id sid tid token lemma pos _005197513 1 1 the the DET _005197513 1 2 child child NOUN _005197513 1 3 at at ADP _005197513 1 4 mass mass NOUN _005197513 1 5 jtehoe.rle jtehoe.rle X _005197513 1 6 i i PRON _005197513 1 7 < < X _005197513 1 8 sec\fc sec\fc PROPN _005197513 1 9 > > X _005197513 1 10 e. e. PROPN _005197513 1 11 fa fa PROPN _005197513 1 12 , , PUNCT _005197513 1 13 7w 7w NUM _005197513 1 14 child child NOUN _005197513 1 15 crh crh PROPN _005197513 1 16 wcc43 wcc43 PROPN _005197513 1 17 aj aj PROPN _005197513 1 18 > > PROPN _005197513 1 19 njo2sh| njo2sh| PROPN _005197513 1 20 fay fay PROPN _005197513 1 21 ) ) PUNCT _005197513 1 22 < < X _005197513 1 23 t t X _005197513 1 24 ? ? PUNCT _005197513 2 1 7 7 X _005197513 2 2 ? ? SYM _005197513 2 3 5 5 NUM _005197513 2 4 < < X _005197513 2 5 „ „ X _005197513 2 6 4 4 NUM _005197513 2 7 * * PROPN _005197513 2 8 « « NUM _005197513 2 9 •• •• NOUN _005197513 2 10 ••••. ••••. NOUN _005197513 2 11 * * PART _005197513 2 12 • • NOUN _005197513 3 1 * * PUNCT _005197513 3 2 -4 -4 VERB _005197513 3 3 the the DET _005197513 3 4 child child NOUN _005197513 3 5 at at ADP _005197513 3 6 mass mass NOUN _005197513 3 7 by by ADP _005197513 3 8 rev rev PROPN _005197513 3 9 . . PROPN _005197513 3 10 george george PROPN _005197513 3 11 m. m. PROPN _005197513 3 12 dennerle dennerle VERB _005197513 3 13 the the DET _005197513 3 14 paulist paulist NOUN _005197513 3 15 press press PROPN _005197513 3 16 401 401 NUM _005197513 3 17 west west ADJ _005197513 3 18 59th 59th ADJ _005197513 3 19 street street NOUN _005197513 3 20 new new PROPN _005197513 3 21 york york PROPN _005197513 3 22 19 19 NUM _005197513 3 23 , , PUNCT _005197513 3 24 n. n. PROPN _005197513 3 25 y. y. PROPN _005197513 3 26 f f PROPN _005197513 3 27 nihil nihil PROPN _005197513 3 28 obstat obstat PROPN _005197513 3 29 : : PUNCT _005197513 3 30 imprimatur imprimatur PROPN _005197513 3 31 : : PUNCT _005197513 3 32 arthur arthur PROPN _005197513 3 33 j. j. PROPN _005197513 3 34 scanlan scanlan PROPN _005197513 3 35 , , PUNCT _005197513 3 36 s.t.d s.t.d PROPN _005197513 3 37 . . PUNCT _005197513 3 38 , , PUNCT _005197513 3 39 censor censor NOUN _005197513 3 40 librorum librorum PROPN _005197513 3 41 -p -p PUNCT _005197513 3 42 patrick patrick PROPN _005197513 3 43 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005197513 3 44 hayes hayes PROPN _005197513 3 45 , , PUNCT _005197513 3 46 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005197513 3 47 of of ADP _005197513 3 48 new new PROPN _005197513 3 49 york york PROPN _005197513 3 50 mew mew PROPN _005197513 3 51 york york PROPN _005197513 3 52 , , PUNCT _005197513 3 53 june june PROPN _005197513 3 54 14 14 NUM _005197513 3 55 , , PUNCT _005197513 3 56 1938 1938 NUM _005197513 3 57 . . PUNCT _005197513 4 1 printed print VERB _005197513 4 2 and and CCONJ _005197513 4 3 published publish VERB _005197513 4 4 in in ADP _005197513 4 5 the the DET _005197513 4 6 u. u. PROPN _005197513 4 7 s. s. PROPN _005197513 4 8 a. a. PROPN _005197513 4 9 by by ADP _005197513 4 10 the the DET _005197513 4 11 paul1st paul1st PROPN _005197513 4 12 press press PROPN _005197513 4 13 , , PUNCT _005197513 4 14 new new PROPN _005197513 4 15 york york PROPN _005197513 4 16 19 19 NUM _005197513 4 17 , , PUNCT _005197513 4 18 n. n. PROPN _005197513 4 19 y. y. PROPN _005197513 4 20 deaddlaef deaddlaef PROPN _005197513 4 21 the the DET _005197513 4 22 child child NOUN _005197513 4 23 at at ADP _005197513 4 24 mass mass NOUN _005197513 4 25 offering offer VERB _005197513 4 26 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 4 27 to to ADP _005197513 4 28 god god PROPN _005197513 4 29 bel bel PROPN _005197513 4 30 and and CCONJ _005197513 4 31 cain cain PROPN _005197513 4 32 were be AUX _005197513 4 33 brothers brother NOUN _005197513 4 34 . . PUNCT _005197513 5 1 they they PRON _005197513 5 2 lived live VERB _005197513 5 3 long long ADV _005197513 5 4 ago ago ADV _005197513 5 5 before before SCONJ _005197513 5 6 cities city NOUN _005197513 5 7 were be AUX _005197513 5 8 built build VERB _005197513 5 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 6 1 abel abel PROPN _005197513 6 2 was be AUX _005197513 6 3 a a DET _005197513 6 4 shepherd shepherd NOUN _005197513 6 5 and and CCONJ _005197513 6 6 had have VERB _005197513 6 7 many many ADJ _005197513 6 8 sheep sheep NOUN _005197513 6 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 7 1 cain cain PROPN _005197513 7 2 was be AUX _005197513 7 3 a a DET _005197513 7 4 farmer farmer NOUN _005197513 7 5 and and CCONJ _005197513 7 6 grew grow VERB _005197513 7 7 many many ADJ _005197513 7 8 products product NOUN _005197513 7 9 on on ADP _005197513 7 10 his his PRON _005197513 7 11 land land NOUN _005197513 7 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 8 1 abel abel PROPN _005197513 8 2 was be AUX _005197513 8 3 good good ADJ _005197513 8 4 , , PUNCT _005197513 8 5 but but CCONJ _005197513 8 6 cain cain PROPN _005197513 8 7 was be AUX _005197513 8 8 not not PART _005197513 8 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 9 1 one one NUM _005197513 9 2 day day NOUN _005197513 9 3 the the DET _005197513 9 4 two two NUM _005197513 9 5 boys boy NOUN _005197513 9 6 went go VERB _005197513 9 7 out out ADP _005197513 9 8 into into ADP _005197513 9 9 the the DET _005197513 9 10 field field NOUN _005197513 9 11 and and CCONJ _005197513 9 12 each each PRON _005197513 9 13 built build VERB _005197513 9 14 an an DET _005197513 9 15 altar altar NOUN _005197513 9 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 10 1 they they PRON _005197513 10 2 wanted want VERB _005197513 10 3 to to PART _005197513 10 4 offer offer VERB _005197513 10 5 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 10 6 to to ADP _005197513 10 7 god god PROPN _005197513 10 8 on on ADP _005197513 10 9 their their PRON _005197513 10 10 altars altar NOUN _005197513 10 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 11 1 abel abel PROPN _005197513 11 2 offered offer VERB _005197513 11 3 the the DET _005197513 11 4 best good ADJ _005197513 11 5 of of ADP _005197513 11 6 his his PRON _005197513 11 7 lambs lamb NOUN _005197513 11 8 , , PUNCT _005197513 11 9 while while SCONJ _005197513 11 10 cain cain PROPN _005197513 11 11 offered offer VERB _005197513 11 12 things thing NOUN _005197513 11 13 he he PRON _005197513 11 14 grew grow VERB _005197513 11 15 on on ADP _005197513 11 16 his his PRON _005197513 11 17 farm farm NOUN _005197513 11 18 . . PUNCT _005197513 12 1 they they PRON _005197513 12 2 burned burn VERB _005197513 12 3 their their PRON _005197513 12 4 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 12 5 on on ADP _005197513 12 6 the the DET _005197513 12 7 altar altar NOUN _005197513 12 8 as as ADP _005197513 12 9 a a DET _005197513 12 10 sign sign NOUN _005197513 12 11 that that SCONJ _005197513 12 12 they they PRON _005197513 12 13 were be AUX _005197513 12 14 offering offer VERB _005197513 12 15 them they PRON _005197513 12 16 to to ADP _005197513 12 17 god god PROPN _005197513 12 18 . . PUNCT _005197513 13 1 god god PROPN _005197513 13 2 was be AUX _005197513 13 3 pleased pleased ADJ _005197513 13 4 with with ADP _005197513 13 5 the the DET _005197513 13 6 gift gift NOUN _005197513 13 7 of of ADP _005197513 13 8 abel abel PROPN _005197513 13 9 , , PUNCT _005197513 13 10 but but CCONJ _005197513 13 11 not not PART _005197513 13 12 with with ADP _005197513 13 13 that that PRON _005197513 13 14 of of ADP _005197513 13 15 cain cain PROPN _005197513 13 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 14 1 do do AUX _005197513 14 2 you you PRON _005197513 14 3 know know VERB _005197513 14 4 why why SCONJ _005197513 14 5 ? ? PUNCT _005197513 15 1 god god PROPN _005197513 15 2 saw see VERB _005197513 15 3 into into ADP _005197513 15 4 their their PRON _005197513 15 5 hearts heart NOUN _005197513 15 6 . . PUNCT _005197513 16 1 cain cain PROPN _005197513 16 2 was be AUX _005197513 16 3 not not PART _005197513 16 4 giving give VERB _005197513 16 5 his his PRON _005197513 16 6 love love NOUN _005197513 16 7 with with ADP _005197513 16 8 his his PRON _005197513 16 9 gift gift NOUN _005197513 16 10 , , PUNCT _005197513 16 11 he he PRON _005197513 16 12 was be AUX _005197513 16 13 not not PART _005197513 16 14 anxious anxious ADJ _005197513 16 15 to to PART _005197513 16 16 please please VERB _005197513 16 17 god god PROPN _005197513 16 18 . . PUNCT _005197513 17 1 abel abel PROPN _005197513 17 2 was be AUX _005197513 17 3 most most ADV _005197513 17 4 anxious anxious ADJ _005197513 17 5 to to PART _005197513 17 6 please please VERB _005197513 17 7 his his PRON _005197513 17 8 maker maker NOUN _005197513 17 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 18 1 he he PRON _005197513 18 2 knew know VERB _005197513 18 3 that that SCONJ _005197513 18 4 all all DET _005197513 18 5 things thing NOUN _005197513 18 6 belong belong VERB _005197513 18 7 to to ADP _005197513 18 8 god god PROPN _005197513 18 9 and and CCONJ _005197513 18 10 he he PRON _005197513 18 11 wished wish VERB _005197513 18 12 to to PART _005197513 18 13 show show VERB _005197513 18 14 this this PRON _005197513 18 15 by by ADP _005197513 18 16 offering offer VERB _005197513 18 17 his his PRON _005197513 18 18 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 18 19 . . PUNCT _005197513 19 1 he he PRON _005197513 19 2 also also ADV _005197513 19 3 wanted want VERB _005197513 19 4 to to PART _005197513 19 5 show show VERB _005197513 19 6 god god PROPN _005197513 19 7 that that SCONJ _005197513 19 8 he he PRON _005197513 19 9 was be AUX _005197513 19 10 sorry sorry ADJ _005197513 19 11 for for ADP _005197513 19 12 his his PRON _005197513 19 13 sins sin NOUN _005197513 19 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 20 1 this this DET _005197513 20 2 way way NOUN _005197513 20 3 of of ADP _005197513 20 4 offering offer VERB _005197513 20 5 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 20 6 to to ADP _005197513 20 7 god god PROPN _005197513 20 8 is be AUX _005197513 20 9 called call VERB _005197513 20 10 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 20 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 21 1 pag pag PROPN _005197513 21 2 * * NOUN _005197513 21 3 thraa thraa NOUN _005197513 21 4 for for ADP _005197513 21 5 a a DET _005197513 21 6 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 21 7 you you PRON _005197513 21 8 need need VERB _005197513 21 9 an an DET _005197513 21 10 altar altar NOUN _005197513 21 11 , , PUNCT _005197513 21 12 a a DET _005197513 21 13 gift gift NOUN _005197513 21 14 , , PUNCT _005197513 21 15 and and CCONJ _005197513 21 16 a a DET _005197513 21 17 person person NOUN _005197513 21 18 to to PART _005197513 21 19 offer offer VERB _005197513 21 20 the the DET _005197513 21 21 gift gift NOUN _005197513 21 22 . . PUNCT _005197513 22 1 the the DET _005197513 22 2 person person NOUN _005197513 22 3 who who PRON _005197513 22 4 offers offer VERB _005197513 22 5 the the DET _005197513 22 6 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 22 7 is be AUX _005197513 22 8 called call VERB _005197513 22 9 a a DET _005197513 22 10 priest priest NOUN _005197513 22 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 23 1 at at ADP _005197513 23 2 first first ADV _005197513 23 3 the the DET _005197513 23 4 father father NOUN _005197513 23 5 or or CCONJ _005197513 23 6 oldest old ADJ _005197513 23 7 boy boy NOUN _005197513 23 8 was be AUX _005197513 23 9 the the DET _005197513 23 10 priest priest NOUN _005197513 23 11 of of ADP _005197513 23 12 the the DET _005197513 23 13 family family NOUN _005197513 23 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 24 1 later later ADV _005197513 24 2 the the DET _005197513 24 3 priests priest NOUN _005197513 24 4 were be AUX _005197513 24 5 men man NOUN _005197513 24 6 chosen choose VERB _005197513 24 7 by by ADP _005197513 24 8 god god PROPN _005197513 24 9 to to PART _005197513 24 10 take take VERB _005197513 24 11 the the DET _005197513 24 12 place place NOUN _005197513 24 13 of of ADP _005197513 24 14 all all DET _005197513 24 15 the the DET _005197513 24 16 people people NOUN _005197513 24 17 in in ADP _005197513 24 18 offering offer VERB _005197513 24 19 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 24 20 . . PUNCT _005197513 25 1 but but CCONJ _005197513 25 2 you you PRON _005197513 25 3 can can AUX _005197513 25 4 see see VERB _005197513 25 5 from from ADP _005197513 25 6 the the DET _005197513 25 7 example example NOUN _005197513 25 8 of of ADP _005197513 25 9 cain cain PROPN _005197513 25 10 that that PRON _005197513 25 11 our our PRON _005197513 25 12 gift gift NOUN _005197513 25 13 to to ADP _005197513 25 14 god god PROPN _005197513 25 15 must must AUX _005197513 25 16 come come VERB _005197513 25 17 from from ADP _005197513 25 18 a a DET _005197513 25 19 good good ADJ _005197513 25 20 heart heart NOUN _005197513 25 21 . . PUNCT _005197513 26 1 for for ADP _005197513 26 2 god god PROPN _005197513 26 3 wants want VERB _005197513 26 4 our our PRON _005197513 26 5 love love NOUN _005197513 26 6 more more ADV _005197513 26 7 than than ADP _005197513 26 8 our our PRON _005197513 26 9 gift gift NOUN _005197513 26 10 , , PUNCT _005197513 26 11 though though SCONJ _005197513 26 12 he he PRON _005197513 26 13 wants want VERB _005197513 26 14 the the DET _005197513 26 15 gift gift NOUN _005197513 26 16 too too ADV _005197513 26 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 27 1 many many ADJ _005197513 27 2 years year NOUN _005197513 27 3 after after SCONJ _005197513 27 4 abel abel PROPN _005197513 27 5 and and CCONJ _005197513 27 6 cain cain PROPN _005197513 27 7 had have AUX _005197513 27 8 died die VERB _005197513 27 9 , , PUNCT _005197513 27 10 there there PRON _005197513 27 11 lived live VERB _005197513 27 12 a a DET _005197513 27 13 holy holy ADJ _005197513 27 14 man man NOUN _005197513 27 15 , , PUNCT _005197513 27 16 who who PRON _005197513 27 17 loved love VERB _005197513 27 18 god god PROPN _005197513 27 19 , , PUNCT _005197513 27 20 though though SCONJ _005197513 27 21 the the DET _005197513 27 22 people people NOUN _005197513 27 23 everywhere everywhere ADV _005197513 27 24 round round VERB _005197513 27 25 him he PRON _005197513 27 26 were be AUX _005197513 27 27 very very ADV _005197513 27 28 bad bad ADJ _005197513 27 29 . . PUNCT _005197513 28 1 the the DET _005197513 28 2 man man NOUN _005197513 28 3 ’s ’s PART _005197513 28 4 name name NOUN _005197513 28 5 was be AUX _005197513 28 6 noe noe NUM _005197513 28 7 . . PUNCT _005197513 29 1 the the DET _005197513 29 2 people people NOUN _005197513 29 3 of of ADP _005197513 29 4 noe noe PROPN _005197513 29 5 ’s ’s PART _005197513 29 6 time time NOUN _005197513 29 7 were be AUX _005197513 29 8 so so ADV _005197513 29 9 wicked wicked ADJ _005197513 29 10 that that SCONJ _005197513 29 11 god god PROPN _005197513 29 12 said say VERB _005197513 29 13 he he PRON _005197513 29 14 would would AUX _005197513 29 15 destroy destroy VERB _005197513 29 16 them they PRON _005197513 29 17 all all PRON _005197513 29 18 except except SCONJ _005197513 29 19 noe noe NUM _005197513 29 20 and and CCONJ _005197513 29 21 his his PRON _005197513 29 22 family family NOUN _005197513 29 23 with with ADP _005197513 29 24 a a DET _005197513 29 25 mighty mighty ADJ _005197513 29 26 flood flood NOUN _005197513 29 27 . . PUNCT _005197513 30 1 god god PROPN _005197513 30 2 saved save VERB _005197513 30 3 noe noe NUM _005197513 30 4 in in ADP _005197513 30 5 the the DET _005197513 30 6 ark ark PROPN _005197513 30 7 . . PUNCT _005197513 31 1 after after SCONJ _005197513 31 2 the the DET _005197513 31 3 flood flood NOUN _005197513 31 4 waters water NOUN _005197513 31 5 had have AUX _005197513 31 6 gone go VERB _005197513 31 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 31 8 noe noe NUM _005197513 31 9 came come VERB _005197513 31 10 out out ADP _005197513 31 11 of of ADP _005197513 31 12 the the DET _005197513 31 13 ark ark NOUN _005197513 31 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 32 1 the the DET _005197513 32 2 first first ADJ _005197513 32 3 thing thing NOUN _005197513 32 4 he he PRON _005197513 32 5 did do VERB _005197513 32 6 was be AUX _005197513 32 7 to to PART _005197513 32 8 build build VERB _005197513 32 9 an an DET _005197513 32 10 altar altar NOUN _005197513 32 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 33 1 he he PRON _005197513 33 2 offered offer VERB _005197513 33 3 to to ADP _005197513 33 4 god god PROPN _005197513 33 5 some some PRON _005197513 33 6 of of ADP _005197513 33 7 the the DET _005197513 33 8 animals animal NOUN _005197513 33 9 he he PRON _005197513 33 10 had have AUX _005197513 33 11 taken take VERB _005197513 33 12 into into ADP _005197513 33 13 the the DET _005197513 33 14 ark ark NOUN _005197513 33 15 by by ADP _005197513 33 16 burning burn VERB _005197513 33 17 them they PRON _005197513 33 18 on on ADP _005197513 33 19 the the DET _005197513 33 20 altar altar NOUN _005197513 33 21 . . PUNCT _005197513 34 1 he he PRON _005197513 34 2 wanted want VERB _005197513 34 3 to to PART _005197513 34 4 show show VERB _005197513 34 5 god god PROPN _005197513 34 6 how how SCONJ _005197513 34 7 thankful thankful ADJ _005197513 34 8 he he PRON _005197513 34 9 was be AUX _005197513 34 10 that that SCONJ _005197513 34 11 he he PRON _005197513 34 12 had have AUX _005197513 34 13 been be AUX _005197513 34 14 spared spare VERB _005197513 34 15 . . PUNCT _005197513 35 1 that that PRON _005197513 35 2 was be AUX _005197513 35 3 the the DET _005197513 35 4 way way NOUN _005197513 35 5 he he PRON _005197513 35 6 said say VERB _005197513 35 7 “ " PUNCT _005197513 35 8 thank thank VERB _005197513 35 9 you you PRON _005197513 35 10 ” " PUNCT _005197513 35 11 to to ADP _005197513 35 12 god god PROPN _005197513 35 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 36 1 and and CCONJ _005197513 36 2 that that PRON _005197513 36 3 was be AUX _005197513 36 4 the the DET _005197513 36 5 way way NOUN _005197513 36 6 he he PRON _005197513 36 7 asked ask VERB _005197513 36 8 god god PROPN _005197513 36 9 for for ADP _005197513 36 10 further further ADJ _005197513 36 11 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 36 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 37 1 god god PROPN _005197513 37 2 was be AUX _005197513 37 3 very very ADV _005197513 37 4 pleased pleased ADJ _005197513 37 5 with with ADP _005197513 37 6 noe noe PROPN _005197513 37 7 ’s ’s PART _005197513 37 8 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 37 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 38 1 page page NOUN _005197513 38 2 four four NUM _005197513 38 3 a a DET _005197513 38 4 king king NOUN _005197513 38 5 who who PRON _005197513 38 6 offered offer VERB _005197513 38 7 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 38 8 of of ADP _005197513 38 9 bread bread NOUN _005197513 38 10 and and CCONJ _005197513 38 11 wine wine NOUN _005197513 38 12 he he PRON _005197513 38 13 promised promise VERB _005197513 38 14 never never ADV _005197513 38 15 again again ADV _005197513 38 16 to to PART _005197513 38 17 destroy destroy VERB _005197513 38 18 all all DET _005197513 38 19 the the DET _005197513 38 20 people people NOUN _005197513 38 21 with with ADP _005197513 38 22 a a DET _005197513 38 23 flood flood NOUN _005197513 38 24 . . PUNCT _005197513 39 1 the the DET _005197513 39 2 rainbow rainbow NOUN _005197513 39 3 was be AUX _005197513 39 4 to to PART _005197513 39 5 be be AUX _005197513 39 6 a a DET _005197513 39 7 sign sign NOUN _005197513 39 8 of of ADP _005197513 39 9 god god PROPN _005197513 39 10 ’s ’s PART _005197513 39 11 promise promise NOUN _005197513 39 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 40 1 after after ADP _005197513 40 2 noe noe NUM _005197513 40 3 ’s ’s PART _005197513 40 4 time time NOUN _005197513 40 5 good good ADJ _005197513 40 6 people people NOUN _005197513 40 7 always always ADV _005197513 40 8 offered offer VERB _005197513 40 9 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 40 10 to to ADP _005197513 40 11 god god PROPN _005197513 40 12 to to PART _005197513 40 13 show show VERB _005197513 40 14 that that SCONJ _005197513 40 15 they they PRON _005197513 40 16 loved love VERB _005197513 40 17 him he PRON _005197513 40 18 . . PUNCT _005197513 41 1 they they PRON _005197513 41 2 also also ADV _005197513 41 3 offered offer VERB _005197513 41 4 their their PRON _005197513 41 5 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 41 6 to to PART _005197513 41 7 ask ask VERB _005197513 41 8 god god PROPN _005197513 41 9 for for ADP _005197513 41 10 favors favor NOUN _005197513 41 11 , , PUNCT _005197513 41 12 to to PART _005197513 41 13 thank thank VERB _005197513 41 14 him he PRON _005197513 41 15 , , PUNCT _005197513 41 16 and and CCONJ _005197513 41 17 to to PART _005197513 41 18 tell tell VERB _005197513 41 19 him he PRON _005197513 41 20 they they PRON _005197513 41 21 were be AUX _005197513 41 22 sorry sorry ADJ _005197513 41 23 for for ADP _005197513 41 24 their their PRON _005197513 41 25 sins sin NOUN _005197513 41 26 . . PUNCT _005197513 42 1 the the DET _005197513 42 2 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 42 3 they they PRON _005197513 42 4 offered offer VERB _005197513 42 5 were be AUX _005197513 42 6 usually usually ADV _005197513 42 7 animals animal NOUN _005197513 42 8 and and CCONJ _005197513 42 9 other other ADJ _005197513 42 10 things thing NOUN _005197513 42 11 that that PRON _005197513 42 12 people people NOUN _005197513 42 13 eat eat VERB _005197513 42 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 43 1 naturally naturally ADV _005197513 43 2 these these DET _005197513 43 3 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 43 4 were be AUX _005197513 43 5 not not PART _005197513 43 6 good good ADJ _005197513 43 7 enough enough ADV _005197513 43 8 for for ADP _005197513 43 9 god god PROPN _005197513 43 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 44 1 but but CCONJ _005197513 44 2 they they PRON _005197513 44 3 were be AUX _005197513 44 4 the the DET _005197513 44 5 best good ADJ _005197513 44 6 that that PRON _005197513 44 7 people people NOUN _005197513 44 8 had have VERB _005197513 44 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 45 1 at at ADP _005197513 45 2 last last ADJ _005197513 45 3 , , PUNCT _005197513 45 4 god god PROPN _005197513 45 5 gave give VERB _005197513 45 6 them they PRON _005197513 45 7 a a DET _005197513 45 8 gift gift NOUN _005197513 45 9 that that PRON _005197513 45 10 was be AUX _005197513 45 11 perpage perpage NOUN _005197513 45 12 five five NUM _005197513 45 13 feet foot NOUN _005197513 45 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 46 1 it it PRON _005197513 46 2 was be AUX _005197513 46 3 his his PRON _005197513 46 4 only only ADJ _005197513 46 5 son son NOUN _005197513 46 6 whom whom PRON _005197513 46 7 he he PRON _005197513 46 8 sent send VERB _005197513 46 9 into into ADP _005197513 46 10 the the DET _005197513 46 11 world world NOUN _005197513 46 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 47 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 47 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 47 3 himself himself PRON _005197513 47 4 to to ADP _005197513 47 5 god god PROPN _005197513 47 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 47 7 offered offer VERB _005197513 47 8 himself himself PRON _005197513 47 9 to to ADP _005197513 47 10 his his PRON _005197513 47 11 father father NOUN _005197513 47 12 all all ADV _005197513 47 13 during during ADP _005197513 47 14 his his PRON _005197513 47 15 life life NOUN _005197513 47 16 , , PUNCT _005197513 47 17 but but CCONJ _005197513 47 18 in in ADP _005197513 47 19 a a DET _005197513 47 20 special special ADJ _005197513 47 21 way way NOUN _005197513 47 22 on on ADP _005197513 47 23 the the DET _005197513 47 24 cross cross NOUN _005197513 47 25 of of ADP _005197513 47 26 calvary calvary NOUN _005197513 47 27 . . PUNCT _005197513 48 1 look look VERB _005197513 48 2 at at ADP _005197513 48 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 48 4 crucified crucify VERB _005197513 48 5 ! ! PUNCT _005197513 49 1 his his PRON _005197513 49 2 body body NOUN _005197513 49 3 is be AUX _005197513 49 4 covered cover VERB _005197513 49 5 with with ADP _005197513 49 6 wounds wound NOUN _005197513 49 7 . . PUNCT _005197513 50 1 see see VERB _005197513 50 2 the the DET _005197513 50 3 wounds wound NOUN _005197513 50 4 of of ADP _005197513 50 5 the the DET _005197513 50 6 scourging scourging NOUN _005197513 50 7 and and CCONJ _005197513 50 8 those those PRON _005197513 50 9 on on ADP _005197513 50 10 his his PRON _005197513 50 11 shoulder shoulder NOUN _005197513 50 12 from from ADP _005197513 50 13 carrying carry VERB _005197513 50 14 the the DET _005197513 50 15 heavy heavy ADJ _005197513 50 16 cross cross NOUN _005197513 50 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 51 1 see see VERB _005197513 51 2 those those PRON _005197513 51 3 in in ADP _005197513 51 4 his his PRON _005197513 51 5 hands hand NOUN _005197513 51 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 51 7 feet foot NOUN _005197513 51 8 made make VERB _005197513 51 9 by by ADP _005197513 51 10 the the DET _005197513 51 11 nails nail NOUN _005197513 51 12 which which PRON _005197513 51 13 fastened fasten VERB _005197513 51 14 him he PRON _005197513 51 15 to to ADP _005197513 51 16 the the DET _005197513 51 17 cross cross NOUN _005197513 51 18 , , PUNCT _005197513 51 19 and and CCONJ _005197513 51 20 those those PRON _005197513 51 21 of of ADP _005197513 51 22 his his PRON _005197513 51 23 sacred sacred ADJ _005197513 51 24 head head NOUN _005197513 51 25 caused cause VERB _005197513 51 26 by by ADP _005197513 51 27 the the DET _005197513 51 28 crown crown NOUN _005197513 51 29 of of ADP _005197513 51 30 thorns thorn NOUN _005197513 51 31 . . PUNCT _005197513 52 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 52 2 hangs hang VERB _005197513 52 3 on on ADP _005197513 52 4 the the DET _005197513 52 5 cross cross NOUN _005197513 52 6 , , PUNCT _005197513 52 7 fastened fasten VERB _005197513 52 8 with with ADP _005197513 52 9 nails nail NOUN _005197513 52 10 , , PUNCT _005197513 52 11 and and CCONJ _005197513 52 12 suffers suffer VERB _005197513 52 13 the the DET _005197513 52 14 greatest great ADJ _005197513 52 15 of of ADP _005197513 52 16 pains pain NOUN _005197513 52 17 for for ADP _005197513 52 18 three three NUM _005197513 52 19 long long ADJ _005197513 52 20 hours hour NOUN _005197513 52 21 . . PUNCT _005197513 53 1 then then ADV _005197513 53 2 he he PRON _005197513 53 3 dies die VERB _005197513 53 4 . . PUNCT _005197513 54 1 does do AUX _005197513 54 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 54 3 have have VERB _005197513 54 4 to to PART _005197513 54 5 suffer suffer VERB _005197513 54 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 54 7 die die VERB _005197513 54 8 ? ? PUNCT _005197513 55 1 no no INTJ _005197513 55 2 , , PUNCT _005197513 55 3 he he PRON _005197513 55 4 offers offer VERB _005197513 55 5 himself himself PRON _005197513 55 6 of of ADP _005197513 55 7 his his PRON _005197513 55 8 own own ADJ _005197513 55 9 free free ADJ _005197513 55 10 will will NOUN _005197513 55 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 56 1 he he PRON _005197513 56 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 56 3 his his PRON _005197513 56 4 body body NOUN _005197513 56 5 . . PUNCT _005197513 57 1 his his PRON _005197513 57 2 head head NOUN _005197513 57 3 is be AUX _005197513 57 4 bowed bow VERB _005197513 57 5 , , PUNCT _005197513 57 6 his his PRON _005197513 57 7 eyes eye NOUN _005197513 57 8 are be AUX _005197513 57 9 closed closed ADJ _005197513 57 10 , , PUNCT _005197513 57 11 his his PRON _005197513 57 12 mouth mouth NOUN _005197513 57 13 is be AUX _005197513 57 14 open open ADJ _005197513 57 15 — — PUNCT _005197513 57 16 he he PRON _005197513 57 17 is be AUX _005197513 57 18 dead dead ADJ _005197513 57 19 . . PUNCT _005197513 58 1 he he PRON _005197513 58 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 58 3 his his PRON _005197513 58 4 blood blood NOUN _005197513 58 5 . . PUNCT _005197513 59 1 drop drop VERB _005197513 59 2 by by ADP _005197513 59 3 drop drop NOUN _005197513 59 4 it it PRON _005197513 59 5 falls fall VERB _005197513 59 6 to to ADP _005197513 59 7 the the DET _005197513 59 8 ground ground NOUN _005197513 59 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 60 1 the the DET _005197513 60 2 last last ADJ _005197513 60 3 drop drop NOUN _005197513 60 4 comes come VERB _005197513 60 5 from from ADP _005197513 60 6 the the DET _005197513 60 7 side side NOUN _005197513 60 8 that that PRON _005197513 60 9 was be AUX _005197513 60 10 pierced pierce VERB _005197513 60 11 by by ADP _005197513 60 12 the the DET _005197513 60 13 soldier soldier NOUN _005197513 60 14 ’s ’s PART _005197513 60 15 lance lance NOUN _005197513 60 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 61 1 he he PRON _005197513 61 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 61 3 his his PRON _005197513 61 4 power power NOUN _005197513 61 5 . . PUNCT _005197513 62 1 he he PRON _005197513 62 2 could could AUX _005197513 62 3 have have AUX _005197513 62 4 helped help VERB _005197513 62 5 himself himself PRON _005197513 62 6 . . PUNCT _005197513 63 1 he he PRON _005197513 63 2 helped help VERB _005197513 63 3 others other NOUN _005197513 63 4 , , PUNCT _005197513 63 5 the the DET _005197513 63 6 sick sick ADJ _005197513 63 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 63 8 the the DET _005197513 63 9 dead dead ADJ _005197513 63 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 64 1 but but CCONJ _005197513 64 2 now now ADV _005197513 64 3 he he PRON _005197513 64 4 does do AUX _005197513 64 5 not not PART _005197513 64 6 want want VERB _005197513 64 7 to to PART _005197513 64 8 use use VERB _005197513 64 9 page page NOUN _005197513 64 10 six six NUM _005197513 64 11 this this DET _005197513 64 12 power power NOUN _005197513 64 13 for for ADP _005197513 64 14 himself himself PRON _005197513 64 15 . . PUNCT _005197513 65 1 he he PRON _005197513 65 2 allows allow VERB _005197513 65 3 his his PRON _005197513 65 4 enemies enemy NOUN _005197513 65 5 to to PART _005197513 65 6 make make VERB _005197513 65 7 fun fun NOUN _005197513 65 8 of of ADP _005197513 65 9 him he PRON _005197513 65 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 66 1 he he PRON _005197513 66 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 66 3 all all PRON _005197513 66 4 to to ADP _005197513 66 5 his his PRON _005197513 66 6 father father NOUN _005197513 66 7 . . PUNCT _005197513 67 1 the the DET _005197513 67 2 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 67 3 of of ADP _005197513 67 4 the the DET _005197513 67 5 cross cross NOUN _005197513 67 6 he he PRON _005197513 67 7 offers offer VERB _005197513 67 8 his his PRON _005197513 67 9 liberty liberty NOUN _005197513 67 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 68 1 he he PRON _005197513 68 2 is be AUX _005197513 68 3 fastened fasten VERB _005197513 68 4 to to ADP _005197513 68 5 « « SPACE _005197513 68 6 / / SYM _005197513 68 7 the the DET _005197513 68 8 cross cross NOUN _005197513 68 9 as as ADP _005197513 68 10 a a DET _005197513 68 11 prisoner prisoner NOUN _005197513 68 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 69 1 he he PRON _005197513 69 2 moves move VERB _005197513 69 3 neither neither CCONJ _005197513 69 4 hand hand NOUN _005197513 69 5 nor nor CCONJ _005197513 69 6 foot foot NOUN _005197513 69 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 69 8 though though SCONJ _005197513 69 9 he he PRON _005197513 69 10 could could AUX _005197513 69 11 have have AUX _005197513 69 12 come come VERB _005197513 69 13 down down ADP _005197513 69 14 from from ADP _005197513 69 15 the the DET _005197513 69 16 cross cross NOUN _005197513 69 17 if if SCONJ _005197513 69 18 he he PRON _005197513 69 19 had have AUX _005197513 69 20 wished wish VERB _005197513 69 21 . . PUNCT _005197513 70 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 70 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 70 3 himself himself PRON _005197513 70 4 entirely entirely ADV _005197513 70 5 on on ADP _005197513 70 6 calvary calvary NOUN _005197513 70 7 . . PUNCT _005197513 71 1 this this PRON _005197513 71 2 is be AUX _005197513 71 3 called call VERB _005197513 71 4 the the DET _005197513 71 5 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 71 6 of of ADP _005197513 71 7 the the DET _005197513 71 8 cross cross NOUN _005197513 71 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 72 1 there there ADV _005197513 72 2 page page VERB _005197513 72 3 seven seven NUM _005197513 72 4 we we PRON _005197513 72 5 see see VERB _005197513 72 6 the the DET _005197513 72 7 three three NUM _005197513 72 8 things thing NOUN _005197513 72 9 needed need VERB _005197513 72 10 for for ADP _005197513 72 11 the the DET _005197513 72 12 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 72 13 — — PUNCT _005197513 72 14 the the DET _005197513 72 15 altar altar NOUN _005197513 72 16 ( ( PUNCT _005197513 72 17 the the DET _005197513 72 18 cross cross NOUN _005197513 72 19 ) ) PUNCT _005197513 72 20 , , PUNCT _005197513 72 21 the the DET _005197513 72 22 gift gift NOUN _005197513 72 23 ( ( PUNCT _005197513 72 24 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 72 25 ) ) PUNCT _005197513 72 26 , , PUNCT _005197513 72 27 the the DET _005197513 72 28 priest priest NOUN _005197513 72 29 ( ( PUNCT _005197513 72 30 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 72 31 ) ) PUNCT _005197513 72 32 . . PUNCT _005197513 73 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 73 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 73 3 himself himself PRON _005197513 73 4 at at ADP _005197513 73 5 the the DET _005197513 73 6 last last ADJ _005197513 73 7 supper supper NOUN _005197513 73 8 the the DET _005197513 73 9 jews jews PROPN _005197513 73 10 had have VERB _005197513 73 11 a a DET _005197513 73 12 great great ADJ _005197513 73 13 feast feast NOUN _005197513 73 14 called call VERB _005197513 73 15 the the DET _005197513 73 16 passover passover PROPN _005197513 73 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 74 1 at at ADP _005197513 74 2 this this DET _005197513 74 3 feast feast NOUN _005197513 74 4 they they PRON _005197513 74 5 used use VERB _005197513 74 6 to to PART _005197513 74 7 offer offer VERB _005197513 74 8 a a DET _005197513 74 9 lamb lamb NOUN _005197513 74 10 to to ADP _005197513 74 11 god god PROPN _005197513 74 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 75 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 75 2 also also ADV _005197513 75 3 celebrated celebrate VERB _005197513 75 4 this this DET _005197513 75 5 feast feast NOUN _005197513 75 6 with with ADP _005197513 75 7 his his PRON _005197513 75 8 apostles apostle NOUN _005197513 75 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 76 1 he he PRON _005197513 76 2 celebrated celebrate VERB _005197513 76 3 it it PRON _005197513 76 4 with with ADP _005197513 76 5 them they PRON _005197513 76 6 for for ADP _005197513 76 7 the the DET _005197513 76 8 last last ADJ _005197513 76 9 time time NOUN _005197513 76 10 the the DET _005197513 76 11 day day NOUN _005197513 76 12 before before ADP _005197513 76 13 his his PRON _005197513 76 14 death death NOUN _005197513 76 15 . . PUNCT _005197513 77 1 this this PRON _005197513 77 2 is be AUX _005197513 77 3 called call VERB _005197513 77 4 the the DET _005197513 77 5 last last ADJ _005197513 77 6 supper supper NOUN _005197513 77 7 . . PUNCT _005197513 78 1 at at ADP _005197513 78 2 the the DET _005197513 78 3 last last ADJ _005197513 78 4 supper supper NOUN _005197513 78 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 78 6 did do VERB _005197513 78 7 something something PRON _005197513 78 8 very very ADV _005197513 78 9 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005197513 78 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 79 1 he he PRON _005197513 79 2 took take VERB _005197513 79 3 bread bread NOUN _005197513 79 4 into into ADP _005197513 79 5 his his PRON _005197513 79 6 hands hand NOUN _005197513 79 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 79 8 blessed bless VERB _005197513 79 9 it it PRON _005197513 79 10 , , PUNCT _005197513 79 11 broke break VERB _005197513 79 12 it it PRON _005197513 79 13 , , PUNCT _005197513 79 14 and and CCONJ _005197513 79 15 gave give VERB _005197513 79 16 it it PRON _005197513 79 17 to to ADP _005197513 79 18 his his PRON _005197513 79 19 apostles apostle NOUN _005197513 79 20 with with ADP _005197513 79 21 the the DET _005197513 79 22 words word NOUN _005197513 79 23 : : PUNCT _005197513 79 24 take take VERB _005197513 79 25 and and CCONJ _005197513 79 26 eat eat VERB _005197513 79 27 ; ; PUNCT _005197513 79 28 this this PRON _005197513 79 29 is be AUX _005197513 79 30 my my PRON _005197513 79 31 body body NOUN _005197513 79 32 then then ADV _005197513 79 33 he he PRON _005197513 79 34 took take VERB _005197513 79 35 the the DET _005197513 79 36 cup cup NOUN _005197513 79 37 of of ADP _005197513 79 38 wine wine NOUN _005197513 79 39 , , PUNCT _005197513 79 40 blessed bless VERB _005197513 79 41 it it PRON _005197513 79 42 and and CCONJ _005197513 79 43 gave give VERB _005197513 79 44 it it PRON _005197513 79 45 to to ADP _005197513 79 46 his his PRON _005197513 79 47 apostles apostle NOUN _005197513 79 48 , , PUNCT _005197513 79 49 saying say VERB _005197513 79 50 : : PUNCT _005197513 79 51 drink drink NOUN _005197513 79 52 of of ADP _005197513 79 53 this this PRON _005197513 79 54 ; ; PUNCT _005197513 79 55 this this PRON _005197513 79 56 is be AUX _005197513 79 57 my my PRON _005197513 79 58 blood blood NOUN _005197513 79 59 and and CCONJ _005197513 79 60 he he PRON _005197513 79 61 added add VERB _005197513 79 62 these these DET _005197513 79 63 words word NOUN _005197513 79 64 : : PUNCT _005197513 79 65 do do VERB _005197513 79 66 this this PRON _005197513 79 67 for for ADP _005197513 79 68 a a DET _005197513 79 69 commemoration commemoration NOUN _005197513 79 70 of of ADP _005197513 79 71 me i PRON _005197513 79 72 by by ADP _005197513 79 73 the the DET _005197513 79 74 words word NOUN _005197513 79 75 “ " PUNCT _005197513 79 76 this this PRON _005197513 79 77 is be AUX _005197513 79 78 my my PRON _005197513 79 79 body body NOUN _005197513 79 80 ” " PUNCT _005197513 79 81 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 79 82 changed change VERB _005197513 79 83 the the DET _005197513 79 84 bread bread NOUN _005197513 79 85 into into ADP _005197513 79 86 his his PRON _005197513 79 87 own own ADJ _005197513 79 88 body body NOUN _005197513 79 89 . . PUNCT _005197513 80 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 80 2 was be AUX _005197513 80 3 present present ADJ _005197513 80 4 there there ADV _005197513 80 5 under under ADP _005197513 80 6 the the DET _005197513 80 7 form form NOUN _005197513 80 8 of of ADP _005197513 80 9 bread bread NOUN _005197513 80 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 81 1 page page NOUN _005197513 81 2 eight eight NUM _005197513 81 3 by by ADP _005197513 81 4 the the DET _005197513 81 5 words word NOUN _005197513 81 6 “ " PUNCT _005197513 81 7 this this PRON _005197513 81 8 is be AUX _005197513 81 9 my my PRON _005197513 81 10 blood blood NOUN _005197513 81 11 ” " PUNCT _005197513 81 12 he he PRON _005197513 81 13 changed change VERB _005197513 81 14 the the DET _005197513 81 15 wine wine NOUN _005197513 81 16 in in ADP _005197513 81 17 the the DET _005197513 81 18 cup cup NOUN _005197513 81 19 into into ADP _005197513 81 20 his his PRON _005197513 81 21 own own ADJ _005197513 81 22 blood blood NOUN _005197513 81 23 . . PUNCT _005197513 82 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 82 2 was be AUX _005197513 82 3 present present ADJ _005197513 82 4 there there ADV _005197513 82 5 under under ADP _005197513 82 6 the the DET _005197513 82 7 form form NOUN _005197513 82 8 of of ADP _005197513 82 9 wine wine NOUN _005197513 82 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 83 1 by by ADP _005197513 83 2 the the DET _005197513 83 3 words word NOUN _005197513 83 4 “ " PUNCT _005197513 83 5 do do VERB _005197513 83 6 this this PRON _005197513 83 7 for for ADP _005197513 83 8 a a DET _005197513 83 9 commemoration commemoration NOUN _005197513 83 10 of of ADP _005197513 83 11 me i PRON _005197513 83 12 ” " PUNCT _005197513 83 13 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 83 14 commanded command VERB _005197513 83 15 his his PRON _005197513 83 16 apostles apostle NOUN _005197513 83 17 to to PART _005197513 83 18 do do VERB _005197513 83 19 what what PRON _005197513 83 20 he he PRON _005197513 83 21 had have AUX _005197513 83 22 done do VERB _005197513 83 23 . . PUNCT _005197513 84 1 he he PRON _005197513 84 2 told tell VERB _005197513 84 3 them they PRON _005197513 84 4 to to PART _005197513 84 5 change change VERB _005197513 84 6 bread bread NOUN _005197513 84 7 and and CCONJ _005197513 84 8 wine wine NOUN _005197513 84 9 into into ADP _005197513 84 10 his his PRON _005197513 84 11 body body NOUN _005197513 84 12 and and CCONJ _005197513 84 13 blood blood NOUN _005197513 84 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 85 1 he he PRON _005197513 85 2 wanted want VERB _005197513 85 3 them they PRON _005197513 85 4 to to PART _005197513 85 5 do do VERB _005197513 85 6 this this PRON _005197513 85 7 so so SCONJ _005197513 85 8 they they PRON _005197513 85 9 would would AUX _005197513 85 10 remember remember VERB _005197513 85 11 him he PRON _005197513 85 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 86 1 page page NOUN _005197513 86 2 nine nine NUM _005197513 86 3 at at ADP _005197513 86 4 the the DET _005197513 86 5 last last ADJ _005197513 86 6 supper supper NOUN _005197513 86 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 86 8 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 86 9 1 1 NUM _005197513 86 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 87 1 blessed bless VERB _005197513 87 2 bread bread NOUN _005197513 87 3 and and CCONJ _005197513 87 4 wine wine NOUN _005197513 88 1 and and CCONJ _005197513 88 2 offered offer VERB _005197513 88 3 them they PRON _005197513 88 4 to to ADP _005197513 88 5 his his PRON _005197513 88 6 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005197513 88 7 father father NOUN _005197513 88 8 — — PUNCT _005197513 88 9 offertory offertory PROPN _005197513 88 10 2 2 NUM _005197513 88 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 88 12 changed change VERB _005197513 88 13 bread bread NOUN _005197513 88 14 and and CCONJ _005197513 88 15 wine wine NOUN _005197513 88 16 into into ADP _005197513 88 17 his his PRON _005197513 88 18 own own ADJ _005197513 88 19 body body NOUN _005197513 88 20 and and CCONJ _005197513 88 21 blood blood NOUN _005197513 88 22 and and CCONJ _005197513 88 23 offered offer VERB _005197513 88 24 himself himself PRON _005197513 88 25 to to ADP _005197513 88 26 his his PRON _005197513 88 27 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005197513 88 28 father father NOUN _005197513 88 29 — — PUNCT _005197513 88 30 consecration consecration NOUN _005197513 88 31 3 3 NUM _005197513 88 32 . . PUNCT _005197513 88 33 gave give VERB _005197513 88 34 his his PRON _005197513 88 35 body body NOUN _005197513 88 36 and and CCONJ _005197513 88 37 blood blood NOUN _005197513 88 38 to to ADP _005197513 88 39 his his PRON _005197513 88 40 apostles apostle NOUN _005197513 88 41 to to PART _005197513 88 42 be be AUX _005197513 88 43 united unite VERB _005197513 88 44 with with ADP _005197513 88 45 them they PRON _005197513 88 46 — — PUNCT _005197513 88 47 communion communion NOUN _005197513 88 48 page page NOUN _005197513 88 49 ten ten NUM _005197513 88 50 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 88 51 offers offer VERB _005197513 88 52 himself himself PRON _005197513 88 53 at at ADP _005197513 88 54 mass mass PROPN _005197513 88 55 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 88 56 said say VERB _005197513 88 57 the the DET _005197513 88 58 first first ADJ _005197513 88 59 mass mass NOUN _005197513 88 60 at at ADP _005197513 88 61 the the DET _005197513 88 62 last last ADJ _005197513 88 63 supper supper NOUN _005197513 88 64 . . PUNCT _005197513 89 1 he he PRON _005197513 89 2 told tell VERB _005197513 89 3 his his PRON _005197513 89 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005197513 89 5 to to PART _005197513 89 6 say say VERB _005197513 89 7 mass mass NOUN _005197513 89 8 just just ADV _005197513 89 9 as as SCONJ _005197513 89 10 he he PRON _005197513 89 11 had have AUX _005197513 89 12 done do VERB _005197513 89 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 90 1 the the DET _005197513 90 2 apostles apostle NOUN _005197513 90 3 did do VERB _005197513 90 4 as as SCONJ _005197513 90 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 90 6 told tell VERB _005197513 90 7 them they PRON _005197513 90 8 to to PART _005197513 90 9 do do VERB _005197513 90 10 , , PUNCT _005197513 90 11 and and CCONJ _005197513 90 12 before before SCONJ _005197513 90 13 they they PRON _005197513 90 14 died die VERB _005197513 90 15 they they PRON _005197513 90 16 gave give VERB _005197513 90 17 this this DET _005197513 90 18 same same ADJ _005197513 90 19 power power NOUN _005197513 90 20 of of ADP _005197513 90 21 saying say VERB _005197513 90 22 mass mass NOUN _005197513 90 23 to to ADP _005197513 90 24 others other NOUN _005197513 90 25 . . PUNCT _005197513 91 1 bishops bishop NOUN _005197513 91 2 and and CCONJ _005197513 91 3 priests priest NOUN _005197513 91 4 have have VERB _005197513 91 5 this this DET _005197513 91 6 same same ADJ _005197513 91 7 power power NOUN _005197513 91 8 today today NOUN _005197513 91 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 92 1 they they PRON _005197513 92 2 say say VERB _005197513 92 3 mass mass NOUN _005197513 92 4 just just ADV _005197513 92 5 as as SCONJ _005197513 92 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 92 7 did do VERB _005197513 92 8 at at ADP _005197513 92 9 the the DET _005197513 92 10 last last ADJ _005197513 92 11 supper supper NOUN _005197513 92 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 93 1 they they PRON _005197513 93 2 1 1 X _005197513 93 3 . . PUNCT _005197513 93 4 bless bless VERB _005197513 93 5 bread bread NOUN _005197513 93 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 93 7 wine wine NOUN _005197513 93 8 and and CCONJ _005197513 93 9 offer offer VERB _005197513 93 10 them they PRON _005197513 93 11 to to ADP _005197513 93 12 god god PROPN _005197513 93 13 — — PUNCT _005197513 93 14 offertory offertory PROPN _005197513 93 15 2 2 NUM _005197513 93 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 93 17 change change VERB _005197513 93 18 bread bread NOUN _005197513 93 19 and and CCONJ _005197513 93 20 wine wine NOUN _005197513 93 21 into into ADP _005197513 93 22 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 93 23 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 93 24 body body NOUN _005197513 93 25 and and CCONJ _005197513 93 26 blood blood NOUN _005197513 93 27 and and CCONJ _005197513 93 28 offer offer VERB _005197513 93 29 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 93 30 to to ADP _005197513 93 31 god god PROPN _005197513 93 32 — — PUNCT _005197513 93 33 consecration consecration NOUN _005197513 93 34 3 3 NUM _005197513 93 35 . . PUNCT _005197513 93 36 receive receive VERB _005197513 93 37 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 93 38 in in ADP _005197513 93 39 holy holy ADJ _005197513 93 40 communion communion NOUN _005197513 93 41 and and CCONJ _005197513 93 42 give give VERB _005197513 93 43 him he PRON _005197513 93 44 to to ADP _005197513 93 45 others other NOUN _005197513 93 46 — — PUNCT _005197513 93 47 communion communion NOUN _005197513 93 48 page page NOUN _005197513 93 49 eleven eleven NUM _005197513 93 50 when when SCONJ _005197513 93 51 we we PRON _005197513 93 52 are be AUX _005197513 93 53 at at ADP _005197513 93 54 mass mass NOUN _005197513 93 55 , , PUNCT _005197513 93 56 it it PRON _005197513 93 57 is be AUX _005197513 93 58 the the DET _005197513 93 59 same same ADJ _005197513 93 60 as as SCONJ _005197513 93 61 if if SCONJ _005197513 93 62 we we PRON _005197513 93 63 were be AUX _005197513 93 64 at at ADP _005197513 93 65 the the DET _005197513 93 66 last last ADJ _005197513 93 67 supper supper NOUN _005197513 93 68 and and CCONJ _005197513 93 69 the the DET _005197513 93 70 same same ADJ _005197513 93 71 as as SCONJ _005197513 93 72 if if SCONJ _005197513 93 73 we we PRON _005197513 93 74 were be AUX _005197513 93 75 beneath beneath ADP _005197513 93 76 the the DET _005197513 93 77 cross cross NOUN _005197513 93 78 of of ADP _005197513 93 79 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 93 80 on on ADP _005197513 93 81 calvary calvary NOUN _005197513 93 82 . . PUNCT _005197513 94 1 it it PRON _005197513 94 2 is be AUX _005197513 94 3 the the DET _005197513 94 4 same same ADJ _005197513 94 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 94 6 who who PRON _005197513 94 7 offers offer VERB _005197513 94 8 himself himself PRON _005197513 94 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 95 1 the the DET _005197513 95 2 priest priest NOUN _005197513 95 3 we we PRON _005197513 95 4 see see VERB _005197513 95 5 at at ADP _005197513 95 6 the the DET _005197513 95 7 altar altar NOUN _005197513 95 8 is be AUX _005197513 95 9 taking take VERB _005197513 95 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 95 11 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 95 12 place place NOUN _005197513 95 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 96 1 he he PRON _005197513 96 2 is be AUX _005197513 96 3 offering offer VERB _005197513 96 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 96 5 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 96 6 body body NOUN _005197513 96 7 and and CCONJ _005197513 96 8 blood blood NOUN _005197513 96 9 to to ADP _005197513 96 10 god god PROPN _005197513 96 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 97 1 the the DET _005197513 97 2 priest priest NOUN _005197513 97 3 at at ADP _005197513 97 4 the the DET _005197513 97 5 altar altar NOUN _005197513 97 6 is be AUX _005197513 97 7 also also ADV _005197513 97 8 taking take VERB _005197513 97 9 our our PRON _005197513 97 10 place place NOUN _005197513 97 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 98 1 he he PRON _005197513 98 2 is be AUX _005197513 98 3 offering offer VERB _005197513 98 4 bread bread NOUN _005197513 98 5 and and CCONJ _005197513 98 6 wine wine NOUN _005197513 98 7 to to ADP _005197513 98 8 god god PROPN _005197513 98 9 for for ADP _005197513 98 10 us we PRON _005197513 98 11 ; ; PUNCT _005197513 98 12 he he PRON _005197513 98 13 is be AUX _005197513 98 14 offering offer VERB _005197513 98 15 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 98 16 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 98 17 body body NOUN _005197513 98 18 and and CCONJ _005197513 98 19 blood blood NOUN _005197513 98 20 to to ADP _005197513 98 21 god god PROPN _005197513 98 22 for for ADP _005197513 98 23 us we PRON _005197513 98 24 . . PUNCT _005197513 99 1 we we PRON _005197513 99 2 join join VERB _005197513 99 3 our our PRON _005197513 99 4 minds mind NOUN _005197513 99 5 and and CCONJ _005197513 99 6 hearts heart NOUN _005197513 99 7 with with ADP _005197513 99 8 the the DET _005197513 99 9 priest priest NOUN _005197513 99 10 at at ADP _005197513 99 11 the the DET _005197513 99 12 altar altar NOUN _005197513 99 13 and and CCONJ _005197513 99 14 offer offer VERB _005197513 99 15 our our PRON _005197513 99 16 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 99 17 to to ADP _005197513 99 18 god god PROPN _005197513 99 19 . . PUNCT _005197513 100 1 we we PRON _005197513 100 2 can can AUX _005197513 100 3 say say VERB _005197513 100 4 : : PUNCT _005197513 100 5 “ " PUNCT _005197513 100 6 dear dear ADJ _005197513 100 7 god god PROPN _005197513 100 8 , , PUNCT _005197513 100 9 i i PRON _005197513 100 10 offer offer VERB _005197513 100 11 bread bread NOUN _005197513 100 12 and and CCONJ _005197513 100 13 wine wine NOUN _005197513 100 14 to to ADP _005197513 100 15 you you PRON _005197513 100 16 ! ! PUNCT _005197513 100 17 ” " PUNCT _005197513 101 1 and and CCONJ _005197513 101 2 later later ADV _005197513 101 3 when when SCONJ _005197513 101 4 the the DET _005197513 101 5 bread bread NOUN _005197513 101 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 101 7 wine wine NOUN _005197513 101 8 have have AUX _005197513 101 9 been be AUX _005197513 101 10 changed change VERB _005197513 101 11 into into ADP _005197513 101 12 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 101 13 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 101 14 body body NOUN _005197513 101 15 and and CCONJ _005197513 101 16 blood blood NOUN _005197513 101 17 we we PRON _005197513 101 18 can can AUX _005197513 101 19 say say VERB _005197513 101 20 : : PUNCT _005197513 101 21 “ " PUNCT _005197513 101 22 dear dear ADJ _005197513 101 23 god god PROPN _005197513 101 24 , , PUNCT _005197513 101 25 i i PRON _005197513 101 26 offer offer VERB _005197513 101 27 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 101 28 to to ADP _005197513 101 29 you you PRON _005197513 101 30 ! ! PUNCT _005197513 101 31 ” " PUNCT _005197513 102 1 how how SCONJ _005197513 102 2 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005197513 102 3 to to PART _005197513 102 4 think think VERB _005197513 102 5 that that SCONJ _005197513 102 6 we we PRON _005197513 102 7 may may AUX _005197513 102 8 offer offer VERB _005197513 102 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 102 10 to to ADP _005197513 102 11 god god PROPN _005197513 102 12 the the DET _005197513 102 13 father father NOUN _005197513 102 14 ! ! PUNCT _005197513 103 1 this this PRON _005197513 103 2 is be AUX _005197513 103 3 the the DET _005197513 103 4 best good ADJ _005197513 103 5 possible possible ADJ _005197513 103 6 gift gift NOUN _005197513 103 7 we we PRON _005197513 103 8 could could AUX _005197513 103 9 offer offer VERB _005197513 103 10 to to ADP _005197513 103 11 god god PROPN _005197513 103 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 104 1 how how SCONJ _005197513 104 2 pleased pleased ADJ _005197513 104 3 god god PROPN _005197513 104 4 must must AUX _005197513 104 5 be be AUX _005197513 104 6 ! ! PUNCT _005197513 105 1 and and CCONJ _005197513 105 2 here here ADV _005197513 105 3 are be AUX _005197513 105 4 some some DET _005197513 105 5 little little ADJ _005197513 105 6 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 105 7 of of ADP _005197513 105 8 our our PRON _005197513 105 9 own own ADJ _005197513 105 10 that that SCONJ _005197513 105 11 we we PRON _005197513 105 12 may may AUX _005197513 105 13 offer offer VERB _005197513 105 14 too too ADV _005197513 105 15 : : PUNCT _005197513 105 16 come come VERB _005197513 105 17 on on ADP _005197513 105 18 time time NOUN _005197513 105 19 to to PART _005197513 105 20 mass mass VERB _005197513 105 21 keep keep VERB _005197513 105 22 our our PRON _005197513 105 23 eyes eye NOUN _005197513 105 24 on on ADP _005197513 105 25 the the DET _005197513 105 26 altar altar NOUN _005197513 105 27 keep keep VERB _005197513 105 28 our our PRON _005197513 105 29 thoughts thought NOUN _005197513 105 30 on on ADP _005197513 105 31 prayer prayer NOUN _005197513 105 32 make make VERB _005197513 105 33 our our PRON _005197513 105 34 hearts heart NOUN _005197513 105 35 ready ready ADJ _005197513 105 36 to to PART _005197513 105 37 receive receive VERB _005197513 105 38 holy holy ADJ _005197513 105 39 communion communion NOUN _005197513 105 40 as as ADV _005197513 105 41 often often ADV _005197513 105 42 as as ADP _005197513 105 43 possible possible ADJ _005197513 105 44 . . PUNCT _005197513 106 1 page page NOUN _005197513 106 2 twelve twelve NUM _005197513 106 3 what what PRON _005197513 106 4 we we PRON _005197513 106 5 see see VERB _005197513 106 6 at at ADP _005197513 106 7 mass mass NOUN _005197513 106 8 every every DET _005197513 106 9 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 106 10 needs need VERB _005197513 106 11 an an DET _005197513 106 12 altar altar NOUN _005197513 106 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 107 1 abel abel PROPN _005197513 107 2 and and CCONJ _005197513 107 3 noe noe NUM _005197513 107 4 offered offer VERB _005197513 107 5 their their PRON _005197513 107 6 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 107 7 to to ADP _005197513 107 8 god god PROPN _005197513 107 9 on on ADP _005197513 107 10 altars altar NOUN _005197513 107 11 which which PRON _005197513 107 12 they they PRON _005197513 107 13 had have AUX _005197513 107 14 made make VERB _005197513 107 15 of of ADP _005197513 107 16 large large ADJ _005197513 107 17 stones stone NOUN _005197513 107 18 out out ADP _005197513 107 19 in in ADP _005197513 107 20 the the DET _005197513 107 21 open open NOUN _005197513 107 22 . . PUNCT _005197513 108 1 when when SCONJ _005197513 108 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 108 3 offered offer VERB _005197513 108 4 himself himself PRON _005197513 108 5 to to ADP _005197513 108 6 his his PRON _005197513 108 7 father father NOUN _005197513 108 8 at at ADP _005197513 108 9 the the DET _005197513 108 10 last last ADJ _005197513 108 11 supper supper NOUN _005197513 108 12 , , PUNCT _005197513 108 13 he he PRON _005197513 108 14 had have VERB _005197513 108 15 an an DET _005197513 108 16 altar altar NOUN _005197513 108 17 — — PUNCT _005197513 108 18 a a DET _005197513 108 19 table table NOUN _005197513 108 20 . . PUNCT _005197513 109 1 page page NOUN _005197513 109 2 thirteen thirteen NUM _005197513 109 3 when when SCONJ _005197513 109 4 he he PRON _005197513 109 5 offered offer VERB _005197513 109 6 himself himself PRON _005197513 109 7 on on ADP _005197513 109 8 calvary calvary NOUN _005197513 109 9 the the DET _005197513 109 10 next next ADJ _005197513 109 11 day day NOUN _005197513 109 12 , , PUNCT _005197513 109 13 he he PRON _005197513 109 14 had have VERB _005197513 109 15 an an DET _005197513 109 16 altar altar NOUN _005197513 109 17 — — PUNCT _005197513 109 18 the the DET _005197513 109 19 cross cross NOUN _005197513 109 20 . . PUNCT _005197513 110 1 so so ADV _005197513 110 2 the the DET _005197513 110 3 priest priest NOUN _005197513 110 4 today today NOUN _005197513 110 5 offers offer VERB _005197513 110 6 the the DET _005197513 110 7 mass mass NOUN _005197513 110 8 to to ADP _005197513 110 9 god god PROPN _005197513 110 10 on on ADP _005197513 110 11 an an DET _005197513 110 12 altar altar NOUN _005197513 110 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 111 1 when when SCONJ _005197513 111 2 you you PRON _005197513 111 3 are be AUX _005197513 111 4 present present ADJ _005197513 111 5 at at ADP _005197513 111 6 mass mass NOUN _005197513 111 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 111 8 always always ADV _005197513 111 9 keep keep VERB _005197513 111 10 your your PRON _005197513 111 11 eyes eye NOUN _005197513 111 12 on on ADP _005197513 111 13 the the DET _005197513 111 14 altar altar NOUN _005197513 111 15 . . PUNCT _005197513 112 1 you you PRON _005197513 112 2 will will AUX _005197513 112 3 notice notice VERB _005197513 112 4 that that SCONJ _005197513 112 5 the the DET _005197513 112 6 altar altar NOUN _005197513 112 7 usually usually ADV _005197513 112 8 has have VERB _005197513 112 9 steps step NOUN _005197513 112 10 leading lead VERB _005197513 112 11 up up ADP _005197513 112 12 to to ADP _005197513 112 13 it it PRON _005197513 112 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 113 1 it it PRON _005197513 113 2 is be AUX _005197513 113 3 raised raise VERB _005197513 113 4 up up ADP _005197513 113 5 to to PART _005197513 113 6 remind remind VERB _005197513 113 7 us we PRON _005197513 113 8 of of ADP _005197513 113 9 calvary calvary NOUN _005197513 113 10 where where SCONJ _005197513 113 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 113 12 offered offer VERB _005197513 113 13 his his PRON _005197513 113 14 body body NOUN _005197513 113 15 and and CCONJ _005197513 113 16 blood blood NOUN _005197513 113 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 114 1 there there PRON _005197513 114 2 is be VERB _005197513 114 3 always always ADV _005197513 114 4 a a DET _005197513 114 5 crucifix crucifix NOUN _005197513 114 6 in in ADP _005197513 114 7 the the DET _005197513 114 8 center center NOUN _005197513 114 9 to to PART _005197513 114 10 tell tell VERB _005197513 114 11 us we PRON _005197513 114 12 that that SCONJ _005197513 114 13 the the DET _005197513 114 14 mass mass NOUN _005197513 114 15 continues continue VERB _005197513 114 16 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 114 17 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 114 18 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 114 19 on on ADP _005197513 114 20 the the DET _005197513 114 21 cross cross NOUN _005197513 114 22 . . PROPN _005197513 115 1 to to ADP _005197513 115 2 the the DET _005197513 115 3 right right NOUN _005197513 115 4 and and CCONJ _005197513 115 5 left leave VERB _005197513 115 6 you you PRON _005197513 115 7 will will AUX _005197513 115 8 see see VERB _005197513 115 9 candles candle NOUN _005197513 115 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 116 1 at at ADP _005197513 116 2 least least ADJ _005197513 116 3 two two NUM _005197513 116 4 must must AUX _005197513 116 5 be be AUX _005197513 116 6 lit light VERB _005197513 116 7 whenever whenever SCONJ _005197513 116 8 mass mass NOUN _005197513 116 9 is be AUX _005197513 116 10 said say VERB _005197513 116 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 117 1 did do AUX _005197513 117 2 you you PRON _005197513 117 3 ever ever ADV _005197513 117 4 notice notice VERB _005197513 117 5 how how SCONJ _005197513 117 6 the the DET _005197513 117 7 candles candle NOUN _005197513 117 8 burn burn VERB _005197513 117 9 ? ? PUNCT _005197513 118 1 shorter short ADJ _005197513 118 2 and and CCONJ _005197513 118 3 shorter short ADJ _005197513 118 4 they they PRON _005197513 118 5 become become VERB _005197513 118 6 . . PUNCT _005197513 119 1 they they PRON _005197513 119 2 burn burn VERB _005197513 119 3 for for ADP _005197513 119 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 119 5 . . PUNCT _005197513 120 1 if if SCONJ _005197513 120 2 they they PRON _005197513 120 3 could could AUX _005197513 120 4 talk talk VERB _005197513 120 5 , , PUNCT _005197513 120 6 they they PRON _005197513 120 7 would would AUX _005197513 120 8 say say VERB _005197513 120 9 : : PUNCT _005197513 120 10 we we PRON _005197513 120 11 are be AUX _005197513 120 12 offering offer VERB _005197513 120 13 ourselves ourselves PRON _005197513 120 14 to to ADP _005197513 120 15 god god PROPN _005197513 120 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 121 1 sometimes sometimes ADV _005197513 121 2 you you PRON _005197513 121 3 see see VERB _005197513 121 4 flowers flower NOUN _005197513 121 5 on on ADP _005197513 121 6 the the DET _005197513 121 7 altar altar NOUN _005197513 121 8 . . PUNCT _005197513 122 1 their their PRON _005197513 122 2 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005197513 122 3 colors color NOUN _005197513 122 4 , , PUNCT _005197513 122 5 their their PRON _005197513 122 6 sweet sweet ADJ _005197513 122 7 perfume perfume NOUN _005197513 122 8 are be AUX _005197513 122 9 their their PRON _005197513 122 10 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 122 11 to to ADP _005197513 122 12 god god PROPN _005197513 122 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 123 1 do do AUX _005197513 123 2 we we PRON _005197513 123 3 act act VERB _005197513 123 4 like like ADP _005197513 123 5 the the DET _005197513 123 6 candles candle NOUN _005197513 123 7 and and CCONJ _005197513 123 8 the the DET _005197513 123 9 flowers flower NOUN _005197513 123 10 at at ADP _005197513 123 11 mass mass NOUN _005197513 123 12 ? ? PUNCT _005197513 124 1 we we PRON _005197513 124 2 have have VERB _005197513 124 3 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 124 4 to to PART _005197513 124 5 make make VERB _005197513 124 6 to to ADP _005197513 124 7 god god PROPN _005197513 124 8 . . PUNCT _005197513 125 1 what what PRON _005197513 125 2 are be AUX _005197513 125 3 they they PRON _005197513 125 4 ? ? PUNCT _005197513 126 1 just just ADV _005197513 126 2 little little ADJ _005197513 126 3 things thing NOUN _005197513 126 4 , , PUNCT _005197513 126 5 like like ADP _005197513 126 6 being be AUX _005197513 126 7 well well ADV _005197513 126 8 - - PUNCT _005197513 126 9 behaved behave VERB _005197513 126 10 in in ADP _005197513 126 11 church church NOUN _005197513 126 12 , , PUNCT _005197513 126 13 obeying obey VERB _005197513 126 14 our our PRON _005197513 126 15 parents parent NOUN _005197513 126 16 and and CCONJ _005197513 126 17 teachers teacher NOUN _005197513 126 18 at at ADP _005197513 126 19 home home NOUN _005197513 126 20 and and CCONJ _005197513 126 21 in in ADP _005197513 126 22 school school NOUN _005197513 126 23 , , PUNCT _005197513 126 24 being be AUX _005197513 126 25 kind kind ADJ _005197513 126 26 to to ADP _005197513 126 27 our our PRON _005197513 126 28 brothers brother NOUN _005197513 126 29 and and CCONJ _005197513 126 30 sisters sister NOUN _005197513 126 31 , , PUNCT _005197513 126 32 getting get VERB _005197513 126 33 along along ADP _005197513 126 34 with with ADP _005197513 126 35 other other ADJ _005197513 126 36 children child NOUN _005197513 126 37 at at ADP _005197513 126 38 play play NOUN _005197513 126 39 and and CCONJ _005197513 126 40 at at ADP _005197513 126 41 work work NOUN _005197513 126 42 . . PUNCT _005197513 127 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005197513 127 2 you you PRON _005197513 127 3 can can AUX _005197513 127 4 think think VERB _005197513 127 5 of of ADP _005197513 127 6 many many ADJ _005197513 127 7 more more ADJ _005197513 127 8 things thing NOUN _005197513 127 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 128 1 mass mass NOUN _005197513 128 2 is be AUX _005197513 128 3 to to PART _005197513 128 4 begin begin VERB _005197513 128 5 . . PUNCT _005197513 129 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005197513 129 2 you you PRON _005197513 129 3 heard hear VERB _005197513 129 4 the the DET _005197513 129 5 bell bell NOUN _005197513 129 6 announcing announce VERB _005197513 129 7 the the DET _005197513 129 8 priest priest NOUN _005197513 129 9 ’s ’s PART _005197513 129 10 entry entry NOUN _005197513 129 11 into into ADP _005197513 129 12 the the DET _005197513 129 13 page page NOUN _005197513 129 14 fourteen fourteen NUM _005197513 129 15 sanctuary sanctuary NOUN _005197513 129 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 130 1 maybe maybe ADV _005197513 130 2 you you PRON _005197513 130 3 saw see VERB _005197513 130 4 the the DET _005197513 130 5 people people NOUN _005197513 130 6 standing stand VERB _005197513 130 7 up up ADP _005197513 130 8 as as SCONJ _005197513 130 9 the the DET _005197513 130 10 priest priest NOUN _005197513 130 11 appeared appear VERB _005197513 130 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 131 1 the the DET _005197513 131 2 priest priest NOUN _005197513 131 3 does do AUX _005197513 131 4 not not PART _005197513 131 5 look look VERB _005197513 131 6 the the DET _005197513 131 7 same same ADJ _005197513 131 8 as as ADP _005197513 131 9 when when SCONJ _005197513 131 10 you you PRON _005197513 131 11 see see VERB _005197513 131 12 him he PRON _005197513 131 13 on on ADP _005197513 131 14 the the DET _005197513 131 15 street street NOUN _005197513 131 16 or or CCONJ _005197513 131 17 in in ADP _005197513 131 18 school school NOUN _005197513 131 19 . . PUNCT _005197513 132 1 he he PRON _005197513 132 2 is be AUX _005197513 132 3 dressed dress VERB _005197513 132 4 differently differently ADV _005197513 132 5 . . PUNCT _005197513 133 1 he he PRON _005197513 133 2 wears wear VERB _005197513 133 3 special special ADJ _005197513 133 4 garments garment NOUN _005197513 133 5 which which PRON _005197513 133 6 we we PRON _005197513 133 7 call call VERB _005197513 133 8 the the DET _005197513 133 9 mass mass NOUN _005197513 133 10 vestments vestment NOUN _005197513 133 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 134 1 they they PRON _005197513 134 2 are be AUX _005197513 134 3 worn wear VERB _005197513 134 4 only only ADV _005197513 134 5 at at ADP _005197513 134 6 mass mass NOUN _005197513 134 7 and and CCONJ _005197513 134 8 they they PRON _005197513 134 9 are be AUX _005197513 134 10 quite quite ADV _005197513 134 11 costly costly ADJ _005197513 134 12 , , PUNCT _005197513 134 13 because because SCONJ _005197513 134 14 at at ADP _005197513 134 15 mass mass NOUN _005197513 134 16 the the DET _005197513 134 17 priest priest NOUN _005197513 134 18 does do VERB _005197513 134 19 something something PRON _005197513 134 20 very very ADV _005197513 134 21 special special ADJ _005197513 134 22 , , PUNCT _005197513 134 23 something something PRON _005197513 134 24 very very ADV _005197513 134 25 holy holy ADJ _005197513 134 26 . . PUNCT _005197513 135 1 page page NOUN _005197513 135 2 rfteen rfteen NOUN _005197513 135 3 the the DET _005197513 135 4 priest priest NOUN _005197513 135 5 is be AUX _005197513 135 6 carrying carry VERB _005197513 135 7 something something PRON _005197513 135 8 in in ADP _005197513 135 9 his his PRON _005197513 135 10 hands hand NOUN _005197513 135 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 136 1 it it PRON _005197513 136 2 is be AUX _005197513 136 3 the the DET _005197513 136 4 chalice chalice NOUN _005197513 136 5 or or CCONJ _005197513 136 6 golden golden ADJ _005197513 136 7 cup cup NOUN _005197513 136 8 , , PUNCT _005197513 136 9 covered cover VERB _005197513 136 10 with with ADP _005197513 136 11 the the DET _005197513 136 12 veil veil NOUN _005197513 136 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 137 1 if if SCONJ _005197513 137 2 you you PRON _005197513 137 3 were be AUX _005197513 137 4 close close ADJ _005197513 137 5 to to ADP _005197513 137 6 the the DET _005197513 137 7 altar altar NOUN _005197513 137 8 you you PRON _005197513 137 9 would would AUX _005197513 137 10 see see VERB _005197513 137 11 that that SCONJ _005197513 137 12 the the DET _005197513 137 13 priest priest NOUN _005197513 137 14 unfolds unfold VERB _005197513 137 15 a a DET _005197513 137 16 square square ADJ _005197513 137 17 linen linen NOUN _005197513 137 18 cloth cloth NOUN _005197513 137 19 called call VERB _005197513 137 20 the the DET _005197513 137 21 corporal corporal NOUN _005197513 137 22 , , PUNCT _005197513 137 23 and and CCONJ _005197513 137 24 places place VERB _005197513 137 25 the the DET _005197513 137 26 chalice chalice NOUN _005197513 137 27 on on ADP _005197513 137 28 this this DET _005197513 137 29 cloth cloth NOUN _005197513 137 30 . . PUNCT _005197513 138 1 he he PRON _005197513 138 2 moves move VERB _005197513 138 3 to to ADP _005197513 138 4 the the DET _005197513 138 5 right right NOUN _005197513 138 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 138 7 opens open VERB _005197513 138 8 the the DET _005197513 138 9 mass mass NOUN _005197513 138 10 book book NOUN _005197513 138 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 139 1 the the DET _005197513 139 2 mass mass NOUN _005197513 139 3 book book NOUN _005197513 139 4 is be AUX _005197513 139 5 written write VERB _005197513 139 6 in in ADP _005197513 139 7 latin latin PROPN _005197513 139 8 , , PUNCT _005197513 139 9 because because SCONJ _005197513 139 10 latin latin PROPN _005197513 139 11 is be AUX _005197513 139 12 the the DET _005197513 139 13 language language NOUN _005197513 139 14 of of ADP _005197513 139 15 the the DET _005197513 139 16 church church NOUN _005197513 139 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 140 1 all all ADV _005197513 140 2 over over ADP _005197513 140 3 the the DET _005197513 140 4 world world NOUN _005197513 140 5 most most ADJ _005197513 140 6 priests priest NOUN _005197513 140 7 say say VERB _005197513 140 8 mass mass NOUN _005197513 140 9 in in ADP _005197513 140 10 latin latin PROPN _005197513 140 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 141 1 the the DET _005197513 141 2 mass mass NOUN _005197513 141 3 book book NOUN _005197513 141 4 contains contain VERB _005197513 141 5 the the DET _005197513 141 6 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 141 7 that that SCONJ _005197513 141 8 the the DET _005197513 141 9 priest priest NOUN _005197513 141 10 says say VERB _005197513 141 11 at at ADP _005197513 141 12 mass mass PROPN _005197513 141 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 142 1 it it PRON _005197513 142 2 also also ADV _005197513 142 3 tells tell VERB _005197513 142 4 him he PRON _005197513 142 5 what what PRON _005197513 142 6 to to PART _005197513 142 7 do do VERB _005197513 142 8 — — PUNCT _005197513 142 9 the the DET _005197513 142 10 bows bow NOUN _005197513 142 11 to to PART _005197513 142 12 make make VERB _005197513 142 13 , , PUNCT _005197513 142 14 the the DET _005197513 142 15 genuflections genuflection NOUN _005197513 142 16 , , PUNCT _005197513 142 17 the the DET _005197513 142 18 signs sign NOUN _005197513 142 19 of of ADP _005197513 142 20 the the DET _005197513 142 21 cross cross NOUN _005197513 142 22 . . PUNCT _005197513 143 1 the the DET _005197513 143 2 things thing NOUN _005197513 143 3 to to PART _005197513 143 4 do do VERB _005197513 143 5 are be AUX _005197513 143 6 printed print VERB _005197513 143 7 in in ADP _005197513 143 8 red red ADJ _005197513 143 9 ink ink NOUN _005197513 143 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 144 1 the the DET _005197513 144 2 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 144 3 and and CCONJ _005197513 144 4 readings reading NOUN _005197513 144 5 are be AUX _005197513 144 6 in in ADP _005197513 144 7 black black ADJ _005197513 144 8 ink ink NOUN _005197513 144 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 145 1 many many ADJ _005197513 145 2 of of ADP _005197513 145 3 the the DET _005197513 145 4 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 145 5 and and CCONJ _005197513 145 6 readings reading NOUN _005197513 145 7 are be AUX _005197513 145 8 taken take VERB _005197513 145 9 from from ADP _005197513 145 10 the the DET _005197513 145 11 bible bible NOUN _005197513 145 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 146 1 the the DET _005197513 146 2 bible bible PROPN _005197513 146 3 is be AUX _005197513 146 4 the the DET _005197513 146 5 word word NOUN _005197513 146 6 of of ADP _005197513 146 7 god god PROPN _005197513 146 8 . . PUNCT _005197513 147 1 so so ADV _005197513 147 2 the the DET _005197513 147 3 mass mass NOUN _005197513 147 4 book book NOUN _005197513 147 5 is be AUX _005197513 147 6 a a DET _005197513 147 7 holy holy ADJ _005197513 147 8 book book NOUN _005197513 147 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 148 1 notice notice VERB _005197513 148 2 that that SCONJ _005197513 148 3 the the DET _005197513 148 4 priest priest NOUN _005197513 148 5 kisses kiss VERB _005197513 148 6 the the DET _005197513 148 7 book book NOUN _005197513 148 8 at at ADP _005197513 148 9 the the DET _005197513 148 10 end end NOUN _005197513 148 11 of of ADP _005197513 148 12 the the DET _005197513 148 13 gospel gospel NOUN _005197513 148 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 149 1 though though SCONJ _005197513 149 2 the the DET _005197513 149 3 mass mass NOUN _005197513 149 4 book book NOUN _005197513 149 5 which which PRON _005197513 149 6 the the DET _005197513 149 7 priest priest NOUN _005197513 149 8 uses use VERB _005197513 149 9 at at ADP _005197513 149 10 the the DET _005197513 149 11 altar altar NOUN _005197513 149 12 is be AUX _005197513 149 13 in in ADP _005197513 149 14 latin latin PROPN _005197513 149 15 , , PUNCT _005197513 149 16 you you PRON _005197513 149 17 can can AUX _005197513 149 18 get get VERB _005197513 149 19 one one NUM _005197513 149 20 that that PRON _005197513 149 21 has have VERB _005197513 149 22 the the DET _005197513 149 23 same same ADJ _005197513 149 24 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 149 25 in in ADP _005197513 149 26 english english PROPN _005197513 149 27 . . PUNCT _005197513 150 1 would would AUX _005197513 150 2 n’t not PART _005197513 150 3 you you PRON _005197513 150 4 like like VERB _005197513 150 5 to to PART _005197513 150 6 read read VERB _005197513 150 7 the the DET _005197513 150 8 same same ADJ _005197513 150 9 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 150 10 the the DET _005197513 150 11 priest priest NOUN _005197513 150 12 does do VERB _005197513 150 13 when when SCONJ _005197513 150 14 you you PRON _005197513 150 15 are be AUX _005197513 150 16 at at ADP _005197513 150 17 mass mass NOUN _005197513 150 18 ? ? PUNCT _005197513 151 1 when when SCONJ _005197513 151 2 you you PRON _005197513 151 3 learn learn VERB _005197513 151 4 more more ADJ _005197513 151 5 about about ADP _005197513 151 6 the the DET _005197513 151 7 mass mass NOUN _005197513 151 8 you you PRON _005197513 151 9 can can AUX _005197513 151 10 do do VERB _005197513 151 11 so so ADV _005197513 151 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 152 1 ask ask VERB _005197513 152 2 your your PRON _005197513 152 3 parents parent NOUN _005197513 152 4 or or CCONJ _005197513 152 5 your your PRON _005197513 152 6 teacher teacher NOUN _005197513 152 7 about about ADP _005197513 152 8 the the DET _005197513 152 9 english english PROPN _005197513 152 10 mass mass NOUN _005197513 152 11 book book NOUN _005197513 152 12 or or CCONJ _005197513 152 13 missal missal NOUN _005197513 152 14 as as SCONJ _005197513 152 15 it it PRON _005197513 152 16 is be AUX _005197513 152 17 called call VERB _005197513 152 18 . . PUNCT _005197513 153 1 page page NOUN _005197513 153 2 sixteen sixteen NUM _005197513 153 3 what what PRON _005197513 153 4 we we PRON _005197513 153 5 do do VERB _005197513 153 6 at at ADP _005197513 153 7 mass mass NOUN _005197513 153 8 we we PRON _005197513 153 9 go go VERB _005197513 153 10 to to PART _005197513 153 11 mass mass VERB _005197513 153 12 not not PART _005197513 153 13 merely merely ADV _005197513 153 14 to to PART _005197513 153 15 pray pray VERB _005197513 153 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 154 1 we we PRON _005197513 154 2 go go VERB _005197513 154 3 to to PART _005197513 154 4 offer offer VERB _005197513 154 5 god god PROPN _005197513 154 6 our our PRON _005197513 154 7 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 154 8 . . PUNCT _005197513 155 1 first first ADV _005197513 155 2 we we PRON _005197513 155 3 offer offer VERB _005197513 155 4 god god PROPN _005197513 155 5 bread bread NOUN _005197513 155 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 155 7 wine wine NOUN _005197513 155 8 and and CCONJ _005197513 155 9 with with ADP _005197513 155 10 them they PRON _005197513 155 11 ourselves ourselves PRON _005197513 155 12 , , PUNCT _005197513 155 13 our our PRON _005197513 155 14 mind mind NOUN _005197513 155 15 , , PUNCT _005197513 155 16 our our PRON _005197513 155 17 heart heart NOUN _005197513 155 18 , , PUNCT _005197513 155 19 our our PRON _005197513 155 20 will will NOUN _005197513 155 21 . . PUNCT _005197513 156 1 but but CCONJ _005197513 156 2 our our PRON _005197513 156 3 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 156 4 of of ADP _005197513 156 5 bread bread NOUN _005197513 156 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 156 7 wine wine NOUN _005197513 156 8 are be AUX _005197513 156 9 made make VERB _005197513 156 10 perfect perfect ADJ _005197513 156 11 at at ADP _005197513 156 12 the the DET _005197513 156 13 consecration consecration NOUN _005197513 156 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 157 1 they they PRON _005197513 157 2 become become VERB _005197513 157 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 157 4 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 157 5 body body NOUN _005197513 157 6 and and CCONJ _005197513 157 7 blood blood NOUN _005197513 157 8 . . PUNCT _005197513 158 1 page page NOUN _005197513 158 2 seventeen seventeen NUM _005197513 158 3 then then ADV _005197513 158 4 we we PRON _005197513 158 5 can can AUX _005197513 158 6 offer offer VERB _005197513 158 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 158 8 himself himself PRON _005197513 158 9 to to ADP _005197513 158 10 our our PRON _005197513 158 11 father father NOUN _005197513 158 12 in in ADP _005197513 158 13 heaven heaven PROPN _005197513 158 14 . . PUNCT _005197513 159 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005197513 159 2 you you PRON _005197513 159 3 wonder wonder VERB _005197513 159 4 how how SCONJ _005197513 159 5 you you PRON _005197513 159 6 do do VERB _005197513 159 7 that that PRON _005197513 159 8 when when SCONJ _005197513 159 9 you you PRON _005197513 159 10 are be AUX _005197513 159 11 kneeling kneel VERB _005197513 159 12 so so ADV _005197513 159 13 far far ADV _005197513 159 14 away away ADV _005197513 159 15 from from ADP _005197513 159 16 the the DET _005197513 159 17 altar altar NOUN _005197513 159 18 . . PUNCT _005197513 160 1 remember remember VERB _005197513 160 2 the the DET _005197513 160 3 priest priest NOUN _005197513 160 4 you you PRON _005197513 160 5 see see VERB _005197513 160 6 at at ADP _005197513 160 7 the the DET _005197513 160 8 altar altar NOUN _005197513 160 9 is be AUX _005197513 160 10 the the DET _005197513 160 11 one one NUM _005197513 160 12 who who PRON _005197513 160 13 holds hold VERB _005197513 160 14 our our PRON _005197513 160 15 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 160 16 of of ADP _005197513 160 17 bread bread NOUN _005197513 160 18 and and CCONJ _005197513 160 19 wine wine NOUN _005197513 160 20 . . PUNCT _005197513 161 1 he he PRON _005197513 161 2 is be AUX _005197513 161 3 the the DET _005197513 161 4 one one NUM _005197513 161 5 who who PRON _005197513 161 6 speaks speak VERB _005197513 161 7 the the DET _005197513 161 8 words word NOUN _005197513 161 9 of of ADP _005197513 161 10 consecration consecration NOUN _005197513 161 11 and and CCONJ _005197513 161 12 brings bring VERB _005197513 161 13 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 161 14 to to ADP _005197513 161 15 the the DET _005197513 161 16 altar altar NOUN _005197513 161 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 162 1 he he PRON _005197513 162 2 page page VERB _005197513 162 3 eighteen eighteen NUM _005197513 162 4 holds hold VERB _005197513 162 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 162 6 in in ADP _005197513 162 7 his his PRON _005197513 162 8 hands hand NOUN _005197513 162 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 163 1 he he PRON _005197513 163 2 offers offer VERB _005197513 163 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 163 4 to to ADP _005197513 163 5 god god PROPN _005197513 163 6 for for ADP _005197513 163 7 us we PRON _005197513 163 8 . . PUNCT _005197513 164 1 at at ADP _005197513 164 2 mass mass NOUN _005197513 164 3 we we PRON _005197513 164 4 should should AUX _005197513 164 5 watch watch VERB _005197513 164 6 the the DET _005197513 164 7 priest priest NOUN _005197513 164 8 closely closely ADV _005197513 164 9 . . PUNCT _005197513 165 1 we we PRON _005197513 165 2 should should AUX _005197513 165 3 pray pray VERB _005197513 165 4 with with ADP _005197513 165 5 him he PRON _005197513 165 6 . . PUNCT _005197513 166 1 we we PRON _005197513 166 2 should should AUX _005197513 166 3 offer offer VERB _005197513 166 4 our our PRON _005197513 166 5 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 166 6 with with ADP _005197513 166 7 him he PRON _005197513 166 8 . . PUNCT _005197513 167 1 on on ADP _005197513 167 2 the the DET _005197513 167 3 next next ADJ _005197513 167 4 pages page NOUN _005197513 167 5 you you PRON _005197513 167 6 will will AUX _005197513 167 7 see see VERB _005197513 167 8 what what PRON _005197513 167 9 the the DET _005197513 167 10 priest priest NOUN _005197513 167 11 says say VERB _005197513 167 12 and and CCONJ _005197513 167 13 does do VERB _005197513 167 14 and and CCONJ _005197513 167 15 what what PRON _005197513 167 16 you you PRON _005197513 167 17 should should AUX _005197513 167 18 do do VERB _005197513 167 19 at at ADP _005197513 167 20 mass mass PROPN _005197513 167 21 . . PUNCT _005197513 168 1 page page NOUN _005197513 168 2 nineteen nineteen NUM _005197513 168 3 the the DET _005197513 168 4 priest priest NOUN _005197513 168 5 our our PRON _005197513 168 6 part part NOUN _005197513 168 7 recites recite VERB _005197513 168 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 168 9 at at ADP _005197513 168 10 the the DET _005197513 168 11 foot foot NOUN _005197513 168 12 of of ADP _005197513 168 13 the the DET _005197513 168 14 altar altar NOUN _005197513 168 15 lord lord PROPN _005197513 168 16 have have VERB _005197513 168 17 mercy mercy NOUN _005197513 168 18 glory glory NOUN _005197513 168 19 to to ADP _005197513 168 20 god god PROPN _005197513 168 21 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 168 22 of of ADP _005197513 168 23 asking ask VERB _005197513 168 24 we we PRON _005197513 168 25 pray pray VERB _005197513 168 26 telling tell VERB _005197513 168 27 god god PROPN _005197513 168 28 we we PRON _005197513 168 29 are be AUX _005197513 168 30 sorr\ sorr\ VERB _005197513 168 31 for for SCONJ _005197513 168 32 our our PRON _005197513 168 33 sins sin NOUN _005197513 168 34 telling tell VERB _005197513 168 35 him he PRON _005197513 168 36 we we PRON _005197513 168 37 love love VERB _005197513 168 38 him he PRON _005197513 168 39 asking ask VERB _005197513 168 40 for for ADP _005197513 168 41 the the DET _005197513 168 42 graces grace NOUN _005197513 168 43 jesu jesu PROPN _005197513 168 44 . . PUNCT _005197513 168 45 ' ' PUNCT _005197513 169 1 earned earn VERB _005197513 169 2 for for ADP _005197513 169 3 us we PRON _005197513 169 4 the the DET _005197513 169 5 priest priest NOUN _005197513 169 6 reads read VERB _005197513 169 7 the the DET _005197513 169 8 epistle epistle NOUN _005197513 169 9 the the DET _005197513 169 10 gospel gospel NOUN _005197513 169 11 i i PRON _005197513 169 12 believe believe VERB _005197513 169 13 p«9 p«9 PROPN _005197513 169 14 * * PUNCT _005197513 169 15 twenty twenty NUM _005197513 169 16 our our PRON _005197513 169 17 part part NOUN _005197513 169 18 we we PRON _005197513 169 19 learn learn VERB _005197513 169 20 what what PRON _005197513 169 21 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 169 22 has have AUX _005197513 169 23 done do VERB _005197513 169 24 for for ADP _005197513 169 25 us we PRON _005197513 169 26 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 27 what what PRON _005197513 169 28 we we PRON _005197513 169 29 are be AUX _005197513 169 30 to to PART _005197513 169 31 do do VERB _005197513 169 32 for for ADP _005197513 169 33 him he PRON _005197513 169 34 the the DET _005197513 169 35 priest priest NOUN _005197513 169 36 offers offer VERB _005197513 169 37 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 38 prays pray VERB _005197513 169 39 offertory offertory NOUN _005197513 169 40 ( ( PUNCT _005197513 169 41 bread bread NOUN _005197513 169 42 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 43 wine wine NOUN _005197513 169 44 ) ) PUNCT _005197513 169 45 the the DET _005197513 169 46 priest priest NOUN _005197513 169 47 washes wash VERB _005197513 169 48 his his PRON _005197513 169 49 hands hand NOUN _005197513 169 50 secret secret ADJ _005197513 169 51 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 169 52 our our PRON _005197513 169 53 part part NOUN _005197513 169 54 we we PRON _005197513 169 55 offer offer VERB _005197513 169 56 ourselves ourselves PRON _005197513 169 57 entirely entirely ADV _005197513 169 58 to to ADP _005197513 169 59 god god PROPN _005197513 169 60 bread bread NOUN _005197513 169 61 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 62 wine wine NOUN _005197513 169 63 are be AUX _005197513 169 64 our our PRON _005197513 169 65 gifts gift NOUN _005197513 169 66 to to PART _005197513 169 67 show show VERB _005197513 169 68 this this PRON _005197513 169 69 the the DET _005197513 169 70 priest priest NOUN _005197513 169 71 our our PRON _005197513 169 72 part part NOUN _005197513 169 73 prays pray VERB _005197513 169 74 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 75 offers offer VERB _005197513 169 76 holy holy ADJ _005197513 169 77 , , PUNCT _005197513 169 78 holy holy ADJ _005197513 169 79 , , PUNCT _005197513 169 80 holy holy ADJ _005197513 169 81 prayer prayer NOUN _005197513 169 82 for for ADP _005197513 169 83 the the DET _005197513 169 84 living live VERB _005197513 169 85 consecration consecration NOUN _005197513 169 86 ( ( PUNCT _005197513 169 87 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 169 88 ’ ' PUNCT _005197513 169 89 body body NOUN _005197513 169 90 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 91 blood blood NOUN _005197513 169 92 ) ) PUNCT _005197513 169 93 prayer prayer NOUN _005197513 169 94 for for ADP _005197513 169 95 the the DET _005197513 169 96 dead dead ADJ _005197513 169 97 we we PRON _005197513 169 98 offer offer VERB _005197513 169 99 the the DET _005197513 169 100 best good ADJ _005197513 169 101 possible possible ADJ _005197513 169 102 gift gift NOUN _005197513 169 103 , , PUNCT _005197513 169 104 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 169 105 himself himself PRON _005197513 169 106 who who PRON _005197513 169 107 changed change VERB _005197513 169 108 bread bread NOUN _005197513 169 109 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 110 wine wine NOUN _005197513 169 111 into into ADP _005197513 169 112 his his PRON _005197513 169 113 own own ADJ _005197513 169 114 body body NOUN _005197513 169 115 and and CCONJ _005197513 169 116 blood blood NOUN _005197513 170 1 pag pag PROPN _005197513 170 2 © © PROPN _005197513 170 3 twenty twenty NUM _005197513 170 4 - - PUNCT _005197513 170 5 one one NUM _005197513 170 6 the the DET _005197513 170 7 priest priest NOUN _005197513 170 8 our our PRON _005197513 170 9 part part NOUN _005197513 170 10 prays pray VERB _005197513 171 1 and and CCONJ _005197513 172 1 receives receive VERB _005197513 172 2 the the DET _005197513 172 3 our our PRON _005197513 172 4 father father PROPN _005197513 172 5 lamb lamb PROPN _005197513 172 6 of of ADP _005197513 172 7 god god PROPN _005197513 172 8 communion communion NOUN _005197513 172 9 after after ADP _005197513 172 10 - - PUNCT _005197513 172 11 communion communion NOUN _005197513 172 12 prayers prayer NOUN _005197513 172 13 we we PRON _005197513 172 14 receive receive VERB _005197513 172 15 the the DET _005197513 172 16 best good ADJ _005197513 172 17 gift gift NOUN _005197513 172 18 god god PROPN _005197513 172 19 could could AUX _005197513 172 20 give give VERB _005197513 172 21 us we PRON _005197513 172 22 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 172 23 in in ADP _005197513 172 24 holy holy ADJ _005197513 172 25 communion communion NOUN _005197513 172 26 we we PRON _005197513 172 27 are be AUX _005197513 172 28 in in ADP _005197513 172 29 god god PROPN _005197513 172 30 and and CCONJ _005197513 172 31 god god PROPN _005197513 172 32 is be AUX _005197513 172 33 in in ADP _005197513 172 34 us we PRON _005197513 172 35 the the DET _005197513 172 36 priest priest NOUN _005197513 172 37 the the DET _005197513 172 38 blessing blessing NOUN _005197513 172 39 the the DET _005197513 172 40 last last ADJ _005197513 172 41 gospel gospel NOUN _005197513 172 42 our our PRON _005197513 172 43 part part NOUN _005197513 172 44 we we PRON _005197513 172 45 leave leave VERB _005197513 172 46 mass mass NOUN _005197513 172 47 as as ADP _005197513 172 48 children child NOUN _005197513 172 49 of of ADP _005197513 172 50 god god PROPN _005197513 172 51 . . PUNCT _005197513 173 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 173 2 is be AUX _005197513 173 3 with with ADP _005197513 173 4 us we PRON _005197513 173 5 , , PUNCT _005197513 173 6 we we PRON _005197513 173 7 should should AUX _005197513 173 8 be be AUX _005197513 173 9 like like ADP _005197513 173 10 him he PRON _005197513 173 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 174 1 pag pag PROPN _005197513 174 2 * * PROPN _005197513 174 3 twenty twenty NUM _005197513 174 4 - - PUNCT _005197513 174 5 two two NUM _005197513 174 6 why why SCONJ _005197513 174 7 we we PRON _005197513 174 8 should should AUX _005197513 174 9 go go VERB _005197513 174 10 to to ADP _005197513 174 11 sunday sunday PROPN _005197513 174 12 mass mass NOUN _005197513 174 13 we we PRON _005197513 174 14 honor honor VERB _005197513 174 15 god god PROPN _005197513 174 16 by by ADP _005197513 174 17 going go VERB _005197513 174 18 to to PART _005197513 174 19 mass mass VERB _005197513 174 20 . . PUNCT _005197513 175 1 the the DET _005197513 175 2 mass mass NOUN _005197513 175 3 gives give VERB _005197513 175 4 god god PROPN _005197513 175 5 the the DET _005197513 175 6 best good ADJ _005197513 175 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 175 8 the the DET _005197513 175 9 highest high ADJ _005197513 175 10 honor honor NOUN _005197513 175 11 . . PUNCT _005197513 176 1 we we PRON _005197513 176 2 should should AUX _005197513 176 3 be be AUX _005197513 176 4 glad glad ADJ _005197513 176 5 to to PART _005197513 176 6 honor honor VERB _005197513 176 7 god god PROPN _005197513 176 8 because because SCONJ _005197513 176 9 he he PRON _005197513 176 10 is be AUX _005197513 176 11 so so ADV _005197513 176 12 powerful powerful ADJ _005197513 176 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 177 1 he he PRON _005197513 177 2 made make VERB _005197513 177 3 all all DET _005197513 177 4 things thing NOUN _005197513 177 5 . . PUNCT _005197513 178 1 page page NOUN _005197513 178 2 twenty twenty NUM _005197513 178 3 - - PUNCT _005197513 178 4 three three NUM _005197513 178 5 we we PRON _005197513 178 6 should should AUX _005197513 178 7 be be AUX _005197513 178 8 glad glad ADJ _005197513 178 9 to to PART _005197513 178 10 honor honor VERB _005197513 178 11 god god PROPN _005197513 178 12 because because SCONJ _005197513 178 13 he he PRON _005197513 178 14 is be AUX _005197513 178 15 so so ADV _005197513 178 16 good good ADJ _005197513 178 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 179 1 he he PRON _005197513 179 2 gives give VERB _005197513 179 3 us we PRON _005197513 179 4 everything everything PRON _005197513 179 5 we we PRON _005197513 179 6 have have VERB _005197513 179 7 . . PUNCT _005197513 180 1 he he PRON _005197513 180 2 wants want VERB _005197513 180 3 to to PART _005197513 180 4 make make VERB _005197513 180 5 us we PRON _005197513 180 6 happy happy ADJ _005197513 180 7 forever forever ADV _005197513 180 8 in in ADP _005197513 180 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005197513 180 10 . . PUNCT _005197513 181 1 the the DET _005197513 181 2 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197513 181 3 of of ADP _005197513 181 4 the the DET _005197513 181 5 mass mass NOUN _005197513 181 6 is be AUX _005197513 181 7 the the DET _005197513 181 8 best good ADJ _005197513 181 9 gift gift NOUN _005197513 181 10 we we PRON _005197513 181 11 can can AUX _005197513 181 12 offer offer VERB _005197513 181 13 to to ADP _005197513 181 14 god god PROPN _005197513 181 15 . . PUNCT _005197513 182 1 it it PRON _005197513 182 2 is be AUX _005197513 182 3 infinitely infinitely ADV _005197513 182 4 better well ADJ _005197513 182 5 than than SCONJ _005197513 182 6 the the DET _005197513 182 7 lamb lamb PROPN _005197513 182 8 abel abel PROPN _005197513 182 9 offered offer VERB _005197513 182 10 to to ADP _005197513 182 11 god god PROPN _005197513 182 12 . . PUNCT _005197513 183 1 it it PRON _005197513 183 2 is be AUX _005197513 183 3 infinitely infinitely ADV _005197513 183 4 better well ADJ _005197513 183 5 than than ADP _005197513 183 6 the the DET _005197513 183 7 gift gift NOUN _005197513 183 8 noe noe NUM _005197513 183 9 offered offer VERB _005197513 183 10 to to ADP _005197513 183 11 god god PROPN _005197513 183 12 after after ADP _005197513 183 13 the the DET _005197513 183 14 flood flood NOUN _005197513 183 15 . . PUNCT _005197513 184 1 it it PRON _005197513 184 2 is be AUX _005197513 184 3 the the DET _005197513 184 4 best good ADJ _005197513 184 5 possible possible ADJ _005197513 184 6 gift gift NOUN _005197513 184 7 , , PUNCT _005197513 184 8 because because SCONJ _005197513 184 9 at at ADP _005197513 184 10 mass mass NOUN _005197513 184 11 we we PRON _005197513 184 12 offer offer VERB _005197513 184 13 jesus jesus PROPN _005197513 184 14 himself himself PRON _005197513 184 15 to to ADP _005197513 184 16 god god PROPN _005197513 184 17 the the DET _005197513 184 18 father father NOUN _005197513 184 19 . . PUNCT _005197513 185 1 i i PRON _005197513 185 2 ' ' VERB _005197513 185 3 we we PRON _005197513 185 4 receive receive VERB _005197513 185 5 great great ADJ _005197513 185 6 graces grace NOUN _005197513 185 7 and and CCONJ _005197513 185 8 blessings blessing NOUN _005197513 185 9 by by ADP _005197513 185 10 going go VERB _005197513 185 11 to to PART _005197513 185 12 mass mass VERB _005197513 185 13 . . PUNCT _005197513 186 1 some some PRON _005197513 186 2 of of ADP _005197513 186 3 these these DET _005197513 186 4 graces grace NOUN _005197513 186 5 are be AUX _005197513 186 6 : : PUNCT _005197513 186 7 grace grace NOUN _005197513 186 8 to to PART _005197513 186 9 make make VERB _005197513 186 10 us we PRON _005197513 186 11 sorry sorry ADJ _005197513 186 12 for for ADP _005197513 186 13 our our PRON _005197513 186 14 sins sin NOUN _005197513 186 15 , , PUNCT _005197513 186 16 to to PART _005197513 186 17 keep keep VERB _005197513 186 18 us we PRON _005197513 186 19 good good ADJ _005197513 186 20 , , PUNCT _005197513 186 21 to to PART _005197513 186 22 make make VERB _005197513 186 23 us we PRON _005197513 186 24 better well ADV _005197513 186 25 , , PUNCT _005197513 186 26 to to PART _005197513 186 27 help help VERB _005197513 186 28 us we PRON _005197513 186 29 reach reach VERB _005197513 186 30 heaven heaven PROPN _005197513 186 31 . . PUNCT _005197513 187 1 some some PRON _005197513 187 2 of of ADP _005197513 187 3 the the DET _005197513 187 4 blessings blessing NOUN _005197513 187 5 are be AUX _005197513 187 6 : : PUNCT _005197513 187 7 health health NOUN _005197513 187 8 , , PUNCT _005197513 187 9 kind kind ADJ _005197513 187 10 parents parent NOUN _005197513 187 11 , , PUNCT _005197513 187 12 good good ADJ _005197513 187 13 brothers brother NOUN _005197513 187 14 and and CCONJ _005197513 187 15 sisters sister NOUN _005197513 187 16 , , PUNCT _005197513 187 17 teachers teacher NOUN _005197513 187 18 who who PRON _005197513 187 19 tell tell VERB _005197513 187 20 us we PRON _005197513 187 21 about about ADP _005197513 187 22 god god PROPN _005197513 187 23 . . PUNCT _005197513 188 1 we we PRON _005197513 188 2 do do VERB _005197513 188 3 a a DET _005197513 188 4 great great ADJ _005197513 188 5 amount amount NOUN _005197513 188 6 of of ADP _005197513 188 7 harm harm NOUN _005197513 188 8 to to ADP _005197513 188 9 our our PRON _005197513 188 10 souls soul NOUN _005197513 188 11 by by ADP _005197513 188 12 not not PART _005197513 188 13 going go VERB _005197513 188 14 to to ADP _005197513 188 15 sunday sunday PROPN _005197513 188 16 mass mass PROPN _005197513 188 17 . . PUNCT _005197513 189 1 to to PART _005197513 189 2 miss miss VERB _005197513 189 3 mass mass NOUN _005197513 189 4 on on ADP _005197513 189 5 sundays sunday NOUN _005197513 189 6 or or CCONJ _005197513 189 7 holydays holyday NOUN _005197513 189 8 through through ADP _005197513 189 9 our our PRON _005197513 189 10 own own ADJ _005197513 189 11 fault fault NOUN _005197513 189 12 is be AUX _005197513 189 13 a a DET _005197513 189 14 mortal mortal ADJ _005197513 189 15 sin sin NOUN _005197513 189 16 . . PUNCT _005197513 190 1 si si PROPN _005197513 190 2 ' ' PUNCT _005197513 190 3 i i PRON _005197513 190 4 page page VERB _005197513 190 5 twenty twenty NUM _005197513 190 6 four four NUM _005197513 190 7 •. •. NOUN _005197513 190 8 > > X