id sid tid token lemma pos _005196721 1 1 general general ADJ _005196721 1 2 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 1 3 of of ADP _005196721 1 4 the the DET _005196721 1 5 roman roman ADJ _005196721 1 6 curia curia PROPN _005196721 1 7 general general ADJ _005196721 1 8 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 1 9 of of ADP _005196721 1 10 the the DET _005196721 1 11 roman roman ADJ _005196721 1 12 curia curia NOUN _005196721 1 13 --a^ --a^ PUNCT _005196721 1 14 / / SYM _005196721 1 15 • • PROPN _005196721 1 16 c c NOUN _005196721 1 17 : : PUNCT _005196721 1 18 t.1 t.1 PROPN _005196721 1 19 •• •• NOUN _005196721 1 20 f\ f\ PROPN _005196721 2 1 ' ' PUNCT _005196721 2 2 ss ss NOUN _005196721 2 3 ' ' PUNCT _005196721 2 4 i i NOUN _005196721 2 5 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 6 ' ' PUNCT _005196721 2 7 ia ia X _005196721 2 8 srs sr NOUN _005196721 2 9 < < X _005196721 2 10 / / SYM _005196721 2 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 12 4.^ 4.^ X _005196721 2 13 general general ADJ _005196721 2 14 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 2 15 of of ADP _005196721 2 16 the the DET _005196721 2 17 roman roman ADJ _005196721 2 18 curia curia NOUN _005196721 2 19 the the DET _005196721 2 20 general general ADJ _005196721 2 21 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 2 22 was be AUX _005196721 2 23 approved approve VERB _005196721 2 24 by by ADP _005196721 2 25 pope pope PROPN _005196721 2 26 paul paul PROPN _005196721 2 27 vi vi PROPN _005196721 2 28 during during ADP _005196721 2 29 an an DET _005196721 2 30 audience audience NOUN _005196721 2 31 given give VERB _005196721 2 32 to to ADP _005196721 2 33 the the DET _005196721 2 34 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005196721 2 35 secretary secretary NOUN _005196721 2 36 of of ADP _005196721 2 37 state state PROPN _005196721 2 38 on on ADP _005196721 2 39 february february PROPN _005196721 2 40 22 22 NUM _005196721 2 41 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 42 1968 1968 NUM _005196721 2 43 united united PROPN _005196721 2 44 states states PROPN _005196721 2 45 catholic catholic PROPN _005196721 2 46 conference conference PROPN _005196721 2 47 1312 1312 NUM _005196721 2 48 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _005196721 2 49 avenue avenue PROPN _005196721 2 50 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 51 n.w n.w PROPN _005196721 2 52 . . PROPN _005196721 2 53 washington washington PROPN _005196721 2 54 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 55 d. d. PROPN _005196721 2 56 c. c. PROPN _005196721 2 57 20005 20005 NUM _005196721 2 58 general general ADJ _005196721 2 59 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 2 60 of of ADP _005196721 2 61 the the DET _005196721 2 62 roman roman ADJ _005196721 2 63 curia curia NOUN _005196721 2 64 part part NOUN _005196721 2 65 one one NUM _005196721 2 66 : : PUNCT _005196721 2 67 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 2 68 title title NOUN _005196721 2 69 i i PRON _005196721 2 70 — — PUNCT _005196721 2 71 general general ADJ _005196721 2 72 and and CCONJ _005196721 2 73 organic organic ADJ _005196721 2 74 direction direction NOUN _005196721 2 75 chapter chapter NOUN _005196721 2 76 i i NOUN _005196721 2 77 : : PUNCT _005196721 2 78 general general ADJ _005196721 2 79 direction direction NOUN _005196721 2 80 article article NOUN _005196721 2 81 1 1 NUM _005196721 2 82 the the DET _005196721 2 83 roman roman ADJ _005196721 2 84 curia curia NOUN _005196721 2 85 is be AUX _005196721 2 86 composed compose VERB _005196721 2 87 of of ADP _005196721 2 88 the the DET _005196721 2 89 following follow VERB _005196721 2 90 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 2 91 : : PUNCT _005196721 2 92 the the DET _005196721 2 93 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 2 94 of of ADP _005196721 2 95 state state PROPN _005196721 2 96 or or CCONJ _005196721 2 97 papal papal ADJ _005196721 2 98 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 2 99 and and CCONJ _005196721 2 100 the the DET _005196721 2 101 council council NOUN _005196721 2 102 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 2 103 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 2 104 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 2 105 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 2 106 for for ADP _005196721 2 107 public public ADJ _005196721 2 108 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 2 109 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 2 110 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 111 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 2 112 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 2 113 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 114 tribunals tribunal NOUN _005196721 2 115 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 116 offices office NOUN _005196721 2 117 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 118 secretariats secretariat NOUN _005196721 2 119 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 120 the the DET _005196721 2 121 council council NOUN _005196721 2 122 of of ADP _005196721 2 123 the the DET _005196721 2 124 laity laity NOUN _005196721 2 125 and and CCONJ _005196721 2 126 the the DET _005196721 2 127 commission commission NOUN _005196721 2 128 of of ADP _005196721 2 129 study study NOUN _005196721 2 130 on on ADP _005196721 2 131 “ " PUNCT _005196721 2 132 justice justice NOUN _005196721 2 133 and and CCONJ _005196721 2 134 peace peace NOUN _005196721 2 135 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 136 ” " PUNCT _005196721 2 137 according accord VERB _005196721 2 138 to to ADP _005196721 2 139 the the DET _005196721 2 140 norms norm NOUN _005196721 2 141 of of ADP _005196721 2 142 the the DET _005196721 2 143 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 2 144 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 2 145 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 2 146 universae universae NOUN _005196721 2 147 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 148 no no INTJ _005196721 2 149 . . NOUN _005196721 2 150 1 1 NUM _005196721 2 151 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 152 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 2 153 1 1 NUM _005196721 2 154 . . PUNCT _005196721 2 155 article article NOUN _005196721 2 156 2 2 NUM _005196721 2 157 1 1 NUM _005196721 2 158 . . PUNCT _005196721 2 159 to to ADP _005196721 2 160 each each DET _005196721 2 161 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 2 162 there there PRON _005196721 2 163 is be AUX _005196721 2 164 assigned assign VERB _005196721 2 165 one one NUM _005196721 2 166 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 2 167 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 168 who who PRON _005196721 2 169 is be AUX _005196721 2 170 assisted assist VERB _005196721 2 171 by by ADP _005196721 2 172 a a DET _005196721 2 173 superior superior ADJ _005196721 2 174 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 2 175 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 176 who who PRON _005196721 2 177 has have VERB _005196721 2 178 the the DET _005196721 2 179 immediate immediate ADJ _005196721 2 180 direction direction NOUN _005196721 2 181 in in ADP _005196721 2 182 the the DET _005196721 2 183 office office NOUN _005196721 2 184 , , PUNCT _005196721 2 185 and and CCONJ _005196721 2 186 by by ADP _005196721 2 187 major major ADJ _005196721 2 188 and and CCONJ _005196721 2 189 minor minor ADJ _005196721 2 190 officials official NOUN _005196721 2 191 . . PUNCT _005196721 3 1 1 1 NUM _005196721 3 2 2 2 X _005196721 3 3 . . X _005196721 3 4 superior superior ADJ _005196721 3 5 prelates prelate NOUN _005196721 3 6 are be AUX _005196721 3 7 divided divide VERB _005196721 3 8 into into ADP _005196721 3 9 two two NUM _005196721 3 10 classes class NOUN _005196721 3 11 : : PUNCT _005196721 3 12 first first ADJ _005196721 3 13 class class NOUN _005196721 3 14 : : PUNCT _005196721 3 15 the the DET _005196721 3 16 substitute substitute PROPN _005196721 3 17 secretary secretary PROPN _005196721 3 18 of of ADP _005196721 3 19 state state NOUN _005196721 3 20 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 3 21 the the DET _005196721 3 22 secretary secretary NOUN _005196721 3 23 of of ADP _005196721 3 24 the the DET _005196721 3 25 council council NOUN _005196721 3 26 for for ADP _005196721 3 27 public public ADJ _005196721 3 28 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 3 29 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 3 30 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 3 31 the the DET _005196721 3 32 secretaries secretary NOUN _005196721 3 33 of of ADP _005196721 3 34 the the DET _005196721 3 35 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 3 36 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 3 37 , , PUNCT _005196721 3 38 the the DET _005196721 3 39 secretary secretary NOUN _005196721 3 40 of of ADP _005196721 3 41 the the DET _005196721 3 42 supreme supreme ADJ _005196721 3 43 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005196721 3 44 of of ADP _005196721 3 45 the the DET _005196721 3 46 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 3 47 signature signature NOUN _005196721 3 48 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 3 49 the the DET _005196721 3 50 prelate prelate ADJ _005196721 3 51 secretary secretary NOUN _005196721 3 52 of of ADP _005196721 3 53 the the DET _005196721 3 54 prefecture prefecture NOUN _005196721 3 55 of of ADP _005196721 3 56 economic economic ADJ _005196721 3 57 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 3 58 of of ADP _005196721 3 59 the the DET _005196721 3 60 holy holy PROPN _005196721 3 61 see see NOUN _005196721 3 62 , , PUNCT _005196721 3 63 the the DET _005196721 3 64 secretary secretary NOUN _005196721 3 65 of of ADP _005196721 3 66 the the DET _005196721 3 67 administration administration NOUN _005196721 3 68 of of ADP _005196721 3 69 the the DET _005196721 3 70 patrimony patrimony NOUN _005196721 3 71 of of ADP _005196721 3 72 the the DET _005196721 3 73 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 3 74 see see NOUN _005196721 3 75 . . PUNCT _005196721 4 1 second second ADJ _005196721 4 2 class class NOUN _005196721 4 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 4 4 the the DET _005196721 4 5 regent regent NOUN _005196721 4 6 of of ADP _005196721 4 7 the the DET _005196721 4 8 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 4 9 penitentiary penitentiary NOUN _005196721 4 10 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 4 11 the the DET _005196721 4 12 regent regent NOUN _005196721 4 13 of of ADP _005196721 4 14 the the DET _005196721 4 15 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 4 16 chancellery chancellery NOUN _005196721 4 17 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 4 18 the the DET _005196721 4 19 prefect prefect NOUN _005196721 4 20 of of ADP _005196721 4 21 the the DET _005196721 4 22 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 4 23 palace palace NOUN _005196721 4 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 4 25 the the DET _005196721 4 26 secretaries secretary NOUN _005196721 4 27 of of ADP _005196721 4 28 the the DET _005196721 4 29 three three NUM _005196721 4 30 secretariats secretariat NOUN _005196721 4 31 , , PUNCT _005196721 4 32 of of ADP _005196721 4 33 the the DET _005196721 4 34 council council NOUN _005196721 4 35 of of ADP _005196721 4 36 the the DET _005196721 4 37 laity laity NOUN _005196721 4 38 and and CCONJ _005196721 4 39 of of ADP _005196721 4 40 the the DET _005196721 4 41 pontifical pontifical ADJ _005196721 4 42 commission commission NOUN _005196721 4 43 “ " PUNCT _005196721 4 44 justice justice NOUN _005196721 4 45 and and CCONJ _005196721 4 46 peace peace NOUN _005196721 4 47 . . PUNCT _005196721 4 48 ” " PUNCT _005196721 5 1 3 3 X _005196721 5 2 . . PUNCT _005196721 5 3 in in ADP _005196721 5 4 the the DET _005196721 5 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 5 6 roman roman ADJ _005196721 5 7 rota rota NOUN _005196721 5 8 the the DET _005196721 5 9 functions function NOUN _005196721 5 10 of of ADP _005196721 5 11 the the DET _005196721 5 12 superior superior ADJ _005196721 5 13 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 5 14 are be AUX _005196721 5 15 exercised exercise VERB _005196721 5 16 by by ADP _005196721 5 17 the the DET _005196721 5 18 dean dean NOUN _005196721 5 19 , , PUNCT _005196721 5 20 and and CCONJ _005196721 5 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 5 22 when when SCONJ _005196721 5 23 he he PRON _005196721 5 24 is be AUX _005196721 5 25 impeded impede VERB _005196721 5 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 5 27 by by ADP _005196721 5 28 the the DET _005196721 5 29 auditor auditor NOUN _005196721 5 30 who who PRON _005196721 5 31 follows follow VERB _005196721 5 32 immediately immediately ADV _005196721 5 33 in in ADP _005196721 5 34 order order NOUN _005196721 5 35 of of ADP _005196721 5 36 seniority seniority NOUN _005196721 5 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 6 1 extraordinary extraordinary ADJ _005196721 6 2 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 6 3 are be AUX _005196721 6 4 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 6 5 to to ADP _005196721 6 6 the the DET _005196721 6 7 college college NOUN _005196721 6 8 of of ADP _005196721 6 9 auditors auditor NOUN _005196721 6 10 . . PUNCT _005196721 7 1 4 4 X _005196721 7 2 . . X _005196721 7 3 superior superior ADJ _005196721 7 4 prelates prelate NOUN _005196721 7 5 of of ADP _005196721 7 6 the the DET _005196721 7 7 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 7 8 of of ADP _005196721 7 9 the the DET _005196721 7 10 holy holy ADJ _005196721 7 11 see see NOUN _005196721 7 12 of of ADP _005196721 7 13 the the DET _005196721 7 14 same same ADJ _005196721 7 15 class class NOUN _005196721 7 16 are be AUX _005196721 7 17 equal equal ADJ _005196721 7 18 among among ADP _005196721 7 19 themselves themselves PRON _005196721 7 20 in in ADP _005196721 7 21 the the DET _005196721 7 22 dignity dignity NOUN _005196721 7 23 of of ADP _005196721 7 24 office office NOUN _005196721 7 25 and and CCONJ _005196721 7 26 in in ADP _005196721 7 27 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 7 28 . . PUNCT _005196721 8 1 chapter chapter NOUN _005196721 8 2 ii ii PROPN _005196721 8 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 8 4 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 8 5 structure structure NOUN _005196721 8 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 8 7 distinction distinction NOUN _005196721 8 8 article article NOUN _005196721 8 9 3 3 NUM _005196721 8 10 1 1 NUM _005196721 8 11 . . PUNCT _005196721 9 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 9 2 1 1 X _005196721 9 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 9 4 the the DET _005196721 9 5 number number NOUN _005196721 9 6 of of ADP _005196721 9 7 major major ADJ _005196721 9 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 9 9 minor minor ADJ _005196721 9 10 officials official NOUN _005196721 9 11 working work VERB _005196721 9 12 in in ADP _005196721 9 13 each each DET _005196721 9 14 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 9 15 is be AUX _005196721 9 16 established establish VERB _005196721 9 17 by by ADP _005196721 9 18 the the DET _005196721 9 19 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 9 20 lists list NOUN _005196721 9 21 registered register VERB _005196721 9 22 with with ADP _005196721 9 23 the the DET _005196721 9 24 pertinent pertinent ADJ _005196721 9 25 administration administration NOUN _005196721 9 26 . . PUNCT _005196721 10 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 10 2 2 2 X _005196721 10 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 10 4 the the DET _005196721 10 5 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 10 6 lists list NOUN _005196721 10 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 10 8 their their PRON _005196721 10 9 updating updating NOUN _005196721 10 10 and and CCONJ _005196721 10 11 eventual eventual ADJ _005196721 10 12 modifications modification NOUN _005196721 10 13 are be AUX _005196721 10 14 worked work VERB _005196721 10 15 out out ADP _005196721 10 16 by by ADP _005196721 10 17 the the DET _005196721 10 18 individual individual ADJ _005196721 10 19 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 10 20 and and CCONJ _005196721 10 21 presented present VERB _005196721 10 22 to to ADP _005196721 10 23 the the DET _005196721 10 24 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 10 25 of of ADP _005196721 10 26 state state NOUN _005196721 10 27 which which PRON _005196721 10 28 in in ADP _005196721 10 29 turn turn NOUN _005196721 10 30 submits submit VERB _005196721 10 31 them they PRON _005196721 10 32 to to ADP _005196721 10 33 the the DET _005196721 10 34 holy holy ADJ _005196721 10 35 father father PROPN _005196721 10 36 for for ADP _005196721 10 37 approval approval NOUN _005196721 10 38 and and CCONJ _005196721 10 39 then then ADV _005196721 10 40 hands hand VERB _005196721 10 41 them they PRON _005196721 10 42 over over ADP _005196721 10 43 to to ADP _005196721 10 44 the the DET _005196721 10 45 relative relative ADJ _005196721 10 46 administration administration NOUN _005196721 10 47 . . PUNCT _005196721 11 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 11 2 3 3 X _005196721 11 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 11 4 once once ADV _005196721 11 5 approved approve VERB _005196721 11 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 11 7 the the DET _005196721 11 8 lists list NOUN _005196721 11 9 must must AUX _005196721 11 10 be be AUX _005196721 11 11 respected respect VERB _005196721 11 12 by by ADP _005196721 11 13 all all PRON _005196721 11 14 and and CCONJ _005196721 11 15 do do AUX _005196721 11 16 not not PART _005196721 11 17 admit admit VERB _005196721 11 18 unforeseen unforeseen ADJ _005196721 11 19 additions addition NOUN _005196721 11 20 of of ADP _005196721 11 21 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 11 22 without without ADP _005196721 11 23 the the DET _005196721 11 24 express express ADJ _005196721 11 25 and and CCONJ _005196721 11 26 prior prior ADJ _005196721 11 27 pontifical pontifical ADJ _005196721 11 28 approval approval NOUN _005196721 11 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 12 1 2 2 NUM _005196721 12 2 2 2 X _005196721 12 3 . . PUNCT _005196721 12 4 the the DET _005196721 12 5 major major ADJ _005196721 12 6 officials official NOUN _005196721 12 7 are be AUX _005196721 12 8 divided divide VERB _005196721 12 9 into into ADP _005196721 12 10 two two NUM _005196721 12 11 classes class NOUN _005196721 12 12 : : PUNCT _005196721 12 13 first first ADJ _005196721 12 14 class class NOUN _005196721 12 15 : : PUNCT _005196721 12 16 the the DET _005196721 12 17 assessor assessor NOUN _005196721 12 18 of of ADP _005196721 12 19 the the DET _005196721 12 20 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 12 21 of of ADP _005196721 12 22 state state PROPN _005196721 12 23 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 12 24 undersecretaries undersecretary NOUN _005196721 12 25 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 12 26 delegates delegate NOUN _005196721 12 27 of of ADP _005196721 12 28 the the DET _005196721 12 29 two two NUM _005196721 12 30 sections section NOUN _005196721 12 31 of of ADP _005196721 12 32 the the DET _005196721 12 33 administration administration NOUN _005196721 12 34 of of ADP _005196721 12 35 the the DET _005196721 12 36 patrimony patrimony NOUN _005196721 12 37 of of ADP _005196721 12 38 the the DET _005196721 12 39 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 12 40 see see NOUN _005196721 12 41 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 12 42 the the DET _005196721 12 43 auditor auditor NOUN _005196721 12 44 general general PROPN _005196721 12 45 and and CCONJ _005196721 12 46 the the DET _005196721 12 47 promoter promoter NOUN _005196721 12 48 general general NOUN _005196721 12 49 of of ADP _005196721 12 50 the the DET _005196721 12 51 faith faith NOUN _005196721 12 52 of of ADP _005196721 12 53 the the DET _005196721 12 54 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 12 55 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 12 56 of of ADP _005196721 12 57 rites rite NOUN _005196721 12 58 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 12 59 the the DET _005196721 12 60 promoters promoter NOUN _005196721 12 61 of of ADP _005196721 12 62 justice justice NOUN _005196721 12 63 of of ADP _005196721 12 64 the the DET _005196721 12 65 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 12 66 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 12 67 for for ADP _005196721 12 68 the the DET _005196721 12 69 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005196721 12 70 of of ADP _005196721 12 71 the the DET _005196721 12 72 faith faith NOUN _005196721 12 73 and and CCONJ _005196721 12 74 of of ADP _005196721 12 75 the the DET _005196721 12 76 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005196721 12 77 of of ADP _005196721 12 78 the the DET _005196721 12 79 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 12 80 roman roman ADJ _005196721 12 81 rota rota NOUN _005196721 12 82 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 12 83 the the DET _005196721 12 84 defenders defender NOUN _005196721 12 85 of of ADP _005196721 12 86 the the DET _005196721 12 87 bond bond NOUN _005196721 12 88 of of ADP _005196721 12 89 the the DET _005196721 12 90 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005196721 12 91 of of ADP _005196721 12 92 the the DET _005196721 12 93 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 12 94 roman roman ADJ _005196721 12 95 rota rota NOUN _005196721 12 96 and and CCONJ _005196721 12 97 the the DET _005196721 12 98 relator relator NOUN _005196721 12 99 general general ADJ _005196721 12 100 of of ADP _005196721 12 101 the the DET _005196721 12 102 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 12 103 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 12 104 of of ADP _005196721 12 105 rites rite NOUN _005196721 12 106 . . PUNCT _005196721 13 1 second second ADJ _005196721 13 2 class class NOUN _005196721 13 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 13 4 subpromotor subpromotor NOUN _005196721 13 5 general general NOUN _005196721 13 6 of of ADP _005196721 13 7 the the DET _005196721 13 8 faith faith NOUN _005196721 13 9 of of ADP _005196721 13 10 the the DET _005196721 13 11 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 13 12 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 13 13 of of ADP _005196721 13 14 rites rite NOUN _005196721 13 15 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 13 16 the the DET _005196721 13 17 substitute substitute NOUN _005196721 13 18 promotors promotor NOUN _005196721 13 19 of of ADP _005196721 13 20 justice justice NOUN _005196721 13 21 and and CCONJ _005196721 13 22 defenders defender NOUN _005196721 13 23 of of ADP _005196721 13 24 the the DET _005196721 13 25 bond bond NOUN _005196721 13 26 of of ADP _005196721 13 27 the the DET _005196721 13 28 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 13 29 roman roman ADJ _005196721 13 30 rota rota NOUN _005196721 13 31 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 13 32 the the DET _005196721 13 33 regent regent NOUN _005196721 13 34 of of ADP _005196721 13 35 the the DET _005196721 13 36 prefecture prefecture NOUN _005196721 13 37 of of ADP _005196721 13 38 the the DET _005196721 13 39 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 13 40 palace palace NOUN _005196721 13 41 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 13 42 the the DET _005196721 13 43 directors director NOUN _005196721 13 44 and and CCONJ _005196721 13 45 heads head NOUN _005196721 13 46 of of ADP _005196721 13 47 the the DET _005196721 13 48 offices office NOUN _005196721 13 49 into into ADP _005196721 13 50 which which PRON _005196721 13 51 the the DET _005196721 13 52 various various ADJ _005196721 13 53 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 13 54 are be AUX _005196721 13 55 subdivided subdivide VERB _005196721 13 56 , , PUNCT _005196721 13 57 according accord VERB _005196721 13 58 to to ADP _005196721 13 59 their their PRON _005196721 13 60 own own ADJ _005196721 13 61 internal internal ADJ _005196721 13 62 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 13 63 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 13 64 the the DET _005196721 13 65 delegates delegate NOUN _005196721 13 66 of of ADP _005196721 13 67 the the DET _005196721 13 68 secretariat secretariat NOUN _005196721 13 69 for for ADP _005196721 13 70 the the DET _005196721 13 71 union union NOUN _005196721 13 72 of of ADP _005196721 13 73 christians christians PROPN _005196721 13 74 . . PUNCT _005196721 14 1 3 3 X _005196721 14 2 . . X _005196721 14 3 the the DET _005196721 14 4 minor minor ADJ _005196721 14 5 officials official NOUN _005196721 14 6 are be AUX _005196721 14 7 of of ADP _005196721 14 8 three three NUM _005196721 14 9 grades grade NOUN _005196721 14 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 14 11 each each PRON _005196721 14 12 subdivided subdivide VERB _005196721 14 13 into into ADP _005196721 14 14 first first ADJ _005196721 14 15 and and CCONJ _005196721 14 16 second second ADJ _005196721 14 17 classes class NOUN _005196721 14 18 : : PUNCT _005196721 14 19 first first ADJ _005196721 14 20 grade grade NOUN _005196721 14 21 — — PUNCT _005196721 14 22 academic academic ADJ _005196721 14 23 qualification qualification NOUN _005196721 14 24 : : PUNCT _005196721 14 25 degree degree NOUN _005196721 14 26 or or CCONJ _005196721 14 27 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005196721 14 28 university university NOUN _005196721 14 29 title title NOUN _005196721 14 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 14 31 minutanti minutanti PROPN _005196721 14 32 or or CCONJ _005196721 14 33 the the DET _005196721 14 34 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005196721 14 35 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 14 36 aiutanti aiutanti ADJ _005196721 14 37 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 14 38 notaries notary NOUN _005196721 14 39 of of ADP _005196721 14 40 the the DET _005196721 14 41 tribunals tribunal NOUN _005196721 14 42 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 14 43 attaches attache NOUN _005196721 14 44 of of ADP _005196721 14 45 the the DET _005196721 14 46 prefecture prefecture NOUN _005196721 14 47 of of ADP _005196721 14 48 the the DET _005196721 14 49 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 14 50 palace palace NOUN _005196721 14 51 . . PUNCT _005196721 15 1 second second ADJ _005196721 15 2 grade grade NOUN _005196721 15 3 — — PUNCT _005196721 15 4 with with ADP _005196721 15 5 degree degree NOUN _005196721 15 6 or or CCONJ _005196721 15 7 specialized specialized ADJ _005196721 15 8 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 15 9 : : PUNCT _005196721 15 10 attaches attache NOUN _005196721 15 11 or or CCONJ _005196721 15 12 the the DET _005196721 15 13 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005196721 15 14 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 15 15 archivists archivist NOUN _005196721 15 16 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 15 17 administrative administrative ADJ _005196721 15 18 attaches attache NOUN _005196721 15 19 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 15 20 technicians technician NOUN _005196721 15 21 of of ADP _005196721 15 22 the the DET _005196721 15 23 central central ADJ _005196721 15 24 office office NOUN _005196721 15 25 of of ADP _005196721 15 26 statistics statistic NOUN _005196721 15 27 . . PUNCT _005196721 16 1 third third ADJ _005196721 16 2 grade grade NOUN _005196721 16 3 — — PUNCT _005196721 16 4 with with ADP _005196721 16 5 diploma diploma PROPN _005196721 16 6 : : PUNCT _005196721 16 7 scribes scribe NOUN _005196721 16 8 or or CCONJ _005196721 16 9 the the DET _005196721 16 10 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005196721 16 11 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 16 12 protocollists protocollist NOUN _005196721 16 13 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 16 14 mail mail NOUN _005196721 16 15 clerks clerk NOUN _005196721 16 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 16 17 distributors distributor NOUN _005196721 16 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 17 1 4 4 X _005196721 17 2 . . X _005196721 17 3 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 17 4 1 1 X _005196721 17 5 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 17 6 the the DET _005196721 17 7 prefecture prefecture NOUN _005196721 17 8 of of ADP _005196721 17 9 economic economic ADJ _005196721 17 10 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 17 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 17 12 the the DET _005196721 17 13 two two NUM _005196721 17 14 sections section NOUN _005196721 17 15 of of ADP _005196721 17 16 the the DET _005196721 17 17 administration administration NOUN _005196721 17 18 of of ADP _005196721 17 19 the the DET _005196721 17 20 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 17 21 see see NOUN _005196721 17 22 , , PUNCT _005196721 17 23 other other ADJ _005196721 17 24 autonomous autonomous ADJ _005196721 17 25 administrations administration NOUN _005196721 17 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 17 27 the the DET _005196721 17 28 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 17 29 roman roman ADJ _005196721 17 30 rota rota NOUN _005196721 17 31 , , PUNCT _005196721 17 32 the the DET _005196721 17 33 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 17 34 library library NOUN _005196721 17 35 and and CCONJ _005196721 17 36 the the DET _005196721 17 37 secret secret ADJ _005196721 17 38 vatican vatican ADJ _005196721 17 39 archives archive NOUN _005196721 17 40 have have VERB _005196721 17 41 their their PRON _005196721 17 42 own own ADJ _005196721 17 43 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 17 44 structure structure NOUN _005196721 17 45 , , PUNCT _005196721 17 46 which which PRON _005196721 17 47 however however ADV _005196721 17 48 must must AUX _005196721 17 49 not not PART _005196721 17 50 differ differ VERB _005196721 17 51 substantially substantially ADV _005196721 17 52 from from ADP _005196721 17 53 the the DET _005196721 17 54 others other NOUN _005196721 17 55 . . PUNCT _005196721 18 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 18 2 2 2 X _005196721 18 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 18 4 the the DET _005196721 18 5 promoter promoter NOUN _005196721 18 6 general general NOUN _005196721 18 7 of of ADP _005196721 18 8 justice justice NOUN _005196721 18 9 and and CCONJ _005196721 18 10 the the DET _005196721 18 11 defender defender NOUN _005196721 18 12 of of ADP _005196721 18 13 the the DET _005196721 18 14 bond bond NOUN _005196721 18 15 of of ADP _005196721 18 16 the the DET _005196721 18 17 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 18 18 signature signature NOUN _005196721 18 19 are be AUX _005196721 18 20 considered consider VERB _005196721 18 21 equal equal ADJ _005196721 18 22 to to ADP _005196721 18 23 3 3 NUM _005196721 18 24 the the DET _005196721 18 25 auditors auditor NOUN _005196721 18 26 of of ADP _005196721 18 27 the the DET _005196721 18 28 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 18 29 roman roman ADJ _005196721 18 30 rota rota NOUN _005196721 18 31 in in ADP _005196721 18 32 dignity dignity NOUN _005196721 18 33 of of ADP _005196721 18 34 office office NOUN _005196721 18 35 and and CCONJ _005196721 18 36 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 18 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 19 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 19 2 3 3 X _005196721 19 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 19 4 the the DET _005196721 19 5 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 19 6 of of ADP _005196721 19 7 state state PROPN _005196721 19 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 19 9 the the DET _005196721 19 10 council council NOUN _005196721 19 11 for for ADP _005196721 19 12 public public ADJ _005196721 19 13 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 19 14 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 19 15 also also ADV _005196721 19 16 have have VERB _005196721 19 17 their their PRON _005196721 19 18 own own ADJ _005196721 19 19 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 19 20 structure structure NOUN _005196721 19 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 19 22 substantially substantially ADV _005196721 19 23 not not PART _005196721 19 24 differing differ VERB _005196721 19 25 from from ADP _005196721 19 26 the the DET _005196721 19 27 others other NOUN _005196721 19 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 19 29 both both PRON _005196721 19 30 for for ADP _005196721 19 31 those those PRON _005196721 19 32 in in ADP _005196721 19 33 the the DET _005196721 19 34 diplomatic diplomatic ADJ _005196721 19 35 service service NOUN _005196721 19 36 and and CCONJ _005196721 19 37 for for ADP _005196721 19 38 those those PRON _005196721 19 39 in in ADP _005196721 19 40 the the DET _005196721 19 41 administrative administrative ADJ _005196721 19 42 duty duty NOUN _005196721 19 43 . . PUNCT _005196721 20 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 20 2 4 4 X _005196721 20 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 20 4 persons person NOUN _005196721 20 5 in in ADP _005196721 20 6 the the DET _005196721 20 7 diplomatic diplomatic ADJ _005196721 20 8 service service NOUN _005196721 20 9 depend depend VERB _005196721 20 10 on on ADP _005196721 20 11 the the DET _005196721 20 12 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 20 13 of of ADP _005196721 20 14 state state NOUN _005196721 20 15 for for ADP _005196721 20 16 their their PRON _005196721 20 17 appointments appointment NOUN _005196721 20 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 20 19 promotions promotion NOUN _005196721 20 20 , , PUNCT _005196721 20 21 discipline discipline NOUN _005196721 20 22 , , PUNCT _005196721 20 23 leaves leave NOUN _005196721 20 24 of of ADP _005196721 20 25 absence absence NOUN _005196721 20 26 whether whether SCONJ _005196721 20 27 foreign foreign ADJ _005196721 20 28 or or CCONJ _005196721 20 29 detached detach VERB _005196721 20 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 20 31 and and CCONJ _005196721 20 32 transfers transfer NOUN _005196721 20 33 . . PUNCT _005196721 21 1 the the DET _005196721 21 2 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 21 3 acts act VERB _005196721 21 4 in in ADP _005196721 21 5 accord accord NOUN _005196721 21 6 with with ADP _005196721 21 7 the the DET _005196721 21 8 council council NOUN _005196721 21 9 for for ADP _005196721 21 10 public public ADJ _005196721 21 11 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 21 12 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 21 13 regarding regard VERB _005196721 21 14 the the DET _005196721 21 15 preparatory preparatory ADJ _005196721 21 16 documents document NOUN _005196721 21 17 of of ADP _005196721 21 18 nomination nomination NOUN _005196721 21 19 , , PUNCT _005196721 21 20 transfers transfer NOUN _005196721 21 21 and and CCONJ _005196721 21 22 leaves leave NOUN _005196721 21 23 of of ADP _005196721 21 24 absence absence NOUN _005196721 21 25 of of ADP _005196721 21 26 heads head NOUN _005196721 21 27 of of ADP _005196721 21 28 mission mission NOUN _005196721 21 29 , , PUNCT _005196721 21 30 as as ADV _005196721 21 31 well well ADV _005196721 21 32 as as ADP _005196721 21 33 for for ADP _005196721 21 34 the the DET _005196721 21 35 appointment appointment NOUN _005196721 21 36 and and CCONJ _005196721 21 37 transfer transfer NOUN _005196721 21 38 of of ADP _005196721 21 39 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 21 40 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 21 41 . . PUNCT _005196721 22 1 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 22 2 5 5 X _005196721 22 3 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 22 4 equal equal ADJ _005196721 22 5 classes class NOUN _005196721 22 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 22 7 grades grade NOUN _005196721 22 8 receive receive VERB _005196721 22 9 equal equal ADJ _005196721 22 10 basic basic ADJ _005196721 22 11 salaries salary NOUN _005196721 22 12 . . PUNCT _005196721 23 1 article article NOUN _005196721 23 2 4 4 NUM _005196721 23 3 the the DET _005196721 23 4 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 23 5 in in ADP _005196721 23 6 charge charge NOUN _005196721 23 7 is be AUX _005196721 23 8 permitted permit VERB _005196721 23 9 , , PUNCT _005196721 23 10 in in ADP _005196721 23 11 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 23 12 with with ADP _005196721 23 13 the the DET _005196721 23 14 competent competent ADJ _005196721 23 15 administration administration NOUN _005196721 23 16 to to PART _005196721 23 17 take take VERB _005196721 23 18 on on ADP _005196721 23 19 extra extra ADJ _005196721 23 20 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 23 21 for for ADP _005196721 23 22 extraordinary extraordinary ADJ _005196721 23 23 work work NOUN _005196721 23 24 with with ADP _005196721 23 25 a a DET _005196721 23 26 contract contract NOUN _005196721 23 27 of of ADP _005196721 23 28 the the DET _005196721 23 29 maximum maximum ADJ _005196721 23 30 duration duration NOUN _005196721 23 31 of of ADP _005196721 23 32 one one NUM _005196721 23 33 year year NOUN _005196721 23 34 . . PUNCT _005196721 24 1 article article NOUN _005196721 24 2 5 5 NUM _005196721 24 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 24 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 24 5 to to ADP _005196721 24 6 each each DET _005196721 24 7 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 24 8 are be AUX _005196721 24 9 also also ADV _005196721 24 10 attached attach VERB _005196721 24 11 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 24 12 lay lay NOUN _005196721 24 13 helpers helper NOUN _005196721 24 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 24 15 according accord VERB _005196721 24 16 to to ADP _005196721 24 17 article article NOUN _005196721 24 18 34 34 NUM _005196721 24 19 of of ADP _005196721 24 20 the the DET _005196721 24 21 present present ADJ _005196721 24 22 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 24 23 , , PUNCT _005196721 24 24 for for ADP _005196721 24 25 janitorial janitorial ADJ _005196721 24 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 24 27 custodial custodial ADJ _005196721 24 28 and and CCONJ _005196721 24 29 general general ADJ _005196721 24 30 manual manual ADJ _005196721 24 31 work work NOUN _005196721 24 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 24 33 in in ADP _005196721 24 34 the the DET _005196721 24 35 number number NOUN _005196721 24 36 indicated indicate VERB _005196721 24 37 in in ADP _005196721 24 38 the the DET _005196721 24 39 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 24 40 list list NOUN _005196721 24 41 registered register VERB _005196721 24 42 with with ADP _005196721 24 43 the the DET _005196721 24 44 pertinent pertinent ADJ _005196721 24 45 administration administration NOUN _005196721 24 46 . . PUNCT _005196721 25 1 2 2 X _005196721 25 2 . . X _005196721 25 3 the the DET _005196721 25 4 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 25 5 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 25 6 are be AUX _005196721 25 7 divided divide VERB _005196721 25 8 into into ADP _005196721 25 9 three three NUM _005196721 25 10 grades grade NOUN _005196721 25 11 : : PUNCT _005196721 25 12 first first PROPN _005196721 25 13 grade grade NOUN _005196721 25 14 : : PUNCT _005196721 25 15 clerk clerk NOUN _005196721 25 16 . . PUNCT _005196721 26 1 second second ADJ _005196721 26 2 grade grade NOUN _005196721 26 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 26 4 filing filing NOUN _005196721 26 5 clerk clerk NOUN _005196721 26 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 26 7 usher usher ADJ _005196721 26 8 or or CCONJ _005196721 26 9 orderly orderly ADJ _005196721 26 10 . . PUNCT _005196721 27 1 third third ADJ _005196721 27 2 grade grade NOUN _005196721 27 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 27 4 assistants assistant NOUN _005196721 27 5 . . PUNCT _005196721 28 1 3 3 X _005196721 28 2 . . X _005196721 28 3 each each DET _005196721 28 4 individual individual ADJ _005196721 28 5 grade grade NOUN _005196721 28 6 has have VERB _005196721 28 7 its its PRON _005196721 28 8 own own ADJ _005196721 28 9 functions function NOUN _005196721 28 10 and and CCONJ _005196721 28 11 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 28 12 . . PUNCT _005196721 29 1 4 4 NUM _005196721 29 2 title title NOUN _005196721 29 3 ii ii PROPN _005196721 29 4 hiring hiring NOUN _005196721 29 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 29 6 appointment appointment NOUN _005196721 29 7 of of ADP _005196721 29 8 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 29 9 article article NOUN _005196721 29 10 6 6 NUM _005196721 29 11 1 1 NUM _005196721 29 12 . . NUM _005196721 29 13 papal papal ADJ _005196721 29 14 representatives representative NOUN _005196721 29 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 29 16 superior superior ADJ _005196721 29 17 prelates prelate NOUN _005196721 29 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 29 19 auditors auditor NOUN _005196721 29 20 of of ADP _005196721 29 21 the the DET _005196721 29 22 rota rota NOUN _005196721 29 23 and and CCONJ _005196721 29 24 major major ADJ _005196721 29 25 officials official NOUN _005196721 29 26 are be AUX _005196721 29 27 appointed appoint VERB _005196721 29 28 by by ADP _005196721 29 29 the the DET _005196721 29 30 supreme supreme PROPN _005196721 29 31 pontiff pontiff PROPN _005196721 29 32 . . PUNCT _005196721 30 1 2 2 X _005196721 30 2 . . X _005196721 30 3 the the DET _005196721 30 4 acts act NOUN _005196721 30 5 relative relative ADJ _005196721 30 6 to to ADP _005196721 30 7 all all DET _005196721 30 8 pontifical pontifical ADJ _005196721 30 9 appointments appointment NOUN _005196721 30 10 are be AUX _005196721 30 11 drawn draw VERB _005196721 30 12 up up ADP _005196721 30 13 by by ADP _005196721 30 14 the the DET _005196721 30 15 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 30 16 of of ADP _005196721 30 17 state state PROPN _005196721 30 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 31 1 , , PUNCT _005196721 31 2 article article NOUN _005196721 31 3 7 7 NUM _005196721 31 4 1 1 NUM _005196721 31 5 . . PUNCT _005196721 32 1 minor minor ADJ _005196721 32 2 officials official NOUN _005196721 32 3 are be AUX _005196721 32 4 hired hire VERB _005196721 32 5 by by ADP _005196721 32 6 the the DET _005196721 32 7 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 32 8 in in ADP _005196721 32 9 charge charge NOUN _005196721 32 10 within within ADP _005196721 32 11 the the DET _005196721 32 12 limits limit NOUN _005196721 32 13 of of ADP _005196721 32 14 the the DET _005196721 32 15 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 32 16 list list NOUN _005196721 32 17 of of ADP _005196721 32 18 the the DET _005196721 32 19 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 32 20 after after ADP _005196721 32 21 having having AUX _005196721 32 22 heard hear VERB _005196721 32 23 the the DET _005196721 32 24 opinion opinion NOUN _005196721 32 25 of of ADP _005196721 32 26 the the DET _005196721 32 27 superior superior ADJ _005196721 32 28 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 32 29 and and CCONJ _005196721 32 30 obtained obtain VERB _005196721 32 31 the the DET _005196721 32 32 approval approval NOUN _005196721 32 33 of of ADP _005196721 32 34 the the DET _005196721 32 35 supreme supreme PROPN _005196721 32 36 pontiff pontiff PROPN _005196721 32 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 33 1 2 2 X _005196721 33 2 . . X _005196721 33 3 both both CCONJ _005196721 33 4 major major ADJ _005196721 33 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 33 6 minor minor ADJ _005196721 33 7 officials official NOUN _005196721 33 8 are be AUX _005196721 33 9 chosen choose VERB _005196721 33 10 from from ADP _005196721 33 11 various various ADJ _005196721 33 12 nations nation NOUN _005196721 33 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 33 14 according accord VERB _005196721 33 15 to to ADP _005196721 33 16 the the DET _005196721 33 17 norm norm NOUN _005196721 33 18 of of ADP _005196721 33 19 the the DET _005196721 33 20 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 33 21 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 33 22 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 33 23 universae universae NOUN _005196721 33 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 33 25 no no INTJ _005196721 33 26 . . NOUN _005196721 33 27 3 3 NUM _005196721 33 28 . . NUM _005196721 33 29 3 3 NUM _005196721 33 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 33 31 given give VERB _005196721 33 32 equality equality NOUN _005196721 33 33 of of ADP _005196721 33 34 merit merit NOUN _005196721 33 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 33 36 candidates candidate NOUN _005196721 33 37 proposed propose VERB _005196721 33 38 by by ADP _005196721 33 39 episcopal episcopal ADJ _005196721 33 40 conferences conference NOUN _005196721 33 41 will will AUX _005196721 33 42 be be AUX _005196721 33 43 given give VERB _005196721 33 44 particular particular ADJ _005196721 33 45 consideration consideration NOUN _005196721 33 46 as as ADV _005196721 33 47 well well ADV _005196721 33 48 as as ADP _005196721 33 49 those those PRON _005196721 33 50 who who PRON _005196721 33 51 , , PUNCT _005196721 33 52 if if SCONJ _005196721 33 53 priests priest NOUN _005196721 33 54 , , PUNCT _005196721 33 55 have have AUX _005196721 33 56 had have VERB _005196721 33 57 some some DET _005196721 33 58 pastoral pastoral ADJ _005196721 33 59 experience experience NOUN _005196721 33 60 , , PUNCT _005196721 33 61 as as ADV _005196721 33 62 long long ADV _005196721 33 63 as as SCONJ _005196721 33 64 they they PRON _005196721 33 65 have have VERB _005196721 33 66 the the DET _005196721 33 67 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 33 68 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 33 69 and and CCONJ _005196721 33 70 specific specific ADJ _005196721 33 71 preparation preparation NOUN _005196721 33 72 . . PUNCT _005196721 34 1 4 4 X _005196721 34 2 . . X _005196721 34 3 the the DET _005196721 34 4 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 34 5 in in ADP _005196721 34 6 charge charge NOUN _005196721 34 7 can can AUX _005196721 34 8 arrange arrange VERB _005196721 34 9 for for ADP _005196721 34 10 competitive competitive ADJ _005196721 34 11 examinations examination NOUN _005196721 34 12 for for ADP _005196721 34 13 the the DET _005196721 34 14 three three NUM _005196721 34 15 grades grade NOUN _005196721 34 16 of of ADP _005196721 34 17 minor minor ADJ _005196721 34 18 officials official NOUN _005196721 34 19 . . PUNCT _005196721 35 1 article article NOUN _005196721 35 2 8 8 NUM _005196721 35 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 35 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 36 1 the the DET _005196721 36 2 following follow VERB _005196721 36 3 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 36 4 are be AUX _005196721 36 5 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 36 6 for for ADP _005196721 36 7 the the DET _005196721 36 8 hiring hiring NOUN _005196721 36 9 of of ADP _005196721 36 10 minor minor ADJ _005196721 36 11 officials official NOUN _005196721 36 12 : : PUNCT _005196721 36 13 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 14 1 1 X _005196721 36 15 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 16 age age NOUN _005196721 36 17 not not PART _005196721 36 18 less less ADJ _005196721 36 19 than than ADP _005196721 36 20 24 24 NUM _005196721 36 21 years year NOUN _005196721 36 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 36 23 not not PART _005196721 36 24 more more ADJ _005196721 36 25 than than ADP _005196721 36 26 35 35 NUM _005196721 36 27 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 28 indefinite indefinite ADJ _005196721 36 29 leave leave VERB _005196721 36 30 for for ADP _005196721 36 31 those those PRON _005196721 36 32 subject subject ADJ _005196721 36 33 to to ADP _005196721 36 34 military military ADJ _005196721 36 35 service service NOUN _005196721 36 36 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 37 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 38 2 2 X _005196721 36 39 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 40 sound sound NOUN _005196721 36 41 physical physical ADJ _005196721 36 42 condition condition NOUN _005196721 36 43 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 44 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 45 3 3 X _005196721 36 46 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 47 honest honest ADJ _005196721 36 48 and and CCONJ _005196721 36 49 religious religious ADJ _005196721 36 50 family family NOUN _005196721 36 51 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 52 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 53 4 4 X _005196721 36 54 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 55 full full ADJ _005196721 36 56 juridical juridical ADJ _005196721 36 57 capacity capacity NOUN _005196721 36 58 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 59 5 5 NUM _005196721 36 60 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 61 5 5 NUM _005196721 36 62 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 63 no no DET _005196721 36 64 police police NOUN _005196721 36 65 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 66 criminal criminal ADJ _005196721 36 67 record record NOUN _005196721 36 68 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 69 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 70 6 6 NUM _005196721 36 71 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 72 good good ADJ _005196721 36 73 religious religious ADJ _005196721 36 74 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 75 moral moral ADJ _005196721 36 76 and and CCONJ _005196721 36 77 civil civil ADJ _005196721 36 78 conduct conduct NOUN _005196721 36 79 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 80 attested attest VERB _005196721 36 81 to to ADP _005196721 36 82 by by ADP _005196721 36 83 the the DET _005196721 36 84 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 36 85 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 86 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 87 if if SCONJ _005196721 36 88 layman layman NOUN _005196721 36 89 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 90 by by ADP _005196721 36 91 the the DET _005196721 36 92 respective respective ADJ _005196721 36 93 pastor pastor NOUN _005196721 36 94 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 95 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 96 7 7 X _005196721 36 97 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 98 nulla nulla NOUN _005196721 36 99 osta osta NOUN _005196721 36 100 from from ADP _005196721 36 101 the the DET _005196721 36 102 respective respective ADJ _005196721 36 103 ordinary ordinary NOUN _005196721 36 104 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 105 the the DET _005196721 36 106 vicariate vicariate NOUN _005196721 36 107 of of ADP _005196721 36 108 rome rome PROPN _005196721 36 109 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 110 the the DET _005196721 36 111 relative relative ADJ _005196721 36 112 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 36 113 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 114 if if SCONJ _005196721 36 115 priests priest NOUN _005196721 36 116 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 117 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 118 8) 8) NOUN _005196721 36 119 fitness fitness NOUN _005196721 36 120 determined determine VERB _005196721 36 121 by by ADP _005196721 36 122 competitive competitive ADJ _005196721 36 123 examination examination NOUN _005196721 36 124 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 125 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 126 9 9 NUM _005196721 36 127 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 128 adequate adequate ADJ _005196721 36 129 academic academic ADJ _005196721 36 130 qualifications qualification NOUN _005196721 36 131 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 132 namely namely ADV _005196721 36 133 : : PUNCT _005196721 36 134 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 135 a a X _005196721 36 136 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 137 for for ADP _005196721 36 138 minutanti minutanti PROPN _005196721 36 139 and and CCONJ _005196721 36 140 the the DET _005196721 36 141 equivalent equivalent NOUN _005196721 36 142 : : PUNCT _005196721 36 143 a a DET _005196721 36 144 doctorate doctorate NOUN _005196721 36 145 in in ADP _005196721 36 146 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 36 147 theology theology NOUN _005196721 36 148 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 149 in in ADP _005196721 36 150 canon canon NOUN _005196721 36 151 law law NOUN _005196721 36 152 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 153 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 154 an an DET _005196721 36 155 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005196721 36 156 university university NOUN _005196721 36 157 degree degree NOUN _005196721 36 158 according accord VERB _005196721 36 159 to to ADP _005196721 36 160 the the DET _005196721 36 161 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 36 162 of of ADP _005196721 36 163 the the DET _005196721 36 164 different different ADJ _005196721 36 165 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 36 166 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 167 they they PRON _005196721 36 168 must must AUX _005196721 36 169 also also ADV _005196721 36 170 have have VERB _005196721 36 171 a a DET _005196721 36 172 good good ADJ _005196721 36 173 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005196721 36 174 of of ADP _005196721 36 175 latin latin PROPN _005196721 36 176 and and CCONJ _005196721 36 177 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 178 besides besides SCONJ _005196721 36 179 italian italian ADJ _005196721 36 180 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 181 at at ADP _005196721 36 182 least least ADV _005196721 36 183 one one NUM _005196721 36 184 modern modern ADJ _005196721 36 185 language language NOUN _005196721 36 186 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 187 according accord VERB _005196721 36 188 to to ADP _005196721 36 189 the the DET _005196721 36 190 norm norm NOUN _005196721 36 191 of of ADP _005196721 36 192 the the DET _005196721 36 193 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 36 194 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 36 195 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 36 196 universae universae NOUN _005196721 36 197 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 198 no no INTJ _005196721 36 199 . . NOUN _005196721 36 200 10 10 NUM _005196721 36 201 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 202 possess possess VERB _005196721 36 203 any any DET _005196721 36 204 other other ADJ _005196721 36 205 qualification qualification NOUN _005196721 36 206 required require VERB _005196721 36 207 by by ADP _005196721 36 208 the the DET _005196721 36 209 individual individual ADJ _005196721 36 210 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 36 211 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 212 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 213 b b X _005196721 36 214 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 215 for for ADP _005196721 36 216 attaches attache NOUN _005196721 36 217 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 218 the the DET _005196721 36 219 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005196721 36 220 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 221 a a DET _005196721 36 222 specialized specialized ADJ _005196721 36 223 doctoral doctoral ADJ _005196721 36 224 degree degree NOUN _005196721 36 225 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 226 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 36 227 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 228 for for ADP _005196721 36 229 archivists archivist NOUN _005196721 36 230 a a DET _005196721 36 231 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 36 232 in in ADP _005196721 36 233 archives archive NOUN _005196721 36 234 and and CCONJ _005196721 36 235 diplomacy diplomacy NOUN _005196721 36 236 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 237 preferably preferably ADV _005196721 36 238 conferred confer VERB _005196721 36 239 by by ADP _005196721 36 240 the the DET _005196721 36 241 vatican vatican PROPN _005196721 36 242 archives archive NOUN _005196721 36 243 school school NOUN _005196721 36 244 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 245 for for ADP _005196721 36 246 administrative administrative ADJ _005196721 36 247 attaches attache NOUN _005196721 36 248 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 249 an an DET _005196721 36 250 accountant accountant NOUN _005196721 36 251 ’s ’s PART _005196721 36 252 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 36 253 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 254 for for ADP _005196721 36 255 technicians technician NOUN _005196721 36 256 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 257 the the DET _005196721 36 258 pertinent pertinent ADJ _005196721 36 259 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 36 260 granted grant VERB _005196721 36 261 by by ADP _005196721 36 262 the the DET _005196721 36 263 relative relative PROPN _005196721 36 264 institute institute PROPN _005196721 36 265 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 36 266 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 36 267 c c NOUN _005196721 36 268 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 36 269 for for ADP _005196721 36 270 scribes scribe NOUN _005196721 36 271 , , PUNCT _005196721 36 272 a a DET _005196721 36 273 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 36 274 in in ADP _005196721 36 275 typing typing NOUN _005196721 36 276 or or CCONJ _005196721 36 277 stenography stenography NOUN _005196721 36 278 . . PUNCT _005196721 37 1 2 2 X _005196721 37 2 . . X _005196721 37 3 for for ADP _005196721 37 4 the the DET _005196721 37 5 hiring hiring NOUN _005196721 37 6 of of ADP _005196721 37 7 members member NOUN _005196721 37 8 of of ADP _005196721 37 9 religious religious ADJ _005196721 37 10 or or CCONJ _005196721 37 11 secular secular ADJ _005196721 37 12 institutes institute NOUN _005196721 37 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 37 14 there there PRON _005196721 37 15 are be VERB _005196721 37 16 special special ADJ _005196721 37 17 norms norm NOUN _005196721 37 18 which which PRON _005196721 37 19 are be AUX _005196721 37 20 the the DET _005196721 37 21 same same ADJ _005196721 37 22 for for ADP _005196721 37 23 all all DET _005196721 37 24 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 37 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 38 1 article article NOUN _005196721 38 2 9 9 NUM _005196721 38 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 38 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 39 1 it it PRON _005196721 39 2 is be AUX _005196721 39 3 forbidden forbid VERB _005196721 39 4 for for ADP _005196721 39 5 the the DET _005196721 39 6 same same ADJ _005196721 39 7 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 39 8 to to PART _005196721 39 9 employ employ VERB _005196721 39 10 persons person NOUN _005196721 39 11 related relate VERB _005196721 39 12 in in ADP _005196721 39 13 the the DET _005196721 39 14 first first ADJ _005196721 39 15 or or CCONJ _005196721 39 16 second second ADJ _005196721 39 17 degree degree NOUN _005196721 39 18 of of ADP _005196721 39 19 consanguinity consanguinity NOUN _005196721 39 20 or or CCONJ _005196721 39 21 in in ADP _005196721 39 22 the the DET _005196721 39 23 first first ADJ _005196721 39 24 degree degree NOUN _005196721 39 25 of of ADP _005196721 39 26 affinity affinity NOUN _005196721 39 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 39 28 according accord VERB _005196721 39 29 to to ADP _005196721 39 30 canonical canonical ADJ _005196721 39 31 computation computation NOUN _005196721 39 32 . . PUNCT _005196721 40 1 2 2 X _005196721 40 2 . . PUNCT _005196721 40 3 as as SCONJ _005196721 40 4 regards regard VERB _005196721 40 5 the the DET _005196721 40 6 major major ADJ _005196721 40 7 officials official NOUN _005196721 40 8 of of ADP _005196721 40 9 the the DET _005196721 40 10 same same ADJ _005196721 40 11 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 40 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 40 13 it it PRON _005196721 40 14 is be AUX _005196721 40 15 advisable advisable ADJ _005196721 40 16 that that SCONJ _005196721 40 17 they they PRON _005196721 40 18 be be AUX _005196721 40 19 not not PART _005196721 40 20 chosen choose VERB _005196721 40 21 from from ADP _005196721 40 22 the the DET _005196721 40 23 same same ADJ _005196721 40 24 region region NOUN _005196721 40 25 as as ADP _005196721 40 26 the the DET _005196721 40 27 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 40 28 in in ADP _005196721 40 29 charge charge NOUN _005196721 40 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 40 31 except except SCONJ _005196721 40 32 for for ADP _005196721 40 33 special special ADJ _005196721 40 34 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 40 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 41 1 6 6 NUM _005196721 41 2 article article NOUN _005196721 41 3 10 10 NUM _005196721 41 4 before before ADP _005196721 41 5 being be AUX _005196721 41 6 hired hire VERB _005196721 41 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 41 8 the the DET _005196721 41 9 candidate candidate NOUN _005196721 41 10 must must AUX _005196721 41 11 be be AUX _005196721 41 12 familiar familiar ADJ _005196721 41 13 with with ADP _005196721 41 14 the the DET _005196721 41 15 special special ADJ _005196721 41 16 norms norm NOUN _005196721 41 17 of of ADP _005196721 41 18 the the DET _005196721 41 19 particular particular ADJ _005196721 41 20 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 41 21 and and CCONJ _005196721 41 22 must must AUX _005196721 41 23 pledge pledge VERB _005196721 41 24 in in ADP _005196721 41 25 writing writing NOUN _005196721 41 26 to to PART _005196721 41 27 observe observe VERB _005196721 41 28 them they PRON _005196721 41 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 42 1 article article NOUN _005196721 42 2 11 11 NUM _005196721 42 3 an an DET _005196721 42 4 appointed appoint VERB _005196721 42 5 official official NOUN _005196721 42 6 who who PRON _005196721 42 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 42 8 without without ADP _005196721 42 9 justification justification NOUN _005196721 42 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 42 11 does do AUX _005196721 42 12 not not PART _005196721 42 13 begin begin VERB _005196721 42 14 service service NOUN _005196721 42 15 on on ADP _005196721 42 16 the the DET _005196721 42 17 date date NOUN _005196721 42 18 determined determine VERB _005196721 42 19 in in ADP _005196721 42 20 the the DET _005196721 42 21 letter letter NOUN _005196721 42 22 of of ADP _005196721 42 23 hiring hiring NOUN _005196721 42 24 is be AUX _005196721 42 25 considered consider VERB _005196721 42 26 as as ADP _005196721 42 27 having having AUX _005196721 42 28 renounced renounce VERB _005196721 42 29 the the DET _005196721 42 30 appointment appointment NOUN _005196721 42 31 according accord VERB _005196721 42 32 to to ADP _005196721 42 33 article article NOUN _005196721 42 34 98 98 NUM _005196721 42 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 42 36 no no INTJ _005196721 42 37 . . NOUN _005196721 42 38 1 1 NUM _005196721 42 39 of of ADP _005196721 42 40 the the DET _005196721 42 41 present present ADJ _005196721 42 42 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 42 43 . . PUNCT _005196721 43 1 article article NOUN _005196721 43 2 12 12 NUM _005196721 43 3 the the DET _005196721 43 4 official official NOUN _005196721 43 5 who who PRON _005196721 43 6 has have AUX _005196721 43 7 been be AUX _005196721 43 8 taken take VERB _005196721 43 9 on on ADP _005196721 43 10 must must AUX _005196721 43 11 make make VERB _005196721 43 12 the the DET _005196721 43 13 profession profession NOUN _005196721 43 14 of of ADP _005196721 43 15 faith faith NOUN _005196721 43 16 as as ADV _005196721 43 17 well well ADV _005196721 43 18 as as ADP _005196721 43 19 the the DET _005196721 43 20 promise promise NOUN _005196721 43 21 de de X _005196721 43 22 officio officio X _005196721 43 23 fideliter fideliter NOUN _005196721 43 24 implendo implendo PROPN _005196721 43 25 et et PROPN _005196721 43 26 de de PROPN _005196721 43 27 secreto secreto PROPN _005196721 43 28 servando servando NOUN _005196721 43 29 before before ADP _005196721 43 30 the the DET _005196721 43 31 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 43 32 in in ADP _005196721 43 33 charge charge NOUN _005196721 43 34 o o NOUN _005196721 43 35 - - NOUN _005196721 43 36 r r NOUN _005196721 43 37 the the DET _005196721 43 38 superior superior ADJ _005196721 43 39 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 43 40 , , PUNCT _005196721 43 41 according accord VERB _005196721 43 42 to to ADP _005196721 43 43 the the DET _005196721 43 44 formulas formula NOUN _005196721 43 45 given give VERB _005196721 43 46 in in ADP _005196721 43 47 the the DET _005196721 43 48 appendix appendix PROPN _005196721 43 49 . . PUNCT _005196721 44 1 article article NOUN _005196721 44 2 13 13 NUM _005196721 44 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 44 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 45 1 minor minor ADJ _005196721 45 2 officials official NOUN _005196721 45 3 and and CCONJ _005196721 45 4 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 45 5 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 45 6 are be AUX _005196721 45 7 hired hire VERB _005196721 45 8 on on ADP _005196721 45 9 a a DET _005196721 45 10 trial trial NOUN _005196721 45 11 basis basis NOUN _005196721 45 12 of of ADP _005196721 45 13 at at ADV _005196721 45 14 least least ADV _005196721 45 15 one one NUM _005196721 45 16 year year NOUN _005196721 45 17 but but CCONJ _005196721 45 18 not not PART _005196721 45 19 more more ADJ _005196721 45 20 than than ADP _005196721 45 21 two two NUM _005196721 45 22 years year NOUN _005196721 45 23 . . PUNCT _005196721 46 1 2 2 X _005196721 46 2 . . X _005196721 46 3 during during ADP _005196721 46 4 the the DET _005196721 46 5 trial trial NOUN _005196721 46 6 period period NOUN _005196721 46 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 46 8 the the DET _005196721 46 9 candidate candidate NOUN _005196721 46 10 is be AUX _005196721 46 11 remunerated remunerate VERB _005196721 46 12 according accord VERB _005196721 46 13 to to ADP _005196721 46 14 the the DET _005196721 46 15 class class NOUN _005196721 46 16 and and CCONJ _005196721 46 17 grade grade NOUN _005196721 46 18 in in ADP _005196721 46 19 which which PRON _005196721 46 20 he he PRON _005196721 46 21 will will AUX _005196721 46 22 be be AUX _005196721 46 23 placed place VERB _005196721 46 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 46 25 as as SCONJ _005196721 46 26 is be AUX _005196721 46 27 indicated indicate VERB _005196721 46 28 in in ADP _005196721 46 29 article article NOUN _005196721 46 30 14 14 NUM _005196721 46 31 of of ADP _005196721 46 32 the the DET _005196721 46 33 present present ADJ _005196721 46 34 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 46 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 47 1 3 3 X _005196721 47 2 . . X _005196721 47 3 during during ADP _005196721 47 4 the the DET _005196721 47 5 trial trial NOUN _005196721 47 6 period period NOUN _005196721 47 7 the the DET _005196721 47 8 candidate candidate NOUN _005196721 47 9 can can AUX _005196721 47 10 be be AUX _005196721 47 11 dismissed dismiss VERB _005196721 47 12 at at ADP _005196721 47 13 the the DET _005196721 47 14 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 47 15 of of ADP _005196721 47 16 the the DET _005196721 47 17 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 47 18 in in ADP _005196721 47 19 charge charge NOUN _005196721 47 20 , , PUNCT _005196721 47 21 after after ADP _005196721 47 22 having having AUX _005196721 47 23 heard hear VERB _005196721 47 24 the the DET _005196721 47 25 superior superior ADJ _005196721 47 26 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 47 27 and and CCONJ _005196721 47 28 the the DET _005196721 47 29 major major ADJ _005196721 47 30 officials official NOUN _005196721 47 31 of of ADP _005196721 47 32 the the DET _005196721 47 33 first first ADJ _005196721 47 34 class class NOUN _005196721 47 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 47 36 with with ADP _005196721 47 37 the the DET _005196721 47 38 right right NOUN _005196721 47 39 of of ADP _005196721 47 40 reimbursement reimbursement NOUN _005196721 47 41 of of ADP _005196721 47 42 any any DET _005196721 47 43 withholdings withholding NOUN _005196721 47 44 and and CCONJ _005196721 47 45 of of ADP _005196721 47 46 an an DET _005196721 47 47 indemnity indemnity NOUN _005196721 47 48 equal equal ADJ _005196721 47 49 to to ADP _005196721 47 50 one one NUM _005196721 47 51 month month NOUN _005196721 47 52 ’s ’s NUM _005196721 47 53 salary salary NOUN _005196721 47 54 for for ADP _005196721 47 55 every every DET _005196721 47 56 year year NOUN _005196721 47 57 or or CCONJ _005196721 47 58 fraction fraction NOUN _005196721 47 59 of of ADP _005196721 47 60 a a DET _005196721 47 61 year year NOUN _005196721 47 62 ’s ’s PART _005196721 47 63 service service NOUN _005196721 47 64 . . PUNCT _005196721 48 1 article article NOUN _005196721 48 2 14 14 NUM _005196721 48 3 at at ADP _005196721 48 4 the the DET _005196721 48 5 expiration expiration NOUN _005196721 48 6 of of ADP _005196721 48 7 the the DET _005196721 48 8 trial trial NOUN _005196721 48 9 period period NOUN _005196721 48 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 48 11 minor minor ADJ _005196721 48 12 officials official NOUN _005196721 48 13 with with ADP _005196721 48 14 a a DET _005196721 48 15 doctoral doctoral ADJ _005196721 48 16 degree degree NOUN _005196721 48 17 or or CCONJ _005196721 48 18 the the DET _005196721 48 19 equivalent equivalent ADJ _005196721 48 20 university university NOUN _005196721 48 21 document document NOUN _005196721 48 22 or or CCONJ _005196721 48 23 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 48 24 of of ADP _005196721 48 25 specialization specialization NOUN _005196721 48 26 will will AUX _005196721 48 27 be be AUX _005196721 48 28 assigned assign VERB _005196721 48 29 to to ADP _005196721 48 30 the the DET _005196721 48 31 second second ADJ _005196721 48 32 class class NOUN _005196721 48 33 of of ADP _005196721 48 34 the the DET _005196721 48 35 second second ADJ _005196721 48 36 7 7 NUM _005196721 48 37 grade grade NOUN _005196721 48 38 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 48 39 the the DET _005196721 48 40 officials official NOUN _005196721 48 41 who who PRON _005196721 48 42 do do AUX _005196721 48 43 not not PART _005196721 48 44 possess possess VERB _005196721 48 45 these these DET _005196721 48 46 documents document NOUN _005196721 48 47 will will AUX _005196721 48 48 be be AUX _005196721 48 49 initially initially ADV _005196721 48 50 assigned assign VERB _005196721 48 51 to to ADP _005196721 48 52 the the DET _005196721 48 53 second second ADJ _005196721 48 54 class class NOUN _005196721 48 55 of of ADP _005196721 48 56 the the DET _005196721 48 57 third third ADJ _005196721 48 58 grade grade NOUN _005196721 48 59 . . PUNCT _005196721 49 1 article article NOUN _005196721 49 2 15 15 NUM _005196721 49 3 the the DET _005196721 49 4 trial trial NOUN _005196721 49 5 period period NOUN _005196721 49 6 will will AUX _005196721 49 7 be be AUX _005196721 49 8 included include VERB _005196721 49 9 in in ADP _005196721 49 10 computing compute VERB _005196721 49 11 precedence precedence NOUN _005196721 49 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 49 13 seniority seniority NOUN _005196721 49 14 and and CCONJ _005196721 49 15 termination termination NOUN _005196721 49 16 settlement settlement NOUN _005196721 49 17 . . PUNCT _005196721 50 1 article article NOUN _005196721 50 2 16 16 NUM _005196721 50 3 at at ADP _005196721 50 4 the the DET _005196721 50 5 termination termination NOUN _005196721 50 6 of of ADP _005196721 50 7 the the DET _005196721 50 8 successfully successfully ADV _005196721 50 9 completed complete VERB _005196721 50 10 trial trial NOUN _005196721 50 11 period period NOUN _005196721 50 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 50 13 the the DET _005196721 50 14 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 50 15 in in ADP _005196721 50 16 charge charge NOUN _005196721 50 17 in in ADP _005196721 50 18 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 50 19 with with ADP _005196721 50 20 the the DET _005196721 50 21 competent competent ADJ _005196721 50 22 administration administration NOUN _005196721 50 23 and and CCONJ _005196721 50 24 with with ADP _005196721 50 25 the the DET _005196721 50 26 approval approval NOUN _005196721 50 27 of of ADP _005196721 50 28 the the DET _005196721 50 29 supreme supreme ADJ _005196721 50 30 pontiff pontiff NOUN _005196721 50 31 proceeds proceed NOUN _005196721 50 32 with with ADP _005196721 50 33 the the DET _005196721 50 34 appointment appointment NOUN _005196721 50 35 of of ADP _005196721 50 36 the the DET _005196721 50 37 minor minor ADJ _005196721 50 38 official official NOUN _005196721 50 39 with with ADP _005196721 50 40 the the DET _005196721 50 41 proper proper ADJ _005196721 50 42 document document NOUN _005196721 50 43 and and CCONJ _005196721 50 44 informs inform NOUN _005196721 50 45 in in ADP _005196721 50 46 writing write VERB _005196721 50 47 the the DET _005196721 50 48 competent competent ADJ _005196721 50 49 administration administration NOUN _005196721 50 50 of of ADP _005196721 50 51 the the DET _005196721 50 52 appointment appointment NOUN _005196721 50 53 . . PUNCT _005196721 51 1 likewise likewise ADV _005196721 51 2 , , PUNCT _005196721 51 3 at at ADP _005196721 51 4 the the DET _005196721 51 5 termination termination NOUN _005196721 51 6 of of ADP _005196721 51 7 the the DET _005196721 51 8 minor minor ADJ _005196721 51 9 official official NOUN _005196721 51 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 51 11 the the DET _005196721 51 12 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 51 13 in in ADP _005196721 51 14 charge charge NOUN _005196721 51 15 proceeds proceed NOUN _005196721 51 16 with with ADP _005196721 51 17 the the DET _005196721 51 18 appointment appointment NOUN _005196721 51 19 of of ADP _005196721 51 20 a a DET _005196721 51 21 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 51 22 employee employee NOUN _005196721 51 23 , , PUNCT _005196721 51 24 in in ADP _005196721 51 25 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 51 26 with with ADP _005196721 51 27 the the DET _005196721 51 28 competent competent ADJ _005196721 51 29 administration administration NOUN _005196721 51 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 52 1 article article NOUN _005196721 52 2 17 17 NUM _005196721 52 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 52 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 53 1 the the DET _005196721 53 2 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 53 3 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 53 4 are be AUX _005196721 53 5 hired hire VERB _005196721 53 6 by by ADP _005196721 53 7 the the DET _005196721 53 8 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 53 9 in in ADP _005196721 53 10 charge charge NOUN _005196721 53 11 within within ADP _005196721 53 12 the the DET _005196721 53 13 limits limit NOUN _005196721 53 14 of of ADP _005196721 53 15 the the DET _005196721 53 16 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 53 17 list list NOUN _005196721 53 18 of of ADP _005196721 53 19 the the DET _005196721 53 20 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 53 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 53 22 according accord VERB _005196721 53 23 to to ADP _005196721 53 24 the the DET _005196721 53 25 norms norm NOUN _005196721 53 26 of of ADP _005196721 53 27 article article NOUN _005196721 53 28 16 16 NUM _005196721 53 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 54 1 2 2 X _005196721 54 2 . . X _005196721 54 3 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 54 4 qualifications qualification NOUN _005196721 54 5 required require VERB _005196721 54 6 of of ADP _005196721 54 7 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 54 8 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 54 9 are be AUX _005196721 54 10 those those PRON _005196721 54 11 of of ADP _005196721 54 12 article article NOUN _005196721 54 13 8 8 NUM _005196721 54 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 54 15 nos nos PROPN _005196721 54 16 . . PUNCT _005196721 55 1 1 1 NUM _005196721 55 2 to to ADP _005196721 55 3 6 6 NUM _005196721 55 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 55 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 55 6 at at ADP _005196721 55 7 least least ADJ _005196721 55 8 the the DET _005196721 55 9 compulsory compulsory ADJ _005196721 55 10 education education NOUN _005196721 55 11 certificate certificate NOUN _005196721 55 12 . . PUNCT _005196721 56 1 3 3 X _005196721 56 2 . . X _005196721 56 3 it it PRON _005196721 56 4 is be AUX _005196721 56 5 not not PART _005196721 56 6 permitted permit VERB _005196721 56 7 to to PART _005196721 56 8 hire hire VERB _005196721 56 9 as as ADP _005196721 56 10 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 56 11 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 56 12 of of ADP _005196721 56 13 a a DET _005196721 56 14 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 56 15 one one NUM _005196721 56 16 who who PRON _005196721 56 17 is be AUX _005196721 56 18 in in ADP _005196721 56 19 the the DET _005196721 56 20 private private ADJ _005196721 56 21 employ employ NOUN _005196721 56 22 of of ADP _005196721 56 23 the the DET _005196721 56 24 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 56 25 in in ADP _005196721 56 26 charge charge NOUN _005196721 56 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 56 28 of of ADP _005196721 56 29 the the DET _005196721 56 30 superior superior ADJ _005196721 56 31 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 56 32 and and CCONJ _005196721 56 33 of of ADP _005196721 56 34 the the DET _005196721 56 35 officials official NOUN _005196721 56 36 of of ADP _005196721 56 37 the the DET _005196721 56 38 same same ADJ _005196721 56 39 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 56 40 and and CCONJ _005196721 56 41 who who PRON _005196721 56 42 continues continue VERB _005196721 56 43 in in ADP _005196721 56 44 this this DET _005196721 56 45 private private ADJ _005196721 56 46 service service NOUN _005196721 56 47 . . PUNCT _005196721 57 1 article article NOUN _005196721 57 2 18 18 NUM _005196721 57 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 57 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 57 5 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 57 6 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 57 7 depend depend VERB _005196721 57 8 on on ADP _005196721 57 9 the the DET _005196721 57 10 competent competent ADJ _005196721 57 11 administration administration NOUN _005196721 57 12 for for ADP _005196721 57 13 their their PRON _005196721 57 14 juridical juridical ADJ _005196721 57 15 status status NOUN _005196721 57 16 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 57 17 for for ADP _005196721 57 18 their their PRON _005196721 57 19 work work NOUN _005196721 57 20 within within ADP _005196721 57 21 the the DET _005196721 57 22 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 57 23 they they PRON _005196721 57 24 depend depend VERB _005196721 57 25 on on ADP _005196721 57 26 the the DET _005196721 57 27 superior superior ADJ _005196721 57 28 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 57 29 and and CCONJ _005196721 57 30 must must AUX _005196721 57 31 never never ADV _005196721 57 32 be be AUX _005196721 57 33 used use VERB _005196721 57 34 for for ADP _005196721 57 35 private private ADJ _005196721 57 36 duty duty NOUN _005196721 57 37 during during ADP _005196721 57 38 office office NOUN _005196721 57 39 hours hour NOUN _005196721 57 40 . . PUNCT _005196721 58 1 8 8 NUM _005196721 58 2 2 2 NUM _005196721 58 3 . . X _005196721 58 4 articles article NOUN _005196721 58 5 9 9 NUM _005196721 58 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 58 7 10 10 NUM _005196721 58 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 58 9 11 11 NUM _005196721 58 10 of of ADP _005196721 58 11 the the DET _005196721 58 12 present present ADJ _005196721 58 13 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 58 14 apply apply VERB _005196721 58 15 also also ADV _005196721 58 16 to to PART _005196721 58 17 subalterns subaltern NOUN _005196721 58 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 59 1 article article NOUN _005196721 59 2 19 19 NUM _005196721 59 3 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 59 4 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 59 5 must must AUX _005196721 59 6 make make VERB _005196721 59 7 the the DET _005196721 59 8 promise promise NOUN _005196721 59 9 to to PART _005196721 59 10 observe observe VERB _005196721 59 11 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005196721 59 12 and and CCONJ _005196721 59 13 to to PART _005196721 59 14 fulfill fulfill VERB _005196721 59 15 faithfully faithfully ADV _005196721 59 16 their their PRON _005196721 59 17 duties duty NOUN _005196721 59 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 59 19 according accord VERB _005196721 59 20 to to ADP _005196721 59 21 the the DET _005196721 59 22 formula formula NOUN _005196721 59 23 found find VERB _005196721 59 24 in in ADP _005196721 59 25 the the DET _005196721 59 26 appendix appendix NOUN _005196721 59 27 . . PUNCT _005196721 60 1 in in ADP _005196721 60 2 addition addition NOUN _005196721 60 3 , , PUNCT _005196721 60 4 they they PRON _005196721 60 5 must must AUX _005196721 60 6 promise promise VERB _005196721 60 7 to to PART _005196721 60 8 lead lead VERB _005196721 60 9 an an DET _005196721 60 10 exemplary exemplary ADJ _005196721 60 11 christian christian ADJ _005196721 60 12 life life NOUN _005196721 60 13 . . PUNCT _005196721 61 1 title title PROPN _005196721 61 2 iii iii PROPN _005196721 61 3 promotion promotion NOUN _005196721 61 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 61 5 transfer transfer NOUN _005196721 61 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 61 7 termination termination NOUN _005196721 61 8 article article NOUN _005196721 61 9 20 20 NUM _005196721 61 10 1 1 NUM _005196721 61 11 . . PUNCT _005196721 61 12 when when SCONJ _005196721 61 13 a a DET _005196721 61 14 vacancy vacancy NOUN _005196721 61 15 occurs occur VERB _005196721 61 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 61 17 promotion promotion NOUN _005196721 61 18 takes take VERB _005196721 61 19 place place NOUN _005196721 61 20 according accord VERB _005196721 61 21 to to ADP _005196721 61 22 the the DET _005196721 61 23 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 61 24 of of ADP _005196721 61 25 the the DET _005196721 61 26 office office NOUN _005196721 61 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 61 28 bearing bear VERB _005196721 61 29 in in ADP _005196721 61 30 mind mind NOUN _005196721 61 31 exclusively exclusively ADV _005196721 61 32 the the DET _005196721 61 33 objective objective ADJ _005196721 61 34 and and CCONJ _005196721 61 35 specific specific ADJ _005196721 61 36 suitability suitability NOUN _005196721 61 37 for for ADP _005196721 61 38 the the DET _005196721 61 39 post post NOUN _005196721 61 40 in in ADP _005196721 61 41 question question NOUN _005196721 61 42 , , PUNCT _005196721 61 43 disregarding disregard VERB _005196721 61 44 any any DET _005196721 61 45 other other ADJ _005196721 61 46 criterion criterion NOUN _005196721 61 47 , , PUNCT _005196721 61 48 including include VERB _005196721 61 49 that that PRON _005196721 61 50 of of ADP _005196721 61 51 seniority seniority NOUN _005196721 61 52 . . PUNCT _005196721 62 1 2 2 X _005196721 62 2 . . X _005196721 62 3 promotion promotion NOUN _005196721 62 4 can can AUX _005196721 62 5 only only ADV _005196721 62 6 be be AUX _005196721 62 7 from from ADP _005196721 62 8 one one NUM _005196721 62 9 class class NOUN _005196721 62 10 and and CCONJ _005196721 62 11 grade grade NOUN _005196721 62 12 to to ADP _005196721 62 13 the the DET _005196721 62 14 one one NOUN _005196721 62 15 immediately immediately ADV _005196721 62 16 above above ADP _005196721 62 17 it it PRON _005196721 62 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 62 19 without without ADP _005196721 62 20 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005196721 62 21 to to ADP _005196721 62 22 the the DET _005196721 62 23 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 62 24 of of ADP _005196721 62 25 article article NOUN _005196721 62 26 8 8 NUM _005196721 62 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 62 28 no no NOUN _005196721 62 29 . . NOUN _005196721 62 30 9 9 NUM _005196721 62 31 . . NUM _005196721 62 32 3 3 NUM _005196721 62 33 . . X _005196721 62 34 in in ADP _005196721 62 35 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 62 36 with with ADP _005196721 62 37 no no NOUN _005196721 62 38 . . NOUN _005196721 62 39 4 4 NUM _005196721 62 40 of of ADP _005196721 62 41 the the DET _005196721 62 42 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 62 43 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 62 44 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 62 45 universae universae NOUN _005196721 62 46 , , PUNCT _005196721 62 47 no no DET _005196721 62 48 official official NOUN _005196721 62 49 can can AUX _005196721 62 50 claim claim VERB _005196721 62 51 rights right NOUN _005196721 62 52 to to PART _005196721 62 53 promotion promotion VERB _005196721 62 54 to to ADP _005196721 62 55 a a DET _005196721 62 56 higher high ADJ _005196721 62 57 class class NOUN _005196721 62 58 or or CCONJ _005196721 62 59 grade grade NOUN _005196721 62 60 . . PUNCT _005196721 63 1 article article NOUN _005196721 63 2 21 21 NUM _005196721 63 3 promotions promotion NOUN _005196721 63 4 are be AUX _005196721 63 5 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 63 6 in in ADP _005196721 63 7 writing writing NOUN _005196721 63 8 by by ADP _005196721 63 9 the the DET _005196721 63 10 head head NOUN _005196721 63 11 of of ADP _005196721 63 12 the the DET _005196721 63 13 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 63 14 to to ADP _005196721 63 15 the the DET _005196721 63 16 competent competent ADJ _005196721 63 17 administration administration NOUN _005196721 63 18 and and CCONJ _005196721 63 19 to to ADP _005196721 63 20 the the DET _005196721 63 21 person person NOUN _005196721 63 22 concerned concern VERB _005196721 63 23 . . PUNCT _005196721 64 1 article article NOUN _005196721 64 2 22 22 NUM _005196721 64 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 64 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 64 5 by by ADP _005196721 64 6 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 64 7 of of ADP _005196721 64 8 the the DET _005196721 64 9 respective respective ADJ _005196721 64 10 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 64 11 in in ADP _005196721 64 12 charge charge NOUN _005196721 64 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 64 14 minor minor ADJ _005196721 64 15 officials official NOUN _005196721 64 16 can can AUX _005196721 64 17 be be AUX _005196721 64 18 transferred transfer VERB _005196721 64 19 from from ADP _005196721 64 20 one one NUM _005196721 64 21 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 64 22 to to ADP _005196721 64 23 another another PRON _005196721 64 24 with with ADP _005196721 64 25 no no DET _005196721 64 26 demotion demotion NOUN _005196721 64 27 in in ADP _005196721 64 28 grade grade PROPN _005196721 64 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 65 1 9 9 NUM _005196721 65 2 2 2 NUM _005196721 65 3 . . PUNCT _005196721 65 4 the the DET _005196721 65 5 decision decision NOUN _005196721 65 6 is be AUX _005196721 65 7 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 65 8 in in ADP _005196721 65 9 writing write VERB _005196721 65 10 to to ADP _005196721 65 11 the the DET _005196721 65 12 administration administration NOUN _005196721 65 13 concerned concern VERB _005196721 65 14 by by ADP _005196721 65 15 the the DET _005196721 65 16 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 65 17 in in ADP _005196721 65 18 charge charge NOUN _005196721 65 19 who who PRON _005196721 65 20 receives receive VERB _005196721 65 21 the the DET _005196721 65 22 official official NOUN _005196721 65 23 and and CCONJ _005196721 65 24 to to ADP _005196721 65 25 the the DET _005196721 65 26 official official NOUN _005196721 65 27 himself himself PRON _005196721 65 28 by by ADP _005196721 65 29 the the DET _005196721 65 30 head head NOUN _005196721 65 31 of of ADP _005196721 65 32 the the DET _005196721 65 33 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 65 34 from from ADP _005196721 65 35 which which PRON _005196721 65 36 he he PRON _005196721 65 37 has have AUX _005196721 65 38 been be AUX _005196721 65 39 transferred transfer VERB _005196721 65 40 . . PUNCT _005196721 66 1 article article NOUN _005196721 66 2 23 23 NUM _005196721 66 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 66 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 67 1 the the DET _005196721 67 2 term term NOUN _005196721 67 3 of of ADP _005196721 67 4 office office NOUN _005196721 67 5 of of ADP _005196721 67 6 superior superior ADJ _005196721 67 7 prelates prelate NOUN _005196721 67 8 ceases cease VERB _005196721 67 9 at at ADP _005196721 67 10 the the DET _005196721 67 11 beginning beginning NOUN _005196721 67 12 of of ADP _005196721 67 13 their their PRON _005196721 67 14 75th 75th ADJ _005196721 67 15 year year NOUN _005196721 67 16 or or CCONJ _005196721 67 17 even even ADV _005196721 67 18 before before ADV _005196721 67 19 if if SCONJ _005196721 67 20 they they PRON _005196721 67 21 have have AUX _005196721 67 22 not not PART _005196721 67 23 been be AUX _005196721 67 24 confirmed confirm VERB _005196721 67 25 in in ADP _005196721 67 26 office office NOUN _005196721 67 27 according accord VERB _005196721 67 28 to to ADP _005196721 67 29 no no NOUN _005196721 67 30 . . NOUN _005196721 67 31 2 2 NUM _005196721 67 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 67 33 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 67 34 5 5 NUM _005196721 67 35 of of ADP _005196721 67 36 the the DET _005196721 67 37 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 67 38 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 67 39 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 67 40 universae universae ADV _005196721 67 41 . . PUNCT _005196721 68 1 2 2 X _005196721 68 2 . . X _005196721 68 3 if if SCONJ _005196721 68 4 at at ADP _005196721 68 5 the the DET _005196721 68 6 moment moment NOUN _005196721 68 7 of of ADP _005196721 68 8 termination termination NOUN _005196721 68 9 of of ADP _005196721 68 10 office office NOUN _005196721 68 11 they they PRON _005196721 68 12 enjoy enjoy VERB _005196721 68 13 the the DET _005196721 68 14 rights right NOUN _005196721 68 15 laid lay VERB _005196721 68 16 down down ADP _005196721 68 17 in in ADP _005196721 68 18 the the DET _005196721 68 19 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 68 20 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 68 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 68 22 they they PRON _005196721 68 23 receive receive VERB _005196721 68 24 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 68 25 in in ADP _005196721 68 26 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 68 27 with with ADP _005196721 68 28 the the DET _005196721 68 29 norms norm NOUN _005196721 68 30 of of ADP _005196721 68 31 the the DET _005196721 68 32 said said ADJ _005196721 68 33 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 68 34 . . PUNCT _005196721 69 1 if if SCONJ _005196721 69 2 they they PRON _005196721 69 3 do do AUX _005196721 69 4 not not PART _005196721 69 5 enjoy enjoy VERB _005196721 69 6 these these DET _005196721 69 7 rights right NOUN _005196721 69 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 69 9 they they PRON _005196721 69 10 will will AUX _005196721 69 11 be be AUX _005196721 69 12 awarded award VERB _005196721 69 13 extraordinary extraordinary ADJ _005196721 69 14 compensation compensation NOUN _005196721 69 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 69 16 to to PART _005196721 69 17 be be AUX _005196721 69 18 determined determine VERB _005196721 69 19 by by ADP _005196721 69 20 the the DET _005196721 69 21 administration administration NOUN _005196721 69 22 concerned concern VERB _005196721 69 23 according accord VERB _005196721 69 24 to to ADP _005196721 69 25 special special ADJ _005196721 69 26 principles principle NOUN _005196721 69 27 of of ADP _005196721 69 28 equity equity NOUN _005196721 69 29 laid lay VERB _005196721 69 30 down down ADP _005196721 69 31 in in ADP _005196721 69 32 the the DET _005196721 69 33 appendix appendix NOUN _005196721 69 34 to to PART _005196721 69 35 be be AUX _005196721 69 36 added add VERB _005196721 69 37 to to ADP _005196721 69 38 the the DET _005196721 69 39 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 69 40 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 69 41 . . PUNCT _005196721 70 1 article article NOUN _005196721 70 2 24 24 NUM _005196721 70 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 70 4 . . NUM _005196721 70 5 major major ADJ _005196721 70 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 70 7 minor minor ADJ _005196721 70 8 officials official NOUN _005196721 70 9 will will AUX _005196721 70 10 be be AUX _005196721 70 11 retired retire VERB _005196721 70 12 at at ADP _005196721 70 13 the the DET _005196721 70 14 age age NOUN _005196721 70 15 of of ADP _005196721 70 16 70 70 NUM _005196721 70 17 without without ADP _005196721 70 18 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005196721 70 19 to to ADP _005196721 70 20 the the DET _005196721 70 21 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 70 22 of of ADP _005196721 70 23 article article NOUN _005196721 70 24 1 1 NUM _005196721 70 25 - - SYM _005196721 70 26 19 19 NUM _005196721 70 27 of of ADP _005196721 70 28 the the DET _005196721 70 29 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 70 30 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 70 31 of of ADP _005196721 70 32 dec dec PROPN _005196721 70 33 . . PROPN _005196721 70 34 23 23 NUM _005196721 70 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 70 36 1963 1963 NUM _005196721 70 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 71 1 2 2 X _005196721 71 2 . . X _005196721 71 3 auditors auditor NOUN _005196721 71 4 of of ADP _005196721 71 5 the the DET _005196721 71 6 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 71 7 roman roman ADJ _005196721 71 8 rota rota NOUN _005196721 71 9 have have VERB _005196721 71 10 their their PRON _005196721 71 11 own own ADJ _005196721 71 12 norms norm NOUN _005196721 71 13 as as SCONJ _005196721 71 14 regards regard VERB _005196721 71 15 retirement retirement NOUN _005196721 71 16 settlement settlement NOUN _005196721 71 17 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 71 18 article article NOUN _005196721 71 19 4 4 NUM _005196721 71 20 of of ADP _005196721 71 21 the the DET _005196721 71 22 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 71 23 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 71 24 applies apply VERB _005196721 71 25 to to ADP _005196721 71 26 them they PRON _005196721 71 27 as as ADV _005196721 71 28 well well ADV _005196721 71 29 as as ADP _005196721 71 30 to to ADP _005196721 71 31 those those DET _005196721 71 32 ecclesiastics ecclesiastic NOUN _005196721 71 33 who who PRON _005196721 71 34 leave leave VERB _005196721 71 35 their their PRON _005196721 71 36 service service NOUN _005196721 71 37 on on ADP _005196721 71 38 being be AUX _005196721 71 39 appointed appoint VERB _005196721 71 40 auditors auditor NOUN _005196721 71 41 of of ADP _005196721 71 42 the the DET _005196721 71 43 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 71 44 roman roman ADJ _005196721 71 45 rota rota NOUN _005196721 71 46 . . PUNCT _005196721 72 1 article article NOUN _005196721 72 2 25 25 NUM _005196721 72 3 precedence precedence NOUN _005196721 72 4 among among ADP _005196721 72 5 major major ADJ _005196721 72 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 72 7 minor minor ADJ _005196721 72 8 officials official NOUN _005196721 72 9 of of ADP _005196721 72 10 a a DET _005196721 72 11 same same ADJ _005196721 72 12 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 72 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 72 14 unless unless SCONJ _005196721 72 15 indicated indicate VERB _005196721 72 16 in in ADP _005196721 72 17 the the DET _005196721 72 18 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 72 19 list list NOUN _005196721 72 20 , , PUNCT _005196721 72 21 grade grade NOUN _005196721 72 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 72 23 class class NOUN _005196721 72 24 being be AUX _005196721 72 25 equal equal ADJ _005196721 72 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 72 27 is be AUX _005196721 72 28 determined determine VERB _005196721 72 29 by by ADP _005196721 72 30 the the DET _005196721 72 31 date date NOUN _005196721 72 32 of of ADP _005196721 72 33 joining join VERB _005196721 72 34 the the DET _005196721 72 35 class class NOUN _005196721 72 36 and and CCONJ _005196721 72 37 grade grade NOUN _005196721 72 38 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 72 39 such such ADJ _005196721 72 40 date date NOUN _005196721 72 41 being be AUX _005196721 72 42 equal equal ADJ _005196721 72 43 , , PUNCT _005196721 72 44 by by ADP _005196721 72 45 the the DET _005196721 72 46 date date NOUN _005196721 72 47 of of ADP _005196721 72 48 priestly priestly ADJ _005196721 72 49 ordination ordination NOUN _005196721 72 50 , , PUNCT _005196721 72 51 and and CCONJ _005196721 72 52 if if SCONJ _005196721 72 53 this this PRON _005196721 72 54 is be AUX _005196721 72 55 also also ADV _005196721 72 56 equal equal ADJ _005196721 72 57 , , PUNCT _005196721 72 58 by by ADP _005196721 72 59 age age NOUN _005196721 72 60 . . PUNCT _005196721 73 1 10 10 NUM _005196721 73 2 title title NOUN _005196721 73 3 iv iv NOUN _005196721 73 4 functions function NOUN _005196721 73 5 of of ADP _005196721 73 6 the the DET _005196721 73 7 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 73 8 article article NOUN _005196721 73 9 26 26 NUM _005196721 73 10 the the DET _005196721 73 11 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 73 12 in in ADP _005196721 73 13 charge charge NOUN _005196721 73 14 is be AUX _005196721 73 15 responsible responsible ADJ _005196721 73 16 for for ADP _005196721 73 17 the the DET _005196721 73 18 management management NOUN _005196721 73 19 of of ADP _005196721 73 20 the the DET _005196721 73 21 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 73 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 73 23 all all PRON _005196721 73 24 of of ADP _005196721 73 25 its its PRON _005196721 73 26 activities activity NOUN _005196721 73 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 73 28 according accord VERB _005196721 73 29 to to ADP _005196721 73 30 the the DET _005196721 73 31 internal internal ADJ _005196721 73 32 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 73 33 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 73 34 cf cf NOUN _005196721 73 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 73 36 article article NOUN _005196721 73 37 2 2 NUM _005196721 73 38 , , PUNCT _005196721 73 39 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 73 40 1 1 NUM _005196721 73 41 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 73 42 . . PUNCT _005196721 74 1 article article NOUN _005196721 74 2 27 27 NUM _005196721 74 3 the the DET _005196721 74 4 superior superior ADJ _005196721 74 5 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 74 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 7 on on ADP _005196721 74 8 his his PRON _005196721 74 9 own own ADJ _005196721 74 10 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005196721 74 11 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 12 according accord VERB _005196721 74 13 to to ADP _005196721 74 14 the the DET _005196721 74 15 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 74 16 of of ADP _005196721 74 17 the the DET _005196721 74 18 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 74 19 in in ADP _005196721 74 20 charge charge NOUN _005196721 74 21 : : PUNCT _005196721 74 22 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 74 23 1 1 X _005196721 74 24 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 74 25 coordinates coordinate VERB _005196721 74 26 the the DET _005196721 74 27 various various ADJ _005196721 74 28 services service NOUN _005196721 74 29 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 30 assigns assign VERB _005196721 74 31 the the DET _005196721 74 32 functions function NOUN _005196721 74 33 to to ADP _005196721 74 34 each each DET _005196721 74 35 official official NOUN _005196721 74 36 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 37 examines examine VERB _005196721 74 38 the the DET _005196721 74 39 matters matter NOUN _005196721 74 40 of of ADP _005196721 74 41 greater great ADJ _005196721 74 42 importance importance NOUN _005196721 74 43 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 44 sees see VERB _005196721 74 45 to to ADP _005196721 74 46 the the DET _005196721 74 47 speedy speedy ADJ _005196721 74 48 transaction transaction NOUN _005196721 74 49 of of ADP _005196721 74 50 office office NOUN _005196721 74 51 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 74 52 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 53 checks check VERB _005196721 74 54 the the DET _005196721 74 55 relative relative ADJ _005196721 74 56 letters letter NOUN _005196721 74 57 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 58 rescripts rescript NOUN _005196721 74 59 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 60 maintains maintain VERB _005196721 74 61 discipline discipline NOUN _005196721 74 62 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 63 is be AUX _005196721 74 64 responsible responsible ADJ _005196721 74 65 for for ADP _005196721 74 66 the the DET _005196721 74 67 observance observance NOUN _005196721 74 68 of of ADP _005196721 74 69 the the DET _005196721 74 70 present present ADJ _005196721 74 71 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 74 72 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 73 the the DET _005196721 74 74 norms norm NOUN _005196721 74 75 of of ADP _005196721 74 76 the the DET _005196721 74 77 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 74 78 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 74 79 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 74 80 2 2 X _005196721 74 81 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 74 82 entrusts entrust NOUN _005196721 74 83 to to ADP _005196721 74 84 the the DET _005196721 74 85 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 74 86 the the DET _005196721 74 87 study study NOUN _005196721 74 88 of of ADP _005196721 74 89 certain certain ADJ _005196721 74 90 questions question NOUN _005196721 74 91 for for ADP _005196721 74 92 which which PRON _005196721 74 93 their their PRON _005196721 74 94 vote vote NOUN _005196721 74 95 is be AUX _005196721 74 96 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 74 97 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 98 convenes convene VERB _005196721 74 99 consultations consultation NOUN _005196721 74 100 whenever whenever SCONJ _005196721 74 101 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 74 102 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 103 presides preside NOUN _005196721 74 104 over over ADP _005196721 74 105 them they PRON _005196721 74 106 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 74 107 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 74 108 3 3 X _005196721 74 109 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 74 110 attends attend VERB _005196721 74 111 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 74 112 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 113 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 74 114 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 74 115 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 116 draws draw VERB _005196721 74 117 up up ADP _005196721 74 118 their their PRON _005196721 74 119 minutes minute NOUN _005196721 74 120 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 121 notes note VERB _005196721 74 122 down down ADP _005196721 74 123 the the DET _005196721 74 124 resolutions resolution NOUN _005196721 74 125 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 126 prepares prepare VERB _005196721 74 127 a a DET _005196721 74 128 report report NOUN _005196721 74 129 on on ADP _005196721 74 130 them they PRON _005196721 74 131 for for ADP _005196721 74 132 the the DET _005196721 74 133 holy holy PROPN _005196721 74 134 father father NOUN _005196721 74 135 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 74 136 if if SCONJ _005196721 74 137 a a DET _005196721 74 138 bishop bishop NOUN _005196721 74 139 , , PUNCT _005196721 74 140 he he PRON _005196721 74 141 intervenes intervene VERB _005196721 74 142 at at ADP _005196721 74 143 the the DET _005196721 74 144 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 74 145 and and CCONJ _005196721 74 146 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 74 147 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 74 148 with with ADP _005196721 74 149 the the DET _005196721 74 150 right right NOUN _005196721 74 151 to to PART _005196721 74 152 vote vote VERB _005196721 74 153 . . PUNCT _005196721 75 1 in in ADP _005196721 75 2 such such ADJ _005196721 75 3 cases case NOUN _005196721 75 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 75 5 the the DET _005196721 75 6 functions function NOUN _005196721 75 7 of of ADP _005196721 75 8 official official ADJ _005196721 75 9 recorder recorder NOUN _005196721 75 10 are be AUX _005196721 75 11 exercised exercise VERB _005196721 75 12 by by ADP _005196721 75 13 the the DET _005196721 75 14 undersecretary undersecretary NOUN _005196721 75 15 of of ADP _005196721 75 16 the the DET _005196721 75 17 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 75 18 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 75 19 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 75 20 4 4 X _005196721 75 21 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 75 22 presides preside NOUN _005196721 75 23 at at ADP _005196721 75 24 staff staff NOUN _005196721 75 25 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 75 26 in in ADP _005196721 75 27 the the DET _005196721 75 28 absence absence NOUN _005196721 75 29 of of ADP _005196721 75 30 the the DET _005196721 75 31 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 75 32 in in ADP _005196721 75 33 charge charge NOUN _005196721 75 34 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 75 35 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 75 36 5 5 X _005196721 75 37 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 75 38 signs sign NOUN _005196721 75 39 , , PUNCT _005196721 75 40 together together ADV _005196721 75 41 with with ADP _005196721 75 42 the the DET _005196721 75 43 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 75 44 in in ADP _005196721 75 45 charge charge NOUN _005196721 75 46 , , PUNCT _005196721 75 47 the the DET _005196721 75 48 documents document NOUN _005196721 75 49 of of ADP _005196721 75 50 the the DET _005196721 75 51 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 75 52 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 75 53 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 75 54 6 6 X _005196721 75 55 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 75 56 communicates communicate NOUN _005196721 75 57 to to PART _005196721 75 58 ordinaries ordinaries VERB _005196721 75 59 the the DET _005196721 75 60 decrees decree NOUN _005196721 75 61 which which PRON _005196721 75 62 concerns concern VERB _005196721 75 63 their their PRON _005196721 75 64 dioceses diocese NOUN _005196721 75 65 before before SCONJ _005196721 75 66 they they PRON _005196721 75 67 are be AUX _005196721 75 68 published publish VERB _005196721 75 69 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 75 70 11 11 NUM _005196721 75 71 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 75 72 7 7 NUM _005196721 75 73 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 75 74 transmits transmit VERB _005196721 75 75 to to ADP _005196721 75 76 the the DET _005196721 75 77 office office NOUN _005196721 75 78 of of ADP _005196721 75 79 the the DET _005196721 75 80 acta acta PROPN _005196721 75 81 apostolicae apostolicae PROPN _005196721 75 82 sedis sedi NOUN _005196721 75 83 the the DET _005196721 75 84 copies copy NOUN _005196721 75 85 of of ADP _005196721 75 86 the the DET _005196721 75 87 decrees decree NOUN _005196721 75 88 to to PART _005196721 75 89 be be AUX _005196721 75 90 promulgated promulgate VERB _005196721 75 91 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 75 92 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 75 93 8 8 X _005196721 75 94 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 75 95 submits submit VERB _005196721 75 96 to to ADP _005196721 75 97 the the DET _005196721 75 98 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 75 99 in in ADP _005196721 75 100 charge charge NOUN _005196721 75 101 anything anything PRON _005196721 75 102 that that PRON _005196721 75 103 is be AUX _005196721 75 104 to to PART _005196721 75 105 be be AUX _005196721 75 106 sent send VERB _005196721 75 107 on on ADP _005196721 75 108 to to ADP _005196721 75 109 other other ADJ _005196721 75 110 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 75 111 or or CCONJ _005196721 75 112 outside outside ADP _005196721 75 113 the the DET _005196721 75 114 limits limit NOUN _005196721 75 115 of of ADP _005196721 75 116 the the DET _005196721 75 117 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 75 118 and and CCONJ _005196721 75 119 requires require VERB _005196721 75 120 special special ADJ _005196721 75 121 consideration consideration NOUN _005196721 75 122 . . PUNCT _005196721 76 1 article article NOUN _005196721 76 2 28 28 NUM _005196721 76 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 76 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 76 5 major major ADJ _005196721 76 6 officials official NOUN _005196721 76 7 of of ADP _005196721 76 8 the the DET _005196721 76 9 first first ADJ _005196721 76 10 class class NOUN _005196721 76 11 assist assist VERB _005196721 76 12 the the DET _005196721 76 13 superior superior ADJ _005196721 76 14 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 76 15 and and CCONJ _005196721 76 16 take take VERB _005196721 76 17 his his PRON _005196721 76 18 place place NOUN _005196721 76 19 in in ADP _005196721 76 20 the the DET _005196721 76 21 event event NOUN _005196721 76 22 of of ADP _005196721 76 23 absence absence NOUN _005196721 76 24 or or CCONJ _005196721 76 25 impediment impediment NOUN _005196721 76 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 76 27 according accord VERB _005196721 76 28 to to ADP _005196721 76 29 the the DET _005196721 76 30 norms norm NOUN _005196721 76 31 of of ADP _005196721 76 32 the the DET _005196721 76 33 respective respective ADJ _005196721 76 34 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 76 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 77 1 in in ADP _005196721 77 2 addition addition NOUN _005196721 77 3 , , PUNCT _005196721 77 4 they they PRON _005196721 77 5 : : PUNCT _005196721 77 6 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 77 7 a a X _005196721 77 8 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 77 9 have have VERB _005196721 77 10 the the DET _005196721 77 11 immediate immediate ADJ _005196721 77 12 supervision supervision NOUN _005196721 77 13 of of ADP _005196721 77 14 the the DET _005196721 77 15 office office NOUN _005196721 77 16 or or CCONJ _005196721 77 17 of of ADP _005196721 77 18 their their PRON _005196721 77 19 own own ADJ _005196721 77 20 section section NOUN _005196721 77 21 and and CCONJ _005196721 77 22 exercise exercise VERB _005196721 77 23 it it PRON _005196721 77 24 according accord VERB _005196721 77 25 to to ADP _005196721 77 26 the the DET _005196721 77 27 directives directive NOUN _005196721 77 28 of of ADP _005196721 77 29 the the DET _005196721 77 30 superior superior ADJ _005196721 77 31 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 77 32 and and CCONJ _005196721 77 33 the the DET _005196721 77 34 special special ADJ _005196721 77 35 norms norm NOUN _005196721 77 36 of of ADP _005196721 77 37 the the DET _005196721 77 38 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 77 39 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 77 40 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 77 41 b b X _005196721 77 42 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 77 43 sign sign NOUN _005196721 77 44 — — PUNCT _005196721 77 45 with with ADP _005196721 77 46 the the DET _005196721 77 47 prior prior ADJ _005196721 77 48 authorization authorization NOUN _005196721 77 49 , , PUNCT _005196721 77 50 even even ADV _005196721 77 51 in in ADP _005196721 77 52 general general ADJ _005196721 77 53 , , PUNCT _005196721 77 54 of of ADP _005196721 77 55 the the DET _005196721 77 56 superior superior ADJ _005196721 77 57 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 77 58 — — PUNCT _005196721 77 59 clearly clearly ADV _005196721 77 60 specified specify VERB _005196721 77 61 documents document NOUN _005196721 77 62 of of ADP _005196721 77 63 lesser less ADJ _005196721 77 64 importance importance NOUN _005196721 77 65 . . PUNCT _005196721 78 1 2 2 X _005196721 78 2 . . X _005196721 78 3 under under ADP _005196721 78 4 the the DET _005196721 78 5 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196721 78 6 referred refer VERB _005196721 78 7 to to ADP _005196721 78 8 in in ADP _005196721 78 9 article article NOUN _005196721 78 10 27 27 NUM _005196721 78 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 78 12 3 3 NUM _005196721 78 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 78 14 the the DET _005196721 78 15 undersecretary undersecretary NOUN _005196721 78 16 of of ADP _005196721 78 17 the the DET _005196721 78 18 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 78 19 acts act NOUN _005196721 78 20 as as ADP _005196721 78 21 the the DET _005196721 78 22 official official ADJ _005196721 78 23 recorder recorder NOUN _005196721 78 24 at at ADP _005196721 78 25 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 78 26 and and CCONJ _005196721 78 27 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 78 28 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 78 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 79 1 article article NOUN _005196721 79 2 29 29 NUM _005196721 79 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 79 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 80 1 the the DET _005196721 80 2 directors director NOUN _005196721 80 3 or or CCONJ _005196721 80 4 office office NOUN _005196721 80 5 heads head NOUN _005196721 80 6 have have VERB _005196721 80 7 the the DET _005196721 80 8 immediate immediate ADJ _005196721 80 9 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005196721 80 10 for for ADP _005196721 80 11 the the DET _005196721 80 12 offices office NOUN _005196721 80 13 or or CCONJ _005196721 80 14 sections section NOUN _005196721 80 15 of of ADP _005196721 80 16 each each DET _005196721 80 17 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 80 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 81 1 in in ADP _005196721 81 2 addition addition NOUN _005196721 81 3 , , PUNCT _005196721 81 4 they they PRON _005196721 81 5 : : PUNCT _005196721 81 6 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 81 7 a a X _005196721 81 8 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 81 9 assist assist VERB _005196721 81 10 the the DET _005196721 81 11 superior superior ADJ _005196721 81 12 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 81 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 81 14 coordinating coordinate VERB _005196721 81 15 the the DET _005196721 81 16 work work NOUN _005196721 81 17 of of ADP _005196721 81 18 the the DET _005196721 81 19 division division NOUN _005196721 81 20 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 81 21 to to ADP _005196721 81 22 them they PRON _005196721 81 23 in in ADP _005196721 81 24 collaboration collaboration NOUN _005196721 81 25 with with ADP _005196721 81 26 their their PRON _005196721 81 27 colleagues colleague NOUN _005196721 81 28 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 81 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 81 30 b b X _005196721 81 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 81 32 attend attend VERB _005196721 81 33 the the DET _005196721 81 34 staff staff NOUN _005196721 81 35 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 81 36 , , PUNCT _005196721 81 37 in in ADP _005196721 81 38 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 81 39 with with ADP _005196721 81 40 article article NOUN _005196721 81 41 123 123 NUM _005196721 81 42 of of ADP _005196721 81 43 this this DET _005196721 81 44 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 81 45 . . PUNCT _005196721 82 1 2 2 X _005196721 82 2 . . X _005196721 82 3 the the DET _005196721 82 4 minutanti minutanti PROPN _005196721 82 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 82 6 aiutanti aiutanti PROPN _005196721 82 7 di di X _005196721 82 8 studio studio NOUN _005196721 82 9 have have VERB _005196721 82 10 the the DET _005196721 82 11 following follow VERB _005196721 82 12 tasks task NOUN _005196721 82 13 : : PUNCT _005196721 82 14 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 82 15 a a X _005196721 82 16 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 82 17 they they PRON _005196721 82 18 study study VERB _005196721 82 19 matters matter NOUN _005196721 82 20 concerning concern VERB _005196721 82 21 the the DET _005196721 82 22 division division NOUN _005196721 82 23 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 82 24 to to ADP _005196721 82 25 them they PRON _005196721 82 26 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 82 27 12 12 NUM _005196721 82 28 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 82 29 b b X _005196721 82 30 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 82 31 they they PRON _005196721 82 32 attend attend VERB _005196721 82 33 staff staff NOUN _005196721 82 34 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 82 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 82 36 in in ADP _005196721 82 37 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 82 38 with with ADP _005196721 82 39 article article NOUN _005196721 82 40 123 123 NUM _005196721 82 41 of of ADP _005196721 82 42 the the DET _005196721 82 43 present present ADJ _005196721 82 44 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 82 45 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 82 46 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 82 47 c c X _005196721 82 48 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 82 49 they they PRON _005196721 82 50 prepare prepare VERB _005196721 82 51 drafts draft NOUN _005196721 82 52 of of ADP _005196721 82 53 letters letter NOUN _005196721 82 54 and and CCONJ _005196721 82 55 rescripts rescript NOUN _005196721 82 56 relative relative ADJ _005196721 82 57 to to ADP _005196721 82 58 their their PRON _005196721 82 59 matters matter NOUN _005196721 82 60 under under ADP _005196721 82 61 the the DET _005196721 82 62 supervision supervision NOUN _005196721 82 63 of of ADP _005196721 82 64 the the DET _005196721 82 65 major major ADJ _005196721 82 66 officials official NOUN _005196721 82 67 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 82 68 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 82 69 d d X _005196721 82 70 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 82 71 they they PRON _005196721 82 72 draw draw VERB _005196721 82 73 an an DET _005196721 82 74 office office NOUN _005196721 82 75 memorandum memorandum NOUN _005196721 82 76 and and CCONJ _005196721 82 77 a a DET _005196721 82 78 summary summary NOUN _005196721 82 79 of of ADP _005196721 82 80 acts act NOUN _005196721 82 81 and and CCONJ _005196721 82 82 documents document NOUN _005196721 82 83 whenever whenever SCONJ _005196721 82 84 the the DET _005196721 82 85 matter matter NOUN _005196721 82 86 is be AUX _005196721 82 87 to to PART _005196721 82 88 be be AUX _005196721 82 89 submitted submit VERB _005196721 82 90 to to ADP _005196721 82 91 the the DET _005196721 82 92 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 82 93 or or CCONJ _005196721 82 94 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 82 95 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 82 96 , , PUNCT _005196721 82 97 completing complete VERB _005196721 82 98 them they PRON _005196721 82 99 with with ADP _005196721 82 100 de de PROPN _005196721 82 101 jure jure PROPN _005196721 82 102 and and CCONJ _005196721 82 103 de de X _005196721 82 104 facto facto X _005196721 82 105 observations observation NOUN _005196721 82 106 which which PRON _005196721 82 107 are be AUX _005196721 82 108 either either ADV _005196721 82 109 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 82 110 or or CCONJ _005196721 82 111 useful useful ADJ _005196721 82 112 for for ADP _005196721 82 113 the the DET _005196721 82 114 right right ADJ _005196721 82 115 solution solution NOUN _005196721 82 116 of of ADP _005196721 82 117 the the DET _005196721 82 118 case case NOUN _005196721 82 119 . . PUNCT _005196721 83 1 3 3 X _005196721 83 2 . . X _005196721 83 3 in in ADP _005196721 83 4 the the DET _005196721 83 5 distribution distribution NOUN _005196721 83 6 of of ADP _005196721 83 7 work work NOUN _005196721 83 8 the the DET _005196721 83 9 principle principle NOUN _005196721 83 10 generally generally ADV _005196721 83 11 followed follow VERB _005196721 83 12 is be AUX _005196721 83 13 that that PRON _005196721 83 14 of of ADP _005196721 83 15 division division NOUN _005196721 83 16 by by ADP _005196721 83 17 territory territory NOUN _005196721 83 18 combined combine VERB _005196721 83 19 with with ADP _005196721 83 20 a a DET _005196721 83 21 division division NOUN _005196721 83 22 by by ADP _005196721 83 23 subject subject ADJ _005196721 83 24 matter matter NOUN _005196721 83 25 , , PUNCT _005196721 83 26 in in ADP _005196721 83 27 order order NOUN _005196721 83 28 that that SCONJ _005196721 83 29 the the DET _005196721 83 30 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 83 31 may may AUX _005196721 83 32 be be AUX _005196721 83 33 better well ADV _005196721 83 34 informed inform VERB _005196721 83 35 on on ADP _005196721 83 36 the the DET _005196721 83 37 needs need NOUN _005196721 83 38 and and CCONJ _005196721 83 39 conditions condition NOUN _005196721 83 40 of of ADP _005196721 83 41 the the DET _005196721 83 42 various various ADJ _005196721 83 43 countries country NOUN _005196721 83 44 . . PUNCT _005196721 84 1 article article NOUN _005196721 84 2 30 30 NUM _005196721 84 3 archivists archivist NOUN _005196721 84 4 must must AUX _005196721 84 5 keep keep VERB _005196721 84 6 the the DET _005196721 84 7 archive archive NOUN _005196721 84 8 in in ADP _005196721 84 9 order order NOUN _005196721 84 10 and and CCONJ _005196721 84 11 the the DET _005196721 84 12 protocollists protocollist NOUN _005196721 84 13 must must AUX _005196721 84 14 look look VERB _005196721 84 15 after after ADP _005196721 84 16 the the DET _005196721 84 17 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 84 18 book book NOUN _005196721 84 19 , , PUNCT _005196721 84 20 according accord VERB _005196721 84 21 to to ADP _005196721 84 22 the the DET _005196721 84 23 norms norm NOUN _005196721 84 24 laid lay VERB _005196721 84 25 down down ADP _005196721 84 26 in in ADP _005196721 84 27 the the DET _005196721 84 28 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 84 29 valid valid ADJ _005196721 84 30 for for ADP _005196721 84 31 all all DET _005196721 84 32 the the DET _005196721 84 33 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 84 34 which which PRON _005196721 84 35 are be AUX _005196721 84 36 found find VERB _005196721 84 37 in in ADP _005196721 84 38 the the DET _005196721 84 39 appendix appendix NOUN _005196721 84 40 of of ADP _005196721 84 41 the the DET _005196721 84 42 present present ADJ _005196721 84 43 general general ADJ _005196721 84 44 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 84 45 . . PUNCT _005196721 85 1 article article NOUN _005196721 85 2 31 31 NUM _005196721 85 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 85 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 86 1 the the DET _005196721 86 2 offices office NOUN _005196721 86 3 of of ADP _005196721 86 4 distributor distributor NOUN _005196721 86 5 , , PUNCT _005196721 86 6 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 86 7 officer officer NOUN _005196721 86 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 86 9 mail mail NOUN _005196721 86 10 clerk clerk NOUN _005196721 86 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 86 12 or or CCONJ _005196721 86 13 of of ADP _005196721 86 14 distributor distributor NOUN _005196721 86 15 and and CCONJ _005196721 86 16 mail mail NOUN _005196721 86 17 clerk clerk NOUN _005196721 86 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 86 19 may may AUX _005196721 86 20 be be AUX _005196721 86 21 combined combine VERB _005196721 86 22 by by ADP _005196721 86 23 the the DET _005196721 86 24 decision decision NOUN _005196721 86 25 of of ADP _005196721 86 26 the the DET _005196721 86 27 superior superior NOUN _005196721 86 28 . . PUNCT _005196721 87 1 2 2 X _005196721 87 2 . . X _005196721 87 3 distributors distributor NOUN _005196721 87 4 can can AUX _005196721 87 5 also also ADV _005196721 87 6 fulfill fulfill VERB _005196721 87 7 not not PART _005196721 87 8 only only ADV _005196721 87 9 the the DET _005196721 87 10 functions function NOUN _005196721 87 11 of of ADP _005196721 87 12 mail mail NOUN _005196721 87 13 clerk clerk NOUN _005196721 87 14 but but CCONJ _005196721 87 15 also also ADV _005196721 87 16 those those PRON _005196721 87 17 of of ADP _005196721 87 18 cashier cashier NOUN _005196721 87 19 if if SCONJ _005196721 87 20 such such ADJ _005196721 87 21 exist exist NOUN _005196721 87 22 . . PUNCT _005196721 88 1 article article NOUN _005196721 88 2 32 32 NUM _005196721 88 3 if if SCONJ _005196721 88 4 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 88 5 , , PUNCT _005196721 88 6 in in ADP _005196721 88 7 some some PRON _005196721 88 8 of of ADP _005196721 88 9 the the DET _005196721 88 10 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 88 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 88 12 the the DET _005196721 88 13 office office NOUN _005196721 88 14 of of ADP _005196721 88 15 cashier cashier NOUN _005196721 88 16 will will AUX _005196721 88 17 be be AUX _005196721 88 18 distinct distinct ADJ _005196721 88 19 from from ADP _005196721 88 20 that that PRON _005196721 88 21 of of ADP _005196721 88 22 accountant accountant NOUN _005196721 88 23 . . PUNCT _005196721 89 1 article article NOUN _005196721 89 2 33 33 NUM _005196721 89 3 the the DET _005196721 89 4 task task NOUN _005196721 89 5 of of ADP _005196721 89 6 the the DET _005196721 89 7 scribes scribe NOUN _005196721 89 8 is be AUX _005196721 89 9 to to PART _005196721 89 10 copy copy VERB _005196721 89 11 the the DET _005196721 89 12 letters letter NOUN _005196721 89 13 and and CCONJ _005196721 89 14 the the DET _005196721 89 15 rescripts rescript NOUN _005196721 89 16 of of ADP _005196721 89 17 the the DET _005196721 89 18 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 89 19 and and CCONJ _005196721 89 20 to to PART _005196721 89 21 carry carry VERB _005196721 89 22 out out ADP _005196721 89 23 whatever whatever PRON _005196721 89 24 else else ADV _005196721 89 25 might might AUX _005196721 89 26 be be AUX _005196721 89 27 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 89 28 to to ADP _005196721 89 29 them they PRON _005196721 89 30 by by ADP _005196721 89 31 the the DET _005196721 89 32 superior superior NOUN _005196721 89 33 . . PUNCT _005196721 90 1 13 13 NUM _005196721 90 2 article article NOUN _005196721 90 3 34 34 NUM _005196721 90 4 it it PRON _005196721 90 5 is be AUX _005196721 90 6 the the DET _005196721 90 7 task task NOUN _005196721 90 8 of of ADP _005196721 90 9 the the DET _005196721 90 10 subaltern subaltern NOUN _005196721 90 11 to to PART _005196721 90 12 dispatch dispatch VERB _005196721 90 13 or or CCONJ _005196721 90 14 deliver deliver VERB _005196721 90 15 letters letter NOUN _005196721 90 16 and and CCONJ _005196721 90 17 packets packet NOUN _005196721 90 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 90 19 to to PART _005196721 90 20 look look VERB _005196721 90 21 after after ADP _005196721 90 22 the the DET _005196721 90 23 premises premise NOUN _005196721 90 24 and and CCONJ _005196721 90 25 the the DET _005196721 90 26 cleaning cleaning NOUN _005196721 90 27 before before ADP _005196721 90 28 the the DET _005196721 90 29 arrival arrival NOUN _005196721 90 30 and and CCONJ _005196721 90 31 after after ADP _005196721 90 32 the the DET _005196721 90 33 departure departure NOUN _005196721 90 34 of of ADP _005196721 90 35 the the DET _005196721 90 36 officials official NOUN _005196721 90 37 , , PUNCT _005196721 90 38 and and CCONJ _005196721 90 39 to to PART _005196721 90 40 carry carry VERB _005196721 90 41 out out ADP _005196721 90 42 the the DET _005196721 90 43 tasks task NOUN _005196721 90 44 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 90 45 to to ADP _005196721 90 46 them they PRON _005196721 90 47 by by ADP _005196721 90 48 the the DET _005196721 90 49 superior superior NOUN _005196721 90 50 for for ADP _005196721 90 51 the the DET _005196721 90 52 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 90 53 to to PART _005196721 90 54 which which PRON _005196721 90 55 they they PRON _005196721 90 56 belong belong VERB _005196721 90 57 . . PUNCT _005196721 91 1 title title NOUN _005196721 91 2 v v NOUN _005196721 91 3 duties duty NOUN _005196721 91 4 of of ADP _005196721 91 5 the the DET _005196721 91 6 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 91 7 article article NOUN _005196721 91 8 35 35 NUM _005196721 91 9 everyone everyone PRON _005196721 91 10 should should AUX _005196721 91 11 be be AUX _005196721 91 12 conscious conscious ADJ _005196721 91 13 of of ADP _005196721 91 14 the the DET _005196721 91 15 service service NOUN _005196721 91 16 he he PRON _005196721 91 17 renders render VERB _005196721 91 18 the the DET _005196721 91 19 pope pope NOUN _005196721 91 20 and and CCONJ _005196721 91 21 which which PRON _005196721 91 22 he he PRON _005196721 91 23 should should AUX _005196721 91 24 fulfill fulfill VERB _005196721 91 25 with with ADP _005196721 91 26 a a DET _005196721 91 27 sense sense NOUN _005196721 91 28 of of ADP _005196721 91 29 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005196721 91 30 and and CCONJ _005196721 91 31 christian christian ADJ _005196721 91 32 charity charity NOUN _005196721 91 33 toward toward ADP _005196721 91 34 anyone anyone PRON _005196721 91 35 who who PRON _005196721 91 36 has have VERB _005196721 91 37 recourse recourse NOUN _005196721 91 38 to to ADP _005196721 91 39 the the DET _005196721 91 40 holy holy PROPN _005196721 91 41 see see PROPN _005196721 91 42 . . PUNCT _005196721 92 1 article article NOUN _005196721 92 2 36 36 NUM _005196721 92 3 everyone everyone PRON _005196721 92 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 92 5 officials official NOUN _005196721 92 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 92 7 subalterns subaltern NOUN _005196721 92 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 92 9 without without ADP _005196721 92 10 special special ADJ _005196721 92 11 compensation compensation NOUN _005196721 92 12 and and CCONJ _005196721 92 13 in in ADP _005196721 92 14 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 92 15 with with ADP _005196721 92 16 the the DET _005196721 92 17 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 92 18 of of ADP _005196721 92 19 the the DET _005196721 92 20 superiors superior NOUN _005196721 92 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 92 22 will will AUX _005196721 92 23 substitute substitute VERB _005196721 92 24 and and CCONJ _005196721 92 25 assist assist VERB _005196721 92 26 fraternally fraternally ADV _005196721 92 27 his his PRON _005196721 92 28 colleagues colleague NOUN _005196721 92 29 in in ADP _005196721 92 30 the the DET _005196721 92 31 event event NOUN _005196721 92 32 of of ADP _005196721 92 33 their their PRON _005196721 92 34 absence absence NOUN _005196721 92 35 or or CCONJ _005196721 92 36 impediment impediment NOUN _005196721 92 37 or or CCONJ _005196721 92 38 of of ADP _005196721 92 39 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 92 40 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 92 41 . . PUNCT _005196721 93 1 article article NOUN _005196721 93 2 37 37 NUM _005196721 93 3 in in ADP _005196721 93 4 urgent urgent ADJ _005196721 93 5 cases case NOUN _005196721 93 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 93 7 or or CCONJ _005196721 93 8 in in ADP _005196721 93 9 special special ADJ _005196721 93 10 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196721 93 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 93 12 officials official NOUN _005196721 93 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 93 14 according accord VERB _005196721 93 15 to to ADP _005196721 93 16 the the DET _005196721 93 17 judgment judgment NOUN _005196721 93 18 of of ADP _005196721 93 19 their their PRON _005196721 93 20 superiors superior NOUN _005196721 93 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 93 22 will will AUX _005196721 93 23 complete complete VERB _005196721 93 24 at at ADP _005196721 93 25 home home NOUN _005196721 93 26 the the DET _005196721 93 27 work work NOUN _005196721 93 28 which which PRON _005196721 93 29 they they PRON _005196721 93 30 were be AUX _005196721 93 31 unable unable ADJ _005196721 93 32 to to PART _005196721 93 33 finish finish VERB _005196721 93 34 at at ADP _005196721 93 35 the the DET _005196721 93 36 office office NOUN _005196721 93 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 94 1 they they PRON _005196721 94 2 will will AUX _005196721 94 3 furthermore furthermore ADV _005196721 94 4 take take VERB _005196721 94 5 care care NOUN _005196721 94 6 of of ADP _005196721 94 7 any any DET _005196721 94 8 office office NOUN _005196721 94 9 duty duty NOUN _005196721 94 10 which which PRON _005196721 94 11 may may AUX _005196721 94 12 be be AUX _005196721 94 13 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 94 14 to to ADP _005196721 94 15 them they PRON _005196721 94 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 94 17 though though SCONJ _005196721 94 18 it it PRON _005196721 94 19 may may AUX _005196721 94 20 be be AUX _005196721 94 21 outside outside ADP _005196721 94 22 of of ADP _005196721 94 23 their their PRON _005196721 94 24 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 94 25 assignments assignment NOUN _005196721 94 26 . . PUNCT _005196721 95 1 article article NOUN _005196721 95 2 38 38 NUM _005196721 95 3 in in ADP _005196721 95 4 the the DET _005196721 95 5 office office NOUN _005196721 95 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 95 7 priests priest NOUN _005196721 95 8 will will AUX _005196721 95 9 be be AUX _005196721 95 10 required require VERB _005196721 95 11 to to PART _005196721 95 12 wear wear VERB _005196721 95 13 the the DET _005196721 95 14 cassock cassock NOUN _005196721 95 15 . . PUNCT _005196721 96 1 article article NOUN _005196721 96 2 39 39 NUM _005196721 96 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 96 4 . . X _005196721 96 5 officials official NOUN _005196721 96 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 96 7 subalterns subaltern NOUN _005196721 96 8 are be AUX _005196721 96 9 obliged oblige VERB _005196721 96 10 to to PART _005196721 96 11 observe observe VERB _005196721 96 12 strictly strictly ADV _005196721 96 13 the the DET _005196721 96 14 office office NOUN _005196721 96 15 secret secret NOUN _005196721 96 16 . . PUNCT _005196721 97 1 14 14 NUM _005196721 97 2 2 2 NUM _005196721 97 3 . . PUNCT _005196721 97 4 any any DET _005196721 97 5 violation violation NOUN _005196721 97 6 of of ADP _005196721 97 7 pontifical pontifical ADJ _005196721 97 8 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005196721 97 9 concerning concern VERB _005196721 97 10 the the DET _005196721 97 11 obligations obligation NOUN _005196721 97 12 determined determine VERB _005196721 97 13 by by ADP _005196721 97 14 the the DET _005196721 97 15 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005196721 97 16 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 97 17 implies imply VERB _005196721 97 18 dismissal dismissal NOUN _005196721 97 19 from from ADP _005196721 97 20 office office NOUN _005196721 97 21 as as ADV _005196721 97 22 well well ADV _005196721 97 23 as as ADP _005196721 97 24 other other ADJ _005196721 97 25 sanctions sanction NOUN _005196721 97 26 provided provide VERB _005196721 97 27 for for ADP _005196721 97 28 in in ADP _005196721 97 29 the the DET _005196721 97 30 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 97 31 themselves themselves PRON _005196721 97 32 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 97 33 any any DET _005196721 97 34 violation violation NOUN _005196721 97 35 of of ADP _005196721 97 36 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 97 37 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005196721 97 38 concerning concern VERB _005196721 97 39 other other ADJ _005196721 97 40 matters matter NOUN _005196721 97 41 implies imply VERB _005196721 97 42 the the DET _005196721 97 43 sanctions sanction NOUN _005196721 97 44 referred refer VERB _005196721 97 45 to to ADP _005196721 97 46 in in ADP _005196721 97 47 articles article NOUN _005196721 97 48 62 62 NUM _005196721 97 49 - - SYM _005196721 97 50 67 67 NUM _005196721 97 51 of of ADP _005196721 97 52 the the DET _005196721 97 53 present present ADJ _005196721 97 54 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 97 55 . . PUNCT _005196721 98 1 article article NOUN _005196721 98 2 40 40 NUM _005196721 99 1 it it PRON _005196721 99 2 is be AUX _005196721 99 3 forbidden forbid VERB _005196721 99 4 for for ADP _005196721 99 5 officials official NOUN _005196721 99 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 99 7 subalterns subaltern NOUN _005196721 99 8 : : PUNCT _005196721 99 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 10 1 1 X _005196721 99 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 99 12 to to PART _005196721 99 13 remove remove VERB _005196721 99 14 documents document NOUN _005196721 99 15 and and CCONJ _005196721 99 16 keep keep VERB _005196721 99 17 personal personal ADJ _005196721 99 18 notes note NOUN _005196721 99 19 or or CCONJ _005196721 99 20 observations observation NOUN _005196721 99 21 regarding regard VERB _005196721 99 22 the the DET _005196721 99 23 affairs affair NOUN _005196721 99 24 of of ADP _005196721 99 25 the the DET _005196721 99 26 roman roman ADJ _005196721 99 27 curia curia NOUN _005196721 99 28 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 99 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 30 2 2 X _005196721 99 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 99 32 to to PART _005196721 99 33 be be AUX _005196721 99 34 absent absent ADJ _005196721 99 35 without without ADP _005196721 99 36 leave leave NOUN _005196721 99 37 from from ADP _005196721 99 38 the the DET _005196721 99 39 superior superior NOUN _005196721 99 40 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 99 41 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 42 3 3 NUM _005196721 99 43 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 99 44 to to PART _005196721 99 45 make make VERB _005196721 99 46 undue undue ADJ _005196721 99 47 use use NOUN _005196721 99 48 of of ADP _005196721 99 49 office office NOUN _005196721 99 50 letterhead letterhead NOUN _005196721 99 51 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 99 52 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 53 4 4 X _005196721 99 54 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 99 55 to to PART _005196721 99 56 discuss discuss VERB _005196721 99 57 office office NOUN _005196721 99 58 matters matter NOUN _005196721 99 59 with with ADP _005196721 99 60 outsiders outsider NOUN _005196721 99 61 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 99 62 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 63 5 5 NUM _005196721 99 64 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 99 65 to to PART _005196721 99 66 act act VERB _005196721 99 67 in in ADP _005196721 99 68 any any DET _005196721 99 69 way way NOUN _005196721 99 70 as as ADP _005196721 99 71 agent agent NOUN _005196721 99 72 , , PUNCT _005196721 99 73 procurator procurator NOUN _005196721 99 74 or or CCONJ _005196721 99 75 advocate advocate VERB _005196721 99 76 in in ADP _005196721 99 77 one one NUM _005196721 99 78 ’s ’s PART _005196721 99 79 own own ADJ _005196721 99 80 or or CCONJ _005196721 99 81 in in ADP _005196721 99 82 another another DET _005196721 99 83 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 99 84 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 99 85 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 86 6 6 NUM _005196721 99 87 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 99 88 to to PART _005196721 99 89 retain retain VERB _005196721 99 90 or or CCONJ _005196721 99 91 take take VERB _005196721 99 92 on on ADP _005196721 99 93 employment employment NOUN _005196721 99 94 , , PUNCT _005196721 99 95 even even ADV _005196721 99 96 of of ADP _005196721 99 97 a a DET _005196721 99 98 private private ADJ _005196721 99 99 nature nature NOUN _005196721 99 100 , , PUNCT _005196721 99 101 or or CCONJ _005196721 99 102 duties duty NOUN _005196721 99 103 , , PUNCT _005196721 99 104 even even ADV _005196721 99 105 of of ADP _005196721 99 106 an an DET _005196721 99 107 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 99 108 nature nature NOUN _005196721 99 109 , , PUNCT _005196721 99 110 which which PRON _005196721 99 111 are be AUX _005196721 99 112 incompatible incompatible ADJ _005196721 99 113 with with ADP _005196721 99 114 the the DET _005196721 99 115 work work NOUN _005196721 99 116 of of ADP _005196721 99 117 the the DET _005196721 99 118 office office NOUN _005196721 99 119 without without ADP _005196721 99 120 the the DET _005196721 99 121 express express ADJ _005196721 99 122 authorization authorization NOUN _005196721 99 123 of of ADP _005196721 99 124 the the DET _005196721 99 125 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 99 126 in in ADP _005196721 99 127 charge charge NOUN _005196721 99 128 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 99 129 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 130 7 7 NUM _005196721 99 131 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 99 132 to to PART _005196721 99 133 be be AUX _005196721 99 134 a a DET _005196721 99 135 member member NOUN _005196721 99 136 of of ADP _005196721 99 137 a a DET _005196721 99 138 political political ADJ _005196721 99 139 party party NOUN _005196721 99 140 or or CCONJ _005196721 99 141 of of ADP _005196721 99 142 associations association NOUN _005196721 99 143 and and CCONJ _005196721 99 144 institutions institution NOUN _005196721 99 145 not not PART _005196721 99 146 conforming conform VERB _005196721 99 147 with with ADP _005196721 99 148 the the DET _005196721 99 149 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005196721 99 150 and and CCONJ _005196721 99 151 the the DET _005196721 99 152 discipline discipline NOUN _005196721 99 153 of of ADP _005196721 99 154 the the DET _005196721 99 155 church church NOUN _005196721 99 156 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 99 157 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 99 158 8) 8) NOUN _005196721 99 159 to to PART _005196721 99 160 exercise exercise VERB _005196721 99 161 any any DET _005196721 99 162 activity activity NOUN _005196721 99 163 or or CCONJ _005196721 99 164 to to PART _005196721 99 165 take take VERB _005196721 99 166 part part NOUN _005196721 99 167 in in ADP _005196721 99 168 demonstrations demonstration NOUN _005196721 99 169 which which PRON _005196721 99 170 , , PUNCT _005196721 99 171 in in ADP _005196721 99 172 the the DET _005196721 99 173 opinion opinion NOUN _005196721 99 174 of of ADP _005196721 99 175 the the DET _005196721 99 176 superior superior NOUN _005196721 99 177 , , PUNCT _005196721 99 178 are be AUX _005196721 99 179 not not PART _005196721 99 180 in in ADP _005196721 99 181 keeping keep VERB _005196721 99 182 with with ADP _005196721 99 183 the the DET _005196721 99 184 character character NOUN _005196721 99 185 of of ADP _005196721 99 186 an an DET _005196721 99 187 official official NOUN _005196721 99 188 of of ADP _005196721 99 189 the the DET _005196721 99 190 holy holy PROPN _005196721 99 191 see see PROPN _005196721 99 192 . . PUNCT _005196721 100 1 article article NOUN _005196721 100 2 41 41 NUM _005196721 100 3 it it PRON _005196721 100 4 is be AUX _005196721 100 5 strongly strongly ADV _005196721 100 6 recommended recommend VERB _005196721 100 7 that that SCONJ _005196721 100 8 every every DET _005196721 100 9 official official NOUN _005196721 100 10 who who PRON _005196721 100 11 is be AUX _005196721 100 12 a a DET _005196721 100 13 priest priest NOUN _005196721 100 14 be be AUX _005196721 100 15 registered register VERB _005196721 100 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 100 17 in in ADP _005196721 100 18 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 100 19 with with ADP _005196721 100 20 his his PRON _005196721 100 21 own own ADJ _005196721 100 22 superior superior ADJ _005196721 100 23 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 100 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 100 25 with with ADP _005196721 100 26 a a DET _005196721 100 27 church church NOUN _005196721 100 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 100 29 oratory oratory NOUN _005196721 100 30 or or CCONJ _005196721 100 31 institute institute NOUN _005196721 100 32 in in ADP _005196721 100 33 which which PRON _005196721 100 34 he he PRON _005196721 100 35 normally normally ADV _005196721 100 36 exercises exercise VERB _005196721 100 37 the the DET _005196721 100 38 pastoral pastoral ADJ _005196721 100 39 ministry ministry NOUN _005196721 100 40 , , PUNCT _005196721 100 41 within within ADP _005196721 100 42 the the DET _005196721 100 43 limits limit NOUN _005196721 100 44 permitted permit VERB _005196721 100 45 by by ADP _005196721 100 46 office office NOUN _005196721 100 47 duties duty NOUN _005196721 100 48 . . PUNCT _005196721 101 1 15 15 NUM _005196721 101 2 lay lay NOUN _005196721 101 3 members member NOUN _005196721 101 4 are be AUX _005196721 101 5 also also ADV _005196721 101 6 urged urge VERB _005196721 101 7 to to PART _005196721 101 8 engage engage VERB _005196721 101 9 in in ADP _005196721 101 10 their their PRON _005196721 101 11 free free ADJ _005196721 101 12 time time NOUN _005196721 101 13 and and CCONJ _005196721 101 14 according accord VERB _005196721 101 15 to to ADP _005196721 101 16 office office NOUN _005196721 101 17 commitments commitment NOUN _005196721 101 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 101 19 in in ADP _005196721 101 20 good good ADJ _005196721 101 21 works work NOUN _005196721 101 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 101 23 the the DET _005196721 101 24 apostolate apostolate NOUN _005196721 101 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 102 1 title title NOUN _005196721 102 2 vi vi PROPN _005196721 102 3 hours hour NOUN _005196721 102 4 of of ADP _005196721 102 5 work work NOUN _005196721 102 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 102 7 absence absence NOUN _005196721 102 8 article article NOUN _005196721 102 9 42 42 NUM _005196721 102 10 while while SCONJ _005196721 102 11 the the DET _005196721 102 12 general general ADJ _005196721 102 13 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 102 14 contained contain VERB _005196721 102 15 in in ADP _005196721 102 16 the the DET _005196721 102 17 circular circular NOUN _005196721 102 18 of of ADP _005196721 102 19 july july PROPN _005196721 102 20 1 1 NUM _005196721 102 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 102 22 1959 1959 NUM _005196721 102 23 , , PUNCT _005196721 102 24 remain remain VERB _005196721 102 25 valid valid ADJ _005196721 102 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 102 27 the the DET _005196721 102 28 sum sum NOUN _005196721 102 29 total total NOUN _005196721 102 30 of of ADP _005196721 102 31 the the DET _005196721 102 32 compulsory compulsory ADJ _005196721 102 33 working work VERB _005196721 102 34 hours hour NOUN _005196721 102 35 of of ADP _005196721 102 36 the the DET _005196721 102 37 roman roman ADJ _005196721 102 38 curia curia NOUN _005196721 102 39 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 102 40 is be AUX _005196721 102 41 reduced reduce VERB _005196721 102 42 as as SCONJ _005196721 102 43 follows follow VERB _005196721 102 44 : : PUNCT _005196721 102 45 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 102 46 a a X _005196721 102 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 102 48 for for ADP _005196721 102 49 officials official NOUN _005196721 102 50 , , PUNCT _005196721 102 51 an an DET _005196721 102 52 over over ADP _005196721 102 53 - - PUNCT _005196721 102 54 all all PRON _005196721 102 55 total total NOUN _005196721 102 56 of of ADP _005196721 102 57 33 33 NUM _005196721 102 58 hours hour NOUN _005196721 102 59 a a DET _005196721 102 60 week week NOUN _005196721 102 61 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 102 62 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 102 63 b b X _005196721 102 64 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 102 65 for for ADP _005196721 102 66 subalterns subaltern NOUN _005196721 102 67 , , PUNCT _005196721 102 68 an an DET _005196721 102 69 over over ADP _005196721 102 70 - - PUNCT _005196721 102 71 all all PRON _005196721 102 72 total total NOUN _005196721 102 73 of of ADP _005196721 102 74 39 39 NUM _005196721 102 75 hours hour NOUN _005196721 102 76 a a DET _005196721 102 77 week week NOUN _005196721 102 78 , , PUNCT _005196721 102 79 in in ADP _005196721 102 80 order order NOUN _005196721 102 81 that that SCONJ _005196721 102 82 they they PRON _005196721 102 83 may may AUX _005196721 102 84 be be AUX _005196721 102 85 able able ADJ _005196721 102 86 to to PART _005196721 102 87 attend attend VERB _005196721 102 88 to to ADP _005196721 102 89 the the DET _005196721 102 90 tasks task NOUN _005196721 102 91 to to PART _005196721 102 92 be be AUX _005196721 102 93 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005196721 102 94 before before ADV _005196721 102 95 or or CCONJ _005196721 102 96 after after ADP _005196721 102 97 normal normal ADJ _005196721 102 98 office office NOUN _005196721 102 99 hours hour NOUN _005196721 102 100 in in ADP _005196721 102 101 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 102 102 with with ADP _005196721 102 103 the the DET _005196721 102 104 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 102 105 issued issue VERB _005196721 102 106 by by ADP _005196721 102 107 the the DET _005196721 102 108 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 102 109 in in ADP _005196721 102 110 charge charge NOUN _005196721 102 111 for for ADP _005196721 102 112 each each PRON _005196721 102 113 of of ADP _005196721 102 114 the the DET _005196721 102 115 various various ADJ _005196721 102 116 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 102 117 . . PUNCT _005196721 103 1 2 2 X _005196721 103 2 . . X _005196721 103 3 normal normal ADJ _005196721 103 4 office office NOUN _005196721 103 5 hours hour NOUN _005196721 103 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 103 7 which which PRON _005196721 103 8 are be AUX _005196721 103 9 the the DET _005196721 103 10 same same ADJ _005196721 103 11 for for ADP _005196721 103 12 all all DET _005196721 103 13 the the DET _005196721 103 14 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 103 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 103 16 are be AUX _005196721 103 17 from from ADP _005196721 103 18 9 9 NUM _005196721 103 19 a.m. a.m. NOUN _005196721 103 20 to to ADP _005196721 103 21 1:30 1:30 NUM _005196721 103 22 p.m. p.m. NOUN _005196721 103 23 ^ ^ NUM _005196721 104 1 3 3 X _005196721 104 2 . . X _005196721 104 3 the the DET _005196721 104 4 remaining remain VERB _005196721 104 5 hours hour NOUN _005196721 104 6 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 104 7 in in ADP _005196721 104 8 order order NOUN _005196721 104 9 to to PART _005196721 104 10 attain attain VERB _005196721 104 11 the the DET _005196721 104 12 over over ADP _005196721 104 13 - - PUNCT _005196721 104 14 all all PRON _005196721 104 15 compulsory compulsory ADJ _005196721 104 16 total total NOUN _005196721 104 17 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 104 18 may may AUX _005196721 104 19 be be AUX _005196721 104 20 distributed distribute VERB _005196721 104 21 over over ADP _005196721 104 22 the the DET _005196721 104 23 week week NOUN _005196721 104 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 104 25 in in ADP _005196721 104 26 the the DET _005196721 104 27 morning morning NOUN _005196721 104 28 or or CCONJ _005196721 104 29 in in ADP _005196721 104 30 the the DET _005196721 104 31 afternoon afternoon NOUN _005196721 104 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 104 33 at at ADP _005196721 104 34 the the DET _005196721 104 35 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 104 36 of of ADP _005196721 104 37 the the DET _005196721 104 38 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 104 39 in in ADP _005196721 104 40 charge charge NOUN _005196721 104 41 but but CCONJ _005196721 104 42 in in ADP _005196721 104 43 such such DET _005196721 104 44 a a DET _005196721 104 45 way way NOUN _005196721 104 46 that that PRON _005196721 104 47 each each DET _005196721 104 48 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 104 49 will will AUX _005196721 104 50 be be AUX _005196721 104 51 open open ADJ _005196721 104 52 on on ADP _005196721 104 53 all all DET _005196721 104 54 working working NOUN _005196721 104 55 days day NOUN _005196721 104 56 , , PUNCT _005196721 104 57 except except SCONJ _005196721 104 58 on on ADP _005196721 104 59 saturdays saturday NOUN _005196721 104 60 and and CCONJ _005196721 104 61 on on ADP _005196721 104 62 the the DET _005196721 104 63 eve eve NOUN _005196721 104 64 of of ADP _005196721 104 65 feast feast NOUN _005196721 104 66 days day NOUN _005196721 104 67 , , PUNCT _005196721 104 68 from from ADP _005196721 104 69 6 6 NUM _005196721 104 70 p.m. p.m. NOUN _005196721 104 71 to to ADP _005196721 104 72 8 8 NUM _005196721 104 73 p.m. p.m. NOUN _005196721 104 74 with with ADP _005196721 104 75 a a DET _005196721 104 76 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005196721 104 77 number number NOUN _005196721 104 78 of of ADP _005196721 104 79 officials official NOUN _005196721 104 80 and and CCONJ _005196721 104 81 subalterns subaltern VERB _005196721 104 82 on on ADP _005196721 104 83 duty duty NOUN _005196721 104 84 . . PUNCT _005196721 105 1 4 4 X _005196721 105 2 . . X _005196721 105 3 office office NOUN _005196721 105 4 hours hour NOUN _005196721 105 5 must must AUX _005196721 105 6 be be AUX _005196721 105 7 faithfully faithfully ADV _005196721 105 8 observed observe VERB _005196721 105 9 so so SCONJ _005196721 105 10 that that SCONJ _005196721 105 11 at at ADP _005196721 105 12 the the DET _005196721 105 13 appointed appoint VERB _005196721 105 14 hour hour NOUN _005196721 105 15 everyone everyone PRON _005196721 105 16 will will AUX _005196721 105 17 be be AUX _005196721 105 18 at at ADP _005196721 105 19 his his PRON _005196721 105 20 post post NOUN _005196721 105 21 and and CCONJ _005196721 105 22 at at ADP _005196721 105 23 the the DET _005196721 105 24 disposal disposal NOUN _005196721 105 25 of of ADP _005196721 105 26 the the DET _005196721 105 27 superior superior ADJ _005196721 105 28 . . PUNCT _005196721 106 1 time time NOUN _005196721 106 2 spent spend VERB _005196721 106 3 in in ADP _005196721 106 4 the the DET _005196721 106 5 service service NOUN _005196721 106 6 of of ADP _005196721 106 7 the the DET _005196721 106 8 holy holy ADJ _005196721 106 9 see see NOUN _005196721 106 10 in in ADP _005196721 106 11 its its PRON _005196721 106 12 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 106 13 is be AUX _005196721 106 14 to to PART _005196721 106 15 be be AUX _005196721 106 16 regarded regard VERB _005196721 106 17 as as ADV _005196721 106 18 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 106 19 because because SCONJ _005196721 106 20 dedicated dedicate VERB _005196721 106 21 to to ADP _005196721 106 22 faithful faithful ADJ _005196721 106 23 service service NOUN _005196721 106 24 of of ADP _005196721 106 25 the the DET _005196721 106 26 church church NOUN _005196721 106 27 and and CCONJ _005196721 106 28 of of ADP _005196721 106 29 the the DET _005196721 106 30 person person NOUN _005196721 106 31 of of ADP _005196721 106 32 the the DET _005196721 106 33 supreme supreme PROPN _005196721 106 34 pontiff pontiff PROPN _005196721 106 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 107 1 16 16 NUM _005196721 107 2 5 5 NUM _005196721 107 3 . . PROPN _005196721 107 4 rota rota NOUN _005196721 107 5 auditors auditor NOUN _005196721 107 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 107 7 because because SCONJ _005196721 107 8 of of ADP _005196721 107 9 the the DET _005196721 107 10 nature nature NOUN _005196721 107 11 of of ADP _005196721 107 12 their their PRON _005196721 107 13 work work NOUN _005196721 107 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 107 15 have have VERB _005196721 107 16 no no DET _005196721 107 17 office office NOUN _005196721 107 18 hours hour NOUN _005196721 107 19 , , PUNCT _005196721 107 20 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005196721 107 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 107 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 107 23 although although SCONJ _005196721 107 24 they they PRON _005196721 107 25 work work VERB _005196721 107 26 at at ADP _005196721 107 27 home home NOUN _005196721 107 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 107 29 they they PRON _005196721 107 30 are be AUX _005196721 107 31 obliged oblige VERB _005196721 107 32 to to PART _005196721 107 33 attend attend VERB _005196721 107 34 the the DET _005196721 107 35 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005196721 107 36 one one NUM _005196721 107 37 day day NOUN _005196721 107 38 a a DET _005196721 107 39 week week NOUN _005196721 107 40 for for SCONJ _005196721 107 41 the the DET _005196721 107 42 audiences audience NOUN _005196721 107 43 to to PART _005196721 107 44 be be AUX _005196721 107 45 held hold VERB _005196721 107 46 at at ADP _005196721 107 47 fixed fix VERB _005196721 107 48 hours hour NOUN _005196721 107 49 . . PUNCT _005196721 108 1 the the DET _005196721 108 2 promotor promotor NOUN _005196721 108 3 of of ADP _005196721 108 4 justice justice NOUN _005196721 108 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 108 6 the the DET _005196721 108 7 defender defender NOUN _005196721 108 8 of of ADP _005196721 108 9 the the DET _005196721 108 10 bond bond NOUN _005196721 108 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 108 12 while while SCONJ _005196721 108 13 carrying carry VERB _005196721 108 14 out out ADP _005196721 108 15 their their PRON _005196721 108 16 activities activity NOUN _005196721 108 17 at at ADP _005196721 108 18 home home NOUN _005196721 108 19 , , PUNCT _005196721 108 20 must must AUX _005196721 108 21 take take VERB _005196721 108 22 turns turn NOUN _005196721 108 23 at at ADP _005196721 108 24 attending attend VERB _005196721 108 25 the the DET _005196721 108 26 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005196721 108 27 on on ADP _005196721 108 28 working working NOUN _005196721 108 29 days day NOUN _005196721 108 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 109 1 other other ADJ _005196721 109 2 officials official NOUN _005196721 109 3 will will AUX _005196721 109 4 observe observe VERB _005196721 109 5 the the DET _005196721 109 6 office office NOUN _005196721 109 7 hours hour NOUN _005196721 109 8 established establish VERB _005196721 109 9 by by ADP _005196721 109 10 the the DET _005196721 109 11 rota rota NOUN _005196721 109 12 college college NOUN _005196721 109 13 . . PUNCT _005196721 110 1 article article NOUN _005196721 110 2 43 43 NUM _005196721 110 3 while while SCONJ _005196721 110 4 the the DET _005196721 110 5 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 110 6 of of ADP _005196721 110 7 article article NOUN _005196721 110 8 37 37 NUM _005196721 110 9 remain remain VERB _005196721 110 10 valid valid ADJ _005196721 110 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 110 12 officials official NOUN _005196721 110 13 will will AUX _005196721 110 14 not not PART _005196721 110 15 fail fail VERB _005196721 110 16 to to PART _005196721 110 17 work work VERB _005196721 110 18 beyond beyond ADP _005196721 110 19 office office NOUN _005196721 110 20 hours hour NOUN _005196721 110 21 if if SCONJ _005196721 110 22 the the DET _005196721 110 23 service service NOUN _005196721 110 24 requires require VERB _005196721 110 25 it it PRON _005196721 110 26 . . PUNCT _005196721 111 1 article article NOUN _005196721 111 2 44 44 NUM _005196721 111 3 those those PRON _005196721 111 4 who who PRON _005196721 111 5 are be AUX _005196721 111 6 remunerated remunerate VERB _005196721 111 7 by by ADP _005196721 111 8 the the DET _005196721 111 9 hour hour NOUN _005196721 111 10 must must AUX _005196721 111 11 sign sign VERB _005196721 111 12 the the DET _005196721 111 13 attendance attendance NOUN _005196721 111 14 sheet sheet NOUN _005196721 111 15 on on ADP _005196721 111 16 entering enter VERB _005196721 111 17 and and CCONJ _005196721 111 18 leaving leave VERB _005196721 111 19 the the DET _005196721 111 20 office office NOUN _005196721 111 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 112 1 article article NOUN _005196721 112 2 45 45 NUM _005196721 112 3 deductions deduction NOUN _005196721 112 4 to to ADP _005196721 112 5 the the DET _005196721 112 6 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 112 7 may may AUX _005196721 112 8 be be AUX _005196721 112 9 made make VERB _005196721 112 10 for for ADP _005196721 112 11 unjustified unjustified ADJ _005196721 112 12 non non ADJ _005196721 112 13 - - NOUN _005196721 112 14 observance observance NOUN _005196721 112 15 of of ADP _005196721 112 16 office office NOUN _005196721 112 17 hours hour NOUN _005196721 112 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 112 19 according accord VERB _005196721 112 20 to to ADP _005196721 112 21 working work VERB _005196721 112 22 time time NOUN _005196721 112 23 missed miss VERB _005196721 112 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 112 25 in in ADP _005196721 112 26 addition addition NOUN _005196721 112 27 to to ADP _005196721 112 28 other other ADJ _005196721 112 29 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005196721 112 30 measures measure NOUN _005196721 112 31 that that PRON _005196721 112 32 may may AUX _005196721 112 33 be be AUX _005196721 112 34 taken take VERB _005196721 112 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 113 1 article article NOUN _005196721 113 2 46 46 NUM _005196721 113 3 the the DET _005196721 113 4 sheets sheet NOUN _005196721 113 5 with with ADP _005196721 113 6 the the DET _005196721 113 7 signatures signature NOUN _005196721 113 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 113 9 referred refer VERB _005196721 113 10 to to ADP _005196721 113 11 in in ADP _005196721 113 12 article article NOUN _005196721 113 13 44 44 NUM _005196721 113 14 of of ADP _005196721 113 15 the the DET _005196721 113 16 present present ADJ _005196721 113 17 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 113 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 113 19 as as ADV _005196721 113 20 well well ADV _005196721 113 21 as as ADP _005196721 113 22 observations observation NOUN _005196721 113 23 and and CCONJ _005196721 113 24 justifications justification NOUN _005196721 113 25 , , PUNCT _005196721 113 26 must must AUX _005196721 113 27 be be AUX _005196721 113 28 transmitted transmit VERB _005196721 113 29 by by ADP _005196721 113 30 the the DET _005196721 113 31 superior superior ADJ _005196721 113 32 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 113 33 to to ADP _005196721 113 34 the the DET _005196721 113 35 administration administration NOUN _005196721 113 36 concerned concern VERB _005196721 113 37 for for ADP _005196721 113 38 the the DET _005196721 113 39 calculation calculation NOUN _005196721 113 40 of of ADP _005196721 113 41 absences absence NOUN _005196721 113 42 , , PUNCT _005196721 113 43 non non NOUN _005196721 113 44 - - NOUN _005196721 113 45 observance observance NOUN _005196721 113 46 of of ADP _005196721 113 47 office office NOUN _005196721 113 48 hours hour NOUN _005196721 113 49 and and CCONJ _005196721 113 50 relative relative ADJ _005196721 113 51 deductions deduction NOUN _005196721 113 52 . . PUNCT _005196721 114 1 article article NOUN _005196721 114 2 47 47 NUM _005196721 114 3 in in ADP _005196721 114 4 the the DET _005196721 114 5 event event NOUN _005196721 114 6 of of ADP _005196721 114 7 sickness sickness NOUN _005196721 114 8 or or CCONJ _005196721 114 9 other other ADJ _005196721 114 10 unforeseen unforeseen ADJ _005196721 114 11 impediment impediment NOUN _005196721 114 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 114 13 the the DET _005196721 114 14 employe employe NOUN _005196721 114 15 must must AUX _005196721 114 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 114 17 on on ADP _005196721 114 18 the the DET _005196721 114 19 same same ADJ _005196721 114 20 day day NOUN _005196721 114 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 114 22 inform inform VERB _005196721 114 23 the the DET _005196721 114 24 superior superior ADJ _005196721 114 25 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 114 26 who who PRON _005196721 114 27 will will AUX _005196721 114 28 report report VERB _005196721 114 29 the the DET _005196721 114 30 absence absence NOUN _005196721 114 31 to to ADP _005196721 114 32 the the DET _005196721 114 33 administration administration NOUN _005196721 114 34 concerned concern VERB _005196721 114 35 within within ADP _005196721 114 36 three three NUM _005196721 114 37 days day NOUN _005196721 114 38 . . PUNCT _005196721 115 1 17 17 NUM _005196721 115 2 title title NOUN _005196721 115 3 vii vii PROPN _005196721 115 4 vacations vacation NOUN _005196721 115 5 , , PUNCT _005196721 115 6 feast feast NOUN _005196721 115 7 days day NOUN _005196721 115 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 115 9 permits permit VERB _005196721 115 10 article article NOUN _005196721 115 11 48 48 NUM _005196721 115 12 the the DET _005196721 115 13 following follow VERB _005196721 115 14 are be AUX _005196721 115 15 feast feast ADJ _005196721 115 16 days day NOUN _005196721 115 17 : : PUNCT _005196721 115 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 19 1 1 X _005196721 115 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 21 sunday sunday PROPN _005196721 115 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 115 23 the the DET _005196721 115 24 other other ADJ _005196721 115 25 feasts feast NOUN _005196721 115 26 of of ADP _005196721 115 27 obligation obligation NOUN _005196721 115 28 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 30 2 2 X _005196721 115 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 32 the the DET _005196721 115 33 anniversary anniversary NOUN _005196721 115 34 of of ADP _005196721 115 35 the the DET _005196721 115 36 coronation coronation NOUN _005196721 115 37 of of ADP _005196721 115 38 the the DET _005196721 115 39 supreme supreme PROPN _005196721 115 40 pontiff pontiff PROPN _005196721 115 41 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 42 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 43 3 3 X _005196721 115 44 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 45 the the DET _005196721 115 46 name name NOUN _005196721 115 47 - - PUNCT _005196721 115 48 day day NOUN _005196721 115 49 of of ADP _005196721 115 50 the the DET _005196721 115 51 supreme supreme PROPN _005196721 115 52 pontiff pontiff PROPN _005196721 115 53 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 54 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 55 4 4 X _005196721 115 56 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 57 the the DET _005196721 115 58 anniversary anniversary NOUN _005196721 115 59 of of ADP _005196721 115 60 the the DET _005196721 115 61 death death NOUN _005196721 115 62 of of ADP _005196721 115 63 his his PRON _005196721 115 64 predecessor predecessor NOUN _005196721 115 65 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 66 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 67 5 5 X _005196721 115 68 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 69 the the DET _005196721 115 70 anniversary anniversary NOUN _005196721 115 71 of of ADP _005196721 115 72 the the DET _005196721 115 73 institution institution NOUN _005196721 115 74 of of ADP _005196721 115 75 the the DET _005196721 115 76 vatican vatican PROPN _005196721 115 77 city city NOUN _005196721 115 78 state state NOUN _005196721 115 79 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 80 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 81 6 6 NUM _005196721 115 82 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 83 the the DET _005196721 115 84 feast feast NOUN _005196721 115 85 of of ADP _005196721 115 86 st st PROPN _005196721 115 87 . . PROPN _005196721 115 88 joseph joseph PROPN _005196721 115 89 the the PROPN _005196721 115 90 artisan artisan PROPN _005196721 115 91 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 92 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 93 7 7 X _005196721 115 94 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 95 public public ADJ _005196721 115 96 consistory consistory NOUN _005196721 115 97 days day NOUN _005196721 115 98 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 99 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 100 8) 8) NUM _005196721 115 101 easter easter ADJ _005196721 115 102 monday monday PROPN _005196721 115 103 and and CCONJ _005196721 115 104 tuesday tuesday PROPN _005196721 115 105 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 106 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 107 9 9 NUM _005196721 115 108 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 109 the the DET _005196721 115 110 three three NUM _005196721 115 111 last last ADJ _005196721 115 112 days day NOUN _005196721 115 113 of of ADP _005196721 115 114 holy holy ADJ _005196721 115 115 week week NOUN _005196721 115 116 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 117 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 118 10 10 NUM _005196721 115 119 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 120 the the DET _005196721 115 121 eve eve NOUN _005196721 115 122 and and CCONJ _005196721 115 123 the the DET _005196721 115 124 day day NOUN _005196721 115 125 following follow VERB _005196721 115 126 the the DET _005196721 115 127 assumption assumption NOUN _005196721 115 128 of of ADP _005196721 115 129 the the DET _005196721 115 130 most most ADV _005196721 115 131 holy holy ADJ _005196721 115 132 mary mary NOUN _005196721 115 133 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 134 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 135 11 11 NUM _005196721 115 136 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 137 all all DET _005196721 115 138 souls soul NOUN _005196721 115 139 day day NOUN _005196721 115 140 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 141 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 142 12 12 NUM _005196721 115 143 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 144 the the DET _005196721 115 145 eve eve NOUN _005196721 115 146 and and CCONJ _005196721 115 147 the the DET _005196721 115 148 two two NUM _005196721 115 149 days day NOUN _005196721 115 150 following follow VERB _005196721 115 151 christmas christmas PROPN _005196721 115 152 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 115 153 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 115 154 13 13 NUM _005196721 115 155 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 115 156 the the DET _005196721 115 157 last last ADJ _005196721 115 158 day day NOUN _005196721 115 159 of of ADP _005196721 115 160 the the DET _005196721 115 161 year year NOUN _005196721 115 162 . . PUNCT _005196721 116 1 article article NOUN _005196721 116 2 49 49 NUM _005196721 116 3 all all DET _005196721 116 4 the the DET _005196721 116 5 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 116 6 have have VERB _005196721 116 7 an an DET _005196721 116 8 annual annual ADJ _005196721 116 9 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 116 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 116 11 in in ADP _005196721 116 12 one one NUM _005196721 116 13 or or CCONJ _005196721 116 14 two two NUM _005196721 116 15 periods period NOUN _005196721 116 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 116 17 from from ADP _005196721 116 18 july july PROPN _005196721 116 19 1 1 NUM _005196721 116 20 to to ADP _005196721 116 21 october october PROPN _005196721 116 22 31 31 NUM _005196721 116 23 . . PUNCT _005196721 117 1 vacations vacation NOUN _005196721 117 2 are be AUX _005196721 117 3 allotted allot VERB _005196721 117 4 in in ADP _005196721 117 5 turns turn NOUN _005196721 117 6 according accord VERB _005196721 117 7 to to ADP _005196721 117 8 the the DET _005196721 117 9 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 117 10 of of ADP _005196721 117 11 the the DET _005196721 117 12 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 117 13 and and CCONJ _005196721 117 14 at at ADP _005196721 117 15 the the DET _005196721 117 16 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 117 17 of of ADP _005196721 117 18 the the DET _005196721 117 19 superior superior ADJ _005196721 117 20 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 117 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 117 22 who who PRON _005196721 117 23 can can AUX _005196721 117 24 give give VERB _005196721 117 25 precedence precedence NOUN _005196721 117 26 as as SCONJ _005196721 117 27 regards regard VERB _005196721 117 28 choice choice NOUN _005196721 117 29 to to ADP _005196721 117 30 the the DET _005196721 117 31 seniors senior NOUN _005196721 117 32 in in ADP _005196721 117 33 each each DET _005196721 117 34 case case NOUN _005196721 117 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 118 1 18 18 NUM _005196721 118 2 article article NOUN _005196721 118 3 50 50 NUM _005196721 118 4 vacations vacation NOUN _005196721 118 5 are be AUX _005196721 118 6 granted grant VERB _005196721 118 7 as as SCONJ _005196721 118 8 follows follow VERB _005196721 118 9 : : PUNCT _005196721 118 10 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 118 11 a a X _005196721 118 12 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 118 13 the the DET _005196721 118 14 normal normal ADJ _005196721 118 15 annual annual ADJ _005196721 118 16 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 118 17 consists consist VERB _005196721 118 18 of of ADP _005196721 118 19 a a DET _005196721 118 20 total total NOUN _005196721 118 21 of of ADP _005196721 118 22 30 30 NUM _005196721 118 23 days day NOUN _005196721 118 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 118 25 irrespective irrespective ADV _005196721 118 26 of of ADP _005196721 118 27 seniority seniority NOUN _005196721 118 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 118 29 for for ADP _005196721 118 30 the the DET _005196721 118 31 superiors superior NOUN _005196721 118 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 118 33 the the DET _005196721 118 34 major major ADJ _005196721 118 35 and and CCONJ _005196721 118 36 minor minor ADJ _005196721 118 37 officials official NOUN _005196721 118 38 as as ADV _005196721 118 39 well well ADV _005196721 118 40 as as ADP _005196721 118 41 for for ADP _005196721 118 42 subaltern subaltern ADJ _005196721 118 43 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 118 44 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 118 45 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 118 46 b b X _005196721 118 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 118 48 a a DET _005196721 118 49 few few ADJ _005196721 118 50 more more ADJ _005196721 118 51 days day NOUN _005196721 118 52 are be AUX _005196721 118 53 granted grant VERB _005196721 118 54 to to ADP _005196721 118 55 non non ADJ _005196721 118 56 - - ADJ _005196721 118 57 italian italian ADJ _005196721 118 58 officials official NOUN _005196721 118 59 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 118 60 for for ADP _005196721 118 61 traveling travel VERB _005196721 118 62 time time NOUN _005196721 118 63 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 118 64 at at ADP _005196721 118 65 the the DET _005196721 118 66 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 118 67 of of ADP _005196721 118 68 the the DET _005196721 118 69 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 118 70 in in ADP _005196721 118 71 charge charge NOUN _005196721 118 72 . . PUNCT _005196721 119 1 article article NOUN _005196721 119 2 51 51 NUM _005196721 119 3 sundays sunday NOUN _005196721 119 4 and and CCONJ _005196721 119 5 feasts feast NOUN _005196721 119 6 of of ADP _005196721 119 7 obligation obligation NOUN _005196721 119 8 as as ADV _005196721 119 9 well well ADV _005196721 119 10 as as ADP _005196721 119 11 the the DET _005196721 119 12 feast feast NOUN _005196721 119 13 days day NOUN _005196721 119 14 listed list VERB _005196721 119 15 in in ADP _005196721 119 16 article article NOUN _005196721 119 17 48 48 NUM _005196721 119 18 which which PRON _005196721 119 19 occur occur VERB _005196721 119 20 during during ADP _005196721 119 21 the the DET _005196721 119 22 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 119 23 period period NOUN _005196721 119 24 are be AUX _005196721 119 25 included include VERB _005196721 119 26 in in ADP _005196721 119 27 the the DET _005196721 119 28 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 119 29 calculation calculation NOUN _005196721 119 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 120 1 article article NOUN _005196721 120 2 52 52 NUM _005196721 120 3 days day NOUN _005196721 120 4 of of ADP _005196721 120 5 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 120 6 unused unused ADJ _005196721 120 7 during during ADP _005196721 120 8 the the DET _005196721 120 9 preceding precede VERB _005196721 120 10 year year NOUN _005196721 120 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 120 12 or or CCONJ _005196721 120 13 days day NOUN _005196721 120 14 of of ADP _005196721 120 15 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 120 16 of of ADP _005196721 120 17 the the DET _005196721 120 18 following follow VERB _005196721 120 19 year year NOUN _005196721 120 20 may may AUX _005196721 120 21 not not PART _005196721 120 22 be be AUX _005196721 120 23 added add VERB _005196721 120 24 to to ADP _005196721 120 25 the the DET _005196721 120 26 normal normal ADJ _005196721 120 27 annual annual ADJ _005196721 120 28 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 120 29 except except SCONJ _005196721 120 30 in in ADP _005196721 120 31 particular particular ADJ _005196721 120 32 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196721 120 33 or or CCONJ _005196721 120 34 necessity necessity NOUN _005196721 120 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 120 36 at at ADP _005196721 120 37 the the DET _005196721 120 38 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 120 39 of of ADP _005196721 120 40 the the DET _005196721 120 41 superiors superior NOUN _005196721 120 42 . . PUNCT _005196721 121 1 article article NOUN _005196721 121 2 53 53 NUM _005196721 121 3 on on ADP _005196721 121 4 the the DET _005196721 121 5 justified justified ADJ _005196721 121 6 request request NOUN _005196721 121 7 of of ADP _005196721 121 8 the the DET _005196721 121 9 person person NOUN _005196721 121 10 concerned concern VERB _005196721 121 11 and and CCONJ _005196721 121 12 so so ADV _005196721 121 13 long long ADV _005196721 121 14 as as SCONJ _005196721 121 15 the the DET _005196721 121 16 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 121 17 of of ADP _005196721 121 18 the the DET _005196721 121 19 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 121 20 are be AUX _005196721 121 21 not not PART _005196721 121 22 ignored ignore VERB _005196721 121 23 , , PUNCT _005196721 121 24 the the DET _005196721 121 25 superior superior ADJ _005196721 121 26 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 121 27 may may AUX _005196721 121 28 grant grant VERB _005196721 121 29 a a DET _005196721 121 30 few few ADJ _005196721 121 31 days day NOUN _005196721 121 32 ’ ’ PART _005196721 121 33 extra extra ADJ _005196721 121 34 leave leave NOUN _005196721 121 35 during during ADP _005196721 121 36 the the DET _005196721 121 37 course course NOUN _005196721 121 38 of of ADP _005196721 121 39 the the DET _005196721 121 40 year year NOUN _005196721 121 41 to to ADP _005196721 121 42 officials official NOUN _005196721 121 43 and and CCONJ _005196721 121 44 subalterns subaltern NOUN _005196721 121 45 . . PUNCT _005196721 122 1 these these DET _005196721 122 2 days day NOUN _005196721 122 3 will will AUX _005196721 122 4 be be AUX _005196721 122 5 deducted deduct VERB _005196721 122 6 from from ADP _005196721 122 7 the the DET _005196721 122 8 annual annual ADJ _005196721 122 9 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 122 10 period period NOUN _005196721 122 11 . . PUNCT _005196721 123 1 article article NOUN _005196721 123 2 54 54 NUM _005196721 123 3 leave leave NOUN _005196721 123 4 is be AUX _005196721 123 5 granted grant VERB _005196721 123 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 123 7 will will AUX _005196721 123 8 not not PART _005196721 123 9 be be AUX _005196721 123 10 deducted deduct VERB _005196721 123 11 from from ADP _005196721 123 12 the the DET _005196721 123 13 vacation vacation NOUN _005196721 123 14 : : PUNCT _005196721 123 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 123 16 1 1 X _005196721 123 17 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 123 18 of of ADP _005196721 123 19 one one NUM _005196721 123 20 week week NOUN _005196721 123 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 123 22 extendable extendable ADJ _005196721 123 23 at at ADP _005196721 123 24 the the DET _005196721 123 25 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 123 26 of of ADP _005196721 123 27 the the DET _005196721 123 28 superior superior ADJ _005196721 123 29 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 123 30 and and CCONJ _005196721 123 31 , , PUNCT _005196721 123 32 where where SCONJ _005196721 123 33 it it PRON _005196721 123 34 applies apply VERB _005196721 123 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 123 36 in in ADP _005196721 123 37 addition addition NOUN _005196721 123 38 to to ADP _005196721 123 39 traveling travel VERB _005196721 123 40 time time NOUN _005196721 123 41 , , PUNCT _005196721 123 42 in in ADP _005196721 123 43 the the DET _005196721 123 44 event event NOUN _005196721 123 45 of of ADP _005196721 123 46 a a DET _005196721 123 47 serious serious ADJ _005196721 123 48 illness illness NOUN _005196721 123 49 or or CCONJ _005196721 123 50 death death NOUN _005196721 123 51 of of ADP _005196721 123 52 members member NOUN _005196721 123 53 of of ADP _005196721 123 54 the the DET _005196721 123 55 family family NOUN _005196721 123 56 or or CCONJ _005196721 123 57 relations relation NOUN _005196721 123 58 of of ADP _005196721 123 59 the the DET _005196721 123 60 first first ADJ _005196721 123 61 degree degree NOUN _005196721 123 62 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 123 63 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 123 64 2 2 X _005196721 123 65 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 123 66 of of ADP _005196721 123 67 three three NUM _005196721 123 68 days day NOUN _005196721 123 69 for for ADP _005196721 123 70 change change NOUN _005196721 123 71 of of ADP _005196721 123 72 residence residence NOUN _005196721 123 73 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 123 74 19 19 NUM _005196721 123 75 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 123 76 3 3 NUM _005196721 123 77 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 123 78 of of ADP _005196721 123 79 six six NUM _005196721 123 80 days day NOUN _005196721 123 81 to to ADP _005196721 123 82 ecclesiastics ecclesiastic NOUN _005196721 123 83 for for ADP _005196721 123 84 an an DET _005196721 123 85 annual annual ADJ _005196721 123 86 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005196721 123 87 retreat retreat NOUN _005196721 123 88 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 123 89 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 123 90 4 4 X _005196721 123 91 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 123 92 of of ADP _005196721 123 93 a a DET _005196721 123 94 fortnight fortnight NOUN _005196721 123 95 to to PART _005196721 123 96 lay lay VERB _005196721 123 97 officials official NOUN _005196721 123 98 and and CCONJ _005196721 123 99 subalterns subaltern VERB _005196721 123 100 on on ADP _005196721 123 101 the the DET _005196721 123 102 occasion occasion NOUN _005196721 123 103 of of ADP _005196721 123 104 their their PRON _005196721 123 105 marriage marriage NOUN _005196721 123 106 . . PUNCT _005196721 124 1 title title NOUN _005196721 124 2 viii viii PROPN _005196721 124 3 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 124 4 article article NOUN _005196721 124 5 55 55 NUM _005196721 124 6 1 1 NUM _005196721 124 7 . . X _005196721 124 8 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 124 9 of of ADP _005196721 124 10 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 124 11 is be AUX _005196721 124 12 regulated regulate VERB _005196721 124 13 by by ADP _005196721 124 14 the the DET _005196721 124 15 administration administration NOUN _005196721 124 16 concerned concern VERB _005196721 124 17 . . PUNCT _005196721 125 1 2 2 X _005196721 125 2 . . X _005196721 125 3 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 125 4 of of ADP _005196721 125 5 temporary temporary ADJ _005196721 125 6 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 125 7 referred refer VERB _005196721 125 8 to to ADP _005196721 125 9 in in ADP _005196721 125 10 article article NOUN _005196721 125 11 4 4 NUM _005196721 125 12 of of ADP _005196721 125 13 the the DET _005196721 125 14 present present ADJ _005196721 125 15 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 125 16 is be AUX _005196721 125 17 established establish VERB _005196721 125 18 by by ADP _005196721 125 19 the the DET _005196721 125 20 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 125 21 in in ADP _005196721 125 22 charge charge NOUN _005196721 125 23 in in ADP _005196721 125 24 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 125 25 with with ADP _005196721 125 26 the the DET _005196721 125 27 administration administration NOUN _005196721 125 28 concerned concern VERB _005196721 125 29 on on ADP _005196721 125 30 the the DET _005196721 125 31 basis basis NOUN _005196721 125 32 of of ADP _005196721 125 33 attendance attendance NOUN _005196721 125 34 records record NOUN _005196721 125 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 125 36 hours hour NOUN _005196721 125 37 of of ADP _005196721 125 38 work work NOUN _005196721 125 39 and and CCONJ _005196721 125 40 the the DET _005196721 125 41 nature nature NOUN _005196721 125 42 of of ADP _005196721 125 43 the the DET _005196721 125 44 work work NOUN _005196721 125 45 done do VERB _005196721 125 46 . . PUNCT _005196721 126 1 there there PRON _005196721 126 2 must must AUX _005196721 126 3 be be AUX _005196721 126 4 a a DET _005196721 126 5 substantial substantial ADJ _005196721 126 6 uniformity uniformity NOUN _005196721 126 7 in in ADP _005196721 126 8 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 126 9 based base VERB _005196721 126 10 on on ADP _005196721 126 11 records record NOUN _005196721 126 12 and and CCONJ _005196721 126 13 hours hour NOUN _005196721 126 14 of of ADP _005196721 126 15 work work NOUN _005196721 126 16 . . PUNCT _005196721 127 1 article article NOUN _005196721 127 2 56 56 NUM _005196721 127 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 127 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 127 5 monthly monthly ADJ _005196721 127 6 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 127 7 consists consist VERB _005196721 127 8 of of ADP _005196721 127 9 the the DET _005196721 127 10 salary salary NOUN _005196721 127 11 and and CCONJ _005196721 127 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 127 13 where where SCONJ _005196721 127 14 they they PRON _005196721 127 15 apply apply VERB _005196721 127 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 127 17 family family NOUN _005196721 127 18 allowances allowance NOUN _005196721 127 19 and and CCONJ _005196721 127 20 indemnities indemnity NOUN _005196721 127 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 128 1 2 2 X _005196721 128 2 . . X _005196721 128 3 indemnities indemnity NOUN _005196721 128 4 and and CCONJ _005196721 128 5 family family NOUN _005196721 128 6 allowances allowance NOUN _005196721 128 7 are be AUX _005196721 128 8 not not PART _005196721 128 9 added add VERB _005196721 128 10 to to ADP _005196721 128 11 the the DET _005196721 128 12 pension pension NOUN _005196721 128 13 fund fund NOUN _005196721 128 14 . . PUNCT _005196721 129 1 title title NOUN _005196721 129 2 ix ix ADP _005196721 129 3 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005196721 129 4 sanctions sanction NOUN _005196721 129 5 article article NOUN _005196721 129 6 57 57 NUM _005196721 129 7 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005196721 129 8 sanctions sanction NOUN _005196721 129 9 are be AUX _005196721 129 10 as as SCONJ _005196721 129 11 follows follow VERB _005196721 129 12 : : PUNCT _005196721 129 13 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 129 14 1 1 X _005196721 129 15 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 129 16 verbal verbal ADJ _005196721 129 17 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 129 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 129 19 written write VERB _005196721 129 20 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 129 21 and and CCONJ _005196721 129 22 a a DET _005196721 129 23 fine fine NOUN _005196721 129 24 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 129 25 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 129 26 2 2 X _005196721 129 27 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 129 28 suspension suspension NOUN _005196721 129 29 from from ADP _005196721 129 30 office office NOUN _005196721 129 31 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 129 32 20 20 NUM _005196721 129 33 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 129 34 3 3 NUM _005196721 129 35 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 129 36 discharge discharge NOUN _005196721 129 37 from from ADP _005196721 129 38 office office NOUN _005196721 129 39 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 129 40 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 129 41 4 4 X _005196721 129 42 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 129 43 dismissal dismissal NOUN _005196721 129 44 from from ADP _005196721 129 45 office office NOUN _005196721 129 46 . . PUNCT _005196721 130 1 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 130 2 i i PRON _005196721 130 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 130 4 verbal verbal ADJ _005196721 130 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 130 6 written write VERB _005196721 130 7 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 130 8 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 130 9 fine fine ADJ _005196721 130 10 article article NOUN _005196721 130 11 58 58 NUM _005196721 130 12 verbal verbal ADJ _005196721 130 13 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 130 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 130 15 which which PRON _005196721 130 16 is be AUX _005196721 130 17 in in ADP _005196721 130 18 the the DET _005196721 130 19 nature nature NOUN _005196721 130 20 of of ADP _005196721 130 21 a a DET _005196721 130 22 paternal paternal ADJ _005196721 130 23 warning warning NOUN _005196721 130 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 130 25 is be AUX _005196721 130 26 entered enter VERB _005196721 130 27 in in ADP _005196721 130 28 the the DET _005196721 130 29 personal personal ADJ _005196721 130 30 file file NOUN _005196721 130 31 and and CCONJ _005196721 130 32 is be AUX _005196721 130 33 made make VERB _005196721 130 34 for for ADP _005196721 130 35 : : PUNCT _005196721 130 36 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 130 37 a a X _005196721 130 38 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 130 39 lack lack NOUN _005196721 130 40 of of ADP _005196721 130 41 discipline discipline NOUN _005196721 130 42 or or CCONJ _005196721 130 43 for for ADP _005196721 130 44 neglect neglect NOUN _005196721 130 45 in in ADP _005196721 130 46 service service NOUN _005196721 130 47 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 130 48 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 130 49 b b X _005196721 130 50 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 130 51 unseemly unseemly ADJ _005196721 130 52 behavior behavior NOUN _005196721 130 53 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 130 54 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 130 55 c c X _005196721 130 56 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 130 57 unjustified unjustified ADJ _005196721 130 58 unobservance unobservance NOUN _005196721 130 59 of of ADP _005196721 130 60 office office NOUN _005196721 130 61 hours hour NOUN _005196721 130 62 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 130 63 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 130 64 d d X _005196721 130 65 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 130 66 failure failure NOUN _005196721 130 67 to to PART _005196721 130 68 observe observe VERB _005196721 130 69 the the DET _005196721 130 70 prohibitions prohibition NOUN _005196721 130 71 referred refer VERB _005196721 130 72 to to ADP _005196721 130 73 in in ADP _005196721 130 74 article article NOUN _005196721 130 75 4 4 NUM _005196721 130 76 , , PUNCT _005196721 130 77 nos nos PROPN _005196721 130 78 . . PUNCT _005196721 131 1 1 1 NUM _005196721 131 2 - - SYM _005196721 131 3 5 5 NUM _005196721 131 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 131 5 article article NOUN _005196721 131 6 59 59 NUM _005196721 131 7 recurrence recurrence NOUN _005196721 131 8 of of ADP _005196721 131 9 the the DET _005196721 131 10 shortcomings shortcoming NOUN _005196721 131 11 referred refer VERB _005196721 131 12 to to ADP _005196721 131 13 in in ADP _005196721 131 14 article article NOUN _005196721 131 15 58 58 NUM _005196721 131 16 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 131 17 c c NOUN _005196721 131 18 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 131 19 may may AUX _005196721 131 20 result result VERB _005196721 131 21 in in ADP _005196721 131 22 the the DET _005196721 131 23 application application NOUN _005196721 131 24 of of ADP _005196721 131 25 a a DET _005196721 131 26 fine fine NOUN _005196721 131 27 not not PART _005196721 131 28 exceeding exceed VERB _005196721 131 29 half half DET _005196721 131 30 the the DET _005196721 131 31 daily daily ADJ _005196721 131 32 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 131 33 . . PUNCT _005196721 132 1 article article NOUN _005196721 132 2 60 60 NUM _005196721 132 3 in in ADP _005196721 132 4 the the DET _005196721 132 5 event event NOUN _005196721 132 6 of of ADP _005196721 132 7 a a DET _005196721 132 8 further further ADJ _005196721 132 9 recurrence recurrence NOUN _005196721 132 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 132 11 within within ADP _005196721 132 12 the the DET _005196721 132 13 period period NOUN _005196721 132 14 of of ADP _005196721 132 15 one one NUM _005196721 132 16 year year NOUN _005196721 132 17 , , PUNCT _005196721 132 18 of of ADP _005196721 132 19 the the DET _005196721 132 20 shortcomings shortcoming NOUN _005196721 132 21 which which PRON _005196721 132 22 have have AUX _005196721 132 23 been be AUX _005196721 132 24 punished punish VERB _005196721 132 25 with with ADP _005196721 132 26 a a DET _005196721 132 27 fine fine NOUN _005196721 132 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 132 29 an an DET _005196721 132 30 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 132 31 in in ADP _005196721 132 32 writing writing NOUN _005196721 132 33 is be AUX _005196721 132 34 made make VERB _005196721 132 35 and and CCONJ _005196721 132 36 is be AUX _005196721 132 37 added add VERB _005196721 132 38 to to ADP _005196721 132 39 the the DET _005196721 132 40 personal personal ADJ _005196721 132 41 file file NOUN _005196721 132 42 of of ADP _005196721 132 43 the the DET _005196721 132 44 employe employe NOUN _005196721 132 45 which which PRON _005196721 132 46 is be AUX _005196721 132 47 kept keep VERB _005196721 132 48 at at ADP _005196721 132 49 the the DET _005196721 132 50 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 132 51 or or CCONJ _005196721 132 52 at at ADP _005196721 132 53 the the DET _005196721 132 54 administration administration NOUN _005196721 132 55 concerned concern VERB _005196721 132 56 . . PUNCT _005196721 133 1 paragraph paragraph PROPN _005196721 133 2 ii ii PROPN _005196721 133 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 133 4 suspension suspension NOUN _005196721 133 5 from from ADP _005196721 133 6 office office NOUN _005196721 133 7 article article NOUN _005196721 133 8 61 61 NUM _005196721 133 9 suspension suspension NOUN _005196721 133 10 from from ADP _005196721 133 11 office office NOUN _005196721 133 12 is be AUX _005196721 133 13 applied apply VERB _005196721 133 14 : : PUNCT _005196721 133 15 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 133 16 1 1 X _005196721 133 17 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 133 18 following follow VERB _005196721 133 19 recurrence recurrence NOUN _005196721 133 20 of of ADP _005196721 133 21 the the DET _005196721 133 22 shortcomings shortcoming NOUN _005196721 133 23 punishable punishable ADJ _005196721 133 24 21 21 NUM _005196721 133 25 with with ADP _005196721 133 26 an an DET _005196721 133 27 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 133 28 in in ADP _005196721 133 29 writing writing NOUN _005196721 133 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 133 31 once once SCONJ _005196721 133 32 this this DET _005196721 133 33 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 133 34 has have AUX _005196721 133 35 been be AUX _005196721 133 36 delivered deliver VERB _005196721 133 37 twice twice ADV _005196721 133 38 within within ADP _005196721 133 39 the the DET _005196721 133 40 period period NOUN _005196721 133 41 of of ADP _005196721 133 42 one one NUM _005196721 133 43 year year NOUN _005196721 133 44 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 133 45 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 133 46 2 2 X _005196721 133 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 133 48 for for ADP _005196721 133 49 failure failure NOUN _005196721 133 50 to to PART _005196721 133 51 observe observe VERB _005196721 133 52 the the DET _005196721 133 53 prohibitions prohibition NOUN _005196721 133 54 referred refer VERB _005196721 133 55 to to ADP _005196721 133 56 in in ADP _005196721 133 57 article article NOUN _005196721 133 58 40 40 NUM _005196721 133 59 , , PUNCT _005196721 133 60 no no INTJ _005196721 133 61 . . NOUN _005196721 133 62 6 6 NUM _005196721 133 63 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 133 64 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 133 65 3 3 NUM _005196721 133 66 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 133 67 for for ADP _005196721 133 68 serious serious ADJ _005196721 133 69 non non ADJ _005196721 133 70 - - ADJ _005196721 133 71 public public ADJ _005196721 133 72 acts act NOUN _005196721 133 73 of of ADP _005196721 133 74 undiscipline undiscipline NOUN _005196721 133 75 and and CCONJ _005196721 133 76 insubordination insubordination NOUN _005196721 133 77 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 133 78 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 133 79 4 4 X _005196721 133 80 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 133 81 for for ADP _005196721 133 82 serious serious ADJ _005196721 133 83 damage damage NOUN _005196721 133 84 done do VERB _005196721 133 85 to to ADP _005196721 133 86 the the DET _005196721 133 87 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 133 88 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 133 89 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 133 90 5 5 NUM _005196721 133 91 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 133 92 for for ADP _005196721 133 93 violation violation NOUN _005196721 133 94 of of ADP _005196721 133 95 office office NOUN _005196721 133 96 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005196721 133 97 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 133 98 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 133 99 6 6 NUM _005196721 133 100 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 133 101 for for ADP _005196721 133 102 guilty guilty ADJ _005196721 133 103 indebtedness indebtedness NOUN _005196721 133 104 or or CCONJ _005196721 133 105 other other ADJ _005196721 133 106 irregularities irregularity NOUN _005196721 133 107 in in ADP _005196721 133 108 private private ADJ _005196721 133 109 relations relation NOUN _005196721 133 110 which which PRON _005196721 133 111 may may AUX _005196721 133 112 undermine undermine VERB _005196721 133 113 the the DET _005196721 133 114 dignity dignity NOUN _005196721 133 115 of of ADP _005196721 133 116 the the DET _005196721 133 117 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 133 118 . . PUNCT _005196721 134 1 article article NOUN _005196721 134 2 62 62 NUM _005196721 134 3 suspension suspension NOUN _005196721 134 4 implies imply VERB _005196721 134 5 temporary temporary ADJ _005196721 134 6 removal removal NOUN _005196721 134 7 from from ADP _005196721 134 8 the the DET _005196721 134 9 office office NOUN _005196721 134 10 at at ADP _005196721 134 11 the the DET _005196721 134 12 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 134 13 of of ADP _005196721 134 14 the the DET _005196721 134 15 superior superior ADJ _005196721 134 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 134 17 and and CCONJ _005196721 134 18 possibly possibly ADV _005196721 134 19 a a DET _005196721 134 20 deduction deduction NOUN _005196721 134 21 from from ADP _005196721 134 22 the the DET _005196721 134 23 salary salary NOUN _005196721 134 24 in in ADP _005196721 134 25 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 134 26 with with ADP _005196721 134 27 the the DET _005196721 134 28 norms norm NOUN _005196721 134 29 laid lay VERB _005196721 134 30 down down ADP _005196721 134 31 by by ADP _005196721 134 32 the the DET _005196721 134 33 administration administration NOUN _005196721 134 34 concerned concern VERB _005196721 134 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 135 1 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 135 2 iii iii PROPN _005196721 135 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 135 4 discharge discharge NOUN _005196721 135 5 from from ADP _005196721 135 6 office office NOUN _005196721 135 7 article article NOUN _005196721 135 8 63 63 NUM _005196721 135 9 the the DET _005196721 135 10 employee employee NOUN _005196721 135 11 is be AUX _005196721 135 12 relieved relieve VERB _005196721 135 13 of of ADP _005196721 135 14 office office NOUN _005196721 135 15 who who PRON _005196721 135 16 proves prove VERB _005196721 135 17 unworthy unworthy ADJ _005196721 135 18 to to PART _005196721 135 19 be be AUX _005196721 135 20 maintained maintain VERB _005196721 135 21 in in ADP _005196721 135 22 service service NOUN _005196721 135 23 or or CCONJ _005196721 135 24 who who PRON _005196721 135 25 has have AUX _005196721 135 26 committed commit VERB _005196721 135 27 offenses offense NOUN _005196721 135 28 which which PRON _005196721 135 29 make make VERB _005196721 135 30 his his PRON _005196721 135 31 continued continue VERB _005196721 135 32 presence presence NOUN _005196721 135 33 incompatible incompatible ADJ _005196721 135 34 with with ADP _005196721 135 35 the the DET _005196721 135 36 service service NOUN _005196721 135 37 in in ADP _005196721 135 38 the the DET _005196721 135 39 opinion opinion NOUN _005196721 135 40 of of ADP _005196721 135 41 the the DET _005196721 135 42 commission commission NOUN _005196721 135 43 set set VERB _005196721 135 44 up up ADP _005196721 135 45 in in ADP _005196721 135 46 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 135 47 with with ADP _005196721 135 48 article article NOUN _005196721 135 49 23 23 NUM _005196721 135 50 of of ADP _005196721 135 51 the the DET _005196721 135 52 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 135 53 of of ADP _005196721 135 54 1963 1963 NUM _005196721 135 55 and and CCONJ _005196721 135 56 so so ADV _005196721 135 57 long long ADV _005196721 135 58 as as SCONJ _005196721 135 59 the the DET _005196721 135 60 person person NOUN _005196721 135 61 presumed presume VERB _005196721 135 62 guilty guilty ADJ _005196721 135 63 is be AUX _005196721 135 64 allowed allow VERB _005196721 135 65 freedom freedom NOUN _005196721 135 66 of of ADP _005196721 135 67 defense defense NOUN _005196721 135 68 . . PUNCT _005196721 136 1 article article NOUN _005196721 136 2 64 64 NUM _005196721 136 3 to to PART _005196721 136 4 be be AUX _005196721 136 5 discharged discharge VERB _005196721 136 6 from from ADP _005196721 136 7 office office NOUN _005196721 136 8 does do AUX _005196721 136 9 not not PART _005196721 136 10 imply imply VERB _005196721 136 11 loss loss NOUN _005196721 136 12 of of ADP _005196721 136 13 liquidation liquidation NOUN _005196721 136 14 pay pay NOUN _005196721 136 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 136 16 where where SCONJ _005196721 136 17 such such ADJ _005196721 136 18 applies applie NOUN _005196721 136 19 . . PUNCT _005196721 137 1 22 22 NUM _005196721 137 2 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 137 3 iv iv NOUN _005196721 137 4 : : PUNCT _005196721 137 5 dismissal dismissal NOUN _005196721 137 6 from from ADP _005196721 137 7 office office NOUN _005196721 137 8 article article NOUN _005196721 137 9 65 65 NUM _005196721 137 10 ] ] PUNCT _005196721 137 11 . . PUNCT _005196721 138 1 the the DET _005196721 138 2 employee employee NOUN _005196721 138 3 is be AUX _005196721 138 4 dismissed dismiss VERB _005196721 138 5 from from ADP _005196721 138 6 office office NOUN _005196721 138 7 for for ADP _005196721 138 8 : : PUNCT _005196721 138 9 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 138 10 1 1 X _005196721 138 11 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 138 12 serious serious ADJ _005196721 138 13 public public ADJ _005196721 138 14 acts act NOUN _005196721 138 15 of of ADP _005196721 138 16 undiscipline undiscipline NOUN _005196721 138 17 and and CCONJ _005196721 138 18 insubordination insubordination NOUN _005196721 138 19 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 138 20 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 138 21 2 2 X _005196721 138 22 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 138 23 serious serious ADJ _005196721 138 24 shortcomings shortcoming NOUN _005196721 138 25 regarding regard VERB _005196721 138 26 the the DET _005196721 138 27 duties duty NOUN _005196721 138 28 of of ADP _005196721 138 29 an an DET _005196721 138 30 ecclesiastic ecclesiastic ADJ _005196721 138 31 or or CCONJ _005196721 138 32 of of ADP _005196721 138 33 a a DET _005196721 138 34 christian christian NOUN _005196721 138 35 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 138 36 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 138 37 3 3 NUM _005196721 138 38 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 138 39 for for ADP _005196721 138 40 the the DET _005196721 138 41 violation violation NOUN _005196721 138 42 of of ADP _005196721 138 43 office office NOUN _005196721 138 44 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005196721 138 45 . . PUNCT _005196721 139 1 2 2 X _005196721 139 2 . . X _005196721 139 3 the the DET _005196721 139 4 commission commission NOUN _005196721 139 5 referred refer VERB _005196721 139 6 to to ADP _005196721 139 7 in in ADP _005196721 139 8 article article NOUN _005196721 139 9 63 63 NUM _005196721 139 10 will will AUX _005196721 139 11 examine examine VERB _005196721 139 12 these these DET _005196721 139 13 cases case NOUN _005196721 139 14 . . PUNCT _005196721 140 1 the the DET _005196721 140 2 person person NOUN _005196721 140 3 presumed presume VERB _005196721 140 4 guilty guilty ADJ _005196721 140 5 is be AUX _005196721 140 6 given give VERB _005196721 140 7 the the DET _005196721 140 8 possibility possibility NOUN _005196721 140 9 to to PART _005196721 140 10 defend defend VERB _005196721 140 11 himself himself PRON _005196721 140 12 . . PUNCT _005196721 141 1 3 3 X _005196721 141 2 . . X _005196721 141 3 the the DET _005196721 141 4 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 141 5 in in ADP _005196721 141 6 charge charge NOUN _005196721 141 7 may may AUX _005196721 141 8 submit submit VERB _005196721 141 9 to to ADP _005196721 141 10 the the DET _005196721 141 11 attention attention NOUN _005196721 141 12 of of ADP _005196721 141 13 the the DET _005196721 141 14 commission commission NOUN _005196721 141 15 cases case NOUN _005196721 141 16 which which PRON _005196721 141 17 are be AUX _005196721 141 18 not not PART _005196721 141 19 contemplated contemplate VERB _005196721 141 20 in in ADP _005196721 141 21 this this DET _005196721 141 22 article article NOUN _005196721 141 23 and and CCONJ _005196721 141 24 which which PRON _005196721 141 25 are be AUX _005196721 141 26 of of ADP _005196721 141 27 particular particular ADJ _005196721 141 28 gravity gravity NOUN _005196721 141 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 142 1 article article NOUN _005196721 142 2 66 66 NUM _005196721 142 3 the the DET _005196721 142 4 commission commission NOUN _005196721 142 5 referred refer VERB _005196721 142 6 to to ADP _005196721 142 7 in in ADP _005196721 142 8 the the DET _005196721 142 9 preceding precede VERB _005196721 142 10 article article NOUN _005196721 142 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 142 12 when when SCONJ _005196721 142 13 decreeing decree VERB _005196721 142 14 the the DET _005196721 142 15 dismissal dismissal NOUN _005196721 142 16 also also ADV _005196721 142 17 establishes establish VERB _005196721 142 18 its its PRON _005196721 142 19 consequences consequence NOUN _005196721 142 20 , , PUNCT _005196721 142 21 taking take VERB _005196721 142 22 into into ADP _005196721 142 23 account account NOUN _005196721 142 24 articles article NOUN _005196721 142 25 23 23 NUM _005196721 142 26 and and CCONJ _005196721 142 27 26 26 NUM _005196721 142 28 of of ADP _005196721 142 29 the the DET _005196721 142 30 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 142 31 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 142 32 promulgated promulgate VERB _005196721 142 33 by by ADP _005196721 142 34 the the DET _005196721 142 35 motu motu ADJ _005196721 142 36 proprio proprio PROPN _005196721 142 37 of of ADP _005196721 142 38 dec dec PROPN _005196721 142 39 . . PROPN _005196721 142 40 23 23 NUM _005196721 142 41 , , PUNCT _005196721 142 42 1963 1963 NUM _005196721 142 43 . . PUNCT _005196721 143 1 article article NOUN _005196721 143 2 67 67 NUM _005196721 143 3 the the DET _005196721 143 4 dismissed dismiss VERB _005196721 143 5 employee employee NOUN _005196721 143 6 may may AUX _005196721 143 7 not not PART _005196721 143 8 be be AUX _005196721 143 9 re re VERB _005196721 143 10 - - VERB _005196721 143 11 employed employ VERB _005196721 143 12 in in ADP _005196721 143 13 another another DET _005196721 143 14 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 143 15 or or CCONJ _005196721 143 16 office office NOUN _005196721 143 17 of of ADP _005196721 143 18 the the DET _005196721 143 19 holy holy PROPN _005196721 143 20 see see PROPN _005196721 143 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 144 1 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 144 2 v v NOUN _005196721 144 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 144 4 procedure procedure NOUN _005196721 144 5 for for ADP _005196721 144 6 the the DET _005196721 144 7 implementation implementation NOUN _005196721 144 8 of of ADP _005196721 144 9 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005196721 144 10 sanctions sanction NOUN _005196721 144 11 article article NOUN _005196721 144 12 68 68 NUM _005196721 144 13 suspension suspension NOUN _005196721 144 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 144 15 discharge discharge NOUN _005196721 144 16 or or CCONJ _005196721 144 17 dismissal dismissal NOUN _005196721 144 18 from from ADP _005196721 144 19 office office NOUN _005196721 144 20 , , PUNCT _005196721 144 21 referred refer VERB _005196721 144 22 to to ADP _005196721 144 23 in in ADP _005196721 144 24 articles article NOUN _005196721 144 25 61 61 NUM _005196721 144 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 144 27 63 63 NUM _005196721 144 28 and and CCONJ _005196721 144 29 65 65 NUM _005196721 144 30 are be AUX _005196721 144 31 enforced enforce VERB _005196721 144 32 by by ADP _005196721 144 33 the the DET _005196721 144 34 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 144 35 in in ADP _005196721 144 36 charge charge NOUN _005196721 144 37 in in ADP _005196721 144 38 23 23 NUM _005196721 144 39 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 144 40 with with ADP _005196721 144 41 the the DET _005196721 144 42 decisions decision NOUN _005196721 144 43 of of ADP _005196721 144 44 the the DET _005196721 144 45 commission commission NOUN _005196721 144 46 for for ADP _005196721 144 47 the the DET _005196721 144 48 implementation implementation NOUN _005196721 144 49 of of ADP _005196721 144 50 articles article NOUN _005196721 144 51 63 63 NUM _005196721 144 52 , , PUNCT _005196721 144 53 65 65 NUM _005196721 144 54 and and CCONJ _005196721 144 55 66 66 NUM _005196721 144 56 . . PUNCT _005196721 145 1 the the DET _005196721 145 2 verbal verbal ADJ _005196721 145 3 and and CCONJ _005196721 145 4 written write VERB _005196721 145 5 admonishment admonishment NOUN _005196721 145 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 145 7 the the DET _005196721 145 8 fine fine NOUN _005196721 145 9 referred refer VERB _005196721 145 10 to to ADP _005196721 145 11 in in ADP _005196721 145 12 articles article NOUN _005196721 145 13 58 58 NUM _005196721 145 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 145 15 59 59 NUM _005196721 145 16 and and CCONJ _005196721 145 17 60 60 NUM _005196721 145 18 may may AUX _005196721 145 19 be be AUX _005196721 145 20 enforced enforce VERB _005196721 145 21 by by ADP _005196721 145 22 the the DET _005196721 145 23 superior superior ADJ _005196721 145 24 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 145 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 146 1 article article NOUN _005196721 146 2 69 69 NUM _005196721 146 3 suspension suspension NOUN _005196721 146 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 146 5 discharge discharge NOUN _005196721 146 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 146 7 dismissal dismissal NOUN _005196721 146 8 from from ADP _005196721 146 9 office office NOUN _005196721 146 10 are be AUX _005196721 146 11 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 146 12 in in ADP _005196721 146 13 writing write VERB _005196721 146 14 to to ADP _005196721 146 15 the the DET _005196721 146 16 person person NOUN _005196721 146 17 concerned concern VERB _005196721 146 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 147 1 refusal refusal NOUN _005196721 147 2 to to PART _005196721 147 3 accept accept VERB _005196721 147 4 this this DET _005196721 147 5 communication communication NOUN _005196721 147 6 amounts amount VERB _005196721 147 7 to to ADP _005196721 147 8 its its PRON _005196721 147 9 reception reception NOUN _005196721 147 10 . . PUNCT _005196721 148 1 a a DET _005196721 148 2 report report NOUN _005196721 148 3 of of ADP _005196721 148 4 these these DET _005196721 148 5 acts act NOUN _005196721 148 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 148 7 including include VERB _005196721 148 8 refusal refusal NOUN _005196721 148 9 to to PART _005196721 148 10 accept accept VERB _005196721 148 11 the the DET _005196721 148 12 communication communication NOUN _005196721 148 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 148 14 must must AUX _005196721 148 15 be be AUX _005196721 148 16 drawn draw VERB _005196721 148 17 up up ADP _005196721 148 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 149 1 article article NOUN _005196721 149 2 70 70 NUM _005196721 149 3 the the DET _005196721 149 4 person person NOUN _005196721 149 5 concerned concern VERB _005196721 149 6 has have VERB _005196721 149 7 the the DET _005196721 149 8 right right NOUN _005196721 149 9 of of ADP _005196721 149 10 recourse recourse NOUN _005196721 149 11 in in ADP _005196721 149 12 devolutivo devolutivo NOUN _005196721 149 13 to to ADP _005196721 149 14 the the DET _005196721 149 15 second second ADJ _005196721 149 16 section section NOUN _005196721 149 17 of of ADP _005196721 149 18 the the DET _005196721 149 19 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 149 20 signature signature NOUN _005196721 149 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 149 22 within within ADP _005196721 149 23 the the DET _005196721 149 24 limits limit NOUN _005196721 149 25 set set VERB _005196721 149 26 down down ADP _005196721 149 27 by by ADP _005196721 149 28 the the DET _005196721 149 29 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 149 30 regimini regimini NOUN _005196721 149 31 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 149 32 universae universae NOUN _005196721 149 33 , , PUNCT _005196721 149 34 no no INTJ _005196721 149 35 . . NOUN _005196721 149 36 106 106 NUM _005196721 149 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 150 1 the the DET _005196721 150 2 decision decision NOUN _005196721 150 3 of of ADP _005196721 150 4 the the DET _005196721 150 5 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 150 6 signature signature NOUN _005196721 150 7 is be AUX _005196721 150 8 final final ADJ _005196721 150 9 except except SCONJ _005196721 150 10 for for ADP _005196721 150 11 the the DET _005196721 150 12 recourse recourse NOUN _005196721 150 13 provided provide VERB _005196721 150 14 for for ADP _005196721 150 15 by by ADP _005196721 150 16 the the DET _005196721 150 17 code code NOUN _005196721 150 18 of of ADP _005196721 150 19 canon canon NOUN _005196721 150 20 law law NOUN _005196721 150 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 151 1 title title NOUN _005196721 151 2 x x PROPN _005196721 151 3 special special ADJ _005196721 151 4 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 151 5 article article NOUN _005196721 151 6 71 71 NUM _005196721 151 7 special special ADJ _005196721 151 8 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 151 9 are be AUX _005196721 151 10 as as SCONJ _005196721 151 11 follows follow VERB _005196721 151 12 : : PUNCT _005196721 151 13 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 151 14 1 1 X _005196721 151 15 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 151 16 leave leave NOUN _005196721 151 17 of of ADP _005196721 151 18 absence absence NOUN _005196721 151 19 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 151 20 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 151 21 2 2 X _005196721 151 22 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 151 23 transfer transfer NOUN _005196721 151 24 to to ADP _005196721 151 25 the the DET _005196721 151 26 reserve reserve NOUN _005196721 151 27 list list NOUN _005196721 151 28 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 151 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 151 30 3 3 X _005196721 151 31 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 151 32 measures measure NOUN _005196721 151 33 concerning concern VERB _005196721 151 34 criminal criminal ADJ _005196721 151 35 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005196721 151 36 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 151 37 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 151 38 4 4 X _005196721 151 39 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 151 40 dispensation dispensation NOUN _005196721 151 41 from from ADP _005196721 151 42 office office NOUN _005196721 151 43 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 151 44 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 151 45 5 5 X _005196721 151 46 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 151 47 resignation resignation NOUN _005196721 151 48 of of ADP _005196721 151 49 office office NOUN _005196721 151 50 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 151 51 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 151 52 6 6 NUM _005196721 151 53 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 151 54 retirement retirement NOUN _005196721 151 55 . . PUNCT _005196721 152 1 24 24 NUM _005196721 152 2 article article NOUN _005196721 152 3 72 72 NUM _005196721 152 4 the the DET _005196721 152 5 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 152 6 referred refer VERB _005196721 152 7 to to ADP _005196721 152 8 in in ADP _005196721 152 9 the the DET _005196721 152 10 preceding precede VERB _005196721 152 11 article article NOUN _005196721 152 12 are be AUX _005196721 152 13 adopted adopt VERB _005196721 152 14 on on ADP _005196721 152 15 the the DET _005196721 152 16 decision decision NOUN _005196721 152 17 of of ADP _005196721 152 18 the the DET _005196721 152 19 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 152 20 in in ADP _005196721 152 21 charge charge NOUN _005196721 152 22 in in ADP _005196721 152 23 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 152 24 with with ADP _005196721 152 25 the the DET _005196721 152 26 administration administration NOUN _005196721 152 27 concerned concern VERB _005196721 152 28 and and CCONJ _005196721 152 29 with with ADP _005196721 152 30 the the DET _005196721 152 31 prior prior ADJ _005196721 152 32 approval approval NOUN _005196721 152 33 of of ADP _005196721 152 34 the the DET _005196721 152 35 supreme supreme PROPN _005196721 152 36 pontiff pontiff PROPN _005196721 152 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 153 1 the the DET _005196721 153 2 person person NOUN _005196721 153 3 concerned concern VERB _005196721 153 4 is be AUX _005196721 153 5 notified notify VERB _005196721 153 6 of of ADP _005196721 153 7 them they PRON _005196721 153 8 in in ADP _005196721 153 9 writing writing NOUN _005196721 153 10 . . PUNCT _005196721 154 1 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 154 2 i i PRON _005196721 154 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 154 4 leave leave VERB _005196721 154 5 of of ADP _005196721 154 6 absence absence NOUN _005196721 154 7 article article NOUN _005196721 154 8 73 73 NUM _005196721 154 9 leave leave NOUN _005196721 154 10 of of ADP _005196721 154 11 absence absence NOUN _005196721 154 12 may may AUX _005196721 154 13 be be AUX _005196721 154 14 granted grant VERB _005196721 154 15 because because SCONJ _005196721 154 16 of of ADP _005196721 154 17 : : PUNCT _005196721 154 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 154 19 1 1 X _005196721 154 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 154 21 illness illness NOUN _005196721 154 22 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 154 23 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 154 24 2 2 X _005196721 154 25 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 154 26 family family NOUN _005196721 154 27 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 154 28 . . PUNCT _005196721 155 1 article article NOUN _005196721 155 2 74 74 NUM _005196721 155 3 the the DET _005196721 155 4 granting granting NOUN _005196721 155 5 of of ADP _005196721 155 6 a a DET _005196721 155 7 leave leave NOUN _005196721 155 8 of of ADP _005196721 155 9 absence absence NOUN _005196721 155 10 is be AUX _005196721 155 11 notified notify VERB _005196721 155 12 to to ADP _005196721 155 13 the the DET _005196721 155 14 person person NOUN _005196721 155 15 concerned concern VERB _005196721 155 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 155 17 together together ADV _005196721 155 18 with with ADP _005196721 155 19 the the DET _005196721 155 20 indications indication NOUN _005196721 155 21 of of ADP _005196721 155 22 the the DET _005196721 155 23 cause cause NOUN _005196721 155 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 155 25 the the DET _005196721 155 26 date date NOUN _005196721 155 27 when when SCONJ _005196721 155 28 it it PRON _005196721 155 29 becomes become VERB _005196721 155 30 effective effective ADJ _005196721 155 31 and and CCONJ _005196721 155 32 its its PRON _005196721 155 33 duration duration NOUN _005196721 155 34 . . PUNCT _005196721 156 1 i. i. PROPN _005196721 156 2 leaves leave NOUN _005196721 156 3 of of ADP _005196721 156 4 absence absence NOUN _005196721 156 5 because because SCONJ _005196721 156 6 of of ADP _005196721 156 7 illness illness NOUN _005196721 156 8 article article NOUN _005196721 156 9 75 75 NUM _005196721 156 10 leave leave NOUN _005196721 156 11 of of ADP _005196721 156 12 absence absence NOUN _005196721 156 13 due due ADP _005196721 156 14 to to ADP _005196721 156 15 illness illness NOUN _005196721 156 16 may may AUX _005196721 156 17 be be AUX _005196721 156 18 granted grant VERB _005196721 156 19 to to ADP _005196721 156 20 the the DET _005196721 156 21 person person NOUN _005196721 156 22 concerned concern VERB _005196721 156 23 on on ADP _005196721 156 24 his his PRON _005196721 156 25 written write VERB _005196721 156 26 request request NOUN _005196721 156 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 156 28 on on ADP _005196721 156 29 the the DET _005196721 156 30 basis basis NOUN _005196721 156 31 of of ADP _005196721 156 32 a a DET _005196721 156 33 medical medical ADJ _005196721 156 34 certificate certificate NOUN _005196721 156 35 and and CCONJ _005196721 156 36 prior prior ADV _005196721 156 37 ascertainment ascertainment NOUN _005196721 156 38 and and CCONJ _005196721 156 39 judgment judgment NOUN _005196721 156 40 of of ADP _005196721 156 41 the the DET _005196721 156 42 health health NOUN _005196721 156 43 services service NOUN _005196721 156 44 ’ ’ PART _005196721 156 45 management management NOUN _005196721 156 46 of of ADP _005196721 156 47 vatican vatican PROPN _005196721 156 48 city city NOUN _005196721 156 49 . . PUNCT _005196721 157 1 article article NOUN _005196721 157 2 76 76 NUM _005196721 157 3 a a DET _005196721 157 4 leave leave NOUN _005196721 157 5 of of ADP _005196721 157 6 absence absence NOUN _005196721 157 7 due due ADP _005196721 157 8 to to ADP _005196721 157 9 illness illness NOUN _005196721 157 10 is be AUX _005196721 157 11 applied apply VERB _005196721 157 12 automatically automatically ADV _005196721 157 13 in in ADP _005196721 157 14 the the DET _005196721 157 15 event event NOUN _005196721 157 16 of of ADP _005196721 157 17 continued continue VERB _005196721 157 18 absence absence NOUN _005196721 157 19 owing owe VERB _005196721 157 20 to to ADP _005196721 157 21 illness illness NOUN _005196721 157 22 extending extend VERB _005196721 157 23 beyond beyond ADP _005196721 157 24 six six NUM _005196721 157 25 months month NOUN _005196721 157 26 or or CCONJ _005196721 157 27 when when SCONJ _005196721 157 28 the the DET _005196721 157 29 employee employee NOUN _005196721 157 30 is be AUX _005196721 157 31 absent absent ADJ _005196721 157 32 from from ADP _005196721 157 33 work work NOUN _005196721 157 34 for for ADP _005196721 157 35 a a DET _005196721 157 36 total total NOUN _005196721 157 37 of of ADP _005196721 157 38 180 180 NUM _005196721 157 39 days day NOUN _005196721 157 40 during during ADP _005196721 157 41 a a DET _005196721 157 42 period period NOUN _005196721 157 43 of of ADP _005196721 157 44 twelve twelve NUM _005196721 157 45 months month NOUN _005196721 157 46 , , PUNCT _005196721 157 47 starting start VERB _005196721 157 48 from from ADP _005196721 157 49 the the DET _005196721 157 50 first first ADJ _005196721 157 51 day day NOUN _005196721 157 52 of of ADP _005196721 157 53 illness illness NOUN _005196721 157 54 , , PUNCT _005196721 157 55 prior prior ADV _005196721 157 56 ascertainment ascertainment NOUN _005196721 157 57 on on ADP _005196721 157 58 the the DET _005196721 157 59 part part NOUN _005196721 157 60 of of ADP _005196721 157 61 the the DET _005196721 157 62 medical medical ADJ _005196721 157 63 25 25 NUM _005196721 157 64 services service NOUN _005196721 157 65 ’ ' PUNCT _005196721 157 66 management management NOUN _005196721 157 67 of of ADP _005196721 157 68 vatican vatican PROPN _005196721 157 69 city city NOUN _005196721 157 70 — — PUNCT _005196721 157 71 where where SCONJ _005196721 157 72 it it PRON _005196721 157 73 applies—^by applies—^by X _005196721 157 74 consultation consultation NOUN _005196721 157 75 . . PUNCT _005196721 158 1 article article NOUN _005196721 158 2 77 77 NUM _005196721 158 3 full full ADJ _005196721 158 4 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 158 5 is be AUX _005196721 158 6 given give VERB _005196721 158 7 during during ADP _005196721 158 8 the the DET _005196721 158 9 period period NOUN _005196721 158 10 of of ADP _005196721 158 11 a a DET _005196721 158 12 leave leave NOUN _005196721 158 13 of of ADP _005196721 158 14 absence absence NOUN _005196721 158 15 due due ADP _005196721 158 16 to to ADP _005196721 158 17 illness illness NOUN _005196721 158 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 159 1 the the DET _005196721 159 2 time time NOUN _005196721 159 3 spent spend VERB _005196721 159 4 on on ADP _005196721 159 5 a a DET _005196721 159 6 leave leave NOUN _005196721 159 7 of of ADP _005196721 159 8 absence absence NOUN _005196721 159 9 for for ADP _005196721 159 10 illness illness NOUN _005196721 159 11 is be AUX _005196721 159 12 taken take VERB _005196721 159 13 into into ADP _005196721 159 14 account account NOUN _005196721 159 15 as as SCONJ _005196721 159 16 regards regard VERB _005196721 159 17 seniority seniority NOUN _005196721 159 18 and and CCONJ _005196721 159 19 eventual eventual ADJ _005196721 159 20 liquidation liquidation NOUN _005196721 159 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 160 1 article article NOUN _005196721 160 2 78 78 NUM _005196721 160 3 leave leave NOUN _005196721 160 4 of of ADP _005196721 160 5 absence absence NOUN _005196721 160 6 for for ADP _005196721 160 7 illness illness NOUN _005196721 160 8 ends end VERB _005196721 160 9 when when SCONJ _005196721 160 10 the the DET _005196721 160 11 cause cause NOUN _005196721 160 12 for for ADP _005196721 160 13 which which PRON _005196721 160 14 it it PRON _005196721 160 15 was be AUX _005196721 160 16 granted grant VERB _005196721 160 17 ceases cease NOUN _005196721 160 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 161 1 however however ADV _005196721 161 2 , , PUNCT _005196721 161 3 it it PRON _005196721 161 4 can can AUX _005196721 161 5 not not PART _005196721 161 6 be be AUX _005196721 161 7 for for ADP _005196721 161 8 more more ADJ _005196721 161 9 than than ADP _005196721 161 10 180 180 NUM _005196721 161 11 consecutive consecutive ADJ _005196721 161 12 or or CCONJ _005196721 161 13 interrupted interrupted ADJ _005196721 161 14 days day NOUN _005196721 161 15 during during ADP _005196721 161 16 the the DET _005196721 161 17 first first ADJ _005196721 161 18 10 10 NUM _005196721 161 19 years year NOUN _005196721 161 20 of of ADP _005196721 161 21 service service NOUN _005196721 161 22 , , PUNCT _005196721 161 23 nor nor CCONJ _005196721 161 24 more more ADJ _005196721 161 25 than than ADP _005196721 161 26 360 360 NUM _005196721 161 27 consecutive consecutive ADJ _005196721 161 28 or or CCONJ _005196721 161 29 interrupted interrupted ADJ _005196721 161 30 days day NOUN _005196721 161 31 in in ADP _005196721 161 32 the the DET _005196721 161 33 course course NOUN _005196721 161 34 of of ADP _005196721 161 35 the the DET _005196721 161 36 successive successive ADJ _005196721 161 37 period period NOUN _005196721 161 38 . . PUNCT _005196721 162 1 these these DET _005196721 162 2 terms term NOUN _005196721 162 3 apply apply VERB _005196721 162 4 from from ADP _005196721 162 5 the the DET _005196721 162 6 date date NOUN _005196721 162 7 when when SCONJ _005196721 162 8 leave leave NOUN _005196721 162 9 of of ADP _005196721 162 10 absence absence NOUN _005196721 162 11 has have AUX _005196721 162 12 been be AUX _005196721 162 13 decided decide VERB _005196721 162 14 on on ADP _005196721 162 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 162 16 in in ADP _005196721 162 17 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 162 18 with with ADP _005196721 162 19 article article NOUN _005196721 162 20 76 76 NUM _005196721 162 21 above above ADV _005196721 162 22 . . PUNCT _005196721 163 1 article article NOUN _005196721 163 2 79 79 NUM _005196721 163 3 at at ADP _005196721 163 4 the the DET _005196721 163 5 end end NOUN _005196721 163 6 of of ADP _005196721 163 7 the the DET _005196721 163 8 maximum maximum ADJ _005196721 163 9 limits limit NOUN _005196721 163 10 referred refer VERB _005196721 163 11 to to ADP _005196721 163 12 in in ADP _005196721 163 13 the the DET _005196721 163 14 preceding precede VERB _005196721 163 15 article article NOUN _005196721 163 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 163 17 the the DET _005196721 163 18 case case NOUN _005196721 163 19 of of ADP _005196721 163 20 the the DET _005196721 163 21 employee employee NOUN _005196721 163 22 who who PRON _005196721 163 23 is be AUX _005196721 163 24 still still ADV _005196721 163 25 unable unable ADJ _005196721 163 26 to to PART _005196721 163 27 resume resume VERB _005196721 163 28 work work NOUN _005196721 163 29 because because SCONJ _005196721 163 30 of of ADP _005196721 163 31 illness illness NOUN _005196721 163 32 will will AUX _005196721 163 33 be be AUX _005196721 163 34 reexamined reexamine VERB _005196721 163 35 by by ADP _005196721 163 36 the the DET _005196721 163 37 commission commission NOUN _005196721 163 38 referred refer VERB _005196721 163 39 to to ADP _005196721 163 40 in in ADP _005196721 163 41 article article NOUN _005196721 163 42 63 63 NUM _005196721 163 43 of of ADP _005196721 163 44 the the DET _005196721 163 45 present present ADJ _005196721 163 46 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 163 47 which which PRON _005196721 163 48 will will AUX _005196721 163 49 suggest suggest VERB _005196721 163 50 appropriate appropriate ADJ _005196721 163 51 decisions decision NOUN _005196721 163 52 . . PUNCT _005196721 164 1 ii ii PROPN _005196721 164 2 . . PROPN _005196721 164 3 leave leave VERB _005196721 164 4 of of ADP _005196721 164 5 absence absence NOUN _005196721 164 6 for for ADP _005196721 164 7 family family NOUN _005196721 164 8 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 164 9 article article NOUN _005196721 164 10 80 80 NUM _005196721 164 11 leave leave NOUN _005196721 164 12 of of ADP _005196721 164 13 absence absence NOUN _005196721 164 14 for for ADP _005196721 164 15 family family NOUN _005196721 164 16 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 164 17 can can AUX _005196721 164 18 be be AUX _005196721 164 19 granted grant VERB _005196721 164 20 on on ADP _005196721 164 21 the the DET _005196721 164 22 written write VERB _005196721 164 23 request request NOUN _005196721 164 24 of of ADP _005196721 164 25 the the DET _005196721 164 26 person person NOUN _005196721 164 27 concerned concern VERB _005196721 164 28 for for ADP _005196721 164 29 serious serious ADJ _005196721 164 30 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 164 31 , , PUNCT _005196721 164 32 duly duly ADV _005196721 164 33 ascertained ascertain VERB _005196721 164 34 . . PUNCT _005196721 165 1 article article NOUN _005196721 165 2 81 81 NUM _005196721 165 3 during during ADP _005196721 165 4 the the DET _005196721 165 5 leave leave NOUN _005196721 165 6 of of ADP _005196721 165 7 absence absence NOUN _005196721 165 8 for for ADP _005196721 165 9 family family NOUN _005196721 165 10 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 165 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 165 12 the the DET _005196721 165 13 employee employee NOUN _005196721 165 14 has have VERB _005196721 165 15 a a DET _005196721 165 16 right right NOUN _005196721 165 17 to to ADP _005196721 165 18 a a DET _005196721 165 19 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 165 20 established establish VERB _005196721 165 21 by by ADP _005196721 165 22 the the DET _005196721 165 23 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 165 24 in in ADP _005196721 165 25 charge charge NOUN _005196721 165 26 26 26 NUM _005196721 165 27 in in ADP _005196721 165 28 agreement agreement NOUN _005196721 165 29 with with ADP _005196721 165 30 the the DET _005196721 165 31 administration administration NOUN _005196721 165 32 concerned concern VERB _005196721 165 33 , , PUNCT _005196721 165 34 on on ADP _005196721 165 35 the the DET _005196721 165 36 basis basis NOUN _005196721 165 37 of of ADP _005196721 165 38 his his PRON _005196721 165 39 salary salary NOUN _005196721 165 40 and and CCONJ _005196721 165 41 according accord VERB _005196721 165 42 to to ADP _005196721 165 43 the the DET _005196721 165 44 nature nature NOUN _005196721 165 45 of of ADP _005196721 165 46 the the DET _005196721 165 47 case case NOUN _005196721 165 48 . . PUNCT _005196721 166 1 article article NOUN _005196721 166 2 82 82 NUM _005196721 166 3 leaves leave NOUN _005196721 166 4 of of ADP _005196721 166 5 absence absence NOUN _005196721 166 6 for for ADP _005196721 166 7 family family NOUN _005196721 166 8 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 166 9 may may AUX _005196721 166 10 not not PART _005196721 166 11 be be AUX _005196721 166 12 for for ADP _005196721 166 13 more more ADJ _005196721 166 14 than than ADP _005196721 166 15 180 180 NUM _005196721 166 16 consecutive consecutive ADJ _005196721 166 17 or or CCONJ _005196721 166 18 interrupted interrupted ADJ _005196721 166 19 days day NOUN _005196721 166 20 during during ADP _005196721 166 21 the the DET _005196721 166 22 first first ADJ _005196721 166 23 10 10 NUM _005196721 166 24 years year NOUN _005196721 166 25 of of ADP _005196721 166 26 service service NOUN _005196721 166 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 166 28 or or CCONJ _005196721 166 29 more more ADJ _005196721 166 30 than than ADP _005196721 166 31 360 360 NUM _005196721 166 32 consecutive consecutive ADJ _005196721 166 33 or or CCONJ _005196721 166 34 interrupted interrupted ADJ _005196721 166 35 days day NOUN _005196721 166 36 during during ADP _005196721 166 37 the the DET _005196721 166 38 successive successive ADJ _005196721 166 39 period period NOUN _005196721 166 40 . . PUNCT _005196721 167 1 article article NOUN _005196721 167 2 83 83 NUM _005196721 167 3 leaves leave NOUN _005196721 167 4 of of ADP _005196721 167 5 absence absence NOUN _005196721 167 6 for for ADP _005196721 167 7 family family NOUN _005196721 167 8 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 167 9 may may AUX _005196721 167 10 be be AUX _005196721 167 11 suspended suspend VERB _005196721 167 12 or or CCONJ _005196721 167 13 revoked revoke VERB _005196721 167 14 at at ADP _005196721 167 15 any any DET _005196721 167 16 time time NOUN _005196721 167 17 because because SCONJ _005196721 167 18 of of ADP _005196721 167 19 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 167 20 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 167 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 167 22 at at ADP _005196721 167 23 the the DET _005196721 167 24 unquestionable unquestionable ADJ _005196721 167 25 decision decision NOUN _005196721 167 26 of of ADP _005196721 167 27 the the DET _005196721 167 28 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 167 29 in in ADP _005196721 167 30 charge charge NOUN _005196721 167 31 . . PUNCT _005196721 168 1 the the DET _005196721 168 2 recall recall NOUN _005196721 168 3 is be AUX _005196721 168 4 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 168 5 in in ADP _005196721 168 6 writing write VERB _005196721 168 7 to to ADP _005196721 168 8 the the DET _005196721 168 9 person person NOUN _005196721 168 10 concerned concern VERB _005196721 168 11 . . PUNCT _005196721 169 1 article article NOUN _005196721 169 2 84 84 NUM _005196721 169 3 the the DET _005196721 169 4 employee employee NOUN _005196721 169 5 who who PRON _005196721 169 6 does do AUX _005196721 169 7 not not PART _005196721 169 8 resume resume VERB _005196721 169 9 work work NOUN _005196721 169 10 after after ADP _005196721 169 11 a a DET _005196721 169 12 leave leave NOUN _005196721 169 13 of of ADP _005196721 169 14 absence absence NOUN _005196721 169 15 for for ADP _005196721 169 16 family family NOUN _005196721 169 17 reasons reason NOUN _005196721 169 18 or or CCONJ _005196721 169 19 in in ADP _005196721 169 20 the the DET _005196721 169 21 event event NOUN _005196721 169 22 of of ADP _005196721 169 23 being be AUX _005196721 169 24 recalled recall VERB _005196721 169 25 from from ADP _005196721 169 26 leave leave NOUN _005196721 169 27 may may AUX _005196721 169 28 be be AUX _005196721 169 29 automatically automatically ADV _005196721 169 30 declared declare VERB _005196721 169 31 to to PART _005196721 169 32 have have AUX _005196721 169 33 resigned resign VERB _005196721 169 34 under under ADP _005196721 169 35 the the DET _005196721 169 36 terms term NOUN _005196721 169 37 of of ADP _005196721 169 38 article article NOUN _005196721 169 39 98 98 NUM _005196721 169 40 , , PUNCT _005196721 169 41 no no NOUN _005196721 169 42 . . NOUN _005196721 169 43 3 3 NUM _005196721 169 44 . . PROPN _005196721 169 45 paragraph paragraph PROPN _005196721 169 46 ii ii PROPN _005196721 169 47 : : PUNCT _005196721 169 48 transfer transfer VERB _005196721 169 49 to to ADP _005196721 169 50 the the DET _005196721 169 51 reserve reserve NOUN _005196721 169 52 list list NOUN _005196721 169 53 article article NOUN _005196721 169 54 85 85 NUM _005196721 169 55 transfer transfer NOUN _005196721 169 56 to to ADP _005196721 169 57 the the DET _005196721 169 58 reserve reserve NOUN _005196721 169 59 list list NOUN _005196721 169 60 may may AUX _005196721 169 61 occur occur VERB _005196721 169 62 either either CCONJ _005196721 169 63 because because SCONJ _005196721 169 64 of of ADP _005196721 169 65 the the DET _005196721 169 66 suppression suppression NOUN _005196721 169 67 of of ADP _005196721 169 68 the the DET _005196721 169 69 office office NOUN _005196721 169 70 or or CCONJ _005196721 169 71 the the DET _005196721 169 72 reduction reduction NOUN _005196721 169 73 of of ADP _005196721 169 74 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 169 75 . . PUNCT _005196721 170 1 article article NOUN _005196721 170 2 86 86 NUM _005196721 170 3 while while SCONJ _005196721 170 4 on on ADP _005196721 170 5 the the DET _005196721 170 6 reserve reserve NOUN _005196721 170 7 list list NOUN _005196721 170 8 the the DET _005196721 170 9 employee employee NOUN _005196721 170 10 receives receive VERB _005196721 170 11 full full ADJ _005196721 170 12 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 170 13 . . PUNCT _005196721 171 1 time time NOUN _005196721 171 2 spent spend VERB _005196721 171 3 on on ADP _005196721 171 4 the the DET _005196721 171 5 reserve reserve NOUN _005196721 171 6 list list NOUN _005196721 171 7 is be AUX _005196721 171 8 taken take VERB _005196721 171 9 into into ADP _005196721 171 10 account account NOUN _005196721 171 11 as as SCONJ _005196721 171 12 regards regard VERB _005196721 171 13 seniority seniority NOUN _005196721 171 14 and and CCONJ _005196721 171 15 eventual eventual ADJ _005196721 171 16 liquidation liquidation NOUN _005196721 171 17 . . PUNCT _005196721 172 1 27 27 NUM _005196721 172 2 article article NOUN _005196721 172 3 87 87 NUM _005196721 172 4 transfer transfer NOUN _005196721 172 5 to to ADP _005196721 172 6 the the DET _005196721 172 7 reserve reserve NOUN _005196721 172 8 list list NOUN _005196721 172 9 is be AUX _005196721 172 10 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 172 11 to to ADP _005196721 172 12 the the DET _005196721 172 13 person person NOUN _005196721 172 14 concerned concern VERB _005196721 172 15 in in ADP _005196721 172 16 writing writing NOUN _005196721 172 17 , , PUNCT _005196721 172 18 indicating indicate VERB _005196721 172 19 the the DET _005196721 172 20 cause cause NOUN _005196721 172 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 172 22 the the DET _005196721 172 23 date date NOUN _005196721 172 24 of of ADP _005196721 172 25 the the DET _005196721 172 26 transfer transfer NOUN _005196721 172 27 and and CCONJ _005196721 172 28 its its PRON _005196721 172 29 duration duration NOUN _005196721 172 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 173 1 article article NOUN _005196721 173 2 88 88 NUM _005196721 173 3 an an DET _005196721 173 4 employee employee NOUN _005196721 173 5 called call VERB _005196721 173 6 back back ADV _005196721 173 7 to to ADP _005196721 173 8 service service NOUN _005196721 173 9 and and CCONJ _005196721 173 10 failing fail VERB _005196721 173 11 to to PART _005196721 173 12 resume resume VERB _005196721 173 13 work work NOUN _005196721 173 14 within within ADP _005196721 173 15 a a DET _005196721 173 16 set set ADJ _005196721 173 17 time time NOUN _005196721 173 18 limit limit NOUN _005196721 173 19 is be AUX _005196721 173 20 regarded regard VERB _005196721 173 21 as as ADP _005196721 173 22 having having AUX _005196721 173 23 resigned resign VERB _005196721 173 24 under under ADP _005196721 173 25 the the DET _005196721 173 26 terms term NOUN _005196721 173 27 of of ADP _005196721 173 28 article article NOUN _005196721 173 29 98 98 NUM _005196721 173 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 173 31 no no NOUN _005196721 173 32 . . NOUN _005196721 173 33 3 3 NUM _005196721 173 34 . . X _005196721 173 35 paragraph paragraph PROPN _005196721 173 36 iii iii PROPN _005196721 173 37 : : PUNCT _005196721 173 38 measures measure NOUN _005196721 173 39 concerning concern VERB _005196721 173 40 criminal criminal ADJ _005196721 173 41 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005196721 173 42 article article NOUN _005196721 173 43 89 89 NUM _005196721 173 44 1 1 NUM _005196721 173 45 . . PUNCT _005196721 173 46 in in ADP _005196721 173 47 the the DET _005196721 173 48 event event NOUN _005196721 173 49 of of ADP _005196721 173 50 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 173 51 criminal criminal ADJ _005196721 173 52 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005196721 173 53 being be AUX _005196721 173 54 brought bring VERB _005196721 173 55 against against ADP _005196721 173 56 an an DET _005196721 173 57 employee employee NOUN _005196721 173 58 for for ADP _005196721 173 59 a a DET _005196721 173 60 crime crime NOUN _005196721 173 61 or or CCONJ _005196721 173 62 an an DET _005196721 173 63 action action NOUN _005196721 173 64 which which PRON _005196721 173 65 makes make VERB _005196721 173 66 him he PRON _005196721 173 67 unworthy unworthy ADJ _005196721 173 68 or or CCONJ _005196721 173 69 undeserving undeserving NOUN _005196721 173 70 of of ADP _005196721 173 71 the the DET _005196721 173 72 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 173 73 trust trust NOUN _005196721 173 74 , , PUNCT _005196721 173 75 the the DET _005196721 173 76 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 173 77 in in ADP _005196721 173 78 charge charge NOUN _005196721 173 79 imposes impose VERB _005196721 173 80 a a DET _005196721 173 81 temporary temporary ADJ _005196721 173 82 suspension suspension NOUN _005196721 173 83 from from ADP _005196721 173 84 office office NOUN _005196721 173 85 . . PUNCT _005196721 174 1 2 2 X _005196721 174 2 . . X _005196721 174 3 in in ADP _005196721 174 4 the the DET _005196721 174 5 event event NOUN _005196721 174 6 of of ADP _005196721 174 7 non non ADJ _005196721 174 8 - - ADJ _005196721 174 9 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 174 10 criminal criminal ADJ _005196721 174 11 proceeding proceeding NOUN _005196721 174 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 174 13 a a DET _005196721 174 14 commission commission NOUN _005196721 174 15 appointed appoint VERB _005196721 174 16 by by ADP _005196721 174 17 the the DET _005196721 174 18 cardinalwill cardinalwill NOUN _005196721 174 19 decide decide VERB _005196721 174 20 on on ADP _005196721 174 21 suitable suitable ADJ _005196721 174 22 measures measure NOUN _005196721 174 23 . . PUNCT _005196721 175 1 article article NOUN _005196721 175 2 90 90 NUM _005196721 175 3 should should AUX _005196721 175 4 the the DET _005196721 175 5 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005196721 175 6 end end VERB _005196721 175 7 in in ADP _005196721 175 8 acquittal acquittal NOUN _005196721 175 9 , , PUNCT _005196721 175 10 the the DET _005196721 175 11 employee employee NOUN _005196721 175 12 concerned concern VERB _005196721 175 13 is be AUX _005196721 175 14 reinstated reinstate VERB _005196721 175 15 . . PUNCT _005196721 176 1 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 176 2 iv iv NOUN _005196721 176 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 176 4 dispensation dispensation NOUN _005196721 176 5 from from ADP _005196721 176 6 office office NOUN _005196721 176 7 article article NOUN _005196721 176 8 91 91 NUM _005196721 176 9 an an DET _005196721 176 10 employee employee NOUN _005196721 176 11 is be AUX _005196721 176 12 dispensed dispense VERB _005196721 176 13 from from ADP _005196721 176 14 office office NOUN _005196721 176 15 if if SCONJ _005196721 176 16 he he PRON _005196721 176 17 becomes become VERB _005196721 176 18 physically physically ADV _005196721 176 19 disabled disabled ADJ _005196721 176 20 whether whether SCONJ _005196721 176 21 or or CCONJ _005196721 176 22 not not PART _005196721 176 23 resulting result VERB _005196721 176 24 from from ADP _005196721 176 25 service service NOUN _005196721 176 26 . . PUNCT _005196721 177 1 article article NOUN _005196721 177 2 92 92 NUM _005196721 177 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 177 4 . . X _005196721 177 5 dispensation dispensation NOUN _005196721 177 6 from from ADP _005196721 177 7 office office NOUN _005196721 177 8 is be AUX _005196721 177 9 adopted adopt VERB _005196721 177 10 for for ADP _005196721 177 11 physical physical ADJ _005196721 177 12 disability disability NOUN _005196721 177 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 177 14 whether whether SCONJ _005196721 177 15 or or CCONJ _005196721 177 16 not not PART _005196721 177 17 resulting result VERB _005196721 177 18 from from ADP _005196721 177 19 service service NOUN _005196721 177 20 , , PUNCT _005196721 177 21 whenever whenever SCONJ _005196721 177 22 the the DET _005196721 177 23 commission commission NOUN _005196721 177 24 28 28 NUM _005196721 177 25 referred refer VERB _005196721 177 26 to to ADP _005196721 177 27 in in ADP _005196721 177 28 article article NOUN _005196721 177 29 63 63 NUM _005196721 177 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 177 31 decides decide VERB _005196721 177 32 to to PART _005196721 177 33 do do VERB _005196721 177 34 so so ADV _005196721 177 35 following follow VERB _005196721 177 36 ascertainment ascertainment NOUN _005196721 177 37 through through ADP _005196721 177 38 consultation consultation NOUN _005196721 177 39 on on ADP _005196721 177 40 the the DET _005196721 177 41 part part NOUN _005196721 177 42 of of ADP _005196721 177 43 the the DET _005196721 177 44 vatican vatican PROPN _005196721 177 45 city city PROPN _005196721 177 46 health health PROPN _005196721 177 47 services service NOUN _005196721 177 48 , , PUNCT _005196721 177 49 which which PRON _005196721 177 50 will will AUX _005196721 177 51 also also ADV _005196721 177 52 determine determine VERB _005196721 177 53 whether whether SCONJ _005196721 177 54 the the DET _005196721 177 55 disability disability NOUN _005196721 177 56 is be AUX _005196721 177 57 due due ADJ _005196721 177 58 to to ADP _005196721 177 59 service service NOUN _005196721 177 60 causes cause NOUN _005196721 177 61 . . PUNCT _005196721 178 1 during during ADP _005196721 178 2 the the DET _005196721 178 3 consultation consultation NOUN _005196721 178 4 the the DET _005196721 178 5 employee employee NOUN _005196721 178 6 is be AUX _005196721 178 7 entitled entitle VERB _005196721 178 8 to to PART _005196721 178 9 be be AUX _005196721 178 10 assisted assist VERB _005196721 178 11 by by ADP _005196721 178 12 a a DET _005196721 178 13 doctor doctor NOUN _005196721 178 14 of of ADP _005196721 178 15 his his PRON _005196721 178 16 own own ADJ _005196721 178 17 choice choice NOUN _005196721 178 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 179 1 article article NOUN _005196721 179 2 93 93 NUM _005196721 179 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 179 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 179 5 during during ADP _005196721 179 6 absence absence NOUN _005196721 179 7 from from ADP _005196721 179 8 office office NOUN _005196721 179 9 because because SCONJ _005196721 179 10 of of ADP _005196721 179 11 illness illness NOUN _005196721 179 12 or or CCONJ _005196721 179 13 accident accident NOUN _005196721 179 14 resulting result VERB _005196721 179 15 from from ADP _005196721 179 16 service service NOUN _005196721 179 17 the the DET _005196721 179 18 employee employee NOUN _005196721 179 19 is be AUX _005196721 179 20 entitled entitle VERB _005196721 179 21 to to ADP _005196721 179 22 full full ADJ _005196721 179 23 remuneration remuneration NOUN _005196721 179 24 . . PUNCT _005196721 180 1 2 2 X _005196721 180 2 . . X _005196721 180 3 if if SCONJ _005196721 180 4 absence absence NOUN _005196721 180 5 from from ADP _005196721 180 6 office office NOUN _005196721 180 7 is be AUX _005196721 180 8 not not PART _005196721 180 9 due due ADJ _005196721 180 10 to to ADP _005196721 180 11 service service NOUN _005196721 180 12 causes cause VERB _005196721 180 13 the the DET _005196721 180 14 norms norm NOUN _005196721 180 15 apply apply VERB _005196721 180 16 which which PRON _005196721 180 17 are be AUX _005196721 180 18 established establish VERB _005196721 180 19 in in ADP _005196721 180 20 the the DET _005196721 180 21 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 180 22 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 180 23 . . PUNCT _005196721 181 1 article article NOUN _005196721 181 2 94 94 NUM _005196721 181 3 dispensation dispensation NOUN _005196721 181 4 from from ADP _005196721 181 5 office office NOUN _005196721 181 6 is be AUX _005196721 181 7 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 181 8 in in ADP _005196721 181 9 writing write VERB _005196721 181 10 to to ADP _005196721 181 11 the the DET _005196721 181 12 person person NOUN _005196721 181 13 concerned concern VERB _005196721 181 14 . . PUNCT _005196721 182 1 article article NOUN _005196721 182 2 95 95 NUM _005196721 182 3 against against ADP _005196721 182 4 a a DET _005196721 182 5 dispensation dispensation NOUN _005196721 182 6 from from ADP _005196721 182 7 office office NOUN _005196721 182 8 the the DET _005196721 182 9 person person NOUN _005196721 182 10 concerned concern VERB _005196721 182 11 has have VERB _005196721 182 12 the the DET _005196721 182 13 right right NOUN _005196721 182 14 of of ADP _005196721 182 15 recourse recourse NOUN _005196721 182 16 in in ADP _005196721 182 17 devolutivo devolutivo NOUN _005196721 182 18 to to ADP _005196721 182 19 the the DET _005196721 182 20 second second ADJ _005196721 182 21 section section NOUN _005196721 182 22 of of ADP _005196721 182 23 the the DET _005196721 182 24 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 182 25 signature signature NOUN _005196721 182 26 within within ADP _005196721 182 27 the the DET _005196721 182 28 limits limit NOUN _005196721 182 29 permitted permit VERB _005196721 182 30 by by ADP _005196721 182 31 the the DET _005196721 182 32 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 182 33 regimini regimini NOUN _005196721 182 34 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 182 35 universae universae NOUN _005196721 182 36 , , PUNCT _005196721 182 37 no no INTJ _005196721 182 38 . . NOUN _005196721 182 39 106 106 NUM _005196721 182 40 . . PUNCT _005196721 183 1 the the DET _005196721 183 2 decision decision NOUN _005196721 183 3 of of ADP _005196721 183 4 the the DET _005196721 183 5 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 183 6 signature signature NOUN _005196721 183 7 is be AUX _005196721 183 8 final final ADJ _005196721 183 9 while while SCONJ _005196721 183 10 the the DET _005196721 183 11 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 183 12 of of ADP _005196721 183 13 article article NOUN _005196721 183 14 70 70 NUM _005196721 183 15 of of ADP _005196721 183 16 the the DET _005196721 183 17 present present ADJ _005196721 183 18 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 183 19 remain remain VERB _005196721 183 20 valid valid ADJ _005196721 183 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 184 1 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 184 2 v v NOUN _005196721 184 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 184 4 resignation resignation NOUN _005196721 184 5 of of ADP _005196721 184 6 office office NOUN _005196721 184 7 article article NOUN _005196721 184 8 96 96 NUM _005196721 185 1 the the DET _005196721 185 2 employee employee NOUN _005196721 185 3 who who PRON _005196721 185 4 intends intend VERB _005196721 185 5 to to PART _005196721 185 6 resign resign VERB _005196721 185 7 from from ADP _005196721 185 8 office office NOUN _005196721 185 9 must must AUX _005196721 185 10 make make VERB _005196721 185 11 a a DET _005196721 185 12 declaration declaration NOUN _005196721 185 13 in in ADP _005196721 185 14 writing write VERB _005196721 185 15 to to ADP _005196721 185 16 the the DET _005196721 185 17 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 185 18 in in ADP _005196721 185 19 charge charge NOUN _005196721 185 20 . . PUNCT _005196721 186 1 resignation resignation NOUN _005196721 186 2 becomes become VERB _005196721 186 3 effective effective ADJ _005196721 186 4 only only ADV _005196721 186 5 after after ADP _005196721 186 6 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005196721 186 7 which which PRON _005196721 186 8 is be AUX _005196721 186 9 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 186 10 in in ADP _005196721 186 11 writing write VERB _005196721 186 12 to to ADP _005196721 186 13 the the DET _005196721 186 14 person person NOUN _005196721 186 15 concerned concern VERB _005196721 186 16 . . PUNCT _005196721 187 1 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005196721 187 2 of of ADP _005196721 187 3 the the DET _005196721 187 4 resignation resignation NOUN _005196721 187 5 may may AUX _005196721 187 6 be be AUX _005196721 187 7 postponed postpone VERB _005196721 187 8 or or CCONJ _005196721 187 9 refused refuse VERB _005196721 187 10 either either CCONJ _005196721 187 11 because because SCONJ _005196721 187 12 of of ADP _005196721 187 13 service service NOUN _005196721 187 14 requirements requirement NOUN _005196721 187 15 29 29 NUM _005196721 187 16 or or CCONJ _005196721 187 17 because because SCONJ _005196721 187 18 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005196721 187 19 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005196721 187 20 are be AUX _005196721 187 21 in in ADP _005196721 187 22 progress progress NOUN _005196721 187 23 against against ADP _005196721 187 24 the the DET _005196721 187 25 person person NOUN _005196721 187 26 concerned concern VERB _005196721 187 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 187 28 who who PRON _005196721 187 29 will will AUX _005196721 187 30 be be AUX _005196721 187 31 promptly promptly ADV _005196721 187 32 informed inform VERB _005196721 187 33 in in ADP _005196721 187 34 any any DET _005196721 187 35 case case NOUN _005196721 187 36 . . PUNCT _005196721 188 1 article article NOUN _005196721 188 2 97 97 NUM _005196721 188 3 the the DET _005196721 188 4 employee employee NOUN _005196721 188 5 who who PRON _005196721 188 6 resigns resign VERB _005196721 188 7 an an DET _005196721 188 8 office office NOUN _005196721 188 9 must must AUX _005196721 188 10 continue continue VERB _005196721 188 11 to to PART _005196721 188 12 fulfill fulfill VERB _005196721 188 13 his his PRON _005196721 188 14 office office NOUN _005196721 188 15 duties duty NOUN _005196721 188 16 until until SCONJ _005196721 188 17 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005196721 188 18 of of ADP _005196721 188 19 his his PRON _005196721 188 20 resignation resignation NOUN _005196721 188 21 is be AUX _005196721 188 22 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 188 23 to to ADP _005196721 188 24 him he PRON _005196721 188 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 189 1 article article NOUN _005196721 189 2 98 98 NUM _005196721 190 1 the the DET _005196721 190 2 employee employee NOUN _005196721 190 3 is be AUX _005196721 190 4 regarded regard VERB _005196721 190 5 as as ADP _005196721 190 6 resigning resign VERB _005196721 190 7 an an DET _005196721 190 8 office office NOUN _005196721 190 9 and and CCONJ _005196721 190 10 is be AUX _005196721 190 11 declared declare VERB _005196721 190 12 such such ADJ _005196721 190 13 when when SCONJ _005196721 190 14 he he PRON _005196721 190 15 without without ADP _005196721 190 16 justification justification NOUN _005196721 190 17 : : PUNCT _005196721 190 18 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 190 19 1 1 X _005196721 190 20 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 190 21 does do AUX _005196721 190 22 not not PART _005196721 190 23 take take VERB _005196721 190 24 up up ADP _005196721 190 25 service service NOUN _005196721 190 26 on on ADP _005196721 190 27 the the DET _005196721 190 28 date date NOUN _005196721 190 29 fixed fix VERB _005196721 190 30 in in ADP _005196721 190 31 the the DET _005196721 190 32 letter letter NOUN _005196721 190 33 of of ADP _005196721 190 34 appointment appointment NOUN _005196721 190 35 referred refer VERB _005196721 190 36 to to ADP _005196721 190 37 in in ADP _005196721 190 38 article article NOUN _005196721 190 39 1 1 NUM _005196721 190 40 1 1 NUM _005196721 190 41 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 190 42 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 190 43 2 2 X _005196721 190 44 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 190 45 does do AUX _005196721 190 46 not not PART _005196721 190 47 intend intend VERB _005196721 190 48 , , PUNCT _005196721 190 49 if if SCONJ _005196721 190 50 he he PRON _005196721 190 51 is be AUX _005196721 190 52 an an DET _005196721 190 53 italian italian NOUN _005196721 190 54 , , PUNCT _005196721 190 55 to to PART _005196721 190 56 benefit benefit VERB _005196721 190 57 from from ADP _005196721 190 58 exemption exemption NOUN _005196721 190 59 from from ADP _005196721 190 60 military military ADJ _005196721 190 61 service service NOUN _005196721 190 62 or or CCONJ _005196721 190 63 from from ADP _005196721 190 64 other other ADJ _005196721 190 65 duties duty NOUN _005196721 190 66 of of ADP _005196721 190 67 a a DET _005196721 190 68 personal personal ADJ _005196721 190 69 nature nature NOUN _005196721 190 70 toward toward ADP _005196721 190 71 the the DET _005196721 190 72 italian italian ADJ _005196721 190 73 state state NOUN _005196721 190 74 referred refer VERB _005196721 190 75 to to ADP _005196721 190 76 in in ADP _005196721 190 77 article article NOUN _005196721 190 78 10 10 NUM _005196721 190 79 of of ADP _005196721 190 80 the the DET _005196721 190 81 treaty treaty NOUN _005196721 190 82 between between ADP _005196721 190 83 the the DET _005196721 190 84 holy holy PROPN _005196721 190 85 see see PROPN _005196721 190 86 and and CCONJ _005196721 190 87 italy italy PROPN _005196721 190 88 and and CCONJ _005196721 190 89 in in ADP _005196721 190 90 the the DET _005196721 190 91 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 190 92 for for ADP _005196721 190 93 its its PRON _005196721 190 94 implementation implementation NOUN _005196721 190 95 of of ADP _005196721 190 96 september september PROPN _005196721 190 97 6 6 NUM _005196721 190 98 , , PUNCT _005196721 190 99 1932 1932 NUM _005196721 190 100 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 190 101 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 190 102 3 3 X _005196721 190 103 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 190 104 is be AUX _005196721 190 105 arbitrarily arbitrarily ADV _005196721 190 106 absent absent ADJ _005196721 190 107 from from ADP _005196721 190 108 office office NOUN _005196721 190 109 for for ADP _005196721 190 110 five five NUM _005196721 190 111 consecutive consecutive ADJ _005196721 190 112 days day NOUN _005196721 190 113 and and CCONJ _005196721 190 114 does do AUX _005196721 190 115 not not PART _005196721 190 116 resume resume VERB _005196721 190 117 office office NOUN _005196721 190 118 within within ADP _005196721 190 119 the the DET _005196721 190 120 limit limit NOUN _005196721 190 121 of of ADP _005196721 190 122 five five NUM _005196721 190 123 days day NOUN _005196721 190 124 after after ADP _005196721 190 125 receiving receive VERB _005196721 190 126 the the DET _005196721 190 127 injunction injunction NOUN _005196721 190 128 to to PART _005196721 190 129 report report VERB _005196721 190 130 , , PUNCT _005196721 190 131 which which PRON _005196721 190 132 the the DET _005196721 190 133 superior superior ADJ _005196721 190 134 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 190 135 must must AUX _005196721 190 136 communicate communicate VERB _005196721 190 137 to to ADP _005196721 190 138 him he PRON _005196721 190 139 “ " PUNCT _005196721 190 140 ex ex NOUN _005196721 190 141 - - NOUN _005196721 190 142 officio officio X _005196721 190 143 ” " PUNCT _005196721 190 144 and and CCONJ _005196721 190 145 in in ADP _005196721 190 146 writing writing NOUN _005196721 190 147 . . PUNCT _005196721 191 1 article article NOUN _005196721 191 2 99 99 NUM _005196721 191 3 the the DET _005196721 191 4 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 191 5 of of ADP _005196721 191 6 articles article NOUN _005196721 191 7 11,91 11,91 PROPN _005196721 191 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 191 9 following follow VERB _005196721 191 10 apply apply NOUN _005196721 191 11 to to ADP _005196721 191 12 cases case NOUN _005196721 191 13 of of ADP _005196721 191 14 voluntary voluntary ADJ _005196721 191 15 or or CCONJ _005196721 191 16 automatic automatic ADJ _005196721 191 17 resignation resignation NOUN _005196721 191 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 192 1 article article NOUN _005196721 192 2 100 100 NUM _005196721 192 3 the the DET _005196721 192 4 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 192 5 of of ADP _005196721 192 6 article article NOUN _005196721 192 7 1 1 NUM _005196721 192 8 of of ADP _005196721 192 9 the the DET _005196721 192 10 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 192 11 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 192 12 of of ADP _005196721 192 13 december december PROPN _005196721 192 14 23 23 NUM _005196721 192 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 192 16 1963 1963 NUM _005196721 192 17 , , PUNCT _005196721 192 18 apply apply VERB _005196721 192 19 to to ADP _005196721 192 20 the the DET _005196721 192 21 employee employee NOUN _005196721 192 22 who who PRON _005196721 192 23 voluntarily voluntarily ADV _005196721 192 24 resigns resign VERB _005196721 192 25 an an DET _005196721 192 26 office office NOUN _005196721 192 27 . . PUNCT _005196721 193 1 in in ADP _005196721 193 2 the the DET _005196721 193 3 event event NOUN _005196721 193 4 of of ADP _005196721 193 5 an an DET _005196721 193 6 automatic automatic ADJ _005196721 193 7 resignation resignation NOUN _005196721 193 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 193 9 eventual eventual ADJ _005196721 193 10 liquidation liquidation NOUN _005196721 193 11 rights right NOUN _005196721 193 12 are be AUX _005196721 193 13 determined determine VERB _005196721 193 14 by by ADP _005196721 193 15 the the DET _005196721 193 16 commission commission NOUN _005196721 193 17 referred refer VERB _005196721 193 18 to to ADP _005196721 193 19 in in ADP _005196721 193 20 article article NOUN _005196721 193 21 23 23 NUM _005196721 193 22 30 30 NUM _005196721 193 23 of of ADP _005196721 193 24 the the DET _005196721 193 25 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 193 26 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 193 27 . . PUNCT _005196721 194 1 the the DET _005196721 194 2 commission commission NOUN _005196721 194 3 , , PUNCT _005196721 194 4 having having AUX _005196721 194 5 taken take VERB _005196721 194 6 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196721 194 7 into into ADP _005196721 194 8 account account NOUN _005196721 194 9 , , PUNCT _005196721 194 10 decides decide VERB _005196721 194 11 on on ADP _005196721 194 12 the the DET _005196721 194 13 basis basis NOUN _005196721 194 14 of of ADP _005196721 194 15 article article NOUN _005196721 194 16 23 23 NUM _005196721 194 17 . . PUNCT _005196721 195 1 paragraph paragraph PROPN _005196721 195 2 vi vi PROPN _005196721 195 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 195 4 retirement retirement NOUN _005196721 195 5 article article NOUN _005196721 195 6 101 101 NUM _005196721 195 7 1 1 NUM _005196721 195 8 . . PUNCT _005196721 195 9 for for ADP _005196721 195 10 subalterns subaltern NOUN _005196721 195 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 195 12 retirement retirement NOUN _005196721 195 13 is be AUX _005196721 195 14 fixed fix VERB _005196721 195 15 at at ADP _005196721 195 16 the the DET _005196721 195 17 age age NOUN _005196721 195 18 of of ADP _005196721 195 19 65 65 NUM _005196721 195 20 . . PUNCT _005196721 196 1 age age NOUN _005196721 196 2 limit limit NOUN _005196721 196 3 is be AUX _005196721 196 4 fixed fix VERB _005196721 196 5 at at ADP _005196721 196 6 70 70 NUM _005196721 196 7 for for ADP _005196721 196 8 major major ADJ _005196721 196 9 and and CCONJ _005196721 196 10 minor minor ADJ _005196721 196 11 officials official NOUN _005196721 196 12 and and CCONJ _005196721 196 13 at at ADP _005196721 196 14 75 75 NUM _005196721 196 15 for for ADP _005196721 196 16 superior superior ADJ _005196721 196 17 prelates prelate NOUN _005196721 196 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 196 19 except except SCONJ _005196721 196 20 for for ADP _005196721 196 21 the the DET _005196721 196 22 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 196 23 of of ADP _005196721 196 24 the the DET _005196721 196 25 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 196 26 regimini regimini NOUN _005196721 196 27 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 196 28 universae universae PROPN _005196721 196 29 no no PROPN _005196721 196 30 . . PROPN _005196721 196 31 2 2 NUM _005196721 196 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 196 33 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 196 34 5 5 NUM _005196721 196 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 196 36 while while SCONJ _005196721 196 37 the the DET _005196721 196 38 laws law NOUN _005196721 196 39 proper proper ADJ _005196721 196 40 of of ADP _005196721 196 41 the the DET _005196721 196 42 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 196 43 roman roman ADJ _005196721 196 44 rota rota NOUN _005196721 196 45 for for ADP _005196721 196 46 auditors auditor NOUN _005196721 196 47 remain remain VERB _005196721 196 48 valid valid ADJ _005196721 196 49 . . PUNCT _005196721 197 1 the the DET _005196721 197 2 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 197 3 regulation regulation NOUN _005196721 197 4 for for ADP _005196721 197 5 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005196721 197 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 197 7 lay lie VERB _005196721 197 8 civil civil ADJ _005196721 197 9 personnel personnel NOUN _005196721 197 10 of of ADP _005196721 197 11 december december PROPN _005196721 197 12 23 23 NUM _005196721 197 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 197 14 1963 1963 NUM _005196721 197 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 197 16 apply apply VERB _005196721 197 17 to to ADP _005196721 197 18 direct direct ADJ _005196721 197 19 or or CCONJ _005196721 197 20 indirect indirect ADJ _005196721 197 21 pensions pension NOUN _005196721 197 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 197 23 superannuation superannuation NOUN _005196721 197 24 . . PUNCT _005196721 198 1 2 2 X _005196721 198 2 . . X _005196721 198 3 retirement retirement NOUN _005196721 198 4 is be AUX _005196721 198 5 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 198 6 in in ADP _005196721 198 7 writing write VERB _005196721 198 8 to to ADP _005196721 198 9 the the DET _005196721 198 10 person person NOUN _005196721 198 11 concerned concern VERB _005196721 198 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 198 13 indicating indicate VERB _005196721 198 14 the the DET _005196721 198 15 case case NOUN _005196721 198 16 and and CCONJ _005196721 198 17 the the DET _005196721 198 18 date date NOUN _005196721 198 19 of of ADP _005196721 198 20 application application NOUN _005196721 198 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 199 1 title title NOUN _005196721 199 2 xi xi PROPN _005196721 199 3 general general PROPN _005196721 199 4 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 199 5 article article NOUN _005196721 199 6 102 102 NUM _005196721 199 7 the the DET _005196721 199 8 competent competent ADJ _005196721 199 9 administration administration NOUN _005196721 199 10 referred refer VERB _005196721 199 11 to to ADP _005196721 199 12 in in ADP _005196721 199 13 the the DET _005196721 199 14 norms norm NOUN _005196721 199 15 of of ADP _005196721 199 16 the the DET _005196721 199 17 present present ADJ _005196721 199 18 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 199 19 is be AUX _005196721 199 20 the the DET _005196721 199 21 administration administration NOUN _005196721 199 22 of of ADP _005196721 199 23 the the DET _005196721 199 24 patrimony patrimony NOUN _005196721 199 25 of of ADP _005196721 199 26 the the DET _005196721 199 27 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 199 28 see see NOUN _005196721 199 29 for for ADP _005196721 199 30 all all DET _005196721 199 31 the the DET _005196721 199 32 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 199 33 with with ADP _005196721 199 34 the the DET _005196721 199 35 exception exception NOUN _005196721 199 36 of of ADP _005196721 199 37 the the DET _005196721 199 38 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 199 39 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 199 40 for for ADP _005196721 199 41 the the DET _005196721 199 42 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005196721 199 43 of of ADP _005196721 199 44 the the DET _005196721 199 45 faith faith NOUN _005196721 199 46 and and CCONJ _005196721 199 47 the the DET _005196721 199 48 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 199 49 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 199 50 for for ADP _005196721 199 51 the the DET _005196721 199 52 evangelization evangelization NOUN _005196721 199 53 of of ADP _005196721 199 54 peoples people NOUN _005196721 199 55 , , PUNCT _005196721 199 56 which which PRON _005196721 199 57 have have VERB _005196721 199 58 their their PRON _005196721 199 59 own own ADJ _005196721 199 60 administration administration NOUN _005196721 199 61 . . PUNCT _005196721 200 1 article article NOUN _005196721 200 2 103 103 NUM _005196721 200 3 the the DET _005196721 200 4 written write VERB _005196721 200 5 communications communication NOUN _005196721 200 6 referred refer VERB _005196721 200 7 to to ADP _005196721 200 8 in in ADP _005196721 200 9 the the DET _005196721 200 10 present present ADJ _005196721 200 11 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 200 12 are be AUX _005196721 200 13 made make VERB _005196721 200 14 through through ADP _005196721 200 15 the the DET _005196721 200 16 means mean NOUN _005196721 200 17 generally generally ADV _005196721 200 18 recognized recognize VERB _005196721 200 19 as as ADP _005196721 200 20 valid valid ADJ _005196721 200 21 evidence evidence NOUN _005196721 200 22 of of ADP _005196721 200 23 received receive VERB _005196721 200 24 notification notification NOUN _005196721 200 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 201 1 31 31 NUM _005196721 201 2 article article NOUN _005196721 201 3 104 104 NUM _005196721 201 4 any any DET _005196721 201 5 measure measure NOUN _005196721 201 6 contrary contrary ADJ _005196721 201 7 to to ADP _005196721 201 8 what what PRON _005196721 201 9 is be AUX _005196721 201 10 set set VERB _005196721 201 11 down down ADP _005196721 201 12 in in ADP _005196721 201 13 the the DET _005196721 201 14 articles article NOUN _005196721 201 15 of of ADP _005196721 201 16 this this DET _005196721 201 17 first first ADJ _005196721 201 18 part part NOUN _005196721 201 19 of of ADP _005196721 201 20 the the DET _005196721 201 21 general general ADJ _005196721 201 22 regulations regulation NOUN _005196721 201 23 is be AUX _005196721 201 24 abrogated abrogate VERB _005196721 201 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 202 1 part part NOUN _005196721 202 2 two two NUM _005196721 202 3 procedure procedure NOUN _005196721 202 4 to to PART _005196721 202 5 be be AUX _005196721 202 6 followed follow VERB _005196721 202 7 in in ADP _005196721 202 8 the the DET _005196721 202 9 administrative administrative ADJ _005196721 202 10 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 202 11 title title NOUN _005196721 202 12 i i PRON _005196721 202 13 convocation convocation NOUN _005196721 202 14 of of ADP _005196721 202 15 the the DET _005196721 202 16 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 202 17 in in ADP _005196721 202 18 charge charge NOUN _005196721 202 19 article article NOUN _005196721 202 20 105 105 NUM _005196721 202 21 under under ADP _005196721 202 22 the the DET _005196721 202 23 terms term NOUN _005196721 202 24 of of ADP _005196721 202 25 the the DET _005196721 202 26 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 202 27 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 202 28 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 202 29 universae universae NOUN _005196721 202 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 202 31 nos nos PROPN _005196721 202 32 . . PUNCT _005196721 203 1 18 18 NUM _005196721 203 2 and and CCONJ _005196721 203 3 20 20 NUM _005196721 203 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 203 5 the the DET _005196721 203 6 secretariat secretariat PROPN _005196721 203 7 of of ADP _005196721 203 8 state state NOUN _005196721 203 9 will will AUX _005196721 203 10 convoke convoke VERB _005196721 203 11 the the DET _005196721 203 12 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 203 13 in in ADP _005196721 203 14 charge charge NOUN _005196721 203 15 in in ADP _005196721 203 16 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 203 17 with with ADP _005196721 203 18 the the DET _005196721 203 19 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 203 20 of of ADP _005196721 203 21 the the DET _005196721 203 22 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005196721 203 23 secretary secretary NOUN _005196721 203 24 of of ADP _005196721 203 25 state state PROPN _005196721 203 26 . . PUNCT _005196721 204 1 title title PROPN _005196721 204 2 ii ii PROPN _005196721 204 3 joint joint ADJ _005196721 204 4 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 204 5 article article NOUN _005196721 204 6 106 106 NUM _005196721 204 7 under under ADP _005196721 204 8 the the DET _005196721 204 9 terms term NOUN _005196721 204 10 of of ADP _005196721 204 11 the the DET _005196721 204 12 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 204 13 regimini regimini NOUN _005196721 204 14 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 204 15 universae universae PROPN _005196721 204 16 no no PROPN _005196721 204 17 . . PROPN _005196721 204 18 13 13 NUM _005196721 204 19 , , PUNCT _005196721 204 20 questions question NOUN _005196721 204 21 which which PRON _005196721 204 22 concern concern NOUN _005196721 204 23 two two NUM _005196721 204 24 or or CCONJ _005196721 204 25 more more ADJ _005196721 204 26 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 204 27 must must AUX _005196721 204 28 be be AUX _005196721 204 29 treated treat VERB _005196721 204 30 and and CCONJ _005196721 204 31 settled settle VERB _005196721 204 32 at at ADP _005196721 204 33 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 204 34 or or CCONJ _005196721 204 35 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 204 36 joint joint ADJ _005196721 204 37 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 204 38 , , PUNCT _005196721 204 39 consisting consist VERB _005196721 204 40 of of ADP _005196721 204 41 the the DET _005196721 204 42 members member NOUN _005196721 204 43 of of ADP _005196721 204 44 the the DET _005196721 204 45 respective respective ADJ _005196721 204 46 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 204 47 concerned concern VERB _005196721 204 48 , , PUNCT _005196721 204 49 in in ADP _005196721 204 50 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 204 51 with with ADP _005196721 204 52 the the DET _005196721 204 53 norms norm NOUN _005196721 204 54 of of ADP _005196721 204 55 article article NOUN _005196721 204 56 110 110 NUM _005196721 204 57 . . PUNCT _005196721 205 1 article article NOUN _005196721 205 2 107 107 NUM _005196721 205 3 as as SCONJ _005196721 205 4 regards regard VERB _005196721 205 5 the the DET _005196721 205 6 convocation convocation NOUN _005196721 205 7 of of ADP _005196721 205 8 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 205 9 or or CCONJ _005196721 205 10 joint joint ADJ _005196721 205 11 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 205 12 of of ADP _005196721 205 13 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 205 14 and and CCONJ _005196721 205 15 the the DET _005196721 205 16 procedure procedure NOUN _005196721 205 17 to to PART _005196721 205 18 be be AUX _005196721 205 19 followed follow VERB _005196721 205 20 in in ADP _005196721 205 21 the the DET _005196721 205 22 discussion discussion NOUN _005196721 205 23 and and CCONJ _005196721 205 24 treatment treatment NOUN _005196721 205 25 of of ADP _005196721 205 26 matters matter NOUN _005196721 205 27 referred refer VERB _005196721 205 28 to to ADP _005196721 205 29 them they PRON _005196721 205 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 205 31 the the DET _005196721 205 32 norms norm NOUN _005196721 205 33 apply apply VERB _005196721 205 34 which which PRON _005196721 205 35 are be AUX _005196721 205 36 set set VERB _005196721 205 37 down down ADP _005196721 205 38 in in ADP _005196721 205 39 nos nos PROPN _005196721 205 40 . . PUNCT _005196721 206 1 14 14 NUM _005196721 206 2 and and CCONJ _005196721 206 3 15 15 NUM _005196721 206 4 of of ADP _005196721 206 5 the the DET _005196721 206 6 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 206 7 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 206 8 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 206 9 universae universae ADV _005196721 206 10 . . PUNCT _005196721 207 1 32 32 NUM _005196721 207 2 article article NOUN _005196721 207 3 108 108 NUM _005196721 207 4 in in ADP _005196721 207 5 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 207 6 with with ADP _005196721 207 7 the the DET _005196721 207 8 aforementioned aforementione VERB _005196721 207 9 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 207 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 207 11 nos nos PROPN _005196721 207 12 . . PUNCT _005196721 208 1 16 16 NUM _005196721 208 2 and and CCONJ _005196721 208 3 17 17 NUM _005196721 208 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 208 5 a a DET _005196721 208 6 similar similar ADJ _005196721 208 7 procedure procedure NOUN _005196721 208 8 ' ' PUNCT _005196721 208 9 * * NOUN _005196721 208 10 servatis servatis NOUN _005196721 208 11 servandis servandi NOUN _005196721 208 12 ” " PUNCT _005196721 208 13 must must AUX _005196721 208 14 be be AUX _005196721 208 15 followed follow VERB _005196721 208 16 at at ADP _005196721 208 17 joint joint ADJ _005196721 208 18 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 208 19 of of ADP _005196721 208 20 the the DET _005196721 208 21 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 208 22 in in ADP _005196721 208 23 charge charge NOUN _005196721 208 24 or or CCONJ _005196721 208 25 of of ADP _005196721 208 26 the the DET _005196721 208 27 secretaries secretary NOUN _005196721 208 28 of of ADP _005196721 208 29 the the DET _005196721 208 30 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 208 31 concerned concern VERB _005196721 208 32 . . PUNCT _005196721 209 1 article article NOUN _005196721 209 2 109 109 NUM _005196721 209 3 the the DET _005196721 209 4 resolutions resolution NOUN _005196721 209 5 adopted adopt VERB _005196721 209 6 at at ADP _005196721 209 7 joint joint ADJ _005196721 209 8 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 209 9 are be AUX _005196721 209 10 published publish VERB _005196721 209 11 by by ADP _005196721 209 12 the the DET _005196721 209 13 secretary secretary NOUN _005196721 209 14 of of ADP _005196721 209 15 the the DET _005196721 209 16 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 209 17 which which PRON _005196721 209 18 called call VERB _005196721 209 19 the the DET _005196721 209 20 meeting meeting NOUN _005196721 209 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 210 1 title title NOUN _005196721 210 2 iii iii NUM _005196721 210 3 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 210 4 and and CCONJ _005196721 210 5 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 210 6 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 210 7 article article NOUN _005196721 210 8 110 110 NUM _005196721 210 9 1 1 NUM _005196721 210 10 . . PUNCT _005196721 211 1 the the DET _005196721 211 2 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 211 3 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 211 4 of of ADP _005196721 211 5 the the DET _005196721 211 6 individual individual ADJ _005196721 211 7 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 211 8 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 211 9 consist consist VERB _005196721 211 10 of of ADP _005196721 211 11 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005196721 211 12 members member NOUN _005196721 211 13 and and CCONJ _005196721 211 14 of of ADP _005196721 211 15 a a DET _005196721 211 16 number number NOUN _005196721 211 17 of of ADP _005196721 211 18 bishops bishop NOUN _005196721 211 19 , , PUNCT _005196721 211 20 in in ADP _005196721 211 21 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 211 22 with with ADP _005196721 211 23 the the DET _005196721 211 24 motu motu PROPN _005196721 211 25 proprio proprio PROPN _005196721 211 26 pro pro X _005196721 211 27 comperte comperte PROPN _005196721 211 28 sane sane NOUN _005196721 211 29 of of ADP _005196721 211 30 august august PROPN _005196721 211 31 6 6 NUM _005196721 211 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 211 33 1967 1967 NUM _005196721 211 34 , , PUNCT _005196721 211 35 and and CCONJ _005196721 211 36 take take VERB _005196721 211 37 place place NOUN _005196721 211 38 , , PUNCT _005196721 211 39 except except SCONJ _005196721 211 40 in in ADP _005196721 211 41 the the DET _005196721 211 42 event event NOUN _005196721 211 43 of of ADP _005196721 211 44 special special ADJ _005196721 211 45 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005196721 211 46 , , PUNCT _005196721 211 47 once once ADV _005196721 211 48 a a DET _005196721 211 49 year year NOUN _005196721 211 50 at at ADP _005196721 211 51 periods period NOUN _005196721 211 52 to to PART _005196721 211 53 be be AUX _005196721 211 54 fixed fix VERB _005196721 211 55 by by ADP _005196721 211 56 the the DET _005196721 211 57 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 211 58 themselves themselves PRON _005196721 211 59 . . PUNCT _005196721 212 1 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 212 2 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 212 3 are be AUX _005196721 212 4 held hold VERB _005196721 212 5 whenever whenever SCONJ _005196721 212 6 the the DET _005196721 212 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005196721 212 8 arises arise VERB _005196721 212 9 and and CCONJ _005196721 212 10 consist consist VERB _005196721 212 11 of of ADP _005196721 212 12 the the DET _005196721 212 13 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005196721 212 14 members member NOUN _005196721 212 15 alone alone ADJ _005196721 212 16 with with ADP _005196721 212 17 the the DET _005196721 212 18 participation participation NOUN _005196721 212 19 of of ADP _005196721 212 20 bishop bishop PROPN _005196721 212 21 members member NOUN _005196721 212 22 who who PRON _005196721 212 23 may may AUX _005196721 212 24 be be AUX _005196721 212 25 in in ADP _005196721 212 26 rome rome PROPN _005196721 212 27 . . PUNCT _005196721 213 1 2 2 X _005196721 213 2 . . X _005196721 213 3 for for ADP _005196721 213 4 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 213 5 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 213 6 of of ADP _005196721 213 7 the the DET _005196721 213 8 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 213 9 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 213 10 for for ADP _005196721 213 11 the the DET _005196721 213 12 evangelization evangelization NOUN _005196721 213 13 of of ADP _005196721 213 14 peoples people NOUN _005196721 213 15 the the DET _005196721 213 16 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 213 17 apply apply VERB _005196721 213 18 which which PRON _005196721 213 19 are be AUX _005196721 213 20 laid lay VERB _005196721 213 21 down down ADP _005196721 213 22 in in ADP _005196721 213 23 no no PROPN _005196721 213 24 . . NOUN _005196721 213 25 83 83 NUM _005196721 213 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 213 27 paragraph paragraph NOUN _005196721 213 28 2 2 NUM _005196721 213 29 of of ADP _005196721 213 30 the the DET _005196721 213 31 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 213 32 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 213 33 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 213 34 universae universae NOUN _005196721 213 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 214 1 article article NOUN _005196721 214 2 111 111 NUM _005196721 214 3 each each DET _005196721 214 4 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 214 5 determines determine VERB _005196721 214 6 in in ADP _005196721 214 7 its its PRON _005196721 214 8 special special ADJ _005196721 214 9 norms norm NOUN _005196721 214 10 the the DET _005196721 214 11 matter matter NOUN _005196721 214 12 to to PART _005196721 214 13 be be AUX _005196721 214 14 submitted submit VERB _005196721 214 15 to to ADP _005196721 214 16 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 214 17 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 214 18 of of ADP _005196721 214 19 the the DET _005196721 214 20 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 214 21 . . PUNCT _005196721 215 1 matters matter NOUN _005196721 215 2 of of ADP _005196721 215 3 greater great ADJ _005196721 215 4 importance importance NOUN _005196721 215 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 215 6 involving involve VERB _005196721 215 7 a a DET _005196721 215 8 general general ADJ _005196721 215 9 principle principle NOUN _005196721 215 10 or or CCONJ _005196721 215 11 policy policy NOUN _005196721 215 12 are be AUX _005196721 215 13 submitted submit VERB _005196721 215 14 to to ADP _005196721 215 15 the the DET _005196721 215 16 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 215 17 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 215 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 216 1 33 33 NUM _005196721 216 2 article article NOUN _005196721 216 3 112 112 NUM _005196721 216 4 1 1 NUM _005196721 216 5 . . NUM _005196721 216 6 when when SCONJ _005196721 216 7 cases case NOUN _005196721 216 8 are be AUX _005196721 216 9 to to PART _005196721 216 10 be be AUX _005196721 216 11 submitted submit VERB _005196721 216 12 to to ADP _005196721 216 13 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 216 14 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 216 15 or or CCONJ _005196721 216 16 to to ADP _005196721 216 17 the the DET _005196721 216 18 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 216 19 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 216 20 , , PUNCT _005196721 216 21 after after ADP _005196721 216 22 a a DET _005196721 216 23 full full ADJ _005196721 216 24 and and CCONJ _005196721 216 25 extensive extensive ADJ _005196721 216 26 study study NOUN _005196721 216 27 and and CCONJ _005196721 216 28 after after ADP _005196721 216 29 collecting collect VERB _005196721 216 30 the the DET _005196721 216 31 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 216 32 information information NOUN _005196721 216 33 , , PUNCT _005196721 216 34 an an DET _005196721 216 35 office office NOUN _005196721 216 36 memorandum memorandum NOUN _005196721 216 37 is be AUX _005196721 216 38 sent send VERB _005196721 216 39 to to ADP _005196721 216 40 each each DET _005196721 216 41 member member NOUN _005196721 216 42 at at ADP _005196721 216 43 least least ADJ _005196721 216 44 a a PRON _005196721 216 45 month month NOUN _005196721 216 46 before before ADP _005196721 216 47 the the DET _005196721 216 48 meeting meeting NOUN _005196721 216 49 , , PUNCT _005196721 216 50 with with ADP _005196721 216 51 an an DET _005196721 216 52 attached attach VERB _005196721 216 53 summary summary NOUN _005196721 216 54 of of ADP _005196721 216 55 the the DET _005196721 216 56 case case NOUN _005196721 216 57 , , PUNCT _005196721 216 58 the the DET _005196721 216 59 doubts doubt NOUN _005196721 216 60 to to PART _005196721 216 61 be be AUX _005196721 216 62 discussed discuss VERB _005196721 216 63 and and CCONJ _005196721 216 64 the the DET _005196721 216 65 votes vote NOUN _005196721 216 66 of of ADP _005196721 216 67 the the DET _005196721 216 68 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 216 69 . . PUNCT _005196721 217 1 2 2 X _005196721 217 2 . . X _005196721 217 3 the the DET _005196721 217 4 entire entire ADJ _005196721 217 5 file file NOUN _005196721 217 6 need need AUX _005196721 217 7 not not PART _005196721 217 8 be be AUX _005196721 217 9 printed print VERB _005196721 217 10 so so ADV _005196721 217 11 long long ADV _005196721 217 12 as as SCONJ _005196721 217 13 it it PRON _005196721 217 14 is be AUX _005196721 217 15 neatly neatly ADV _005196721 217 16 written write VERB _005196721 217 17 and and CCONJ _005196721 217 18 duplicated duplicate VERB _005196721 217 19 in in ADP _005196721 217 20 such such DET _005196721 217 21 a a DET _005196721 217 22 way way NOUN _005196721 217 23 as as SCONJ _005196721 217 24 to to PART _005196721 217 25 guarantee guarantee VERB _005196721 217 26 its its PRON _005196721 217 27 perfect perfect ADJ _005196721 217 28 legibility legibility NOUN _005196721 217 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 218 1 article article NOUN _005196721 218 2 113 113 NUM _005196721 218 3 utmost utmost ADJ _005196721 218 4 caution caution NOUN _005196721 218 5 must must AUX _005196721 218 6 be be AUX _005196721 218 7 observed observe VERB _005196721 218 8 in in ADP _005196721 218 9 duplicating duplicate VERB _005196721 218 10 the the DET _005196721 218 11 aforementioned aforementioned ADJ _005196721 218 12 papers paper NOUN _005196721 218 13 in in ADP _005196721 218 14 order order NOUN _005196721 218 15 to to PART _005196721 218 16 guarantee guarantee VERB _005196721 218 17 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005196721 218 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 219 1 for for ADP _005196721 219 2 this this DET _005196721 219 3 purpose purpose NOUN _005196721 219 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 219 5 the the DET _005196721 219 6 work work NOUN _005196721 219 7 will will AUX _005196721 219 8 be be AUX _005196721 219 9 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 219 10 to to ADP _005196721 219 11 the the DET _005196721 219 12 tipografia tipografia NOUN _005196721 219 13 vaticana vaticana NOUN _005196721 219 14 or or CCONJ _005196721 219 15 to to ADP _005196721 219 16 other other ADJ _005196721 219 17 dependable dependable ADJ _005196721 219 18 printers printer NOUN _005196721 219 19 and and CCONJ _005196721 219 20 offices office NOUN _005196721 219 21 previously previously ADV _005196721 219 22 approved approve VERB _005196721 219 23 by by ADP _005196721 219 24 the the DET _005196721 219 25 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 219 26 in in ADP _005196721 219 27 charge charge NOUN _005196721 219 28 . . PUNCT _005196721 220 1 article article NOUN _005196721 220 2 114 114 NUM _005196721 220 3 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196721 220 4 secret secret ADJ _005196721 220 5 documents document NOUN _005196721 220 6 must must AUX _005196721 220 7 be be AUX _005196721 220 8 transmitted transmit VERB _005196721 220 9 in in ADP _005196721 220 10 the the DET _005196721 220 11 due due ADJ _005196721 220 12 form form NOUN _005196721 220 13 and and CCONJ _005196721 220 14 in in ADP _005196721 220 15 the the DET _005196721 220 16 safest safe ADJ _005196721 220 17 way way NOUN _005196721 220 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 221 1 article article NOUN _005196721 221 2 115 115 NUM _005196721 221 3 at at ADP _005196721 221 4 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 221 5 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 221 6 — — PUNCT _005196721 221 7 chaired chair VERB _005196721 221 8 by by ADP _005196721 221 9 the the DET _005196721 221 10 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 221 11 in in ADP _005196721 221 12 charge charge NOUN _005196721 221 13 — — PUNCT _005196721 221 14 the the DET _005196721 221 15 first first ADJ _005196721 221 16 to to PART _005196721 221 17 speak speak VERB _005196721 221 18 is be AUX _005196721 221 19 the the DET _005196721 221 20 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005196721 221 21 relator relator NOUN _005196721 221 22 , , PUNCT _005196721 221 23 followed follow VERB _005196721 221 24 by by ADP _005196721 221 25 the the DET _005196721 221 26 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 221 27 and and CCONJ _005196721 221 28 the the DET _005196721 221 29 other other ADJ _005196721 221 30 members member NOUN _005196721 221 31 in in ADP _005196721 221 32 order order NOUN _005196721 221 33 of of ADP _005196721 221 34 precedence precedence NOUN _005196721 221 35 , , PUNCT _005196721 221 36 and and CCONJ _005196721 221 37 , , PUNCT _005196721 221 38 finally finally ADV _005196721 221 39 , , PUNCT _005196721 221 40 by by ADP _005196721 221 41 the the DET _005196721 221 42 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 221 43 in in ADP _005196721 221 44 charge charge NOUN _005196721 221 45 . . PUNCT _005196721 222 1 article article NOUN _005196721 222 2 116 116 NUM _005196721 223 1 the the DET _005196721 223 2 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 223 3 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 223 4 may may AUX _005196721 223 5 submit submit VERB _005196721 223 6 for for ADP _005196721 223 7 the the DET _005196721 223 8 consideration consideration NOUN _005196721 223 9 of of ADP _005196721 223 10 the the DET _005196721 223 11 holy holy PROPN _005196721 223 12 father father PROPN _005196721 223 13 the the DET _005196721 223 14 advisability advisability NOUN _005196721 223 15 that that SCONJ _005196721 223 16 problems problem NOUN _005196721 223 17 of of ADP _005196721 223 18 particular particular ADJ _005196721 223 19 importance importance NOUN _005196721 223 20 for for ADP _005196721 223 21 the the DET _005196721 223 22 life life NOUN _005196721 223 23 of of ADP _005196721 223 24 the the DET _005196721 223 25 church church NOUN _005196721 223 26 be be AUX _005196721 223 27 examined examine VERB _005196721 223 28 by by ADP _005196721 223 29 the the DET _005196721 223 30 synod synod NOUN _005196721 223 31 of of ADP _005196721 223 32 bishops bishop NOUN _005196721 223 33 . . PUNCT _005196721 224 1 34 34 NUM _005196721 224 2 article article NOUN _005196721 224 3 117 117 NUM _005196721 224 4 a a DET _005196721 224 5 report report NOUN _005196721 224 6 on on ADP _005196721 224 7 the the DET _005196721 224 8 matters matter NOUN _005196721 224 9 discussed discuss VERB _005196721 224 10 at at ADP _005196721 224 11 the the DET _005196721 224 12 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 224 13 must must AUX _005196721 224 14 be be AUX _005196721 224 15 drawn draw VERB _005196721 224 16 up up ADP _005196721 224 17 by by ADP _005196721 224 18 the the DET _005196721 224 19 superior superior ADJ _005196721 224 20 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 224 21 in in ADP _005196721 224 22 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 224 23 with with ADP _005196721 224 24 the the DET _005196721 224 25 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 224 26 of of ADP _005196721 224 27 article article NOUN _005196721 224 28 27 27 NUM _005196721 224 29 , , PUNCT _005196721 224 30 no no INTJ _005196721 224 31 . . NOUN _005196721 224 32 3 3 NUM _005196721 224 33 . . PUNCT _005196721 225 1 at at ADP _005196721 225 2 the the DET _005196721 225 3 end end NOUN _005196721 225 4 of of ADP _005196721 225 5 the the DET _005196721 225 6 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 225 7 the the DET _005196721 225 8 superior superior ADJ _005196721 225 9 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 225 10 will will AUX _005196721 225 11 withdraw withdraw VERB _005196721 225 12 the the DET _005196721 225 13 files file NOUN _005196721 225 14 and and CCONJ _005196721 225 15 all all DET _005196721 225 16 documentation documentation NOUN _005196721 225 17 . . PUNCT _005196721 226 1 article article NOUN _005196721 226 2 118 118 NUM _005196721 226 3 if if SCONJ _005196721 226 4 there there PRON _005196721 226 5 are be VERB _005196721 226 6 no no DET _005196721 226 7 objections objection NOUN _005196721 226 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 226 9 the the DET _005196721 226 10 resolutions resolution NOUN _005196721 226 11 will will AUX _005196721 226 12 be be AUX _005196721 226 13 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 226 14 and and CCONJ _005196721 226 15 distributed distribute VERB _005196721 226 16 by by ADP _005196721 226 17 the the DET _005196721 226 18 superior superior ADJ _005196721 226 19 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 226 20 to to ADP _005196721 226 21 all all DET _005196721 226 22 the the DET _005196721 226 23 members member NOUN _005196721 226 24 of of ADP _005196721 226 25 the the DET _005196721 226 26 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 226 27 who who PRON _005196721 226 28 were be AUX _005196721 226 29 convened convene VERB _005196721 226 30 and and CCONJ _005196721 226 31 attended attend VERB _005196721 226 32 the the DET _005196721 226 33 meeting meeting NOUN _005196721 226 34 or or CCONJ _005196721 226 35 were be AUX _005196721 226 36 justifiably justifiably ADV _005196721 226 37 absent absent ADJ _005196721 226 38 . . PUNCT _005196721 227 1 article article NOUN _005196721 227 2 119 119 NUM _005196721 227 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 227 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 227 5 when when SCONJ _005196721 227 6 the the DET _005196721 227 7 resolutions resolution NOUN _005196721 227 8 have have AUX _005196721 227 9 been be AUX _005196721 227 10 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 227 11 to to ADP _005196721 227 12 interested interested ADJ _005196721 227 13 parties party NOUN _005196721 227 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 227 15 those those PRON _005196721 227 16 who who PRON _005196721 227 17 feel feel VERB _005196721 227 18 they they PRON _005196721 227 19 have have VERB _005196721 227 20 a a DET _005196721 227 21 grievance grievance NOUN _005196721 227 22 may may AUX _005196721 227 23 ask ask VERB _005196721 227 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 227 25 within within ADP _005196721 227 26 10 10 NUM _005196721 227 27 days day NOUN _005196721 227 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 227 29 the the DET _005196721 227 30 benefit benefit NOUN _005196721 227 31 of of ADP _005196721 227 32 a a DET _005196721 227 33 new new ADJ _005196721 227 34 hearing hearing NOUN _005196721 227 35 on on ADP _005196721 227 36 condition condition NOUN _005196721 227 37 that that SCONJ _005196721 227 38 new new ADJ _005196721 227 39 and and CCONJ _005196721 227 40 weighty weighty ADJ _005196721 227 41 arguments argument NOUN _005196721 227 42 are be AUX _005196721 227 43 advanced advanced ADJ _005196721 227 44 and and CCONJ _005196721 227 45 without without ADP _005196721 227 46 prejudicing prejudice VERB _005196721 227 47 the the DET _005196721 227 48 right right NOUN _005196721 227 49 to to PART _005196721 227 50 appeal appeal VERB _005196721 227 51 to to ADP _005196721 227 52 the the DET _005196721 227 53 second second ADJ _005196721 227 54 section section NOUN _005196721 227 55 of of ADP _005196721 227 56 the the DET _005196721 227 57 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 227 58 signature signature NOUN _005196721 227 59 , , PUNCT _005196721 227 60 in in ADP _005196721 227 61 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 227 62 with with ADP _005196721 227 63 the the DET _005196721 227 64 constitution constitution NOUN _005196721 227 65 regimini regimini VERB _005196721 227 66 ecclesiae ecclesia NOUN _005196721 227 67 universae universae NOUN _005196721 227 68 , , PUNCT _005196721 227 69 no no INTJ _005196721 227 70 . . NOUN _005196721 227 71 106 106 NUM _005196721 227 72 . . PUNCT _005196721 228 1 2 2 X _005196721 228 2 . . PUNCT _005196721 228 3 after after ADP _005196721 228 4 having having AUX _005196721 228 5 consulted consult VERB _005196721 228 6 his his PRON _005196721 228 7 staff staff NOUN _005196721 228 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 228 9 the the DET _005196721 228 10 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 228 11 in in ADP _005196721 228 12 charge charge NOUN _005196721 228 13 may may AUX _005196721 228 14 or or CCONJ _005196721 228 15 may may AUX _005196721 228 16 not not PART _005196721 228 17 grant grant VERB _005196721 228 18 the the DET _005196721 228 19 benefit benefit NOUN _005196721 228 20 of of ADP _005196721 228 21 a a DET _005196721 228 22 new new ADJ _005196721 228 23 audience audience NOUN _005196721 228 24 , , PUNCT _005196721 228 25 according accord VERB _005196721 228 26 to to ADP _005196721 228 27 assessment assessment NOUN _005196721 228 28 of of ADP _005196721 228 29 the the DET _005196721 228 30 arguments argument NOUN _005196721 228 31 advanced advance VERB _005196721 228 32 . . PUNCT _005196721 229 1 3 3 X _005196721 229 2 . . X _005196721 229 3 only only ADV _005196721 229 4 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 229 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 229 6 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 229 7 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 229 8 may may AUX _005196721 229 9 grant grant VERB _005196721 229 10 the the DET _005196721 229 11 benefit benefit NOUN _005196721 229 12 of of ADP _005196721 229 13 a a DET _005196721 229 14 new new ADJ _005196721 229 15 audience audience NOUN _005196721 229 16 when when SCONJ _005196721 229 17 the the DET _005196721 229 18 clause clause NOUN _005196721 229 19 “ " PUNCT _005196721 229 20 amplius amplius PROPN _005196721 229 21 non non PROPN _005196721 229 22 proponantur proponantur PROPN _005196721 229 23 ” " PUNCT _005196721 229 24 is be AUX _005196721 229 25 attached attach VERB _005196721 229 26 to to ADP _005196721 229 27 the the DET _005196721 229 28 resolution resolution NOUN _005196721 229 29 . . PUNCT _005196721 230 1 article article NOUN _005196721 230 2 120 120 NUM _005196721 230 3 the the DET _005196721 230 4 members member NOUN _005196721 230 5 of of ADP _005196721 230 6 the the DET _005196721 230 7 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 230 8 must must AUX _005196721 230 9 be be AUX _005196721 230 10 informed inform VERB _005196721 230 11 of of ADP _005196721 230 12 the the DET _005196721 230 13 sovereign sovereign ADJ _005196721 230 14 decisions decision NOUN _005196721 230 15 taken take VERB _005196721 230 16 by by ADP _005196721 230 17 the the DET _005196721 230 18 supreme supreme ADJ _005196721 230 19 pontiff pontiff NOUN _005196721 230 20 following follow VERB _005196721 230 21 the the DET _005196721 230 22 resolutions resolution NOUN _005196721 230 23 approved approve VERB _005196721 230 24 at at ADP _005196721 230 25 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 230 26 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 230 27 . . PUNCT _005196721 231 1 article article NOUN _005196721 231 2 121 121 NUM _005196721 231 3 the the DET _005196721 231 4 actual actual ADJ _005196721 231 5 expenses expense NOUN _005196721 231 6 incurred incur VERB _005196721 231 7 in in ADP _005196721 231 8 cases case NOUN _005196721 231 9 submitted submit VERB _005196721 231 10 to to ADP _005196721 231 11 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 231 12 or or CCONJ _005196721 231 13 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 231 14 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 231 15 by by ADP _005196721 231 16 private private ADJ _005196721 231 17 individuals individual NOUN _005196721 231 18 are be AUX _005196721 231 19 normally normally ADV _005196721 231 20 35 35 NUM _005196721 231 21 charged charge VERB _005196721 231 22 to to ADP _005196721 231 23 the the DET _005196721 231 24 petitioner petitioner NOUN _005196721 231 25 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 231 26 in in ADP _005196721 231 27 controversial controversial ADJ _005196721 231 28 matters matter NOUN _005196721 231 29 expenses expense NOUN _005196721 231 30 are be AUX _005196721 231 31 to to PART _005196721 231 32 be be AUX _005196721 231 33 sustained sustain VERB _005196721 231 34 by by ADP _005196721 231 35 the the DET _005196721 231 36 losing lose VERB _005196721 231 37 party party NOUN _005196721 231 38 and and CCONJ _005196721 231 39 are be AUX _005196721 231 40 to to PART _005196721 231 41 be be AUX _005196721 231 42 taken take VERB _005196721 231 43 from from ADP _005196721 231 44 the the DET _005196721 231 45 adequate adequate ADJ _005196721 231 46 sum sum NOUN _005196721 231 47 deposited deposit VERB _005196721 231 48 on on ADP _005196721 231 49 the the DET _005196721 231 50 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 231 51 of of ADP _005196721 231 52 the the DET _005196721 231 53 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 231 54 in in ADP _005196721 231 55 charge charge NOUN _005196721 231 56 and and CCONJ _005196721 231 57 his his PRON _005196721 231 58 staff staff NOUN _005196721 231 59 . . PUNCT _005196721 232 1 article article NOUN _005196721 232 2 122 122 NUM _005196721 233 1 the the DET _005196721 233 2 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 233 3 in in ADP _005196721 233 4 charge charge NOUN _005196721 233 5 or or CCONJ _005196721 233 6 the the DET _005196721 233 7 superior superior ADJ _005196721 233 8 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 233 9 report report NOUN _005196721 233 10 to to ADP _005196721 233 11 the the DET _005196721 233 12 holy holy ADJ _005196721 233 13 father father PROPN _005196721 233 14 on on ADP _005196721 233 15 the the DET _005196721 233 16 decisions decision NOUN _005196721 233 17 taken take VERB _005196721 233 18 at at ADP _005196721 233 19 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 233 20 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 233 21 and and CCONJ _005196721 233 22 at at ADP _005196721 233 23 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 233 24 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 233 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 234 1 in in ADP _005196721 234 2 those those DET _005196721 234 3 cases case NOUN _005196721 234 4 which which PRON _005196721 234 5 allow allow VERB _005196721 234 6 recourse recourse NOUN _005196721 234 7 to to ADP _005196721 234 8 the the DET _005196721 234 9 ii ii PROPN _005196721 234 10 section section NOUN _005196721 234 11 of of ADP _005196721 234 12 the the DET _005196721 234 13 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 234 14 signature signature NOUN _005196721 234 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 234 16 the the DET _005196721 234 17 superior superior ADJ _005196721 234 18 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 234 19 can can AUX _005196721 234 20 not not PART _005196721 234 21 submit submit VERB _005196721 234 22 for for ADP _005196721 234 23 papal papal ADJ _005196721 234 24 approval approval NOUN _005196721 234 25 the the DET _005196721 234 26 decisions decision NOUN _005196721 234 27 before before SCONJ _005196721 234 28 a a DET _005196721 234 29 30 30 NUM _005196721 234 30 - - PUNCT _005196721 234 31 day day NOUN _005196721 234 32 period period NOUN _005196721 234 33 has have AUX _005196721 234 34 expired expire VERB _005196721 234 35 after after ADP _005196721 234 36 notification notification NOUN _005196721 234 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 235 1 title title NOUN _005196721 235 2 iv iv NOUN _005196721 235 3 staff staff NOUN _005196721 235 4 meeting meeting NOUN _005196721 235 5 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 235 6 congress congress PROPN _005196721 235 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 235 8 article article NOUN _005196721 235 9 123 123 NUM _005196721 235 10 attending attend VERB _005196721 235 11 the the DET _005196721 235 12 staff staff NOUN _005196721 235 13 meeting meeting NOUN _005196721 235 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 15 in in ADP _005196721 235 16 addition addition NOUN _005196721 235 17 to to ADP _005196721 235 18 the the DET _005196721 235 19 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 235 20 in in ADP _005196721 235 21 charge charge NOUN _005196721 235 22 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 23 are be AUX _005196721 235 24 the the DET _005196721 235 25 superior superior ADJ _005196721 235 26 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 235 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 28 the the DET _005196721 235 29 undersecretary undersecretary NOUN _005196721 235 30 or or CCONJ _005196721 235 31 the the DET _005196721 235 32 undersecretary undersecretary NOUN _005196721 235 33 of of ADP _005196721 235 34 the the DET _005196721 235 35 interested interested ADJ _005196721 235 36 section section NOUN _005196721 235 37 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 38 if if SCONJ _005196721 235 39 the the DET _005196721 235 40 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 235 41 consists consist VERB _005196721 235 42 of of ADP _005196721 235 43 various various ADJ _005196721 235 44 sections section NOUN _005196721 235 45 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 46 the the DET _005196721 235 47 directors director NOUN _005196721 235 48 of of ADP _005196721 235 49 the the DET _005196721 235 50 offices office NOUN _005196721 235 51 of of ADP _005196721 235 52 the the DET _005196721 235 53 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 235 54 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 55 the the DET _005196721 235 56 “ " PUNCT _005196721 235 57 aiutanti aiutanti PROPN _005196721 235 58 di di X _005196721 235 59 studio studio NOUN _005196721 235 60 ” " PUNCT _005196721 235 61 responsible responsible ADJ _005196721 235 62 for for ADP _005196721 235 63 the the DET _005196721 235 64 matter matter NOUN _005196721 235 65 under under ADP _005196721 235 66 discussion discussion NOUN _005196721 235 67 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 68 or or CCONJ _005196721 235 69 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 70 at at ADP _005196721 235 71 the the DET _005196721 235 72 discretion discretion NOUN _005196721 235 73 of of ADP _005196721 235 74 the the DET _005196721 235 75 superior superior ADJ _005196721 235 76 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 235 77 , , PUNCT _005196721 235 78 all all DET _005196721 235 79 the the DET _005196721 235 80 “ " PUNCT _005196721 235 81 aiutanti aiutanti NOUN _005196721 235 82 ” " PUNCT _005196721 235 83 of of ADP _005196721 235 84 the the DET _005196721 235 85 section section NOUN _005196721 235 86 in in ADP _005196721 235 87 matters matter NOUN _005196721 235 88 of of ADP _005196721 235 89 general general ADJ _005196721 235 90 interest interest NOUN _005196721 235 91 and and CCONJ _005196721 235 92 greater great ADJ _005196721 235 93 importance importance NOUN _005196721 235 94 . . PUNCT _005196721 236 1 article article NOUN _005196721 236 2 124 124 NUM _005196721 237 1 the the DET _005196721 237 2 staff staff NOUN _005196721 237 3 meeting meeting NOUN _005196721 237 4 : : PUNCT _005196721 237 5 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 237 6 a a X _005196721 237 7 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 237 8 decides decide VERB _005196721 237 9 what what PRON _005196721 237 10 should should AUX _005196721 237 11 be be AUX _005196721 237 12 submitted submit VERB _005196721 237 13 directly directly ADV _005196721 237 14 to to ADP _005196721 237 15 the the DET _005196721 237 16 pope pope NOUN _005196721 237 17 and and CCONJ _005196721 237 18 what what PRON _005196721 237 19 should should AUX _005196721 237 20 first first ADV _005196721 237 21 be be AUX _005196721 237 22 submitted submit VERB _005196721 237 23 for for ADP _005196721 237 24 examination examination NOUN _005196721 237 25 to to ADP _005196721 237 26 the the DET _005196721 237 27 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 237 28 or or CCONJ _005196721 237 29 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 237 30 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 237 31 or or CCONJ _005196721 237 32 to to ADP _005196721 237 33 the the DET _005196721 237 34 joint joint ADJ _005196721 237 35 congregations congregation NOUN _005196721 237 36 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 237 37 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 237 38 b b X _005196721 237 39 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 237 40 entrusts entrust NOUN _005196721 237 41 to to ADP _005196721 237 42 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 237 43 for for ADP _005196721 237 44 their their PRON _005196721 237 45 vote vote NOUN _005196721 237 46 , , PUNCT _005196721 237 47 cases case NOUN _005196721 237 48 which which PRON _005196721 237 49 demand demand VERB _005196721 237 50 particular particular ADJ _005196721 237 51 study study NOUN _005196721 237 52 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 237 53 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 237 54 c c X _005196721 237 55 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 237 56 grants grant NOUN _005196721 237 57 faculties faculty NOUN _005196721 237 58 , , PUNCT _005196721 237 59 graces grace NOUN _005196721 237 60 and and CCONJ _005196721 237 61 indults indult NOUN _005196721 237 62 according accord VERB _005196721 237 63 to to ADP _005196721 237 64 the the DET _005196721 237 65 powers power NOUN _005196721 237 66 received receive VERB _005196721 237 67 from from ADP _005196721 237 68 the the DET _005196721 237 69 holy holy PROPN _005196721 237 70 father father PROPN _005196721 237 71 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 237 72 36 36 NUM _005196721 237 73 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 237 74 d d PROPN _005196721 237 75 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 237 76 discusses discusse NOUN _005196721 237 77 and and CCONJ _005196721 237 78 settles settle VERB _005196721 237 79 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 237 80 matters matter NOUN _005196721 237 81 in in ADP _005196721 237 82 which which PRON _005196721 237 83 other other ADJ _005196721 237 84 dicasteries dicasterie NOUN _005196721 237 85 are be AUX _005196721 237 86 not not PART _005196721 237 87 concerned concerned ADJ _005196721 237 88 or or CCONJ _005196721 237 89 for for ADP _005196721 237 90 which which PRON _005196721 237 91 , , PUNCT _005196721 237 92 under under ADP _005196721 237 93 the the DET _005196721 237 94 terms term NOUN _005196721 237 95 of of ADP _005196721 237 96 the the DET _005196721 237 97 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 237 98 ’s ’s PART _005196721 237 99 own own ADJ _005196721 237 100 rules rule NOUN _005196721 237 101 , , PUNCT _005196721 237 102 discussion discussion NOUN _005196721 237 103 in in ADP _005196721 237 104 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 237 105 or or CCONJ _005196721 237 106 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 237 107 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 237 108 is be AUX _005196721 237 109 not not PART _005196721 237 110 required require VERB _005196721 237 111 . . PUNCT _005196721 238 1 article article NOUN _005196721 238 2 125 125 NUM _005196721 238 3 the the DET _005196721 238 4 staff staff NOUN _005196721 238 5 meeting meeting NOUN _005196721 238 6 will will AUX _005196721 238 7 transmit transmit VERB _005196721 238 8 to to ADP _005196721 238 9 the the DET _005196721 238 10 competent competent ADJ _005196721 238 11 commission commission NOUN _005196721 238 12 any any DET _005196721 238 13 doubts doubt NOUN _005196721 238 14 which which PRON _005196721 238 15 may may AUX _005196721 238 16 arise arise VERB _005196721 238 17 in in ADP _005196721 238 18 law law NOUN _005196721 238 19 regarding regard VERB _005196721 238 20 the the DET _005196721 238 21 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005196721 238 22 of of ADP _005196721 238 23 norms norm NOUN _005196721 238 24 of of ADP _005196721 238 25 the the DET _005196721 238 26 code code NOUN _005196721 238 27 of of ADP _005196721 238 28 canon canon NOUN _005196721 238 29 law law NOUN _005196721 238 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 239 1 it it PRON _005196721 239 2 will will AUX _005196721 239 3 transmit transmit VERB _005196721 239 4 to to ADP _005196721 239 5 the the DET _005196721 239 6 competent competent ADJ _005196721 239 7 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005196721 239 8 matters matter NOUN _005196721 239 9 which which PRON _005196721 239 10 by by ADP _005196721 239 11 their their PRON _005196721 239 12 nature nature NOUN _005196721 239 13 must must AUX _005196721 239 14 be be AUX _005196721 239 15 dealt deal VERB _005196721 239 16 with with ADP _005196721 239 17 judicially judicially ADV _005196721 239 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 240 1 title title NOUN _005196721 240 2 v v PROPN _005196721 240 3 board board PROPN _005196721 240 4 of of ADP _005196721 240 5 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 240 6 article article NOUN _005196721 240 7 126 126 NUM _005196721 240 8 1 1 NUM _005196721 240 9 . . PUNCT _005196721 241 1 the the DET _005196721 241 2 board board NOUN _005196721 241 3 of of ADP _005196721 241 4 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 241 5 of of ADP _005196721 241 6 each each DET _005196721 241 7 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 241 8 consists consist VERB _005196721 241 9 of of ADP _005196721 241 10 an an DET _005196721 241 11 efficient efficient ADJ _005196721 241 12 and and CCONJ _005196721 241 13 active active ADJ _005196721 241 14 group group NOUN _005196721 241 15 of of ADP _005196721 241 16 competent competent ADJ _005196721 241 17 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 241 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 241 19 who who PRON _005196721 241 20 shall shall AUX _005196721 241 21 contribute contribute VERB _005196721 241 22 to to ADP _005196721 241 23 the the DET _005196721 241 24 government government NOUN _005196721 241 25 of of ADP _005196721 241 26 the the DET _005196721 241 27 church church NOUN _005196721 241 28 by by ADP _005196721 241 29 their their PRON _005196721 241 30 qualified qualified ADJ _005196721 241 31 and and CCONJ _005196721 241 32 conscientious conscientious ADJ _005196721 241 33 assistance assistance NOUN _005196721 241 34 . . PUNCT _005196721 242 1 2 2 X _005196721 242 2 . . X _005196721 242 3 the the DET _005196721 242 4 task task NOUN _005196721 242 5 of of ADP _005196721 242 6 the the DET _005196721 242 7 board board NOUN _005196721 242 8 of of ADP _005196721 242 9 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 242 10 is be AUX _005196721 242 11 to to PART _005196721 242 12 express express VERB _005196721 242 13 a a DET _005196721 242 14 solidly solidly ADV _005196721 242 15 founded found VERB _005196721 242 16 opinion opinion NOUN _005196721 242 17 on on ADP _005196721 242 18 matters matter NOUN _005196721 242 19 of of ADP _005196721 242 20 greater great ADJ _005196721 242 21 importance importance NOUN _005196721 242 22 submitted submit VERB _005196721 242 23 to to ADP _005196721 242 24 it it PRON _005196721 242 25 by by ADP _005196721 242 26 the the DET _005196721 242 27 superior superior ADJ _005196721 242 28 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 242 29 on on ADP _005196721 242 30 the the DET _005196721 242 31 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 242 32 of of ADP _005196721 242 33 the the DET _005196721 242 34 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 242 35 in in ADP _005196721 242 36 charge charge NOUN _005196721 242 37 . . PUNCT _005196721 243 1 article article NOUN _005196721 243 2 127 127 NUM _005196721 243 3 1 1 NUM _005196721 243 4 . . PUNCT _005196721 244 1 the the DET _005196721 244 2 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 244 3 or or CCONJ _005196721 244 4 some some PRON _005196721 244 5 of of ADP _005196721 244 6 them they PRON _005196721 244 7 — — PUNCT _005196721 244 8 according accord VERB _005196721 244 9 to to ADP _005196721 244 10 their their PRON _005196721 244 11 qualifications qualification NOUN _005196721 244 12 — — PUNCT _005196721 244 13 must must AUX _005196721 244 14 be be AUX _005196721 244 15 convened convene VERB _005196721 244 16 a a DET _005196721 244 17 few few ADJ _005196721 244 18 days day NOUN _005196721 244 19 before before ADP _005196721 244 20 the the DET _005196721 244 21 plenary plenary ADJ _005196721 244 22 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 244 23 of of ADP _005196721 244 24 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005196721 244 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 245 1 2 2 X _005196721 245 2 . . X _005196721 245 3 the the DET _005196721 245 4 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 245 5 are be AUX _005196721 245 6 convened convene VERB _005196721 245 7 by by ADP _005196721 245 8 the the DET _005196721 245 9 superior superior ADJ _005196721 245 10 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 245 11 . . PUNCT _005196721 246 1 article article NOUN _005196721 246 2 128 128 NUM _005196721 246 3 the the DET _005196721 246 4 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005196721 246 5 in in ADP _005196721 246 6 charge charge NOUN _005196721 246 7 has have VERB _005196721 246 8 the the DET _005196721 246 9 right right NOUN _005196721 246 10 also also ADV _005196721 246 11 to to PART _005196721 246 12 ask ask VERB _005196721 246 13 for for ADP _005196721 246 14 a a DET _005196721 246 15 written write VERB _005196721 246 16 vote vote NOUN _005196721 246 17 from from ADP _005196721 246 18 other other ADJ _005196721 246 19 eminent eminent ADJ _005196721 246 20 persons person NOUN _005196721 246 21 with with ADP _005196721 246 22 special special ADJ _005196721 246 23 experience experience NOUN _005196721 246 24 who who PRON _005196721 246 25 are be AUX _005196721 246 26 37 37 NUM _005196721 246 27 not not PART _005196721 246 28 included include VERB _005196721 246 29 among among ADP _005196721 246 30 the the DET _005196721 246 31 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 246 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 246 33 when when SCONJ _005196721 246 34 this this PRON _005196721 246 35 is be AUX _005196721 246 36 required require VERB _005196721 246 37 by by ADP _005196721 246 38 the the DET _005196721 246 39 matter matter NOUN _005196721 246 40 to to PART _005196721 246 41 be be AUX _005196721 246 42 dealt deal VERB _005196721 246 43 with with ADP _005196721 246 44 . . PUNCT _005196721 247 1 article article NOUN _005196721 247 2 129 129 NUM _005196721 247 3 the the DET _005196721 247 4 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 247 5 are be AUX _005196721 247 6 headed head VERB _005196721 247 7 by by ADP _005196721 247 8 the the DET _005196721 247 9 superior superior ADJ _005196721 247 10 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 247 11 who who PRON _005196721 247 12 presides preside VERB _005196721 247 13 over over ADP _005196721 247 14 their their PRON _005196721 247 15 meetings meeting NOUN _005196721 247 16 and and CCONJ _005196721 247 17 directs direct VERB _005196721 247 18 the the DET _005196721 247 19 debate debate NOUN _005196721 247 20 . . PUNCT _005196721 248 1 article article NOUN _005196721 248 2 130 130 NUM _005196721 248 3 on on ADP _005196721 248 4 being be AUX _005196721 248 5 asked ask VERB _005196721 248 6 for for ADP _005196721 248 7 their their PRON _005196721 248 8 written write VERB _005196721 248 9 opinion opinion NOUN _005196721 248 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 248 11 the the DET _005196721 248 12 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 248 13 will will AUX _005196721 248 14 fulfill fulfill VERB _005196721 248 15 their their PRON _005196721 248 16 duty duty NOUN _005196721 248 17 diligently diligently ADV _005196721 248 18 and and CCONJ _005196721 248 19 solicitously solicitously ADV _005196721 248 20 . . PUNCT _005196721 249 1 on on ADP _005196721 249 2 invitation invitation NOUN _005196721 249 3 by by ADP _005196721 249 4 the the DET _005196721 249 5 superiors superior NOUN _005196721 249 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 249 7 they they PRON _005196721 249 8 will will AUX _005196721 249 9 collaborate collaborate VERB _005196721 249 10 in in ADP _005196721 249 11 the the DET _005196721 249 12 drafting drafting NOUN _005196721 249 13 and and CCONJ _005196721 249 14 elaboration elaboration NOUN _005196721 249 15 of of ADP _005196721 249 16 the the DET _005196721 249 17 documents document NOUN _005196721 249 18 of of ADP _005196721 249 19 the the DET _005196721 249 20 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 249 21 to to PART _005196721 249 22 which which PRON _005196721 249 23 they they PRON _005196721 249 24 belong belong VERB _005196721 249 25 . . PUNCT _005196721 250 1 38 38 NUM _005196721 250 2 appendix appendix PROPN _005196721 250 3 i i PRON _005196721 250 4 : : PUNCT _005196721 250 5 advocates advocate VERB _005196721 250 6 1 1 NUM _005196721 250 7 . . PUNCT _005196721 250 8 for for ADP _005196721 250 9 the the DET _005196721 250 10 advocates advocate NOUN _005196721 250 11 of of ADP _005196721 250 12 the the DET _005196721 250 13 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 250 14 consistory consistory NOUN _005196721 250 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 250 16 who who PRON _005196721 250 17 are be AUX _005196721 250 18 appointed appoint VERB _005196721 250 19 by by ADP _005196721 250 20 the the DET _005196721 250 21 pope pope NOUN _005196721 250 22 , , PUNCT _005196721 250 23 the the DET _005196721 250 24 present present ADJ _005196721 250 25 norms norm NOUN _005196721 250 26 remain remain VERB _005196721 250 27 valid valid ADJ _005196721 250 28 as as SCONJ _005196721 250 29 regards regard VERB _005196721 250 30 numbers number NOUN _005196721 250 31 , , PUNCT _005196721 250 32 prerogatives prerogative NOUN _005196721 250 33 and and CCONJ _005196721 250 34 rights right NOUN _005196721 250 35 . . PUNCT _005196721 251 1 2 2 X _005196721 251 2 . . X _005196721 251 3 for for ADP _005196721 251 4 admission admission NOUN _005196721 251 5 to to ADP _005196721 251 6 the the DET _005196721 251 7 office office NOUN _005196721 251 8 of of ADP _005196721 251 9 advocate advocate NOUN _005196721 251 10 or or CCONJ _005196721 251 11 procurator procurator NOUN _005196721 251 12 of of ADP _005196721 251 13 the the DET _005196721 251 14 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 251 15 roman roman ADJ _005196721 251 16 rota rota NOUN _005196721 251 17 and and CCONJ _005196721 251 18 of of ADP _005196721 251 19 the the DET _005196721 251 20 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 251 21 signature signature NOUN _005196721 251 22 the the DET _005196721 251 23 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 251 24 of of ADP _005196721 251 25 the the DET _005196721 251 26 norms norm NOUN _005196721 251 27 for for ADP _005196721 251 28 the the DET _005196721 251 29 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 251 30 roman roman ADJ _005196721 251 31 rota rota NOUN _005196721 251 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 251 33 articles article NOUN _005196721 251 34 54 54 NUM _005196721 251 35 and and CCONJ _005196721 251 36 55 55 NUM _005196721 251 37 , , PUNCT _005196721 251 38 must must AUX _005196721 251 39 be be AUX _005196721 251 40 observed observe VERB _005196721 251 41 . . PUNCT _005196721 252 1 3 3 X _005196721 252 2 . . X _005196721 252 3 for for ADP _005196721 252 4 the the DET _005196721 252 5 ii ii PROPN _005196721 252 6 section section NOUN _005196721 252 7 of of ADP _005196721 252 8 the the DET _005196721 252 9 supreme supreme ADJ _005196721 252 10 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005196721 252 11 of of ADP _005196721 252 12 the the DET _005196721 252 13 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 252 14 signature signature NOUN _005196721 252 15 the the DET _005196721 252 16 provisions provision NOUN _005196721 252 17 of of ADP _005196721 252 18 the the DET _005196721 252 19 special special ADJ _005196721 252 20 norms norm NOUN _005196721 252 21 are be AUX _005196721 252 22 observed observe VERB _005196721 252 23 . . PUNCT _005196721 253 1 4 4 X _005196721 253 2 . . X _005196721 253 3 for for ADP _005196721 253 4 beatification beatification NOUN _005196721 253 5 and and CCONJ _005196721 253 6 canonization canonization NOUN _005196721 253 7 causes cause NOUN _005196721 253 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 253 9 while while SCONJ _005196721 253 10 the the DET _005196721 253 11 right right NOUN _005196721 253 12 of of ADP _005196721 253 13 the the DET _005196721 253 14 advocates advocate NOUN _005196721 253 15 of of ADP _005196721 253 16 the the DET _005196721 253 17 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 253 18 consistory consistory NOUN _005196721 253 19 is be AUX _005196721 253 20 maintained maintain VERB _005196721 253 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 253 22 the the DET _005196721 253 23 fulfillment fulfillment NOUN _005196721 253 24 of of ADP _005196721 253 25 the the DET _005196721 253 26 formalities formality NOUN _005196721 253 27 prescribed prescribe VERB _005196721 253 28 by by ADP _005196721 253 29 the the DET _005196721 253 30 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 253 31 congregation congregation NOUN _005196721 253 32 of of ADP _005196721 253 33 rites rite NOUN _005196721 253 34 is be AUX _005196721 253 35 required require VERB _005196721 253 36 in in ADP _005196721 253 37 addition addition NOUN _005196721 253 38 to to ADP _005196721 253 39 the the DET _005196721 253 40 diploma diploma NOUN _005196721 253 41 of of ADP _005196721 253 42 rotal rotal ADJ _005196721 253 43 advocate advocate NOUN _005196721 253 44 . . PUNCT _005196721 254 1 5 5 X _005196721 254 2 . . X _005196721 254 3 consistorial consistorial ADJ _005196721 254 4 advocates advocate NOUN _005196721 254 5 , , PUNCT _005196721 254 6 procurators procurator NOUN _005196721 254 7 of of ADP _005196721 254 8 the the DET _005196721 254 9 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 254 10 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 254 11 palace palace NOUN _005196721 254 12 and and CCONJ _005196721 254 13 rotal rotal ADJ _005196721 254 14 advocates advocate NOUN _005196721 254 15 may may AUX _005196721 254 16 not not PART _005196721 254 17 defend defend VERB _005196721 254 18 causes cause NOUN _005196721 254 19 against against ADP _005196721 254 20 the the DET _005196721 254 21 holy holy ADJ _005196721 254 22 see see NOUN _005196721 254 23 without without ADP _005196721 254 24 special special ADJ _005196721 254 25 authorization authorization NOUN _005196721 254 26 . . PUNCT _005196721 255 1 6 6 NUM _005196721 255 2 . . PUNCT _005196721 255 3 as as SCONJ _005196721 255 4 regards regard VERB _005196721 255 5 emoluments emolument NOUN _005196721 255 6 . . PUNCT _005196721 256 1 advocates advocate NOUN _005196721 256 2 must must AUX _005196721 256 3 keep keep VERB _005196721 256 4 to to ADP _005196721 256 5 the the DET _005196721 256 6 tariffs tariff NOUN _005196721 256 7 fixed fix VERB _005196721 256 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 256 9 updated update VERB _005196721 256 10 every every DET _005196721 256 11 three three NUM _005196721 256 12 years year NOUN _005196721 256 13 by by ADP _005196721 256 14 the the DET _005196721 256 15 sacred sacred ADJ _005196721 256 16 roman roman ADJ _005196721 256 17 rota rota NOUN _005196721 256 18 . . PUNCT _005196721 257 1 7 7 X _005196721 257 2 . . PROPN _005196721 257 3 against against ADP _005196721 257 4 an an DET _005196721 257 5 advocate advocate NOUN _005196721 257 6 who who PRON _005196721 257 7 demands demand VERB _005196721 257 8 emoluments emolument NOUN _005196721 257 9 exceeding exceed VERB _005196721 257 10 the the DET _005196721 257 11 limits limit NOUN _005196721 257 12 set set VERB _005196721 257 13 out out ADP _005196721 257 14 in in ADP _005196721 257 15 no no PROPN _005196721 257 16 . . NOUN _005196721 257 17 6 6 NUM _005196721 257 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 257 19 recourse recourse NOUN _005196721 257 20 can can AUX _005196721 257 21 be be AUX _005196721 257 22 had have VERB _005196721 257 23 to to ADP _005196721 257 24 the the DET _005196721 257 25 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005196721 257 26 signature signature NOUN _005196721 257 27 , , PUNCT _005196721 257 28 before before ADP _005196721 257 29 which which PRON _005196721 257 30 an an DET _005196721 257 31 advocate advocate NOUN _005196721 257 32 may may AUX _005196721 257 33 also also ADV _005196721 257 34 be be AUX _005196721 257 35 cited cite VERB _005196721 257 36 on on ADP _005196721 257 37 the the DET _005196721 257 38 denunciation denunciation NOUN _005196721 257 39 of of ADP _005196721 257 40 the the DET _005196721 257 41 promotor promotor NOUN _005196721 257 42 of of ADP _005196721 257 43 justice justice PROPN _005196721 257 44 . . PUNCT _005196721 258 1 ii ii PROPN _005196721 258 2 : : PUNCT _005196721 258 3 profession profession NOUN _005196721 258 4 of of ADP _005196721 258 5 faith faith NOUN _005196721 258 6 and and CCONJ _005196721 258 7 promises promise NOUN _005196721 258 8 for for ADP _005196721 258 9 officials official NOUN _005196721 258 10 : : PUNCT _005196721 258 11 ego ego PROPN _005196721 258 12 n. n. PROPN _005196721 258 13 firma firma PROPN _005196721 258 14 fede fede PROPN _005196721 258 15 credo credo PROPN _005196721 258 16 et et PROPN _005196721 258 17 profiteor profiteor PROPN _005196721 258 18 omnia omnia PROPN _005196721 258 19 et et X _005196721 258 20 singula singula VERB _005196721 258 21 quae quae PROPN _005196721 258 22 continentur continentur PROPN _005196721 258 23 in in ADP _005196721 258 24 symbolo symbolo PROPN _005196721 258 25 fidei fidei PROPN _005196721 258 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 258 27 videlicet videlicet NOUN _005196721 258 28 : : PUNCT _005196721 258 29 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 258 30 translator translator NOUN _005196721 258 31 ’s ’s PART _005196721 258 32 note note NOUN _005196721 258 33 : : PUNCT _005196721 258 34 here here ADV _005196721 258 35 follows follow VERB _005196721 258 36 the the DET _005196721 258 37 nicene nicene ADJ _005196721 258 38 creed creed NOUN _005196721 258 39 in in ADP _005196721 258 40 latin latin PROPN _005196721 258 41 , , PUNCT _005196721 258 42 with with ADP _005196721 258 43 the the DET _005196721 258 44 following follow VERB _005196721 258 45 addition addition NOUN _005196721 258 46 : : PUNCT _005196721 258 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 258 48 firmiter firmiter ADJ _005196721 258 49 quoque quoque ADJ _005196721 258 50 amplector amplector NOUN _005196721 258 51 et et NOUN _005196721 258 52 retineo retineo VERB _005196721 258 53 omnia omnia PROPN _005196721 259 1 et et INTJ _005196721 259 2 singula singula VERB _005196721 259 3 quae quae PROPN _005196721 259 4 circa circa PROPN _005196721 259 5 doctrinam doctrinam PROPN _005196721 259 6 de de X _005196721 259 7 fide fide PROPN _005196721 259 8 et et PROPN _005196721 259 9 moribus moribus PROPN _005196721 259 10 ab ab PROPN _005196721 259 11 ecclesia ecclesia PROPN _005196721 259 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 259 13 sive sive ADJ _005196721 259 14 solemni solemni NOUN _005196721 259 15 iudicio iudicio PROPN _005196721 259 16 39 39 NUM _005196721 259 17 definita definita PROPN _005196721 259 18 sive sive PROPN _005196721 259 19 ordinario ordinario PROPN _005196721 259 20 magisterio magisterio PROPN _005196721 259 21 adserta adserta PROPN _005196721 259 22 ac ac PROPN _005196721 259 23 declarata declarata PROPN _005196721 259 24 sunt sunt PROPN _005196721 259 25 , , PUNCT _005196721 259 26 prout prout PROPN _005196721 259 27 ab ab PROPN _005196721 259 28 ipsa ipsa PROPN _005196721 259 29 proponuntur proponuntur PROPN _005196721 259 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 259 31 praesertim praesertim NOUN _005196721 259 32 ea ea PROPN _005196721 259 33 quae quae PROPN _005196721 259 34 respiciunt respiciunt PROPN _005196721 259 35 mysterium mysterium NOUN _005196721 259 36 sancta sancta VERB _005196721 259 37 ecclesiae ecclesiae ADJ _005196721 259 38 christi christi NOUN _005196721 259 39 , , PUNCT _005196721 259 40 eiusque eiusque ADJ _005196721 259 41 sacramenta sacramenta NOUN _005196721 259 42 et et PROPN _005196721 259 43 missae missae PROPN _005196721 259 44 sacrificium sacrificium NOUN _005196721 259 45 atque atque NOUN _005196721 259 46 primatum primatum PROPN _005196721 259 47 romani romani PROPN _005196721 259 48 pontificis pontificis PROPN _005196721 259 49 . . PUNCT _005196721 260 1 promises promise VERB _005196721 260 2 officials official NOUN _005196721 260 3 : : PUNCT _005196721 260 4 in in ADP _005196721 260 5 nomine nomine NOUN _005196721 260 6 domini domini PROPN _005196721 260 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 260 8 ego ego PROPN _005196721 260 9 n.n n.n PROPN _005196721 260 10 . . PROPN _005196721 260 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 260 12 spondeo spondeo NOUN _005196721 260 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 260 14 voveo voveo NOUN _005196721 260 15 as as ADP _005196721 260 16 promitto promitto ADJ _005196721 260 17 , , PUNCT _005196721 260 18 fidelem fidelem PROPN _005196721 260 19 et et PROPN _005196721 260 20 oboedientem oboedientem NOUN _005196721 260 21 me i PRON _005196721 260 22 semper semper NOUN _005196721 260 23 futurum futurum NOUN _005196721 260 24 domino domino PROPN _005196721 260 25 nostro nostro PROPN _005196721 260 26 papae papae PROPN _005196721 260 27 n. n. PROPN _005196721 260 28 eiusque eiusque PROPN _005196721 260 29 legitimis legitimis PROPN _005196721 260 30 successoribus successoribus NOUN _005196721 260 31 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 260 32 ministeria ministeria PROPN _005196721 260 33 mihi mihi PROPN _005196721 260 34 commissa commissa PROPN _005196721 260 35 in in ADP _005196721 260 36 hac hac PROPN _005196721 260 37 sacra sacra PROPN _005196721 260 38 congregatione congregatione PROPN _005196721 260 39 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 260 40 in in ADP _005196721 260 41 hoc hoc X _005196721 260 42 tribunali tribunali NOUN _005196721 260 43 in in ADP _005196721 260 44 hoc hoc X _005196721 260 45 officio officio X _005196721 260 46 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 260 47 diligenter diligenter NOUN _005196721 260 48 impleturum impleturum PROPN _005196721 260 49 et et PROPN _005196721 260 50 secretum secretum PROPN _005196721 260 51 officii officii PROPN _005196721 260 52 religiose religiose NOUN _005196721 260 53 servaturum servaturum NOUN _005196721 260 54 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 260 55 simulque simulque ADJ _005196721 260 56 promitto promitto ADJ _005196721 260 57 munera munera NOUN _005196721 260 58 mihi mihi PROPN _005196721 260 59 in in ADP _005196721 260 60 remunerationem remunerationem PROPN _005196721 260 61 , , PUNCT _005196721 260 62 etiam etiam PROPN _005196721 260 63 sub sub PROPN _005196721 260 64 specie specie PROPN _005196721 260 65 doni doni PROPN _005196721 260 66 oblata oblata PROPN _005196721 260 67 , , PUNCT _005196721 260 68 nec nec PROPN _005196721 260 69 quaesiturum quaesiturum PROPN _005196721 260 70 , , PUNCT _005196721 260 71 nec nec PROPN _005196721 260 72 recepturum recepturum PROPN _005196721 260 73 . . PUNCT _005196721 261 1 sic sic NOUN _005196721 261 2 me i PRON _005196721 261 3 deus deus NOUN _005196721 261 4 adiuvet adiuvet NOUN _005196721 261 5 et et X _005196721 261 6 haec haec PROPN _005196721 261 7 sancta sancta NOUN _005196721 261 8 dei dei PROPN _005196721 261 9 evangelia evangelia PROPN _005196721 261 10 quae quae PROPN _005196721 261 11 manibus manibus PROPN _005196721 261 12 meis meis PROPN _005196721 261 13 tango tango PROPN _005196721 261 14 . . PUNCT _005196721 262 1 subalterns subaltern VERB _005196721 262 2 : : PUNCT _005196721 262 3 i i PROPN _005196721 262 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 262 5 n.n n.n PROPN _005196721 262 6 . . PROPN _005196721 262 7 promise promise NOUN _005196721 262 8 before before ADP _005196721 262 9 god god PROPN _005196721 262 10 to to PART _005196721 262 11 be be AUX _005196721 262 12 faithful faithful ADJ _005196721 262 13 to to ADP _005196721 262 14 the the DET _005196721 262 15 supreme supreme ADJ _005196721 262 16 pontiff pontiff NOUN _005196721 262 17 and and CCONJ _005196721 262 18 to to ADP _005196721 262 19 his his PRON _005196721 262 20 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005196721 262 21 successors successor NOUN _005196721 262 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 262 23 to to PART _005196721 262 24 observe observe VERB _005196721 262 25 strictly strictly ADV _005196721 262 26 office office NOUN _005196721 262 27 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005196721 262 28 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 262 29 1 1 NUM _005196721 262 30 promise promise NOUN _005196721 262 31 to to PART _005196721 262 32 fulfill fulfill VERB _005196721 262 33 diligently diligently ADV _005196721 262 34 all all DET _005196721 262 35 my my PRON _005196721 262 36 duties duty NOUN _005196721 262 37 and and CCONJ _005196721 262 38 to to PART _005196721 262 39 observe observe VERB _005196721 262 40 the the DET _005196721 262 41 orders order NOUN _005196721 262 42 given give VERB _005196721 262 43 me i PRON _005196721 262 44 by by ADP _005196721 262 45 my my PRON _005196721 262 46 superiors superior NOUN _005196721 262 47 . . PUNCT _005196721 263 1 ill ill PROPN _005196721 263 2 : : PUNCT _005196721 263 3 archives archive NOUN _005196721 263 4 , , PUNCT _005196721 263 5 protocol protocol PROPN _005196721 263 6 , , PUNCT _005196721 263 7 library library PROPN _005196721 263 8 1 1 NUM _005196721 263 9 . . PUNCT _005196721 264 1 in in ADP _005196721 264 2 every every DET _005196721 264 3 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 264 4 there there PRON _005196721 264 5 will will AUX _005196721 264 6 be be AUX _005196721 264 7 a a DET _005196721 264 8 general general ADJ _005196721 264 9 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 264 10 in in ADP _005196721 264 11 which which PRON _005196721 264 12 all all DET _005196721 264 13 items item NOUN _005196721 264 14 of of ADP _005196721 264 15 business business NOUN _005196721 264 16 must must AUX _005196721 264 17 be be AUX _005196721 264 18 registered register VERB _005196721 264 19 in in ADP _005196721 264 20 progressive progressive ADJ _005196721 264 21 order order NOUN _005196721 264 22 as as SCONJ _005196721 264 23 they they PRON _005196721 264 24 are be AUX _005196721 264 25 received receive VERB _005196721 264 26 or or CCONJ _005196721 264 27 dispatched dispatch VERB _005196721 264 28 from from ADP _005196721 264 29 the the DET _005196721 264 30 office office NOUN _005196721 264 31 . . PUNCT _005196721 265 1 this this DET _005196721 265 2 registration registration NOUN _005196721 265 3 must must AUX _005196721 265 4 indicate indicate VERB _005196721 265 5 , , PUNCT _005196721 265 6 in in ADP _005196721 265 7 addition addition NOUN _005196721 265 8 to to ADP _005196721 265 9 the the DET _005196721 265 10 order order NOUN _005196721 265 11 number number NOUN _005196721 265 12 and and CCONJ _005196721 265 13 the the DET _005196721 265 14 year year NOUN _005196721 265 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 265 16 abbreviated abbreviate VERB _005196721 265 17 in in ADP _005196721 265 18 the the DET _005196721 265 19 manner manner NOUN _005196721 265 20 of of ADP _005196721 265 21 a a DET _005196721 265 22 fraction fraction NOUN _005196721 265 23 : : PUNCT _005196721 265 24 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 265 25 a a X _005196721 265 26 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 265 27 the the DET _005196721 265 28 diocese diocese NOUN _005196721 265 29 to to PART _005196721 265 30 which which PRON _005196721 265 31 the the DET _005196721 265 32 item item NOUN _005196721 265 33 belongs belong VERB _005196721 265 34 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 265 35 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 265 36 b b X _005196721 265 37 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 265 38 the the DET _005196721 265 39 name name NOUN _005196721 265 40 of of ADP _005196721 265 41 the the DET _005196721 265 42 petitioner petitioner NOUN _005196721 265 43 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 265 44 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 265 45 c c X _005196721 265 46 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 265 47 the the DET _005196721 265 48 subject subject NOUN _005196721 265 49 of of ADP _005196721 265 50 the the DET _005196721 265 51 case case NOUN _005196721 265 52 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 265 53 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 265 54 d d X _005196721 265 55 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 265 56 the the DET _005196721 265 57 person person NOUN _005196721 265 58 against against ADP _005196721 265 59 whom whom PRON _005196721 265 60 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005196721 265 61 might might AUX _005196721 265 62 be be AUX _005196721 265 63 taken take VERB _005196721 265 64 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 265 65 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 265 66 e e X _005196721 265 67 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 265 68 the the DET _005196721 265 69 date date NOUN _005196721 265 70 of of ADP _005196721 265 71 presentation presentation NOUN _005196721 265 72 . . PUNCT _005196721 266 1 40 40 NUM _005196721 266 2 2 2 X _005196721 266 3 . . PUNCT _005196721 267 1 all all DET _005196721 267 2 the the DET _005196721 267 3 developments development NOUN _005196721 267 4 in in ADP _005196721 267 5 the the DET _005196721 267 6 case case NOUN _005196721 267 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 267 8 the the DET _005196721 267 9 decisions decision NOUN _005196721 267 10 taken take VERB _005196721 267 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 267 12 the the DET _005196721 267 13 letters letter NOUN _005196721 267 14 written write VERB _005196721 267 15 , , PUNCT _005196721 267 16 etc etc X _005196721 267 17 . . X _005196721 267 18 , , PUNCT _005196721 267 19 are be AUX _005196721 267 20 to to PART _005196721 267 21 be be AUX _005196721 267 22 entered enter VERB _005196721 267 23 in in ADP _005196721 267 24 the the DET _005196721 267 25 general general ADJ _005196721 267 26 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 267 27 by by ADP _005196721 267 28 hand hand NOUN _005196721 267 29 , , PUNCT _005196721 267 30 with with ADP _005196721 267 31 black black ADJ _005196721 267 32 indelible indelible ADJ _005196721 267 33 ink ink NOUN _005196721 267 34 if if SCONJ _005196721 267 35 the the DET _005196721 267 36 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 267 37 consists consist VERB _005196721 267 38 of of ADP _005196721 267 39 a a DET _005196721 267 40 register register NOUN _005196721 267 41 , , PUNCT _005196721 267 42 or or CCONJ _005196721 267 43 in in ADP _005196721 267 44 handwriting handwriting NOUN _005196721 267 45 or or CCONJ _005196721 267 46 typewriting typewriting NOUN _005196721 267 47 , , PUNCT _005196721 267 48 using use VERB _005196721 267 49 black black ADJ _005196721 267 50 indelible indelible ADJ _005196721 267 51 ribbons ribbon NOUN _005196721 267 52 in in ADP _005196721 267 53 the the DET _005196721 267 54 case case NOUN _005196721 267 55 of of ADP _005196721 267 56 file file NOUN _005196721 267 57 cards card NOUN _005196721 267 58 . . PUNCT _005196721 268 1 3 3 X _005196721 268 2 . . X _005196721 268 3 when when SCONJ _005196721 268 4 a a DET _005196721 268 5 petition petition NOUN _005196721 268 6 or or CCONJ _005196721 268 7 any any DET _005196721 268 8 document document NOUN _005196721 268 9 is be AUX _005196721 268 10 received receive VERB _005196721 268 11 it it PRON _005196721 268 12 is be AUX _005196721 268 13 first first ADV _005196721 268 14 stamped stamp VERB _005196721 268 15 with with ADP _005196721 268 16 a a DET _005196721 268 17 black black ADJ _005196721 268 18 ink ink NOUN _005196721 268 19 stamp stamp NOUN _005196721 268 20 indicating indicate VERB _005196721 268 21 the the DET _005196721 268 22 name name NOUN _005196721 268 23 of of ADP _005196721 268 24 the the DET _005196721 268 25 receiving receiving NOUN _005196721 268 26 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 268 27 and and CCONJ _005196721 268 28 the the DET _005196721 268 29 date date NOUN _005196721 268 30 of of ADP _005196721 268 31 receipt receipt NOUN _005196721 268 32 , , PUNCT _005196721 268 33 with with ADP _005196721 268 34 blank blank ADJ _005196721 268 35 spaces space NOUN _005196721 268 36 for for ADP _005196721 268 37 the the DET _005196721 268 38 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 268 39 number number NOUN _005196721 268 40 , , PUNCT _005196721 268 41 the the DET _005196721 268 42 diocese diocese NOUN _005196721 268 43 from from ADP _005196721 268 44 where where SCONJ _005196721 268 45 it it PRON _005196721 268 46 was be AUX _005196721 268 47 sent send VERB _005196721 268 48 and and CCONJ _005196721 268 49 the the DET _005196721 268 50 identity identity NOUN _005196721 268 51 of of ADP _005196721 268 52 the the DET _005196721 268 53 petitioner petitioner NOUN _005196721 268 54 . . PUNCT _005196721 269 1 receipt receipt NOUN _005196721 269 2 of of ADP _005196721 269 3 the the DET _005196721 269 4 petition petition NOUN _005196721 269 5 must must AUX _005196721 269 6 be be AUX _005196721 269 7 noted note VERB _005196721 269 8 in in ADP _005196721 269 9 the the DET _005196721 269 10 general general ADJ _005196721 269 11 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 269 12 . . PUNCT _005196721 270 1 when when SCONJ _005196721 270 2 the the DET _005196721 270 3 petitioner petitioner NOUN _005196721 270 4 is be AUX _005196721 270 5 an an DET _005196721 270 6 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005196721 270 7 or or CCONJ _005196721 270 8 his his PRON _005196721 270 9 curia curia NOUN _005196721 270 10 , , PUNCT _005196721 270 11 they they PRON _005196721 270 12 must must AUX _005196721 270 13 be be AUX _005196721 270 14 duly duly ADV _005196721 270 15 informed inform VERB _005196721 270 16 of of ADP _005196721 270 17 the the DET _005196721 270 18 receipt receipt NOUN _005196721 270 19 of of ADP _005196721 270 20 the the DET _005196721 270 21 document document NOUN _005196721 270 22 and and CCONJ _005196721 270 23 of of ADP _005196721 270 24 the the DET _005196721 270 25 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 270 26 number number NOUN _005196721 270 27 assigned assign VERB _005196721 270 28 to to ADP _005196721 270 29 it it PRON _005196721 270 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 271 1 when when SCONJ _005196721 271 2 documents document NOUN _005196721 271 3 are be AUX _005196721 271 4 sent send VERB _005196721 271 5 from from ADP _005196721 271 6 the the DET _005196721 271 7 office office NOUN _005196721 271 8 , , PUNCT _005196721 271 9 they they PRON _005196721 271 10 are be AUX _005196721 271 11 to to PART _005196721 271 12 be be AUX _005196721 271 13 marked mark VERB _005196721 271 14 with with ADP _005196721 271 15 a a DET _005196721 271 16 black black ADJ _005196721 271 17 ink ink NOUN _005196721 271 18 stamp stamp NOUN _005196721 271 19 indicating indicate VERB _005196721 271 20 the the DET _005196721 271 21 name name NOUN _005196721 271 22 of of ADP _005196721 271 23 the the DET _005196721 271 24 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 271 25 dispatching dispatch VERB _005196721 271 26 the the DET _005196721 271 27 document document NOUN _005196721 271 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 271 29 the the DET _005196721 271 30 date date NOUN _005196721 271 31 of of ADP _005196721 271 32 dispatch dispatch NOUN _005196721 271 33 , , PUNCT _005196721 271 34 the the DET _005196721 271 35 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 271 36 number number NOUN _005196721 271 37 and and CCONJ _005196721 271 38 the the DET _005196721 271 39 addressee addressee NOUN _005196721 271 40 . . PUNCT _005196721 272 1 4 4 X _005196721 272 2 . . PROPN _005196721 272 3 to to PART _005196721 272 4 facilitate facilitate VERB _005196721 272 5 the the DET _005196721 272 6 research research NOUN _005196721 272 7 of of ADP _005196721 272 8 cases case NOUN _005196721 272 9 or or CCONJ _005196721 272 10 of of ADP _005196721 272 11 precedents precedent NOUN _005196721 272 12 of of ADP _005196721 272 13 cases case NOUN _005196721 272 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 272 15 a a DET _005196721 272 16 triple triple ADJ _005196721 272 17 card card NOUN _005196721 272 18 index index NOUN _005196721 272 19 is be AUX _005196721 272 20 to to PART _005196721 272 21 be be AUX _005196721 272 22 set set VERB _005196721 272 23 up up ADP _005196721 272 24 : : PUNCT _005196721 272 25 one one NUM _005196721 272 26 by by ADP _005196721 272 27 names name NOUN _005196721 272 28 , , PUNCT _005196721 273 1 another another PRON _005196721 273 2 showing show VERB _005196721 273 3 the the DET _005196721 273 4 diocese diocese NOUN _005196721 273 5 of of ADP _005196721 273 6 origin origin NOUN _005196721 273 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 273 8 and and CCONJ _005196721 273 9 a a DET _005196721 273 10 third third ADJ _005196721 273 11 a a DET _005196721 273 12 topical topical ADJ _005196721 273 13 index index NOUN _005196721 273 14 according accord VERB _005196721 273 15 to to ADP _005196721 273 16 the the DET _005196721 273 17 matter matter NOUN _005196721 273 18 treated treat VERB _005196721 273 19 . . PUNCT _005196721 274 1 on on ADP _005196721 274 2 each each DET _005196721 274 3 card card NOUN _005196721 274 4 the the DET _005196721 274 5 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 274 6 number number NOUN _005196721 274 7 is be AUX _005196721 274 8 to to PART _005196721 274 9 be be AUX _005196721 274 10 entered enter VERB _005196721 274 11 and and CCONJ _005196721 274 12 the the DET _005196721 274 13 data datum NOUN _005196721 274 14 for for ADP _005196721 274 15 the the DET _005196721 274 16 identification identification NOUN _005196721 274 17 of of ADP _005196721 274 18 the the DET _005196721 274 19 case case NOUN _005196721 274 20 and and CCONJ _005196721 274 21 its its PRON _005196721 274 22 placement placement NOUN _005196721 274 23 in in ADP _005196721 274 24 the the DET _005196721 274 25 general general ADJ _005196721 274 26 archives archive NOUN _005196721 274 27 if if SCONJ _005196721 274 28 the the DET _005196721 274 29 matter matter NOUN _005196721 274 30 is be AUX _005196721 274 31 already already ADV _005196721 274 32 concluded conclude VERB _005196721 274 33 and and CCONJ _005196721 274 34 filed file VERB _005196721 274 35 away away ADV _005196721 274 36 . . PUNCT _005196721 275 1 5 5 X _005196721 275 2 . . X _005196721 275 3 the the DET _005196721 275 4 protocol protocol PROPN _005196721 275 5 archive archive NOUN _005196721 275 6 number number NOUN _005196721 275 7 assigned assign VERB _005196721 275 8 at at ADP _005196721 275 9 the the DET _005196721 275 10 beginning beginning NOUN _005196721 275 11 of of ADP _005196721 275 12 a a DET _005196721 275 13 case case NOUN _005196721 275 14 remains remain VERB _005196721 275 15 unchanged unchanged ADJ _005196721 275 16 even even ADV _005196721 275 17 if if SCONJ _005196721 275 18 it it PRON _005196721 275 19 extends extend VERB _005196721 275 20 beyond beyond ADP _005196721 275 21 the the DET _005196721 275 22 period period NOUN _005196721 275 23 of of ADP _005196721 275 24 a a DET _005196721 275 25 year year NOUN _005196721 275 26 . . PUNCT _005196721 276 1 once once SCONJ _005196721 276 2 the the DET _005196721 276 3 matter matter NOUN _005196721 276 4 is be AUX _005196721 276 5 settled settle VERB _005196721 276 6 it it PRON _005196721 276 7 will will AUX _005196721 276 8 be be AUX _005196721 276 9 assigned assign VERB _005196721 276 10 a a DET _005196721 276 11 special special ADJ _005196721 276 12 number number NOUN _005196721 276 13 , , PUNCT _005196721 276 14 which which PRON _005196721 276 15 is be AUX _005196721 276 16 to to PART _005196721 276 17 be be AUX _005196721 276 18 entered enter VERB _005196721 276 19 in in ADP _005196721 276 20 the the DET _005196721 276 21 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 276 22 as as ADV _005196721 276 23 well well ADV _005196721 276 24 as as ADP _005196721 276 25 in in ADP _005196721 276 26 the the DET _005196721 276 27 various various ADJ _005196721 276 28 card card NOUN _005196721 276 29 indexes index NOUN _005196721 276 30 , , PUNCT _005196721 276 31 to to PART _005196721 276 32 show show VERB _005196721 276 33 its its PRON _005196721 276 34 place place NOUN _005196721 276 35 in in ADP _005196721 276 36 the the DET _005196721 276 37 general general ADJ _005196721 276 38 archives archive NOUN _005196721 276 39 . . PUNCT _005196721 277 1 6 6 X _005196721 277 2 . . PUNCT _005196721 277 3 once once SCONJ _005196721 277 4 the the DET _005196721 277 5 precedents precedent NOUN _005196721 277 6 of of ADP _005196721 277 7 a a DET _005196721 277 8 case case NOUN _005196721 277 9 , , PUNCT _005196721 277 10 if if SCONJ _005196721 277 11 any any PRON _005196721 277 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 277 13 have have AUX _005196721 277 14 been be AUX _005196721 277 15 checked check VERB _005196721 277 16 or or CCONJ _005196721 277 17 the the DET _005196721 277 18 case case NOUN _005196721 277 19 has have AUX _005196721 277 20 been be AUX _005196721 277 21 assigned assign VERB _005196721 277 22 a a DET _005196721 277 23 new new ADJ _005196721 277 24 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 277 25 number number NOUN _005196721 277 26 , , PUNCT _005196721 277 27 a a DET _005196721 277 28 special special ADJ _005196721 277 29 printed print VERB _005196721 277 30 folder folder NOUN _005196721 277 31 is be AUX _005196721 277 32 prepared prepare VERB _005196721 277 33 , , PUNCT _005196721 277 34 showing show VERB _005196721 277 35 on on ADP _005196721 277 36 the the DET _005196721 277 37 front front NOUN _005196721 277 38 the the DET _005196721 277 39 data datum NOUN _005196721 277 40 of of ADP _005196721 277 41 the the DET _005196721 277 42 case case NOUN _005196721 277 43 , , PUNCT _005196721 277 44 and and CCONJ _005196721 277 45 giving give VERB _005196721 277 46 on on ADP _005196721 277 47 the the DET _005196721 277 48 inside inside NOUN _005196721 277 49 a a DET _005196721 277 50 list list NOUN _005196721 277 51 of of ADP _005196721 277 52 the the DET _005196721 277 53 documents document NOUN _005196721 277 54 it it PRON _005196721 277 55 contains contain VERB _005196721 277 56 . . PUNCT _005196721 278 1 41 41 NUM _005196721 278 2 numbered number VERB _005196721 278 3 beforehand beforehand ADV _005196721 278 4 in in ADP _005196721 278 5 progressive progressive ADJ _005196721 278 6 order order NOUN _005196721 278 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 278 8 to to PART _005196721 278 9 avoid avoid VERB _005196721 278 10 accidentally accidentally ADV _005196721 278 11 confusing confuse VERB _005196721 278 12 a a DET _005196721 278 13 document document NOUN _005196721 278 14 with with ADP _005196721 278 15 another another PRON _005196721 278 16 or or CCONJ _005196721 278 17 misplacing misplace VERB _005196721 278 18 it it PRON _005196721 278 19 . . PUNCT _005196721 279 1 this this DET _005196721 279 2 folder folder NOUN _005196721 279 3 , , PUNCT _005196721 279 4 with with ADP _005196721 279 5 a a DET _005196721 279 6 listing listing NOUN _005196721 279 7 of of ADP _005196721 279 8 all all DET _005196721 279 9 the the DET _005196721 279 10 attached attach VERB _005196721 279 11 documents document NOUN _005196721 279 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 279 13 is be AUX _005196721 279 14 then then ADV _005196721 279 15 submitted submit VERB _005196721 279 16 for for ADP _005196721 279 17 study study NOUN _005196721 279 18 to to ADP _005196721 279 19 the the DET _005196721 279 20 officials official NOUN _005196721 279 21 concerned concern VERB _005196721 279 22 in in ADP _005196721 279 23 accordance accordance NOUN _005196721 279 24 with with ADP _005196721 279 25 the the DET _005196721 279 26 particular particular ADJ _005196721 279 27 norms norm NOUN _005196721 279 28 of of ADP _005196721 279 29 each each DET _005196721 279 30 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 279 31 . . PUNCT _005196721 280 1 7 7 X _005196721 280 2 . . X _005196721 280 3 the the DET _005196721 280 4 transfer transfer NOUN _005196721 280 5 of of ADP _005196721 280 6 a a DET _005196721 280 7 case case NOUN _005196721 280 8 should should AUX _005196721 280 9 be be AUX _005196721 280 10 noted note VERB _005196721 280 11 in in ADP _005196721 280 12 a a DET _005196721 280 13 special special ADJ _005196721 280 14 card card NOUN _005196721 280 15 index index NOUN _005196721 280 16 , , PUNCT _005196721 280 17 if if SCONJ _005196721 280 18 possible possible ADJ _005196721 280 19 with with ADP _005196721 280 20 visible visible ADJ _005196721 280 21 cards card NOUN _005196721 280 22 so so SCONJ _005196721 280 23 that that SCONJ _005196721 280 24 it it PRON _005196721 280 25 can can AUX _005196721 280 26 be be AUX _005196721 280 27 easily easily ADV _005196721 280 28 ascertained ascertain VERB _005196721 280 29 at at ADP _005196721 280 30 any any DET _005196721 280 31 time time NOUN _005196721 280 32 in in ADP _005196721 280 33 which which PRON _005196721 280 34 office office NOUN _005196721 280 35 a a DET _005196721 280 36 case case NOUN _005196721 280 37 is be AUX _005196721 280 38 to to PART _005196721 280 39 be be AUX _005196721 280 40 found find VERB _005196721 280 41 which which PRON _005196721 280 42 has have AUX _005196721 280 43 been be AUX _005196721 280 44 temporarily temporarily ADV _005196721 280 45 removed remove VERB _005196721 280 46 from from ADP _005196721 280 47 the the DET _005196721 280 48 archives archive NOUN _005196721 280 49 . . PUNCT _005196721 281 1 distributions distribution NOUN _005196721 281 2 of of ADP _005196721 281 3 the the DET _005196721 281 4 documents document NOUN _005196721 281 5 to to ADP _005196721 281 6 consultors consultor NOUN _005196721 281 7 , , PUNCT _005196721 281 8 rapporteurs rapporteur NOUN _005196721 281 9 , , PUNCT _005196721 281 10 etc etc X _005196721 281 11 . . X _005196721 281 12 , , PUNCT _005196721 281 13 should should AUX _005196721 281 14 also also ADV _005196721 281 15 be be AUX _005196721 281 16 noted note VERB _005196721 281 17 on on ADP _005196721 281 18 these these DET _005196721 281 19 cards card NOUN _005196721 281 20 . . PUNCT _005196721 282 1 8 8 X _005196721 282 2 . . X _005196721 282 3 any any DET _005196721 282 4 measure measure NOUN _005196721 282 5 adopted adopt VERB _005196721 282 6 in in ADP _005196721 282 7 a a DET _005196721 282 8 case case NOUN _005196721 282 9 is be AUX _005196721 282 10 to to PART _005196721 282 11 be be AUX _005196721 282 12 communicated communicate VERB _005196721 282 13 : : PUNCT _005196721 282 14 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 282 15 a a X _005196721 282 16 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 282 17 to to ADP _005196721 282 18 the the DET _005196721 282 19 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 282 20 officer officer NOUN _005196721 282 21 , , PUNCT _005196721 282 22 who who PRON _005196721 282 23 will will AUX _005196721 282 24 register register VERB _005196721 282 25 it it PRON _005196721 282 26 in in ADP _005196721 282 27 the the DET _005196721 282 28 general general ADJ _005196721 282 29 protocol protocol NOUN _005196721 282 30 and and CCONJ _005196721 282 31 send send VERB _005196721 282 32 the the DET _005196721 282 33 measure measure NOUN _005196721 282 34 , , PUNCT _005196721 282 35 letter letter NOUN _005196721 282 36 or or CCONJ _005196721 282 37 rescript rescript ADJ _005196721 282 38 to to ADP _005196721 282 39 the the DET _005196721 282 40 superior superior NOUN _005196721 282 41 for for ADP _005196721 282 42 his his PRON _005196721 282 43 signature signature NOUN _005196721 282 44 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 282 45 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 282 46 b b X _005196721 282 47 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 282 48 to to ADP _005196721 282 49 the the DET _005196721 282 50 scribes scribe NOUN _005196721 282 51 if if SCONJ _005196721 282 52 a a DET _005196721 282 53 letter letter NOUN _005196721 282 54 is be AUX _005196721 282 55 to to PART _005196721 282 56 be be AUX _005196721 282 57 written write VERB _005196721 282 58 or or CCONJ _005196721 282 59 a a DET _005196721 282 60 rescript rescript ADJ _005196721 282 61 drawn draw VERB _005196721 282 62 up up ADP _005196721 282 63 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 282 64 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 282 65 c c NOUN _005196721 282 66 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 282 67 to to ADP _005196721 282 68 the the DET _005196721 282 69 accountant accountant NOUN _005196721 282 70 , , PUNCT _005196721 282 71 who who PRON _005196721 282 72 will will AUX _005196721 282 73 note note VERB _005196721 282 74 any any DET _005196721 282 75 expenses expense NOUN _005196721 282 76 or or CCONJ _005196721 282 77 taxes taxis NOUN _005196721 282 78 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 282 79 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 282 80 d d X _005196721 282 81 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 282 82 to to ADP _005196721 282 83 the the DET _005196721 282 84 distributor distributor NOUN _005196721 282 85 , , PUNCT _005196721 282 86 for for ADP _005196721 282 87 dispatch dispatch NOUN _005196721 282 88 or or CCONJ _005196721 282 89 delivery delivery NOUN _005196721 282 90 ; ; PUNCT _005196721 282 91 and and CCONJ _005196721 282 92 lastly lastly ADV _005196721 282 93 ( ( PUNCT _005196721 282 94 e e PROPN _005196721 282 95 ) ) PUNCT _005196721 282 96 to to ADP _005196721 282 97 the the DET _005196721 282 98 archivist archivist NOUN _005196721 282 99 , , PUNCT _005196721 282 100 for for ADP _005196721 282 101 replacing replace VERB _005196721 282 102 the the DET _005196721 282 103 case case NOUN _005196721 282 104 in in ADP _005196721 282 105 the the DET _005196721 282 106 archives archive NOUN _005196721 282 107 . . PUNCT _005196721 283 1 if if SCONJ _005196721 283 2 the the DET _005196721 283 3 case case NOUN _005196721 283 4 is be AUX _005196721 283 5 to to PART _005196721 283 6 be be AUX _005196721 283 7 regarded regard VERB _005196721 283 8 as as SCONJ _005196721 283 9 finally finally ADV _005196721 283 10 closed closed ADJ _005196721 283 11 , , PUNCT _005196721 283 12 the the DET _005196721 283 13 archivist archivist NOUN _005196721 283 14 will will AUX _005196721 283 15 assign assign VERB _005196721 283 16 a a DET _005196721 283 17 number number NOUN _005196721 283 18 indicating indicate VERB _005196721 283 19 its its PRON _005196721 283 20 place place NOUN _005196721 283 21 in in ADP _005196721 283 22 the the DET _005196721 283 23 archives archive NOUN _005196721 283 24 and and CCONJ _005196721 283 25 will will AUX _005196721 283 26 make make VERB _005196721 283 27 the the DET _005196721 283 28 necessary necessary ADJ _005196721 283 29 entries entry NOUN _005196721 283 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 284 1 9 9 X _005196721 284 2 . . X _005196721 284 3 should should AUX _005196721 284 4 the the DET _005196721 284 5 documents document NOUN _005196721 284 6 come come VERB _005196721 284 7 back back ADV _005196721 284 8 unsigned unsigned ADJ _005196721 284 9 or or CCONJ _005196721 284 10 accompanied accompany VERB _005196721 284 11 by by ADP _005196721 284 12 special special ADJ _005196721 284 13 observations observation NOUN _005196721 284 14 , , PUNCT _005196721 284 15 the the DET _005196721 284 16 official official NOUN _005196721 284 17 will will AUX _005196721 284 18 deal deal VERB _005196721 284 19 with with ADP _005196721 284 20 them they PRON _005196721 284 21 accordingly accordingly ADV _005196721 284 22 in in ADP _005196721 284 23 conformity conformity NOUN _005196721 284 24 with with ADP _005196721 284 25 the the DET _005196721 284 26 instructions instruction NOUN _005196721 284 27 of of ADP _005196721 284 28 the the DET _005196721 284 29 superiors superior NOUN _005196721 284 30 . . PUNCT _005196721 285 1 10 10 NUM _005196721 285 2 . . PUNCT _005196721 285 3 in in ADP _005196721 285 4 every every DET _005196721 285 5 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 285 6 there there PRON _005196721 285 7 is be VERB _005196721 285 8 to to PART _005196721 285 9 be be AUX _005196721 285 10 a a DET _005196721 285 11 library library NOUN _005196721 285 12 specialized specialized PROPN _005196721 285 13 and and CCONJ _005196721 285 14 updated update VERB _005196721 285 15 in in ADP _005196721 285 16 matters matter NOUN _005196721 285 17 concerning concern VERB _005196721 285 18 the the DET _005196721 285 19 dicastery dicastery NOUN _005196721 285 20 and and CCONJ _005196721 285 21 entrusted entrust VERB _005196721 285 22 for for ADP _005196721 285 23 proper proper ADJ _005196721 285 24 functioning functioning NOUN _005196721 285 25 to to ADP _005196721 285 26 an an DET _005196721 285 27 official official NOUN _005196721 285 28 designated designate VERB _005196721 285 29 by by ADP _005196721 285 30 the the DET _005196721 285 31 superior superior ADJ _005196721 285 32 prelate prelate NOUN _005196721 285 33 . . PUNCT _005196721 286 1 ^ ^ X _005196721 287 1 ^ ^ PUNCT _005196721 288 1 42 42 NUM _005196721 288 2 it it PRON _005196721 288 3 . . PUNCT _005196721 289 1 t t NOUN _005196721 289 2 iv iv X