899 2013 26 reform reform NOUN _005456899 2013 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2013 28 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2013 29 's 's PART _005456899 2013 30 suffrage suffrage NOUN _005456899 2013 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2013 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 2013 33 expected expect VERB _005456899 2013 34 the the DET _005456899 2013 35 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 2013 36 world world NOUN _005456899 2013 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 2013 38 and and CCONJ _005456899 2013 39 they they PRON _005456899 2013 40 are be AUX _005456899 2013 41 disappointed disappoint VERB _005456899 2013 42 that that PRON _005456899 2013 43 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2013 44 's 's PART _005456899 2013 45 new new ADJ _005456899 2013 46 power power NOUN _005456899 2013 47 did do AUX _005456899 2013 48 not not PART _005456899 2013 49 -produce -produce VERB _005456899 2013 50 that that SCONJ _005456899 2013 51 better well ADJ _005456899 2013 52 world world NOUN _005456899 2013 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 2014 1 crooked crooked ADJ _005456899 2014 2 politics politic NOUN _005456899 2014 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 4 wars war NOUN _005456899 2014 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 6 bad bad ADJ _005456899 2014 7 literature literature NOUN _005456899 2014 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 9 ~ace ~ace X _005456899 2014 10 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005456899 2014 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 12 starvation starvation NOUN _005456899 2014 13 wages wage NOUN _005456899 2014 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 15 unemployment unemployment NOUN _005456899 2014 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 17 drunkenness drunkenness NOUN _005456899 2014 18 and and CCONJ _005456899 2014 19 immorality immorality NOUN _005456899 2014 20 were be AUX _005456899 2014 21 not not PART _005456899 2014 22 ended end VERB _005456899 2014 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 24 in in ADP _005456899 2014 25 fact fact NOUN _005456899 2014 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 2014 27 it it PRON _005456899 2014 28 almost almost ADV _005456899 2014 29 seemed seem VERB _005456899 2014 30 as as SCONJ _005456899 2014 31 if if SCONJ _005456899 2014 32 they they PRON _005456899 2014 33 had have AUX _005456899 2014 34 increased increase VERB _005456899 2014 35 with with ADP _005456899 2014 36 the the DET _005456899 2014 37 new new ADJ _005456899 2014 38 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2014 39 in in ADP _005456899 2014 40 politics politic NOUN _005456899 2014 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 2014 42 business business NOUN _005456899 2014 43 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2015 1 only only ADV _005456899 2015 2 better well ADJ _005456899 2015 3 training training NOUN _005456899 2015 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2015 5 not not PART _005456899 2015 6 their their PRON _005456899 2015 7 nature nature NOUN _005456899 2015 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2015 9 can can AUX _005456899 2015 10 make make VERB _005456899 2015 11 women woman NOUN _005456899 2015 12 wiser wise ADJ _005456899 2015 13 than than ADP _005456899 2015 14 men man NOUN _005456899 2015 15 they they PRON _005456899 2015 16 are be AUX _005456899 2015 17 n't not PART _005456899 2015 18 worse bad ADJ _005456899 2015 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2015 20 of of ADP _005456899 2015 21 course course NOUN _005456899 2015 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 2015 23 but but CCONJ _005456899 2015 24 there there PRON _005456899 2015 25 is be VERB _005456899 2015 26 a a DET _005456899 2015 27 good good ADJ _005456899 2015 28 reason reason NOUN _005456899 2015 29 why why SCONJ _005456899 2015 30 they they PRON _005456899 2015 31 did do AUX _005456899 2015 32 not not PART _005456899 2015 33 become become VERB _005456899 2015 34 much much ADV _005456899 2015 35 better well ADJ _005456899 2015 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 2016 1 that that DET _005456899 2016 2 reason reason NOUN _005456899 2016 3 is be AUX _005456899 2016 4 important important ADJ _005456899 2016 5 for for ADP _005456899 2016 6 us we PRON _005456899 2016 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 2017 1 the the DET _005456899 2017 2 reason reason NOUN _005456899 2017 3 is be AUX _005456899 2017 4 that that SCONJ _005456899 2017 5 women woman NOUN _005456899 2017 6 are be AUX _005456899 2017 7 not not PART _005456899 2017 8 naturally naturally ADV _005456899 2017 9 better well ADJ _005456899 2017 10 or or CCONJ _005456899 2017 11 wiser wise ADJ _005456899 2017 12 than than ADP _005456899 2017 13 men man NOUN _005456899 2017 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 2018 1 women woman NOUN _005456899 2018 2 by by ADP _005456899 2018 3 the the DET _005456899 2018 4 fact fact NOUN _005456899 2018 5 of of ADP _005456899 2018 6 being be AUX _005456899 2018 7 women woman NOUN _005456899 2018 8 may may AUX _005456899 2018 9 be be AUX _005456899 2018 10 conceded concede VERB _005456899 2018 11 to to PART _005456899 2018 12 be be AUX _005456899 2018 13 more more ADV _005456899 2018 14 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 2018 15 than than ADP _005456899 2018 16 men man NOUN _005456899 2018 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2018 18 but but CCONJ _005456899 2018 19 their their PRON _005456899 2018 20 being being NOUN _005456899 2018 21 women woman NOUN _005456899 2018 22 does do AUX _005456899 2018 23 not not PART _005456899 2018 24 make make VERB _005456899 2018 25 them they PRON _005456899 2018 26 better well ADJ _005456899 2018 27 or or CCONJ _005456899 2018 28 wiser wise ADJ _005456899 2018 29 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2019 1 women woman NOUN _005456899 2019 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2019 3 like like ADP _005456899 2019 4 men man NOUN _005456899 2019 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2019 6 grow grow VERB _005456899 2019 7 good good ADJ _005456899 2019 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 2019 9 wise wise ADJ _005456899 2019 10 only only ADV _005456899 2019 11 through through ADP _005456899 2019 12 wise wise ADJ _005456899 2019 13 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2019 14 training training NOUN _005456899 2019 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 2019 16 experience experience NOUN _005456899 2019 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 2020 1 women woman NOUN _005456899 2020 2 unless unless SCONJ _005456899 2020 3 so so ADV _005456899 2020 4 trained train VERB _005456899 2020 5 are be AUX _005456899 2020 6 just just ADV _005456899 2020 7 as as ADV _005456899 2020 8 savage savage ADJ _005456899 2020 9 as as ADP _005456899 2020 10 men man NOUN _005456899 2020 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 2021 1 uncivilized uncivilized ADJ _005456899 2021 2 women woman NOUN _005456899 2021 3 want want VERB _005456899 2021 4 their their PRON _005456899 2021 5 men man NOUN _005456899 2021 6 to to PART _005456899 2021 7 kill kill VERB _005456899 2021 8 other other ADJ _005456899 2021 9 women woman NOUN _005456899 2021 10 's 's PART _005456899 2021 11 men man NOUN _005456899 2021 12 a a DET _005456899 2021 13 missionary missionary ADJ _005456899 2021 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2021 15 father father NOUN _005456899 2021 16 marcelline marcelline PROPN _005456899 2021 17 molz molz PROPN _005456899 2021 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2021 19 in in ADP _005456899 2021 20 " " PUNCT _005456899 2021 21 the the DET _005456899 2021 22 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2021 23 headhunters headhunter NOUN _005456899 2021 24 of of ADP _005456899 2021 25 india india PROPN _005456899 2021 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 2021 27 " " PUNCT _005456899 2021 28 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2021 29 salesianum salesianum NOUN _005456899 2021 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2021 31 april april PROPN _005456899 2021 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 2021 33 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 2021 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2021 35 p. p. NOUN _005456899 2021 36 56 56 NUM _005456899 2021 37 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2021 38 writes write VERB _005456899 2021 39 that that SCONJ _005456899 2021 40 among among ADP _005456899 2021 41 the the DET _005456899 2021 42 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2021 43 headhunters headhunter NOUN _005456899 2021 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 2021 45 " " PUNCT _005456899 2021 46 a a DET _005456899 2021 47 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2021 48 youth youth NOUN _005456899 2021 49 is be AUX _005456899 2021 50 not not PART _005456899 2021 51 considered consider VERB _005456899 2021 52 to to PART _005456899 2021 53 have have AUX _005456899 2021 54 proved prove VERB _005456899 2021 55 himself himself PRON _005456899 2021 56 a a DET _005456899 2021 57 man man NOUN _005456899 2021 58 until until SCONJ _005456899 2021 59 he he PRON _005456899 2021 60 has have AUX _005456899 2021 61 taken take VERB _005456899 2021 62 at at ADV _005456899 2021 63 least least ADV _005456899 2021 64 one one NUM _005456899 2021 65 head head NOUN _005456899 2021 66 . . PUNCT _005456899 2022 1 the the DET _005456899 2022 2 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2022 3 women woman NOUN _005456899 2022 4 concur concur VERB _005456899 2022 5 in in ADP _005456899 2022 6 this this DET _005456899 2022 7 point point NOUN _005456899 2022 8 of of ADP _005456899 2022 9 view view NOUN _005456899 2022 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2022 11 for for SCONJ _005456899 2022 12 they they PRON _005456899 2022 13 never never ADV _005456899 2022 14 cease cease VERB _005456899 2022 15 to to PART _005456899 2022 16 ridicule ridicule VERB _005456899 2022 17 a a DET _005456899 2022 18 young young ADJ _005456899 2022 19 man man NOUN _005456899 2022 20 who who PRON _005456899 2022 21 can can AUX _005456899 2022 22 not not PART _005456899 2022 23 show show VERB _005456899 2022 24 a a DET _005456899 2022 25 trophy trophy NOUN _005456899 2022 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 2023 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 2023 2 a a DET _005456899 2023 3 suitor suitor NOUN _005456899 2023 4 pays pay VERB _005456899 2023 5 court court NOUN _005456899 2023 6 to to ADP _005456899 2023 7 a a DET _005456899 2023 8 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2023 9 girl girl NOUN _005456899 2023 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2023 11 he he PRON _005456899 2023 12 must must AUX _005456899 2023 13 pledge pledge VERB _005456899 2023 14 his his PRON _005456899 2023 15 affection affection NOUN _005456899 2023 16 by by ADP _005456899 2023 17 presenting present VERB _005456899 2023 18 her she PRON _005456899 2023 19 with with ADP _005456899 2023 20 one one NUM _005456899 2023 21 or or CCONJ _005456899 2023 22 more more ADJ _005456899 2023 23 heads head NOUN _005456899 2023 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 2023 25 " " PUNCT _005456899 2024 1 it it PRON _005456899 2024 2 may may AUX _005456899 2024 3 be be AUX _005456899 2024 4 terrible terrible ADJ _005456899 2024 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 2024 6 the the DET _005456899 2024 7 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2024 8 women woman NOUN _005456899 2024 9 should should AUX _005456899 2024 10 praise praise VERB _005456899 2024 11 their their PRON _005456899 2024 12 men man NOUN _005456899 2024 13 for for ADP _005456899 2024 14 headhunting headhunting NOUN _005456899 2024 15 - - PUNCT _005456899 2024 16 but but CCONJ _005456899 2024 17 until until SCONJ _005456899 2024 18 trained train VERB _005456899 2024 19 better well ADV _005456899 2024 20 than than ADP _005456899 2024 21 their their PRON _005456899 2024 22 savage savage ADJ _005456899 2024 23 men man NOUN _005456899 2024 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2024 25 it it PRON _005456899 2024 26 is be AUX _005456899 2024 27 perfectly perfectly ADV _005456899 2024 28 natural natural ADJ _005456899 2024 29 that that SCONJ _005456899 2024 30 they they PRON _005456899 2024 31 do do VERB _005456899 2024 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 2025 1 similarly similarly ADV _005456899 2025 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2025 3 given give VERB _005456899 2025 4 the the DET _005456899 2025 5 same same ADJ _005456899 2025 6 training training NOUN _005456899 2025 7 as as ADP _005456899 2025 8 men man NOUN _005456899 2025 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2025 10 it it PRON _005456899 2025 11 was be AUX _005456899 2025 12 perfectly perfectly ADV _005456899 2025 13 natural natural ADJ _005456899 2025 14 that that SCONJ _005456899 2025 15 american american ADJ _005456899 2025 16 women woman NOUN _005456899 2025 17 should should AUX _005456899 2025 18 have have AUX _005456899 2025 19 turned turn VERB _005456899 2025 20 on on ADP _005456899 2025 21 lew lew NOUN _005456899 2025 22 ayres ayre NOUN _005456899 2025 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2025 24 movie movie NOUN _005456899 2025 25 star star NOUN _005456899 2025 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 2025 27 as as ADV _005456899 2025 28 fiercely fiercely ADV _005456899 2025 29 as as ADP _005456899 2025 30 the the DET _005456899 2025 31 members member NOUN _005456899 2025 32 of of ADP _005456899 2025 33 the the DET _005456899 2025 34 american american ADJ _005456899 2025 35 legion legion NOUN _005456899 2025 36 when when SCONJ _005456899 2025 37 he he PRON _005456899 2025 38 said say VERB _005456899 2025 39 that that SCONJ _005456899 2025 40 his his PRON _005456899 2025 41 conscience conscience NOUN _005456899 2025 42 forbade forbid VERB _005456899 2025 43 him he PRON _005456899 2025 44 to to PART _005456899 2025 45 kill kill VERB _005456899 2025 46 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2026 1 women woman NOUN _005456899 2026 2 in in ADP _005456899 2026 3 new new ADJ _005456899 2026 4 fields field NOUN _005456899 2026 5 have have VERB _005456899 2026 6 all all DET _005456899 2026 7 the the DET _005456899 2026 8 ignorance ignorance NOUN _005456899 2026 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 2026 10 vices vice NOUN _005456899 2026 11 of of ADP _005456899 2026 12 their their PRON _005456899 2026 13 trainers trainer NOUN _005456899 2026 14 when when SCONJ _005456899 2026 15 women woman NOUN _005456899 2026 16 enter enter VERB _005456899 2026 17 politics politic NOUN _005456899 2026 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 19 finance finance NOUN _005456899 2026 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 21 medicine medicine NOUN _005456899 2026 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 23 the the DET _005456899 2026 24 arts art NOUN _005456899 2026 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 26 it it PRON _005456899 2026 27 is be AUX _005456899 2026 28 94 94 NUM _005456899 2026 29 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 2026 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 31 courtsillp courtsillp NOUN _005456899 2026 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 2026 34 maiuuage maiuuage NOUN _005456899 2026 35 fantastic fantastic ADJ _005456899 2026 36 to to PART _005456899 2026 37 expect expect VERB _005456899 2026 38 them they PRON _005456899 2026 39 to to PART _005456899 2026 40 be be AUX _005456899 2026 41 more more ADV _005456899 2026 42 skilled skilled ADJ _005456899 2026 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 44 more more ADV _005456899 2026 45 wise wise ADJ _005456899 2026 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 2026 47 or or CCONJ _005456899 2026 48 more more ADV _005456899 2026 49 moral moral ADJ _005456899 2026 50 th th NOUN _005456899 2026 51 : : PUNCT _005456899 2026 52 m m PROPN _005456899 2026 53 the the DET _005456899 2026 54 men man NOUN _005456899 2026 55 from from ADP _005456899 2026 56 whom whom PRON _005456899 2026 57 they they PRON _005456899 2026 58 learned learn VERB _005456899 2026 59 . . PUNCT _005456899 2027 1 a a DET _005456899 2027 2 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2027 3 becomes become VERB _005456899 2027 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 2028 1 a a DET _005456899 2028 2 good good ADJ _005456899 2028 3 swimmer swimmer NOUN _005456899 2028 4 only only ADV _005456899 2028 5 by by ADP _005456899 2028 6 expert expert NOUN _005456899 2028 7 training training NOUN _005456899 2028 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 2028 9 practice practice NOUN _005456899 2028 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 2028 11 she she PRON _005456899 2028 12 becomes become VERB _005456899 2028 13 an an DET _005456899 2028 14 honest honest ADJ _005456899 2028 15 politician politician NOUN _005456899 2028 16 only only ADV _005456899 2028 17 by by ADP _005456899 2028 18 training training NOUN _005456899 2028 19 in in ADP _005456899 2028 20 highminded highminded ADJ _005456899 2028 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 2028 22 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2028 23 politics politic NOUN _005456899 2028 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 2029 1 when when SCONJ _005456899 2029 2 women woman NOUN _005456899 2029 3 acquired acquire VERB _005456899 2029 4 the the DET _005456899 2029 5 various various ADJ _005456899 2029 6 freedoms freedom NOUN _005456899 2029 7 we we PRON _005456899 2029 8 hear hear VERB _005456899 2029 9 about about ADP _005456899 2029 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2029 11 they they PRON _005456899 2029 12 inherited inherit VERB _005456899 2029 13 all all DET _005456899 2029 14 the the DET _005456899 2029 15 graft graft NOUN _005456899 2029 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2029 17 prejudices prejudice NOUN _005456899 2029 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2029 19 cruelties cruelty NOUN _005456899 2029 20 of of ADP _005456899 2029 21 the the DET _005456899 2029 22 men man NOUN _005456899 2029 23 . . PUNCT _005456899 2030 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 2030 2 the the DET _005456899 2030 3 new new ADJ _005456899 2030 4 age age NOUN _005456899 2030 5 of of ADP _005456899 2030 6 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2030 7 is be AUX _005456899 2030 8 to to PART _005456899 2030 9 be be AUX _005456899 2030 10 a a DET _005456899 2030 11 special special ADJ _005456899 2030 12 blessing blessing NOUN _005456899 2030 13 for for ADP _005456899 2030 14 the the DET _005456899 2030 15 world world NOUN _005456899 2030 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2030 17 then then ADV _005456899 2030 18 women woman NOUN _005456899 2030 19 must must AUX _005456899 2030 20 use use VERB _005456899 2030 21 their their PRON _005456899 2030 22 new new ADJ _005456899 2030 23 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 2030 24 opportunities opportunity NOUN _005456899 2030 25 to to PART _005456899 2030 26 become become VERB _005456899 2030 27 thoroughly thoroughly ADV _005456899 2030 28 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2030 29 more more ADV _005456899 2030 30 quickly quickly ADV _005456899 2030 31 and and CCONJ _005456899 2030 32 enthusiastically enthusiastically ADV _005456899 2030 33 than than ADP _005456899 2030 34 men man NOUN _005456899 2030 35 - - PUNCT _005456899 2030 36 more more ADV _005456899 2030 37 honest honest ADJ _005456899 2030 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2030 39 more more ADV _005456899 2030 40 just just ADV _005456899 2030 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 2030 42 more more ADV _005456899 2030 43 charitable charitable ADJ _005456899 2030 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 2030 45 more more ADV _005456899 2030 46 fair fair ADJ _005456899 2030 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 2030 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 2030 49 more more ADV _005456899 2030 50 wise wise ADJ _005456899 2030 51 than than ADP _005456899 2030 52 men man NOUN _005456899 2030 53 . . PUNCT _005456899 2031 1 women woman NOUN _005456899 2031 2 today today NOUN _005456899 2031 3 can can AUX _005456899 2031 4 take take VERB _005456899 2031 5 over over ADP _005456899 2031 6 the the DET _005456899 2031 7 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 2031 8 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2031 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 2031 10 women woman NOUN _005456899 2031 11 today today NOUN _005456899 2031 12 are be AUX _005456899 2031 13 in in ADP _005456899 2031 14 a a DET _005456899 2031 15 splendid splendid ADJ _005456899 2031 16 position position NOUN _005456899 2031 17 to to PART _005456899 2031 18 become become VERB _005456899 2031 19 soif soif PROPN _005456899 2031 20 threy threy PROPN _005456899 2031 21 know know VERB _005456899 2032 1 how how SCONJ _005456899 2032 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 2032 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 2032 4 they they PRON _005456899 2032 5 want want VERB _005456899 2032 6 to to PART _005456899 2032 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 2033 1 they they PRON _005456899 2033 2 are be AUX _005456899 2033 3 getting get VERB _005456899 2033 4 the the DET _005456899 2033 5 same same ADJ _005456899 2033 6 high high ADJ _005456899 2033 7 school school NOUN _005456899 2033 8 training training NOUN _005456899 2033 9 as as ADP _005456899 2033 10 men man NOUN _005456899 2033 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2033 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 2033 13 the the DET _005456899 2033 14 time time NOUN _005456899 2033 15 seems seem VERB _005456899 2033 16 to to PART _005456899 2033 17 be be AUX _005456899 2033 18 approaching approach VERB _005456899 2033 19 when when SCONJ _005456899 2033 20 as as SCONJ _005456899 2033 21 many many ADJ _005456899 2033 22 will will AUX _005456899 2033 23 go go VERB _005456899 2033 24 to to ADP _005456899 2033 25 college college NOUN _005456899 2033 26 as as ADP _005456899 2033 27 men man NOUN _005456899 2033 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 2034 1 during during ADP _005456899 2034 2 the the DET _005456899 2034 3 war war NOUN _005456899 2034 4 years year NOUN _005456899 2034 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2034 6 while while SCONJ _005456899 2034 7 the the DET _005456899 2034 8 men man NOUN _005456899 2034 9 brutalized brutalize VERB _005456899 2034 10 on on ADP _005456899 2034 11 war war NOUN _005456899 2034 12 fronts front NOUN _005456899 2034 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2034 14 women woman NOUN _005456899 2034 15 have have AUX _005456899 2034 16 been be AUX _005456899 2034 17 able able ADJ _005456899 2034 18 to to PART _005456899 2034 19 push push VERB _005456899 2034 20 ahead ahead ADV _005456899 2034 21 educationally educationally ADV _005456899 2034 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 2035 1 furthermore furthermore ADV _005456899 2035 2 in in ADP _005456899 2035 3 school school NOUN _005456899 2035 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 2035 5 in in ADP _005456899 2035 6 life life NOUN _005456899 2035 7 women woman NOUN _005456899 2035 8 are be AUX _005456899 2035 9 somewhat somewhat ADV _005456899 2035 10 less less ADV _005456899 2035 11 enslaved enslave VERB _005456899 2035 12 by by ADP _005456899 2035 13 vocationalism vocationalism NOUN _005456899 2035 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2035 15 so so SCONJ _005456899 2035 16 as as SCONJ _005456899 2035 17 to to PART _005456899 2035 18 allow allow VERB _005456899 2035 19 them they PRON _005456899 2035 20 an an DET _005456899 2035 21 edge edge NOUN _005456899 2035 22 in in ADP _005456899 2035 23 liberal liberal ADJ _005456899 2035 24 subjects subject NOUN _005456899 2035 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2036 1 in in ADP _005456899 2036 2 addition addition NOUN _005456899 2036 3 to to ADP _005456899 2036 4 that that PRON _005456899 2036 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2036 6 women woman NOUN _005456899 2036 7 somehow somehow ADV _005456899 2036 8 - - PUNCT _005456899 2036 9 both both PRON _005456899 2036 10 career career NOUN _005456899 2036 11 women woman NOUN _005456899 2036 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 2036 13 housewives housewife NOUN _005456899 2036 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 2036 15 seem seem VERB _005456899 2036 16 to to PART _005456899 2036 17 have have VERB _005456899 2036 18 more more ADJ _005456899 2036 19 time time NOUN _005456899 2036 20 for for ADP _005456899 2036 21 culture culture NOUN _005456899 2036 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 2036 23 for for ADP _005456899 2036 24 plays play NOUN _005456899 2036 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2036 26 books book NOUN _005456899 2036 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2036 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 2036 29 study study NOUN _005456899 2036 30 clubs club NOUN _005456899 2036 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2036 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 2036 33 even even ADV _005456899 2036 34 novenas novena NOUN _005456899 2036 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 2036 36 prayer prayer NOUN _005456899 2036 37 meetings meeting NOUN _005456899 2036 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2036 39 than than ADP _005456899 2036 40 men man NOUN _005456899 2036 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 2037 1 in in ADP _005456899 2037 2 short short ADJ _005456899 2037 3 the the DET _005456899 2037 4 setting setting NOUN _005456899 2037 5 is be AUX _005456899 2037 6 perfect perfect ADJ _005456899 2037 7 for for ADP _005456899 2037 8 women woman NOUN _005456899 2037 9 for for ADP _005456899 2037 10 the the DET _005456899 2037 11 first first ADJ _005456899 2037 12 time time NOUN _005456899 2037 13 in in ADP _005456899 2037 14 the the DET _005456899 2037 15 history history NOUN _005456899 2037 16 of of ADP _005456899 2037 17 the the DET _005456899 2037 18 world world NOUN _005456899 2037 19 to to PART _005456899 2037 20 take take VERB _005456899 2037 21 over over ADP _005456899 2037 22 the the DET _005456899 2037 23 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 2037 24 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2037 25 - - PUNCT _005456899 2037 26 that that PRON _005456899 2037 27 is is ADV _005456899 2037 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2037 29 the the DET _005456899 2037 30 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2037 31 in in ADP _005456899 2037 32 better well ADJ _005456899 2037 33 living living NOUN _005456899 2037 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2037 35 in in ADP _005456899 2037 36 better well ADJ _005456899 2037 37 thinking thinking NOUN _005456899 2037 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2037 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 2037 40 in in ADP _005456899 2037 41 an an DET _005456899 2037 42 improved improved ADJ _005456899 2037 43 brotherhood brotherhood NOUN _005456899 2037 44 of of ADP _005456899 2037 45 man man PROPN _005456899 2037 46 . . PUNCT _005456899 2038 1 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 2038 2 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2038 3 should should AUX _005456899 2038 4 see see VERB _005456899 2038 5 the the DET _005456899 2038 6 right right ADJ _005456899 2038 7 first first ADV _005456899 2038 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 2038 9 live live VERB _005456899 2038 10 it it PRON _005456899 2038 11 first first ADV _005456899 2038 12 of of ADP _005456899 2038 13 this this DET _005456899 2038 14 feminine feminine ADJ _005456899 2038 15 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2038 16 in in ADP _005456899 2038 17 better well ADJ _005456899 2038 18 thinking thinking NOUN _005456899 2038 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2038 20 living living NOUN _005456899 2038 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2038 22 young young ADJ _005456899 2038 23 women woman NOUN _005456899 2038 24 who who PRON _005456899 2038 25 have have AUX _005456899 2038 26 had have VERB _005456899 2038 27 the the DET _005456899 2038 28 liberal liberal ADJ _005456899 2038 29 education education NOUN _005456899 2038 30 for for ADP _005456899 2038 31 which which PRON _005456899 2038 32 you you PRON _005456899 2038 33 got get VERB _005456899 2038 34 your your PRON _005456899 2038 35 degrees degree NOUN _005456899 2038 36 tonight tonight NOUN _005456899 2038 37 should should AUX _005456899 2038 38 be be AUX _005456899 2038 39 and and CCONJ _005456899 2038 40 will will AUX _005456899 2038 41 be be AUX _005456899 2038 42 the the DET _005456899 2038 43 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2038 44 . . PUNCT _005456899 2039 1 to to PART _005456899 2039 2 be be AUX _005456899 2039 3 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2039 4 at at ADV _005456899 2039 5 all all ADV _005456899 2039 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2039 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 2039 8 to to PART _005456899 2039 9 be be AUX _005456899 2039 10 above above ADP _005456899 2039 11 all all DET _005456899 2039 12 worthy worthy ADJ _005456899 2039 13 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2039 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2039 15 you you PRON _005456899 2039 16 must must AUX _005456899 2039 17 see see VERB _005456899 2039 18 the the DET _005456899 2039 19 right right NOUN _005456899 2039 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 2039 21 live live VERB _005456899 2039 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 2039 23 teach teach VERB _005456899 2039 24 the the DET _005456899 2039 25 right right NOUN _005456899 2039 26 sooner soon ADV _005456899 2039 27 than than ADP _005456899 2039 28 others other NOUN _005456899 2039 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 2040 1 to to PART _005456899 2040 2 be be AUX _005456899 2040 3 a a DET _005456899 2040 4 true true ADJ _005456899 2040 5 leader leader NOUN _005456899 2040 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2040 7 for for ADP _005456899 2040 8 example example NOUN _005456899 2040 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2040 10 you you PRON _005456899 2040 11 must must AUX _005456899 2040 12 be be AUX _005456899 2040 13 among among ADP _005456899 2040 14 the the DET _005456899 2040 15 first first ADJ _005456899 2040 16 to to PART _005456899 2040 17 understand understand VERB _005456899 2040 18 race race NOUN _005456899 2040 19 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005456899 2040 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 2040 21 to to PART _005456899 2040 22 overcome overcome VERB _005456899 2040 23 it it PRON _005456899 2040 24 in in ADP _005456899 2040 25 yourselves yourself NOUN _005456899 2040 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 2040 27 in in ADP _005456899 2040 28 others other NOUN _005456899 2040 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 2041 1 race race NOUN _005456899 2041 2 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005456899 2041 3 is be AUX _005456899 2041 4 only only ADV _005456899 2041 5 one one NUM _005456899 2041 6 of of ADP _005456899 2041 7 dozens dozen NOUN _005456899 2041 8 of of ADP _005456899 2041 9 things thing NOUN _005456899 2041 10 regarding regard VERB _005456899 2041 11 which which PRON _005456899 2041 12 the the DET _005456899 2041 13 human human ADJ _005456899 2041 14 race race NOUN _005456899 2041 15 must must AUX _005456899 2041 16 think think VERB _005456899 2041 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 2041 18 act act VERB _005456899 2041 19 more more ADV _005456899 2041 20 wisely wisely ADV _005456899 2041 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 2042 1 thornton thornton NOUN _005456899 2042 2 wilder wilder NOUN _005456899 2042 3 in in ADP _005456899 2042 4 his his PRON _005456899 2042 5 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005456899 2042 6 play play NOUN _005456899 2042 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2042 8 our our PRON _005456899 2042 9 town town NOUN _005456899 2042 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2042 11 remarks remark VERB _005456899 2042 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 2042 13 " " PUNCT _005456899 2042 14 wherever wherever SCONJ _005456899 2042 15 you you PRON _005456899 2042 16 come come VERB _005456899 2042 17 near near ADP _005456899 2042 18 the the DET _005456899 2042 19 human human ADJ _005456899 2042 20 race race NOUN _005456899 2042 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2042 22 there there PRON _005456899 2042 23 's be VERB _005456899 2042 24 layers layer NOUN _005456899 2042 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 2042 26 layers layer NOUN _005456899 2042 27 ers er VERB _005456899 2042 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 2043 1 ism ism PROPN _005456899 2043 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2043 3 laye laye PROPN _005456899 2043 4 tian tian PROPN _005456899 2043 5 to to ADP _005456899 2043 6 t t PROPN _005456899 2043 7 the1 the1 PROPN _005456899 2043 8 bad bad ADJ _005456899 2043 9 eve eve NOUN _005456899 2043 10 : : PUNCT _005456899 2043 11 bro1 bro1 NOUN _005456899 2043 12 arc arc NOUN _005456899 2044 1 yal1 yal1 PROPN _005456899 2044 2 aw aw INTJ _005456899 2044 3 was be AUX _005456899 2044 4 trai trai PROPN _005456899 2044 5 at at ADP _005456899 2044 6 t t PROPN _005456899 2044 7 ant ant ADJ _005456899 2044 8 ing~ ing~ PROPN _005456899 2044 9 hun hun PROPN _005456899 2045 1 pur pur ADP _005456899 2045 2 tot tot NOUN _005456899 2045 3 on on ADP _005456899 2045 4 crir crir NOUN _005456899 2045 5 reg reg VERB _005456899 2045 6 : : PUNCT _005456899 2045 7 the the DET _005456899 2045 8 sufi sufi NOUN _005456899 2045 9 a a DET _005456899 2045 10 v v NOUN _005456899 2045 11 mo mo NOUN _005456899 2045 12 : : PUNCT _005456899 2045 13 ah ah INTJ _005456899 2045 14 mo mo NOUN _005456899 2045 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 2045 16 utn utn PROPN _005456899 2045 17 tim tim PROPN _005456899 2045 18 the the DET _005456899 2045 19 mu mu NOUN _005456899 2045 20 you you PRON _005456899 2046 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 2046 2 i i PRON _005456899 2046 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 2046 4 a a DET _005456899 2046 5 betrer betrer NOUN _005456899 2046 6 world world NOUN _005456899 2046 7 95 95 NUM _005456899 2046 8 ers er NOUN _005456899 2046 9 of of ADP _005456899 2046 10 nonsense nonsense NOUN _005456899 2046 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 2046 12 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2046 13 act act PROPN _005456899 2046 14 iii iii NUM _005456899 2046 15 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2046 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 2047 1 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005456899 2047 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2047 3 there there PRON _005456899 2047 4 are be VERB _005456899 2047 5 not not PART _005456899 2047 6 only only ADV _005456899 2047 7 layers layer NOUN _005456899 2047 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 2048 1 of of ADP _005456899 2048 2 nonsense nonsense NOUN _005456899 2048 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2048 4 there there PRON _005456899 2048 5 are be VERB _005456899 2048 6 layers layer NOUN _005456899 2048 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 2048 8 layers layer NOUN _005456899 2048 9 of of ADP _005456899 2048 10 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005456899 2048 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2048 12 racialism racialism NOUN _005456899 2048 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2048 14 blind blind ADJ _005456899 2048 15 nationalism nationalism NOUN _005456899 2048 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2048 17 revenge revenge NOUN _005456899 2048 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2048 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2048 20 war war NOUN _005456899 2048 21 lust lust NOUN _005456899 2048 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 2049 1 these these PRON _005456899 2049 2 are be AUX _005456899 2049 3 the the DET _005456899 2049 4 layers layer NOUN _005456899 2049 5 of of ADP _005456899 2049 6 original original ADJ _005456899 2049 7 sin sin NOUN _005456899 2049 8 that that PRON _005456899 2049 9 women woman NOUN _005456899 2049 10 trained train VERB _005456899 2049 11 in in ADP _005456899 2049 12 good good ADJ _005456899 2049 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2049 14 liberal liberal ADJ _005456899 2049 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 2049 16 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2049 17 schools school NOUN _005456899 2049 18 must must AUX _005456899 2049 19 take take VERB _005456899 2049 20 a a DET _005456899 2049 21 lead lead NOUN _005456899 2049 22 in in ADP _005456899 2049 23 rolling roll VERB _005456899 2049 24 back back ADV _005456899 2049 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2050 1 in in ADP _005456899 2050 2 the the DET _005456899 2050 3 past past NOUN _005456899 2050 4 even even ADV _005456899 2050 5 churchmen churchman NOUN _005456899 2050 6 have have AUX _005456899 2050 7 too too ADV _005456899 2050 8 often often ADV _005456899 2050 9 supported support VERB _005456899 2050 10 wrongs wrong NOUN _005456899 2050 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 2050 12 stupidities stupidity NOUN _005456899 2050 13 banishing banish VERB _005456899 2050 14 these these DET _005456899 2050 15 sinful sinful ADJ _005456899 2050 16 stupidities stupidity NOUN _005456899 2050 17 can can AUX _005456899 2050 18 not not PART _005456899 2050 19 be be AUX _005456899 2050 20 entirely entirely ADV _005456899 2050 21 entrusted entrust VERB _005456899 2050 22 to to ADP _005456899 2050 23 the the DET _005456899 2050 24 men man NOUN _005456899 2050 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2051 1 we we PRON _005456899 2051 2 men man NOUN _005456899 2051 3 have have AUX _005456899 2051 4 rolled roll VERB _005456899 2051 5 up up ADP _005456899 2051 6 a a DET _005456899 2051 7 sad sad ADJ _005456899 2051 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2051 9 sorry sorry ADJ _005456899 2051 10 record record NOUN _005456899 2051 11 regarding regard VERB _005456899 2051 12 them they PRON _005456899 2051 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 2052 1 even even ADV _005456899 2052 2 the the DET _005456899 2052 3 record record NOUN _005456899 2052 4 of of ADP _005456899 2052 5 our our PRON _005456899 2052 6 morally morally ADV _005456899 2052 7 elite elite ADJ _005456899 2052 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2052 9 our our PRON _005456899 2052 10 churchmen churchman NOUN _005456899 2052 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2052 12 is be AUX _005456899 2052 13 badly badly ADV _005456899 2052 14 spotted spot VERB _005456899 2052 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 2053 1 while while SCONJ _005456899 2053 2 it it PRON _005456899 2053 3 must must AUX _005456899 2053 4 be be AUX _005456899 2053 5 emphasized emphasize VERB _005456899 2053 6 that that SCONJ _005456899 2053 7 churchmen churchman NOUN _005456899 2053 8 have have AUX _005456899 2053 9 ever ever ADV _005456899 2053 10 been be AUX _005456899 2053 11 in in ADP _005456899 2053 12 the the DET _005456899 2053 13 front front ADJ _005456899 2053 14 rank rank NOUN _005456899 2053 15 of of ADP _005456899 2053 16 any any DET _005456899 2053 17 true true ADJ _005456899 2053 18 progress progress NOUN _005456899 2053 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 20 justice justice NOUN _005456899 2053 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 22 and and CCONJ _005456899 2053 23 brotherhood brotherhood NOUN _005456899 2053 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 25 as as ADP _005456899 2053 26 only only ADV _005456899 2053 27 recently recently ADV _005456899 2053 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 29 for for ADP _005456899 2053 30 example example NOUN _005456899 2053 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 32 i i PRON _005456899 2053 33 heard hear VERB _005456899 2053 34 his his PRON _005456899 2053 35 excellency excellency NOUN _005456899 2053 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 37 archbishop archbishop PROPN _005456899 2053 38 robert robert PROPN _005456899 2053 39 e. e. PROPN _005456899 2053 40 lucey lucey PROPN _005456899 2053 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 42 urge urge VERB _005456899 2053 43 corrections correction NOUN _005456899 2053 44 of of ADP _005456899 2053 45 the the DET _005456899 2053 46 injustices injustice NOUN _005456899 2053 47 of of ADP _005456899 2053 48 yalta yalta PROPN _005456899 2053 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 2053 50 one one PRON _005456899 2053 51 must must AUX _005456899 2053 52 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005456899 2053 53 sadly sadly ADV _005456899 2053 54 note note VERB _005456899 2053 55 that that SCONJ _005456899 2053 56 there there PRON _005456899 2053 57 has have AUX _005456899 2053 58 never never ADV _005456899 2053 59 been be AUX _005456899 2053 60 a a DET _005456899 2053 61 war war NOUN _005456899 2053 62 or or CCONJ _005456899 2053 63 a a DET _005456899 2053 64 witch witch NOUN _005456899 2053 65 hunt hunt NOUN _005456899 2053 66 which which PRON _005456899 2053 67 some some DET _005456899 2053 68 churchmen churchman NOUN _005456899 2053 69 did do AUX _005456899 2053 70 not not PART _005456899 2053 71 sanctify sanctify VERB _005456899 2053 72 . . PUNCT _005456899 2054 1 it it PRON _005456899 2054 2 was be AUX _005456899 2054 3 a a DET _005456899 2054 4 jewish jewish ADJ _005456899 2054 5 high high ADJ _005456899 2054 6 priest priest NOUN _005456899 2054 7 who who PRON _005456899 2054 8 crucified crucify VERB _005456899 2054 9 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2054 10 as as ADP _005456899 2054 11 a a DET _005456899 2054 12 blasphemer blasphemer NOUN _005456899 2054 13 and and CCONJ _005456899 2054 14 traitor traitor NOUN _005456899 2054 15 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2054 16 it it PRON _005456899 2054 17 was be AUX _005456899 2054 18 a a DET _005456899 2054 19 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 2054 20 bishop bishop NOUN _005456899 2054 21 who who PRON _005456899 2054 22 ordered order VERB _005456899 2054 23 joan joan PROPN _005456899 2054 24 of of ADP _005456899 2054 25 arc arc PROPN _005456899 2054 26 burned burn VERB _005456899 2054 27 at at ADP _005456899 2054 28 the the DET _005456899 2054 29 stake stake NOUN _005456899 2054 30 as as ADP _005456899 2054 31 some some DET _005456899 2054 32 kind kind NOUN _005456899 2054 33 of of ADP _005456899 2054 34 war war NOUN _005456899 2054 35 criminal criminal NOUN _005456899 2054 36 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2054 37 it it PRON _005456899 2054 38 was be AUX _005456899 2054 39 the the DET _005456899 2054 40 great great ADJ _005456899 2054 41 protestant protestant ADJ _005456899 2054 42 divine divine NOUN _005456899 2054 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2054 44 cotton cotton NOUN _005456899 2054 45 mather mather NOUN _005456899 2054 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 2054 47 who who PRON _005456899 2054 48 promoted promote VERB _005456899 2054 49 the the DET _005456899 2054 50 shameful shameful ADJ _005456899 2054 51 witch witch NOUN _005456899 2054 52 burnings burning NOUN _005456899 2054 53 of of ADP _005456899 2054 54 puritan puritan PROPN _005456899 2054 55 new new PROPN _005456899 2054 56 england england PROPN _005456899 2054 57 . . PUNCT _005456899 2055 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 2055 2 today today NOUN _005456899 2055 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 4 when when SCONJ _005456899 2055 5 modern modern ADJ _005456899 2055 6 witch witch NOUN _005456899 2055 7 hunters hunter NOUN _005456899 2055 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 9 like like ADP _005456899 2055 10 judge judge NOUN _005456899 2055 11 samuel samuel PROPN _005456899 2055 12 rosenman rosenman PROPN _005456899 2055 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 14 want want VERB _005456899 2055 15 blanket blanket NOUN _005456899 2055 16 war war NOUN _005456899 2055 17 criminal criminal ADJ _005456899 2055 18 punishment punishment NOUN _005456899 2055 19 for for ADP _005456899 2055 20 whole whole ADJ _005456899 2055 21 organizations organization NOUN _005456899 2055 22 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2055 23 time time NOUN _005456899 2055 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 25 may may AUX _005456899 2055 26 21 21 NUM _005456899 2055 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 28 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 2055 29 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2055 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 31 looking look VERB _005456899 2055 32 to to ADP _005456899 2055 33 the the DET _005456899 2055 34 butchery butchery NOUN _005456899 2055 35 of of ADP _005456899 2055 36 some some DET _005456899 2055 37 six six NUM _005456899 2055 38 inillion inillion NOUN _005456899 2055 39 people people NOUN _005456899 2055 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 41 the the DET _005456899 2055 42 anglican anglican ADJ _005456899 2055 43 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005456899 2055 44 of of ADP _005456899 2055 45 york york PROPN _005456899 2055 46 self self NOUN _005456899 2055 47 - - PUNCT _005456899 2055 48 righteously righteously ADV _005456899 2055 49 cries cry VERB _005456899 2055 50 out out ADP _005456899 2055 51 that that SCONJ _005456899 2055 52 all all PRON _005456899 2055 53 whom whom PRON _005456899 2055 54 he he PRON _005456899 2055 55 calls call VERB _005456899 2055 56 master master NOUN _005456899 2055 57 war war NOUN _005456899 2055 58 criminals criminal NOUN _005456899 2055 59 should should AUX _005456899 2055 60 be be AUX _005456899 2055 61 lynched lynch VERB _005456899 2055 62 on on ADP _005456899 2055 63 the the DET _005456899 2055 64 spot spot NOUN _005456899 2055 65 without without ADP _005456899 2055 66 trial trial NOUN _005456899 2055 67 and and CCONJ _005456899 2055 68 that that SCONJ _005456899 2055 69 as as SCONJ _005456899 2055 70 regards regard VERB _005456899 2055 71 punishment punishment NOUN _005456899 2055 72 of of ADP _005456899 2055 73 others other NOUN _005456899 2055 74 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 75 " " PUNCT _005456899 2055 76 some some DET _005456899 2055 77 share share NOUN _005456899 2055 78 of of ADP _005456899 2055 79 guilt guilt NOUN _005456899 2055 80 [ [ AUX _005456899 2055 81 must must AUX _005456899 2055 82 go go VERB _005456899 2055 83 to to ADP _005456899 2055 84 ] ] PUNCT _005456899 2055 85 the the DET _005456899 2055 86 whole whole ADJ _005456899 2055 87 german german ADJ _005456899 2055 88 people people NOUN _005456899 2055 89 " " PUNCT _005456899 2055 90 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2055 91 time time NOUN _005456899 2055 92 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 93 april april PROPN _005456899 2055 94 2 2 NUM _005456899 2055 95 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 96 1945 1945 NUM _005456899 2055 97 , , PUNCT _005456899 2055 98 p. p. NOUN _005456899 2055 99 53 53 NUM _005456899 2055 100 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2055 101 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2056 1 a a DET _005456899 2056 2 high high ADJ _005456899 2056 3 morality morality NOUN _005456899 2056 4 quotient quotient NOUN _005456899 2056 5 is be AUX _005456899 2056 6 more more ADV _005456899 2056 7 needed need VERB _005456899 2056 8 than than ADP _005456899 2056 9 a a DET _005456899 2056 10 high high ADJ _005456899 2056 11 i. i. NOUN _005456899 2056 12 q~ q~ PROPN _005456899 2056 13 yes yes INTJ _005456899 2056 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2056 15 sadly sadly ADV _005456899 2056 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2056 17 just just ADV _005456899 2056 18 as as ADP _005456899 2056 19 among among ADP _005456899 2056 20 judges judge NOUN _005456899 2056 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2056 22 teachers teacher NOUN _005456899 2056 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2056 24 doctors doctor NOUN _005456899 2056 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2056 26 so so ADV _005456899 2056 27 just just ADV _005456899 2056 28 as as ADV _005456899 2056 29 surely surely ADV _005456899 2056 30 if if SCONJ _005456899 2056 31 not not PART _005456899 2056 32 as as ADV _005456899 2056 33 universally universally ADV _005456899 2056 34 among among ADP _005456899 2056 35 clergymen clergyman NOUN _005456899 2056 36 there there PRON _005456899 2056 37 has have AUX _005456899 2056 38 never never ADV _005456899 2056 39 been be AUX _005456899 2056 40 a a DET _005456899 2056 41 war war NOUN _005456899 2056 42 or or CCONJ _005456899 2056 43 a a DET _005456899 2056 44 witch witch NOUN _005456899 2056 45 hunt hunt NOUN _005456899 2056 46 which which PRON _005456899 2056 47 some some DET _005456899 2056 48 churchmen churchman NOUN _005456899 2056 49 did do AUX _005456899 2056 50 not not PART _005456899 2056 51 give give VERB _005456899 2056 52 the the DET _005456899 2056 53 moral moral ADJ _005456899 2056 54 whitewash whitewash NOUN _005456899 2056 55 . . PUNCT _005456899 2057 1 clearly clearly ADV _005456899 2057 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2057 3 a a DET _005456899 2057 4 high high ADJ _005456899 2057 5 morality morality NOUN _005456899 2057 6 quotient quotient NOUN _005456899 2057 7 is be AUX _005456899 2057 8 as as ADV _005456899 2057 9 rare rare ADJ _005456899 2057 10 as as ADP _005456899 2057 11 a a DET _005456899 2057 12 high high ADJ _005456899 2057 13 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005456899 2057 14 quotient quotient NOUN _005456899 2057 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 2057 16 and and CCONJ _005456899 2057 17 no no DET _005456899 2057 18 class class NOUN _005456899 2057 19 of of ADP _005456899 2057 20 men man NOUN _005456899 2057 21 has have VERB _005456899 2057 22 enough enough NOUN _005456899 2057 23 of of ADP _005456899 2057 24 a a DET _005456899 2057 25 morality morality NOUN _005456899 2057 26 quotient quotient NOUN _005456899 2057 27 to to PART _005456899 2057 28 make make VERB _005456899 2057 29 the the DET _005456899 2057 30 world world NOUN _005456899 2057 31 good good ADJ _005456899 2057 32 and and CCONJ _005456899 2057 33 just just ADV _005456899 2057 34 without without ADP _005456899 2057 35 the the DET _005456899 2057 36 utmost utmost ADJ _005456899 2057 37 help help NOUN _005456899 2057 38 from from ADP _005456899 2057 39 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 2057 40 whom whom PRON _005456899 2057 41 god god PROPN _005456899 2057 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 2057 43 through through ADP _005456899 2057 44 grace grace NOUN _005456899 2057 45 or or CCONJ _005456899 2057 46 education education NOUN _005456899 2057 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 2057 48 endowed endow VERB _005456899 2057 49 with with ADP _005456899 2057 50 rightmindedness rightmindedness NOUN _005456899 2057 51 - - PUNCT _005456899 2057 52 with with ADP _005456899 2057 53 a a DET _005456899 2057 54 sense sense NOUN _005456899 2057 55 of of ADP _005456899 2057 56 justice justice NOUN _005456899 2057 57 , , PUNCT _005456899 2057 58 with with ADP _005456899 2057 59 the the DET _005456899 2057 60 heroic heroic ADJ _005456899 2057 61 ability ability NOUN _005456899 2057 62 to to PART _005456899 2057 63 do do AUX _005456899 2057 64 to to ADP _005456899 2057 65 others other NOUN _005456899 2057 66 as as SCONJ _005456899 2057 67 one one NUM _005456899 2057 68 wants want VERB _005456899 2057 69 to to PART _005456899 2057 70 be be AUX _005456899 2057 71 done do VERB _005456899 2057 72 by by ADP _005456899 2057 73 . . PUNCT _005456899 2058 1 such such ADJ _005456899 2058 2 right right ADJ _005456899 2058 3 - - PUNCT _005456899 2058 4 minded minded ADJ _005456899 2058 5 people people NOUN _005456899 2058 6 is be AUX _005456899 2058 7 what what PRON _005456899 2058 8 we we PRON _005456899 2058 9 need need VERB _005456899 2058 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 2059 1 more more ADJ _005456899 2059 2 and and CCONJ _005456899 2059 3 more more ADV _005456899 2059 4 we we PRON _005456899 2059 5 must must AUX _005456899 2059 6 expect expect VERB _005456899 2059 7 them they PRON _005456899 2059 8 to to PART _005456899 2059 9 arise arise VERB _005456899 2059 10 from from ADP _005456899 2059 11 among among ADP _005456899 2059 12 the the DET _005456899 2059 13 women woman NOUN _005456899 2059 14 - - PUNCT _005456899 2059 15 for for ADP _005456899 2059 16 they they PRON _005456899 2059 17 are be AUX _005456899 2059 18 96 96 NUM _005456899 2059 19 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 2059 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2059 21 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 2059 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 2059 23 and and CCONJ _005456899 2059 24 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 2059 25 now now ADV _005456899 2059 26 the the DET _005456899 2059 27 greater great ADJ _005456899 2059 28 recipients recipient NOUN _005456899 2059 29 of of ADP _005456899 2059 30 a a DET _005456899 2059 31 liberal liberal ADJ _005456899 2059 32 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2059 33 culture culture NOUN _005456899 2059 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 2060 1 such such ADJ _005456899 2060 2 rightminded rightminded ADJ _005456899 2060 3 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2060 4 is be AUX _005456899 2060 5 what what PRON _005456899 2060 6 one one PRON _005456899 2060 7 should should AUX _005456899 2060 8 especially especially ADV _005456899 2060 9 be be AUX _005456899 2060 10 justified justify VERB _005456899 2060 11 in in ADP _005456899 2060 12 expecting expect VERB _005456899 2060 13 of of ADP _005456899 2060 14 young young ADJ _005456899 2060 15 women woman NOUN _005456899 2060 16 who who PRON _005456899 2060 17 are be AUX _005456899 2060 18 graduates graduate NOUN _005456899 2060 19 of of ADP _005456899 2060 20 so so ADV _005456899 2060 21 progressive progressive ADJ _005456899 2060 22 a a DET _005456899 2060 23 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 2060 24 liberal liberal ADJ _005456899 2060 25 college college NOUN _005456899 2060 26 as as ADP _005456899 2060 27 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 2060 28 word word NOUN _005456899 2060 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 2061 1 · · PUNCT _005456899 2061 2 three three NUM _005456899 2061 3 guides guide NOUN _005456899 2061 4 for for ADP _005456899 2061 5 right right ADJ _005456899 2061 6 thinking thinking NOUN _005456899 2061 7 to to PART _005456899 2061 8 be be AUX _005456899 2061 9 such such ADJ _005456899 2061 10 true true ADJ _005456899 2061 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2061 12 right right ADJ _005456899 2061 13 - - PUNCT _005456899 2061 14 minded minded ADJ _005456899 2061 15 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2061 16 you you PRON _005456899 2061 17 must must AUX _005456899 2061 18 first first ADV _005456899 2061 19 of of ADP _005456899 2061 20 all all PRON _005456899 2061 21 resolve resolve NOUN _005456899 2061 22 that that PRON _005456899 2061 23 you you PRON _005456899 2061 24 will will AUX _005456899 2061 25 never never ADV _005456899 2061 26 stop stop VERB _005456899 2061 27 trying try VERB _005456899 2061 28 to to PART _005456899 2061 29 see see VERB _005456899 2061 30 what what PRON _005456899 2061 31 is be AUX _005456899 2061 32 really really ADV _005456899 2061 33 right right ADJ _005456899 2061 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2061 35 good good ADJ _005456899 2061 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2061 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 2061 38 progressive progressive ADJ _005456899 2061 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 2062 1 you you PRON _005456899 2062 2 must must AUX _005456899 2062 3 determine determine VERB _005456899 2062 4 to to PART _005456899 2062 5 keep keep VERB _005456899 2062 6 on on ADP _005456899 2062 7 thinking thinking NOUN _005456899 2062 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2062 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 2062 10 learning learning NOUN _005456899 2062 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2062 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 2062 13 praying pray VERB _005456899 2062 14 against against ADP _005456899 2062 15 your your PRON _005456899 2062 16 own own ADJ _005456899 2062 17 prejudices prejudice NOUN _005456899 2062 18 until until SCONJ _005456899 2062 19 you you PRON _005456899 2062 20 see see VERB _005456899 2062 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 2062 22 feel feel VERB _005456899 2062 23 the the DET _005456899 2062 24 right right NOUN _005456899 2062 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2063 1 some some DET _005456899 2063 2 principles principle NOUN _005456899 2063 3 of of ADP _005456899 2063 4 procedure procedure NOUN _005456899 2063 5 should should AUX _005456899 2063 6 become become VERB _005456899 2063 7 second second ADJ _005456899 2063 8 nature nature NOUN _005456899 2063 9 to to ADP _005456899 2063 10 you you PRON _005456899 2063 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 2064 1 i i PRON _005456899 2064 2 would would AUX _005456899 2064 3 suggest suggest VERB _005456899 2064 4 three three NUM _005456899 2064 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 2065 1 one one NUM _005456899 2065 2 - - PUNCT _005456899 2065 3 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 2065 4 is be AUX _005456899 2065 5 right right ADJ _005456899 2065 6 that that PRON _005456899 2065 7 does do AUX _005456899 2065 8 n't not PART _005456899 2065 9 square square VERB _005456899 2065 10 with with ADP _005456899 2065 11 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 2065 12 you you PRON _005456899 2065 13 should should AUX _005456899 2065 14 stand stand VERB _005456899 2065 15 convinced convinced ADJ _005456899 2065 16 at at ADP _005456899 2065 17 all all DET _005456899 2065 18 times time NOUN _005456899 2065 19 that that SCONJ _005456899 2065 20 nothing nothing PRON _005456899 2065 21 is be AUX _005456899 2065 22 truly truly ADV _005456899 2065 23 progressive progressive ADJ _005456899 2065 24 that that PRON _005456899 2065 25 can can AUX _005456899 2065 26 not not PART _005456899 2065 27 be be AUX _005456899 2065 28 harmonized harmonize VERB _005456899 2065 29 with with ADP _005456899 2065 30 god god PROPN _005456899 2065 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2065 32 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2065 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 2065 34 the the DET _005456899 2065 35 bible bible NOUN _005456899 2065 36 . . PUNCT _005456899 2066 1 you you PRON _005456899 2066 2 should should AUX _005456899 2066 3 recognize recognize VERB _005456899 2066 4 as as ADP _005456899 2066 5 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 2066 6 in in ADP _005456899 2066 7 yourself yourself PRON _005456899 2066 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 2066 9 in in ADP _005456899 2066 10 others other NOUN _005456899 2066 11 whatever whatever PRON _005456899 2066 12 offends offend NOUN _005456899 2066 13 against against ADP _005456899 2066 14 these these DET _005456899 2066 15 religious religious ADJ _005456899 2066 16 concepts concept NOUN _005456899 2066 17 . . PUNCT _005456899 2067 1 an an DET _005456899 2067 2 atheist atheist NOUN _005456899 2067 3 may may AUX _005456899 2067 4 often often ADV _005456899 2067 5 be be AUX _005456899 2067 6 right right ADJ _005456899 2067 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2067 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 2067 9 when when SCONJ _005456899 2067 10 he he PRON _005456899 2067 11 is be AUX _005456899 2067 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 2067 13 his his PRON _005456899 2067 14 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 2067 15 must must AUX _005456899 2067 16 harmonize harmonize VERB _005456899 2067 17 with with ADP _005456899 2067 18 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2067 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2067 20 the the DET _005456899 2067 21 bible bible NOUN _005456899 2067 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 2068 1 that that PRON _005456899 2068 2 holds hold VERB _005456899 2068 3 for for ADP _005456899 2068 4 adherents adherent NOUN _005456899 2068 5 of of ADP _005456899 2068 6 any any DET _005456899 2068 7 sect sect NOUN _005456899 2068 8 or or CCONJ _005456899 2068 9 denomination denomination NOUN _005456899 2068 10 . . PUNCT _005456899 2069 1 i i PRON _005456899 2069 2 should should AUX _005456899 2069 3 like like VERB _005456899 2069 4 you you PRON _005456899 2069 5 to to PART _005456899 2069 6 feel feel VERB _005456899 2069 7 absolutely absolutely ADV _005456899 2069 8 certain certain ADJ _005456899 2069 9 that that SCONJ _005456899 2069 10 society society NOUN _005456899 2069 11 never never ADV _005456899 2069 12 rises rise VERB _005456899 2069 13 higher high ADJ _005456899 2069 14 than than ADP _005456899 2069 15 its its PRON _005456899 2069 16 truest true ADJ _005456899 2069 17 religious religious ADJ _005456899 2069 18 beliefs belief NOUN _005456899 2069 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2069 20 and and CCONJ _005456899 2069 21 that that SCONJ _005456899 2069 22 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 2069 23 your your PRON _005456899 2069 24 most most ADV _005456899 2069 25 important important ADJ _005456899 2069 26 search search NOUN _005456899 2069 27 for for ADP _005456899 2069 28 truth truth NOUN _005456899 2069 29 must must AUX _005456899 2069 30 be be AUX _005456899 2069 31 for for ADP _005456899 2069 32 religious religious ADJ _005456899 2069 33 truth truth NOUN _005456899 2069 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 2070 1 two two NUM _005456899 2070 2 - - PUNCT _005456899 2070 3 mankind mankind NOUN _005456899 2070 4 needs need VERB _005456899 2070 5 the the DET _005456899 2070 6 ten ten NUM _005456899 2070 7 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 2070 8 for for ADP _005456899 2070 9 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 2070 10 secondly secondly ADV _005456899 2070 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2070 12 you you PRON _005456899 2070 13 should should AUX _005456899 2070 14 proceed proceed VERB _005456899 2070 15 on on ADP _005456899 2070 16 the the DET _005456899 2070 17 conviction conviction NOUN _005456899 2070 18 that that SCONJ _005456899 2070 19 the the DET _005456899 2070 20 ten ten NUM _005456899 2070 21 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 2070 22 are be AUX _005456899 2070 23 an an DET _005456899 2070 24 absolute absolute ADJ _005456899 2070 25 essential essential ADJ _005456899 2070 26 for for ADP _005456899 2070 27 man man NOUN _005456899 2070 28 's 's PART _005456899 2070 29 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 2070 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2070 31 not not PART _005456899 2070 32 only only ADV _005456899 2070 33 hereafter hereafter ADV _005456899 2070 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2070 35 but but CCONJ _005456899 2070 36 here here ADV _005456899 2070 37 and and CCONJ _005456899 2070 38 now now ADV _005456899 2070 39 . . PUNCT _005456899 2071 1 god god PROPN _005456899 2071 2 gave give VERB _005456899 2071 3 us we PRON _005456899 2071 4 these these DET _005456899 2071 5 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 2071 6 not not PART _005456899 2071 7 to to PART _005456899 2071 8 make make VERB _005456899 2071 9 life life NOUN _005456899 2071 10 hard hard ADJ _005456899 2071 11 for for ADP _005456899 2071 12 us we PRON _005456899 2071 13 but but CCONJ _005456899 2071 14 to to PART _005456899 2071 15 make make VERB _005456899 2071 16 possible possible ADJ _005456899 2071 17 the the DET _005456899 2071 18 only only ADJ _005456899 2071 19 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 2071 20 that that PRON _005456899 2071 21 we we PRON _005456899 2071 22 can can AUX _005456899 2071 23 reasonably reasonably ADV _005456899 2071 24 expect expect VERB _005456899 2071 25 on on ADP _005456899 2071 26 earth earth NOUN _005456899 2071 27 . . PUNCT _005456899 2072 1 any any DET _005456899 2072 2 plans plan NOUN _005456899 2072 3 or or CCONJ _005456899 2072 4 institutions institution NOUN _005456899 2072 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2072 6 no no ADV _005456899 2072 7 matter matter ADV _005456899 2072 8 how how SCONJ _005456899 2072 9 seductively seductively ADV _005456899 2072 10 proposed propose VERB _005456899 2072 11 as as ADP _005456899 2072 12 conducive conducive ADJ _005456899 2072 13 to to ADP _005456899 2072 14 man man NOUN _005456899 2072 15 's 's PART _005456899 2072 16 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 2072 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2072 18 which which PRON _005456899 2072 19 violate violate VERB _005456899 2072 20 this this DET _005456899 2072 21 holy holy ADJ _005456899 2072 22 code code NOUN _005456899 2072 23 will will AUX _005456899 2072 24 lead lead VERB _005456899 2072 25 to to ADP _005456899 2072 26 misery misery NOUN _005456899 2072 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 2072 28 must must AUX _005456899 2072 29 be be AUX _005456899 2072 30 ruthlessly ruthlessly ADV _005456899 2072 31 rejected reject VERB _005456899 2072 32 . . PUNCT _005456899 2073 1 three three NUM _005456899 2073 2 - - PUNCT _005456899 2073 3 the the DET _005456899 2073 4 supreme supreme ADJ _005456899 2073 5 yardstick yardstick NOUN _005456899 2073 6 of of ADP _005456899 2073 7 right right NOUN _005456899 2073 8 is be AUX _005456899 2073 9 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2073 10 's 's PART _005456899 2073 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2073 12 " " PUNCT _005456899 2073 13 do do AUX _005456899 2073 14 unto unto ADP _005456899 2073 15 others other NOUN _005456899 2073 16 •• •• NOUN _005456899 2073 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2073 18 " " PUNCT _005456899 2073 19 these these DET _005456899 2073 20 two two NUM _005456899 2073 21 conditions condition NOUN _005456899 2073 22 are be AUX _005456899 2073 23 the the DET _005456899 2073 24 first first ADJ _005456899 2073 25 foundations foundation NOUN _005456899 2073 26 of of ADP _005456899 2073 27 any any DET _005456899 2073 28 worthy worthy ADJ _005456899 2073 29 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2073 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 2074 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 2074 2 the the DET _005456899 2074 3 principle principle NOUN _005456899 2074 4 that that PRON _005456899 2074 5 actively actively ADV _005456899 2074 6 makes make VERB _005456899 2074 7 for for ADP _005456899 2074 8 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2074 9 is be AUX _005456899 2074 10 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2074 11 's 's PART _005456899 2074 12 chief chief ADJ _005456899 2074 13 command command NOUN _005456899 2074 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2074 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 2074 16 all all DET _005456899 2074 17 things thing NOUN _005456899 2074 18 therefore therefore ADV _005456899 2074 19 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _005456899 2074 20 you you PRON _005456899 2074 21 would would AUX _005456899 2074 22 that that SCONJ _005456899 2074 23 men man NOUN _005456899 2074 24 should should AUX _005456899 2074 25 do do VERB _005456899 2074 26 to to ADP _005456899 2074 27 you you PRON _005456899 2074 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2074 29 do do VERB _005456899 2074 30 you you PRON _005456899 2074 31 also also ADV _005456899 2074 32 to to ADP _005456899 2074 33 them they PRON _005456899 2074 34 . . PUNCT _005456899 2075 1 for for ADP _005456899 2075 2 this this PRON _005456899 2075 3 is be AUX _005456899 2075 4 the the DET _005456899 2075 5 law law NOUN _005456899 2075 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 2075 7 the the DET _005456899 2075 8 prophets prophet NOUN _005456899 2075 9 " " PUNCT _005456899 2075 10 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2075 11 matt matt PROPN _005456899 2075 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 2076 1 vii vii INTJ _005456899 2076 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2076 3 12 12 NUM _005456899 2076 4 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2076 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 2077 1 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2077 2 could could AUX _005456899 2077 3 give give VERB _005456899 2077 4 us we PRON _005456899 2077 5 no no DET _005456899 2077 6 hi hi INTJ _005456899 2077 7 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2078 1 thing~ thing~ ADP _005456899 2078 2 your your PRON _005456899 2078 3 . . PUNCT _005456899 2079 1 possil possil PROPN _005456899 2079 2 wises1 wises1 NOUN _005456899 2079 3 if if SCONJ _005456899 2079 4 shout shout NOUN _005456899 2079 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 2080 1 terms term NOUN _005456899 2080 2 unjus unju VERB _005456899 2080 3 those those DET _005456899 2080 4 kind kind NOUN _005456899 2080 5 not not PART _005456899 2080 6 b b NOUN _005456899 2080 7 not not PART _005456899 2080 8 b b NOUN _005456899 2080 9 b b X _005456899 2080 10 leadt leadt NOUN _005456899 2080 11 : : PUNCT _005456899 2080 12 little little ADJ _005456899 2080 13 may may AUX _005456899 2080 14 see see VERB _005456899 2080 15 v v ADP _005456899 2080 16 her she PRON _005456899 2080 17 < < X _005456899 2080 18 a a DET _005456899 2080 19 your your PRON _005456899 2080 20 tions tion NOUN _005456899 2080 21 wish wish VERB _005456899 2080 22 e e PROPN _005456899 2080 23 grad grad PROPN _005456899 2080 24 care1 care1 PROPN _005456899 2080 25 chri chri PROPN _005456899 2080 26 tivel tivel PROPN _005456899 2080 27 sple1 sple1 PROPN _005456899 2080 28 life life NOUN _005456899 2080 29 the1 the1 PROPN _005456899 2080 30 and and CCONJ _005456899 2080 31 worl worl VERB _005456899 2080 32 you you PRON _005456899 2080 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 2080 34 i i PRON _005456899 2080 35 and and CCONJ _005456899 2080 36 a a DET _005456899 2080 37 be'iter be'iter PROPN _005456899 2080 38 world world NOUN _005456899 2080 39 97 97 NUM _005456899 2080 40 no no DET _005456899 2080 41 higher high ADJ _005456899 2080 42 yardstick yardstick NOUN _005456899 2080 43 for for ADP _005456899 2080 44 being be AUX _005456899 2080 45 just just ADV _005456899 2080 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 2080 47 fair fair ADJ _005456899 2080 48 and and CCONJ _005456899 2080 49 charitable charitable ADJ _005456899 2080 50 in in ADP _005456899 2080 51 all all DET _005456899 2080 52 things thing NOUN _005456899 2080 53 to to ADP _005456899 2080 54 all all DET _005456899 2080 55 men man NOUN _005456899 2080 56 . . PUNCT _005456899 2081 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 2081 2 you you PRON _005456899 2081 3 really really ADV _005456899 2081 4 feel feel VERB _005456899 2081 5 it it PRON _005456899 2081 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 2081 7 apply apply VERB _005456899 2081 8 it it PRON _005456899 2081 9 to to ADP _005456899 2081 10 your your PRON _005456899 2081 11 parents parent NOUN _005456899 2081 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 2081 13 your your PRON _005456899 2081 14 husband husband NOUN _005456899 2081 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 2081 16 your your PRON _005456899 2081 17 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2081 18 - - PUNCT _005456899 2081 19 in in ADP _005456899 2081 20 - - PUNCT _005456899 2081 21 law law NOUN _005456899 2081 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 2081 23 your your PRON _005456899 2081 24 children child NOUN _005456899 2081 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2081 26 it it PRON _005456899 2081 27 does do AUX _005456899 2081 28 n't not PART _005456899 2081 29 seem seem VERB _005456899 2081 30 possible possible ADJ _005456899 2081 31 that that SCONJ _005456899 2081 32 you you PRON _005456899 2081 33 should should AUX _005456899 2081 34 ever ever ADV _005456899 2081 35 be be AUX _005456899 2081 36 thought think VERB _005456899 2081 37 anything anything PRON _005456899 2081 38 but but SCONJ _005456899 2081 39 the the DET _005456899 2081 40 best good ADJ _005456899 2081 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 2081 42 wisest wise ADJ _005456899 2081 43 of of ADP _005456899 2081 44 women woman NOUN _005456899 2081 45 . . PUNCT _005456899 2082 1 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2082 2 's 's PART _005456899 2082 3 yardstick yardstick NOUN _005456899 2082 4 alone alone ADV _005456899 2082 5 can can AUX _005456899 2082 6 prevent prevent VERB _005456899 2082 7 an an DET _005456899 2082 8 unjust unjust ADJ _005456899 2082 9 peace peace NOUN _005456899 2082 10 and and CCONJ _005456899 2082 11 another another DET _005456899 2082 12 war war NOUN _005456899 2082 13 if if SCONJ _005456899 2082 14 you you PRON _005456899 2082 15 now now ADV _005456899 2082 16 rise rise VERB _005456899 2082 17 higher higher ADV _005456899 2082 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2082 19 as as ADP _005456899 2082 20 because because SCONJ _005456899 2082 21 of of ADP _005456899 2082 22 your your PRON _005456899 2082 23 high high ADJ _005456899 2082 24 education education NOUN _005456899 2082 25 you you PRON _005456899 2082 26 should should AUX _005456899 2082 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2082 28 and and CCONJ _005456899 2082 29 apply apply VERB _005456899 2082 30 this this DET _005456899 2082 31 standard standard NOUN _005456899 2082 32 to to ADP _005456899 2082 33 every every DET _005456899 2082 34 proposed propose VERB _005456899 2082 35 law law NOUN _005456899 2082 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2082 37 to to ADP _005456899 2082 38 all all DET _005456899 2082 39 peace peace NOUN _005456899 2082 40 terms term NOUN _005456899 2082 41 and and CCONJ _005456899 2082 42 settlements settlement NOUN _005456899 2082 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2082 44 to to ADP _005456899 2082 45 all all DET _005456899 2082 46 races race NOUN _005456899 2082 47 and and CCONJ _005456899 2082 48 creeds creed NOUN _005456899 2082 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 2082 50 then then ADV _005456899 2082 51 you you PRON _005456899 2082 52 can can AUX _005456899 2082 53 not not PART _005456899 2082 54 be be AUX _005456899 2082 55 unjust unjust ADJ _005456899 2082 56 and and CCONJ _005456899 2082 57 you you PRON _005456899 2082 58 can can AUX _005456899 2082 59 not not PART _005456899 2082 60 go go VERB _005456899 2082 61 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 2082 62 . . PUNCT _005456899 2083 1 if if SCONJ _005456899 2083 2 you you PRON _005456899 2083 3 will will AUX _005456899 2083 4 then then ADV _005456899 2083 5 live live VERB _005456899 2083 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 2083 7 speak speak VERB _005456899 2083 8 those those DET _005456899 2083 9 ideas idea NOUN _005456899 2083 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2083 11 you you PRON _005456899 2083 12 will will AUX _005456899 2083 13 be be AUX _005456899 2083 14 the the DET _005456899 2083 15 finest fine ADJ _005456899 2083 16 leader leader NOUN _005456899 2083 17 your your PRON _005456899 2083 18 country country NOUN _005456899 2083 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2083 20 mankind mankind NOUN _005456899 2083 21 can can AUX _005456899 2083 22 possible possible ADJ _005456899 2083 23 have have VERB _005456899 2083 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 2084 1 with with ADP _005456899 2084 2 enough enough ADJ _005456899 2084 3 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2084 4 like like ADP _005456899 2084 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 2084 6 there there PRON _005456899 2084 7 could could AUX _005456899 2084 8 not not PART _005456899 2084 9 be be AUX _005456899 2084 10 an an DET _005456899 2084 11 unjust unjust ADJ _005456899 2084 12 peace peace NOUN _005456899 2084 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2084 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 2084 15 taking take VERB _005456899 2084 16 in in ADP _005456899 2084 17 other other ADJ _005456899 2084 18 countries country NOUN _005456899 2084 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2084 20 there there PRON _005456899 2084 21 could could AUX _005456899 2084 22 not not PART _005456899 2084 23 be be AUX _005456899 2084 24 another another DET _005456899 2084 25 war war NOUN _005456899 2084 26 . . PUNCT _005456899 2085 1 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2085 2 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2085 3 as as ADP _005456899 2085 4 a a DET _005456899 2085 5 wife wife NOUN _005456899 2085 6 and and CCONJ _005456899 2085 7 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2085 8 but but CCONJ _005456899 2085 9 you you PRON _005456899 2085 10 may may AUX _005456899 2085 11 ask ask VERB _005456899 2085 12 how how SCONJ _005456899 2085 13 extensive extensive ADJ _005456899 2085 14 should should AUX _005456899 2085 15 you you PRON _005456899 2085 16 try try VERB _005456899 2085 17 to to PART _005456899 2085 18 make make VERB _005456899 2085 19 your your PRON _005456899 2085 20 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2085 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 2086 1 my my PRON _005456899 2086 2 contention contention NOUN _005456899 2086 3 has have AUX _005456899 2086 4 been be AUX _005456899 2086 5 from from ADP _005456899 2086 6 the the DET _005456899 2086 7 beginning beginning NOUN _005456899 2086 8 that that SCONJ _005456899 2086 9 the the DET _005456899 2086 10 little little ADJ _005456899 2086 11 flame flame NOUN _005456899 2086 12 that that PRON _005456899 2086 13 is be AUX _005456899 2086 14 right right ADJ _005456899 2086 15 is be AUX _005456899 2086 16 much much ADV _005456899 2086 17 better well ADJ _005456899 2086 18 than than ADP _005456899 2086 19 a a DET _005456899 2086 20 conflagration conflagration NOUN _005456899 2086 21 that that PRON _005456899 2086 22 may may AUX _005456899 2086 23 go go VERB _005456899 2086 24 wrong wrong ADJ _005456899 2086 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2087 1 i i PRON _005456899 2087 2 repeat repeat VERB _005456899 2087 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2087 4 i i PRON _005456899 2087 5 should should AUX _005456899 2087 6 like like VERB _005456899 2087 7 every every DET _005456899 2087 8 graduate graduate NOUN _005456899 2087 9 first first ADV _005456899 2087 10 of of ADP _005456899 2087 11 all all PRON _005456899 2087 12 to to PART _005456899 2087 13 see see VERB _005456899 2087 14 what what PRON _005456899 2087 15 is be AUX _005456899 2087 16 right right ADJ _005456899 2087 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 2087 18 then then ADV _005456899 2087 19 to to PART _005456899 2087 20 use use VERB _005456899 2087 21 it it PRON _005456899 2087 22 whenever whenever SCONJ _005456899 2087 23 she she PRON _005456899 2087 24 can can AUX _005456899 2087 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2087 26 beginning begin VERB _005456899 2087 27 in in ADP _005456899 2087 28 her her PRON _005456899 2087 29 own own ADJ _005456899 2087 30 home home NOUN _005456899 2087 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 2088 1 as as ADP _005456899 2088 2 graduates graduate NOUN _005456899 2088 3 of of ADP _005456899 2088 4 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 2088 5 word word NOUN _005456899 2088 6 college college NOUN _005456899 2088 7 you you PRON _005456899 2088 8 are be AUX _005456899 2088 9 trained train VERB _005456899 2088 10 to to PART _005456899 2088 11 take take VERB _005456899 2088 12 your your PRON _005456899 2088 13 place place NOUN _005456899 2088 14 in in ADP _005456899 2088 15 the the DET _005456899 2088 16 world world NOUN _005456899 2088 17 of of ADP _005456899 2088 18 wages wage NOUN _005456899 2088 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2088 20 hours hour NOUN _005456899 2088 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2088 22 in in ADP _005456899 2088 23 the the DET _005456899 2088 24 world world NOUN _005456899 2088 25 of of ADP _005456899 2088 26 vocations vocation NOUN _005456899 2088 27 and and CCONJ _005456899 2088 28 professions profession NOUN _005456899 2088 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 2089 1 promotion promotion NOUN _005456899 2089 2 in in ADP _005456899 2089 3 your your PRON _005456899 2089 4 profession profession NOUN _005456899 2089 5 is be AUX _005456899 2089 6 a a DET _005456899 2089 7 success success NOUN _005456899 2089 8 i i PRON _005456899 2089 9 wish wish VERB _005456899 2089 10 you you PRON _005456899 2089 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 2089 12 a a DET _005456899 2089 13 success success NOUN _005456899 2089 14 which which PRON _005456899 2089 15 everybody everybody PRON _005456899 2089 16 can can AUX _005456899 2089 17 easily easily ADV _005456899 2089 18 understand understand VERB _005456899 2089 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 2090 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 2090 2 i i PRON _005456899 2090 3 should should AUX _005456899 2090 4 like like VERB _005456899 2090 5 to to PART _005456899 2090 6 emphasize emphasize VERB _005456899 2090 7 that that SCONJ _005456899 2090 8 your your PRON _005456899 2090 9 success success NOUN _005456899 2090 10 as as ADP _005456899 2090 11 college college NOUN _005456899 2090 12 graduates graduate NOUN _005456899 2090 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2090 14 as as ADP _005456899 2090 15 valuable valuable ADJ _005456899 2090 16 leaders leader NOUN _005456899 2090 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2090 18 is be AUX _005456899 2090 19 not not PART _005456899 2090 20 limited limit VERB _005456899 2090 21 to to ADP _005456899 2090 22 a a DET _005456899 2090 23 professional professional ADJ _005456899 2090 24 career career NOUN _005456899 2090 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2091 1 it it PRON _005456899 2091 2 is be AUX _005456899 2091 3 my my PRON _005456899 2091 4 conviction conviction NOUN _005456899 2091 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 2091 6 a a DET _005456899 2091 7 liberally liberally ADV _005456899 2091 8 educated educate VERB _005456899 2091 9 girl girl NOUN _005456899 2091 10 can can AUX _005456899 2091 11 use use VERB _005456899 2091 12 her her PRON _005456899 2091 13 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2091 14 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2091 15 while while SCONJ _005456899 2091 16 being be AUX _005456899 2091 17 a a DET _005456899 2091 18 wife wife NOUN _005456899 2091 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2091 20 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2091 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2091 22 quite quite ADV _005456899 2091 23 as as ADV _005456899 2091 24 effectively effectively ADV _005456899 2091 25 as as ADP _005456899 2091 26 in in ADP _005456899 2091 27 a a DET _005456899 2091 28 career career NOUN _005456899 2091 29 . . PUNCT _005456899 2092 1 florence florence NOUN _005456899 2092 2 nightingale nightingale PROPN _005456899 2092 3 and and CCONJ _005456899 2092 4 clara clara PROPN _005456899 2092 5 barton barton PROPN _005456899 2092 6 did do AUX _005456899 2092 7 splendid splendid ADJ _005456899 2092 8 things thing NOUN _005456899 2092 9 as as ADP _005456899 2092 10 career career NOUN _005456899 2092 11 girls girl NOUN _005456899 2092 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 2093 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 2093 2 if if SCONJ _005456899 2093 3 you you PRON _005456899 2093 4 make make VERB _005456899 2093 5 a a DET _005456899 2093 6 career career NOUN _005456899 2093 7 your your PRON _005456899 2093 8 life life NOUN _005456899 2093 9 i i PRON _005456899 2093 10 wish wish VERB _005456899 2093 11 you you PRON _005456899 2093 12 every every DET _005456899 2093 13 blessing blessing NOUN _005456899 2093 14 . . PUNCT _005456899 2094 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 2094 2 who who PRON _005456899 2094 3 will will AUX _005456899 2094 4 say say VERB _005456899 2094 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 2094 6 st st PROPN _005456899 2094 7 . . PROPN _005456899 2094 8 monica monica PROPN _005456899 2094 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2094 10 the the DET _005456899 2094 11 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2094 12 that that PRON _005456899 2094 13 finally finally ADV _005456899 2094 14 turned turn VERB _005456899 2094 15 a a DET _005456899 2094 16 pagan pagan PROPN _005456899 2094 17 son son NOUN _005456899 2094 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2094 19 augustine augustine NOUN _005456899 2094 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2094 21 into into ADP _005456899 2094 22 the the DET _005456899 2094 23 saint saint NOUN _005456899 2094 24 and and CCONJ _005456899 2094 25 theologian theologian ADJ _005456899 2094 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 2094 27 did do AUX _005456899 2094 28 not not PART _005456899 2094 29 exercise exercise VERB _005456899 2094 30 a a DET _005456899 2094 31 wholesome wholesome ADJ _005456899 2094 32 influence influence NOUN _005456899 2094 33 on on ADP _005456899 2094 34 the the DET _005456899 2094 35 world world NOUN _005456899 2094 36 that that PRON _005456899 2094 37 was be AUX _005456899 2094 38 as as ADV _005456899 2094 39 great great ADJ _005456899 2094 40 as as ADP _005456899 2094 41 florence florence NOUN _005456899 2094 42 nightingale nightingale NOUN _005456899 2094 43 's 's PART _005456899 2094 44 or or CCONJ _005456899 2094 45 clara clara PROPN _005456899 2094 46 barton barton PROPN _005456899 2094 47 's 's PART _005456899 2094 48 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2095 1 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2095 2 - - PUNCT _005456899 2095 3 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2095 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2095 5 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2095 6 -- -- PUNCT _005456899 2095 7 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2095 8 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2095 9 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2095 10 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2096 1 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2096 2 : : PUNCT _005456899 2097 1 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2097 2 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2097 3 ~98 ~98 PUNCT _005456899 2098 1 = = PRON _005456899 2098 2 = = PRON _005456899 2098 3 = = X _005456899 2098 4 ------- ------- PUNCT _005456899 2098 5 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2098 6 courtesy courtesy PROPN _005456899 2098 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2098 8 courtshu courtshu PROPN _005456899 2098 9 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2098 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2098 11 and and CCONJ _005456899 2098 12 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 2098 13 becoming become VERB _005456899 2098 14 the the DET _005456899 2098 15 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2098 16 of of ADP _005456899 2098 17 a a DET _005456899 2098 18 saint saint NOUN _005456899 2098 19 is be AUX _005456899 2098 20 greater great ADJ _005456899 2098 21 than than ADP _005456899 2098 22 becoming become VERB _005456899 2098 23 a a DET _005456899 2098 24 governor governor NOUN _005456899 2098 25 merely merely ADV _005456899 2098 26 being be AUX _005456899 2098 27 a a DET _005456899 2098 28 wife wife NOUN _005456899 2098 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 2098 30 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2098 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2098 32 it it PRON _005456899 2098 33 is be AUX _005456899 2098 34 true true ADJ _005456899 2098 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 2098 36 is be AUX _005456899 2098 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 2099 1 no no DET _005456899 2099 2 great great ADJ _005456899 2099 3 achievement achievement NOUN _005456899 2099 4 . . PUNCT _005456899 2100 1 the the DET _005456899 2100 2 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2100 3 women woman NOUN _005456899 2100 4 i i PRON _005456899 2100 5 quoted quote VERB _005456899 2100 6 are be AUX _005456899 2100 7 wives wife NOUN _005456899 2100 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 2100 9 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 2100 10 very very ADV _005456899 2100 11 early early ADV _005456899 2100 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 2101 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 2101 2 a a DET _005456899 2101 3 wife wife NOUN _005456899 2101 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 2101 5 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2101 6 that that PRON _005456899 2101 7 possesses possess VERB _005456899 2101 8 the the DET _005456899 2101 9 world world NOUN _005456899 2101 10 's 's PART _005456899 2101 11 front front ADJ _005456899 2101 12 rank rank NOUN _005456899 2101 13 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2101 14 attitudes attitude NOUN _005456899 2101 15 is be AUX _005456899 2101 16 a a DET _005456899 2101 17 tremendous tremendous ADJ _005456899 2101 18 factor factor NOUN _005456899 2101 19 for for ADP _005456899 2101 20 good good ADJ _005456899 2101 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 2102 1 the the DET _005456899 2102 2 saints saint NOUN _005456899 2102 3 all all PRON _005456899 2102 4 had have VERB _005456899 2102 5 mothers mother NOUN _005456899 2102 6 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2102 7 but but CCONJ _005456899 2102 8 so so ADV _005456899 2102 9 had have VERB _005456899 2102 10 the the DET _005456899 2102 11 gangsters gangster NOUN _005456899 2102 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 2103 1 the the DET _005456899 2103 2 right right ADJ _005456899 2103 3 kind kind NOUN _005456899 2103 4 of of ADP _005456899 2103 5 collegetrained collegetraine VERB _005456899 2103 6 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2103 7 has have VERB _005456899 2103 8 the the DET _005456899 2103 9 best good ADJ _005456899 2103 10 chance chance NOUN _005456899 2103 11 in in ADP _005456899 2103 12 the the DET _005456899 2103 13 world world NOUN _005456899 2103 14 of of ADP _005456899 2103 15 becoming become VERB _005456899 2103 16 the the DET _005456899 2103 17 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2103 18 of of ADP _005456899 2103 19 a a DET _005456899 2103 20 saint saint NOUN _005456899 2103 21 - - PUNCT _005456899 2103 22 of of ADP _005456899 2103 23 another another DET _005456899 2103 24 st st PROPN _005456899 2103 25 . . PROPN _005456899 2103 26 francis francis PROPN _005456899 2103 27 of of ADP _005456899 2103 28 assisi assisi PROPN _005456899 2103 29 perhaps perhaps ADV _005456899 2103 30 . . PUNCT _005456899 2104 1 we we PRON _005456899 2104 2 return return VERB _005456899 2104 3 to to ADP _005456899 2104 4 the the DET _005456899 2104 5 quotation quotation NOUN _005456899 2104 6 from from ADP _005456899 2104 7 st st PROPN _005456899 2104 8 . . PROPN _005456899 2104 9 james james PROPN _005456899 2104 10 - - PUNCT _005456899 2104 11 about about ADV _005456899 2104 12 saving save VERB _005456899 2104 13 one one PRON _005456899 2104 14 's 's PART _005456899 2104 15 soul soul NOUN _005456899 2104 16 by by ADP _005456899 2104 17 converting convert VERB _005456899 2104 18 just just ADV _005456899 2104 19 one one NUM _005456899 2104 20 sinner sinner NOUN _005456899 2104 21 . . PUNCT _005456899 2105 1 for for SCONJ _005456899 2105 2 a a DET _005456899 2105 3 college college NOUN _005456899 2105 4 graduate graduate NOUN _005456899 2105 5 to to PART _005456899 2105 6 influence influence VERB _005456899 2105 7 her her PRON _005456899 2105 8 husband husband NOUN _005456899 2105 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 2105 10 children child NOUN _005456899 2105 11 is be AUX _005456899 2105 12 not not PART _005456899 2105 13 reforming reform VERB _005456899 2105 14 the the DET _005456899 2105 15 world world NOUN _005456899 2105 16 by by ADP _005456899 2105 17 a a DET _005456899 2105 18 revolution revolution NOUN _005456899 2105 19 . . PUNCT _005456899 2106 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 2106 2 we we PRON _005456899 2106 3 have have AUX _005456899 2106 4 agreed agree VERB _005456899 2106 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 2106 6 violent violent ADJ _005456899 2106 7 reforms reform NOUN _005456899 2106 8 start start VERB _005456899 2106 9 with with ADP _005456899 2106 10 high high ADJ _005456899 2106 11 ideals ideal NOUN _005456899 2106 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 2106 13 too too ADV _005456899 2106 14 often often ADV _005456899 2106 15 ep.d ep.d NOUN _005456899 2106 16 with with ADP _005456899 2106 17 ruined ruin VERB _005456899 2106 18 cities city NOUN _005456899 2106 19 .. .. PUNCT _005456899 2106 20 a a DET _005456899 2106 21 girl girl NOUN _005456899 2106 22 who who PRON _005456899 2106 23 influences influence VERB _005456899 2106 24 her her PRON _005456899 2106 25 husband husband NOUN _005456899 2106 26 and and CCONJ _005456899 2106 27 children child NOUN _005456899 2106 28 into into ADP _005456899 2106 29 .the .the NOUN _005456899 2107 1 hi hi INTJ _005456899 2107 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2107 3 ghest gh ADJ _005456899 2107 4 tiers tier NOUN _005456899 2107 5 of of ADP _005456899 2107 6 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 2107 7 is be AUX _005456899 2107 8 improving improve VERB _005456899 2107 9 the the DET _005456899 2107 10 world world NOUN _005456899 2107 11 in in ADP _005456899 2107 12 the the DET _005456899 2107 13 mustard mustard NOUN _005456899 2107 14 seed seed NOUN _005456899 2107 15 way way NOUN _005456899 2107 16 which which PRON _005456899 2107 17 our our PRON _005456899 2107 18 lord lord PROPN _005456899 2107 19 so so ADV _005456899 2107 20 highly highly ADV _005456899 2107 21 commends commend NOUN _005456899 2107 22 . . PUNCT _005456899 2108 1 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2108 2 himself himself PRON _005456899 2108 3 started start VERB _005456899 2108 4 with with ADP _005456899 2108 5 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 2108 6 fishermen fisherman NOUN _005456899 2108 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 2109 1 not not PART _005456899 2109 2 with with ADP _005456899 2109 3 the the DET _005456899 2109 4 world world NOUN _005456899 2109 5 he he PRON _005456899 2109 6 himself himself PRON _005456899 2109 7 did do AUX _005456899 2109 8 not not PART _005456899 2109 9 set set VERB _005456899 2109 10 out out ADP _005456899 2109 11 to to PART _005456899 2109 12 reform reform VERB _005456899 2109 13 the the DET _005456899 2109 14 world world NOUN _005456899 2109 15 with with ADP _005456899 2109 16 a a DET _005456899 2109 17 brass brass NOUN _005456899 2109 18 band band NOUN _005456899 2109 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2109 20 a a DET _005456899 2109 21 mighty mighty ADJ _005456899 2109 22 conference conference NOUN _005456899 2109 23 of of ADP _005456899 2109 24 potentates potentate NOUN _005456899 2109 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2110 1 instead instead ADV _005456899 2110 2 he he PRON _005456899 2110 3 took take VERB _005456899 2110 4 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 2110 5 fellows fellow NOUN _005456899 2110 6 of of ADP _005456899 2110 7 the the DET _005456899 2110 8 type type NOUN _005456899 2110 9 of of ADP _005456899 2110 10 fishermen fisherman NOUN _005456899 2110 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2110 12 wherever wherever SCONJ _005456899 2110 13 he he PRON _005456899 2110 14 found find VERB _005456899 2110 15 them they PRON _005456899 2110 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2110 17 and and CCONJ _005456899 2110 18 spent spend VERB _005456899 2110 19 most most ADJ _005456899 2110 20 of of ADP _005456899 2110 21 his his PRON _005456899 2110 22 time time NOUN _005456899 2110 23 making make VERB _005456899 2110 24 good good ADJ _005456899 2110 25 and and CCONJ _005456899 2110 26 wise wise ADJ _005456899 2110 27 christians christian NOUN _005456899 2110 28 out out ADP _005456899 2110 29 of of ADP _005456899 2110 30 them they PRON _005456899 2110 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 2111 1 as as SCONJ _005456899 2111 2 we we PRON _005456899 2111 3 all all PRON _005456899 2111 4 know know VERB _005456899 2111 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2111 6 he he PRON _005456899 2111 7 ended end VERB _005456899 2111 8 by by ADP _005456899 2111 9 remaking remake VERB _005456899 2111 10 the the DET _005456899 2111 11 world world NOUN _005456899 2111 12 . . PUNCT _005456899 2112 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 2112 2 his his PRON _005456899 2112 3 work work NOUN _005456899 2112 4 is be AUX _005456899 2112 5 still still ADV _005456899 2112 6 going go VERB _005456899 2112 7 on on ADP _005456899 2112 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 2113 1 as as SCONJ _005456899 2113 2 individuals individual NOUN _005456899 2113 3 let let VERB _005456899 2113 4 's us PRON _005456899 2113 5 live live VERB _005456899 2113 6 the the DET _005456899 2113 7 golden golden ADJ _005456899 2113 8 rule rule NOUN _005456899 2113 9 towards towards ADP _005456899 2113 10 those those PRON _005456899 2113 11 about about ADP _005456899 2113 12 us we PRON _005456899 2113 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 14 as as SCONJ _005456899 2113 15 americans americans PROPN _005456899 2113 16 let let VERB _005456899 2113 17 's us PRON _005456899 2113 18 worry worry VERB _005456899 2113 19 more more ADV _005456899 2113 20 about about ADP _005456899 2113 21 american american ADJ _005456899 2113 22 sins sin NOUN _005456899 2113 23 than than ADP _005456899 2113 24 german german ADJ _005456899 2113 25 or or CCONJ _005456899 2113 26 russian russian ADJ _005456899 2113 27 ones one NOUN _005456899 2113 28 surely surely ADV _005456899 2113 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 30 if if SCONJ _005456899 2113 31 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2113 32 considered consider VERB _005456899 2113 33 the the DET _005456899 2113 34 shaping shaping NOUN _005456899 2113 35 of of ADP _005456899 2113 36 twelve twelve NUM _005456899 2113 37 apostles apostle NOUN _005456899 2113 38 into into ADP _005456899 2113 39 • • NUM _005456899 2113 40 high high ADJ _005456899 2113 41 - - PUNCT _005456899 2113 42 grade grade NOUN _005456899 2113 43 christians christian NOUN _005456899 2113 44 his his PRON _005456899 2113 45 first first ADJ _005456899 2113 46 and and CCONJ _005456899 2113 47 constant constant ADJ _005456899 2113 48 vocation vocation NOUN _005456899 2113 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 50 then then ADV _005456899 2113 51 what what PRON _005456899 2113 52 worthier worthy ADJ _005456899 2113 53 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2113 54 or or CCONJ _005456899 2113 55 finer finer ADJ _005456899 2113 56 vocation vocation NOUN _005456899 2113 57 can can AUX _005456899 2113 58 one one NUM _005456899 2113 59 wish wish VERB _005456899 2113 60 for for ADP _005456899 2113 61 a a DET _005456899 2113 62 college college NOUN _005456899 2113 63 graduate graduate NOUN _005456899 2113 64 than than SCONJ _005456899 2113 65 that that SCONJ _005456899 2113 66 she she PRON _005456899 2113 67 help help VERB _005456899 2113 68 those those PRON _005456899 2113 69 near near ADJ _005456899 2113 70 and and CCONJ _005456899 2113 71 dear dear ADJ _005456899 2113 72 to to ADP _005456899 2113 73 her she PRON _005456899 2113 74 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 75 her her PRON _005456899 2113 76 hometown hometown NOUN _005456899 2113 77 fellow fellow NOUN _005456899 2113 78 citizens citizen NOUN _005456899 2113 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 80 her her PRON _005456899 2113 81 family family NOUN _005456899 2113 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 83 kin kin PROPN _005456899 2113 84 and and CCONJ _005456899 2113 85 friends friend NOUN _005456899 2113 86 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 87 and and CCONJ _005456899 2113 88 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 89 god god PROPN _005456899 2113 90 willing willing ADJ _005456899 2113 91 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 92 a a DET _005456899 2113 93 husband husband NOUN _005456899 2113 94 and and CCONJ _005456899 2113 95 children child NOUN _005456899 2113 96 , , PUNCT _005456899 2113 97 to to PART _005456899 2113 98 become become VERB _005456899 2113 99 the the DET _005456899 2113 100 kind kind NOUN _005456899 2113 101 of of ADP _005456899 2113 102 people people NOUN _005456899 2113 103 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2113 104 would would AUX _005456899 2113 105 want want VERB _005456899 2113 106 them they PRON _005456899 2113 107 to to PART _005456899 2113 108 be be AUX _005456899 2113 109 . . PUNCT _005456899 2114 1 what what PRON _005456899 2114 2 more more ADJ _005456899 2114 3 can can AUX _005456899 2114 4 your your PRON _005456899 2114 5 alma alma NOUN _005456899 2114 6 mater mater NOUN _005456899 2114 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2114 8 and and CCONJ _005456899 2114 9 your your PRON _005456899 2114 10 country country NOUN _005456899 2114 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2114 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 2114 13 your your PRON _005456899 2114 14 church church NOUN _005456899 2114 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 2114 16 ask ask VERB _005456899 2114 17 of of ADP _005456899 2114 18 you you PRON _005456899 2114 19 ? ? PUNCT _005456899 2115 1 on on ADP _005456899 2115 2 this this DET _005456899 2115 3 happy happy ADJ _005456899 2115 4 educational educational ADJ _005456899 2115 5 milestone milestone NOUN _005456899 2115 6 of of ADP _005456899 2115 7 your your PRON _005456899 2115 8 life life NOUN _005456899 2115 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2115 10 that that PRON _005456899 2115 11 is be AUX _005456899 2115 12 the the DET _005456899 2115 13 vocation vocation NOUN _005456899 2115 14 and and CCONJ _005456899 2115 15 that that PRON _005456899 2115 16 is be AUX _005456899 2115 17 the the DET _005456899 2115 18 success success NOUN _005456899 2115 19 i i PROPN _005456899 2115 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2115 21 and and CCONJ _005456899 2115 22 i i PRON _005456899 2115 23 am be AUX _005456899 2115 24 sure sure ADJ _005456899 2115 25 all all DET _005456899 2115 26 your your PRON _005456899 2115 27 other other ADJ _005456899 2115 28 teachers teacher NOUN _005456899 2115 29 and and CCONJ _005456899 2115 30 superiors superior NOUN _005456899 2115 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2115 32 heartily heartily ADV _005456899 2115 33 and and CCONJ _005456899 2115 34 hopefully hopefully ADV _005456899 2115 35 wish wish VERB _005456899 2115 36 you you PRON _005456899 2115 37 . . PUNCT _005456899 2116 1 may may AUX _005456899 2116 2 it it PRON _005456899 2116 3 bring bring VERB _005456899 2116 4 you you PRON _005456899 2116 5 happiness happiness NOUN _005456899 2116 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2116 7 fame fame NOUN _005456899 2116 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2116 9 and and CCONJ _005456899 2116 10 salvation salvation NOUN _005456899 2116 11 . . PUNCT _005456899 2117 1 good good ADJ _005456899 2117 2 - - PUNCT _005456899 2117 3 bye bye INTJ _005456899 2117 4 and and CCONJ _005456899 2117 5 good good ADJ _005456899 2117 6 luck luck NOUN _005456899 2117 7 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2118 1 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2118 2 a a PRON _005456899 2118 3 < < X _005456899 2118 4 indt indt NOUN _005456899 2118 5 a a DET _005456899 2118 6 bra bra NOUN _005456899 2118 7 ! ! PROPN _005456899 2118 8 addis addis PROPN _005456899 2118 9 adoni adoni PROPN _005456899 2118 10 adrer adrer PROPN _005456899 2118 11 adult adult PROPN _005456899 2118 12 affec affec PROPN _005456899 2118 13 aftin aftin PROPN _005456899 2118 14 afric afric PROPN _005456899 2118 15 : : PUNCT _005456899 2118 16 afric afric ADP _005456899 2118 17 : : PUNCT _005456899 2118 18 agnet agnet NOUN _005456899 2118 19 aim aim NOUN _005456899 2118 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2118 21 alban alban PROPN _005456899 2118 22 alber alber PROPN _005456899 2118 23 allah allah PROPN _005456899 2118 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2118 25 allusi allusi PROPN _005456899 2118 26 alma alma PROPN _005456899 2118 27 ameri ameri PROPN _005456899 2118 28 amer amer PROPN _005456899 2118 29 : : PUNCT _005456899 2118 30 ameri ameri PROPN _005456899 2118 31 ameri ameri PROPN _005456899 2118 32 andre andre NOUN _005456899 2118 33 " " PUNCT _005456899 2118 34 an an PRON _005456899 2118 35 . . PUNCT _005456899 2119 1 angji angji PROPN _005456899 2119 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2119 3 antiot antiot PROPN _005456899 2119 4 apolo apolo PROPN _005456899 2119 5 : : PUNCT _005456899 2119 6 aposf aposf VERB _005456899 2119 7 arabi arabi NOUN _005456899 2119 8 : : PUNCT _005456899 2119 9 aristo aristo PROPN _005456899 2119 10 army army PROPN _005456899 2119 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2119 12 arnolt arnolt PROPN _005456899 2119 13 asia asia PROPN _005456899 2119 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2119 15 associ associ PROPN _005456899 2119 16 athei£ athei£ PROPN _005456899 2119 17 augus augus PROPN _005456899 2119 18 auste1 auste1 PROPN _005456899 2119 19 au au PROPN _005456899 2119 20 tho tho PROPN _005456899 2119 21 : : PUNCT _005456899 2119 22 1\utho 1\utho NUM _005456899 2119 23 : : PUNCT _005456899 2119 24 42 42 NUM _005456899 2119 25 autob autob NOUN _005456899 2119 26 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2119 27 autog autog NOUN _005456899 2119 28 · · PUNCT _005456899 2119 29 autoc1 autoc1 NOUN _005456899 2119 30 ayres ayre NOUN _005456899 2119 31 . . PUNCT _005456899 2120 1 bache bache PROPN _005456899 2120 2 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2120 3 bacon bacon PROPN _005456899 2120 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2120 5 baltim baltim NOUN _005456899 2120 6 banerc banerc NOUN _005456899 2120 7 baront baront PROPN _005456899 2120 8 barret barret PROPN _005456899 2120 9 barret barret PROPN _005456899 2120 10 barryr barryr PROPN _005456899 2120 11 barton barton PROPN _005456899 2120 12 baylor baylor PROPN _005456899 2120 13 beauty beauty NOUN _005456899 2120 14 bedoui bedoui ADV _005456899 2120 15 beelzel beelzel PROPN _005456899 2120 16 belgim belgim NOUN _005456899 2120 17 besier besi ADJ _005456899 2120 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2120 19 rible rible ADJ _005456899 2120 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2120 21 bigam bigam PROPN _005456899 2120 22 ' ' PART _005456899 2120 23 bismar bismar NOUN _005456899 2120 24 1 1 NUM _005456899 2120 25 . . PUNCT _005456899 2120 26 for for ADP _005456899 2120 27 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2120 28 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 2120 29 v v X _005456899 2120 30 i i PRON _005456899 2120 31 : : PUNCT _005456899 2120 32 u u PROPN _005456899 2120 33 r r NOUN _005456899 2120 34 t t NOUN _005456899 2120 35 t t NOUN _005456899 2120 36 f f NOUN _005456899 2120 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 2120 38 index1 index1 PROPN _005456899 2120 39 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2120 40 a a DET _005456899 2120 41 general general ADJ _005456899 2120 42 index index NOUN _005456899 2120 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2120 44 but but CCONJ _005456899 2120 45 functional functional ADJ _005456899 2120 46 rather rather ADV _005456899 2120 47 thon thon NOUN _005456899 2120 48 " " PUNCT _005456899 2120 49 complete complete ADJ _005456899 2120 50 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2120 51 it it PRON _005456899 2120 52 does do AUX _005456899 2120 53 index index NOUN _005456899 2120 54 all all DET _005456899 2120 55 titles title NOUN _005456899 2120 56 arid arid ADJ _005456899 2120 57 authors author NOUN _005456899 2120 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 2120 59 but but CCONJ _005456899 2120 60 many many ADJ _005456899 2120 61 other other ADJ _005456899 2120 62 incidental incidental ADJ _005456899 2120 63 references reference NOUN _005456899 2120 64 are be AUX _005456899 2120 65 omitted omit VERB _005456899 2120 66 or or CCONJ _005456899 2120 67 not not PART _005456899 2120 68 repeated repeat VERB _005456899 2120 69 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2120 70 . . PUNCT _005456899 2121 1 abraham abraham PROPN _005456899 2121 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 3 18 18 NUM _005456899 2121 4 addis addis PROPN _005456899 2121 5 on on ADP _005456899 2121 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 7 11 11 NUM _005456899 2121 8 adonises adonis NOUN _005456899 2121 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 10 64 64 NUM _005456899 2121 11 adrenal adrenal ADJ _005456899 2121 12 glancjs glancjs ADV _005456899 2121 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 14 14 14 NUM _005456899 2121 15 adultery adultery NOUN _005456899 2121 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 17 65 65 NUM _005456899 2121 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 19 68 68 NUM _005456899 2121 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 21 86 86 NUM _005456899 2121 22 affection affection NOUN _005456899 2121 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 24 40 40 NUM _005456899 2121 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 26 42 42 NUM _005456899 2121 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 28 43 43 NUM _005456899 2121 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 30 93 93 NUM _005456899 2121 31 affinity affinity NOUN _005456899 2121 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 33 69 69 NUM _005456899 2121 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 35 61 61 NUM _005456899 2121 36 africa africa PROPN _005456899 2121 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 38 83 83 NUM _005456899 2121 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 40 86 86 NUM _005456899 2121 41 african african ADJ _005456899 2121 42 tribes tribe NOUN _005456899 2121 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 44 82 82 PROPN _005456899 2121 45 agnes agnes PROPN _005456899 2121 46 grey grey PROPN _005456899 2121 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 48 71 71 NUM _005456899 2121 49 aim aim NOUN _005456899 2121 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 51 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2121 52 albania albania PROPN _005456899 2121 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 54 89 89 NUM _005456899 2121 55 albert albert NOUN _005456899 2121 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 57 prince prince PROPN _005456899 2121 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 59 1 1 NUM _005456899 2121 60 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 61 6 6 NUM _005456899 2121 62 allah allah ADJ _005456899 2121 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 64 88 88 NUM _005456899 2121 65 allusions allusion NOUN _005456899 2121 66 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 67 v v NOUN _005456899 2121 68 alma alma NOUN _005456899 2121 69 mater mater PROPN _005456899 2121 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 71 91 91 NUM _005456899 2121 72 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 73 98 98 NUM _005456899 2121 74 american american ADJ _005456899 2121 75 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 76 9 9 NUM _005456899 2121 77 american american ADJ _005456899 2121 78 husbands husband NOUN _005456899 2121 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 80 17 17 NUM _005456899 2121 81 american american ADJ _005456899 2121 82 legion legion NOUN _005456899 2121 83 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 84 93 93 NUM _005456899 2121 85 american american PROPN _005456899 2121 86 mercury mercury PROPN _005456899 2121 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 88 86 86 NUM _005456899 2121 89 androclus androclus NOUN _005456899 2121 90 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 91 13 13 NUM _005456899 2121 92 " " PUNCT _005456899 2121 93 an an DET _005456899 2121 94 american american ADJ _005456899 2121 95 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 2121 96 in in ADP _005456899 2121 97 chinau~ chinau~ PROPN _005456899 2121 98 · · PUNCT _005456899 2121 99 · · PUNCT _005456899 2121 100 gg gg PROPN _005456899 2121 101 anglican anglican ADV _005456899 2121 102 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005456899 2121 103 of of ADP _005456899 2121 104 york york PROPN _005456899 2121 105 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 106 96 96 NUM _005456899 2121 107 antioch antioch PROPN _005456899 2121 108 college college PROPN _005456899 2121 109 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 110 64 64 NUM _005456899 2121 111 apologia apologia PROPN _005456899 2121 112 pro pro PROPN _005456899 2121 113 vita vita PROPN _005456899 2121 114 sua sua PROPN _005456899 2121 115 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 116 34 34 NUM _005456899 2121 117 apostles apostle NOUN _005456899 2121 118 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 119 98 98 NUM _005456899 2121 120 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 2121 121 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 122 86 86 NUM _005456899 2121 123 aristotle aristotle PROPN _005456899 2121 124 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 125 82 82 NUM _005456899 2121 126 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 127 92 92 NUM _005456899 2121 128 army army NOUN _005456899 2121 129 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 130 43 43 NUM _005456899 2121 131 arnold arnold ADJ _005456899 2121 132 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 133 matthew matthew PROPN _005456899 2121 134 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 135 vi vi PROPN _005456899 2121 136 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 137 74 74 NUM _005456899 2121 138 asia asia PROPN _005456899 2121 139 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 140 83 83 NUM _005456899 2121 141 associated associated ADJ _005456899 2121 142 press press NOUN _005456899 2121 143 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 144 ~tem ~tem X _005456899 2121 145 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 146 92 92 NUM _005456899 2121 147 atheists atheist NOUN _005456899 2121 148 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 149 12 12 NUM _005456899 2121 150 augustine augustine NOUN _005456899 2121 151 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 152 st st PROPN _005456899 2121 153 . . PROPN _005456899 2121 154 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 155 9 9 NUM _005456899 2121 156 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 157 44 44 NUM _005456899 2121 158 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 159 66 66 NUM _005456899 2121 160 austen austen ADJ _005456899 2121 161 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 162 jane jane NOUN _005456899 2121 163 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 164 71 71 NUM _005456899 2121 165 author author NOUN _005456899 2121 166 's 's PART _005456899 2121 167 self self NOUN _005456899 2121 168 - - PUNCT _005456899 2121 169 assurance assurance NOUN _005456899 2121 170 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 171 iii iii NUM _005456899 2121 172 1\uthor 1\uthor NOUN _005456899 2121 173 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 174 allusion allusion NOUN _005456899 2121 175 to to ADP _005456899 2121 176 author author NOUN _005456899 2121 177 of of ADP _005456899 2121 178 this this DET _005456899 2121 179 book book NOUN _005456899 2121 180 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 181 42 42 NUM _005456899 2121 182 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 183 43 43 NUM _005456899 2121 184 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 185 44 44 NUM _005456899 2121 186 autobiography autobiography NOUN _005456899 2121 187 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 188 4 4 NUM _005456899 2121 189 autographed autograph VERB _005456899 2121 190 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 191 v v PROPN _005456899 2121 192 autocrat autocrat PROPN _005456899 2121 193 , , PUNCT _005456899 2121 194 33 33 NUM _005456899 2121 195 ayres ayre NOUN _005456899 2121 196 . . PUNCT _005456899 2122 1 lew lew NOUN _005456899 2122 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 3 93 93 NUM _005456899 2122 4 bachelor bachelor NOUN _005456899 2122 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 6 39 39 NUM _005456899 2122 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 8 67 67 NUM _005456899 2122 9 bacon bacon NOUN _005456899 2122 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 11 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2122 12 baltimore baltimore PROPN _005456899 2122 13 sun sun PROPN _005456899 2122 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 15 87 87 NUM _005456899 2122 16 bancroft bancroft ADJ _005456899 2122 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 18 georr georr PROPN _005456899 2122 19 : : PUNCT _005456899 2122 20 e e PROPN _005456899 2122 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 22 70 70 NUM _005456899 2122 23 baroness baroness NOUN _005456899 2122 24 shizue shizue NOUN _005456899 2122 25 ishimoto ishimoto NOUN _005456899 2122 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 27 88 88 NUM _005456899 2122 28 barrett barrett PROPN _005456899 2122 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 30 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 2122 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 32 41 41 NUM _005456899 2122 33 barretts barrett NOUN _005456899 2122 34 of of ADP _005456899 2122 35 wimpole wimpole PROPN _005456899 2122 36 street street PROPN _005456899 2122 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 38 the the DET _005456899 2122 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 40 41 41 NUM _005456899 2122 41 barrymore barrymore NOUN _005456899 2122 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 43 87 87 NUM _005456899 2122 44 barton barton NOUN _005456899 2122 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 46 clara clara PROPN _005456899 2122 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 48 97 97 NUM _005456899 2122 49 baylor baylor NOUN _005456899 2122 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 51 mary mary PROPN _005456899 2122 52 hardin hardin PROPN _005456899 2122 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 54 92 92 NUM _005456899 2122 55 beauty beauty NOUN _005456899 2122 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 57 1 1 NUM _005456899 2122 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 59 40 40 NUM _005456899 2122 60 bedouin bedouin NOUN _005456899 2122 61 sheikh sheikh NOUN _005456899 2122 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 63 87 87 NUM _005456899 2122 64 beelzebub beelzebub PROPN _005456899 2122 65 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 66 31 31 NUM _005456899 2122 67 belgium belgium NOUN _005456899 2122 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 69 6 6 NUM _005456899 2122 70 besier besi ADJ _005456899 2122 71 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 72 rudolf rudolf NOUN _005456899 2122 73 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 74 41 41 NUM _005456899 2122 75 bible bible NOUN _005456899 2122 76 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 77 2 2 NUM _005456899 2122 78 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 79 32 32 NUM _005456899 2122 80 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 81 64 64 NUM _005456899 2122 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 83 60 60 NUM _005456899 2122 84 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 85 & & CCONJ _005456899 2122 86 6 6 NUM _005456899 2122 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 88 77 77 NUM _005456899 2122 89 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 90 78 78 NUM _005456899 2122 91 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 92 96 96 NUM _005456899 2122 93 bigamists bigamist NOUN _005456899 2122 94 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 95 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 96 bismark bismark NOUN _005456899 2122 97 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 98 65 65 NUM _005456899 2122 99 blackwell blackwell ADJ _005456899 2122 100 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 101 miss miss PROPN _005456899 2122 102 alice alice PROPN _005456899 2122 103 · · NUM _005456899 2122 104 stone stone NOUN _005456899 2122 105 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 106 92 92 NUM _005456899 2122 107 blessed bless VERB _005456899 2122 108 virgin virgin NOUN _005456899 2122 109 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 110 82 82 NUM _005456899 2122 111 blount blount NOUN _005456899 2122 112 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 113 edward edward PROPN _005456899 2122 114 a. a. PROPN _005456899 2122 115 h. h. PROPN _005456899 2122 116 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 117 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 118 brahmin brahmin NOUN _005456899 2122 119 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 120 youth youth NOUN _005456899 2122 121 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 122 88 88 NUM _005456899 2122 123 branwell branwell NOUN _005456899 2122 124 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 125 patrick patrick PROPN _005456899 2122 126 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 127 71 71 NUM _005456899 2122 128 bridge bridge NOUN _005456899 2122 129 clubs club NOUN _005456899 2122 130 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 131 92 92 NUM _005456899 2122 132 british british ADJ _005456899 2122 133 authors author NOUN _005456899 2122 134 of of ADP _005456899 2122 135 the the DET _005456899 2122 136 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _005456899 2122 137 century century NOUN _005456899 2122 138 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 139 41 41 NUM _005456899 2122 140 british british ADJ _005456899 2122 141 stationery stationery PROPN _005456899 2122 142 office office PROPN _005456899 2122 143 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 144 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 145 bronte bronte ADJ _005456899 2122 146 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 2122 147 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 148 charlotte charlotte PROPN _005456899 2122 149 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 150 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2122 151 emily emily ADV _005456899 2122 152 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 153 anne anne PROPN _005456899 2122 154 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 155 ' ' PROPN _005456899 2122 156 71 71 NUM _005456899 2122 157 brothel brothel NOUN _005456899 2122 158 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 159 84 84 NUM _005456899 2122 160 browning browning NOUN _005456899 2122 161 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 162 robert robert PROPN _005456899 2122 163 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 164 41 41 NUM _005456899 2122 165 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 166 46 46 NUM _005456899 2122 167 buck buck NOUN _005456899 2122 168 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 169 pearl pearl PROPN _005456899 2122 170 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 171 64 64 NUM _005456899 2122 172 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 173 · · PUNCT _005456899 2122 174 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 175 bulwer bulwer NOUN _005456899 2122 176 - - PUNCT _005456899 2122 177 lytton lytton PROPN _005456899 2122 178 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 179 78 78 NUM _005456899 2122 180 burlesque burlesque ADJ _005456899 2122 181 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 182 65 65 NUM _005456899 2122 183 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 184 66 66 NUM _005456899 2122 185 burns burn NOUN _005456899 2122 186 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 187 father father NOUN _005456899 2122 188 clarence clarence NOUN _005456899 2122 189 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 190 84 84 NUM _005456899 2122 191 byron byron NOUN _005456899 2122 192 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 193 18 18 NUM _005456899 2122 194 · · PUNCT _005456899 2122 195 cairo cairo PROPN _005456899 2122 196 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 197 81 81 NUM _005456899 2122 198 calcutta calcutta NOUN _005456899 2122 199 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 200 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 201 call call NOUN _005456899 2122 202 of of ADP _005456899 2122 203 the the DET _005456899 2122 204 wild wild NOUN _005456899 2122 205 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 206 the the DET _005456899 2122 207 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 208 70 70 NUM _005456899 2122 209 cambridge cambridge NOUN _005456899 2122 210 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 211 72 72 NUM _005456899 2122 212 capitol capitol NOUN _005456899 2122 213 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 214 68 68 NUM _005456899 2122 215 carew carew NOUN _005456899 2122 216 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 217 thomas thomas PROPN _005456899 2122 218 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 219 71 71 NUM _005456899 2122 220 casti casti NOUN _005456899 2122 221 connubi connubi PROPN _005456899 2122 222 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 223 55 55 NUM _005456899 2122 224 catherine catherine NOUN _005456899 2122 225 of of ADP _005456899 2122 226 siena siena NOUN _005456899 2122 227 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 228 68 68 NUM _005456899 2122 229 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 2122 230 digest digest NOUN _005456899 2122 231 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 232 the the DET _005456899 2122 233 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 234 1 1 NUM _005456899 2122 235 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 236 81 81 NUM _005456899 2122 237 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 2122 238 home home NOUN _005456899 2122 239 journal journal NOUN _005456899 2122 240 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 241 the the DET _005456899 2122 242 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 243 v v NOUN _005456899 2122 244 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 245 13 13 NUM _005456899 2122 246 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 247 49 49 NUM _005456899 2122 248 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 249 68 68 NUM _005456899 2122 250 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 251 74 74 NUM _005456899 2122 252 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 2122 253 missions mission NOUN _005456899 2122 254 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 255 85 85 NUM _005456899 2122 256 cavalier cavalier ADJ _005456899 2122 257 poet poet NOUN _005456899 2122 258 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 259 71 71 NUM _005456899 2122 260 chaperone chaperone NOUN _005456899 2122 261 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 262 75 75 NUM _005456899 2122 263 chattel chattel NOUN _005456899 2122 264 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 265 82 82 NUM _005456899 2122 266 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 267 83 83 NUM _005456899 2122 268 chesterfield chesterfield PROPN _005456899 2122 269 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 270 lord lord PROPN _005456899 2122 271 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 272 4 4 NUM _005456899 2122 273 chiang chiang PROPN _005456899 2122 274 kai kai PROPN _005456899 2122 275 - - PUNCT _005456899 2122 276 shek shek PROPN _005456899 2122 277 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 278 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 279 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 280 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 281 chicago chicago PROPN _005456899 2122 282 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 283 68 68 NUM _005456899 2122 284 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 285 69 69 NUM _005456899 2122 286 china china PROPN _005456899 2122 287 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 288 64 64 NUM _005456899 2122 289 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 290 84 84 NUM _005456899 2122 291 chinese chinese PROPN _005456899 2122 292 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 293 2 2 NUM _005456899 2122 294 christ christ PROPN _005456899 2122 295 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 296 7 7 NUM _005456899 2122 297 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 298 8 8 NUM _005456899 2122 299 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 300 9 9 NUM _005456899 2122 301 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 302 10 10 NUM _005456899 2122 303 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 304 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 305 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 306 89 89 NUM _005456899 2122 307 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 308 95 95 NUM _005456899 2122 309 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 310 · · PUNCT _005456899 2122 311 96 96 NUM _005456899 2122 312 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 313 98 98 NUM _005456899 2122 314 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2122 315 moral moral ADJ _005456899 2122 316 order order NOUN _005456899 2122 317 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 318 christianity christianity NOUN _005456899 2122 319 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 320 77 77 NUM _005456899 2122 321 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 322 81 81 NUM _005456899 2122 323 church church NOUN _005456899 2122 324 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 325 60 60 NUM _005456899 2122 326 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 327 62 62 NUM _005456899 2122 328 cii cii NOUN _005456899 2122 329 - - PUNCT _005456899 2122 330 cu1 cu1 PROPN _005456899 2122 331 ptio ptio NOUN _005456899 2122 332 n n PROPN _005456899 2122 333 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 334 iv iv NUM _005456899 2122 335 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 336 28 28 NUM _005456899 2122 337 civil civil ADJ _005456899 2122 338 war war NOUN _005456899 2122 339 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 340 18 18 NUM _005456899 2122 341 coleridge coleridge NOUN _005456899 2122 342 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 343 1 1 NUM _005456899 2122 344 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 345 8 8 NUM _005456899 2122 346 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 347 68 68 NUM _005456899 2122 348 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 349 73 73 NUM _005456899 2122 350 commencement commencement NOUN _005456899 2122 351 address address NOUN _005456899 2122 352 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 353 v v NOUN _005456899 2122 354 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2122 355 90 90 NUM _005456899 2122 356 commonweal commonweal NOUN _005456899 2122 357 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 358 the the PRON _005456899 2122 359 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 360 67 67 NUM _005456899 2122 361 compliments compliment NOUN _005456899 2122 362 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 363 6 6 NUM _005456899 2122 364 concubines concubine NOUN _005456899 2122 365 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 366 86 86 NUM _005456899 2122 367 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005456899 2122 368 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 369 v v NOUN _005456899 2122 370 congregation congregation NOUN _005456899 2122 371 of of ADP _005456899 2122 372 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 2122 373 of of ADP _005456899 2122 374 the the DET _005456899 2122 375 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 2122 376 word word NOUN _005456899 2122 377 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 378 91 91 NUM _005456899 2122 379 contradiction contradiction NOUN _005456899 2122 380 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 381 2 2 NUM _005456899 2122 382 cooper cooper NOUN _005456899 2122 383 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 384 james james PROPN _005456899 2122 385 fenimere fenimere PROPN _005456899 2122 386 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 387 7 7 NUM _005456899 2122 388 g g NOUN _005456899 2122 389 copyright copyright NOUN _005456899 2122 390 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 391 v v NOUN _005456899 2122 392 coronet coronet PROPN _005456899 2122 393 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 394 84 84 NUM _005456899 2122 395 count count NOUN _005456899 2122 396 orsino orsino NOUN _005456899 2122 397 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 398 25 25 NUM _005456899 2122 399 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 400 26 26 NUM _005456899 2122 401 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 2122 402 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 403 " " PUNCT _005456899 2122 404 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005456899 2122 405 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 406 caurtship caurtship NOUN _005456899 2122 407 and and CCONJ _005456899 2122 408 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 2122 409 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 410 iii iii NUM _005456899 2122 411 courtship courtship NOUN _005456899 2122 412 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 413 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2122 414 cowley cowley PROPN _005456899 2122 415 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 416 abraham abraham PROPN _005456899 2122 417 , , PUNCT _005456899 2122 418 72 72 NUM _005456899 2122 419 1 1 NUM _005456899 2122 420 . . PUNCT _005456899 2122 421 for for ADP _005456899 2122 422 this this DET _005456899 2122 423 index index NOUN _005456899 2122 424 i i PRON _005456899 2122 425 am be AUX _005456899 2122 426 indebted indebted ADJ _005456899 2122 427 to to ADP _005456899 2122 428 my my PRON _005456899 2122 429 sisters sister NOUN _005456899 2122 430 mrs mrs PROPN _005456899 2122 431 . . PROPN _005456899 2122 432 william william PROPN _005456899 2122 433 a a PROPN _005456899 2122 434 . . PUNCT _005456899 2123 1 liebl liebl PROPN _005456899 2123 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2123 3 milwaukee milwaukee PROPN _005456899 2123 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2123 5 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN _005456899 2123 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2123 7 and and CCONJ _005456899 2123 8 miss miss PROPN _005456899 2123 9 martina martina PROPN _005456899 2123 10 app app PROPN _005456899 2123 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2123 12 m.a m.a PROPN _005456899 2123 13 . . PROPN _005456899 2123 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2123 15 washington washington PROPN _005456899 2123 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2123 17 d. d. PROPN _005456899 2123 18 c. c. PROPN _005456899 2124 1 they they PRON _005456899 2124 2 came come VERB _005456899 2124 3 to to ADP _005456899 2124 4 san san PROPN _005456899 2124 5 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 2124 6 this this DET _005456899 2124 7 hot hot ADJ _005456899 2124 8 july july PROPN _005456899 2124 9 to to PART _005456899 2124 10 see see VERB _005456899 2124 11 it it PRON _005456899 2124 12 and and CCONJ _005456899 2124 13 to to PART _005456899 2124 14 rest rest VERB _005456899 2124 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 2125 1 finding find VERB _005456899 2125 2 me i PRON _005456899 2125 3 overwhelmed overwhelmed ADJ _005456899 2125 4 with with ADP _005456899 2125 5 proof proof NOUN _005456899 2125 6 sheets sheet NOUN _005456899 2125 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2125 8 they they PRON _005456899 2125 9 said say VERB _005456899 2125 10 sympathetically sympathetically ADV _005456899 2125 11 but but CCONJ _005456899 2125 12 also also ADV _005456899 2125 13 conventionally conventionally ADV _005456899 2125 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2125 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 2125 16 there there PRON _005456899 2125 17 is be VERB _005456899 2125 18 n't not PART _005456899 2125 19 anything anything PRON _005456899 2125 20 we we PRON _005456899 2125 21 can can AUX _005456899 2125 22 do do VERB _005456899 2125 23 for for ADP _005456899 2125 24 you you PRON _005456899 2125 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2125 26 is be AUX _005456899 2125 27 there there PRON _005456899 2125 28 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2125 29 " " PUNCT _005456899 2126 1 before before SCONJ _005456899 2126 2 they they PRON _005456899 2126 3 could could AUX _005456899 2126 4 retract retract VERB _005456899 2126 5 that that SCONJ _005456899 2126 6 unguarded unguarded ADJ _005456899 2126 7 remark remark NOUN _005456899 2126 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2126 9 i i PRON _005456899 2126 10 had have VERB _005456899 2126 11 an an DET _005456899 2126 12 armful armful NOUN _005456899 2126 13 of of ADP _005456899 2126 14 page page NOUN _005456899 2126 15 proofs proof NOUN _005456899 2126 16 on on ADP _005456899 2126 17 their their PRON _005456899 2126 18 laps lap NOUN _005456899 2126 19 and and CCONJ _005456899 2126 20 said say VERB _005456899 2126 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2126 22 " " PUNCT _005456899 2126 23 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2126 24 ! ! PUNCT _005456899 2126 25 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2126 26 hat hat NOUN _005456899 2126 27 's be AUX _005456899 2126 28 just just ADV _005456899 2126 29 too too ADV _005456899 2126 30 nice nice ADJ _005456899 2126 31 of of ADP _005456899 2126 32 you you PRON _005456899 2126 33 . . PUNCT _005456899 2127 1 you you PRON _005456899 2127 2 can can AUX _005456899 2127 3 make make VERB _005456899 2127 4 the the DET _005456899 2127 5 index index NOUN _005456899 2127 6 for for ADP _005456899 2127 7 me i PRON _005456899 2127 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 2128 1 i i PRON _005456899 2128 2 need need VERB _005456899 2128 3 it it PRON _005456899 2128 4 right right ADV _005456899 2128 5 away away ADV _005456899 2128 6 i i NOUN _005456899 2128 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 2128 8 for for ADP _005456899 2128 9 a a DET _005456899 2128 10 while while SCONJ _005456899 2128 11 they they PRON _005456899 2128 12 were be AUX _005456899 2128 13 simply simply ADV _005456899 2128 14 speechless speechless ADJ _005456899 2128 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 2129 1 but but CCONJ _005456899 2129 2 then then ADV _005456899 2129 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2129 4 bowing bow VERB _005456899 2129 5 to to ADP _005456899 2129 6 the the DET _005456899 2129 7 inevitable inevitable ADJ _005456899 2129 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2129 9 they they PRON _005456899 2129 10 really really ADV _005456899 2129 11 tore tear VERB _005456899 2129 12 into into ADP _005456899 2129 13 those those DET _005456899 2129 14 proof proof NOUN _005456899 2129 15 sheets sheet NOUN _005456899 2129 16 . . PUNCT _005456899 2130 1 " " PUNCT _005456899 2130 2 it it PRON _005456899 2130 3 was be AUX _005456899 2130 4 joye joye NOUN _005456899 2130 5 for for ADP _005456899 2130 6 to to PART _005456899 2130 7 see see VERB _005456899 2130 8 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2130 9 the)m the)m NOUN _005456899 2130 10 swete swete NOUN _005456899 2130 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 2130 12 among among ADP _005456899 2130 13 a a DET _005456899 2130 14 pile pile NOUN _005456899 2130 15 of of ADP _005456899 2130 16 inoiex inoiex NOUN _005456899 2130 17 carda carda NOUN _005456899 2131 1 i i PRON _005456899 2132 1 and and CCONJ _005456899 2132 2 it it PRON _005456899 2132 3 is be AUX _005456899 2132 4 a a DET _005456899 2132 5 nother nother ADJ _005456899 2132 6 joy joy NOUN _005456899 2132 7 for for SCONJ _005456899 2132 8 me i PRON _005456899 2132 9 to to PART _005456899 2132 10 thank thank VERB _005456899 2132 11 them they PRON _005456899 2132 12 her•. her•. NOUN _005456899 2132 13 crashaw crashaw NOUN _005456899 2132 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 15 72 72 NUM _005456899 2132 16 crime crime NOUN _005456899 2132 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 18 11 11 NUM _005456899 2132 19 crimes crime NOUN _005456899 2132 20 of of ADP _005456899 2132 21 the the DET _005456899 2132 22 peace peace NOUN _005456899 2132 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 24 iv iv VERB _005456899 2132 25 cultural cultural ADJ _005456899 2132 26 similarity similarity NOUN _005456899 2132 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 28 40 40 NUM _005456899 2132 29 culture culture NOUN _005456899 2132 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 31 7 7 NUM _005456899 2132 32 4 4 NUM _005456899 2132 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 34 80 80 NUM _005456899 2132 35 dating date VERB _005456899 2132 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 37 25 25 NUM _005456899 2132 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 39 36 36 NUM _005456899 2132 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 41 46 46 NUM _005456899 2132 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 43 47 47 NUM _005456899 2132 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 45 48 48 NUM _005456899 2132 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 47 50 50 NUM _005456899 2132 48 daughters daughter NOUN _005456899 2132 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 50 26 26 NUM _005456899 2132 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 52 84 84 NUM _005456899 2132 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 54 85 85 NUM _005456899 2132 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 56 88 88 NUM _005456899 2132 57 dante dante NOUN _005456899 2132 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 59 iv iv NUM _005456899 2132 60 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 61 67 67 NUM _005456899 2132 62 dating date VERB _005456899 2132 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 64 36 36 NUM _005456899 2132 65 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 66 46 46 NUM _005456899 2132 67 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 68 50 50 NUM _005456899 2132 69 dean dean NOUN _005456899 2132 70 prior prior ADV _005456899 2132 71 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 72 72 72 NUM _005456899 2132 73 deerslayer deerslayer NOUN _005456899 2132 74 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 75 70 70 NUM _005456899 2132 76 desdemona desdemona NOUN _005456899 2132 77 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 78 46 46 NUM _005456899 2132 79 " " PUNCT _005456899 2132 80 desert desert NOUN _005456899 2132 81 doctor doctor NOUN _005456899 2132 82 " " PUNCT _005456899 2132 83 of of ADP _005456899 2132 84 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 2132 85 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 86 88 88 NUM _005456899 2132 87 " " PUNCT _005456899 2132 88 deserted deserted ADJ _005456899 2132 89 villa1 villa1 NOUN _005456899 2132 90 < < X _005456899 2132 91 e e PUNCT _005456899 2132 92 " " PUNCT _005456899 2132 93 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 94 69 69 NUM _005456899 2132 95 dickens dicken NOUN _005456899 2132 96 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2132 97 mrs mrs PROPN _005456899 2132 98 . . PROPN _005456899 2132 99 dickens dickens PROPN _005456899 2132 100 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 101 62 62 NUM _005456899 2132 102 dissertation dissertation NOUN _005456899 2132 103 upon upon SCONJ _005456899 2132 104 roast roast NOUN _005456899 2132 105 pig pig PROPN _005456899 2132 106 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 107 a a DET _005456899 2132 108 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 109 69 69 NUM _005456899 2132 110 divorce divorce NOUN _005456899 2132 111 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 112 iv iv INTJ _005456899 2132 113 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 114 83 83 NUM _005456899 2132 115 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005456899 2132 116 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 117 catholic catholic NOUN _005456899 2132 118 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 119 58 58 NUM _005456899 2132 120 dog dog NOUN _005456899 2132 121 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 122 13 13 NUM _005456899 2132 123 domesticity domesticity NOUN _005456899 2132 124 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 125 40 40 NUM _005456899 2132 126 dostoevski dostoevski NOUN _005456899 2132 127 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 128 10 10 NUM _005456899 2132 129 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 130 42 42 NUM _005456899 2132 131 drunkard drunkard NOUN _005456899 2132 132 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 133 12 12 NUM _005456899 2132 134 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 135 39 39 NUM _005456899 2132 136 editors editor NOUN _005456899 2132 137 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 138 v v NOUN _005456899 2132 139 ears ear NOUN _005456899 2132 140 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 141 a a DET _005456899 2132 142 chapter chapter NOUN _005456899 2132 143 on on ADP _005456899 2132 144 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 145 69 69 NUM _005456899 2132 146 egypt egypt PROPN _005456899 2132 147 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 148 81 81 NUM _005456899 2132 149 education education NOUN _005456899 2132 150 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 151 40 40 NUM _005456899 2132 152 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 153 7 7 NUM _005456899 2132 154 4 4 NUM _005456899 2132 155 eighth eighth ADJ _005456899 2132 156 commandment commandment NOUN _005456899 2132 157 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 158 32 32 NUM _005456899 2132 159 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005456899 2132 160 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 161 45 45 NUM _005456899 2132 162 · · PUNCT _005456899 2132 163 emily emily ADV _005456899 2132 164 11 11 NUM _005456899 2132 165 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 166 52 52 NUM _005456899 2132 167 emily emily ADV _005456899 2132 168 - - PUNCT _005456899 2132 169 posted post VERB _005456899 2132 170 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 171 77 77 NUM _005456899 2132 172 engagements engagement NOUN _005456899 2132 173 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 174 long long ADV _005456899 2132 175 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 176 47 47 NUM _005456899 2132 177 english english ADJ _005456899 2132 178 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 179 3 3 NUM _005456899 2132 180 english english ADJ _005456899 2132 181 poets poet NOUN _005456899 2132 182 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 183 71 71 NUM _005456899 2132 184 epictetus epictetus NOUN _005456899 2132 185 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 186 9 9 NUM _005456899 2132 187 epistle epistle NOUN _005456899 2132 188 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 189 st st PROPN _005456899 2132 190 . . PROPN _005456899 2132 191 james james PROPN _005456899 2132 192 ' ' PROPN _005456899 2132 193 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 194 92 92 NUM _005456899 2132 195 error error NOUN _005456899 2132 196 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 197 79 79 NUM _005456899 2132 198 eosay eosay NOUN _005456899 2132 199 of of ADP _005456899 2132 200 ella ella PROPN _005456899 2132 201 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 202 69 69 NUM _005456899 2132 203 ethics ethic NOUN _005456899 2132 204 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 205 78 78 NUM _005456899 2132 206 european european ADJ _005456899 2132 207 war war PROPN _005456899 2132 208 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 209 6 6 NUM _005456899 2132 210 eve eve NOUN _005456899 2132 211 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 212 5 5 NUM _005456899 2132 213 face face NOUN _005456899 2132 214 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 215 saving save VERB _005456899 2132 216 people people NOUN _005456899 2132 217 's 's PART _005456899 2132 218 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 219 2 2 NUM _005456899 2132 220 family family NOUN _005456899 2132 221 digest digest NOUN _005456899 2132 222 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 223 40 40 NUM _005456899 2132 224 farley farley PROPN _005456899 2132 225 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 226 big big ADJ _005456899 2132 227 jim jim PROPN _005456899 2132 228 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 229 14 14 NUM _005456899 2132 230 fate fate NOUN _005456899 2132 231 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 232 63 63 NUM _005456899 2132 233 fear fear NOUN _005456899 2132 234 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 235 14 14 NUM _005456899 2132 236 fish fish NOUN _005456899 2132 237 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 238 19 19 NUM _005456899 2132 239 . . NUM _005456899 2132 240 20 20 NUM _005456899 2132 241 fisher fisher PROPN _005456899 2132 242 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 243 dorothy dorothy ADJ _005456899 2132 244 canfield canfield NOUN _005456899 2132 245 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 246 15 15 NUM _005456899 2132 247 four four NUM _005456899 2132 248 - - PUNCT _005456899 2132 249 f f NUM _005456899 2132 250 14 14 NUM _005456899 2132 251 - - PUNCT _005456899 2132 252 f f NUM _005456899 2132 253 ) ) PUNCT _005456899 2132 254 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 255 43 43 NUM _005456899 2132 256 frailty frailty NUM _005456899 2132 257 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 258 11 11 NUM _005456899 2132 259 francis francis PROPN _005456899 2132 260 xavier xavier PROPN _005456899 2132 261 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 262 st st PROPN _005456899 2132 263 . . PROPN _005456899 2132 264 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 265 68 68 NUM _005456899 2132 266 francis francis PROPN _005456899 2132 267 of of ADP _005456899 2132 268 assisi assisi PROPN _005456899 2132 269 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 270 st st PROPN _005456899 2132 271 . . PROPN _005456899 2132 272 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 273 91 91 NUM _005456899 2132 274 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 275 98 98 NUM _005456899 2132 276 franklin franklin PROPN _005456899 2132 277 , , PUNCT _005456899 2132 278 benjamin benjamin PROPN _005456899 2132 279 . . PUNCT _005456899 2133 1 4 4 NUM _005456899 2133 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 3 70 70 NUM _005456899 2133 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 5 85 85 NUM _005456899 2133 6 freeom freeom NOUN _005456899 2133 7 of of ADP _005456899 2133 8 press press NOUN _005456899 2133 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 10 80 80 NUM _005456899 2133 11 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 2133 12 of of ADP _005456899 2133 13 religion religion NOUN _005456899 2133 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 15 77 77 NUM _005456899 2133 16 freedom freedom NOUN _005456899 2133 17 of of ADP _005456899 2133 18 speech speech NOUN _005456899 2133 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 20 79 79 NUM _005456899 2133 21 french french ADJ _005456899 2133 22 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 23 4 4 NUM _005456899 2133 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 25 9 9 NUM _005456899 2133 26 frenchman frenchman NOUN _005456899 2133 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 28 9 9 NUM _005456899 2133 29 friends friend NOUN _005456899 2133 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 31 2 2 NUM _005456899 2133 32 gan<\"ster'• gan<\"ster'• PROPN _005456899 2133 33 stand stand VERB _005456899 2133 34 - - PUNCT _005456899 2133 35 by by NOUN _005456899 2133 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 37 33 33 NUM _005456899 2133 38 galileo galileo PROPN _005456899 2133 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 40 80 80 NUM _005456899 2133 41 geisha geisha PROPN _005456899 2133 42 girl girl NOUN _005456899 2133 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 44 83 83 NUM _005456899 2133 45 georg georg NOUN _005456899 2133 46 e e PROPN _005456899 2133 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 48 11 11 NUM _005456899 2133 49 ghettoes ghetto NOUN _005456899 2133 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 51 75 75 NUM _005456899 2133 52 geniuses genius NOUN _005456899 2133 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 54 67 67 NUM _005456899 2133 55 german german ADJ _005456899 2133 56 crirn~. crirn~. PROPN _005456899 2133 57 iv iv NOUN _005456899 2133 58 . . PUNCT _005456899 2133 59 98 98 NUM _005456899 2133 60 c" c" PROPN _005456899 2133 61 .. .. SYM _005456899 2133 62 erman erman PROPN _005456899 2133 63 neople neople PROPN _005456899 2133 64 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 65 95 95 NUM _005456899 2133 66 c c NOUN _005456899 2133 67 : : PUNCT _005456899 2133 68 ihbon ihbon PROPN _005456899 2133 69 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 70 edwa.l'-1 edwa.l'-1 PROPN _005456899 2133 71 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 72 90 90 NUM _005456899 2133 73 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 74 91 91 NUM _005456899 2133 75 gibbs gibb NOUN _005456899 2133 76 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 77 mrs mrs PROPN _005456899 2133 78 . . PROPN _005456899 2133 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 2133 80 52 52 NUM _005456899 2133 81 girlfrien girlfrien VERB _005456899 2133 82 < < X _005456899 2133 83 l l NOUN _005456899 2133 84 's 's PART _005456899 2133 85 bovfriend bovfriend NOUN _005456899 2133 86 . . PUNCT _005456899 2134 1 30 30 NUM _005456899 2134 2 god god PROPN _005456899 2134 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 4 5 5 NUM _005456899 2134 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 6 7 7 NUM _005456899 2134 7 . . NUM _005456899 2134 8 9 9 NUM _005456899 2134 9 . . NUM _005456899 2134 10 35 35 NUM _005456899 2134 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 12 38 38 NUM _005456899 2134 13 . . PUNCT _005456899 2134 14 45 45 NUM _005456899 2134 15 . . PUNCT _005456899 2134 16 54 54 NUM _005456899 2134 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 18 55 55 NUM _005456899 2134 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 20 56 56 NUM _005456899 2134 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 22 57 57 NUM _005456899 2134 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 24 66 66 NUM _005456899 2134 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 26 68 68 NUM _005456899 2134 27 · · NUM _005456899 2134 28 . . PUNCT _005456899 2134 29 7 7 NUM _005456899 2134 30 4 4 NUM _005456899 2134 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 32 so so ADV _005456899 2134 33 95 95 NUM _005456899 2134 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 35 96 96 NUM _005456899 2134 36 goethe goethe NOUN _005456899 2134 37 , , PUNCT _005456899 2134 38 27 27 NUM _005456899 2134 39 golden golden ADJ _005456899 2134 40 rule rule NOUN _005456899 2134 41 . . PUNCT _005456899 2135 1 75 75 NUM _005456899 2135 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2135 3 98 98 NUM _005456899 2135 4 goldsmith goldsmith NOUN _005456899 2135 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 2136 1 oliver oliver PROPN _005456899 2136 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2136 3 69 69 NUM _005456899 2136 4 good good ADJ _005456899 2136 5 earth earth NOUN _005456899 2136 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2136 7 the the DET _005456899 2136 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2136 9 64 64 NUM _005456899 2136 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2136 11 86 86 NUM _005456899 2136 12 government government NOUN _005456899 2136 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2136 14 79 79 NUM _005456899 2136 15 graduat~•. graduat~•. PROPN _005456899 2136 16 college college PROPN _005456899 2136 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2136 18 36 36 NUM _005456899 2136 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2136 20 91 91 NUM _005456899 2136 21 gr gr NOUN _005456899 2136 22 < < X _005456899 2136 23 oeks oek NOUN _005456899 2136 24 . . PUNCT _005456899 2137 1 81 81 NUM _005456899 2137 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2137 3 98 98 NUM _005456899 2137 4 guillotine guillotine NOUN _005456899 2137 5 . . PUNCT _005456899 2138 1 5 5 NUM _005456899 2138 2 h h NOUN _005456899 2138 3 a a DET _005456899 2138 4 ll ll NOUN _005456899 2138 5 of of ADP _005456899 2138 6 fame fame NOUN _005456899 2138 7 . . PUNCT _005456899 2139 1 67 67 NUM _005456899 2139 2 halliburton halliburton PROPN _005456899 2139 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2139 4 richard richard PROPN _005456899 2139 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2139 6 87 87 NUM _005456899 2139 7 harems harem NOUN _005456899 2139 8 . . PUNCT _005456899 2140 1 87 87 NUM _005456899 2140 2 harrison harrison PROPN _005456899 2140 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 4 dr dr PROPN _005456899 2140 5 . . PROPN _005456899 2140 6 paul paul PROPN _005456899 2140 7 w. w. PROPN _005456899 2140 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 9 88 88 NUM _005456899 2140 10 hate hate NOUN _005456899 2140 11 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 12 14 14 NUM _005456899 2140 13 hauser hauser PROPN _005456899 2140 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 15 ernest ernest PROPN _005456899 2140 16 0 0 NUM _005456899 2140 17 . . NUM _005456899 2140 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 19 83 83 NUM _005456899 2140 20 hayfever hayfever PROPN _005456899 2140 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 22 43 43 NUM _005456899 2140 23 health health NOUN _005456899 2140 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 25 40 40 NUM _005456899 2140 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 27 43 43 NUM _005456899 2140 28 heiser heiser NOUN _005456899 2140 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 30 victor victor NOUN _005456899 2140 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 32 m. m. PROPN _005456899 2140 33 d. d. PROPN _005456899 2140 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 35 88 88 NUM _005456899 2140 36 her her PRON _005456899 2140 37 son son NOUN _005456899 2140 38 's 's PART _005456899 2140 39 wife wife NOUN _005456899 2140 40 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 41 15 15 NUM _005456899 2140 42 herbert herbert PROPN _005456899 2140 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 44 george george PROPN _005456899 2140 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 46 11 11 NUM _005456899 2140 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 48 65 65 NUM _005456899 2140 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 50 72 72 NUM _005456899 2140 51 herbert herbert NOUN _005456899 2140 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 53 sir sir PROPN _005456899 2140 54 richard richard PROPN _005456899 2140 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 56 72 72 NUM _005456899 2140 57 herrick herrick PROPN _005456899 2140 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 59 robert robert PROPN _005456899 2140 60 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 61 71 71 NUM _005456899 2140 62 hindu hindu NOUN _005456899 2140 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 64 86 86 NUM _005456899 2140 65 history history NOUN _005456899 2140 66 of of ADP _005456899 2140 67 the the DET _005456899 2140 68 decline decline NOUN _005456899 2140 69 and and CCONJ _005456899 2140 70 fall fall NOUN _005456899 2140 71 of of ADP _005456899 2140 72 the the DET _005456899 2140 73 roman roman ADJ _005456899 2140 74 empire empire NOUN _005456899 2140 75 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 76 90 90 NUM _005456899 2140 77 history history NOUN _005456899 2140 78 of of ADP _005456899 2140 79 the the DET _005456899 2140 80 united united PROPN _005456899 2140 81 states states PROPN _005456899 2140 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 83 the the DET _005456899 2140 84 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 85 70 70 NUM _005456899 2140 86 hollweg hollweg PROPN _005456899 2140 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 88 bethman bethman NOUN _005456899 2140 89 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 90 5 5 NUM _005456899 2140 91 holmes holme NOUN _005456899 2140 92 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 93 oliver oliver PROPN _005456899 2140 94 wendell wendell PROPN _005456899 2140 95 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 96 18 18 NUM _005456899 2140 97 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 98 33 33 NUM _005456899 2140 99 honesty honesty NOUN _005456899 2140 100 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 101 32 32 NUM _005456899 2140 102 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 103 33 33 NUM _005456899 2140 104 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 105 35 35 NUM _005456899 2140 106 housman housman NOUN _005456899 2140 107 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 108 laurence laurence NOUN _005456899 2140 109 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 110 1 1 NUM _005456899 2140 111 human human ADJ _005456899 2140 112 nature nature NOUN _005456899 2140 113 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 114 iv iv VERB _005456899 2140 115 human human ADJ _005456899 2140 116 race race NOUN _005456899 2140 117 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 118 94 94 NUM _005456899 2140 119 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 120 95 95 NUM _005456899 2140 121 hundred hundred NUM _005456899 2140 122 years year NOUN _005456899 2140 123 war war NOUN _005456899 2140 124 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 125 90 90 NUM _005456899 2140 126 ignatius ignatius NOUN _005456899 2140 127 of of ADP _005456899 2140 128 loyola loyola PROPN _005456899 2140 129 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 130 68 68 NUM _005456899 2140 131 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2140 132 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005456899 2140 133 sympathies sympathy NOUN _005456899 2140 134 " " PUNCT _005456899 2140 135 34 34 NUM _005456899 2140 136 in in ADP _005456899 2140 137 memoriam memoriam PROPN _005456899 2140 138 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 139 69 69 NUM _005456899 2140 140 • • PROPN _005456899 2140 141 incarnate incarnate PROPN _005456899 2140 142 word word NOUN _005456899 2140 143 college college NOUN _005456899 2140 144 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 145 v v NOUN _005456899 2140 146 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 147 90 90 NUM _005456899 2140 148 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 149 96 96 NUM _005456899 2140 150 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 151 97 97 NUM _005456899 2140 152 incarnate incarnate ADJ _005456899 2140 153 word word NOUN _005456899 2140 154 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 155 congregation congregation NOUN _005456899 2140 156 of of ADP _005456899 2140 157 sioters sioter NOUN _005456899 2140 158 of of ADP _005456899 2140 159 the the DET _005456899 2140 160 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 161 91 91 NUM _005456899 2140 162 india india PROPN _005456899 2140 163 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 164 89 89 NUM _005456899 2140 165 injustice injustice NOUN _005456899 2140 166 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 167 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2140 168 institute institute PROPN _005456899 2140 169 of of ADP _005456899 2140 170 pacific pacific PROPN _005456899 2140 171 relations relation NOUN _005456899 2140 172 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 173 83 83 NUM _005456899 2140 174 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005456899 2140 175 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 176 40 40 NUM _005456899 2140 177 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 178 43 43 NUM _005456899 2140 179 invitation invitation NOUN _005456899 2140 180 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 181 28 28 NUM _005456899 2140 182 iowa iowa NOUN _005456899 2140 183 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 184 farmers farmer NOUN _005456899 2140 185 of of ADP _005456899 2140 186 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 187 6 6 NUM _005456899 2140 188 irving irving NOUN _005456899 2140 189 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 190 washington washington PROPN _005456899 2140 191 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 192 69 69 NUM _005456899 2140 193 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2140 194 john john PROPN _005456899 2140 195 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 196 69 69 NUM _005456899 2140 197 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2140 198 peter peter PROPN _005456899 2140 199 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 200 69 69 NUM _005456899 2140 201 isaac isaac PROPN _005456899 2140 202 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 203 18 18 NUM _005456899 2140 204 james james PROPN _005456899 2140 205 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 206 st st PROPN _005456899 2140 207 . . PROPN _005456899 2140 208 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 209 92 92 NUM _005456899 2140 210 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 211 98 98 NUM _005456899 2140 212 japan japan PROPN _005456899 2140 213 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 214 83 83 NUM _005456899 2140 215 japanese japanese PROPN _005456899 2140 216 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 217 ameriean ameriean ADV _005456899 2140 218 of of ADP _005456899 2140 219 ... ... PUNCT _005456899 2140 220 descent descent NOUN _005456899 2140 221 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 222 75 75 NUM _005456899 2140 223 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 2140 224 crime crime NOUN _005456899 2140 225 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 226 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2140 227 japanese japanese ADJ _005456899 2140 228 welfare welfare PROPN _005456899 2140 229 ministry ministry PROPN _005456899 2140 230 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 231 83 83 NUM _005456899 2140 232 jepthe jepthe NOUN _005456899 2140 233 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 234 18 18 NUM _005456899 2140 235 jesus jesus PROPN _005456899 2140 236 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 237 18 18 NUM _005456899 2140 238 jewish jewish ADJ _005456899 2140 239 highpriest highpriest NOUN _005456899 2140 240 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 241 95 95 NUM _005456899 2140 242 jews jews PROPN _005456899 2140 243 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 244 75 75 NUM _005456899 2140 245 joan joan NOUN _005456899 2140 246 of of ADP _005456899 2140 247 arc arc PROPN _005456899 2140 248 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 249 68 68 NUM _005456899 2140 250 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 251 95 95 NUM _005456899 2140 252 johnson johnson PROPN _005456899 2140 253 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 254 samuel samuel PROPN _005456899 2140 255 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 256 11 11 NUM _005456899 2140 257 42 42 NUM _005456899 2140 258 jonathan jonathan PROPN _005456899 2140 259 oldstyle oldstyle NOUN _005456899 2140 260 letters letter NOUN _005456899 2140 261 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 262 69 69 NUM _005456899 2140 263 joubert joubert PROPN _005456899 2140 264 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 265 65 65 NUM _005456899 2140 266 juliet juliet ADJ _005456899 2140 267 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 268 46 46 NUM _005456899 2140 269 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 270 4 4 NUM _005456899 2140 271 7 7 NUM _005456899 2140 272 juniors junior NOUN _005456899 2140 273 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 274 class class NOUN _005456899 2140 275 of of ADP _005456899 2140 276 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 277 25 25 NUM _005456899 2140 278 kindness kindness NOUN _005456899 2140 279 . . PUNCT _005456899 2140 280 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 281 14 14 NUM _005456899 2140 282 king king NOUN _005456899 2140 283 of of ADP _005456899 2140 284 arabia arabia PROPN _005456899 2140 285 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 286 87 87 NUM _005456899 2140 287 king king NOUN _005456899 2140 288 farouk farouk PROPN _005456899 2140 289 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 290 81 81 NUM _005456899 2140 291 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005456899 2140 292 of of ADP _005456899 2140 293 god god PROPN _005456899 2140 294 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 295 65 65 NUM _005456899 2140 296 kingsley kingsley PROPN _005456899 2140 297 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 298 charles charles PROPN _005456899 2140 299 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 300 34 34 NUM _005456899 2140 301 ukissing ukissing NOUN _005456899 2140 302 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 303 the the DET _005456899 2140 304 low low ADV _005456899 2140 305 - - PUNCT _005456899 2140 306 down down NOUN _005456899 2140 307 on on ADP _005456899 2140 308 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 309 " " PUNCT _005456899 2140 310 51 51 NUM _005456899 2140 311 knickerbocker knickerbocker NOUN _005456899 2140 312 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 313 diedrich diedrich NOUN _005456899 2140 314 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 315 69 69 NUM _005456899 2140 316 lamb lamb PROPN _005456899 2140 317 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 318 charles charles PROPN _005456899 2140 319 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 320 34 34 NUM _005456899 2140 321 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 322 35 35 NUM _005456899 2140 323 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 324 68 68 NUM _005456899 2140 325 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2140 326 john john PROPN _005456899 2140 327 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 328 68 68 NUM _005456899 2140 329 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2140 330 mary mary PROPN _005456899 2140 331 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 332 68 68 NUM _005456899 2140 333 lambs lamb NOUN _005456899 2140 334 ' ' PART _005456899 2140 335 tales tale NOUN _005456899 2140 336 of of ADP _005456899 2140 337 shakespeare shakespeare NOUN _005456899 2140 338 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 339 69 69 NUM _005456899 2140 340 lansing lansing ADJ _005456899 2140 341 , , PUNCT _005456899 2140 342 secretary secretary NOUN _005456899 2140 343 . . PUNCT _005456899 2141 1 4 4 NUM _005456899 2141 2 large large ADJ _005456899 2141 3 families family NOUN _005456899 2141 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 5 67 67 NUM _005456899 2141 6 leadership leadership NOUN _005456899 2141 7 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 8 christian christian PROPN _005456899 2141 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 10 97 97 NUM _005456899 2141 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 2141 12 legend legend NOUN _005456899 2141 13 of of ADP _005456899 2141 14 sleepy sleepy ADJ _005456899 2141 15 hollow hollow ADJ _005456899 2141 16 " " PUNCT _005456899 2141 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 18 69 69 NUM _005456899 2141 19 liars liar NOUN _005456899 2141 20 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 21 a a DET _005456899 2141 22 nation nation NOUN _005456899 2141 23 of of ADP _005456899 2141 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 25 32 32 NUM _005456899 2141 26 libertinists libertinist NOUN _005456899 2141 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 28 12 12 NUM _005456899 2141 29 library library NOUN _005456899 2141 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 31 librarians librarian NOUN _005456899 2141 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 33 78 78 NUM _005456899 2141 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 35 86 86 NUM _005456899 2141 36 life life NOUN _005456899 2141 37 of of ADP _005456899 2141 38 washinjrton washinjrton PROPN _005456899 2141 39 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 40 70 70 NUM _005456899 2141 41 lincoln lincoln PROPN _005456899 2141 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 43 abraham abraham PROPN _005456899 2141 44 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 45 18 18 NUM _005456899 2141 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 47 67 67 NUM _005456899 2141 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 49 80 80 NUM _005456899 2141 50 lincoln lincoln NOUN _005456899 2141 51 's 's PART _005456899 2141 52 father father NOUN _005456899 2141 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 54 44 44 NUM _005456899 2141 55 lion lion NOUN _005456899 2141 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 57 13 13 NUM _005456899 2141 58 little little ADJ _005456899 2141 59 flower flower NOUN _005456899 2141 60 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 61 the the PRON _005456899 2141 62 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 63 68 68 NUM _005456899 2141 64 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 65 73 73 NUM _005456899 2141 66 london london PROPN _005456899 2141 67 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 68 jack jack PROPN _005456899 2141 69 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 70 70 70 NUM _005456899 2141 71 louis louis NOUN _005456899 2141 72 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 73 joe joe PROPN _005456899 2141 74 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 75 10 10 NUM _005456899 2141 76 louis louis PROPN _005456899 2141 77 xiv xiv PROPN _005456899 2141 78 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 79 5 5 NUM _005456899 2141 80 love love NOUN _005456899 2141 81 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 82 15 15 NUM _005456899 2141 83 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 84 50 50 NUM _005456899 2141 85 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 86 51 51 NUM _005456899 2141 87 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2141 88 love love NOUN _005456899 2141 89 - - PUNCT _005456899 2141 90 making make VERB _005456899 2141 91 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 92 iii iii NUM _005456899 2141 93 luce luce NOUN _005456899 2141 94 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 95 clare clare NOUN _005456899 2141 96 booth booth NOUN _005456899 2141 97 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 98 60 60 NUM _005456899 2141 99 lucey lucey NOUN _005456899 2141 100 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 101 his his PRON _005456899 2141 102 excellency excellency NOUN _005456899 2141 103 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005456899 2141 104 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 105 95 95 NUM _005456899 2141 106 lying lie VERB _005456899 2141 107 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 108 32 32 NUM _005456899 2141 109 magazines magazine NOUN _005456899 2141 110 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 111 78 78 NUM _005456899 2141 112 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2141 113 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 2141 114 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 115 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2141 116 magnificat magnificat PROPN _005456899 2141 117 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 118 v v NOUN _005456899 2141 119 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 120 81 81 NUM _005456899 2141 121 86 86 NUM _005456899 2141 122 marquette marquette NOUN _005456899 2141 123 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 124 pere pere PROPN _005456899 2141 125 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 126 67 67 NUM _005456899 2141 127 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 2141 128 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 129 44 44 NUM _005456899 2141 130 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 131 45 45 NUM _005456899 2141 132 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 133 47 47 NUM _005456899 2141 134 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 135 55 55 NUM _005456899 2141 136 mary mary NOUN _005456899 2141 137 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 138 60 60 NUM _005456899 2141 139 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 140 61 61 NUM _005456899 2141 141 mary mary NOUN _005456899 2141 142 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 143 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2141 144 of of ADP _005456899 2141 145 god god PROPN _005456899 2141 146 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 147 blessed bless VERB _005456899 2141 148 virgin virgin PROPN _005456899 2141 149 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 150 82 82 NUM _005456899 2141 151 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 152 86 86 NUM _005456899 2141 153 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 154 89 89 NUM _005456899 2141 155 maryknoll maryknoll NOUN _005456899 2141 156 missionary missionary NOUN _005456899 2141 157 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 158 84 84 NUM _005456899 2141 159 mass mass NOUN _005456899 2141 160 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 161 2 2 NUM _005456899 2141 162 mate mate NOUN _005456899 2141 163 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 164 choosing choosing NOUN _005456899 2141 165 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 166 39 39 NUM _005456899 2141 167 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 168 40 40 NUM _005456899 2141 169 mather mather NOUN _005456899 2141 170 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 171 cotton cotton NOUN _005456899 2141 172 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 173 95 95 NUM _005456899 2141 174 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005456899 2141 175 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 176 55 55 NUM _005456899 2141 177 · · NUM _005456899 2141 178 mcevoy mcevoy NOUN _005456899 2141 179 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 180 denn denn NOUN _005456899 2141 181 is be AUX _005456899 2141 182 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 183 84 84 NUM _005456899 2141 184 mei mei PROPN _005456899 2141 185 - - PUNCT _005456899 2141 186 ling le VERB _005456899 2141 187 madame madame PROPN _005456899 2141 188 kai kai PROPN _005456899 2141 189 - - PUNCT _005456899 2141 190 shek shek PROPN _005456899 2141 191 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 192 85 85 NUM _005456899 2141 193 mendel mendel NOUN _005456899 2141 194 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 2141 195 ohn ohn PROPN _005456899 2141 196 's 's PART _005456899 2141 197 wedding wedding NOUN _005456899 2141 198 march march NOUN _005456899 2141 199 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 200 81 81 NUM _005456899 2141 201 milton milton NOUN _005456899 2141 202 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 203 72 72 NUM _005456899 2141 204 mind mind NOUN _005456899 2141 205 in in ADP _005456899 2141 206 the the DET _005456899 2141 207 making making NOUN _005456899 2141 208 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 209 the the PRON _005456899 2141 210 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 211 19 19 NUM _005456899 2141 212 mohammeda mohammeda NOUN _005456899 2141 213 n n PROPN _005456899 2141 214 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 215 83 83 NUM _005456899 2141 216 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 217 86 86 NUM _005456899 2141 218 molz molz NOUN _005456899 2141 219 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 220 father father PROPN _005456899 2141 221 marcelline marcelline PROPN _005456899 2141 222 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 223 93 93 NUM _005456899 2141 224 monica monica PROPN _005456899 2141 225 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 226 st st PROPN _005456899 2141 227 . . PROPN _005456899 2141 228 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 229 97 97 NUM _005456899 2141 230 monogamy monogamy NOUN _005456899 2141 231 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 232 86 86 NUM _005456899 2141 233 moorad moorad PROPN _005456899 2141 234 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 235 george george PROPN _005456899 2141 236 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 237 86 86 NUM _005456899 2141 238 moral moral ADJ _005456899 2141 239 character character NOUN _005456899 2141 240 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 241 high high ADJ _005456899 2141 242 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 243 43 43 NUM _005456899 2141 244 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 245 44 44 NUM _005456899 2141 246 morals moral NOUN _005456899 2141 247 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 248 77 77 NUM _005456899 2141 249 morgenthauistic morgenthauistic ADJ _005456899 2141 250 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 251 iv iv ADP _005456899 2141 252 " " PUNCT _005456899 2141 253 morning morning NOUN _005456899 2141 254 chronicle chronicle NOUN _005456899 2141 255 " " PUNCT _005456899 2141 256 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 257 69 69 NUM _005456899 2141 258 mortal mortal ADJ _005456899 2141 259 sin sin NOUN _005456899 2141 260 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 261 11 11 NUM _005456899 2141 262 moslem moslem NOUN _005456899 2141 263 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 264 86 86 NUM _005456899 2141 265 moses moses PROPN _005456899 2141 266 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 267 78 78 NUM _005456899 2141 268 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2141 269 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 270 my my PRON _005456899 2141 271 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 272 79 79 NUM _005456899 2141 273 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2141 274 a a DET _005456899 2141 275 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2141 276 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 277 13 13 NUM _005456899 2141 278 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 279 26 26 NUM _005456899 2141 280 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 281 73 73 NUM _005456899 2141 282 mother mother NOUN _005456899 2141 283 - - PUNCT _005456899 2141 284 in in ADP _005456899 2141 285 - - PUNCT _005456899 2141 286 law law NOUN _005456899 2141 287 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 288 14 14 NUM _005456899 2141 289 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 290 16 16 NUM _005456899 2141 291 naga naga NOUN _005456899 2141 292 headhunters headhunter NOUN _005456899 2141 293 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 294 93 93 NUM _005456899 2141 295 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2141 296 women woman NOUN _005456899 2141 297 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 298 93 93 NUM _005456899 2141 299 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 300 98 98 NUM _005456899 2141 301 napoleon napoleon NOUN _005456899 2141 302 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 303 67 67 NUM _005456899 2141 304 negroes negro NOUN _005456899 2141 305 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 306 75 75 NUM _005456899 2141 307 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 308 82 82 NUM _005456899 2141 309 newman newman PROPN _005456899 2141 310 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 311 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005456899 2141 312 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 313 33 33 NUM _005456899 2141 314 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 315 34 34 NUM _005456899 2141 316 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 317 74 74 NUM _005456899 2141 318 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005456899 2141 319 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 320 78 78 NUM _005456899 2141 321 new new PROPN _005456899 2141 322 york york PROPN _005456899 2141 323 post post PROPN _005456899 2141 324 , , PUNCT _005456899 2141 325 5 5 NUM _005456899 2141 326 . . PUNCT _005456899 2142 1 new new PROPN _005456899 2142 2 york york PROPN _005456899 2142 3 times times PROPN _005456899 2142 4 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 5 89 89 NUM _005456899 2142 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 7 92 92 NUM _005456899 2142 8 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2142 9 magazme magazme ADJ _005456899 2142 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 11 88 88 NUM _005456899 2142 12 nightingale nightingale NOUN _005456899 2142 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 14 florence florence NOUN _005456899 2142 15 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 16 97 97 NUM _005456899 2142 17 noble noble ADJ _005456899 2142 18 prize prize NOUN _005456899 2142 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 20 64 64 NUM _005456899 2142 21 non non ADJ _005456899 2142 22 - - ADJ _005456899 2142 23 catholic catholic ADJ _005456899 2142 24 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 25 iv iv NOUN _005456899 2142 26 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2142 27 readers reader NOUN _005456899 2142 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 29 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2142 30 olivia olivia ADJ _005456899 2142 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 32 lady lady NOUN _005456899 2142 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 34 25 25 NUM _005456899 2142 35 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 36 26 26 NUM _005456899 2142 37 " " PUNCT _005456899 2142 38 on on ADP _005456899 2142 39 christian christian ADJ _005456899 2142 40 marriage marriage NOUN _005456899 2142 41 " " PUNCT _005456899 2142 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 43 55 55 NUM _005456899 2142 44 old old ADJ _005456899 2142 45 testament testament NOUN _005456899 2142 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 47 18 18 NUM _005456899 2142 48 orsino orsino NOUN _005456899 2142 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 50 count count NOUN _005456899 2142 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 52 25 25 NUM _005456899 2142 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 54 26 26 NUM _005456899 2142 55 " " PUNCT _005456899 2142 56 our our PRON _005456899 2142 57 father father NOUN _005456899 2142 58 " " PUNCT _005456899 2142 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 60 11 11 NUM _005456899 2142 61 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 62 12 12 NUM _005456899 2142 63 our our PRON _005456899 2142 64 town town NOUN _005456899 2142 65 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 66 11 11 NUM _005456899 2142 67 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 68 52 52 NUM _005456899 2142 69 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 70 94 94 NUM _005456899 2142 71 paganism paganism NOUN _005456899 2142 72 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 73 81 81 NUM _005456899 2142 74 parents parent NOUN _005456899 2142 75 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 76 american american PROPN _005456899 2142 77 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 78 64 64 NUM _005456899 2142 79 parliamentary parliamentary ADJ _005456899 2142 80 rules rule NOUN _005456899 2142 81 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 82 3 3 NUM _005456899 2142 83 paul paul PROPN _005456899 2142 84 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 85 st st PROPN _005456899 2142 86 . . PROPN _005456899 2142 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 88 61 61 NUM _005456899 2142 89 paulding paulding ADJ _005456899 2142 90 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 91 james james PROPN _005456899 2142 92 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 93 k k PROPN _005456899 2142 94 . . PUNCT _005456899 2142 95 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 96 70 70 NUM _005456899 2142 97 peace peace NOUN _005456899 2142 98 policies policy NOUN _005456899 2142 99 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 100 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2142 101 persia persia PROPN _005456899 2142 102 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 103 86 86 NUM _005456899 2142 104 persians persians PROPN _005456899 2142 105 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 106 89 89 NUM _005456899 2142 107 peter peter PROPN _005456899 2142 108 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 109 st st PROPN _005456899 2142 110 . . PROPN _005456899 2142 111 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 112 17 17 NUM _005456899 2142 113 , , PUNCT _005456899 2142 114 18 18 NUM _005456899 2142 115 phoney phoney NOUN _005456899 2142 116 reasons reason NOUN _005456899 2142 117 . . PUNCT _005456899 2143 1 22 22 NUM _005456899 2143 2 " " PUNCT _005456899 2143 3 pistol pistol NOUN _005456899 2143 4 packin packin NOUN _005456899 2143 5 " " PUNCT _005456899 2143 6 mama mama PROPN _005456899 2143 7 " " PUNCT _005456899 2143 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 9 55 55 NUM _005456899 2143 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 11 56 56 NUM _005456899 2143 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 13 .planned .planned ADJ _005456899 2143 14 parenthood parenthood NOUN _005456899 2143 15 " " PUNCT _005456899 2143 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 17 iii iii PROPN _005456899 2143 18 plato plato PROPN _005456899 2143 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 20 82 82 NUM _005456899 2143 21 92 92 NUM _005456899 2143 22 poets poet NOUN _005456899 2143 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 24 poetry poetry NOUN _005456899 2143 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 26 v. v. PROPN _005456899 2143 27 71 71 NUM _005456899 2143 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 29 72 72 NUM _005456899 2143 30 polygamy polygamy NOUN _005456899 2143 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 32 87 87 NUM _005456899 2143 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 34 88 88 NUM _005456899 2143 35 poor poor ADJ _005456899 2143 36 richards richard NOUN _005456899 2143 37 almaane almaane NOUN _005456899 2143 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 39 70 70 NUM _005456899 2143 40 pope pope NOUN _005456899 2143 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 42 alexander alexander PROPN _005456899 2143 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 44 4 4 NUM _005456899 2143 45 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 46 9 9 NUM _005456899 2143 47 pope pope NOUN _005456899 2143 48 pius pius NOUN _005456899 2143 49 xi xi PROPN _005456899 2143 50 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 51 55 55 NUM _005456899 2143 52 powell powell NOUN _005456899 2143 53 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 54 elinor elinor NOUN _005456899 2143 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 56 5 5 NUM _005456899 2143 57 press press NOUN _005456899 2143 58 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 59 iv iv VERB _005456899 2143 60 pride pride NOUN _005456899 2143 61 and and CCONJ _005456899 2143 62 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005456899 2143 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 64 71 71 NUM _005456899 2143 65 prophets prophet NOUN _005456899 2143 66 , , PUNCT _005456899 2143 67 78 78 NUM _005456899 2143 68 prostitutes prostitute NOUN _005456899 2143 69 . . PUNCT _005456899 2144 1 84 84 NUM _005456899 2144 2 protestants protestant NOUN _005456899 2144 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 4 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2144 5 psychology psychology NOUN _005456899 2144 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 7 14 14 NUM _005456899 2144 8 psychologist psychologist NOUN _005456899 2144 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 10 60 60 NUM _005456899 2144 11 publicity publicity NOUN _005456899 2144 12 agencies agency NOUN _005456899 2144 13 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 14 iv iv PROPN _005456899 2144 15 publisher publisher NOUN _005456899 2144 16 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 17 v v NOUN _005456899 2144 18 quakers quaker NOUN _005456899 2144 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 20 34 34 NUM _005456899 2144 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 22 35 35 NUM _005456899 2144 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 24 75 75 NUM _005456899 2144 25 queen queen NOUN _005456899 2144 26 's 's PART _005456899 2144 27 work work NOUN _005456899 2144 28 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 29 the the DET _005456899 2144 30 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 31 v v NOUN _005456899 2144 32 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 33 1 1 NUM _005456899 2144 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 35 7 7 NUM _005456899 2144 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 37 19 19 NUM _005456899 2144 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 39 25 25 NUM _005456899 2144 40 queen queen NOUN _005456899 2144 41 victoria victoria NOUN _005456899 2144 42 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 43 1 1 NUM _005456899 2144 44 queen queen NOUN _005456899 2144 45 victoria victoria PROPN _005456899 2144 46 's 's PART _005456899 2144 47 husband husband NOUN _005456899 2144 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 49 6 6 NUM _005456899 2144 50 . . PUNCT _005456899 2144 51 questionaire questionaire NOUN _005456899 2144 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 53 qualities quality NOUN _005456899 2144 54 of of ADP _005456899 2144 55 a a DET _005456899 2144 56 wife wife NOUN _005456899 2144 57 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 58 ( ( PUNCT _005456899 2144 59 0 0 NUM _005456899 2144 60 quick quick ADJ _005456899 2144 61 - - PUNCT _005456899 2144 62 wittedness wittedness ADJ _005456899 2144 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 64 35 35 NUM _005456899 2144 65 quotations quotation NOUN _005456899 2144 66 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 67 v v NOUN _005456899 2144 68 readers reader NOUN _005456899 2144 69 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 70 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 2144 71 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 72 iv iv VERB _005456899 2144 73 reader reader NOUN _005456899 2144 74 's 's PART _005456899 2144 75 digest digest NOUN _005456899 2144 76 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 77 the the DET _005456899 2144 78 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 79 65 65 NUM _005456899 2144 80 recreational recreational ADJ _005456899 2144 81 interests interest NOUN _005456899 2144 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 83 40 40 NUM _005456899 2144 84 red red ADJ _005456899 2144 85 rover rover PROPN _005456899 2144 86 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 87 70 70 NUM _005456899 2144 88 reed reed NOUN _005456899 2144 89 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 90 r. r. PROPN _005456899 2144 91 h. h. PROPN _005456899 2144 92 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 93 51 51 NUM _005456899 2144 94 relatives relative NOUN _005456899 2144 95 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 96 2 2 NUM _005456899 2144 97 religion religion NOUN _005456899 2144 98 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 99 40 40 NUM _005456899 2144 100 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 101 77 77 NUM _005456899 2144 102 relocation relocation NOUN _005456899 2144 103 camps camp NOUN _005456899 2144 104 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 105 77 77 NUM _005456899 2144 106 ' ' PUNCT _005456899 2144 107 rip rip NOUN _005456899 2144 108 van van PROPN _005456899 2144 109 winkle winkle PROPN _005456899 2144 110 " " PUNCT _005456899 2144 111 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 112 69 69 NUM _005456899 2144 113 robinson robinson NOUN _005456899 2144 114 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 115 james james PROPN _005456899 2144 116 harvey harvey PROPN _005456899 2144 117 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 118 19 19 NUM _005456899 2144 119 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 120 20 20 NUM _005456899 2144 121 romans roman NOUN _005456899 2144 122 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 123 81 81 NUM _005456899 2144 124 rome rome PROPN _005456899 2144 125 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 126 90 90 NUM _005456899 2144 127 romeo romeo NOUN _005456899 2144 128 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 129 47 47 NUM _005456899 2144 130 romeo romeo NOUN _005456899 2144 131 and and CCONJ _005456899 2144 132 juliet juliet PROPN _005456899 2144 133 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 134 47 47 NUM _005456899 2144 135 roman roman ADJ _005456899 2144 136 catechism catechism NOUN _005456899 2144 137 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 138 55 55 NUM _005456899 2144 139 rosenman rosenman NOUN _005456899 2144 140 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 141 judge judge PROPN _005456899 2144 142 sa sa PROPN _005456899 2144 143 muel muel PROPN _005456899 2144 144 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 145 95 95 NUM _005456899 2144 146 russian russian ADJ _005456899 2144 147 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 148 10 10 NUM _005456899 2144 149 saints saint NOUN _005456899 2144 150 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 151 ca can AUX _005456899 2144 152 tholic tholic ADJ _005456899 2144 153 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 154 67 67 NUM _005456899 2144 155 salesianum salesianum NOUN _005456899 2144 156 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 157 93 93 NUM _005456899 2144 158 sa sa PROPN _005456899 2144 159 lesma lesma PROPN _005456899 2144 160 n n PROPN _005456899 2144 161 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 162 36 36 NUM _005456899 2144 163 salmagundi salmagundi NOUN _005456899 2144 164 p p NOUN _005456899 2144 165 a a DET _005456899 2144 166 pers per NOUN _005456899 2144 167 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 168 70 70 NUM _005456899 2144 169 san san PROPN _005456899 2144 170 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 2144 171 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 172 v v PROPN _005456899 2144 173 saturcj saturcj PROPN _005456899 2144 174 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 175 ay ay PRON _005456899 2144 176 evening evening NOUN _005456899 2144 177 post post NOUN _005456899 2144 178 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 179 the the DET _005456899 2144 180 88 88 NUM _005456899 2144 181 sarah sarah NOUN _005456899 2144 182 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 183 59 59 NUM _005456899 2144 184 satan satan PROPN _005456899 2144 185 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 186 18 18 NUM _005456899 2144 187 saud saud ADJ _005456899 2144 188 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 189 crown crown NOUN _005456899 2144 190 prince prince PROPN _005456899 2144 191 emir emir PROPN _005456899 2144 192 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 193 88 88 NUM _005456899 2144 194 sau sau NOUN _005456899 2144 195 d d PROPN _005456899 2144 196 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 197 ibn ibn PROPN _005456899 2144 198 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 199 87 87 NUM _005456899 2144 200 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 201 88 88 NUM _005456899 2144 202 scandal scandal NOUN _005456899 2144 203 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 204 65 65 NUM _005456899 2144 205 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 206 66 66 NUM _005456899 2144 207 schnepp schnepp NOUN _005456899 2144 208 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 209 s. s. PROPN _005456899 2144 210 m. m. PROPN _005456899 2144 211 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 212 gerald gerald PROPN _005456899 2144 213 j. j. PROPN _005456899 2144 214 , , PUNCT _005456899 2144 215 40 40 NUM _005456899 2144 216 scotch scotch NOUN _005456899 2144 217 loch loch PROPN _005456899 2144 218 . . PUNCT _005456899 2145 1 41 41 NUM _005456899 2145 2 scrofula scrofula NOUN _005456899 2145 3 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 4 42 42 NUM _005456899 2145 5 senior senior ADJ _005456899 2145 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 7 college college NOUN _005456899 2145 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 9 46 46 NUM _005456899 2145 10 sermon sermon NOUN _005456899 2145 11 of of ADP _005456899 2145 12 the the DET _005456899 2145 13 mount mount PROPN _005456899 2145 14 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 15 77 77 NUM _005456899 2145 16 shakespeare shakespeare NOUN _005456899 2145 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 18 25 25 NUM _005456899 2145 19 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 20 26 26 NUM _005456899 2145 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 22 46 46 NUM _005456899 2145 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 24 47 47 NUM _005456899 2145 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 26 72 72 NUM _005456899 2145 27 shakespearean shakespearean ADJ _005456899 2145 28 letter letter NOUN _005456899 2145 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 30 67 67 NUM _005456899 2145 31 shaw shaw PROPN _005456899 2145 32 's 's PART _005456899 2145 33 father father NOUN _005456899 2145 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 35 44 44 NUM _005456899 2145 36 " " PUNCT _005456899 2145 37 she she PRON _005456899 2145 38 was be AUX _005456899 2145 39 a a DET _005456899 2145 40 phantom phantom NOUN _005456899 2145 41 of of ADP _005456899 2145 42 delight delight NOUN _005456899 2145 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 44 " " PUNCT _005456899 2145 45 49 49 NUM _005456899 2145 46 shoe shoe NOUN _005456899 2145 47 clerk clerk NOUN _005456899 2145 48 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 49 5 5 NUM _005456899 2145 50 siberian siberian ADJ _005456899 2145 51 tribes tribe NOUN _005456899 2145 52 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 53 17 17 NUM _005456899 2145 54 sienese sienese ADJ _005456899 2145 55 dyer dyer NOUN _005456899 2145 56 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 57 68 68 NUM _005456899 2145 58 sign sign NOUN _005456899 2145 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 60 the the DET _005456899 2145 61 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 62 v v NOUN _005456899 2145 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 64 67 67 NUM _005456899 2145 65 sketch sketch NOUN _005456899 2145 66 book book NOUN _005456899 2145 67 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 68 69 69 NUM _005456899 2145 69 slaves slave NOUN _005456899 2145 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 71 82 82 NUM _005456899 2145 72 snitkina snitkina PROPN _005456899 2145 73 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 74 42 42 NUM _005456899 2145 75 social social ADJ _005456899 2145 76 service service NOUN _005456899 2145 77 in in ADP _005456899 2145 78 india india PROPN _005456899 2145 79 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 80 86 86 NUM _005456899 2145 81 soldier soldier NOUN _005456899 2145 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 83 catholic catholic PROPN _005456899 2145 84 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 85 58 58 NUM _005456899 2145 86 stag stag NOUN _005456899 2145 87 parties party NOUN _005456899 2145 88 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 89 83 83 NUM _005456899 2145 90 stephen stephen NOUN _005456899 2145 91 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 92 60 60 NUM _005456899 2145 93 stoic stoic ADJ _005456899 2145 94 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 95 roman roman ADJ _005456899 2145 96 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 97 9 9 NUM _005456899 2145 98 stevenson stevenson NOUN _005456899 2145 99 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 100 robert robert PROPN _005456899 2145 101 louis louis PROPN _005456899 2145 102 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 103 42 42 NUM _005456899 2145 104 survey survey NOUN _005456899 2145 105 graphic graphic NOUN _005456899 2145 106 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 107 83 83 NUM _005456899 2145 108 switzerland switzerland NOUN _005456899 2145 109 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 110 90 90 NUM _005456899 2145 111 table table NOUN _005456899 2145 112 of of ADP _005456899 2145 113 contents content NOUN _005456899 2145 114 , , PUNCT _005456899 2145 115 iii iii NUM _005456899 2145 116 tact tact NOUN _005456899 2145 117 . . PUNCT _005456899 2146 1 1 1 NUM _005456899 2146 2 temple temple PROPN _005456899 2146 3 of of ADP _005456899 2146 4 jupiter jupiter PROPN _005456899 2146 5 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 6 90 90 NUM _005456899 2146 7 temptations temptation NOUN _005456899 2146 8 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 9 60 60 NUM _005456899 2146 10 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 11 61 61 NUM _005456899 2146 12 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 13 62 62 NUM _005456899 2146 14 tenant tenant NOUN _005456899 2146 15 of of ADP _005456899 2146 16 wildfell wildfell NOUN _005456899 2146 17 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 18 the the DET _005456899 2146 19 71 71 NUM _005456899 2146 20 tennyson tennyson NOUN _005456899 2146 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 22 72 72 NUM _005456899 2146 23 ten ten NUM _005456899 2146 24 commandments commandment NOUN _005456899 2146 25 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 26 55 55 NUM _005456899 2146 27 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 28 56 56 NUM _005456899 2146 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 30 57 57 NUM _005456899 2146 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 32 77 77 NUM _005456899 2146 33 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 34 78 78 NUM _005456899 2146 35 texas texas PROPN _005456899 2146 36 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 37 v v NOUN _005456899 2146 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 39 91 91 NUM _005456899 2146 40 therese therese NOUN _005456899 2146 41 of of ADP _005456899 2146 42 lisieux lisieux PROPN _005456899 2146 43 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 44 st st PROPN _005456899 2146 45 . . PROPN _005456899 2146 46 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 47 68 68 NUM _005456899 2146 48 thieves thief NOUN _005456899 2146 49 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 50 12 12 NUM _005456899 2146 51 thirty thirty NUM _005456899 2146 52 years year NOUN _005456899 2146 53 war war NOUN _005456899 2146 54 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 55 90 90 NUM _005456899 2146 56 thomas thomas PROPN _005456899 2146 57 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 58 st st PROPN _005456899 2146 59 . . PROPN _005456899 2146 60 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 61 26 26 NUM _005456899 2146 62 thomas thomas PROPN _005456899 2146 63 a a DET _005456899 2146 64 kempis kempis PROPN _005456899 2146 65 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 66 9 9 NUM _005456899 2146 67 thompson thompson NOUN _005456899 2146 68 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 69 francis francis PROPN _005456899 2146 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 2146 71 72 72 NUM _005456899 2146 72 time time NOUN _005456899 2146 73 . . PUNCT _005456899 2147 1 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 2147 2 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 3 95 95 NUM _005456899 2147 4 twelfth twelfth ADJ _005456899 2147 5 night night NOUN _005456899 2147 6 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 7 25 25 NUM _005456899 2147 8 tokyo tokyo PROPN _005456899 2147 9 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 10 84 84 NUM _005456899 2147 11 " " PUNCT _005456899 2147 12 traveler traveler NOUN _005456899 2147 13 between between ADP _005456899 2147 14 life life NOUN _005456899 2147 15 and and CCONJ _005456899 2147 16 death death NOUN _005456899 2147 17 " " PUNCT _005456899 2147 18 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 19 63 63 NUM _005456899 2147 20 truth truth NOUN _005456899 2147 21 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 22 iv iv NUM _005456899 2147 23 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 24 1 1 NUM _005456899 2147 25 turkey turkey NOUN _005456899 2147 26 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 27 87 87 NUM _005456899 2147 28 undset undset ADJ _005456899 2147 29 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 30 sigrid sigrid ADJ _005456899 2147 31 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 32 61 61 NUM _005456899 2147 33 veils veil NOUN _005456899 2147 34 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 35 89 89 NUM _005456899 2147 36 venial venial ADJ _005456899 2147 37 sin sin NOUN _005456899 2147 38 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 39 11 11 NUM _005456899 2147 40 vice vice NOUN _005456899 2147 41 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 42 11 11 NUM _005456899 2147 43 vice vice ADJ _005456899 2147 44 - - ADJ _005456899 2147 45 president president ADJ _005456899 2147 46 curtis curtis NOUN _005456899 2147 47 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 48 6 6 NUM _005456899 2147 49 victoria victoria PROPN _005456899 2147 50 regina regina PROPN _005456899 2147 51 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 52 1 1 NUM _005456899 2147 53 victorian victorian ADJ _005456899 2147 54 magazine magazine NOUN _005456899 2147 55 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 56 the the DET _005456899 2147 57 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 58 v v PROPN _005456899 2147 59 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 60 32 32 NUM _005456899 2147 61 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 62 36 36 NUM _005456899 2147 63 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 64 46 46 NUM _005456899 2147 65 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 66 55 55 NUM _005456899 2147 67 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 68 64 64 NUM _005456899 2147 69 victors victor NOUN _005456899 2147 70 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 71 iv iv VERB _005456899 2147 72 virgin virgin NOUN _005456899 2147 73 - - PUNCT _005456899 2147 74 liberty liberty PROPN _005456899 2147 75 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 76 51 51 NUM _005456899 2147 77 vocation vocation NOUN _005456899 2147 78 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 79 55 55 NUM _005456899 2147 80 ; ; PUNCT _005456899 2147 81 vocationalism vocationalism NOUN _005456899 2147 82 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 83 94 94 NUM _005456899 2147 84 war war NOUN _005456899 2147 85 criminal criminal ADJ _005456899 2147 86 punishments punishment NOUN _005456899 2147 87 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 88 blanket blanket NOUN _005456899 2147 89 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 90 95 95 NUM _005456899 2147 91 wealth wealth NOUN _005456899 2147 92 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 93 40 40 NUM _005456899 2147 94 weibchen weibchen ADJ _005456899 2147 95 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 96 1 1 NUM _005456899 2147 97 wife wife NOUN _005456899 2147 98 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 99 38 38 NUM _005456899 2147 100 . . NUM _005456899 2147 101 40 40 NUM _005456899 2147 102 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 103 56 56 NUM _005456899 2147 104 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 105 63 63 NUM _005456899 2147 106 white white ADJ _005456899 2147 107 h h PROPN _005456899 2147 108 ouse ouse NOUN _005456899 2147 109 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 110 79 79 NUM _005456899 2147 111 wilder wilder NOUN _005456899 2147 112 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 113 thornton thornton PROPN _005456899 2147 114 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 115 11 11 NUM _005456899 2147 116 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 117 52 52 NUM _005456899 2147 118 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 119 94 94 NUM _005456899 2147 120 witch witch NOUN _005456899 2147 121 burning burning NOUN _005456899 2147 122 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 123 95 95 NUM _005456899 2147 124 witch witch NOUN _005456899 2147 125 hunters hunter NOUN _005456899 2147 126 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 127 95 95 NUM _005456899 2147 128 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2147 129 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 130 age age NOUN _005456899 2147 131 of of ADP _005456899 2147 132 the the DET _005456899 2147 133 new new ADJ _005456899 2147 134 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 135 92 92 NUM _005456899 2147 136 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2147 137 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 138 51 51 NUM _005456899 2147 139 woman woman NOUN _005456899 2147 140 s s PART _005456899 2147 141 uffrag uffrag NOUN _005456899 2147 142 e e PROPN _005456899 2147 143 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 144 92 92 NUM _005456899 2147 145 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 146 93 93 NUM _005456899 2147 147 women woman NOUN _005456899 2147 148 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 149 the the DET _005456899 2147 150 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 151 60 60 NUM _005456899 2147 152 women woman NOUN _005456899 2147 153 's 's PART _005456899 2147 154 cyclopedia cyclopedia NOUN _005456899 2147 155 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 156 the the DET _005456899 2147 157 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 158 83 83 NUM _005456899 2147 159 words word NOUN _005456899 2147 160 worth worth ADJ _005456899 2147 161 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 162 william william PROPN _005456899 2147 163 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 164 49 49 NUM _005456899 2147 165 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 166 50 50 NUM _005456899 2147 167 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 168 51 51 NUM _005456899 2147 169 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 170 53 53 NUM _005456899 2147 171 world world NOUN _005456899 2147 172 war war NOUN _005456899 2147 173 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 174 6 6 NUM _005456899 2147 175 world world NOUN _005456899 2147 176 wars war NOUN _005456899 2147 177 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 178 age age NOUN _005456899 2147 179 of of ADP _005456899 2147 180 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 181 92 92 NUM _005456899 2147 182 writers writer NOUN _005456899 2147 183 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 184 60 60 NUM _005456899 2147 185 writer writer NOUN _005456899 2147 186 's 's PART _005456899 2147 187 conference conference NOUN _005456899 2147 188 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 189 39 39 NUM _005456899 2147 190 wuthering wuthere VERB _005456899 2147 191 heights height NOUN _005456899 2147 192 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 193 71 71 NUM _005456899 2147 194 yalta yalta NOUN _005456899 2147 195 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 196 injustices injustice NOUN _005456899 2147 197 of of ADP _005456899 2147 198 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 199 95 95 NUM _005456899 2147 200 yutang yutang PROPN _005456899 2147 201 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 202 lin lin PROPN _005456899 2147 203 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 204 85 85 NUM _005456899 2147 205 zuficar zuficar NOUN _005456899 2147 206 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 207 f f PROPN _005456899 2147 208 a a DET _005456899 2147 209 rida rida PROPN _005456899 2147 210 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 211 81 81 NUM _005456899 2147 212 -~ -~ NUM _005456899 2147 213 ~ ~ PUNCT _005456899 2147 214 ~----~ ~----~ PUNCT _005456899 2147 215 l. l. NOUN _005456899 2147 216 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2147 217 _ _ PUNCT _005456899 2147 218 ---.i ---.i PUNCT _005456899 2147 219 printed print VERB _005456899 2147 220 by by ADP _005456899 2147 221 artes artes PROPN _005456899 2147 222 graficas graficas PROPN _005456899 2147 223 san san PROPN _005456899 2147 224 antonio antonio PROPN _005456899 2147 225 5 5 NUM _005456899 2147 226 , , PUNCT _005456899 2147 227 texas texas PROPN _005456899 2147 228 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 229 - - SYM _005456899 2147 230 001 001 NUM _005456899 2147 231 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 232 - - SYM _005456899 2147 233 002 002 NUM _005456899 2147 234 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 235 - - SYM _005456899 2147 236 003 003 NUM _005456899 2147 237 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 238 - - SYM _005456899 2147 239 004 004 NUM _005456899 2147 240 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 241 - - SYM _005456899 2147 242 005 005 NUM _005456899 2147 243 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 244 - - SYM _005456899 2147 245 006 006 NUM _005456899 2147 246 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 247 - - SYM _005456899 2147 248 007 007 NUM _005456899 2147 249 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 250 - - SYM _005456899 2147 251 008 008 NUM _005456899 2147 252 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 253 - - SYM _005456899 2147 254 009 009 NUM _005456899 2147 255 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 256 - - SYM _005456899 2147 257 010 010 NUM _005456899 2147 258 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 259 - - SYM _005456899 2147 260 011 011 NUM _005456899 2147 261 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 262 - - SYM _005456899 2147 263 012 012 NUM _005456899 2147 264 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 265 - - SYM _005456899 2147 266 013 013 NUM _005456899 2147 267 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 268 - - SYM _005456899 2147 269 014 014 NUM _005456899 2147 270 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 271 - - SYM _005456899 2147 272 015 015 NUM _005456899 2147 273 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 274 - - SYM _005456899 2147 275 016 016 NUM _005456899 2147 276 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 277 - - SYM _005456899 2147 278 017 017 NUM _005456899 2147 279 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 280 - - SYM _005456899 2147 281 018 018 NUM _005456899 2147 282 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 283 - - SYM _005456899 2147 284 019 019 NUM _005456899 2147 285 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 286 - - SYM _005456899 2147 287 020 020 NUM _005456899 2147 288 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 289 - - SYM _005456899 2147 290 021 021 NUM _005456899 2147 291 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 292 - - SYM _005456899 2147 293 022 022 NUM _005456899 2147 294 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 295 - - SYM _005456899 2147 296 023 023 NUM _005456899 2147 297 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 298 - - SYM _005456899 2147 299 024 024 NUM _005456899 2147 300 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 301 - - SYM _005456899 2147 302 025 025 NUM _005456899 2147 303 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 304 - - SYM _005456899 2147 305 026 026 NUM _005456899 2147 306 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 307 - - SYM _005456899 2147 308 027 027 NUM _005456899 2147 309 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 310 - - SYM _005456899 2147 311 028 028 NUM _005456899 2147 312 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 313 - - SYM _005456899 2147 314 029 029 NUM _005456899 2147 315 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 316 - - SYM _005456899 2147 317 030 030 NUM _005456899 2147 318 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 319 - - SYM _005456899 2147 320 031 031 NUM _005456899 2147 321 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 322 - - SYM _005456899 2147 323 032 032 NUM _005456899 2147 324 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 325 - - SYM _005456899 2147 326 033 033 NUM _005456899 2147 327 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 328 - - SYM _005456899 2147 329 034 034 NUM _005456899 2147 330 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 331 - - SYM _005456899 2147 332 035 035 NUM _005456899 2147 333 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 334 - - SYM _005456899 2147 335 036 036 NUM _005456899 2147 336 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 337 - - SYM _005456899 2147 338 037 037 NUM _005456899 2147 339 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 340 - - SYM _005456899 2147 341 038 038 NUM _005456899 2147 342 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 343 - - SYM _005456899 2147 344 039 039 NUM _005456899 2147 345 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 346 - - SYM _005456899 2147 347 040 040 NUM _005456899 2147 348 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 349 - - SYM _005456899 2147 350 041 041 NUM _005456899 2147 351 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 352 - - SYM _005456899 2147 353 042 042 NUM _005456899 2147 354 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 355 - - SYM _005456899 2147 356 043 043 NUM _005456899 2147 357 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 358 - - SYM _005456899 2147 359 044 044 NUM _005456899 2147 360 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 361 - - SYM _005456899 2147 362 045 045 NUM _005456899 2147 363 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 364 - - SYM _005456899 2147 365 046 046 NUM _005456899 2147 366 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 367 - - SYM _005456899 2147 368 047 047 NUM _005456899 2147 369 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 370 - - SYM _005456899 2147 371 048 048 NUM _005456899 2147 372 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 373 - - SYM _005456899 2147 374 049 049 NUM _005456899 2147 375 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 376 - - SYM _005456899 2147 377 050 050 NUM _005456899 2147 378 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 379 - - SYM _005456899 2147 380 051 051 NUM _005456899 2147 381 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 382 - - SYM _005456899 2147 383 052 052 NUM _005456899 2147 384 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 385 - - SYM _005456899 2147 386 053 053 NUM _005456899 2147 387 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 388 - - SYM _005456899 2147 389 054 054 NUM _005456899 2147 390 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 391 - - SYM _005456899 2147 392 055 055 NUM _005456899 2147 393 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 394 - - SYM _005456899 2147 395 056 056 NUM _005456899 2147 396 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 397 - - SYM _005456899 2147 398 057 057 NUM _005456899 2147 399 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 400 - - SYM _005456899 2147 401 058 058 NUM _005456899 2147 402 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 403 - - SYM _005456899 2147 404 059 059 NUM _005456899 2147 405 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 406 - - SYM _005456899 2147 407 060 060 NUM _005456899 2147 408 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 409 - - SYM _005456899 2147 410 061 061 NUM _005456899 2147 411 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 412 - - SYM _005456899 2147 413 062 062 NUM _005456899 2147 414 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 415 - - SYM _005456899 2147 416 063 063 NUM _005456899 2147 417 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2147 418 - - SYM _005456899 2147 419 064 064 NUM _005456899 2148 1 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 2 - - SYM _005456899 2148 3 065 065 NUM _005456899 2148 4 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 5 - - SYM _005456899 2148 6 066 066 NUM _005456899 2148 7 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 8 - - SYM _005456899 2148 9 067 067 NUM _005456899 2148 10 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 11 - - SYM _005456899 2148 12 068 068 NUM _005456899 2148 13 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 14 - - SYM _005456899 2148 15 069 069 NUM _005456899 2148 16 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 17 - - SYM _005456899 2148 18 070 070 NUM _005456899 2148 19 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 20 - - SYM _005456899 2148 21 071 071 NUM _005456899 2148 22 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 23 - - SYM _005456899 2148 24 072 072 NUM _005456899 2148 25 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 26 - - SYM _005456899 2148 27 073 073 NUM _005456899 2148 28 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 29 - - SYM _005456899 2148 30 074 074 NUM _005456899 2148 31 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 32 - - SYM _005456899 2148 33 075 075 NUM _005456899 2148 34 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 35 - - SYM _005456899 2148 36 076 076 NUM _005456899 2148 37 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 38 - - SYM _005456899 2148 39 077 077 NUM _005456899 2148 40 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 41 - - SYM _005456899 2148 42 078 078 NUM _005456899 2148 43 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 44 - - SYM _005456899 2148 45 079 079 NUM _005456899 2148 46 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 47 - - SYM _005456899 2148 48 080 080 NUM _005456899 2148 49 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 50 - - SYM _005456899 2148 51 081 081 NUM _005456899 2148 52 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 53 - - SYM _005456899 2148 54 082 082 NUM _005456899 2148 55 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 56 - - SYM _005456899 2148 57 083 083 NUM _005456899 2148 58 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 59 - - SYM _005456899 2148 60 084 084 NUM _005456899 2148 61 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 62 - - SYM _005456899 2148 63 085 085 NUM _005456899 2148 64 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 65 - - SYM _005456899 2148 66 086 086 NUM _005456899 2148 67 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 68 - - SYM _005456899 2148 69 087 087 NUM _005456899 2148 70 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 71 - - SYM _005456899 2148 72 088 088 NUM _005456899 2148 73 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 74 - - SYM _005456899 2148 75 089 089 NUM _005456899 2148 76 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 77 - - SYM _005456899 2148 78 090 090 NUM _005456899 2148 79 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 80 - - SYM _005456899 2148 81 091 091 NUM _005456899 2148 82 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 83 - - SYM _005456899 2148 84 092 092 NUM _005456899 2148 85 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 86 - - SYM _005456899 2148 87 093 093 NUM _005456899 2148 88 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 89 - - SYM _005456899 2148 90 094 094 NUM _005456899 2148 91 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 92 - - SYM _005456899 2148 93 095 095 NUM _005456899 2148 94 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 95 - - SYM _005456899 2148 96 096 096 NUM _005456899 2148 97 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 98 - - SYM _005456899 2148 99 097 097 NUM _005456899 2148 100 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 101 - - SYM _005456899 2148 102 098 098 NUM _005456899 2148 103 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 104 - - SYM _005456899 2148 105 099 099 NUM _005456899 2148 106 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 107 - - SYM _005456899 2148 108 100 100 NUM _005456899 2148 109 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 110 - - SYM _005456899 2148 111 101 101 NUM _005456899 2148 112 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 113 - - SYM _005456899 2148 114 102 102 NUM _005456899 2148 115 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 116 - - SYM _005456899 2148 117 103 103 NUM _005456899 2148 118 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 119 - - SYM _005456899 2148 120 104 104 NUM _005456899 2148 121 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 122 - - SYM _005456899 2148 123 105 105 NUM _005456899 2148 124 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 125 - - SYM _005456899 2148 126 106 106 NUM _005456899 2148 127 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 128 - - SYM _005456899 2148 129 107 107 NUM _005456899 2148 130 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 131 - - SYM _005456899 2148 132 108 108 NUM _005456899 2148 133 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 134 - - SYM _005456899 2148 135 109 109 NUM _005456899 2148 136 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 137 - - SYM _005456899 2148 138 110 110 NUM _005456899 2148 139 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 140 - - SYM _005456899 2148 141 111 111 NUM _005456899 2148 142 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 143 - - SYM _005456899 2148 144 112 112 NUM _005456899 2148 145 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 146 - - SYM _005456899 2148 147 113 113 NUM _005456899 2148 148 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 149 - - SYM _005456899 2148 150 114 114 NUM _005456899 2148 151 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 152 - - SYM _005456899 2148 153 115 115 NUM _005456899 2148 154 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 155 - - SYM _005456899 2148 156 116 116 NUM _005456899 2148 157 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 158 - - SYM _005456899 2148 159 117 117 NUM _005456899 2148 160 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 161 - - SYM _005456899 2148 162 118 118 NUM _005456899 2148 163 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 164 - - SYM _005456899 2148 165 119 119 NUM _005456899 2148 166 73409 73409 NUM _005456899 2148 167 - - SYM _005456899 2148 168 120 120 NUM