id sid tid token lemma pos _005195698 1 1 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 1 2 ke ke PROPN _005195698 1 3 . . PUNCT _005195698 1 4 'r 'r PART _005195698 2 1 vj vj PROPN _005195698 2 2 i i PROPN _005195698 2 3 vs vs ADP _005195698 2 4 te_o te_o NUM _005195698 2 5 © © NOUN _005195698 2 6 wv wv NOUN _005195698 2 7 < < X _005195698 2 8 _ _ PUNCT _005195698 2 9 a a DET _005195698 2 10 - - PUNCT _005195698 2 11 d^ d^ NOUN _005195698 2 12 ^54^ ^54^ NOUN _005195698 2 13 _ _ PUNCT _005195698 2 14 ^ ^ NOUN _005195698 3 1 < < X _005195698 3 2 ra37^h ra37^h VERB _005195698 3 3 the the DET _005195698 3 4 rtholic rtholic ADJ _005195698 3 5 documentary documentary NOUN _005195698 3 6 report report NOUN _005195698 3 7 on on ADP _005195698 3 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 3 9 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195698 3 10 life life NOUN _005195698 3 11 in in ADP _005195698 3 12 america america PROPN _005195698 3 13 , , PUNCT _005195698 3 14 1958 1958 NUM _005195698 3 15 : : PUNCT _005195698 3 16 part part NOUN _005195698 3 17 one one NUM _005195698 3 18 . . PUNCT _005195698 4 1 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 4 2 jerome jerome PROPN _005195698 4 3 kerwin kerwin PROPN _005195698 4 4 rev rev PROPN _005195698 4 5 . . PUNCT _005195698 5 1 r. r. PROPN _005195698 5 2 w. w. PROPN _005195698 5 3 mulligan mulligan PROPN _005195698 5 4 , , PUNCT _005195698 5 5 s.j s.j PROPN _005195698 5 6 . . PROPN _005195698 5 7 rev rev PROPN _005195698 5 8 . . PROPN _005195698 5 9 benedict benedict PROPN _005195698 5 10 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 5 11 , , PUNCT _005195698 5 12 o.p o.p PROPN _005195698 5 13 . . PROPN _005195698 5 14 august august PROPN _005195698 5 15 3 3 NUM _005195698 5 16 , , PUNCT _005195698 5 17 1958 1958 NUM _005195698 5 18 this this DET _005195698 5 19 month month NOUN _005195698 5 20 the the DET _005195698 5 21 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 5 22 hour hour NOUN _005195698 5 23 brings bring VERB _005195698 5 24 listeners listener NOUN _005195698 5 25 selected select VERB _005195698 5 26 portions portion NOUN _005195698 5 27 of of ADP _005195698 5 28 the the DET _005195698 5 29 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 5 30 on on ADP _005195698 5 31 the the DET _005195698 5 32 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 5 33 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 5 34 to to ADP _005195698 5 35 american american ADJ _005195698 5 36 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195698 5 37 life life NOUN _005195698 5 38 , , PUNCT _005195698 5 39 co co VERB _005195698 5 40 - - VERB _005195698 5 41 sponsored sponsor VERB _005195698 5 42 by by ADP _005195698 5 43 the the DET _005195698 5 44 thomas thomas PROPN _005195698 5 45 more more ADJ _005195698 5 46 association association NOUN _005195698 5 47 and and CCONJ _005195698 5 48 rosary rosary PROPN _005195698 5 49 college college NOUN _005195698 5 50 , , PUNCT _005195698 5 51 and and CCONJ _005195698 5 52 held hold VERB _005195698 5 53 in in ADP _005195698 5 54 river river NOUN _005195698 5 55 forest forest NOUN _005195698 5 56 , , PUNCT _005195698 5 57 illinois illinois PROPN _005195698 5 58 , , PUNCT _005195698 5 59 june june PROPN _005195698 5 60 14 14 NUM _005195698 5 61 - - SYM _005195698 5 62 15 15 NUM _005195698 5 63 . . NUM _005195698 6 1 1958 1958 NUM _005195698 6 2 participants participant NOUN _005195698 6 3 recorded record VERB _005195698 6 4 for for ADP _005195698 6 5 this this DET _005195698 6 6 broadcast broadcast NOUN _005195698 6 7 were be AUX _005195698 6 8 jerome jerome PROPN _005195698 6 9 kerwin kerwin PROPN _005195698 6 10 , , PUNCT _005195698 6 11 professor professor NOUN _005195698 6 12 of of ADP _005195698 6 13 political political ADJ _005195698 6 14 science science NOUN _005195698 6 15 at at ADP _005195698 6 16 the the DET _005195698 6 17 university university PROPN _005195698 6 18 of of ADP _005195698 6 19 chicago chicago PROPN _005195698 6 20 , , PUNCT _005195698 6 21 rev rev PROPN _005195698 6 22 . . PUNCT _005195698 7 1 r r NOUN _005195698 7 2 • • PROPN _005195698 7 3 w. w. PROPN _005195698 7 4 mulligan mulligan PROPN _005195698 7 5 , , PUNCT _005195698 7 6 s.j s.j PROPN _005195698 7 7 . . PROPN _005195698 7 8 , , PUNCT _005195698 7 9 and and CCONJ _005195698 7 10 rev rev PROPN _005195698 7 11 . . PROPN _005195698 7 12 benedict benedict PROPN _005195698 7 13 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 7 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 7 15 o.p o.p PROPN _005195698 7 16 . . PROPN _005195698 7 17 , , PUNCT _005195698 7 18 on on ADP _005195698 7 19 the the DET _005195698 7 20 pontifical pontifical ADJ _005195698 7 21 faculty faculty NOUN _005195698 7 22 at at ADP _005195698 7 23 the the DET _005195698 7 24 domini• domini• NOUN _005195698 7 25 can can AUX _005195698 7 26 house house VERB _005195698 7 27 of of ADP _005195698 7 28 studies study NOUN _005195698 7 29 in in ADP _005195698 7 30 river river NOUN _005195698 7 31 forest forest NOUN _005195698 7 32 . . PUNCT _005195698 8 1 father father PROPN _005195698 8 2 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 8 3 's 's PART _005195698 8 4 original original ADJ _005195698 8 5 talk talk NOUN _005195698 8 6 has have AUX _005195698 8 7 been be AUX _005195698 8 8 abridged abridge VERB _005195698 8 9 for for ADP _005195698 8 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 8 11 hour hour NOUN _005195698 8 12 presentation presentation NOUN _005195698 8 13 . . PUNCT _005195698 9 1 deacmrted deacmrte VERB _005195698 9 2 part part NOUN _005195698 9 3 one one NUM _005195698 9 4 — — PUNCT _005195698 9 5 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 9 6 kerwin kerwin PROPN _005195698 9 7 : : PUNCT _005195698 9 8 this this DET _005195698 9 9 year year NOUN _005195698 9 10 , , PUNCT _005195698 9 11 on on ADP _005195698 9 12 the the DET _005195698 9 13 fourteenth fourteenth NOUN _005195698 9 14 and and CCONJ _005195698 9 15 fifteenth fifteenth NOUN _005195698 9 16 of of ADP _005195698 9 17 june june PROPN _005195698 9 18 , , PUNCT _005195698 9 19 a a DET _005195698 9 20 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 9 21 was be AUX _005195698 9 22 held hold VERB _005195698 9 23 just just ADV _005195698 9 24 outside outside ADP _005195698 9 25 chicago chicago PROPN _005195698 9 26 on on ADP _005195698 9 27 what what PRON _005195698 9 28 has have AUX _005195698 9 29 probably probably ADV _005195698 9 30 been be AUX _005195698 9 31 the the DET _005195698 9 32 most most ADV _005195698 9 33 widely widely ADV _005195698 9 34 considered consider VERB _005195698 9 35 topic topic NOUN _005195698 9 36 in in ADP _005195698 9 37 american american PROPN _005195698 9 38 catholic catholic PROPN _005195698 9 39 publications publication NOUN _005195698 9 40 and and CCONJ _005195698 9 41 among among ADP _005195698 9 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 9 43 scholars scholar NOUN _005195698 9 44 during during ADP _005195698 9 45 the the DET _005195698 9 46 past past ADJ _005195698 9 47 year year NOUN _005195698 9 48 — — PUNCT _005195698 9 49 the the DET _005195698 9 50 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 9 51 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 9 52 to to ADP _005195698 9 53 american american ADJ _005195698 9 54 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195698 9 55 life life NOUN _005195698 9 56 . . PUNCT _005195698 10 1 the the DET _005195698 10 2 chief chief ADJ _005195698 10 3 questions question NOUN _005195698 10 4 were be AUX _005195698 10 5 whether whether SCONJ _005195698 10 6 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 10 7 have have AUX _005195698 10 8 contributed contribute VERB _005195698 10 9 what what PRON _005195698 10 10 could could AUX _005195698 10 11 be be AUX _005195698 10 12 expected expect VERB _005195698 10 13 of of ADP _005195698 10 14 them they PRON _005195698 10 15 to to ADP _005195698 10 16 their their PRON _005195698 10 17 country country NOUN _005195698 10 18 's 's PART _005195698 10 19 reservoir reservoir NOUN _005195698 10 20 of of ADP _005195698 10 21 thought thought NOUN _005195698 10 22 and and CCONJ _005195698 10 23 whether whether SCONJ _005195698 10 24 the the DET _005195698 10 25 future future NOUN _005195698 10 26 will will AUX _005195698 10 27 see see VERB _005195698 10 28 an an DET _005195698 10 29 increased increase VERB _005195698 10 30 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 10 31 . . PUNCT _005195698 11 1 in in ADP _005195698 11 2 order order NOUN _005195698 11 3 to to PART _005195698 11 4 examine examine VERB _005195698 11 5 the the DET _005195698 11 6 topic topic NOUN _005195698 11 7 more more ADV _005195698 11 8 clearly clearly ADV _005195698 11 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 10 it it PRON _005195698 11 11 was be AUX _005195698 11 12 broken break VERB _005195698 11 13 down down ADP _005195698 11 14 into into ADP _005195698 11 15 six six NUM _005195698 11 16 parts part NOUN _005195698 11 17 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 18 and and CCONJ _005195698 11 19 a a DET _005195698 11 20 speaker speaker NOUN _005195698 11 21 was be AUX _005195698 11 22 found find VERB _005195698 11 23 for for ADP _005195698 11 24 each each PRON _005195698 11 25 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 26 father father PROPN _005195698 11 27 benedict benedict PROPN _005195698 11 28 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 11 29 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 30 on on ADP _005195698 11 31 the the DET _005195698 11 32 pontifical pontifical ADJ _005195698 11 33 faculty faculty NOUN _005195698 11 34 at at ADP _005195698 11 35 the the DET _005195698 11 36 dominican dominican PROPN _005195698 11 37 house house PROPN _005195698 11 38 of of ADP _005195698 11 39 studies study NOUN _005195698 11 40 in in ADP _005195698 11 41 river river NOUN _005195698 11 42 forest forest NOUN _005195698 11 43 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 44 illinois illinois PROPN _005195698 11 45 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 46 spoke speak VERB _005195698 11 47 of of ADP _005195698 11 48 our our PRON _005195698 11 49 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 11 50 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 11 51 : : PUNCT _005195698 11 52 the the DET _005195698 11 53 president president NOUN _005195698 11 54 of of ADP _005195698 11 55 hunter hunter PROPN _005195698 11 56 college college PROPN _005195698 11 57 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 58 george george PROPN _005195698 11 59 shuster shuster NOUN _005195698 11 60 approached approach VERB _005195698 11 61 it it PRON _005195698 11 62 from from ADP _005195698 11 63 the the DET _005195698 11 64 standpoint standpoint NOUN _005195698 11 65 of of ADP _005195698 11 66 education education NOUN _005195698 11 67 : : PUNCT _005195698 11 68 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 11 69 ' ' PART _005195698 11 70 humanities humanity NOUN _005195698 11 71 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 11 72 was be AUX _005195698 11 73 treated treat VERB _005195698 11 74 by by ADP _005195698 11 75 caroline caroline PROPN _005195698 11 76 gordon gordon PROPN _005195698 11 77 tate tate NOUN _005195698 11 78 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 79 while while SCONJ _005195698 11 80 the the DET _005195698 11 81 eminent eminent ADJ _005195698 11 82 psychiatrist psychiatrist NOUN _005195698 11 83 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 84 karl karl PROPN _005195698 11 85 stern stern PROPN _005195698 11 86 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 87 gave give VERB _005195698 11 88 a a DET _005195698 11 89 foreign foreign ADJ _005195698 11 90 view view NOUN _005195698 11 91 of of ADP _005195698 11 92 the the DET _005195698 11 93 topic topic NOUN _005195698 11 94 : : PUNCT _005195698 11 95 jesuit jesuit PROPN _005195698 11 96 father father PROPN _005195698 11 97 joseph joseph PROPN _005195698 11 98 fichter fichter PROPN _005195698 11 99 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 100 head head NOUN _005195698 11 101 of of ADP _005195698 11 102 the the DET _005195698 11 103 department department NOUN _005195698 11 104 of of ADP _005195698 11 105 sociology sociology NOUN _005195698 11 106 at at ADP _005195698 11 107 loyola loyola PROPN _005195698 11 108 university university PROPN _005195698 11 109 of of ADP _005195698 11 110 the the DET _005195698 11 111 south south NOUN _005195698 11 112 in in ADP _005195698 11 113 new new ADJ _005195698 11 114 1 1 NUM _005195698 11 115 orleans orlean NOUN _005195698 11 116 , , PUNCT _005195698 11 117 evaluated evaluate VERB _005195698 11 118 where where SCONJ _005195698 11 119 we we PRON _005195698 11 120 stand stand VERB _005195698 11 121 as as SCONJ _005195698 11 122 regards regard VERB _005195698 11 123 social social ADJ _005195698 11 124 sciences science NOUN _005195698 11 125 : : PUNCT _005195698 11 126 and and CCONJ _005195698 11 127 dr dr PROPN _005195698 11 128 . . PROPN _005195698 11 129 james james PROPN _005195698 11 130 reyniers reynier NOUN _005195698 11 131 of of ADP _005195698 11 132 the the DET _005195698 11 133 lobund lobund PROPN _005195698 11 134 institute institute PROPN _005195698 11 135 did do VERB _005195698 11 136 the the DET _005195698 11 137 same same ADJ _005195698 11 138 with with ADP _005195698 11 139 the the DET _005195698 11 140 biological biological ADJ _005195698 11 141 sciences science NOUN _005195698 11 142 . . PUNCT _005195698 12 1 after after ADP _005195698 12 2 each each DET _005195698 12 3 address address NOUN _005195698 12 4 , , PUNCT _005195698 12 5 the the DET _005195698 12 6 session session NOUN _005195698 12 7 's 's PART _005195698 12 8 discussion discussion NOUN _005195698 12 9 chairman chairman NOUN _005195698 12 10 conducted conduct VERB _005195698 12 11 a a DET _005195698 12 12 period period NOUN _005195698 12 13 of of ADP _005195698 12 14 general general ADJ _005195698 12 15 questioning questioning NOUN _005195698 12 16 from from ADP _005195698 12 17 members member NOUN _005195698 12 18 of of ADP _005195698 12 19 the the DET _005195698 12 20 audience audience NOUN _005195698 12 21 . . PUNCT _005195698 13 1 father father PROPN _005195698 13 2 benedict benedict PROPN _005195698 13 3 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 13 4 , , PUNCT _005195698 13 5 o.p o.p PROPN _005195698 13 6 . . PROPN _005195698 13 7 , , PUNCT _005195698 13 8 opened open VERB _005195698 13 9 the the DET _005195698 13 10 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 13 11 with with ADP _005195698 13 12 an an DET _005195698 13 13 address address NOUN _005195698 13 14 on on ADP _005195698 13 15 the the DET _005195698 13 16 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 13 17 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 13 18 to to ADP _005195698 13 19 american american ADJ _005195698 13 20 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195698 13 21 life life NOUN _005195698 13 22 in in ADP _005195698 13 23 the the DET _005195698 13 24 field field NOUN _005195698 13 25 of of ADP _005195698 13 26 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 13 27 . . PUNCT _005195698 14 1 discussion discussion NOUN _005195698 14 2 chairman chairman NOUN _005195698 14 3 , , PUNCT _005195698 14 4 father father PROPN _005195698 14 5 r. r. PROPN _005195698 14 6 w. w. PROPN _005195698 14 7 mulligan mulligan PROPN _005195698 14 8 , , PUNCT _005195698 14 9 s.j s.j PROPN _005195698 14 10 . . PROPN _005195698 14 11 , , PUNCT _005195698 14 12 introduced introduce VERB _005195698 14 13 f f PROPN _005195698 14 14 ather ather PROPN _005195698 14 15 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 14 16 . . PUNCT _005195698 15 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195698 15 2 father father PROPN _005195698 15 3 mulligan mulligan PROPN _005195698 15 4 gives give VERB _005195698 15 5 a a DET _005195698 15 6 brief brief ADJ _005195698 15 7 introduction introduction NOUN _005195698 15 8 to to ADP _005195698 15 9 father father PROPN _005195698 15 10 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 15 11 . . PUNCT _005195698 15 12 ) ) PUNCT _005195698 16 1 ashley ashley PROPN _005195698 16 2 : : PUNCT _005195698 16 3 every every DET _005195698 16 4 culture culture NOUN _005195698 16 5 is be AUX _005195698 16 6 rooted root VERB _005195698 16 7 in in ADP _005195698 16 8 a a DET _005195698 16 9 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 16 10 about about ADP _005195698 16 11 man man NOUN _005195698 16 12 , , PUNCT _005195698 16 13 his his PRON _005195698 16 14 relation relation NOUN _005195698 16 15 to to ADP _005195698 16 16 the the DET _005195698 16 17 cosmos cosmos PROPN _005195698 16 18 , , PUNCT _005195698 16 19 and and CCONJ _005195698 16 20 the the DET _005195698 16 21 meaning meaning NOUN _005195698 16 22 of of ADP _005195698 16 23 his his PRON _005195698 16 24 life life NOUN _005195698 16 25 . . PUNCT _005195698 17 1 even even ADV _005195698 17 2 in in ADP _005195698 17 3 a a DET _005195698 17 4 pluralistic pluralistic ADJ _005195698 17 5 society society NOUN _005195698 17 6 culture culture NOUN _005195698 17 7 has have VERB _005195698 17 8 to to PART _005195698 17 9 rest rest VERB _005195698 17 10 on on ADP _005195698 17 11 some some DET _005195698 17 12 area area NOUN _005195698 17 13 of of ADP _005195698 17 14 compromise compromise NOUN _005195698 17 15 , , PUNCT _005195698 17 16 and and CCONJ _005195698 17 17 this this DET _005195698 17 18 compromise compromise NOUN _005195698 17 19 requires require VERB _005195698 17 20 a a DET _005195698 17 21 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 17 22 defense defense NOUN _005195698 17 23 . . PUNCT _005195698 18 1 the the DET _005195698 18 2 compromise compromise NOUN _005195698 18 3 on on ADP _005195698 18 4 which which PRON _005195698 18 5 our our PRON _005195698 18 6 pluralistic pluralistic ADJ _005195698 18 7 american american ADJ _005195698 18 8 culture culture NOUN _005195698 18 9 rests rest NOUN _005195698 18 10 needs need VERB _005195698 18 11 a a DET _005195698 18 12 philosophic philosophic ADJ _005195698 18 13 defense defense NOUN _005195698 18 14 of of ADP _005195698 18 15 the the DET _005195698 18 16 dignity dignity NOUN _005195698 18 17 of of ADP _005195698 18 18 the the DET _005195698 18 19 human human ADJ _005195698 18 20 person person NOUN _005195698 18 21 , , PUNCT _005195698 18 22 of of ADP _005195698 18 23 his his PRON _005195698 18 24 inalienable inalienable ADJ _005195698 18 25 rights right NOUN _005195698 18 26 , , PUNCT _005195698 18 27 of of ADP _005195698 18 28 the the DET _005195698 18 29 authority authority NOUN _005195698 18 30 of of ADP _005195698 18 31 a a DET _005195698 18 32 government government NOUN _005195698 18 33 of of ADP _005195698 18 34 the the DET _005195698 18 35 people people NOUN _005195698 18 36 under under ADP _005195698 18 37 god god PROPN _005195698 18 38 , , PUNCT _005195698 18 39 of of ADP _005195698 18 40 the the DET _005195698 18 41 duty duty NOUN _005195698 18 42 of of ADP _005195698 18 43 this this DET _005195698 18 44 government government NOUN _005195698 18 45 to to PART _005195698 18 46 encourage encourage VERB _005195698 18 47 without without ADP _005195698 18 48 absorbing absorb VERB _005195698 18 49 religious religious ADJ _005195698 18 50 , , PUNCT _005195698 18 51 educational educational ADJ _005195698 18 52 , , PUNCT _005195698 18 53 scien2 scien2 ADJ _005195698 18 54 tific tific ADJ _005195698 18 55 , , PUNCT _005195698 18 56 technological technological ADJ _005195698 18 57 and and CCONJ _005195698 18 58 economic economic ADJ _005195698 18 59 institutions institution NOUN _005195698 18 60 . . PUNCT _005195698 19 1 i i PRON _005195698 19 2 say say VERB _005195698 19 3 that that SCONJ _005195698 19 4 this this DET _005195698 19 5 defense defense NOUN _005195698 19 6 must must AUX _005195698 19 7 be be AUX _005195698 19 8 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 19 9 because because SCONJ _005195698 19 10 it it PRON _005195698 19 11 must must AUX _005195698 19 12 rest rest VERB _005195698 19 13 on on ADP _005195698 19 14 truths truth NOUN _005195698 19 15 which which PRON _005195698 19 16 are be AUX _005195698 19 17 presupposed presuppose VERB _005195698 19 18 by by ADP _005195698 19 19 all all DET _005195698 19 20 these these DET _005195698 19 21 cultural cultural ADJ _005195698 19 22 institutions institution NOUN _005195698 19 23 , , PUNCT _005195698 19 24 and and CCONJ _005195698 19 25 not not PART _005195698 19 26 merely merely ADV _005195698 19 27 created create VERB _005195698 19 28 by by ADP _005195698 19 29 them they PRON _005195698 19 30 . . PUNCT _005195698 20 1 we we PRON _005195698 20 2 can can AUX _005195698 20 3 not not PART _005195698 20 4 justify justify VERB _005195698 20 5 a a DET _005195698 20 6 bill bill NOUN _005195698 20 7 of of ADP _005195698 20 8 human human ADJ _005195698 20 9 rights right NOUN _005195698 20 10 by by ADP _005195698 20 11 the the DET _005195698 20 12 fact fact NOUN _005195698 20 13 -that -that SCONJ _005195698 20 14 it it PRON _005195698 20 15 is be AUX _005195698 20 16 a a DET _005195698 20 17 man man NOUN _005195698 20 18 - - PUNCT _005195698 20 19 made make VERB _005195698 20 20 law law NOUN _005195698 20 21 , , PUNCT _005195698 20 22 rather rather ADV _005195698 20 23 we we PRON _005195698 20 24 must must AUX _005195698 20 25 justify justify VERB _005195698 20 26 such such DET _005195698 20 27 a a DET _005195698 20 28 man man NOUN _005195698 20 29 - - PUNCT _005195698 20 30 made make VERB _005195698 20 31 law law NOUN _005195698 20 32 by by ADP _005195698 20 33 something something PRON _005195698 20 34 presupposed presuppose VERB _005195698 20 35 to to ADP _005195698 20 36 law law NOUN _005195698 20 37 . . PUNCT _005195698 21 1 the the DET _005195698 21 2 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005195698 21 3 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 21 4 of of ADP _005195698 21 5 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 21 6 to to ADP _005195698 21 7 the the DET _005195698 21 8 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 21 9 of of ADP _005195698 21 10 our our PRON _005195698 21 11 nation nation NOUN _005195698 21 12 was be AUX _005195698 21 13 made make VERB _005195698 21 14 at at ADP _005195698 21 15 its its PRON _005195698 21 16 foundation foundation NOUN _005195698 21 17 . . PUNCT _005195698 22 1 the the DET _005195698 22 2 source source NOUN _005195698 22 3 from from ADP _005195698 22 4 which which PRON _005195698 22 5 every every DET _005195698 22 6 basic basic ADJ _005195698 22 7 element element NOUN _005195698 22 8 of of ADP _005195698 22 9 the the DET _005195698 22 10 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 22 11 of of ADP _005195698 22 12 american american ADJ _005195698 22 13 culture culture NOUN _005195698 22 14 was be AUX _005195698 22 15 drawn draw VERB _005195698 22 16 was be AUX _005195698 22 17 the the DET _005195698 22 18 synthesis synthesis NOUN _005195698 22 19 of of ADP _005195698 22 20 greek greek ADJ _005195698 22 21 and and CCONJ _005195698 22 22 jewish jewish ADJ _005195698 22 23 culture culture NOUN _005195698 22 24 produced produce VERB _005195698 22 25 by by ADP _005195698 22 26 the the DET _005195698 22 27 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 22 28 church church NOUN _005195698 22 29 . . PUNCT _005195698 23 1 if if SCONJ _005195698 23 2 we we PRON _005195698 23 3 examine examine VERB _005195698 23 4 the the DET _005195698 23 5 contributions contribution NOUN _005195698 23 6 made make VERB _005195698 23 7 to to ADP _005195698 23 8 the the DET _005195698 23 9 foundations foundation NOUN _005195698 23 10 of of ADP _005195698 23 11 american american ADJ _005195698 23 12 culture culture NOUN _005195698 23 13 by by ADP _005195698 23 14 protestantism protestantism NOUN _005195698 23 15 or or CCONJ _005195698 23 16 by by ADP _005195698 23 17 secularism secularism NOUN _005195698 23 18 , , PUNCT _005195698 23 19 we we PRON _005195698 23 20 will will AUX _005195698 23 21 soon soon ADV _005195698 23 22 discover discover VERB _005195698 23 23 that that SCONJ _005195698 23 24 what what PRON _005195698 23 25 they they PRON _005195698 23 26 contributed contribute VERB _005195698 23 27 is be AUX _005195698 23 28 just just ADV _005195698 23 29 what what PRON _005195698 23 30 they they PRON _005195698 23 31 had have AUX _005195698 23 32 derived derive VERB _005195698 23 33 from from ADP _005195698 23 34 the the DET _005195698 23 35 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 23 36 synthesis synthesis NOUN _005195698 23 37 . . PUNCT _005195698 24 1 by by ADP _005195698 24 2 this this PRON _005195698 24 3 i i PRON _005195698 24 4 do do AUX _005195698 24 5 not not PART _005195698 24 6 mean mean VERB _005195698 24 7 to to PART _005195698 24 8 deny deny VERB _005195698 24 9 the the DET _005195698 24 10 originality originality NOUN _005195698 24 11 of of ADP _005195698 24 12 american american ADJ _005195698 24 13 culture culture NOUN _005195698 24 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 24 15 or or CCONJ _005195698 24 16 the the DET _005195698 24 17 genuine genuine ADJ _005195698 24 18 contributions contribution NOUN _005195698 24 19 of of ADP _005195698 24 20 many many ADJ _005195698 24 21 diverse diverse ADJ _005195698 24 22 traditions tradition NOUN _005195698 24 23 , , PUNCT _005195698 24 24 but but CCONJ _005195698 24 25 i i PRON _005195698 24 26 assert assert VERB _005195698 24 27 that that SCONJ _005195698 24 28 no no DET _005195698 24 29 single single ADJ _005195698 24 30 element element NOUN _005195698 24 31 of of ADP _005195698 24 32 importance importance NOUN _005195698 24 33 is be AUX _005195698 24 34 new new ADJ _005195698 24 35 or or CCONJ _005195698 24 36 is be AUX _005195698 24 37 unaccounted unaccounted ADJ _005195698 24 38 for for ADP _005195698 24 39 in in ADP _005195698 24 40 the the DET _005195698 24 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 24 42 synthesis synthesis NOUN _005195698 24 43 . . PUNCT _005195698 25 1 if if SCONJ _005195698 25 2 we we PRON _005195698 25 3 ask ask VERB _005195698 25 4 whence whence ADP _005195698 25 5 the the DET _005195698 25 6 original original ADJ _005195698 25 7 character character NOUN _005195698 25 8 of of ADP _005195698 25 9 this this DET _005195698 25 10 combination combination NOUN _005195698 25 11 of of ADP _005195698 25 12 old old ADJ _005195698 25 13 elements element NOUN _005195698 25 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 25 15 i i PRON _005195698 25 16 think think VERB _005195698 25 17 that that SCONJ _005195698 25 18 -3 -3 PUNCT _005195698 25 19 we we PRON _005195698 25 20 must must AUX _005195698 25 21 answer answer VERB _005195698 25 22 that that SCONJ _005195698 25 23 it it PRON _005195698 25 24 does do AUX _005195698 25 25 not not PART _005195698 25 26 lie lie VERB _005195698 25 27 in in ADP _005195698 25 28 some some DET _005195698 25 29 new new ADJ _005195698 25 30 principle principle ADJ _005195698 25 31 foreign foreign NOUN _005195698 25 32 to to PART _005195698 25 33 catholic catholic VERB _005195698 25 34 thought thought NOUN _005195698 25 35 , , PUNCT _005195698 25 36 but but CCONJ _005195698 25 37 rather rather ADV _005195698 25 38 in in ADP _005195698 25 39 the the DET _005195698 25 40 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005195698 25 41 which which PRON _005195698 25 42 the the DET _005195698 25 43 american american ADJ _005195698 25 44 environment environment NOUN _005195698 25 45 gave give VERB _005195698 25 46 to to ADP _005195698 25 47 the the DET _005195698 25 48 realization realization NOUN _005195698 25 49 of of ADP _005195698 25 50 old old ADJ _005195698 25 51 ideals ideal NOUN _005195698 25 52 . . PUNCT _005195698 26 1 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 26 2 , , PUNCT _005195698 26 3 protestants protestant NOUN _005195698 26 4 , , PUNCT _005195698 26 5 jews jews PROPN _005195698 26 6 , , PUNCT _005195698 26 7 and and CCONJ _005195698 26 8 secularists secularist NOUN _005195698 26 9 have have AUX _005195698 26 10 found find VERB _005195698 26 11 an an DET _005195698 26 12 area area NOUN _005195698 26 13 of of ADP _005195698 26 14 genuine genuine ADJ _005195698 26 15 compromise compromise NOUN _005195698 26 16 in in ADP _005195698 26 17 in in ADP _005195698 26 18 american american ADJ _005195698 26 19 culture culture NOUN _005195698 26 20 because because SCONJ _005195698 26 21 all all PRON _005195698 26 22 really really ADV _005195698 26 23 originate originate VERB _005195698 26 24 in in ADP _005195698 26 25 a a DET _005195698 26 26 common common ADJ _005195698 26 27 source source NOUN _005195698 26 28 our our PRON _005195698 26 29 culture culture NOUN _005195698 26 30 can can AUX _005195698 26 31 not not PART _005195698 26 32 survive survive VERB _005195698 26 33 or or CCONJ _005195698 26 34 develop develop VERB _005195698 26 35 in in ADP _005195698 26 36 a a DET _005195698 26 37 healthy healthy ADJ _005195698 26 38 fashion fashion NOUN _005195698 26 39 unless unless SCONJ _005195698 26 40 in in ADP _005195698 26 41 our our PRON _005195698 26 42 country country NOUN _005195698 26 43 there there PRON _005195698 26 44 are be VERB _005195698 26 45 those those PRON _005195698 26 46 who who PRON _005195698 26 47 can can AUX _005195698 26 48 give give VERB _005195698 26 49 a a DET _005195698 26 50 genuine genuine ADJ _005195698 26 51 defense defense NOUN _005195698 26 52 of of ADP _005195698 26 53 this this DET _005195698 26 54 common common ADJ _005195698 26 55 patrimony patrimony NOUN _005195698 26 56 , , PUNCT _005195698 26 57 and and CCONJ _005195698 26 58 who who PRON _005195698 26 59 understand understand VERB _005195698 26 60 it it PRON _005195698 26 61 so so ADV _005195698 26 62 well well ADV _005195698 26 63 that that SCONJ _005195698 26 64 they they PRON _005195698 26 65 are be AUX _005195698 26 66 able able ADJ _005195698 26 67 to to PART _005195698 26 68 see see VERB _005195698 26 69 how how SCONJ _005195698 26 70 it it PRON _005195698 26 71 can can AUX _005195698 26 72 be be AUX _005195698 26 73 adapted adapt VERB _005195698 26 74 to to ADP _005195698 26 75 the the DET _005195698 26 76 changing change VERB _005195698 26 77 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005195698 26 78 of of ADP _005195698 26 79 new new ADJ _005195698 26 80 times time NOUN _005195698 26 81 without without ADP _005195698 26 82 destroying destroy VERB _005195698 26 83 its its PRON _005195698 26 84 vital vital ADJ _005195698 26 85 balance balance NOUN _005195698 26 86 . . PUNCT _005195698 27 1 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 27 2 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195698 27 3 do do AUX _005195698 27 4 not not PART _005195698 27 5 believe believe VERB _005195698 27 6 in in ADP _005195698 27 7 the the DET _005195698 27 8 total total ADJ _005195698 27 9 depravity depravity NOUN _005195698 27 10 of of ADP _005195698 27 11 the the DET _005195698 27 12 human human ADJ _005195698 27 13 reason reason NOUN _005195698 27 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 27 15 nor nor CCONJ _005195698 27 16 do do AUX _005195698 27 17 they they PRON _005195698 27 18 concede concede VERB _005195698 27 19 that that SCONJ _005195698 27 20 it it PRON _005195698 27 21 is be AUX _005195698 27 22 the the DET _005195698 27 23 mere mere ADJ _005195698 27 24 product product NOUN _005195698 27 25 of of ADP _005195698 27 26 evolution evolution NOUN _005195698 27 27 . . PUNCT _005195698 28 1 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 28 2 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195698 28 3 are be AUX _005195698 28 4 not not PART _005195698 28 5 afraid afraid ADJ _005195698 28 6 to to PART _005195698 28 7 hold hold VERB _005195698 28 8 that that SCONJ _005195698 28 9 the the DET _005195698 28 10 values value NOUN _005195698 28 11 on on ADP _005195698 28 12 which which PRON _005195698 28 13 our our PRON _005195698 28 14 culture culture NOUN _005195698 28 15 rests rest NOUN _005195698 28 16 can can AUX _005195698 28 17 be be AUX _005195698 28 18 defended defend VERB _005195698 28 19 rationally rationally ADV _005195698 28 20 and and CCONJ _005195698 28 21 scientifically scientifically ADV _005195698 28 22 without without ADP _005195698 28 23 appeal appeal NOUN _005195698 28 24 to to ADP _005195698 28 25 faith faith NOUN _005195698 28 26 and and CCONJ _005195698 28 27 without without ADP _005195698 28 28 surrender surrender NOUN _005195698 28 29 to to ADP _005195698 28 30 mere mere ADJ _005195698 28 31 custom custom NOUN _005195698 28 32 . . PUNCT _005195698 29 1 they they PRON _005195698 29 2 would would AUX _005195698 29 3 like like VERB _005195698 29 4 to to PART _005195698 29 5 share share VERB _005195698 29 6 the the DET _005195698 29 7 work work NOUN _005195698 29 8 of of ADP _005195698 29 9 defending defend VERB _005195698 29 10 the the DET _005195698 29 11 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 29 12 basis basis NOUN _005195698 29 13 of of ADP _005195698 29 14 american american ADJ _005195698 29 15 culture culture NOUN _005195698 29 16 , , PUNCT _005195698 29 17 and and CCONJ _005195698 29 18 of of ADP _005195698 29 19 developing develop VERB _005195698 29 20 it it PRON _005195698 29 21 still still ADV _005195698 29 22 further far ADV _005195698 29 23 with with ADP _005195698 29 24 non non ADJ _005195698 29 25 - - ADJ _005195698 29 26 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 29 27 , , PUNCT _005195698 29 28 but but CCONJ _005195698 29 29 they they PRON _005195698 29 30 can can AUX _005195698 29 31 not not PART _005195698 29 32 -4 -4 VERB _005195698 29 33 escape escape VERB _005195698 29 34 the the DET _005195698 29 35 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005195698 29 36 of of ADP _005195698 29 37 taking take VERB _005195698 29 38 the the DET _005195698 29 39 lead lead NOUN _005195698 29 40 . . PUNCT _005195698 30 1 we we PRON _005195698 30 2 have have VERB _005195698 30 3 now now ADV _005195698 30 4 to to PART _005195698 30 5 ask ask VERB _005195698 30 6 whether whether SCONJ _005195698 30 7 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 30 8 are be AUX _005195698 30 9 really really ADV _005195698 30 10 giving give VERB _005195698 30 11 this this DET _005195698 30 12 leadership leadership NOUN _005195698 30 13 , , PUNCT _005195698 30 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 30 15 and and CCONJ _005195698 30 16 what what PRON _005195698 30 17 -they -they PRON _005195698 30 18 must must AUX _005195698 30 19 do do VERB _005195698 30 20 to to PART _005195698 30 21 improve improve VERB _005195698 30 22 their their PRON _005195698 30 23 influence influence NOUN _005195698 30 24 . . PUNCT _005195698 31 1 by by ADP _005195698 31 2 what what PRON _005195698 31 3 ' ' PUNCT _005195698 31 4 standard standard NOUN _005195698 31 5 should should AUX _005195698 31 6 we we PRON _005195698 31 7 judge judge VERB _005195698 31 8 this this DET _005195698 31 9 degree degree NOUN _005195698 31 10 of of ADP _005195698 31 11 sucess sucess NOUN _005195698 31 12 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 32 1 the the DET _005195698 32 2 current current ADJ _005195698 32 3 controversy controversy NOUN _005195698 32 4 has have AUX _005195698 32 5 proposed propose VERB _005195698 32 6 a a DET _005195698 32 7 standard standard NOUN _005195698 32 8 in in ADP _005195698 32 9 the the DET _005195698 32 10 form form NOUN _005195698 32 11 of of ADP _005195698 32 12 a a DET _005195698 32 13 catch catch NOUN _005195698 32 14 - - PUNCT _005195698 32 15 word word NOUN _005195698 32 16 which which PRON _005195698 32 17 seems seem VERB _005195698 32 18 to to ADP _005195698 32 19 me i PRON _005195698 32 20 very very ADV _005195698 32 21 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005195698 32 22 . . PUNCT _005195698 33 1 we we PRON _005195698 33 2 are be AUX _005195698 33 3 told tell VERB _005195698 33 4 that that SCONJ _005195698 33 5 what what PRON _005195698 33 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 33 7 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195698 33 8 need need VERB _005195698 33 9 is be AUX _005195698 33 10 to to PART _005195698 33 11 devote devote VERB _005195698 33 12 themselves themselves PRON _005195698 33 13 to to ADP _005195698 33 14 " " PUNCT _005195698 33 15 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 33 16 " " PUNCT _005195698 33 17 . . PUNCT _005195698 34 1 no no ADV _005195698 34 2 doubt doubt ADV _005195698 34 3 this this PRON _005195698 34 4 bears bear VERB _005195698 34 5 a a DET _005195698 34 6 charitable charitable ADJ _005195698 34 7 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005195698 34 8 . . PUNCT _005195698 35 1 certainly certainly ADV _005195698 35 2 " " PUNCT _005195698 35 3 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 35 4 " " PUNCT _005195698 35 5 is be AUX _005195698 35 6 a a DET _005195698 35 7 necessary necessary ADJ _005195698 35 8 element element NOUN _005195698 35 9 of of ADP _005195698 35 10 a a DET _005195698 35 11 great great ADJ _005195698 35 12 culture culture NOUN _005195698 35 13 . . PUNCT _005195698 36 1 no no PRON _005195698 36 2 doubt doubt ADV _005195698 36 3 too too ADV _005195698 36 4 , , PUNCT _005195698 36 5 american american ADJ _005195698 36 6 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 36 7 have have AUX _005195698 36 8 not not PART _005195698 36 9 contributed contribute VERB _005195698 36 10 their their PRON _005195698 36 11 quota quota NOUN _005195698 36 12 to to ADP _005195698 36 13 " " PUNCT _005195698 36 14 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 36 15 " " PUNCT _005195698 36 16 . . PUNCT _005195698 37 1 but but CCONJ _005195698 37 2 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 37 3 is be AUX _005195698 37 4 not not PART _005195698 37 5 the the DET _005195698 37 6 main main ADJ _005195698 37 7 task task NOUN _005195698 37 8 of of ADP _005195698 37 9 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 37 10 . . PUNCT _005195698 38 1 we we PRON _005195698 38 2 may may AUX _005195698 38 3 grant grant VERB _005195698 38 4 that that SCONJ _005195698 38 5 a a DET _005195698 38 6 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 38 7 whose whose DET _005195698 38 8 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 38 9 is be AUX _005195698 38 10 unsound unsound ADJ _005195698 38 11 is be AUX _005195698 38 12 probably probably ADV _005195698 38 13 not not PART _005195698 38 14 a a DET _005195698 38 15 good good ADJ _005195698 38 16 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 38 17 , , PUNCT _005195698 38 18 but but CCONJ _005195698 38 19 he he PRON _005195698 38 20 may may AUX _005195698 38 21 be be AUX _005195698 38 22 an an DET _005195698 38 23 excellent excellent ADJ _005195698 38 24 scholar scholar NOUN _005195698 38 25 and and CCONJ _005195698 38 26 not not PART _005195698 38 27 much much ADJ _005195698 38 28 of of ADP _005195698 38 29 a a DET _005195698 38 30 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 38 31 . . PUNCT _005195698 39 1 the the DET _005195698 39 2 term term NOUN _005195698 39 3 " " PUNCT _005195698 39 4 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 39 5 " " PUNCT _005195698 39 6 ordinarily ordinarily ADV _005195698 39 7 implies imply VERB _005195698 39 8 historical historical ADJ _005195698 39 9 research research NOUN _005195698 39 10 . . PUNCT _005195698 40 1 we we PRON _005195698 40 2 do do AUX _005195698 40 3 not not PART _005195698 40 4 commonly commonly ADV _005195698 40 5 praise praise VERB _005195698 40 6 a a DET _005195698 40 7 physicist physicist NOUN _005195698 40 8 or or CCONJ _005195698 40 9 a a DET _005195698 40 10 mathematician mathematician NOUN _005195698 40 11 as as ADP _005195698 40 12 a"great a"great NOUN _005195698 40 13 scholar scholar NOUN _005195698 40 14 " " PUNCT _005195698 40 15 , , PUNCT _005195698 40 16 unless unless SCONJ _005195698 40 17 he he PRON _005195698 40 18 has have AUX _005195698 40 19 added add VERB _005195698 40 20 the the DET _005195698 40 21 study study NOUN _005195698 40 22 of of ADP _005195698 40 23 history history NOUN _005195698 40 24 as as ADP _005195698 40 25 a a DET _005195698 40 26 side side NOUN _005195698 40 27 - - PUNCT _005195698 40 28 line line NOUN _005195698 40 29 to to ADP _005195698 40 30 his his PRON _005195698 40 31 main main ADJ _005195698 40 32 work work NOUN _005195698 40 33 . . PUNCT _005195698 41 1 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 41 2 is be AUX _005195698 41 3 not not PART _005195698 41 4 a a DET _005195698 41 5 historical historical ADJ _005195698 41 6 discipline discipline NOUN _005195698 41 7 , , PUNCT _005195698 41 8 and and CCONJ _005195698 41 9 it it PRON _005195698 41 10 is be AUX _005195698 41 11 not not PART _005195698 41 12 concerned concerned ADJ _005195698 41 13 primarily primarily ADV _005195698 41 14 with with ADP _005195698 41 15 histo histo PROPN _005195698 41 16 — — PUNCT _005195698 41 17 5 5 NUM _005195698 41 18 — — PUNCT _005195698 41 19 rical rical ADJ _005195698 41 20 facts fact NOUN _005195698 41 21 , , PUNCT _005195698 41 22 or or CCONJ _005195698 41 23 the the DET _005195698 41 24 reporting reporting NOUN _005195698 41 25 and and CCONJ _005195698 41 26 analysis analysis NOUN _005195698 41 27 of of ADP _005195698 41 28 what what PRON _005195698 41 29 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195698 41 30 have have AUX _005195698 41 31 said say VERB _005195698 41 32 . . PUNCT _005195698 42 1 as as ADP _005195698 42 2 a a DET _005195698 42 3 teacher teacher NOUN _005195698 42 4 of of ADP _005195698 42 5 the the DET _005195698 42 6 history history NOUN _005195698 42 7 of of ADP _005195698 42 8 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 42 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 42 10 i i PRON _005195698 42 11 would would AUX _005195698 42 12 not not PART _005195698 42 13 wish wish VERB _005195698 42 14 to to PART _005195698 42 15 belittle belittle VERB _005195698 42 16 the the DET _005195698 42 17 very very ADV _005195698 42 18 real real ADJ _005195698 42 19 services service NOUN _005195698 42 20 of of ADP _005195698 42 21 history history NOUN _005195698 42 22 to to ADP _005195698 42 23 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 42 24 , , PUNCT _005195698 42 25 but but CCONJ _005195698 42 26 i i PRON _005195698 42 27 would would AUX _005195698 42 28 never never ADV _005195698 42 29 want want VERB _005195698 42 30 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 42 31 judged judge VERB _005195698 42 32 by by ADP _005195698 42 33 its its PRON _005195698 42 34 degree degree NOUN _005195698 42 35 of of ADP _005195698 42 36 " " PUNCT _005195698 42 37 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 42 38 ' ' PUNCT _005195698 42 39 1 1 NUM _005195698 42 40 . . PUNCT _005195698 43 1 such such DET _005195698 43 2 a a DET _005195698 43 3 standard standard NOUN _005195698 43 4 is be AUX _005195698 43 5 common common ADJ _005195698 43 6 today today NOUN _005195698 43 7 because because SCONJ _005195698 43 8 mere mere ADJ _005195698 43 9 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 43 10 seems seem VERB _005195698 43 11 unimportant unimportant ADJ _005195698 43 12 . . PUNCT _005195698 44 1 it it PRON _005195698 44 2 manages manage VERB _005195698 44 3 to to PART _005195698 44 4 maintain maintain VERB _005195698 44 5 itself itself PRON _005195698 44 6 by by ADP _005195698 44 7 adopting adopt VERB _005195698 44 8 the the DET _005195698 44 9 pose pose NOUN _005195698 44 10 of of ADP _005195698 44 11 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 44 12 which which PRON _005195698 44 13 is be AUX _005195698 44 14 considered consider VERB _005195698 44 15 respectable respectable ADJ _005195698 44 16 . . PUNCT _005195698 45 1 on on ADP _005195698 45 2 the the DET _005195698 45 3 other other ADJ _005195698 45 4 hand hand NOUN _005195698 45 5 , , PUNCT _005195698 45 6 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 45 7 also also ADV _005195698 45 8 can can AUX _005195698 45 9 not not PART _005195698 45 10 be be AUX _005195698 45 11 judged judge VERB _005195698 45 12 by by ADP _005195698 45 13 the the DET _005195698 45 14 standard standard NOUN _005195698 45 15 of of ADP _005195698 45 16 " " PUNCT _005195698 45 17 research research NOUN _005195698 45 18 " " PUNCT _005195698 45 19 in in ADP _005195698 45 20 the the DET _005195698 45 21 sense sense NOUN _005195698 45 22 that that SCONJ _005195698 45 23 such such DET _005195698 45 24 a a DET _005195698 45 25 standard standard NOUN _005195698 45 26 is be AUX _005195698 45 27 recognized recognize VERB _005195698 45 28 in in ADP _005195698 45 29 the the DET _005195698 45 30 natural natural ADJ _005195698 45 31 and and CCONJ _005195698 45 32 social social ADJ _005195698 45 33 sciences science NOUN _005195698 45 34 . . PUNCT _005195698 46 1 the the DET _005195698 46 2 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 46 3 does do AUX _005195698 46 4 engage engage VERB _005195698 46 5 in in ADP _005195698 46 6 research research NOUN _005195698 46 7 , , PUNCT _005195698 46 8 but but CCONJ _005195698 46 9 it it PRON _005195698 46 10 is be AUX _005195698 46 11 only only ADV _005195698 46 12 of of ADP _005195698 46 13 secondary secondary ADJ _005195698 46 14 interest interest NOUN _005195698 46 15 . . PUNCT _005195698 47 1 the the DET _005195698 47 2 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 47 3 is be AUX _005195698 47 4 not not PART _005195698 47 5 concerned concerned ADJ _005195698 47 6 with with ADP _005195698 47 7 what what PRON _005195698 47 8 is be AUX _005195698 47 9 old old ADJ _005195698 47 10 as as SCONJ _005195698 47 11 is be AUX _005195698 47 12 the the DET _005195698 47 13 scholar scholar NOUN _005195698 47 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 47 15 and and CCONJ _005195698 47 16 he he PRON _005195698 47 17 is be AUX _005195698 47 18 not not PART _005195698 47 19 concerned concerned ADJ _005195698 47 20 with with ADP _005195698 47 21 what what PRON _005195698 47 22 is be AUX _005195698 47 23 new new ADJ _005195698 47 24 as as SCONJ _005195698 47 25 is be AUX _005195698 47 26 the the DET _005195698 47 27 research research NOUN _005195698 47 28 scientist scientist NOUN _005195698 47 29 . . PUNCT _005195698 48 1 the the DET _005195698 48 2 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 48 3 is be AUX _005195698 48 4 concerned concern VERB _005195698 48 5 with with ADP _005195698 48 6 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 48 7 which which PRON _005195698 48 8 is be AUX _005195698 48 9 neither neither CCONJ _005195698 48 10 old old ADJ _005195698 48 11 nor nor CCONJ _005195698 48 12 new new ADJ _005195698 48 13 . . PUNCT _005195698 49 1 he he PRON _005195698 49 2 realizes realize VERB _005195698 49 3 that that SCONJ _005195698 49 4 the the DET _005195698 49 5 wise wise ADJ _005195698 49 6 men man NOUN _005195698 49 7 of of ADP _005195698 49 8 the the DET _005195698 49 9 past past NOUN _005195698 49 10 knew know VERB _005195698 49 11 all all PRON _005195698 49 12 that that PRON _005195698 49 13 is be AUX _005195698 49 14 really really ADV _005195698 49 15 important important ADJ _005195698 49 16 for for SCONJ _005195698 49 17 man man NOUN _005195698 49 18 to to PART _005195698 49 19 know know VERB _005195698 49 20 , , PUNCT _005195698 49 21 and and CCONJ _005195698 49 22 that that SCONJ _005195698 49 23 in in ADP _005195698 49 24 the the DET _005195698 49 25 future future ADJ _005195698 49 26 nothing nothing PRON _005195698 49 27 comparable comparable ADJ _005195698 49 28 will will AUX _005195698 49 29 ever ever ADV _005195698 49 30 be be AUX _005195698 49 31 added add VERB _005195698 49 32 to to ADP _005195698 49 33 this this DET _005195698 49 34 perennial perennial ADJ _005195698 49 35 treasure treasure NOUN _005195698 49 36 . . PUNCT _005195698 50 1 like like ADP _005195698 50 2 the the DET _005195698 50 3 truly truly ADV _005195698 50 4 wise wise ADJ _005195698 50 5 man man NOUN _005195698 50 6 of of ADP _005195698 50 7 the the DET _005195698 50 8 book book NOUN _005195698 50 9 of of ADP _005195698 50 10 ecclesiastes ecclesiaste NOUN _005195698 50 11 , , PUNCT _005195698 50 12 the the DET _005195698 50 13 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 50 14 is be AUX _005195698 50 15 convinced convince VERB _005195698 50 16 that that SCONJ _005195698 50 17 fun6 fun6 NOUN _005195698 50 18 damentally damentally ADV _005195698 50 19 " " PUNCT _005195698 50 20 there there PRON _005195698 50 21 is be VERB _005195698 50 22 nothing nothing PRON _005195698 50 23 new new ADJ _005195698 50 24 under under ADP _005195698 50 25 the the DET _005195698 50 26 sun sun NOUN _005195698 50 27 " " PUNCT _005195698 50 28 . . PUNCT _005195698 51 1 the the DET _005195698 51 2 great great ADJ _005195698 51 3 truths truth NOUN _005195698 51 4 of of ADP _005195698 51 5 human human ADJ _005195698 51 6 life life NOUN _005195698 51 7 are be AUX _005195698 51 8 unchanging unchanging ADJ _005195698 51 9 and and CCONJ _005195698 51 10 it it PRON _005195698 51 11 is be AUX _005195698 51 12 they they PRON _005195698 51 13 that that PRON _005195698 51 14 give give VERB _005195698 51 15 meaning meaning NOUN _005195698 51 16 and and CCONJ _005195698 51 17 form form NOUN _005195698 51 18 to to ADP _005195698 51 19 all all PRON _005195698 51 20 that that PRON _005195698 51 21 does do AUX _005195698 51 22 change change VERB _005195698 51 23 . . PUNCT _005195698 52 1 tho tho PROPN _005195698 52 2 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 52 3 can can AUX _005195698 52 4 only only ADV _005195698 52 5 smile smile VERB _005195698 52 6 quietly quietly ADV _005195698 52 7 at at ADP _005195698 52 8 the the DET _005195698 52 9 enormous enormous ADJ _005195698 52 10 efforts effort NOUN _005195698 52 11 which which PRON _005195698 52 12 are be AUX _005195698 52 13 expended expend VERB _005195698 52 14 by by ADP _005195698 52 15 men man NOUN _005195698 52 16 in in ADP _005195698 52 17 digging dig VERB _005195698 52 18 up up ADP _005195698 52 19 the the DET _005195698 52 20 past past NOUN _005195698 52 21 and and CCONJ _005195698 52 22 building build VERB _005195698 52 23 up up ADP _005195698 52 24 the the DET _005195698 52 25 future future NOUN _005195698 52 26 . . PUNCT _005195698 53 1 his his PRON _005195698 53 2 smile smile NOUN _005195698 53 3 is be AUX _005195698 53 4 not not PART _005195698 53 5 patronizing patronize VERB _005195698 53 6 and and CCONJ _005195698 53 7 it it PRON _005195698 53 8 is be AUX _005195698 53 9 not not PART _005195698 53 10 disillusioned disillusioned ADJ _005195698 53 11 , , PUNCT _005195698 53 12 it it PRON _005195698 53 13 is be AUX _005195698 53 14 the the DET _005195698 53 15 smile smile NOUN _005195698 53 16 of of ADP _005195698 53 17 one one NUM _005195698 53 18 who who PRON _005195698 53 19 sees see VERB _005195698 53 20 the the DET _005195698 53 21 humor humor NOUN _005195698 53 22 of of ADP _005195698 53 23 the the DET _005195698 53 24 human human ADJ _005195698 53 25 situation situation NOUN _005195698 53 26 in in ADP _005195698 53 27 which which PRON _005195698 53 28 everyohe everyohe NOUN _005195698 53 29 must must AUX _005195698 53 30 run run VERB _005195698 53 31 very very ADV _005195698 53 32 fast fast ADV _005195698 53 33 , , PUNCT _005195698 53 34 like like ADP _005195698 53 35 the the DET _005195698 53 36 white white PROPN _005195698 53 37 queen queen PROPN _005195698 53 38 , , PUNCT _005195698 53 39 in in ADP _005195698 53 40 order order NOUN _005195698 53 41 to to PART _005195698 53 42 keep keep VERB _005195698 53 43 in in ADP _005195698 53 44 the the DET _005195698 53 45 same same ADJ _005195698 53 46 spot spot NOUN _005195698 53 47 . . PUNCT _005195698 54 1 the the DET _005195698 54 2 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 54 3 loves love VERB _005195698 54 4 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 54 5 . . PUNCT _005195698 55 1 he he PRON _005195698 55 2 is be AUX _005195698 55 3 trying try VERB _005195698 55 4 to to PART _005195698 55 5 court court VERB _005195698 55 6 for for ADP _005195698 55 7 himself himself PRON _005195698 55 8 that that DET _005195698 55 9 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005195698 55 10 wife wife NOUN _005195698 55 11 , , PUNCT _005195698 55 12 which which PRON _005195698 55 13 every every DET _005195698 55 14 generation generation NOUN _005195698 55 15 of of ADP _005195698 55 16 lovers lover NOUN _005195698 55 17 must must AUX _005195698 55 18 win win VERB _005195698 55 19 anew anew ADV _005195698 55 20 . . PUNCT _005195698 56 1 we we PRON _005195698 56 2 do do AUX _005195698 56 3 not not PART _005195698 56 4 think think VERB _005195698 56 5 that that SCONJ _005195698 56 6 love love NOUN _005195698 56 7 must must AUX _005195698 56 8 be be AUX _005195698 56 9 new new ADJ _005195698 56 10 and and CCONJ _005195698 56 11 original original ADJ _005195698 56 12 in in ADP _005195698 56 13 order order NOUN _005195698 56 14 to to PART _005195698 56 15 be be AUX _005195698 56 16 worthwhile worthwhile ADJ _005195698 56 17 for for ADP _005195698 56 18 every every DET _005195698 56 19 generation generation NOUN _005195698 56 20 . . PUNCT _005195698 57 1 the the DET _005195698 57 2 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 57 3 knows know VERB _005195698 57 4 that that SCONJ _005195698 57 5 his his PRON _005195698 57 6 courtship courtship NOUN _005195698 57 7 may may AUX _005195698 57 8 take take VERB _005195698 57 9 a a DET _005195698 57 10 life life NOUN _005195698 57 11 - - PUNCT _005195698 57 12 time time NOUN _005195698 57 13 , , PUNCT _005195698 57 14 but but CCONJ _005195698 57 15 that that SCONJ _005195698 57 16 the the DET _005195698 57 17 important important ADJ _005195698 57 18 thing thing NOUN _005195698 57 19 is be AUX _005195698 57 20 that that SCONJ _005195698 57 21 ho ho PROPN _005195698 57 22 win win VERB _005195698 57 23 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 57 24 for for ADP _005195698 57 25 himself himself PRON _005195698 57 26 , , PUNCT _005195698 57 27 not not PART _005195698 57 28 that that SCONJ _005195698 57 29 he he PRON _005195698 57 30 produce produce VERB _005195698 57 31 some some DET _005195698 57 32 new new ADJ _005195698 57 33 truth truth NOUN _005195698 57 34 . . PUNCT _005195698 58 1 hence hence ADV _005195698 58 2 our our PRON _005195698 58 3 judgement judgement NOUN _005195698 58 4 on on ADP _005195698 58 5 the the DET _005195698 58 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 58 7 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 58 8 to to ADP _005195698 58 9 american american ADJ _005195698 58 10 culture culture NOUN _005195698 58 11 in in ADP _005195698 58 12 the the DET _005195698 58 13 field field NOUN _005195698 58 14 of of ADP _005195698 58 15 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 58 16 must must AUX _005195698 58 17 be be AUX _005195698 58 18 in in ADP _005195698 58 19 terms term NOUN _005195698 58 20 of of ADP _005195698 58 21 whether whether SCONJ _005195698 58 22 it it PRON _005195698 58 23 is be AUX _005195698 58 24 producing produce VERB _005195698 58 25 lovers lover NOUN _005195698 58 26 of of ADP _005195698 58 27 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 58 28 , , PUNCT _005195698 58 29 men man NOUN _005195698 58 30 and and CCONJ _005195698 58 31 women woman NOUN _005195698 58 32 who who PRON _005195698 58 33 have have VERB _005195698 58 34 the the DET _005195698 58 35 habit habit NOUN _005195698 58 36 of of ADP _005195698 58 37 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 58 38 , , PUNCT _005195698 58 39 not not PART _005195698 58 40 by by ADP _005195698 58 41 any any DET _005195698 58 42 other other ADJ _005195698 58 43 standard standard NOUN _005195698 58 44 . . PUNCT _005195698 59 1 7 7 NUM _005195698 59 2 certainly certainly ADV _005195698 59 3 our our PRON _005195698 59 4 expectations expectation NOUN _005195698 59 5 should should AUX _005195698 59 6 not not PART _005195698 59 7 be be AUX _005195698 59 8 naively naively ADV _005195698 59 9 optimistic optimistic ADJ _005195698 59 10 . . PUNCT _005195698 60 1 lovers lover NOUN _005195698 60 2 of of ADP _005195698 60 3 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 60 4 have have AUX _005195698 60 5 never never ADV _005195698 60 6 been be AUX _005195698 60 7 many many ADJ _005195698 60 8 , , PUNCT _005195698 60 9 and and CCONJ _005195698 60 10 american american ADJ _005195698 60 11 culture culture NOUN _005195698 60 12 as as SCONJ _005195698 60 13 it it PRON _005195698 60 14 has have AUX _005195698 60 15 developed develop VERB _005195698 60 16 since since SCONJ _005195698 60 17 the the DET _005195698 60 18 civil civil ADJ _005195698 60 19 war war NOUN _005195698 60 20 has have AUX _005195698 60 21 not not PART _005195698 60 22 produced produce VERB _005195698 60 23 many many ADJ _005195698 60 24 such such ADJ _005195698 60 25 lovers lover NOUN _005195698 60 26 . . PUNCT _005195698 61 1 from from ADP _005195698 61 2 this this DET _005195698 61 3 point point NOUN _005195698 61 4 of of ADP _005195698 61 5 view view NOUN _005195698 61 6 three three NUM _005195698 61 7 very very ADV _005195698 61 8 obvious obvious ADJ _005195698 61 9 facts fact NOUN _005195698 61 10 about about ADP _005195698 61 11 the the DET _005195698 61 12 role role NOUN _005195698 61 13 of of ADP _005195698 61 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 61 15 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 61 16 in in ADP _005195698 61 17 american american ADJ _005195698 61 18 culture culture NOUN _005195698 61 19 appear appear VERB _005195698 61 20 at at ADP _005195698 61 21 once once ADV _005195698 61 22 . . PUNCT _005195698 62 1 they they PRON _005195698 62 2 are be AUX _005195698 62 3 so so ADV _005195698 62 4 obvious obvious ADJ _005195698 62 5 that that SCONJ _005195698 62 6 they they PRON _005195698 62 7 go go VERB _005195698 62 8 unnoticed unnoticed ADJ _005195698 62 9 : : PUNCT _005195698 62 10 first first ADV _005195698 62 11 , , PUNCT _005195698 62 12 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 62 13 can can AUX _005195698 62 14 not not PART _005195698 62 15 be be AUX _005195698 62 16 very very ADV _005195698 62 17 influential influential ADJ _005195698 62 18 in in ADP _005195698 62 19 a a DET _005195698 62 20 society society NOUN _005195698 62 21 where where SCONJ _005195698 62 22 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 62 23 pluralism pluralism NOUN _005195698 62 24 is be AUX _005195698 62 25 carried carry VERB _005195698 62 26 to to ADP _005195698 62 27 exaggerated exaggerated ADJ _005195698 62 28 lengths length NOUN _005195698 62 29 as as SCONJ _005195698 62 30 is be AUX _005195698 62 31 today today NOUN _005195698 62 32 in in ADP _005195698 62 33 the the DET _005195698 62 34 united united PROPN _005195698 62 35 states states PROPN _005195698 62 36 where where SCONJ _005195698 62 37 it it PRON _005195698 62 38 is be AUX _005195698 62 39 difficult difficult ADJ _005195698 62 40 even even ADV _005195698 62 41 to to PART _005195698 62 42 classify classify VERB _005195698 62 43 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195698 62 44 into into ADP _005195698 62 45 schools school NOUN _005195698 62 46 . . PUNCT _005195698 63 1 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 63 2 have have VERB _005195698 63 3 a a DET _005195698 63 4 reasoned reason VERB _005195698 63 5 remedy remedy NOUN _005195698 63 6 for for ADP _005195698 63 7 this this DET _005195698 63 8 extravagance extravagance NOUN _005195698 63 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 63 10 namely namely ADV _005195698 63 11 the the DET _005195698 63 12 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005195698 63 13 of of ADP _005195698 63 14 thomism thomism NOUN _005195698 63 15 as as ADP _005195698 63 16 a a DET _005195698 63 17 common common ADJ _005195698 63 18 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 63 19 . . PUNCT _005195698 64 1 this this PRON _005195698 64 2 does do AUX _005195698 64 3 not not PART _005195698 64 4 mean mean VERB _005195698 64 5 that that SCONJ _005195698 64 6 only only ADV _005195698 64 7 thomism thomism NOUN _005195698 64 8 is be AUX _005195698 64 9 taught teach VERB _005195698 64 10 or or CCONJ _005195698 64 11 permitted permit VERB _005195698 64 12 among among ADP _005195698 64 13 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 64 14 . . PUNCT _005195698 65 1 it it PRON _005195698 65 2 means mean VERB _005195698 65 3 that that SCONJ _005195698 65 4 there there PRON _005195698 65 5 is be VERB _005195698 65 6 a a DET _005195698 65 7 common common ADJ _005195698 65 8 patrimony patrimony NOUN _005195698 65 9 which which PRON _005195698 65 10 makes make VERB _005195698 65 11 possible possible ADJ _005195698 65 12 mutual mutual ADJ _005195698 65 13 communication communication NOUN _005195698 65 14 and and CCONJ _005195698 65 15 a a DET _005195698 65 16 solid solid ADJ _005195698 65 17 educational educational ADJ _005195698 65 18 foundation foundation NOUN _005195698 65 19 . . PUNCT _005195698 66 1 other other ADJ _005195698 66 2 schools school NOUN _005195698 66 3 are be AUX _005195698 66 4 forced force VERB _005195698 66 5 to to PART _005195698 66 6 attempt attempt VERB _005195698 66 7 the the DET _005195698 66 8 impossible impossible ADJ _005195698 66 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 66 10 namely namely ADV _005195698 66 11 to to PART _005195698 66 12 teach teach VERB _005195698 66 13 all all DET _005195698 66 14 philosophies philosophy NOUN _005195698 66 15 . . PUNCT _005195698 67 1 second second ADJ _005195698 67 2 , , PUNCT _005195698 67 3 catholic catholic PROPN _005195698 67 4 seminaries seminary NOUN _005195698 67 5 have have AUX _005195698 67 6 -8 -8 AUX _005195698 67 7 produced produce VERB _005195698 67 8 some some DET _005195698 67 9 50,000 50,000 NUM _005195698 67 10 priests priest NOUN _005195698 67 11 who who PRON _005195698 67 12 have have VERB _005195698 67 13 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005195698 67 14 training training NOUN _005195698 67 15 in in ADP _005195698 67 16 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 67 17 which which PRON _005195698 67 18 they they PRON _005195698 67 19 must must AUX _005195698 67 20 constantly constantly ADV _005195698 67 21 bring bring VERB _005195698 67 22 to to PART _005195698 67 23 bear bear VERB _005195698 67 24 as as ADP _005195698 67 25 leaders leader NOUN _005195698 67 26 in in ADP _005195698 67 27 local local ADJ _005195698 67 28 communities community NOUN _005195698 67 29 , , PUNCT _005195698 67 30 which which DET _005195698 67 31 sociology sociology NOUN _005195698 67 32 recognizes recognize VERB _005195698 67 33 as as ADP _005195698 67 34 the the DET _005195698 67 35 real real ADJ _005195698 67 36 cradles cradle NOUN _005195698 67 37 of of ADP _005195698 67 38 culture culture NOUN _005195698 67 39 . . PUNCT _005195698 68 1 the the DET _005195698 68 2 only only ADJ _005195698 68 3 thing thing NOUN _005195698 68 4 comparable comparable ADJ _005195698 68 5 to to ADP _005195698 68 6 this this PRON _005195698 68 7 in in ADP _005195698 68 8 american american ADJ _005195698 68 9 society society NOUN _005195698 68 10 has have AUX _005195698 68 11 been be AUX _005195698 68 12 the the DET _005195698 68 13 influence influence NOUN _005195698 68 14 of of ADP _005195698 68 15 the the DET _005195698 68 16 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 68 17 of of ADP _005195698 68 18 progressivism progressivism NOUN _005195698 68 19 in in ADP _005195698 68 20 our our PRON _005195698 68 21 teachers teacher NOUN _005195698 68 22 ' ' PART _005195698 68 23 colleges college NOUN _005195698 68 24 . . PUNCT _005195698 69 1 third third ADJ _005195698 69 2 , , PUNCT _005195698 69 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 69 4 colleges college NOUN _005195698 69 5 ( ( PUNCT _005195698 69 6 and and CCONJ _005195698 69 7 to to ADP _005195698 69 8 a a DET _005195698 69 9 considerable considerable ADJ _005195698 69 10 extent extent NOUN _005195698 69 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 69 12 high high ADJ _005195698 69 13 schools school NOUN _005195698 69 14 ) ) PUNCT _005195698 69 15 provide provide VERB _005195698 69 16 a a DET _005195698 69 17 study study NOUN _005195698 69 18 of of ADP _005195698 69 19 basic basic ADJ _005195698 69 20 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 69 21 principles principle NOUN _005195698 69 22 much much ADV _005195698 69 23 more more ADV _005195698 69 24 extensive extensive ADJ _005195698 69 25 than than ADP _005195698 69 26 that that PRON _005195698 69 27 given give VERB _005195698 69 28 in in ADP _005195698 69 29 any any DET _005195698 69 30 other other ADJ _005195698 69 31 american american ADJ _005195698 69 32 system system NOUN _005195698 69 33 of of ADP _005195698 69 34 schools school NOUN _005195698 69 35 . . PUNCT _005195698 70 1 if if SCONJ _005195698 70 2 we we PRON _005195698 70 3 compare compare VERB _005195698 70 4 these these DET _005195698 70 5 three three NUM _005195698 70 6 facts fact NOUN _005195698 70 7 with with ADP _005195698 70 8 the the DET _005195698 70 9 common common ADJ _005195698 70 10 american american ADJ _005195698 70 11 situation situation NOUN _005195698 70 12 we we PRON _005195698 70 13 can can AUX _005195698 70 14 not not PART _005195698 70 15 help help VERB _005195698 70 16 but but CCONJ _005195698 70 17 be be AUX _005195698 70 18 astonished astonish VERB _005195698 70 19 . . PUNCT _005195698 71 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195698 71 2 non non ADJ _005195698 71 3 - - ADJ _005195698 71 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 71 5 institutions institution NOUN _005195698 71 6 are be AUX _005195698 71 7 producing produce VERB _005195698 71 8 many many ADJ _005195698 71 9 men man NOUN _005195698 71 10 of of ADP _005195698 71 11 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 71 12 , , PUNCT _005195698 71 13 but but CCONJ _005195698 71 14 if if SCONJ _005195698 71 15 they they PRON _005195698 71 16 do do VERB _005195698 71 17 so so ADV _005195698 71 18 it it PRON _005195698 71 19 is be AUX _005195698 71 20 certainly certainly ADV _005195698 71 21 not not PART _005195698 71 22 because because SCONJ _005195698 71 23 they they PRON _005195698 71 24 devote devote VERB _005195698 71 25 much much ADV _005195698 71 26 direct direct ADJ _005195698 71 27 effort effort NOUN _005195698 71 28 at at ADP _005195698 71 29 preparing prepare VERB _005195698 71 30 either either CCONJ _005195698 71 31 an an DET _005195698 71 32 elite elite NOUN _005195698 71 33 or or CCONJ _005195698 71 34 a a DET _005195698 71 35 wider wide ADJ _005195698 71 36 public public NOUN _005195698 71 37 in in ADP _005195698 71 38 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 71 39 truth truth NOUN _005195698 71 40 . . PUNCT _005195698 72 1 indeed indeed ADV _005195698 72 2 , , PUNCT _005195698 72 3 their their PRON _005195698 72 4 neglect neglect NOUN _005195698 72 5 to to PART _005195698 72 6 aim aim VERB _005195698 72 7 at at ADP _005195698 72 8 this this DET _005195698 72 9 preparation preparation NOUN _005195698 72 10 is be AUX _005195698 72 11 the the DET _005195698 72 12 best good ADJ _005195698 72 13 proof proof NOUN _005195698 72 14 that that SCONJ _005195698 72 15 it it PRON _005195698 72 16 is be AUX _005195698 72 17 not not PART _005195698 72 18 regarded regard VERB _005195698 72 19 as as ADP _005195698 72 20 very very ADV _005195698 72 21 important important ADJ _005195698 72 22 . . PUNCT _005195698 73 1 whatever whatever PRON _005195698 73 2 may may AUX _005195698 73 3 be be AUX _005195698 73 4 said say VERB _005195698 73 5 of of ADP _005195698 73 6 the the DET _005195698 73 7 defects defect NOUN _005195698 73 8 of of ADP _005195698 73 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 73 10 institutions institution NOUN _005195698 73 11 in in ADP _005195698 73 12 developing develop VERB _005195698 73 13 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 73 14 thinking thinking NOUN _005195698 73 15 , , PUNCT _005195698 73 16 there there PRON _005195698 73 17 is be VERB _005195698 73 18 no no DET _005195698 73 19 doubt doubt NOUN _005195698 73 20 — — PUNCT _005195698 73 21 9 9 NUM _005195698 73 22 — — PUNCT _005195698 73 23 that that SCONJ _005195698 73 24 they they PRON _005195698 73 25 attempt attempt VERB _005195698 73 26 it it PRON _005195698 73 27 on on ADP _005195698 73 28 a a DET _005195698 73 29 wide wide ADJ _005195698 73 30 and and CCONJ _005195698 73 31 very very ADV _005195698 73 32 serious serious ADJ _005195698 73 33 scale scale NOUN _005195698 73 34 , , PUNCT _005195698 73 35 and and CCONJ _005195698 73 36 constantly constantly ADV _005195698 73 37 bear bear VERB _005195698 73 38 witness witness NOUN _005195698 73 39 to to ADP _005195698 73 40 the the DET _005195698 73 41 conviction conviction NOUN _005195698 73 42 that that SCONJ _005195698 73 43 it it PRON _005195698 73 44 is be AUX _005195698 73 45 of of ADP _005195698 73 46 major major ADJ _005195698 73 47 importance importance NOUN _005195698 73 48 . . PUNCT _005195698 74 1 i i PRON _005195698 74 2 am be AUX _005195698 74 3 , , PUNCT _005195698 74 4 , , PUNCT _005195698 74 5 of of ADP _005195698 74 6 course course NOUN _005195698 74 7 , , PUNCT _005195698 74 8 under under ADP _005195698 74 9 no no DET _005195698 74 10 illusion illusion NOUN _005195698 74 11 that that SCONJ _005195698 74 12 giving give VERB _005195698 74 13 courses course NOUN _005195698 74 14 in in ADP _005195698 74 15 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 74 16 automatically automatically ADV _005195698 74 17 makes make VERB _005195698 74 18 men man NOUN _005195698 74 19 wise wise ADJ _005195698 74 20 , , PUNCT _005195698 74 21 but but CCONJ _005195698 74 22 i i PRON _005195698 74 23 am be AUX _005195698 74 24 sure sure ADJ _005195698 74 25 it it PRON _005195698 74 26 we we PRON _005195698 74 27 are be AUX _005195698 74 28 trying try VERB _005195698 74 29 to to PART _005195698 74 30 assess assess VERB _005195698 74 31 the the DET _005195698 74 32 condition condition NOUN _005195698 74 33 of of ADP _005195698 74 34 our our PRON _005195698 74 35 culture culture NOUN _005195698 74 36 , , PUNCT _005195698 74 37 these these DET _005195698 74 38 three three NUM _005195698 74 39 facts fact NOUN _005195698 74 40 make make VERB _005195698 74 41 clear clear ADJ _005195698 74 42 that that SCONJ _005195698 74 43 in in ADP _005195698 74 44 the the DET _005195698 74 45 united united PROPN _005195698 74 46 states states PROPN _005195698 74 47 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 74 48 have have VERB _005195698 74 49 the the DET _005195698 74 50 leadership leadership NOUN _005195698 74 51 in in ADP _005195698 74 52 keeping keep VERB _005195698 74 53 alive alive ADJ _005195698 74 54 an an DET _005195698 74 55 elite elite NOUN _005195698 74 56 and and CCONJ _005195698 74 57 a a DET _005195698 74 58 public public NOUN _005195698 74 59 which which PRON _005195698 74 60 regards regard VERB _005195698 74 61 a a DET _005195698 74 62 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195698 74 63 point point NOUN _005195698 74 64 of of ADP _005195698 74 65 view view NOUN _005195698 74 66 as as ADP _005195698 74 67 indispensable indispensable ADJ _005195698 74 68 and and CCONJ _005195698 74 69 of of ADP _005195698 74 70 ultimate ultimate ADJ _005195698 74 71 importance importance NOUN _005195698 74 72 . . PUNCT _005195698 75 1 the the DET _005195698 75 2 controversy controversy NOUN _005195698 75 3 aboiit aboiit PROPN _005195698 75 4 catholic catholic PROPN _005195698 75 5 cultural cultural ADJ _005195698 75 6 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 75 7 has have AUX _005195698 75 8 arisen arise VERB _005195698 75 9 recently recently ADV _005195698 75 10 just just ADV _005195698 75 11 because because SCONJ _005195698 75 12 we we PRON _005195698 75 13 are be AUX _005195698 75 14 convinced convince VERB _005195698 75 15 of of ADP _005195698 75 16 the the DET _005195698 75 17 importance importance NOUN _005195698 75 18 of of ADP _005195698 75 19 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 75 20 , , PUNCT _005195698 75 21 and and CCONJ _005195698 75 22 hence hence ADV _005195698 75 23 are be AUX _005195698 75 24 shocked shock VERB _005195698 75 25 that that SCONJ _005195698 75 26 our our PRON _005195698 75 27 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 75 28 is be AUX _005195698 75 29 bearing bear VERB _005195698 75 30 so so ADV _005195698 75 31 little little ADJ _005195698 75 32 fruit fruit NOUN _005195698 75 33 in in ADP _005195698 75 34 american american ADJ _005195698 75 35 life life NOUN _005195698 75 36 . . PUNCT _005195698 76 1 everyone everyone PRON _005195698 76 2 will will AUX _005195698 76 3 suggest suggest VERB _005195698 76 4 his his PRON _005195698 76 5 own own ADJ _005195698 76 6 answers answer NOUN _005195698 76 7 to to ADP _005195698 76 8 the the DET _005195698 76 9 question question NOUN _005195698 76 10 : : PUNCT _005195698 76 11 why why SCONJ _005195698 76 12 is be AUX _005195698 76 13 our our PRON _005195698 76 14 cultural cultural ADJ _005195698 76 15 influence influence NOUN _005195698 76 16 so so ADV _005195698 76 17 weak weak ADJ _005195698 76 18 , , PUNCT _005195698 76 19 if if SCONJ _005195698 76 20 our our PRON _005195698 76 21 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 76 22 is be AUX _005195698 76 23 so so ADV _005195698 76 24 strong strong ADJ _005195698 76 25 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 77 1 to to ADP _005195698 77 2 me i PRON _005195698 77 3 the the DET _005195698 77 4 following follow VERB _005195698 77 5 answers answer NOUN _005195698 77 6 seem seem VERB _005195698 77 7 primary primary ADJ _005195698 77 8 : : PUNCT _005195698 77 9 our our PRON _005195698 77 10 first first ADJ _005195698 77 11 defect defect NOUN _005195698 77 12 is be AUX _005195698 77 13 the the DET _005195698 77 14 inadequate inadequate ADJ _005195698 77 15 preparation preparation NOUN _005195698 77 16 of of ADP _005195698 77 17 our our PRON _005195698 77 18 clergy clergy NOUN _005195698 77 19 as as ADV _005195698 77 20 well well ADV _005195698 77 21 as as ADP _005195698 77 22 religious religious ADJ _005195698 77 23 and and CCONJ _005195698 77 24 lay lay VERB _005195698 77 25 teachers teacher NOUN _005195698 77 26 in in ADP _005195698 77 27 theology theology NOUN _005195698 77 28 — — PUNCT _005195698 77 29 notice notice VERB _005195698 77 30 that that SCONJ _005195698 77 31 i i PRON _005195698 77 32 say say VERB _005195698 77 33 in in ADP _005195698 77 34 theology theology NOUN _005195698 77 35 , , PUNCT _005195698 77 36 not not PART _005195698 77 37 in in ADP _005195698 77 38 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 77 39 . . PUNCT _005195698 78 1 in in ADP _005195698 78 2 line line NOUN _005195698 78 3 with with ADP _005195698 78 4 the the DET _005195698 78 5 trends trend NOUN _005195698 78 6 of of ADP _005195698 78 7 american american ADJ _005195698 78 8 life life NOUN _005195698 78 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 78 10 the the DET _005195698 78 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 78 12 seminary seminary NOUN _005195698 78 13 in in ADP _005195698 78 14 10 10 NUM _005195698 78 15 america america PROPN _005195698 78 16 is be AUX _005195698 78 17 under under ADP _005195698 78 18 great great ADJ _005195698 78 19 pressure pressure NOUN _005195698 78 20 to to PART _005195698 78 21 make make VERB _005195698 78 22 its its PRON _005195698 78 23 courses course NOUN _005195698 78 24 more more ADV _005195698 78 25 practical practical ADJ _005195698 78 26 . . PUNCT _005195698 79 1 lately lately ADV _005195698 79 2 pressure pressure NOUN _005195698 79 3 is be AUX _005195698 79 4 being be AUX _005195698 79 5 applied apply VERB _005195698 79 6 to to PART _005195698 79 7 make make VERB _005195698 79 8 these these DET _005195698 79 9 courses course NOUN _005195698 79 10 more more ADV _005195698 79 11 scholarly scholarly ADJ _005195698 79 12 . . PUNCT _005195698 80 1 an an DET _005195698 80 2 emphasis emphasis NOUN _005195698 80 3 on on ADP _005195698 80 4 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 80 5 , , PUNCT _005195698 80 6 and and CCONJ _005195698 80 7 the the DET _005195698 80 8 idealization idealization NOUN _005195698 80 9 of of ADP _005195698 80 10 the the DET _005195698 80 11 theologian theologian NOUN _005195698 80 12 as as ADP _005195698 80 13 a a DET _005195698 80 14 research research NOUN _005195698 80 15 scholar scholar NOUN _005195698 80 16 will will AUX _005195698 80 17 only only ADV _005195698 80 18 make make VERB _005195698 80 19 it it PRON _005195698 80 20 more more ADV _005195698 80 21 apparent apparent ADJ _005195698 80 22 that that SCONJ _005195698 80 23 theology theology NOUN _005195698 80 24 is be AUX _005195698 80 25 a a DET _005195698 80 26 very very ADV _005195698 80 27 " " PUNCT _005195698 80 28 impractical impractical ADJ _005195698 80 29 subject subject NOUN _005195698 80 30 . . PUNCT _005195698 80 31 " " PUNCT _005195698 81 1 hence hence ADV _005195698 81 2 not not PART _005195698 81 3 a a DET _005195698 81 4 few few ADJ _005195698 81 5 of of ADP _005195698 81 6 our our PRON _005195698 81 7 clergy clergy NOUN _005195698 81 8 are be AUX _005195698 81 9 inclined incline VERB _005195698 81 10 to to PART _005195698 81 11 regard regard VERB _005195698 81 12 theology theology NOUN _005195698 81 13 as as ADP _005195698 81 14 not not PART _005195698 81 15 very very ADV _005195698 81 16 vital vital ADJ _005195698 81 17 , , PUNCT _005195698 81 18 a a DET _005195698 81 19 concern concern NOUN _005195698 81 20 of of ADP _005195698 81 21 specialists specialist NOUN _005195698 81 22 . . PUNCT _005195698 82 1 when when SCONJ _005195698 82 2 theology theology NOUN _005195698 82 3 is be AUX _005195698 82 4 neglected neglect VERB _005195698 82 5 , , PUNCT _005195698 82 6 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 82 7 can can AUX _005195698 82 8 not not PART _005195698 82 9 seem seem VERB _005195698 82 10 important important ADJ _005195698 82 11 to to ADP _005195698 82 12 a a DET _005195698 82 13 priest priest NOUN _005195698 82 14 . . PUNCT _005195698 83 1 the the DET _005195698 83 2 only only ADJ _005195698 83 3 remedy remedy NOUN _005195698 83 4 for for ADP _005195698 83 5 this this PRON _005195698 83 6 is be AUX _005195698 83 7 the the DET _005195698 83 8 restoration restoration NOUN _005195698 83 9 of of ADP _005195698 83 10 the the DET _005195698 83 11 authentic authentic ADJ _005195698 83 12 conception conception NOUN _005195698 83 13 of of ADP _005195698 83 14 theology theology NOUN _005195698 83 15 as as ADP _005195698 83 16 a a DET _005195698 83 17 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195698 83 18 which which PRON _005195698 83 19 culminates culminate VERB _005195698 83 20 in in ADP _005195698 83 21 prayer prayer NOUN _005195698 83 22 and and CCONJ _005195698 83 23 bears bear VERB _005195698 83 24 fruit fruit NOUN _005195698 83 25 in in ADP _005195698 83 26 charity charity NOUN _005195698 83 27 . . PUNCT _005195698 84 1 st st PROPN _005195698 84 2 . . PROPN _005195698 84 3 thomas thomas PROPN _005195698 84 4 envisioned envision VERB _005195698 84 5 theology theology NOUN _005195698 84 6 not not PART _005195698 84 7 as as ADP _005195698 84 8 scholarship scholarship NOUN _005195698 84 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 84 10 but but CCONJ _005195698 84 11 as as ADP _005195698 84 12 a a DET _005195698 84 13 profound profound ADJ _005195698 84 14 penetration penetration NOUN _005195698 84 15 of of ADP _005195698 84 16 the the DET _005195698 84 17 word word NOUN _005195698 84 18 of of ADP _005195698 84 19 god god PROPN _005195698 84 20 . . PUNCT _005195698 85 1 another another DET _005195698 85 2 defect defect NOUN _005195698 85 3 is be AUX _005195698 85 4 our our PRON _005195698 85 5 tendency tendency NOUN _005195698 85 6 to to PART _005195698 85 7 give give VERB _005195698 85 8 easy easy ADJ _005195698 85 9 answers answer NOUN _005195698 85 10 to to ADP _005195698 85 11 hard hard ADJ _005195698 85 12 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005195698 85 13 problems problem NOUN _005195698 85 14 . . PUNCT _005195698 86 1 sometimes sometimes ADV _005195698 86 2 this this PRON _005195698 86 3 takes take VERB _005195698 86 4 the the DET _005195698 86 5 form form NOUN _005195698 86 6 of of ADP _005195698 86 7 ignoring ignore VERB _005195698 86 8 the the DET _005195698 86 9 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005195698 86 10 problem problem NOUN _005195698 86 11 altogether altogether ADV _005195698 86 12 . . PUNCT _005195698 87 1 we we PRON _005195698 87 2 argue argue VERB _005195698 87 3 that that SCONJ _005195698 87 4 if if SCONJ _005195698 87 5 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 87 6 is be AUX _005195698 87 7 timeless timeless ADJ _005195698 87 8 it it PRON _005195698 87 9 can can AUX _005195698 87 10 afford afford VERB _005195698 87 11 to to PART _005195698 87 12 neglect neglect VERB _005195698 87 13 the the DET _005195698 87 14 passing passing ADJ _005195698 87 15 problem problem NOUN _005195698 87 16 of of ADP _005195698 87 17 today today NOUN _005195698 87 18 . . PUNCT _005195698 88 1 although although SCONJ _005195698 88 2 the the DET _005195698 88 3 antecedent antecedent NOUN _005195698 88 4 of of ADP _005195698 88 5 this this DET _005195698 88 6 argument argument NOUN _005195698 88 7 is be AUX _005195698 88 8 very very ADV _005195698 88 9 true true ADJ _005195698 88 10 , , PUNCT _005195698 88 11 as as SCONJ _005195698 88 12 i i PRON _005195698 88 13 have have AUX _005195698 88 14 already already ADV _005195698 88 15 indicated indicate VERB _005195698 88 16 , , PUNCT _005195698 88 17 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _005195698 88 18 the the DET _005195698 88 19 conseguent conseguent NOUN _005195698 88 20 is be AUX _005195698 88 21 false false ADJ _005195698 88 22 . . PUNCT _005195698 89 1 the the DET _005195698 89 2 possession possession NOUN _005195698 89 3 of of ADP _005195698 89 4 truth truth NOUN _005195698 89 5 must must AUX _005195698 89 6 be be AUX _005195698 89 7 fertile fertile ADJ _005195698 89 8 if if SCONJ _005195698 89 9 it it PRON _005195698 89 10 is be AUX _005195698 89 11 to to PART _005195698 89 12 be be AUX _005195698 89 13 11 11 NUM _005195698 89 14 genuine genuine ADJ _005195698 89 15 . . PUNCT _005195698 90 1 if if SCONJ _005195698 90 2 we we PRON _005195698 90 3 do do AUX _005195698 90 4 not not PART _005195698 90 5 show show VERB _005195698 90 6 our our PRON _005195698 90 7 age age NOUN _005195698 90 8 that that SCONJ _005195698 90 9 the the DET _005195698 90 10 answer answer NOUN _005195698 90 11 to to ADP _005195698 90 12 its its PRON _005195698 90 13 problems problem NOUN _005195698 90 14 lies lie VERB _005195698 90 15 in in ADP _005195698 90 16 perennial perennial ADJ _005195698 90 17 truths truth NOUN _005195698 90 18 , , PUNCT _005195698 90 19 we we PRON _005195698 90 20 are be AUX _005195698 90 21 not not PART _005195698 90 22 bearing bear VERB _005195698 90 23 effective effective ADJ _005195698 90 24 witness witness NOUN _005195698 90 25 to to ADP _005195698 90 26 the the DET _005195698 90 27 truth truth NOUN _005195698 90 28 , , PUNCT _005195698 90 29 and and CCONJ _005195698 90 30 we we PRON _005195698 90 31 can can AUX _005195698 90 32 not not PART _005195698 90 33 pretend pretend VERB _005195698 90 34 to to PART _005195698 90 35 love love VERB _005195698 90 36 it it PRON _005195698 90 37 sincerely sincerely ADV _005195698 90 38 . . PUNCT _005195698 91 1 however however ADV _005195698 91 2 , , PUNCT _005195698 91 3 i i PRON _005195698 91 4 do do AUX _005195698 91 5 not not PART _005195698 91 6 think think VERB _005195698 91 7 this this DET _005195698 91 8 type type NOUN _005195698 91 9 of of ADP _005195698 91 10 easy easy ADJ _005195698 91 11 answer answer NOUN _005195698 91 12 is be AUX _005195698 91 13 really really ADV _005195698 91 14 a a DET _005195698 91 15 very very ADV _005195698 91 16 prevalent prevalent ADJ _005195698 91 17 one one NUM _005195698 91 18 . . PUNCT _005195698 92 1 attendance attendance NOUN _005195698 92 2 at at ADP _005195698 92 3 any any DET _005195698 92 4 meeting meeting NOUN _005195698 92 5 of of ADP _005195698 92 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 92 7 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195698 92 8 or or CCONJ _005195698 92 9 educators educator NOUN _005195698 92 10 will will AUX _005195698 92 11 reveal reveal VERB _005195698 92 12 that that SCONJ _005195698 92 13 they they PRON _005195698 92 14 are be AUX _005195698 92 15 perpetually perpetually ADV _005195698 92 16 worrying worry VERB _005195698 92 17 about about ADP _005195698 92 18 how how SCONJ _005195698 92 19 to to PART _005195698 92 20 meet meet VERB _005195698 92 21 contemporary contemporary ADJ _005195698 92 22 problems problem NOUN _005195698 92 23 . . PUNCT _005195698 93 1 there there PRON _005195698 93 2 is be VERB _005195698 93 3 another another DET _005195698 93 4 type type NOUN _005195698 93 5 of of ADP _005195698 93 6 easy easy ADJ _005195698 93 7 answer answer NOUN _005195698 93 8 which which PRON _005195698 93 9 is be AUX _005195698 93 10 much much ADV _005195698 93 11 more more ADV _005195698 93 12 common common ADJ _005195698 93 13 today today NOUN _005195698 93 14 . . PUNCT _005195698 94 1 this this DET _005195698 94 2 kind kind NOUN _005195698 94 3 of of ADP _005195698 94 4 solution solution NOUN _005195698 94 5 aims aim VERB _005195698 94 6 at at ADP _005195698 94 7 showing show VERB _005195698 94 8 both both DET _005195698 94 9 sides side NOUN _005195698 94 10 to to PART _005195698 94 11 be be AUX _005195698 94 12 right right ADJ _005195698 94 13 , , PUNCT _005195698 94 14 yet yet ADV _005195698 94 15 also also ADV _005195698 94 16 at at ADP _005195698 94 17 dispensing dispense VERB _005195698 94 18 the the DET _005195698 94 19 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 94 20 from from ADP _005195698 94 21 the the DET _005195698 94 22 hard hard ADJ _005195698 94 23 task task NOUN _005195698 94 24 of of ADP _005195698 94 25 synthesizing synthesize VERB _005195698 94 26 them they PRON _005195698 94 27 . . PUNCT _005195698 95 1 we we PRON _005195698 95 2 admit admit VERB _005195698 95 3 that that SCONJ _005195698 95 4 both both DET _005195698 95 5 positions position NOUN _005195698 95 6 are be AUX _005195698 95 7 right right ADJ _005195698 95 8 but but CCONJ _005195698 95 9 at at ADP _005195698 95 10 different different ADJ _005195698 95 11 levels level NOUN _005195698 95 12 . . PUNCT _005195698 96 1 or or CCONJ _005195698 96 2 we we PRON _005195698 96 3 admit admit VERB _005195698 96 4 that that SCONJ _005195698 96 5 changing change VERB _005195698 96 6 social social ADJ _005195698 96 7 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005195698 96 8 or or CCONJ _005195698 96 9 the the DET _005195698 96 10 advance advance NOUN _005195698 96 11 of of ADP _005195698 96 12 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195698 96 13 makes make VERB _005195698 96 14 a a DET _005195698 96 15 new new ADJ _005195698 96 16 answer answer NOUN _005195698 96 17 necessary necessary ADJ _005195698 96 18 without without ADP _005195698 96 19 , , PUNCT _005195698 96 20 of of ADP _005195698 96 21 course course NOUN _005195698 96 22 , , PUNCT _005195698 96 23 disproving disprove VERB _005195698 96 24 the the DET _005195698 96 25 old old ADJ _005195698 96 26 . . PUNCT _005195698 97 1 for for ADP _005195698 97 2 example example NOUN _005195698 97 3 we we PRON _005195698 97 4 are be AUX _005195698 97 5 faced face VERB _005195698 97 6 today today NOUN _005195698 97 7 with with ADP _005195698 97 8 the the DET _005195698 97 9 obvious obvious ADJ _005195698 97 10 problem problem NOUN _005195698 97 11 of of ADP _005195698 97 12 reconciling reconcile VERB _005195698 97 13 modern modern ADJ _005195698 97 14 science science NOUN _005195698 97 15 with with ADP _005195698 97 16 our our PRON _005195698 97 17 traditional traditional ADJ _005195698 97 18 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 97 19 . . PUNCT _005195698 98 1 how how SCONJ _005195698 98 2 do do AUX _005195698 98 3 we we PRON _005195698 98 4 do do VERB _005195698 98 5 it it PRON _005195698 98 6 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 99 1 the the DET _005195698 99 2 solution solution NOUN _005195698 99 3 is be AUX _005195698 99 4 simple simple ADJ _005195698 99 5 " " PUNCT _005195698 99 6 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 99 7 and and CCONJ _005195698 99 8 science science NOUN _005195698 99 9 operate operate VERB _005195698 99 10 on on ADP _005195698 99 11 two two NUM _005195698 99 12 different different ADJ _005195698 99 13 levels level NOUN _005195698 99 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 99 15 therefore therefore ADV _005195698 99 16 they they PRON _005195698 99 17 can can AUX _005195698 99 18 not not PART _005195698 99 19 conflict conflict VERB _005195698 99 20 , , PUNCT _005195698 99 21 but but CCONJ _005195698 99 22 do do AUX _005195698 99 23 not not PART _005195698 99 24 have have VERB _005195698 99 25 to to PART _005195698 99 26 be be AUX _005195698 99 27 reconciled reconcile VERB _005195698 99 28 " " PUNCT _005195698 99 29 . . PUNCT _005195698 100 1 when when SCONJ _005195698 100 2 12 12 NUM _005195698 100 3 it it PRON _005195698 100 4 is be AUX _005195698 100 5 pointed point VERB _005195698 100 6 out out ADP _005195698 100 7 that that SCONJ _005195698 100 8 this this PRON _005195698 100 9 was be AUX _005195698 100 10 not not PART _005195698 100 11 st st PROPN _005195698 100 12 . . PROPN _005195698 100 13 thomas7 thomas7 PROPN _005195698 100 14 solution solution NOUN _005195698 100 15 , , PUNCT _005195698 100 16 we we PRON _005195698 100 17 can can AUX _005195698 100 18 quickly quickly ADV _005195698 100 19 reply reply VERB _005195698 100 20 , , PUNCT _005195698 100 21 77 77 NUM _005195698 100 22 but but CCONJ _005195698 100 23 he he PRON _005195698 100 24 could could AUX _005195698 100 25 n't not PART _005195698 100 26 possibly possibly ADV _005195698 100 27 have have AUX _005195698 100 28 forseen forseen VERB _005195698 100 29 modern modern ADJ _005195698 100 30 science science NOUN _005195698 100 31 . . PUNCT _005195698 101 1 77 77 NUM _005195698 102 1 again again ADV _005195698 102 2 we we PRON _005195698 102 3 are be AUX _005195698 102 4 faced face VERB _005195698 102 5 with with ADP _005195698 102 6 the the DET _005195698 102 7 conflict conflict NOUN _005195698 102 8 between between ADP _005195698 102 9 modern modern ADJ _005195698 102 10 sociology sociology NOUN _005195698 102 11 and and CCONJ _005195698 102 12 traditional traditional ADJ _005195698 102 13 ethics ethic NOUN _005195698 102 14 . . PUNCT _005195698 103 1 the the DET _005195698 103 2 solution solution NOUN _005195698 103 3 is be AUX _005195698 103 4 simple simple ADJ _005195698 103 5 . . PUNCT _005195698 104 1 " " PUNCT _005195698 104 2 ethics ethic NOUN _005195698 104 3 deals deal NOUN _005195698 104 4 with with ADP _005195698 104 5 values value NOUN _005195698 104 6 and and CCONJ _005195698 104 7 is be AUX _005195698 104 8 based base VERB _005195698 104 9 on on ADP _005195698 104 10 a a DET _005195698 104 11 metaphysical metaphysical ADJ _005195698 104 12 analysis analysis NOUN _005195698 104 13 of of ADP _005195698 104 14 man man NOUN _005195698 104 15 , , PUNCT _005195698 104 16 while while SCONJ _005195698 104 17 the the DET _005195698 104 18 social social ADJ _005195698 104 19 sciences science NOUN _005195698 104 20 are be AUX _005195698 104 21 empirical empirical ADJ _005195698 104 22 and and CCONJ _005195698 104 23 value value NOUN _005195698 104 24 free free ADJ _005195698 104 25 . . PUNCT _005195698 105 1 therefore therefore ADV _005195698 105 2 , , PUNCT _005195698 105 3 they they PRON _005195698 105 4 can can AUX _005195698 105 5 not not PART _005195698 105 6 conflict conflict VERB _005195698 105 7 and and CCONJ _005195698 105 8 do do AUX _005195698 105 9 not not PART _005195698 105 10 have have VERB _005195698 105 11 to to PART _005195698 105 12 be be AUX _005195698 105 13 reconciled reconcile VERB _005195698 105 14 . . PUNCT _005195698 106 1 77 77 NUM _005195698 106 2 again again ADV _005195698 106 3 we we PRON _005195698 106 4 are be AUX _005195698 106 5 asked ask VERB _005195698 106 6 how how SCONJ _005195698 106 7 to to PART _005195698 106 8 reconcile reconcile VERB _005195698 106 9 the the DET _005195698 106 10 aristotelian aristotelian ADJ _005195698 106 11 view view NOUN _005195698 106 12 that that SCONJ _005195698 106 13 art art NOUN _005195698 106 14 is be AUX _005195698 106 15 imitation imitation NOUN _005195698 106 16 with with ADP _005195698 106 17 modern modern ADJ _005195698 106 18 non non ADJ _005195698 106 19 - - ADJ _005195698 106 20 objective objective ADJ _005195698 106 21 art art NOUN _005195698 106 22 . . PUNCT _005195698 107 1 we we PRON _005195698 107 2 reply reply VERB _005195698 107 3 very very ADV _005195698 107 4 simply simply ADV _005195698 107 5 that that SCONJ _005195698 107 6 " " PUNCT _005195698 107 7 only only ADV _005195698 107 8 in in ADP _005195698 107 9 our our PRON _005195698 107 10 age age NOUN _005195698 107 11 has have AUX _005195698 107 12 art art NOUN _005195698 107 13 been be AUX _005195698 107 14 freed free VERB _005195698 107 15 from from ADP _005195698 107 16 its its PRON _005195698 107 17 representational representational ADJ _005195698 107 18 function function NOUN _005195698 107 19 . . PUNCT _005195698 107 20 " " PUNCT _005195698 108 1 we we PRON _005195698 108 2 are be AUX _005195698 108 3 faced face VERB _005195698 108 4 with with ADP _005195698 108 5 the the DET _005195698 108 6 pluralism pluralism NOUN _005195698 108 7 of of ADP _005195698 108 8 modern modern ADJ _005195698 108 9 society society NOUN _005195698 108 10 which which PRON _005195698 108 11 seems seem VERB _005195698 108 12 so so ADV _005195698 108 13 strikingly strikingly ADV _005195698 108 14 different different ADJ _005195698 108 15 from from ADP _005195698 108 16 medieval medieval ADJ _005195698 108 17 society society NOUN _005195698 108 18 based base VERB _005195698 108 19 on on ADP _005195698 108 20 a a DET _005195698 108 21 common common ADJ _005195698 108 22 code code NOUN _005195698 108 23 . . PUNCT _005195698 109 1 the the DET _005195698 109 2 solution solution NOUN _005195698 109 3 is be AUX _005195698 109 4 easy easy ADJ _005195698 109 5 , , PUNCT _005195698 109 6 " " PUNCT _005195698 109 7 times time NOUN _005195698 109 8 have have AUX _005195698 109 9 changed change VERB _005195698 109 10 " " PUNCT _005195698 109 11 now now ADV _005195698 109 12 i i PRON _005195698 109 13 grant grant VERB _005195698 109 14 that that SCONJ _005195698 109 15 there there PRON _005195698 109 16 are be VERB _005195698 109 17 many many ADJ _005195698 109 18 pseudo pseudo NOUN _005195698 109 19 - - NOUN _005195698 109 20 problems problem NOUN _005195698 109 21 in in ADP _005195698 109 22 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 109 23 that that PRON _005195698 109 24 arise arise VERB _005195698 109 25 by by ADP _005195698 109 26 trying try VERB _005195698 109 27 to to PART _005195698 109 28 put put VERB _005195698 109 29 together together ADV _005195698 109 30 problems problem NOUN _005195698 109 31 that that PRON _005195698 109 32 pertain pertain VERB _005195698 109 33 to to ADP _005195698 109 34 different different ADJ _005195698 109 35 levels level NOUN _005195698 109 36 of of ADP _005195698 109 37 thought thought NOUN _005195698 109 38 , , PUNCT _005195698 109 39 and and CCONJ _005195698 109 40 i i PRON _005195698 109 41 also also ADV _005195698 109 42 grant grant VERB _005195698 109 43 that that SCONJ _005195698 109 44 changing change VERB _005195698 109 45 times time NOUN _005195698 109 46 may may AUX _005195698 109 47 change change VERB _005195698 109 48 the the DET _005195698 109 49 application application NOUN _005195698 109 50 of of ADP _005195698 109 51 principles principle NOUN _005195698 109 52 . . PUNCT _005195698 110 1 the the DET _005195698 110 2 reason reason NOUN _005195698 110 3 i i PRON _005195698 110 4 call call VERB _005195698 110 5 these these DET _005195698 110 6 solutions solution NOUN _005195698 110 7 facile facile VERB _005195698 110 8 is be AUX _005195698 110 9 that that SCONJ _005195698 110 10 once once SCONJ _005195698 110 11 the the DET _005195698 110 12 distinction distinction NOUN _005195698 110 13 has have AUX _005195698 110 14 been be AUX _005195698 110 15 made make VERB _005195698 110 16 , , PUNCT _005195698 110 17 we we PRON _005195698 110 18 feel feel VERB _005195698 110 19 that that SCONJ _005195698 110 20 our our PRON _005195698 110 21 job job NOUN _005195698 110 22 is be AUX _005195698 110 23 done do VERB _005195698 110 24 . . PUNCT _005195698 111 1 " " PUNCT _005195698 111 2 distin13 distin13 PROPN _005195698 111 3 guish guish NOUN _005195698 111 4 in in ADP _005195698 111 5 order order NOUN _005195698 111 6 to to PART _005195698 111 7 unite unite VERB _005195698 111 8 " " PUNCT _005195698 111 9 is be AUX _005195698 111 10 indeed indeed ADV _005195698 111 11 a a DET _005195698 111 12 thomistic thomistic ADJ _005195698 111 13 motto motto NOUN _005195698 111 14 , , PUNCT _005195698 111 15 but but CCONJ _005195698 111 16 where where SCONJ _005195698 111 17 is be AUX _005195698 111 18 this this DET _005195698 111 19 union union NOUN _005195698 111 20 our our PRON _005195698 111 21 distinctions distinction NOUN _005195698 111 22 are be AUX _005195698 111 23 supposed suppose VERB _005195698 111 24 to to PART _005195698 111 25 effect effect VERB _005195698 111 26 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 112 1 can can AUX _005195698 112 2 we we PRON _005195698 112 3 honestly honestly ADV _005195698 112 4 say say VERB _005195698 112 5 that that SCONJ _005195698 112 6 our our PRON _005195698 112 7 neat neat ADJ _005195698 112 8 distinction distinction NOUN _005195698 112 9 between between ADP _005195698 112 10 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 112 11 and and CCONJ _005195698 112 12 science science NOUN _005195698 112 13 has have AUX _005195698 112 14 led lead VERB _005195698 112 15 to to ADP _005195698 112 16 a a DET _005195698 112 17 lively lively ADJ _005195698 112 18 cooperation cooperation NOUN _005195698 112 19 between between ADP _005195698 112 20 the the DET _005195698 112 21 two two NUM _005195698 112 22 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 113 1 no no INTJ _005195698 113 2 , , PUNCT _005195698 113 3 i i PRON _005195698 113 4 am be AUX _005195698 113 5 afraid afraid ADJ _005195698 113 6 that that SCONJ _005195698 113 7 we we PRON _005195698 113 8 use use VERB _005195698 113 9 such such ADJ _005195698 113 10 distinctions distinction NOUN _005195698 113 11 as as ADP _005195698 113 12 another another DET _005195698 113 13 way way NOUN _005195698 113 14 of of ADP _005195698 113 15 saying say VERB _005195698 113 16 that that SCONJ _005195698 113 17 since since SCONJ _005195698 113 18 we we PRON _005195698 113 19 have have VERB _005195698 113 20 the the DET _005195698 113 21 truth truth NOUN _005195698 113 22 that that PRON _005195698 113 23 really really ADV _005195698 113 24 counts count VERB _005195698 113 25 , , PUNCT _005195698 113 26 therefore therefore ADV _005195698 113 27 modern modern ADJ _005195698 113 28 problems problem NOUN _005195698 113 29 are be AUX _005195698 113 30 not not PART _005195698 113 31 really really ADV _005195698 113 32 important important ADJ _005195698 113 33 . . PUNCT _005195698 114 1 why why SCONJ _005195698 114 2 do do AUX _005195698 114 3 we we PRON _005195698 114 4 fear fear VERB _005195698 114 5 a a DET _005195698 114 6 more more ADV _005195698 114 7 direct direct ADJ _005195698 114 8 contact contact NOUN _005195698 114 9 between between ADP _005195698 114 10 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195698 114 11 and and CCONJ _005195698 114 12 modern modern ADJ _005195698 114 13 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195698 114 14 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 115 1 is be AUX _005195698 115 2 it it PRON _005195698 115 3 not not PART _005195698 115 4 because because SCONJ _005195698 115 5 this this PRON _005195698 115 6 would would AUX _005195698 115 7 require require VERB _005195698 115 8 us we PRON _005195698 115 9 to to PART _005195698 115 10 pass pass VERB _005195698 115 11 judgement judgement NOUN _005195698 115 12 on on ADP _005195698 115 13 our our PRON _005195698 115 14 times time NOUN _005195698 115 15 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 116 1 a a DET _005195698 116 2 judge judge NOUN _005195698 116 3 is be AUX _005195698 116 4 not not PART _005195698 116 5 going go VERB _005195698 116 6 to to PART _005195698 116 7 be be AUX _005195698 116 8 very very ADV _005195698 116 9 popular popular ADJ _005195698 116 10 unless unless SCONJ _005195698 116 11 he he PRON _005195698 116 12 always always ADV _005195698 116 13 gives give VERB _005195698 116 14 a a DET _005195698 116 15 verdict verdict NOUN _005195698 116 16 of of ADP _005195698 116 17 acquittal acquittal NOUN _005195698 116 18 . . PUNCT _005195698 117 1 it it PRON _005195698 117 2 is be AUX _005195698 117 3 a a DET _005195698 117 4 grave grave ADJ _005195698 117 5 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005195698 117 6 for for SCONJ _005195698 117 7 a a DET _005195698 117 8 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 117 9 to to PART _005195698 117 10 look look VERB _005195698 117 11 at at ADP _005195698 117 12 his his PRON _005195698 117 13 own own ADJ _005195698 117 14 age age NOUN _005195698 117 15 and and CCONJ _005195698 117 16 to to PART _005195698 117 17 decide decide VERB _005195698 117 18 what what PRON _005195698 117 19 is be AUX _005195698 117 20 false false ADJ _005195698 117 21 and and CCONJ _005195698 117 22 what what PRON _005195698 117 23 is be AUX _005195698 117 24 true true ADJ _005195698 117 25 in in ADP _005195698 117 26 its its PRON _005195698 117 27 culture culture NOUN _005195698 117 28 . . PUNCT _005195698 118 1 we we PRON _005195698 118 2 are be AUX _005195698 118 3 haunted haunt VERB _005195698 118 4 by by ADP _005195698 118 5 the the DET _005195698 118 6 spectre spectre NOUN _005195698 118 7 of of ADP _005195698 118 8 galileo galileo PROPN _005195698 118 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 118 10 and and CCONJ _005195698 118 11 we we PRON _005195698 118 12 fear fear VERB _005195698 118 13 to to PART _005195698 118 14 correct correct VERB _005195698 118 15 modern modern ADJ _005195698 118 16 science science NOUN _005195698 118 17 and and CCONJ _005195698 118 18 modern modern ADJ _005195698 118 19 thought thought NOUN _005195698 118 20 lest lest SCONJ _005195698 118 21 we we PRON _005195698 118 22 should should AUX _005195698 118 23 make make VERB _005195698 118 24 a a DET _005195698 118 25 mistake mistake NOUN _005195698 118 26 . . PUNCT _005195698 119 1 yet yet CCONJ _005195698 119 2 this this PRON _005195698 119 3 is be AUX _005195698 119 4 the the DET _005195698 119 5 role role NOUN _005195698 119 6 of of ADP _005195698 119 7 the the DET _005195698 119 8 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 119 9 and and CCONJ _005195698 119 10 he he PRON _005195698 119 11 can can AUX _005195698 119 12 not not PART _005195698 119 13 escape escape VERB _005195698 119 14 it it PRON _005195698 119 15 . . PUNCT _005195698 120 1 he he PRON _005195698 120 2 must must AUX _005195698 120 3 judge judge VERB _005195698 120 4 every every DET _005195698 120 5 field field NOUN _005195698 120 6 of of ADP _005195698 120 7 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195698 120 8 and and CCONJ _005195698 120 9 of of ADP _005195698 120 10 culture culture NOUN _005195698 120 11 by by ADP _005195698 120 12 the the DET _005195698 120 13 permanent permanent ADJ _005195698 120 14 and and CCONJ _005195698 120 15 unchanging unchanging ADJ _005195698 120 16 principles principle NOUN _005195698 120 17 which which PRON _005195698 120 18 it it PRON _005195698 120 19 is be AUX _005195698 120 20 his his PRON _005195698 120 21 duty duty NOUN _005195698 120 22 to to PART _005195698 120 23 maintain maintain VERB _005195698 120 24 , , PUNCT _005195698 120 25 and and CCONJ _005195698 120 26 he he PRON _005195698 120 27 must must AUX _005195698 120 28 fit fit VERB _005195698 120 29 whatever whatever PRON _005195698 120 30 proves prove VERB _005195698 120 31 true true ADJ _005195698 120 32 into into ADP _005195698 120 33 a a DET _005195698 120 34 synthetic synthetic ADJ _005195698 120 35 picture picture NOUN _005195698 120 36 . . PUNCT _005195698 121 1 this this DET _005195698 121 2 synthesis synthesis NOUN _005195698 121 3 14 14 NUM _005195698 121 4 does do AUX _005195698 121 5 not not PART _005195698 121 6 have have VERB _005195698 121 7 to to PART _005195698 121 8 be be AUX _005195698 121 9 made make VERB _005195698 121 10 anew anew ADJ _005195698 121 11 in in ADP _005195698 121 12 every every DET _005195698 121 13 age age NOUN _005195698 121 14 . . PUNCT _005195698 122 1 it it PRON _005195698 122 2 is be AUX _005195698 122 3 already already ADV _005195698 122 4 made make VERB _005195698 122 5 in in ADP _005195698 122 6 its its PRON _005195698 122 7 broad broad ADJ _005195698 122 8 and and CCONJ _005195698 122 9 permanent permanent ADJ _005195698 122 10 outlines outline NOUN _005195698 122 11 . . PUNCT _005195698 123 1 the the DET _005195698 123 2 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195698 123 3 's 's PART _005195698 123 4 problem problem NOUN _005195698 123 5 is be AUX _005195698 123 6 to to PART _005195698 123 7 test test VERB _005195698 123 8 the the DET _005195698 123 9 contributions contribution NOUN _005195698 123 10 of of ADP _005195698 123 11 his his PRON _005195698 123 12 age age NOUN _005195698 123 13 and and CCONJ _005195698 123 14 fit fit NOUN _005195698 123 15 whatever whatever PRON _005195698 123 16 passes pass VERB _005195698 123 17 the the DET _005195698 123 18 test test NOUN _005195698 123 19 into into ADP _005195698 123 20 its its PRON _005195698 123 21 place place NOUN _005195698 123 22 in in ADP _005195698 123 23 that that DET _005195698 123 24 outline outline NOUN _005195698 123 25 . . PUNCT _005195698 124 1 at at ADP _005195698 124 2 present present NOUN _005195698 124 3 we we PRON _005195698 124 4 have have VERB _005195698 124 5 two two NUM _005195698 124 6 pictures picture NOUN _005195698 124 7 . . PUNCT _005195698 125 1 the the DET _005195698 125 2 outline outline NOUN _005195698 125 3 which which PRON _005195698 125 4 we we PRON _005195698 125 5 teach teach VERB _005195698 125 6 as as ADP _005195698 125 7 " " PUNCT _005195698 125 8 philosophy/ philosophy/ NUM _005195698 125 9 ' ' PUNCT _005195698 125 10 and and CCONJ _005195698 125 11 the the DET _005195698 125 12 unorganized unorganized ADJ _005195698 125 13 details detail NOUN _005195698 125 14 which which PRON _005195698 125 15 we we PRON _005195698 125 16 teach teach VERB _005195698 125 17 as as ADP _005195698 125 18 " " PUNCT _005195698 125 19 science science NOUN _005195698 125 20 " " PUNCT _005195698 125 21 . . PUNCT _005195698 126 1 nor nor CCONJ _005195698 126 2 can can AUX _005195698 126 3 we we PRON _005195698 126 4 look look VERB _005195698 126 5 to to ADP _005195698 126 6 the the DET _005195698 126 7 future future NOUN _005195698 126 8 for for ADP _005195698 126 9 the the DET _005195698 126 10 coming coming NOUN _005195698 126 11 of of ADP _005195698 126 12 another another DET _005195698 126 13 st st PROPN _005195698 126 14 . . PROPN _005195698 126 15 thomas thomas PROPN _005195698 126 16 . . PUNCT _005195698 127 1 why why SCONJ _005195698 127 2 do do AUX _005195698 127 3 we we PRON _005195698 127 4 need need VERB _005195698 127 5 another another DET _005195698 127 6 st st PROPN _005195698 127 7 . . PROPN _005195698 127 8 thomas thomas PROPN _005195698 127 9 ? ? PUNCT _005195698 128 1 his his PRON _005195698 128 2 historical historical ADJ _005195698 128 3 mission mission NOUN _005195698 128 4 is be AUX _005195698 128 5 completed complete VERB _005195698 128 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195698 128 7 our our PRON _005195698 128 8 mission mission NOUN _005195698 128 9 is be AUX _005195698 128 10 to to PART _005195698 128 11 fill fill VERB _005195698 128 12 in in ADP _005195698 128 13 the the DET _005195698 128 14 details detail NOUN _005195698 128 15 of of ADP _005195698 128 16 the the DET _005195698 128 17 picture picture NOUN _005195698 128 18 whose whose DET _005195698 128 19 outlines outline NOUN _005195698 128 20 he he PRON _005195698 128 21 has have AUX _005195698 128 22 firmly firmly ADV _005195698 128 23 drawn draw VERB _005195698 128 24 . . PUNCT _005195698 129 1 kerwin kerwin PROPN _005195698 129 2 : : PUNCT _005195698 129 3 and and CCONJ _005195698 129 4 so so ADV _005195698 129 5 began begin VERB _005195698 129 6 the the DET _005195698 129 7 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 129 8 on on ADP _005195698 129 9 the the DET _005195698 129 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 129 11 contribution contribution NOUN _005195698 129 12 to to ADP _005195698 129 13 american american ADJ _005195698 129 14 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195698 129 15 life life NOUN _005195698 129 16 , , PUNCT _005195698 129 17 which which PRON _005195698 129 18 was be AUX _005195698 129 19 held hold VERB _005195698 129 20 in in ADP _005195698 129 21 mid mid PROPN _005195698 129 22 - - NOUN _005195698 129 23 june june PROPN _005195698 129 24 this this DET _005195698 129 25 year year NOUN _005195698 129 26 , , PUNCT _005195698 129 27 just just ADV _005195698 129 28 outside outside ADP _005195698 129 29 of of ADP _005195698 129 30 chicago chicago PROPN _005195698 129 31 . . PUNCT _005195698 130 1 on on ADP _005195698 130 2 succeeding succeed VERB _005195698 130 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 130 4 hour hour NOUN _005195698 130 5 broadcasts broadcast NOUN _005195698 130 6 this this DET _005195698 130 7 month month NOUN _005195698 130 8 , , PUNCT _005195698 130 9 we we PRON _005195698 130 10 shall shall AUX _005195698 130 11 hear hear VERB _005195698 130 12 others other NOUN _005195698 130 13 as as SCONJ _005195698 130 14 they they PRON _005195698 130 15 addressed address VERB _005195698 130 16 the the DET _005195698 130 17 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 130 18 , , PUNCT _005195698 130 19 as as ADV _005195698 130 20 well well ADV _005195698 130 21 as as ADP _005195698 130 22 some some PRON _005195698 130 23 of of ADP _005195698 130 24 the the DET _005195698 130 25 discussion discussion NOUN _005195698 130 26 that that PRON _005195698 130 27 took take VERB _005195698 130 28 place place NOUN _005195698 130 29 there there ADV _005195698 130 30 . . PUNCT _005195698 131 1 kerwin kerwin PROPN _005195698 131 2 : : PUNCT _005195698 131 3 before before SCONJ _005195698 131 4 we we PRON _005195698 131 5 close close VERB _005195698 131 6 this this DET _005195698 131 7 part part NOUN _005195698 131 8 of of ADP _005195698 131 9 our our PRON _005195698 131 10 documentary documentary NOUN _005195698 131 11 report report NOUN _005195698 131 12 on on ADP _005195698 131 13 the the DET _005195698 131 14 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 131 15 in in ADP _005195698 131 16 river river NOUN _005195698 131 17 forest forest NOUN _005195698 131 18 , , PUNCT _005195698 131 19 it it PRON _005195698 131 20 might might AUX _005195698 131 21 be be AUX _005195698 131 22 well well ADJ _005195698 131 23 to to PART _005195698 131 24 point point VERB _005195698 131 25 out out ADP _005195698 131 26 one one NUM _005195698 131 27 fact fact NOUN _005195698 131 28 — — PUNCT _005195698 131 29 on on ADP _005195698 131 30 another another DET _005195698 131 31 recent recent ADJ _005195698 131 32 nationwide nationwide ADJ _005195698 131 33 report report NOUN _005195698 131 34 on on ADP _005195698 131 35 these these DET _005195698 131 36 subjects subject NOUN _005195698 131 37 , , PUNCT _005195698 131 38 the the DET _005195698 131 39 prevailing prevail VERB _005195698 131 40 mood mood NOUN _005195698 131 41 of of ADP _005195698 131 42 american american ADJ _005195698 131 43 15 15 NUM _005195698 131 44 education education NOUN _005195698 131 45 in in ADP _005195698 131 46 1958 1958 NUM _005195698 131 47 was be AUX _005195698 131 48 referred refer VERB _005195698 131 49 to to ADP _005195698 131 50 as as ADP _005195698 131 51 one one NUM _005195698 131 52 of of ADP _005195698 131 53 " " PUNCT _005195698 131 54 agonizing agonizing ADJ _005195698 131 55 re re NOUN _005195698 131 56 - - NOUN _005195698 131 57 appraisal appraisal ADJ _005195698 131 58 " " PUNCT _005195698 131 59 . . PUNCT _005195698 132 1 it it PRON _005195698 132 2 is be AUX _005195698 132 3 a a DET _005195698 132 4 significant significant ADJ _005195698 132 5 comment comment NOUN _005195698 132 6 on on ADP _005195698 132 7 the the DET _005195698 132 8 re re NOUN _005195698 132 9 - - NOUN _005195698 132 10 appraisal appraisal NOUN _005195698 132 11 that that PRON _005195698 132 12 took take VERB _005195698 132 13 place place NOUN _005195698 132 14 at at ADP _005195698 132 15 this this DET _005195698 132 16 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 132 17 that that SCONJ _005195698 132 18 it it PRON _005195698 132 19 was be AUX _005195698 132 20 anything anything PRON _005195698 132 21 but but CCONJ _005195698 132 22 " " PUNCT _005195698 132 23 agonizing agonizing ADJ _005195698 132 24 , , PUNCT _005195698 132 25 " " PUNCT _005195698 132 26 though though SCONJ _005195698 132 27 a a DET _005195698 132 28 frank frank ADJ _005195698 132 29 and and CCONJ _005195698 132 30 meaningful meaningful ADJ _005195698 132 31 re re NOUN _005195698 132 32 - - NOUN _005195698 132 33 appraisal appraisal ADJ _005195698 132 34 it it PRON _005195698 132 35 certainly certainly ADV _005195698 132 36 was be AUX _005195698 132 37 . . PUNCT _005195698 133 1 here here ADV _005195698 133 2 we we PRON _005195698 133 3 had have VERB _005195698 133 4 no no DET _005195698 133 5 long long ADJ _005195698 133 6 and and CCONJ _005195698 133 7 haggard haggard ADJ _005195698 133 8 faces face VERB _005195698 133 9 , , PUNCT _005195698 133 10 no no DET _005195698 133 11 feelings feeling NOUN _005195698 133 12 of of ADP _005195698 133 13 hopelessness hopelessness NOUN _005195698 133 14 or or CCONJ _005195698 133 15 of of ADP _005195698 133 16 imminent imminent ADJ _005195698 133 17 panic panic NOUN _005195698 133 18 . . PUNCT _005195698 134 1 in in ADP _005195698 134 2 an an DET _005195698 134 3 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _005195698 134 4 of of ADP _005195698 134 5 joy joy NOUN _005195698 134 6 and and CCONJ _005195698 134 7 confidence confidence NOUN _005195698 134 8 , , PUNCT _005195698 134 9 catholics catholic NOUN _005195698 134 10 took take VERB _005195698 134 11 stock stock NOUN _005195698 134 12 of of ADP _005195698 134 13 the the DET _005195698 134 14 situation situation NOUN _005195698 134 15 , , PUNCT _005195698 134 16 and and CCONJ _005195698 134 17 while while SCONJ _005195698 134 18 they they PRON _005195698 134 19 by by ADP _005195698 134 20 no no DET _005195698 134 21 means mean NOUN _005195698 134 22 found find VERB _005195698 134 23 the the DET _005195698 134 24 facts fact NOUN _005195698 134 25 as as ADV _005195698 134 26 encouraging encouraging ADJ _005195698 134 27 as as SCONJ _005195698 134 28 they they PRON _005195698 134 29 might might AUX _005195698 134 30 be be AUX _005195698 134 31 , , PUNCT _005195698 134 32 they they PRON _005195698 134 33 , , PUNCT _005195698 134 34 nonetheless nonetheless ADV _005195698 134 35 , , PUNCT _005195698 134 36 faced face VERB _005195698 134 37 them they PRON _005195698 134 38 sguarely sguarely ADV _005195698 134 39 and and CCONJ _005195698 134 40 made make VERB _005195698 134 41 their their PRON _005195698 134 42 resolutions resolution NOUN _005195698 134 43 strong strong ADJ _005195698 134 44 for for ADP _005195698 134 45 the the DET _005195698 134 46 future future NOUN _005195698 134 47 . . PUNCT _005195698 135 1 the the DET _005195698 135 2 symposium symposium NOUN _005195698 135 3 was be AUX _005195698 135 4 sponsored sponsor VERB _005195698 135 5 by by ADP _005195698 135 6 the the DET _005195698 135 7 thomas thomas PROPN _005195698 135 8 more more ADJ _005195698 135 9 association association PROPN _005195698 135 10 ( ( PUNCT _005195698 135 11 a a DET _005195698 135 12 national national ADJ _005195698 135 13 organization organization NOUN _005195698 135 14 designed design VERB _005195698 135 15 to to PART _005195698 135 16 promote promote VERB _005195698 135 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 135 18 reading reading NOUN _005195698 135 19 ) ) PUNCT _005195698 135 20 and and CCONJ _005195698 135 21 the the DET _005195698 135 22 department department NOUN _005195698 135 23 of of ADP _005195698 135 24 library library PROPN _005195698 135 25 science science PROPN _005195698 135 26 , , PUNCT _005195698 135 27 rosary rosary PROPN _005195698 135 28 college college PROPN _005195698 135 29 , , PUNCT _005195698 135 30 river river NOUN _005195698 135 31 forest forest NOUN _005195698 135 32 , , PUNCT _005195698 135 33 illinois illinois PROPN _005195698 135 34 . . PUNCT _005195698 136 1 16 16 NUM _005195698 136 2 additional additional ADJ _005195698 136 3 copies copy NOUN _005195698 136 4 are be AUX _005195698 136 5 available available ADJ _005195698 136 6 for for ADP _005195698 136 7 $ $ SYM _005195698 136 8 .10 .10 NUM _005195698 136 9 each each PRON _005195698 136 10 . . PUNCT _005195698 137 1 bulk bulk ADJ _005195698 137 2 lots lot NOUN _005195698 137 3 may may AUX _005195698 137 4 also also ADV _005195698 137 5 be be AUX _005195698 137 6 had have VERB _005195698 137 7 at at ADP _005195698 137 8 the the DET _005195698 137 9 following follow VERB _005195698 137 10 rates rate NOUN _005195698 137 11 : : PUNCT _005195698 137 12 10 10 NUM _005195698 137 13 to to PART _005195698 137 14 99 99 NUM _005195698 137 15 copies copy NOUN _005195698 137 16 $ $ SYM _005195698 137 17 .05 .05 NUM _005195698 137 18 @ @ ADP _005195698 137 19 100 100 NUM _005195698 137 20 copies copy NOUN _005195698 137 21 and and CCONJ _005195698 137 22 over over ADP _005195698 137 23 04 04 NUM _005195698 137 24 @ @ ADP _005195698 137 25 the the DET _005195698 137 26 national national PROPN _005195698 137 27 council council PROPN _005195698 137 28 of of ADP _005195698 137 29 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 137 30 men man NOUN _005195698 137 31 1312 1312 NUM _005195698 137 32 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _005195698 137 33 avenue avenue PROPN _005195698 137 34 , , PUNCT _005195698 137 35 n.w n.w PROPN _005195698 137 36 . . PROPN _005195698 137 37 washington washington PROPN _005195698 137 38 , , PUNCT _005195698 137 39 d. d. PROPN _005195698 137 40 c. c. PROPN _005195698 137 41 presented present VERB _005195698 137 42 by by ADP _005195698 137 43 the the DET _005195698 137 44 national national PROPN _005195698 137 45 council council PROPN _005195698 137 46 of of ADP _005195698 137 47 catholic catholic ADJ _005195698 137 48 men man NOUN