id sid tid token lemma pos _005196753 1 1 instruction instruction NOUN _005196753 1 2 on on ADP _005196753 1 3 the the DET _005196753 1 4 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 1 5 life life NOUN _005196753 1 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 1 7 on on ADP _005196753 1 8 the the DET _005196753 1 9 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 1 10 of of ADP _005196753 1 11 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 1 12 \xy\\^ck \xy\\^ck SPACE _005196753 1 13 cb^ko)»'c cb^ko)»'c NOUN _005196753 1 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 2 1 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 2 2 s\ssd s\ssd NOUN _005196753 2 3 < < X _005196753 2 4 t t X _005196753 2 5 ^£h%ry2 ^£h%ry2 NUM _005196753 2 6 > > NOUN _005196753 2 7 instruction instruction NOUN _005196753 2 8 on on ADP _005196753 2 9 the the DET _005196753 2 10 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 2 11 life life NOUN _005196753 2 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 2 13 on on ADP _005196753 2 14 the the DET _005196753 2 15 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 2 16 of of ADP _005196753 2 17 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 2 18 congregation congregation NOUN _005196753 2 19 for for ADP _005196753 2 20 religious religious ADJ _005196753 2 21 august august PROPN _005196753 2 22 15 15 NUM _005196753 2 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 2 24 1969 1969 NUM _005196753 2 25 united united PROPN _005196753 2 26 states states PROPN _005196753 2 27 catholic catholic PROPN _005196753 2 28 conference conference NOUN _005196753 2 29 digitized digitize VERB _005196753 2 30 by by ADP _005196753 2 31 the the DET _005196753 2 32 internet internet NOUN _005196753 2 33 archive archive NOUN _005196753 2 34 in in ADP _005196753 2 35 2016 2016 NUM _005196753 2 36 NOUN _005196753 2 37 instruction instruction NOUN _005196753 2 38 on on ADP _005196753 2 39 the the DET _005196753 2 40 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 2 41 life life NOUN _005196753 2 42 and and CCONJ _005196753 2 43 on on ADP _005196753 2 44 the the DET _005196753 2 45 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 2 46 of of ADP _005196753 2 47 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 2 48 “ " PUNCT _005196753 2 49 come come VERB _005196753 2 50 away away ADV _005196753 2 51 by by ADP _005196753 2 52 yourselves yourself NOUN _005196753 2 53 to to ADP _005196753 2 54 a a DET _005196753 2 55 lonely lonely ADJ _005196753 2 56 place place NOUN _005196753 2 57 ” " PUNCT _005196753 2 58 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 2 59 mk mk X _005196753 2 60 6:31 6:31 NUM _005196753 2 61 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 2 62 . . PUNCT _005196753 3 1 numerous numerous ADJ _005196753 3 2 are be AUX _005196753 3 3 those those PRON _005196753 3 4 who who PRON _005196753 3 5 have have AUX _005196753 3 6 heard hear VERB _005196753 3 7 this this DET _005196753 3 8 call call NOUN _005196753 3 9 and and CCONJ _005196753 3 10 have have AUX _005196753 3 11 followed follow VERB _005196753 3 12 christ christ PROPN _005196753 3 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 3 14 withdrawing withdraw VERB _005196753 3 15 into into ADP _005196753 3 16 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 3 17 to to PART _005196753 3 18 worship worship VERB _005196753 3 19 the the DET _005196753 3 20 father father NOUN _005196753 3 21 there there ADV _005196753 3 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 4 1 it it PRON _005196753 4 2 was be AUX _005196753 4 3 by by ADP _005196753 4 4 this this DET _005196753 4 5 inspiration inspiration NOUN _005196753 4 6 of of ADP _005196753 4 7 the the DET _005196753 4 8 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 4 9 ^ ^ SPACE _005196753 4 10 that that SCONJ _005196753 4 11 some some PRON _005196753 4 12 were be AUX _005196753 4 13 led lead VERB _005196753 4 14 to to PART _005196753 4 15 establish establish VERB _005196753 4 16 institutions institution NOUN _005196753 4 17 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 4 18 to to ADP _005196753 4 19 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 4 20 alone alone ADV _005196753 4 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 4 22 among among ADP _005196753 4 23 which which PRON _005196753 4 24 convents convent NOUN _005196753 4 25 of of ADP _005196753 4 26 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 4 27 occupy occupy VERB _005196753 4 28 a a DET _005196753 4 29 position position NOUN _005196753 4 30 of of ADP _005196753 4 31 great great ADJ _005196753 4 32 distinction distinction NOUN _005196753 4 33 . . PUNCT _005196753 5 1 with with ADP _005196753 5 2 vigilant vigilant ADJ _005196753 5 3 and and CCONJ _005196753 5 4 maternal maternal ADJ _005196753 5 5 care care NOUN _005196753 5 6 the the DET _005196753 5 7 church church NOUN _005196753 5 8 has have AUX _005196753 5 9 always always ADV _005196753 5 10 watched watch VERB _005196753 5 11 over over ADP _005196753 5 12 virgins virgin NOUN _005196753 5 13 consecrated consecrated ADJ _005196753 5 14 to to ADP _005196753 5 15 god god PROPN _005196753 5 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 5 17 considered consider VERB _005196753 5 18 by by ADP _005196753 5 19 st st PROPN _005196753 5 20 . . PROPN _005196753 5 21 cyprian cyprian PROPN _005196753 5 22 as as ADP _005196753 5 23 “ " PUNCT _005196753 5 24 a a DET _005196753 5 25 more more ADV _005196753 5 26 illustrious illustrious ADJ _005196753 5 27 part part NOUN _005196753 5 28 of of ADP _005196753 5 29 christ christ PROPN _005196753 5 30 ’s ’s PART _005196753 5 31 flock flock NOUN _005196753 5 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 5 33 ” " PUNCT _005196753 5 34 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196753 6 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 6 2 it it PRON _005196753 6 3 is be AUX _005196753 6 4 particularly particularly ADV _005196753 6 5 on on ADP _005196753 6 6 this this DET _005196753 6 7 account account NOUN _005196753 6 8 that that SCONJ _005196753 6 9 she she PRON _005196753 6 10 has have AUX _005196753 6 11 defended defend VERB _005196753 6 12 their their PRON _005196753 6 13 separation separation NOUN _005196753 6 14 from from ADP _005196753 6 15 the the DET _005196753 6 16 affairs affair NOUN _005196753 6 17 of of ADP _005196753 6 18 the the DET _005196753 6 19 world world NOUN _005196753 6 20 by by ADP _005196753 6 21 issuing issue VERB _005196753 6 22 a a DET _005196753 6 23 considerable considerable ADJ _005196753 6 24 number number NOUN _005196753 6 25 of of ADP _005196753 6 26 regulations regulation NOUN _005196753 6 27 regarding regard VERB _005196753 6 28 papal papal ADJ _005196753 6 29 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 6 30 . . PUNCT _005196753 6 31 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196753 7 1 since since SCONJ _005196753 7 2 the the DET _005196753 7 3 second second ADJ _005196753 7 4 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 7 5 council council PROPN _005196753 7 6 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 7 7 manifested manifest VERB _005196753 7 8 its its PRON _005196753 7 9 concern concern NOUN _005196753 7 10 about about ADP _005196753 7 11 this this PRON _005196753 7 12 matter,^ matter,^ NOUN _005196753 7 13 it it PRON _005196753 7 14 is be AUX _005196753 7 15 the the DET _005196753 7 16 purpose purpose NOUN _005196753 7 17 of of ADP _005196753 7 18 this this DET _005196753 7 19 instruction instruction NOUN _005196753 7 20 to to PART _005196753 7 21 continue continue VERB _005196753 7 22 its its PRON _005196753 7 23 work work NOUN _005196753 7 24 by by ADP _005196753 7 25 legislating legislate VERB _005196753 7 26 the the DET _005196753 7 27 norms norm NOUN _005196753 7 28 which which PRON _005196753 7 29 in in ADP _005196753 7 30 the the DET _005196753 7 31 future future NOUN _005196753 7 32 will will AUX _005196753 7 33 regulate regulate VERB _005196753 7 34 the the DET _005196753 7 35 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 7 36 of of ADP _005196753 7 37 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 7 38 wholly wholly ADV _005196753 7 39 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 7 40 to to ADP _005196753 7 41 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 7 42 . . PUNCT _005196753 8 1 these these DET _005196753 8 2 norms norm NOUN _005196753 8 3 are be AUX _005196753 8 4 prefaced preface VERB _005196753 8 5 by by ADP _005196753 8 6 certain certain ADJ _005196753 8 7 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005196753 8 8 considerations consideration NOUN _005196753 8 9 regarding regard VERB _005196753 8 10 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 8 11 itself itself PRON _005196753 8 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 9 1 i i PRON _005196753 9 2 withdrawal withdrawal VERB _005196753 9 3 from from ADP _005196753 9 4 the the DET _005196753 9 5 world world NOUN _005196753 9 6 for for ADP _005196753 9 7 the the DET _005196753 9 8 sake sake NOUN _005196753 9 9 of of ADP _005196753 9 10 leading lead VERB _005196753 9 11 a a DET _005196753 9 12 more more ADV _005196753 9 13 intense intense ADJ _005196753 9 14 life life NOUN _005196753 9 15 of of ADP _005196753 9 16 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 9 17 in in ADP _005196753 9 18 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 9 19 is be AUX _005196753 9 20 nothing nothing PRON _005196753 9 21 other other ADJ _005196753 9 22 than than ADP _005196753 9 23 a a DET _005196753 9 24 very very ADV _005196753 9 25 par1 par1 NOUN _005196753 9 26 dsacfdwed dsacfdwe VERB _005196753 9 27 ticular ticular ADJ _005196753 9 28 way way NOUN _005196753 9 29 of of ADP _005196753 9 30 living live VERB _005196753 9 31 and and CCONJ _005196753 9 32 expressing express VERB _005196753 9 33 the the DET _005196753 9 34 paschal paschal NOUN _005196753 9 35 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 9 36 of of ADP _005196753 9 37 christ christ PROPN _005196753 9 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 9 39 which which PRON _005196753 9 40 is be AUX _005196753 9 41 death death NOUN _005196753 9 42 ordained ordain VERB _005196753 9 43 toward toward ADP _005196753 9 44 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005196753 9 45 . . PUNCT _005196753 10 1 this this DET _005196753 10 2 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 10 3 is be AUX _005196753 10 4 portrayed portray VERB _005196753 10 5 in in ADP _005196753 10 6 holy holy ADJ _005196753 10 7 scripture scripture NOUN _005196753 10 8 in in ADP _005196753 10 9 terms term NOUN _005196753 10 10 of of ADP _005196753 10 11 a a DET _005196753 10 12 passage passage NOUN _005196753 10 13 or or CCONJ _005196753 10 14 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 10 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 10 16 which which PRON _005196753 10 17 without without ADP _005196753 10 18 doubt doubt NOUN _005196753 10 19 constitutes constitute VERB _005196753 10 20 the the DET _005196753 10 21 most most ADV _005196753 10 22 important important ADJ _005196753 10 23 event event NOUN _005196753 10 24 in in ADP _005196753 10 25 the the DET _005196753 10 26 development development NOUN _005196753 10 27 of of ADP _005196753 10 28 israelite israelite ADJ _005196753 10 29 history history NOUN _005196753 10 30 , , PUNCT _005196753 10 31 inasmuch inasmuch ADJ _005196753 10 32 as as SCONJ _005196753 10 33 it it PRON _005196753 10 34 forms form VERB _005196753 10 35 the the DET _005196753 10 36 basis basis NOUN _005196753 10 37 of of ADP _005196753 10 38 israel israel PROPN _005196753 10 39 ’s ’s PART _005196753 10 40 faith faith NOUN _005196753 10 41 ® ® NOUN _005196753 10 42 and and CCONJ _005196753 10 43 of of ADP _005196753 10 44 her her PRON _005196753 10 45 more more ADV _005196753 10 46 intimate intimate ADJ _005196753 10 47 life life NOUN _005196753 10 48 with with ADP _005196753 10 49 god god PROPN _005196753 10 50 , , PUNCT _005196753 10 51 ® ® VERB _005196753 10 52 an an DET _005196753 10 53 event event NOUN _005196753 10 54 which which PRON _005196753 10 55 the the DET _005196753 10 56 church church NOUN _005196753 10 57 recognizes recognize VERB _005196753 10 58 , , PUNCT _005196753 10 59 as as ADP _005196753 10 60 a a DET _005196753 10 61 certain certain ADJ _005196753 10 62 prefiguration prefiguration NOUN _005196753 10 63 of of ADP _005196753 10 64 christian christian ADJ _005196753 10 65 salvation salvation NOUN _005196753 10 66 . . PUNCT _005196753 11 1 '^ '^ PROPN _005196753 11 2 certainly certainly ADV _005196753 11 3 no no DET _005196753 11 4 one one NOUN _005196753 11 5 is be AUX _005196753 11 6 unaware unaware ADJ _005196753 11 7 to to ADP _005196753 11 8 what what PRON _005196753 11 9 degree degree NOUN _005196753 11 10 the the DET _005196753 11 11 sacred sacred ADJ _005196753 11 12 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196753 11 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 11 14 the the DET _005196753 11 15 tradition tradition NOUN _005196753 11 16 of of ADP _005196753 11 17 the the DET _005196753 11 18 fathers father NOUN _005196753 11 19 — — PUNCT _005196753 11 20 as as SCONJ _005196753 11 21 the the DET _005196753 11 22 apostles apostle NOUN _005196753 11 23 and and CCONJ _005196753 11 24 evangelists evangelist NOUN _005196753 11 25 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 11 26 had have AUX _005196753 11 27 already already ADV _005196753 11 28 done do VERB _005196753 11 29 — — PUNCT _005196753 11 30 evoked evoke VERB _005196753 11 31 biblical biblical ADJ _005196753 11 32 themes theme NOUN _005196753 11 33 of of ADP _005196753 11 34 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 11 35 in in ADP _005196753 11 36 order order NOUN _005196753 11 37 to to PART _005196753 11 38 penetrate penetrate VERB _005196753 11 39 and and CCONJ _005196753 11 40 expound expound VERB _005196753 11 41 the the DET _005196753 11 42 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 11 43 of of ADP _005196753 11 44 christ christ PROPN _005196753 11 45 . . PUNCT _005196753 12 1 ® ® PROPN _005196753 12 2 from from ADP _005196753 12 3 the the DET _005196753 12 4 dawn dawn NOUN _005196753 12 5 of of ADP _005196753 12 6 the the DET _005196753 12 7 chosen choose VERB _005196753 12 8 people people NOUN _005196753 12 9 ’s ’s PART _005196753 12 10 history history NOUN _005196753 12 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 12 12 abraham abraham PROPN _005196753 12 13 is be AUX _005196753 12 14 depicted depict VERB _005196753 12 15 as as ADP _005196753 12 16 being be AUX _005196753 12 17 called call VERB _005196753 12 18 to to PART _005196753 12 19 leave leave VERB _005196753 12 20 his his PRON _005196753 12 21 country country NOUN _005196753 12 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 12 23 his his PRON _005196753 12 24 family family NOUN _005196753 12 25 and and CCONJ _005196753 12 26 his his PRON _005196753 12 27 father father NOUN _005196753 12 28 ’s ’s PART _005196753 12 29 house house NOUN _005196753 12 30 , , PUNCT _005196753 12 31 while while SCONJ _005196753 12 32 the the DET _005196753 12 33 apostle apostle NOUN _005196753 12 34 repeatedly repeatedly ADV _005196753 12 35 teaches teach VERB _005196753 12 36 that that SCONJ _005196753 12 37 the the DET _005196753 12 38 sapie sapie NOUN _005196753 12 39 calling calling NOUN _005196753 12 40 was be AUX _005196753 12 41 the the DET _005196753 12 42 beginning beginning NOUN _005196753 12 43 of of ADP _005196753 12 44 a a DET _005196753 12 45 long long ADJ _005196753 12 46 mystical mystical ADJ _005196753 12 47 journey journey NOUN _005196753 12 48 to to ADP _005196753 12 49 a a DET _005196753 12 50 homeland homeland NOUN _005196753 12 51 which which PRON _005196753 12 52 is be AUX _005196753 12 53 not not PART _005196753 12 54 of of ADP _005196753 12 55 this this DET _005196753 12 56 world.^ world.^ NOUN _005196753 12 57 what what PRON _005196753 12 58 in in ADP _005196753 12 59 this this DET _005196753 12 60 way way NOUN _005196753 12 61 was be AUX _005196753 12 62 merely merely ADV _005196753 12 63 prefigured prefigure VERB _005196753 12 64 in in ADP _005196753 12 65 the the DET _005196753 12 66 old old ADJ _005196753 12 67 testament testament NOUN _005196753 12 68 , , PUNCT _005196753 12 69 becomes become VERB _005196753 12 70 a a DET _005196753 12 71 reality reality NOUN _005196753 12 72 in in ADP _005196753 12 73 the the DET _005196753 12 74 new new ADJ _005196753 12 75 . . PUNCT _005196753 13 1 coming come VERB _005196753 13 2 from from ADP _005196753 13 3 the the DET _005196753 13 4 father father NOUN _005196753 13 5 and and CCONJ _005196753 13 6 entering enter VERB _005196753 13 7 the the DET _005196753 13 8 world world NOUN _005196753 13 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 13 10 cf cf X _005196753 13 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 13 12 john john PROPN _005196753 13 13 16:28 16:28 NUM _005196753 13 14 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 13 15 to to PART _005196753 13 16 arouse arouse VERB _005196753 13 17 a a DET _005196753 13 18 people people NOUN _005196753 13 19 “ " PUNCT _005196753 13 20 that that PRON _005196753 13 21 walked walk VERB _005196753 13 22 in in ADP _005196753 13 23 darkness darkness NOUN _005196753 13 24 ” " PUNCT _005196753 13 25 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 13 26 is be AUX _005196753 13 27 9:2 9:2 NUM _005196753 13 28 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 13 29 mt mt PROPN _005196753 13 30 4:16 4:16 NUM _005196753 13 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 13 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 13 33 the the DET _005196753 13 34 world world NOUN _005196753 13 35 of of ADP _005196753 13 36 god god PROPN _005196753 13 37 delivered deliver VERB _005196753 13 38 us we PRON _005196753 13 39 from from ADP _005196753 13 40 the the DET _005196753 13 41 domination domination NOUN _005196753 13 42 of of ADP _005196753 13 43 darkness darkness NOUN _005196753 13 44 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 13 45 cf cf NOUN _005196753 13 46 . . PUNCT _005196753 13 47 col col PROPN _005196753 13 48 1:13 1:13 NUM _005196753 13 49 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 13 50 , , PUNCT _005196753 13 51 that that PRON _005196753 13 52 is be AUX _005196753 13 53 from from ADP _005196753 13 54 sin sin NOUN _005196753 13 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 13 56 and and CCONJ _005196753 13 57 through through ADP _005196753 13 58 his his PRON _005196753 13 59 death death NOUN _005196753 13 60 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 13 61 cf cf NOUN _005196753 13 62 . . PUNCT _005196753 14 1 john john PROPN _005196753 14 2 13:1 13:1 NUM _005196753 14 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 14 4 16:28 16:28 NUM _005196753 14 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 14 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 14 7 heb heb VERB _005196753 14 8 9:11 9:11 NUM _005196753 14 9 - - SYM _005196753 14 10 12 12 NUM _005196753 14 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 14 12 10:19 10:19 NUM _005196753 14 13 - - SYM _005196753 14 14 20 20 NUM _005196753 14 15 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 14 16 he he PRON _005196753 14 17 set set VERB _005196753 14 18 us we PRON _005196753 14 19 on on ADP _005196753 14 20 the the DET _005196753 14 21 return return NOUN _005196753 14 22 road road NOUN _005196753 14 23 to to ADP _005196753 14 24 the the DET _005196753 14 25 father father NOUN _005196753 14 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 14 27 who who PRON _005196753 14 28 “ " PUNCT _005196753 14 29 raised raise VERB _005196753 14 30 us we PRON _005196753 14 31 up up ADP _005196753 14 32 with with ADP _005196753 14 33 him he PRON _005196753 14 34 and and CCONJ _005196753 14 35 made make VERB _005196753 14 36 us we PRON _005196753 14 37 sit sit VERB _005196753 14 38 with with ADP _005196753 14 39 him he PRON _005196753 14 40 in in ADP _005196753 14 41 the the DET _005196753 14 42 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005196753 14 43 places place NOUN _005196753 14 44 in in ADP _005196753 14 45 christ christ PROPN _005196753 14 46 jesus jesus PROPN _005196753 14 47 ” " PUNCT _005196753 14 48 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 14 49 eph eph NOUN _005196753 14 50 2:6 2:6 NUM _005196753 14 51 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 14 52 cf cf NOUN _005196753 14 53 . . PUNCT _005196753 15 1 col col PROPN _005196753 15 2 2:12 2:12 NUM _005196753 15 3 - - SYM _005196753 15 4 13 13 NUM _005196753 15 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 15 6 3:1 3:1 NUM _005196753 15 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 15 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 16 1 herein herein PROPN _005196753 16 2 lies lie VERB _005196753 16 3 the the DET _005196753 16 4 true true ADJ _005196753 16 5 essence essence NOUN _005196753 16 6 of of ADP _005196753 16 7 the the DET _005196753 16 8 paschal paschal ADJ _005196753 16 9 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 16 10 of of ADP _005196753 16 11 christ christ PROPN _005196753 16 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 16 13 the the DET _005196753 16 14 church church NOUN _005196753 16 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 17 1 but but CCONJ _005196753 17 2 the the DET _005196753 17 3 death death NOUN _005196753 17 4 of of ADP _005196753 17 5 christ christ PROPN _005196753 17 6 demands demand VERB _005196753 17 7 a a DET _005196753 17 8 real real ADJ _005196753 17 9 type type NOUN _005196753 17 10 of of ADP _005196753 17 11 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 17 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 17 13 as as SCONJ _005196753 17 14 the the DET _005196753 17 15 apostle apostle NOUN _005196753 17 16 himself himself PRON _005196753 17 17 understood understand VERB _005196753 17 18 it,^ it,^ PROPN _005196753 17 19 ® ® NOUN _005196753 17 20 and and CCONJ _005196753 17 21 many many ADJ _005196753 17 22 fathers father NOUN _005196753 17 23 and and CCONJ _005196753 17 24 doctors doctor NOUN _005196753 17 25 of of ADP _005196753 17 26 the the DET _005196753 17 27 church church NOUN _005196753 17 28 after after SCONJ _005196753 17 29 him.^^ him.^^ ADV _005196753 17 30 they they PRON _005196753 17 31 attributed attribute VERB _005196753 17 32 in in ADP _005196753 17 33 fact fact NOUN _005196753 17 34 this this DET _005196753 17 35 significance significance NOUN _005196753 17 36 to to ADP _005196753 17 37 certain certain ADJ _005196753 17 38 episodes episode NOUN _005196753 17 39 in in ADP _005196753 17 40 christ christ PROPN _005196753 17 41 ’s ’s PART _005196753 17 42 life life NOUN _005196753 17 43 : : PUNCT _005196753 17 44 while while SCONJ _005196753 17 45 considering consider VERB _005196753 17 46 him he PRON _005196753 17 47 withdrawing withdraw VERB _005196753 17 48 into into ADP _005196753 17 49 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 17 50 or or CCONJ _005196753 17 51 into into ADP _005196753 17 52 the the DET _005196753 17 53 desert desert NOUN _005196753 17 54 to to PART _005196753 17 55 engage engage VERB _005196753 17 56 in in ADP _005196753 17 57 battle battle NOUN _005196753 17 58 with with ADP _005196753 17 59 “ " PUNCT _005196753 17 60 the the DET _005196753 17 61 ruler ruler NOUN _005196753 17 62 of of ADP _005196753 17 63 this this DET _005196753 17 64 world world NOUN _005196753 17 65 ” " PUNCT _005196753 17 66 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 17 67 cf cf NOUN _005196753 17 68 . . PUNCT _005196753 18 1 mt mt PROPN _005196753 18 2 4:1 4:1 NUM _005196753 18 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 18 4 john john PROPN _005196753 18 5 12:31 12:31 NUM _005196753 18 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 18 7 14 14 NUM _005196753 18 8 : : SYM _005196753 18 9 30 30 NUM _005196753 18 10 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 18 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 18 12 ^^ ^^ PUNCT _005196753 18 13 especially especially ADV _005196753 18 14 when when SCONJ _005196753 18 15 he he PRON _005196753 18 16 withdrew withdraw VERB _005196753 18 17 to to PART _005196753 18 18 pray pray VERB _005196753 18 19 to to ADP _005196753 18 20 his his PRON _005196753 18 21 father father NOUN _005196753 18 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 18 23 to to ADP _005196753 18 24 whose whose DET _005196753 18 25 will will AUX _005196753 18 26 he he PRON _005196753 18 27 was be AUX _005196753 18 28 totally totally ADV _005196753 18 29 submitted submit VERB _005196753 18 30 . . PUNCT _005196753 19 1 in in ADP _005196753 19 2 this this DET _005196753 19 3 way way NOUN _005196753 19 4 he he PRON _005196753 19 5 presignified presignify VERB _005196753 19 6 the the DET _005196753 19 7 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 19 8 of of ADP _005196753 19 9 his his PRON _005196753 19 10 passion,^"^ passion,^"^ NOUN _005196753 19 11 which which PRON _005196753 19 12 the the DET _005196753 19 13 evangelists evangelist NOUN _005196753 19 14 represent represent VERB _005196753 19 15 to to ADP _005196753 19 16 us we PRON _005196753 19 17 as as ADP _005196753 19 18 a a DET _005196753 19 19 new new ADJ _005196753 19 20 exodus.^ exodus.^ NOUN _005196753 19 21 ® ® NOUN _005196753 19 22 hence hence ADV _005196753 19 23 to to PART _005196753 19 24 withdraw withdraw VERB _005196753 19 25 into into ADP _005196753 19 26 the the DET _005196753 19 27 desert desert NOUN _005196753 19 28 is be AUX _005196753 19 29 for for ADP _005196753 19 30 the the DET _005196753 19 31 christian christian ADJ _005196753 19 32 tantamount tantamount PROPN _005196753 19 33 to to ADP _005196753 19 34 associating associate VERB _005196753 19 35 himself himself PRON _005196753 19 36 more more ADV _005196753 19 37 intimately intimately ADV _005196753 19 38 with with ADP _005196753 19 39 christ christ PROPN _005196753 19 40 ’s ’s PART _005196753 19 41 passion passion NOUN _005196753 19 42 , , PUNCT _005196753 19 43 and and CCONJ _005196753 19 44 it it PRON _005196753 19 45 enables enable VERB _005196753 19 46 him he PRON _005196753 19 47 , , PUNCT _005196753 19 48 in in ADP _005196753 19 49 a a DET _005196753 19 50 very very ADV _005196753 19 51 special special ADJ _005196753 19 52 way way NOUN _005196753 19 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 19 54 to to PART _005196753 19 55 share share VERB _005196753 19 56 in in ADP _005196753 19 57 the the DET _005196753 19 58 paschal paschal NOUN _005196753 19 59 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 19 60 2 2 NUM _005196753 19 61 and and CCONJ _005196753 19 62 in in ADP _005196753 19 63 the the DET _005196753 19 64 passage passage NOUN _005196753 19 65 of of ADP _005196753 19 66 our our PRON _005196753 19 67 lord lord PROPN _005196753 19 68 from from ADP _005196753 19 69 this this DET _005196753 19 70 world world NOUN _005196753 19 71 to to ADP _005196753 19 72 the the DET _005196753 19 73 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005196753 19 74 homeland homeland NOUN _005196753 19 75 . . PUNCT _005196753 20 1 it it PRON _005196753 20 2 was be AUX _005196753 20 3 precisely precisely ADV _005196753 20 4 on on ADP _005196753 20 5 this this DET _005196753 20 6 account account NOUN _005196753 20 7 that that SCONJ _005196753 20 8 monasteries monastery NOUN _005196753 20 9 were be AUX _005196753 20 10 founded found VERB _005196753 20 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 20 12 situated situate VERB _005196753 20 13 as as SCONJ _005196753 20 14 they they PRON _005196753 20 15 are be AUX _005196753 20 16 in in ADP _005196753 20 17 the the DET _005196753 20 18 very very ADJ _005196753 20 19 heart heart NOUN _005196753 20 20 of of ADP _005196753 20 21 the the DET _005196753 20 22 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 20 23 of of ADP _005196753 20 24 christ christ PROPN _005196753 20 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 21 1 certainly certainly ADV _005196753 21 2 the the DET _005196753 21 3 faithful faithful ADJ _005196753 21 4 are be AUX _005196753 21 5 called call VERB _005196753 21 6 to to PART _005196753 21 7 follow follow VERB _005196753 21 8 christ christ PROPN _005196753 21 9 in in ADP _005196753 21 10 the the DET _005196753 21 11 proclamation proclamation NOUN _005196753 21 12 of of ADP _005196753 21 13 his his PRON _005196753 21 14 gospel gospel NOUN _005196753 21 15 of of ADP _005196753 21 16 salvation salvation NOUN _005196753 21 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 21 18 and and CCONJ _005196753 21 19 they they PRON _005196753 21 20 should should AUX _005196753 21 21 at at ADP _005196753 21 22 the the DET _005196753 21 23 same same ADJ _005196753 21 24 time time NOUN _005196753 21 25 contribute contribute VERB _005196753 21 26 to to ADP _005196753 21 27 the the DET _005196753 21 28 construction construction NOUN _005196753 21 29 of of ADP _005196753 21 30 the the DET _005196753 21 31 earthly earthly ADJ _005196753 21 32 city city NOUN _005196753 21 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 21 34 thus thus ADV _005196753 21 35 becoming become VERB _005196753 21 36 , , PUNCT _005196753 21 37 as as SCONJ _005196753 21 38 it it PRON _005196753 21 39 were be AUX _005196753 21 40 , , PUNCT _005196753 21 41 a a DET _005196753 21 42 leaven leaven ADJ _005196753 21 43 by by ADP _005196753 21 44 which which PRON _005196753 21 45 it it PRON _005196753 21 46 is be AUX _005196753 21 47 transformed transform VERB _005196753 21 48 into into ADP _005196753 21 49 the the DET _005196753 21 50 household household NOUN _005196753 21 51 of of ADP _005196753 21 52 god.^ god.^ PROPN _005196753 21 53 ® ® NOUN _005196753 21 54 it it PRON _005196753 21 55 is be AUX _005196753 21 56 in in ADP _005196753 21 57 this this DET _005196753 21 58 sense sense NOUN _005196753 21 59 that that SCONJ _005196753 21 60 the the DET _005196753 21 61 follower follower NOUN _005196753 21 62 of of ADP _005196753 21 63 christ christ PROPN _005196753 21 64 is be AUX _005196753 21 65 said say VERB _005196753 21 66 to to PART _005196753 21 67 remain remain VERB _005196753 21 68 in in ADP _005196753 21 69 the the DET _005196753 21 70 world world NOUN _005196753 21 71 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 21 72 cf cf X _005196753 21 73 . . PUNCT _005196753 21 74 john john PROPN _005196753 21 75 17:15 17:15 NUM _005196753 21 76 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 21 77 . . PUNCT _005196753 22 1 yet yet CCONJ _005196753 22 2 with with ADP _005196753 22 3 this this DET _005196753 22 4 mission mission NOUN _005196753 22 5 the the DET _005196753 22 6 fulness fulness NOUN _005196753 22 7 of of ADP _005196753 22 8 the the DET _005196753 22 9 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 22 10 of of ADP _005196753 22 11 the the DET _005196753 22 12 church church NOUN _005196753 22 13 is be AUX _005196753 22 14 not not PART _005196753 22 15 expressed express VERB _005196753 22 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 17 since since SCONJ _005196753 22 18 the the DET _005196753 22 19 church church NOUN _005196753 22 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 21 though though SCONJ _005196753 22 22 established establish VERB _005196753 22 23 for for ADP _005196753 22 24 the the DET _005196753 22 25 service service NOUN _005196753 22 26 of of ADP _005196753 22 27 god god PROPN _005196753 22 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 22 29 man man NOUN _005196753 22 30 is be AUX _005196753 22 31 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 22 32 — — PUNCT _005196753 22 33 and and CCONJ _005196753 22 34 even even ADV _005196753 22 35 more more ADV _005196753 22 36 especially especially ADV _005196753 22 37 — — PUNCT _005196753 22 38 the the DET _005196753 22 39 aggregate aggregate NOUN _005196753 22 40 of of ADP _005196753 22 41 all all PRON _005196753 22 42 who who PRON _005196753 22 43 are be AUX _005196753 22 44 redeemed redeem VERB _005196753 22 45 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 46 that that ADV _005196753 22 47 is is ADV _005196753 22 48 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 49 of of ADP _005196753 22 50 those those PRON _005196753 22 51 who who PRON _005196753 22 52 through through ADP _005196753 22 53 baptism baptism NOUN _005196753 22 54 and and CCONJ _005196753 22 55 the the DET _005196753 22 56 other other ADJ _005196753 22 57 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005196753 22 58 have have AUX _005196753 22 59 already already ADV _005196753 22 60 passed pass VERB _005196753 22 61 from from ADP _005196753 22 62 this this DET _005196753 22 63 world world NOUN _005196753 22 64 to to ADP _005196753 22 65 the the DET _005196753 22 66 father.^ father.^ NOUN _005196753 22 67 ® ® NOUN _005196753 22 68 the the DET _005196753 22 69 church church NOUN _005196753 22 70 is be AUX _005196753 22 71 indeed indeed ADV _005196753 22 72 “ " PUNCT _005196753 22 73 eager eager ADJ _005196753 22 74 to to PART _005196753 22 75 act act VERB _005196753 22 76 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 77 ” " PUNCT _005196753 22 78 yet yet CCONJ _005196753 22 79 at at ADP _005196753 22 80 the the DET _005196753 22 81 same same ADJ _005196753 22 82 time time NOUN _005196753 22 83 she she PRON _005196753 22 84 is be AUX _005196753 22 85 no no ADV _005196753 22 86 less less ADJ _005196753 22 87 “ " PUNCT _005196753 22 88 devoted devoted ADJ _005196753 22 89 to to ADP _005196753 22 90 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 22 91 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 92 ” " PUNCT _005196753 22 93 in in ADP _005196753 22 94 such such DET _005196753 22 95 a a DET _005196753 22 96 way way NOUN _005196753 22 97 that that PRON _005196753 22 98 in in ADP _005196753 22 99 her she PRON _005196753 22 100 “ " PUNCT _005196753 22 101 the the DET _005196753 22 102 human human NOUN _005196753 22 103 is be AUX _005196753 22 104 directed direct VERB _005196753 22 105 and and CCONJ _005196753 22 106 subordinated subordinate VERB _005196753 22 107 to to ADP _005196753 22 108 the the DET _005196753 22 109 divine divine NOUN _005196753 22 110 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 111 the the DET _005196753 22 112 visible visible ADJ _005196753 22 113 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 22 114 to to ADP _005196753 22 115 the the DET _005196753 22 116 invisible invisible ADJ _005196753 22 117 , , PUNCT _005196753 22 118 action action NOUN _005196753 22 119 to to ADP _005196753 22 120 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 22 121 . . PUNCT _005196753 22 122 ” " PUNCT _005196753 23 1 it it PRON _005196753 23 2 is be AUX _005196753 23 3 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 23 4 both both CCONJ _005196753 23 5 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005196753 23 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 23 7 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 23 8 that that SCONJ _005196753 23 9 some some PRON _005196753 23 10 of of ADP _005196753 23 11 christ christ PROPN _005196753 23 12 ’s ’s PART _005196753 23 13 followers follower NOUN _005196753 23 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 23 15 those those PRON _005196753 23 16 upon upon SCONJ _005196753 23 17 whom whom PRON _005196753 23 18 this this DET _005196753 23 19 particular particular ADJ _005196753 23 20 grace grace NOUN _005196753 23 21 has have AUX _005196753 23 22 been be AUX _005196753 23 23 conferred confer VERB _005196753 23 24 by by ADP _005196753 23 25 the the DET _005196753 23 26 holy holy PROPN _005196753 23 27 spirit spirit PROPN _005196753 23 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 23 29 should should AUX _005196753 23 30 give give VERB _005196753 23 31 expression expression NOUN _005196753 23 32 to to ADP _005196753 23 33 this this DET _005196753 23 34 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 23 35 character character NOUN _005196753 23 36 of of ADP _005196753 23 37 the the DET _005196753 23 38 church church NOUN _005196753 23 39 by by ADP _005196753 23 40 actually actually ADV _005196753 23 41 withdrawing withdraw VERB _005196753 23 42 into into ADP _005196753 23 43 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 23 44 to to PART _005196753 23 45 lead lead VERB _005196753 23 46 this this DET _005196753 23 47 particular particular ADJ _005196753 23 48 type type NOUN _005196753 23 49 of of ADP _005196753 23 50 life life NOUN _005196753 23 51 , , PUNCT _005196753 23 52 in in ADP _005196753 23 53 order order NOUN _005196753 23 54 that that SCONJ _005196753 23 55 “ " PUNCT _005196753 23 56 through through ADP _005196753 23 57 constant constant ADJ _005196753 23 58 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 23 59 and and CCONJ _005196753 23 60 ready ready ADJ _005196753 23 61 penance penance NOUN _005196753 23 62 they they PRON _005196753 23 63 give give VERB _005196753 23 64 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 23 65 to to ADP _005196753 23 66 god god PROPN _005196753 23 67 alone alone ADV _005196753 23 68 ” " PUNCT _005196753 23 69 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 23 70 perfectae perfectae PROPN _005196753 23 71 caritatis caritatis NOUN _005196753 23 72 , , PUNCT _005196753 23 73 7).^^ 7).^^ PROPN _005196753 23 74 on on ADP _005196753 23 75 the the DET _005196753 23 76 other other ADJ _005196753 23 77 hand hand NOUN _005196753 23 78 , , PUNCT _005196753 23 79 it it PRON _005196753 23 80 should should AUX _005196753 23 81 be be AUX _005196753 23 82 quite quite ADV _005196753 23 83 evident evident ADJ _005196753 23 84 that that SCONJ _005196753 23 85 a a DET _005196753 23 86 certain certain ADJ _005196753 23 87 degree degree NOUN _005196753 23 88 of of ADP _005196753 23 89 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005196753 23 90 from from ADP _005196753 23 91 the the DET _005196753 23 92 world world NOUN _005196753 23 93 and and CCONJ _005196753 23 94 some some DET _005196753 23 95 measure measure NOUN _005196753 23 96 of of ADP _005196753 23 97 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 23 98 must must AUX _005196753 23 99 necessarily necessarily ADV _005196753 23 100 be be AUX _005196753 23 101 present present ADJ _005196753 23 102 in in ADP _005196753 23 103 every every DET _005196753 23 104 form form NOUN _005196753 23 105 of of ADP _005196753 23 106 christian christian ADJ _005196753 23 107 life life NOUN _005196753 23 108 , , PUNCT _005196753 23 109 as as SCONJ _005196753 23 110 the the DET _005196753 23 111 second second ADJ _005196753 23 112 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 23 113 council council PROPN _005196753 23 114 rightly rightly ADV _005196753 23 115 declared declare VERB _005196753 23 116 in in ADP _005196753 23 117 reference reference NOUN _005196753 23 118 to to ADP _005196753 23 119 priests priest NOUN _005196753 23 120 and and CCONJ _005196753 23 121 religious religious ADJ _005196753 23 122 dedicated dedicated ADJ _005196753 23 123 to to ADP _005196753 23 124 the the DET _005196753 23 125 apostolate.^^ apostolate.^^ NOUN _005196753 24 1 indeed indeed ADV _005196753 24 2 it it PRON _005196753 24 3 is be AUX _005196753 24 4 true true ADJ _005196753 24 5 that that SCONJ _005196753 24 6 even even ADV _005196753 24 7 outside outside ADP _005196753 24 8 the the DET _005196753 24 9 monastic monastic ADJ _005196753 24 10 setting setting NOUN _005196753 24 11 there there PRON _005196753 24 12 are be VERB _005196753 24 13 some some PRON _005196753 24 14 who who PRON _005196753 24 15 through through ADP _005196753 24 16 the the DET _005196753 24 17 grace grace NOUN _005196753 24 18 of of ADP _005196753 24 19 the the DET _005196753 24 20 holy holy PROPN _005196753 24 21 spirit spirit PROPN _005196753 24 22 are be AUX _005196753 24 23 elevated elevate VERB _005196753 24 24 to to ADP _005196753 24 25 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 24 26 . . PUNCT _005196753 25 1 but but CCONJ _005196753 25 2 just just ADV _005196753 25 3 as as SCONJ _005196753 25 4 a a DET _005196753 25 5 certain certain ADJ _005196753 25 6 invitation invitation NOUN _005196753 25 7 of of ADP _005196753 25 8 this this DET _005196753 25 9 type type NOUN _005196753 25 10 is be AUX _005196753 25 11 extended extend VERB _005196753 25 12 to to ADP _005196753 25 13 all all DET _005196753 25 14 christians christian NOUN _005196753 25 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 25 16 so so ADV _005196753 25 17 too too ADV _005196753 25 18 a a DET _005196753 25 19 certain certain ADJ _005196753 25 20 degree degree NOUN _005196753 25 21 of of ADP _005196753 25 22 separation separation NOUN _005196753 25 23 from from ADP _005196753 25 24 the the DET _005196753 25 25 affairs affair NOUN _005196753 25 26 of of ADP _005196753 25 27 this this DET _005196753 25 28 world world NOUN _005196753 25 29 is be AUX _005196753 25 30 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 25 31 to to ADP _005196753 25 32 all all ADV _005196753 25 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 25 34 even even ADV _005196753 25 35 though though SCONJ _005196753 25 36 all all PRON _005196753 25 37 do do AUX _005196753 25 38 not not PART _005196753 25 39 withdraw withdraw VERB _005196753 25 40 to to ADP _005196753 25 41 the the DET _005196753 25 42 desert desert NOUN _005196753 25 43 in in ADP _005196753 25 44 the the DET _005196753 25 45 same same ADJ _005196753 25 46 way way NOUN _005196753 25 47 . . PUNCT _005196753 26 1 monks monk NOUN _005196753 26 2 and and CCONJ _005196753 26 3 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 26 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 26 5 however however ADV _005196753 26 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 26 7 retiring retire VERB _005196753 26 8 to to ADP _005196753 26 9 a a DET _005196753 26 10 cloistered cloistered ADJ _005196753 26 11 life life NOUN _005196753 26 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 26 13 put put VERB _005196753 26 14 into into ADP _005196753 26 15 practice practice NOUN _005196753 26 16 in in ADP _005196753 26 17 a a DET _005196753 26 18 more more ADV _005196753 26 19 absolute absolute ADJ _005196753 26 20 and and CCONJ _005196753 26 21 exemplary exemplary ADJ _005196753 26 22 way way NOUN _005196753 26 23 an an DET _005196753 26 24 element element NOUN _005196753 26 25 essential essential ADJ _005196753 26 26 to to ADP _005196753 26 27 every every DET _005196753 26 28 christian christian ADJ _005196753 26 29 life life NOUN _005196753 26 30 : : PUNCT _005196753 26 31 “ " PUNCT _005196753 26 32 from from ADP _005196753 26 33 now now ADV _005196753 26 34 on on ADV _005196753 26 35 . . PUNCT _005196753 26 36 . . PUNCT _005196753 27 1 . . PUNCT _005196753 28 1 let let VERB _005196753 28 2 those those PRON _005196753 28 3 who who PRON _005196753 28 4 deal deal VERB _005196753 28 5 with with ADP _005196753 28 6 the the DET _005196753 28 7 world world NOUN _005196753 28 8 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 28 9 live live ADV _005196753 28 10 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 28 11 as as SCONJ _005196753 28 12 if if SCONJ _005196753 28 13 they they PRON _005196753 28 14 had have VERB _005196753 28 15 no no DET _005196753 28 16 dealings dealing NOUN _005196753 28 17 with with ADP _005196753 28 18 it it PRON _005196753 28 19 . . PUNCT _005196753 29 1 for for ADP _005196753 29 2 the the DET _005196753 29 3 form form NOUN _005196753 29 4 of of ADP _005196753 29 5 this this DET _005196753 29 6 world world NOUN _005196753 29 7 is be AUX _005196753 29 8 passing pass VERB _005196753 29 9 away away ADV _005196753 29 10 ” " PUNCT _005196753 29 11 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 29 12 1 1 NUM _005196753 29 13 cor cor NOUN _005196753 29 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 30 1 7:29,31).^^ 7:29,31).^^ NUM _005196753 30 2 3 3 NUM _005196753 30 3 ii ii PROPN _005196753 30 4 to to ADP _005196753 30 5 the the DET _005196753 30 6 foregoing forego VERB _005196753 30 7 concepts concept NOUN _005196753 30 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 30 9 elicited elicit VERB _005196753 30 10 from from ADP _005196753 30 11 the the DET _005196753 30 12 paschal paschal NOUN _005196753 30 13 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 30 14 of of ADP _005196753 30 15 christ christ PROPN _005196753 30 16 in in ADP _005196753 30 17 the the DET _005196753 30 18 way way NOUN _005196753 30 19 that that PRON _005196753 30 20 church church NOUN _005196753 30 21 participates participate VERB _005196753 30 22 in in ADP _005196753 30 23 it it PRON _005196753 30 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 30 25 those those PRON _005196753 30 26 must must AUX _005196753 30 27 be be AUX _005196753 30 28 added add VERB _005196753 30 29 which which PRON _005196753 30 30 bring bring VERB _005196753 30 31 to to PART _005196753 30 32 light light VERB _005196753 30 33 the the DET _005196753 30 34 importance importance NOUN _005196753 30 35 of of ADP _005196753 30 36 recollection recollection NOUN _005196753 30 37 and and CCONJ _005196753 30 38 silence silence NOUN _005196753 30 39 in in ADP _005196753 30 40 rendering render VERB _005196753 30 41 intimacy intimacy NOUN _005196753 30 42 with with ADP _005196753 30 43 god god PROPN _005196753 30 44 in in ADP _005196753 30 45 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 30 46 safer safe ADJ _005196753 30 47 and and CCONJ _005196753 30 48 easier.^^ easier.^^ X _005196753 30 49 the the DET _005196753 30 50 way way NOUN _005196753 30 51 of of ADP _005196753 30 52 life life NOUN _005196753 30 53 of of ADP _005196753 30 54 those those PRON _005196753 30 55 who who PRON _005196753 30 56 are be AUX _005196753 30 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 30 58 totally totally ADV _005196753 30 59 dedicated dedicated ADJ _005196753 30 60 to to ADP _005196753 30 61 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 30 62 , , PUNCT _005196753 30 63 aiming aim VERB _005196753 30 64 as as SCONJ _005196753 30 65 it it PRON _005196753 30 66 does do VERB _005196753 30 67 at at ADP _005196753 30 68 eliminating eliminate VERB _005196753 30 69 all all PRON _005196753 30 70 that that PRON _005196753 30 71 might might AUX _005196753 30 72 divide divide VERB _005196753 30 73 the the DET _005196753 30 74 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 30 75 against against ADP _005196753 30 76 itself itself PRON _005196753 30 77 in in ADP _005196753 30 78 any any DET _005196753 30 79 way way NOUN _005196753 30 80 , , PUNCT _005196753 30 81 enables enable VERB _005196753 30 82 them they PRON _005196753 30 83 to to PART _005196753 30 84 achieve achieve VERB _005196753 30 85 that that DET _005196753 30 86 fulness fulness NOUN _005196753 30 87 of of ADP _005196753 30 88 their their PRON _005196753 30 89 personalities personality NOUN _005196753 30 90 whose whose DET _005196753 30 91 hallmark hallmark NOUN _005196753 30 92 is be AUX _005196753 30 93 unity unity NOUN _005196753 30 94 , , PUNCT _005196753 30 95 and and CCONJ _005196753 30 96 permits permit VERB _005196753 30 97 them they PRON _005196753 30 98 to to PART _005196753 30 99 devote devote VERB _005196753 30 100 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 30 101 more more ADV _005196753 30 102 thoroughly thoroughly ADV _005196753 30 103 to to ADP _005196753 30 104 the the DET _005196753 30 105 quest quest NOUN _005196753 30 106 for for ADP _005196753 30 107 god god PROPN _005196753 30 108 their their PRON _005196753 30 109 goal,^ goal,^ ADJ _005196753 30 110 ® ® NOUN _005196753 30 111 and and CCONJ _005196753 30 112 to to PART _005196753 30 113 attend attend VERB _005196753 30 114 to to ADP _005196753 30 115 him he PRON _005196753 30 116 more more ADV _005196753 30 117 perfectly perfectly ADV _005196753 30 118 . . PUNCT _005196753 31 1 such such DET _005196753 31 2 a a DET _005196753 31 3 quest quest NOUN _005196753 31 4 for for ADP _005196753 31 5 god god PROPN _005196753 31 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 31 7 moreover moreover ADV _005196753 31 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 31 9 for for ADP _005196753 31 10 which which PRON _005196753 31 11 man man NOUN _005196753 31 12 should should AUX _005196753 31 13 renounce renounce VERB _005196753 31 14 everything everything PRON _005196753 31 15 he he PRON _005196753 31 16 possesses possess VERB _005196753 31 17 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 31 18 cf cf NOUN _005196753 31 19 . . PUNCT _005196753 32 1 lk lk PROPN _005196753 32 2 14:33 14:33 NUM _005196753 32 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 32 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 32 5 is be AUX _005196753 32 6 furthered further VERB _005196753 32 7 to to ADP _005196753 32 8 the the DET _005196753 32 9 utmost utmost NOUN _005196753 32 10 by by ADP _005196753 32 11 reading read VERB _005196753 32 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 32 13 meditating meditate VERB _005196753 32 14 on on ADP _005196753 32 15 holy holy ADJ _005196753 32 16 scripture scripture NOUN _005196753 32 17 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 32 18 cf cf NOUN _005196753 32 19 . . PUNCT _005196753 32 20 perfectae perfectae PROPN _005196753 32 21 caritatis caritatis PROPN _005196753 32 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 32 23 n. n. PROPN _005196753 32 24 6 6 NUM _005196753 32 25 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 32 26 . . PUNCT _005196753 33 1 reading read VERB _005196753 33 2 of of ADP _005196753 33 3 the the DET _005196753 33 4 bible bible PROPN _005196753 33 5 should should AUX _005196753 33 6 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 33 7 accompany accompany VERB _005196753 33 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 33 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 33 10 “ " PUNCT _005196753 33 11 so so SCONJ _005196753 33 12 that that SCONJ _005196753 33 13 god god PROPN _005196753 33 14 and and CCONJ _005196753 33 15 man man NOUN _005196753 33 16 may may AUX _005196753 33 17 talk talk VERB _005196753 33 18 together together ADV _005196753 33 19 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 33 20 for for ADP _005196753 33 21 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 33 22 we we PRON _005196753 33 23 speak speak VERB _005196753 33 24 to to ADP _005196753 33 25 him he PRON _005196753 33 26 when when SCONJ _005196753 33 27 we we PRON _005196753 33 28 pray pray VERB _005196753 33 29 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 33 30 we we PRON _005196753 33 31 hear hear VERB _005196753 33 32 him he PRON _005196753 33 33 when when SCONJ _005196753 33 34 we we PRON _005196753 33 35 read read VERB _005196753 33 36 the the DET _005196753 33 37 divine divine ADJ _005196753 33 38 sayings saying NOUN _005196753 33 39 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 33 40 ” " PUNCT _005196753 33 41 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 33 42 cf cf NOUN _005196753 33 43 . . PUNCT _005196753 33 44 const const PROPN _005196753 33 45 . . PUNCT _005196753 34 1 dei dei PROPN _005196753 34 2 verbum verbum PROPN _005196753 34 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 34 4 n. n. PROPN _005196753 34 5 25 25 NUM _005196753 34 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 34 7 st st PROPN _005196753 34 8 . . PROPN _005196753 34 9 ambrose ambrose PROPN _005196753 34 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 34 11 de de PROPN _005196753 34 12 officiis officiis PROPN _005196753 34 13 ministrorum ministrorum PROPN _005196753 34 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 34 15 i i PRON _005196753 34 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 34 17 20 20 NUM _005196753 34 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 34 19 88 88 NUM _005196753 34 20 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 34 21 ml ml PROPN _005196753 34 22 16:50 16:50 NUM _005196753 34 23 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 34 24 . . PUNCT _005196753 35 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 35 2 by by ADP _005196753 35 3 studying study VERB _005196753 35 4 holy holy ADJ _005196753 35 5 scripture scripture NOUN _005196753 35 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 35 7 which which PRON _005196753 35 8 is be AUX _005196753 35 9 “ " PUNCT _005196753 35 10 like like ADP _005196753 35 11 a a DET _005196753 35 12 mirror mirror NOUN _005196753 35 13 in in ADP _005196753 35 14 which which PRON _005196753 35 15 the the DET _005196753 35 16 pilgrim pilgrim ADJ _005196753 35 17 church church NOUN _005196753 35 18 on on ADP _005196753 35 19 earth earth NOUN _005196753 35 20 looks look VERB _005196753 35 21 at at ADP _005196753 35 22 god god PROPN _005196753 35 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 35 24 from from ADP _005196753 35 25 whom whom PRON _005196753 35 26 she she PRON _005196753 35 27 has have AUX _005196753 35 28 received receive VERB _005196753 35 29 everything everything PRON _005196753 35 30 ” " PUNCT _005196753 35 31 { { PUNCT _005196753 35 32 dei dei PROPN _005196753 35 33 verbum verbum PROPN _005196753 35 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 35 35 n. n. PROPN _005196753 35 36 7 7 NUM _005196753 35 37 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 35 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 35 39 each each DET _005196753 35 40 one one NOUN _005196753 35 41 “ " PUNCT _005196753 35 42 inflamed inflame VERB _005196753 35 43 with with ADP _005196753 35 44 love love NOUN _005196753 35 45 of of ADP _005196753 35 46 god god PROPN _005196753 35 47 burns burn VERB _005196753 35 48 to to PART _005196753 35 49 contemplate contemplate VERB _005196753 35 50 his his PRON _005196753 35 51 beauty beauty NOUN _005196753 35 52 ” " PUNCT _005196753 35 53 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 35 54 ii ii PROPN _005196753 35 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 35 56 ii ii PROPN _005196753 35 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 35 58 q. q. PROPN _005196753 35 59 180 180 NUM _005196753 35 60 , , PUNCT _005196753 35 61 art art NOUN _005196753 35 62 . . PUNCT _005196753 36 1 1 1 NUM _005196753 36 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 36 3 in in ADP _005196753 36 4 corpore corpore NOUN _005196753 36 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 36 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 37 1 in in ADP _005196753 37 2 such such DET _005196753 37 3 a a DET _005196753 37 4 way way NOUN _005196753 37 5 love love NOUN _005196753 37 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 37 7 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 37 8 aid aid NOUN _005196753 37 9 one one NOUN _005196753 37 10 another another DET _005196753 37 11 reciprocally reciprocally NOUN _005196753 37 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 38 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 38 2 the the DET _005196753 38 3 love love NOUN _005196753 38 4 of of ADP _005196753 38 5 god god PROPN _005196753 38 6 is be AUX _005196753 38 7 understanding understand VERB _005196753 38 8 him he PRON _005196753 38 9 : : PUNCT _005196753 38 10 he he PRON _005196753 38 11 is be AUX _005196753 38 12 not not PART _005196753 38 13 known know VERB _005196753 38 14 unless unless SCONJ _005196753 38 15 he he PRON _005196753 38 16 is be AUX _005196753 38 17 loved love VERB _005196753 38 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 38 19 nor nor CCONJ _005196753 38 20 is be AUX _005196753 38 21 he he PRON _005196753 38 22 loved love VERB _005196753 38 23 unless unless SCONJ _005196753 38 24 he he PRON _005196753 38 25 is be AUX _005196753 38 26 known know VERB _005196753 38 27 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 38 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 38 29 in in ADP _005196753 38 30 reality reality NOUN _005196753 38 31 he he PRON _005196753 38 32 is be AUX _005196753 38 33 known know VERB _005196753 38 34 only only ADV _005196753 38 35 to to ADP _005196753 38 36 the the DET _005196753 38 37 degree degree NOUN _005196753 38 38 that that SCONJ _005196753 38 39 he he PRON _005196753 38 40 is be AUX _005196753 38 41 loved love VERB _005196753 38 42 , , PUNCT _005196753 38 43 and and CCONJ _005196753 38 44 loved love VERB _005196753 38 45 to to ADP _005196753 38 46 the the DET _005196753 38 47 degree degree NOUN _005196753 38 48 that that SCONJ _005196753 38 49 he he PRON _005196753 38 50 is be AUX _005196753 38 51 known know VERB _005196753 38 52 ” " PUNCT _005196753 38 53 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 38 54 william william PROPN _005196753 38 55 of of ADP _005196753 38 56 st st PROPN _005196753 38 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 38 58 thierry thierry NOUN _005196753 38 59 , , PUNCT _005196753 38 60 expositio expositio NOUN _005196753 38 61 in in ADP _005196753 38 62 ca ca NOUN _005196753 38 63 nt nt NOUN _005196753 38 64 . . PUNCT _005196753 38 65 , , PUNCT _005196753 38 66 c.i c.i PROPN _005196753 38 67 : : PUNCT _005196753 38 68 ml ml PROPN _005196753 38 69 180:499 180:499 NUM _005196753 38 70 , , PUNCT _005196753 38 71 c c X _005196753 38 72 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 38 73 . . PUNCT _005196753 39 1 thus thus ADV _005196753 39 2 in in ADP _005196753 39 3 silence silence NOUN _005196753 39 4 and and CCONJ _005196753 39 5 solitude solitude VERB _005196753 39 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 39 7 resolute resolute ADJ _005196753 39 8 men man NOUN _005196753 39 9 are be AUX _005196753 39 10 able able ADJ _005196753 39 11 to to PART _005196753 39 12 recollect recollect VERB _005196753 39 13 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 39 14 and and CCONJ _005196753 39 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 39 16 so so ADV _005196753 39 17 to to PART _005196753 39 18 speak speak VERB _005196753 39 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 39 20 to to PART _005196753 39 21 dwell dwell VERB _005196753 39 22 within within ADP _005196753 39 23 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 39 24 as as ADV _005196753 39 25 much much ADV _005196753 39 26 as as SCONJ _005196753 39 27 they they PRON _005196753 39 28 please please VERB _005196753 39 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 39 30 cultivating cultivate VERB _005196753 39 31 the the DET _005196753 39 32 buds bud NOUN _005196753 39 33 of of ADP _005196753 39 34 virtue virtue NOUN _005196753 39 35 and and CCONJ _005196753 39 36 feeding feed VERB _005196753 39 37 happily happily ADV _005196753 39 38 on on ADP _005196753 39 39 the the DET _005196753 39 40 fruits fruit NOUN _005196753 39 41 of of ADP _005196753 39 42 paradise paradise PROPN _005196753 39 43 . . PUNCT _005196753 40 1 here here ADV _005196753 40 2 one one PRON _005196753 40 3 strives strive VERB _005196753 40 4 to to PART _005196753 40 5 acquire acquire VERB _005196753 40 6 that that DET _005196753 40 7 eye eye NOUN _005196753 40 8 by by ADP _005196753 40 9 whose whose DET _005196753 40 10 limpid limpid ADJ _005196753 40 11 glance glance NOUN _005196753 40 12 the the DET _005196753 40 13 bridegroom bridegroom NOUN _005196753 40 14 is be AUX _005196753 40 15 wounded wound VERB _005196753 40 16 with with ADP _005196753 40 17 love love NOUN _005196753 40 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 40 19 and and CCONJ _005196753 40 20 in in ADP _005196753 40 21 whose whose DET _005196753 40 22 purity purity NOUN _005196753 40 23 alone alone ADV _005196753 40 24 may may AUX _005196753 40 25 god god PROPN _005196753 40 26 be be AUX _005196753 40 27 seen see VERB _005196753 40 28 . . PUNCT _005196753 41 1 here here ADV _005196753 41 2 one one NUM _005196753 41 3 is be AUX _005196753 41 4 occupied occupy VERB _005196753 41 5 in in ADP _005196753 41 6 busy busy ADJ _005196753 41 7 leisure leisure NOUN _005196753 41 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 41 9 and and CCONJ _005196753 41 10 rests rest NOUN _005196753 41 11 in in ADP _005196753 41 12 quiet quiet ADJ _005196753 41 13 activity activity NOUN _005196753 41 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 42 1 here here ADV _005196753 42 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 42 3 for for ADP _005196753 42 4 fatigue fatigue NOUN _005196753 42 5 undergone undergo VERB _005196753 42 6 in in ADP _005196753 42 7 strife strife NOUN _005196753 42 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 42 9 god god PROPN _005196753 42 10 4 4 NUM _005196753 42 11 grants grant VERB _005196753 42 12 his his PRON _005196753 42 13 athletes athlete NOUN _005196753 42 14 the the DET _005196753 42 15 reward reward NOUN _005196753 42 16 they they PRON _005196753 42 17 have have AUX _005196753 42 18 longed long VERB _005196753 42 19 for for ADP _005196753 42 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 42 21 namely namely ADV _005196753 42 22 a a DET _005196753 42 23 peace peace NOUN _005196753 42 24 unknown unknown ADJ _005196753 42 25 to to ADP _005196753 42 26 the the DET _005196753 42 27 world world NOUN _005196753 42 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 42 29 the the DET _005196753 42 30 joy joy NOUN _005196753 42 31 of of ADP _005196753 42 32 the the DET _005196753 42 33 holy holy PROPN _005196753 42 34 spirit spirit PROPN _005196753 42 35 . . PUNCT _005196753 42 36 . . PUNCT _005196753 42 37 . . PUNCT _005196753 42 38 . . PUNCT _005196753 43 1 this this PRON _005196753 43 2 is be AUX _005196753 43 3 the the DET _005196753 43 4 better well ADJ _005196753 43 5 part part NOUN _005196753 43 6 that that SCONJ _005196753 43 7 mary mary PROPN _005196753 43 8 chose choose VERB _005196753 43 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 43 10 that that PRON _005196753 43 11 shall shall AUX _005196753 43 12 not not PART _005196753 43 13 be be AUX _005196753 43 14 taken take VERB _005196753 43 15 away away ADV _005196753 43 16 from from ADP _005196753 43 17 her she PRON _005196753 43 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 43 19 ” " PUNCT _005196753 44 1 iii iii NUM _005196753 44 2 it it PRON _005196753 44 3 must must AUX _005196753 44 4 not not PART _005196753 44 5 be be AUX _005196753 44 6 thought think VERB _005196753 44 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 44 8 however however ADV _005196753 44 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 44 10 that that SCONJ _005196753 44 11 monks monk NOUN _005196753 44 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 44 13 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 44 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 44 15 because because SCONJ _005196753 44 16 they they PRON _005196753 44 17 are be AUX _005196753 44 18 separated separate VERB _005196753 44 19 from from ADP _005196753 44 20 the the DET _005196753 44 21 rest rest NOUN _005196753 44 22 of of ADP _005196753 44 23 mankind mankind NOUN _005196753 44 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 44 25 are be AUX _005196753 44 26 cut cut VERB _005196753 44 27 off off ADP _005196753 44 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 44 29 as as SCONJ _005196753 44 30 it it PRON _005196753 44 31 were be AUX _005196753 44 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 44 33 from from ADP _005196753 44 34 the the DET _005196753 44 35 world world NOUN _005196753 44 36 and and CCONJ _005196753 44 37 the the DET _005196753 44 38 church church NOUN _005196753 44 39 and and CCONJ _005196753 44 40 are be AUX _005196753 44 41 aloof aloof ADJ _005196753 44 42 from from ADP _005196753 44 43 them they PRON _005196753 44 44 . . PUNCT _005196753 45 1 on on ADP _005196753 45 2 the the DET _005196753 45 3 contrary contrary NOUN _005196753 45 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 45 5 they they PRON _005196753 45 6 are be AUX _005196753 45 7 united unite VERB _005196753 45 8 with with ADP _005196753 45 9 them they PRON _005196753 45 10 “ " PUNCT _005196753 45 11 in in ADP _005196753 45 12 a a DET _005196753 45 13 more more ADV _005196753 45 14 profound profound ADJ _005196753 45 15 sense sense NOUN _005196753 45 16 in in ADP _005196753 45 17 the the DET _005196753 45 18 heart heart NOUN _005196753 45 19 of of ADP _005196753 45 20 christ,”-^ christ,”-^ NOUN _005196753 45 21 since since SCONJ _005196753 45 22 we we PRON _005196753 45 23 are be AUX _005196753 45 24 all all ADV _005196753 45 25 one one NUM _005196753 45 26 in in ADP _005196753 45 27 christ christ PROPN _005196753 45 28 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 45 29 cf cf NOUN _005196753 45 30 . . NOUN _005196753 45 31 1 1 NUM _005196753 45 32 cor cor NOUN _005196753 45 33 . . PUNCT _005196753 46 1 10:17 10:17 NUM _005196753 46 2 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 46 3 john john PROPN _005196753 46 4 17:20 17:20 NUM _005196753 46 5 - - PUNCT _005196753 46 6 22).28 22).28 NOUN _005196753 46 7 apart apart ADV _005196753 46 8 from from ADP _005196753 46 9 the the DET _005196753 46 10 traditional traditional ADJ _005196753 46 11 contribution contribution NOUN _005196753 46 12 of of ADP _005196753 46 13 monasteries monastery NOUN _005196753 46 14 in in ADP _005196753 46 15 the the DET _005196753 46 16 cultural cultural ADJ _005196753 46 17 and and CCONJ _005196753 46 18 social social ADJ _005196753 46 19 domain domain NOUN _005196753 46 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 46 21 conclusive conclusive ADJ _005196753 46 22 and and CCONJ _005196753 46 23 unshakable unshakable ADJ _005196753 46 24 evidence evidence NOUN _005196753 46 25 exists exist VERB _005196753 46 26 bearing bear VERB _005196753 46 27 witness witness NOUN _005196753 46 28 to to ADP _005196753 46 29 the the DET _005196753 46 30 great great ADJ _005196753 46 31 love love NOUN _005196753 46 32 with with ADP _005196753 46 33 which which PRON _005196753 46 34 men man NOUN _005196753 46 35 and and CCONJ _005196753 46 36 women woman NOUN _005196753 46 37 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 46 38 to to ADP _005196753 46 39 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 46 40 alone alone ADV _005196753 46 41 harbor harbor VERB _005196753 46 42 in in ADP _005196753 46 43 their their PRON _005196753 46 44 hearts heart NOUN _005196753 46 45 the the DET _005196753 46 46 sufferings suffering NOUN _005196753 46 47 and and CCONJ _005196753 46 48 anguish anguish NOUN _005196753 46 49 of of ADP _005196753 46 50 all all DET _005196753 46 51 men man NOUN _005196753 46 52 . . PUNCT _005196753 47 1 from from ADP _005196753 47 2 scripture scripture NOUN _005196753 47 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 47 4 moreover moreover ADV _005196753 47 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 47 6 it it PRON _005196753 47 7 is be AUX _005196753 47 8 evident evident ADJ _005196753 47 9 that that SCONJ _005196753 47 10 it it PRON _005196753 47 11 was be AUX _005196753 47 12 in in ADP _005196753 47 13 the the DET _005196753 47 14 desert desert NOUN _005196753 47 15 or or CCONJ _005196753 47 16 in in ADP _005196753 47 17 a a DET _005196753 47 18 mountain mountain NOUN _005196753 47 19 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 47 20 that that SCONJ _005196753 47 21 god god PROPN _005196753 47 22 revealed reveal VERB _005196753 47 23 hidden hide VERB _005196753 47 24 truths truth NOUN _005196753 47 25 to to ADP _005196753 47 26 man man NOUN _005196753 47 27 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 47 28 cf cf X _005196753 47 29 . . PUNCT _005196753 48 1 gen gen PROPN _005196753 48 2 . . PROPN _005196753 48 3 32:25 32:25 NUM _005196753 48 4 - - SYM _005196753 48 5 31 31 NUM _005196753 48 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 48 7 ex ex PROPN _005196753 48 8 . . PROPN _005196753 48 9 3 3 NUM _005196753 48 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 48 11 24:1 24:1 NUM _005196753 48 12 - - SYM _005196753 48 13 8 8 NUM _005196753 48 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 48 15 34:5 34:5 NUM _005196753 48 16 - - SYM _005196753 48 17 9 9 NUM _005196753 48 18 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 48 19 1 1 NUM _005196753 48 20 kings king NOUN _005196753 48 21 19:8 19:8 NUM _005196753 48 22 - - SYM _005196753 48 23 13 13 NUM _005196753 48 24 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 48 25 lk lk PROPN _005196753 48 26 2:7 2:7 NUM _005196753 48 27 - - SYM _005196753 48 28 9 9 NUM _005196753 48 29 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 48 30 mt mt PROPN _005196753 48 31 . . PROPN _005196753 48 32 17:1 17:1 NUM _005196753 48 33 - - PUNCT _005196753 48 34 8) 8) NUM _005196753 48 35 . . PUNCT _005196753 49 1 these these PRON _005196753 49 2 in in ADP _005196753 49 3 fact fact NOUN _005196753 49 4 are be AUX _005196753 49 5 places place NOUN _005196753 49 6 in in ADP _005196753 49 7 which which PRON _005196753 49 8 heaven heaven NOUN _005196753 49 9 and and CCONJ _005196753 49 10 earth earth NOUN _005196753 49 11 seem seem VERB _005196753 49 12 to to PART _005196753 49 13 merge merge VERB _005196753 49 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 49 15 where where SCONJ _005196753 49 16 the the DET _005196753 49 17 world world NOUN _005196753 49 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 49 19 in in ADP _005196753 49 20 virtue virtue NOUN _005196753 49 21 of of ADP _005196753 49 22 christ christ PROPN _005196753 49 23 ’s ’s PART _005196753 49 24 presence presence NOUN _005196753 49 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 49 26 rises rise VERB _005196753 49 27 from from ADP _005196753 49 28 its its PRON _005196753 49 29 condition condition NOUN _005196753 49 30 of of ADP _005196753 49 31 arid arid ADJ _005196753 49 32 earth earth NOUN _005196753 49 33 and and CCONJ _005196753 49 34 becomes become VERB _005196753 49 35 paradise paradise PROPN _005196753 49 36 anew anew ADV _005196753 49 37 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 49 38 cf cf NOUN _005196753 49 39 . . PUNCT _005196753 49 40 mk mk PROPN _005196753 49 41 1:13).^ 1:13).^ NUM _005196753 49 42 ® ® NOUN _005196753 49 43 how how SCONJ _005196753 49 44 then then ADV _005196753 49 45 can can AUX _005196753 49 46 contemplatives contemplative NOUN _005196753 49 47 be be AUX _005196753 49 48 considered consider VERB _005196753 49 49 alien alien ADJ _005196753 49 50 to to ADP _005196753 49 51 mankind mankind NOUN _005196753 49 52 , , PUNCT _005196753 49 53 if if SCONJ _005196753 49 54 in in ADP _005196753 49 55 them they PRON _005196753 49 56 mankind mankind NOUN _005196753 49 57 achieves achieve VERB _005196753 49 58 its its PRON _005196753 49 59 fulfilment fulfilment NOUN _005196753 49 60 ? ? PUNCT _005196753 50 1 but but CCONJ _005196753 50 2 however however ADV _005196753 50 3 much much ADJ _005196753 50 4 contemplatives contemplative NOUN _005196753 50 5 are be AUX _005196753 50 6 entrenched entrench VERB _005196753 50 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 50 8 so so ADV _005196753 50 9 to to PART _005196753 50 10 speak speak VERB _005196753 50 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 50 12 in in ADP _005196753 50 13 the the DET _005196753 50 14 heart heart NOUN _005196753 50 15 of of ADP _005196753 50 16 the the DET _005196753 50 17 world world NOUN _005196753 50 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 50 19 still still ADV _005196753 50 20 more more ADV _005196753 50 21 so so ADV _005196753 50 22 are be AUX _005196753 50 23 they they PRON _005196753 50 24 in in ADP _005196753 50 25 the the DET _005196753 50 26 heart heart NOUN _005196753 50 27 of of ADP _005196753 50 28 the the DET _005196753 50 29 church church NOUN _005196753 50 30 . . PUNCT _005196753 51 1 their their PRON _005196753 51 2 prayers prayer NOUN _005196753 51 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 51 4 particularly particularly ADV _005196753 51 5 their their PRON _005196753 51 6 participation participation NOUN _005196753 51 7 in in ADP _005196753 51 8 the the DET _005196753 51 9 eucharistic eucharistic ADJ _005196753 51 10 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005196753 51 11 of of ADP _005196753 51 12 christ christ PROPN _005196753 51 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 51 14 their their PRON _005196753 51 15 liturgical liturgical ADJ _005196753 51 16 recitation recitation NOUN _005196753 51 17 of of ADP _005196753 51 18 the the DET _005196753 51 19 divine divine ADJ _005196753 51 20 office office NOUN _005196753 51 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 51 22 constitute constitute VERB _005196753 51 23 the the DET _005196753 51 24 fulfilment fulfilment NOUN _005196753 51 25 of of ADP _005196753 51 26 a a DET _005196753 51 27 function function NOUN _005196753 51 28 essential essential ADJ _005196753 51 29 to to ADP _005196753 51 30 the the DET _005196753 51 31 ecclesial ecclesial ADJ _005196753 51 32 community community NOUN _005196753 51 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 51 34 namely namely ADV _005196753 51 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 51 36 the the DET _005196753 51 37 glorification glorification NOUN _005196753 51 38 of of ADP _005196753 51 39 god god PROPN _005196753 51 40 . . PUNCT _005196753 52 1 this this PRON _005196753 52 2 in in ADP _005196753 52 3 fact fact NOUN _005196753 52 4 is be AUX _005196753 52 5 the the DET _005196753 52 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 52 7 that that PRON _005196753 52 8 renders render VERB _005196753 52 9 to to ADP _005196753 52 10 the the DET _005196753 52 11 father father NOUN _005196753 52 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 52 13 through through ADP _005196753 52 14 the the DET _005196753 52 15 son son NOUN _005196753 52 16 and and CCONJ _005196753 52 17 in in ADP _005196753 52 18 the the DET _005196753 52 19 holy holy PROPN _005196753 52 20 spirit spirit PROPN _005196753 52 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 52 22 ” " PUNCT _005196753 52 23 a a DET _005196753 52 24 choice choice NOUN _005196753 52 25 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005196753 52 26 of of ADP _005196753 52 27 praise praise NOUN _005196753 52 28 . . PUNCT _005196753 52 29 ” " PUNCT _005196753 53 1 those those PRON _005196753 53 2 who who PRON _005196753 53 3 worship worship VERB _005196753 53 4 in in ADP _005196753 53 5 this this DET _005196753 53 6 way way NOUN _005196753 53 7 are be AUX _005196753 53 8 admitted admit VERB _005196753 53 9 to to ADP _005196753 53 10 the the DET _005196753 53 11 intimacy intimacy NOUN _005196753 53 12 of of ADP _005196753 53 13 the the DET _005196753 53 14 ineffable ineffable ADJ _005196753 53 15 conversation conversation NOUN _005196753 53 16 which which PRON _005196753 53 17 our our PRON _005196753 53 18 lord lord PROPN _005196753 53 19 has have VERB _005196753 53 20 unendingly unendingly ADV _005196753 53 21 with with ADP _005196753 53 22 his his PRON _005196753 53 23 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005196753 53 24 father father NOUN _005196753 53 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 53 26 and and CCONJ _005196753 53 27 in in ADP _005196753 53 28 whose whose DET _005196753 53 29 bosom bosom NOUN _005196753 53 30 he he PRON _005196753 53 31 pours pour VERB _005196753 53 32 out out ADP _005196753 53 33 his his PRON _005196753 53 34 infinite infinite ADJ _005196753 53 35 love love NOUN _005196753 53 36 . . PUNCT _005196753 54 1 this this PRON _005196753 54 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 54 3 in in ADP _005196753 54 4 a a DET _005196753 54 5 word word NOUN _005196753 54 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 54 7 is be AUX _005196753 54 8 the the DET _005196753 54 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 54 10 which which PRON _005196753 54 11 is be AUX _005196753 54 12 like like ADP _005196753 54 13 an an DET _005196753 54 14 apex apex NOUN _005196753 54 15 toward toward ADP _005196753 54 16 which which PRON _005196753 54 17 converges converge VERB _005196753 54 18 the the DET _005196753 54 19 universal universal ADJ _005196753 54 20 activity activity NOUN _005196753 54 21 of of ADP _005196753 54 22 the the DET _005196753 54 23 church church NOUN _005196753 54 24 . . PUNCT _005196753 55 1 this this DET _005196753 55 2 way way NOUN _005196753 55 3 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 55 4 religious religious ADJ _005196753 55 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 55 6 bearing bear VERB _005196753 55 7 witness witness NOUN _005196753 55 8 to to ADP _005196753 55 9 the the DET _005196753 55 10 intimate intimate ADJ _005196753 55 11 life life NOUN _005196753 55 12 of of ADP _005196753 55 13 the the DET _005196753 55 14 church church NOUN _005196753 55 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 55 16 are be AUX _005196753 55 17 indispensable indispensable ADJ _005196753 55 18 to to ADP _005196753 55 19 the the DET _005196753 55 20 fulness fulness NOUN _005196753 55 21 of of ADP _005196753 55 22 its its PRON _005196753 55 23 presence.^^ presence.^^ NOUN _005196753 55 24 5 5 NUM _005196753 55 25 furthermore furthermore ADV _005196753 55 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 55 27 by by ADP _005196753 55 28 vivifying vivify VERB _005196753 55 29 the the DET _005196753 55 30 entire entire ADJ _005196753 55 31 mystical mystical ADJ _005196753 55 32 body body NOUN _005196753 55 33 by by ADP _005196753 55 34 the the DET _005196753 55 35 fervor fervor NOUN _005196753 55 36 of of ADP _005196753 55 37 their their PRON _005196753 55 38 love love NOUN _005196753 55 39 , , PUNCT _005196753 55 40 and and CCONJ _005196753 55 41 by by ADP _005196753 55 42 bolstering bolster VERB _005196753 55 43 the the DET _005196753 55 44 various various ADJ _005196753 55 45 efforts effort NOUN _005196753 55 46 of of ADP _005196753 55 47 the the DET _005196753 55 48 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196753 55 49 , , PUNCT _005196753 55 50 which which PRON _005196753 55 51 are be AUX _005196753 55 52 indeed indeed ADV _005196753 55 53 nothing nothing PRON _005196753 55 54 without without ADP _005196753 55 55 charity charity NOUN _005196753 55 56 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 55 57 cf cf NOUN _005196753 55 58 . . NOUN _005196753 55 59 1 1 NUM _005196753 55 60 cor cor NOUN _005196753 55 61 . . PUNCT _005196753 56 1 13:1 13:1 NUM _005196753 56 2 - - SYM _005196753 56 3 3 3 NUM _005196753 56 4 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 56 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 56 6 contemplatives contemplative NOUN _005196753 56 7 raise raise VERB _005196753 56 8 the the DET _005196753 56 9 level level NOUN _005196753 56 10 of of ADP _005196753 56 11 the the DET _005196753 56 12 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196753 56 13 life life NOUN _005196753 56 14 of of ADP _005196753 56 15 the the DET _005196753 56 16 whole whole ADJ _005196753 56 17 church church NOUN _005196753 56 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 57 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 57 2 in in ADP _005196753 57 3 the the DET _005196753 57 4 heart heart NOUN _005196753 57 5 of of ADP _005196753 57 6 the the DET _005196753 57 7 church church NOUN _005196753 57 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 57 9 my my PRON _005196753 57 10 mother mother NOUN _005196753 57 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 57 12 i i PRON _005196753 57 13 shall shall AUX _005196753 57 14 be be AUX _005196753 57 15 love love NOUN _005196753 57 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 57 17 ” " PUNCT _005196753 57 18 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005196753 57 19 the the DET _005196753 57 20 saint saint NOUN _005196753 57 21 who who PRON _005196753 57 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 57 23 without without ADP _005196753 57 24 ever ever ADV _005196753 57 25 having having AUX _005196753 57 26 stepped step VERB _005196753 57 27 outside outside ADV _005196753 57 28 of of ADP _005196753 57 29 her her PRON _005196753 57 30 convent convent NOUN _005196753 57 31 , , PUNCT _005196753 57 32 was be AUX _005196753 57 33 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005196753 57 34 declared declare VERB _005196753 57 35 by by ADP _005196753 57 36 pope pope PROPN _005196753 57 37 pius pius PROPN _005196753 57 38 vi vi PROPN _005196753 57 39 patroness patroness NOUN _005196753 57 40 of of ADP _005196753 57 41 all all DET _005196753 57 42 the the DET _005196753 57 43 missions.34 missions.34 NOUN _005196753 57 44 did do AUX _005196753 57 45 not not PART _005196753 57 46 god god VERB _005196753 57 47 through through ADP _005196753 57 48 his his PRON _005196753 57 49 charity charity NOUN _005196753 57 50 , , PUNCT _005196753 57 51 manifested manifest VERB _005196753 57 52 in in ADP _005196753 57 53 such such ADJ _005196753 57 54 proportions proportion NOUN _005196753 57 55 as as SCONJ _005196753 57 56 to to PART _005196753 57 57 entail entail VERB _005196753 57 58 the the DET _005196753 57 59 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005196753 57 60 of of ADP _005196753 57 61 his his PRON _005196753 57 62 son son NOUN _005196753 57 63 on on ADP _005196753 57 64 the the DET _005196753 57 65 cross cross NOUN _005196753 57 66 , , PUNCT _005196753 57 67 deliver deliver VERB _005196753 57 68 all all DET _005196753 57 69 men man NOUN _005196753 57 70 from from ADP _005196753 57 71 sin sin NOUN _005196753 57 72 ? ? PUNCT _005196753 58 1 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 58 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 58 3 when when SCONJ _005196753 58 4 one one NUM _005196753 58 5 steeps steep VERB _005196753 58 6 himself himself PRON _005196753 58 7 in in ADP _005196753 58 8 this this DET _005196753 58 9 paschal paschal NOUN _005196753 58 10 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 58 11 of of ADP _005196753 58 12 the the DET _005196753 58 13 supreme supreme ADJ _005196753 58 14 love love NOUN _005196753 58 15 of of ADP _005196753 58 16 god god PROPN _005196753 58 17 for for ADP _005196753 58 18 man man NOUN _005196753 58 19 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 58 20 cf cf NOUN _005196753 58 21 . . PUNCT _005196753 59 1 john john PROPN _005196753 59 2 13:1 13:1 NUM _005196753 59 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 59 4 15:13 15:13 NUM _005196753 59 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 59 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 59 7 he he PRON _005196753 59 8 necessarily necessarily ADV _005196753 59 9 participates participate VERB _005196753 59 10 in in ADP _005196753 59 11 the the DET _005196753 59 12 redemptive redemptive ADJ _005196753 59 13 mission mission NOUN _005196753 59 14 of of ADP _005196753 59 15 christ christ PROPN _005196753 59 16 ’s ’s PART _005196753 59 17 passion passion NOUN _005196753 59 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 59 19 which which PRON _005196753 59 20 is be AUX _005196753 59 21 the the DET _005196753 59 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005196753 59 23 of of ADP _005196753 59 24 every every DET _005196753 59 25 apostolate.^^ apostolate.^^ NOUN _005196753 59 26 finally finally ADV _005196753 59 27 , , PUNCT _005196753 59 28 religious religious ADJ _005196753 59 29 engaged engage VERB _005196753 59 30 in in ADP _005196753 59 31 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 59 32 alone alone ADV _005196753 59 33 sustain sustain VERB _005196753 59 34 through through ADP _005196753 59 35 their their PRON _005196753 59 36 prayers prayer NOUN _005196753 59 37 the the DET _005196753 59 38 missionary missionary ADJ _005196753 59 39 activity activity NOUN _005196753 59 40 of of ADP _005196753 59 41 the the DET _005196753 59 42 church church NOUN _005196753 59 43 , , PUNCT _005196753 59 44 “ " PUNCT _005196753 59 45 for for SCONJ _005196753 59 46 it it PRON _005196753 59 47 is be AUX _005196753 59 48 god god PROPN _005196753 59 49 who who PRON _005196753 59 50 sends send VERB _005196753 59 51 workers worker NOUN _005196753 59 52 into into ADP _005196753 59 53 his his PRON _005196753 59 54 harvest harvest NOUN _005196753 59 55 when when SCONJ _005196753 59 56 he he PRON _005196753 59 57 is be AUX _005196753 59 58 asked ask VERB _005196753 59 59 to to PART _005196753 59 60 do do VERB _005196753 59 61 so so ADV _005196753 59 62 , , PUNCT _005196753 59 63 who who PRON _005196753 59 64 opens open VERB _005196753 59 65 the the DET _005196753 59 66 minds mind NOUN _005196753 59 67 of of ADP _005196753 59 68 non non NOUN _005196753 59 69 - - NOUN _005196753 59 70 christians christian NOUN _005196753 59 71 to to PART _005196753 59 72 hear hear VERB _005196753 59 73 the the DET _005196753 59 74 gospel gospel NOUN _005196753 59 75 , , PUNCT _005196753 59 76 and and CCONJ _005196753 59 77 who who PRON _005196753 59 78 makes make VERB _005196753 59 79 the the DET _005196753 59 80 word word NOUN _005196753 59 81 of of ADP _005196753 59 82 salvation salvation NOUN _005196753 59 83 fruitful fruitful ADJ _005196753 59 84 in in ADP _005196753 59 85 their their PRON _005196753 59 86 hearts heart NOUN _005196753 59 87 . . PUNCT _005196753 59 88 ” " PUNCT _005196753 60 1 in in ADP _005196753 60 2 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 60 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 60 4 where where SCONJ _005196753 60 5 they they PRON _005196753 60 6 are be AUX _005196753 60 7 devoted devoted ADJ _005196753 60 8 to to ADP _005196753 60 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 60 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 60 11 contemplatives contemplative NOUN _005196753 60 12 are be AUX _005196753 60 13 never never ADV _005196753 60 14 forgetful forgetful ADJ _005196753 60 15 of of ADP _005196753 60 16 their their PRON _005196753 60 17 brothers brother NOUN _005196753 60 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 61 1 if if SCONJ _005196753 61 2 they they PRON _005196753 61 3 have have AUX _005196753 61 4 withdrawn withdraw VERB _005196753 61 5 from from ADP _005196753 61 6 frequent frequent ADJ _005196753 61 7 contact contact NOUN _005196753 61 8 with with ADP _005196753 61 9 their their PRON _005196753 61 10 fellow fellow ADJ _005196753 61 11 men man NOUN _005196753 61 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 61 13 it it PRON _005196753 61 14 is be AUX _005196753 61 15 not not PART _005196753 61 16 because because SCONJ _005196753 61 17 they they PRON _005196753 61 18 were be AUX _005196753 61 19 seeking seek VERB _005196753 61 20 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 61 21 and and CCONJ _005196753 61 22 their their PRON _005196753 61 23 own own ADJ _005196753 61 24 comfort comfort NOUN _005196753 61 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 61 26 or or CCONJ _005196753 61 27 peace peace NOUN _005196753 61 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 61 29 quiet quiet ADJ _005196753 61 30 for for ADP _005196753 61 31 their their PRON _005196753 61 32 own own ADJ _005196753 61 33 sake sake NOUN _005196753 61 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 61 35 but but CCONJ _005196753 61 36 because because SCONJ _005196753 61 37 , , PUNCT _005196753 61 38 on on ADP _005196753 61 39 the the DET _005196753 61 40 contrary contrary NOUN _005196753 61 41 , , PUNCT _005196753 61 42 they they PRON _005196753 61 43 were be AUX _005196753 61 44 intent intent ADJ _005196753 61 45 on on ADP _005196753 61 46 sharing share VERB _005196753 61 47 to to ADP _005196753 61 48 a a DET _005196753 61 49 more more ADV _005196753 61 50 universal universal ADJ _005196753 61 51 degree degree NOUN _005196753 61 52 the the DET _005196753 61 53 fatigue fatigue NOUN _005196753 61 54 , , PUNCT _005196753 61 55 the the DET _005196753 61 56 misery misery NOUN _005196753 61 57 and and CCONJ _005196753 61 58 the the DET _005196753 61 59 hopes hope NOUN _005196753 61 60 of of ADP _005196753 61 61 all all DET _005196753 61 62 mankind mankind NOUN _005196753 61 63 . . PUNCT _005196753 62 1 iv iv VERB _005196753 62 2 truly truly ADV _005196753 62 3 great great ADJ _005196753 62 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 62 5 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 62 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 62 7 is be AUX _005196753 62 8 the the DET _005196753 62 9 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 62 10 of of ADP _005196753 62 11 the the DET _005196753 62 12 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 62 13 life life NOUN _005196753 62 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 63 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 63 2 whereas whereas SCONJ _005196753 63 3 its its PRON _005196753 63 4 eminent eminent ADJ _005196753 63 5 role role NOUN _005196753 63 6 in in ADP _005196753 63 7 the the DET _005196753 63 8 economy economy NOUN _005196753 63 9 of of ADP _005196753 63 10 salvation salvation NOUN _005196753 63 11 emerges emerge VERB _005196753 63 12 along along ADP _005196753 63 13 general general ADJ _005196753 63 14 lines line NOUN _005196753 63 15 from from ADP _005196753 63 16 the the DET _005196753 63 17 foregoing foregoing NOUN _005196753 63 18 remarks remark NOUN _005196753 63 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 63 20 the the DET _005196753 63 21 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 63 22 is be AUX _005196753 63 23 seen see VERB _005196753 63 24 to to PART _005196753 63 25 be be AUX _005196753 63 26 enacted enact VERB _005196753 63 27 in in ADP _005196753 63 28 a a DET _005196753 63 29 very very ADV _005196753 63 30 special special ADJ _005196753 63 31 way way NOUN _005196753 63 32 in in ADP _005196753 63 33 the the DET _005196753 63 34 case case NOUN _005196753 63 35 of of ADP _005196753 63 36 cloistered cloistered ADJ _005196753 63 37 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 63 38 . . PUNCT _005196753 64 1 these these DET _005196753 64 2 women woman NOUN _005196753 64 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 64 4 in in ADP _005196753 64 5 fact fact NOUN _005196753 64 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 64 7 by by ADP _005196753 64 8 their their PRON _005196753 64 9 very very ADJ _005196753 64 10 nature nature NOUN _005196753 64 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 64 12 portray portray VERB _005196753 64 13 in in ADP _005196753 64 14 a a DET _005196753 64 15 more more ADV _005196753 64 16 meaningful meaningful ADJ _005196753 64 17 way way NOUN _005196753 64 18 the the DET _005196753 64 19 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 64 20 of of ADP _005196753 64 21 the the DET _005196753 64 22 church church NOUN _005196753 64 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 64 24 the the DET _005196753 64 25 “ " PUNCT _005196753 64 26 spotless spotless ADJ _005196753 64 27 spouse spouse NOUN _005196753 64 28 of of ADP _005196753 64 29 the the DET _005196753 64 30 spotless spotless PROPN _005196753 64 31 lamb lamb PROPN _005196753 64 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 64 33 ” " PUNCT _005196753 64 34 and and CCONJ _005196753 64 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 64 36 seated seat VERB _005196753 64 37 at at ADP _005196753 64 38 the the DET _005196753 64 39 lord lord PROPN _005196753 64 40 ’s ’s PART _005196753 64 41 feet foot NOUN _005196753 64 42 and and CCONJ _005196753 64 43 listening listen VERB _005196753 64 44 to to ADP _005196753 64 45 his his PRON _005196753 64 46 teaching teaching NOUN _005196753 64 47 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 64 48 cf cf NOUN _005196753 64 49 . . PUNCT _005196753 65 1 lk lk PROPN _005196753 65 2 10:39 10:39 NUM _005196753 65 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 65 4 in in ADP _005196753 65 5 silence silence NOUN _005196753 65 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 65 7 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005196753 65 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 65 9 seek seek VERB _005196753 65 10 and and CCONJ _005196753 65 11 savor savor VERB _005196753 65 12 the the DET _005196753 65 13 things thing NOUN _005196753 65 14 that that PRON _005196753 65 15 are be AUX _005196753 65 16 above above ADP _005196753 65 17 where where SCONJ _005196753 65 18 their their PRON _005196753 65 19 lives life NOUN _005196753 65 20 are be AUX _005196753 65 21 hidden hide VERB _005196753 65 22 with with ADP _005196753 65 23 christ christ PROPN _005196753 65 24 in in ADP _005196753 65 25 god god PROPN _005196753 65 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 65 27 until until SCONJ _005196753 65 28 they they PRON _005196753 65 29 appear appear VERB _005196753 65 30 in in ADP _005196753 65 31 glory glory NOUN _005196753 65 32 with with ADP _005196753 65 33 their their PRON _005196753 65 34 spouse.^ spouse.^ NOUN _005196753 65 35 ® ® NOUN _005196753 65 36 it it PRON _005196753 65 37 is be AUX _005196753 65 38 woman woman NOUN _005196753 65 39 ’s ’s PART _005196753 65 40 role role NOUN _005196753 65 41 to to PART _005196753 65 42 receive receive VERB _005196753 65 43 the the DET _005196753 65 44 word word NOUN _005196753 65 45 rather rather ADV _005196753 65 46 than than ADP _005196753 65 47 to to PART _005196753 65 48 carry carry VERB _005196753 65 49 it it PRON _005196753 65 50 to to ADP _005196753 65 51 the the DET _005196753 65 52 far far ADJ _005196753 65 53 ends end NOUN _005196753 65 54 of of ADP _005196753 65 55 the the DET _005196753 65 56 earth earth NOUN _005196753 65 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 65 58 even even ADV _005196753 65 59 though though SCONJ _005196753 65 60 she she PRON _005196753 65 61 can can AUX _005196753 65 62 be be AUX _005196753 65 63 summoned summon VERB _005196753 65 64 successfully successfully ADV _005196753 65 65 to to ADP _005196753 65 66 the the DET _005196753 65 67 latter latter ADJ _005196753 65 68 vocation vocation NOUN _005196753 65 69 . . PUNCT _005196753 66 1 it it PRON _005196753 66 2 is be AUX _005196753 66 3 her her PRON _005196753 66 4 place place NOUN _005196753 66 5 to to PART _005196753 66 6 become become VERB _005196753 66 7 thoroughly thoroughly ADV _005196753 66 8 and and CCONJ _005196753 66 9 intimately intimately ADV _005196753 66 10 acquainted acquaint VERB _005196753 66 11 with with ADP _005196753 66 12 the the DET _005196753 66 13 word word NOUN _005196753 66 14 and and CCONJ _005196753 66 15 to to PART _005196753 66 16 render render VERB _005196753 66 17 it it PRON _005196753 66 18 fruitful fruitful ADJ _005196753 66 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 66 20 in in ADP _005196753 66 21 a a DET _005196753 66 22 very very ADV _005196753 66 23 clear clear ADJ _005196753 66 24 . . PUNCT _005196753 67 1 6 6 NUM _005196753 67 2 vivid vivid ADJ _005196753 67 3 and and CCONJ _005196753 67 4 feminine feminine ADJ _005196753 67 5 way way NOUN _005196753 67 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 68 1 for for ADP _005196753 68 2 in in ADP _005196753 68 3 fact fact NOUN _005196753 68 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 68 5 once once SCONJ _005196753 68 6 she she PRON _005196753 68 7 has have AUX _005196753 68 8 attained attain VERB _005196753 68 9 full full ADJ _005196753 68 10 maturity maturity NOUN _005196753 68 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 68 12 woman woman NOUN _005196753 68 13 intuits intuit NOUN _005196753 68 14 more more ADV _005196753 68 15 keenly keenly ADV _005196753 68 16 the the DET _005196753 68 17 needs need NOUN _005196753 68 18 of of ADP _005196753 68 19 others other NOUN _005196753 68 20 and and CCONJ _005196753 68 21 the the DET _005196753 68 22 assistance assistance NOUN _005196753 68 23 which which PRON _005196753 68 24 they they PRON _005196753 68 25 hope hope VERB _005196753 68 26 for for ADP _005196753 68 27 . . PUNCT _005196753 69 1 hence hence ADV _005196753 69 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 69 3 she she PRON _005196753 69 4 expresses express VERB _005196753 69 5 more more ADV _005196753 69 6 clearly clearly ADV _005196753 69 7 the the DET _005196753 69 8 fidelity^ fidelity^ ADJ _005196753 69 9 ® ® NOUN _005196753 69 10 of of ADP _005196753 69 11 the the DET _005196753 69 12 church church NOUN _005196753 69 13 toward toward ADP _005196753 69 14 her her PRON _005196753 69 15 spouse spouse NOUN _005196753 69 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 69 17 and and CCONJ _005196753 69 18 at at ADP _005196753 69 19 the the DET _005196753 69 20 same same ADJ _005196753 69 21 time time NOUN _005196753 69 22 is be AUX _005196753 69 23 endowed endow VERB _005196753 69 24 with with ADP _005196753 69 25 a a DET _005196753 69 26 more more ADV _005196753 69 27 acute acute ADJ _005196753 69 28 sense sense NOUN _005196753 69 29 of of ADP _005196753 69 30 the the DET _005196753 69 31 fruitfulness fruitfulness NOUN _005196753 69 32 of of ADP _005196753 69 33 the the DET _005196753 69 34 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 69 35 hf6 hf6 NOUN _005196753 69 36 . . PUNCT _005196753 70 1 on on ADP _005196753 70 2 this this DET _005196753 70 3 account account NOUN _005196753 70 4 the the DET _005196753 70 5 church church NOUN _005196753 70 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 70 7 as as SCONJ _005196753 70 8 is be AUX _005196753 70 9 apparent apparent ADJ _005196753 70 10 from from ADP _005196753 70 11 her her PRON _005196753 70 12 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196753 70 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 70 14 has have AUX _005196753 70 15 always always ADV _005196753 70 16 had have VERB _005196753 70 17 particular particular ADJ _005196753 70 18 regard regard NOUN _005196753 70 19 for for ADP _005196753 70 20 the the DET _005196753 70 21 christian christian ADJ _005196753 70 22 virgin virgin PROPN _005196753 70 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 71 1 highlighting highlight VERB _005196753 71 2 the the DET _005196753 71 3 divine divine ADJ _005196753 71 4 jealousy jealousy NOUN _005196753 71 5 surrounding surround VERB _005196753 71 6 her,^^ her,^^ PROPN _005196753 71 7 tjig tjig PROPN _005196753 71 8 church church PROPN _005196753 71 9 has have AUX _005196753 71 10 safeguarded safeguard VERB _005196753 71 11 with with ADP _005196753 71 12 special special ADJ _005196753 71 13 solicitude solicitude NOUN _005196753 71 14 her her PRON _005196753 71 15 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005196753 71 16 from from ADP _005196753 71 17 the the DET _005196753 71 18 world world NOUN _005196753 71 19 and and CCONJ _005196753 71 20 the the DET _005196753 71 21 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 71 22 of of ADP _005196753 71 23 her her PRON _005196753 71 24 convent convent NOUN _005196753 71 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 72 1 at at ADP _005196753 72 2 this this DET _005196753 72 3 point point NOUN _005196753 72 4 it it PRON _005196753 72 5 is be AUX _005196753 72 6 impossible impossible ADJ _005196753 72 7 to to PART _005196753 72 8 pass pass VERB _005196753 72 9 over over ADP _005196753 72 10 in in ADP _005196753 72 11 silence silence NOUN _005196753 72 12 the the DET _005196753 72 13 blessed bless VERB _005196753 72 14 virgin virgin PROPN _005196753 72 15 mary mary PROPN _005196753 72 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 72 17 who who PRON _005196753 72 18 welcomed welcome VERB _005196753 72 19 into into ADP _005196753 72 20 her her PRON _005196753 72 21 bosom bosom NOUN _005196753 72 22 the the DET _005196753 72 23 word word NOUN _005196753 72 24 of of ADP _005196753 72 25 god god PROPN _005196753 72 26 . . PUNCT _005196753 73 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 73 2 full full ADJ _005196753 73 3 of of ADP _005196753 73 4 faith faith NOUN _005196753 73 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 73 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 73 7 conceiving conceive VERB _005196753 73 8 christ christ PROPN _005196753 73 9 first first ADV _005196753 73 10 in in ADP _005196753 73 11 her her PRON _005196753 73 12 mind mind NOUN _005196753 73 13 before before ADV _005196753 73 14 in in ADP _005196753 73 15 her she PRON _005196753 73 16 womb,”^'^ womb,”^'^ NOUN _005196753 73 17 a a DET _005196753 73 18 garden garden NOUN _005196753 73 19 enclosed enclose VERB _005196753 73 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 73 21 a a DET _005196753 73 22 sealed seal VERB _005196753 73 23 fountain fountain NOUN _005196753 73 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 73 25 a a DET _005196753 73 26 closed closed ADJ _005196753 73 27 gate gate NOUN _005196753 73 28 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 73 29 cf cf NOUN _005196753 73 30 . . PUNCT _005196753 73 31 song song NOUN _005196753 73 32 of of ADP _005196753 73 33 songs song NOUN _005196753 73 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 73 35 4 4 NUM _005196753 73 36 : : SYM _005196753 73 37 12 12 NUM _005196753 73 38 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 73 39 ez ez PROPN _005196753 73 40 44 44 NUM _005196753 73 41 : : SYM _005196753 73 42 1 1 NUM _005196753 73 43 - - SYM _005196753 73 44 2 2 NUM _005196753 73 45 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 73 46 , , PUNCT _005196753 73 47 “ " PUNCT _005196753 73 48 in in ADP _005196753 73 49 faith faith NOUN _005196753 73 50 and and CCONJ _005196753 73 51 charity charity NOUN _005196753 73 52 she she PRON _005196753 73 53 is be AUX _005196753 73 54 the the DET _005196753 73 55 church church NOUN _005196753 73 56 ’s ’s PART _005196753 73 57 model model NOUN _005196753 73 58 and and CCONJ _005196753 73 59 excellent excellent ADJ _005196753 73 60 exemplar exemplar NOUN _005196753 73 61 . . PUNCT _005196753 73 62 ” " PUNCT _005196753 74 1 the the DET _005196753 74 2 blessed bless VERB _005196753 74 3 virgin virgin NOUN _005196753 74 4 exhibits exhibit VERB _005196753 74 5 herself herself PRON _005196753 74 6 as as ADP _005196753 74 7 a a DET _005196753 74 8 splendid splendid ADJ _005196753 74 9 model model NOUN _005196753 74 10 of of ADP _005196753 74 11 the the DET _005196753 74 12 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 74 13 life life NOUN _005196753 74 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 74 15 and and CCONJ _005196753 74 16 a a DET _005196753 74 17 venerable venerable ADJ _005196753 74 18 liturgical liturgical ADJ _005196753 74 19 tradition tradition NOUN _005196753 74 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 74 21 both both PRON _005196753 74 22 in in ADP _005196753 74 23 the the DET _005196753 74 24 eastern eastern ADJ _005196753 74 25 church church NOUN _005196753 74 26 and and CCONJ _005196753 74 27 the the DET _005196753 74 28 western western ADJ _005196753 74 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 74 30 appropriately appropriately ADV _005196753 74 31 applies apply VERB _005196753 74 32 to to ADP _005196753 74 33 her she PRON _005196753 74 34 these these DET _005196753 74 35 words word NOUN _005196753 74 36 from from ADP _005196753 74 37 the the DET _005196753 74 38 gospel gospel NOUN _005196753 74 39 : : PUNCT _005196753 74 40 “ " PUNCT _005196753 74 41 mary mary PROPN _005196753 74 42 has have AUX _005196753 74 43 chosen choose VERB _005196753 74 44 the the DET _005196753 74 45 better well ADJ _005196753 74 46 part part NOUN _005196753 74 47 ” " PUNCT _005196753 74 48 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 74 49 lk lk PROPN _005196753 74 50 10:38 10:38 NUM _005196753 74 51 - - PUNCT _005196753 74 52 42).^ 42).^ NUM _005196753 74 53 ® ® NOUN _005196753 74 54 v v ADP _005196753 74 55 still still ADV _005196753 74 56 another another DET _005196753 74 57 aspect aspect NOUN _005196753 74 58 intrinsic intrinsic ADJ _005196753 74 59 to to ADP _005196753 74 60 the the DET _005196753 74 61 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 74 62 of of ADP _005196753 74 63 the the DET _005196753 74 64 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 74 65 life life NOUN _005196753 74 66 must must AUX _005196753 74 67 be be AUX _005196753 74 68 illustrated illustrate VERB _005196753 74 69 , , PUNCT _005196753 74 70 namely namely ADV _005196753 74 71 the the DET _005196753 74 72 importance importance NOUN _005196753 74 73 of of ADP _005196753 74 74 the the DET _005196753 74 75 sign sign NOUN _005196753 74 76 and and CCONJ _005196753 74 77 witness witness NOUN _005196753 74 78 by by ADP _005196753 74 79 which which PRON _005196753 74 80 contemplatives contemplative NOUN _005196753 74 81 , , PUNCT _005196753 74 82 though though ADV _005196753 74 83 especially especially ADV _005196753 74 84 commissioned commission VERB _005196753 74 85 by by ADP _005196753 74 86 god god PROPN _005196753 74 87 to to PART _005196753 74 88 pray pray VERB _005196753 74 89 , , PUNCT _005196753 74 90 are be AUX _005196753 74 91 not not PART _005196753 74 92 for for ADP _005196753 74 93 that that DET _005196753 74 94 reason reason NOUN _005196753 74 95 excluded exclude VERB _005196753 74 96 from from ADP _005196753 74 97 the the DET _005196753 74 98 “ " PUNCT _005196753 74 99 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196753 74 100 of of ADP _005196753 74 101 the the DET _005196753 74 102 word word NOUN _005196753 74 103 , , PUNCT _005196753 74 104 ” " PUNCT _005196753 74 105 even even ADV _005196753 74 106 though though SCONJ _005196753 74 107 they they PRON _005196753 74 108 do do AUX _005196753 74 109 not not PART _005196753 74 110 engage engage VERB _005196753 74 111 in in ADP _005196753 74 112 direct direct ADJ _005196753 74 113 public public ADJ _005196753 74 114 preaching preaching NOUN _005196753 74 115 . . PUNCT _005196753 75 1 in in ADP _005196753 75 2 present present ADJ _005196753 75 3 - - PUNCT _005196753 75 4 day day NOUN _005196753 75 5 society society NOUN _005196753 75 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 75 7 which which PRON _005196753 75 8 so so ADV _005196753 75 9 easily easily ADV _005196753 75 10 rejects reject VERB _005196753 75 11 god god PROPN _005196753 75 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 75 13 denies deny VERB _005196753 75 14 his his PRON _005196753 75 15 existence existence NOUN _005196753 75 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 75 17 the the DET _005196753 75 18 life life NOUN _005196753 75 19 of of ADP _005196753 75 20 men man NOUN _005196753 75 21 and and CCONJ _005196753 75 22 women woman NOUN _005196753 75 23 completely completely ADV _005196753 75 24 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 75 25 to to ADP _005196753 75 26 the the DET _005196753 75 27 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 75 28 of of ADP _005196753 75 29 eternal eternal ADJ _005196753 75 30 truth truth NOUN _005196753 75 31 constitutes constitute VERB _005196753 75 32 an an DET _005196753 75 33 open open ADJ _005196753 75 34 profession profession NOUN _005196753 75 35 of of ADP _005196753 75 36 the the DET _005196753 75 37 reality reality NOUN _005196753 75 38 of of ADP _005196753 75 39 both both CCONJ _005196753 75 40 his his PRON _005196753 75 41 existence existence NOUN _005196753 75 42 and and CCONJ _005196753 75 43 his his PRON _005196753 75 44 presence presence NOUN _005196753 75 45 , , PUNCT _005196753 75 46 since since SCONJ _005196753 75 47 such such DET _005196753 75 48 a a DET _005196753 75 49 life life NOUN _005196753 75 50 seeks seek VERB _005196753 75 51 that that SCONJ _005196753 75 52 loving love VERB _005196753 75 53 intimacy intimacy NOUN _005196753 75 54 with with ADP _005196753 75 55 god god PROPN _005196753 75 56 which which PRON _005196753 75 57 “ " PUNCT _005196753 75 58 bears bear VERB _005196753 75 59 witness witness NOUN _005196753 75 60 with with ADP _005196753 75 61 our our PRON _005196753 75 62 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 75 63 that that SCONJ _005196753 75 64 we we PRON _005196753 75 65 are be AUX _005196753 75 66 children child NOUN _005196753 75 67 of of ADP _005196753 75 68 god god PROPN _005196753 75 69 ” " PUNCT _005196753 75 70 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 75 71 rom rom NOUN _005196753 75 72 . . PUNCT _005196753 75 73 8:16 8:16 NUM _005196753 75 74 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 75 75 . . PUNCT _005196753 76 1 hence hence ADV _005196753 76 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 76 3 whoever whoever PRON _005196753 76 4 leads lead VERB _005196753 76 5 such such DET _005196753 76 6 a a DET _005196753 76 7 life life NOUN _005196753 76 8 can can AUX _005196753 76 9 efficaciously efficaciously ADV _005196753 76 10 reassure reassure VERB _005196753 76 11 both both CCONJ _005196753 76 12 those those PRON _005196753 76 13 who who PRON _005196753 76 14 suffer suffer VERB _005196753 76 15 temptations temptation NOUN _005196753 76 16 against against ADP _005196753 76 17 faith faith NOUN _005196753 76 18 and and CCONJ _005196753 76 19 those those PRON _005196753 76 20 who who PRON _005196753 76 21 through through ADP _005196753 76 22 error error NOUN _005196753 76 23 are be AUX _005196753 76 24 led lead VERB _005196753 76 25 to to PART _005196753 76 26 be be AUX _005196753 76 27 skeptical skeptical ADJ _005196753 76 28 as as ADP _005196753 76 29 to to ADP _005196753 76 30 whatever whatever DET _005196753 76 31 possibility possibility NOUN _005196753 76 32 man man NOUN _005196753 76 33 might might AUX _005196753 76 34 have have AUX _005196753 76 35 of of ADP _005196753 76 36 conversing converse VERB _005196753 76 37 with with ADP _005196753 76 38 the the DET _005196753 76 39 transcendent transcendent NOUN _005196753 76 40 god.^ god.^ PROPN _005196753 76 41 ® ® NOUN _005196753 76 42 through through ADP _005196753 76 43 such such ADJ _005196753 76 44 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005196753 76 45 conversation conversation NOUN _005196753 76 46 with with ADP _005196753 76 47 god god PROPN _005196753 76 48 , , PUNCT _005196753 76 49 men man NOUN _005196753 76 50 and and CCONJ _005196753 76 51 women woman NOUN _005196753 76 52 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 76 53 exclusively exclusively ADV _005196753 76 54 to to ADP _005196753 76 55 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 76 56 in in ADP _005196753 76 57 silence silence NOUN _005196753 76 58 and and CCONJ _005196753 76 59 solitude solitude VERB _005196753 76 60 , , PUNCT _005196753 76 61 and and CCONJ _005196753 76 62 to to ADP _005196753 76 63 the the DET _005196753 76 64 practice practice NOUN _005196753 76 65 of of ADP _005196753 76 66 charity charity NOUN _005196753 76 67 and and CCONJ _005196753 76 68 the the DET _005196753 76 69 other other ADJ _005196753 76 70 christian christian ADJ _005196753 76 71 virtues virtue NOUN _005196753 76 72 , , PUNCT _005196753 76 73 proclaim proclaim VERB _005196753 76 74 7 7 NUM _005196753 76 75 the the DET _005196753 76 76 death death NOUN _005196753 76 77 of of ADP _005196753 76 78 the the DET _005196753 76 79 lord lord PROPN _005196753 76 80 until until SCONJ _005196753 76 81 he he PRON _005196753 76 82 comes come VERB _005196753 76 83 . . PUNCT _005196753 77 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 77 2 indeed indeed ADV _005196753 77 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 77 4 so so ADV _005196753 77 5 much much ADV _005196753 77 6 the the DET _005196753 77 7 more more ADV _005196753 77 8 do do AUX _005196753 77 9 they they PRON _005196753 77 10 proclaim proclaim VERB _005196753 77 11 it it PRON _005196753 77 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 77 13 since since SCONJ _005196753 77 14 their their PRON _005196753 77 15 entire entire ADJ _005196753 77 16 life life NOUN _005196753 77 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 77 18 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 77 19 to to ADP _005196753 77 20 an an DET _005196753 77 21 unremitting unremitting ADJ _005196753 77 22 quest quest NOUN _005196753 77 23 for for ADP _005196753 77 24 god god PROPN _005196753 77 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 77 26 is be AUX _005196753 77 27 nothing nothing PRON _005196753 77 28 other other ADJ _005196753 77 29 than than ADP _005196753 77 30 a a DET _005196753 77 31 journey journey NOUN _005196753 77 32 to to ADP _005196753 77 33 the the DET _005196753 77 34 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005196753 77 35 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _005196753 77 36 and and CCONJ _005196753 77 37 an an DET _005196753 77 38 anticipation anticipation NOUN _005196753 77 39 of of ADP _005196753 77 40 the the DET _005196753 77 41 eschatological eschatological ADJ _005196753 77 42 church church NOUN _005196753 77 43 immutable immutable ADJ _005196753 77 44 in in ADP _005196753 77 45 its its PRON _005196753 77 46 possession possession NOUN _005196753 77 47 and and CCONJ _005196753 77 48 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 77 49 of of ADP _005196753 77 50 god god PROPN _005196753 77 51 . . PUNCT _005196753 78 1 furthermore furthermore ADV _005196753 78 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 78 3 contemplatives contemplative NOUN _005196753 78 4 do do AUX _005196753 78 5 not not PART _005196753 78 6 only only ADV _005196753 78 7 preach preach VERB _005196753 78 8 to to ADP _005196753 78 9 the the DET _005196753 78 10 world world NOUN _005196753 78 11 the the DET _005196753 78 12 goal goal NOUN _005196753 78 13 to to PART _005196753 78 14 be be AUX _005196753 78 15 reached reach VERB _005196753 78 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 78 17 that that PRON _005196753 78 18 is be AUX _005196753 78 19 eternal eternal ADJ _005196753 78 20 life life NOUN _005196753 78 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 78 22 but but CCONJ _005196753 78 23 they they PRON _005196753 78 24 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 78 25 indicate indicate VERB _005196753 78 26 the the DET _005196753 78 27 way way NOUN _005196753 78 28 that that PRON _005196753 78 29 leads lead VERB _005196753 78 30 to to ADP _005196753 78 31 it it PRON _005196753 78 32 . . PUNCT _005196753 79 1 if if SCONJ _005196753 79 2 the the DET _005196753 79 3 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 79 4 of of ADP _005196753 79 5 the the DET _005196753 79 6 beatitudes beatitude NOUN _005196753 79 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 79 8 which which PRON _005196753 79 9 animates animate VERB _005196753 79 10 the the DET _005196753 79 11 discipleship discipleship NOUN _005196753 79 12 of of ADP _005196753 79 13 christ christ PROPN _005196753 79 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 79 15 is be AUX _005196753 79 16 to to PART _005196753 79 17 vivify vivify VERB _005196753 79 18 any any DET _005196753 79 19 and and CCONJ _005196753 79 20 every every DET _005196753 79 21 form form NOUN _005196753 79 22 of of ADP _005196753 79 23 christian christian PROPN _005196753 79 24 life,^ life,^ PROPN _005196753 79 25 ® ® VERB _005196753 79 26 the the DET _005196753 79 27 life life NOUN _005196753 79 28 of of ADP _005196753 79 29 the the DET _005196753 79 30 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 79 31 testifies testifie NOUN _005196753 79 32 that that SCONJ _005196753 79 33 such such ADJ _005196753 79 34 can can AUX _005196753 79 35 be be AUX _005196753 79 36 put put VERB _005196753 79 37 into into ADP _005196753 79 38 practice practice NOUN _005196753 79 39 even even ADV _005196753 79 40 during during ADP _005196753 79 41 one one NUM _005196753 79 42 ’s ’s NOUN _005196753 79 43 earthly earthly ADJ _005196753 79 44 existence existence NOUN _005196753 79 45 . . PUNCT _005196753 80 1 this this DET _005196753 80 2 witness witness NOUN _005196753 80 3 will will AUX _005196753 80 4 exercise exercise VERB _005196753 80 5 a a DET _005196753 80 6 more more ADV _005196753 80 7 forceful forceful ADJ _005196753 80 8 influence influence NOUN _005196753 80 9 on on ADP _005196753 80 10 men man NOUN _005196753 80 11 of of ADP _005196753 80 12 our our PRON _005196753 80 13 times time NOUN _005196753 80 14 to to ADP _005196753 80 15 the the DET _005196753 80 16 degree degree NOUN _005196753 80 17 that that SCONJ _005196753 80 18 it it PRON _005196753 80 19 is be AUX _005196753 80 20 collective collective ADJ _005196753 80 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 80 22 or or CCONJ _005196753 80 23 rather rather ADV _005196753 80 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 80 25 social social ADJ _005196753 80 26 . . PUNCT _005196753 81 1 it it PRON _005196753 81 2 is be AUX _005196753 81 3 not not PART _005196753 81 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 5 in in ADP _005196753 81 6 fact fact NOUN _005196753 81 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 8 the the DET _005196753 81 9 witness witness NOUN _005196753 81 10 of of ADP _005196753 81 11 the the DET _005196753 81 12 individual individual NOUN _005196753 81 13 that that PRON _005196753 81 14 attracts attract VERB _005196753 81 15 the the DET _005196753 81 16 men man NOUN _005196753 81 17 of of ADP _005196753 81 18 today today NOUN _005196753 81 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 20 but but CCONJ _005196753 81 21 the the DET _005196753 81 22 witness witness NOUN _005196753 81 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 24 fruit fruit NOUN _005196753 81 25 of of ADP _005196753 81 26 a a DET _005196753 81 27 life life NOUN _005196753 81 28 led lead VERB _005196753 81 29 together together ADV _005196753 81 30 with with ADP _005196753 81 31 others other NOUN _005196753 81 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 33 of of ADP _005196753 81 34 a a DET _005196753 81 35 given give VERB _005196753 81 36 community community NOUN _005196753 81 37 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 38 or or CCONJ _005196753 81 39 better well ADV _005196753 81 40 still still ADV _005196753 81 41 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 42 of of ADP _005196753 81 43 a a DET _005196753 81 44 given give VERB _005196753 81 45 society society NOUN _005196753 81 46 already already ADV _005196753 81 47 firmly firmly ADV _005196753 81 48 established establish VERB _005196753 81 49 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 50 which which PRON _005196753 81 51 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 52 in in ADP _005196753 81 53 virtue virtue NOUN _005196753 81 54 of of ADP _005196753 81 55 its its PRON _005196753 81 56 continuity continuity NOUN _005196753 81 57 and and CCONJ _005196753 81 58 vigor vigor NOUN _005196753 81 59 , , PUNCT _005196753 81 60 confirms confirm VERB _005196753 81 61 the the DET _005196753 81 62 validity validity NOUN _005196753 81 63 of of ADP _005196753 81 64 the the DET _005196753 81 65 principles principle NOUN _005196753 81 66 upon upon SCONJ _005196753 81 67 which which PRON _005196753 81 68 it it PRON _005196753 81 69 is be AUX _005196753 81 70 founded found VERB _005196753 81 71 . . PUNCT _005196753 82 1 such such ADJ _005196753 82 2 indeed indeed ADV _005196753 82 3 is be AUX _005196753 82 4 the the DET _005196753 82 5 witness witness NOUN _005196753 82 6 of of ADP _005196753 82 7 the the DET _005196753 82 8 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 82 9 community community NOUN _005196753 82 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 11 which which PRON _005196753 82 12 paul paul PROPN _005196753 82 13 vi vi AUX _005196753 82 14 appropriately appropriately ADV _005196753 82 15 described describe VERB _005196753 82 16 at at ADP _005196753 82 17 monte monte NOUN _005196753 82 18 cassino cassino NOUN _005196753 82 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 20 speaking speak VERB _005196753 82 21 of of ADP _005196753 82 22 “ " PUNCT _005196753 82 23 a a DET _005196753 82 24 small small ADJ _005196753 82 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 26 ideal ideal ADJ _005196753 82 27 society society NOUN _005196753 82 28 in in ADP _005196753 82 29 which which PRON _005196753 82 30 at at ADP _005196753 82 31 last last ADJ _005196753 82 32 reign reign NOUN _005196753 82 33 love love NOUN _005196753 82 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 35 obedience obedience NOUN _005196753 82 36 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 37 innocence innocence NOUN _005196753 82 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 39 freedom freedom NOUN _005196753 82 40 from from ADP _005196753 82 41 created create VERB _005196753 82 42 things thing NOUN _005196753 82 43 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 44 and and CCONJ _005196753 82 45 the the DET _005196753 82 46 art art NOUN _005196753 82 47 of of ADP _005196753 82 48 turning turn VERB _005196753 82 49 them they PRON _005196753 82 50 to to ADP _005196753 82 51 good good ADJ _005196753 82 52 use use NOUN _005196753 82 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 54 in in ADP _005196753 82 55 which which PRON _005196753 82 56 prevail prevail VERB _005196753 82 57 the the DET _005196753 82 58 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 82 59 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 60 peace peace NOUN _005196753 82 61 , , PUNCT _005196753 82 62 and and CCONJ _005196753 82 63 — — PUNCT _005196753 82 64 in in ADP _005196753 82 65 a a DET _005196753 82 66 word word NOUN _005196753 82 67 — — PUNCT _005196753 82 68 the the DET _005196753 82 69 gospel gospel NOUN _005196753 82 70 . . PUNCT _005196753 82 71 ” " PUNCT _005196753 83 1 yet yet CCONJ _005196753 83 2 it it PRON _005196753 83 3 is be AUX _005196753 83 4 easy easy ADJ _005196753 83 5 to to PART _005196753 83 6 understand understand VERB _005196753 83 7 that that SCONJ _005196753 83 8 the the DET _005196753 83 9 specific specific ADJ _005196753 83 10 and and CCONJ _005196753 83 11 definite definite ADJ _005196753 83 12 commitment commitment NOUN _005196753 83 13 which which PRON _005196753 83 14 is be AUX _005196753 83 15 assumed assume VERB _005196753 83 16 in in ADP _005196753 83 17 the the DET _005196753 83 18 cloistered cloister VERB _005196753 83 19 life life NOUN _005196753 83 20 can can AUX _005196753 83 21 not not PART _005196753 83 22 originate originate VERB _005196753 83 23 from from ADP _005196753 83 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 83 25 and and CCONJ _005196753 83 26 still still ADV _005196753 83 27 less less ADV _005196753 83 28 thrive thrive ADJ _005196753 83 29 in in ADP _005196753 83 30 , , PUNCT _005196753 83 31 any any DET _005196753 83 32 ephemeral ephemeral ADJ _005196753 83 33 type type NOUN _005196753 83 34 of of ADP _005196753 83 35 fervor fervor NOUN _005196753 83 36 whatever whatever PRON _005196753 83 37 . . PUNCT _005196753 84 1 on on ADP _005196753 84 2 the the DET _005196753 84 3 contrary contrary NOUN _005196753 84 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 84 5 it it PRON _005196753 84 6 must must AUX _005196753 84 7 be be AUX _005196753 84 8 the the DET _005196753 84 9 product product NOUN _005196753 84 10 of of ADP _005196753 84 11 mature mature ADJ _005196753 84 12 reflection reflection NOUN _005196753 84 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 84 14 unfaltering unfaltering ADJ _005196753 84 15 decisiveness decisiveness NOUN _005196753 84 16 which which PRON _005196753 84 17 enable enable VERB _005196753 84 18 one one NOUN _005196753 84 19 to to PART _005196753 84 20 renounce renounce VERB _005196753 84 21 certain certain ADJ _005196753 84 22 social social ADJ _005196753 84 23 advantages advantage NOUN _005196753 84 24 known know VERB _005196753 84 25 and and CCONJ _005196753 84 26 esteemed esteem VERB _005196753 84 27 at at ADP _005196753 84 28 their their PRON _005196753 84 29 true true ADJ _005196753 84 30 value value NOUN _005196753 84 31 . . PUNCT _005196753 85 1 such such ADJ _005196753 85 2 maturity maturity NOUN _005196753 85 3 is be AUX _005196753 85 4 required require VERB _005196753 85 5 in in ADP _005196753 85 6 order order NOUN _005196753 85 7 that that SCONJ _005196753 85 8 this this DET _005196753 85 9 type type NOUN _005196753 85 10 of of ADP _005196753 85 11 life life NOUN _005196753 85 12 be be AUX _005196753 85 13 chosen choose VERB _005196753 85 14 with with ADP _005196753 85 15 perfect perfect ADJ _005196753 85 16 liberty liberty NOUN _005196753 85 17 of of ADP _005196753 85 18 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 85 19 in in ADP _005196753 85 20 which which PRON _005196753 85 21 the the DET _005196753 85 22 religious religious ADJ _005196753 85 23 consumes consume VERB _005196753 85 24 his his PRON _005196753 85 25 entire entire ADJ _005196753 85 26 earthly earthly ADJ _005196753 85 27 existence existence NOUN _005196753 85 28 clinging cling VERB _005196753 85 29 to to ADP _005196753 85 30 christ christ PROPN _005196753 85 31 alone alone ADV _005196753 85 32 and and CCONJ _005196753 85 33 occupied occupy VERB _005196753 85 34 with with ADP _005196753 85 35 the the DET _005196753 85 36 affairs affair NOUN _005196753 85 37 of of ADP _005196753 85 38 heaven heaven PROPN _005196753 85 39 . . PUNCT _005196753 86 1 on on ADP _005196753 86 2 this this DET _005196753 86 3 account account NOUN _005196753 86 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 86 5 vocations vocation NOUN _005196753 86 6 for for ADP _005196753 86 7 the the DET _005196753 86 8 cloistered cloistered ADJ _005196753 86 9 life life NOUN _005196753 86 10 of of ADP _005196753 86 11 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 86 12 must must AUX _005196753 86 13 be be AUX _005196753 86 14 placed place VERB _005196753 86 15 under under ADP _005196753 86 16 lengthy lengthy ADJ _005196753 86 17 and and CCONJ _005196753 86 18 careful careful ADJ _005196753 86 19 probation probation NOUN _005196753 86 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 86 21 in in ADP _005196753 86 22 order order NOUN _005196753 86 23 that that SCONJ _005196753 86 24 the the DET _005196753 86 25 motives motive NOUN _005196753 86 26 by by ADP _005196753 86 27 which which PRON _005196753 86 28 they they PRON _005196753 86 29 are be AUX _005196753 86 30 led lead VERB _005196753 86 31 become become VERB _005196753 86 32 clearly clearly ADV _005196753 86 33 discerned discern VERB _005196753 86 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 86 35 and and CCONJ _005196753 86 36 those those DET _005196753 86 37 candidates candidate NOUN _005196753 86 38 be be AUX _005196753 86 39 duly duly ADV _005196753 86 40 excluded exclude VERB _005196753 86 41 who who PRON _005196753 86 42 , , PUNCT _005196753 86 43 perhaps perhaps ADV _005196753 86 44 unknowingly unknowingly ADV _005196753 86 45 , , PUNCT _005196753 86 46 are be AUX _005196753 86 47 not not PART _005196753 86 48 inspired inspire VERB _005196753 86 49 by by ADP _005196753 86 50 sufficiently sufficiently ADV _005196753 86 51 clear clear ADJ _005196753 86 52 and and CCONJ _005196753 86 53 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005196753 86 54 considerations consideration NOUN _005196753 86 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 86 56 which which PRON _005196753 86 57 as as ADP _005196753 86 58 a a DET _005196753 86 59 result result NOUN _005196753 86 60 may may AUX _005196753 86 61 well well ADV _005196753 86 62 stand stand VERB _005196753 86 63 in in ADP _005196753 86 64 the the DET _005196753 86 65 way way NOUN _005196753 86 66 of of ADP _005196753 86 67 their their PRON _005196753 86 68 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196753 86 69 and and CCONJ _005196753 86 70 human human NOUN _005196753 86 71 development.^^ development.^^ PUNCT _005196753 86 72 the the DET _005196753 86 73 useful useful ADJ _005196753 86 74 precautions precaution NOUN _005196753 86 75 prescribed prescribe VERB _005196753 86 76 by by ADP _005196753 86 77 the the DET _005196753 86 78 statutes statute NOUN _005196753 86 79 of of ADP _005196753 86 80 each each DET _005196753 86 81 institute institute NOUN _005196753 86 82 are be AUX _005196753 86 83 to to PART _005196753 86 84 be be AUX _005196753 86 85 observed observe VERB _005196753 86 86 , , PUNCT _005196753 86 87 not not PART _005196753 86 88 only only ADV _005196753 86 89 for for ADP _005196753 86 90 the the DET _005196753 86 91 admission admission NOUN _005196753 86 92 of of ADP _005196753 86 93 postulants postulant NOUN _005196753 86 94 but but CCONJ _005196753 86 95 especially especially ADV _005196753 86 96 before before ADP _005196753 86 97 the the DET _005196753 86 98 religious religious ADJ _005196753 86 99 pronounce pronounce NOUN _005196753 86 100 their their PRON _005196753 86 101 perpetual perpetual ADJ _005196753 86 102 vows vow NOUN _005196753 86 103 . . PUNCT _005196753 87 1 8 8 NUM _005196753 87 2 all all PRON _005196753 87 3 that that PRON _005196753 87 4 is be AUX _005196753 87 5 set set VERB _005196753 87 6 forth forth ADP _005196753 87 7 in in ADP _005196753 87 8 this this DET _005196753 87 9 instruction instruction NOUN _005196753 87 10 is be AUX _005196753 87 11 applicable applicable ADJ _005196753 87 12 to to ADP _005196753 87 13 every every DET _005196753 87 14 institute institute NOUN _005196753 87 15 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 87 16 wholly wholly ADV _005196753 87 17 to to ADP _005196753 87 18 the the DET _005196753 87 19 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 87 20 life life NOUN _005196753 87 21 . . PUNCT _005196753 88 1 every every DET _005196753 88 2 religious religious ADJ _005196753 88 3 family family NOUN _005196753 88 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 88 5 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005196753 88 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 88 7 has have VERB _005196753 88 8 its its PRON _005196753 88 9 own own ADJ _005196753 88 10 particular particular ADJ _005196753 88 11 characteristics characteristic NOUN _005196753 88 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 88 13 determined determine VERB _005196753 88 14 in in ADP _005196753 88 15 many many ADJ _005196753 88 16 instances instance NOUN _005196753 88 17 by by ADP _005196753 88 18 the the DET _005196753 88 19 founder founder NOUN _005196753 88 20 himself himself PRON _005196753 88 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 88 22 and and CCONJ _005196753 88 23 these these PRON _005196753 88 24 must must AUX _005196753 88 25 be be AUX _005196753 88 26 faithfully faithfully ADV _005196753 88 27 respected respect VERB _005196753 88 28 . . PUNCT _005196753 89 1 nor nor CCONJ _005196753 89 2 is be AUX _005196753 89 3 the the DET _005196753 89 4 possibility possibility NOUN _005196753 89 5 denied deny VERB _005196753 89 6 that that SCONJ _005196753 89 7 within within ADP _005196753 89 8 the the DET _005196753 89 9 church church NOUN _005196753 89 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 89 11 through through ADP _005196753 89 12 the the DET _005196753 89 13 inspiration inspiration NOUN _005196753 89 14 of of ADP _005196753 89 15 the the DET _005196753 89 16 holy holy PROPN _005196753 89 17 spirit spirit PROPN _005196753 89 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 89 19 new new ADJ _005196753 89 20 forms form NOUN _005196753 89 21 of of ADP _005196753 89 22 the the DET _005196753 89 23 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 89 24 life life NOUN _005196753 89 25 may may AUX _005196753 89 26 originate originate VERB _005196753 89 27 in in ADP _005196753 89 28 the the DET _005196753 89 29 future future NOUN _005196753 89 30 . . PUNCT _005196753 90 1 thus thus ADV _005196753 90 2 the the DET _005196753 90 3 elements element NOUN _005196753 90 4 that that PRON _005196753 90 5 distinguish distinguish VERB _005196753 90 6 one one NUM _005196753 90 7 institute institute NOUN _005196753 90 8 from from ADP _005196753 90 9 another another PRON _005196753 90 10 are be AUX _005196753 90 11 indeed indeed ADV _005196753 90 12 recognized recognize VERB _005196753 90 13 as as ADP _005196753 90 14 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005196753 90 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 90 16 since since SCONJ _005196753 90 17 they they PRON _005196753 90 18 constitute constitute VERB _005196753 90 19 a a DET _005196753 90 20 splendid splendid ADJ _005196753 90 21 array array NOUN _005196753 90 22 of of ADP _005196753 90 23 variety variety NOUN _005196753 90 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 90 25 arising arise VERB _005196753 90 26 principally principally ADV _005196753 90 27 , , PUNCT _005196753 90 28 as as SCONJ _005196753 90 29 is be AUX _005196753 90 30 evident evident ADJ _005196753 90 31 , , PUNCT _005196753 90 32 from from ADP _005196753 90 33 the the DET _005196753 90 34 practical practical ADJ _005196753 90 35 importance importance NOUN _005196753 90 36 which which PRON _005196753 90 37 each each DET _005196753 90 38 institute institute NOUN _005196753 90 39 attributes attribute VERB _005196753 90 40 to to ADP _005196753 90 41 mental mental ADJ _005196753 90 42 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 90 43 or or CCONJ _005196753 90 44 to to ADP _005196753 90 45 liturgical liturgical ADJ _005196753 90 46 worship worship NOUN _005196753 90 47 , , PUNCT _005196753 90 48 to to ADP _005196753 90 49 life life NOUN _005196753 90 50 led lead VERB _005196753 90 51 in in ADP _005196753 90 52 common common ADJ _005196753 90 53 or or CCONJ _005196753 90 54 characterized characterize VERB _005196753 90 55 by by ADP _005196753 90 56 elements element NOUN _005196753 90 57 of of ADP _005196753 90 58 eremetical eremetical ADJ _005196753 90 59 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 90 60 , , PUNCT _005196753 90 61 these these DET _005196753 90 62 being being NOUN _005196753 90 63 factors factor NOUN _005196753 90 64 of of ADP _005196753 90 65 diversity diversity NOUN _005196753 90 66 readily readily ADV _005196753 90 67 compatible compatible ADJ _005196753 90 68 with with ADP _005196753 90 69 the the DET _005196753 90 70 structures structure NOUN _005196753 90 71 of of ADP _005196753 90 72 monasticism monasticism NOUN _005196753 90 73 . . PUNCT _005196753 91 1 differences difference NOUN _005196753 91 2 without without ADP _005196753 91 3 doubt doubt NOUN _005196753 91 4 further far ADV _005196753 91 5 depend depend VERB _005196753 91 6 on on ADP _005196753 91 7 the the DET _005196753 91 8 manner manner NOUN _005196753 91 9 in in ADP _005196753 91 10 which which PRON _005196753 91 11 each each DET _005196753 91 12 institute institute NOUN _005196753 91 13 conceives conceive VERB _005196753 91 14 and and CCONJ _005196753 91 15 observes observe VERB _005196753 91 16 material material NOUN _005196753 91 17 separation separation NOUN _005196753 91 18 from from ADP _005196753 91 19 the the DET _005196753 91 20 world world NOUN _005196753 91 21 by by ADP _005196753 91 22 means mean NOUN _005196753 91 23 of of ADP _005196753 91 24 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 91 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 92 1 vi vi ADV _005196753 92 2 confirming confirm VERB _005196753 92 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 92 4 then then ADV _005196753 92 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 92 6 the the DET _005196753 92 7 prescriptions prescription NOUN _005196753 92 8 of of ADP _005196753 92 9 the the DET _005196753 92 10 second second ADJ _005196753 92 11 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 92 12 council council NOUN _005196753 92 13 regarding regard VERB _005196753 92 14 the the DET _005196753 92 15 observance observance NOUN _005196753 92 16 and and CCONJ _005196753 92 17 adaptation adaptation NOUN _005196753 92 18 of of ADP _005196753 92 19 the the DET _005196753 92 20 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 92 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 92 22 which which PRON _005196753 92 23 is be AUX _005196753 92 24 a a DET _005196753 92 25 tried tried ADJ _005196753 92 26 and and CCONJ _005196753 92 27 unquestionable unquestionable ADJ _005196753 92 28 advantage advantage NOUN _005196753 92 29 for for ADP _005196753 92 30 the the DET _005196753 92 31 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 92 32 life life NOUN _005196753 92 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 92 34 the the DET _005196753 92 35 sacred sacred ADJ _005196753 92 36 congregation congregation NOUN _005196753 92 37 for for ADP _005196753 92 38 religious religious ADJ _005196753 92 39 and and CCONJ _005196753 92 40 secular secular ADJ _005196753 92 41 institutes institute NOUN _005196753 92 42 has have AUX _005196753 92 43 undertaken undertake VERB _005196753 92 44 to to PART _005196753 92 45 legislate legislate VERB _005196753 92 46 the the DET _005196753 92 47 following follow VERB _005196753 92 48 norms norm NOUN _005196753 92 49 approved approve VERB _005196753 92 50 by by ADP _005196753 92 51 pope pope PROPN _005196753 92 52 paul paul PROPN _005196753 92 53 vi vi PROPN _005196753 92 54 on on ADP _005196753 92 55 july july PROPN _005196753 92 56 12 12 NUM _005196753 92 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 92 58 1969 1969 NUM _005196753 92 59 , , PUNCT _005196753 92 60 for for ADP _005196753 92 61 cloistered cloistered ADJ _005196753 92 62 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 92 63 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 92 64 wholly wholly ADV _005196753 92 65 to to ADP _005196753 92 66 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 92 67 . . PUNCT _005196753 93 1 norms norm NOUN _005196753 93 2 regulating regulate VERB _005196753 93 3 papal papal ADJ _005196753 93 4 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 93 5 of of ADP _005196753 93 6 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 93 7 “ " PUNCT _005196753 93 8 the the DET _005196753 93 9 papal papal ADJ _005196753 93 10 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 93 11 of of ADP _005196753 93 12 convents convent NOUN _005196753 93 13 is be AUX _005196753 93 14 to to PART _005196753 93 15 be be AUX _005196753 93 16 regarded regard VERB _005196753 93 17 as as ADP _005196753 93 18 an an DET _005196753 93 19 ascetical ascetical ADJ _005196753 93 20 regulation regulation NOUN _005196753 93 21 particularly particularly ADV _005196753 93 22 consistant consistant ADJ _005196753 93 23 with with ADP _005196753 93 24 the the DET _005196753 93 25 special special ADJ _005196753 93 26 vocation vocation NOUN _005196753 93 27 of of ADP _005196753 93 28 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 93 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 93 30 in in SCONJ _005196753 93 31 that that SCONJ _005196753 93 32 it it PRON _005196753 93 33 is be AUX _005196753 93 34 the the DET _005196753 93 35 sign sign NOUN _005196753 93 36 , , PUNCT _005196753 93 37 the the DET _005196753 93 38 safeguard safeguard NOUN _005196753 93 39 and and CCONJ _005196753 93 40 the the DET _005196753 93 41 characteristic characteristic ADJ _005196753 93 42 form form NOUN _005196753 93 43 of of ADP _005196753 93 44 their their PRON _005196753 93 45 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005196753 93 46 from from ADP _005196753 93 47 the the DET _005196753 93 48 world world NOUN _005196753 93 49 ” " PUNCT _005196753 93 50 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 93 51 motu motu PROPN _005196753 93 52 proprio proprio PROPN _005196753 93 53 ecclesiae ecclesiae PROPN _005196753 93 54 sanctae sanctae PROPN _005196753 93 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 93 56 ii ii PROPN _005196753 93 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 93 58 n. n. PROPN _005196753 93 59 30 30 NUM _005196753 93 60 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 93 61 . . PUNCT _005196753 94 1 1 1 X _005196753 94 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 94 3 the the DET _005196753 94 4 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 94 5 reserved reserve VERB _005196753 94 6 for for ADP _005196753 94 7 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 94 8 totally totally ADV _005196753 94 9 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 94 10 to to ADP _005196753 94 11 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 94 12 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 94 13 perfectae perfectae PROPN _005196753 94 14 caritatis caritatis NOUN _005196753 94 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 94 16 16 16 NUM _005196753 94 17 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 94 18 is be AUX _005196753 94 19 called call VERB _005196753 94 20 papal papal NOUN _005196753 94 21 since since SCONJ _005196753 94 22 the the DET _005196753 94 23 norms norm NOUN _005196753 94 24 that that PRON _005196753 94 25 govern govern VERB _005196753 94 26 it it PRON _005196753 94 27 must must AUX _005196753 94 28 be be AUX _005196753 94 29 sanctioned sanction VERB _005196753 94 30 by by ADP _005196753 94 31 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196753 94 32 authority authority NOUN _005196753 94 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 94 34 even even ADV _005196753 94 35 though though SCONJ _005196753 94 36 they they PRON _005196753 94 37 are be AUX _005196753 94 38 established establish VERB _005196753 94 39 or or CCONJ _005196753 94 40 are be AUX _005196753 94 41 to to PART _005196753 94 42 be be AUX _005196753 94 43 established establish VERB _005196753 94 44 by by ADP _005196753 94 45 particular particular ADJ _005196753 94 46 law law NOUN _005196753 94 47 , , PUNCT _005196753 94 48 by by ADP _005196753 94 49 which which PRON _005196753 94 50 are be AUX _005196753 94 51 fitly fitly ADV _005196753 94 52 expressed express VERB _005196753 94 53 the the DET _005196753 94 54 characteristics characteristic NOUN _005196753 94 55 proper proper ADJ _005196753 94 56 to to ADP _005196753 94 57 each each DET _005196753 94 58 institute institute NOUN _005196753 94 59 . . PUNCT _005196753 95 1 9 9 NUM _005196753 95 2 2 2 NUM _005196753 95 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 95 4 the the DET _005196753 95 5 law law NOUN _005196753 95 6 of of ADP _005196753 95 7 papal papal ADJ _005196753 95 8 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 95 9 applies apply VERB _005196753 95 10 to to ADP _005196753 95 11 all all DET _005196753 95 12 that that DET _005196753 95 13 part part NOUN _005196753 95 14 of of ADP _005196753 95 15 the the DET _005196753 95 16 house house NOUN _005196753 95 17 inhabited inhabit VERB _005196753 95 18 by by ADP _005196753 95 19 the the DET _005196753 95 20 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 95 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 95 22 together together ADV _005196753 95 23 with with ADP _005196753 95 24 the the DET _005196753 95 25 gardens garden NOUN _005196753 95 26 and and CCONJ _005196753 95 27 orchards orchard NOUN _005196753 95 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 95 29 access access NOUN _005196753 95 30 to to ADP _005196753 95 31 which which PRON _005196753 95 32 is be AUX _005196753 95 33 reserved reserve VERB _005196753 95 34 to to ADP _005196753 95 35 the the DET _005196753 95 36 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 95 37 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 95 38 . . PUNCT _005196753 96 1 3 3 X _005196753 96 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 96 3 the the DET _005196753 96 4 area area NOUN _005196753 96 5 of of ADP _005196753 96 6 the the DET _005196753 96 7 convent convent NOUN _005196753 96 8 subject subject NOUN _005196753 96 9 to to ADP _005196753 96 10 the the DET _005196753 96 11 law law NOUN _005196753 96 12 of of ADP _005196753 96 13 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 96 14 must must AUX _005196753 96 15 be be AUX _005196753 96 16 circumscribed circumscribe VERB _005196753 96 17 in in ADP _005196753 96 18 such such DET _005196753 96 19 a a DET _005196753 96 20 way way NOUN _005196753 96 21 that that PRON _005196753 96 22 material material NOUN _005196753 96 23 separation separation NOUN _005196753 96 24 be be AUX _005196753 96 25 ensured ensure VERB _005196753 96 26 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 96 27 m.p m.p PROPN _005196753 96 28 . . PROPN _005196753 96 29 ecclesiae ecclesiae PROPN _005196753 96 30 sanctae sanctae PROPN _005196753 96 31 , , PUNCT _005196753 96 32 ii ii PROPN _005196753 96 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 96 34 31 31 NUM _005196753 96 35 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 96 36 , , PUNCT _005196753 96 37 that that ADV _005196753 96 38 is is ADV _005196753 96 39 , , PUNCT _005196753 96 40 all all PRON _005196753 96 41 coming come VERB _005196753 96 42 in in ADP _005196753 96 43 and and CCONJ _005196753 96 44 going go VERB _005196753 96 45 out out ADP _005196753 96 46 must must AUX _005196753 96 47 be be AUX _005196753 96 48 thereby thereby ADV _005196753 96 49 rendered render VERB _005196753 96 50 impossible impossible ADJ _005196753 96 51 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 96 52 e.g. e.g. ADV _005196753 96 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 96 54 by by ADP _005196753 96 55 a a DET _005196753 96 56 wall wall NOUN _005196753 96 57 or or CCONJ _005196753 96 58 some some DET _005196753 96 59 other other ADJ _005196753 96 60 effective effective ADJ _005196753 96 61 means mean NOUN _005196753 96 62 , , PUNCT _005196753 96 63 such such ADJ _005196753 96 64 as as ADP _005196753 96 65 a a DET _005196753 96 66 fence fence NOUN _005196753 96 67 of of ADP _005196753 96 68 planks plank NOUN _005196753 96 69 or or CCONJ _005196753 96 70 heavy heavy ADJ _005196753 96 71 iron iron NOUN _005196753 96 72 mesh mesh NOUN _005196753 96 73 , , PUNCT _005196753 96 74 or or CCONJ _005196753 96 75 a a DET _005196753 96 76 thick thick ADJ _005196753 96 77 and and CCONJ _005196753 96 78 firmly firmly ADV _005196753 96 79 rooted rooted ADJ _005196753 96 80 hedge hedge NOUN _005196753 96 81 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 96 82 . . PUNCT _005196753 97 1 only only ADV _005196753 97 2 through through ADP _005196753 97 3 doors door NOUN _005196753 97 4 kept keep VERB _005196753 97 5 regularly regularly ADV _005196753 97 6 locked lock VERB _005196753 97 7 may may AUX _005196753 97 8 one one PRON _005196753 97 9 enter enter VERB _005196753 97 10 or or CCONJ _005196753 97 11 leave leave VERB _005196753 97 12 the the DET _005196753 97 13 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 97 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 98 1 4 4 X _005196753 98 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 98 3 the the DET _005196753 98 4 mode mode NOUN _005196753 98 5 of of ADP _005196753 98 6 ensuring ensure VERB _005196753 98 7 this this DET _005196753 98 8 effective effective ADJ _005196753 98 9 separation separation NOUN _005196753 98 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 98 11 especially especially ADV _005196753 98 12 as as ADV _005196753 98 13 far far ADV _005196753 98 14 as as SCONJ _005196753 98 15 choir choir NOUN _005196753 98 16 and and CCONJ _005196753 98 17 parlor parlor PROPN _005196753 98 18 are be AUX _005196753 98 19 concerned concern VERB _005196753 98 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 98 21 is be AUX _005196753 98 22 to to PART _005196753 98 23 be be AUX _005196753 98 24 specified specify VERB _005196753 98 25 in in ADP _005196753 98 26 the the DET _005196753 98 27 constitutions constitution NOUN _005196753 98 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 98 29 in in ADP _005196753 98 30 supplementary supplementary ADJ _005196753 98 31 legislative legislative ADJ _005196753 98 32 documents document NOUN _005196753 98 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 98 34 particular particular ADJ _005196753 98 35 consideration consideration NOUN _005196753 98 36 being be AUX _005196753 98 37 given give VERB _005196753 98 38 to to ADP _005196753 98 39 the the DET _005196753 98 40 diversity diversity NOUN _005196753 98 41 of of ADP _005196753 98 42 each each DET _005196753 98 43 institute institute NOUN _005196753 98 44 ’s ’s PART _005196753 98 45 traditions tradition NOUN _005196753 98 46 and and CCONJ _005196753 98 47 to to ADP _005196753 98 48 the the DET _005196753 98 49 various various ADJ _005196753 98 50 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196753 98 51 of of ADP _005196753 98 52 time time NOUN _005196753 98 53 and and CCONJ _005196753 98 54 place place NOUN _005196753 98 55 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 98 56 e.g. e.g. ADV _005196753 98 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 98 58 grates grate NOUN _005196753 98 59 , , PUNCT _005196753 98 60 lattice lattice NOUN _005196753 98 61 - - PUNCT _005196753 98 62 work work NOUN _005196753 98 63 , , PUNCT _005196753 98 64 stationary stationary ADJ _005196753 98 65 partitions partition NOUN _005196753 98 66 , , PUNCT _005196753 98 67 etc etc X _005196753 98 68 . . X _005196753 98 69 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 98 70 . . PUNCT _005196753 99 1 in in ADP _005196753 99 2 conformity conformity NOUN _005196753 99 3 with with ADP _005196753 99 4 article article NOUN _005196753 99 5 1 1 NUM _005196753 99 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 99 7 however however ADV _005196753 99 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 99 9 the the DET _005196753 99 10 means mean NOUN _005196753 99 11 of of ADP _005196753 99 12 separation separation NOUN _005196753 99 13 mentioned mention VERB _005196753 99 14 above above ADP _005196753 99 15 must must AUX _005196753 99 16 be be AUX _005196753 99 17 previously previously ADV _005196753 99 18 submitted submit VERB _005196753 99 19 for for ADP _005196753 99 20 the the DET _005196753 99 21 approval approval NOUN _005196753 99 22 of of ADP _005196753 99 23 the the DET _005196753 99 24 sacred sacred ADJ _005196753 99 25 congregation congregation NOUN _005196753 99 26 for for ADP _005196753 99 27 religious religious ADJ _005196753 99 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 99 29 secular secular ADJ _005196753 99 30 institutes institute NOUN _005196753 99 31 . . PUNCT _005196753 100 1 5 5 X _005196753 100 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 100 3 in in ADP _005196753 100 4 virtue virtue NOUN _005196753 100 5 of of ADP _005196753 100 6 the the DET _005196753 100 7 law law NOUN _005196753 100 8 of of ADP _005196753 100 9 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 100 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 100 11 the the DET _005196753 100 12 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 100 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 100 14 novices novice NOUN _005196753 100 15 and and CCONJ _005196753 100 16 postulants postulant NOUN _005196753 100 17 must must AUX _005196753 100 18 live live VERB _005196753 100 19 within within ADP _005196753 100 20 the the DET _005196753 100 21 confines confine NOUN _005196753 100 22 of of ADP _005196753 100 23 the the DET _005196753 100 24 convent convent NOUN _005196753 100 25 circumscribed circumscribe VERB _005196753 100 26 by by ADP _005196753 100 27 the the DET _005196753 100 28 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 100 29 itself itself PRON _005196753 100 30 , , PUNCT _005196753 100 31 nor nor CCONJ _005196753 100 32 may may AUX _005196753 100 33 they they PRON _005196753 100 34 licitly licitly ADV _005196753 100 35 go go VERB _005196753 100 36 beyond beyond ADP _005196753 100 37 them they PRON _005196753 100 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 100 39 except except SCONJ _005196753 100 40 in in ADP _005196753 100 41 the the DET _005196753 100 42 cases case NOUN _005196753 100 43 provided provide VERB _005196753 100 44 for for ADP _005196753 100 45 by by ADP _005196753 100 46 law law NOUN _005196753 100 47 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 100 48 cf cf NOUN _005196753 100 49 . . PUNCT _005196753 100 50 art art NOUN _005196753 100 51 . . PUNCT _005196753 101 1 7 7 NUM _005196753 101 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 101 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 102 1 6 6 X _005196753 102 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 102 3 the the DET _005196753 102 4 law law NOUN _005196753 102 5 of of ADP _005196753 102 6 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 102 7 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 102 8 forbids forbid VERB _005196753 102 9 anyone anyone PRON _005196753 102 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 102 11 of of ADP _005196753 102 12 whatever whatever DET _005196753 102 13 class class NOUN _005196753 102 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 102 15 condition condition NOUN _005196753 102 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 102 17 sex sex NOUN _005196753 102 18 or or CCONJ _005196753 102 19 age age NOUN _005196753 102 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 102 21 to to PART _005196753 102 22 enter enter VERB _005196753 102 23 the the DET _005196753 102 24 cloistered cloister VERB _005196753 102 25 area area NOUN _005196753 102 26 of of ADP _005196753 102 27 the the DET _005196753 102 28 convent convent NOUN _005196753 102 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 102 30 except except SCONJ _005196753 102 31 in in ADP _005196753 102 32 the the DET _005196753 102 33 cases case NOUN _005196753 102 34 provided provide VERB _005196753 102 35 for for ADP _005196753 102 36 by by ADP _005196753 102 37 law law NOUN _005196753 102 38 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 102 39 cf cf NOUN _005196753 102 40 . . PUNCT _005196753 103 1 articles article NOUN _005196753 103 2 8 8 NUM _005196753 103 3 and and CCONJ _005196753 103 4 9 9 NUM _005196753 103 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 103 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 104 1 7 7 X _005196753 104 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 104 3 besides besides SCONJ _005196753 104 4 cases case NOUN _005196753 104 5 provided provide VERB _005196753 104 6 for for ADP _005196753 104 7 by by ADP _005196753 104 8 particular particular ADJ _005196753 104 9 indults indult NOUN _005196753 104 10 from from ADP _005196753 104 11 the the DET _005196753 104 12 holy holy PROPN _005196753 104 13 see see NOUN _005196753 104 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 104 15 those those PRON _005196753 104 16 mentioned mention VERB _005196753 104 17 in in ADP _005196753 104 18 article article NOUN _005196753 104 19 5 5 NUM _005196753 104 20 may may AUX _005196753 104 21 leave leave VERB _005196753 104 22 the the DET _005196753 104 23 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 104 24 : : PUNCT _005196753 104 25 a a X _005196753 104 26 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 104 27 in in ADP _005196753 104 28 case case NOUN _005196753 104 29 of of ADP _005196753 104 30 very very ADV _005196753 104 31 grave grave ADJ _005196753 104 32 and and CCONJ _005196753 104 33 imminent imminent ADJ _005196753 104 34 danger danger NOUN _005196753 104 35 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 104 36 b b X _005196753 104 37 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 104 38 with with ADP _005196753 104 39 permission permission NOUN _005196753 104 40 of of ADP _005196753 104 41 the the DET _005196753 104 42 superior superior ADJ _005196753 104 43 , , PUNCT _005196753 104 44 and and CCONJ _005196753 104 45 with with ADP _005196753 104 46 at at ADP _005196753 104 47 least least ADJ _005196753 104 48 habitual habitual ADJ _005196753 104 49 consent consent NOUN _005196753 104 50 of of ADP _005196753 104 51 the the DET _005196753 104 52 local local ADJ _005196753 104 53 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196753 104 54 and and CCONJ _005196753 104 55 of of ADP _005196753 104 56 the the DET _005196753 104 57 regular regular ADJ _005196753 104 58 superior superior NOUN _005196753 104 59 , , PUNCT _005196753 104 60 if if SCONJ _005196753 104 61 there there PRON _005196753 104 62 is be VERB _005196753 104 63 one one NUM _005196753 104 64 : : PUNCT _005196753 104 65 1 1 X _005196753 104 66 . . PROPN _005196753 104 67 to to PART _005196753 104 68 consult consult VERB _005196753 104 69 physicians physician NOUN _005196753 104 70 or or CCONJ _005196753 104 71 to to PART _005196753 104 72 undergo undergo VERB _005196753 104 73 medical medical ADJ _005196753 104 74 treatment treatment NOUN _005196753 104 75 , , PUNCT _005196753 104 76 provided provide VERB _005196753 104 77 that that SCONJ _005196753 104 78 this this PRON _005196753 104 79 is be AUX _005196753 104 80 done do VERB _005196753 104 81 locally locally ADV _005196753 104 82 or or CCONJ _005196753 104 83 in in ADP _005196753 104 84 the the DET _005196753 104 85 vicinity vicinity NOUN _005196753 104 86 of of ADP _005196753 104 87 the the DET _005196753 104 88 convent convent NOUN _005196753 104 89 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 104 90 2 2 X _005196753 104 91 . . X _005196753 104 92 to to PART _005196753 104 93 accompany accompany VERB _005196753 104 94 a a DET _005196753 104 95 sick sick ADJ _005196753 104 96 nun nun NOUN _005196753 104 97 , , PUNCT _005196753 104 98 if if SCONJ _005196753 104 99 real real ADJ _005196753 104 100 necessity necessity NOUN _005196753 104 101 so so SCONJ _005196753 104 102 demands demand NOUN _005196753 104 103 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 104 104 10 10 NUM _005196753 104 105 3 3 NUM _005196753 104 106 . . PROPN _005196753 104 107 to to PART _005196753 104 108 perform perform VERB _005196753 104 109 manual manual ADJ _005196753 104 110 labor labor NOUN _005196753 104 111 or or CCONJ _005196753 104 112 to to PART _005196753 104 113 exercise exercise VERB _005196753 104 114 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 104 115 surveillance surveillance NOUN _005196753 104 116 in in ADP _005196753 104 117 places place NOUN _005196753 104 118 situated situate VERB _005196753 104 119 outside outside ADP _005196753 104 120 the the DET _005196753 104 121 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 104 122 , , PUNCT _005196753 104 123 yet yet ADV _005196753 104 124 on on ADP _005196753 104 125 the the DET _005196753 104 126 premises premise NOUN _005196753 104 127 of of ADP _005196753 104 128 the the DET _005196753 104 129 convent convent NOUN _005196753 104 130 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 104 131 4 4 X _005196753 104 132 . . PROPN _005196753 104 133 to to PART _005196753 104 134 exercise exercise VERB _005196753 104 135 one one NUM _005196753 104 136 ’s ’s NUM _005196753 104 137 civil civil ADJ _005196753 104 138 rights right NOUN _005196753 104 139 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 104 140 5 5 X _005196753 104 141 . . X _005196753 104 142 to to PART _005196753 104 143 conduct conduct VERB _005196753 104 144 business business NOUN _005196753 104 145 transactions transaction NOUN _005196753 104 146 which which PRON _005196753 104 147 can can AUX _005196753 104 148 not not PART _005196753 104 149 be be AUX _005196753 104 150 handled handle VERB _005196753 104 151 otherwise otherwise ADV _005196753 104 152 . . PUNCT _005196753 105 1 except except SCONJ _005196753 105 2 for for ADP _005196753 105 3 purposes purpose NOUN _005196753 105 4 of of ADP _005196753 105 5 medical medical ADJ _005196753 105 6 treatment treatment NOUN _005196753 105 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 105 8 if if SCONJ _005196753 105 9 absence absence NOUN _005196753 105 10 from from ADP _005196753 105 11 the the DET _005196753 105 12 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 105 13 is be AUX _005196753 105 14 to to PART _005196753 105 15 be be AUX _005196753 105 16 prolonged prolong VERB _005196753 105 17 for for ADP _005196753 105 18 more more ADJ _005196753 105 19 than than ADP _005196753 105 20 one one NUM _005196753 105 21 week week NOUN _005196753 105 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 105 23 the the DET _005196753 105 24 superior superior ADJ _005196753 105 25 must must AUX _005196753 105 26 previously previously ADV _005196753 105 27 obtain obtain VERB _005196753 105 28 the the DET _005196753 105 29 consent consent NOUN _005196753 105 30 of of ADP _005196753 105 31 the the DET _005196753 105 32 local local ADJ _005196753 105 33 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196753 105 34 and and CCONJ _005196753 105 35 of of ADP _005196753 105 36 the the DET _005196753 105 37 regular regular ADJ _005196753 105 38 superior superior NOUN _005196753 105 39 , , PUNCT _005196753 105 40 if if SCONJ _005196753 105 41 there there PRON _005196753 105 42 is be VERB _005196753 105 43 one one NUM _005196753 105 44 . . PUNCT _005196753 106 1 c c X _005196753 106 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 106 3 except except SCONJ _005196753 106 4 in in ADP _005196753 106 5 the the DET _005196753 106 6 cases case NOUN _005196753 106 7 referred refer VERB _005196753 106 8 to to ADP _005196753 106 9 under under ADP _005196753 106 10 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 106 11 b b PROPN _005196753 106 12 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 106 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 14 the the DET _005196753 106 15 superior superior NOUN _005196753 106 16 must must AUX _005196753 106 17 seek seek VERB _005196753 106 18 permission permission NOUN _005196753 106 19 from from ADP _005196753 106 20 the the DET _005196753 106 21 local local ADJ _005196753 106 22 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196753 106 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 24 and and CCONJ _005196753 106 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 26 if if SCONJ _005196753 106 27 there there PRON _005196753 106 28 is be VERB _005196753 106 29 one one NUM _005196753 106 30 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 31 from from ADP _005196753 106 32 the the DET _005196753 106 33 regular regular ADJ _005196753 106 34 superior superior NOUN _005196753 106 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 36 by by ADP _005196753 106 37 whom whom PRON _005196753 106 38 such such ADJ _005196753 106 39 permission permission NOUN _005196753 106 40 may may AUX _005196753 106 41 be be AUX _005196753 106 42 granted grant VERB _005196753 106 43 only only ADV _005196753 106 44 if if SCONJ _005196753 106 45 there there PRON _005196753 106 46 is be VERB _005196753 106 47 really really ADV _005196753 106 48 a a DET _005196753 106 49 serious serious ADJ _005196753 106 50 reason reason NOUN _005196753 106 51 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 52 and and CCONJ _005196753 106 53 then then ADV _005196753 106 54 for for ADP _005196753 106 55 just just ADV _005196753 106 56 as as ADV _005196753 106 57 brief brief ADJ _005196753 106 58 a a DET _005196753 106 59 period period NOUN _005196753 106 60 as as SCONJ _005196753 106 61 is be AUX _005196753 106 62 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 106 63 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 106 64 d d X _005196753 106 65 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 106 66 all all DET _005196753 106 67 absences absence NOUN _005196753 106 68 permitted permit VERB _005196753 106 69 in in ADP _005196753 106 70 accordance accordance NOUN _005196753 106 71 with with ADP _005196753 106 72 clauses clause NOUN _005196753 106 73 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 106 74 a a X _005196753 106 75 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 106 76 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 77 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 106 78 b b X _005196753 106 79 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 106 80 , , PUNCT _005196753 106 81 and and CCONJ _005196753 106 82 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 106 83 c c NOUN _005196753 106 84 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 106 85 of of ADP _005196753 106 86 this this DET _005196753 106 87 article article NOUN _005196753 106 88 may may AUX _005196753 106 89 not not PART _005196753 106 90 be be AUX _005196753 106 91 prolonged prolong VERB _005196753 106 92 beyond beyond ADP _005196753 106 93 three three NUM _005196753 106 94 months month NOUN _005196753 106 95 without without ADP _005196753 106 96 the the DET _005196753 106 97 authorization authorization NOUN _005196753 106 98 of of ADP _005196753 106 99 the the DET _005196753 106 100 holy holy PROPN _005196753 106 101 see see PROPN _005196753 106 102 . . PUNCT _005196753 107 1 8) 8) NUM _005196753 107 2 besides besides SCONJ _005196753 107 3 cases case NOUN _005196753 107 4 provided provide VERB _005196753 107 5 for for ADP _005196753 107 6 by by ADP _005196753 107 7 particular particular ADJ _005196753 107 8 indults indult NOUN _005196753 107 9 of of ADP _005196753 107 10 the the DET _005196753 107 11 holy holy PROPN _005196753 107 12 see see PROPN _005196753 107 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 14 the the DET _005196753 107 15 following following NOUN _005196753 107 16 are be AUX _005196753 107 17 permitted permit VERB _005196753 107 18 to to PART _005196753 107 19 enter enter VERB _005196753 107 20 the the DET _005196753 107 21 cloister cloister NOUN _005196753 107 22 : : PUNCT _005196753 107 23 a a X _005196753 107 24 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 107 25 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196753 107 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 27 who who PRON _005196753 107 28 may may AUX _005196753 107 29 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 107 30 introduce introduce VERB _005196753 107 31 their their PRON _005196753 107 32 retinue retinue NOUN _005196753 107 33 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 107 34 nuncios nuncio NOUN _005196753 107 35 and and CCONJ _005196753 107 36 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196753 107 37 delegates delegate NOUN _005196753 107 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 39 in in ADP _005196753 107 40 the the DET _005196753 107 41 areas area NOUN _005196753 107 42 of of ADP _005196753 107 43 their their PRON _005196753 107 44 own own ADJ _005196753 107 45 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005196753 107 46 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 107 47 b b X _005196753 107 48 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 107 49 reigning reign VERB _005196753 107 50 sovereigns sovereign NOUN _005196753 107 51 or or CCONJ _005196753 107 52 heads head NOUN _005196753 107 53 of of ADP _005196753 107 54 state state NOUN _005196753 107 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 56 together together ADV _005196753 107 57 with with ADP _005196753 107 58 their their PRON _005196753 107 59 wives wife NOUN _005196753 107 60 and and CCONJ _005196753 107 61 retinue retinue VERB _005196753 107 62 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 107 63 c c X _005196753 107 64 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 107 65 the the DET _005196753 107 66 local local ADJ _005196753 107 67 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196753 107 68 and and CCONJ _005196753 107 69 the the DET _005196753 107 70 regular regular ADJ _005196753 107 71 superior superior NOUN _005196753 107 72 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 73 for for ADP _005196753 107 74 a a DET _005196753 107 75 reasonable reasonable ADJ _005196753 107 76 motive motive NOUN _005196753 107 77 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 107 78 d d X _005196753 107 79 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 107 80 canonical canonical ADJ _005196753 107 81 visitors visitor NOUN _005196753 107 82 at at ADP _005196753 107 83 the the DET _005196753 107 84 time time NOUN _005196753 107 85 of of ADP _005196753 107 86 the the DET _005196753 107 87 visitation visitation NOUN _005196753 107 88 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 89 but but CCONJ _005196753 107 90 only only ADV _005196753 107 91 for for ADP _005196753 107 92 inspection inspection NOUN _005196753 107 93 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 94 and and CCONJ _005196753 107 95 provided provide VERB _005196753 107 96 that that SCONJ _005196753 107 97 they they PRON _005196753 107 98 be be AUX _005196753 107 99 accompanied accompany VERB _005196753 107 100 by by ADP _005196753 107 101 a a DET _005196753 107 102 male male ADJ _005196753 107 103 religious religious ADJ _005196753 107 104 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 107 105 e e X _005196753 107 106 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 107 107 a a DET _005196753 107 108 priest priest NOUN _005196753 107 109 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 110 together together ADV _005196753 107 111 with with ADP _005196753 107 112 servers server NOUN _005196753 107 113 , , PUNCT _005196753 107 114 to to PART _005196753 107 115 administer administer VERB _005196753 107 116 the the DET _005196753 107 117 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005196753 107 118 to to ADP _005196753 107 119 the the DET _005196753 107 120 sick sick ADJ _005196753 107 121 or or CCONJ _005196753 107 122 to to PART _005196753 107 123 hold hold VERB _005196753 107 124 funeral funeral NOUN _005196753 107 125 services service NOUN _005196753 107 126 . . PUNCT _005196753 108 1 a a DET _005196753 108 2 priest priest NOUN _005196753 108 3 may may AUX _005196753 108 4 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 108 5 be be AUX _005196753 108 6 admitted admit VERB _005196753 108 7 to to PART _005196753 108 8 assist assist VERB _005196753 108 9 those those DET _005196753 108 10 religious religious ADJ _005196753 108 11 sulfering sulfering NOUN _005196753 108 12 from from ADP _005196753 108 13 a a DET _005196753 108 14 chronic chronic ADJ _005196753 108 15 or or CCONJ _005196753 108 16 grave grave ADJ _005196753 108 17 illness illness NOUN _005196753 108 18 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 108 19 f f X _005196753 108 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 108 21 a a DET _005196753 108 22 priest priest NOUN _005196753 108 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 108 24 together together ADV _005196753 108 25 with with ADP _005196753 108 26 servers server NOUN _005196753 108 27 , , PUNCT _005196753 108 28 to to PART _005196753 108 29 conduct conduct VERB _005196753 108 30 liturgical liturgical ADJ _005196753 108 31 processions procession NOUN _005196753 108 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 108 33 if if SCONJ _005196753 108 34 such such ADJ _005196753 108 35 is be AUX _005196753 108 36 requested request VERB _005196753 108 37 by by ADP _005196753 108 38 the the DET _005196753 108 39 superior superior ADJ _005196753 108 40 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 108 41 11 11 NUM _005196753 108 42 g g NOUN _005196753 108 43 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 108 44 physicians physician NOUN _005196753 108 45 and and CCONJ _005196753 108 46 all all DET _005196753 108 47 others other NOUN _005196753 108 48 whose whose DET _005196753 108 49 work work NOUN _005196753 108 50 or or CCONJ _005196753 108 51 skill skill NOUN _005196753 108 52 is be AUX _005196753 108 53 required require VERB _005196753 108 54 to to PART _005196753 108 55 provide provide VERB _005196753 108 56 for for ADP _005196753 108 57 the the DET _005196753 108 58 needs need NOUN _005196753 108 59 of of ADP _005196753 108 60 the the DET _005196753 108 61 convent convent NOUN _005196753 108 62 , , PUNCT _005196753 108 63 with with ADP _005196753 108 64 the the DET _005196753 108 65 permission permission NOUN _005196753 108 66 of of ADP _005196753 108 67 the the DET _005196753 108 68 superior superior ADJ _005196753 108 69 and and CCONJ _005196753 108 70 under under ADP _005196753 108 71 the the DET _005196753 108 72 surveillance surveillance NOUN _005196753 108 73 of of ADP _005196753 108 74 the the DET _005196753 108 75 local local ADJ _005196753 108 76 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196753 108 77 and and CCONJ _005196753 108 78 , , PUNCT _005196753 108 79 if if SCONJ _005196753 108 80 there there PRON _005196753 108 81 is be VERB _005196753 108 82 one one NUM _005196753 108 83 , , PUNCT _005196753 108 84 of of ADP _005196753 108 85 the the DET _005196753 108 86 regular regular ADJ _005196753 108 87 superior superior NOUN _005196753 108 88 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 108 89 h h X _005196753 108 90 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 108 91 sisters sister NOUN _005196753 108 92 employed employ VERB _005196753 108 93 in in ADP _005196753 108 94 the the DET _005196753 108 95 external external ADJ _005196753 108 96 service service NOUN _005196753 108 97 of of ADP _005196753 108 98 the the DET _005196753 108 99 convent convent NOUN _005196753 108 100 , , PUNCT _005196753 108 101 in in ADP _005196753 108 102 accordance accordance NOUN _005196753 108 103 with with ADP _005196753 108 104 the the DET _005196753 108 105 statutes statute NOUN _005196753 108 106 of of ADP _005196753 108 107 each each DET _005196753 108 108 institute institute NOUN _005196753 108 109 . . PUNCT _005196753 109 1 9 9 X _005196753 109 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 109 3 any any DET _005196753 109 4 particular particular ADJ _005196753 109 5 law law NOUN _005196753 109 6 approved approve VERB _005196753 109 7 by by ADP _005196753 109 8 the the DET _005196753 109 9 holy holy PROPN _005196753 109 10 see see NOUN _005196753 109 11 in in ADP _005196753 109 12 accordance accordance NOUN _005196753 109 13 with with ADP _005196753 109 14 article article NOUN _005196753 109 15 1 1 NUM _005196753 109 16 may may AUX _005196753 109 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 109 18 in in ADP _005196753 109 19 conformity conformity NOUN _005196753 109 20 with with ADP _005196753 109 21 the the DET _005196753 109 22 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 109 23 and and CCONJ _005196753 109 24 characteristics characteristic NOUN _005196753 109 25 of of ADP _005196753 109 26 each each DET _005196753 109 27 institute institute NOUN _005196753 109 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 109 29 either either CCONJ _005196753 109 30 determine determine VERB _005196753 109 31 stricter strict ADJ _005196753 109 32 prescriptions prescription NOUN _005196753 109 33 regarding regard VERB _005196753 109 34 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 109 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 109 36 or or CCONJ _005196753 109 37 sanction sanction NOUN _005196753 109 38 other other ADJ _005196753 109 39 instances instance NOUN _005196753 109 40 in in ADP _005196753 109 41 which which PRON _005196753 109 42 one one PRON _005196753 109 43 may may AUX _005196753 109 44 enter enter VERB _005196753 109 45 or or CCONJ _005196753 109 46 leave leave VERB _005196753 109 47 the the DET _005196753 109 48 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 109 49 legitimately legitimately ADV _005196753 109 50 , , PUNCT _005196753 109 51 in in ADP _005196753 109 52 order order NOUN _005196753 109 53 to to PART _005196753 109 54 provide provide VERB _005196753 109 55 for for ADP _005196753 109 56 the the DET _005196753 109 57 needs need NOUN _005196753 109 58 of of ADP _005196753 109 59 the the DET _005196753 109 60 convent convent NOUN _005196753 109 61 or or CCONJ _005196753 109 62 to to PART _005196753 109 63 further further VERB _005196753 109 64 the the DET _005196753 109 65 good good NOUN _005196753 109 66 of of ADP _005196753 109 67 the the DET _005196753 109 68 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 109 69 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 109 70 . . PUNCT _005196753 110 1 10 10 NUM _005196753 110 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 110 3 the the DET _005196753 110 4 use use NOUN _005196753 110 5 of of ADP _005196753 110 6 the the DET _005196753 110 7 radio radio NOUN _005196753 110 8 and and CCONJ _005196753 110 9 television television NOUN _005196753 110 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 110 11 in in ADP _005196753 110 12 convents convent NOUN _005196753 110 13 of of ADP _005196753 110 14 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 110 15 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 110 16 totally totally ADV _005196753 110 17 to to ADP _005196753 110 18 the the DET _005196753 110 19 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 110 20 life life NOUN _005196753 110 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 110 22 may may AUX _005196753 110 23 be be AUX _005196753 110 24 permitted permit VERB _005196753 110 25 only only ADV _005196753 110 26 in in ADP _005196753 110 27 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196753 110 28 of of ADP _005196753 110 29 a a DET _005196753 110 30 religious religious ADJ _005196753 110 31 nature nature NOUN _005196753 110 32 . . PUNCT _005196753 111 1 11 11 NUM _005196753 111 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 111 3 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005196753 111 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 111 5 magazines magazine NOUN _005196753 111 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 111 7 other other ADJ _005196753 111 8 publications publication NOUN _005196753 111 9 must must AUX _005196753 111 10 not not PART _005196753 111 11 be be AUX _005196753 111 12 either either CCONJ _005196753 111 13 too too ADV _005196753 111 14 numerous numerous ADJ _005196753 111 15 or or CCONJ _005196753 111 16 admitted admit VERB _005196753 111 17 indiscriminately indiscriminately ADV _005196753 111 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 111 19 cf cf NOUN _005196753 111 20 . . PUNCT _005196753 112 1 inter inter PROPN _005196753 112 2 mirifica mirifica PROPN _005196753 112 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 112 4 4 4 NUM _005196753 112 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 112 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 113 1 by by ADP _005196753 113 2 such such ADJ _005196753 113 3 means mean NOUN _005196753 113 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 113 5 in in ADP _005196753 113 6 fact fact NOUN _005196753 113 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 113 8 even even ADV _005196753 113 9 the the DET _005196753 113 10 best good ADJ _005196753 113 11 religious religious ADJ _005196753 113 12 communities community NOUN _005196753 113 13 can can AUX _005196753 113 14 be be AUX _005196753 113 15 permeated permeate VERB _005196753 113 16 with with ADP _005196753 113 17 and and CCONJ _005196753 113 18 disturbed disturb VERB _005196753 113 19 by by ADP _005196753 113 20 the the DET _005196753 113 21 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 113 22 of of ADP _005196753 113 23 worldliness worldliness NOUN _005196753 113 24 . . PUNCT _005196753 114 1 12 12 NUM _005196753 114 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 114 3 meetings meeting NOUN _005196753 114 4 and and CCONJ _005196753 114 5 conventions convention NOUN _005196753 114 6 of of ADP _005196753 114 7 any any DET _005196753 114 8 kind kind NOUN _005196753 114 9 can can AUX _005196753 114 10 hardly hardly ADV _005196753 114 11 be be AUX _005196753 114 12 reconciled reconcile VERB _005196753 114 13 with with ADP _005196753 114 14 the the DET _005196753 114 15 cloistered cloistered ADJ _005196753 114 16 life life NOUN _005196753 114 17 and and CCONJ _005196753 114 18 are be AUX _005196753 114 19 to to PART _005196753 114 20 be be AUX _005196753 114 21 prudently prudently ADV _005196753 114 22 avoided avoid VERB _005196753 114 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 115 1 if if SCONJ _005196753 115 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 115 3 however however ADV _005196753 115 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 115 5 current current ADJ _005196753 115 6 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196753 115 7 seem seem VERB _005196753 115 8 to to PART _005196753 115 9 justify justify VERB _005196753 115 10 it it PRON _005196753 115 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 115 12 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 115 13 might might AUX _005196753 115 14 sometimes sometimes ADV _005196753 115 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 115 16 after after ADP _005196753 115 17 having having AUX _005196753 115 18 obtained obtain VERB _005196753 115 19 the the DET _005196753 115 20 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 115 21 permission permission NOUN _005196753 115 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 115 23 be be AUX _005196753 115 24 authorized authorize VERB _005196753 115 25 to to PART _005196753 115 26 assist assist VERB _005196753 115 27 at at ADP _005196753 115 28 those those DET _005196753 115 29 meetings meeting NOUN _005196753 115 30 which which PRON _005196753 115 31 will will AUX _005196753 115 32 truly truly ADV _005196753 115 33 benefit benefit VERB _005196753 115 34 the the DET _005196753 115 35 cloistered cloister VERB _005196753 115 36 life life NOUN _005196753 115 37 , , PUNCT _005196753 115 38 provided provide VERB _005196753 115 39 such such ADJ _005196753 115 40 absences absence NOUN _005196753 115 41 from from ADP _005196753 115 42 the the DET _005196753 115 43 convent convent NOUN _005196753 115 44 do do AUX _005196753 115 45 not not PART _005196753 115 46 become become VERB _005196753 115 47 too too ADV _005196753 115 48 frequent frequent ADJ _005196753 115 49 . . PUNCT _005196753 116 1 the the DET _005196753 116 2 superiors superior NOUN _005196753 116 3 are be AUX _005196753 116 4 to to PART _005196753 116 5 bear bear VERB _005196753 116 6 in in ADP _005196753 116 7 mind mind NOUN _005196753 116 8 that that SCONJ _005196753 116 9 the the DET _005196753 116 10 purity purity NOUN _005196753 116 11 and and CCONJ _005196753 116 12 fervor fervor NOUN _005196753 116 13 of of ADP _005196753 116 14 the the DET _005196753 116 15 cloistered cloister VERB _005196753 116 16 life life NOUN _005196753 116 17 depend depend VERB _005196753 116 18 to to ADP _005196753 116 19 a a DET _005196753 116 20 great great ADJ _005196753 116 21 extent extent NOUN _005196753 116 22 on on ADP _005196753 116 23 the the DET _005196753 116 24 strict strict ADJ _005196753 116 25 observance observance NOUN _005196753 116 26 of of ADP _005196753 116 27 the the DET _005196753 116 28 rules rule NOUN _005196753 116 29 of of ADP _005196753 116 30 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 116 31 . . PUNCT _005196753 117 1 on on ADP _005196753 117 2 this this DET _005196753 117 3 account account NOUN _005196753 117 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 117 5 leaving leave VERB _005196753 117 6 the the DET _005196753 117 7 premises premise NOUN _005196753 117 8 of of ADP _005196753 117 9 the the DET _005196753 117 10 convent convent NOUN _005196753 117 11 must must AUX _005196753 117 12 always always ADV _005196753 117 13 remain remain VERB _005196753 117 14 an an DET _005196753 117 15 exception exception NOUN _005196753 117 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 118 1 13 13 NUM _005196753 118 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 118 3 the the DET _005196753 118 4 law law NOUN _005196753 118 5 of of ADP _005196753 118 6 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 118 7 entails entail VERB _005196753 118 8 a a DET _005196753 118 9 serious serious ADJ _005196753 118 10 obligation obligation NOUN _005196753 118 11 in in ADP _005196753 118 12 conscience conscience NOUN _005196753 118 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 118 14 for for ADP _005196753 118 15 both both CCONJ _005196753 118 16 the the DET _005196753 118 17 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 118 18 and and CCONJ _005196753 118 19 outsiders outsider NOUN _005196753 118 20 . . PUNCT _005196753 119 1 14 14 NUM _005196753 119 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 119 3 during during ADP _005196753 119 4 the the DET _005196753 119 5 canonical canonical ADJ _005196753 119 6 visitation visitation NOUN _005196753 119 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 119 8 whereas whereas SCONJ _005196753 119 9 the the DET _005196753 119 10 visitor visitor NOUN _005196753 119 11 must must AUX _005196753 119 12 inspect inspect VERB _005196753 119 13 the the DET _005196753 119 14 material material NOUN _005196753 119 15 cloister cloister NOUN _005196753 119 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 119 17 the the DET _005196753 119 18 superior superior NOUN _005196753 119 19 is be AUX _005196753 119 20 to to PART _005196753 119 21 report report VERB _005196753 119 22 to to ADP _005196753 119 23 him he PRON _005196753 119 24 on on ADP _005196753 119 25 the the DET _005196753 119 26 observance observance NOUN _005196753 119 27 of of ADP _005196753 119 28 the the DET _005196753 119 29 cloister cloister NOUN _005196753 119 30 prescriptions prescription NOUN _005196753 119 31 , , PUNCT _005196753 119 32 presenting present VERB _005196753 119 33 for for ADP _005196753 119 34 his his PRON _005196753 119 35 examination examination NOUN _005196753 119 36 the the DET _005196753 119 37 book book NOUN _005196753 119 38 in in ADP _005196753 119 39 which which PRON _005196753 119 40 must must AUX _005196753 119 41 be be AUX _005196753 119 42 faithfully faithfully ADV _005196753 119 43 recorded record VERB _005196753 119 44 all all DET _005196753 119 45 the the DET _005196753 119 46 instances instance NOUN _005196753 119 47 of of ADP _005196753 119 48 entering enter VERB _005196753 119 49 and and CCONJ _005196753 119 50 leaving leave VERB _005196753 119 51 the the DET _005196753 119 52 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 119 53 . . PUNCT _005196753 120 1 15 15 NUM _005196753 120 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 120 3 since since SCONJ _005196753 120 4 the the DET _005196753 120 5 church church NOUN _005196753 120 6 holds hold VERB _005196753 120 7 the the DET _005196753 120 8 cloistered cloister VERB _005196753 120 9 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 120 10 life life NOUN _005196753 120 11 in in ADP _005196753 120 12 great great ADJ _005196753 120 13 esteem esteem NOUN _005196753 120 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 120 15 she she PRON _005196753 120 16 highly highly ADV _005196753 120 17 praises praise VERB _005196753 120 18 those those DET _005196753 120 19 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 120 20 who who PRON _005196753 120 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 120 22 though though SCONJ _005196753 120 23 updating update VERB _005196753 120 24 their their PRON _005196753 120 25 12 12 NUM _005196753 120 26 cloistered cloister VERB _005196753 120 27 life life NOUN _005196753 120 28 in in ADP _005196753 120 29 ways way NOUN _005196753 120 30 ever ever ADV _005196753 120 31 more more ADV _005196753 120 32 consistent consistent ADJ _005196753 120 33 with with ADP _005196753 120 34 their their PRON _005196753 120 35 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 120 36 vocation vocation NOUN _005196753 120 37 , , PUNCT _005196753 120 38 maintain maintain VERB _005196753 120 39 , , PUNCT _005196753 120 40 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005196753 120 41 , , PUNCT _005196753 120 42 full full ADJ _005196753 120 43 and and CCONJ _005196753 120 44 reverent reverent ADJ _005196753 120 45 respect respect NOUN _005196753 120 46 for for ADP _005196753 120 47 their their PRON _005196753 120 48 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005196753 120 49 from from ADP _005196753 120 50 the the DET _005196753 120 51 world world NOUN _005196753 120 52 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 120 53 perfectae perfectae PROPN _005196753 120 54 caritatis caritatis NOUN _005196753 120 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 120 56 7 7 NUM _005196753 120 57 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 120 58 . . PUNCT _005196753 121 1 those those PRON _005196753 121 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 3 on on ADP _005196753 121 4 the the DET _005196753 121 5 other other ADJ _005196753 121 6 hand hand NOUN _005196753 121 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 8 who who PRON _005196753 121 9 have have VERB _005196753 121 10 both both CCONJ _005196753 121 11 the the DET _005196753 121 12 right right NOUN _005196753 121 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 121 14 the the DET _005196753 121 15 duty duty NOUN _005196753 121 16 to to PART _005196753 121 17 supervise supervise VERB _005196753 121 18 observance observance NOUN _005196753 121 19 of of ADP _005196753 121 20 the the DET _005196753 121 21 cloister cloister NOUN _005196753 121 22 laws law NOUN _005196753 121 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 24 namely namely ADV _005196753 121 25 the the DET _005196753 121 26 local local ADJ _005196753 121 27 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196753 121 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 121 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 30 if if SCONJ _005196753 121 31 there there PRON _005196753 121 32 is be VERB _005196753 121 33 one one NUM _005196753 121 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 35 the the DET _005196753 121 36 regular regular ADJ _005196753 121 37 superior superior NOUN _005196753 121 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 39 are be AUX _005196753 121 40 earnestly earnestly ADV _005196753 121 41 exhorted exhort VERB _005196753 121 42 by by ADP _005196753 121 43 the the DET _005196753 121 44 church church NOUN _005196753 121 45 to to PART _005196753 121 46 safeguard safeguard VERB _005196753 121 47 such such ADJ _005196753 121 48 observance observance NOUN _005196753 121 49 with with ADP _005196753 121 50 the the DET _005196753 121 51 greatest great ADJ _005196753 121 52 diligence diligence NOUN _005196753 121 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 54 and and CCONJ _005196753 121 55 to to PART _005196753 121 56 lend lend VERB _005196753 121 57 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 58 in in ADP _005196753 121 59 accordance accordance NOUN _005196753 121 60 with with ADP _005196753 121 61 their their PRON _005196753 121 62 duty duty NOUN _005196753 121 63 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 64 their their PRON _005196753 121 65 valuable valuable ADJ _005196753 121 66 assistance assistance NOUN _005196753 121 67 to to ADP _005196753 121 68 the the DET _005196753 121 69 superior superior NOUN _005196753 121 70 , , PUNCT _005196753 121 71 who who PRON _005196753 121 72 is be AUX _005196753 121 73 directly directly ADV _005196753 121 74 responsible responsible ADJ _005196753 121 75 for for ADP _005196753 121 76 the the DET _005196753 121 77 enforcement enforcement NOUN _005196753 121 78 of of ADP _005196753 121 79 the the DET _005196753 121 80 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 121 81 laws law NOUN _005196753 121 82 . . PUNCT _005196753 122 1 16 16 NUM _005196753 122 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 122 3 until until ADP _005196753 122 4 the the DET _005196753 122 5 promulgation promulgation NOUN _005196753 122 6 of of ADP _005196753 122 7 the the DET _005196753 122 8 new new ADJ _005196753 122 9 code code NOUN _005196753 122 10 of of ADP _005196753 122 11 canon canon NOUN _005196753 122 12 law law NOUN _005196753 122 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 122 14 the the DET _005196753 122 15 penalties penalty NOUN _005196753 122 16 established establish VERB _005196753 122 17 for for ADP _005196753 122 18 those those PRON _005196753 122 19 who who PRON _005196753 122 20 violate violate VERB _005196753 122 21 the the DET _005196753 122 22 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 122 23 ’ ’ PART _005196753 122 24 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 122 25 will will AUX _005196753 122 26 be be AUX _005196753 122 27 inoperative inoperative ADJ _005196753 122 28 . . PUNCT _005196753 123 1 17 17 NUM _005196753 123 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 123 3 regarding regard VERB _005196753 123 4 the the DET _005196753 123 5 mode mode NOUN _005196753 123 6 of of ADP _005196753 123 7 procedure procedure NOUN _005196753 123 8 in in ADP _005196753 123 9 updating update VERB _005196753 123 10 the the DET _005196753 123 11 cloistered cloister VERB _005196753 123 12 life life NOUN _005196753 123 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 123 14 let let VERB _005196753 123 15 the the DET _005196753 123 16 norms norm NOUN _005196753 123 17 specified specify VERB _005196753 123 18 in in ADP _005196753 123 19 part part NOUN _005196753 123 20 ii ii NOUN _005196753 123 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 123 22 numbers number NOUN _005196753 123 23 9 9 NUM _005196753 123 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 123 25 10 10 NUM _005196753 123 26 and and CCONJ _005196753 123 27 11 11 NUM _005196753 123 28 of of ADP _005196753 123 29 the the DET _005196753 123 30 motu motu PROPN _005196753 123 31 proprio proprio PROPN _005196753 123 32 ecclesiae ecclesiae PROPN _005196753 123 33 sanctae sanctae PROPN _005196753 123 34 be be AUX _005196753 123 35 faithfully faithfully ADV _005196753 123 36 observed observe VERB _005196753 123 37 . . PUNCT _005196753 124 1 with with ADP _005196753 124 2 reference reference NOUN _005196753 124 3 to to ADP _005196753 124 4 number number NOUN _005196753 124 5 6 6 NUM _005196753 124 6 of of ADP _005196753 124 7 the the DET _005196753 124 8 same same ADJ _005196753 124 9 motu motu ADJ _005196753 124 10 proprio proprio NOUN _005196753 124 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 124 12 however however ADV _005196753 124 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 124 14 experiments experiment NOUN _005196753 124 15 contrary contrary ADJ _005196753 124 16 to to ADP _005196753 124 17 what what PRON _005196753 124 18 is be AUX _005196753 124 19 established establish VERB _005196753 124 20 by by ADP _005196753 124 21 the the DET _005196753 124 22 present present ADJ _005196753 124 23 norms norm NOUN _005196753 124 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 124 25 which which PRON _005196753 124 26 are be AUX _005196753 124 27 to to PART _005196753 124 28 constitute constitute VERB _005196753 124 29 the the DET _005196753 124 30 general general ADJ _005196753 124 31 law law NOUN _005196753 124 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 124 33 can can AUX _005196753 124 34 not not PART _005196753 124 35 be be AUX _005196753 124 36 undertaken undertake VERB _005196753 124 37 without without ADP _005196753 124 38 permission permission NOUN _005196753 124 39 previously previously ADV _005196753 124 40 obtained obtain VERB _005196753 124 41 from from ADP _005196753 124 42 the the DET _005196753 124 43 holy holy PROPN _005196753 124 44 see see PROPN _005196753 124 45 . . PUNCT _005196753 125 1 furthermore furthermore ADV _005196753 125 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 125 3 those those DET _005196753 125 4 convents convent NOUN _005196753 125 5 which which PRON _005196753 125 6 have have AUX _005196753 125 7 already already ADV _005196753 125 8 introduced introduce VERB _005196753 125 9 certain certain ADJ _005196753 125 10 innovations innovation NOUN _005196753 125 11 with with ADP _005196753 125 12 a a DET _005196753 125 13 view view NOUN _005196753 125 14 to to ADP _005196753 125 15 updating update VERB _005196753 125 16 papal papal ADJ _005196753 125 17 enclosure enclosure NOUN _005196753 125 18 are be AUX _005196753 125 19 hereby hereby ADV _005196753 125 20 obliged oblige VERB _005196753 125 21 to to PART _005196753 125 22 submit submit VERB _005196753 125 23 such such ADJ _005196753 125 24 modifications modification NOUN _005196753 125 25 to to ADP _005196753 125 26 the the DET _005196753 125 27 judgment judgment NOUN _005196753 125 28 of of ADP _005196753 125 29 the the DET _005196753 125 30 sacred sacred ADJ _005196753 125 31 congregation congregation NOUN _005196753 125 32 for for ADP _005196753 125 33 religious religious ADJ _005196753 125 34 and and CCONJ _005196753 125 35 secular secular ADJ _005196753 125 36 institutes institute NOUN _005196753 125 37 within within ADP _005196753 125 38 six six NUM _005196753 125 39 months month NOUN _005196753 125 40 from from ADP _005196753 125 41 the the DET _005196753 125 42 date date NOUN _005196753 125 43 of of ADP _005196753 125 44 publication publication NOUN _005196753 125 45 of of ADP _005196753 125 46 the the DET _005196753 125 47 present present ADJ _005196753 125 48 instruction instruction NOUN _005196753 125 49 . . PUNCT _005196753 126 1 h. h. PROPN _005196753 126 2 card card PROPN _005196753 126 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 127 1 antoniutti antoniutti PROPN _005196753 127 2 prefect prefect PROPN _005196753 127 3 edward edward PROPN _005196753 127 4 heston heston PROPN _005196753 127 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 127 6 c.s.c c.s.c PROPN _005196753 127 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 128 1 secretary secretary PROPN _005196753 128 2 rome rome PROPN _005196753 128 3 august august PROPN _005196753 128 4 15 15 NUM _005196753 128 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 128 6 1969 1969 NUM _005196753 128 7 feast feast NOUN _005196753 128 8 of of ADP _005196753 128 9 the the DET _005196753 128 10 assumption assumption NOUN _005196753 128 11 of of ADP _005196753 128 12 our our PRON _005196753 128 13 lady lady NOUN _005196753 128 14 13 13 NUM _005196753 128 15 footnotes footnote VERB _005196753 128 16 ^ ^ X _005196753 128 17 cf cf ADV _005196753 128 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 129 1 pachomius pachomius NOUN _005196753 129 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 129 3 vies vie NOUN _005196753 129 4 copies copy NOUN _005196753 129 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 129 6 cod cod NOUN _005196753 129 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 130 1 bo bo PROPN _005196753 130 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 131 1 n. n. PROPN _005196753 131 2 17 17 NUM _005196753 131 3 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 131 4 lefort lefort NOUN _005196753 131 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 131 6 p. p. NOUN _005196753 131 7 91 91 NUM _005196753 131 8 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 131 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 132 1 gaudium gaudium NOUN _005196753 132 2 et et NOUN _005196753 132 3 spes spe NOUN _005196753 132 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 132 5 38 38 NUM _005196753 132 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 132 7 and and CCONJ _005196753 132 8 mt mt PROPN _005196753 132 9 . . PROPN _005196753 132 10 4:1 4:1 NUM _005196753 132 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 133 1 cyprian cyprian ADJ _005196753 133 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 133 3 de de X _005196753 133 4 habitu habitu ADJ _005196753 133 5 virginum virginum NOUN _005196753 133 6 3 3 NUM _005196753 133 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 133 8 ml ml PROPN _005196753 133 9 4:455 4:455 NUM _005196753 133 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 134 1 already already ADV _005196753 134 2 from from ADP _005196753 134 3 the the DET _005196753 134 4 sixth sixth ADJ _005196753 134 5 century century NOUN _005196753 134 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 134 7 cf cf NOUN _005196753 134 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 134 9 caesarius caesarius PROPN _005196753 134 10 of of ADP _005196753 134 11 arles arle NOUN _005196753 134 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 134 13 reg reg PROPN _005196753 134 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 135 1 ad ad NOUN _005196753 135 2 virg virg NOUN _005196753 135 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 136 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 136 2 approved approve VERB _005196753 136 3 by by ADP _005196753 136 4 pope pope PROPN _005196753 136 5 hormisdas hormisdas PROPN _005196753 136 6 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 136 7 1 1 NUM _005196753 136 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 136 9 ml ml PROPN _005196753 136 10 67:1107 67:1107 NUM _005196753 136 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 136 12 cone cone NOUN _005196753 136 13 . . PUNCT _005196753 136 14 epaonen epaonen NOUN _005196753 136 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 137 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 137 2 517 517 NUM _005196753 137 3 ad ad NOUN _005196753 137 4 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 137 5 c. c. PROPN _005196753 137 6 38 38 NUM _005196753 137 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 137 8 cc cc PROPN _005196753 137 9 ser ser NOUN _005196753 137 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 138 1 lat lat PROPN _005196753 138 2 148 148 NUM _005196753 138 3 a a PRON _005196753 138 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 138 5 p. p. NOUN _005196753 138 6 34 34 NUM _005196753 138 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 138 8 cf cf NOUN _005196753 138 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 138 10 also also ADV _005196753 138 11 boniface boniface VERB _005196753 138 12 viii viii PROPN _005196753 138 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 138 14 const const PROPN _005196753 138 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 139 1 periculoso periculoso PROPN _005196753 139 2 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 139 3 1298 1298 NUM _005196753 139 4 ad ad NOUN _005196753 139 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 139 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 139 7 council council NOUN _005196753 139 8 of of ADP _005196753 139 9 trent trent ADJ _005196753 139 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 139 11 session session NOUN _005196753 139 12 25 25 NUM _005196753 139 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 139 14 decree decree VERB _005196753 139 15 de de X _005196753 139 16 regularibus regularibus ADJ _005196753 139 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 139 18 c. c. PROPN _005196753 139 19 5 5 NUM _005196753 139 20 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 139 21 c.i.c c.i.c PROPN _005196753 139 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 140 1 cc cc PROPN _005196753 140 2 . . PROPN _005196753 140 3 597 597 NUM _005196753 140 4 - - SYM _005196753 140 5 603 603 NUM _005196753 140 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 140 7 2342 2342 NUM _005196753 140 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 140 9 pius pius PROPN _005196753 140 10 xii xii PROPN _005196753 140 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 140 12 const const PROPN _005196753 140 13 . . PUNCT _005196753 141 1 apost apost PROPN _005196753 141 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 142 1 sponsa sponsa PROPN _005196753 142 2 christi christi NOUN _005196753 142 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 142 4 sacred sacred ADJ _005196753 142 5 congregation congregation NOUN _005196753 142 6 for for ADP _005196753 142 7 religious religious ADJ _005196753 142 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 142 9 instructions instruction NOUN _005196753 142 10 inter inter PROPN _005196753 142 11 praeclara praeclara PROPN _005196753 142 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 142 13 inter inter PROPN _005196753 142 14 cetera cetera NOUN _005196753 142 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 143 1 * * PUNCT _005196753 143 2 second second ADJ _005196753 143 3 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 143 4 council council PROPN _005196753 143 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 143 6 decree decree NOUN _005196753 143 7 perfectae perfectae NOUN _005196753 143 8 caritatis caritatis NOUN _005196753 143 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 143 10 16 16 NUM _005196753 143 11 : : PUNCT _005196753 143 12 “ " PUNCT _005196753 143 13 the the DET _005196753 143 14 papal papal ADJ _005196753 143 15 cloister cloister NOUN _005196753 143 16 for for ADP _005196753 143 17 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 143 18 totally totally ADV _005196753 143 19 dedicated dedicated ADJ _005196753 143 20 to to ADP _005196753 143 21 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 143 22 is be AUX _005196753 143 23 to to PART _005196753 143 24 be be AUX _005196753 143 25 retained retain VERB _005196753 143 26 . . PUNCT _005196753 144 1 still still ADV _005196753 144 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 144 3 it it PRON _005196753 144 4 should should AUX _005196753 144 5 be be AUX _005196753 144 6 modified modify VERB _005196753 144 7 according accord VERB _005196753 144 8 to to ADP _005196753 144 9 the the DET _005196753 144 10 conditions condition NOUN _005196753 144 11 of of ADP _005196753 144 12 time time NOUN _005196753 144 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 144 14 place place NOUN _005196753 144 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 144 16 and and CCONJ _005196753 144 17 outdated outdated ADJ _005196753 144 18 customs custom NOUN _005196753 144 19 done do VERB _005196753 144 20 away away ADV _005196753 144 21 with with ADP _005196753 144 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 145 1 in in ADP _005196753 145 2 such such ADJ _005196753 145 3 matters matter NOUN _005196753 145 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 145 5 consideration consideration NOUN _005196753 145 6 should should AUX _005196753 145 7 be be AUX _005196753 145 8 given give VERB _005196753 145 9 to to ADP _005196753 145 10 the the DET _005196753 145 11 wishes wish NOUN _005196753 145 12 of of ADP _005196753 145 13 the the DET _005196753 145 14 monasteries monastery NOUN _005196753 145 15 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 145 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 145 17 ” " PUNCT _005196753 146 1 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196753 147 1 cf cf NOUN _005196753 147 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 148 1 decalogue decalogue NOUN _005196753 148 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 148 3 “ " PUNCT _005196753 148 4 i i PRON _005196753 148 5 am be AUX _005196753 148 6 yahweh yahweh PROPN _005196753 148 7 your your PRON _005196753 148 8 god god PROPN _005196753 148 9 who who PRON _005196753 148 10 brought bring VERB _005196753 148 11 you you PRON _005196753 148 12 out out ADP _005196753 148 13 of of ADP _005196753 148 14 the the DET _005196753 148 15 land land NOUN _005196753 148 16 of of ADP _005196753 148 17 egypt egypt PROPN _005196753 148 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 148 19 out out ADP _005196753 148 20 of of ADP _005196753 148 21 the the DET _005196753 148 22 house house NOUN _005196753 148 23 of of ADP _005196753 148 24 slavery slavery PROPN _005196753 148 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 149 1 you you PRON _005196753 149 2 shall shall AUX _005196753 149 3 have have VERB _005196753 149 4 no no DET _005196753 149 5 gods god NOUN _005196753 149 6 except except SCONJ _005196753 149 7 me i PRON _005196753 149 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 149 9 ” " PUNCT _005196753 150 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 150 2 ex ex PROPN _005196753 150 3 20:2 20:2 NUM _005196753 150 4 - - SYM _005196753 150 5 3 3 NUM _005196753 150 6 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 150 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 151 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 151 2 with with ADP _005196753 151 3 reference reference NOUN _005196753 151 4 to to ADP _005196753 151 5 the the DET _005196753 151 6 covenant covenant NOUN _005196753 151 7 made make VERB _005196753 151 8 at at ADP _005196753 151 9 shechem shechem NOUN _005196753 151 10 : : PUNCT _005196753 151 11 “ " PUNCT _005196753 151 12 we we PRON _005196753 151 13 have have VERB _005196753 151 14 no no DET _005196753 151 15 intention intention NOUN _005196753 151 16 of of ADP _005196753 151 17 deserting desert VERB _005196753 151 18 yahweh yahweh NOUN _005196753 151 19 and and CCONJ _005196753 151 20 serving serve VERB _005196753 151 21 other other ADJ _005196753 151 22 gods god NOUN _005196753 151 23 ! ! PUNCT _005196753 152 1 was be AUX _005196753 152 2 it it PRON _005196753 152 3 not not PART _005196753 152 4 yahweh yahweh PROPN _005196753 152 5 our our PRON _005196753 152 6 god god PROPN _005196753 152 7 who who PRON _005196753 152 8 brought bring VERB _005196753 152 9 us we PRON _005196753 152 10 and and CCONJ _005196753 152 11 our our PRON _005196753 152 12 ancestors ancestor NOUN _005196753 152 13 out out ADP _005196753 152 14 of of ADP _005196753 152 15 the the DET _005196753 152 16 land land NOUN _005196753 152 17 of of ADP _005196753 152 18 egypt egypt PROPN _005196753 152 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 152 20 the the DET _005196753 152 21 house house NOUN _005196753 152 22 of of ADP _005196753 152 23 slavery slavery NOUN _005196753 152 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 152 25 who who PRON _005196753 152 26 worked work VERB _005196753 152 27 those those DET _005196753 152 28 great great ADJ _005196753 152 29 wonders wonder NOUN _005196753 152 30 before before ADP _005196753 152 31 our our PRON _005196753 152 32 eyes eye NOUN _005196753 152 33 and and CCONJ _005196753 152 34 preserved preserve VERB _005196753 152 35 us we PRON _005196753 152 36 all all ADV _005196753 152 37 along along ADP _005196753 152 38 the the DET _005196753 152 39 way way NOUN _005196753 152 40 we we PRON _005196753 152 41 travelled travel VERB _005196753 152 42 and and CCONJ _005196753 152 43 among among ADP _005196753 152 44 all all DET _005196753 152 45 the the DET _005196753 152 46 peoples people NOUN _005196753 152 47 through through ADP _005196753 152 48 whom whom PRON _005196753 152 49 we we PRON _005196753 152 50 journeyed journey VERB _005196753 152 51 ? ? PUNCT _005196753 152 52 ” " PUNCT _005196753 152 53 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 152 54 jos jos PROPN _005196753 152 55 24:16 24:16 NUM _005196753 152 56 - - SYM _005196753 152 57 17 17 NUM _005196753 152 58 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 152 59 . . PUNCT _005196753 153 1 idolatry idolatry NOUN _005196753 153 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 153 3 on on ADP _005196753 153 4 the the DET _005196753 153 5 contrary contrary NOUN _005196753 153 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 153 7 consists consist VERB _005196753 153 8 in in ADP _005196753 153 9 saying say VERB _005196753 153 10 : : PUNCT _005196753 153 11 “ " PUNCT _005196753 153 12 here here ADV _005196753 153 13 is be AUX _005196753 153 14 your your PRON _005196753 153 15 god god PROPN _005196753 153 16 israel israel PROPN _005196753 153 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 153 18 who who PRON _005196753 153 19 brought bring VERB _005196753 153 20 you you PRON _005196753 153 21 out out ADP _005196753 153 22 of of ADP _005196753 153 23 the the DET _005196753 153 24 land land NOUN _005196753 153 25 of of ADP _005196753 153 26 egypt egypt PROPN _005196753 153 27 ” " PUNCT _005196753 153 28 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 153 29 ex ex PROPN _005196753 153 30 32:4 32:4 NUM _005196753 153 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 153 32 . . PUNCT _005196753 154 1 expressions expression NOUN _005196753 154 2 of of ADP _005196753 154 3 this this DET _005196753 154 4 type type NOUN _005196753 154 5 are be AUX _005196753 154 6 frequent frequent ADJ _005196753 154 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 155 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 155 2 thus thus ADV _005196753 155 3 in in ADP _005196753 155 4 the the DET _005196753 155 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 155 6 of of ADP _005196753 155 7 israel israel PROPN _005196753 155 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 155 9 as as SCONJ _005196753 155 10 may may AUX _005196753 155 11 be be AUX _005196753 155 12 inferred infer VERB _005196753 155 13 from from ADP _005196753 155 14 the the DET _005196753 155 15 psalms psalm NOUN _005196753 155 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 156 1 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 156 2 anniversary anniversary NOUN _005196753 156 3 feasts feast NOUN _005196753 156 4 commemorating commemorate VERB _005196753 156 5 episodes episode NOUN _005196753 156 6 of of ADP _005196753 156 7 the the DET _005196753 156 8 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 156 9 became become VERB _005196753 156 10 liturgical liturgical ADJ _005196753 156 11 celebrations celebration NOUN _005196753 156 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 157 1 the the DET _005196753 157 2 promise promise NOUN _005196753 157 3 or or CCONJ _005196753 157 4 covenant covenant NOUN _005196753 157 5 was be AUX _005196753 157 6 made make VERB _005196753 157 7 in in ADP _005196753 157 8 the the DET _005196753 157 9 desert desert NOUN _005196753 157 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 157 11 during during ADP _005196753 157 12 the the DET _005196753 157 13 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 157 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 158 1 when when SCONJ _005196753 158 2 hardships hardship NOUN _005196753 158 3 were be AUX _005196753 158 4 inflicted inflict VERB _005196753 158 5 on on ADP _005196753 158 6 israel israel PROPN _005196753 158 7 because because SCONJ _005196753 158 8 of of ADP _005196753 158 9 her her PRON _005196753 158 10 sins sin NOUN _005196753 158 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 158 12 she she PRON _005196753 158 13 remembered remember VERB _005196753 158 14 the the DET _005196753 158 15 miracles miracle NOUN _005196753 158 16 performed perform VERB _005196753 158 17 by by ADP _005196753 158 18 god god PROPN _005196753 158 19 in in ADP _005196753 158 20 the the DET _005196753 158 21 past past NOUN _005196753 158 22 and and CCONJ _005196753 158 23 placed place VERB _005196753 158 24 her her PRON _005196753 158 25 hope hope NOUN _005196753 158 26 in in ADP _005196753 158 27 them they PRON _005196753 158 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 158 29 since since SCONJ _005196753 158 30 god god PROPN _005196753 158 31 who who PRON _005196753 158 32 does do AUX _005196753 158 33 not not PART _005196753 158 34 change change VERB _005196753 158 35 is be AUX _005196753 158 36 always always ADV _005196753 158 37 capable capable ADJ _005196753 158 38 of of ADP _005196753 158 39 repeating repeat VERB _005196753 158 40 the the DET _005196753 158 41 same same ADJ _005196753 158 42 miracles miracle NOUN _005196753 158 43 . . PUNCT _005196753 159 1 cf cf X _005196753 159 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 160 1 deut deut NOUN _005196753 160 2 20:1 20:1 NUM _005196753 160 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 160 4 is be AUX _005196753 160 5 43:16 43:16 NUM _005196753 160 6 - - SYM _005196753 160 7 21 21 NUM _005196753 160 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 160 9 63:10 63:10 NUM _005196753 160 10 - - SYM _005196753 160 11 14 14 NUM _005196753 160 12 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 160 13 bar bar NOUN _005196753 160 14 2:11 2:11 NUM _005196753 160 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 160 16 si si PROPN _005196753 160 17 36:5 36:5 NUM _005196753 160 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 161 1 but but CCONJ _005196753 161 2 it it PRON _005196753 161 3 will will AUX _005196753 161 4 be be AUX _005196753 161 5 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 161 6 to to PART _005196753 161 7 pass pass VERB _005196753 161 8 again again ADV _005196753 161 9 through through ADP _005196753 161 10 the the DET _005196753 161 11 desert desert NOUN _005196753 161 12 that that SCONJ _005196753 161 13 purifies purifie NOUN _005196753 161 14 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 161 15 hos hos PROPN _005196753 161 16 2:16 2:16 NUM _005196753 161 17 - - SYM _005196753 161 18 25 25 NUM _005196753 161 19 ): ): PUNCT _005196753 161 20 then then ADV _005196753 161 21 it it PRON _005196753 161 22 will will AUX _005196753 161 23 no no ADV _005196753 161 24 longer long ADV _005196753 161 25 be be AUX _005196753 161 26 a a DET _005196753 161 27 question question NOUN _005196753 161 28 of of ADP _005196753 161 29 delivering deliver VERB _005196753 161 30 the the DET _005196753 161 31 people people NOUN _005196753 161 32 from from ADP _005196753 161 33 external external ADJ _005196753 161 34 enemies enemy NOUN _005196753 161 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 161 36 but but CCONJ _005196753 161 37 from from ADP _005196753 161 38 the the DET _005196753 161 39 slavery slavery NOUN _005196753 161 40 of of ADP _005196753 161 41 sin sin NOUN _005196753 161 42 . . PUNCT _005196753 162 1 the the DET _005196753 162 2 real real ADJ _005196753 162 3 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 162 4 is be AUX _005196753 162 5 a a DET _005196753 162 6 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196753 162 7 conversion conversion NOUN _005196753 162 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 163 1 second second ADJ _005196753 163 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 163 3 council council PROPN _005196753 163 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 163 5 deck deck NOUN _005196753 163 6 nostra nostra PROPN _005196753 163 7 aetate aetate PROPN _005196753 163 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 163 9 4 4 NUM _005196753 163 10 : : PUNCT _005196753 163 11 “ " PUNCT _005196753 163 12 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 163 13 the the DET _005196753 163 14 church church NOUN _005196753 163 15 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 163 16 professes profess VERB _005196753 163 17 that that SCONJ _005196753 163 18 all all PRON _005196753 163 19 who who PRON _005196753 163 20 believe believe VERB _005196753 163 21 in in ADP _005196753 163 22 christ christ PROPN _005196753 163 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 163 24 abraham abraham PROPN _005196753 163 25 ’s ’s PART _005196753 163 26 sons son NOUN _005196753 163 27 according accord VERB _005196753 163 28 to to ADP _005196753 163 29 the the DET _005196753 163 30 faith faith NOUN _005196753 163 31 , , PUNCT _005196753 163 32 are be AUX _005196753 163 33 included include VERB _005196753 163 34 in in ADP _005196753 163 35 the the DET _005196753 163 36 same same ADJ _005196753 163 37 patriarch patriarch NOUN _005196753 163 38 ’s ’s NOUN _005196753 163 39 call call NOUN _005196753 163 40 , , PUNCT _005196753 163 41 and and CCONJ _005196753 163 42 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 163 43 that that SCONJ _005196753 163 44 the the DET _005196753 163 45 salvation salvation NOUN _005196753 163 46 of of ADP _005196753 163 47 the the DET _005196753 163 48 church church NOUN _005196753 163 49 was be AUX _005196753 163 50 mystically mystically ADV _005196753 163 51 foreshadowed foreshadow VERB _005196753 163 52 by by ADP _005196753 163 53 the the DET _005196753 163 54 chosen choose VERB _005196753 163 55 people people NOUN _005196753 163 56 ’s ’s PART _005196753 163 57 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 163 58 from from ADP _005196753 163 59 the the DET _005196753 163 60 land land NOUN _005196753 163 61 of of ADP _005196753 163 62 bondage bondage NOUN _005196753 163 63 . . PUNCT _005196753 163 64 ” " PUNCT _005196753 164 1 cf cf X _005196753 164 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 164 3 1 1 NUM _005196753 164 4 cor cor NOUN _005196753 164 5 10:11 10:11 NUM _005196753 164 6 : : PUNCT _005196753 164 7 “ " PUNCT _005196753 164 8 all all DET _005196753 164 9 this this PRON _005196753 164 10 happened happen VERB _005196753 164 11 to to ADP _005196753 164 12 them they PRON _005196753 164 13 as as ADP _005196753 164 14 a a DET _005196753 164 15 warning warning NOUN _005196753 164 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 164 17 and and CCONJ _005196753 164 18 it it PRON _005196753 164 19 was be AUX _005196753 164 20 written write VERB _005196753 164 21 down down ADP _005196753 164 22 to to PART _005196753 164 23 be be AUX _005196753 164 24 a a DET _005196753 164 25 lesson lesson NOUN _005196753 164 26 for for ADP _005196753 164 27 us we PRON _005196753 164 28 who who PRON _005196753 164 29 are be AUX _005196753 164 30 living live VERB _005196753 164 31 at at ADP _005196753 164 32 the the DET _005196753 164 33 end end NOUN _005196753 164 34 of of ADP _005196753 164 35 the the DET _005196753 164 36 age age NOUN _005196753 164 37 . . PUNCT _005196753 164 38 ” " PUNCT _005196753 165 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 165 2 irenaeus:“the irenaeus:“the DET _005196753 165 3 departure departure NOUN _005196753 165 4 from from ADP _005196753 165 5 egypt egypt PROPN _005196753 165 6 that that PRON _005196753 165 7 god god PROPN _005196753 165 8 made make VERB _005196753 165 9 his his PRON _005196753 165 10 people people NOUN _005196753 165 11 undertake undertake VERB _005196753 165 12 was be AUX _005196753 165 13 in in ADP _005196753 165 14 all all PRON _005196753 165 15 its its PRON _005196753 165 16 detail detail NOUN _005196753 165 17 an an DET _005196753 165 18 image image NOUN _005196753 165 19 and and CCONJ _005196753 165 20 prefiguration prefiguration NOUN _005196753 165 21 of of ADP _005196753 165 22 the the DET _005196753 165 23 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 165 24 through through ADP _005196753 165 25 which which PRON _005196753 165 26 the the DET _005196753 165 27 church church NOUN _005196753 165 28 of of ADP _005196753 165 29 the the DET _005196753 165 30 future future NOUN _005196753 165 31 was be AUX _005196753 165 32 to to PART _005196753 165 33 evolve evolve VERB _005196753 165 34 out out ADP _005196753 165 35 of of ADP _005196753 165 36 paganism paganism NOUN _005196753 165 37 ” " PUNCT _005196753 165 38 { { PUNCT _005196753 165 39 adv adv PROPN _005196753 165 40 . . PUNCT _005196753 165 41 haer haer PROPN _005196753 165 42 . . PUNCT _005196753 166 1 a' a' PROPN _005196753 166 2 . . PROPN _005196753 166 3 'iq 'iq NOUN _005196753 166 4 - - PUNCT _005196753 166 5 sources source NOUN _005196753 166 6 chret chret NOUN _005196753 166 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 167 1 100 100 NUM _005196753 167 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 167 3 p. p. NOUN _005196753 167 4 784 784 NUM _005196753 167 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 167 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 168 1 * * PUNCT _005196753 168 2 * * PUNCT _005196753 168 3 according accord VERB _005196753 168 4 to to ADP _005196753 168 5 the the DET _005196753 168 6 new new ADJ _005196753 168 7 testament testament NOUN _005196753 168 8 : : PUNCT _005196753 168 9 a a X _005196753 168 10 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 168 11 christ christ PROPN _005196753 168 12 puts put VERB _005196753 168 13 into into ADP _005196753 168 14 effect effect NOUN _005196753 168 15 the the DET _005196753 168 16 new new ADJ _005196753 168 17 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 168 18 : : PUNCT _005196753 168 19 mt mt PROPN _005196753 168 20 2:15 2:15 NUM _005196753 168 21 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 168 22 4:4 4:4 NUM _005196753 168 23 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 168 24 cf cf NOUN _005196753 168 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 169 1 ex ex NOUN _005196753 169 2 16 16 NUM _005196753 169 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 169 4 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 169 5 4:7 4:7 NUM _005196753 169 6 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 169 7 cf cf NOUN _005196753 169 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 170 1 ex ex NOUN _005196753 170 2 17 17 NUM _005196753 170 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 170 4 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 170 5 4:10 4:10 PROPN _005196753 170 6 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 170 7 cf cf NOUN _005196753 170 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 170 9 deut deut NOUN _005196753 170 10 32:48 32:48 NUM _005196753 170 11 - - SYM _005196753 170 12 53 53 NUM _005196753 170 13 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 170 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 170 15 5:21 5:21 NUM _005196753 170 16 - - SYM _005196753 170 17 22 22 NUM _005196753 170 18 ff ff NOUN _005196753 170 19 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 170 20 11:10 11:10 NUM _005196753 170 21 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 170 22 cf cf NOUN _005196753 170 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 170 24 mai mai PROPN _005196753 170 25 3:1 3:1 NUM _005196753 170 26 - - SYM _005196753 170 27 2 2 NUM _005196753 170 28 and and CCONJ _005196753 170 29 ex ex NOUN _005196753 170 30 23:20 23:20 NUM _005196753 170 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 170 32 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 170 33 26:28 26:28 NUM _005196753 170 34 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 170 35 cf cf NOUN _005196753 170 36 . . PUNCT _005196753 170 37 mk mk PROPN _005196753 170 38 10:38 10:38 NUM _005196753 170 39 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 170 40 ex ex NOUN _005196753 170 41 24:8 24:8 NUM _005196753 170 42 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 170 43 heb heb VERB _005196753 170 44 9:18 9:18 NUM _005196753 170 45 - - PUNCT _005196753 170 46 28 28 NUM _005196753 170 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 170 48 . . PUNCT _005196753 171 1 lk lk PROPN _005196753 171 2 9:31 9:31 NUM _005196753 171 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 171 4 12:50 12:50 NUM _005196753 171 5 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 171 6 mk mk PROPN _005196753 171 7 10:38 10:38 NUM _005196753 171 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 171 9 cf cf NOUN _005196753 171 10 . . NOUN _005196753 171 11 1 1 NUM _005196753 171 12 cor cor NOUN _005196753 171 13 10:2 10:2 NUM _005196753 171 14 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 171 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 172 1 john john PROPN _005196753 172 2 1:17 1:17 NUM _005196753 172 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 172 4 3:14 3:14 NUM _005196753 172 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 172 6 6:31 6:31 NUM _005196753 172 7 - - PUNCT _005196753 172 8 33,49 33,49 NUM _005196753 172 9 - - PUNCT _005196753 172 10 50,58 50,58 NUM _005196753 172 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 172 12 7:37 7:37 NUM _005196753 172 13 - - SYM _005196753 172 14 39 39 NUM _005196753 172 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 172 16 cf cf NOUN _005196753 172 17 . . PUNCT _005196753 173 1 ex ex PROPN _005196753 173 2 17:1 17:1 NUM _005196753 173 3 - - SYM _005196753 173 4 7 7 NUM _005196753 173 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 173 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 173 7 19:36 19:36 NUM _005196753 173 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 174 1 b b X _005196753 174 2 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 174 3 the the DET _005196753 174 4 christian christian ADJ _005196753 174 5 life life NOUN _005196753 174 6 as as ADP _005196753 174 7 a a DET _005196753 174 8 new new ADJ _005196753 174 9 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 174 10 : : PUNCT _005196753 174 11 1 1 NUM _005196753 174 12 cor cor NOUN _005196753 174 13 10:1 10:1 NUM _005196753 174 14 - - SYM _005196753 174 15 11 11 NUM _005196753 174 16 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 17 2 2 NUM _005196753 174 18 cor cor NOUN _005196753 174 19 3:6 3:6 NUM _005196753 174 20 - - SYM _005196753 174 21 18 18 NUM _005196753 174 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 23 heb heb NOUN _005196753 174 24 4:1 4:1 NUM _005196753 174 25 - - SYM _005196753 174 26 9 9 NUM _005196753 174 27 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 28 8:1 8:1 NUM _005196753 174 29 - - SYM _005196753 174 30 13 13 NUM _005196753 174 31 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 32 9 9 NUM _005196753 174 33 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 34 12:18 12:18 NUM _005196753 174 35 - - SYM _005196753 174 36 24 24 NUM _005196753 174 37 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 38 1 1 NUM _005196753 174 39 pt pt PROPN _005196753 174 40 1:16 1:16 NUM _005196753 174 41 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 42 2:9 2:9 NUM _005196753 174 43 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 44 apoc apoc NOUN _005196753 174 45 1:6 1:6 NUM _005196753 174 46 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 47 15:3 15:3 NUM _005196753 174 48 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 49 2:17 2:17 NUM _005196753 174 50 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 174 51 21:2 21:2 NUM _005196753 174 52 - - SYM _005196753 174 53 3 3 NUM _005196753 174 54 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 174 55 cf cf NOUN _005196753 174 56 . . PUNCT _005196753 175 1 hos hos PROPN _005196753 175 2 2:14 2:14 NUM _005196753 175 3 - - SYM _005196753 175 4 24 24 NUM _005196753 175 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 175 6 ex ex NOUN _005196753 175 7 25:8 25:8 NUM _005196753 175 8 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 175 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 176 1 for for ADP _005196753 176 2 the the DET _005196753 176 3 evidence evidence NOUN _005196753 176 4 of of ADP _005196753 176 5 the the DET _005196753 176 6 fathers father NOUN _005196753 176 7 and and CCONJ _005196753 176 8 the the DET _005196753 176 9 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196753 176 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 176 11 cf cf X _005196753 176 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 177 1 r. r. PROPN _005196753 177 2 le le PROPN _005196753 177 3 deaut deaut PROPN _005196753 177 4 and and CCONJ _005196753 177 5 j. j. PROPN _005196753 177 6 lecuyer lecuyer PROPN _005196753 177 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 177 8 exode exode NOUN _005196753 177 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 177 10 in in ADP _005196753 177 11 diet diet NOUN _005196753 177 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 177 13 de de X _005196753 177 14 spirit spirit PROPN _005196753 177 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 178 1 4:1973 4:1973 NUM _005196753 178 2 - - SYM _005196753 178 3 1995 1995 NUM _005196753 178 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 178 5 " " PUNCT _005196753 178 6 heb heb PROPN _005196753 178 7 11:13 11:13 NUM _005196753 178 8 - - SYM _005196753 178 9 16 16 NUM _005196753 178 10 : : PUNCT _005196753 178 11 ” " PUNCT _005196753 178 12 all all DET _005196753 178 13 these these PRON _005196753 178 14 died die VERB _005196753 178 15 in in ADP _005196753 178 16 faith faith NOUN _005196753 178 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 178 18 before before ADP _005196753 178 19 receiving receive VERB _005196753 178 20 any any PRON _005196753 178 21 of of ADP _005196753 178 22 the the DET _005196753 178 23 things thing NOUN _005196753 178 24 that that PRON _005196753 178 25 had have AUX _005196753 178 26 been be AUX _005196753 178 27 promised promise VERB _005196753 178 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 178 29 but but CCONJ _005196753 178 30 they they PRON _005196753 178 31 saw see VERB _005196753 178 32 them they PRON _005196753 178 33 in in ADP _005196753 178 34 the the DET _005196753 178 35 far far ADJ _005196753 178 36 distance distance NOUN _005196753 178 37 and and CCONJ _005196753 178 38 welcomed welcome VERB _005196753 178 39 them they PRON _005196753 178 40 , , PUNCT _005196753 178 41 recognizing recognize VERB _005196753 178 42 that that SCONJ _005196753 178 43 they they PRON _005196753 178 44 were be AUX _005196753 178 45 only only ADV _005196753 178 46 strangers stranger NOUN _005196753 178 47 and and CCONJ _005196753 178 48 nomads nomad NOUN _005196753 178 49 on on ADP _005196753 178 50 earth earth NOUN _005196753 178 51 . . PUNCT _005196753 179 1 people people NOUN _005196753 179 2 who who PRON _005196753 179 3 use use VERB _005196753 179 4 such such ADJ _005196753 179 5 terms term NOUN _005196753 179 6 about about ADP _005196753 179 7 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 179 8 make make VERB _005196753 179 9 it it PRON _005196753 179 10 quite quite ADV _005196753 179 11 plain plain ADJ _005196753 179 12 that that SCONJ _005196753 179 13 they they PRON _005196753 179 14 are be AUX _005196753 179 15 in in ADP _005196753 179 16 search search NOUN _005196753 179 17 of of ADP _005196753 179 18 their their PRON _005196753 179 19 real real ADJ _005196753 179 20 homeland homeland NOUN _005196753 179 21 . . PUNCT _005196753 180 1 they they PRON _005196753 180 2 can can AUX _005196753 180 3 hardly hardly ADV _005196753 180 4 have have AUX _005196753 180 5 meant mean VERB _005196753 180 6 the the DET _005196753 180 7 country country NOUN _005196753 180 8 they they PRON _005196753 180 9 14 14 NUM _005196753 180 10 came come VERB _005196753 180 11 from from ADP _005196753 180 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 180 13 since since SCONJ _005196753 180 14 they they PRON _005196753 180 15 had have VERB _005196753 180 16 the the DET _005196753 180 17 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005196753 180 18 to to PART _005196753 180 19 go go VERB _005196753 180 20 back back ADV _005196753 180 21 to to ADP _005196753 180 22 it it PRON _005196753 180 23 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 180 24 but but CCONJ _005196753 180 25 in in ADP _005196753 180 26 fact fact NOUN _005196753 180 27 they they PRON _005196753 180 28 were be AUX _005196753 180 29 longing long VERB _005196753 180 30 for for ADP _005196753 180 31 a a DET _005196753 180 32 better well ADJ _005196753 180 33 homeland homeland NOUN _005196753 180 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 180 35 their their PRON _005196753 180 36 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005196753 180 37 homeland homeland NOUN _005196753 180 38 . . PUNCT _005196753 180 39 ” " PUNCT _005196753 181 1 heb heb PROPN _005196753 181 2 13:12 13:12 NUM _005196753 181 3 - - SYM _005196753 181 4 14 14 NUM _005196753 181 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 181 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 181 7 jesus jesus PROPN _005196753 181 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 181 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 181 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 182 1 suffered suffer VERB _005196753 182 2 outside outside ADP _005196753 182 3 the the DET _005196753 182 4 gate gate NOUN _005196753 182 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 182 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 182 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 183 1 let let VERB _005196753 183 2 us we PRON _005196753 183 3 go go VERB _005196753 183 4 to to ADP _005196753 183 5 him he PRON _005196753 183 6 then then ADV _005196753 183 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 183 8 outside outside ADP _005196753 183 9 the the DET _005196753 183 10 camp camp NOUN _005196753 183 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 183 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 183 13 share share VERB _005196753 183 14 his his PRON _005196753 183 15 degradation degradation NOUN _005196753 183 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 184 1 for for ADP _005196753 184 2 there there PRON _005196753 184 3 is be VERB _005196753 184 4 no no DET _005196753 184 5 eternal eternal ADJ _005196753 184 6 city city NOUN _005196753 184 7 for for ADP _005196753 184 8 us we PRON _005196753 184 9 in in ADP _005196753 184 10 this this DET _005196753 184 11 life life NOUN _005196753 184 12 but but CCONJ _005196753 184 13 we we PRON _005196753 184 14 look look VERB _005196753 184 15 for for ADP _005196753 184 16 one one NUM _005196753 184 17 in in ADP _005196753 184 18 the the DET _005196753 184 19 life life NOUN _005196753 184 20 to to PART _005196753 184 21 come come VERB _005196753 184 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 184 23 ” " PUNCT _005196753 184 24 ” " PUNCT _005196753 185 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 185 2 my my PRON _005196753 185 3 god god PROPN _005196753 185 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 185 5 my my PRON _005196753 185 6 god god INTJ _005196753 185 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 185 8 why why SCONJ _005196753 185 9 have have AUX _005196753 185 10 you you PRON _005196753 185 11 deserted deserted VERB _005196753 185 12 me i PRON _005196753 185 13 ? ? PUNCT _005196753 185 14 ” " PUNCT _005196753 185 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 185 16 mt mt PROPN _005196753 185 17 27:46 27:46 NUM _005196753 185 18 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 185 19 . . PUNCT _005196753 186 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 186 2 truly truly ADV _005196753 186 3 the the DET _005196753 186 4 cross cross NOUN _005196753 186 5 of of ADP _005196753 186 6 christ christ PROPN _005196753 186 7 is be AUX _005196753 186 8 called call VERB _005196753 186 9 a a DET _005196753 186 10 desert desert NOUN _005196753 186 11 because because SCONJ _005196753 186 12 it it PRON _005196753 186 13 is be AUX _005196753 186 14 inhabited inhabit VERB _005196753 186 15 by by ADP _005196753 186 16 a a DET _005196753 186 17 few few ADJ _005196753 186 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 186 19 and and CCONJ _005196753 186 20 christ christ PROPN _005196753 186 21 our our PRON _005196753 186 22 god god PROPN _005196753 186 23 is be AUX _005196753 186 24 a a DET _005196753 186 25 true true ADJ _005196753 186 26 hermit hermit NOUN _005196753 186 27 by by ADP _005196753 186 28 whom whom PRON _005196753 186 29 the the DET _005196753 186 30 cross cross NOUN _005196753 186 31 is be AUX _005196753 186 32 carried carry VERB _005196753 186 33 ” " PUNCT _005196753 186 34 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 186 35 author author NOUN _005196753 186 36 from from ADP _005196753 186 37 the the DET _005196753 186 38 beginning beginning NOUN _005196753 186 39 of of ADP _005196753 186 40 the the DET _005196753 186 41 13th 13th ADJ _005196753 186 42 century century NOUN _005196753 186 43 , , PUNCT _005196753 186 44 in in ADP _005196753 186 45 arch arch ADJ _005196753 186 46 , , PUNCT _005196753 186 47 d’histoire d’histoire PROPN _005196753 186 48 doctr doctr PROPN _005196753 186 49 , , PUNCT _005196753 186 50 et et NOUN _005196753 186 51 litt litt NOUN _005196753 186 52 . . PUNCT _005196753 187 1 du du PROPN _005196753 187 2 moyen moyen PROPN _005196753 187 3 age age PROPN _005196753 187 4 31:1964,41 31:1964,41 NUM _005196753 187 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 187 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 188 1 cf cf NOUN _005196753 188 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 189 1 origen origen NOUN _005196753 189 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 189 3 in in ADP _005196753 189 4 matth matth PROPN _005196753 189 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 190 1 12:8 12:8 NUM _005196753 190 2 - - SYM _005196753 190 3 9 9 NUM _005196753 190 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 190 5 cgs cgs NOUN _005196753 190 6 10:200 10:200 NUM _005196753 190 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 191 1 ^‘cf ^‘cf X _005196753 191 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 192 1 mt mt PROPN _005196753 192 2 14:23 14:23 NUM _005196753 192 3 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 192 4 mk mk PROPN _005196753 192 5 6:46 6:46 NUM _005196753 192 6 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 192 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 192 8 mk mk PROPN _005196753 192 9 1:35 1:35 NUM _005196753 192 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 192 11 lk lk PROPN _005196753 192 12 5:16 5:16 NUM _005196753 192 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 192 14 6:12 6:12 NUM _005196753 192 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 192 16 9:18:28 9:18:28 PROPN _005196753 192 17 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 192 18 mt mt X _005196753 192 19 17:1 17:1 NUM _005196753 192 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 192 21 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 192 22 11:1 11:1 NUM _005196753 192 23 especially especially ADV _005196753 192 24 lk lk PROPN _005196753 192 25 22:41 22:41 NUM _005196753 192 26 - - SYM _005196753 192 27 44 44 NUM _005196753 192 28 : : PUNCT _005196753 192 29 “ " PUNCT _005196753 192 30 then then ADV _005196753 192 31 he he PRON _005196753 192 32 withdrew withdraw VERB _005196753 192 33 from from ADP _005196753 192 34 them they PRON _005196753 192 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 192 36 about about ADP _005196753 192 37 a a DET _005196753 192 38 stone stone NOUN _005196753 192 39 ’s ’s NOUN _005196753 192 40 throw throw NOUN _005196753 192 41 away away ADV _005196753 192 42 , , PUNCT _005196753 192 43 and and CCONJ _005196753 192 44 knelt knelt VERB _005196753 192 45 down down ADP _005196753 192 46 and and CCONJ _005196753 192 47 prayed pray VERB _005196753 192 48 . . PUNCT _005196753 193 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 193 2 father father NOUN _005196753 193 3 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 193 4 he he PRON _005196753 193 5 said say VERB _005196753 193 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 193 7 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 193 8 if if SCONJ _005196753 193 9 you you PRON _005196753 193 10 are be AUX _005196753 193 11 willing willing ADJ _005196753 193 12 take take VERB _005196753 193 13 this this DET _005196753 193 14 cup cup NOUN _005196753 193 15 away away ADV _005196753 193 16 from from ADP _005196753 193 17 me i PRON _005196753 193 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 194 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005196753 194 2 let let VERB _005196753 194 3 your your PRON _005196753 194 4 will will AUX _005196753 194 5 be be AUX _005196753 194 6 done do VERB _005196753 194 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 194 8 not not PART _005196753 194 9 mine mine NOUN _005196753 194 10 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 194 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 195 1 . . PUNCT _005196753 195 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 196 1 in in ADP _005196753 196 2 his his PRON _005196753 196 3 anguish anguish NOUN _005196753 196 4 he he PRON _005196753 196 5 prayed pray VERB _005196753 196 6 even even ADV _005196753 196 7 more more ADV _005196753 196 8 earnestly earnestly ADV _005196753 196 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 197 1 ”—the ”—the NOUN _005196753 197 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 197 3 of of ADP _005196753 197 4 moses moses PROPN _005196753 197 5 on on ADP _005196753 197 6 the the DET _005196753 197 7 hilltop hilltop NOUN _005196753 197 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 197 9 isolated isolate VERB _005196753 197 10 from from ADP _005196753 197 11 the the DET _005196753 197 12 battle battle NOUN _005196753 197 13 which which PRON _005196753 197 14 was be AUX _005196753 197 15 being be AUX _005196753 197 16 waged wage VERB _005196753 197 17 on on ADP _005196753 197 18 the the DET _005196753 197 19 plain plain ADJ _005196753 197 20 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 197 21 ex ex PROPN _005196753 197 22 17:8 17:8 NUM _005196753 197 23 - - SYM _005196753 197 24 13 13 NUM _005196753 197 25 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 197 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 197 27 is be AUX _005196753 197 28 according accord VERB _005196753 197 29 to to ADP _005196753 197 30 the the DET _005196753 197 31 fathers father NOUN _005196753 197 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 197 33 a a DET _005196753 197 34 foreshadowing foreshadowing NOUN _005196753 197 35 of of ADP _005196753 197 36 christ christ PROPN _005196753 197 37 on on ADP _005196753 197 38 the the DET _005196753 197 39 cross cross NOUN _005196753 197 40 outside outside ADP _005196753 197 41 the the DET _005196753 197 42 gates gate NOUN _005196753 197 43 of of ADP _005196753 197 44 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _005196753 197 45 . . PUNCT _005196753 198 1 cf cf NOUN _005196753 198 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 198 3 epist epist PROPN _005196753 198 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 199 1 barnabae barnabae NOUN _005196753 199 2 12:2 12:2 NUM _005196753 199 3 - - SYM _005196753 199 4 4 4 NUM _005196753 199 5 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 199 6 hemmer hemmer NOUN _005196753 199 7 74 74 NUM _005196753 199 8 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 199 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 199 10 justin justin PROPN _005196753 199 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 199 12 dial dial NOUN _005196753 199 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 199 14 cum cum ADJ _005196753 199 15 triph triph NOUN _005196753 199 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 200 1 90:4 90:4 NUM _005196753 200 2 - - SYM _005196753 200 3 5 5 NUM _005196753 200 4 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 200 5 91:3 91:3 NUM _005196753 200 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 200 7 97:1 97:1 NUM _005196753 200 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 200 9 111:1 111:1 NUM _005196753 200 10 - - SYM _005196753 200 11 2 2 NUM _005196753 200 12 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 200 13 112:2 112:2 NUM _005196753 200 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 200 15 irenaeus irenaeus NOUN _005196753 200 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 200 17 demonstrat demonstrat PROPN _005196753 200 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 200 19 46 46 NUM _005196753 200 20 . . PUNCT _005196753 201 1 hilary hilary NOUN _005196753 201 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 201 3 “ " PUNCT _005196753 201 4 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 201 5 the the DET _005196753 201 6 evangelist evangelist NOUN _005196753 201 7 says say VERB _005196753 201 8 that that SCONJ _005196753 201 9 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 201 10 when when SCONJ _005196753 201 11 evening evening NOUN _005196753 201 12 came come VERB _005196753 201 13 he he PRON _005196753 201 14 was be AUX _005196753 201 15 alone alone ADV _005196753 201 16 : : PUNCT _005196753 201 17 this this DET _005196753 201 18 presignifies presignifie NOUN _005196753 201 19 christ christ PROPN _005196753 201 20 ’s ’s PART _005196753 201 21 solitude solitude VERB _005196753 201 22 during during ADP _005196753 201 23 his his PRON _005196753 201 24 passion passion NOUN _005196753 201 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 201 26 ” " PUNCT _005196753 201 27 in in ADP _005196753 201 28 matth matth PROPN _005196753 201 29 . . PUNCT _005196753 202 1 14:23 14:23 NUM _005196753 202 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 202 3 ml ml PROPN _005196753 202 4 9:1001 9:1001 NUM _005196753 202 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 203 1 cf cf X _005196753 203 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 204 1 above above ADV _005196753 204 2 note note NOUN _005196753 204 3 8 8 NUM _005196753 204 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 204 5 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 205 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 205 2 second second ADJ _005196753 205 3 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 205 4 council council PROPN _005196753 205 5 const const PROPN _005196753 205 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 206 1 past past ADJ _005196753 206 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 207 1 gaudium gaudium NOUN _005196753 207 2 et et NOUN _005196753 207 3 spes spe NOUN _005196753 207 4 40 40 NUM _005196753 207 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 207 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 207 7 the the DET _005196753 207 8 church church NOUN _005196753 207 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 207 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 207 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 208 1 serves serve VERB _005196753 208 2 as as ADP _005196753 208 3 a a DET _005196753 208 4 leaven leaven ADJ _005196753 208 5 and and CCONJ _005196753 208 6 as as ADP _005196753 208 7 a a DET _005196753 208 8 kind kind NOUN _005196753 208 9 of of ADP _005196753 208 10 soul soul NOUN _005196753 208 11 for for ADP _005196753 208 12 human human ADJ _005196753 208 13 society society NOUN _005196753 208 14 as as SCONJ _005196753 208 15 it it PRON _005196753 208 16 is be AUX _005196753 208 17 to to PART _005196753 208 18 be be AUX _005196753 208 19 renewed renew VERB _005196753 208 20 in in ADP _005196753 208 21 christ christ PROPN _005196753 208 22 and and CCONJ _005196753 208 23 transformed transform VERB _005196753 208 24 into into ADP _005196753 208 25 god god PROPN _005196753 208 26 ’s ’s PROPN _005196753 208 27 family family NOUN _005196753 208 28 ” " PUNCT _005196753 208 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 208 30 cf cf NOUN _005196753 208 31 . . PUNCT _005196753 209 1 n. n. NOUN _005196753 209 2 3 3 NUM _005196753 209 3 of of ADP _005196753 209 4 the the DET _005196753 209 5 same same ADJ _005196753 209 6 constitution constitution NOUN _005196753 209 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 209 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 210 1 ’’ ’' PUNCT _005196753 210 2 the the DET _005196753 210 3 church church NOUN _005196753 210 4 is be AUX _005196753 210 5 at at ADP _005196753 210 6 the the DET _005196753 210 7 service service NOUN _005196753 210 8 of of ADP _005196753 210 9 men man NOUN _005196753 210 10 in in ADP _005196753 210 11 their their PRON _005196753 210 12 earthly earthly ADJ _005196753 210 13 undertakings undertaking NOUN _005196753 210 14 : : PUNCT _005196753 210 15 second second PROPN _005196753 210 16 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 210 17 council council PROPN _005196753 210 18 const const PROPN _005196753 210 19 . . PUNCT _005196753 211 1 gaudium gaudium NOUN _005196753 211 2 et et NOUN _005196753 211 3 spes spe NOUN _005196753 211 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 211 5 3 3 NUM _005196753 211 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 211 7 40 40 NUM _005196753 211 8 - - SYM _005196753 211 9 45 45 NUM _005196753 211 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 211 11 decree decree VERB _005196753 211 12 ad ad NOUN _005196753 211 13 gentes gens NOUN _005196753 211 14 12 12 NUM _005196753 211 15 : : PUNCT _005196753 211 16 “ " PUNCT _005196753 211 17 she she PRON _005196753 211 18 claims claim VERB _005196753 211 19 no no DET _005196753 211 20 other other ADJ _005196753 211 21 authority authority NOUN _005196753 211 22 than than ADP _005196753 211 23 that that PRON _005196753 211 24 of of ADP _005196753 211 25 ministering minister VERB _005196753 211 26 to to ADP _005196753 211 27 men man NOUN _005196753 211 28 with with ADP _005196753 211 29 the the DET _005196753 211 30 help help NOUN _005196753 211 31 of of ADP _005196753 211 32 god god PROPN _005196753 211 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 211 34 in in ADP _005196753 211 35 a a DET _005196753 211 36 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 211 37 of of ADP _005196753 211 38 charity charity NOUN _005196753 211 39 and and CCONJ _005196753 211 40 faithful faithful ADJ _005196753 211 41 service service NOUN _005196753 211 42 . . PUNCT _005196753 212 1 ”—but ”—but ADV _005196753 212 2 it it PRON _005196753 212 3 is be AUX _005196753 212 4 especially especially ADV _005196753 212 5 in in ADP _005196753 212 6 view view NOUN _005196753 212 7 of of ADP _005196753 212 8 their their PRON _005196753 212 9 eternal eternal ADJ _005196753 212 10 salvation salvation NOUN _005196753 212 11 that that PRON _005196753 212 12 she she PRON _005196753 212 13 serves serve VERB _005196753 212 14 them they PRON _005196753 212 15 : : PUNCT _005196753 212 16 cf cf X _005196753 212 17 . . PUNCT _005196753 213 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 213 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 213 3 48 48 NUM _005196753 213 4 : : PUNCT _005196753 213 5 “ " PUNCT _005196753 213 6 christ christ PROPN _005196753 213 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 213 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 213 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 214 1 has have AUX _005196753 214 2 established establish VERB _005196753 214 3 his his PRON _005196753 214 4 body body NOUN _005196753 214 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 214 6 the the DET _005196753 214 7 church church NOUN _005196753 214 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 214 9 as as ADP _005196753 214 10 the the DET _005196753 214 11 universal universal ADJ _005196753 214 12 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005196753 214 13 of of ADP _005196753 214 14 salvation salvation NOUN _005196753 214 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 214 16 ” " PUNCT _005196753 215 1 cf cf X _005196753 215 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 216 1 n. n. NOUN _005196753 216 2 5 5 NUM _005196753 216 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 216 4 cf cf X _005196753 216 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 217 1 second second PROPN _005196753 217 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 217 3 council council PROPN _005196753 217 4 const const PROPN _005196753 217 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 218 1 lumen lumen PROPN _005196753 218 2 gentium gentium PROPN _005196753 218 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 218 4 2 2 NUM _005196753 218 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 218 6 7 7 NUM _005196753 218 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 218 8 etc etc X _005196753 218 9 . . X _005196753 218 10 cf cf X _005196753 218 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 219 1 second second PROPN _005196753 219 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 219 3 council council PROPN _005196753 219 4 const const PROPN _005196753 219 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 220 1 sacrosanctum sacrosanctum PROPN _005196753 220 2 concilium concilium PROPN _005196753 220 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 220 4 2 2 NUM _005196753 220 5 . . NUM _005196753 220 6 cf cf X _005196753 220 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 221 1 second second PROPN _005196753 221 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 221 3 council council PROPN _005196753 221 4 const const PROPN _005196753 221 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 222 1 gaudium gaudium NOUN _005196753 222 2 et et NOUN _005196753 222 3 spes spe NOUN _005196753 222 4 38 38 NUM _005196753 222 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 222 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 222 7 now now ADV _005196753 222 8 the the DET _005196753 222 9 gifts gift NOUN _005196753 222 10 of of ADP _005196753 222 11 the the DET _005196753 222 12 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 222 13 are be AUX _005196753 222 14 diverse diverse ADJ _005196753 222 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 223 1 he he PRON _005196753 223 2 calls call VERB _005196753 223 3 some some PRON _005196753 223 4 to to PART _005196753 223 5 give give VERB _005196753 223 6 clear clear ADJ _005196753 223 7 witness witness NOUN _005196753 223 8 to to ADP _005196753 223 9 the the DET _005196753 223 10 desire desire NOUN _005196753 223 11 for for ADP _005196753 223 12 a a DET _005196753 223 13 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005196753 223 14 home home NOUN _005196753 223 15 and and CCONJ _005196753 223 16 to to PART _005196753 223 17 keep keep VERB _005196753 223 18 that that DET _005196753 223 19 desire desire NOUN _005196753 223 20 green green ADJ _005196753 223 21 among among ADP _005196753 223 22 the the DET _005196753 223 23 human human ADJ _005196753 223 24 family family NOUN _005196753 223 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 223 26 ” " PUNCT _005196753 224 1 according accord VERB _005196753 224 2 to to ADP _005196753 224 3 the the DET _005196753 224 4 tradition tradition NOUN _005196753 224 5 of of ADP _005196753 224 6 the the DET _005196753 224 7 fathers father NOUN _005196753 224 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 224 9 the the DET _005196753 224 10 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 224 11 life life NOUN _005196753 224 12 portrays portray VERB _005196753 224 13 the the DET _005196753 224 14 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 224 15 of of ADP _005196753 224 16 christ christ PROPN _005196753 224 17 in in ADP _005196753 224 18 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 224 19 or or CCONJ _005196753 224 20 on on ADP _005196753 224 21 the the DET _005196753 224 22 mountain mountain NOUN _005196753 224 23 top top NOUN _005196753 224 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 224 25 which which PRON _005196753 224 26 in in ADP _005196753 224 27 its its PRON _005196753 224 28 turn turn NOUN _005196753 224 29 prefigured prefigure VERB _005196753 224 30 the the DET _005196753 224 31 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 224 32 life life NOUN _005196753 224 33 . . PUNCT _005196753 225 1 cf cf X _005196753 225 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 226 1 cassian cassian ADJ _005196753 226 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 226 3 “ " PUNCT _005196753 226 4 yet yet CCONJ _005196753 226 5 he he PRON _005196753 226 6 withdrew withdraw VERB _005196753 226 7 into into ADP _005196753 226 8 the the DET _005196753 226 9 hills hill NOUN _005196753 226 10 by by ADP _005196753 226 11 himself himself PRON _005196753 226 12 to to PART _005196753 226 13 pray pray VERB _005196753 226 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 226 15 thus thus ADV _005196753 226 16 giving give VERB _005196753 226 17 us we PRON _005196753 226 18 an an DET _005196753 226 19 example example NOUN _005196753 226 20 of of ADP _005196753 226 21 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005196753 226 22 ... ... PUNCT _005196753 227 1 so so SCONJ _005196753 227 2 that that SCONJ _005196753 227 3 we we PRON _005196753 227 4 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 227 5 retire retire VERB _005196753 227 6 into into ADP _005196753 227 7 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 227 8 ” " PUNCT _005196753 227 9 { { PUNCT _005196753 227 10 conlat conlat NOUN _005196753 227 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 228 1 10:6,4 10:6,4 NUM _005196753 228 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 228 3 ml ml PROPN _005196753 228 4 49:826 49:826 NUM _005196753 228 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 228 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 228 7 jerome jerome NOUN _005196753 228 8 : : PUNCT _005196753 228 9 “ " PUNCT _005196753 228 10 seek seek VERB _005196753 228 11 then then ADV _005196753 228 12 christ christ PROPN _005196753 228 13 in in ADP _005196753 228 14 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 228 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 228 16 and and CCONJ _005196753 228 17 pray pray VERB _005196753 228 18 alone alone ADV _005196753 228 19 with with ADP _005196753 228 20 jesus jesus PROPN _005196753 228 21 in in ADP _005196753 228 22 the the DET _005196753 228 23 hills hill NOUN _005196753 228 24 ” " PUNCT _005196753 228 25 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 228 26 ep ep PROPN _005196753 228 27 . . PUNCT _005196753 229 1 ad ad NOUN _005196753 229 2 paulinum paulinum PROPN _005196753 229 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 229 4 58:4,2 58:4,2 NUM _005196753 229 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 229 6 csel csel NOUN _005196753 229 7 54:532 54:532 NUM _005196753 229 8 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 229 9 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 229 10 isidore isidore NOUN _005196753 229 11 : : PUNCT _005196753 229 12 “ " PUNCT _005196753 229 13 but but CCONJ _005196753 229 14 the the DET _005196753 229 15 fact fact NOUN _005196753 229 16 that that SCONJ _005196753 229 17 he he PRON _005196753 229 18 passed pass VERB _005196753 229 19 the the DET _005196753 229 20 night night NOUN _005196753 229 21 praying pray VERB _005196753 229 22 in in ADP _005196753 229 23 the the DET _005196753 229 24 hills hill NOUN _005196753 229 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 229 26 entails entail VERB _005196753 229 27 a a DET _005196753 229 28 foreshadowing foreshadowing NOUN _005196753 229 29 of of ADP _005196753 229 30 the the DET _005196753 229 31 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 229 32 life life NOUN _005196753 229 33 ” " PUNCT _005196753 229 34 { { PUNCT _005196753 229 35 different different ADJ _005196753 229 36 . . PUNCT _005196753 230 1 lib lib PROPN _005196753 230 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 230 3 2:2,34 2:2,34 NUM _005196753 230 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 230 5 ml ml PROPN _005196753 230 6 83:91 83:91 NUM _005196753 230 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 230 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 230 9 pseudo pseudo NOUN _005196753 230 10 - - PUNCT _005196753 230 11 jerome jerome ADV _005196753 230 12 : : PUNCT _005196753 230 13 “ " PUNCT _005196753 230 14 when when SCONJ _005196753 230 15 he he PRON _005196753 230 16 prayed pray VERB _005196753 230 17 . . PUNCT _005196753 231 1 he he PRON _005196753 231 2 typified typify VERB _005196753 231 3 the the DET _005196753 231 4 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 231 5 life life NOUN _005196753 231 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 231 7 when when SCONJ _005196753 231 8 he he PRON _005196753 231 9 sat sit VERB _005196753 231 10 to to PART _005196753 231 11 teach teach VERB _005196753 231 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 231 13 he he PRON _005196753 231 14 exemplified exemplify VERB _005196753 231 15 the the DET _005196753 231 16 active active ADJ _005196753 231 17 life life NOUN _005196753 231 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 231 19 . . PUNCT _005196753 231 20 . . PUNCT _005196753 232 1 . . PUNCT _005196753 233 1 going go VERB _005196753 233 2 out out ADP _005196753 233 3 to to ADP _005196753 233 4 the the DET _005196753 233 5 hills hill NOUN _005196753 233 6 to to PART _005196753 233 7 pray pray VERB _005196753 233 8 and and CCONJ _005196753 233 9 going go VERB _005196753 233 10 out out ADP _005196753 233 11 toward toward ADP _005196753 233 12 the the DET _005196753 233 13 multitude multitude NOUN _005196753 233 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 234 1 he he PRON _005196753 234 2 portrayed portray VERB _005196753 234 3 the the DET _005196753 234 4 union union NOUN _005196753 234 5 of of ADP _005196753 234 6 both both DET _005196753 234 7 lives life NOUN _005196753 234 8 ” " PUNCT _005196753 234 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 234 10 ml ml PROPN _005196753 234 11 30:571 30:571 NUM _005196753 234 12 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 234 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 234 14 walafrid walafrid NOUN _005196753 234 15 strabo strabo ADV _005196753 234 16 : : PUNCT _005196753 234 17 “ " PUNCT _005196753 234 18 when when SCONJ _005196753 234 19 he he PRON _005196753 234 20 ascended ascend VERB _005196753 234 21 the the DET _005196753 234 22 mountain mountain NOUN _005196753 234 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 235 1 he he PRON _005196753 235 2 typified typify VERB _005196753 235 3 the the DET _005196753 235 4 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 235 5 life life NOUN _005196753 235 6 ” " PUNCT _005196753 235 7 { { PUNCT _005196753 235 8 expos expos NOUN _005196753 235 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 235 10 in in ADP _005196753 235 11 iv iv PROPN _005196753 235 12 evangel evangel PROPN _005196753 235 13 . . PUNCT _005196753 236 1 ml ml PROPN _005196753 236 2 114:872 114:872 PROPN _005196753 236 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 236 4 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 236 5 paschasius paschasius NOUN _005196753 236 6 radbertus radbertu VERB _005196753 236 7 : : PUNCT _005196753 236 8 “ " PUNCT _005196753 236 9 in in ADP _005196753 236 10 order order NOUN _005196753 236 11 that that SCONJ _005196753 236 12 we we PRON _005196753 236 13 attend attend VERB _005196753 236 14 to to ADP _005196753 236 15 god god PROPN _005196753 236 16 alone alone ADJ _005196753 236 17 in in ADP _005196753 236 18 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 236 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 236 20 that that PRON _005196753 236 21 is be AUX _005196753 236 22 on on ADP _005196753 236 23 the the DET _005196753 236 24 mountain mountain NOUN _005196753 236 25 top top NOUN _005196753 236 26 ” " PUNCT _005196753 236 27 { { PUNCT _005196753 236 28 expos expos NOUN _005196753 236 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 236 30 in in ADP _005196753 236 31 matth matth PROPN _005196753 236 32 . . PUNCT _005196753 236 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 236 34 ml ml PROPN _005196753 236 35 120:522 120:522 NUM _005196753 236 36 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 236 37 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 236 38 william william PROPN _005196753 236 39 of of ADP _005196753 236 40 st st PROPN _005196753 236 41 . . PROPN _005196753 236 42 thierry thierry PROPN _005196753 236 43 : : PUNCT _005196753 236 44 “ " PUNCT _005196753 236 45 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 236 46 the the DET _005196753 236 47 solitary solitary ADJ _005196753 236 48 life life NOUN _005196753 236 49 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 236 50 was be AUX _005196753 236 51 intimately intimately ADV _005196753 236 52 patronised patronise VERB _005196753 236 53 by by ADP _005196753 236 54 our our PRON _005196753 236 55 lord lord PROPN _005196753 236 56 himself himself PRON _005196753 236 57 and and CCONJ _005196753 236 58 longed long VERB _005196753 236 59 for for ADP _005196753 236 60 in in ADP _005196753 236 61 his his PRON _005196753 236 62 presence presence NOUN _005196753 236 63 by by ADP _005196753 236 64 his his PRON _005196753 236 65 disciples disciple NOUN _005196753 236 66 . . PUNCT _005196753 237 1 when when SCONJ _005196753 237 2 they they PRON _005196753 237 3 who who PRON _005196753 237 4 were be AUX _005196753 237 5 in in ADP _005196753 237 6 his his PRON _005196753 237 7 company company NOUN _005196753 237 8 on on ADP _005196753 237 9 the the DET _005196753 237 10 holy holy ADJ _005196753 237 11 mountain mountain NOUN _005196753 237 12 saw see VERB _005196753 237 13 the the DET _005196753 237 14 glory glory NOUN _005196753 237 15 of of ADP _005196753 237 16 his his PRON _005196753 237 17 transfiguration transfiguration NOUN _005196753 237 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 237 19 immediately immediately ADV _005196753 237 20 peter peter PROPN _005196753 237 21 . . PUNCT _005196753 237 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 238 1 . . PUNCT _005196753 238 2 decided decide VERB _005196753 238 3 that that SCONJ _005196753 238 4 it it PRON _005196753 238 5 would would AUX _005196753 238 6 be be AUX _005196753 238 7 good good ADJ _005196753 238 8 for for SCONJ _005196753 238 9 him he PRON _005196753 238 10 to to PART _005196753 238 11 stay stay VERB _005196753 238 12 there there ADV _005196753 238 13 forever forever ADV _005196753 238 14 ” " PUNCT _005196753 238 15 { { PUNCT _005196753 238 16 ad ad NOUN _005196753 238 17 fratres fratres PROPN _005196753 238 18 de de PROPN _005196753 238 19 monte monte PROPN _005196753 238 20 dei dei PROPN _005196753 238 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 22 i i PRON _005196753 238 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 24 1 1 NUM _005196753 238 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 26 ml ml PROPN _005196753 238 27 184:310 184:310 PROPN _005196753 238 28 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 238 29 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 238 30 amadeus amadeus NOUN _005196753 238 31 of of ADP _005196753 238 32 lausanne lausanne PROPN _005196753 238 33 : : PUNCT _005196753 238 34 “ " PUNCT _005196753 238 35 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 238 36 god god PROPN _005196753 238 37 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 238 38 established establish VERB _005196753 238 39 for for ADP _005196753 238 40 us we PRON _005196753 238 41 a a DET _005196753 238 42 vantage vantage NOUN _005196753 238 43 - - PUNCT _005196753 238 44 point point NOUN _005196753 238 45 on on ADP _005196753 238 46 the the DET _005196753 238 47 mountain mountain NOUN _005196753 238 48 top top NOUN _005196753 238 49 with with ADP _005196753 238 50 moses moses PROPN _005196753 238 51 and and CCONJ _005196753 238 52 elias elia NOUN _005196753 238 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 54 thus thus ADV _005196753 238 55 enabling enable VERB _005196753 238 56 us we PRON _005196753 238 57 to to PART _005196753 238 58 see see VERB _005196753 238 59 unveiled unveil VERB _005196753 238 60 what what PRON _005196753 238 61 we we PRON _005196753 238 62 are be AUX _005196753 238 63 seeking seek VERB _005196753 238 64 ” " PUNCT _005196753 238 65 15 15 NUM _005196753 238 66 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 238 67 homily homily ADV _005196753 238 68 3 3 NUM _005196753 238 69 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 70 ed ed PROPN _005196753 238 71 . . PROPN _005196753 238 72 bavaud bavaud PROPN _005196753 238 73 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 74 sources source NOUN _005196753 238 75 chret chret VERB _005196753 238 76 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 77 72:90 72:90 NUM _005196753 238 78 - - SYM _005196753 238 79 92 92 NUM _005196753 238 80 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 238 81 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 238 82 second second ADJ _005196753 238 83 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 238 84 council council PROPN _005196753 238 85 , , PUNCT _005196753 238 86 const const PROPN _005196753 238 87 . . PUNCT _005196753 239 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 239 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 239 3 46 46 NUM _005196753 239 4 : : PUNCT _005196753 239 5 “ " PUNCT _005196753 239 6 religious religious ADJ _005196753 239 7 should should AUX _005196753 239 8 carefully carefully ADV _005196753 239 9 consider consider VERB _005196753 239 10 that that SCONJ _005196753 239 11 through through ADP _005196753 239 12 them they PRON _005196753 239 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 239 14 to to ADP _005196753 239 15 believers believer NOUN _005196753 239 16 and and CCONJ _005196753 239 17 non non NOUN _005196753 239 18 - - NOUN _005196753 239 19 believers believer NOUN _005196753 239 20 alike alike ADV _005196753 239 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 239 22 the the DET _005196753 239 23 church church NOUN _005196753 239 24 truly truly ADV _005196753 239 25 wishes wish VERB _005196753 239 26 to to PART _005196753 239 27 give give VERB _005196753 239 28 an an DET _005196753 239 29 increasingly increasingly ADV _005196753 239 30 clear clear ADJ _005196753 239 31 revelation revelation NOUN _005196753 239 32 of of ADP _005196753 239 33 christ christ PROPN _005196753 239 34 . . PUNCT _005196753 240 1 through through ADP _005196753 240 2 them they PRON _005196753 240 3 christ christ PROPN _005196753 240 4 should should AUX _005196753 240 5 be be AUX _005196753 240 6 shown show VERB _005196753 240 7 contemplating contemplate VERB _005196753 240 8 on on ADP _005196753 240 9 the the DET _005196753 240 10 mountain mountain NOUN _005196753 240 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 240 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 240 13 . . PUNCT _005196753 241 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 241 2 always always ADV _005196753 241 3 obeying obey VERB _005196753 241 4 the the DET _005196753 241 5 will will NOUN _005196753 241 6 of of ADP _005196753 241 7 the the DET _005196753 241 8 father father NOUN _005196753 241 9 who who PRON _005196753 241 10 sent send VERB _005196753 241 11 him he PRON _005196753 241 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 241 13 ” " PUNCT _005196753 242 1 the the DET _005196753 242 2 exodus exodus NOUN _005196753 242 3 theme theme NOUN _005196753 242 4 is be AUX _005196753 242 5 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 242 6 applied apply VERB _005196753 242 7 to to ADP _005196753 242 8 the the DET _005196753 242 9 monastic monastic ADJ _005196753 242 10 life life NOUN _005196753 242 11 by by ADP _005196753 242 12 john john PROPN _005196753 242 13 climacus climacus PROPN _005196753 242 14 for for ADP _005196753 242 15 the the DET _005196753 242 16 east east ADJ _005196753 242 17 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 242 18 scala scala PROPN _005196753 242 19 paradisi paradisi PROPN _005196753 242 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 242 21 1st 1st ADJ _005196753 242 22 step step NOUN _005196753 242 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 242 24 mg mg PROPN _005196753 242 25 88:632 88:632 NUM _005196753 242 26 - - PUNCT _005196753 242 27 644 644 NUM _005196753 242 28 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 242 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 242 30 and and CCONJ _005196753 242 31 from from ADP _005196753 242 32 the the DET _005196753 242 33 time time NOUN _005196753 242 34 of of ADP _005196753 242 35 ambrose ambrose NOUN _005196753 242 36 for for ADP _005196753 242 37 the the DET _005196753 242 38 west west PROPN _005196753 242 39 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 242 40 ep ep PROPN _005196753 242 41 . . PUNCT _005196753 242 42 27:1 27:1 NUM _005196753 242 43 - - SYM _005196753 242 44 3 3 NUM _005196753 242 45 , , PUNCT _005196753 242 46 and and CCONJ _005196753 242 47 28:1,8 28:1,8 NUM _005196753 242 48 , , PUNCT _005196753 242 49 ml ml PROPN _005196753 242 50 16:1047,1051,1053 16:1047,1051,1053 NUM _005196753 242 51 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 242 52 . . PUNCT _005196753 243 1 cf cf X _005196753 243 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 244 1 also also ADV _005196753 244 2 jerome jerome PROPN _005196753 244 3 ad ad NOUN _005196753 244 4 eustochium eustochium NOUN _005196753 244 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 244 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 244 7 follow follow VERB _005196753 244 8 moses moses PROPN _005196753 244 9 into into ADP _005196753 244 10 the the DET _005196753 244 11 desert desert NOUN _005196753 244 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 244 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 244 14 you you PRON _005196753 244 15 will will AUX _005196753 244 16 enter enter VERB _005196753 244 17 the the DET _005196753 244 18 promised promise VERB _005196753 244 19 land land NOUN _005196753 244 20 ” " PUNCT _005196753 244 21 { { PUNCT _005196753 244 22 ep ep PROPN _005196753 244 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 245 1 22:24 22:24 NUM _005196753 245 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 245 3 ml ml PROPN _005196753 245 4 22:410 22:410 NUM _005196753 245 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 245 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 246 1 " " PUNCT _005196753 246 2 cf cf X _005196753 246 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 247 1 second second ADJ _005196753 247 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 247 3 council council PROPN _005196753 247 4 const const PROPN _005196753 247 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 248 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 248 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 248 3 41 41 NUM _005196753 248 4 : : PUNCT _005196753 248 5 “ " PUNCT _005196753 248 6 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 248 7 the the DET _005196753 248 8 priest priest NOUN _005196753 248 9 must must AUX _005196753 248 10 not not PART _005196753 248 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 248 12 be be AUX _005196753 248 13 undone undo VERB _005196753 248 14 by by ADP _005196753 248 15 his his PRON _005196753 248 16 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196753 248 17 cares care NOUN _005196753 248 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 248 19 dangers danger NOUN _005196753 248 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 248 21 and and CCONJ _005196753 248 22 toils toil NOUN _005196753 248 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 248 24 but but CCONJ _005196753 248 25 rather rather ADV _005196753 248 26 led lead VERB _005196753 248 27 by by ADP _005196753 248 28 them they PRON _005196753 248 29 to to ADP _005196753 248 30 higher high ADJ _005196753 248 31 sanctity sanctity NOUN _005196753 248 32 . . PUNCT _005196753 249 1 his his PRON _005196753 249 2 activities activity NOUN _005196753 249 3 should should AUX _005196753 249 4 be be AUX _005196753 249 5 fed feed VERB _005196753 249 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 249 7 fostered foster VERB _005196753 249 8 by by ADP _005196753 249 9 a a DET _005196753 249 10 wealth wealth NOUN _005196753 249 11 of of ADP _005196753 249 12 meditation meditation NOUN _005196753 249 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 249 14 ” " PUNCT _005196753 249 15 decree decree NOUN _005196753 249 16 perfectae perfectae NOUN _005196753 249 17 caritatis caritatis ADJ _005196753 249 18 5 5 NUM _005196753 249 19 : : PUNCT _005196753 249 20 “ " PUNCT _005196753 249 21 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 249 22 the the DET _005196753 249 23 members member NOUN _005196753 249 24 of of ADP _005196753 249 25 each each DET _005196753 249 26 institute institute NOUN _005196753 249 27 , , PUNCT _005196753 249 28 as as SCONJ _005196753 249 29 they they PRON _005196753 249 30 seek seek VERB _005196753 249 31 god god PROPN _005196753 249 32 before before ADP _005196753 249 33 all all DET _005196753 249 34 things thing NOUN _005196753 249 35 and and CCONJ _005196753 249 36 only only ADV _005196753 249 37 him he PRON _005196753 249 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 249 39 should should AUX _005196753 249 40 combine combine VERB _005196753 249 41 contemplation contemplation NOUN _005196753 249 42 with with ADP _005196753 249 43 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196753 249 44 love love NOUN _005196753 249 45 . . PUNCT _005196753 250 1 by by ADP _005196753 250 2 the the DET _005196753 250 3 former former ADJ _005196753 250 4 they they PRON _005196753 250 5 adhere adhere VERB _005196753 250 6 to to ADP _005196753 250 7 god god PROPN _005196753 250 8 in in ADP _005196753 250 9 mind mind NOUN _005196753 250 10 and and CCONJ _005196753 250 11 heart heart NOUN _005196753 250 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 250 13 ” " PUNCT _005196753 251 1 the the DET _005196753 251 2 text text NOUN _005196753 251 3 is be AUX _005196753 251 4 cited cite VERB _005196753 251 5 in in ADP _005196753 251 6 const const NOUN _005196753 251 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 252 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 252 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 252 3 42 42 NUM _005196753 252 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 253 1 cf cf VERB _005196753 253 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 254 1 the the DET _005196753 254 2 same same ADJ _005196753 254 3 const const NOUN _005196753 254 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 254 5 n. n. PROPN _005196753 254 6 44 44 NUM _005196753 254 7 : : PUNCT _005196753 254 8 “ " PUNCT _005196753 254 9 for for ADP _005196753 254 10 the the DET _005196753 254 11 people people NOUN _005196753 254 12 of of ADP _005196753 254 13 god god PROPN _005196753 254 14 has have VERB _005196753 254 15 no no DET _005196753 254 16 lasting lasting ADJ _005196753 254 17 city city NOUN _005196753 254 18 here here ADV _005196753 254 19 below below ADV _005196753 254 20 but but CCONJ _005196753 254 21 looks look VERB _005196753 254 22 forward forward ADV _005196753 254 23 to to ADP _005196753 254 24 one one NUM _005196753 254 25 which which PRON _005196753 254 26 is be AUX _005196753 254 27 to to PART _005196753 254 28 come come VERB _005196753 254 29 . . PUNCT _005196753 254 30 . . PUNCT _005196753 254 31 . . PUNCT _005196753 254 32 ” " PUNCT _005196753 254 33 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 254 34 n. n. PROPN _005196753 254 35 6 6 NUM _005196753 254 36 : : PUNCT _005196753 254 37 “ " PUNCT _005196753 254 38 the the DET _005196753 254 39 church church NOUN _005196753 254 40 on on ADP _005196753 254 41 earth earth NOUN _005196753 254 42 while while SCONJ _005196753 254 43 journeying journey VERB _005196753 254 44 in in ADP _005196753 254 45 a a DET _005196753 254 46 foreign foreign ADJ _005196753 254 47 land land NOUN _005196753 254 48 away away ADV _005196753 254 49 from from ADP _005196753 254 50 her her PRON _005196753 254 51 lord lord PROPN _005196753 254 52 , , PUNCT _005196753 254 53 regards regard VERB _005196753 254 54 herself herself PRON _005196753 254 55 as as ADP _005196753 254 56 an an DET _005196753 254 57 exile exile NOUN _005196753 254 58 . . PUNCT _005196753 254 59 . . PUNCT _005196753 254 60 . . PUNCT _005196753 254 61 ” " PUNCT _005196753 255 1 - - PUNCT _005196753 255 2 * * PUNCT _005196753 255 3 hos hos NOUN _005196753 255 4 2:14 2:14 NUM _005196753 255 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 255 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 255 7 i i PRON _005196753 255 8 am be AUX _005196753 255 9 going go VERB _005196753 255 10 to to PART _005196753 255 11 lure lure VERB _005196753 255 12 her she PRON _005196753 255 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 255 14 lead lead VERB _005196753 255 15 her she PRON _005196753 255 16 out out ADP _005196753 255 17 into into ADP _005196753 255 18 the the DET _005196753 255 19 wilderness wilderness NOUN _005196753 255 20 and and CCONJ _005196753 255 21 speak speak VERB _005196753 255 22 to to ADP _005196753 255 23 her her PRON _005196753 255 24 heart heart NOUN _005196753 255 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 255 26 ” " PUNCT _005196753 256 1 augustine augustine NOUN _005196753 256 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 256 3 “ " PUNCT _005196753 256 4 it it PRON _005196753 256 5 is be AUX _005196753 256 6 difficult difficult ADJ _005196753 256 7 to to PART _005196753 256 8 see see VERB _005196753 256 9 christ christ PROPN _005196753 256 10 in in ADP _005196753 256 11 the the DET _005196753 256 12 crowd crowd NOUN _005196753 256 13 : : PUNCT _005196753 256 14 a a DET _005196753 256 15 certain certain ADJ _005196753 256 16 degree degree NOUN _005196753 256 17 of of ADP _005196753 256 18 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 256 19 is be AUX _005196753 256 20 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 256 21 for for ADP _005196753 256 22 our our PRON _005196753 256 23 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 256 24 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 256 25 god god PROPN _005196753 256 26 is be AUX _005196753 256 27 seen see VERB _005196753 256 28 in in ADP _005196753 256 29 a a DET _005196753 256 30 certain certain ADJ _005196753 256 31 undistracted undistracted ADJ _005196753 256 32 seclusion seclusion NOUN _005196753 256 33 . . PUNCT _005196753 257 1 the the DET _005196753 257 2 crowd crowd NOUN _005196753 257 3 is be AUX _005196753 257 4 noisy noisy ADJ _005196753 257 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 257 6 this this DET _005196753 257 7 vision vision NOUN _005196753 257 8 demands demand VERB _005196753 257 9 isolation isolation NOUN _005196753 257 10 ” " PUNCT _005196753 257 11 { { PUNCT _005196753 257 12 in in ADP _005196753 257 13 lo lo PROPN _005196753 257 14 . . PROPN _005196753 257 15 tract tract PROPN _005196753 257 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 258 1 17:5 17:5 NUM _005196753 258 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 258 3 ml ml X _005196753 258 4 35:1533 35:1533 NUM _005196753 258 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 258 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 258 7 guigues guigue VERB _005196753 258 8 the the DET _005196753 258 9 carthusian carthusian PROPN _005196753 258 10 : : PUNCT _005196753 258 11 “ " PUNCT _005196753 258 12 who who PRON _005196753 258 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 258 14 when when SCONJ _005196753 258 15 his his PRON _005196753 258 16 passion passion NOUN _005196753 258 17 was be AUX _005196753 258 18 imminent imminent ADJ _005196753 258 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 258 20 left leave VERB _005196753 258 21 his his PRON _005196753 258 22 apostles apostle NOUN _005196753 258 23 to to PART _005196753 258 24 pray pray VERB _005196753 258 25 alone alone ADV _005196753 258 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 258 27 showing show VERB _005196753 258 28 us we PRON _005196753 258 29 particularly particularly ADV _005196753 258 30 with with ADP _005196753 258 31 this this DET _005196753 258 32 example example NOUN _005196753 258 33 how how SCONJ _005196753 258 34 much much ADJ _005196753 258 35 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 258 36 favors favor NOUN _005196753 258 37 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 258 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 258 39 since since SCONJ _005196753 258 40 he he PRON _005196753 258 41 did do AUX _005196753 258 42 not not PART _005196753 258 43 want want VERB _005196753 258 44 to to PART _005196753 258 45 pray pray VERB _005196753 258 46 in in ADP _005196753 258 47 anyone anyone PRON _005196753 258 48 ’s ’s NUM _005196753 258 49 company company NOUN _005196753 258 50 , , PUNCT _005196753 258 51 not not PART _005196753 258 52 even even ADV _005196753 258 53 the the DET _005196753 258 54 apostles apostle NOUN _005196753 258 55 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 258 56 ” " PUNCT _005196753 258 57 { { PUNCT _005196753 258 58 consuetudines consuetudine NOUN _005196753 258 59 80:10 80:10 NUM _005196753 258 60 , , PUNCT _005196753 258 61 ml ml PROPN _005196753 258 62 153:758 153:758 PROPN _005196753 258 63 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 258 64 . . PUNCT _005196753 259 1 john john PROPN _005196753 259 2 of of ADP _005196753 259 3 the the DET _005196753 259 4 cross cross NOUN _005196753 259 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 259 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 259 7 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 259 8 for for ADP _005196753 259 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 259 10 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 260 1 it it PRON _005196753 260 2 is be AUX _005196753 260 3 good good ADJ _005196753 260 4 to to PART _005196753 260 5 choose choose VERB _005196753 260 6 a a DET _005196753 260 7 place place NOUN _005196753 260 8 that that PRON _005196753 260 9 is be AUX _005196753 260 10 solitary solitary ADJ _005196753 260 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 260 12 and and CCONJ _005196753 260 13 even even ADV _005196753 260 14 wild wild ADJ _005196753 260 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 260 16 so so SCONJ _005196753 260 17 that that SCONJ _005196753 260 18 the the DET _005196753 260 19 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 260 20 may may AUX _005196753 260 21 resolutely resolutely ADV _005196753 260 22 and and CCONJ _005196753 260 23 directly directly ADV _005196753 260 24 soar soar VERB _005196753 260 25 upward upward ADV _005196753 260 26 to to ADP _005196753 260 27 god god PROPN _005196753 260 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 260 29 and and CCONJ _005196753 260 30 not not PART _005196753 260 31 be be AUX _005196753 260 32 hindered hinder VERB _005196753 260 33 or or CCONJ _005196753 260 34 detained detain VERB _005196753 260 35 by by ADP _005196753 260 36 visible visible ADJ _005196753 260 37 things thing NOUN _005196753 260 38 . . PUNCT _005196753 260 39 . . PUNCT _005196753 260 40 . . PUNCT _005196753 261 1 for for ADP _005196753 261 2 this this DET _005196753 261 3 reason reason NOUN _005196753 261 4 our our PRON _005196753 261 5 saviour saviour NOUN _005196753 261 6 was be AUX _005196753 261 7 wo will AUX _005196753 261 8 nt not PART _005196753 261 9 to to PART _005196753 261 10 choose choose VERB _005196753 261 11 solitary solitary ADJ _005196753 261 12 places place NOUN _005196753 261 13 for for ADP _005196753 261 14 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 261 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 261 16 and and CCONJ _005196753 261 17 such such ADJ _005196753 261 18 as as ADP _005196753 261 19 occupied occupy VERB _005196753 261 20 the the DET _005196753 261 21 senses sense NOUN _005196753 261 22 but but CCONJ _005196753 261 23 little little ADJ _005196753 261 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 261 25 in in ADP _005196753 261 26 order order NOUN _005196753 261 27 to to PART _005196753 261 28 give give VERB _005196753 261 29 us we PRON _005196753 261 30 an an DET _005196753 261 31 example example NOUN _005196753 261 32 . . PUNCT _005196753 262 1 he he PRON _005196753 262 2 chose choose VERB _005196753 262 3 places place NOUN _005196753 262 4 that that PRON _005196753 262 5 lifted lift VERB _005196753 262 6 up up ADP _005196753 262 7 the the DET _005196753 262 8 soul soul NOUN _005196753 262 9 to to ADP _005196753 262 10 god god PROPN _005196753 262 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 262 12 such such ADJ _005196753 262 13 as as ADP _005196753 262 14 mountains mountain NOUN _005196753 262 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 262 16 which which PRON _005196753 262 17 are be AUX _005196753 262 18 lifted lift VERB _005196753 262 19 up up ADP _005196753 262 20 above above ADP _005196753 262 21 the the DET _005196753 262 22 earth earth NOUN _005196753 262 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 262 24 ” " PUNCT _005196753 263 1 { { PUNCT _005196753 263 2 ascent ascent PROPN _005196753 263 3 iii iii PROPN _005196753 263 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 263 5 39:2 39:2 NUM _005196753 263 6 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 263 7 canticle canticle PROPN _005196753 263 8 b b PROPN _005196753 263 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 263 10 35:1 35:1 NUM _005196753 263 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 263 12 . . PUNCT _005196753 263 13 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 264 1 cf cf X _005196753 264 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 265 1 paul paul PROPN _005196753 265 2 vi vi PROPN _005196753 265 3 all all PROPN _005196753 265 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 266 1 october october PROPN _005196753 266 2 24 24 NUM _005196753 266 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 266 4 1964 1964 NUM _005196753 266 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 266 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 266 7 may may AUX _005196753 266 8 st st PROPN _005196753 266 9 . . PROPN _005196753 266 10 benedict benedict PROPN _005196753 266 11 return return NOUN _005196753 266 12 to to PART _005196753 266 13 help help VERB _005196753 266 14 us we PRON _005196753 266 15 to to PART _005196753 266 16 recuperate recuperate VERB _005196753 266 17 the the DET _005196753 266 18 personal personal ADJ _005196753 266 19 type type NOUN _005196753 266 20 of of ADP _005196753 266 21 life life NOUN _005196753 266 22 which which PRON _005196753 266 23 today today NOUN _005196753 266 24 we we PRON _005196753 266 25 anxiously anxiously ADV _005196753 266 26 long long ADV _005196753 266 27 for for ADP _005196753 266 28 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 266 29 which which PRON _005196753 266 30 the the DET _005196753 266 31 development development NOUN _005196753 266 32 of of ADP _005196753 266 33 modern modern ADJ _005196753 266 34 - - PUNCT _005196753 266 35 day day NOUN _005196753 266 36 living living NOUN _005196753 266 37 , , PUNCT _005196753 266 38 on on ADP _005196753 266 39 whose whose DET _005196753 266 40 account account NOUN _005196753 266 41 we we PRON _005196753 266 42 feel feel VERB _005196753 266 43 the the DET _005196753 266 44 exasperated exasperate VERB _005196753 266 45 desire desire NOUN _005196753 266 46 to to PART _005196753 266 47 be be AUX _005196753 266 48 ourselves ourselves PRON _005196753 266 49 , , PUNCT _005196753 266 50 suffocates suffocate NOUN _005196753 266 51 while while SCONJ _005196753 266 52 promoting promote VERB _005196753 266 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 266 54 deludes delude NOUN _005196753 266 55 while while SCONJ _005196753 266 56 making make VERB _005196753 266 57 us we PRON _005196753 266 58 conscious conscious ADJ _005196753 266 59 of of ADP _005196753 266 60 it it PRON _005196753 266 61 . . PUNCT _005196753 266 62 . . PUNCT _005196753 267 1 . . PUNCT _005196753 267 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 268 1 commotion commotion NOUN _005196753 268 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 268 3 din din PROPN _005196753 268 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 268 5 feverish feverish ADJ _005196753 268 6 activity activity NOUN _005196753 268 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 268 8 outward outward ADJ _005196753 268 9 appearances appearance NOUN _005196753 268 10 and and CCONJ _005196753 268 11 the the DET _005196753 268 12 crowd crowd NOUN _005196753 268 13 all all PRON _005196753 268 14 threaten threaten VERB _005196753 268 15 man man NOUN _005196753 268 16 ’s ’s NUM _005196753 268 17 inner inner ADJ _005196753 268 18 awareness awareness NOUN _005196753 268 19 . . PUNCT _005196753 269 1 he he PRON _005196753 269 2 lacks lack VERB _005196753 269 3 silence silence NOUN _005196753 269 4 with with ADP _005196753 269 5 its its PRON _005196753 269 6 genuine genuine ADJ _005196753 269 7 voice voice NOUN _005196753 269 8 speaking speak VERB _005196753 269 9 in in ADP _005196753 269 10 the the DET _005196753 269 11 depths depth NOUN _005196753 269 12 of of ADP _005196753 269 13 his his PRON _005196753 269 14 being being NOUN _005196753 269 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 269 16 he he PRON _005196753 269 17 lacks lack VERB _005196753 269 18 order order NOUN _005196753 269 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 269 20 he he PRON _005196753 269 21 lacks lack VERB _005196753 269 22 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 269 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 269 24 he he PRON _005196753 269 25 lacks lack VERB _005196753 269 26 peace peace NOUN _005196753 269 27 , , PUNCT _005196753 269 28 he he PRON _005196753 269 29 lacks lack VERB _005196753 269 30 himself himself PRON _005196753 269 31 ” " PUNCT _005196753 269 32 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 269 33 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 269 34 . . PROPN _005196753 269 35 56 56 NUM _005196753 270 1 [ [ X _005196753 270 2 1964 1964 NUM _005196753 270 3 ] ] X _005196753 270 4 987 987 NUM _005196753 270 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 270 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 271 1 bruno bruno PROPN _005196753 271 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 271 3 ad ad NOUN _005196753 271 4 radulphum radulphum NOUN _005196753 271 5 6 6 NUM _005196753 271 6 { { PUNCT _005196753 271 7 sources source NOUN _005196753 271 8 chret chret VERB _005196753 271 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 271 10 88 88 NUM _005196753 271 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 271 12 p. p. NOUN _005196753 271 13 70 70 NUM _005196753 271 14 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 271 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 272 1 second second ADJ _005196753 272 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 272 3 council council PROPN _005196753 272 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 272 5 const const PROPN _005196753 272 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 273 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 273 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 273 3 46 46 NUM _005196753 273 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 274 1 cf cf X _005196753 274 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 275 1 evagrius evagrius NOUN _005196753 275 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 275 3 “ " PUNCT _005196753 275 4 the the DET _005196753 275 5 monk monk NOUN _005196753 275 6 is be AUX _005196753 275 7 he he PRON _005196753 275 8 who who PRON _005196753 275 9 is be AUX _005196753 275 10 separated separate VERB _005196753 275 11 from from ADP _005196753 275 12 all all PRON _005196753 275 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 275 14 united unite VERB _005196753 275 15 to to ADP _005196753 275 16 all all PRON _005196753 275 17 . . PUNCT _005196753 275 18 ” " PUNCT _005196753 276 1 { { PUNCT _005196753 276 2 de de PROPN _005196753 276 3 oratione oratione PROPN _005196753 276 4 124 124 NUM _005196753 276 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 276 6 for for ADP _005196753 276 7 french french ADJ _005196753 276 8 text text NOUN _005196753 276 9 see see VERB _005196753 276 10 i. i. PROPN _005196753 276 11 hausherr hausherr PROPN _005196753 276 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 276 13 les les X _005196753 276 14 legons legon NOUN _005196753 276 15 d'un d'un PROPN _005196753 276 16 contemplatif contemplatif NOUN _005196753 276 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 276 18 p. p. NOUN _005196753 276 19 158 158 NUM _005196753 276 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 276 21 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 276 22 peter peter PROPN _005196753 276 23 damian damian PROPN _005196753 276 24 : : PUNCT _005196753 276 25 “ " PUNCT _005196753 276 26 though though SCONJ _005196753 276 27 we we PRON _005196753 276 28 seem seem VERB _005196753 276 29 to to PART _005196753 276 30 be be AUX _005196753 276 31 separated separate VERB _005196753 276 32 far far ADV _005196753 276 33 from from ADP _005196753 276 34 the the DET _005196753 276 35 church church NOUN _005196753 276 36 through through ADP _005196753 276 37 physical physical ADJ _005196753 276 38 solitude solitude NOUN _005196753 276 39 , , PUNCT _005196753 276 40 we we PRON _005196753 276 41 are be AUX _005196753 276 42 forever forever ADV _005196753 276 43 and and CCONJ _005196753 276 44 most most ADV _005196753 276 45 intimately intimately ADV _005196753 276 46 in in ADP _005196753 276 47 her her PRON _005196753 276 48 presence presence NOUN _005196753 276 49 through through ADP _005196753 276 50 the the DET _005196753 276 51 inviolable inviolable ADJ _005196753 276 52 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 276 53 of of ADP _005196753 276 54 unity unity NOUN _005196753 276 55 ” " PUNCT _005196753 276 56 { { PUNCT _005196753 276 57 opusc opusc PROPN _005196753 276 58 . . PUNCT _005196753 277 1 xi xi PROPN _005196753 277 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 277 3 l. l. PROPN _005196753 277 4 qui qui PROPN _005196753 277 5 appellatur appellatur PROPN _005196753 277 6 dominus dominus PROPN _005196753 277 7 vobiscum vobiscum NOUN _005196753 277 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 277 9 10 10 NUM _005196753 277 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 277 11 ml ml PROPN _005196753 277 12 145:239 145:239 NOUN _005196753 277 13 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 277 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 278 1 with with ADP _005196753 278 2 words word NOUN _005196753 278 3 of of ADP _005196753 278 4 great great ADJ _005196753 278 5 fervour fervour PROPN _005196753 278 6 s. s. PROPN _005196753 278 7 teresa teresa PROPN _005196753 278 8 presented present VERB _005196753 278 9 that that DET _005196753 278 10 ideal ideal NOUN _005196753 278 11 to to ADP _005196753 278 12 the the DET _005196753 278 13 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 278 14 of of ADP _005196753 278 15 the the DET _005196753 278 16 first first ADJ _005196753 278 17 convent convent NOUN _005196753 278 18 she she PRON _005196753 278 19 founded found VERB _005196753 278 20 : : PUNCT _005196753 278 21 “ " PUNCT _005196753 278 22 oh oh INTJ _005196753 278 23 my my PRON _005196753 278 24 sisters sister NOUN _005196753 278 25 in in ADP _005196753 278 26 christ christ PROPN _005196753 278 27 ! ! PUNCT _005196753 279 1 help help VERB _005196753 279 2 me i PRON _005196753 279 3 to to PART _005196753 279 4 entreat entreat VERB _005196753 279 5 this this PRON _005196753 279 6 of of ADP _005196753 279 7 the the DET _005196753 279 8 lord lord PROPN _005196753 279 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 279 10 who who PRON _005196753 279 11 has have AUX _005196753 279 12 brought bring VERB _005196753 279 13 you you PRON _005196753 279 14 together together ADV _005196753 279 15 here here ADV _005196753 279 16 for for ADP _005196753 279 17 that that DET _005196753 279 18 very very ADJ _005196753 279 19 purpose purpose NOUN _005196753 279 20 . . PUNCT _005196753 279 21 . . PUNCT _005196753 279 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 280 1 this this PRON _005196753 280 2 is be AUX _005196753 280 3 your your PRON _005196753 280 4 vocation vocation NOUN _005196753 280 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 280 6 this this PRON _005196753 280 7 must must AUX _005196753 280 8 be be AUX _005196753 280 9 your your PRON _005196753 280 10 business business NOUN _005196753 280 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 280 12 these these PRON _005196753 280 13 must must AUX _005196753 280 14 be be AUX _005196753 280 15 your your PRON _005196753 280 16 desires desire NOUN _005196753 280 17 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 280 18 these these DET _005196753 280 19 your your PRON _005196753 280 20 tears tear NOUN _005196753 280 21 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 280 22 these these DET _005196753 280 23 your your PRON _005196753 280 24 petitions petition NOUN _005196753 280 25 ” " PUNCT _005196753 280 26 { { PUNCT _005196753 280 27 way way NOUN _005196753 280 28 of of ADP _005196753 280 29 perfection perfection NOUN _005196753 280 30 1 1 NUM _005196753 280 31 , , PUNCT _005196753 280 32 5 5 NUM _005196753 280 33 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 280 34 . . PUNCT _005196753 281 1 cf cf X _005196753 281 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 282 1 peter peter PROPN _005196753 282 2 damian damian PROPN _005196753 282 3 : : PUNCT _005196753 282 4 “ " PUNCT _005196753 282 5 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 282 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 282 7 if if SCONJ _005196753 282 8 all all PRON _005196753 282 9 who who PRON _005196753 282 10 believe believe VERB _005196753 282 11 in in ADP _005196753 282 12 christ christ PROPN _005196753 282 13 are be AUX _005196753 282 14 one one NUM _005196753 282 15 in in ADP _005196753 282 16 him he PRON _005196753 282 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 282 18 wherever wherever SCONJ _005196753 282 19 any any DET _005196753 282 20 member member NOUN _005196753 282 21 is be AUX _005196753 282 22 bodily bodily ADV _005196753 282 23 present present ADJ _005196753 282 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 282 25 there there ADV _005196753 282 26 too too ADV _005196753 282 27 will will AUX _005196753 282 28 the the DET _005196753 282 29 entire entire ADJ _005196753 282 30 body body NOUN _005196753 282 31 16 16 NUM _005196753 282 32 be be AUX _005196753 282 33 by by ADP _005196753 282 34 reason reason NOUN _005196753 282 35 of of ADP _005196753 282 36 the the DET _005196753 282 37 sacramental sacramental ADJ _005196753 282 38 mystery mystery NOUN _005196753 282 39 . . PUNCT _005196753 282 40 . . PUNCT _005196753 282 41 . . PUNCT _005196753 283 1 hence hence ADV _005196753 283 2 if if SCONJ _005196753 283 3 we we PRON _005196753 283 4 all all PRON _005196753 283 5 form form VERB _005196753 283 6 the the DET _005196753 283 7 same same ADJ _005196753 283 8 body body NOUN _005196753 283 9 of of ADP _005196753 283 10 christ christ PROPN _005196753 283 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 283 12 even even ADV _005196753 283 13 though though SCONJ _005196753 283 14 we we PRON _005196753 283 15 appear appear VERB _005196753 283 16 to to PART _005196753 283 17 be be AUX _005196753 283 18 scattered scatter VERB _005196753 283 19 physically physically ADV _005196753 283 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 283 21 spiritually spiritually ADV _005196753 283 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 283 23 however however ADV _005196753 283 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 283 25 it it PRON _005196753 283 26 is be AUX _005196753 283 27 impossible impossible ADJ _005196753 283 28 that that SCONJ _005196753 283 29 we we PRON _005196753 283 30 be be AUX _005196753 283 31 separated separate VERB _005196753 283 32 one one NUM _005196753 283 33 from from ADP _005196753 283 34 the the DET _005196753 283 35 other other ADJ _005196753 283 36 since since SCONJ _005196753 283 37 we we PRON _005196753 283 38 remain remain VERB _005196753 283 39 in in ADP _005196753 283 40 him he PRON _005196753 283 41 ” " PUNCT _005196753 283 42 { { PUNCT _005196753 283 43 opusc opusc PROPN _005196753 283 44 . . PUNCT _005196753 284 1 xi xi PROPN _005196753 284 2 l. l. PROPN _005196753 284 3 qui qui PROPN _005196753 284 4 appellatur appellatur PROPN _005196753 284 5 dominus dominus PROPN _005196753 284 6 vobiscum vobiscum PROPN _005196753 284 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 284 8 6 6 NUM _005196753 284 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 284 10 ml ml PROPN _005196753 284 11 145:236 145:236 PROPN _005196753 284 12 - - SYM _005196753 284 13 238 238 NUM _005196753 284 14 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 284 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 284 16 paul paul PROPN _005196753 284 17 vi vi PROPN _005196753 284 18 : : PUNCT _005196753 284 19 “ " PUNCT _005196753 284 20 you you PRON _005196753 284 21 are be AUX _005196753 284 22 not not PART _005196753 284 23 separated separate VERB _005196753 284 24 from from ADP _005196753 284 25 the the DET _005196753 284 26 great great ADJ _005196753 284 27 communion communion NOUN _005196753 284 28 of of ADP _005196753 284 29 christ christ PROPN _005196753 284 30 ’s ’s PROPN _005196753 284 31 family family NOUN _005196753 284 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 284 33 you you PRON _005196753 284 34 are be AUX _005196753 284 35 specialists specialist NOUN _005196753 284 36 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 284 37 and and CCONJ _005196753 284 38 your your PRON _005196753 284 39 specialty specialty NOUN _005196753 284 40 is be AUX _005196753 284 41 today today NOUN _005196753 284 42 , , PUNCT _005196753 284 43 no no PRON _005196753 284 44 less less ADJ _005196753 284 45 than than ADP _005196753 284 46 yesterday yesterday NOUN _005196753 284 47 , , PUNCT _005196753 284 48 beneficial beneficial ADJ _005196753 284 49 and and CCONJ _005196753 284 50 edifying edify VERB _005196753 284 51 for for ADP _005196753 284 52 the the DET _005196753 284 53 entire entire ADJ _005196753 284 54 church church NOUN _005196753 284 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 284 56 and and CCONJ _005196753 284 57 indeed indeed ADV _005196753 284 58 even even ADV _005196753 284 59 for for ADP _005196753 284 60 the the DET _005196753 284 61 whole whole NOUN _005196753 284 62 of of ADP _005196753 284 63 society society NOUN _005196753 284 64 ” " PUNCT _005196753 284 65 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 284 66 all all ADV _005196753 284 67 . . PUNCT _005196753 285 1 to to ADP _005196753 285 2 the the DET _005196753 285 3 superiors superior NOUN _005196753 285 4 of of ADP _005196753 285 5 the the DET _005196753 285 6 benedictine benedictine ADJ _005196753 285 7 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 285 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 285 9 september september PROPN _005196753 285 10 28 28 NUM _005196753 285 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 285 12 1966 1966 NUM _005196753 285 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 285 14 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 285 15 . . PROPN _005196753 286 1 58 58 NUM _005196753 287 1 [ [ X _005196753 287 2 1966 1966 NUM _005196753 287 3 ] ] X _005196753 287 4 1159 1159 NUM _005196753 287 5 - - SYM _005196753 287 6 1160 1160 NUM _005196753 287 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 287 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 288 1 cf cf X _005196753 288 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 288 3 is be AUX _005196753 288 4 11:6 11:6 NUM _005196753 288 5 - - SYM _005196753 288 6 9 9 NUM _005196753 288 7 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 288 8 in in ADP _005196753 288 9 the the DET _005196753 288 10 opposite opposite ADJ _005196753 288 11 sense sense NOUN _005196753 288 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 288 13 gen gen PROPN _005196753 288 14 9:2 9:2 NUM _005196753 288 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 289 1 for for ADP _005196753 289 2 the the DET _005196753 289 3 comparison comparison NOUN _005196753 289 4 of of ADP _005196753 289 5 the the DET _005196753 289 6 monastery monastery NOUN _005196753 289 7 with with ADP _005196753 289 8 paradise paradise PROPN _005196753 289 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 289 10 cf cf NOUN _005196753 289 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 290 1 jerome jerome PROPN _005196753 290 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 290 3 “ " PUNCT _005196753 290 4 you you PRON _005196753 290 5 have have VERB _005196753 290 6 a a DET _005196753 290 7 cell cell NOUN _005196753 290 8 for for ADP _005196753 290 9 paradise paradise PROPN _005196753 290 10 : : PUNCT _005196753 290 11 pick pick VERB _005196753 290 12 the the DET _005196753 290 13 various various ADJ _005196753 290 14 fruits fruit NOUN _005196753 290 15 of of ADP _005196753 290 16 the the DET _005196753 290 17 scriptures scripture NOUN _005196753 290 18 ” " PUNCT _005196753 290 19 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 290 20 ep ep PROPN _005196753 290 21 . . PUNCT _005196753 290 22 125 125 NUM _005196753 290 23 ad ad NOUN _005196753 290 24 rusticum rusticum NOUN _005196753 290 25 7 7 NUM _005196753 290 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 290 27 ml ml PROPN _005196753 290 28 22:1075 22:1075 NUM _005196753 290 29 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 290 30 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 290 31 anselm anselm ADJ _005196753 290 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 290 33 ep ep PROPN _005196753 290 34 . . PUNCT _005196753 291 1 3:102 3:102 NUM _005196753 291 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 291 3 ml ml PROPN _005196753 291 4 159:140 159:140 PROPN _005196753 291 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 291 6 peter peter PROPN _005196753 291 7 damian damian PROPN _005196753 291 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 291 9 ep ep PROPN _005196753 291 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 291 11 6:3 6:3 NUM _005196753 291 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 291 13 ml ml PROPN _005196753 291 14 144:374 144:374 NOUN _005196753 291 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 291 16 william william PROPN _005196753 291 17 of of ADP _005196753 291 18 malmesbury malmesbury PROPN _005196753 291 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 291 20 de de X _005196753 291 21 gestis gestis NOUN _005196753 291 22 pont pont NOUN _005196753 291 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 292 1 angliae angliae NOUN _005196753 292 2 4 4 NUM _005196753 292 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 292 4 ml ml PROPN _005196753 292 5 179:1612 179:1612 NUM _005196753 292 6 - - SYM _005196753 292 7 1613 1613 NUM _005196753 292 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 292 9 bernard bernard PROPN _005196753 292 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 292 11 sermo sermo NOUN _005196753 292 12 de de X _005196753 292 13 diver diver PROPN _005196753 292 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 293 1 42:4 42:4 NUM _005196753 293 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 293 3 ml ml PROPN _005196753 293 4 183:663 183:663 PROPN _005196753 293 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 293 6 william william PROPN _005196753 293 7 of of ADP _005196753 293 8 st st PROPN _005196753 293 9 . . PROPN _005196753 293 10 thierry thierry PROPN _005196753 293 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 293 12 de de X _005196753 293 13 natura natura NOUN _005196753 293 14 et et PROPN _005196753 293 15 dignitate dignitate NOUN _005196753 293 16 amoris amoris PROPN _005196753 293 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 293 18 25 25 NUM _005196753 293 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 293 20 ml ml PROPN _005196753 293 21 184:396 184:396 NUM _005196753 293 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 293 23 peter peter PROPN _005196753 293 24 of of ADP _005196753 293 25 celle celle PROPN _005196753 293 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 293 27 ep ep PROPN _005196753 293 28 . . PUNCT _005196753 294 1 75 75 NUM _005196753 294 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 294 3 ml ml PROPN _005196753 294 4 202:522 202:522 INTJ _005196753 294 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 295 1 cf cf X _005196753 295 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 296 1 j. j. PROPN _005196753 296 2 leclercq leclercq PROPN _005196753 296 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 296 4 la la PROPN _005196753 296 5 vie vie PROPN _005196753 296 6 parfaite parfaite PROPN _005196753 296 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 296 8 turnhout turnhout ADP _005196753 296 9 1948 1948 NUM _005196753 296 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 296 11 g.m g.m PROPN _005196753 296 12 . . PROPN _005196753 296 13 colombas colombas PROPN _005196753 296 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 296 15 paraiso paraiso PROPN _005196753 296 16 y y PROPN _005196753 296 17 vida vida PROPN _005196753 296 18 angelica angelica PROPN _005196753 296 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 296 20 montserrat montserrat PROPN _005196753 296 21 1958 1958 NUM _005196753 296 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 297 1 cf cf X _005196753 297 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 298 1 paul paul PROPN _005196753 298 2 vi vi PROPN _005196753 298 3 : : PUNCT _005196753 298 4 “ " PUNCT _005196753 298 5 we we PRON _005196753 298 6 want want VERB _005196753 298 7 these these DET _005196753 298 8 islands island NOUN _005196753 298 9 of of ADP _005196753 298 10 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN _005196753 298 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 298 12 of of ADP _005196753 298 13 penance penance NOUN _005196753 298 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 298 15 and and CCONJ _005196753 298 16 of of ADP _005196753 298 17 meditation meditation NOUN _005196753 298 18 to to PART _005196753 298 19 bear bear VERB _005196753 298 20 in in ADP _005196753 298 21 mind mind NOUN _005196753 298 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 298 23 . . PUNCT _005196753 298 24 . . PUNCT _005196753 299 1 that that SCONJ _005196753 299 2 they they PRON _005196753 299 3 are be AUX _005196753 299 4 neither neither CCONJ _005196753 299 5 forgotten forget VERB _005196753 299 6 nor nor CCONJ _005196753 299 7 detached detach VERB _005196753 299 8 from from ADP _005196753 299 9 the the DET _005196753 299 10 communion communion NOUN _005196753 299 11 of of ADP _005196753 299 12 god god PROPN _005196753 299 13 ’s ’s PROPN _005196753 299 14 church church NOUN _005196753 299 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 16 but but CCONJ _005196753 299 17 rather rather ADV _005196753 299 18 that that SCONJ _005196753 299 19 they they PRON _005196753 299 20 make make VERB _005196753 299 21 up up ADP _005196753 299 22 its its PRON _005196753 299 23 heart heart NOUN _005196753 299 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 25 they they PRON _005196753 299 26 multiply multiply VERB _005196753 299 27 its its PRON _005196753 299 28 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196753 299 29 wealth wealth NOUN _005196753 299 30 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 31 they they PRON _005196753 299 32 render render VERB _005196753 299 33 its its PRON _005196753 299 34 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 299 35 sublime sublime ADV _005196753 299 36 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 37 they they PRON _005196753 299 38 sustain sustain VERB _005196753 299 39 its its PRON _005196753 299 40 charity charity NOUN _005196753 299 41 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 42 they they PRON _005196753 299 43 participate participate VERB _005196753 299 44 in in ADP _005196753 299 45 its its PRON _005196753 299 46 suffering suffering NOUN _005196753 299 47 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 48 its its PRON _005196753 299 49 fatigue fatigue NOUN _005196753 299 50 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 51 its its PRON _005196753 299 52 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196753 299 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 54 its its PRON _005196753 299 55 hopes hope NOUN _005196753 299 56 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 57 they they PRON _005196753 299 58 increase increase VERB _005196753 299 59 its its PRON _005196753 299 60 merits merit NOUN _005196753 299 61 ” " PUNCT _005196753 299 62 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 299 63 all all ADV _005196753 299 64 . . PUNCT _005196753 299 65 of of ADP _005196753 299 66 february february PROPN _005196753 299 67 2 2 NUM _005196753 299 68 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 69 1966 1966 NUM _005196753 299 70 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 71 insegnamenti insegnamenti PROPN _005196753 299 72 di di PROPN _005196753 299 73 paolo paolo PROPN _005196753 299 74 vi vi PROPN _005196753 299 75 , , PUNCT _005196753 299 76 vi vi PROPN _005196753 299 77 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 299 78 1966 1966 NUM _005196753 299 79 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 299 80 p. p. NOUN _005196753 299 81 56 56 NUM _005196753 299 82 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 299 83 . . PUNCT _005196753 300 1 second second ADJ _005196753 300 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 300 3 council council PROPN _005196753 300 4 decree decree NOUN _005196753 300 5 perfectae perfectae PROPN _005196753 300 6 caritatis caritatis ADJ _005196753 300 7 7 7 NUM _005196753 300 8 . . X _005196753 300 9 john john PROPN _005196753 300 10 of of ADP _005196753 300 11 the the DET _005196753 300 12 cross cross NOUN _005196753 300 13 : : PUNCT _005196753 300 14 “ " PUNCT _005196753 300 15 a a DET _005196753 300 16 little little ADJ _005196753 300 17 of of ADP _005196753 300 18 this this DET _005196753 300 19 pure pure ADJ _005196753 300 20 love love NOUN _005196753 300 21 is be AUX _005196753 300 22 more more ADV _005196753 300 23 precious precious ADJ _005196753 300 24 before before ADP _005196753 300 25 god god PROPN _005196753 300 26 and and CCONJ _005196753 300 27 the the DET _005196753 300 28 soul soul NOUN _005196753 300 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 300 30 more more ADV _005196753 300 31 beneficial beneficial ADJ _005196753 300 32 for for ADP _005196753 300 33 the the DET _005196753 300 34 church church NOUN _005196753 300 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 300 36 than than ADP _005196753 300 37 all all DET _005196753 300 38 those those DET _005196753 300 39 works work NOUN _005196753 300 40 together together ADV _005196753 300 41 . . PUNCT _005196753 301 1 for for ADP _005196753 301 2 this this DET _005196753 301 3 reason reason NOUN _005196753 301 4 mary mary PROPN _005196753 301 5 magdalen magdalen PROPN _005196753 301 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 301 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 301 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 301 9 hid hide VERB _005196753 301 10 herself herself PRON _005196753 301 11 in in ADP _005196753 301 12 the the DET _005196753 301 13 desert desert NOUN _005196753 301 14 for for ADP _005196753 301 15 30 30 NUM _005196753 301 16 years year NOUN _005196753 301 17 to to PART _005196753 301 18 dedicate dedicate VERB _005196753 301 19 herself herself PRON _005196753 301 20 wholly wholly ADV _005196753 301 21 to to ADP _005196753 301 22 this this DET _005196753 301 23 love love NOUN _005196753 301 24 ... ... PUNCT _005196753 301 25 in in ADP _005196753 301 26 view view NOUN _005196753 301 27 of of ADP _005196753 301 28 how how SCONJ _005196753 301 29 much much ADJ _005196753 301 30 a a DET _005196753 301 31 little little ADJ _005196753 301 32 of of ADP _005196753 301 33 this this DET _005196753 301 34 love love NOUN _005196753 301 35 benefits benefit VERB _005196753 301 36 the the DET _005196753 301 37 church church NOUN _005196753 301 38 and and CCONJ _005196753 301 39 is be AUX _005196753 301 40 important important ADJ _005196753 301 41 to to ADP _005196753 301 42 her she PRON _005196753 301 43 ... ... PUNCT _005196753 301 44 in in ADP _005196753 301 45 a a DET _005196753 301 46 word word NOUN _005196753 301 47 , , PUNCT _005196753 301 48 it it PRON _005196753 301 49 was be AUX _005196753 301 50 for for ADP _005196753 301 51 this this DET _005196753 301 52 love love NOUN _005196753 301 53 that that PRON _005196753 301 54 we we PRON _005196753 301 55 were be AUX _005196753 301 56 created create VERB _005196753 301 57 ” " PUNCT _005196753 301 58 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 301 59 canticle canticle PROPN _005196753 301 60 b b PROPN _005196753 301 61 , , PUNCT _005196753 301 62 29:2 29:2 NUM _005196753 301 63 - - SYM _005196753 301 64 3 3 NUM _005196753 301 65 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 301 66 . . PUNCT _005196753 302 1 cf cf NOUN _005196753 302 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 303 1 second second PROPN _005196753 303 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 303 3 council council PROPN _005196753 303 4 const const PROPN _005196753 303 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 304 1 sacrosanctum sacrosanctum PROPN _005196753 304 2 concilium concilium NOUN _005196753 304 3 10 10 NUM _005196753 304 4 : : PUNCT _005196753 304 5 “ " PUNCT _005196753 304 6 the the DET _005196753 304 7 glorification glorification NOUN _005196753 304 8 of of ADP _005196753 304 9 god god PROPN _005196753 304 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 304 11 to to PART _005196753 304 12 which which PRON _005196753 304 13 all all DET _005196753 304 14 other other ADJ _005196753 304 15 activities activity NOUN _005196753 304 16 of of ADP _005196753 304 17 the the DET _005196753 304 18 church church NOUN _005196753 304 19 are be AUX _005196753 304 20 directed direct VERB _005196753 304 21 as as ADP _005196753 304 22 toward toward ADP _005196753 304 23 their their PRON _005196753 304 24 goal goal NOUN _005196753 304 25 ” " PUNCT _005196753 304 26 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 304 27 cf cf NOUN _005196753 304 28 . . NOUN _005196753 304 29 also also ADV _005196753 304 30 const const ADJ _005196753 304 31 . . PUNCT _005196753 305 1 gaudium gaudium NOUN _005196753 305 2 et et NOUN _005196753 305 3 spes spe NOUN _005196753 305 4 76 76 NUM _005196753 305 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 305 6 decree decree VERB _005196753 305 7 apostolicam apostolicam NOUN _005196753 305 8 actuositatem actuositatem NOUN _005196753 306 1 2 2 NUM _005196753 306 2 . . NOUN _005196753 306 3 cf cf X _005196753 306 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 307 1 second second PROPN _005196753 307 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 307 3 council council PROPN _005196753 307 4 decree decree NOUN _005196753 307 5 ad ad NOUN _005196753 307 6 gentes gens NOUN _005196753 307 7 18 18 NUM _005196753 307 8 : : PUNCT _005196753 307 9 “ " PUNCT _005196753 307 10 for for ADP _005196753 307 11 the the DET _005196753 307 12 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 307 13 life life NOUN _005196753 307 14 belongs belong VERB _005196753 307 15 to to ADP _005196753 307 16 the the DET _005196753 307 17 fullness fullness NOUN _005196753 307 18 of of ADP _005196753 307 19 the the DET _005196753 307 20 church church NOUN _005196753 307 21 ’s ’s PART _005196753 307 22 presence presence NOUN _005196753 307 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 307 24 and and CCONJ _005196753 307 25 should should AUX _005196753 307 26 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 307 27 be be AUX _005196753 307 28 everywhere everywhere ADV _005196753 307 29 established establish VERB _005196753 307 30 . . PUNCT _005196753 307 31 ” " PUNCT _005196753 308 1 cf cf X _005196753 308 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 309 1 john john PROPN _005196753 309 2 xxiii xxiii PROPN _005196753 309 3 : : PUNCT _005196753 309 4 “ " PUNCT _005196753 309 5 the the DET _005196753 309 6 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 309 7 life life NOUN _005196753 309 8 ! ! PUNCT _005196753 310 1 ... ... PUNCT _005196753 311 1 it it PRON _005196753 311 2 constitutes constitute VERB _005196753 311 3 one one NUM _005196753 311 4 of of ADP _005196753 311 5 the the DET _005196753 311 6 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005196753 311 7 structures structure NOUN _005196753 311 8 of of ADP _005196753 311 9 the the DET _005196753 311 10 holy holy PROPN _005196753 311 11 church church PROPN _005196753 311 12 , , PUNCT _005196753 311 13 it it PRON _005196753 311 14 has have AUX _005196753 311 15 been be AUX _005196753 311 16 present present ADJ _005196753 311 17 during during ADP _005196753 311 18 all all DET _005196753 311 19 the the DET _005196753 311 20 phases phase NOUN _005196753 311 21 of of ADP _005196753 311 22 her her PRON _005196753 311 23 bimillenary bimillenary ADJ _005196753 311 24 history history NOUN _005196753 311 25 ” " PUNCT _005196753 311 26 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 311 27 all all ADV _005196753 311 28 . . PUNCT _005196753 312 1 to to ADP _005196753 312 2 the the DET _005196753 312 3 cistercians cistercian NOUN _005196753 312 4 of of ADP _005196753 312 5 the the DET _005196753 312 6 strict strict ADJ _005196753 312 7 observance observance NOUN _005196753 312 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 312 9 september september PROPN _005196753 312 10 20 20 NUM _005196753 312 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 312 12 1960 1960 NUM _005196753 312 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 312 14 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 312 15 . . PROPN _005196753 312 16 52 52 NUM _005196753 312 17 [ [ X _005196753 312 18 1960 1960 NUM _005196753 312 19 ] ] PUNCT _005196753 312 20 896 896 NUM _005196753 312 21 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 312 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 313 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 313 2 charity charity NOUN _005196753 313 3 gave give VERB _005196753 313 4 me i PRON _005196753 313 5 the the DET _005196753 313 6 key key NOUN _005196753 313 7 to to ADP _005196753 313 8 my my PRON _005196753 313 9 vocation vocation NOUN _005196753 313 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 314 1 i i PRON _005196753 314 2 understood understand VERB _005196753 314 3 that that SCONJ _005196753 314 4 if if SCONJ _005196753 314 5 the the DET _005196753 314 6 church church NOUN _005196753 314 7 had have VERB _005196753 314 8 a a DET _005196753 314 9 body body NOUN _005196753 314 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 314 11 composed compose VERB _005196753 314 12 of of ADP _005196753 314 13 different different ADJ _005196753 314 14 members member NOUN _005196753 314 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 314 16 the the DET _005196753 314 17 most most ADV _005196753 314 18 necessary necessary ADJ _005196753 314 19 , , PUNCT _005196753 314 20 the the DET _005196753 314 21 noblest noblest NOUN _005196753 314 22 of of ADP _005196753 314 23 all all PRON _005196753 314 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 314 25 would would AUX _005196753 314 26 not not PART _005196753 314 27 be be AUX _005196753 314 28 lacking lack VERB _005196753 314 29 , , PUNCT _005196753 314 30 i i PRON _005196753 314 31 understood understand VERB _005196753 314 32 that that SCONJ _005196753 314 33 the the DET _005196753 314 34 church church NOUN _005196753 314 35 had have VERB _005196753 314 36 a a DET _005196753 314 37 heart heart NOUN _005196753 314 38 and and CCONJ _005196753 314 39 that that SCONJ _005196753 314 40 this this DET _005196753 314 41 heart heart NOUN _005196753 314 42 was be AUX _005196753 314 43 burning burn VERB _005196753 314 44 with with ADP _005196753 314 45 love love NOUN _005196753 314 46 . . PUNCT _005196753 315 1 i i PRON _005196753 315 2 understood understand VERB _005196753 315 3 that that SCONJ _005196753 315 4 love love NOUN _005196753 315 5 alone alone ADV _005196753 315 6 makes make VERB _005196753 315 7 the the DET _005196753 315 8 members member NOUN _005196753 315 9 of of ADP _005196753 315 10 the the DET _005196753 315 11 church church NOUN _005196753 315 12 act act NOUN _005196753 315 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 315 14 that that SCONJ _005196753 315 15 if if SCONJ _005196753 315 16 love love NOUN _005196753 315 17 should should AUX _005196753 315 18 be be AUX _005196753 315 19 extinguished extinguish VERB _005196753 315 20 the the DET _005196753 315 21 apostles apostle NOUN _005196753 315 22 would would AUX _005196753 315 23 no no ADV _005196753 315 24 longer long ADV _005196753 315 25 preach preach VERB _005196753 315 26 the the DET _005196753 315 27 gospel gospel NOUN _005196753 315 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 315 29 the the DET _005196753 315 30 martyrs martyr NOUN _005196753 315 31 would would AUX _005196753 315 32 refuse refuse VERB _005196753 315 33 to to PART _005196753 315 34 shed shed VERB _005196753 315 35 their their PRON _005196753 315 36 blood blood NOUN _005196753 315 37 . . PUNCT _005196753 315 38 . . PUNCT _005196753 315 39 . . PUNCT _005196753 315 40 . . PUNCT _005196753 316 1 yes yes INTJ _005196753 316 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 316 3 i i PRON _005196753 316 4 have have AUX _005196753 316 5 found find VERB _005196753 316 6 my my PRON _005196753 316 7 place place NOUN _005196753 316 8 in in ADP _005196753 316 9 the the DET _005196753 316 10 church church NOUN _005196753 316 11 ... ... PUNCT _005196753 316 12 in in ADP _005196753 316 13 the the DET _005196753 316 14 heart heart NOUN _005196753 316 15 of of ADP _005196753 316 16 the the DET _005196753 316 17 church church NOUN _005196753 316 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 316 19 my my PRON _005196753 316 20 mother mother NOUN _005196753 316 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 316 22 i i PRON _005196753 316 23 shall shall AUX _005196753 316 24 be be AUX _005196753 316 25 love love NOUN _005196753 316 26 ” " PUNCT _005196753 316 27 { { PUNCT _005196753 316 28 autobiographical autobiographical ADJ _005196753 316 29 manuscripts manuscript NOUN _005196753 316 30 , , PUNCT _005196753 316 31 ms ms PROPN _005196753 316 32 b. b. PROPN _005196753 316 33 lisieux lisieux PROPN _005196753 316 34 1957 1957 NUM _005196753 316 35 , , PUNCT _005196753 316 36 p. p. NOUN _005196753 316 37 229 229 NUM _005196753 316 38 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 316 39 . . PUNCT _005196753 317 1 cf cf X _005196753 317 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 318 1 john john PROPN _005196753 318 2 xxiii xxiii PROPN _005196753 318 3 : : PUNCT _005196753 318 4 “ " PUNCT _005196753 318 5 for for ADP _005196753 318 6 the the DET _005196753 318 7 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196753 318 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 318 9 in in ADP _005196753 318 10 the the DET _005196753 318 11 true true ADJ _005196753 318 12 sense sense NOUN _005196753 318 13 of of ADP _005196753 318 14 the the DET _005196753 318 15 word word NOUN _005196753 318 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 318 17 consists consist VERB _005196753 318 18 in in ADP _005196753 318 19 participation participation NOUN _005196753 318 20 in in ADP _005196753 318 21 the the DET _005196753 318 22 salvific salvific ADJ _005196753 318 23 work work NOUN _005196753 318 24 of of ADP _005196753 318 25 christ christ PROPN _005196753 318 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 318 27 which which PRON _005196753 318 28 is be AUX _005196753 318 29 possible possible ADJ _005196753 318 30 only only ADV _005196753 318 31 through through ADP _005196753 318 32 assiduous assiduous ADJ _005196753 318 33 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 318 34 and and CCONJ _005196753 318 35 personal personal ADJ _005196753 318 36 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005196753 318 37 . . PUNCT _005196753 319 1 in in ADP _005196753 319 2 fact fact NOUN _005196753 319 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 319 4 it it PRON _005196753 319 5 was be AUX _005196753 319 6 particularly particularly ADV _005196753 319 7 through through ADP _005196753 319 8 his his PRON _005196753 319 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 319 10 to to ADP _005196753 319 11 the the DET _005196753 319 12 father father NOUN _005196753 319 13 and and CCONJ _005196753 319 14 through through ADP _005196753 319 15 his his PRON _005196753 319 16 self self NOUN _005196753 319 17 - - PUNCT _005196753 319 18 immolation immolation NOUN _005196753 319 19 that that SCONJ _005196753 319 20 the the DET _005196753 319 21 savior savior PROPN _005196753 319 22 redeemed redeem VERB _005196753 319 23 the the DET _005196753 319 24 human human ADJ _005196753 319 25 race race NOUN _005196753 319 26 which which PRON _005196753 319 27 was be AUX _005196753 319 28 bound bind VERB _005196753 319 29 and and CCONJ _005196753 319 30 crushed crush VERB _005196753 319 31 by by ADP _005196753 319 32 sin sin NOUN _005196753 319 33 . . PUNCT _005196753 320 1 hence hence ADV _005196753 320 2 it it PRON _005196753 320 3 is be AUX _005196753 320 4 that that SCONJ _005196753 320 5 whoever whoever PRON _005196753 320 6 endeavors endeavor NOUN _005196753 320 7 to to PART _005196753 320 8 follow follow VERB _005196753 320 9 christ christ PROPN _005196753 320 10 in in ADP _005196753 320 11 this this DET _005196753 320 12 essential essential ADJ _005196753 320 13 aspect aspect NOUN _005196753 320 14 of of ADP _005196753 320 15 his his PRON _005196753 320 16 saving saving NOUN _005196753 320 17 mission mission NOUN _005196753 320 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 320 19 even even ADV _005196753 320 20 though though SCONJ _005196753 320 21 he he PRON _005196753 320 22 abstains abstain VERB _005196753 320 23 from from ADP _005196753 320 24 external external ADJ _005196753 320 25 action action NOUN _005196753 320 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 320 27 exercises exercise VERB _005196753 320 28 the the DET _005196753 320 29 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196753 320 30 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005196753 320 31 in in ADP _005196753 320 32 a a DET _005196753 320 33 most most ADV _005196753 320 34 excellent excellent ADJ _005196753 320 35 way way NOUN _005196753 320 36 ” " PUNCT _005196753 320 37 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 320 38 ep ep PROPN _005196753 320 39 . . PUNCT _005196753 320 40 causa causa PROPN _005196753 320 41 praeclara praeclara PROPN _005196753 320 42 july july PROPN _005196753 320 43 16 16 NUM _005196753 320 44 , , PUNCT _005196753 320 45 1962 1962 NUM _005196753 320 46 , , PUNCT _005196753 320 47 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 320 48 . . PROPN _005196753 320 49 54 54 NUM _005196753 321 1 [ [ X _005196753 321 2 1962 1962 NUM _005196753 321 3 ] ] X _005196753 321 4 568 568 NUM _005196753 321 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 322 1 second second PROPN _005196753 322 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 322 3 council council PROPN _005196753 322 4 decree decree NOUN _005196753 322 5 ad ad NOUN _005196753 322 6 gentes gens NOUN _005196753 322 7 40 40 NUM _005196753 322 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 323 1 cf cf X _005196753 323 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 324 1 const const PROPN _005196753 324 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 325 1 umbratilem umbratilem PROPN _005196753 325 2 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 325 3 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 325 4 . . PROPN _005196753 325 5 16 16 NUM _005196753 326 1 [ [ X _005196753 326 2 1924 1924 NUM _005196753 326 3 ] ] PUNCT _005196753 326 4 389 389 NUM _005196753 326 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 326 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 326 7 and and CCONJ _005196753 326 8 decree decree NOUN _005196753 326 9 of of ADP _005196753 326 10 sacred sacred ADJ _005196753 326 11 congregation congregation NOUN _005196753 326 12 of of ADP _005196753 326 13 rites rite NOUN _005196753 326 14 super super PROPN _005196753 326 15 tuto tuto PROPN _005196753 326 16 17 17 NUM _005196753 326 17 for for ADP _005196753 326 18 the the DET _005196753 326 19 canonization canonization NOUN _005196753 326 20 of of ADP _005196753 326 21 b. b. PROPN _005196753 326 22 teresa teresa PROPN _005196753 326 23 margaret margaret PROPN _005196753 326 24 redi redi PROPN _005196753 326 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 326 26 february february PROPN _005196753 326 27 18 18 NUM _005196753 326 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 326 29 1934 1934 NUM _005196753 326 30 : : PUNCT _005196753 326 31 ” " PUNCT _005196753 326 32 . . PUNCT _005196753 327 1 . . PUNCT _005196753 327 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 328 1 the the DET _005196753 328 2 soul soul NOUN _005196753 328 3 truly truly ADV _005196753 328 4 crucified crucify VERB _005196753 328 5 with with ADP _005196753 328 6 christ christ PROPN _005196753 328 7 in in ADP _005196753 328 8 the the DET _005196753 328 9 supreme supreme ADJ _005196753 328 10 martyrdom martyrdom NOUN _005196753 328 11 of of ADP _005196753 328 12 the the DET _005196753 328 13 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 328 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 328 15 acquires acquire VERB _005196753 328 16 for for ADP _005196753 328 17 itself itself PRON _005196753 328 18 and and CCONJ _005196753 328 19 for for ADP _005196753 328 20 others other NOUN _005196753 328 21 the the DET _005196753 328 22 superabundant superabundant ADJ _005196753 328 23 fruits fruit NOUN _005196753 328 24 of of ADP _005196753 328 25 redemption redemption NOUN _005196753 328 26 . . PUNCT _005196753 329 1 such such ADJ _005196753 329 2 are be AUX _005196753 329 3 the the DET _005196753 329 4 purest pure ADJ _005196753 329 5 and and CCONJ _005196753 329 6 most most ADV _005196753 329 7 exalted exalted ADJ _005196753 329 8 souls soul NOUN _005196753 329 9 in in ADP _005196753 329 10 the the DET _005196753 329 11 church church NOUN _005196753 329 12 who who PRON _005196753 329 13 by by ADP _005196753 329 14 suffering suffer VERB _005196753 329 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 329 16 loving love VERB _005196753 329 17 and and CCONJ _005196753 329 18 praying pray VERB _005196753 329 19 exercise exercise NOUN _005196753 329 20 an an DET _005196753 329 21 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196753 329 22 which which PRON _005196753 329 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 329 24 though though SCONJ _005196753 329 25 silent silent ADJ _005196753 329 26 , , PUNCT _005196753 329 27 benefits benefit VERB _005196753 329 28 everyone everyone PRON _005196753 329 29 to to ADP _005196753 329 30 the the DET _005196753 329 31 utmost utmost ADJ _005196753 329 32 ” " PUNCT _005196753 329 33 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 329 34 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 329 35 . . PROPN _005196753 329 36 26 26 NUM _005196753 329 37 [ [ X _005196753 329 38 1934 1934 NUM _005196753 329 39 ] ] NUM _005196753 329 40 106 106 NUM _005196753 329 41 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 329 42 . . PUNCT _005196753 330 1 cf cf X _005196753 330 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 331 1 paul paul PROPN _005196753 331 2 vi vi PROPN _005196753 331 3 : : PUNCT _005196753 331 4 “ " PUNCT _005196753 331 5 does do AUX _005196753 331 6 this this DET _005196753 331 7 material material NOUN _005196753 331 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 331 9 external external ADJ _005196753 331 10 and and CCONJ _005196753 331 11 social social ADJ _005196753 331 12 reclusion reclusion NOUN _005196753 331 13 separate separate VERB _005196753 331 14 you you PRON _005196753 331 15 from from ADP _005196753 331 16 the the DET _005196753 331 17 church church NOUN _005196753 331 18 ? ? PUNCT _005196753 332 1 i i PRON _005196753 332 2 am be AUX _005196753 332 3 here here ADV _005196753 332 4 to to PART _005196753 332 5 tell tell VERB _005196753 332 6 you you PRON _005196753 332 7 that that SCONJ _005196753 332 8 the the DET _005196753 332 9 church church NOUN _005196753 332 10 keeps keep VERB _005196753 332 11 you you PRON _005196753 332 12 in in ADP _005196753 332 13 mind mind NOUN _005196753 332 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 333 1 you you PRON _005196753 333 2 are be AUX _005196753 333 3 not not PART _005196753 333 4 forgotten forget VERB _005196753 333 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 333 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 333 7 for for ADP _005196753 333 8 this this DET _005196753 333 9 reason reason NOUN _005196753 333 10 that that DET _005196753 333 11 separation separation NOUN _005196753 333 12 which which PRON _005196753 333 13 would would AUX _005196753 333 14 be be AUX _005196753 333 15 the the DET _005196753 333 16 most most ADV _005196753 333 17 desolating desolating ADJ _005196753 333 18 — — PUNCT _005196753 333 19 the the DET _005196753 333 20 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196753 333 21 kind kind NOUN _005196753 333 22 — — PUNCT _005196753 333 23 does do AUX _005196753 333 24 not not PART _005196753 333 25 exist exist VERB _005196753 333 26 . . PUNCT _005196753 334 1 why why SCONJ _005196753 334 2 ? ? PUNCT _005196753 335 1 because because SCONJ _005196753 335 2 you you PRON _005196753 335 3 are be AUX _005196753 335 4 the the DET _005196753 335 5 objects object NOUN _005196753 335 6 of of ADP _005196753 335 7 special special ADJ _005196753 335 8 attention attention NOUN _005196753 335 9 , , PUNCT _005196753 335 10 of of ADP _005196753 335 11 particular particular ADJ _005196753 335 12 awareness awareness NOUN _005196753 335 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 335 14 and and CCONJ _005196753 335 15 even even ADV _005196753 335 16 more more ADV _005196753 335 17 yet yet ADV _005196753 335 18 . . PUNCT _005196753 336 1 the the DET _005196753 336 2 church church NOUN _005196753 336 3 is be AUX _005196753 336 4 watching watch VERB _005196753 336 5 you you PRON _005196753 336 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 336 7 you you PRON _005196753 336 8 have have AUX _005196753 336 9 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 336 10 yourselves yourself NOUN _005196753 336 11 to to ADP _005196753 336 12 this this DET _005196753 336 13 kind kind NOUN _005196753 336 14 of of ADP _005196753 336 15 life life NOUN _005196753 336 16 in in ADP _005196753 336 17 order order NOUN _005196753 336 18 to to PART _005196753 336 19 speak speak VERB _005196753 336 20 unendingly unendingly ADV _005196753 336 21 with with ADP _005196753 336 22 our our PRON _005196753 336 23 lord lord PROPN _005196753 336 24 , , PUNCT _005196753 336 25 to to PART _005196753 336 26 be be AUX _005196753 336 27 able able ADJ _005196753 336 28 to to PART _005196753 336 29 understand understand VERB _005196753 336 30 his his PRON _005196753 336 31 voice voice NOUN _005196753 336 32 better well ADV _005196753 336 33 , , PUNCT _005196753 336 34 and and CCONJ _005196753 336 35 — — PUNCT _005196753 336 36 to to PART _005196753 336 37 sum sum VERB _005196753 336 38 up up ADP _005196753 336 39 our our PRON _005196753 336 40 poor poor ADJ _005196753 336 41 human human ADJ _005196753 336 42 words word NOUN _005196753 336 43 with with ADP _005196753 336 44 greater great ADJ _005196753 336 45 clarity clarity NOUN _005196753 336 46 and and CCONJ _005196753 336 47 emphasis emphasis NOUN _005196753 336 48 : : PUNCT _005196753 336 49 you you PRON _005196753 336 50 have have AUX _005196753 336 51 turned turn VERB _005196753 336 52 this this DET _005196753 336 53 contact contact NOUN _005196753 336 54 between between ADP _005196753 336 55 heaven heaven PROPN _005196753 336 56 and and CCONJ _005196753 336 57 earth earth NOUN _005196753 336 58 into into ADP _005196753 336 59 the the DET _005196753 336 60 one one NUM _005196753 336 61 and and CCONJ _005196753 336 62 only only ADV _005196753 336 63 programme programme NOUN _005196753 336 64 of of ADP _005196753 336 65 your your PRON _005196753 336 66 entire entire ADJ _005196753 336 67 life life NOUN _005196753 336 68 . . PUNCT _005196753 337 1 you you PRON _005196753 337 2 as as SCONJ _005196753 337 3 contemplatives contemplative NOUN _005196753 337 4 have have AUX _005196753 337 5 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196753 337 6 yourselves yourself NOUN _005196753 337 7 to to ADP _005196753 337 8 this this DET _005196753 337 9 absorption absorption NOUN _005196753 337 10 of of ADP _005196753 337 11 your your PRON _005196753 337 12 souls soul NOUN _005196753 337 13 by by ADP _005196753 337 14 god god PROPN _005196753 337 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 338 1 you you PRON _005196753 338 2 see see VERB _005196753 338 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 4 the the DET _005196753 338 5 church church NOUN _005196753 338 6 perceives perceive VERB _005196753 338 7 in in ADP _005196753 338 8 you you PRON _005196753 338 9 the the DET _005196753 338 10 fullest full ADJ _005196753 338 11 expression expression NOUN _005196753 338 12 of of ADP _005196753 338 13 itself itself PRON _005196753 338 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 338 15 in in ADP _005196753 338 16 a a DET _005196753 338 17 certain certain ADJ _005196753 338 18 way way NOUN _005196753 338 19 you you PRON _005196753 338 20 are be AUX _005196753 338 21 placed place VERB _005196753 338 22 at at ADP _005196753 338 23 its its PRON _005196753 338 24 peak peak NOUN _005196753 338 25 ” " PUNCT _005196753 338 26 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 338 27 all all ADV _005196753 338 28 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 29 to to ADP _005196753 338 30 the the DET _005196753 338 31 camaldolese camaldolese ADJ _005196753 338 32 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 338 33 on on ADP _005196753 338 34 the the DET _005196753 338 35 aventine aventine NOUN _005196753 338 36 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 37 february february PROPN _005196753 338 38 23 23 NUM _005196753 338 39 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 40 1966 1966 NUM _005196753 338 41 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 42 in in ADP _005196753 338 43 vita vita PROPN _005196753 338 44 monastica monastica PROPN _005196753 338 45 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 46 n. n. PROPN _005196753 338 47 85 85 NUM _005196753 338 48 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 49 p. p. NOUN _005196753 338 50 68 68 NUM _005196753 338 51 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 338 52 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 338 53 “ " PUNCT _005196753 338 54 in in ADP _005196753 338 55 the the DET _005196753 338 56 catholic catholic ADJ _005196753 338 57 church church NOUN _005196753 338 58 you you PRON _005196753 338 59 have have AUX _005196753 338 60 been be AUX _005196753 338 61 assigned assign VERB _005196753 338 62 not not PART _005196753 338 63 only only ADV _005196753 338 64 a a DET _005196753 338 65 place place NOUN _005196753 338 66 but but CCONJ _005196753 338 67 also also ADV _005196753 338 68 a a DET _005196753 338 69 function function NOUN _005196753 338 70 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 71 as as SCONJ _005196753 338 72 the the DET _005196753 338 73 council council NOUN _005196753 338 74 says say VERB _005196753 338 75 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 338 76 you you PRON _005196753 338 77 are be AUX _005196753 338 78 not not PART _005196753 338 79 separated separate VERB _005196753 338 80 from from ADP _005196753 338 81 the the DET _005196753 338 82 great great ADJ _005196753 338 83 communion communion NOUN _005196753 338 84 of of ADP _005196753 338 85 christ christ PROPN _005196753 338 86 ’s ’s PROPN _005196753 338 87 family family NOUN _005196753 338 88 , , PUNCT _005196753 338 89 you you PRON _005196753 338 90 are be AUX _005196753 338 91 specialists specialist NOUN _005196753 338 92 . . PUNCT _005196753 338 93 . . PUNCT _005196753 339 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 339 2 all all ADV _005196753 339 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 340 1 to to ADP _005196753 340 2 the the DET _005196753 340 3 superiors superior NOUN _005196753 340 4 of of ADP _005196753 340 5 the the DET _005196753 340 6 benedictine benedictine ADJ _005196753 340 7 nuns nun NOUN _005196753 340 8 , , PUNCT _005196753 340 9 october october PROPN _005196753 340 10 28 28 NUM _005196753 340 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 340 12 1966 1966 NUM _005196753 340 13 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 340 14 . . PROPN _005196753 340 15 58 58 NUM _005196753 341 1 [ [ X _005196753 341 2 1966 1966 NUM _005196753 341 3 ] ] X _005196753 341 4 1159 1159 NUM _005196753 341 5 - - SYM _005196753 341 6 1160 1160 NUM _005196753 341 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 341 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 342 1 and and CCONJ _005196753 342 2 the the DET _005196753 342 3 second second ADJ _005196753 342 4 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 342 5 council council PROPN _005196753 342 6 firmly firmly ADV _005196753 342 7 declares declare VERB _005196753 342 8 : : PUNCT _005196753 342 9 “ " PUNCT _005196753 342 10 let let VERB _005196753 342 11 no no DET _005196753 342 12 one one NOUN _005196753 342 13 think think VERB _005196753 342 14 that that SCONJ _005196753 342 15 by by ADP _005196753 342 16 their their PRON _005196753 342 17 consecration consecration NOUN _005196753 342 18 religious religious ADJ _005196753 342 19 have have AUX _005196753 342 20 become become VERB _005196753 342 21 strangers stranger NOUN _005196753 342 22 to to ADP _005196753 342 23 their their PRON _005196753 342 24 fellow fellow ADJ _005196753 342 25 men man NOUN _005196753 342 26 or or CCONJ _005196753 342 27 useless useless ADJ _005196753 342 28 citizens citizen NOUN _005196753 342 29 of of ADP _005196753 342 30 this this DET _005196753 342 31 earthly earthly ADJ _005196753 342 32 city city NOUN _005196753 342 33 . . PUNCT _005196753 343 1 for for ADP _005196753 343 2 even even ADV _005196753 343 3 though though SCONJ _005196753 343 4 in in ADP _005196753 343 5 some some DET _005196753 343 6 instances instance NOUN _005196753 343 7 religious religious ADJ _005196753 343 8 do do AUX _005196753 343 9 not not PART _005196753 343 10 directly directly ADV _005196753 343 11 mingle mingle VERB _005196753 343 12 with with ADP _005196753 343 13 their their PRON _005196753 343 14 contemporaries contemporary NOUN _005196753 343 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 343 16 yet yet ADV _005196753 343 17 in in ADP _005196753 343 18 a a DET _005196753 343 19 more more ADV _005196753 343 20 profound profound ADJ _005196753 343 21 sense sense NOUN _005196753 343 22 these these DET _005196753 343 23 same same ADJ _005196753 343 24 religious religious ADJ _005196753 343 25 are be AUX _005196753 343 26 united unite VERB _005196753 343 27 with with ADP _005196753 343 28 them they PRON _005196753 343 29 in in ADP _005196753 343 30 the the DET _005196753 343 31 heart heart NOUN _005196753 343 32 of of ADP _005196753 343 33 christ christ PROPN _005196753 343 34 and and CCONJ _005196753 343 35 co co NOUN _005196753 343 36 - - VERB _005196753 343 37 operate operate VERB _005196753 343 38 with with ADP _005196753 343 39 them they PRON _005196753 343 40 spiritually spiritually ADV _005196753 343 41 . . PUNCT _005196753 344 1 in in ADP _005196753 344 2 this this DET _005196753 344 3 way way NOUN _005196753 344 4 the the DET _005196753 344 5 work work NOUN _005196753 344 6 of of ADP _005196753 344 7 building build VERB _005196753 344 8 up up ADP _005196753 344 9 the the DET _005196753 344 10 earthly earthly ADJ _005196753 344 11 city city NOUN _005196753 344 12 can can AUX _005196753 344 13 always always ADV _005196753 344 14 have have VERB _005196753 344 15 its its PRON _005196753 344 16 foundation foundation NOUN _005196753 344 17 in in ADP _005196753 344 18 the the DET _005196753 344 19 lord lord PROPN _005196753 344 20 and and CCONJ _005196753 344 21 can can AUX _005196753 344 22 tend tend VERB _005196753 344 23 toward toward ADP _005196753 344 24 him he PRON _005196753 344 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 345 1 otherwise otherwise ADV _005196753 345 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 345 3 those those PRON _005196753 345 4 who who PRON _005196753 345 5 build build VERB _005196753 345 6 the the DET _005196753 345 7 city city NOUN _005196753 345 8 will will AUX _005196753 345 9 perhaps perhaps ADV _005196753 345 10 have have AUX _005196753 345 11 labored labor VERB _005196753 345 12 in in ADP _005196753 345 13 vain vain ADJ _005196753 345 14 ” " PUNCT _005196753 345 15 const const NOUN _005196753 345 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 346 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 346 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 346 3 46 46 NUM _005196753 346 4 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 346 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 347 1 such such ADJ _005196753 347 2 is be AUX _005196753 347 3 the the DET _005196753 347 4 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196753 347 5 content content NOUN _005196753 347 6 of of ADP _005196753 347 7 the the DET _005196753 347 8 contemplative contemplative ADJ _005196753 347 9 ideal ideal NOUN _005196753 347 10 according accord VERB _005196753 347 11 to to ADP _005196753 347 12 s. s. PROPN _005196753 347 13 teresa teresa PROPN _005196753 347 14 of of ADP _005196753 347 15 jesus jesus PROPN _005196753 347 16 : : PUNCT _005196753 347 17 “ " PUNCT _005196753 347 18 persuades persuade VERB _005196753 347 19 the the DET _005196753 347 20 sisters sister NOUN _005196753 347 21 to to PART _005196753 347 22 busy busy VERB _005196753 347 23 themselves themselves PRON _005196753 347 24 constantly constantly ADV _005196753 347 25 in in ADP _005196753 347 26 beseeching beseech VERB _005196753 347 27 god god PROPN _005196753 347 28 to to PART _005196753 347 29 help help VERB _005196753 347 30 those those PRON _005196753 347 31 who who PRON _005196753 347 32 work work VERB _005196753 347 33 for for ADP _005196753 347 34 the the DET _005196753 347 35 church church NOUN _005196753 347 36 ” " PUNCT _005196753 347 37 { { PUNCT _005196753 347 38 way way NOUN _005196753 347 39 of of ADP _005196753 347 40 perfection perfection NOUN _005196753 347 41 , , PUNCT _005196753 347 42 title title NOUN _005196753 347 43 to to ADP _005196753 347 44 chapter chapter NOUN _005196753 347 45 3 3 NUM _005196753 347 46 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 347 47 . . PUNCT _005196753 348 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 348 2 if if SCONJ _005196753 348 3 we we PRON _005196753 348 4 can can AUX _005196753 348 5 prevail prevail VERB _005196753 348 6 with with ADP _005196753 348 7 god god PROPN _005196753 348 8 in in ADP _005196753 348 9 the the DET _005196753 348 10 smallest small ADJ _005196753 348 11 degree degree NOUN _005196753 348 12 about about ADP _005196753 348 13 this this PRON _005196753 348 14 , , PUNCT _005196753 348 15 we we PRON _005196753 348 16 shall shall AUX _005196753 348 17 be be AUX _005196753 348 18 fighting fight VERB _005196753 348 19 his his PRON _005196753 348 20 battle battle NOUN _005196753 348 21 even even ADV _005196753 348 22 while while SCONJ _005196753 348 23 living live VERB _005196753 348 24 a a DET _005196753 348 25 cloistered cloistered ADJ _005196753 348 26 life life NOUN _005196753 348 27 . . PUNCT _005196753 349 1 ... ... PUNCT _005196753 350 1 if if SCONJ _005196753 350 2 your your PRON _005196753 350 3 prayers prayer NOUN _005196753 350 4 and and CCONJ _005196753 350 5 desires desire NOUN _005196753 350 6 and and CCONJ _005196753 350 7 disciplines discipline NOUN _005196753 350 8 and and CCONJ _005196753 350 9 fasts fast NOUN _005196753 350 10 are be AUX _005196753 350 11 not not PART _005196753 350 12 performed perform VERB _005196753 350 13 for for ADP _005196753 350 14 the the DET _005196753 350 15 intentions intention NOUN _005196753 350 16 of of ADP _005196753 350 17 which which PRON _005196753 350 18 i i PRON _005196753 350 19 have have AUX _005196753 350 20 spoken speak VERB _005196753 350 21 , , PUNCT _005196753 350 22 reflect reflect VERB _005196753 350 23 and and CCONJ _005196753 350 24 believe believe VERB _005196753 350 25 that that SCONJ _005196753 350 26 you you PRON _005196753 350 27 are be AUX _005196753 350 28 not not PART _005196753 350 29 carrying carry VERB _005196753 350 30 out out ADP _005196753 350 31 the the DET _005196753 350 32 work work NOUN _005196753 350 33 or or CCONJ _005196753 350 34 fulfilling fulfil VERB _005196753 350 35 the the DET _005196753 350 36 object object NOUN _005196753 350 37 for for ADP _005196753 350 38 which which PRON _005196753 350 39 the the DET _005196753 350 40 lord lord PROPN _005196753 350 41 has have AUX _005196753 350 42 brought bring VERB _005196753 350 43 you you PRON _005196753 350 44 here here ADV _005196753 350 45 ” " PUNCT _005196753 350 46 { { PUNCT _005196753 350 47 ibid ibid NOUN _005196753 350 48 , , PUNCT _005196753 350 49 chapter chapter NOUN _005196753 350 50 3 3 NUM _005196753 350 51 , , PUNCT _005196753 350 52 paras para NOUN _005196753 350 53 . . PROPN _005196753 350 54 5 5 NUM _005196753 350 55 , , PUNCT _005196753 350 56 10 10 NUM _005196753 350 57 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 350 58 . . PUNCT _005196753 351 1 second second ADJ _005196753 351 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 351 3 council council PROPN _005196753 351 4 const const PROPN _005196753 351 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 352 1 lumen lumen PROPN _005196753 352 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 352 3 6 6 NUM _005196753 352 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 352 5 ibid ibid NOUN _005196753 352 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 353 1 cf cf X _005196753 353 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 354 1 second second PROPN _005196753 354 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 354 3 council council PROPN _005196753 354 4 const const PROPN _005196753 354 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 355 1 lumen lumen PROPN _005196753 355 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 355 3 6 6 NUM _005196753 355 4 : : PUNCT _005196753 355 5 “ " PUNCT _005196753 355 6 the the DET _005196753 355 7 church church NOUN _005196753 355 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 355 9 . . PUNCT _005196753 356 1 . . PUNCT _005196753 357 1 whom whom PRON _005196753 357 2 he he PRON _005196753 357 3 units unit VERB _005196753 357 4 to to ADP _005196753 357 5 himself himself PRON _005196753 357 6 by by ADP _005196753 357 7 an an DET _005196753 357 8 unbreakable unbreakable ADJ _005196753 357 9 covenant covenant NOUN _005196753 357 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 358 1 , , PUNCT _005196753 358 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 359 1 once once SCONJ _005196753 359 2 she she PRON _005196753 359 3 had have AUX _005196753 359 4 been be AUX _005196753 359 5 purified purify VERB _005196753 359 6 , , PUNCT _005196753 359 7 he he PRON _005196753 359 8 willed will VERB _005196753 359 9 her she PRON _005196753 359 10 to to PART _005196753 359 11 be be AUX _005196753 359 12 joined join VERB _005196753 359 13 unto unto ADP _005196753 359 14 himself himself PRON _005196753 359 15 and and CCONJ _005196753 359 16 to to PART _005196753 359 17 be be AUX _005196753 359 18 subject subject ADJ _005196753 359 19 to to ADP _005196753 359 20 him he PRON _005196753 359 21 in in ADP _005196753 359 22 love love NOUN _005196753 359 23 and and CCONJ _005196753 359 24 fidelity fidelity NOUN _005196753 359 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 359 26 ” " PUNCT _005196753 360 1 the the DET _005196753 360 2 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005196753 360 3 in in ADP _005196753 360 4 the the DET _005196753 360 5 west west NOUN _005196753 360 6 adapts adapt NOUN _005196753 360 7 and and CCONJ _005196753 360 8 applies apply VERB _005196753 360 9 nuptial nuptial ADJ _005196753 360 10 metaphors metaphor NOUN _005196753 360 11 only only ADV _005196753 360 12 to to ADP _005196753 360 13 holy holy ADJ _005196753 360 14 women woman NOUN _005196753 360 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 360 16 illustrating illustrate VERB _005196753 360 17 their their PRON _005196753 360 18 holiness holiness NOUN _005196753 360 19 as as ADP _005196753 360 20 the the DET _005196753 360 21 splendour splendour NOUN _005196753 360 22 of of ADP _005196753 360 23 the the DET _005196753 360 24 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196753 360 25 betrothals betrothal NOUN _005196753 360 26 plighted plight VERB _005196753 360 27 with with ADP _005196753 360 28 our our PRON _005196753 360 29 lord lord PROPN _005196753 360 30 their their PRON _005196753 360 31 spouse spouse NOUN _005196753 360 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 360 33 conversely conversely ADV _005196753 360 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 360 35 never never ADV _005196753 360 36 for for ADP _005196753 360 37 them they PRON _005196753 360 38 — — PUNCT _005196753 360 39 as as ADP _005196753 360 40 for for ADP _005196753 360 41 men man NOUN _005196753 360 42 — — PUNCT _005196753 360 43 does do AUX _005196753 360 44 it it PRON _005196753 360 45 ever ever ADV _005196753 360 46 employ employ VERB _005196753 360 47 themes theme NOUN _005196753 360 48 relating relate VERB _005196753 360 49 to to ADP _005196753 360 50 the the DET _005196753 360 51 new new ADJ _005196753 360 52 man man NOUN _005196753 360 53 , , PUNCT _005196753 360 54 or or CCONJ _005196753 360 55 to to ADP _005196753 360 56 other other ADJ _005196753 360 57 motifs motif NOUN _005196753 360 58 indicating indicate VERB _005196753 360 59 a a DET _005196753 360 60 relationship relationship NOUN _005196753 360 61 with with ADP _005196753 360 62 christ christ PROPN _005196753 360 63 as as ADP _005196753 360 64 priest priest PROPN _005196753 360 65 , , PUNCT _005196753 360 66 pastor pastor NOUN _005196753 360 67 or or CCONJ _005196753 360 68 prophet prophet NOUN _005196753 360 69 . . PUNCT _005196753 361 1 likewise likewise ADV _005196753 361 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 361 3 from from ADP _005196753 361 4 the the DET _005196753 361 5 4th 4th ADJ _005196753 361 6 century century NOUN _005196753 361 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 361 8 the the DET _005196753 361 9 religious religious ADJ _005196753 361 10 profession profession NOUN _005196753 361 11 of of ADP _005196753 361 12 women woman NOUN _005196753 361 13 entailed entail VERB _005196753 361 14 a a DET _005196753 361 15 special special ADJ _005196753 361 16 ceremony ceremony NOUN _005196753 361 17 distinct distinct ADJ _005196753 361 18 from from ADP _005196753 361 19 that that PRON _005196753 361 20 used use VERB _005196753 361 21 by by ADP _005196753 361 22 monks monk NOUN _005196753 361 23 : : PUNCT _005196753 361 24 this this PRON _005196753 361 25 was be AUX _005196753 361 26 the the DET _005196753 361 27 taking taking NOUN _005196753 361 28 of of ADP _005196753 361 29 the the DET _005196753 361 30 virginal virginal ADJ _005196753 361 31 veil veil NOUN _005196753 361 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 361 33 thought think VERB _005196753 361 34 to to PART _005196753 361 35 have have AUX _005196753 361 36 been be AUX _005196753 361 37 adopted adopt VERB _005196753 361 38 from from ADP _005196753 361 39 the the DET _005196753 361 40 marriage marriage NOUN _005196753 361 41 veiling veiling NOUN _005196753 361 42 of of ADP _005196753 361 43 brides bride NOUN _005196753 361 44 , , PUNCT _005196753 361 45 and and CCONJ _005196753 361 46 which which PRON _005196753 361 47 therefore therefore ADV _005196753 361 48 signified signify VERB _005196753 361 49 a a DET _005196753 361 50 form form NOUN _005196753 361 51 of of ADP _005196753 361 52 marriage marriage NOUN _005196753 361 53 . . PUNCT _005196753 361 54 ^“cf ^“cf SPACE _005196753 361 55 . . PUNCT _005196753 362 1 deut deut NOUN _005196753 362 2 4:24 4:24 NUM _005196753 362 3 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 362 4 2 2 NUM _005196753 362 5 cor cor NOUN _005196753 362 6 11:2 11:2 NUM _005196753 362 7 : : PUNCT _005196753 362 8 “ " PUNCT _005196753 362 9 the the DET _005196753 362 10 jealousy jealousy NOUN _005196753 362 11 that that PRON _005196753 362 12 i i PRON _005196753 362 13 feel feel VERB _005196753 362 14 for for ADP _005196753 362 15 you you PRON _005196753 362 16 is be AUX _005196753 362 17 god god PROPN _005196753 362 18 ’s ’s PART _005196753 362 19 own own ADJ _005196753 362 20 jealousy jealousy NOUN _005196753 362 21 : : PUNCT _005196753 362 22 i i PRON _005196753 362 23 arranged arrange VERB _005196753 362 24 for for SCONJ _005196753 362 25 you you PRON _005196753 362 26 to to PART _005196753 362 27 marry marry VERB _005196753 362 28 christ christ PROPN _005196753 362 29 so so SCONJ _005196753 362 30 that that SCONJ _005196753 362 31 i i PRON _005196753 362 32 might might AUX _005196753 362 33 give give VERB _005196753 362 34 you you PRON _005196753 362 35 away away ADV _005196753 362 36 as as ADP _005196753 362 37 a a DET _005196753 362 38 chaste chaste ADJ _005196753 362 39 virgin virgin NOUN _005196753 362 40 to to ADP _005196753 362 41 this this DET _005196753 362 42 one one NUM _005196753 362 43 husband husband NOUN _005196753 362 44 . . PUNCT _005196753 362 45 ” " PUNCT _005196753 363 1 cf cf ADV _005196753 363 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 364 1 the the DET _005196753 364 2 citations citation NOUN _005196753 364 3 in in ADP _005196753 364 4 note note NOUN _005196753 364 5 3 3 NUM _005196753 364 6 . . NOUN _005196753 364 7 * * PUNCT _005196753 364 8 * * PUNCT _005196753 364 9 cf cf X _005196753 364 10 . . PUNCT _005196753 365 1 augustine augustine PROPN _005196753 365 2 serm serm PROPN _005196753 365 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 366 1 215:4 215:4 NUM _005196753 366 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 366 3 ml ml PROPN _005196753 366 4 38 38 NUM _005196753 366 5 : : SYM _005196753 366 6 1074 1074 NUM _005196753 366 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 366 8 18 18 NUM _005196753 366 9 second second ADJ _005196753 366 10 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 366 11 council council PROPN _005196753 366 12 const const PROPN _005196753 366 13 . . PUNCT _005196753 367 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 367 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 367 3 53 53 NUM _005196753 367 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 368 1 such such ADJ _005196753 368 2 new new ADJ _005196753 368 3 testament testament NOUN _005196753 368 4 pericopes pericope NOUN _005196753 368 5 , , PUNCT _005196753 368 6 like like ADP _005196753 368 7 the the DET _005196753 368 8 gospel gospel NOUN _005196753 368 9 selections selection NOUN _005196753 368 10 for for ADP _005196753 368 11 certain certain ADJ _005196753 368 12 solemnities solemnity NOUN _005196753 368 13 of of ADP _005196753 368 14 our our PRON _005196753 368 15 lady lady NOUN _005196753 368 16 , , PUNCT _005196753 368 17 are be AUX _005196753 368 18 used use VERB _005196753 368 19 from from ADP _005196753 368 20 the the DET _005196753 368 21 6th 6th ADJ _005196753 368 22 century century NOUN _005196753 368 23 , , PUNCT _005196753 368 24 e.g. e.g. ADV _005196753 368 25 , , PUNCT _005196753 368 26 for for ADP _005196753 368 27 the the DET _005196753 368 28 feast feast NOUN _005196753 368 29 of of ADP _005196753 368 30 the the DET _005196753 368 31 dormition dormition NOUN _005196753 368 32 or or CCONJ _005196753 368 33 assumption assumption NOUN _005196753 368 34 , , PUNCT _005196753 368 35 both both PRON _005196753 368 36 in in ADP _005196753 368 37 the the DET _005196753 368 38 east east NOUN _005196753 368 39 and and CCONJ _005196753 368 40 the the DET _005196753 368 41 west west NOUN _005196753 368 42 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 368 43 cf cf NOUN _005196753 368 44 . . PUNCT _005196753 369 1 b. b. PROPN _005196753 369 2 capelle capelle PROPN _005196753 369 3 , , PUNCT _005196753 369 4 la la PROPN _005196753 369 5 fete fete X _005196753 369 6 de de X _005196753 369 7 l’assomption l’assomption PROPN _005196753 369 8 dans dan NOUN _005196753 369 9 vhistoire vhistoire VERB _005196753 369 10 liturgique liturgique NOUN _005196753 369 11 , , PUNCT _005196753 369 12 in in ADP _005196753 369 13 ephemer ephemer PROPN _005196753 369 14 . . PROPN _005196753 369 15 theol theol PROPN _005196753 369 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 370 1 lovan lovan PROPN _005196753 370 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 371 1 3 3 NUM _005196753 372 1 [ [ X _005196753 372 2 1926 1926 NUM _005196753 372 3 ] ] PUNCT _005196753 372 4 33 33 NUM _005196753 372 5 - - SYM _005196753 372 6 45 45 NUM _005196753 372 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 372 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 373 1 cf cf X _005196753 373 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 374 1 acts act VERB _005196753 374 2 6:2 6:2 NUM _005196753 374 3 - - SYM _005196753 374 4 4 4 NUM _005196753 374 5 : : PUNCT _005196753 374 6 “ " PUNCT _005196753 374 7 it it PRON _005196753 374 8 would would AUX _005196753 374 9 not not PART _005196753 374 10 be be AUX _005196753 374 11 right right ADJ _005196753 374 12 for for SCONJ _005196753 374 13 us we PRON _005196753 374 14 to to PART _005196753 374 15 neglect neglect VERB _005196753 374 16 the the DET _005196753 374 17 word word NOUN _005196753 374 18 of of ADP _005196753 374 19 god god PROPN _005196753 374 20 so so SCONJ _005196753 374 21 as as SCONJ _005196753 374 22 to to PART _005196753 374 23 give give VERB _005196753 374 24 out out ADP _005196753 374 25 food food NOUN _005196753 374 26 ... ... PUNCT _005196753 375 1 we we PRON _005196753 375 2 will will AUX _005196753 375 3 continue continue VERB _005196753 375 4 to to PART _005196753 375 5 devote devote VERB _005196753 375 6 ourselves ourselves PRON _005196753 375 7 to to ADP _005196753 375 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005196753 375 9 and and CCONJ _005196753 375 10 to to ADP _005196753 375 11 the the DET _005196753 375 12 service service NOUN _005196753 375 13 of of ADP _005196753 375 14 the the DET _005196753 375 15 word word NOUN _005196753 375 16 . . PUNCT _005196753 375 17 ” " PUNCT _005196753 376 1 cf cf X _005196753 376 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 376 3 message message PROPN _005196753 376 4 de de PROPN _005196753 376 5 moines moines PROPN _005196753 376 6 contemplatifs contemplatif VERB _005196753 376 7 to to ADP _005196753 376 8 the the DET _005196753 376 9 1st 1st ADJ _005196753 376 10 synod synod NOUN _005196753 376 11 of of ADP _005196753 376 12 bishops bishop NOUN _005196753 376 13 in in ADP _005196753 376 14 the the DET _005196753 376 15 osservatore osservatore ADJ _005196753 376 16 romano romano NOUN _005196753 376 17 of of ADP _005196753 376 18 september september PROPN _005196753 376 19 12 12 NUM _005196753 376 20 , , PUNCT _005196753 376 21 1967 1967 NUM _005196753 376 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 377 1 cf cf NOUN _005196753 377 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 378 1 second second PROPN _005196753 378 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 378 3 council council PROPN _005196753 378 4 const const PROPN _005196753 378 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 379 1 gaudium gaudium NOUN _005196753 379 2 et et NOUN _005196753 379 3 spes spe NOUN _005196753 379 4 72 72 NUM _005196753 379 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 380 1 “ " PUNCT _005196753 380 2 a a DET _005196753 380 3 small small ADJ _005196753 380 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 5 ideal ideal ADJ _005196753 380 6 society society NOUN _005196753 380 7 in in ADP _005196753 380 8 which which PRON _005196753 380 9 at at ADP _005196753 380 10 last last ADJ _005196753 380 11 reign reign NOUN _005196753 380 12 love love NOUN _005196753 380 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 14 obedience obedience NOUN _005196753 380 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 16 innocence innocence NOUN _005196753 380 17 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 18 freedom freedom NOUN _005196753 380 19 from from ADP _005196753 380 20 created create VERB _005196753 380 21 things thing NOUN _005196753 380 22 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 23 and and CCONJ _005196753 380 24 the the DET _005196753 380 25 art art NOUN _005196753 380 26 of of ADP _005196753 380 27 turning turn VERB _005196753 380 28 them they PRON _005196753 380 29 to to ADP _005196753 380 30 good good ADJ _005196753 380 31 use use NOUN _005196753 380 32 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 33 in in ADP _005196753 380 34 which which PRON _005196753 380 35 prevail prevail VERB _005196753 380 36 the the DET _005196753 380 37 spirit spirit NOUN _005196753 380 38 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 39 peace peace NOUN _005196753 380 40 , , PUNCT _005196753 380 41 and and CCONJ _005196753 380 42 — — PUNCT _005196753 380 43 in in ADP _005196753 380 44 a a DET _005196753 380 45 word word NOUN _005196753 380 46 — — PUNCT _005196753 380 47 the the DET _005196753 380 48 gospel gospel NOUN _005196753 380 49 ” " PUNCT _005196753 380 50 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 380 51 a.a.s a.a.s PROPN _005196753 380 52 . . PROPN _005196753 380 53 56 56 NUM _005196753 380 54 p964 p964 PROPN _005196753 380 55 ] ] X _005196753 380 56 987 987 NUM _005196753 380 57 ) ) PUNCT _005196753 380 58 . . PUNCT _005196753 381 1 cf cf NOUN _005196753 381 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 382 1 second second PROPN _005196753 382 2 vatican vatican PROPN _005196753 382 3 council council PROPN _005196753 382 4 const const PROPN _005196753 382 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 383 1 lumen luman NOUN _005196753 383 2 gentium gentium VERB _005196753 383 3 46 46 NUM _005196753 383 4 : : PUNCT _005196753 383 5 “ " PUNCT _005196753 383 6 finally finally ADV _005196753 383 7 , , PUNCT _005196753 383 8 everyone everyone PRON _005196753 383 9 should should AUX _005196753 383 10 realize realize VERB _005196753 383 11 that that SCONJ _005196753 383 12 the the DET _005196753 383 13 profession profession NOUN _005196753 383 14 of of ADP _005196753 383 15 the the DET _005196753 383 16 evangelical evangelical ADJ _005196753 383 17 counsels counsel NOUN _005196753 383 18 , , PUNCT _005196753 383 19 through through ADP _005196753 383 20 entailing entail VERB _005196753 383 21 the the DET _005196753 383 22 renunciation renunciation NOUN _005196753 383 23 of of ADP _005196753 383 24 certain certain ADJ _005196753 383 25 values value NOUN _005196753 383 26 which which PRON _005196753 383 27 undoubtedly undoubtedly ADV _005196753 383 28 merit merit VERB _005196753 383 29 high high ADJ _005196753 383 30 esteem esteem NOUN _005196753 383 31 , , PUNCT _005196753 383 32 does do AUX _005196753 383 33 not not PART _005196753 383 34 detract detract VERB _005196753 383 35 from from ADP _005196753 383 36 a a DET _005196753 383 37 genuine genuine ADJ _005196753 383 38 development development NOUN _005196753 383 39 of of ADP _005196753 383 40 the the DET _005196753 383 41 human human ADJ _005196753 383 42 person person NOUN _005196753 383 43 . . PUNCT _005196753 384 1 rather rather ADV _005196753 384 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 384 3 by by ADP _005196753 384 4 its its PRON _005196753 384 5 very very ADJ _005196753 384 6 nature nature NOUN _005196753 384 7 it it PRON _005196753 384 8 is be AUX _005196753 384 9 most most ADV _005196753 384 10 beneficial beneficial ADJ _005196753 384 11 to to ADP _005196753 384 12 that that DET _005196753 384 13 development development NOUN _005196753 384 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 384 15 ” " PUNCT _005196753 385 1 cf cf ADV _005196753 385 2 . . PUNCT _005196753 386 1 also also ADV _005196753 386 2 decree decree VERB _005196753 386 3 perfectae perfectae NOUN _005196753 386 4 caritatis caritatis ADJ _005196753 386 5 12 12 NUM _005196753 386 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 387 1 19 19 NUM _005196753 387 2 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 387 3 r r NOUN _005196753 387 4 ig ig PROPN _005196753 387 5 ijn^ ijn^ PROPN _005196753 387 6 ^•<;$t,,0«^>1 ^•<;$t,,0«^>1 SPACE _005196753 387 7 . . PUNCT _005196753 387 8 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 388 1 .vj»yik.!.»|-.-^ .vj»yik.!.»|-.-^ PUNCT _005196753 389 1 f f X _005196753 389 2 - - PUNCT _005196753 389 3 i i PRON _005196753 389 4 \ \ PROPN _005196753 389 5 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 389 6 mi mi NOUN _005196753 389 7 : : PUNCT _005196753 389 8 -vc -vc PROPN _005196753 389 9 .. .. PUNCT _005196753 389 10 / / PUNCT _005196753 390 1 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 390 2 m- m- INTJ _005196753 390 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 390 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 390 5 .. .. PUNCT _005196753 391 1 it it PRON _005196753 391 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 391 3 a a X _005196753 391 4 > > PROPN _005196753 391 5 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 391 6 wi6 wi6 NOUN _005196753 391 7 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 391 8 ^ ^ SPACE _005196753 391 9 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 391 10 | | NOUN _005196753 391 11 » » PRON _005196753 391 12 vj vj PROPN _005196753 391 13 , , PUNCT _005196753 391 14 > > PROPN _005196753 391 15 7 7 NUM _005196753 391 16 ia ia PROPN _005196753 391 17 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 391 18 > > X _005196753 391 19 -awf -awf PUNCT _005196753 391 20 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 391 21 •ui^ •ui^ ADP _005196753 391 22 ^juij^ ^juij^ SPACE _005196753 391 23 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 391 24 . . PUNCT _005196753 391 25 . . PUNCT _005196753 392 1 i i PROPN _005196753 392 2 - - PUNCT _005196753 392 3 y y PROPN _005196753 392 4 •• •• NOUN _005196753 392 5 - - PUNCT _005196753 392 6 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 392 7 > > PROPN _005196753 392 8 ' ' PART _005196753 392 9 •• •• NOUN _005196753 392 10 -•!‘4 -•!‘4 PROPN _005196753 392 11 « « PUNCT _005196753 392 12 ai"4 ai"4 NOUN _005196753 392 13 cttsitvli cttsitvli NOUN _005196753 392 14 '' '' PUNCT _005196753 392 15 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 392 16 ft ft PROPN _005196753 392 17 . . PROPN _005196753 392 18 vrv^- vrv^- SYM _005196753 392 19 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 392 20 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 392 21 -r -r PUNCT _005196753 392 22 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 392 23 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 392 24 ^ ^ ADJ _005196753 392 25 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 392 26 -f -f NUM _005196753 392 27 > > X _005196753 392 28 mir^ mir^ PROPN _005196753 393 1 * * NOUN _005196753 393 2 .'l^ .'l^ PUNCT _005196753 393 3 vr vr NOUN _005196753 393 4 fmr fmr PROPN _005196753 393 5 t t PROPN _005196753 393 6 '' '' PUNCT _005196753 393 7 u'^ u'^ ADJ _005196753 393 8 '' '' PUNCT _005196753 393 9 • • VERB _005196753 394 1 * * PUNCT _005196753 395 1 > > X _005196753 395 2 \ \ PROPN _005196753 395 3 » » PROPN _005196753 395 4 jljf^'ai jljf^'ai PROPN _005196753 395 5 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 395 6 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 396 1 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 396 2 : : PUNCT _005196753 396 3 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 396 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 397 1 rm rm PROPN _005196753 397 2 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 397 3 “ " PUNCT _005196753 397 4 ^ ^ PART _005196753 397 5 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 397 6 v’^ v’^ VERB _005196753 397 7 rt^ rt^ NOUN _005196753 397 8 -r•v -r•v NOUN _005196753 397 9 < < X _005196753 397 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 397 11 v v X _005196753 397 12 m,|/ m,|/ NUM _005196753 397 13 fht-1 fht-1 SPACE _005196753 397 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 397 15 , , PUNCT _005196753 397 16 ^^.•ww ^^.•ww SPACE _005196753 397 17 . . PUNCT _005196753 397 18 > > X _005196753 397 19 ^'• ^'• PUNCT _005196753 397 20 • • NUM _005196753 397 21 * * X _005196753 397 22 . . PUNCT _005196753 397 23 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 397 24 } } PUNCT _005196753 397 25 ^ ^ X _005196753 398 1 hh hh ADP _005196753 398 2 i i PRON _005196753 398 3 > > X _005196753 398 4 ^ ^ X _005196753 398 5 . . PUNCT _005196753 399 1 .. .. PUNCT _005196753 399 2 -- -- PUNCT _005196753 399 3 . . PUNCT _005196753 399 4 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 400 1 -y -y PUNCT _005196753 400 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 400 3 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 400 4 k>^ k>^ NUM _005196753 400 5 iivt iivt NOUN _005196753 400 6 vt^^/?'y^>5 vt^^/?'y^>5 NOUN _005196753 400 7 % % NOUN _005196753 400 8 ff^^^\ ff^^^\ NOUN _005196753 400 9 • • INTJ _005196753 401 1 * * PUNCT _005196753 401 2 i i PRON _005196753 401 3 icil icil VERB _005196753 401 4 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196753 401 5 '' '' PUNCT _005196753 401 6 ^k ^k ADJ _005196753 401 7 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 401 8 • • VERB _005196753 401 9 “ " PUNCT _005196753 401 10 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196753 401 11 ‘ ' PUNCT _005196753 401 12 “ " PUNCT _005196753 401 13 1 1 NUM _005196753 401 14 . . PUNCT _005196753 401 15 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 401 16 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 402 1 f f X _005196753 402 2 m- m- X _005196753 402 3 ’ ' PUNCT _005196753 402 4 y(i y(i X _005196753 402 5 ; ; PUNCT _005196753 402 6 l't l't VERB _005196753 402 7 • • X _005196753 402 8 ( ( PUNCT _005196753 402 9 ^ ^ NOUN _005196753 402 10 , , PUNCT _005196753 402 11 .4v!*wi^ .4v!*wi^ X _005196753 402 12 " " PUNCT _005196753 402 13 * * PUNCT _005196753 402 14 .v .v X _005196753 402 15 . . PUNCT _005196753 403 1 t t NOUN _005196753 403 2 ^r ^r PUNCT _005196753 403 3 » » NOUN _005196753 403 4 ! ! PUNCT _005196753 403 5 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 403 6 yi«7 yi«7 PROPN _005196753 403 7 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 403 8 . . PUNCT _005196753 404 1 k^r.%;:^ k^r.%;:^ PROPN _005196753 404 2 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 404 3 a a PRON _005196753 404 4 > > X _005196753 404 5 > > X _005196753 404 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 405 1 , , PUNCT _005196753 405 2 , , PUNCT _005196753 405 3 .-6 .-6 PROPN _005196753 405 4 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196753 406 1 -y -y PROPN _005196753 406 2 •• •• PROPN _005196753 406 3 km.;- km.;- PROPN _005196753 406 4 '' '' PUNCT _005196753 407 1 fr fr ADV _005196753 407 2 * * PUNCT _005196753 407 3 : : PUNCT _005196753 407 4 „ „ X _005196753 407 5 - - PUNCT _005196753 407 6 : : PUNCT _005196753 407 7 » » NOUN _005196753 408 1 -v -v X _005196753 408 2 ^ ^ PART _005196753 408 3 a a PRON _005196753 408 4 . . PUNCT _005196753 409 1 4^ 4^ NUM _005196753 409 2 v v NOUN _005196753 409 3 * * PROPN _005196753 409 4 , , PUNCT _005196753 409 5 -w -w INTJ _005196753 409 6 . . PUNCT _005196753 409 7 > > X _005196753 409 8 i«!><^ i«!><^ VERB _005196753 409 9 taik^ taik^ NOUN _005196753 409 10 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 409 11 . . PUNCT _005196753 410 1 i i PRON _005196753 410 2 « « PUNCT _005196753 410 3 ' ' PUNCT _005196753 410 4 •vf •vf X _005196753 410 5 vi'/ji vi'/ji ADV