id sid tid token lemma pos _005196830 1 1 night night NOUN _005196830 1 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 1 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 2 1 [ [ X _005196830 2 2 from from ADP _005196830 2 3 the the DET _005196830 2 4 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 2 5 of of ADP _005196830 2 6 the the DET _005196830 2 7 hours hour NOUN _005196830 2 8 ] ] PUNCT _005196830 2 9 night night NOUN _005196830 2 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 2 11 1976 1976 NUM _005196830 2 12 publications publication NOUN _005196830 2 13 office office PROPN _005196830 2 14 united united PROPN _005196830 2 15 states states PROPN _005196830 2 16 catholic catholic PROPN _005196830 2 17 conference conference PROPN _005196830 2 18 1312 1312 NUM _005196830 2 19 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _005196830 2 20 avenue avenue PROPN _005196830 2 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 2 22 n.w n.w PROPN _005196830 2 23 . . PROPN _005196830 2 24 ^ ^ X _005196830 3 1 washington washington PROPN _005196830 3 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 3 3 d.c d.c PROPN _005196830 3 4 . . PROPN _005196830 3 5 20005 20005 NUM _005196830 3 6 english english ADJ _005196830 3 7 translation translation NOUN _005196830 3 8 of of ADP _005196830 3 9 night night NOUN _005196830 3 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 3 11 from from ADP _005196830 3 12 the the DET _005196830 3 13 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 3 14 of of ADP _005196830 3 15 the the DET _005196830 3 16 hours hour NOUN _005196830 3 17 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 3 18 / / PUNCT _005196830 3 19 confess confess VERB _005196830 3 20 from from ADP _005196830 3 21 the the DET _005196830 3 22 roman roman ADJ _005196830 3 23 missal missal NOUN _005196830 3 24 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 3 25 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 3 26 from from ADP _005196830 3 27 the the DET _005196830 3 28 rite rite NOUN _005196830 3 29 of of ADP _005196830 3 30 penance penance NOUN _005196830 3 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 4 1 copyright copyright NOUN _005196830 4 2 © © PROPN _005196830 4 3 1973 1973 NUM _005196830 4 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 4 5 1974 1974 NUM _005196830 4 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 4 7 1975 1975 NUM _005196830 4 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 4 9 international international ADJ _005196830 4 10 committee committee PROPN _005196830 4 11 on on ADP _005196830 4 12 english english PROPN _005196830 4 13 in in ADP _005196830 4 14 the the DET _005196830 4 15 liturgy liturgy PROPN _005196830 4 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 4 17 inc inc PROPN _005196830 4 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 4 19 all all DET _005196830 4 20 rights right NOUN _005196830 4 21 reserved reserve VERB _005196830 4 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 5 1 the the DET _005196830 5 2 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 5 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 5 4 a a DET _005196830 5 5 new new ADJ _005196830 5 6 translation translation NOUN _005196830 5 7 © © ADP _005196830 5 8 the the DET _005196830 5 9 grail grail NOUN _005196830 5 10 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 5 11 england england PROPN _005196830 5 12 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 5 13 1963 1963 NUM _005196830 5 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 6 1 the the DET _005196830 6 2 texts text NOUN _005196830 6 3 of of ADP _005196830 6 4 all all DET _005196830 6 5 biblical biblical ADJ _005196830 6 6 readings reading NOUN _005196830 6 7 are be AUX _005196830 6 8 reproduced reproduce VERB _005196830 6 9 with with ADP _005196830 6 10 permission permission NOUN _005196830 6 11 from from ADP _005196830 6 12 the the DET _005196830 6 13 new new ADJ _005196830 6 14 american american PROPN _005196830 6 15 bible bible PROPN _005196830 6 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 6 17 copyright copyright VERB _005196830 6 18 © © ADJ _005196830 6 19 1970 1970 NUM _005196830 6 20 by by ADP _005196830 6 21 the the DET _005196830 6 22 confraternity confraternity NOUN _005196830 6 23 of of ADP _005196830 6 24 christian christian ADJ _005196830 6 25 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005196830 6 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 6 27 washington washington PROPN _005196830 6 28 , , PUNCT _005196830 6 29 d.c d.c PROPN _005196830 6 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 7 1 all all DET _005196830 7 2 rights right NOUN _005196830 7 3 reserved reserve VERB _005196830 7 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 8 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 8 2 commentaries commentary NOUN _005196830 8 3 the the DET _005196830 8 4 commentaries commentary NOUN _005196830 8 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 8 6 presented present VERB _005196830 8 7 in in ADP _005196830 8 8 this this DET _005196830 8 9 booklet booklet NOUN _005196830 8 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 8 11 have have AUX _005196830 8 12 been be AUX _005196830 8 13 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 8 14 by by ADP _005196830 8 15 rev rev PROPN _005196830 8 16 . . PROPN _005196830 8 17 stephen stephen PROPN _005196830 8 18 hartdegen hartdegen PROPN _005196830 8 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 8 20 o.f.m o.f.m NOUN _005196830 8 21 . . PROPN _005196830 8 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 8 23 coordinator coordinator NOUN _005196830 8 24 for for ADP _005196830 8 25 program program NOUN _005196830 8 26 development development NOUN _005196830 8 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 8 28 u.s u.s PROPN _005196830 8 29 . . PROPN _005196830 8 30 catholic catholic PROPN _005196830 8 31 conference conference NOUN _005196830 8 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 8 33 director director NOUN _005196830 8 34 of of ADP _005196830 8 35 the the DET _005196830 8 36 u.s u.s PROPN _005196830 8 37 . . PROPN _005196830 8 38 center center PROPN _005196830 8 39 for for ADP _005196830 8 40 the the DET _005196830 8 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005196830 8 42 biblical biblical ADJ _005196830 8 43 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196830 8 44 . . PUNCT _005196830 9 1 copyright copyright NOUN _005196830 9 2 © © PROPN _005196830 9 3 1976 1976 NUM _005196830 9 4 publications publication NOUN _005196830 9 5 office office PROPN _005196830 9 6 united united PROPN _005196830 9 7 states states PROPN _005196830 9 8 catholic catholic PROPN _005196830 9 9 conference conference PROPN _005196830 9 10 contents content NOUN _005196830 9 11 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 9 12 v v PROPN _005196830 9 13 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 9 14 1 1 NUM _005196830 9 15 monday monday PROPN _005196830 9 16 9 9 NUM _005196830 9 17 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196830 9 18 17 17 NUM _005196830 9 19 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 9 20 23 23 NUM _005196830 9 21 thursday thursday PROPN _005196830 9 22 31 31 NUM _005196830 9 23 friday friday PROPN _005196830 9 24 37 37 NUM _005196830 9 25 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 9 26 43 43 NUM _005196830 9 27 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 9 28 i i NOUN _005196830 9 29 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 9 30 penitential penitential PROPN _005196830 9 31 rites rite NOUN _005196830 9 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 9 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 10 1 51 51 NUM _005196830 10 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 10 3 ii ii PROPN _005196830 10 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 10 5 marian marian ADJ _005196830 10 6 antiphons antiphon NOUN _005196830 10 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 10 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 11 1 61 61 NUM _005196830 11 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 11 3 iii iii PROPN _005196830 11 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 11 5 poetry poetry NOUN _005196830 11 6 selection selection NOUN _005196830 11 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 11 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 12 1 63 63 NUM _005196830 12 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 12 3 iv iv VERB _005196830 12 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 12 5 commentary commentary NOUN _005196830 12 6 on on ADP _005196830 12 7 night night NOUN _005196830 12 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 12 9 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 12 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 12 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 13 1 71 71 NUM _005196830 13 2 ui ui NOUN _005196830 13 3 acknowledgments acknowledgment VERB _005196830 13 4 the the DET _005196830 13 5 international international ADJ _005196830 13 6 committee committee PROPN _005196830 13 7 on on ADP _005196830 13 8 english english PROPN _005196830 13 9 in in ADP _005196830 13 10 the the DET _005196830 13 11 liturgy liturgy PROPN _005196830 13 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 13 13 inc inc PROPN _005196830 13 14 . . PROPN _005196830 13 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 13 16 is be AUX _005196830 13 17 grateful grateful ADJ _005196830 13 18 to to ADP _005196830 13 19 the the DET _005196830 13 20 following following NOUN _005196830 13 21 for for ADP _005196830 13 22 permission permission NOUN _005196830 13 23 to to PART _005196830 13 24 reproduce reproduce VERB _005196830 13 25 copyright copyright NOUN _005196830 13 26 material material NOUN _005196830 13 27 : : PUNCT _005196830 13 28 hymns hymn NOUN _005196830 13 29 benedictine benedictine ADJ _005196830 13 30 nuns nun NOUN _005196830 13 31 of of ADP _005196830 13 32 saint saint PROPN _005196830 13 33 mary mary PROPN _005196830 13 34 ’s ’s PART _005196830 13 35 abbey abbey NOUN _005196830 13 36 , , PUNCT _005196830 13 37 west west PROPN _005196830 13 38 mailing mailing PROPN _005196830 13 39 , , PUNCT _005196830 13 40 sussex sussex NOUN _005196830 13 41 , , PUNCT _005196830 13 42 for for ADP _005196830 13 43 “ " PUNCT _005196830 13 44 we we PRON _005196830 13 45 praise praise VERB _005196830 13 46 you you PRON _005196830 13 47 . . PUNCT _005196830 14 1 father father PROPN _005196830 14 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 14 3 for for ADP _005196830 14 4 your your PRON _005196830 14 5 gift gift NOUN _005196830 14 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 14 7 ” " PUNCT _005196830 15 1 geoffrey geoffrey PROPN _005196830 15 2 chapman chapman PROPN _005196830 15 3 publishers publisher NOUN _005196830 15 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 15 5 for for ADP _005196830 15 6 james james PROPN _005196830 15 7 quinn quinn PROPN _005196830 15 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 15 9 sj sj PROPN _005196830 15 10 . . PROPN _005196830 15 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 15 12 “ " PUNCT _005196830 15 13 day day NOUN _005196830 15 14 is be AUX _005196830 15 15 done do VERB _005196830 15 16 but but CCONJ _005196830 15 17 love love VERB _005196830 15 18 unfailing unfailing ADJ _005196830 15 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 15 20 ” " PUNCT _005196830 15 21 “ " PUNCT _005196830 15 22 now now ADV _005196830 15 23 at at ADP _005196830 15 24 the the DET _005196830 15 25 daylight daylight NOUN _005196830 15 26 ’s ’s PUNCT _005196830 15 27 ending ending NOUN _005196830 15 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 15 29 ” " PUNCT _005196830 16 1 fides fide NOUN _005196830 16 2 publishers publisher NOUN _005196830 16 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 4 inc inc PROPN _005196830 16 5 . . PROPN _005196830 16 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 7 notre notre PROPN _005196830 16 8 dame dame PROPN _005196830 16 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 10 indiana indiana PROPN _005196830 16 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 12 for for ADP _005196830 16 13 “ " PUNCT _005196830 16 14 all all DET _005196830 16 15 praise praise NOUN _005196830 16 16 to to ADP _005196830 16 17 you you PRON _005196830 16 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 19 o o PROPN _005196830 16 20 god god PROPN _005196830 16 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 22 this this DET _005196830 16 23 night night NOUN _005196830 16 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 25 ” " PUNCT _005196830 16 26 and and CCONJ _005196830 16 27 “ " PUNCT _005196830 16 28 o o NOUN _005196830 16 29 radiant radiant ADJ _005196830 16 30 light light NOUN _005196830 16 31 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 32 o o NOUN _005196830 16 33 sun sun PROPN _005196830 16 34 divine divine PROPN _005196830 16 35 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 36 ” " PUNCT _005196830 16 37 from from ADP _005196830 16 38 morning morning NOUN _005196830 16 39 praise praise NOUN _005196830 16 40 and and CCONJ _005196830 16 41 evensong evensong ADJ _005196830 16 42 © © ADJ _005196830 16 43 1973 1973 NUM _005196830 16 44 copyright copyright NOUN _005196830 16 45 by by ADP _005196830 16 46 fides fide NOUN _005196830 16 47 publishers publisher NOUN _005196830 16 48 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 49 inc inc PROPN _005196830 16 50 . . PROPN _005196830 16 51 jerome jerome PROPN _005196830 16 52 leamon leamon PROPN _005196830 16 53 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 54 for for ADP _005196830 16 55 “ " PUNCT _005196830 16 56 lord lord PROPN _005196830 16 57 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 16 58 christ christ PROPN _005196830 16 59 , , PUNCT _005196830 16 60 abide abide VERB _005196830 16 61 with with ADP _005196830 16 62 us we PRON _005196830 16 63 . . PUNCT _005196830 16 64 ” " PUNCT _005196830 17 1 world world NOUN _005196830 17 2 library library PROPN _005196830 17 3 publications publications PROPN _005196830 17 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 5 inc inc PROPN _005196830 17 6 . . PROPN _005196830 17 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 8 2145 2145 NUM _005196830 17 9 central central ADJ _005196830 17 10 parkway parkway NOUN _005196830 17 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 12 cincinnati cincinnati PROPN _005196830 17 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 14 ohio ohio PROPN _005196830 17 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 16 for for ADP _005196830 17 17 rev rev PROPN _005196830 17 18 . . PROPN _005196830 17 19 m. m. PROPN _005196830 17 20 quinn quinn PROPN _005196830 17 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 22 o.p o.p PROPN _005196830 17 23 . . PROPN _005196830 17 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 25 “ " PUNCT _005196830 17 26 o o PROPN _005196830 17 27 christ christ PROPN _005196830 17 28 you you PRON _005196830 17 29 are be AUX _005196830 17 30 the the DET _005196830 17 31 light light NOUN _005196830 17 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 17 33 day day NOUN _005196830 17 34 , , PUNCT _005196830 17 35 ” " PUNCT _005196830 17 36 © © ADJ _005196830 17 37 copyright copyright NOUN _005196830 17 38 1965 1965 NUM _005196830 17 39 by by ADP _005196830 17 40 world world NOUN _005196830 17 41 library library PROPN _005196830 17 42 publications publication NOUN _005196830 17 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 18 1 religious religious ADJ _005196830 18 2 poetry poetry PROPN _005196830 18 3 william william PROPN _005196830 18 4 heinemann heinemann PROPN _005196830 18 5 ltd ltd PROPN _005196830 18 6 . . PROPN _005196830 18 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 8 london london PROPN _005196830 18 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 10 for for ADP _005196830 18 11 arthur arthur PROPN _005196830 18 12 symons symon NOUN _005196830 18 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 14 “ " PUNCT _005196830 18 15 lines line NOUN _005196830 18 16 written write VERB _005196830 18 17 in in ADP _005196830 18 18 her her PRON _005196830 18 19 breviary breviary ADJ _005196830 18 20 : : PUNCT _005196830 18 21 let let VERB _005196830 18 22 nothing nothing PRON _005196830 18 23 disturb disturb VERB _005196830 18 24 thee thee NOUN _005196830 18 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 26 ” " PUNCT _005196830 18 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 18 28 “ " PUNCT _005196830 18 29 if if SCONJ _005196830 18 30 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 31 lord lord PROPN _005196830 18 32 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 33 thy thy PROPN _005196830 18 34 love love NOUN _005196830 18 35 for for ADP _005196830 18 36 me i PRON _005196830 18 37 is be AUX _005196830 18 38 strong strong ADJ _005196830 18 39 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 40 ” " PUNCT _005196830 18 41 from from ADP _005196830 18 42 the the DET _005196830 18 43 poems poem NOUN _005196830 18 44 of of ADP _005196830 18 45 arthur arthur PROPN _005196830 18 46 symons symons PROPN _005196830 18 47 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 48 oxford oxford PROPN _005196830 18 49 university university PROPN _005196830 18 50 press press PROPN _005196830 18 51 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 52 london london PROPN _005196830 18 53 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 54 for for ADP _005196830 18 55 “ " PUNCT _005196830 18 56 o o PROPN _005196830 18 57 deus deus PROPN _005196830 18 58 ego ego PROPN _005196830 18 59 amo amo PROPN _005196830 18 60 te te PROPN _005196830 18 61 ” " PUNCT _005196830 18 62 from from ADP _005196830 18 63 poems poem NOUN _005196830 18 64 of of ADP _005196830 18 65 gerard gerard NOUN _005196830 18 66 manley manley NOUN _005196830 18 67 hopkins hopkin NOUN _005196830 18 68 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 18 69 4th 4th ADJ _005196830 18 70 edition edition NOUN _005196830 18 71 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 18 72 edited edit VERB _005196830 18 73 by by ADP _005196830 18 74 w. w. PROPN _005196830 18 75 h. h. PROPN _005196830 18 76 gardner gardner PROPN _005196830 18 77 and and CCONJ _005196830 18 78 n. n. PROPN _005196830 18 79 h. h. PROPN _005196830 18 80 mackenzie mackenzie PROPN _005196830 18 81 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 82 published publish VERB _005196830 18 83 by by ADP _005196830 18 84 oxford oxford PROPN _005196830 18 85 university university PROPN _005196830 18 86 press press NOUN _005196830 18 87 by by ADP _005196830 18 88 arrangement arrangement NOUN _005196830 18 89 with with ADP _005196830 18 90 the the DET _005196830 18 91 society society NOUN _005196830 18 92 of of ADP _005196830 18 93 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 18 94 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 95 and and CCONJ _005196830 18 96 for for ADP _005196830 18 97 “ " PUNCT _005196830 18 98 thou thou ADJ _005196830 18 99 art art NOUN _005196830 18 100 indeed indeed ADV _005196830 18 101 just just ADV _005196830 18 102 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 103 lord lord PROPN _005196830 18 104 ” " PUNCT _005196830 18 105 by by ADP _005196830 18 106 gerard gerard NOUN _005196830 18 107 manley manley NOUN _005196830 18 108 hopkins hopkin NOUN _005196830 18 109 from from ADP _005196830 18 110 the the DET _005196830 18 111 oxford oxford PROPN _005196830 18 112 book book NOUN _005196830 18 113 of of ADP _005196830 18 114 english english PROPN _005196830 18 115 mystical mystical ADJ _005196830 18 116 verse verse NOUN _005196830 18 117 , , PUNCT _005196830 18 118 published publish VERB _005196830 18 119 by by ADP _005196830 18 120 oxford oxford PROPN _005196830 18 121 university university PROPN _005196830 18 122 press press NOUN _005196830 18 123 . . PUNCT _005196830 19 1 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 19 2 permission permission NOUN _005196830 19 3 has have AUX _005196830 19 4 been be AUX _005196830 19 5 granted grant VERB _005196830 19 6 by by ADP _005196830 19 7 the the DET _005196830 19 8 grail grail NOUN _005196830 19 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 19 10 england england PROPN _005196830 19 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 19 12 for for ADP _005196830 19 13 inclusion inclusion NOUN _005196830 19 14 of of ADP _005196830 19 15 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 19 16 from from ADP _005196830 19 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 19 18 the the DET _005196830 19 19 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 19 20 : : PUNCT _005196830 19 21 a a DET _005196830 19 22 new new ADJ _005196830 19 23 translation translation NOUN _005196830 19 24 © © ADP _005196830 19 25 the the DET _005196830 19 26 grail grail NOUN _005196830 19 27 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 19 28 england england PROPN _005196830 19 29 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 19 30 1963 1963 NUM _005196830 19 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 20 1 the the DET _005196830 20 2 complete complete ADJ _005196830 20 3 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 20 4 first first ADV _005196830 20 5 published publish VERB _005196830 20 6 in in ADP _005196830 20 7 1963 1963 NUM _005196830 20 8 by by ADP _005196830 20 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 20 10 available available ADJ _005196830 20 11 throu^ throu^ NUM _005196830 20 12 wm wm NOUN _005196830 20 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 20 14 collins collins PROPN _005196830 20 15 sons sons PROPN _005196830 20 16 & & CCONJ _005196830 20 17 co. co. PROPN _005196830 20 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 20 19 limited limited ADJ _005196830 20 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 21 1 in in ADP _005196830 21 2 north north PROPN _005196830 21 3 america america PROPN _005196830 21 4 through through ADP _005196830 21 5 the the DET _005196830 21 6 paulist paulist PROPN _005196830 21 7 press press PROPN _005196830 21 8 inc inc PROPN _005196830 21 9 . . PROPN _005196830 21 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 21 11 collins collin NOUN _005196830 21 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 21 13 world world NOUN _005196830 21 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 22 1 art art NOUN _005196830 22 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 22 3 layout layout NOUN _005196830 22 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 22 5 ems ems PROPN _005196830 22 6 bolle bolle PROPN _005196830 22 7 iv iv VERB _005196830 22 8 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 22 9 night night NOUN _005196830 22 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 22 11 still still ADV _005196830 22 12 remains remain VERB _005196830 22 13 a a DET _005196830 22 14 part part NOUN _005196830 22 15 of of ADP _005196830 22 16 the the DET _005196830 22 17 rhythm rhythm NOUN _005196830 22 18 of of ADP _005196830 22 19 daily daily ADJ _005196830 22 20 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 22 21 among among ADP _005196830 22 22 many many ADJ _005196830 22 23 catholics catholic NOUN _005196830 22 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 23 1 whereas whereas SCONJ _005196830 23 2 it it PRON _005196830 23 3 has have AUX _005196830 23 4 frequently frequently ADV _005196830 23 5 taken take VERB _005196830 23 6 on on ADP _005196830 23 7 a a DET _005196830 23 8 very very ADV _005196830 23 9 personal personal ADJ _005196830 23 10 character character NOUN _005196830 23 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 23 12 composed compose VERB _005196830 23 13 of of ADP _005196830 23 14 one one NUM _005196830 23 15 ’s ’s PART _005196830 23 16 own own ADJ _005196830 23 17 select select ADJ _005196830 23 18 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 23 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 23 20 in in ADP _005196830 23 21 other other ADJ _005196830 23 22 cases case NOUN _005196830 23 23 it it PRON _005196830 23 24 has have AUX _005196830 23 25 become become VERB _005196830 23 26 the the DET _005196830 23 27 common common ADJ _005196830 23 28 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 23 29 of of ADP _005196830 23 30 a a DET _005196830 23 31 particular particular ADJ _005196830 23 32 group group NOUN _005196830 23 33 , , PUNCT _005196830 23 34 as as ADP _005196830 23 35 for for ADP _005196830 23 36 example example NOUN _005196830 23 37 the the DET _005196830 23 38 family family NOUN _005196830 23 39 , , PUNCT _005196830 23 40 at at ADP _005196830 23 41 the the DET _005196830 23 42 end end NOUN _005196830 23 43 of of ADP _005196830 23 44 the the DET _005196830 23 45 day day NOUN _005196830 23 46 . . PUNCT _005196830 24 1 this this DET _005196830 24 2 booklet booklet NOUN _005196830 24 3 offers offer VERB _005196830 24 4 individuals individual NOUN _005196830 24 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 24 6 groups group NOUN _005196830 24 7 the the DET _005196830 24 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005196830 24 9 to to PART _005196830 24 10 use use VERB _005196830 24 11 night night NOUN _005196830 24 12 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 24 13 as as SCONJ _005196830 24 14 presented present VERB _005196830 24 15 in in ADP _005196830 24 16 the the DET _005196830 24 17 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 24 18 of of ADP _005196830 24 19 the the DET _005196830 24 20 hours hour NOUN _005196830 24 21 restored restore VERB _005196830 24 22 by by ADP _005196830 24 23 the the DET _005196830 24 24 second second ADJ _005196830 24 25 vatican vatican PROPN _005196830 24 26 council council PROPN _005196830 24 27 . . PUNCT _005196830 25 1 as as ADP _005196830 25 2 an an DET _005196830 25 3 excerpt excerpt NOUN _005196830 25 4 from from ADP _005196830 25 5 the the DET _005196830 25 6 divine divine ADJ _005196830 25 7 office office NOUN _005196830 25 8 it it PRON _005196830 25 9 offers offer VERB _005196830 25 10 all all PRON _005196830 25 11 of of ADP _005196830 25 12 the the DET _005196830 25 13 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 25 14 the the DET _005196830 25 15 possibility possibility NOUN _005196830 25 16 of of ADP _005196830 25 17 participating participate VERB _005196830 25 18 in in ADP _005196830 25 19 the the DET _005196830 25 20 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 25 21 of of ADP _005196830 25 22 the the DET _005196830 25 23 church church NOUN _005196830 25 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 25 25 praying pray VERB _005196830 25 26 in in ADP _005196830 25 27 union union NOUN _005196830 25 28 with with ADP _005196830 25 29 christ christ PROPN _005196830 25 30 to to ADP _005196830 25 31 the the DET _005196830 25 32 father father NOUN _005196830 25 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 26 1 v v ADP _005196830 26 2 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 26 3 night night NOUN _005196830 26 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 26 5 as as SCONJ _005196830 26 6 found find VERB _005196830 26 7 in in ADP _005196830 26 8 the the DET _005196830 26 9 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 26 10 of of ADP _005196830 26 11 the the DET _005196830 26 12 hours hour NOUN _005196830 26 13 is be AUX _005196830 26 14 the the DET _005196830 26 15 last last ADJ _005196830 26 16 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 26 17 of of ADP _005196830 26 18 one one NUM _005196830 26 19 ’s ’s PART _005196830 26 20 day day NOUN _005196830 26 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 26 22 said say VERB _005196830 26 23 just just ADV _005196830 26 24 before before ADP _005196830 26 25 going go VERB _005196830 26 26 to to ADP _005196830 26 27 bed bed NOUN _005196830 26 28 , , PUNCT _005196830 26 29 even even ADV _005196830 26 30 if if SCONJ _005196830 26 31 it it PRON _005196830 26 32 is be AUX _005196830 26 33 past past ADJ _005196830 26 34 midnight midnight NOUN _005196830 26 35 . . PUNCT _005196830 27 1 it it PRON _005196830 27 2 may may AUX _005196830 27 3 be be AUX _005196830 27 4 prayed pray VERB _005196830 27 5 with with ADP _005196830 27 6 others other NOUN _005196830 27 7 — — PUNCT _005196830 27 8 a a DET _005196830 27 9 practice practice NOUN _005196830 27 10 which which PRON _005196830 27 11 is be AUX _005196830 27 12 highly highly ADV _005196830 27 13 encouraged encouraged ADJ _005196830 27 14 — — PUNCT _005196830 27 15 or or CCONJ _005196830 27 16 alone alone ADV _005196830 27 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 28 1 the the DET _005196830 28 2 father father NOUN _005196830 28 3 or or CCONJ _005196830 28 4 mother mother NOUN _005196830 28 5 of of ADP _005196830 28 6 the the DET _005196830 28 7 family family NOUN _005196830 28 8 could could AUX _005196830 28 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 28 10 for for ADP _005196830 28 11 example example NOUN _005196830 28 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 28 13 lead lead VERB _005196830 28 14 the the DET _005196830 28 15 hmiily hmiily NOUN _005196830 28 16 in in ADP _005196830 28 17 this this DET _005196830 28 18 common common ADJ _005196830 28 19 night night NOUN _005196830 28 20 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 28 21 from from ADP _005196830 28 22 the the DET _005196830 28 23 office office NOUN _005196830 28 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 29 1 structure structure NOUN _005196830 29 2 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 29 3 like like ADP _005196830 29 4 the the DET _005196830 29 5 other other ADJ _005196830 29 6 hours hour NOUN _005196830 29 7 of of ADP _005196830 29 8 the the DET _005196830 29 9 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 29 10 of of ADP _005196830 29 11 the the DET _005196830 29 12 hours hour NOUN _005196830 29 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 29 14 night night NOUN _005196830 29 15 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 29 16 begins begin VERB _005196830 29 17 with with ADP _005196830 29 18 the the DET _005196830 29 19 introductory introductory ADJ _005196830 29 20 verse verse NOUN _005196830 29 21 god god PROPN _005196830 29 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 29 23 come come VERB _005196830 29 24 to to ADP _005196830 29 25 my my PRON _005196830 29 26 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 29 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 29 28 and and CCONJ _005196830 29 29 the the DET _005196830 29 30 glory glory NOUN _005196830 29 31 to to ADP _005196830 29 32 the the DET _005196830 29 33 father father NOUN _005196830 29 34 to to PART _005196830 29 35 which which PRON _005196830 29 36 the the DET _005196830 29 37 alleluia alleluia NOUN _005196830 29 38 is be AUX _005196830 29 39 added add VERB _005196830 29 40 outside outside ADP _005196830 29 41 of of ADP _005196830 29 42 lent lent NOUN _005196830 29 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 30 1 basically basically ADV _005196830 30 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 30 3 the the DET _005196830 30 4 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 30 5 is be AUX _005196830 30 6 a a DET _005196830 30 7 call call NOUN _005196830 30 8 to to ADP _005196830 30 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 30 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 30 11 a a DET _005196830 30 12 brief brief ADJ _005196830 30 13 expression expression NOUN _005196830 30 14 of of ADP _005196830 30 15 praise praise NOUN _005196830 30 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 31 1 examination examination NOUN _005196830 31 2 of of ADP _005196830 31 3 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 31 4 immediately immediately ADV _005196830 31 5 after after ADP _005196830 31 6 the the DET _005196830 31 7 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 31 8 there there PRON _005196830 31 9 is be VERB _005196830 31 10 an an DET _005196830 31 11 examination examination NOUN _005196830 31 12 of of ADP _005196830 31 13 conscience—^a conscience—^a ADJ _005196830 31 14 review review NOUN _005196830 31 15 of of ADP _005196830 31 16 the the DET _005196830 31 17 day day NOUN _005196830 31 18 in in ADP _005196830 31 19 the the DET _005196830 31 20 presence presence NOUN _005196830 31 21 of of ADP _005196830 31 22 god god PROPN _005196830 31 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 32 1 in in ADP _005196830 32 2 communal communal ADJ _005196830 32 3 celebrations celebration NOUN _005196830 32 4 a a DET _005196830 32 5 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 32 6 rite rite NOUN _005196830 32 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 32 8 as as ADP _005196830 32 9 at at ADP _005196830 32 10 mass mass PROPN _005196830 32 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 32 12 may may AUX _005196830 32 13 be be AUX _005196830 32 14 used use VERB _005196830 32 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 32 16 see see VERB _005196830 32 17 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 32 18 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 32 19 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 33 1 • • VERB _005196830 33 2 when when SCONJ _005196830 33 3 prayed pray VERB _005196830 33 4 alone alone ADV _005196830 33 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 33 6 a a DET _005196830 33 7 brief brief ADJ _005196830 33 8 pause pause NOUN _005196830 33 9 for for ADP _005196830 33 10 reflection reflection NOUN _005196830 33 11 might might AUX _005196830 33 12 be be AUX _005196830 33 13 followed follow VERB _005196830 33 14 by by ADP _005196830 33 15 a a DET _005196830 33 16 short short ADJ _005196830 33 17 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 33 18 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 33 19 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 33 20 see see VERB _005196830 33 21 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 33 22 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 33 23 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 34 1 • • VERB _005196830 34 2 vi vi NOUN _005196830 34 3 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 34 4 hymn hymn NOUN _005196830 34 5 an an DET _005196830 34 6 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005196830 34 7 hymn hymn NOUN _005196830 34 8 follows follow VERB _005196830 34 9 to to PART _005196830 34 10 set set VERB _005196830 34 11 the the DET _005196830 34 12 tone tone NOUN _005196830 34 13 of of ADP _005196830 34 14 night night NOUN _005196830 34 15 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 34 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 35 1 hymns hymn NOUN _005196830 35 2 are be AUX _005196830 35 3 provided provide VERB _005196830 35 4 in in ADP _005196830 35 5 place place NOUN _005196830 35 6 within within ADP _005196830 35 7 this this DET _005196830 35 8 booklet booklet NOUN _005196830 35 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 35 10 others other NOUN _005196830 35 11 may may AUX _005196830 35 12 be be AUX _005196830 35 13 substituted substitute VERB _005196830 35 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 35 15 but but CCONJ _005196830 35 16 care care NOUN _005196830 35 17 should should AUX _005196830 35 18 be be AUX _005196830 35 19 taken take VERB _005196830 35 20 that that SCONJ _005196830 35 21 they they PRON _005196830 35 22 fit fit VERB _005196830 35 23 into into ADP _005196830 35 24 the the DET _005196830 35 25 context context NOUN _005196830 35 26 of of ADP _005196830 35 27 night night NOUN _005196830 35 28 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 35 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 36 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 36 2 prayed pray VERB _005196830 36 3 in in ADP _005196830 36 4 common common ADJ _005196830 36 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 36 6 the the DET _005196830 36 7 hymn hymn NOUN _005196830 36 8 is be AUX _005196830 36 9 sung sing VERB _005196830 36 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 37 1 in in ADP _005196830 37 2 private private ADJ _005196830 37 3 it it PRON _005196830 37 4 could could AUX _005196830 37 5 be be AUX _005196830 37 6 recited recite VERB _005196830 37 7 or or CCONJ _005196830 37 8 replaced replace VERB _005196830 37 9 by by ADP _005196830 37 10 an an DET _005196830 37 11 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005196830 37 12 poem poem NOUN _005196830 37 13 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 37 14 see see VERB _005196830 37 15 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 37 16 iii iii PROPN _005196830 37 17 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 37 18 > > X _005196830 37 19 psalmody psalmody NOUN _005196830 37 20 the the DET _005196830 37 21 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 37 22 are be AUX _005196830 37 23 the the DET _005196830 37 24 heart heart NOUN _005196830 37 25 of of ADP _005196830 37 26 the the DET _005196830 37 27 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 37 28 of of ADP _005196830 37 29 the the DET _005196830 37 30 hours hour NOUN _005196830 37 31 and and CCONJ _005196830 37 32 have have AUX _005196830 37 33 been be AUX _005196830 37 34 carefully carefully ADV _005196830 37 35 chosen choose VERB _005196830 37 36 to to ADP _005196830 37 37 corre corre NOUN _005196830 37 38 * * ADJ _005196830 37 39 spond spond NOUN _005196830 37 40 to to ADP _005196830 37 41 the the DET _005196830 37 42 hour hour NOUN _005196830 37 43 of of ADP _005196830 37 44 the the DET _005196830 37 45 day day NOUN _005196830 37 46 . . PUNCT _005196830 38 1 in in ADP _005196830 38 2 night night NOUN _005196830 38 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 38 4 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 38 5 have have AUX _005196830 38 6 been be AUX _005196830 38 7 selected select VERB _005196830 38 8 which which PRON _005196830 38 9 evoke evoke VERB _005196830 38 10 confidence confidence NOUN _005196830 38 11 in in ADP _005196830 38 12 god god PROPN _005196830 38 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 39 1 although although SCONJ _005196830 39 2 each each DET _005196830 39 3 day day NOUN _005196830 39 4 has have VERB _005196830 39 5 a a DET _005196830 39 6 selected select VERB _005196830 39 7 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 39 8 or or CCONJ _005196830 39 9 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 39 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 39 11 one one PRON _005196830 39 12 may may AUX _005196830 39 13 always always ADV _005196830 39 14 substitute substitute VERB _005196830 39 15 the the DET _005196830 39 16 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 39 17 or or CCONJ _005196830 39 18 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 39 19 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 39 20 on on ADP _005196830 39 21 weekdays weekday NOUN _005196830 39 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 39 23 this this PRON _005196830 39 24 might might AUX _005196830 39 25 be be AUX _005196830 39 26 helpful helpful ADJ _005196830 39 27 for for ADP _005196830 39 28 those those PRON _005196830 39 29 who who PRON _005196830 39 30 would would AUX _005196830 39 31 like like VERB _005196830 39 32 to to PART _005196830 39 33 pray pray VERB _005196830 39 34 night night NOUN _005196830 39 35 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 39 36 from from ADP _005196830 39 37 memory memory NOUN _005196830 39 38 . . PUNCT _005196830 40 1 the the DET _005196830 40 2 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 40 3 is be AUX _005196830 40 4 concluded conclude VERB _005196830 40 5 with with ADP _005196830 40 6 the the DET _005196830 40 7 glory glory NOUN _005196830 40 8 to to ADP _005196830 40 9 the the DET _005196830 40 10 father father NOUN _005196830 40 11 giving give VERB _005196830 40 12 the the DET _005196830 40 13 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 40 14 of of ADP _005196830 40 15 the the DET _005196830 40 16 old old ADJ _005196830 40 17 testament testament NOUN _005196830 40 18 a a DET _005196830 40 19 quality quality NOUN _005196830 40 20 of of ADP _005196830 40 21 praise praise NOUN _005196830 40 22 as as ADV _005196830 40 23 well well ADV _005196830 40 24 as as ADP _005196830 40 25 adding add VERB _005196830 40 26 a a DET _005196830 40 27 christological christological ADJ _005196830 40 28 and and CCONJ _005196830 40 29 trinitarian trinitarian ADJ _005196830 40 30 dimension dimension NOUN _005196830 40 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 41 1 an an DET _005196830 41 2 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 41 3 is be AUX _005196830 41 4 provided provide VERB _005196830 41 5 for for ADP _005196830 41 6 each each DET _005196830 41 7 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 41 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 41 9 serves serve VERB _005196830 41 10 to to PART _005196830 41 11 briefly briefly VERB _005196830 41 12 state state VERB _005196830 41 13 the the DET _005196830 41 14 theme theme NOUN _005196830 41 15 of of ADP _005196830 41 16 the the DET _005196830 41 17 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 41 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 42 1 ulusvii ulusvii PROPN _005196830 42 2 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 42 3 trate trate VERB _005196830 42 4 the the DET _005196830 42 5 literaiy literaiy ADJ _005196830 42 6 character character NOUN _005196830 42 7 of of ADP _005196830 42 8 the the DET _005196830 42 9 psahn psahn PROPN _005196830 42 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 42 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 42 12 to to PART _005196830 42 13 turn turn VERB _005196830 42 14 the the DET _005196830 42 15 psahn psahn PROPN _005196830 42 16 into into ADP _005196830 42 17 a a DET _005196830 42 18 personal personal ADJ _005196830 42 19 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 42 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 42 21 highlighting highlight VERB _005196830 42 22 a a DET _005196830 42 23 certain certain ADJ _005196830 42 24 significant significant ADJ _005196830 42 25 phrase phrase NOUN _005196830 42 26 which which PRON _005196830 42 27 might might AUX _005196830 42 28 easily easily ADV _005196830 42 29 be be AUX _005196830 42 30 missed miss VERB _005196830 42 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 43 1 on on ADP _005196830 43 2 occasion occasion NOUN _005196830 43 3 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 43 4 especially especially ADV _005196830 43 5 when when SCONJ _005196830 43 6 prayed pray VERB _005196830 43 7 by by ADP _005196830 43 8 a a DET _005196830 43 9 group group NOUN _005196830 43 10 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 43 11 the the DET _005196830 43 12 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 43 13 may may AUX _005196830 43 14 be be AUX _005196830 43 15 used use VERB _005196830 43 16 as as ADP _005196830 43 17 a a DET _005196830 43 18 response response NOUN _005196830 43 19 after after ADP _005196830 43 20 each each DET _005196830 43 21 terse terse NOUN _005196830 43 22 of of ADP _005196830 43 23 the the DET _005196830 43 24 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 43 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 43 26 in in ADP _005196830 43 27 the the DET _005196830 43 28 manner manner NOUN _005196830 43 29 of of ADP _005196830 43 30 the the DET _005196830 43 31 responsorial responsorial ADJ _005196830 43 32 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 43 33 of of ADP _005196830 43 34 the the DET _005196830 43 35 litui^ litui^ NOUN _005196830 43 36 of of ADP _005196830 43 37 the the DET _005196830 43 38 word word NOUN _005196830 43 39 in in ADP _005196830 43 40 the the DET _005196830 43 41 eucharist eucharist NOUN _005196830 43 42 . . PUNCT _005196830 44 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 44 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 44 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 44 4 a a DET _005196830 44 5 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 44 6 - - PUNCT _005196830 44 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 44 8 has have AUX _005196830 44 9 been be AUX _005196830 44 10 provided provide VERB _005196830 44 11 for for ADP _005196830 44 12 die die NOUN _005196830 44 13 end end NOUN _005196830 44 14 of of ADP _005196830 44 15 each each DET _005196830 44 16 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 44 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 45 1 after after SCONJ _005196830 45 2 the the DET _005196830 45 3 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 45 4 has have AUX _005196830 45 5 been be AUX _005196830 45 6 prayed pray VERB _005196830 45 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 45 8 the the DET _005196830 45 9 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 45 10 repeated repeat VERB _005196830 45 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 45 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 45 13 a a DET _005196830 45 14 brief brief ADJ _005196830 45 15 period period NOUN _005196830 45 16 of of ADP _005196830 45 17 silence silence NOUN _005196830 45 18 observed observe VERB _005196830 45 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 45 20 the the DET _005196830 45 21 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 45 22 is be AUX _005196830 45 23 said say VERB _005196830 45 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 46 1 it it PRON _005196830 46 2 sums sum VERB _005196830 46 3 up up ADP _005196830 46 4 the the DET _005196830 46 5 thoughts thought NOUN _005196830 46 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 46 7 feelings feeling NOUN _005196830 46 8 of of ADP _005196830 46 9 those those PRON _005196830 46 10 who who PRON _005196830 46 11 just just ADV _005196830 46 12 prayed pray VERB _005196830 46 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 46 14 helps help VERB _005196830 46 15 one one NUM _005196830 46 16 to to PART _005196830 46 17 see see VERB _005196830 46 18 the the DET _005196830 46 19 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 46 20 in in ADP _005196830 46 21 a a DET _005196830 46 22 christian christian ADJ _005196830 46 23 light light NOUN _005196830 46 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 47 1 reading reading NOUN _005196830 47 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 47 3 response response NOUN _005196830 47 4 a a DET _005196830 47 5 short short ADJ _005196830 47 6 reading reading NOUN _005196830 47 7 from from ADP _005196830 47 8 scripture scripture NOUN _005196830 47 9 follows follow VERB _005196830 47 10 the the DET _005196830 47 11 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 47 12 - - PUNCT _005196830 47 13 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 47 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 47 15 should should AUX _005196830 47 16 be be AUX _005196830 47 17 read read VERB _005196830 47 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 47 19 received receive VERB _005196830 47 20 as as ADP _005196830 47 21 a a DET _005196830 47 22 true true ADJ _005196830 47 23 proclamation proclamation NOUN _005196830 47 24 of of ADP _005196830 47 25 god god PROPN _005196830 47 26 ’s ’s PROPN _005196830 47 27 word word NOUN _005196830 47 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 48 1 the the DET _005196830 48 2 passages passage NOUN _005196830 48 3 chosen choose VERB _005196830 48 4 for for ADP _005196830 48 5 night night NOUN _005196830 48 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 48 7 are be AUX _005196830 48 8 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005196830 48 9 for for ADP _005196830 48 10 the the DET _005196830 48 11 time time NOUN _005196830 48 12 of of ADP _005196830 48 13 day day NOUN _005196830 48 14 as as SCONJ _005196830 48 15 they they PRON _005196830 48 16 refer refer VERB _005196830 48 17 to to ADP _005196830 48 18 images image NOUN _005196830 48 19 such such ADJ _005196830 48 20 as as ADP _005196830 48 21 night night NOUN _005196830 48 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 48 23 sleep sleep NOUN _005196830 48 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 48 25 rest rest NOUN _005196830 48 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 48 27 etc etc X _005196830 48 28 . . X _005196830 49 1 the the DET _005196830 49 2 response response NOUN _005196830 49 3 to to ADP _005196830 49 4 the the DET _005196830 49 5 reading reading NOUN _005196830 49 6 may may AUX _005196830 49 7 be be AUX _005196830 49 8 twofold twofold NOUN _005196830 49 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 49 10 sflent sflent ADJ _005196830 49 11 reflection reflection NOUN _005196830 49 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 49 13 the the DET _005196830 49 14 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 49 15 into into ADP _005196830 49 16 your your PRON _005196830 49 17 vfii vfii ADJ _005196830 49 18 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 49 19 hands hand NOUN _005196830 49 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 49 21 ... ... PUNCT _005196830 49 22 as as ADP _005196830 49 23 a a DET _005196830 49 24 type type NOUN _005196830 49 25 of of ADP _005196830 49 26 acclamation acclamation NOUN _005196830 49 27 the the DET _005196830 49 28 response response NOUN _005196830 49 29 enables enable VERB _005196830 49 30 god god PROPN _005196830 49 31 ’s ’s PART _005196830 49 32 word word NOUN _005196830 49 33 to to PART _005196830 49 34 penetrate penetrate VERB _005196830 49 35 more more ADV _005196830 49 36 deeply deeply ADV _005196830 49 37 into into ADP _005196830 49 38 the the DET _005196830 49 39 minds mind NOUN _005196830 49 40 and and CCONJ _005196830 49 41 hearts heart NOUN _005196830 49 42 of of ADP _005196830 49 43 those those PRON _005196830 49 44 who who PRON _005196830 49 45 are be AUX _005196830 49 46 praying pray VERB _005196830 49 47 . . PUNCT _005196830 50 1 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 50 2 canticle canticle VERB _005196830 50 3 the the DET _005196830 50 4 canticle canticle NOUN _005196830 50 5 of of ADP _005196830 50 6 simeon simeon PROPN _005196830 50 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 50 8 luke luke PROPN _005196830 50 9 2:29 2:29 NUM _005196830 50 10 - - SYM _005196830 50 11 32 32 NUM _005196830 50 12 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 50 13 is be AUX _005196830 50 14 said say VERB _005196830 50 15 at at ADP _005196830 50 16 night night NOUN _005196830 50 17 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 50 18 throughout throughout ADP _005196830 50 19 the the DET _005196830 50 20 week week NOUN _005196830 50 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 51 1 the the DET _005196830 51 2 canticle canticle NOUN _005196830 51 3 expresses express VERB _005196830 51 4 the the DET _005196830 51 5 faith faith NOUN _005196830 51 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 51 7 confidence confidence NOUN _005196830 51 8 of of ADP _005196830 51 9 simeon simeon PROPN _005196830 51 10 in in ADP _005196830 51 11 god god PROPN _005196830 51 12 ’s ’s PART _005196830 51 13 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005196830 51 14 work work NOUN _005196830 51 15 of of ADP _005196830 51 16 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 51 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 51 18 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 51 19 christ christ PROPN _005196830 51 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 52 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 52 2 a a DET _005196830 52 3 concluding concluding NOUN _005196830 52 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 52 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 52 6 which which PRON _005196830 52 7 varies vary VERB _005196830 52 8 with with ADP _005196830 52 9 each each DET _005196830 52 10 night night NOUN _005196830 52 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 52 12 follows follow VERB _005196830 52 13 immediately immediately ADV _005196830 52 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 53 1 it it PRON _005196830 53 2 attempts attempt VERB _005196830 53 3 to to PART _005196830 53 4 sum sum VERB _005196830 53 5 up up ADP _005196830 53 6 the the DET _005196830 53 7 entire entire ADJ _005196830 53 8 intention intention NOUN _005196830 53 9 of of ADP _005196830 53 10 night night NOUN _005196830 53 11 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 53 12 in in ADP _005196830 53 13 the the DET _005196830 53 14 form form NOUN _005196830 53 15 of of ADP _005196830 53 16 a a DET _005196830 53 17 final final ADJ _005196830 53 18 petition petition NOUN _005196830 53 19 addressed address VERB _005196830 53 20 to to ADP _005196830 53 21 god god PROPN _005196830 53 22 the the DET _005196830 53 23 father father PROPN _005196830 53 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 54 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 54 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 54 3 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 54 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 54 5 marian marian ADJ _005196830 54 6 a a DET _005196830 54 7 ntiphon ntiphon NOUN _005196830 54 8 after after ADP _005196830 54 9 the the DET _005196830 54 10 final final ADJ _005196830 54 11 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 54 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 54 13 the the DET _005196830 54 14 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 54 15 may may AUX _005196830 54 16 the the DET _005196830 54 17 allpowerful allpowerful ADJ _005196830 54 18 lord lord PROPN _005196830 54 19 is be AUX _005196830 54 20 said say VERB _005196830 54 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 54 22 even even ADV _005196830 54 23 when when SCONJ _005196830 54 24 night night NOUN _005196830 54 25 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 54 26 is be AUX _005196830 54 27 said say VERB _005196830 54 28 alone alone ADV _005196830 54 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 55 1 finally finally ADV _005196830 55 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 55 3 one one NUM _005196830 55 4 of of ADP _005196830 55 5 the the DET _005196830 55 6 antiphons antiphon NOUN _005196830 55 7 in in ADP _005196830 55 8 honor honor NOUN _005196830 55 9 of of ADP _005196830 55 10 the the DET _005196830 55 11 blessed bless VERB _005196830 55 12 virgin virgin NOUN _005196830 55 13 is be AUX _005196830 55 14 said say VERB _005196830 55 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 55 16 see see VERB _005196830 55 17 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 55 18 ii ii PROPN _005196830 55 19 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 55 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 56 1 ix ix ADV _005196830 56 2 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 56 3 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 56 4 god god PROPN _005196830 56 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 56 6 come come VERB _005196830 56 7 to to ADP _005196830 56 8 my my PRON _005196830 56 9 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 56 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 57 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 57 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 57 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 57 4 make make VERB _005196830 57 5 haste haste NOUN _005196830 57 6 to to PART _005196830 57 7 help help VERB _005196830 57 8 me i PRON _005196830 57 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 58 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 58 2 to to ADP _005196830 58 3 the the DET _005196830 58 4 father father NOUN _005196830 58 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 58 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 58 7 to to ADP _005196830 58 8 the the DET _005196830 58 9 son son NOUN _005196830 58 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 58 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 58 12 to to ADP _005196830 58 13 the the DET _005196830 58 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 58 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 58 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 58 17 as as SCONJ _005196830 58 18 it it PRON _005196830 58 19 was be AUX _005196830 58 20 in in ADP _005196830 58 21 the the DET _005196830 58 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196830 58 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 58 24 is be AUX _005196830 58 25 now now ADV _005196830 58 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 58 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 58 28 will will AUX _005196830 58 29 be be AUX _005196830 58 30 for for ADP _005196830 58 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 58 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 59 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 59 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 60 1 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 60 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 61 1 a a DET _005196830 61 2 brief brief ADJ _005196830 61 3 examination examination NOUN _005196830 61 4 of of ADP _005196830 61 5 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 61 6 may may AUX _005196830 61 7 be be AUX _005196830 61 8 made make VERB _005196830 61 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 62 1 at at ADP _005196830 62 2 its its PRON _005196830 62 3 conelusion conelusion NOUN _005196830 62 4 one one NUM _005196830 62 5 of of ADP _005196830 62 6 the the DET _005196830 62 7 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 62 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 62 9 in in ADP _005196830 62 10 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 62 11 i i PRON _005196830 62 12 may may AUX _005196830 62 13 be be AUX _005196830 62 14 said say VERB _005196830 62 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 63 1 1 1 NUM _005196830 63 2 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 63 3 hymn hymn PROPN _005196830 63 4 o o PROPN _005196830 63 5 christ christ PROPN _005196830 63 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 63 7 you you PRON _005196830 63 8 are be AUX _005196830 63 9 the the DET _005196830 63 10 light light NOUN _005196830 63 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 63 12 day day NOUN _005196830 63 13 which which PRON _005196830 63 14 drives drive VERB _005196830 63 15 away away ADV _005196830 63 16 the the DET _005196830 63 17 night night NOUN _005196830 63 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 63 19 the the DET _005196830 63 20 ever ever ADV _005196830 63 21 shining shine VERB _005196830 63 22 sun sun NOUN _005196830 63 23 of of ADP _005196830 63 24 god god PROPN _005196830 63 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 63 26 pledge pledge NOUN _005196830 63 27 of of ADP _005196830 63 28 future future ADJ _005196830 63 29 light light NOUN _005196830 63 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 64 1 as as SCONJ _005196830 64 2 now now ADV _005196830 64 3 the the DET _005196830 64 4 ev’ning ev’ning NOUN _005196830 64 5 shadows shadow NOUN _005196830 64 6 fall fall VERB _005196830 64 7 please please INTJ _005196830 64 8 grant grant VERB _005196830 64 9 us we PRON _005196830 64 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 65 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 65 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 65 3 we we PRON _005196830 65 4 pray pray VERB _005196830 65 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 65 6 a a DET _005196830 65 7 quiet quiet ADJ _005196830 65 8 night night NOUN _005196830 65 9 to to PART _005196830 65 10 rest rest VERB _005196830 65 11 in in ADP _005196830 65 12 you you PRON _005196830 65 13 until until ADP _005196830 65 14 the the DET _005196830 65 15 break break NOUN _005196830 65 16 of of ADP _005196830 65 17 day day NOUN _005196830 65 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 66 1 remember remember VERB _005196830 66 2 ns n VERB _005196830 66 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 66 4 poor poor ADJ _005196830 66 5 mortal mortal ADJ _005196830 66 6 men man NOUN _005196830 66 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 67 1 we we PRON _005196830 67 2 humbly humbly ADV _005196830 67 3 ask ask VERB _005196830 67 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 67 5 o o NOUN _005196830 67 6 lord lord PROPN _005196830 67 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 67 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 67 9 may may AUX _005196830 67 10 your your PRON _005196830 67 11 presence presence NOUN _005196830 67 12 in in ADP _005196830 67 13 our our PRON _005196830 67 14 souls soul NOUN _005196830 67 15 be be AUX _005196830 67 16 now now ADV _005196830 67 17 our our PRON _005196830 67 18 great great ADJ _005196830 67 19 reward reward NOUN _005196830 67 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 68 1 melody melody NOUN _005196830 68 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 68 3 saint saint PROPN _005196830 68 4 anne anne PROPN _005196830 68 5 cm cm PROPN _005196830 68 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 69 1 music music NOUN _005196830 69 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 69 3 william william PROPN _005196830 69 4 croft croft PROPN _005196830 69 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 69 6 1708 1708 NUM _005196830 69 7 text text NOUN _005196830 69 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 69 9 christe christe NOUN _005196830 69 10 qui qui PROPN _005196830 69 11 lux lux NOUN _005196830 69 12 es es X _005196830 69 13 et et PROPN _005196830 69 14 dies die VERB _005196830 69 15 translator translator NOUN _005196830 69 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 69 17 rev rev PROPN _005196830 69 18 . . PROPN _005196830 69 19 m. m. PROPN _005196830 69 20 quinn quinn PROPN _005196830 69 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 69 22 o.p o.p PROPN _005196830 69 23 . . PROPN _005196830 69 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 69 25 et et PROPN _005196830 70 1 al al PROPN _005196830 70 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 70 3 psalmody psalmody PROPN _005196830 70 4 2 2 NUM _005196830 70 5 ant ant PROPN _005196830 70 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 71 1 n^t n^t PROPN _005196830 71 2 holds hold VERB _005196830 71 3 no no DET _005196830 71 4 terrors terror NOUN _005196830 71 5 for for ADP _005196830 71 6 me i PRON _005196830 71 7 sleeping sleep VERB _005196830 71 8 under under ADP _005196830 71 9 god god PROPN _005196830 71 10 ’s ’s PART _005196830 71 11 wings wing NOUN _005196830 71 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 72 1 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 72 2 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 72 3 91 91 NUM _005196830 72 4 safe safe ADJ _005196830 72 5 in in ADP _005196830 72 6 god god PROPN _005196830 72 7 ’s ’s PART _005196830 72 8 sheltering shelter VERB _005196830 72 9 care care NOUN _005196830 72 10 / / PUNCT _005196830 72 11 have have AUX _005196830 72 12 given give VERB _005196830 72 13 you you PRON _005196830 72 14 the the DET _005196830 72 15 power power NOUN _005196830 72 16 to to PART _005196830 72 17 tread tread VERB _005196830 72 18 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 72 19 serpents serpent NOUN _005196830 72 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 72 21 scorpions scorpion NOUN _005196830 72 22 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 72 23 luke luke PROPN _005196830 72 24 10:19 10:19 NUM _005196830 72 25 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 72 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 73 1 he he PRON _005196830 73 2 who who PRON _005196830 73 3 dwells dwell VERB _005196830 73 4 in in ADP _005196830 73 5 the the DET _005196830 73 6 shelter shelter NOUN _005196830 73 7 of of ADP _005196830 73 8 the the DET _005196830 73 9 most most ADV _005196830 73 10 high high ADJ _005196830 73 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 73 12 abides abide NOUN _005196830 73 13 in in ADP _005196830 73 14 the the DET _005196830 73 15 shade shade NOUN _005196830 73 16 of of ADP _005196830 73 17 the the DET _005196830 73 18 almighty almighty PROPN _005196830 73 19 says say VERB _005196830 73 20 to to ADP _005196830 73 21 the the DET _005196830 73 22 lord lord PROPN _005196830 73 23 : : PUNCT _005196830 73 24 " " PUNCT _005196830 73 25 my my PRON _005196830 73 26 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 73 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 73 28 my my PRON _005196830 73 29 stronghold stronghold NOUN _005196830 73 30 , , PUNCT _005196830 73 31 my my PRON _005196830 73 32 god god NOUN _005196830 73 33 in in ADP _005196830 73 34 whom whom PRON _005196830 73 35 i i PRON _005196830 73 36 trust trust VERB _005196830 73 37 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 73 38 ” " PUNCT _005196830 74 1 it it PRON _005196830 74 2 is be AUX _005196830 74 3 he he PRON _005196830 74 4 who who PRON _005196830 74 5 will will AUX _005196830 74 6 free free VERB _005196830 74 7 you you PRON _005196830 74 8 from from ADP _005196830 74 9 the the DET _005196830 74 10 snare snare NOUN _005196830 74 11 of of ADP _005196830 74 12 the the DET _005196830 74 13 fowler fowler NOUN _005196830 74 14 who who PRON _005196830 74 15 seeks seek VERB _005196830 74 16 to to PART _005196830 74 17 destroy destroy VERB _005196830 74 18 you you PRON _005196830 74 19 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 74 20 he he PRON _005196830 74 21 will will AUX _005196830 74 22 conceal conceal VERB _005196830 74 23 you you PRON _005196830 74 24 with with ADP _005196830 74 25 his his PRON _005196830 74 26 pinions pinion NOUN _005196830 74 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 74 28 under under ADP _005196830 74 29 his his PRON _005196830 74 30 wings wing NOUN _005196830 74 31 you you PRON _005196830 74 32 will will AUX _005196830 74 33 find find VERB _005196830 74 34 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 74 35 . . PUNCT _005196830 75 1 you you PRON _005196830 75 2 will will AUX _005196830 75 3 not not PART _005196830 75 4 fear fear VERB _005196830 75 5 the the DET _005196830 75 6 terror terror NOUN _005196830 75 7 of of ADP _005196830 75 8 the the DET _005196830 75 9 night night NOUN _005196830 75 10 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 75 11 the the DET _005196830 75 12 arrow arrow NOUN _005196830 75 13 that that PRON _005196830 75 14 flies fly VERB _005196830 75 15 by by ADP _005196830 75 16 day day NOUN _005196830 75 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 75 18 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 75 19 the the DET _005196830 75 20 plague plague NOUN _005196830 75 21 that that PRON _005196830 75 22 prowls prowl VERB _005196830 75 23 in in ADP _005196830 75 24 the the DET _005196830 75 25 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 75 26 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 75 27 the the DET _005196830 75 28 scourge scourge NOUN _005196830 75 29 that that PRON _005196830 75 30 lays lay VERB _005196830 75 31 waste waste NOUN _005196830 75 32 at at ADP _005196830 75 33 noon noon NOUN _005196830 75 34 . . PUNCT _005196830 76 1 a a DET _005196830 76 2 thousand thousand NUM _005196830 76 3 may may AUX _005196830 76 4 fall fall VERB _005196830 76 5 at at ADP _005196830 76 6 your your PRON _005196830 76 7 side side NOUN _005196830 76 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 76 9 ten ten NUM _005196830 76 10 thousand thousand NUM _005196830 76 11 fall fall NOUN _005196830 76 12 at at ADP _005196830 76 13 your your PRON _005196830 76 14 right right NOUN _005196830 76 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 76 16 you you PRON _005196830 76 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 76 18 it it PRON _005196830 76 19 will will AUX _005196830 76 20 never never ADV _005196830 76 21 approach approach VERB _005196830 76 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 76 23 his his PRON _005196830 76 24 faithfulness faithfulness NOUN _005196830 76 25 is be AUX _005196830 76 26 buckler buckler NOUN _005196830 76 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 76 28 shield shield NOUN _005196830 76 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 77 1 your your PRON _005196830 77 2 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 77 3 have have VERB _005196830 77 4 only only ADV _005196830 77 5 to to PART _005196830 77 6 look look VERB _005196830 77 7 i i PRON _005196830 77 8 to to PART _005196830 77 9 see see VERB _005196830 77 10 how how SCONJ _005196830 77 11 the the DET _005196830 77 12 wicked wicked NOUN _005196830 77 13 are be AUX _005196830 77 14 repaid repay VERB _005196830 77 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 77 16 you you PRON _005196830 77 17 who who PRON _005196830 77 18 have have AUX _005196830 77 19 said say VERB _005196830 77 20 : : PUNCT _005196830 77 21 " " PUNCT _005196830 77 22 lord lord PROPN _005196830 77 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 77 24 my my PRON _005196830 77 25 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 77 26 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 77 27 ” " PUNCT _005196830 78 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 78 2 have have AUX _005196830 78 3 made make VERB _005196830 78 4 the the DET _005196830 78 5 most most ADV _005196830 78 6 high high ADJ _005196830 78 7 your your PRON _005196830 78 8 dwelling dwelling NOUN _005196830 78 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 79 1 3 3 NUM _005196830 79 2 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 79 3 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 79 4 you you PRON _005196830 79 5 no no DET _005196830 79 6 evil evil NOUN _005196830 79 7 shall shall AUX _005196830 79 8 fall fall VERB _005196830 79 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 79 10 no no DET _005196830 79 11 plague plague NOUN _005196830 79 12 approach approach NOUN _005196830 79 13 where where SCONJ _005196830 79 14 you you PRON _005196830 79 15 dwell dwell VERB _005196830 79 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 80 1 for for ADP _005196830 80 2 you you PRON _005196830 80 3 has have AUX _005196830 80 4 he he PRON _005196830 80 5 commanded command VERB _005196830 80 6 his his PRON _005196830 80 7 angels angel NOUN _005196830 80 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 80 9 to to PART _005196830 80 10 keep keep VERB _005196830 80 11 you you PRON _005196830 80 12 in in ADP _005196830 80 13 all all DET _005196830 80 14 your your PRON _005196830 80 15 ways way NOUN _005196830 80 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 81 1 they they PRON _005196830 81 2 shall shall AUX _005196830 81 3 bear bear VERB _005196830 81 4 you you PRON _005196830 81 5 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 81 6 their their PRON _005196830 81 7 hands hand NOUN _005196830 81 8 lest lest SCONJ _005196830 81 9 you you PRON _005196830 81 10 strike strike VERB _005196830 81 11 your your PRON _005196830 81 12 foot foot NOUN _005196830 81 13 against against ADP _005196830 81 14 a a DET _005196830 81 15 stone stone NOUN _005196830 81 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 82 1 on on ADP _005196830 82 2 the the DET _005196830 82 3 lion lion NOUN _005196830 82 4 and and CCONJ _005196830 82 5 the the DET _005196830 82 6 viper viper NOUN _005196830 82 7 you you PRON _005196830 82 8 will will AUX _005196830 82 9 tread tread VERB _005196830 82 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 82 11 trample trample VERB _005196830 82 12 the the DET _005196830 82 13 young young ADJ _005196830 82 14 lion lion NOUN _005196830 82 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 82 16 the the DET _005196830 82 17 dragon dragon NOUN _005196830 82 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 83 1 since since SCONJ _005196830 83 2 he he PRON _005196830 83 3 clings cling VERB _005196830 83 4 to to ADP _005196830 83 5 me i PRON _005196830 83 6 in in ADP _005196830 83 7 love love NOUN _005196830 83 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 83 9 i i PRON _005196830 83 10 will will AUX _005196830 83 11 free free VERB _005196830 83 12 him he PRON _005196830 83 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 83 14 protect protect VERB _005196830 83 15 him he PRON _005196830 83 16 for for SCONJ _005196830 83 17 he he PRON _005196830 83 18 knows know VERB _005196830 83 19 my my PRON _005196830 83 20 name name NOUN _005196830 83 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 84 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 84 2 he he PRON _005196830 84 3 calls call VERB _005196830 84 4 1 1 NUM _005196830 84 5 shall shall AUX _005196830 84 6 answer answer VERB _005196830 84 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 84 8 “ " PUNCT _005196830 84 9 i i PRON _005196830 84 10 am be AUX _005196830 84 11 with with ADP _005196830 84 12 you you PRON _005196830 84 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 84 14 ” " PUNCT _005196830 85 1 1 1 NUM _005196830 85 2 will will AUX _005196830 85 3 save save VERB _005196830 85 4 him he PRON _005196830 85 5 in in ADP _005196830 85 6 distress distress NOUN _005196830 85 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 85 8 give give VERB _005196830 85 9 him he PRON _005196830 85 10 glory glory NOUN _005196830 85 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 86 1 with with ADP _005196830 86 2 length length NOUN _005196830 86 3 of of ADP _005196830 86 4 life life NOUN _005196830 86 5 i i PRON _005196830 86 6 will will AUX _005196830 86 7 content content VERB _005196830 86 8 him he PRON _005196830 86 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 86 10 i i PRON _005196830 86 11 shall shall AUX _005196830 86 12 let let VERB _005196830 86 13 him he PRON _005196830 86 14 see see VERB _005196830 86 15 my my PRON _005196830 86 16 saving saving NOUN _005196830 86 17 power power NOUN _005196830 86 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 87 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 87 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 87 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 87 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 87 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 87 6 christ christ PROPN _005196830 87 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 87 8 when when SCONJ _005196830 87 9 tempted tempt VERB _005196830 87 10 by by ADP _005196830 87 11 the the DET _005196830 87 12 devil devil NOUN _005196830 87 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 87 14 you you PRON _005196830 87 15 remained remain VERB _005196830 87 16 loyal loyal ADJ _005196830 87 17 to to ADP _005196830 87 18 your your PRON _005196830 87 19 father father NOUN _005196830 87 20 whose whose DET _005196830 87 21 angels angel NOUN _005196830 87 22 watched watch VERB _005196830 87 23 over over ADP _005196830 87 24 you you PRON _005196830 87 25 at at ADP _005196830 87 26 his his PRON _005196830 87 27 command command NOUN _005196830 87 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 88 1 guard guard VERB _005196830 88 2 your your PRON _005196830 88 3 church church NOUN _005196830 88 4 and and CCONJ _005196830 88 5 keep keep VERB _005196830 88 6 us we PRON _005196830 88 7 safe safe ADJ _005196830 88 8 from from ADP _005196830 88 9 the the DET _005196830 88 10 plague plague NOUN _005196830 88 11 of of ADP _005196830 88 12 sin sin NOUN _005196830 88 13 so so SCONJ _005196830 88 14 that that SCONJ _005196830 88 15 we we PRON _005196830 88 16 may may AUX _005196830 88 17 remain remain VERB _005196830 88 18 loyal loyal ADJ _005196830 88 19 to to ADP _005196830 88 20 the the DET _005196830 88 21 day day NOUN _005196830 88 22 we we PRON _005196830 88 23 enjoy enjoy VERB _005196830 88 24 your your PRON _005196830 88 25 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 88 26 and and CCONJ _005196830 88 27 your your PRON _005196830 88 28 glory glory NOUN _005196830 88 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 89 1 4 4 NUM _005196830 89 2 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 89 3 reading read VERB _005196830 89 4 revelation revelation NOUN _005196830 89 5 22:4 22:4 NUM _005196830 89 6 - - SYM _005196830 89 7 5 5 NUM _005196830 89 8 they they PRON _005196830 89 9 shall shall AUX _005196830 89 10 see see VERB _005196830 89 11 the the DET _005196830 89 12 lord lord PROPN _005196830 89 13 face face VERB _005196830 89 14 to to ADP _005196830 89 15 face face VERB _005196830 89 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 89 17 bear bear VERB _005196830 89 18 his his PRON _005196830 89 19 name name NOUN _005196830 89 20 on on ADP _005196830 89 21 their their PRON _005196830 89 22 foreheads forehead NOUN _005196830 89 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 90 1 the the DET _005196830 90 2 night night NOUN _005196830 90 3 shall shall AUX _005196830 90 4 be be AUX _005196830 90 5 no no DET _005196830 90 6 more more ADJ _005196830 90 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 91 1 they they PRON _005196830 91 2 wol wol VERB _005196830 91 3 need need VERB _005196830 91 4 no no DET _005196830 91 5 light light NOUN _005196830 91 6 from from ADP _005196830 91 7 lamps lamp NOUN _005196830 91 8 or or CCONJ _005196830 91 9 the the DET _005196830 91 10 sun sun NOUN _005196830 91 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 91 12 for for SCONJ _005196830 91 13 the the DET _005196830 91 14 lord lord PROPN _005196830 91 15 god god PROPN _005196830 91 16 shall shall AUX _005196830 91 17 give give VERB _005196830 91 18 them they PRON _005196830 91 19 light light ADJ _005196830 91 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 91 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 91 22 they they PRON _005196830 91 23 shall shall AUX _005196830 91 24 reign reign VERB _005196830 91 25 forever forever ADV _005196830 91 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 92 1 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 92 2 into into ADP _005196830 92 3 your your PRON _005196830 92 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 92 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 93 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 93 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 93 3 i i PRON _005196830 93 4 commendmy commendmy PROPN _005196830 93 5 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 93 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 94 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 94 2 into into ADP _005196830 94 3 your your PRON _005196830 94 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 94 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 95 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 95 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 95 3 i i PRON _005196830 95 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 95 5 my my PRON _005196830 95 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 95 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 96 1 yon yon PRON _005196830 96 2 have have AUX _005196830 96 3 redeemed redeem VERB _005196830 96 4 us we PRON _005196830 96 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 97 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 97 2 god god PROPN _005196830 97 3 of of ADP _005196830 97 4 troth troth PROPN _005196830 97 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 98 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 98 2 ^i ^i PUNCT _005196830 98 3 commend commend VERB _005196830 98 4 my my PRON _005196830 98 5 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 98 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 99 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 99 2 to to ADP _005196830 99 3 the the DET _005196830 99 4 father father NOUN _005196830 99 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 99 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 99 7 to to ADP _005196830 99 8 the the DET _005196830 99 9 son son NOUN _005196830 99 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 99 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 99 12 to to ADP _005196830 99 13 the the DET _005196830 99 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 99 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 99 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 100 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 100 2 into into ADP _005196830 100 3 your your PRON _005196830 100 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 100 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 101 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 101 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 101 3 i i PRON _005196830 101 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 101 5 my my PRON _005196830 101 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 101 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 102 1 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 102 2 canticle canticle PROPN _005196830 102 3 luke luke PROPN _005196830 102 4 2:29 2:29 NUM _005196830 102 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 102 6 n n PROPN _005196830 102 7 christ christ PROPN _005196830 102 8 is be AUX _005196830 102 9 the the DET _005196830 102 10 light light NOUN _005196830 102 11 of of ADP _005196830 102 12 the the DET _005196830 102 13 nations nation NOUN _005196830 102 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 102 15 the the DET _005196830 102 16 glory glory NOUN _005196830 102 17 of of ADP _005196830 102 18 israel israel PROPN _005196830 102 19 ant ant PROPN _005196830 102 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 103 1 protect protect VERB _005196830 103 2 us we PRON _005196830 103 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 104 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 104 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 104 3 as as SCONJ _005196830 104 4 we we PRON _005196830 104 5 stay stay VERB _005196830 104 6 awake awake ADJ _005196830 104 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 104 8 watch watch VERB _005196830 104 9 over over ADP _005196830 104 10 us we PRON _005196830 104 11 as as SCONJ _005196830 104 12 we we PRON _005196830 104 13 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 104 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 104 15 that that PRON _005196830 104 16 awake awake ADJ _005196830 104 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 104 18 we we PRON _005196830 104 19 may may AUX _005196830 104 20 keep keep VERB _005196830 104 21 watch watch NOUN _005196830 104 22 with with ADP _005196830 104 23 christ christ PROPN _005196830 104 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 104 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 104 26 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 104 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 104 28 rest rest VERB _005196830 104 29 in in ADP _005196830 104 30 his his PRON _005196830 104 31 peace peace NOUN _005196830 104 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 105 1 5 5 NUM _005196830 105 2 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 105 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 105 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 105 5 now now ADV _005196830 105 6 yon yon PROPN _005196830 105 7 let let VERB _005196830 105 8 your your PRON _005196830 105 9 servant servant NOUN _005196830 105 10 go go VERB _005196830 105 11 in in ADP _005196830 105 12 peace peace NOUN _005196830 105 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 105 14 your your PRON _005196830 105 15 word word NOUN _005196830 105 16 has have AUX _005196830 105 17 been be AUX _005196830 105 18 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196830 105 19 : : PUNCT _005196830 105 20 my my PRON _005196830 105 21 own own ADJ _005196830 105 22 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 105 23 have have AUX _005196830 105 24 seen see VERB _005196830 105 25 the the DET _005196830 105 26 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 105 27 which which PRON _005196830 105 28 you you PRON _005196830 105 29 have have AUX _005196830 105 30 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 105 31 in in ADP _005196830 105 32 the the DET _005196830 105 33 sight sight NOUN _005196830 105 34 of of ADP _005196830 105 35 every every DET _005196830 105 36 people people NOUN _005196830 105 37 : : PUNCT _005196830 105 38 a a DET _005196830 105 39 light light NOUN _005196830 105 40 to to PART _005196830 105 41 reveal reveal VERB _005196830 105 42 you you PRON _005196830 105 43 to to ADP _005196830 105 44 the the DET _005196830 105 45 nations nation NOUN _005196830 105 46 and and CCONJ _005196830 105 47 the the DET _005196830 105 48 glory glory NOUN _005196830 105 49 of of ADP _005196830 105 50 your your PRON _005196830 105 51 people people NOUN _005196830 105 52 israel israel PROPN _005196830 105 53 . . PUNCT _005196830 106 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 106 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 106 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 106 4 we we PRON _005196830 106 5 have have AUX _005196830 106 6 celebrated celebrate VERB _005196830 106 7 today today NOUN _005196830 106 8 the the DET _005196830 106 9 mystery mystery NOUN _005196830 106 10 of of ADP _005196830 106 11 the the DET _005196830 106 12 rising rising NOUN _005196830 106 13 of of ADP _005196830 106 14 christ christ PROPN _005196830 106 15 to to ADP _005196830 106 16 new new ADJ _005196830 106 17 life life NOUN _005196830 106 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 107 1 may may AUX _005196830 107 2 we we PRON _005196830 107 3 now now ADV _005196830 107 4 rest rest VERB _005196830 107 5 in in ADP _005196830 107 6 your your PRON _005196830 107 7 peace peace NOUN _005196830 107 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 107 9 safe safe ADJ _005196830 107 10 from from ADP _005196830 107 11 all all PRON _005196830 107 12 that that PRON _005196830 107 13 could could AUX _005196830 107 14 harm harm VERB _005196830 107 15 us we PRON _005196830 107 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 107 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 107 18 rise rise VERB _005196830 107 19 again again ADV _005196830 107 20 refreshed refresh VERB _005196830 107 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 107 22 joyful joyful ADJ _005196830 107 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 107 24 to to PART _005196830 107 25 praise praise VERB _005196830 107 26 you you PRON _005196830 107 27 throughout throughout ADP _005196830 107 28 another another DET _005196830 107 29 day day NOUN _005196830 107 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 108 1 we we PRON _005196830 108 2 ask ask VERB _005196830 108 3 this this PRON _005196830 108 4 through through ADP _005196830 108 5 christ christ PROPN _005196830 108 6 our our PRON _005196830 108 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 108 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 109 1 or or CCONJ _005196830 109 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 109 3 on on ADP _005196830 109 4 solemnities solemnity NOUN _005196830 109 5 that that PRON _005196830 109 6 do do AUX _005196830 109 7 not not PART _005196830 109 8 occur occur VERB _005196830 109 9 on on ADP _005196830 109 10 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 109 11 : : PUNCT _005196830 109 12 lord lord PROPN _005196830 109 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 109 14 we we PRON _005196830 109 15 beg beg VERB _005196830 109 16 you you PRON _005196830 109 17 to to PART _005196830 109 18 visit visit VERB _005196830 109 19 this this DET _005196830 109 20 house house NOUN _005196830 109 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 109 22 banish banish VERB _005196830 109 23 from from ADP _005196830 109 24 it it PRON _005196830 109 25 till till SCONJ _005196830 109 26 the the DET _005196830 109 27 deadly deadly ADJ _005196830 109 28 power power NOUN _005196830 109 29 of of ADP _005196830 109 30 the the DET _005196830 109 31 enemy enemy NOUN _005196830 109 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 110 1 may may AUX _005196830 110 2 your your PRON _005196830 110 3 holy holy ADJ _005196830 110 4 angels angel NOUN _005196830 110 5 dwell dwell NOUN _005196830 110 6 here here ADV _005196830 110 7 to to PART _005196830 110 8 keep keep VERB _005196830 110 9 us we PRON _005196830 110 10 in in ADP _005196830 110 11 peace peace NOUN _005196830 110 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 111 1 6 6 NUM _005196830 111 2 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 111 3 and and CCONJ _005196830 111 4 may may AUX _005196830 111 5 yonr yonr PROPN _005196830 111 6 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 111 7 be be AUX _005196830 111 8 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 111 9 us we PRON _005196830 111 10 always always ADV _005196830 111 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 112 1 we we PRON _005196830 112 2 ask ask VERB _005196830 112 3 this this PRON _005196830 112 4 through through ADP _005196830 112 5 christ christ PROPN _005196830 112 6 our our PRON _005196830 112 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 112 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 113 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 113 2 may may AUX _005196830 113 3 the the DET _005196830 113 4 all all ADV _005196830 113 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 113 6 powerful powerful ADJ _005196830 113 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 113 8 grant grant VERB _005196830 113 9 us we PRON _005196830 113 10 a a DET _005196830 113 11 restful restful ADJ _005196830 113 12 night night NOUN _005196830 113 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 113 14 a a DET _005196830 113 15 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 113 16 death death NOUN _005196830 113 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 114 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 114 2 amen amen INTJ _005196830 114 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 115 1 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 115 2 of of ADP _005196830 115 3 the the DET _005196830 115 4 blessed bless VERB _005196830 115 5 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 115 6 mary mary PROPN _005196830 115 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 115 8 see see VERB _005196830 115 9 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 115 10 ii ii PROPN _005196830 115 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 115 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 116 1 7 7 NUM _005196830 116 2 monday monday PROPN _005196830 116 3 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 116 4 god god PROPN _005196830 116 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 116 6 come come VERB _005196830 116 7 to to ADP _005196830 116 8 my my PRON _005196830 116 9 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 116 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 117 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 117 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 117 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 117 4 make make VERB _005196830 117 5 haste haste NOUN _005196830 117 6 to to PART _005196830 117 7 help help VERB _005196830 117 8 me i PRON _005196830 117 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 118 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 118 2 to to ADP _005196830 118 3 the the DET _005196830 118 4 father father NOUN _005196830 118 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 118 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 118 7 to to ADP _005196830 118 8 the the DET _005196830 118 9 son son NOUN _005196830 118 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 118 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 118 12 to to ADP _005196830 118 13 the the DET _005196830 118 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 118 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 118 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 118 17 as as SCONJ _005196830 118 18 it it PRON _005196830 118 19 was be AUX _005196830 118 20 in in ADP _005196830 118 21 the the DET _005196830 118 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196830 118 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 118 24 is be AUX _005196830 118 25 now now ADV _005196830 118 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 118 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 118 28 will will AUX _005196830 118 29 be be AUX _005196830 118 30 for for ADP _005196830 118 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 118 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 119 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 119 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 120 1 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 120 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 121 1 a a DET _005196830 121 2 brief brief ADJ _005196830 121 3 examination examination NOUN _005196830 121 4 of of ADP _005196830 121 5 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 121 6 may may AUX _005196830 121 7 be be AUX _005196830 121 8 made make VERB _005196830 121 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 122 1 at at ADP _005196830 122 2 its its PRON _005196830 122 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 122 4 one one NUM _005196830 122 5 of of ADP _005196830 122 6 the the DET _005196830 122 7 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 122 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 122 9 in in ADP _005196830 122 10 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 122 11 / / PUNCT _005196830 122 12 may may AUX _005196830 122 13 be be AUX _005196830 122 14 said say VERB _005196830 122 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 123 1 9 9 NUM _005196830 123 2 monday monday PROPN _005196830 123 3 hymn hymn PROPN _005196830 123 4 day day NOUN _005196830 123 5 is be AUX _005196830 123 6 done do VERB _005196830 123 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 123 8 but but CCONJ _005196830 123 9 love love VERB _005196830 123 10 unfailing unfailing ADJ _005196830 123 11 dwells dwell NOUN _005196830 123 12 ever ever ADV _005196830 123 13 h»e h»e NOUN _005196830 123 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 123 15 shadows shadow NOUN _005196830 123 16 fall fall VERB _005196830 123 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 123 18 but but CCONJ _005196830 123 19 hope hope NOUN _005196830 123 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 123 21 prevailing prevail VERB _005196830 123 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 124 1 calms calm NOUN _005196830 124 2 every every DET _005196830 124 3 fear fear NOUN _005196830 124 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 125 1 loving love VERB _005196830 125 2 father father PROPN _005196830 125 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 125 4 none none NOUN _005196830 125 5 forsaking forsaking NOUN _005196830 125 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 126 1 take take VERB _005196830 126 2 onr onr PROPN _005196830 126 3 hearts heart NOUN _005196830 126 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 126 5 of of ADP _005196830 126 6 love love NOUN _005196830 126 7 ’s ’s PART _005196830 126 8 own own ADJ _005196830 126 9 making making NOUN _005196830 126 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 127 1 watch watch VERB _005196830 127 2 our our PRON _005196830 127 3 sleeping sleeping NOUN _005196830 127 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 127 5 guard guard VERB _005196830 127 6 our our PRON _005196830 127 7 waking waking NOUN _005196830 127 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 128 1 be be AUX _005196830 128 2 always always ADV _005196830 128 3 near near ADJ _005196830 128 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 129 1 dark dark ADJ _005196830 129 2 descends descend NOUN _005196830 129 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 129 4 but but CCONJ _005196830 129 5 light light ADJ _005196830 129 6 unending unending ADJ _005196830 129 7 shines shine VERB _005196830 129 8 through through ADP _005196830 129 9 our our PRON _005196830 129 10 night night NOUN _005196830 129 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 129 12 you you PRON _005196830 129 13 are be AUX _005196830 129 14 with with ADP _005196830 129 15 us we PRON _005196830 129 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 129 17 ever ever ADV _005196830 129 18 lending lend VERB _005196830 129 19 new new ADJ _005196830 129 20 strength strength NOUN _005196830 129 21 to to ADP _005196830 129 22 sight sight NOUN _005196830 129 23 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 129 24 one one NUM _005196830 129 25 in in ADP _005196830 129 26 love love NOUN _005196830 129 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 129 28 your your PRON _005196830 129 29 truth truth NOUN _005196830 129 30 confessing confessing NOUN _005196830 129 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 130 1 one one NUM _005196830 130 2 in in ADP _005196830 130 3 hope hope NOUN _005196830 130 4 of of ADP _005196830 130 5 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 130 6 ’s ’s PART _005196830 130 7 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 130 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 131 1 may may AUX _005196830 131 2 we we PRON _005196830 131 3 see see VERB _005196830 131 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 131 5 in in ADP _005196830 131 6 love love NOUN _005196830 131 7 ’s ’s NOUN _005196830 131 8 possessing possess VERB _005196830 131 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 132 1 love love NOUN _005196830 132 2 ’s ’s PART _005196830 132 3 endless endless ADJ _005196830 132 4 light light NOUN _005196830 132 5 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 133 1 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 133 2 will will AUX _005196830 133 3 close close VERB _005196830 133 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 133 5 but but CCONJ _005196830 133 6 you you PRON _005196830 133 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 133 8 unsleeping unsleeping ADJ _005196830 133 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 134 1 watch watch VERB _005196830 134 2 by by ADP _005196830 134 3 our our PRON _005196830 134 4 side side NOUN _005196830 134 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 134 6 death death NOUN _005196830 134 7 may may AUX _005196830 134 8 come come VERB _005196830 134 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 134 10 in in ADP _005196830 134 11 love love NOUN _005196830 134 12 ’s ’s PART _005196830 134 13 safe safe ADJ _005196830 134 14 keeping keeping NOUN _005196830 134 15 still still ADV _005196830 134 16 we we PRON _005196830 134 17 abide abide VERB _005196830 134 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 135 1 god god PROPN _005196830 135 2 of of ADP _005196830 135 3 love love NOUN _005196830 135 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 135 5 all all PRON _005196830 135 6 evil evil ADJ _005196830 135 7 queuing queuing NOUN _005196830 135 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 135 9 sin sin NOUN _005196830 135 10 foi^ving foi^ving NOUN _005196830 135 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 135 12 fear fear NOUN _005196830 135 13 dispelling dispelling NOUN _005196830 135 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 136 1 stay stay VERB _005196830 136 2 with with ADP _005196830 136 3 us we PRON _005196830 136 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 136 5 our our PRON _005196830 136 6 hearts heart NOUN _005196830 136 7 indwelling indwell VERB _005196830 136 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 137 1 this this DET _005196830 137 2 eventide eventide NOUN _005196830 137 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 138 1 10 10 NUM _005196830 138 2 monday monday PROPN _005196830 138 3 melody melody PROPN _005196830 138 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 138 5 ar ar PROPN _005196830 138 6 hyd hyd NOUN _005196830 138 7 y y PROPN _005196830 138 8 nos nos PROPN _005196830 138 9 music music NOUN _005196830 138 10 : : PUNCT _005196830 138 11 welsh welsh NOUN _005196830 138 12 traditional traditional ADJ _005196830 138 13 melody melody NOUN _005196830 138 14 PROPN _005196830 138 15 text text NOUN _005196830 138 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 138 17 james james PROPN _005196830 138 18 quinn quinn PROPN _005196830 138 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 138 20 s.j s.j PROPN _005196830 138 21 . . PROPN _005196830 138 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 138 23 1968 1968 NUM _005196830 138 24 psalmody psalmody NOUN _005196830 138 25 ant ant NOUN _005196830 138 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 139 1 o o PROPN _005196830 139 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 139 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 139 4 our our PRON _005196830 139 5 god god PROPN _005196830 139 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 139 7 unwearied unwearied ADJ _005196830 139 8 is be AUX _005196830 139 9 your your PRON _005196830 139 10 love love NOUN _005196830 139 11 for for ADP _005196830 139 12 us we PRON _005196830 139 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 140 1 psalm psalm VERB _005196830 140 2 86 86 NUM _005196830 140 3 poor poor ADJ _005196830 140 4 man man NOUN _005196830 140 5 ’s ’s PART _005196830 140 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 140 7 in in ADP _005196830 140 8 trouble trouble NOUN _005196830 140 9 blessed bless VERB _005196830 140 10 be be VERB _005196830 140 11 god god PROPN _005196830 140 12 who who PRON _005196830 140 13 comforts comfort VERB _005196830 140 14 us we PRON _005196830 140 15 in in ADP _005196830 140 16 all all DET _005196830 140 17 our our PRON _005196830 140 18 trials trial NOUN _005196830 140 19 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 140 20 2 2 NUM _005196830 140 21 corinthians corinthian NOUN _005196830 140 22 1:3 1:3 NUM _005196830 140 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 140 24 4 4 NUM _005196830 140 25 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 140 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 141 1 turn turn VERB _005196830 141 2 your your PRON _005196830 141 3 ear ear NOUN _005196830 141 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 141 5 o o PROPN _005196830 141 6 lord lord PROPN _005196830 141 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 141 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 141 9 give give VERB _005196830 141 10 answer answer NOUN _005196830 141 11 for for SCONJ _005196830 141 12 i i PRON _005196830 141 13 am be AUX _005196830 141 14 poor poor ADJ _005196830 141 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 141 16 needy needy ADJ _005196830 141 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 142 1 preserve preserve VERB _005196830 142 2 my my PRON _005196830 142 3 life life NOUN _005196830 142 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 142 5 for for SCONJ _005196830 142 6 i i PRON _005196830 142 7 am be AUX _005196830 142 8 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 142 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 142 10 save save VERB _005196830 142 11 the the DET _005196830 142 12 servant servant NOUN _005196830 142 13 who who PRON _005196830 142 14 trusts trust VERB _005196830 142 15 in in ADP _005196830 142 16 you you PRON _005196830 142 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 143 1 you you PRON _005196830 143 2 are be AUX _005196830 143 3 my my PRON _005196830 143 4 god god NOUN _005196830 143 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 143 6 have have VERB _005196830 143 7 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 143 8 on on ADP _005196830 143 9 me i PRON _005196830 143 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 144 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 144 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 144 3 for for SCONJ _005196830 144 4 i i PRON _005196830 144 5 cry cry VERB _005196830 144 6 to to ADP _005196830 144 7 you you PRON _005196830 144 8 ail ail VERB _005196830 144 9 day day NOUN _005196830 144 10 long long ADV _005196830 144 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 145 1 give give VERB _005196830 145 2 joy joy NOUN _005196830 145 3 to to ADP _005196830 145 4 your your PRON _005196830 145 5 servant servant NOUN _005196830 145 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 145 7 o o PROPN _005196830 145 8 lord lord PROPN _005196830 145 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 145 10 for for ADP _005196830 145 11 to to ADP _005196830 145 12 you you PRON _005196830 145 13 i i PRON _005196830 145 14 lift lift VERB _005196830 145 15 up up ADP _005196830 145 16 my my PRON _005196830 145 17 soul soul NOUN _005196830 145 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 146 1 o o PROPN _005196830 146 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 146 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 146 4 you you PRON _005196830 146 5 are be AUX _005196830 146 6 good good ADJ _005196830 146 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 146 8 forgiving forgiving ADJ _005196830 146 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 146 10 full full ADJ _005196830 146 11 of of ADP _005196830 146 12 love love NOUN _005196830 146 13 to to ADP _005196830 146 14 all all PRON _005196830 146 15 who who PRON _005196830 146 16 call call VERB _005196830 146 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 147 1 give give VERB _005196830 147 2 heed heed PROPN _005196830 147 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 147 4 o o PROPN _005196830 147 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 147 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 147 7 to to ADP _005196830 147 8 my my PRON _005196830 147 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 147 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 147 11 attend attend VERB _005196830 147 12 to to ADP _005196830 147 13 the the DET _005196830 147 14 sound sound NOUN _005196830 147 15 of of ADP _005196830 147 16 my my PRON _005196830 147 17 voice voice NOUN _005196830 147 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 148 1 in in ADP _005196830 148 2 the the DET _005196830 148 3 day day NOUN _005196830 148 4 of of ADP _005196830 148 5 distress distress NOUN _005196830 148 6 i i PRON _005196830 148 7 will will AUX _005196830 148 8 call call VERB _005196830 148 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 148 10 surely surely ADV _005196830 148 11 you you PRON _005196830 148 12 will will AUX _005196830 148 13 reply reply VERB _005196830 148 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 149 1 11 11 NUM _005196830 149 2 monday monday PROPN _005196830 149 3 among among ADP _005196830 149 4 the the DET _005196830 149 5 gods god NOUN _005196830 149 6 there there PRON _005196830 149 7 is be VERB _005196830 149 8 none none NOUN _005196830 149 9 like like ADP _005196830 149 10 you you PRON _005196830 149 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 149 12 o o NOUN _005196830 149 13 lord lord PROPN _005196830 149 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 149 15 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 149 16 work work VERB _005196830 149 17 to to PART _005196830 149 18 compare compare VERB _005196830 149 19 with with ADP _005196830 149 20 yours your NOUN _005196830 149 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 150 1 all all DET _005196830 150 2 the the DET _005196830 150 3 nations nation NOUN _005196830 150 4 shall shall AUX _005196830 150 5 come come VERB _005196830 150 6 to to PART _005196830 150 7 adore adore VERB _005196830 150 8 you you PRON _005196830 150 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 150 10 glorify glorify VERB _005196830 150 11 your your PRON _005196830 150 12 name name NOUN _005196830 150 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 150 14 o o PROPN _005196830 150 15 lord lord PROPN _005196830 150 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 150 17 for for SCONJ _005196830 150 18 you you PRON _005196830 150 19 are be AUX _005196830 150 20 great great ADJ _005196830 150 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 150 22 do do VERB _005196830 150 23 marvellous marvellous ADJ _005196830 150 24 deeds deed NOUN _005196830 150 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 150 26 you you PRON _005196830 150 27 who who PRON _005196830 150 28 alone alone ADV _005196830 150 29 are be AUX _005196830 150 30 god god PROPN _005196830 150 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 151 1 show show VERB _005196830 151 2 me i PRON _005196830 151 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 152 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 152 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 152 3 your your PRON _005196830 152 4 way way NOUN _005196830 152 5 so so SCONJ _005196830 152 6 that that SCONJ _005196830 152 7 i i PRON _005196830 152 8 may may AUX _005196830 152 9 walk walk VERB _005196830 152 10 in in ADP _005196830 152 11 your your PRON _005196830 152 12 truth truth NOUN _005196830 152 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 153 1 guide guide VERB _005196830 153 2 my my PRON _005196830 153 3 heart heart NOUN _005196830 153 4 to to PART _005196830 153 5 fear fear VERB _005196830 153 6 your your PRON _005196830 153 7 name name NOUN _005196830 153 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 154 1 i i PRON _005196830 154 2 will will AUX _005196830 154 3 praise praise VERB _005196830 154 4 you you PRON _005196830 154 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 155 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 155 2 my my PRON _005196830 155 3 god god PROPN _005196830 155 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 155 5 with with ADP _005196830 155 6 all all DET _005196830 155 7 my my PRON _005196830 155 8 heart heart NOUN _005196830 155 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 155 10 glorify glorify VERB _005196830 155 11 your your PRON _005196830 155 12 name name NOUN _005196830 155 13 for for ADP _005196830 155 14 ever ever ADV _005196830 155 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 155 16 for for ADP _005196830 155 17 your your PRON _005196830 155 18 love love NOUN _005196830 155 19 to to ADP _005196830 155 20 me i PRON _005196830 155 21 has have AUX _005196830 155 22 been be AUX _005196830 155 23 great great ADJ _005196830 155 24 : : PUNCT _005196830 155 25 you you PRON _005196830 155 26 have have AUX _005196830 155 27 saved save VERB _005196830 155 28 me i PRON _005196830 155 29 from from ADP _005196830 155 30 the the DET _005196830 155 31 depths depth NOUN _005196830 155 32 of of ADP _005196830 155 33 the the DET _005196830 155 34 grave grave NOUN _005196830 155 35 . . PUNCT _005196830 156 1 the the DET _005196830 156 2 proud proud ADJ _005196830 156 3 have have AUX _005196830 156 4 risen rise VERB _005196830 156 5 against against ADP _005196830 156 6 me i PRON _005196830 156 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 156 8 ruthless ruthless ADJ _005196830 156 9 men man NOUN _005196830 156 10 seek seek VERB _005196830 156 11 my my PRON _005196830 156 12 life life NOUN _005196830 156 13 : : PUNCT _005196830 156 14 to to ADP _005196830 156 15 you you PRON _005196830 156 16 they they PRON _005196830 156 17 pay pay VERB _005196830 156 18 no no DET _005196830 156 19 heed heed NOUN _005196830 156 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 157 1 but but CCONJ _005196830 157 2 you you PRON _005196830 157 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 157 4 god god PROPN _005196830 157 5 of of ADP _005196830 157 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 157 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 157 8 compassion compassion NOUN _005196830 157 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 157 10 slow slow ADJ _005196830 157 11 to to ADP _005196830 157 12 anger anger NOUN _005196830 157 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 157 14 o o PROPN _005196830 157 15 lord lord PROPN _005196830 157 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 157 17 abounding abound VERB _005196830 157 18 in in ADP _005196830 157 19 love love NOUN _005196830 157 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 157 21 truth truth NOUN _005196830 157 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 157 23 turn turn VERB _005196830 157 24 and and CCONJ _005196830 157 25 take take VERB _005196830 157 26 pity pity NOUN _005196830 157 27 on on ADP _005196830 157 28 me i PRON _005196830 157 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 158 1 12 12 NUM _005196830 158 2 monday monday PROPN _005196830 158 3 o o NOUN _005196830 158 4 give give VERB _005196830 158 5 your your PRON _005196830 158 6 strength strength NOUN _005196830 158 7 to to ADP _005196830 158 8 your your PRON _005196830 158 9 servant servant NOUN _005196830 158 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 158 11 save save VERB _005196830 158 12 your your PRON _005196830 158 13 handmaid handmaid ADJ _005196830 158 14 ’s ’s NUM _005196830 158 15 son son NOUN _005196830 158 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 159 1 show show VERB _005196830 159 2 me i PRON _005196830 159 3 a a DET _005196830 159 4 sign sign NOUN _005196830 159 5 of of ADP _005196830 159 6 your your PRON _005196830 159 7 favor favor NOUN _005196830 159 8 that that SCONJ _005196830 159 9 my my PRON _005196830 159 10 foes foe NOUN _005196830 159 11 may may AUX _005196830 159 12 see see VERB _005196830 159 13 to to ADP _005196830 159 14 their their PRON _005196830 159 15 shame shame NOUN _005196830 159 16 that that PRON _005196830 159 17 you you PRON _005196830 159 18 console console VERB _005196830 159 19 me i PRON _005196830 159 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 159 21 give give VERB _005196830 159 22 me i PRON _005196830 159 23 your your PRON _005196830 159 24 help help NOUN _005196830 159 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 160 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 160 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 160 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 160 4 god god PROPN _005196830 160 5 of of ADP _005196830 160 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 160 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 160 8 goodness goodness NOUN _005196830 160 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 160 10 when when SCONJ _005196830 160 11 christ christ PROPN _005196830 160 12 called call VERB _005196830 160 13 out out ADP _005196830 160 14 to to ADP _005196830 160 15 you you PRON _005196830 160 16 in in ADP _005196830 160 17 torment torment NOUN _005196830 160 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 160 19 you you PRON _005196830 160 20 heard hear VERB _005196830 160 21 him he PRON _005196830 160 22 and and CCONJ _005196830 160 23 gave give VERB _005196830 160 24 him he PRON _005196830 160 25 victory victory NOUN _005196830 160 26 over over ADP _005196830 160 27 death death NOUN _005196830 160 28 because because SCONJ _005196830 160 29 of of ADP _005196830 160 30 his his PRON _005196830 160 31 love love NOUN _005196830 160 32 for for ADP _005196830 160 33 you you PRON _005196830 160 34 . . PUNCT _005196830 161 1 we we PRON _005196830 161 2 already already ADV _005196830 161 3 know know VERB _005196830 161 4 the the DET _005196830 161 5 affection affection NOUN _005196830 161 6 you you PRON _005196830 161 7 have have VERB _005196830 161 8 for for ADP _005196830 161 9 us we PRON _005196830 161 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 161 11 fill fill VERB _005196830 161 12 us we PRON _005196830 161 13 with with ADP _005196830 161 14 a a DET _005196830 161 15 greater great ADJ _005196830 161 16 love love NOUN _005196830 161 17 of of ADP _005196830 161 18 your your PRON _005196830 161 19 name name NOUN _005196830 161 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 161 21 we we PRON _005196830 161 22 will will AUX _005196830 161 23 proclaim proclaim VERB _005196830 161 24 you you PRON _005196830 161 25 more more ADV _005196830 161 26 boldly boldly ADV _005196830 161 27 before before ADP _005196830 161 28 men man NOUN _005196830 161 29 and and CCONJ _005196830 161 30 happily happily ADV _005196830 161 31 lead lead VERB _005196830 161 32 them they PRON _005196830 161 33 to to PART _005196830 161 34 celebrate celebrate VERB _005196830 161 35 your your PRON _005196830 161 36 glory glory NOUN _005196830 161 37 . . PUNCT _005196830 162 1 reading read VERB _005196830 162 2 1 1 NUM _005196830 162 3 thessalonians thessalonian NOUN _005196830 162 4 5:9 5:9 NUM _005196830 162 5 - - SYM _005196830 162 6 10 10 NUM _005196830 162 7 god god PROPN _005196830 162 8 has have AUX _005196830 162 9 destined destine VERB _005196830 162 10 us we PRON _005196830 162 11 for for ADP _005196830 162 12 acquiring acquire VERB _005196830 162 13 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 162 14 through through ADP _005196830 162 15 our our PRON _005196830 162 16 lord lord PROPN _005196830 162 17 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 162 18 christ christ PROPN _005196830 162 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 163 1 he he PRON _005196830 163 2 died die VERB _005196830 163 3 for for ADP _005196830 163 4 us we PRON _005196830 163 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 163 6 that that SCONJ _005196830 163 7 all all PRON _005196830 163 8 of of ADP _005196830 163 9 us we PRON _005196830 163 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 163 11 whether whether SCONJ _005196830 163 12 awake awake ADJ _005196830 163 13 or or CCONJ _005196830 163 14 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 163 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 163 16 together together ADV _005196830 163 17 might might AUX _005196830 163 18 live live VERB _005196830 163 19 with with ADP _005196830 163 20 him he PRON _005196830 163 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 164 1 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 164 2 into into ADP _005196830 164 3 your your PRON _005196830 164 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 164 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 164 6 lord lord PROPN _005196830 164 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 164 8 i i PRON _005196830 164 9 commend commend VERB _005196830 164 10 my my PRON _005196830 164 11 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 164 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 165 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 165 2 into into ADP _005196830 165 3 your your PRON _005196830 165 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 165 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 165 6 lord lord PROPN _005196830 165 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 165 8 i i PRON _005196830 165 9 commend commend VERB _005196830 165 10 my my PRON _005196830 165 11 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 165 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 166 1 13 13 NUM _005196830 166 2 monday monday PROPN _005196830 166 3 you you PRON _005196830 166 4 have have AUX _005196830 166 5 redeemed redeem VERB _005196830 166 6 u5j u5j PROPN _005196830 166 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 166 8 god god PROPN _005196830 166 9 of of ADP _005196830 166 10 truth truth NOUN _005196830 166 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 167 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 167 2 commend commend VERB _005196830 167 3 my my PRON _005196830 167 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 167 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 168 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 168 2 to to ADP _005196830 168 3 the the DET _005196830 168 4 father father NOUN _005196830 168 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 168 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 168 7 to to ADP _005196830 168 8 the the DET _005196830 168 9 son son NOUN _005196830 168 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 168 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 168 12 to to ADP _005196830 168 13 the the DET _005196830 168 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 168 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 168 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 169 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 169 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 169 3 your your PRON _005196830 169 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 169 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 170 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 170 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 170 3 i i PRON _005196830 170 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 170 5 my my PRON _005196830 170 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 170 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 171 1 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 171 2 canticle canticle PROPN _005196830 171 3 luke luke PROPN _005196830 171 4 2:29 2:29 NUM _005196830 171 5 - - SYM _005196830 171 6 32 32 NUM _005196830 171 7 christ christ PROPN _005196830 171 8 is be AUX _005196830 171 9 the the DET _005196830 171 10 light light NOUN _005196830 171 11 of of ADP _005196830 171 12 the the DET _005196830 171 13 nations nation NOUN _005196830 171 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 171 15 the the DET _005196830 171 16 glory glory NOUN _005196830 171 17 of of ADP _005196830 171 18 israel israel PROPN _005196830 171 19 ant ant PROPN _005196830 171 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 172 1 protect protect PROPN _005196830 172 2 ns ns NOUN _005196830 172 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 173 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 173 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 173 3 as as SCONJ _005196830 173 4 we we PRON _005196830 173 5 stay stay VERB _005196830 173 6 awake awake ADJ _005196830 173 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 173 8 watch watch VERB _005196830 173 9 over over ADP _005196830 173 10 us we PRON _005196830 173 11 as as SCONJ _005196830 173 12 we we PRON _005196830 173 13 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 173 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 173 15 that that PRON _005196830 173 16 awake awake ADJ _005196830 173 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 173 18 we we PRON _005196830 173 19 may may AUX _005196830 173 20 keep keep VERB _005196830 173 21 watch watch NOUN _005196830 173 22 with with ADP _005196830 173 23 christ christ PROPN _005196830 173 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 173 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 173 26 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 173 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 173 28 rest rest VERB _005196830 173 29 in in ADP _005196830 173 30 his his PRON _005196830 173 31 peace peace NOUN _005196830 173 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 174 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 174 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 174 3 now now ADV _005196830 174 4 you you PRON _005196830 174 5 let let VERB _005196830 174 6 your your PRON _005196830 174 7 servant servant NOUN _005196830 174 8 go go VERB _005196830 174 9 in in ADP _005196830 174 10 peace peace NOUN _005196830 174 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 174 12 your your PRON _005196830 174 13 word word NOUN _005196830 174 14 has have AUX _005196830 174 15 been be AUX _005196830 174 16 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196830 174 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 174 18 my my PRON _005196830 174 19 own own ADJ _005196830 174 20 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 174 21 have have AUX _005196830 174 22 seen see VERB _005196830 174 23 the the DET _005196830 174 24 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 174 25 which which PRON _005196830 174 26 you you PRON _005196830 174 27 have have AUX _005196830 174 28 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 174 29 in in ADP _005196830 174 30 the the DET _005196830 174 31 sight sight NOUN _005196830 174 32 of of ADP _005196830 174 33 every every DET _005196830 174 34 people people NOUN _005196830 174 35 : : PUNCT _005196830 174 36 a a DET _005196830 174 37 light light NOUN _005196830 174 38 to to PART _005196830 174 39 reveal reveal VERB _005196830 174 40 you you PRON _005196830 174 41 to to ADP _005196830 174 42 the the DET _005196830 174 43 nations nation NOUN _005196830 174 44 and and CCONJ _005196830 174 45 the the DET _005196830 174 46 glory glory NOUN _005196830 174 47 of of ADP _005196830 174 48 your your PRON _005196830 174 49 people people NOUN _005196830 174 50 israel israel PROPN _005196830 174 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 175 1 14 14 NUM _005196830 175 2 monday monday PROPN _005196830 175 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 175 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 175 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 175 6 give give VERB _005196830 175 7 our our PRON _005196830 175 8 bodies body NOUN _005196830 175 9 restful restful ADJ _005196830 175 10 sleep sleep NOUN _005196830 175 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 175 12 let let VERB _005196830 175 13 the the DET _005196830 175 14 work work NOUN _005196830 175 15 we we PRON _005196830 175 16 have have AUX _005196830 175 17 done do VERB _005196830 175 18 today today NOUN _005196830 175 19 bear bear VERB _005196830 175 20 fruit fruit NOUN _005196830 175 21 in in ADP _005196830 175 22 eternal eternal ADJ _005196830 175 23 life life NOUN _005196830 175 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 176 1 we we PRON _005196830 176 2 ask ask VERB _005196830 176 3 this this PRON _005196830 176 4 through through ADP _005196830 176 5 christ christ PROPN _005196830 176 6 our our PRON _005196830 176 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 176 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 177 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 177 2 may may AUX _005196830 177 3 the the DET _005196830 177 4 all all ADV _005196830 177 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 177 6 powerful powerful ADJ _005196830 177 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 177 8 grant grant VERB _005196830 177 9 us we PRON _005196830 177 10 a a DET _005196830 177 11 restful restful ADJ _005196830 177 12 night night NOUN _005196830 177 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 177 14 a a DET _005196830 177 15 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 177 16 death death NOUN _005196830 177 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 178 1 •—amen •—aman NOUN _005196830 178 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 179 1 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 179 2 of of ADP _005196830 179 3 the the DET _005196830 179 4 blessed bless VERB _005196830 179 5 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 179 6 mary mary PROPN _005196830 179 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 179 8 see see VERB _005196830 179 9 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 179 10 ii ii PROPN _005196830 179 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 179 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 180 1 15 15 NUM _005196830 180 2 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 180 3 god god PROPN _005196830 180 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 180 5 come come VERB _005196830 180 6 to to ADP _005196830 180 7 my my PRON _005196830 180 8 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 180 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 181 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 181 2 ^lord ^lord SPACE _005196830 181 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 181 4 make make VERB _005196830 181 5 haste haste NOUN _005196830 181 6 to to PART _005196830 181 7 help help VERB _005196830 181 8 me i PRON _005196830 181 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 182 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 182 2 to to ADP _005196830 182 3 the the DET _005196830 182 4 father father NOUN _005196830 182 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 182 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 182 7 to to ADP _005196830 182 8 the the DET _005196830 182 9 son son NOUN _005196830 182 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 182 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 182 12 to to ADP _005196830 182 13 the the DET _005196830 182 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 182 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 182 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 182 17 as as SCONJ _005196830 182 18 it it PRON _005196830 182 19 was be AUX _005196830 182 20 in in ADP _005196830 182 21 the the DET _005196830 182 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196830 182 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 182 24 is be AUX _005196830 182 25 now now ADV _005196830 182 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 182 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 182 28 will will AUX _005196830 182 29 be be AUX _005196830 182 30 for for ADP _005196830 182 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 182 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 183 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 183 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 184 1 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 184 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 185 1 a a DET _005196830 185 2 brief brief ADJ _005196830 185 3 examination examination NOUN _005196830 185 4 of of ADP _005196830 185 5 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 185 6 may may AUX _005196830 185 7 be be AUX _005196830 185 8 made make VERB _005196830 185 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 186 1 at at ADP _005196830 186 2 its its PRON _005196830 186 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 186 4 one one NUM _005196830 186 5 of of ADP _005196830 186 6 the the DET _005196830 186 7 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 186 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 186 9 in in ADP _005196830 186 10 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 186 11 i i PRON _005196830 186 12 may may AUX _005196830 186 13 be be AUX _005196830 186 14 said say VERB _005196830 186 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 187 1 17 17 NUM _005196830 187 2 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196830 187 3 hymn hymn PROPN _005196830 187 4 o o NOUN _005196830 187 5 radiant radiant PROPN _005196830 187 6 light light NOUN _005196830 187 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 187 8 o o NOUN _005196830 187 9 sun sun NOUN _005196830 187 10 divine divine PROPN _005196830 187 11 of of ADP _005196830 187 12 god god PROPN _005196830 187 13 the the DET _005196830 187 14 father father PROPN _005196830 187 15 ’s ’s PART _005196830 187 16 deathless deathless ADJ _005196830 187 17 face face NOUN _005196830 187 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 187 19 o o NOUN _005196830 187 20 image image NOUN _005196830 187 21 of of ADP _005196830 187 22 the the DET _005196830 187 23 light light ADJ _005196830 187 24 sublime sublime NOUN _005196830 187 25 that that PRON _005196830 187 26 fills fill VERB _005196830 187 27 the the DET _005196830 187 28 heav’nly heav’nly ADV _005196830 187 29 dwelling dwelling ADJ _005196830 187 30 place place NOUN _005196830 187 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 188 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 188 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 188 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 188 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 188 5 as as SCONJ _005196830 188 6 daylight daylight NOUN _005196830 188 7 fades fade VERB _005196830 188 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 189 1 as as SCONJ _005196830 189 2 shine shine VERB _005196830 189 3 the the DET _005196830 189 4 lights light NOUN _005196830 189 5 of of ADP _005196830 189 6 eventide eventide PROPN _005196830 189 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 190 1 we we PRON _005196830 190 2 praise praise VERB _005196830 190 3 the the DET _005196830 190 4 father father NOUN _005196830 190 5 with with ADP _005196830 190 6 the the DET _005196830 190 7 son son NOUN _005196830 190 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 190 9 the the DET _005196830 190 10 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 190 11 blest bl ADJ _005196830 190 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 190 13 with with ADP _005196830 190 14 them they PRON _005196830 190 15 one one NUM _005196830 190 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 191 1 o o NOUN _005196830 191 2 son son NOUN _005196830 191 3 of of ADP _005196830 191 4 god god PROPN _005196830 191 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 191 6 the the DET _005196830 191 7 source source NOUN _005196830 191 8 of of ADP _005196830 191 9 life life NOUN _005196830 191 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 191 11 praise praise NOUN _005196830 191 12 is be AUX _005196830 191 13 your your PRON _005196830 191 14 due due ADJ _005196830 191 15 by by ADP _005196830 191 16 night night NOUN _005196830 191 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 191 18 day day NOUN _005196830 191 19 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 191 20 unsullied unsullied ADJ _005196830 191 21 lips lip NOUN _005196830 191 22 must must AUX _005196830 191 23 raise raise VERB _005196830 191 24 the the DET _005196830 191 25 strain strain NOUN _005196830 191 26 of of ADP _005196830 191 27 your your PRON _005196830 191 28 proclaimed proclaimed ADJ _005196830 191 29 and and CCONJ _005196830 191 30 splendid splendid ADJ _005196830 191 31 name name NOUN _005196830 191 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 192 1 melody melody NOUN _005196830 192 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 192 3 jesu jesu PROPN _005196830 192 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 192 5 dulcis dulcis PROPN _005196830 192 6 memoria memoria PROPN _005196830 192 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 192 8 music music NOUN _005196830 192 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 192 10 traditional traditional ADJ _005196830 192 11 plain plain ADJ _005196830 192 12 song song NOUN _005196830 192 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 192 14 l l PROPN _005196830 192 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 192 16 m m PROPN _005196830 192 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 192 18 gregorian gregorian ADJ _005196830 192 19 melody melody NOUN _005196830 192 20 text text NOUN _005196830 192 21 : : PUNCT _005196830 192 22 phos phos PROPN _005196830 192 23 hilaron hilaron PROPN _005196830 192 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 192 25 greek greek ADJ _005196830 192 26 3rd 3rd ADJ _005196830 192 27 cent cent NOUN _005196830 192 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 193 1 translator translator NOUN _005196830 193 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 193 3 william william PROPN _005196830 193 4 g. g. PROPN _005196830 193 5 storey storey PROPN _005196830 193 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 193 7 1973 1973 NUM _005196830 193 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 194 1 18 18 NUM _005196830 194 2 psalmody psalmody PROPN _005196830 194 3 ant ant PROPN _005196830 194 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 194 5 do do AUX _005196830 194 6 not not PART _005196830 194 7 hide hide VERB _005196830 194 8 your your PRON _005196830 194 9 face face NOUN _005196830 194 10 from from ADP _005196830 194 11 me i PRON _005196830 194 12 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 194 13 in in ADP _005196830 194 14 you you PRON _005196830 194 15 i i PRON _005196830 194 16 put put VERB _005196830 194 17 my my PRON _005196830 194 18 trust trust NOUN _005196830 194 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 195 1 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196830 195 2 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 195 3 143 143 NUM _005196830 195 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 195 5 1 1 NUM _005196830 195 6 - - SYM _005196830 195 7 11 11 NUM _005196830 195 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 195 9 in in ADP _005196830 195 10 distress distress NOUN _005196830 195 11 only only ADV _005196830 195 12 by by ADP _005196830 195 13 faith faith NOUN _005196830 195 14 in in ADP _005196830 195 15 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 195 16 christ christ PROPN _005196830 195 17 is be AUX _005196830 195 18 a a DET _005196830 195 19 man man NOUN _005196830 195 20 made make VERB _005196830 195 21 holy holy ADJ _005196830 195 22 in in ADP _005196830 195 23 god*s god*s NOUN _005196830 195 24 sight sight NOUN _005196830 195 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 196 1 no no DET _005196830 196 2 observance observance NOUN _005196830 196 3 of of ADP _005196830 196 4 the the DET _005196830 196 5 law law NOUN _005196830 196 6 can can AUX _005196830 196 7 achieve achieve VERB _005196830 196 8 this this PRON _005196830 196 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 196 10 galatians galatian NOUN _005196830 196 11 2 2 NUM _005196830 196 12 : : SYM _005196830 196 13 16 16 NUM _005196830 196 14 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 196 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 197 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 197 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 197 3 listen listen VERB _005196830 197 4 to to ADP _005196830 197 5 my my PRON _005196830 197 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 197 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 197 8 turn turn VERB _005196830 197 9 your your PRON _005196830 197 10 ear ear NOUN _005196830 197 11 to to ADP _005196830 197 12 my my PRON _005196830 197 13 appeal appeal NOUN _005196830 197 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 198 1 you you PRON _005196830 198 2 are be AUX _005196830 198 3 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 198 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 198 5 you you PRON _005196830 198 6 are be AUX _005196830 198 7 just just ADV _005196830 198 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 198 9 give give VERB _005196830 198 10 answer answer NOUN _005196830 198 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 199 1 do do AUX _005196830 199 2 not not PART _005196830 199 3 call call VERB _005196830 199 4 your your PRON _005196830 199 5 servant servant NOUN _005196830 199 6 to to ADP _005196830 199 7 judgment judgment NOUN _005196830 199 8 for for ADP _005196830 199 9 no no DET _005196830 199 10 one one NOUN _005196830 199 11 is be AUX _005196830 199 12 just just ADV _005196830 199 13 in in ADP _005196830 199 14 your your PRON _005196830 199 15 sight sight NOUN _005196830 199 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 200 1 the the DET _005196830 200 2 enemy enemy NOUN _005196830 200 3 pursues pursue VERB _005196830 200 4 my my PRON _005196830 200 5 soul soul NOUN _005196830 200 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 200 7 he he PRON _005196830 200 8 has have AUX _005196830 200 9 crushed crush VERB _005196830 200 10 my my PRON _005196830 200 11 life life NOUN _005196830 200 12 to to ADP _005196830 200 13 the the DET _005196830 200 14 ground ground NOUN _005196830 200 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 200 16 he he PRON _005196830 200 17 has have AUX _005196830 200 18 made make VERB _005196830 200 19 me i PRON _005196830 200 20 dwell dwell NOUN _005196830 200 21 in in ADP _005196830 200 22 daiiaiess daiiaiess NOUN _005196830 200 23 like like ADP _005196830 200 24 the the DET _005196830 200 25 dead dead ADJ _005196830 200 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 200 27 long long ADV _005196830 200 28 forgotten forget VERB _005196830 200 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 201 1 therefore therefore ADV _005196830 201 2 my my PRON _005196830 201 3 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 201 4 faos faos NOUN _005196830 201 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 201 6 my my PRON _005196830 201 7 heart heart NOUN _005196830 201 8 is be AUX _005196830 201 9 numb numb ADJ _005196830 201 10 within within ADP _005196830 201 11 me i PRON _005196830 201 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 202 1 i i PRON _005196830 202 2 remember remember VERB _005196830 202 3 the the DET _005196830 202 4 days day NOUN _005196830 202 5 that that PRON _005196830 202 6 are be AUX _005196830 202 7 past past ADJ _005196830 202 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 202 9 i i PRON _005196830 202 10 ponder ponder VERB _005196830 202 11 all all DET _005196830 202 12 your your PRON _005196830 202 13 worits worit NOUN _005196830 202 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 203 1 i i PRON _005196830 203 2 muse muse VERB _005196830 203 3 on on ADP _005196830 203 4 what what PRON _005196830 203 5 your your PRON _005196830 203 6 hand hand NOUN _005196830 203 7 has have AUX _005196830 203 8 wrought work VERB _005196830 203 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 203 10 to to ADP _005196830 203 11 yon yon PROPN _005196830 203 12 i i PRON _005196830 203 13 stretch stretch VERB _005196830 203 14 out out ADP _005196830 203 15 my my PRON _005196830 203 16 hands hand NOUN _005196830 203 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 204 1 like like ADP _005196830 204 2 a a DET _005196830 204 3 parched parched ADJ _005196830 204 4 land land NOUN _005196830 204 5 my my PRON _005196830 204 6 soul soul NOUN _005196830 204 7 thirsts thirst NOUN _005196830 204 8 for for ADP _005196830 204 9 yon yon PROPN _005196830 204 10 . . PROPN _005196830 204 11 lord lord PROPN _005196830 204 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 204 13 make make VERB _005196830 204 14 haste haste NOUN _005196830 204 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 204 16 answer answer NOUN _005196830 204 17 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 204 18 for for SCONJ _005196830 204 19 my my PRON _005196830 204 20 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 204 21 fails fail VERB _005196830 204 22 within within ADP _005196830 204 23 me i PRON _005196830 204 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 205 1 do do AUX _005196830 205 2 not not PART _005196830 205 3 hide hide VERB _005196830 205 4 your your PRON _005196830 205 5 face face NOUN _005196830 205 6 lest lest SCONJ _005196830 205 7 i i PRON _005196830 205 8 become become VERB _005196830 205 9 like like ADP _005196830 205 10 those those PRON _005196830 205 11 in in ADP _005196830 205 12 the the DET _005196830 205 13 grave grave NOUN _005196830 205 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 206 1 19 19 NUM _005196830 206 2 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196830 206 3 in in ADP _005196830 206 4 the the DET _005196830 206 5 morning morning NOUN _005196830 206 6 let let VERB _005196830 206 7 me i PRON _005196830 206 8 know know VERB _005196830 206 9 your your PRON _005196830 206 10 love love NOUN _005196830 206 11 for for ADP _005196830 206 12 i i PRON _005196830 206 13 put put VERB _005196830 206 14 my my PRON _005196830 206 15 trust trust NOUN _005196830 206 16 in in ADP _005196830 206 17 you you PRON _005196830 206 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 207 1 make make VERB _005196830 207 2 me i PRON _005196830 207 3 know know VERB _005196830 207 4 the the DET _005196830 207 5 way way NOUN _005196830 207 6 i i PRON _005196830 207 7 should should AUX _005196830 207 8 walk walk VERB _005196830 207 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 207 10 to to ADP _005196830 207 11 you you PRON _005196830 207 12 i i PRON _005196830 207 13 lift lift VERB _005196830 207 14 up up ADP _005196830 207 15 my my PRON _005196830 207 16 soul soul NOUN _005196830 207 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 208 1 rescue rescue VERB _005196830 208 2 me i PRON _005196830 208 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 208 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 208 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 208 6 ^rom ^rom SPACE _005196830 208 7 my my PRON _005196830 208 8 enemies enemy NOUN _005196830 208 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 208 10 i i PRON _005196830 208 11 have have AUX _005196830 208 12 fled flee VERB _005196830 208 13 to to ADP _005196830 208 14 you you PRON _005196830 208 15 for for ADP _005196830 208 16 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 208 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 209 1 teach teach VERB _005196830 209 2 me i PRON _005196830 209 3 to to PART _005196830 209 4 do do VERB _005196830 209 5 your your PRON _005196830 209 6 wiu wiu NOUN _005196830 209 7 for for ADP _005196830 209 8 you you PRON _005196830 209 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 209 10 o o PROPN _005196830 209 11 lord lord PROPN _005196830 209 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 209 13 are be AUX _005196830 209 14 my my PRON _005196830 209 15 god god PROPN _005196830 209 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 210 1 let let VERB _005196830 210 2 your your PRON _005196830 210 3 good good ADJ _005196830 210 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 210 5 guide guide VERB _005196830 210 6 me i PRON _005196830 210 7 in in ADP _005196830 210 8 ways way NOUN _005196830 210 9 that that PRON _005196830 210 10 are be AUX _005196830 210 11 level level NOUN _005196830 210 12 apd apd PROPN _005196830 210 13 smooth smooth NOUN _005196830 210 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 211 1 for for ADP _005196830 211 2 your your PRON _005196830 211 3 name name NOUN _005196830 211 4 ’s ’s PART _005196830 211 5 sake sake NOUN _005196830 211 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 212 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 212 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 212 3 save save VERB _005196830 212 4 my my PRON _005196830 212 5 life life NOUN _005196830 212 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 212 7 in in ADP _005196830 212 8 your your PRON _005196830 212 9 justice justice NOUN _005196830 212 10 save save VERB _005196830 212 11 my my PRON _005196830 212 12 soul soul NOUN _005196830 212 13 from from ADP _005196830 212 14 distress distress NOUN _005196830 212 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 213 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 213 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 213 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 213 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 213 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 213 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 213 7 early early ADV _005196830 213 8 in in ADP _005196830 213 9 the the DET _005196830 213 10 morning morning NOUN _005196830 213 11 of of ADP _005196830 213 12 your your PRON _005196830 213 13 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 213 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 213 15 you you PRON _005196830 213 16 made make VERB _005196830 213 17 your your PRON _005196830 213 18 love love NOUN _005196830 213 19 known know VERB _005196830 213 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 213 21 brought bring VERB _005196830 213 22 the the DET _005196830 213 23 first first ADJ _005196830 213 24 light light NOUN _005196830 213 25 of of ADP _005196830 213 26 dawn dawn NOUN _005196830 213 27 to to ADP _005196830 213 28 those those PRON _005196830 213 29 who who PRON _005196830 213 30 dwell dwell VERB _005196830 213 31 in in ADP _005196830 213 32 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 213 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 214 1 your your PRON _005196830 214 2 death death NOUN _005196830 214 3 has have AUX _005196830 214 4 opened open VERB _005196830 214 5 a a DET _005196830 214 6 path path NOUN _005196830 214 7 for for ADP _005196830 214 8 us we PRON _005196830 214 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 215 1 do do AUX _005196830 215 2 not not PART _005196830 215 3 enter enter VERB _005196830 215 4 into into ADP _005196830 215 5 judgment judgment NOUN _005196830 215 6 with with ADP _005196830 215 7 your your PRON _005196830 215 8 servants servant NOUN _005196830 215 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 215 10 let let VERB _005196830 215 11 your your PRON _005196830 215 12 good good ADJ _005196830 215 13 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 215 14 guide guide VERB _005196830 215 15 us we PRON _005196830 215 16 together together ADV _005196830 215 17 into into ADP _005196830 215 18 the the DET _005196830 215 19 land land NOUN _005196830 215 20 of of ADP _005196830 215 21 justice justice NOUN _005196830 215 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 216 1 reading read VERB _005196830 216 2 1 1 NUM _005196830 216 3 peter peter PROPN _005196830 216 4 5:8 5:8 NUM _005196830 216 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 216 6 9a 9a NUM _005196830 216 7 stay stay VERB _005196830 216 8 sober sober ADJ _005196830 216 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 216 10 alert alert ADJ _005196830 216 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 217 1 your your PRON _005196830 217 2 opponent opponent NOUN _005196830 217 3 the the DET _005196830 217 4 devil devil NOUN _005196830 217 5 is be AUX _005196830 217 6 prowling prowl VERB _005196830 217 7 like like ADP _005196830 217 8 a a DET _005196830 217 9 roaring roar VERB _005196830 217 10 lion lion NOUN _005196830 217 11 looking look VERB _005196830 217 12 for for ADP _005196830 217 13 someone someone PRON _005196830 217 14 to to PART _005196830 217 15 devour devour VERB _005196830 217 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 218 1 resist resist VERB _005196830 218 2 him he PRON _005196830 218 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 218 4 solid solid ADJ _005196830 218 5 in in ADP _005196830 218 6 your your PRON _005196830 218 7 faith faith NOUN _005196830 218 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 219 1 20 20 NUM _005196830 219 2 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196830 219 3 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 219 4 into into ADP _005196830 219 5 your your PRON _005196830 219 6 hands hand NOUN _005196830 219 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 219 8 lord lord PROPN _005196830 219 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 219 10 i i PRON _005196830 219 11 commend commend VERB _005196830 219 12 my my PRON _005196830 219 13 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 219 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 220 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 220 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 220 3 your your PRON _005196830 220 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 220 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 221 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 221 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 221 3 i i PRON _005196830 221 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 221 5 my my PRON _005196830 221 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 221 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 222 1 you you PRON _005196830 222 2 have have AUX _005196830 222 3 redeemed redeem VERB _005196830 222 4 us we PRON _005196830 222 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 223 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 223 2 god god PROPN _005196830 223 3 of of ADP _005196830 223 4 truth truth NOUN _005196830 223 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 224 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 224 2 commend commend VERB _005196830 224 3 my my PRON _005196830 224 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 224 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 225 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 225 2 to to ADP _005196830 225 3 the the DET _005196830 225 4 father father NOUN _005196830 225 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 225 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 225 7 to to ADP _005196830 225 8 the the DET _005196830 225 9 son son NOUN _005196830 225 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 225 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 225 12 to to ADP _005196830 225 13 the the DET _005196830 225 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 225 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 225 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 226 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 226 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 226 3 your your PRON _005196830 226 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 226 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 227 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 227 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 227 3 i i PRON _005196830 227 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 227 5 my my PRON _005196830 227 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 227 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 228 1 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 228 2 canticle canticle PROPN _005196830 228 3 luke luke PROPN _005196830 228 4 2:29.32 2:29.32 PROPN _005196830 228 5 christ christ PROPN _005196830 228 6 is be AUX _005196830 228 7 the the DET _005196830 228 8 light light NOUN _005196830 228 9 of of ADP _005196830 228 10 the the DET _005196830 228 11 nations nation NOUN _005196830 228 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 228 13 the the DET _005196830 228 14 glory glory NOUN _005196830 228 15 of of ADP _005196830 228 16 israel israel PROPN _005196830 228 17 ant ant PROPN _005196830 228 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 229 1 protect protect VERB _005196830 229 2 us we PRON _005196830 229 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 230 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 230 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 230 3 as as SCONJ _005196830 230 4 we we PRON _005196830 230 5 stay stay VERB _005196830 230 6 awake awake ADJ _005196830 230 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 230 8 watch watch VERB _005196830 230 9 over over ADP _005196830 230 10 us we PRON _005196830 230 11 as as SCONJ _005196830 230 12 we we PRON _005196830 230 13 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 230 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 230 15 that that PRON _005196830 230 16 awake awake ADJ _005196830 230 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 230 18 we we PRON _005196830 230 19 may may AUX _005196830 230 20 keep keep VERB _005196830 230 21 watch watch NOUN _005196830 230 22 with with ADP _005196830 230 23 christ christ PROPN _005196830 230 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 230 25 aud aud ADV _005196830 230 26 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 230 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 230 28 rest rest VERB _005196830 230 29 in in ADP _005196830 230 30 his his PRON _005196830 230 31 peace peace NOUN _005196830 230 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 231 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 231 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 231 3 now now ADV _005196830 231 4 you you PRON _005196830 231 5 let let VERB _005196830 231 6 your your PRON _005196830 231 7 servant servant NOUN _005196830 231 8 go go VERB _005196830 231 9 in in ADP _005196830 231 10 peace peace NOUN _005196830 231 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 231 12 your your PRON _005196830 231 13 word word NOUN _005196830 231 14 has have AUX _005196830 231 15 been be AUX _005196830 231 16 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196830 231 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 231 18 my my PRON _005196830 231 19 own own ADJ _005196830 231 20 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 231 21 have have AUX _005196830 231 22 seen see VERB _005196830 231 23 the the DET _005196830 231 24 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 231 25 which which PRON _005196830 231 26 you you PRON _005196830 231 27 have have AUX _005196830 231 28 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 231 29 in in ADP _005196830 231 30 the the DET _005196830 231 31 sight sight NOUN _005196830 231 32 of of ADP _005196830 231 33 every every DET _005196830 231 34 people people NOUN _005196830 231 35 : : PUNCT _005196830 231 36 a a DET _005196830 231 37 light light NOUN _005196830 231 38 to to PART _005196830 231 39 reveal reveal VERB _005196830 231 40 you you PRON _005196830 231 41 to to ADP _005196830 231 42 the the DET _005196830 231 43 nations nation NOUN _005196830 231 44 and and CCONJ _005196830 231 45 the the DET _005196830 231 46 glory glory NOUN _005196830 231 47 of of ADP _005196830 231 48 your your PRON _005196830 231 49 people people NOUN _005196830 231 50 israel israel PROPN _005196830 231 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 232 1 21 21 NUM _005196830 232 2 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196830 232 3 i i PRON _005196830 232 4 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 233 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 233 2 i i PRON _005196830 233 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 233 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 233 5 fill fill VERB _005196830 233 6 this this DET _005196830 233 7 night night NOUN _005196830 233 8 with with ADP _005196830 233 9 your your PRON _005196830 233 10 radiance radiance NOUN _005196830 233 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 234 1 | | NOUN _005196830 234 2 may may AUX _005196830 234 3 we we PRON _005196830 234 4 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 234 5 in in ADP _005196830 234 6 peace peace NOUN _005196830 234 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 234 8 rise rise VERB _005196830 234 9 with with ADP _005196830 234 10 joy joy NOUN _005196830 234 11 | | NOUN _005196830 234 12 tq tq ADV _005196830 234 13 welcome welcome VERB _005196830 234 14 the the DET _005196830 234 15 light light NOUN _005196830 234 16 of of ADP _005196830 234 17 a a DET _005196830 234 18 new new ADJ _005196830 234 19 day day NOUN _005196830 234 20 in in ADP _005196830 234 21 your your PRON _005196830 234 22 name name NOUN _005196830 234 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 235 1 | | ADV _005196830 235 2 we we PRON _005196830 235 3 ask ask VERB _005196830 235 4 this this PRON _005196830 235 5 through through ADP _005196830 235 6 christ christ PROPN _005196830 235 7 our our PRON _005196830 235 8 lord lord PROPN _005196830 235 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 236 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 236 2 may may AUX _005196830 236 3 the the DET _005196830 236 4 all all ADV _005196830 236 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 236 6 powerful powerful ADJ _005196830 236 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 236 8 grant grant VERB _005196830 236 9 us we PRON _005196830 236 10 a a DET _005196830 236 11 restful restful ADJ _005196830 236 12 night night NOUN _005196830 236 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 236 14 a a DET _005196830 236 15 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 236 16 death death NOUN _005196830 236 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 237 1 i i PRON _005196830 237 2 — — PUNCT _005196830 237 3 ^amen ^amen NUM _005196830 237 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 237 5 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 237 6 of of ADP _005196830 237 7 the the DET _005196830 237 8 blessed bless VERB _005196830 237 9 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 237 10 mary mary PROPN _005196830 237 11 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 237 12 see see VERB _005196830 237 13 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 237 14 ii ii PROPN _005196830 237 15 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 237 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 238 1 22 22 NUM _005196830 238 2 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 238 3 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 238 4 god god PROPN _005196830 238 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 238 6 come come VERB _005196830 238 7 to to ADP _005196830 238 8 my my PRON _005196830 238 9 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 238 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 239 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 239 2 ^lord ^lord SPACE _005196830 239 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 239 4 make make VERB _005196830 239 5 haste haste NOUN _005196830 239 6 to to PART _005196830 239 7 help help VERB _005196830 239 8 me i PRON _005196830 239 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 240 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 240 2 to to ADP _005196830 240 3 the the DET _005196830 240 4 father father NOUN _005196830 240 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 240 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 240 7 to to ADP _005196830 240 8 the the DET _005196830 240 9 son son NOUN _005196830 240 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 240 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 240 12 to to ADP _005196830 240 13 the the DET _005196830 240 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 240 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 240 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 240 17 as as SCONJ _005196830 240 18 it it PRON _005196830 240 19 was be AUX _005196830 240 20 in in ADP _005196830 240 21 the the DET _005196830 240 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196830 240 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 240 24 is be AUX _005196830 240 25 now now ADV _005196830 240 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 240 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 240 28 will will AUX _005196830 240 29 be be AUX _005196830 240 30 for for ADP _005196830 240 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 240 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 241 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 241 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 242 1 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 242 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 243 1 a a DET _005196830 243 2 brief brief ADJ _005196830 243 3 examination examination NOUN _005196830 243 4 of of ADP _005196830 243 5 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 243 6 may may AUX _005196830 243 7 be be AUX _005196830 243 8 made make VERB _005196830 243 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 244 1 at at ADP _005196830 244 2 its its PRON _005196830 244 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 244 4 one one NUM _005196830 244 5 of of ADP _005196830 244 6 the the DET _005196830 244 7 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 244 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 244 9 in in ADP _005196830 244 10 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 244 11 / / PUNCT _005196830 244 12 may may AUX _005196830 244 13 be be AUX _005196830 244 14 said say VERB _005196830 244 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 245 1 23 23 NUM _005196830 245 2 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 245 3 hymn hymn PROPN _005196830 245 4 all all DET _005196830 245 5 praise praise NOUN _005196830 245 6 to to ADP _005196830 245 7 yoo yoo PROPN _005196830 245 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 245 9 o o PROPN _005196830 245 10 god god PROPN _005196830 245 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 245 12 this this DET _005196830 245 13 night night NOUN _005196830 245 14 for for ADP _005196830 245 15 all all DET _005196830 245 16 the the DET _005196830 245 17 blessings blessing NOUN _005196830 245 18 of of ADP _005196830 245 19 the the DET _005196830 245 20 light light NOUN _005196830 245 21 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 245 22 keep keep VERB _005196830 245 23 us we PRON _005196830 245 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 245 25 we we PRON _005196830 245 26 pray pray VERB _005196830 245 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 245 28 o o NOUN _005196830 245 29 king king NOUN _005196830 245 30 of of ADP _005196830 245 31 kings king NOUN _005196830 245 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 246 1 beneath beneath ADP _005196830 246 2 your your PRON _005196830 246 3 own own ADJ _005196830 246 4 almighty almighty ADJ _005196830 246 5 wings wing NOUN _005196830 246 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 247 1 forgive forgive VERB _005196830 247 2 us we PRON _005196830 247 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 248 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 248 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 248 3 through through ADP _005196830 248 4 christ christ PROPN _005196830 248 5 your your PRON _005196830 248 6 son son NOUN _005196830 248 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 248 8 whatever whatever PRON _005196830 248 9 wrong wrong ADJ _005196830 248 10 this this DET _005196830 248 11 day day NOUN _005196830 248 12 we we PRON _005196830 248 13 ’ve ’ve AUX _005196830 248 14 done do VERB _005196830 248 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 248 16 your your PRON _005196830 248 17 peace peace NOUN _005196830 248 18 give give VERB _005196830 248 19 to to ADP _005196830 248 20 the the DET _005196830 248 21 world world NOUN _005196830 248 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 248 23 o o PROPN _005196830 248 24 lord lord PROPN _005196830 248 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 248 26 that that DET _005196830 248 27 man man NOUN _005196830 248 28 might might AUX _005196830 248 29 live live VERB _005196830 248 30 in in ADP _005196830 248 31 one one NUM _005196830 248 32 accord accord NOUN _005196830 248 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 249 1 enlighten enlighten VERB _005196830 249 2 us we PRON _005196830 249 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 249 4 o o NOUN _005196830 249 5 blessed bless VERB _005196830 249 6 light light NOUN _005196830 249 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 249 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 249 9 give give VERB _005196830 249 10 us we PRON _005196830 249 11 rest rest NOUN _005196830 249 12 throughout throughout ADP _005196830 249 13 this this DET _005196830 249 14 night night NOUN _005196830 249 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 250 1 o o X _005196830 250 2 strengthen strengthen VERB _005196830 250 3 us we PRON _005196830 250 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 250 5 that that SCONJ _005196830 250 6 for for ADP _005196830 250 7 your your PRON _005196830 250 8 sake sake NOUN _005196830 250 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 250 10 we we PRON _005196830 250 11 all all PRON _005196830 250 12 may may AUX _005196830 250 13 serve serve VERB _005196830 250 14 you you PRON _005196830 250 15 when when SCONJ _005196830 250 16 we we PRON _005196830 250 17 wake wake VERB _005196830 250 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 251 1 melody melody NOUN _005196830 251 2 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 251 3 illsley illsley PROPN _005196830 251 4 l.m l.m PROPN _005196830 251 5 . . PROPN _005196830 251 6 music music NOUN _005196830 251 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 251 8 j. j. PROPN _005196830 251 9 bishop bishop PROPN _005196830 251 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 252 1 1665 1665 NUM _005196830 252 2 - - SYM _005196830 252 3 1737 1737 NUM _005196830 252 4 text text NOUN _005196830 252 5 : : PUNCT _005196830 252 6 thomas thomas PROPN _005196830 252 7 ken ken PROPN _005196830 252 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 252 9 1709 1709 NUM _005196830 252 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 252 11 alt alt PROPN _005196830 252 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 253 1 psalmody psalmody PROPN _005196830 253 2 ant ant PROPN _005196830 253 3 . . PROPN _005196830 254 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 254 2 god god PROPN _005196830 254 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 254 4 be be AUX _005196830 254 5 my my PRON _005196830 254 6 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 254 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 254 8 my my PRON _005196830 254 9 strength strength NOUN _005196830 254 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 255 1 24 24 NUM _005196830 255 2 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 255 3 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 255 4 31:1 31:1 NUM _005196830 255 5 - - SYM _005196830 255 6 6 6 NUM _005196830 255 7 trustful trustful ADJ _005196830 255 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 255 9 in in ADP _005196830 255 10 adversity adversity NOUN _005196830 255 11 father father NOUN _005196830 255 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 255 13 into into ADP _005196830 255 14 your your PRON _005196830 255 15 hands hand NOUN _005196830 255 16 i i PRON _005196830 255 17 commend commend VERB _005196830 255 18 my my PRON _005196830 255 19 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 255 20 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 255 21 luke luke PROPN _005196830 255 22 23:46 23:46 NUM _005196830 255 23 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 255 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 256 1 in in ADP _005196830 256 2 you you PRON _005196830 256 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 256 4 o o PROPN _005196830 256 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 256 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 256 7 i i PRON _005196830 256 8 take take VERB _005196830 256 9 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 256 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 257 1 let let VERB _005196830 257 2 me i PRON _005196830 257 3 never never ADV _005196830 257 4 be be AUX _005196830 257 5 put put VERB _005196830 257 6 to to ADP _005196830 257 7 shame shame NOUN _005196830 257 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 258 1 in in ADP _005196830 258 2 your your PRON _005196830 258 3 justice justice NOUN _005196830 258 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 258 5 set set VERB _005196830 258 6 me i PRON _005196830 258 7 free free ADJ _005196830 258 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 258 9 hear hear VERB _005196830 258 10 me i PRON _005196830 258 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 258 12 speedily speedily ADV _005196830 258 13 rescue rescue VERB _005196830 258 14 me i PRON _005196830 258 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 259 1 be be AUX _005196830 259 2 a a DET _005196830 259 3 rock rock NOUN _005196830 259 4 of of ADP _005196830 259 5 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 259 6 for for ADP _005196830 259 7 me i PRON _005196830 259 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 259 9 a a DET _005196830 259 10 mighty mighty ADJ _005196830 259 11 stronghold stronghold NOUN _005196830 259 12 to to PART _005196830 259 13 save save VERB _005196830 259 14 me i PRON _005196830 259 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 259 16 for for SCONJ _005196830 259 17 you you PRON _005196830 259 18 are be AUX _005196830 259 19 my my PRON _005196830 259 20 rock rock NOUN _005196830 259 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 259 22 my my PRON _005196830 259 23 stronghold stronghold NOUN _005196830 259 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 260 1 for for ADP _005196830 260 2 your your PRON _005196830 260 3 name name NOUN _005196830 260 4 ’s ’s PART _005196830 260 5 sake sake NOUN _005196830 260 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 260 7 lead lead VERB _005196830 260 8 me i PRON _005196830 260 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 260 10 guide guide VERB _005196830 260 11 me i PRON _005196830 260 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 261 1 release release VERB _005196830 261 2 me i PRON _005196830 261 3 from from ADP _005196830 261 4 the the DET _005196830 261 5 snares snare NOUN _005196830 261 6 they they PRON _005196830 261 7 have have AUX _005196830 261 8 hidden hide VERB _005196830 261 9 for for ADP _005196830 261 10 you you PRON _005196830 261 11 are be AUX _005196830 261 12 my my PRON _005196830 261 13 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 261 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 262 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 262 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 263 1 into into ADP _005196830 263 2 your your PRON _005196830 263 3 hands hand NOUN _005196830 263 4 i i PRON _005196830 263 5 commend commend VERB _005196830 263 6 my my PRON _005196830 263 7 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 263 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 264 1 it it PRON _005196830 264 2 is be AUX _005196830 264 3 you you PRON _005196830 264 4 who who PRON _005196830 264 5 will will AUX _005196830 264 6 redeem redeem VERB _005196830 264 7 me i PRON _005196830 264 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 265 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 265 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 266 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 266 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 266 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 266 4 full full ADJ _005196830 266 5 of of ADP _005196830 266 6 trust trust NOUN _005196830 266 7 we we PRON _005196830 266 8 run run VERB _005196830 266 9 to to ADP _005196830 266 10 you you PRON _005196830 266 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 267 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 267 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 267 3 and and CCONJ _005196830 267 4 put put VERB _005196830 267 5 our our PRON _005196830 267 6 lives life NOUN _005196830 267 7 into into ADP _005196830 267 8 your your PRON _005196830 267 9 hands hand NOUN _005196830 267 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 268 1 you you PRON _005196830 268 2 are be AUX _005196830 268 3 our our PRON _005196830 268 4 strength strength NOUN _005196830 268 5 in in ADP _005196830 268 6 times time NOUN _005196830 268 7 of of ADP _005196830 268 8 trouble trouble NOUN _005196830 268 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 268 10 our our PRON _005196830 268 11 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 268 12 along along ADP _005196830 268 13 the the DET _005196830 268 14 way way NOUN _005196830 268 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 269 1 may may AUX _005196830 269 2 you you PRON _005196830 269 3 be be AUX _005196830 269 4 our our PRON _005196830 269 5 joy joy NOUN _005196830 269 6 at at ADP _005196830 269 7 the the DET _005196830 269 8 turning turn VERB _005196830 269 9 points point NOUN _005196830 269 10 of of ADP _005196830 269 11 life life NOUN _005196830 269 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 269 13 our our PRON _005196830 269 14 reward reward NOUN _005196830 269 15 at at ADP _005196830 269 16 its its PRON _005196830 269 17 end end NOUN _005196830 269 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 270 1 25 25 NUM _005196830 270 2 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 270 3 ant ant PROPN _005196830 270 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 271 1 out out ADP _005196830 271 2 of of ADP _005196830 271 3 the the DET _005196830 271 4 depths depth NOUN _005196830 271 5 i i PRON _005196830 271 6 cry cry VERB _005196830 271 7 to to ADP _005196830 271 8 you you PRON _005196830 271 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 271 10 lord lord PROPN _005196830 271 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 272 1 psalm psalm VERB _005196830 272 2 130 130 NUM _005196830 272 3 a a DET _005196830 272 4 cry cry NOUN _005196830 272 5 from from ADP _005196830 272 6 the the DET _005196830 272 7 depths depth NOUN _005196830 272 8 he he PRON _005196830 272 9 will will AUX _005196830 272 10 save save VERB _005196830 272 11 his his PRON _005196830 272 12 people people NOUN _005196830 272 13 from from ADP _005196830 272 14 their their PRON _005196830 272 15 sins sin NOUN _005196830 272 16 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 272 17 matthew matthew NOUN _005196830 272 18 1:21 1:21 NUM _005196830 272 19 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 272 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 273 1 out out ADP _005196830 273 2 of of ADP _005196830 273 3 the the DET _005196830 273 4 depths depth NOUN _005196830 273 5 i i PRON _005196830 273 6 cry cry VERB _005196830 273 7 to to ADP _005196830 273 8 you you PRON _005196830 273 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 273 10 o o PROPN _005196830 273 11 lord lord PROPN _005196830 273 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 273 13 lord lord PROPN _005196830 273 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 273 15 hear hear VERB _005196830 273 16 my my PRON _005196830 273 17 voice voice NOUN _005196830 273 18 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 274 1 0 0 NUM _005196830 274 2 let let VERB _005196830 274 3 your your PRON _005196830 274 4 ears ear NOUN _005196830 274 5 be be AUX _005196830 274 6 attentive attentive ADJ _005196830 274 7 to to ADP _005196830 274 8 the the DET _005196830 274 9 voice voice NOUN _005196830 274 10 of of ADP _005196830 274 11 my my PRON _005196830 274 12 pleading pleading NOUN _005196830 274 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 275 1 if if SCONJ _005196830 275 2 you you PRON _005196830 275 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 275 4 o o PROPN _005196830 275 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 275 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 275 7 should should AUX _005196830 275 8 mark mark VERB _005196830 275 9 our our PRON _005196830 275 10 guilt guilt NOUN _005196830 275 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 276 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 276 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 276 3 who who PRON _005196830 276 4 would would AUX _005196830 276 5 survive survive VERB _005196830 276 6 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 277 1 but but CCONJ _005196830 277 2 with with ADP _005196830 277 3 you you PRON _005196830 277 4 is be AUX _005196830 277 5 found find VERB _005196830 277 6 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005196830 277 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 277 8 for for ADP _005196830 277 9 this this PRON _005196830 277 10 we we PRON _005196830 277 11 revere revere VERB _005196830 277 12 you you PRON _005196830 277 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 278 1 my my PRON _005196830 278 2 soul soul NOUN _005196830 278 3 is be AUX _005196830 278 4 waiting wait VERB _005196830 278 5 for for ADP _005196830 278 6 the the DET _005196830 278 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 278 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 278 9 1 1 NUM _005196830 278 10 count count VERB _005196830 278 11 on on ADP _005196830 278 12 his his PRON _005196830 278 13 word word NOUN _005196830 278 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 279 1 my my PRON _005196830 279 2 soul soul NOUN _005196830 279 3 is be AUX _005196830 279 4 longing long VERB _005196830 279 5 for for ADP _005196830 279 6 the the DET _005196830 279 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 279 8 more more ADV _005196830 279 9 than than ADP _005196830 279 10 watchman watchman NOUN _005196830 279 11 for for ADP _005196830 279 12 daybreak daybreak NOUN _005196830 279 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 280 1 let let VERB _005196830 280 2 the the DET _005196830 280 3 watchman watchman NOUN _005196830 280 4 count count VERB _005196830 280 5 on on ADP _005196830 280 6 daybreak daybreak NOUN _005196830 280 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 280 8 israel israel PROPN _005196830 280 9 on on ADP _005196830 280 10 the the DET _005196830 280 11 lord lord PROPN _005196830 280 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 281 1 because because SCONJ _005196830 281 2 with with ADP _005196830 281 3 the the DET _005196830 281 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 281 5 there there PRON _005196830 281 6 is be VERB _005196830 281 7 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 281 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 281 9 fullness fullness NOUN _005196830 281 10 of of ADP _005196830 281 11 redemption redemption NOUN _005196830 281 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 281 13 israel israel PROPN _005196830 281 14 indeed indeed ADV _005196830 281 15 he he PRON _005196830 281 16 will will AUX _005196830 281 17 redeem redeem VERB _005196830 281 18 from from ADP _005196830 281 19 all all DET _005196830 281 20 its its PRON _005196830 281 21 iniquity iniquity NOUN _005196830 281 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 282 1 26 26 NUM _005196830 282 2 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 282 3 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 282 4 - - PUNCT _005196830 282 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 282 6 god god PROPN _005196830 282 7 of of ADP _005196830 282 8 might might NOUN _005196830 282 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 282 10 compassion compassion PROPN _005196830 282 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 282 12 yon yon PROPN _005196830 282 13 sent send VERB _005196830 282 14 your your PRON _005196830 282 15 word word NOUN _005196830 282 16 into into ADP _005196830 282 17 the the DET _005196830 282 18 world world NOUN _005196830 282 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 282 20 a a DET _005196830 282 21 watchman watchman NOUN _005196830 282 22 to to PART _005196830 282 23 announce announce VERB _005196830 282 24 to to ADP _005196830 282 25 men man NOUN _005196830 282 26 the the DET _005196830 282 27 dawn dawn NOUN _005196830 282 28 of of ADP _005196830 282 29 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 282 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 283 1 do do AUX _005196830 283 2 not not PART _005196830 283 3 leave leave VERB _005196830 283 4 us we PRON _005196830 283 5 in in ADP _005196830 283 6 the the DET _005196830 283 7 depths depth NOUN _005196830 283 8 of of ADP _005196830 283 9 our our PRON _005196830 283 10 sins sin NOUN _005196830 283 11 but but CCONJ _005196830 283 12 listen listen VERB _005196830 283 13 to to ADP _005196830 283 14 your your PRON _005196830 283 15 church church NOUN _005196830 283 16 plead plead NOUN _005196830 283 17 * * PUNCT _005196830 283 18 ing ing NOUN _005196830 283 19 with with ADP _005196830 283 20 you you PRON _005196830 283 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 284 1 respond respond VERB _005196830 284 2 to to ADP _005196830 284 3 her her PRON _005196830 284 4 trust trust NOUN _005196830 284 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 284 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 284 7 pour pour VERB _005196830 284 8 out out ADP _005196830 284 9 in in ADP _005196830 284 10 her she PRON _005196830 284 11 the the DET _005196830 284 12 fullness fullness NOUN _005196830 284 13 of of ADP _005196830 284 14 your your PRON _005196830 284 15 redeeming redeem VERB _005196830 284 16 grace grace NOUN _005196830 284 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 285 1 reading read VERB _005196830 285 2 ephesians ephesian NOUN _005196830 285 3 4:26 4:26 NUM _005196830 285 4 - - SYM _005196830 285 5 27 27 NUM _005196830 285 6 if if SCONJ _005196830 285 7 yon yon PRON _005196830 285 8 are be AUX _005196830 285 9 angry angry ADJ _005196830 285 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 285 11 let let VERB _005196830 285 12 it it PRON _005196830 285 13 be be AUX _005196830 285 14 without without ADP _005196830 285 15 sin sin NOUN _005196830 285 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 286 1 the the DET _005196830 286 2 sun sun NOUN _005196830 286 3 must must AUX _005196830 286 4 not not PART _005196830 286 5 go go VERB _005196830 286 6 down down ADP _005196830 286 7 on on ADP _005196830 286 8 your your PRON _005196830 286 9 wrath wrath NOUN _005196830 286 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 286 11 do do AUX _005196830 286 12 not not PART _005196830 286 13 give give VERB _005196830 286 14 the the DET _005196830 286 15 devil devil NOUN _005196830 286 16 a a DET _005196830 286 17 chance chance NOUN _005196830 286 18 to to PART _005196830 286 19 work work VERB _005196830 286 20 on on ADP _005196830 286 21 you you PRON _005196830 286 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 287 1 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 287 2 into into ADP _005196830 287 3 your your PRON _005196830 287 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 287 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 288 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 288 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 288 3 i i PRON _005196830 288 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 288 5 my my PRON _005196830 288 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 288 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 289 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 289 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 289 3 your your PRON _005196830 289 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 289 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 289 6 lord lord PROPN _005196830 289 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 289 8 i i PRON _005196830 289 9 commend commend VERB _005196830 289 10 my my PRON _005196830 289 11 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 289 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 290 1 you you PRON _005196830 290 2 have have AUX _005196830 290 3 redeemed redeem VERB _005196830 290 4 us we PRON _005196830 290 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 291 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 291 2 god god PROPN _005196830 291 3 of of ADP _005196830 291 4 truth truth NOUN _005196830 291 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 292 1 •—i •—i PROPN _005196830 292 2 commend commend VERB _005196830 292 3 my my PRON _005196830 292 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 292 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 293 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 293 2 to to ADP _005196830 293 3 the the DET _005196830 293 4 father father NOUN _005196830 293 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 293 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 293 7 to to ADP _005196830 293 8 the the DET _005196830 293 9 son son NOUN _005196830 293 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 293 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 293 12 to to ADP _005196830 293 13 the the DET _005196830 293 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 293 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 293 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 294 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 294 2 into into ADP _005196830 294 3 your your PRON _005196830 294 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 294 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 295 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 295 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 295 3 i i PRON _005196830 295 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 295 5 my my PRON _005196830 295 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 295 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 296 1 27 27 NUM _005196830 296 2 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 296 3 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 296 4 canticle canticle PROPN _005196830 296 5 luke luke PROPN _005196830 296 6 2:29 2:29 NUM _005196830 296 7 - - SYM _005196830 296 8 32 32 NUM _005196830 296 9 christ christ PROPN _005196830 296 10 is be AUX _005196830 296 11 the the DET _005196830 296 12 light light NOUN _005196830 296 13 of of ADP _005196830 296 14 the the DET _005196830 296 15 nations nation NOUN _005196830 296 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 296 17 the the DET _005196830 296 18 glory glory NOUN _005196830 296 19 of of ADP _005196830 296 20 israel israel PROPN _005196830 296 21 ant ant PROPN _005196830 296 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 297 1 protect protect VERB _005196830 297 2 us we PRON _005196830 297 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 297 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 297 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 297 6 as as SCONJ _005196830 297 7 we we PRON _005196830 297 8 stay stay VERB _005196830 297 9 awake awake ADJ _005196830 297 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 297 11 watch watch VERB _005196830 297 12 over over ADP _005196830 297 13 us we PRON _005196830 297 14 as as SCONJ _005196830 297 15 we we PRON _005196830 297 16 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 297 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 297 18 that that PRON _005196830 297 19 awake awake ADJ _005196830 297 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 297 21 we we PRON _005196830 297 22 may may AUX _005196830 297 23 keep keep VERB _005196830 297 24 watch watch NOUN _005196830 297 25 with with ADP _005196830 297 26 christ christ PROPN _005196830 297 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 297 28 and and CCONJ _005196830 297 29 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 297 30 , , PUNCT _005196830 297 31 rest rest VERB _005196830 297 32 in in ADP _005196830 297 33 his his PRON _005196830 297 34 peace peace NOUN _005196830 297 35 . . PUNCT _005196830 298 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 298 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 298 3 now now ADV _005196830 298 4 yon yon PROPN _005196830 298 5 let let VERB _005196830 298 6 your your PRON _005196830 298 7 servant servant NOUN _005196830 298 8 go go VERB _005196830 298 9 in in ADP _005196830 298 10 peace peace NOUN _005196830 298 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 298 12 your your PRON _005196830 298 13 word word NOUN _005196830 298 14 has have AUX _005196830 298 15 been be AUX _005196830 298 16 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196830 298 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 298 18 my my PRON _005196830 298 19 own own ADJ _005196830 298 20 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 298 21 have have AUX _005196830 298 22 seen see VERB _005196830 298 23 the the DET _005196830 298 24 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 298 25 which which PRON _005196830 298 26 you you PRON _005196830 298 27 have have AUX _005196830 298 28 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 298 29 in in ADP _005196830 298 30 the the DET _005196830 298 31 sight sight NOUN _005196830 298 32 of of ADP _005196830 298 33 every every DET _005196830 298 34 people people NOUN _005196830 298 35 : : PUNCT _005196830 298 36 a a DET _005196830 298 37 light light NOUN _005196830 298 38 to to PART _005196830 298 39 reveal reveal VERB _005196830 298 40 you you PRON _005196830 298 41 to to ADP _005196830 298 42 the the DET _005196830 298 43 nations nation NOUN _005196830 298 44 and and CCONJ _005196830 298 45 the the DET _005196830 298 46 glory glory NOUN _005196830 298 47 of of ADP _005196830 298 48 your your PRON _005196830 298 49 people people NOUN _005196830 298 50 israel israel PROPN _005196830 298 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 299 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 299 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 299 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 299 4 christ christ PROPN _005196830 299 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 299 6 you you PRON _005196830 299 7 have have AUX _005196830 299 8 given give VERB _005196830 299 9 your your PRON _005196830 299 10 followers follower NOUN _005196830 299 11 an an DET _005196830 299 12 example example NOUN _005196830 299 13 of of ADP _005196830 299 14 gentleness gentleness NOUN _005196830 299 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 299 16 humflity humflity NOUN _005196830 299 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 299 18 a a DET _005196830 299 19 task task NOUN _005196830 299 20 that that PRON _005196830 299 21 is be AUX _005196830 299 22 easy easy ADJ _005196830 299 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 299 24 a a DET _005196830 299 25 burden burden NOUN _005196830 299 26 that that PRON _005196830 299 27 is be AUX _005196830 299 28 light light ADJ _005196830 299 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 300 1 accept accept VERB _005196830 300 2 the the DET _005196830 300 3 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 300 4 and and CCONJ _005196830 300 5 work work NOUN _005196830 300 6 of of ADP _005196830 300 7 this this DET _005196830 300 8 day day NOUN _005196830 300 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 300 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 300 11 give give VERB _005196830 300 12 us we PRON _005196830 300 13 the the DET _005196830 300 14 rest rest NOUN _005196830 300 15 that that PRON _005196830 300 16 will will AUX _005196830 300 17 strengthen strengthen VERB _005196830 300 18 us we PRON _005196830 300 19 to to PART _005196830 300 20 render render VERB _005196830 300 21 more more ADV _005196830 300 22 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 300 23 service service NOUN _005196830 300 24 to to ADP _005196830 300 25 you you PRON _005196830 300 26 who who PRON _005196830 300 27 live live VERB _005196830 300 28 and and CCONJ _005196830 300 29 reign reign NOUN _005196830 300 30 for for ADP _005196830 300 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 300 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 300 33 ever ever ADV _005196830 300 34 . . PUNCT _005196830 301 1 28 28 NUM _005196830 301 2 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 301 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 301 4 may may AUX _005196830 301 5 the the DET _005196830 301 6 all all ADV _005196830 301 7 - - PUNCT _005196830 301 8 powerful powerful ADJ _005196830 301 9 lord lord PROPN _005196830 301 10 grant grant VERB _005196830 301 11 us we PRON _005196830 301 12 a a DET _005196830 301 13 restful restful ADJ _005196830 301 14 night night NOUN _005196830 301 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 301 16 a a DET _005196830 301 17 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 301 18 death death NOUN _005196830 301 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 302 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 302 2 ^amen ^amen X _005196830 302 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 303 1 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 303 2 of of ADP _005196830 303 3 the the DET _005196830 303 4 blessed bless VERB _005196830 303 5 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 303 6 mary mary PROPN _005196830 303 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 303 8 see see VERB _005196830 303 9 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 303 10 ii ii PROPN _005196830 303 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 303 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 304 1 29 29 NUM _005196830 304 2 thursday thursday PROPN _005196830 304 3 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 304 4 god god PROPN _005196830 304 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 304 6 come come VERB _005196830 304 7 to to ADP _005196830 304 8 my my PRON _005196830 304 9 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 304 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 305 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 305 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 305 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 305 4 make make VERB _005196830 305 5 haste haste NOUN _005196830 305 6 to to PART _005196830 305 7 help help VERB _005196830 305 8 me i PRON _005196830 305 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 306 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 306 2 to to ADP _005196830 306 3 the the DET _005196830 306 4 father father NOUN _005196830 306 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 306 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 306 7 to to ADP _005196830 306 8 the the DET _005196830 306 9 son son NOUN _005196830 306 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 306 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 306 12 to to ADP _005196830 306 13 the the DET _005196830 306 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 306 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 306 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 306 17 as as SCONJ _005196830 306 18 it it PRON _005196830 306 19 was be AUX _005196830 306 20 in in ADP _005196830 306 21 the the DET _005196830 306 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196830 306 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 306 24 is be AUX _005196830 306 25 now now ADV _005196830 306 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 306 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 306 28 will will AUX _005196830 306 29 be be AUX _005196830 306 30 for for ADP _005196830 306 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 306 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 307 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 307 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 308 1 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 308 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 309 1 a a DET _005196830 309 2 brief brief ADJ _005196830 309 3 examination examination NOUN _005196830 309 4 of of ADP _005196830 309 5 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 309 6 may may AUX _005196830 309 7 be be AUX _005196830 309 8 made make VERB _005196830 309 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 310 1 at at ADP _005196830 310 2 its its PRON _005196830 310 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 310 4 one one NUM _005196830 310 5 of of ADP _005196830 310 6 the the DET _005196830 310 7 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 310 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 310 9 in in ADP _005196830 310 10 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 310 11 i i PRON _005196830 310 12 may may AUX _005196830 310 13 be be AUX _005196830 310 14 said say VERB _005196830 310 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 311 1 thursday thursday PROPN _005196830 311 2 hymn hymn PROPN _005196830 311 3 now now ADV _005196830 311 4 at at ADP _005196830 311 5 the the DET _005196830 311 6 daylight daylight NOUN _005196830 311 7 ’s ’s NOUN _005196830 311 8 ending ending NOUN _005196830 311 9 we we PRON _005196830 311 10 turn turn VERB _005196830 311 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 311 12 o o PROPN _005196830 311 13 god god PROPN _005196830 311 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 311 15 to to ADP _005196830 311 16 you you PRON _005196830 311 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 311 18 send send VERB _005196830 311 19 forth forth ADV _005196830 311 20 your your PRON _005196830 311 21 holy holy ADJ _005196830 311 22 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 311 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 311 24 our our PRON _005196830 311 25 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 311 26 now now ADV _005196830 311 27 renew renew VERB _005196830 311 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 312 1 to to ADP _005196830 312 2 you you PRON _005196830 312 3 in in ADP _005196830 312 4 adoration adoration NOUN _005196830 312 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 313 1 in in ADP _005196830 313 2 thankfulness thankfulness NOUN _005196830 313 3 and and CCONJ _005196830 313 4 praise praise NOUN _005196830 313 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 314 1 in in ADP _005196830 314 2 faith faith NOUN _005196830 314 3 and and CCONJ _005196830 314 4 h<^e h<^e PROPN _005196830 314 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 314 6 gladness gladness NOUN _005196830 314 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 315 1 our our PRON _005196830 315 2 loving love VERB _005196830 315 3 hearts heart NOUN _005196830 315 4 we we PRON _005196830 315 5 raise raise VERB _005196830 315 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 316 1 with with ADP _005196830 316 2 watchful watchful ADJ _005196830 316 3 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 316 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 316 5 o o NOUN _005196830 316 6 shepherd shepherd NOUN _005196830 316 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 316 8 look look VERB _005196830 316 9 down down ADP _005196830 316 10 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 316 11 your your PRON _005196830 316 12 sheep sheep NOUN _005196830 316 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 316 14 stretch stretch VERB _005196830 316 15 forth forth ADV _005196830 316 16 your your PRON _005196830 316 17 hands hand NOUN _005196830 316 18 in in ADP _005196830 316 19 healing healing NOUN _005196830 316 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 316 21 close close VERB _005196830 316 22 our our PRON _005196830 316 23 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 316 24 in in ADP _005196830 316 25 sleep sleep NOUN _005196830 316 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 317 1 come come VERB _005196830 317 2 down down ADP _005196830 317 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 317 4 o o NOUN _005196830 317 5 holy holy PROPN _005196830 317 6 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 317 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 317 8 to to PART _005196830 317 9 be be AUX _005196830 317 10 our our PRON _005196830 317 11 loving love VERB _005196830 317 12 guest guest NOUN _005196830 317 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 317 14 be be AUX _005196830 317 15 near near ADP _005196830 317 16 us we PRON _005196830 317 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 317 18 holy holy ADJ _005196830 317 19 angels angel NOUN _005196830 317 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 318 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 318 2 guard guard VERB _005196830 318 3 us we PRON _005196830 318 4 as as SCONJ _005196830 318 5 we we PRON _005196830 318 6 rest rest VERB _005196830 318 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 319 1 we we PRON _005196830 319 2 praise praise VERB _005196830 319 3 you you PRON _005196830 319 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 319 5 heav’nly heav’nly ADV _005196830 319 6 father father NOUN _005196830 319 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 319 8 from from ADP _005196830 319 9 you you PRON _005196830 319 10 all all DET _005196830 319 11 light light ADJ _005196830 319 12 descends descend NOUN _005196830 319 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 319 14 you you PRON _005196830 319 15 give give VERB _005196830 319 16 us we PRON _005196830 319 17 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 319 18 ’s ’s PART _005196830 319 19 glory glory NOUN _005196830 319 20 when when SCONJ _005196830 319 21 life life NOUN _005196830 319 22 ’s ’s PART _005196830 319 23 brief brief ADJ _005196830 319 24 daylight daylight NOUN _005196830 319 25 ends end VERB _005196830 319 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 320 1 we we PRON _005196830 320 2 praise praise VERB _005196830 320 3 you you PRON _005196830 320 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 320 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 320 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 320 7 savior savior PROPN _005196830 320 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 320 9 the the DET _005196830 320 10 light light NOUN _005196830 320 11 of of ADP _005196830 320 12 heav’n heav’n NOUN _005196830 320 13 above above ADV _005196830 320 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 320 15 we we PRON _005196830 320 16 praise praise VERB _005196830 320 17 you you PRON _005196830 320 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 321 1 holy holy PROPN _005196830 321 2 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 321 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 321 4 the the DET _005196830 321 5 living live VERB _005196830 321 6 flame flame NOUN _005196830 321 7 of of ADP _005196830 321 8 love love NOUN _005196830 321 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 322 1 32 32 NUM _005196830 322 2 thursday thursday PROPN _005196830 322 3 melody melody NOUN _005196830 322 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 322 5 christus christus PROPN _005196830 322 6 der der PROPN _005196830 322 7 1st 1st PROPN _005196830 322 8 music music NOUN _005196830 322 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 322 10 melchior melchior PROPN _005196830 322 11 vulpius vulpius NOUN _005196830 322 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 322 13 1609 1609 NUM _005196830 322 14 mein mein PROPN _005196830 322 15 leben leben PROPN _005196830 322 16 text text NOUN _005196830 322 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 322 18 james james PROPN _005196830 322 19 quinn quinn PROPN _005196830 322 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 322 21 sj sj PROPN _005196830 322 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 322 23 psalmody psalmody PROPN _005196830 322 24 ant ant PROPN _005196830 322 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 323 1 in in ADP _005196830 323 2 you you PRON _005196830 323 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 323 4 my my PRON _005196830 323 5 god god PROPN _005196830 323 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 323 7 my my PRON _005196830 323 8 body body NOUN _005196830 323 9 will will AUX _005196830 323 10 rest rest VERB _005196830 323 11 in in ADP _005196830 323 12 hope hope NOUN _005196830 323 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 324 1 psalm psalm VERB _005196830 324 2 16 16 NUM _005196830 324 3 god god PROPN _005196830 324 4 is be AUX _005196830 324 5 my my PRON _005196830 324 6 portion portion NOUN _005196830 324 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 324 8 my my PRON _005196830 324 9 inheritance inheritance NOUN _005196830 324 10 the the DET _005196830 324 11 father father NOUN _005196830 324 12 raised raise VERB _005196830 324 13 up up ADP _005196830 324 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 324 15 from from ADP _005196830 324 16 the the DET _005196830 324 17 dead dead ADJ _005196830 324 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 324 19 broke break VERB _005196830 324 20 the the DET _005196830 324 21 bonds bond NOUN _005196830 324 22 of of ADP _005196830 324 23 death death NOUN _005196830 324 24 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 324 25 acts act VERB _005196830 324 26 2:24 2:24 NUM _005196830 324 27 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 324 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 325 1 preserve preserve VERB _005196830 325 2 me i PRON _005196830 325 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 325 4 god god PROPN _005196830 325 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 325 6 i i PRON _005196830 325 7 take take VERB _005196830 325 8 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 325 9 in in ADP _005196830 325 10 you you PRON _005196830 325 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 326 1 i i PRON _005196830 326 2 say say VERB _005196830 326 3 to to ADP _005196830 326 4 the the DET _005196830 326 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 326 6 : : PUNCT _005196830 326 7 * * PUNCT _005196830 326 8 * * PUNCT _005196830 326 9 you you PRON _005196830 326 10 are be AUX _005196830 326 11 my my PRON _005196830 326 12 god god PROPN _005196830 326 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 327 1 my my PRON _005196830 327 2 happiness happiness NOUN _005196830 327 3 lies lie VERB _005196830 327 4 in in ADP _005196830 327 5 you you PRON _005196830 327 6 alone alone ADV _005196830 327 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 327 8 ” " PUNCT _005196830 328 1 he he PRON _005196830 328 2 has have AUX _005196830 328 3 put put VERB _005196830 328 4 into into ADP _005196830 328 5 my my PRON _005196830 328 6 heart heart NOUN _005196830 328 7 a a DET _005196830 328 8 marvellous marvellous ADJ _005196830 328 9 love love NOUN _005196830 328 10 for for ADP _005196830 328 11 the the DET _005196830 328 12 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 328 13 ones one NOUN _005196830 328 14 who who PRON _005196830 328 15 dwell dwell VERB _005196830 328 16 in in ADP _005196830 328 17 his his PRON _005196830 328 18 land land NOUN _005196830 328 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 329 1 those those PRON _005196830 329 2 who who PRON _005196830 329 3 choose choose VERB _005196830 329 4 other other ADJ _005196830 329 5 gods god NOUN _005196830 329 6 increase increase VERB _005196830 329 7 their their PRON _005196830 329 8 sorrows sorrow NOUN _005196830 329 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 330 1 never never ADV _005196830 330 2 will will AUX _005196830 330 3 i i PRON _005196830 330 4 offer offer VERB _005196830 330 5 their their PRON _005196830 330 6 offerings offering NOUN _005196830 330 7 of of ADP _005196830 330 8 blood blood NOUN _005196830 330 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 331 1 never never ADV _005196830 331 2 will will AUX _005196830 331 3 i i PRON _005196830 331 4 take take VERB _005196830 331 5 their their PRON _005196830 331 6 name name NOUN _005196830 331 7 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 331 8 my my PRON _005196830 331 9 lips lip NOUN _005196830 331 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 332 1 o o X _005196830 332 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 332 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 332 4 it it PRON _005196830 332 5 is be AUX _005196830 332 6 you you PRON _005196830 332 7 who who PRON _005196830 332 8 are be AUX _005196830 332 9 my my PRON _005196830 332 10 portion portion NOUN _005196830 332 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 332 12 cup cup NOUN _005196830 332 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 332 14 it it PRON _005196830 332 15 is be AUX _005196830 332 16 you you PRON _005196830 332 17 yourself yourself PRON _005196830 332 18 who who PRON _005196830 332 19 are be AUX _005196830 332 20 my my PRON _005196830 332 21 prize prize NOUN _005196830 332 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 333 1 the the DET _005196830 333 2 lot lot NOUN _005196830 333 3 marked mark VERB _005196830 333 4 out out ADP _005196830 333 5 for for ADP _005196830 333 6 me i PRON _005196830 333 7 is be AUX _005196830 333 8 my my PRON _005196830 333 9 delight delight NOUN _005196830 333 10 : : PUNCT _005196830 333 11 welcome welcome VERB _005196830 333 12 indeed indeed ADV _005196830 333 13 the the DET _005196830 333 14 heritage heritage NOUN _005196830 333 15 that that PRON _005196830 333 16 falls fall VERB _005196830 333 17 to to ADP _005196830 333 18 me i PRON _005196830 333 19 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 334 1 33 33 NUM _005196830 334 2 thursday thursday PROPN _005196830 334 3 i i PRON _005196830 334 4 will will AUX _005196830 334 5 bless bless VERB _005196830 334 6 the the DET _005196830 334 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 334 8 who who PRON _005196830 334 9 gives give VERB _005196830 334 10 me i PRON _005196830 334 11 counsel counsel NOUN _005196830 334 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 334 13 who who PRON _005196830 334 14 even even ADV _005196830 334 15 at at ADP _005196830 334 16 night night NOUN _005196830 334 17 directs direct VERB _005196830 334 18 my my PRON _005196830 334 19 heart heart NOUN _005196830 334 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 335 1 1 1 NUM _005196830 335 2 keep keep VERB _005196830 335 3 the the DET _005196830 335 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 335 5 ever ever ADV _005196830 335 6 in in ADP _005196830 335 7 my my PRON _005196830 335 8 sight sight NOUN _005196830 335 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 335 10 since since SCONJ _005196830 335 11 he he PRON _005196830 335 12 is be AUX _005196830 335 13 at at ADP _005196830 335 14 my my PRON _005196830 335 15 right right ADJ _005196830 335 16 hand hand NOUN _005196830 335 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 335 18 i i PRON _005196830 335 19 shall shall AUX _005196830 335 20 stand stand VERB _005196830 335 21 firm firm ADJ _005196830 335 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 336 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 336 2 so so ADV _005196830 336 3 my my PRON _005196830 336 4 heart heart NOUN _005196830 336 5 rejoices rejoice NOUN _005196830 336 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 336 7 my my PRON _005196830 336 8 soul soul NOUN _005196830 336 9 is be AUX _005196830 336 10 glad glad ADJ _005196830 336 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 336 12 even even ADV _005196830 336 13 my my PRON _005196830 336 14 body body NOUN _005196830 336 15 shall shall AUX _005196830 336 16 rest rest VERB _005196830 336 17 in in ADP _005196830 336 18 safety safety NOUN _005196830 336 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 337 1 for for ADP _005196830 337 2 you you PRON _005196830 337 3 will will AUX _005196830 337 4 not not PART _005196830 337 5 leave leave VERB _005196830 337 6 my my PRON _005196830 337 7 soul soul NOUN _005196830 337 8 among among ADP _005196830 337 9 the the DET _005196830 337 10 dead dead ADJ _005196830 337 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 337 12 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 337 13 let let VERB _005196830 337 14 your your PRON _005196830 337 15 beloved beloved ADJ _005196830 337 16 know know NOUN _005196830 337 17 decay decay NOUN _005196830 337 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 338 1 you you PRON _005196830 338 2 will will AUX _005196830 338 3 show show VERB _005196830 338 4 me i PRON _005196830 338 5 the the DET _005196830 338 6 path path NOUN _005196830 338 7 of of ADP _005196830 338 8 life life NOUN _005196830 338 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 338 10 the the DET _005196830 338 11 fullness fullness NOUN _005196830 338 12 of of ADP _005196830 338 13 joy joy NOUN _005196830 338 14 in in ADP _005196830 338 15 your your PRON _005196830 338 16 presence presence NOUN _005196830 338 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 338 18 at at ADP _005196830 338 19 your your PRON _005196830 338 20 right right ADJ _005196830 338 21 hand hand NOUN _005196830 338 22 happiness happiness NOUN _005196830 338 23 for for ADP _005196830 338 24 ever ever ADV _005196830 338 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 339 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 339 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 339 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 339 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 339 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 339 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 339 7 uphold uphold VERB _005196830 339 8 those those PRON _005196830 339 9 who who PRON _005196830 339 10 hope hope VERB _005196830 339 11 in in ADP _005196830 339 12 you you PRON _005196830 339 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 339 14 give give VERB _005196830 339 15 us we PRON _005196830 339 16 your your PRON _005196830 339 17 counsel counsel NOUN _005196830 339 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 339 19 so so SCONJ _005196830 339 20 that that SCONJ _005196830 339 21 we we PRON _005196830 339 22 may may AUX _005196830 339 23 know know VERB _005196830 339 24 the the DET _005196830 339 25 joy joy NOUN _005196830 339 26 of of ADP _005196830 339 27 your your PRON _005196830 339 28 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 339 29 and and CCONJ _005196830 339 30 deserve deserve VERB _005196830 339 31 to to PART _005196830 339 32 be be AUX _005196830 339 33 among among ADP _005196830 339 34 the the DET _005196830 339 35 saints saint NOUN _005196830 339 36 at at ADP _005196830 339 37 your your PRON _005196830 339 38 right right ADJ _005196830 339 39 hand hand NOUN _005196830 339 40 . . PUNCT _005196830 340 1 reading read VERB _005196830 340 2 1 1 NUM _005196830 340 3 thessalonians thessalonian NOUN _005196830 340 4 5:23 5:23 NUM _005196830 340 5 may may AUX _005196830 340 6 file file VERB _005196830 340 7 god god PROPN _005196830 340 8 of of ADP _005196830 340 9 peace peace NOUN _005196830 340 10 make make VERB _005196830 340 11 you you PRON _005196830 340 12 perfect perfect ADJ _005196830 340 13 in in ADP _005196830 340 14 holiness holiness NOUN _005196830 340 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 341 1 may may AUX _005196830 341 2 he he PRON _005196830 341 3 preserve preserve VERB _005196830 341 4 you you PRON _005196830 341 5 whole whole ADJ _005196830 341 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 341 7 entire entire ADJ _005196830 341 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 341 9 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 341 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 341 11 soul soul NOUN _005196830 341 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 341 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 341 14 body body NOUN _005196830 341 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 341 16 irreproachable irreproachable ADJ _005196830 341 17 at at ADP _005196830 341 18 the the DET _005196830 341 19 coming coming NOUN _005196830 341 20 of of ADP _005196830 341 21 our our PRON _005196830 341 22 lord lord PROPN _005196830 341 23 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 341 24 christ christ PROPN _005196830 341 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 342 1 34 34 NUM _005196830 342 2 thursday thursday NOUN _005196830 342 3 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 342 4 into into ADP _005196830 342 5 your your PRON _005196830 342 6 hands hand NOUN _005196830 342 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 342 8 lord lord PROPN _005196830 342 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 342 10 i i PRON _005196830 342 11 conunend conunend VERB _005196830 342 12 my my PRON _005196830 342 13 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 342 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 343 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 343 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 343 3 your your PRON _005196830 343 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 343 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 344 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 344 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 344 3 i i PRON _005196830 344 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 344 5 my my PRON _005196830 344 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 344 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 345 1 you you PRON _005196830 345 2 have have AUX _005196830 345 3 redeemed redeem VERB _005196830 345 4 us we PRON _005196830 345 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 346 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 346 2 ck ck PROPN _005196830 346 3 > > PROPN _005196830 346 4 d d PROPN _005196830 346 5 of of ADP _005196830 346 6 truth truth NOUN _005196830 346 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 347 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 347 2 commend commend VERB _005196830 347 3 my my PRON _005196830 347 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 347 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 348 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 348 2 to to ADP _005196830 348 3 the the DET _005196830 348 4 father father NOUN _005196830 348 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 348 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 348 7 to to ADP _005196830 348 8 the the DET _005196830 348 9 son son NOUN _005196830 348 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 348 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 348 12 to to ADP _005196830 348 13 the the DET _005196830 348 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 348 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 348 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 349 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 349 2 into into ADP _005196830 349 3 your your PRON _005196830 349 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 349 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 350 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 350 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 350 3 i i PRON _005196830 350 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 350 5 my my PRON _005196830 350 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 350 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 351 1 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 351 2 canticle canticle PROPN _005196830 351 3 luke luke PROPN _005196830 351 4 2:29 2:29 NUM _005196830 351 5 - - SYM _005196830 351 6 32 32 NUM _005196830 351 7 christ christ PROPN _005196830 351 8 is be AUX _005196830 351 9 the the DET _005196830 351 10 light light NOUN _005196830 351 11 of of ADP _005196830 351 12 the the DET _005196830 351 13 nations nation NOUN _005196830 351 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 351 15 the the DET _005196830 351 16 glory glory NOUN _005196830 351 17 of of ADP _005196830 351 18 israel israel PROPN _005196830 351 19 ant ant PROPN _005196830 351 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 352 1 protect protect VERB _005196830 352 2 us we PRON _005196830 352 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 353 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 353 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 353 3 as as SCONJ _005196830 353 4 we we PRON _005196830 353 5 stay stay VERB _005196830 353 6 awake awake ADJ _005196830 353 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 353 8 watch watch VERB _005196830 353 9 over over ADP _005196830 353 10 us we PRON _005196830 353 11 as as SCONJ _005196830 353 12 we we PRON _005196830 353 13 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 353 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 353 15 that that PRON _005196830 353 16 awake awake ADJ _005196830 353 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 353 18 we we PRON _005196830 353 19 may may AUX _005196830 353 20 keep keep VERB _005196830 353 21 watch watch NOUN _005196830 353 22 with with ADP _005196830 353 23 christ christ PROPN _005196830 353 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 353 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 353 26 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 353 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 353 28 rest rest VERB _005196830 353 29 in in ADP _005196830 353 30 his his PRON _005196830 353 31 peace peace NOUN _005196830 353 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 354 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 354 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 354 3 now now ADV _005196830 354 4 you you PRON _005196830 354 5 let let VERB _005196830 354 6 your your PRON _005196830 354 7 servant servant NOUN _005196830 354 8 go go VERB _005196830 354 9 in in ADP _005196830 354 10 peace peace NOUN _005196830 354 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 354 12 your your PRON _005196830 354 13 word word NOUN _005196830 354 14 has have AUX _005196830 354 15 been be AUX _005196830 354 16 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196830 354 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 354 18 my my PRON _005196830 354 19 own own ADJ _005196830 354 20 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 354 21 have have AUX _005196830 354 22 seen see VERB _005196830 354 23 the the DET _005196830 354 24 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 354 25 which which PRON _005196830 354 26 you you PRON _005196830 354 27 have have AUX _005196830 354 28 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 354 29 iu iu ADP _005196830 354 30 the the DET _005196830 354 31 sight sight NOUN _005196830 354 32 of of ADP _005196830 354 33 every every DET _005196830 354 34 people people NOUN _005196830 354 35 : : PUNCT _005196830 354 36 a a DET _005196830 354 37 light light NOUN _005196830 354 38 to to PART _005196830 354 39 reveal reveal VERB _005196830 354 40 you you PRON _005196830 354 41 to to ADP _005196830 354 42 the the DET _005196830 354 43 nations nation NOUN _005196830 354 44 and and CCONJ _005196830 354 45 the the DET _005196830 354 46 glory glory NOUN _005196830 354 47 of of ADP _005196830 354 48 your your PRON _005196830 354 49 people people NOUN _005196830 354 50 israel israel PROPN _005196830 354 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 355 1 35 35 NUM _005196830 355 2 thursday thursday PROPN _005196830 355 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 355 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 355 5 god god PROPN _005196830 355 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 355 7 send send VERB _005196830 355 8 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 355 9 sleep sleep NOUN _005196830 355 10 to to PART _005196830 355 11 refresh refresh VERB _005196830 355 12 our our PRON _005196830 355 13 tired tired ADJ _005196830 355 14 bodies body NOUN _005196830 355 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 356 1 may may AUX _005196830 356 2 your your PRON _005196830 356 3 help help NOUN _005196830 356 4 always always ADV _005196830 356 5 renew renew VERB _005196830 356 6 ns ns NOUN _005196830 356 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 356 8 keep keep VERB _005196830 356 9 us we PRON _005196830 356 10 strong strong ADJ _005196830 356 11 in in ADP _005196830 356 12 your your PRON _005196830 356 13 service service NOUN _005196830 356 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 357 1 we we PRON _005196830 357 2 ask ask VERB _005196830 357 3 this this DET _005196830 357 4 throng throng ADJ _005196830 357 5 christ christ PROPN _005196830 357 6 our our PRON _005196830 357 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 357 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 358 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 358 2 may may AUX _005196830 358 3 die die VERB _005196830 358 4 all all PRON _005196830 358 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 358 6 powerfnl powerfnl ADJ _005196830 358 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 358 8 grant grant VERB _005196830 358 9 us we PRON _005196830 358 10 a a DET _005196830 358 11 restful restful ADJ _005196830 358 12 ni^t ni^t NOUN _005196830 358 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 358 14 a a DET _005196830 358 15 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 358 16 death death NOUN _005196830 358 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 359 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 359 2 amen amen INTJ _005196830 359 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 360 1 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 360 2 of of ADP _005196830 360 3 the the DET _005196830 360 4 blessed bless VERB _005196830 360 5 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 360 6 mary mary PROPN _005196830 360 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 360 8 see see VERB _005196830 360 9 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 360 10 ii ii PROPN _005196830 360 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 360 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 361 1 36 36 NUM _005196830 361 2 friday friday PROPN _005196830 361 3 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 361 4 god god PROPN _005196830 361 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 361 6 come come VERB _005196830 361 7 to to ADP _005196830 361 8 my my PRON _005196830 361 9 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 361 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 362 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 362 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 362 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 362 4 make make VERB _005196830 362 5 haste haste NOUN _005196830 362 6 to to PART _005196830 362 7 help help VERB _005196830 362 8 me i PRON _005196830 362 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 363 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 363 2 to to ADP _005196830 363 3 the the DET _005196830 363 4 father father NOUN _005196830 363 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 363 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 363 7 to to ADP _005196830 363 8 the the DET _005196830 363 9 son son NOUN _005196830 363 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 363 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 363 12 to to ADP _005196830 363 13 the the DET _005196830 363 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 363 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 363 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 363 17 as as SCONJ _005196830 363 18 it it PRON _005196830 363 19 was be AUX _005196830 363 20 in in ADP _005196830 363 21 the the DET _005196830 363 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196830 363 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 363 24 is be AUX _005196830 363 25 now now ADV _005196830 363 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 363 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 363 28 will will AUX _005196830 363 29 be be AUX _005196830 363 30 for for ADP _005196830 363 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 363 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 364 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 364 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 365 1 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 365 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 366 1 a a DET _005196830 366 2 brief brief ADJ _005196830 366 3 examination examination NOUN _005196830 366 4 of of ADP _005196830 366 5 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 366 6 may may AUX _005196830 366 7 be be AUX _005196830 366 8 made make VERB _005196830 366 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 367 1 at at ADP _005196830 367 2 its its PRON _005196830 367 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 367 4 one one NUM _005196830 367 5 of of ADP _005196830 367 6 the the DET _005196830 367 7 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 367 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 367 9 in in ADP _005196830 367 10 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 367 11 i i PRON _005196830 367 12 may may AUX _005196830 367 13 be be AUX _005196830 367 14 said say VERB _005196830 367 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 368 1 37 37 NUM _005196830 368 2 friday friday PROPN _005196830 368 3 hymn hymn PROPN _005196830 368 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 368 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 368 6 christ christ PROPN _005196830 368 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 368 8 abide abide VERB _005196830 368 9 with with ADP _005196830 368 10 us we PRON _005196830 368 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 368 12 now now ADV _005196830 368 13 that that SCONJ _005196830 368 14 the the DET _005196830 368 15 sun sun NOUN _005196830 368 16 has have AUX _005196830 368 17 run run VERB _005196830 368 18 its its PRON _005196830 368 19 course course NOUN _005196830 368 20 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 368 21 let let VERB _005196830 368 22 hope hope NOUN _005196830 368 23 not not PART _005196830 368 24 be be AUX _005196830 368 25 obscured obscure VERB _005196830 368 26 by by ADP _005196830 368 27 night night NOUN _005196830 368 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 369 1 but but CCONJ _005196830 369 2 may may AUX _005196830 369 3 faith faith NOUN _005196830 369 4 ’s ’s PART _005196830 369 5 darimess darimess NOUN _005196830 369 6 be be AUX _005196830 369 7 as as ADV _005196830 369 8 ligfit ligfit ADJ _005196830 369 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 370 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 370 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 370 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 370 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 370 5 grant grant VERB _005196830 370 6 us we PRON _005196830 370 7 your your PRON _005196830 370 8 peace peace NOUN _005196830 370 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 371 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 371 2 when when SCONJ _005196830 371 3 the the DET _005196830 371 4 trials trial NOUN _005196830 371 5 of of ADP _005196830 371 6 earth earth NOUN _005196830 371 7 shall shall AUX _005196830 371 8 cease cease VERB _005196830 371 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 372 1 grant grant VERB _005196830 372 2 us we PRON _005196830 372 3 the the DET _005196830 372 4 morning morning NOUN _005196830 372 5 light light NOUN _005196830 372 6 of of ADP _005196830 372 7 grace grace NOUN _005196830 372 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 372 9 the the DET _005196830 372 10 radiant radiant ADJ _005196830 372 11 splendor splendor NOUN _005196830 372 12 of of ADP _005196830 372 13 your your PRON _005196830 372 14 face face NOUN _005196830 372 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 373 1 immortal immortal ADJ _005196830 373 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 373 3 holy holy ADJ _005196830 373 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 373 5 threefold threefold ADJ _005196830 373 6 light light NOUN _005196830 373 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 373 8 yours yours PRON _005196830 373 9 be be VERB _005196830 373 10 the the DET _005196830 373 11 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005196830 373 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 373 13 pow’r pow’r NUM _005196830 373 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 373 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 373 16 might might AUX _005196830 373 17 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 373 18 all all DET _005196830 373 19 glory glory NOUN _005196830 373 20 be be AUX _005196830 373 21 eternally eternally ADV _005196830 373 22 to to ADP _005196830 373 23 you you PRON _005196830 373 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 373 25 life life NOUN _005196830 373 26 - - PUNCT _005196830 373 27 giving give VERB _005196830 373 28 trinity trinity NOUN _005196830 373 29 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 374 1 melody melody NOUN _005196830 374 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 374 3 old old ADJ _005196830 374 4 100th 100th PROPN _005196830 374 5 lm lm PROPN _005196830 374 6 . . PROPN _005196830 374 7 music music NOUN _005196830 374 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 374 9 louis louis PROPN _005196830 374 10 bourgeois bourgeois PROPN _005196830 374 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 374 12 1551 1551 NUM _005196830 374 13 text text NOUN _005196830 374 14 : : PUNCT _005196830 374 15 saint saint PROPN _005196830 374 16 joseph joseph PROPN _005196830 374 17 ’s ’s PART _005196830 374 18 abbey abbey PROPN _005196830 374 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 374 20 1967 1967 NUM _005196830 374 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 374 22 1968 1968 NUM _005196830 374 23 psalmody psalmody PROPN _005196830 374 24 ant ant NOUN _005196830 374 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 375 1 day day NOUN _005196830 375 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 375 3 night night NOUN _005196830 375 4 i i PRON _005196830 375 5 cry cry VERB _005196830 375 6 to to ADP _005196830 375 7 yon yon NOUN _005196830 375 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 375 9 my my PRON _005196830 375 10 god god PROPN _005196830 375 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 376 1 psalm psalm VERB _005196830 376 2 88 88 NUM _005196830 376 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 376 4 of of ADP _005196830 376 5 a a DET _005196830 376 6 sick sick ADJ _005196830 376 7 person person NOUN _005196830 376 8 this this PRON _005196830 376 9 is be AUX _005196830 376 10 your your PRON _005196830 376 11 hour hour NOUN _005196830 376 12 when when SCONJ _005196830 376 13 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 376 14 reigns reign VERB _005196830 376 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 376 16 luke luke PROPN _005196830 376 17 22:53 22:53 NUM _005196830 376 18 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 376 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 377 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 377 2 my my PRON _005196830 377 3 god god PROPN _005196830 377 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 377 5 i i PRON _005196830 377 6 call call VERB _005196830 377 7 for for ADP _005196830 377 8 he^ he^ NOUN _005196830 377 9 by by ADP _005196830 377 10 day day NOUN _005196830 377 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 377 12 i i PRON _005196830 377 13 cry cry VERB _005196830 377 14 at at ADP _005196830 377 15 night night NOUN _005196830 377 16 before before ADP _005196830 377 17 you you PRON _005196830 377 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 378 1 38 38 NUM _005196830 378 2 friday friday PROPN _005196830 378 3 let let VERB _005196830 378 4 my my PRON _005196830 378 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 378 6 come come VERB _005196830 378 7 into into ADP _005196830 378 8 your your PRON _005196830 378 9 presence presence NOUN _005196830 378 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 379 1 0 0 NUM _005196830 379 2 turn turn VERB _005196830 379 3 your your PRON _005196830 379 4 ear ear NOUN _005196830 379 5 to to ADP _005196830 379 6 my my PRON _005196830 379 7 cry cry NOUN _005196830 379 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 380 1 for for SCONJ _005196830 380 2 my my PRON _005196830 380 3 soul soul NOUN _005196830 380 4 is be AUX _005196830 380 5 filled fill VERB _005196830 380 6 with with ADP _005196830 380 7 evils evil NOUN _005196830 380 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 380 9 my my PRON _005196830 380 10 life life NOUN _005196830 380 11 is be AUX _005196830 380 12 on on ADP _005196830 380 13 the the DET _005196830 380 14 brink brink NOUN _005196830 380 15 of of ADP _005196830 380 16 the the DET _005196830 380 17 grave grave NOUN _005196830 380 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 381 1 1 1 NUM _005196830 381 2 am be AUX _005196830 381 3 reckoned reckon VERB _005196830 381 4 as as ADP _005196830 381 5 one one NUM _005196830 381 6 in in ADP _005196830 381 7 the the DET _005196830 381 8 tomb tomb NOUN _005196830 381 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 381 10 i i PRON _005196830 381 11 have have AUX _005196830 381 12 reached reach VERB _005196830 381 13 the the DET _005196830 381 14 end end NOUN _005196830 381 15 of of ADP _005196830 381 16 my my PRON _005196830 381 17 strength strength NOUN _005196830 381 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 381 19 like like ADP _005196830 381 20 one one NUM _005196830 381 21 alone alone ADV _005196830 381 22 among among ADP _005196830 381 23 the the DET _005196830 381 24 dead dead ADJ _005196830 381 25 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 381 26 like like ADP _005196830 381 27 the the DET _005196830 381 28 slain slain NOUN _005196830 381 29 lying lie VERB _005196830 381 30 in in ADP _005196830 381 31 their their PRON _005196830 381 32 graves grave NOUN _005196830 381 33 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 381 34 like like ADP _005196830 381 35 those those PRON _005196830 381 36 you you PRON _005196830 381 37 remember remember VERB _005196830 381 38 no no PRON _005196830 381 39 more more ADJ _005196830 381 40 , , PUNCT _005196830 381 41 cut cut VERB _005196830 381 42 off off ADP _005196830 381 43 , , PUNCT _005196830 381 44 as as SCONJ _005196830 381 45 they they PRON _005196830 381 46 are be AUX _005196830 381 47 , , PUNCT _005196830 381 48 from from ADP _005196830 381 49 your your PRON _005196830 381 50 hand hand NOUN _005196830 381 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 382 1 you you PRON _005196830 382 2 have have AUX _005196830 382 3 laid lay VERB _005196830 382 4 me i PRON _005196830 382 5 in in ADP _005196830 382 6 the the DET _005196830 382 7 depths depth NOUN _005196830 382 8 of of ADP _005196830 382 9 the the DET _005196830 382 10 tomb tomb NOUN _005196830 382 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 382 12 in in ADP _005196830 382 13 places place NOUN _005196830 382 14 that that PRON _005196830 382 15 are be AUX _005196830 382 16 dark dark ADJ _005196830 382 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 382 18 in in ADP _005196830 382 19 the the DET _005196830 382 20 depths depth NOUN _005196830 382 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 383 1 your your PRON _005196830 383 2 anger anger NOUN _005196830 383 3 weighs weigh VERB _005196830 383 4 down down ADP _005196830 383 5 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 383 6 me i PRON _005196830 383 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 383 8 i i PRON _005196830 383 9 am be AUX _005196830 383 10 drowned drown VERB _005196830 383 11 beneath beneath ADP _005196830 383 12 your your PRON _005196830 383 13 waves wave NOUN _005196830 383 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 384 1 you you PRON _005196830 384 2 have have AUX _005196830 384 3 taken take VERB _005196830 384 4 away away ADV _005196830 384 5 my my PRON _005196830 384 6 friends friend NOUN _005196830 384 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 384 8 made make VERB _005196830 384 9 me i PRON _005196830 384 10 hateful hateful ADJ _005196830 384 11 in in ADP _005196830 384 12 their their PRON _005196830 384 13 sight sight NOUN _005196830 384 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 385 1 imprisoned imprison VERB _005196830 385 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 385 3 i i PRON _005196830 385 4 can can AUX _005196830 385 5 not not PART _005196830 385 6 escape escape VERB _005196830 385 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 385 8 my my PRON _005196830 385 9 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 385 10 are be AUX _005196830 385 11 sunken sink VERB _005196830 385 12 with with ADP _005196830 385 13 grief grief NOUN _005196830 385 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 386 1 i i PRON _005196830 386 2 call call VERB _005196830 386 3 to to ADP _005196830 386 4 you you PRON _005196830 386 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 386 6 lord lord PROPN _005196830 386 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 386 8 all all DET _005196830 386 9 the the DET _005196830 386 10 day day NOUN _005196830 386 11 long long ADV _005196830 386 12 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 386 13 to to ADP _005196830 386 14 you you PRON _005196830 386 15 i i PRON _005196830 386 16 stretch stretch VERB _005196830 386 17 out out ADP _005196830 386 18 my my PRON _005196830 386 19 hands hand NOUN _005196830 386 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 387 1 will will AUX _005196830 387 2 yon yon PRON _005196830 387 3 work work VERB _005196830 387 4 your your PRON _005196830 387 5 wonders wonder NOUN _005196830 387 6 for for ADP _005196830 387 7 the the DET _005196830 387 8 dead dead ADJ _005196830 387 9 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 388 1 will will AUX _005196830 388 2 the the DET _005196830 388 3 shades shade NOUN _005196830 388 4 stand stand VERB _005196830 388 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 388 6 praise praise VERB _005196830 388 7 you you PRON _005196830 388 8 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 389 1 will will AUX _005196830 389 2 your your PRON _005196830 389 3 love love NOUN _005196830 389 4 be be AUX _005196830 389 5 told tell VERB _005196830 389 6 in in ADP _005196830 389 7 the the DET _005196830 389 8 grave grave NOUN _005196830 389 9 or or CCONJ _005196830 389 10 your your PRON _005196830 389 11 faithfulness faithfulness NOUN _005196830 389 12 among among ADP _005196830 389 13 the the DET _005196830 389 14 dead dead ADJ _005196830 389 15 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 390 1 39 39 NUM _005196830 390 2 friday friday PROPN _005196830 390 3 will will AUX _005196830 390 4 your your PRON _005196830 390 5 wonders wonder NOUN _005196830 390 6 be be AUX _005196830 390 7 known know VERB _005196830 390 8 in in ADP _005196830 390 9 the the DET _005196830 390 10 dark dark ADJ _005196830 390 11 or or CCONJ _005196830 390 12 yonr yonr PROPN _005196830 390 13 justice justice NOUN _005196830 390 14 in in ADP _005196830 390 15 the the DET _005196830 390 16 land land NOUN _005196830 390 17 ofoblivion ofoblivion NOUN _005196830 390 18 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 391 1 as as ADP _005196830 391 2 for for ADP _005196830 391 3 me i PRON _005196830 391 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 391 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 391 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 391 7 i i PRON _005196830 391 8 call call VERB _005196830 391 9 to to ADP _005196830 391 10 you you PRON _005196830 391 11 for for ADP _005196830 391 12 help help NOUN _005196830 391 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 391 14 in in ADP _005196830 391 15 the the DET _005196830 391 16 morning morning NOUN _005196830 391 17 my my PRON _005196830 391 18 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 391 19 comes come VERB _005196830 391 20 before before ADP _005196830 391 21 you you PRON _005196830 391 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 392 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 392 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 392 3 why why SCONJ _005196830 392 4 do do AUX _005196830 392 5 you you PRON _005196830 392 6 reject reject VERB _005196830 392 7 me i PRON _005196830 392 8 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 393 1 why why SCONJ _005196830 393 2 do do AUX _005196830 393 3 you you PRON _005196830 393 4 hide hide VERB _005196830 393 5 your your PRON _005196830 393 6 face face NOUN _005196830 393 7 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 394 1 wretched wretched ADJ _005196830 394 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 394 3 close close ADV _005196830 394 4 to to ADP _005196830 394 5 death death NOUN _005196830 394 6 from from ADP _005196830 394 7 my my PRON _005196830 394 8 youth youth NOUN _005196830 394 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 394 10 i i PRON _005196830 394 11 have have VERB _005196830 394 12 home home NOUN _005196830 394 13 your your PRON _005196830 394 14 trials trial NOUN _005196830 394 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 394 16 i i PRON _005196830 394 17 am be AUX _005196830 394 18 numb numb ADJ _005196830 394 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 395 1 your your PRON _005196830 395 2 fury fury NOUN _005196830 395 3 has have AUX _005196830 395 4 swept sweep VERB _005196830 395 5 down down ADP _005196830 395 6 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 395 7 me i PRON _005196830 395 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 395 9 your your PRON _005196830 395 10 terrors terror NOUN _005196830 395 11 have have AUX _005196830 395 12 utterly utterly ADV _005196830 395 13 destroyed destroy VERB _005196830 395 14 me i PRON _005196830 395 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 396 1 they they PRON _005196830 396 2 surround surround VERB _005196830 396 3 ine ine VERB _005196830 396 4 all all PRON _005196830 396 5 die die VERB _005196830 396 6 day day NOUN _005196830 396 7 like like ADP _005196830 396 8 a a DET _005196830 396 9 flood flood NOUN _005196830 396 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 396 11 they they PRON _005196830 396 12 assail assail VERB _005196830 396 13 me i PRON _005196830 396 14 all all PRON _005196830 396 15 togeflier togefli ADJ _005196830 396 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 397 1 friend friend NOUN _005196830 397 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 397 3 nei^bor nei^bor PROPN _005196830 397 4 you you PRON _005196830 397 5 have have AUX _005196830 397 6 taken take VERB _005196830 397 7 away away ADV _005196830 397 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 397 9 my my PRON _005196830 397 10 one one NUM _005196830 397 11 companion companion NOUN _005196830 397 12 is be AUX _005196830 397 13 daikness daikness ADJ _005196830 397 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 398 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 398 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 398 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 398 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 398 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 398 6 christ christ PROPN _005196830 398 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 398 8 you you PRON _005196830 398 9 chose choose VERB _005196830 398 10 to to PART _005196830 398 11 suffer suffer VERB _005196830 398 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 398 13 be be AUX _005196830 398 14 overwhelmed overwhelm VERB _005196830 398 15 by by ADP _005196830 398 16 deadi deadi NOUN _005196830 398 17 in in ADP _005196830 398 18 order order NOUN _005196830 398 19 to to PART _005196830 398 20 open open VERB _005196830 398 21 the the DET _005196830 398 22 gates gate NOUN _005196830 398 23 of of ADP _005196830 398 24 death death NOUN _005196830 398 25 in in ADP _005196830 398 26 triumph triumph NOUN _005196830 398 27 . . PUNCT _005196830 399 1 stay stay VERB _005196830 399 2 with with ADP _005196830 399 3 us we PRON _005196830 399 4 to to PART _005196830 399 5 help help VERB _005196830 399 6 us we PRON _005196830 399 7 on on ADP _005196830 399 8 our our PRON _005196830 399 9 pflgrimage pflgrimage NOUN _005196830 399 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 399 11 free free VERB _005196830 399 12 us we PRON _005196830 399 13 from from ADP _005196830 399 14 all all DET _005196830 399 15 evil evil NOUN _005196830 399 16 by by ADP _005196830 399 17 the the DET _005196830 399 18 power power NOUN _005196830 399 19 of of ADP _005196830 399 20 your your PRON _005196830 399 21 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 399 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 400 1 in in ADP _005196830 400 2 the the DET _005196830 400 3 company company NOUN _005196830 400 4 of of ADP _005196830 400 5 your your PRON _005196830 400 6 saints saint NOUN _005196830 400 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 400 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 400 9 constantly constantly ADV _005196830 400 10 remembering remember VERB _005196830 400 11 your your PRON _005196830 400 12 love love NOUN _005196830 400 13 for for ADP _005196830 400 14 us we PRON _005196830 400 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 400 16 may may AUX _005196830 400 17 we we PRON _005196830 400 18 sing sing VERB _005196830 400 19 of of ADP _005196830 400 20 yonr yonr PROPN _005196830 400 21 wonders wonder NOUN _005196830 400 22 in in ADP _005196830 400 23 our our PRON _005196830 400 24 father father NOUN _005196830 400 25 ’s ’s PART _005196830 400 26 house house NOUN _005196830 400 27 . . PUNCT _005196830 401 1 40 40 NUM _005196830 401 2 friday friday PROPN _005196830 401 3 reading read VERB _005196830 401 4 jeremiah jeremiah PROPN _005196830 401 5 14:9a 14:9a PROPN _005196830 402 1 you you PRON _005196830 402 2 are be AUX _005196830 402 3 in in ADP _005196830 402 4 our our PRON _005196830 402 5 midst midst NOUN _005196830 402 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 402 7 o o PROPN _005196830 402 8 lord lord PROPN _005196830 402 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 402 10 your your PRON _005196830 402 11 name name NOUN _005196830 402 12 we we PRON _005196830 402 13 bean bean NOUN _005196830 402 14 do do AUX _005196830 402 15 not not PART _005196830 402 16 forsake forsake VERB _005196830 402 17 ns n VERB _005196830 402 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 402 19 o o PROPN _005196830 402 20 lord lord PROPN _005196830 402 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 402 22 our our PRON _005196830 402 23 god god PROPN _005196830 402 24 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 403 1 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 403 2 into into ADP _005196830 403 3 your your PRON _005196830 403 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 403 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 404 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 404 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 404 3 i i PRON _005196830 404 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 404 5 my my PRON _005196830 404 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 404 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 405 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 405 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 405 3 your your PRON _005196830 405 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 405 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 406 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 406 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 406 3 i i PRON _005196830 406 4 cmnmend cmnmend VERB _005196830 406 5 my my PRON _005196830 406 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 406 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 407 1 yon yon PRON _005196830 407 2 have have AUX _005196830 407 3 redeemed redeem VERB _005196830 407 4 ns ns NOUN _005196830 407 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 408 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 408 2 god god PROPN _005196830 408 3 of of ADP _005196830 408 4 truth truth NOUN _005196830 408 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 409 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 409 2 commend commend VERB _005196830 409 3 my my PRON _005196830 409 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 409 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 410 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 410 2 to to PART _005196830 410 3 die die VERB _005196830 410 4 fatter fat ADJ _005196830 410 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 410 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 410 7 to to ADP _005196830 410 8 the the DET _005196830 410 9 son son NOUN _005196830 410 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 410 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 410 12 to to ADP _005196830 410 13 the the DET _005196830 410 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 410 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 410 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 411 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 411 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 411 3 your your PRON _005196830 411 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 411 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 412 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 412 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 412 3 i i PRON _005196830 412 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 412 5 my my PRON _005196830 412 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 412 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 413 1 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 413 2 canticle canticle PROPN _005196830 413 3 luke luke PROPN _005196830 413 4 2:29 2:29 NUM _005196830 413 5 - - SYM _005196830 413 6 32 32 NUM _005196830 413 7 christ christ PROPN _005196830 413 8 is be AUX _005196830 413 9 the the DET _005196830 413 10 light light NOUN _005196830 413 11 of of ADP _005196830 413 12 the the DET _005196830 413 13 nations nation NOUN _005196830 413 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 413 15 the the DET _005196830 413 16 glory glory NOUN _005196830 413 17 of of ADP _005196830 413 18 israel israel PROPN _005196830 413 19 ant ant PROPN _005196830 413 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 414 1 protect protect PROPN _005196830 414 2 ns ns NOUN _005196830 414 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 415 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 415 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 415 3 as as SCONJ _005196830 415 4 we we PRON _005196830 415 5 stay stay VERB _005196830 415 6 awake awake ADJ _005196830 415 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 415 8 watch watch VERB _005196830 415 9 over over ADP _005196830 415 10 us we PRON _005196830 415 11 as as SCONJ _005196830 415 12 we we PRON _005196830 415 13 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 415 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 415 15 that that PRON _005196830 415 16 awake awake ADJ _005196830 415 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 415 18 we we PRON _005196830 415 19 may may AUX _005196830 415 20 keep keep VERB _005196830 415 21 watch watch NOUN _005196830 415 22 with with ADP _005196830 415 23 christ christ PROPN _005196830 415 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 415 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 415 26 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 415 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 415 28 rest rest VERB _005196830 415 29 in in ADP _005196830 415 30 his his PRON _005196830 415 31 peace peace NOUN _005196830 415 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 416 1 k k ADJ _005196830 416 2 41 41 NUM _005196830 416 3 friday friday PROPN _005196830 416 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 416 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 416 6 now now ADV _005196830 416 7 you you PRON _005196830 416 8 let let VERB _005196830 416 9 your your PRON _005196830 416 10 servant servant NOUN _005196830 416 11 go go VERB _005196830 416 12 in in ADP _005196830 416 13 peace peace NOUN _005196830 416 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 416 15 your your PRON _005196830 416 16 word word NOUN _005196830 416 17 has have AUX _005196830 416 18 been be AUX _005196830 416 19 fnlfioded fnlfiode VERB _005196830 416 20 : : PUNCT _005196830 416 21 my my PRON _005196830 416 22 own own ADJ _005196830 416 23 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 416 24 have have AUX _005196830 416 25 seen see VERB _005196830 416 26 the the DET _005196830 416 27 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 416 28 which which PRON _005196830 416 29 you you PRON _005196830 416 30 have have AUX _005196830 416 31 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 416 32 in in ADP _005196830 416 33 the the DET _005196830 416 34 sight sight NOUN _005196830 416 35 of of ADP _005196830 416 36 every every DET _005196830 416 37 people people NOUN _005196830 416 38 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 416 39 a a DET _005196830 416 40 li^t li^t NOUN _005196830 416 41 to to PART _005196830 416 42 reveal reveal VERB _005196830 416 43 you you PRON _005196830 416 44 to to ADP _005196830 416 45 the the DET _005196830 416 46 nations nation NOUN _005196830 416 47 and and CCONJ _005196830 416 48 the the DET _005196830 416 49 glory glory NOUN _005196830 416 50 of of ADP _005196830 416 51 yonr yonr PROPN _005196830 416 52 people people PROPN _005196830 416 53 israel israel PROPN _005196830 416 54 . . PUNCT _005196830 417 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 417 2 all all ADV _005196830 417 3 - - PROPN _005196830 417 4 powerful powerful ADJ _005196830 417 5 god god PROPN _005196830 417 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 417 7 keep keep VERB _005196830 417 8 us we PRON _005196830 417 9 united unite VERB _005196830 417 10 with with ADP _005196830 417 11 your your PRON _005196830 417 12 son son NOUN _005196830 417 13 in in ADP _005196830 417 14 his his PRON _005196830 417 15 death death NOUN _005196830 417 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 417 17 burial burial NOUN _005196830 417 18 so so SCONJ _005196830 417 19 that that SCONJ _005196830 417 20 we we PRON _005196830 417 21 may may AUX _005196830 417 22 rise rise VERB _005196830 417 23 to to ADP _005196830 417 24 new new ADJ _005196830 417 25 life life NOUN _005196830 417 26 with with ADP _005196830 417 27 bun bun NOUN _005196830 417 28 , , PUNCT _005196830 417 29 who who PRON _005196830 417 30 lives live VERB _005196830 417 31 and and CCONJ _005196830 417 32 reigns reign VERB _005196830 417 33 for for ADP _005196830 417 34 ever ever ADV _005196830 417 35 and and CCONJ _005196830 417 36 ever ever ADV _005196830 417 37 . . PUNCT _005196830 418 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 418 2 may may AUX _005196830 418 3 the the DET _005196830 418 4 all all ADV _005196830 418 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 418 6 powerful powerful ADJ _005196830 418 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 418 8 grant grant VERB _005196830 418 9 us we PRON _005196830 418 10 a a DET _005196830 418 11 restful restful ADJ _005196830 418 12 night night NOUN _005196830 418 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 418 14 a a DET _005196830 418 15 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 418 16 death death NOUN _005196830 418 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 419 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 419 2 ^amen ^amen X _005196830 419 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 420 1 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 420 2 of of ADP _005196830 420 3 the the DET _005196830 420 4 blessed bless VERB _005196830 420 5 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 420 6 mary mary PROPN _005196830 420 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 420 8 see see VERB _005196830 420 9 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 420 10 ii ii PROPN _005196830 420 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 420 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 421 1 42 42 NUM _005196830 421 2 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 421 3 introduction introduction NOUN _005196830 421 4 god god PROPN _005196830 421 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 421 6 come come VERB _005196830 421 7 to to ADP _005196830 421 8 my my PRON _005196830 421 9 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 421 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 422 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 422 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 422 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 422 4 make make VERB _005196830 422 5 haste haste NOUN _005196830 422 6 to to PART _005196830 422 7 help help VERB _005196830 422 8 me i PRON _005196830 422 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 423 1 gloiy gloiy INTJ _005196830 423 2 to to ADP _005196830 423 3 the the DET _005196830 423 4 father father NOUN _005196830 423 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 423 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 423 7 to to ADP _005196830 423 8 the the DET _005196830 423 9 son son NOUN _005196830 423 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 423 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 423 12 to to ADP _005196830 423 13 the the DET _005196830 423 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 423 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 423 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 423 17 as as SCONJ _005196830 423 18 it it PRON _005196830 423 19 was be AUX _005196830 423 20 in in ADP _005196830 423 21 the the DET _005196830 423 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196830 423 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 423 24 is be AUX _005196830 423 25 now now ADV _005196830 423 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 423 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 423 28 will will AUX _005196830 423 29 be be AUX _005196830 423 30 for for ADP _005196830 423 31 ever ever ADV _005196830 423 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 424 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 424 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 425 1 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 425 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 426 1 a a DET _005196830 426 2 brief brief ADJ _005196830 426 3 examination examination NOUN _005196830 426 4 of of ADP _005196830 426 5 conscience conscience NOUN _005196830 426 6 may may AUX _005196830 426 7 be be AUX _005196830 426 8 made make VERB _005196830 426 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 427 1 at at ADP _005196830 427 2 its its PRON _005196830 427 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 427 4 one one NUM _005196830 427 5 of of ADP _005196830 427 6 the the DET _005196830 427 7 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 427 8 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 427 9 in in ADP _005196830 427 10 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 427 11 / / PUNCT _005196830 427 12 may may AUX _005196830 427 13 be be AUX _005196830 427 14 43 43 NUM _005196830 427 15 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 427 16 hymn hymn NOUN _005196830 427 17 we we PRON _005196830 427 18 praise praise VERB _005196830 427 19 you you PRON _005196830 427 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 427 21 father father PROPN _005196830 427 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 427 23 for for ADP _005196830 427 24 your your PRON _005196830 427 25 gifts gift NOUN _005196830 427 26 of of ADP _005196830 427 27 dusk dusk NOUN _005196830 427 28 and and CCONJ _005196830 427 29 nightfall nightfall ADV _005196830 427 30 over over ADP _005196830 427 31 earth earth NOUN _005196830 427 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 428 1 foreshadowing foreshadow VERB _005196830 428 2 the the DET _005196830 428 3 mystery mystery NOUN _005196830 428 4 of of ADP _005196830 428 5 death death NOUN _005196830 428 6 that that PRON _005196830 428 7 leads lead VERB _005196830 428 8 to to ADP _005196830 428 9 endless endless ADJ _005196830 428 10 day day NOUN _005196830 428 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 429 1 within within ADP _005196830 429 2 your your PRON _005196830 429 3 hands hand NOUN _005196830 429 4 we we PRON _005196830 429 5 rest rest VERB _005196830 429 6 secure secure ADJ _005196830 429 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 429 8 in in ADP _005196830 429 9 quiet quiet ADJ _005196830 429 10 sleep sleep NOUN _005196830 429 11 our our PRON _005196830 429 12 strength strength NOUN _005196830 429 13 renew renew NOUN _005196830 429 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 429 15 yet yet ADV _005196830 429 16 give give VERB _005196830 429 17 your your PRON _005196830 429 18 people people NOUN _005196830 429 19 hearts heart NOUN _005196830 429 20 that that PRON _005196830 429 21 wake wake VERB _005196830 429 22 in in ADP _005196830 429 23 love love NOUN _005196830 429 24 to to ADP _005196830 429 25 yon yon NOUN _005196830 429 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 429 27 unsleeping unsleeping ADJ _005196830 429 28 lord lord PROPN _005196830 429 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 430 1 your your PRON _005196830 430 2 glory glory NOUN _005196830 430 3 may may AUX _005196830 430 4 we we PRON _005196830 430 5 ever ever ADV _005196830 430 6 seek seek VERB _005196830 430 7 in in ADP _005196830 430 8 rest rest NOUN _005196830 430 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 430 10 as as ADP _005196830 430 11 in in ADP _005196830 430 12 activity activity NOUN _005196830 430 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 430 14 until until SCONJ _005196830 430 15 its its PRON _005196830 430 16 fullness fullness NOUN _005196830 430 17 is be AUX _005196830 430 18 revealed reveal VERB _005196830 430 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 430 20 o o NOUN _005196830 430 21 source source NOUN _005196830 430 22 of of ADP _005196830 430 23 life life NOUN _005196830 430 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 430 25 o o NOUN _005196830 430 26 trinity trinity NOUN _005196830 430 27 . . PUNCT _005196830 431 1 melody melody NOUN _005196830 431 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 431 3 te te PROPN _005196830 431 4 lucis lucis PROPN _005196830 431 5 ante ante PROPN _005196830 431 6 terminum terminum PROPN _005196830 431 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 431 8 plainchant plainchant NOUN _005196830 431 9 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 431 10 music music NOUN _005196830 431 11 : : PUNCT _005196830 431 12 anon anon PROPN _005196830 431 13 . . PROPN _005196830 431 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 431 15 l.m l.m PROPN _005196830 431 16 . . PROPN _005196830 431 17 gregorian gregorian ADJ _005196830 431 18 text text NOUN _005196830 431 19 : : PUNCT _005196830 431 20 west west NOUN _005196830 431 21 mailing mail VERB _005196830 431 22 abbey abbey PROPN _005196830 431 23 44 44 NUM _005196830 431 24 psalmody psalmody PROPN _005196830 431 25 ant ant NOUN _005196830 431 26 . . PROPN _005196830 431 27 have have VERB _005196830 431 28 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 431 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 432 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 432 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 432 3 and and CCONJ _005196830 432 4 hear hear VERB _005196830 432 5 my my PRON _005196830 432 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 432 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 433 1 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 433 2 psalm psalm PROPN _005196830 433 3 4 4 NUM _005196830 433 4 thanksgiving thanksgive VERB _005196830 433 5 the the DET _005196830 433 6 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 433 7 of of ADP _005196830 433 8 christ christ PROPN _005196830 433 9 was be AUX _005196830 433 10 god*s god*s NOUN _005196830 433 11 supreme supreme ADJ _005196830 433 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 433 13 wholly wholly ADV _005196830 433 14 marvelous marvelous ADJ _005196830 433 15 work work NOUN _005196830 433 16 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 433 17 saint saint NOUN _005196830 433 18 augustine augustine NOUN _005196830 433 19 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 433 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 434 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 434 2 i i PRON _005196830 434 3 call call VERB _005196830 434 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 434 5 answer answer VERB _005196830 434 6 me i PRON _005196830 434 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 434 8 o o PROPN _005196830 434 9 god god PROPN _005196830 434 10 of of ADP _005196830 434 11 justice justice NOUN _005196830 434 12 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 434 13 from from ADP _005196830 434 14 anguish anguish NOUN _005196830 434 15 you you PRON _005196830 434 16 released release VERB _005196830 434 17 me i PRON _005196830 434 18 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 434 19 have have VERB _005196830 434 20 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 434 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 434 22 hear hear VERB _005196830 434 23 me i PRON _005196830 434 24 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 435 1 o o X _005196830 435 2 men man NOUN _005196830 435 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 435 4 how how SCONJ _005196830 435 5 long long ADV _005196830 435 6 will will AUX _005196830 435 7 your your PRON _005196830 435 8 hearts heart NOUN _005196830 435 9 be be AUX _005196830 435 10 closed close VERB _005196830 435 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 435 12 will will AUX _005196830 435 13 you you PRON _005196830 435 14 love love VERB _005196830 435 15 what what PRON _005196830 435 16 is be AUX _005196830 435 17 futile futile ADJ _005196830 435 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 435 19 seek seek VERB _005196830 435 20 what what PRON _005196830 435 21 is be AUX _005196830 435 22 false false ADJ _005196830 435 23 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 436 1 it it PRON _005196830 436 2 is be AUX _005196830 436 3 the the DET _005196830 436 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 436 5 who who PRON _005196830 436 6 grants grant VERB _005196830 436 7 favors favor NOUN _005196830 436 8 to to ADP _005196830 436 9 those those PRON _005196830 436 10 whom whom PRON _005196830 436 11 he he PRON _005196830 436 12 loves love VERB _005196830 436 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 436 14 the the DET _005196830 436 15 lord lord PROPN _005196830 436 16 hears hear VERB _005196830 436 17 me i PRON _005196830 436 18 whenever whenever SCONJ _005196830 436 19 i i PRON _005196830 436 20 call call VERB _005196830 436 21 him he PRON _005196830 436 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 437 1 fear fear VERB _005196830 437 2 him he PRON _005196830 437 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 437 4 do do AUX _005196830 437 5 not not PART _005196830 437 6 sin sin VERB _005196830 437 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 437 8 ponder ponder VERB _005196830 437 9 on on ADP _005196830 437 10 your your PRON _005196830 437 11 bed bed NOUN _005196830 437 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 437 13 be be AUX _005196830 437 14 still still ADV _005196830 437 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 438 1 make make VERB _005196830 438 2 justice justice NOUN _005196830 438 3 your your PRON _005196830 438 4 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005196830 438 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 438 6 trust trust NOUN _005196830 438 7 in in ADP _005196830 438 8 the the DET _005196830 438 9 lord lord PROPN _005196830 438 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 439 1 * * PUNCT _005196830 439 2 * * PUNCT _005196830 439 3 what what PRON _005196830 439 4 can can AUX _005196830 439 5 bring bring VERB _005196830 439 6 us we PRON _005196830 439 7 happiness happiness NOUN _005196830 439 8 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 439 9 ” " PUNCT _005196830 440 1 many many ADJ _005196830 440 2 say say VERB _005196830 440 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 441 1 let let VERB _005196830 441 2 the the DET _005196830 441 3 light light NOUN _005196830 441 4 of of ADP _005196830 441 5 your your PRON _005196830 441 6 face face NOUN _005196830 441 7 shine shine VERB _005196830 441 8 on on ADP _005196830 441 9 us we PRON _005196830 441 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 441 11 o o PROPN _005196830 441 12 lord lord PROPN _005196830 441 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 442 1 you you PRON _005196830 442 2 have have AUX _005196830 442 3 put put VERB _005196830 442 4 into into ADP _005196830 442 5 my my PRON _005196830 442 6 heart heart NOUN _005196830 442 7 a a DET _005196830 442 8 greater great ADJ _005196830 442 9 joy joy NOUN _005196830 442 10 than than SCONJ _005196830 442 11 they they PRON _005196830 442 12 have have VERB _005196830 442 13 from from ADP _005196830 442 14 abundance abundance NOUN _005196830 442 15 of of ADP _005196830 442 16 corn corn NOUN _005196830 442 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 442 18 new new ADJ _005196830 442 19 wine wine NOUN _005196830 442 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 443 1 45 45 NUM _005196830 443 2 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 443 3 1 1 NUM _005196830 443 4 will will AUX _005196830 443 5 lie lie VERB _005196830 443 6 down down ADP _005196830 443 7 in in ADP _005196830 443 8 peace peace NOUN _005196830 443 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 443 10 sleep sleep NOUN _005196830 443 11 conies cony NOUN _005196830 443 12 at at ADP _005196830 443 13 once once ADV _005196830 443 14 for for ADP _005196830 443 15 you you PRON _005196830 443 16 alone alone ADV _005196830 443 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 443 18 lord lord PROPN _005196830 443 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 443 20 make make VERB _005196830 443 21 me i PRON _005196830 443 22 dwell dwell VERB _005196830 443 23 in in ADP _005196830 443 24 safety safety NOUN _005196830 443 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 444 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 444 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 444 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 444 4 you you PRON _005196830 444 5 consoled console VERB _005196830 444 6 your your PRON _005196830 444 7 son son NOUN _005196830 444 8 in in ADP _005196830 444 9 his his PRON _005196830 444 10 anguish anguish NOUN _005196830 444 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 444 12 released release VERB _005196830 444 13 him he PRON _005196830 444 14 from from ADP _005196830 444 15 the the DET _005196830 444 16 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 444 17 of of ADP _005196830 444 18 the the DET _005196830 444 19 grave grave NOUN _005196830 444 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 445 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 445 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 445 3 turn turn VERB _005196830 445 4 your your PRON _005196830 445 5 face face NOUN _005196830 445 6 toward toward ADP _005196830 445 7 us we PRON _005196830 445 8 that that SCONJ _005196830 445 9 we we PRON _005196830 445 10 may may AUX _005196830 445 11 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 445 12 in in ADP _005196830 445 13 your your PRON _005196830 445 14 peace peace NOUN _005196830 445 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 445 16 rise rise VERB _005196830 445 17 in in ADP _005196830 445 18 your your PRON _005196830 445 19 light light NOUN _005196830 445 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 446 1 ant ant ADJ _005196830 446 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 447 1 in in ADP _005196830 447 2 the the DET _005196830 447 3 silent silent ADJ _005196830 447 4 hours hour NOUN _005196830 447 5 of of ADP _005196830 447 6 night night NOUN _005196830 447 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 447 8 bless bless VERB _005196830 447 9 die die PROPN _005196830 447 10 lord lord PROPN _005196830 447 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 448 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 448 2 134 134 NUM _005196830 448 3 evening evening NOUN _005196830 448 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 448 5 in in ADP _005196830 448 6 the the DET _005196830 448 7 temple temple NOUN _005196830 448 8 praise praise VERB _005196830 448 9 our our PRON _005196830 448 10 god god PROPN _005196830 448 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 448 12 all all DET _005196830 448 13 you you PRON _005196830 448 14 his his PRON _005196830 448 15 servants servant NOUN _005196830 448 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 448 17 you you PRON _005196830 448 18 who who PRON _005196830 448 19 fear fear VERB _005196830 448 20 him he PRON _005196830 448 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 448 22 small small ADJ _005196830 448 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 448 24 great great ADJ _005196830 448 25 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 448 26 revelation revelation NOUN _005196830 448 27 19:5 19:5 NUM _005196830 448 28 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 448 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 449 1 o o X _005196830 449 2 come come VERB _005196830 449 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 449 4 bless bless VERB _005196830 449 5 the the DET _005196830 449 6 lord lord PROPN _005196830 449 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 449 8 all all PRON _005196830 449 9 you you PRON _005196830 449 10 who who PRON _005196830 449 11 serve serve VERB _005196830 449 12 the the DET _005196830 449 13 lord lord PROPN _005196830 449 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 449 15 who who PRON _005196830 449 16 stand stand VERB _005196830 449 17 in in ADP _005196830 449 18 the the DET _005196830 449 19 house house NOUN _005196830 449 20 of of ADP _005196830 449 21 the the DET _005196830 449 22 lord lord PROPN _005196830 449 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 449 24 in in ADP _005196830 449 25 the the DET _005196830 449 26 courts court NOUN _005196830 449 27 of of ADP _005196830 449 28 the the DET _005196830 449 29 house house NOUN _005196830 449 30 of of ADP _005196830 449 31 our our PRON _005196830 449 32 god god PROPN _005196830 449 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 450 1 lift lift VERB _005196830 450 2 up up ADP _005196830 450 3 your your PRON _005196830 450 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 450 5 to to ADP _005196830 450 6 the the DET _005196830 450 7 holy holy ADJ _005196830 450 8 place place NOUN _005196830 450 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 450 10 bless bless VERB _005196830 450 11 the the DET _005196830 450 12 lord lord PROPN _005196830 450 13 through through ADP _005196830 450 14 the the DET _005196830 450 15 night night NOUN _005196830 450 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 451 1 46 46 NUM _005196830 451 2 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 451 3 may may AUX _005196830 451 4 the the DET _005196830 451 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 451 6 bless bless VERB _005196830 451 7 you you PRON _005196830 451 8 from from ADP _005196830 451 9 zion zion NOUN _005196830 451 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 451 11 he he PRON _005196830 451 12 who who PRON _005196830 451 13 made make VERB _005196830 451 14 both both CCONJ _005196830 451 15 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 451 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 451 17 earth earth NOUN _005196830 451 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 452 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 452 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 452 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 452 4 all all DET _005196830 452 5 your your PRON _005196830 452 6 servants servant NOUN _005196830 452 7 praise praise VERB _005196830 452 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 452 9 thank thank VERB _005196830 452 10 you you PRON _005196830 452 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 452 12 lord lord PROPN _005196830 452 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 453 1 be be AUX _005196830 453 2 our our PRON _005196830 453 3 light light NOUN _005196830 453 4 as as ADP _005196830 453 5 night night NOUN _005196830 453 6 descends descend NOUN _005196830 453 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 454 1 we we PRON _005196830 454 2 lift lift VERB _005196830 454 3 up up ADP _005196830 454 4 to to ADP _005196830 454 5 you you PRON _005196830 454 6 the the DET _005196830 454 7 good good ADJ _005196830 454 8 works work NOUN _005196830 454 9 of of ADP _005196830 454 10 our our PRON _005196830 454 11 hands hand NOUN _005196830 454 12 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 454 13 grant grant VERB _005196830 454 14 us we PRON _005196830 454 15 your your PRON _005196830 454 16 generous generous ADJ _005196830 454 17 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 454 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 455 1 reading read VERB _005196830 455 2 deuteronomy deuteronomy PROPN _005196830 455 3 6:4 6:4 NUM _005196830 455 4 - - SYM _005196830 455 5 7 7 NUM _005196830 455 6 hear hear NOUN _005196830 455 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 455 8 o o NOUN _005196830 455 9 israel israel PROPN _005196830 455 10 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 456 1 the the DET _005196830 456 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 456 3 is be AUX _005196830 456 4 our our PRON _005196830 456 5 god god PROPN _005196830 456 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 456 7 the the DET _005196830 456 8 lord lord PROPN _005196830 456 9 alone alone ADV _005196830 456 10 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 457 1 therefore therefore ADV _005196830 457 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 457 3 you you PRON _005196830 457 4 shall shall AUX _005196830 457 5 love love VERB _005196830 457 6 the the DET _005196830 457 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 457 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 457 9 your your PRON _005196830 457 10 god god PROPN _005196830 457 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 457 12 with with ADP _005196830 457 13 all all DET _005196830 457 14 your your PRON _005196830 457 15 heart heart NOUN _005196830 457 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 457 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 457 18 with with ADP _005196830 457 19 all all DET _005196830 457 20 your your PRON _005196830 457 21 soul soul NOUN _005196830 457 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 457 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 457 24 with with ADP _005196830 457 25 all all DET _005196830 457 26 your your PRON _005196830 457 27 strength strength NOUN _005196830 457 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 458 1 take take VERB _005196830 458 2 to to AUX _005196830 458 3 heart heart NOUN _005196830 458 4 these these DET _005196830 458 5 words word NOUN _005196830 458 6 which which PRON _005196830 458 7 i i PRON _005196830 458 8 enjoin enjoin VERB _005196830 458 9 on on ADP _005196830 458 10 you you PRON _005196830 458 11 today today NOUN _005196830 458 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 459 1 drill drill VERB _005196830 459 2 them they PRON _005196830 459 3 into into ADP _005196830 459 4 your your PRON _005196830 459 5 children child NOUN _005196830 459 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 460 1 speak speak VERB _005196830 460 2 of of ADP _005196830 460 3 them they PRON _005196830 460 4 at at ADP _005196830 460 5 home home NOUN _005196830 460 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 460 7 abroad abroad ADV _005196830 460 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 460 9 whether whether SCONJ _005196830 460 10 you you PRON _005196830 460 11 are be AUX _005196830 460 12 busy busy ADJ _005196830 460 13 or or CCONJ _005196830 460 14 at at ADP _005196830 460 15 rest rest NOUN _005196830 460 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 461 1 responsory responsory NOUN _005196830 461 2 into into ADP _005196830 461 3 your your PRON _005196830 461 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 461 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 462 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 462 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 462 3 i i PRON _005196830 462 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 462 5 my my PRON _005196830 462 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 462 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 463 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 463 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 463 3 your your PRON _005196830 463 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 463 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 464 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 464 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 464 3 i i PRON _005196830 464 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 464 5 my my PRON _005196830 464 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 464 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 465 1 47 47 NUM _005196830 465 2 saturday saturday NOUN _005196830 465 3 you you PRON _005196830 465 4 have have AUX _005196830 465 5 redeemed redeem VERB _005196830 465 6 us we PRON _005196830 465 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 465 8 lord lord PROPN _005196830 465 9 god god PROPN _005196830 465 10 of of ADP _005196830 465 11 truth truth NOUN _005196830 465 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 466 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 466 2 commend commend VERB _005196830 466 3 my my PRON _005196830 466 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 466 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 467 1 glory glory NOUN _005196830 467 2 to to ADP _005196830 467 3 the the DET _005196830 467 4 father father NOUN _005196830 467 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 467 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 467 7 to to ADP _005196830 467 8 the the DET _005196830 467 9 son son NOUN _005196830 467 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 467 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 467 12 to to ADP _005196830 467 13 the the DET _005196830 467 14 holy holy ADJ _005196830 467 15 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 467 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 468 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 468 2 ^into ^into PUNCT _005196830 468 3 your your PRON _005196830 468 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 468 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 469 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 469 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 469 3 i i PRON _005196830 469 4 commend commend VERB _005196830 469 5 my my PRON _005196830 469 6 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 469 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 470 1 gospel gospel NOUN _005196830 470 2 canticle canticle PROPN _005196830 470 3 luke luke PROPN _005196830 470 4 2:29 2:29 NUM _005196830 470 5 - - SYM _005196830 470 6 32 32 NUM _005196830 470 7 christ christ PROPN _005196830 470 8 is be AUX _005196830 470 9 the the DET _005196830 470 10 light light NOUN _005196830 470 11 of of ADP _005196830 470 12 the the DET _005196830 470 13 nations nation NOUN _005196830 470 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 470 15 the the DET _005196830 470 16 glory glory NOUN _005196830 470 17 of of ADP _005196830 470 18 israel israel PROPN _005196830 470 19 ant ant PROPN _005196830 470 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 471 1 protect protect VERB _005196830 471 2 us we PRON _005196830 471 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 472 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 472 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 472 3 as as SCONJ _005196830 472 4 we we PRON _005196830 472 5 stay stay VERB _005196830 472 6 awake awake ADJ _005196830 472 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 472 8 watch watch VERB _005196830 472 9 over over ADP _005196830 472 10 us we PRON _005196830 472 11 as as SCONJ _005196830 472 12 we we PRON _005196830 472 13 sleep sleep VERB _005196830 472 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 472 15 that that PRON _005196830 472 16 awake awake ADJ _005196830 472 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 472 18 we we PRON _005196830 472 19 may may AUX _005196830 472 20 keep keep VERB _005196830 472 21 watch watch NOUN _005196830 472 22 with with ADP _005196830 472 23 christ christ PROPN _005196830 472 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 472 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 472 26 asleep asleep ADJ _005196830 472 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 472 28 rest rest VERB _005196830 472 29 in in ADP _005196830 472 30 his his PRON _005196830 472 31 peace peace NOUN _005196830 472 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 473 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 473 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 473 3 now now ADV _005196830 473 4 you you PRON _005196830 473 5 let let VERB _005196830 473 6 your your PRON _005196830 473 7 servant servant NOUN _005196830 473 8 go go VERB _005196830 473 9 in in ADP _005196830 473 10 peace peace NOUN _005196830 473 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 473 12 your your PRON _005196830 473 13 word word NOUN _005196830 473 14 has have AUX _005196830 473 15 been be AUX _005196830 473 16 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196830 473 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 473 18 my my PRON _005196830 473 19 pwn pwn NOUN _005196830 473 20 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 473 21 have have AUX _005196830 473 22 seen see VERB _005196830 473 23 the the DET _005196830 473 24 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 473 25 which which PRON _005196830 473 26 you you PRON _005196830 473 27 have have AUX _005196830 473 28 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 473 29 in in ADP _005196830 473 30 the the DET _005196830 473 31 sight sight NOUN _005196830 473 32 of of ADP _005196830 473 33 every every DET _005196830 473 34 people people NOUN _005196830 473 35 : : PUNCT _005196830 473 36 a a DET _005196830 473 37 light light NOUN _005196830 473 38 to to PART _005196830 473 39 reveal reveal VERB _005196830 473 40 you you PRON _005196830 473 41 to to ADP _005196830 473 42 the the DET _005196830 473 43 nations nation NOUN _005196830 473 44 and and CCONJ _005196830 473 45 the the DET _005196830 473 46 glory glory NOUN _005196830 473 47 of of ADP _005196830 473 48 your your PRON _005196830 473 49 people people NOUN _005196830 473 50 israel israel PROPN _005196830 473 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 474 1 48 48 NUM _005196830 474 2 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 474 3 prayer prayer PROPN _005196830 474 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 474 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 474 6 be be AUX _005196830 474 7 with with ADP _005196830 474 8 us we PRON _005196830 474 9 throughout throughout ADP _005196830 474 10 this this DET _005196830 474 11 night night NOUN _005196830 474 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 475 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 475 2 day day NOUN _005196830 475 3 conies cony NOUN _005196830 475 4 may may AUX _005196830 475 5 we we PRON _005196830 475 6 rise rise VERB _005196830 475 7 from from ADP _005196830 475 8 sleep sleep NOUN _005196830 475 9 to to PART _005196830 475 10 rejoice rejoice VERB _005196830 475 11 in in ADP _005196830 475 12 the the DET _005196830 475 13 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 475 14 of of ADP _005196830 475 15 your your PRON _005196830 475 16 christ christ PROPN _005196830 475 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 475 18 who who PRON _005196830 475 19 lives live VERB _005196830 475 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 475 21 reigns reign VERB _005196830 475 22 for for ADP _005196830 475 23 ever ever ADV _005196830 475 24 and and CCONJ _005196830 475 25 ever ever ADV _005196830 475 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 476 1 or or CCONJ _005196830 476 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 476 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 476 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 476 5 we we PRON _005196830 476 6 beg beg VERB _005196830 476 7 you you PRON _005196830 476 8 to to PART _005196830 476 9 visit visit VERB _005196830 476 10 this this DET _005196830 476 11 house house NOUN _005196830 476 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 476 13 banish banish VERB _005196830 476 14 from from ADP _005196830 476 15 it it PRON _005196830 476 16 all all DET _005196830 476 17 the the DET _005196830 476 18 deadly deadly ADJ _005196830 476 19 power power NOUN _005196830 476 20 of of ADP _005196830 476 21 the the DET _005196830 476 22 enemy enemy NOUN _005196830 476 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 477 1 may may AUX _005196830 477 2 your your PRON _005196830 477 3 holy holy ADJ _005196830 477 4 angels angel NOUN _005196830 477 5 dwell dwell NOUN _005196830 477 6 here here ADV _005196830 477 7 to to PART _005196830 477 8 keep keep VERB _005196830 477 9 us we PRON _005196830 477 10 in in ADP _005196830 477 11 peace peace NOUN _005196830 477 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 477 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 477 14 may may AUX _005196830 477 15 your your PRON _005196830 477 16 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 477 17 be be AUX _005196830 477 18 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 477 19 us we PRON _005196830 477 20 always always ADV _005196830 477 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 478 1 we we PRON _005196830 478 2 ask ask VERB _005196830 478 3 this this PRON _005196830 478 4 through through ADP _005196830 478 5 christ christ PROPN _005196830 478 6 our our PRON _005196830 478 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 478 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 479 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005196830 479 2 may may AUX _005196830 479 3 the the DET _005196830 479 4 all all ADV _005196830 479 5 - - PUNCT _005196830 479 6 powerful powerful ADJ _005196830 479 7 lord lord PROPN _005196830 479 8 grant grant VERB _005196830 479 9 us we PRON _005196830 479 10 a a DET _005196830 479 11 restful restful ADJ _005196830 479 12 night night NOUN _005196830 479 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 479 14 a a DET _005196830 479 15 peaceful peaceful ADJ _005196830 479 16 death death NOUN _005196830 479 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 480 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 480 2 amen amen INTJ _005196830 480 3 . . PUNCT _005196830 481 1 antiphon antiphon NOUN _005196830 481 2 of of ADP _005196830 481 3 the the DET _005196830 481 4 blessed bless VERB _005196830 481 5 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 481 6 mary mary PROPN _005196830 481 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 481 8 see see VERB _005196830 481 9 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 481 10 ii ii PROPN _005196830 481 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 481 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 482 1 49 49 NUM _005196830 482 2 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 482 3 i i PRON _005196830 482 4 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 482 5 for for ADP _005196830 482 6 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005196830 482 7 when when SCONJ _005196830 482 8 night night NOUN _005196830 482 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 482 10 is be AUX _005196830 482 11 prayed pray VERB _005196830 482 12 alone alone ADV _005196830 482 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 14 a a DET _005196830 482 15 brief brief ADJ _005196830 482 16 pause pause NOUN _005196830 482 17 for for ADP _005196830 482 18 reflection reflection NOUN _005196830 482 19 might might AUX _005196830 482 20 be be AUX _005196830 482 21 followed follow VERB _005196830 482 22 by by ADP _005196830 482 23 one one NUM _005196830 482 24 of of ADP _005196830 482 25 the the DET _005196830 482 26 following follow VERB _005196830 482 27 short short ADJ _005196830 482 28 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 482 29 prayers prayer NOUN _005196830 482 30 : : PUNCT _005196830 482 31 1 1 X _005196830 482 32 . . X _005196830 482 33 i i PRON _005196830 482 34 confess confess VERB _005196830 482 35 to to PART _005196830 482 36 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 482 37 god god PROPN _005196830 482 38 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 39 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 40 to to ADP _005196830 482 41 you you PRON _005196830 482 42 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 43 my my PRON _005196830 482 44 brothers brother NOUN _005196830 482 45 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 46 sisters sister NOUN _005196830 482 47 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 48 that that SCONJ _005196830 482 49 i i PRON _005196830 482 50 have have AUX _005196830 482 51 sinned sin VERB _005196830 482 52 througli througli PROPN _005196830 482 53 my my PRON _005196830 482 54 own own ADJ _005196830 482 55 fault fault NOUN _005196830 482 56 in in ADP _005196830 482 57 my my PRON _005196830 482 58 thoughts thought NOUN _005196830 482 59 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 60 in in ADP _005196830 482 61 my my PRON _005196830 482 62 words word NOUN _005196830 482 63 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 64 in in ADP _005196830 482 65 what what PRON _005196830 482 66 i i PRON _005196830 482 67 have have AUX _005196830 482 68 done do VERB _005196830 482 69 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 70 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 71 in in ADP _005196830 482 72 what what PRON _005196830 482 73 i i PRON _005196830 482 74 have have AUX _005196830 482 75 failed fail VERB _005196830 482 76 to to PART _005196830 482 77 do do VERB _005196830 482 78 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 482 79 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 80 i i PRON _005196830 482 81 ask ask VERB _005196830 482 82 blessed blessed ADJ _005196830 482 83 mary mary NOUN _005196830 482 84 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 85 ever ever ADV _005196830 482 86 virgin virgin ADJ _005196830 482 87 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 88 all all DET _005196830 482 89 the the DET _005196830 482 90 angels angel NOUN _005196830 482 91 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 92 saints saint NOUN _005196830 482 93 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 94 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 95 you you PRON _005196830 482 96 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 97 my my PRON _005196830 482 98 brothers brother NOUN _005196830 482 99 and and CCONJ _005196830 482 100 sisters sister NOUN _005196830 482 101 , , PUNCT _005196830 482 102 to to PART _005196830 482 103 pray pray VERB _005196830 482 104 for for ADP _005196830 482 105 me i PRON _005196830 482 106 to to ADP _005196830 482 107 the the DET _005196830 482 108 lord lord PROPN _005196830 482 109 our our PRON _005196830 482 110 god god PROPN _005196830 482 111 . . PUNCT _005196830 483 1 51 51 NUM _005196830 483 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 483 3 i i PROPN _005196830 483 4 2 2 NUM _005196830 483 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 484 1 my my PRON _005196830 484 2 god god PROPN _005196830 484 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 484 4 i i PRON _005196830 484 5 am be AUX _005196830 484 6 sorry sorry ADJ _005196830 484 7 for for ADP _005196830 484 8 my my PRON _005196830 484 9 sins sin NOUN _005196830 484 10 with with ADP _005196830 484 11 all all DET _005196830 484 12 my my PRON _005196830 484 13 heart heart NOUN _005196830 484 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 485 1 in in ADP _005196830 485 2 choosing choose VERB _005196830 485 3 to to PART _005196830 485 4 do do VERB _005196830 485 5 wrong wrong NOUN _005196830 485 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 485 7 failing fail VERB _005196830 485 8 to to PART _005196830 485 9 do do VERB _005196830 485 10 good good NOUN _005196830 485 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 485 12 i i PRON _005196830 485 13 have have AUX _005196830 485 14 sinned sin VERB _005196830 485 15 against against ADP _005196830 485 16 you you PRON _005196830 485 17 whom whom PRON _005196830 485 18 i i PRON _005196830 485 19 should should AUX _005196830 485 20 love love VERB _005196830 485 21 above above ADP _005196830 485 22 all all DET _005196830 485 23 things thing NOUN _005196830 485 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 486 1 i i PRON _005196830 486 2 firmly firmly ADV _005196830 486 3 intend intend VERB _005196830 486 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 486 5 with with ADP _005196830 486 6 your your PRON _005196830 486 7 help help NOUN _005196830 486 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 486 9 to to PART _005196830 486 10 do do VERB _005196830 486 11 penance penance NOUN _005196830 486 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 486 13 to to PART _005196830 486 14 sin sin VERB _005196830 486 15 no no ADV _005196830 486 16 more more ADV _005196830 486 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 486 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 486 19 to to PART _005196830 486 20 avoid avoid VERB _005196830 486 21 whatever whatever PRON _005196830 486 22 leads lead VERB _005196830 486 23 me i PRON _005196830 486 24 to to PART _005196830 486 25 sin sin VERB _005196830 486 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 487 1 our our PRON _005196830 487 2 savior savior PROPN _005196830 487 3 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 487 4 christ christ PROPN _005196830 487 5 suffered suffer VERB _005196830 487 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 487 7 died die VERB _005196830 487 8 for for ADP _005196830 487 9 us we PRON _005196830 487 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 488 1 in in ADP _005196830 488 2 his his PRON _005196830 488 3 name name NOUN _005196830 488 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 488 5 my my PRON _005196830 488 6 god god PROPN _005196830 488 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 488 8 have have VERB _005196830 488 9 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 488 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 489 1 3 3 X _005196830 489 2 . . X _005196830 489 3 remember remember VERB _005196830 489 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 489 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 489 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 489 7 your your PRON _005196830 489 8 compassion compassion NOUN _005196830 489 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 489 10 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 489 11 which which PRON _005196830 489 12 you you PRON _005196830 489 13 showed show VERB _005196830 489 14 long long ADV _005196830 489 15 ago ago ADV _005196830 489 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 490 1 do do AUX _005196830 490 2 not not PART _005196830 490 3 recall recall VERB _005196830 490 4 the the DET _005196830 490 5 sins sin NOUN _005196830 490 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 490 7 failings failing NOUN _005196830 490 8 of of ADP _005196830 490 9 my my PRON _005196830 490 10 youth youth NOUN _005196830 490 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 491 1 in in ADP _005196830 491 2 your your PRON _005196830 491 3 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 491 4 remember remember VERB _005196830 491 5 me i PRON _005196830 491 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 492 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 492 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 492 3 because because SCONJ _005196830 492 4 of of ADP _005196830 492 5 your your PRON _005196830 492 6 goodness goodness NOUN _005196830 492 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 493 1 psalm psalm VERB _005196830 493 2 25:6-/ 25:6-/ NUM _005196830 493 3 4 4 NUM _005196830 493 4 . . X _005196830 493 5 wash wash VERB _005196830 493 6 me i PRON _005196830 493 7 from from ADP _005196830 493 8 my my PRON _005196830 493 9 guilt guilt NOUN _005196830 493 10 ~ ~ PUNCT _005196830 493 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 493 12 cleanse cleanse VERB _005196830 493 13 me i PRON _005196830 493 14 of of ADP _005196830 493 15 my my PRON _005196830 493 16 sin sin NOUN _005196830 493 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 493 18 i i PRON _005196830 493 19 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _005196830 493 20 my my PRON _005196830 493 21 offense offense NOUN _005196830 493 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 493 23 my my PRON _005196830 493 24 sin sin NOUN _005196830 493 25 is be AUX _005196830 493 26 before before ADP _005196830 493 27 me i PRON _005196830 493 28 always always ADV _005196830 493 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 494 1 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 494 2 51:4 51:4 NUM _005196830 494 3 - - SYM _005196830 494 4 5 5 NUM _005196830 494 5 52 52 NUM _005196830 494 6 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 494 7 i i PROPN _005196830 494 8 5 5 NUM _005196830 494 9 . . PROPN _005196830 494 10 father father PROPN _005196830 494 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 494 12 i i PRON _005196830 494 13 hare hare VERB _005196830 494 14 sinnedjigainst sinnedjigainst PROPN _005196830 494 15 yon yon PROPN _005196830 494 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 494 17 am be AUX _005196830 494 18 not not PART _005196830 494 19 worthy worthy ADJ _005196830 494 20 to to PART _005196830 494 21 be be AUX _005196830 494 22 called call VERB _005196830 494 23 your your PRON _005196830 494 24 son son NOUN _005196830 494 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 495 1 be be AUX _005196830 495 2 merciful merciful ADJ _005196830 495 3 to to ADP _005196830 495 4 me i PRON _005196830 495 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 495 6 a a DET _005196830 495 7 sinner sinner NOUN _005196830 495 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 496 1 luke luke PROPN _005196830 496 2 15:18 15:18 NUM _005196830 496 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 496 4 18:13 18:13 NUM _005196830 496 5 6 6 NUM _005196830 496 6 . . X _005196830 496 7 father father NOUN _005196830 496 8 of of ADP _005196830 496 9 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 496 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 496 11 like like ADP _005196830 496 12 the the DET _005196830 496 13 prodigal prodigal ADJ _005196830 496 14 son son NOUN _005196830 496 15 i i PRON _005196830 496 16 return return VERB _005196830 496 17 to to ADP _005196830 496 18 you you PRON _005196830 496 19 and and CCONJ _005196830 496 20 say say VERB _005196830 496 21 : : PUNCT _005196830 496 22 have have AUX _005196830 496 23 sinned sin VERB _005196830 496 24 against against ADP _005196830 496 25 you you PRON _005196830 496 26 and and CCONJ _005196830 496 27 am be AUX _005196830 496 28 no no ADV _005196830 496 29 longer long ADV _005196830 496 30 worthy worthy ADJ _005196830 496 31 to to PART _005196830 496 32 be be AUX _005196830 496 33 called call VERB _005196830 496 34 your your PRON _005196830 496 35 son son NOUN _005196830 496 36 . . PUNCT _005196830 497 1 * * PUNCT _005196830 497 2 * * PUNCT _005196830 497 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 497 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 497 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 497 6 savior savior PROPN _005196830 497 7 of of ADP _005196830 497 8 the the DET _005196830 497 9 world world NOUN _005196830 497 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 497 11 i i PRON _005196830 497 12 pray pray VERB _005196830 497 13 with with ADP _005196830 497 14 the the DET _005196830 497 15 repentant repentant ADJ _005196830 497 16 thief thief NOUN _005196830 497 17 to to PART _005196830 497 18 whom whom PRON _005196830 497 19 you you PRON _005196830 497 20 promised promise VERB _005196830 497 21 paradise paradise PROPN _005196830 497 22 : : PUNCT _005196830 497 23 * * PUNCT _005196830 497 24 tiord tiord PROPN _005196830 497 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 497 26 remember remember VERB _005196830 497 27 me i PRON _005196830 497 28 in in ADP _005196830 497 29 your your PRON _005196830 497 30 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005196830 497 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 497 32 ’ ' PUNCT _005196830 498 1 * * PUNCT _005196830 498 2 holy holy PROPN _005196830 498 3 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 498 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 498 5 fountain fountain NOUN _005196830 498 6 of of ADP _005196830 498 7 love love NOUN _005196830 498 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 498 9 i i PRON _005196830 498 10 call call VERB _005196830 498 11 on on ADP _005196830 498 12 yon yon NOUN _005196830 498 13 with with ADP _005196830 498 14 trust trust NOUN _005196830 498 15 : : PUNCT _005196830 498 16 * * PUNCT _005196830 498 17 * * PUNCT _005196830 498 18 purify purify VERB _005196830 498 19 my my PRON _005196830 498 20 heart heart NOUN _005196830 498 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 498 22 and and CCONJ _005196830 498 23 help help VERB _005196830 498 24 me i PRON _005196830 498 25 to to PART _005196830 498 26 walk walk VERB _005196830 498 27 as as ADP _005196830 498 28 a a DET _005196830 498 29 child child NOUN _005196830 498 30 of of ADP _005196830 498 31 light light NOUN _005196830 498 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 498 33 ” " PUNCT _005196830 499 1 7 7 X _005196830 499 2 . . PROPN _005196830 499 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 499 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 499 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 499 6 yon yon PROPN _005196830 499 7 opened open VERB _005196830 499 8 the the DET _005196830 499 9 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 499 10 of of ADP _005196830 499 11 the the DET _005196830 499 12 blind blind ADJ _005196830 499 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 499 14 healed heal VERB _005196830 499 15 the the DET _005196830 499 16 sick sick ADJ _005196830 499 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 499 18 forgave forgave VERB _005196830 499 19 the the DET _005196830 499 20 sinful sinful ADJ _005196830 499 21 woman woman NOUN _005196830 499 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 499 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 499 24 after after SCONJ _005196830 499 25 peter peter PROPN _005196830 499 26 ’s ’s PART _005196830 499 27 denial denial NOUN _005196830 499 28 confirmed confirm VERB _005196830 499 29 him he PRON _005196830 499 30 in in ADP _005196830 499 31 your your PRON _005196830 499 32 love love NOUN _005196830 499 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 500 1 53 53 NUM _005196830 500 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 500 3 i i PRON _005196830 500 4 listen listen VERB _005196830 500 5 to to ADP _005196830 500 6 my my PRON _005196830 500 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 500 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 500 9 forgive forgive VERB _005196830 500 10 all all DET _005196830 500 11 my my PRON _005196830 500 12 sins sin NOUN _005196830 500 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 500 14 renew renew VERB _005196830 500 15 your your PRON _005196830 500 16 love love NOUN _005196830 500 17 in in ADP _005196830 500 18 my my PRON _005196830 500 19 heart heart NOUN _005196830 500 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 500 21 help help VERB _005196830 500 22 me i PRON _005196830 500 23 to to PART _005196830 500 24 live live VERB _005196830 500 25 in in ADP _005196830 500 26 perfect perfect ADJ _005196830 500 27 unity unity NOUN _005196830 500 28 with with ADP _005196830 500 29 my my PRON _005196830 500 30 fellow fellow ADJ _005196830 500 31 christians christian NOUN _005196830 500 32 that that PRON _005196830 500 33 i i PRON _005196830 500 34 may may AUX _005196830 500 35 proclaim proclaim VERB _005196830 500 36 your your PRON _005196830 500 37 saving saving NOUN _005196830 500 38 power power NOUN _005196830 500 39 to to ADP _005196830 500 40 all all DET _005196830 500 41 the the DET _005196830 500 42 world world NOUN _005196830 500 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 501 1 for for ADP _005196830 501 2 group group NOUN _005196830 501 3 celebrations celebration NOUN _005196830 501 4 the the DET _005196830 501 5 following follow VERB _005196830 501 6 penitential penitential ADJ _005196830 501 7 forms form NOUN _005196830 501 8 may may AUX _005196830 501 9 be be AUX _005196830 501 10 used use VERB _005196830 501 11 : : PUNCT _005196830 501 12 54 54 NUM _005196830 501 13 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 501 14 i i PRON _005196830 501 15 introdoction introdoction NOUN _005196830 501 16 the the DET _005196830 501 17 celebrant celebrant NOUN _005196830 501 18 invites invite VERB _005196830 501 19 everyone everyone PRON _005196830 501 20 to to PART _005196830 501 21 recall recall VERB _005196830 501 22 their their PRON _005196830 501 23 sins sin NOUN _005196830 501 24 and and CCONJ _005196830 501 25 to to PART _005196830 501 26 repent repent VERB _005196830 501 27 of of ADP _005196830 501 28 them they PRON _005196830 501 29 in in ADP _005196830 501 30 silence silence NOUN _005196830 501 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 502 1 he he PRON _005196830 502 2 / / SYM _005196830 502 3 she she PRON _005196830 502 4 may may AUX _005196830 502 5 use use VERB _005196830 502 6 these these DET _005196830 502 7 or or CCONJ _005196830 502 8 similar similar ADJ _005196830 502 9 words word NOUN _005196830 502 10 : : PUNCT _005196830 502 11 coming come VERB _005196830 502 12 together together ADV _005196830 502 13 as as ADP _005196830 502 14 god god PROPN _005196830 502 15 ’s ’s PART _005196830 502 16 family family NOUN _005196830 502 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 502 18 with with ADP _005196830 502 19 confidence confidence NOUN _005196830 502 20 let let VERB _005196830 502 21 us we PRON _005196830 502 22 ask ask VERB _005196830 502 23 the the DET _005196830 502 24 father father NOUN _005196830 502 25 ’s ’s PART _005196830 502 26 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005196830 502 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 502 28 for for SCONJ _005196830 502 29 he he PRON _005196830 502 30 is be AUX _005196830 502 31 full full ADJ _005196830 502 32 of of ADP _005196830 502 33 gentleness gentleness NOUN _005196830 502 34 and and CCONJ _005196830 502 35 compassion compassion NOUN _005196830 502 36 . . PUNCT _005196830 503 1 a. a. PROPN _005196830 503 2 all all PRON _005196830 503 3 say say VERB _005196830 503 4 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 503 5 i i PRON _005196830 503 6 confess confess VERB _005196830 503 7 to to PART _005196830 503 8 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 503 9 god god PROPN _005196830 503 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 12 to to ADP _005196830 503 13 you you PRON _005196830 503 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 15 my my PRON _005196830 503 16 brothers brother NOUN _005196830 503 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 18 sisters sister NOUN _005196830 503 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 20 that that SCONJ _005196830 503 21 i i PRON _005196830 503 22 have have AUX _005196830 503 23 sinned sin VERB _005196830 503 24 through through ADP _005196830 503 25 my my PRON _005196830 503 26 own own ADJ _005196830 503 27 fault fault NOUN _005196830 503 28 in in ADP _005196830 503 29 my my PRON _005196830 503 30 thoughts thought NOUN _005196830 503 31 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 32 in in ADP _005196830 503 33 my my PRON _005196830 503 34 words word NOUN _005196830 503 35 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 36 in in ADP _005196830 503 37 what what PRON _005196830 503 38 i i PRON _005196830 503 39 have have AUX _005196830 503 40 done do VERB _005196830 503 41 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 42 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 43 in in ADP _005196830 503 44 what what PRON _005196830 503 45 i i PRON _005196830 503 46 have have AUX _005196830 503 47 failed fail VERB _005196830 503 48 to to PART _005196830 503 49 do do VERB _005196830 503 50 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 503 51 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 52 i i PRON _005196830 503 53 ask ask VERB _005196830 503 54 blessed blessed ADJ _005196830 503 55 mary mary NOUN _005196830 503 56 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 57 ever ever ADV _005196830 503 58 virgin virgin ADJ _005196830 503 59 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 60 all all DET _005196830 503 61 the the DET _005196830 503 62 angels angel NOUN _005196830 503 63 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 64 saints saint NOUN _005196830 503 65 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 66 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 67 you you PRON _005196830 503 68 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 69 my my PRON _005196830 503 70 brothers brother NOUN _005196830 503 71 and and CCONJ _005196830 503 72 sisters sister NOUN _005196830 503 73 , , PUNCT _005196830 503 74 to to PART _005196830 503 75 pray pray VERB _005196830 503 76 for for ADP _005196830 503 77 me i PRON _005196830 503 78 to to ADP _005196830 503 79 the the DET _005196830 503 80 lord lord PROPN _005196830 503 81 our our PRON _005196830 503 82 god god PROPN _005196830 503 83 . . PUNCT _005196830 504 1 the the DET _005196830 504 2 celebrant celebrant NOUN _005196830 504 3 says say VERB _005196830 504 4 the the DET _005196830 504 5 absolution absolution NOUN _005196830 504 6 : : PUNCT _005196830 504 7 may may AUX _005196830 504 8 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 504 9 god god PROPN _005196830 504 10 have have VERB _005196830 504 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 504 12 on on ADP _005196830 504 13 us we PRON _005196830 504 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 504 15 forgive forgive VERB _005196830 504 16 ns n VERB _005196830 504 17 our our PRON _005196830 504 18 sins sin NOUN _005196830 504 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 504 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 504 21 bring bring VERB _005196830 504 22 us we PRON _005196830 504 23 to to ADP _005196830 504 24 everlasting everlaste VERB _005196830 504 25 life life NOUN _005196830 504 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 505 1 a a DET _005196830 505 2 ll ll AUX _005196830 505 3 answer answer VERB _005196830 505 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 505 5 amen amen INTJ _005196830 505 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 506 1 55 55 NUM _005196830 506 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 506 3 i i PROPN _005196830 506 4 b. b. VERB _005196830 506 5 the the DET _005196830 506 6 celebrant celebrant PROPN _005196830 506 7 says say VERB _005196830 506 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 506 9 lord lord PROPN _005196830 506 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 506 11 we we PRON _005196830 506 12 have have AUX _005196830 506 13 sinned sin VERB _005196830 506 14 against against ADP _005196830 506 15 you you PRON _005196830 506 16 : : PUNCT _005196830 506 17 all all DET _005196830 506 18 answer answer VERB _005196830 506 19 : : PUNCT _005196830 506 20 lord lord PROPN _005196830 506 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 506 22 have have VERB _005196830 506 23 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 506 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 507 1 celebrant celebrant PROPN _005196830 507 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 507 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 507 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 507 5 show show VERB _005196830 507 6 us we PRON _005196830 507 7 your your PRON _005196830 507 8 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 507 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 507 10 love love NOUN _005196830 507 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 508 1 all all ADV _005196830 508 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 508 3 and and CCONJ _005196830 508 4 grant grant VERB _005196830 508 5 ns n VERB _005196830 508 6 your your PRON _005196830 508 7 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 508 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 509 1 the the DET _005196830 509 2 celebrant celebrant NOUN _005196830 509 3 says say VERB _005196830 509 4 the the DET _005196830 509 5 absolution absolution NOUN _005196830 509 6 : : PUNCT _005196830 509 7 may may AUX _005196830 509 8 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 509 9 god god PROPN _005196830 509 10 have have VERB _005196830 509 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 509 12 on on ADP _005196830 509 13 us we PRON _005196830 509 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 509 15 foi^ive foi^ive VERB _005196830 509 16 us we PRON _005196830 509 17 our our PRON _005196830 509 18 sins sin NOUN _005196830 509 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 509 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 509 21 bring bring VERB _005196830 509 22 us we PRON _005196830 509 23 to to ADP _005196830 509 24 everlasting everlaste VERB _005196830 509 25 life life NOUN _005196830 509 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 510 1 all all PRON _005196830 510 2 answer answer VERB _005196830 510 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 510 4 amen amen INTJ _005196830 510 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 511 1 c. c. PROPN _005196830 511 2 the the DET _005196830 511 3 celebrant celebrant PROPN _005196830 511 4 makes make VERB _005196830 511 5 the the DET _005196830 511 6 following following ADJ _005196830 511 7 or or CCONJ _005196830 511 8 other other ADJ _005196830 511 9 invocations invocation NOUN _005196830 511 10 : : PUNCT _005196830 511 11 56 56 NUM _005196830 511 12 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 512 1 i i PRON _005196830 513 1 i i PRON _005196830 513 2 celebrant celebrant VERB _005196830 513 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 513 4 you you PRON _005196830 513 5 were be AUX _005196830 513 6 sent send VERB _005196830 513 7 to to PART _005196830 513 8 heal heal VERB _005196830 513 9 the the DET _005196830 513 10 contrite contrite ADJ _005196830 513 11 : : PUNCT _005196830 513 12 lord lord PROPN _005196830 513 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 513 14 have have VERB _005196830 513 15 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 513 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 514 1 all all PRON _005196830 514 2 answer answer VERB _005196830 514 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 514 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 514 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 514 6 have have VERB _005196830 514 7 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 514 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 515 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 515 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 515 3 you you PRON _005196830 515 4 came come VERB _005196830 515 5 to to PART _005196830 515 6 call call VERB _005196830 515 7 sinners sinner NOUN _005196830 515 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 515 9 christ christ PROPN _005196830 515 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 515 11 have have VERB _005196830 515 12 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 515 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 516 1 all all ADV _005196830 516 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 516 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 516 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 516 5 have have VERB _005196830 516 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 516 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 517 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 517 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 517 3 you you PRON _005196830 517 4 plead plead VERB _005196830 517 5 for for ADP _005196830 517 6 us we PRON _005196830 517 7 at at ADP _005196830 517 8 the the DET _005196830 517 9 right right ADJ _005196830 517 10 hand hand NOUN _005196830 517 11 of of ADP _005196830 517 12 the the DET _005196830 517 13 father father NOUN _005196830 517 14 : : PUNCT _005196830 517 15 lord lord PROPN _005196830 517 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 517 17 have have VERB _005196830 517 18 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 517 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 518 1 all all ADV _005196830 518 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 518 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 518 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 518 5 have have VERB _005196830 518 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 518 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 519 1 the the DET _005196830 519 2 celebrant celebrant NOUN _005196830 519 3 says say VERB _005196830 519 4 the the DET _005196830 519 5 absolution absolution NOUN _005196830 519 6 : : PUNCT _005196830 519 7 may may AUX _005196830 519 8 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 519 9 god god PROPN _005196830 519 10 have have VERB _005196830 519 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 519 12 on on ADP _005196830 519 13 us we PRON _005196830 519 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 519 15 forgive forgive VERB _005196830 519 16 us we PRON _005196830 519 17 our our PRON _005196830 519 18 sins sin NOUN _005196830 519 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 519 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 519 21 bring bring VERB _005196830 519 22 us we PRON _005196830 519 23 to to ADP _005196830 519 24 everlasting everlaste VERB _005196830 519 25 life life NOUN _005196830 519 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 520 1 a a PRON _005196830 520 2 ll ll AUX _005196830 520 3 answer answer VERB _005196830 520 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 520 5 amen amen INTJ _005196830 520 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 520 7 57 57 NUM _005196830 520 8 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 520 9 i i PROPN _005196830 520 10 •• •• PROPN _005196830 520 11 u u PROPN _005196830 520 12 celebrant celebrant PROPN _005196830 520 13 : : PUNCT _005196830 520 14 lord lord PROPN _005196830 520 15 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 520 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 520 17 you you PRON _005196830 520 18 came come VERB _005196830 520 19 to to PART _005196830 520 20 reconcile reconcile VERB _005196830 520 21 us we PRON _005196830 520 22 to to ADP _005196830 520 23 one one NUM _005196830 520 24 another another DET _005196830 520 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 520 26 to to ADP _005196830 520 27 the the DET _005196830 520 28 father father NOUN _005196830 520 29 : : PUNCT _005196830 520 30 lord lord PROPN _005196830 520 31 , , PUNCT _005196830 520 32 have have VERB _005196830 520 33 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 520 34 . . PUNCT _005196830 521 1 all all PRON _005196830 521 2 answer answer VERB _005196830 521 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 521 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 521 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 521 6 have have VERB _005196830 521 7 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 521 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 522 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 522 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 522 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 522 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 522 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 522 6 you you PRON _005196830 522 7 heal heal VERB _005196830 522 8 the the DET _005196830 522 9 wounds wound NOUN _005196830 522 10 of of ADP _005196830 522 11 sin sin NOUN _005196830 522 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 522 13 division division NOUN _005196830 522 14 : : PUNCT _005196830 522 15 christ christ PROPN _005196830 522 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 522 17 have have VERB _005196830 522 18 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 522 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 523 1 all all ADV _005196830 523 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 523 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 523 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 523 5 have have VERB _005196830 523 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 523 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 524 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 524 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 524 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 524 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 524 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 524 6 you you PRON _005196830 524 7 intercede intercede VERB _005196830 524 8 for for ADP _005196830 524 9 us we PRON _005196830 524 10 with with ADP _005196830 524 11 your your PRON _005196830 524 12 father father NOUN _005196830 524 13 : : PUNCT _005196830 524 14 lord lord PROPN _005196830 524 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 524 16 have have VERB _005196830 524 17 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 524 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 525 1 all all ADV _005196830 525 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 525 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 525 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 525 5 have have VERB _005196830 525 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 525 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 526 1 the the DET _005196830 526 2 celebrant celebrant NOUN _005196830 526 3 says say VERB _005196830 526 4 the the DET _005196830 526 5 absolution absolution NOUN _005196830 526 6 : : PUNCT _005196830 526 7 may may AUX _005196830 526 8 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 526 9 god god PROPN _005196830 526 10 have have VERB _005196830 526 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 526 12 on on ADP _005196830 526 13 us we PRON _005196830 526 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 526 15 forgive forgive VERB _005196830 526 16 us we PRON _005196830 526 17 our our PRON _005196830 526 18 sins sin NOUN _005196830 526 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 526 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 526 21 bring bring VERB _005196830 526 22 us we PRON _005196830 526 23 to to ADP _005196830 526 24 everlasting everlaste VERB _005196830 526 25 life life NOUN _005196830 526 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 527 1 all all PRON _005196830 527 2 answer answer VERB _005196830 527 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 527 4 amen amen INTJ _005196830 527 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 527 6 58 58 NUM _005196830 527 7 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 528 1 i i PROPN _005196830 528 2 iii iii NUM _005196830 528 3 celebrant celebrant PROPN _005196830 528 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 528 5 you you PRON _005196830 528 6 raise raise VERB _005196830 528 7 the the DET _005196830 528 8 dead dead NOUN _005196830 528 9 to to ADP _005196830 528 10 life life NOUN _005196830 528 11 in in ADP _005196830 528 12 the the DET _005196830 528 13 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 528 14 : : PUNCT _005196830 528 15 lord lord PROPN _005196830 528 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 528 17 have have VERB _005196830 528 18 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 528 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 529 1 all all PRON _005196830 529 2 answer answer VERB _005196830 529 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 529 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 529 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 529 6 have have VERB _005196830 529 7 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 529 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 530 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 530 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 530 3 you you PRON _005196830 530 4 bring bring VERB _005196830 530 5 pardon pardon NOUN _005196830 530 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 530 7 peace peace NOUN _005196830 530 8 to to ADP _005196830 530 9 the the DET _005196830 530 10 sinner sinner NOUN _005196830 530 11 : : PUNCT _005196830 530 12 christ christ PROPN _005196830 530 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 530 14 have have VERB _005196830 530 15 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 530 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 531 1 all all ADV _005196830 531 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 531 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 531 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 531 5 have have VERB _005196830 531 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 531 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 532 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 532 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 532 3 you you PRON _005196830 532 4 bring bring VERB _005196830 532 5 light light NOUN _005196830 532 6 to to ADP _005196830 532 7 those those PRON _005196830 532 8 in in ADP _005196830 532 9 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 532 10 : : PUNCT _005196830 532 11 lord lord PROPN _005196830 532 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 532 13 have have VERB _005196830 532 14 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 532 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 533 1 all all ADV _005196830 533 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 533 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 533 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 533 5 have have VERB _005196830 533 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 533 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 534 1 the the DET _005196830 534 2 celebrant celebrant NOUN _005196830 534 3 says say VERB _005196830 534 4 the the DET _005196830 534 5 absolution absolution NOUN _005196830 534 6 : : PUNCT _005196830 534 7 may may AUX _005196830 534 8 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 534 9 god god PROPN _005196830 534 10 have have VERB _005196830 534 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 534 12 on on ADP _005196830 534 13 us we PRON _005196830 534 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 534 15 forgive forgive VERB _005196830 534 16 us we PRON _005196830 534 17 our our PRON _005196830 534 18 sins sin NOUN _005196830 534 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 534 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 534 21 bring bring VERB _005196830 534 22 us we PRON _005196830 534 23 to to ADP _005196830 534 24 everlasting everlaste VERB _005196830 534 25 life life NOUN _005196830 534 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 535 1 a a PRON _005196830 535 2 ll ll AUX _005196830 535 3 answer answer VERB _005196830 535 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 535 5 amen amen INTJ _005196830 535 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 535 7 59 59 NUM _005196830 535 8 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 536 1 i i PRON _005196830 536 2 iv iv VERB _005196830 536 3 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 536 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 536 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 536 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 536 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 536 8 you you PRON _005196830 536 9 healed heal VERB _005196830 536 10 the the DET _005196830 536 11 sick sick ADJ _005196830 536 12 : : PUNCT _005196830 536 13 lord lord PROPN _005196830 536 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 536 15 have have VERB _005196830 536 16 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 536 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 537 1 all all PRON _005196830 537 2 answer answer VERB _005196830 537 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 537 4 lord lord PROPN _005196830 537 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 537 6 have have VERB _005196830 537 7 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 537 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 538 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 538 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 538 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 538 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 538 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 538 6 you you PRON _005196830 538 7 forgave forgave VERB _005196830 538 8 sinners sinner NOUN _005196830 538 9 : : PUNCT _005196830 538 10 christ christ PROPN _005196830 538 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 538 12 have have VERB _005196830 538 13 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 538 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 539 1 all all ADV _005196830 539 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 539 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 539 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 539 5 have have VERB _005196830 539 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 539 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 540 1 celebrant celebrant ADJ _005196830 540 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 540 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 540 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 540 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 540 6 you you PRON _005196830 540 7 give give VERB _005196830 540 8 us we PRON _005196830 540 9 yourself yourself PRON _005196830 540 10 to to PART _005196830 540 11 heal heal VERB _005196830 540 12 us we PRON _005196830 540 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 540 14 bring bring VERB _005196830 540 15 us we PRON _005196830 540 16 strength strength NOUN _005196830 540 17 : : PUNCT _005196830 540 18 lord lord PROPN _005196830 540 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 540 20 have have VERB _005196830 540 21 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 540 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 541 1 all all ADV _005196830 541 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 541 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 541 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 541 5 have have VERB _005196830 541 6 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 541 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 542 1 the the DET _005196830 542 2 celebrant celebrant NOUN _005196830 542 3 says say VERB _005196830 542 4 the the DET _005196830 542 5 absolution absolution NOUN _005196830 542 6 : : PUNCT _005196830 542 7 may may AUX _005196830 542 8 almighty almighty VERB _005196830 542 9 god god PROPN _005196830 542 10 have have VERB _005196830 542 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 542 12 on on ADP _005196830 542 13 us we PRON _005196830 542 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 542 15 forgive forgive VERB _005196830 542 16 us we PRON _005196830 542 17 our our PRON _005196830 542 18 sins sin NOUN _005196830 542 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 542 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 542 21 bring bring VERB _005196830 542 22 us we PRON _005196830 542 23 to to ADP _005196830 542 24 everlasting everlaste VERB _005196830 542 25 life life NOUN _005196830 542 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 543 1 all all PRON _005196830 543 2 answer answer VERB _005196830 543 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 543 4 amen amen INTJ _005196830 543 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 543 6 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 543 7 ii ii PROPN _005196830 543 8 antiphons antiphon NOUN _005196830 543 9 in in ADP _005196830 543 10 honor honor NOUN _005196830 543 11 of of ADP _005196830 543 12 the the DET _005196830 543 13 blessed bless VERB _005196830 543 14 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 543 15 1 1 NUM _005196830 543 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 543 17 hail hail NOUN _005196830 543 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 543 19 holy holy PROPN _005196830 543 20 queen queen PROPN _005196830 543 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 543 22 mother mother NOUN _005196830 543 23 of of ADP _005196830 543 24 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 543 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 543 26 our our PRON _005196830 543 27 life life NOUN _005196830 543 28 , , PUNCT _005196830 543 29 our our PRON _005196830 543 30 sweetness sweetness NOUN _005196830 543 31 , , PUNCT _005196830 543 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 543 33 our our PRON _005196830 543 34 hope hope NOUN _005196830 543 35 . . PUNCT _005196830 544 1 to to ADP _005196830 544 2 you you PRON _005196830 544 3 do do AUX _005196830 544 4 we we PRON _005196830 544 5 cry cry VERB _005196830 544 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 544 7 poor poor ADJ _005196830 544 8 banished banish VERB _005196830 544 9 children child NOUN _005196830 544 10 of of ADP _005196830 544 11 eve eve NOUN _005196830 544 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 545 1 to to ADP _005196830 545 2 you you PRON _005196830 545 3 do do AUX _005196830 545 4 we we PRON _005196830 545 5 send send VERB _005196830 545 6 up up ADP _005196830 545 7 our our PRON _005196830 545 8 sighs sigh NOUN _005196830 545 9 mourning mourn VERB _005196830 545 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 545 11 weeping weeping NOUN _005196830 545 12 in in ADP _005196830 545 13 this this DET _005196830 545 14 vale vale NOUN _005196830 545 15 of of ADP _005196830 545 16 tears tear NOUN _005196830 545 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 546 1 turn turn VERB _005196830 546 2 then then ADV _005196830 546 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 546 4 most most ADV _005196830 546 5 gracious gracious ADJ _005196830 546 6 advocate advocate NOUN _005196830 546 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 546 8 your your PRON _005196830 546 9 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 546 10 of of ADP _005196830 546 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 546 12 toward toward ADP _005196830 546 13 us we PRON _005196830 546 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 546 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 546 16 after after SCONJ _005196830 546 17 this this DET _005196830 546 18 exile exile NOUN _005196830 546 19 show show VERB _005196830 546 20 us we PRON _005196830 546 21 the the DET _005196830 546 22 blessed bless VERB _005196830 546 23 fruit fruit NOUN _005196830 546 24 of of ADP _005196830 546 25 your your PRON _005196830 546 26 womb womb NOUN _005196830 546 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 546 28 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 546 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 547 1 o o PROPN _005196830 547 2 clement clement NOUN _005196830 547 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 547 4 o o NOUN _005196830 547 5 loving love VERB _005196830 547 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 547 7 o o NOUN _005196830 547 8 sweet sweet ADJ _005196830 547 9 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 547 10 mary mary PROPN _005196830 547 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 548 1 61 61 NUM _005196830 548 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 548 3 ii ii PROPN _005196830 548 4 2 2 NUM _005196830 548 5 . . X _005196830 548 6 loving love VERB _005196830 548 7 mother mother NOUN _005196830 548 8 of of ADP _005196830 548 9 the the DET _005196830 548 10 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005196830 548 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 548 12 gate gate NOUN _005196830 548 13 of of ADP _005196830 548 14 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 548 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 548 16 star star NOUN _005196830 548 17 of of ADP _005196830 548 18 the the DET _005196830 548 19 sea sea NOUN _005196830 548 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 548 21 assist assist VERB _005196830 548 22 your your PRON _005196830 548 23 people people NOUN _005196830 548 24 who who PRON _005196830 548 25 have have AUX _005196830 548 26 fallen fall VERB _005196830 548 27 yet yet ADV _005196830 548 28 strive strive VERB _005196830 548 29 to to PART _005196830 548 30 rise rise VERB _005196830 548 31 again again ADV _005196830 548 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 549 1 to to ADP _005196830 549 2 the the DET _005196830 549 3 wonderment wonderment NOUN _005196830 549 4 of of ADP _005196830 549 5 nature nature NOUN _005196830 549 6 you you PRON _005196830 549 7 bore bore VERB _005196830 549 8 yonr yonr PROPN _005196830 549 9 creator creator NOUN _005196830 549 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 549 11 yet yet ADV _005196830 549 12 remained remain VERB _005196830 549 13 a a DET _005196830 549 14 virgin virgin NOUN _005196830 549 15 after after ADP _005196830 549 16 as as ADP _005196830 549 17 before before ADV _005196830 549 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 550 1 you you PRON _005196830 550 2 who who PRON _005196830 550 3 received receive VERB _005196830 550 4 gabriel gabriel PROPN _005196830 550 5 ’s ’s PART _005196830 550 6 joyful joyful ADJ _005196830 550 7 greeting greeting NOUN _005196830 550 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 550 9 have have VERB _005196830 550 10 pity pity NOUN _005196830 550 11 on on ADP _005196830 550 12 ns ns NUM _005196830 550 13 poor poor ADJ _005196830 550 14 sinners sinner NOUN _005196830 550 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 551 1 3 3 X _005196830 551 2 . . X _005196830 551 3 hail hail PROPN _005196830 551 4 mary mary PROPN _005196830 551 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 551 6 full full ADJ _005196830 551 7 of of ADP _005196830 551 8 grace grace NOUN _005196830 551 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 551 10 the the DET _005196830 551 11 lord lord PROPN _005196830 551 12 is be AUX _005196830 551 13 with with ADP _005196830 551 14 you you PRON _005196830 551 15 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 552 1 blessed bless VERB _005196830 552 2 are be AUX _005196830 552 3 yon yon NOUN _005196830 552 4 among among ADP _005196830 552 5 women woman NOUN _005196830 552 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 552 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 552 8 blessed bless VERB _005196830 552 9 is be AUX _005196830 552 10 the the DET _005196830 552 11 fruit fruit NOUN _005196830 552 12 of of ADP _005196830 552 13 your your PRON _005196830 552 14 womb womb NOUN _005196830 552 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 552 16 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 552 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 553 1 holy holy PROPN _005196830 553 2 mary mary PROPN _005196830 553 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 553 4 mother mother NOUN _005196830 553 5 of of ADP _005196830 553 6 god god PROPN _005196830 553 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 553 8 pray pray VERB _005196830 553 9 for for ADP _005196830 553 10 ns ns NOUN _005196830 553 11 sinners sinner NOUN _005196830 553 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 553 13 now now ADV _005196830 553 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 553 15 at at ADP _005196830 553 16 the the DET _005196830 553 17 hour hour NOUN _005196830 553 18 of of ADP _005196830 553 19 our our PRON _005196830 553 20 deadi deadi NOUN _005196830 553 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 554 1 4 4 X _005196830 554 2 . . X _005196830 554 3 queen queen NOUN _005196830 554 4 of of ADP _005196830 554 5 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 554 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 554 7 rejoke rejoke PROPN _005196830 554 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 554 9 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 554 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 555 1 the the DET _005196830 555 2 son son NOUN _005196830 555 3 whom whom PRON _005196830 555 4 you you PRON _005196830 555 5 merited merit VERB _005196830 555 6 to to PART _005196830 555 7 bear bear VERB _005196830 555 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 555 9 alldluia alldluia PROPN _005196830 555 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 555 11 has have AUX _005196830 555 12 risen rise VERB _005196830 555 13 as as SCONJ _005196830 555 14 he he PRON _005196830 555 15 said say VERB _005196830 555 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 555 17 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 555 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 556 1 rejoke rejoke PROPN _005196830 556 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 556 3 be be AUX _005196830 556 4 glad glad ADJ _005196830 556 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 556 6 o o PROPN _005196830 556 7 virgin virgin PROPN _005196830 556 8 mary mary PROPN _005196830 556 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 556 10 alleluia alleluia PROPN _005196830 556 11 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 557 1 for for SCONJ _005196830 557 2 the the DET _005196830 557 3 lord lord PROPN _005196830 557 4 has have AUX _005196830 557 5 truly truly ADV _005196830 557 6 risen rise VERB _005196830 557 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 557 8 aueluia aueluia NOUN _005196830 557 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 558 1 62 62 NUM _005196830 558 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 558 3 ill ill PROPN _005196830 558 4 poetry poetry NOUN _005196830 558 5 selections selection NOUN _005196830 558 6 abide abide VERB _005196830 558 7 with with ADP _005196830 558 8 me i PRON _005196830 558 9 abide abide VERB _005196830 558 10 with with ADP _005196830 558 11 me i PRON _005196830 558 12 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 558 13 fast fast ADV _005196830 558 14 falls fall VERB _005196830 558 15 the the DET _005196830 558 16 eventide eventide NOUN _005196830 558 17 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 558 18 the the DET _005196830 558 19 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 558 20 deepens deepen VERB _005196830 558 21 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 558 22 lord lord PROPN _005196830 558 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 558 24 with with ADP _005196830 558 25 me i PRON _005196830 558 26 abide abide VERB _005196830 558 27 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 558 28 when when SCONJ _005196830 558 29 other other ADJ _005196830 558 30 helpers helper NOUN _005196830 558 31 fail fail VERB _005196830 558 32 , , PUNCT _005196830 558 33 and and CCONJ _005196830 558 34 comforts comfort NOUN _005196830 558 35 flee flee PROPN _005196830 558 36 . . PUNCT _005196830 559 1 help help NOUN _005196830 559 2 of of ADP _005196830 559 3 the the DET _005196830 559 4 helpless helpless NOUN _005196830 559 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 559 6 o o NOUN _005196830 559 7 abide abide VERB _005196830 559 8 with with ADP _005196830 559 9 me i PRON _005196830 559 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 560 1 swift swift ADJ _005196830 560 2 to to ADP _005196830 560 3 its its PRON _005196830 560 4 close close ADJ _005196830 560 5 ebbs ebbs NOUN _005196830 560 6 out out ADP _005196830 560 7 life life NOUN _005196830 560 8 ’s ’s PART _005196830 560 9 little little ADJ _005196830 560 10 day day NOUN _005196830 560 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 560 12 earth earth NOUN _005196830 560 13 ’s ’s PART _005196830 560 14 joys joy VERB _005196830 560 15 grow grow VERB _005196830 560 16 dim dim ADJ _005196830 560 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 560 18 its its PRON _005196830 560 19 glories glory NOUN _005196830 560 20 pass pass VERB _005196830 560 21 away away ADV _005196830 560 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 560 23 change change VERB _005196830 560 24 and and CCONJ _005196830 560 25 decay decay VERB _005196830 560 26 in in ADP _005196830 560 27 all all ADV _005196830 560 28 around around ADV _005196830 560 29 i i PRON _005196830 560 30 see see VERB _005196830 560 31 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 560 32 o o NOUN _005196830 560 33 thou thou PRON _005196830 560 34 who who PRON _005196830 560 35 changes change VERB _005196830 560 36 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 561 1 not not PART _005196830 561 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 561 3 abide abide VERB _005196830 561 4 with with ADP _005196830 561 5 me i PRON _005196830 561 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 562 1 hold hold VERB _005196830 562 2 thou thou DET _005196830 562 3 thy thy PROPN _005196830 562 4 cross cross NOUN _005196830 562 5 before before ADP _005196830 562 6 my my PRON _005196830 562 7 closing closing NOUN _005196830 562 8 eyes eye NOUN _005196830 562 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 562 10 shine shine VERB _005196830 562 11 through through ADP _005196830 562 12 the the DET _005196830 562 13 gloom gloom NOUN _005196830 562 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 562 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 562 16 point point VERB _005196830 562 17 me i PRON _005196830 562 18 to to ADP _005196830 562 19 the the DET _005196830 562 20 skies sky NOUN _005196830 562 21 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 562 22 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 562 23 ’s ’s PART _005196830 562 24 morning morning NOUN _005196830 562 25 breaks break NOUN _005196830 562 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 562 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 562 28 earth earth NOUN _005196830 562 29 ’s ’s PART _005196830 562 30 vain vain ADJ _005196830 562 31 shadows shadow NOUN _005196830 562 32 flee flee VERB _005196830 562 33 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 562 34 in in ADP _005196830 562 35 life life NOUN _005196830 562 36 , , PUNCT _005196830 562 37 in in ADP _005196830 562 38 death death NOUN _005196830 562 39 , , PUNCT _005196830 562 40 o o PROPN _005196830 562 41 lord lord PROPN _005196830 562 42 , , PUNCT _005196830 562 43 abide abide VERB _005196830 562 44 with with ADP _005196830 562 45 me i PRON _005196830 562 46 . . PUNCT _005196830 563 1 h. h. PROPN _005196830 563 2 f. f. PROPN _005196830 563 3 lyte lyte PROPN _005196830 563 4 63 63 NUM _005196830 563 5 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 563 6 iii iii NUM _005196830 563 7 lines line NOUN _005196830 563 8 written write VERB _005196830 563 9 in in ADP _005196830 563 10 her her PRON _005196830 563 11 breviary breviary NOUN _005196830 563 12 let let VERB _005196830 563 13 nothing nothing PRON _005196830 563 14 disturb disturb VERB _005196830 563 15 thee thee PRON _005196830 563 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 563 17 nothing nothing PRON _005196830 563 18 affright affright VERB _005196830 563 19 thee thee PRON _005196830 563 20 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 563 21 all all DET _005196830 563 22 things thing NOUN _005196830 563 23 are be AUX _005196830 563 24 passing pass VERB _005196830 563 25 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 563 26 god god PROPN _005196830 563 27 never never ADV _005196830 563 28 changeth changeth PROPN _005196830 563 29 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 563 30 patient patient ADJ _005196830 563 31 endurance endurance NOUN _005196830 563 32 attaineth attaineth PROPN _005196830 563 33 to to ADP _005196830 563 34 all all DET _005196830 563 35 things thing NOUN _005196830 563 36 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 563 37 who who PRON _005196830 563 38 god god PROPN _005196830 563 39 possesseth possesseth VERB _005196830 563 40 in in ADP _005196830 563 41 nothing nothing PRON _005196830 563 42 is be AUX _005196830 563 43 wanting want VERB _005196830 563 44 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 563 45 alone alone ADV _005196830 563 46 god god PROPN _005196830 563 47 sufficeth sufficeth PROPN _005196830 563 48 . . PUNCT _005196830 564 1 saint saint PROPN _005196830 564 2 teresa teresa PROPN _005196830 564 3 translator translator NOUN _005196830 564 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 564 5 arthur arthur PROPN _005196830 564 6 symons symon VERB _005196830 564 7 64 64 NUM _005196830 564 8 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 564 9 iii iii PROPN _005196830 564 10 a a DET _005196830 564 11 hymn hymn NOUN _005196830 564 12 to to ADP _005196830 564 13 god god PROPN _005196830 564 14 the the DET _005196830 564 15 father father NOUN _005196830 564 16 wilt wilt VERB _005196830 564 17 thou thou DET _005196830 564 18 forgive forgive NOUN _005196830 564 19 that that DET _005196830 564 20 sin sin NOUN _005196830 564 21 where where SCONJ _005196830 564 22 i i PRON _005196830 564 23 begun begin VERB _005196830 564 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 565 1 which which PRON _005196830 565 2 was be AUX _005196830 565 3 my my PRON _005196830 565 4 sin sin NOUN _005196830 565 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 565 6 though though SCONJ _005196830 565 7 it it PRON _005196830 565 8 were be AUX _005196830 565 9 done do VERB _005196830 565 10 before before ADV _005196830 565 11 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 566 1 wilt wilt VERB _005196830 566 2 thou thou ADJ _005196830 566 3 forgive forgive NOUN _005196830 566 4 that that SCONJ _005196830 566 5 sin sin NOUN _005196830 566 6 through through ADP _005196830 566 7 which which PRON _005196830 566 8 i i PRON _005196830 566 9 run run VERB _005196830 566 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 567 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 567 2 do do AUX _005196830 567 3 run run VERB _005196830 567 4 still still ADV _005196830 567 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 567 6 though though SCONJ _005196830 567 7 stul stul NOUN _005196830 567 8 i i PRON _005196830 567 9 do do VERB _005196830 567 10 deplore deplore NOUN _005196830 567 11 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 568 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 568 2 thou thou DET _005196830 568 3 hast hast NOUN _005196830 568 4 done do VERB _005196830 568 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 569 1 thou thou DET _005196830 569 2 hast hast PROPN _005196830 569 3 not not PART _005196830 569 4 done do VERB _005196830 569 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 570 1 for for SCONJ _005196830 570 2 i i PRON _005196830 570 3 have have VERB _005196830 570 4 more more ADJ _005196830 570 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 571 1 wut wut NOUN _005196830 571 2 thou thou PROPN _005196830 571 3 forgive forgive PROPN _005196830 571 4 fliat fliat PROPN _005196830 571 5 sin sin NOUN _005196830 571 6 which which PRON _005196830 571 7 i i PRON _005196830 571 8 have have AUX _005196830 571 9 won win VERB _005196830 571 10 others other NOUN _005196830 571 11 to to PART _005196830 571 12 sin sin VERB _005196830 571 13 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 572 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 572 2 made make VERB _005196830 572 3 my my PRON _005196830 572 4 sin sin NOUN _005196830 572 5 their their PRON _005196830 572 6 door door NOUN _005196830 572 7 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 573 1 wilt wilt VERB _005196830 573 2 thou thou PROPN _005196830 573 3 forgive forgive PROPN _005196830 573 4 diat diat PROPN _005196830 573 5 sin sin NOUN _005196830 573 6 which which PRON _005196830 573 7 i i PRON _005196830 573 8 did do AUX _005196830 573 9 shun shun VERB _005196830 573 10 a a DET _005196830 573 11 year year NOUN _005196830 573 12 or or CCONJ _005196830 573 13 two two NUM _005196830 573 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 573 15 but but CCONJ _005196830 573 16 wallowed wallow VERB _005196830 573 17 in in ADP _005196830 573 18 a a DET _005196830 573 19 score score NOUN _005196830 573 20 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 574 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 574 2 thou thou DET _005196830 574 3 hast hast NOUN _005196830 574 4 done do VERB _005196830 574 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 575 1 thou thou DET _005196830 575 2 hast hast PROPN _005196830 575 3 not not PART _005196830 575 4 done do VERB _005196830 575 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 576 1 for for ADP _005196830 576 2 i i PRON _005196830 576 3 have have VERB _005196830 576 4 more more ADJ _005196830 576 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 577 1 1 1 NUM _005196830 577 2 have have VERB _005196830 577 3 a a DET _005196830 577 4 sin sin NOUN _005196830 577 5 of of ADP _005196830 577 6 fear fear NOUN _005196830 577 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 577 8 that that SCONJ _005196830 577 9 when when SCONJ _005196830 577 10 i i PRON _005196830 577 11 have have AUX _005196830 577 12 spun spin VERB _005196830 577 13 my my PRON _005196830 577 14 last last ADJ _005196830 577 15 thread thread NOUN _005196830 577 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 577 17 i i PRON _005196830 577 18 shall shall AUX _005196830 577 19 perish perish VERB _005196830 577 20 on on ADP _005196830 577 21 the the DET _005196830 577 22 shore shore NOUN _005196830 577 23 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 577 24 but but CCONJ _005196830 577 25 swear swear VERB _005196830 577 26 by by ADP _005196830 577 27 thy thy PRON _005196830 577 28 self self NOUN _005196830 577 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 577 30 that that SCONJ _005196830 577 31 at at ADP _005196830 577 32 my my PRON _005196830 577 33 death death NOUN _005196830 577 34 thy thy PROPN _005196830 577 35 son son NOUN _005196830 577 36 shall shall AUX _005196830 577 37 shine shine VERB _005196830 577 38 as as SCONJ _005196830 577 39 he he PRON _005196830 577 40 shines shine VERB _005196830 577 41 now now ADV _005196830 577 42 and and CCONJ _005196830 577 43 heretofore heretofore ADV _005196830 577 44 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 577 45 and and CCONJ _005196830 577 46 , , PUNCT _005196830 577 47 having having AUX _005196830 577 48 done do VERB _005196830 577 49 that that PRON _005196830 577 50 . . PUNCT _005196830 578 1 thou thou DET _005196830 578 2 hast hast NOUN _005196830 578 3 done do VERB _005196830 578 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 578 5 i i PRON _005196830 578 6 fear fear VERB _005196830 578 7 no no ADV _005196830 578 8 more more ADJ _005196830 578 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 579 1 john john PROPN _005196830 579 2 donne donne PROPN _005196830 579 3 65 65 NUM _005196830 579 4 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 579 5 iii iii PROPN _005196830 579 6 o o PROPN _005196830 579 7 deus deus PROPN _005196830 579 8 ego ego PROPN _005196830 580 1 amo amo PROPN _005196830 580 2 te te PROPN _005196830 580 3 0 0 NUM _005196830 581 1 god god PROPN _005196830 581 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 581 3 1 1 NUM _005196830 581 4 love love NOUN _005196830 581 5 thee thee PRON _005196830 581 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 581 7 i i PRON _005196830 581 8 love love VERB _005196830 581 9 thee thee PRON _005196830 581 10 — — PUNCT _005196830 581 11 not not PART _005196830 581 12 out out ADP _005196830 581 13 of of ADP _005196830 581 14 hope hope NOUN _005196830 581 15 of of ADP _005196830 581 16 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 581 17 for for ADP _005196830 581 18 me i PRON _005196830 581 19 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 581 20 fearing fear VERB _005196830 581 21 not not PART _005196830 581 22 to to PART _005196830 581 23 love love VERB _005196830 581 24 and and CCONJ _005196830 581 25 be be AUX _005196830 581 26 in in ADP _005196830 581 27 the the DET _005196830 581 28 everlasting everlasting ADJ _005196830 581 29 burning burning NOUN _005196830 581 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 582 1 thou thou PROPN _005196830 582 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 582 3 thou thou INTJ _005196830 582 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 582 5 my my PRON _005196830 582 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 582 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 582 8 after after SCONJ _005196830 582 9 me i PRON _005196830 582 10 didst didst NOUN _005196830 582 11 reach reach VERB _005196830 582 12 thine thine ADJ _005196830 582 13 arms arm NOUN _005196830 582 14 out out ADP _005196830 582 15 dying die VERB _005196830 582 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 583 1 for for ADP _005196830 583 2 my my PRON _005196830 583 3 sake sake NOUN _005196830 583 4 snfferedst snfferedst ADJ _005196830 583 5 nails nail NOUN _005196830 583 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 583 7 lance lance NOUN _005196830 583 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 584 1 mocked mocked ADJ _005196830 584 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 584 3 marred marred ADJ _005196830 584 4 countenance countenance NOUN _005196830 584 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 585 1 sorrows sorrow NOUN _005196830 585 2 passing pass VERB _005196830 585 3 number number NOUN _005196830 585 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 586 1 sweat sweat NOUN _005196830 586 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 586 3 care care NOUN _005196830 586 4 and and CCONJ _005196830 586 5 cumber cumber PROPN _005196830 586 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 587 1 yea yea ADJ _005196830 587 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 587 3 death death NOUN _005196830 587 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 587 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 587 6 this this PRON _005196830 587 7 for for ADP _005196830 587 8 me i PRON _005196830 587 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 588 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 588 2 thou thou PRON _005196830 588 3 couldst couldst ADV _005196830 588 4 see see VERB _005196830 588 5 me i PRON _005196830 588 6 sinning sin VERB _005196830 588 7 : : PUNCT _005196830 588 8 then then ADV _005196830 588 9 i i PRON _005196830 588 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 588 11 why why SCONJ _005196830 588 12 should should AUX _005196830 588 13 not not PART _005196830 588 14 i i PRON _005196830 588 15 love love VERB _005196830 588 16 thee thee PROPN _005196830 588 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 588 18 jesu jesu NOUN _005196830 588 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 588 20 so so ADV _005196830 588 21 much much ADV _005196830 588 22 in in ADP _005196830 588 23 love love NOUN _005196830 588 24 with with ADP _005196830 588 25 me i PRON _005196830 588 26 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 589 1 not not PART _005196830 589 2 for for ADP _005196830 589 3 heaven heaven PROPN _005196830 589 4 ’s ’s PART _005196830 589 5 sake sake NOUN _005196830 589 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 589 7 not not PART _005196830 589 8 to to PART _005196830 589 9 be be AUX _005196830 589 10 out out ADP _005196830 589 11 of of ADP _005196830 589 12 hell hell NOUN _005196830 589 13 by by ADP _005196830 589 14 loving love VERB _005196830 589 15 thee thee PRON _005196830 589 16 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 589 17 not not PART _005196830 589 18 for for ADP _005196830 589 19 any any DET _005196830 589 20 gains gain NOUN _005196830 589 21 1 1 NUM _005196830 589 22 see see NOUN _005196830 589 23 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 589 24 but but CCONJ _005196830 589 25 just just ADV _005196830 589 26 the the DET _005196830 589 27 way way NOUN _005196830 589 28 that that PRON _005196830 589 29 thou thou PRON _005196830 589 30 didst didst VERB _005196830 589 31 me i PRON _005196830 589 32 1 1 NUM _005196830 589 33 do do VERB _005196830 589 34 love love NOUN _005196830 589 35 and and CCONJ _005196830 589 36 i i PRON _005196830 589 37 will will AUX _005196830 589 38 love love VERB _005196830 589 39 thee thee PRON _005196830 589 40 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 589 41 what what PRON _005196830 589 42 must must AUX _005196830 589 43 i i PRON _005196830 589 44 love love VERB _005196830 589 45 thee thee PRON _005196830 589 46 . . PUNCT _005196830 590 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 590 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 590 3 for for ADP _005196830 590 4 then then ADV _005196830 590 5 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 591 1 for for ADP _005196830 591 2 being be AUX _005196830 591 3 my my PRON _005196830 591 4 king king NOUN _005196830 591 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 591 6 god god PROPN _005196830 591 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 592 1 amen amen INTJ _005196830 592 2 . . PUNCT _005196830 593 1 gerard gerard PROPN _005196830 593 2 manley manley PROPN _005196830 593 3 hopkins hopkins PROPN _005196830 593 4 66 66 NUM _005196830 593 5 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 593 6 iii iii NUM _005196830 593 7 if if SCONJ _005196830 593 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 9 lord lord PROPN _005196830 593 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 11 thy thy PROPN _005196830 593 12 love love NOUN _005196830 593 13 for for ADP _005196830 593 14 me i PRON _005196830 593 15 is be AUX _005196830 593 16 strong strong ADJ _005196830 593 17 if if SCONJ _005196830 593 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 19 lord lord PROPN _005196830 593 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 21 thy thy PROPN _005196830 593 22 love love NOUN _005196830 593 23 for for ADP _005196830 593 24 me i PRON _005196830 593 25 is be AUX _005196830 593 26 strong strong ADJ _005196830 593 27 as as ADP _005196830 593 28 this this PRON _005196830 593 29 which which PRON _005196830 593 30 binds bind VERB _005196830 593 31 me i PRON _005196830 593 32 unto unto ADP _005196830 593 33 thee thee PRON _005196830 593 34 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 35 what what PRON _005196830 593 36 holds hold VERB _005196830 593 37 me i PRON _005196830 593 38 from from ADP _005196830 593 39 thee thee PRON _005196830 593 40 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 41 lord lord PROPN _005196830 593 42 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 43 so so ADV _005196830 593 44 long long ADV _005196830 593 45 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 46 what what PRON _005196830 593 47 holds hold VERB _005196830 593 48 thee thee PRON _005196830 593 49 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 50 lord lord PROPN _005196830 593 51 , , PUNCT _005196830 593 52 so so ADV _005196830 593 53 long long ADV _005196830 593 54 from from ADP _005196830 593 55 me i PRON _005196830 593 56 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 594 1 o o X _005196830 594 2 soul soul NOUN _005196830 594 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 594 4 what what PRON _005196830 594 5 then then ADV _005196830 594 6 desirest desirest ADJ _005196830 594 7 thou thou NOUN _005196830 594 8 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 595 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 595 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 595 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 595 4 i i PRON _005196830 595 5 would would AUX _005196830 595 6 see see VERB _005196830 595 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 595 8 who who PRON _005196830 595 9 thus thus ADV _005196830 595 10 choose choose VERB _005196830 595 11 thee thee PRON _005196830 595 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 596 1 what what PRON _005196830 596 2 fears fear NOUN _005196830 596 3 can can AUX _005196830 596 4 yet yet ADV _005196830 596 5 assail assail VERB _005196830 596 6 thee thee PRON _005196830 596 7 now now ADV _005196830 596 8 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 597 1 — — PUNCT _005196830 597 2 ^au ^au ADV _005196830 597 3 that that SCONJ _005196830 597 4 i i PRON _005196830 597 5 fear fear VERB _005196830 597 6 is be AUX _005196830 597 7 to to PART _005196830 597 8 lose lose VERB _005196830 597 9 thee thee PRON _005196830 597 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 598 1 love love PROPN _005196830 598 2 ’s ’s PART _005196830 598 3 whole whole ADJ _005196830 598 4 possession possession NOUN _005196830 598 5 i i PRON _005196830 598 6 entreat entreat VERB _005196830 598 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 599 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 599 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 599 3 make make VERB _005196830 599 4 my my PRON _005196830 599 5 soul soul NOUN _005196830 599 6 thine thine NOUN _005196830 599 7 own own ADJ _005196830 599 8 abode abode PROPN _005196830 599 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 600 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 600 2 i i PRON _005196830 600 3 will will AUX _005196830 600 4 build build VERB _005196830 600 5 a a DET _005196830 600 6 nest nest NOUN _005196830 600 7 so so ADV _005196830 600 8 sweet sweet ADJ _005196830 600 9 it it PRON _005196830 600 10 may may AUX _005196830 600 11 not not PART _005196830 600 12 be be AUX _005196830 600 13 too too ADV _005196830 600 14 poor poor ADJ _005196830 600 15 for for ADP _005196830 600 16 god god PROPN _005196830 600 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 601 1 o o NOUN _005196830 601 2 soul soul NOUN _005196830 601 3 in in ADP _005196830 601 4 god god PROPN _005196830 601 5 hidden hide VERB _005196830 601 6 from from ADP _005196830 601 7 sin sin NOUN _005196830 601 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 602 1 what what PRON _005196830 602 2 more more ADJ _005196830 602 3 desires desire NOUN _005196830 602 4 for for ADP _005196830 602 5 thee thee NOUN _005196830 602 6 remain remain VERB _005196830 602 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 603 1 save save VERB _005196830 603 2 but but CCONJ _005196830 603 3 to to PART _005196830 603 4 love love VERB _005196830 603 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 603 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 603 7 love love VERB _005196830 603 8 again again ADV _005196830 603 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 604 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 604 2 all all PRON _005196830 604 3 on on ADP _005196830 604 4 flame flame NOUN _005196830 604 5 with with ADP _005196830 604 6 love love NOUN _005196830 604 7 within within ADP _005196830 604 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 605 1 love love VERB _005196830 605 2 on on ADP _005196830 605 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 605 4 and and CCONJ _005196830 605 5 turn turn VERB _005196830 605 6 to to PART _005196830 605 7 love love VERB _005196830 605 8 again again ADV _005196830 605 9 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 606 1 saint saint PROPN _005196830 606 2 teresa teresa PROPN _005196830 606 3 translator translator NOUN _005196830 606 4 : : PUNCT _005196830 606 5 arthur arthur PROPN _005196830 606 6 symons symons PROPN _005196830 606 7 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 606 8 iii iii PROPN _005196830 606 9 thou thou ADJ _005196830 606 10 art art NOUN _005196830 606 11 indeed indeed ADV _005196830 606 12 just just ADV _005196830 606 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 606 14 lord lord PROPN _005196830 606 15 justus justus PROPN _005196830 606 16 quidem quidem PROPN _005196830 606 17 tu tu PROPN _005196830 606 18 es es PROPN _005196830 606 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 606 20 domine domine NOUN _005196830 606 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 606 22 si si X _005196830 606 23 disputem disputem NOUN _005196830 606 24 tecum tecum NOUN _005196830 606 25 : : PUNCT _005196830 606 26 verumtamen verumtaman NOUN _005196830 606 27 justa justa NOUN _005196830 606 28 loquar loquar VERB _005196830 606 29 ad ad NOUN _005196830 606 30 te te NOUN _005196830 606 31 : : PUNCT _005196830 606 32 quare quare NOUN _005196830 606 33 via via ADP _005196830 606 34 impiorum impiorum PROPN _005196830 606 35 prosperatur prosperatur PROPN _005196830 606 36 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 607 1 etc etc X _005196830 607 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 607 3 : : PUNCT _005196830 607 4 [ [ X _005196830 607 5 jerei^niah jerei^niah PROPN _005196830 607 6 xii.i xii.i X _005196830 607 7 ] ] X _005196830 607 8 thou thou DET _005196830 607 9 art art NOUN _005196830 607 10 indeed indeed ADV _005196830 607 11 just just ADV _005196830 607 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 607 13 lord lord PROPN _005196830 607 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 607 15 if if SCONJ _005196830 607 16 i i PRON _005196830 607 17 contend contend VERB _005196830 607 18 with with ADP _005196830 607 19 thee thee PRON _005196830 607 20 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 607 21 but but CCONJ _005196830 607 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 607 23 sir sir NOUN _005196830 607 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 607 25 so so CCONJ _005196830 607 26 what what PRON _005196830 607 27 i i PRON _005196830 607 28 plead plead VERB _005196830 607 29 is be AUX _005196830 607 30 just just ADV _005196830 607 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 608 1 why why SCONJ _005196830 608 2 do do AUX _005196830 608 3 sinners sinner NOUN _005196830 608 4 ’ ' PUNCT _005196830 608 5 ways way NOUN _005196830 608 6 prosper prosper VERB _005196830 608 7 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 609 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 609 2 why why SCONJ _005196830 609 3 must must AUX _005196830 609 4 disappointment disappointment VERB _005196830 609 5 all all DET _005196830 609 6 i i PRON _005196830 609 7 endeavour endeavour VERB _005196830 609 8 end end NOUN _005196830 609 9 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 610 1 wert wert VERB _005196830 610 2 thou thou ADP _005196830 610 3 my my PRON _005196830 610 4 enemy enemy NOUN _005196830 610 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 610 6 o o NOUN _005196830 610 7 thou thou X _005196830 610 8 my my PRON _005196830 610 9 friend friend NOUN _005196830 610 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 611 1 how how SCONJ _005196830 611 2 wouldst wouldst ADJ _005196830 611 3 thou thou ADV _005196830 611 4 worse bad ADJ _005196830 611 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 611 6 1 1 NUM _005196830 611 7 wonder wonder NOUN _005196830 611 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 611 9 than than ADP _005196830 611 10 thou thou ADJ _005196830 611 11 dost dost NOUN _005196830 611 12 defeat defeat NOUN _005196830 611 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 611 14 thwart thwart VERB _005196830 611 15 me i PRON _005196830 611 16 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 612 1 oh oh INTJ _005196830 612 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 612 3 the the DET _005196830 612 4 sots sot NOUN _005196830 612 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 612 6 thralls thrall NOUN _005196830 612 7 of of ADP _005196830 612 8 lust lust NOUN _005196830 612 9 do do AUX _005196830 612 10 in in ADP _005196830 612 11 spare spare ADJ _005196830 612 12 houm houm NOUN _005196830 612 13 more more ADV _005196830 612 14 thrive thrive ADJ _005196830 612 15 than than ADP _005196830 612 16 i i PRON _005196830 612 17 that that PRON _005196830 612 18 spend spend VERB _005196830 612 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 613 1 sir sir PROPN _005196830 613 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 613 3 life life NOUN _005196830 613 4 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 613 5 thy thy PROPN _005196830 613 6 cause cause NOUN _005196830 613 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 614 1 see see VERB _005196830 614 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 614 3 banks bank NOUN _005196830 614 4 and and CCONJ _005196830 614 5 brakes brake NOUN _005196830 614 6 now now ADV _005196830 614 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 614 8 leaved leave VERB _005196830 614 9 how how SCONJ _005196830 614 10 thick thick ADJ _005196830 614 11 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 615 1 laced lace VERB _005196830 615 2 they they PRON _005196830 615 3 are be AUX _005196830 615 4 again again ADV _005196830 615 5 with with ADP _005196830 615 6 fretty fretty ADJ _005196830 615 7 chervil chervil NOUN _005196830 615 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 615 9 look look VERB _005196830 615 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 615 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 615 12 fresh fresh ADJ _005196830 615 13 wind wind NOUN _005196830 615 14 shakes shake VERB _005196830 615 15 them they PRON _005196830 615 16 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 615 17 birds bird NOUN _005196830 615 18 build—^but build—^but PROPN _005196830 615 19 not not PART _005196830 615 20 i i PRON _005196830 615 21 build build VERB _005196830 615 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 615 23 no no INTJ _005196830 615 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 615 25 but but CCONJ _005196830 615 26 strain strain NOUN _005196830 615 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 615 28 time time NOUN _005196830 615 29 ’s ’s PART _005196830 615 30 eunuch eunuch NOUN _005196830 615 31 , , PUNCT _005196830 615 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 615 33 not not PART _005196830 615 34 breed breed VERB _005196830 615 35 one one NUM _005196830 615 36 work work NOUN _005196830 615 37 that that PRON _005196830 615 38 wakes wake VERB _005196830 615 39 . . PUNCT _005196830 616 1 mine mine PRON _005196830 616 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 616 3 o o NOUN _005196830 616 4 thou thou ADJ _005196830 616 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 616 6 of of ADP _005196830 616 7 life life NOUN _005196830 616 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 616 9 send send VERB _005196830 616 10 my my PRON _005196830 616 11 roots root NOUN _005196830 616 12 rain rain NOUN _005196830 616 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 617 1 gerard gerard NOUN _005196830 617 2 manley manley NOUN _005196830 617 3 hopkins hopkin VERB _005196830 617 4 68 68 NUM _005196830 617 5 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 617 6 iii iii NUM _005196830 617 7 lead lead NOUN _005196830 617 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 617 9 kindly kindly ADV _005196830 617 10 light light ADJ _005196830 617 11 lead lead NOUN _005196830 617 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 617 13 kindly kindly ADV _005196830 617 14 light light ADJ _005196830 617 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 617 16 amid amid ADP _005196830 617 17 the the DET _005196830 617 18 encircling encircling NOUN _005196830 617 19 gloom gloom NOUN _005196830 617 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 618 1 lead lead VERB _005196830 618 2 thou thou ADP _005196830 618 3 me i PRON _005196830 618 4 on on ADP _005196830 618 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 618 6 the the DET _005196830 618 7 night night NOUN _005196830 618 8 is be AUX _005196830 618 9 dark dark ADJ _005196830 618 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 618 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 618 12 i i PRON _005196830 618 13 am be AUX _005196830 618 14 far far ADV _005196830 618 15 from from ADP _005196830 618 16 home home NOUN _005196830 618 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 619 1 lead lead VERB _005196830 619 2 thou thou ADP _005196830 619 3 me i PRON _005196830 619 4 on on ADP _005196830 619 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 620 1 keep keep VERB _005196830 620 2 thou thou ADJ _005196830 620 3 my my PRON _005196830 620 4 feet foot NOUN _005196830 620 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 620 6 i i PRON _005196830 620 7 do do AUX _005196830 620 8 not not PART _005196830 620 9 ask ask VERB _005196830 620 10 to to PART _005196830 620 11 see see VERB _005196830 620 12 the the DET _005196830 620 13 distant distant ADJ _005196830 620 14 scene scene NOUN _005196830 620 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 620 16 one one NUM _005196830 620 17 step step NOUN _005196830 620 18 enough enough ADV _005196830 620 19 for for ADP _005196830 620 20 me i PRON _005196830 620 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 621 1 i i PRON _005196830 621 2 was be AUX _005196830 621 3 not not PART _005196830 621 4 ever ever ADV _005196830 621 5 thus thus ADV _005196830 621 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 621 7 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 621 8 prayed pray VERB _005196830 621 9 that that SCONJ _005196830 621 10 thou thou DET _005196830 621 11 shouldst shouldst NOUN _005196830 621 12 lead lead VERB _005196830 621 13 me i PRON _005196830 621 14 on on ADP _005196830 621 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 621 16 i i PRON _005196830 621 17 loved love VERB _005196830 621 18 to to PART _005196830 621 19 choose choose VERB _005196830 621 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 621 21 see see VERB _005196830 621 22 my my PRON _005196830 621 23 path path NOUN _005196830 621 24 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 621 25 hut hut PROPN _005196830 621 26 now now ADV _005196830 621 27 lead lead VERB _005196830 621 28 thou thou ADP _005196830 621 29 me i PRON _005196830 621 30 on on ADP _005196830 621 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 622 1 i i PRON _005196830 622 2 loved love VERB _005196830 622 3 the the DET _005196830 622 4 garish garish ADJ _005196830 622 5 day day NOUN _005196830 622 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 622 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 622 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 622 9 spite spite NOUN _005196830 622 10 of of ADP _005196830 622 11 fears fear NOUN _005196830 622 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 623 1 pride pride PROPN _005196830 623 2 ruled rule VERB _005196830 623 3 my my PRON _005196830 623 4 will will NOUN _005196830 623 5 : : PUNCT _005196830 623 6 remember remember VERB _005196830 623 7 not not PART _005196830 623 8 past past ADJ _005196830 623 9 years year NOUN _005196830 623 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 624 1 so so ADV _005196830 624 2 long long ADV _005196830 624 3 thy thy PRON _005196830 624 4 power power NOUN _005196830 624 5 hath hath NOUN _005196830 624 6 blest bl ADJ _005196830 624 7 me i PRON _005196830 624 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 624 9 sure sure ADJ _005196830 624 10 it it PRON _005196830 624 11 stol stol PROPN _005196830 624 12 will will AUX _005196830 624 13 lead lead VERB _005196830 624 14 me i PRON _005196830 624 15 on on ADP _005196830 624 16 o’er o’er PROPN _005196830 624 17 moor moor NOUN _005196830 624 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 624 19 fen fen PROPN _005196830 624 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 624 21 o’er o’er PROPN _005196830 624 22 crag crag NOUN _005196830 624 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 624 24 torrent torrent NOUN _005196830 624 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 624 26 till till SCONJ _005196830 624 27 the the DET _005196830 624 28 night night NOUN _005196830 624 29 is be AUX _005196830 624 30 gone go VERB _005196830 624 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 625 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 625 2 with with ADP _005196830 625 3 the the DET _005196830 625 4 mom mom NOUN _005196830 625 5 those those DET _005196830 625 6 angel angel NOUN _005196830 625 7 faces face VERB _005196830 625 8 smile smile NOUN _005196830 625 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 625 10 which which PRON _005196830 625 11 i i PRON _005196830 625 12 have have AUX _005196830 625 13 loved love VERB _005196830 625 14 long long ADV _005196830 625 15 since since ADV _005196830 625 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 625 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 625 18 lost lose VERB _005196830 625 19 awhile awhile ADV _005196830 625 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 626 1 j. j. PROPN _005196830 626 2 h. h. PROPN _005196830 626 3 newman newman PROPN _005196830 626 4 69 69 NUM _005196830 626 5 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 626 6 iv iv PART _005196830 626 7 commentary commentary NOUN _005196830 626 8 on on ADP _005196830 626 9 night night NOUN _005196830 626 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 626 11 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 626 12 introduction introduction VERB _005196830 626 13 the the DET _005196830 626 14 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 626 15 have have AUX _005196830 626 16 always always ADV _005196830 626 17 been be AUX _005196830 626 18 an an DET _005196830 626 19 important important ADJ _005196830 626 20 part part NOUN _005196830 626 21 of of ADP _005196830 626 22 christian christian ADJ _005196830 626 23 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 626 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 627 1 in in ADP _005196830 627 2 a a DET _005196830 627 3 sense sense NOUN _005196830 627 4 they they PRON _005196830 627 5 belong belong VERB _005196830 627 6 to to ADP _005196830 627 7 no no DET _005196830 627 8 specific specific ADJ _005196830 627 9 age age NOUN _005196830 627 10 for for SCONJ _005196830 627 11 they they PRON _005196830 627 12 speak speak VERB _005196830 627 13 a a DET _005196830 627 14 universal universal ADJ _005196830 627 15 language language NOUN _005196830 627 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 627 17 express express VERB _005196830 627 18 the the DET _005196830 627 19 human human ADJ _005196830 627 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 627 21 religious religious ADJ _005196830 627 22 experience experience NOUN _005196830 627 23 of of ADP _005196830 627 24 all all DET _005196830 627 25 peoples people NOUN _005196830 627 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 628 1 there there PRON _005196830 628 2 are be VERB _005196830 628 3 nine nine NUM _005196830 628 4 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 628 5 used use VERB _005196830 628 6 in in ADP _005196830 628 7 night night NOUN _005196830 628 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 628 9 as as SCONJ _005196830 628 10 presented present VERB _005196830 628 11 in in ADP _005196830 628 12 the the DET _005196830 628 13 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 628 14 of of ADP _005196830 628 15 the the DET _005196830 628 16 hours hour NOUN _005196830 628 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 628 18 included include VERB _005196830 628 19 in in ADP _005196830 628 20 this this DET _005196830 628 21 booklet booklet NOUN _005196830 628 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 629 1 the the DET _005196830 629 2 following follow VERB _005196830 629 3 commentaries commentary NOUN _005196830 629 4 on on ADP _005196830 629 5 the the DET _005196830 629 6 night night NOUN _005196830 629 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 629 8 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 629 9 have have AUX _005196830 629 10 been be AUX _005196830 629 11 prepared prepare VERB _005196830 629 12 to to PART _005196830 629 13 assist assist VERB _005196830 629 14 the the DET _005196830 629 15 reader reader NOUN _005196830 629 16 to to PART _005196830 629 17 pray pray VERB _005196830 629 18 them they PRON _005196830 629 19 with with ADP _005196830 629 20 greater great ADJ _005196830 629 21 understanding understanding NOUN _005196830 629 22 and and CCONJ _005196830 629 23 at at ADP _005196830 629 24 the the DET _005196830 629 25 same same ADJ _005196830 629 26 time time NOUN _005196830 629 27 to to PART _005196830 629 28 offer offer VERB _005196830 629 29 material material NOUN _005196830 629 30 for for ADP _005196830 629 31 prayerful prayerful ADJ _005196830 629 32 reflection reflection NOUN _005196830 629 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 630 1 71 71 NUM _005196830 630 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 630 3 iv iv PROPN _005196830 630 4 sunday sunday PROPN _005196830 630 5 : : PUNCT _005196830 630 6 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 630 7 91 91 NUM _005196830 630 8 safe safe ADJ _005196830 630 9 in in ADP _005196830 630 10 god god PROPN _005196830 630 11 ’s ’s PART _005196830 630 12 sheltering shelter VERB _005196830 630 13 care care NOUN _005196830 630 14 the the DET _005196830 630 15 man man NOUN _005196830 630 16 who who PRON _005196830 630 17 believes believe VERB _005196830 630 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 630 19 trusts trust VERB _005196830 630 20 in in ADP _005196830 630 21 god god PROPN _005196830 630 22 finds find VERB _005196830 630 23 security security NOUN _005196830 630 24 against against ADP _005196830 630 25 the the DET _005196830 630 26 perils peril NOUN _005196830 630 27 of of ADP _005196830 630 28 this this DET _005196830 630 29 life life NOUN _005196830 630 30 * * PUNCT _005196830 630 31 * * PUNCT _005196830 630 32 01 01 NUM _005196830 630 33 the the DET _005196830 630 34 shelter shelter NOUN _005196830 630 35 , , PUNCT _005196830 630 36 ” " PUNCT _005196830 630 37 i.e. i.e. X _005196830 630 38 , , PUNCT _005196830 630 39 under under ADP _005196830 630 40 the the DET _005196830 630 41 protection protection NOUN _005196830 630 42 * * PUNCT _005196830 630 43 * * PUNCT _005196830 630 44 of of ADP _005196830 630 45 the the DET _005196830 630 46 almighty almighty NOUN _005196830 630 47 ” " PUNCT _005196830 630 48 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 630 49 1 1 NUM _005196830 630 50 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 630 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 631 1 the the DET _005196830 631 2 pssdmist pssdmist NOUN _005196830 631 3 describes describe VERB _005196830 631 4 these these DET _005196830 631 5 perils peril NOUN _005196830 631 6 under under ADP _005196830 631 7 the the DET _005196830 631 8 figures figure NOUN _005196830 631 9 of of ADP _005196830 631 10 snares snare NOUN _005196830 631 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 631 12 of of ADP _005196830 631 13 destroying destroy VERB _005196830 631 14 pestilence pestilence NOUN _005196830 631 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 631 16 3 3 NUM _005196830 631 17 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 631 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 632 1 he he PRON _005196830 632 2 regards regard VERB _005196830 632 3 them they PRON _005196830 632 4 as as ADP _005196830 632 5 the the DET _005196830 632 6 work work NOUN _005196830 632 7 of of ADP _005196830 632 8 malevolent malevolent ADJ _005196830 632 9 spirits spirit NOUN _005196830 632 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 632 11 provoking provoke VERB _005196830 632 12 crises crisis NOUN _005196830 632 13 at at ADP _005196830 632 14 each each PRON _005196830 632 15 of of ADP _005196830 632 16 the the DET _005196830 632 17 four four NUM _005196830 632 18 periods period NOUN _005196830 632 19 of of ADP _005196830 632 20 the the DET _005196830 632 21 day day NOUN _005196830 632 22 : : PUNCT _005196830 632 23 at at ADP _005196830 632 24 night night NOUN _005196830 632 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 632 26 in in ADP _005196830 632 27 the the DET _005196830 632 28 morning morning NOUN _005196830 632 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 632 30 at at ADP _005196830 632 31 noonday noonday NOUN _005196830 632 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 632 33 in in ADP _005196830 632 34 the the DET _005196830 632 35 evening evening NOUN _005196830 632 36 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 632 37 5 5 NUM _005196830 632 38 - - SYM _005196830 632 39 6 6 NUM _005196830 632 40 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 632 41 . . PUNCT _005196830 633 1 these these PRON _005196830 633 2 are be AUX _005196830 633 3 balanced balance VERB _005196830 633 4 by by ADP _005196830 633 5 the the DET _005196830 633 6 four four NUM _005196830 633 7 harmful harmful ADJ _005196830 633 8 animals animal NOUN _005196830 633 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 633 10 the the DET _005196830 633 11 asp asp NOUN _005196830 633 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 633 13 the the DET _005196830 633 14 viper viper NOUN _005196830 633 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 633 16 the the DET _005196830 633 17 lion lion NOUN _005196830 633 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 633 19 the the DET _005196830 633 20 dragon dragon NOUN _005196830 633 21 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 633 22 13 13 NUM _005196830 633 23 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 633 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 634 1 all all ADV _005196830 634 2 together together ADV _005196830 634 3 these these DET _005196830 634 4 figures figure NOUN _005196830 634 5 portray portray VERB _005196830 634 6 in in ADP _005196830 634 7 poetic poetic ADJ _005196830 634 8 fashion fashion NOUN _005196830 634 9 the the DET _005196830 634 10 innumerable innumerable ADJ _005196830 634 11 threats threat NOUN _005196830 634 12 to to ADP _005196830 634 13 human human ADJ _005196830 634 14 safety safety NOUN _005196830 634 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 635 1 by by ADP _005196830 635 2 contrast contrast NOUN _005196830 635 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 4 however however ADV _005196830 635 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 6 they they PRON _005196830 635 7 serve serve VERB _005196830 635 8 but but CCONJ _005196830 635 9 to to PART _005196830 635 10 enhance enhance VERB _005196830 635 11 the the DET _005196830 635 12 masterful masterful ADJ _005196830 635 13 power power NOUN _005196830 635 14 of of ADP _005196830 635 15 god god PROPN _005196830 635 16 ’s ’s PART _005196830 635 17 care care NOUN _005196830 635 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 635 19 protection protection NOUN _005196830 635 20 variously variously ADV _005196830 635 21 desiguated desiguate VERB _005196830 635 22 as as ADP _005196830 635 23 ^‘shelter ^‘shelter NUM _005196830 635 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 25 fortress fortress NOUN _005196830 635 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 27 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 635 28 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 29 wings wing NOUN _005196830 635 30 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 31 shield shield NOUN _005196830 635 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 635 33 buckler buckler NOUN _005196830 635 34 ” " PUNCT _005196830 635 35 capable capable ADJ _005196830 635 36 of of ADP _005196830 635 37 surmounting surmounting NOUN _005196830 635 38 every every DET _005196830 635 39 obstacle obstacle NOUN _005196830 635 40 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 635 41 1 1 NUM _005196830 635 42 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 43 2 2 NUM _005196830 635 44 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 45 4 4 NUM _005196830 635 46 , , PUNCT _005196830 635 47 9 9 NUM _005196830 635 48 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 635 49 . . PUNCT _005196830 636 1 * * PUNCT _005196830 636 2 ^pon ^pon PUNCT _005196830 636 3 you you PRON _005196830 636 4 no no DET _005196830 636 5 evil evil NOUN _005196830 636 6 shall shall AUX _005196830 636 7 fall fall VERB _005196830 636 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 636 9 no no DET _005196830 636 10 plague plague NOUN _005196830 636 11 approach approach NOUN _005196830 636 12 where where SCONJ _005196830 636 13 you you PRON _005196830 636 14 dwell dwell VERB _005196830 636 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 636 16 ” " PUNCT _005196830 637 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 637 2 10 10 NUM _005196830 637 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 637 4 the the DET _005196830 637 5 divine divine ADJ _005196830 637 6 protection protection NOUN _005196830 637 7 accorded accord VERB _005196830 637 8 the the DET _005196830 637 9 person person NOUN _005196830 637 10 who who PRON _005196830 637 11 believes believe VERB _005196830 637 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 637 13 trusts trust VERB _005196830 637 14 in in ADP _005196830 637 15 god god PROPN _005196830 637 16 is be AUX _005196830 637 17 not not PART _005196830 637 18 to to PART _005196830 637 19 be be AUX _005196830 637 20 understood understand VERB _005196830 637 21 as as ADP _005196830 637 22 freedom freedom NOUN _005196830 637 23 from from ADP _005196830 637 24 every every DET _005196830 637 25 physical physical ADJ _005196830 637 26 and and CCONJ _005196830 637 27 material material NOUN _005196830 637 28 allliction allliction NOUN _005196830 637 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 637 30 or or CCONJ _005196830 637 31 from from ADP _005196830 637 32 every every DET _005196830 637 33 adversity adversity NOUN _005196830 637 34 , , PUNCT _005196830 637 35 but but CCONJ _005196830 637 36 as as ADP _005196830 637 37 divine divine ADJ _005196830 637 38 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 637 39 to to PART _005196830 637 40 convert convert VERB _005196830 637 41 these these PRON _005196830 637 42 into into ADP _005196830 637 43 greater great ADJ _005196830 637 44 likeness likeness NOUN _005196830 637 45 to to ADP _005196830 637 46 christ christ PROPN _005196830 637 47 and and CCONJ _005196830 637 48 increasing increase VERB _005196830 637 49 participation participation NOUN _005196830 637 50 in in ADP _005196830 637 51 his his PRON _005196830 637 52 redemptive redemptive ADJ _005196830 637 53 suffering suffering NOUN _005196830 637 54 , , PUNCT _005196830 637 55 death death NOUN _005196830 637 56 and and CCONJ _005196830 637 57 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 637 58 to to ADP _005196830 637 59 glory glory NOUN _005196830 637 60 . . PUNCT _005196830 638 1 his his PRON _005196830 638 2 own own ADJ _005196830 638 3 words word NOUN _005196830 638 4 re72 re72 PROPN _005196830 638 5 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 638 6 iv iv AUX _005196830 638 7 assure assure VERB _005196830 638 8 us we PRON _005196830 638 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 638 10 “ " PUNCT _005196830 638 11 do do AUX _005196830 638 12 not not PART _005196830 638 13 fear fear VERB _005196830 638 14 those those PRON _005196830 638 15 who who PRON _005196830 638 16 deprive deprive VERB _005196830 638 17 the the DET _005196830 638 18 body body NOUN _005196830 638 19 of of ADP _005196830 638 20 life life NOUN _005196830 638 21 but but CCONJ _005196830 638 22 can can AUX _005196830 638 23 not not PART _005196830 638 24 destroy destroy VERB _005196830 638 25 the the DET _005196830 638 26 soul soul NOUN _005196830 638 27 . . PUNCT _005196830 638 28 ” " PUNCT _005196830 639 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 639 2 mt mt PROPN _005196830 639 3 10 10 NUM _005196830 639 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 639 5 28 28 NUM _005196830 639 6 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 639 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 640 1 security security NOUN _005196830 640 2 under under ADP _005196830 640 3 god god PROPN _005196830 640 4 ’s ’s PART _005196830 640 5 protection protection NOUN _005196830 640 6 finds find VERB _005196830 640 7 its its PRON _005196830 640 8 fullest full ADJ _005196830 640 9 realization realization NOUN _005196830 640 10 in in ADP _005196830 640 11 christ christ PROPN _005196830 640 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 640 13 through through ADP _005196830 640 14 him he PRON _005196830 640 15 is be AUX _005196830 640 16 reflected reflect VERB _005196830 640 17 in in ADP _005196830 640 18 us we PRON _005196830 640 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 641 1 why why SCONJ _005196830 641 2 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 642 1 because because SCONJ _005196830 642 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 642 3 as as ADP _005196830 642 4 man man NOUN _005196830 642 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 642 6 united unite VERB _005196830 642 7 to to ADP _005196830 642 8 god god PROPN _005196830 642 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 642 10 ren ren PROPN _005196830 642 11 > > X _005196830 642 12 ders der VERB _005196830 642 13 him he PRON _005196830 642 14 supreme supreme ADJ _005196830 642 15 worship worship NOUN _005196830 642 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 642 17 thus thus ADV _005196830 642 18 triumphs triumph NOUN _005196830 642 19 over over ADP _005196830 642 20 sin sin NOUN _005196830 642 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 642 22 satan satan PROPN _005196830 642 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 642 24 death death NOUN _005196830 642 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 643 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 643 2 we we PRON _005196830 643 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 643 4 in in ADP _005196830 643 5 turn turn NOUN _005196830 643 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 643 7 are be AUX _005196830 643 8 called call VERB _005196830 643 9 to to PART _005196830 643 10 “ " PUNCT _005196830 643 11 cling cle VERB _005196830 643 12 to to ADP _005196830 643 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 643 14 ” " PUNCT _005196830 643 15 i.e. i.e. X _005196830 643 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 643 17 be be AUX _005196830 643 18 united unite VERB _005196830 643 19 with with ADP _005196830 643 20 him he PRON _005196830 643 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 643 22 “ " PUNCT _005196830 643 23 to to PART _005196830 643 24 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _005196830 643 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 643 26 call call VERB _005196830 643 27 upon upon SCONJ _005196830 643 28 his his PRON _005196830 643 29 name name NOUN _005196830 643 30 ” " PUNCT _005196830 643 31 which which PRON _005196830 643 32 is be AUX _005196830 643 33 , , PUNCT _005196830 643 34 to to PART _005196830 643 35 worship worship VERB _005196830 643 36 him he PRON _005196830 643 37 , , PUNCT _005196830 643 38 in in ADP _005196830 643 39 christ christ PROPN _005196830 643 40 and and CCONJ _005196830 643 41 through through ADP _005196830 643 42 christ christ PROPN _005196830 643 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 644 1 thus thus ADV _005196830 644 2 we we PRON _005196830 644 3 are be AUX _005196830 644 4 made make VERB _005196830 644 5 worthy worthy ADJ _005196830 644 6 to to PART _005196830 644 7 receive receive VERB _005196830 644 8 from from ADP _005196830 644 9 god god PROPN _005196830 644 10 the the DET _005196830 644 11 comforting comforting ADJ _005196830 644 12 assurance assurance NOUN _005196830 644 13 of of ADP _005196830 644 14 his his PRON _005196830 644 15 protection protection NOUN _005196830 644 16 of of ADP _005196830 644 17 the the DET _005196830 644 18 just just ADJ _005196830 644 19 man man NOUN _005196830 644 20 : : PUNCT _005196830 644 21 “ " PUNCT _005196830 644 22 i i PRON _005196830 644 23 will will AUX _005196830 644 24 be be AUX _005196830 644 25 with with ADP _005196830 644 26 him he PRON _005196830 644 27 in in ADP _005196830 644 28 distress distress NOUN _005196830 644 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 644 30 i i PRON _005196830 644 31 will will AUX _005196830 644 32 deliver deliver VERB _005196830 644 33 him he PRON _005196830 644 34 and and CCONJ _005196830 644 35 glorify glorify VERB _005196830 644 36 him he PRON _005196830 644 37 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 644 38 i i PRON _005196830 644 39 will will AUX _005196830 644 40 show show VERB _005196830 644 41 him he PRON _005196830 644 42 my my PRON _005196830 644 43 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 644 44 . . PUNCT _005196830 644 45 ” " PUNCT _005196830 645 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 645 2 16 16 NUM _005196830 645 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 645 4 “ " PUNCT _005196830 645 5 if if SCONJ _005196830 645 6 god god PROPN _005196830 645 7 is be AUX _005196830 645 8 for for ADP _005196830 645 9 us we PRON _005196830 645 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 645 11 who who PRON _005196830 645 12 can can AUX _005196830 645 13 be be AUX _005196830 645 14 against against ADP _005196830 645 15 us we PRON _005196830 645 16 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 645 17 ” " PUNCT _005196830 645 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 645 19 rom rom ADP _005196830 645 20 8,31 8,31 NUM _005196830 645 21 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 645 22 monday monday PROPN _005196830 645 23 : : PUNCT _005196830 645 24 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 645 25 86 86 NUM _005196830 645 26 poor poor ADJ _005196830 645 27 man man NOUN _005196830 645 28 ’s ’s PART _005196830 645 29 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 645 30 in in ADP _005196830 645 31 tronble tronble NOUN _005196830 645 32 this this DET _005196830 645 33 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 645 34 is be AUX _005196830 645 35 a a DET _005196830 645 36 desperate desperate ADJ _005196830 645 37 cry cry NOUN _005196830 645 38 for for ADP _005196830 645 39 help help NOUN _005196830 645 40 from from ADP _005196830 645 41 an an DET _005196830 645 42 afflicted afflict VERB _005196830 645 43 man man NOUN _005196830 645 44 in in ADP _005196830 645 45 deep deep ADJ _005196830 645 46 distress distress NOUN _005196830 645 47 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 645 48 1 1 NUM _005196830 645 49 , , PUNCT _005196830 645 50 6 6 NUM _005196830 645 51 , , PUNCT _005196830 645 52 7 7 NUM _005196830 645 53 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 645 54 . . PUNCT _005196830 646 1 his his PRON _005196830 646 2 trouble trouble NOUN _005196830 646 3 is be AUX _005196830 646 4 both both PRON _005196830 646 5 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196830 646 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 646 7 physical physical ADJ _005196830 646 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 647 1 to to ADP _005196830 647 2 the the DET _005196830 647 3 insults insult NOUN _005196830 647 4 of of ADP _005196830 647 5 the the DET _005196830 647 6 haughty haughty NOUN _005196830 647 7 was be AUX _005196830 647 8 joined join VERB _005196830 647 9 the the DET _005196830 647 10 threat threat NOUN _005196830 647 11 of of ADP _005196830 647 12 death death NOUN _005196830 647 13 at at ADP _005196830 647 14 the the DET _005196830 647 15 hands hand NOUN _005196830 647 16 of of ADP _005196830 647 17 cruel cruel ADJ _005196830 647 18 persecutors persecutor NOUN _005196830 647 19 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 647 20 14 14 NUM _005196830 647 21 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 647 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 648 1 his his PRON _005196830 648 2 plea plea NOUN _005196830 648 3 is be AUX _005196830 648 4 at at ADP _005196830 648 5 once once ADV _005196830 648 6 an an DET _005196830 648 7 acknowledgment acknowledgment NOUN _005196830 648 8 of of ADP _005196830 648 9 utter utter ADJ _005196830 648 10 helplessness helplessness NOUN _005196830 648 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 648 12 of of ADP _005196830 648 13 need need NOUN _005196830 648 14 for for ADP _005196830 648 15 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 648 16 as as ADV _005196830 648 17 well well ADV _005196830 648 18 as as ADP _005196830 648 19 an an DET _005196830 648 20 expression expression NOUN _005196830 648 21 of of ADP _005196830 648 22 confidence confidence NOUN _005196830 648 23 in in ADP _005196830 648 24 receiv73 receiv73 NOUN _005196830 648 25 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 648 26 iv iv AUX _005196830 648 27 ing e VERB _005196830 648 28 it it PRON _005196830 648 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 648 30 based base VERB _005196830 648 31 on on ADP _005196830 648 32 god god PROPN _005196830 648 33 ’s ’s PART _005196830 648 34 universal universal ADJ _005196830 648 35 sovereignty sovereignty NOUN _005196830 648 36 and and CCONJ _005196830 648 37 power power NOUN _005196830 648 38 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 648 39 2 2 NUM _005196830 648 40 , , PUNCT _005196830 648 41 7 7 NUM _005196830 648 42 , , PUNCT _005196830 648 43 8 8 NUM _005196830 648 44 - - SYM _005196830 648 45 10 10 NUM _005196830 648 46 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 648 47 . . PUNCT _005196830 649 1 the the DET _005196830 649 2 afflicted afflict VERB _005196830 649 3 man man NOUN _005196830 649 4 does do AUX _005196830 649 5 not not PART _005196830 649 6 complain complain VERB _005196830 649 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 650 1 he he PRON _005196830 650 2 does do AUX _005196830 650 3 not not PART _005196830 650 4 ask ask VERB _005196830 650 5 god god PROPN _005196830 650 6 why why SCONJ _005196830 650 7 he he PRON _005196830 650 8 lets let VERB _005196830 650 9 distress distress NOUN _005196830 650 10 happen happen VERB _005196830 650 11 to to ADP _005196830 650 12 him he PRON _005196830 650 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 651 1 he he PRON _005196830 651 2 actually actually ADV _005196830 651 3 praises praise VERB _005196830 651 4 € € SYM _005196830 651 5 k k PROPN _005196830 651 6 > > X _005196830 651 7 d d PROPN _005196830 651 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 651 9 thanks thank NOUN _005196830 651 10 him he PRON _005196830 651 11 sincerely sincerely ADV _005196830 651 12 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 651 13 12 12 NUM _005196830 651 14 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 651 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 651 16 asks ask VERB _005196830 651 17 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005196830 651 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 651 19 5 5 NUM _005196830 651 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 651 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 651 22 and and CCONJ _005196830 651 23 confidently confidently ADV _005196830 651 24 presents present VERB _005196830 651 25 his his PRON _005196830 651 26 plea plea NOUN _005196830 651 27 for for ADP _005196830 651 28 help help NOUN _005196830 651 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 651 30 2 2 NUM _005196830 651 31 , , PUNCT _005196830 651 32 3 3 NUM _005196830 651 33 , , PUNCT _005196830 651 34 4 4 NUM _005196830 651 35 , , PUNCT _005196830 651 36 16 16 NUM _005196830 651 37 - - SYM _005196830 651 38 17 17 NUM _005196830 651 39 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 651 40 . . PUNCT _005196830 652 1 thus thus ADV _005196830 652 2 he he PRON _005196830 652 3 exemplifies exemplify VERB _005196830 652 4 the the DET _005196830 652 5 four four NUM _005196830 652 6 ends end NOUN _005196830 652 7 of of ADP _005196830 652 8 divine divine ADJ _005196830 652 9 worship worship NOUN _005196830 652 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 653 1 previous previous ADJ _005196830 653 2 experience experience NOUN _005196830 653 3 of of ADP _005196830 653 4 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 653 5 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 653 6 8 8 NUM _005196830 653 7 - - SYM _005196830 653 8 10 10 NUM _005196830 653 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 653 10 13 13 NUM _005196830 653 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 653 12 increases increase VERB _005196830 653 13 his his PRON _005196830 653 14 confidence confidence NOUN _005196830 653 15 in in ADP _005196830 653 16 receiving receive VERB _005196830 653 17 it it PRON _005196830 653 18 this this DET _005196830 653 19 time time NOUN _005196830 653 20 also also ADV _005196830 653 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 653 22 despite despite SCONJ _005196830 653 23 his his PRON _005196830 653 24 present present ADJ _005196830 653 25 misery misery NOUN _005196830 653 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 654 1 what what PRON _005196830 654 2 means mean NOUN _005196830 654 3 of of ADP _005196830 654 4 help help NOUN _005196830 654 5 does do AUX _005196830 654 6 this this DET _005196830 654 7 man man NOUN _005196830 654 8 seek seek VERB _005196830 654 9 from from ADP _005196830 654 10 god god PROPN _005196830 654 11 to to PART _005196830 654 12 raise raise VERB _005196830 654 13 him he PRON _005196830 654 14 op op NOUN _005196830 654 15 from from ADP _005196830 654 16 his his PRON _005196830 654 17 extreme extreme ADJ _005196830 654 18 distress distress NOUN _005196830 654 19 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 655 1 note note VERB _005196830 655 2 that that SCONJ _005196830 655 3 they they PRON _005196830 655 4 are be AUX _005196830 655 5 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196830 655 6 means mean NOUN _005196830 655 7 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 656 1 " " PUNCT _005196830 656 2 show show VERB _005196830 656 3 me i PRON _005196830 656 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 657 1 lord lord PROPN _005196830 657 2 , , PUNCT _005196830 657 3 your your PRON _005196830 657 4 way way NOUN _005196830 657 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 657 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 657 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 657 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 658 1 guide guide VERB _005196830 658 2 my my PRON _005196830 658 3 heart heart NOUN _005196830 658 4 . . PUNCT _005196830 658 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 658 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 658 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 658 8 ” " PUNCT _005196830 659 1 he he PRON _005196830 659 2 asks ask VERB _005196830 659 3 to to PART _005196830 659 4 know know VERB _005196830 659 5 god god PROPN _005196830 659 6 better well ADV _005196830 659 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 8 to to PART _005196830 659 9 learn learn VERB _005196830 659 10 more more ADJ _005196830 659 11 about about ADP _005196830 659 12 his his PRON _005196830 659 13 ways way NOUN _005196830 659 14 of of ADP _005196830 659 15 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 659 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 17 kindness kindness NOUN _005196830 659 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 19 patience patience NOUN _005196830 659 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 659 21 fidelity fidelity NOUN _005196830 659 22 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 659 23 11 11 NUM _005196830 659 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 25 13 13 NUM _005196830 659 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 27 15 15 NUM _005196830 659 28 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 659 29 so so SCONJ _005196830 659 30 that that SCONJ _005196830 659 31 he he PRON _005196830 659 32 may may AUX _005196830 659 33 walk walk VERB _005196830 659 34 in in ADP _005196830 659 35 god god PROPN _005196830 659 36 ’s ’s PART _005196830 659 37 truth truth NOUN _005196830 659 38 with with ADP _005196830 659 39 all all DET _005196830 659 40 his his PRON _005196830 659 41 heart heart NOUN _005196830 659 42 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 43 that that ADV _005196830 659 44 is is ADV _005196830 659 45 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 46 conduct conduct VERB _005196830 659 47 himself himself PRON _005196830 659 48 steadfasfly steadfasfly NOUN _005196830 659 49 with with ADP _005196830 659 50 singleness singleness NOUN _005196830 659 51 of of ADP _005196830 659 52 purpose purpose NOUN _005196830 659 53 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 54 with with ADP _005196830 659 55 profound profound ADJ _005196830 659 56 reverence reverence NOUN _005196830 659 57 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 58 devotion devotion NOUN _005196830 659 59 and and CCONJ _005196830 659 60 worshipful worshipful ADJ _005196830 659 61 love love NOUN _005196830 659 62 of of ADP _005196830 659 63 god god PROPN _005196830 659 64 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 659 65 11 11 NUM _005196830 659 66 , , PUNCT _005196830 659 67 12 12 NUM _005196830 659 68 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 659 69 . . PUNCT _005196830 660 1 faced face VERB _005196830 660 2 with with ADP _005196830 660 3 imminent imminent ADJ _005196830 660 4 peril peril NOUN _005196830 660 5 , , PUNCT _005196830 660 6 this this DET _005196830 660 7 saintly saintly ADJ _005196830 660 8 man man NOUN _005196830 660 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 660 10 accustomed accustom VERB _005196830 660 11 to to ADP _005196830 660 12 affliction affliction NOUN _005196830 660 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 660 14 trust trust NOUN _005196830 660 15 in in ADP _005196830 660 16 god god PROPN _005196830 660 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 660 18 needs need VERB _005196830 660 19 help help NOUN _005196830 660 20 at at ADP _005196830 660 21 once once ADV _005196830 660 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 661 1 he he PRON _005196830 661 2 ends end VERB _005196830 661 3 his his PRON _005196830 661 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 661 5 asking ask VERB _005196830 661 6 for for ADP _005196830 661 7 pity pity NOUN _005196830 661 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 661 9 strength strength NOUN _005196830 661 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 661 11 rescue rescue NOUN _005196830 661 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 661 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 661 14 a a DET _005196830 661 15 sign sign NOUN _005196830 661 16 of of ADP _005196830 661 17 divine divine ADJ _005196830 661 18 favor favor NOUN _005196830 661 19 to to PART _005196830 661 20 restore restore VERB _005196830 661 21 his his PRON _005196830 661 22 security security NOUN _005196830 661 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 661 24 confound confound VERB _005196830 661 25 his his PRON _005196830 661 26 persecutors persecutor NOUN _005196830 661 27 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 661 28 16 16 NUM _005196830 661 29 - - SYM _005196830 661 30 17 17 NUM _005196830 661 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 661 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 662 1 in in ADP _005196830 662 2 this this DET _005196830 662 3 man man NOUN _005196830 662 4 ’s ’s PART _005196830 662 5 plight plight NOUN _005196830 662 6 we we PRON _005196830 662 7 identify identify VERB _005196830 662 8 our our PRON _005196830 662 9 own own ADJ _005196830 662 10 problem problem NOUN _005196830 662 11 in in ADP _005196830 662 12 relation relation NOUN _005196830 662 13 to to ADP _005196830 662 14 evil evil ADJ _005196830 662 15 men man NOUN _005196830 662 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 662 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 662 18 in in ADP _005196830 662 19 general general ADJ _005196830 662 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 662 21 to to ADP _005196830 662 22 all all DET _005196830 662 23 adverse adverse ADJ _005196830 662 24 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196830 662 25 of of ADP _005196830 662 26 life life NOUN _005196830 662 27 that that PRON _005196830 662 28 threaten threaten VERB _005196830 662 29 our our PRON _005196830 662 30 welfare welfare NOUN _005196830 662 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 663 1 our our PRON _005196830 663 2 74 74 NUM _005196830 663 3 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 663 4 iv iv NUM _005196830 663 5 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196830 663 6 need need NOUN _005196830 663 7 for for ADP _005196830 663 8 divine divine ADJ _005196830 663 9 assistance assistance NOUN _005196830 663 10 is be AUX _005196830 663 11 no no ADV _005196830 663 12 less less ADV _005196830 663 13 great great ADJ _005196830 663 14 than than ADP _005196830 663 15 that that PRON _005196830 663 16 of of ADP _005196830 663 17 the the DET _005196830 663 18 psalmist psalmist NOUN _005196830 663 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 664 1 in in ADP _005196830 664 2 all all DET _005196830 664 3 this this DET _005196830 664 4 christ christ PROPN _005196830 664 5 is be AUX _005196830 664 6 our our PRON _005196830 664 7 example example NOUN _005196830 664 8 * * PUNCT _005196830 664 9 srho srho PROPN _005196830 664 10 bore bore NOUN _005196830 664 11 our our PRON _005196830 664 12 infirmities infirmity NOUN _005196830 664 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 664 14 endured endure VERB _005196830 664 15 our our PRON _005196830 664 16 sufferings suffering NOUN _005196830 664 17 ” " PUNCT _005196830 664 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 664 19 is be AUX _005196830 664 20 53 53 NUM _005196830 664 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 664 22 4 4 NUM _005196830 664 23 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 664 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 665 1 he he PRON _005196830 665 2 is be AUX _005196830 665 3 also also ADV _005196830 665 4 the the DET _005196830 665 5 model model NOUN _005196830 665 6 for for SCONJ _005196830 665 7 us we PRON _005196830 665 8 to to PART _005196830 665 9 walk walk VERB _005196830 665 10 the the DET _005196830 665 11 ways way NOUN _005196830 665 12 of of ADP _005196830 665 13 god god PROPN _005196830 665 14 in in ADP _005196830 665 15 truth truth NOUN _005196830 665 16 with with ADP _005196830 665 17 our our PRON _005196830 665 18 whole whole ADJ _005196830 665 19 heart heart NOUN _005196830 665 20 in in ADP _005196830 665 21 worshipful worshipful ADJ _005196830 665 22 love love NOUN _005196830 665 23 of of ADP _005196830 665 24 god god PROPN _005196830 665 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 665 26 for for ADP _005196830 665 27 be be AUX _005196830 665 28 is be AUX _005196830 665 29 * * PUNCT _005196830 665 30 hhe hhe NOUN _005196830 665 31 way way NOUN _005196830 665 32 ” " PUNCT _005196830 665 33 to to ADP _005196830 665 34 the the DET _005196830 665 35 father father NOUN _005196830 665 36 , , PUNCT _005196830 665 37 “ " PUNCT _005196830 665 38 the the DET _005196830 665 39 truth truth NOUN _005196830 665 40 and and CCONJ _005196830 665 41 the the DET _005196830 665 42 life life NOUN _005196830 665 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 665 44 ” " PUNCT _005196830 665 45 by by ADP _005196830 665 46 laying lay VERB _005196830 665 47 down down ADP _005196830 665 48 his his PRON _005196830 665 49 life life NOUN _005196830 665 50 for for ADP _005196830 665 51 his his PRON _005196830 665 52 friends friend NOUN _005196830 665 53 “ " PUNCT _005196830 665 54 he he PRON _005196830 665 55 took take VERB _005196830 665 56 away away ADV _005196830 665 57 the the DET _005196830 665 58 sins sin NOUN _005196830 665 59 of of ADP _005196830 665 60 many many ADJ _005196830 665 61 and and CCONJ _005196830 665 62 won win VERB _005196830 665 63 pardon pardon NOUN _005196830 665 64 for for ADP _005196830 665 65 their their PRON _005196830 665 66 offenses offense NOUN _005196830 665 67 ” " PUNCT _005196830 665 68 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 665 69 is be AUX _005196830 665 70 53 53 NUM _005196830 665 71 , , PUNCT _005196830 665 72 12 12 NUM _005196830 665 73 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 665 74 . . PUNCT _005196830 666 1 for for ADP _005196830 666 2 this this DET _005196830 666 3 reason reason NOUN _005196830 666 4 he he PRON _005196830 666 5 is be AUX _005196830 666 6 also also ADV _005196830 666 7 the the DET _005196830 666 8 source source NOUN _005196830 666 9 of of ADP _005196830 666 10 saving save VERB _005196830 666 11 power power NOUN _005196830 666 12 that that PRON _005196830 666 13 equips equip VERB _005196830 666 14 us we PRON _005196830 666 15 to to PART _005196830 666 16 solve solve VERB _005196830 666 17 our our PRON _005196830 666 18 ever ever ADV _005196830 666 19 recurring recur VERB _005196830 666 20 problems problem NOUN _005196830 666 21 of of ADP _005196830 666 22 dealing deal VERB _005196830 666 23 with with ADP _005196830 666 24 evil evil ADJ _005196830 666 25 men man NOUN _005196830 666 26 and and CCONJ _005196830 666 27 with with ADP _005196830 666 28 all all PRON _005196830 666 29 that that PRON _005196830 666 30 threatens threaten VERB _005196830 666 31 our our PRON _005196830 666 32 peace peace NOUN _005196830 666 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 666 34 " " PUNCT _005196830 667 1 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196830 667 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 667 3 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 667 4 143 143 NUM _005196830 667 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 667 6 in in ADP _005196830 667 7 distress distress NOUN _005196830 667 8 this this DET _005196830 667 9 intense intense ADJ _005196830 667 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 667 11 for for ADP _005196830 667 12 deliverance deliverance NOUN _005196830 667 13 reflects reflect VERB _005196830 667 14 the the DET _005196830 667 15 extreme extreme ADJ _005196830 667 16 anxiety anxiety NOUN _005196830 667 17 and and CCONJ _005196830 667 18 distress distress NOUN _005196830 667 19 of of ADP _005196830 667 20 the the DET _005196830 667 21 suppliant suppliant NOUN _005196830 667 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 668 1 he he PRON _005196830 668 2 is be AUX _005196830 668 3 desperately desperately ADV _005196830 668 4 in in ADP _005196830 668 5 need need NOUN _005196830 668 6 of of ADP _005196830 668 7 help help NOUN _005196830 668 8 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 668 9 1 1 NUM _005196830 668 10 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 668 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 669 1 even even ADV _005196830 669 2 the the DET _005196830 669 3 confidence confidence NOUN _005196830 669 4 he he PRON _005196830 669 5 has have VERB _005196830 669 6 in in ADP _005196830 669 7 receiving receive VERB _005196830 669 8 help help NOUN _005196830 669 9 is be AUX _005196830 669 10 tested test VERB _005196830 669 11 as as SCONJ _005196830 669 12 he he PRON _005196830 669 13 acknowledges acknowledge VERB _005196830 669 14 his his PRON _005196830 669 15 sinfulness sinfulness NOUN _005196830 669 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 670 1 if if SCONJ _005196830 670 2 brought bring VERB _005196830 670 3 to to ADP _005196830 670 4 judgment judgment NOUN _005196830 670 5 he he PRON _005196830 670 6 can can AUX _005196830 670 7 not not PART _005196830 670 8 claim claim VERB _005196830 670 9 innocence innocence NOUN _005196830 670 10 of of ADP _005196830 670 11 wrongdoing wrongdoing NOUN _005196830 670 12 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 670 13 2 2 NUM _005196830 670 14 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 670 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 671 1 could could AUX _005196830 671 2 it it PRON _005196830 671 3 be be AUX _005196830 671 4 that that SCONJ _005196830 671 5 god god PROPN _005196830 671 6 is be AUX _005196830 671 7 punishing punish VERB _005196830 671 8 the the DET _005196830 671 9 misdeeds misdeed NOUN _005196830 671 10 of of ADP _005196830 671 11 the the DET _005196830 671 12 petitioner petitioner NOUN _005196830 671 13 or or CCONJ _005196830 671 14 using use VERB _005196830 671 15 his his PRON _005196830 671 16 enemy enemy NOUN _005196830 671 17 as as ADP _005196830 671 18 an an DET _005196830 671 19 instrument instrument NOUN _005196830 671 20 for for ADP _005196830 671 21 correcting correct VERB _005196830 671 22 him he PRON _005196830 671 23 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 672 1 this this PRON _005196830 672 2 could could AUX _005196830 672 3 surely surely ADV _005196830 672 4 be be AUX _005196830 672 5 . . PUNCT _005196830 673 1 but but CCONJ _005196830 673 2 the the DET _005196830 673 3 excessive excessive ADJ _005196830 673 4 cruelty cruelty NOUN _005196830 673 5 of of ADP _005196830 673 6 the the DET _005196830 673 7 enemy enemy NOUN _005196830 673 8 seems seem VERB _005196830 673 9 undeserved undeserved ADJ _005196830 673 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 674 1 he he PRON _005196830 674 2 pursues pursue VERB _005196830 674 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 674 4 crushes crush VERB _005196830 674 5 to to ADP _005196830 674 6 the the DET _005196830 674 7 ground ground NOUN _005196830 674 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 674 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 674 10 consigns consign VERB _005196830 674 11 the the DET _005196830 674 12 oppressed oppressed ADJ _005196830 674 13 to to ADP _005196830 674 14 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 674 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 674 16 the the DET _005196830 674 17 dwelling dwelling NOUN _005196830 674 18 of of ADP _005196830 674 19 the the DET _005196830 674 20 dead dead ADJ _005196830 674 21 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 674 22 3 3 NUM _005196830 674 23 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 674 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 674 25 75 75 NUM _005196830 674 26 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 674 27 iv iv AUX _005196830 674 28 leaving leave VERB _005196830 674 29 his his PRON _005196830 674 30 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 674 31 faint faint NOUN _005196830 674 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 674 33 his his PRON _005196830 674 34 heart heart NOUN _005196830 674 35 appalled appal VERB _005196830 674 36 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 674 37 4 4 NUM _005196830 674 38 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 674 39 . . PUNCT _005196830 675 1 he he PRON _005196830 675 2 is be AUX _005196830 675 3 made make VERB _005196830 675 4 utterly utterly ADV _005196830 675 5 helpless helpless ADJ _005196830 675 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 676 1 but but CCONJ _005196830 676 2 now now ADV _005196830 676 3 the the DET _005196830 676 4 suppliant suppliant NOUN _005196830 676 5 remembers remember VERB _005196830 676 6 god god PROPN _005196830 676 7 ’s ’s PART _005196830 676 8 past past ADP _005196830 676 9 kindnesses kindness NOUN _005196830 676 10 to to ADP _005196830 676 11 israel israel PROPN _005196830 676 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 676 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 676 14 meditates meditate NOUN _005196830 676 15 on on ADP _005196830 676 16 “ " PUNCT _005196830 676 17 the the DET _005196830 676 18 works work NOUN _005196830 676 19 of of ADP _005196830 676 20 his his PRON _005196830 676 21 hands hand NOUN _005196830 676 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 676 23 ” " PUNCT _005196830 676 24 his his PRON _005196830 676 25 justice justice NOUN _005196830 676 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 676 27 his his PRON _005196830 676 28 steadfast steadfast ADJ _005196830 676 29 love love NOUN _005196830 676 30 , , PUNCT _005196830 676 31 his his PRON _005196830 676 32 loyalty loyalty NOUN _005196830 676 33 to to ADP _005196830 676 34 promises promise NOUN _005196830 676 35 , , PUNCT _005196830 676 36 the the DET _005196830 676 37 glory glory NOUN _005196830 676 38 of of ADP _005196830 676 39 his his PRON _005196830 676 40 name name NOUN _005196830 676 41 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 676 42 5 5 NUM _005196830 676 43 , , PUNCT _005196830 676 44 8 8 NUM _005196830 676 45 , , PUNCT _005196830 676 46 11 11 NUM _005196830 676 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 676 48 . . PUNCT _005196830 677 1 these these DET _005196830 677 2 re re NOUN _005196830 677 3 - - NOUN _005196830 677 4 enkindle enkindle VERB _005196830 677 5 his his PRON _005196830 677 6 hope hope NOUN _005196830 677 7 for for ADP _005196830 677 8 rescue rescue NOUN _005196830 677 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 677 10 5 5 NUM _005196830 677 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 677 12 9 9 NUM _005196830 677 13 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 677 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 678 1 as as SCONJ _005196830 678 2 he he PRON _005196830 678 3 renews renew VERB _005196830 678 4 his his PRON _005196830 678 5 urgent urgent ADJ _005196830 678 6 appeal appeal NOUN _005196830 678 7 for for ADP _005196830 678 8 help help NOUN _005196830 678 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 678 10 6 6 NUM _005196830 678 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 678 12 he he PRON _005196830 678 13 discovers discover VERB _005196830 678 14 within within ADP _005196830 678 15 himself himself PRON _005196830 678 16 a a DET _005196830 678 17 more more ADV _005196830 678 18 urgent urgent ADJ _005196830 678 19 need need NOUN _005196830 678 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 678 21 a a DET _005196830 678 22 more more ADV _005196830 678 23 lasting lasting ADJ _005196830 678 24 goal goal NOUN _005196830 678 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 679 1 he he PRON _005196830 679 2 is be AUX _005196830 679 3 in in ADP _005196830 679 4 need need NOUN _005196830 679 5 of of ADP _005196830 679 6 instruction instruction NOUN _005196830 679 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 680 1 he he PRON _005196830 680 2 must must AUX _005196830 680 3 know know VERB _005196830 680 4 “ " PUNCT _005196830 680 5 the the DET _005196830 680 6 way way NOUN _005196830 680 7 in in ADP _005196830 680 8 which which PRON _005196830 680 9 he he PRON _005196830 680 10 should should AUX _005196830 680 11 walk walk VERB _005196830 680 12 ” " PUNCT _005196830 680 13 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 680 14 8) 8) NOUN _005196830 680 15 , , PUNCT _005196830 680 16 how how SCONJ _005196830 680 17 to to PART _005196830 680 18 be be AUX _005196830 680 19 guided guide VERB _005196830 680 20 by by ADP _005196830 680 21 the the DET _005196830 680 22 promptings prompting NOUN _005196830 680 23 of of ADP _005196830 680 24 god god PROPN _005196830 680 25 ’s ’s PROPN _005196830 680 26 spirit spirit PROPN _005196830 680 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 680 28 to to PART _005196830 680 29 accomplish accomplish VERB _005196830 680 30 his his PRON _005196830 680 31 will will NOUN _005196830 680 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 681 1 with with ADP _005196830 681 2 this this DET _005196830 681 3 experience experience NOUN _005196830 681 4 he he PRON _005196830 681 5 will will AUX _005196830 681 6 be be AUX _005196830 681 7 able able ADJ _005196830 681 8 to to PART _005196830 681 9 walk walk VERB _005196830 681 10 “ " PUNCT _005196830 681 11 on on ADP _005196830 681 12 level level NOUN _005196830 681 13 ground ground NOUN _005196830 681 14 ” " PUNCT _005196830 681 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 681 16 10 10 NUM _005196830 681 17 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 681 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 681 19 i.e. i.e. X _005196830 681 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 681 21 to to PART _005196830 681 22 attain attain VERB _005196830 681 23 the the DET _005196830 681 24 higher high ADJ _005196830 681 25 goal goal NOUN _005196830 681 26 of of ADP _005196830 681 27 victory victory NOUN _005196830 681 28 over over ADP _005196830 681 29 sin sin NOUN _005196830 681 30 and and CCONJ _005196830 681 31 oppression oppression NOUN _005196830 681 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 682 1 you you PRON _005196830 682 2 glean glean VERB _005196830 682 3 from from ADP _005196830 682 4 this this PRON _005196830 682 5 that that SCONJ _005196830 682 6 the the DET _005196830 682 7 deepest deep ADJ _005196830 682 8 needs need NOUN _005196830 682 9 of of ADP _005196830 682 10 a a DET _005196830 682 11 believing believe VERB _005196830 682 12 man man NOUN _005196830 682 13 incline incline VERB _005196830 682 14 him he PRON _005196830 682 15 to to PART _005196830 682 16 raise raise VERB _005196830 682 17 his his PRON _005196830 682 18 helpless helpless ADJ _005196830 682 19 hands hand NOUN _005196830 682 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 682 21 stretch stretch VERB _005196830 682 22 them they PRON _005196830 682 23 out out ADP _005196830 682 24 to to ADP _005196830 682 25 god god PROPN _005196830 682 26 in in ADP _005196830 682 27 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 682 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 683 1 only only ADV _005196830 683 2 then then ADV _005196830 683 3 does do AUX _005196830 683 4 he he PRON _005196830 683 5 perceive perceive VERB _005196830 683 6 their their PRON _005196830 683 7 power power NOUN _005196830 683 8 to to PART _005196830 683 9 move move VERB _005196830 683 10 god god PROPN _005196830 683 11 to to ADP _005196830 683 12 merciful merciful ADJ _005196830 683 13 response response NOUN _005196830 683 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 684 1 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 684 2 is be AUX _005196830 684 3 often often ADV _005196830 684 4 prompted prompt VERB _005196830 684 5 by by ADP _005196830 684 6 present present ADJ _005196830 684 7 fear fear NOUN _005196830 684 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 684 9 accompanied accompany VERB _005196830 684 10 by by ADP _005196830 684 11 insistence insistence NOUN _005196830 684 12 on on ADP _005196830 684 13 prompt prompt ADJ _005196830 684 14 response response NOUN _005196830 684 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 685 1 to to PART _005196830 685 2 be be AUX _005196830 685 3 mature mature ADJ _005196830 685 4 it it PRON _005196830 685 5 should should AUX _005196830 685 6 rather rather ADV _005196830 685 7 be be AUX _005196830 685 8 inspired inspire VERB _005196830 685 9 by by ADP _005196830 685 10 the the DET _005196830 685 11 reassuring reassure VERB _005196830 685 12 memory memory NOUN _005196830 685 13 of of ADP _005196830 685 14 past past ADJ _005196830 685 15 mercies mercy NOUN _005196830 685 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 685 17 the the DET _005196830 685 18 appreciation appreciation NOUN _005196830 685 19 of of ADP _005196830 685 20 god god PROPN _005196830 685 21 ’s ’s PART _005196830 685 22 patience patience NOUN _005196830 685 23 with with ADP _005196830 685 24 sinful sinful ADJ _005196830 685 25 man man NOUN _005196830 685 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 685 27 the the DET _005196830 685 28 consent consent NOUN _005196830 685 29 to to PART _005196830 685 30 do do VERB _005196830 685 31 god god PROPN _005196830 685 32 ’s ’s PART _005196830 685 33 will will NOUN _005196830 685 34 . . PUNCT _005196830 686 1 these these PRON _005196830 686 2 are be AUX _005196830 686 3 a a DET _005196830 686 4 greater great ADJ _005196830 686 5 goal goal NOUN _005196830 686 6 than than ADP _005196830 686 7 immediate immediate ADJ _005196830 686 8 relief relief NOUN _005196830 686 9 from from ADP _005196830 686 10 present present ADJ _005196830 686 11 distress distress NOUN _005196830 686 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 687 1 man man NOUN _005196830 687 2 ’s ’s PART _005196830 687 3 necessity necessity NOUN _005196830 687 4 is be AUX _005196830 687 5 god god PROPN _005196830 687 6 ’s ’s PART _005196830 687 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005196830 687 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 688 1 the the DET _005196830 688 2 incarnation incarnation NOUN _005196830 688 3 is be AUX _005196830 688 4 his his PRON _005196830 688 5 fullest full ADJ _005196830 688 6 response response NOUN _005196830 688 7 to to ADP _005196830 688 8 man man NOUN _005196830 688 9 ’s ’s PART _005196830 688 10 needs need NOUN _005196830 688 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 689 1 christ christ PROPN _005196830 689 2 ’s ’s PROPN _005196830 689 3 coming come VERB _005196830 689 4 is be AUX _005196830 689 5 not not PART _005196830 689 6 due due ADJ _005196830 689 7 to to ADP _005196830 689 8 man man NOUN _005196830 689 9 ’s ’s PART _005196830 689 10 merit merit NOUN _005196830 689 11 but but CCONJ _005196830 689 12 to to ADP _005196830 689 13 god god PROPN _005196830 689 14 ’s ’s PART _005196830 689 15 merci76 merci76 NOUN _005196830 689 16 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 689 17 iv iv AUX _005196830 689 18 fill fill VERB _005196830 689 19 love love NOUN _005196830 689 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 690 1 this this DET _005196830 690 2 holy holy ADJ _005196830 690 3 love love NOUN _005196830 690 4 sustains sustain VERB _005196830 690 5 our our PRON _005196830 690 6 hope hope NOUN _005196830 690 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 690 8 brings bring VERB _005196830 690 9 victory victory NOUN _005196830 690 10 over over ADP _005196830 690 11 evil evil NOUN _005196830 690 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 690 13 fulfills fulfill NOUN _005196830 690 14 our our PRON _005196830 690 15 deepest deep ADJ _005196830 690 16 needs need NOUN _005196830 690 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 691 1 “ " PUNCT _005196830 691 2 neither neither CCONJ _005196830 691 3 death death NOUN _005196830 691 4 nor nor CCONJ _005196830 691 5 life life NOUN _005196830 691 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 691 7 . . PUNCT _005196830 691 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 691 9 . . PUNCT _005196830 692 1 can can AUX _005196830 692 2 separate separate VERB _005196830 692 3 us we PRON _005196830 692 4 from from ADP _005196830 692 5 the the DET _005196830 692 6 love love NOUN _005196830 692 7 of of ADP _005196830 692 8 god god PROPN _005196830 692 9 that that PRON _005196830 692 10 comes come VERB _005196830 692 11 to to ADP _005196830 692 12 us we PRON _005196830 692 13 in in ADP _005196830 692 14 christ christ PROPN _005196830 692 15 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 692 16 our our PRON _005196830 692 17 lord lord PROPN _005196830 692 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 692 19 ” " PUNCT _005196830 693 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 693 2 rom rom ADP _005196830 693 3 8 8 NUM _005196830 693 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 693 5 38f 38f NUM _005196830 693 6 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 693 7 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 693 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 693 9 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 693 10 31 31 NUM _005196830 693 11 trustful trustful ADJ _005196830 693 12 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 693 13 in in ADP _005196830 693 14 adversity adversity NOUN _005196830 693 15 only only ADV _005196830 693 16 a a DET _005196830 693 17 portion portion NOUN _005196830 693 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 693 19 1 1 NUM _005196830 693 20 - - SYM _005196830 693 21 6 6 NUM _005196830 693 22 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 693 23 of of ADP _005196830 693 24 this this DET _005196830 693 25 long long ADJ _005196830 693 26 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 693 27 is be AUX _005196830 693 28 used use VERB _005196830 693 29 in in ADP _005196830 693 30 the the DET _005196830 693 31 night night NOUN _005196830 693 32 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 693 33 for for ADP _005196830 693 34 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 693 35 . . PUNCT _005196830 694 1 it it PRON _005196830 694 2 should should AUX _005196830 694 3 be be AUX _005196830 694 4 noted note VERB _005196830 694 5 that that SCONJ _005196830 694 6 a a DET _005196830 694 7 comparison comparison NOUN _005196830 694 8 of of ADP _005196830 694 9 tone tone NOUN _005196830 694 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 694 11 expressions expression NOUN _005196830 694 12 with with ADP _005196830 694 13 those those PRON _005196830 694 14 of of ADP _005196830 694 15 certain certain ADJ _005196830 694 16 other other ADJ _005196830 694 17 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 694 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 694 19 22 22 NUM _005196830 694 20 , , PUNCT _005196830 694 21 35 35 NUM _005196830 694 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 694 23 61 61 NUM _005196830 694 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 694 25 71 71 NUM _005196830 694 26 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 694 27 gives give VERB _005196830 694 28 a a DET _005196830 694 29 twofold twofold ADJ _005196830 694 30 impression impression NOUN _005196830 694 31 : : PUNCT _005196830 694 32 1 1 X _005196830 694 33 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 694 34 that that SCONJ _005196830 694 35 the the DET _005196830 694 36 author author NOUN _005196830 694 37 is be AUX _005196830 694 38 contemplating contemplate VERB _005196830 694 39 not not PART _005196830 694 40 his his PRON _005196830 694 41 own own ADJ _005196830 694 42 but but CCONJ _005196830 694 43 someone someone PRON _005196830 694 44 else else ADV _005196830 694 45 ’s ’s PART _005196830 694 46 sufferings suffering NOUN _005196830 694 47 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 694 48 2 2 X _005196830 694 49 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 694 50 that that SCONJ _005196830 694 51 at at ADV _005196830 694 52 least least ADJ _005196830 694 53 indirectly indirectly ADV _005196830 694 54 that that DET _005196830 694 55 person person NOUN _005196830 694 56 is be AUX _005196830 694 57 the the DET _005196830 694 58 messiah messiah PROPN _005196830 694 59 . . PUNCT _005196830 695 1 the the DET _005196830 695 2 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 695 3 gives give VERB _005196830 695 4 utterance utterance NOUN _005196830 695 5 to to ADP _005196830 695 6 feelings feeling NOUN _005196830 695 7 of of ADP _005196830 695 8 deep deep ADJ _005196830 695 9 anguish anguish NOUN _005196830 695 10 but but CCONJ _005196830 695 11 also also ADV _005196830 695 12 of of ADP _005196830 695 13 unshakeable unshakeable ADJ _005196830 695 14 confidence confidence NOUN _005196830 695 15 in in ADP _005196830 695 16 god god PROPN _005196830 695 17 for for ADP _005196830 695 18 help help NOUN _005196830 695 19 and and CCONJ _005196830 695 20 deliverance deliverance NOUN _005196830 695 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 696 1 the the DET _005196830 696 2 anguish anguish NOUN _005196830 696 3 is be AUX _005196830 696 4 due due ADJ _005196830 696 5 to to ADP _005196830 696 6 what what PRON _005196830 696 7 is be AUX _005196830 696 8 described describe VERB _005196830 696 9 figurativley figurativley NOUN _005196830 696 10 as as ADP _005196830 696 11 the the DET _005196830 696 12 snare snare NOUN _005196830 696 13 of of ADP _005196830 696 14 a a DET _005196830 696 15 hunter hunter NOUN _005196830 696 16 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 696 17 5 5 NUM _005196830 696 18 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 696 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 697 1 elsewhere elsewhere ADV _005196830 697 2 in in ADP _005196830 697 3 the the DET _005196830 697 4 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 697 5 the the DET _005196830 697 6 snare snare NOUN _005196830 697 7 is be AUX _005196830 697 8 seen see VERB _005196830 697 9 to to PART _005196830 697 10 be be AUX _005196830 697 11 a a DET _005196830 697 12 reproach reproach NOUN _005196830 697 13 based base VERB _005196830 697 14 very very ADV _005196830 697 15 likely likely ADV _005196830 697 16 on on ADP _005196830 697 17 false false ADJ _005196830 697 18 denunciation denunciation NOUN _005196830 697 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 698 1 it it PRON _005196830 698 2 provokes provoke VERB _005196830 698 3 derision derision NOUN _005196830 698 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 698 5 disdain disdain NOUN _005196830 698 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 698 7 injustice injustice NOUN _005196830 698 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 698 9 arrogance arrogance NOUN _005196830 698 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 698 11 an an DET _005196830 698 12 attempt attempt NOUN _005196830 698 13 to to PART _005196830 698 14 bring bring VERB _005196830 698 15 the the DET _005196830 698 16 afflicted afflict VERB _005196830 698 17 man man NOUN _005196830 698 18 to to ADP _005196830 698 19 oblivion oblivion NOUN _005196830 698 20 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 698 21 12 12 NUM _005196830 698 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 698 23 13 13 NUM _005196830 698 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 698 25 18 18 NUM _005196830 698 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 698 27 19 19 NUM _005196830 698 28 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 698 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 699 1 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 699 2 souls soul NOUN _005196830 699 3 beset beset VERB _005196830 699 4 with with ADP _005196830 699 5 troubles trouble NOUN _005196830 699 6 of of ADP _005196830 699 7 all all DET _005196830 699 8 kinds kind NOUN _005196830 699 9 find find VERB _005196830 699 10 in in ADP _005196830 699 11 this this DET _005196830 699 12 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 699 13 words word NOUN _005196830 699 14 that that PRON _005196830 699 15 aptly aptly ADV _005196830 699 16 convey convey VERB _005196830 699 17 the the DET _005196830 699 18 outpouring outpouring NOUN _005196830 699 19 of of ADP _005196830 699 20 their their PRON _005196830 699 21 own own ADJ _005196830 699 22 souls soul NOUN _005196830 699 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 700 1 this this PRON _005196830 700 2 is be AUX _005196830 700 3 so so ADV _005196830 700 4 because because SCONJ _005196830 700 5 they they PRON _005196830 700 6 are be AUX _005196830 700 7 the the DET _005196830 700 8 77 77 NUM _005196830 700 9 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 700 10 iv iv NOUN _005196830 700 11 words word NOUN _005196830 700 12 of of ADP _005196830 700 13 the the DET _005196830 700 14 man man NOUN _005196830 700 15 of of ADP _005196830 700 16 sorrows sorrow NOUN _005196830 700 17 who who PRON _005196830 700 18 bore bear VERB _005196830 700 19 our our PRON _005196830 700 20 infirmities infirmity NOUN _005196830 700 21 and and CCONJ _005196830 700 22 endured endure VERB _005196830 700 23 our our PRON _005196830 700 24 sufferings suffering NOUN _005196830 700 25 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 700 26 cf cf NOUN _005196830 700 27 is be AUX _005196830 700 28 53,4 53,4 NUM _005196830 700 29 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 700 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 701 1 “ " PUNCT _005196830 701 2 into into ADP _005196830 701 3 your your PRON _005196830 701 4 hands hand NOUN _005196830 701 5 i i PRON _005196830 701 6 commend commend VERB _005196830 701 7 my my PRON _005196830 701 8 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 701 9 ” " PUNCT _005196830 701 10 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 701 11 6 6 NUM _005196830 701 12 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 701 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 701 14 is be AUX _005196830 701 15 the the DET _005196830 701 16 final final ADJ _005196830 701 17 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 701 18 of of ADP _005196830 701 19 the the DET _005196830 701 20 dying die VERB _005196830 701 21 christ christ PROPN _005196830 701 22 , , PUNCT _005196830 701 23 ottered ottere VERB _005196830 701 24 from from ADP _005196830 701 25 the the DET _005196830 701 26 height height NOUN _005196830 701 27 of of ADP _005196830 701 28 the the DET _005196830 701 29 cross cross NOUN _005196830 701 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 702 1 with with ADP _005196830 702 2 it it PRON _005196830 702 3 he he PRON _005196830 702 4 committed commit VERB _005196830 702 5 himself himself PRON _005196830 702 6 to to ADP _005196830 702 7 the the DET _005196830 702 8 father father NOUN _005196830 702 9 in in ADP _005196830 702 10 death death NOUN _005196830 702 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 703 1 his his PRON _005196830 703 2 unshakeable unshakeable ADJ _005196830 703 3 trust trust NOUN _005196830 703 4 is be AUX _005196830 703 5 soon soon ADV _005196830 703 6 vindicated vindicate VERB _005196830 703 7 by by ADP _005196830 703 8 the the DET _005196830 703 9 triumph triumph NOUN _005196830 703 10 of of ADP _005196830 703 11 his his PRON _005196830 703 12 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 703 13 . . PUNCT _005196830 704 1 this this PRON _005196830 704 2 gives give VERB _005196830 704 3 a a DET _005196830 704 4 new new ADJ _005196830 704 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 704 6 boundless boundless ADJ _005196830 704 7 vision vision NOUN _005196830 704 8 to to ADP _005196830 704 9 religion religion NOUN _005196830 704 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 704 11 emphasizes emphasize VERB _005196830 704 12 the the DET _005196830 704 13 difference difference NOUN _005196830 704 14 which which PRON _005196830 704 15 christ christ PROPN _005196830 704 16 ’s ’s PART _005196830 704 17 life life NOUN _005196830 704 18 has have AUX _005196830 704 19 brought bring VERB _005196830 704 20 to to ADP _005196830 704 21 the the DET _005196830 704 22 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 704 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 705 1 he he PRON _005196830 705 2 himself himself PRON _005196830 705 3 has have AUX _005196830 705 4 now now ADV _005196830 705 5 become become VERB _005196830 705 6 their their PRON _005196830 705 7 light light NOUN _005196830 705 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 705 9 fulfillment fulfillment NOUN _005196830 705 10 . . PUNCT _005196830 706 1 the the DET _005196830 706 2 savior savior PROPN _005196830 706 3 ’s ’s PART _005196830 706 4 last last ADJ _005196830 706 5 words word NOUN _005196830 706 6 summing sum VERB _005196830 706 7 up up ADP _005196830 706 8 his his PRON _005196830 706 9 life life NOUN _005196830 706 10 most most ADV _005196830 706 11 necessarily necessarily ADV _005196830 706 12 become become VERB _005196830 706 13 the the DET _005196830 706 14 fixed fixed ADJ _005196830 706 15 attitude attitude NOUN _005196830 706 16 toward toward ADP _005196830 706 17 god god PROPN _005196830 706 18 of of ADP _005196830 706 19 all all DET _005196830 706 20 his his PRON _005196830 706 21 true true ADJ _005196830 706 22 disciples disciple NOUN _005196830 706 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 707 1 for for ADP _005196830 707 2 them they PRON _005196830 707 3 both both CCONJ _005196830 707 4 the the DET _005196830 707 5 father father NOUN _005196830 707 6 and and CCONJ _005196830 707 7 the the DET _005196830 707 8 son son NOUN _005196830 707 9 at at ADP _005196830 707 10 ins in NOUN _005196830 707 11 right right ADJ _005196830 707 12 hand hand NOUN _005196830 707 13 become become VERB _005196830 707 14 their their PRON _005196830 707 15 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 707 16 , , PUNCT _005196830 707 17 their their PRON _005196830 707 18 rock rock NOUN _005196830 707 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 707 20 their their PRON _005196830 707 21 stronghold stronghold NOUN _005196830 707 22 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 707 23 2,3,4 2,3,4 NUM _005196830 707 24 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 707 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 708 1 this this DET _005196830 708 2 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 708 3 in in ADP _005196830 708 4 its its PRON _005196830 708 5 entirety entirety NOUN _005196830 708 6 can can AUX _005196830 708 7 serve serve VERB _005196830 708 8 both both PRON _005196830 708 9 as as ADP _005196830 708 10 a a DET _005196830 708 11 grate grate NOUN _005196830 708 12 * * PUNCT _005196830 708 13 ful ful ADJ _005196830 708 14 recollection recollection NOUN _005196830 708 15 of of ADP _005196830 708 16 the the DET _005196830 708 17 experiences experience NOUN _005196830 708 18 of of ADP _005196830 708 19 a a DET _005196830 708 20 christian christian ADJ _005196830 708 21 life life NOUN _005196830 708 22 op op NOUN _005196830 708 23 to to ADP _005196830 708 24 the the DET _005196830 708 25 present present ADJ _005196830 708 26 moment moment NOUN _005196830 708 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 708 28 as as ADP _005196830 708 29 a a DET _005196830 708 30 sound sound ADJ _005196830 708 31 preparation preparation NOUN _005196830 708 32 of of ADP _005196830 708 33 what what PRON _005196830 708 34 the the DET _005196830 708 35 future future NOUN _005196830 708 36 holds hold VERB _005196830 708 37 in in ADP _005196830 708 38 store store NOUN _005196830 708 39 . . PUNCT _005196830 709 1 one one NUM _005196830 709 2 by by ADP _005196830 709 3 one one NUM _005196830 709 4 the the DET _005196830 709 5 memories memory NOUN _005196830 709 6 pass pass VERB _005196830 709 7 rapidly rapidly ADV _005196830 709 8 before before ADP _005196830 709 9 one one NUM _005196830 709 10 ’s ’s NOUN _005196830 709 11 mind mind NOUN _005196830 709 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 709 13 heart heart NOUN _005196830 709 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 709 15 memories memory NOUN _005196830 709 16 of of ADP _005196830 709 17 guilt guilt NOUN _005196830 709 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 709 19 of of ADP _005196830 709 20 god god PROPN _005196830 709 21 ’s ’s PROPN _005196830 709 22 pardon pardon PROPN _005196830 709 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 709 24 of of ADP _005196830 709 25 misfortune misfortune NOUN _005196830 709 26 and and CCONJ _005196830 709 27 of of ADP _005196830 709 28 the the DET _005196830 709 29 blessings blessing NOUN _005196830 709 30 of of ADP _005196830 709 31 prosperity prosperity NOUN _005196830 709 32 , , PUNCT _005196830 709 33 of of ADP _005196830 709 34 afflictions affliction NOUN _005196830 709 35 and and CCONJ _005196830 709 36 of of ADP _005196830 709 37 deliverance deliverance NOUN _005196830 709 38 . . PUNCT _005196830 710 1 preparation preparation NOUN _005196830 710 2 for for ADP _005196830 710 3 the the DET _005196830 710 4 future future NOUN _005196830 710 5 clarifies clarify VERB _005196830 710 6 the the DET _005196830 710 7 past past NOUN _005196830 710 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 710 9 leads lead VERB _005196830 710 10 to to ADP _005196830 710 11 total total ADJ _005196830 710 12 and and CCONJ _005196830 710 13 unreserved unreserved ADJ _005196830 710 14 commitment commitment NOUN _005196830 710 15 of of ADP _005196830 710 16 self self NOUN _005196830 710 17 to to ADP _005196830 710 18 god god PROPN _005196830 710 19 until until ADP _005196830 710 20 death death NOUN _005196830 710 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 710 22 and and CCONJ _005196830 710 23 to to ADP _005196830 710 24 the the DET _005196830 710 25 triumph triumph NOUN _005196830 710 26 of of ADP _005196830 710 27 trust trust NOUN _005196830 710 28 in in ADP _005196830 710 29 the the DET _005196830 710 30 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 710 31 to to ADP _005196830 710 32 glory glory NOUN _005196830 710 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 711 1 78 78 NUM _005196830 711 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 711 3 iv iv PROPN _005196830 711 4 wednesday wednesday PROPN _005196830 711 5 : : PUNCT _005196830 711 6 psalm psalm VERB _005196830 711 7 130 130 NUM _005196830 711 8 a a DET _005196830 711 9 cry cry NOUN _005196830 711 10 from from ADP _005196830 711 11 the the DET _005196830 711 12 depths depth NOUN _005196830 711 13 the the DET _005196830 711 14 psalmist psalmist NOUN _005196830 711 15 represents represent VERB _005196830 711 16 everyone everyone PRON _005196830 711 17 who who PRON _005196830 711 18 manifests manifest VERB _005196830 711 19 a a DET _005196830 711 20 wholesome wholesome ADJ _005196830 711 21 sense sense NOUN _005196830 711 22 of of ADP _005196830 711 23 sinfulness sinfulness NOUN _005196830 711 24 and and CCONJ _005196830 711 25 its its PRON _005196830 711 26 consequent consequent ADJ _005196830 711 27 alienation alienation NOUN _005196830 711 28 from from ADP _005196830 711 29 god god PROPN _005196830 711 30 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 711 31 1,3 1,3 NUM _005196830 711 32 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 711 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 712 1 he he PRON _005196830 712 2 longs long VERB _005196830 712 3 for for ADP _005196830 712 4 merciful merciful ADJ _005196830 712 5 for for ADP _005196830 712 6 * * PUNCT _005196830 712 7 giveness giveness NOUN _005196830 712 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 712 9 recovery recovery NOUN _005196830 712 10 of of ADP _005196830 712 11 divine divine ADJ _005196830 712 12 favor favor NOUN _005196830 712 13 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 712 14 2,4,7 2,4,7 NUM _005196830 712 15 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 712 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 713 1 the the DET _005196830 713 2 church church NOUN _005196830 713 3 in in ADP _005196830 713 4 her her PRON _005196830 713 5 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196830 713 6 has have AUX _005196830 713 7 long long ADV _005196830 713 8 used use VERB _005196830 713 9 this this DET _005196830 713 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 713 11 to to PART _005196830 713 12 obtain obtain VERB _005196830 713 13 for for ADP _005196830 713 14 the the DET _005196830 713 15 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 713 16 departed depart VERB _005196830 713 17 release release NOUN _005196830 713 18 from from ADP _005196830 713 19 punishment punishment NOUN _005196830 713 20 for for ADP _005196830 713 21 their their PRON _005196830 713 22 sins sin NOUN _005196830 713 23 . . PUNCT _005196830 714 1 the the DET _005196830 714 2 soups soup NOUN _005196830 714 3 firm firm PROPN _005196830 714 4 trust trust NOUN _005196830 714 5 in in ADP _005196830 714 6 god god PROPN _005196830 714 7 for for ADP _005196830 714 8 pardon pardon PROPN _005196830 714 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 714 10 peace peace NOUN _005196830 714 11 springs spring NOUN _005196830 714 12 from from ADP _005196830 714 13 acknowledging acknowledge VERB _005196830 714 14 man man NOUN _005196830 714 15 ’s ’s NOUN _005196830 714 16 universal universal ADJ _005196830 714 17 proneness proneness NOUN _005196830 714 18 to to ADP _005196830 714 19 sin sin NOUN _005196830 714 20 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 714 21 from from ADP _005196830 714 22 the the DET _005196830 714 23 genuine genuine ADJ _005196830 714 24 fear fear NOUN _005196830 714 25 of of ADP _005196830 714 26 offending offend VERB _005196830 714 27 him he PRON _005196830 714 28 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 714 29 3 3 NUM _005196830 714 30 - - SYM _005196830 714 31 4 4 NUM _005196830 714 32 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 714 33 , , PUNCT _005196830 714 34 from from ADP _005196830 714 35 the the DET _005196830 714 36 conviction conviction NOUN _005196830 714 37 that that PRON _005196830 714 38 god god PROPN _005196830 714 39 is be AUX _005196830 714 40 merciful merciful ADJ _005196830 714 41 and and CCONJ _005196830 714 42 kind kind ADJ _005196830 714 43 , , PUNCT _005196830 714 44 inclined incline VERB _005196830 714 45 to to PART _005196830 714 46 redeem redeem VERB _005196830 714 47 the the DET _005196830 714 48 penitent penitent NOUN _005196830 714 49 as as ADV _005196830 714 50 surely surely ADV _005196830 714 51 as as SCONJ _005196830 714 52 dawn dawn NOUN _005196830 714 53 follows follow VERB _005196830 714 54 the the DET _005196830 714 55 night night NOUN _005196830 714 56 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 714 57 6 6 NUM _005196830 714 58 - - SYM _005196830 714 59 7 7 NUM _005196830 714 60 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 714 61 . . PUNCT _005196830 715 1 if if SCONJ _005196830 715 2 god god PROPN _005196830 715 3 were be AUX _005196830 715 4 to to PART _005196830 715 5 judge judge VERB _005196830 715 6 us we PRON _005196830 715 7 now now ADV _005196830 715 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 715 9 how how SCONJ _005196830 715 10 could could AUX _005196830 715 11 we we PRON _005196830 715 12 answer answer VERB _005196830 715 13 for for ADP _005196830 715 14 our our PRON _005196830 715 15 disregard disregard NOUN _005196830 715 16 of of ADP _005196830 715 17 his his PRON _005196830 715 18 sovereign sovereign ADJ _005196830 715 19 right right NOUN _005196830 715 20 to to ADP _005196830 715 21 loving love VERB _005196830 715 22 worship worship NOUN _005196830 715 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 715 24 submission submission NOUN _005196830 715 25 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 716 1 how how SCONJ _005196830 716 2 excuse excuse VERB _005196830 716 3 our our PRON _005196830 716 4 anger anger NOUN _005196830 716 5 in in ADP _005196830 716 6 deed deed NOUN _005196830 716 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 716 8 speech speech NOUN _005196830 716 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 716 10 our our PRON _005196830 716 11 selfishness selfishness NOUN _005196830 716 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 716 13 our our PRON _005196830 716 14 violation violation NOUN _005196830 716 15 of of ADP _005196830 716 16 the the DET _005196830 716 17 rights right NOUN _005196830 716 18 of of ADP _005196830 716 19 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005196830 716 20 as as SCONJ _005196830 716 21 regards regard VERB _005196830 716 22 his his PRON _005196830 716 23 person person NOUN _005196830 716 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 716 25 property property NOUN _005196830 716 26 and and CCONJ _005196830 716 27 reputation reputation NOUN _005196830 716 28 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 717 1 self self NOUN _005196830 717 2 - - PUNCT _005196830 717 3 warning warning NOUN _005196830 717 4 now now ADV _005196830 717 5 may may AUX _005196830 717 6 spare spare VERB _005196830 717 7 us we PRON _005196830 717 8 a a DET _005196830 717 9 judgment judgment NOUN _005196830 717 10 of of ADP _005196830 717 11 condemnation condemnation NOUN _005196830 717 12 at at ADP _005196830 717 13 death death NOUN _005196830 717 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 718 1 sin sin NOUN _005196830 718 2 contradicts contradict VERB _005196830 718 3 the the DET _005196830 718 4 supreme supreme ADJ _005196830 718 5 law law PROPN _005196830 718 6 of of ADP _005196830 718 7 love love NOUN _005196830 718 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 718 9 as as SCONJ _005196830 718 10 such such ADJ _005196830 718 11 involves involve VERB _005196830 718 12 rebellion rebellion NOUN _005196830 718 13 against against ADP _005196830 718 14 god god PROPN _005196830 718 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 719 1 the the DET _005196830 719 2 inherent inherent ADJ _005196830 719 3 evil evil NOUN _005196830 719 4 of of ADP _005196830 719 5 deliberate deliberate ADJ _005196830 719 6 sin sin NOUN _005196830 719 7 only only ADV _005196830 719 8 penetrates penetrate NOUN _005196830 719 9 ns n VERB _005196830 719 10 deeply deeply ADV _005196830 719 11 when when SCONJ _005196830 719 12 we we PRON _005196830 719 13 understand understand VERB _005196830 719 14 that that SCONJ _005196830 719 15 it it PRON _005196830 719 16 is be AUX _005196830 719 17 a a DET _005196830 719 18 repudiation repudiation NOUN _005196830 719 19 of of ADP _005196830 719 20 divine divine ADJ _005196830 719 21 love love NOUN _005196830 719 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 720 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 720 2 the the DET _005196830 720 3 heart heart NOUN _005196830 720 4 is be AUX _005196830 720 5 sensitive sensitive ADJ _005196830 720 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 720 7 even even ADV _005196830 720 8 little little ADJ _005196830 720 9 deeds deed NOUN _005196830 720 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 720 11 79 79 NUM _005196830 720 12 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 720 13 iv iv VERB _005196830 720 14 words word NOUN _005196830 720 15 of of ADP _005196830 720 16 unkindness unkindness ADJ _005196830 720 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 720 18 neglect neglect NOUN _005196830 720 19 of of ADP _005196830 720 20 opportunities opportunity NOUN _005196830 720 21 for for ADP _005196830 720 22 good good ADJ _005196830 720 23 will will AUX _005196830 720 24 grieve grieve VERB _005196830 720 25 the the DET _005196830 720 26 truly truly ADV _005196830 720 27 penitent penitent ADJ _005196830 720 28 soul soul NOUN _005196830 720 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 721 1 ^if ^if VERB _005196830 721 2 you you PRON _005196830 721 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 721 4 o o PROPN _005196830 721 5 lord lord PROPN _005196830 721 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 721 7 should should AUX _005196830 721 8 mark mark VERB _005196830 721 9 our our PRON _005196830 721 10 guilt guilt NOUN _005196830 721 11 • • X _005196830 721 12 • • VERB _005196830 721 13 • • INTJ _005196830 721 14 with with ADP _005196830 721 15 you you PRON _005196830 721 16 is be AUX _005196830 721 17 found find VERB _005196830 721 18 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005196830 721 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 721 20 ” " PUNCT _005196830 722 1 we we PRON _005196830 722 2 owe owe VERB _005196830 722 3 thanks thank NOUN _005196830 722 4 for for ADP _005196830 722 5 sin sin NOUN _005196830 722 6 forgiven forgive VERB _005196830 722 7 but but CCONJ _005196830 722 8 also also ADV _005196830 722 9 profound profound ADJ _005196830 722 10 reverence reverence NOUN _005196830 722 11 for for ADP _005196830 722 12 god god PROPN _005196830 722 13 who who PRON _005196830 722 14 forgives forgive VERB _005196830 722 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 723 1 the the DET _005196830 723 2 burden burden NOUN _005196830 723 3 of of ADP _005196830 723 4 our our PRON _005196830 723 5 sins sin NOUN _005196830 723 6 is be AUX _005196830 723 7 lifted lift VERB _005196830 723 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 723 9 its its PRON _005196830 723 10 place place NOUN _005196830 723 11 is be AUX _005196830 723 12 filled fill VERB _005196830 723 13 with with ADP _005196830 723 14 the the DET _005196830 723 15 joy joy NOUN _005196830 723 16 of of ADP _005196830 723 17 god god PROPN _005196830 723 18 ’s ’s PART _005196830 723 19 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 723 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 724 1 at at ADP _005196830 724 2 the the DET _005196830 724 3 foot foot NOUN _005196830 724 4 of of ADP _005196830 724 5 the the DET _005196830 724 6 cross cross PROPN _005196830 724 7 ^^justice ^^justice PROPN _005196830 724 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 724 9 peace peace NOUN _005196830 724 10 kiss kiss NOUN _005196830 724 11 , , PUNCT _005196830 724 12 ” " PUNCT _005196830 724 13 repentance repentance NOUN _005196830 724 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 724 15 love love NOUN _005196830 724 16 flow flow VERB _005196830 724 17 together together ADV _005196830 724 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 725 1 thursdaypsalm thursdaypsalm PROPN _005196830 725 2 16 16 NUM _005196830 725 3 god god PROPN _005196830 725 4 is be AUX _005196830 725 5 my my PRON _005196830 725 6 portion portion NOUN _005196830 725 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 725 8 my my PRON _005196830 725 9 inheritance inheritance NOUN _005196830 725 10 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 725 11 16 16 NUM _005196830 725 12 is be AUX _005196830 725 13 a a DET _005196830 725 14 meditation meditation NOUN _005196830 725 15 on on ADP _005196830 725 16 the the DET _005196830 725 17 blessings blessing NOUN _005196830 725 18 of of ADP _005196830 725 19 security security NOUN _005196830 725 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 725 21 intimate intimate ADJ _005196830 725 22 fellowship fellowship NOUN _005196830 725 23 with with ADP _005196830 725 24 god god PROPN _005196830 725 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 726 1 from from ADP _005196830 726 2 the the DET _005196830 726 3 outset outset NOUN _005196830 726 4 it it PRON _005196830 726 5 is be AUX _005196830 726 6 important important ADJ _005196830 726 7 to to PART _005196830 726 8 recall recall VERB _005196830 726 9 that that SCONJ _005196830 726 10 in in ADP _005196830 726 11 the the DET _005196830 726 12 discourse discourse NOUN _005196830 726 13 attributed attribute VERB _005196830 726 14 to to ADP _005196830 726 15 st st PROPN _005196830 726 16 . . PROPN _005196830 726 17 peter peter PROPN _005196830 726 18 on on ADP _005196830 726 19 pentecost pentecost NOUN _005196830 726 20 he he PRON _005196830 726 21 understands understand VERB _005196830 726 22 this this DET _005196830 726 23 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 726 24 to to PART _005196830 726 25 refer refer VERB _005196830 726 26 not not PART _005196830 726 27 to to ADP _005196830 726 28 david david PROPN _005196830 726 29 but but CCONJ _005196830 726 30 to to ADP _005196830 726 31 christ christ PROPN _005196830 726 32 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 726 33 acts act VERB _005196830 726 34 2,24 2,24 NUM _005196830 726 35 - - NUM _005196830 726 36 33 33 NUM _005196830 726 37 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 726 38 . . PUNCT _005196830 727 1 christ christ PROPN _005196830 727 2 is be AUX _005196830 727 3 seen see VERB _005196830 727 4 then then ADV _005196830 727 5 m m AUX _005196830 727 6 this this DET _005196830 727 7 prophetic prophetic ADJ _005196830 727 8 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 727 9 to to PART _005196830 727 10 abide abide VERB _005196830 727 11 always always ADV _005196830 727 12 in in ADP _005196830 727 13 the the DET _005196830 727 14 presence presence NOUN _005196830 727 15 of of ADP _005196830 727 16 god god PROPN _005196830 727 17 the the DET _005196830 727 18 supreme supreme PROPN _005196830 727 19 good good PROPN _005196830 727 20 and and CCONJ _005196830 727 21 to to PART _005196830 727 22 cherish cherish VERB _005196830 727 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 727 24 that that ADV _005196830 727 25 is is ADV _005196830 727 26 , , PUNCT _005196830 727 27 take take VERB _005196830 727 28 his his PRON _005196830 727 29 delight delight NOUN _005196830 727 30 in in ADP _005196830 727 31 the the DET _005196830 727 32 fellowship fellowship NOUN _005196830 727 33 of of ADP _005196830 727 34 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196830 727 35 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196830 727 36 the the DET _005196830 727 37 holy holy ADJ _005196830 727 38 ones one NOUN _005196830 727 39 , , PUNCT _005196830 727 40 ” " PUNCT _005196830 727 41 the the DET _005196830 727 42 saints saint NOUN _005196830 727 43 on on ADP _005196830 727 44 the the DET _005196830 727 45 earth earth NOUN _005196830 727 46 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 727 47 1 1 NUM _005196830 727 48 - - SYM _005196830 727 49 3 3 NUM _005196830 727 50 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 727 51 . . PUNCT _005196830 728 1 in in ADP _005196830 728 2 sharp sharp ADJ _005196830 728 3 contrast contrast NOUN _005196830 728 4 he he PRON _005196830 728 5 sees see VERB _005196830 728 6 the the DET _005196830 728 7 plight plight NOUN _005196830 728 8 of of ADP _005196830 728 9 those those PRON _005196830 728 10 “ " PUNCT _005196830 728 11 who who PRON _005196830 728 12 court court VERB _005196830 728 13 other other ADJ _005196830 728 14 gods god NOUN _005196830 728 15 ” " PUNCT _005196830 728 16 with with ADP _005196830 728 17 their their PRON _005196830 728 18 abhorrent abhorrent NOUN _005196830 728 19 rites rite NOUN _005196830 728 20 of of ADP _005196830 728 21 blood blood NOUN _005196830 728 22 libations libation NOUN _005196830 728 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 728 24 yielding yield VERB _005196830 728 25 nothing nothing PRON _005196830 728 26 but but SCONJ _005196830 728 27 abundant abundant ADJ _005196830 728 28 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005196830 728 29 . . PUNCT _005196830 729 1 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 729 2 to to ADP _005196830 729 3 israelite israelite ADJ _005196830 729 4 tradition tradition NOUN _005196830 729 5 he he PRON _005196830 729 6 will will AUX _005196830 729 7 not not PART _005196830 729 8 even even ADV _005196830 729 9 mention mention VERB _005196830 729 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 729 11 much much ADV _005196830 729 12 less less ADV _005196830 729 13 invoke invoke VERB _005196830 729 14 their their PRON _005196830 729 15 names name NOUN _005196830 729 16 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 729 17 4 4 NUM _005196830 729 18 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 729 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 730 1 80 80 NUM _005196830 730 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 730 3 iv iv VERB _005196830 730 4 how how SCONJ _005196830 730 5 rich rich ADJ _005196830 730 6 is be AUX _005196830 730 7 christ christ PROPN _005196830 730 8 ’s ’s PART _005196830 730 9 inheritance inheritance NOUN _005196830 730 10 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 731 1 his his PRON _005196830 731 2 allotted allotted ADJ _005196830 731 3 portion portion NOUN _005196830 731 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 731 5 the the DET _005196830 731 6 division division NOUN _005196830 731 7 of of ADP _005196830 731 8 goods good NOUN _005196830 731 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 731 10 his his PRON _005196830 731 11 cup cup NOUN _005196830 731 12 of of ADP _005196830 731 13 destiny destiny NOUN _005196830 731 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 731 15 his his PRON _005196830 731 16 lot lot NOUN _005196830 731 17 of of ADP _005196830 731 18 good good ADJ _005196830 731 19 fortune fortune NOUN _005196830 731 20 can can AUX _005196830 731 21 not not PART _005196830 731 22 be be AUX _005196830 731 23 taken take VERB _005196830 731 24 from from ADP _005196830 731 25 him he PRON _005196830 731 26 because because SCONJ _005196830 731 27 god god PROPN _005196830 731 28 holds hold VERB _005196830 731 29 them they PRON _005196830 731 30 fast fast ADV _005196830 731 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 732 1 this this DET _005196830 732 2 inheritance inheritance NOUN _005196830 732 3 described describe VERB _005196830 732 4 figuratively figuratively ADV _005196830 732 5 as as ADP _005196830 732 6 a a DET _005196830 732 7 lot lot NOUN _005196830 732 8 that that PRON _005196830 732 9 allows allow VERB _005196830 732 10 a a DET _005196830 732 11 generous generous ADJ _005196830 732 12 share share NOUN _005196830 732 13 of of ADP _005196830 732 14 good good ADJ _005196830 732 15 land land NOUN _005196830 732 16 in in ADP _005196830 732 17 his his PRON _005196830 732 18 worship worship NOUN _005196830 732 19 of of ADP _005196830 732 20 the the DET _005196830 732 21 true true ADJ _005196830 732 22 god god PROPN _005196830 732 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 732 24 the the DET _005196830 732 25 community community NOUN _005196830 732 26 of of ADP _005196830 732 27 those those PRON _005196830 732 28 who who PRON _005196830 732 29 share share VERB _005196830 732 30 it it PRON _005196830 732 31 with with ADP _005196830 732 32 him he PRON _005196830 732 33 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 732 34 5 5 NUM _005196830 732 35 - - SYM _005196830 732 36 6 6 NUM _005196830 732 37 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 732 38 . . PUNCT _005196830 733 1 in in ADP _005196830 733 2 the the DET _005196830 733 3 new new ADJ _005196830 733 4 testament testament NOUN _005196830 733 5 this this PRON _005196830 733 6 is be AUX _005196830 733 7 seen see VERB _005196830 733 8 to to PART _005196830 733 9 be be AUX _005196830 733 10 the the DET _005196830 733 11 church church NOUN _005196830 733 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 734 1 christ christ PROPN _005196830 734 2 ’s ’s PART _005196830 734 3 praise praise NOUN _005196830 734 4 of of ADP _005196830 734 5 the the DET _005196830 734 6 father father NOUN _005196830 734 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 734 8 his his PRON _005196830 734 9 life life NOUN _005196830 734 10 of of ADP _005196830 734 11 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 734 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 734 13 of of ADP _005196830 734 14 communication communication NOUN _005196830 734 15 with with ADP _005196830 734 16 the the DET _005196830 734 17 father father NOUN _005196830 734 18 in in ADP _005196830 734 19 the the DET _005196830 734 20 quiet quiet ADJ _005196830 734 21 of of ADP _005196830 734 22 the the DET _005196830 734 23 night night NOUN _005196830 734 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 734 25 of of ADP _005196830 734 26 living live VERB _005196830 734 27 in in ADP _005196830 734 28 his his PRON _005196830 734 29 presence presence NOUN _005196830 734 30 and and CCONJ _005196830 734 31 having have VERB _005196830 734 32 him he PRON _005196830 734 33 at at ADP _005196830 734 34 his his PRON _005196830 734 35 right right ADJ _005196830 734 36 hand hand NOUN _005196830 734 37 foretell foretell NOUN _005196830 734 38 the the DET _005196830 734 39 security security NOUN _005196830 734 40 of of ADP _005196830 734 41 jesus jesus PROPN _005196830 734 42 against against ADP _005196830 734 43 falling fall VERB _005196830 734 44 or or CCONJ _005196830 734 45 losing lose VERB _005196830 734 46 his his PRON _005196830 734 47 blessed bless VERB _005196830 734 48 lot lot NOUN _005196830 734 49 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 734 50 7 7 NUM _005196830 734 51 - - SYM _005196830 734 52 8) 8) NUM _005196830 734 53 . . PUNCT _005196830 735 1 st st PROPN _005196830 735 2 . . PROPN _005196830 735 3 peter peter PROPN _005196830 735 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 735 5 quoting quote VERB _005196830 735 6 the the DET _005196830 735 7 next next ADJ _005196830 735 8 verses verse NOUN _005196830 735 9 of of ADP _005196830 735 10 the the DET _005196830 735 11 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 735 12 “ " PUNCT _005196830 735 13 my my PRON _005196830 735 14 heart heart NOUN _005196830 735 15 has have AUX _005196830 735 16 been be AUX _005196830 735 17 glad glad ADJ _005196830 735 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 735 19 my my PRON _005196830 735 20 tongue tongue NOUN _005196830 735 21 has have AUX _005196830 735 22 rejoiced rejoice VERB _005196830 735 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 735 24 my my PRON _005196830 735 25 body body NOUN _005196830 735 26 will will AUX _005196830 735 27 live live VERB _005196830 735 28 on on ADP _005196830 735 29 in in ADP _005196830 735 30 hope hope NOUN _005196830 735 31 , , PUNCT _005196830 735 32 for for SCONJ _005196830 735 33 you you PRON _005196830 735 34 will will AUX _005196830 735 35 not not PART _005196830 735 36 suffer suffer VERB _005196830 735 37 your your PRON _005196830 735 38 faithful faithful ADJ _005196830 735 39 one one NOUN _005196830 735 40 to to PART _005196830 735 41 undergo undergo VERB _005196830 735 42 corruption corruption NOUN _005196830 735 43 ” " PUNCT _005196830 735 44 says say VERB _005196830 735 45 they they PRON _005196830 735 46 “ " PUNCT _005196830 735 47 proclaim proclaim VERB _005196830 735 48 beforehand beforehand ADP _005196830 735 49 the the DET _005196830 735 50 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 735 51 of of ADP _005196830 735 52 the the DET _005196830 735 53 messiah messiah PROPN _005196830 735 54 . . PUNCT _005196830 735 55 ” " PUNCT _005196830 736 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 736 2 acts act VERB _005196830 736 3 2,26 2,26 NOUN _005196830 736 4 - - PUNCT _005196830 736 5 28,31 28,31 NUM _005196830 736 6 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 736 7 the the DET _005196830 736 8 fullness fullness NOUN _005196830 736 9 of of ADP _005196830 736 10 fellowship fellowship NOUN _005196830 736 11 with with ADP _005196830 736 12 god god PROPN _005196830 736 13 is be AUX _005196830 736 14 seen see VERB _005196830 736 15 here here ADV _005196830 736 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 737 1 christ christ PROPN _005196830 737 2 escapes escape VERB _005196830 737 3 corruption corruption NOUN _005196830 737 4 , , PUNCT _005196830 737 5 possesses possess VERB _005196830 737 6 “ " PUNCT _005196830 737 7 the the DET _005196830 737 8 fullness fullness NOUN _005196830 737 9 of of ADP _005196830 737 10 joy joy NOUN _005196830 737 11 ” " PUNCT _005196830 737 12 in in ADP _005196830 737 13 god god PROPN _005196830 737 14 ’s ’s PART _005196830 737 15 presence presence NOUN _005196830 737 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 737 17 at at ADP _005196830 737 18 his his PRON _005196830 737 19 “ " PUNCT _005196830 737 20 right right ADJ _005196830 737 21 hand hand NOUN _005196830 737 22 happiness happiness NOUN _005196830 737 23 forever forever ADV _005196830 737 24 . . PUNCT _005196830 737 25 ” " PUNCT _005196830 738 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 738 2 9 9 NUM _005196830 738 3 - - SYM _005196830 738 4 11 11 NUM _005196830 738 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 738 6 ail ail NOUN _005196830 738 7 that that PRON _005196830 738 8 is be AUX _005196830 738 9 here here ADV _005196830 738 10 foretold foretold NOUN _005196830 738 11 of of ADP _005196830 738 12 christ christ PROPN _005196830 738 13 becomes become VERB _005196830 738 14 our our PRON _005196830 738 15 inheritance inheritance NOUN _005196830 738 16 as as ADV _005196830 738 17 well well ADV _005196830 738 18 because because SCONJ _005196830 738 19 our our PRON _005196830 738 20 call call NOUN _005196830 738 21 to to ADP _005196830 738 22 faith faith NOUN _005196830 738 23 in in ADP _005196830 738 24 him he PRON _005196830 738 25 is be AUX _005196830 738 26 also also ADV _005196830 738 27 to to PART _005196830 738 28 share share VERB _005196830 738 29 all all DET _005196830 738 30 things thing NOUN _005196830 738 31 with with ADP _005196830 738 32 him he PRON _005196830 738 33 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 738 34 eph eph NOUN _005196830 738 35 1,4 1,4 NUM _005196830 738 36 - - PUNCT _005196830 738 37 10;2 10;2 NUM _005196830 738 38 , , PUNCT _005196830 738 39 19 19 NUM _005196830 738 40 - - SYM _005196830 738 41 22 22 NUM _005196830 738 42 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 738 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 739 1 the the DET _005196830 739 2 blessings blessing NOUN _005196830 739 3 of of ADP _005196830 739 4 security security NOUN _005196830 739 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 739 6 intimate intimate ADJ _005196830 739 7 fellowship fellowship NOUN _005196830 739 8 with with ADP _005196830 739 9 god god PROPN _005196830 739 10 in in ADP _005196830 739 11 christ christ PROPN _005196830 739 12 rest rest VERB _005196830 739 13 on on ADP _005196830 739 14 the the DET _005196830 739 15 power power NOUN _005196830 739 16 of of ADP _005196830 739 17 faith faith NOUN _005196830 739 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 739 19 the the DET _005196830 739 20 firmness firmness NOUN _005196830 739 21 of of ADP _005196830 739 22 hope hope NOUN _005196830 739 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 739 24 the the DET _005196830 739 25 fidelity fidelity NOUN _005196830 739 26 of of ADP _005196830 739 27 love love NOUN _005196830 739 28 in in ADP _005196830 739 29 fulfilling fulfil VERB _005196830 739 30 god god PROPN _005196830 739 31 ’s ’s PART _005196830 739 32 will will AUX _005196830 739 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 740 1 to to PART _005196830 740 2 give give VERB _005196830 740 3 god god PROPN _005196830 740 4 first first ADJ _005196830 740 5 place place NOUN _005196830 740 6 in in ADP _005196830 740 7 all all DET _005196830 740 8 things thing NOUN _005196830 740 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 740 10 to to PART _005196830 740 11 live live VERB _005196830 740 12 in in ADP _005196830 740 13 81 81 NUM _005196830 740 14 appendix appendix NOUN _005196830 740 15 iv iv VERB _005196830 740 16 his his PRON _005196830 740 17 presence presence NOUN _005196830 740 18 is be AUX _005196830 740 19 to to PART _005196830 740 20 enjoy enjoy VERB _005196830 740 21 the the DET _005196830 740 22 harmony harmony NOUN _005196830 740 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 740 24 security security NOUN _005196830 740 25 ol ol ADP _005196830 740 26 an an DET _005196830 740 27 integrated integrated ADJ _005196830 740 28 life life NOUN _005196830 740 29 with with ADP _005196830 740 30 him he PRON _005196830 740 31 , , PUNCT _005196830 740 32 and and CCONJ _005196830 740 33 to to PART _005196830 740 34 have have VERB _005196830 740 35 the the DET _005196830 740 36 assurance assurance NOUN _005196830 740 37 of of ADP _005196830 740 38 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 740 39 with with ADP _005196830 740 40 christ christ PROPN _005196830 740 41 unto unto ADP _005196830 740 42 glory glory NOUN _005196830 740 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 741 1 friday friday PROPN _005196830 741 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 741 3 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 741 4 88 88 NUM _005196830 741 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 741 6 of of ADP _005196830 741 7 a a DET _005196830 741 8 sick sick ADJ _005196830 741 9 person person NOUN _005196830 741 10 this this DET _005196830 741 11 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 741 12 is be AUX _005196830 741 13 the the DET _005196830 741 14 plea plea NOUN _005196830 741 15 of of ADP _005196830 741 16 a a DET _005196830 741 17 man man NOUN _005196830 741 18 plunged plunge VERB _005196830 741 19 in in ADP _005196830 741 20 suffering suffer VERB _005196830 741 21 due due ADJ _005196830 741 22 in in ADP _005196830 741 23 some some DET _005196830 741 24 way way NOUN _005196830 741 25 to to ADP _005196830 741 26 god god PROPN _005196830 741 27 ’s ’s PART _005196830 741 28 wrath wrath NOUN _005196830 741 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 741 30 7 7 NUM _005196830 741 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 741 32 . . PUNCT _005196830 742 1 he he PRON _005196830 742 2 cries cry VERB _005196830 742 3 out out ADP _005196830 742 4 night night NOUN _005196830 742 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 742 6 day day NOUN _005196830 742 7 to to ADP _005196830 742 8 the the DET _005196830 742 9 lord lord PROPN _005196830 742 10 god god PROPN _005196830 742 11 his his PRON _005196830 742 12 sole sole ADJ _005196830 742 13 refuge refuge NOUN _005196830 742 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 742 15 despite despite SCONJ _005196830 742 16 his his PRON _005196830 742 17 apparent apparent ADJ _005196830 742 18 abandonment abandonment NOUN _005196830 742 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 743 1 his his PRON _005196830 743 2 soul soul NOUN _005196830 743 3 is be AUX _005196830 743 4 steeped steep VERB _005196830 743 5 in in ADP _005196830 743 6 utter utter ADJ _005196830 743 7 desperation desperation NOUN _005196830 743 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 743 9 unable unable ADJ _005196830 743 10 to to PART _005196830 743 11 endure endure VERB _005196830 743 12 anymore anymore ADV _005196830 743 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 743 14 oppressed oppress VERB _005196830 743 15 by by ADP _005196830 743 16 god god PROPN _005196830 743 17 ’s ’s PROPN _005196830 743 18 wrath wrath NOUN _005196830 743 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 743 20 rejected reject VERB _005196830 743 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 743 22 friendless friendless NOUN _005196830 743 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 743 24 trapped trap VERB _005196830 743 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 743 26 with with ADP _005196830 743 27 no no DET _005196830 743 28 means mean NOUN _005196830 743 29 of of ADP _005196830 743 30 escape escape NOUN _005196830 743 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 744 1 he he PRON _005196830 744 2 is be AUX _005196830 744 3 already already ADV _005196830 744 4 counted count VERB _005196830 744 5 among among ADP _005196830 744 6 the the DET _005196830 744 7 dying dying NOUN _005196830 744 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 744 9 indeed indeed ADV _005196830 744 10 as as SCONJ _005196830 744 11 already already ADV _005196830 744 12 dead dead ADJ _005196830 744 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 744 14 lying lie VERB _005196830 744 15 unidentified unidentified ADJ _005196830 744 16 in in ADP _005196830 744 17 the the DET _005196830 744 18 grave grave NOUN _005196830 744 19 , , PUNCT _005196830 744 20 beyond beyond ADP _005196830 744 21 god god PROPN _005196830 744 22 ’s ’s PART _005196830 744 23 care care NOUN _005196830 744 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 744 25 and and CCONJ _005196830 744 26 consigned consign VERB _005196830 744 27 to to ADP _005196830 744 28 oblivion oblivion NOUN _005196830 744 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 744 30 2 2 NUM _005196830 744 31 - - SYM _005196830 744 32 9 9 NUM _005196830 744 33 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 744 34 . . PUNCT _005196830 745 1 a a DET _005196830 745 2 second second ADJ _005196830 745 3 time time NOUN _005196830 745 4 he he PRON _005196830 745 5 cries cry VERB _005196830 745 6 out out ADP _005196830 745 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 745 8 stretching stretch VERB _005196830 745 9 out out ADP _005196830 745 10 his his PRON _005196830 745 11 hands hand NOUN _005196830 745 12 in in ADP _005196830 745 13 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 745 14 . . PUNCT _005196830 746 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 746 2 now now ADV _005196830 746 3 he he PRON _005196830 746 4 puts put VERB _005196830 746 5 his his PRON _005196830 746 6 bitterness bitterness NOUN _005196830 746 7 aside aside ADV _005196830 746 8 for for ADP _005196830 746 9 a a DET _005196830 746 10 time time NOUN _005196830 746 11 to to PART _005196830 746 12 ask ask VERB _005196830 746 13 god god PROPN _005196830 746 14 of of ADP _005196830 746 15 what what PRON _005196830 746 16 use use NOUN _005196830 746 17 to to ADP _005196830 746 18 him he PRON _005196830 746 19 is be AUX _005196830 746 20 death death NOUN _005196830 746 21 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 747 1 will will AUX _005196830 747 2 he he PRON _005196830 747 3 in in ADP _005196830 747 4 some some DET _005196830 747 5 way way NOUN _005196830 747 6 work work NOUN _005196830 747 7 wonders wonder NOUN _005196830 747 8 for for ADP _005196830 747 9 the the DET _005196830 747 10 dead dead ADJ _005196830 747 11 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 748 1 manifest manifest VERB _005196830 748 2 himself himself PRON _005196830 748 3 in in ADP _005196830 748 4 the the DET _005196830 748 5 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 748 6 to to ADP _005196830 748 7 those those PRON _005196830 748 8 who who PRON _005196830 748 9 have have AUX _005196830 748 10 perished perish VERB _005196830 748 11 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 749 1 penetrate penetrate VERB _005196830 749 2 the the DET _005196830 749 3 land land NOUN _005196830 749 4 of of ADP _005196830 749 5 oblivion oblivion NOUN _005196830 749 6 so so SCONJ _005196830 749 7 that that SCONJ _005196830 749 8 the the DET _005196830 749 9 victims victim NOUN _005196830 749 10 might might AUX _005196830 749 11 experience experience VERB _005196830 749 12 his his PRON _005196830 749 13 wonders wonder NOUN _005196830 749 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 749 15 understand understand VERB _005196830 749 16 his his PRON _005196830 749 17 justice justice NOUN _005196830 749 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 749 19 still still ADV _005196830 749 20 have have VERB _005196830 749 21 hope hope NOUN _005196830 749 22 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 750 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 750 2 10 10 NUM _005196830 750 3 - - SYM _005196830 750 4 13 13 NUM _005196830 750 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 750 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 751 1 the the DET _005196830 751 2 sufferer sufferer PROPN _005196830 751 3 ’s ’s NOUN _005196830 751 4 anguish anguish NOUN _005196830 751 5 shows show VERB _005196830 751 6 clearly clearly ADV _005196830 751 7 the the DET _005196830 751 8 need need NOUN _005196830 751 9 of of ADP _005196830 751 10 further further ADJ _005196830 751 11 revelation revelation NOUN _005196830 751 12 to to PART _005196830 751 13 solve solve VERB _005196830 751 14 the the DET _005196830 751 15 mystery mystery NOUN _005196830 751 16 of of ADP _005196830 751 17 pain pain NOUN _005196830 751 18 and and CCONJ _005196830 751 19 suffering suffering NOUN _005196830 751 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 752 1 82 82 NUM _005196830 752 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 752 3 iv iv VERB _005196830 752 4 after after ADP _005196830 752 5 the the DET _005196830 752 6 third third ADJ _005196830 752 7 outcry outcry NOUN _005196830 752 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 752 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 752 10 of of ADP _005196830 752 11 the the DET _005196830 752 12 afflicted afflict VERB _005196830 752 13 man man NOUN _005196830 752 14 — — PUNCT _005196830 752 15 * * PUNCT _005196830 752 16 * * PUNCT _005196830 752 17 in in ADP _005196830 752 18 the the DET _005196830 752 19 morning morning NOUN _005196830 752 20 my my PRON _005196830 752 21 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 752 22 comes come VERB _005196830 752 23 before before ADP _005196830 752 24 you you PRON _005196830 752 25 ” " PUNCT _005196830 752 26 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196830 752 27 — — PUNCT _005196830 752 28 his his PRON _005196830 752 29 mood mood NOUN _005196830 752 30 of of ADP _005196830 752 31 entreaty entreaty NOUN _005196830 752 32 vanishes vanishe NOUN _005196830 752 33 on on ADP _005196830 752 34 his his PRON _005196830 752 35 lips lip NOUN _005196830 752 36 as as SCONJ _005196830 752 37 he he PRON _005196830 752 38 is be AUX _005196830 752 39 again again ADV _005196830 752 40 tormented torment VERB _005196830 752 41 with with ADP _005196830 752 42 pain pain NOUN _005196830 752 43 . . PUNCT _005196830 753 1 " " PUNCT _005196830 753 2 lord lord PROPN _005196830 753 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 753 4 why why SCONJ _005196830 753 5 do do AUX _005196830 753 6 you you PRON _005196830 753 7 reject reject VERB _005196830 753 8 me i PRON _005196830 753 9 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 753 10 ” " PUNCT _005196830 754 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 754 2 14 14 NUM _005196830 754 3 - - SYM _005196830 754 4 15 15 NUM _005196830 754 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 754 6 . . PUNCT _005196830 755 1 even even ADV _005196830 755 2 from from ADP _005196830 755 3 his his PRON _005196830 755 4 youth youth NOUN _005196830 755 5 he he PRON _005196830 755 6 has have AUX _005196830 755 7 been be AUX _005196830 755 8 afflicted afflict VERB _005196830 755 9 and and CCONJ _005196830 755 10 in in ADP _005196830 755 11 agony agony PROPN _005196830 755 12 . . PUNCT _005196830 756 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 756 2 now now ADV _005196830 756 3 in in ADP _005196830 756 4 one one NUM _005196830 756 5 last last ADJ _005196830 756 6 lament lament NOUN _005196830 756 7 he he PRON _005196830 756 8 says say VERB _005196830 756 9 that that SCONJ _005196830 756 10 god god PROPN _005196830 756 11 ’s ’s PART _005196830 756 12 furies fury NOUN _005196830 756 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 756 14 terrors terror NOUN _005196830 756 15 have have AUX _005196830 756 16 swept sweep VERB _005196830 756 17 over over ADP _005196830 756 18 him he PRON _005196830 756 19 like like ADP _005196830 756 20 water water NOUN _005196830 756 21 , , PUNCT _005196830 756 22 engulfed engulf VERB _005196830 756 23 him he PRON _005196830 756 24 , , PUNCT _005196830 756 25 cut cut VERB _005196830 756 26 him he PRON _005196830 756 27 oil oil NOUN _005196830 756 28 , , PUNCT _005196830 756 29 deprived deprive VERB _005196830 756 30 him he PRON _005196830 756 31 of of ADP _005196830 756 32 friends friend NOUN _005196830 756 33 and and CCONJ _005196830 756 34 companions companion NOUN _005196830 756 35 , , PUNCT _005196830 756 36 with with ADP _005196830 756 37 nothing nothing PRON _005196830 756 38 left leave VERB _005196830 756 39 but but CCONJ _005196830 756 40 daricness daricness NOUN _005196830 756 41 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 756 42 16 16 NUM _005196830 756 43 - - SYM _005196830 756 44 19 19 NUM _005196830 756 45 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 756 46 . . PUNCT _005196830 757 1 this this PRON _005196830 757 2 is be AUX _005196830 757 3 the the DET _005196830 757 4 saddest saddest NOUN _005196830 757 5 of of ADP _005196830 757 6 the the DET _005196830 757 7 psalms psalm NOUN _005196830 757 8 . . PUNCT _005196830 758 1 nowhere nowhere ADV _005196830 758 2 else else ADV _005196830 758 3 in in ADP _005196830 758 4 the the DET _005196830 758 5 scriptures scripture NOUN _005196830 758 6 do do AUX _005196830 758 7 the the DET _005196830 758 8 afflictions affliction NOUN _005196830 758 9 of of ADP _005196830 758 10 the the DET _005196830 758 11 just just ADJ _005196830 758 12 man man NOUN _005196830 758 13 appear appear VERB _005196830 758 14 so so ADV _005196830 758 15 hopeless hopeless ADJ _005196830 758 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 759 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005196830 759 2 the the DET _005196830 759 3 threefold threefold ADJ _005196830 759 4 cry cry NOUN _005196830 759 5 for for ADP _005196830 759 6 help help NOUN _005196830 759 7 from from ADP _005196830 759 8 one one NUM _005196830 759 9 who who PRON _005196830 759 10 believes believe VERB _005196830 759 11 in in ADP _005196830 759 12 god god PROPN _005196830 759 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 759 14 in in ADP _005196830 759 15 his his PRON _005196830 759 16 power power NOUN _005196830 759 17 to to PART _005196830 759 18 help help VERB _005196830 759 19 tells tell VERB _005196830 759 20 us we PRON _005196830 759 21 that that DET _005196830 759 22 man man NOUN _005196830 759 23 ’s ’s PART _005196830 759 24 hopelessness hopelessness NOUN _005196830 759 25 is be AUX _005196830 759 26 never never ADV _005196830 759 27 without without ADP _005196830 759 28 hope hope NOUN _005196830 759 29 with with ADP _005196830 759 30 god god PROPN _005196830 759 31 . . PUNCT _005196830 760 1 there there PRON _005196830 760 2 is be VERB _005196830 760 3 firm firm ADJ _005196830 760 4 foundation foundation NOUN _005196830 760 5 for for ADP _005196830 760 6 this this DET _005196830 760 7 understanding understanding NOUN _005196830 760 8 of of ADP _005196830 760 9 the the DET _005196830 760 10 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 760 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 760 12 for for ADP _005196830 760 13 hope hope NOUN _005196830 760 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 760 15 consolation consolation NOUN _005196830 760 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 761 1 are be AUX _005196830 761 2 not not PART _005196830 761 3 these these PRON _005196830 761 4 sufferings suffering VERB _005196830 761 5 those those PRON _005196830 761 6 of of ADP _005196830 761 7 the the DET _005196830 761 8 suffering suffering NOUN _005196830 761 9 servant servant NOUN _005196830 761 10 elsewhere elsewhere ADV _005196830 761 11 described describe VERB _005196830 761 12 , , PUNCT _005196830 761 13 though though SCONJ _005196830 761 14 not not PART _005196830 761 15 all all ADV _005196830 761 16 in in ADP _005196830 761 17 one one NUM _005196830 761 18 place place NOUN _005196830 761 19 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 761 20 pss pss PROPN _005196830 761 21 22,38,39 22,38,39 NUM _005196830 761 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 761 23 isaiah isaiah PROPN _005196830 761 24 53 53 NUM _005196830 761 25 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 761 26 ? ? PUNCT _005196830 762 1 the the DET _005196830 762 2 fathers father NOUN _005196830 762 3 of of ADP _005196830 762 4 the the DET _005196830 762 5 church church NOUN _005196830 762 6 have have AUX _005196830 762 7 understood understand VERB _005196830 762 8 them they PRON _005196830 762 9 as as SCONJ _005196830 762 10 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196830 762 11 in in ADP _005196830 762 12 the the DET _005196830 762 13 passion passion NOUN _005196830 762 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 762 15 death death NOUN _005196830 762 16 of of ADP _005196830 762 17 christ christ PROPN _005196830 762 18 . . PUNCT _005196830 763 1 such such ADJ _005196830 763 2 extreme extreme ADJ _005196830 763 3 , , PUNCT _005196830 763 4 otherwise otherwise ADV _005196830 763 5 unbearable unbearable ADJ _005196830 763 6 physical physical ADJ _005196830 763 7 pain pain NOUN _005196830 763 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 763 9 mental mental ADJ _005196830 763 10 anguish anguish NOUN _005196830 763 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 763 12 abondonment abondonment PROPN _005196830 763 13 even even ADV _005196830 763 14 unto unto ADP _005196830 763 15 death death NOUN _005196830 763 16 were be AUX _005196830 763 17 borne bear VERB _005196830 763 18 by by ADP _005196830 763 19 christ christ PROPN _005196830 763 20 in in ADP _005196830 763 21 his his PRON _005196830 763 22 agony agony NOUN _005196830 763 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 763 24 crucifixion crucifixion NOUN _005196830 763 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 764 1 and and CCONJ _005196830 764 2 they they PRON _005196830 764 3 merited merit VERB _005196830 764 4 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005196830 764 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 764 6 salvation salvation NOUN _005196830 764 7 for for ADP _005196830 764 8 all all PRON _005196830 764 9 who who PRON _005196830 764 10 repent repent VERB _005196830 764 11 . . PUNCT _005196830 765 1 the the DET _005196830 765 2 suffering suffer VERB _005196830 765 3 christ christ PROPN _005196830 765 4 is be AUX _005196830 765 5 the the DET _005196830 765 6 key key NOUN _005196830 765 7 that that PRON _005196830 765 8 unlocks unlock VERB _005196830 765 9 the the DET _005196830 765 10 mystery mystery NOUN _005196830 765 11 of of ADP _005196830 765 12 human human ADJ _005196830 765 13 suffering suffering NOUN _005196830 765 14 and and CCONJ _005196830 765 15 through through ADP _005196830 765 16 his his PRON _005196830 765 17 own own ADJ _005196830 765 18 pas83 pas83 NOUN _005196830 765 19 1 1 NUM _005196830 765 20 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 765 21 iv iv NOUN _005196830 765 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196830 765 23 sion sion NOUN _005196830 765 24 and and CCONJ _005196830 765 25 death death NOUN _005196830 765 26 gives give VERB _005196830 765 27 it it PRON _005196830 765 28 redeeming redeem VERB _005196830 765 29 value value NOUN _005196830 765 30 . . PUNCT _005196830 766 1 in in ADP _005196830 766 2 his his PRON _005196830 766 3 rising rise VERB _005196830 766 4 he he PRON _005196830 766 5 opens open VERB _005196830 766 6 to to ADP _005196830 766 7 us we PRON _005196830 766 8 the the DET _005196830 766 9 gateway gateway NOUN _005196830 766 10 of of ADP _005196830 766 11 our our PRON _005196830 766 12 own own ADJ _005196830 766 13 glorious glorious ADJ _005196830 766 14 resurj resurj NOUN _005196830 766 15 rection rection NOUN _005196830 766 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 767 1 * * PUNCT _005196830 767 2 * * PUNCT _005196830 767 3 as as SCONJ _005196830 767 4 we we PRON _005196830 767 5 have have AUX _005196830 767 6 shared share VERB _005196830 767 7 much much ADV _005196830 767 8 in in ADP _005196830 767 9 the the DET _005196830 767 10 suffering suffering NOUN _005196830 767 11 of of ADP _005196830 767 12 3 3 NUM _005196830 767 13 christ christ PROPN _005196830 767 14 , , PUNCT _005196830 767 15 so so ADV _005196830 767 16 through through ADP _005196830 767 17 christ christ PROPN _005196830 767 18 do do AUX _005196830 767 19 we we PRON _005196830 767 20 share share VERB _005196830 767 21 abundantly abundantly ADV _005196830 767 22 in in ADP _005196830 767 23 his his PRON _005196830 767 24 consolation consolation NOUN _005196830 767 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 767 26 ” " PUNCT _005196830 768 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 768 2 2 2 NUM _005196830 768 3 cor cor NOUN _005196830 768 4 1,5 1,5 NUM _005196830 768 5 > > X _005196830 768 6 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196830 768 7 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 768 8 : : PUNCT _005196830 768 9 ! ! PUNCT _005196830 769 1 psalm psalm VERB _005196830 769 2 4 4 NUM _005196830 769 3 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196830 769 4 thanksgiving thanksgive VERB _005196830 769 5 j j PROPN _005196830 769 6 the the DET _005196830 769 7 psalmist psalmist NOUN _005196830 769 8 is be AUX _005196830 769 9 accustomed accustomed ADJ _005196830 769 10 to to PART _005196830 769 11 entrust entrust VERB _005196830 769 12 himself himself PRON _005196830 769 13 and and CCONJ _005196830 769 14 | | VERB _005196830 769 15 his his PRON _005196830 769 16 affairs affair NOUN _005196830 769 17 to to ADP _005196830 769 18 god god PROPN _005196830 769 19 ’s ’s PART _005196830 769 20 care care NOUN _005196830 769 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 770 1 in in ADP _005196830 770 2 his his PRON _005196830 770 3 present present ADJ _005196830 770 4 need need NOUN _005196830 770 5 he he PRON _005196830 770 6 confidently confidently ADV _005196830 770 7 appeals appeal VERB _005196830 770 8 to to ADP _005196830 770 9 god god PROPN _005196830 770 10 for for ADP _005196830 770 11 merciful merciful ADJ _005196830 770 12 consideration consideration NOUN _005196830 770 13 : : PUNCT _005196830 770 14 \ \ PROPN _005196830 770 15 * * PUNCT _005196830 770 16 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196830 770 17 have have AUX _005196830 770 18 mercy mercy NOUN _005196830 770 19 and and CCONJ _005196830 770 20 hear hear VERB _005196830 770 21 me i PRON _005196830 770 22 ” " PUNCT _005196830 770 23 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 770 24 2 2 NUM _005196830 770 25 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 770 26 . . PUNCT _005196830 771 1 the the DET _005196830 771 2 relief relief NOUN _005196830 771 3 he he PRON _005196830 771 4 desires desire VERB _005196830 771 5 to to PART _005196830 771 6 receive receive VERB _005196830 771 7 in in ADP _005196830 771 8 distress distress NOUN _005196830 771 9 is be AUX _005196830 771 10 figuratively figuratively ADV _005196830 771 11 described describe VERB _005196830 771 12 in in ADP _005196830 771 13 the the DET _005196830 771 14 | | NOUN _005196830 771 15 original original ADJ _005196830 771 16 language language NOUN _005196830 771 17 of of ADP _005196830 771 18 the the DET _005196830 771 19 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 771 20 as as ADP _005196830 771 21 a a DET _005196830 771 22 release release NOUN _005196830 771 23 from from ADP _005196830 771 24 re^ re^ PROPN _005196830 771 25 striction striction NOUN _005196830 771 26 or or CCONJ _005196830 771 27 narrow narrow ADJ _005196830 771 28 confinement confinement NOUN _005196830 771 29 into into ADP _005196830 771 30 more more ADV _005196830 771 31 ample ample ADJ _005196830 771 32 space space NOUN _005196830 771 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 772 1 in in ADP _005196830 772 2 this this DET _005196830 772 3 instance instance NOUN _005196830 772 4 the the DET _005196830 772 5 release release NOUN _005196830 772 6 implied imply VERB _005196830 772 7 is be AUX _005196830 772 8 from from ADP _005196830 772 9 the the DET _005196830 772 10 pressures pressure NOUN _005196830 772 11 of of ADP _005196830 772 12 wordly wordly ADJ _005196830 772 13 men man NOUN _005196830 772 14 of of ADP _005196830 772 15 power power NOUN _005196830 772 16 and and CCONJ _005196830 772 17 rank rank NOUN _005196830 772 18 who who PRON _005196830 772 19 j j PROPN _005196830 772 20 would would AUX _005196830 772 21 impose impose VERB _005196830 772 22 their their PRON _005196830 772 23 godless godless ADJ _005196830 772 24 way way NOUN _005196830 772 25 of of ADP _005196830 772 26 life life NOUN _005196830 772 27 and and CCONJ _005196830 772 28 false false ADJ _005196830 772 29 seeni seeni ADJ _005196830 772 30 rity rity NOUN _005196830 772 31 on on ADP _005196830 772 32 him he PRON _005196830 772 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 772 34 ' ' PUNCT _005196830 773 1 instead instead ADV _005196830 773 2 he he PRON _005196830 773 3 resists resist VERB _005196830 773 4 their their PRON _005196830 773 5 pressure pressure NOUN _005196830 773 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 773 7 takes take VERB _005196830 773 8 the the DET _005196830 773 9 initia initia NOUN _005196830 773 10 , , PUNCT _005196830 773 11 tive tive VERB _005196830 773 12 to to PART _005196830 773 13 admonish admonish VERB _005196830 773 14 them they PRON _005196830 773 15 to to PART _005196830 773 16 recognize recognize VERB _005196830 773 17 that that SCONJ _005196830 773 18 god god PROPN _005196830 773 19 sup\ sup\ PROPN _005196830 773 20 ports port NOUN _005196830 773 21 the the DET _005196830 773 22 man man NOUN _005196830 773 23 who who PRON _005196830 773 24 trusts trust VERB _005196830 773 25 him he PRON _005196830 773 26 despite despite SCONJ _005196830 773 27 all all DET _005196830 773 28 adversity adversity NOUN _005196830 773 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 773 30 i i PRON _005196830 773 31 and and CCONJ _005196830 773 32 sincerely sincerely ADV _005196830 773 33 seeks seek VERB _005196830 773 34 to to PART _005196830 773 35 serve serve VERB _005196830 773 36 him he PRON _005196830 773 37 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 773 38 3 3 NUM _005196830 773 39 - - SYM _005196830 773 40 4 4 NUM _005196830 773 41 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 773 42 . . PUNCT _005196830 774 1 they they PRON _005196830 774 2 are be AUX _005196830 774 3 to to PART _005196830 774 4 i i PRON _005196830 774 5 tremble tremble ADJ _005196830 774 6 , , PUNCT _005196830 774 7 i.e. i.e. X _005196830 774 8 , , PUNCT _005196830 774 9 to to PART _005196830 774 10 be be AUX _005196830 774 11 moved move VERB _005196830 774 12 with with ADP _005196830 774 13 fear fear NOUN _005196830 774 14 at at ADP _005196830 774 15 god god PROPN _005196830 774 16 ’s ’s PROPN _005196830 774 17 word word NOUN _005196830 774 18 \ \ PROPN _005196830 774 19 and and CCONJ _005196830 774 20 avoid avoid VERB _005196830 774 21 sin sin NOUN _005196830 774 22 . . PUNCT _005196830 775 1 in in ADP _005196830 775 2 offering offer VERB _005196830 775 3 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _005196830 775 4 they they PRON _005196830 775 5 are be AUX _005196830 775 6 not not PART _005196830 775 7 to to PART _005196830 775 8 i i PRON _005196830 775 9 look look VERB _005196830 775 10 for for ADP _005196830 775 11 delusive delusive ADJ _005196830 775 12 omens omen NOUN _005196830 775 13 thought think VERB _005196830 775 14 to to PART _005196830 775 15 augur augur VERB _005196830 775 16 success success NOUN _005196830 775 17 for for ADP _005196830 775 18 their their PRON _005196830 775 19 man man NOUN _005196830 775 20 - - PUNCT _005196830 775 21 made make VERB _005196830 775 22 ventures venture NOUN _005196830 775 23 but but CCONJ _005196830 775 24 to to PART _005196830 775 25 offer offer VERB _005196830 775 26 just just ADV _005196830 775 27 , , PUNCT _005196830 775 28 i.e. i.e. X _005196830 775 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 775 30 true true ADJ _005196830 775 31 84 84 NUM _005196830 775 32 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 775 33 iv iv PART _005196830 775 34 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _005196830 775 35 , , PUNCT _005196830 775 36 motivated motivate VERB _005196830 775 37 by by ADP _005196830 775 38 a a DET _005196830 775 39 sincere sincere ADJ _005196830 775 40 desire desire NOUN _005196830 775 41 to to PART _005196830 775 42 know know VERB _005196830 775 43 the the DET _005196830 775 44 truth truth NOUN _005196830 775 45 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 775 46 5 5 NUM _005196830 775 47 - - SYM _005196830 775 48 6 6 NUM _005196830 775 49 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 775 50 . . PUNCT _005196830 776 1 to to PART _005196830 776 2 long long VERB _005196830 776 3 for for ADP _005196830 776 4 better well ADJ _005196830 776 5 times time NOUN _005196830 776 6 is be AUX _005196830 776 7 also also ADV _005196830 776 8 vanity vanity NOUN _005196830 776 9 if if SCONJ _005196830 776 10 the the DET _005196830 776 11 desire desire NOUN _005196830 776 12 is be AUX _005196830 776 13 merely merely ADV _005196830 776 14 for for ADP _005196830 776 15 greater great ADJ _005196830 776 16 material material NOUN _005196830 776 17 prosperity prosperity NOUN _005196830 776 18 of of ADP _005196830 776 19 abundance abundance NOUN _005196830 776 20 of of ADP _005196830 776 21 grain grain NOUN _005196830 776 22 and and CCONJ _005196830 776 23 wine wine NOUN _005196830 776 24 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 776 25 7 7 NUM _005196830 776 26 - - SYM _005196830 776 27 8) 8) NUM _005196830 776 28 . . PUNCT _005196830 776 29 true true ADJ _005196830 776 30 joy joy NOUN _005196830 776 31 and and CCONJ _005196830 776 32 gladness gladness NOUN _005196830 776 33 of of ADP _005196830 776 34 heart heart NOUN _005196830 776 35 is be AUX _005196830 776 36 reserved reserve VERB _005196830 776 37 for for ADP _005196830 776 38 the the DET _005196830 776 39 person person NOUN _005196830 776 40 who who PRON _005196830 776 41 relies rely VERB _005196830 776 42 on on ADP _005196830 776 43 god god PROPN _005196830 776 44 and and CCONJ _005196830 776 45 on on ADP _005196830 776 46 whom whom PRON _005196830 776 47 in in ADP _005196830 776 48 return return NOUN _005196830 776 49 the the DET _005196830 776 50 light light NOUN _005196830 776 51 of of ADP _005196830 776 52 god god PROPN _005196830 776 53 ’s ’s PART _005196830 776 54 countenance countenance NOUN _005196830 776 55 shines shine VERB _005196830 776 56 and and CCONJ _005196830 776 57 his his PRON _005196830 776 58 favor favor NOUN _005196830 776 59 rests rest NOUN _005196830 776 60 . . PUNCT _005196830 777 1 joy joy NOUN _005196830 777 2 and and CCONJ _005196830 777 3 peace peace NOUN _005196830 777 4 are be AUX _005196830 777 5 the the DET _005196830 777 6 blessed blessed ADJ _005196830 777 7 fruits fruit NOUN _005196830 777 8 of of ADP _005196830 777 9 a a DET _005196830 777 10 life life NOUN _005196830 777 11 of of ADP _005196830 777 12 trust trust NOUN _005196830 777 13 in in ADP _005196830 777 14 god god PROPN _005196830 777 15 . . PUNCT _005196830 778 1 they they PRON _005196830 778 2 are be AUX _005196830 778 3 the the DET _005196830 778 4 gifts gift NOUN _005196830 778 5 of of ADP _005196830 778 6 the the DET _005196830 778 7 spirit spirit NOUN _005196830 778 8 which which DET _005196830 778 9 earthly earthly ADJ _005196830 778 10 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005196830 778 11 and and CCONJ _005196830 778 12 prosperity prosperity NOUN _005196830 778 13 can can AUX _005196830 778 14 not not PART _005196830 778 15 yield yield VERB _005196830 778 16 . . PUNCT _005196830 779 1 they they PRON _005196830 779 2 indicate indicate VERB _005196830 779 3 the the DET _005196830 779 4 righteousness righteousness NOUN _005196830 779 5 of of ADP _005196830 779 6 the the DET _005196830 779 7 cause cause NOUN _005196830 779 8 of of ADP _005196830 779 9 those those PRON _005196830 779 10 who who PRON _005196830 779 11 follow follow VERB _005196830 779 12 this this DET _005196830 779 13 way way NOUN _005196830 779 14 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 779 15 8 8 NUM _005196830 779 16 - - SYM _005196830 779 17 9 9 NUM _005196830 779 18 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 779 19 . . PUNCT _005196830 780 1 when when SCONJ _005196830 780 2 trust trust NOUN _005196830 780 3 is be AUX _005196830 780 4 tested test VERB _005196830 780 5 through through ADP _005196830 780 6 trial trial NOUN _005196830 780 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 780 8 suffering suffering NOUN _005196830 780 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 780 10 joy joy NOUN _005196830 780 11 is be AUX _005196830 780 12 all all DET _005196830 780 13 the the PRON _005196830 780 14 greater great ADJ _005196830 780 15 and and CCONJ _005196830 780 16 peace peace NOUN _005196830 780 17 the the DET _005196830 780 18 more more ADV _005196830 780 19 secure secure ADJ _005196830 780 20 . . PUNCT _005196830 781 1 saturday saturday PROPN _005196830 781 2 : : PUNCT _005196830 781 3 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 781 4 134 134 NUM _005196830 781 5 evening evening NOUN _005196830 781 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 781 7 in in ADP _005196830 781 8 the the DET _005196830 781 9 temple temple NOUN _005196830 781 10 as as SCONJ _005196830 781 11 the the DET _005196830 781 12 sabbath sabbath PROPN _005196830 781 13 night night NOUN _005196830 781 14 prayer prayer NOUN _005196830 781 15 brings bring VERB _005196830 781 16 to to ADP _005196830 781 17 a a DET _005196830 781 18 close close ADJ _005196830 781 19 another another DET _005196830 781 20 vyeek vyeek NOUN _005196830 781 21 of of ADP _005196830 781 22 praise praise NOUN _005196830 781 23 of of ADP _005196830 781 24 god god PROPN _005196830 781 25 , , PUNCT _005196830 781 26 it it PRON _005196830 781 27 is be AUX _005196830 781 28 fitting fitting ADJ _005196830 781 29 that that SCONJ _005196830 781 30 from from ADP _005196830 781 31 the the DET _005196830 781 32 hearts heart NOUN _005196830 781 33 and and CCONJ _005196830 781 34 lips lip NOUN _005196830 781 35 of of ADP _005196830 781 36 christians christians PROPN _005196830 781 37 the the DET _005196830 781 38 same same ADJ _005196830 781 39 psalm psalm NOUN _005196830 781 40 should should AUX _005196830 781 41 rise rise VERB _005196830 781 42 as as ADP _005196830 781 43 from from ADP _005196830 781 44 the the DET _005196830 781 45 ancient ancient ADJ _005196830 781 46 jewish jewish ADJ _005196830 781 47 pilgrims pilgrim NOUN _005196830 781 48 at at ADP _005196830 781 49 the the DET _005196830 781 50 close close NOUN _005196830 781 51 of of ADP _005196830 781 52 their their PRON _005196830 781 53 festival festival NOUN _005196830 781 54 and and CCONJ _005196830 781 55 octave octave NOUN _005196830 781 56 of of ADP _005196830 781 57 the the DET _005196830 781 58 feast feast NOUN _005196830 781 59 of of ADP _005196830 781 60 booths booth NOUN _005196830 781 61 . . PUNCT _005196830 782 1 they they PRON _005196830 782 2 exhort exhort VERB _005196830 782 3 the the DET _005196830 782 4 priests priest NOUN _005196830 782 5 and and CCONJ _005196830 782 6 levites levite NOUN _005196830 782 7 , , PUNCT _005196830 782 8 and and CCONJ _005196830 782 9 all all DET _005196830 782 10 the the DET _005196830 782 11 various various ADJ _005196830 782 12 orders order NOUN _005196830 782 13 of of ADP _005196830 782 14 ministers minister NOUN _005196830 782 15 about about ADP _005196830 782 16 to to PART _005196830 782 17 begin begin VERB _005196830 782 18 their their PRON _005196830 782 19 night night NOUN _005196830 782 20 watch watch NOUN _005196830 782 21 to to PART _005196830 782 22 praise praise VERB _005196830 782 23 and and CCONJ _005196830 782 24 bless bless VERB _005196830 782 25 the the DET _005196830 782 26 lord lord PROPN _005196830 782 27 : : PUNCT _005196830 782 28 come come VERB _005196830 782 29 , , PUNCT _005196830 782 30 bless bless VERB _005196830 782 31 the the DET _005196830 782 32 lord lord PROPN _005196830 782 33 , , PUNCT _005196830 782 34 all all PRON _005196830 782 35 who who PRON _005196830 782 36 serve serve VERB _005196830 782 37 the the DET _005196830 782 38 lord lord PROPN _005196830 782 39 , , PUNCT _005196830 782 40 who who PRON _005196830 782 41 stand stand VERB _005196830 782 42 in in ADP _005196830 782 43 the the DET _005196830 782 44 85 85 NUM _005196830 782 45 appendix appendix PROPN _005196830 782 46 iv iv PART _005196830 782 47 house house NOUN _005196830 782 48 of of ADP _005196830 782 49 the the DET _005196830 782 50 lord lord PROPN _005196830 782 51 , , PUNCT _005196830 782 52 in in ADP _005196830 782 53 the the DET _005196830 782 54 courts court NOUN _005196830 782 55 of of ADP _005196830 782 56 the the DET _005196830 782 57 house house NOUN _005196830 782 58 of of ADP _005196830 782 59 our our PRON _005196830 782 60 god god PROPN _005196830 782 61 ” " PUNCT _005196830 782 62 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 782 63 1 1 NUM _005196830 782 64 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 782 65 . . PUNCT _005196830 783 1 “ " PUNCT _005196830 783 2 lift lift VERB _005196830 783 3 up up ADP _005196830 783 4 your your PRON _005196830 783 5 hands hand NOUN _005196830 783 6 to to ADP _005196830 783 7 the the DET _005196830 783 8 holy holy ADJ _005196830 783 9 place place NOUN _005196830 783 10 and and CCONJ _005196830 783 11 bless bless VERB _005196830 783 12 the the DET _005196830 783 13 lord lord PROPN _005196830 783 14 through through ADP _005196830 783 15 the the DET _005196830 783 16 night night NOUN _005196830 783 17 ” " PUNCT _005196830 783 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 783 19 2 2 NUM _005196830 783 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 783 21 . . PUNCT _005196830 784 1 it it PRON _005196830 784 2 is be AUX _005196830 784 3 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005196830 784 4 too too ADV _005196830 784 5 that that SCONJ _005196830 784 6 the the DET _005196830 784 7 priests priest NOUN _005196830 784 8 respond respond VERB _005196830 784 9 to to ADP _005196830 784 10 the the DET _005196830 784 11 song song NOUN _005196830 784 12 of of ADP _005196830 784 13 the the DET _005196830 784 14 departing depart VERB _005196830 784 15 pilgrims pilgrim NOUN _005196830 784 16 gathered gather VERB _005196830 784 17 for for ADP _005196830 784 18 the the DET _005196830 784 19 last last ADJ _005196830 784 20 time time NOUN _005196830 784 21 in in ADP _005196830 784 22 the the DET _005196830 784 23 brilliantly brilliantly ADV _005196830 784 24 lighted light VERB _005196830 784 25 courts court NOUN _005196830 784 26 of of ADP _005196830 784 27 the the DET _005196830 784 28 temple temple NOUN _005196830 784 29 by by ADP _005196830 784 30 imparting impart VERB _005196830 784 31 to to ADP _005196830 784 32 them they PRON _005196830 784 33 a a DET _005196830 784 34 final final ADJ _005196830 784 35 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 784 36 from from ADP _005196830 784 37 god god PROPN _005196830 784 38 ’s ’s PART _005196830 784 39 dwell dwell NOUN _005196830 784 40 * * PUNCT _005196830 784 41 ing ing NOUN _005196830 784 42 in in ADP _005196830 784 43 zion zion NOUN _005196830 784 44 for for ADP _005196830 784 45 safety safety NOUN _005196830 784 46 on on ADP _005196830 784 47 their their PRON _005196830 784 48 way way NOUN _005196830 784 49 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 784 50 3 3 NUM _005196830 784 51 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 784 52 . . PUNCT _005196830 785 1 the the DET _005196830 785 2 uplifted uplifted ADJ _005196830 785 3 hands hand NOUN _005196830 785 4 express express VERB _005196830 785 5 worship worship NOUN _005196830 785 6 but but CCONJ _005196830 785 7 also also ADV _005196830 785 8 the the DET _005196830 785 9 priestly priestly ADJ _005196830 785 10 power power NOUN _005196830 785 11 to to PART _005196830 785 12 bestow bestow VERB _005196830 785 13 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 785 14 on on ADP _005196830 785 15 the the DET _005196830 785 16 people people NOUN _005196830 785 17 . . PUNCT _005196830 786 1 life life NOUN _005196830 786 2 ’s ’s NOUN _005196830 786 3 journey journey NOUN _005196830 786 4 is be AUX _005196830 786 5 a a DET _005196830 786 6 continual continual ADJ _005196830 786 7 pilgrimage pilgrimage NOUN _005196830 786 8 symbolized symbolize VERB _005196830 786 9 by by ADP _005196830 786 10 the the DET _005196830 786 11 ancient ancient ADJ _005196830 786 12 feast feast NOUN _005196830 786 13 of of ADP _005196830 786 14 booths booth NOUN _005196830 786 15 or or CCONJ _005196830 786 16 tents tent NOUN _005196830 786 17 for for ADP _005196830 786 18 os os PRON _005196830 786 19 who who PRON _005196830 786 20 have have VERB _005196830 786 21 not not PART _005196830 786 22 here here ADV _005196830 786 23 a a DET _005196830 786 24 lasting last VERB _005196830 786 25 city city NOUN _005196830 786 26 but but CCONJ _005196830 786 27 look look VERB _005196830 786 28 for for ADP _005196830 786 29 one one NUM _005196830 786 30 that that PRON _005196830 786 31 is be AUX _005196830 786 32 to to PART _005196830 786 33 come come VERB _005196830 786 34 . . PUNCT _005196830 787 1 our our PRON _005196830 787 2 leader leader NOUN _005196830 787 3 is be AUX _005196830 787 4 christ christ PROPN _005196830 787 5 who who PRON _005196830 787 6 knows know VERB _005196830 787 7 the the DET _005196830 787 8 way way NOUN _005196830 787 9 to to ADP _005196830 787 10 his his PRON _005196830 787 11 father^s father^s NOUN _005196830 787 12 house house NOUN _005196830 787 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 787 14 our our PRON _005196830 787 15 place place NOUN _005196830 787 16 of of ADP _005196830 787 17 rest rest NOUN _005196830 787 18 , , PUNCT _005196830 787 19 since since SCONJ _005196830 787 20 he he PRON _005196830 787 21 has have AUX _005196830 787 22 gone go VERB _005196830 787 23 before before ADV _005196830 787 24 os os ADV _005196830 787 25 . . PUNCT _005196830 788 1 he he PRON _005196830 788 2 is be AUX _005196830 788 3 his his PRON _005196830 788 4 people people NOUN _005196830 788 5 ’s ’s PART _005196830 788 6 city city NOUN _005196830 788 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 788 8 temple temple NOUN _005196830 788 9 of of ADP _005196830 788 10 zion zion NOUN _005196830 788 11 from from ADP _005196830 788 12 whom whom PRON _005196830 788 13 rises rise VERB _005196830 788 14 the the DET _005196830 788 15 pilgrim pilgrim ADJ _005196830 788 16 ’s ’s NOUN _005196830 788 17 song song NOUN _005196830 788 18 of of ADP _005196830 788 19 praise praise NOUN _005196830 788 20 to to ADP _005196830 788 21 the the DET _005196830 788 22 father father NOUN _005196830 788 23 , , PUNCT _005196830 788 24 for for SCONJ _005196830 788 25 he he PRON _005196830 788 26 dwells dwell VERB _005196830 788 27 in in ADP _005196830 788 28 them they PRON _005196830 788 29 and and CCONJ _005196830 788 30 they they PRON _005196830 788 31 in in ADP _005196830 788 32 him he PRON _005196830 788 33 . . PUNCT _005196830 789 1 he he PRON _005196830 789 2 is be AUX _005196830 789 3 their their PRON _005196830 789 4 priest priest NOUN _005196830 789 5 who who PRON _005196830 789 6 offers offer VERB _005196830 789 7 and and CCONJ _005196830 789 8 is be AUX _005196830 789 9 offered offer VERB _005196830 789 10 to to ADP _005196830 789 11 the the DET _005196830 789 12 father father NOUN _005196830 789 13 in in ADP _005196830 789 14 their their PRON _005196830 789 15 behalf behalf NOUN _005196830 789 16 so so SCONJ _005196830 789 17 that that SCONJ _005196830 789 18 through through ADP _005196830 789 19 his his PRON _005196830 789 20 saving saving NOUN _005196830 789 21 death death NOUN _005196830 789 22 and and CCONJ _005196830 789 23 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196830 789 24 every every DET _005196830 789 25 blessing blessing NOUN _005196830 789 26 may may AUX _005196830 789 27 descend descend VERB _005196830 789 28 , , PUNCT _005196830 789 29 of of ADP _005196830 789 30 his his PRON _005196830 789 31 life life NOUN _005196830 789 32 which which PRON _005196830 789 33 he he PRON _005196830 789 34 shares share VERB _005196830 789 35 with with ADP _005196830 789 36 them they PRON _005196830 789 37 , , PUNCT _005196830 789 38 of of ADP _005196830 789 39 the the DET _005196830 789 40 manna manna NOUN _005196830 789 41 of of ADP _005196830 789 42 his his PRON _005196830 789 43 body body NOUN _005196830 789 44 and and CCONJ _005196830 789 45 blood blood NOUN _005196830 789 46 to to PART _005196830 789 47 nourish nourish VERB _005196830 789 48 them they PRON _005196830 789 49 on on ADP _005196830 789 50 their their PRON _005196830 789 51 way way NOUN _005196830 789 52 . . PUNCT _005196830 790 1 he he PRON _005196830 790 2 has have AUX _005196830 790 3 made make VERB _005196830 790 4 them they PRON _005196830 790 5 “ " PUNCT _005196830 790 6 a a DET _005196830 790 7 chosen choose VERB _005196830 790 8 race race NOUN _005196830 790 9 , , PUNCT _005196830 790 10 a a DET _005196830 790 11 royal royal ADJ _005196830 790 12 priesthood priesthood NOUN _005196830 790 13 , , PUNCT _005196830 790 14 a a DET _005196830 790 15 holy holy ADJ _005196830 790 16 nation nation NOUN _005196830 790 17 , , PUNCT _005196830 790 18 a a DET _005196830 790 19 people people NOUN _005196830 790 20 he he PRON _005196830 790 21 claims claim VERB _005196830 790 22 for for ADP _005196830 790 23 his his PRON _005196830 790 24 own own ADJ _005196830 790 25 to to PART _005196830 790 26 proclaim proclaim VERB _005196830 790 27 the the DET _005196830 790 28 glorious glorious ADJ _005196830 790 29 works work NOUN _005196830 790 30 of of ADP _005196830 790 31 the the DET _005196830 790 32 one one NOUN _005196830 790 33 who who PRON _005196830 790 34 called call VERB _005196830 790 35 them they PRON _005196830 790 36 from from ADP _005196830 790 37 darkness darkness NOUN _005196830 790 38 into into ADP _005196830 790 39 the the DET _005196830 790 40 marvellous marvellous ADJ _005196830 790 41 light light NOUN _005196830 790 42 ” " PUNCT _005196830 790 43 ( ( PUNCT _005196830 790 44 1 1 NUM _005196830 790 45 pt pt NOUN _005196830 790 46 2,9 2,9 NUM _005196830 790 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196830 790 48 and and CCONJ _005196830 790 49 to to ADP _005196830 790 50 the the DET _005196830 790 51 safety safety NOUN _005196830 790 52 of of ADP _005196830 790 53 their their PRON _005196830 790 54 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005196830 790 55 home home NOUN _005196830 790 56 . . PUNCT _005196830 791 1 86 86 NUM