id sid tid token lemma pos _005197432 1 1 can can AUX _005197432 1 2 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 1 3 unite unite VERB _005197432 1 4 with with ADP _005197432 1 5 rome rome PROPN _005197432 1 6 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 2 1 £ £ SYM _005197432 2 2 3 3 NUM _005197432 2 3 01 01 NUM _005197432 2 4 $ $ NOUN _005197432 2 5 ’ ' PUNCT _005197432 2 6 ! ! PUNCT _005197432 3 1 uccicflcin uccicflcin PROPN _005197432 3 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 3 3 wt wt PROPN _005197432 3 4 . . PROPN _005197432 3 5 h h PROPN _005197432 3 6 cclf cclf PROPN _005197432 3 7 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 3 8 a a DET _005197432 3 9 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 3 10 ooj ooj NOUN _005197432 3 11 hccun hccun PROPN _005197432 4 1 i i PRON _005197432 4 2 s»v s»v VERB _005197432 4 3 > > X _005197432 5 1 ajst^07h ajst^07h NUM _005197432 5 2 * * PUNCT _005197432 6 1 " " PUNCT _005197432 6 2 i i PRON _005197432 6 3 should should AUX _005197432 6 4 have have AUX _005197432 6 5 said say VERB _005197432 6 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 6 7 the the DET _005197432 6 8 common common ADJ _005197432 6 9 foe foe NOUN _005197432 6 10 < < X _005197432 6 11 was be AUX _005197432 6 12 crpme crpme ADJ _005197432 6 13 ” " PUNCT _005197432 6 14 to to ADP _005197432 6 15 the the DET _005197432 6 16 editor editor NOUN _005197432 6 17 of of ADP _005197432 6 18 america america PROPN _005197432 6 19 : : PUNCT _005197432 6 20 permit permit VERB _005197432 6 21 me i PRON _005197432 6 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 6 23 a a DET _005197432 6 24 methodist methodist NOUN _005197432 6 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 6 26 to to PART _005197432 6 27 pay pay VERB _005197432 6 28 tribute tribute NOUN _005197432 6 29 to to ADP _005197432 6 30 your your PRON _005197432 6 31 excellent excellent ADJ _005197432 6 32 weekly weekly NOUN _005197432 6 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 6 34 which which PRON _005197432 6 35 i i PRON _005197432 6 36 have have AUX _005197432 6 37 been be AUX _005197432 6 38 reading read VERB _005197432 6 39 for for ADP _005197432 6 40 some some DET _005197432 6 41 time time NOUN _005197432 6 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 7 1 ... ... PUNCT _005197432 8 1 > > X _005197432 8 2 america america PROPN _005197432 8 3 has have AUX _005197432 8 4 become become VERB _005197432 8 5 a a DET _005197432 8 6 necessity necessity NOUN _005197432 8 7 on on ADP _005197432 8 8 my my PRON _005197432 8 9 library library NOUN _005197432 8 10 table table NOUN _005197432 8 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 9 1 it it PRON _005197432 9 2 has have AUX _005197432 9 3 been be AUX _005197432 9 4 the the DET _005197432 9 5 means mean NOUN _005197432 9 6 of of ADP _005197432 9 7 enlightening enlighten VERB _005197432 9 8 me i PRON _005197432 9 9 on on ADP _005197432 9 10 the the DET _005197432 9 11 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005197432 9 12 of of ADP _005197432 9 13 your your PRON _005197432 9 14 church church NOUN _005197432 9 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 9 16 thereby thereby ADV _005197432 9 17 dispelling dispel VERB _005197432 9 18 a a DET _005197432 9 19 great great ADJ _005197432 9 20 deal deal NOUN _005197432 9 21 of of ADP _005197432 9 22 my my PRON _005197432 9 23 ignorance ignorance NOUN _005197432 9 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 9 25 and and CCONJ _005197432 9 26 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 9 27 more more ADV _005197432 9 28 important important ADJ _005197432 9 29 still still ADV _005197432 9 30 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 9 31 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005197432 9 32 . . PUNCT _005197432 10 1 we we PRON _005197432 10 2 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _005197432 10 3 do do AUX _005197432 10 4 not not PART _005197432 10 5 see see VERB _005197432 10 6 you you PRON _005197432 10 7 as as SCONJ _005197432 10 8 you you PRON _005197432 10 9 are be AUX _005197432 10 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 10 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 10 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 10 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 11 1 speed speed VERB _005197432 11 2 the the DET _005197432 11 3 day day NOUN _005197432 11 4 when when SCONJ _005197432 11 5 all all DET _005197432 11 6 protestants protestant NOUN _005197432 11 7 will will AUX _005197432 11 8 understand understand VERB _005197432 11 9 your your PRON _005197432 11 10 church church NOUN _005197432 11 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 12 1 you you PRON _005197432 12 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 12 3 sir sir PROPN _005197432 12 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 12 5 in in ADP _005197432 12 6 editing edit VERB _005197432 12 7 your your PRON _005197432 12 8 paper paper NOUN _005197432 12 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 12 10 are be AUX _005197432 12 11 so so ADV _005197432 12 12 restrained restrained ADJ _005197432 12 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 12 14 just just ADV _005197432 12 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 12 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 12 17 eminently eminently ADV _005197432 12 18 fair fair ADJ _005197432 12 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 12 20 even even ADV _005197432 12 21 while while SCONJ _005197432 12 22 insisting insist VERB _005197432 12 23 on on ADP _005197432 12 24 the the DET _005197432 12 25 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 12 26 character character NOUN _005197432 12 27 of of ADP _005197432 12 28 the the DET _005197432 12 29 roman roman ADJ _005197432 12 30 communion communion NOUN _005197432 12 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 12 32 that that SCONJ _005197432 12 33 no no DET _005197432 12 34 one one NOUN _005197432 12 35 can can AUX _005197432 12 36 take take VERB _005197432 12 37 offense offense NOUN _005197432 12 38 at at ADP _005197432 12 39 your your PRON _005197432 12 40 occasional occasional ADJ _005197432 12 41 strictures stricture NOUN _005197432 12 42 on on ADP _005197432 12 43 the the DET _005197432 12 44 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005197432 12 45 differences difference NOUN _005197432 12 46 among among ADP _005197432 12 47 protestants protestant NOUN _005197432 12 48 . . PUNCT _005197432 12 49 . . PUNCT _005197432 12 50 . . PUNCT _005197432 12 51 . . PUNCT _005197432 13 1 only only ADV _005197432 13 2 a a DET _005197432 13 3 few few ADJ _005197432 13 4 years year NOUN _005197432 13 5 ago ago ADV _005197432 13 6 i i PRON _005197432 13 7 should should AUX _005197432 13 8 have have AUX _005197432 13 9 said say VERB _005197432 13 10 that that SCONJ _005197432 13 11 the the DET _005197432 13 12 common common ADJ _005197432 13 13 foe foe NOUN _005197432 13 14 was be AUX _005197432 13 15 rome rome PROPN _005197432 13 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 14 1 i i PRON _005197432 14 2 can can AUX _005197432 14 3 not not PART _005197432 14 4 do do VERB _005197432 14 5 so so ADV _005197432 14 6 now now ADV _005197432 14 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 14 8 thanks thank NOUN _005197432 14 9 to to ADP _005197432 14 10 you you PRON _005197432 14 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 14 12 a a DET _005197432 14 13 few few ADJ _005197432 14 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 14 15 friends friend NOUN _005197432 14 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 15 1 let let VERB _005197432 15 2 me i PRON _005197432 15 3 again again ADV _005197432 15 4 congratulate congratulate VERB _005197432 15 5 you you PRON _005197432 15 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 15 7 sir sir PROPN _005197432 15 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 15 9 on on ADP _005197432 15 10 the the DET _005197432 15 11 valuable valuable ADJ _005197432 15 12 work work NOUN _005197432 15 13 america america PROPN _005197432 15 14 is be AUX _005197432 15 15 doing do VERB _005197432 15 16 in in ADP _005197432 15 17 breaking break VERB _005197432 15 18 down down ADP _005197432 15 19 misunderstanding misunderstanding NOUN _005197432 15 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 16 1 may may AUX _005197432 16 2 il il PROPN _005197432 16 3 it it PRON _005197432 16 4 prosper prosper VERB _005197432 16 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 16 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 16 7 maintain maintain VERB _005197432 16 8 that that DET _005197432 16 9 high high ADJ _005197432 16 10 type type NOUN _005197432 16 11 of of ADP _005197432 16 12 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005197432 16 13 which which PRON _005197432 16 14 has have AUX _005197432 16 15 long long ADV _005197432 16 16 distinguished distinguish VERB _005197432 16 17 it it PRON _005197432 16 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 17 1 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 17 2 signed sign VERB _005197432 17 3 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 17 4 jk jk X _005197432 17 5 c1 c1 PROPN _005197432 17 6 will will AUX _005197432 17 7 you you PRON _005197432 17 8 help help VERB _005197432 17 9 america america PROPN _005197432 17 10 “ " PUNCT _005197432 17 11 break break VERB _005197432 17 12 down down ADP _005197432 17 13 misunderstanding^ misunderstanding^ NOUN _005197432 17 14 ’ ' PUNCT _005197432 17 15 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 17 16 help help VERB _005197432 17 17 it it PRON _005197432 17 18 to to PART _005197432 17 19 “ " PUNCT _005197432 17 20 dispel dispel VERB _005197432 17 21 ignorance ignorance NOUN _005197432 17 22 and and CCONJ _005197432 17 23 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005197432 17 24 ” " PUNCT _005197432 17 25 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 18 1 introduce introduce VERB _005197432 18 2 america america PROPN _005197432 18 3 to to ADP _005197432 18 4 your your PRON _005197432 18 5 protestant protestant ADJ _005197432 18 6 friends friend NOUN _005197432 18 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 18 8 acquaintances acquaintance NOUN _005197432 18 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 19 1 yearly yearly ADJ _005197432 19 2 subscription subscription NOUN _005197432 19 3 price price NOUN _005197432 19 4 $ $ SYM _005197432 19 5 4.00 4.00 NUM _005197432 19 6 domestic domestic ADJ _005197432 19 7 : : PUNCT _005197432 19 8 : : PUNCT _005197432 19 9 $ $ SYM _005197432 19 10 4.50 4.50 NUM _005197432 19 11 canada canada PROPN _005197432 19 12 : : PUNCT _005197432 19 13 : : PUNCT _005197432 19 14 $ $ SYM _005197432 19 15 5.00 5.00 NUM _005197432 19 16 foreign foreign ADJ _005197432 19 17 the the DET _005197432 19 18 america america PROPN _005197432 19 19 press press PROPN _005197432 19 20 i i PRON _005197432 19 21 461 461 NUM _005197432 19 22 eighth eighth ADJ _005197432 19 23 avenue avenue PROPN _005197432 19 24 new new PROPN _005197432 19 25 york york PROPN _005197432 19 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 19 27 n. n. PROPN _005197432 19 28 y. y. PROPN _005197432 19 29 j j PROPN _005197432 19 30 •§• •§• PROPN _005197432 19 31 .... .... PROPN _005197432 19 32 — — PUNCT _005197432 19 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 19 34 — — PUNCT _005197432 19 35 .— .— NUM _005197432 19 36 ... ... PUNCT _005197432 19 37 — — PUNCT _005197432 19 38 .... .... PUNCT _005197432 19 39 —4 —4 PUNCT _005197432 19 40 imprimi imprimi PROPN _005197432 19 41 potest potest PROPN _005197432 19 42 : : PUNCT _005197432 19 43 edward edward PROPN _005197432 19 44 c. c. PROPN _005197432 19 45 phillips phillips PROPN _005197432 19 46 , , PUNCT _005197432 19 47 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 19 48 . . PROPN _005197432 19 49 , , PUNCT _005197432 19 50 provincial provincial ADJ _005197432 19 51 maryland maryland NOUN _005197432 19 52 - - PUNCT _005197432 19 53 new new PROPN _005197432 19 54 york york PROPN _005197432 19 55 . . PUNCT _005197432 20 1 nihil nihil PROPN _005197432 20 2 obstat obstat PROPN _005197432 20 3 : : PUNCT _005197432 20 4 arthur arthur PROPN _005197432 20 5 j. j. PROPN _005197432 20 6 scanlan scanlan PROPN _005197432 20 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 20 8 s.t.d s.t.d PROPN _005197432 20 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 20 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 20 11 censor censor NOUN _005197432 20 12 librorum librorum PROPN _005197432 20 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 21 1 imprimatur imprimatur NOUN _005197432 21 2 : : PUNCT _005197432 21 3 + + PROPN _005197432 21 4 patrick patrick ADJ _005197432 21 5 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 21 6 hayes haye NOUN _005197432 21 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 21 8 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005197432 21 9 of of ADP _005197432 21 10 new new PROPN _005197432 21 11 york york PROPN _005197432 21 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 22 1 copyright copyright NOUN _005197432 22 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 22 3 1q30 1q30 VERB _005197432 22 4 the the DET _005197432 22 5 imperishable imperishable ADJ _005197432 22 6 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 23 1 f f PROPN _005197432 23 2 rom rom ADP _005197432 23 3 a a DET _005197432 23 4 baltimore baltimore NOUN _005197432 23 5 address address NOUN _005197432 23 6 there there PRON _005197432 23 7 issues issue NOUN _005197432 23 8 at at ADP _005197432 23 9 intervals interval NOUN _005197432 23 10 a a DET _005197432 23 11 small small ADJ _005197432 23 12 but but CCONJ _005197432 23 13 well well ADV _005197432 23 14 printed print VERB _005197432 23 15 “ " PUNCT _005197432 23 16 bulletin bulletin NOUN _005197432 23 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 23 18 ” " PUNCT _005197432 23 19 the the DET _005197432 23 20 organ organ NOUN _005197432 23 21 of of ADP _005197432 23 22 an an DET _005197432 23 23 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 23 24 society society NOUN _005197432 23 25 entitled entitle VERB _005197432 23 26 “ " PUNCT _005197432 23 27 the the DET _005197432 23 28 confraternity confraternity NOUN _005197432 23 29 of of ADP _005197432 23 30 unity unity NOUN _005197432 23 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 23 32 ” " PUNCT _005197432 24 1 the the DET _005197432 24 2 number number NOUN _005197432 24 3 and and CCONJ _005197432 24 4 identity identity NOUN _005197432 24 5 of of ADP _005197432 24 6 this this DET _005197432 24 7 society society NOUN _005197432 24 8 ’s ’s NOUN _005197432 24 9 membership membership NOUN _005197432 24 10 appear appear VERB _005197432 24 11 to to PART _005197432 24 12 be be AUX _005197432 24 13 little little ADV _005197432 24 14 known known ADJ _005197432 24 15 outside outside ADP _005197432 24 16 its its PRON _005197432 24 17 ranks rank NOUN _005197432 24 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 24 19 though though SCONJ _005197432 24 20 it it PRON _005197432 24 21 has have VERB _005197432 24 22 both both CCONJ _005197432 24 23 english english ADJ _005197432 24 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 24 25 american american ADJ _005197432 24 26 branches branch NOUN _005197432 24 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 24 28 and and CCONJ _005197432 24 29 its its PRON _005197432 24 30 constitution constitution NOUN _005197432 24 31 reveals reveal VERB _005197432 24 32 it it PRON _005197432 24 33 as as ADV _005197432 24 34 well well ADV _005197432 24 35 organized organize VERB _005197432 24 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 25 1 it it PRON _005197432 25 2 is be AUX _005197432 25 3 of of ADP _005197432 25 4 very very ADV _005197432 25 5 recent recent ADJ _005197432 25 6 origin origin NOUN _005197432 25 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 25 8 as as SCONJ _005197432 25 9 the the DET _005197432 25 10 “ " PUNCT _005197432 25 11 bulletin bulletin NOUN _005197432 25 12 ” " PUNCT _005197432 25 13 for for ADP _005197432 25 14 “ " PUNCT _005197432 25 15 epiphany epiphany NOUN _005197432 25 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 25 17 1929 1929 NUM _005197432 25 18 ” " PUNCT _005197432 25 19 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 25 20 no no INTJ _005197432 25 21 . . NOUN _005197432 25 22 v v X _005197432 25 23 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 25 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 25 25 implies imply VERB _005197432 25 26 in in ADP _005197432 25 27 several several ADJ _005197432 25 28 places place NOUN _005197432 25 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 26 1 the the DET _005197432 26 2 little little ADJ _005197432 26 3 paper paper NOUN _005197432 26 4 notices notice VERB _005197432 26 5 current current ADJ _005197432 26 6 events event NOUN _005197432 26 7 of of ADP _005197432 26 8 importance importance NOUN _005197432 26 9 to to ADP _005197432 26 10 its its PRON _005197432 26 11 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005197432 26 12 theme theme NOUN _005197432 26 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 26 14 but but CCONJ _005197432 26 15 devotes devote VERB _005197432 26 16 most most ADJ _005197432 26 17 of of ADP _005197432 26 18 its its PRON _005197432 26 19 space space NOUN _005197432 26 20 to to ADP _005197432 26 21 reviews review NOUN _005197432 26 22 of of ADP _005197432 26 23 literature literature NOUN _005197432 26 24 dealing deal VERB _005197432 26 25 with with ADP _005197432 26 26 that that PRON _005197432 26 27 and and CCONJ _005197432 26 28 kindred kindre VERB _005197432 26 29 topics topic NOUN _005197432 26 30 . . PUNCT _005197432 27 1 none none NOUN _005197432 27 2 of of ADP _005197432 27 3 its its PRON _005197432 27 4 contributions contribution NOUN _005197432 27 5 are be AUX _005197432 27 6 signed sign VERB _005197432 27 7 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 27 8 but but CCONJ _005197432 27 9 if if SCONJ _005197432 27 10 the the DET _005197432 27 11 identity identity NOUN _005197432 27 12 of of ADP _005197432 27 13 their their PRON _005197432 27 14 writers writer NOUN _005197432 27 15 is be AUX _005197432 27 16 thus thus ADV _005197432 27 17 enveloped envelop VERB _005197432 27 18 in in ADP _005197432 27 19 mystery mystery NOUN _005197432 27 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 27 21 the the DET _005197432 27 22 expression expression NOUN _005197432 27 23 of of ADP _005197432 27 24 their their PRON _005197432 27 25 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 27 26 and and CCONJ _005197432 27 27 common common ADJ _005197432 27 28 aim aim NOUN _005197432 27 29 is be AUX _005197432 27 30 marked mark VERB _005197432 27 31 by by ADP _005197432 27 32 a a DET _005197432 27 33 tone tone NOUN _005197432 27 34 of of ADP _005197432 27 35 unfailing unfailing ADJ _005197432 27 36 charity charity NOUN _005197432 27 37 and and CCONJ _005197432 27 38 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005197432 27 39 . . PUNCT _005197432 28 1 in in ADP _005197432 28 2 the the DET _005197432 28 3 issue issue NOUN _005197432 28 4 just just ADV _005197432 28 5 mentioned mention VERB _005197432 28 6 the the DET _005197432 28 7 frankest frank ADJ _005197432 28 8 possible possible ADJ _005197432 28 9 avowals avowal NOUN _005197432 28 10 of of ADP _005197432 28 11 beliefs belief NOUN _005197432 28 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 28 13 aims aim VERB _005197432 28 14 identical identical ADJ _005197432 28 15 with with SCONJ _005197432 28 16 our our PRON _005197432 28 17 own own ADJ _005197432 28 18 appear appear VERB _005197432 28 19 in in ADP _005197432 28 20 an an DET _005197432 28 21 abundance abundance NOUN _005197432 28 22 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005197432 28 23 to to PART _005197432 28 24 surprise surprise VERB _005197432 28 25 both both DET _005197432 28 26 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 28 27 and and CCONJ _005197432 28 28 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 28 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 29 1 yet yet CCONJ _005197432 29 2 none none NOUN _005197432 29 3 of of ADP _005197432 29 4 them they PRON _005197432 29 5 astonished astonish VERB _005197432 29 6 the the DET _005197432 29 7 present present ADJ _005197432 29 8 writer writer NOUN _005197432 29 9 quite quite ADV _005197432 29 10 so so ADV _005197432 29 11 much much ADV _005197432 29 12 as as ADP _005197432 29 13 the the DET _005197432 29 14 closing closing NOUN _005197432 29 15 words word NOUN _005197432 29 16 of of ADP _005197432 29 17 this this DET _005197432 29 18 extract extract NOUN _005197432 29 19 from from ADP _005197432 29 20 the the DET _005197432 29 21 first first ADJ _005197432 29 22 page page NOUN _005197432 29 23 : : PUNCT _005197432 29 24 a a DET _005197432 29 25 year year NOUN _005197432 29 26 or or CCONJ _005197432 29 27 two two NUM _005197432 29 28 ago ago ADV _005197432 29 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 29 30 when when SCONJ _005197432 29 31 the the DET _005197432 29 32 confraternity confraternity NOUN _005197432 29 33 was be AUX _005197432 29 34 just just ADV _005197432 29 35 feeling feel VERB _005197432 29 36 the the DET _005197432 29 37 way way NOUN _005197432 29 38 towards towards ADP _005197432 29 39 an an DET _005197432 29 40 organization organization NOUN _005197432 29 41 and and CCONJ _005197432 29 42 a a DET _005197432 29 43 policy policy NOUN _005197432 29 44 , , PUNCT _005197432 29 45 an an DET _005197432 29 46 open open ADJ _005197432 29 47 declaration declaration NOUN _005197432 29 48 of of ADP _005197432 29 49 a a DET _005197432 29 50 pro pro ADJ _005197432 29 51 - - ADJ _005197432 29 52 roman roman ADJ _005197432 29 53 position position NOUN _005197432 29 54 seemed seem VERB _005197432 29 55 a a DET _005197432 29 56 daring dare VERB _005197432 29 57 , , PUNCT _005197432 29 58 even even ADV _005197432 29 59 a a DET _005197432 29 60 foolhardy foolhardy ADJ _005197432 29 61 thing thing NOUN _005197432 29 62 to to PART _005197432 29 63 do do VERB _005197432 29 64 . . PUNCT _005197432 30 1 individual individual ADJ _005197432 30 2 conversion conversion NOUN _005197432 30 3 to to ADP _005197432 30 4 rome rome PROPN _005197432 30 5 seemed seem VERB _005197432 30 6 then then ADV _005197432 30 7 the the DET _005197432 30 8 only only ADJ _005197432 30 9 method method NOUN _005197432 30 10 by by ADP _005197432 30 11 which which PRON _005197432 30 12 honest honest ADJ _005197432 30 13 people people NOUN _005197432 30 14 who who PRON _005197432 30 15 became become VERB _005197432 30 16 convinced convinced ADJ _005197432 30 17 of of ADP _005197432 30 18 the the DET _005197432 30 19 divine divine ADJ _005197432 30 20 rights right NOUN _005197432 30 21 of of ADP _005197432 30 22 the the DET _005197432 30 23 holy holy ADJ _005197432 30 24 see see NOUN _005197432 30 25 could could AUX _005197432 30 26 follow follow VERB _005197432 30 27 their their PRON _005197432 30 28 convictions conviction NOUN _005197432 30 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 31 1 the the DET _005197432 31 2 confraternity confraternity NOUN _005197432 31 3 stepped step VERB _005197432 31 4 in in ADV _005197432 31 5 with with ADP _005197432 31 6 a a DET _005197432 31 7 new new ADJ _005197432 31 8 thought thought NOUN _005197432 31 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 31 10 namely namely ADV _005197432 31 11 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 31 12 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 31 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 32 1 often often ADV _005197432 32 2 as as SCONJ _005197432 32 3 curious curious ADJ _005197432 32 4 statements statement NOUN _005197432 32 5 appear appear VERB _005197432 32 6 in in ADP _005197432 32 7 the the DET _005197432 32 8 press press NOUN _005197432 32 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 32 10 it it PRON _005197432 32 11 would would AUX _005197432 32 12 be be AUX _005197432 32 13 hard hard ADJ _005197432 32 14 to to PART _005197432 32 15 find find VERB _005197432 32 16 a a DET _005197432 32 17 stranger strange ADJ _005197432 32 18 one one NUM _005197432 32 19 than than ADP _005197432 32 20 that that DET _005197432 32 21 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 32 22 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 32 23 was be AUX _005197432 32 24 “ " PUNCT _005197432 32 25 a a DET _005197432 32 26 new new ADJ _005197432 32 27 thought thought NOUN _005197432 32 28 ” " PUNCT _005197432 32 29 last last ADJ _005197432 32 30 year year NOUN _005197432 32 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 33 1 it it PRON _005197432 33 2 has have AUX _005197432 33 3 been be AUX _005197432 33 4 continually continually ADV _005197432 33 5 entertained entertain VERB _005197432 33 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 33 7 repeatedly repeatedly ADV _005197432 33 8 promoted promote VERB _005197432 33 9 by by ADP _005197432 33 10 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 33 11 for for ADP _005197432 33 12 nearly nearly ADV _005197432 33 13 ninety ninety NUM _005197432 33 14 years year NOUN _005197432 33 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 34 1 in in ADP _005197432 34 2 fact fact NOUN _005197432 34 3 the the DET _005197432 34 4 “ " PUNCT _005197432 34 5 thought thought NOUN _005197432 34 6 ” " PUNCT _005197432 34 7 itself itself PRON _005197432 34 8 is be AUX _005197432 34 9 of of ADP _005197432 34 10 some some DET _005197432 34 11 importance importance NOUN _005197432 34 12 to to ADP _005197432 34 13 ourselves ourselves PRON _005197432 34 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 34 15 both both PRON _005197432 34 16 in in ADP _005197432 34 17 comprehending comprehend VERB _005197432 34 18 the the DET _005197432 34 19 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 34 20 mentality mentality NOUN _005197432 34 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 34 22 and and CCONJ _005197432 34 23 also also ADV _005197432 34 24 in in ADP _005197432 34 25 dealing deal VERB _005197432 34 26 with with ADP _005197432 34 27 recurrent recurrent ADJ _005197432 34 28 proposals proposal NOUN _005197432 34 29 of of ADP _005197432 34 30 this this DET _005197432 34 31 particular particular ADJ _005197432 34 32 project project NOUN _005197432 34 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 35 1 the the DET _005197432 35 2 theme theme NOUN _005197432 35 3 is be AUX _005197432 35 4 long long ADJ _005197432 35 5 and and CCONJ _005197432 35 6 somewhat somewhat ADV _005197432 35 7 complicated complicated ADJ _005197432 35 8 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 35 9 but but CCONJ _005197432 35 10 its its PRON _005197432 35 11 historical historical ADJ _005197432 35 12 facts fact NOUN _005197432 35 13 and and CCONJ _005197432 35 14 the the DET _005197432 35 15 principles principle NOUN _005197432 35 16 involved involve VERB _005197432 35 17 in in ADP _005197432 35 18 them they PRON _005197432 35 19 are be AUX _005197432 35 20 so so ADV _005197432 35 21 permanently permanently ADV _005197432 35 22 vital vital ADJ _005197432 35 23 that that SCONJ _005197432 35 24 any any DET _005197432 35 25 recrudescence recrudescence NOUN _005197432 35 26 of of ADP _005197432 35 27 the the DET _005197432 35 28 idea idea NOUN _005197432 35 29 in in ADP _005197432 35 30 our our PRON _005197432 35 31 own own ADJ _005197432 35 32 time time NOUN _005197432 35 33 and and CCONJ _005197432 35 34 midst midst NOUN _005197432 35 35 seems seem VERB _005197432 35 36 to to ADP _005197432 35 37 1 1 NUM _005197432 35 38 2 2 NUM _005197432 35 39 can can AUX _005197432 35 40 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 35 41 unite unite VERB _005197432 35 42 with with ADP _005197432 35 43 rome rome PROPN _005197432 35 44 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 36 1 justify justify VERB _005197432 36 2 some some DET _005197432 36 3 attempt attempt NOUN _005197432 36 4 to to PART _005197432 36 5 review review VERB _005197432 36 6 the the DET _005197432 36 7 ground ground NOUN _005197432 36 8 for for ADP _005197432 36 9 the the DET _005197432 36 10 sake sake NOUN _005197432 36 11 of of ADP _005197432 36 12 our our PRON _005197432 36 13 own own ADJ _005197432 36 14 practical practical ADJ _005197432 36 15 equipment equipment NOUN _005197432 36 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 37 1 in in ADP _005197432 37 2 the the DET _005197432 37 3 present present ADJ _005197432 37 4 sketch sketch NOUN _005197432 37 5 no no ADV _005197432 37 6 more more ADV _005197432 37 7 can can AUX _005197432 37 8 be be AUX _005197432 37 9 done do VERB _005197432 37 10 than than SCONJ _005197432 37 11 to to PART _005197432 37 12 recount recount VERB _005197432 37 13 a a DET _005197432 37 14 few few ADJ _005197432 37 15 of of ADP _005197432 37 16 the the DET _005197432 37 17 chief chief ADJ _005197432 37 18 crises crisis NOUN _005197432 37 19 which which PRON _005197432 37 20 have have AUX _005197432 37 21 led lead VERB _005197432 37 22 to to ADP _005197432 37 23 the the DET _005197432 37 24 agitation agitation NOUN _005197432 37 25 for for ADP _005197432 37 26 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 37 27 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 37 28 in in ADP _005197432 37 29 time time NOUN _005197432 37 30 past past ADV _005197432 37 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 38 1 afterwards afterwards ADV _005197432 38 2 some some DET _005197432 38 3 notice notice NOUN _005197432 38 4 will will AUX _005197432 38 5 be be AUX _005197432 38 6 due due ADJ _005197432 38 7 to to ADP _005197432 38 8 two two NUM _005197432 38 9 further further ADJ _005197432 38 10 aspects aspect NOUN _005197432 38 11 of of ADP _005197432 38 12 the the DET _005197432 38 13 question question NOUN _005197432 38 14 : : PUNCT _005197432 38 15 the the DET _005197432 38 16 fact fact NOUN _005197432 38 17 that that SCONJ _005197432 38 18 every every DET _005197432 38 19 definite definite ADJ _005197432 38 20 advance advance NOUN _005197432 38 21 towards towards ADP _005197432 38 22 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 38 23 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 38 24 has have AUX _005197432 38 25 ended end VERB _005197432 38 26 in in ADP _005197432 38 27 failure failure NOUN _005197432 38 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 38 29 and and CCONJ _005197432 38 30 the the DET _005197432 38 31 essential essential ADJ _005197432 38 32 reasons reason NOUN _005197432 38 33 for for ADP _005197432 38 34 this this DET _005197432 38 35 fact fact NOUN _005197432 38 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 39 1 some some DET _005197432 39 2 such such ADJ _005197432 39 3 outline outline NOUN _005197432 39 4 of of ADP _005197432 39 5 the the DET _005197432 39 6 idea idea NOUN _005197432 39 7 ’s ’s PART _005197432 39 8 history history NOUN _005197432 39 9 may may AUX _005197432 39 10 afford afford VERB _005197432 39 11 a a DET _005197432 39 12 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005197432 39 13 view view NOUN _005197432 39 14 of of ADP _005197432 39 15 the the DET _005197432 39 16 principles principle NOUN _005197432 39 17 which which PRON _005197432 39 18 must must AUX _005197432 39 19 always always ADV _005197432 39 20 apply apply VERB _005197432 39 21 in in ADP _005197432 39 22 its its PRON _005197432 39 23 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 39 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 40 1 i i PRON _005197432 40 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 40 3 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 40 4 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 40 5 ” " PUNCT _005197432 40 6 means mean VERB _005197432 40 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 40 8 of of ADP _005197432 40 9 course course NOUN _005197432 40 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 40 11 the the DET _005197432 40 12 rejoining rejoining NOUN _005197432 40 13 of of ADP _005197432 40 14 organizations organization NOUN _005197432 40 15 which which PRON _005197432 40 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 40 17 though though SCONJ _005197432 40 18 separate separate ADJ _005197432 40 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 40 20 were be AUX _005197432 40 21 formerly formerly ADV _005197432 40 22 united united ADJ _005197432 40 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 41 1 as as SCONJ _005197432 41 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 41 3 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 41 4 ” " PUNCT _005197432 41 5 it it PRON _005197432 41 6 supposes suppose VERB _005197432 41 7 societies society NOUN _005197432 41 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 41 9 not not PART _005197432 41 10 individuals individual NOUN _005197432 41 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 41 12 as as ADP _005197432 41 13 constituents constituent NOUN _005197432 41 14 of of ADP _005197432 41 15 the the DET _005197432 41 16 proposed propose VERB _005197432 41 17 union union NOUN _005197432 41 18 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 41 19 as as ADP _005197432 41 20 “ " PUNCT _005197432 41 21 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 41 22 ” " PUNCT _005197432 41 23 it it PRON _005197432 41 24 implies imply VERB _005197432 41 25 their their PRON _005197432 41 26 restoration restoration NOUN _005197432 41 27 to to ADP _005197432 41 28 a a DET _005197432 41 29 solidarity solidarity NOUN _005197432 41 30 existing exist VERB _005197432 41 31 prior prior ADV _005197432 41 32 to to ADP _005197432 41 33 their their PRON _005197432 41 34 present present ADJ _005197432 41 35 separation separation NOUN _005197432 41 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 42 1 in in ADP _005197432 42 2 the the DET _005197432 42 3 political political ADJ _005197432 42 4 order order NOUN _005197432 42 5 a a DET _005197432 42 6 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 42 7 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 42 8 followed follow VERB _005197432 42 9 the the DET _005197432 42 10 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005197432 42 11 of of ADP _005197432 42 12 our our PRON _005197432 42 13 own own ADJ _005197432 42 14 civil civil ADJ _005197432 42 15 war war NOUN _005197432 42 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 42 17 when when SCONJ _005197432 42 18 two two NUM _005197432 42 19 groups group NOUN _005197432 42 20 of of ADP _005197432 42 21 integral integral ADJ _005197432 42 22 and and CCONJ _005197432 42 23 sovereign sovereign ADJ _005197432 42 24 states state NOUN _005197432 42 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 42 26 after after ADP _005197432 42 27 four four NUM _005197432 42 28 years year NOUN _005197432 42 29 of of ADP _005197432 42 30 separation separation NOUN _005197432 42 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 42 32 became become VERB _005197432 42 33 again again ADV _005197432 42 34 the the DET _005197432 42 35 union union NOUN _005197432 42 36 that that PRON _005197432 42 37 they they PRON _005197432 42 38 had have AUX _005197432 42 39 been be AUX _005197432 42 40 before before ADV _005197432 42 41 , , PUNCT _005197432 42 42 without without ADP _005197432 42 43 any any DET _005197432 42 44 one one NUM _005197432 42 45 of of ADP _005197432 42 46 them they PRON _005197432 42 47 having having AUX _005197432 42 48 lost lose VERB _005197432 42 49 its its PRON _005197432 42 50 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 42 51 identity identity NOUN _005197432 42 52 . . PUNCT _005197432 43 1 in in ADP _005197432 43 2 the the DET _005197432 43 3 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005197432 43 4 sphere sphere PROPN _005197432 43 5 england england PROPN _005197432 43 6 herself herself PRON _005197432 43 7 has have AUX _005197432 43 8 seen see VERB _005197432 43 9 a a DET _005197432 43 10 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 43 11 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 43 12 effected effect VERB _005197432 43 13 through through ADP _005197432 43 14 a a DET _005197432 43 15 papal papal ADJ _005197432 43 16 legate legate NOUN _005197432 43 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 43 18 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 43 19 pole pole NOUN _005197432 43 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 43 21 in in ADP _005197432 43 22 the the DET _005197432 43 23 second second ADJ _005197432 43 24 year year NOUN _005197432 43 25 of of ADP _005197432 43 26 the the DET _005197432 43 27 reign reign NOUN _005197432 43 28 of of ADP _005197432 43 29 mary mary PROPN _005197432 43 30 tudor tudor PROPN _005197432 43 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 44 1 the the DET _005197432 44 2 church church NOUN _005197432 44 3 in in ADP _005197432 44 4 england england PROPN _005197432 44 5 had have AUX _005197432 44 6 been be AUX _005197432 44 7 forced force VERB _005197432 44 8 into into ADP _005197432 44 9 schism schism NOUN _005197432 44 10 by by ADP _005197432 44 11 henry henry PROPN _005197432 44 12 viii viii PROPN _005197432 44 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 44 14 without without ADP _005197432 44 15 losing lose VERB _005197432 44 16 the the DET _005197432 44 17 organic organic ADJ _005197432 44 18 structure structure NOUN _005197432 44 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 44 20 functions function NOUN _005197432 44 21 due due ADP _005197432 44 22 to to ADP _005197432 44 23 its its PRON _005197432 44 24 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 44 25 origin origin NOUN _005197432 44 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 45 1 during during ADP _005197432 45 2 the the DET _005197432 45 3 brief brief ADJ _005197432 45 4 reign reign NOUN _005197432 45 5 of of ADP _005197432 45 6 henry henry NOUN _005197432 45 7 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 45 8 son son PROPN _005197432 45 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 45 10 edward edward PROPN _005197432 45 11 vi vi PROPN _005197432 45 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 45 13 the the DET _005197432 45 14 schismatical schismatical ADJ _005197432 45 15 body body NOUN _005197432 45 16 was be AUX _005197432 45 17 further far ADV _005197432 45 18 infected infect VERB _005197432 45 19 by by ADP _005197432 45 20 heresy heresy NOUN _005197432 45 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 45 22 a a DET _005197432 45 23 few few ADJ _005197432 45 24 invalid invalid ADJ _005197432 45 25 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 45 26 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 45 27 but but CCONJ _005197432 45 28 while while SCONJ _005197432 45 29 these these DET _005197432 45 30 defects defect NOUN _005197432 45 31 had have VERB _005197432 45 32 to to PART _005197432 45 33 be be AUX _005197432 45 34 individually individually ADV _005197432 45 35 rectified rectify VERB _005197432 45 36 , , PUNCT _005197432 45 37 there there PRON _005197432 45 38 still still ADV _005197432 45 39 remained remain VERB _005197432 45 40 in in ADP _005197432 45 41 1553 1553 NUM _005197432 45 42 the the DET _005197432 45 43 substantial substantial ADJ _005197432 45 44 entity entity NOUN _005197432 45 45 of of ADP _005197432 45 46 what what PRON _005197432 45 47 had have AUX _005197432 45 48 once once ADV _005197432 45 49 been be AUX _005197432 45 50 the the DET _005197432 45 51 english english ADJ _005197432 45 52 province province NOUN _005197432 45 53 of of ADP _005197432 45 54 the the DET _005197432 45 55 universal universal ADJ _005197432 45 56 church church NOUN _005197432 45 57 . . PUNCT _005197432 46 1 hence hence ADV _005197432 46 2 in in ADP _005197432 46 3 1554 1554 NUM _005197432 46 4 it it PRON _005197432 46 5 was be AUX _005197432 46 6 possible possible ADJ _005197432 46 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 46 8 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005197432 46 9 to to PART _005197432 46 10 restore restore VERB _005197432 46 11 this this DET _005197432 46 12 body body NOUN _005197432 46 13 as as SCONJ _005197432 46 14 it it PRON _005197432 46 15 stood stand VERB _005197432 46 16 to to ADP _005197432 46 17 catholic catholic VERB _005197432 46 18 unity unity NOUN _005197432 46 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 46 20 valid valid ADJ _005197432 46 21 by by ADP _005197432 46 22 the the DET _005197432 46 23 kind kind ADJ _005197432 46 24 permission permission NOUN _005197432 46 25 of of ADP _005197432 46 26 the the DET _005197432 46 27 reverend reverend ADJ _005197432 46 28 editor editor NOUN _005197432 46 29 of of ADP _005197432 46 30 the the DET _005197432 46 31 missionary missionary NOUN _005197432 46 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 46 33 four four NUM _005197432 46 34 articles article NOUN _005197432 46 35 published publish VERB _005197432 46 36 therein therein ADV _005197432 46 37 in in ADP _005197432 46 38 the the DET _005197432 46 39 summer summer NOUN _005197432 46 40 of of ADP _005197432 46 41 1930 1930 NUM _005197432 46 42 , , PUNCT _005197432 46 43 under under ADP _005197432 46 44 ' ' PUNCT _005197432 46 45 the the DET _005197432 46 46 common common ADJ _005197432 46 47 title title NOUN _005197432 46 48 “ " PUNCT _005197432 46 49 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 46 50 and and CCONJ _005197432 46 51 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 46 52 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 46 53 , , PUNCT _005197432 46 54 ” " PUNCT _005197432 46 55 are be AUX _005197432 46 56 here here ADV _005197432 46 57 presented present VERB _005197432 46 58 in in ADP _005197432 46 59 one one NUM _005197432 46 60 collection collection NOUN _005197432 46 61 . . PUNCT _005197432 47 1 their their PRON _005197432 47 2 original original ADJ _005197432 47 3 separate separate ADJ _005197432 47 4 titles title NOUN _005197432 47 5 appear appear VERB _005197432 47 6 as as ADP _005197432 47 7 the the DET _005197432 47 8 subtitles subtitle NOUN _005197432 47 9 of of ADP _005197432 47 10 four four NUM _005197432 47 11 divisions division NOUN _005197432 47 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 48 1 excepting except VERB _005197432 48 2 the the DET _005197432 48 3 change change NOUN _005197432 48 4 in in ADP _005197432 48 5 the the DET _005197432 48 6 general general ADJ _005197432 48 7 title title NOUN _005197432 48 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 48 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 48 10 a a DET _005197432 48 11 few few ADJ _005197432 48 12 very very ADV _005197432 48 13 minor minor ADJ _005197432 48 14 omissions omission NOUN _005197432 48 15 or or CCONJ _005197432 48 16 modifications modification NOUN _005197432 48 17 chiefly chiefly ADV _005197432 48 18 structural structural ADJ _005197432 48 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 48 20 the the DET _005197432 48 21 original original ADJ _005197432 48 22 text text NOUN _005197432 48 23 remains remain VERB _005197432 48 24 unaltered unaltered ADJ _005197432 48 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 49 1 can can AUX _005197432 49 2 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 49 3 unite unite VERB _005197432 49 4 with with ADP _005197432 49 5 rome rome PROPN _005197432 49 6 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 50 1 3 3 NUM _005197432 50 2 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005197432 50 3 by by ADP _005197432 50 4 a a DET _005197432 50 5 public public ADJ _005197432 50 6 absolution absolution NOUN _005197432 50 7 pronounced pronounce VERB _005197432 50 8 by by ADP _005197432 50 9 the the DET _005197432 50 10 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 50 11 legate legate NOUN _005197432 50 12 of of ADP _005197432 50 13 the the DET _005197432 50 14 holy holy PROPN _005197432 50 15 see see PROPN _005197432 50 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 51 1 much much ADV _005197432 51 2 the the DET _005197432 51 3 same same ADJ _005197432 51 4 would would AUX _005197432 51 5 be be AUX _005197432 51 6 the the DET _005197432 51 7 process process NOUN _005197432 51 8 of of ADP _005197432 51 9 receiving receive VERB _005197432 51 10 again again ADV _005197432 51 11 into into ADP _005197432 51 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 51 13 unity unity NOUN _005197432 51 14 a a DET _005197432 51 15 diocese diocese NOUN _005197432 51 16 or or CCONJ _005197432 51 17 province province NOUN _005197432 51 18 of of ADP _005197432 51 19 schismatical schismatical ADJ _005197432 51 20 christians christian NOUN _005197432 51 21 of of ADP _005197432 51 22 any any PRON _005197432 51 23 of of ADP _005197432 51 24 the the DET _005197432 51 25 ancient ancient ADJ _005197432 51 26 eastern eastern PROPN _005197432 51 27 rites rite NOUN _005197432 51 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 52 1 the the DET _005197432 52 2 formal formal ADJ _005197432 52 3 submission submission NOUN _005197432 52 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 52 5 reception reception NOUN _005197432 52 6 of of ADP _005197432 52 7 their their PRON _005197432 52 8 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005197432 52 9 would would AUX _005197432 52 10 be be AUX _005197432 52 11 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005197432 52 12 without without ADP _005197432 52 13 such such ADJ _005197432 52 14 action action NOUN _005197432 52 15 on on ADP _005197432 52 16 the the DET _005197432 52 17 part part NOUN _005197432 52 18 of of ADP _005197432 52 19 individual individual ADJ _005197432 52 20 members member NOUN _005197432 52 21 of of ADP _005197432 52 22 the the DET _005197432 52 23 laity laity NOUN _005197432 52 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 53 1 for for ADP _005197432 53 2 this this PRON _005197432 53 3 would would AUX _005197432 53 4 be be AUX _005197432 53 5 the the DET _005197432 53 6 rehabilitation rehabilitation NOUN _005197432 53 7 of of ADP _005197432 53 8 what what PRON _005197432 53 9 had have AUX _005197432 53 10 been be AUX _005197432 53 11 from from ADP _005197432 53 12 its its PRON _005197432 53 13 very very ADJ _005197432 53 14 origin origin NOUN _005197432 53 15 an an DET _005197432 53 16 integral integral ADJ _005197432 53 17 unit unit NOUN _005197432 53 18 of of ADP _005197432 53 19 the the DET _005197432 53 20 church church NOUN _005197432 53 21 of of ADP _005197432 53 22 christ christ PROPN _005197432 53 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 53 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 53 25 which which PRON _005197432 53 26 the the DET _005197432 53 27 separation separation NOUN _005197432 53 28 had have AUX _005197432 53 29 never never ADV _005197432 53 30 deprived deprive VERB _005197432 53 31 of of ADP _005197432 53 32 its its PRON _005197432 53 33 organic organic ADJ _005197432 53 34 structure structure NOUN _005197432 53 35 , , PUNCT _005197432 53 36 but but CCONJ _005197432 53 37 only only ADV _005197432 53 38 of of ADP _005197432 53 39 its its PRON _005197432 53 40 power power NOUN _005197432 53 41 to to PART _005197432 53 42 function function VERB _005197432 53 43 lawfully lawfully ADV _005197432 53 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 54 1 these these DET _005197432 54 2 principles principle NOUN _005197432 54 3 are be AUX _005197432 54 4 in in ADP _005197432 54 5 substance substance NOUN _005197432 54 6 understood understand VERB _005197432 54 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 54 8 accepted accept VERB _005197432 54 9 by by ADP _005197432 54 10 all all DET _005197432 54 11 concerned concern VERB _005197432 54 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 55 1 accordingly accordingly ADV _005197432 55 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 55 3 when when SCONJ _005197432 55 4 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 55 5 of of ADP _005197432 55 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 55 7 sympathies sympathy NOUN _005197432 55 8 discuss discuss VERB _005197432 55 9 their their PRON _005197432 55 10 own own ADJ _005197432 55 11 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 55 12 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 55 13 with with ADP _005197432 55 14 the the DET _005197432 55 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 55 16 church church NOUN _005197432 55 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 55 18 they they PRON _005197432 55 19 commonly commonly ADV _005197432 55 20 take take VERB _005197432 55 21 two two NUM _005197432 55 22 things thing NOUN _005197432 55 23 for for ADP _005197432 55 24 granted grant VERB _005197432 55 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 56 1 one one NUM _005197432 56 2 is be AUX _005197432 56 3 that that SCONJ _005197432 56 4 the the DET _005197432 56 5 status status NOUN _005197432 56 6 of of ADP _005197432 56 7 their their PRON _005197432 56 8 own own ADJ _005197432 56 9 society society NOUN _005197432 56 10 is be AUX _005197432 56 11 that that PRON _005197432 56 12 of of ADP _005197432 56 13 an an DET _005197432 56 14 original original ADJ _005197432 56 15 portion portion NOUN _005197432 56 16 of of ADP _005197432 56 17 the the DET _005197432 56 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 56 19 church church NOUN _005197432 56 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 56 21 suffering suffer VERB _005197432 56 22 indeed indeed ADV _005197432 56 23 from from ADP _005197432 56 24 the the DET _005197432 56 25 calamity calamity NOUN _005197432 56 26 of of ADP _005197432 56 27 schism schism NOUN _005197432 56 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 56 29 but but CCONJ _005197432 56 30 still still ADV _005197432 56 31 preserving preserve VERB _005197432 56 32 a a DET _005197432 56 33 structure structure NOUN _005197432 56 34 and and CCONJ _005197432 56 35 source source NOUN _005197432 56 36 of of ADP _005197432 56 37 intrinsic intrinsic ADJ _005197432 56 38 energy energy NOUN _005197432 56 39 derived derive VERB _005197432 56 40 from from ADP _005197432 56 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 56 42 origin origin NOUN _005197432 56 43 . . PUNCT _005197432 57 1 the the DET _005197432 57 2 other other ADJ _005197432 57 3 supposition supposition NOUN _005197432 57 4 is be AUX _005197432 57 5 that that SCONJ _005197432 57 6 their their PRON _005197432 57 7 church church NOUN _005197432 57 8 ’s ’s PART _005197432 57 9 only only ADV _005197432 57 10 normal normal ADJ _005197432 57 11 destiny destiny NOUN _005197432 57 12 is be AUX _005197432 57 13 its its PRON _005197432 57 14 collective collective ADJ _005197432 57 15 reception reception NOUN _005197432 57 16 into into ADP _005197432 57 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 57 18 unity unity NOUN _005197432 57 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 57 20 and and CCONJ _005197432 57 21 not not PART _005197432 57 22 the the DET _005197432 57 23 individual individual ADJ _005197432 57 24 restoration restoration NOUN _005197432 57 25 of of ADP _005197432 57 26 any any PRON _005197432 57 27 of of ADP _005197432 57 28 its its PRON _005197432 57 29 present present ADJ _005197432 57 30 members member NOUN _005197432 57 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 58 1 the the DET _005197432 58 2 merits merit NOUN _005197432 58 3 of of ADP _005197432 58 4 these these DET _005197432 58 5 two two NUM _005197432 58 6 postulates postulate NOUN _005197432 58 7 of of ADP _005197432 58 8 the the DET _005197432 58 9 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 58 10 theory theory NOUN _005197432 58 11 of of ADP _005197432 58 12 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 58 13 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 58 14 will will AUX _005197432 58 15 require require VERB _005197432 58 16 some some DET _005197432 58 17 notice notice NOUN _005197432 58 18 at at ADP _005197432 58 19 a a DET _005197432 58 20 later later ADJ _005197432 58 21 stage stage NOUN _005197432 58 22 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 58 23 just just ADV _005197432 58 24 now now ADV _005197432 58 25 they they PRON _005197432 58 26 are be AUX _005197432 58 27 necessary necessary ADJ _005197432 58 28 only only ADV _005197432 58 29 to to ADP _005197432 58 30 the the DET _005197432 58 31 definition definition NOUN _005197432 58 32 of of ADP _005197432 58 33 the the DET _005197432 58 34 idea idea NOUN _005197432 58 35 itself itself PRON _005197432 58 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 59 1 we we PRON _005197432 59 2 shall shall AUX _005197432 59 3 find find VERB _005197432 59 4 them they PRON _005197432 59 5 appearing appear VERB _005197432 59 6 as as ADP _005197432 59 7 marks mark NOUN _005197432 59 8 of of ADP _005197432 59 9 the the DET _005197432 59 10 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 59 11 whenever whenever SCONJ _005197432 59 12 it it PRON _005197432 59 13 has have AUX _005197432 59 14 arisen arise VERB _005197432 59 15 in in ADP _005197432 59 16 the the DET _005197432 59 17 past past NOUN _005197432 59 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 60 1 not not PART _005197432 60 2 that that SCONJ _005197432 60 3 every every DET _005197432 60 4 such such ADJ _005197432 60 5 revival revival NOUN _005197432 60 6 can can AUX _005197432 60 7 be be AUX _005197432 60 8 enumerated enumerate VERB _005197432 60 9 here here ADV _005197432 60 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 61 1 a a DET _005197432 61 2 brief brief ADJ _005197432 61 3 account account NOUN _005197432 61 4 of of ADP _005197432 61 5 a a DET _005197432 61 6 few few ADJ _005197432 61 7 of of ADP _005197432 61 8 the the DET _005197432 61 9 chief chief ADJ _005197432 61 10 instances instance NOUN _005197432 61 11 of of ADP _005197432 61 12 concerted concerted ADJ _005197432 61 13 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 61 14 effort effort NOUN _005197432 61 15 for for ADP _005197432 61 16 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 61 17 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 61 18 will will AUX _005197432 61 19 amply amply VERB _005197432 61 20 suffice suffice VERB _005197432 61 21 to to PART _005197432 61 22 show show VERB _005197432 61 23 how how SCONJ _005197432 61 24 far far ADV _005197432 61 25 it it PRON _005197432 61 26 is be AUX _005197432 61 27 from from ADP _005197432 61 28 being be AUX _005197432 61 29 “ " PUNCT _005197432 61 30 a a DET _005197432 61 31 new new ADJ _005197432 61 32 thought thought NOUN _005197432 61 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 61 34 ” " PUNCT _005197432 62 1 ii ii PROPN _005197432 62 2 that that SCONJ _005197432 62 3 the the DET _005197432 62 4 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 62 5 church church NOUN _005197432 62 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 62 7 or or CCONJ _005197432 62 8 a a DET _005197432 62 9 considerable considerable ADJ _005197432 62 10 section section NOUN _005197432 62 11 of of ADP _005197432 62 12 it it PRON _005197432 62 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 62 14 might might AUX _005197432 62 15 in in ADP _005197432 62 16 time time NOUN _005197432 62 17 become become VERB _005197432 62 18 so so ADV _005197432 62 19 imbued imbued ADJ _005197432 62 20 with with ADP _005197432 62 21 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 62 22 principles principle NOUN _005197432 62 23 as as SCONJ _005197432 62 24 to to PART _005197432 62 25 seek seek VERB _005197432 62 26 its its PRON _005197432 62 27 own own ADJ _005197432 62 28 collective collective ADJ _005197432 62 29 restoration restoration NOUN _005197432 62 30 to to ADP _005197432 62 31 communion communion NOUN _005197432 62 32 with with ADP _005197432 62 33 the the DET _005197432 62 34 holy holy PROPN _005197432 62 35 see see NOUN _005197432 62 36 , , PUNCT _005197432 62 37 was be AUX _005197432 62 38 an an DET _005197432 62 39 idea idea NOUN _005197432 62 40 sure sure ADJ _005197432 62 41 to to PART _005197432 62 42 assert assert VERB _005197432 62 43 itself itself PRON _005197432 62 44 as as ADP _005197432 62 45 a a DET _005197432 62 46 very very ADV _005197432 62 47 early early ADJ _005197432 62 48 consequence consequence NOUN _005197432 62 49 of of ADP _005197432 62 50 the the DET _005197432 62 51 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 62 52 movement movement PROPN _005197432 62 53 . . PUNCT _005197432 63 1 the the DET _005197432 63 2 established establish VERB _005197432 63 3 church church NOUN _005197432 63 4 of of ADP _005197432 63 5 england england PROPN _005197432 63 6 dates date VERB _005197432 63 7 its its PRON _005197432 63 8 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 63 9 life life NOUN _005197432 63 10 from from ADP _005197432 63 11 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005197432 63 12 ’s ’s PART _005197432 63 13 first first ADJ _005197432 63 14 parliament parliament NOUN _005197432 63 15 in in ADP _005197432 63 16 1559 1559 NUM _005197432 63 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 64 1 that that SCONJ _005197432 64 2 the the DET _005197432 64 3 movement movement NOUN _005197432 64 4 of of ADP _005197432 64 5 4 4 NUM _005197432 64 6 can can AUX _005197432 64 7 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 64 8 unite unite VERB _005197432 64 9 with with ADP _005197432 64 10 rome rome PROPN _005197432 64 11 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 65 1 1833 1833 NUM _005197432 65 2 was be AUX _005197432 65 3 not not PART _005197432 65 4 the the DET _005197432 65 5 first first ADJ _005197432 65 6 attempt attempt NOUN _005197432 65 7 to to PART _005197432 65 8 interpret interpret VERB _005197432 65 9 the the DET _005197432 65 10 system system NOUN _005197432 65 11 in in ADP _005197432 65 12 a a DET _005197432 65 13 somewhat somewhat ADV _005197432 65 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 65 15 sense sense NOUN _005197432 65 16 has have AUX _005197432 65 17 been be AUX _005197432 65 18 well well ADV _005197432 65 19 shown show VERB _005197432 65 20 by by ADP _005197432 65 21 father father PROPN _005197432 65 22 hawks hawk NOUN _005197432 65 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 66 1 * * PUNCT _005197432 66 2 however however ADV _005197432 66 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 66 4 the the DET _005197432 66 5 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 66 6 movement movement NOUN _005197432 66 7 not not PART _005197432 66 8 only only ADV _005197432 66 9 surpassed surpass VERB _005197432 66 10 its its PRON _005197432 66 11 predecessors predecessor NOUN _005197432 66 12 in in ADP _005197432 66 13 energy energy NOUN _005197432 66 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 66 15 but but CCONJ _005197432 66 16 went go VERB _005197432 66 17 a a DET _005197432 66 18 step step NOUN _005197432 66 19 beyond beyond ADP _005197432 66 20 them they PRON _005197432 66 21 in in ADP _005197432 66 22 its its PRON _005197432 66 23 thought thought NOUN _005197432 66 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 67 1 beginning begin VERB _005197432 67 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 67 3 like like ADP _005197432 67 4 earlier early ADJ _005197432 67 5 high high ADJ _005197432 67 6 church church NOUN _005197432 67 7 revivals revival NOUN _005197432 67 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 67 9 in in ADP _005197432 67 10 an an DET _005197432 67 11 appeal appeal NOUN _005197432 67 12 to to ADP _005197432 67 13 christian christian ADJ _005197432 67 14 antiquity antiquity NOUN _005197432 67 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 67 16 it it PRON _005197432 67 17 did do AUX _005197432 67 18 not not PART _005197432 67 19 rest rest VERB _005197432 67 20 content content NOUN _005197432 67 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 67 22 as as SCONJ _005197432 67 23 they they PRON _005197432 67 24 had have AUX _005197432 67 25 done do VERB _005197432 67 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 67 27 to to PART _005197432 67 28 be be AUX _005197432 67 29 identified identify VERB _005197432 67 30 with with ADP _005197432 67 31 a a DET _005197432 67 32 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 67 33 past past NOUN _005197432 67 34 only only ADV _005197432 67 35 , , PUNCT _005197432 67 36 but but CCONJ _005197432 67 37 went go VERB _005197432 67 38 on on ADP _005197432 67 39 to to PART _005197432 67 40 establish establish VERB _005197432 67 41 its its PRON _005197432 67 42 relation relation NOUN _005197432 67 43 with with ADP _005197432 67 44 the the DET _005197432 67 45 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 67 46 present present NOUN _005197432 67 47 . . PUNCT _005197432 68 1 it it PRON _005197432 68 2 went go VERB _005197432 68 3 so so ADV _005197432 68 4 far far ADV _005197432 68 5 as as SCONJ _005197432 68 6 to to PART _005197432 68 7 inquire inquire VERB _005197432 68 8 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 68 9 the the DET _005197432 68 10 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005197432 68 11 platform platform NOUN _005197432 68 12 laid lay VERB _005197432 68 13 down down ADP _005197432 68 14 in in ADP _005197432 68 15 the the DET _005197432 68 16 thirty thirty NUM _005197432 68 17 - - PUNCT _005197432 68 18 nine nine NUM _005197432 68 19 articles article NOUN _005197432 68 20 of of ADP _005197432 68 21 religion religion NOUN _005197432 68 22 as as ADP _005197432 68 23 the the DET _005197432 68 24 specific specific ADJ _005197432 68 25 creed creed NOUN _005197432 68 26 of of ADP _005197432 68 27 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005197432 68 28 ’s ’s PART _005197432 68 29 establishment establishment NOUN _005197432 68 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 68 31 might might AUX _005197432 68 32 not not PART _005197432 68 33 be be AUX _005197432 68 34 reinterpreted reinterpret VERB _005197432 68 35 into into ADP _005197432 68 36 harmony harmony NOUN _005197432 68 37 with with ADP _005197432 68 38 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005197432 68 39 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 68 40 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 68 41 as as SCONJ _005197432 68 42 defined define VERB _005197432 68 43 by by ADP _005197432 68 44 the the DET _005197432 68 45 council council NOUN _005197432 68 46 of of ADP _005197432 68 47 trent trent NOUN _005197432 68 48 . . PUNCT _005197432 69 1 this this DET _005197432 69 2 question question NOUN _005197432 69 3 was be AUX _005197432 69 4 answered answer VERB _005197432 69 5 in in ADP _005197432 69 6 the the DET _005197432 69 7 affirmative affirmative NOUN _005197432 69 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 69 9 to to ADP _005197432 69 10 its its PRON _005197432 69 11 proponents proponent NOUN _005197432 69 12 ’ ' PUNCT _005197432 69 13 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _005197432 69 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 69 15 by by ADP _005197432 69 16 the the DET _005197432 69 17 famous famous ADJ _005197432 69 18 no no NOUN _005197432 69 19 . . NOUN _005197432 69 20 90 90 NUM _005197432 69 21 of of ADP _005197432 69 22 the the DET _005197432 69 23 “ " PUNCT _005197432 69 24 tracts tract NOUN _005197432 69 25 for for ADP _005197432 69 26 the the DET _005197432 69 27 times time NOUN _005197432 69 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 69 29 ” " PUNCT _005197432 70 1 that that DET _005197432 70 2 product product NOUN _005197432 70 3 of of ADP _005197432 70 4 newman newman NOUN _005197432 70 5 ’s ’s PART _005197432 70 6 pen pen NOUN _005197432 70 7 in in ADP _005197432 70 8 1841 1841 NUM _005197432 70 9 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 70 10 as as SCONJ _005197432 70 11 father father PROPN _005197432 70 12 hawks hawk NOUN _005197432 70 13 has have AUX _005197432 70 14 again again ADV _005197432 70 15 observed observe VERB _005197432 70 16 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 70 17 brought bring VERB _005197432 70 18 the the DET _005197432 70 19 movement movement NOUN _005197432 70 20 to to ADP _005197432 70 21 the the DET _005197432 70 22 apex apex NOUN _005197432 70 23 of of ADP _005197432 70 24 its its PRON _005197432 70 25 thought thought NOUN _005197432 70 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 71 1 those those PRON _005197432 71 2 who who PRON _005197432 71 3 could could AUX _005197432 71 4 follow follow VERB _005197432 71 5 newman newman NOUN _005197432 71 6 to to ADP _005197432 71 7 this this DET _005197432 71 8 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005197432 71 9 were be AUX _005197432 71 10 comitted comitte VERB _005197432 71 11 by by ADP _005197432 71 12 it it PRON _005197432 71 13 to to ADP _005197432 71 14 a a DET _005197432 71 15 frank frank ADJ _005197432 71 16 facing facing NOUN _005197432 71 17 of of ADP _005197432 71 18 the the DET _005197432 71 19 question question NOUN _005197432 71 20 why why SCONJ _005197432 71 21 they they PRON _005197432 71 22 should should AUX _005197432 71 23 not not PART _005197432 71 24 accept accept VERB _005197432 71 25 the the DET _005197432 71 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 71 27 claim claim NOUN _005197432 71 28 entire entire ADJ _005197432 71 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 71 30 as as SCONJ _005197432 71 31 they they PRON _005197432 71 32 found find VERB _005197432 71 33 it it PRON _005197432 71 34 then then ADV _005197432 71 35 existing exist VERB _005197432 71 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 72 1 it it PRON _005197432 72 2 was be AUX _005197432 72 3 the the DET _005197432 72 4 same same ADJ _005197432 72 5 startling startling ADJ _005197432 72 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 72 7 unforeseen unforeseen ADJ _005197432 72 8 dilemma dilemma NOUN _005197432 72 9 that that PRON _005197432 72 10 must must AUX _005197432 72 11 be be AUX _005197432 72 12 faced face VERB _005197432 72 13 by by ADP _005197432 72 14 every every DET _005197432 72 15 earnest earnest ADJ _005197432 72 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 72 17 intelligent intelligent ADJ _005197432 72 18 anglo anglo ADJ _005197432 72 19 - - PUNCT _005197432 72 20 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 72 21 at at ADP _005197432 72 22 some some DET _005197432 72 23 time time NOUN _005197432 72 24 or or CCONJ _005197432 72 25 other other ADJ _005197432 72 26 in in ADP _005197432 72 27 his his PRON _005197432 72 28 religious religious ADJ _005197432 72 29 career career NOUN _005197432 72 30 . . PUNCT _005197432 73 1 then then ADV _005197432 73 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 73 3 as as ADV _005197432 73 4 often often ADV _005197432 73 5 since since SCONJ _005197432 73 6 then then ADV _005197432 73 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 73 8 the the DET _005197432 73 9 still still ADV _005197432 73 10 unanswered unanswered ADJ _005197432 73 11 query query NOUN _005197432 73 12 suggested suggest VERB _005197432 73 13 another another PRON _005197432 73 14 : : PUNCT _005197432 73 15 what what PRON _005197432 73 16 would would AUX _005197432 73 17 rome rome VERB _005197432 73 18 demand demand NOUN _005197432 73 19 of of ADP _005197432 73 20 us we PRON _005197432 73 21 by by ADP _005197432 73 22 way way NOUN _005197432 73 23 of of ADP _005197432 73 24 allegiance allegiance NOUN _005197432 73 25 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 74 1 we we PRON _005197432 74 2 are be AUX _005197432 74 3 not not PART _005197432 74 4 very very ADV _005197432 74 5 far far ADV _005197432 74 6 from from ADP _005197432 74 7 her she PRON _005197432 74 8 . . PUNCT _005197432 75 1 believing believe VERB _005197432 75 2 as as SCONJ _005197432 75 3 we we PRON _005197432 75 4 do do VERB _005197432 75 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 75 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 75 7 practicing practice VERB _005197432 75 8 our our PRON _005197432 75 9 common common ADJ _005197432 75 10 religion religion NOUN _005197432 75 11 precisely precisely ADV _005197432 75 12 with with ADP _005197432 75 13 these these DET _005197432 75 14 convictions conviction NOUN _005197432 75 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 75 16 is be AUX _005197432 75 17 it it PRON _005197432 75 18 not not PART _005197432 75 19 possible possible ADJ _005197432 75 20 that that SCONJ _005197432 75 21 we we PRON _005197432 75 22 might might AUX _005197432 75 23 soon soon ADV _005197432 75 24 be be AUX _005197432 75 25 unanimously unanimously ADV _005197432 75 26 ready ready ADJ _005197432 75 27 — — PUNCT _005197432 75 28 bishops bishop NOUN _005197432 75 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 75 30 clergy clergy NOUN _005197432 75 31 and and CCONJ _005197432 75 32 laity laity NOUN _005197432 75 33 — — PUNCT _005197432 75 34 for for ADP _005197432 75 35 a a DET _005197432 75 36 collective collective ADJ _005197432 75 37 return return NOUN _005197432 75 38 to to ADP _005197432 75 39 rome rome PROPN _005197432 75 40 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 76 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 76 2 if if SCONJ _005197432 76 3 so so ADV _005197432 76 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 76 5 might might AUX _005197432 76 6 not not PART _005197432 76 7 receive receive VERB _005197432 76 8 us we PRON _005197432 76 9 as as SCONJ _005197432 76 10 we we PRON _005197432 76 11 are be AUX _005197432 76 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 76 13 just just ADV _005197432 76 14 as as ADP _005197432 76 15 in in ADP _005197432 76 16 the the DET _005197432 76 17 days day NOUN _005197432 76 18 of of ADP _005197432 76 19 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 76 20 pole pole NOUN _005197432 76 21 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 77 1 none none NOUN _005197432 77 2 of of ADP _005197432 77 3 us we PRON _005197432 77 4 can can AUX _005197432 77 5 fail fail VERB _005197432 77 6 to to PART _005197432 77 7 appreciate appreciate VERB _005197432 77 8 either either CCONJ _005197432 77 9 the the DET _005197432 77 10 attraction attraction NOUN _005197432 77 11 of of ADP _005197432 77 12 such such DET _005197432 77 13 a a DET _005197432 77 14 hope hope NOUN _005197432 77 15 or or CCONJ _005197432 77 16 the the DET _005197432 77 17 spontaneity spontaneity NOUN _005197432 77 18 of of ADP _005197432 77 19 its its PRON _005197432 77 20 origin origin NOUN _005197432 77 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 78 1 to to PART _005197432 78 2 say say VERB _005197432 78 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 78 4 however however ADV _005197432 78 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 78 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 78 7 it it PRON _005197432 78 8 animated animate VERB _005197432 78 9 anglican anglican ADV _005197432 78 10 aims aim VERB _005197432 78 11 even even ADV _005197432 78 12 before before ADP _005197432 78 13 the the DET _005197432 78 14 conversion conversion NOUN _005197432 78 15 of of ADP _005197432 78 16 newman newman NOUN _005197432 78 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 78 18 is be AUX _005197432 78 19 not not PART _005197432 78 20 to to PART _005197432 78 21 indulge indulge VERB _005197432 78 22 in in ADP _005197432 78 23 mere mere ADJ _005197432 78 24 inference inference NOUN _005197432 78 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 79 1 as as ADV _005197432 79 2 early early ADV _005197432 79 3 as as ADP _005197432 79 4 1841 1841 NUM _005197432 79 5 newman newman NOUN _005197432 79 6 himself himself PRON _005197432 79 7 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 79 8 who who PRON _005197432 79 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 79 10 however however ADV _005197432 79 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 79 12 did do AUX _005197432 79 13 not not PART _005197432 79 14 believe believe VERB _005197432 79 15 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 79 16 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 79 17 a a DET _005197432 79 18 feasible feasible ADJ _005197432 79 19 project project NOUN _005197432 79 20 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 79 21 wrote write VERB _005197432 79 22 to to ADP _005197432 79 23 ambrose ambrose VERB _005197432 79 24 phillipps phillipps PROPN _005197432 79 25 de de X _005197432 79 26 lisle lisle PROPN _005197432 79 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 79 28 a a DET _005197432 79 29 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 79 30 friend friend NOUN _005197432 79 31 : : PUNCT _005197432 79 32 “ " PUNCT _005197432 80 1 i i PRON _005197432 80 2 can can AUX _005197432 80 3 earnestly earnestly ADV _005197432 80 4 * * PUNCT _005197432 80 5 in in ADP _005197432 80 6 the the DET _005197432 80 7 missionary missionary NOUN _005197432 80 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 80 9 march march PROPN _005197432 80 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 80 11 1930 1930 NUM _005197432 80 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 80 13 p. p. NOUN _005197432 80 14 77 77 NUM _005197432 80 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 81 1 can can AUX _005197432 81 2 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 81 3 unite unite VERB _005197432 81 4 with with ADP _005197432 81 5 rome rome PROPN _005197432 81 6 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 82 1 5 5 NUM _005197432 82 2 desire desire VERB _005197432 82 3 a a DET _005197432 82 4 union union NOUN _005197432 82 5 between between ADP _005197432 82 6 my my PRON _005197432 82 7 church church NOUN _005197432 82 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 82 9 yours your NOUN _005197432 82 10 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 82 11 i i PRON _005197432 82 12 can can AUX _005197432 82 13 not not PART _005197432 82 14 listen listen VERB _005197432 82 15 to to ADP _005197432 82 16 the the DET _005197432 82 17 thought thought NOUN _005197432 82 18 of of ADP _005197432 82 19 your your PRON _005197432 82 20 being be AUX _005197432 82 21 joined join VERB _005197432 82 22 by by ADP _005197432 82 23 individuals individual NOUN _005197432 82 24 among among ADP _005197432 82 25 us we PRON _005197432 82 26 ” " PUNCT _005197432 82 27 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 82 28 purcell purcell VERB _005197432 82 29 ’s ’s PRON _005197432 82 30 “ " PUNCT _005197432 82 31 life life NOUN _005197432 82 32 of of ADP _005197432 82 33 de de PROPN _005197432 82 34 lisle lisle PROPN _005197432 82 35 , , PUNCT _005197432 82 36 ” " PUNCT _005197432 82 37 i i PRON _005197432 82 38 , , PUNCT _005197432 82 39 p. p. NOUN _005197432 82 40 224 224 NUM _005197432 82 41 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 82 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 83 1 in in ADP _005197432 83 2 that that DET _005197432 83 3 same same ADJ _005197432 83 4 year year NOUN _005197432 83 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 83 6 however however ADV _005197432 83 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 83 8 some some PRON _005197432 83 9 of of ADP _005197432 83 10 newman newman PROPN _005197432 83 11 ’s ’s PART _005197432 83 12 chief chief PROPN _005197432 83 13 associates associate NOUN _005197432 83 14 in in ADP _005197432 83 15 the the DET _005197432 83 16 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 83 17 movement movement NOUN _005197432 83 18 were be AUX _005197432 83 19 frankly frankly ADV _005197432 83 20 proposing propose VERB _005197432 83 21 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 83 22 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 83 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 84 1 on on ADP _005197432 84 2 april april PROPN _005197432 84 3 13 13 NUM _005197432 84 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 84 5 1841 1841 NUM _005197432 84 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 84 7 there there PRON _005197432 84 8 appeared appear VERB _005197432 84 9 anonymously anonymously ADV _005197432 84 10 in in ADP _005197432 84 11 the the DET _005197432 84 12 paris paris PROPN _005197432 84 13 univers univer VERB _005197432 84 14 an an DET _005197432 84 15 appeal appeal NOUN _005197432 84 16 to to ADP _005197432 84 17 the the DET _005197432 84 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 84 19 public public NOUN _005197432 84 20 of of ADP _005197432 84 21 continental continental PROPN _005197432 84 22 europe europe PROPN _005197432 84 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 84 24 the the DET _005197432 84 25 work work NOUN _005197432 84 26 of of ADP _005197432 84 27 ward ward NOUN _005197432 84 28 and and CCONJ _005197432 84 29 dalgairns dalgairn NOUN _005197432 84 30 . . PUNCT _005197432 85 1 addressing address VERB _005197432 85 2 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 85 3 with with ADP _005197432 85 4 the the DET _005197432 85 5 utmost utmost ADJ _005197432 85 6 directness directness NOUN _005197432 85 7 to to ADP _005197432 85 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 85 9 readers reader NOUN _005197432 85 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 85 11 the the DET _005197432 85 12 writers writer NOUN _005197432 85 13 said say VERB _005197432 85 14 : : PUNCT _005197432 85 15 “ " PUNCT _005197432 85 16 we we PRON _005197432 85 17 experience experience VERB _005197432 85 18 a a DET _005197432 85 19 burning burn VERB _005197432 85 20 desire desire NOUN _005197432 85 21 to to PART _005197432 85 22 be be AUX _005197432 85 23 reunited reunite VERB _005197432 85 24 with with ADP _005197432 85 25 our our PRON _005197432 85 26 brethren brother NOUN _005197432 85 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 86 1 we we PRON _005197432 86 2 love love VERB _005197432 86 3 with with ADP _005197432 86 4 unfeigned unfeigned ADJ _005197432 86 5 affection affection NOUN _005197432 86 6 the the DET _005197432 86 7 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 86 8 see see NOUN _005197432 86 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 86 10 which which PRON _005197432 86 11 we we PRON _005197432 86 12 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _005197432 86 13 to to PART _005197432 86 14 be be AUX _005197432 86 15 the the DET _005197432 86 16 head head NOUN _005197432 86 17 of of ADP _005197432 86 18 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 86 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 86 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 87 1 . . PUNCT _005197432 87 2 . . PUNCT _005197432 88 1 we we PRON _005197432 88 2 also also ADV _005197432 88 3 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _005197432 88 4 that that SCONJ _005197432 88 5 it it PRON _005197432 88 6 is be AUX _005197432 88 7 neither neither CCONJ _005197432 88 8 our our PRON _005197432 88 9 formulas formula NOUN _005197432 88 10 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 88 11 the the DET _005197432 88 12 council council NOUN _005197432 88 13 of of ADP _005197432 88 14 trent trent NOUN _005197432 88 15 that that PRON _005197432 88 16 prevent prevent VERB _005197432 88 17 a a DET _005197432 88 18 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 88 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 88 20 ” " PUNCT _005197432 89 1 the the DET _005197432 89 2 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 89 3 thus thus ADV _005197432 89 4 proposed propose VERB _005197432 89 5 was be AUX _005197432 89 6 to to PART _005197432 89 7 be be AUX _005197432 89 8 solely solely ADV _005197432 89 9 a a DET _005197432 89 10 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 89 11 one one NOUN _005197432 89 12 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 89 13 the the DET _005197432 89 14 writers writer NOUN _005197432 89 15 even even ADV _005197432 89 16 warned warn VERB _005197432 89 17 their their PRON _005197432 89 18 readers reader NOUN _005197432 89 19 not not PART _005197432 89 20 to to PART _005197432 89 21 expect expect VERB _005197432 89 22 the the DET _005197432 89 23 conversion conversion NOUN _005197432 89 24 of of ADP _005197432 89 25 individual individual ADJ _005197432 89 26 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 89 27 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 89 28 thureau thureau NOUN _005197432 89 29 - - PUNCT _005197432 89 30 dangin dangin NOUN _005197432 89 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 89 32 “ " PUNCT _005197432 89 33 the the DET _005197432 89 34 english english PROPN _005197432 89 35 catholic catholic PROPN _005197432 89 36 revival revival NOUN _005197432 89 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 89 38 ” " PUNCT _005197432 89 39 i i PRON _005197432 89 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 89 41 p. p. NOUN _005197432 89 42 210 210 NUM _005197432 89 43 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 89 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 90 1 stronger strong ADJ _005197432 90 2 and and CCONJ _005197432 90 3 more more ADV _005197432 90 4 numerous numerous ADJ _005197432 90 5 expressions expression NOUN _005197432 90 6 of of ADP _005197432 90 7 this this DET _005197432 90 8 hope hope NOUN _005197432 90 9 might might AUX _005197432 90 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 90 11 of of ADP _005197432 90 12 course course NOUN _005197432 90 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 90 14 be be AUX _005197432 90 15 cited cite VERB _005197432 90 16 from from ADP _005197432 90 17 the the DET _005197432 90 18 writings writing NOUN _005197432 90 19 of of ADP _005197432 90 20 de de PROPN _005197432 90 21 lisle lisle PROPN _005197432 90 22 himself himself PRON _005197432 90 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 90 24 whose whose DET _005197432 90 25 zealous zealous ADJ _005197432 90 26 optimism optimism NOUN _005197432 90 27 had have AUX _005197432 90 28 led lead VERB _005197432 90 29 him he PRON _005197432 90 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 90 31 from from ADP _005197432 90 32 the the DET _005197432 90 33 very very ADJ _005197432 90 34 beginning beginning NOUN _005197432 90 35 of of ADP _005197432 90 36 the the DET _005197432 90 37 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 90 38 movement movement PROPN _005197432 90 39 , , PUNCT _005197432 90 40 to to PART _005197432 90 41 expect expect VERB _005197432 90 42 far far ADV _005197432 90 43 too too ADV _005197432 90 44 much much ADV _005197432 90 45 from from ADP _005197432 90 46 it it PRON _005197432 90 47 . . PUNCT _005197432 91 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 91 2 i i PRON _005197432 91 3 am be AUX _005197432 91 4 dealing deal VERB _005197432 91 5 only only ADV _005197432 91 6 with with ADP _005197432 91 7 the the DET _005197432 91 8 sentiments sentiment NOUN _005197432 91 9 of of ADP _005197432 91 10 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 91 11 of of ADP _005197432 91 12 the the DET _005197432 91 13 period period NOUN _005197432 91 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 92 1 among among ADP _005197432 92 2 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 92 3 the the DET _005197432 92 4 “ " PUNCT _005197432 92 5 new new ADJ _005197432 92 6 thought thought NOUN _005197432 92 7 ” " PUNCT _005197432 92 8 of of ADP _005197432 92 9 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 92 10 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 92 11 is be AUX _005197432 92 12 as as ADV _005197432 92 13 old old ADJ _005197432 92 14 as as ADP _005197432 92 15 1841 1841 NUM _005197432 92 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 93 1 ill ill VERB _005197432 93 2 the the DET _005197432 93 3 loss loss NOUN _005197432 93 4 to to ADP _005197432 93 5 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 93 6 of of ADP _005197432 93 7 newman newman PROPN _005197432 93 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 93 9 ward ward NOUN _005197432 93 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 93 11 dalgairns dalgairn NOUN _005197432 93 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 93 13 and and CCONJ _005197432 93 14 many many ADJ _005197432 93 15 others other NOUN _005197432 93 16 in in ADP _005197432 93 17 1845 1845 NUM _005197432 93 18 made make VERB _005197432 93 19 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 93 20 with with ADP _005197432 93 21 rome rome PROPN _005197432 93 22 a a DET _005197432 93 23 highly highly ADV _005197432 93 24 distasteful distasteful ADJ _005197432 93 25 subject subject NOUN _005197432 93 26 and and CCONJ _005197432 93 27 condemned condemn VERB _005197432 93 28 it it PRON _005197432 93 29 to to ADP _005197432 93 30 twelve twelve NUM _005197432 93 31 years year NOUN _005197432 93 32 of of ADP _005197432 93 33 quiescence quiescence NOUN _005197432 93 34 . . PUNCT _005197432 94 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 94 2 it it PRON _005197432 94 3 could could AUX _005197432 94 4 not not PART _005197432 94 5 fail fail VERB _005197432 94 6 to to PART _005197432 94 7 revive revive VERB _005197432 94 8 while while SCONJ _005197432 94 9 anglican anglican ADV _005197432 94 10 thought think VERB _005197432 94 11 continued continue VERB _005197432 94 12 to to PART _005197432 94 13 be be AUX _005197432 94 14 influenced influence VERB _005197432 94 15 by by ADP _005197432 94 16 tractarian tractarian ADJ _005197432 94 17 principles principle NOUN _005197432 94 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 95 1 these these DET _005197432 95 2 last last ADJ _005197432 95 3 were be AUX _005197432 95 4 now now ADV _005197432 95 5 retrenched retrench VERB _005197432 95 6 to to ADP _005197432 95 7 somewhat somewhat ADV _005197432 95 8 more more ADV _005197432 95 9 moderate moderate ADJ _005197432 95 10 lines line NOUN _005197432 95 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 95 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 95 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 95 14 partly partly ADV _005197432 95 15 for for ADP _005197432 95 16 that that DET _005197432 95 17 very very ADJ _005197432 95 18 reason reason NOUN _005197432 95 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 95 20 began begin VERB _005197432 95 21 to to PART _005197432 95 22 extend extend VERB _005197432 95 23 their their PRON _005197432 95 24 sphere sphere NOUN _005197432 95 25 of of ADP _005197432 95 26 influence influence NOUN _005197432 95 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 96 1 the the DET _005197432 96 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 96 3 ideals ideal NOUN _005197432 96 4 which which PRON _005197432 96 5 thus thus ADV _005197432 96 6 became become VERB _005197432 96 7 familiar familiar ADJ _005197432 96 8 to to ADP _005197432 96 9 an an DET _005197432 96 10 ever ever ADV _005197432 96 11 - - PUNCT _005197432 96 12 growing grow VERB _005197432 96 13 circle circle NOUN _005197432 96 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 96 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 96 16 dearer dearer VERB _005197432 96 17 to to ADP _005197432 96 18 their their PRON _005197432 96 19 adherents adherent NOUN _005197432 96 20 than than ADP _005197432 96 21 anything anything PRON _005197432 96 22 else else ADV _005197432 96 23 in in ADP _005197432 96 24 life life NOUN _005197432 96 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 96 26 could could AUX _005197432 96 27 not not PART _005197432 96 28 but but CCONJ _005197432 96 29 seem seem VERB _005197432 96 30 to to PART _005197432 96 31 point point VERB _005197432 96 32 towards towards ADP _005197432 96 33 ultimate ultimate ADJ _005197432 96 34 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 96 35 with with ADP _005197432 96 36 their their PRON _005197432 96 37 own own ADJ _005197432 96 38 origin origin NOUN _005197432 96 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 96 40 normal normal ADJ _005197432 96 41 center center NOUN _005197432 96 42 of of ADP _005197432 96 43 action action NOUN _005197432 96 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 97 1 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 97 2 was be AUX _005197432 97 3 the the DET _005197432 97 4 imperishable imperishable ADJ _005197432 97 5 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 97 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 97 7 in in ADP _005197432 97 8 those those DET _005197432 97 9 earlier early ADJ _005197432 97 10 times time NOUN _005197432 97 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 97 12 the the DET _005197432 97 13 property property NOUN _005197432 97 14 of of ADP _005197432 97 15 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 97 16 alone alone ADV _005197432 97 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 98 1 6 6 NUM _005197432 98 2 can can AUX _005197432 98 3 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 98 4 unite unite VERB _005197432 98 5 with with ADP _005197432 98 6 rome rome PROPN _005197432 98 7 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 99 1 when when SCONJ _005197432 99 2 next next ADV _005197432 99 3 it it PRON _005197432 99 4 assumed assume VERB _005197432 99 5 the the DET _005197432 99 6 form form NOUN _005197432 99 7 of of ADP _005197432 99 8 a a DET _005197432 99 9 concerted concerted ADJ _005197432 99 10 effort effort NOUN _005197432 99 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 99 12 one one NUM _005197432 99 13 of of ADP _005197432 99 14 its its PRON _005197432 99 15 very very ADJ _005197432 99 16 originators originator NOUN _005197432 99 17 was be AUX _005197432 99 18 a a DET _005197432 99 19 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 99 20 layman layman NOUN _005197432 99 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 99 22 who who PRON _005197432 99 23 has have AUX _005197432 99 24 already already ADV _005197432 99 25 been be AUX _005197432 99 26 briefly briefly ADV _005197432 99 27 noticed notice VERB _005197432 99 28 in in ADP _005197432 99 29 this this DET _005197432 99 30 story story NOUN _005197432 99 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 100 1 ambrose ambrose PROPN _005197432 100 2 phillipps phillipps PROPN _005197432 100 3 de de PROPN _005197432 100 4 lisle lisle PROPN _005197432 100 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 100 6 a a DET _005197432 100 7 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 100 8 since since SCONJ _005197432 100 9 his his PRON _005197432 100 10 fifteenth fifteenth ADJ _005197432 100 11 year year NOUN _005197432 100 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 100 13 and and CCONJ _005197432 100 14 now now ADV _005197432 100 15 nearly nearly ADV _005197432 100 16 fifty fifty NUM _005197432 100 17 years year NOUN _005197432 100 18 of of ADP _005197432 100 19 age age NOUN _005197432 100 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 100 21 was be AUX _005197432 100 22 widely widely ADV _005197432 100 23 respected respected ADJ _005197432 100 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 100 25 loved love VERB _005197432 100 26 for for ADP _005197432 100 27 virtue virtue NOUN _005197432 100 28 and and CCONJ _005197432 100 29 piety piety NOUN _005197432 100 30 joined join VERB _005197432 100 31 to to ADP _005197432 100 32 a a DET _005197432 100 33 high high ADJ _005197432 100 34 degree degree NOUN _005197432 100 35 of of ADP _005197432 100 36 culture culture NOUN _005197432 100 37 . . PUNCT _005197432 101 1 since since SCONJ _005197432 101 2 the the DET _005197432 101 3 days day NOUN _005197432 101 4 of of ADP _005197432 101 5 tract tract NOUN _005197432 101 6 90 90 NUM _005197432 101 7 he he PRON _005197432 101 8 had have AUX _005197432 101 9 become become VERB _005197432 101 10 as as ADV _005197432 101 11 intimate intimate ADJ _005197432 101 12 with with ADP _005197432 101 13 many many ADJ _005197432 101 14 leading lead VERB _005197432 101 15 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 101 16 as as ADP _005197432 101 17 with with ADP _005197432 101 18 his his PRON _005197432 101 19 own own ADJ _005197432 101 20 fellow fellow NOUN _005197432 101 21 - - PUNCT _005197432 101 22 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 101 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 102 1 the the DET _005197432 102 2 growing grow VERB _005197432 102 3 community community NOUN _005197432 102 4 in in ADP _005197432 102 5 many many ADJ _005197432 102 6 beliefs belief NOUN _005197432 102 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 102 8 practices practice NOUN _005197432 102 9 between between ADP _005197432 102 10 the the DET _005197432 102 11 two two NUM _005197432 102 12 bodies body NOUN _005197432 102 13 never never ADV _005197432 102 14 ceased cease VERB _005197432 102 15 to to PART _005197432 102 16 inspire inspire VERB _005197432 102 17 him he PRON _005197432 102 18 with with ADP _005197432 102 19 the the DET _005197432 102 20 hope hope NOUN _005197432 102 21 of of ADP _005197432 102 22 their their PRON _005197432 102 23 eventual eventual ADJ _005197432 102 24 union union NOUN _005197432 102 25 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 102 26 but but CCONJ _005197432 102 27 rightly rightly ADV _005197432 102 28 feeling feel VERB _005197432 102 29 that that SCONJ _005197432 102 30 the the DET _005197432 102 31 means mean NOUN _005197432 102 32 to to ADP _005197432 102 33 such such DET _005197432 102 34 an an DET _005197432 102 35 end end NOUN _005197432 102 36 were be AUX _005197432 102 37 still still ADV _005197432 102 38 beyo beyo ADJ _005197432 102 39 r r NOUN _005197432 102 40 nd nd PROPN _005197432 102 41 conjecture conjecture NOUN _005197432 102 42 , , PUNCT _005197432 102 43 he he PRON _005197432 102 44 placed place VERB _005197432 102 45 his his PRON _005197432 102 46 chief chief ADJ _005197432 102 47 reliance reliance NOUN _005197432 102 48 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 102 49 prayer prayer NOUN _005197432 102 50 . . PUNCT _005197432 103 1 this this PRON _005197432 103 2 made make VERB _005197432 103 3 him he PRON _005197432 103 4 willingly willingly ADV _005197432 103 5 consent consent VERB _005197432 103 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 103 7 in in ADP _005197432 103 8 1857 1857 NUM _005197432 103 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 103 10 to to PART _005197432 103 11 share share VERB _005197432 103 12 with with ADP _005197432 103 13 the the DET _005197432 103 14 anglican anglican PROPN _005197432 103 15 dr dr PROPN _005197432 103 16 . . PROPN _005197432 103 17 f. f. PROPN _005197432 103 18 g. g. PROPN _005197432 103 19 lee lee PROPN _005197432 103 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 103 21 a a DET _005197432 103 22 leading lead VERB _005197432 103 23 part part NOUN _005197432 103 24 in in ADP _005197432 103 25 forming form VERB _005197432 103 26 the the DET _005197432 103 27 “ " PUNCT _005197432 103 28 association association NOUN _005197432 103 29 for for ADP _005197432 103 30 the the DET _005197432 103 31 promotion promotion NOUN _005197432 103 32 of of ADP _005197432 103 33 the the DET _005197432 103 34 unity unity NOUN _005197432 103 35 of of ADP _005197432 103 36 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 103 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 103 38 ” " PUNCT _005197432 103 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 103 40 to to PART _005197432 103 41 use use VERB _005197432 103 42 his his PRON _005197432 103 43 own own ADJ _005197432 103 44 influence influence NOUN _005197432 103 45 to to PART _005197432 103 46 enlist enlist VERB _005197432 103 47 other other ADJ _005197432 103 48 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 103 49 in in ADP _005197432 103 50 its its PRON _005197432 103 51 membership membership NOUN _005197432 103 52 . . PUNCT _005197432 104 1 the the DET _005197432 104 2 society society NOUN _005197432 104 3 thus thus ADV _005197432 104 4 sponsored sponsor VERB _005197432 104 5 grew grow VERB _005197432 104 6 rapidly rapidly ADV _005197432 104 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 104 8 chiefly chiefly ADV _005197432 104 9 in in ADP _005197432 104 10 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 104 11 membership membership NOUN _005197432 104 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 104 13 though though SCONJ _005197432 104 14 many many ADJ _005197432 104 15 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 104 16 joined join VERB _005197432 104 17 its its PRON _005197432 104 18 ranks rank NOUN _005197432 104 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 104 20 as as ADV _005197432 104 21 well well ADV _005197432 104 22 as as ADP _005197432 104 23 a a DET _005197432 104 24 few few ADJ _005197432 104 25 schismatics schismatic NOUN _005197432 104 26 of of ADP _005197432 104 27 oriental oriental ADJ _005197432 104 28 rites rite NOUN _005197432 104 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 105 1 its its PRON _005197432 105 2 only only ADJ _005197432 105 3 obligation obligation NOUN _005197432 105 4 was be AUX _005197432 105 5 to to PART _005197432 105 6 recite recite VERB _005197432 105 7 daily daily ADV _005197432 105 8 the the DET _005197432 105 9 our our PRON _005197432 105 10 father father NOUN _005197432 105 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 105 12 one one NUM _005197432 105 13 other other ADJ _005197432 105 14 prescribed prescribed ADJ _005197432 105 15 prayer prayer NOUN _005197432 105 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 105 17 for for ADP _005197432 105 18 the the DET _005197432 105 19 intention intention NOUN _005197432 105 20 that that SCONJ _005197432 105 21 catholics catholic VERB _005197432 105 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 105 23 orientals oriental NOUN _005197432 105 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 105 25 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 105 26 might might AUX _005197432 105 27 become become VERB _005197432 105 28 a a DET _005197432 105 29 united united PROPN _005197432 105 30 church church PROPN _005197432 105 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 106 1 in in ADP _005197432 106 2 its its PRON _005197432 106 3 original original ADJ _005197432 106 4 conception conception NOUN _005197432 106 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 106 6 either either CCONJ _005197432 106 7 a a DET _005197432 106 8 nobler nobler NOUN _005197432 106 9 aim aim NOUN _005197432 106 10 or or CCONJ _005197432 106 11 a a DET _005197432 106 12 purer purer NOUN _005197432 106 13 method method NOUN _005197432 106 14 of of ADP _005197432 106 15 promoting promote VERB _005197432 106 16 it it PRON _005197432 106 17 could could AUX _005197432 106 18 hardly hardly ADV _005197432 106 19 have have AUX _005197432 106 20 been be AUX _005197432 106 21 proposed propose VERB _005197432 106 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 107 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 107 2 yet yet ADV _005197432 107 3 the the DET _005197432 107 4 “ " PUNCT _005197432 107 5 a. a. NOUN _005197432 107 6 p. p. PROPN _005197432 107 7 u. u. PROPN _005197432 107 8 c. c. PROPN _005197432 107 9 ” " PUNCT _005197432 107 10 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 107 11 as as SCONJ _005197432 107 12 it it PRON _005197432 107 13 came come VERB _005197432 107 14 to to PART _005197432 107 15 be be AUX _005197432 107 16 familiarly familiarly ADV _005197432 107 17 called call VERB _005197432 107 18 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 107 19 could could AUX _005197432 107 20 not not PART _005197432 107 21 fail fail VERB _005197432 107 22 to to PART _005197432 107 23 bring bring VERB _005197432 107 24 into into ADP _005197432 107 25 conflict conflict NOUN _005197432 107 26 the the DET _005197432 107 27 divergent divergent ADJ _005197432 107 28 beliefs belief NOUN _005197432 107 29 in in ADP _005197432 107 30 which which PRON _005197432 107 31 the the DET _005197432 107 32 different different ADJ _005197432 107 33 classes class NOUN _005197432 107 34 of of ADP _005197432 107 35 its its PRON _005197432 107 36 members member NOUN _005197432 107 37 approached approach VERB _005197432 107 38 their their PRON _005197432 107 39 common common ADJ _005197432 107 40 aim aim NOUN _005197432 107 41 . . PUNCT _005197432 108 1 its its PRON _005197432 108 2 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 108 3 members member NOUN _005197432 108 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 108 5 now now ADV _005197432 108 6 accustomed accustom VERB _005197432 108 7 for for ADP _005197432 108 8 a a DET _005197432 108 9 whole whole ADJ _005197432 108 10 generation generation NOUN _005197432 108 11 to to ADP _005197432 108 12 a a DET _005197432 108 13 quasi quasi ADJ _005197432 108 14 - - ADJ _005197432 108 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 108 16 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005197432 108 17 of of ADP _005197432 108 18 their their PRON _005197432 108 19 own own ADJ _005197432 108 20 system system NOUN _005197432 108 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 108 22 had have AUX _005197432 108 23 begun begin VERB _005197432 108 24 to to PART _005197432 108 25 regard regard VERB _005197432 108 26 it it PRON _005197432 108 27 as as ADP _005197432 108 28 continuous continuous ADJ _005197432 108 29 in in ADP _005197432 108 30 organic organic ADJ _005197432 108 31 identity identity NOUN _005197432 108 32 with with ADP _005197432 108 33 the the DET _005197432 108 34 pre pre ADJ _005197432 108 35 - - ADJ _005197432 108 36 reformation reformation ADJ _005197432 108 37 church church NOUN _005197432 108 38 in in ADP _005197432 108 39 england england PROPN _005197432 108 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 108 41 and and CCONJ _005197432 108 42 to to PART _005197432 108 43 regard regard VERB _005197432 108 44 the the DET _005197432 108 45 descendants descendant NOUN _005197432 108 46 of of ADP _005197432 108 47 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 108 48 martyrs martyr NOUN _005197432 108 49 and and CCONJ _005197432 108 50 confessors confessor NOUN _005197432 108 51 as as ADP _005197432 108 52 unconscious unconscious ADJ _005197432 108 53 intruders intruder NOUN _005197432 108 54 of of ADP _005197432 108 55 a a DET _005197432 108 56 later later ADJ _005197432 108 57 date date NOUN _005197432 108 58 . . PUNCT _005197432 109 1 those those DET _005197432 109 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 109 3 members member NOUN _005197432 109 4 of of ADP _005197432 109 5 the the DET _005197432 109 6 association association NOUN _005197432 109 7 who who PRON _005197432 109 8 lacked lack VERB _005197432 109 9 the the DET _005197432 109 10 explicit explicit ADJ _005197432 109 11 theological theological ADJ _005197432 109 12 information information NOUN _005197432 109 13 to to ADP _005197432 109 14 analyse analyse PROPN _005197432 109 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 109 16 reject reject VERB _005197432 109 17 this this DET _005197432 109 18 error error NOUN _005197432 109 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 109 20 and and CCONJ _005197432 109 21 who who PRON _005197432 109 22 saw see VERB _005197432 109 23 it it PRON _005197432 109 24 accompanied accompany VERB _005197432 109 25 in in ADP _005197432 109 26 practice practice NOUN _005197432 109 27 by by ADP _005197432 109 28 evident evident ADJ _005197432 109 29 piety piety NOUN _005197432 109 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 109 31 sincerity sincerity NOUN _005197432 109 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 109 33 began begin VERB _005197432 109 34 to to PART _005197432 109 35 suspect suspect VERB _005197432 109 36 it it PRON _005197432 109 37 to to PART _005197432 109 38 be be AUX _005197432 109 39 a a DET _005197432 109 40 truth truth NOUN _005197432 109 41 which which PRON _005197432 109 42 had have VERB _005197432 109 43 hitherto hitherto NOUN _005197432 109 44 escaped escape VERB _005197432 109 45 their their PRON _005197432 109 46 attention attention NOUN _005197432 109 47 . . PUNCT _005197432 110 1 even even ADV _005197432 110 2 where where SCONJ _005197432 110 3 this this PRON _005197432 110 4 did do AUX _005197432 110 5 occur occur VERB _005197432 110 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 110 7 the the DET _005197432 110 8 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005197432 110 9 of of ADP _005197432 110 10 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 110 11 in in ADP _005197432 110 12 a a DET _005197432 110 13 comcan comcan PROPN _005197432 110 14 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 110 15 unite unite VERB _005197432 110 16 with with ADP _005197432 110 17 rome rome PROPN _005197432 110 18 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 111 1 7 7 NUM _005197432 111 2 mon mon PROPN _005197432 111 3 desire desire NOUN _005197432 111 4 for for ADP _005197432 111 5 union union NOUN _005197432 111 6 began begin VERB _005197432 111 7 to to PART _005197432 111 8 be be AUX _005197432 111 9 misinterpreted misinterpret VERB _005197432 111 10 as as ADP _005197432 111 11 agreement agreement NOUN _005197432 111 12 with with ADP _005197432 111 13 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 111 14 in in ADP _005197432 111 15 their their PRON _005197432 111 16 own own ADJ _005197432 111 17 persuasion persuasion NOUN _005197432 111 18 that that SCONJ _005197432 111 19 the the DET _005197432 111 20 church church NOUN _005197432 111 21 of of ADP _005197432 111 22 christ christ PROPN _005197432 111 23 was be AUX _005197432 111 24 actually actually ADV _005197432 111 25 divided divide VERB _005197432 111 26 and and CCONJ _005197432 111 27 still still ADV _005197432 111 28 awaiting await VERB _005197432 111 29 visible visible ADJ _005197432 111 30 unity unity NOUN _005197432 111 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 112 1 possibly possibly ADV _005197432 112 2 these these DET _005197432 112 3 errors error NOUN _005197432 112 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 112 5 roots root NOUN _005197432 112 6 of of ADP _005197432 112 7 scandal scandal NOUN _005197432 112 8 might might AUX _005197432 112 9 have have AUX _005197432 112 10 been be AUX _005197432 112 11 dispelled dispel VERB _005197432 112 12 by by ADP _005197432 112 13 personal personal ADJ _005197432 112 14 direction direction NOUN _005197432 112 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 112 16 had have AUX _005197432 112 17 they they PRON _005197432 112 18 not not PART _005197432 112 19 begun begin VERB _005197432 112 20 to to PART _005197432 112 21 be be AUX _005197432 112 22 broadcast broadcast VERB _005197432 112 23 to to ADP _005197432 112 24 the the DET _005197432 112 25 public public NOUN _005197432 112 26 through through ADP _005197432 112 27 the the DET _005197432 112 28 association association PROPN _005197432 112 29 ’s ’s PART _005197432 112 30 organ organ NOUN _005197432 112 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 112 32 the the DET _005197432 112 33 union union NOUN _005197432 112 34 review review NOUN _005197432 112 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 113 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 113 2 this this DET _005197432 113 3 last last ADJ _005197432 113 4 development development NOUN _005197432 113 5 could could AUX _005197432 113 6 not not PART _005197432 113 7 escape escape VERB _005197432 113 8 the the DET _005197432 113 9 attention attention NOUN _005197432 113 10 of of ADP _005197432 113 11 rome rome PROPN _005197432 113 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 114 1 consequently consequently ADV _005197432 114 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 114 3 in in ADP _005197432 114 4 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 114 5 the the DET _005197432 114 6 holy holy ADJ _005197432 114 7 office office NOUN _005197432 114 8 publicly publicly ADV _005197432 114 9 censured censure VERB _005197432 114 10 the the DET _005197432 114 11 errors error NOUN _005197432 114 12 in in ADP _005197432 114 13 faith faith NOUN _005197432 114 14 to to PART _005197432 114 15 which which PRON _005197432 114 16 the the DET _005197432 114 17 association association NOUN _005197432 114 18 had have AUX _005197432 114 19 given give VERB _005197432 114 20 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 114 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 114 22 and and CCONJ _005197432 114 23 forbade forbid VERB _005197432 114 24 its its PRON _005197432 114 25 membership membership NOUN _005197432 114 26 to to ADP _005197432 114 27 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 114 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 115 1 in in ADP _005197432 115 2 obedience obedience NOUN _005197432 115 3 to to ADP _005197432 115 4 this this DET _005197432 115 5 decision decision NOUN _005197432 115 6 the the DET _005197432 115 7 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 115 8 members member NOUN _005197432 115 9 withdrew withdraw VERB _005197432 115 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 115 11 thus thus ADV _005197432 115 12 ending end VERB _005197432 115 13 their their PRON _005197432 115 14 connection connection NOUN _005197432 115 15 with with ADP _005197432 115 16 the the DET _005197432 115 17 first first ADJ _005197432 115 18 anglican anglican NOUN _005197432 115 19 advance advance NOUN _005197432 115 20 towards towards ADP _005197432 115 21 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 115 22 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 115 23 which which PRON _005197432 115 24 had have AUX _005197432 115 25 assumed assume VERB _005197432 115 26 an an DET _005197432 115 27 organized organized ADJ _005197432 115 28 form form NOUN _005197432 115 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 116 1 iv iv X _005197432 116 2 whatever whatever PRON _005197432 116 3 the the DET _005197432 116 4 general general ADJ _005197432 116 5 hope hope NOUN _005197432 116 6 or or CCONJ _005197432 116 7 prospect prospect NOUN _005197432 116 8 of of ADP _005197432 116 9 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 116 10 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 116 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 116 12 the the DET _005197432 116 13 very very ADJ _005197432 116 14 essence essence NOUN _005197432 116 15 of of ADP _005197432 116 16 its its PRON _005197432 116 17 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 116 18 conception conception NOUN _005197432 116 19 had have AUX _005197432 116 20 now now ADV _005197432 116 21 been be AUX _005197432 116 22 formally formally ADV _005197432 116 23 repudiated repudiate VERB _005197432 116 24 by by ADP _005197432 116 25 rome rome PROPN _005197432 116 26 ’s ’s PART _005197432 116 27 highest high ADJ _005197432 116 28 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005197432 116 29 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005197432 116 30 in in ADP _005197432 116 31 faith faith NOUN _005197432 116 32 and and CCONJ _005197432 116 33 morals moral NOUN _005197432 116 34 . . PUNCT _005197432 117 1 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 117 2 was be AUX _005197432 117 3 the the DET _005197432 117 4 lesson lesson NOUN _005197432 117 5 in in ADP _005197432 117 6 vain vain NOUN _005197432 117 7 . . PUNCT _005197432 118 1 de de PROPN _005197432 118 2 lisle lisle PROPN _005197432 118 3 ’s ’s PART _005197432 118 4 honorable honorable ADJ _005197432 118 5 but but CCONJ _005197432 118 6 mistaken mistaken ADJ _005197432 118 7 interest interest NOUN _005197432 118 8 in in ADP _005197432 118 9 the the DET _005197432 118 10 project project NOUN _005197432 118 11 of of ADP _005197432 118 12 1857 1857 NUM _005197432 118 13 was be AUX _005197432 118 14 the the DET _005197432 118 15 last last ADJ _005197432 118 16 role role NOUN _005197432 118 17 of of ADP _005197432 118 18 the the DET _005197432 118 19 kind kind NOUN _005197432 118 20 ever ever ADV _005197432 118 21 to to PART _005197432 118 22 be be AUX _005197432 118 23 played play VERB _005197432 118 24 by by ADP _005197432 118 25 a a DET _005197432 118 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 118 27 conversant conversant NOUN _005197432 118 28 with with ADP _005197432 118 29 english english ADJ _005197432 118 30 life life NOUN _005197432 118 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 119 1 when when SCONJ _005197432 119 2 next next ADV _005197432 119 3 the the DET _005197432 119 4 imperishable imperishable ADJ _005197432 119 5 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 119 6 issued issue VERB _005197432 119 7 in in ADP _005197432 119 8 action action NOUN _005197432 119 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 119 10 the the DET _005197432 119 11 measure measure NOUN _005197432 119 12 it it PRON _005197432 119 13 employed employ VERB _005197432 119 14 was be AUX _005197432 119 15 indirect indirect ADJ _005197432 119 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 119 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 119 18 its its PRON _005197432 119 19 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 119 20 sponsor sponsor NOUN _005197432 119 21 a a DET _005197432 119 22 stranger stranger NOUN _005197432 119 23 to to ADP _005197432 119 24 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 119 25 at at ADP _005197432 119 26 home home NOUN _005197432 119 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 120 1 meanwhile meanwhile ADV _005197432 120 2 the the DET _005197432 120 3 growth growth NOUN _005197432 120 4 of of ADP _005197432 120 5 the the DET _005197432 120 6 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 120 7 theory theory NOUN _005197432 120 8 within within ADP _005197432 120 9 the the DET _005197432 120 10 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 120 11 system system NOUN _005197432 120 12 had have AUX _005197432 120 13 gone go VERB _005197432 120 14 forward forward ADV _005197432 120 15 for for ADP _005197432 120 16 another another DET _005197432 120 17 thirty thirty NUM _005197432 120 18 years year NOUN _005197432 120 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 120 20 weathering weather VERB _005197432 120 21 the the DET _005197432 120 22 storm storm NOUN _005197432 120 23 of of ADP _005197432 120 24 a a DET _005197432 120 25 determined determined ADJ _005197432 120 26 assault assault NOUN _005197432 120 27 and and CCONJ _005197432 120 28 proving prove VERB _005197432 120 29 itself itself PRON _005197432 120 30 ineradicable ineradicable ADJ _005197432 120 31 by by ADP _005197432 120 32 episcopal episcopal NOUN _005197432 120 33 censure censure NOUN _005197432 120 34 or or CCONJ _005197432 120 35 mob mob NOUN _005197432 120 36 violence violence NOUN _005197432 120 37 . . PUNCT _005197432 121 1 with with ADP _005197432 121 2 the the DET _005197432 121 3 coming coming NOUN _005197432 121 4 in in ADP _005197432 121 5 of of ADP _005197432 121 6 the the DET _005197432 121 7 ’ ' PUNCT _005197432 121 8 80 80 NUM _005197432 121 9 ’s ’s NUM _005197432 121 10 “ " PUNCT _005197432 121 11 anglocatholicism anglocatholicism NOUN _005197432 121 12 ” " PUNCT _005197432 121 13 was be AUX _005197432 121 14 a a DET _005197432 121 15 tolerated tolerate VERB _005197432 121 16 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005197432 121 17 of of ADP _005197432 121 18 the the DET _005197432 121 19 national national ADJ _005197432 121 20 religious religious ADJ _005197432 121 21 system system NOUN _005197432 121 22 as as ADV _005197432 121 23 fully fully ADV _005197432 121 24 as as ADP _005197432 121 25 the the DET _005197432 121 26 evangelical evangelical ADJ _005197432 121 27 and and CCONJ _005197432 121 28 liberal liberal ADJ _005197432 121 29 theories theory NOUN _005197432 121 30 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 121 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 122 1 its its PRON _005197432 122 2 principles principle NOUN _005197432 122 3 were be AUX _005197432 122 4 steadily steadily ADV _005197432 122 5 gaining gain VERB _005197432 122 6 adherents adherent NOUN _005197432 122 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 122 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 122 9 it it PRON _005197432 122 10 was be AUX _005197432 122 11 ably ably ADV _005197432 122 12 represented represent VERB _005197432 122 13 in in ADP _005197432 122 14 national national ADJ _005197432 122 15 affairs affair NOUN _005197432 122 16 by by ADP _005197432 122 17 a a DET _005197432 122 18 strong strong ADJ _005197432 122 19 organization organization NOUN _005197432 122 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 122 21 the the DET _005197432 122 22 “ " PUNCT _005197432 122 23 english english PROPN _005197432 122 24 church church NOUN _005197432 122 25 union union NOUN _005197432 122 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 122 27 ” " PUNCT _005197432 123 1 the the DET _005197432 123 2 president president NOUN _005197432 123 3 of of ADP _005197432 123 4 this this DET _005197432 123 5 society society NOUN _005197432 123 6 was be AUX _005197432 123 7 viscount viscount PROPN _005197432 123 8 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 123 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 123 10 a a DET _005197432 123 11 nobleman nobleman NOUN _005197432 123 12 justly justly ADV _005197432 123 13 respected respect VERB _005197432 123 14 for for ADP _005197432 123 15 piety piety NOUN _005197432 123 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 123 17 ability ability NOUN _005197432 123 18 and and CCONJ _005197432 123 19 spotless spotless NOUN _005197432 123 20 integrity integrity NOUN _005197432 123 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 124 1 his his PRON _005197432 124 2 official official ADJ _005197432 124 3 capacity capacity NOUN _005197432 124 4 enabled enable VERB _005197432 124 5 him he PRON _005197432 124 6 to to PART _005197432 124 7 enlist enlist VERB _005197432 124 8 a a DET _005197432 124 9 strong strong ADJ _005197432 124 10 following following NOUN _005197432 124 11 in in ADP _005197432 124 12 the the DET _005197432 124 13 pursuit pursuit NOUN _005197432 124 14 of of ADP _005197432 124 15 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 124 16 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 124 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 124 18 the the DET _005197432 124 19 dominant dominant ADJ _005197432 124 20 aim aim NOUN _005197432 124 21 of of ADP _005197432 124 22 his his PRON _005197432 124 23 own own ADJ _005197432 124 24 life life NOUN _005197432 124 25 and and CCONJ _005197432 124 26 efforts effort NOUN _005197432 124 27 from from ADP _005197432 124 28 that that DET _005197432 124 29 day day NOUN _005197432 124 30 to to ADP _005197432 124 31 this this PRON _005197432 124 32 . . PUNCT _005197432 125 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 125 2 the the DET _005197432 125 3 origin origin NOUN _005197432 125 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 125 5 nature nature NOUN _005197432 125 6 of of ADP _005197432 125 7 the the DET _005197432 125 8 established establish VERB _005197432 125 9 church church NOUN _005197432 125 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 125 11 8 8 NUM _005197432 125 12 can can AUX _005197432 125 13 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 125 14 unite unite VERB _005197432 125 15 with with ADP _005197432 125 16 rome rome PROPN _005197432 125 17 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 126 1 even even ADV _005197432 126 2 in in ADP _005197432 126 3 its its PRON _005197432 126 4 oxford oxford ADJ _005197432 126 5 metamorphosis metamorphosis NOUN _005197432 126 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 126 7 was be AUX _005197432 126 8 too too ADV _005197432 126 9 well well ADV _005197432 126 10 known know VERB _005197432 126 11 in in ADP _005197432 126 12 england england PROPN _005197432 126 13 to to PART _005197432 126 14 augur augur VERB _005197432 126 15 the the DET _005197432 126 16 success success NOUN _005197432 126 17 of of ADP _005197432 126 18 any any DET _005197432 126 19 overtures overture NOUN _005197432 126 20 to to ADP _005197432 126 21 the the DET _005197432 126 22 local local ADJ _005197432 126 23 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 126 24 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005197432 126 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 127 1 the the DET _005197432 127 2 hope hope NOUN _005197432 127 3 of of ADP _005197432 127 4 halifax halifax NOUN _005197432 127 5 and and CCONJ _005197432 127 6 his his PRON _005197432 127 7 associates associate NOUN _005197432 127 8 might might AUX _005197432 127 9 never never ADV _005197432 127 10 have have AUX _005197432 127 11 been be AUX _005197432 127 12 encouraged encourage VERB _005197432 127 13 to to ADP _005197432 127 14 any any DET _005197432 127 15 practical practical ADJ _005197432 127 16 issue issue NOUN _005197432 127 17 but but CCONJ _005197432 127 18 for for ADP _005197432 127 19 the the DET _005197432 127 20 merest mere ADJ _005197432 127 21 accident accident NOUN _005197432 127 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 128 1 in in ADP _005197432 128 2 1889 1889 NUM _005197432 128 3 lord lord PROPN _005197432 128 4 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 128 5 met meet VERB _005197432 128 6 in in ADP _005197432 128 7 the the DET _005197432 128 8 island island NOUN _005197432 128 9 of of ADP _005197432 128 10 madeira madeira PROPN _005197432 128 11 a a DET _005197432 128 12 zealous zealous ADJ _005197432 128 13 french french ADJ _005197432 128 14 priest priest NOUN _005197432 128 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 128 16 the the DET _005197432 128 17 abbe abbe NOUN _005197432 128 18 portal portal PROPN _005197432 128 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 128 20 and and CCONJ _005197432 128 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 128 22 as as SCONJ _005197432 128 23 their their PRON _005197432 128 24 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005197432 128 25 ripened ripen VERB _005197432 128 26 into into ADP _005197432 128 27 friendship friendship NOUN _005197432 128 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 128 29 imbued imbue VERB _005197432 128 30 the the DET _005197432 128 31 latter latter ADJ _005197432 128 32 ’s ’s NOUN _005197432 128 33 mind mind NOUN _005197432 128 34 with with ADP _005197432 128 35 his his PRON _005197432 128 36 own own ADJ _005197432 128 37 views view NOUN _005197432 128 38 of of ADP _005197432 128 39 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 128 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 128 41 its its PRON _005197432 128 42 nature nature NOUN _005197432 128 43 and and CCONJ _005197432 128 44 its its PRON _005197432 128 45 destiny destiny NOUN _005197432 128 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 129 1 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 129 2 was be AUX _005197432 129 3 perfectly perfectly ADV _005197432 129 4 sincere sincere ADJ _005197432 129 5 in in ADP _005197432 129 6 all all DET _005197432 129 7 this this PRON _005197432 129 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 129 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 129 10 portal portal NOUN _005197432 129 11 was be AUX _005197432 129 12 first first ADV _005197432 129 13 mystified mystify VERB _005197432 129 14 and and CCONJ _005197432 129 15 then then ADV _005197432 129 16 lost lose VERB _005197432 129 17 in in ADP _005197432 129 18 admiration admiration NOUN _005197432 129 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 130 1 it it PRON _005197432 130 2 seemed seem VERB _005197432 130 3 to to ADP _005197432 130 4 him he PRON _005197432 130 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 130 6 as as ADP _005197432 130 7 to to ADP _005197432 130 8 his his PRON _005197432 130 9 english english ADJ _005197432 130 10 friend friend NOUN _005197432 130 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 130 12 that that SCONJ _005197432 130 13 the the DET _005197432 130 14 prospects prospect NOUN _005197432 130 15 of of ADP _005197432 130 16 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 130 17 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 130 18 might might AUX _005197432 130 19 be be AUX _005197432 130 20 much much ADV _005197432 130 21 advanced advanced ADJ _005197432 130 22 by by ADP _005197432 130 23 making make VERB _005197432 130 24 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 130 25 at at ADP _005197432 130 26 large large ADJ _005197432 130 27 aware aware ADJ _005197432 130 28 of of ADP _005197432 130 29 the the DET _005197432 130 30 hierarchical hierarchical ADJ _005197432 130 31 structure structure NOUN _005197432 130 32 and and CCONJ _005197432 130 33 sacerdotal sacerdotal ADJ _005197432 130 34 powers power NOUN _005197432 130 35 of of ADP _005197432 130 36 this this DET _005197432 130 37 body body NOUN _005197432 130 38 of of ADP _005197432 130 39 english english PROPN _005197432 130 40 christians christians PROPN _005197432 130 41 , , PUNCT _005197432 130 42 hitherto hitherto NOUN _005197432 130 43 unknown unknown ADJ _005197432 130 44 in in ADP _005197432 130 45 such such DET _005197432 130 46 a a DET _005197432 130 47 character character NOUN _005197432 130 48 . . PUNCT _005197432 131 1 returning return VERB _005197432 131 2 to to ADP _005197432 131 3 france france PROPN _005197432 131 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 131 5 portal portal ADV _005197432 131 6 published publish VERB _005197432 131 7 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 131 8 under under ADP _005197432 131 9 a a DET _005197432 131 10 nom nom NOUN _005197432 131 11 de de X _005197432 131 12 plume plume NOUN _005197432 131 13 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 131 14 an an DET _005197432 131 15 article article NOUN _005197432 131 16 advancing advance VERB _005197432 131 17 his his PRON _005197432 131 18 reasons reason NOUN _005197432 131 19 for for ADP _005197432 131 20 concluding conclude VERB _005197432 131 21 that that SCONJ _005197432 131 22 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 131 23 possessed possess VERB _005197432 131 24 a a DET _005197432 131 25 genuine genuine ADJ _005197432 131 26 sacrificing sacrifice VERB _005197432 131 27 priesthood priesthood NOUN _005197432 131 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 132 1 the the DET _005197432 132 2 influence influence NOUN _005197432 132 3 of of ADP _005197432 132 4 this this DET _005197432 132 5 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 132 6 was be AUX _005197432 132 7 enormously enormously ADV _005197432 132 8 furthered further VERB _005197432 132 9 by by ADP _005197432 132 10 a a DET _005197432 132 11 favorable favorable ADJ _005197432 132 12 review review NOUN _005197432 132 13 from from ADP _005197432 132 14 the the DET _005197432 132 15 pen pen NOUN _005197432 132 16 of of ADP _005197432 132 17 the the DET _005197432 132 18 eminent eminent ADJ _005197432 132 19 scholar scholar NOUN _005197432 132 20 duchesne duchesne NOUN _005197432 132 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 133 1 the the DET _005197432 133 2 latter latter ADJ _005197432 133 3 concluded conclude VERB _005197432 133 4 in in ADP _005197432 133 5 favor favor NOUN _005197432 133 6 of of ADP _005197432 133 7 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 133 8 orders order NOUN _005197432 133 9 only only ADV _005197432 133 10 on on ADP _005197432 133 11 portal portal ADJ _005197432 133 12 ’s ’s NUM _005197432 133 13 own own ADJ _005197432 133 14 inadequate inadequate ADJ _005197432 133 15 data datum NOUN _005197432 133 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 133 17 which which PRON _005197432 133 18 left leave VERB _005197432 133 19 the the DET _005197432 133 20 essence essence NOUN _005197432 133 21 of of ADP _005197432 133 22 the the DET _005197432 133 23 question question NOUN _005197432 133 24 untouched untouched ADJ _005197432 133 25 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 133 26 but but CCONJ _005197432 133 27 duchesne duchesne NOUN _005197432 133 28 ’s ’s NOUN _005197432 133 29 prestige prestige NOUN _005197432 133 30 at at ADP _005197432 133 31 once once ADV _005197432 133 32 gave give VERB _005197432 133 33 the the DET _005197432 133 34 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 133 35 an an DET _005197432 133 36 impetus impetus NOUN _005197432 133 37 in in ADP _005197432 133 38 catholic catholic PROPN _005197432 133 39 europe europe PROPN _005197432 133 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 133 41 and and CCONJ _005197432 133 42 it it PRON _005197432 133 43 was be AUX _005197432 133 44 presently presently ADV _005197432 133 45 embraced embrace VERB _005197432 133 46 as as ADP _005197432 133 47 probable probable ADJ _005197432 133 48 by by ADP _005197432 133 49 several several ADJ _005197432 133 50 theologians theologian NOUN _005197432 133 51 of of ADP _005197432 133 52 real real ADJ _005197432 133 53 standing standing NOUN _005197432 133 54 . . PUNCT _005197432 134 1 this this DET _005197432 134 2 favorable favorable ADJ _005197432 134 3 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 134 4 in in ADP _005197432 134 5 france france PROPN _005197432 134 6 naturally naturally ADV _005197432 134 7 reacted react VERB _005197432 134 8 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 134 9 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 134 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 134 11 who who PRON _005197432 134 12 began begin VERB _005197432 134 13 to to PART _005197432 134 14 think think VERB _005197432 134 15 that that SCONJ _005197432 134 16 a a DET _005197432 134 17 great great ADJ _005197432 134 18 step step NOUN _005197432 134 19 towards towards ADP _005197432 134 20 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 134 21 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 134 22 might might AUX _005197432 134 23 lie lie VERB _005197432 134 24 in in ADP _005197432 134 25 rome rome PROPN _005197432 134 26 ’s ’s PART _005197432 134 27 official official ADJ _005197432 134 28 recognition recognition NOUN _005197432 134 29 of of ADP _005197432 134 30 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 134 31 orders order NOUN _005197432 134 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 134 33 and and CCONJ _005197432 134 34 that that SCONJ _005197432 134 35 such such ADJ _005197432 134 36 recognition recognition NOUN _005197432 134 37 was be AUX _005197432 134 38 now now ADV _005197432 134 39 quite quite ADV _005197432 134 40 probable probable ADJ _005197432 134 41 . . PUNCT _005197432 135 1 portal portal ADJ _005197432 135 2 himself himself PRON _005197432 135 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 135 4 after after ADP _005197432 135 5 visiting visit VERB _005197432 135 6 england england PROPN _005197432 135 7 in in ADP _005197432 135 8 1894 1894 NUM _005197432 135 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 135 10 now now ADV _005197432 135 11 joined join VERB _005197432 135 12 with with ADP _005197432 135 13 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 135 14 and and CCONJ _005197432 135 15 with with ADP _005197432 135 16 other other ADJ _005197432 135 17 french french ADJ _005197432 135 18 ecclesiastics ecclesiastic NOUN _005197432 135 19 in in ADP _005197432 135 20 petitioning petitioning PROPN _005197432 135 21 leo leo PROPN _005197432 135 22 xiii xiii PROPN _005197432 135 23 for for ADP _005197432 135 24 a a DET _005197432 135 25 formal formal ADJ _005197432 135 26 inquiry inquiry NOUN _005197432 135 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 136 1 in in ADP _005197432 136 2 compliance compliance NOUN _005197432 136 3 with with ADP _005197432 136 4 their their PRON _005197432 136 5 wishes wish NOUN _005197432 136 6 the the DET _005197432 136 7 pope pope NOUN _005197432 136 8 in in ADP _005197432 136 9 1896 1896 NUM _005197432 136 10 appointed appoint VERB _005197432 136 11 a a DET _005197432 136 12 commission commission NOUN _005197432 136 13 of of ADP _005197432 136 14 theologians theologian NOUN _005197432 136 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 136 16 known know VERB _005197432 136 17 to to PART _005197432 136 18 be be AUX _005197432 136 19 equally equally ADV _005197432 136 20 divided divided ADJ _005197432 136 21 in in ADP _005197432 136 22 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 136 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 136 24 to to PART _005197432 136 25 examine examine VERB _005197432 136 26 the the DET _005197432 136 27 whole whole ADJ _005197432 136 28 question question NOUN _005197432 136 29 of of ADP _005197432 136 30 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 136 31 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 136 32 since since SCONJ _005197432 136 33 1552 1552 NUM _005197432 136 34 , , PUNCT _005197432 136 35 making make VERB _005197432 136 36 use use NOUN _005197432 136 37 not not PART _005197432 136 38 only only ADV _005197432 136 39 of of ADP _005197432 136 40 the the DET _005197432 136 41 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005197432 136 42 theological theological ADJ _005197432 136 43 and and CCONJ _005197432 136 44 historical historical ADJ _005197432 136 45 sources source NOUN _005197432 136 46 , , PUNCT _005197432 136 47 but but CCONJ _005197432 136 48 also also ADV _005197432 136 49 of of ADP _005197432 136 50 all all DET _005197432 136 51 the the DET _005197432 136 52 data datum NOUN _005197432 136 53 that that PRON _005197432 136 54 could could AUX _005197432 136 55 be be AUX _005197432 136 56 supplied supply VERB _005197432 136 57 by by ADP _005197432 136 58 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 136 59 advisers adviser NOUN _005197432 136 60 . . PUNCT _005197432 137 1 every every DET _005197432 137 2 safeguard safeguard NOUN _005197432 137 3 of of ADP _005197432 137 4 thoroughness thoroughness NOUN _005197432 137 5 and and CCONJ _005197432 137 6 impartiality impartiality NOUN _005197432 137 7 was be AUX _005197432 137 8 provided provide VERB _005197432 137 9 by by ADP _005197432 137 10 the the DET _005197432 137 11 holy holy ADJ _005197432 137 12 see see NOUN _005197432 137 13 in in ADP _005197432 137 14 acceding accede VERB _005197432 137 15 to to PART _005197432 137 16 so so ADV _005197432 137 17 uncommon uncommon ADJ _005197432 137 18 a a DET _005197432 137 19 request request NOUN _005197432 137 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 138 1 for for ADP _005197432 138 2 more more ADJ _005197432 138 3 than than ADP _005197432 138 4 a a PRON _005197432 138 5 year year NOUN _005197432 138 6 before before SCONJ _005197432 138 7 the the DET _005197432 138 8 commission commission NOUN _005197432 138 9 ’s ’s PART _005197432 138 10 work work PROPN _005197432 138 11 becan becan PROPN _005197432 138 12 anglicanism anglicanism PROPN _005197432 138 13 unite unite VERB _005197432 138 14 with with ADP _005197432 138 15 rome rome PROPN _005197432 138 16 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 139 1 9 9 NUM _005197432 139 2 gan gan NOUN _005197432 139 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 139 4 the the DET _005197432 139 5 english english PROPN _005197432 139 6 press press NOUN _005197432 139 7 had have AUX _005197432 139 8 teemed teem VERB _005197432 139 9 with with ADP _005197432 139 10 speculation speculation NOUN _005197432 139 11 on on ADP _005197432 139 12 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 139 13 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 139 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 140 1 halifax halifax NOUN _005197432 140 2 in in ADP _005197432 140 3 1895 1895 NUM _005197432 140 4 discussed discuss VERB _005197432 140 5 before before ADP _005197432 140 6 the the DET _005197432 140 7 english english PROPN _005197432 140 8 church church NOUN _005197432 140 9 union union NOUN _005197432 140 10 the the DET _005197432 140 11 proposed propose VERB _005197432 140 12 inquiry inquiry NOUN _005197432 140 13 into into ADP _005197432 140 14 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 140 15 orders order NOUN _005197432 140 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 140 17 expressly expressly ADV _005197432 140 18 as as ADP _005197432 140 19 a a DET _005197432 140 20 possible possible ADJ _005197432 140 21 contribution contribution NOUN _005197432 140 22 to to ADP _005197432 140 23 that that DET _005197432 140 24 end end NOUN _005197432 140 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 141 1 with with ADP _005197432 141 2 equal equal ADJ _005197432 141 3 definiteness definiteness NOUN _005197432 141 4 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 141 5 vaughan vaughan PROPN _005197432 141 6 pointed point VERB _005197432 141 7 out out ADP _005197432 141 8 that that SCONJ _005197432 141 9 the the DET _005197432 141 10 proposal proposal NOUN _005197432 141 11 of of ADP _005197432 141 12 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 141 13 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 141 14 was be AUX _005197432 141 15 quite quite DET _005197432 141 16 a a DET _005197432 141 17 distinct distinct ADJ _005197432 141 18 question question NOUN _005197432 141 19 from from ADP _005197432 141 20 that that PRON _005197432 141 21 of of ADP _005197432 141 22 the the DET _005197432 141 23 validity validity NOUN _005197432 141 24 of of ADP _005197432 141 25 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 141 26 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 141 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 142 1 lord lord PROPN _005197432 142 2 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 142 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 142 4 however however ADV _005197432 142 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 142 6 could could AUX _005197432 142 7 view view VERB _005197432 142 8 the the DET _005197432 142 9 proposed propose VERB _005197432 142 10 examination examination NOUN _005197432 142 11 in in ADP _005197432 142 12 no no DET _005197432 142 13 other other ADJ _005197432 142 14 light light NOUN _005197432 142 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 143 1 the the DET _005197432 143 2 writer writer NOUN _005197432 143 3 distinctly distinctly ADV _005197432 143 4 remembers remember VERB _005197432 143 5 how how SCONJ _005197432 143 6 many many ADJ _005197432 143 7 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 143 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 143 9 even even ADV _005197432 143 10 in in ADP _005197432 143 11 america america PROPN _005197432 143 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 143 13 shared share VERB _005197432 143 14 this this DET _005197432 143 15 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 143 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 144 1 when when SCONJ _005197432 144 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 144 3 in in ADP _005197432 144 4 september september PROPN _005197432 144 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 144 6 1896 1896 NUM _005197432 144 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 144 8 the the DET _005197432 144 9 papal papal ADJ _005197432 144 10 decision decision NOUN _005197432 144 11 came come VERB _005197432 144 12 as as ADP _005197432 144 13 an an DET _005197432 144 14 uncompromising uncompromising NOUN _005197432 144 15 negative negative NOUN _005197432 144 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 144 17 a a DET _005197432 144 18 prominent prominent ADJ _005197432 144 19 episcopalian episcopalian NOUN _005197432 144 20 began begin VERB _005197432 144 21 a a DET _005197432 144 22 published publish VERB _005197432 144 23 attack attack NOUN _005197432 144 24 on on ADP _005197432 144 25 the the DET _005197432 144 26 constitution constitution NOUN _005197432 144 27 apostolicae apostolicae NOUN _005197432 144 28 curae curae NOUN _005197432 144 29 by by ADP _005197432 144 30 observing observe VERB _005197432 144 31 that that SCONJ _005197432 144 32 it it PRON _005197432 144 33 had have AUX _005197432 144 34 dispelled dispel VERB _005197432 144 35 “ " PUNCT _005197432 144 36 a a DET _005197432 144 37 glorious glorious ADJ _005197432 144 38 vision vision NOUN _005197432 144 39 of of ADP _005197432 144 40 unity unity NOUN _005197432 144 41 . . PUNCT _005197432 144 42 ” " PUNCT _005197432 145 1 so so ADV _005197432 145 2 publicly publicly ADV _005197432 145 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 145 4 in in ADP _005197432 145 5 fact fact NOUN _005197432 145 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 145 7 had have VERB _005197432 145 8 the the DET _005197432 145 9 separate separate ADJ _005197432 145 10 topic topic NOUN _005197432 145 11 of of ADP _005197432 145 12 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 145 13 been be AUX _005197432 145 14 discussed discuss VERB _005197432 145 15 in in ADP _005197432 145 16 that that DET _005197432 145 17 connection connection NOUN _005197432 145 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 145 19 that that PRON _005197432 145 20 leo leo PROPN _005197432 145 21 xiii xiii PROPN _005197432 145 22 gave give VERB _005197432 145 23 it it PRON _005197432 145 24 explicit explicit ADJ _005197432 145 25 attention attention NOUN _005197432 145 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 146 1 he he PRON _005197432 146 2 and and CCONJ _005197432 146 3 his his PRON _005197432 146 4 theologians theologian NOUN _005197432 146 5 knew know VERB _005197432 146 6 quite quite ADV _005197432 146 7 as as ADV _005197432 146 8 well well ADV _005197432 146 9 as as ADP _005197432 146 10 english english ADJ _005197432 146 11 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 146 12 that that SCONJ _005197432 146 13 the the DET _005197432 146 14 hope hope NOUN _005197432 146 15 of of ADP _005197432 146 16 advancing advance VERB _005197432 146 17 a a DET _005197432 146 18 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 146 19 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 146 20 had have AUX _005197432 146 21 chiefly chiefly ADV _005197432 146 22 impelled impel VERB _005197432 146 23 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 146 24 to to PART _005197432 146 25 urge urge VERB _005197432 146 26 the the DET _005197432 146 27 question question NOUN _005197432 146 28 of of ADP _005197432 146 29 their their PRON _005197432 146 30 orders order NOUN _005197432 146 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 146 32 and and CCONJ _005197432 146 33 also also ADV _005197432 146 34 that that SCONJ _005197432 146 35 the the DET _005197432 146 36 two two NUM _005197432 146 37 subjects subject NOUN _005197432 146 38 were be AUX _005197432 146 39 actually actually ADV _005197432 146 40 distinct distinct ADJ _005197432 146 41 . . PUNCT _005197432 147 1 the the DET _005197432 147 2 pope pope NOUN _005197432 147 3 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 147 4 treated treat VERB _005197432 147 5 them they PRON _005197432 147 6 separately separately ADV _005197432 147 7 . . PUNCT _005197432 148 1 while while SCONJ _005197432 148 2 his his PRON _005197432 148 3 sentence sentence NOUN _005197432 148 4 of of ADP _005197432 148 5 the the DET _005197432 148 6 nullity nullity NOUN _005197432 148 7 of of ADP _005197432 148 8 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 148 9 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 148 10 did do AUX _005197432 148 11 not not PART _005197432 148 12 appear appear VERB _005197432 148 13 until until ADP _005197432 148 14 september september PROPN _005197432 148 15 13 13 NUM _005197432 148 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 148 17 1896 1896 NUM _005197432 148 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 148 19 he he PRON _005197432 148 20 had have AUX _005197432 148 21 already already ADV _005197432 148 22 in in ADP _005197432 148 23 june june PROPN _005197432 148 24 of of ADP _005197432 148 25 that that DET _005197432 148 26 year year NOUN _005197432 148 27 treated treat VERB _005197432 148 28 the the DET _005197432 148 29 whole whole ADJ _005197432 148 30 question question NOUN _005197432 148 31 of of ADP _005197432 148 32 the the DET _005197432 148 33 unity unity NOUN _005197432 148 34 of of ADP _005197432 148 35 the the DET _005197432 148 36 church church NOUN _005197432 148 37 in in ADP _005197432 148 38 one one NUM _005197432 148 39 of of ADP _005197432 148 40 the the DET _005197432 148 41 greatest great ADJ _005197432 148 42 of of ADP _005197432 148 43 his his PRON _005197432 148 44 dogmatic dogmatic ADJ _005197432 148 45 encyclicals encyclical NOUN _005197432 148 46 , , PUNCT _005197432 148 47 the the DET _005197432 148 48 satis satis NOUN _005197432 148 49 cognitum cognitum NOUN _005197432 148 50 . . PUNCT _005197432 149 1 the the DET _005197432 149 2 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 149 3 as as ADV _005197432 149 4 well well ADV _005197432 149 5 as as ADP _005197432 149 6 the the DET _005197432 149 7 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 149 8 of of ADP _005197432 149 9 this this DET _005197432 149 10 document document NOUN _005197432 149 11 was be AUX _005197432 149 12 well well ADV _005197432 149 13 understood understand VERB _005197432 149 14 by by ADP _005197432 149 15 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 149 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 150 1 the the DET _005197432 150 2 london london PROPN _005197432 150 3 times times PROPN _005197432 150 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 150 5 in in ADP _005197432 150 6 a a DET _005197432 150 7 very very ADV _005197432 150 8 fair fair ADJ _005197432 150 9 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 150 10 of of ADP _005197432 150 11 it it PRON _005197432 150 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 150 13 presented present VERB _005197432 150 14 its its PRON _005197432 150 15 salient salient ADJ _005197432 150 16 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005197432 150 17 by by ADP _005197432 150 18 saying say VERB _005197432 150 19 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 150 20 in in ADP _005197432 150 21 part part NOUN _005197432 150 22 ): ): PUNCT _005197432 150 23 “ " PUNCT _005197432 150 24 the the DET _005197432 150 25 terms term NOUN _005197432 150 26 on on ADP _005197432 150 27 which which PRON _005197432 150 28 alone alone ADJ _005197432 150 29 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 150 30 is be AUX _005197432 150 31 declared declare VERB _005197432 150 32 to to PART _005197432 150 33 be be AUX _005197432 150 34 possible possible ADJ _005197432 150 35 are be AUX _005197432 150 36 plain plain ADJ _005197432 150 37 and and CCONJ _005197432 150 38 simple simple ADJ _005197432 150 39 . . PUNCT _005197432 151 1 they they PRON _005197432 151 2 are be AUX _005197432 151 3 complete complete ADJ _005197432 151 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 151 5 unhesitating unhesitating ADJ _005197432 151 6 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005197432 151 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 151 8 not not PART _005197432 151 9 only only ADV _005197432 151 10 of of ADP _005197432 151 11 the the DET _005197432 151 12 primacy primacy NOUN _005197432 151 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 151 14 but but CCONJ _005197432 151 15 of of ADP _005197432 151 16 the the DET _005197432 151 17 paramount paramount ADJ _005197432 151 18 and and CCONJ _005197432 151 19 absolute absolute ADJ _005197432 151 20 predominance predominance NOUN _005197432 151 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 151 22 of of ADP _005197432 151 23 the the DET _005197432 151 24 roman roman ADJ _005197432 151 25 pontiff pontiff NOUN _005197432 151 26 over over ADP _005197432 151 27 all all PRON _005197432 151 28 professing profess VERB _005197432 151 29 to to PART _005197432 151 30 belong belong VERB _005197432 151 31 to to ADP _005197432 151 32 the the DET _005197432 151 33 christian christian ADJ _005197432 151 34 church church NOUN _005197432 151 35 ” " PUNCT _005197432 151 36 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 151 37 snead snead NOUN _005197432 151 38 - - PUNCT _005197432 151 39 cox cox NOUN _005197432 151 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 151 41 life life NOUN _005197432 151 42 of of ADP _005197432 151 43 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 151 44 vaughan vaughan PROPN _005197432 151 45 , , PUNCT _005197432 151 46 ii ii PROPN _005197432 151 47 , , PUNCT _005197432 151 48 p. p. PROPN _005197432 151 49 191 191 NUM _005197432 151 50 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 151 51 . . PUNCT _005197432 152 1 v v ADP _005197432 152 2 that that SCONJ _005197432 152 3 the the DET _005197432 152 4 abbe abbe PROPN _005197432 152 5 portal portal PROPN _005197432 152 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 152 7 however however ADV _005197432 152 8 unsuccessful unsuccessful ADJ _005197432 152 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 152 10 had have AUX _005197432 152 11 been be AUX _005197432 152 12 no no DET _005197432 152 13 tepid tepid NOUN _005197432 152 14 advocate advocate NOUN _005197432 152 15 of of ADP _005197432 152 16 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 152 17 interests interest NOUN _005197432 152 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 152 19 was be AUX _005197432 152 20 evident evident ADJ _005197432 152 21 even even ADV _005197432 152 22 after after ADP _005197432 152 23 the the DET _005197432 152 24 adverse adverse ADJ _005197432 152 25 verdict verdict NOUN _005197432 152 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 153 1 his his PRON _005197432 153 2 indomitable indomitable ADJ _005197432 153 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 153 4 optimism optimism NOUN _005197432 153 5 led lead VERB _005197432 153 6 him he PRON _005197432 153 7 so so ADV _005197432 153 8 far far ADV _005197432 153 9 as as SCONJ _005197432 153 10 even even ADV _005197432 153 11 to to PART _005197432 153 12 discuss discuss VERB _005197432 153 13 in in ADP _005197432 153 14 public public ADJ _005197432 153 15 the the DET _005197432 153 16 possibility possibility NOUN _005197432 153 17 that that SCONJ _005197432 153 18 10 10 NUM _005197432 153 19 can can AUX _005197432 153 20 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 153 21 unite unite VERB _005197432 153 22 with with ADP _005197432 153 23 rome rome PROPN _005197432 153 24 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 154 1 that that DET _005197432 154 2 verdict verdict NOUN _005197432 154 3 might might AUX _005197432 154 4 one one NUM _005197432 154 5 day day NOUN _005197432 154 6 be be AUX _005197432 154 7 reversed reverse VERB _005197432 154 8 . . PUNCT _005197432 155 1 in in ADP _005197432 155 2 the the DET _005197432 155 3 following follow VERB _005197432 155 4 year year NOUN _005197432 155 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 155 6 leo leo PROPN _005197432 155 7 xiii xiii PROPN _005197432 155 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 155 9 in in ADP _005197432 155 10 a a DET _005197432 155 11 public public ADJ _005197432 155 12 letter letter NOUN _005197432 155 13 to to ADP _005197432 155 14 the the DET _005197432 155 15 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005197432 155 16 of of ADP _005197432 155 17 paris paris PROPN _005197432 155 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 155 19 put put VERB _005197432 155 20 an an DET _005197432 155 21 end end NOUN _005197432 155 22 forever forever ADV _005197432 155 23 to to ADP _005197432 155 24 the the DET _005197432 155 25 pertinence pertinence NOUN _005197432 155 26 of of ADP _005197432 155 27 all all DET _005197432 155 28 such such ADJ _005197432 155 29 questioning questioning NOUN _005197432 155 30 . . PUNCT _005197432 156 1 noting note VERB _005197432 156 2 the the DET _005197432 156 3 fact fact NOUN _005197432 156 4 that that SCONJ _005197432 156 5 his his PRON _005197432 156 6 judgment judgment NOUN _005197432 156 7 on on ADP _005197432 156 8 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 156 9 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 156 10 had have AUX _005197432 156 11 not not PART _005197432 156 12 been be AUX _005197432 156 13 received receive VERB _005197432 156 14 with with ADP _005197432 156 15 due due ADJ _005197432 156 16 respect respect NOUN _005197432 156 17 in in ADP _005197432 156 18 certain certain ADJ _005197432 156 19 quarters quarter NOUN _005197432 156 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 156 21 he he PRON _005197432 156 22 observed observe VERB _005197432 156 23 : : PUNCT _005197432 156 24 “ " PUNCT _005197432 156 25 no no DET _005197432 156 26 one one NOUN _005197432 156 27 who who PRON _005197432 156 28 was be AUX _005197432 156 29 prudent prudent ADJ _005197432 156 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 156 31 right right ADJ _005197432 156 32 - - PUNCT _005197432 156 33 minded minded ADJ _005197432 156 34 could could AUX _005197432 156 35 represent represent VERB _005197432 156 36 our our PRON _005197432 156 37 verdict verdict NOUN _005197432 156 38 as as ADV _005197432 156 39 open open ADJ _005197432 156 40 to to PART _005197432 156 41 dispute dispute VERB _005197432 156 42 , , PUNCT _005197432 156 43 and and CCONJ _005197432 156 44 all all DET _005197432 156 45 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 156 46 were be AUX _005197432 156 47 bound bind VERB _005197432 156 48 to to PART _005197432 156 49 embrace embrace VERB _005197432 156 50 it it PRON _005197432 156 51 with with ADP _005197432 156 52 unqualified unqualified ADJ _005197432 156 53 submission submission NOUN _005197432 156 54 , , PUNCT _005197432 156 55 as as ADP _005197432 156 56 being be AUX _005197432 156 57 for for ADP _005197432 156 58 all all DET _005197432 156 59 time time NOUN _005197432 156 60 fixed fix VERB _005197432 156 61 , , PUNCT _005197432 156 62 confirmed confirm VERB _005197432 156 63 , , PUNCT _005197432 156 64 irrevocable irrevocable ADJ _005197432 156 65 . . PUNCT _005197432 156 66 ” " PUNCT _005197432 157 1 no no DET _005197432 157 2 one one NOUN _005197432 157 3 can can AUX _005197432 157 4 mistake mistake VERB _005197432 157 5 the the DET _005197432 157 6 force force NOUN _005197432 157 7 of of ADP _005197432 157 8 such such ADJ _005197432 157 9 terms term NOUN _005197432 157 10 when when SCONJ _005197432 157 11 applied apply VERB _005197432 157 12 by by ADP _005197432 157 13 a a DET _005197432 157 14 supreme supreme ADJ _005197432 157 15 pontiff pontiff NOUN _005197432 157 16 to to ADP _005197432 157 17 one one NUM _005197432 157 18 of of ADP _005197432 157 19 his his PRON _005197432 157 20 own own ADJ _005197432 157 21 public public ADJ _005197432 157 22 decisions decision NOUN _005197432 157 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 158 1 for for ADP _005197432 158 2 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 158 3 the the DET _005197432 158 4 question question NOUN _005197432 158 5 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 158 6 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 158 7 shares share NOUN _005197432 158 8 in in ADP _005197432 158 9 the the DET _005197432 158 10 possession possession NOUN _005197432 158 11 of of ADP _005197432 158 12 the the DET _005197432 158 13 christian christian ADJ _005197432 158 14 priesthood priesthood NOUN _005197432 158 15 is be AUX _005197432 158 16 closed close VERB _005197432 158 17 for for ADP _005197432 158 18 all all DET _005197432 158 19 time time NOUN _005197432 158 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 159 1 how how SCONJ _005197432 159 2 far far ADV _005197432 159 3 the the DET _005197432 159 4 finality finality NOUN _005197432 159 5 of of ADP _005197432 159 6 this this DET _005197432 159 7 decision decision NOUN _005197432 159 8 may may AUX _005197432 159 9 affect affect VERB _005197432 159 10 the the DET _005197432 159 11 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 159 12 conception conception NOUN _005197432 159 13 of of ADP _005197432 159 14 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 159 15 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 159 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 159 17 is be AUX _005197432 159 18 a a DET _005197432 159 19 question question NOUN _005197432 159 20 more more ADV _005197432 159 21 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005197432 159 22 to to ADP _005197432 159 23 a a DET _005197432 159 24 future future ADJ _005197432 159 25 stage stage NOUN _005197432 159 26 of of ADP _005197432 159 27 our our PRON _005197432 159 28 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 159 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 160 1 it it PRON _005197432 160 2 may may AUX _005197432 160 3 occur occur VERB _005197432 160 4 to to ADP _005197432 160 5 the the DET _005197432 160 6 reader reader NOUN _005197432 160 7 that that SCONJ _005197432 160 8 any any DET _005197432 160 9 historical historical ADJ _005197432 160 10 sketch sketch NOUN _005197432 160 11 of of ADP _005197432 160 12 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 160 13 efforts effort NOUN _005197432 160 14 for for ADP _005197432 160 15 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 160 16 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 160 17 with with ADP _005197432 160 18 the the DET _005197432 160 19 holy holy ADJ _005197432 160 20 see see NOUN _005197432 160 21 should should AUX _005197432 160 22 include include VERB _005197432 160 23 some some DET _005197432 160 24 notice notice NOUN _005197432 160 25 of of ADP _005197432 160 26 the the DET _005197432 160 27 “ " PUNCT _005197432 160 28 malines maline NOUN _005197432 160 29 conversations conversation NOUN _005197432 160 30 ” " PUNCT _005197432 160 31 of of ADP _005197432 160 32 1921 1921 NUM _005197432 160 33 - - SYM _005197432 160 34 1925 1925 NUM _005197432 160 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 161 1 such such DET _005197432 161 2 an an DET _005197432 161 3 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005197432 161 4 of of ADP _005197432 161 5 that that DET _005197432 161 6 event event NOUN _005197432 161 7 has have VERB _005197432 161 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 161 9 it it PRON _005197432 161 10 is be AUX _005197432 161 11 true true ADJ _005197432 161 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 161 13 borrowed borrow VERB _005197432 161 14 plausibility plausibility NOUN _005197432 161 15 from from ADP _005197432 161 16 several several ADJ _005197432 161 17 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005197432 161 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 162 1 the the DET _005197432 162 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 162 3 conversations conversation NOUN _005197432 162 4 ” " PUNCT _005197432 162 5 owed owe VERB _005197432 162 6 their their PRON _005197432 162 7 actual actual ADJ _005197432 162 8 occurrence occurrence NOUN _005197432 162 9 to to ADP _005197432 162 10 lord lord PROPN _005197432 162 11 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 162 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 162 13 the the DET _005197432 162 14 abbe abbe PROPN _005197432 162 15 portal portal PROPN _005197432 162 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 162 17 who who PRON _005197432 162 18 jointly jointly ADV _005197432 162 19 requested request VERB _005197432 162 20 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 162 21 mercier merci ADJ _005197432 162 22 to to PART _005197432 162 23 receive receive VERB _005197432 162 24 the the DET _005197432 162 25 participants participant NOUN _005197432 162 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 162 27 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 162 28 and and CCONJ _005197432 162 29 anglican anglican ADV _005197432 162 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 162 31 as as ADP _005197432 162 32 his his PRON _005197432 162 33 guests guest NOUN _005197432 162 34 and and CCONJ _005197432 162 35 to to PART _005197432 162 36 preside preside VERB _005197432 162 37 at at ADP _005197432 162 38 their their PRON _005197432 162 39 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 162 40 . . PUNCT _005197432 163 1 moreover moreover ADV _005197432 163 2 the the DET _005197432 163 3 sessions session NOUN _005197432 163 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 163 5 though though SCONJ _005197432 163 6 private private ADJ _005197432 163 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 163 8 unofficial unofficial ADJ _005197432 163 9 on on ADP _005197432 163 10 both both DET _005197432 163 11 sides side NOUN _005197432 163 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 163 13 were be AUX _005197432 163 14 widely widely ADV _005197432 163 15 discussed discuss VERB _005197432 163 16 in in ADP _005197432 163 17 the the DET _005197432 163 18 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005197432 163 19 press press NOUN _005197432 163 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 163 21 both both CCONJ _005197432 163 22 religious religious ADJ _005197432 163 23 and and CCONJ _005197432 163 24 secular secular ADJ _005197432 163 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 163 26 as as ADP _005197432 163 27 betokening betoken VERB _005197432 163 28 a a DET _005197432 163 29 desire desire NOUN _005197432 163 30 of of ADP _005197432 163 31 anglo anglo ADJ _005197432 163 32 - - PUNCT _005197432 163 33 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 163 34 for for ADP _005197432 163 35 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 163 36 with with ADP _005197432 163 37 the the DET _005197432 163 38 holy holy PROPN _005197432 163 39 see see PROPN _005197432 163 40 . . PUNCT _005197432 164 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 164 2 this this DET _005197432 164 3 persuasion persuasion NOUN _005197432 164 4 is be AUX _005197432 164 5 not not PART _005197432 164 6 borne bear VERB _005197432 164 7 out out ADP _005197432 164 8 by by ADP _005197432 164 9 the the DET _005197432 164 10 facts fact NOUN _005197432 164 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 165 1 it it PRON _005197432 165 2 was be AUX _005197432 165 3 publicly publicly ADV _005197432 165 4 denied deny VERB _005197432 165 5 by by ADP _005197432 165 6 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 165 7 at at ADP _005197432 165 8 the the DET _005197432 165 9 time time NOUN _005197432 165 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 166 1 still still ADV _005197432 166 2 more more ADV _005197432 166 3 conclusive conclusive ADJ _005197432 166 4 is be AUX _005197432 166 5 the the DET _005197432 166 6 official official ADJ _005197432 166 7 report report NOUN _005197432 166 8 of of ADP _005197432 166 9 the the DET _005197432 166 10 malines maline NOUN _005197432 166 11 conversations conversation NOUN _005197432 166 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 167 1 the the DET _005197432 167 2 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 167 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 167 4 at at ADP _005197432 167 5 whose whose DET _005197432 167 6 request request NOUN _005197432 167 7 the the DET _005197432 167 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005197432 167 9 was be AUX _005197432 167 10 afforded afford VERB _005197432 167 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 167 12 based base VERB _005197432 167 13 the the DET _005197432 167 14 whole whole ADJ _005197432 167 15 motive motive NOUN _005197432 167 16 of of ADP _005197432 167 17 their their PRON _005197432 167 18 desire desire NOUN _005197432 167 19 for for ADP _005197432 167 20 these these DET _005197432 167 21 discussions discussion NOUN _005197432 167 22 on on ADP _005197432 167 23 the the DET _005197432 167 24 “ " PUNCT _005197432 167 25 lambeth lambeth PROPN _005197432 167 26 appeal appeal NOUN _005197432 167 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 167 28 ” " PUNCT _005197432 167 29 issued issue VERB _005197432 167 30 in in ADP _005197432 167 31 1920 1920 NUM _005197432 167 32 by by ADP _005197432 167 33 the the DET _005197432 167 34 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 167 35 bishops bishop NOUN _005197432 167 36 as as ADP _005197432 167 37 an an DET _005197432 167 38 invitation invitation NOUN _005197432 167 39 to to ADP _005197432 167 40 all all DET _005197432 167 41 avowed avow VERB _005197432 167 42 christians christian NOUN _005197432 167 43 throughout throughout ADP _005197432 167 44 the the DET _005197432 167 45 world world NOUN _005197432 167 46 to to PART _005197432 167 47 consider consider VERB _005197432 167 48 the the DET _005197432 167 49 means mean NOUN _005197432 167 50 to to ADP _005197432 167 51 a a DET _005197432 167 52 general general ADJ _005197432 167 53 unity unity NOUN _005197432 167 54 . . PUNCT _005197432 168 1 furthermore furthermore ADV _005197432 168 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 168 3 in in ADP _005197432 168 4 the the DET _005197432 168 5 opening opening NOUN _005197432 168 6 session session NOUN _005197432 168 7 at at ADP _005197432 168 8 malines maline NOUN _005197432 168 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 168 10 when when SCONJ _005197432 168 11 the the DET _005197432 168 12 specific specific ADJ _005197432 168 13 differences difference NOUN _005197432 168 14 of of ADP _005197432 168 15 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 168 16 from from ADP _005197432 168 17 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 168 18 were be AUX _005197432 168 19 first first ADV _005197432 168 20 introduced introduce VERB _005197432 168 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 168 22 the the DET _005197432 168 23 former former ADJ _005197432 168 24 reminded remind VERB _005197432 168 25 their their PRON _005197432 168 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 168 27 friends friend NOUN _005197432 168 28 that that SCONJ _005197432 168 29 they they PRON _005197432 168 30 were be AUX _005197432 168 31 aiming aim VERB _005197432 168 32 to to PART _005197432 168 33 maintain maintain VERB _005197432 168 34 a a DET _005197432 168 35 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005197432 168 36 position position NOUN _005197432 168 37 which which PRON _005197432 168 38 might might AUX _005197432 168 39 prove prove VERB _005197432 168 40 acceptable acceptable ADJ _005197432 168 41 can can AUX _005197432 168 42 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 168 43 unite unite VERB _005197432 168 44 with with ADP _005197432 168 45 rome rome PROPN _005197432 168 46 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 169 1 11 11 NUM _005197432 169 2 to to ADP _005197432 169 3 the the DET _005197432 169 4 rest rest NOUN _005197432 169 5 of of ADP _005197432 169 6 protestantism protestantism NOUN _005197432 169 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 169 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 169 9 not not PART _005197432 169 10 only only ADV _005197432 169 11 to to ADP _005197432 169 12 the the DET _005197432 169 13 holy holy PROPN _005197432 169 14 see see PROPN _005197432 169 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 170 1 in in ADP _005197432 170 2 spite spite NOUN _005197432 170 3 of of ADP _005197432 170 4 popular popular ADJ _005197432 170 5 rumor rumor NOUN _005197432 170 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 170 7 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 170 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 170 9 the the DET _005197432 170 10 malines maline NOUN _005197432 170 11 conversations conversation NOUN _005197432 170 12 can can AUX _005197432 170 13 not not PART _005197432 170 14 be be AUX _005197432 170 15 cited cite VERB _005197432 170 16 as as ADP _005197432 170 17 an an DET _005197432 170 18 effort effort NOUN _005197432 170 19 of of ADP _005197432 170 20 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 170 21 to to PART _005197432 170 22 arrange arrange VERB _005197432 170 23 matters matter NOUN _005197432 170 24 with with ADP _005197432 170 25 rome rome PROPN _005197432 170 26 for for ADP _005197432 170 27 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 170 28 exclusively exclusively ADV _005197432 170 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 171 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005197432 171 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 171 3 the the DET _005197432 171 4 fact fact NOUN _005197432 171 5 that that SCONJ _005197432 171 6 even even ADV _005197432 171 7 on on ADP _005197432 171 8 that that DET _005197432 171 9 recent recent ADJ _005197432 171 10 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 171 11 the the DET _005197432 171 12 private private ADJ _005197432 171 13 conference conference NOUN _005197432 171 14 of of ADP _005197432 171 15 anglican anglican NOUN _005197432 171 16 with with ADP _005197432 171 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 171 18 theologians theologian NOUN _005197432 171 19 was be AUX _005197432 171 20 promptly promptly ADV _005197432 171 21 interpreted interpret VERB _005197432 171 22 in in ADP _005197432 171 23 such such DET _005197432 171 24 a a DET _005197432 171 25 light light NOUN _005197432 171 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 171 27 shows show VERB _005197432 171 28 the the DET _005197432 171 29 presence presence NOUN _005197432 171 30 of of ADP _005197432 171 31 a a DET _005197432 171 32 long long ADV _005197432 171 33 - - PUNCT _005197432 171 34 cherished cherish VERB _005197432 171 35 persuasion persuasion NOUN _005197432 171 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 172 1 it it PRON _005197432 172 2 is be AUX _005197432 172 3 at at ADP _005197432 172 4 least least ADV _005197432 172 5 one one NUM _005197432 172 6 more more ADJ _005197432 172 7 witness witness NOUN _005197432 172 8 to to ADP _005197432 172 9 a a DET _005197432 172 10 fact fact NOUN _005197432 172 11 that that PRON _005197432 172 12 must must AUX _005197432 172 13 now now ADV _005197432 172 14 be be AUX _005197432 172 15 abundantly abundantly ADV _005197432 172 16 evident evident ADJ _005197432 172 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 172 18 — — PUNCT _005197432 172 19 that that SCONJ _005197432 172 20 the the DET _005197432 172 21 substitution substitution NOUN _005197432 172 22 by by ADP _005197432 172 23 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 172 24 of of ADP _005197432 172 25 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 172 26 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 172 27 for for ADP _005197432 172 28 individual individual ADJ _005197432 172 29 return return NOUN _005197432 172 30 to to ADP _005197432 172 31 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 172 32 unity unity NOUN _005197432 172 33 is be AUX _005197432 172 34 very very ADV _005197432 172 35 far far ADV _005197432 172 36 from from ADP _005197432 172 37 being be AUX _005197432 172 38 “ " PUNCT _005197432 172 39 a a DET _005197432 172 40 new new ADJ _005197432 172 41 thought thought NOUN _005197432 172 42 ” " PUNCT _005197432 172 43 at at ADP _005197432 172 44 the the DET _005197432 172 45 present present ADJ _005197432 172 46 time time NOUN _005197432 172 47 . . PUNCT _005197432 173 1 the the DET _005197432 173 2 mind mind NOUN _005197432 173 3 of of ADP _005197432 173 4 rome rome PROPN _005197432 173 5 f f PROPN _005197432 173 6 rom rom ADP _005197432 173 7 the the DET _005197432 173 8 above above ADJ _005197432 173 9 historical historical ADJ _005197432 173 10 sketch sketch NOUN _005197432 173 11 several several ADJ _005197432 173 12 facts fact NOUN _005197432 173 13 have have AUX _005197432 173 14 become become VERB _005197432 173 15 evident evident ADJ _005197432 173 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 174 1 in in ADP _005197432 174 2 the the DET _005197432 174 3 first first ADJ _005197432 174 4 place place NOUN _005197432 174 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 174 6 the the DET _005197432 174 7 prospect prospect NOUN _005197432 174 8 has have AUX _005197432 174 9 never never ADV _005197432 174 10 appealed appeal VERB _005197432 174 11 to to ADP _005197432 174 12 the the DET _005197432 174 13 general general ADJ _005197432 174 14 body body NOUN _005197432 174 15 of of ADP _005197432 174 16 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 174 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 174 18 but but CCONJ _005197432 174 19 only only ADV _005197432 174 20 to to ADP _005197432 174 21 that that DET _005197432 174 22 minority minority NOUN _005197432 174 23 whose whose DET _005197432 174 24 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 174 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 174 26 inherited inherit VERB _005197432 174 27 from from ADP _005197432 174 28 the the DET _005197432 174 29 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 174 30 movement movement PROPN _005197432 174 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 174 32 have have AUX _005197432 174 33 owned own VERB _005197432 174 34 some some DET _005197432 174 35 measure measure NOUN _005197432 174 36 of of ADP _005197432 174 37 conscious conscious ADJ _005197432 174 38 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005197432 174 39 with with ADP _005197432 174 40 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 174 41 belief belief NOUN _005197432 174 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 175 1 to to ADP _005197432 175 2 these these DET _005197432 175 3 few few ADJ _005197432 175 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 175 5 moreover moreover ADV _005197432 175 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 175 7 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 175 8 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 175 9 has have AUX _005197432 175 10 always always ADV _005197432 175 11 served serve VERB _005197432 175 12 as as ADP _005197432 175 13 the the DET _005197432 175 14 favorite favorite ADJ _005197432 175 15 alternative alternative NOUN _005197432 175 16 to to ADP _005197432 175 17 any any DET _005197432 175 18 consideration consideration NOUN _005197432 175 19 of of ADP _005197432 175 20 their their PRON _005197432 175 21 own own ADJ _005197432 175 22 individual individual ADJ _005197432 175 23 return return NOUN _005197432 175 24 to to ADP _005197432 175 25 the the DET _005197432 175 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 175 27 church church NOUN _005197432 175 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 176 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 176 2 finally finally ADV _005197432 176 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 176 4 this this DET _005197432 176 5 hope hope NOUN _005197432 176 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 176 7 so so ADV _005197432 176 8 long long ADV _005197432 176 9 entertained entertain VERB _005197432 176 10 among among ADP _005197432 176 11 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 176 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 176 13 has have AUX _005197432 176 14 actually actually ADV _005197432 176 15 issued issue VERB _005197432 176 16 in in ADP _005197432 176 17 concerted concerted ADJ _005197432 176 18 practical practical ADJ _005197432 176 19 effort effort NOUN _005197432 176 20 on on ADP _005197432 176 21 only only ADV _005197432 176 22 two two NUM _005197432 176 23 occasions occasion NOUN _005197432 176 24 : : PUNCT _005197432 176 25 the the DET _005197432 176 26 organized organize VERB _005197432 176 27 promotion promotion NOUN _005197432 176 28 of of ADP _005197432 176 29 common common ADJ _005197432 176 30 intercessory intercessory ADJ _005197432 176 31 prayer prayer NOUN _005197432 176 32 in in ADP _005197432 176 33 1857 1857 NUM _005197432 176 34 - - SYM _005197432 176 35 64 64 NUM _005197432 176 36 , , PUNCT _005197432 176 37 and and CCONJ _005197432 176 38 the the DET _005197432 176 39 attempt attempt NOUN _005197432 176 40 of of ADP _005197432 176 41 1896 1896 NUM _005197432 176 42 to to PART _005197432 176 43 win win VERB _005197432 176 44 from from ADP _005197432 176 45 rome rome PROPN _005197432 176 46 a a DET _005197432 176 47 formal formal ADJ _005197432 176 48 acknowledgment acknowledgment NOUN _005197432 176 49 that that SCONJ _005197432 176 50 the the DET _005197432 176 51 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 176 52 establishment establishment NOUN _005197432 176 53 possessed possess VERB _005197432 176 54 an an DET _005197432 176 55 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 176 56 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005197432 176 57 . . PUNCT _005197432 177 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 177 2 for for ADP _005197432 177 3 the the DET _005197432 177 4 public public ADJ _005197432 177 5 expression expression NOUN _005197432 177 6 of of ADP _005197432 177 7 unofficial unofficial ADJ _005197432 177 8 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 177 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 177 10 even even ADV _005197432 177 11 these these DET _005197432 177 12 two two NUM _005197432 177 13 episodes episode NOUN _005197432 177 14 would would AUX _005197432 177 15 scarce scarce VERB _005197432 177 16 have have AUX _005197432 177 17 been be AUX _005197432 177 18 recognized recognize VERB _005197432 177 19 as as SCONJ _005197432 177 20 intended intend VERB _005197432 177 21 to to PART _005197432 177 22 contribute contribute VERB _005197432 177 23 to to ADP _005197432 177 24 a a DET _005197432 177 25 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 177 26 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 177 27 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 177 28 for for ADP _005197432 177 29 while while NOUN _005197432 177 30 on on ADP _005197432 177 31 both both DET _005197432 177 32 occasions occasion NOUN _005197432 177 33 the the DET _005197432 177 34 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 177 35 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 177 36 and and CCONJ _005197432 177 37 the the DET _005197432 177 38 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005197432 177 39 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 177 40 that that PRON _005197432 177 41 inspired inspire VERB _005197432 177 42 it it PRON _005197432 177 43 were be AUX _005197432 177 44 eventually eventually ADV _005197432 177 45 brought bring VERB _005197432 177 46 to to ADP _005197432 177 47 general general ADJ _005197432 177 48 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 177 49 attention attention NOUN _005197432 177 50 by by ADP _005197432 177 51 the the DET _005197432 177 52 measures measure NOUN _005197432 177 53 adopted adopt VERB _005197432 177 54 , , PUNCT _005197432 177 55 yet yet ADV _005197432 177 56 in in ADP _005197432 177 57 neither neither DET _005197432 177 58 case case NOUN _005197432 177 59 did do AUX _005197432 177 60 these these DET _005197432 177 61 measures measure NOUN _005197432 177 62 involve involve VERB _005197432 177 63 a a DET _005197432 177 64 direct direct ADJ _005197432 177 65 proposal proposal NOUN _005197432 177 66 of of ADP _005197432 177 67 the the DET _005197432 177 68 real real ADJ _005197432 177 69 aim aim NOUN _005197432 177 70 that that PRON _005197432 177 71 prompted prompt VERB _005197432 177 72 them they PRON _005197432 177 73 . . PUNCT _005197432 178 1 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 178 2 has have VERB _005197432 178 3 such such DET _005197432 178 4 a a DET _005197432 178 5 proposal proposal NOUN _005197432 178 6 ever ever ADV _005197432 178 7 yet yet ADV _005197432 178 8 been be AUX _005197432 178 9 made make VERB _005197432 178 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 179 1 no no DET _005197432 179 2 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 179 3 diocese diocese NOUN _005197432 179 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 179 5 parish parish PROPN _005197432 179 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 179 7 or or CCONJ _005197432 179 8 other other ADJ _005197432 179 9 organization organization NOUN _005197432 179 10 has have AUX _005197432 179 11 ever ever ADV _005197432 179 12 asked ask VERB _005197432 179 13 to to PART _005197432 179 14 be be AUX _005197432 179 15 received receive VERB _005197432 179 16 collectively collectively ADV _005197432 179 17 into into ADP _005197432 179 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 179 19 communion communion NOUN _005197432 179 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 180 1 only only ADV _005197432 180 2 the the DET _005197432 180 3 most most ADV _005197432 180 4 remote remote ADJ _005197432 180 5 and and CCONJ _005197432 180 6 indirect indirect ADJ _005197432 180 7 approach approach NOUN _005197432 180 8 12 12 NUM _005197432 180 9 can can AUX _005197432 180 10 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 180 11 unite unite VERB _005197432 180 12 with with ADP _005197432 180 13 rome rome PROPN _005197432 180 14 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 181 1 has have AUX _005197432 181 2 yet yet ADV _005197432 181 3 resulted result VERB _005197432 181 4 from from ADP _005197432 181 5 three three NUM _005197432 181 6 generations generation NOUN _005197432 181 7 ’ ' PUNCT _005197432 181 8 persistence persistence NOUN _005197432 181 9 of of ADP _005197432 181 10 a a DET _005197432 181 11 conscious conscious ADJ _005197432 181 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 181 13 frankly frankly ADV _005197432 181 14 avowed avow VERB _005197432 181 15 desire desire NOUN _005197432 181 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 182 1 since since SCONJ _005197432 182 2 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 182 3 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 182 4 must must AUX _005197432 182 5 await await VERB _005197432 182 6 the the DET _005197432 182 7 concurrent concurrent ADJ _005197432 182 8 will will NOUN _005197432 182 9 of of ADP _005197432 182 10 both both DET _005197432 182 11 the the DET _005197432 182 12 parties party NOUN _005197432 182 13 involved involve VERB _005197432 182 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 182 15 a a DET _005197432 182 16 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005197432 182 17 of of ADP _005197432 182 18 rome rome PROPN _005197432 182 19 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 182 20 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 182 21 on on ADP _005197432 182 22 the the DET _005197432 182 23 question question NOUN _005197432 182 24 is be AUX _005197432 182 25 clearly clearly ADV _005197432 182 26 necessary necessary ADJ _005197432 182 27 to to ADP _005197432 182 28 its its PRON _005197432 182 29 intelligent intelligent ADJ _005197432 182 30 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 182 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 183 1 one one PRON _005197432 183 2 can can AUX _005197432 183 3 not not PART _005197432 183 4 comment comment VERB _005197432 183 5 with with ADP _005197432 183 6 truth truth NOUN _005197432 183 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 183 8 charity charity NOUN _005197432 183 9 on on ADP _005197432 183 10 the the DET _005197432 183 11 premonitions premonition NOUN _005197432 183 12 of of ADP _005197432 183 13 some some DET _005197432 183 14 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 183 15 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005197432 183 16 without without ADP _005197432 183 17 sharing share VERB _005197432 183 18 the the DET _005197432 183 19 mind mind NOUN _005197432 183 20 of of ADP _005197432 183 21 the the DET _005197432 183 22 church church NOUN _005197432 183 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 184 1 her her PRON _005197432 184 2 mind mind NOUN _005197432 184 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 184 4 however however ADV _005197432 184 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 184 6 is be AUX _005197432 184 7 formally formally ADV _005197432 184 8 expressed express VERB _005197432 184 9 only only ADV _005197432 184 10 when when SCONJ _005197432 184 11 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 184 12 demands demand NOUN _005197432 184 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 184 14 and and CCONJ _005197432 184 15 even even ADV _005197432 184 16 then then ADV _005197432 184 17 with with ADP _005197432 184 18 due due ADJ _005197432 184 19 reserve reserve NOUN _005197432 184 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 185 1 how how SCONJ _005197432 185 2 can can AUX _005197432 185 3 we we PRON _005197432 185 4 hope hope VERB _005197432 185 5 to to PART _005197432 185 6 know know VERB _005197432 185 7 her her PRON _005197432 185 8 view view NOUN _005197432 185 9 of of ADP _005197432 185 10 a a DET _005197432 185 11 possibility possibility NOUN _005197432 185 12 never never ADV _005197432 185 13 yet yet ADV _005197432 185 14 proposed propose VERB _005197432 185 15 to to ADP _005197432 185 16 her she PRON _005197432 185 17 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 186 1 it it PRON _005197432 186 2 is be AUX _005197432 186 3 true true ADJ _005197432 186 4 enough enough ADV _005197432 186 5 that that SCONJ _005197432 186 6 the the DET _005197432 186 7 vital vital ADJ _005197432 186 8 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005197432 186 9 involved involve VERB _005197432 186 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 186 11 that that PRON _005197432 186 12 of of ADP _005197432 186 13 the the DET _005197432 186 14 unity unity NOUN _005197432 186 15 of of ADP _005197432 186 16 christ christ PROPN _005197432 186 17 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 186 18 church church NOUN _005197432 186 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 186 20 has have AUX _005197432 186 21 been be AUX _005197432 186 22 expounded expound VERB _005197432 186 23 with with ADP _005197432 186 24 clearness clearness NOUN _005197432 186 25 and and CCONJ _005197432 186 26 force force NOUN _005197432 186 27 by by ADP _005197432 186 28 such such ADJ _005197432 186 29 encyclicals encyclical NOUN _005197432 186 30 as as ADP _005197432 186 31 the the DET _005197432 186 32 satis satis NOUN _005197432 186 33 cognitum cognitum NOUN _005197432 186 34 of of ADP _005197432 186 35 1896 1896 NUM _005197432 186 36 , , PUNCT _005197432 186 37 and and CCONJ _005197432 186 38 the the DET _005197432 186 39 mortalium mortalium NOUN _005197432 186 40 animos animos PROPN _005197432 186 41 of of ADP _005197432 186 42 1928 1928 NUM _005197432 186 43 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 186 44 issued issue VERB _005197432 186 45 in in ADP _005197432 186 46 english english PROPN _005197432 186 47 by by ADP _005197432 186 48 the the DET _005197432 186 49 n. n. PROPN _005197432 186 50 c. c. PROPN _005197432 186 51 w. w. PROPN _005197432 186 52 c. c. PROPN _005197432 186 53 , , PUNCT _005197432 186 54 under under ADP _005197432 186 55 the the DET _005197432 186 56 title title NOUN _005197432 186 57 “ " PUNCT _005197432 186 58 the the DET _005197432 186 59 promotion promotion NOUN _005197432 186 60 of of ADP _005197432 186 61 true true ADJ _005197432 186 62 religious religious ADJ _005197432 186 63 unity unity NOUN _005197432 186 64 ” " PUNCT _005197432 186 65 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 186 66 . . PUNCT _005197432 187 1 insistently insistently ADV _005197432 187 2 such such ADJ _005197432 187 3 documents document NOUN _005197432 187 4 have have AUX _005197432 187 5 repeated repeat VERB _005197432 187 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 187 7 the the DET _005197432 187 8 price price NOUN _005197432 187 9 of of ADP _005197432 187 10 christian christian ADJ _005197432 187 11 unity unity NOUN _005197432 187 12 is be AUX _005197432 187 13 the the DET _005197432 187 14 common common ADJ _005197432 187 15 tenure tenure NOUN _005197432 187 16 of of ADP _005197432 187 17 the the DET _005197432 187 18 one one NUM _005197432 187 19 christian christian ADJ _005197432 187 20 faith faith NOUN _005197432 187 21 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 187 22 that that SCONJ _005197432 187 23 the the DET _005197432 187 24 property property NOUN _005197432 187 25 of of ADP _005197432 187 26 ceaseless ceaseless ADJ _005197432 187 27 unity unity NOUN _005197432 187 28 conferred confer VERB _005197432 187 29 by by ADP _005197432 187 30 our our PRON _005197432 187 31 divine divine ADJ _005197432 187 32 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005197432 187 33 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 187 34 the the DET _005197432 187 35 nature nature NOUN _005197432 187 36 of of ADP _005197432 187 37 his his PRON _005197432 187 38 church church NOUN _005197432 187 39 , , PUNCT _005197432 187 40 and and CCONJ _005197432 187 41 the the DET _005197432 187 42 necessity necessity NOUN _005197432 187 43 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 187 44 both both PRON _005197432 187 45 in in ADP _005197432 187 46 principle principle NOUN _005197432 187 47 and and CCONJ _005197432 187 48 in in ADP _005197432 187 49 effect effect NOUN _005197432 187 50 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 187 51 of of ADP _005197432 187 52 peter peter PROPN _005197432 187 53 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 187 54 headship headship NOUN _005197432 187 55 to to ADP _005197432 187 56 that that DET _005197432 187 57 unity unity NOUN _005197432 187 58 , , PUNCT _005197432 187 59 are be AUX _005197432 187 60 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 187 61 inviolable inviolable ADJ _005197432 187 62 truths truth NOUN _005197432 187 63 of of ADP _005197432 187 64 that that DET _005197432 187 65 same same ADJ _005197432 187 66 faith faith NOUN _005197432 187 67 , , PUNCT _005197432 187 68 so so SCONJ _005197432 187 69 that that SCONJ _005197432 187 70 sincere sincere ADJ _005197432 187 71 belief belief NOUN _005197432 187 72 in in ADP _005197432 187 73 them they PRON _005197432 187 74 must must AUX _005197432 187 75 antecede antecede VERB _005197432 187 76 and and CCONJ _005197432 187 77 found find VERB _005197432 187 78 the the DET _005197432 187 79 only only ADJ _005197432 187 80 unity unity NOUN _005197432 187 81 that that PRON _005197432 187 82 can can AUX _005197432 187 83 have have VERB _005197432 187 84 the the DET _005197432 187 85 approval approval NOUN _005197432 187 86 of of ADP _005197432 187 87 christ christ PROPN _005197432 187 88 . . PUNCT _005197432 188 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 188 2 these these DET _005197432 188 3 sacred sacred ADJ _005197432 188 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 188 5 vital vital ADJ _005197432 188 6 truths truth NOUN _005197432 188 7 — — PUNCT _005197432 188 8 which which PRON _005197432 188 9 the the DET _005197432 188 10 church church NOUN _005197432 188 11 will will AUX _005197432 188 12 neither neither CCONJ _005197432 188 13 abandon abandon VERB _005197432 188 14 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 188 15 compromise compromise NOUN _005197432 188 16 — — PUNCT _005197432 188 17 are be AUX _005197432 188 18 apt apt ADJ _005197432 188 19 to to PART _005197432 188 20 pass pass VERB _005197432 188 21 unnoticed unnoticed ADJ _005197432 188 22 in in ADP _005197432 188 23 their their PRON _005197432 188 24 pertinence pertinence NOUN _005197432 188 25 to to ADP _005197432 188 26 our our PRON _005197432 188 27 present present ADJ _005197432 188 28 question question NOUN _005197432 188 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 189 1 what what PRON _005197432 189 2 rather rather ADV _005197432 189 3 arrests arrest VERB _005197432 189 4 attention attention NOUN _005197432 189 5 is be AUX _005197432 189 6 some some DET _005197432 189 7 papal papal ADJ _005197432 189 8 utterance utterance NOUN _005197432 189 9 on on ADP _005197432 189 10 a a DET _005197432 189 11 local local ADJ _005197432 189 12 or or CCONJ _005197432 189 13 temporary temporary ADJ _005197432 189 14 situation situation NOUN _005197432 189 15 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 189 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 189 17 this this PRON _005197432 189 18 may may AUX _005197432 189 19 run run VERB _005197432 189 20 the the DET _005197432 189 21 risk risk NOUN _005197432 189 22 of of ADP _005197432 189 23 being be AUX _005197432 189 24 thought think VERB _005197432 189 25 as as ADP _005197432 189 26 transient transient ADJ _005197432 189 27 and and CCONJ _005197432 189 28 alterable alterable ADJ _005197432 189 29 as as ADP _005197432 189 30 the the DET _005197432 189 31 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 189 32 that that PRON _005197432 189 33 called call VERB _005197432 189 34 it it PRON _005197432 189 35 forth forth ADV _005197432 189 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 190 1 can can AUX _005197432 190 2 we we PRON _005197432 190 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 190 4 then then ADV _005197432 190 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 190 6 indicate indicate VERB _005197432 190 7 a a DET _005197432 190 8 public public ADJ _005197432 190 9 roman roman ADJ _005197432 190 10 document document NOUN _005197432 190 11 occasioned occasion VERB _005197432 190 12 by by ADP _005197432 190 13 some some DET _005197432 190 14 expression expression NOUN _005197432 190 15 of of ADP _005197432 190 16 the the DET _005197432 190 17 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 190 18 idea idea NOUN _005197432 190 19 of of ADP _005197432 190 20 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 190 21 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 190 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 190 23 and and CCONJ _005197432 190 24 judging judge VERB _005197432 190 25 it it PRON _005197432 190 26 by by ADP _005197432 190 27 standards standard NOUN _005197432 190 28 so so ADV _005197432 190 29 clearly clearly ADV _005197432 190 30 pertaining pertain VERB _005197432 190 31 to to ADP _005197432 190 32 the the DET _005197432 190 33 faith faith NOUN _005197432 190 34 that that PRON _005197432 190 35 the the DET _005197432 190 36 verdict verdict NOUN _005197432 190 37 it it PRON _005197432 190 38 expresses express VERB _005197432 190 39 must must AUX _005197432 190 40 be be AUX _005197432 190 41 deemed deem VERB _005197432 190 42 unalterable unalterable ADJ _005197432 190 43 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 191 1 fortunately fortunately ADV _005197432 191 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 191 3 this this PRON _005197432 191 4 is be AUX _005197432 191 5 possible possible ADJ _005197432 191 6 in in ADP _005197432 191 7 at at ADV _005197432 191 8 least least ADJ _005197432 191 9 a a DET _005197432 191 10 single single ADJ _005197432 191 11 case case NOUN _005197432 191 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 191 13 and and CCONJ _005197432 191 14 that that SCONJ _005197432 191 15 a a DET _005197432 191 16 most most ADV _005197432 191 17 instructive instructive ADJ _005197432 191 18 one one NUM _005197432 191 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 192 1 i i PRON _005197432 192 2 refer refer VERB _005197432 192 3 to to ADP _005197432 192 4 that that DET _005197432 192 5 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 192 6 letter letter NOUN _005197432 192 7 of of ADP _005197432 192 8 the the DET _005197432 192 9 holy holy ADJ _005197432 192 10 office office NOUN _005197432 192 11 “ " PUNCT _005197432 192 12 to to ADP _005197432 192 13 all all DET _005197432 192 14 the the DET _005197432 192 15 bishops bishop NOUN _005197432 192 16 of of ADP _005197432 192 17 england england PROPN _005197432 192 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 192 19 ” " PUNCT _005197432 192 20 dated date VERB _005197432 192 21 september september PROPN _005197432 192 22 16 16 NUM _005197432 192 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 192 24 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 192 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 192 26 which which PRON _005197432 192 27 censured censure VERB _005197432 192 28 the the DET _005197432 192 29 “ " PUNCT _005197432 192 30 association association NOUN _005197432 192 31 for for ADP _005197432 192 32 the the DET _005197432 192 33 promotion promotion NOUN _005197432 192 34 of of ADP _005197432 192 35 the the DET _005197432 192 36 unity unity NOUN _005197432 192 37 of of ADP _005197432 192 38 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 192 39 . . PUNCT _005197432 192 40 ” " PUNCT _005197432 193 1 in in ADP _005197432 193 2 addition addition NOUN _005197432 193 3 to to ADP _005197432 193 4 the the DET _005197432 193 5 weight weight NOUN _005197432 193 6 of of ADP _005197432 193 7 its its PRON _005197432 193 8 authority authority NOUN _005197432 193 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 193 10 this this DET _005197432 193 11 document document NOUN _005197432 193 12 ’s ’s PART _005197432 193 13 can can AUX _005197432 193 14 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 193 15 unite unite VERB _005197432 193 16 with with ADP _005197432 193 17 rome rome PROPN _005197432 193 18 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 194 1 13 13 NUM _005197432 194 2 practical practical ADJ _005197432 194 3 value value NOUN _005197432 194 4 to to ADP _005197432 194 5 our our PRON _005197432 194 6 present present ADJ _005197432 194 7 study study NOUN _005197432 194 8 lies lie VERB _005197432 194 9 in in ADP _005197432 194 10 the the DET _005197432 194 11 fact fact NOUN _005197432 194 12 that that SCONJ _005197432 194 13 neither neither CCONJ _005197432 194 14 its its PRON _005197432 194 15 actual actual ADJ _005197432 194 16 pertinence pertinence NOUN _005197432 194 17 to to ADP _005197432 194 18 the the DET _005197432 194 19 theme theme NOUN _005197432 194 20 of of ADP _005197432 194 21 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 194 22 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 194 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 194 24 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 194 25 the the DET _005197432 194 26 nature nature NOUN _005197432 194 27 of of ADP _005197432 194 28 its its PRON _005197432 194 29 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 194 30 on on ADP _005197432 194 31 that that DET _005197432 194 32 subject subject NOUN _005197432 194 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 194 34 has have AUX _005197432 194 35 been be AUX _005197432 194 36 left leave VERB _005197432 194 37 to to ADP _005197432 194 38 private private ADJ _005197432 194 39 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 194 40 . . PUNCT _005197432 195 1 both both PRON _005197432 195 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 195 3 as as SCONJ _005197432 195 4 it it PRON _005197432 195 5 happens happen VERB _005197432 195 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 195 7 became become VERB _005197432 195 8 clear clear ADJ _005197432 195 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 195 10 emphatic emphatic ADJ _005197432 195 11 through through ADP _005197432 195 12 a a DET _005197432 195 13 public public ADJ _005197432 195 14 correspondence correspondence NOUN _005197432 195 15 which which PRON _005197432 195 16 ensued ensue VERB _005197432 195 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 196 1 this this DET _005197432 196 2 episode episode NOUN _005197432 196 3 is be AUX _005197432 196 4 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 196 5 of of ADP _005197432 196 6 paramount paramount ADJ _005197432 196 7 value value NOUN _005197432 196 8 . . PUNCT _005197432 197 1 i i PRON _005197432 197 2 as as SCONJ _005197432 197 3 we we PRON _005197432 197 4 have have AUX _005197432 197 5 seen see VERB _005197432 197 6 above above ADV _005197432 197 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 197 8 the the DET _005197432 197 9 membership membership NOUN _005197432 197 10 of of ADP _005197432 197 11 the the DET _005197432 197 12 “ " PUNCT _005197432 197 13 association association NOUN _005197432 197 14 for for ADP _005197432 197 15 the the DET _005197432 197 16 promotion promotion NOUN _005197432 197 17 of of ADP _005197432 197 18 the the DET _005197432 197 19 unity unity NOUN _005197432 197 20 of of ADP _005197432 197 21 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 197 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 197 23 ” " PUNCT _005197432 197 24 although although SCONJ _005197432 197 25 intentionally intentionally ADV _005197432 197 26 inclusive inclusive ADJ _005197432 197 27 of of ADP _005197432 197 28 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 197 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 197 30 was be AUX _005197432 197 31 predominantly predominantly ADV _005197432 197 32 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 197 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 198 1 the the DET _005197432 198 2 only only ADJ _005197432 198 3 common common ADJ _005197432 198 4 duty duty NOUN _005197432 198 5 of of ADP _005197432 198 6 all all DET _005197432 198 7 its its PRON _005197432 198 8 members member NOUN _005197432 198 9 was be AUX _005197432 198 10 that that PRON _005197432 198 11 of of ADP _005197432 198 12 daily daily ADJ _005197432 198 13 private private ADJ _005197432 198 14 prayer prayer NOUN _005197432 198 15 for for ADP _005197432 198 16 “ " PUNCT _005197432 198 17 the the DET _005197432 198 18 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 198 19 of of ADP _005197432 198 20 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 198 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 198 22 ” " PUNCT _005197432 199 1 however however ADV _005197432 199 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 199 3 both both DET _005197432 199 4 “ " PUNCT _005197432 199 5 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 199 6 ” " PUNCT _005197432 199 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 199 8 its its PRON _005197432 199 9 desired desire VERB _005197432 199 10 “ " PUNCT _005197432 199 11 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 199 12 ” " PUNCT _005197432 199 13 were be AUX _005197432 199 14 terms term NOUN _005197432 199 15 of of ADP _005197432 199 16 very very ADV _005197432 199 17 different different ADJ _005197432 199 18 meanings meaning NOUN _005197432 199 19 to to ADP _005197432 199 20 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 199 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 199 22 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 199 23 respectively respectively ADV _005197432 199 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 199 25 so so SCONJ _005197432 199 26 that that SCONJ _005197432 199 27 public public ADJ _005197432 199 28 dissemination dissemination NOUN _005197432 199 29 of of ADP _005197432 199 30 the the DET _005197432 199 31 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 199 32 view view NOUN _005197432 199 33 of of ADP _005197432 199 34 the the DET _005197432 199 35 association association NOUN _005197432 199 36 ’s ’s PART _005197432 199 37 purpose purpose NOUN _005197432 199 38 was be AUX _005197432 199 39 bound bind VERB _005197432 199 40 to to PART _005197432 199 41 become become VERB _005197432 199 42 an an DET _005197432 199 43 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 199 44 of of ADP _005197432 199 45 embarrassment embarrassment NOUN _005197432 199 46 to to ADP _005197432 199 47 its its PRON _005197432 199 48 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 199 49 members member NOUN _005197432 199 50 . . PUNCT _005197432 200 1 when when SCONJ _005197432 200 2 at at ADP _005197432 200 3 last last ADV _005197432 200 4 compelled compel VERB _005197432 200 5 on on ADP _005197432 200 6 this this DET _005197432 200 7 account account NOUN _005197432 200 8 to to PART _005197432 200 9 forbid forbid VERB _005197432 200 10 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 200 11 to to PART _005197432 200 12 join join VERB _005197432 200 13 the the DET _005197432 200 14 association association NOUN _005197432 200 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 200 16 the the DET _005197432 200 17 holy holy ADJ _005197432 200 18 office office NOUN _005197432 200 19 naturally naturally ADV _005197432 200 20 furnished furnish VERB _005197432 200 21 the the DET _005197432 200 22 bishops bishop NOUN _005197432 200 23 of of ADP _005197432 200 24 england england PROPN _005197432 200 25 with with ADP _005197432 200 26 a a DET _005197432 200 27 full full ADJ _005197432 200 28 account account NOUN _005197432 200 29 of of ADP _005197432 200 30 its its PRON _005197432 200 31 reasons reason NOUN _005197432 200 32 for for ADP _005197432 200 33 so so ADV _005197432 200 34 doing do VERB _005197432 200 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 201 1 the the DET _005197432 201 2 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 201 3 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 201 4 acta acta PROPN _005197432 201 5 apud apud ADJ _005197432 201 6 sanctam sanctam PROPN _005197432 201 7 sedem sedem NOUN _005197432 201 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 201 9 vol vol NOUN _005197432 201 10 . . PROPN _005197432 201 11 2 2 NUM _005197432 201 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 201 13 pp pp PROPN _005197432 201 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 202 1 657 657 NUM _005197432 202 2 - - NUM _005197432 202 3 660 660 NUM _005197432 202 4 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 202 5 is be AUX _005197432 202 6 too too ADV _005197432 202 7 long long ADJ _005197432 202 8 to to PART _005197432 202 9 reproduce reproduce VERB _005197432 202 10 entire entire ADJ _005197432 202 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 202 12 but but CCONJ _005197432 202 13 a a DET _005197432 202 14 few few ADJ _005197432 202 15 of of ADP _005197432 202 16 its its PRON _005197432 202 17 salient salient ADJ _005197432 202 18 passages passage NOUN _005197432 202 19 are be AUX _005197432 202 20 so so ADV _005197432 202 21 much much ADJ _005197432 202 22 to to ADP _005197432 202 23 our our PRON _005197432 202 24 purpose purpose NOUN _005197432 202 25 that that SCONJ _005197432 202 26 we we PRON _005197432 202 27 shall shall AUX _005197432 202 28 let let VERB _005197432 202 29 them they PRON _005197432 202 30 speak speak VERB _005197432 202 31 for for ADP _005197432 202 32 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 202 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 203 1 the the DET _005197432 203 2 opening open VERB _005197432 203 3 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005197432 203 4 notes note NOUN _005197432 203 5 of of ADP _005197432 203 6 the the DET _005197432 203 7 association association NOUN _005197432 203 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 9 that that PRON _005197432 203 10 formed form VERB _005197432 203 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 203 12 directed direct VERB _005197432 203 13 by by ADP _005197432 203 14 protestants protestant NOUN _005197432 203 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 16 it it PRON _005197432 203 17 is be AUX _005197432 203 18 animated animate VERB _005197432 203 19 by by ADP _005197432 203 20 that that DET _005197432 203 21 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 203 22 which which PRON _005197432 203 23 it it PRON _005197432 203 24 openly openly ADV _005197432 203 25 professes profess VERB _005197432 203 26 : : PUNCT _005197432 203 27 namely namely ADV _005197432 203 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 29 that that SCONJ _005197432 203 30 three three NUM _005197432 203 31 christian christian ADJ _005197432 203 32 communions communion NOUN _005197432 203 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 34 the the DET _005197432 203 35 roman roman ADJ _005197432 203 36 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 203 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 38 the the DET _005197432 203 39 schismatical schismatical ADJ _005197432 203 40 greek greek NOUN _005197432 203 41 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 42 and and CCONJ _005197432 203 43 the the DET _005197432 203 44 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 203 45 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 46 although although SCONJ _005197432 203 47 separated separate VERB _005197432 203 48 and and CCONJ _005197432 203 49 divided divide VERB _005197432 203 50 from from ADP _005197432 203 51 one one NUM _005197432 203 52 another another DET _005197432 203 53 , , PUNCT _005197432 203 54 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005197432 203 55 claim claim VERB _005197432 203 56 with with ADP _005197432 203 57 equal equal ADJ _005197432 203 58 right right NOUN _005197432 203 59 the the DET _005197432 203 60 name name NOUN _005197432 203 61 of of ADP _005197432 203 62 catholic catholic PROPN _005197432 203 63 . . PUNCT _005197432 203 64 ... ... PUNCT _005197432 204 1 [ [ X _005197432 204 2 in in ADP _005197432 204 3 consequence consequence NOUN _005197432 204 4 ] ] PUNCT _005197432 204 5 the the DET _005197432 204 6 supreme supreme PROPN _005197432 204 7 sacred sacred ADJ _005197432 204 8 congregation congregation NOUN _005197432 204 9 of of ADP _005197432 204 10 the the DET _005197432 204 11 holy holy PROPN _005197432 204 12 office office PROPN _005197432 204 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 204 14 to to ADP _005197432 204 15 whose whose DET _005197432 204 16 scrutiny scrutiny NOUN _005197432 204 17 this this DET _005197432 204 18 matter matter NOUN _005197432 204 19 has have AUX _005197432 204 20 been be AUX _005197432 204 21 regularly regularly ADV _005197432 204 22 referred refer VERB _005197432 204 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 204 24 has have VERB _005197432 204 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 204 26 after after ADP _005197432 204 27 mature mature ADJ _005197432 204 28 examination examination NOUN _005197432 204 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 204 30 judged judge VERB _005197432 204 31 it it PRON _005197432 204 32 necessary necessary ADJ _005197432 204 33 that that SCONJ _005197432 204 34 thorough thorough ADJ _005197432 204 35 measures measure NOUN _005197432 204 36 be be AUX _005197432 204 37 taken take VERB _005197432 204 38 to to PART _005197432 204 39 instruct instruct VERB _005197432 204 40 the the DET _005197432 204 41 faithful faithful NOUN _005197432 204 42 not not PART _005197432 204 43 to to PART _005197432 204 44 join join VERB _005197432 204 45 , , PUNCT _005197432 204 46 under under ADP _005197432 204 47 the the DET _005197432 204 48 guidance guidance NOUN _005197432 204 49 of of ADP _005197432 204 50 heretics heretic NOUN _005197432 204 51 , , PUNCT _005197432 204 52 this this DET _005197432 204 53 society society NOUN _005197432 204 54 in in ADP _005197432 204 55 common common ADJ _005197432 204 56 with with ADP _005197432 204 57 the the DET _005197432 204 58 same same ADJ _005197432 204 59 heretics heretic NOUN _005197432 204 60 and and CCONJ _005197432 204 61 schismatics schismatic NOUN _005197432 204 62 . . PUNCT _005197432 205 1 of of ADP _005197432 205 2 the the DET _005197432 205 3 dogmatic dogmatic ADJ _005197432 205 4 principles principle NOUN _005197432 205 5 which which PRON _005197432 205 6 guided guide VERB _005197432 205 7 this this DET _005197432 205 8 decision decision NOUN _005197432 205 9 — — PUNCT _005197432 205 10 our our PRON _005197432 205 11 chief chief ADJ _005197432 205 12 concern concern NOUN _005197432 205 13 in in ADP _005197432 205 14 this this DET _005197432 205 15 connection connection NOUN _005197432 205 16 — — PUNCT _005197432 205 17 the the DET _005197432 205 18 encyclical encyclical NOUN _005197432 205 19 goes go VERB _005197432 205 20 on on ADP _005197432 205 21 to to PART _005197432 205 22 say say VERB _005197432 205 23 : : PUNCT _005197432 205 24 the the DET _005197432 205 25 foundation foundation NOUN _005197432 205 26 on on ADP _005197432 205 27 which which PRON _005197432 205 28 the the DET _005197432 205 29 association association NOUN _005197432 205 30 rests rest VERB _005197432 205 31 is be AUX _005197432 205 32 one one NUM _005197432 205 33 which which PRON _005197432 205 34 utterly utterly ADV _005197432 205 35 inverts invert VERB _005197432 205 36 the the DET _005197432 205 37 divine divine ADJ _005197432 205 38 constitution constitution NOUN _005197432 205 39 of of ADP _005197432 205 40 the the DET _005197432 205 41 church church NOUN _005197432 205 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 206 1 for for ADP _005197432 206 2 it it PRON _005197432 206 3 lies lie VERB _005197432 206 4 wholly wholly ADV _005197432 206 5 in in ADP _005197432 206 6 the the DET _005197432 206 7 supposition supposition NOUN _005197432 206 8 that that PRON _005197432 206 9 the the DET _005197432 206 10 true true ADJ _005197432 206 11 church church NOUN _005197432 206 12 of of ADP _005197432 206 13 jesus jesus PROPN _005197432 206 14 christ christ PROPN _005197432 206 15 consists consist VERB _005197432 206 16 14 14 NUM _005197432 206 17 can can AUX _005197432 206 18 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 206 19 unite unite VERB _005197432 206 20 with with ADP _005197432 206 21 rome rome PROPN _005197432 206 22 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 207 1 partly partly ADV _005197432 207 2 of of ADP _005197432 207 3 the the DET _005197432 207 4 roman roman ADJ _005197432 207 5 church church NOUN _005197432 207 6 extended extend VERB _005197432 207 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 207 8 propagated propagate VERB _005197432 207 9 throughout throughout ADP _005197432 207 10 all all DET _005197432 207 11 the the DET _005197432 207 12 world world NOUN _005197432 207 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 207 14 but but CCONJ _005197432 207 15 partly partly ADV _005197432 207 16 also also ADV _005197432 207 17 of of ADP _005197432 207 18 the the DET _005197432 207 19 photian photian ADJ _005197432 207 20 schism schism NOUN _005197432 207 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 207 22 the the DET _005197432 207 23 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 207 24 heresy heresy NOUN _005197432 207 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 207 26 as as ADP _005197432 207 27 possessing possess VERB _005197432 207 28 equally equally ADV _005197432 207 29 with with ADP _005197432 207 30 the the DET _005197432 207 31 roman roman ADJ _005197432 207 32 church church NOUN _005197432 207 33 “ " PUNCT _005197432 207 34 one one NUM _005197432 207 35 lord lord PROPN _005197432 207 36 , , PUNCT _005197432 207 37 one one NUM _005197432 207 38 faith faith NOUN _005197432 207 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 207 40 one one NUM _005197432 207 41 baptism baptism NOUN _005197432 207 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 207 43 ” " PUNCT _005197432 207 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 207 45 . . PUNCT _005197432 207 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 208 1 nothing nothing PRON _005197432 208 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 208 3 of of ADP _005197432 208 4 course course NOUN _005197432 208 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 208 6 should should AUX _005197432 208 7 be be AUX _005197432 208 8 more more ADV _005197432 208 9 desirable desirable ADJ _005197432 208 10 to to ADP _005197432 208 11 any any DET _005197432 208 12 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 208 13 than than SCONJ _005197432 208 14 that that DET _005197432 208 15 divisions division NOUN _005197432 208 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 208 17 dissensions dissension NOUN _005197432 208 18 among among ADP _005197432 208 19 christians christian NOUN _005197432 208 20 should should AUX _005197432 208 21 be be AUX _005197432 208 22 eradicated eradicate VERB _005197432 208 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 208 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 208 25 that that SCONJ _005197432 208 26 all all DET _005197432 208 27 christians christian NOUN _005197432 208 28 should should AUX _005197432 208 29 be be AUX _005197432 208 30 “ " PUNCT _005197432 208 31 careful careful ADJ _005197432 208 32 to to PART _005197432 208 33 keep keep VERB _005197432 208 34 the the DET _005197432 208 35 unity unity NOUN _005197432 208 36 of of ADP _005197432 208 37 the the DET _005197432 208 38 spirit spirit NOUN _005197432 208 39 in in ADP _005197432 208 40 the the DET _005197432 208 41 bond bond NOUN _005197432 208 42 of of ADP _005197432 208 43 peace peace NOUN _005197432 208 44 ” " PUNCT _005197432 208 45 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 208 46 ephes ephe NOUN _005197432 208 47 . . PUNCT _005197432 209 1 iv iv INTJ _005197432 209 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 209 3 3 3 NUM _005197432 209 4 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 209 5 . . PUNCT _005197432 209 6 . . PUNCT _005197432 209 7 . . PUNCT _005197432 209 8 . . PUNCT _005197432 210 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 210 2 that that SCONJ _005197432 210 3 the the DET _005197432 210 4 faithful faithful NOUN _005197432 210 5 of of ADP _005197432 210 6 christ christ PROPN _005197432 210 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 210 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 210 9 even even ADV _005197432 210 10 ecclesiastics ecclesiastic NOUN _005197432 210 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 210 12 should should AUX _005197432 210 13 pray pray VERB _005197432 210 14 for for ADP _005197432 210 15 christian christian ADJ _005197432 210 16 unity unity NOUN _005197432 210 17 under under ADP _005197432 210 18 the the DET _005197432 210 19 guidance guidance NOUN _005197432 210 20 of of ADP _005197432 210 21 heretics heretic NOUN _005197432 210 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 210 23 and and CCONJ _005197432 210 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 210 25 worse bad ADJ _005197432 210 26 still still ADV _005197432 210 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 210 28 according accord VERB _005197432 210 29 to to ADP _005197432 210 30 an an DET _005197432 210 31 intention intention NOUN _005197432 210 32 as as ADV _005197432 210 33 fully fully ADV _005197432 210 34 as as ADP _005197432 210 35 possible possible ADJ _005197432 210 36 polluted polluted ADJ _005197432 210 37 and and CCONJ _005197432 210 38 infected infect VERB _005197432 210 39 with with ADP _005197432 210 40 heresy heresy NOUN _005197432 210 41 , , PUNCT _005197432 210 42 can can AUX _005197432 210 43 by by ADP _005197432 210 44 no no DET _005197432 210 45 means means NOUN _005197432 210 46 be be AUX _005197432 210 47 tolerated tolerate VERB _005197432 210 48 . . PUNCT _005197432 211 1 to to ADP _005197432 211 2 these these DET _005197432 211 3 intrinsic intrinsic ADJ _005197432 211 4 roots root NOUN _005197432 211 5 of of ADP _005197432 211 6 evil evil NOUN _005197432 211 7 the the DET _005197432 211 8 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 211 9 adds add VERB _005197432 211 10 certain certain ADJ _005197432 211 11 practical practical ADJ _005197432 211 12 considerations consideration NOUN _005197432 211 13 : : PUNCT _005197432 211 14 moreover moreover ADV _005197432 211 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 211 16 the the DET _005197432 211 17 faithful faithful ADJ _005197432 211 18 should should AUX _005197432 211 19 avoid avoid VERB _005197432 211 20 this this DET _005197432 211 21 london london PROPN _005197432 211 22 society society NOUN _005197432 211 23 for for ADP _005197432 211 24 the the DET _005197432 211 25 further further ADJ _005197432 211 26 reason reason NOUN _005197432 211 27 that that SCONJ _005197432 211 28 by by ADP _005197432 211 29 joining join VERB _005197432 211 30 it it PRON _005197432 211 31 they they PRON _005197432 211 32 both both PRON _005197432 211 33 favor favor VERB _005197432 211 34 indifferentism indifferentism NOUN _005197432 211 35 and and CCONJ _005197432 211 36 create create VERB _005197432 211 37 scandal scandal NOUN _005197432 211 38 . . PUNCT _005197432 212 1 the the DET _005197432 212 2 society society NOUN _005197432 212 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 212 4 or or CCONJ _005197432 212 5 at at ADP _005197432 212 6 least least ADJ _005197432 212 7 its its PRON _005197432 212 8 founders founder NOUN _005197432 212 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 212 10 directors director NOUN _005197432 212 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 212 12 profess profess VERB _005197432 212 13 that that SCONJ _005197432 212 14 photianism photianism NOUN _005197432 212 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 212 16 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 212 17 are be AUX _005197432 212 18 two two NUM _005197432 212 19 forms form NOUN _005197432 212 20 of of ADP _005197432 212 21 the the DET _005197432 212 22 one one NUM _005197432 212 23 true true ADJ _005197432 212 24 christian christian ADJ _005197432 212 25 religion religion NOUN _005197432 212 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 212 27 in in ADP _005197432 212 28 which which PRON _005197432 212 29 it it PRON _005197432 212 30 is be AUX _005197432 212 31 possible possible ADJ _005197432 212 32 to to PART _005197432 212 33 please please VERB _005197432 212 34 god god PROPN _005197432 212 35 equally equally ADV _005197432 212 36 as as ADV _005197432 212 37 well well ADV _005197432 212 38 as as ADP _005197432 212 39 in in ADP _005197432 212 40 the the DET _005197432 212 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 212 42 church church NOUN _005197432 212 43 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 212 44 that that SCONJ _005197432 212 45 such such ADJ _005197432 212 46 christian christian ADJ _005197432 212 47 communions communion NOUN _005197432 212 48 are be AUX _005197432 212 49 , , PUNCT _005197432 212 50 of of ADP _005197432 212 51 course course NOUN _005197432 212 52 , , PUNCT _005197432 212 53 mutually mutually ADV _005197432 212 54 antagonized antagonize VERB _005197432 212 55 by by ADP _005197432 212 56 dissensions dissension NOUN _005197432 212 57 , , PUNCT _005197432 212 58 yet yet ADV _005197432 212 59 without without ADP _005197432 212 60 any any DET _005197432 212 61 violation violation NOUN _005197432 212 62 of of ADP _005197432 212 63 faith faith NOUN _005197432 212 64 , , PUNCT _005197432 212 65 since since SCONJ _005197432 212 66 the the DET _005197432 212 67 faith faith NOUN _005197432 212 68 of of ADP _005197432 212 69 them they PRON _005197432 212 70 all all PRON _005197432 212 71 remains remain VERB _005197432 212 72 one one NUM _005197432 212 73 and and CCONJ _005197432 212 74 the the DET _005197432 212 75 same same ADJ _005197432 212 76 . . PUNCT _005197432 213 1 this this PRON _005197432 213 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 213 3 however however ADV _005197432 213 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 213 5 is be AUX _005197432 213 6 the the DET _005197432 213 7 very very ADV _005197432 213 8 sum sum NOUN _005197432 213 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 213 10 of of ADP _005197432 213 11 that that DET _005197432 213 12 pestilential pestilential ADJ _005197432 213 13 indifferentism indifferentism NOUN _005197432 213 14 in in ADP _005197432 213 15 matters matter NOUN _005197432 213 16 of of ADP _005197432 213 17 religion religion NOUN _005197432 213 18 which which PRON _005197432 213 19 is be AUX _005197432 213 20 just just ADV _005197432 213 21 now now ADV _005197432 213 22 especially especially ADV _005197432 213 23 active active ADJ _005197432 213 24 in in ADP _005197432 213 25 the the DET _005197432 213 26 destruction destruction NOUN _005197432 213 27 of of ADP _005197432 213 28 souls soul NOUN _005197432 213 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 214 1 no no DET _005197432 214 2 need need NOUN _005197432 214 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 4 then then ADV _005197432 214 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 6 to to PART _005197432 214 7 point point VERB _005197432 214 8 out out ADP _005197432 214 9 that that SCONJ _005197432 214 10 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 214 11 who who PRON _005197432 214 12 belong belong VERB _005197432 214 13 to to ADP _005197432 214 14 this this DET _005197432 214 15 society society NOUN _005197432 214 16 give give VERB _005197432 214 17 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 214 18 of of ADP _005197432 214 19 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005197432 214 20 ruin ruin NOUN _005197432 214 21 to to ADP _005197432 214 22 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 214 23 and and CCONJ _005197432 214 24 non non ADJ _005197432 214 25 - - ADJ _005197432 214 26 catholics catholics ADJ _005197432 214 27 alike alike ADV _005197432 214 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 29 especially especially ADV _005197432 214 30 because because SCONJ _005197432 214 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 32 through through ADP _005197432 214 33 the the DET _005197432 214 34 vain vain ADJ _005197432 214 35 expectation expectation NOUN _005197432 214 36 that that SCONJ _005197432 214 37 the the DET _005197432 214 38 aforesaid aforesaid NOUN _005197432 214 39 three three NUM _005197432 214 40 communions communion NOUN _005197432 214 41 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 42 remaining remain VERB _005197432 214 43 intact intact ADJ _005197432 214 44 and and CCONJ _005197432 214 45 each each PRON _005197432 214 46 in in ADP _005197432 214 47 its its PRON _005197432 214 48 own own ADJ _005197432 214 49 persuasion persuasion NOUN _005197432 214 50 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 51 may may AUX _005197432 214 52 unite unite VERB _005197432 214 53 into into ADP _005197432 214 54 one one NUM _005197432 214 55 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 56 the the DET _005197432 214 57 society society NOUN _005197432 214 58 opposes oppose VERB _005197432 214 59 the the DET _005197432 214 60 conversions conversion NOUN _005197432 214 61 of of ADP _005197432 214 62 non non ADJ _005197432 214 63 - - ADJ _005197432 214 64 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 214 65 to to ADP _005197432 214 66 the the DET _005197432 214 67 faith faith NOUN _005197432 214 68 , , PUNCT _005197432 214 69 and and CCONJ _005197432 214 70 strives strive VERB _005197432 214 71 to to PART _005197432 214 72 hinder hinder VERB _005197432 214 73 them they PRON _005197432 214 74 by by ADP _005197432 214 75 its its PRON _005197432 214 76 own own ADJ _005197432 214 77 published publish VERB _005197432 214 78 periodicals periodical NOUN _005197432 214 79 . . PUNCT _005197432 215 1 ii ii PROPN _005197432 216 1 no no DET _005197432 216 2 one one NOUN _005197432 216 3 familiar familiar ADJ _005197432 216 4 with with ADP _005197432 216 5 the the DET _005197432 216 6 barest bare ADJ _005197432 216 7 outlines outline NOUN _005197432 216 8 of of ADP _005197432 216 9 the the DET _005197432 216 10 history history NOUN _005197432 216 11 of of ADP _005197432 216 12 this this DET _005197432 216 13 question question NOUN _005197432 216 14 or or CCONJ _005197432 216 15 the the DET _005197432 216 16 literature literature NOUN _005197432 216 17 of of ADP _005197432 216 18 the the DET _005197432 216 19 period period NOUN _005197432 216 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 216 21 can can AUX _005197432 216 22 fail fail VERB _005197432 216 23 to to PART _005197432 216 24 draw draw VERB _005197432 216 25 two two NUM _005197432 216 26 conclusions conclusion NOUN _005197432 216 27 from from ADP _005197432 216 28 these these DET _005197432 216 29 outspoken outspoken ADJ _005197432 216 30 words word NOUN _005197432 216 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 217 1 they they PRON _005197432 217 2 obviously obviously ADV _005197432 217 3 go go VERB _005197432 217 4 to to ADP _005197432 217 5 the the DET _005197432 217 6 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005197432 217 7 roots root NOUN _005197432 217 8 of of ADP _005197432 217 9 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 217 10 expectation expectation NOUN _005197432 217 11 of of ADP _005197432 217 12 a a DET _005197432 217 13 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 217 14 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 217 15 with with ADP _005197432 217 16 rome rome PROPN _005197432 217 17 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 217 18 and and CCONJ _005197432 217 19 it it PRON _005197432 217 20 is be AUX _005197432 217 21 equally equally ADV _005197432 217 22 obvious obvious ADJ _005197432 217 23 that that SCONJ _005197432 217 24 their their PRON _005197432 217 25 authors author NOUN _005197432 217 26 were be AUX _005197432 217 27 well well ADV _005197432 217 28 informed inform VERB _005197432 217 29 as as ADP _005197432 217 30 to to ADP _005197432 217 31 what what PRON _005197432 217 32 those those DET _005197432 217 33 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005197432 217 34 actually actually ADV _005197432 217 35 were be AUX _005197432 217 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 218 1 a a DET _005197432 218 2 clearer clear ADJ _005197432 218 3 summary summary NOUN _005197432 218 4 of of ADP _005197432 218 5 the the DET _005197432 218 6 “ " PUNCT _005197432 218 7 threebranch threebranch NOUN _005197432 218 8 ” " PUNCT _005197432 218 9 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 218 10 theory theory NOUN _005197432 218 11 of of ADP _005197432 218 12 the the DET _005197432 218 13 visible visible ADJ _005197432 218 14 church church NOUN _005197432 218 15 could could AUX _005197432 218 16 hardly hardly ADV _005197432 218 17 be be AUX _005197432 218 18 formulated formulate VERB _005197432 218 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 219 1 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 219 2 could could AUX _005197432 219 3 that that DET _005197432 219 4 theory theory NOUN _005197432 219 5 be be AUX _005197432 219 6 more more ADV _005197432 219 7 emphatically emphatically ADV _005197432 219 8 repudiated repudiate VERB _005197432 219 9 in in ADP _005197432 219 10 human human ADJ _005197432 219 11 language language NOUN _005197432 219 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 220 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005197432 220 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 220 3 an an DET _005197432 220 4 attempt attempt NOUN _005197432 220 5 was be AUX _005197432 220 6 promptly promptly ADV _005197432 220 7 made make VERB _005197432 220 8 to to PART _005197432 220 9 discredit discredit VERB _005197432 220 10 this this DET _005197432 220 11 censure censure NOUN _005197432 220 12 in in ADP _005197432 220 13 the the DET _005197432 220 14 eyes eye NOUN _005197432 220 15 of of ADP _005197432 220 16 the the DET _005197432 220 17 public public NOUN _005197432 220 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 221 1 naturally naturally ADV _005197432 221 2 it it PRON _005197432 221 3 had have AUX _005197432 221 4 inflicted inflict VERB _005197432 221 5 keen keen ADJ _005197432 221 6 disappointment disappointment NOUN _005197432 221 7 on on ADP _005197432 221 8 the the DET _005197432 221 9 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 221 10 directors director NOUN _005197432 221 11 of of ADP _005197432 221 12 the the DET _005197432 221 13 can can AUX _005197432 221 14 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 221 15 unite unite VERB _005197432 221 16 with with ADP _005197432 221 17 rome rome PROPN _005197432 221 18 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 222 1 is be AUX _005197432 222 2 association association NOUN _005197432 222 3 . . PUNCT _005197432 223 1 it it PRON _005197432 223 2 was be AUX _005197432 223 3 equally equally ADV _005197432 223 4 natural natural ADJ _005197432 223 5 for for SCONJ _005197432 223 6 them they PRON _005197432 223 7 to to PART _005197432 223 8 infer infer VERB _005197432 223 9 — — PUNCT _005197432 223 10 as as SCONJ _005197432 223 11 men man NOUN _005197432 223 12 commonly commonly ADV _005197432 223 13 do do VERB _005197432 223 14 in in ADP _005197432 223 15 such such ADJ _005197432 223 16 cases case NOUN _005197432 223 17 — — PUNCT _005197432 223 18 that that SCONJ _005197432 223 19 their their PRON _005197432 223 20 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 223 21 would would AUX _005197432 223 22 not not PART _005197432 223 23 have have AUX _005197432 223 24 been be AUX _005197432 223 25 censured censure VERB _005197432 223 26 had have AUX _005197432 223 27 it it PRON _005197432 223 28 been be AUX _005197432 223 29 accurately accurately ADV _005197432 223 30 understood understand VERB _005197432 223 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 224 1 accordingly accordingly ADV _005197432 224 2 they they PRON _005197432 224 3 forwarded forward VERB _005197432 224 4 to to ADP _005197432 224 5 rome rome PROPN _005197432 224 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 224 7 early early ADV _005197432 224 8 in in ADP _005197432 224 9 1865 1865 NUM _005197432 224 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 224 11 a a DET _005197432 224 12 brief brief ADJ _005197432 224 13 letter letter NOUN _005197432 224 14 of of ADP _005197432 224 15 explanation explanation NOUN _005197432 224 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 224 17 respectful respectful ADJ _005197432 224 18 protest protest NOUN _005197432 224 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 224 20 signed sign VERB _005197432 224 21 by by ADP _005197432 224 22 nearly nearly ADV _005197432 224 23 two two NUM _005197432 224 24 hundred hundred NUM _005197432 224 25 of of ADP _005197432 224 26 the the DET _005197432 224 27 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 224 28 clergy clergy NOUN _005197432 224 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 224 30 including include VERB _005197432 224 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 224 32 however however ADV _005197432 224 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 224 34 none none NOUN _005197432 224 35 of of ADP _005197432 224 36 their their PRON _005197432 224 37 bishops bishop NOUN _005197432 224 38 . . PUNCT _005197432 225 1 this this DET _005197432 225 2 letter letter NOUN _005197432 225 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 225 4 addressed address VERB _005197432 225 5 to to ADP _005197432 225 6 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 225 7 patrizi patrizi NOUN _005197432 225 8 as as ADP _005197432 225 9 prefect prefect NOUN _005197432 225 10 of of ADP _005197432 225 11 the the DET _005197432 225 12 holy holy PROPN _005197432 225 13 office office PROPN _005197432 225 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 225 15 stands stands AUX _005197432 225 16 recorded record VERB _005197432 225 17 in in ADP _005197432 225 18 latin latin PROPN _005197432 225 19 together together ADV _005197432 225 20 with with ADP _005197432 225 21 the the DET _005197432 225 22 encyclical encyclical NOUN _005197432 225 23 to to PART _005197432 225 24 which which PRON _005197432 225 25 it it PRON _005197432 225 26 replied reply VERB _005197432 225 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 226 1 it it PRON _005197432 226 2 emphasizes emphasize VERB _005197432 226 3 two two NUM _005197432 226 4 chief chief ADJ _005197432 226 5 points point NOUN _005197432 226 6 on on ADP _005197432 226 7 which which PRON _005197432 226 8 its its PRON _005197432 226 9 authors author NOUN _005197432 226 10 felt feel VERB _005197432 226 11 that that SCONJ _005197432 226 12 their their PRON _005197432 226 13 teachings teaching NOUN _005197432 226 14 had have AUX _005197432 226 15 been be AUX _005197432 226 16 misinterpreted misinterpret VERB _005197432 226 17 by by ADP _005197432 226 18 the the DET _005197432 226 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 226 20 holy holy PROPN _005197432 226 21 office office PROPN _005197432 226 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 227 1 referring refer VERB _005197432 227 2 to to ADP _005197432 227 3 that that DET _005197432 227 4 part part NOUN _005197432 227 5 of of ADP _005197432 227 6 the the DET _005197432 227 7 encyclical encyclical NOUN _005197432 227 8 which which PRON _005197432 227 9 appears appear VERB _005197432 227 10 above above ADV _005197432 227 11 in in ADP _005197432 227 12 our our PRON _005197432 227 13 first first ADJ _005197432 227 14 quotation quotation NOUN _005197432 227 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 227 16 they they PRON _005197432 227 17 note note VERB _005197432 227 18 that that SCONJ _005197432 227 19 the the DET _005197432 227 20 association association NOUN _005197432 227 21 is be AUX _005197432 227 22 charged charge VERB _005197432 227 23 with with ADP _005197432 227 24 affirming affirm VERB _005197432 227 25 in in ADP _005197432 227 26 its its PRON _005197432 227 27 prospectus prospectus NOUN _005197432 227 28 that that SCONJ _005197432 227 29 “ " PUNCT _005197432 227 30 the the DET _005197432 227 31 three three NUM _005197432 227 32 communions communion NOUN _005197432 227 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 227 34 the the DET _005197432 227 35 roman roman ADJ _005197432 227 36 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 227 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 227 38 the the DET _005197432 227 39 eastern eastern ADJ _005197432 227 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 227 41 and and CCONJ _005197432 227 42 the the DET _005197432 227 43 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 227 44 , , PUNCT _005197432 227 45 have have VERB _005197432 227 46 an an DET _005197432 227 47 equal equal ADJ _005197432 227 48 claim claim NOUN _005197432 227 49 to to PART _005197432 227 50 call call VERB _005197432 227 51 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 227 52 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 227 53 . . PUNCT _005197432 227 54 ” " PUNCT _005197432 228 1 on on ADP _005197432 228 2 that that DET _005197432 228 3 question question NOUN _005197432 228 4 our our PRON _005197432 228 5 prospectus prospectus NOUN _005197432 228 6 gave give VERB _005197432 228 7 no no DET _005197432 228 8 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 228 9 whatever whatever PRON _005197432 228 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 229 1 what what PRON _005197432 229 2 we we PRON _005197432 229 3 said say VERB _005197432 229 4 treated treat VERB _005197432 229 5 of of ADP _005197432 229 6 the the DET _005197432 229 7 question question NOUN _005197432 229 8 of of ADP _005197432 229 9 fact fact NOUN _005197432 229 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 229 11 not not PART _005197432 229 12 of of ADP _005197432 229 13 right right ADJ _005197432 229 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 230 1 we we PRON _005197432 230 2 merely merely ADV _005197432 230 3 affirmed affirm VERB _005197432 230 4 that that SCONJ _005197432 230 5 the the DET _005197432 230 6 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 230 7 church church NOUN _005197432 230 8 claimed claim VERB _005197432 230 9 the the DET _005197432 230 10 name name NOUN _005197432 230 11 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 230 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 230 13 as as SCONJ _005197432 230 14 is be AUX _005197432 230 15 abundantly abundantly ADV _005197432 230 16 plain plain ADJ _005197432 230 17 to to ADP _005197432 230 18 all all PRON _005197432 230 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 230 20 both both PRON _005197432 230 21 from from ADP _005197432 230 22 the the DET _005197432 230 23 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005197432 230 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 230 25 the the DET _005197432 230 26 articles article NOUN _005197432 230 27 of of ADP _005197432 230 28 religion religion NOUN _005197432 230 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 231 1 commenting commenting NOUN _005197432 231 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 231 3 again again ADV _005197432 231 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 231 5 on on ADP _005197432 231 6 that that DET _005197432 231 7 part part NOUN _005197432 231 8 of of ADP _005197432 231 9 the the DET _005197432 231 10 encyclical encyclical NOUN _005197432 231 11 which which PRON _005197432 231 12 criticizes criticize VERB _005197432 231 13 their their PRON _005197432 231 14 conception conception NOUN _005197432 231 15 of of ADP _005197432 231 16 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 231 17 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 231 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 231 19 the the DET _005197432 231 20 writers writer NOUN _005197432 231 21 observe observe VERB _005197432 231 22 : : PUNCT _005197432 231 23 as as ADP _005197432 231 24 to to ADP _005197432 231 25 the the DET _005197432 231 26 intention intention NOUN _005197432 231 27 of of ADP _005197432 231 28 our our PRON _005197432 231 29 society society NOUN _005197432 231 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 231 31 that that DET _005197432 231 32 letter letter NOUN _005197432 231 33 asserts assert VERB _005197432 231 34 our our PRON _005197432 231 35 especial especial ADJ _005197432 231 36 aim aim NOUN _005197432 231 37 to to PART _005197432 231 38 be be AUX _005197432 231 39 “ " PUNCT _005197432 231 40 that that SCONJ _005197432 231 41 the the DET _005197432 231 42 three three NUM _005197432 231 43 communions communion NOUN _005197432 231 44 named name VERB _005197432 231 45 , , PUNCT _005197432 231 46 each each PRON _005197432 231 47 in in ADP _005197432 231 48 its its PRON _005197432 231 49 integrity integrity NOUN _005197432 231 50 , , PUNCT _005197432 231 51 and and CCONJ _005197432 231 52 each each DET _005197432 231 53 maintaining maintain VERB _005197432 231 54 still still ADV _005197432 231 55 its its PRON _005197432 231 56 own own ADJ _005197432 231 57 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 231 58 , , PUNCT _005197432 231 59 may may AUX _005197432 231 60 coalesce coalesce VERB _005197432 231 61 into into ADP _005197432 231 62 one one NUM _005197432 231 63 . . PUNCT _005197432 231 64 ” " PUNCT _005197432 232 1 far far ADV _005197432 232 2 from from ADP _005197432 232 3 us we PRON _005197432 232 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 232 5 from from ADP _005197432 232 6 our our PRON _005197432 232 7 society society NOUN _005197432 232 8 be be AUX _005197432 232 9 such such DET _005197432 232 10 an an DET _005197432 232 11 aim aim NOUN _005197432 232 12 as as ADP _005197432 232 13 this this PRON _005197432 232 14 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 232 15 from from ADP _005197432 232 16 which which PRON _005197432 232 17 were be AUX _005197432 232 18 to to PART _005197432 232 19 be be AUX _005197432 232 20 anticipated anticipate VERB _005197432 232 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 232 22 not not PART _005197432 232 23 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005197432 232 24 unity unity NOUN _005197432 232 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 232 26 but but CCONJ _005197432 232 27 merely merely ADV _005197432 232 28 a a DET _005197432 232 29 discord discord NOUN _005197432 232 30 of of ADP _005197432 232 31 brethren brother NOUN _005197432 232 32 in in ADP _005197432 232 33 personal personal ADJ _005197432 232 34 conflict conflict NOUN _005197432 232 35 under under ADP _005197432 232 36 one one NUM _005197432 232 37 roof roof NOUN _005197432 232 38 . . PUNCT _005197432 233 1 what what PRON _005197432 233 2 we we PRON _005197432 233 3 beseech beseech VERB _005197432 233 4 almighty almighty ADJ _005197432 233 5 god god PROPN _005197432 233 6 to to PART _005197432 233 7 grant grant VERB _005197432 233 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 233 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 233 10 desire desire NOUN _005197432 233 11 with with ADP _005197432 233 12 all all DET _005197432 233 13 our our PRON _005197432 233 14 hearts heart NOUN _005197432 233 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 233 16 is be AUX _005197432 233 17 simply simply ADV _005197432 233 18 that that DET _005197432 233 19 ecumenical ecumenical ADJ _005197432 233 20 intercommunion intercommunion NOUN _005197432 233 21 which which PRON _005197432 233 22 existed exist VERB _005197432 233 23 before before ADP _005197432 233 24 the the DET _005197432 233 25 separation separation NOUN _005197432 233 26 of of ADP _005197432 233 27 east east PROPN _005197432 233 28 and and CCONJ _005197432 233 29 west west PROPN _005197432 233 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 233 31 founded found VERB _005197432 233 32 and and CCONJ _005197432 233 33 consolidated consolidate VERB _005197432 233 34 on on ADP _005197432 233 35 the the DET _005197432 233 36 profession profession NOUN _005197432 233 37 of of ADP _005197432 233 38 one one NUM _005197432 233 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 233 40 the the DET _005197432 233 41 same same ADJ _005197432 233 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 233 43 faith faith NOUN _005197432 233 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 234 1 while while SCONJ _005197432 234 2 these these DET _005197432 234 3 rejoinders rejoinder NOUN _005197432 234 4 were be AUX _005197432 234 5 by by ADP _005197432 234 6 no no DET _005197432 234 7 means mean NOUN _005197432 234 8 meant mean VERB _005197432 234 9 for for ADP _005197432 234 10 mere mere ADJ _005197432 234 11 quibbles quibble NOUN _005197432 234 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 234 13 their their PRON _005197432 234 14 failure failure NOUN _005197432 234 15 to to PART _005197432 234 16 meet meet VERB _005197432 234 17 the the DET _005197432 234 18 main main ADJ _005197432 234 19 issue issue NOUN _005197432 234 20 is be AUX _005197432 234 21 evident evident ADJ _005197432 234 22 at at ADP _005197432 234 23 a a DET _005197432 234 24 glance glance NOUN _005197432 234 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 235 1 the the DET _005197432 235 2 writers writer NOUN _005197432 235 3 could could AUX _005197432 235 4 not not PART _005197432 235 5 deny deny VERB _005197432 235 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 235 7 they they PRON _005197432 235 8 claimed claim VERB _005197432 235 9 a a DET _005197432 235 10 right right NOUN _005197432 235 11 to to ADP _005197432 235 12 the the DET _005197432 235 13 name name NOUN _005197432 235 14 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 235 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 235 16 but but CCONJ _005197432 235 17 only only ADV _005197432 235 18 that that SCONJ _005197432 235 19 their their PRON _005197432 235 20 prospectus prospectus NOUN _005197432 235 21 had have AUX _005197432 235 22 expressed express VERB _005197432 235 23 that that DET _005197432 235 24 claim claim NOUN _005197432 235 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 236 1 neither neither CCONJ _005197432 236 2 could could AUX _005197432 236 3 they they PRON _005197432 236 4 have have AUX _005197432 236 5 denied deny VERB _005197432 236 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 236 7 the the DET _005197432 236 8 “ " PUNCT _005197432 236 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 236 10 faith faith NOUN _005197432 236 11 ’’ ’' PUNCT _005197432 236 12 on on ADP _005197432 236 13 the the DET _005197432 236 14 basis basis NOUN _005197432 236 15 of of ADP _005197432 236 16 which which PRON _005197432 236 17 they they PRON _005197432 236 18 hoped hope VERB _005197432 236 19 to to PART _005197432 236 20 form form VERB _005197432 236 21 an an DET _005197432 236 22 eventual eventual ADJ _005197432 236 23 “ " PUNCT _005197432 236 24 intercommunion intercommunion NOUN _005197432 236 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 236 26 ” " PUNCT _005197432 236 27 would would AUX _005197432 236 28 actually actually ADV _005197432 236 29 not not PART _005197432 236 30 be be AUX _005197432 236 31 “ " PUNCT _005197432 236 32 one one NUM _005197432 236 33 and and CCONJ _005197432 236 34 the the DET _005197432 236 35 same same ADJ _005197432 236 36 ” " PUNCT _005197432 236 37 in in ADP _005197432 236 38 their their PRON _005197432 236 39 own own ADJ _005197432 236 40 conception conception NOUN _005197432 236 41 and and CCONJ _005197432 236 42 in in ADP _005197432 236 43 that that PRON _005197432 236 44 of of ADP _005197432 236 45 rome rome PROPN _005197432 236 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 237 1 had have AUX _005197432 237 2 they they PRON _005197432 237 3 been be AUX _005197432 237 4 seriously seriously ADV _005197432 237 5 misunderstood misunderstood NOUN _005197432 237 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 237 7 here here ADV _005197432 237 8 was be AUX _005197432 237 9 their their PRON _005197432 237 10 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005197432 237 11 to to PART _005197432 237 12 show show VERB _005197432 237 13 it it PRON _005197432 237 14 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 237 15 their their PRON _005197432 237 16 effort effort NOUN _005197432 237 17 to to PART _005197432 237 18 do do AUX _005197432 237 19 so so ADV _005197432 237 20 only only ADV _005197432 237 21 shows show VERB _005197432 237 22 that that SCONJ _005197432 237 23 16 16 NUM _005197432 237 24 can can AUX _005197432 237 25 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 237 26 unite unite VERB _005197432 237 27 with with ADP _005197432 237 28 rome rome PROPN _005197432 237 29 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 238 1 they they PRON _005197432 238 2 had have AUX _005197432 238 3 been be AUX _005197432 238 4 much much ADV _005197432 238 5 too too ADV _005197432 238 6 clearly clearly ADV _005197432 238 7 understood understand VERB _005197432 238 8 for for ADP _005197432 238 9 the the DET _005197432 238 10 success success NOUN _005197432 238 11 of of ADP _005197432 238 12 their their PRON _005197432 238 13 own own ADJ _005197432 238 14 endeavor endeavor NOUN _005197432 238 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 239 1 ill ill ADJ _005197432 239 2 this this DET _005197432 239 3 letter letter NOUN _005197432 239 4 evoked evoke VERB _005197432 239 5 a a DET _005197432 239 6 long long ADJ _005197432 239 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 239 8 equally equally ADV _005197432 239 9 courteous courteous ADJ _005197432 239 10 reply reply NOUN _005197432 239 11 from from ADP _005197432 239 12 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 239 13 patrizi patrizi NOUN _005197432 239 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 239 15 dated date VERB _005197432 239 16 november november PROPN _005197432 239 17 8 8 NUM _005197432 239 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 239 19 1865 1865 NUM _005197432 239 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 239 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 239 22 recorded record VERB _005197432 239 23 together together ADV _005197432 239 24 with with ADP _005197432 239 25 the the DET _005197432 239 26 two two NUM _005197432 239 27 preceding precede VERB _005197432 239 28 documents document NOUN _005197432 239 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 240 1 it it PRON _005197432 240 2 forms form VERB _005197432 240 3 a a DET _005197432 240 4 detailed detailed ADJ _005197432 240 5 expansion expansion NOUN _005197432 240 6 of of ADP _005197432 240 7 the the DET _005197432 240 8 positive positive ADJ _005197432 240 9 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 240 10 of of ADP _005197432 240 11 the the DET _005197432 240 12 original original ADJ _005197432 240 13 encyclical encyclical NOUN _005197432 240 14 of of ADP _005197432 240 15 the the DET _005197432 240 16 holy holy PROPN _005197432 240 17 office office PROPN _005197432 240 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 241 1 the the DET _005197432 241 2 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 241 3 prefect prefect NOUN _005197432 241 4 begins begin VERB _005197432 241 5 by by ADP _005197432 241 6 applauding applaud VERB _005197432 241 7 his his PRON _005197432 241 8 correspondents correspondent NOUN _005197432 241 9 ’ ’ PART _005197432 241 10 desire desire NOUN _005197432 241 11 for for ADP _005197432 241 12 unity unity NOUN _005197432 241 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 241 14 but but CCONJ _005197432 241 15 observes observe VERB _005197432 241 16 that that SCONJ _005197432 241 17 there there PRON _005197432 241 18 is be VERB _005197432 241 19 a a DET _005197432 241 20 right right NOUN _005197432 241 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 241 22 a a DET _005197432 241 23 wrong wrong ADJ _005197432 241 24 way way NOUN _005197432 241 25 of of ADP _005197432 241 26 trying try VERB _005197432 241 27 to to PART _005197432 241 28 attain attain VERB _005197432 241 29 it it PRON _005197432 241 30 . . PUNCT _005197432 242 1 as as SCONJ _005197432 242 2 regards regard VERB _005197432 242 3 the the DET _005197432 242 4 misfortune misfortune NOUN _005197432 242 5 of of ADP _005197432 242 6 choosing choose VERB _005197432 242 7 the the DET _005197432 242 8 wrong wrong ADJ _005197432 242 9 way way NOUN _005197432 242 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 242 11 he he PRON _005197432 242 12 writes write VERB _005197432 242 13 : : PUNCT _005197432 242 14 the the DET _005197432 242 15 sacred sacred ADJ _005197432 242 16 congregation congregation NOUN _005197432 242 17 deeply deeply ADV _005197432 242 18 regrets regret VERB _005197432 242 19 that that SCONJ _005197432 242 20 this this PRON _005197432 242 21 has have AUX _005197432 242 22 been be AUX _005197432 242 23 the the DET _005197432 242 24 case case NOUN _005197432 242 25 with with ADP _005197432 242 26 yourselves yourself NOUN _005197432 242 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 242 28 thinking think VERB _005197432 242 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 242 30 as as SCONJ _005197432 242 31 you you PRON _005197432 242 32 do do VERB _005197432 242 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 242 34 that that SCONJ _005197432 242 35 those those DET _005197432 242 36 christian christian ADJ _005197432 242 37 bodies body NOUN _005197432 242 38 which which PRON _005197432 242 39 profess profess VERB _005197432 242 40 to to PART _005197432 242 41 have have AUX _005197432 242 42 inherited inherit VERB _005197432 242 43 the the DET _005197432 242 44 priesthood priesthood NOUN _005197432 242 45 and and CCONJ _005197432 242 46 the the DET _005197432 242 47 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 242 48 name name NOUN _005197432 242 49 , , PUNCT _005197432 242 50 belong belong VERB _005197432 242 51 as as ADP _005197432 242 52 parts part NOUN _005197432 242 53 to to ADP _005197432 242 54 the the DET _005197432 242 55 true true ADJ _005197432 242 56 church church NOUN _005197432 242 57 of of ADP _005197432 242 58 jesus jesus PROPN _005197432 242 59 christ christ PROPN _005197432 242 60 , , PUNCT _005197432 242 61 even even ADV _005197432 242 62 though though SCONJ _005197432 242 63 divided divide VERB _005197432 242 64 and and CCONJ _005197432 242 65 separated separate VERB _005197432 242 66 from from ADP _005197432 242 67 the the DET _005197432 242 68 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 242 69 see see NOUN _005197432 242 70 of of ADP _005197432 242 71 peter peter PROPN _005197432 242 72 . . PUNCT _005197432 243 1 nothing nothing PRON _005197432 243 2 could could AUX _005197432 243 3 be be AUX _005197432 243 4 further far ADV _005197432 243 5 from from ADP _005197432 243 6 the the DET _005197432 243 7 genuine genuine ADJ _005197432 243 8 notion notion NOUN _005197432 243 9 of of ADP _005197432 243 10 the the DET _005197432 243 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 243 12 church church NOUN _005197432 243 13 than than ADP _005197432 243 14 such such DET _005197432 243 15 an an DET _005197432 243 16 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 243 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 244 1 that that PRON _005197432 244 2 notion notion VERB _005197432 244 3 he he PRON _005197432 244 4 then then ADV _005197432 244 5 describes describe VERB _005197432 244 6 in in ADP _005197432 244 7 detail detail NOUN _005197432 244 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 9 concluding conclude VERB _005197432 244 10 with with ADP _005197432 244 11 a a DET _005197432 244 12 statement statement NOUN _005197432 244 13 evidently evidently ADV _005197432 244 14 inspired inspire VERB _005197432 244 15 by by ADP _005197432 244 16 the the DET _005197432 244 17 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 244 18 ’ ’ PART _005197432 244 19 distinction distinction NOUN _005197432 244 20 between between ADP _005197432 244 21 “ " PUNCT _005197432 244 22 right right ADJ _005197432 244 23 ” " PUNCT _005197432 244 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 244 25 “ " PUNCT _005197432 244 26 fact fact NOUN _005197432 244 27 ” " PUNCT _005197432 244 28 : : PUNCT _005197432 244 29 as as SCONJ _005197432 244 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 31 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 244 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 33 the the DET _005197432 244 34 church church NOUN _005197432 244 35 of of ADP _005197432 244 36 christ christ PROPN _005197432 244 37 is be AUX _005197432 244 38 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 244 39 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 40 and and CCONJ _005197432 244 41 is be AUX _005197432 244 42 so so ADV _005197432 244 43 called call VERB _005197432 244 44 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 45 because because SCONJ _005197432 244 46 of of ADP _005197432 244 47 a a DET _005197432 244 48 complete complete ADJ _005197432 244 49 unity unity NOUN _005197432 244 50 of of ADP _005197432 244 51 faith faith NOUN _005197432 244 52 and and CCONJ _005197432 244 53 communion communion NOUN _005197432 244 54 which which PRON _005197432 244 55 she she PRON _005197432 244 56 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 57 extended extend VERB _005197432 244 58 throughout throughout ADP _005197432 244 59 all all DET _005197432 244 60 nations nation NOUN _005197432 244 61 and and CCONJ _005197432 244 62 all all DET _005197432 244 63 time time NOUN _005197432 244 64 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 65 most most ADV _005197432 244 66 firmly firmly ADV _005197432 244 67 retains retain VERB _005197432 244 68 , , PUNCT _005197432 244 69 so so ADV _005197432 244 70 is be AUX _005197432 244 71 she she PRON _005197432 244 72 entitled entitle VERB _005197432 244 73 holy holy ADJ _005197432 244 74 and and CCONJ _005197432 244 75 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 244 76 in in ADP _005197432 244 77 virtue virtue NOUN _005197432 244 78 of of ADP _005197432 244 79 the the DET _005197432 244 80 same same ADJ _005197432 244 81 unity unity NOUN _005197432 244 82 . . PUNCT _005197432 245 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 245 2 just just ADV _005197432 245 3 as as ADV _005197432 245 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 245 5 without without ADP _005197432 245 6 such such DET _005197432 245 7 a a DET _005197432 245 8 unity unity NOUN _005197432 245 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 245 10 she she PRON _005197432 245 11 would would AUX _005197432 245 12 cease cease VERB _005197432 245 13 both both PRON _005197432 245 14 “ " PUNCT _005197432 245 15 in in ADP _005197432 245 16 right right NOUN _005197432 245 17 ” " PUNCT _005197432 245 18 and and CCONJ _005197432 245 19 “ " PUNCT _005197432 245 20 in in SCONJ _005197432 245 21 fact fact NOUN _005197432 245 22 ” " PUNCT _005197432 245 23 to to PART _005197432 245 24 be be AUX _005197432 245 25 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 245 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 245 27 so so ADV _005197432 245 28 would would AUX _005197432 245 29 she she PRON _005197432 245 30 forthwith forthwith ADV _005197432 245 31 be be AUX _005197432 245 32 deprived deprive VERB _005197432 245 33 of of ADP _005197432 245 34 the the DET _005197432 245 35 marks mark NOUN _005197432 245 36 of of ADP _005197432 245 37 holiness holiness NOUN _005197432 245 38 and and CCONJ _005197432 245 39 of of ADP _005197432 245 40 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 245 41 succession succession NOUN _005197432 245 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 246 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 246 2 the the DET _005197432 246 3 church church NOUN _005197432 246 4 of of ADP _005197432 246 5 christ christ PROPN _005197432 246 6 has have AUX _005197432 246 7 never never ADV _005197432 246 8 lost lose VERB _005197432 246 9 her her PRON _005197432 246 10 unity unity NOUN _005197432 246 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 246 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 246 13 will will AUX _005197432 246 14 never never ADV _005197432 246 15 lose lose VERB _005197432 246 16 it it PRON _005197432 246 17 even even ADV _005197432 246 18 for for ADP _005197432 246 19 the the DET _005197432 246 20 briefest brief ADJ _005197432 246 21 interval interval NOUN _005197432 246 22 of of ADP _005197432 246 23 time time NOUN _005197432 246 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 246 25 since since SCONJ _005197432 246 26 she she PRON _005197432 246 27 is be AUX _005197432 246 28 to to PART _005197432 246 29 endure endure VERB _005197432 246 30 for for ADP _005197432 246 31 ever ever ADV _005197432 246 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 246 33 according accord VERB _005197432 246 34 to to ADP _005197432 246 35 the the DET _005197432 246 36 divine divine ADJ _005197432 246 37 sayings saying NOUN _005197432 246 38 . . PUNCT _005197432 247 1 this this DET _005197432 247 2 theme theme NOUN _005197432 247 3 the the DET _005197432 247 4 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005197432 247 5 then then ADV _005197432 247 6 develops develop VERB _005197432 247 7 at at ADP _005197432 247 8 some some DET _005197432 247 9 length length NOUN _005197432 247 10 and and CCONJ _005197432 247 11 supports support VERB _005197432 247 12 with with ADP _005197432 247 13 quotations quotation NOUN _005197432 247 14 from from ADP _005197432 247 15 holy holy ADJ _005197432 247 16 scripture scripture NOUN _005197432 247 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 247 18 the the DET _005197432 247 19 fathers father NOUN _005197432 247 20 of of ADP _005197432 247 21 the the DET _005197432 247 22 church,—both church,—both ADJ _005197432 247 23 of of ADP _005197432 247 24 which which PRON _005197432 247 25 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 247 26 of of ADP _005197432 247 27 that that DET _005197432 247 28 generation generation NOUN _005197432 247 29 still still ADV _005197432 247 30 acknowledged acknowledge VERB _005197432 247 31 as as ADP _005197432 247 32 authentic authentic ADJ _005197432 247 33 sources source NOUN _005197432 247 34 of of ADP _005197432 247 35 christian christian ADJ _005197432 247 36 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005197432 247 37 . . PUNCT _005197432 248 1 still still ADV _005197432 248 2 more more ADV _005197432 248 3 in in ADP _005197432 248 4 detail detail NOUN _005197432 248 5 he he PRON _005197432 248 6 then then ADV _005197432 248 7 shows show VERB _005197432 248 8 from from ADP _005197432 248 9 the the DET _005197432 248 10 same same ADJ _005197432 248 11 sources source NOUN _005197432 248 12 that that SCONJ _005197432 248 13 by by ADP _005197432 248 14 christ christ PROPN _005197432 248 15 ’s ’s PART _005197432 248 16 own own ADJ _005197432 248 17 institution institution NOUN _005197432 248 18 the the DET _005197432 248 19 headship headship NOUN _005197432 248 20 of of ADP _005197432 248 21 peter peter PROPN _005197432 248 22 and and CCONJ _005197432 248 23 his his PRON _005197432 248 24 successors successor NOUN _005197432 248 25 in in ADP _005197432 248 26 office office NOUN _005197432 248 27 was be AUX _005197432 248 28 an an DET _005197432 248 29 essential essential ADJ _005197432 248 30 condition condition NOUN _005197432 248 31 to to ADP _005197432 248 32 the the DET _005197432 248 33 fact fact NOUN _005197432 248 34 and and CCONJ _005197432 248 35 the the DET _005197432 248 36 preservation preservation NOUN _005197432 248 37 of of ADP _005197432 248 38 the the DET _005197432 248 39 church church NOUN _005197432 248 40 ’s ’s PART _005197432 248 41 unity unity NOUN _005197432 248 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 249 1 the the DET _005197432 249 2 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005197432 249 3 from from ADP _005197432 249 4 this this DET _005197432 249 5 double double ADJ _005197432 249 6 evidence evidence NOUN _005197432 249 7 is be AUX _005197432 249 8 then then ADV _005197432 249 9 drawn draw VERB _005197432 249 10 in in ADP _005197432 249 11 most most ADV _005197432 249 12 explicit explicit ADJ _005197432 249 13 terms term NOUN _005197432 249 14 : : PUNCT _005197432 249 15 can can AUX _005197432 249 16 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 249 17 unite unite VERB _005197432 249 18 with with ADP _005197432 249 19 rome rome PROPN _005197432 249 20 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 250 1 17 17 NUM _005197432 250 2 hence hence ADV _005197432 250 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 4 if if SCONJ _005197432 250 5 the the DET _005197432 250 6 distinguishing distinguish VERB _005197432 250 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 250 8 perpetual perpetual ADJ _005197432 250 9 mark mark NOUN _005197432 250 10 of of ADP _005197432 250 11 christ christ PROPN _005197432 250 12 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 250 13 true true ADJ _005197432 250 14 church church NOUN _005197432 250 15 is be AUX _005197432 250 16 this this PRON _005197432 250 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 18 that that SCONJ _005197432 250 19 by by ADP _005197432 250 20 a a DET _005197432 250 21 perfect perfect ADJ _005197432 250 22 unity unity NOUN _005197432 250 23 of of ADP _005197432 250 24 faith faith NOUN _005197432 250 25 and and CCONJ _005197432 250 26 of of ADP _005197432 250 27 social social ADJ _005197432 250 28 charity charity NOUN _005197432 250 29 she she PRON _005197432 250 30 is be AUX _005197432 250 31 held hold VERB _005197432 250 32 together together ADV _005197432 250 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 34 flourishes flourish NOUN _005197432 250 35 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 36 and and CCONJ _005197432 250 37 is be AUX _005197432 250 38 manifest manifest ADJ _005197432 250 39 to to ADP _005197432 250 40 all all DET _005197432 250 41 men man NOUN _005197432 250 42 for for ADP _005197432 250 43 all all DET _005197432 250 44 time time NOUN _005197432 250 45 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 46 like like ADP _005197432 250 47 a a DET _005197432 250 48 city city NOUN _005197432 250 49 set set VERB _005197432 250 50 on on ADP _005197432 250 51 a a DET _005197432 250 52 hill hill NOUN _005197432 250 53 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 250 54 and and CCONJ _005197432 250 55 if if SCONJ _005197432 250 56 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 57 on on ADP _005197432 250 58 the the DET _005197432 250 59 other other ADJ _005197432 250 60 hand hand NOUN _005197432 250 61 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 62 christ christ PROPN _005197432 250 63 has have AUX _005197432 250 64 willed will VERB _005197432 250 65 that that SCONJ _005197432 250 66 the the DET _005197432 250 67 origin origin NOUN _005197432 250 68 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 69 center center NOUN _005197432 250 70 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 71 and and CCONJ _005197432 250 72 bond bond NOUN _005197432 250 73 of of ADP _005197432 250 74 that that DET _005197432 250 75 same same ADJ _005197432 250 76 unity unity NOUN _005197432 250 77 should should AUX _005197432 250 78 be be AUX _005197432 250 79 the the DET _005197432 250 80 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 250 81 see see NOUN _005197432 250 82 of of ADP _005197432 250 83 peter peter PROPN _005197432 250 84 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 250 85 it it PRON _005197432 250 86 follows follow VERB _005197432 250 87 that that SCONJ _005197432 250 88 all all DET _005197432 250 89 societies society NOUN _005197432 250 90 separated separate VERB _005197432 250 91 from from ADP _005197432 250 92 the the DET _005197432 250 93 outward outward ADJ _005197432 250 94 and and CCONJ _005197432 250 95 visible visible ADJ _005197432 250 96 communion communion NOUN _005197432 250 97 and and CCONJ _005197432 250 98 obedience obedience NOUN _005197432 250 99 of of ADP _005197432 250 100 the the DET _005197432 250 101 roman roman ADJ _005197432 250 102 pontiff pontiff NOUN _005197432 250 103 can can AUX _005197432 250 104 not not PART _005197432 250 105 be be AUX _005197432 250 106 the the DET _005197432 250 107 church church NOUN _005197432 250 108 of of ADP _005197432 250 109 christ christ PROPN _005197432 250 110 , , PUNCT _005197432 250 111 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 250 112 belong belong VERB _005197432 250 113 to to ADP _005197432 250 114 that that DET _005197432 250 115 church church NOUN _005197432 250 116 in in ADP _005197432 250 117 any any DET _005197432 250 118 way way NOUN _005197432 250 119 whatever whatever PRON _005197432 250 120 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 250 121 . . PUNCT _005197432 250 122 . . PUNCT _005197432 250 123 . . PUNCT _005197432 251 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 251 2 furthermore furthermore ADV _005197432 251 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 251 4 that that SCONJ _005197432 251 5 to to ADP _005197432 251 6 such such ADJ _005197432 251 7 societies society NOUN _005197432 251 8 neither neither CCONJ _005197432 251 9 can can AUX _005197432 251 10 the the DET _005197432 251 11 name name NOUN _005197432 251 12 of of ADP _005197432 251 13 catholic catholic PROPN _005197432 251 14 belong belong VERB _005197432 251 15 by by ADP _005197432 251 16 right right NOUN _005197432 251 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 251 18 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 251 19 can can AUX _005197432 251 20 it it PRON _005197432 251 21 by by ADP _005197432 251 22 any any DET _005197432 251 23 means mean NOUN _005197432 251 24 be be AUX _005197432 251 25 given give VERB _005197432 251 26 them they PRON _005197432 251 27 in in ADP _005197432 251 28 fact fact NOUN _005197432 251 29 without without ADP _005197432 251 30 manifest manifest ADJ _005197432 251 31 heresy heresy NOUN _005197432 251 32 . . PUNCT _005197432 252 1 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005197432 252 2 patrizi patrizi PROPN _005197432 252 3 ’s ’s PART _005197432 252 4 letter letter NOUN _005197432 252 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 252 6 as as SCONJ _005197432 252 7 might might AUX _005197432 252 8 be be AUX _005197432 252 9 expected expect VERB _005197432 252 10 ended end VERB _005197432 252 11 the the DET _005197432 252 12 public public ADJ _005197432 252 13 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 252 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 253 1 it it PRON _005197432 253 2 also also ADV _005197432 253 3 made make VERB _005197432 253 4 evident evident ADJ _005197432 253 5 for for ADP _005197432 253 6 all all DET _005197432 253 7 time time NOUN _005197432 253 8 that that PRON _005197432 253 9 rome rome PROPN _005197432 253 10 had have VERB _005197432 253 11 not not PART _005197432 253 12 in in ADP _005197432 253 13 the the DET _005197432 253 14 least least ADJ _005197432 253 15 misunderstood misunderstood NOUN _005197432 253 16 what what PRON _005197432 253 17 her her PRON _005197432 253 18 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 253 19 admirers admirer NOUN _005197432 253 20 meant mean VERB _005197432 253 21 by by ADP _005197432 253 22 “ " PUNCT _005197432 253 23 the the DET _005197432 253 24 promotion promotion NOUN _005197432 253 25 of of ADP _005197432 253 26 the the DET _005197432 253 27 unity unity NOUN _005197432 253 28 of of ADP _005197432 253 29 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 253 30 . . PUNCT _005197432 253 31 ” " PUNCT _005197432 254 1 she she PRON _005197432 254 2 had have AUX _005197432 254 3 grasped grasp VERB _005197432 254 4 their their PRON _005197432 254 5 theory theory NOUN _005197432 254 6 in in ADP _005197432 254 7 fullest full ADJ _005197432 254 8 detail detail NOUN _005197432 254 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 255 1 within within ADP _005197432 255 2 that that DET _005197432 255 3 theory theory NOUN _005197432 255 4 she she PRON _005197432 255 5 discerned discern VERB _005197432 255 6 certain certain ADJ _005197432 255 7 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 255 8 from from ADP _005197432 255 9 which which PRON _005197432 255 10 her her PRON _005197432 255 11 own own ADJ _005197432 255 12 emphatic emphatic ADJ _005197432 255 13 dissent dissent NOUN _005197432 255 14 had have VERB _005197432 255 15 to to PART _005197432 255 16 be be AUX _005197432 255 17 plainly plainly ADV _005197432 255 18 and and CCONJ _005197432 255 19 finally finally ADV _005197432 255 20 recorded record VERB _005197432 255 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 256 1 that that SCONJ _005197432 256 2 any any DET _005197432 256 3 person person NOUN _005197432 256 4 not not PART _005197432 256 5 in in ADP _005197432 256 6 communion communion NOUN _005197432 256 7 with with ADP _005197432 256 8 the the DET _005197432 256 9 vicar vicar NOUN _005197432 256 10 of of ADP _005197432 256 11 christ christ PROPN _005197432 256 12 could could AUX _005197432 256 13 truly truly ADV _005197432 256 14 be be AUX _005197432 256 15 called call VERB _005197432 256 16 a a DET _005197432 256 17 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 256 18 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 256 19 that that SCONJ _005197432 256 20 any any DET _005197432 256 21 christian christian ADJ _005197432 256 22 organization organization NOUN _005197432 256 23 not not PART _005197432 256 24 in in ADP _005197432 256 25 that that DET _005197432 256 26 communion communion NOUN _005197432 256 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 256 28 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 256 29 or or CCONJ _005197432 256 30 not not PART _005197432 256 31 it it PRON _005197432 256 32 might might AUX _005197432 256 33 claim claim VERB _005197432 256 34 a a DET _005197432 256 35 valid valid ADJ _005197432 256 36 priesthood priesthood NOUN _005197432 256 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 256 38 could could AUX _005197432 256 39 be be AUX _005197432 256 40 a a DET _005197432 256 41 constituent constituent ADJ _005197432 256 42 part part NOUN _005197432 256 43 of of ADP _005197432 256 44 the the DET _005197432 256 45 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 256 46 church church NOUN _005197432 256 47 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 256 48 that that SCONJ _005197432 256 49 the the DET _005197432 256 50 church church NOUN _005197432 256 51 herself herself PRON _005197432 256 52 could could AUX _005197432 256 53 at at ADV _005197432 256 54 all all ADV _005197432 256 55 consist consist VERB _005197432 256 56 of of ADP _005197432 256 57 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 256 58 parts part NOUN _005197432 256 59 in in ADP _005197432 256 60 an an DET _005197432 256 61 actual actual ADJ _005197432 256 62 state state NOUN _005197432 256 63 of of ADP _005197432 256 64 division division NOUN _005197432 256 65 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 256 66 that that SCONJ _005197432 256 67 the the DET _005197432 256 68 unity unity NOUN _005197432 256 69 which which PRON _005197432 256 70 christ christ PROPN _005197432 256 71 conferred confer VERB _005197432 256 72 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 256 73 his his PRON _005197432 256 74 church church NOUN _005197432 256 75 had have AUX _005197432 256 76 ever ever ADV _005197432 256 77 for for ADP _005197432 256 78 a a DET _005197432 256 79 moment moment NOUN _005197432 256 80 failed fail VERB _005197432 256 81 , , PUNCT _005197432 256 82 or or CCONJ _005197432 256 83 ceased cease VERB _005197432 256 84 to to PART _005197432 256 85 be be AUX _005197432 256 86 one one NUM _005197432 256 87 of of ADP _005197432 256 88 her her PRON _005197432 256 89 essential essential ADJ _005197432 256 90 properties,—these properties,—these PROPN _005197432 256 91 are be AUX _005197432 256 92 suggestions suggestion NOUN _005197432 256 93 to to PART _005197432 256 94 which which PRON _005197432 256 95 the the DET _005197432 256 96 see see NOUN _005197432 256 97 of of ADP _005197432 256 98 rome rome PROPN _005197432 256 99 will will AUX _005197432 256 100 never never ADV _005197432 256 101 so so ADV _005197432 256 102 much much ADV _005197432 256 103 as as ADP _005197432 256 104 listen listen VERB _005197432 256 105 . . PUNCT _005197432 257 1 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 257 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 257 3 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 257 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 257 5 might might AUX _005197432 257 6 not not PART _005197432 257 7 even even ADV _005197432 257 8 join join VERB _005197432 257 9 with with ADP _005197432 257 10 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 257 11 in in ADP _005197432 257 12 the the DET _005197432 257 13 common common ADJ _005197432 257 14 practice practice NOUN _005197432 257 15 of of ADP _005197432 257 16 private private ADJ _005197432 257 17 intercession intercession NOUN _005197432 257 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 257 19 if if SCONJ _005197432 257 20 the the DET _005197432 257 21 end end NOUN _005197432 257 22 for for ADP _005197432 257 23 which which PRON _005197432 257 24 they they PRON _005197432 257 25 prayed pray VERB _005197432 257 26 were be AUX _005197432 257 27 publicly publicly ADV _005197432 257 28 regarded regard VERB _005197432 257 29 in in ADP _005197432 257 30 the the DET _005197432 257 31 light light NOUN _005197432 257 32 of of ADP _005197432 257 33 such such ADJ _005197432 257 34 ideas idea NOUN _005197432 257 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 258 1 for for ADP _005197432 258 2 the the DET _005197432 258 3 present present NOUN _005197432 258 4 we we PRON _005197432 258 5 venture venture VERB _005197432 258 6 no no DET _005197432 258 7 comment comment NOUN _005197432 258 8 on on ADP _005197432 258 9 the the DET _005197432 258 10 possibilities possibility NOUN _005197432 258 11 of of ADP _005197432 258 12 the the DET _005197432 258 13 future future NOUN _005197432 258 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 259 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 259 2 as as SCONJ _005197432 259 3 regards regard VERB _005197432 259 4 the the DET _005197432 259 5 original original ADJ _005197432 259 6 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 259 7 conception conception NOUN _005197432 259 8 of of ADP _005197432 259 9 a a DET _005197432 259 10 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 259 11 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 259 12 with with ADP _005197432 259 13 the the DET _005197432 259 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 259 15 church church NOUN _005197432 259 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 259 17 it it PRON _005197432 259 18 is be AUX _005197432 259 19 past past ADJ _005197432 259 20 doubting doubt VERB _005197432 259 21 that that SCONJ _005197432 259 22 the the DET _005197432 259 23 whole whole ADJ _005197432 259 24 theological theological ADJ _005197432 259 25 basis basis NOUN _005197432 259 26 of of ADP _005197432 259 27 that that DET _005197432 259 28 conception conception NOUN _005197432 259 29 has have AUX _005197432 259 30 been be AUX _005197432 259 31 clearly clearly ADV _005197432 259 32 faced face VERB _005197432 259 33 and and CCONJ _005197432 259 34 frankly frankly ADV _005197432 259 35 rejected reject VERB _005197432 259 36 by by ADP _005197432 259 37 the the DET _005197432 259 38 congregation congregation NOUN _005197432 259 39 of of ADP _005197432 259 40 the the DET _005197432 259 41 holy holy PROPN _005197432 259 42 office office PROPN _005197432 259 43 — — PUNCT _005197432 259 44 the the DET _005197432 259 45 church church NOUN _005197432 259 46 ’s ’s PART _005197432 259 47 highest high ADJ _005197432 259 48 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005197432 259 49 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005197432 259 50 in in ADP _005197432 259 51 matters matter NOUN _005197432 259 52 involving involve VERB _005197432 259 53 faith faith NOUN _005197432 259 54 or or CCONJ _005197432 259 55 morals moral NOUN _005197432 259 56 . . PUNCT _005197432 260 1 that that SCONJ _005197432 260 2 the the DET _005197432 260 3 decision decision NOUN _005197432 260 4 thus thus ADV _005197432 260 5 rendered render VERB _005197432 260 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 260 7 published publish VERB _005197432 260 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 260 9 although although SCONJ _005197432 260 10 occasioned occasion VERB _005197432 260 11 by by ADP _005197432 260 12 a a DET _005197432 260 13 passing pass VERB _005197432 260 14 episode episode NOUN _005197432 260 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 260 16 remains remain VERB _005197432 260 17 of of ADP _005197432 260 18 permanent permanent ADJ _005197432 260 19 value value NOUN _005197432 260 20 and and CCONJ _005197432 260 21 obligation obligation NOUN _005197432 260 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 260 23 ought ought AUX _005197432 260 24 to to PART _005197432 260 25 be be AUX _005197432 260 26 sufficiently sufficiently ADV _005197432 260 27 clear clear ADJ _005197432 260 28 from from ADP _005197432 260 29 the the DET _005197432 260 30 nature nature NOUN _005197432 260 31 of of ADP _005197432 260 32 its its PRON _005197432 260 33 argument argument NOUN _005197432 260 34 and and CCONJ _005197432 260 35 scope scope NOUN _005197432 260 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 261 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 261 2 lest lest SCONJ _005197432 261 3 this this DET _005197432 261 4 witness witness NOUN _005197432 261 5 should should AUX _005197432 261 6 not not PART _005197432 261 7 18 18 NUM _005197432 261 8 can can AUX _005197432 261 9 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 261 10 unite unite VERB _005197432 261 11 with with ADP _005197432 261 12 rome rome PROPN _005197432 261 13 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 262 1 suffice suffice PROPN _005197432 262 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 262 3 we we PRON _005197432 262 4 shall shall AUX _005197432 262 5 ask ask VERB _005197432 262 6 leave leave VERB _005197432 262 7 to to PART _005197432 262 8 return return VERB _005197432 262 9 to to ADP _005197432 262 10 the the DET _005197432 262 11 part part NOUN _005197432 262 12 played play VERB _005197432 262 13 by by ADP _005197432 262 14 this this DET _005197432 262 15 same same ADJ _005197432 262 16 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 262 17 in in ADP _005197432 262 18 subsequent subsequent ADJ _005197432 262 19 history history NOUN _005197432 262 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 263 1 the the DET _005197432 263 2 manner manner NOUN _005197432 263 3 in in ADP _005197432 263 4 which which PRON _005197432 263 5 a a DET _005197432 263 6 recent recent ADJ _005197432 263 7 pope pope NOUN _005197432 263 8 regarded regard VERB _005197432 263 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 263 10 employed employ VERB _005197432 263 11 that that DET _005197432 263 12 document document NOUN _005197432 263 13 on on ADP _005197432 263 14 a a DET _005197432 263 15 certain certain ADJ _005197432 263 16 historic historic ADJ _005197432 263 17 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 263 18 will will AUX _005197432 263 19 demonstrate demonstrate VERB _005197432 263 20 its its PRON _005197432 263 21 permanent permanent ADJ _005197432 263 22 force force NOUN _005197432 263 23 beyond beyond ADP _005197432 263 24 all all DET _005197432 263 25 question question NOUN _005197432 263 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 264 1 the the DET _005197432 264 2 mind mind NOUN _005197432 264 3 of of ADP _005197432 264 4 rome rome PROPN _005197432 264 5 unchanged unchanged ADJ _005197432 264 6 pon pon NOUN _005197432 264 7 certain certain ADJ _005197432 264 8 theological theological ADJ _005197432 264 9 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 264 10 inseparably inseparably ADV _005197432 264 11 identified identify VERB _005197432 264 12 with with ADP _005197432 264 13 the the DET _005197432 264 14 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 264 15 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 264 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 264 17 the the DET _005197432 264 18 two two NUM _005197432 264 19 documents document NOUN _005197432 264 20 of of ADP _005197432 264 21 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 264 22 and and CCONJ _005197432 264 23 1865 1865 NUM _005197432 264 24 expressed express VERB _005197432 264 25 with with ADP _005197432 264 26 unequivocal unequivocal ADJ _005197432 264 27 clearness clearness NOUN _005197432 264 28 the the DET _005197432 264 29 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 264 30 of of ADP _005197432 264 31 the the DET _005197432 264 32 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 264 33 church church NOUN _005197432 264 34 . . PUNCT _005197432 265 1 according accord VERB _005197432 265 2 to to ADP _005197432 265 3 this this DET _005197432 265 4 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 265 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 265 6 the the DET _005197432 265 7 society society NOUN _005197432 265 8 founded found VERB _005197432 265 9 by by ADP _005197432 265 10 christ christ PROPN _005197432 265 11 to to PART _005197432 265 12 perpetuate perpetuate VERB _005197432 265 13 his his PRON _005197432 265 14 ministry ministry NOUN _005197432 265 15 of of ADP _005197432 265 16 truth truth NOUN _005197432 265 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 265 18 grace grace NOUN _005197432 265 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 265 20 neither neither CCONJ _005197432 265 21 lacks lack VERB _005197432 265 22 perfect perfect ADJ _005197432 265 23 unity unity NOUN _005197432 265 24 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 265 25 awaits await VERB _005197432 265 26 its its PRON _005197432 265 27 future future ADJ _005197432 265 28 attainment attainment NOUN _005197432 265 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 265 30 for for SCONJ _005197432 265 31 she she PRON _005197432 265 32 has have AUX _005197432 265 33 never never ADV _005197432 265 34 lost lose VERB _005197432 265 35 it it PRON _005197432 265 36 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 265 37 ever ever ADV _005197432 265 38 can can AUX _005197432 265 39 . . PUNCT _005197432 266 1 besides besides SCONJ _005197432 266 2 her she PRON _005197432 266 3 no no DET _005197432 266 4 visible visible ADJ _005197432 266 5 society society NOUN _005197432 266 6 of of ADP _005197432 266 7 christians christians PROPN _005197432 266 8 can can AUX _005197432 266 9 claim claim VERB _005197432 266 10 with with ADP _005197432 266 11 truth truth NOUN _005197432 266 12 to to PART _005197432 266 13 be be AUX _005197432 266 14 the the DET _005197432 266 15 catholic«church catholic«church NOUN _005197432 266 16 or or CCONJ _005197432 266 17 any any DET _005197432 266 18 part part NOUN _005197432 266 19 thereof thereof ADV _005197432 266 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 267 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 267 2 not not PART _005197432 267 3 she she PRON _005197432 267 4 herself herself PRON _005197432 267 5 could could AUX _005197432 267 6 possess possess VERB _005197432 267 7 either either CCONJ _005197432 267 8 the the DET _005197432 267 9 unity unity NOUN _005197432 267 10 or or CCONJ _005197432 267 11 the the DET _005197432 267 12 catholicity catholicity NOUN _005197432 267 13 of of ADP _005197432 267 14 christ christ PROPN _005197432 267 15 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 267 16 original original ADJ _005197432 267 17 foundation foundation NOUN _005197432 267 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 267 19 except except SCONJ _005197432 267 20 through through ADP _005197432 267 21 that that DET _005197432 267 22 oneness oneness NOUN _005197432 267 23 of of ADP _005197432 267 24 organic organic ADJ _005197432 267 25 life life NOUN _005197432 267 26 with with ADP _005197432 267 27 the the DET _005197432 267 28 throne throne NOUN _005197432 267 29 of of ADP _005197432 267 30 peter peter PROPN _005197432 267 31 which which PRON _005197432 267 32 was be AUX _005197432 267 33 ever ever ADV _005197432 267 34 a a DET _005197432 267 35 vital vital ADJ _005197432 267 36 part part NOUN _005197432 267 37 of of ADP _005197432 267 38 christ christ PROPN _005197432 267 39 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 267 40 solemn solemn ADJ _005197432 267 41 and and CCONJ _005197432 267 42 permanent permanent ADJ _005197432 267 43 institution institution NOUN _005197432 267 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 268 1 the the DET _005197432 268 2 mere mere ADJ _005197432 268 3 nature nature NOUN _005197432 268 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 268 5 significance significance NOUN _005197432 268 6 of of ADP _005197432 268 7 these these DET _005197432 268 8 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005197432 268 9 reaffirmed reaffirm VERB _005197432 268 10 by by ADP _005197432 268 11 the the DET _005197432 268 12 holy holy PROPN _005197432 268 13 office office NOUN _005197432 268 14 in in ADP _005197432 268 15 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 268 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 268 17 makes make VERB _005197432 268 18 it it PRON _005197432 268 19 evident evident ADJ _005197432 268 20 enough enough ADV _005197432 268 21 that that SCONJ _005197432 268 22 no no DET _005197432 268 23 theory theory NOUN _005197432 268 24 of of ADP _005197432 268 25 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 268 26 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 268 27 which which PRON _005197432 268 28 presumes presume VERB _005197432 268 29 to to PART _005197432 268 30 question question VERB _005197432 268 31 or or CCONJ _005197432 268 32 ignore ignore VERB _005197432 268 33 them they PRON _005197432 268 34 can can AUX _005197432 268 35 ever ever ADV _005197432 268 36 receive receive VERB _005197432 268 37 a a DET _005197432 268 38 moment moment NOUN _005197432 268 39 ’s ’s PART _005197432 268 40 consideration consideration NOUN _005197432 268 41 from from ADP _005197432 268 42 the the DET _005197432 268 43 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 268 44 church church NOUN _005197432 268 45 . . PUNCT _005197432 269 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 269 2 yet yet ADV _005197432 269 3 the the DET _005197432 269 4 finality finality NOUN _005197432 269 5 of of ADP _005197432 269 6 her her PRON _005197432 269 7 decision decision NOUN _005197432 269 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 269 9 obvious obvious ADJ _005197432 269 10 enough enough ADV _005197432 269 11 to to ADP _005197432 269 12 ourselves ourselves PRON _005197432 269 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 269 14 is be AUX _005197432 269 15 not not PART _005197432 269 16 readily readily ADV _005197432 269 17 grasped grasp VERB _005197432 269 18 by by ADP _005197432 269 19 the the DET _005197432 269 20 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 269 21 mind mind NOUN _005197432 269 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 270 1 the the DET _005197432 270 2 latter latter ADJ _005197432 270 3 misleads mislead VERB _005197432 270 4 us we PRON _005197432 270 5 by by ADP _005197432 270 6 its its PRON _005197432 270 7 apparent apparent ADJ _005197432 270 8 familiarity familiarity NOUN _005197432 270 9 with with ADP _005197432 270 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 270 11 principles principle NOUN _005197432 270 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 270 13 terms term NOUN _005197432 270 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 271 1 because because SCONJ _005197432 271 2 the the DET _005197432 271 3 “ " PUNCT _005197432 271 4 anglo anglo ADJ _005197432 271 5 - - PUNCT _005197432 271 6 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 271 7 ” " PUNCT _005197432 271 8 can can AUX _005197432 271 9 talk talk VERB _005197432 271 10 of of ADP _005197432 271 11 a a DET _005197432 271 12 visible visible ADJ _005197432 271 13 church church NOUN _005197432 271 14 and and CCONJ _005197432 271 15 its its PRON _005197432 271 16 notes note NOUN _005197432 271 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 271 18 of of ADP _005197432 271 19 seven seven NUM _005197432 271 20 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005197432 271 21 instead instead ADV _005197432 271 22 of of ADP _005197432 271 23 two two NUM _005197432 271 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 271 25 of of ADP _005197432 271 26 the the DET _005197432 271 27 essentials essential NOUN _005197432 271 28 of of ADP _005197432 271 29 matter matter NOUN _005197432 271 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 271 31 form form VERB _005197432 271 32 in in ADP _005197432 271 33 a a DET _005197432 271 34 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005197432 271 35 , , PUNCT _005197432 271 36 of of ADP _005197432 271 37 the the DET _005197432 271 38 difference difference NOUN _005197432 271 39 between between ADP _005197432 271 40 order order NOUN _005197432 271 41 and and CCONJ _005197432 271 42 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005197432 271 43 , , PUNCT _005197432 271 44 of of ADP _005197432 271 45 the the DET _005197432 271 46 rights right NOUN _005197432 271 47 of of ADP _005197432 271 48 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005197432 271 49 authority authority NOUN _005197432 271 50 over over ADP _005197432 271 51 private private ADJ _005197432 271 52 judgment judgment NOUN _005197432 271 53 , , PUNCT _005197432 271 54 and and CCONJ _005197432 271 55 even even ADV _005197432 271 56 of of ADP _005197432 271 57 tradition tradition NOUN _005197432 271 58 as as ADP _005197432 271 59 a a DET _005197432 271 60 norm norm NOUN _005197432 271 61 of of ADP _005197432 271 62 faith faith NOUN _005197432 271 63 , , PUNCT _005197432 271 64 we we PRON _005197432 271 65 naturally naturally ADV _005197432 271 66 suppose suppose VERB _005197432 271 67 that that SCONJ _005197432 271 68 he he PRON _005197432 271 69 attaches attach VERB _005197432 271 70 to to ADP _005197432 271 71 these these DET _005197432 271 72 concepts concept NOUN _005197432 271 73 the the DET _005197432 271 74 same same ADJ _005197432 271 75 essential essential ADJ _005197432 271 76 values value NOUN _005197432 271 77 that that PRON _005197432 271 78 we we PRON _005197432 271 79 do do VERB _005197432 271 80 . . PUNCT _005197432 272 1 the the DET _005197432 272 2 truth truth NOUN _005197432 272 3 is be AUX _005197432 272 4 that that SCONJ _005197432 272 5 he he PRON _005197432 272 6 is be AUX _005197432 272 7 not not PART _005197432 272 8 even even ADV _005197432 272 9 capable capable ADJ _005197432 272 10 of of ADP _005197432 272 11 doing do VERB _005197432 272 12 so so ADV _005197432 272 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 273 1 at at ADP _005197432 273 2 the the DET _005197432 273 3 heart heart NOUN _005197432 273 4 of of ADP _005197432 273 5 a a DET _005197432 273 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 273 7 lightest light ADJ _005197432 273 8 thought thought NOUN _005197432 273 9 of of ADP _005197432 273 10 a a DET _005197432 273 11 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005197432 273 12 of of ADP _005197432 273 13 the the DET _005197432 273 14 church church NOUN _005197432 273 15 there there ADV _005197432 273 16 lies lie VERB _005197432 273 17 that that SCONJ _005197432 273 18 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005197432 273 19 certitude certitude NOUN _005197432 273 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 273 21 that that DET _005197432 273 22 sense sense NOUN _005197432 273 23 of of ADP _005197432 273 24 a a DET _005197432 273 25 sacred sacred ADJ _005197432 273 26 and and CCONJ _005197432 273 27 immovable immovable ADJ _005197432 273 28 fixity fixity NOUN _005197432 273 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 273 30 which which PRON _005197432 273 31 is be AUX _005197432 273 32 due due ADJ _005197432 273 33 to to ADP _005197432 273 34 the the DET _005197432 273 35 infinite infinite ADJ _005197432 273 36 verity verity NOUN _005197432 273 37 of of ADP _005197432 273 38 god god PROPN _005197432 273 39 can can AUX _005197432 273 40 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 273 41 unite unite VERB _005197432 273 42 with with ADP _005197432 273 43 rome rome PROPN _005197432 273 44 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 274 1 19 19 NUM _005197432 274 2 the the DET _005197432 274 3 revealer revealer NOUN _005197432 274 4 . . PUNCT _005197432 275 1 to to ADP _005197432 275 2 such such DET _005197432 275 3 a a DET _005197432 275 4 sentiment sentiment NOUN _005197432 275 5 the the DET _005197432 275 6 anglican anglican NOUN _005197432 275 7 is be AUX _005197432 275 8 as as ADV _005197432 275 9 completely completely ADV _005197432 275 10 a a DET _005197432 275 11 stranger stranger NOUN _005197432 275 12 as as ADP _005197432 275 13 any any DET _005197432 275 14 other other ADJ _005197432 275 15 type type NOUN _005197432 275 16 of of ADP _005197432 275 17 protestant protestant NOUN _005197432 275 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 276 1 to to ADP _005197432 276 2 him he PRON _005197432 276 3 the the DET _005197432 276 4 teachings teaching NOUN _005197432 276 5 of of ADP _005197432 276 6 christianity christianity NOUN _005197432 276 7 are be AUX _005197432 276 8 essentially essentially ADV _005197432 276 9 subjects subject NOUN _005197432 276 10 of of ADP _005197432 276 11 speculation speculation NOUN _005197432 276 12 as as ADV _005197432 276 13 unrestrained unrestrained ADJ _005197432 276 14 as as ADP _005197432 276 15 that that PRON _005197432 276 16 of of ADP _005197432 276 17 any any DET _005197432 276 18 modernist modernist NOUN _005197432 276 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 277 1 he he PRON _005197432 277 2 deals deal VERB _005197432 277 3 in in ADP _005197432 277 4 concepts concept NOUN _005197432 277 5 borrowed borrow VERB _005197432 277 6 from from ADP _005197432 277 7 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 277 8 sources source NOUN _005197432 277 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 277 10 but but CCONJ _005197432 277 11 with with ADP _005197432 277 12 none none NOUN _005197432 277 13 of of ADP _005197432 277 14 the the DET _005197432 277 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 277 16 sense sense NOUN _005197432 277 17 of of ADP _005197432 277 18 their their PRON _005197432 277 19 inviolability inviolability NOUN _005197432 277 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 278 1 he he PRON _005197432 278 2 knows know VERB _005197432 278 3 no no DET _005197432 278 4 reason reason NOUN _005197432 278 5 why why SCONJ _005197432 278 6 the the DET _005197432 278 7 freest free ADJ _005197432 278 8 theorizing theorizing NOUN _005197432 278 9 about about ADP _005197432 278 10 christianity christianity NOUN _005197432 278 11 should should AUX _005197432 278 12 not not PART _005197432 278 13 be be AUX _005197432 278 14 quite quite DET _005197432 278 15 the the DET _005197432 278 16 normal normal ADJ _005197432 278 17 employment employment NOUN _005197432 278 18 of of ADP _005197432 278 19 a a DET _005197432 278 20 christian christian NOUN _005197432 278 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 279 1 his his PRON _005197432 279 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 279 3 beliefs belief NOUN _005197432 279 4 ” " PUNCT _005197432 279 5 are be AUX _005197432 279 6 a a DET _005197432 279 7 series series NOUN _005197432 279 8 of of ADP _005197432 279 9 purely purely ADV _005197432 279 10 logical logical ADJ _005197432 279 11 deductions deduction NOUN _005197432 279 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 279 13 each each PRON _005197432 279 14 standing stand VERB _005197432 279 15 for for ADP _005197432 279 16 the the DET _005197432 279 17 time time NOUN _005197432 279 18 on on ADP _005197432 279 19 the the DET _005197432 279 20 merits merit NOUN _005197432 279 21 of of ADP _005197432 279 22 its its PRON _005197432 279 23 own own ADJ _005197432 279 24 natural natural ADJ _005197432 279 25 evidence evidence NOUN _005197432 279 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 280 1 they they PRON _005197432 280 2 are be AUX _005197432 280 3 never never ADV _005197432 280 4 more more ADJ _005197432 280 5 than than ADP _005197432 280 6 probable probable ADJ _005197432 280 7 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 280 8 . . PUNCT _005197432 281 1 some some PRON _005197432 281 2 of of ADP _005197432 281 3 them they PRON _005197432 281 4 will will AUX _005197432 281 5 seem seem VERB _005197432 281 6 to to ADP _005197432 281 7 him he PRON _005197432 281 8 more more ADV _005197432 281 9 stable stable ADJ _005197432 281 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 281 11 less less ADV _005197432 281 12 readily readily ADV _005197432 281 13 open open ADJ _005197432 281 14 to to ADP _005197432 281 15 revision revision NOUN _005197432 281 16 than than ADP _005197432 281 17 others other NOUN _005197432 281 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 281 19 but but CCONJ _005197432 281 20 only only ADV _005197432 281 21 because because SCONJ _005197432 281 22 of of ADP _005197432 281 23 their their PRON _005197432 281 24 relative relative ADJ _005197432 281 25 importance importance NOUN _005197432 281 26 to to ADP _005197432 281 27 the the DET _005197432 281 28 general general ADJ _005197432 281 29 scheme scheme NOUN _005197432 281 30 of of ADP _005197432 281 31 his his PRON _005197432 281 32 “ " PUNCT _005197432 281 33 position position NOUN _005197432 281 34 . . PUNCT _005197432 281 35 ” " PUNCT _005197432 282 1 not not PART _005197432 282 2 one one NUM _005197432 282 3 of of ADP _005197432 282 4 them they PRON _005197432 282 5 is be AUX _005197432 282 6 to to ADP _005197432 282 7 him he PRON _005197432 282 8 essentially essentially ADV _005197432 282 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 282 10 absolutely absolutely ADV _005197432 282 11 unquestionable unquestionable ADJ _005197432 282 12 as as ADP _005197432 282 13 being be AUX _005197432 282 14 an an DET _005197432 282 15 affirmation affirmation NOUN _005197432 282 16 of of ADP _005197432 282 17 almighty almighty ADJ _005197432 282 18 god god PROPN _005197432 282 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 283 1 the the DET _005197432 283 2 tenure tenure NOUN _005197432 283 3 of of ADP _005197432 283 4 religious religious ADJ _005197432 283 5 truth truth NOUN _005197432 283 6 under under ADP _005197432 283 7 such such DET _005197432 283 8 an an DET _005197432 283 9 aspect aspect NOUN _005197432 283 10 is be AUX _005197432 283 11 something something PRON _005197432 283 12 beyond beyond ADP _005197432 283 13 his his PRON _005197432 283 14 grasp grasp NOUN _005197432 283 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 284 1 i i PRON _005197432 284 2 this this DET _005197432 284 3 paramount paramount ADJ _005197432 284 4 factor factor NOUN _005197432 284 5 in in ADP _005197432 284 6 all all DET _005197432 284 7 protestant protestant ADJ _005197432 284 8 mentality mentality NOUN _005197432 284 9 has have VERB _005197432 284 10 an an DET _005197432 284 11 inevitable inevitable ADJ _005197432 284 12 bearing bearing NOUN _005197432 284 13 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 284 14 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 284 15 reactions reaction NOUN _005197432 284 16 to to ADP _005197432 284 17 an an DET _005197432 284 18 utterance utterance NOUN _005197432 284 19 of of ADP _005197432 284 20 the the DET _005197432 284 21 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 284 22 church church NOUN _005197432 284 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 285 1 in in ADP _005197432 285 2 the the DET _005197432 285 3 presence presence NOUN _005197432 285 4 of of ADP _005197432 285 5 such such ADJ _005197432 285 6 statements statement NOUN _005197432 285 7 as as ADP _005197432 285 8 those those PRON _005197432 285 9 of of ADP _005197432 285 10 the the DET _005197432 285 11 holy holy ADJ _005197432 285 12 office office NOUN _005197432 285 13 in in ADP _005197432 285 14 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 285 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 285 16 the the DET _005197432 285 17 most most ADV _005197432 285 18 devout devout ADP _005197432 285 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 285 20 sincere sincere ADJ _005197432 285 21 of of ADP _005197432 285 22 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 285 23 will will AUX _005197432 285 24 never never ADV _005197432 285 25 be be AUX _005197432 285 26 able able ADJ _005197432 285 27 to to PART _005197432 285 28 see see VERB _005197432 285 29 one one NUM _005197432 285 30 thing thing NOUN _005197432 285 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 285 32 — — PUNCT _005197432 285 33 that that SCONJ _005197432 285 34 the the DET _005197432 285 35 decision decision NOUN _005197432 285 36 is be AUX _005197432 285 37 final final ADJ _005197432 285 38 and and CCONJ _005197432 285 39 irrevocable irrevocable ADJ _005197432 285 40 . . PUNCT _005197432 286 1 he he PRON _005197432 286 2 can can AUX _005197432 286 3 not not PART _005197432 286 4 so so ADV _005197432 286 5 much much ADV _005197432 286 6 as as ADP _005197432 286 7 imagine imagine VERB _005197432 286 8 that that PRON _005197432 286 9 to to PART _005197432 286 10 wait wait VERB _005197432 286 11 for for SCONJ _005197432 286 12 rome rome PROPN _005197432 286 13 to to PART _005197432 286 14 change change VERB _005197432 286 15 her her PRON _005197432 286 16 views view NOUN _005197432 286 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 286 18 adopt adopt VERB _005197432 286 19 his his PRON _005197432 286 20 own own ADJ _005197432 286 21 is be AUX _005197432 286 22 the the DET _005197432 286 23 surest sure ADJ _005197432 286 24 way way NOUN _005197432 286 25 to to PART _005197432 286 26 waste waste VERB _005197432 286 27 his his PRON _005197432 286 28 time time NOUN _005197432 286 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 287 1 the the DET _005197432 287 2 church church NOUN _005197432 287 3 he he PRON _005197432 287 4 knows know VERB _005197432 287 5 is be AUX _005197432 287 6 his his PRON _005197432 287 7 own own ADJ _005197432 287 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 287 9 whose whose DET _005197432 287 10 principles principle NOUN _005197432 287 11 change change VERB _005197432 287 12 with with ADP _005197432 287 13 every every DET _005197432 287 14 generation generation NOUN _005197432 287 15 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 287 16 how how SCONJ _005197432 287 17 can can AUX _005197432 287 18 he he PRON _005197432 287 19 think think VERB _005197432 287 20 of of ADP _005197432 287 21 a a DET _005197432 287 22 church church NOUN _005197432 287 23 whose whose DET _005197432 287 24 principles principle NOUN _005197432 287 25 change change VERB _005197432 287 26 not not PART _005197432 287 27 at at ADV _005197432 287 28 all all ADV _005197432 287 29 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 288 1 no no ADV _005197432 288 2 better well ADJ _005197432 288 3 than than SCONJ _005197432 288 4 a a DET _005197432 288 5 man man NOUN _005197432 288 6 born bear VERB _005197432 288 7 blind blind ADJ _005197432 288 8 can can AUX _005197432 288 9 think think VERB _005197432 288 10 of of ADP _005197432 288 11 color color NOUN _005197432 288 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 289 1 he he PRON _005197432 289 2 has have AUX _005197432 289 3 just just ADV _005197432 289 4 lived live VERB _005197432 289 5 to to PART _005197432 289 6 see see VERB _005197432 289 7 the the DET _005197432 289 8 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 289 9 episcopate episcopate NOUN _005197432 289 10 publicly publicly ADV _005197432 289 11 renounce renounce VERB _005197432 289 12 its its PRON _005197432 289 13 insistence insistence NOUN _005197432 289 14 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 289 15 episcopal episcopal ADJ _005197432 289 16 ordination ordination NOUN _005197432 289 17 for for ADP _005197432 289 18 the the DET _005197432 289 19 sake sake NOUN _005197432 289 20 of of ADP _005197432 289 21 certain certain ADJ _005197432 289 22 “ " PUNCT _005197432 289 23 free free ADJ _005197432 289 24 churches church NOUN _005197432 289 25 ” " PUNCT _005197432 289 26 whose whose DET _005197432 289 27 ministries ministry NOUN _005197432 289 28 it it PRON _005197432 289 29 has have AUX _005197432 289 30 never never ADV _005197432 289 31 before before ADV _005197432 289 32 recognized recognize VERB _005197432 289 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 289 34 but but CCONJ _005197432 289 35 from from ADP _005197432 289 36 whose whose DET _005197432 289 37 advancing advance VERB _005197432 289 38 federation federation NOUN _005197432 289 39 it it PRON _005197432 289 40 dare dare AUX _005197432 289 41 no no ADV _005197432 289 42 longer long ADV _005197432 289 43 keep keep VERB _005197432 289 44 itself itself PRON _005197432 289 45 aloof aloof ADJ _005197432 289 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 290 1 if if SCONJ _005197432 290 2 motives motive NOUN _005197432 290 3 of of ADP _005197432 290 4 practical practical ADJ _005197432 290 5 expediency expediency NOUN _005197432 290 6 can can AUX _005197432 290 7 lead lead VERB _005197432 290 8 the the DET _005197432 290 9 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 290 10 establishment establishment NOUN _005197432 290 11 to to PART _005197432 290 12 abdicate abdicate VERB _005197432 290 13 its its PRON _005197432 290 14 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005197432 290 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 290 16 specific specific ADJ _005197432 290 17 distinction distinction NOUN _005197432 290 18 from from ADP _005197432 290 19 the the DET _005197432 290 20 rest rest NOUN _005197432 290 21 of of ADP _005197432 290 22 protestantism protestantism NOUN _005197432 290 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 290 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 290 25 to to PART _005197432 290 26 declare declare VERB _005197432 290 27 that that SCONJ _005197432 290 28 bishops bishop NOUN _005197432 290 29 are be AUX _005197432 290 30 not not PART _005197432 290 31 essential essential ADJ _005197432 290 32 to to ADP _005197432 290 33 the the DET _005197432 290 34 powers power NOUN _005197432 290 35 of of ADP _005197432 290 36 a a DET _005197432 290 37 genuine genuine ADJ _005197432 290 38 christian christian ADJ _005197432 290 39 church church NOUN _005197432 290 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 290 41 what what PRON _005197432 290 42 is be AUX _005197432 290 43 to to PART _005197432 290 44 convince convince VERB _005197432 290 45 a a DET _005197432 290 46 member member NOUN _005197432 290 47 of of ADP _005197432 290 48 that that DET _005197432 290 49 same same ADJ _005197432 290 50 20 20 NUM _005197432 290 51 can can AUX _005197432 290 52 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 290 53 unite unite VERB _005197432 290 54 with with ADP _005197432 290 55 rome rome PROPN _005197432 290 56 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 291 1 establishment establishment NOUN _005197432 291 2 that that SCONJ _005197432 291 3 the the DET _005197432 291 4 authentic authentic ADJ _005197432 291 5 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005197432 291 6 of of ADP _005197432 291 7 the the DET _005197432 291 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 291 9 church church NOUN _005197432 291 10 are be AUX _005197432 291 11 not not PART _005197432 291 12 equally equally ADV _005197432 291 13 at at ADP _005197432 291 14 the the DET _005197432 291 15 mercy mercy NOUN _005197432 291 16 of of ADP _005197432 291 17 such such ADJ _005197432 291 18 temporizing temporize VERB _005197432 291 19 motives motive NOUN _005197432 291 20 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 292 1 nothing,—unless nothing,—unless NOUN _005197432 292 2 it it PRON _005197432 292 3 be be VERB _005197432 292 4 some some DET _005197432 292 5 recent recent ADJ _005197432 292 6 fact fact NOUN _005197432 292 7 to to ADP _005197432 292 8 the the DET _005197432 292 9 evident evident ADJ _005197432 292 10 contrary contrary NOUN _005197432 292 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 293 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 293 2 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 293 3 it it PRON _005197432 293 4 is be AUX _005197432 293 5 that that SCONJ _005197432 293 6 we we PRON _005197432 293 7 turn turn VERB _005197432 293 8 aside aside ADV _005197432 293 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 293 10 at at ADP _005197432 293 11 this this DET _005197432 293 12 point point NOUN _005197432 293 13 in in ADP _005197432 293 14 the the DET _005197432 293 15 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 293 16 of of ADP _005197432 293 17 our our PRON _005197432 293 18 question question NOUN _005197432 293 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 293 20 to to PART _005197432 293 21 remind remind VERB _005197432 293 22 the the DET _005197432 293 23 reader reader NOUN _005197432 293 24 of of ADP _005197432 293 25 the the DET _005197432 293 26 actual actual ADJ _005197432 293 27 occurrence occurrence NOUN _005197432 293 28 of of ADP _005197432 293 29 just just ADV _005197432 293 30 such such DET _005197432 293 31 an an DET _005197432 293 32 event event NOUN _005197432 293 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 294 1 within within ADP _005197432 294 2 less less ADJ _005197432 294 3 than than ADP _005197432 294 4 a a DET _005197432 294 5 dozen dozen NOUN _005197432 294 6 years year NOUN _005197432 294 7 past past ADP _005197432 294 8 rome rome PROPN _005197432 294 9 herself herself PRON _005197432 294 10 has have AUX _005197432 294 11 shown show VERB _005197432 294 12 the the DET _005197432 294 13 world world NOUN _005197432 294 14 that that SCONJ _005197432 294 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 294 16 having having AUX _005197432 294 17 spoken speak VERB _005197432 294 18 her her PRON _005197432 294 19 mind mind NOUN _005197432 294 20 in in ADP _005197432 294 21 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 294 22 on on ADP _005197432 294 23 the the DET _005197432 294 24 possibility possibility NOUN _005197432 294 25 of of ADP _005197432 294 26 her her PRON _005197432 294 27 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 294 28 union union NOUN _005197432 294 29 with with ADP _005197432 294 30 protestant protestant ADJ _005197432 294 31 societies society NOUN _005197432 294 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 294 33 she she PRON _005197432 294 34 has have VERB _005197432 294 35 nothing nothing PRON _005197432 294 36 further far ADV _005197432 294 37 to to PART _005197432 294 38 say say VERB _005197432 294 39 on on ADP _005197432 294 40 that that DET _005197432 294 41 subject subject NOUN _005197432 294 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 295 1 for for ADP _005197432 295 2 after after ADP _005197432 295 3 lying lie VERB _005197432 295 4 silent silent ADJ _005197432 295 5 in in ADP _005197432 295 6 the the DET _005197432 295 7 published publish VERB _005197432 295 8 records record NOUN _005197432 295 9 of of ADP _005197432 295 10 the the DET _005197432 295 11 holy holy ADJ _005197432 295 12 see see NOUN _005197432 295 13 for for ADP _005197432 295 14 more more ADJ _005197432 295 15 than than ADP _005197432 295 16 fifty fifty NUM _005197432 295 17 years year NOUN _005197432 295 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 295 19 the the DET _005197432 295 20 holy holy PROPN _005197432 295 21 office office PROPN _005197432 295 22 ’s ’s PART _005197432 295 23 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 295 24 of of ADP _005197432 295 25 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 295 26 “ " PUNCT _005197432 295 27 to to ADP _005197432 295 28 all all DET _005197432 295 29 the the DET _005197432 295 30 bishops bishop NOUN _005197432 295 31 of of ADP _005197432 295 32 england england PROPN _005197432 295 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 295 34 ” " PUNCT _005197432 295 35 and and CCONJ _005197432 295 36 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 295 37 patrizi patrizi NOUN _005197432 295 38 ’s ’s PART _005197432 295 39 letter letter NOUN _005197432 295 40 of of ADP _005197432 295 41 the the DET _005197432 295 42 following follow VERB _005197432 295 43 year year NOUN _005197432 295 44 to to ADP _005197432 295 45 his his PRON _005197432 295 46 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 295 47 appellants appellant NOUN _005197432 295 48 , , PUNCT _005197432 295 49 were be AUX _005197432 295 50 formally formally ADV _005197432 295 51 presented present VERB _005197432 295 52 by by ADP _005197432 295 53 the the DET _005197432 295 54 late late ADJ _005197432 295 55 pope pope PROPN _005197432 295 56 benedict benedict NOUN _005197432 295 57 xv xv PROPN _005197432 295 58 as as ADP _005197432 295 59 his his PRON _005197432 295 60 own own ADJ _005197432 295 61 personal personal ADJ _005197432 295 62 answer answer NOUN _005197432 295 63 to to ADP _005197432 295 64 a a DET _005197432 295 65 far far ADV _005197432 295 66 more more ADJ _005197432 295 67 influential influential ADJ _005197432 295 68 group group NOUN _005197432 295 69 of of ADP _005197432 295 70 non non ADJ _005197432 295 71 - - ADJ _005197432 295 72 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 295 73 reunionists reunionist NOUN _005197432 295 74 than than ADP _005197432 295 75 any any PRON _005197432 295 76 whose whose DET _005197432 295 77 inspiration inspiration NOUN _005197432 295 78 was be AUX _005197432 295 79 ever ever ADV _005197432 295 80 derived derive VERB _005197432 295 81 from from ADP _005197432 295 82 tractarian tractarian ADJ _005197432 295 83 principles principle NOUN _005197432 295 84 . . PUNCT _005197432 296 1 the the DET _005197432 296 2 mind mind NOUN _005197432 296 3 of of ADP _005197432 296 4 rome rome PROPN _005197432 296 5 concerning concern VERB _005197432 296 6 the the DET _005197432 296 7 church church NOUN _005197432 296 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 296 9 “ " PUNCT _005197432 296 10 the the DET _005197432 296 11 churches church NOUN _005197432 296 12 ” " PUNCT _005197432 296 13 had have AUX _005197432 296 14 not not PART _005197432 296 15 changed change VERB _005197432 296 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 296 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 296 18 her her PRON _005197432 296 19 wellconsidered wellconsidered ADJ _005197432 296 20 words word NOUN _005197432 296 21 of of ADP _005197432 296 22 half half DET _005197432 296 23 a a DET _005197432 296 24 century century NOUN _005197432 296 25 earlier early ADV _005197432 296 26 needed need VERB _005197432 296 27 no no DET _005197432 296 28 revision revision NOUN _005197432 296 29 to to PART _005197432 296 30 meet meet VERB _005197432 296 31 the the DET _005197432 296 32 changing change VERB _005197432 296 33 views view NOUN _005197432 296 34 of of ADP _005197432 296 35 a a DET _005197432 296 36 world world NOUN _005197432 296 37 - - PUNCT _005197432 296 38 born bear VERB _005197432 296 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 296 40 faithless faithless NOUN _005197432 296 41 caricature caricature NOUN _005197432 296 42 of of ADP _005197432 296 43 christianity christianity NOUN _005197432 296 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 297 1 the the DET _005197432 297 2 story story NOUN _005197432 297 3 of of ADP _005197432 297 4 that that DET _005197432 297 5 event event NOUN _005197432 297 6 must must AUX _005197432 297 7 now now ADV _005197432 297 8 be be AUX _005197432 297 9 briefly briefly ADV _005197432 297 10 told tell VERB _005197432 297 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 297 12 although although SCONJ _005197432 297 13 the the DET _005197432 297 14 telling telling NOUN _005197432 297 15 involves involve VERB _005197432 297 16 this this DET _005197432 297 17 present present ADJ _005197432 297 18 paper paper NOUN _005197432 297 19 in in ADP _005197432 297 20 some some DET _005197432 297 21 digression digression NOUN _005197432 297 22 from from ADP _005197432 297 23 the the DET _005197432 297 24 pursuit pursuit NOUN _005197432 297 25 of of ADP _005197432 297 26 our our PRON _005197432 297 27 central central ADJ _005197432 297 28 theme theme NOUN _005197432 297 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 298 1 we we PRON _005197432 298 2 are be AUX _005197432 298 3 properly properly ADV _005197432 298 4 concerned concerned ADJ _005197432 298 5 only only ADV _005197432 298 6 with with ADP _005197432 298 7 that that DET _005197432 298 8 idea idea NOUN _005197432 298 9 of of ADP _005197432 298 10 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 298 11 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 298 12 which which PRON _005197432 298 13 appeals appeal VERB _005197432 298 14 to to ADP _005197432 298 15 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 298 16 of of ADP _005197432 298 17 distinctly distinctly ADV _005197432 298 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 298 19 sympathies sympathy NOUN _005197432 298 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 298 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 298 22 considers consider VERB _005197432 298 23 their their PRON _005197432 298 24 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005197432 298 25 prospects prospect NOUN _005197432 298 26 as as ADV _005197432 298 27 apart apart ADV _005197432 298 28 from from ADP _005197432 298 29 those those PRON _005197432 298 30 of of ADP _005197432 298 31 other other ADJ _005197432 298 32 protestants protestant NOUN _005197432 298 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 299 1 the the DET _005197432 299 2 episode episode NOUN _005197432 299 3 now now ADV _005197432 299 4 to to PART _005197432 299 5 be be AUX _005197432 299 6 mentioned mention VERB _005197432 299 7 arose arise VERB _005197432 299 8 from from ADP _005197432 299 9 a a DET _005197432 299 10 plan plan NOUN _005197432 299 11 of of ADP _005197432 299 12 vastly vastly ADV _005197432 299 13 wider wide ADJ _005197432 299 14 scope scope NOUN _005197432 299 15 than than ADP _005197432 299 16 this this PRON _005197432 299 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 300 1 for for ADP _005197432 300 2 that that DET _005197432 300 3 very very ADJ _005197432 300 4 reason reason NOUN _005197432 300 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 300 6 however however ADV _005197432 300 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 300 8 it it PRON _005197432 300 9 was be AUX _005197432 300 10 able able ADJ _005197432 300 11 to to PART _005197432 300 12 approach approach VERB _005197432 300 13 the the DET _005197432 300 14 papacy papacy NOUN _005197432 300 15 with with ADP _005197432 300 16 a a DET _005197432 300 17 moral moral ADJ _005197432 300 18 influence influence NOUN _005197432 300 19 so so ADV _005197432 300 20 considerable considerable ADJ _005197432 300 21 that that SCONJ _005197432 300 22 no no DET _005197432 300 23 human human ADJ _005197432 300 24 respect respect NOUN _005197432 300 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 300 26 no no DET _005197432 300 27 time time NOUN _005197432 300 28 - - PUNCT _005197432 300 29 serving serve VERB _005197432 300 30 policy policy NOUN _005197432 300 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 300 32 no no DET _005197432 300 33 disposition disposition NOUN _005197432 300 34 to to PART _005197432 300 35 adapt adapt VERB _005197432 300 36 truth truth NOUN _005197432 300 37 to to ADP _005197432 300 38 expediency expediency NOUN _005197432 300 39 could could AUX _005197432 300 40 ever ever ADV _005197432 300 41 have have AUX _005197432 300 42 resisted resist VERB _005197432 300 43 its its PRON _005197432 300 44 appeal appeal NOUN _005197432 300 45 . . PUNCT _005197432 301 1 ii ii PROPN _005197432 301 2 while while SCONJ _005197432 301 3 “ " PUNCT _005197432 301 4 anglo anglo ADJ _005197432 301 5 - - PUNCT _005197432 301 6 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 301 7 ” " PUNCT _005197432 301 8 complacently complacently ADV _005197432 301 9 discuss discuss VERB _005197432 301 10 among among ADP _005197432 301 11 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 301 12 the the DET _005197432 301 13 prospects prospect NOUN _005197432 301 14 of of ADP _005197432 301 15 their their PRON _005197432 301 16 own own ADJ _005197432 301 17 collective collective ADJ _005197432 301 18 reception reception NOUN _005197432 301 19 into into ADP _005197432 301 20 union union NOUN _005197432 301 21 with with ADP _005197432 301 22 the the DET _005197432 301 23 pope pope NOUN _005197432 301 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 301 25 the the DET _005197432 301 26 mass mass NOUN _005197432 301 27 of of ADP _005197432 301 28 their their PRON _005197432 301 29 organization organization NOUN _005197432 301 30 can can AUX _005197432 301 31 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 301 32 unite unite VERB _005197432 301 33 with with ADP _005197432 301 34 rome rome PROPN _005197432 301 35 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 302 1 21 21 NUM _005197432 302 2 is be AUX _005197432 302 3 irresistibly irresistibly ADV _005197432 302 4 tending tend VERB _005197432 302 5 in in ADP _005197432 302 6 quite quite DET _005197432 302 7 a a DET _005197432 302 8 different different ADJ _005197432 302 9 direction direction NOUN _005197432 302 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 303 1 the the DET _005197432 303 2 present present ADJ _005197432 303 3 protestant protestant ADJ _005197432 303 4 enthusiasm enthusiasm NOUN _005197432 303 5 for for ADP _005197432 303 6 a a DET _005197432 303 7 worldwide worldwide ADJ _005197432 303 8 christian christian PROPN _005197432 303 9 federation federation PROPN _005197432 303 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 303 11 which which PRON _005197432 303 12 increasing increase VERB _005197432 303 13 public public ADJ _005197432 303 14 agitation agitation NOUN _005197432 303 15 has have AUX _005197432 303 16 made make VERB _005197432 303 17 so so ADV _005197432 303 18 familiar familiar ADJ _005197432 303 19 to to ADP _005197432 303 20 us we PRON _005197432 303 21 all all PRON _005197432 303 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 303 23 has have AUX _005197432 303 24 owed owe VERB _005197432 303 25 its its PRON _005197432 303 26 initiative initiative NOUN _005197432 303 27 in in ADP _005197432 303 28 no no DET _005197432 303 29 small small ADJ _005197432 303 30 measure measure NOUN _005197432 303 31 to to ADP _005197432 303 32 the the DET _005197432 303 33 protestant protestant ADJ _005197432 303 34 episcopal episcopal NOUN _005197432 303 35 church church NOUN _005197432 303 36 in in ADP _005197432 303 37 the the DET _005197432 303 38 united united PROPN _005197432 303 39 states states PROPN _005197432 303 40 . . PUNCT _005197432 304 1 it it PRON _005197432 304 2 is be AUX _005197432 304 3 quite quite ADV _005197432 304 4 true true ADJ _005197432 304 5 that that SCONJ _005197432 304 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 304 7 owing owe VERB _005197432 304 8 to to ADP _005197432 304 9 the the DET _005197432 304 10 variety variety NOUN _005197432 304 11 of of ADP _005197432 304 12 motives motive NOUN _005197432 304 13 — — PUNCT _005197432 304 14 religious religious ADJ _005197432 304 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 304 16 ethical ethical ADJ _005197432 304 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 304 18 economic economic ADJ _005197432 304 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 304 20 political political ADJ _005197432 304 21 — — PUNCT _005197432 304 22 which which PRON _005197432 304 23 play play VERB _005197432 304 24 their their PRON _005197432 304 25 several several ADJ _005197432 304 26 parts part NOUN _005197432 304 27 in in ADP _005197432 304 28 the the DET _005197432 304 29 general general ADJ _005197432 304 30 movement movement NOUN _005197432 304 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 304 32 it it PRON _005197432 304 33 has have AUX _005197432 304 34 found find VERB _005197432 304 35 expression expression NOUN _005197432 304 36 in in ADP _005197432 304 37 several several ADJ _005197432 304 38 independent independent ADJ _005197432 304 39 organizations organization NOUN _005197432 304 40 differing differ VERB _005197432 304 41 profoundly profoundly ADV _005197432 304 42 in in ADP _005197432 304 43 aim aim NOUN _005197432 304 44 and and CCONJ _005197432 304 45 method method NOUN _005197432 304 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 305 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 305 2 in in ADP _005197432 305 3 so so ADV _005197432 305 4 far far ADV _005197432 305 5 as as SCONJ _005197432 305 6 a a DET _005197432 305 7 real real ADJ _005197432 305 8 religious religious ADJ _005197432 305 9 union union NOUN _005197432 305 10 and and CCONJ _005197432 305 11 the the DET _005197432 305 12 problems problem NOUN _005197432 305 13 it it PRON _005197432 305 14 must must AUX _005197432 305 15 involve involve VERB _005197432 305 16 have have AUX _005197432 305 17 been be AUX _005197432 305 18 fairly fairly ADV _005197432 305 19 faced face VERB _005197432 305 20 on on ADP _005197432 305 21 anything anything PRON _005197432 305 22 like like ADP _005197432 305 23 a a DET _005197432 305 24 general general ADJ _005197432 305 25 scale scale NOUN _005197432 305 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 305 27 both both CCONJ _005197432 305 28 the the DET _005197432 305 29 idea idea NOUN _005197432 305 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 305 31 its its PRON _005197432 305 32 pursuit pursuit NOUN _005197432 305 33 have have AUX _005197432 305 34 been be AUX _005197432 305 35 chiefly chiefly ADV _005197432 305 36 due due ADJ _005197432 305 37 to to ADP _005197432 305 38 that that DET _005197432 305 39 particular particular ADJ _005197432 305 40 organization organization NOUN _005197432 305 41 known know VERB _005197432 305 42 as as ADP _005197432 305 43 the the DET _005197432 305 44 committee committee NOUN _005197432 305 45 for for ADP _005197432 305 46 world world NOUN _005197432 305 47 conference conference NOUN _005197432 305 48 on on ADP _005197432 305 49 faith faith NOUN _005197432 305 50 and and CCONJ _005197432 305 51 order order NOUN _005197432 305 52 . . PUNCT _005197432 306 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 306 2 for for ADP _005197432 306 3 this this DET _005197432 306 4 agency agency NOUN _005197432 306 5 the the DET _005197432 306 6 general general ADJ _005197432 306 7 body body NOUN _005197432 306 8 of of ADP _005197432 306 9 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 306 10 in in ADP _005197432 306 11 our our PRON _005197432 306 12 own own ADJ _005197432 306 13 country country NOUN _005197432 306 14 has have AUX _005197432 306 15 made make VERB _005197432 306 16 itself itself PRON _005197432 306 17 officially officially ADV _005197432 306 18 responsible responsible ADJ _005197432 306 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 307 1 the the DET _005197432 307 2 movement movement NOUN _005197432 307 3 originated originate VERB _005197432 307 4 in in ADP _005197432 307 5 the the DET _005197432 307 6 general general ADJ _005197432 307 7 convention convention NOUN _005197432 307 8 of of ADP _005197432 307 9 the the DET _005197432 307 10 episcopal episcopal NOUN _005197432 307 11 church church NOUN _005197432 307 12 held hold VERB _005197432 307 13 in in ADP _005197432 307 14 1910 1910 NUM _005197432 307 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 307 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 307 17 has have AUX _005197432 307 18 since since SCONJ _005197432 307 19 gone go VERB _005197432 307 20 steadily steadily ADV _005197432 307 21 forward forward ADV _005197432 307 22 under under ADP _005197432 307 23 the the DET _005197432 307 24 same same ADJ _005197432 307 25 auspices auspex NOUN _005197432 307 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 308 1 its its PRON _005197432 308 2 aim aim NOUN _005197432 308 3 has have AUX _005197432 308 4 been be AUX _005197432 308 5 to to PART _005197432 308 6 labor labor NOUN _005197432 308 7 for for ADP _005197432 308 8 the the DET _005197432 308 9 ultimate ultimate ADJ _005197432 308 10 visible visible ADJ _005197432 308 11 union union NOUN _005197432 308 12 of of ADP _005197432 308 13 all all DET _005197432 308 14 christians christian NOUN _005197432 308 15 throughout throughout ADP _005197432 308 16 the the DET _005197432 308 17 world world NOUN _005197432 308 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 308 19 by by ADP _005197432 308 20 promoting promote VERB _005197432 308 21 friendly friendly ADJ _005197432 308 22 conference conference NOUN _005197432 308 23 between between ADP _005197432 308 24 their their PRON _005197432 308 25 representatives representative NOUN _005197432 308 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 309 1 this this PRON _005197432 309 2 aim aim VERB _005197432 309 3 the the DET _005197432 309 4 committee committee NOUN _005197432 309 5 has have AUX _005197432 309 6 steadily steadily ADV _005197432 309 7 pursued pursue VERB _005197432 309 8 through through ADP _005197432 309 9 ever ever ADV _005197432 309 10 widening widen VERB _005197432 309 11 circles circle NOUN _005197432 309 12 of of ADP _005197432 309 13 influence influence NOUN _005197432 309 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 309 15 with with ADP _005197432 309 16 the the DET _005197432 309 17 most most ADV _005197432 309 18 patient patient ADJ _005197432 309 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 309 20 conscientious conscientious ADJ _005197432 309 21 thoroughness thoroughness NOUN _005197432 309 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 310 1 impeded impede VERB _005197432 310 2 in in ADP _005197432 310 3 action action NOUN _005197432 310 4 by by ADP _005197432 310 5 the the DET _005197432 310 6 european european PROPN _005197432 310 7 war war PROPN _005197432 310 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 310 9 it it PRON _005197432 310 10 resumed resume VERB _005197432 310 11 operations operation NOUN _005197432 310 12 immediately immediately ADV _005197432 310 13 thereafter thereafter ADV _005197432 310 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 310 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 310 16 issued issue VERB _005197432 310 17 at at ADP _005197432 310 18 length length NOUN _005197432 310 19 in in ADP _005197432 310 20 the the DET _005197432 310 21 great great ADJ _005197432 310 22 lausanne lausanne ADJ _005197432 310 23 conference conference NOUN _005197432 310 24 of of ADP _005197432 310 25 august august PROPN _005197432 310 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 310 27 1927 1927 NUM _005197432 310 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 310 29 whose whose DET _005197432 310 30 achievements achievement NOUN _005197432 310 31 have have AUX _005197432 310 32 now now ADV _005197432 310 33 passed pass VERB _005197432 310 34 into into ADP _005197432 310 35 history history NOUN _005197432 310 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 311 1 more more ADV _005197432 311 2 recently recently ADV _005197432 311 3 another another DET _005197432 311 4 international international ADJ _005197432 311 5 conference conference NOUN _005197432 311 6 under under ADP _005197432 311 7 the the DET _005197432 311 8 same same ADJ _005197432 311 9 auspices auspex NOUN _005197432 311 10 was be AUX _005197432 311 11 held hold VERB _005197432 311 12 in in ADP _005197432 311 13 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _005197432 311 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 311 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 311 16 still still ADV _005197432 311 17 others other NOUN _005197432 311 18 will will AUX _005197432 311 19 doubtless doubtless VERB _005197432 311 20 follow follow VERB _005197432 311 21 as as SCONJ _005197432 311 22 occasion occasion NOUN _005197432 311 23 may may AUX _005197432 311 24 permit permit VERB _005197432 311 25 and and CCONJ _005197432 311 26 utility utility NOUN _005197432 311 27 justify justify VERB _005197432 311 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 312 1 previous previous ADJ _005197432 312 2 to to ADP _005197432 312 3 the the DET _005197432 312 4 formal formal ADJ _005197432 312 5 conference conference NOUN _005197432 312 6 scheduled schedule VERB _005197432 312 7 for for ADP _005197432 312 8 lausanne lausanne PROPN _005197432 312 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 312 10 it it PRON _005197432 312 11 was be AUX _005197432 312 12 proposed propose VERB _005197432 312 13 to to PART _005197432 312 14 arrange arrange VERB _005197432 312 15 in in ADP _005197432 312 16 1920 1920 NUM _005197432 312 17 a a DET _005197432 312 18 preliminary preliminary ADJ _005197432 312 19 one one NUM _005197432 312 20 at at ADP _005197432 312 21 geneva geneva PROPN _005197432 312 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 312 23 where where SCONJ _005197432 312 24 the the DET _005197432 312 25 participants participant NOUN _005197432 312 26 might might AUX _005197432 312 27 become become VERB _005197432 312 28 acquainted acquainted ADJ _005197432 312 29 and and CCONJ _005197432 312 30 discuss discuss VERB _005197432 312 31 methods method NOUN _005197432 312 32 of of ADP _005197432 312 33 future future ADJ _005197432 312 34 action action NOUN _005197432 312 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 313 1 in in ADP _005197432 313 2 the the DET _005197432 313 3 meantime meantime NOUN _005197432 313 4 certain certain ADJ _005197432 313 5 basic basic ADJ _005197432 313 6 principles principle NOUN _005197432 313 7 had have AUX _005197432 313 8 become become VERB _005197432 313 9 matter matter NOUN _005197432 313 10 of of ADP _005197432 313 11 general general ADJ _005197432 313 12 agreement agreement NOUN _005197432 313 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 314 1 “ " PUNCT _005197432 314 2 conference conference NOUN _005197432 314 3 without without ADP _005197432 314 4 controversy controversy NOUN _005197432 314 5 ” " PUNCT _005197432 314 6 was be AUX _005197432 314 7 to to PART _005197432 314 8 be be AUX _005197432 314 9 the the DET _005197432 314 10 inviolable inviolable ADJ _005197432 314 11 rule rule NOUN _005197432 314 12 of of ADP _005197432 314 13 practice practice NOUN _005197432 314 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 314 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 314 16 a a DET _005197432 314 17 more more ADV _005197432 314 18 sympathetic sympathetic ADJ _005197432 314 19 “ " PUNCT _005197432 314 20 understanding understanding NOUN _005197432 314 21 ” " PUNCT _005197432 314 22 of of ADP _005197432 314 23 each each DET _005197432 314 24 participant participant NOUN _005197432 314 25 ’s ’s NOUN _005197432 314 26 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 314 27 by by ADP _005197432 314 28 all all DET _005197432 314 29 the the DET _005197432 314 30 rest rest NOUN _005197432 314 31 was be AUX _005197432 314 32 the the DET _005197432 314 33 hoped hope VERB _005197432 314 34 - - PUNCT _005197432 314 35 for for ADP _005197432 314 36 result result NOUN _005197432 314 37 . . PUNCT _005197432 315 1 consequently consequently ADV _005197432 315 2 there there PRON _005197432 315 3 might might AUX _005197432 315 4 be be AUX _005197432 315 5 no no DET _005197432 315 6 chal22 chal22 NOUN _005197432 315 7 can can AUX _005197432 315 8 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 315 9 unite unite VERB _005197432 315 10 with with ADP _005197432 315 11 rome rome PROPN _005197432 315 12 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 316 1 lenging lenge VERB _005197432 316 2 of of ADP _005197432 316 3 claims claim NOUN _005197432 316 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 316 5 no no DET _005197432 316 6 inequality inequality NOUN _005197432 316 7 of of ADP _005197432 316 8 standing stand VERB _005197432 316 9 among among ADP _005197432 316 10 the the DET _005197432 316 11 various various ADJ _005197432 316 12 bodies body NOUN _005197432 316 13 represented represent VERB _005197432 316 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 317 1 every every DET _005197432 317 2 denomination denomination NOUN _005197432 317 3 willing willing ADJ _005197432 317 4 to to PART _005197432 317 5 confer confer VERB _005197432 317 6 was be AUX _005197432 317 7 to to PART _005197432 317 8 be be AUX _005197432 317 9 recognized recognize VERB _005197432 317 10 by by ADP _005197432 317 11 all all DET _005197432 317 12 the the DET _005197432 317 13 rest rest NOUN _005197432 317 14 as as ADP _005197432 317 15 being be AUX _005197432 317 16 in in ADP _005197432 317 17 the the DET _005197432 317 18 fullest full ADJ _005197432 317 19 sense sense NOUN _005197432 317 20 a a DET _005197432 317 21 christian christian ADJ _005197432 317 22 church church NOUN _005197432 317 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 317 24 so so ADV _005197432 317 25 long long ADV _005197432 317 26 as as SCONJ _005197432 317 27 none none NOUN _005197432 317 28 claimed claim VERB _005197432 317 29 to to PART _005197432 317 30 be be AUX _005197432 317 31 the the DET _005197432 317 32 whole whole NOUN _005197432 317 33 or or CCONJ _005197432 317 34 the the DET _005197432 317 35 only only ADJ _005197432 317 36 christian christian ADJ _005197432 317 37 church church NOUN _005197432 317 38 , , PUNCT _005197432 317 39 or or CCONJ _005197432 317 40 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005197432 317 41 to to ADP _005197432 317 42 itself itself PRON _005197432 317 43 without without ADP _005197432 317 44 the the DET _005197432 317 45 rest rest NOUN _005197432 317 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 318 1 not not PART _005197432 318 2 only only ADV _005197432 318 3 did do VERB _005197432 318 4 more more ADJ _005197432 318 5 than than ADP _005197432 318 6 seventy seventy NUM _005197432 318 7 protestant protestant ADJ _005197432 318 8 denominations denomination NOUN _005197432 318 9 throughout throughout ADP _005197432 318 10 europe europe PROPN _005197432 318 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 318 12 america america PROPN _005197432 318 13 agree agree VERB _005197432 318 14 to to PART _005197432 318 15 meet meet VERB _005197432 318 16 on on ADP _005197432 318 17 this this DET _005197432 318 18 basis basis NOUN _005197432 318 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 318 20 but but CCONJ _005197432 318 21 so so ADV _005197432 318 22 did do VERB _005197432 318 23 no no ADV _005197432 318 24 fewer few ADJ _005197432 318 25 than than ADP _005197432 318 26 eleven eleven NUM _005197432 318 27 independent independent ADJ _005197432 318 28 units unit NOUN _005197432 318 29 of of ADP _005197432 318 30 the the DET _005197432 318 31 ancient ancient ADJ _005197432 318 32 schismatical schismatical ADJ _005197432 318 33 rites rite NOUN _005197432 318 34 of of ADP _005197432 318 35 the the DET _005197432 318 36 east east PROPN _005197432 318 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 318 38 including include VERB _005197432 318 39 usurpers usurper NOUN _005197432 318 40 of of ADP _005197432 318 41 the the DET _005197432 318 42 primitive primitive ADJ _005197432 318 43 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 318 44 sees see NOUN _005197432 318 45 of of ADP _005197432 318 46 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _005197432 318 47 , , PUNCT _005197432 318 48 alexandria alexandria PROPN _005197432 318 49 and and CCONJ _005197432 318 50 antioch antioch PROPN _005197432 318 51 . . PUNCT _005197432 319 1 the the DET _005197432 319 2 merely merely ADV _005197432 319 3 national national ADJ _005197432 319 4 character character NOUN _005197432 319 5 and and CCONJ _005197432 319 6 worldly worldly ADJ _005197432 319 7 spirit spirit NOUN _005197432 319 8 of of ADP _005197432 319 9 those those DET _005197432 319 10 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005197432 319 11 remnants remnant NOUN _005197432 319 12 of of ADP _005197432 319 13 early early ADJ _005197432 319 14 catholicity catholicity NOUN _005197432 319 15 was be AUX _005197432 319 16 never never ADV _005197432 319 17 more more ADV _005197432 319 18 sadly sadly ADV _005197432 319 19 manifested manifest VERB _005197432 319 20 than than ADP _005197432 319 21 in in ADP _005197432 319 22 this this DET _005197432 319 23 act act NOUN _005197432 319 24 of of ADP _005197432 319 25 selfdegradation selfdegradation NOUN _005197432 319 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 320 1 perfectly perfectly ADV _005197432 320 2 willing willing ADJ _005197432 320 3 to to PART _005197432 320 4 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _005197432 320 5 any any DET _005197432 320 6 group group NOUN _005197432 320 7 of of ADP _005197432 320 8 protestants protestant NOUN _005197432 320 9 as as ADP _005197432 320 10 equally equally ADV _005197432 320 11 “ " PUNCT _005197432 320 12 a a DET _005197432 320 13 church church NOUN _005197432 320 14 ” " PUNCT _005197432 320 15 with with ADP _005197432 320 16 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 320 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 320 18 these these DET _005197432 320 19 men man NOUN _005197432 320 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 320 21 possessing possess VERB _005197432 320 22 the the DET _005197432 320 23 sacerdotal sacerdotal ADJ _005197432 320 24 character character NOUN _005197432 320 25 of of ADP _005197432 320 26 the the DET _005197432 320 27 christian christian PROPN _005197432 320 28 episcopate episcopate NOUN _005197432 320 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 320 30 but but CCONJ _005197432 320 31 long long ADV _005197432 320 32 since since SCONJ _005197432 320 33 faithless faithless NOUN _005197432 320 34 to to ADP _005197432 320 35 the the DET _005197432 320 36 apostolic apostolic PROPN _005197432 320 37 commission commission PROPN _005197432 320 38 , , PUNCT _005197432 320 39 gladly gladly ADV _005197432 320 40 accepted accept VERB _005197432 320 41 the the DET _005197432 320 42 invitation invitation NOUN _005197432 320 43 to to PART _005197432 320 44 send send VERB _005197432 320 45 their their PRON _005197432 320 46 delegates delegate NOUN _005197432 320 47 to to ADP _005197432 320 48 geneva geneva PROPN _005197432 320 49 . . PUNCT _005197432 321 1 truly truly ADV _005197432 321 2 has have AUX _005197432 321 3 it it PRON _005197432 321 4 been be AUX _005197432 321 5 said say VERB _005197432 321 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 321 7 schism schism NOUN _005197432 321 8 can can AUX _005197432 321 9 not not PART _005197432 321 10 escape escape VERB _005197432 321 11 being be AUX _005197432 321 12 followed follow VERB _005197432 321 13 by by ADP _005197432 321 14 heresy heresy NOUN _005197432 321 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 322 1 thus thus ADV _005197432 322 2 when when SCONJ _005197432 322 3 at at ADP _005197432 322 4 length length NOUN _005197432 322 5 the the DET _005197432 322 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 322 7 church church NOUN _005197432 322 8 remained remain VERB _005197432 322 9 to to PART _005197432 322 10 be be AUX _005197432 322 11 invited invite VERB _005197432 322 12 into into ADP _005197432 322 13 this this DET _005197432 322 14 assembly assembly NOUN _005197432 322 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 322 16 the the DET _005197432 322 17 offer offer NOUN _005197432 322 18 seemed seem VERB _005197432 322 19 to to ADP _005197432 322 20 its its PRON _005197432 322 21 promoters promoter NOUN _005197432 322 22 a a DET _005197432 322 23 very very ADV _005197432 322 24 tempting tempting ADJ _005197432 322 25 one one NUM _005197432 322 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 323 1 when when SCONJ _005197432 323 2 the the DET _005197432 323 3 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 323 4 committee committee NOUN _005197432 323 5 charged charge VERB _005197432 323 6 with with ADP _005197432 323 7 this this DET _005197432 323 8 function function NOUN _005197432 323 9 arrived arrive VERB _005197432 323 10 in in ADP _005197432 323 11 rome rome PROPN _005197432 323 12 in in ADP _005197432 323 13 april april PROPN _005197432 323 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 323 15 1919^ 1919^ NUM _005197432 323 16 they they PRON _005197432 323 17 came come VERB _005197432 323 18 armed armed ADJ _005197432 323 19 with with ADP _005197432 323 20 a a DET _005197432 323 21 most most ADV _005197432 323 22 imposing imposing NOUN _005197432 323 23 list list NOUN _005197432 323 24 of of ADP _005197432 323 25 names name NOUN _005197432 323 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 324 1 nearly nearly ADV _005197432 324 2 ninety ninety NUM _005197432 324 3 “ " PUNCT _005197432 324 4 churches church NOUN _005197432 324 5 ” " PUNCT _005197432 324 6 were be AUX _005197432 324 7 to to PART _005197432 324 8 assemble assemble VERB _005197432 324 9 at at ADP _005197432 324 10 geneva geneva PROPN _005197432 324 11 in in ADP _005197432 324 12 the the DET _005197432 324 13 following follow VERB _005197432 324 14 summer summer NOUN _005197432 324 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 324 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 324 17 all all PRON _005197432 324 18 were be AUX _005197432 324 19 desirous desirous ADJ _005197432 324 20 that that SCONJ _005197432 324 21 “ " PUNCT _005197432 324 22 the the DET _005197432 324 23 great great ADJ _005197432 324 24 roman roman ADJ _005197432 324 25 communion communion NOUN _005197432 324 26 ” " PUNCT _005197432 324 27 should should AUX _005197432 324 28 join join VERB _005197432 324 29 them they PRON _005197432 324 30 in in ADP _005197432 324 31 discussing discuss VERB _005197432 324 32 how how SCONJ _005197432 324 33 they they PRON _005197432 324 34 might might AUX _005197432 324 35 all all ADV _005197432 324 36 become become VERB _005197432 324 37 at at ADP _005197432 324 38 length length NOUN _005197432 324 39 “ " PUNCT _005197432 324 40 one one NUM _005197432 324 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 324 42 church church NOUN _005197432 324 43 . . PUNCT _005197432 324 44 ” " PUNCT _005197432 325 1 benedict benedict PROPN _005197432 325 2 xv xv PROPN _005197432 325 3 then then ADV _005197432 325 4 occupied occupy VERB _005197432 325 5 the the DET _005197432 325 6 papal papal ADJ _005197432 325 7 throne throne NOUN _005197432 325 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 325 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 325 10 to to ADP _005197432 325 11 him he PRON _005197432 325 12 the the DET _005197432 325 13 invitation invitation NOUN _005197432 325 14 was be AUX _005197432 325 15 extended extend VERB _005197432 325 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 326 1 the the DET _005197432 326 2 matter matter NOUN _005197432 326 3 was be AUX _005197432 326 4 discharged discharge VERB _005197432 326 5 with with ADP _005197432 326 6 all all DET _005197432 326 7 possible possible ADJ _005197432 326 8 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005197432 326 9 on on ADP _005197432 326 10 both both DET _005197432 326 11 sides side NOUN _005197432 326 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 326 13 and and CCONJ _005197432 326 14 so so ADV _005197432 326 15 quietly quietly ADV _005197432 326 16 that that SCONJ _005197432 326 17 it it PRON _005197432 326 18 attracted attract VERB _005197432 326 19 hardly hardly ADV _005197432 326 20 any any DET _005197432 326 21 public public ADJ _005197432 326 22 attention attention NOUN _005197432 326 23 at at ADP _005197432 326 24 the the DET _005197432 326 25 time time NOUN _005197432 326 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 327 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 327 2 its its PRON _005197432 327 3 profound profound ADJ _005197432 327 4 significance significance NOUN _005197432 327 5 was be AUX _005197432 327 6 not not PART _005197432 327 7 for for ADP _005197432 327 8 a a DET _005197432 327 9 moment moment NOUN _005197432 327 10 overlooked overlook VERB _005197432 327 11 by by ADP _005197432 327 12 any any DET _005197432 327 13 one one NOUN _005197432 327 14 involved involve VERB _005197432 327 15 in in ADP _005197432 327 16 the the DET _005197432 327 17 negotiation negotiation NOUN _005197432 327 18 . . PUNCT _005197432 328 1 as as ADP _005197432 328 2 to to ADP _005197432 328 3 its its PRON _005197432 328 4 outcome outcome NOUN _005197432 328 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 328 6 i i PRON _005197432 328 7 shall shall AUX _005197432 328 8 let let VERB _005197432 328 9 the the DET _005197432 328 10 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 328 11 commissioners commissioner NOUN _005197432 328 12 tell tell VERB _005197432 328 13 the the DET _005197432 328 14 story story NOUN _005197432 328 15 in in ADP _005197432 328 16 the the DET _005197432 328 17 following follow VERB _005197432 328 18 words word NOUN _005197432 328 19 of of ADP _005197432 328 20 their their PRON _005197432 328 21 own own ADJ _005197432 328 22 official official ADJ _005197432 328 23 report report NOUN _005197432 328 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 329 1 can can AUX _005197432 329 2 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 329 3 unite unite VERB _005197432 329 4 with with ADP _005197432 329 5 rome rome PROPN _005197432 329 6 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 330 1 23 23 NUM _005197432 330 2 iii iii NUM _005197432 330 3 the the DET _005197432 330 4 genuineness genuineness NOUN _005197432 330 5 of of ADP _005197432 330 6 the the DET _005197432 330 7 pope pope PROPN _005197432 330 8 ’s ’s PART _005197432 330 9 personal personal ADJ _005197432 330 10 friendliness friendliness NOUN _005197432 330 11 towards towards ADP _005197432 330 12 us we PRON _005197432 330 13 was be AUX _005197432 330 14 as as ADV _005197432 330 15 outstanding outstanding ADJ _005197432 330 16 as as ADP _005197432 330 17 the the DET _005197432 330 18 positiveness positiveness NOUN _005197432 330 19 of of ADP _005197432 330 20 his his PRON _005197432 330 21 official official ADJ _005197432 330 22 declination declination NOUN _005197432 330 23 of of ADP _005197432 330 24 our our PRON _005197432 330 25 invitation invitation NOUN _005197432 330 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 331 1 his his PRON _005197432 331 2 holiness holiness NOUN _005197432 331 3 himself himself PRON _005197432 331 4 emphasized emphasize VERB _005197432 331 5 the the DET _005197432 331 6 distinction distinction NOUN _005197432 331 7 . . PUNCT _005197432 332 1 it it PRON _005197432 332 2 was be AUX _005197432 332 3 pointed point VERB _005197432 332 4 out out ADP _005197432 332 5 that that SCONJ _005197432 332 6 substantially substantially ADV _005197432 332 7 all all PRON _005197432 332 8 of of ADP _005197432 332 9 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 332 10 except except SCONJ _005197432 332 11 the the DET _005197432 332 12 roman roman ADJ _005197432 332 13 catholic catholic PROPN _005197432 332 14 church church NOUN _005197432 332 15 had have AUX _005197432 332 16 indicated indicate VERB _005197432 332 17 a a DET _005197432 332 18 readiness readiness NOUN _005197432 332 19 to to PART _005197432 332 20 take take VERB _005197432 332 21 part part NOUN _005197432 332 22 in in ADP _005197432 332 23 the the DET _005197432 332 24 world world NOUN _005197432 332 25 conference conference NOUN _005197432 332 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 332 27 and and CCONJ _005197432 332 28 that that SCONJ _005197432 332 29 in in ADP _005197432 332 30 a a DET _005197432 332 31 very very ADV _005197432 332 32 real real ADJ _005197432 332 33 sense sense NOUN _005197432 332 34 , , PUNCT _005197432 332 35 though though SCONJ _005197432 332 36 unofficially unofficially ADV _005197432 332 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 332 38 our our PRON _005197432 332 39 invitation invitation NOUN _005197432 332 40 represented represent VERB _005197432 332 41 this this DET _005197432 332 42 large large ADJ _005197432 332 43 constituency constituency NOUN _005197432 332 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 333 1 we we PRON _005197432 333 2 also also ADV _005197432 333 3 ventured venture VERB _005197432 333 4 the the DET _005197432 333 5 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 333 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 333 7 the the DET _005197432 333 8 world world NOUN _005197432 333 9 conference conference NOUN _005197432 333 10 at at ADP _005197432 333 11 this this DET _005197432 333 12 particular particular ADJ _005197432 333 13 crisis crisis NOUN _005197432 333 14 in in ADP _005197432 333 15 the the DET _005197432 333 16 world world NOUN _005197432 333 17 ’s ’s PART _005197432 333 18 history history NOUN _005197432 333 19 presented present VERB _005197432 333 20 a a DET _005197432 333 21 strategic strategic ADJ _005197432 333 22 missionary missionary ADJ _005197432 333 23 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005197432 333 24 to to ADP _005197432 333 25 the the DET _005197432 333 26 roman roman ADJ _005197432 333 27 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 333 28 church church NOUN _005197432 333 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 334 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 334 2 it it PRON _005197432 334 3 was be AUX _005197432 334 4 difficult difficult ADJ _005197432 334 5 to to PART _005197432 334 6 press press VERB _005197432 334 7 our our PRON _005197432 334 8 view view NOUN _005197432 334 9 of of ADP _005197432 334 10 the the DET _005197432 334 11 case case NOUN _005197432 334 12 in in ADP _005197432 334 13 the the DET _005197432 334 14 face face NOUN _005197432 334 15 of of ADP _005197432 334 16 a a DET _005197432 334 17 contrary contrary ADJ _005197432 334 18 decision decision NOUN _005197432 334 19 which which PRON _005197432 334 20 had have AUX _005197432 334 21 previously previously ADV _005197432 334 22 been be AUX _005197432 334 23 reached reach VERB _005197432 334 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 335 1 the the DET _005197432 335 2 answer answer NOUN _005197432 335 3 had have AUX _005197432 335 4 been be AUX _005197432 335 5 given give VERB _005197432 335 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 335 7 we we PRON _005197432 335 8 took take VERB _005197432 335 9 our our PRON _005197432 335 10 leave leave NOUN _005197432 335 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 336 1 we we PRON _005197432 336 2 can can AUX _005197432 336 3 not not PART _005197432 336 4 truly truly ADV _005197432 336 5 say say VERB _005197432 336 6 that that SCONJ _005197432 336 7 we we PRON _005197432 336 8 were be AUX _005197432 336 9 surprised surprised ADJ _005197432 336 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 336 11 but but CCONJ _005197432 336 12 we we PRON _005197432 336 13 think think VERB _005197432 336 14 that that SCONJ _005197432 336 15 a a DET _005197432 336 16 large large ADJ _005197432 336 17 part part NOUN _005197432 336 18 of of ADP _005197432 336 19 christendom christendom NOUN _005197432 336 20 will will AUX _005197432 336 21 share share VERB _005197432 336 22 our our PRON _005197432 336 23 disappointment disappointment NOUN _005197432 336 24 that that SCONJ _005197432 336 25 the the DET _005197432 336 26 authorities authority NOUN _005197432 336 27 of of ADP _005197432 336 28 the the DET _005197432 336 29 roman roman ADJ _005197432 336 30 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 336 31 church church NOUN _005197432 336 32 could could AUX _005197432 336 33 not not PART _005197432 336 34 see see VERB _005197432 336 35 their their PRON _005197432 336 36 way way NOUN _005197432 336 37 to to PART _005197432 336 38 enter enter VERB _005197432 336 39 into into ADP _005197432 336 40 friendly friendly ADJ _005197432 336 41 conference conference NOUN _005197432 336 42 with with ADP _005197432 336 43 other other ADJ _005197432 336 44 christians christian NOUN _005197432 336 45 . . PUNCT _005197432 337 1 when when SCONJ _005197432 337 2 we we PRON _005197432 337 3 had have AUX _005197432 337 4 concluded conclude VERB _005197432 337 5 our our PRON _005197432 337 6 business business NOUN _005197432 337 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 337 8 the the DET _005197432 337 9 pope pope NOUN _005197432 337 10 extended extend VERB _005197432 337 11 the the DET _005197432 337 12 hospitality hospitality NOUN _005197432 337 13 of of ADP _005197432 337 14 the the DET _005197432 337 15 vatican vatican PROPN _005197432 337 16 to to ADP _005197432 337 17 us we PRON _005197432 337 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 337 19 urged urge VERB _005197432 337 20 a a PRON _005197432 337 21 longer long ADV _005197432 337 22 stay stay VERB _005197432 337 23 in in ADP _005197432 337 24 rome rome PROPN _005197432 337 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 337 26 and and CCONJ _005197432 337 27 gave give VERB _005197432 337 28 us we PRON _005197432 337 29 his his PRON _005197432 337 30 blessing blessing NOUN _005197432 337 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 338 1 the the DET _005197432 338 2 pope pope PROPN _005197432 338 3 ’s ’s PART _005197432 338 4 reply reply NOUN _005197432 338 5 to to ADP _005197432 338 6 our our PRON _005197432 338 7 invitation invitation NOUN _005197432 338 8 was be AUX _005197432 338 9 given give VERB _005197432 338 10 verbally verbally ADV _005197432 338 11 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 338 12 but but CCONJ _005197432 338 13 as as SCONJ _005197432 338 14 we we PRON _005197432 338 15 left leave VERB _005197432 338 16 the the DET _005197432 338 17 audience audience NOUN _005197432 338 18 room room NOUN _005197432 338 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 338 20 the the DET _005197432 338 21 following follow VERB _005197432 338 22 written write VERB _005197432 338 23 statement statement NOUN _005197432 338 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 338 25 which which PRON _005197432 338 26 had have AUX _005197432 338 27 been be AUX _005197432 338 28 prepared prepare VERB _005197432 338 29 prior prior ADV _005197432 338 30 to to ADP _005197432 338 31 our our PRON _005197432 338 32 visit visit NOUN _005197432 338 33 and and CCONJ _005197432 338 34 which which PRON _005197432 338 35 faithfully faithfully ADV _005197432 338 36 represents represent VERB _005197432 338 37 the the DET _005197432 338 38 official official ADJ _005197432 338 39 language language NOUN _005197432 338 40 of of ADP _005197432 338 41 his his PRON _005197432 338 42 holiness holiness NOUN _005197432 338 43 , , PUNCT _005197432 338 44 was be AUX _005197432 338 45 handed hand VERB _005197432 338 46 to to ADP _005197432 338 47 us we PRON _005197432 338 48 by by ADP _005197432 338 49 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005197432 338 50 cerretti cerretti PROPN _005197432 338 51 : : PUNCT _005197432 338 52 “ " PUNCT _005197432 338 53 the the DET _005197432 338 54 holy holy PROPN _005197432 338 55 father father PROPN _005197432 338 56 , , PUNCT _005197432 338 57 after after ADP _005197432 338 58 having having AUX _005197432 338 59 thanked thank VERB _005197432 338 60 them they PRON _005197432 338 61 for for ADP _005197432 338 62 their their PRON _005197432 338 63 visit visit NOUN _005197432 338 64 , , PUNCT _005197432 338 65 stated state VERB _005197432 338 66 that that SCONJ _005197432 338 67 as as ADP _005197432 338 68 successor successor NOUN _005197432 338 69 of of ADP _005197432 338 70 st st PROPN _005197432 338 71 . . PROPN _005197432 338 72 peter peter PROPN _005197432 338 73 and and CCONJ _005197432 338 74 vicar vicar NOUN _005197432 338 75 of of ADP _005197432 338 76 christ christ PROPN _005197432 338 77 he he PRON _005197432 338 78 had have VERB _005197432 338 79 no no DET _005197432 338 80 greater great ADJ _005197432 338 81 desire desire NOUN _005197432 338 82 than than SCONJ _005197432 338 83 that that SCONJ _005197432 338 84 there there PRON _005197432 338 85 should should AUX _005197432 338 86 be be AUX _005197432 338 87 one one NUM _005197432 338 88 fold fold NOUN _005197432 338 89 and and CCONJ _005197432 338 90 one one NUM _005197432 338 91 shepherd shepherd NOUN _005197432 338 92 . . PUNCT _005197432 339 1 his his PRON _005197432 339 2 holiness holiness NOUN _005197432 339 3 added add VERB _005197432 339 4 that that SCONJ _005197432 339 5 the the DET _005197432 339 6 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 339 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 339 8 practice practice NOUN _005197432 339 9 of of ADP _005197432 339 10 the the DET _005197432 339 11 roman roman ADJ _005197432 339 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 339 13 church church NOUN _005197432 339 14 regarding regard VERB _005197432 339 15 the the DET _005197432 339 16 unity unity NOUN _005197432 339 17 of of ADP _005197432 339 18 the the DET _005197432 339 19 visible visible ADJ _005197432 339 20 church church NOUN _005197432 339 21 of of ADP _005197432 339 22 christ christ PROPN _005197432 339 23 was be AUX _005197432 339 24 well well ADV _005197432 339 25 known known ADJ _005197432 339 26 to to ADP _005197432 339 27 everybody everybody PRON _005197432 339 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 339 29 and and CCONJ _005197432 339 30 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 339 31 it it PRON _005197432 339 32 would would AUX _005197432 339 33 not not PART _005197432 339 34 be be AUX _005197432 339 35 possible possible ADJ _005197432 339 36 for for SCONJ _005197432 339 37 the the DET _005197432 339 38 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 339 39 church church NOUN _005197432 339 40 to to PART _005197432 339 41 take take VERB _005197432 339 42 part part NOUN _005197432 339 43 in in ADP _005197432 339 44 such such DET _005197432 339 45 a a DET _005197432 339 46 congress congress NOUN _005197432 339 47 as as SCONJ _005197432 339 48 the the DET _005197432 339 49 one one NOUN _005197432 339 50 proposed propose VERB _005197432 339 51 . . PUNCT _005197432 340 1 his his PRON _005197432 340 2 holiness holiness NOUN _005197432 340 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 340 4 however however ADV _005197432 340 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 340 6 by by ADP _005197432 340 7 no no DET _005197432 340 8 means means NOUN _005197432 340 9 wishes wish NOUN _005197432 340 10 to to PART _005197432 340 11 disapprove disapprove VERB _005197432 340 12 of of ADP _005197432 340 13 the the DET _005197432 340 14 congress congress PROPN _005197432 340 15 in in ADP _005197432 340 16 question question NOUN _005197432 340 17 for for ADP _005197432 340 18 those those PRON _005197432 340 19 who who PRON _005197432 340 20 are be AUX _005197432 340 21 not not PART _005197432 340 22 in in ADP _005197432 340 23 union union NOUN _005197432 340 24 with with ADP _005197432 340 25 the the DET _005197432 340 26 chair chair NOUN _005197432 340 27 of of ADP _005197432 340 28 peter peter PROPN _005197432 340 29 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 340 30 on on ADP _005197432 340 31 the the DET _005197432 340 32 contrary contrary NOUN _005197432 340 33 he he PRON _005197432 340 34 earnestly earnestly ADV _005197432 340 35 desires desire NOUN _005197432 340 36 and and CCONJ _005197432 340 37 prays pray VERB _005197432 340 38 that that SCONJ _005197432 340 39 , , PUNCT _005197432 340 40 if if SCONJ _005197432 340 41 the the DET _005197432 340 42 congress congress PROPN _005197432 340 43 is be AUX _005197432 340 44 practicable practicable ADJ _005197432 340 45 , , PUNCT _005197432 340 46 those those PRON _005197432 340 47 who who PRON _005197432 340 48 take take VERB _005197432 340 49 part part NOUN _005197432 340 50 in in ADP _005197432 340 51 it it PRON _005197432 340 52 may may AUX _005197432 340 53 , , PUNCT _005197432 340 54 by by ADP _005197432 340 55 the the DET _005197432 340 56 grace grace NOUN _005197432 340 57 of of ADP _005197432 340 58 god god PROPN _005197432 340 59 , , PUNCT _005197432 340 60 see see VERB _005197432 340 61 the the DET _005197432 340 62 light light NOUN _005197432 340 63 and and CCONJ _005197432 340 64 become become AUX _005197432 340 65 reunited reunite VERB _005197432 340 66 to to ADP _005197432 340 67 the the DET _005197432 340 68 visible visible ADJ _005197432 340 69 head head NOUN _005197432 340 70 of of ADP _005197432 340 71 the the DET _005197432 340 72 church church NOUN _005197432 340 73 , , PUNCT _005197432 340 74 by by ADP _005197432 340 75 whom whom PRON _005197432 340 76 they they PRON _005197432 340 77 will will AUX _005197432 340 78 be be AUX _005197432 340 79 received receive VERB _005197432 340 80 with with ADP _005197432 340 81 open open ADJ _005197432 340 82 arms arm NOUN _005197432 340 83 . . PUNCT _005197432 340 84 ” " PUNCT _005197432 341 1 together together ADV _005197432 341 2 with with ADP _005197432 341 3 the the PRON _005197432 341 4 above above ADP _005197432 341 5 the the DET _005197432 341 6 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005197432 341 7 placed place VERB _005197432 341 8 in in ADP _005197432 341 9 our our PRON _005197432 341 10 hands hand NOUN _005197432 341 11 at at ADP _005197432 341 12 the the DET _005197432 341 13 same same ADJ _005197432 341 14 time time NOUN _005197432 341 15 a a DET _005197432 341 16 copy copy NOUN _005197432 341 17 of of ADP _005197432 341 18 the the DET _005197432 341 19 letter letter NOUN _005197432 341 20 of of ADP _005197432 341 21 the the DET _005197432 341 22 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 341 23 secretary secretary NOUN _005197432 341 24 of of ADP _005197432 341 25 state state PROPN _005197432 341 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 341 27 of of ADP _005197432 341 28 november november PROPN _005197432 341 29 8 8 NUM _005197432 341 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 341 31 1865 1865 NUM _005197432 341 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 341 33 “ " PUNCT _005197432 341 34 ad ad NOUN _005197432 341 35 quosdam quosdam PROPN _005197432 341 36 puseistas puseistas PROPN _005197432 341 37 anglicos anglicos PROPN _005197432 341 38 ” " PUNCT _005197432 341 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 341 40 a a DET _005197432 341 41 copy copy NOUN _005197432 341 42 of of ADP _005197432 341 43 the the DET _005197432 341 44 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 341 45 letter letter NOUN _005197432 341 46 of of ADP _005197432 341 47 the the DET _005197432 341 48 s. s. PROPN _005197432 341 49 congregation congregation NOUN _005197432 341 50 of of ADP _005197432 341 51 the the DET _005197432 341 52 holy holy PROPN _005197432 341 53 office office NOUN _005197432 341 54 , , PUNCT _005197432 341 55 of of ADP _005197432 341 56 september september PROPN _005197432 341 57 16 16 NUM _005197432 341 58 , , PUNCT _005197432 341 59 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 341 60 , , PUNCT _005197432 341 61 “ " PUNCT _005197432 341 62 apostolicae apostolicae PROPN _005197432 341 63 sedi sedi PROPN _005197432 341 64 . . PUNCT _005197432 341 65 ” " PUNCT _005197432 342 1 iv iv NOUN _005197432 342 2 from from ADP _005197432 342 3 the the DET _005197432 342 4 committee committee NOUN _005197432 342 5 ’s ’s PART _005197432 342 6 own own ADJ _005197432 342 7 viewpoint viewpoint NOUN _005197432 342 8 its its PRON _005197432 342 9 mission mission NOUN _005197432 342 10 had have AUX _005197432 342 11 been be AUX _005197432 342 12 a a DET _005197432 342 13 weighty weighty ADJ _005197432 342 14 one one NOUN _005197432 342 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 343 1 the the DET _005197432 343 2 ultimate ultimate ADJ _005197432 343 3 object object NOUN _005197432 343 4 in in ADP _005197432 343 5 view view NOUN _005197432 343 6 was be AUX _005197432 343 7 a a DET _005197432 343 8 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 343 9 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 343 10 indeed indeed ADV _005197432 343 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 343 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 343 13 on on ADP _005197432 343 14 a a DET _005197432 343 15 far far ADV _005197432 343 16 more more ADV _005197432 343 17 magnificent magnificent ADJ _005197432 343 18 24 24 NUM _005197432 343 19 can can AUX _005197432 343 20 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 343 21 unite unite VERB _005197432 343 22 with with ADP _005197432 343 23 rome rome PROPN _005197432 343 24 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 344 1 scale scale NOUN _005197432 344 2 than than ADP _005197432 344 3 that that PRON _005197432 344 4 of of ADP _005197432 344 5 de de X _005197432 344 6 lisle lisle PROPN _005197432 344 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 344 8 his his PRON _005197432 344 9 associates associate NOUN _005197432 344 10 of of ADP _005197432 344 11 1857 1857 NUM _005197432 344 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 345 1 all all DET _005197432 345 2 christian christian ADJ _005197432 345 3 societies society NOUN _005197432 345 4 considering consider VERB _005197432 345 5 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 345 6 “ " PUNCT _005197432 345 7 churches church NOUN _005197432 345 8 ” " PUNCT _005197432 345 9 were be AUX _005197432 345 10 now now ADV _005197432 345 11 to to PART _005197432 345 12 meet meet VERB _005197432 345 13 in in ADP _005197432 345 14 “ " PUNCT _005197432 345 15 friendly friendly ADJ _005197432 345 16 conference conference NOUN _005197432 345 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 345 18 ” " PUNCT _005197432 345 19 to to PART _005197432 345 20 consider consider VERB _005197432 345 21 how how SCONJ _005197432 345 22 they they PRON _005197432 345 23 might might AUX _005197432 345 24 ultimately ultimately ADV _005197432 345 25 come come VERB _005197432 345 26 together together ADV _005197432 345 27 just just ADV _005197432 345 28 as as SCONJ _005197432 345 29 they they PRON _005197432 345 30 were be AUX _005197432 345 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 346 1 here here ADV _005197432 346 2 was be AUX _005197432 346 3 rome rome PROPN _005197432 346 4 ’s ’s PRON _005197432 346 5 “ " PUNCT _005197432 346 6 strategic strategic ADJ _005197432 346 7 missionary missionary ADJ _005197432 346 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005197432 346 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 346 10 ” " PUNCT _005197432 347 1 to to ADP _005197432 347 2 her her PRON _005197432 347 3 authentic authentic ADJ _005197432 347 4 delegates delegate NOUN _005197432 347 5 delivering deliver VERB _005197432 347 6 their their PRON _005197432 347 7 account account NOUN _005197432 347 8 of of ADP _005197432 347 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 347 10 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005197432 347 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 347 12 claims claim NOUN _005197432 347 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 347 14 all all DET _005197432 347 15 the the DET _005197432 347 16 representatives representative NOUN _005197432 347 17 of of ADP _005197432 347 18 these these DET _005197432 347 19 other other ADJ _005197432 347 20 christian christian ADJ _005197432 347 21 bodies body NOUN _005197432 347 22 would would AUX _005197432 347 23 now now ADV _005197432 347 24 be be AUX _005197432 347 25 obliged oblige VERB _005197432 347 26 in in ADP _005197432 347 27 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005197432 347 28 to to PART _005197432 347 29 listen listen VERB _005197432 347 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 347 31 most most ADJ _005197432 347 32 of of ADP _005197432 347 33 them they PRON _005197432 347 34 thus thus ADV _005197432 347 35 hearing hear VERB _005197432 347 36 the the DET _005197432 347 37 truth truth NOUN _005197432 347 38 for for ADP _005197432 347 39 the the DET _005197432 347 40 first first ADJ _005197432 347 41 time time NOUN _005197432 347 42 in in ADP _005197432 347 43 their their PRON _005197432 347 44 lives life NOUN _005197432 347 45 . . PUNCT _005197432 348 1 could could AUX _005197432 348 2 any any DET _005197432 348 3 one one NOUN _005197432 348 4 posessing posesse VERB _005197432 348 5 a a DET _005197432 348 6 spark spark NOUN _005197432 348 7 of of ADP _005197432 348 8 worldly worldly ADJ _005197432 348 9 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005197432 348 10 fail fail VERB _005197432 348 11 to to PART _005197432 348 12 embrace embrace VERB _005197432 348 13 an an DET _005197432 348 14 advantage advantage NOUN _005197432 348 15 so so ADV _005197432 348 16 exceptional exceptional ADJ _005197432 348 17 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 349 1 only only ADV _005197432 349 2 one one NUM _005197432 349 3 entrusted entrust VERB _005197432 349 4 with with ADP _005197432 349 5 a a DET _005197432 349 6 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005197432 349 7 which which PRON _005197432 349 8 was be AUX _005197432 349 9 not not PART _005197432 349 10 of of ADP _005197432 349 11 this this DET _005197432 349 12 world world NOUN _005197432 349 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 349 14 and and CCONJ _005197432 349 15 for for ADP _005197432 349 16 whom whom PRON _005197432 349 17 expediency expediency NOUN _005197432 349 18 had have VERB _005197432 349 19 no no DET _005197432 349 20 value value NOUN _005197432 349 21 to to PART _005197432 349 22 compensate compensate VERB _005197432 349 23 for for ADP _005197432 349 24 the the DET _005197432 349 25 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005197432 349 26 of of ADP _005197432 349 27 truth truth NOUN _005197432 349 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 350 1 his his PRON _005197432 350 2 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 350 3 visitors visitor NOUN _005197432 350 4 spoke speak VERB _005197432 350 5 for for ADP _005197432 350 6 a a DET _005197432 350 7 system system NOUN _005197432 350 8 of of ADP _005197432 350 9 belief belief NOUN _005197432 350 10 which which PRON _005197432 350 11 had have AUX _005197432 350 12 changed change VERB _005197432 350 13 profoundly profoundly ADV _005197432 350 14 during during ADP _005197432 350 15 fifty fifty NUM _005197432 350 16 years year NOUN _005197432 350 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 351 1 they they PRON _005197432 351 2 still still ADV _005197432 351 3 regarded regard VERB _005197432 351 4 “ " PUNCT _005197432 351 5 the the DET _005197432 351 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 351 7 church church NOUN _005197432 351 8 ” " PUNCT _005197432 351 9 as as ADP _005197432 351 10 a a DET _005197432 351 11 shattered shattered ADJ _005197432 351 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 351 13 divided divided ADJ _005197432 351 14 thing thing NOUN _005197432 351 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 351 16 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 351 17 only only ADV _005197432 351 18 in in ADP _005197432 351 19 a a DET _005197432 351 20 capacity capacity NOUN _005197432 351 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 351 22 promise promise NOUN _005197432 351 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 351 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 351 25 looking look VERB _005197432 351 26 to to ADP _005197432 351 27 their their PRON _005197432 351 28 labors labor NOUN _005197432 351 29 to to PART _005197432 351 30 make make VERB _005197432 351 31 it it PRON _005197432 351 32 such such ADJ _005197432 351 33 in in ADP _005197432 351 34 fact fact NOUN _005197432 351 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 352 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 352 2 whereas whereas SCONJ _005197432 352 3 in in ADP _005197432 352 4 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 352 5 their their PRON _005197432 352 6 predecessors predecessor NOUN _005197432 352 7 in in ADP _005197432 352 8 the the DET _005197432 352 9 agitation agitation NOUN _005197432 352 10 for for ADP _005197432 352 11 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 352 12 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 352 13 had have AUX _005197432 352 14 thought think VERB _005197432 352 15 of of ADP _005197432 352 16 a a DET _005197432 352 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 352 18 church church NOUN _005197432 352 19 in in ADP _005197432 352 20 three three NUM _005197432 352 21 parts part NOUN _005197432 352 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 352 23 these these DET _005197432 352 24 modern modern ADJ _005197432 352 25 reunionists reunionist NOUN _005197432 352 26 had have AUX _005197432 352 27 already already ADV _005197432 352 28 recognized recognize VERB _005197432 352 29 nearly nearly ADV _005197432 352 30 ninety ninety NUM _005197432 352 31 such such ADJ _005197432 352 32 parts part NOUN _005197432 352 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 352 34 and and CCONJ _005197432 352 35 were be AUX _005197432 352 36 quite quite ADV _005197432 352 37 prepared prepared ADJ _005197432 352 38 to to PART _005197432 352 39 recognize recognize VERB _005197432 352 40 any any DET _005197432 352 41 further further ADJ _005197432 352 42 number number NOUN _005197432 352 43 . . PUNCT _005197432 353 1 everything everything PRON _005197432 353 2 must must AUX _005197432 353 3 be be AUX _005197432 353 4 christ christ PROPN _005197432 353 5 ’s ’s PART _005197432 353 6 church church NOUN _005197432 353 7 that that PRON _005197432 353 8 cared care VERB _005197432 353 9 to to PART _005197432 353 10 claim claim VERB _005197432 353 11 the the DET _005197432 353 12 title title NOUN _005197432 353 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 354 1 here here ADV _005197432 354 2 lay lie VERB _005197432 354 3 that that DET _005197432 354 4 same same ADJ _005197432 354 5 “ " PUNCT _005197432 354 6 intention intention NOUN _005197432 354 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 354 8 as as ADV _005197432 354 9 fully fully ADV _005197432 354 10 as as ADP _005197432 354 11 possible possible ADJ _005197432 354 12 polluted polluted ADJ _005197432 354 13 and and CCONJ _005197432 354 14 infected infect VERB _005197432 354 15 with with ADP _005197432 354 16 heresy heresy NOUN _005197432 354 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 354 18 ” " PUNCT _005197432 354 19 which which PRON _005197432 354 20 the the DET _005197432 354 21 holy holy ADJ _005197432 354 22 office office NOUN _005197432 354 23 had have AUX _005197432 354 24 formerly formerly ADV _005197432 354 25 refused refuse VERB _005197432 354 26 to to PART _005197432 354 27 countenance countenance VERB _005197432 354 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 354 29 even even ADV _005197432 354 30 when when SCONJ _005197432 354 31 its its PRON _005197432 354 32 only only ADJ _005197432 354 33 outward outward ADJ _005197432 354 34 expression expression NOUN _005197432 354 35 was be AUX _005197432 354 36 that that PRON _005197432 354 37 of of ADP _005197432 354 38 private private ADJ _005197432 354 39 prayer prayer NOUN _005197432 354 40 . . PUNCT _005197432 355 1 to to PART _005197432 355 2 enter enter VERB _005197432 355 3 into into ADP _005197432 355 4 a a DET _005197432 355 5 public public ADJ _005197432 355 6 conference conference NOUN _005197432 355 7 based base VERB _005197432 355 8 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 355 9 that that DET _005197432 355 10 same same ADJ _005197432 355 11 idea idea NOUN _005197432 355 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 355 13 tacitly tacitly ADV _005197432 355 14 acknowledging acknowledge VERB _005197432 355 15 its its PRON _005197432 355 16 truth truth NOUN _005197432 355 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 355 18 was be AUX _005197432 355 19 a a DET _005197432 355 20 proposal proposal NOUN _005197432 355 21 unfit unfit ADJ _005197432 355 22 for for ADP _005197432 355 23 a a DET _005197432 355 24 moment moment NOUN _005197432 355 25 ’s ’s PART _005197432 355 26 entertainment entertainment NOUN _005197432 355 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 356 1 the the DET _005197432 356 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 356 3 contrary contrary ADJ _005197432 356 4 decision decision NOUN _005197432 356 5 had have AUX _005197432 356 6 ” " PUNCT _005197432 356 7 indeed indeed ADV _005197432 356 8 “ " PUNCT _005197432 356 9 previously previously ADV _005197432 356 10 been be AUX _005197432 356 11 reached reach VERB _005197432 356 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 356 13 ” " PUNCT _005197432 356 14 and and CCONJ _005197432 356 15 the the DET _005197432 356 16 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 356 17 mission mission NOUN _005197432 356 18 to to ADP _005197432 356 19 rome rome PROPN _005197432 356 20 ended end VERB _005197432 356 21 where where SCONJ _005197432 356 22 it it PRON _005197432 356 23 began begin VERB _005197432 356 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 357 1 it it PRON _005197432 357 2 was be AUX _005197432 357 3 a a DET _005197432 357 4 day day NOUN _005197432 357 5 and and CCONJ _005197432 357 6 a a DET _005197432 357 7 deed deed NOUN _005197432 357 8 to to PART _005197432 357 9 make make VERB _005197432 357 10 every every DET _005197432 357 11 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 357 12 humbly humbly ADV _005197432 357 13 thank thank VERB _005197432 357 14 god god PROPN _005197432 357 15 for for ADP _005197432 357 16 the the DET _005197432 357 17 undeserved undeserved ADJ _005197432 357 18 grace grace NOUN _005197432 357 19 of of ADP _005197432 357 20 communion communion NOUN _005197432 357 21 with with ADP _005197432 357 22 the the DET _005197432 357 23 faithful faithful ADJ _005197432 357 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 357 25 fearless fearless ADJ _005197432 357 26 heir heir NOUN _005197432 357 27 of of ADP _005197432 357 28 peter peter PROPN _005197432 357 29 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 357 30 commission commission PROPN _005197432 357 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 358 1 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 358 2 has have VERB _005197432 358 3 its its PRON _005197432 358 4 especial especial ADJ _005197432 358 5 pertinence pertinence NOUN _005197432 358 6 to to ADP _005197432 358 7 our our PRON _005197432 358 8 present present ADJ _005197432 358 9 subject subject NOUN _005197432 358 10 escaped escape VERB _005197432 358 11 the the DET _005197432 358 12 reader reader NOUN _005197432 358 13 ’s ’s PART _005197432 358 14 attention attention NOUN _005197432 358 15 .. .. PUNCT _005197432 359 1 as as SCONJ _005197432 359 2 the the DET _005197432 359 3 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 359 4 deputation deputation NOUN _005197432 359 5 left leave VERB _005197432 359 6 the the DET _005197432 359 7 presence presence NOUN _005197432 359 8 of of ADP _005197432 359 9 benedict benedict PROPN _005197432 359 10 xv xv PROPN _005197432 359 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 359 12 they they PRON _005197432 359 13 held hold VERB _005197432 359 14 in in ADP _005197432 359 15 their their PRON _005197432 359 16 hands hand NOUN _005197432 359 17 a a DET _005197432 359 18 permanent permanent ADJ _005197432 359 19 record record NOUN _005197432 359 20 of of ADP _005197432 359 21 his his PRON _005197432 359 22 reply reply NOUN _005197432 359 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 359 24 embodied embody VERB _005197432 359 25 in in ADP _005197432 359 26 three three NUM _005197432 359 27 documents document NOUN _005197432 359 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 360 1 one one NUM _005197432 360 2 of of ADP _005197432 360 3 these these PRON _005197432 360 4 was be AUX _005197432 360 5 the the DET _005197432 360 6 brief brief ADJ _005197432 360 7 written write VERB _005197432 360 8 abstract abstract NOUN _005197432 360 9 of of ADP _005197432 360 10 the the DET _005197432 360 11 pope pope NOUN _005197432 360 12 ’s ’s PART _005197432 360 13 can can AUX _005197432 360 14 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 360 15 unite unite VERB _005197432 360 16 with with ADP _005197432 360 17 rome rome PROPN _005197432 360 18 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 361 1 2 2 NUM _005197432 361 2 $ $ SYM _005197432 361 3 direct direct ADJ _005197432 361 4 answer answer NOUN _005197432 361 5 to to ADP _005197432 361 6 their their PRON _005197432 361 7 invitation invitation NOUN _005197432 361 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 361 9 included include VERB _005197432 361 10 in in ADP _005197432 361 11 the the DET _005197432 361 12 above above ADJ _005197432 361 13 citation citation NOUN _005197432 361 14 from from ADP _005197432 361 15 their their PRON _005197432 361 16 report report NOUN _005197432 361 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 362 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 362 2 the the DET _005197432 362 3 other other ADJ _005197432 362 4 two two NUM _005197432 362 5 were be AUX _005197432 362 6 nothing nothing PRON _005197432 362 7 else else ADV _005197432 362 8 than than ADP _005197432 362 9 those those DET _005197432 362 10 very very ADJ _005197432 362 11 documents document NOUN _005197432 362 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 362 13 word word NOUN _005197432 362 14 for for ADP _005197432 362 15 word word NOUN _005197432 362 16 in in ADP _005197432 362 17 their their PRON _005197432 362 18 original original ADJ _005197432 362 19 form form NOUN _005197432 362 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 362 21 in in ADP _005197432 362 22 which which PRON _005197432 362 23 the the DET _005197432 362 24 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 362 25 scheme scheme NOUN _005197432 362 26 of of ADP _005197432 362 27 1857 1857 NUM _005197432 362 28 had have AUX _005197432 362 29 been be AUX _005197432 362 30 formally formally ADV _005197432 362 31 rejected reject VERB _005197432 362 32 by by ADP _005197432 362 33 the the DET _005197432 362 34 holy holy PROPN _005197432 362 35 office office NOUN _005197432 362 36 in in ADP _005197432 362 37 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 362 38 and and CCONJ _005197432 362 39 1865 1865 NUM _005197432 362 40 . . PUNCT _005197432 363 1 “ " PUNCT _005197432 363 2 the the DET _005197432 363 3 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 363 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 363 5 practice practice NOUN _005197432 363 6 of of ADP _005197432 363 7 the the DET _005197432 363 8 roman roman ADJ _005197432 363 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 363 10 church church NOUN _005197432 363 11 regarding regard VERB _005197432 363 12 the the DET _005197432 363 13 unity unity NOUN _005197432 363 14 of of ADP _005197432 363 15 the the DET _005197432 363 16 visible visible ADJ _005197432 363 17 church church NOUN _005197432 363 18 of of ADP _005197432 363 19 christ christ PROPN _005197432 363 20 was be AUX _005197432 363 21 well well ADV _005197432 363 22 known known ADJ _005197432 363 23 to to ADP _005197432 363 24 everybody everybody PRON _005197432 363 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 363 26 ” " PUNCT _005197432 363 27 as as SCONJ _005197432 363 28 the the DET _005197432 363 29 pope pope NOUN _005197432 363 30 reminded remind VERB _005197432 363 31 his his PRON _005197432 363 32 visitors visitor NOUN _005197432 363 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 364 1 rome rome PROPN _005197432 364 2 had have AUX _005197432 364 3 spoken speak VERB _005197432 364 4 her her PRON _005197432 364 5 mind mind NOUN _005197432 364 6 once once ADV _005197432 364 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 364 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 364 9 need need AUX _005197432 364 10 not not PART _005197432 364 11 be be AUX _005197432 364 12 expected expect VERB _005197432 364 13 to to PART _005197432 364 14 speak speak VERB _005197432 364 15 it it PRON _005197432 364 16 again again ADV _005197432 364 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 365 1 the the DET _005197432 365 2 actual actual ADJ _005197432 365 3 prospect prospect NOUN _005197432 365 4 i i PRON _005197432 365 5 t t NOUN _005197432 365 6 was be AUX _005197432 365 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 365 8 as as SCONJ _005197432 365 9 we we PRON _005197432 365 10 have have AUX _005197432 365 11 seen see VERB _005197432 365 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 365 13 from from ADP _005197432 365 14 the the DET _005197432 365 15 root root NOUN _005197432 365 16 - - PUNCT _005197432 365 17 principles principle NOUN _005197432 365 18 of of ADP _005197432 365 19 the the DET _005197432 365 20 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 365 21 movement movement NOUN _005197432 365 22 that that PRON _005197432 365 23 certain certain ADJ _005197432 365 24 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 365 25 first first ADV _005197432 365 26 learned learn VERB _005197432 365 27 to to PART _005197432 365 28 hope hope VERB _005197432 365 29 that that SCONJ _005197432 365 30 a a DET _005197432 365 31 collective collective ADJ _005197432 365 32 return return NOUN _005197432 365 33 to to ADP _005197432 365 34 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 365 35 communion communion NOUN _005197432 365 36 might might AUX _005197432 365 37 be be AUX _005197432 365 38 their their PRON _005197432 365 39 final final ADJ _005197432 365 40 destination destination NOUN _005197432 365 41 . . PUNCT _005197432 366 1 the the DET _005197432 366 2 survival survival NOUN _005197432 366 3 of of ADP _005197432 366 4 this this DET _005197432 366 5 hope hope NOUN _005197432 366 6 today today NOUN _005197432 366 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 366 8 after after ADP _005197432 366 9 three three NUM _005197432 366 10 generations generation NOUN _005197432 366 11 of of ADP _005197432 366 12 fruitless fruitless ADJ _005197432 366 13 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 366 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 366 15 is be AUX _005197432 366 16 due due ADJ _005197432 366 17 to to ADP _005197432 366 18 the the DET _005197432 366 19 last last ADJ _005197432 366 20 remnants remnant NOUN _005197432 366 21 of of ADP _005197432 366 22 those those DET _005197432 366 23 same same ADJ _005197432 366 24 principles principle NOUN _005197432 366 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 367 1 these these PRON _005197432 367 2 are be AUX _005197432 367 3 rapidly rapidly ADV _005197432 367 4 disappearing disappear VERB _005197432 367 5 from from ADP _005197432 367 6 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 367 7 thought thought NOUN _005197432 367 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 367 9 life life NOUN _005197432 367 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 368 1 an an DET _005197432 368 2 outer outer ADJ _005197432 368 3 husk husk NOUN _005197432 368 4 of of ADP _005197432 368 5 conventional conventional ADJ _005197432 368 6 terms term NOUN _005197432 368 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 368 8 practices practice NOUN _005197432 368 9 still still ADV _005197432 368 10 remains remain VERB _005197432 368 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 368 12 but but CCONJ _005197432 368 13 the the DET _005197432 368 14 kernel kernel NOUN _005197432 368 15 it it PRON _005197432 368 16 once once ADV _005197432 368 17 enclosed enclose VERB _005197432 368 18 has have AUX _005197432 368 19 become become VERB _005197432 368 20 food food NOUN _005197432 368 21 for for ADP _005197432 368 22 the the DET _005197432 368 23 worm worm NOUN _005197432 368 24 of of ADP _005197432 368 25 skepticism skepticism NOUN _005197432 368 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 369 1 quite quite ADV _005197432 369 2 recently recently ADV _005197432 369 3 in in ADP _005197432 369 4 england england PROPN _005197432 369 5 more more ADJ _005197432 369 6 than than ADP _005197432 369 7 fifty fifty NUM _005197432 369 8 of of ADP _005197432 369 9 the the DET _005197432 369 10 leading lead VERB _005197432 369 11 “ " PUNCT _005197432 369 12 anglo anglo ADJ _005197432 369 13 - - PUNCT _005197432 369 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 369 15 ” " PUNCT _005197432 369 16 clerics cleric NOUN _005197432 369 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 369 18 headed head VERB _005197432 369 19 by by ADP _005197432 369 20 dr dr PROPN _005197432 369 21 . . PROPN _005197432 369 22 gore gore PROPN _005197432 369 23 himself himself PRON _005197432 369 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 369 25 have have AUX _005197432 369 26 jointly jointly ADV _005197432 369 27 published publish VERB _005197432 369 28 a a DET _005197432 369 29 general general ADJ _005197432 369 30 commentary commentary NOUN _005197432 369 31 on on ADP _005197432 369 32 the the DET _005197432 369 33 bible bible NOUN _005197432 369 34 , , PUNCT _005197432 369 35 destined destine VERB _005197432 369 36 for for ADP _005197432 369 37 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005197432 369 38 readers reader NOUN _005197432 369 39 . . PUNCT _005197432 370 1 in in ADP _005197432 370 2 this this DET _005197432 370 3 work work NOUN _005197432 370 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 370 5 by by ADP _005197432 370 6 the the DET _005197432 370 7 common common ADJ _005197432 370 8 consent consent NOUN _005197432 370 9 of of ADP _005197432 370 10 all all PRON _005197432 370 11 its its PRON _005197432 370 12 co co NOUN _005197432 370 13 - - NOUN _005197432 370 14 editors editor NOUN _005197432 370 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 370 16 the the DET _005197432 370 17 divine divine ADJ _005197432 370 18 inspiration inspiration NOUN _005197432 370 19 of of ADP _005197432 370 20 the the DET _005197432 370 21 scriptures scripture NOUN _005197432 370 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 370 23 their their PRON _005197432 370 24 consequent consequent ADJ _005197432 370 25 freedom freedom NOUN _005197432 370 26 from from ADP _005197432 370 27 error error NOUN _005197432 370 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 370 29 and and CCONJ _005197432 370 30 the the DET _005197432 370 31 whole whole ADJ _005197432 370 32 authority authority NOUN _005197432 370 33 of of ADP _005197432 370 34 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 370 35 tradition tradition NOUN _005197432 370 36 as as ADP _005197432 370 37 a a DET _005197432 370 38 norm norm NOUN _005197432 370 39 of of ADP _005197432 370 40 christian christian ADJ _005197432 370 41 faith faith NOUN _005197432 370 42 , , PUNCT _005197432 370 43 are be AUX _005197432 370 44 openly openly ADV _005197432 370 45 and and CCONJ _005197432 370 46 emphatically emphatically ADV _005197432 370 47 denied deny VERB _005197432 370 48 . . PUNCT _005197432 371 1 thus thus ADV _005197432 371 2 the the DET _005197432 371 3 accredited accredited ADJ _005197432 371 4 moulders moulder NOUN _005197432 371 5 of of ADP _005197432 371 6 “ " PUNCT _005197432 371 7 anglo anglo ADJ _005197432 371 8 - - PUNCT _005197432 371 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 371 10 ” " PUNCT _005197432 371 11 conviction conviction NOUN _005197432 371 12 now now ADV _005197432 371 13 repudiate repudiate VERB _005197432 371 14 every every DET _005197432 371 15 measure measure NOUN _005197432 371 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 371 17 means mean NOUN _005197432 371 18 of of ADP _005197432 371 19 divine divine ADJ _005197432 371 20 authority authority NOUN _005197432 371 21 in in ADP _005197432 371 22 religion religion NOUN _005197432 371 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 372 1 true true ADJ _005197432 372 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 372 3 this this PRON _005197432 372 4 only only ADV _005197432 372 5 brings bring VERB _005197432 372 6 their their PRON _005197432 372 7 theory theory NOUN _005197432 372 8 into into ADP _005197432 372 9 tardy tardy ADJ _005197432 372 10 agreement agreement NOUN _005197432 372 11 with with ADP _005197432 372 12 their their PRON _005197432 372 13 practice practice NOUN _005197432 372 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 372 15 since since SCONJ _005197432 372 16 the the DET _005197432 372 17 religious religious ADJ _005197432 372 18 authority authority NOUN _005197432 372 19 which which PRON _005197432 372 20 any any DET _005197432 372 21 anglican anglican NOUN _005197432 372 22 might might AUX _005197432 372 23 profess profess VERB _005197432 372 24 to to PART _005197432 372 25 recognize recognize VERB _005197432 372 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 372 27 called call VERB _005197432 372 28 by by ADP _005197432 372 29 whatsoever whatsoever ADJ _005197432 372 30 symbolic symbolic ADJ _005197432 372 31 name name NOUN _005197432 372 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 372 33 is be AUX _005197432 372 34 always always ADV _005197432 372 35 and and CCONJ _005197432 372 36 necessarily necessarily ADV _005197432 372 37 the the DET _005197432 372 38 creation creation NOUN _005197432 372 39 of of ADP _005197432 372 40 his his PRON _005197432 372 41 own own ADJ _005197432 372 42 mind mind NOUN _005197432 372 43 . . PUNCT _005197432 373 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 373 2 the the DET _005197432 373 3 perfect perfect ADJ _005197432 373 4 candor candor NOUN _005197432 373 5 of of ADP _005197432 373 6 the the DET _005197432 373 7 proclamation proclamation NOUN _005197432 373 8 is be AUX _005197432 373 9 its its PRON _005197432 373 10 significant significant ADJ _005197432 373 11 feature feature NOUN _005197432 373 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 374 1 “ " PUNCT _005197432 374 2 anglo anglo ADJ _005197432 374 3 - - PUNCT _005197432 374 4 catholicism catholicism NOUN _005197432 374 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 374 6 ” " PUNCT _005197432 374 7 at at ADP _005197432 374 8 no no DET _005197432 374 9 time time NOUN _005197432 374 10 better well ADJ _005197432 374 11 than than ADP _005197432 374 12 an an DET _005197432 374 13 enigma enigma NOUN _005197432 374 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 374 15 will will AUX _005197432 374 16 soon soon ADV _005197432 374 17 be be AUX _005197432 374 18 no no PRON _005197432 374 19 more more ADJ _005197432 374 20 than than ADP _005197432 374 21 a a DET _005197432 374 22 name name NOUN _005197432 374 23 . . PUNCT _005197432 375 1 its its PRON _005197432 375 2 recognized recognize VERB _005197432 375 3 guides guide NOUN _005197432 375 4 now now ADV _005197432 375 5 frankly frankly ADV _005197432 375 6 profess profess ADJ _005197432 375 7 26 26 NUM _005197432 375 8 can can AUX _005197432 375 9 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 375 10 unite unite VERB _005197432 375 11 with with ADP _005197432 375 12 rome rome PROPN _005197432 375 13 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 376 1 a a DET _005197432 376 2 quasi quasi ADJ _005197432 376 3 - - ADJ _005197432 376 4 protestant protestant ADJ _005197432 376 5 liberalism liberalism NOUN _005197432 376 6 from from ADP _005197432 376 7 which which PRON _005197432 376 8 modernism modernism NOUN _005197432 376 9 itself itself PRON _005197432 376 10 is be AUX _005197432 376 11 but but CCONJ _005197432 376 12 a a DET _005197432 376 13 short short ADJ _005197432 376 14 step step NOUN _005197432 376 15 aw?,y aw?,y ADP _005197432 376 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 377 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 377 2 yet yet ADV _005197432 377 3 there there PRON _005197432 377 4 are be VERB _005197432 377 5 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 377 6 who who PRON _005197432 377 7 still still ADV _005197432 377 8 dream dream VERB _005197432 377 9 of of ADP _005197432 377 10 the the DET _005197432 377 11 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 377 12 return return NOUN _005197432 377 13 of of ADP _005197432 377 14 their their PRON _005197432 377 15 own own ADJ _005197432 377 16 nominal nominal ADJ _005197432 377 17 party party NOUN _005197432 377 18 to to ADP _005197432 377 19 a a DET _005197432 377 20 source source NOUN _005197432 377 21 from from ADP _005197432 377 22 which which PRON _005197432 377 23 it it PRON _005197432 377 24 is be AUX _005197432 377 25 yearly yearly ADV _005197432 377 26 straying stray VERB _005197432 377 27 farther far ADV _005197432 377 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 378 1 these these DET _005197432 378 2 few few ADJ _005197432 378 3 survivors survivor NOUN _005197432 378 4 of of ADP _005197432 378 5 an an DET _005197432 378 6 always always ADV _005197432 378 7 impotent impotent ADJ _005197432 378 8 minority minority NOUN _005197432 378 9 are be AUX _005197432 378 10 in in ADP _005197432 378 11 a a DET _005197432 378 12 pitiable pitiable ADJ _005197432 378 13 plight plight NOUN _005197432 378 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 379 1 from from ADP _005197432 379 2 the the DET _005197432 379 3 oxford oxford PROPN _005197432 379 4 theory theory NOUN _005197432 379 5 they they PRON _005197432 379 6 have have AUX _005197432 379 7 learned learn VERB _005197432 379 8 to to PART _005197432 379 9 love love VERB _005197432 379 10 and and CCONJ _005197432 379 11 value value VERB _005197432 379 12 much much ADJ _005197432 379 13 that that PRON _005197432 379 14 is be AUX _005197432 379 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 379 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 379 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 379 18 vaguely vaguely ADV _005197432 379 19 to to PART _005197432 379 20 hope hope VERB _005197432 379 21 for for ADP _005197432 379 22 its its PRON _005197432 379 23 fuller fuller NOUN _005197432 379 24 possession possession NOUN _005197432 379 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 380 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 380 2 from from ADP _005197432 380 3 the the DET _005197432 380 4 same same ADJ _005197432 380 5 source source NOUN _005197432 380 6 they they PRON _005197432 380 7 have have AUX _005197432 380 8 also also ADV _005197432 380 9 learned learn VERB _005197432 380 10 to to PART _005197432 380 11 regard regard VERB _005197432 380 12 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 380 13 as as ADP _005197432 380 14 already already ADV _005197432 380 15 “ " PUNCT _005197432 380 16 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 380 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 380 18 ” " PUNCT _005197432 380 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 380 20 to to PART _005197432 380 21 expect expect VERB _005197432 380 22 that that SCONJ _005197432 380 23 others other NOUN _005197432 380 24 should should AUX _005197432 380 25 regard regard VERB _005197432 380 26 them they PRON _005197432 380 27 likewise likewise ADV _005197432 380 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 381 1 that that SCONJ _005197432 381 2 each each PRON _005197432 381 3 of of ADP _005197432 381 4 them they PRON _005197432 381 5 should should AUX _005197432 381 6 seek seek VERB _005197432 381 7 his his PRON _005197432 381 8 own own ADJ _005197432 381 9 salvation salvation NOUN _005197432 381 10 where where SCONJ _005197432 381 11 alone alone ADV _005197432 381 12 live live VERB _005197432 381 13 the the DET _005197432 381 14 promise promise NOUN _005197432 381 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 381 16 the the DET _005197432 381 17 power power NOUN _005197432 381 18 of of ADP _005197432 381 19 christ christ PROPN _005197432 381 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 381 21 would would AUX _005197432 381 22 require require VERB _005197432 381 23 a a DET _005197432 381 24 divine divine ADJ _005197432 381 25 gift gift NOUN _005197432 381 26 of of ADP _005197432 381 27 faith faith NOUN _005197432 381 28 which which PRON _005197432 381 29 they they PRON _005197432 381 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 381 31 for for ADP _005197432 381 32 all all DET _005197432 381 33 their their PRON _005197432 381 34 subjective subjective ADJ _005197432 381 35 sincerity sincerity NOUN _005197432 381 36 , , PUNCT _005197432 381 37 do do AUX _005197432 381 38 not not PART _005197432 381 39 yet yet ADV _005197432 381 40 enjoy enjoy VERB _005197432 381 41 . . PUNCT _005197432 382 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 382 2 what what PRON _005197432 382 3 prevents prevent VERB _005197432 382 4 them they PRON _005197432 382 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 382 6 as as ADP _005197432 382 7 a a DET _005197432 382 8 rule rule NOUN _005197432 382 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 382 10 from from ADP _005197432 382 11 even even ADV _005197432 382 12 the the DET _005197432 382 13 conscious conscious ADJ _005197432 382 14 desire desire NOUN _005197432 382 15 to to PART _005197432 382 16 do do AUX _005197432 382 17 so so ADV _005197432 382 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 382 19 is be AUX _005197432 382 20 the the DET _005197432 382 21 baseless baseless ADJ _005197432 382 22 persuasion persuasion NOUN _005197432 382 23 that that PRON _005197432 382 24 they they PRON _005197432 382 25 already already ADV _005197432 382 26 possess possess VERB _005197432 382 27 a a DET _005197432 382 28 source source NOUN _005197432 382 29 of of ADP _005197432 382 30 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005197432 382 31 truth truth NOUN _005197432 382 32 and and CCONJ _005197432 382 33 grace grace NOUN _005197432 382 34 which which PRON _005197432 382 35 they they PRON _005197432 382 36 can can AUX _005197432 382 37 never never ADV _005197432 382 38 disavow disavow NOUN _005197432 382 39 . . PUNCT _005197432 383 1 faced face VERB _005197432 383 2 with with ADP _005197432 383 3 this this DET _005197432 383 4 dilemma dilemma NOUN _005197432 383 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 383 6 they they PRON _005197432 383 7 fall fall VERB _005197432 383 8 back back ADV _005197432 383 9 on on ADP _005197432 383 10 the the DET _005197432 383 11 ancient ancient ADJ _005197432 383 12 compromise compromise NOUN _005197432 383 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 384 1 they they PRON _005197432 384 2 will will AUX _005197432 384 3 wait wait VERB _005197432 384 4 until until SCONJ _005197432 384 5 the the DET _005197432 384 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 384 7 church church NOUN _005197432 384 8 regards regard VERB _005197432 384 9 them they PRON _005197432 384 10 as as ADP _005197432 384 11 an an DET _005197432 384 12 originally originally ADV _005197432 384 13 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 384 14 body body NOUN _005197432 384 15 now now ADV _005197432 384 16 affected affect VERB _005197432 384 17 by by ADP _005197432 384 18 schism schism NOUN _005197432 384 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 384 20 and and CCONJ _005197432 384 21 consents consent NOUN _005197432 384 22 to to PART _005197432 384 23 receive receive VERB _005197432 384 24 them they PRON _005197432 384 25 at at ADP _005197432 384 26 their their PRON _005197432 384 27 own own ADJ _005197432 384 28 valuation valuation NOUN _005197432 384 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 385 1 of of ADP _005197432 385 2 the the DET _005197432 385 3 past past ADJ _005197432 385 4 history history NOUN _005197432 385 5 of of ADP _005197432 385 6 . . PUNCT _005197432 386 1 this this DET _005197432 386 2 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 386 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 386 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 386 5 of of ADP _005197432 386 6 rome rome PROPN _005197432 386 7 ’s ’s PART _005197432 386 8 explicit explicit ADJ _005197432 386 9 censure censure NOUN _005197432 386 10 of of ADP _005197432 386 11 its its PRON _005197432 386 12 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005197432 386 13 basis basis NOUN _005197432 386 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 386 15 enough enough ADV _005197432 386 16 has have AUX _005197432 386 17 perhaps perhaps ADV _005197432 386 18 been be AUX _005197432 386 19 said say VERB _005197432 386 20 to to PART _005197432 386 21 explain explain VERB _005197432 386 22 in in ADP _005197432 386 23 substance substance NOUN _005197432 386 24 the the DET _005197432 386 25 present present ADJ _005197432 386 26 situation situation NOUN _005197432 386 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 387 1 it it PRON _005197432 387 2 remains remain VERB _005197432 387 3 to to PART _005197432 387 4 form form VERB _005197432 387 5 a a DET _005197432 387 6 sound sound ADJ _005197432 387 7 practical practical ADJ _005197432 387 8 judgment judgment NOUN _005197432 387 9 about about ADP _005197432 387 10 the the DET _005197432 387 11 prospects prospect NOUN _005197432 387 12 of of ADP _005197432 387 13 the the DET _005197432 387 14 future future NOUN _005197432 387 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 388 1 what what PRON _005197432 388 2 most most ADJ _005197432 388 3 concerns concern VERB _005197432 388 4 us we PRON _005197432 388 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 388 6 after after ADV _005197432 388 7 all all ADV _005197432 388 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 388 9 is be AUX _005197432 388 10 to to PART _005197432 388 11 answer answer VERB _005197432 388 12 the the DET _005197432 388 13 question question NOUN _005197432 388 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 388 15 can can AUX _005197432 388 16 the the DET _005197432 388 17 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 388 18 hope hope NOUN _005197432 388 19 of of ADP _005197432 388 20 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 388 21 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 388 22 ever ever ADV _005197432 388 23 be be AUX _005197432 388 24 realized realize VERB _005197432 388 25 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 389 1 a a DET _005197432 389 2 future future ADJ _005197432 389 3 dependent dependent ADJ _005197432 389 4 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 389 5 human human ADJ _005197432 389 6 will will NOUN _005197432 389 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 389 8 action action NOUN _005197432 389 9 is be AUX _005197432 389 10 not not PART _005197432 389 11 easy easy ADJ _005197432 389 12 to to PART _005197432 389 13 forecast forecast VERB _005197432 389 14 with with ADP _005197432 389 15 full full ADJ _005197432 389 16 assurance assurance NOUN _005197432 389 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 390 1 yet yet CCONJ _005197432 390 2 moral moral ADJ _005197432 390 3 certainty certainty NOUN _005197432 390 4 is be AUX _005197432 390 5 sometimes sometimes ADV _005197432 390 6 attainable attainable ADJ _005197432 390 7 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 390 8 and and CCONJ _005197432 390 9 in in ADP _005197432 390 10 the the DET _005197432 390 11 present present ADJ _005197432 390 12 question question NOUN _005197432 390 13 we we PRON _005197432 390 14 are be AUX _005197432 390 15 not not PART _005197432 390 16 left leave VERB _005197432 390 17 to to ADP _005197432 390 18 mere mere ADJ _005197432 390 19 conjecture conjecture NOUN _005197432 390 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 391 1 we we PRON _005197432 391 2 are be AUX _005197432 391 3 discussing discuss VERB _005197432 391 4 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 391 5 two two NUM _005197432 391 6 societies society NOUN _005197432 391 7 can can AUX _005197432 391 8 ever ever ADV _005197432 391 9 agree agree VERB _005197432 391 10 to to PART _005197432 391 11 unite unite VERB _005197432 391 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 392 1 hence hence ADV _005197432 392 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 392 3 the the DET _005197432 392 4 first first ADJ _005197432 392 5 question question NOUN _005197432 392 6 is be AUX _005197432 392 7 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 392 8 the the DET _005197432 392 9 attitudes attitude NOUN _005197432 392 10 of of ADP _005197432 392 11 the the DET _005197432 392 12 two two NUM _005197432 392 13 are be AUX _005197432 392 14 reconcilable reconcilable ADJ _005197432 392 15 as as SCONJ _005197432 392 16 they they PRON _005197432 392 17 stand stand VERB _005197432 392 18 at at ADP _005197432 392 19 present present NOUN _005197432 392 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 393 1 should should AUX _005197432 393 2 this this PRON _005197432 393 3 appear appear VERB _005197432 393 4 impossible impossible ADJ _005197432 393 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 393 6 it it PRON _005197432 393 7 will will AUX _005197432 393 8 then then ADV _005197432 393 9 remain remain VERB _005197432 393 10 to to PART _005197432 393 11 inquire inquire VERB _005197432 393 12 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 393 13 the the DET _005197432 393 14 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 393 15 of of ADP _005197432 393 16 either either DET _005197432 393 17 party party NOUN _005197432 393 18 may may AUX _005197432 393 19 probably probably ADV _005197432 393 20 undergo undergo VERB _005197432 393 21 enough enough ADJ _005197432 393 22 of of ADP _005197432 393 23 change change NOUN _005197432 393 24 to to PART _005197432 393 25 make make VERB _005197432 393 26 agreement agreement NOUN _005197432 393 27 possible possible ADJ _005197432 393 28 at at ADP _005197432 393 29 some some DET _005197432 393 30 future future ADJ _005197432 393 31 time time NOUN _005197432 393 32 . . PUNCT _005197432 394 1 can can AUX _005197432 394 2 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 394 3 unite unite VERB _005197432 394 4 with with ADP _005197432 394 5 rome rome PROPN _005197432 394 6 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 395 1 27 27 NUM _005197432 395 2 i i PRON _005197432 395 3 the the DET _005197432 395 4 utter utter ADJ _005197432 395 5 futility futility NOUN _005197432 395 6 of of ADP _005197432 395 7 the the DET _005197432 395 8 hope hope NOUN _005197432 395 9 of of ADP _005197432 395 10 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 395 11 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 395 12 under under ADP _005197432 395 13 present present ADJ _005197432 395 14 conditions condition NOUN _005197432 395 15 will will AUX _005197432 395 16 need need VERB _005197432 395 17 no no DET _005197432 395 18 further further ADJ _005197432 395 19 proof proof NOUN _005197432 395 20 than than ADP _005197432 395 21 the the DET _005197432 395 22 briefest brief ADJ _005197432 395 23 view view NOUN _005197432 395 24 of of ADP _005197432 395 25 the the DET _005197432 395 26 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 395 27 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 395 28 and and CCONJ _005197432 395 29 its its PRON _005197432 395 30 avowed avow VERB _005197432 395 31 demands demand NOUN _005197432 395 32 . . PUNCT _005197432 396 1 in in ADP _005197432 396 2 determining determine VERB _005197432 396 3 this this DET _005197432 396 4 factor factor NOUN _005197432 396 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 396 6 it it PRON _005197432 396 7 is be AUX _005197432 396 8 true true ADJ _005197432 396 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 396 10 we we PRON _005197432 396 11 labor labor VERB _005197432 396 12 under under ADP _005197432 396 13 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005197432 396 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 396 15 since since SCONJ _005197432 396 16 principles principle NOUN _005197432 396 17 of of ADP _005197432 396 18 belief belief NOUN _005197432 396 19 are be AUX _005197432 396 20 at at ADP _005197432 396 21 once once ADV _005197432 396 22 involved involve VERB _005197432 396 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 396 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 396 25 in in ADP _005197432 396 26 these these DET _005197432 396 27 matters matter NOUN _005197432 396 28 no no PRON _005197432 396 29 anglican anglican ADV _005197432 396 30 can can AUX _005197432 396 31 answer answer VERB _005197432 396 32 for for ADP _005197432 396 33 his his PRON _005197432 396 34 brother brother NOUN _005197432 396 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 397 1 in in ADP _005197432 397 2 seeking seek VERB _005197432 397 3 the the DET _005197432 397 4 mind mind NOUN _005197432 397 5 of of ADP _005197432 397 6 rome rome PROPN _005197432 397 7 we we PRON _005197432 397 8 could could AUX _005197432 397 9 and and CCONJ _005197432 397 10 did do AUX _005197432 397 11 recur recur VERB _005197432 397 12 to to ADP _005197432 397 13 an an DET _005197432 397 14 authority authority NOUN _005197432 397 15 which which PRON _005197432 397 16 speaks speak VERB _005197432 397 17 for for ADP _005197432 397 18 us we PRON _005197432 397 19 all all PRON _005197432 397 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 397 21 and and CCONJ _005197432 397 22 whose whose DET _005197432 397 23 guidance guidance NOUN _005197432 397 24 we we PRON _005197432 397 25 welcome welcome VERB _005197432 397 26 as as SCONJ _005197432 397 27 appointed appoint VERB _005197432 397 28 by by ADP _005197432 397 29 christ christ PROPN _005197432 397 30 our our PRON _005197432 397 31 lord lord PROPN _005197432 397 32 for for ADP _005197432 397 33 all all DET _005197432 397 34 his his PRON _005197432 397 35 followers follower NOUN _005197432 397 36 . . PUNCT _005197432 398 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 398 2 no no DET _005197432 398 3 one one NOUN _005197432 398 4 can can AUX _005197432 398 5 name name VERB _005197432 398 6 an an DET _005197432 398 7 anglican anglican NOUN _005197432 398 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 398 9 be be AUX _005197432 398 10 he he PRON _005197432 398 11 cleric cleric ADJ _005197432 398 12 or or CCONJ _005197432 398 13 layman layman NOUN _005197432 398 14 in in ADP _005197432 398 15 his his PRON _005197432 398 16 own own ADJ _005197432 398 17 society society NOUN _005197432 398 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 398 19 who who PRON _005197432 398 20 can can AUX _005197432 398 21 venture venture VERB _005197432 398 22 to to PART _005197432 398 23 speak speak VERB _005197432 398 24 for for ADP _005197432 398 25 his his PRON _005197432 398 26 fellow fellow NOUN _005197432 398 27 members member NOUN _005197432 398 28 with with ADP _005197432 398 29 any any DET _005197432 398 30 actual actual ADJ _005197432 398 31 religious religious ADJ _005197432 398 32 authority authority NOUN _005197432 398 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 399 1 not not PART _005197432 399 2 even even ADV _005197432 399 3 the the DET _005197432 399 4 whole whole ADJ _005197432 399 5 collective collective ADJ _005197432 399 6 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 399 7 episcopate episcopate NOUN _005197432 399 8 could could AUX _005197432 399 9 utter utter VERB _005197432 399 10 a a DET _005197432 399 11 decision decision NOUN _005197432 399 12 in in ADP _005197432 399 13 faith faith NOUN _005197432 399 14 or or CCONJ _005197432 399 15 morals moral NOUN _005197432 399 16 which which PRON _005197432 399 17 any any PRON _005197432 399 18 of of ADP _005197432 399 19 its its PRON _005197432 399 20 subjects subject NOUN _005197432 399 21 need need VERB _005197432 399 22 feel feel VERB _005197432 399 23 bound bind VERB _005197432 399 24 in in ADP _005197432 399 25 conscience conscience NOUN _005197432 399 26 to to PART _005197432 399 27 accept accept VERB _005197432 399 28 as as ADP _005197432 399 29 final final ADJ _005197432 399 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 399 31 unquestionable unquestionable ADJ _005197432 399 32 . . PUNCT _005197432 400 1 in in ADP _005197432 400 2 this this DET _005197432 400 3 situation situation NOUN _005197432 400 4 our our PRON _005197432 400 5 only only ADJ _005197432 400 6 recourse recourse NOUN _005197432 400 7 can can AUX _005197432 400 8 be be AUX _005197432 400 9 to to ADP _005197432 400 10 some some DET _005197432 400 11 recent recent ADJ _005197432 400 12 expression expression NOUN _005197432 400 13 of of ADP _005197432 400 14 opinion opinion NOUN _005197432 400 15 on on ADP _005197432 400 16 the the DET _005197432 400 17 part part NOUN _005197432 400 18 of of ADP _005197432 400 19 an an DET _005197432 400 20 acknowledged acknowledge VERB _005197432 400 21 leader leader NOUN _005197432 400 22 among among ADP _005197432 400 23 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 400 24 reunionists reunionist NOUN _005197432 400 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 401 1 probably probably ADV _005197432 401 2 no no DET _005197432 401 3 one one NOUN _005197432 401 4 living living NOUN _005197432 401 5 would would AUX _005197432 401 6 be be AUX _005197432 401 7 more more ADV _005197432 401 8 acceptable acceptable ADJ _005197432 401 9 as as ADP _005197432 401 10 such such DET _005197432 401 11 a a DET _005197432 401 12 spokesman spokesman NOUN _005197432 401 13 than than ADP _005197432 401 14 lord lord PROPN _005197432 401 15 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 401 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 402 1 in in ADP _005197432 402 2 several several ADJ _005197432 402 3 of of ADP _005197432 402 4 his his PRON _005197432 402 5 recent recent ADJ _005197432 402 6 publications publication NOUN _005197432 402 7 this this DET _005197432 402 8 aged aged ADJ _005197432 402 9 champion champion NOUN _005197432 402 10 of of ADP _005197432 402 11 the the DET _005197432 402 12 cause cause NOUN _005197432 402 13 has have AUX _005197432 402 14 discussed discuss VERB _005197432 402 15 its its PRON _005197432 402 16 elements element NOUN _005197432 402 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 402 18 prospects prospect NOUN _005197432 402 19 very very ADV _005197432 402 20 frankly frankly ADV _005197432 402 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 403 1 he he PRON _005197432 403 2 has have AUX _005197432 403 3 reached reach VERB _005197432 403 4 an an DET _005197432 403 5 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 403 6 so so ADV _005197432 403 7 uncommonly uncommonly ADV _005197432 403 8 favorable favorable ADJ _005197432 403 9 to to ADP _005197432 403 10 the the DET _005197432 403 11 claims claim NOUN _005197432 403 12 of of ADP _005197432 403 13 the the DET _005197432 403 14 holy holy PROPN _005197432 403 15 see see NOUN _005197432 403 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 403 17 at at ADP _005197432 403 18 least least ADJ _005197432 403 19 as as SCONJ _005197432 403 20 he he PRON _005197432 403 21 conceives conceive VERB _005197432 403 22 of of ADP _005197432 403 23 them they PRON _005197432 403 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 403 25 that that SCONJ _005197432 403 26 his his PRON _005197432 403 27 statements statement NOUN _005197432 403 28 must must AUX _005197432 403 29 represent represent VERB _005197432 403 30 the the DET _005197432 403 31 maximum maximum NOUN _005197432 403 32 of of ADP _005197432 403 33 concession concession NOUN _005197432 403 34 to to ADP _005197432 403 35 the the DET _005197432 403 36 church church NOUN _005197432 403 37 that that PRON _005197432 403 38 any any PRON _005197432 403 39 of of ADP _005197432 403 40 his his PRON _005197432 403 41 associates associate NOUN _005197432 403 42 could could AUX _005197432 403 43 possibly possibly ADV _005197432 403 44 allow allow VERB _005197432 403 45 . . PUNCT _005197432 404 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 404 2 for for ADP _005197432 404 3 this this DET _005197432 404 4 very very ADJ _005197432 404 5 reason reason NOUN _005197432 404 6 one one PRON _005197432 404 7 can can AUX _005197432 404 8 not not PART _005197432 404 9 seriously seriously ADV _005197432 404 10 doubt doubt VERB _005197432 404 11 that that SCONJ _005197432 404 12 when when SCONJ _005197432 404 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 404 14 in in ADP _005197432 404 15 speaking speak VERB _005197432 404 16 for for ADP _005197432 404 17 his his PRON _005197432 404 18 own own ADJ _005197432 404 19 side side NOUN _005197432 404 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 404 21 lord lord PROPN _005197432 404 22 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 404 23 insists insist VERB _005197432 404 24 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 404 25 an an DET _005197432 404 26 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 404 27 claim claim NOUN _005197432 404 28 as as ADP _005197432 404 29 utterly utterly ADV _005197432 404 30 inviolable inviolable ADJ _005197432 404 31 , , PUNCT _005197432 404 32 he he PRON _005197432 404 33 confines confine VERB _005197432 404 34 himself himself PRON _005197432 404 35 to to ADP _005197432 404 36 the the DET _005197432 404 37 least least ADJ _005197432 404 38 that that PRON _005197432 404 39 any any DET _005197432 404 40 anglican anglican NOUN _005197432 404 41 would would AUX _005197432 404 42 demand demand VERB _005197432 404 43 on on ADP _005197432 404 44 that that DET _005197432 404 45 point point NOUN _005197432 404 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 405 1 the the DET _005197432 405 2 venerable venerable ADJ _005197432 405 3 and and CCONJ _005197432 405 4 courteous courteous ADJ _005197432 405 5 apologist apologist NOUN _005197432 405 6 ’s ’s PART _005197432 405 7 account account NOUN _005197432 405 8 of of ADP _005197432 405 9 what what PRON _005197432 405 10 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 405 11 reunionists reunionist NOUN _005197432 405 12 would would AUX _005197432 405 13 insist insist VERB _005197432 405 14 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 405 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 405 16 can can AUX _005197432 405 17 not not PART _005197432 405 18 here here ADV _005197432 405 19 be be AUX _005197432 405 20 given give VERB _005197432 405 21 in in ADP _005197432 405 22 full full ADJ _005197432 405 23 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 405 24 and and CCONJ _005197432 405 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 405 26 in in ADP _005197432 405 27 fact fact NOUN _005197432 405 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 405 29 the the DET _005197432 405 30 contexts context NOUN _005197432 405 31 in in ADP _005197432 405 32 which which PRON _005197432 405 33 he he PRON _005197432 405 34 mentions mention VERB _005197432 405 35 these these DET _005197432 405 36 various various ADJ _005197432 405 37 claims claim NOUN _005197432 405 38 are be AUX _005197432 405 39 not not PART _005197432 405 40 very very ADV _005197432 405 41 orderly orderly ADJ _005197432 405 42 and and CCONJ _005197432 405 43 consecutive consecutive ADJ _005197432 405 44 in in ADP _005197432 405 45 thought thought NOUN _005197432 405 46 . . PUNCT _005197432 406 1 selecting select VERB _005197432 406 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 406 3 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 406 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 406 5 only only ADV _005197432 406 6 a a DET _005197432 406 7 few few ADJ _005197432 406 8 decisive decisive ADJ _005197432 406 9 sentences sentence NOUN _005197432 406 10 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 406 11 though though SCONJ _005197432 406 12 without without ADP _005197432 406 13 injury injury NOUN _005197432 406 14 to to ADP _005197432 406 15 their their PRON _005197432 406 16 sense sense NOUN _005197432 406 17 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 406 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 406 19 let let VERB _005197432 406 20 us we PRON _005197432 406 21 note note VERB _005197432 406 22 what what PRON _005197432 406 23 he he PRON _005197432 406 24 lays lay VERB _005197432 406 25 down down ADP _005197432 406 26 as as ADP _005197432 406 27 inviolable inviolable ADJ _005197432 406 28 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 406 29 conviction conviction NOUN _005197432 406 30 on on ADP _005197432 406 31 two two NUM _005197432 406 32 subjects subject NOUN _005197432 406 33 28 28 NUM _005197432 406 34 can can AUX _005197432 406 35 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 406 36 unite unite VERB _005197432 406 37 with with ADP _005197432 406 38 rome rome PROPN _005197432 406 39 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 407 1 only only ADV _005197432 407 2 — — PUNCT _005197432 407 3 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 407 4 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 407 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 407 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 407 7 the the DET _005197432 407 8 nature nature NOUN _005197432 407 9 of of ADP _005197432 407 10 the the DET _005197432 407 11 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 407 12 church church NOUN _005197432 407 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 408 1 on on ADP _005197432 408 2 the the DET _005197432 408 3 first first ADJ _005197432 408 4 of of ADP _005197432 408 5 these these DET _005197432 408 6 subjects subject NOUN _005197432 408 7 lord lord PROPN _005197432 408 8 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 408 9 says say VERB _005197432 408 10 : : PUNCT _005197432 408 11 if if SCONJ _005197432 408 12 we we PRON _005197432 408 13 in in ADP _005197432 408 14 england england PROPN _005197432 408 15 have have VERB _005197432 408 16 to to PART _005197432 408 17 consider consider VERB _005197432 408 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 408 19 with with ADP _005197432 408 20 a a DET _005197432 408 21 view view NOUN _005197432 408 22 to to ADP _005197432 408 23 its its PRON _005197432 408 24 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005197432 408 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 408 26 the the DET _005197432 408 27 claim claim NOUN _005197432 408 28 of of ADP _005197432 408 29 the the DET _005197432 408 30 holy holy ADJ _005197432 408 31 see see NOUN _005197432 408 32 to to ADP _005197432 408 33 a a DET _005197432 408 34 primacy primacy NOUN _005197432 408 35 jure jure NOUN _005197432 408 36 divino divino NOUN _005197432 408 37 , , PUNCT _005197432 408 38 the the DET _005197432 408 39 holy holy ADJ _005197432 408 40 see see NOUN _005197432 408 41 has have AUX _005197432 408 42 , , PUNCT _005197432 408 43 on on ADP _005197432 408 44 its its PRON _005197432 408 45 side side NOUN _005197432 408 46 , , PUNCT _005197432 408 47 to to PART _005197432 408 48 take take VERB _005197432 408 49 into into ADP _005197432 408 50 consideration consideration NOUN _005197432 408 51 , , PUNCT _005197432 408 52 with with ADP _005197432 408 53 a a DET _005197432 408 54 view view NOUN _005197432 408 55 to to ADP _005197432 408 56 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 408 57 , , PUNCT _005197432 408 58 the the DET _005197432 408 59 question question NOUN _005197432 408 60 of of ADP _005197432 408 61 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 408 62 orders order NOUN _005197432 408 63 . . PUNCT _005197432 408 64 . . PUNCT _005197432 408 65 . . PUNCT _005197432 408 66 . . PUNCT _005197432 409 1 some some DET _005197432 409 2 method method NOUN _005197432 409 3 has have VERB _005197432 409 4 to to PART _005197432 409 5 be be AUX _005197432 409 6 devised devise VERB _005197432 409 7 compatible compatible ADJ _005197432 409 8 with with ADP _005197432 409 9 the the DET _005197432 409 10 honor honor NOUN _005197432 409 11 of of ADP _005197432 409 12 both both DET _005197432 409 13 churches church NOUN _005197432 409 14 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 409 15 “ " PUNCT _005197432 409 16 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 409 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 409 18 the the DET _005197432 409 19 roman roman ADJ _005197432 409 20 primacy primacy NOUN _005197432 409 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 409 22 ” " PUNCT _005197432 409 23 pages page NOUN _005197432 409 24 27 27 NUM _005197432 409 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 409 26 28 28 NUM _005197432 409 27 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 409 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 410 1 connected connect VERB _005197432 410 2 with with ADP _005197432 410 3 this this PRON _005197432 410 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 5 as as SCONJ _005197432 410 6 one one PRON _005197432 410 7 would would AUX _005197432 410 8 expect expect VERB _005197432 410 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 10 is be AUX _005197432 410 11 his his PRON _005197432 410 12 view view NOUN _005197432 410 13 of of ADP _005197432 410 14 the the DET _005197432 410 15 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 410 16 establishment establishment NOUN _005197432 410 17 : : PUNCT _005197432 410 18 englishmen englishman NOUN _005197432 410 19 will will AUX _005197432 410 20 never never ADV _005197432 410 21 consent consent VERB _005197432 410 22 to to ADP _005197432 410 23 anything anything PRON _005197432 410 24 which which PRON _005197432 410 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 26 in in ADP _005197432 410 27 their their PRON _005197432 410 28 eyes eye NOUN _005197432 410 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 30 would would AUX _005197432 410 31 seem seem VERB _005197432 410 32 to to PART _005197432 410 33 invalidate invalidate VERB _005197432 410 34 the the DET _005197432 410 35 orders order NOUN _005197432 410 36 conferred confer VERB _005197432 410 37 by by ADP _005197432 410 38 the the DET _005197432 410 39 english english PROPN _005197432 410 40 episcopate episcopate NOUN _005197432 410 41 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 42 and and CCONJ _005197432 410 43 to to PART _005197432 410 44 deny deny VERB _005197432 410 45 the the DET _005197432 410 46 claim claim NOUN _005197432 410 47 of of ADP _005197432 410 48 the the DET _005197432 410 49 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 410 50 church church NOUN _005197432 410 51 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 52 apart apart ADV _005197432 410 53 from from ADP _005197432 410 54 the the DET _005197432 410 55 question question NOUN _005197432 410 56 how how SCONJ _005197432 410 57 far far ADV _005197432 410 58 the the DET _005197432 410 59 church church NOUN _005197432 410 60 of of ADP _005197432 410 61 england england PROPN _005197432 410 62 is be AUX _005197432 410 63 in in ADP _005197432 410 64 schism schism NOUN _005197432 410 65 or or CCONJ _005197432 410 66 not not PART _005197432 410 67 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 68 to to PART _005197432 410 69 be be AUX _005197432 410 70 a a DET _005197432 410 71 church church NOUN _005197432 410 72 in in ADP _005197432 410 73 the the DET _005197432 410 74 sense sense NOUN _005197432 410 75 of of ADP _005197432 410 76 that that DET _005197432 410 77 word word NOUN _005197432 410 78 as as SCONJ _005197432 410 79 used use VERB _005197432 410 80 in in ADP _005197432 410 81 the the DET _005197432 410 82 creed creed NOUN _005197432 410 83 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 410 84 “ " PUNCT _005197432 410 85 further further ADJ _005197432 410 86 considerations consideration NOUN _005197432 410 87 on on ADP _005197432 410 88 behalf behalf NOUN _005197432 410 89 of of ADP _005197432 410 90 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 410 91 , , PUNCT _005197432 410 92 ” " PUNCT _005197432 410 93 page page NOUN _005197432 410 94 32 32 NUM _005197432 410 95 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 410 96 . . PUNCT _005197432 411 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 411 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 411 3 less less ADV _005197432 411 4 directly directly ADV _005197432 411 5 : : PUNCT _005197432 411 6 may may AUX _005197432 411 7 not not PART _005197432 411 8 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 411 9 ask ask VERB _005197432 411 10 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 411 11 by by ADP _005197432 411 12 “ " PUNCT _005197432 411 13 the the DET _005197432 411 14 church church NOUN _005197432 411 15 ” " PUNCT _005197432 411 16 roman roman ADJ _005197432 411 17 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 411 18 always always ADV _005197432 411 19 mean mean VERB _005197432 411 20 the the DET _005197432 411 21 members member NOUN _005197432 411 22 of of ADP _005197432 411 23 a a DET _005197432 411 24 body body NOUN _005197432 411 25 with with ADP _005197432 411 26 an an DET _005197432 411 27 external external ADJ _005197432 411 28 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005197432 411 29 and and CCONJ _005197432 411 30 subject subject ADJ _005197432 411 31 to to ADP _005197432 411 32 a a DET _005197432 411 33 visible visible ADJ _005197432 411 34 head head NOUN _005197432 411 35 , , PUNCT _005197432 411 36 or or CCONJ _005197432 411 37 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 411 38 they they PRON _005197432 411 39 do do AUX _005197432 411 40 not not PART _005197432 411 41 also also ADV _005197432 411 42 mean mean VERB _005197432 411 43 those those PRON _005197432 411 44 who who PRON _005197432 411 45 by by ADP _005197432 411 46 the the DET _005197432 411 47 gift gift NOUN _005197432 411 48 of of ADP _005197432 411 49 the the DET _005197432 411 50 holy holy ADJ _005197432 411 51 ghost ghost NOUN _005197432 411 52 and and CCONJ _005197432 411 53 the the DET _005197432 411 54 possession possession NOUN _005197432 411 55 of of ADP _005197432 411 56 the the DET _005197432 411 57 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005197432 411 58 are be AUX _005197432 411 59 incorporated incorporate VERB _005197432 411 60 in in ADP _005197432 411 61 christ christ PROPN _005197432 411 62 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 412 1 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 412 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 412 3 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 412 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 412 5 the the DET _005197432 412 6 roman roman ADJ _005197432 412 7 primacy primacy NOUN _005197432 412 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 412 9 ” " PUNCT _005197432 412 10 page page NOUN _005197432 412 11 29 29 NUM _005197432 412 12 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 412 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 413 1 little little ADJ _005197432 413 2 discussion discussion NOUN _005197432 413 3 is be AUX _005197432 413 4 needed need VERB _005197432 413 5 to to PART _005197432 413 6 show show VERB _005197432 413 7 where where SCONJ _005197432 413 8 these these DET _005197432 413 9 claims claim NOUN _005197432 413 10 stand stand VERB _005197432 413 11 in in ADP _005197432 413 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 413 13 judgment judgment NOUN _005197432 413 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 413 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 413 16 where where SCONJ _005197432 413 17 stands stand VERB _005197432 413 18 any any DET _005197432 413 19 hope hope NOUN _005197432 413 20 of of ADP _005197432 413 21 reunkm reunkm PROPN _005197432 413 22 that that PRON _005197432 413 23 insists insist VERB _005197432 413 24 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 413 25 their their PRON _005197432 413 26 admission admission NOUN _005197432 413 27 . . PUNCT _005197432 414 1 there there PRON _005197432 414 2 is be VERB _005197432 414 3 no no ADV _005197432 414 4 longer long ADV _005197432 414 5 a a DET _005197432 414 6 “ " PUNCT _005197432 414 7 question question NOUN _005197432 414 8 of of ADP _005197432 414 9 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 414 10 orders order NOUN _005197432 414 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 414 12 ” " PUNCT _005197432 415 1 the the DET _005197432 415 2 holy holy PROPN _005197432 415 3 see see NOUN _005197432 415 4 in in ADP _005197432 415 5 1896 1896 NUM _005197432 415 6 took take VERB _005197432 415 7 that that DET _005197432 415 8 question question NOUN _005197432 415 9 into into ADP _005197432 415 10 patient patient ADJ _005197432 415 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 415 12 minute minute VERB _005197432 415 13 consideration consideration NOUN _005197432 415 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 15 and and CCONJ _005197432 415 16 settled settle VERB _005197432 415 17 it it PRON _005197432 415 18 thus thus ADV _005197432 415 19 : : PUNCT _005197432 415 20 assenting assent VERB _005197432 415 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 22 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 415 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 24 in in ADP _005197432 415 25 every every DET _005197432 415 26 respect respect NOUN _005197432 415 27 to to ADP _005197432 415 28 all all DET _005197432 415 29 the the DET _005197432 415 30 decrees decree NOUN _005197432 415 31 of of ADP _005197432 415 32 former former ADJ _005197432 415 33 pontiffs pontiff NOUN _005197432 415 34 on on ADP _005197432 415 35 this this DET _005197432 415 36 same same ADJ _005197432 415 37 question question NOUN _005197432 415 38 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 415 40 in in ADP _005197432 415 41 the the DET _005197432 415 42 fullest full ADJ _005197432 415 43 manner manner NOUN _005197432 415 44 confirming confirm VERB _005197432 415 45 and and CCONJ _005197432 415 46 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 47 so so ADV _005197432 415 48 to to PART _005197432 415 49 speak speak VERB _005197432 415 50 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 51 renewing renew VERB _005197432 415 52 them they PRON _005197432 415 53 by by ADP _005197432 415 54 our our PRON _005197432 415 55 authority authority NOUN _005197432 415 56 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 57 motu motu PROPN _005197432 415 58 proprio proprio PROPN _005197432 415 59 , , PUNCT _005197432 415 60 we we PRON _005197432 415 61 pronounce pronounce VERB _005197432 415 62 and and CCONJ _005197432 415 63 declare declare VERB _005197432 415 64 with with ADP _005197432 415 65 assured assure VERB _005197432 415 66 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005197432 415 67 that that SCONJ _005197432 415 68 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 415 69 performed perform VERB _005197432 415 70 by by ADP _005197432 415 71 the the DET _005197432 415 72 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 415 73 rite rite NOUN _005197432 415 74 have have AUX _005197432 415 75 been be AUX _005197432 415 76 and and CCONJ _005197432 415 77 are be AUX _005197432 415 78 invalid invalid ADJ _005197432 415 79 and and CCONJ _005197432 415 80 completely completely ADV _005197432 415 81 null null ADJ _005197432 415 82 . . PUNCT _005197432 416 1 no no DET _005197432 416 2 further further ADJ _005197432 416 3 “ " PUNCT _005197432 416 4 consideration consideration NOUN _005197432 416 5 ” " PUNCT _005197432 416 6 will will AUX _005197432 416 7 be be AUX _005197432 416 8 bestowed bestow VERB _005197432 416 9 on on ADP _005197432 416 10 the the DET _005197432 416 11 subject subject NOUN _005197432 416 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 416 13 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 416 14 “ " PUNCT _005197432 416 15 with with ADP _005197432 416 16 a a DET _005197432 416 17 view view NOUN _005197432 416 18 to to ADP _005197432 416 19 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 416 20 ” " PUNCT _005197432 416 21 or or CCONJ _005197432 416 22 any any DET _005197432 416 23 other other ADJ _005197432 416 24 end end NOUN _005197432 416 25 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 416 26 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 416 27 could could AUX _005197432 416 28 it it PRON _005197432 416 29 possibly possibly ADV _005197432 416 30 be be AUX _005197432 416 31 “ " PUNCT _005197432 416 32 compatible compatible ADJ _005197432 416 33 with with ADP _005197432 416 34 the the DET _005197432 416 35 honor honor NOUN _005197432 416 36 ” " PUNCT _005197432 416 37 of of ADP _005197432 416 38 anything anything PRON _005197432 416 39 really really ADV _005197432 416 40 the the DET _005197432 416 41 church church NOUN _005197432 416 42 of of ADP _005197432 416 43 christ christ PROPN _005197432 416 44 . . PUNCT _005197432 417 1 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 417 2 is be AUX _005197432 417 3 it it PRON _005197432 417 4 less less ADV _005197432 417 5 evident evident ADJ _005197432 417 6 how how SCONJ _005197432 417 7 “ " PUNCT _005197432 417 8 the the DET _005197432 417 9 claim claim NOUN _005197432 417 10 of of ADP _005197432 417 11 the the DET _005197432 417 12 anglican anglican NOUN _005197432 417 13 can can AUX _005197432 417 14 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 417 15 unite unite VERB _005197432 417 16 with with ADP _005197432 417 17 rome rome PROPN _005197432 417 18 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 418 1 29 29 NUM _005197432 418 2 church church NOUN _005197432 418 3 to to PART _005197432 418 4 be be AUX _005197432 418 5 a a DET _005197432 418 6 church church NOUN _005197432 418 7 in in ADP _005197432 418 8 the the DET _005197432 418 9 sense sense NOUN _005197432 418 10 of of ADP _005197432 418 11 that that DET _005197432 418 12 word word NOUN _005197432 418 13 as as SCONJ _005197432 418 14 used use VERB _005197432 418 15 in in ADP _005197432 418 16 the the DET _005197432 418 17 creed creed NOUN _005197432 418 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 418 19 ” " PUNCT _005197432 418 20 is be AUX _005197432 418 21 regarded regard VERB _005197432 418 22 by by ADP _005197432 418 23 the the DET _005197432 418 24 holy holy PROPN _005197432 418 25 see see PROPN _005197432 418 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 419 1 it it PRON _005197432 419 2 is be AUX _005197432 419 3 precisely precisely ADV _005197432 419 4 the the DET _005197432 419 5 latter latter ADJ _005197432 419 6 ’s ’s NUM _005197432 419 7 constant constant ADJ _005197432 419 8 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 419 9 on on ADP _005197432 419 10 this this PRON _005197432 419 11 subject,—namely subject,—namely ADV _005197432 419 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 419 13 that that SCONJ _005197432 419 14 there there PRON _005197432 419 15 is be VERB _005197432 419 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 419 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 419 18 can can AUX _005197432 419 19 be be AUX _005197432 419 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 419 21 but but CCONJ _005197432 419 22 one one NUM _005197432 419 23 church,—which church,—which PROPN _005197432 419 24 lord lord PROPN _005197432 419 25 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 419 26 ’s ’s PROPN _005197432 419 27 query query NOUN _005197432 419 28 about about ADP _005197432 419 29 “ " PUNCT _005197432 419 30 external external ADJ _005197432 419 31 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005197432 419 32 and and CCONJ _005197432 419 33 a a DET _005197432 419 34 visible visible ADJ _005197432 419 35 head head NOUN _005197432 419 36 ” " PUNCT _005197432 419 37 insinuates insinuate VERB _005197432 419 38 to to PART _005197432 419 39 be be AUX _005197432 419 40 open open ADJ _005197432 419 41 to to PART _005197432 419 42 question question NOUN _005197432 419 43 . . PUNCT _005197432 420 1 besides besides SCONJ _005197432 420 2 a a DET _005197432 420 3 visible visible ADJ _005197432 420 4 church church NOUN _005197432 420 5 in in ADP _005197432 420 6 its its PRON _005197432 420 7 integrity integrity NOUN _005197432 420 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 420 9 he he PRON _005197432 420 10 would would AUX _005197432 420 11 have have VERB _005197432 420 12 us we PRON _005197432 420 13 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _005197432 420 14 another another DET _005197432 420 15 religious religious ADJ _005197432 420 16 society society NOUN _005197432 420 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 420 18 distinct distinct ADJ _005197432 420 19 from from ADP _005197432 420 20 this this DET _005197432 420 21 visible visible ADJ _005197432 420 22 church church NOUN _005197432 420 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 420 24 yet yet ADV _005197432 420 25 somehow somehow ADV _005197432 420 26 or or CCONJ _005197432 420 27 other other ADJ _005197432 420 28 belonging belong VERB _005197432 420 29 to to ADP _005197432 420 30 it it PRON _005197432 420 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 421 1 why why SCONJ _005197432 421 2 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 422 1 because because SCONJ _005197432 422 2 its its PRON _005197432 422 3 members member NOUN _005197432 422 4 “ " PUNCT _005197432 422 5 by by ADP _005197432 422 6 the the DET _005197432 422 7 gift gift NOUN _005197432 422 8 of of ADP _005197432 422 9 the the DET _005197432 422 10 holy holy ADJ _005197432 422 11 ghost ghost NOUN _005197432 422 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 422 13 the the DET _005197432 422 14 possession possession NOUN _005197432 422 15 of of ADP _005197432 422 16 the the DET _005197432 422 17 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005197432 422 18 are be AUX _005197432 422 19 incorporated incorporate VERB _005197432 422 20 in in ADP _005197432 422 21 christ christ PROPN _005197432 422 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 422 23 ” " PUNCT _005197432 423 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 423 2 this this PRON _005197432 423 3 is be AUX _005197432 423 4 precisely precisely ADV _005197432 423 5 what what PRON _005197432 423 6 we we PRON _005197432 423 7 deny deny VERB _005197432 423 8 . . PUNCT _005197432 424 1 the the DET _005197432 424 2 church church NOUN _005197432 424 3 ’s ’s PART _005197432 424 4 divine divine ADJ _005197432 424 5 founder founder NOUN _005197432 424 6 has have AUX _005197432 424 7 been be AUX _005197432 424 8 pleased pleased ADJ _005197432 424 9 to to PART _005197432 424 10 make make VERB _005197432 424 11 the the DET _005197432 424 12 gift gift NOUN _005197432 424 13 of of ADP _005197432 424 14 the the DET _005197432 424 15 holy holy ADJ _005197432 424 16 ghost ghost NOUN _005197432 424 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 424 18 the the DET _005197432 424 19 possession possession NOUN _005197432 424 20 of of ADP _005197432 424 21 the the DET _005197432 424 22 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005197432 424 23 dependent dependent ADJ _005197432 424 24 on on ADP _005197432 424 25 the the DET _005197432 424 26 ministry ministry NOUN _005197432 424 27 of of ADP _005197432 424 28 his his PRON _005197432 424 29 apostles apostle NOUN _005197432 424 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 424 31 their their PRON _005197432 424 32 lawful lawful ADJ _005197432 424 33 successors successor NOUN _005197432 424 34 . . PUNCT _005197432 425 1 that that DET _005197432 425 2 ministry ministry PROPN _005197432 425 3 is be AUX _005197432 425 4 just just ADV _005197432 425 5 what what PRON _005197432 425 6 is be AUX _005197432 425 7 lacking lack VERB _005197432 425 8 to to ADP _005197432 425 9 the the DET _005197432 425 10 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 425 11 establishment establishment NOUN _005197432 425 12 and and CCONJ _005197432 425 13 to to ADP _005197432 425 14 all all DET _005197432 425 15 other other ADJ _005197432 425 16 societies society NOUN _005197432 425 17 derived derive VERB _005197432 425 18 therefrom therefrom ADP _005197432 425 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 426 1 that that SCONJ _005197432 426 2 its its PRON _005197432 426 3 sincere sincere ADJ _005197432 426 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 426 5 devout devout ADJ _005197432 426 6 members member NOUN _005197432 426 7 receive receive VERB _005197432 426 8 many many ADJ _005197432 426 9 actual actual ADJ _005197432 426 10 graces grace NOUN _005197432 426 11 in in ADP _005197432 426 12 answer answer NOUN _005197432 426 13 to to ADP _005197432 426 14 their their PRON _005197432 426 15 prayers prayer NOUN _005197432 426 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 426 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 426 18 that that SCONJ _005197432 426 19 some some PRON _005197432 426 20 of of ADP _005197432 426 21 them they PRON _005197432 426 22 may may AUX _005197432 426 23 even even ADV _005197432 426 24 have have AUX _005197432 426 25 preserved preserve VERB _005197432 426 26 the the DET _005197432 426 27 sanctifying sanctify VERB _005197432 426 28 grace grace NOUN _005197432 426 29 of of ADP _005197432 426 30 a a DET _005197432 426 31 valid valid ADJ _005197432 426 32 baptism baptism NOUN _005197432 426 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 426 34 we we PRON _005197432 426 35 do do AUX _005197432 426 36 not not PART _005197432 426 37 question question VERB _005197432 426 38 . . PUNCT _005197432 427 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 427 2 this this PRON _005197432 427 3 may may AUX _005197432 427 4 be be AUX _005197432 427 5 true true ADJ _005197432 427 6 of of ADP _005197432 427 7 other other ADJ _005197432 427 8 protestants protestant NOUN _005197432 427 9 as as ADV _005197432 427 10 well well ADV _005197432 427 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 428 1 quite quite ADV _005197432 428 2 different different ADJ _005197432 428 3 is be AUX _005197432 428 4 the the DET _005197432 428 5 character character NOUN _005197432 428 6 which which PRON _005197432 428 7 the the DET _005197432 428 8 state state NOUN _005197432 428 9 - - PUNCT _005197432 428 10 erected erect VERB _005197432 428 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 428 12 purely purely ADV _005197432 428 13 national national ADJ _005197432 428 14 establishment establishment NOUN _005197432 428 15 of of ADP _005197432 428 16 1559 1559 NUM _005197432 428 17 assumes assume VERB _005197432 428 18 in in ADP _005197432 428 19 the the DET _005197432 428 20 eyes eye NOUN _005197432 428 21 of of ADP _005197432 428 22 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 428 23 like like ADP _005197432 428 24 halifax halifax NOUN _005197432 428 25 . . PUNCT _005197432 429 1 they they PRON _005197432 429 2 dare dare VERB _005197432 429 3 assert assert VERB _005197432 429 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 429 5 in in ADP _005197432 429 6 the the DET _005197432 429 7 face face NOUN _005197432 429 8 of of ADP _005197432 429 9 every every DET _005197432 429 10 fact fact NOUN _005197432 429 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 429 12 its its PRON _005197432 429 13 continuous continuous ADJ _005197432 429 14 identity identity NOUN _005197432 429 15 with with ADP _005197432 429 16 the the DET _005197432 429 17 original original ADJ _005197432 429 18 english english ADJ _005197432 429 19 church church NOUN _005197432 429 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 429 21 forced force VERB _005197432 429 22 into into ADP _005197432 429 23 schism schism NOUN _005197432 429 24 by by ADP _005197432 429 25 henry henry PROPN _005197432 429 26 viii viii PROPN _005197432 429 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 429 28 restored restore VERB _005197432 429 29 to to ADP _005197432 429 30 unity unity NOUN _005197432 429 31 by by ADP _005197432 429 32 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 429 33 pole pole NOUN _005197432 429 34 in in ADP _005197432 429 35 mary mary PROPN _005197432 429 36 ’s ’s PART _005197432 429 37 reign reign NOUN _005197432 429 38 , , PUNCT _005197432 429 39 and and CCONJ _005197432 429 40 then then ADV _005197432 429 41 proscribed proscribe VERB _005197432 429 42 by by ADP _005197432 429 43 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005197432 429 44 under under ADP _005197432 429 45 pain pain NOUN _005197432 429 46 of of ADP _005197432 429 47 banishment banishment NOUN _005197432 429 48 or or CCONJ _005197432 429 49 death death NOUN _005197432 429 50 . . PUNCT _005197432 430 1 laymen layman NOUN _005197432 430 2 may may AUX _005197432 430 3 assume assume VERB _005197432 430 4 the the DET _005197432 430 5 title title NOUN _005197432 430 6 of of ADP _005197432 430 7 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005197432 430 8 or or CCONJ _005197432 430 9 bishop bishop PROPN _005197432 430 10 as as ADP _005197432 430 11 the the DET _005197432 430 12 minions minion NOUN _005197432 430 13 of of ADP _005197432 430 14 an an DET _005197432 430 15 heretical heretical ADJ _005197432 430 16 state state NOUN _005197432 430 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 430 18 and and CCONJ _005197432 430 19 take take VERB _005197432 430 20 possession possession NOUN _005197432 430 21 of of ADP _005197432 430 22 ancient ancient ADJ _005197432 430 23 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 430 24 sees see VERB _005197432 430 25 as as ADP _005197432 430 26 the the DET _005197432 430 27 tools tool NOUN _005197432 430 28 of of ADP _005197432 430 29 its its PRON _005197432 430 30 violence violence NOUN _005197432 430 31 . . PUNCT _005197432 431 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 431 2 the the DET _005197432 431 3 rights right NOUN _005197432 431 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 431 5 powers power NOUN _005197432 431 6 proper proper ADJ _005197432 431 7 to to ADP _005197432 431 8 the the DET _005197432 431 9 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005197432 431 10 of of ADP _005197432 431 11 christ christ PROPN _005197432 431 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 431 13 and and CCONJ _005197432 431 14 dependent dependent ADJ _005197432 431 15 solely solely ADV _005197432 431 16 on on ADP _005197432 431 17 his his PRON _005197432 431 18 divine divine ADJ _005197432 431 19 will will NOUN _005197432 431 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 431 21 are be AUX _005197432 431 22 not not PART _005197432 431 23 decreed decree VERB _005197432 431 24 by by ADP _005197432 431 25 civil civil ADJ _005197432 431 26 parliaments parliament NOUN _005197432 431 27 nor nor CCONJ _005197432 431 28 conferred confer VERB _005197432 431 29 by by ADP _005197432 431 30 means mean NOUN _005197432 431 31 of of ADP _005197432 431 32 hemp hemp NOUN _005197432 431 33 and and CCONJ _005197432 431 34 steel steel NOUN _005197432 431 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 432 1 history history NOUN _005197432 432 2 ’s ’s NOUN _005197432 432 3 record record NOUN _005197432 432 4 can can AUX _005197432 432 5 not not PART _005197432 432 6 be be AUX _005197432 432 7 altered alter VERB _005197432 432 8 : : PUNCT _005197432 432 9 the the DET _005197432 432 10 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 432 11 church church NOUN _005197432 432 12 is be AUX _005197432 432 13 a a DET _005197432 432 14 thing thing NOUN _005197432 432 15 of of ADP _005197432 432 16 human human ADJ _005197432 432 17 contrivance contrivance NOUN _005197432 432 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 432 19 human human ADJ _005197432 432 20 creation creation NOUN _005197432 432 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 432 22 and and CCONJ _005197432 432 23 human human ADJ _005197432 432 24 support support NOUN _005197432 432 25 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 432 26 it it PRON _005197432 432 27 is be AUX _005197432 432 28 this this PRON _005197432 432 29 originally originally ADV _005197432 432 30 , , PUNCT _005197432 432 31 essentially essentially ADV _005197432 432 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 432 33 solely solely ADV _005197432 432 34 , , PUNCT _005197432 432 35 and and CCONJ _005197432 432 36 for for ADP _005197432 432 37 ever ever ADV _005197432 432 38 . . PUNCT _005197432 433 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 433 2 if if SCONJ _005197432 433 3 it it PRON _005197432 433 4 could could AUX _005197432 433 5 still still ADV _005197432 433 6 be be AUX _005197432 433 7 questioned question VERB _005197432 433 8 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 433 9 this this DET _005197432 433 10 judgment judgment NOUN _005197432 433 11 were be AUX _005197432 433 12 really really ADV _005197432 433 13 that that PRON _005197432 433 14 of of ADP _005197432 433 15 the the DET _005197432 433 16 holy holy PROPN _005197432 433 17 see see VERB _005197432 433 18 itself itself PRON _005197432 433 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 433 20 the the DET _005197432 433 21 decision decision NOUN _005197432 433 22 on on ADP _005197432 433 23 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 433 24 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 433 25 , , PUNCT _005197432 433 26 and and CCONJ _005197432 433 27 the the DET _005197432 433 28 holy holy PROPN _005197432 433 29 office office PROPN _005197432 433 30 ’s ’s PART _005197432 433 31 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 433 32 of of ADP _005197432 433 33 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 433 34 would would AUX _005197432 433 35 furnish furnish VERB _005197432 433 36 a a DET _005197432 433 37 twofold twofold ADJ _005197432 433 38 and and CCONJ _005197432 433 39 conclusive conclusive ADJ _005197432 433 40 answer answer NOUN _005197432 433 41 . . PUNCT _005197432 434 1 30 30 NUM _005197432 434 2 can can AUX _005197432 434 3 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 434 4 unite unite VERB _005197432 434 5 with with ADP _005197432 434 6 rome rome PROPN _005197432 434 7 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 435 1 ii ii PROPN _005197432 435 2 can can AUX _005197432 435 3 the the DET _005197432 435 4 present present ADJ _005197432 435 5 insoluble insoluble ADJ _005197432 435 6 opposition opposition NOUN _005197432 435 7 ever ever ADV _005197432 435 8 be be AUX _005197432 435 9 removed remove VERB _005197432 435 10 by by ADP _005197432 435 11 a a DET _005197432 435 12 change change NOUN _005197432 435 13 of of ADP _005197432 435 14 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 435 15 on on ADP _005197432 435 16 either either DET _005197432 435 17 part part NOUN _005197432 435 18 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 436 1 certainly certainly ADV _005197432 436 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 436 3 not not PART _005197432 436 4 on on ADP _005197432 436 5 the the DET _005197432 436 6 part part NOUN _005197432 436 7 of of ADP _005197432 436 8 the the DET _005197432 436 9 holy holy PROPN _005197432 436 10 see see PROPN _005197432 436 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 437 1 as as SCONJ _005197432 437 2 regards regard VERB _005197432 437 3 its its PRON _005197432 437 4 decision decision NOUN _005197432 437 5 on on ADP _005197432 437 6 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 437 7 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 437 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 437 9 # # NOUN _005197432 437 10 we we PRON _005197432 437 11 have have AUX _005197432 437 12 recalled recall VERB _005197432 437 13 how how SCONJ _005197432 437 14 the the DET _005197432 437 15 same same ADJ _005197432 437 16 pope pope NOUN _005197432 437 17 who who PRON _005197432 437 18 uttered utter VERB _005197432 437 19 that that DET _005197432 437 20 decision decision NOUN _005197432 437 21 , , PUNCT _005197432 437 22 characterized characterize VERB _005197432 437 23 it it PRON _005197432 437 24 in in ADP _005197432 437 25 a a DET _005197432 437 26 public public ADJ _005197432 437 27 letter letter NOUN _005197432 437 28 of of ADP _005197432 437 29 later later ADJ _005197432 437 30 date date NOUN _005197432 437 31 as as ADP _005197432 437 32 being be AUX _005197432 437 33 “ " PUNCT _005197432 437 34 for for ADP _005197432 437 35 all all DET _005197432 437 36 time time NOUN _005197432 437 37 fixed fix VERB _005197432 437 38 , , PUNCT _005197432 437 39 confirmed confirm VERB _005197432 437 40 , , PUNCT _005197432 437 41 irrevocable irrevocable ADJ _005197432 437 42 . . PUNCT _005197432 437 43 ” " PUNCT _005197432 437 44 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 437 45 may may AUX _005197432 437 46 dismiss dismiss VERB _005197432 437 47 the the DET _005197432 437 48 idea idea NOUN _005197432 437 49 that that SCONJ _005197432 437 50 a a DET _005197432 437 51 papal papal ADJ _005197432 437 52 decision decision NOUN _005197432 437 53 thus thus ADV _005197432 437 54 described describe VERB _005197432 437 55 by by ADP _005197432 437 56 its its PRON _005197432 437 57 author author NOUN _005197432 437 58 will will AUX _005197432 437 59 ever ever ADV _005197432 437 60 be be AUX _005197432 437 61 so so ADV _005197432 437 62 much much ADV _005197432 437 63 as as SCONJ _005197432 437 64 questioned question VERB _005197432 437 65 by by ADP _005197432 437 66 any any DET _005197432 437 67 subsequent subsequent ADJ _005197432 437 68 pope pope NOUN _005197432 437 69 . . PUNCT _005197432 438 1 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 438 2 or or CCONJ _005197432 438 3 not not PART _005197432 438 4 it it PRON _005197432 438 5 is be AUX _005197432 438 6 technically technically ADV _005197432 438 7 “ " PUNCT _005197432 438 8 an an DET _005197432 438 9 infallible infallible ADJ _005197432 438 10 utterance utterance NOUN _005197432 438 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 438 12 ” " PUNCT _005197432 438 13 it it PRON _005197432 438 14 has have AUX _005197432 438 15 been be AUX _005197432 438 16 authenti authenti PROPN _005197432 438 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 439 1 cally cally ADV _005197432 439 2 declared declare VERB _005197432 439 3 to to PART _005197432 439 4 be be AUX _005197432 439 5 virtually virtually ADV _005197432 439 6 and and CCONJ _005197432 439 7 practically practically ADV _005197432 439 8 such such ADJ _005197432 439 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 440 1 as as SCONJ _005197432 440 2 regards regard VERB _005197432 440 3 the the DET _005197432 440 4 holy holy PROPN _005197432 440 5 office office NOUN _005197432 440 6 ’s ’s PART _005197432 440 7 encyclical encyclical ADJ _005197432 440 8 of of ADP _005197432 440 9 1864 1864 NUM _005197432 440 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 440 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 440 12 its its PRON _005197432 440 13 condemnation condemnation NOUN _005197432 440 14 of of ADP _005197432 440 15 the the DET _005197432 440 16 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 440 17 theory theory NOUN _005197432 440 18 of of ADP _005197432 440 19 a a DET _005197432 440 20 triply triply ADV _005197432 440 21 divided divide VERB _005197432 440 22 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 440 23 church church NOUN _005197432 440 24 , , PUNCT _005197432 440 25 it it PRON _005197432 440 26 is be AUX _005197432 440 27 true true ADJ _005197432 440 28 that that SCONJ _005197432 440 29 such such ADJ _005197432 440 30 decisions decision NOUN _005197432 440 31 are be AUX _005197432 440 32 not not PART _005197432 440 33 strictly strictly ADV _005197432 440 34 infallible infallible ADJ _005197432 440 35 and and CCONJ _005197432 440 36 irreformable irreformable ADJ _005197432 440 37 by by ADP _005197432 440 38 reason reason NOUN _005197432 440 39 of of ADP _005197432 440 40 their their PRON _005197432 440 41 source source NOUN _005197432 440 42 , , PUNCT _005197432 440 43 except except SCONJ _005197432 440 44 under under ADP _005197432 440 45 special special ADJ _005197432 440 46 and and CCONJ _005197432 440 47 well well ADV _005197432 440 48 - - PUNCT _005197432 440 49 defined define VERB _005197432 440 50 conditions condition NOUN _005197432 440 51 . . PUNCT _005197432 441 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 441 2 it it PRON _005197432 441 3 is be AUX _005197432 441 4 not not PART _005197432 441 5 of of ADP _005197432 441 6 the the DET _005197432 441 7 least least ADJ _005197432 441 8 consequence consequence NOUN _005197432 441 9 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 441 10 the the DET _005197432 441 11 document document NOUN _005197432 441 12 at at ADP _005197432 441 13 present present NOUN _005197432 441 14 in in ADP _005197432 441 15 question question NOUN _005197432 441 16 possesses possess VERB _005197432 441 17 this this DET _005197432 441 18 particular particular ADJ _005197432 441 19 title title NOUN _005197432 441 20 to to ADP _005197432 441 21 exemption exemption NOUN _005197432 441 22 from from ADP _005197432 441 23 reconsideration reconsideration NOUN _005197432 441 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 442 1 its its PRON _005197432 442 2 judgment judgment NOUN _005197432 442 3 on on ADP _005197432 442 4 the the DET _005197432 442 5 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 442 6 claim claim NOUN _005197432 442 7 will will AUX _005197432 442 8 never never ADV _005197432 442 9 be be AUX _005197432 442 10 reversed reverse VERB _005197432 442 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 442 12 for for ADP _005197432 442 13 several several ADJ _005197432 442 14 reasons reason NOUN _005197432 442 15 . . PUNCT _005197432 443 1 in in ADP _005197432 443 2 the the DET _005197432 443 3 first first ADJ _005197432 443 4 place place NOUN _005197432 443 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 443 6 its its PRON _005197432 443 7 direct direct ADJ _005197432 443 8 censure censure NOUN _005197432 443 9 of of ADP _005197432 443 10 that that DET _005197432 443 11 claim claim NOUN _005197432 443 12 is be AUX _005197432 443 13 derived derive VERB _005197432 443 14 immediately immediately ADV _005197432 443 15 from from ADP _005197432 443 16 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005197432 443 17 of of ADP _005197432 443 18 revealed reveal VERB _005197432 443 19 faith faith NOUN _005197432 443 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 443 21 as as SCONJ _005197432 443 22 its its PRON _005197432 443 23 argument argument NOUN _005197432 443 24 abundantly abundantly ADV _005197432 443 25 shows show VERB _005197432 443 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 444 1 secondly secondly ADV _005197432 444 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 444 3 a a DET _005197432 444 4 public public ADJ _005197432 444 5 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 444 6 protest protest VERB _005197432 444 7 against against ADP _005197432 444 8 this this DET _005197432 444 9 censure censure NOUN _005197432 444 10 was be AUX _005197432 444 11 answered answer VERB _005197432 444 12 by by ADP _005197432 444 13 the the DET _005197432 444 14 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 444 15 prefect prefect NOUN _005197432 444 16 of of ADP _005197432 444 17 the the DET _005197432 444 18 congregation congregation NOUN _005197432 444 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 444 20 with with ADP _005197432 444 21 an an DET _005197432 444 22 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005197432 444 23 which which PRON _005197432 444 24 reaffirmed reaffirm VERB _005197432 444 25 the the DET _005197432 444 26 very very ADJ _005197432 444 27 points point NOUN _005197432 444 28 protested protest VERB _005197432 444 29 , , PUNCT _005197432 444 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 444 31 branded brand VERB _005197432 444 32 the the DET _005197432 444 33 objectors objector NOUN _005197432 444 34 ’ ’ PART _005197432 444 35 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005197432 444 36 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005197432 444 37 ( ( PUNCT _005197432 444 38 that that SCONJ _005197432 444 39 their their PRON _005197432 444 40 own own ADJ _005197432 444 41 church church NOUN _005197432 444 42 was be AUX _005197432 444 43 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 444 44 ) ) PUNCT _005197432 444 45 as as ADP _005197432 444 46 “ " PUNCT _005197432 444 47 manifest manif ADJ _005197432 444 48 heresy heresy NOUN _005197432 444 49 . . PUNCT _005197432 444 50 ” " PUNCT _005197432 445 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 445 2 thirdly thirdly ADV _005197432 445 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 445 4 more more ADJ _005197432 445 5 than than ADP _005197432 445 6 fifty fifty NUM _005197432 445 7 years year NOUN _005197432 445 8 after after ADP _005197432 445 9 these these DET _005197432 445 10 events event NOUN _005197432 445 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 445 12 both both PRON _005197432 445 13 of of ADP _005197432 445 14 these these DET _005197432 445 15 documents document NOUN _005197432 445 16 were be AUX _005197432 445 17 given give VERB _005197432 445 18 by by ADP _005197432 445 19 benedict benedict NOUN _005197432 445 20 xv xv PROPN _005197432 445 21 to to ADP _005197432 445 22 the the DET _005197432 445 23 promoters promoter NOUN _005197432 445 24 of of ADP _005197432 445 25 the the DET _005197432 445 26 lausanne lausanne ADJ _005197432 445 27 conference conference NOUN _005197432 445 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 445 29 precisely precisely ADV _005197432 445 30 in in ADP _005197432 445 31 illustration illustration NOUN _005197432 445 32 of of ADP _005197432 445 33 “ " PUNCT _005197432 445 34 the the DET _005197432 445 35 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 445 36 and and CCONJ _005197432 445 37 practice practice NOUN _005197432 445 38 of of ADP _005197432 445 39 the the DET _005197432 445 40 roman roman ADJ _005197432 445 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 445 42 church church NOUN _005197432 445 43 regarding regard VERB _005197432 445 44 the the DET _005197432 445 45 visible visible ADJ _005197432 445 46 unity unity NOUN _005197432 445 47 of of ADP _005197432 445 48 the the DET _005197432 445 49 church church NOUN _005197432 445 50 of of ADP _005197432 445 51 christ christ PROPN _005197432 445 52 , , PUNCT _005197432 445 53 ” " PUNCT _005197432 445 54 which which PRON _005197432 445 55 teaching teaching NOUN _005197432 445 56 “ " PUNCT _005197432 445 57 was be AUX _005197432 445 58 well well ADV _005197432 445 59 known known ADJ _005197432 445 60 to to ADP _005197432 445 61 everybody everybody PRON _005197432 445 62 . . PUNCT _005197432 445 63 ” " PUNCT _005197432 446 1 the the DET _005197432 446 2 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 446 3 expressed express VERB _005197432 446 4 in in ADP _005197432 446 5 these these DET _005197432 446 6 documents document NOUN _005197432 446 7 will will AUX _005197432 446 8 never never ADV _005197432 446 9 be be AUX _005197432 446 10 modified modify VERB _005197432 446 11 by by ADP _005197432 446 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 446 13 authority authority NOUN _005197432 446 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 447 1 can can AUX _005197432 447 2 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 447 3 who who PRON _005197432 447 4 hope hope VERB _005197432 447 5 for for ADP _005197432 447 6 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 447 7 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 447 8 ever ever ADV _005197432 447 9 surrender surrender VERB _005197432 447 10 their their PRON _005197432 447 11 persuasion persuasion NOUN _005197432 447 12 of of ADP _005197432 447 13 the the DET _005197432 447 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 447 15 origin origin NOUN _005197432 447 16 and and CCONJ _005197432 447 17 nature nature NOUN _005197432 447 18 of of ADP _005197432 447 19 their their PRON _005197432 447 20 own own ADJ _005197432 447 21 society society NOUN _005197432 447 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 447 23 or or CCONJ _005197432 447 24 of of ADP _005197432 447 25 the the DET _005197432 447 26 validity validity NOUN _005197432 447 27 of of ADP _005197432 447 28 its its PRON _005197432 447 29 ordinations ordination NOUN _005197432 447 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 447 31 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005197432 447 32 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 448 1 the the DET _005197432 448 2 latter latter ADJ _005197432 448 3 postulate postulate NOUN _005197432 448 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 448 5 in in ADP _005197432 448 6 their their PRON _005197432 448 7 own own ADJ _005197432 448 8 scheme scheme NOUN _005197432 448 9 can can AUX _005197432 448 10 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 448 11 unite unite VERB _005197432 448 12 with with ADP _005197432 448 13 rome rome PROPN _005197432 448 14 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 449 1 31 31 NUM _005197432 449 2 of of ADP _005197432 449 3 values value NOUN _005197432 449 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 449 5 is be AUX _005197432 449 6 the the DET _005197432 449 7 foundation foundation NOUN _005197432 449 8 of of ADP _005197432 449 9 everything everything PRON _005197432 449 10 ; ; PUNCT _005197432 449 11 the the DET _005197432 449 12 nature nature NOUN _005197432 449 13 of of ADP _005197432 449 14 their their PRON _005197432 449 15 church church NOUN _005197432 449 16 is be AUX _005197432 449 17 regarded regard VERB _005197432 449 18 as as ADP _005197432 449 19 its its PRON _005197432 449 20 inevitable inevitable ADJ _005197432 449 21 consequence consequence NOUN _005197432 449 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 450 1 for for ADP _005197432 450 2 our our PRON _005197432 450 3 part part NOUN _005197432 450 4 we we PRON _005197432 450 5 may may AUX _005197432 450 6 be be AUX _005197432 450 7 content content ADJ _005197432 450 8 with with ADP _005197432 450 9 lord lord PROPN _005197432 450 10 halifax halifax PROPN _005197432 450 11 ’s ’s PART _005197432 450 12 positive positive ADJ _005197432 450 13 assurance assurance NOUN _005197432 450 14 that that SCONJ _005197432 450 15 these these DET _005197432 450 16 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 450 17 will will AUX _005197432 450 18 never never ADV _005197432 450 19 be be AUX _005197432 450 20 reconsidered reconsider VERB _005197432 450 21 by by ADP _005197432 450 22 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 450 23 , , PUNCT _005197432 450 24 even even ADV _005197432 450 25 for for ADP _005197432 450 26 the the DET _005197432 450 27 sake sake NOUN _005197432 450 28 of of ADP _005197432 450 29 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 450 30 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 450 31 with with ADP _005197432 450 32 the the DET _005197432 450 33 holy holy PROPN _005197432 450 34 see see PROPN _005197432 450 35 . . PUNCT _005197432 451 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 451 2 indeed indeed ADV _005197432 451 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 451 4 if if SCONJ _005197432 451 5 these these DET _005197432 451 6 two two NUM _005197432 451 7 beliefs belief NOUN _005197432 451 8 were be AUX _005197432 451 9 ever ever ADV _005197432 451 10 disavowed disavow VERB _005197432 451 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 451 12 it it PRON _005197432 451 13 is be AUX _005197432 451 14 hard hard ADJ _005197432 451 15 to to PART _005197432 451 16 see see VERB _005197432 451 17 how how SCONJ _005197432 451 18 the the DET _005197432 451 19 “ " PUNCT _005197432 451 20 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 451 21 ” " PUNCT _005197432 451 22 still still ADV _005197432 451 23 desired desire VERB _005197432 451 24 could could AUX _005197432 451 25 be be AUX _005197432 451 26 called call VERB _005197432 451 27 “ " PUNCT _005197432 451 28 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 451 29 ” " PUNCT _005197432 451 30 at at ADV _005197432 451 31 all all ADV _005197432 451 32 . . PUNCT _005197432 452 1 once once ADV _005197432 452 2 left left ADJ _005197432 452 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 452 4 on on ADP _005197432 452 5 their their PRON _005197432 452 6 own own ADJ _005197432 452 7 admission admission NOUN _005197432 452 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 452 9 without without ADP _005197432 452 10 a a DET _005197432 452 11 valid valid ADJ _005197432 452 12 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005197432 452 13 , , PUNCT _005197432 452 14 and and CCONJ _005197432 452 15 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 452 16 without without ADP _005197432 452 17 even even ADV _005197432 452 18 the the DET _005197432 452 19 regular regular ADJ _005197432 452 20 channels channel NOUN _005197432 452 21 of of ADP _005197432 452 22 grace grace NOUN _005197432 452 23 and and CCONJ _005197432 452 24 organs organ NOUN _005197432 452 25 of of ADP _005197432 452 26 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005197432 452 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 452 28 no no DET _005197432 452 29 group group NOUN _005197432 452 30 of of ADP _005197432 452 31 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 452 32 could could AUX _005197432 452 33 any any ADV _005197432 452 34 longer long ADV _005197432 452 35 imagine imagine VERB _005197432 452 36 themselves themselves PRON _005197432 452 37 an an DET _005197432 452 38 organic organic ADJ _005197432 452 39 remnant remnant NOUN _005197432 452 40 of of ADP _005197432 452 41 a a DET _005197432 452 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 452 43 past past NOUN _005197432 452 44 , , PUNCT _005197432 452 45 or or CCONJ _005197432 452 46 anything anything PRON _005197432 452 47 else else ADV _005197432 452 48 than than ADP _005197432 452 49 a a DET _005197432 452 50 number number NOUN _005197432 452 51 of of ADP _005197432 452 52 isolated isolated ADJ _005197432 452 53 souls soul NOUN _005197432 452 54 desiring desire VERB _005197432 452 55 incorporation incorporation NOUN _005197432 452 56 into into ADP _005197432 452 57 the the DET _005197432 452 58 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 452 59 church church NOUN _005197432 452 60 . . PUNCT _005197432 453 1 the the DET _005197432 453 2 very very ADJ _005197432 453 3 idea idea NOUN _005197432 453 4 of of ADP _005197432 453 5 “ " PUNCT _005197432 453 6 corporate corporate ADJ _005197432 453 7 reunion reunion NOUN _005197432 453 8 ” " PUNCT _005197432 453 9 disappears disappear VERB _005197432 453 10 together together ADV _005197432 453 11 with with ADP _005197432 453 12 the the DET _005197432 453 13 persuasion persuasion NOUN _005197432 453 14 of of ADP _005197432 453 15 a a DET _005197432 453 16 valid valid ADJ _005197432 453 17 episcopate episcopate NOUN _005197432 453 18 , , PUNCT _005197432 453 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 453 20 leaves leave VERB _005197432 453 21 no no DET _005197432 453 22 further further ADJ _005197432 453 23 pretext pretext NOUN _005197432 453 24 for for ADP _005197432 453 25 anything anything PRON _005197432 453 26 but but SCONJ _005197432 453 27 individual individual ADJ _005197432 453 28 submission submission NOUN _005197432 453 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 454 1 anglicans anglican NOUN _005197432 454 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 454 3 to to PART _005197432 454 4 do do VERB _005197432 454 5 them they PRON _005197432 454 6 justice justice NOUN _005197432 454 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 454 8 understand understand VERB _005197432 454 9 this this PRON _005197432 454 10 as as ADV _005197432 454 11 well well ADV _005197432 454 12 as as ADP _005197432 454 13 ourselves ourselves PRON _005197432 454 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 455 1 what what PRON _005197432 455 2 they they PRON _005197432 455 3 do do AUX _005197432 455 4 not not PART _005197432 455 5 understand understand VERB _005197432 455 6 is be AUX _005197432 455 7 that that SCONJ _005197432 455 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 455 9 even even ADV _005197432 455 10 if if SCONJ _005197432 455 11 their their PRON _005197432 455 12 claim claim NOUN _005197432 455 13 were be AUX _005197432 455 14 true true ADJ _005197432 455 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 455 16 it it PRON _005197432 455 17 would would AUX _005197432 455 18 not not PART _005197432 455 19 necessarily necessarily ADV _005197432 455 20 entitle entitle VERB _005197432 455 21 them they PRON _005197432 455 22 to to ADP _005197432 455 23 all all DET _005197432 455 24 the the DET _005197432 455 25 consideration consideration NOUN _005197432 455 26 which which PRON _005197432 455 27 they they PRON _005197432 455 28 seem seem VERB _005197432 455 29 to to PART _005197432 455 30 think think VERB _005197432 455 31 their their PRON _005197432 455 32 due due ADJ _005197432 455 33 . . PUNCT _005197432 456 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 456 2 into into ADP _005197432 456 3 this this DET _005197432 456 4 question question NOUN _005197432 456 5 we we PRON _005197432 456 6 need need AUX _005197432 456 7 not not PART _005197432 456 8 enter enter VERB _005197432 456 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 457 1 ill ill ADJ _005197432 457 2 in in ADP _005197432 457 3 seeking seek VERB _005197432 457 4 to to PART _005197432 457 5 determine determine VERB _005197432 457 6 whether whether SCONJ _005197432 457 7 the the DET _005197432 457 8 two two NUM _005197432 457 9 societies society NOUN _005197432 457 10 can can AUX _005197432 457 11 ever ever ADV _005197432 457 12 agree agree VERB _005197432 457 13 to to PART _005197432 457 14 unite unite VERB _005197432 457 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 457 16 we we PRON _005197432 457 17 have have AUX _005197432 457 18 gone go VERB _005197432 457 19 to to ADP _005197432 457 20 the the DET _005197432 457 21 root root NOUN _005197432 457 22 of of ADP _005197432 457 23 the the DET _005197432 457 24 essential essential ADJ _005197432 457 25 nature nature NOUN _005197432 457 26 of of ADP _005197432 457 27 each each PRON _005197432 457 28 , , PUNCT _005197432 457 29 and and CCONJ _005197432 457 30 of of ADP _005197432 457 31 its its PRON _005197432 457 32 inevitable inevitable ADJ _005197432 457 33 attitude attitude NOUN _005197432 457 34 towards towards ADP _005197432 457 35 the the DET _005197432 457 36 other other ADJ _005197432 457 37 . . PUNCT _005197432 458 1 the the DET _005197432 458 2 only only ADJ _005197432 458 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005197432 458 4 possible possible ADJ _005197432 458 5 to to PART _005197432 458 6 sound sound VERB _005197432 458 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 458 8 honest honest ADJ _005197432 458 9 reasoning reasoning NOUN _005197432 458 10 is be AUX _005197432 458 11 a a DET _005197432 458 12 confident confident ADJ _005197432 458 13 negative negative NOUN _005197432 458 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 459 1 the the DET _005197432 459 2 question question NOUN _005197432 459 3 goes go VERB _005197432 459 4 far far ADV _005197432 459 5 too too ADV _005197432 459 6 deep deep ADJ _005197432 459 7 to to PART _005197432 459 8 be be AUX _005197432 459 9 solved solve VERB _005197432 459 10 on on ADP _005197432 459 11 the the DET _005197432 459 12 mere mere ADJ _005197432 459 13 merits merit NOUN _005197432 459 14 of of ADP _005197432 459 15 transient transient ADJ _005197432 459 16 opinions opinion NOUN _005197432 459 17 , , PUNCT _005197432 459 18 accidental accidental ADJ _005197432 459 19 features feature NOUN _005197432 459 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 459 21 or or CCONJ _005197432 459 22 adjustment adjustment NOUN _005197432 459 23 of of ADP _005197432 459 24 practical practical ADJ _005197432 459 25 consequences consequence NOUN _005197432 459 26 . . PUNCT _005197432 460 1 it it PRON _005197432 460 2 is be AUX _005197432 460 3 simply simply ADV _005197432 460 4 one one NUM _005197432 460 5 kind kind NOUN _005197432 460 6 of of ADP _005197432 460 7 thing thing NOUN _005197432 460 8 against against ADP _005197432 460 9 its its PRON _005197432 460 10 essential essential ADJ _005197432 460 11 opposite opposite NOUN _005197432 460 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 460 13 from from ADP _005197432 460 14 whichever whichever DET _005197432 460 15 side side NOUN _005197432 460 16 one one NUM _005197432 460 17 views view VERB _005197432 460 18 it it PRON _005197432 460 19 . . PUNCT _005197432 461 1 when when SCONJ _005197432 461 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 461 3 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 461 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 461 5 an an DET _005197432 461 6 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 461 7 professes professe NOUN _005197432 461 8 to to PART _005197432 461 9 revere revere VERB _005197432 461 10 the the DET _005197432 461 11 church church NOUN _005197432 461 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 461 13 but but CCONJ _005197432 461 14 announces announce VERB _005197432 461 15 his his PRON _005197432 461 16 intention intention NOUN _005197432 461 17 to to PART _005197432 461 18 await await VERB _005197432 461 19 her her PRON _005197432 461 20 collective collective ADJ _005197432 461 21 reception reception NOUN _005197432 461 22 of of ADP _005197432 461 23 his his PRON _005197432 461 24 own own ADJ _005197432 461 25 party party NOUN _005197432 461 26 into into ADP _005197432 461 27 her her PRON _005197432 461 28 communion communion NOUN _005197432 461 29 upon upon SCONJ _005197432 461 30 some some DET _005197432 461 31 special special ADJ _005197432 461 32 terms term NOUN _005197432 461 33 , , PUNCT _005197432 461 34 there there PRON _005197432 461 35 is be VERB _005197432 461 36 but but CCONJ _005197432 461 37 one one NUM _005197432 461 38 reply reply NOUN _005197432 461 39 that that PRON _005197432 461 40 any any DET _005197432 461 41 one one NOUN _005197432 461 42 can can AUX _005197432 461 43 make make VERB _005197432 461 44 who who PRON _005197432 461 45 really really ADV _005197432 461 46 values value VERB _005197432 461 47 the the DET _005197432 461 48 salvation salvation NOUN _005197432 461 49 of of ADP _005197432 461 50 that that DET _005197432 461 51 soul soul NOUN _005197432 461 52 . . PUNCT _005197432 462 1 the the DET _005197432 462 2 expectation expectation NOUN _005197432 462 3 can can AUX _005197432 462 4 never never ADV _005197432 462 5 be be AUX _005197432 462 6 realized realize VERB _005197432 462 7 until until SCONJ _005197432 462 8 one one NUM _005197432 462 9 of of ADP _005197432 462 10 the the DET _005197432 462 11 two two NUM _005197432 462 12 parties party NOUN _005197432 462 13 ceases cease VERB _005197432 462 14 to to PART _005197432 462 15 be be AUX _005197432 462 16 itself itself PRON _005197432 462 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 463 1 and and CCONJ _005197432 463 2 in in ADP _005197432 463 3 that that DET _005197432 463 4 impossible impossible ADJ _005197432 463 5 supposition supposition NOUN _005197432 463 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 463 7 either either CCONJ _005197432 463 8 the the DET _005197432 463 9 32 32 NUM _005197432 463 10 can can AUX _005197432 463 11 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 463 12 unite unite VERB _005197432 463 13 with with ADP _005197432 463 14 rome rome PROPN _005197432 463 15 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 464 1 catholic catholic PROPN _005197432 464 2 church church NOUN _005197432 464 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 464 4 by by ADP _005197432 464 5 denying deny VERB _005197432 464 6 itself itself PRON _005197432 464 7 and and CCONJ _005197432 464 8 its its PRON _005197432 464 9 divine divine ADJ _005197432 464 10 trust trust NOUN _005197432 464 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 464 12 would would AUX _005197432 464 13 become become VERB _005197432 464 14 something something PRON _005197432 464 15 which which PRON _005197432 464 16 no no DET _005197432 464 17 christian christian NOUN _005197432 464 18 could could AUX _005197432 464 19 any any PRON _005197432 464 20 longer long ADJ _005197432 464 21 respect respect NOUN _005197432 464 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 464 23 or or CCONJ _005197432 464 24 the the DET _005197432 464 25 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 464 26 group group NOUN _005197432 464 27 would would AUX _005197432 464 28 cease cease VERB _005197432 464 29 to to PART _005197432 464 30 consider consider VERB _005197432 464 31 the the DET _005197432 464 32 necessity necessity NOUN _005197432 464 33 of of ADP _005197432 464 34 any any DET _005197432 464 35 collective collective ADJ _005197432 464 36 action action NOUN _005197432 464 37 at at ADV _005197432 464 38 all all ADV _005197432 464 39 . . PUNCT _005197432 465 1 this this DET _005197432 465 2 unwelcome unwelcome ADJ _005197432 465 3 reply reply NOUN _005197432 465 4 to to ADP _005197432 465 5 the the DET _005197432 465 6 anglican anglican ADJ _005197432 465 7 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005197432 465 8 may may AUX _005197432 465 9 be be AUX _005197432 465 10 kindly kindly ADV _005197432 465 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 465 12 courteously courteously ADV _005197432 465 13 given give VERB _005197432 465 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 465 15 as as SCONJ _005197432 465 16 by by ADP _005197432 465 17 every every DET _005197432 465 18 right right NOUN _005197432 465 19 it it PRON _005197432 465 20 should should AUX _005197432 465 21 be be AUX _005197432 465 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 466 1 but but CCONJ _005197432 466 2 it it PRON _005197432 466 3 has have VERB _005197432 466 4 no no DET _005197432 466 5 substitute substitute NOUN _005197432 466 6 . . PUNCT _005197432 467 1 it it PRON _005197432 467 2 is be AUX _005197432 467 3 the the DET _005197432 467 4 only only ADJ _005197432 467 5 reply reply NOUN _005197432 467 6 that that PRON _005197432 467 7 is be AUX _005197432 467 8 completely completely ADV _005197432 467 9 truthful truthful ADJ _005197432 467 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 467 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 467 12 therefore therefore ADV _005197432 467 13 the the DET _005197432 467 14 only only ADJ _005197432 467 15 one one NUM _005197432 467 16 that that PRON _005197432 467 17 is be AUX _005197432 467 18 wholly wholly ADV _005197432 467 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 467 20 truly truly ADV _005197432 467 21 charitable charitable ADJ _005197432 467 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 468 1 ebooks ebook NOUN _005197432 469 1 i i PRON _005197432 469 2 i i PRON _005197432 469 3 richard richard VERB _005197432 469 4 henry henry PROPN _005197432 469 5 tierney tierney PROPN _005197432 469 6 — — PUNCT _005197432 469 7 f. f. PROPN _005197432 469 8 x. x. PROPN _005197432 469 9 talbot talbot PROPN _005197432 469 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 469 11 s.j.—$1.50 s.j.—$1.50 PROPN _005197432 469 12 . . PUNCT _005197432 470 1 mary mary PROPN _005197432 470 2 ’s ’s PART _005197432 470 3 assumption assumption NOUN _005197432 470 4 — — PUNCT _005197432 470 5 r. r. PROPN _005197432 470 6 v. v. PROPN _005197432 470 7 o'connell o'connell PROPN _005197432 470 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 470 9 s.j.—$1.50 s.j.—$1.50 PROPN _005197432 470 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 471 1 anima anima PROPN _005197432 471 2 christi christi PROPN _005197432 471 3 — — PUNCT _005197432 471 4 f. f. PROPN _005197432 471 5 p. p. PROPN _005197432 471 6 lebuffe lebuffe PROPN _005197432 471 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 471 8 s.j.—30c s.j.—30c PROPN _005197432 471 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 471 10 novels novel NOUN _005197432 471 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 471 12 tales tale NOUN _005197432 471 13 — — PUNCT _005197432 471 14 compiled compile VERB _005197432 471 15 by by ADP _005197432 471 16 brown brown PROPN _005197432 471 17 - - PUNCT _005197432 471 18 talbot talbot PROPN _005197432 471 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 471 20 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 471 21 . . PROPN _005197432 471 22 — — PUNCT _005197432 471 23 50c 50c PROPN _005197432 471 24 . . PUNCT _005197432 472 1 the the DET _005197432 472 2 pope pope PROPN _005197432 472 3 and and CCONJ _005197432 472 4 italy italy PROPN _005197432 472 5 — — PUNCT _005197432 472 6 w. w. PROPN _005197432 472 7 parsons parson NOUN _005197432 472 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 472 9 s.j.—$1.50 s.j.—$1.50 PROPN _005197432 472 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 473 1 the the DET _005197432 473 2 life life NOUN _005197432 473 3 of of ADP _005197432 473 4 walter walter PROPN _005197432 473 5 drum drum PROPN _005197432 473 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 473 7 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 473 8 . . PROPN _005197432 473 9 — — PUNCT _005197432 473 10 j. j. PROPN _005197432 473 11 gorayeb gorayeb PROPN _005197432 473 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 473 13 s.j.—$3.00 s.j.—$3.00 PROPN _005197432 473 14 . . PROPN _005197432 473 15 fiction fiction NOUN _005197432 473 16 by by ADP _005197432 473 17 its its PRON _005197432 473 18 makers maker NOUN _005197432 473 19 — — PUNCT _005197432 473 20 ed ed NOUN _005197432 473 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 473 22 by by ADP _005197432 473 23 f. f. PROPN _005197432 473 24 x. x. PROPN _005197432 473 25 talbot talbot PROPN _005197432 473 26 , , PUNCT _005197432 473 27 s.j.—$2.00 s.j.—$2.00 PROPN _005197432 473 28 . . PUNCT _005197432 474 1 god god PROPN _005197432 474 2 infinite infinite PROPN _005197432 474 3 and and CCONJ _005197432 474 4 reason reason NOUN _005197432 474 5 — — PUNCT _005197432 474 6 w. w. PROPN _005197432 474 7 j. j. PROPN _005197432 474 8 brosnan brosnan PROPN _005197432 474 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 474 10 s.j.—$2.00 s.j.—$2.00 PROPN _005197432 474 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 475 1 the the DET _005197432 475 2 jesuits jesuit NOUN _005197432 475 3 in in ADP _005197432 475 4 modern modern ADJ _005197432 475 5 times time NOUN _005197432 475 6 — — PUNCT _005197432 475 7 j. j. PROPN _005197432 475 8 lafarge lafarge PROPN _005197432 475 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 475 10 s.j.—$1.50 s.j.—$1.50 PROPN _005197432 475 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 476 1 the the DET _005197432 476 2 life life NOUN _005197432 476 3 and and CCONJ _005197432 476 4 times time NOUN _005197432 476 5 of of ADP _005197432 476 6 john john PROPN _005197432 476 7 england england PROPN _005197432 476 8 — — PUNCT _005197432 476 9 rev rev PROPN _005197432 476 10 . . PROPN _005197432 476 11 peter peter PROPN _005197432 476 12 guilday guilday PROPN _005197432 476 13 — — PUNCT _005197432 476 14 2 2 NUM _005197432 476 15 vols.—$10.00 vols.—$10.00 PROPN _005197432 476 16 . . PUNCT _005197432 477 1 the the DET _005197432 477 2 eternal eternal ADJ _005197432 477 3 babe babe NOUN _005197432 477 4 — — PUNCT _005197432 477 5 an an DET _005197432 477 6 anthology—$1.00 anthology—$1.00 NOUN _005197432 477 7 . . PUNCT _005197432 478 1 in in ADP _005197432 478 2 towns town NOUN _005197432 478 3 and and CCONJ _005197432 478 4 little little ADJ _005197432 478 5 towns town NOUN _005197432 478 6 — — PUNCT _005197432 478 7 l. l. PROPN _005197432 478 8 feeney feeney PROPN _005197432 478 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 478 10 s.j.—$1.50 s.j.—$1.50 PROPN _005197432 478 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 479 1 pioneer pioneer NOUN _005197432 479 2 laymen layman NOUN _005197432 479 3 of of ADP _005197432 479 4 north north PROPN _005197432 479 5 america america PROPN _005197432 479 6 — — PUNCT _005197432 479 7 t. t. PROPN _005197432 479 8 j. j. PROPN _005197432 479 9 campbell campbell PROPN _005197432 479 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 479 11 s.j.—2 s.j.—2 PROPN _005197432 479 12 vols.—$4.00 vols.—$4.00 PROPN _005197432 479 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 480 1 armchair armchair NOUN _005197432 480 2 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005197432 480 3 — — PUNCT _005197432 480 4 d. d. PROPN _005197432 480 5 a. a. PROPN _005197432 480 6 lord lord PROPN _005197432 480 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 480 8 s.j.—$1.00 s.j.—$1.00 PROPN _005197432 480 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 480 10 “ " PUNCT _005197432 480 11 america america PROPN _005197432 480 12 ” " PUNCT _005197432 480 13 book book NOUN _005197432 480 14 of of ADP _005197432 480 15 verse verse PROPN _005197432 480 16 — — PUNCT _005197432 480 17 f. f. PROPN _005197432 480 18 x. x. PROPN _005197432 480 19 talbot talbot PROPN _005197432 480 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 480 21 s.j.—$2.00 s.j.—$2.00 PROPN _005197432 480 22 . . PUNCT _005197432 481 1 my my PRON _005197432 481 2 bookcase bookcase PROPN _005197432 481 3 — — PUNCT _005197432 481 4 j. j. PROPN _005197432 481 5 c. c. PROPN _005197432 481 6 reville reville PROPN _005197432 481 7 , , PUNCT _005197432 481 8 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 481 9 . . PROPN _005197432 481 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 481 11 and and CCONJ _005197432 481 12 f. f. PROPN _005197432 481 13 x. x. PROPN _005197432 481 14 talbot talbot PROPN _005197432 481 15 , , PUNCT _005197432 481 16 s.j.—50c s.j.—50c PROPN _005197432 481 17 . . PUNCT _005197432 482 1 courtship courtship NOUN _005197432 482 2 and and CCONJ _005197432 482 3 marriage—25c marriage—25c PROPN _005197432 482 4 . . PUNCT _005197432 483 1 st st PROPN _005197432 483 2 . . PROPN _005197432 483 3 francis francis PROPN _005197432 483 4 xavier xavier PROPN _005197432 483 5 — — PUNCT _005197432 483 6 j. j. PROPN _005197432 483 7 c. c. PROPN _005197432 483 8 reville reville PROPN _005197432 483 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 483 10 s.j.—20c s.j.—20c PROPN _005197432 483 11 . . PUNCT _005197432 484 1 armchair armchair NOUN _005197432 484 2 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005197432 484 3 — — PUNCT _005197432 484 4 paper—25c paper—25c PROPN _005197432 484 5 . . PUNCT _005197432 485 1 the the DET _005197432 485 2 pope pope PROPN _005197432 485 3 and and CCONJ _005197432 485 4 italy italy PROPN _005197432 485 5 — — PUNCT _005197432 485 6 paper paper NOUN _005197432 485 7 — — PUNCT _005197432 485 8 50c 50c NOUN _005197432 485 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 486 1 menace menace NOUN _005197432 486 2 of of ADP _005197432 486 3 atheism atheism NOUN _005197432 486 4 — — PUNCT _005197432 486 5 w. w. PROPN _005197432 486 6 i. i. PROPN _005197432 486 7 lonergan lonergan PROPN _005197432 486 8 , , PUNCT _005197432 486 9 s.j.—25c s.j.—25c PROPN _005197432 486 10 . . PUNCT _005197432 487 1 laymen laymen PROPN _005197432 487 2 ’s ’s PART _005197432 487 3 retreats retreat NOUN _005197432 487 4 explained explain VERB _005197432 487 5 — — PUNCT _005197432 487 6 w. w. PROPN _005197432 487 7 i. i. PROPN _005197432 487 8 lonergan lonergan PROPN _005197432 487 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 487 10 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 487 11 . . PROPN _005197432 487 12 — — PUNCT _005197432 487 13 25c 25c NOUN _005197432 487 14 . . PUNCT _005197432 488 1 the the DET _005197432 488 2 america america PROPN _005197432 488 3 press press PROPN _005197432 488 4 461 461 NUM _005197432 488 5 eighth eighth ADJ _005197432 488 6 avenue avenue PROPN _005197432 488 7 new new PROPN _005197432 488 8 york york PROPN _005197432 488 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 488 10 n. n. PROPN _005197432 488 11 y. y. PROPN _005197432 488 12 * * PROPN _005197432 488 13 catholic catholic PROPN _005197432 488 14 evidence evidence NOUN _005197432 488 15 can can AUX _005197432 488 16 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005197432 488 17 unite unite VERB _005197432 488 18 with with ADP _005197432 488 19 rome rome PROPN _005197432 488 20 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 489 1 — — PUNCT _005197432 489 2 w. w. PROPN _005197432 489 3 h. h. PROPN _005197432 489 4 mcclellan mcclellan PROPN _005197432 489 5 , , PUNCT _005197432 489 6 s.j.—5c s.j.—5c PROPN _005197432 489 7 why why SCONJ _005197432 489 8 i i PRON _005197432 489 9 am be AUX _005197432 489 10 a a DET _005197432 489 11 catholic catholic NOUN _005197432 489 12 — — PUNCT _005197432 489 13 j. j. PROPN _005197432 489 14 h. h. PROPN _005197432 489 15 fasy fasy PROPN _005197432 489 16 , , PUNCT _005197432 489 17 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 489 18 . . PROPN _005197432 489 19 — — PUNCT _005197432 490 1 5c 5c NUM _005197432 490 2 what what PRON _005197432 490 3 catholics catholic NOUN _005197432 490 4 do do AUX _005197432 490 5 not not PART _005197432 490 6 believe believe VERB _005197432 490 7 — — PUNCT _005197432 490 8 t. t. PROPN _005197432 490 9 j. j. PROPN _005197432 490 10 mcgrath mcgrath PROPN _005197432 490 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 490 12 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 490 13 . . PUNCT _005197432 490 14 — — PUNCT _005197432 490 15 5c 5c PROPN _005197432 490 16 the the DET _005197432 490 17 new new ADJ _005197432 490 18 morality morality NOUN _005197432 490 19 and and CCONJ _005197432 490 20 the the DET _005197432 490 21 national national ADJ _005197432 490 22 life life NOUN _005197432 490 23 — — PUNCT _005197432 490 24 jones jones PROPN _005197432 490 25 i. i. PROPN _005197432 490 26 corrigan corrigan PROPN _005197432 490 27 , , PUNCT _005197432 490 28 s.j.—5c s.j.—5c PROPN _005197432 490 29 christ christ PROPN _005197432 490 30 and and CCONJ _005197432 490 31 mankind mankind NOUN _005197432 490 32 — — PUNCT _005197432 490 33 m. m. PROPN _005197432 490 34 j. j. PROPN _005197432 490 35 scott scott PROPN _005197432 490 36 , , PUNCT _005197432 490 37 s.j.—5c s.j.—5c PROPN _005197432 490 38 what what PRON _005197432 490 39 is be AUX _005197432 490 40 a a DET _005197432 490 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 490 42 attitude?—f attitude?—f PROPN _005197432 490 43 . . PUNCT _005197432 491 1 p. p. PROPN _005197432 491 2 lebuffe lebuffe PROPN _005197432 491 3 , , PUNCT _005197432 491 4 s.j.—5c s.j.—5c X _005197432 491 5 why why SCONJ _005197432 491 6 apologize?—w apologize?—w PROPN _005197432 491 7 . . PROPN _005197432 491 8 i. i. PROPN _005197432 491 9 lonergan lonergan PROPN _005197432 491 10 , , PUNCT _005197432 491 11 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 491 12 . . PROPN _005197432 491 13 — — PUNCT _005197432 491 14 5c 5c PROPN _005197432 492 1 what what PRON _005197432 492 2 , , PUNCT _005197432 492 3 then then ADV _005197432 492 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 492 5 must must AUX _005197432 492 6 i i PRON _005197432 492 7 believe believe VERB _005197432 492 8 ? ? PUNCT _005197432 493 1 1 1 X _005197432 493 2 . . X _005197432 493 3 god god PROPN _005197432 493 4 the the DET _005197432 493 5 cosmos cosmos PROPN _005197432 493 6 , , PUNCT _005197432 493 7 man man NOUN _005197432 493 8 — — PUNCT _005197432 493 9 w. w. PROPN _005197432 493 10 i. i. PROPN _005197432 493 11 lonergan lonergan PROPN _005197432 493 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 493 13 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 493 14 . . PROPN _005197432 493 15 — — PUNCT _005197432 494 1 5c 5c PROPN _005197432 494 2 the the DET _005197432 494 3 church church NOUN _005197432 494 4 and and CCONJ _005197432 494 5 tolerance tolerance NOUN _005197432 494 6 — — PUNCT _005197432 494 7 m. m. NOUN _005197432 494 8 riquet riquet PROPN _005197432 494 9 , , PUNCT _005197432 494 10 s.j.—5c s.j.—5c VERB _005197432 494 11 the the DET _005197432 494 12 modern modern ADJ _005197432 494 13 indictment indictment NOUN _005197432 494 14 of of ADP _005197432 494 15 catholicism catholicism NOUN _005197432 494 16 — — PUNCT _005197432 494 17 w. w. PROPN _005197432 494 18 i. i. PROPN _005197432 494 19 lonergan lonergan PROPN _005197432 494 20 , , PUNCT _005197432 494 21 s.j.—five s.j.—five ADJ _005197432 494 22 pamphlets pamphlet NOUN _005197432 494 23 : : PUNCT _005197432 494 24 i. i. PROPN _005197432 494 25 is be AUX _005197432 494 26 the the DET _005197432 494 27 church church NOUN _005197432 494 28 intolerant?—5c intolerant?—5c PROPN _005197432 494 29 ii ii NOUN _005197432 494 30 . . PROPN _005197432 494 31 is be AUX _005197432 494 32 the the DET _005197432 494 33 church church NOUN _005197432 494 34 arrogant?—5c arrogant?—5c NOUN _005197432 494 35 iii iii PROPN _005197432 495 1 . . PROPN _005197432 496 1 is be AUX _005197432 496 2 the the DET _005197432 496 3 church church NOUN _005197432 496 4 un un PROPN _005197432 496 5 - - PROPN _005197432 496 6 american?—5c american?—5c PROPN _005197432 496 7 iv iv NOUN _005197432 496 8 . . PUNCT _005197432 497 1 is be AUX _005197432 497 2 the the DET _005197432 497 3 church church NOUN _005197432 497 4 officious?—5c officious?—5c PROPN _005197432 497 5 n n PROPN _005197432 497 6 v. v. PROPN _005197432 497 7 is be AUX _005197432 497 8 the the DET _005197432 497 9 church church NOUN _005197432 497 10 a a DET _005197432 497 11 national national ADJ _005197432 497 12 asset?—5c asset?—5c PROPN _005197432 497 13 four four NUM _005197432 497 14 great great ADJ _005197432 497 15 converts convert NOUN _005197432 497 16 — — PUNCT _005197432 497 17 j. j. PROPN _005197432 497 18 lafarge lafarge PROPN _005197432 497 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 497 20 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 497 21 . . PUNCT _005197432 497 22 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 1 5c 5c PROPN _005197432 498 2 the the DET _005197432 498 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005197432 498 4 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005197432 498 5 of of ADP _005197432 498 6 matrimony matrimony NOUN _005197432 498 7 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 8 f. f. PROPN _005197432 498 9 j. j. PROPN _005197432 498 10 connell connell PROPN _005197432 498 11 , , PUNCT _005197432 498 12 PROPN _005197432 498 13 . . PROPN _005197432 498 14 , , PUNCT _005197432 498 15 s.t.d.—10c s.t.d.—10c PROPN _005197432 498 16 god god PROPN _005197432 498 17 and and CCONJ _005197432 498 18 caesar caesar PROPN _005197432 498 19 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 20 j. j. PROPN _005197432 498 21 husslein husslein PROPN _005197432 498 22 , , PUNCT _005197432 498 23 s.j.—10c s.j.—10c VERB _005197432 498 24 the the DET _005197432 498 25 church church NOUN _005197432 498 26 and and CCONJ _005197432 498 27 the the DET _005197432 498 28 state state NOUN _005197432 498 29 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 30 w. w. NOUN _005197432 498 31 parsons parson NOUN _005197432 498 32 , , PUNCT _005197432 498 33 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 498 34 . . PROPN _005197432 498 35 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 36 10c 10c PUNCT _005197432 498 37 the the DET _005197432 498 38 school school NOUN _005197432 498 39 of of ADP _005197432 498 40 christ christ PROPN _005197432 498 41 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 42 g. g. PROPN _005197432 498 43 c. c. PROPN _005197432 498 44 treacy treacy PROPN _005197432 498 45 , , PUNCT _005197432 498 46 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 498 47 . . PROPN _005197432 498 48 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 49 10c 10c NOUN _005197432 498 50 stumbling stumble VERB _005197432 498 51 blocks block NOUN _005197432 498 52 to to ADP _005197432 498 53 catholicism catholicism NOUN _005197432 498 54 — — PUNCT _005197432 498 55 w. w. PROPN _005197432 498 56 i. i. PROPN _005197432 498 57 lonergan lonergan PROPN _005197432 498 58 , , PUNCT _005197432 498 59 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 498 60 . . PROPN _005197432 498 61 five five NUM _005197432 498 62 pamphlets pamphlet NOUN _005197432 498 63 : : PUNCT _005197432 498 64 i. i. PROPN _005197432 498 65 a a DET _005197432 498 66 man man NOUN _005197432 498 67 who who PRON _005197432 498 68 is be AUX _005197432 498 69 god—5c god—5c X _005197432 498 70 ii ii PROPN _005197432 498 71 . . PUNCT _005197432 499 1 the the DET _005197432 499 2 confessional confessional PROPN _005197432 499 3 bogey!—5c bogey!—5c PROPN _005197432 499 4 iii iii PROPN _005197432 499 5 . . PUNCT _005197432 500 1 the the DET _005197432 500 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 500 3 worship worship NOUN _005197432 500 4 ” " PUNCT _005197432 500 5 of of ADP _005197432 500 6 mary—5c mary—5c PROPN _005197432 500 7 1 1 NUM _005197432 500 8 iv iv NOUN _005197432 500 9 . . PUNCT _005197432 501 1 the the DET _005197432 501 2 “ " PUNCT _005197432 501 3 myth myth NOUN _005197432 501 4 ” " PUNCT _005197432 501 5 of of ADP _005197432 501 6 hell—5c hell—5c NUM _005197432 501 7 v. v. ADP _005197432 501 8 the the DET _005197432 501 9 shackles shackle NOUN _005197432 501 10 of of ADP _005197432 501 11 wedlock—5c wedlock—5c PRON _005197432 501 12 christ christ PROPN _005197432 501 13 true true ADJ _005197432 501 14 god god PROPN _005197432 501 15 — — PUNCT _005197432 501 16 m. m. PROPN _005197432 501 17 j. j. PROPN _005197432 501 18 scott scott PROPN _005197432 501 19 , , PUNCT _005197432 501 20 s.j.—5c s.j.—5c PROPN _005197432 501 21 catholicism catholicism PROPN _005197432 501 22 true true ADJ _005197432 501 23 as as ADP _005197432 501 24 god god PROPN _005197432 501 25 — — PUNCT _005197432 501 26 m. m. PROPN _005197432 501 27 j. j. PROPN _005197432 501 28 scott scott PROPN _005197432 501 29 . . PUNCT _005197432 502 1 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 502 2 . . PROPN _005197432 502 3 — — PUNCT _005197432 502 4 5c 5c NUM _005197432 502 5 menace menace NOUN _005197432 502 6 of of ADP _005197432 502 7 atheism atheism NOUN _005197432 502 8 — — PUNCT _005197432 502 9 w. w. PROPN _005197432 502 10 i. i. PROPN _005197432 502 11 lonergan lonergan PROPN _005197432 502 12 , , PUNCT _005197432 502 13 s.j s.j PROPN _005197432 502 14 . . PROPN _005197432 502 15 — — PUNCT _005197432 502 16 25c 25c NOUN _005197432 502 17 the the DET _005197432 502 18 america america PROPN _005197432 502 19 press press PROPN _005197432 502 20 . . PUNCT _005197432 503 1 461 461 NUM _005197432 503 2 eighth eighth ADJ _005197432 503 3 avenue avenue NOUN _005197432 503 4 , , PUNCT _005197432 503 5 new new PROPN _005197432 503 6 york york PROPN _005197432 503 7 . . PUNCT _005197432 504 1 n. n. PROPN _005197432 504 2 y. y. PROPN _005197432 504 3 — — PUNCT _005197432 504 4 " " PUNCT _005197432 504 5 — — PUNCT _005197432 504 6 .4 .4 NUM _005197432 504 7 31 31 NUM