id sid tid token lemma pos _005195846 1 1 syllabus syllabus NOUN _005195846 1 2 of of ADP _005195846 1 3 lectures lecture NOUN _005195846 1 4 on on ADP _005195846 1 5 church church NOUN _005195846 1 6 history history NOUN _005195846 1 7 : : PUNCT _005195846 1 8 for for ADP _005195846 1 9 the the DET _005195846 1 10 use use NOUN _005195846 1 11 of of ADP _005195846 1 12 the the DET _005195846 1 13 students student NOUN _005195846 1 14 of of ADP _005195846 1 15 st st PROPN _005195846 1 16 . . PROPN _005195846 1 17 patrick patrick PROPN _005195846 1 18 's 's PART _005195846 1 19 college college NOUN _005195846 1 20 , , PUNCT _005195846 1 21 maynooth maynooth DET _005195846 1 22 3 3 NUM _005195846 1 23 4 4 NUM _005195846 1 24 " " PUNCT _005195846 1 25 h h NOUN _005195846 1 26 • • X _005195846 1 27 clhur&hf clhur&hf NOUN _005195846 1 28 ~ ~ SYM _005195846 1 29 l l NOUN _005195846 1 30 idi idi NOUN _005195846 1 31 ~ ~ PUNCT _005195846 1 32 qe qe PROPN _005195846 1 33 vie vie PROPN _005195846 1 34 . . PROPN _005195846 1 35 /va /va PUNCT _005195846 2 1 i i PRON _005195846 2 2 /6t /6t PUNCT _005195846 2 3 > > X _005195846 2 4 s7£~i s7£~i VERB _005195846 2 5 syllabus syllabus NOUN _005195846 2 6 of of ADP _005195846 2 7 lectures lecture NOUN _005195846 2 8 on on ADP _005195846 2 9 church church NOUN _005195846 2 10 history history NOUN _005195846 2 11 . . PUNCT _005195846 3 1 for for ADP _005195846 3 2 the the DET _005195846 3 3 use use NOUN _005195846 3 4 of of ADP _005195846 3 5 the the DET _005195846 3 6 students student NOUN _005195846 3 7 of of ADP _005195846 3 8 st st PROPN _005195846 3 9 . . PROPN _005195846 3 10 patrick patrick PROPN _005195846 3 11 's 's PART _005195846 3 12 college college NOUN _005195846 3 13 , , PUNCT _005195846 3 14 maynooth maynooth ADJ _005195846 3 15 . . PUNCT _005195846 4 1 y y PROPN _005195846 4 2 24 24 NUM _005195846 4 3 browne browne PROPN _005195846 4 4 & & CCONJ _005195846 4 5 nolan nolan PROPN _005195846 4 6 , , PUNCT _005195846 4 7 ltd ltd PROPN _005195846 4 8 . . PROPN _005195846 4 9 , , PUNCT _005195846 4 10 25 25 NUM _005195846 4 11 nassau nassau PROPN _005195846 4 12 - - PUNCT _005195846 4 13 street street PROPN _005195846 4 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 4 15 dublin dublin PROPN _005195846 4 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 4 17 printers printer NOUN _005195846 4 18 anb anb PROPN _005195846 4 19 $ $ SYM _005195846 4 20 ttfolt'8i)frs ttfolt'8i)frs NOUN _005195846 4 21 1896 1896 NUM _005195846 4 22 . . PUNCT _005195846 5 1 syllabus syllabus NOUN _005195846 5 2 of of ADP _005195846 5 3 church church NOUN _005195846 5 4 history history NOUN _005195846 5 5 . . PUNCT _005195846 6 1 from from ADP _005195846 6 2 a.d a.d PROPN _005195846 6 3 . . PROPN _005195846 6 4 1517 1517 NUM _005195846 6 5 to to ADP _005195846 6 6 a.d a.d PROPN _005195846 6 7 . . PROPN _005195846 6 8 1890 1890 NUM _005195846 6 9 . . PUNCT _005195846 7 1 1.—luther 1.—luther NUM _005195846 7 2 : : PUNCT _005195846 7 3 his his PRON _005195846 7 4 life life NOUN _005195846 7 5 and and CCONJ _005195846 7 6 errors error NOUN _005195846 7 7 . . PUNCT _005195846 8 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 2 a a X _005195846 8 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 8 4 luther luther PROPN _005195846 8 5 ’s ’s NOUN _005195846 8 6 life.—his life.—his DET _005195846 8 7 birth birth NOUN _005195846 8 8 at at ADP _005195846 8 9 eisleben eisleben PROPN _005195846 8 10 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 11 1483 1483 NUM _005195846 8 12 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 8 13 — — PUNCT _005195846 8 14 studies study NOUN _005195846 8 15 at at ADP _005195846 8 16 magdeburg magdeburg PROPN _005195846 8 17 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 18 eisenach eisenach NOUN _005195846 8 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 20 and and CCONJ _005195846 8 21 erfurt erfurt PROPN _005195846 8 22 — — PUNCT _005195846 8 23 becomes become VERB _005195846 8 24 an an DET _005195846 8 25 augustinian augustinian ADJ _005195846 8 26 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 27 1505)—appointed 1505)—appointed PROPN _005195846 8 28 professor professor NOUN _005195846 8 29 in in ADP _005195846 8 30 the the DET _005195846 8 31 university university PROPN _005195846 8 32 of of ADP _005195846 8 33 wittenberg wittenberg PROPN _005195846 8 34 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 35 1508)—attacks 1508)—attacks PROPN _005195846 8 36 the the DET _005195846 8 37 dominican dominican ADJ _005195846 8 38 tetzel tetzel NOUN _005195846 8 39 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 40 and and CCONJ _005195846 8 41 affixes affix VERB _005195846 8 42 ninety ninety NUM _005195846 8 43 - - PUNCT _005195846 8 44 five five NUM _005195846 8 45 theses thesis NOUN _005195846 8 46 on on ADP _005195846 8 47 indulgences indulgence NOUN _005195846 8 48 to to ADP _005195846 8 49 the the DET _005195846 8 50 church church NOUN _005195846 8 51 of of ADP _005195846 8 52 wittenberg wittenberg PROPN _005195846 8 53 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 54 oct oct PROPN _005195846 8 55 . . PROPN _005195846 8 56 31 31 NUM _005195846 8 57 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 58 1517)—answered 1517)—answere VERB _005195846 8 59 by by ADP _005195846 8 60 tetzel tetzel NOUN _005195846 8 61 in in ADP _005195846 8 62 his his PRON _005195846 8 63 antitheses antithesis NOUN _005195846 8 64 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 65 and and CCONJ _005195846 8 66 by by ADP _005195846 8 67 dr dr PROPN _005195846 8 68 . . PROPN _005195846 8 69 eck eck PROPN _005195846 8 70 in in ADP _005195846 8 71 his his PRON _005195846 8 72 obelisks obelisk NOUN _005195846 8 73 — — PUNCT _005195846 8 74 leo leo PROPN _005195846 8 75 x. x. PROPN _005195846 8 76 at at ADP _005195846 8 77 first first ADJ _005195846 8 78 unwilling unwilling ADJ _005195846 8 79 to to PART _005195846 8 80 interfere interfere VERB _005195846 8 81 with with ADP _005195846 8 82 luther luther NOUN _005195846 8 83 — — PUNCT _005195846 8 84 the the DET _005195846 8 85 heresiarch heresiarch NOUN _005195846 8 86 summoned summon VERB _005195846 8 87 to to ADP _005195846 8 88 rome rome PROPN _005195846 8 89 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 90 1518)—public 1518)—public NUM _005195846 8 91 disputation disputation NOUN _005195846 8 92 held hold VERB _005195846 8 93 at at ADP _005195846 8 94 leipsic leipsic NOUN _005195846 8 95 between between ADP _005195846 8 96 luther luther PROPN _005195846 8 97 and and CCONJ _005195846 8 98 dr dr PROPN _005195846 8 99 . . PROPN _005195846 8 100 eck eck PROPN _005195846 8 101 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 102 the the DET _005195846 8 103 former former ADJ _005195846 8 104 being be AUX _005195846 8 105 assisted assist VERB _005195846 8 106 by by ADP _005195846 8 107 carlstadt carlstadt NOUN _005195846 8 108 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 109 and and CCONJ _005195846 8 110 the the DET _005195846 8 111 latter latter ADJ _005195846 8 112 by by ADP _005195846 8 113 professors professor NOUN _005195846 8 114 of of ADP _005195846 8 115 the the DET _005195846 8 116 university university PROPN _005195846 8 117 of of ADP _005195846 8 118 leipsic leipsic PROPN _005195846 8 119 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 120 1 1 NUM _005195846 8 121 519)—the 519)—the DET _005195846 8 122 bull bull NOUN _005195846 8 123 exvrge exvrge NOUN _005195846 8 124 domine domine NOUN _005195846 8 125 condemning condemn VERB _005195846 8 126 fortyone fortyone NOUN _005195846 8 127 errors error NOUN _005195846 8 128 taken take VERB _005195846 8 129 from from ADP _005195846 8 130 the the DET _005195846 8 131 writings writing NOUN _005195846 8 132 of of ADP _005195846 8 133 luther luther NOUN _005195846 8 134 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 135 and and CCONJ _005195846 8 136 declaring declare VERB _005195846 8 137 himself himself PRON _005195846 8 138 excommunicated excommunicate VERB _005195846 8 139 unless unless SCONJ _005195846 8 140 he he PRON _005195846 8 141 retracted retract VERB _005195846 8 142 within within ADP _005195846 8 143 sixty sixty NUM _005195846 8 144 days day NOUN _005195846 8 145 — — PUNCT _005195846 8 146 appears appear VERB _005195846 8 147 at at ADP _005195846 8 148 the the DET _005195846 8 149 diet diet NOUN _005195846 8 150 of of ADP _005195846 8 151 worms worm NOUN _005195846 8 152 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 153 1521 1521 NUM _005195846 8 154 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 8 155 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 8 156 placed place VERB _005195846 8 157 under under ADP _005195846 8 158 the the DET _005195846 8 159 ban ban NOUN _005195846 8 160 of of ADP _005195846 8 161 the the DET _005195846 8 162 empire empire NOUN _005195846 8 163 — — PUNCT _005195846 8 164 his his PRON _005195846 8 165 stay stay NOUN _005195846 8 166 in in ADP _005195846 8 167 the the DET _005195846 8 168 castle castle NOUN _005195846 8 169 of of ADP _005195846 8 170 wartburg wartburg PROPN _005195846 8 171 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 172 1521 1521 NUM _005195846 8 173 - - SYM _005195846 8 174 22)—he 22)—he NUM _005195846 8 175 marries marrie NOUN _005195846 8 176 catherine catherine PROPN _005195846 8 177 bora bora PROPN _005195846 8 178 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 179 1 1 NUM _005195846 8 180 525)—he 525)—he PROPN _005195846 8 181 engages engage VERB _005195846 8 182 in in ADP _005195846 8 183 ihe ihe ADJ _005195846 8 184 sacramentarian sacramentarian ADJ _005195846 8 185 controversy controversy NOUN _005195846 8 186 with with ADP _005195846 8 187 carlstadt carlstadt NOUN _005195846 8 188 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 189 zwinglius zwinglius NOUN _005195846 8 190 , , PUNCT _005195846 8 191 & & CCONJ _005195846 8 192 c. c. PROPN _005195846 8 193 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 194 1529)—he 1529)—he PROPN _005195846 8 195 approves approve VERB _005195846 8 196 of of ADP _005195846 8 197 the the DET _005195846 8 198 bigamy bigamy NOUN _005195846 8 199 of of ADP _005195846 8 200 philip philip NOUN _005195846 8 201 of of ADP _005195846 8 202 hesse hesse PROPN _005195846 8 203 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 204 1539)—his 1539)—his DET _005195846 8 205 death death NOUN _005195846 8 206 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 8 207 1545 1545 NUM _005195846 8 208 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 8 209 . . PUNCT _005195846 9 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 9 2 b b X _005195846 9 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 9 4 luther luther NOUN _005195846 9 5 ’s ’s NOUN _005195846 9 6 writings.—address writings.—address NOUN _005195846 9 7 to to ADP _005195846 9 8 the the DET _005195846 9 9 christian christian ADJ _005195846 9 10 nobles noble NOUN _005195846 9 11 of of ADP _005195846 9 12 germany germany PROPN _005195846 9 13 . . PUNCT _005195846 10 1 on on ADP _005195846 10 2 the the DET _005195846 10 3 servitude servitude NOUN _005195846 10 4 of of ADP _005195846 10 5 the the DET _005195846 10 6 will will NOUN _005195846 10 7 , , PUNCT _005195846 10 8 against against ADP _005195846 10 9 the the DET _005195846 10 10 execrable execrable ADJ _005195846 10 11 2 2 NUM _005195846 10 12 bull bull NOUN _005195846 10 13 of of ADP _005195846 10 14 antichrist antichrist NOUN _005195846 10 15 , , PUNCT _005195846 10 16 on on ADP _005195846 10 17 the the DET _005195846 10 18 babylonian babylonian ADJ _005195846 10 19 captivity captivity NOUN _005195846 10 20 of of ADP _005195846 10 21 the the DET _005195846 10 22 papacy papacy NOUN _005195846 10 23 , , PUNCT _005195846 10 24 reply reply VERB _005195846 10 25 to to ADP _005195846 10 26 henry henry PROPN _005195846 10 27 viii viii PROPN _005195846 10 28 . . PUNCT _005195846 10 29 , , PUNCT _005195846 10 30 table table NOUN _005195846 10 31 talk talk NOUN _005195846 10 32 , , PUNCT _005195846 10 33 translation translation NOUN _005195846 10 34 of of ADP _005195846 10 35 the the DET _005195846 10 36 bible bible NOUN _005195846 10 37 . . PUNCT _005195846 11 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 11 2 c c PROPN _005195846 11 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 11 4 luther luther PROPN _005195846 11 5 ’s ’s PROPN _005195846 11 6 errors.—he errors.—he PROPN _005195846 11 7 erred err VERB _005195846 11 8 regarding regard VERB _005195846 11 9 freewill freewill NOUN _005195846 11 10 , , PUNCT _005195846 11 11 justification justification NOUN _005195846 11 12 , , PUNCT _005195846 11 13 the the DET _005195846 11 14 christian christian ADJ _005195846 11 15 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005195846 11 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 11 17 the the DET _005195846 11 18 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195846 11 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 11 20 the the DET _005195846 11 21 rule rule NOUN _005195846 11 22 of of ADP _005195846 11 23 faith faith NOUN _005195846 11 24 , , PUNCT _005195846 11 25 & & CCONJ _005195846 11 26 c. c. PROPN _005195846 11 27 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 11 28 d d PROPN _005195846 11 29 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 11 30 causes cause NOUN _005195846 11 31 of of ADP _005195846 11 32 the the DET _005195846 11 33 rapid rapid ADJ _005195846 11 34 spread spread NOUN _005195846 11 35 of of ADP _005195846 11 36 luther luther PROPN _005195846 11 37 ’s ’s PART _005195846 11 38 errors error NOUN _005195846 11 39 . . PUNCT _005195846 12 1 — — PUNCT _005195846 12 2 the the DET _005195846 12 3 heretical heretical ADJ _005195846 12 4 sectaries sectary NOUN _005195846 12 5 of of ADP _005195846 12 6 the the DET _005195846 12 7 fourteenth fourteenth ADJ _005195846 12 8 and and CCONJ _005195846 12 9 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005195846 12 10 centuries century NOUN _005195846 12 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 12 12 various various ADJ _005195846 12 13 abuses abuse NOUN _005195846 12 14 among among ADP _005195846 12 15 the the DET _005195846 12 16 clergy clergy NOUN _005195846 12 17 and and CCONJ _005195846 12 18 laity laity NOUN _005195846 12 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 12 20 the the DET _005195846 12 21 great great ADJ _005195846 12 22 western western ADJ _005195846 12 23 schism schism NOUN _005195846 12 24 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 12 25 the the DET _005195846 12 26 councils council NOUN _005195846 12 27 of of ADP _005195846 12 28 constance constance NOUN _005195846 12 29 and and CCONJ _005195846 12 30 basle basle NOUN _005195846 12 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 12 32 the the DET _005195846 12 33 quarrels quarrel NOUN _005195846 12 34 of of ADP _005195846 12 35 the the DET _005195846 12 36 popes pope NOUN _005195846 12 37 with with ADP _005195846 12 38 the the DET _005195846 12 39 rulers ruler NOUN _005195846 12 40 of of ADP _005195846 12 41 different different ADJ _005195846 12 42 countries country NOUN _005195846 12 43 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 12 44 and and CCONJ _005195846 12 45 , , PUNCT _005195846 12 46 principally principally ADV _005195846 12 47 , , PUNCT _005195846 12 48 the the DET _005195846 12 49 character character NOUN _005195846 12 50 of of ADP _005195846 12 51 lutheranism lutheranism NOUN _005195846 12 52 which which PRON _005195846 12 53 favoured favour VERB _005195846 12 54 the the DET _005195846 12 55 passions passion NOUN _005195846 12 56 of of ADP _005195846 12 57 human human ADJ _005195846 12 58 nature nature NOUN _005195846 12 59 . . PUNCT _005195846 13 1 ii.—protestantism ii.—protestantism NOUN _005195846 13 2 in in ADP _005195846 13 3 germany germany PROPN _005195846 13 4 . . PUNCT _005195846 14 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 14 2 a a X _005195846 14 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 14 4 from from ADP _005195846 14 5 1517 1517 NUM _005195846 14 6 - - PUNCT _005195846 14 7 30.—rapid 30.—rapid PROPN _005195846 14 8 spread spread NOUN _005195846 14 9 of of ADP _005195846 14 10 lutheranism lutheranism NOUN _005195846 14 11 in in ADP _005195846 14 12 saxony saxony NOUN _005195846 14 13 , , PUNCT _005195846 14 14 owing owe VERB _005195846 14 15 to to ADP _005195846 14 16 the the DET _005195846 14 17 favour favour NOUN _005195846 14 18 of of ADP _005195846 14 19 the the DET _005195846 14 20 elector elector NOUN _005195846 14 21 frederick frederick PROPN _005195846 14 22 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 14 23 f f PROPN _005195846 14 24 1 1 NUM _005195846 14 25 525)—diet 525)—diet NUM _005195846 14 26 held hold VERB _005195846 14 27 at at ADP _005195846 14 28 spires spire NOUN _005195846 14 29 by by ADP _005195846 14 30 the the DET _005195846 14 31 emperor emperor NOUN _005195846 14 32 charles charles PROPN _005195846 14 33 y. y. PROPN _005195846 14 34 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 14 35 1519 1519 NUM _005195846 14 36 - - SYM _005195846 14 37 56 56 NUM _005195846 14 38 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 14 39 in in ADP _005195846 14 40 1529 1529 NUM _005195846 14 41 renews renew VERB _005195846 14 42 the the DET _005195846 14 43 edict edict NOUN _005195846 14 44 of of ADP _005195846 14 45 worms worm NOUN _005195846 14 46 against against ADP _005195846 14 47 luther luther NOUN _005195846 14 48 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 14 49 the the DET _005195846 14 50 lutheran lutheran ADJ _005195846 14 51 princes prince NOUN _005195846 14 52 protest protest VERB _005195846 14 53 — — PUNCT _005195846 14 54 the the DET _005195846 14 55 diet diet NOUN _005195846 14 56 of of ADP _005195846 14 57 augsburg augsburg PROPN _005195846 14 58 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 14 59 1530 1530 NUM _005195846 14 60 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 14 61 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 14 62 the the DET _005195846 14 63 confessio confessio ADJ _005195846 14 64 augustana augustana NOUN _005195846 14 65 drawn draw VERB _005195846 14 66 up up ADP _005195846 14 67 in in ADP _005195846 14 68 twenty twenty NUM _005195846 14 69 - - PUNCT _005195846 14 70 nine nine NUM _005195846 14 71 articles article NOUN _005195846 14 72 by by ADP _005195846 14 73 melancthon melancthon NOUN _005195846 14 74 , , PUNCT _005195846 14 75 and and CCONJ _005195846 14 76 approved approve VERB _005195846 14 77 by by ADP _005195846 14 78 luther luther NOUN _005195846 14 79 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 14 80 confutation confutation NOUN _005195846 14 81 drawn draw VERB _005195846 14 82 up up ADP _005195846 14 83 by by ADP _005195846 14 84 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 14 85 divines divine NOUN _005195846 14 86 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 14 87 recess recess NOUN _005195846 14 88 of of ADP _005195846 14 89 the the DET _005195846 14 90 diet diet NOUN _005195846 14 91 issued issue VERB _005195846 14 92 by by ADP _005195846 14 93 the the DET _005195846 14 94 emperor emperor NOUN _005195846 14 95 ordering order VERB _005195846 14 96 the the DET _005195846 14 97 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 14 98 to to PART _005195846 14 99 restore restore VERB _005195846 14 100 the the DET _005195846 14 101 church church NOUN _005195846 14 102 property property NOUN _005195846 14 103 they they PRON _005195846 14 104 had have AUX _005195846 14 105 seized seize VERB _005195846 14 106 . . PUNCT _005195846 15 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 15 2 b b PROPN _005195846 15 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 15 4 from from ADP _005195846 15 5 1530 1530 NUM _005195846 15 6 - - PUNCT _005195846 15 7 55.—the 55.—the NUM _005195846 15 8 league league NOUN _005195846 15 9 of of ADP _005195846 15 10 schmalkald schmalkald PROPN _005195846 15 11 formed form VERB _005195846 15 12 by by ADP _005195846 15 13 the the DET _005195846 15 14 protestant protestant ADJ _005195846 15 15 princes prince NOUN _005195846 15 16 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 15 17 1531 1531 NUM _005195846 15 18 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 15 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 15 20 and and CCONJ _005195846 15 21 the the DET _005195846 15 22 holy holy PROPN _005195846 15 23 league league PROPN _005195846 15 24 by by ADP _005195846 15 25 the the DET _005195846 15 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 15 27 princes prince NOUN _005195846 15 28 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 15 29 schmalkaldic schmalkaldic ADJ _005195846 15 30 war war NOUN _005195846 15 31 which which PRON _005195846 15 32 commenced commence VERB _005195846 15 33 in in ADP _005195846 15 34 1546 1546 NUM _005195846 15 35 terminated terminate VERB _005195846 15 36 by by ADP _005195846 15 37 the the DET _005195846 15 38 battle battle NOUN _005195846 15 39 of of ADP _005195846 15 40 miihlberg miihlberg PROPN _005195846 15 41 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 15 42 1547 1547 NUM _005195846 15 43 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 15 44 , , PUNCT _005195846 15 45 and and CCONJ _005195846 15 46 the the DET _005195846 15 47 religious religious ADJ _005195846 15 48 peace peace NOUN _005195846 15 49 of of ADP _005195846 15 50 passau passau PROPN _005195846 15 51 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 15 52 1552 1552 NUM _005195846 15 53 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 15 54 — — PUNCT _005195846 15 55 the the DET _005195846 15 56 religious religious ADJ _005195846 15 57 peace peace NOUN _005195846 15 58 of of ADP _005195846 15 59 augsburg augsburg NOUN _005195846 15 60 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 15 61 1555 1555 NUM _005195846 15 62 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 15 63 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 15 64 the the DET _005195846 15 65 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195846 15 66 reservation reservation NOUN _005195846 15 67 — — PUNCT _005195846 15 68 charles charles PROPN _005195846 15 69 v. v. PROPN _005195846 15 70 resigned resign VERB _005195846 15 71 the the DET _005195846 15 72 imperial imperial ADJ _005195846 15 73 crown crown NOUN _005195846 15 74 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 15 75 1556 1556 NUM _005195846 15 76 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 15 77 , , PUNCT _005195846 15 78 and and CCONJ _005195846 15 79 withdrew withdraw VERB _005195846 15 80 to to ADP _005195846 15 81 the the DET _005195846 15 82 hieronymite hieronymite ADJ _005195846 15 83 monastery monastery NOUN _005195846 15 84 of of ADP _005195846 15 85 st st PROPN _005195846 15 86 . . PROPN _005195846 15 87 justus justus PROPN _005195846 15 88 , , PUNCT _005195846 15 89 in in ADP _005195846 15 90 estramadura estramadura PROPN _005195846 15 91 , , PUNCT _005195846 15 92 where where SCONJ _005195846 15 93 he he PRON _005195846 15 94 died die VERB _005195846 15 95 in in ADP _005195846 15 96 1558 1558 NUM _005195846 15 97 . . PUNCT _005195846 16 1 3 3 NUM _005195846 16 2 \c \c PROPN _005195846 16 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 16 4 the the DET _005195846 16 5 thirty thirty NUM _005195846 16 6 years year NOUN _005195846 16 7 ’ ' PUNCT _005195846 16 8 war war NOUN _005195846 16 9 . . PUNCT _005195846 17 1 — — PUNCT _005195846 17 2 causes cause NOUN _005195846 17 3 and and CCONJ _005195846 17 4 immediate immediate ADJ _005195846 17 5 occasio'n occasio'n NOUN _005195846 17 6 of of ADP _005195846 17 7 the the DET _005195846 17 8 war war NOUN _005195846 17 9 — — PUNCT _005195846 17 10 its its PRON _005195846 17 11 history history NOUN _005195846 17 12 divided divide VERB _005195846 17 13 into into ADP _005195846 17 14 four four NUM _005195846 17 15 periods period NOUN _005195846 17 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 17 17 viz viz PROPN _005195846 17 18 . . PUNCT _005195846 18 1 : : PUNCT _005195846 18 2 — — PUNCT _005195846 18 3 1st 1st ADJ _005195846 18 4 period period NOUN _005195846 18 5 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 18 6 161£-20)—war 161£-20)—war PROPN _005195846 18 7 confined confine VERB _005195846 18 8 to to ADP _005195846 18 9 bohemia bohemia NOUN _005195846 18 10 — — PUNCT _005195846 18 11 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 18 12 defeated defeat VERB _005195846 18 13 at at ADP _005195846 18 14 the the DET _005195846 18 15 white white PROPN _005195846 18 16 mountain mountain NOUN _005195846 18 17 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 18 18 2nd 2nd ADJ _005195846 18 19 period period NOUN _005195846 18 20 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 18 21 1620 1620 NUM _005195846 18 22 - - SYM _005195846 18 23 29)—tilly 29)—tilly NUM _005195846 18 24 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 18 25 } } PUNCT _005195846 18 26 1632 1632 NUM _005195846 18 27 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 18 28 and and CCONJ _005195846 18 29 wallenstein wallenstein PROPN _005195846 18 30 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 18 31 f f PROPN _005195846 18 32 1634 1634 NUM _005195846 18 33 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 18 34 , , PUNCT _005195846 18 35 the the DET _005195846 18 36 great great ADJ _005195846 18 37 leaders leader NOUN _005195846 18 38 of of ADP _005195846 18 39 the the DET _005195846 18 40 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 18 41 — — PUNCT _005195846 18 42 the the DET _005195846 18 43 danes dane NOUN _005195846 18 44 under under ADP _005195846 18 45 christian christian PROPN _005195846 18 46 iv iv NOUN _005195846 18 47 . . PUNCT _005195846 19 1 assist assist VERB _005195846 19 2 german german ADJ _005195846 19 3 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 19 4 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 5 defeated defeat VERB _005195846 19 6 by by ADP _005195846 19 7 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 19 8 under under ADP _005195846 19 9 tilly tilly ADV _005195846 19 10 at at ADP _005195846 19 11 the the DET _005195846 19 12 battle battle NOUN _005195846 19 13 of of ADP _005195846 19 14 lutter lutter ADJ _005195846 19 15 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 16 1626)—treaty 1626)—treaty NUM _005195846 19 17 of of ADP _005195846 19 18 liibeck liibeck PROPN _005195846 19 19 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 20 1629 1629 NUM _005195846 19 21 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 19 22 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 19 23 3rd 3rd ADJ _005195846 19 24 period period NOUN _005195846 19 25 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 26 1630 1630 NUM _005195846 19 27 - - SYM _005195846 19 28 35)—gustavus 35)—gustavus NUM _005195846 19 29 adolphus adolphu NOUN _005195846 19 30 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 31 king king NOUN _005195846 19 32 of of ADP _005195846 19 33 sweden sweden PROPN _005195846 19 34 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 35 and and CCONJ _005195846 19 36 the the DET _005195846 19 37 french french ADJ _005195846 19 38 assist assist VERB _005195846 19 39 the the DET _005195846 19 40 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 19 41 — — PUNCT _005195846 19 42 tilly tilly ADV _005195846 19 43 mortally mortally ADV _005195846 19 44 wounded wound VERB _005195846 19 45 at at ADP _005195846 19 46 the the DET _005195846 19 47 battle battle NOUN _005195846 19 48 of of ADP _005195846 19 49 the the DET _005195846 19 50 leek leek NOUN _005195846 19 51 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 52 1632 1632 NUM _005195846 19 53 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 19 54 — — PUNCT _005195846 19 55 gustavus gustavus PROPN _005195846 19 56 adolphus adolphus PROPN _005195846 19 57 slain slay VERB _005195846 19 58 at at ADP _005195846 19 59 the the DET _005195846 19 60 battle battle NOUN _005195846 19 61 of of ADP _005195846 19 62 liitzen liitzen NOUN _005195846 19 63 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 64 1632 1632 NUM _005195846 19 65 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 19 66 — — PUNCT _005195846 19 67 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 19 68 defeated defeat VERB _005195846 19 69 at at ADP _005195846 19 70 nordlingen nordlingen NOUN _005195846 19 71 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 72 1634)—peace 1634)—peace NOUN _005195846 19 73 of of ADP _005195846 19 74 prague prague PROPN _005195846 19 75 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 76 1635 1635 NUM _005195846 19 77 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 19 78 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 19 79 4th 4th ADJ _005195846 19 80 period period NOUN _005195846 19 81 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 19 82 1635 1635 NUM _005195846 19 83 - - SYM _005195846 19 84 48 48 NUM _005195846 19 85 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 19 86 — — PUNCT _005195846 19 87 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 19 88 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 89 encouraged encouraged ADJ _005195846 19 90 and and CCONJ _005195846 19 91 assisted assist VERB _005195846 19 92 by by ADP _005195846 19 93 france france PROPN _005195846 19 94 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 95 renew renew VERB _005195846 19 96 the the DET _005195846 19 97 struggle struggle NOUN _005195846 19 98 — — PUNCT _005195846 19 99 this this DET _005195846 19 100 period period NOUN _005195846 19 101 of of ADP _005195846 19 102 the the DET _005195846 19 103 war war NOUN _005195846 19 104 purely purely ADV _005195846 19 105 political political ADJ _005195846 19 106 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 107 as as SCONJ _005195846 19 108 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 19 109 and and CCONJ _005195846 19 110 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 19 111 fought fight VERB _005195846 19 112 on on ADP _005195846 19 113 both both DET _005195846 19 114 sides side NOUN _005195846 19 115 — — PUNCT _005195846 19 116 negotiations negotiation NOUN _005195846 19 117 opened open VERB _005195846 19 118 between between ADP _005195846 19 119 the the DET _005195846 19 120 rival rival ADJ _005195846 19 121 parties party NOUN _005195846 19 122 at at ADP _005195846 19 123 munster munster NOUN _005195846 19 124 and and CCONJ _005195846 19 125 osnabriick osnabriick NOUN _005195846 19 126 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 127 in in ADP _005195846 19 128 westphalia westphalia PROPN _005195846 19 129 — — PUNCT _005195846 19 130 the the DET _005195846 19 131 treaty treaty NOUN _005195846 19 132 of of ADP _005195846 19 133 westphalia westphalia PROPN _005195846 19 134 concluded conclude VERB _005195846 19 135 ^1648 ^1648 SPACE _005195846 19 136 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 19 137 , , PUNCT _005195846 19 138 which which PRON _005195846 19 139 sanctioned sanction VERB _005195846 19 140 the the DET _005195846 19 141 secularization secularization NOUN _005195846 19 142 of of ADP _005195846 19 143 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195846 19 144 property property NOUN _005195846 19 145 . . PUNCT _005195846 20 1 iii iii PROPN _005195846 20 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 20 3 — — PUNCT _005195846 20 4 the the DET _005195846 20 5 reformation reformation NOUN _005195846 20 6 in in ADP _005195846 20 7 switzerland switzerland PROPN _005195846 20 8 . . PUNCT _005195846 21 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 2 a a X _005195846 21 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 4 zwinglius zwinglius NOUN _005195846 21 5 and and CCONJ _005195846 21 6 oecolampadius.—they oecolampadius.—they PRON _005195846 21 7 first first ADV _005195846 21 8 preach preach VERB _005195846 21 9 the the DET _005195846 21 10 errors error NOUN _005195846 21 11 of of ADP _005195846 21 12 the the DET _005195846 21 13 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 21 14 in in ADP _005195846 21 15 switzerland switzerland NOUN _005195846 21 16 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 21 17 zwinglius zwinglius NOUN _005195846 21 18 born bear VERB _005195846 21 19 at at ADP _005195846 21 20 wildnaus wildnaus PROPN _005195846 21 21 in in ADP _005195846 21 22 1484 1484 NUM _005195846 21 23 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 21 24 becomes become VERB _005195846 21 25 parish parish ADJ _005195846 21 26 priest priest NOUN _005195846 21 27 of of ADP _005195846 21 28 glarus glarus PROPN _005195846 21 29 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 30 1505 1505 NUM _005195846 21 31 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 32 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 21 33 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 21 34 preacher preacher ADV _005195846 21 35 at at ADP _005195846 21 36 enseideln enseideln NOUN _005195846 21 37 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 38 1516 1516 NUM _005195846 21 39 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 40 — — PUNCT _005195846 21 41 preaches preach VERB _005195846 21 42 the the DET _005195846 21 43 errors error NOUN _005195846 21 44 of of ADP _005195846 21 45 the the DET _005195846 21 46 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 21 47 at at ADP _005195846 21 48 zurich zurich PROPN _005195846 21 49 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 50 1520 1520 NUM _005195846 21 51 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 52 — — PUNCT _005195846 21 53 oecolampadius oecolampadius ADJ _005195846 21 54 preaches preach VERB _005195846 21 55 protestantism protestantism NOUN _005195846 21 56 at at ADP _005195846 21 57 basle basle NOUN _005195846 21 58 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 59 1524 1524 NUM _005195846 21 60 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 61 — — PUNCT _005195846 21 62 public public ADJ _005195846 21 63 disputation disputation NOUN _005195846 21 64 held hold VERB _005195846 21 65 at at ADP _005195846 21 66 baden baden PROPN _005195846 21 67 between between ADP _005195846 21 68 dr dr PROPN _005195846 21 69 . . PROPN _005195846 21 70 eck eck PROPN _005195846 21 71 and and CCONJ _005195846 21 72 oecolampadius oecolampadius PROPN _005195846 21 73 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 74 1526 1526 NUM _005195846 21 75 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 76 — — PUNCT _005195846 21 77 the the DET _005195846 21 78 spread spread NOUN _005195846 21 79 of of ADP _005195846 21 80 protestantism protestantism NOUN _005195846 21 81 facilitated facilitate VERB _005195846 21 82 by by ADP _005195846 21 83 the the DET _005195846 21 84 number number NOUN _005195846 21 85 of of ADP _005195846 21 86 sectaries sectary NOUN _005195846 21 87 in in ADP _005195846 21 88 switzerland switzerland PROPN _005195846 21 89 and and CCONJ _005195846 21 90 y y PROPN _005195846 21 91 4 4 NUM _005195846 21 92 by by ADP _005195846 21 93 the the DET _005195846 21 94 diocesan diocesan ADJ _005195846 21 95 division division NOUN _005195846 21 96 of of ADP _005195846 21 97 the the DET _005195846 21 98 country country NOUN _005195846 21 99 — — PUNCT _005195846 21 100 civil civil ADJ _005195846 21 101 war war NOUN _005195846 21 102 breaks break VERB _005195846 21 103 out out ADP _005195846 21 104 between between ADP _005195846 21 105 the the DET _005195846 21 106 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 21 107 and and CCONJ _005195846 21 108 protestant protestant ADJ _005195846 21 109 cantons canton NOUN _005195846 21 110 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 111 1529 1529 NUM _005195846 21 112 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 113 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 21 114 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 115 defeat defeat NOUN _005195846 21 116 of of ADP _005195846 21 117 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 21 118 and and CCONJ _005195846 21 119 death death NOUN _005195846 21 120 of of ADP _005195846 21 121 zwinglius zwinglius NOUN _005195846 21 122 at at ADP _005195846 21 123 the the DET _005195846 21 124 battle battle NOUN _005195846 21 125 of of ADP _005195846 21 126 cappel cappel NOUN _005195846 21 127 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 21 128 1531 1531 NUM _005195846 21 129 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 21 130 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 21 131 freedom freedom NOUN _005195846 21 132 of of ADP _005195846 21 133 religious religious ADJ _005195846 21 134 worship worship NOUN _005195846 21 135 granted grant VERB _005195846 21 136 in in ADP _005195846 21 137 each each DET _005195846 21 138 canton canton PROPN _005195846 21 139 . . PUNCT _005195846 22 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 22 2 b b X _005195846 22 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 22 4 calvin.—labours calvin.—labour NOUN _005195846 22 5 of of ADP _005195846 22 6 zwinglius zwinglius NOUN _005195846 22 7 and and CCONJ _005195846 22 8 oecolampadius oecolampadius ADV _005195846 22 9 continued continue VERB _005195846 22 10 by by ADP _005195846 22 11 john john PROPN _005195846 22 12 calvin calvin PROPN _005195846 22 13 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 14 born bear VERB _005195846 22 15 at at ADP _005195846 22 16 noyon noyon NOUN _005195846 22 17 in in ADP _005195846 22 18 picardy picardy PROPN _005195846 22 19 j j PROPN _005195846 22 20 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 22 21 1509)—educated 1509)—educated NUM _005195846 22 22 at at ADP _005195846 22 23 paris paris PROPN _005195846 22 24 , , PUNCT _005195846 22 25 orleans orleans PROPN _005195846 22 26 , , PUNCT _005195846 22 27 and and CCONJ _005195846 22 28 bourges bourge NOUN _005195846 22 29 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 30 in in ADP _005195846 22 31 lastmentioned lastmentione VERB _005195846 22 32 place place NOUN _005195846 22 33 studied study VERB _005195846 22 34 under under ADP _005195846 22 35 a a DET _005195846 22 36 lutheran lutheran NOUN _005195846 22 37 named name VERB _005195846 22 38 melchior melchior PROPN _005195846 22 39 wolmar wolmar PROPN _005195846 22 40 , , PUNCT _005195846 22 41 from from ADP _005195846 22 42 whom whom PRON _005195846 22 43 he he PRON _005195846 22 44 learned learn VERB _005195846 22 45 the the DET _005195846 22 46 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195846 22 47 of of ADP _005195846 22 48 the the DET _005195846 22 49 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 22 50 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 51 joins join VERB _005195846 22 52 the the DET _005195846 22 53 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 22 54 at at ADP _005195846 22 55 paris paris PROPN _005195846 22 56 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 22 57 1533)—forced 1533)—forced PROPN _005195846 22 58 to to PART _005195846 22 59 leave leave VERB _005195846 22 60 france france PROPN _005195846 22 61 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 62 takes take VERB _005195846 22 63 up up ADP _005195846 22 64 his his PRON _005195846 22 65 residence residence NOUN _005195846 22 66 at at ADP _005195846 22 67 basle basle NOUN _005195846 22 68 , , PUNCT _005195846 22 69 where where SCONJ _005195846 22 70 he he PRON _005195846 22 71 wrote write VERB _005195846 22 72 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 22 73 1535 1535 NUM _005195846 22 74 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 22 75 his his PRON _005195846 22 76 work work NOUN _005195846 22 77 on on ADP _005195846 22 78 the the DET _005195846 22 79 institutes institute NOUN _005195846 22 80 of of ADP _005195846 22 81 the the DET _005195846 22 82 christian christian ADJ _005195846 22 83 religion religion NOUN _005195846 22 84 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 85 on on ADP _005195846 22 86 returning return VERB _005195846 22 87 from from ADP _005195846 22 88 italy italy PROPN _005195846 22 89 settles settle VERB _005195846 22 90 down down ADP _005195846 22 91 at at ADP _005195846 22 92 geneva geneva PROPN _005195846 22 93 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 22 94 1536)—forced 1536)—force VERB _005195846 22 95 to to PART _005195846 22 96 fly fly VERB _005195846 22 97 from from ADP _005195846 22 98 the the DET _005195846 22 99 city city NOUN _005195846 22 100 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 22 101 1538 1538 NUM _005195846 22 102 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 22 103 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 104 recalled recall VERB _005195846 22 105 q541)—his q541)—his DET _005195846 22 106 religious religious ADJ _005195846 22 107 and and CCONJ _005195846 22 108 political political ADJ _005195846 22 109 sway sway NOUN _005195846 22 110 at at ADP _005195846 22 111 geneva geneva PROPN _005195846 22 112 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 22 113 1541 1541 NUM _005195846 22 114 - - SYM _005195846 22 115 64)—his 64)—his NUM _005195846 22 116 strict strict ADJ _005195846 22 117 code code NOUN _005195846 22 118 of of ADP _005195846 22 119 public public ADJ _005195846 22 120 discipline discipline NOUN _005195846 22 121 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 122 his his PRON _005195846 22 123 severity severity NOUN _005195846 22 124 towards towards ADP _005195846 22 125 his his PRON _005195846 22 126 opponents opponent NOUN _005195846 22 127 — — PUNCT _005195846 22 128 his his PRON _005195846 22 129 teaching teaching NOUN _005195846 22 130 about about ADP _005195846 22 131 absolute absolute ADJ _005195846 22 132 predestination predestination NOUN _005195846 22 133 . . PUNCT _005195846 23 1 iv.—protestantism iv.—protestantism NOUN _005195846 23 2 in in ADP _005195846 23 3 france france PROPN _005195846 23 4 . . PUNCT _005195846 24 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 24 2 a a X _005195846 24 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 24 4 introduction introduction NOUN _005195846 24 5 of of ADP _005195846 24 6 protestantism.—first protestantism.—first PROPN _005195846 24 7 protestant protestant ADJ _005195846 24 8 community community NOUN _005195846 24 9 in in ADP _005195846 24 10 france france PROPN _005195846 24 11 organized organize VERB _005195846 24 12 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 13 at at ADP _005195846 24 14 meaux meaux PROPN _005195846 24 15 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 16 by by ADP _005195846 24 17 william william PROPN _005195846 24 18 farel farel PROPN _005195846 24 19 — — PUNCT _005195846 24 20 the the DET _005195846 24 21 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 24 22 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 23 favoured favour VERB _005195846 24 24 by by ADP _005195846 24 25 margaret margaret PROPN _005195846 24 26 of of ADP _005195846 24 27 valois valois PROPN _005195846 24 28 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 29 the the DET _005195846 24 30 king king NOUN _005195846 24 31 's 's PART _005195846 24 32 sister sister NOUN _005195846 24 33 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 34 madame madame NOUN _005195846 24 35 etampes etampe NOUN _005195846 24 36 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 37 the the DET _005195846 24 38 king king NOUN _005195846 24 39 ’s ’s PART _005195846 24 40 mistress mistress NOUN _005195846 24 41 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 42 & & CCONJ _005195846 24 43 c. c. PROPN _005195846 24 44 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 45 become become VERB _005195846 24 46 aggressive aggressive ADJ _005195846 24 47 — — PUNCT _005195846 24 48 edict edict NOUN _005195846 24 49 issued issue VERB _005195846 24 50 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 24 51 1534 1534 NUM _005195846 24 52 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 24 53 against against ADP _005195846 24 54 them they PRON _005195846 24 55 by by ADP _005195846 24 56 francis francis PROPN _005195846 24 57 i. i. PROPN _005195846 24 58 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 24 59 1515 1515 NUM _005195846 24 60 - - SYM _005195846 24 61 47)—the 47)—the NUM _005195846 24 62 errors error NOUN _005195846 24 63 of of ADP _005195846 24 64 the the DET _005195846 24 65 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 24 66 continue continue VERB _005195846 24 67 to to PART _005195846 24 68 spread spread VERB _005195846 24 69 — — PUNCT _005195846 24 70 the the DET _005195846 24 71 huguenots huguenot NOUN _005195846 24 72 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 73 as as SCONJ _005195846 24 74 the the DET _005195846 24 75 french french ADJ _005195846 24 76 protestants protestant NOUN _005195846 24 77 were be AUX _005195846 24 78 called call VERB _005195846 24 79 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 80 hold hold VERB _005195846 24 81 a a DET _005195846 24 82 national national ADJ _005195846 24 83 synod synod NOUN _005195846 24 84 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 24 85 1559 1559 NUM _005195846 24 86 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 24 87 at at ADP _005195846 24 88 paris paris PROPN _005195846 24 89 , , PUNCT _005195846 24 90 in in ADP _005195846 24 91 which which PRON _005195846 24 92 a a DET _005195846 24 93 calvinistic calvinistic ADJ _005195846 24 94 profession profession NOUN _005195846 24 95 of of ADP _005195846 24 96 faith faith NOUN _005195846 24 97 is be AUX _005195846 24 98 adopted adopt VERB _005195846 24 99 . . PUNCT _005195846 25 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 2 b b PROPN _005195846 25 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 4 civil civil ADJ _005195846 25 5 wars.—the wars.—the DET _005195846 25 6 aggressiveness aggressiveness NOUN _005195846 25 7 and and CCONJ _005195846 25 8 cruelty cruelty NOUN _005195846 25 9 of of ADP _005195846 25 10 the the DET _005195846 25 11 huguenots huguenot NOUN _005195846 25 12 give give VERB _005195846 25 13 rise rise NOUN _005195846 25 14 to to ADP _005195846 25 15 the the DET _005195846 25 16 civil civil ADJ _005195846 25 17 wars war NOUN _005195846 25 18 which which PRON _005195846 25 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 20 with with ADP _005195846 25 21 some some DET _005195846 25 22 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 23 0 0 NUM _005195846 25 24 intervals interval NOUN _005195846 25 25 of of ADP _005195846 25 26 peace peace NOUN _005195846 25 27 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 28 continued continue VERB _005195846 25 29 to to PART _005195846 25 30 distract distract VERB _005195846 25 31 france france PROPN _005195846 25 32 for for ADP _005195846 25 33 nearly nearly ADV _005195846 25 34 seventy seventy NUM _005195846 25 35 years year NOUN _005195846 25 36 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 37 1562 1562 NUM _005195846 25 38 - - SYM _005195846 25 39 1628)—the 1628)—the NUM _005195846 25 40 prince prince NOUN _005195846 25 41 of of ADP _005195846 25 42 conde conde PROPN _005195846 25 43 and and CCONJ _005195846 25 44 admiral admiral ADJ _005195846 25 45 coligny coligny NOUN _005195846 25 46 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 47 leaders leader NOUN _005195846 25 48 of of ADP _005195846 25 49 the the DET _005195846 25 50 huguenots huguenot NOUN _005195846 25 51 — — PUNCT _005195846 25 52 the the DET _005195846 25 53 massacre|co massacre|co NOUN _005195846 25 54 of of ADP _005195846 25 55 vassy vassy NOUN _005195846 25 56 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 57 1562 1562 NUM _005195846 25 58 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 59 the the DET _005195846 25 60 immediate immediate ADJ _005195846 25 61 occasion occasion NOUN _005195846 25 62 of of ADP _005195846 25 63 hostilities hostility NOUN _005195846 25 64 — — PUNCT _005195846 25 65 ’ ' PUNCT _005195846 25 66 massacre massacre NOUN _005195846 25 67 of of ADP _005195846 25 68 st st PROPN _005195846 25 69 . . PROPN _005195846 25 70 bartholomew bartholomew PROPN _005195846 25 71 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 72 1572 1572 NUM _005195846 25 73 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 74 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 25 75 the the DET _005195846 25 76 te te PROPN _005195846 25 77 deum deum NOUN _005195846 25 78 sung sing VERB _005195846 25 79 at at ADP _005195846 25 80 rome rome PROPN _005195846 25 81 by by ADP _005195846 25 82 order order NOUN _005195846 25 83 of of ADP _005195846 25 84 gregory gregory ADJ _005195846 25 85 xiii.—accession xiii.—accession PROPN _005195846 25 86 of of ADP _005195846 25 87 henry henry PROPN _005195846 25 88 of of ADP _005195846 25 89 navarre navarre PROPN _005195846 25 90 to to ADP _005195846 25 91 the the DET _005195846 25 92 french french ADJ _005195846 25 93 throne throne NOUN _005195846 25 94 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 95 1589 1589 NUM _005195846 25 96 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 97 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 25 98 he he PRON _005195846 25 99 embraces embrace VERB _005195846 25 100 the the DET _005195846 25 101 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 25 102 faith faith NOUN _005195846 25 103 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 104 1593 1593 NUM _005195846 25 105 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 106 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 107 he he PRON _005195846 25 108 issues issue VERB _005195846 25 109 the the DET _005195846 25 110 edict edict NOUN _005195846 25 111 of of ADP _005195846 25 112 nantes nante NOUN _005195846 25 113 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 114 1598 1598 NUM _005195846 25 115 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 116 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 117 granting grant VERB _005195846 25 118 freedom freedom NOUN _005195846 25 119 to to PART _005195846 25 120 worship worship VERB _005195846 25 121 and and CCONJ _005195846 25 122 religious religious ADJ _005195846 25 123 equality equality NOUN _005195846 25 124 to to ADP _005195846 25 125 the the DET _005195846 25 126 huguenots huguenot NOUN _005195846 25 127 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 25 128 murdered murder VERB _005195846 25 129 by by ADP _005195846 25 130 ravaillac ravaillac PROPN _005195846 25 131 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 132 1610)—la 1610)—la NUM _005195846 25 133 rochelle rochelle NOUN _005195846 25 134 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 135 the the DET _005195846 25 136 last last ADJ _005195846 25 137 of of ADP _005195846 25 138 the the DET _005195846 25 139 huguenot huguenot ADJ _005195846 25 140 strongholds stronghold NOUN _005195846 25 141 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 142 taken take VERB _005195846 25 143 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 144 1628 1628 NUM _005195846 25 145 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 146 by by ADP _005195846 25 147 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195846 25 148 richelieu richelieu NOUN _005195846 25 149 , , PUNCT _005195846 25 150 prime prime ADJ _005195846 25 151 minister minister NOUN _005195846 25 152 of of ADP _005195846 25 153 france france PROPN _005195846 25 154 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 155 1624 1624 NUM _005195846 25 156 - - SYM _005195846 25 157 42 42 NUM _005195846 25 158 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 159 — — PUNCT _005195846 25 160 edict edict NOUN _005195846 25 161 of of ADP _005195846 25 162 nantes nantes PROPN _005195846 25 163 revoked revoke VERB _005195846 25 164 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 25 165 1385 1385 NUM _005195846 25 166 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 25 167 by by ADP _005195846 25 168 louis louis PROPN _005195846 25 169 xiv xiv PROPN _005195846 25 170 . . PUNCT _005195846 26 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 26 2 16431715 16431715 NUM _005195846 26 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 26 4 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 26 5 thousands thousand NOUN _005195846 26 6 of of ADP _005195846 26 7 the the DET _005195846 26 8 huguenots huguenot NOUN _005195846 26 9 go go VERB _005195846 26 10 into into ADP _005195846 26 11 exile exile NOUN _005195846 26 12 . . PUNCT _005195846 27 1 v. v. ADP _005195846 27 2 — — PUNCT _005195846 27 3 protestantism protestantism NOUN _005195846 27 4 in in ADP _005195846 27 5 england england PROPN _005195846 27 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 28 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 28 2 a a X _005195846 28 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 28 4 henry henry NOUN _005195846 28 5 till till SCONJ _005195846 28 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 29 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 29 2 1509 1509 NUM _005195846 29 3 - - SYM _005195846 29 4 47).—he 47).—he NUM _005195846 29 5 writes write VERB _005195846 29 6 a a DET _005195846 29 7 defence defence NOUN _005195846 29 8 of of ADP _005195846 29 9 the the DET _005195846 29 10 seven seven NUM _005195846 29 11 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195846 29 12 against against ADP _005195846 29 13 luther luther NOUN _005195846 29 14 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 29 15 1520)—wolsey 1520)—wolsey PROPN _005195846 29 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 29 17 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 29 18 of of ADP _005195846 29 19 york york PROPN _005195846 29 20 and and CCONJ _005195846 29 21 lord lord PROPN _005195846 29 22 chancellor chancellor PROPN _005195846 29 23 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 29 24 1513 1513 NUM _005195846 29 25 - - SYM _005195846 29 26 29 29 NUM _005195846 29 27 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 29 28 — — PUNCT _005195846 29 29 henry henry PROPN _005195846 29 30 applies apply VERB _005195846 29 31 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 29 32 1527 1527 NUM _005195846 29 33 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 29 34 to to PART _005195846 29 35 clement clement VERB _005195846 29 36 vii vii ADV _005195846 29 37 . . PUNCT _005195846 30 1 for for ADP _005195846 30 2 a a DET _005195846 30 3 divorce divorce NOUN _005195846 30 4 from from ADP _005195846 30 5 catherine catherine NOUN _005195846 30 6 of of ADP _005195846 30 7 aragon aragon PROPN _005195846 30 8 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 9 whom whom PRON _005195846 30 10 he he PRON _005195846 30 11 married marry VERB _005195846 30 12 in in ADP _005195846 30 13 1503 1503 NUM _005195846 30 14 — — PUNCT _005195846 30 15 wolsey wolsey NOUN _005195846 30 16 succeeded succeed VERB _005195846 30 17 by by ADP _005195846 30 18 sir sir PROPN _005195846 30 19 thomas thomas PROPN _005195846 30 20 more more ADV _005195846 30 21 as as ADP _005195846 30 22 lord lord PROPN _005195846 30 23 chancellor chancellor PROPN _005195846 30 24 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 30 25 the the DET _005195846 30 26 latter latter NOUN _005195846 30 27 succeeded succeed VERB _005195846 30 28 by by ADP _005195846 30 29 thomas thomas PROPN _005195846 30 30 cromwell cromwell PROPN _005195846 30 31 in in ADP _005195846 30 32 1532 1532 NUM _005195846 30 33 — — PUNCT _005195846 30 34 henry henry PROPN _005195846 30 35 marries marry VERB _005195846 30 36 anne anne PROPN _005195846 30 37 boleyn boleyn PROPN _005195846 30 38 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 39 1533)—thomas 1533)—thomas NUM _005195846 30 40 cranmer cranmer NOUN _005195846 30 41 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 42 recently recently ADV _005195846 30 43 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 30 44 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 30 45 of of ADP _005195846 30 46 canterbury canterbury PROPN _005195846 30 47 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 48 pronounces pronounce VERB _005195846 30 49 the the DET _005195846 30 50 king king NOUN _005195846 30 51 ’s ’s PART _005195846 30 52 first first ADJ _005195846 30 53 marriage marriage NOUN _005195846 30 54 invalid invalid ADJ _005195846 30 55 — — PUNCT _005195846 30 56 cranmer cranmer PROPN _005195846 30 57 ’s ’s PART _005195846 30 58 decision decision NOUN _005195846 30 59 reversed reverse VERB _005195846 30 60 by by ADP _005195846 30 61 the the DET _005195846 30 62 holy holy ADJ _005195846 30 63 see see NOUN _005195846 30 64 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 65 1534 1534 NUM _005195846 30 66 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 30 67 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 30 68 open open ADJ _005195846 30 69 rupture rupture NOUN _005195846 30 70 between between ADP _005195846 30 71 henry henry PROPN _005195846 30 72 and and CCONJ _005195846 30 73 rome rome PROPN _005195846 30 74 — — PUNCT _005195846 30 75 acts act NOUN _005195846 30 76 passed pass VERB _005195846 30 77 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 78 1534 1534 NUM _005195846 30 79 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 30 80 by by ADP _005195846 30 81 english english ADJ _005195846 30 82 parliament parliament NOUN _005195846 30 83 abolishing abolish VERB _005195846 30 84 papal papal ADJ _005195846 30 85 supremacy supremacy NOUN _005195846 30 86 in in ADP _005195846 30 87 england england PROPN _005195846 30 88 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 89 declaring declare VERB _005195846 30 90 henry henry VERB _005195846 30 91 the the DET _005195846 30 92 plead plead NOUN _005195846 30 93 of of ADP _005195846 30 94 the the DET _005195846 30 95 english english ADJ _005195846 30 96 church church NOUN _005195846 30 97 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 98 and and CCONJ _005195846 30 99 pronouncing pronounce VERB _005195846 30 100 his his PRON _005195846 30 101 second second ADJ _005195846 30 102 marriage marriage NOUN _005195846 30 103 valid valid ADJ _005195846 30 104 — — PUNCT _005195846 30 105 martyrdom martyrdom NOUN _005195846 30 106 of of ADP _005195846 30 107 sir sir PROPN _005195846 30 108 thomas thomas PROPN _005195846 30 109 more more ADV _005195846 30 110 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 111 bishop bishop PROPN _005195846 30 112 fisher fisher PROPN _005195846 30 113 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 114 1535 1535 NUM _005195846 30 115 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 30 116 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 117 the the DET _005195846 30 118 countess countess NOUN _005195846 30 119 of of ADP _005195846 30 120 salisbury salisbury NOUN _005195846 30 121 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 122 1541 1541 NUM _005195846 30 123 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 30 124 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 125 < < X _005195846 30 126 £ £ PROPN _005195846 30 127 c. c. PROPN _005195846 30 128 — — PUNCT _005195846 30 129 6 6 NUM _005195846 30 130 execution execution NOUN _005195846 30 131 of of ADP _005195846 30 132 anne anne PROPN _005195846 30 133 boleyn boleyn PROPN _005195846 30 134 , , PUNCT _005195846 30 135 and and CCONJ _005195846 30 136 the the DET _005195846 30 137 king king NOUN _005195846 30 138 ’s ’s PART _005195846 30 139 marriage marriage NOUN _005195846 30 140 to to PART _005195846 30 141 jane jane VERB _005195846 30 142 seymour seymour ADJ _005195846 30 143 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 144 1536 1536 NUM _005195846 30 145 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 30 146 — — PUNCT _005195846 30 147 suppression suppression NOUN _005195846 30 148 of of ADP _005195846 30 149 monasteries monastery NOUN _005195846 30 150 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 151 1536 1536 NUM _005195846 30 152 - - SYM _005195846 30 153 39)—act 39)—act NUM _005195846 30 154 of of ADP _005195846 30 155 uniformity uniformity NOUN _005195846 30 156 passed pass VERB _005195846 30 157 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 30 158 1539 1539 NUM _005195846 30 159 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 30 160 approving approve VERB _005195846 30 161 the the DET _005195846 30 162 \bloody \bloody NOUN _005195846 30 163 six six NUM _005195846 30 164 articles article NOUN _005195846 30 165 . . PUNCT _005195846 31 1 i i PRON _005195846 31 2 * * PROPN _005195846 31 3 edward edward PROPN _005195846 31 4 vi vi PROPN _005195846 31 5 . . PUNCT _005195846 32 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 32 2 1547 1547 NUM _005195846 32 3 - - SYM _005195846 32 4 53).—edward 53).—edward NUM _005195846 32 5 , , PUNCT _005195846 32 6 the the DET _005195846 32 7 son son NOUN _005195846 32 8 of of ADP _005195846 32 9 henry henry NOUN _005195846 32 10 , , PUNCT _005195846 32 11 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 32 12 tby tby PROPN _005195846 32 13 jane jane NOUN _005195846 32 14 seymour seymour ADJ _005195846 32 15 , , PUNCT _005195846 32 16 succeeds succeed VERB _005195846 32 17 to to ADP _005195846 32 18 the the DET _005195846 32 19 crown crown NOUN _005195846 32 20 at at ADP _005195846 32 21 the the DET _005195846 32 22 early early ADJ _005195846 32 23 of of ADP _005195846 32 24 nine nine NUM _005195846 32 25 — — PUNCT _005195846 32 26 edward edward NOUN _005195846 32 27 seymour seymour ADV _005195846 32 28 who who PRON _005195846 32 29 was be AUX _005195846 32 30 a a DET _005195846 32 31 lutheran lutheran NOUN _005195846 32 32 , , PUNCT _005195846 32 33 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 32 34 lord lord PROPN _005195846 32 35 protector protector NOUN _005195846 32 36 of of ADP _005195846 32 37 the the DET _005195846 32 38 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005195846 32 39 during during ADP _005195846 32 40 the the DET _005195846 32 41 king king NOUN _005195846 32 42 ’s ’s PART _005195846 32 43 minority minority NOUN _005195846 32 44 — — PUNCT _005195846 32 45 the the DET _005195846 32 46 first first ADJ _005195846 32 47 book book NOUN _005195846 32 48 of of ADP _005195846 32 49 common common ADJ _005195846 32 50 prayer prayer NOUN _005195846 32 51 compiled compile VERB _005195846 32 52 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 32 53 1548 1548 NUM _005195846 32 54 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 32 55 by by ADP _005195846 32 56 cranmer cranmer PROPN _005195846 32 57 , , PUNCT _005195846 32 58 ridley ridley PROPN _005195846 32 59 , , PUNCT _005195846 32 60 & & CCONJ _005195846 32 61 c.—the c.—the PROPN _005195846 32 62 second second ADJ _005195846 32 63 book book NOUN _005195846 32 64 of of ADP _005195846 32 65 common common ADJ _005195846 32 66 prayer prayer NOUN _005195846 32 67 appears appear VERB _005195846 32 68 in in ADP _005195846 32 69 1552 1552 NUM _005195846 32 70 . . PUNCT _005195846 33 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 33 2 c c PROPN _005195846 33 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 33 4 mary mary PROPN _005195846 33 5 i. i. PROPN _005195846 33 6 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 33 7 1553 1553 NUM _005195846 33 8 - - SYM _005195846 33 9 8).—the 8).—the NOUN _005195846 33 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 33 11 religion religion NOUN _005195846 33 12 restored restore VERB _005195846 33 13 — — PUNCT _005195846 33 14 death death NOUN _005195846 33 15 of of ADP _005195846 33 16 lady lady NOUN _005195846 33 17 jane jane PROPN _005195846 33 18 gray gray NOUN _005195846 33 19 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 33 20 1554)—cranmer 1554)—cranmer NUM _005195846 33 21 , , PUNCT _005195846 33 22 ridley ridley NOUN _005195846 33 23 , , PUNCT _005195846 33 24 latimer latimer PROPN _005195846 33 25 , , PUNCT _005195846 33 26 & & CCONJ _005195846 33 27 c. c. PROPN _005195846 33 28 , , PUNCT _005195846 33 29 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 33 30 to to ADP _005195846 33 31 death death NOUN _005195846 33 32 . . PUNCT _005195846 34 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 34 2 d d X _005195846 34 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 34 4 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005195846 34 5 u558 u558 PROPN _005195846 34 6 - - SYM _005195846 34 7 1 1 NUM _005195846 34 8 603).—protestantism 603).—protestantism NUM _005195846 34 9 re re VERB _005195846 34 10 - - VERB _005195846 34 11 established establish VERB _005195846 34 12 and and CCONJ _005195846 34 13 the the DET _005195846 34 14 penal penal ADJ _005195846 34 15 statutes statute NOUN _005195846 34 16 of of ADP _005195846 34 17 henry henry PROPN _005195846 34 18 viii viii PROPN _005195846 34 19 . . PUNCT _005195846 35 1 and and CCONJ _005195846 35 2 edward edward PROPN _005195846 35 3 vi vi PROPN _005195846 35 4 . . PROPN _005195846 35 5 against against ADP _005195846 35 6 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 35 7 revived revive VERB _005195846 35 8 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 35 9 1559)—all 1559)—all NUM _005195846 35 10 the the DET _005195846 35 11 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 35 12 except except SCONJ _005195846 35 13 \ \ PROPN _005195846 35 14 kitchin kitchin NOUN _005195846 35 15 of of ADP _005195846 35 16 landafl landafl PROPN _005195846 35 17 refuse refuse VERB _005195846 35 18 to to PART _005195846 35 19 take take VERB _005195846 35 20 the the DET _005195846 35 21 oath oath NOUN _005195846 35 22 of of ADP _005195846 35 23 royal royal ADJ _005195846 35 24 \ \ PROPN _005195846 35 25 supremacy supremacy NOUN _005195846 35 26 — — PUNCT _005195846 35 27 consecration consecration NOUN _005195846 35 28 of of ADP _005195846 35 29 parker parker PROPN _005195846 35 30 , , PUNCT _005195846 35 31 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 35 32 of of ADP _005195846 35 33 canterbury canterbury PROPN _005195846 35 34 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 35 35 1559 1559 NUM _005195846 35 36 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 35 37 by by ADP _005195846 35 38 barlow barlow PROPN _005195846 35 39 , , PUNCT _005195846 35 40 the the DET _005195846 35 41 deposed deposed ADJ _005195846 35 42 bishop bishop NOUN _005195846 35 43 of of ADP _005195846 35 44 bath bath NOUN _005195846 35 45 , , PUNCT _005195846 35 46 according accord VERB _005195846 35 47 to to ADP _005195846 35 48 the the DET _005195846 35 49 ordinal ordinal ADJ _005195846 35 50 of of ADP _005195846 35 51 edward edward NOUN _005195846 35 52 vi.—the vi.—the ADJ _005195846 35 53 thirtynine thirtynine NOUN _005195846 35 54 articles article NOUN _005195846 35 55 substituted substitute VERB _005195846 35 56 for for ADP _005195846 35 57 the the DET _005195846 35 58 forty forty NUM _005195846 35 59 - - PUNCT _005195846 35 60 two two NUM _005195846 35 61 of of ADP _005195846 35 62 edward edward PROPN _005195846 35 63 vi vi PROPN _005195846 35 64 . . PUNCT _005195846 35 65 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 35 66 1563 1563 NUM _005195846 35 67 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 35 68 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 35 69 the the DET _005195846 35 70 episcopate episcopate NOUN _005195846 35 71 retained retain VERB _005195846 35 72 in in ADP _005195846 35 73 anglican anglican ADJ _005195846 35 74 church church NOUN _005195846 35 75 — — PUNCT _005195846 35 76 severe severe ADJ _005195846 35 77 penal penal ADJ _005195846 35 78 laws law NOUN _005195846 35 79 enacted enact VERB _005195846 35 80 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 35 81 1 1 NUM _005195846 35 82 584 584 NUM _005195846 35 83 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 35 84 against against ADP _005195846 35 85 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 35 86 , , PUNCT _005195846 35 87 lay lay VERB _005195846 35 88 and and CCONJ _005195846 35 89 cleric cleric NOUN _005195846 35 90 , , PUNCT _005195846 35 91 and and CCONJ _005195846 35 92 enforced enforce VERB _005195846 35 93 by by ADP _005195846 35 94 the the DET _005195846 35 95 court court NOUN _005195846 35 96 of of ADP _005195846 35 97 high high ADJ _005195846 35 98 commission commission NOUN _005195846 35 99 — — PUNCT _005195846 35 100 colleges college NOUN _005195846 35 101 founded found VERB _005195846 35 102 on on ADP _005195846 35 103 the the DET _005195846 35 104 continent continent NOUN _005195846 35 105 for for ADP _005195846 35 106 the the DET _005195846 35 107 education education NOUN _005195846 35 108 of of ADP _005195846 35 109 english english ADJ _005195846 35 110 priests priest NOUN _005195846 35 111 . . PUNCT _005195846 36 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 36 2 e e PROPN _005195846 36 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 36 4 james james PROPN _005195846 36 5 i. i. PROPN _005195846 36 6 , , PUNCT _005195846 36 7 & & CCONJ _005195846 36 8 c.—the c.—the PROPN _005195846 36 9 persecution persecution NOUN _005195846 36 10 of of ADP _005195846 36 11 english english ADJ _005195846 36 12 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 36 13 continued continue VERB _005195846 36 14 during during ADP _005195846 36 15 the the DET _005195846 36 16 reigns reign NOUN _005195846 36 17 of of ADP _005195846 36 18 james james PROPN _005195846 36 19 and and CCONJ _005195846 36 20 his his PRON _005195846 36 21 successors successor NOUN _005195846 36 22 down down ADP _005195846 36 23 to to ADP _005195846 36 24 the the DET _005195846 36 25 time time NOUN _005195846 36 26 of of ADP _005195846 36 27 george george PROPN _005195846 36 28 ii ii PROPN _005195846 36 29 . . PUNCT _005195846 37 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 37 2 1727 1727 NUM _005195846 37 3 - - SYM _005195846 37 4 60 60 NUM _005195846 37 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 37 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 38 1 7 7 NUM _005195846 38 2 vi.—protestantism vi.—protestantism NOUN _005195846 38 3 in in ADP _005195846 38 4 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 38 5 . . PUNCT _005195846 39 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 39 2 a a X _005195846 39 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 39 4 reign reign NOUN _005195846 39 5 of of ADP _005195846 39 6 henry henry NOUN _005195846 39 7 viii.—appointment viii.—appointment PROPN _005195846 39 8 of of ADP _005195846 39 9 browne browne ADJ _005195846 39 10 , , PUNCT _005195846 39 11 provincial provincial ADJ _005195846 39 12 of of ADP _005195846 39 13 the the DET _005195846 39 14 english english ADJ _005195846 39 15 augustinians augustinian NOUN _005195846 39 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 39 17 to to ADP _005195846 39 18 the the DET _005195846 39 19 archbishopric archbishopric NOUN _005195846 39 20 of of ADP _005195846 39 21 dublin dublin PROPN _005195846 39 22 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 39 23 1535 1535 NUM _005195846 39 24 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 39 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 39 26 his his PRON _005195846 39 27 efforts effort NOUN _005195846 39 28 to to PART _005195846 39 29 introduce introduce VERB _005195846 39 30 protestantism protestantism NOUN _005195846 39 31 , , PUNCT _005195846 39 32 opposed oppose VERB _005195846 39 33 by by ADP _005195846 39 34 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 39 35 creagh creagh PROPN _005195846 39 36 of of ADP _005195846 39 37 armagh armagh PROPN _005195846 39 38 and and CCONJ _005195846 39 39 the the DET _005195846 39 40 other other ADJ _005195846 39 41 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 39 42 of of ADP _005195846 39 43 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 39 44 — — PUNCT _005195846 39 45 enactments enactment NOUN _005195846 39 46 of of ADP _005195846 39 47 irish irish ADJ _005195846 39 48 parliament parliament NOUN _005195846 39 49 declaring declare VERB _005195846 39 50 henry henry PROPN _005195846 39 51 viii viii PROPN _005195846 39 52 . . PUNCT _005195846 40 1 head head NOUN _005195846 40 2 of of ADP _005195846 40 3 the the DET _005195846 40 4 irish irish ADJ _005195846 40 5 church church NOUN _005195846 40 6 , , PUNCT _005195846 40 7 and and CCONJ _005195846 40 8 pronouncing pronounce VERB _005195846 40 9 those those PRON _005195846 40 10 who who PRON _005195846 40 11 refused refuse VERB _005195846 40 12 to to PART _005195846 40 13 take take VERB _005195846 40 14 the the DET _005195846 40 15 oath oath NOUN _005195846 40 16 of of ADP _005195846 40 17 royal royal ADJ _005195846 40 18 supremacy supremacy NOUN _005195846 40 19 guilty guilty ADJ _005195846 40 20 of of ADP _005195846 40 21 high high ADJ _005195846 40 22 treason treason NOUN _005195846 40 23 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 40 24 1536)—the 1536)—the DET _005195846 40 25 oath oath NOUN _005195846 40 26 of of ADP _005195846 40 27 supremacy supremacy NOUN _005195846 40 28 taken take VERB _005195846 40 29 by by ADP _005195846 40 30 browne browne PROPN _005195846 40 31 of of ADP _005195846 40 32 dublin dublin PROPN _005195846 40 33 , , PUNCT _005195846 40 34 magennis magennis NOUN _005195846 40 35 of of ADP _005195846 40 36 down down NOUN _005195846 40 37 , , PUNCT _005195846 40 38 burke burke NOUN _005195846 40 39 of of ADP _005195846 40 40 clonfert clonfert PROPN _005195846 40 41 , , PUNCT _005195846 40 42 gerawan gerawan PROPN _005195846 40 43 of of ADP _005195846 40 44 clonmacnoise clonmacnoise NOUN _005195846 40 45 , , PUNCT _005195846 40 46 saunders saunder NOUN _005195846 40 47 of of ADP _005195846 40 48 leighlin leighlin NOUN _005195846 40 49 , , PUNCT _005195846 40 50 o’cervallen o’cervallen NOUN _005195846 40 51 of of ADP _005195846 40 52 clogher clogher NOUN _005195846 40 53 , , PUNCT _005195846 40 54 and and CCONJ _005195846 40 55 some some DET _005195846 40 56 few few ADJ _005195846 40 57 priests priest NOUN _005195846 40 58 — — PUNCT _005195846 40 59 acts act NOUN _005195846 40 60 passed pass VERB _005195846 40 61 for for ADP _005195846 40 62 the the DET _005195846 40 63 suppression suppression NOUN _005195846 40 64 of of ADP _005195846 40 65 irish irish ADJ _005195846 40 66 monasteries monastery NOUN _005195846 40 67 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 40 68 1536 1536 NUM _005195846 40 69 - - PUNCT _005195846 40 70 38)—henry 38)—henry PROPN _005195846 40 71 viii viii NOUN _005195846 40 72 . . PUNCT _005195846 41 1 declared declare VERB _005195846 41 2 king king NOUN _005195846 41 3 of of ADP _005195846 41 4 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 41 5 by by ADP _005195846 41 6 irish irish ADJ _005195846 41 7 parliament parliament NOUN _005195846 41 8 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 41 9 1541 1541 NUM _005195846 41 10 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 41 11 . . PUNCT _005195846 42 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 42 2 b b X _005195846 42 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 42 4 reign reign NOUN _005195846 42 5 of of ADP _005195846 42 6 edward edward PROPN _005195846 42 7 vi vi PROPN _005195846 42 8 . . PROPN _005195846 42 9 — — PUNCT _005195846 43 1 n n ADP _005195846 43 2 ew ew PROPN _005195846 43 3 liturgy liturgy PROPN _005195846 43 4 introduced introduce VERB _005195846 43 5 by by ADP _005195846 43 6 browne browne ADJ _005195846 43 7 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 8 and and CCONJ _005195846 43 9 used use VERB _005195846 43 10 for for ADP _005195846 43 11 thejirst thejirst ADJ _005195846 43 12 time^ time^ PROPN _005195846 43 13 in in ADP _005195846 43 14 christ christ PROPN _005195846 43 15 ’s ’s PROPN _005195846 43 16 church church NOUN _005195846 43 17 on on ADP _005195846 43 18 easter easter PROPN _005195846 43 19 sunday sunday PROPN _005195846 43 20 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 21 1551 1551 NUM _005195846 43 22 — — PUNCT _005195846 43 23 meeting meeting NOUN _005195846 43 24 of of ADP _005195846 43 25 irish irish ADJ _005195846 43 26 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 43 27 held hold VERB _005195846 43 28 in in ADP _005195846 43 29 dublin dublin PROPN _005195846 43 30 by by ADP _005195846 43 31 the the DET _005195846 43 32 viceroy viceroy PROPN _005195846 43 33 st st PROPN _005195846 43 34 . . PROPN _005195846 43 35 leger leger NOUN _005195846 43 36 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 43 37 all all PRON _005195846 43 38 refuse refuse VERB _005195846 43 39 to to PART _005195846 43 40 accept accept VERB _005195846 43 41 the the DET _005195846 43 42 new new ADJ _005195846 43 43 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005195846 43 44 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 45 except except SCONJ _005195846 43 46 browne browne ADJ _005195846 43 47 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 48 staples staple NOUN _005195846 43 49 of of ADP _005195846 43 50 meath meath NOUN _005195846 43 51 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 52 and and CCONJ _005195846 43 53 bale bale VERB _005195846 43 54 a a DET _005195846 43 55 carmelite carmelite NOUN _005195846 43 56 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 57 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 43 58 bishop bishop NOUN _005195846 43 59 of of ADP _005195846 43 60 ossory ossory NOUN _005195846 43 61 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 62 who who PRON _005195846 43 63 were be AUX _005195846 43 64 all all DET _005195846 43 65 englishmen englishman NOUN _005195846 43 66 — — PUNCT _005195846 43 67 the the DET _005195846 43 68 example example NOUN _005195846 43 69 of of ADP _005195846 43 70 these these DET _005195846 43 71 faithless faithless NOUN _005195846 43 72 ecclesiastics ecclesiastic NOUN _005195846 43 73 soon soon ADV _005195846 43 74 followed follow VERB _005195846 43 75 by by ADP _005195846 43 76 magennis magennis PROPN _005195846 43 77 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 78 burke burke NOUN _005195846 43 79 , , PUNCT _005195846 43 80 and and CCONJ _005195846 43 81 three three NUM _005195846 43 82 priests priest NOUN _005195846 43 83 . . PUNCT _005195846 44 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 44 2 c c NOUN _005195846 44 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 44 4 reign reign NOUN _005195846 44 5 of of ADP _005195846 44 6 mary mary PROPN _005195846 44 7 i.—the i.—the DET _005195846 44 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 44 9 religion religion NOUN _005195846 44 10 restored restore VERB _005195846 44 11 , , PUNCT _005195846 44 12 and and CCONJ _005195846 44 13 protestant protestant ADJ _005195846 44 14 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 44 15 deposed depose VERB _005195846 44 16 — — PUNCT _005195846 44 17 curwin curwin PROPN _005195846 44 18 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 44 19 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 44 20 of of ADP _005195846 44 21 dublin dublin PROPN _005195846 44 22 — — PUNCT _005195846 45 1 no no DET _005195846 45 2 persons person NOUN _005195846 45 3 put put VERB _005195846 45 4 to to ADP _005195846 45 5 death death NOUN _005195846 45 6 in in ADP _005195846 45 7 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 45 8 on on ADP _005195846 45 9 account account NOUN _005195846 45 10 ot ot X _005195846 45 11 their their PRON _005195846 45 12 religion religion NOUN _005195846 45 13 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 45 14 conduct conduct NOUN _005195846 45 15 of of ADP _005195846 45 16 the the DET _005195846 45 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 45 18 corporation corporation NOUN _005195846 45 19 of of ADP _005195846 45 20 dublin dublin PROPN _005195846 45 21 . . PUNCT _005195846 46 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 2 i i PROPN _005195846 46 3 d d PROPN _005195846 46 4 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 5 reign reign NOUN _005195846 46 6 of of ADP _005195846 46 7 elizabeth.—protestantism elizabeth.—protestantism NOUN _005195846 46 8 re re VERB _005195846 46 9 - - VERB _005195846 46 10 established established ADJ _005195846 46 11 and and CCONJ _005195846 46 12 penal penal ADJ _005195846 46 13 statutes statute NOUN _005195846 46 14 re re VERB _005195846 46 15 - - VERB _005195846 46 16 enacted enact VERB _005195846 46 17 against against ADP _005195846 46 18 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 46 19 by by ADP _005195846 46 20 the the DET _005195846 46 21 irish irish ADJ _005195846 46 22 parliament parliament NOUN _005195846 46 23 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 24 1559)—the 1559)—the DET _005195846 46 25 new new ADJ _005195846 46 26 faith faith NOUN _005195846 46 27 embraced embrace VERB _005195846 46 28 by by ADP _005195846 46 29 8 8 NUM _005195846 46 30 j~ j~ PROPN _005195846 46 31 curwin curwin NOUN _005195846 46 32 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 33 f f PROPN _005195846 46 34 1568 1568 NUM _005195846 46 35 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 36 and and CCONJ _005195846 46 37 miler miler NOUN _005195846 46 38 m‘grath m‘grath PROPN _005195846 46 39 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 40 -f1622 -f1622 PROPN _005195846 46 41 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 42 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 43 who who PRON _005195846 46 44 was be AUX _005195846 46 45 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 46 46 successively successively ADV _005195846 46 47 to to ADP _005195846 46 48 the the DET _005195846 46 49 sees see NOUN _005195846 46 50 of of ADP _005195846 46 51 down down ADV _005195846 46 52 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 53 clogher clogher NOUN _005195846 46 54 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 55 and and CCONJ _005195846 46 56 cashel cashel PROPN _005195846 46 57 — — PUNCT _005195846 46 58 cruel cruel ADJ _005195846 46 59 proclamation proclamation NOUN _005195846 46 60 issued issue VERB _005195846 46 61 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 62 1580 1580 NUM _005195846 46 63 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 64 against against ADP _005195846 46 65 priests priest NOUN _005195846 46 66 and and CCONJ _005195846 46 67 their their PRON _005195846 46 68 protectors protector NOUN _005195846 46 69 — — PUNCT _005195846 46 70 martyrdom martyrdom NOUN _005195846 46 71 of of ADP _005195846 46 72 dermot dermot NOUN _005195846 46 73 o’hurley o’hurley PROPN _005195846 46 74 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 75 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 46 76 of of ADP _005195846 46 77 cashel cashel PROPN _005195846 46 78 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 79 1583 1583 NUM _005195846 46 80 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 81 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 82 o’hely o’hely ADV _005195846 46 83 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 84 bishop bishop PROPN _005195846 46 85 of of ADP _005195846 46 86 mayo mayo PROPN _005195846 46 87 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 88 1578 1578 NUM _005195846 46 89 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 90 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 91 richard richard PROPN _005195846 46 92 creagh creagh PROPN _005195846 46 93 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 94 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 46 95 of of ADP _005195846 46 96 armagh armagh PROPN _005195846 46 97 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 98 1585 1585 NUM _005195846 46 99 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 100 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 101 redmond redmond PROPN _005195846 46 102 o’gallagher o’gallagher PROPN _005195846 46 103 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 104 bishop bishop PROPN _005195846 46 105 of of ADP _005195846 46 106 ofcoaff ofcoaff NOUN _005195846 46 107 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 108 1603 1603 NUM _005195846 46 109 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 110 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 111 edmund edmund PROPN _005195846 46 112 magauran magauran PROPN _005195846 46 113 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 114 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 46 115 of of ADP _005195846 46 116 armagh armagh PROPN _005195846 46 117 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 46 118 1598 1598 NUM _005195846 46 119 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 46 120 , , PUNCT _005195846 46 121 & & CCONJ _005195846 46 122 c.—numerous c.—numerous ADJ _005195846 46 123 colleges college NOUN _005195846 46 124 founded found VERB _005195846 46 125 on on ADP _005195846 46 126 the the DET _005195846 46 127 continent continent NOUN _005195846 46 128 for for ADP _005195846 46 129 the the DET _005195846 46 130 education education NOUN _005195846 46 131 of of ADP _005195846 46 132 irish irish ADJ _005195846 46 133 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 46 134 . . PUNCT _005195846 47 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 47 2 e e NOUN _005195846 47 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 47 4 reigns reign NOUN _005195846 47 5 of of ADP _005195846 47 6 james james PROPN _005195846 47 7 i. i. PROPN _005195846 47 8 , , PUNCT _005195846 47 9 & & CCONJ _005195846 47 10 c.—the c.—the PROPN _005195846 47 11 persecution persecution NOUN _005195846 47 12 of of ADP _005195846 47 13 irish irish ADJ _005195846 47 14 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 47 15 continued continue VERB _005195846 47 16 during during ADP _005195846 47 17 the the DET _005195846 47 18 reigns reign NOUN _005195846 47 19 of of ADP _005195846 47 20 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005195846 47 21 ’s ’s PART _005195846 47 22 successors successor NOUN _005195846 47 23 down down ADP _005195846 47 24 to to ADP _005195846 47 25 the the DET _005195846 47 26 time time NOUN _005195846 47 27 of of ADP _005195846 47 28 george george PROPN _005195846 47 29 ii ii PROPN _005195846 47 30 . . PUNCT _005195846 48 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 2 1727 1727 NUM _005195846 48 3 - - SYM _005195846 48 4 60)—the 60)—the NUM _005195846 48 5 confederation confederation NOUN _005195846 48 6 of of ADP _005195846 48 7 kilkenny kilkenny PROPN _005195846 48 8 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 9 1642 1642 NUM _005195846 48 10 - - SYM _005195846 48 11 49)—its 49)—its NUM _005195846 48 12 purpose purpose NOUN _005195846 48 13 to to PART _005195846 48 14 secure secure VERB _005195846 48 15 freedom freedom NOUN _005195846 48 16 of of ADP _005195846 48 17 worship worship NOUN _005195846 48 18 and and CCONJ _005195846 48 19 the the DET _005195846 48 20 independence independence NOUN _005195846 48 21 of of ADP _005195846 48 22 the the DET _005195846 48 23 king king NOUN _005195846 48 24 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 25 charles charles PROPN _005195846 48 26 i. i. PROPN _005195846 48 27 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 28 national national PROPN _005195846 48 29 convention convention PROPN _005195846 48 30 held hold VERB _005195846 48 31 at at ADP _005195846 48 32 kilkenny kilkenny PROPN _005195846 48 33 in in ADP _005195846 48 34 1642 1642 NUM _005195846 48 35 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 48 36 national national ADJ _005195846 48 37 synod synod PROPN _005195846 48 38 held hold VERB _005195846 48 39 there there ADV _005195846 48 40 later later ADV _005195846 48 41 the the DET _005195846 48 42 same same ADJ _005195846 48 43 year year NOUN _005195846 48 44 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 45 supreme supreme PROPN _005195846 48 46 council council PROPN _005195846 48 47 of of ADP _005195846 48 48 twenty twenty NUM _005195846 48 49 - - PUNCT _005195846 48 50 four four NUM _005195846 48 51 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 48 52 by by ADP _005195846 48 53 general general ADJ _005195846 48 54 assembly assembly NOUN _005195846 48 55 of of ADP _005195846 48 56 the the DET _005195846 48 57 confederates confederate NOUN _005195846 48 58 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 59 negotiations negotiation NOUN _005195846 48 60 of of ADP _005195846 48 61 the the DET _005195846 48 62 confederates confederate NOUN _005195846 48 63 with with ADP _005195846 48 64 ormond ormond PROPN _005195846 48 65 and and CCONJ _005195846 48 66 glamorgan glamorgan PROPN _005195846 48 67 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 68 arrival arrival NOUN _005195846 48 69 of of ADP _005195846 48 70 the the DET _005195846 48 71 papal papal PROPN _005195846 48 72 nuncio nuncio NOUN _005195846 48 73 rinuccini rinuccini VERB _005195846 48 74 in in ADP _005195846 48 75 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 48 76 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 77 1645)—ormond 1645)—ormond PROPN _005195846 48 78 concludes conclude VERB _005195846 48 79 a a DET _005195846 48 80 treaty treaty NOUN _005195846 48 81 with with ADP _005195846 48 82 the the DET _005195846 48 83 supreme supreme PROPN _005195846 48 84 council council PROPN _005195846 48 85 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 86 1646 1646 NUM _005195846 48 87 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 48 88 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 89 the the DET _005195846 48 90 treaty treaty NOUN _005195846 48 91 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 48 92 as as ADP _005195846 48 93 unsatisfactory unsatisfactory NOUN _005195846 48 94 by by ADP _005195846 48 95 rinuccini rinuccini NOUN _005195846 48 96 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 97 and and CCONJ _005195846 48 98 ^national ^national SPACE _005195846 48 99 synod synod PROPN _005195846 48 100 held hold VERB _005195846 48 101 at at ADP _005195846 48 102 waterford waterford NOUN _005195846 48 103 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 48 104 divisions division NOUN _005195846 48 105 among among ADP _005195846 48 106 the the DET _005195846 48 107 confederates confederate NOUN _005195846 48 108 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 109 treaty treaty NOUN _005195846 48 110 concluded conclude VERB _005195846 48 111 with with ADP _005195846 48 112 lord lord PROPN _005195846 48 113 inchiquiu inchiquiu PROPN _005195846 48 114 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 115 1648)—the 1648)—the NUM _005195846 48 116 treaty treaty NOUN _005195846 48 117 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 48 118 by by ADP _005195846 48 119 the the DET _005195846 48 120 nuncio nuncio NOUN _005195846 48 121 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 122 and and CCONJ _005195846 48 123 sentence sentence NOUN _005195846 48 124 of of ADP _005195846 48 125 excommunication excommunication NOUN _005195846 48 126 pronounced pronounce VERB _005195846 48 127 against against ADP _005195846 48 128 all all PRON _005195846 48 129 who who PRON _005195846 48 130 would would AUX _005195846 48 131 defend defend VERB _005195846 48 132 it it PRON _005195846 48 133 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 134 may may AUX _005195846 48 135 27 27 NUM _005195846 48 136 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 137 1648 1648 NUM _005195846 48 138 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 48 139 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 48 140 renewed renew VERB _005195846 48 141 divisions division NOUN _005195846 48 142 among among ADP _005195846 48 143 the the DET _005195846 48 144 confederates confederate NOUN _005195846 48 145 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 146 ormond ormond ADJ _005195846 48 147 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 148 on on ADP _005195846 48 149 behalf behalf NOUN _005195846 48 150 of of ADP _005195846 48 151 the the DET _005195846 48 152 king king NOUN _005195846 48 153 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 154 con1 con1 PROPN _005195846 48 155 eludes elude VERB _005195846 48 156 a a DET _005195846 48 157 peace peace NOUN _005195846 48 158 with with ADP _005195846 48 159 the the DET _005195846 48 160 confederates confederate NOUN _005195846 48 161 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 162 january january PROPN _005195846 48 163 17 17 NUM _005195846 48 164 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 165 1649 1649 NUM _005195846 48 166 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 48 167 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 168 ' ' PUNCT _005195846 48 169 charles charles PROPN _005195846 48 170 i. i. PROPN _005195846 48 171 beheaded behead VERB _005195846 48 172 on on ADP _005195846 48 173 the the DET _005195846 48 174 30th 30th NOUN _005195846 48 175 of of ADP _005195846 48 176 the the DET _005195846 48 177 same same ADJ _005195846 48 178 month month NOUN _005195846 48 179 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 180 the the DET _005195846 48 181 nuncio nuncio NOUN _005195846 48 182 sails sail VERB _005195846 48 183 from from ADP _005195846 48 184 galway galway NOUN _005195846 48 185 for for ADP _005195846 48 186 rome rome PROPN _005195846 48 187 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 188 february february PROPN _005195846 48 189 23rd 23rd NOUN _005195846 48 190 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 191 9 9 NUM _005195846 48 192 1649)—arrival 1649)—arrival NUM _005195846 48 193 of of ADP _005195846 48 194 oliver oliver ADJ _005195846 48 195 cromwell cromwell NOUN _005195846 48 196 in in ADP _005195846 48 197 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 48 198 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 199 august august PROPN _005195846 48 200 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 201 1649)—drogheda 1649)—drogheda PROPN _005195846 48 202 and and CCONJ _005195846 48 203 wexford wexford NOUN _005195846 48 204 taken take VERB _005195846 48 205 , , PUNCT _005195846 48 206 and and CCONJ _005195846 48 207 the the DET _005195846 48 208 inhabitants inhabitant NOUN _005195846 48 209 put put VERB _005195846 48 210 to to ADP _005195846 48 211 the the DET _005195846 48 212 sword sword NOUN _005195846 48 213 — — PUNCT _005195846 48 214 price price NOUN _005195846 48 215 set set VERB _005195846 48 216 on on ADP _005195846 48 217 a a DET _005195846 48 218 priest priest NOUN _005195846 48 219 ’s ’s PART _005195846 48 220 head head NOUN _005195846 48 221 edict edict NOUN _005195846 48 222 issued issue VERB _005195846 48 223 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 48 224 1654 1654 NUM _005195846 48 225 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 48 226 ordering order VERB _005195846 48 227 the the DET _005195846 48 228 catholics catholic NOUN _005195846 48 229 to to PART _005195846 48 230 withdraw withdraw VERB _005195846 48 231 to to ADP _005195846 48 232 connaught connaught PROPN _005195846 48 233 . . PUNCT _005195846 49 1 vh.—protestantism vh.—protestantism NOUN _005195846 49 2 in in ADP _005195846 49 3 scotland scotland PROPN _005195846 49 4 . . PUNCT _005195846 50 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 50 2 a a X _005195846 50 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 50 4 introduction introduction NOUN _005195846 50 5 of of ADP _005195846 50 6 protestantism.—the protestantism.—the PROPN _005195846 50 7 scotch scotch NOUN _005195846 50 8 church church NOUN _005195846 50 9 at at ADP _005195846 50 10 the the DET _005195846 50 11 beginning beginning NOUN _005195846 50 12 of of ADP _005195846 50 13 the the DET _005195846 50 14 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ _005195846 50 15 century century NOUN _005195846 50 16 in in ADP _005195846 50 17 a a DET _005195846 50 18 bad bad ADJ _005195846 50 19 condition condition NOUN _005195846 50 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 50 21 owing owe VERB _005195846 50 22 chiefly chiefly ADV _005195846 50 23 to to ADP _005195846 50 24 the the DET _005195846 50 25 abuse abuse NOUN _005195846 50 26 of of ADP _005195846 50 27 lay lay ADJ _005195846 50 28 patronage patronage NOUN _005195846 50 29 and and CCONJ _005195846 50 30 the the DET _005195846 50 31 conferring conferring NOUN _005195846 50 32 of of ADP _005195846 50 33 benefices benefice NOUN _005195846 50 34 on on ADP _005195846 50 35 laymen layman NOUN _005195846 50 36 in in ADP _005195846 50 37 commendam commendam PROPN _005195846 50 38 the the DET _005195846 50 39 first first ADJ _005195846 50 40 preacher preacher NOUN _005195846 50 41 of of ADP _005195846 50 42 the the DET _005195846 50 43 reformation reformation NOUN _005195846 50 44 in in ADP _005195846 50 45 scotland scotland PROPN _005195846 50 46 was be AUX _005195846 50 47 patrick patrick PROPN _005195846 50 48 hamilton hamilton PROPN _005195846 50 49 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 50 abbot abbot NOUN _005195846 50 51 of of ADP _005195846 50 52 feme feme NOUN _005195846 50 53 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 54 who who PRON _005195846 50 55 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 56 after after ADP _005195846 50 57 being be AUX _005195846 50 58 educated educate VERB _005195846 50 59 on on ADP _005195846 50 60 the the DET _005195846 50 61 continent continent NOUN _005195846 50 62 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 63 returned return VERB _005195846 50 64 to to ADP _005195846 50 65 his his PRON _005195846 50 66 native native ADJ _005195846 50 67 country country NOUN _005195846 50 68 in in ADP _005195846 50 69 1523 1523 NUM _005195846 50 70 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 71 and and CCONJ _005195846 50 72 was be AUX _005195846 50 73 burned burn VERB _005195846 50 74 as as ADP _005195846 50 75 a a DET _005195846 50 76 heretic heretic NOUN _005195846 50 77 in in ADP _005195846 50 78 1528 1528 NUM _005195846 50 79 — — PUNCT _005195846 50 80 his his PRON _005195846 50 81 errors error NOUN _005195846 50 82 spread spread VERB _005195846 50 83 rapidly rapidly ADV _005195846 50 84 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195846 50 85 david david PROPN _005195846 50 86 beaton beaton PROPN _005195846 50 87 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 88 who who PRON _005195846 50 89 succeeded succeed VERB _005195846 50 90 his his PRON _005195846 50 91 uncle uncle NOUN _005195846 50 92 dr dr PROPN _005195846 50 93 . . PROPN _005195846 50 94 james james PROPN _005195846 50 95 beaton beaton PROPN _005195846 50 96 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 97 as as ADP _005195846 50 98 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 50 99 of of ADP _005195846 50 100 st st PROPN _005195846 50 101 . . PROPN _005195846 50 102 andrews andrews PROPN _005195846 50 103 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 104 in in ADP _005195846 50 105 1539 1539 NUM _005195846 50 106 , , PUNCT _005195846 50 107 laboured labour VERB _005195846 50 108 energetically energetically ADV _005195846 50 109 to to PART _005195846 50 110 prevent prevent VERB _005195846 50 111 the the DET _005195846 50 112 spread spread NOUN _005195846 50 113 of of ADP _005195846 50 114 the the DET _005195846 50 115 reformation reformation NOUN _005195846 50 116 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 50 117 assassinated assassinate VERB _005195846 50 118 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 50 119 1646 1646 NUM _005195846 50 120 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 50 121 by by ADP _005195846 50 122 a a DET _005195846 50 123 band band NOUN _005195846 50 124 of of ADP _005195846 50 125 protestant protestant ADJ _005195846 50 126 conspirators conspirator NOUN _005195846 50 127 organized organize VERB _005195846 50 128 by by ADP _005195846 50 129 norman norman PROPN _005195846 50 130 leslie leslie PROPN _005195846 50 131 . . PUNCT _005195846 51 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 51 2 5 5 X _005195846 51 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 51 4 john john PROPN _005195846 51 5 knox knox PROPN _005195846 51 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 51 7 " " PUNCT _005195846 51 8 — — PUNCT _005195846 51 9 educated educate VERB _005195846 51 10 in in ADP _005195846 51 11 the the DET _005195846 51 12 university university PROPN _005195846 51 13 of of ADP _005195846 51 14 glasgow glasgow PROPN _005195846 51 15 ordained ordain VERB _005195846 51 16 priest priest NOUN _005195846 51 17 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 51 18 about about ADP _005195846 51 19 1529 1529 NUM _005195846 51 20 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 51 21 — — PUNCT _005195846 51 22 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 51 23 professor professor NOUN _005195846 51 24 in in ADP _005195846 51 25 st st PROPN _005195846 51 26 . . PROPN _005195846 51 27 andrews andrews PROPN _005195846 51 28 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 51 29 1530)—openly 1530)—openly ADV _005195846 51 30 proclaims proclaim VERB _005195846 51 31 himself himself PRON _005195846 51 32 a a DET _005195846 51 33 reformer reformer NOUN _005195846 51 34 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 51 35 1542)—condemned 1542)—condemne VERB _005195846 51 36 to to PART _005195846 51 37 spend spend VERB _005195846 51 38 two two NUM _005195846 51 39 years year NOUN _005195846 51 40 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 51 41 1548 1548 NUM _005195846 51 42 49 49 NUM _005195846 51 43 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 51 44 on on ADP _005195846 51 45 the the DET _005195846 51 46 french french ADJ _005195846 51 47 galleys galley NOUN _005195846 51 48 — — PUNCT _005195846 51 49 he he PRON _005195846 51 50 arrives arrive VERB _005195846 51 51 in in ADP _005195846 51 52 england england PROPN _005195846 51 53 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 51 54 1549 1549 NUM _005195846 51 55 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 51 56 , , PUNCT _005195846 51 57 and and CCONJ _005195846 51 58 is be AUX _005195846 51 59 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 51 60 chaplain chaplain NOUN _005195846 51 61 to to ADP _005195846 51 62 edward edward PROPN _005195846 51 63 vi vi PROPN _005195846 51 64 . . PUNCT _005195846 52 1 he he PRON _005195846 52 2 withdraws withdraw VERB _005195846 52 3 to to ADP _005195846 52 4 the the DET _005195846 52 5 continent continent NOUN _005195846 52 6 in in ADP _005195846 52 7 1554 1554 NUM _005195846 52 8 — — PUNCT _005195846 52 9 his his PRON _005195846 52 10 return return NOUN _005195846 52 11 to to ADP _005195846 52 12 scotland scotland NOUN _005195846 52 13 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 52 14 loo9)—destruction loo9)—destruction NOUN _005195846 52 15 of of ADP _005195846 52 16 monasteries monastery NOUN _005195846 52 17 and and CCONJ _005195846 52 18 pillage pillage NOUN _005195846 52 19 of of ADP _005195846 52 20 churches church NOUN _005195846 52 21 — — PUNCT _005195846 52 22 league league NOUN _005195846 52 23 of of ADP _005195846 52 24 the the DET _005195846 52 25 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 52 26 formed form VERB _005195846 52 27 — — PUNCT _005195846 52 28 calvinism calvinism NOUN _005195846 52 29 declared declare VERB _005195846 52 30 the the DET _005195846 52 31 established establish VERB _005195846 52 32 religion religion NOUN _005195846 52 33 by by ADP _005195846 52 34 scotch scotch NOUN _005195846 52 35 parliament parliament PROPN _005195846 52 36 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 52 37 1560 1560 NUM _005195846 52 38 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 52 39 , , PUNCT _005195846 52 40 and and CCONJ _005195846 52 41 the the DET _005195846 52 42 presbyterian presbyterian ADJ _005195846 52 43 form form NOUN _005195846 52 44 of of ADP _005195846 52 45 church church NOUN _005195846 52 46 government government NOUN _005195846 52 47 adopted adopt VERB _005195846 52 48 — — PUNCT _005195846 52 49 death death NOUN _005195846 52 50 of of ADP _005195846 52 51 knox knox PROPN _005195846 52 52 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 52 53 1572 1572 NUM _005195846 52 54 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 52 55 . . PUNCT _005195846 53 1 10 10 NUM _005195846 53 2 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 53 3 c c PROPN _005195846 53 4 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 53 5 mary mary PROPN _005195846 53 6 queen queen PROPN _005195846 53 7 of of ADP _005195846 53 8 scots.—she scots.—she PRON _005195846 53 9 was be AUX _005195846 53 10 the the DET _005195846 53 11 daughter daughter NOUN _005195846 53 12 of of ADP _005195846 53 13 james james PROPN _005195846 53 14 v. v. PROPN _005195846 53 15 , , PUNCT _005195846 53 16 who who PRON _005195846 53 17 was be AUX _005195846 53 18 the the DET _005195846 53 19 grandson grandson NOUN _005195846 53 20 of of ADP _005195846 53 21 henry henry PROPN _005195846 53 22 vii vii PROPN _005195846 53 23 . . PUNCT _005195846 54 1 of of ADP _005195846 54 2 england england PROPN _005195846 54 3 , , PUNCT _005195846 54 4 and and CCONJ _005195846 54 5 was be AUX _005195846 54 6 born bear VERB _005195846 54 7 at at ADP _005195846 54 8 linlithgow linlithgow PROPN _005195846 54 9 , , PUNCT _005195846 54 10 seven seven NUM _005195846 54 11 days day NOUN _005195846 54 12 before before ADP _005195846 54 13 the the DET _005195846 54 14 death death NOUN _005195846 54 15 of of ADP _005195846 54 16 her her PRON _005195846 54 17 father father NOUN _005195846 54 18 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 54 19 1542)—she 1542)—she NUM _005195846 54 20 goes go VERB _005195846 54 21 to to ADP _005195846 54 22 france france PROPN _005195846 54 23 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 54 24 1548 1548 NUM _005195846 54 25 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 54 26 and and CCONJ _005195846 54 27 marries marrie NOUN _005195846 54 28 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 54 29 1558 1558 NUM _005195846 54 30 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 54 31 the the DET _005195846 54 32 dauphin dauphin PROPN _005195846 54 33 francis francis PROPN _005195846 54 34 ii.—after ii.—after PROPN _005195846 54 35 the the DET _005195846 54 36 death death NOUN _005195846 54 37 of of ADP _005195846 54 38 francis francis PROPN _005195846 54 39 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 54 40 1560 1560 NUM _005195846 54 41 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 54 42 she she PRON _005195846 54 43 returns return VERB _005195846 54 44 to to ADP _005195846 54 45 scotland scotland PROPN _005195846 54 46 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 54 47 1561)—she 1561)—she NUM _005195846 54 48 endeavours endeavour NOUN _005195846 54 49 to to PART _005195846 54 50 secure secure VERB _005195846 54 51 freedom freedom NOUN _005195846 54 52 of of ADP _005195846 54 53 worship worship NOUN _005195846 54 54 for for ADP _005195846 54 55 her her PRON _005195846 54 56 coreligionists coreligionist NOUN _005195846 54 57 , , PUNCT _005195846 54 58 but but CCONJ _005195846 54 59 without without ADP _005195846 54 60 effect effect NOUN _005195846 54 61 — — PUNCT _005195846 54 62 she she PRON _005195846 54 63 marries marry VERB _005195846 54 64 her her PRON _005195846 54 65 cousin cousin NOUN _005195846 54 66 , , PUNCT _005195846 55 1 lord lord PROPN _005195846 55 2 darnley darnley PROPN _005195846 55 3 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 55 4 1565)—after 1565)—after PROPN _005195846 55 5 darnley darnley PROPN _005195846 55 6 ’s ’s PART _005195846 55 7 death death NOUN _005195846 55 8 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 55 9 1567 1567 NUM _005195846 55 10 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 55 11 she she PRON _005195846 55 12 is be AUX _005195846 55 13 forced force VERB _005195846 55 14 to to PART _005195846 55 15 marry marry VERB _005195846 55 16 earl earl PROPN _005195846 55 17 bothwell bothwell PROPN _005195846 55 18 — — PUNCT _005195846 55 19 insurrection insurrection NOUN _005195846 55 20 of of ADP _005195846 55 21 scotch scotch NOUN _005195846 55 22 lords lord NOUN _005195846 55 23 — — PUNCT _005195846 55 24 mary mary PROPN _005195846 55 25 taken take VERB _005195846 55 26 prisoner prisoner NOUN _005195846 55 27 , , PUNCT _005195846 55 28 and and CCONJ _005195846 55 29 compelled compel VERB _005195846 55 30 to to PART _005195846 55 31 abdicate abdicate VERB _005195846 55 32 in in ADP _005195846 55 33 loch loch PROPN _005195846 55 34 leven leven PROPN _005195846 55 35 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 55 36 july july PROPN _005195846 55 37 24 24 NUM _005195846 55 38 , , PUNCT _005195846 55 39 1567)—she 1567)—she NUM _005195846 55 40 escapes escape VERB _005195846 55 41 from from ADP _005195846 55 42 imprisonment imprisonment NOUN _005195846 55 43 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 55 44 may may AUX _005195846 55 45 2 2 NUM _005195846 55 46 , , PUNCT _005195846 55 47 1568)—her 1568)—her NUM _005195846 55 48 followers follower NOUN _005195846 55 49 defeated defeat VERB _005195846 55 50 at at ADP _005195846 55 51 the the DET _005195846 55 52 battle battle NOUN _005195846 55 53 of of ADP _005195846 55 54 langside langside NOUN _005195846 55 55 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 55 56 may may AUX _005195846 55 57 12)—she 12)—she NUM _005195846 55 58 seeks seek VERB _005195846 55 59 refuge refuge NOUN _005195846 55 60 in in ADP _005195846 55 61 england england PROPN _005195846 55 62 , , PUNCT _005195846 55 63 and and CCONJ _005195846 55 64 is be AUX _005195846 55 65 made make VERB _005195846 55 66 prisoner prisoner NOUN _005195846 55 67 — — PUNCT _005195846 55 68 after after ADP _005195846 55 69 spending spend VERB _005195846 55 70 nineteen nineteen NUM _005195846 55 71 years year NOUN _005195846 55 72 in in ADP _005195846 55 73 different different ADJ _005195846 55 74 english english ADJ _005195846 55 75 prisons prison NOUN _005195846 55 76 she she PRON _005195846 55 77 is be AUX _005195846 55 78 finally finally ADV _005195846 55 79 beheaded behead VERB _005195846 55 80 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 55 81 1587 1587 NUM _005195846 55 82 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 55 83 in in ADP _005195846 55 84 fotheringay fotheringay ADJ _005195846 55 85 castle castle NOUN _005195846 55 86 by by ADP _005195846 55 87 order order NOUN _005195846 55 88 of of ADP _005195846 55 89 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005195846 55 90 . . PUNCT _005195846 56 1 viii viii PROPN _005195846 56 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 57 1 — — PUNCT _005195846 57 2 the the DET _005195846 57 3 council council NOUN _005195846 57 4 of of ADP _005195846 57 5 trent trent NOUN _005195846 57 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 58 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 58 2 a a X _005195846 58 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 58 4 opening opening NOUN _005195846 58 5 of of ADP _005195846 58 6 the the DET _005195846 58 7 council.—council council.—council PROPN _005195846 58 8 convoked convoke VERB _005195846 58 9 by by ADP _005195846 58 10 paul paul PROPN _005195846 58 11 iii iii PROPN _005195846 58 12 . . PUNCT _005195846 59 1 to to PART _005195846 59 2 meet meet VERB _005195846 59 3 at at ADP _005195846 59 4 first first ADJ _005195846 59 5 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 59 6 1537 1537 NUM _005195846 59 7 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 59 8 at at ADP _005195846 59 9 mantua mantua PROPN _005195846 59 10 , , PUNCT _005195846 59 11 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 59 12 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 59 13 1538 1538 NUM _005195846 59 14 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 59 15 at at ADP _005195846 59 16 vicenza vicenza NOUN _005195846 59 17 , , PUNCT _005195846 59 18 and and CCONJ _005195846 59 19 finally finally ADV _005195846 59 20 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 59 21 1545 1545 NUM _005195846 59 22 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 59 23 at at ADP _005195846 59 24 trent trent ADJ _005195846 59 25 — — PUNCT _005195846 59 26 council council NOUN _005195846 59 27 opens open VERB _005195846 59 28 at at ADP _005195846 59 29 trent trent NOUN _005195846 59 30 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 59 31 dec dec PROPN _005195846 59 32 . . PROPN _005195846 59 33 13 13 NUM _005195846 59 34 , , PUNCT _005195846 59 35 1545 1545 NUM _005195846 59 36 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 59 37 under under ADP _005195846 59 38 the the DET _005195846 59 39 presidency presidency NOUN _005195846 59 40 of of ADP _005195846 59 41 the the DET _005195846 59 42 three three NUM _005195846 59 43 legates legate NOUN _005195846 59 44 , , PUNCT _005195846 59 45 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005195846 59 46 del del PROPN _005195846 59 47 monte monte PROPN _005195846 59 48 , , PUNCT _005195846 59 49 cervino cervino NOUN _005195846 59 50 , , PUNCT _005195846 59 51 and and CCONJ _005195846 59 52 pole pole NOUN _005195846 59 53 — — PUNCT _005195846 59 54 there there PRON _005195846 59 55 were be VERB _005195846 59 56 present present ADJ _005195846 59 57 twenty twenty NUM _005195846 59 58 * * NUM _005195846 59 59 six six NUM _005195846 59 60 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 59 61 and and CCONJ _005195846 59 62 five five NUM _005195846 59 63 generals general NOUN _005195846 59 64 of of ADP _005195846 59 65 religious religious ADJ _005195846 59 66 orders order NOUN _005195846 59 67 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 59 68 the the DET _005195846 59 69 number number NOUN _005195846 59 70 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 59 71 rapidly rapidly ADV _005195846 59 72 increased increase VERB _005195846 59 73 . . PUNCT _005195846 60 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 60 2 5 5 NUM _005195846 60 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 60 4 purpose purpose NOUN _005195846 60 5 of of ADP _005195846 60 6 the the DET _005195846 60 7 council.—held council.—held PROPN _005195846 60 8 for for ADP _005195846 60 9 the the DET _005195846 60 10 twofold twofold ADJ _005195846 60 11 porpose porpose NOUN _005195846 60 12 of of ADP _005195846 60 13 condemning condemn VERB _005195846 60 14 the the DET _005195846 60 15 errors error NOUN _005195846 60 16 of of ADP _005195846 60 17 the the DET _005195846 60 18 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 60 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 60 20 and and CCONJ _005195846 60 21 of of ADP _005195846 60 22 enacting enact VERB _005195846 60 23 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005195846 60 24 decrees decree NOUN _005195846 60 25 . . PUNCT _005195846 61 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 61 2 c c NOUN _005195846 61 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 61 4 popes pope NOUN _005195846 61 5 who who PRON _005195846 61 6 reigned reign VERB _005195846 61 7 during during ADP _005195846 61 8 the the DET _005195846 61 9 celebration celebration NOUN _005195846 61 10 of of ADP _005195846 61 11 the the DET _005195846 61 12 council.—paul council.—paul PROPN _005195846 61 13 iii iii PROPN _005195846 61 14 . . PUNCT _005195846 62 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 62 2 1534 1534 NUM _005195846 62 3 - - SYM _005195846 62 4 49 49 NUM _005195846 62 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 62 6 , , PUNCT _005195846 62 7 julius julius PROPN _005195846 62 8 iii iii PROPN _005195846 62 9 . . PUNCT _005195846 63 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 63 2 1550 1550 NUM _005195846 63 3 - - SYM _005195846 63 4 55 55 NUM _005195846 63 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 63 6 , , PUNCT _005195846 63 7 11 11 NUM _005195846 63 8 marcellus marcellus NOUN _005195846 63 9 ii ii PROPN _005195846 63 10 . . PUNCT _005195846 64 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 64 2 21 21 NUM _005195846 64 3 days day NOUN _005195846 64 4 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 64 5 , , PUNCT _005195846 64 6 paul paul PROPN _005195846 64 7 iv iv PROPN _005195846 64 8 . . PUNCT _005195846 65 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 65 2 1555 1555 NUM _005195846 65 3 - - SYM _005195846 65 4 59 59 NUM _005195846 65 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 65 6 , , PUNCT _005195846 65 7 aud aud ADJ _005195846 65 8 pius pius NOUN _005195846 65 9 iv iv NOUN _005195846 65 10 . . PUNCT _005195846 66 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 66 2 1559 1559 NUM _005195846 66 3 - - PUNCT _005195846 66 4 g5 g5 PROPN _005195846 66 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 66 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 67 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 67 2 d d PROPN _005195846 67 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 67 4 sessions session NOUN _005195846 67 5 of of ADP _005195846 67 6 the the DET _005195846 67 7 council.—there council.—there NOUN _005195846 67 8 were be AUX _005195846 67 9 twenty twenty NUM _005195846 67 10 - - PUNCT _005195846 67 11 five five NUM _005195846 67 12 sessions session NOUN _005195846 67 13 held hold VERB _005195846 67 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 15 viz viz PROPN _005195846 67 16 . . PROPN _005195846 67 17 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 18 eight eight NUM _005195846 67 19 at at ADP _005195846 67 20 trent trent NOUN _005195846 67 21 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 67 22 1545 1545 NUM _005195846 67 23 - - SYM _005195846 67 24 47 47 NUM _005195846 67 25 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 67 26 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 67 27 two two NUM _005195846 67 28 at at ADP _005195846 67 29 bologna bologna PROPN _005195846 67 30 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 67 31 1547 1547 NUM _005195846 67 32 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 67 33 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 34 whither whither NOUN _005195846 67 35 it it PRON _005195846 67 36 was be AUX _005195846 67 37 transferred transfer VERB _005195846 67 38 on on ADP _005195846 67 39 account account NOUN _005195846 67 40 of of ADP _005195846 67 41 a a DET _005195846 67 42 plague plague NOUN _005195846 67 43 at at ADP _005195846 67 44 trent trent ADJ _005195846 67 45 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 67 46 six six NUM _005195846 67 47 at at ADP _005195846 67 48 trent trent NOUN _005195846 67 49 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 67 50 1551 1551 NUM _005195846 67 51 - - SYM _005195846 67 52 52 52 NUM _005195846 67 53 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 67 54 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 67 55 and and CCONJ _005195846 67 56 nine nine NUM _005195846 67 57 at at ADP _005195846 67 58 trent trent NOUN _005195846 67 59 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 67 60 1561 1561 NUM _005195846 67 61 - - SYM _005195846 67 62 03)—sessions 03)—sessions NUM _005195846 67 63 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 64 formal formal ADJ _005195846 67 65 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 67 66 1 1 NUM _005195846 67 67 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 68 2 2 NUM _005195846 67 69 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 70 3 3 NUM _005195846 67 71 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 72 8 8 NUM _005195846 67 73 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 74 9 9 NUM _005195846 67 75 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 76 10 10 NUM _005195846 67 77 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 78 11 11 NUM _005195846 67 79 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 80 12 12 NUM _005195846 67 81 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 82 15 15 NUM _005195846 67 83 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 84 16 16 NUM _005195846 67 85 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 86 17 17 NUM _005195846 67 87 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 88 18 18 NUM _005195846 67 89 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 90 19 19 NUM _005195846 67 91 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 92 20 20 NUM _005195846 67 93 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 67 94 and and CCONJ _005195846 67 95 working work VERB _005195846 67 96 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 97 at at ADP _005195846 67 98 which which PRON _005195846 67 99 decrees decree NOUN _005195846 67 100 were be AUX _005195846 67 101 published publish VERB _005195846 67 102 — — PUNCT _005195846 67 103 dogmatic dogmatic ADJ _005195846 67 104 definitions definition NOUN _005195846 67 105 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 106 in in ADP _005195846 67 107 the the DET _005195846 67 108 form form NOUN _005195846 67 109 of of ADP _005195846 67 110 chapters chapter NOUN _005195846 67 111 and and CCONJ _005195846 67 112 canons canon NOUN _005195846 67 113 , , PUNCT _005195846 67 114 and and CCONJ _005195846 67 115 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005195846 67 116 decrees decree NOUN _005195846 67 117 published publish VERB _005195846 67 118 at at ADP _005195846 67 119 each each DET _005195846 67 120 working working NOUN _005195846 67 121 session session NOUN _005195846 67 122 . . PUNCT _005195846 68 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 68 2 e e NOUN _005195846 68 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 68 4 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005195846 68 5 of of ADP _005195846 68 6 the the DET _005195846 68 7 council.—last council.—last PROPN _005195846 68 8 session session NOUN _005195846 68 9 held hold VERB _005195846 68 10 on on ADP _005195846 68 11 3rd 3rd NOUN _005195846 68 12 of of ADP _005195846 68 13 december december PROPN _005195846 68 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 68 15 1563 1563 NUM _005195846 68 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 68 17 there there PRON _005195846 68 18 being be AUX _005195846 68 19 present present ADJ _005195846 68 20 six six NUM _005195846 68 21 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005195846 68 22 and and CCONJ _005195846 68 23 one one NUM _005195846 68 24 hundred hundred NUM _005195846 68 25 and and CCONJ _005195846 68 26 ninety ninety NUM _005195846 68 27 - - PUNCT _005195846 68 28 six six NUM _005195846 68 29 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 68 30 — — PUNCT _005195846 68 31 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 68 32 was be AUX _005195846 68 33 represented represent VERB _005195846 68 34 at at ADP _005195846 68 35 the the DET _005195846 68 36 council council NOUN _005195846 68 37 by by ADP _005195846 68 38 o’herlihv o’herlihv PROPN _005195846 68 39 of of ADP _005195846 68 40 ross ross PROPN _005195846 68 41 , , PUNCT _005195846 68 42 o’hart o’hart PROPN _005195846 68 43 of of ADP _005195846 68 44 achonry achonry NOUN _005195846 68 45 , , PUNCT _005195846 68 46 and and CCONJ _005195846 68 47 macoongail macoongail NOUN _005195846 68 48 of of ADP _005195846 68 49 raphoe raphoe NOUN _005195846 68 50 — — PUNCT _005195846 68 51 decrees decree NOUN _005195846 68 52 of of ADP _005195846 68 53 council council NOUN _005195846 68 54 confirmed confirm VERB _005195846 68 55 by by ADP _005195846 68 56 pius pius NOUN _005195846 68 57 iv iv NOUN _005195846 68 58 . . PUNCT _005195846 69 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 69 2 jan jan PROPN _005195846 69 3 . . PROPN _005195846 69 4 26 26 NUM _005195846 69 5 , , PUNCT _005195846 69 6 1564)—congregation 1564)—congregation NUM _005195846 69 7 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 69 8 to to PART _005195846 69 9 prepare prepare VERB _005195846 69 10 a a DET _005195846 69 11 catechism catechism NOUN _005195846 69 12 of of ADP _005195846 69 13 the the DET _005195846 69 14 council council NOUN _005195846 69 15 , , PUNCT _005195846 69 16 a a DET _005195846 69 17 new new ADJ _005195846 69 18 missal missal NOUN _005195846 69 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 69 20 a a DET _005195846 69 21 new new ADJ _005195846 69 22 breviary breviary NOUN _005195846 69 23 , , PUNCT _005195846 69 24 and and CCONJ _005195846 69 25 an an DET _005195846 69 26 index index NOUN _005195846 69 27 of of ADP _005195846 69 28 forbidden forbid VERB _005195846 69 29 books book NOUN _005195846 69 30 — — PUNCT _005195846 69 31 institution institution NOUN _005195846 69 32 of of ADP _005195846 69 33 the the DET _005195846 69 34 congregatio congregatio NOUN _005195846 69 35 interpres interpre VERB _005195846 69 36 concilii concilii ADJ _005195846 69 37 tridentini tridentini NOUN _005195846 69 38 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 69 39 1564 1564 NUM _005195846 69 40 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 69 41 . . PUNCT _005195846 70 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 70 2 / / SYM _005195846 70 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 70 4 decrees decree NOUN _005195846 70 5 of of ADP _005195846 70 6 the the DET _005195846 70 7 council.—decrees council.—decrees PROPN _005195846 70 8 partly partly ADV _005195846 70 9 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005195846 70 10 and and CCONJ _005195846 70 11 partly partly ADV _005195846 70 12 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ _005195846 70 13 — — PUNCT _005195846 70 14 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005195846 70 15 decrees decree NOUN _005195846 70 16 regarding regard VERB _005195846 70 17 the the DET _005195846 70 18 canon canon NOUN _005195846 70 19 of of ADP _005195846 70 20 sacred sacred ADJ _005195846 70 21 scripture scripture NOUN _005195846 70 22 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 23 justification justification NOUN _005195846 70 24 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 25 faith faith NOUN _005195846 70 26 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 27 the the DET _005195846 70 28 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195846 70 29 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 30 mass mass NOUN _005195846 70 31 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 32 & & CCONJ _005195846 70 33 c.—disciplinary c.—disciplinary NOUN _005195846 70 34 enactments enactment NOUN _005195846 70 35 about about ADP _005195846 70 36 the the DET _005195846 70 37 reading reading NOUN _005195846 70 38 of of ADP _005195846 70 39 the the DET _005195846 70 40 bible bible NOUN _005195846 70 41 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 42 appointments appointment NOUN _005195846 70 43 to to ADP _005195846 70 44 benefices benefice NOUN _005195846 70 45 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 46 synods synod NOUN _005195846 70 47 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 48 seminaries seminary NOUN _005195846 70 49 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 50 preaching preach VERB _005195846 70 51 on on ADP _005195846 70 52 sundays sunday NOUN _005195846 70 53 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 54 episcopal episcopal PROPN _005195846 70 55 administration administration PROPN _005195846 70 56 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 57 & & CCONJ _005195846 70 58 c. c. PROPN _005195846 70 59 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 70 60 g g PROPN _005195846 70 61 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 70 62 historians historian NOUN _005195846 70 63 of of ADP _005195846 70 64 the the DET _005195846 70 65 council.—paul council.—paul PROPN _005195846 70 66 sarpi sarpi PROPN _005195846 70 67 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 70 68 1552 1552 NUM _005195846 70 69 - - SYM _005195846 70 70 1623 1623 NUM _005195846 70 71 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 70 72 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 73 a a DET _005195846 70 74 native native NOUN _005195846 70 75 of of ADP _005195846 70 76 venice venice PROPN _005195846 70 77 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 78 became become VERB _005195846 70 79 a a DET _005195846 70 80 servite servite ADJ _005195846 70 81 monkin monkin NOUN _005195846 70 82 1572 1572 NUM _005195846 70 83 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 70 84 in in ADP _005195846 70 85 the the DET _005195846 70 86 dispute dispute NOUN _005195846 70 87 between between ADP _005195846 70 88 the the DET _005195846 70 89 republic republic NOUN _005195846 70 90 of of ADP _005195846 70 91 venice venice PROPN _005195846 70 92 and and CCONJ _005195846 70 93 paul paul PROPN _005195846 70 94 v. v. ADP _005195846 70 95 about about ADP _005195846 70 96 clerical clerical ADJ _005195846 70 97 immunities immunity NOUN _005195846 70 98 he he PRON _005195846 70 99 took take VERB _005195846 70 100 the the DET _005195846 70 101 side side NOUN _005195846 70 102 of of ADP _005195846 70 103 the the DET _005195846 70 104 anti12 anti12 ADJ _005195846 70 105 clerical clerical ADJ _005195846 70 106 party party NOUN _005195846 70 107 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 70 108 excommunicated excommunicate VERB _005195846 70 109 for for ADP _005195846 70 110 refusing refuse VERB _005195846 70 111 to to PART _005195846 70 112 go go VERB _005195846 70 113 to to ADP _005195846 70 114 rome rome PROPN _005195846 70 115 to to PART _005195846 70 116 answer answer VERB _005195846 70 117 for for ADP _005195846 70 118 his his PRON _005195846 70 119 conduct conduct NOUN _005195846 70 120 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 70 121 wrote write VERB _005195846 70 122 his his PRON _005195846 70 123 history history NOUN _005195846 70 124 of of ADP _005195846 70 125 the the DET _005195846 70 126 council council NOUN _005195846 70 127 of of ADP _005195846 70 128 trent trent NOUN _005195846 70 129 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 130 which which PRON _005195846 70 131 was be AUX _005195846 70 132 intended intend VERB _005195846 70 133 to to PART _005195846 70 134 discredit discredit VERB _005195846 70 135 the the DET _005195846 70 136 holy holy ADJ _005195846 70 137 see see NOUN _005195846 70 138 and and CCONJ _005195846 70 139 its its PRON _005195846 70 140 representatives representative NOUN _005195846 70 141 at at ADP _005195846 70 142 the the DET _005195846 70 143 council council NOUN _005195846 70 144 — — PUNCT _005195846 70 145 pallavicini pallavicini PROPN _005195846 70 146 , , PUNCT _005195846 70 147 s. s. PROPN _005195846 70 148 j. j. PROPN _005195846 70 149 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 70 150 1607 1607 NUM _005195846 70 151 - - SYM _005195846 70 152 67 67 NUM _005195846 70 153 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 70 154 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 70 155 born bear VERB _005195846 70 156 at at ADP _005195846 70 157 rome rome PROPN _005195846 70 158 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 70 159 ordained ordain VERB _005195846 70 160 priest priest NOUN _005195846 70 161 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 70 162 1631 1631 NUM _005195846 70 163 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 70 164 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 70 165 after after ADP _005195846 70 166 holding hold VERB _005195846 70 167 many many ADJ _005195846 70 168 important important ADJ _005195846 70 169 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195846 70 170 appointments appointment NOUN _005195846 70 171 under under ADP _005195846 70 172 urban urban PROPN _005195846 70 173 viii viii PROPN _005195846 70 174 . . PUNCT _005195846 71 1 he he PRON _005195846 71 2 became become VERB _005195846 71 3 a a DET _005195846 71 4 jesuit jesuit NOUN _005195846 71 5 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 71 6 1637 1637 NUM _005195846 71 7 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 71 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 71 9 he he PRON _005195846 71 10 compiled compile VERB _005195846 71 11 his his PRON _005195846 71 12 celebrated celebrated ADJ _005195846 71 13 history history NOUN _005195846 71 14 of of ADP _005195846 71 15 the the DET _005195846 71 16 council council NOUN _005195846 71 17 of of ADP _005195846 71 18 trent trent NOUN _005195846 71 19 from from ADP _005195846 71 20 the the DET _005195846 71 21 authentic authentic ADJ _005195846 71 22 records record NOUN _005195846 71 23 of of ADP _005195846 71 24 the the DET _005195846 71 25 council council NOUN _005195846 71 26 preserved preserve VERB _005195846 71 27 at at ADP _005195846 71 28 rome rome PROPN _005195846 71 29 . . PUNCT _005195846 72 1 ix ix PROPN _005195846 72 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 73 1 — — PUNCT _005195846 73 2 the the DET _005195846 73 3 society society NOUN _005195846 73 4 of of ADP _005195846 73 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005195846 73 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 74 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 74 2 a a X _005195846 74 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 74 4 the the DET _005195846 74 5 founder founder NOUN _005195846 74 6 of of ADP _005195846 74 7 the the DET _005195846 74 8 society.—st society.—st PROPN _005195846 74 9 . . PUNCT _005195846 75 1 ignatius ignatius NOUN _005195846 75 2 of of ADP _005195846 75 3 loyola loyola PROPN _005195846 75 4 — — PUNCT _005195846 75 5 born bear VERB _005195846 75 6 in in ADP _005195846 75 7 the the DET _005195846 75 8 castle castle NOUN _005195846 75 9 of of ADP _005195846 75 10 loyola loyola PROPN _005195846 75 11 in in ADP _005195846 75 12 spain spain PROPN _005195846 75 13 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 75 14 14 14 NUM _005195846 75 15 iu iu ADV _005195846 75 16 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 75 17 — — PUNCT _005195846 75 18 embraces embrace VERB _005195846 75 19 the the DET _005195846 75 20 profession profession NOUN _005195846 75 21 of of ADP _005195846 75 22 arms arm NOUN _005195846 75 23 — — PUNCT _005195846 75 24 wounded wound VERB _005195846 75 25 at at ADP _005195846 75 26 the the DET _005195846 75 27 siege siege NOUN _005195846 75 28 of of ADP _005195846 75 29 pampeluna pampeluna PROPN _005195846 75 30 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 75 31 1521)—taste 1521)—taste NUM _005195846 75 32 for for ADP _005195846 75 33 the the DET _005195846 75 34 religious religious ADJ _005195846 75 35 life life NOUN _005195846 75 36 the the DET _005195846 75 37 result result NOUN _005195846 75 38 of of ADP _005195846 75 39 reading read VERB _005195846 75 40 the the DET _005195846 75 41 lives life NOUN _005195846 75 42 of of ADP _005195846 75 43 the the DET _005195846 75 44 saints saint NOUN _005195846 75 45 — — PUNCT _005195846 75 46 on on ADP _005195846 75 47 his his PRON _005195846 75 48 way way NOUN _005195846 75 49 to to ADP _005195846 75 50 the the DET _005195846 75 51 holy holy ADJ _005195846 75 52 land land NOUN _005195846 75 53 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 75 54 1522 1522 NUM _005195846 75 55 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 75 56 he he PRON _005195846 75 57 visits visit VERB _005195846 75 58 the the DET _005195846 75 59 monastery monastery NOUN _005195846 75 60 of of ADP _005195846 75 61 montserrat montserrat PROPN _005195846 75 62 and and CCONJ _005195846 75 63 the the DET _005195846 75 64 hospital hospital NOUN _005195846 75 65 of of ADP _005195846 75 66 manresa manresa PROPN _005195846 75 67 — — PUNCT _005195846 75 68 on on ADP _005195846 75 69 his his PRON _005195846 75 70 return return NOUN _005195846 75 71 to to ADP _005195846 75 72 spain spain PROPN _005195846 75 73 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 75 74 1524 1524 NUM _005195846 75 75 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 75 76 he he PRON _005195846 75 77 applies apply VERB _005195846 75 78 himself himself PRON _005195846 75 79 to to PART _005195846 75 80 study study VERB _005195846 75 81 first first ADV _005195846 75 82 at at ADP _005195846 75 83 alcala alcala PROPN _005195846 75 84 , , PUNCT _005195846 75 85 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 75 86 at at ADP _005195846 75 87 salamanca salamanca NOUN _005195846 75 88 , , PUNCT _005195846 75 89 and and CCONJ _005195846 75 90 finally finally ADV _005195846 75 91 at at ADP _005195846 75 92 paris paris PROPN _005195846 75 93 — — PUNCT _005195846 75 94 vow vow NOUN _005195846 75 95 taken take VERB _005195846 75 96 by by ADP _005195846 75 97 st st PROPN _005195846 75 98 . . PROPN _005195846 75 99 ignatius ignatius NOUN _005195846 75 100 and and CCONJ _005195846 75 101 his his PRON _005195846 75 102 five five NUM _005195846 75 103 companions companion NOUN _005195846 75 104 on on ADP _005195846 75 105 montmartre montmartre PROPN _005195846 75 106 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 75 107 aug aug PROPN _005195846 75 108 . . PROPN _005195846 75 109 15 15 NUM _005195846 75 110 , , PUNCT _005195846 75 111 1534 1534 NUM _005195846 75 112 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 75 113 to to PART _005195846 75 114 devote devote VERB _005195846 75 115 their their PRON _005195846 75 116 lives life NOUN _005195846 75 117 to to ADP _005195846 75 118 the the DET _005195846 75 119 instruction instruction NOUN _005195846 75 120 of of ADP _005195846 75 121 christians christian NOUN _005195846 75 122 and and CCONJ _005195846 75 123 the the DET _005195846 75 124 conversion conversion NOUN _005195846 75 125 of of ADP _005195846 75 126 the the DET _005195846 75 127 saracens saracen NOUN _005195846 75 128 — — PUNCT _005195846 75 129 the the DET _005195846 75 130 society society NOUN _005195846 75 131 approved approve VERB _005195846 75 132 by by ADP _005195846 75 133 paul paul PROPN _005195846 75 134 iii iii PROPN _005195846 75 135 . . PUNCT _005195846 76 1 in in ADP _005195846 76 2 1540 1540 NUM _005195846 76 3 — — PUNCT _005195846 76 4 death death NOUN _005195846 76 5 of of ADP _005195846 76 6 st st PROPN _005195846 76 7 . . PROPN _005195846 76 8 ignatius ignatius PROPN _005195846 76 9 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 76 10 1556)—his 1556)—his PRON _005195846 76 11 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195846 76 12 exercises exercise NOUN _005195846 76 13 compiled compile VERB _005195846 76 14 at at ADP _005195846 76 15 manresa manresa PROPN _005195846 76 16 . . PUNCT _005195846 77 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 77 2 5 5 X _005195846 77 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 77 4 constitution constitution NOUN _005195846 77 5 of of ADP _005195846 77 6 the the DET _005195846 77 7 society.—members society.—members PROPN _005195846 77 8 of of ADP _005195846 77 9 the the DET _005195846 77 10 society society NOUN _005195846 77 11 divided divide VERB _005195846 77 12 into into ADP _005195846 77 13 three three NUM _005195846 77 14 classes class NOUN _005195846 77 15 , , PUNCT _005195846 77 16 viz viz PROPN _005195846 77 17 . . PROPN _005195846 77 18 , , PUNCT _005195846 77 19 the the DET _005195846 77 20 professed profess VERB _005195846 77 21 , , PUNCT _005195846 77 22 who who PRON _005195846 77 23 add add VERB _005195846 77 24 to to ADP _005195846 77 25 the the DET _005195846 77 26 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005195846 77 27 religious religious ADJ _005195846 77 28 vows vow NOUN _005195846 77 29 that that PRON _005195846 77 30 of of ADP _005195846 77 31 absolute absolute ADJ _005195846 77 32 obedience obedience NOUN _005195846 77 33 to to ADP _005195846 77 34 the the DET _005195846 77 35 holy holy PROPN _005195846 77 36 see see NOUN _005195846 77 37 , , PUNCT _005195846 77 38 the the DET _005195846 77 39 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195846 77 40 coadjutors coadjutor NOUN _005195846 77 41 , , PUNCT _005195846 77 42 and and CCONJ _005195846 77 43 the the DET _005195846 77 44 lay lay ADJ _005195846 77 45 coadjutors coadjutor NOUN _005195846 77 46 or or CCONJ _005195846 77 47 lay lay VERB _005195846 77 48 brothers brother NOUN _005195846 77 49 — — PUNCT _005195846 77 50 the the DET _005195846 77 51 order order NOUN _005195846 77 52 divided divide VERB _005195846 77 53 into into ADP _005195846 77 54 provinces province NOUN _005195846 77 55 , , PUNCT _005195846 77 56 and and CCONJ _005195846 77 57 governed govern VERB _005195846 77 58 by by ADP _005195846 77 59 a a DET _005195846 77 60 general general NOUN _005195846 77 61 who who PRON _005195846 77 62 is be AUX _005195846 77 63 advised advise VERB _005195846 77 64 by by ADP _005195846 77 65 six six NUM _005195846 77 66 assistants assistant NOUN _005195846 77 67 . . PUNCT _005195846 78 1 13 13 NUM _005195846 78 2 x. x. PROPN _005195846 78 3 — — PUNCT _005195846 78 4 other other ADJ _005195846 78 5 new new ADJ _005195846 78 6 orders order NOUN _005195846 78 7 of of ADP _005195846 78 8 the the DET _005195846 78 9 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ _005195846 78 10 and and CCONJ _005195846 78 11 seventeenth seventeenth ADJ _005195846 78 12 centuries century NOUN _005195846 78 13 . . PUNCT _005195846 79 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 79 2 a a X _005195846 79 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 79 4 the the DET _005195846 79 5 oratorians.—st oratorians.—st PROPN _005195846 79 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 80 1 philip philip PROPN _005195846 80 2 neri neri PROPN _005195846 80 3 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 80 4 1515 1515 NUM _005195846 80 5 - - SYM _005195846 80 6 95 95 NUM _005195846 80 7 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 80 8 , , PUNCT _005195846 80 9 a a DET _005195846 80 10 florentine florentine NOUN _005195846 80 11 by by ADP _005195846 80 12 birth birth NOUN _005195846 80 13 , , PUNCT _005195846 80 14 founded found VERB _005195846 80 15 the the DET _005195846 80 16 confraternity confraternity NOUN _005195846 80 17 of of ADP _005195846 80 18 the the DET _005195846 80 19 most most ADV _005195846 80 20 holy holy ADJ _005195846 80 21 trinity trinity NOUN _005195846 80 22 at at ADP _005195846 80 23 rome rome PROPN _005195846 80 24 in in ADP _005195846 80 25 1548 1548 NUM _005195846 80 26 for for ADP _005195846 80 27 the the DET _005195846 80 28 twofold twofold ADJ _005195846 80 29 purpose purpose NOUN _005195846 80 30 of of ADP _005195846 80 31 instructing instruct VERB _005195846 80 32 the the DET _005195846 80 33 young young ADJ _005195846 80 34 and and CCONJ _005195846 80 35 caring care VERB _005195846 80 36 the the DET _005195846 80 37 sick sick ADJ _005195846 80 38 — — PUNCT _005195846 80 39 confraternity confraternity NOUN _005195846 80 40 approved approve VERB _005195846 80 41 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 80 42 1574 1574 NUM _005195846 80 43 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 80 44 by by ADP _005195846 80 45 gregory gregory PROPN _005195846 80 46 xiii xiii PROPN _005195846 80 47 . . PUNCT _005195846 81 1 under under ADP _005195846 81 2 the the DET _005195846 81 3 name name NOUN _005195846 81 4 of of ADP _005195846 81 5 the the DET _005195846 81 6 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 81 7 of of ADP _005195846 81 8 the the DET _005195846 81 9 oratory oratory NOUN _005195846 81 10 — — PUNCT _005195846 81 11 rule rule NOUN _005195846 81 12 drawn draw VERB _005195846 81 13 up up ADP _005195846 81 14 by by ADP _005195846 81 15 baronius baronius NOUN _005195846 81 16 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 81 17 1538 1538 NUM _005195846 81 18 - - SYM _005195846 81 19 1607 1607 NUM _005195846 81 20 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 81 21 , , PUNCT _005195846 81 22 the the DET _005195846 81 23 famous famous ADJ _005195846 81 24 annalist annalist NOUN _005195846 81 25 , , PUNCT _005195846 81 26 based base VERB _005195846 81 27 on on ADP _005195846 81 28 the the DET _005195846 81 29 customs custom NOUN _005195846 81 30 of of ADP _005195846 81 31 the the DET _005195846 81 32 society society NOUN _005195846 81 33 — — PUNCT _005195846 81 34 oratorians oratorian NOUN _005195846 81 35 take take VERB _005195846 81 36 no no DET _005195846 81 37 vows vow NOUN _005195846 81 38 — — PUNCT _005195846 81 39 the the DET _005195846 81 40 french french ADJ _005195846 81 41 oratorians oratorian NOUN _005195846 81 42 founded found VERB _005195846 81 43 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 81 44 1611 1611 NUM _005195846 81 45 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 81 46 by by ADP _005195846 81 47 the the DET _005195846 81 48 abbe abbe PROPN _005195846 81 49 berulle berulle PROPN _005195846 81 50 — — PUNCT _005195846 81 51 the the DET _005195846 81 52 oratorians oratorian NOUN _005195846 81 53 introduced introduce VERB _005195846 81 54 into into ADP _005195846 81 55 england england PROPN _005195846 81 56 , , PUNCT _005195846 81 57 in in ADP _005195846 81 58 1847 1847 NUM _005195846 81 59 , , PUNCT _005195846 81 60 by by ADP _005195846 81 61 dr dr PROPN _005195846 81 62 . . PROPN _005195846 81 63 newman newman PROPN _005195846 81 64 . . PUNCT _005195846 82 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 82 2 b b X _005195846 82 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 82 4 the the DET _005195846 82 5 capuchins.—reformed capuchins.—reforme VERB _005195846 82 6 branch branch NOUN _005195846 82 7 of of ADP _005195846 82 8 the the DET _005195846 82 9 franciscans franciscan NOUN _005195846 82 10 founded found VERB _005195846 82 11 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 82 12 1525 1525 NUM _005195846 82 13 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 82 14 by by ADP _005195846 82 15 matteo matteo PROPN _005195846 82 16 de de X _005195846 82 17 bassi bassi PROPN _005195846 82 18 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 82 19 j j NOUN _005195846 82 20 1552 1552 NUM _005195846 82 21 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 82 22 , , PUNCT _005195846 82 23 a a DET _005195846 82 24 member member NOUN _005195846 82 25 of of ADP _005195846 82 26 the the DET _005195846 82 27 franciscan franciscan ADJ _005195846 82 28 monastery monastery NOUN _005195846 82 29 of of ADP _005195846 82 30 montefalcone montefalcone NOUN _005195846 82 31 , , PUNCT _005195846 82 32 and and CCONJ _005195846 82 33 approved approve VERB _005195846 82 34 in in ADP _005195846 82 35 1528 1528 NUM _005195846 82 36 by by ADP _005195846 82 37 clement clement NOUN _005195846 82 38 vii.—the vii.—the PROPN _005195846 82 39 capuchins capuchin NOUN _005195846 82 40 wear wear VERB _005195846 82 41 their their PRON _005195846 82 42 beard beard NOUN _005195846 82 43 and and CCONJ _005195846 82 44 the the DET _005195846 82 45 capucdo capucdo NOUN _005195846 82 46 . . PUNCT _005195846 83 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 83 2 c c PROPN _005195846 83 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 83 4 the the DET _005195846 83 5 theatines.—a theatines.—a SPACE _005195846 83 6 society society NOUN _005195846 83 7 of of ADP _005195846 83 8 priests priest NOUN _005195846 83 9 founded found VERB _005195846 83 10 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 83 11 1524 1524 NUM _005195846 83 12 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 83 13 by by ADP _005195846 83 14 cajetan cajetan PROPN _005195846 83 15 di di PROPN _005195846 83 16 thiene thiene PROPN _005195846 83 17 and and CCONJ _005195846 83 18 peter peter PROPN _005195846 83 19 caraffa caraffa PROPN _005195846 83 20 , , PUNCT _005195846 83 21 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 83 22 of of ADP _005195846 83 23 theate theate NOUN _005195846 83 24 , , PUNCT _005195846 83 25 to to PART _005195846 83 26 look look VERB _005195846 83 27 after after ADP _005195846 83 28 the the DET _005195846 83 29 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195846 83 30 wants want NOUN _005195846 83 31 of of ADP _005195846 83 32 the the DET _005195846 83 33 sick sick ADJ _005195846 83 34 , , PUNCT _005195846 83 35 and and CCONJ _005195846 83 36 to to PART _005195846 83 37 reform reform VERB _005195846 83 38 abuses abuse NOUN _005195846 83 39 among among ADP _005195846 83 40 the the DET _005195846 83 41 clergy clergy NOUN _005195846 83 42 . . PUNCT _005195846 84 1 caraffa caraffa PROPN _005195846 84 2 , , PUNCT _005195846 84 3 their their PRON _005195846 84 4 first first ADJ _005195846 84 5 superior superior NOUN _005195846 84 6 , , PUNCT _005195846 84 7 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 84 8 became become VERB _005195846 84 9 pope pope NOUN _005195846 84 10 under under ADP _005195846 84 11 the the DET _005195846 84 12 name name NOUN _005195846 84 13 of of ADP _005195846 84 14 paul paul PROPN _005195846 84 15 iv iv PROPN _005195846 84 16 . . PUNCT _005195846 85 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 85 2 d d PROPN _005195846 85 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 85 4 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 85 5 of of ADP _005195846 85 6 st st PROPN _005195846 85 7 . . PROPN _005195846 85 8 tlaur.—a tlaur.—a PRON _005195846 85 9 reformed reform VERB _005195846 85 10 branch branch NOUN _005195846 85 11 of of ADP _005195846 85 12 the the DET _005195846 85 13 benedictines benedictine NOUN _005195846 85 14 founded found VERB _005195846 85 15 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 85 16 1604 1604 NUM _005195846 85 17 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 85 18 by by ADP _005195846 85 19 didier didi ADJ _005195846 85 20 de de X _005195846 85 21 la la PROPN _005195846 85 22 cour cour NOUN _005195846 85 23 , , PUNCT _005195846 85 24 prior prior ADV _005195846 85 25 of of ADP _005195846 85 26 the the DET _005195846 85 27 benedictine benedictine ADJ _005195846 85 28 monastery monastery NOUN _005195846 85 29 of of ADP _005195846 85 30 st st PROPN _005195846 85 31 . . PROPN _005195846 85 32 vannes vannes PROPN _005195846 85 33 , , PUNCT _005195846 85 34 to to PART _005195846 85 35 revive revive VERB _005195846 85 36 the the DET _005195846 85 37 primitive primitive ADJ _005195846 85 38 strictness strictness NOUN _005195846 85 39 of of ADP _005195846 85 40 the the DET _005195846 85 41 benedictine benedictine ADJ _005195846 85 42 rule rule NOUN _005195846 85 43 , , PUNCT _005195846 85 44 and and CCONJ _005195846 85 45 to to PART _005195846 85 46 advance advance VERB _005195846 85 47 the the DET _005195846 85 48 study study NOUN _005195846 85 49 of of ADP _005195846 85 50 the the DET _005195846 85 51 sacred sacred ADJ _005195846 85 52 sciences science NOUN _005195846 85 53 — — PUNCT _005195846 85 54 large large ADJ _005195846 85 55 number number NOUN _005195846 85 56 of of ADP _005195846 85 57 distinguished distinguished ADJ _005195846 85 58 writers writer NOUN _005195846 85 59 produced produce VERB _005195846 85 60 by by ADP _005195846 85 61 this this DET _005195846 85 62 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 85 63 . . PUNCT _005195846 86 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 86 2 e e PROPN _005195846 86 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 86 4 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 86 5 of of ADP _005195846 86 6 the the DET _005195846 86 7 missioi:.—st missioi:.—st PROPN _005195846 86 8 . . PROPN _005195846 87 1 vincent vincent PROPN _005195846 87 2 de de PROPN _005195846 87 3 paul paul PROPN _005195846 87 4 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 5 14 14 NUM _005195846 87 6 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 87 7 1576 1576 NUM _005195846 87 8 - - SYM _005195846 87 9 1660 1660 NUM _005195846 87 10 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 87 11 the the DET _005195846 87 12 founder founder NOUN _005195846 87 13 of of ADP _005195846 87 14 this this DET _005195846 87 15 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 87 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 17 born bear VERB _005195846 87 18 of of ADP _005195846 87 19 humble humble ADJ _005195846 87 20 parents parent NOUN _005195846 87 21 at at ADP _005195846 87 22 pouy pouy PROPN _005195846 87 23 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 24 a a DET _005195846 87 25 village village NOUN _005195846 87 26 in in ADP _005195846 87 27 the the DET _005195846 87 28 south south NOUN _005195846 87 29 of of ADP _005195846 87 30 france france PROPN _005195846 87 31 — — PUNCT _005195846 87 32 having having AUX _005195846 87 33 studied study VERB _005195846 87 34 in in ADP _005195846 87 35 the the DET _005195846 87 36 university university PROPN _005195846 87 37 of of ADP _005195846 87 38 toulouse toulouse NOUN _005195846 87 39 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 40 he he PRON _005195846 87 41 was be AUX _005195846 87 42 ordained ordain VERB _005195846 87 43 priest priest NOUN _005195846 87 44 in in ADP _005195846 87 45 1600 1600 NUM _005195846 87 46 — — PUNCT _005195846 87 47 taken take VERB _005195846 87 48 captive captive ADJ _005195846 87 49 by by ADP _005195846 87 50 african african ADJ _005195846 87 51 corsairs corsair NOUN _005195846 87 52 in in ADP _005195846 87 53 1605 1605 NUM _005195846 87 54 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 55 and and CCONJ _005195846 87 56 sold sell VERB _005195846 87 57 as as ADP _005195846 87 58 a a DET _005195846 87 59 slave slave NOUN _005195846 87 60 at at ADP _005195846 87 61 tunis tuni NOUN _005195846 87 62 — — PUNCT _005195846 87 63 enters enter VERB _005195846 87 64 the the DET _005195846 87 65 french french ADJ _005195846 87 66 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 87 67 of of ADP _005195846 87 68 the the DET _005195846 87 69 oratory oratory NOUN _005195846 87 70 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 71 and and CCONJ _005195846 87 72 becomes become VERB _005195846 87 73 tutor tutor NOUN _005195846 87 74 in in ADP _005195846 87 75 the the DET _005195846 87 76 family family NOUN _005195846 87 77 of of ADP _005195846 87 78 the the DET _005195846 87 79 count count NOUN _005195846 87 80 de de X _005195846 87 81 gondi gondi NOUN _005195846 87 82 — — PUNCT _005195846 87 83 founds found NOUN _005195846 87 84 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 87 85 1618 1618 NUM _005195846 87 86 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 87 87 the the DET _005195846 87 88 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 87 89 of of ADP _005195846 87 90 french french ADJ _005195846 87 91 sisters sister NOUN _005195846 87 92 of of ADP _005195846 87 93 charity charity NOUN _005195846 87 94 to to PART _005195846 87 95 care care VERB _005195846 87 96 the the DET _005195846 87 97 sick sick NOUN _005195846 87 98 in in ADP _005195846 87 99 hospitals hospital NOUN _005195846 87 100 — — PUNCT _005195846 87 101 founds found NOUN _005195846 87 102 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 87 103 1624 1624 NUM _005195846 87 104 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 87 105 a a DET _005195846 87 106 society society NOUN _005195846 87 107 of of ADP _005195846 87 108 priests priest NOUN _005195846 87 109 to to PART _005195846 87 110 give give VERB _005195846 87 111 missions mission NOUN _005195846 87 112 in in ADP _005195846 87 113 country country NOUN _005195846 87 114 districts district NOUN _005195846 87 115 under under ADP _005195846 87 116 the the DET _005195846 87 117 direction direction NOUN _005195846 87 118 of of ADP _005195846 87 119 the the DET _005195846 87 120 bishop bishop NOUN _005195846 87 121 of of ADP _005195846 87 122 the the DET _005195846 87 123 diocese diocese NOUN _005195846 87 124 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 125 and and CCONJ _005195846 87 126 to to PART _005195846 87 127 conduct conduct VERB _005195846 87 128 retreats retreat NOUN _005195846 87 129 for for ADP _005195846 87 130 priests priest NOUN _005195846 87 131 — — PUNCT _005195846 87 132 • • VERB _005195846 87 133 the the DET _005195846 87 134 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 87 135 of of ADP _005195846 87 136 the the DET _005195846 87 137 mission mission NOUN _005195846 87 138 introduced introduce VERB _005195846 87 139 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 87 140 1834 1834 NUM _005195846 87 141 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 87 142 into into ADP _005195846 87 143 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 87 144 by by ADP _005195846 87 145 the the DET _005195846 87 146 rev rev PROPN _005195846 87 147 . . PROPN _005195846 87 148 philip philip PROPN _005195846 87 149 dowley dowley PROPN _005195846 87 150 , , PUNCT _005195846 87 151 dean dean NOUN _005195846 87 152 in in ADP _005195846 87 153 maynooth maynooth PROPN _005195846 87 154 college college NOUN _005195846 87 155 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 87 156 1816 1816 NUM _005195846 87 157 - - SYM _005195846 87 158 34 34 NUM _005195846 87 159 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 87 160 . . PUNCT _005195846 88 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 88 2 / / SYM _005195846 88 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 88 4 the the DET _005195846 88 5 trappists.—a trappists.—a SPACE _005195846 88 6 reformed reform VERB _005195846 88 7 branch branch NOUN _005195846 88 8 of of ADP _005195846 88 9 the the DET _005195846 88 10 sistercians sistercian NOUN _005195846 88 11 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 12 founded found VERB _005195846 88 13 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 88 14 1662 1662 NUM _005195846 88 15 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 88 16 by by ADP _005195846 88 17 bouthelier boutheli ADJ _005195846 88 18 de de X _005195846 88 19 ranee ranee NOUN _005195846 88 20 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 88 21 1626 1626 NUM _005195846 88 22 - - SYM _005195846 88 23 1700 1700 NUM _005195846 88 24 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 88 25 — — PUNCT _005195846 88 26 the the DET _005195846 88 27 latter latter ADJ _005195846 88 28 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 29 having having AUX _005195846 88 30 read read VERB _005195846 88 31 a a DET _005195846 88 32 distinguished distinguished ADJ _005195846 88 33 course course NOUN _005195846 88 34 in in ADP _005195846 88 35 the the DET _005195846 88 36 university university PROPN _005195846 88 37 of of ADP _005195846 88 38 paris paris PROPN _005195846 88 39 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 40 was be AUX _005195846 88 41 ordained ordain VERB _005195846 88 42 priest priest NOUN _005195846 88 43 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 44 and and CCONJ _005195846 88 45 obtained obtain VERB _005195846 88 46 a a DET _005195846 88 47 number number NOUN _005195846 88 48 of of ADP _005195846 88 49 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195846 88 50 preferments preferment NOUN _005195846 88 51 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 52 among among ADP _005195846 88 53 them they PRON _005195846 88 54 being be AUX _005195846 88 55 the the DET _005195846 88 56 abbacy abbacy NOUN _005195846 88 57 of of ADP _005195846 88 58 the the DET _005195846 88 59 cistercian cistercian ADJ _005195846 88 60 monastery monastery NOUN _005195846 88 61 of of ADP _005195846 88 62 la la PROPN _005195846 88 63 trappe trappe PROPN _005195846 88 64 — — PUNCT _005195846 88 65 for for ADP _005195846 88 66 a a DET _005195846 88 67 time time NOUN _005195846 88 68 he he PRON _005195846 88 69 led lead VERB _005195846 88 70 a a DET _005195846 88 71 dissipated dissipate VERB _005195846 88 72 life life NOUN _005195846 88 73 in in ADP _005195846 88 74 paris paris PROPN _005195846 88 75 — — PUNCT _005195846 88 76 at at ADP _005195846 88 77 length length NOUN _005195846 88 78 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 79 being be AUX _005195846 88 80 touched touch VERB _005195846 88 81 by by ADP _005195846 88 82 grace grace NOUN _005195846 88 83 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 84 he he PRON _005195846 88 85 resigned resign VERB _005195846 88 86 all all DET _005195846 88 87 his his PRON _005195846 88 88 preferments preferment NOUN _005195846 88 89 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 90 distributed distribute VERB _005195846 88 91 his his PRON _005195846 88 92 goods good NOUN _005195846 88 93 among among ADP _005195846 88 94 the the DET _005195846 88 95 poor poor ADJ _005195846 88 96 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 97 and and CCONJ _005195846 88 98 withdrew withdraw VERB _005195846 88 99 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 88 100 1662 1662 NUM _005195846 88 101 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 88 102 to to ADP _005195846 88 103 the the DET _005195846 88 104 monastery monastery NOUN _005195846 88 105 of of ADP _005195846 88 106 la la PROPN _005195846 88 107 trappe trappe PROPN _005195846 88 108 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 109 where where SCONJ _005195846 88 110 he he PRON _005195846 88 111 entered enter VERB _005195846 88 112 on on ADP _005195846 88 113 a a DET _005195846 88 114 course course NOUN _005195846 88 115 of of ADP _005195846 88 116 extreme extreme ADJ _005195846 88 117 asceticism asceticism NOUN _005195846 88 118 , , PUNCT _005195846 88 119 and and CCONJ _005195846 88 120 finally finally ADV _005195846 88 121 succeeded succeed VERB _005195846 88 122 in in ADP _005195846 88 123 gaining gain VERB _005195846 88 124 over over ADP _005195846 88 125 the the DET _005195846 88 126 monks monk NOUN _005195846 88 127 of of ADP _005195846 88 128 his his PRON _005195846 88 129 own own ADJ _005195846 88 130 and and CCONJ _005195846 88 131 other other ADJ _005195846 88 132 monasteries monastery NOUN _005195846 88 133 to to PART _005195846 88 134 adopt adopt VERB _005195846 88 135 his his PRON _005195846 88 136 reforms reform NOUN _005195846 88 137 — — PUNCT _005195846 88 138 two two NUM _005195846 88 139 houses house NOUN _005195846 88 140 of of ADP _005195846 88 141 the the DET _005195846 88 142 order order NOUN _005195846 88 143 in in ADP _005195846 88 144 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 88 145 . . PUNCT _005195846 89 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 2 g g NOUN _005195846 89 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 4 remaining remain VERB _005195846 89 5 orders.—ursuline orders.—ursuline ADP _005195846 89 6 order order NOUN _005195846 89 7 founded found VERB _005195846 89 8 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 9 1537 1537 NUM _005195846 89 10 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 11 by by ADP _005195846 89 12 st st PROPN _005195846 89 13 . . PROPN _005195846 89 14 angela angela PROPN _005195846 89 15 de de PROPN _005195846 89 16 ’ ’ PROPN _005195846 89 17 merici merici NOUN _005195846 89 18 for for ADP _005195846 89 19 the the DET _005195846 89 20 education education NOUN _005195846 89 21 of of ADP _005195846 89 22 young young ADJ _005195846 89 23 ladies lady NOUN _005195846 89 24 — — PUNCT _005195846 89 25 the the DET _005195846 89 26 order order NOUN _005195846 89 27 of of ADP _005195846 89 28 the the DET _005195846 89 29 visitation visitation NOUN _005195846 89 30 founded found VERB _005195846 89 31 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 32 1610 1610 NUM _005195846 89 33 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 34 by by ADP _005195846 89 35 st st PROPN _005195846 89 36 . . PROPN _005195846 89 37 francis francis PROPN _005195846 89 38 de de PROPN _005195846 89 39 sales sale NOUN _005195846 89 40 and and CCONJ _005195846 89 41 frances france NOUN _005195846 89 42 de de X _005195846 89 43 chantal chantal PROPN _005195846 89 44 , , PUNCT _005195846 89 45 to to PART _005195846 89 46 take take VERB _005195846 89 47 care care NOUN _005195846 89 48 of of ADP _005195846 89 49 the the DET _005195846 89 50 sick sick ADJ _005195846 89 51 and and CCONJ _005195846 89 52 to to PART _005195846 89 53 educate educate VERB _005195846 89 54 the the DET _005195846 89 55 young young ADJ _005195846 89 56 — — PUNCT _005195846 89 57 the the DET _005195846 89 58 institute institute NOUN _005195846 89 59 of of ADP _005195846 89 60 the the DET _005195846 89 61 blessed bless VERB _005195846 89 62 15 15 NUM _005195846 89 63 virgin virgin NOUN _005195846 89 64 founded found VERB _005195846 89 65 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 66 1604 1604 NUM _005195846 89 67 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 68 on on ADP _005195846 89 69 the the DET _005195846 89 70 continent continent NOUN _005195846 89 71 by by ADP _005195846 89 72 mary mary PROPN _005195846 89 73 ward ward PROPN _005195846 89 74 for for ADP _005195846 89 75 the the DET _005195846 89 76 education education NOUN _005195846 89 77 of of ADP _005195846 89 78 english english ADJ _005195846 89 79 ladies lady NOUN _005195846 89 80 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 89 81 introduced introduce VERB _005195846 89 82 into into ADP _005195846 89 83 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 89 84 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 85 1827 1827 NUM _005195846 89 86 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 87 by by ADP _005195846 89 88 mrs mrs PROPN _005195846 89 89 . . PROPN _005195846 89 90 ball ball PROPN _005195846 89 91 under under ADP _005195846 89 92 the the DET _005195846 89 93 title title NOUN _005195846 89 94 of of ADP _005195846 89 95 the the DET _005195846 89 96 loreto loreto NOUN _005195846 89 97 order order NOUN _005195846 89 98 — — PUNCT _005195846 89 99 the the DET _005195846 89 100 oblates oblate NOUN _005195846 89 101 of of ADP _005195846 89 102 the the DET _005195846 89 103 blessed bless VERB _005195846 89 104 virgin virgin NOUN _005195846 89 105 founded found VERB _005195846 89 106 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 107 1578 1578 NUM _005195846 89 108 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 109 by by ADP _005195846 89 110 st st PROPN _005195846 89 111 . . PROPN _005195846 89 112 charles charles PROPN _005195846 89 113 borromeo borromeo PROPN _005195846 89 114 — — PUNCT _005195846 89 115 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 89 116 of of ADP _005195846 89 117 st st PROPN _005195846 89 118 . . PROPN _005195846 89 119 sulpice sulpice PROPN _005195846 89 120 founded found VERB _005195846 89 121 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 122 1642 1642 NUM _005195846 89 123 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 124 by by ADP _005195846 89 125 jacques jacques PROPN _005195846 89 126 olier olier PROPN _005195846 89 127 , , PUNCT _005195846 89 128 to to PART _005195846 89 129 conduct conduct VERB _005195846 89 130 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195846 89 131 seminaries seminary NOUN _005195846 89 132 — — PUNCT _005195846 89 133 the the DET _005195846 89 134 brothers brother NOUN _005195846 89 135 of of ADP _005195846 89 136 the the DET _005195846 89 137 christian christian PROPN _005195846 89 138 schools school NOUN _005195846 89 139 founded found VERB _005195846 89 140 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 89 141 1681 1681 NUM _005195846 89 142 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 89 143 by by ADP _005195846 89 144 john john PROPN _005195846 89 145 baptist baptist PROPN _005195846 89 146 de de PROPN _005195846 89 147 la la X _005195846 89 148 salle salle PROPN _005195846 89 149 , , PUNCT _005195846 89 150 a a DET _005195846 89 151 canon canon NOUN _005195846 89 152 of of ADP _005195846 89 153 rheims rheim NOUN _005195846 89 154 , , PUNCT _005195846 89 155 & & CCONJ _005195846 89 156 c. c. PROPN _005195846 89 157 xi xi PROPN _005195846 89 158 . . PUNCT _005195846 89 159 — — PUNCT _005195846 89 160 galileo galileo PROPN _005195846 89 161 and and CCONJ _005195846 89 162 the the DET _005195846 89 163 roman roman ADJ _005195846 89 164 inquisition inquisition NOUN _005195846 89 165 . . PUNCT _005195846 90 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 90 2 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 90 3 life life NOUN _005195846 90 4 of of ADP _005195846 90 5 galileo.—born galileo.—born PROPN _005195846 90 6 at at ADP _005195846 90 7 pisa pisa NOUN _005195846 90 8 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 90 9 1564)—an 1564)—an PROPN _005195846 90 10 ardent ardent ADJ _005195846 90 11 student student NOUN _005195846 90 12 of of ADP _005195846 90 13 experimental experimental ADJ _005195846 90 14 science science NOUN _005195846 90 15 — — PUNCT _005195846 90 16 the the DET _005195846 90 17 oscillation oscillation NOUN _005195846 90 18 of of ADP _005195846 90 19 a a DET _005195846 90 20 lamp lamp NOUN _005195846 90 21 in in ADP _005195846 90 22 the the DET _005195846 90 23 cathedral cathedral NOUN _005195846 90 24 of of ADP _005195846 90 25 pisa pisa NOUN _005195846 90 26 suggests suggest VERB _005195846 90 27 to to ADP _005195846 90 28 him he PRON _005195846 90 29 the the DET _005195846 90 30 use use NOUN _005195846 90 31 of of ADP _005195846 90 32 the the DET _005195846 90 33 pendulum pendulum NOUN _005195846 90 34 in in ADP _005195846 90 35 the the DET _005195846 90 36 measurement measurement NOUN _005195846 90 37 of of ADP _005195846 90 38 time time NOUN _005195846 90 39 — — PUNCT _005195846 90 40 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 90 41 professor professor NOUN _005195846 90 42 in in ADP _005195846 90 43 the the DET _005195846 90 44 university university PROPN _005195846 90 45 of of ADP _005195846 90 46 pisa pisa PROPN _005195846 90 47 — — PUNCT _005195846 90 48 having having AUX _005195846 90 49 incurred incur VERB _005195846 90 50 the the DET _005195846 90 51 displeasure displeasure NOUN _005195846 90 52 of of ADP _005195846 90 53 john john PROPN _005195846 90 54 de de PROPN _005195846 90 55 ’ ’ PROPN _005195846 90 56 medici medici NOUN _005195846 90 57 and and CCONJ _005195846 90 58 the the DET _005195846 90 59 advocates advocate NOUN _005195846 90 60 of of ADP _005195846 90 61 the the DET _005195846 90 62 aristotelian aristotelian ADJ _005195846 90 63 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195846 90 64 , , PUNCT _005195846 90 65 he he PRON _005195846 90 66 withdrew withdraw VERB _005195846 90 67 from from ADP _005195846 90 68 pisa pisa NOUN _005195846 90 69 to to ADP _005195846 90 70 padua padua PROPN _005195846 90 71 , , PUNCT _005195846 90 72 where where SCONJ _005195846 90 73 be be AUX _005195846 90 74 lectured lecture VERB _005195846 90 75 for for ADP _005195846 90 76 eighteen eighteen NUM _005195846 90 77 years year NOUN _005195846 90 78 — — PUNCT _005195846 90 79 constructs construct VERB _005195846 90 80 his his PRON _005195846 90 81 telescope telescope NOUN _005195846 90 82 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 90 83 1607)—he 1607)—he NUM _005195846 90 84 returns return NOUN _005195846 90 85 to to ADP _005195846 90 86 pisa pisa NOUN _005195846 90 87 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 90 88 1610)—received 1610)—receive VERB _005195846 90 89 at at ADP _005195846 90 90 rome rome PROPN _005195846 90 91 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 90 92 1611 1611 NUM _005195846 90 93 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 90 94 with with ADP _005195846 90 95 great great ADJ _005195846 90 96 distinction distinction NOUN _005195846 90 97 — — PUNCT _005195846 90 98 his his PRON _005195846 90 99 imprisonment imprisonment NOUN _005195846 90 100 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 90 101 1633 1633 NUM _005195846 90 102 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 90 103 and and CCONJ _005195846 90 104 release release VERB _005195846 90 105 — — PUNCT _005195846 90 106 his his PRON _005195846 90 107 death death NOUN _005195846 90 108 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 90 109 1642)—his 1642)—his NUM _005195846 90 110 satirical satirical ADJ _005195846 90 111 disposition disposition NOUN _005195846 90 112 . . PUNCT _005195846 91 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 91 2 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 91 3 the the DET _005195846 91 4 church church NOUN _005195846 91 5 and and CCONJ _005195846 91 6 heliocentricisni.—those heliocentricisni.—those NOUN _005195846 91 7 who who PRON _005195846 91 8 taught teach VERB _005195846 91 9 heliocentricism heliocentricism NOUN _005195846 91 10 generally generally ADV _005195846 91 11 well well ADV _005195846 91 12 treated treat VERB _005195846 91 13 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 14 v.g v.g PROPN _005195846 91 15 . . PROPN _005195846 91 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 17 nicholas nicholas PROPN _005195846 91 18 of of ADP _005195846 91 19 cusa cusa PROPN _005195846 91 20 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 21 who who PRON _005195846 91 22 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 23 after after ADP _005195846 91 24 holding hold VERB _005195846 91 25 that that SCONJ _005195846 91 26 the the DET _005195846 91 27 earth earth NOUN _005195846 91 28 moves move VERB _005195846 91 29 round round VERB _005195846 91 30 the the DET _005195846 91 31 sun sun NOUN _005195846 91 32 in in ADP _005195846 91 33 his his PRON _005195846 91 34 book book NOUN _005195846 91 35 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 36 l)octa l)octa NUM _005195846 91 37 ignorantici ignorantici NOUN _005195846 91 38 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 39 was be AUX _005195846 91 40 made make VERB _005195846 91 41 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195846 91 42 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 91 43 copernicus copernicus PROPN _005195846 91 44 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 91 45 1473 1473 NUM _005195846 91 46 - - SYM _005195846 91 47 1543 1543 NUM _005195846 91 48 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 91 49 whose whose DET _005195846 91 50 work work NOUN _005195846 91 51 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 52 de de PROPN _005195846 91 53 revolutionibus revolutionibus PROPN _005195846 91 54 orbiurn orbiurn PROPN _005195846 91 55 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 56 was be AUX _005195846 91 57 published publish VERB _005195846 91 58 at at ADP _005195846 91 59 the the DET _005195846 91 60 expense expense NOUN _005195846 91 61 of of ADP _005195846 91 62 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195846 91 63 schomberg schomberg NOUN _005195846 91 64 and and CCONJ _005195846 91 65 the the DET _005195846 91 66 bishop bishop PROPN _005195846 91 67 of of ADP _005195846 91 68 emerland emerland PROPN _005195846 91 69 , , PUNCT _005195846 91 70 and and CCONJ _005195846 91 71 was be AUX _005195846 91 72 dedicated dedicate VERB _005195846 91 73 to to ADP _005195846 91 74 paul paul PROPN _005195846 91 75 iii iii PROPN _005195846 91 76 . . PUNCT _005195846 92 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 92 2 1534 1534 NUM _005195846 92 3 - - SYM _005195846 92 4 49 49 NUM _005195846 92 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 92 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 92 7 kepler kepler PROPN _005195846 92 8 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 92 9 1571 1571 NUM _005195846 92 10 - - SYM _005195846 92 11 1630 1630 NUM _005195846 92 12 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 92 13 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 14 who who PRON _005195846 92 15 was be AUX _005195846 92 16 offered offer VERB _005195846 92 17 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 92 18 1617 1617 NUM _005195846 92 19 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 92 20 a a DET _005195846 92 21 chair chair NOUN _005195846 92 22 in in ADP _005195846 92 23 the the DET _005195846 92 24 pope pope PROPN _005195846 92 25 ’s ’s PART _005195846 92 26 own own ADJ _005195846 92 27 university university PROPN _005195846 92 28 of of ADP _005195846 92 29 bologna bologna PROPN _005195846 92 30 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 31 & & CCONJ _005195846 92 32 c. c. PROPN _005195846 92 33 16 16 PROPN _005195846 92 34 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 92 35 c c NOUN _005195846 92 36 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 92 37 condemnation condemnation NOUN _005195846 92 38 of of ADP _005195846 92 39 galileo.—copernican galileo.—copernican ADJ _005195846 92 40 system system NOUN _005195846 92 41 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 92 42 by by ADP _005195846 92 43 the the DET _005195846 92 44 holy holy ADJ _005195846 92 45 offices office NOUN _005195846 92 46 in in ADP _005195846 92 47 1616 1616 NUM _005195846 92 48 as as ADP _005195846 92 49 “ " PUNCT _005195846 92 50 false false ADJ _005195846 92 51 and and CCONJ _005195846 92 52 opposed oppose VERB _005195846 92 53 to to ADP _005195846 92 54 sacred sacred ADJ _005195846 92 55 scripture scripture NOUN _005195846 92 56 ” " PUNCT _005195846 92 57 — — PUNCT _005195846 92 58 the the DET _005195846 92 59 decision decision NOUN _005195846 92 60 renewed renew VERB _005195846 92 61 by by ADP _005195846 92 62 the the DET _005195846 92 63 holy holy ADJ _005195846 92 64 office office NOUN _005195846 92 65 in in ADP _005195846 92 66 1633 1633 NUM _005195846 92 67 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 68 and and CCONJ _005195846 92 69 galileo galileo PROPN _005195846 92 70 sentenced sentence VERB _005195846 92 71 to to ADP _005195846 92 72 imprisonment imprisonment NOUN _005195846 92 73 — — PUNCT _005195846 92 74 the the DET _005195846 92 75 holy holy ADJ _005195846 92 76 office office NOUN _005195846 92 77 not not PART _005195846 92 78 infallible infallible ADJ _005195846 92 79 — — PUNCT _005195846 92 80 the the DET _005195846 92 81 causes cause NOUN _005195846 92 82 that that PRON _005195846 92 83 led lead VERB _005195846 92 84 to to ADP _005195846 92 85 the the DET _005195846 92 86 condemnation condemnation NOUN _005195846 92 87 of of ADP _005195846 92 88 galileo galileo PROPN _005195846 92 89 : : PUNCT _005195846 92 90 1st 1st PROPN _005195846 92 91 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 92 his his PRON _005195846 92 93 satirical satirical ADJ _005195846 92 94 disposition disposition NOUN _005195846 92 95 as as SCONJ _005195846 92 96 shown show VERB _005195846 92 97 in in ADP _005195846 92 98 his his PRON _005195846 92 99 dialogue dialogue NOUN _005195846 92 100 about about ADP _005195846 92 101 the the DET _005195846 92 102 chief chief ADJ _005195846 92 103 systems system NOUN _005195846 92 104 of of ADP _005195846 92 105 the the DET _005195846 92 106 universe universe NOUN _005195846 92 107 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 92 108 1632 1632 NUM _005195846 92 109 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 92 110 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 111 in in ADP _005195846 92 112 which which PRON _005195846 92 113 urban urban ADJ _005195846 92 114 viii viii PROPN _005195846 92 115 . . PUNCT _005195846 92 116 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 117 his his PRON _005195846 92 118 former former ADJ _005195846 92 119 patron patron NOUN _005195846 92 120 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 121 is be AUX _005195846 92 122 held hold VERB _005195846 92 123 up up ADP _005195846 92 124 to to PART _005195846 92 125 ridicule ridicule VERB _005195846 92 126 as as ADP _005195846 92 127 a a DET _005195846 92 128 defender defender NOUN _005195846 92 129 of of ADP _005195846 92 130 the the DET _005195846 92 131 ptolemaic ptolemaic ADJ _005195846 92 132 system system NOUN _005195846 92 133 under under ADP _005195846 92 134 the the DET _005195846 92 135 name name NOUN _005195846 92 136 of of ADP _005195846 92 137 simplicio simplicio NOUN _005195846 92 138 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 92 139 ‘ ' PUNCT _005195846 92 140 2ndly 2ndly ADV _005195846 92 141 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 142 the the DET _005195846 92 143 opposition opposition NOUN _005195846 92 144 of of ADP _005195846 92 145 the the DET _005195846 92 146 aristotelians aristotelian NOUN _005195846 92 147 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 92 148 3rdly 3rdly X _005195846 92 149 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 150 the the DET _005195846 92 151 extravagant extravagant ADJ _005195846 92 152 views view NOUN _005195846 92 153 advanced advance VERB _005195846 92 154 by by ADP _005195846 92 155 him he PRON _005195846 92 156 about about ADP _005195846 92 157 the the DET _005195846 92 158 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005195846 92 159 of of ADP _005195846 92 160 scriptural scriptural ADJ _005195846 92 161 texts text NOUN _005195846 92 162 when when SCONJ _005195846 92 163 they they PRON _005195846 92 164 appear appear VERB _005195846 92 165 to to PART _005195846 92 166 be be AUX _005195846 92 167 at at ADP _005195846 92 168 variance variance NOUN _005195846 92 169 with with ADP _005195846 92 170 the the DET _005195846 92 171 theories theory NOUN _005195846 92 172 of of ADP _005195846 92 173 scientists scientist NOUN _005195846 92 174 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 92 175 advice advice NOUN _005195846 92 176 given give VERB _005195846 92 177 to to ADP _005195846 92 178 him he PRON _005195846 92 179 by by ADP _005195846 92 180 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195846 92 181 bellarmine bellarmine NOUN _005195846 92 182 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 92 183 1542 1542 NUM _005195846 92 184 - - SYM _005195846 92 185 1621 1621 NUM _005195846 92 186 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 92 187 to to PART _005195846 92 188 coniine coniine VERB _005195846 92 189 himself himself PRON _005195846 92 190 to to ADP _005195846 92 191 the the DET _005195846 92 192 purely purely ADV _005195846 92 193 scientific scientific ADJ _005195846 92 194 aspect aspect NOUN _005195846 92 195 of of ADP _005195846 92 196 the the DET _005195846 92 197 question question NOUN _005195846 92 198 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 92 199 and and CCONJ _005195846 92 200 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 201 ithly ithly ADV _005195846 92 202 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 203 his his PRON _005195846 92 204 action action NOUN _005195846 92 205 in in ADP _005195846 92 206 defending defend VERB _005195846 92 207 as as ADV _005195846 92 208 certain certain ADJ _005195846 92 209 a a DET _005195846 92 210 system system NOUN _005195846 92 211 which which PRON _005195846 92 212 was be AUX _005195846 92 213 not not PART _005195846 92 214 supported support VERB _005195846 92 215 by by ADP _005195846 92 216 conclusive conclusive ADJ _005195846 92 217 arguments argument NOUN _005195846 92 218 — — PUNCT _005195846 92 219 strongest strong ADJ _005195846 92 220 arguments argument NOUN _005195846 92 221 in in ADP _005195846 92 222 favour favour NOUN _005195846 92 223 of of ADP _005195846 92 224 the the DET _005195846 92 225 copernican copernican ADJ _005195846 92 226 system system NOUN _005195846 92 227 unknown unknown ADJ _005195846 92 228 to to ADP _005195846 92 229 galileo galileo PROPN _005195846 92 230 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 231 such such ADJ _005195846 92 232 as as ADP _005195846 92 233 those those PRON _005195846 92 234 derived derive VERB _005195846 92 235 from from ADP _005195846 92 236 the the DET _005195846 92 237 velocity velocity NOUN _005195846 92 238 of of ADP _005195846 92 239 light light ADJ _005195846 92 240 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 241 abberation abberation NOUN _005195846 92 242 , , PUNCT _005195846 92 243 and and CCONJ _005195846 92 244 gravitation gravitation NOUN _005195846 92 245 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 92 246 he he PRON _005195846 92 247 considered consider VERB _005195846 92 248 the the DET _005195846 92 249 tides tide NOUN _005195846 92 250 the the DET _005195846 92 251 most most ADV _005195846 92 252 convincing convincing ADJ _005195846 92 253 proof proof NOUN _005195846 92 254 of of ADP _005195846 92 255 the the DET _005195846 92 256 earth earth NOUN _005195846 92 257 ’s ’s PART _005195846 92 258 diurnal diurnal ADJ _005195846 92 259 motion motion NOUN _005195846 92 260 ! ! PUNCT _005195846 93 1 xii.—jansenism xii.—jansenism NOUN _005195846 93 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 94 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 94 2 a a X _005195846 94 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 94 4 baills.—professor baills.—professor NOUN _005195846 94 5 in in ADP _005195846 94 6 the the DET _005195846 94 7 university university PROPN _005195846 94 8 of of ADP _005195846 94 9 louvain louvain NOUN _005195846 94 10 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 94 11 1551 1551 NUM _005195846 94 12 - - SYM _005195846 94 13 89)—his 89)—his NUM _005195846 94 14 erroneous erroneous ADJ _005195846 94 15 teaching teaching NOUN _005195846 94 16 about about ADP _005195846 94 17 original original ADJ _005195846 94 18 justice justice NOUN _005195846 94 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 94 20 free free ADJ _005195846 94 21 - - PUNCT _005195846 94 22 will will NOUN _005195846 94 23 , , PUNCT _005195846 94 24 and and CCONJ _005195846 94 25 the the DET _005195846 94 26 blessed bless VERB _005195846 94 27 virgin virgin NOUN _005195846 94 28 — — PUNCT _005195846 94 29 seventy seventy NUM _005195846 94 30 - - PUNCT _005195846 94 31 six six NUM _005195846 94 32 propositions proposition NOUN _005195846 94 33 taken take VERB _005195846 94 34 from from ADP _005195846 94 35 his his PRON _005195846 94 36 writings writing NOUN _005195846 94 37 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 94 38 by by ADP _005195846 94 39 pius pius PROPN _005195846 94 40 v. v. PROPN _005195846 94 41 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 94 42 1566 1566 NUM _005195846 94 43 - - SYM _005195846 94 44 72 72 NUM _005195846 94 45 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 94 46 , , PUNCT _005195846 94 47 and and CCONJ _005195846 94 48 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 94 49 by by ADP _005195846 94 50 gregory gregory PROPN _005195846 94 51 xiii xiii PROPN _005195846 94 52 . . PUNCT _005195846 95 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 95 2 1572 1572 NUM _005195846 95 3 - - SYM _005195846 95 4 85 85 NUM _005195846 95 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 95 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 96 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 2 b b X _005195846 96 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 96 4 molina.—a molina.—a ADJ _005195846 96 5 spanish spanish ADJ _005195846 96 6 jesuit jesuit NOUN _005195846 96 7 — — PUNCT _005195846 96 8 his his PRON _005195846 96 9 book book NOUN _005195846 96 10 , , PUNCT _005195846 96 11 liberi liberi PROPN _005195846 96 12 arbitrii arbitrii VERB _005195846 96 13 cum cum PROPN _005195846 96 14 gratiae gratiae PROPN _005195846 96 15 clonis clonis PROPN _005195846 96 16 concordia concordia PROPN _005195846 96 17 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 18 1588 1588 NUM _005195846 96 19 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 96 20 — — PUNCT _005195846 96 21 attacked attack VERB _005195846 96 22 by by ADP _005195846 96 23 the the DET _005195846 96 24 dominicans dominican NOUN _005195846 96 25 as as ADP _005195846 96 26 containing contain VERB _005195846 96 27 semi semi NOUN _005195846 96 28 - - NOUN _005195846 96 29 pelagianism pelagianism NOUN _005195846 96 30 — — PUNCT _005195846 96 31 the the DET _005195846 96 32 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 96 33 17 17 NUM _005195846 96 34 “ " PUNCT _005195846 96 35 de de X _005195846 96 36 auxiliis auxiliis NOUN _005195846 96 37 ” " PUNCT _005195846 96 38 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 39 1599 1599 NUM _005195846 96 40 - - SYM _005195846 96 41 1607 1607 NUM _005195846 96 42 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 96 43 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 96 44 peter peter PROPN _005195846 96 45 lombard lombard PROPN _005195846 96 46 , , PUNCT _005195846 96 47 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 96 48 of of ADP _005195846 96 49 armagh armagh PROPN _005195846 96 50 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 51 -f -f PUNCT _005195846 96 52 * * NOUN _005195846 96 53 1 1 NUM _005195846 96 54 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 96 55 president president NOUN _005195846 96 56 of of ADP _005195846 96 57 the the DET _005195846 96 58 congregation congregation NOUN _005195846 96 59 , , PUNCT _005195846 96 60 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 61 c c X _005195846 96 62 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 96 63 jansenius.—successively jansenius.—successively PROPN _005195846 96 64 professor professor NOUN _005195846 96 65 in in ADP _005195846 96 66 louvain louvain NOUN _005195846 96 67 and and CCONJ _005195846 96 68 bishop bishop NOUN _005195846 96 69 of of ADP _005195846 96 70 ypres ypre NOUN _005195846 96 71 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 72 f f X _005195846 96 73 1638)—his 1638)—his DET _005195846 96 74 opinions opinion NOUN _005195846 96 75 on on ADP _005195846 96 76 grace grace NOUN _005195846 96 77 and and CCONJ _005195846 96 78 free free ADJ _005195846 96 79 - - PUNCT _005195846 96 80 will will AUX _005195846 96 81 embodied embody VERB _005195846 96 82 in in ADP _005195846 96 83 his his PRON _005195846 96 84 work work NOUN _005195846 96 85 , , PUNCT _005195846 96 86 augustinus augustinus NOUN _005195846 96 87 — — PUNCT _005195846 96 88 attacked attack VERB _005195846 96 89 by by ADP _005195846 96 90 the the DET _005195846 96 91 jesuits jesuit NOUN _005195846 96 92 as as ADP _005195846 96 93 containing contain VERB _005195846 96 94 calvinistie calvinistie NOUN _005195846 96 95 errors error NOUN _005195846 96 96 — — PUNCT _005195846 96 97 the the DET _005195846 96 98 reading reading NOUN _005195846 96 99 of of ADP _005195846 96 100 the the DET _005195846 96 101 book book NOUN _005195846 96 102 prohibited prohibit VERB _005195846 96 103 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 104 1642 1642 NUM _005195846 96 105 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 96 106 by by ADP _005195846 96 107 urban urban ADJ _005195846 96 108 viii.—five viii.—five PROPN _005195846 96 109 propositions proposition NOUN _005195846 96 110 taken take VERB _005195846 96 111 from from ADP _005195846 96 112 it it PRON _005195846 96 113 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 96 114 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 115 1653 1653 NUM _005195846 96 116 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 96 117 by by ADP _005195846 96 118 innocent innocent ADJ _005195846 96 119 x. x. PROPN _005195846 96 120 — — PUNCT _005195846 96 121 question question NOUN _005195846 96 122 of of ADP _005195846 96 123 right right NOUN _005195846 96 124 and and CCONJ _005195846 96 125 fact fact NOUN _005195846 96 126 raised raise VERB _005195846 96 127 by by ADP _005195846 96 128 the the DET _005195846 96 129 jansenists jansenist NOUN _005195846 96 130 — — PUNCT _005195846 96 131 the the DET _005195846 96 132 case case NOUN _005195846 96 133 of of ADP _005195846 96 134 conscience conscience NOUN _005195846 96 135 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 136 1702)—respectful 1702)—respectful ADJ _005195846 96 137 silence silence NOUN _005195846 96 138 declared declare VERB _005195846 96 139 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 96 140 1705 1705 NUM _005195846 96 141 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 96 142 insufficient insufficient ADJ _005195846 96 143 by by ADP _005195846 96 144 clement clement PROPN _005195846 96 145 xt xt PROPN _005195846 96 146 . . PUNCT _005195846 97 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 97 2 1700 1700 NUM _005195846 97 3 - - SYM _005195846 97 4 21)—the 21)—the NUM _005195846 97 5 cistercian cistercian ADJ _005195846 97 6 convent convent NOUN _005195846 97 7 of of ADP _005195846 97 8 port port NOUN _005195846 97 9 - - PUNCT _005195846 97 10 royal royal NOUN _005195846 97 11 , , PUNCT _005195846 97 12 near near ADP _005195846 97 13 versailles versaille NOUN _005195846 97 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 97 15 refusing refuse VERB _005195846 97 16 to to PART _005195846 97 17 submit submit VERB _005195846 97 18 to to ADP _005195846 97 19 the the DET _005195846 97 20 papal papal ADJ _005195846 97 21 decision decision NOUN _005195846 97 22 was be AUX _005195846 97 23 suppressed suppress VERB _005195846 97 24 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 97 25 1709 1709 NUM _005195846 97 26 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 97 27 . . PUNCT _005195846 98 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 98 2 d d X _005195846 98 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 98 4 quesnel.—a quesnel.—a NUM _005195846 98 5 french french ADJ _005195846 98 6 oratorian oratorian NOUN _005195846 98 7 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 98 8 t t X _005195846 98 9 1719)—his 1719)—his NUM _005195846 98 10 moral moral ADJ _005195846 98 11 reflections reflection NOUN _005195846 98 12 on on ADP _005195846 98 13 the the DET _005195846 98 14 new new ADJ _005195846 98 15 testament testament NOUN _005195846 98 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 98 17 written write VERB _005195846 98 18 in in ADP _005195846 98 19 1687 1687 NUM _005195846 98 20 , , PUNCT _005195846 98 21 contained contain VERB _005195846 98 22 numerous numerous ADJ _005195846 98 23 jansenist jansenist ADJ _005195846 98 24 errors error NOUN _005195846 98 25 — — PUNCT _005195846 98 26 one one NUM _005195846 98 27 hundred hundred NUM _005195846 98 28 and and CCONJ _005195846 98 29 one one NUM _005195846 98 30 propositions proposition NOUN _005195846 98 31 taken take VERB _005195846 98 32 from from ADP _005195846 98 33 it it PRON _005195846 98 34 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 98 35 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 98 36 1613 1613 NUM _005195846 98 37 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 98 38 by by ADP _005195846 98 39 the the DET _005195846 98 40 bull bull NOUN _005195846 98 41 unigenitus unigenitus NOUN _005195846 98 42 of of ADP _005195846 98 43 clement clement NOUN _005195846 98 44 xi.—some xi.—some PROPN _005195846 98 45 of of ADP _005195846 98 46 the the DET _005195846 98 47 french french ADJ _005195846 98 48 clergy clergy NOUN _005195846 98 49 under under ADP _005195846 98 50 the the DET _005195846 98 51 lead lead NOUN _005195846 98 52 of of ADP _005195846 98 53 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195846 98 54 noailles noaille NOUN _005195846 98 55 , , PUNCT _005195846 98 56 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 98 57 of of ADP _005195846 98 58 paris paris PROPN _005195846 98 59 , , PUNCT _005195846 98 60 appeal appeal VERB _005195846 98 61 to to ADP _005195846 98 62 future future ADJ _005195846 98 63 general general ADJ _005195846 98 64 council council NOUN _005195846 98 65 — — PUNCT _005195846 98 66 sentence sentence NOUN _005195846 98 67 of of ADP _005195846 98 68 excommunication excommunication NOUN _005195846 98 69 pronounced pronounce VERB _005195846 98 70 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 98 71 1718 1718 NUM _005195846 98 72 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 98 73 against against ADP _005195846 98 74 the the DET _005195846 98 75 appellants appellant NOUN _005195846 98 76 — — PUNCT _005195846 98 77 the the DET _005195846 98 78 schism schism NOUN _005195846 98 79 of of ADP _005195846 98 80 utrecht utrecht PROPN _005195846 98 81 , , PUNCT _005195846 98 82 which which PRON _005195846 98 83 continues continue VERB _005195846 98 84 down down ADP _005195846 98 85 to to ADP _005195846 98 86 the the DET _005195846 98 87 present present ADJ _005195846 98 88 time time NOUN _005195846 98 89 . . PUNCT _005195846 99 1 xiii.—the xiii.—the DET _005195846 99 2 gallican gallican ADJ _005195846 99 3 liberties liberty NOUN _005195846 99 4 . . PUNCT _005195846 100 1 the the DET _005195846 100 2 so so ADV _005195846 100 3 - - PUNCT _005195846 100 4 called call VERB _005195846 100 5 liberties liberty NOUN _005195846 100 6 set set VERB _005195846 100 7 forth forth ADP _005195846 100 8 in in ADP _005195846 100 9 four four NUM _005195846 100 10 articles article NOUN _005195846 100 11 — — PUNCT _005195846 100 12 signed sign VERB _005195846 100 13 by by ADP _005195846 100 14 french french ADJ _005195846 100 15 clergy clergy NOUN _005195846 100 16 in in ADP _005195846 100 17 1682 1682 NUM _005195846 100 18 — — PUNCT _005195846 100 19 result result NOUN _005195846 100 20 of of ADP _005195846 100 21 the the DET _005195846 100 22 controversy controversy NOUN _005195846 100 23 carried carry VERB _005195846 100 24 on on ADP _005195846 100 25 between between ADP _005195846 100 26 clement clement PROPN _005195846 100 27 x. x. PROPN _005195846 100 28 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 100 29 1670 1670 NUM _005195846 100 30 - - SYM _005195846 100 31 76 76 NUM _005195846 100 32 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 100 33 and and CCONJ _005195846 100 34 louis louis PROPN _005195846 100 35 xiv xiv PROPN _005195846 100 36 . . PUNCT _005195846 101 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 101 2 1643 1643 NUM _005195846 101 3 - - SYM _005195846 101 4 1715 1715 NUM _005195846 101 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 101 6 regarding regard VERB _005195846 101 7 the the DET _005195846 101 8 claim claim NOUN _005195846 101 9 urged urge VERB _005195846 101 10 by by ADP _005195846 101 11 the the DET _005195846 101 12 latter latter ADJ _005195846 101 13 to to PART _005195846 101 14 appropriate appropriate VERB _005195846 101 15 the the DET _005195846 101 16 revenues revenue NOUN _005195846 101 17 of of ADP _005195846 101 18 vacant vacant ADJ _005195846 101 19 sees see NOUN _005195846 101 20 and and CCONJ _005195846 101 21 to to PART _005195846 101 22 appoint appoint VERB _005195846 101 23 to to ADP _005195846 101 24 18 18 NUM _005195846 101 25 benefices benefice NOUN _005195846 101 26 during during ADP _005195846 101 27 the the DET _005195846 101 28 period period NOUN _005195846 101 29 of of ADP _005195846 101 30 vacancy vacancy NOUN _005195846 101 31 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 101 32 regalia)—the regalia)—the DET _005195846 101 33 liberties liberty NOUN _005195846 101 34 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 101 35 by by ADP _005195846 101 36 clement clement PROPN _005195846 101 37 x. x. PROPN _005195846 101 38 , , PUNCT _005195846 101 39 and and CCONJ _005195846 101 40 annulled annul VERB _005195846 101 41 by by ADP _005195846 101 42 louis louis PROPN _005195846 101 43 iv iv PROPN _005195846 101 44 . . PUNCT _005195846 101 45 , , PUNCT _005195846 101 46 in in ADP _005195846 101 47 1698 1698 NUM _005195846 101 48 . . PUNCT _005195846 102 1 xiv xiv PROPN _005195846 102 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 102 3 — — PUNCT _005195846 102 4 quietism quietism NOUN _005195846 102 5 . . PUNCT _005195846 103 1 michael michael PROPN _005195846 103 2 molinos.—a molinos.—a PROPN _005195846 103 3 spanish spanish ADJ _005195846 103 4 priest priest NOUN _005195846 103 5 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 103 6 f f PROPN _005195846 103 7 1696)—wrote 1696)—wrote PROPN _005195846 103 8 a a DET _005195846 103 9 work work NOUN _005195846 103 10 called call VERB _005195846 103 11 the the DET _005195846 103 12 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195846 103 13 guide guide NOUN _005195846 103 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 103 15 in in ADP _005195846 103 16 which which PRON _005195846 103 17 he he PRON _005195846 103 18 taught teach VERB _005195846 103 19 that that SCONJ _005195846 103 20 christian christian PROPN _005195846 103 21 perfection perfection PROPN _005195846 103 22 consisted consist VERB _005195846 103 23 in in ADP _005195846 103 24 a a DET _005195846 103 25 state state NOUN _005195846 103 26 of of ADP _005195846 103 27 perfect perfect ADJ _005195846 103 28 rest rest NOUN _005195846 103 29 , , PUNCT _005195846 103 30 in in ADP _005195846 103 31 which which PRON _005195846 103 32 the the DET _005195846 103 33 soul soul NOUN _005195846 103 34 neither neither CCONJ _005195846 103 35 acts act VERB _005195846 103 36 , , PUNCT _005195846 103 37 nor nor CCONJ _005195846 103 38 is be AUX _005195846 103 39 acted act VERB _005195846 103 40 on on ADP _005195846 103 41 by by ADP _005195846 103 42 the the DET _005195846 103 43 fear fear NOUN _005195846 103 44 of of ADP _005195846 103 45 hell hell NOUN _005195846 103 46 or or CCONJ _005195846 103 47 the the DET _005195846 103 48 desire desire NOUN _005195846 103 49 for for ADP _005195846 103 50 heaven heaven PROPN _005195846 103 51 — — PUNCT _005195846 103 52 sixty sixty NUM _005195846 103 53 - - PUNCT _005195846 103 54 eight eight NUM _005195846 103 55 propositions proposition NOUN _005195846 103 56 taken take VERB _005195846 103 57 from from ADP _005195846 103 58 the the DET _005195846 103 59 work work NOUN _005195846 103 60 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 103 61 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 103 62 1685 1685 NUM _005195846 103 63 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 103 64 by by ADP _005195846 103 65 innocent innocent ADJ _005195846 103 66 xi xi PROPN _005195846 103 67 . . PUNCT _005195846 104 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 104 2 b b X _005195846 104 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 104 4 madame madame NOUN _005195846 104 5 guyon.—the guyon.—the DET _005195846 104 6 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195846 104 7 of of ADP _005195846 104 8 molinos molino NOUN _005195846 104 9 taught teach VERB _005195846 104 10 by by ADP _005195846 104 11 madame madame PROPN _005195846 104 12 guyon guyon NOUN _005195846 104 13 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 104 14 t t PROPN _005195846 104 15 1717 1717 NUM _005195846 104 16 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 104 17 in in ADP _005195846 104 18 her her PRON _005195846 104 19 numerous numerous ADJ _005195846 104 20 writings writing NOUN _005195846 104 21 — — PUNCT _005195846 104 22 commission commission NOUN _005195846 104 23 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 104 24 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 104 25 1695 1695 NUM _005195846 104 26 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 104 27 to to PART _005195846 104 28 inquire inquire VERB _005195846 104 29 into into ADP _005195846 104 30 their their PRON _005195846 104 31 orthodoxy orthodoxy ADJ _005195846 104 32 consisting consisting NOUN _005195846 104 33 of of ADP _005195846 104 34 fenelon fenelon NOUN _005195846 104 35 , , PUNCT _005195846 104 36 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 104 37 of of ADP _005195846 104 38 cambray cambray PROPN _005195846 104 39 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 104 40 1695 1695 NUM _005195846 104 41 - - SYM _005195846 104 42 1715 1715 NUM _005195846 104 43 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 104 44 , , PUNCT _005195846 104 45 bossuet bossuet NOUN _005195846 104 46 , , PUNCT _005195846 104 47 bishop bishop PROPN _005195846 104 48 of of ADP _005195846 104 49 meaux meaux PROPN _005195846 104 50 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 104 51 1681 1681 NUM _005195846 104 52 - - SYM _005195846 104 53 1704 1704 NUM _005195846 104 54 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 104 55 , , PUNCT _005195846 104 56 the the DET _005195846 104 57 bishop bishop NOUN _005195846 104 58 of of ADP _005195846 104 59 chalons chalon NOUN _005195846 104 60 , , PUNCT _005195846 104 61 and and CCONJ _005195846 104 62 the the DET _005195846 104 63 superior superior NOUN _005195846 104 64 of of ADP _005195846 104 65 st st PROPN _005195846 104 66 . . PROPN _005195846 104 67 sulpice sulpice PROPN _005195846 104 68 — — PUNCT _005195846 104 69 m m PROPN _005195846 104 70 / / SYM _005195846 104 71 idame idame ADJ _005195846 104 72 guyon guyon PROPN _005195846 104 73 ’s ’s PART _005195846 104 74 writings writing NOUN _005195846 104 75 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 104 76 — — PUNCT _005195846 104 77 bossuet bossuet NOUN _005195846 104 78 ’s ’s PART _005195846 104 79 states state NOUN _005195846 104 80 of of ADP _005195846 104 81 prayer prayer NOUN _005195846 104 82 , , PUNCT _005195846 104 83 written write VERB _005195846 104 84 against against ADP _005195846 104 85 madame madame PROPN _005195846 104 86 guyon guyon NOUN _005195846 104 87 , , PUNCT _005195846 104 88 answered answer VERB _005195846 104 89 by by ADP _005195846 104 90 fenelon fenelon NOUN _005195846 104 91 in in ADP _005195846 104 92 his his PRON _005195846 104 93 maxims maxim NOUN _005195846 104 94 of of ADP _005195846 104 95 the the DET _005195846 104 96 saints saint NOUN _005195846 104 97 — — PUNCT _005195846 104 98 the the DET _005195846 104 99 latter latter ADJ _005195846 104 100 work work NOUN _005195846 104 101 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 104 102 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 104 103 1699 1699 NUM _005195846 104 104 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 104 105 by by ADP _005195846 104 106 innocent innocent ADJ _005195846 104 107 xi.—fenelon xi.—fenelon PROPN _005195846 104 108 immediately immediately ADV _005195846 104 109 submits submit VERB _005195846 104 110 . . PUNCT _005195846 105 1 xv xv PROPN _005195846 105 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 105 3 — — PUNCT _005195846 105 4 the the DET _005195846 105 5 synod synod NOUN _005195846 105 6 of of ADP _005195846 105 7 pistoia pistoia PROPN _005195846 105 8 . . PUNCT _005195846 106 1 convened convene VERB _005195846 106 2 in in ADP _005195846 106 3 1786 1786 NUM _005195846 106 4 by by ADP _005195846 106 5 scipio scipio PROPN _005195846 106 6 ricci ricci PROPN _005195846 106 7 , , PUNCT _005195846 106 8 bishop bishop PROPN _005195846 106 9 of of ADP _005195846 106 10 pistoia pistoia NOUN _005195846 106 11 — — PUNCT _005195846 106 12 peter peter PROPN _005195846 106 13 tamburini tamburini PROPN _005195846 106 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 106 15 professor professor NOUN _005195846 106 16 in in ADP _005195846 106 17 the the DET _005195846 106 18 university university PROPN _005195846 106 19 of of ADP _005195846 106 20 pavia pavia PROPN _005195846 106 21 , , PUNCT _005195846 106 22 was be AUX _005195846 106 23 the the DET _005195846 106 24 guiding guide VERB _005195846 106 25 spirit spirit NOUN _005195846 106 26 of of ADP _005195846 106 27 the the DET _005195846 106 28 assembly assembly NOUN _005195846 106 29 — — PUNCT _005195846 106 30 there there PRON _005195846 106 31 were be VERB _005195846 106 32 present present ADJ _005195846 106 33 two two NUM _005195846 106 34 hundred hundred NUM _005195846 106 35 and and CCONJ _005195846 106 36 thirty thirty NUM _005195846 106 37 - - PUNCT _005195846 106 38 four four NUM _005195846 106 39 priests priest NOUN _005195846 106 40 — — PUNCT _005195846 106 41 the the DET _005195846 106 42 gallican gallican ADJ _005195846 106 43 liberties liberty NOUN _005195846 106 44 and and CCONJ _005195846 106 45 the the DET _005195846 106 46 teaching teaching NOUN _005195846 106 47 of of ADP _005195846 106 48 the the DET _005195846 106 49 jansenists jansenist NOUN _005195846 106 50 approved approve VERB _005195846 106 51 — — PUNCT _005195846 106 52 decrees decree NOUN _005195846 106 53 of of ADP _005195846 106 54 the the DET _005195846 106 55 synod synod NOUN _005195846 106 56 rejected reject VERB _005195846 106 57 by by ADP _005195846 106 58 the the DET _005195846 106 59 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 106 60 of of ADP _005195846 106 61 tuscany tuscany NOUN _005195846 106 62 , , PUNCT _005195846 106 63 and and CCONJ _005195846 106 64 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 106 65 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 106 66 1794 1794 NUM _005195846 106 67 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 106 68 by by ADP _005195846 106 69 the the DET _005195846 106 70 bull bull NOUN _005195846 106 71 auctorem auctorem PROPN _005195846 106 72 fidei fidei PROPN _005195846 106 73 of of ADP _005195846 106 74 pius pius PROPN _005195846 106 75 vi vi PROPN _005195846 106 76 . . PROPN _005195846 106 77 19 19 NUM _005195846 107 1 xvi.—the xvi.—the PROPN _005195846 107 2 suppression suppression NOUN _005195846 107 3 of of ADP _005195846 107 4 the the DET _005195846 107 5 jesuits jesuit NOUN _005195846 107 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 108 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 108 2 a a X _005195846 108 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 108 4 the the DET _005195846 108 5 order order NOUN _005195846 108 6 suppressed suppress VERB _005195846 108 7 in in ADP _005195846 108 8 particular particular ADJ _005195846 108 9 countries country NOUN _005195846 108 10 . . PUNCT _005195846 108 11 — — PUNCT _005195846 108 12 suppressed suppress VERB _005195846 108 13 in in ADP _005195846 108 14 portugal portugal PROPN _005195846 108 15 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 108 16 1759 1759 NUM _005195846 108 17 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 108 18 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 19 the the DET _005195846 108 20 members member NOUN _005195846 108 21 being be AUX _005195846 108 22 charged charge VERB _005195846 108 23 by by ADP _005195846 108 24 pombal pombal PROPN _005195846 108 25 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 26 the the DET _005195846 108 27 prime prime ADJ _005195846 108 28 minister minister NOUN _005195846 108 29 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 30 with with ADP _005195846 108 31 having having AUX _005195846 108 32 caused cause VERB _005195846 108 33 an an DET _005195846 108 34 insurrection insurrection NOUN _005195846 108 35 in in ADP _005195846 108 36 the the DET _005195846 108 37 reductions reduction NOUN _005195846 108 38 of of ADP _005195846 108 39 paraguay paraguay NOUN _005195846 108 40 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 41 and and CCONJ _005195846 108 42 with with ADP _005195846 108 43 having having AUX _005195846 108 44 made make VERB _005195846 108 45 an an DET _005195846 108 46 attempt attempt NOUN _005195846 108 47 on on ADP _005195846 108 48 the the DET _005195846 108 49 king king NOUN _005195846 108 50 ’s ’s PART _005195846 108 51 life life NOUN _005195846 108 52 — — PUNCT _005195846 108 53 suppressed suppress VERB _005195846 108 54 in in ADP _005195846 108 55 france france PROPN _005195846 108 56 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 108 57 1762 1762 NUM _005195846 108 58 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 108 59 owing owe VERB _005195846 108 60 to to ADP _005195846 108 61 the the DET _005195846 108 62 opposition opposition NOUN _005195846 108 63 of of ADP _005195846 108 64 madame madame PROPN _005195846 108 65 de de X _005195846 108 66 pompadour pompadour X _005195846 108 67 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 68 the the DET _005195846 108 69 king king NOUN _005195846 108 70 ’s ’s PART _005195846 108 71 mistress mistress NOUN _005195846 108 72 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 73 the the DET _005195846 108 74 jansenists jansenist NOUN _005195846 108 75 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 76 especially especially ADV _005195846 108 77 pascal pascal ADJ _005195846 108 78 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 79 and and CCONJ _005195846 108 80 the the DET _005195846 108 81 duke duke PROPN _005195846 108 82 de de X _005195846 108 83 choiseul choiseul PROPN _005195846 108 84 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 85 prime prime ADJ _005195846 108 86 minister minister NOUN _005195846 108 87 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 88 who who PRON _005195846 108 89 took take VERB _005195846 108 90 advantage advantage NOUN _005195846 108 91 of of ADP _005195846 108 92 the the DET _005195846 108 93 storm storm NOUN _005195846 108 94 raised raise VERB _005195846 108 95 against against ADP _005195846 108 96 the the DET _005195846 108 97 order order NOUN _005195846 108 98 in in ADP _005195846 108 99 france france PROPN _005195846 108 100 by by ADP _005195846 108 101 the the DET _005195846 108 102 failure failure NOUN _005195846 108 103 of of ADP _005195846 108 104 father father PROPN _005195846 108 105 lavalette lavalette PROPN _005195846 108 106 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 107 procurator procurator NOUN _005195846 108 108 of of ADP _005195846 108 109 the the DET _005195846 108 110 jesuits jesuit NOUN _005195846 108 111 in in ADP _005195846 108 112 martinique martinique NOUN _005195846 108 113 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 114 to to PART _005195846 108 115 meet meet VERB _005195846 108 116 his his PRON _005195846 108 117 bills bill NOUN _005195846 108 118 owing owe VERB _005195846 108 119 to to ADP _005195846 108 120 the the DET _005195846 108 121 seizure seizure NOUN _005195846 108 122 by by ADP _005195846 108 123 english english ADJ _005195846 108 124 cruisers cruiser NOUN _005195846 108 125 of of ADP _005195846 108 126 two two NUM _005195846 108 127 cargoes cargoe VERB _005195846 108 128 he he PRON _005195846 108 129 had have AUX _005195846 108 130 despatched despatch VERB _005195846 108 131 to to ADP _005195846 108 132 marseilles marseille NOUN _005195846 108 133 — — PUNCT _005195846 108 134 the the DET _005195846 108 135 spanish spanish ADJ _005195846 108 136 jesuits jesuit NOUN _005195846 108 137 placed place VERB _005195846 108 138 under under ADP _005195846 108 139 arrest arrest NOUN _005195846 108 140 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 108 141 april april PROPN _005195846 108 142 3 3 NUM _005195846 108 143 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 144 1707 1707 NUM _005195846 108 145 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 108 146 owing owe VERB _005195846 108 147 to to ADP _005195846 108 148 the the DET _005195846 108 149 misrepresentations misrepresentation NOUN _005195846 108 150 of of ADP _005195846 108 151 aranda aranda PROPN _005195846 108 152 , , PUNCT _005195846 108 153 the the DET _005195846 108 154 king king NOUN _005195846 108 155 ’s ’s PROPN _005195846 108 156 minister minister NOUN _005195846 108 157 — — PUNCT _005195846 108 158 the the DET _005195846 108 159 order order NOUN _005195846 108 160 suppressed suppress VERB _005195846 108 161 in in ADP _005195846 108 162 naples naples PROPN _005195846 108 163 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 108 164 1767 1767 NUM _005195846 108 165 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 108 166 . . PUNCT _005195846 109 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 109 2 b b X _005195846 109 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 109 4 the the DET _005195846 109 5 order order NOUN _005195846 109 6 suppressed suppress VERB _005195846 109 7 by by ADP _005195846 109 8 the the DET _005195846 109 9 holy holy PROPN _005195846 109 10 see see PROPN _005195846 109 11 . . PUNCT _005195846 109 12 — — PUNCT _005195846 109 13 clement clement PROPN _005195846 109 14 xiv xiv PROPN _005195846 109 15 . . PUNCT _005195846 109 16 , , PUNCT _005195846 109 17 yielding yield VERB _005195846 109 18 to to ADP _005195846 109 19 the the DET _005195846 109 20 solicitations solicitation NOUN _005195846 109 21 of of ADP _005195846 109 22 the the DET _005195846 109 23 bourbon bourbon NOUN _005195846 109 24 court court NOUN _005195846 109 25 , , PUNCT _005195846 109 26 issued issue VERB _005195846 109 27 the the DET _005195846 109 28 bull bull NOUN _005195846 109 29 dominus dominus ADP _005195846 109 30 ar ar PROPN _005195846 109 31 , , PUNCT _005195846 109 32 rede.mptor rede.mptor NOUN _005195846 109 33 noster noster NOUN _005195846 109 34 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 109 35 1773 1773 NUM _005195846 109 36 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 109 37 , , PUNCT _005195846 109 38 suppressing suppress VERB _005195846 109 39 the the DET _005195846 109 40 jesuit jesuit NOUN _005195846 109 41 order order NOUN _005195846 109 42 throughout throughout ADP _005195846 109 43 the the DET _005195846 109 44 church church NOUN _005195846 109 45 — — PUNCT _005195846 109 46 the the DET _005195846 109 47 jesuits jesuit NOUN _005195846 109 48 protected protect VERB _005195846 109 49 by by ADP _005195846 109 50 frederick frederick PROPN _005195846 109 51 ii ii PROPN _005195846 109 52 . . PROPN _005195846 109 53 of of ADP _005195846 109 54 prussia prussia PROPN _005195846 109 55 and and CCONJ _005195846 109 56 catherine catherine PROPN _005195846 109 57 ii ii PROPN _005195846 109 58 . . PROPN _005195846 109 59 of of ADP _005195846 109 60 russia russia PROPN _005195846 109 61 . . PUNCT _005195846 110 1 xvii xvii PROPN _005195846 110 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 111 1 — — PUNCT _005195846 111 2 the the DET _005195846 111 3 french french ADJ _005195846 111 4 revolution revolution NOUN _005195846 111 5 . . PUNCT _005195846 112 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 112 2 a a X _005195846 112 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 112 4 causes cause VERB _005195846 112 5 that that PRON _005195846 112 6 led lead VERB _005195846 112 7 to to ADP _005195846 112 8 the the DET _005195846 112 9 revolution.—the revolution.—the DET _005195846 112 10 teaching teaching NOUN _005195846 112 11 of of ADP _005195846 112 12 the the DET _005195846 112 13 reformers reformer NOUN _005195846 112 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 112 15 the the DET _005195846 112 16 encyclopedists encyclopedist NOUN _005195846 112 17 and and CCONJ _005195846 112 18 economists economist NOUN _005195846 112 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 112 20 the the DET _005195846 112 21 system system NOUN _005195846 112 22 of of ADP _005195846 112 23 taxation taxation NOUN _005195846 112 24 prevalent prevalent ADV _005195846 112 25 iu iu ADP _005195846 112 26 france france PROPN _005195846 112 27 , , PUNCT _005195846 112 28 the the DET _005195846 112 29 war war NOUN _005195846 112 30 of of ADP _005195846 112 31 american american ADJ _005195846 112 32 independence independence NOUN _005195846 112 33 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 112 34 1776 1776 NUM _005195846 112 35 - - SYM _005195846 112 36 82 82 NUM _005195846 112 37 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 112 38 , , PUNCT _005195846 112 39 & & CCONJ _005195846 112 40 c. c. PROPN _005195846 112 41 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 112 42 5 5 NUM _005195846 112 43 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 112 44 1 1 NUM _005195846 112 45 he he PRON _005195846 112 46 national national PROPN _005195846 112 47 assembly assembly NOUN _005195846 112 48 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 112 49 1789 1789 NUM _005195846 112 50 - - SYM _005195846 112 51 91).—declaration 91).—declaration NUM _005195846 112 52 of of ADP _005195846 112 53 the the DET _005195846 112 54 rights right NOUN _005195846 112 55 of of ADP _005195846 112 56 man man NOUN _005195846 112 57 — — PUNCT _005195846 112 58 suppression suppression NOUN _005195846 112 59 of of ADP _005195846 112 60 religious religious ADJ _005195846 112 61 orders order NOUN _005195846 112 62 — — PUNCT _005195846 112 63 20 20 NUM _005195846 112 64 confiscation confiscation NOUN _005195846 112 65 of of ADP _005195846 112 66 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195846 112 67 property property NOUN _005195846 112 68 proposed propose VERB _005195846 112 69 by by ADP _005195846 112 70 talleyrand talleyrand NOUN _005195846 112 71 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 112 72 1754 1754 NUM _005195846 112 73 - - SYM _005195846 112 74 1838)—the 1838)—the NUM _005195846 112 75 civil civil ADJ _005195846 112 76 constitution constitution NOUN _005195846 112 77 of of ADP _005195846 112 78 the the DET _005195846 112 79 clergy clergy NOUN _005195846 112 80 . . PUNCT _005195846 113 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 113 2 c c PROPN _005195846 113 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 113 4 the the DET _005195846 113 5 legislative legislative ADJ _005195846 113 6 assembly assembly NOUN _005195846 113 7 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 113 8 1791 1791 NUM _005195846 113 9 - - SYM _005195846 113 10 92).—the 92).—the NUM _005195846 113 11 jacobins jacobin NOUN _005195846 113 12 and and CCONJ _005195846 113 13 girondists girondist NOUN _005195846 113 14 — — PUNCT _005195846 113 15 declaration declaration NOUN _005195846 113 16 of of ADP _005195846 113 17 war war NOUN _005195846 113 18 against against ADP _005195846 113 19 prussia prussia PROPN _005195846 113 20 aud aud ADJ _005195846 113 21 austria austria PROPN _005195846 113 22 — — PUNCT _005195846 113 23 the the DET _005195846 113 24 september september PROPN _005195846 113 25 massacres massacre NOUN _005195846 113 26 — — PUNCT _005195846 113 27 imprisonment imprisonment NOUN _005195846 113 28 of of ADP _005195846 113 29 the the DET _005195846 113 30 king king NOUN _005195846 113 31 , , PUNCT _005195846 113 32 louis louis PROPN _005195846 113 33 xvi xvi PROPN _005195846 113 34 . . PUNCT _005195846 114 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 114 2 1774 1774 NUM _005195846 114 3 - - SYM _005195846 114 4 93 93 NUM _005195846 114 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 114 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 115 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 115 2 d d X _005195846 115 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 115 4 the the DET _005195846 115 5 national national ADJ _005195846 115 6 convention convention PROPN _005195846 115 7 g792 g792 PROPN _005195846 115 8 - - SYM _005195846 115 9 95 95 NUM _005195846 115 10 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 115 11 . . PUNCT _005195846 116 1 — — PUNCT _005195846 116 2 france france PROPN _005195846 116 3 declared declare VERB _005195846 116 4 a a DET _005195846 116 5 republic republic NOUN _005195846 116 6 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 116 7 sept sept PROPN _005195846 116 8 . . PROPN _005195846 116 9 25 25 NUM _005195846 116 10 , , PUNCT _005195846 116 11 1792)—committee 1792)—committee NUM _005195846 116 12 of of ADP _005195846 116 13 public public ADJ _005195846 116 14 safety safety NOUN _005195846 116 15 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 116 16 — — PUNCT _005195846 116 17 the the DET _005195846 116 18 reign reign NOUN _005195846 116 19 of of ADP _005195846 116 20 terror terror NOUN _005195846 116 21 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 116 22 1792 1792 NUM _005195846 116 23 - - SYM _005195846 116 24 94 94 NUM _005195846 116 25 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 116 26 — — PUNCT _005195846 116 27 robespierre robespierre PROPN _005195846 116 28 , , PUNCT _005195846 116 29 danton danton PROPN _005195846 116 30 , , PUNCT _005195846 116 31 marat marat PROPN _005195846 116 32 , , PUNCT _005195846 116 33 philip philip PROPN _005195846 116 34 egalite egalite PROPN _005195846 116 35 , , PUNCT _005195846 116 36 their their PRON _005195846 116 37 fate fate NOUN _005195846 116 38 — — PUNCT _005195846 116 39 the the DET _005195846 116 40 king king NOUN _005195846 116 41 and and CCONJ _005195846 116 42 queen queen NOUN _005195846 116 43 beheaded behead VERB _005195846 116 44 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 116 45 1793)—the 1793)—the NUM _005195846 116 46 new new ADJ _005195846 116 47 calendar calendar NOUN _005195846 116 48 — — PUNCT _005195846 116 49 the the DET _005195846 116 50 existence existence NOUN _005195846 116 51 of of ADP _005195846 116 52 god god PROPN _005195846 116 53 denied deny VERB _005195846 116 54 — — PUNCT _005195846 116 55 festival festival NOUN _005195846 116 56 of of ADP _005195846 116 57 the the DET _005195846 116 58 goddess goddess NOUN _005195846 116 59 of of ADP _005195846 116 60 reason reason NOUN _005195846 116 61 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 116 62 nov nov PROPN _005195846 116 63 . . PROPN _005195846 116 64 10 10 NUM _005195846 116 65 , , PUNCT _005195846 116 66 1793 1793 NUM _005195846 116 67 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 116 68 . . PUNCT _005195846 117 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 117 2 e e PROPN _005195846 117 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 117 4 the the DET _005195846 117 5 directory directory NOUN _005195846 117 6 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 117 7 1796 1796 NUM _005195846 117 8 - - SYM _005195846 117 9 99).—napoleon 99).—napoleon NUM _005195846 117 10 ’s ’s NUM _005195846 117 11 italian italian ADJ _005195846 117 12 campaign campaign NOUN _005195846 117 13 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 117 14 1796 1796 NUM _005195846 117 15 - - PUNCT _005195846 117 16 97)—rome 97)—rome NOUN _005195846 117 17 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005195846 117 18 a a DET _005195846 117 19 republic republic NOUN _005195846 117 20 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 117 21 1798 1798 NUM _005195846 117 22 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 117 23 — — PUNCT _005195846 117 24 pius pius NOUN _005195846 117 25 vi vi NOUN _005195846 117 26 . . NOUN _005195846 117 27 made make VERB _005195846 117 28 prisoner prisoner NOUN _005195846 117 29 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 117 30 1798 1798 NUM _005195846 117 31 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 117 32 by by ADP _005195846 117 33 french french ADJ _005195846 117 34 soldiers soldier NOUN _005195846 117 35 , , PUNCT _005195846 117 36 and and CCONJ _005195846 117 37 brought bring VERB _005195846 117 38 to to ADP _005195846 117 39 valence valence NOUN _005195846 117 40 , , PUNCT _005195846 117 41 on on ADP _005195846 117 42 the the DET _005195846 117 43 rhone rhone NOUN _005195846 117 44 , , PUNCT _005195846 117 45 where where SCONJ _005195846 117 46 he he PRON _005195846 117 47 died die VERB _005195846 117 48 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 117 49 august august PROPN _005195846 117 50 22 22 NUM _005195846 117 51 , , PUNCT _005195846 117 52 1799)—napoleon 1799)—napoleon PROPN _005195846 117 53 appointed appoint VERB _005195846 117 54 first first ADJ _005195846 117 55 consul consul NOUN _005195846 117 56 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 117 57 1799 1799 NUM _005195846 117 58 . . PUNCT _005195846 117 59 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 117 60 xviii xviii PROPN _005195846 117 61 . . PUNCT _005195846 117 62 — — PUNCT _005195846 117 63 pontificate pontificate NOUN _005195846 117 64 of of ADP _005195846 117 65 pius pius ADJ _005195846 117 66 vii vii PROPN _005195846 117 67 . . PUNCT _005195846 118 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 118 2 1800 1800 NUM _005195846 118 3 - - SYM _005195846 118 4 23 23 NUM _005195846 118 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 118 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 119 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 2 a a X _005195846 119 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 119 4 the the DET _005195846 119 5 pope pope PROPN _005195846 119 6 ’s ’s PART _005195846 119 7 relations relation NOUN _005195846 119 8 with with ADP _005195846 119 9 napoleon.—concordat napoleon.—concordat PROPN _005195846 119 10 concluded conclude VERB _005195846 119 11 with with ADP _005195846 119 12 napoleon napoleon PROPN _005195846 119 13 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 14 1801)—the 1801)—the NUM _005195846 119 15 organic organic ADJ _005195846 119 16 laws law NOUN _005195846 119 17 drawn draw VERB _005195846 119 18 up up ADP _005195846 119 19 by by ADP _005195846 119 20 napoleon napoleon NOUN _005195846 119 21 to to PART _005195846 119 22 render render VERB _005195846 119 23 the the DET _005195846 119 24 concordat concordat NOUN _005195846 119 25 less less ADV _005195846 119 26 objectionable objectionable ADJ _005195846 119 27 to to ADP _005195846 119 28 the the DET _005195846 119 29 french french ADJ _005195846 119 30 parliament parliament NOUN _005195846 119 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 119 32 not not PART _005195846 119 33 accepted accept VERB _005195846 119 34 by by ADP _005195846 119 35 the the DET _005195846 119 36 pope pope NOUN _005195846 119 37 — — PUNCT _005195846 119 38 pius pius NOUN _005195846 119 39 goes go VERB _005195846 119 40 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 41 1804 1804 NUM _005195846 119 42 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 119 43 to to ADP _005195846 119 44 paris paris PROPN _005195846 119 45 to to PART _005195846 119 46 crown crown VERB _005195846 119 47 napoleon napoleon NOUN _005195846 119 48 emperor emperor NOUN _005195846 119 49 — — PUNCT _005195846 119 50 the the DET _005195846 119 51 papal papal ADJ _005195846 119 52 states state NOUN _005195846 119 53 annexed annex VERB _005195846 119 54 to to ADP _005195846 119 55 the the DET _005195846 119 56 french french ADJ _005195846 119 57 crown crown NOUN _005195846 119 58 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 59 1809)—the 1809)—the PROPN _005195846 119 60 pope pope VERB _005195846 119 61 a a DET _005195846 119 62 prisoner prisoner NOUN _005195846 119 63 at at ADP _005195846 119 64 savona savona PROPN _005195846 119 65 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 66 1809 1809 NUM _005195846 119 67 - - SYM _005195846 119 68 12 12 NUM _005195846 119 69 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 119 70 , , PUNCT _005195846 119 71 and and CCONJ _005195846 119 72 at at ADP _005195846 119 73 fontainebleau fontainebleau PROPN _005195846 119 74 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 75 1812 1812 NUM _005195846 119 76 - - SYM _005195846 119 77 14)—the 14)—the NUM _005195846 119 78 preliminaries preliminary NOUN _005195846 119 79 to to ADP _005195846 119 80 a a DET _005195846 119 81 concordat concordat NOUN _005195846 119 82 agreed agree VERB _005195846 119 83 to to ADP _005195846 119 84 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 85 1813 1813 NUM _005195846 119 86 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 119 87 by by ADP _005195846 119 88 the the DET _005195846 119 89 pope pope NOUN _005195846 119 90 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 119 91 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 119 92 condemned condemn VERB _005195846 119 93 — — PUNCT _005195846 119 94 napoleon napoleon PROPN _005195846 119 95 ’s ’s PART _005195846 119 96 divorce divorce NOUN _005195846 119 97 , , PUNCT _005195846 119 98 and and CCONJ _005195846 119 99 his his PRON _005195846 119 100 marriage marriage NOUN _005195846 119 101 with with ADP _005195846 119 102 louisa louisa NOUN _005195846 119 103 maria maria NOUN _005195846 119 104 at at ADP _005195846 119 105 austria austria PROPN _005195846 119 106 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 119 107 the the DET _005195846 119 108 black black ADJ _005195846 119 109 and and CCONJ _005195846 119 110 red red ADJ _005195846 119 111 cardinals cardinal NOUN _005195846 119 112 — — PUNCT _005195846 119 113 the the DET _005195846 119 114 pope pope NOUN _005195846 119 115 ’s ’s PART _005195846 119 116 return return NOUN _005195846 119 117 to to ADP _005195846 119 118 rome rome PROPN _005195846 119 119 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 120 1814)—his 1814)—his NUM _005195846 119 121 second second ADJ _005195846 119 122 expulsion expulsion NOUN _005195846 119 123 from from ADP _005195846 119 124 rome rome PROPN _005195846 119 125 during during ADP _005195846 119 126 the the DET _005195846 119 127 “ " PUNCT _005195846 119 128 hundred hundred NUM _005195846 119 129 days day NOUN _005195846 119 130 ” " PUNCT _005195846 119 131 reign reign NOUN _005195846 119 132 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 119 133 1815 1815 NUM _005195846 119 134 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 119 135 . . PUNCT _005195846 120 1 21 21 NUM _005195846 120 2 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 120 3 b b PROPN _005195846 120 4 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 120 5 the the DET _005195846 120 6 restoration restoration NOUN _005195846 120 7 of of ADP _005195846 120 8 the the DET _005195846 120 9 jesuits.—during jesuits.—during PROPN _005195846 120 10 the the DET _005195846 120 11 period period NOUN _005195846 120 12 of of ADP _005195846 120 13 their their PRON _005195846 120 14 suppression suppression NOUN _005195846 120 15 they they PRON _005195846 120 16 lived live VERB _005195846 120 17 partly partly ADV _005195846 120 18 as as ADP _005195846 120 19 secular secular ADJ _005195846 120 20 priests priest NOUN _005195846 120 21 and and CCONJ _005195846 120 22 partly partly ADV _005195846 120 23 as as ADV _005195846 120 24 religious religious ADJ _005195846 120 25 under under ADP _005195846 120 26 the the DET _005195846 120 27 names name NOUN _005195846 120 28 ot ot PROPN _005195846 120 29 fathers father NOUN _005195846 120 30 of of ADP _005195846 120 31 the the DET _005195846 120 32 sacred sacred ADJ _005195846 120 33 heart heart NOUN _005195846 120 34 and and CCONJ _005195846 120 35 fathers father NOUN _005195846 120 36 of of ADP _005195846 120 37 the the DET _005195846 120 38 faith faith NOUN _005195846 120 39 — — PUNCT _005195846 120 40 pius pius NOUN _005195846 120 41 vi vi NOUN _005195846 120 42 . . PROPN _005195846 120 43 , , PUNCT _005195846 120 44 yielding yield VERB _005195846 120 45 to to ADP _005195846 120 46 the the DET _005195846 120 47 request request NOUN _005195846 120 48 of of ADP _005195846 120 49 christendom christendom NOUN _005195846 120 50 , , PUNCT _005195846 120 51 issued issue VERB _005195846 120 52 the the DET _005195846 120 53 bull bull NOUN _005195846 120 54 sollicitudo sollicitudo NOUN _005195846 120 55 omnium omnium NOUN _005195846 120 56 ecclesiarum ecclesiarum NOUN _005195846 120 57 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 120 58 august august PROPN _005195846 120 59 7 7 NUM _005195846 120 60 , , PUNCT _005195846 120 61 1814 1814 NUM _005195846 120 62 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 120 63 restoring restore VERB _005195846 120 64 the the DET _005195846 120 65 order order NOUN _005195846 120 66 . . PUNCT _005195846 121 1 xix xix PROPN _005195846 121 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 121 3 — — PUNCT _005195846 121 4 pontificate pontificate NOUN _005195846 121 5 of of ADP _005195846 121 6 pius pius NOUN _005195846 121 7 ix ix PROPN _005195846 121 8 . . PUNCT _005195846 122 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 122 2 1846 1846 NUM _005195846 122 3 - - SYM _005195846 122 4 78 78 NUM _005195846 122 5 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 122 6 . . PUNCT _005195846 123 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 123 2 a a X _005195846 123 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 123 4 his his PRON _005195846 123 5 early early ADJ _005195846 123 6 life.—born life.—born NUM _005195846 123 7 at at ADP _005195846 123 8 senegaglia senegaglia NOUN _005195846 123 9 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 123 10 1792)—appointed 1792)—appointe VERB _005195846 123 11 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 123 12 of of ADP _005195846 123 13 spoleto spoleto NOUN _005195846 123 14 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 123 15 1827 1827 NUM _005195846 123 16 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 123 17 , , PUNCT _005195846 123 18 and and CCONJ _005195846 123 19 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195846 123 20 of of ADP _005195846 123 21 imola imola NOUN _005195846 123 22 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 123 23 1832)—unanimously 1832)—unanimously PROPN _005195846 123 24 elected elect VERB _005195846 123 25 pope pope PROPN _005195846 123 26 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 123 27 1846 1846 NUM _005195846 123 28 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 123 29 . . PUNCT _005195846 124 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 124 2 b b X _005195846 124 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 124 4 his his PRON _005195846 124 5 relations relation NOUN _005195846 124 6 with with ADP _005195846 124 7 the the DET _005195846 124 8 papal papal ADJ _005195846 124 9 states.—various states.—various ADJ _005195846 124 10 political political ADJ _005195846 124 11 reforms reform NOUN _005195846 124 12 introduced introduce VERB _005195846 124 13 and and CCONJ _005195846 124 14 a a DET _005195846 124 15 liberal liberal ADJ _005195846 124 16 constitution constitution NOUN _005195846 124 17 granted grant VERB _005195846 124 18 to to ADP _005195846 124 19 the the DET _005195846 124 20 romans roman NOUN _005195846 124 21 — — PUNCT _005195846 124 22 the the DET _005195846 124 23 revolution revolution NOUN _005195846 124 24 and and CCONJ _005195846 124 25 the the DET _005195846 124 26 flight flight NOUN _005195846 124 27 of of ADP _005195846 124 28 the the DET _005195846 124 29 pope pope NOUN _005195846 124 30 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 124 31 1848)—the 1848)—the NUM _005195846 124 32 restoration restoration NOUN _005195846 124 33 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 124 34 1850)—defeat 1850)—defeat NUM _005195846 124 35 of of ADP _005195846 124 36 the the DET _005195846 124 37 papal papal ADJ _005195846 124 38 troops troop NOUN _005195846 124 39 at at ADP _005195846 124 40 castel castel NOUN _005195846 124 41 - - PUNCT _005195846 124 42 fidardo fidardo PROPN _005195846 124 43 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 124 44 i860 i860 PROPN _005195846 124 45 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 124 46 , , PUNCT _005195846 124 47 followed follow VERB _005195846 124 48 by by ADP _005195846 124 49 the the DET _005195846 124 50 confiscation confiscation NOUN _005195846 124 51 of of ADP _005195846 124 52 four four NUM _005195846 124 53 - - PUNCT _005195846 124 54 fifths fifth NOUN _005195846 124 55 of of ADP _005195846 124 56 the the DET _005195846 124 57 papal papal ADJ _005195846 124 58 states state NOUN _005195846 124 59 — — PUNCT _005195846 124 60 the the DET _005195846 124 61 italian italian ADJ _005195846 124 62 troops troop NOUN _005195846 124 63 take take VERB _005195846 124 64 possession possession NOUN _005195846 124 65 of of ADP _005195846 124 66 rome rome PROPN _005195846 124 67 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 124 68 1870 1870 NUM _005195846 124 69 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 124 70 , , PUNCT _005195846 124 71 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 124 72 c c X _005195846 124 73 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 124 74 his his PRON _005195846 124 75 relations relation NOUN _005195846 124 76 with with ADP _005195846 124 77 the the DET _005195846 124 78 church church NOUN _005195846 124 79 . . PUNCT _005195846 124 80 — — PUNCT _005195846 124 81 “ " PUNCT _005195846 124 82 syllabus syllabus NOUN _005195846 124 83 ot ot PROPN _005195846 124 84 errors”—the errors”—the DET _005195846 124 85 dogma dogma NOUN _005195846 124 86 of of ADP _005195846 124 87 the the DET _005195846 124 88 immaculate immaculate NOUN _005195846 124 89 conception conception NOUN _005195846 124 90 defined define VERB _005195846 124 91 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 124 92 1854)—the 1854)—the DET _005195846 124 93 vatican vatican PROPN _005195846 124 94 council council PROPN _005195846 124 95 convoked convoke VERB _005195846 124 96 on on ADP _005195846 124 97 the the DET _005195846 124 98 29th 29th NOUN _005195846 124 99 of of ADP _005195846 124 100 june june PROPN _005195846 124 101 , , PUNCT _005195846 124 102 1868 1868 NUM _005195846 124 103 , , PUNCT _005195846 124 104 and and CCONJ _005195846 124 105 opened open VERB _005195846 124 106 on on ADP _005195846 124 107 the the DET _005195846 124 108 8th 8th ADJ _005195846 124 109 december december PROPN _005195846 124 110 , , PUNCT _005195846 124 111 1869 1869 NUM _005195846 124 112 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 124 113 seven seven NUM _005195846 124 114 hundred hundred NUM _005195846 124 115 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 124 116 present present ADJ _005195846 124 117 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 124 118 four four NUM _005195846 124 119 sessions session NOUN _005195846 124 120 held hold VERB _005195846 124 121 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 124 122 the the DET _005195846 124 123 dogma dogma NOUN _005195846 124 124 of of ADP _005195846 124 125 papal papal ADJ _005195846 124 126 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195846 124 127 defined define VERB _005195846 124 128 ; ; PUNCT _005195846 124 129 the the DET _005195846 124 130 council council NOUN _005195846 124 131 prorogued prorogue VERB _005195846 124 132 on on ADP _005195846 124 133 the the DET _005195846 124 134 20th 20th NOUN _005195846 124 135 of of ADP _005195846 124 136 october october PROPN _005195846 124 137 , , PUNCT _005195846 124 138 1870 1870 NUM _005195846 124 139 . . PUNCT _005195846 125 1 xx xx NUM _005195846 125 2 . . PUNCT _005195846 125 3 — — PUNCT _005195846 125 4 the the DET _005195846 125 5 church church NOUN _005195846 125 6 in in ADP _005195846 125 7 the the DET _005195846 125 8 british british ADJ _005195846 125 9 isles isle NOUN _005195846 125 10 during during ADP _005195846 125 11 the the DET _005195846 125 12 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _005195846 125 13 century century NOUN _005195846 125 14 . . PUNCT _005195846 126 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 126 2 a a X _005195846 126 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 126 4 the the DET _005195846 126 5 veto.—proposal veto.—proposal PROPN _005195846 126 6 made make VERB _005195846 126 7 by by ADP _005195846 126 8 lord lord PROPN _005195846 126 9 castlereagh castlereagh PROPN _005195846 126 10 , , PUNCT _005195846 126 11 secretary secretary PROPN _005195846 126 12 for for ADP _005195846 126 13 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 126 14 , , PUNCT _005195846 126 15 to to ADP _005195846 126 16 ten ten NUM _005195846 126 17 irish irish ADJ _005195846 126 18 bishops bishop NOUN _005195846 126 19 in in ADP _005195846 126 20 1799 1799 NUM _005195846 126 21 — — PUNCT _005195846 126 22 the the DET _005195846 126 23 proposal proposal NOUN _005195846 126 24 rejected reject VERB _005195846 126 25 by by ADP _005195846 126 26 the the DET _005195846 126 27 irish irish ADJ _005195846 126 28 prelates prelate NOUN _005195846 126 29 in in ADP _005195846 126 30 1808 1808 NUM _005195846 126 31 — — PUNCT _005195846 126 32 rescript rescript NOUN _005195846 126 33 of of ADP _005195846 126 34 quarantotti quarantotti PROPN _005195846 126 35 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 126 36 1814)—the 1814)—the NUM _005195846 126 37 genoese genoese ADJ _005195846 126 38 letter letter NOUN _005195846 126 39 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 126 40 1815 1815 NUM _005195846 126 41 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 126 42 . . PUNCT _005195846 127 1 22 22 NUM _005195846 127 2 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 127 3 b b X _005195846 127 4 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 127 5 catholic catholic PROPN _005195846 127 6 emancipation.—catholic emancipation.—catholic ADJ _005195846 127 7 belief belief NOUN _005195846 127 8 acts act VERB _005195846 127 9 passed pass VERB _005195846 127 10 by by ADP _005195846 127 11 the the DET _005195846 127 12 house house NOUN _005195846 127 13 of of ADP _005195846 127 14 commons common NOUN _005195846 127 15 in in ADP _005195846 127 16 1812 1812 NUM _005195846 127 17 and and CCONJ _005195846 127 18 1826 1826 NUM _005195846 127 19 , , PUNCT _005195846 127 20 but but CCONJ _005195846 127 21 rejected reject VERB _005195846 127 22 by by ADP _005195846 127 23 the the DET _005195846 127 24 house house NOUN _005195846 127 25 of of ADP _005195846 127 26 lords lord NOUN _005195846 127 27 — — PUNCT _005195846 127 28 daniel daniel PROPN _005195846 127 29 o’connell o’connell PROPN _005195846 127 30 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 127 31 17751847 17751847 NUM _005195846 127 32 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 127 33 elected elect VERB _005195846 127 34 member member NOUN _005195846 127 35 for for ADP _005195846 127 36 clare clare NOUN _005195846 127 37 1828 1828 NUM _005195846 127 38 — — PUNCT _005195846 127 39 act act PROPN _005195846 127 40 of of ADP _005195846 127 41 catholic catholic PROPN _005195846 127 42 emancipation emancipation PROPN _005195846 127 43 passed pass VERB _005195846 127 44 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 127 45 1829)—after 1829)—after NUM _005195846 127 46 an an DET _005195846 127 47 agitation agitation NOUN _005195846 127 48 of of ADP _005195846 127 49 twenty twenty NUM _005195846 127 50 years year NOUN _005195846 127 51 — — PUNCT _005195846 127 52 o’connell o’connell PROPN _005195846 127 53 ably ably ADV _005195846 127 54 assisted assist VERB _005195846 127 55 by by ADP _005195846 127 56 dr dr PROPN _005195846 127 57 . . PROPN _005195846 127 58 doyle doyle PROPN _005195846 127 59 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 127 60 f f PROPN _005195846 127 61 1834 1834 NUM _005195846 127 62 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 127 63 and and CCONJ _005195846 127 64 dr dr PROPN _005195846 127 65 . . PROPN _005195846 127 66 machale machale PROPN _005195846 127 67 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 127 68 } } NUM _005195846 127 69 1821 1821 NUM _005195846 127 70 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 127 71 . . PUNCT _005195846 128 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 128 2 c c X _005195846 128 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 128 4 the the DET _005195846 128 5 temperance temperance NOUN _005195846 128 6 movement.—originated movement.—originate VERB _005195846 128 7 in in ADP _005195846 128 8 1838 1838 NUM _005195846 128 9 by by ADP _005195846 128 10 the the DET _005195846 128 11 capuchin capuchin PROPN _005195846 128 12 friar friar PROPN _005195846 128 13 , , PUNCT _005195846 128 14 father father PROPN _005195846 128 15 theobald theobald PROPN _005195846 128 16 mathew mathew PROPN _005195846 128 17 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 128 18 17901856 17901856 NUM _005195846 128 19 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 128 20 . . PUNCT _005195846 129 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 129 2 d d X _005195846 129 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 129 4 the the DET _005195846 129 5 tractarian tractarian ADJ _005195846 129 6 movement,—tracts movement,—tracts PROPN _005195846 129 7 for for ADP _005195846 129 8 the the DET _005195846 129 9 times time NOUN _005195846 129 10 published publish VERB _005195846 129 11 at at ADP _005195846 129 12 oxford oxford NOUN _005195846 129 13 during during ADP _005195846 129 14 the the DET _005195846 129 15 years year NOUN _005195846 129 16 1833 1833 NUM _005195846 129 17 - - SYM _005195846 129 18 41 41 NUM _005195846 129 19 regarding regard VERB _005195846 129 20 the the DET _005195846 129 21 relations relation NOUN _005195846 129 22 between between ADP _005195846 129 23 the the DET _005195846 129 24 catholic catholic NOUN _005195846 129 25 and and CCONJ _005195846 129 26 anglican anglican ADJ _005195846 129 27 churches church NOUN _005195846 129 28 — — PUNCT _005195846 129 29 chief chief ADJ _005195846 129 30 writers writer NOUN _005195846 129 31 of of ADP _005195846 129 32 the the DET _005195846 129 33 tracts tract NOUN _005195846 129 34 were be AUX _005195846 129 35 drs drs ADJ _005195846 129 36 . . PUNCT _005195846 130 1 newman newman PROPN _005195846 130 2 , , PUNCT _005195846 130 3 pusey pusey PROPN _005195846 130 4 , , PUNCT _005195846 130 5 and and CCONJ _005195846 130 6 keble keble ADJ _005195846 130 7 — — PUNCT _005195846 130 8 last last ADJ _005195846 130 9 tract tract NOUN _005195846 130 10 published publish VERB _005195846 130 11 was be AUX _005195846 130 12 no no NOUN _005195846 130 13 . . NOUN _005195846 130 14 90 90 NUM _005195846 130 15 , , PUNCT _005195846 130 16 written write VERB _005195846 130 17 by by ADP _005195846 130 18 dr dr PROPN _005195846 130 19 . . PROPN _005195846 130 20 newman newman PROPN _005195846 130 21 , , PUNCT _005195846 130 22 to to PART _005195846 130 23 show show VERB _005195846 130 24 that that SCONJ _005195846 130 25 most most ADJ _005195846 130 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005195846 130 27 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195846 130 28 could could AUX _005195846 130 29 be be AUX _005195846 130 30 received receive VERB _005195846 130 31 consistently consistently ADV _005195846 130 32 with with ADP _005195846 130 33 strict strict ADJ _005195846 130 34 adherence adherence NOUN _005195846 130 35 to to ADP _005195846 130 36 the the DET _005195846 130 37 thirty thirty NUM _005195846 130 38 - - PUNCT _005195846 130 39 nine nine NUM _005195846 130 40 articles article NOUN _005195846 130 41 . . PUNCT _005195846 131 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 131 2 e e PROPN _005195846 131 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 131 4 the the DET _005195846 131 5 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005195846 131 6 in in ADP _005195846 131 7 england england PROPN _005195846 131 8 and and CCONJ _005195846 131 9 scotland.—the scotland.—the DET _005195846 131 10 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005195846 131 11 re re VERB _005195846 131 12 - - VERB _005195846 131 13 established establish VERB _005195846 131 14 in in ADP _005195846 131 15 england england PROPN _005195846 131 16 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 131 17 1850)—the 1850)—the NUM _005195846 131 18 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195846 131 19 titles title NOUN _005195846 131 20 ’ ' PUNCT _005195846 131 21 bill bill NOUN _005195846 131 22 — — PUNCT _005195846 131 23 dr dr PROPN _005195846 131 24 . . PROPN _005195846 131 25 wiseman wiseman PROPN _005195846 131 26 , , PUNCT _005195846 131 27 archbishop archbishop NOUN _005195846 131 28 of of ADP _005195846 131 29 westminster westminster NOUN _005195846 131 30 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 131 31 1850 1850 NUM _005195846 131 32 - - SYM _005195846 131 33 65)—restoration 65)—restoration NUM _005195846 131 34 of of ADP _005195846 131 35 the the DET _005195846 131 36 scotch scotch NOUN _005195846 131 37 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005195846 131 38 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 131 39 1878 1878 NUM _005195846 131 40 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 131 41 . . PUNCT _005195846 132 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 132 2 / / SYM _005195846 132 3 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 132 4 the the DET _005195846 132 5 protestant protestant ADJ _005195846 132 6 church church NOUN _005195846 132 7 in in ADP _005195846 132 8 ireland.—the ireland.—the PRON _005195846 132 9 tithe tithe DET _005195846 132 10 war war NOUN _005195846 132 11 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 132 12 1832)—commutation 1832)—commutation NOUN _005195846 132 13 of of ADP _005195846 132 14 tithes tithe NOUN _005195846 132 15 into into ADP _005195846 132 16 a a DET _005195846 132 17 regular regular ADJ _005195846 132 18 rentcharge rentcharge NOUN _005195846 132 19 — — PUNCT _005195846 132 20 the the DET _005195846 132 21 protestant protestant ADJ _005195846 132 22 church church NOUN _005195846 132 23 disestablished disestablish VERB _005195846 132 24 in in ADP _005195846 132 25 ireland ireland PROPN _005195846 132 26 ( ( PUNCT _005195846 132 27 1869 1869 NUM _005195846 132 28 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 132 29 . . PUNCT _005195846 133 1 * * PUNCT _005195846 133 2 y y PROPN _005195846 133 3 ^^hav!^»v ^^hav!^»v PROPN _005195846 133 4 & & CCONJ _005195846 133 5 l+~r^ l+~r^ PROPN _005195846 133 6 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 133 7 ^ ^ PUNCT _005195846 133 8 : : PUNCT _005195846 133 9 tc-^^-v tc-^^-v X _005195846 133 10 * * PUNCT _005195846 133 11 ^/vvvv^-vwj^v^ ^/vvvv^-vwj^v^ PUNCT _005195846 133 12 j j PROPN _005195846 133 13 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 133 14 /^w /^w PUNCT _005195846 134 1 ot^o ot^o ADV _005195846 134 2 ^li.^'p^ccztsj ^li.^'p^ccztsj PROPN _005195846 134 3 ole*- ole*- PROPN _005195846 134 4 * * PROPN _005195846 134 5 , , PUNCT _005195846 134 6 x x X _005195846 134 7 ? ? PUNCT _005195846 134 8 /?u''£st /?u''£st X _005195846 134 9 < < X _005195846 134 10 ) ) PUNCT _005195846 134 11 & & CCONJ _005195846 134 12 ^iq ^iq SPACE _005195846 134 13 — — PUNCT _005195846 134 14 ’’ ’’ VERB _005195846 134 15 •'/ •'/ X _005195846 134 16 ^ ^ X _005195846 135 1 > > X _005195846 135 2 a,^n'