id sid tid token lemma pos _005195630 1 1 my my PRON _005195630 1 2 mind mind NOUN _005195630 1 3 as as ADP _005195630 1 4 a a DET _005195630 1 5 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 1 6 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 1 7 newman newman PROPN _005195630 1 8 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 1 9 2d 2d X _005195630 2 1 my my PRON _005195630 2 2 mind mind NOUN _005195630 2 3 as as ADP _005195630 2 4 a a DET _005195630 2 5 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 2 6 by by ADP _005195630 2 7 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195630 2 8 newman newman PROPN _005195630 2 9 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 2 10 from from ADP _005195630 2 11 the the DET _005195630 2 12 “ " PUNCT _005195630 2 13 ‘ ' PUNCT _005195630 2 14 apologia apologia ADJ _005195630 2 15 pro pro X _005195630 2 16 vita vita PROPN _005195630 2 17 sua sua NOUN _005195630 2 18 ” " PUNCT _005195630 2 19 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 2 20 fifteenth fifteenth PROPN _005195630 2 21 thousand thousand NUM _005195630 2 22 london london PROPN _005195630 2 23 catholic catholic PROPN _005195630 2 24 truth truth PROPN _005195630 2 25 society society NOUN _005195630 2 26 72 72 NUM _005195630 2 27 victoria victoria PROPN _005195630 2 28 street street PROPN _005195630 2 29 s.w s.w PROPN _005195630 2 30 . . PROPN _005195630 2 31 i i PRON _005195630 2 32 < < X _005195630 2 33 2 2 NUM _005195630 2 34 227 227 NUM _005195630 2 35 anglican anglican ADJ _005195630 2 36 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 2 37 selected select VERB _005195630 2 38 publications publication NOUN _005195630 2 39 price price NOUN _005195630 2 40 sixpence sixpence NOUN _005195630 2 41 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 2 42 net net NOUN _005195630 2 43 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 2 44 each each PRON _005195630 2 45 « « PUNCT _005195630 2 46 the the DET _005195630 2 47 essentials essential NOUN _005195630 2 48 of of ADP _005195630 2 49 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195630 2 50 unity unity NOUN _005195630 2 51 . . PUNCT _005195630 3 1 by by ADP _005195630 3 2 ronald ronald PROPN _005195630 3 3 knox knox PROPN _005195630 3 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 3 5 m.a m.a PROPN _005195630 3 6 . . PROPN _005195630 3 7 development development NOUN _005195630 3 8 : : PUNCT _005195630 3 9 thoughts thought NOUN _005195630 3 10 on on ADP _005195630 3 11 bishop bishop PROPN _005195630 3 12 gore gore PROPN _005195630 3 13 's 's PART _005195630 3 14 44 44 NUM _005195630 3 15 roman roman ADJ _005195630 3 16 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 3 17 claims claim NOUN _005195630 3 18 . . PUNCT _005195630 3 19 " " PUNCT _005195630 4 1 by by ADP _005195630 4 2 the the DET _005195630 4 3 rev rev PROPN _005195630 4 4 . . PROPN _005195630 4 5 joseph joseph PROPN _005195630 4 6 rickaby rickaby PROPN _005195630 4 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 4 8 s.j s.j PROPN _005195630 4 9 . . PUNCT _005195630 5 1 the the DET _005195630 5 2 first first ADJ _005195630 5 3 eight eight NUM _005195630 5 4 councils council NOUN _005195630 5 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 5 6 papal papal ADJ _005195630 5 7 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 5 8 . . PUNCT _005195630 6 1 by by ADP _005195630 6 2 dom dom PROPN _005195630 6 3 john john PROPN _005195630 6 4 chapman chapman PROPN _005195630 6 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 6 6 o.s.b o.s.b PROPN _005195630 6 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 7 1 the the DET _005195630 7 2 line line NOUN _005195630 7 3 of of ADP _005195630 7 4 cleavage cleavage NOUN _005195630 7 5 under under ADP _005195630 7 6 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN _005195630 7 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 8 1 by by ADP _005195630 8 2 dom dom PROPN _005195630 8 3 norbert norbert PROPN _005195630 8 4 birt birt PROPN _005195630 8 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 8 6 o.s.b o.s.b NOUN _005195630 8 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 8 8 authority authority NOUN _005195630 8 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 8 10 religious religious ADJ _005195630 8 11 belief belief NOUN _005195630 8 12 . . PUNCT _005195630 9 1 by by ADP _005195630 9 2 the the DET _005195630 9 3 rev rev PROPN _005195630 9 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 10 1 j j DET _005195630 10 2 oseph oseph PROPN _005195630 10 3 rickaby rickaby PROPN _005195630 10 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 10 5 s.j s.j PROPN _005195630 10 6 . . PUNCT _005195630 11 1 the the DET _005195630 11 2 anglican anglican ADJ _005195630 11 3 claim claim NOUN _005195630 11 4 to to PART _005195630 11 5 be be AUX _005195630 11 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 11 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 12 1 by by ADP _005195630 12 2 c. c. PROPN _005195630 12 3 g. g. PROPN _005195630 12 4 mortimer mortimer PROPN _005195630 12 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 12 6 b.a b.a PROPN _005195630 12 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 12 8 some some DET _005195630 12 9 prerogatives prerogative NOUN _005195630 12 10 of of ADP _005195630 12 11 peter peter PROPN _005195630 12 12 . . PUNCT _005195630 13 1 by by ADP _005195630 13 2 the the DET _005195630 13 3 rev rev PROPN _005195630 13 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 13 5 w. w. PROPN _005195630 13 6 r. r. PROPN _005195630 13 7 carson carson PROPN _005195630 13 8 . . PUNCT _005195630 14 1 a a DET _005195630 14 2 city city NOUN _005195630 14 3 set set VERB _005195630 14 4 on on ADP _005195630 14 5 a a DET _005195630 14 6 hill hill NOUN _005195630 14 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 15 1 by by ADP _005195630 15 2 monsignor monsignor PROPN _005195630 15 3 benson benson PROPN _005195630 15 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 16 1 this this DET _005195630 16 2 essay essay NOUN _005195630 16 3 is be AUX _005195630 16 4 based base VERB _005195630 16 5 on on ADP _005195630 16 6 a a DET _005195630 16 7 paper paper NOUN _005195630 16 8 which which PRON _005195630 16 9 mgr mgr NOUN _005195630 16 10 . . PUNCT _005195630 17 1 benson benson PROPN _005195630 17 2 drew draw VERB _005195630 17 3 up up ADP _005195630 17 4 a a DET _005195630 17 5 few few ADJ _005195630 17 6 months month NOUN _005195630 17 7 before before ADP _005195630 17 8 his his PRON _005195630 17 9 submission submission NOUN _005195630 17 10 to to ADP _005195630 17 11 the the DET _005195630 17 12 holy holy PROPN _005195630 17 13 see see NOUN _005195630 17 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 17 15 in in ADP _005195630 17 16 order order NOUN _005195630 17 17 to to PART _005195630 17 18 test test VERB _005195630 17 19 the the DET _005195630 17 20 solidity solidity NOUN _005195630 17 21 of of ADP _005195630 17 22 the the DET _005195630 17 23 reasons reason NOUN _005195630 17 24 that that PRON _005195630 17 25 were be AUX _005195630 17 26 moving move VERB _005195630 17 27 him he PRON _005195630 17 28 in in ADP _005195630 17 29 that that DET _005195630 17 30 direction direction NOUN _005195630 17 31 . . PUNCT _005195630 18 1 the the DET _005195630 18 2 author author NOUN _005195630 18 3 examines examine VERB _005195630 18 4 various various ADJ _005195630 18 5 theories theory NOUN _005195630 18 6 of of ADP _005195630 18 7 catholicism catholicism NOUN _005195630 18 8 in in ADP _005195630 18 9 the the DET _005195630 18 10 light light NOUN _005195630 18 11 of of ADP _005195630 18 12 the the DET _005195630 18 13 requirements requirement NOUN _005195630 18 14 of of ADP _005195630 18 15 the the DET _005195630 18 16 church church NOUN _005195630 18 17 ’s ’s PART _005195630 18 18 life life NOUN _005195630 18 19 and and CCONJ _005195630 18 20 efficiency efficiency NOUN _005195630 18 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 18 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 18 23 then then ADV _005195630 18 24 considers consider VERB _005195630 18 25 the the DET _005195630 18 26 true true ADJ _005195630 18 27 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 18 28 theory theory NOUN _005195630 18 29 . . PUNCT _005195630 19 1 appendixes appendix NOUN _005195630 19 2 are be AUX _005195630 19 3 added add VERB _005195630 19 4 on on ADP _005195630 19 5 the the DET _005195630 19 6 petrine petrine NOUN _005195630 19 7 texts text NOUN _005195630 19 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 19 9 the the DET _005195630 19 10 testimony testimony NOUN _005195630 19 11 of of ADP _005195630 19 12 the the DET _005195630 19 13 fathers father NOUN _005195630 19 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 19 15 etc etc X _005195630 19 16 . . X _005195630 19 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 19 18 the the DET _005195630 19 19 whole whole ADJ _005195630 19 20 forming form VERB _005195630 19 21 a a DET _005195630 19 22 powerful powerful ADJ _005195630 19 23 argument argument NOUN _005195630 19 24 in in ADP _005195630 19 25 support support NOUN _005195630 19 26 of of ADP _005195630 19 27 the the DET _005195630 19 28 church church NOUN _005195630 19 29 ’s ’s PART _005195630 19 30 claim claim NOUN _005195630 19 31 . . PUNCT _005195630 20 1 catholic catholic PROPN _005195630 20 2 truth truth PROPN _005195630 20 3 society society NOUN _005195630 20 4 72 72 NUM _005195630 20 5 victoria victoria PROPN _005195630 20 6 street street PROPN _005195630 20 7 s.w s.w PROPN _005195630 20 8 . . PROPN _005195630 20 9 1 1 NUM _005195630 20 10 tteaefdlffed tteaefdlffe VERB _005195630 20 11 my my PRON _005195630 20 12 mind mind NOUN _005195630 20 13 as as ADP _005195630 20 14 a a DET _005195630 20 15 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 20 16 by by ADP _005195630 20 17 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195630 20 18 newman newman PROPN _005195630 20 19 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 20 20 from from ADP _005195630 20 21 his his PRON _005195630 20 22 “ " PUNCT _005195630 20 23 apologia apologia PROPN _005195630 20 24 pro pro X _005195630 20 25 vita vita PROPN _005195630 20 26 sua sua NOUN _005195630 20 27 . . PUNCT _005195630 20 28 ” " PUNCT _005195630 20 29 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 21 1 [ [ X _005195630 21 2 introductory introductory NOUN _005195630 21 3 note note VERB _005195630 21 4 the the DET _005195630 21 5 following follow VERB _005195630 21 6 essay essay NOUN _005195630 21 7 forms form NOUN _005195630 21 8 a a DET _005195630 21 9 complete complete ADJ _005195630 21 10 treatise treatise NOUN _005195630 21 11 in in ADP _005195630 21 12 itself itself PRON _005195630 21 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 21 14 may may AUX _005195630 21 15 rank rank VERB _005195630 21 16 with with ADP _005195630 21 17 the the DET _005195630 21 18 development development NOUN _005195630 21 19 of of ADP _005195630 21 20 christian christian ADJ _005195630 21 21 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 21 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 21 23 the the DET _005195630 21 24 grammar grammar NOUN _005195630 21 25 of of ADP _005195630 21 26 assent assent NOUN _005195630 21 27 as as ADP _005195630 21 28 one one NUM _005195630 21 29 of of ADP _005195630 21 30 newman newman NOUN _005195630 21 31 's 's PART _005195630 21 32 most most ADV _005195630 21 33 important important ADJ _005195630 21 34 works work NOUN _005195630 21 35 . . PUNCT _005195630 22 1 it it PRON _005195630 22 2 stands stand VERB _005195630 22 3 in in ADP _005195630 22 4 the the DET _005195630 22 5 apologia apologia NOUN _005195630 22 6 under under ADP _005195630 22 7 the the DET _005195630 22 8 title title NOUN _005195630 22 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 22 10 “ " PUNCT _005195630 22 11 the the DET _005195630 22 12 position position NOUN _005195630 22 13 of of ADP _005195630 22 14 my my PRON _005195630 22 15 mind mind NOUN _005195630 22 16 since since SCONJ _005195630 22 17 1845,"—a 1845,"—a NUM _005195630 22 18 final final ADJ _005195630 22 19 chapter chapter NOUN _005195630 22 20 summarising summarise VERB _005195630 22 21 newman newman NOUN _005195630 22 22 's 's PART _005195630 22 23 reply reply NOUN _005195630 22 24 to to ADP _005195630 22 25 kingsley kingsley PROPN _005195630 22 26 ’s ’s PART _005195630 22 27 charge charge NOUN _005195630 22 28 of of ADP _005195630 22 29 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195630 22 30 dishonesty dishonesty NOUN _005195630 22 31 : : PUNCT _005195630 22 32 the the DET _005195630 22 33 last last ADJ _005195630 22 34 pages page NOUN _005195630 22 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 22 36 which which PRON _005195630 22 37 are be AUX _005195630 22 38 relevant relevant ADJ _005195630 22 39 only only ADV _005195630 22 40 to to ADP _005195630 22 41 that that DET _005195630 22 42 particular particular ADJ _005195630 22 43 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 22 44 , , PUNCT _005195630 22 45 are be AUX _005195630 22 46 here here ADV _005195630 22 47 omitted omit VERB _005195630 22 48 . . PUNCT _005195630 23 1 the the DET _005195630 23 2 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _005195630 23 3 as as SCONJ _005195630 23 4 it it PRON _005195630 23 5 stands stand VERB _005195630 23 6 is be AUX _005195630 23 7 a a DET _005195630 23 8 treatise treatise NOUN _005195630 23 9 on on ADP _005195630 23 10 one one NUM _005195630 23 11 of of ADP _005195630 23 12 the the DET _005195630 23 13 most most ADV _005195630 23 14 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 23 15 of of ADP _005195630 23 16 all all DET _005195630 23 17 questions question NOUN _005195630 23 18 in in ADP _005195630 23 19 connection connection NOUN _005195630 23 20 with with ADP _005195630 23 21 the the DET _005195630 23 22 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 23 23 claim claim NOUN _005195630 23 24 : : PUNCT _005195630 23 25 how how SCONJ _005195630 23 26 to to PART _005195630 23 27 reconcile reconcile VERB _005195630 23 28 submission submission NOUN _005195630 23 29 to to ADP _005195630 23 30 a a DET _005195630 23 31 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 23 32 of of ADP _005195630 23 33 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005195630 23 34 truth truth NOUN _005195630 23 35 with with ADP _005195630 23 36 that that DET _005195630 23 37 activity activity NOUN _005195630 23 38 of of ADP _005195630 23 39 mind mind NOUN _005195630 23 40 which which PRON _005195630 23 41 is be AUX _005195630 23 42 necessary necessary ADJ _005195630 23 43 for for ADP _005195630 23 44 the the DET _005195630 23 45 apprehension apprehension NOUN _005195630 23 46 of of ADP _005195630 23 47 truths truth NOUN _005195630 23 48 in in ADP _005195630 23 49 the the DET _005195630 23 50 natural natural ADJ _005195630 23 51 order order NOUN _005195630 23 52 . . PUNCT _005195630 24 1 it it PRON _005195630 24 2 describes describe VERB _005195630 24 3 the the DET _005195630 24 4 attitude attitude NOUN _005195630 24 5 of of ADP _005195630 24 6 one one NUM _005195630 24 7 who who PRON _005195630 24 8 acknowledges acknowledge VERB _005195630 24 9 the the DET _005195630 24 10 absolute absolute ADJ _005195630 24 11 claims claim NOUN _005195630 24 12 of of ADP _005195630 24 13 the the DET _005195630 24 14 divine divine ADJ _005195630 24 15 reason reason NOUN _005195630 24 16 as as SCONJ _005195630 24 17 revealed reveal VERB _005195630 24 18 in in ADP _005195630 24 19 christ christ PROPN _005195630 24 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 24 21 embodied embody VERB _005195630 24 22 in in ADP _005195630 24 23 the the DET _005195630 24 24 church church NOUN _005195630 24 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 24 26 his his PRON _005195630 24 27 mystical mystical ADJ _005195630 24 28 body body NOUN _005195630 24 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 24 30 who who PRON _005195630 24 31 yet yet ADV _005195630 24 32 is be AUX _005195630 24 33 acutely acutely ADV _005195630 24 34 conscious conscious ADJ _005195630 24 35 of of ADP _005195630 24 36 the the DET _005195630 24 37 claims claim NOUN _005195630 24 38 of of ADP _005195630 24 39 all all DET _005195630 24 40 truth truth NOUN _005195630 24 41 perceived perceive VERB _005195630 24 42 by by ADP _005195630 24 43 human human ADJ _005195630 24 44 reason reason NOUN _005195630 24 45 in in ADP _005195630 24 46 the the DET _005195630 24 47 more more ADV _005195630 24 48 limited limited ADJ _005195630 24 49 order order NOUN _005195630 24 50 of of ADP _005195630 24 51 nature nature NOUN _005195630 24 52 . . PUNCT _005195630 25 1 newman newman NOUN _005195630 25 2 refuses refuse VERB _005195630 25 3 to to PART _005195630 25 4 shirk shirk VERB _005195630 25 5 any any PRON _005195630 25 6 of of ADP _005195630 25 7 the the DET _005195630 25 8 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 25 9 involved involve VERB _005195630 25 10 in in ADP _005195630 25 11 the the DET _005195630 25 12 church church NOUN _005195630 25 13 's 's PART _005195630 25 14 claim claim NOUN _005195630 25 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 25 16 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 25 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 25 18 he he PRON _005195630 25 19 forces force VERB _005195630 25 20 them they PRON _005195630 25 21 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 25 22 our our PRON _005195630 25 23 attention attention NOUN _005195630 25 24 : : PUNCT _005195630 25 25 yet yet CCONJ _005195630 25 26 he he PRON _005195630 25 27 is be AUX _005195630 25 28 convinced convince VERB _005195630 25 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 25 30 with with ADP _005195630 25 31 the the DET _005195630 25 32 certitude certitude NOUN _005195630 25 33 which which PRON _005195630 25 34 makes make VERB _005195630 25 35 martyrs martyr NOUN _005195630 25 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 25 37 that that SCONJ _005195630 25 38 here here ADV _005195630 25 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 25 40 in in ADP _005195630 25 41 the the DET _005195630 25 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 25 43 roman roman ADJ _005195630 25 44 church church NOUN _005195630 25 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 25 46 is be AUX _005195630 25 47 the the DET _005195630 25 48 key key NOUN _005195630 25 49 to to ADP _005195630 25 50 an an DET _005195630 25 51 order order NOUN _005195630 25 52 of of ADP _005195630 25 53 truth truth NOUN _005195630 25 54 and and CCONJ _005195630 25 55 life life NOUN _005195630 25 56 which which PRON _005195630 25 57 completes complete VERB _005195630 25 58 and and CCONJ _005195630 25 59 transcends transcend VERB _005195630 25 60 all all PRON _005195630 25 61 that that PRON _005195630 25 62 is be AUX _005195630 25 63 most most ADV _005195630 25 64 vital vital ADJ _005195630 25 65 in in ADP _005195630 25 66 human human ADJ _005195630 25 67 life life NOUN _005195630 25 68 and and CCONJ _005195630 25 69 thought think VERB _005195630 25 70 . . PUNCT _005195630 25 71 ] ] PUNCT _005195630 26 1 from from ADP _005195630 26 2 the the DET _005195630 26 3 time time NOUN _005195630 26 4 that that PRON _005195630 26 5 i i PRON _005195630 26 6 became become VERB _005195630 26 7 a a DET _005195630 26 8 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 26 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 26 10 of of ADP _005195630 26 11 course course NOUN _005195630 26 12 i i PRON _005195630 26 13 have have VERB _005195630 26 14 no no DET _005195630 26 15 further further ADJ _005195630 26 16 history history NOUN _005195630 26 17 of of ADP _005195630 26 18 my my PRON _005195630 26 19 religious religious ADJ _005195630 26 20 opinions opinion NOUN _005195630 26 21 to to PART _005195630 26 22 narrate narrate VERB _005195630 26 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 27 1 in in ADP _005195630 27 2 saying say VERB _005195630 27 3 this this PRON _005195630 27 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 27 5 i i PRON _005195630 27 6 do do AUX _005195630 27 7 not not PART _005195630 27 8 mean mean VERB _005195630 27 9 to to PART _005195630 27 10 say say VERB _005195630 27 11 that that SCONJ _005195630 27 12 my my PRON _005195630 27 13 mind mind NOUN _005195630 27 14 has have AUX _005195630 27 15 been be AUX _005195630 27 16 idle idle ADJ _005195630 27 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 27 18 or or CCONJ _005195630 27 19 that that SCONJ _005195630 27 20 i i PRON _005195630 27 21 have have AUX _005195630 27 22 given give VERB _005195630 27 23 up up ADP _005195630 27 24 thinking thinking NOUN _005195630 27 25 on on ADP _005195630 27 26 theological theological ADJ _005195630 27 27 subjects subject NOUN _005195630 27 28 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 27 29 but but CCONJ _005195630 27 30 that that SCONJ _005195630 27 31 i i PRON _005195630 27 32 have have AUX _005195630 27 33 had have VERB _005195630 27 34 no no DET _005195630 27 35 variations variation NOUN _005195630 27 36 to to PART _005195630 27 37 record record VERB _005195630 27 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 27 39 and and CCONJ _005195630 27 40 2 2 NUM _005195630 27 41 my my PRON _005195630 27 42 mind mind NOUN _005195630 27 43 as as ADP _005195630 27 44 a a DET _005195630 27 45 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 27 46 have have AUX _005195630 27 47 had have VERB _005195630 27 48 no no DET _005195630 27 49 anxiety anxiety NOUN _005195630 27 50 of of ADP _005195630 27 51 heart heart NOUN _005195630 27 52 whatever whatever PRON _005195630 27 53 . . PUNCT _005195630 28 1 i i PRON _005195630 28 2 have have AUX _005195630 28 3 been be AUX _005195630 28 4 in in ADP _005195630 28 5 perfect perfect ADJ _005195630 28 6 peace peace NOUN _005195630 28 7 and and CCONJ _005195630 28 8 contentment contentment NOUN _005195630 28 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 28 10 i i PRON _005195630 28 11 never never ADV _005195630 28 12 have have AUX _005195630 28 13 had have VERB _005195630 28 14 one one NUM _005195630 28 15 doubt doubt NOUN _005195630 28 16 . . PUNCT _005195630 29 1 i i PRON _005195630 29 2 was be AUX _005195630 29 3 not not PART _005195630 29 4 conscious conscious ADJ _005195630 29 5 to to ADP _005195630 29 6 myself myself PRON _005195630 29 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 29 8 on on ADP _005195630 29 9 my my PRON _005195630 29 10 conversion conversion NOUN _005195630 29 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 29 12 of of ADP _005195630 29 13 any any DET _005195630 29 14 change change NOUN _005195630 29 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 29 16 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195630 29 17 or or CCONJ _005195630 29 18 moral moral ADJ _005195630 29 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 29 20 wrought work VERB _005195630 29 21 in in ADP _005195630 29 22 my my PRON _005195630 29 23 mind mind NOUN _005195630 29 24 . . PUNCT _005195630 30 1 i i PRON _005195630 30 2 was be AUX _005195630 30 3 not not PART _005195630 30 4 conscious conscious ADJ _005195630 30 5 of of ADP _005195630 30 6 firmer firm ADJ _005195630 30 7 faith faith NOUN _005195630 30 8 in in ADP _005195630 30 9 the the DET _005195630 30 10 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005195630 30 11 truths truth NOUN _005195630 30 12 of of ADP _005195630 30 13 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 30 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 30 15 or or CCONJ _005195630 30 16 of of ADP _005195630 30 17 more more ADJ _005195630 30 18 self self NOUN _005195630 30 19 - - PUNCT _005195630 30 20 command command NOUN _005195630 30 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 30 22 i i PRON _005195630 30 23 had have VERB _005195630 30 24 not not PART _005195630 30 25 more more ADJ _005195630 30 26 fervour fervour NOUN _005195630 30 27 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 30 28 but but CCONJ _005195630 30 29 it it PRON _005195630 30 30 was be AUX _005195630 30 31 like like ADP _005195630 30 32 coming come VERB _005195630 30 33 into into ADP _005195630 30 34 port port NOUN _005195630 30 35 after after ADP _005195630 30 36 a a DET _005195630 30 37 rough rough ADJ _005195630 30 38 sea sea NOUN _005195630 30 39 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 30 40 and and CCONJ _005195630 30 41 my my PRON _005195630 30 42 happiness happiness NOUN _005195630 30 43 on on ADP _005195630 30 44 that that DET _005195630 30 45 score score NOUN _005195630 30 46 remains remain VERB _005195630 30 47 to to ADP _005195630 30 48 this this DET _005195630 30 49 day day NOUN _005195630 30 50 without without ADP _005195630 30 51 interruption interruption NOUN _005195630 30 52 . . PUNCT _005195630 31 1 nor nor CCONJ _005195630 31 2 had have VERB _005195630 31 3 i i PRON _005195630 31 4 any any DET _005195630 31 5 trouble trouble NOUN _005195630 31 6 about about ADP _005195630 31 7 receiving receive VERB _005195630 31 8 those those DET _005195630 31 9 additional additional ADJ _005195630 31 10 articles article NOUN _005195630 31 11 which which PRON _005195630 31 12 are be AUX _005195630 31 13 not not PART _005195630 31 14 found find VERB _005195630 31 15 in in ADP _005195630 31 16 the the DET _005195630 31 17 anglican anglican ADJ _005195630 31 18 creel creel NOUN _005195630 31 19 . . PUNCT _005195630 32 1 vsome vsome NOUN _005195630 32 2 of of ADP _005195630 32 3 them they PRON _005195630 32 4 i i PRON _005195630 32 5 believed believe VERB _005195630 32 6 already already ADV _005195630 32 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 32 8 but but CCONJ _005195630 32 9 not not PART _005195630 32 10 any any DET _005195630 32 11 one one NUM _005195630 32 12 of of ADP _005195630 32 13 them they PRON _005195630 32 14 was be AUX _005195630 32 15 a a DET _005195630 32 16 trial trial NOUN _005195630 32 17 to to ADP _005195630 32 18 me i PRON _005195630 32 19 . . PUNCT _005195630 33 1 i i PRON _005195630 33 2 made make VERB _005195630 33 3 a a DET _005195630 33 4 profession profession NOUN _005195630 33 5 of of ADP _005195630 33 6 them they PRON _005195630 33 7 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 33 8 my my PRON _005195630 33 9 reception reception NOUN _005195630 33 10 with with ADP _005195630 33 11 the the DET _005195630 33 12 greatest great ADJ _005195630 33 13 ease ease NOUN _005195630 33 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 33 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 33 16 i i PRON _005195630 33 17 have have VERB _005195630 33 18 the the DET _005195630 33 19 same same ADJ _005195630 33 20 ease ease NOUN _005195630 33 21 in in ADP _005195630 33 22 believing believe VERB _005195630 33 23 them they PRON _005195630 33 24 now now ADV _005195630 33 25 . . PUNCT _005195630 34 1 i i PRON _005195630 34 2 am be AUX _005195630 34 3 far far ADV _005195630 34 4 of of ADP _005195630 34 5 course course NOUN _005195630 34 6 from from ADP _005195630 34 7 denying deny VERB _005195630 34 8 that that SCONJ _005195630 34 9 every every DET _005195630 34 10 article article NOUN _005195630 34 11 of of ADP _005195630 34 12 the the DET _005195630 34 13 christian christian ADJ _005195630 34 14 creed creed NOUN _005195630 34 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 34 16 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 34 17 as as SCONJ _005195630 34 18 held hold VERB _005195630 34 19 by by ADP _005195630 34 20 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 34 21 or or CCONJ _005195630 34 22 by by ADP _005195630 34 23 protestants protestant NOUN _005195630 34 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 34 25 is be AUX _005195630 34 26 beset beset VERB _005195630 34 27 with with ADP _005195630 34 28 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195630 34 29 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 34 30 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 34 31 and and CCONJ _005195630 34 32 it it PRON _005195630 34 33 is be AUX _005195630 34 34 simple simple ADJ _005195630 34 35 fact fact NOUN _005195630 34 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 34 37 that that SCONJ _005195630 34 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 34 39 for for ADP _005195630 34 40 myself myself PRON _005195630 34 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 34 42 i i PRON _005195630 34 43 can can AUX _005195630 34 44 not not PART _005195630 34 45 answer answer VERB _005195630 34 46 those those DET _005195630 34 47 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 34 48 . . PUNCT _005195630 35 1 many many ADJ _005195630 35 2 persons person NOUN _005195630 35 3 are be AUX _005195630 35 4 very very ADV _005195630 35 5 sensitive sensitive ADJ _005195630 35 6 of of ADP _005195630 35 7 the the DET _005195630 35 8 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 35 9 of of ADP _005195630 35 10 religion religion NOUN _005195630 35 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 35 12 i i PRON _005195630 35 13 am be AUX _005195630 35 14 as as ADV _005195630 35 15 sensitive sensitive ADJ _005195630 35 16 of of ADP _005195630 35 17 them they PRON _005195630 35 18 as as ADP _005195630 35 19 any any DET _005195630 35 20 one one NOUN _005195630 35 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 35 22 but but CCONJ _005195630 35 23 i i PRON _005195630 35 24 have have AUX _005195630 35 25 never never ADV _005195630 35 26 been be AUX _005195630 35 27 able able ADJ _005195630 35 28 to to PART _005195630 35 29 see see VERB _005195630 35 30 a a DET _005195630 35 31 connexion connexion NOUN _005195630 35 32 between between ADP _005195630 35 33 apprehending apprehend VERB _005195630 35 34 those those DET _005195630 35 35 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 35 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 35 37 however however ADV _005195630 35 38 keenly keenly ADV _005195630 35 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 35 40 and and CCONJ _005195630 35 41 multiplying multiply VERB _005195630 35 42 them they PRON _005195630 35 43 to to ADP _005195630 35 44 any any DET _005195630 35 45 extent extent NOUN _005195630 35 46 , , PUNCT _005195630 35 47 and and CCONJ _005195630 35 48 on on ADP _005195630 35 49 the the DET _005195630 35 50 other other ADJ _005195630 35 51 hand hand NOUN _005195630 35 52 doubting doubt VERB _005195630 35 53 the the DET _005195630 35 54 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195630 35 55 to to PART _005195630 35 56 which which PRON _005195630 35 57 they they PRON _005195630 35 58 are be AUX _005195630 35 59 attached attach VERB _005195630 35 60 . . PUNCT _005195630 36 1 ten ten NUM _005195630 36 2 thousand thousand NUM _005195630 36 3 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 36 4 do do AUX _005195630 36 5 not not PART _005195630 36 6 make make VERB _005195630 36 7 one one NUM _005195630 36 8 doubt doubt NOUN _005195630 36 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 36 10 as as SCONJ _005195630 36 11 i i PRON _005195630 36 12 understand understand VERB _005195630 36 13 the the DET _005195630 36 14 subject subject NOUN _005195630 36 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 36 16 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 36 17 and and CCONJ _005195630 36 18 doubt doubt NOUN _005195630 36 19 are be AUX _005195630 36 20 incommensurate incommensurate ADJ _005195630 36 21 . . PUNCT _005195630 37 1 there there PRON _005195630 37 2 of of ADP _005195630 37 3 course course NOUN _005195630 37 4 may may AUX _005195630 37 5 be be AUX _005195630 37 6 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 37 7 in in ADP _005195630 37 8 the the DET _005195630 37 9 evidence evidence NOUN _005195630 37 10 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 37 11 but but CCONJ _005195630 37 12 i i PRON _005195630 37 13 am be AUX _005195630 37 14 speaking speak VERB _005195630 37 15 of of ADP _005195630 37 16 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 37 17 intrinsic intrinsic ADJ _005195630 37 18 to to ADP _005195630 37 19 the the DET _005195630 37 20 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195630 37 21 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 37 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 37 23 or or CCONJ _005195630 37 24 to to ADP _005195630 37 25 their their PRON _005195630 37 26 relations relation NOUN _005195630 37 27 with with ADP _005195630 37 28 each each DET _005195630 37 29 other other ADJ _005195630 37 30 . . PUNCT _005195630 38 1 a a DET _005195630 38 2 man man NOUN _005195630 38 3 may may AUX _005195630 38 4 be be AUX _005195630 38 5 annoyed annoy VERB _005195630 38 6 that that SCONJ _005195630 38 7 he he PRON _005195630 38 8 can can AUX _005195630 38 9 not not PART _005195630 38 10 work work VERB _005195630 38 11 out out ADP _005195630 38 12 a a DET _005195630 38 13 mathematical mathematical ADJ _005195630 38 14 problem problem NOUN _005195630 38 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 38 16 of of ADP _005195630 38 17 which which PRON _005195630 38 18 the the DET _005195630 38 19 answer answer NOUN _005195630 38 20 is be AUX _005195630 38 21 or or CCONJ _005195630 38 22 is be AUX _005195630 38 23 not not PART _005195630 38 24 given give VERB _005195630 38 25 to to ADP _005195630 38 26 him he PRON _005195630 38 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 38 28 without without ADP _005195630 38 29 doubting doubt VERB _005195630 38 30 that that SCONJ _005195630 38 31 it it PRON _005195630 38 32 admits admit VERB _005195630 38 33 of of ADP _005195630 38 34 an an DET _005195630 38 35 answer answer NOUN _005195630 38 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 38 37 or or CCONJ _005195630 38 38 that that SCONJ _005195630 38 39 a a DET _005195630 38 40 certain certain ADJ _005195630 38 41 particular particular ADJ _005195630 38 42 answer answer NOUN _005195630 38 43 is be AUX _005195630 38 44 the the DET _005195630 38 45 true true ADJ _005195630 38 46 one one NOUN _005195630 38 47 . . PUNCT _005195630 39 1 of of ADP _005195630 39 2 all all DET _005195630 39 3 points point NOUN _005195630 39 4 of of ADP _005195630 39 5 faith faith NOUN _005195630 39 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 39 7 the the DET _005195630 39 8 being being NOUN _005195630 39 9 of of ADP _005195630 39 10 a a DET _005195630 39 11 god god PROPN _005195630 39 12 is be AUX _005195630 39 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 39 14 to to ADP _005195630 39 15 my my PRON _005195630 39 16 own own ADJ _005195630 39 17 apprehension apprehension NOUN _005195630 39 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 39 19 encompassed encompass VERB _005195630 39 20 with with ADP _005195630 39 21 most most ADJ _005195630 39 22 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 39 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 39 24 and and CCONJ _005195630 39 25 yet yet ADV _005195630 39 26 borne borne VERB _005195630 39 27 in in ADP _005195630 39 28 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 39 29 our our PRON _005195630 39 30 minds mind NOUN _005195630 39 31 with with ADP _005195630 39 32 most most ADJ _005195630 39 33 power power NOUN _005195630 39 34 . . PUNCT _005195630 40 1 people people NOUN _005195630 40 2 say say VERB _005195630 40 3 that that SCONJ _005195630 40 4 the the DET _005195630 40 5 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 40 6 of of ADP _005195630 40 7 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN _005195630 40 8 is be AUX _005195630 40 9 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 40 10 to to PART _005195630 40 11 believe believe VERB _005195630 40 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 40 13 i i PRON _005195630 40 14 did do AUX _005195630 40 15 not not PART _005195630 40 16 believe believe VERB _005195630 40 17 the the DET _005195630 40 18 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 40 19 till till SCONJ _005195630 40 20 i i PRON _005195630 40 21 was be AUX _005195630 40 22 a a DET _005195630 40 23 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 40 24 . . PUNCT _005195630 41 1 i i PRON _005195630 41 2 had have VERB _005195630 41 3 no no DET _005195630 41 4 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 41 5 in in ADP _005195630 41 6 believing believe VERB _005195630 41 7 it it PRON _005195630 41 8 as as ADV _005195630 41 9 soon soon ADV _005195630 41 10 as as SCONJ _005195630 41 11 i i PRON _005195630 41 12 believed believe VERB _005195630 41 13 that that SCONJ _005195630 41 14 the the DET _005195630 41 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 41 16 roman roman ADJ _005195630 41 17 church church NOUN _005195630 41 18 was be AUX _005195630 41 19 the the DET _005195630 41 20 qfacle qfacle NOUN _005195630 41 21 of of ADP _005195630 41 22 god god PROPN _005195630 41 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 41 24 and and CCONJ _005195630 41 25 that that SCONJ _005195630 41 26 she she PRON _005195630 41 27 had have AUX _005195630 41 28 declared declare VERB _005195630 41 29 this this DET _005195630 41 30 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 41 31 to to PART _005195630 41 32 be be AUX _005195630 41 33 3my 3my ADJ _005195630 41 34 mind mind NOUN _005195630 41 35 as as ADP _005195630 41 36 a a DET _005195630 41 37 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 41 38 part part NOUN _005195630 41 39 of of ADP _005195630 41 40 the the DET _005195630 41 41 original original ADJ _005195630 41 42 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 41 43 . . PUNCT _005195630 42 1 it it PRON _005195630 42 2 is be AUX _005195630 42 3 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 42 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 42 5 impossible impossible ADJ _005195630 42 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 42 7 to to PART _005195630 42 8 imagine imagine VERB _005195630 42 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 42 10 i i PRON _005195630 42 11 grant grant VERB _005195630 42 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 42 13 — — PUNCT _005195630 42 14 but but CCONJ _005195630 42 15 how how SCONJ _005195630 42 16 is be AUX _005195630 42 17 it it PRON _005195630 42 18 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 42 19 to to PART _005195630 42 20 believe believe VERB _005195630 42 21 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 43 1 yet yet ADV _005195630 43 2 macaulay macaulay NOUN _005195630 43 3 thought think VERB _005195630 43 4 it it PRON _005195630 43 5 so so ADV _005195630 43 6 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 43 7 to to PART _005195630 43 8 believe believe VERB _005195630 43 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 43 10 that that SCONJ _005195630 43 11 he he PRON _005195630 43 12 had have VERB _005195630 43 13 need need NOUN _005195630 43 14 of of ADP _005195630 43 15 a a DET _005195630 43 16 believer believer NOUN _005195630 43 17 in in ADP _005195630 43 18 it it PRON _005195630 43 19 of of ADP _005195630 43 20 talents talent NOUN _005195630 43 21 as as ADV _005195630 43 22 eminent eminent ADJ _005195630 43 23 as as ADP _005195630 43 24 sir sir PROPN _005195630 43 25 thomas thomas PROPN _005195630 43 26 more more ADV _005195630 43 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 43 28 before before SCONJ _005195630 43 29 he he PRON _005195630 43 30 could could AUX _005195630 43 31 bring bring VERB _005195630 43 32 himself himself PRON _005195630 43 33 to to PART _005195630 43 34 conceive conceive VERB _005195630 43 35 that that SCONJ _005195630 43 36 the the DET _005195630 43 37 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 43 38 of of ADP _005195630 43 39 an an DET _005195630 43 40 enlightened enlightened ADJ _005195630 43 41 age age NOUN _005195630 43 42 could could AUX _005195630 43 43 resist resist VERB _005195630 43 44 “ " PUNCT _005195630 43 45 the the DET _005195630 43 46 overwhelming overwhelming ADJ _005195630 43 47 force force NOUN _005195630 43 48 of of ADP _005195630 43 49 the the DET _005195630 43 50 argument argument NOUN _005195630 43 51 against against ADP _005195630 43 52 it it PRON _005195630 43 53 . . PUNCT _005195630 43 54 ” " PUNCT _005195630 44 1 “ " PUNCT _005195630 44 2 sir sir PROPN _005195630 44 3 thomas thomas PROPN _005195630 44 4 more more ADV _005195630 44 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 44 6 ” " PUNCT _005195630 44 7 he he PRON _005195630 44 8 says say VERB _005195630 44 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 44 10 “ " PUNCT _005195630 44 11 is be AUX _005195630 44 12 one one NUM _005195630 44 13 of of ADP _005195630 44 14 the the DET _005195630 44 15 choice choice NOUN _005195630 44 16 specimens specimen NOUN _005195630 44 17 of of ADP _005195630 44 18 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195630 44 19 and and CCONJ _005195630 44 20 virtue virtue NOUN _005195630 44 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 44 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 44 23 the the DET _005195630 44 24 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 44 25 of of ADP _005195630 44 26 transubstantiation transubstantiation NOUN _005195630 44 27 is be AUX _005195630 44 28 a a DET _005195630 44 29 kind kind NOUN _005195630 44 30 of of ADP _005195630 44 31 proof proof NOUN _005195630 44 32 charge charge NOUN _005195630 44 33 . . PUNCT _005195630 45 1 a a DET _005195630 45 2 faith faith NOUN _005195630 45 3 which which PRON _005195630 45 4 stands stand VERB _005195630 45 5 that that DET _005195630 45 6 test test NOUN _005195630 45 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 45 8 will will AUX _005195630 45 9 stand stand VERB _005195630 45 10 any any DET _005195630 45 11 test test NOUN _005195630 45 12 . . PUNCT _005195630 45 13 ” " PUNCT _005195630 46 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 46 2 for for ADP _005195630 46 3 myself myself PRON _005195630 46 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 46 5 i i PRON _005195630 46 6 can can AUX _005195630 46 7 not not PART _005195630 46 8 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 46 9 prove prove VERB _005195630 46 10 it it PRON _005195630 46 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 46 12 i i PRON _005195630 46 13 can can AUX _005195630 46 14 not not PART _005195630 46 15 tell tell VERB _005195630 46 16 how how SCONJ _005195630 46 17 it it PRON _005195630 46 18 is be AUX _005195630 46 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 46 20 but but CCONJ _005195630 46 21 i i PRON _005195630 46 22 say say VERB _005195630 46 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 46 24 “ " PUNCT _005195630 46 25 why why SCONJ _005195630 46 26 should should AUX _005195630 46 27 it it PRON _005195630 46 28 not not PART _005195630 46 29 be be AUX _005195630 46 30 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 47 1 what what PRON _005195630 47 2 's be AUX _005195630 47 3 to to PART _005195630 47 4 hinder hinder VERB _005195630 47 5 it it PRON _005195630 47 6 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 48 1 what what PRON _005195630 48 2 do do AUX _005195630 48 3 i i PRON _005195630 48 4 know know VERB _005195630 48 5 of of ADP _005195630 48 6 substance substance NOUN _005195630 48 7 or or CCONJ _005195630 48 8 matter matter NOUN _005195630 48 9 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 49 1 just just ADV _005195630 49 2 as as ADV _005195630 49 3 much much ADV _005195630 49 4 as as ADP _005195630 49 5 the the DET _005195630 49 6 greatest great ADJ _005195630 49 7 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195630 49 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 49 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 49 10 that that PRON _005195630 49 11 is be AUX _005195630 49 12 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 49 13 at at ADV _005195630 49 14 all all ADV _005195630 49 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 49 16 ” " PUNCT _005195630 49 17 — — PUNCT _005195630 49 18 so so ADV _005195630 49 19 much much ADJ _005195630 49 20 is be AUX _005195630 49 21 this this PRON _005195630 49 22 the the DET _005195630 49 23 case case NOUN _005195630 49 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 49 25 that that SCONJ _005195630 49 26 there there PRON _005195630 49 27 is be VERB _005195630 49 28 a a DET _005195630 49 29 rising rise VERB _005195630 49 30 school school NOUN _005195630 49 31 of of ADP _005195630 49 32 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195630 49 33 now now ADV _005195630 49 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 49 35 which which PRON _005195630 49 36 considers consider VERB _005195630 49 37 phenomena phenomena PRON _005195630 49 38 to to PART _005195630 49 39 constitute constitute VERB _005195630 49 40 the the DET _005195630 49 41 whole whole NOUN _005195630 49 42 of of ADP _005195630 49 43 our our PRON _005195630 49 44 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 49 45 in in ADP _005195630 49 46 physics physics NOUN _005195630 49 47 . . PUNCT _005195630 50 1 the the DET _005195630 50 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 50 3 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 50 4 leaves leave VERB _005195630 50 5 phenomena phenomenon NOUN _005195630 50 6 alone alone ADV _005195630 50 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 51 1 it it PRON _005195630 51 2 does do AUX _005195630 51 3 not not PART _005195630 51 4 say say VERB _005195630 51 5 that that SCONJ _005195630 51 6 the the DET _005195630 51 7 phenomena phenomenon NOUN _005195630 51 8 go go VERB _005195630 51 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 51 10 on on ADP _005195630 51 11 the the DET _005195630 51 12 contrary contrary NOUN _005195630 51 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 51 14 it it PRON _005195630 51 15 says say VERB _005195630 51 16 that that SCONJ _005195630 51 17 they they PRON _005195630 51 18 remain remain VERB _005195630 51 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 51 20 nor nor CCONJ _005195630 51 21 does do AUX _005195630 51 22 it it PRON _005195630 51 23 say say VERB _005195630 51 24 that that SCONJ _005195630 51 25 the the DET _005195630 51 26 same same ADJ _005195630 51 27 phenomena phenomenon NOUN _005195630 51 28 are be AUX _005195630 51 29 in in ADP _005195630 51 30 several several ADJ _005195630 51 31 places place NOUN _005195630 51 32 at at ADP _005195630 51 33 once once ADV _005195630 51 34 . . PUNCT _005195630 52 1 it it PRON _005195630 52 2 deals deal VERB _005195630 52 3 with with ADP _005195630 52 4 what what PRON _005195630 52 5 no no DET _005195630 52 6 one one NOUN _005195630 52 7 on on ADP _005195630 52 8 earth earth NOUN _005195630 52 9 knows know VERB _005195630 52 10 anything anything PRON _005195630 52 11 about about ADP _005195630 52 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 52 13 the the DET _005195630 52 14 material material NOUN _005195630 52 15 substances substance VERB _005195630 52 16 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 52 17 . . PUNCT _005195630 53 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 53 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 53 3 in in ADP _005195630 53 4 like like ADP _005195630 53 5 manner manner NOUN _005195630 53 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 53 7 of of ADP _005195630 53 8 that that DET _005195630 53 9 majestic majestic ADJ _005195630 53 10 article article NOUN _005195630 53 11 of of ADP _005195630 53 12 the the DET _005195630 53 13 anglican anglican NOUN _005195630 53 14 as as ADV _005195630 53 15 well well ADV _005195630 53 16 as as ADP _005195630 53 17 of of ADP _005195630 53 18 the the DET _005195630 53 19 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 53 20 creed,—the creed,—the DET _005195630 53 21 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 53 22 of of ADP _005195630 53 23 the the DET _005195630 53 24 trinity trinity NOUN _005195630 53 25 in in ADP _005195630 53 26 unity unity NOUN _005195630 53 27 . . PUNCT _005195630 54 1 what what PRON _005195630 54 2 do do AUX _005195630 54 3 i i PRON _005195630 54 4 know know VERB _005195630 54 5 of of ADP _005195630 54 6 the the DET _005195630 54 7 essence essence NOUN _005195630 54 8 of of ADP _005195630 54 9 the the DET _005195630 54 10 divine divine ADJ _005195630 54 11 being being NOUN _005195630 54 12 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 55 1 i i PRON _005195630 55 2 know know VERB _005195630 55 3 that that SCONJ _005195630 55 4 my my PRON _005195630 55 5 abstract abstract ADJ _005195630 55 6 idea idea NOUN _005195630 55 7 of of ADP _005195630 55 8 three three NUM _005195630 55 9 is be AUX _005195630 55 10 simply simply ADV _005195630 55 11 incompatible incompatible ADJ _005195630 55 12 with with ADP _005195630 55 13 my my PRON _005195630 55 14 idea idea NOUN _005195630 55 15 of of ADP _005195630 55 16 one one NUM _005195630 55 17 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 55 18 but but CCONJ _005195630 55 19 when when SCONJ _005195630 55 20 i i PRON _005195630 55 21 come come VERB _005195630 55 22 to to ADP _005195630 55 23 the the DET _005195630 55 24 question question NOUN _005195630 55 25 of of ADP _005195630 55 26 concrete concrete ADJ _005195630 55 27 fact fact NOUN _005195630 55 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 55 29 i i PRON _005195630 55 30 have have VERB _005195630 55 31 no no DET _005195630 55 32 means mean NOUN _005195630 55 33 of of ADP _005195630 55 34 proving prove VERB _005195630 55 35 that that SCONJ _005195630 55 36 there there PRON _005195630 55 37 is be VERB _005195630 55 38 not not PART _005195630 55 39 a a DET _005195630 55 40 sense sense NOUN _005195630 55 41 in in ADP _005195630 55 42 which which PRON _005195630 55 43 one one NUM _005195630 55 44 and and CCONJ _005195630 55 45 three three NUM _005195630 55 46 can can AUX _005195630 55 47 equally equally ADV _005195630 55 48 be be AUX _005195630 55 49 predicated predicate VERB _005195630 55 50 of of ADP _005195630 55 51 the the DET _005195630 55 52 incommunicable incommunicable ADJ _005195630 55 53 god god PROPN _005195630 55 54 . . PUNCT _005195630 56 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 56 2 i i PRON _005195630 56 3 am be AUX _005195630 56 4 going go VERB _005195630 56 5 to to PART _005195630 56 6 take take VERB _005195630 56 7 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 56 8 myself myself PRON _005195630 56 9 the the DET _005195630 56 10 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005195630 56 11 of of ADP _005195630 56 12 more more ADJ _005195630 56 13 than than ADP _005195630 56 14 the the DET _005195630 56 15 mere mere ADJ _005195630 56 16 creed creed NOUN _005195630 56 17 of of ADP _005195630 56 18 the the DET _005195630 56 19 church church NOUN _005195630 56 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 56 21 as as SCONJ _005195630 56 22 the the DET _005195630 56 23 parties party NOUN _005195630 56 24 accusing accuse VERB _005195630 56 25 me i PRON _005195630 56 26 are be AUX _005195630 56 27 determined determined ADJ _005195630 56 28 i i PRON _005195630 56 29 shall shall AUX _005195630 56 30 do do VERB _005195630 56 31 . . PUNCT _005195630 57 1 they they PRON _005195630 57 2 say say VERB _005195630 57 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 4 that that SCONJ _005195630 57 5 now now ADV _005195630 57 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 7 in in SCONJ _005195630 57 8 that that SCONJ _005195630 57 9 i i PRON _005195630 57 10 am be AUX _005195630 57 11 a a DET _005195630 57 12 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 57 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 14 though though SCONJ _005195630 57 15 i i PRON _005195630 57 16 may may AUX _005195630 57 17 not not PART _005195630 57 18 have have VERB _005195630 57 19 offences offence NOUN _005195630 57 20 of of ADP _005195630 57 21 my my PRON _005195630 57 22 own own ADJ _005195630 57 23 against against ADP _005195630 57 24 honesty honesty NOUN _005195630 57 25 to to PART _005195630 57 26 answer answer VERB _005195630 57 27 for for ADP _005195630 57 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 29 ye ye NOUN _005195630 57 30 - - NOUN _005195630 57 31 t t NOUN _005195630 57 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 33 at at ADP _005195630 57 34 least least ADJ _005195630 57 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 36 i i PRON _005195630 57 37 am be AUX _005195630 57 38 answerable answerable ADJ _005195630 57 39 for for ADP _005195630 57 40 the the DET _005195630 57 41 offences offence NOUN _005195630 57 42 of of ADP _005195630 57 43 others other NOUN _005195630 57 44 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 45 of of ADP _005195630 57 46 my my PRON _005195630 57 47 co co NOUN _005195630 57 48 - - NOUN _005195630 57 49 religionists religionist NOUN _005195630 57 50 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 51 of of ADP _005195630 57 52 my my PRON _005195630 57 53 brother brother NOUN _005195630 57 54 priests priest NOUN _005195630 57 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 57 56 of of ADP _005195630 57 57 the the DET _005195630 57 58 church church NOUN _005195630 57 59 herself herself PRON _005195630 57 60 . . PUNCT _005195630 58 1 i i PRON _005195630 58 2 am be AUX _005195630 58 3 quite quite ADV _005195630 58 4 willing willing ADJ _005195630 58 5 to to PART _005195630 58 6 accept accept VERB _005195630 58 7 the the DET _005195630 58 8 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005195630 58 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 58 10 and and CCONJ _005195630 58 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 12 as as SCONJ _005195630 58 13 i i PRON _005195630 58 14 have have AUX _005195630 58 15 been be AUX _005195630 58 16 able able ADJ _005195630 58 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 18 as as SCONJ _005195630 58 19 i i PRON _005195630 58 20 trust trust VERB _005195630 58 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 22 by by ADP _005195630 58 23 means mean NOUN _005195630 58 24 of of ADP _005195630 58 25 a a DET _005195630 58 26 few few ADJ _005195630 58 27 words word NOUN _005195630 58 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 29 to to PART _005195630 58 30 dissipate dissipate VERB _005195630 58 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 32 in in ADP _005195630 58 33 the the DET _005195630 58 34 minds mind NOUN _005195630 58 35 of of ADP _005195630 58 36 all all DET _005195630 58 37 those those PRON _005195630 58 38 who who PRON _005195630 58 39 do do AUX _005195630 58 40 not not PART _005195630 58 41 begin begin VERB _005195630 58 42 4 4 NUM _005195630 58 43 my my PRON _005195630 58 44 mind mind NOUN _005195630 58 45 as as ADP _005195630 58 46 a a DET _005195630 58 47 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 58 48 with with ADP _005195630 58 49 disbelieving disbelieve VERB _005195630 58 50 me i PRON _005195630 58 51 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 52 the the DET _005195630 58 53 suspicion suspicion NOUN _005195630 58 54 with with ADP _005195630 58 55 which which PRON _005195630 58 56 so so ADV _005195630 58 57 many many ADJ _005195630 58 58 protestants protestant NOUN _005195630 58 59 start start VERB _005195630 58 60 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 61 in in ADP _005195630 58 62 forming form VERB _005195630 58 63 their their PRON _005195630 58 64 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 58 65 of of ADP _005195630 58 66 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 58 67 , , PUNCT _005195630 58 68 viz viz PROPN _005195630 58 69 . . PUNCT _005195630 59 1 that that SCONJ _005195630 59 2 our our PRON _005195630 59 3 creed creed NOUN _005195630 59 4 is be AUX _005195630 59 5 actually actually ADV _005195630 59 6 set set VERB _005195630 59 7 up up ADP _005195630 59 8 in in ADP _005195630 59 9 inevitable inevitable ADJ _005195630 59 10 superstition superstition NOUN _005195630 59 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 59 12 hypocrisy hypocrisy NOUN _005195630 59 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 59 14 as as ADP _005195630 59 15 the the DET _005195630 59 16 original original ADJ _005195630 59 17 sin sin NOUN _005195630 59 18 of of ADP _005195630 59 19 catholicism catholicism NOUN _005195630 59 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 59 21 so so CCONJ _005195630 59 22 now now ADV _005195630 59 23 i i PRON _005195630 59 24 will will AUX _005195630 59 25 proceed proceed VERB _005195630 59 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 59 27 as as ADP _005195630 59 28 before before ADV _005195630 59 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 59 30 identifying identify VERB _005195630 59 31 myself myself PRON _005195630 59 32 with with ADP _005195630 59 33 the the DET _005195630 59 34 church church NOUN _005195630 59 35 and and CCONJ _005195630 59 36 vindicating vindicating NOUN _005195630 59 37 it,—not it,—not NOUN _005195630 59 38 of of ADP _005195630 59 39 course course NOUN _005195630 59 40 denying deny VERB _005195630 59 41 the the DET _005195630 59 42 enormous enormous ADJ _005195630 59 43 mass mass NOUN _005195630 59 44 of of ADP _005195630 59 45 sin sin NOUN _005195630 59 46 and and CCONJ _005195630 59 47 error error NOUN _005195630 59 48 which which PRON _005195630 59 49 exists exist VERB _005195630 59 50 of of ADP _005195630 59 51 necessity necessity NOUN _005195630 59 52 in in ADP _005195630 59 53 that that DET _005195630 59 54 world world NOUN _005195630 59 55 - - PUNCT _005195630 59 56 wide wide ADJ _005195630 59 57 multiform multiform NOUN _005195630 59 58 communion,—but communion,—but NOUN _005195630 59 59 going go VERB _005195630 59 60 to to ADP _005195630 59 61 the the DET _005195630 59 62 proof proof NOUN _005195630 59 63 of of ADP _005195630 59 64 this this DET _005195630 59 65 one one NUM _005195630 59 66 point point NOUN _005195630 59 67 , , PUNCT _005195630 59 68 that that SCONJ _005195630 59 69 its its PRON _005195630 59 70 system system NOUN _005195630 59 71 is be AUX _005195630 59 72 in in ADP _005195630 59 73 no no DET _005195630 59 74 sense sense NOUN _005195630 59 75 dishonest dishonest ADJ _005195630 59 76 , , PUNCT _005195630 59 77 and and CCONJ _005195630 59 78 that that SCONJ _005195630 59 79 therefore therefore ADV _005195630 59 80 the the DET _005195630 59 81 upholders upholder NOUN _005195630 59 82 and and CCONJ _005195630 59 83 teachers teacher NOUN _005195630 59 84 of of ADP _005195630 59 85 that that DET _005195630 59 86 system system NOUN _005195630 59 87 , , PUNCT _005195630 59 88 as as ADP _005195630 59 89 such such ADJ _005195630 59 90 , , PUNCT _005195630 59 91 have have VERB _005195630 59 92 a a DET _005195630 59 93 claim claim NOUN _005195630 59 94 to to PART _005195630 59 95 be be AUX _005195630 59 96 acquitted acquit VERB _005195630 59 97 in in ADP _005195630 59 98 their their PRON _005195630 59 99 own own ADJ _005195630 59 100 persons person NOUN _005195630 59 101 of of ADP _005195630 59 102 that that DET _005195630 59 103 odious odious ADJ _005195630 59 104 imputation imputation NOUN _005195630 59 105 . . PUNCT _005195630 60 1 starting start VERB _005195630 60 2 then then ADV _005195630 60 3 with with ADP _005195630 60 4 the the DET _005195630 60 5 being being NOUN _005195630 60 6 of of ADP _005195630 60 7 a a DET _005195630 60 8 god god PROPN _005195630 60 9 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 60 10 which which PRON _005195630 60 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 60 12 as as SCONJ _005195630 60 13 i i PRON _005195630 60 14 have have AUX _005195630 60 15 said say VERB _005195630 60 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 60 17 is be AUX _005195630 60 18 as as ADV _005195630 60 19 certain certain ADJ _005195630 60 20 to to ADP _005195630 60 21 me i PRON _005195630 60 22 as as ADP _005195630 60 23 the the DET _005195630 60 24 certainty certainty NOUN _005195630 60 25 of of ADP _005195630 60 26 my my PRON _005195630 60 27 own own ADJ _005195630 60 28 existence existence NOUN _005195630 60 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 60 30 though though SCONJ _005195630 60 31 when when SCONJ _005195630 60 32 i i PRON _005195630 60 33 try try VERB _005195630 60 34 to to PART _005195630 60 35 put put VERB _005195630 60 36 the the DET _005195630 60 37 grounds ground NOUN _005195630 60 38 of of ADP _005195630 60 39 that that DET _005195630 60 40 certainty certainty NOUN _005195630 60 41 into into ADP _005195630 60 42 logical logical ADJ _005195630 60 43 shape shape NOUN _005195630 60 44 i i PRON _005195630 60 45 find find VERB _005195630 60 46 a a DET _005195630 60 47 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 60 48 in in ADP _005195630 60 49 doing do VERB _005195630 60 50 so so ADV _005195630 60 51 in in ADP _005195630 60 52 mood mood NOUN _005195630 60 53 and and CCONJ _005195630 60 54 figure figure VERB _005195630 60 55 to to ADP _005195630 60 56 my my PRON _005195630 60 57 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _005195630 60 58 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 60 59 , , PUNCT _005195630 60 60 i i PRON _005195630 60 61 look look VERB _005195630 60 62 out out ADP _005195630 60 63 of of ADP _005195630 60 64 myself myself PRON _005195630 60 65 into into ADP _005195630 60 66 the the DET _005195630 60 67 world world NOUN _005195630 60 68 of of ADP _005195630 60 69 men man NOUN _005195630 60 70 , , PUNCT _005195630 60 71 and and CCONJ _005195630 60 72 there there ADV _005195630 60 73 i i PRON _005195630 60 74 see see VERB _005195630 60 75 a a DET _005195630 60 76 sight sight NOUN _005195630 60 77 which which PRON _005195630 60 78 fills fill VERB _005195630 60 79 me i PRON _005195630 60 80 with with ADP _005195630 60 81 unspeakable unspeakable ADJ _005195630 60 82 distress distress NOUN _005195630 60 83 . . PUNCT _005195630 61 1 the the DET _005195630 61 2 world world NOUN _005195630 61 3 seems seem VERB _005195630 61 4 simply simply ADV _005195630 61 5 to to PART _005195630 61 6 give give VERB _005195630 61 7 the the DET _005195630 61 8 lie lie NOUN _005195630 61 9 to to ADP _005195630 61 10 that that DET _005195630 61 11 great great ADJ _005195630 61 12 truth truth NOUN _005195630 61 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 61 14 of of ADP _005195630 61 15 which which PRON _005195630 61 16 my my PRON _005195630 61 17 whole whole ADJ _005195630 61 18 being being NOUN _005195630 61 19 is be AUX _005195630 61 20 so so ADV _005195630 61 21 full full ADJ _005195630 61 22 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 61 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 61 24 the the DET _005195630 61 25 effect effect NOUN _005195630 61 26 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 61 27 me i PRON _005195630 61 28 is be AUX _005195630 61 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 61 30 in in ADP _005195630 61 31 consequence consequence NOUN _005195630 61 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 61 33 as as ADP _005195630 61 34 a a DET _005195630 61 35 matter matter NOUN _005195630 61 36 of of ADP _005195630 61 37 necessity necessity NOUN _005195630 61 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 61 39 as as ADV _005195630 61 40 confusing confusing ADJ _005195630 61 41 as as SCONJ _005195630 61 42 if if SCONJ _005195630 61 43 it it PRON _005195630 61 44 denied deny VERB _005195630 61 45 that that SCONJ _005195630 61 46 i i PRON _005195630 61 47 am be AUX _005195630 61 48 in in ADP _005195630 61 49 existence existence NOUN _005195630 61 50 myself myself PRON _005195630 61 51 . . PUNCT _005195630 62 1 if if SCONJ _005195630 62 2 i i PRON _005195630 62 3 looked look VERB _005195630 62 4 into into ADP _005195630 62 5 a a DET _005195630 62 6 mirror mirror NOUN _005195630 62 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 62 8 and and CCONJ _005195630 62 9 did do AUX _005195630 62 10 not not PART _005195630 62 11 see see VERB _005195630 62 12 my my PRON _005195630 62 13 face face NOUN _005195630 62 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 62 15 i i PRON _005195630 62 16 should should AUX _005195630 62 17 have have VERB _005195630 62 18 the the DET _005195630 62 19 sort sort NOUN _005195630 62 20 of of ADP _005195630 62 21 feeling feeling NOUN _005195630 62 22 which which PRON _005195630 62 23 actually actually ADV _005195630 62 24 comes come VERB _005195630 62 25 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 62 26 me i PRON _005195630 62 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 62 28 when when SCONJ _005195630 62 29 i i PRON _005195630 62 30 look look VERB _005195630 62 31 into into ADP _005195630 62 32 this this DET _005195630 62 33 living live VERB _005195630 62 34 busy busy ADJ _005195630 62 35 world world NOUN _005195630 62 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 62 37 and and CCONJ _005195630 62 38 see see VERB _005195630 62 39 no.reflexion no.reflexion NUM _005195630 62 40 of of ADP _005195630 62 41 its its PRON _005195630 62 42 creator creator NOUN _005195630 62 43 . . PUNCT _005195630 63 1 this this PRON _005195630 63 2 is be AUX _005195630 63 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 63 4 to to ADP _005195630 63 5 me i PRON _005195630 63 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 63 7 one one NUM _005195630 63 8 of of ADP _005195630 63 9 those those DET _005195630 63 10 great great ADJ _005195630 63 11 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 63 12 of of ADP _005195630 63 13 this this DET _005195630 63 14 absolute absolute ADJ _005195630 63 15 primary primary ADJ _005195630 63 16 truth truth NOUN _005195630 63 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 63 18 to to PART _005195630 63 19 which which PRON _005195630 63 20 i i PRON _005195630 63 21 referred refer VERB _005195630 63 22 just just ADV _005195630 63 23 now now ADV _005195630 63 24 . . PUNCT _005195630 64 1 were be AUX _005195630 64 2 it it PRON _005195630 64 3 not not PART _005195630 64 4 lor lor VERB _005195630 64 5 this this DET _005195630 64 6 voice voice NOUN _005195630 64 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 64 8 speaking speak VERB _005195630 64 9 so so ADV _005195630 64 10 dearly dearly ADV _005195630 64 11 in in ADP _005195630 64 12 my my PRON _005195630 64 13 conscience conscience NOUN _005195630 64 14 and and CCONJ _005195630 64 15 my my PRON _005195630 64 16 heart heart NOUN _005195630 64 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 64 18 i i PRON _005195630 64 19 should should AUX _005195630 64 20 be be AUX _005195630 64 21 an an DET _005195630 64 22 atheist atheist NOUN _005195630 64 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 64 24 or or CCONJ _005195630 64 25 a a DET _005195630 64 26 pantheist pantheist NOUN _005195630 64 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 64 28 or or CCONJ _005195630 64 29 a a DET _005195630 64 30 polytheist polytheist NOUN _005195630 64 31 when when SCONJ _005195630 64 32 i i PRON _005195630 64 33 looked look VERB _005195630 64 34 into into ADP _005195630 64 35 the the DET _005195630 64 36 world world NOUN _005195630 64 37 . . PUNCT _005195630 65 1 i i PRON _005195630 65 2 am be AUX _005195630 65 3 speaking speak VERB _005195630 65 4 for for ADP _005195630 65 5 myself myself PRON _005195630 65 6 only only ADV _005195630 65 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 65 8 and and CCONJ _005195630 65 9 i i PRON _005195630 65 10 am be AUX _005195630 65 11 far far ADV _005195630 65 12 from from ADP _005195630 65 13 denying deny VERB _005195630 65 14 the the DET _005195630 65 15 real real ADJ _005195630 65 16 force force NOUN _005195630 65 17 of of ADP _005195630 65 18 the the DET _005195630 65 19 arguments argument NOUN _005195630 65 20 in in ADP _005195630 65 21 proof proof NOUN _005195630 65 22 of of ADP _005195630 65 23 a a DET _005195630 65 24 god god PROPN _005195630 65 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 65 26 drawn draw VERB _005195630 65 27 from from ADP _005195630 65 28 the the DET _005195630 65 29 general general ADJ _005195630 65 30 facts fact NOUN _005195630 65 31 of of ADP _005195630 65 32 human human ADJ _005195630 65 33 society society NOUN _005195630 65 34 and and CCONJ _005195630 65 35 the the DET _005195630 65 36 course course NOUN _005195630 65 37 of of ADP _005195630 65 38 history history NOUN _005195630 65 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 65 40 but but CCONJ _005195630 65 41 these these PRON _005195630 65 42 do do AUX _005195630 65 43 not not PART _005195630 65 44 warm warm VERB _005195630 65 45 me i PRON _005195630 65 46 or or CCONJ _005195630 65 47 enlighten enlighten VERB _005195630 65 48 me i PRON _005195630 65 49 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 65 50 they they PRON _005195630 65 51 do do AUX _005195630 65 52 not not PART _005195630 65 53 take take VERB _005195630 65 54 away away ADV _005195630 65 55 the the DET _005195630 65 56 winter winter NOUN _005195630 65 57 of of ADP _005195630 65 58 my my PRON _005195630 65 59 desolation desolation NOUN _005195630 65 60 , , PUNCT _005195630 65 61 or or CCONJ _005195630 65 62 make make VERB _005195630 65 63 the the DET _005195630 65 64 buds bud NOUN _005195630 65 65 unfold unfold VERB _005195630 65 66 and and CCONJ _005195630 65 67 the the DET _005195630 65 68 leaves leave NOUN _005195630 65 69 grow grow VERB _005195630 65 70 within within ADP _005195630 65 71 me i PRON _005195630 65 72 , , PUNCT _005195630 65 73 and and CCONJ _005195630 65 74 my my PRON _005195630 65 75 moral moral ADJ _005195630 65 76 being being NOUN _005195630 65 77 rejoice rejoice ADJ _005195630 65 78 . . PUNCT _005195630 66 1 the the DET _005195630 66 2 sight sight NOUN _005195630 66 3 of of ADP _005195630 66 4 the the DET _005195630 66 5 world world NOUN _005195630 66 6 is be AUX _005195630 66 7 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 66 8 else else ADV _005195630 66 9 than than ADP _005195630 66 10 the the DET _005195630 66 11 prophet prophet NOUN _005195630 66 12 's 's PART _005195630 66 13 scroll scroll NOUN _005195630 66 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 15 full full ADJ _005195630 66 16 of of ADP _005195630 66 17 “ " PUNCT _005195630 66 18 lamentations lamentation NOUN _005195630 66 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 21 mourning mourning NOUN _005195630 66 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 24 woe woe NOUN _005195630 66 25 . . PUNCT _005195630 66 26 " " PUNCT _005195630 66 27 to to PART _005195630 66 28 consider consider VERB _005195630 66 29 the the DET _005195630 66 30 world world NOUN _005195630 66 31 in in ADP _005195630 66 32 its its PRON _005195630 66 33 length length NOUN _005195630 66 34 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 35 breadth breadth NOUN _005195630 66 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 37 its its PRON _005195630 66 38 my my PRON _005195630 66 39 mind mind NOUN _005195630 66 40 as as ADP _005195630 66 41 a a DET _005195630 66 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 66 43 5 5 NUM _005195630 66 44 various various ADJ _005195630 66 45 history history NOUN _005195630 66 46 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 47 the the DET _005195630 66 48 many many ADJ _005195630 66 49 races race NOUN _005195630 66 50 of of ADP _005195630 66 51 man man NOUN _005195630 66 52 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 53 their their PRON _005195630 66 54 starts start NOUN _005195630 66 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 56 their their PRON _005195630 66 57 fortunes fortune NOUN _005195630 66 58 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 59 their their PRON _005195630 66 60 mutual mutual ADJ _005195630 66 61 alienation alienation NOUN _005195630 66 62 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 63 their their PRON _005195630 66 64 conflicts conflict NOUN _005195630 66 65 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 66 66 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 67 then then ADV _005195630 66 68 their their PRON _005195630 66 69 ways way NOUN _005195630 66 70 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 71 habits habit NOUN _005195630 66 72 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 73 governments government NOUN _005195630 66 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 75 forms form NOUN _005195630 66 76 of of ADP _005195630 66 77 worship worship NOUN _005195630 66 78 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 66 79 their their PRON _005195630 66 80 enterprises enterprise NOUN _005195630 66 81 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 82 their their PRON _005195630 66 83 aimless aimless ADJ _005195630 66 84 courses course NOUN _005195630 66 85 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 86 their their PRON _005195630 66 87 random random ADJ _005195630 66 88 achievements achievement NOUN _005195630 66 89 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 90 acquirements acquirement NOUN _005195630 66 91 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 92 the the DET _005195630 66 93 impotent impotent ADJ _005195630 66 94 conclusion conclusion NOUN _005195630 66 95 of of ADP _005195630 66 96 long long ADV _005195630 66 97 - - PUNCT _005195630 66 98 standing stand VERB _005195630 66 99 facts fact NOUN _005195630 66 100 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 101 the the DET _005195630 66 102 tokens token NOUN _005195630 66 103 so so ADV _005195630 66 104 faint faint ADJ _005195630 66 105 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 106 broken break VERB _005195630 66 107 of of ADP _005195630 66 108 a a DET _005195630 66 109 superintending superintend VERB _005195630 66 110 design design NOUN _005195630 66 111 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 112 the the DET _005195630 66 113 blind blind ADJ _005195630 66 114 evolution evolution NOUN _005195630 66 115 of of ADP _005195630 66 116 what what PRON _005195630 66 117 turn turn VERB _005195630 66 118 out out ADP _005195630 66 119 to to PART _005195630 66 120 be be AUX _005195630 66 121 great great ADJ _005195630 66 122 powers power NOUN _005195630 66 123 or or CCONJ _005195630 66 124 truths truth NOUN _005195630 66 125 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 126 the the DET _005195630 66 127 progress progress NOUN _005195630 66 128 of of ADP _005195630 66 129 things thing NOUN _005195630 66 130 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 131 as as SCONJ _005195630 66 132 if if SCONJ _005195630 66 133 from from ADP _005195630 66 134 unreasoning unreasone VERB _005195630 66 135 elements element NOUN _005195630 66 136 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 137 not not PART _005195630 66 138 towards towards ADP _005195630 66 139 final final ADJ _005195630 66 140 causes cause NOUN _005195630 66 141 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 142 the the DET _005195630 66 143 greatness greatness NOUN _005195630 66 144 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 145 littleness littleness ADJ _005195630 66 146 of of ADP _005195630 66 147 man man NOUN _005195630 66 148 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 149 his his PRON _005195630 66 150 far far ADV _005195630 66 151 - - PUNCT _005195630 66 152 reaching reach VERB _005195630 66 153 aims aim NOUN _005195630 66 154 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 155 his his PRON _005195630 66 156 short short ADJ _005195630 66 157 duration duration NOUN _005195630 66 158 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 159 the the DET _005195630 66 160 curtain curtain NOUN _005195630 66 161 hung hang VERB _005195630 66 162 over over ADP _005195630 66 163 his his PRON _005195630 66 164 futurity futurity NOUN _005195630 66 165 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 166 the the DET _005195630 66 167 disappointments disappointment NOUN _005195630 66 168 of of ADP _005195630 66 169 life life NOUN _005195630 66 170 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 171 the the DET _005195630 66 172 defeat defeat NOUN _005195630 66 173 of of ADP _005195630 66 174 good good ADJ _005195630 66 175 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 176 the the DET _005195630 66 177 success success NOUN _005195630 66 178 of of ADP _005195630 66 179 evil evil ADJ _005195630 66 180 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 181 physical physical ADJ _005195630 66 182 pain pain NOUN _005195630 66 183 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 184 mental mental ADJ _005195630 66 185 anguish anguish NOUN _005195630 66 186 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 187 the the DET _005195630 66 188 prevalence prevalence NOUN _005195630 66 189 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 190 intensity intensity NOUN _005195630 66 191 of of ADP _005195630 66 192 sin sin NOUN _005195630 66 193 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 194 the the DET _005195630 66 195 pervading pervade VERB _005195630 66 196 idolatries idolatry NOUN _005195630 66 197 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 198 the the DET _005195630 66 199 corruptions corruption NOUN _005195630 66 200 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 201 the the DET _005195630 66 202 dreary dreary ADJ _005195630 66 203 hopeless hopeless ADJ _005195630 66 204 irreligion irreligion NOUN _005195630 66 205 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 206 that that DET _005195630 66 207 condition condition NOUN _005195630 66 208 of of ADP _005195630 66 209 the the DET _005195630 66 210 whole whole ADJ _005195630 66 211 race race NOUN _005195630 66 212 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 213 so so ADV _005195630 66 214 fearfully fearfully ADV _005195630 66 215 yet yet ADV _005195630 66 216 exactly exactly ADV _005195630 66 217 described describe VERB _005195630 66 218 in in ADP _005195630 66 219 the the DET _005195630 66 220 apostle apostle NOUN _005195630 66 221 's 's PART _005195630 66 222 words word NOUN _005195630 66 223 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 224 “ " PUNCT _005195630 66 225 having have VERB _005195630 66 226 no no DET _005195630 66 227 hope hope NOUN _005195630 66 228 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 229 without without ADP _005195630 66 230 god god PROPN _005195630 66 231 in in ADP _005195630 66 232 the the DET _005195630 66 233 world world NOUN _005195630 66 234 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 235 " " PUNCT _005195630 66 236 — — PUNCT _005195630 66 237 all all DET _005195630 66 238 this this PRON _005195630 66 239 is be AUX _005195630 66 240 a a DET _005195630 66 241 vision vision NOUN _005195630 66 242 to to ADP _005195630 66 243 dizzy dizzy ADJ _005195630 66 244 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 245 appal appal NOUN _005195630 66 246 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 66 247 and and CCONJ _005195630 66 248 inflicts inflict VERB _005195630 66 249 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 66 250 the the DET _005195630 66 251 mind mind NOUN _005195630 66 252 the the DET _005195630 66 253 sense sense NOUN _005195630 66 254 of of ADP _005195630 66 255 a a DET _005195630 66 256 profound profound ADJ _005195630 66 257 mystery mystery NOUN _005195630 66 258 , , PUNCT _005195630 66 259 which which PRON _005195630 66 260 is be AUX _005195630 66 261 absolutely absolutely ADV _005195630 66 262 beyond beyond ADP _005195630 66 263 human human ADJ _005195630 66 264 solution solution NOUN _005195630 66 265 . . PUNCT _005195630 67 1 what what PRON _005195630 67 2 shall shall AUX _005195630 67 3 be be AUX _005195630 67 4 said say VERB _005195630 67 5 to to ADP _005195630 67 6 this this DET _005195630 67 7 heart heart NOUN _005195630 67 8 - - PUNCT _005195630 67 9 piercing pierce VERB _005195630 67 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 67 11 reason reason NOUN _005195630 67 12 - - PUNCT _005195630 67 13 bewildering bewilder VERB _005195630 67 14 fact fact NOUN _005195630 67 15 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 68 1 i i PRON _005195630 68 2 can can AUX _005195630 68 3 only only ADV _005195630 68 4 answer answer VERB _005195630 68 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 68 6 that that SCONJ _005195630 68 7 either either CCONJ _005195630 68 8 there there PRON _005195630 68 9 is be VERB _005195630 68 10 no no DET _005195630 68 11 creator creator NOUN _005195630 68 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 68 13 or or CCONJ _005195630 68 14 this this DET _005195630 68 15 living live VERB _005195630 68 16 society society NOUN _005195630 68 17 of of ADP _005195630 68 18 men man NOUN _005195630 68 19 is be AUX _005195630 68 20 in in ADP _005195630 68 21 a a DET _005195630 68 22 true true ADJ _005195630 68 23 sense sense NOUN _005195630 68 24 discarded discard VERB _005195630 68 25 from from ADP _005195630 68 26 his his PRON _005195630 68 27 presence presence NOUN _005195630 68 28 . . PUNCT _005195630 69 1 did do AUX _005195630 69 2 i i PRON _005195630 69 3 see see VERB _005195630 69 4 a a DET _005195630 69 5 boy boy NOUN _005195630 69 6 of of ADP _005195630 69 7 good good ADJ _005195630 69 8 make make NOUN _005195630 69 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 69 10 mind mind NOUN _005195630 69 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 12 with with ADP _005195630 69 13 the the DET _005195630 69 14 tokens token NOUN _005195630 69 15 on on ADP _005195630 69 16 him he PRON _005195630 69 17 of of ADP _005195630 69 18 a a DET _005195630 69 19 refined refined ADJ _005195630 69 20 nature nature NOUN _005195630 69 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 22 cast cast VERB _005195630 69 23 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 69 24 the the DET _005195630 69 25 world world NOUN _005195630 69 26 without without ADP _005195630 69 27 provision provision NOUN _005195630 69 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 29 unable unable ADJ _005195630 69 30 to to PART _005195630 69 31 say say VERB _005195630 69 32 whence whence ADP _005195630 69 33 he he PRON _005195630 69 34 came come VERB _005195630 69 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 36 his his PRON _005195630 69 37 birthplace birthplace NOUN _005195630 69 38 or or CCONJ _005195630 69 39 his his PRON _005195630 69 40 family family NOUN _005195630 69 41 connexions connexion NOUN _005195630 69 42 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 43 i i PRON _005195630 69 44 should should AUX _005195630 69 45 conclude conclude VERB _005195630 69 46 that that SCONJ _005195630 69 47 there there PRON _005195630 69 48 was be VERB _005195630 69 49 some some DET _005195630 69 50 mystery mystery NOUN _005195630 69 51 connected connect VERB _005195630 69 52 with with ADP _005195630 69 53 his his PRON _005195630 69 54 history history NOUN _005195630 69 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 56 and and CCONJ _005195630 69 57 that that SCONJ _005195630 69 58 he he PRON _005195630 69 59 was be AUX _005195630 69 60 one one NUM _005195630 69 61 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 62 of of ADP _005195630 69 63 whom whom PRON _005195630 69 64 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 65 from from ADP _005195630 69 66 one one NUM _005195630 69 67 cause cause NOUN _005195630 69 68 or or CCONJ _005195630 69 69 other other ADJ _005195630 69 70 , , PUNCT _005195630 69 71 his his PRON _005195630 69 72 parents parent NOUN _005195630 69 73 were be AUX _005195630 69 74 ashamed ashamed ADJ _005195630 69 75 . . PUNCT _005195630 70 1 thus thus ADV _005195630 70 2 only only ADV _005195630 70 3 should should AUX _005195630 70 4 i i PRON _005195630 70 5 be be AUX _005195630 70 6 able able ADJ _005195630 70 7 to to PART _005195630 70 8 account account VERB _005195630 70 9 for for ADP _005195630 70 10 the the DET _005195630 70 11 contrast contrast NOUN _005195630 70 12 between between ADP _005195630 70 13 the the DET _005195630 70 14 promise promise NOUN _005195630 70 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 70 16 the the DET _005195630 70 17 condition condition NOUN _005195630 70 18 of of ADP _005195630 70 19 his his PRON _005195630 70 20 being being NOUN _005195630 70 21 . . PUNCT _005195630 71 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 71 2 so so ADV _005195630 71 3 i i PRON _005195630 71 4 argue argue VERB _005195630 71 5 about about ADP _005195630 71 6 the the DET _005195630 71 7 world world NOUN _005195630 71 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 71 9 — — PUNCT _005195630 71 10 if if SCONJ _005195630 71 11 there there PRON _005195630 71 12 be be VERB _005195630 71 13 a a DET _005195630 71 14 god god PROPN _005195630 71 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 71 16 since since SCONJ _005195630 71 17 there there PRON _005195630 71 18 is be VERB _005195630 71 19 a a DET _005195630 71 20 god god PROPN _005195630 71 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 71 22 the the DET _005195630 71 23 human human ADJ _005195630 71 24 race race NOUN _005195630 71 25 is be AUX _005195630 71 26 implicated implicate VERB _005195630 71 27 in in ADP _005195630 71 28 some some DET _005195630 71 29 terrible terrible ADJ _005195630 71 30 aboriginal aboriginal ADJ _005195630 71 31 calamity calamity NOUN _005195630 71 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 72 1 it it PRON _005195630 72 2 is be AUX _005195630 72 3 out out ADP _005195630 72 4 of of ADP _005195630 72 5 joint joint NOUN _005195630 72 6 with with ADP _005195630 72 7 the the DET _005195630 72 8 purposes purpose NOUN _005195630 72 9 of of ADP _005195630 72 10 its its PRON _005195630 72 11 creator creator NOUN _005195630 72 12 . . PUNCT _005195630 73 1 this this PRON _005195630 73 2 is be AUX _005195630 73 3 a a DET _005195630 73 4 fact fact NOUN _005195630 73 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 73 6 a a DET _005195630 73 7 fact fact NOUN _005195630 73 8 as as ADV _005195630 73 9 true true ADJ _005195630 73 10 as as ADP _005195630 73 11 the the DET _005195630 73 12 fact fact NOUN _005195630 73 13 of of ADP _005195630 73 14 its its PRON _005195630 73 15 existence existence NOUN _005195630 73 16 and and CCONJ _005195630 73 17 thus thus ADV _005195630 73 18 the the DET _005195630 73 19 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 73 20 of of ADP _005195630 73 21 what what PRON _005195630 73 22 is be AUX _005195630 73 23 theologically theologically ADV _005195630 73 24 called call VERB _005195630 73 25 original original ADJ _005195630 73 26 sin sin NOUN _005195630 73 27 becomes become VERB _005195630 73 28 to to ADP _005195630 73 29 me i PRON _005195630 73 30 almost almost ADV _005195630 73 31 as as ADV _005195630 73 32 certain certain ADJ _005195630 73 33 a a NOUN _005195630 73 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 73 35 s s VERB _005195630 73 36 that that SCONJ _005195630 73 37 the the DET _005195630 73 38 world world NOUN _005195630 73 39 exists exist VERB _005195630 73 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 73 41 and and CCONJ _005195630 73 42 as as ADP _005195630 73 43 the the DET _005195630 73 44 existence existence NOUN _005195630 73 45 of of ADP _005195630 73 46 god god PROPN _005195630 73 47 . . PUNCT _005195630 74 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 74 2 now now ADV _005195630 74 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 74 4 supposing suppose VERB _005195630 74 5 it it PRON _005195630 74 6 were be AUX _005195630 74 7 the the DET _005195630 74 8 blessed blessed ADJ _005195630 74 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 74 10 loving love VERB _005195630 74 11 will will NOUN _005195630 74 12 of of ADP _005195630 74 13 the the DET _005195630 74 14 creator creator NOUN _005195630 74 15 to to PART _005195630 74 16 interfere interfere VERB _005195630 74 17 in in ADP _005195630 74 18 this this DET _005195630 74 19 anarchical anarchical ADJ _005195630 74 20 condition condition NOUN _005195630 74 21 of of ADP _005195630 74 22 6 6 NUM _005195630 74 23 my my PRON _005195630 74 24 mind mind NOUN _005195630 74 25 as as ADP _005195630 74 26 a a DET _005195630 74 27 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 74 28 things thing NOUN _005195630 74 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 74 30 what what PRON _005195630 74 31 are be AUX _005195630 74 32 we we PRON _005195630 74 33 to to PART _005195630 74 34 suppose suppose VERB _005195630 74 35 would would AUX _005195630 74 36 be be AUX _005195630 74 37 the the DET _005195630 74 38 methods method NOUN _005195630 74 39 which which PRON _005195630 74 40 might might AUX _005195630 74 41 be be AUX _005195630 74 42 necessarily necessarily ADV _005195630 74 43 or or CCONJ _005195630 74 44 naturally naturally ADV _005195630 74 45 involved involve VERB _005195630 74 46 in in ADP _005195630 74 47 his his PRON _005195630 74 48 purpose purpose NOUN _005195630 74 49 of of ADP _005195630 74 50 mercy mercy NOUN _005195630 74 51 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 75 1 since since SCONJ _005195630 75 2 the the DET _005195630 75 3 world world NOUN _005195630 75 4 is be AUX _005195630 75 5 in in ADP _005195630 75 6 so so ADV _005195630 75 7 abnormal abnormal ADJ _005195630 75 8 a a DET _005195630 75 9 state state NOUN _005195630 75 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 75 11 surely surely ADV _005195630 75 12 it it PRON _005195630 75 13 would would AUX _005195630 75 14 be be AUX _005195630 75 15 no no DET _005195630 75 16 surprise surprise NOUN _005195630 75 17 to to ADP _005195630 75 18 me i PRON _005195630 75 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 75 20 if if SCONJ _005195630 75 21 the the DET _005195630 75 22 interposition interposition NOUN _005195630 75 23 were be AUX _005195630 75 24 of of ADP _005195630 75 25 necessity necessity NOUN _005195630 75 26 equally equally ADV _005195630 75 27 extraordinary extraordinary ADJ _005195630 75 28 — — PUNCT _005195630 75 29 or or CCONJ _005195630 75 30 what what PRON _005195630 75 31 is be AUX _005195630 75 32 called call VERB _005195630 75 33 miraculous miraculous ADJ _005195630 75 34 . . PUNCT _005195630 76 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 76 2 that that DET _005195630 76 3 subject subject NOUN _005195630 76 4 does do AUX _005195630 76 5 not not PART _005195630 76 6 directly directly ADV _005195630 76 7 come come VERB _005195630 76 8 into into ADP _005195630 76 9 the the DET _005195630 76 10 scope scope NOUN _005195630 76 11 of of ADP _005195630 76 12 my my PRON _005195630 76 13 present present ADJ _005195630 76 14 remarks remark NOUN _005195630 76 15 . . PUNCT _005195630 77 1 miracles miracle NOUN _005195630 77 2 as as ADP _005195630 77 3 evidence evidence NOUN _005195630 77 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 77 5 involve involve VERB _005195630 77 6 a a DET _005195630 77 7 process process NOUN _005195630 77 8 of of ADP _005195630 77 9 reason reason NOUN _005195630 77 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 77 11 or or CCONJ _005195630 77 12 an an DET _005195630 77 13 argument argument NOUN _005195630 77 14 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 77 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 77 16 of of ADP _005195630 77 17 course course NOUN _005195630 77 18 i i PRON _005195630 77 19 am be AUX _005195630 77 20 thinking think VERB _005195630 77 21 of of ADP _005195630 77 22 some some DET _005195630 77 23 mode mode NOUN _005195630 77 24 of of ADP _005195630 77 25 interference interference NOUN _005195630 77 26 which which PRON _005195630 77 27 does do AUX _005195630 77 28 not not PART _005195630 77 29 immediately immediately ADV _005195630 77 30 run run VERB _005195630 77 31 into into ADP _005195630 77 32 argument argument NOUN _005195630 77 33 . . PUNCT _005195630 78 1 i i PRON _005195630 78 2 am be AUX _005195630 78 3 rather rather ADV _005195630 78 4 asking ask VERB _005195630 78 5 what what PRON _005195630 78 6 must must AUX _005195630 78 7 be be AUX _005195630 78 8 the the DET _005195630 78 9 face face NOUN _005195630 78 10 - - PUNCT _005195630 78 11 to to ADP _005195630 78 12 - - PUNCT _005195630 78 13 face face NOUN _005195630 78 14 antagonist antagonist NOUN _005195630 78 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 78 16 by by ADP _005195630 78 17 which which PRON _005195630 78 18 to to PART _005195630 78 19 withstand withstand VERB _005195630 78 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 78 21 baffle baffle VERB _005195630 78 22 the the DET _005195630 78 23 fierce fierce ADJ _005195630 78 24 energy energy NOUN _005195630 78 25 of of ADP _005195630 78 26 passion passion NOUN _005195630 78 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 78 28 the the DET _005195630 78 29 all all ADV _005195630 78 30 - - PUNCT _005195630 78 31 corroding corrode VERB _005195630 78 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 78 33 all all ADV _005195630 78 34 - - PUNCT _005195630 78 35 dissolving dissolve VERB _005195630 78 36 scepticism scepticism NOUN _005195630 78 37 of of ADP _005195630 78 38 the the DET _005195630 78 39 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 78 40 in in ADP _005195630 78 41 religious religious ADJ _005195630 78 42 inquiries inquiry NOUN _005195630 78 43 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 79 1 i i PRON _005195630 79 2 have have VERB _005195630 79 3 no no DET _005195630 79 4 intention intention NOUN _005195630 79 5 at at ADV _005195630 79 6 all all ADV _005195630 79 7 of of ADP _005195630 79 8 denying deny VERB _005195630 79 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 79 10 that that DET _005195630 79 11 truth truth NOUN _005195630 79 12 is be AUX _005195630 79 13 the the DET _005195630 79 14 real real ADJ _005195630 79 15 object object NOUN _005195630 79 16 of of ADP _005195630 79 17 our our PRON _005195630 79 18 reason reason NOUN _005195630 79 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 79 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 79 21 that that SCONJ _005195630 79 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 79 23 if if SCONJ _005195630 79 24 it it PRON _005195630 79 25 does do AUX _005195630 79 26 not not PART _005195630 79 27 attain attain VERB _005195630 79 28 to to ADP _005195630 79 29 truth truth NOUN _005195630 79 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 79 31 either either CCONJ _005195630 79 32 the the DET _005195630 79 33 premiss premiss NOUN _005195630 79 34 or or CCONJ _005195630 79 35 the the DET _005195630 79 36 process process NOUN _005195630 79 37 is be AUX _005195630 79 38 in in ADP _005195630 79 39 fault fault NOUN _005195630 79 40 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 79 41 but but CCONJ _005195630 79 42 i i PRON _005195630 79 43 am be AUX _005195630 79 44 not not PART _005195630 79 45 speaking speak VERB _005195630 79 46 here here ADV _005195630 79 47 of of ADP _005195630 79 48 right right ADJ _005195630 79 49 reason reason NOUN _005195630 79 50 , , PUNCT _005195630 79 51 but but CCONJ _005195630 79 52 of of ADP _005195630 79 53 reason reason NOUN _005195630 79 54 as as SCONJ _005195630 79 55 it it PRON _005195630 79 56 acts act VERB _005195630 79 57 in in ADP _005195630 79 58 fact fact NOUN _005195630 79 59 and and CCONJ _005195630 79 60 concretely concretely ADV _005195630 79 61 in in ADP _005195630 79 62 fallen fallen ADJ _005195630 79 63 man man NOUN _005195630 79 64 . . PUNCT _005195630 80 1 i i PRON _005195630 80 2 know know VERB _005195630 80 3 that that SCONJ _005195630 80 4 even even ADV _005195630 80 5 the the DET _005195630 80 6 unaided unaided ADJ _005195630 80 7 reason reason NOUN _005195630 80 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 80 9 when when SCONJ _005195630 80 10 correctly correctly ADV _005195630 80 11 exercised exercise VERB _005195630 80 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 80 13 leads lead VERB _005195630 80 14 to to ADP _005195630 80 15 a a DET _005195630 80 16 belief belief NOUN _005195630 80 17 in in ADP _005195630 80 18 god god PROPN _005195630 80 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 80 20 in in ADP _005195630 80 21 the the DET _005195630 80 22 immoitality immoitality NOUN _005195630 80 23 of of ADP _005195630 80 24 the the DET _005195630 80 25 soul soul NOUN _005195630 80 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 80 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 80 28 in in ADP _005195630 80 29 a a DET _005195630 80 30 future future ADJ _005195630 80 31 retribution retribution NOUN _005195630 80 32 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 80 33 but but CCONJ _005195630 80 34 i i PRON _005195630 80 35 am be AUX _005195630 80 36 considering consider VERB _005195630 80 37 the the DET _005195630 80 38 faculty faculty NOUN _005195630 80 39 of of ADP _005195630 80 40 reason reason NOUN _005195630 80 41 actually actually ADV _005195630 80 42 and and CCONJ _005195630 80 43 historically historically ADV _005195630 80 44 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 80 45 and and CCONJ _005195630 80 46 in in ADP _005195630 80 47 this this DET _005195630 80 48 point point NOUN _005195630 80 49 of of ADP _005195630 80 50 view view NOUN _005195630 80 51 , , PUNCT _005195630 80 52 i i PRON _005195630 80 53 do do AUX _005195630 80 54 not not PART _005195630 80 55 think think VERB _005195630 80 56 i i PRON _005195630 80 57 am be AUX _005195630 80 58 wrong wrong ADJ _005195630 80 59 in in ADP _005195630 80 60 saying say VERB _005195630 80 61 that that SCONJ _005195630 80 62 its its PRON _005195630 80 63 tendency tendency NOUN _005195630 80 64 is be AUX _005195630 80 65 towards towards ADP _005195630 80 66 a a DET _005195630 80 67 simple simple ADJ _005195630 80 68 unbelief unbelief NOUN _005195630 80 69 in in ADP _005195630 80 70 matters matter NOUN _005195630 80 71 of of ADP _005195630 80 72 religion religion NOUN _005195630 80 73 . . PUNCT _005195630 81 1 no no DET _005195630 81 2 truth truth NOUN _005195630 81 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 81 4 however however ADV _005195630 81 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005195630 81 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 81 7 can can AUX _005195630 81 8 stand stand VERB _005195630 81 9 against against ADP _005195630 81 10 it it PRON _005195630 81 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 81 12 in in ADP _005195630 81 13 the the DET _005195630 81 14 long long ADJ _005195630 81 15 run run NOUN _005195630 81 16 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 81 17 and and CCONJ _005195630 81 18 hence hence ADV _005195630 81 19 it it PRON _005195630 81 20 is be AUX _005195630 81 21 that that SCONJ _005195630 81 22 in in ADP _005195630 81 23 the the DET _005195630 81 24 pagan pagan PROPN _005195630 81 25 world world NOUN _005195630 81 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 81 27 when when SCONJ _005195630 81 28 our our PRON _005195630 81 29 lord lord PROPN _005195630 81 30 came come VERB _005195630 81 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 81 32 the the DET _005195630 81 33 last last ADJ _005195630 81 34 traces trace NOUN _005195630 81 35 of of ADP _005195630 81 36 the the DET _005195630 81 37 religious religious ADJ _005195630 81 38 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 81 39 of of ADP _005195630 81 40 former former ADJ _005195630 81 41 times time NOUN _005195630 81 42 were be AUX _005195630 81 43 all all PRON _005195630 81 44 but but CCONJ _005195630 81 45 disappearing disappear VERB _005195630 81 46 from from ADP _005195630 81 47 those those DET _005195630 81 48 portions portion NOUN _005195630 81 49 of of ADP _005195630 81 50 the the DET _005195630 81 51 world world NOUN _005195630 81 52 in in ADP _005195630 81 53 which which PRON _005195630 81 54 the the DET _005195630 81 55 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 81 56 had have AUX _005195630 81 57 been be AUX _005195630 81 58 active active ADJ _005195630 81 59 and and CCONJ _005195630 81 60 had have AUX _005195630 81 61 had have VERB _005195630 81 62 a a DET _005195630 81 63 career career NOUN _005195630 81 64 . . PUNCT _005195630 82 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 82 2 in in ADP _005195630 82 3 these these DET _005195630 82 4 latter latter ADJ _005195630 82 5 days day NOUN _005195630 82 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 82 7 in in ADP _005195630 82 8 like like ADP _005195630 82 9 manner manner NOUN _005195630 82 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 82 11 outside outside ADP _005195630 82 12 the the DET _005195630 82 13 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 82 14 church church NOUN _005195630 82 15 things thing NOUN _005195630 82 16 are be AUX _005195630 82 17 tending,—with tending,—with ADP _005195630 82 18 far far ADV _005195630 82 19 greater great ADJ _005195630 82 20 rapidity rapidity NOUN _005195630 82 21 than than ADP _005195630 82 22 in in ADP _005195630 82 23 that that DET _005195630 82 24 old old ADJ _005195630 82 25 time time NOUN _005195630 82 26 from from ADP _005195630 82 27 the the DET _005195630 82 28 circumstance circumstance NOUN _005195630 82 29 of of ADP _005195630 82 30 the the DET _005195630 82 31 age,—to age,—to PROPN _005195630 82 32 atheism atheism NOUN _005195630 82 33 in in ADP _005195630 82 34 one one NUM _005195630 82 35 shape shape NOUN _005195630 82 36 or or CCONJ _005195630 82 37 other other ADJ _005195630 82 38 . . PUNCT _005195630 83 1 what what PRON _005195630 83 2 a a DET _005195630 83 3 scene scene NOUN _005195630 83 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 83 5 what what PRON _005195630 83 6 a a DET _005195630 83 7 prospect prospect NOUN _005195630 83 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 83 9 does do AUX _005195630 83 10 the the DET _005195630 83 11 whole whole NOUN _005195630 83 12 of of ADP _005195630 83 13 europe europe PROPN _005195630 83 14 present present ADJ _005195630 83 15 at at ADP _005195630 83 16 this this DET _005195630 83 17 day day NOUN _005195630 83 18 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 84 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 84 2 not not PART _005195630 84 3 only only ADV _005195630 84 4 europe europe PROPN _005195630 84 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 84 6 but but CCONJ _005195630 84 7 every every DET _005195630 84 8 government government NOUN _005195630 84 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 84 10 every every DET _005195630 84 11 civilization civilization NOUN _005195630 84 12 through through ADP _005195630 84 13 the the DET _005195630 84 14 world world NOUN _005195630 84 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 84 16 which which PRON _005195630 84 17 is be AUX _005195630 84 18 under under ADP _005195630 84 19 the the DET _005195630 84 20 influence influence NOUN _005195630 84 21 of of ADP _005195630 84 22 the the DET _005195630 84 23 european european ADJ _005195630 84 24 mind mind NOUN _005195630 84 25 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 85 1 especially especially ADV _005195630 85 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 3 for for SCONJ _005195630 85 4 it it PRON _005195630 85 5 most most ADJ _005195630 85 6 concerns concern VERB _005195630 85 7 us we PRON _005195630 85 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 9 how how SCONJ _005195630 85 10 sorrowful sorrowful ADJ _005195630 85 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 12 in in ADP _005195630 85 13 the the DET _005195630 85 14 view view NOUN _005195630 85 15 of of ADP _005195630 85 16 religion religion NOUN _005195630 85 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 18 even even ADV _005195630 85 19 taken take VERB _005195630 85 20 in in ADP _005195630 85 21 its its PRON _005195630 85 22 most most ADV _005195630 85 23 elementary elementary ADJ _005195630 85 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 25 most most ADV _005195630 85 26 attenuated attenuated ADJ _005195630 85 27 form form NOUN _005195630 85 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 29 is be AUX _005195630 85 30 the the DET _005195630 85 31 spectacle spectacle NOUN _005195630 85 32 presented present VERB _005195630 85 33 to to ADP _005195630 85 34 us we PRON _005195630 85 35 by by ADP _005195630 85 36 the the DET _005195630 85 37 educated educate VERB _005195630 85 38 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 85 39 of of ADP _005195630 85 40 my my PRON _005195630 85 41 mind mind NOUN _005195630 85 42 as as ADP _005195630 85 43 a a DET _005195630 85 44 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 85 45 7 7 NUM _005195630 85 46 england england PROPN _005195630 85 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 48 france france PROPN _005195630 85 49 , , PUNCT _005195630 85 50 and and CCONJ _005195630 85 51 germany germany PROPN _005195630 85 52 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 86 1 lovers lover NOUN _005195630 86 2 of of ADP _005195630 86 3 their their PRON _005195630 86 4 country country NOUN _005195630 86 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 86 6 of of ADP _005195630 86 7 their their PRON _005195630 86 8 race race NOUN _005195630 86 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 86 10 religious religious ADJ _005195630 86 11 men man NOUN _005195630 86 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 86 13 external external ADJ _005195630 86 14 to to ADP _005195630 86 15 the the DET _005195630 86 16 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 86 17 church church NOUN _005195630 86 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 86 19 have have AUX _005195630 86 20 attempted attempt VERB _005195630 86 21 various various ADJ _005195630 86 22 expedients expedient NOUN _005195630 86 23 to to PART _005195630 86 24 arrest arrest VERB _005195630 86 25 fierce fierce ADJ _005195630 86 26 wilful wilful ADJ _005195630 86 27 human human ADJ _005195630 86 28 nature nature NOUN _005195630 86 29 in in ADP _005195630 86 30 its its PRON _005195630 86 31 onward onward ADJ _005195630 86 32 course course NOUN _005195630 86 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 86 34 and and CCONJ _005195630 86 35 to to PART _005195630 86 36 bring bring VERB _005195630 86 37 it it PRON _005195630 86 38 into into ADP _005195630 86 39 subjection subjection NOUN _005195630 86 40 . . PUNCT _005195630 87 1 the the DET _005195630 87 2 necessity necessity NOUN _005195630 87 3 of of ADP _005195630 87 4 some some DET _005195630 87 5 form form NOUN _005195630 87 6 of of ADP _005195630 87 7 religion religion NOUN _005195630 87 8 for for ADP _005195630 87 9 the the DET _005195630 87 10 interests interest NOUN _005195630 87 11 of of ADP _005195630 87 12 humanity humanity NOUN _005195630 87 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 87 14 has have AUX _005195630 87 15 been be AUX _005195630 87 16 generally generally ADV _005195630 87 17 acknowledged acknowledge VERB _005195630 87 18 : : PUNCT _005195630 87 19 but but CCONJ _005195630 87 20 where where SCONJ _005195630 87 21 was be AUX _005195630 87 22 the the DET _005195630 87 23 concrete concrete ADJ _005195630 87 24 representative representative NOUN _005195630 87 25 of of ADP _005195630 87 26 things thing NOUN _005195630 87 27 invisible invisible ADJ _005195630 87 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 87 29 which which PRON _005195630 87 30 would would AUX _005195630 87 31 have have VERB _005195630 87 32 the the DET _005195630 87 33 force force NOUN _005195630 87 34 and and CCONJ _005195630 87 35 the the DET _005195630 87 36 toughness toughness NOUN _005195630 87 37 necessary necessary ADJ _005195630 87 38 to to PART _005195630 87 39 be be AUX _005195630 87 40 a a DET _005195630 87 41 breakwater breakwater NOUN _005195630 87 42 against against ADP _005195630 87 43 the the DET _005195630 87 44 deluge deluge NOUN _005195630 87 45 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 88 1 three three NUM _005195630 88 2 centuries century NOUN _005195630 88 3 ago ago ADV _005195630 88 4 the the DET _005195630 88 5 establishment establishment NOUN _005195630 88 6 of of ADP _005195630 88 7 religion religion NOUN _005195630 88 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 88 9 material material NOUN _005195630 88 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 88 11 legal legal ADJ _005195630 88 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 88 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 88 14 social social ADJ _005195630 88 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 88 16 was be AUX _005195630 88 17 generally generally ADV _005195630 88 18 adopted adopt VERB _005195630 88 19 as as ADP _005195630 88 20 the the DET _005195630 88 21 best good ADJ _005195630 88 22 expedient expedient NOUN _005195630 88 23 for for ADP _005195630 88 24 the the DET _005195630 88 25 purpose purpose NOUN _005195630 88 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 88 27 in in ADP _005195630 88 28 those those DET _005195630 88 29 countries country NOUN _005195630 88 30 which which PRON _005195630 88 31 separated separate VERB _005195630 88 32 from from ADP _005195630 88 33 the the DET _005195630 88 34 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 88 35 church church NOUN _005195630 88 36 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 88 37 and and CCONJ _005195630 88 38 for for ADP _005195630 88 39 a a DET _005195630 88 40 long long ADJ _005195630 88 41 time time NOUN _005195630 88 42 it it PRON _005195630 88 43 was be AUX _005195630 88 44 successful successful ADJ _005195630 88 45 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 88 46 but but CCONJ _005195630 88 47 now now ADV _005195630 88 48 the the DET _005195630 88 49 crevices crevice NOUN _005195630 88 50 of of ADP _005195630 88 51 those those DET _005195630 88 52 establishments establishment NOUN _005195630 88 53 are be AUX _005195630 88 54 admitting admit VERB _005195630 88 55 the the DET _005195630 88 56 enemy enemy NOUN _005195630 88 57 . . PUNCT _005195630 89 1 thirty thirty NUM _005195630 89 2 years year NOUN _005195630 89 3 ago ago ADV _005195630 89 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 89 5 education education NOUN _005195630 89 6 was be AUX _005195630 89 7 relied rely VERB _005195630 89 8 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 89 9 : : PUNCT _005195630 89 10 ten ten NUM _005195630 89 11 years year NOUN _005195630 89 12 ago ago ADV _005195630 89 13 there there PRON _005195630 89 14 was be VERB _005195630 89 15 a a DET _005195630 89 16 hope hope NOUN _005195630 89 17 that that SCONJ _005195630 89 18 wars war NOUN _005195630 89 19 would would AUX _005195630 89 20 cease cease VERB _005195630 89 21 for for ADP _005195630 89 22 ever ever ADV _005195630 89 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 89 24 under under ADP _005195630 89 25 the the DET _005195630 89 26 influence influence NOUN _005195630 89 27 of of ADP _005195630 89 28 commercial commercial ADJ _005195630 89 29 enterprise enterprise NOUN _005195630 89 30 and and CCONJ _005195630 89 31 the the DET _005195630 89 32 reign reign NOUN _005195630 89 33 of of ADP _005195630 89 34 the the DET _005195630 89 35 useful useful ADJ _005195630 89 36 and and CCONJ _005195630 89 37 fine fine ADJ _005195630 89 38 arts art NOUN _005195630 89 39 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 89 40 but but CCONJ _005195630 89 41 will will AUX _005195630 89 42 any any DET _005195630 89 43 one one NUM _005195630 89 44 venture venture NOUN _005195630 89 45 to to PART _005195630 89 46 say say VERB _005195630 89 47 that that SCONJ _005195630 89 48 there there PRON _005195630 89 49 is be VERB _005195630 89 50 any any DET _005195630 89 51 thing thing NOUN _005195630 89 52 any any PRON _005195630 89 53 where where SCONJ _005195630 89 54 on on ADP _005195630 89 55 this this DET _005195630 89 56 earth earth NOUN _005195630 89 57 , , PUNCT _005195630 89 58 which which PRON _005195630 89 59 will will AUX _005195630 89 60 afford afford VERB _005195630 89 61 a a DET _005195630 89 62 fulcrum fulcrum NOUN _005195630 89 63 for for ADP _005195630 89 64 us we PRON _005195630 89 65 , , PUNCT _005195630 89 66 whereby whereby SCONJ _005195630 89 67 to to PART _005195630 89 68 keep keep VERB _005195630 89 69 the the DET _005195630 89 70 earth earth NOUN _005195630 89 71 from from ADP _005195630 89 72 moving move VERB _005195630 89 73 onwards onwards ADV _005195630 89 74 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 90 1 the the DET _005195630 90 2 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 90 3 which which DET _005195630 90 4 experience experience NOUN _005195630 90 5 passes pass VERB _005195630 90 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 90 7 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 90 8 on on ADP _005195630 90 9 establishments establishment NOUN _005195630 90 10 or or CCONJ _005195630 90 11 on on ADP _005195630 90 12 education education NOUN _005195630 90 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 90 14 as as ADP _005195630 90 15 a a DET _005195630 90 16 means means NOUN _005195630 90 17 of of ADP _005195630 90 18 maintaining maintain VERB _005195630 90 19 religious religious ADJ _005195630 90 20 truth truth NOUN _005195630 90 21 in in ADP _005195630 90 22 this this DET _005195630 90 23 anarchical anarchical ADJ _005195630 90 24 world world NOUN _005195630 90 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 90 26 must must AUX _005195630 90 27 be be AUX _005195630 90 28 extended extend VERB _005195630 90 29 even even ADV _005195630 90 30 to to ADP _005195630 90 31 scripture scripture NOUN _005195630 90 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 90 33 though though SCONJ _005195630 90 34 scripture scripture NOUN _005195630 90 35 be be VERB _005195630 90 36 divine divine ADJ _005195630 90 37 . . PUNCT _005195630 91 1 experience experience NOUN _005195630 91 2 proves prove VERB _005195630 91 3 surely surely ADV _005195630 91 4 that that SCONJ _005195630 91 5 the the DET _005195630 91 6 bible bible PROPN _005195630 91 7 does do AUX _005195630 91 8 not not PART _005195630 91 9 answer answer VERB _005195630 91 10 a a DET _005195630 91 11 purpose purpose NOUN _005195630 91 12 for for ADP _005195630 91 13 which which PRON _005195630 91 14 it it PRON _005195630 91 15 was be AUX _005195630 91 16 never never ADV _005195630 91 17 intended intend VERB _005195630 91 18 . . PUNCT _005195630 92 1 it it PRON _005195630 92 2 may may AUX _005195630 92 3 be be AUX _005195630 92 4 accidentally accidentally ADV _005195630 92 5 the the DET _005195630 92 6 means mean NOUN _005195630 92 7 of of ADP _005195630 92 8 the the DET _005195630 92 9 conversion conversion NOUN _005195630 92 10 of of ADP _005195630 92 11 individuals individual NOUN _005195630 92 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 92 13 but but CCONJ _005195630 92 14 a a DET _005195630 92 15 book book NOUN _005195630 92 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 92 17 after after ADV _005195630 92 18 all all ADV _005195630 92 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 92 20 can can AUX _005195630 92 21 not not PART _005195630 92 22 make make VERB _005195630 92 23 a a DET _005195630 92 24 stand stand NOUN _005195630 92 25 against against ADP _005195630 92 26 the the DET _005195630 92 27 wild wild ADJ _005195630 92 28 living living NOUN _005195630 92 29 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 92 30 of of ADP _005195630 92 31 man man NOUN _005195630 92 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 92 33 and and CCONJ _005195630 92 34 in in ADP _005195630 92 35 this this DET _005195630 92 36 day day NOUN _005195630 92 37 it it PRON _005195630 92 38 begins begin VERB _005195630 92 39 to to PART _005195630 92 40 testify testify VERB _005195630 92 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 92 42 as as SCONJ _005195630 92 43 regards regard VERB _005195630 92 44 its its PRON _005195630 92 45 own own ADJ _005195630 92 46 structure structure NOUN _005195630 92 47 and and CCONJ _005195630 92 48 contents content NOUN _005195630 92 49 , , PUNCT _005195630 92 50 to to ADP _005195630 92 51 the the DET _005195630 92 52 power power NOUN _005195630 92 53 of of ADP _005195630 92 54 that that DET _005195630 92 55 universal universal ADJ _005195630 92 56 solvent solvent NOUN _005195630 92 57 , , PUNCT _005195630 92 58 which which PRON _005195630 92 59 is be AUX _005195630 92 60 so so ADV _005195630 92 61 successfully successfully ADV _005195630 92 62 acting act VERB _005195630 92 63 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 92 64 religious religious ADJ _005195630 92 65 establishments establishment NOUN _005195630 92 66 . . PUNCT _005195630 93 1 supposing suppose VERB _005195630 93 2 then then ADV _005195630 93 3 it it PRON _005195630 93 4 to to PART _005195630 93 5 be be AUX _005195630 93 6 the the DET _005195630 93 7 will will NOUN _005195630 93 8 of of ADP _005195630 93 9 the the DET _005195630 93 10 creator creator NOUN _005195630 93 11 to to PART _005195630 93 12 interfere interfere VERB _005195630 93 13 in in ADP _005195630 93 14 human human ADJ _005195630 93 15 affairs affair NOUN _005195630 93 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 93 17 and and CCONJ _005195630 93 18 to to PART _005195630 93 19 make make VERB _005195630 93 20 provisions provision NOUN _005195630 93 21 for for ADP _005195630 93 22 retaining retain VERB _005195630 93 23 in in ADP _005195630 93 24 the the DET _005195630 93 25 world world NOUN _005195630 93 26 a a DET _005195630 93 27 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 93 28 of of ADP _005195630 93 29 himself himself PRON _005195630 93 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 93 31 so so ADV _005195630 93 32 definite definite ADJ _005195630 93 33 and and CCONJ _005195630 93 34 distinct distinct ADJ _005195630 93 35 as as SCONJ _005195630 93 36 to to PART _005195630 93 37 be be AUX _005195630 93 38 proof proof NOUN _005195630 93 39 against against ADP _005195630 93 40 the the DET _005195630 93 41 energy energy NOUN _005195630 93 42 of of ADP _005195630 93 43 human human ADJ _005195630 93 44 scepticism scepticism NOUN _005195630 93 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 93 46 in in ADP _005195630 93 47 such such DET _005195630 93 48 a a DET _005195630 93 49 case,—i case,—i NOUN _005195630 93 50 am be AUX _005195630 93 51 far far ADV _005195630 93 52 from from ADP _005195630 93 53 saying say VERB _005195630 93 54 that that SCONJ _005195630 93 55 there there PRON _005195630 93 56 was be VERB _005195630 93 57 no no DET _005195630 93 58 other other ADJ _005195630 94 1 way,—but way,—but CCONJ _005195630 94 2 there there PRON _005195630 94 3 is be VERB _005195630 94 4 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 94 5 to to PART _005195630 94 6 surprise surprise VERB _005195630 94 7 the the DET _005195630 94 8 mind mind NOUN _005195630 94 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 94 10 if if SCONJ _005195630 94 11 he he PRON _005195630 94 12 should should AUX _005195630 94 13 think think VERB _005195630 94 14 fit fit ADJ _005195630 94 15 to to PART _005195630 94 16 introduce introduce VERB _005195630 94 17 a a DET _005195630 94 18 power power NOUN _005195630 94 19 into into ADP _005195630 94 20 the the DET _005195630 94 21 world world NOUN _005195630 94 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 94 23 invested invest VERB _005195630 94 24 with with ADP _005195630 94 25 the the DET _005195630 94 26 prerogative prerogative NOUN _005195630 94 27 of of ADP _005195630 94 28 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 94 29 in in ADP _005195630 94 30 religious religious ADJ _005195630 94 31 8 8 NUM _005195630 94 32 my my PRON _005195630 94 33 mind mind NOUN _005195630 94 34 as as ADP _005195630 94 35 a a DET _005195630 94 36 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 94 37 matters matter NOUN _005195630 94 38 . . PUNCT _005195630 95 1 such such DET _005195630 95 2 a a DET _005195630 95 3 provision provision NOUN _005195630 95 4 would would AUX _005195630 95 5 be be AUX _005195630 95 6 a a DET _005195630 95 7 direct direct ADJ _005195630 95 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 95 9 immediate immediate ADJ _005195630 95 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 95 11 active active ADJ _005195630 95 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 95 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 95 14 prompt prompt ADJ _005195630 95 15 means mean NOUN _005195630 95 16 of of ADP _005195630 95 17 withstanding withstand VERB _005195630 95 18 the the DET _005195630 95 19 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 95 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 95 21 it it PRON _005195630 95 22 would would AUX _005195630 95 23 be be AUX _005195630 95 24 an an DET _005195630 95 25 instrument instrument NOUN _005195630 95 26 suited suit VERB _005195630 95 27 to to ADP _005195630 95 28 the the DET _005195630 95 29 need need NOUN _005195630 95 30 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 95 31 and and CCONJ _005195630 95 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 95 33 when when SCONJ _005195630 95 34 i i PRON _005195630 95 35 find find VERB _005195630 95 36 that that SCONJ _005195630 95 37 this this PRON _005195630 95 38 is be AUX _005195630 95 39 the the DET _005195630 95 40 very very ADJ _005195630 95 41 claim claim NOUN _005195630 95 42 of of ADP _005195630 95 43 the the DET _005195630 95 44 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 95 45 church church NOUN _005195630 95 46 , , PUNCT _005195630 95 47 not not PART _005195630 95 48 only only ADV _005195630 95 49 do do AUX _005195630 95 50 i i PRON _005195630 95 51 feel feel VERB _005195630 95 52 no no DET _005195630 95 53 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 95 54 in in ADP _005195630 95 55 admitting admit VERB _005195630 95 56 the the DET _005195630 95 57 idea idea NOUN _005195630 95 58 , , PUNCT _005195630 95 59 but but CCONJ _005195630 95 60 there there PRON _005195630 95 61 is be VERB _005195630 95 62 a a DET _005195630 95 63 fitness fitness NOUN _005195630 95 64 in in ADP _005195630 95 65 it it PRON _005195630 95 66 , , PUNCT _005195630 95 67 which which PRON _005195630 95 68 recommends recommend VERB _005195630 95 69 it it PRON _005195630 95 70 to to ADP _005195630 95 71 my my PRON _005195630 95 72 mind mind NOUN _005195630 95 73 . . PUNCT _005195630 96 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 96 2 thus thus ADV _005195630 96 3 i i PRON _005195630 96 4 am be AUX _005195630 96 5 brought bring VERB _005195630 96 6 to to PART _005195630 96 7 speak speak VERB _005195630 96 8 of of ADP _005195630 96 9 the the DET _005195630 96 10 church church NOUN _005195630 96 11 ’s ’s PART _005195630 96 12 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 96 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 96 14 as as ADP _005195630 96 15 a a DET _005195630 96 16 provision provision NOUN _005195630 96 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 96 18 adapted adapt VERB _005195630 96 19 by by ADP _005195630 96 20 the the DET _005195630 96 21 mercy mercy NOUN _005195630 96 22 of of ADP _005195630 96 23 the the DET _005195630 96 24 creator creator NOUN _005195630 96 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 96 26 to to PART _005195630 96 27 preserve preserve VERB _005195630 96 28 religion religion NOUN _005195630 96 29 in in ADP _005195630 96 30 the the DET _005195630 96 31 world world NOUN _005195630 96 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 96 33 and and CCONJ _005195630 96 34 to to PART _005195630 96 35 restrain restrain VERB _005195630 96 36 that that DET _005195630 96 37 freedom freedom NOUN _005195630 96 38 of of ADP _005195630 96 39 thought thought NOUN _005195630 96 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 96 41 which which PRON _005195630 96 42 of of ADP _005195630 96 43 course course NOUN _005195630 96 44 in in ADP _005195630 96 45 itself itself PRON _005195630 96 46 is be AUX _005195630 96 47 one one NUM _005195630 96 48 of of ADP _005195630 96 49 the the DET _005195630 96 50 greatest great ADJ _005195630 96 51 of of ADP _005195630 96 52 our our PRON _005195630 96 53 natural natural ADJ _005195630 96 54 gifts gift NOUN _005195630 96 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 96 56 and and CCONJ _005195630 96 57 to to PART _005195630 96 58 rescue rescue VERB _005195630 96 59 it it PRON _005195630 96 60 from from ADP _005195630 96 61 its its PRON _005195630 96 62 own own ADJ _005195630 96 63 suicidal suicidal ADJ _005195630 96 64 excesses excess NOUN _005195630 96 65 . . PUNCT _005195630 97 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 97 2 let let VERB _005195630 97 3 it it PRON _005195630 97 4 be be AUX _005195630 97 5 observed observe VERB _005195630 97 6 that that SCONJ _005195630 97 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 97 8 neither neither CCONJ _005195630 97 9 here here ADV _005195630 97 10 nor nor CCONJ _005195630 97 11 in in ADP _005195630 97 12 what what PRON _005195630 97 13 follows follow VERB _005195630 97 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 97 15 shall shall AUX _005195630 97 16 i i PRON _005195630 97 17 have have VERB _005195630 97 18 occasion occasion NOUN _005195630 97 19 to to PART _005195630 97 20 speak speak VERB _005195630 97 21 directly directly ADV _005195630 97 22 of of ADP _005195630 97 23 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 97 24 in in ADP _005195630 97 25 its its PRON _005195630 97 26 subject subject NOUN _005195630 97 27 - - PUNCT _005195630 97 28 matter matter NOUN _005195630 97 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 97 30 but but CCONJ _005195630 97 31 in in ADP _005195630 97 32 reference reference NOUN _005195630 97 33 to to ADP _005195630 97 34 the the DET _005195630 97 35 sanction sanction NOUN _005195630 97 36 which which PRON _005195630 97 37 it it PRON _005195630 97 38 gives give VERB _005195630 97 39 to to ADP _005195630 97 40 truths truth NOUN _005195630 97 41 which which PRON _005195630 97 42 may may AUX _005195630 97 43 be be AUX _005195630 97 44 known know VERB _005195630 97 45 independently independently ADV _005195630 97 46 of of ADP _005195630 97 47 it,—as it,—as PRON _005195630 97 48 it it PRON _005195630 97 49 bears bear VERB _005195630 97 50 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 97 51 the the DET _005195630 97 52 defence defence NOUN _005195630 97 53 of of ADP _005195630 97 54 natural natural ADJ _005195630 97 55 religion religion NOUN _005195630 97 56 . . PUNCT _005195630 98 1 i i PRON _005195630 98 2 say say VERB _005195630 98 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 4 that that SCONJ _005195630 98 5 a a DET _005195630 98 6 power power NOUN _005195630 98 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 8 possessed possess VERB _005195630 98 9 of of ADP _005195630 98 10 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 98 11 in in ADP _005195630 98 12 religious religious ADJ _005195630 98 13 teaching teaching NOUN _005195630 98 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 15 is be AUX _005195630 98 16 happily happily ADV _005195630 98 17 adapted adapt VERB _005195630 98 18 to to PART _005195630 98 19 be be AUX _005195630 98 20 a a DET _005195630 98 21 working work VERB _005195630 98 22 instrument instrument NOUN _005195630 98 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 24 in in ADP _005195630 98 25 the the DET _005195630 98 26 course course NOUN _005195630 98 27 of of ADP _005195630 98 28 human human ADJ _005195630 98 29 affairs affair NOUN _005195630 98 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 31 for for ADP _005195630 98 32 smiting smite VERB _005195630 98 33 hard hard ADV _005195630 98 34 and and CCONJ _005195630 98 35 throwing throw VERB _005195630 98 36 back back ADP _005195630 98 37 the the DET _005195630 98 38 immense immense ADJ _005195630 98 39 energy energy NOUN _005195630 98 40 of of ADP _005195630 98 41 the the DET _005195630 98 42 aggressive aggressive ADJ _005195630 98 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 44 capricious capricious ADJ _005195630 98 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 46 untrustworthy untrustworthy ADJ _005195630 98 47 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 98 48 : : PUNCT _005195630 98 49 — — PUNCT _005195630 98 50 and and CCONJ _005195630 98 51 in in ADP _005195630 98 52 saying say VERB _005195630 98 53 this this PRON _005195630 98 54 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 55 as as ADP _005195630 98 56 in in ADP _005195630 98 57 the the DET _005195630 98 58 other other ADJ _005195630 98 59 things thing NOUN _005195630 98 60 that that PRON _005195630 98 61 i i PRON _005195630 98 62 have have VERB _005195630 98 63 to to PART _005195630 98 64 say say VERB _005195630 98 65 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 66 it it PRON _005195630 98 67 must must AUX _005195630 98 68 still still ADV _005195630 98 69 be be AUX _005195630 98 70 recollected recollect VERB _005195630 98 71 that that SCONJ _005195630 98 72 i i PRON _005195630 98 73 am be AUX _005195630 98 74 all all ADV _005195630 98 75 along along ADP _005195630 98 76 bearing bear VERB _005195630 98 77 in in ADP _005195630 98 78 mind mind NOUN _005195630 98 79 my my PRON _005195630 98 80 main main ADJ _005195630 98 81 purpose purpose NOUN _005195630 98 82 , , PUNCT _005195630 98 83 which which PRON _005195630 98 84 is be AUX _005195630 98 85 a a DET _005195630 98 86 defence defence NOUN _005195630 98 87 of of ADP _005195630 98 88 myself myself PRON _005195630 98 89 . . PUNCT _005195630 99 1 i i PRON _005195630 99 2 am be AUX _005195630 99 3 defending defend VERB _005195630 99 4 myself myself PRON _005195630 99 5 here here ADV _005195630 99 6 from from ADP _005195630 99 7 a a DET _005195630 99 8 plausible plausible ADJ _005195630 99 9 charge charge NOUN _005195630 99 10 brought bring VERB _005195630 99 11 against against ADP _005195630 99 12 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 99 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 99 14 as as SCONJ _005195630 99 15 will will AUX _005195630 99 16 be be AUX _005195630 99 17 seen see VERB _005195630 99 18 better well ADV _005195630 99 19 as as SCONJ _005195630 99 20 i i PRON _005195630 99 21 proceed proceed VERB _005195630 99 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 100 1 the the DET _005195630 100 2 charge charge NOUN _005195630 100 3 is be AUX _005195630 100 4 this this PRON _005195630 100 5 : : PUNCT _005195630 100 6 — — PUNCT _005195630 100 7 that that SCONJ _005195630 100 8 i i PRON _005195630 100 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 10 as as ADP _005195630 100 11 a a DET _005195630 100 12 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 100 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 14 not not PART _005195630 100 15 only only ADV _005195630 100 16 make make VERB _005195630 100 17 profession profession NOUN _005195630 100 18 to to PART _005195630 100 19 hold hold VERB _005195630 100 20 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195630 100 21 which which PRON _005195630 100 22 i i PRON _005195630 100 23 can can AUX _005195630 100 24 not not PART _005195630 100 25 possibly possibly ADV _005195630 100 26 believe believe VERB _005195630 100 27 in in ADP _005195630 100 28 my my PRON _005195630 100 29 heart heart NOUN _005195630 100 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 31 but but CCONJ _005195630 100 32 that that SCONJ _005195630 100 33 i i PRON _005195630 100 34 also also ADV _005195630 100 35 believe believe VERB _005195630 100 36 in in ADP _005195630 100 37 the the DET _005195630 100 38 existence existence NOUN _005195630 100 39 of of ADP _005195630 100 40 a a DET _005195630 100 41 power power NOUN _005195630 100 42 on on ADP _005195630 100 43 earth earth NOUN _005195630 100 44 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 45 which which PRON _005195630 100 46 at at ADP _005195630 100 47 its its PRON _005195630 100 48 own own ADJ _005195630 100 49 will will AUX _005195630 100 50 imposes impose VERB _005195630 100 51 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 100 52 men man NOUN _005195630 100 53 any any DET _005195630 100 54 new new ADJ _005195630 100 55 set set NOUN _005195630 100 56 of of ADP _005195630 100 57 credenda credenda NOUN _005195630 100 58 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 59 when when SCONJ _005195630 100 60 it it PRON _005195630 100 61 pleases please VERB _005195630 100 62 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 63 by by ADP _005195630 100 64 a a DET _005195630 100 65 claim claim NOUN _005195630 100 66 to to ADP _005195630 100 67 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 100 68 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 100 69 in in ADP _005195630 100 70 consequence consequence NOUN _005195630 100 71 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 72 that that SCONJ _005195630 100 73 my my PRON _005195630 100 74 own own ADJ _005195630 100 75 thoughts thought NOUN _005195630 100 76 are be AUX _005195630 100 77 not not PART _005195630 100 78 my my PRON _005195630 100 79 own own ADJ _005195630 100 80 property property NOUN _005195630 100 81 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 100 82 that that SCONJ _005195630 100 83 i i PRON _005195630 100 84 can can AUX _005195630 100 85 not not PART _005195630 100 86 tell tell VERB _005195630 100 87 that that PRON _005195630 100 88 to to PART _005195630 100 89 - - PUNCT _005195630 100 90 morrow morrow NOUN _005195630 100 91 i i PRON _005195630 100 92 may may AUX _005195630 100 93 not not PART _005195630 100 94 have have VERB _005195630 100 95 to to PART _005195630 100 96 give give VERB _005195630 100 97 up up ADP _005195630 100 98 what what PRON _005195630 100 99 i i PRON _005195630 100 100 hold hold VERB _005195630 100 101 to to ADP _005195630 100 102 - - PUNCT _005195630 100 103 day day NOUN _005195630 100 104 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 105 and and CCONJ _005195630 100 106 that that SCONJ _005195630 100 107 the the DET _005195630 100 108 necessary necessary ADJ _005195630 100 109 effect effect NOUN _005195630 100 110 of of ADP _005195630 100 111 such such DET _005195630 100 112 a a DET _005195630 100 113 condition condition NOUN _005195630 100 114 of of ADP _005195630 100 115 mind mind NOUN _005195630 100 116 must must AUX _005195630 100 117 be be AUX _005195630 100 118 a a DET _005195630 100 119 degrading degrading ADJ _005195630 100 120 bondage bondage NOUN _005195630 100 121 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 122 or or CCONJ _005195630 100 123 a a DET _005195630 100 124 bitter bitter ADJ _005195630 100 125 inward inward ADJ _005195630 100 126 rebellion rebellion NOUN _005195630 100 127 relieving relieve VERB _005195630 100 128 itself itself PRON _005195630 100 129 in in ADP _005195630 100 130 secret secret ADJ _005195630 100 131 infidelity infidelity NOUN _005195630 100 132 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 133 or or CCONJ _005195630 100 134 the the DET _005195630 100 135 necessity necessity NOUN _005195630 100 136 of of ADP _005195630 100 137 ignoring ignore VERB _005195630 100 138 the the DET _005195630 100 139 whole whole ADJ _005195630 100 140 subject subject NOUN _005195630 100 141 of of ADP _005195630 100 142 religion religion NOUN _005195630 100 143 in in ADP _005195630 100 144 a a DET _005195630 100 145 sort sort NOUN _005195630 100 146 of of ADP _005195630 100 147 disgust disgust NOUN _005195630 100 148 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 149 and and CCONJ _005195630 100 150 of of ADP _005195630 100 151 mechanically mechanically ADV _005195630 100 152 saying say VERB _005195630 100 153 every every DET _005195630 100 154 thing thing NOUN _005195630 100 155 that that PRON _005195630 100 156 the the DET _005195630 100 157 church church NOUN _005195630 100 158 says say VERB _005195630 100 159 , , PUNCT _005195630 100 160 and and CCONJ _005195630 100 161 leaving leave VERB _005195630 100 162 to to ADP _005195630 100 163 others other NOUN _005195630 100 164 the the DET _005195630 100 165 defence defence NOUN _005195630 100 166 of of ADP _005195630 100 167 it it PRON _005195630 100 168 . . PUNCT _005195630 101 1 as as ADP _005195630 101 2 then then ADV _005195630 101 3 i i PRON _005195630 101 4 have have AUX _005195630 101 5 above above ADV _005195630 101 6 spoken speak VERB _005195630 101 7 of of ADP _005195630 101 8 the the DET _005195630 101 9 relation relation NOUN _005195630 101 10 of of ADP _005195630 101 11 my my PRON _005195630 101 12 mind mind NOUN _005195630 101 13 towards towards ADP _005195630 101 14 the the DET _005195630 101 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 101 16 creed creed NOUN _005195630 101 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 101 18 so so ADV _005195630 101 19 my my PRON _005195630 101 20 mind mind NOUN _005195630 101 21 as as ADP _005195630 101 22 a a DET _005195630 101 23 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 101 24 g g NOUN _005195630 101 25 now now ADV _005195630 101 26 i i PRON _005195630 101 27 shall shall AUX _005195630 101 28 speak speak VERB _005195630 101 29 of of ADP _005195630 101 30 the the DET _005195630 101 31 attitude attitude NOUN _005195630 101 32 which which PRON _005195630 101 33 it it PRON _005195630 101 34 takes take VERB _005195630 101 35 up up ADP _005195630 101 36 in in ADP _005195630 101 37 the the DET _005195630 101 38 view view NOUN _005195630 101 39 of of ADP _005195630 101 40 the the DET _005195630 101 41 church church NOUN _005195630 101 42 ’s ’s PART _005195630 101 43 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 101 44 . . PUNCT _005195630 102 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 102 2 first first ADV _005195630 102 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 102 4 the the DET _005195630 102 5 initial initial ADJ _005195630 102 6 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 102 7 of of ADP _005195630 102 8 the the DET _005195630 102 9 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 102 10 teacher teacher NOUN _005195630 102 11 must must AUX _005195630 102 12 be be AUX _005195630 102 13 an an DET _005195630 102 14 emphatic emphatic ADJ _005195630 102 15 protest protest NOUN _005195630 102 16 against against ADP _005195630 102 17 the the DET _005195630 102 18 existing exist VERB _005195630 102 19 state state NOUN _005195630 102 20 of of ADP _005195630 102 21 mankind mankind NOUN _005195630 102 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 103 1 man man NOUN _005195630 103 2 had have AUX _005195630 103 3 rebelled rebel VERB _005195630 103 4 against against ADP _005195630 103 5 his his PRON _005195630 103 6 maker maker NOUN _005195630 103 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 104 1 it it PRON _005195630 104 2 was be AUX _005195630 104 3 this this PRON _005195630 104 4 that that PRON _005195630 104 5 caused cause VERB _005195630 104 6 the the DET _005195630 104 7 divine divine ADJ _005195630 104 8 interposition interposition NOUN _005195630 104 9 : : PUNCT _005195630 104 10 and and CCONJ _005195630 104 11 to to PART _005195630 104 12 proclaim proclaim VERB _005195630 104 13 it it PRON _005195630 104 14 must must AUX _005195630 104 15 be be AUX _005195630 104 16 the the DET _005195630 104 17 first first ADJ _005195630 104 18 act act NOUN _005195630 104 19 of of ADP _005195630 104 20 the the DET _005195630 104 21 divinely divinely ADV _005195630 104 22 - - PUNCT _005195630 104 23 accredited accredit VERB _005195630 104 24 messenger messenger NOUN _005195630 104 25 . . PUNCT _005195630 105 1 the the DET _005195630 105 2 church church NOUN _005195630 105 3 must must AUX _005195630 105 4 denounce denounce VERB _005195630 105 5 rebellion rebellion NOUN _005195630 105 6 as as ADP _005195630 105 7 of of ADP _005195630 105 8 all all DET _005195630 105 9 possible possible ADJ _005195630 105 10 evils evil NOUN _005195630 105 11 the the DET _005195630 105 12 greatest great ADJ _005195630 105 13 . . PUNCT _005195630 106 1 she she PRON _005195630 106 2 must must AUX _005195630 106 3 have have VERB _005195630 106 4 no no DET _005195630 106 5 terms term NOUN _005195630 106 6 with with ADP _005195630 106 7 it it PRON _005195630 106 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 106 9 if if SCONJ _005195630 106 10 she she PRON _005195630 106 11 would would AUX _005195630 106 12 be be AUX _005195630 106 13 true true ADJ _005195630 106 14 to to ADP _005195630 106 15 her her PRON _005195630 106 16 master master NOUN _005195630 106 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 106 18 she she PRON _005195630 106 19 must must AUX _005195630 106 20 ban ban VERB _005195630 106 21 and and CCONJ _005195630 106 22 anathematize anathematize VERB _005195630 106 23 it it PRON _005195630 106 24 . . PUNCT _005195630 107 1 this this PRON _005195630 107 2 is be AUX _005195630 107 3 the the DET _005195630 107 4 meaning meaning NOUN _005195630 107 5 of of ADP _005195630 107 6 a a DET _005195630 107 7 statement statement NOUN _005195630 107 8 of of ADP _005195630 107 9 mine mine NOUN _005195630 107 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 107 11 which which PRON _005195630 107 12 has have AUX _005195630 107 13 furnished furnish VERB _005195630 107 14 matter matter NOUN _005195630 107 15 for for ADP _005195630 107 16 one one NUM _005195630 107 17 of of ADP _005195630 107 18 those those DET _005195630 107 19 special special ADJ _005195630 107 20 accusations accusation NOUN _005195630 107 21 to to PART _005195630 107 22 which which PRON _005195630 107 23 i i PRON _005195630 107 24 am be AUX _005195630 107 25 at at ADP _005195630 107 26 present present ADJ _005195630 107 27 replying replying NOUN _005195630 107 28 : : PUNCT _005195630 107 29 i i PRON _005195630 107 30 have have AUX _005195630 107 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 107 32 however however ADV _005195630 107 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 107 34 no no DET _005195630 107 35 fault fault NOUN _005195630 107 36 at at ADV _005195630 107 37 all all ADV _005195630 107 38 to to PART _005195630 107 39 confess confess VERB _005195630 107 40 in in ADP _005195630 107 41 regard regard NOUN _005195630 107 42 to to ADP _005195630 107 43 it it PRON _005195630 107 44 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 107 45 i i PRON _005195630 107 46 have have VERB _005195630 107 47 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 107 48 to to PART _005195630 107 49 withdraw withdraw VERB _005195630 107 50 , , PUNCT _005195630 107 51 and and CCONJ _005195630 107 52 in in ADP _005195630 107 53 consequence consequence NOUN _005195630 107 54 i i PRON _005195630 107 55 here here ADV _005195630 107 56 deliberately deliberately ADV _005195630 107 57 repeat repeat VERB _005195630 107 58 it it PRON _005195630 107 59 . . PUNCT _005195630 108 1 i i PRON _005195630 108 2 said say VERB _005195630 108 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 4 “ " PUNCT _005195630 108 5 the the DET _005195630 108 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 108 7 church church NOUN _005195630 108 8 holds hold VERB _005195630 108 9 it it PRON _005195630 108 10 better well ADJ _005195630 108 11 for for SCONJ _005195630 108 12 the the DET _005195630 108 13 sun sun NOUN _005195630 108 14 and and CCONJ _005195630 108 15 moon moon NOUN _005195630 108 16 to to PART _005195630 108 17 drop drop VERB _005195630 108 18 from from ADP _005195630 108 19 heaven heaven PROPN _005195630 108 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 21 for for SCONJ _005195630 108 22 the the DET _005195630 108 23 earth earth NOUN _005195630 108 24 to to PART _005195630 108 25 fail fail VERB _005195630 108 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 108 28 for for ADP _005195630 108 29 all all DET _005195630 108 30 the the DET _005195630 108 31 many many ADJ _005195630 108 32 millions million NOUN _005195630 108 33 on on ADP _005195630 108 34 it it PRON _005195630 108 35 to to PART _005195630 108 36 die die VERB _005195630 108 37 of of ADP _005195630 108 38 starvation starvation NOUN _005195630 108 39 in in ADP _005195630 108 40 extremest extreme ADJ _005195630 108 41 agony agony NOUN _005195630 108 42 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 43 as as ADV _005195630 108 44 far far ADV _005195630 108 45 as as SCONJ _005195630 108 46 temporal temporal ADJ _005195630 108 47 affliction affliction NOUN _005195630 108 48 goes go VERB _005195630 108 49 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 50 than than SCONJ _005195630 108 51 that that DET _005195630 108 52 one one NUM _005195630 108 53 soul soul NOUN _005195630 108 54 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 55 i i PRON _005195630 108 56 will will AUX _005195630 108 57 not not PART _005195630 108 58 say say VERB _005195630 108 59 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 60 should should AUX _005195630 108 61 be be AUX _005195630 108 62 lost lose VERB _005195630 108 63 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 64 but but CCONJ _005195630 108 65 should should AUX _005195630 108 66 commit commit VERB _005195630 108 67 one one NUM _005195630 108 68 single single ADJ _005195630 108 69 venial venial ADJ _005195630 108 70 sin sin NOUN _005195630 108 71 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 72 should should AUX _005195630 108 73 tell tell VERB _005195630 108 74 one one NUM _005195630 108 75 wilful wilful ADJ _005195630 108 76 untruth untruth NOUN _005195630 108 77 , , PUNCT _005195630 108 78 or or CCONJ _005195630 108 79 should should AUX _005195630 108 80 steal steal VERB _005195630 108 81 one one NUM _005195630 108 82 poor poor ADJ _005195630 108 83 farthing farthing NOUN _005195630 108 84 without without ADP _005195630 108 85 excuse excuse NOUN _005195630 108 86 . . PUNCT _005195630 108 87 ” " PUNCT _005195630 109 1 i i PRON _005195630 109 2 think think VERB _005195630 109 3 the the DET _005195630 109 4 principle principle NOUN _005195630 109 5 here here ADV _005195630 109 6 enunciated enunciate VERB _005195630 109 7 to to PART _005195630 109 8 be be AUX _005195630 109 9 the the DET _005195630 109 10 mere mere ADJ _005195630 109 11 preamble preamble NOUN _005195630 109 12 in in ADP _005195630 109 13 the the DET _005195630 109 14 formal formal ADJ _005195630 109 15 credentials credential NOUN _005195630 109 16 of of ADP _005195630 109 17 the the DET _005195630 109 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 109 19 church church NOUN _005195630 109 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 109 21 as as SCONJ _005195630 109 22 an an DET _005195630 109 23 act act NOUN _005195630 109 24 of of ADP _005195630 109 25 parliament parliament NOUN _005195630 109 26 might might AUX _005195630 109 27 begin begin VERB _005195630 109 28 with with ADP _005195630 109 29 a a DET _005195630 109 30 “ " PUNCT _005195630 109 31 whereas whereas NOUN _005195630 109 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 109 33 ” " PUNCT _005195630 110 1 it it PRON _005195630 110 2 is be AUX _005195630 110 3 because because SCONJ _005195630 110 4 of of ADP _005195630 110 5 the the DET _005195630 110 6 intensity intensity NOUN _005195630 110 7 of of ADP _005195630 110 8 the the DET _005195630 110 9 evil evil NOUN _005195630 110 10 which which PRON _005195630 110 11 has have VERB _005195630 110 12 possession possession NOUN _005195630 110 13 of of ADP _005195630 110 14 mankind mankind NOUN _005195630 110 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 110 16 that that SCONJ _005195630 110 17 a a DET _005195630 110 18 suitable suitable ADJ _005195630 110 19 antagonist antagonist NOUN _005195630 110 20 has have AUX _005195630 110 21 been be AUX _005195630 110 22 provided provide VERB _005195630 110 23 against against ADP _005195630 110 24 it it PRON _005195630 110 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 110 26 and and CCONJ _005195630 110 27 the the DET _005195630 110 28 initial initial ADJ _005195630 110 29 act act NOUN _005195630 110 30 of of ADP _005195630 110 31 that that DET _005195630 110 32 divinely divinely ADV _005195630 110 33 - - PUNCT _005195630 110 34 commissioned commission VERB _005195630 110 35 power power NOUN _005195630 110 36 is be AUX _005195630 110 37 of of ADP _005195630 110 38 course course NOUN _005195630 110 39 to to PART _005195630 110 40 deliver deliver VERB _005195630 110 41 her her PRON _005195630 110 42 challenge challenge NOUN _005195630 110 43 and and CCONJ _005195630 110 44 to to PART _005195630 110 45 defy defy VERB _005195630 110 46 the the DET _005195630 110 47 enemy enemy NOUN _005195630 110 48 . . PUNCT _005195630 111 1 such such DET _005195630 111 2 a a DET _005195630 111 3 preamble preamble NOUN _005195630 111 4 then then ADV _005195630 111 5 gives give VERB _005195630 111 6 a a DET _005195630 111 7 meaning meaning NOUN _005195630 111 8 to to ADP _005195630 111 9 her her PRON _005195630 111 10 position position NOUN _005195630 111 11 in in ADP _005195630 111 12 the the DET _005195630 111 13 world world NOUN _005195630 111 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 111 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 111 16 an an DET _005195630 111 17 interpretation interpretation NOUN _005195630 111 18 to to ADP _005195630 111 19 her her PRON _005195630 111 20 whole whole ADJ _005195630 111 21 course course NOUN _005195630 111 22 of of ADP _005195630 111 23 teaching teaching NOUN _005195630 111 24 and and CCONJ _005195630 111 25 action action NOUN _005195630 111 26 . . PUNCT _005195630 112 1 in in ADP _005195630 112 2 like like ADP _005195630 112 3 manner manner NOUN _005195630 112 4 she she PRON _005195630 112 5 has have AUX _005195630 112 6 ever ever ADV _005195630 112 7 put put VERB _005195630 112 8 forth forth ADV _005195630 112 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 112 10 with with ADP _005195630 112 11 most most ADV _005195630 112 12 energetic energetic ADJ _005195630 112 13 distinctness distinctness NOUN _005195630 112 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 112 15 those those DET _005195630 112 16 other other ADJ _005195630 112 17 great great ADJ _005195630 112 18 elementary elementary ADJ _005195630 112 19 truths truth NOUN _005195630 112 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 112 21 which which PRON _005195630 112 22 either either CCONJ _005195630 112 23 are be AUX _005195630 112 24 an an DET _005195630 112 25 explanation explanation NOUN _005195630 112 26 of of ADP _005195630 112 27 her her PRON _005195630 112 28 mission mission NOUN _005195630 112 29 or or CCONJ _005195630 112 30 give give VERB _005195630 112 31 a a DET _005195630 112 32 character character NOUN _005195630 112 33 to to ADP _005195630 112 34 her her PRON _005195630 112 35 work work NOUN _005195630 112 36 . . PUNCT _005195630 113 1 she she PRON _005195630 113 2 does do AUX _005195630 113 3 not not PART _005195630 113 4 teach teach VERB _005195630 113 5 that that SCONJ _005195630 113 6 human human ADJ _005195630 113 7 nature nature NOUN _005195630 113 8 is be AUX _005195630 113 9 irreclaimable irreclaimable ADJ _005195630 113 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 113 11 else else ADV _005195630 113 12 wherefore wherefore ADV _005195630 113 13 should should AUX _005195630 113 14 she she PRON _005195630 113 15 be be AUX _005195630 113 16 sent send VERB _005195630 113 17 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 114 1 not not PART _005195630 114 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 3 that that SCONJ _005195630 114 4 it it PRON _005195630 114 5 is be AUX _005195630 114 6 to to PART _005195630 114 7 be be AUX _005195630 114 8 shattered shatter VERB _005195630 114 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 114 10 reversed reverse VERB _005195630 114 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 12 but but CCONJ _005195630 114 13 to to PART _005195630 114 14 be be AUX _005195630 114 15 extricated extricate VERB _005195630 114 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 17 purified purify VERB _005195630 114 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 19 and and CCONJ _005195630 114 20 restored restore VERB _005195630 114 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 114 22 not not PART _005195630 114 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 24 that that SCONJ _005195630 114 25 it it PRON _005195630 114 26 is be AUX _005195630 114 27 a a DET _005195630 114 28 mere mere ADJ _005195630 114 29 mass mass NOUN _005195630 114 30 of of ADP _005195630 114 31 hopeless hopeless ADJ _005195630 114 32 evil evil NOUN _005195630 114 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 34 but but CCONJ _005195630 114 35 that that SCONJ _005195630 114 36 it it PRON _005195630 114 37 has have VERB _005195630 114 38 the the DET _005195630 114 39 promise promise NOUN _005195630 114 40 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 114 41 it it PRON _005195630 114 42 of of ADP _005195630 114 43 great great ADJ _005195630 114 44 things thing NOUN _005195630 114 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 46 and and CCONJ _005195630 114 47 even even ADV _005195630 114 48 now now ADV _005195630 114 49 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 50 in in ADP _005195630 114 51 its its PRON _005195630 114 52 present present ADJ _005195630 114 53 state state NOUN _005195630 114 54 of of ADP _005195630 114 55 disorder disorder NOUN _005195630 114 56 io io VERB _005195630 114 57 my my PRON _005195630 114 58 mind mind NOUN _005195630 114 59 as as ADP _005195630 114 60 a a DET _005195630 114 61 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 114 62 and and CCONJ _005195630 114 63 excess excess ADJ _005195630 114 64 , , PUNCT _005195630 114 65 has have VERB _005195630 114 66 a a DET _005195630 114 67 virtue virtue NOUN _005195630 114 68 and and CCONJ _005195630 114 69 a a DET _005195630 114 70 praise praise NOUN _005195630 114 71 proper proper ADJ _005195630 114 72 to to ADP _005195630 114 73 itself itself PRON _005195630 114 74 . . PUNCT _005195630 115 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 115 2 in in ADP _005195630 115 3 the the DET _005195630 115 4 next next ADJ _005195630 115 5 place place NOUN _005195630 115 6 she she PRON _005195630 115 7 knows know VERB _005195630 116 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 116 2 she she PRON _005195630 116 3 preaches preach VERB _005195630 116 4 that that SCONJ _005195630 116 5 such such DET _005195630 116 6 a a DET _005195630 116 7 restoration restoration NOUN _005195630 116 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 116 9 as as SCONJ _005195630 116 10 she she PRON _005195630 116 11 aims aim VERB _005195630 116 12 at at ADP _005195630 116 13 effecting effecting NOUN _005195630 116 14 in in ADP _005195630 116 15 it it PRON _005195630 116 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 116 17 must must AUX _005195630 116 18 be be AUX _005195630 116 19 brought bring VERB _005195630 116 20 about about ADP _005195630 116 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 116 22 not not PART _005195630 116 23 simply simply ADV _005195630 116 24 through through ADP _005195630 116 25 certain certain ADJ _005195630 116 26 outward outward ADJ _005195630 116 27 provisions provision NOUN _005195630 116 28 of of ADP _005195630 116 29 preaching preach VERB _005195630 116 30 and and CCONJ _005195630 116 31 teaching teaching NOUN _005195630 116 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 116 33 even even ADV _005195630 116 34 though though SCONJ _005195630 116 35 they they PRON _005195630 116 36 be be VERB _005195630 116 37 her she PRON _005195630 116 38 own own ADJ _005195630 116 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 116 40 but but CCONJ _005195630 116 41 from from ADP _005195630 116 42 an an DET _005195630 116 43 inward inward ADJ _005195630 116 44 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195630 116 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 116 46 power power NOUN _005195630 116 47 or or CCONJ _005195630 116 48 grace grace NOUN _005195630 116 49 imparted impart VERB _005195630 116 50 directly directly ADV _005195630 116 51 from from ADP _005195630 116 52 above above ADV _005195630 116 53 , , PUNCT _005195630 116 54 and and CCONJ _005195630 116 55 of of ADP _005195630 116 56 which which PRON _005195630 116 57 she she PRON _005195630 116 58 is be AUX _005195630 116 59 the the DET _005195630 116 60 channel channel NOUN _005195630 116 61 . . PUNCT _005195630 117 1 she she PRON _005195630 117 2 has have VERB _005195630 117 3 it it PRON _005195630 117 4 in in ADP _005195630 117 5 charge charge NOUN _005195630 117 6 to to PART _005195630 117 7 rescue rescue VERB _005195630 117 8 human human ADJ _005195630 117 9 nature nature NOUN _005195630 117 10 from from ADP _005195630 117 11 its its PRON _005195630 117 12 misery misery NOUN _005195630 117 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 117 14 but but CCONJ _005195630 117 15 not not PART _005195630 117 16 simply simply ADV _005195630 117 17 by by ADP _005195630 117 18 restoring restore VERB _005195630 117 19 it it PRON _005195630 117 20 on on ADP _005195630 117 21 its its PRON _005195630 117 22 own own ADJ _005195630 117 23 level level NOUN _005195630 117 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 117 25 but but CCONJ _005195630 117 26 by by ADP _005195630 117 27 lifting lift VERB _005195630 117 28 it it PRON _005195630 117 29 up up ADP _005195630 117 30 to to ADP _005195630 117 31 a a DET _005195630 117 32 higher high ADJ _005195630 117 33 level level NOUN _005195630 117 34 than than ADP _005195630 117 35 its its PRON _005195630 117 36 own own ADJ _005195630 117 37 . . PUNCT _005195630 118 1 she she PRON _005195630 118 2 recognizes recognize VERB _005195630 118 3 in in ADP _005195630 118 4 it it PRON _005195630 118 5 real real ADJ _005195630 118 6 moral moral ADJ _005195630 118 7 excellence excellence NOUN _005195630 118 8 though though ADV _005195630 118 9 degraded degrade VERB _005195630 118 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 118 11 but but CCONJ _005195630 118 12 she she PRON _005195630 118 13 can can AUX _005195630 118 14 not not PART _005195630 118 15 set set VERB _005195630 118 16 it it PRON _005195630 118 17 free free ADJ _005195630 118 18 from from ADP _005195630 118 19 earth earth NOUN _005195630 118 20 except except SCONJ _005195630 118 21 by by ADP _005195630 118 22 exalting exalt VERB _005195630 118 23 it it PRON _005195630 118 24 towards towards ADP _005195630 118 25 heaven heaven PROPN _005195630 118 26 . . PUNCT _005195630 119 1 it it PRON _005195630 119 2 was be AUX _005195630 119 3 for for ADP _005195630 119 4 this this DET _005195630 119 5 end end NOUN _005195630 119 6 that that SCONJ _005195630 119 7 a a DET _005195630 119 8 renovating renovate VERB _005195630 119 9 grace grace NOUN _005195630 119 10 was be AUX _005195630 119 11 put put VERB _005195630 119 12 into into ADP _005195630 119 13 her her PRON _005195630 119 14 hands hand NOUN _005195630 119 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 119 16 and and CCONJ _005195630 119 17 therefore therefore ADV _005195630 119 18 from from ADP _005195630 119 19 the the DET _005195630 119 20 nature nature NOUN _005195630 119 21 of of ADP _005195630 119 22 the the DET _005195630 119 23 gift gift NOUN _005195630 119 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 119 25 as as ADV _005195630 119 26 well well ADV _005195630 119 27 as as ADP _005195630 119 28 from from ADP _005195630 119 29 the the DET _005195630 119 30 reasonableness reasonableness NOUN _005195630 119 31 of of ADP _005195630 119 32 the the DET _005195630 119 33 case case NOUN _005195630 119 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 119 35 she she PRON _005195630 119 36 goes go VERB _005195630 119 37 on on ADP _005195630 119 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 119 39 as as ADP _005195630 119 40 a a DET _005195630 119 41 further further ADJ _005195630 119 42 point point NOUN _005195630 119 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 119 44 to to PART _005195630 119 45 insist insist VERB _005195630 119 46 , , PUNCT _005195630 119 47 that that SCONJ _005195630 119 48 all all DET _005195630 119 49 true true ADJ _005195630 119 50 conversion conversion NOUN _005195630 119 51 must must AUX _005195630 119 52 begin begin VERB _005195630 119 53 with with ADP _005195630 119 54 the the DET _005195630 119 55 first first ADJ _005195630 119 56 springs spring NOUN _005195630 119 57 of of ADP _005195630 119 58 thought thought NOUN _005195630 119 59 , , PUNCT _005195630 119 60 and and CCONJ _005195630 119 61 to to PART _005195630 119 62 teach teach VERB _005195630 119 63 that that SCONJ _005195630 119 64 each each DET _005195630 119 65 individual individual ADJ _005195630 119 66 man man NOUN _005195630 119 67 must must AUX _005195630 119 68 be be AUX _005195630 119 69 in in ADP _005195630 119 70 his his PRON _005195630 119 71 own own ADJ _005195630 119 72 person person NOUN _005195630 119 73 one one NUM _005195630 119 74 whole whole ADJ _005195630 119 75 and and CCONJ _005195630 119 76 perfect perfect ADJ _005195630 119 77 temple temple NOUN _005195630 119 78 of of ADP _005195630 119 79 god god PROPN _005195630 119 80 , , PUNCT _005195630 119 81 while while SCONJ _005195630 119 82 he he PRON _005195630 119 83 is be AUX _005195630 119 84 also also ADV _005195630 119 85 one one NUM _005195630 119 86 of of ADP _005195630 119 87 the the DET _005195630 119 88 living living NOUN _005195630 119 89 stones stone NOUN _005195630 119 90 which which PRON _005195630 119 91 build build VERB _005195630 119 92 up up ADP _005195630 119 93 a a DET _005195630 119 94 visible visible ADJ _005195630 119 95 religious religious ADJ _005195630 119 96 community community NOUN _005195630 119 97 . . PUNCT _005195630 120 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 120 2 thus thus ADV _005195630 120 3 the the DET _005195630 120 4 distinctions distinction NOUN _005195630 120 5 between between ADP _005195630 120 6 nature nature NOUN _005195630 120 7 and and CCONJ _005195630 120 8 grace grace NOUN _005195630 120 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 120 10 and and CCONJ _005195630 120 11 between between ADP _005195630 120 12 outward outward ADJ _005195630 120 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 120 14 inward inward ADJ _005195630 120 15 religion religion NOUN _005195630 120 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 120 17 become become VERB _005195630 120 18 two two NUM _005195630 120 19 further further ADJ _005195630 120 20 articles article NOUN _005195630 120 21 in in ADP _005195630 120 22 what what PRON _005195630 120 23 i i PRON _005195630 120 24 have have AUX _005195630 120 25 called call VERB _005195630 120 26 the the DET _005195630 120 27 preamble preamble NOUN _005195630 120 28 of of ADP _005195630 120 29 her her PRON _005195630 120 30 divine divine ADJ _005195630 120 31 commission commission PROPN _005195630 120 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 121 1 such such ADJ _005195630 121 2 truths truth NOUN _005195630 121 3 as as ADP _005195630 121 4 these these PRON _005195630 121 5 she she PRON _005195630 121 6 vigorously vigorously ADV _005195630 121 7 reiterates reiterate VERB _005195630 121 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 121 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 121 10 pertinaciously pertinaciously ADV _005195630 121 11 inflicts inflict VERB _005195630 121 12 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 121 13 mankind mankind NOUN _005195630 121 14 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 121 15 as as ADP _005195630 121 16 to to ADP _005195630 121 17 such such ADJ _005195630 121 18 she she PRON _005195630 121 19 observes observe VERB _005195630 121 20 no no DET _005195630 121 21 half half NOUN _005195630 121 22 - - PUNCT _005195630 121 23 measures measure NOUN _005195630 121 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 121 25 no no DET _005195630 121 26 economical economical ADJ _005195630 121 27 reserve reserve NOUN _005195630 121 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 121 29 no no DET _005195630 121 30 delicacy delicacy NOUN _005195630 121 31 or or CCONJ _005195630 121 32 prudence prudence NOUN _005195630 121 33 . . PUNCT _005195630 122 1 “ " PUNCT _005195630 122 2 ye ye PRON _005195630 122 3 must must AUX _005195630 122 4 be be AUX _005195630 122 5 born bear VERB _005195630 122 6 again again ADV _005195630 122 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 8 ” " PUNCT _005195630 122 9 is be AUX _005195630 122 10 the the DET _005195630 122 11 simple simple ADJ _005195630 122 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 13 direct direct ADJ _005195630 122 14 form form NOUN _005195630 122 15 of of ADP _005195630 122 16 words word NOUN _005195630 122 17 which which PRON _005195630 122 18 she she PRON _005195630 122 19 uses use VERB _005195630 122 20 after after ADP _005195630 122 21 her her PRON _005195630 122 22 divine divine ADJ _005195630 122 23 master master NOUN _005195630 122 24 : : PUNCT _005195630 122 25 “ " PUNCT _005195630 122 26 your your PRON _005195630 122 27 whole whole ADJ _005195630 122 28 nature nature NOUN _005195630 122 29 must must AUX _005195630 122 30 be be AUX _005195630 122 31 re re VERB _005195630 122 32 - - VERB _005195630 122 33 born bear VERB _005195630 122 34 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 122 35 your your PRON _005195630 122 36 passions passion NOUN _005195630 122 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 38 and and CCONJ _005195630 122 39 your your PRON _005195630 122 40 affections affection NOUN _005195630 122 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 42 and and CCONJ _005195630 122 43 your your PRON _005195630 122 44 aims aim NOUN _005195630 122 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 46 and and CCONJ _005195630 122 47 your your PRON _005195630 122 48 conscience conscience NOUN _005195630 122 49 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 50 and and CCONJ _005195630 122 51 your your PRON _005195630 122 52 will will NOUN _005195630 122 53 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 54 must must AUX _005195630 122 55 all all PRON _005195630 122 56 be be AUX _005195630 122 57 bathed bathe VERB _005195630 122 58 in in ADP _005195630 122 59 a a DET _005195630 122 60 new new ADJ _005195630 122 61 element element NOUN _005195630 122 62 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 63 and and CCONJ _005195630 122 64 reconsecrated reconsecrate VERB _005195630 122 65 to to ADP _005195630 122 66 your your PRON _005195630 122 67 maker,—and maker,—and NOUN _005195630 122 68 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 69 the the DET _005195630 122 70 last last ADJ _005195630 122 71 not not PART _005195630 122 72 the the DET _005195630 122 73 least least ADJ _005195630 122 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 122 75 your your PRON _005195630 122 76 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 122 77 . . PUNCT _005195630 122 78 ” " PUNCT _005195630 123 1 it it PRON _005195630 123 2 was be AUX _005195630 123 3 for for ADP _005195630 123 4 repeating repeat VERB _005195630 123 5 these these DET _005195630 123 6 points point NOUN _005195630 123 7 of of ADP _005195630 123 8 her her PRON _005195630 123 9 teaching teaching NOUN _005195630 123 10 in in ADP _005195630 123 11 my my PRON _005195630 123 12 own own ADJ _005195630 123 13 way way NOUN _005195630 123 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 123 15 that that SCONJ _005195630 123 16 certain certain ADJ _005195630 123 17 passages passage NOUN _005195630 123 18 of of ADP _005195630 123 19 one one NUM _005195630 123 20 of of ADP _005195630 123 21 my my PRON _005195630 123 22 volumes volume NOUN _005195630 123 23 have have AUX _005195630 123 24 been be AUX _005195630 123 25 brought bring VERB _005195630 123 26 into into ADP _005195630 123 27 the the DET _005195630 123 28 general general ADJ _005195630 123 29 accusation accusation NOUN _005195630 123 30 which which PRON _005195630 123 31 has have AUX _005195630 123 32 been be AUX _005195630 123 33 made make VERB _005195630 123 34 against against ADP _005195630 123 35 my my PRON _005195630 123 36 religious religious ADJ _005195630 123 37 opinions opinion NOUN _005195630 123 38 . . PUNCT _005195630 124 1 the the DET _005195630 124 2 writer writer NOUN _005195630 124 3 has have AUX _005195630 124 4 said say VERB _005195630 124 5 that that SCONJ _005195630 124 6 i i PRON _005195630 124 7 was be AUX _005195630 124 8 demented demented ADJ _005195630 124 9 if if SCONJ _005195630 124 10 i i PRON _005195630 124 11 believed believe VERB _005195630 124 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 124 14 unprincipled unprincipled ADJ _005195630 124 15 if if SCONJ _005195630 124 16 i i PRON _005195630 124 17 did do AUX _005195630 124 18 not not PART _005195630 124 19 believe believe VERB _005195630 124 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 21 in in ADP _005195630 124 22 my my PRON _005195630 124 23 own own ADJ _005195630 124 24 statement statement NOUN _005195630 124 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 26 that that SCONJ _005195630 124 27 a a DET _005195630 124 28 lazy lazy ADJ _005195630 124 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 30 ragged ragged ADJ _005195630 124 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 32 filthy filthy ADJ _005195630 124 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 34 story story NOUN _005195630 124 35 - - PUNCT _005195630 124 36 telling tell VERB _005195630 124 37 beggar beggar NOUN _005195630 124 38 - - PUNCT _005195630 124 39 woman woman NOUN _005195630 124 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 41 if if SCONJ _005195630 124 42 chaste chaste ADJ _005195630 124 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 44 sober sober ADJ _005195630 124 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 46 cheerful cheerful ADJ _005195630 124 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 48 and and CCONJ _005195630 124 49 religious religious ADJ _005195630 124 50 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 51 had have VERB _005195630 124 52 a a DET _005195630 124 53 prospect prospect NOUN _005195630 124 54 of of ADP _005195630 124 55 heaven heaven PROPN _005195630 124 56 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 57 iimy iimy VERB _005195630 124 58 mind mind NOUN _005195630 124 59 as as ADP _005195630 124 60 a a DET _005195630 124 61 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 124 62 such such ADJ _005195630 124 63 as as ADP _005195630 124 64 was be AUX _005195630 124 65 absolutely absolutely ADV _005195630 124 66 closed closed ADJ _005195630 124 67 to to ADP _005195630 124 68 an an DET _005195630 124 69 accomplished accomplished ADJ _005195630 124 70 statesman statesman NOUN _005195630 124 71 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 72 or or CCONJ _005195630 124 73 lawyer lawyer NOUN _005195630 124 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 75 or or CCONJ _005195630 124 76 noble noble ADJ _005195630 124 77 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 78 be be AUX _005195630 124 79 he he PRON _005195630 124 80 ever ever ADV _005195630 124 81 so so ADV _005195630 124 82 just just ADV _005195630 124 83 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 84 upright upright ADJ _005195630 124 85 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 86 generous generous ADJ _005195630 124 87 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 88 honourable honourable ADJ _005195630 124 89 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 90 and and CCONJ _005195630 124 91 conscientious conscientious ADJ _005195630 124 92 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 93 unless unless SCONJ _005195630 124 94 he he PRON _005195630 124 95 had have VERB _005195630 124 96 also also ADV _005195630 124 97 some some DET _005195630 124 98 portion portion NOUN _005195630 124 99 of of ADP _005195630 124 100 the the DET _005195630 124 101 divine divine ADJ _005195630 124 102 christian christian ADJ _005195630 124 103 graces grace NOUN _005195630 124 104 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 124 105 — — PUNCT _005195630 124 106 yet yet CCONJ _005195630 124 107 i i PRON _005195630 124 108 should should AUX _005195630 124 109 have have AUX _005195630 124 110 thought think VERB _005195630 124 111 myself myself PRON _005195630 124 112 defended defend VERB _005195630 124 113 from from ADP _005195630 124 114 criticism criticism NOUN _005195630 124 115 by by ADP _005195630 124 116 the the DET _005195630 124 117 words word NOUN _005195630 124 118 which which PRON _005195630 124 119 our our PRON _005195630 124 120 lord lord PROPN _005195630 124 121 used use VERB _005195630 124 122 to to ADP _005195630 124 123 the the DET _005195630 124 124 chief chief ADJ _005195630 124 125 priests priest NOUN _005195630 124 126 , , PUNCT _005195630 124 127 “ " PUNCT _005195630 124 128 the the DET _005195630 124 129 publicans publicans PROPN _005195630 124 130 and and CCONJ _005195630 124 131 harlots harlot NOUN _005195630 124 132 go go VERB _005195630 124 133 into into ADP _005195630 124 134 the the DET _005195630 124 135 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005195630 124 136 of of ADP _005195630 124 137 god god PROPN _005195630 124 138 before before ADP _005195630 124 139 you you PRON _005195630 124 140 . . PUNCT _005195630 124 141 ” " PUNCT _005195630 125 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 125 2 i i PRON _005195630 125 3 was be AUX _005195630 125 4 subjected subject VERB _005195630 125 5 again again ADV _005195630 125 6 to to ADP _005195630 125 7 the the DET _005195630 125 8 same same ADJ _005195630 125 9 alternative alternative NOUN _005195630 125 10 of of ADP _005195630 125 11 imputations imputation NOUN _005195630 125 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 13 for for ADP _005195630 125 14 having having AUX _005195630 125 15 ventured venture VERB _005195630 125 16 to to PART _005195630 125 17 say say VERB _005195630 125 18 that that DET _005195630 125 19 consent consent NOUN _005195630 125 20 to to ADP _005195630 125 21 an an DET _005195630 125 22 unchaste unchaste ADJ _005195630 125 23 wish wish NOUN _005195630 125 24 was be AUX _005195630 125 25 indefinitely indefinitely ADV _005195630 125 26 more more ADV _005195630 125 27 heinous heinous ADJ _005195630 125 28 than than SCONJ _005195630 125 29 any any DET _005195630 125 30 lie lie NOUN _005195630 125 31 viewed view VERB _005195630 125 32 apart apart ADV _005195630 125 33 from from ADP _005195630 125 34 its its PRON _005195630 125 35 causes cause NOUN _005195630 125 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 37 its its PRON _005195630 125 38 motives motive NOUN _005195630 125 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 40 and and CCONJ _005195630 125 41 its its PRON _005195630 125 42 consequences consequence NOUN _005195630 125 43 : : PUNCT _005195630 125 44 though though SCONJ _005195630 125 45 a a DET _005195630 125 46 lie lie NOUN _005195630 125 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 48 viewed view VERB _005195630 125 49 under under ADP _005195630 125 50 the the DET _005195630 125 51 limitation limitation NOUN _005195630 125 52 of of ADP _005195630 125 53 these these DET _005195630 125 54 conditions condition NOUN _005195630 125 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 56 is be AUX _005195630 125 57 a a DET _005195630 125 58 random random ADJ _005195630 125 59 utterance utterance NOUN _005195630 125 60 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 61 an an DET _005195630 125 62 almost almost ADV _005195630 125 63 outward outward ADJ _005195630 125 64 act act NOUN _005195630 125 65 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 66 not not PART _005195630 125 67 directly directly ADV _005195630 125 68 from from ADP _005195630 125 69 the the DET _005195630 125 70 heart heart NOUN _005195630 125 71 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 72 however however ADV _005195630 125 73 disgraceful disgraceful ADJ _005195630 125 74 and and CCONJ _005195630 125 75 despicable despicable ADJ _005195630 125 76 it it PRON _005195630 125 77 may may AUX _005195630 125 78 be be AUX _005195630 125 79 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 80 however however ADV _005195630 125 81 prejudicial prejudicial ADJ _005195630 125 82 to to ADP _005195630 125 83 the the DET _005195630 125 84 social social ADJ _005195630 125 85 contract contract NOUN _005195630 125 86 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 87 however however ADV _005195630 125 88 deserving deserve VERB _005195630 125 89 of of ADP _005195630 125 90 public public ADJ _005195630 125 91 reprobation reprobation NOUN _005195630 125 92 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 125 93 whereas whereas SCONJ _005195630 125 94 we we PRON _005195630 125 95 have have VERB _005195630 125 96 the the DET _005195630 125 97 express express ADJ _005195630 125 98 words word NOUN _005195630 125 99 of of ADP _005195630 125 100 our our PRON _005195630 125 101 lord lord PROPN _005195630 125 102 to to ADP _005195630 125 103 the the DET _005195630 125 104 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 125 105 that that SCONJ _005195630 125 106 “ " PUNCT _005195630 125 107 whoso whoso PROPN _005195630 125 108 looketh looketh PROPN _005195630 125 109 on on ADP _005195630 125 110 a a DET _005195630 125 111 woman woman NOUN _005195630 125 112 to to PART _005195630 125 113 lust lust VERB _005195630 125 114 after after ADP _005195630 125 115 her she PRON _005195630 125 116 , , PUNCT _005195630 125 117 hath hath NOUN _005195630 125 118 committed commit VERB _005195630 125 119 adultery adultery NOUN _005195630 125 120 with with ADP _005195630 125 121 her she PRON _005195630 125 122 already already ADV _005195630 125 123 in in ADP _005195630 125 124 his his PRON _005195630 125 125 heart heart NOUN _005195630 125 126 . . PUNCT _005195630 125 127 ’ ' PUNCT _005195630 125 128 ’ ' PUNCT _005195630 126 1 on on ADP _005195630 126 2 the the DET _005195630 126 3 strength strength NOUN _005195630 126 4 of of ADP _005195630 126 5 these these DET _005195630 126 6 texts text NOUN _005195630 126 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 126 8 i i PRON _005195630 126 9 have have VERB _005195630 126 10 surely surely ADV _005195630 126 11 as as ADV _005195630 126 12 much much ADJ _005195630 126 13 right right ADJ _005195630 126 14 to to PART _005195630 126 15 believe believe VERB _005195630 126 16 in in ADP _005195630 126 17 these these DET _005195630 126 18 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195630 126 19 which which PRON _005195630 126 20 have have AUX _005195630 126 21 caused cause VERB _005195630 126 22 so so ADV _005195630 126 23 much much ADJ _005195630 126 24 surprise surprise NOUN _005195630 126 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 126 26 as as SCONJ _005195630 126 27 to to PART _005195630 126 28 believe believe VERB _005195630 126 29 in in ADP _005195630 126 30 original original ADJ _005195630 126 31 sin sin NOUN _005195630 126 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 126 33 or or CCONJ _005195630 126 34 that that SCONJ _005195630 126 35 there there PRON _005195630 126 36 is be VERB _005195630 126 37 a a DET _005195630 126 38 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005195630 126 39 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 126 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 126 41 or or CCONJ _005195630 126 42 that that SCONJ _005195630 126 43 a a DET _005195630 126 44 divine divine ADJ _005195630 126 45 person person NOUN _005195630 126 46 suffered suffer VERB _005195630 126 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 126 48 or or CCONJ _005195630 126 49 that that DET _005195630 126 50 punishment punishment NOUN _005195630 126 51 is be AUX _005195630 126 52 eternal eternal ADJ _005195630 126 53 . . PUNCT _005195630 127 1 • • VERB _005195630 127 2 passing pass VERB _005195630 127 3 now now ADV _005195630 127 4 from from ADP _005195630 127 5 what what PRON _005195630 127 6 i i PRON _005195630 127 7 have have AUX _005195630 127 8 called call VERB _005195630 127 9 the the DET _005195630 127 10 preamble preamble NOUN _005195630 127 11 of of ADP _005195630 127 12 that that DET _005195630 127 13 grant grant NOUN _005195630 127 14 of of ADP _005195630 127 15 power power NOUN _005195630 127 16 which which PRON _005195630 127 17 is be AUX _005195630 127 18 made make VERB _005195630 127 19 to to ADP _005195630 127 20 the the DET _005195630 127 21 church church NOUN _005195630 127 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 23 to to ADP _005195630 127 24 that that DET _005195630 127 25 power power NOUN _005195630 127 26 itself itself PRON _005195630 127 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 28 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 127 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 30 i i PRON _005195630 127 31 premise premise VERB _005195630 127 32 two two NUM _005195630 127 33 brief brief ADJ _005195630 127 34 remarks remark NOUN _005195630 127 35 : : PUNCT _005195630 127 36 — — PUNCT _005195630 127 37 i. i. NOUN _005195630 127 38 on on ADP _005195630 127 39 the the DET _005195630 127 40 one one NUM _005195630 127 41 hand hand NOUN _005195630 127 42 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 43 i i PRON _005195630 127 44 am be AUX _005195630 127 45 not not PART _005195630 127 46 here here ADV _005195630 127 47 determining determine VERB _005195630 127 48 any any DET _005195630 127 49 thing thing NOUN _005195630 127 50 about about ADP _005195630 127 51 the the DET _005195630 127 52 essential essential ADJ _005195630 127 53 seat seat NOUN _005195630 127 54 of of ADP _005195630 127 55 that that DET _005195630 127 56 power power NOUN _005195630 127 57 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 58 because because SCONJ _005195630 127 59 that that PRON _005195630 127 60 is be AUX _005195630 127 61 a a DET _005195630 127 62 question question NOUN _005195630 127 63 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005195630 127 64 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 65 not not PART _005195630 127 66 historical historical ADJ _005195630 127 67 and and CCONJ _005195630 127 68 practical practical ADJ _005195630 127 69 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 127 70 2 2 X _005195630 127 71 . . PUNCT _005195630 127 72 nor nor CCONJ _005195630 127 73 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 74 on on ADP _005195630 127 75 the the DET _005195630 127 76 other other ADJ _005195630 127 77 hand hand NOUN _005195630 127 78 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 79 am be AUX _005195630 127 80 i i PRON _005195630 127 81 extending extend VERB _005195630 127 82 the the DET _005195630 127 83 direct direct ADJ _005195630 127 84 subject subject NOUN _005195630 127 85 - - PUNCT _005195630 127 86 matter matter NOUN _005195630 127 87 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 88 over over ADP _005195630 127 89 which which PRON _005195630 127 90 that that DET _005195630 127 91 power power NOUN _005195630 127 92 of of ADP _005195630 127 93 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 127 94 has have VERB _005195630 127 95 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005195630 127 96 , , PUNCT _005195630 127 97 beyond beyond ADP _005195630 127 98 religious religious ADJ _005195630 127 99 opinion opinion NOUN _005195630 127 100 : : PUNCT _005195630 127 101 — — PUNCT _005195630 127 102 and and CCONJ _005195630 127 103 now now ADV _005195630 127 104 as as ADP _005195630 127 105 to to ADP _005195630 127 106 the the DET _005195630 127 107 power power NOUN _005195630 127 108 itself itself PRON _005195630 127 109 . . PUNCT _005195630 128 1 this this DET _005195630 128 2 power power NOUN _005195630 128 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 128 4 viewed view VERB _005195630 128 5 in in ADP _005195630 128 6 its its PRON _005195630 128 7 fulness fulness NOUN _005195630 128 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 128 9 is be AUX _005195630 128 10 as as ADV _005195630 128 11 tremendous tremendous ADJ _005195630 128 12 as as ADP _005195630 128 13 the the DET _005195630 128 14 giant giant ADJ _005195630 128 15 evil evil NOUN _005195630 128 16 which which PRON _005195630 128 17 has have AUX _005195630 128 18 called call VERB _005195630 128 19 for for ADP _005195630 128 20 it it PRON _005195630 128 21 . . PUNCT _005195630 129 1 it it PRON _005195630 129 2 claims claim VERB _005195630 129 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 129 4 when when SCONJ _005195630 129 5 brought bring VERB _005195630 129 6 into into ADP _005195630 129 7 exercise exercise NOUN _005195630 129 8 but but CCONJ _005195630 129 9 in in ADP _005195630 129 10 the the DET _005195630 129 11 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005195630 129 12 manner manner NOUN _005195630 129 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 129 14 for for ADP _005195630 129 15 otherwise otherwise ADV _005195630 129 16 of of ADP _005195630 129 17 course course NOUN _005195630 129 18 it it PRON _005195630 129 19 is be AUX _005195630 129 20 but but CCONJ _005195630 129 21 quiescent quiescent ADJ _005195630 129 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 129 23 to to PART _005195630 129 24 know know VERB _005195630 129 25 for for ADP _005195630 129 26 certain certain ADJ _005195630 129 27 the the DET _005195630 129 28 very very ADJ _005195630 129 29 meaning meaning NOUN _005195630 129 30 of of ADP _005195630 129 31 every every DET _005195630 129 32 portion portion NOUN _005195630 129 33 of of ADP _005195630 129 34 that that DET _005195630 129 35 divine divine ADJ _005195630 129 36 message message NOUN _005195630 129 37 in in ADP _005195630 129 38 detail detail NOUN _005195630 129 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 129 40 which which PRON _005195630 129 41 was be AUX _005195630 129 42 committed commit VERB _005195630 129 43 by by ADP _005195630 129 44 our our PRON _005195630 129 45 lord lord PROPN _005195630 129 46 to to ADP _005195630 129 47 his his PRON _005195630 129 48 apostles apostle NOUN _005195630 129 49 . . PUNCT _005195630 130 1 it it PRON _005195630 130 2 claims claim VERB _005195630 130 3 to to PART _005195630 130 4 know know VERB _005195630 130 5 its its PRON _005195630 130 6 own own ADJ _005195630 130 7 limits limit NOUN _005195630 130 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 130 10 to to PART _005195630 130 11 decide decide VERB _005195630 130 12 what what PRON _005195630 130 13 it it PRON _005195630 130 14 can can AUX _005195630 130 15 determine determine VERB _005195630 130 16 absolutely absolutely ADV _005195630 130 17 and and CCONJ _005195630 130 18 what what PRON _005195630 130 19 it it PRON _005195630 130 20 can can AUX _005195630 130 21 not not PART _005195630 130 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 23 it it PRON _005195630 130 24 claims claim VERB _005195630 130 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 26 more12 more12 VERB _005195630 130 27 my my PRON _005195630 130 28 mind mind NOUN _005195630 130 29 as as ADP _005195630 130 30 a a DET _005195630 130 31 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 130 32 over over ADV _005195630 130 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 34 to to PART _005195630 130 35 have have VERB _005195630 130 36 a a DET _005195630 130 37 hold hold NOUN _005195630 130 38 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 130 39 statements statement NOUN _005195630 130 40 not not PART _005195630 130 41 directly directly ADV _005195630 130 42 religious religious ADJ _005195630 130 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 44 so so ADV _005195630 130 45 far far ADV _005195630 130 46 as as SCONJ _005195630 130 47 this,—to this,—to PROPN _005195630 130 48 determine determine VERB _005195630 130 49 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 130 50 they they PRON _005195630 130 51 indirectly indirectly ADV _005195630 130 52 relate relate VERB _005195630 130 53 to to ADP _005195630 130 54 religion religion NOUN _005195630 130 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 56 and and CCONJ _005195630 130 57 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 58 according accord VERB _005195630 130 59 to to ADP _005195630 130 60 its its PRON _005195630 130 61 own own ADJ _005195630 130 62 definitive definitive ADJ _005195630 130 63 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 130 64 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 65 to to PART _005195630 130 66 pronounce pronounce VERB _005195630 130 67 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 130 68 or or CCONJ _005195630 130 69 not not PART _005195630 130 70 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 71 in in ADP _005195630 130 72 a a DET _005195630 130 73 particular particular ADJ _005195630 130 74 case case NOUN _005195630 130 75 , , PUNCT _005195630 130 76 they they PRON _005195630 130 77 are be AUX _005195630 130 78 simply simply ADV _005195630 130 79 consistent consistent ADJ _005195630 130 80 with with ADP _005195630 130 81 revealed reveal VERB _005195630 130 82 truth truth NOUN _005195630 130 83 . . PUNCT _005195630 131 1 it it PRON _005195630 131 2 claims claim VERB _005195630 131 3 to to PART _005195630 131 4 decide decide VERB _005195630 131 5 magisterially magisterially ADV _005195630 131 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 131 7 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 131 8 as as ADP _005195630 131 9 within within ADP _005195630 131 10 its its PRON _005195630 131 11 own own ADJ _005195630 131 12 province province NOUN _005195630 131 13 or or CCONJ _005195630 131 14 not not PART _005195630 131 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 131 16 that that SCONJ _005195630 131 17 such such ADJ _005195630 131 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 131 19 such such ADJ _005195630 131 20 statements statement NOUN _005195630 131 21 are be AUX _005195630 131 22 or or CCONJ _005195630 131 23 are be AUX _005195630 131 24 not not PART _005195630 131 25 prejudicial prejudicial ADJ _005195630 131 26 to to ADP _005195630 131 27 the the DET _005195630 131 28 depositum depositum NOUN _005195630 131 29 of of ADP _005195630 131 30 faith faith NOUN _005195630 131 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 131 32 in in ADP _005195630 131 33 their their PRON _005195630 131 34 spirit spirit NOUN _005195630 131 35 or or CCONJ _005195630 131 36 in in ADP _005195630 131 37 their their PRON _005195630 131 38 consequences consequence NOUN _005195630 131 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 131 40 and and CCONJ _005195630 131 41 to to PART _005195630 131 42 allow allow VERB _005195630 131 43 them they PRON _005195630 131 44 , , PUNCT _005195630 131 45 or or CCONJ _005195630 131 46 condemn condemn VERB _005195630 131 47 and and CCONJ _005195630 131 48 forbid forbid VERB _005195630 131 49 them they PRON _005195630 131 50 , , PUNCT _005195630 131 51 accordingly accordingly ADV _005195630 131 52 . . PUNCT _005195630 132 1 it it PRON _005195630 132 2 claims claim VERB _005195630 132 3 to to PART _005195630 132 4 impose impose VERB _005195630 132 5 silence silence NOUN _005195630 132 6 at at ADP _005195630 132 7 will will NOUN _005195630 132 8 on on ADP _005195630 132 9 any any DET _005195630 132 10 matters matter NOUN _005195630 132 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 132 12 or or CCONJ _005195630 132 13 controversies controversy NOUN _005195630 132 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 132 15 of of ADP _005195630 132 16 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 132 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 132 18 which which PRON _005195630 132 19 on on ADP _005195630 132 20 its its PRON _005195630 132 21 own own ADJ _005195630 132 22 ipse ipse NOUN _005195630 132 23 dixit dixit NOUN _005195630 132 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 132 25 it it PRON _005195630 132 26 pronounces pronounce VERB _005195630 132 27 to to PART _005195630 132 28 be be AUX _005195630 132 29 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005195630 132 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 132 31 or or CCONJ _005195630 132 32 inexpedient inexpedient ADJ _005195630 132 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 132 34 or or CCONJ _005195630 132 35 inopportune inopportune NOUN _005195630 132 36 . . PUNCT _005195630 133 1 it it PRON _005195630 133 2 claims claim VERB _005195630 133 3 that that SCONJ _005195630 133 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 5 whatever whatever PRON _005195630 133 6 may may AUX _005195630 133 7 be be AUX _005195630 133 8 the the DET _005195630 133 9 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 133 10 of of ADP _005195630 133 11 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 133 12 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 133 13 such such ADJ _005195630 133 14 acts act NOUN _005195630 133 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 16 these these DET _005195630 133 17 acts act NOUN _005195630 133 18 should should AUX _005195630 133 19 be be AUX _005195630 133 20 received receive VERB _005195630 133 21 by by ADP _005195630 133 22 them they PRON _005195630 133 23 with with ADP _005195630 133 24 those those DET _005195630 133 25 outward outward ADJ _005195630 133 26 marks mark NOUN _005195630 133 27 of of ADP _005195630 133 28 reverence reverence NOUN _005195630 133 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 30 submission submission NOUN _005195630 133 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 32 and and CCONJ _005195630 133 33 loyalty loyalty NOUN _005195630 133 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 35 which which PRON _005195630 133 36 englishmen englishman NOUN _005195630 133 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 38 for for ADP _005195630 133 39 instance instance NOUN _005195630 133 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 41 pay pay VERB _005195630 133 42 to to ADP _005195630 133 43 the the DET _005195630 133 44 presence presence NOUN _005195630 133 45 of of ADP _005195630 133 46 their their PRON _005195630 133 47 sovereign sovereign ADJ _005195630 133 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 49 without without ADP _005195630 133 50 expressing express VERB _005195630 133 51 any any DET _005195630 133 52 criticism criticism NOUN _005195630 133 53 on on ADP _005195630 133 54 them they PRON _005195630 133 55 on on ADP _005195630 133 56 the the DET _005195630 133 57 ground ground NOUN _005195630 133 58 that that SCONJ _005195630 133 59 in in ADP _005195630 133 60 their their PRON _005195630 133 61 matter matter NOUN _005195630 133 62 they they PRON _005195630 133 63 are be AUX _005195630 133 64 inexpedient inexpedient ADJ _005195630 133 65 , , PUNCT _005195630 133 66 or or CCONJ _005195630 133 67 in in ADP _005195630 133 68 their their PRON _005195630 133 69 manner manner NOUN _005195630 133 70 violent violent ADJ _005195630 133 71 or or CCONJ _005195630 133 72 harsh harsh ADJ _005195630 133 73 . . PUNCT _005195630 134 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 134 2 lastly lastly ADV _005195630 134 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 134 4 it it PRON _005195630 134 5 claims claim VERB _005195630 134 6 to to PART _005195630 134 7 have have VERB _005195630 134 8 the the DET _005195630 134 9 right right NOUN _005195630 134 10 of of ADP _005195630 134 11 inflicting inflict VERB _005195630 134 12 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195630 134 13 punishment punishment NOUN _005195630 134 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 134 15 of of ADP _005195630 134 16 cutting cut VERB _005195630 134 17 off off ADP _005195630 134 18 from from ADP _005195630 134 19 the the DET _005195630 134 20 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005195630 134 21 channels channel NOUN _005195630 134 22 of of ADP _005195630 134 23 the the DET _005195630 134 24 divine divine ADJ _005195630 134 25 life life NOUN _005195630 134 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 134 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 134 28 of of ADP _005195630 134 29 simply simply ADV _005195630 134 30 excommunicating excommunicating ADJ _005195630 134 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 134 32 those those PRON _005195630 134 33 who who PRON _005195630 134 34 refuse refuse VERB _005195630 134 35 to to PART _005195630 134 36 submit submit VERB _005195630 134 37 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 134 38 to to ADP _005195630 134 39 its its PRON _005195630 134 40 formal formal ADJ _005195630 134 41 declarations declaration NOUN _005195630 134 42 . . PUNCT _005195630 135 1 such such ADJ _005195630 135 2 is be AUX _005195630 135 3 the the DET _005195630 135 4 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 135 5 lodged lodge VERB _005195630 135 6 in in ADP _005195630 135 7 the the DET _005195630 135 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 135 9 church church NOUN _005195630 135 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 135 11 viewed view VERB _005195630 135 12 in in ADP _005195630 135 13 the the DET _005195630 135 14 concrete concrete NOUN _005195630 135 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 135 16 as as SCONJ _005195630 135 17 clothed clothe VERB _005195630 135 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 135 19 surrounded surround VERB _005195630 135 20 by by ADP _005195630 135 21 the the DET _005195630 135 22 ' ' PUNCT _005195630 135 23 appendages appendage NOUN _005195630 135 24 of of ADP _005195630 135 25 its its PRON _005195630 135 26 high*sovereignty high*sovereignty NOUN _005195630 135 27 : : PUNCT _005195630 135 28 it it PRON _005195630 135 29 is be AUX _005195630 135 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 135 31 to to PART _005195630 135 32 repeat repeat VERB _005195630 135 33 what what PRON _005195630 135 34 i i PRON _005195630 135 35 said say VERB _005195630 135 36 above above ADV _005195630 135 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 135 38 a a DET _005195630 135 39 supereminent supereminent NOUN _005195630 135 40 prodigious prodigious ADJ _005195630 135 41 power power NOUN _005195630 135 42 sent send VERB _005195630 135 43 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 135 44 earth earth NOUN _005195630 135 45 to to PART _005195630 135 46 encounter encounter VERB _005195630 135 47 and and CCONJ _005195630 135 48 master master VERB _005195630 135 49 a a DET _005195630 135 50 giant giant ADJ _005195630 135 51 evil evil NOUN _005195630 135 52 . . PUNCT _005195630 136 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 136 2 now now ADV _005195630 136 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 136 4 having having AUX _005195630 136 5 thus thus ADV _005195630 136 6 described describe VERB _005195630 136 7 it it PRON _005195630 136 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 136 9 i i PRON _005195630 136 10 profess profess VERB _005195630 136 11 my my PRON _005195630 136 12 own own ADJ _005195630 136 13 absolute absolute ADJ _005195630 136 14 submission submission NOUN _005195630 136 15 to to ADP _005195630 136 16 its its PRON _005195630 136 17 claim claim NOUN _005195630 136 18 . . PUNCT _005195630 137 1 i i PRON _005195630 137 2 believe believe VERB _005195630 137 3 the the DET _005195630 137 4 whole whole ADJ _005195630 137 5 revealed reveal VERB _005195630 137 6 dogma dogma NOUN _005195630 137 7 as as SCONJ _005195630 137 8 taught teach VERB _005195630 137 9 by by ADP _005195630 137 10 the the DET _005195630 137 11 apostles apostle NOUN _005195630 137 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 137 13 as as SCONJ _005195630 137 14 committed commit VERB _005195630 137 15 by by ADP _005195630 137 16 the the DET _005195630 137 17 apostles apostle NOUN _005195630 137 18 to to ADP _005195630 137 19 the the DET _005195630 137 20 church church NOUN _005195630 137 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 137 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 137 23 as as ADP _005195630 137 24 declared declare VERB _005195630 137 25 by by ADP _005195630 137 26 the the DET _005195630 137 27 church church NOUN _005195630 137 28 to to ADP _005195630 137 29 me i PRON _005195630 137 30 . . PUNCT _005195630 138 1 i i PRON _005195630 138 2 receive receive VERB _005195630 138 3 it it PRON _005195630 138 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 138 5 as as SCONJ _005195630 138 6 it it PRON _005195630 138 7 is be AUX _005195630 138 8 infallibly infallibly ADV _005195630 138 9 interpreted interpret VERB _005195630 138 10 by by ADP _005195630 138 11 the the DET _005195630 138 12 authority authority NOUN _005195630 138 13 to to PART _005195630 138 14 whom whom PRON _005195630 138 15 it it PRON _005195630 138 16 is be AUX _005195630 138 17 thus thus ADV _005195630 138 18 committed commit VERB _005195630 138 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 138 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 138 21 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 138 22 implicitly implicitly ADV _005195630 138 23 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 138 24 as as SCONJ _005195630 138 25 it it PRON _005195630 138 26 shall shall AUX _005195630 138 27 be be AUX _005195630 138 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 138 29 in in ADP _005195630 138 30 like like ADP _005195630 138 31 manner manner NOUN _005195630 138 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 138 33 further far ADV _005195630 138 34 interpreted interpret VERB _005195630 138 35 by by ADP _005195630 138 36 that that DET _005195630 138 37 same same ADJ _005195630 138 38 authority authority NOUN _005195630 138 39 till till SCONJ _005195630 138 40 the the DET _005195630 138 41 end end NOUN _005195630 138 42 of of ADP _005195630 138 43 time time NOUN _005195630 138 44 . . PUNCT _005195630 139 1 i i PRON _005195630 139 2 submit submit VERB _005195630 139 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 139 4 moreover moreover ADV _005195630 139 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 139 6 to to ADP _005195630 139 7 the the DET _005195630 139 8 universally universally ADV _005195630 139 9 received receive VERB _005195630 139 10 traditions tradition NOUN _005195630 139 11 of of ADP _005195630 139 12 the the DET _005195630 139 13 church church NOUN _005195630 139 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 139 15 in in ADP _005195630 139 16 which which PRON _005195630 139 17 lies lie VERB _005195630 139 18 the the DET _005195630 139 19 matter matter NOUN _005195630 139 20 of of ADP _005195630 139 21 those those DET _005195630 139 22 new new ADJ _005195630 139 23 dogmatic dogmatic ADJ _005195630 139 24 definitions definition NOUN _005195630 139 25 which which PRON _005195630 139 26 are be AUX _005195630 139 27 from from ADP _005195630 139 28 time time NOUN _005195630 139 29 to to ADP _005195630 139 30 time time NOUN _005195630 139 31 made make VERB _005195630 139 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 139 33 and and CCONJ _005195630 139 34 which which PRON _005195630 139 35 in in ADP _005195630 139 36 all all DET _005195630 139 37 times time NOUN _005195630 139 38 are be AUX _005195630 139 39 the the DET _005195630 139 40 clothing clothing NOUN _005195630 139 41 and and CCONJ _005195630 139 42 the the DET _005195630 139 43 illustration illustration NOUN _005195630 139 44 of of ADP _005195630 139 45 the the DET _005195630 139 46 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 139 47 dogma dogma NOUN _005195630 139 48 as as SCONJ _005195630 139 49 already already ADV _005195630 139 50 defined define VERB _005195630 139 51 . . PUNCT _005195630 140 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 140 2 i i PRON _005195630 140 3 submit submit VERB _005195630 140 4 myself myself PRON _005195630 140 5 to to ADP _005195630 140 6 those those DET _005195630 140 7 other other ADJ _005195630 140 8 13my 13my ADJ _005195630 140 9 mind mind NOUN _005195630 140 10 as as ADP _005195630 140 11 a a DET _005195630 140 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 140 13 decisions decision NOUN _005195630 140 14 of of ADP _005195630 140 15 the the DET _005195630 140 16 holy holy PROPN _005195630 140 17 see see PROPN _005195630 140 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 140 19 theological theological ADJ _005195630 140 20 or or CCONJ _005195630 140 21 not not PART _005195630 140 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 140 23 through through ADP _005195630 140 24 the the DET _005195630 140 25 organs organ NOUN _005195630 140 26 which which PRON _005195630 140 27 it it PRON _005195630 140 28 has have AUX _005195630 140 29 itself itself PRON _005195630 140 30 appointed appoint VERB _005195630 140 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 140 32 which which PRON _005195630 140 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 140 34 waiving waive VERB _005195630 140 35 the the DET _005195630 140 36 question question NOUN _005195630 140 37 of of ADP _005195630 140 38 their their PRON _005195630 140 39 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 140 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 140 41 on on ADP _005195630 140 42 the the DET _005195630 140 43 lowest low ADJ _005195630 140 44 ground ground NOUN _005195630 140 45 come come VERB _005195630 140 46 to to ADP _005195630 140 47 me i PRON _005195630 140 48 with with ADP _005195630 140 49 a a DET _005195630 140 50 claim claim NOUN _005195630 140 51 to to PART _005195630 140 52 be be AUX _005195630 140 53 accepted accept VERB _005195630 140 54 and and CCONJ _005195630 140 55 obeyed obey VERB _005195630 140 56 . . PUNCT _005195630 141 1 also also ADV _005195630 141 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 3 i i PRON _005195630 141 4 consider consider VERB _005195630 141 5 that that SCONJ _005195630 141 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 7 gradually gradually ADV _005195630 141 8 and and CCONJ _005195630 141 9 in in ADP _005195630 141 10 the the DET _005195630 141 11 course course NOUN _005195630 141 12 of of ADP _005195630 141 13 ages age NOUN _005195630 141 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 141 16 inquiry inquiry NOUN _005195630 141 17 has have AUX _005195630 141 18 taken take VERB _005195630 141 19 certain certain ADJ _005195630 141 20 definite definite ADJ _005195630 141 21 shapes shape NOUN _005195630 141 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 141 24 has have AUX _005195630 141 25 thrown throw VERB _005195630 141 26 itself itself PRON _005195630 141 27 into into ADP _005195630 141 28 the the DET _005195630 141 29 form form NOUN _005195630 141 30 of of ADP _005195630 141 31 a a DET _005195630 141 32 science science NOUN _005195630 141 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 34 with with ADP _005195630 141 35 a a DET _005195630 141 36 method method NOUN _005195630 141 37 and and CCONJ _005195630 141 38 a a DET _005195630 141 39 phraseology phraseology NOUN _005195630 141 40 of of ADP _005195630 141 41 its its PRON _005195630 141 42 own own ADJ _005195630 141 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 44 under under ADP _005195630 141 45 the the DET _005195630 141 46 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195630 141 47 handling handling NOUN _005195630 141 48 of of ADP _005195630 141 49 great great ADJ _005195630 141 50 minds mind NOUN _005195630 141 51 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 52 such such ADJ _005195630 141 53 as as ADP _005195630 141 54 st st PROPN _005195630 141 55 . . PROPN _005195630 141 56 athanasius athanasius PROPN _005195630 141 57 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 58 st st PROPN _005195630 141 59 . . PROPN _005195630 141 60 augustine augustine PROPN _005195630 141 61 , , PUNCT _005195630 141 62 and and CCONJ _005195630 141 63 st st PROPN _005195630 141 64 . . PROPN _005195630 141 65 thomas thomas PROPN _005195630 141 66 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 141 67 and and CCONJ _005195630 141 68 i i PRON _005195630 141 69 feel feel VERB _005195630 141 70 no no DET _005195630 141 71 temptation temptation NOUN _005195630 141 72 at at ADV _005195630 141 73 all all ADV _005195630 141 74 to to PART _005195630 141 75 break break VERB _005195630 141 76 in in ADP _005195630 141 77 pieces piece NOUN _005195630 141 78 the the DET _005195630 141 79 great great ADJ _005195630 141 80 legacy legacy NOUN _005195630 141 81 of of ADP _005195630 141 82 thought thought NOUN _005195630 141 83 thus thus ADV _005195630 141 84 committed commit VERB _005195630 141 85 to to ADP _005195630 141 86 us we PRON _005195630 141 87 for for ADP _005195630 141 88 these these DET _005195630 141 89 latter latter ADJ _005195630 141 90 days day NOUN _005195630 141 91 . . PUNCT _005195630 142 1 all all DET _005195630 142 2 this this PRON _005195630 142 3 being be AUX _005195630 142 4 considered consider VERB _005195630 142 5 as as ADP _005195630 142 6 the the DET _005195630 142 7 profession profession NOUN _005195630 142 8 which which PRON _005195630 142 9 i i PRON _005195630 142 10 make make VERB _005195630 142 11 ex ex PROPN _005195630 142 12 animo animo ADJ _005195630 142 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 14 as as ADP _005195630 142 15 for for ADP _005195630 142 16 myself myself PRON _005195630 142 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 18 so so ADV _005195630 142 19 also also ADV _005195630 142 20 on on ADP _005195630 142 21 the the DET _005195630 142 22 part part NOUN _005195630 142 23 of of ADP _005195630 142 24 the the DET _005195630 142 25 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 142 26 body body NOUN _005195630 142 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 28 as as ADV _005195630 142 29 far far ADV _005195630 142 30 as as SCONJ _005195630 142 31 i i PRON _005195630 142 32 know know VERB _005195630 142 33 it it PRON _005195630 142 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 35 it it PRON _005195630 142 36 will will AUX _005195630 142 37 at at ADP _005195630 142 38 first first ADJ _005195630 142 39 sight sight NOUN _005195630 142 40 be be AUX _005195630 142 41 said say VERB _005195630 142 42 that that SCONJ _005195630 142 43 the the DET _005195630 142 44 restless restless ADJ _005195630 142 45 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 142 46 of of ADP _005195630 142 47 our our PRON _005195630 142 48 common common ADJ _005195630 142 49 humanity humanity NOUN _005195630 142 50 is be AUX _005195630 142 51 utterly utterly ADV _005195630 142 52 weighed weigh VERB _005195630 142 53 down down ADP _005195630 142 54 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 55 to to ADP _005195630 142 56 the the DET _005195630 142 57 repression repression NOUN _005195630 142 58 of of ADP _005195630 142 59 all all DET _005195630 142 60 independent independent ADJ _005195630 142 61 effort effort NOUN _005195630 142 62 and and CCONJ _005195630 142 63 action action NOUN _005195630 142 64 whatever whatever PRON _005195630 142 65 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 66 so so SCONJ _005195630 142 67 that that SCONJ _005195630 142 68 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 69 if if SCONJ _005195630 142 70 this this PRON _005195630 142 71 is be AUX _005195630 142 72 to to PART _005195630 142 73 be be AUX _005195630 142 74 the the DET _005195630 142 75 mode mode NOUN _005195630 142 76 of of ADP _005195630 142 77 bringing bring VERB _005195630 142 78 it it PRON _005195630 142 79 into into ADP _005195630 142 80 order order NOUN _005195630 142 81 , , PUNCT _005195630 142 82 it it PRON _005195630 142 83 is be AUX _005195630 142 84 brought bring VERB _005195630 142 85 into into ADP _005195630 142 86 order order NOUN _005195630 142 87 only only ADV _005195630 142 88 to to PART _005195630 142 89 be be AUX _005195630 142 90 destroyed destroy VERB _005195630 142 91 . . PUNCT _005195630 143 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 143 2 this this PRON _005195630 143 3 is be AUX _005195630 143 4 far far ADV _005195630 143 5 from from ADP _005195630 143 6 the the DET _005195630 143 7 result result NOUN _005195630 143 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 143 9 far far ADV _005195630 143 10 from from ADP _005195630 143 11 what what PRON _005195630 143 12 i i PRON _005195630 143 13 conceive conceive VERB _005195630 143 14 to to PART _005195630 143 15 be be AUX _005195630 143 16 the the DET _005195630 143 17 intention intention NOUN _005195630 143 18 of of ADP _005195630 143 19 that that DET _005195630 143 20 high high ADJ _005195630 143 21 providence providence NOUN _005195630 143 22 who who PRON _005195630 143 23 has have AUX _005195630 143 24 provided provide VERB _005195630 143 25 a a DET _005195630 143 26 great great ADJ _005195630 143 27 remedy remedy NOUN _005195630 143 28 for for ADP _005195630 143 29 a a DET _005195630 143 30 great great ADJ _005195630 143 31 evil,—far evil,—far ADV _005195630 143 32 from from ADP _005195630 143 33 borne bear VERB _005195630 143 34 out out ADP _005195630 143 35 by by ADP _005195630 143 36 the the DET _005195630 143 37 history history NOUN _005195630 143 38 of of ADP _005195630 143 39 the the DET _005195630 143 40 conflict conflict NOUN _005195630 143 41 between between ADP _005195630 143 42 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 143 43 and and CCONJ _005195630 143 44 reason reason NOUN _005195630 143 45 in in ADP _005195630 143 46 the the DET _005195630 143 47 past past NOUN _005195630 143 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 143 49 and and CCONJ _005195630 143 50 the the DET _005195630 143 51 prospect prospect NOUN _005195630 143 52 of of ADP _005195630 143 53 it it PRON _005195630 143 54 in in ADP _005195630 143 55 the the DET _005195630 143 56 future future NOUN _005195630 143 57 . . PUNCT _005195630 144 1 the the DET _005195630 144 2 energy energy NOUN _005195630 144 3 of of ADP _005195630 144 4 the the DET _005195630 144 5 human human ADJ _005195630 144 6 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 144 7 “ " PUNCT _005195630 144 8 does do AUX _005195630 144 9 from from ADP _005195630 144 10 opposition opposition NOUN _005195630 144 11 grow grow VERB _005195630 144 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 144 13 ” " PUNCT _005195630 144 14 it it PRON _005195630 144 15 thrives thrive VERB _005195630 144 16 and and CCONJ _005195630 144 17 is be AUX _005195630 144 18 joyous joyous ADJ _005195630 144 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 144 20 with with ADP _005195630 144 21 a a DET _005195630 144 22 tough tough ADJ _005195630 144 23 elastic elastic ADJ _005195630 144 24 strength strength NOUN _005195630 144 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 144 26 under under ADP _005195630 144 27 the the DET _005195630 144 28 terrible terrible ADJ _005195630 144 29 blows blow NOUN _005195630 144 30 of of ADP _005195630 144 31 the the DET _005195630 144 32 divinelyfashioned divinelyfashione VERB _005195630 144 33 weapon weapon NOUN _005195630 144 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 144 35 and and CCONJ _005195630 144 36 is be AUX _005195630 144 37 never never ADV _005195630 144 38 so so ADV _005195630 144 39 much much ADJ _005195630 144 40 itself itself PRON _005195630 144 41 as as ADP _005195630 144 42 when when SCONJ _005195630 144 43 it it PRON _005195630 144 44 has have AUX _005195630 144 45 lately lately ADV _005195630 144 46 been be AUX _005195630 144 47 overthrown overthrow VERB _005195630 144 48 . . PUNCT _005195630 145 1 it it PRON _005195630 145 2 is be AUX _005195630 145 3 the the DET _005195630 145 4 custom custom NOUN _005195630 145 5 with with ADP _005195630 145 6 protestant protestant ADJ _005195630 145 7 writers writer NOUN _005195630 145 8 to to PART _005195630 145 9 consider consider VERB _005195630 145 10 that that SCONJ _005195630 145 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 145 12 whereas whereas SCONJ _005195630 145 13 there there PRON _005195630 145 14 are be VERB _005195630 145 15 two two NUM _005195630 145 16 great great ADJ _005195630 145 17 principles principle NOUN _005195630 145 18 in in ADP _005195630 145 19 action action NOUN _005195630 145 20 in in ADP _005195630 145 21 the the DET _005195630 145 22 history history NOUN _005195630 145 23 of of ADP _005195630 145 24 religion religion NOUN _005195630 145 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 145 26 authority authority NOUN _005195630 145 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 145 28 private private ADJ _005195630 145 29 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 145 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 145 31 they they PRON _005195630 145 32 have have VERB _005195630 145 33 all all DET _005195630 145 34 the the DET _005195630 145 35 private private ADJ _005195630 145 36 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 145 37 to to ADP _005195630 145 38 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 145 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 145 40 and and CCONJ _005195630 145 41 we we PRON _005195630 145 42 have have VERB _005195630 145 43 the the DET _005195630 145 44 full full ADJ _005195630 145 45 inheritance inheritance NOUN _005195630 145 46 and and CCONJ _005195630 145 47 the the DET _005195630 145 48 superincumbent superincumbent ADJ _005195630 145 49 oppression oppression NOUN _005195630 145 50 of of ADP _005195630 145 51 authority authority NOUN _005195630 145 52 . . PUNCT _005195630 146 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 146 2 this this PRON _005195630 146 3 is be AUX _005195630 146 4 not not PART _005195630 146 5 so so ADV _005195630 146 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 146 7 it it PRON _005195630 146 8 is be AUX _005195630 146 9 the the DET _005195630 146 10 vast vast ADJ _005195630 146 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 146 12 body body NOUN _005195630 146 13 itself itself PRON _005195630 146 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 146 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 146 16 it it PRON _005195630 146 17 only only ADV _005195630 146 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 146 19 which which PRON _005195630 146 20 affords afford VERB _005195630 146 21 an an DET _005195630 146 22 arena arena NOUN _005195630 146 23 for for ADP _005195630 146 24 both both DET _005195630 146 25 combatants combatant NOUN _005195630 146 26 in in ADP _005195630 146 27 that that DET _005195630 146 28 awful awful ADJ _005195630 146 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 146 30 neverdying neverdye VERB _005195630 146 31 duel duel NOUN _005195630 146 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 147 1 it it PRON _005195630 147 2 is be AUX _005195630 147 3 necessary necessary ADJ _005195630 147 4 for for ADP _005195630 147 5 the the DET _005195630 147 6 very very ADJ _005195630 147 7 life life NOUN _005195630 147 8 of of ADP _005195630 147 9 religion religion NOUN _005195630 147 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 147 11 viewed view VERB _005195630 147 12 in in ADP _005195630 147 13 its its PRON _005195630 147 14 large large ADJ _005195630 147 15 operations operation NOUN _005195630 147 16 and and CCONJ _005195630 147 17 its its PRON _005195630 147 18 history history NOUN _005195630 147 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 147 20 that that SCONJ _005195630 147 21 the the DET _005195630 147 22 warfare warfare NOUN _005195630 147 23 should should AUX _005195630 147 24 be be AUX _005195630 147 25 incessantly incessantly ADV _005195630 147 26 carried carry VERB _005195630 147 27 on on ADP _005195630 147 28 . . PUNCT _005195630 148 1 every every DET _005195630 148 2 exercise exercise NOUN _005195630 148 3 of of ADP _005195630 148 4 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 148 5 is be AUX _005195630 148 6 brought bring VERB _005195630 148 7 out out ADP _005195630 148 8 into into ADP _005195630 148 9 act act NOUN _005195630 148 10 by by ADP _005195630 148 11 an an DET _005195630 148 12 intense intense ADJ _005195630 148 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 14 varied varied ADJ _005195630 148 15 operation operation NOUN _005195630 148 16 of of ADP _005195630 148 17 the the DET _005195630 148 18 reason reason NOUN _005195630 148 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 20 both both CCONJ _005195630 148 21 as as ADP _005195630 148 22 its its PRON _005195630 148 23 ally ally NOUN _005195630 148 24 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 25 as as ADP _005195630 148 26 its its PRON _005195630 148 27 14 14 NUM _005195630 148 28 my my PRON _005195630 148 29 mind mind NOUN _005195630 148 30 as as ADP _005195630 148 31 a a DET _005195630 148 32 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 148 33 opponent opponent NOUN _005195630 148 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 35 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 36 provokes provoke NOUN _005195630 148 37 again again ADV _005195630 148 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 39 when when SCONJ _005195630 148 40 it it PRON _005195630 148 41 has have AUX _005195630 148 42 done do VERB _005195630 148 43 its its PRON _005195630 148 44 work work NOUN _005195630 148 45 a a DET _005195630 148 46 reaction reaction NOUN _005195630 148 47 of of ADP _005195630 148 48 reason reason NOUN _005195630 148 49 against against ADP _005195630 148 50 it it PRON _005195630 148 51 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 148 52 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 53 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 54 as as SCONJ _005195630 148 55 in in ADP _005195630 148 56 a a DET _005195630 148 57 civil civil ADJ _005195630 148 58 polity polity NOUN _005195630 148 59 the the DET _005195630 148 60 state state NOUN _005195630 148 61 exists exist VERB _005195630 148 62 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 63 endures endure NOUN _005195630 148 64 by by ADP _005195630 148 65 means mean NOUN _005195630 148 66 of of ADP _005195630 148 67 the the DET _005195630 148 68 rivalry rivalry NOUN _005195630 148 69 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 70 collision collision NOUN _005195630 148 71 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 72 the the DET _005195630 148 73 encroachments encroachment NOUN _005195630 148 74 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 75 defeats defeat NOUN _005195630 148 76 of of ADP _005195630 148 77 its its PRON _005195630 148 78 constituent constituent ADJ _005195630 148 79 parts part NOUN _005195630 148 80 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 81 so so ADV _005195630 148 82 in in ADP _005195630 148 83 like like ADP _005195630 148 84 manner manner NOUN _005195630 148 85 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 148 86 christendom christendom NOUN _005195630 148 87 is be AUX _005195630 148 88 no no DET _005195630 148 89 simple simple ADJ _005195630 148 90 exhibition exhibition NOUN _005195630 148 91 of of ADP _005195630 148 92 religious religious ADJ _005195630 148 93 absolutism absolutism NOUN _005195630 148 94 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 95 but but CCONJ _005195630 148 96 presents present VERB _005195630 148 97 a a DET _005195630 148 98 continuous continuous ADJ _005195630 148 99 picture picture NOUN _005195630 148 100 of of ADP _005195630 148 101 authority authority NOUN _005195630 148 102 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 103 private private ADJ _005195630 148 104 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 148 105 alternately alternately ADV _005195630 148 106 advancing advance VERB _005195630 148 107 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 108 retreating retreat VERB _005195630 148 109 as as ADP _005195630 148 110 the the DET _005195630 148 111 ebb ebb NOUN _005195630 148 112 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 113 flow flow NOUN _005195630 148 114 of of ADP _005195630 148 115 the the DET _005195630 148 116 tide tide NOUN _005195630 148 117 it it PRON _005195630 148 118 is be AUX _005195630 148 119 a a DET _005195630 148 120 vast vast ADJ _005195630 148 121 assemblage assemblage NOUN _005195630 148 122 of of ADP _005195630 148 123 human human ADJ _005195630 148 124 beings being NOUN _005195630 148 125 with with ADP _005195630 148 126 wilful wilful ADJ _005195630 148 127 intellects intellect NOUN _005195630 148 128 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 129 wild wild ADJ _005195630 148 130 passions passion NOUN _005195630 148 131 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 132 brought bring VERB _005195630 148 133 together together ADV _005195630 148 134 into into ADP _005195630 148 135 one one NUM _005195630 148 136 by by ADP _005195630 148 137 the the DET _005195630 148 138 beauty beauty NOUN _005195630 148 139 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 140 the the DET _005195630 148 141 majesty majesty NOUN _005195630 148 142 of of ADP _005195630 148 143 a a DET _005195630 148 144 superhuman superhuman NOUN _005195630 148 145 power,—into power,—into ADP _005195630 148 146 what what PRON _005195630 148 147 may may AUX _005195630 148 148 be be AUX _005195630 148 149 called call VERB _005195630 148 150 a a DET _005195630 148 151 large large ADJ _005195630 148 152 reformatory reformatory ADJ _005195630 148 153 or or CCONJ _005195630 148 154 training training NOUN _005195630 148 155 - - PUNCT _005195630 148 156 school school NOUN _005195630 148 157 not not PART _005195630 148 158 as as SCONJ _005195630 148 159 if if SCONJ _005195630 148 160 into into ADP _005195630 148 161 a a DET _005195630 148 162 hospital hospital NOUN _005195630 148 163 or or CCONJ _005195630 148 164 into into ADP _005195630 148 165 a a DET _005195630 148 166 prison prison NOUN _005195630 148 167 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 168 not not PART _005195630 148 169 in in ADP _005195630 148 170 order order NOUN _005195630 148 171 to to PART _005195630 148 172 be be AUX _005195630 148 173 sent send VERB _005195630 148 174 to to ADP _005195630 148 175 bed bed NOUN _005195630 148 176 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 177 not not PART _005195630 148 178 to to PART _005195630 148 179 be be AUX _005195630 148 180 buried bury VERB _005195630 148 181 alive alive ADJ _005195630 148 182 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 183 but but CCONJ _005195630 148 184 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 148 185 if if SCONJ _005195630 148 186 i i PRON _005195630 148 187 may may AUX _005195630 148 188 changemy changemy VERB _005195630 148 189 metaphor metaphor NOUN _005195630 148 190 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 148 191 brought bring VERB _005195630 148 192 together together ADV _005195630 148 193 as as SCONJ _005195630 148 194 if if SCONJ _005195630 148 195 into into ADP _005195630 148 196 some some DET _005195630 148 197 moral moral ADJ _005195630 148 198 factory factory NOUN _005195630 148 199 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 200 for for ADP _005195630 148 201 the the DET _005195630 148 202 melting melting NOUN _005195630 148 203 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 204 refining refining NOUN _005195630 148 205 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 206 and and CCONJ _005195630 148 207 moulding moulding NOUN _005195630 148 208 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 209 by by ADP _005195630 148 210 an an DET _005195630 148 211 incessant incessant ADJ _005195630 148 212 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 213 noisy noisy ADJ _005195630 148 214 process process NOUN _005195630 148 215 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 216 of of ADP _005195630 148 217 the the DET _005195630 148 218 raw raw ADJ _005195630 148 219 material material NOUN _005195630 148 220 of of ADP _005195630 148 221 human human ADJ _005195630 148 222 nature nature NOUN _005195630 148 223 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 224 so so ADV _005195630 148 225 excellent excellent ADJ _005195630 148 226 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 227 so so ADV _005195630 148 228 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005195630 148 229 , , PUNCT _005195630 148 230 so so ADV _005195630 148 231 capable capable ADJ _005195630 148 232 of of ADP _005195630 148 233 divine divine ADJ _005195630 148 234 purposes purpose NOUN _005195630 148 235 . . PUNCT _005195630 149 1 st st PROPN _005195630 149 2 . . PROPN _005195630 149 3 paul paul PROPN _005195630 149 4 says say VERB _005195630 149 5 in in ADP _005195630 149 6 one one NUM _005195630 149 7 place place NOUN _005195630 149 8 that that PRON _005195630 149 9 his his PRON _005195630 149 10 apostolical apostolical ADJ _005195630 149 11 power power NOUN _005195630 149 12 is be AUX _005195630 149 13 given give VERB _005195630 149 14 him he PRON _005195630 149 15 to to ADP _005195630 149 16 edification edification NOUN _005195630 149 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 149 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 149 19 not not PART _005195630 149 20 to to ADP _005195630 149 21 destruction destruction NOUN _005195630 149 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 150 1 there there PRON _005195630 150 2 can can AUX _005195630 150 3 be be AUX _005195630 150 4 no no DET _005195630 150 5 better well ADJ _005195630 150 6 account account NOUN _005195630 150 7 of of ADP _005195630 150 8 the the DET _005195630 150 9 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 150 10 of of ADP _005195630 150 11 the the DET _005195630 150 12 church church NOUN _005195630 150 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 150 14 it it PRON _005195630 150 15 is be AUX _005195630 150 16 a a DET _005195630 150 17 supply supply NOUN _005195630 150 18 for for ADP _005195630 150 19 a a DET _005195630 150 20 need need NOUN _005195630 150 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 150 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 150 23 it it PRON _005195630 150 24 does do AUX _005195630 150 25 not not PART _005195630 150 26 go go VERB _005195630 150 27 beyond beyond ADP _005195630 150 28 that that DET _005195630 150 29 need need NOUN _005195630 150 30 . . PUNCT _005195630 151 1 its its PRON _005195630 151 2 object object NOUN _005195630 151 3 is be AUX _005195630 151 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 151 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 151 6 its its PRON _005195630 151 7 effect effect NOUN _005195630 151 8 also also ADV _005195630 151 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 151 10 not not PART _005195630 151 11 to to PART _005195630 151 12 enfeeble enfeeble VERB _005195630 151 13 the the DET _005195630 151 14 freedom freedom NOUN _005195630 151 15 or or CCONJ _005195630 151 16 vigour vigour NOUN _005195630 151 17 of of ADP _005195630 151 18 human human ADJ _005195630 151 19 thought thought NOUN _005195630 151 20 in in ADP _005195630 151 21 religious religious ADJ _005195630 151 22 speculation speculation NOUN _005195630 151 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 151 24 but but CCONJ _005195630 151 25 to to PART _005195630 151 26 resist resist VERB _005195630 151 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 151 28 control control VERB _005195630 151 29 its its PRON _005195630 151 30 extravagance extravagance NOUN _005195630 151 31 . . PUNCT _005195630 152 1 what what PRON _005195630 152 2 have have AUX _005195630 152 3 been be AUX _005195630 152 4 its its PRON _005195630 152 5 great great ADJ _005195630 152 6 works work NOUN _005195630 152 7 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 153 1 all all PRON _005195630 153 2 of of ADP _005195630 153 3 them they PRON _005195630 153 4 in in ADP _005195630 153 5 the the DET _005195630 153 6 distinct distinct ADJ _005195630 153 7 province province NOUN _005195630 153 8 of of ADP _005195630 153 9 theology theology NOUN _005195630 153 10 to to PART _005195630 153 11 put put VERB _005195630 153 12 down down ADP _005195630 153 13 arianism arianism NOUN _005195630 153 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 153 15 eutychianism eutychianism PROPN _005195630 153 16 pelagiamsm pelagiamsm PROPN _005195630 153 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 153 18 manichaeism manichaeism NOUN _005195630 153 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 153 20 lutheranism lutheranism NOUN _005195630 153 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 153 22 jansenism jansenism NOUN _005195630 153 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 154 1 su su INTJ _005195630 154 2 + + SYM _005195630 155 1 h h NOUN _005195630 155 2 ^ ^ PUNCT _005195630 155 3 t t PROPN _005195630 155 4 le le X _005195630 155 5 kroad kroad PROPN _005195630 155 6 result result NOUN _005195630 155 7 of of ADP _005195630 155 8 its its PRON _005195630 155 9 action action NOUN _005195630 155 10 in in ADP _005195630 155 11 the the DET _005195630 155 12 past past NOUN _005195630 155 13 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 155 14 — — PUNCT _005195630 155 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 155 16 now now ADV _005195630 155 17 as as ADP _005195630 155 18 to to ADP _005195630 155 19 the the DET _005195630 155 20 securities security NOUN _005195630 155 21 which which PRON _005195630 155 22 are be AUX _005195630 155 23 given give VERB _005195630 155 24 us we PRON _005195630 155 25 that that PRON _005195630 155 26 so so SCONJ _005195630 155 27 it it PRON _005195630 155 28 ever ever ADV _005195630 155 29 will will AUX _005195630 155 30 act act VERB _005195630 155 31 in in ADP _005195630 155 32 time time NOUN _005195630 155 33 to to PART _005195630 155 34 come come VERB _005195630 155 35 . . PUNCT _005195630 156 1 , , PUNCT _005195630 156 2 ^ ^ SPACE _005195630 156 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 157 1 rst rst PROPN _005195630 157 2 ’ ' PUNCT _005195630 157 3 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 157 4 can can AUX _005195630 157 5 not not PART _005195630 157 6 act act VERB _005195630 157 7 outside outside ADP _005195630 157 8 of of ADP _005195630 157 9 a a DET _005195630 157 10 definite definite ADJ _005195630 157 11 circle circle NOUN _005195630 157 12 of of ADP _005195630 157 13 though though PROPN _005195630 157 14 .. .. PUNCT _005195630 157 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 157 16 and and CCONJ _005195630 157 17 it it PRON _005195630 157 18 must must AUX _005195630 157 19 in in ADP _005195630 157 20 all all PRON _005195630 157 21 its its PRON _005195630 157 22 decisions decision NOUN _005195630 157 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 157 24 or or CCONJ _005195630 157 25 definitions definition NOUN _005195630 157 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 157 27 they they PRON _005195630 157 28 are be AUX _005195630 157 29 called call VERB _005195630 157 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 157 31 profess profess ADJ _005195630 157 32 to to PART _005195630 157 33 be be AUX _005195630 157 34 keeping keep VERB _005195630 157 35 within within ADP _005195630 157 36 it it PRON _005195630 157 37 . . PUNCT _005195630 158 1 the the DET _005195630 158 2 great great ADJ _005195630 158 3 truths truth NOUN _005195630 158 4 of of ADP _005195630 158 5 the the DET _005195630 158 6 moral moral ADJ _005195630 158 7 law law NOUN _005195630 158 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 158 9 of of ADP _005195630 158 10 natural natural ADJ _005195630 158 11 religion religion NOUN _005195630 158 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 158 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 158 14 of of ADP _005195630 158 15 postolical postolical ADJ _005195630 158 16 faith faith NOUN _005195630 158 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 158 18 are be AUX _005195630 158 19 both both PRON _005195630 158 20 its its PRON _005195630 158 21 boundary boundary NOUN _005195630 158 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 158 23 its its PRON _005195630 158 24 foundation foundation NOUN _005195630 158 25 it it PRON _005195630 158 26 must must AUX _005195630 158 27 not not PART _005195630 158 28 go go VERB _005195630 158 29 beyond beyond ADP _005195630 158 30 them they PRON _005195630 158 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 158 32 and and CCONJ _005195630 158 33 it it PRON _005195630 158 34 must must AUX _005195630 158 35 ever ever ADV _005195630 158 36 appeal appeal VERB _005195630 158 37 to to ADP _005195630 158 38 them they PRON _005195630 158 39 . . PUNCT _005195630 159 1 boih boih VERB _005195630 159 2 its its PRON _005195630 159 3 subject subject NOUN _005195630 159 4 - - PUNCT _005195630 159 5 matter matter NOUN _005195630 159 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 159 7 and and CCONJ _005195630 159 8 its its PRON _005195630 159 9 articles article NOUN _005195630 159 10 in in ADP _005195630 159 11 that that DET _005195630 159 12 subject subject NOUN _005195630 159 13 - - PUNCT _005195630 159 14 matter matter NOUN _005195630 159 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 159 16 are be AUX _005195630 159 17 fixed fix VERB _005195630 159 18 . . PUNCT _005195630 160 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 160 2 it it PRON _005195630 160 3 must must AUX _005195630 160 4 ever ever ADV _005195630 160 5 profess profess VERB _005195630 160 6 to to PART _005195630 160 7 be be AUX _005195630 160 8 guided guide VERB _005195630 160 9 by by ADP _005195630 160 10 scripture scripture NOUN _005195630 160 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 160 12 by by ADP _005195630 160 13 tradition tradition NOUN _005195630 160 14 . . PUNCT _005195630 161 1 it it PRON _005195630 161 2 must must AUX _005195630 161 3 refer refer VERB _005195630 161 4 to to ADP _005195630 161 5 15my 15my ADJ _005195630 161 6 mind mind NOUN _005195630 161 7 as as ADP _005195630 161 8 a a DET _005195630 161 9 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 161 10 the the DET _005195630 161 11 particular particular ADJ _005195630 161 12 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005195630 161 13 truth truth NOUN _005195630 161 14 which which PRON _005195630 161 15 it it PRON _005195630 161 16 is be AUX _005195630 161 17 enforcing enforce VERB _005195630 161 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 161 19 or or CCONJ _005195630 161 20 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 161 21 what what PRON _005195630 161 22 is be AUX _005195630 161 23 called call VERB _005195630 161 24 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 161 25 defining defining NOUN _005195630 161 26 . . PUNCT _005195630 162 1 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 162 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 162 3 then then ADV _005195630 162 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 162 5 can can AUX _005195630 162 6 be be AUX _005195630 162 7 presented present VERB _005195630 162 8 to to ADP _005195630 162 9 me i PRON _005195630 162 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 162 11 in in ADP _005195630 162 12 time time NOUN _005195630 162 13 to to PART _005195630 162 14 come come VERB _005195630 162 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 162 16 as as ADP _005195630 162 17 part part NOUN _005195630 162 18 of of ADP _005195630 162 19 the the DET _005195630 162 20 faith faith NOUN _005195630 162 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 162 22 but but CCONJ _005195630 162 23 what what PRON _005195630 162 24 i i PRON _005195630 162 25 ought ought AUX _005195630 162 26 already already ADV _005195630 162 27 to to PART _005195630 162 28 have have AUX _005195630 162 29 received receive VERB _005195630 162 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 162 31 and and CCONJ _005195630 162 32 hitherto hitherto NOUN _005195630 162 33 have have AUX _005195630 162 34 been be AUX _005195630 162 35 kept keep VERB _005195630 162 36 from from ADP _005195630 162 37 receiving receive VERB _005195630 162 38 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 162 39 if if SCONJ _005195630 162 40 so so ADV _005195630 162 41 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 162 42 , , PUNCT _005195630 162 43 merely merely ADV _005195630 162 44 because because SCONJ _005195630 162 45 it it PRON _005195630 162 46 has have AUX _005195630 162 47 not not PART _005195630 162 48 been be AUX _005195630 162 49 brought bring VERB _005195630 162 50 home home ADV _005195630 162 51 to to ADP _005195630 162 52 me i PRON _005195630 162 53 . . PUNCT _005195630 163 1 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 163 2 can can AUX _005195630 163 3 be be AUX _005195630 163 4 imposed impose VERB _005195630 163 5 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 163 6 me i PRON _005195630 163 7 different different ADJ _005195630 163 8 in in ADP _005195630 163 9 kind kind NOUN _005195630 163 10 from from ADP _005195630 163 11 what what PRON _005195630 163 12 i i PRON _005195630 163 13 hold hold VERB _005195630 163 14 already,—much already,—much VERB _005195630 163 15 less less ADV _005195630 163 16 contrary contrary ADJ _005195630 163 17 to to ADP _005195630 163 18 it it PRON _005195630 163 19 . . PUNCT _005195630 164 1 the the DET _005195630 164 2 new new ADJ _005195630 164 3 truth truth NOUN _005195630 164 4 which which PRON _005195630 164 5 is be AUX _005195630 164 6 promulgated promulgate VERB _005195630 164 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 164 8 if if SCONJ _005195630 164 9 it it PRON _005195630 164 10 is be AUX _005195630 164 11 to to PART _005195630 164 12 be be AUX _005195630 164 13 called call VERB _005195630 164 14 new new ADJ _005195630 164 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 164 16 must must AUX _005195630 164 17 be be AUX _005195630 164 18 at at ADP _005195630 164 19 least least ADJ _005195630 164 20 homogeneous homogeneous ADJ _005195630 164 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 164 22 cognate cognate NOUN _005195630 164 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 164 24 implicit implicit ADJ _005195630 164 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 164 26 viewed view VERB _005195630 164 27 relatively relatively ADV _005195630 164 28 to to ADP _005195630 164 29 the the DET _005195630 164 30 old old ADJ _005195630 164 31 truth truth NOUN _005195630 164 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 165 1 it it PRON _005195630 165 2 must must AUX _005195630 165 3 be be AUX _005195630 165 4 what what PRON _005195630 165 5 i i PRON _005195630 165 6 may may AUX _005195630 165 7 even even ADV _005195630 165 8 have have AUX _005195630 165 9 guessed guess VERB _005195630 165 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 165 11 or or CCONJ _005195630 165 12 wished wish VERB _005195630 165 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 165 14 to to PART _005195630 165 15 be be AUX _005195630 165 16 included include VERB _005195630 165 17 in in ADP _005195630 165 18 the the DET _005195630 165 19 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005195630 165 20 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 165 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 165 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 165 23 at at ADP _005195630 165 24 least least ADJ _005195630 165 25 it it PRON _005195630 165 26 will will AUX _005195630 165 27 be be AUX _005195630 165 28 of of ADP _005195630 165 29 such such DET _005195630 165 30 a a DET _005195630 165 31 character character NOUN _005195630 165 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 165 33 that that SCONJ _005195630 165 34 my my PRON _005195630 165 35 thoughts thought NOUN _005195630 165 36 readily readily ADV _005195630 165 37 concur concur VERB _005195630 165 38 in in ADP _005195630 165 39 it it PRON _005195630 165 40 or or CCONJ _005195630 165 41 coalesce coalesce VERB _005195630 165 42 with with ADP _005195630 165 43 it it PRON _005195630 165 44 , , PUNCT _005195630 165 45 as as ADV _005195630 165 46 soon soon ADV _005195630 165 47 as as SCONJ _005195630 165 48 i i PRON _005195630 165 49 hear hear VERB _005195630 165 50 it it PRON _005195630 165 51 . . PUNCT _005195630 166 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195630 166 2 i i PRON _005195630 166 3 and and CCONJ _005195630 166 4 others other NOUN _005195630 166 5 actually actually ADV _005195630 166 6 have have AUX _005195630 166 7 always always ADV _005195630 166 8 believed believe VERB _005195630 166 9 it it PRON _005195630 166 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 166 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 166 12 the the DET _005195630 166 13 only only ADJ _005195630 166 14 question question NOUN _005195630 166 15 which which PRON _005195630 166 16 is be AUX _005195630 166 17 now now ADV _005195630 166 18 decided decide VERB _005195630 166 19 in in ADP _005195630 166 20 my my PRON _005195630 166 21 behalf behalf NOUN _005195630 166 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 166 23 is be AUX _005195630 166 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 166 25 that that SCONJ _005195630 166 26 i i PRON _005195630 166 27 have have VERB _005195630 166 28 henceforth henceforth ADV _005195630 166 29 the the DET _005195630 166 30 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _005195630 166 31 of of ADP _005195630 166 32 having have VERB _005195630 166 33 to to PART _005195630 166 34 believe believe VERB _005195630 166 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 166 36 that that SCONJ _005195630 166 37 i i PRON _005195630 166 38 have have AUX _005195630 166 39 only only ADV _005195630 166 40 been be AUX _005195630 166 41 holding hold VERB _005195630 166 42 all all ADV _005195630 166 43 along along ADP _005195630 166 44 what what PRON _005195630 166 45 the the DET _005195630 166 46 apostles apostle NOUN _005195630 166 47 held hold VERB _005195630 166 48 before before ADP _005195630 166 49 me i PRON _005195630 166 50 . . PUNCT _005195630 167 1 let let VERB _005195630 167 2 me i PRON _005195630 167 3 take take VERB _005195630 167 4 the the DET _005195630 167 5 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 167 6 which which PRON _005195630 167 7 protestants protestant NOUN _005195630 167 8 consider consider VERB _005195630 167 9 our our PRON _005195630 167 10 greatest great ADJ _005195630 167 11 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 167 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 167 13 that that PRON _005195630 167 14 of of ADP _005195630 167 15 the the DET _005195630 167 16 immaculate immaculate PROPN _005195630 167 17 conception conception NOUN _005195630 167 18 . . PUNCT _005195630 168 1 here here ADV _005195630 168 2 i i PRON _005195630 168 3 entreat entreat VERB _005195630 168 4 the the DET _005195630 168 5 reader reader NOUN _005195630 168 6 to to PART _005195630 168 7 recollect recollect VERB _005195630 168 8 my my PRON _005195630 168 9 main main ADJ _005195630 168 10 drift drift NOUN _005195630 168 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 168 12 which which PRON _005195630 168 13 is be AUX _005195630 168 14 this this PRON _005195630 168 15 : : PUNCT _005195630 168 16 i i PRON _005195630 168 17 have have VERB _005195630 168 18 no no DET _005195630 168 19 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 168 20 in in ADP _005195630 168 21 receiving receive VERB _005195630 168 22 the the DET _005195630 168 23 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 168 24 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 168 25 and and CCONJ _005195630 168 26 that that SCONJ _005195630 168 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 168 28 because because SCONJ _005195630 168 29 it it PRON _005195630 168 30 so so ADV _005195630 168 31 intimately intimately ADV _005195630 168 32 harmonizes harmonize NOUN _005195630 168 33 with with ADP _005195630 168 34 that that DET _005195630 168 35 circle circle NOUN _005195630 168 36 of of ADP _005195630 168 37 recognized recognize VERB _005195630 168 38 dogmatic dogmatic ADJ _005195630 168 39 truths truth NOUN _005195630 168 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 168 41 into into ADP _005195630 168 42 which which PRON _005195630 168 43 it it PRON _005195630 168 44 has have AUX _005195630 168 45 been be AUX _005195630 168 46 recently recently ADV _005195630 168 47 received receive VERB _005195630 168 48 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 168 49 — — PUNCT _005195630 168 50 but but CCONJ _005195630 168 51 if if SCONJ _005195630 168 52 i i PRON _005195630 168 53 have have VERB _005195630 168 54 no no DET _005195630 168 55 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 168 56 , , PUNCT _005195630 168 57 why why SCONJ _005195630 168 58 may may AUX _005195630 168 59 not not PART _005195630 168 60 another another PRON _005195630 168 61 have have VERB _005195630 168 62 no no DET _005195630 168 63 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 168 64 also also ADV _005195630 168 65 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 169 1 why why SCONJ _005195630 169 2 may may AUX _005195630 169 3 not not PART _005195630 169 4 a a DET _005195630 169 5 hundred hundred NUM _005195630 169 6 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 170 1 a a DET _005195630 170 2 thousand thousand NUM _005195630 170 3 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 171 1 now now ADV _005195630 171 2 i i PRON _005195630 171 3 am be AUX _005195630 171 4 sure sure ADJ _005195630 171 5 that that SCONJ _005195630 171 6 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 171 7 in in ADP _005195630 171 8 general general ADJ _005195630 171 9 have have VERB _005195630 171 10 not not PART _005195630 171 11 any any DET _005195630 171 12 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195630 171 13 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 171 14 at at ADV _005195630 171 15 all all ADV _005195630 171 16 on on ADP _005195630 171 17 the the DET _005195630 171 18 subject subject NOUN _005195630 171 19 of of ADP _005195630 171 20 the the DET _005195630 171 21 immaculate immaculate NOUN _005195630 171 22 conception conception NOUN _005195630 171 23 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 171 24 and and CCONJ _005195630 171 25 that that SCONJ _005195630 171 26 there there PRON _005195630 171 27 is be VERB _005195630 171 28 no no DET _005195630 171 29 reason reason NOUN _005195630 171 30 why why SCONJ _005195630 171 31 they they PRON _005195630 171 32 should should AUX _005195630 171 33 . . PUNCT _005195630 172 1 priests priest NOUN _005195630 172 2 have have VERB _005195630 172 3 no no DET _005195630 172 4 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 172 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 173 1 you you PRON _005195630 173 2 tell tell VERB _005195630 173 3 me i PRON _005195630 173 4 that that SCONJ _005195630 173 5 they they PRON _005195630 173 6 ought ought AUX _005195630 173 7 to to PART _005195630 173 8 have have VERB _005195630 173 9 a a DET _005195630 173 10 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 173 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 173 12 — — PUNCT _005195630 173 13 but but CCONJ _005195630 173 14 they they PRON _005195630 173 15 have have VERB _005195630 173 16 not not PART _005195630 173 17 . . PUNCT _005195630 174 1 be be AUX _005195630 174 2 large large ADJ _005195630 174 3 - - PUNCT _005195630 174 4 minded minded ADJ _005195630 174 5 enough enough ADJ _005195630 174 6 to to PART _005195630 174 7 believe believe VERB _005195630 174 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 174 9 that that SCONJ _005195630 174 10 men man NOUN _005195630 174 11 may may AUX _005195630 174 12 reason reason VERB _005195630 174 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 174 14 feel feel VERB _005195630 174 15 very very ADV _005195630 174 16 differently differently ADV _005195630 174 17 from from ADP _005195630 174 18 yourselves yourself NOUN _005195630 174 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 174 20 how how SCONJ _005195630 174 21 is be AUX _005195630 174 22 it it PRON _005195630 174 23 that that SCONJ _005195630 174 24 men man NOUN _005195630 174 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 174 26 when when SCONJ _005195630 174 27 left leave VERB _005195630 174 28 to to ADP _005195630 174 29 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 174 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 174 31 fall fall VERB _005195630 174 32 into into ADP _005195630 174 33 such such ADJ _005195630 174 34 various various ADJ _005195630 174 35 forms form NOUN _005195630 174 36 of of ADP _005195630 174 37 religion religion NOUN _005195630 174 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 174 39 except except SCONJ _005195630 174 40 that that SCONJ _005195630 174 41 there there PRON _005195630 174 42 are be VERB _005195630 174 43 various various ADJ _005195630 174 44 types type NOUN _005195630 174 45 of of ADP _005195630 174 46 mind mind NOUN _005195630 174 47 among among ADP _005195630 174 48 them they PRON _005195630 174 49 , , PUNCT _005195630 174 50 very very ADV _005195630 174 51 distinct distinct ADJ _005195630 174 52 from from ADP _005195630 174 53 each each DET _005195630 174 54 other other ADJ _005195630 174 55 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 175 1 from from ADP _005195630 175 2 my my PRON _005195630 175 3 testimony testimony NOUN _005195630 175 4 then then ADV _005195630 175 5 about about ADP _005195630 175 6 myself myself PRON _005195630 175 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 175 8 if if SCONJ _005195630 175 9 you you PRON _005195630 175 10 believe believe VERB _005195630 175 11 it it PRON _005195630 175 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 175 13 judge judge NOUN _005195630 175 14 of of ADP _005195630 175 15 others other NOUN _005195630 175 16 also also ADV _005195630 175 17 who who PRON _005195630 175 18 are be AUX _005195630 175 19 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 175 20 : : PUNCT _005195630 175 21 we we PRON _005195630 175 22 do do AUX _005195630 175 23 not not PART _005195630 175 24 find find VERB _005195630 175 25 the the DET _005195630 175 26 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 175 27 which which PRON _005195630 175 28 you you PRON _005195630 175 29 do do VERB _005195630 175 30 in in ADP _005195630 175 31 the the DET _005195630 175 32 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195630 175 33 which which PRON _005195630 175 34 we we PRON _005195630 175 35 hold hold VERB _005195630 175 36 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 175 37 we we PRON _005195630 175 38 have have VERB _005195630 175 39 no no DET _005195630 175 40 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195630 175 41 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 175 42 in in ADP _005195630 175 43 that that DET _005195630 175 44 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 175 45 in in ADP _005195630 175 46 particular particular ADJ _005195630 175 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 175 48 which which PRON _005195630 175 49 you you PRON _005195630 175 50 call call VERB _005195630 175 51 a a DET _005195630 175 52 novelty novelty NOUN _005195630 175 53 of of ADP _005195630 175 54 this this DET _005195630 175 55 day day NOUN _005195630 175 56 . . PUNCT _005195630 176 1 we we PRON _005195630 176 2 priests priest NOUN _005195630 176 3 need need VERB _005195630 176 4 not not PART _005195630 176 5 16 16 NUM _005195630 176 6 my my PRON _005195630 176 7 mind mind NOUN _005195630 176 8 as as ADP _005195630 176 9 a a DET _005195630 176 10 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 176 11 be be VERB _005195630 176 12 hypocrites hypocrite NOUN _005195630 176 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 176 14 though though SCONJ _005195630 176 15 we we PRON _005195630 176 16 be be AUX _005195630 176 17 called call VERB _005195630 176 18 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 176 19 to to PART _005195630 176 20 believe believe VERB _005195630 176 21 in in ADP _005195630 176 22 the the DET _005195630 176 23 immaculate immaculate NOUN _005195630 176 24 conception conception NOUN _005195630 176 25 . . PUNCT _005195630 177 1 to to ADP _005195630 177 2 that that DET _005195630 177 3 large large ADJ _005195630 177 4 class class NOUN _005195630 177 5 of of ADP _005195630 177 6 minds mind NOUN _005195630 177 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 177 8 who who PRON _005195630 177 9 believe believe VERB _005195630 177 10 in in ADP _005195630 177 11 christianity christianity NOUN _005195630 177 12 after after ADP _005195630 177 13 our our PRON _005195630 177 14 manner,—in manner,—in PROPN _005195630 177 15 the the DET _005195630 177 16 particular particular ADJ _005195630 177 17 temper temper NOUN _005195630 177 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 177 19 spirit spirit NOUN _005195630 177 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 177 21 and and CCONJ _005195630 177 22 light light NOUN _005195630 177 23 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 177 24 whatever whatever DET _005195630 177 25 word word NOUN _005195630 177 26 is be AUX _005195630 177 27 used use VERB _005195630 177 28 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 177 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 177 30 in in ADP _005195630 177 31 which which PRON _005195630 177 32 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 177 33 believe believe VERB _005195630 177 34 it,—there it,—there PROPN _005195630 177 35 is be AUX _005195630 177 36 no no DET _005195630 177 37 burden burden NOUN _005195630 177 38 at at ADV _005195630 177 39 all all ADV _005195630 177 40 in in ADP _005195630 177 41 holding hold VERB _005195630 177 42 that that SCONJ _005195630 177 43 the the DET _005195630 177 44 blessed bless VERB _005195630 177 45 virgin virgin NOUN _005195630 177 46 was be AUX _005195630 177 47 conceived conceive VERB _005195630 177 48 without without ADP _005195630 177 49 original original ADJ _005195630 177 50 sin sin NOUN _005195630 177 51 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 177 52 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 177 53 , , PUNCT _005195630 177 54 it it PRON _005195630 177 55 is be AUX _005195630 177 56 a a DET _005195630 177 57 simple simple ADJ _005195630 177 58 fact fact NOUN _005195630 177 59 to to PART _005195630 177 60 say say VERB _005195630 177 61 , , PUNCT _005195630 177 62 that that SCONJ _005195630 177 63 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 177 64 have have AUX _005195630 177 65 not not PART _005195630 177 66 come come VERB _005195630 177 67 to to PART _005195630 177 68 believe believe VERB _005195630 177 69 it it PRON _005195630 177 70 because because SCONJ _005195630 177 71 it it PRON _005195630 177 72 is be AUX _005195630 177 73 defined define VERB _005195630 177 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 177 75 but but CCONJ _005195630 177 76 that that SCONJ _005195630 177 77 it it PRON _005195630 177 78 was be AUX _005195630 177 79 defined define VERB _005195630 177 80 because because SCONJ _005195630 177 81 they they PRON _005195630 177 82 believed believe VERB _005195630 177 83 it it PRON _005195630 177 84 . . PUNCT _005195630 178 1 so so ADV _005195630 178 2 far far ADV _005195630 178 3 from from ADP _005195630 178 4 the the DET _005195630 178 5 definition definition NOUN _005195630 178 6 in in ADP _005195630 178 7 1854 1854 NUM _005195630 178 8 being be AUX _005195630 178 9 a a DET _005195630 178 10 tyrannical tyrannical ADJ _005195630 178 11 infliction infliction NOUN _005195630 178 12 on on ADP _005195630 178 13 the the DET _005195630 178 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 178 15 world world NOUN _005195630 178 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 178 17 it it PRON _005195630 178 18 was be AUX _005195630 178 19 received receive VERB _005195630 178 20 every every PRON _005195630 178 21 where where SCONJ _005195630 178 22 on on ADP _005195630 178 23 its its PRON _005195630 178 24 promulgation promulgation NOUN _005195630 178 25 with with ADP _005195630 178 26 the the DET _005195630 178 27 greatest great ADJ _005195630 178 28 enthusiasm enthusiasm NOUN _005195630 178 29 . . PUNCT _005195630 179 1 it it PRON _005195630 179 2 was be AUX _005195630 179 3 in in ADP _005195630 179 4 consequence consequence NOUN _005195630 179 5 of of ADP _005195630 179 6 the the DET _005195630 179 7 unanimous unanimous ADJ _005195630 179 8 petition petition NOUN _005195630 179 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 179 10 presented present VERB _005195630 179 11 from from ADP _005195630 179 12 all all DET _005195630 179 13 parts part NOUN _005195630 179 14 of of ADP _005195630 179 15 the the DET _005195630 179 16 church church NOUN _005195630 179 17 to to ADP _005195630 179 18 the the DET _005195630 179 19 holy holy PROPN _005195630 179 20 see see NOUN _005195630 179 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 179 22 in in ADP _005195630 179 23 behalf behalf NOUN _005195630 179 24 of of ADP _005195630 179 25 an an DET _005195630 179 26 ex ex PROPN _005195630 179 27 cathedra cathedra NOUN _005195630 179 28 declaration declaration NOUN _005195630 179 29 that that SCONJ _005195630 179 30 the the DET _005195630 179 31 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 179 32 was be AUX _005195630 179 33 apostolic apostolic ADJ _005195630 179 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 179 35 that that SCONJ _005195630 179 36 it it PRON _005195630 179 37 was be AUX _005195630 179 38 declared declare VERB _005195630 179 39 so so ADV _005195630 179 40 to to PART _005195630 179 41 be be AUX _005195630 179 42 . . PUNCT _005195630 180 1 i i PRON _005195630 180 2 never never ADV _005195630 180 3 heard hear VERB _005195630 180 4 of of ADP _005195630 180 5 one one NUM _005195630 180 6 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 180 7 having have VERB _005195630 180 8 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 180 9 in in ADP _005195630 180 10 receiving receive VERB _005195630 180 11 the the DET _005195630 180 12 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 180 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 180 14 whose whose DET _005195630 180 15 faith faith NOUN _005195630 180 16 on on ADP _005195630 180 17 other other ADJ _005195630 180 18 grounds ground NOUN _005195630 180 19 was be AUX _005195630 180 20 not not PART _005195630 180 21 already already ADV _005195630 180 22 suspicious suspicious ADJ _005195630 180 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 181 1 of of ADP _005195630 181 2 course course NOUN _005195630 181 3 there there PRON _005195630 181 4 were be VERB _005195630 181 5 grave grave ADJ _005195630 181 6 and and CCONJ _005195630 181 7 good good ADJ _005195630 181 8 men man NOUN _005195630 181 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 181 10 who who PRON _005195630 181 11 were be AUX _005195630 181 12 made make VERB _005195630 181 13 anxious anxious ADJ _005195630 181 14 by by ADP _005195630 181 15 the the DET _005195630 181 16 doubt doubt NOUN _005195630 181 17 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 181 18 it it PRON _005195630 181 19 could could AUX _005195630 181 20 be be AUX _005195630 181 21 formally formally ADV _005195630 181 22 proved prove VERB _005195630 181 23 to to PART _005195630 181 24 be be AUX _005195630 181 25 apostolical apostolical ADJ _005195630 181 26 either either CCONJ _005195630 181 27 by by ADP _005195630 181 28 scripture scripture NOUN _005195630 181 29 or or CCONJ _005195630 181 30 tradition tradition NOUN _005195630 181 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 181 32 and and CCONJ _005195630 181 33 who who PRON _005195630 181 34 accordingly accordingly ADV _005195630 181 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 181 36 though though SCONJ _005195630 181 37 believing believe VERB _005195630 181 38 it it PRON _005195630 181 39 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 181 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 181 41 did do AUX _005195630 181 42 not not PART _005195630 181 43 see see VERB _005195630 181 44 how how SCONJ _005195630 181 45 it it PRON _005195630 181 46 could could AUX _005195630 181 47 be be AUX _005195630 181 48 defined define VERB _005195630 181 49 by by ADP _005195630 181 50 authority authority NOUN _005195630 181 51 and and CCONJ _005195630 181 52 imposed impose VERB _005195630 181 53 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 181 54 all all DET _005195630 181 55 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 181 56 as as ADP _005195630 181 57 a a DET _005195630 181 58 matter matter NOUN _005195630 181 59 of of ADP _005195630 181 60 faith faith NOUN _005195630 181 61 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 181 62 but but CCONJ _005195630 181 63 this this PRON _005195630 181 64 is be AUX _005195630 181 65 another another DET _005195630 181 66 matter matter NOUN _005195630 181 67 . . PUNCT _005195630 182 1 the the DET _005195630 182 2 point point NOUN _005195630 182 3 in in ADP _005195630 182 4 question question NOUN _005195630 182 5 is be AUX _005195630 182 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 182 7 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 182 8 the the DET _005195630 182 9 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 182 10 is be AUX _005195630 182 11 a a DET _005195630 182 12 burden burden NOUN _005195630 182 13 . . PUNCT _005195630 183 1 i i PRON _005195630 183 2 believe believe VERB _005195630 183 3 it it PRON _005195630 183 4 to to PART _005195630 183 5 be be AUX _005195630 183 6 none none NOUN _005195630 183 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 184 1 so so ADV _005195630 184 2 far far ADV _005195630 184 3 from from ADP _005195630 184 4 it it PRON _005195630 184 5 being be AUX _005195630 184 6 so so ADV _005195630 184 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 184 8 i i PRON _005195630 184 9 sincerely sincerely ADV _005195630 184 10 think think VERB _005195630 184 11 that that SCONJ _005195630 184 12 st st PROPN _005195630 184 13 . . PROPN _005195630 184 14 bernard bernard PROPN _005195630 184 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 184 16 st st PROPN _005195630 184 17 . . PROPN _005195630 184 18 thomas thomas PROPN _005195630 184 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 184 20 who who PRON _005195630 184 21 scrupled scruple VERB _005195630 184 22 at at ADP _005195630 184 23 it it PRON _005195630 184 24 in in ADP _005195630 184 25 their their PRON _005195630 184 26 day day NOUN _005195630 184 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 184 28 had have AUX _005195630 184 29 they they PRON _005195630 184 30 lived live VERB _005195630 184 31 into into ADP _005195630 184 32 this this PRON _005195630 184 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 184 34 would would AUX _005195630 184 35 have have AUX _005195630 184 36 rejoiced rejoice VERB _005195630 184 37 to to PART _005195630 184 38 accept accept VERB _005195630 184 39 it it PRON _005195630 184 40 for for ADP _005195630 184 41 its its PRON _005195630 184 42 own own ADJ _005195630 184 43 sake sake NOUN _005195630 184 44 . . PUNCT _005195630 185 1 their their PRON _005195630 185 2 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 185 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 185 4 as as SCONJ _005195630 185 5 i i PRON _005195630 185 6 view view VERB _005195630 185 7 it it PRON _005195630 185 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 185 9 consisted consist VERB _005195630 185 10 in in ADP _005195630 185 11 matters matter NOUN _005195630 185 12 of of ADP _005195630 185 13 words word NOUN _005195630 185 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 185 15 ideas idea NOUN _005195630 185 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 185 17 and and CCONJ _005195630 185 18 arguments argument NOUN _005195630 185 19 . . PUNCT _005195630 186 1 they they PRON _005195630 186 2 thought think VERB _005195630 186 3 the the DET _005195630 186 4 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 186 5 inconsistent inconsistent ADJ _005195630 186 6 with with ADP _005195630 186 7 other other ADJ _005195630 186 8 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195630 186 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 186 10 and and CCONJ _005195630 186 11 those those PRON _005195630 186 12 who who PRON _005195630 186 13 defended defend VERB _005195630 186 14 it it PRON _005195630 186 15 in in ADP _005195630 186 16 that that DET _005195630 186 17 age age NOUN _005195630 186 18 had have VERB _005195630 186 19 not not PART _005195630 186 20 that that DET _005195630 186 21 precision precision NOUN _005195630 186 22 in in ADP _005195630 186 23 their their PRON _005195630 186 24 view view NOUN _005195630 186 25 of of ADP _005195630 186 26 it it PRON _005195630 186 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 186 28 which which PRON _005195630 186 29 has have AUX _005195630 186 30 been be AUX _005195630 186 31 attained attain VERB _005195630 186 32 by by ADP _005195630 186 33 means mean NOUN _005195630 186 34 of of ADP _005195630 186 35 the the DET _005195630 186 36 long long ADJ _005195630 186 37 disputes dispute NOUN _005195630 186 38 of of ADP _005195630 186 39 the the DET _005195630 186 40 centuries century NOUN _005195630 186 41 which which PRON _005195630 186 42 followed follow VERB _005195630 186 43 . . PUNCT _005195630 187 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 187 2 in in ADP _005195630 187 3 this this DET _005195630 187 4 want want NOUN _005195630 187 5 of of ADP _005195630 187 6 precision precision NOUN _005195630 187 7 lay lie VERB _005195630 187 8 the the DET _005195630 187 9 difference difference NOUN _005195630 187 10 of of ADP _005195630 187 11 opinion opinion NOUN _005195630 187 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 187 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 187 14 the the DET _005195630 187 15 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 187 16 . . PUNCT _005195630 188 1 now now ADV _005195630 188 2 the the DET _005195630 188 3 instance instance NOUN _005195630 188 4 which which PRON _005195630 188 5 i i PRON _005195630 188 6 have have AUX _005195630 188 7 been be AUX _005195630 188 8 taking take VERB _005195630 188 9 suggests suggest VERB _005195630 188 10 another another DET _005195630 188 11 remark remark NOUN _005195630 188 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 188 13 the the DET _005195630 188 14 number number NOUN _005195630 188 15 of of ADP _005195630 188 16 those those DET _005195630 188 17 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 188 18 so so ADV _005195630 188 19 called call VERB _005195630 188 20 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 188 21 new new ADJ _005195630 188 22 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195630 188 23 will will AUX _005195630 188 24 not not PART _005195630 188 25 oppress oppress VERB _005195630 188 26 us we PRON _005195630 188 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 188 28 if if SCONJ _005195630 188 29 it it PRON _005195630 188 30 takes take VERB _005195630 188 31 eight eight NUM _005195630 188 32 centuries century NOUN _005195630 188 33 to to PART _005195630 188 34 promulgate promulgate VERB _005195630 188 35 even even ADV _005195630 188 36 one one NUM _005195630 188 37 of of ADP _005195630 188 38 them they PRON _005195630 188 39 . . PUNCT _005195630 189 1 such such ADJ _005195630 189 2 is be AUX _005195630 189 3 about about ADP _005195630 189 4 the the DET _005195630 189 5 length length NOUN _005195630 189 6 of of ADP _005195630 189 7 time time NOUN _005195630 189 8 through through ADP _005195630 189 9 which which PRON _005195630 189 10 the the DET _005195630 189 11 preparation preparation NOUN _005195630 189 12 has have AUX _005195630 189 13 been be AUX _005195630 189 14 carried carry VERB _005195630 189 15 on on ADP _005195630 189 16 my my PRON _005195630 189 17 mind mind NOUN _005195630 189 18 as as ADP _005195630 189 19 a a DET _005195630 189 20 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 189 21 17 17 NUM _005195630 189 22 for for ADP _005195630 189 23 the the DET _005195630 189 24 definition definition NOUN _005195630 189 25 of of ADP _005195630 189 26 the the DET _005195630 189 27 immaculate immaculate PROPN _005195630 189 28 conception conception NOUN _005195630 189 29 . . PUNCT _005195630 190 1 this this PRON _005195630 190 2 of of ADP _005195630 190 3 course course NOUN _005195630 190 4 is be AUX _005195630 190 5 an an DET _005195630 190 6 extraordinary extraordinary ADJ _005195630 190 7 case case NOUN _005195630 190 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 190 9 but but CCONJ _005195630 190 10 it it PRON _005195630 190 11 is be AUX _005195630 190 12 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 190 13 to to PART _005195630 190 14 say say VERB _005195630 190 15 what what PRON _005195630 190 16 is be AUX _005195630 190 17 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005195630 190 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 190 19 considering consider VERB _005195630 190 20 how how SCONJ _005195630 190 21 few few ADJ _005195630 190 22 are be AUX _005195630 190 23 the the DET _005195630 190 24 formal formal ADJ _005195630 190 25 occasions occasion NOUN _005195630 190 26 on on ADP _005195630 190 27 which which PRON _005195630 190 28 the the DET _005195630 190 29 voice voice NOUN _005195630 190 30 of of ADP _005195630 190 31 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 190 32 has have AUX _005195630 190 33 been be AUX _005195630 190 34 solemnly solemnly ADV _005195630 190 35 lifted lift VERB _005195630 190 36 up up ADP _005195630 190 37 . . PUNCT _005195630 191 1 it it PRON _005195630 191 2 is be AUX _005195630 191 3 to to ADP _005195630 191 4 the the DET _005195630 191 5 pope pope NOUN _005195630 191 6 in in ADP _005195630 191 7 ecumenical ecumenical ADJ _005195630 191 8 council council NOUN _005195630 191 9 that that PRON _005195630 191 10 we we PRON _005195630 191 11 look look VERB _005195630 191 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 191 13 as as ADP _005195630 191 14 to to ADP _005195630 191 15 the the DET _005195630 191 16 normal normal ADJ _005195630 191 17 seat seat NOUN _005195630 191 18 of of ADP _005195630 191 19 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 191 20 : : PUNCT _005195630 191 21 now now ADV _005195630 191 22 there there PRON _005195630 191 23 have have AUX _005195630 191 24 been be AUX _005195630 191 25 only only ADV _005195630 191 26 eighteen eighteen NUM _005195630 191 27 such such ADJ _005195630 191 28 councils council NOUN _005195630 191 29 since since SCONJ _005195630 191 30 christianity christianity PROPN _005195630 191 31 was,—an was,—an PROPN _005195630 191 32 average average NOUN _005195630 191 33 of of ADP _005195630 191 34 one one NUM _005195630 191 35 to to ADP _005195630 191 36 a a DET _005195630 191 37 century,—and century,—and NOUN _005195630 191 38 of of ADP _005195630 191 39 these these DET _005195630 191 40 councils council NOUN _005195630 191 41 some some PRON _005195630 191 42 passed pass VERB _005195630 191 43 no no DET _005195630 191 44 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005195630 191 45 decree decree NOUN _005195630 191 46 at at ADV _005195630 191 47 all all ADV _005195630 191 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 191 49 others other NOUN _005195630 191 50 were be AUX _005195630 191 51 employed employ VERB _005195630 191 52 on on ADP _005195630 191 53 only only ADV _005195630 191 54 one one NUM _005195630 191 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 191 56 and and CCONJ _005195630 191 57 many many ADJ _005195630 191 58 of of ADP _005195630 191 59 them they PRON _005195630 191 60 were be AUX _005195630 191 61 concerned concern VERB _005195630 191 62 with with ADP _005195630 191 63 only only ADJ _005195630 191 64 elementary elementary ADJ _005195630 191 65 points point NOUN _005195630 191 66 of of ADP _005195630 191 67 the the DET _005195630 191 68 creed creed NOUN _005195630 191 69 . . PUNCT _005195630 192 1 the the DET _005195630 192 2 council council PROPN _005195630 192 3 of of ADP _005195630 192 4 trent trent NOUN _005195630 192 5 embraced embrace VERB _005195630 192 6 a a DET _005195630 192 7 large large ADJ _005195630 192 8 field field NOUN _005195630 192 9 of of ADP _005195630 192 10 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 192 11 certainly certainly ADV _005195630 192 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 192 13 but but CCONJ _005195630 192 14 i i PRON _005195630 192 15 should should AUX _005195630 192 16 apply apply VERB _005195630 192 17 to to ADP _005195630 192 18 its its PRON _005195630 192 19 canons canon NOUN _005195630 192 20 a a DET _005195630 192 21 remark remark NOUN _005195630 192 22 contained contain VERB _005195630 192 23 in in ADP _005195630 192 24 that that DET _005195630 192 25 university university NOUN _005195630 192 26 sermon sermon NOUN _005195630 192 27 of of ADP _005195630 192 28 mine mine NOUN _005195630 192 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 192 30 which which PRON _005195630 192 31 has have AUX _005195630 192 32 been be AUX _005195630 192 33 so so ADV _005195630 192 34 ignorantly ignorantly ADV _005195630 192 35 criticized criticize VERB _005195630 192 36 in in ADP _005195630 192 37 the the DET _005195630 192 38 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _005195630 192 39 which which PRON _005195630 192 40 has have AUX _005195630 192 41 been be AUX _005195630 192 42 the the DET _005195630 192 43 occasion occasion NOUN _005195630 192 44 of of ADP _005195630 192 45 this this DET _005195630 192 46 volume volume NOUN _005195630 192 47 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 192 48 — — PUNCT _005195630 192 49 i i PRON _005195630 192 50 there there PRON _005195630 192 51 have have AUX _005195630 192 52 said say VERB _005195630 192 53 that that SCONJ _005195630 192 54 the the DET _005195630 192 55 various various ADJ _005195630 192 56 verses verse NOUN _005195630 192 57 of of ADP _005195630 192 58 the the DET _005195630 192 59 athanasian athanasian ADJ _005195630 192 60 creed creed NOUN _005195630 192 61 are be AUX _005195630 192 62 only only ADV _005195630 192 63 repetitions repetition NOUN _005195630 192 64 in in ADP _005195630 192 65 various various ADJ _005195630 192 66 shapes shape NOUN _005195630 192 67 of of ADP _005195630 192 68 one one NUM _005195630 192 69 and and CCONJ _005195630 192 70 the the DET _005195630 192 71 same same ADJ _005195630 192 72 idea idea NOUN _005195630 192 73 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 192 74 and and CCONJ _005195630 192 75 in in ADP _005195630 192 76 like like ADP _005195630 192 77 manner manner NOUN _005195630 192 78 , , PUNCT _005195630 192 79 the the DET _005195630 192 80 tridentine tridentine ADJ _005195630 192 81 decrees decree NOUN _005195630 192 82 are be AUX _005195630 192 83 not not PART _005195630 192 84 isolated isolate VERB _005195630 192 85 from from ADP _005195630 192 86 each each DET _005195630 192 87 other other ADJ _005195630 192 88 , , PUNCT _005195630 192 89 but but CCONJ _005195630 192 90 are be AUX _005195630 192 91 occupied occupy VERB _005195630 192 92 in in ADP _005195630 192 93 bringing bring VERB _005195630 192 94 out out ADP _005195630 192 95 in in ADP _005195630 192 96 detail detail NOUN _005195630 192 97 , , PUNCT _005195630 192 98 by by ADP _005195630 192 99 a a DET _005195630 192 100 number number NOUN _005195630 192 101 of of ADP _005195630 192 102 separate separate ADJ _005195630 192 103 declarations declaration NOUN _005195630 192 104 , , PUNCT _005195630 192 105 as as ADP _005195630 192 106 if if SCONJ _005195630 192 107 into into ADP _005195630 192 108 bodily bodily ADJ _005195630 192 109 form form NOUN _005195630 192 110 , , PUNCT _005195630 192 111 a a DET _005195630 192 112 few few ADJ _005195630 192 113 necessary necessary ADJ _005195630 192 114 truths truth NOUN _005195630 192 115 . . PUNCT _005195630 193 1 i i PRON _005195630 193 2 should should AUX _005195630 193 3 make make VERB _005195630 193 4 the the DET _005195630 193 5 same same ADJ _005195630 193 6 remark remark NOUN _005195630 193 7 on on ADP _005195630 193 8 the the DET _005195630 193 9 various various ADJ _005195630 193 10 theological theological ADJ _005195630 193 11 censures censure NOUN _005195630 193 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 193 13 promulgated promulgate VERB _005195630 193 14 by by ADP _005195630 193 15 popes pope NOUN _005195630 193 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 193 17 which which PRON _005195630 193 18 the the DET _005195630 193 19 church church NOUN _005195630 193 20 has have AUX _005195630 193 21 received receive VERB _005195630 193 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 193 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 193 24 on on ADP _005195630 193 25 their their PRON _005195630 193 26 dogmatic dogmatic ADJ _005195630 193 27 decisions decision NOUN _005195630 193 28 general general ADJ _005195630 193 29 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 193 30 } } PUNCT _005195630 193 31 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 193 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 194 1 i i PRON _005195630 194 2 own own VERB _005195630 194 3 that that SCONJ _005195630 194 4 at at ADP _005195630 194 5 first first ADJ _005195630 194 6 sight sight NOUN _005195630 194 7 those those DET _005195630 194 8 decisions decision NOUN _005195630 194 9 seem seem VERB _005195630 194 10 from from ADP _005195630 194 11 their their PRON _005195630 194 12 number number NOUN _005195630 194 13 to to PART _005195630 194 14 be be AUX _005195630 194 15 a a DET _005195630 194 16 greater great ADJ _005195630 194 17 burden burden NOUN _005195630 194 18 on on ADP _005195630 194 19 the the DET _005195630 194 20 faith faith NOUN _005195630 194 21 of of ADP _005195630 194 22 individuals individual NOUN _005195630 194 23 than than SCONJ _005195630 194 24 are be AUX _005195630 194 25 the the DET _005195630 194 26 canons canon NOUN _005195630 194 27 of of ADP _005195630 194 28 councils council NOUN _005195630 194 29 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 194 30 still still ADV _005195630 194 31 i i PRON _005195630 194 32 do do AUX _005195630 194 33 not not PART _005195630 194 34 believe believe VERB _005195630 194 35 that that SCONJ _005195630 194 36 in in ADP _005195630 194 37 matter matter NOUN _005195630 194 38 of of ADP _005195630 194 39 fact fact NOUN _005195630 194 40 they they PRON _005195630 194 41 are be AUX _005195630 194 42 so so ADV _005195630 194 43 at at ADV _005195630 194 44 all all ADV _005195630 194 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 46 and and CCONJ _005195630 194 47 i i PRON _005195630 194 48 give give VERB _005195630 194 49 this this DET _005195630 194 50 reason reason NOUN _005195630 194 51 for for ADP _005195630 194 52 it it PRON _005195630 194 53 : : PUNCT _005195630 194 54 — — PUNCT _005195630 194 55 it it PRON _005195630 194 56 is be AUX _005195630 194 57 not not PART _005195630 194 58 that that SCONJ _005195630 194 59 a a DET _005195630 194 60 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 194 61 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 62 layman layman NOUN _005195630 194 63 or or CCONJ _005195630 194 64 priest priest NOUN _005195630 194 65 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 66 is be AUX _005195630 194 67 indifferent indifferent ADJ _005195630 194 68 to to ADP _005195630 194 69 the the DET _005195630 194 70 subject subject NOUN _005195630 194 71 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 72 or or CCONJ _005195630 194 73 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 74 from from ADP _005195630 194 75 a a DET _005195630 194 76 sort sort NOUN _005195630 194 77 of of ADP _005195630 194 78 recklessness recklessness NOUN _005195630 194 79 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 80 will will AUX _005195630 194 81 accept accept VERB _005195630 194 82 any any DET _005195630 194 83 thing thing NOUN _005195630 194 84 that that PRON _005195630 194 85 is be AUX _005195630 194 86 placed place VERB _005195630 194 87 before before ADP _005195630 194 88 him he PRON _005195630 194 89 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 90 or or CCONJ _005195630 194 91 is be AUX _005195630 194 92 willing willing ADJ _005195630 194 93 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 94 like like ADP _005195630 194 95 a a DET _005195630 194 96 lawyer lawyer NOUN _005195630 194 97 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 98 to to PART _005195630 194 99 speak speak VERB _005195630 194 100 according accord VERB _005195630 194 101 to to ADP _005195630 194 102 his his PRON _005195630 194 103 brief brief NOUN _005195630 194 104 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 105 but but CCONJ _005195630 194 106 that that SCONJ _005195630 194 107 in in ADP _005195630 194 108 such such ADJ _005195630 194 109 condemnations condemnation NOUN _005195630 194 110 the the DET _005195630 194 111 holy holy ADJ _005195630 194 112 see see NOUN _005195630 194 113 is be AUX _005195630 194 114 engaged engage VERB _005195630 194 115 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 116 for for ADP _005195630 194 117 the the DET _005195630 194 118 most most ADJ _005195630 194 119 part part NOUN _005195630 194 120 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 121 in in ADP _005195630 194 122 repudiating repudiate VERB _005195630 194 123 one one NUM _005195630 194 124 or or CCONJ _005195630 194 125 two two NUM _005195630 194 126 great great ADJ _005195630 194 127 lines line NOUN _005195630 194 128 of of ADP _005195630 194 129 error error NOUN _005195630 194 130 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 131 such such ADJ _005195630 194 132 as as ADP _005195630 194 133 lutheranism lutheranism NOUN _005195630 194 134 or or CCONJ _005195630 194 135 jansenism jansenism NOUN _005195630 194 136 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 137 principally principally ADV _005195630 194 138 ethical ethical ADJ _005195630 194 139 not not PART _005195630 194 140 doctrinal doctrinal ADJ _005195630 194 141 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 142 which which PRON _005195630 194 143 are be AUX _005195630 194 144 divergent divergent ADJ _005195630 194 145 from from ADP _005195630 194 146 the the DET _005195630 194 147 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 194 148 mind mind NOUN _005195630 194 149 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 150 and and CCONJ _005195630 194 151 that that SCONJ _005195630 194 152 it it PRON _005195630 194 153 is be AUX _005195630 194 154 but but CCONJ _005195630 194 155 expressing express VERB _005195630 194 156 what what PRON _005195630 194 157 any any DET _005195630 194 158 good good ADJ _005195630 194 159 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 194 160 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 161 of of ADP _005195630 194 162 fair fair ADJ _005195630 194 163 abilities ability NOUN _005195630 194 164 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 165 though though SCONJ _005195630 194 166 unlearned unlearned ADJ _005195630 194 167 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 168 would would AUX _005195630 194 169 say say VERB _005195630 194 170 himself himself PRON _005195630 194 171 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 172 from from ADP _005195630 194 173 common common ADJ _005195630 194 174 and and CCONJ _005195630 194 175 sound sound ADJ _005195630 194 176 sense sense NOUN _005195630 194 177 , , PUNCT _005195630 194 178 if if SCONJ _005195630 194 179 the the DET _005195630 194 180 matter matter NOUN _005195630 194 181 could could AUX _005195630 194 182 be be AUX _005195630 194 183 put put VERB _005195630 194 184 before before ADP _005195630 194 185 him he PRON _005195630 194 186 . . PUNCT _005195630 195 1 now now ADV _005195630 195 2 i i PRON _005195630 195 3 will will AUX _005195630 195 4 go go VERB _005195630 195 5 on on ADP _005195630 195 6 in in ADP _005195630 195 7 fairness fairness NOUN _005195630 195 8 to to PART _005195630 195 9 say say VERB _005195630 195 10 what what PRON _005195630 195 11 i i PRON _005195630 195 12 think think VERB _005195630 195 13 is be AUX _005195630 195 14 a a DET _005195630 195 15 18 18 NUM _005195630 195 16 my my PRON _005195630 195 17 mind mind NOUN _005195630 195 18 as as ADP _005195630 195 19 a a DET _005195630 195 20 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 195 21 great great ADJ _005195630 195 22 trial trial NOUN _005195630 195 23 to to ADP _005195630 195 24 the the DET _005195630 195 25 reason reason NOUN _005195630 195 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 195 27 when when SCONJ _005195630 195 28 confronted confront VERB _005195630 195 29 with with ADP _005195630 195 30 that that DET _005195630 195 31 august august PROPN _005195630 195 32 prerogative prerogative NOUN _005195630 195 33 of of ADP _005195630 195 34 the the DET _005195630 195 35 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 195 36 church church NOUN _005195630 195 37 of of ADP _005195630 195 38 which which PRON _005195630 195 39 i i PRON _005195630 195 40 have have AUX _005195630 195 41 been be AUX _005195630 195 42 speaking speak VERB _005195630 195 43 . . PUNCT _005195630 196 1 i i PRON _005195630 196 2 enlarged enlarge VERB _005195630 196 3 just just ADV _005195630 196 4 now now ADV _005195630 196 5 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 196 6 the the DET _005195630 196 7 concrete concrete ADJ _005195630 196 8 shape shape NOUN _005195630 196 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 196 10 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005195630 196 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 196 12 under under ADP _005195630 196 13 which which PRON _005195630 196 14 pure pure ADJ _005195630 196 15 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 196 16 authority authority NOUN _005195630 196 17 presents present VERB _005195630 196 18 itself itself PRON _005195630 196 19 to to ADP _005195630 196 20 the the DET _005195630 196 21 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 196 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 197 1 that that DET _005195630 197 2 authority authority NOUN _005195630 197 3 has have VERB _005195630 197 4 the the DET _005195630 197 5 prerogative prerogative NOUN _005195630 197 6 of of ADP _005195630 197 7 an an DET _005195630 197 8 indirect indirect ADJ _005195630 197 9 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005195630 197 10 on on ADP _005195630 197 11 subject subject NOUN _005195630 197 12 - - PUNCT _005195630 197 13 matters matter NOUN _005195630 197 14 which which PRON _005195630 197 15 lie lie VERB _005195630 197 16 beyond beyond ADP _005195630 197 17 its its PRON _005195630 197 18 own own ADJ _005195630 197 19 proper proper ADJ _005195630 197 20 limits limit NOUN _005195630 197 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 197 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 197 23 it it PRON _005195630 197 24 most most ADV _005195630 197 25 reasonably reasonably ADV _005195630 197 26 has have VERB _005195630 197 27 such such DET _005195630 197 28 a a DET _005195630 197 29 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005195630 197 30 . . PUNCT _005195630 198 1 it it PRON _005195630 198 2 could could AUX _005195630 198 3 not not PART _005195630 198 4 act act VERB _005195630 198 5 in in ADP _005195630 198 6 its its PRON _005195630 198 7 own own ADJ _005195630 198 8 province province NOUN _005195630 198 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 198 10 unless unless SCONJ _005195630 198 11 it it PRON _005195630 198 12 had have VERB _005195630 198 13 a a DET _005195630 198 14 right right NOUN _005195630 198 15 to to PART _005195630 198 16 act act VERB _005195630 198 17 out out ADP _005195630 198 18 of of ADP _005195630 198 19 it it PRON _005195630 198 20 . . PUNCT _005195630 199 1 it it PRON _005195630 199 2 could could AUX _005195630 199 3 not not PART _005195630 199 4 properly properly ADV _005195630 199 5 defend defend VERB _005195630 199 6 religious religious ADJ _005195630 199 7 truth truth NOUN _005195630 199 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 199 9 without without ADP _005195630 199 10 claiming claim VERB _005195630 199 11 for for ADP _005195630 199 12 that that DET _005195630 199 13 truth truth NOUN _005195630 199 14 what what PRON _005195630 199 15 may may AUX _005195630 199 16 be be AUX _005195630 199 17 called call VERB _005195630 199 18 its its PRON _005195630 199 19 pomceria pomceria NOUN _005195630 199 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 199 21 or or CCONJ _005195630 199 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 199 23 to to PART _005195630 199 24 take take VERB _005195630 199 25 another another DET _005195630 199 26 illustration illustration NOUN _005195630 199 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 199 28 without without ADP _005195630 199 29 acting act VERB _005195630 199 30 as as SCONJ _005195630 199 31 we we PRON _005195630 199 32 act act VERB _005195630 199 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 199 34 as as ADP _005195630 199 35 a a DET _005195630 199 36 nation nation NOUN _005195630 199 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 199 38 in in ADP _005195630 199 39 claiming claim VERB _005195630 199 40 as as ADP _005195630 199 41 our our PRON _005195630 199 42 own own ADJ _005195630 199 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 199 44 not not PART _005195630 199 45 only only ADV _005195630 199 46 the the DET _005195630 199 47 land land NOUN _005195630 199 48 on on ADP _005195630 199 49 which which PRON _005195630 199 50 we we PRON _005195630 199 51 live live VERB _005195630 199 52 , , PUNCT _005195630 199 53 but but CCONJ _005195630 199 54 what what PRON _005195630 199 55 are be AUX _005195630 199 56 called call VERB _005195630 199 57 british british ADJ _005195630 199 58 waters water NOUN _005195630 199 59 . . PUNCT _005195630 200 1 the the DET _005195630 200 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 200 3 church church NOUN _005195630 200 4 claims claim NOUN _005195630 200 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 200 6 not not PART _005195630 200 7 only only ADV _005195630 200 8 to to PART _005195630 200 9 judge judge VERB _005195630 200 10 infallibly infallibly ADV _005195630 200 11 on on ADP _005195630 200 12 religious religious ADJ _005195630 200 13 questions question NOUN _005195630 200 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 200 15 but but CCONJ _005195630 200 16 to to PART _005195630 200 17 animadvert animadvert VERB _005195630 200 18 on on ADP _005195630 200 19 opinions opinion NOUN _005195630 200 20 in in ADP _005195630 200 21 secular secular ADJ _005195630 200 22 matters matter NOUN _005195630 200 23 which which PRON _005195630 200 24 bear bear VERB _005195630 200 25 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 200 26 religion religion NOUN _005195630 200 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 200 28 on on ADP _005195630 200 29 matters matter NOUN _005195630 200 30 of of ADP _005195630 200 31 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195630 200 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 200 33 of of ADP _005195630 200 34 science science NOUN _005195630 200 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 200 36 of of ADP _005195630 200 37 literature literature NOUN _005195630 200 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 200 39 of of ADP _005195630 200 40 history history NOUN _005195630 200 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 200 42 and and CCONJ _005195630 200 43 it it PRON _005195630 200 44 demands demand VERB _005195630 200 45 our our PRON _005195630 200 46 submission submission NOUN _005195630 200 47 to to ADP _005195630 200 48 her her PRON _005195630 200 49 claim claim NOUN _005195630 200 50 . . PUNCT _005195630 201 1 it it PRON _005195630 201 2 claims claim VERB _005195630 201 3 to to PART _005195630 201 4 censure censure VERB _005195630 201 5 books book NOUN _005195630 201 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 201 7 to to PART _005195630 201 8 silence silence VERB _005195630 201 9 authors author NOUN _005195630 201 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 201 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 201 12 to to PART _005195630 201 13 forbid forbid VERB _005195630 201 14 discussions discussion NOUN _005195630 201 15 . . PUNCT _005195630 202 1 in in ADP _005195630 202 2 this this DET _005195630 202 3 province province NOUN _005195630 202 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 202 5 taken take VERB _005195630 202 6 as as ADP _005195630 202 7 a a DET _005195630 202 8 whole whole NOUN _005195630 202 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 202 10 it it PRON _005195630 202 11 does do AUX _005195630 202 12 not not PART _005195630 202 13 so so ADV _005195630 202 14 much much ADV _005195630 202 15 speak speak VERB _005195630 202 16 doctrinally doctrinally ADV _005195630 202 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 202 18 as as SCONJ _005195630 202 19 enforce enforce VERB _005195630 202 20 measures measure NOUN _005195630 202 21 of of ADP _005195630 202 22 discipline discipline NOUN _005195630 202 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 203 1 it it PRON _005195630 203 2 must must AUX _005195630 203 3 of of ADP _005195630 203 4 course course NOUN _005195630 203 5 be be AUX _005195630 203 6 obeyed obey VERB _005195630 203 7 without without ADP _005195630 203 8 a a DET _005195630 203 9 word word NOUN _005195630 203 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 203 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 203 12 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195630 203 13 in in ADP _005195630 203 14 process process NOUN _005195630 203 15 of of ADP _005195630 203 16 time time NOUN _005195630 203 17 it it PRON _005195630 203 18 will will AUX _005195630 203 19 tacitly tacitly ADV _005195630 203 20 recede recede VERB _005195630 203 21 from from ADP _005195630 203 22 its its PRON _005195630 203 23 own own ADJ _005195630 203 24 injunctions injunction NOUN _005195630 203 25 . . PUNCT _005195630 204 1 in in ADP _005195630 204 2 such such ADJ _005195630 204 3 cases case NOUN _005195630 204 4 the the DET _005195630 204 5 question question NOUN _005195630 204 6 of of ADP _005195630 204 7 faith faith NOUN _005195630 204 8 does do AUX _005195630 204 9 not not PART _005195630 204 10 come come VERB _005195630 204 11 in in ADP _005195630 204 12 at at ADV _005195630 204 13 all all ADV _005195630 204 14 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 204 15 for for ADP _005195630 204 16 what what PRON _005195630 204 17 is be AUX _005195630 204 18 matter matter NOUN _005195630 204 19 of of ADP _005195630 204 20 faith faith NOUN _005195630 204 21 is be AUX _005195630 204 22 true true ADJ _005195630 204 23 for for ADP _005195630 204 24 all all DET _005195630 204 25 times time NOUN _005195630 204 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 204 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 204 28 never never ADV _005195630 204 29 can can AUX _005195630 204 30 be be AUX _005195630 204 31 unsaid unsaid ADJ _005195630 204 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 205 1 nor nor CCONJ _005195630 205 2 does do AUX _005195630 205 3 it it PRON _005195630 205 4 at at ADV _005195630 205 5 all all ADV _005195630 205 6 follow follow VERB _005195630 205 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 205 8 because because SCONJ _005195630 205 9 there there PRON _005195630 205 10 is be VERB _005195630 205 11 a a DET _005195630 205 12 gift gift NOUN _005195630 205 13 of of ADP _005195630 205 14 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 205 15 in in ADP _005195630 205 16 the the DET _005195630 205 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 205 18 church church NOUN _005195630 205 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 205 20 that that SCONJ _005195630 205 21 therefore therefore ADV _005195630 205 22 the the DET _005195630 205 23 parties party NOUN _005195630 205 24 who who PRON _005195630 205 25 are be AUX _005195630 205 26 in in ADP _005195630 205 27 possession possession NOUN _005195630 205 28 of of ADP _005195630 205 29 it it PRON _005195630 205 30 are be AUX _005195630 205 31 in in ADP _005195630 205 32 all all PRON _005195630 205 33 their their PRON _005195630 205 34 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005195630 205 35 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 205 36 . . PUNCT _005195630 206 1 “ " PUNCT _005195630 206 2 o o X _005195630 206 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 206 4 it it PRON _005195630 206 5 is be AUX _005195630 206 6 excellent excellent ADJ _005195630 206 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 206 8 " " PUNCT _005195630 206 9 says say VERB _005195630 206 10 the the DET _005195630 206 11 poet poet NOUN _005195630 206 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 206 13 “ " PUNCT _005195630 206 14 to to PART _005195630 206 15 have have AUX _005195630 206 16 a a DET _005195630 206 17 giant giant NOUN _005195630 206 18 's 's PART _005195630 206 19 strength strength NOUN _005195630 206 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 206 21 but but CCONJ _005195630 206 22 tyrannous tyrannous ADJ _005195630 206 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 206 24 to to PART _005195630 206 25 use use VERB _005195630 206 26 it it PRON _005195630 206 27 like like ADP _005195630 206 28 a a DET _005195630 206 29 giant giant NOUN _005195630 206 30 . . PUNCT _005195630 206 31 " " PUNCT _005195630 207 1 i i PRON _005195630 207 2 think think VERB _005195630 207 3 history history NOUN _005195630 207 4 supplies supply VERB _005195630 207 5 us we PRON _005195630 207 6 with with ADP _005195630 207 7 instances instance NOUN _005195630 207 8 in in ADP _005195630 207 9 the the DET _005195630 207 10 church church NOUN _005195630 207 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 207 12 where where SCONJ _005195630 207 13 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005195630 207 14 power power NOUN _005195630 207 15 has have AUX _005195630 207 16 been be AUX _005195630 207 17 harshly harshly ADV _005195630 207 18 used use VERB _005195630 207 19 . . PUNCT _005195630 208 1 to to PART _005195630 208 2 make make VERB _005195630 208 3 such such ADJ _005195630 208 4 admission admission NOUN _005195630 208 5 is be AUX _005195630 208 6 no no PRON _005195630 208 7 more more ADJ _005195630 208 8 than than ADP _005195630 208 9 saying say VERB _005195630 208 10 that that SCONJ _005195630 208 11 the the DET _005195630 208 12 divine divine ADJ _005195630 208 13 treasure treasure NOUN _005195630 208 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 208 15 in in ADP _005195630 208 16 the the DET _005195630 208 17 words word NOUN _005195630 208 18 of of ADP _005195630 208 19 the the DET _005195630 208 20 apostle apostle NOUN _005195630 208 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 208 22 is be AUX _005195630 208 23 “ " PUNCT _005195630 208 24 in in ADP _005195630 208 25 earthen earthen ADJ _005195630 208 26 vessels vessel NOUN _005195630 208 27 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 208 28 " " PUNCT _005195630 208 29 nor nor CCONJ _005195630 208 30 does do AUX _005195630 208 31 it it PRON _005195630 208 32 follow follow VERB _005195630 208 33 that that SCONJ _005195630 208 34 the the DET _005195630 208 35 substance substance NOUN _005195630 208 36 of of ADP _005195630 208 37 the the DET _005195630 208 38 acts act NOUN _005195630 208 39 of of ADP _005195630 208 40 the the DET _005195630 208 41 ruling rule VERB _005195630 208 42 power power NOUN _005195630 208 43 is be AUX _005195630 208 44 not not PART _005195630 208 45 right right ADJ _005195630 208 46 and and CCONJ _005195630 208 47 expedient expedient ADJ _005195630 208 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 208 49 because because SCONJ _005195630 208 50 its its PRON _005195630 208 51 manner manner NOUN _005195630 208 52 may may AUX _005195630 208 53 have have AUX _005195630 208 54 been be AUX _005195630 208 55 faulty faulty ADJ _005195630 208 56 . . PUNCT _005195630 209 1 such such ADJ _005195630 209 2 high high ADJ _005195630 209 3 authorities authority NOUN _005195630 209 4 act act VERB _005195630 209 5 by by ADP _005195630 209 6 means mean NOUN _005195630 209 7 of of ADP _005195630 209 8 instruments instrument NOUN _005195630 209 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 209 10 we we PRON _005195630 209 11 know know VERB _005195630 209 12 how how SCONJ _005195630 209 13 such such ADJ _005195630 209 14 instruments instrument NOUN _005195630 209 15 claim claim VERB _005195630 209 16 for for ADP _005195630 209 17 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 209 18 the the DET _005195630 209 19 name name NOUN _005195630 209 20 of of ADP _005195630 209 21 their their PRON _005195630 209 22 principals principal NOUN _005195630 209 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 209 24 who who PRON _005195630 209 25 thus thus ADV _005195630 209 26 get get VERB _005195630 209 27 the the DET _005195630 209 28 credit credit NOUN _005195630 209 29 of of ADP _005195630 209 30 faults fault NOUN _005195630 209 31 which which PRON _005195630 209 32 really really ADV _005195630 209 33 are be AUX _005195630 209 34 not not PART _005195630 209 35 theirs theirs ADJ _005195630 209 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 209 37 19my 19my ADJ _005195630 209 38 mind mind NOUN _005195630 209 39 as as ADP _005195630 209 40 a a DET _005195630 209 41 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 209 42 but but CCONJ _005195630 209 43 granting grant VERB _005195630 209 44 all all DET _005195630 209 45 this this PRON _005195630 209 46 to to ADP _005195630 209 47 an an DET _005195630 209 48 extent extent NOUN _005195630 209 49 greater great ADJ _005195630 209 50 than than ADP _005195630 209 51 can can AUX _005195630 209 52 with with ADP _005195630 209 53 any any DET _005195630 209 54 show show NOUN _005195630 209 55 of of ADP _005195630 209 56 reason reason NOUN _005195630 209 57 be be AUX _005195630 209 58 imputed impute VERB _005195630 209 59 to to ADP _005195630 209 60 the the DET _005195630 209 61 ruling rule VERB _005195630 209 62 power power NOUN _005195630 209 63 in in ADP _005195630 209 64 the the DET _005195630 209 65 church church NOUN _005195630 209 66 , , PUNCT _005195630 209 67 what what DET _005195630 209 68 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 209 69 is be AUX _005195630 209 70 there there ADV _005195630 209 71 in in ADP _005195630 209 72 the the DET _005195630 209 73 fact fact NOUN _005195630 209 74 of of ADP _005195630 209 75 this this DET _005195630 209 76 want want NOUN _005195630 209 77 of of ADP _005195630 209 78 prudence prudence NOUN _005195630 209 79 or or CCONJ _005195630 209 80 moderation moderation NOUN _005195630 209 81 more more ADJ _005195630 209 82 than than SCONJ _005195630 209 83 can can AUX _005195630 209 84 be be AUX _005195630 209 85 urged urge VERB _005195630 209 86 , , PUNCT _005195630 209 87 with with ADP _005195630 209 88 far far ADV _005195630 209 89 greater great ADJ _005195630 209 90 justice justice NOUN _005195630 209 91 , , PUNCT _005195630 209 92 against against ADP _005195630 209 93 protestant protestant ADJ _005195630 209 94 communities community NOUN _005195630 209 95 and and CCONJ _005195630 209 96 institutions institution NOUN _005195630 209 97 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 210 1 what what PRON _005195630 210 2 is be AUX _005195630 210 3 there there PRON _005195630 210 4 in in ADP _005195630 210 5 it it PRON _005195630 210 6 to to PART _005195630 210 7 make make VERB _005195630 210 8 us we PRON _005195630 210 9 hypocrites hypocrite NOUN _005195630 210 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 210 11 if if SCONJ _005195630 210 12 it it PRON _005195630 210 13 has have VERB _005195630 210 14 not not PART _005195630 210 15 that that DET _005195630 210 16 effect effect NOUN _005195630 210 17 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 210 18 protestants protestant NOUN _005195630 210 19 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 211 1 we we PRON _005195630 211 2 are be AUX _005195630 211 3 called call VERB _005195630 211 4 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 211 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 211 6 not not PART _005195630 211 7 to to PART _005195630 211 8 profess profess VERB _005195630 211 9 any any DET _005195630 211 10 thing thing NOUN _005195630 211 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 211 12 but but CCONJ _005195630 211 13 to to PART _005195630 211 14 submit submit VERB _005195630 211 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 211 16 be be AUX _005195630 211 17 silent silent ADJ _005195630 211 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 211 19 as as SCONJ _005195630 211 20 protestant protestant ADJ _005195630 211 21 churchmen churchman NOUN _005195630 211 22 have have AUX _005195630 211 23 before before ADV _005195630 211 24 now now ADV _005195630 211 25 obeyed obey VERB _005195630 211 26 the the DET _005195630 211 27 royal royal ADJ _005195630 211 28 command command NOUN _005195630 211 29 to to PART _005195630 211 30 abstain abstain VERB _005195630 211 31 from from ADP _005195630 211 32 certain certain ADJ _005195630 211 33 theological theological ADJ _005195630 211 34 questions question NOUN _005195630 211 35 . . PUNCT _005195630 212 1 such such ADJ _005195630 212 2 injunctions injunction NOUN _005195630 212 3 as as SCONJ _005195630 212 4 i i PRON _005195630 212 5 have have AUX _005195630 212 6 been be AUX _005195630 212 7 contemplating contemplate VERB _005195630 212 8 are be AUX _005195630 212 9 laid lay VERB _005195630 212 10 merely merely ADV _005195630 212 11 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 212 12 our our PRON _005195630 212 13 actions action NOUN _005195630 212 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 212 15 not not PART _005195630 212 16 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 212 17 our our PRON _005195630 212 18 thoughts thought NOUN _005195630 212 19 . . PUNCT _005195630 213 1 how how SCONJ _005195630 213 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 213 3 for for ADP _005195630 213 4 instance instance NOUN _005195630 213 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 213 6 does do AUX _005195630 213 7 it it PRON _005195630 213 8 tend tend VERB _005195630 213 9 to to PART _005195630 213 10 make make VERB _005195630 213 11 a a DET _005195630 213 12 man man NOUN _005195630 213 13 a a DET _005195630 213 14 hypocrite hypocrite NOUN _005195630 213 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 213 16 to to PART _005195630 213 17 be be AUX _005195630 213 18 forbidden forbid VERB _005195630 213 19 to to PART _005195630 213 20 publish publish VERB _005195630 213 21 a a DET _005195630 213 22 libel libel NOUN _005195630 213 23 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 214 1 his his PRON _005195630 214 2 thoughts thought NOUN _005195630 214 3 are be AUX _005195630 214 4 as as ADV _005195630 214 5 free free ADJ _005195630 214 6 as as ADP _005195630 214 7 before before ADV _005195630 214 8 : : PUNCT _005195630 214 9 authoritative authoritative ADJ _005195630 214 10 prohibitions prohibition NOUN _005195630 214 11 may may AUX _005195630 214 12 tease tease VERB _005195630 214 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 214 14 irritate irritate VERB _005195630 214 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 214 16 but but CCONJ _005195630 214 17 they they PRON _005195630 214 18 have have VERB _005195630 214 19 no no DET _005195630 214 20 bearing bearing NOUN _005195630 214 21 whatever whatever PRON _005195630 214 22 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 214 23 the the DET _005195630 214 24 exercise exercise NOUN _005195630 214 25 of of ADP _005195630 214 26 reason reason NOUN _005195630 214 27 . . PUNCT _005195630 215 1 so so ADV _005195630 215 2 much much ADV _005195630 215 3 at at ADP _005195630 215 4 first first ADJ _005195630 215 5 sight sight NOUN _005195630 215 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 215 7 but but CCONJ _005195630 215 8 i i PRON _005195630 215 9 will will AUX _005195630 215 10 go go VERB _005195630 215 11 on on ADP _005195630 215 12 to to PART _005195630 215 13 say say VERB _005195630 215 14 further far ADV _005195630 215 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 215 16 that that SCONJ _005195630 215 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 215 18 in in ADP _005195630 215 19 spite spite NOUN _005195630 215 20 of of ADP _005195630 215 21 all all PRON _005195630 215 22 that that PRON _005195630 215 23 the the DET _005195630 215 24 most most ADV _005195630 215 25 hostile hostile ADJ _005195630 215 26 critic critic NOUN _005195630 215 27 may may AUX _005195630 215 28 urge urge VERB _005195630 215 29 about about ADP _005195630 215 30 the the DET _005195630 215 31 encroachments encroachment NOUN _005195630 215 32 or or CCONJ _005195630 215 33 severities severity NOUN _005195630 215 34 of of ADP _005195630 215 35 high high ADJ _005195630 215 36 ecclesiastics ecclesiastic NOUN _005195630 215 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 215 38 in in ADP _005195630 215 39 times time NOUN _005195630 215 40 past past ADJ _005195630 215 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 215 42 in in ADP _005195630 215 43 the the DET _005195630 215 44 use use NOUN _005195630 215 45 of of ADP _005195630 215 46 their their PRON _005195630 215 47 power power NOUN _005195630 215 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 215 49 i i PRON _005195630 215 50 think think VERB _005195630 215 51 that that SCONJ _005195630 215 52 the the DET _005195630 215 53 event event NOUN _005195630 215 54 has have AUX _005195630 215 55 shown show VERB _005195630 215 56 after after ADV _005195630 215 57 all all ADV _005195630 215 58 , , PUNCT _005195630 215 59 that that SCONJ _005195630 215 60 they they PRON _005195630 215 61 were be AUX _005195630 215 62 mainly mainly ADV _005195630 215 63 in in ADP _005195630 215 64 the the DET _005195630 215 65 right right NOUN _005195630 215 66 , , PUNCT _005195630 215 67 and and CCONJ _005195630 215 68 that that SCONJ _005195630 215 69 those those PRON _005195630 215 70 whom whom PRON _005195630 215 71 they they PRON _005195630 215 72 were be AUX _005195630 215 73 hard hard ADJ _005195630 215 74 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 215 75 were be AUX _005195630 215 76 mainly mainly ADV _005195630 215 77 in in ADP _005195630 215 78 the the DET _005195630 215 79 wrong wrong NOUN _005195630 215 80 . . PUNCT _005195630 216 1 i i PRON _005195630 216 2 love love VERB _005195630 216 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 216 4 for for ADP _005195630 216 5 instance instance NOUN _005195630 216 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 216 7 the the DET _005195630 216 8 name name NOUN _005195630 216 9 of of ADP _005195630 216 10 origen origen NOUN _005195630 216 11 : : PUNCT _005195630 216 12 i i PRON _005195630 216 13 will will AUX _005195630 216 14 not not PART _005195630 216 15 listen listen VERB _005195630 216 16 to to ADP _005195630 216 17 the the DET _005195630 216 18 notion notion NOUN _005195630 216 19 that that SCONJ _005195630 216 20 so so ADV _005195630 216 21 great great ADJ _005195630 216 22 a a DET _005195630 216 23 soul soul NOUN _005195630 216 24 was be AUX _005195630 216 25 lost lose VERB _005195630 216 26 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 216 27 but but CCONJ _005195630 216 28 i i PRON _005195630 216 29 am be AUX _005195630 216 30 quite quite ADV _005195630 216 31 sure sure ADJ _005195630 216 32 that that SCONJ _005195630 216 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 216 34 in in ADP _005195630 216 35 the the DET _005195630 216 36 contest contest NOUN _005195630 216 37 between between ADP _005195630 216 38 his his PRON _005195630 216 39 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 216 40 and and CCONJ _005195630 216 41 followers follower NOUN _005195630 216 42 and and CCONJ _005195630 216 43 the the DET _005195630 216 44 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195630 216 45 power power NOUN _005195630 216 46 , , PUNCT _005195630 216 47 his his PRON _005195630 216 48 opponents opponent NOUN _005195630 216 49 were be AUX _005195630 216 50 right right ADJ _005195630 216 51 , , PUNCT _005195630 216 52 and and CCONJ _005195630 216 53 he he PRON _005195630 216 54 was be AUX _005195630 216 55 wrong wrong ADJ _005195630 216 56 . . PUNCT _005195630 217 1 yet yet CCONJ _005195630 217 2 who who PRON _005195630 217 3 can can AUX _005195630 217 4 speak speak VERB _005195630 217 5 with with ADP _005195630 217 6 patience patience NOUN _005195630 217 7 of of ADP _005195630 217 8 his his PRON _005195630 217 9 enemy enemy NOUN _005195630 217 10 and and CCONJ _005195630 217 11 the the DET _005195630 217 12 enemy enemy NOUN _005195630 217 13 of of ADP _005195630 217 14 st st PROPN _005195630 217 15 . . PROPN _005195630 217 16 john john PROPN _005195630 217 17 chrysostom chrysostom PROPN _005195630 217 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 217 19 that that DET _005195630 217 20 theophilus theophilus NOUN _005195630 217 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 217 22 bishop bishop PROPN _005195630 217 23 of of ADP _005195630 217 24 alexandria alexandria PROPN _005195630 217 25 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 218 1 who who PRON _005195630 218 2 can can AUX _005195630 218 3 admire admire VERB _005195630 218 4 or or CCONJ _005195630 218 5 revere revere VERB _005195630 218 6 pope pope NOUN _005195630 218 7 vigilius vigilius NOUN _005195630 218 8 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 219 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 219 2 here here ADV _005195630 219 3 another another DET _005195630 219 4 consideration consideration NOUN _005195630 219 5 presents present VERB _005195630 219 6 itself itself PRON _005195630 219 7 to to ADP _005195630 219 8 my my PRON _005195630 219 9 thoughts thought NOUN _005195630 219 10 . . PUNCT _005195630 220 1 in in ADP _005195630 220 2 reading read VERB _005195630 220 3 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195630 220 4 history history NOUN _005195630 220 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 220 6 when when SCONJ _005195630 220 7 i i PRON _005195630 220 8 was be AUX _005195630 220 9 an an DET _005195630 220 10 anglican anglican NOUN _005195630 220 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 220 12 it it PRON _005195630 220 13 used use VERB _005195630 220 14 to to PART _005195630 220 15 be be AUX _005195630 220 16 forcibly forcibly ADV _005195630 220 17 brought bring VERB _005195630 220 18 home home ADV _005195630 220 19 to to ADP _005195630 220 20 me i PRON _005195630 220 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 220 22 how how SCONJ _005195630 220 23 the the DET _005195630 220 24 initial initial ADJ _005195630 220 25 error error NOUN _005195630 220 26 of of ADP _005195630 220 27 what what PRON _005195630 220 28 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195630 220 29 became become VERB _005195630 220 30 heresy heresy ADJ _005195630 220 31 was be AUX _005195630 220 32 the the DET _005195630 220 33 urging urge VERB _005195630 220 34 forward forward ADV _005195630 220 35 some some DET _005195630 220 36 truth truth NOUN _005195630 220 37 against against ADP _005195630 220 38 the the DET _005195630 220 39 prohibition prohibition NOUN _005195630 220 40 of of ADP _005195630 220 41 authority authority NOUN _005195630 220 42 at at ADP _005195630 220 43 an an DET _005195630 220 44 unseasonable unseasonable ADJ _005195630 220 45 time time NOUN _005195630 220 46 . . PUNCT _005195630 221 1 there there PRON _005195630 221 2 is be VERB _005195630 221 3 a a DET _005195630 221 4 time time NOUN _005195630 221 5 for for ADP _005195630 221 6 every every DET _005195630 221 7 thing thing NOUN _005195630 221 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 221 10 many many ADJ _005195630 221 11 a a DET _005195630 221 12 man man NOUN _005195630 221 13 desires desire VERB _005195630 221 14 a a DET _005195630 221 15 reformation reformation NOUN _005195630 221 16 of of ADP _005195630 221 17 an an DET _005195630 221 18 abuse abuse NOUN _005195630 221 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 20 or or CCONJ _005195630 221 21 the the DET _005195630 221 22 fuller fuller NOUN _005195630 221 23 development development NOUN _005195630 221 24 of of ADP _005195630 221 25 a a DET _005195630 221 26 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 221 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 28 or or CCONJ _005195630 221 29 the the DET _005195630 221 30 adoption adoption NOUN _005195630 221 31 of of ADP _005195630 221 32 a a DET _005195630 221 33 particular particular ADJ _005195630 221 34 policy policy NOUN _005195630 221 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 36 but but CCONJ _005195630 221 37 forgets forget VERB _005195630 221 38 to to PART _005195630 221 39 ask ask VERB _005195630 221 40 himself himself PRON _005195630 221 41 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 221 42 the the DET _005195630 221 43 right right ADJ _005195630 221 44 time time NOUN _005195630 221 45 for for ADP _005195630 221 46 it it PRON _005195630 221 47 is be AUX _005195630 221 48 come come VERB _005195630 221 49 : : PUNCT _005195630 221 50 and and CCONJ _005195630 221 51 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 52 knowing know VERB _005195630 221 53 that that SCONJ _005195630 221 54 there there PRON _005195630 221 55 is be VERB _005195630 221 56 no no DET _005195630 221 57 one one NOUN _005195630 221 58 who who PRON _005195630 221 59 will will AUX _005195630 221 60 be be AUX _005195630 221 61 doing do VERB _005195630 221 62 any any DET _005195630 221 63 thing thing NOUN _005195630 221 64 towards towards ADP _005195630 221 65 its its PRON _005195630 221 66 accomplish20 accomplish20 ADJ _005195630 221 67 my my PRON _005195630 221 68 mind mind NOUN _005195630 221 69 as as ADP _005195630 221 70 a a DET _005195630 221 71 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 221 72 ment ment NOUN _005195630 221 73 in in ADP _005195630 221 74 his his PRON _005195630 221 75 own own ADJ _005195630 221 76 lifetime lifetime NOUN _005195630 221 77 unless unless SCONJ _005195630 221 78 he he PRON _005195630 221 79 does do VERB _005195630 221 80 it it PRON _005195630 221 81 himself himself PRON _005195630 221 82 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 83 he he PRON _005195630 221 84 will will AUX _005195630 221 85 not not PART _005195630 221 86 listen listen VERB _005195630 221 87 to to ADP _005195630 221 88 the the DET _005195630 221 89 voice voice NOUN _005195630 221 90 of of ADP _005195630 221 91 authority authority NOUN _005195630 221 92 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 93 and and CCONJ _005195630 221 94 he he PRON _005195630 221 95 spoils spoil VERB _005195630 221 96 a a DET _005195630 221 97 good good ADJ _005195630 221 98 work work NOUN _005195630 221 99 in in ADP _005195630 221 100 his his PRON _005195630 221 101 own own ADJ _005195630 221 102 century century NOUN _005195630 221 103 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 104 in in ADP _005195630 221 105 order order NOUN _005195630 221 106 that that SCONJ _005195630 221 107 another another DET _005195630 221 108 man man NOUN _005195630 221 109 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 110 as as ADV _005195630 221 111 yet yet ADV _005195630 221 112 unborn unborn ADJ _005195630 221 113 , , PUNCT _005195630 221 114 may may AUX _005195630 221 115 not not PART _005195630 221 116 have have AUX _005195630 221 117 the the DET _005195630 221 118 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005195630 221 119 of of ADP _005195630 221 120 bringing bring VERB _005195630 221 121 it it PRON _005195630 221 122 happily happily ADV _005195630 221 123 to to ADP _005195630 221 124 perfection perfection NOUN _005195630 221 125 in in ADP _005195630 221 126 the the DET _005195630 221 127 next next ADJ _005195630 221 128 . . PUNCT _005195630 222 1 he he PRON _005195630 222 2 may may AUX _005195630 222 3 seem seem VERB _005195630 222 4 to to ADP _005195630 222 5 the the DET _005195630 222 6 world world NOUN _005195630 222 7 to to PART _005195630 222 8 be be AUX _005195630 222 9 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 222 10 else else ADV _005195630 222 11 than than ADP _005195630 222 12 a a DET _005195630 222 13 bold bold ADJ _005195630 222 14 champion champion NOUN _005195630 222 15 for for ADP _005195630 222 16 the the DET _005195630 222 17 truth truth NOUN _005195630 222 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 222 19 a a DET _005195630 222 20 martyr martyr NOUN _005195630 222 21 to to PART _005195630 222 22 free free VERB _005195630 222 23 opinion opinion NOUN _005195630 222 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 222 25 when when SCONJ _005195630 222 26 he he PRON _005195630 222 27 is be AUX _005195630 222 28 just just ADV _005195630 222 29 one one NUM _005195630 222 30 of of ADP _005195630 222 31 those those DET _005195630 222 32 persons person NOUN _005195630 222 33 whom whom PRON _005195630 222 34 the the DET _005195630 222 35 competent competent ADJ _005195630 222 36 authority authority NOUN _005195630 222 37 ought ought AUX _005195630 222 38 to to PART _005195630 222 39 silence silence VERB _005195630 222 40 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 222 41 and and CCONJ _005195630 222 42 , , PUNCT _005195630 222 43 though though SCONJ _005195630 222 44 the the DET _005195630 222 45 case case NOUN _005195630 222 46 may may AUX _005195630 222 47 not not PART _005195630 222 48 fall fall VERB _005195630 222 49 within within ADP _005195630 222 50 that that DET _005195630 222 51 subject subject NOUN _005195630 222 52 - - PUNCT _005195630 222 53 matter matter NOUN _005195630 222 54 in in ADP _005195630 222 55 which which PRON _005195630 222 56 that that DET _005195630 222 57 authority authority NOUN _005195630 222 58 is be AUX _005195630 222 59 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 222 60 , , PUNCT _005195630 222 61 or or CCONJ _005195630 222 62 the the DET _005195630 222 63 formal formal ADJ _005195630 222 64 conditions condition NOUN _005195630 222 65 of of ADP _005195630 222 66 the the DET _005195630 222 67 exercise exercise NOUN _005195630 222 68 of of ADP _005195630 222 69 that that DET _005195630 222 70 gift gift NOUN _005195630 222 71 may may AUX _005195630 222 72 be be AUX _005195630 222 73 wanting want VERB _005195630 222 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 222 75 it it PRON _005195630 222 76 is be AUX _005195630 222 77 clearly clearly ADV _005195630 222 78 the the DET _005195630 222 79 duty duty NOUN _005195630 222 80 of of ADP _005195630 222 81 authority authority NOUN _005195630 222 82 to to PART _005195630 222 83 act act VERB _005195630 222 84 vigorously vigorously ADV _005195630 222 85 in in ADP _005195630 222 86 the the DET _005195630 222 87 case case NOUN _005195630 222 88 . . PUNCT _005195630 223 1 yet yet ADV _005195630 223 2 its its PRON _005195630 223 3 act act NOUN _005195630 223 4 will will AUX _005195630 223 5 go go VERB _005195630 223 6 down down ADP _005195630 223 7 to to ADP _005195630 223 8 posterity posterity NOUN _005195630 223 9 as as ADP _005195630 223 10 an an DET _005195630 223 11 instance instance NOUN _005195630 223 12 of of ADP _005195630 223 13 a a DET _005195630 223 14 tyrannical tyrannical ADJ _005195630 223 15 interference interference NOUN _005195630 223 16 with with ADP _005195630 223 17 private private ADJ _005195630 223 18 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 223 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 223 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 223 21 of of ADP _005195630 223 22 the the DET _005195630 223 23 silencing silencing NOUN _005195630 223 24 of of ADP _005195630 223 25 a a DET _005195630 223 26 reformer reformer NOUN _005195630 223 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 223 28 and and CCONJ _005195630 223 29 of of ADP _005195630 223 30 a a DET _005195630 223 31 base base ADJ _005195630 223 32 love love NOUN _005195630 223 33 of of ADP _005195630 223 34 corruption corruption NOUN _005195630 223 35 or or CCONJ _005195630 223 36 error error NOUN _005195630 223 37 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 223 38 and and CCONJ _005195630 223 39 it it PRON _005195630 223 40 will will AUX _005195630 223 41 show show VERB _005195630 223 42 still still ADV _005195630 223 43 less less ADV _005195630 223 44 to to PART _005195630 223 45 advantage advantage VERB _005195630 223 46 , , PUNCT _005195630 223 47 if if SCONJ _005195630 223 48 the the DET _005195630 223 49 ruling rule VERB _005195630 223 50 power power NOUN _005195630 223 51 happens happen VERB _005195630 223 52 in in ADP _005195630 223 53 its its PRON _005195630 223 54 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005195630 223 55 to to PART _005195630 223 56 evince evince VERB _005195630 223 57 any any DET _005195630 223 58 defect defect NOUN _005195630 223 59 of of ADP _005195630 223 60 prudence prudence NOUN _005195630 223 61 or or CCONJ _005195630 223 62 consideration consideration NOUN _005195630 223 63 . . PUNCT _005195630 224 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 224 2 all all DET _005195630 224 3 those those PRON _005195630 224 4 who who PRON _005195630 224 5 take take VERB _005195630 224 6 the the DET _005195630 224 7 part part NOUN _005195630 224 8 of of ADP _005195630 224 9 that that DET _005195630 224 10 ruling rule VERB _005195630 224 11 authority authority NOUN _005195630 224 12 will will AUX _005195630 224 13 be be AUX _005195630 224 14 considered consider VERB _005195630 224 15 as as ADP _005195630 224 16 time time NOUN _005195630 224 17 - - PUNCT _005195630 224 18 servers server NOUN _005195630 224 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 224 20 or or CCONJ _005195630 224 21 indifferent indifferent ADJ _005195630 224 22 to to ADP _005195630 224 23 the the DET _005195630 224 24 cause cause NOUN _005195630 224 25 of of ADP _005195630 224 26 uprightness uprightness ADJ _005195630 224 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 224 28 truth truth NOUN _005195630 224 29 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 224 30 while while SCONJ _005195630 224 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 224 32 on on ADP _005195630 224 33 the the DET _005195630 224 34 other other ADJ _005195630 224 35 hand hand NOUN _005195630 224 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 224 37 the the DET _005195630 224 38 said say VERB _005195630 224 39 authority authority NOUN _005195630 224 40 may may AUX _005195630 224 41 be be AUX _005195630 224 42 accidentally accidentally ADV _005195630 224 43 supported support VERB _005195630 224 44 by by ADP _005195630 224 45 a a DET _005195630 224 46 violent violent ADJ _005195630 224 47 ultra ultra ADJ _005195630 224 48 party party NOUN _005195630 224 49 , , PUNCT _005195630 224 50 which which PRON _005195630 224 51 exalts exalt VERB _005195630 224 52 opinions opinion NOUN _005195630 224 53 into into ADP _005195630 224 54 dogmas dogma NOUN _005195630 224 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 224 56 and and CCONJ _005195630 224 57 has have VERB _005195630 224 58 it it PRON _005195630 224 59 principally principally ADV _005195630 224 60 at at ADP _005195630 224 61 heart heart NOUN _005195630 224 62 to to PART _005195630 224 63 destroy destroy VERB _005195630 224 64 every every DET _005195630 224 65 school school NOUN _005195630 224 66 of of ADP _005195630 224 67 thought thought NOUN _005195630 224 68 but but CCONJ _005195630 224 69 its its PRON _005195630 224 70 own own ADJ _005195630 224 71 . . PUNCT _005195630 225 1 such such DET _005195630 225 2 a a DET _005195630 225 3 state state NOUN _005195630 225 4 of of ADP _005195630 225 5 things thing NOUN _005195630 225 6 may may AUX _005195630 225 7 be be AUX _005195630 225 8 provoking provoke VERB _005195630 225 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 225 10 discouraging discourage VERB _005195630 225 11 at at ADP _005195630 225 12 the the DET _005195630 225 13 time time NOUN _005195630 225 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 225 15 in in ADP _005195630 225 16 the the DET _005195630 225 17 case case NOUN _005195630 225 18 of of ADP _005195630 225 19 two two NUM _005195630 225 20 classes class NOUN _005195630 225 21 of of ADP _005195630 225 22 persons person NOUN _005195630 225 23 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 225 24 of of ADP _005195630 225 25 moderate moderate ADJ _005195630 225 26 men man NOUN _005195630 225 27 who who PRON _005195630 225 28 wish wish VERB _005195630 225 29 to to PART _005195630 225 30 make make VERB _005195630 225 31 differences difference NOUN _005195630 225 32 in in ADP _005195630 225 33 religious religious ADJ _005195630 225 34 opinion opinion NOUN _005195630 225 35 as as ADV _005195630 225 36 little little ADJ _005195630 225 37 as as SCONJ _005195630 225 38 they they PRON _005195630 225 39 fairly fairly ADV _005195630 225 40 can can AUX _005195630 225 41 be be AUX _005195630 225 42 made make VERB _005195630 225 43 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 225 44 and and CCONJ _005195630 225 45 of of ADP _005195630 225 46 such such ADJ _005195630 225 47 as as ADP _005195630 225 48 keenly keenly ADV _005195630 225 49 perceive perceive ADJ _005195630 225 50 , , PUNCT _005195630 225 51 and and CCONJ _005195630 225 52 are be AUX _005195630 225 53 honestly honestly ADV _005195630 225 54 eager eager ADJ _005195630 225 55 to to PART _005195630 225 56 remedy remedy VERB _005195630 225 57 , , PUNCT _005195630 225 58 existing exist VERB _005195630 225 59 evils evil NOUN _005195630 225 60 — — PUNCT _005195630 225 61 evils evil NOUN _005195630 225 62 , , PUNCT _005195630 225 63 of of ADP _005195630 225 64 which which PRON _005195630 225 65 divines divine NOUN _005195630 225 66 in in ADP _005195630 225 67 this this PRON _005195630 225 68 or or CCONJ _005195630 225 69 that that SCONJ _005195630 225 70 foreign foreign ADJ _005195630 225 71 country country NOUN _005195630 225 72 know know VERB _005195630 225 73 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 225 74 at at ADV _005195630 225 75 all all ADV _005195630 225 76 , , PUNCT _005195630 225 77 and and CCONJ _005195630 225 78 which which PRON _005195630 225 79 even even ADV _005195630 225 80 at at ADP _005195630 225 81 home home NOUN _005195630 225 82 , , PUNCT _005195630 225 83 where where SCONJ _005195630 225 84 they they PRON _005195630 225 85 exist exist VERB _005195630 225 86 , , PUNCT _005195630 225 87 it it PRON _005195630 225 88 is be AUX _005195630 225 89 not not PART _005195630 225 90 every every DET _005195630 225 91 one one NOUN _005195630 225 92 who who PRON _005195630 225 93 has have VERB _005195630 225 94 the the DET _005195630 225 95 means mean NOUN _005195630 225 96 of of ADP _005195630 225 97 estimating estimate VERB _005195630 225 98 . . PUNCT _005195630 226 1 this this PRON _005195630 226 2 is be AUX _005195630 226 3 a a DET _005195630 226 4 state state NOUN _005195630 226 5 of of ADP _005195630 226 6 things thing NOUN _005195630 226 7 both both PRON _005195630 226 8 of of ADP _005195630 226 9 past past ADJ _005195630 226 10 time time NOUN _005195630 226 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 226 12 of of ADP _005195630 226 13 the the DET _005195630 226 14 present present NOUN _005195630 226 15 . . PUNCT _005195630 227 1 we we PRON _005195630 227 2 live live VERB _005195630 227 3 in in ADP _005195630 227 4 a a DET _005195630 227 5 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005195630 227 6 age age NOUN _005195630 227 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 227 8 the the DET _005195630 227 9 enlargement enlargement NOUN _005195630 227 10 of of ADP _005195630 227 11 the the DET _005195630 227 12 circle circle NOUN _005195630 227 13 of of ADP _005195630 227 14 secular secular ADJ _005195630 227 15 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 227 16 just just ADV _005195630 227 17 now now ADV _005195630 227 18 is be AUX _005195630 227 19 simply simply ADV _005195630 227 20 a a DET _005195630 227 21 bewilderment bewilderment NOUN _005195630 227 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 227 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 227 24 the the DET _005195630 227 25 more more ADV _005195630 227 26 so so ADV _005195630 227 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 227 28 because because SCONJ _005195630 227 29 it it PRON _005195630 227 30 has have VERB _005195630 227 31 the the DET _005195630 227 32 promise promise NOUN _005195630 227 33 of of ADP _005195630 227 34 continuing continue VERB _005195630 227 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 227 36 and and CCONJ _005195630 227 37 that that SCONJ _005195630 227 38 with with ADP _005195630 227 39 greater great ADJ _005195630 227 40 rapidity rapidity NOUN _005195630 227 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 227 42 and and CCONJ _005195630 227 43 more more ADJ _005195630 227 44 signal signal NOUN _005195630 227 45 results result NOUN _005195630 227 46 . . PUNCT _005195630 228 1 now now ADV _005195630 228 2 these these DET _005195630 228 3 discoveries discovery NOUN _005195630 228 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 228 5 certain certain ADJ _005195630 228 6 or or CCONJ _005195630 228 7 probable probable ADJ _005195630 228 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 228 9 have have VERB _005195630 228 10 in in ADP _005195630 228 11 matter matter NOUN _005195630 228 12 of of ADP _005195630 228 13 fact fact NOUN _005195630 228 14 an an DET _005195630 228 15 indirect indirect ADJ _005195630 228 16 bearing bearing NOUN _005195630 228 17 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 228 18 religious religious ADJ _005195630 228 19 opinions opinion NOUN _005195630 228 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 228 21 and and CCONJ _005195630 228 22 the the DET _005195630 228 23 question question NOUN _005195630 228 24 21my 21my ADJ _005195630 228 25 mind mind NOUN _005195630 228 26 as as ADP _005195630 228 27 a a DET _005195630 228 28 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 228 29 arises arise VERB _005195630 228 30 how how SCONJ _005195630 228 31 are be AUX _005195630 228 32 the the DET _005195630 228 33 respective respective ADJ _005195630 228 34 claims claim NOUN _005195630 228 35 of of ADP _005195630 228 36 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 228 37 and and CCONJ _005195630 228 38 of of ADP _005195630 228 39 natural natural ADJ _005195630 228 40 science science NOUN _005195630 228 41 to to PART _005195630 228 42 be be AUX _005195630 228 43 adjusted adjust VERB _005195630 228 44 . . PUNCT _005195630 229 1 few few ADJ _005195630 229 2 minds mind NOUN _005195630 229 3 in in ADP _005195630 229 4 earnest earnest ADJ _005195630 229 5 can can AUX _005195630 229 6 remain remain VERB _005195630 229 7 at at ADP _005195630 229 8 ease ease NOUN _005195630 229 9 without without ADP _005195630 229 10 some some DET _005195630 229 11 sort sort NOUN _005195630 229 12 of of ADP _005195630 229 13 rational rational ADJ _005195630 229 14 grounds ground NOUN _005195630 229 15 for for ADP _005195630 229 16 their their PRON _005195630 229 17 religious religious ADJ _005195630 229 18 belief belief NOUN _005195630 229 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 229 20 to to PART _005195630 229 21 reconcile reconcile VERB _005195630 229 22 theory theory NOUN _005195630 229 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 229 24 fact fact NOUN _005195630 229 25 is be AUX _005195630 229 26 almost almost ADV _005195630 229 27 an an DET _005195630 229 28 instinct instinct NOUN _005195630 229 29 of of ADP _005195630 229 30 the the DET _005195630 229 31 mind mind NOUN _005195630 229 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 230 1 when when SCONJ _005195630 230 2 then then ADV _005195630 230 3 a a DET _005195630 230 4 flood flood NOUN _005195630 230 5 of of ADP _005195630 230 6 facts fact NOUN _005195630 230 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 8 ascertained ascertain VERB _005195630 230 9 or or CCONJ _005195630 230 10 suspected suspect VERB _005195630 230 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 12 comes comes AUX _005195630 230 13 pouring pour VERB _005195630 230 14 in in ADP _005195630 230 15 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 230 16 us we PRON _005195630 230 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 18 with with ADP _005195630 230 19 a a DET _005195630 230 20 multitude multitude NOUN _005195630 230 21 of of ADP _005195630 230 22 others other NOUN _005195630 230 23 in in ADP _005195630 230 24 prospect prospect NOUN _005195630 230 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 26 all all DET _005195630 230 27 believers believer NOUN _005195630 230 28 in in ADP _005195630 230 29 revelation revelation NOUN _005195630 230 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 31 be be AUX _005195630 230 32 they they PRON _005195630 230 33 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 230 34 or or CCONJ _005195630 230 35 not not PART _005195630 230 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 37 are be AUX _005195630 230 38 roused rouse VERB _005195630 230 39 to to PART _005195630 230 40 consider consider VERB _005195630 230 41 their their PRON _005195630 230 42 bearing bearing NOUN _005195630 230 43 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 230 44 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 230 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 46 both both PRON _005195630 230 47 for for ADP _005195630 230 48 the the DET _005195630 230 49 honour honour NOUN _005195630 230 50 of of ADP _005195630 230 51 god god PROPN _005195630 230 52 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 53 and and CCONJ _005195630 230 54 from from ADP _005195630 230 55 tenderness tenderness NOUN _005195630 230 56 for for ADP _005195630 230 57 those those DET _005195630 230 58 many many ADJ _005195630 230 59 souls soul NOUN _005195630 230 60 who who PRON _005195630 230 61 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 62 in in ADP _005195630 230 63 consequence consequence NOUN _005195630 230 64 of of ADP _005195630 230 65 the the DET _005195630 230 66 confident confident ADJ _005195630 230 67 tone tone NOUN _005195630 230 68 of of ADP _005195630 230 69 the the DET _005195630 230 70 schools school NOUN _005195630 230 71 of of ADP _005195630 230 72 secular secular ADJ _005195630 230 73 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 230 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 230 75 are be AUX _005195630 230 76 in in ADP _005195630 230 77 danger danger NOUN _005195630 230 78 of of ADP _005195630 230 79 being be AUX _005195630 230 80 led lead VERB _005195630 230 81 away away ADV _005195630 230 82 into into ADP _005195630 230 83 a a DET _005195630 230 84 bottomless bottomless ADJ _005195630 230 85 liberalism liberalism NOUN _005195630 230 86 of of ADP _005195630 230 87 thought thought NOUN _005195630 230 88 . . PUNCT _005195630 231 1 i i PRON _005195630 231 2 am be AUX _005195630 231 3 not not PART _005195630 231 4 going go VERB _005195630 231 5 to to PART _005195630 231 6 criticize criticize VERB _005195630 231 7 here here ADV _005195630 231 8 that that DET _005195630 231 9 vast vast ADJ _005195630 231 10 body body NOUN _005195630 231 11 of of ADP _005195630 231 12 men man NOUN _005195630 231 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 231 14 in in ADP _005195630 231 15 the the DET _005195630 231 16 mass mass NOUN _005195630 231 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 231 18 who who PRON _005195630 231 19 at at ADP _005195630 231 20 this this DET _005195630 231 21 time time NOUN _005195630 231 22 would would AUX _005195630 231 23 profess profess VERB _005195630 231 24 to to PART _005195630 231 25 be be AUX _005195630 231 26 liberals liberal NOUN _005195630 231 27 in in ADP _005195630 231 28 religion religion NOUN _005195630 231 29 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 231 30 and and CCONJ _005195630 231 31 who who PRON _005195630 231 32 look look VERB _005195630 231 33 towards towards ADP _005195630 231 34 the the DET _005195630 231 35 discoveries discovery NOUN _005195630 231 36 of of ADP _005195630 231 37 the the DET _005195630 231 38 age age NOUN _005195630 231 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 231 40 certain certain ADJ _005195630 231 41 or or CCONJ _005195630 231 42 in in ADP _005195630 231 43 progress progress NOUN _005195630 231 44 , , PUNCT _005195630 231 45 as as ADP _005195630 231 46 their their PRON _005195630 231 47 informants informant NOUN _005195630 231 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 231 49 direct direct ADJ _005195630 231 50 or or CCONJ _005195630 231 51 indirect indirect ADJ _005195630 231 52 , , PUNCT _005195630 231 53 as as ADP _005195630 231 54 to to ADP _005195630 231 55 what what PRON _005195630 231 56 they they PRON _005195630 231 57 shall shall AUX _005195630 231 58 think think VERB _005195630 231 59 about about ADP _005195630 231 60 the the DET _005195630 231 61 unseen unseen ADJ _005195630 231 62 and and CCONJ _005195630 231 63 the the DET _005195630 231 64 future future NOUN _005195630 231 65 . . PUNCT _005195630 232 1 the the DET _005195630 232 2 liberalism liberalism NOUN _005195630 232 3 which which PRON _005195630 232 4 gives give VERB _005195630 232 5 a a DET _005195630 232 6 colour colour NOUN _005195630 232 7 to to ADP _005195630 232 8 society society NOUN _005195630 232 9 now now ADV _005195630 232 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 232 11 is be AUX _005195630 232 12 very very ADV _005195630 232 13 different different ADJ _005195630 232 14 from from ADP _005195630 232 15 that that DET _005195630 232 16 character character NOUN _005195630 232 17 of of ADP _005195630 232 18 thought thought NOUN _005195630 232 19 which which PRON _005195630 232 20 bore bear VERB _005195630 232 21 the the DET _005195630 232 22 name name NOUN _005195630 232 23 thirty thirty NUM _005195630 232 24 or or CCONJ _005195630 232 25 forty forty NUM _005195630 232 26 years year NOUN _005195630 232 27 ago ago ADV _005195630 232 28 . . PUNCT _005195630 233 1 now now ADV _005195630 233 2 it it PRON _005195630 233 3 is be AUX _005195630 233 4 scarcely scarcely ADV _005195630 233 5 a a DET _005195630 233 6 party party NOUN _005195630 233 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 233 8 it it PRON _005195630 233 9 is be AUX _005195630 233 10 the the DET _005195630 233 11 educated educate VERB _005195630 233 12 lay lay NOUN _005195630 233 13 world world NOUN _005195630 233 14 . . PUNCT _005195630 234 1 when when SCONJ _005195630 234 2 i i PRON _005195630 234 3 was be AUX _005195630 234 4 young young ADJ _005195630 234 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 234 6 i i PRON _005195630 234 7 knew know VERB _005195630 234 8 the the DET _005195630 234 9 word word NOUN _005195630 234 10 first first ADV _005195630 234 11 as as ADP _005195630 234 12 giving give VERB _005195630 234 13 name name NOUN _005195630 234 14 to to ADP _005195630 234 15 a a DET _005195630 234 16 periodical periodical ADJ _005195630 234 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 234 18 set set VERB _005195630 234 19 up up ADP _005195630 234 20 by by ADP _005195630 234 21 lord lord PROPN _005195630 234 22 byron byron PROPN _005195630 234 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 234 24 others other NOUN _005195630 234 25 . . PUNCT _005195630 235 1 now now ADV _005195630 235 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 235 3 as as ADP _005195630 235 4 then then ADV _005195630 235 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 235 6 i i PRON _005195630 235 7 have have VERB _005195630 235 8 no no DET _005195630 235 9 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005195630 235 10 with with ADP _005195630 235 11 the the DET _005195630 235 12 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195630 235 13 of of ADP _005195630 235 14 byron byron PROPN _005195630 235 15 . . PUNCT _005195630 236 1 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195630 236 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 236 3 liberalism liberalism NOUN _005195630 236 4 was be AUX _005195630 236 5 the the DET _005195630 236 6 badge badge NOUN _005195630 236 7 of of ADP _005195630 236 8 a a DET _005195630 236 9 theological theological ADJ _005195630 236 10 school school NOUN _005195630 236 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 236 12 of of ADP _005195630 236 13 a a DET _005195630 236 14 dry dry ADJ _005195630 236 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 236 16 repulsive repulsive ADJ _005195630 236 17 character character NOUN _005195630 236 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 236 19 not not PART _005195630 236 20 very very ADV _005195630 236 21 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005195630 236 22 in in ADP _005195630 236 23 itself itself PRON _005195630 236 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 236 25 though though SCONJ _005195630 236 26 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005195630 236 27 as as ADP _005195630 236 28 opening open VERB _005195630 236 29 the the DET _005195630 236 30 door door NOUN _005195630 236 31 to to ADP _005195630 236 32 evils evil NOUN _005195630 236 33 which which PRON _005195630 236 34 it it PRON _005195630 236 35 did do AUX _005195630 236 36 not not PART _005195630 236 37 itself itself PRON _005195630 236 38 either either CCONJ _005195630 236 39 anticipate anticipate VERB _005195630 236 40 or or CCONJ _005195630 236 41 comprehend comprehend VERB _005195630 236 42 . . PUNCT _005195630 237 1 at at ADP _005195630 237 2 present present NOUN _005195630 237 3 it it PRON _005195630 237 4 is be AUX _005195630 237 5 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 237 6 else else ADV _005195630 237 7 than than ADP _005195630 237 8 that that DET _005195630 237 9 deep deep ADJ _005195630 237 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 237 11 plausible plausible ADJ _005195630 237 12 scepticism scepticism NOUN _005195630 237 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 237 14 ol ol X _005195630 237 15 which which PRON _005195630 237 16 i i PRON _005195630 237 17 spoke speak VERB _005195630 237 18 above above ADV _005195630 237 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 237 20 as as ADP _005195630 237 21 being be AUX _005195630 237 22 the the DET _005195630 237 23 development development NOUN _005195630 237 24 of of ADP _005195630 237 25 human human ADJ _005195630 237 26 reason reason NOUN _005195630 237 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 237 28 as as ADV _005195630 237 29 practically practically ADV _005195630 237 30 exercised exercise VERB _005195630 237 31 by by ADP _005195630 237 32 the the DET _005195630 237 33 natural natural ADJ _005195630 237 34 man man NOUN _005195630 237 35 . . PUNCT _005195630 238 1 the the DET _005195630 238 2 liberal liberal ADJ _005195630 238 3 religionists religionist NOUN _005195630 238 4 of of ADP _005195630 238 5 this this DET _005195630 238 6 day day NOUN _005195630 238 7 are be AUX _005195630 238 8 a a DET _005195630 238 9 very very ADV _005195630 238 10 mixed mixed ADJ _005195630 238 11 body body NOUN _005195630 238 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 238 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 238 14 therefore therefore ADV _005195630 238 15 i i PRON _005195630 238 16 am be AUX _005195630 238 17 not not PART _005195630 238 18 intending intend VERB _005195630 238 19 to to PART _005195630 238 20 speak speak VERB _005195630 238 21 against against ADP _005195630 238 22 them they PRON _005195630 238 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 239 1 there there PRON _005195630 239 2 may may AUX _005195630 239 3 be be AUX _005195630 239 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 239 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 239 6 doubtless doubtless ADJ _005195630 239 7 is be AUX _005195630 239 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 239 9 in in ADP _005195630 239 10 the the DET _005195630 239 11 hearts heart NOUN _005195630 239 12 of of ADP _005195630 239 13 some some PRON _005195630 239 14 or or CCONJ _005195630 239 15 many many ADJ _005195630 239 16 of of ADP _005195630 239 17 them they PRON _005195630 239 18 a a DET _005195630 239 19 real real ADV _005195630 239 20 antipathy antipathy ADJ _005195630 239 21 or or CCONJ _005195630 239 22 anger anger NOUN _005195630 239 23 against against ADP _005195630 239 24 revealed reveal VERB _005195630 239 25 truth truth NOUN _005195630 239 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 239 27 which which PRON _005195630 239 28 it it PRON _005195630 239 29 is be AUX _005195630 239 30 distressing distressing ADJ _005195630 239 31 to to PART _005195630 239 32 think think VERB _005195630 239 33 of of ADP _005195630 239 34 . . PUNCT _005195630 240 1 again again ADV _005195630 240 2 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 240 3 in in ADP _005195630 240 4 many many ADJ _005195630 240 5 men man NOUN _005195630 240 6 of of ADP _005195630 240 7 science science NOUN _005195630 240 8 or or CCONJ _005195630 240 9 literature literature NOUN _005195630 240 10 there there PRON _005195630 240 11 may may AUX _005195630 240 12 be be AUX _005195630 240 13 an an DET _005195630 240 14 animosity animosity NOUN _005195630 240 15 arising arise VERB _005195630 240 16 from from ADP _005195630 240 17 almost almost ADV _005195630 240 18 a a DET _005195630 240 19 personal personal ADJ _005195630 240 20 feeling feeling NOUN _005195630 240 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 240 22 it it PRON _005195630 240 23 being be AUX _005195630 240 24 a a DET _005195630 240 25 matter matter NOUN _005195630 240 26 of of ADP _005195630 240 27 party party NOUN _005195630 240 28 , , PUNCT _005195630 240 29 a a DET _005195630 240 30 point point NOUN _005195630 240 31 of of ADP _005195630 240 32 honour honour NOUN _005195630 240 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 240 34 the the DET _005195630 240 35 excitement excitement NOUN _005195630 240 36 of of ADP _005195630 240 37 a a DET _005195630 240 38 game game NOUN _005195630 240 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 240 40 or or CCONJ _005195630 240 41 a a DET _005195630 240 42 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _005195630 240 43 to to ADP _005195630 240 44 the the DET _005195630 240 45 soreness soreness NOUN _005195630 240 46 or or CCONJ _005195630 240 47 annoyance annoyance NOUN _005195630 240 48 occa22 occa22 NOUN _005195630 240 49 my my PRON _005195630 240 50 mind mind NOUN _005195630 240 51 as as ADP _005195630 240 52 a a DET _005195630 240 53 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 240 54 sioned sione VERB _005195630 240 55 by by ADP _005195630 240 56 the the DET _005195630 240 57 acrimony acrimony NOUN _005195630 240 58 or or CCONJ _005195630 240 59 narrowness narrowness NOUN _005195630 240 60 of of ADP _005195630 240 61 apologists apologist NOUN _005195630 240 62 for for ADP _005195630 240 63 religion religion NOUN _005195630 240 64 , , PUNCT _005195630 240 65 to to PART _005195630 240 66 prove prove VERB _005195630 240 67 that that SCONJ _005195630 240 68 christianity christianity NOUN _005195630 240 69 or or CCONJ _005195630 240 70 that that DET _005195630 240 71 scripture scripture NOUN _005195630 240 72 is be AUX _005195630 240 73 untrustworthy untrustworthy ADJ _005195630 240 74 . . PUNCT _005195630 241 1 many many ADJ _005195630 241 2 scientific scientific ADJ _005195630 241 3 and and CCONJ _005195630 241 4 literary literary ADJ _005195630 241 5 men man NOUN _005195630 241 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 241 7 on on ADP _005195630 241 8 the the DET _005195630 241 9 other other ADJ _005195630 241 10 hand hand NOUN _005195630 241 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 241 12 go go VERB _005195630 241 13 on on ADP _005195630 241 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 241 15 i i PRON _005195630 241 16 am be AUX _005195630 241 17 confident confident ADJ _005195630 241 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 241 19 in in ADP _005195630 241 20 a a DET _005195630 241 21 straightforward straightforward ADJ _005195630 241 22 impartial impartial ADJ _005195630 241 23 way way NOUN _005195630 241 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 241 25 in in ADP _005195630 241 26 their their PRON _005195630 241 27 own own ADJ _005195630 241 28 province province NOUN _005195630 241 29 and and CCONJ _005195630 241 30 on on ADP _005195630 241 31 their their PRON _005195630 241 32 own own ADJ _005195630 241 33 line line NOUN _005195630 241 34 of of ADP _005195630 241 35 thought thought NOUN _005195630 241 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 241 37 without without ADP _005195630 241 38 any any DET _005195630 241 39 disturbance disturbance NOUN _005195630 241 40 from from ADP _005195630 241 41 religious religious ADJ _005195630 241 42 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 241 43 in in ADP _005195630 241 44 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 241 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 241 46 or or CCONJ _005195630 241 47 any any DET _005195630 241 48 wish wish NOUN _005195630 241 49 at at ADV _005195630 241 50 all all ADV _005195630 241 51 to to PART _005195630 241 52 give give VERB _005195630 241 53 pain pain NOUN _005195630 241 54 to to ADP _005195630 241 55 others other NOUN _005195630 241 56 by by ADP _005195630 241 57 the the DET _005195630 241 58 result result NOUN _005195630 241 59 of of ADP _005195630 241 60 their their PRON _005195630 241 61 investigations investigation NOUN _005195630 241 62 . . PUNCT _005195630 242 1 it it PRON _005195630 242 2 would would AUX _005195630 242 3 ill ill ADV _005195630 242 4 become become VERB _005195630 242 5 me i PRON _005195630 242 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 242 7 as as SCONJ _005195630 242 8 if if SCONJ _005195630 242 9 i i PRON _005195630 242 10 were be AUX _005195630 242 11 afraid afraid ADJ _005195630 242 12 of of ADP _005195630 242 13 truth truth NOUN _005195630 242 14 of of ADP _005195630 242 15 any any DET _005195630 242 16 kind kind NOUN _005195630 242 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 242 18 to to PART _005195630 242 19 blame blame VERB _005195630 242 20 those those PRON _005195630 242 21 who who PRON _005195630 242 22 puisue puisue VERB _005195630 242 23 secular secular ADJ _005195630 242 24 facts fact NOUN _005195630 242 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 242 26 by by ADP _005195630 242 27 means mean NOUN _005195630 242 28 of of ADP _005195630 242 29 the the DET _005195630 242 30 reason reason NOUN _005195630 242 31 which which PRON _005195630 242 32 god god PROPN _005195630 242 33 has have AUX _005195630 242 34 given give VERB _005195630 242 35 them they PRON _005195630 242 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 242 37 to to ADP _005195630 242 38 their their PRON _005195630 242 39 logical logical ADJ _005195630 242 40 conclusions conclusion NOUN _005195630 242 41 : : PUNCT _005195630 242 42 or or CCONJ _005195630 242 43 to to PART _005195630 242 44 be be AUX _005195630 242 45 angry angry ADJ _005195630 242 46 with with ADP _005195630 242 47 science science NOUN _005195630 242 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 242 49 because because SCONJ _005195630 242 50 religion religion NOUN _005195630 242 51 is be AUX _005195630 242 52 bound bind VERB _005195630 242 53 in in ADP _005195630 242 54 duty duty NOUN _005195630 242 55 to to PART _005195630 242 56 take take VERB _005195630 242 57 cognizance cognizance NOUN _005195630 242 58 of of ADP _005195630 242 59 its its PRON _005195630 242 60 teaching teaching NOUN _005195630 242 61 . . PUNCT _005195630 243 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 243 2 putting put VERB _005195630 243 3 these these DET _005195630 243 4 particular particular ADJ _005195630 243 5 classes class NOUN _005195630 243 6 of of ADP _005195630 243 7 men man NOUN _005195630 243 8 aside aside ADV _005195630 243 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 243 10 as as ADP _005195630 243 11 having have VERB _005195630 243 12 no no DET _005195630 243 13 special special ADJ _005195630 243 14 call call NOUN _005195630 243 15 on on ADP _005195630 243 16 the the DET _005195630 243 17 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005195630 243 18 of of ADP _005195630 243 19 the the DET _005195630 243 20 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 243 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 243 22 of of ADP _005195630 243 23 course course NOUN _005195630 243 24 he he PRON _005195630 243 25 does do AUX _005195630 243 26 most most ADV _005195630 243 27 deeply deeply ADV _005195630 243 28 enter enter VERB _005195630 243 29 into into ADP _005195630 243 30 the the DET _005195630 243 31 feelings feeling NOUN _005195630 243 32 of of ADP _005195630 243 33 a a DET _005195630 243 34 fourth fourth ADJ _005195630 243 35 and and CCONJ _005195630 243 36 large large ADJ _005195630 243 37 class class NOUN _005195630 243 38 of of ADP _005195630 243 39 men man NOUN _005195630 243 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 243 41 in in ADP _005195630 243 42 the the DET _005195630 243 43 educated educate VERB _005195630 243 44 portions portion NOUN _005195630 243 45 of of ADP _005195630 243 46 society society NOUN _005195630 243 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 243 48 of of ADP _005195630 243 49 religious religious ADJ _005195630 243 50 and and CCONJ _005195630 243 51 sincere sincere ADJ _005195630 243 52 minds mind NOUN _005195630 243 53 , , PUNCT _005195630 243 54 who who PRON _005195630 243 55 are be AUX _005195630 243 56 simply simply ADV _005195630 243 57 perplexed,—frightened perplexed,—frightene VERB _005195630 243 58 or or CCONJ _005195630 243 59 rendered render VERB _005195630 243 60 desperate desperate ADJ _005195630 243 61 , , PUNCT _005195630 243 62 as as SCONJ _005195630 243 63 the the DET _005195630 243 64 case case NOUN _005195630 243 65 may may AUX _005195630 243 66 be,—by be,—by VERB _005195630 243 67 the the DET _005195630 243 68 utter utter ADJ _005195630 243 69 confusion confusion NOUN _005195630 243 70 into into ADP _005195630 243 71 which which PRON _005195630 243 72 late late ADJ _005195630 243 73 discoveries discovery NOUN _005195630 243 74 or or CCONJ _005195630 243 75 speculations speculation NOUN _005195630 243 76 have have AUX _005195630 243 77 thrown throw VERB _005195630 243 78 their their PRON _005195630 243 79 most most ADV _005195630 243 80 elementary elementary ADJ _005195630 243 81 ideas idea NOUN _005195630 243 82 of of ADP _005195630 243 83 religion religion NOUN _005195630 243 84 . . PUNCT _005195630 244 1 who who PRON _005195630 244 2 does do AUX _005195630 244 3 not not PART _005195630 244 4 feel feel VERB _005195630 244 5 for for ADP _005195630 244 6 such such ADJ _005195630 244 7 men man NOUN _005195630 244 8 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 245 1 who who PRON _005195630 245 2 can can AUX _005195630 245 3 have have VERB _005195630 245 4 one one NUM _005195630 245 5 unkind unkind ADJ _005195630 245 6 thought thought NOUN _005195630 245 7 of of ADP _005195630 245 8 them they PRON _005195630 245 9 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 246 1 i i PRON _005195630 246 2 take take VERB _005195630 246 3 up up ADP _005195630 246 4 in in ADP _005195630 246 5 their their PRON _005195630 246 6 behalf behalf NOUN _005195630 246 7 st st PROPN _005195630 246 8 . . PROPN _005195630 246 9 augustine augustine PROPN _005195630 246 10 ’s ’s PART _005195630 246 11 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005195630 246 12 words word NOUN _005195630 246 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 246 14 illi illi PROPN _005195630 246 15 in in ADP _005195630 246 16 vos vos NOUN _005195630 246 17 saeviant saeviant NOUN _005195630 246 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 246 19 ” " PUNCT _005195630 246 20 etc etc X _005195630 246 21 . . X _005195630 247 1 let let VERB _005195630 247 2 them they PRON _005195630 247 3 be be AUX _005195630 247 4 fierce fierce ADJ _005195630 247 5 with with ADP _005195630 247 6 you you PRON _005195630 247 7 who who PRON _005195630 247 8 have have VERB _005195630 247 9 no no DET _005195630 247 10 experience experience NOUN _005195630 247 11 of of ADP _005195630 247 12 the the DET _005195630 247 13 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 247 14 with with ADP _005195630 247 15 which which DET _005195630 247 16 error error NOUN _005195630 247 17 is be AUX _005195630 247 18 discriminated discriminate VERB _005195630 247 19 from from ADP _005195630 247 20 truth truth NOUN _005195630 247 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 247 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 247 23 the the DET _005195630 247 24 way way NOUN _005195630 247 25 of of ADP _005195630 247 26 life life NOUN _005195630 247 27 is be AUX _005195630 247 28 found find VERB _005195630 247 29 amid amid ADP _005195630 247 30 the the DET _005195630 247 31 illusions illusion NOUN _005195630 247 32 of of ADP _005195630 247 33 the the DET _005195630 247 34 world world NOUN _005195630 247 35 . . PUNCT _005195630 248 1 how how SCONJ _005195630 248 2 many many ADJ _005195630 248 3 a a DET _005195630 248 4 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 248 5 has have AUX _005195630 248 6 in in ADP _005195630 248 7 his his PRON _005195630 248 8 thoughts thought NOUN _005195630 248 9 followed follow VERB _005195630 248 10 such such ADJ _005195630 248 11 men man NOUN _005195630 248 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 248 13 many many ADJ _005195630 248 14 of of ADP _005195630 248 15 them they PRON _005195630 248 16 so so ADV _005195630 248 17 good good ADJ _005195630 248 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 248 19 so so ADV _005195630 248 20 true true ADJ _005195630 248 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 248 22 so so ADV _005195630 248 23 noble noble ADJ _005195630 248 24 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 249 1 how how SCONJ _005195630 249 2 often often ADV _005195630 249 3 has have VERB _005195630 249 4 the the DET _005195630 249 5 wish wish NOUN _005195630 249 6 risen rise VERB _005195630 249 7 in in ADP _005195630 249 8 his his PRON _005195630 249 9 heart heart NOUN _005195630 249 10 that that SCONJ _005195630 249 11 some some DET _005195630 249 12 one one NOUN _005195630 249 13 from from ADP _005195630 249 14 among among ADP _005195630 249 15 his his PRON _005195630 249 16 own own ADJ _005195630 249 17 people people NOUN _005195630 249 18 should should AUX _005195630 249 19 come come VERB _005195630 249 20 forward forward ADV _005195630 249 21 as as ADP _005195630 249 22 the the DET _005195630 249 23 champion champion NOUN _005195630 249 24 of of ADP _005195630 249 25 revealed reveal VERB _005195630 249 26 truth truth NOUN _005195630 249 27 against against ADP _005195630 249 28 its its PRON _005195630 249 29 opponents opponent NOUN _005195630 249 30 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 250 1 various various ADJ _005195630 250 2 persons person NOUN _005195630 250 3 . . PUNCT _005195630 251 1 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 251 2 and and CCONJ _005195630 251 3 protestant protestant ADJ _005195630 251 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 251 5 have have AUX _005195630 251 6 asked ask VERB _005195630 251 7 me i PRON _005195630 251 8 to to PART _005195630 251 9 do do VERB _005195630 251 10 so so ADV _005195630 251 11 myself myself PRON _005195630 251 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 251 13 but but CCONJ _005195630 251 14 i i PRON _005195630 251 15 had have VERB _005195630 251 16 several several ADJ _005195630 251 17 strong strong ADJ _005195630 251 18 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195630 251 19 in in ADP _005195630 251 20 the the DET _005195630 251 21 way way NOUN _005195630 251 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 252 1 one one NUM _005195630 252 2 of of ADP _005195630 252 3 the the DET _005195630 252 4 greatest great ADJ _005195630 252 5 is be AUX _005195630 252 6 this this PRON _005195630 252 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 252 8 that that SCONJ _005195630 252 9 at at ADP _005195630 252 10 the the DET _005195630 252 11 moment moment NOUN _005195630 252 12 it it PRON _005195630 252 13 is be AUX _005195630 252 14 so so ADV _005195630 252 15 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 252 16 to to PART _005195630 252 17 say say VERB _005195630 252 18 precisely precisely ADV _005195630 252 19 what what PRON _005195630 252 20 it it PRON _005195630 252 21 is be AUX _005195630 252 22 that that PRON _005195630 252 23 is be AUX _005195630 252 24 to to PART _005195630 252 25 be be AUX _005195630 252 26 encountered encounter VERB _005195630 252 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 252 28 overthrown overthrow VERB _005195630 252 29 . . PUNCT _005195630 253 1 i i PRON _005195630 253 2 am be AUX _005195630 253 3 far far ADV _005195630 253 4 from from ADP _005195630 253 5 denying deny VERB _005195630 253 6 that that SCONJ _005195630 253 7 scientific scientific ADJ _005195630 253 8 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 253 9 is be AUX _005195630 253 10 really really ADV _005195630 253 11 growing grow VERB _005195630 253 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 253 13 but but CCONJ _005195630 253 14 it it PRON _005195630 253 15 is be AUX _005195630 253 16 by by ADP _005195630 253 17 fits fit NOUN _005195630 253 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 253 19 starts start NOUN _005195630 253 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 253 21 hypotheses hypothesis NOUN _005195630 253 22 rise rise VERB _005195630 253 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 253 24 fall fall VERB _005195630 253 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 253 26 it it PRON _005195630 253 27 is be AUX _005195630 253 28 difficult difficult ADJ _005195630 253 29 to to PART _005195630 253 30 anticipate anticipate VERB _005195630 253 31 which which PRON _005195630 253 32 of of ADP _005195630 253 33 them they PRON _005195630 253 34 will will AUX _005195630 253 35 keep keep VERB _005195630 253 36 their their PRON _005195630 253 37 ground ground NOUN _005195630 253 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 253 39 and and CCONJ _005195630 253 40 what what PRON _005195630 253 41 the the DET _005195630 253 42 state state NOUN _005195630 253 43 of of ADP _005195630 253 44 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 253 45 in in ADP _005195630 253 46 relation relation NOUN _005195630 253 47 to to ADP _005195630 253 48 them they PRON _005195630 253 49 wil wil VERB _005195630 253 50 ] ] PUNCT _005195630 253 51 be be AUX _005195630 253 52 from from ADP _005195630 253 53 year year NOUN _005195630 253 54 to to ADP _005195630 253 55 year year NOUN _005195630 253 56 . . PUNCT _005195630 254 1 in in ADP _005195630 254 2 this this DET _005195630 254 3 condition condition NOUN _005195630 254 4 of of ADP _005195630 254 5 things thing NOUN _005195630 254 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 7 it it PRON _005195630 254 8 has have VERB _005195630 254 9 23my 23my ADJ _005195630 254 10 mind mind NOUN _005195630 254 11 as as SCONJ _005195630 254 12 a a DET _005195630 254 13 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 254 14 seemed seem VERB _005195630 254 15 to to ADP _005195630 254 16 me i PRON _005195630 254 17 to to PART _005195630 254 18 be be AUX _005195630 254 19 very very ADV _005195630 254 20 undignified undignified ADJ _005195630 254 21 for for ADP _005195630 254 22 a a DET _005195630 254 23 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 254 24 to to PART _005195630 254 25 commit commit VERB _005195630 254 26 himself himself PRON _005195630 254 27 to to ADP _005195630 254 28 the the DET _005195630 254 29 work work NOUN _005195630 254 30 of of ADP _005195630 254 31 chasing chase VERB _005195630 254 32 what what PRON _005195630 254 33 might might AUX _005195630 254 34 turn turn VERB _005195630 254 35 out out ADP _005195630 254 36 to to PART _005195630 254 37 be be AUX _005195630 254 38 phantoms phantom NOUN _005195630 254 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 40 and and CCONJ _005195630 254 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 42 in in ADP _005195630 254 43 behalf behalf NOUN _005195630 254 44 of of ADP _005195630 254 45 some some DET _005195630 254 46 special special ADJ _005195630 254 47 objections objection NOUN _005195630 254 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 49 to to PART _005195630 254 50 be be AUX _005195630 254 51 ingenious ingenious ADJ _005195630 254 52 in in ADP _005195630 254 53 devising devise VERB _005195630 254 54 a a DET _005195630 254 55 theory theory NOUN _005195630 254 56 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 57 which which PRON _005195630 254 58 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 59 before before SCONJ _005195630 254 60 it it PRON _005195630 254 61 was be AUX _005195630 254 62 completed complete VERB _005195630 254 63 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 64 might might AUX _005195630 254 65 have have VERB _005195630 254 66 to to PART _005195630 254 67 give give VERB _005195630 254 68 place place NOUN _005195630 254 69 to to ADP _005195630 254 70 some some DET _005195630 254 71 theory theory NOUN _005195630 254 72 newer newer ADV _005195630 254 73 still still ADV _005195630 254 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 254 75 from from ADP _005195630 254 76 the the DET _005195630 254 77 fact fact NOUN _005195630 254 78 that that SCONJ _005195630 254 79 those those DET _005195630 254 80 former former ADJ _005195630 254 81 objections objection NOUN _005195630 254 82 had have AUX _005195630 254 83 already already ADV _005195630 254 84 come come VERB _005195630 254 85 to to ADP _005195630 254 86 nought nought NOUN _005195630 254 87 under under ADP _005195630 254 88 the the DET _005195630 254 89 uprising uprising NOUN _005195630 254 90 of of ADP _005195630 254 91 others other NOUN _005195630 254 92 . . PUNCT _005195630 255 1 it it PRON _005195630 255 2 seemed seem VERB _005195630 255 3 to to PART _005195630 255 4 be be AUX _005195630 255 5 especially especially ADV _005195630 255 6 a a DET _005195630 255 7 time time NOUN _005195630 255 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 255 9 in in ADP _005195630 255 10 which which PRON _005195630 255 11 christians christians PROPN _005195630 255 12 had have VERB _005195630 255 13 a a DET _005195630 255 14 call call NOUN _005195630 255 15 to to PART _005195630 255 16 be be AUX _005195630 255 17 patient patient ADJ _005195630 255 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 255 19 in in ADP _005195630 255 20 which which PRON _005195630 255 21 they they PRON _005195630 255 22 had have VERB _005195630 255 23 no no DET _005195630 255 24 other other ADJ _005195630 255 25 way way NOUN _005195630 255 26 of of ADP _005195630 255 27 helping help VERB _005195630 255 28 those those PRON _005195630 255 29 who who PRON _005195630 255 30 were be AUX _005195630 255 31 alarmed alarmed ADJ _005195630 255 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 255 33 than than ADP _005195630 255 34 that that PRON _005195630 255 35 of of ADP _005195630 255 36 exhorting exhort VERB _005195630 255 37 them they PRON _005195630 255 38 to to PART _005195630 255 39 have have VERB _005195630 255 40 a a DET _005195630 255 41 little little ADJ _005195630 255 42 faith faith NOUN _005195630 255 43 and and CCONJ _005195630 255 44 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195630 255 45 , , PUNCT _005195630 255 46 and and CCONJ _005195630 255 47 to to PART _005195630 255 48 “ " PUNCT _005195630 255 49 beware/ beware/ PRON _005195630 255 50 ' ' PUNCT _005195630 255 51 as as SCONJ _005195630 255 52 the the DET _005195630 255 53 poet poet NOUN _005195630 255 54 says say VERB _005195630 255 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 255 56 “ " PUNCT _005195630 255 57 of of ADP _005195630 255 58 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005195630 255 59 steps step NOUN _005195630 255 60 . . PUNCT _005195630 255 61 " " PUNCT _005195630 256 1 this this PRON _005195630 256 2 seemed seem VERB _005195630 256 3 so so ADV _005195630 256 4 clear clear ADJ _005195630 256 5 to to ADP _005195630 256 6 me i PRON _005195630 256 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 8 the the PRON _005195630 256 9 more more ADV _005195630 256 10 i i PRON _005195630 256 11 thought think VERB _005195630 256 12 of of ADP _005195630 256 13 the the DET _005195630 256 14 matter matter NOUN _005195630 256 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 16 as as SCONJ _005195630 256 17 to to PART _005195630 256 18 make make VERB _005195630 256 19 me i PRON _005195630 256 20 surmise surmise ADV _005195630 256 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 22 that that SCONJ _005195630 256 23 if if SCONJ _005195630 256 24 i i PRON _005195630 256 25 attempted attempt VERB _005195630 256 26 what what PRON _005195630 256 27 had have VERB _005195630 256 28 so so ADV _005195630 256 29 little little ADJ _005195630 256 30 promise promise NOUN _005195630 256 31 in in ADP _005195630 256 32 it it PRON _005195630 256 33 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 34 i i PRON _005195630 256 35 should should AUX _005195630 256 36 find find VERB _005195630 256 37 that that SCONJ _005195630 256 38 the the DET _005195630 256 39 highest high ADJ _005195630 256 40 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 256 41 authority authority NOUN _005195630 256 42 was be AUX _005195630 256 43 against against ADP _005195630 256 44 the the DET _005195630 256 45 attempt attempt NOUN _005195630 256 46 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 47 and and CCONJ _005195630 256 48 that that SCONJ _005195630 256 49 i i PRON _005195630 256 50 should should AUX _005195630 256 51 have have AUX _005195630 256 52 spent spend VERB _005195630 256 53 my my PRON _005195630 256 54 time time NOUN _005195630 256 55 and and CCONJ _005195630 256 56 my my PRON _005195630 256 57 thought thought NOUN _005195630 256 58 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 59 in in ADP _005195630 256 60 doing do VERB _005195630 256 61 what what PRON _005195630 256 62 either either CCONJ _005195630 256 63 it it PRON _005195630 256 64 would would AUX _005195630 256 65 be be AUX _005195630 256 66 imprudent imprudent ADJ _005195630 256 67 to to PART _005195630 256 68 bring bring VERB _005195630 256 69 before before ADV _005195630 256 70 the the DET _005195630 256 71 public public NOUN _005195630 256 72 at at ADV _005195630 256 73 all all ADV _005195630 256 74 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 75 or or CCONJ _005195630 256 76 what what PRON _005195630 256 77 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 78 did do AUX _005195630 256 79 i i PRON _005195630 256 80 do do VERB _005195630 256 81 so so ADV _005195630 256 82 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 83 would would AUX _005195630 256 84 only only ADV _005195630 256 85 complicate complicate VERB _005195630 256 86 matters matter NOUN _005195630 256 87 further far ADV _005195630 256 88 which which PRON _005195630 256 89 were be AUX _005195630 256 90 already already ADV _005195630 256 91 complicated complicated ADJ _005195630 256 92 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 93 without without ADP _005195630 256 94 my my PRON _005195630 256 95 interference interference NOUN _005195630 256 96 , , PUNCT _005195630 256 97 more more ADJ _005195630 256 98 than than ADP _005195630 256 99 enough enough ADV _005195630 256 100 . . PUNCT _005195630 257 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 257 2 i i PRON _005195630 257 3 interpret interpret VERB _005195630 257 4 recent recent ADJ _005195630 257 5 acts act NOUN _005195630 257 6 of of ADP _005195630 257 7 that that DET _005195630 257 8 authority authority NOUN _005195630 257 9 as as ADP _005195630 257 10 fulfilling fulfil VERB _005195630 257 11 my my PRON _005195630 257 12 expectation expectation NOUN _005195630 257 13 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 257 14 i i PRON _005195630 257 15 interpret interpret VERB _005195630 257 16 them they PRON _005195630 257 17 as as ADP _005195630 257 18 tying tie VERB _005195630 257 19 the the DET _005195630 257 20 hands hand NOUN _005195630 257 21 of of ADP _005195630 257 22 a a DET _005195630 257 23 controversialist controversialist NOUN _005195630 257 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 257 25 such such ADJ _005195630 257 26 as as SCONJ _005195630 257 27 i i PRON _005195630 257 28 should should AUX _005195630 257 29 be be AUX _005195630 257 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 257 31 and and CCONJ _005195630 257 32 teaching teach VERB _005195630 257 33 us we PRON _005195630 257 34 that that DET _005195630 257 35 true true ADJ _005195630 257 36 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195630 257 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 257 38 which which PRON _005195630 257 39 moses moses PROPN _005195630 257 40 inculcated inculcate VERB _005195630 257 41 on on ADP _005195630 257 42 his his PRON _005195630 257 43 people people NOUN _005195630 257 44 , , PUNCT _005195630 257 45 when when SCONJ _005195630 257 46 the the DET _005195630 257 47 egyptians egyptians PROPN _005195630 257 48 were be AUX _005195630 257 49 pursuing pursue VERB _005195630 257 50 them they PRON _005195630 257 51 , , PUNCT _005195630 257 52 “ " PUNCT _005195630 257 53 fear fear VERB _005195630 257 54 ye ye ADP _005195630 257 55 not not PART _005195630 257 56 , , PUNCT _005195630 257 57 stand stand VERB _005195630 257 58 still still ADV _005195630 257 59 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 257 60 the the DET _005195630 257 61 lord lord PROPN _005195630 257 62 shall shall AUX _005195630 257 63 fight fight VERB _005195630 257 64 for for ADP _005195630 257 65 you you PRON _005195630 257 66 , , PUNCT _005195630 257 67 and and CCONJ _005195630 257 68 ye ye PRON _005195630 257 69 shall shall AUX _005195630 257 70 hold hold VERB _005195630 257 71 your your PRON _005195630 257 72 peace peace NOUN _005195630 257 73 . . PUNCT _005195630 257 74 " " PUNCT _005195630 258 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 258 2 so so ADV _005195630 258 3 far far ADV _005195630 258 4 from from ADP _005195630 258 5 finding find VERB _005195630 258 6 a a DET _005195630 258 7 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 258 8 in in ADP _005195630 258 9 obeying obey VERB _005195630 258 10 in in ADP _005195630 258 11 this this DET _005195630 258 12 case case NOUN _005195630 258 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 258 14 i i PRON _005195630 258 15 have have AUX _005195630 258 16 cause cause VERB _005195630 258 17 to to PART _005195630 258 18 be be AUX _005195630 258 19 thankful thankful ADJ _005195630 258 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 258 21 to to PART _005195630 258 22 rejoice rejoice VERB _005195630 258 23 to to PART _005195630 258 24 have have VERB _005195630 258 25 so so ADV _005195630 258 26 clear clear ADJ _005195630 258 27 a a DET _005195630 258 28 direction direction NOUN _005195630 258 29 in in ADP _005195630 258 30 a a DET _005195630 258 31 matter matter NOUN _005195630 258 32 of of ADP _005195630 258 33 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195630 258 34 . . PUNCT _005195630 259 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 259 2 if if SCONJ _005195630 259 3 we we PRON _005195630 259 4 would would AUX _005195630 259 5 ascertain ascertain VERB _005195630 259 6 with with ADP _005195630 259 7 correctness correctness NOUN _005195630 259 8 the the DET _005195630 259 9 real real ADJ _005195630 259 10 course course NOUN _005195630 259 11 of of ADP _005195630 259 12 a a DET _005195630 259 13 principle principle NOUN _005195630 259 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 259 15 we we PRON _005195630 259 16 must must AUX _005195630 259 17 look look VERB _005195630 259 18 at at ADP _005195630 259 19 it it PRON _005195630 259 20 at at ADP _005195630 259 21 a a DET _005195630 259 22 certain certain ADJ _005195630 259 23 distance distance NOUN _005195630 259 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 259 25 and and CCONJ _005195630 259 26 as as SCONJ _005195630 259 27 history history NOUN _005195630 259 28 represents represent VERB _005195630 259 29 it it PRON _005195630 259 30 to to ADP _005195630 259 31 us we PRON _005195630 259 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 260 1 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 260 2 carried carry VERB _005195630 260 3 on on ADP _005195630 260 4 by by ADP _005195630 260 5 human human ADJ _005195630 260 6 instruments instrument NOUN _005195630 260 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 260 8 but but CCONJ _005195630 260 9 has have VERB _005195630 260 10 its its PRON _005195630 260 11 irregularities irregularity NOUN _005195630 260 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 260 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 260 14 affords afford NOUN _005195630 260 15 ground ground NOUN _005195630 260 16 for for ADP _005195630 260 17 criticism criticism NOUN _005195630 260 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 260 19 when when SCONJ _005195630 260 20 minutely minutely ADV _005195630 260 21 scrutinized scrutinize VERB _005195630 260 22 in in ADP _005195630 260 23 matters matter NOUN _005195630 260 24 of of ADP _005195630 260 25 detail detail NOUN _005195630 260 26 . . PUNCT _005195630 261 1 i i PRON _005195630 261 2 have have AUX _005195630 261 3 been be AUX _005195630 261 4 speaking speak VERB _005195630 261 5 of of ADP _005195630 261 6 that that DET _005195630 261 7 aspect aspect NOUN _005195630 261 8 of of ADP _005195630 261 9 the the DET _005195630 261 10 action action NOUN _005195630 261 11 of of ADP _005195630 261 12 an an DET _005195630 261 13 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 261 14 authority authority NOUN _005195630 261 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 261 16 which which PRON _005195630 261 17 is be AUX _005195630 261 18 most most ADV _005195630 261 19 open open ADJ _005195630 261 20 to to ADP _005195630 261 21 invidious invidious ADJ _005195630 261 22 criticism criticism NOUN _005195630 261 23 from from ADP _005195630 261 24 those those PRON _005195630 261 25 who who PRON _005195630 261 26 view view VERB _005195630 261 27 it it PRON _005195630 261 28 from from ADP _005195630 261 29 without without ADP _005195630 261 30 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 261 31 i i PRON _005195630 261 32 have have AUX _005195630 261 33 tried try VERB _005195630 261 34 to to PART _005195630 261 35 be be AUX _005195630 261 36 fair fair ADJ _005195630 261 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 261 38 in in ADP _005195630 261 39 estimating estimate VERB _005195630 261 40 what what PRON _005195630 261 41 can can AUX _005195630 261 42 be be AUX _005195630 261 43 said say VERB _005195630 261 44 to to ADP _005195630 261 45 its its PRON _005195630 261 46 disadvantage disadvantage NOUN _005195630 261 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 261 48 as as SCONJ _005195630 261 49 witnessed witness VERB _005195630 261 50 at at ADP _005195630 261 51 a a DET _005195630 261 52 particular particular ADJ _005195630 261 53 time time NOUN _005195630 261 54 in in ADP _005195630 261 55 the the DET _005195630 261 56 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 261 57 church church NOUN _005195630 261 58 , , PUNCT _005195630 261 59 and and CCONJ _005195630 261 60 now now ADV _005195630 261 61 i i PRON _005195630 261 62 wish wish VERB _005195630 261 63 its its PRON _005195630 261 64 adversaries adversary NOUN _005195630 261 65 to to PART _005195630 261 66 be be AUX _005195630 261 67 24 24 NUM _005195630 261 68 my my PRON _005195630 261 69 mind mind NOUN _005195630 261 70 as as ADP _005195630 261 71 a a DET _005195630 261 72 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 261 73 equally equally ADV _005195630 261 74 fair fair ADJ _005195630 261 75 in in ADP _005195630 261 76 their their PRON _005195630 261 77 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 261 78 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 261 79 its its PRON _005195630 261 80 historical historical ADJ _005195630 261 81 character character NOUN _005195630 261 82 . . PUNCT _005195630 262 1 can can AUX _005195630 262 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 262 3 then then ADV _005195630 262 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 262 5 the the DET _005195630 262 6 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 262 7 authority authority NOUN _005195630 262 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 262 9 with with ADP _005195630 262 10 any any DET _005195630 262 11 show show NOUN _005195630 262 12 of of ADP _005195630 262 13 reason reason NOUN _005195630 262 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 262 15 be be AUX _005195630 262 16 said say VERB _005195630 262 17 in in ADP _005195630 262 18 fact fact NOUN _005195630 262 19 to to PART _005195630 262 20 have have AUX _005195630 262 21 destroyed destroy VERB _005195630 262 22 the the DET _005195630 262 23 energy energy NOUN _005195630 262 24 of of ADP _005195630 262 25 the the DET _005195630 262 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 262 27 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 262 28 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 263 1 let let VERB _005195630 263 2 it it PRON _005195630 263 3 be be AUX _005195630 263 4 observed observe VERB _005195630 263 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 6 i i PRON _005195630 263 7 have have VERB _005195630 263 8 not not PART _005195630 263 9 here here ADV _005195630 263 10 to to PART _005195630 263 11 speak speak VERB _005195630 263 12 of of ADP _005195630 263 13 any any DET _005195630 263 14 conflict conflict NOUN _005195630 263 15 which which PRON _005195630 263 16 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195630 263 17 authority authority NOUN _005195630 263 18 has have AUX _005195630 263 19 had have VERB _005195630 263 20 with with ADP _005195630 263 21 science science NOUN _005195630 263 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 23 for for ADP _005195630 263 24 this this DET _005195630 263 25 simple simple ADJ _005195630 263 26 reason reason NOUN _005195630 263 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 28 that that SCONJ _005195630 263 29 conflict conflict NOUN _005195630 263 30 there there PRON _005195630 263 31 has have AUX _005195630 263 32 been be AUX _005195630 263 33 none none NOUN _005195630 263 34 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 263 35 and and CCONJ _005195630 263 36 that that SCONJ _005195630 263 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 38 because because SCONJ _005195630 263 39 the the DET _005195630 263 40 secular secular ADJ _005195630 263 41 sciences science NOUN _005195630 263 42 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 43 as as SCONJ _005195630 263 44 they they PRON _005195630 263 45 now now ADV _005195630 263 46 exist exist VERB _005195630 263 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 48 are be AUX _005195630 263 49 a a DET _005195630 263 50 novelty novelty NOUN _005195630 263 51 in in ADP _005195630 263 52 the the DET _005195630 263 53 world world NOUN _005195630 263 54 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 55 and and CCONJ _005195630 263 56 there there PRON _005195630 263 57 has have AUX _005195630 263 58 been be AUX _005195630 263 59 no no DET _005195630 263 60 time time NOUN _005195630 263 61 yet yet ADV _005195630 263 62 for for ADP _005195630 263 63 a a DET _005195630 263 64 history history NOUN _005195630 263 65 of of ADP _005195630 263 66 relations relation NOUN _005195630 263 67 between between ADP _005195630 263 68 theology theology NOUN _005195630 263 69 and and CCONJ _005195630 263 70 these these DET _005195630 263 71 new new ADJ _005195630 263 72 methods method NOUN _005195630 263 73 of of ADP _005195630 263 74 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 263 75 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 76 and and CCONJ _005195630 263 77 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 263 78 the the DET _005195630 263 79 church church NOUN _005195630 263 80 may may AUX _005195630 263 81 be be AUX _005195630 263 82 said say VERB _005195630 263 83 to to PART _005195630 263 84 have have AUX _005195630 263 85 kept keep VERB _005195630 263 86 clear clear ADJ _005195630 263 87 of of ADP _005195630 263 88 them they PRON _005195630 263 89 , , PUNCT _005195630 263 90 as as SCONJ _005195630 263 91 is be AUX _005195630 263 92 proved prove VERB _005195630 263 93 by by ADP _005195630 263 94 the the DET _005195630 263 95 constantly constantly ADV _005195630 263 96 cited cite VERB _005195630 263 97 case case NOUN _005195630 263 98 of of ADP _005195630 263 99 galileo galileo PROPN _005195630 263 100 . . PUNCT _005195630 264 1 here here ADV _005195630 264 2 “ " PUNCT _005195630 264 3 exceptio exceptio PROPN _005195630 264 4 probat probat PROPN _005195630 264 5 regulam regulam PROPN _005195630 264 6 ” " PUNCT _005195630 264 7 : : PUNCT _005195630 264 8 for for ADP _005195630 264 9 it it PRON _005195630 264 10 is be AUX _005195630 264 11 the the DET _005195630 264 12 one one NUM _005195630 264 13 stock stock NOUN _005195630 264 14 argument argument NOUN _005195630 264 15 . . PUNCT _005195630 265 1 again again ADV _005195630 265 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 265 3 i i PRON _005195630 265 4 have have VERB _005195630 265 5 not not PART _005195630 265 6 to to PART _005195630 265 7 speak speak VERB _005195630 265 8 of of ADP _005195630 265 9 any any DET _005195630 265 10 relations relation NOUN _005195630 265 11 of of ADP _005195630 265 12 the the DET _005195630 265 13 church church NOUN _005195630 265 14 to to ADP _005195630 265 15 the the DET _005195630 265 16 new new ADJ _005195630 265 17 sciences science NOUN _005195630 265 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 265 19 because because SCONJ _005195630 265 20 my my PRON _005195630 265 21 simple simple ADJ _005195630 265 22 question question NOUN _005195630 265 23 all all ADV _005195630 265 24 along along ADV _005195630 265 25 has have AUX _005195630 265 26 been be AUX _005195630 265 27 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 265 28 the the DET _005195630 265 29 assumption assumption NOUN _005195630 265 30 of of ADP _005195630 265 31 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 265 32 by by ADP _005195630 265 33 the the DET _005195630 265 34 proper proper ADJ _005195630 265 35 authority authority NOUN _005195630 265 36 is be AUX _005195630 265 37 adapted adapt VERB _005195630 265 38 to to PART _005195630 265 39 make make VERB _005195630 265 40 me i PRON _005195630 265 41 a a DET _005195630 265 42 hypocrite hypocrite NOUN _005195630 265 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 265 44 and and CCONJ _005195630 265 45 till till SCONJ _005195630 265 46 that that DET _005195630 265 47 authority authority NOUN _005195630 265 48 passes pass VERB _005195630 265 49 decrees decree NOUN _005195630 265 50 on on ADP _005195630 265 51 pure pure ADJ _005195630 265 52 physical physical ADJ _005195630 265 53 subjects subject NOUN _005195630 265 54 and and CCONJ _005195630 265 55 calls call VERB _005195630 265 56 on on ADP _005195630 265 57 me i PRON _005195630 265 58 to to PART _005195630 265 59 subscribe subscribe VERB _005195630 265 60 them they PRON _005195630 265 61 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 265 62 which which PRON _005195630 265 63 it it PRON _005195630 265 64 will will AUX _005195630 265 65 never never ADV _005195630 265 66 do do VERB _005195630 265 67 , , PUNCT _005195630 265 68 because because SCONJ _005195630 265 69 it it PRON _005195630 265 70 has have VERB _005195630 265 71 not not PART _005195630 265 72 the the DET _005195630 265 73 power power NOUN _005195630 265 74 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 265 75 , , PUNCT _005195630 265 76 it it PRON _005195630 265 77 has have VERB _005195630 265 78 no no DET _005195630 265 79 tendency tendency NOUN _005195630 265 80 to to PART _005195630 265 81 interfere interfere VERB _005195630 265 82 by by ADP _005195630 265 83 any any PRON _005195630 265 84 of of ADP _005195630 265 85 its its PRON _005195630 265 86 acts act NOUN _005195630 265 87 with with ADP _005195630 265 88 my my PRON _005195630 265 89 private private ADJ _005195630 265 90 judgment judgment NOUN _005195630 265 91 on on ADP _005195630 265 92 those those DET _005195630 265 93 points point NOUN _005195630 265 94 . . PUNCT _005195630 266 1 the the DET _005195630 266 2 simple simple ADJ _005195630 266 3 question question NOUN _005195630 266 4 is be AUX _005195630 266 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 266 6 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 266 7 authority authority NOUN _005195630 266 8 has have AUX _005195630 266 9 so so ADV _005195630 266 10 acted act VERB _005195630 266 11 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 266 12 the the DET _005195630 266 13 reason reason NOUN _005195630 266 14 of of ADP _005195630 266 15 individuals individual NOUN _005195630 266 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 266 17 that that SCONJ _005195630 266 18 they they PRON _005195630 266 19 can can AUX _005195630 266 20 have have VERB _005195630 266 21 no no DET _005195630 266 22 opinion opinion NOUN _005195630 266 23 of of ADP _005195630 266 24 their their PRON _005195630 266 25 own own ADJ _005195630 266 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 266 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 266 28 have have VERB _005195630 266 29 but but CCONJ _005195630 266 30 an an DET _005195630 266 31 alternative alternative NOUN _005195630 266 32 of of ADP _005195630 266 33 slavish slavish ADJ _005195630 266 34 superstition superstition NOUN _005195630 266 35 or or CCONJ _005195630 266 36 secret secret ADJ _005195630 266 37 rebellion rebellion NOUN _005195630 266 38 of of ADP _005195630 266 39 heart heart NOUN _005195630 266 40 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 266 41 and and CCONJ _005195630 266 42 i i PRON _005195630 266 43 think think VERB _005195630 266 44 the the DET _005195630 266 45 whole whole ADJ _005195630 266 46 history history NOUN _005195630 266 47 of of ADP _005195630 266 48 theology theology NOUN _005195630 266 49 puts put VERB _005195630 266 50 an an DET _005195630 266 51 absolute absolute ADJ _005195630 266 52 negative negative ADJ _005195630 266 53 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 266 54 such such DET _005195630 266 55 a a DET _005195630 266 56 supposition supposition NOUN _005195630 266 57 . . PUNCT _005195630 267 1 it it PRON _005195630 267 2 is be AUX _005195630 267 3 hardly hardly ADV _005195630 267 4 necessary necessary ADJ _005195630 267 5 to to PART _005195630 267 6 argue argue VERB _005195630 267 7 out out ADP _005195630 267 8 so so ADV _005195630 267 9 plain plain ADV _005195630 267 10 a a DET _005195630 267 11 point point NOUN _005195630 267 12 . . PUNCT _005195630 268 1 it it PRON _005195630 268 2 is be AUX _005195630 268 3 individuals individual NOUN _005195630 268 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 268 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 268 6 hot hot ADJ _005195630 268 7 the the DET _005195630 268 8 holy holy PROPN _005195630 268 9 see see NOUN _005195630 268 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 268 11 that that PRON _005195630 268 12 have have AUX _005195630 268 13 taken take VERB _005195630 268 14 the the DET _005195630 268 15 initiative initiative NOUN _005195630 268 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 268 17 and and CCONJ _005195630 268 18 given give VERB _005195630 268 19 the the DET _005195630 268 20 lead lead NOUN _005195630 268 21 to to ADP _005195630 268 22 the the DET _005195630 268 23 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 268 24 mind mind NOUN _005195630 268 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 268 26 in in ADP _005195630 268 27 theological theological ADJ _005195630 268 28 inquiry inquiry NOUN _005195630 268 29 . . PUNCT _005195630 269 1 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 269 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 269 3 it it PRON _005195630 269 4 is be AUX _005195630 269 5 one one NUM _005195630 269 6 of of ADP _005195630 269 7 the the DET _005195630 269 8 reproaches reproach NOUN _005195630 269 9 urged urge VERB _005195630 269 10 against against ADP _005195630 269 11 the the DET _005195630 269 12 roman roman ADJ _005195630 269 13 church church NOUN _005195630 269 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 269 15 that that SCONJ _005195630 269 16 it it PRON _005195630 269 17 has have AUX _005195630 269 18 originated originate VERB _005195630 269 19 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 269 20 and and CCONJ _005195630 269 21 has have AUX _005195630 269 22 only only ADV _005195630 269 23 served serve VERB _005195630 269 24 as as ADP _005195630 269 25 a a DET _005195630 269 26 sort sort NOUN _005195630 269 27 of of ADP _005195630 269 28 remora remora NOUN _005195630 269 29 or or CCONJ _005195630 269 30 break break VERB _005195630 269 31 in in ADP _005195630 269 32 the the DET _005195630 269 33 development development NOUN _005195630 269 34 of of ADP _005195630 269 35 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 269 36 . . PUNCT _005195630 270 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 270 2 it it PRON _005195630 270 3 is be AUX _005195630 270 4 an an DET _005195630 270 5 objection objection NOUN _005195630 270 6 which which PRON _005195630 270 7 i i PRON _005195630 270 8 really really ADV _005195630 270 9 embrace embrace VERB _005195630 270 10 as as ADP _005195630 270 11 a a DET _005195630 270 12 truth truth NOUN _005195630 270 13 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 270 14 for for ADP _005195630 270 15 such such ADJ _005195630 270 16 i i PRON _005195630 270 17 conceive conceive VERB _005195630 270 18 to to PART _005195630 270 19 be be AUX _005195630 270 20 the the DET _005195630 270 21 main main ADJ _005195630 270 22 purpose purpose NOUN _005195630 270 23 of of ADP _005195630 270 24 its its PRON _005195630 270 25 extraordinary extraordinary ADJ _005195630 270 26 gift gift NOUN _005195630 270 27 . . PUNCT _005195630 271 1 it it PRON _005195630 271 2 is be AUX _005195630 271 3 said say VERB _005195630 271 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 271 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 271 6 truly truly ADV _005195630 271 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 271 8 that that SCONJ _005195630 271 9 the the DET _005195630 271 10 church church NOUN _005195630 271 11 of of ADP _005195630 271 12 rome rome PROPN _005195630 271 13 possessed possess VERB _005195630 271 14 no no DET _005195630 271 15 great great ADJ _005195630 271 16 mind mind NOUN _005195630 271 17 in in ADP _005195630 271 18 the the DET _005195630 271 19 whole whole ADJ _005195630 271 20 period period NOUN _005195630 271 21 of of ADP _005195630 271 22 persecution persecution NOUN _005195630 271 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 272 1 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195630 272 2 for for ADP _005195630 272 3 a a DET _005195630 272 4 long long ADJ _005195630 272 5 while while NOUN _005195630 272 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 272 7 it it PRON _005195630 272 8 has have VERB _005195630 272 9 not not PART _005195630 272 10 a a DET _005195630 272 11 single single ADJ _005195630 272 12 doctor doctor NOUN _005195630 272 13 to to PART _005195630 272 14 show show VERB _005195630 272 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 272 16 st st PROPN _005195630 272 17 . . PROPN _005195630 272 18 leo leo PROPN _005195630 272 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 272 20 its its PRON _005195630 272 21 first first ADJ _005195630 272 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 272 23 is be AUX _005195630 272 24 the the DET _005195630 272 25 teacher teacher NOUN _005195630 272 26 of of ADP _005195630 272 27 one one NUM _005195630 272 28 point point NOUN _005195630 272 29 of of ADP _005195630 272 30 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 272 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 272 32 st st PROPN _005195630 272 33 . . PROPN _005195630 272 34 gregory gregory PROPN _005195630 272 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 272 36 who who PRON _005195630 272 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 272 38 stands stand VERB _005195630 272 39 at at ADP _005195630 272 40 the the DET _005195630 272 41 very very ADJ _005195630 272 42 extremity extremity NOUN _005195630 272 43 of of ADP _005195630 272 44 the the DET _005195630 272 45 first first ADJ _005195630 272 46 age age NOUN _005195630 272 47 of of ADP _005195630 272 48 the the DET _005195630 272 49 church church NOUN _005195630 272 50 , , PUNCT _005195630 272 51 my my PRON _005195630 272 52 mind mind NOUN _005195630 272 53 as as ADP _005195630 272 54 a a DET _005195630 272 55 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 272 56 25 25 NUM _005195630 272 57 has have VERB _005195630 272 58 no no DET _005195630 272 59 place place NOUN _005195630 272 60 in in ADP _005195630 272 61 dogma dogma NOUN _005195630 272 62 or or CCONJ _005195630 272 63 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195630 272 64 . . PUNCT _005195630 273 1 the the DET _005195630 273 2 great great ADJ _005195630 273 3 luminary luminary NOUN _005195630 273 4 of of ADP _005195630 273 5 the the DET _005195630 273 6 western western ADJ _005195630 273 7 world world NOUN _005195630 273 8 is be AUX _005195630 273 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 273 10 as as SCONJ _005195630 273 11 we we PRON _005195630 273 12 know know VERB _005195630 273 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 273 14 st st PROPN _005195630 273 15 . . PROPN _005195630 273 16 augustine augustine PROPN _005195630 273 17 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 273 18 he he PRON _005195630 273 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 273 20 no no DET _005195630 273 21 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 273 22 teacher teacher NOUN _005195630 273 23 , , PUNCT _005195630 273 24 has have AUX _005195630 273 25 formed form VERB _005195630 273 26 the the DET _005195630 273 27 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 273 28 of of ADP _005195630 273 29 christian christian PROPN _005195630 273 30 europe europe PROPN _005195630 273 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 273 32 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 273 33 to to ADP _005195630 273 34 the the DET _005195630 273 35 african african ADJ _005195630 273 36 church church NOUN _005195630 273 37 generally generally ADV _005195630 273 38 we we PRON _005195630 273 39 must must AUX _005195630 273 40 look look VERB _005195630 273 41 for for ADP _005195630 273 42 the the DET _005195630 273 43 best good ADJ _005195630 273 44 early early ADJ _005195630 273 45 exposition exposition NOUN _005195630 273 46 of of ADP _005195630 273 47 latin latin ADJ _005195630 273 48 ideas idea NOUN _005195630 273 49 . . PUNCT _005195630 274 1 moreover moreover ADV _005195630 274 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 274 3 of of ADP _005195630 274 4 the the DET _005195630 274 5 african african ADJ _005195630 274 6 divines divine NOUN _005195630 274 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 274 8 the the DET _005195630 274 9 first first ADJ _005195630 274 10 in in ADP _005195630 274 11 order order NOUN _005195630 274 12 of of ADP _005195630 274 13 time time NOUN _005195630 274 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 274 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 274 16 not not PART _005195630 274 17 the the DET _005195630 274 18 least least ADJ _005195630 274 19 influential influential ADJ _005195630 274 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 274 21 is be AUX _005195630 274 22 the the DET _005195630 274 23 strong strong ADJ _005195630 274 24 - - PUNCT _005195630 274 25 minded minded ADJ _005195630 274 26 and and CCONJ _005195630 274 27 heterodox heterodox ADJ _005195630 274 28 tertullian tertullian NOUN _005195630 274 29 . . PUNCT _005195630 275 1 nor nor CCONJ _005195630 275 2 is be AUX _005195630 275 3 the the DET _005195630 275 4 eastern eastern ADJ _005195630 275 5 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 275 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 275 7 as as ADP _005195630 275 8 such such ADJ _005195630 275 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 275 10 without without ADP _005195630 275 11 its its PRON _005195630 275 12 share share NOUN _005195630 275 13 in in ADP _005195630 275 14 the the DET _005195630 275 15 formation formation NOUN _005195630 275 16 of of ADP _005195630 275 17 the the DET _005195630 275 18 latin latin ADJ _005195630 275 19 teaching teaching NOUN _005195630 275 20 . . PUNCT _005195630 276 1 the the DET _005195630 276 2 free free ADJ _005195630 276 3 thought thought NOUN _005195630 276 4 of of ADP _005195630 276 5 origin origin NOUN _005195630 276 6 is be AUX _005195630 276 7 visible visible ADJ _005195630 276 8 in in ADP _005195630 276 9 the the DET _005195630 276 10 writings writing NOUN _005195630 276 11 of of ADP _005195630 276 12 the the DET _005195630 276 13 * * ADJ _005195630 276 14 western western ADJ _005195630 276 15 doctors doctor NOUN _005195630 276 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 276 17 hilary hilary ADJ _005195630 276 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 276 19 ambrose ambrose NOUN _005195630 276 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 276 21 and and CCONJ _005195630 276 22 the the DET _005195630 276 23 independent independent ADJ _005195630 276 24 mind mind NOUN _005195630 276 25 of of ADP _005195630 276 26 jerome jerome PROPN _005195630 276 27 has have AUX _005195630 276 28 enriched enrich VERB _005195630 276 29 his his PRON _005195630 276 30 own own ADJ _005195630 276 31 vigorous vigorous ADJ _005195630 276 32 commentaries commentary NOUN _005195630 276 33 on on ADP _005195630 276 34 scripture scripture NOUN _005195630 276 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 276 36 from from ADP _005195630 276 37 the the DET _005195630 276 38 stores store NOUN _005195630 276 39 of of ADP _005195630 276 40 the the DET _005195630 276 41 scarcely scarcely ADV _005195630 276 42 orthodox orthodox ADJ _005195630 276 43 eusebius eusebius NOUN _005195630 276 44 . . PUNCT _005195630 277 1 heretical heretical ADJ _005195630 277 2 questionings questioning NOUN _005195630 277 3 have have AUX _005195630 277 4 been be AUX _005195630 277 5 transmuted transmute VERB _005195630 277 6 by by ADP _005195630 277 7 the the DET _005195630 277 8 living living NOUN _005195630 277 9 power power NOUN _005195630 277 10 of of ADP _005195630 277 11 the the DET _005195630 277 12 church church NOUN _005195630 277 13 into into ADP _005195630 277 14 salutary salutary ADJ _005195630 277 15 truths truth NOUN _005195630 277 16 . . PUNCT _005195630 278 1 the the DET _005195630 278 2 case case NOUN _005195630 278 3 is be AUX _005195630 278 4 the the DET _005195630 278 5 same same ADJ _005195630 278 6 as as SCONJ _005195630 278 7 regards regard VERB _005195630 278 8 the the DET _005195630 278 9 ecumenical ecumenical NOUN _005195630 278 10 councils council NOUN _005195630 278 11 . . PUNCT _005195630 279 1 authority authority NOUN _005195630 279 2 in in ADP _005195630 279 3 its its PRON _005195630 279 4 most most ADJ _005195630 279 5 imposing imposing NOUN _005195630 279 6 exhibition exhibition NOUN _005195630 279 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 279 8 grave grave ADJ _005195630 279 9 bishops bishop NOUN _005195630 279 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 279 11 laden laden ADJ _005195630 279 12 with with ADP _005195630 279 13 the the DET _005195630 279 14 traditions tradition NOUN _005195630 279 15 and and CCONJ _005195630 279 16 rivalries rivalry NOUN _005195630 279 17 of of ADP _005195630 279 18 particular particular ADJ _005195630 279 19 nations nation NOUN _005195630 279 20 or or CCONJ _005195630 279 21 places place NOUN _005195630 279 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 279 23 have have AUX _005195630 279 24 been be AUX _005195630 279 25 guided guide VERB _005195630 279 26 in in ADP _005195630 279 27 their their PRON _005195630 279 28 decisions decision NOUN _005195630 279 29 by by ADP _005195630 279 30 the the DET _005195630 279 31 commanding command VERB _005195630 279 32 genius genius NOUN _005195630 279 33 of of ADP _005195630 279 34 individuals individual NOUN _005195630 279 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 279 36 sometimes sometimes ADV _005195630 279 37 young young ADJ _005195630 279 38 and and CCONJ _005195630 279 39 of of ADP _005195630 279 40 inferior inferior ADJ _005195630 279 41 rank rank NOUN _005195630 279 42 . . PUNCT _005195630 280 1 not not PART _005195630 280 2 that that DET _005195630 280 3 uninspired uninspired ADJ _005195630 280 4 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 280 5 overruled overrule VERB _005195630 280 6 the the DET _005195630 280 7 superhuman superhuman ADJ _005195630 280 8 gift gift NOUN _005195630 280 9 which which PRON _005195630 280 10 was be AUX _005195630 280 11 committed commit VERB _005195630 280 12 to to ADP _005195630 280 13 the the DET _005195630 280 14 council council NOUN _005195630 280 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 280 16 which which PRON _005195630 280 17 would would AUX _005195630 280 18 be be AUX _005195630 280 19 a a DET _005195630 280 20 self self NOUN _005195630 280 21 - - PUNCT _005195630 280 22 contradictory contradictory ADJ _005195630 280 23 assertion assertion NOUN _005195630 280 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 280 25 but but CCONJ _005195630 280 26 that that SCONJ _005195630 280 27 in in ADP _005195630 280 28 that that DET _005195630 280 29 process process NOUN _005195630 280 30 of of ADP _005195630 280 31 inquiry inquiry NOUN _005195630 280 32 and and CCONJ _005195630 280 33 deliberation deliberation NOUN _005195630 280 34 , , PUNCT _005195630 280 35 which which PRON _005195630 280 36 ended end VERB _005195630 280 37 in in ADP _005195630 280 38 an an DET _005195630 280 39 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 280 40 enunciation enunciation NOUN _005195630 280 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 280 42 individual individual ADJ _005195630 280 43 reason reason NOUN _005195630 280 44 was be AUX _005195630 280 45 paramount paramount ADJ _005195630 280 46 . . PUNCT _005195630 281 1 thus thus ADV _005195630 281 2 malchion malchion NOUN _005195630 281 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 281 4 a a DET _005195630 281 5 mere mere ADJ _005195630 281 6 presbyter presbyter NOUN _005195630 281 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 281 8 was be AUX _005195630 281 9 the the DET _005195630 281 10 instrument instrument NOUN _005195630 281 11 of of ADP _005195630 281 12 the the DET _005195630 281 13 great great ADJ _005195630 281 14 council council PROPN _005195630 281 15 of of ADP _005195630 281 16 antioch antioch PROPN _005195630 281 17 in in ADP _005195630 281 18 the the DET _005195630 281 19 third third ADJ _005195630 281 20 century century NOUN _005195630 281 21 in in ADP _005195630 281 22 meeting meeting NOUN _005195630 281 23 and and CCONJ _005195630 281 24 refuting refute VERB _005195630 281 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 281 26 for for ADP _005195630 281 27 the the DET _005195630 281 28 assembled assemble VERB _005195630 281 29 fathers father NOUN _005195630 281 30 , , PUNCT _005195630 281 31 the the DET _005195630 281 32 heretical heretical ADJ _005195630 281 33 patriarch patriarch NOUN _005195630 281 34 of of ADP _005195630 281 35 that that DET _005195630 281 36 see see NOUN _005195630 281 37 . . PUNCT _005195630 282 1 parallel parallel ADJ _005195630 282 2 to to ADP _005195630 282 3 this this DET _005195630 282 4 instance instance NOUN _005195630 282 5 is be AUX _005195630 282 6 the the DET _005195630 282 7 influence influence NOUN _005195630 282 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 282 9 so so ADV _005195630 282 10 well well ADV _005195630 282 11 known know VERB _005195630 282 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 282 13 of of ADP _005195630 282 14 a a DET _005195630 282 15 young young ADJ _005195630 282 16 deacon deacon NOUN _005195630 282 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 282 18 st st PROPN _005195630 282 19 . . PROPN _005195630 282 20 athanasius athanasius PROPN _005195630 282 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 282 22 with with ADP _005195630 282 23 the the DET _005195630 282 24 318 318 NUM _005195630 282 25 fathers father NOUN _005195630 282 26 at at ADP _005195630 282 27 nicaea nicaea PROPN _005195630 282 28 . . PUNCT _005195630 283 1 in in ADP _005195630 283 2 mediaeval mediaeval ADJ _005195630 283 3 times time NOUN _005195630 283 4 we we PRON _005195630 283 5 read read VERB _005195630 283 6 of of ADP _005195630 283 7 st st PROPN _005195630 283 8 . . PROPN _005195630 283 9 anselm anselm PROPN _005195630 283 10 at at ADP _005195630 283 11 bari bari PROPN _005195630 283 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 283 13 as as SCONJ _005195630 283 14 the the DET _005195630 283 15 champion champion NOUN _005195630 283 16 of of ADP _005195630 283 17 the the DET _005195630 283 18 council council NOUN _005195630 283 19 there there ADV _005195630 283 20 held hold VERB _005195630 283 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 283 22 against against ADP _005195630 283 23 the the DET _005195630 283 24 greeks greek NOUN _005195630 283 25 . . PUNCT _005195630 284 1 at at ADP _005195630 284 2 trent trent ADJ _005195630 284 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 284 4 the the DET _005195630 284 5 writings writing NOUN _005195630 284 6 of of ADP _005195630 284 7 st st PROPN _005195630 284 8 . . PROPN _005195630 284 9 bonaventure bonaventure PROPN _005195630 284 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 284 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 284 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 284 13 what what PRON _005195630 284 14 is be AUX _005195630 284 15 more more ADJ _005195630 284 16 to to ADP _005195630 284 17 the the DET _005195630 284 18 point point NOUN _005195630 284 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 284 20 the the DET _005195630 284 21 address address NOUN _005195630 284 22 of of ADP _005195630 284 23 a a DET _005195630 284 24 priest priest NOUN _005195630 284 25 and and CCONJ _005195630 284 26 theologian theologian ADJ _005195630 284 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 284 28 salmeron salmeron NOUN _005195630 284 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 284 30 had have VERB _005195630 284 31 a a DET _005195630 284 32 critical critical ADJ _005195630 284 33 effect effect NOUN _005195630 284 34 on on ADP _005195630 284 35 some some PRON _005195630 284 36 of of ADP _005195630 284 37 the the DET _005195630 284 38 definitions definition NOUN _005195630 284 39 of of ADP _005195630 284 40 dogma dogma NOUN _005195630 284 41 . . PUNCT _005195630 285 1 in in ADP _005195630 285 2 some some PRON _005195630 285 3 of of ADP _005195630 285 4 these these DET _005195630 285 5 cases case NOUN _005195630 285 6 the the DET _005195630 285 7 influence influence NOUN _005195630 285 8 might might AUX _005195630 285 9 be be AUX _005195630 285 10 partly partly ADV _005195630 285 11 moral moral ADJ _005195630 285 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 285 13 but but CCONJ _005195630 285 14 in in ADP _005195630 285 15 others other NOUN _005195630 285 16 it it PRON _005195630 285 17 was be AUX _005195630 285 18 that that PRON _005195630 285 19 of of ADP _005195630 285 20 a a DET _005195630 285 21 discursive discursive ADJ _005195630 285 22 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195630 285 23 of of ADP _005195630 285 24 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195630 285 25 writers writer NOUN _005195630 285 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 285 27 a a DET _005195630 285 28 scientific scientific ADJ _005195630 285 29 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005195630 285 30 with with ADP _005195630 285 31 theology theology NOUN _005195630 285 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 285 33 and and CCONJ _005195630 285 34 a a DET _005195630 285 35 force force NOUN _005195630 285 36 of of ADP _005195630 285 37 thought thought NOUN _005195630 285 38 in in ADP _005195630 285 39 the the DET _005195630 285 40 treatment treatment NOUN _005195630 285 41 of of ADP _005195630 285 42 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 285 43 . . PUNCT _005195630 286 1 26 26 NUM _005195630 286 2 my my PRON _005195630 286 3 mind mind NOUN _005195630 286 4 as as ADP _005195630 286 5 a a DET _005195630 286 6 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 286 7 there there PRON _005195630 286 8 are be VERB _005195630 286 9 of of ADP _005195630 286 10 course course NOUN _005195630 286 11 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195630 286 12 habits habit NOUN _005195630 286 13 which which DET _005195630 286 14 theology theology NOUN _005195630 286 15 does do AUX _005195630 286 16 not not PART _005195630 286 17 tend tend VERB _005195630 286 18 to to PART _005195630 286 19 form form VERB _005195630 286 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 286 21 as as ADP _005195630 286 22 for for ADP _005195630 286 23 instance instance NOUN _005195630 286 24 the the DET _005195630 286 25 experimental experimental NOUN _005195630 286 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 286 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 286 28 again again ADV _005195630 286 29 the the DET _005195630 286 30 philosophical philosophical ADJ _005195630 286 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 286 32 but but CCONJ _005195630 286 33 that that PRON _005195630 286 34 is be AUX _005195630 286 35 because because SCONJ _005195630 286 36 it it PRON _005195630 286 37 is be AUX _005195630 286 38 theology theology NOUN _005195630 286 39 , , PUNCT _005195630 286 40 not not PART _005195630 286 41 because because SCONJ _005195630 286 42 of of ADP _005195630 286 43 the the DET _005195630 286 44 gift gift NOUN _005195630 286 45 of of ADP _005195630 286 46 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195630 286 47 . . PUNCT _005195630 287 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 287 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 287 3 as as ADV _005195630 287 4 far far ADV _005195630 287 5 as as SCONJ _005195630 287 6 this this PRON _005195630 287 7 goes go VERB _005195630 287 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 287 9 i i PRON _005195630 287 10 think think VERB _005195630 287 11 it it PRON _005195630 287 12 could could AUX _005195630 287 13 be be AUX _005195630 287 14 shown show VERB _005195630 287 15 that that SCONJ _005195630 287 16 physical physical ADJ _005195630 287 17 science science NOUN _005195630 287 18 on on ADP _005195630 287 19 the the DET _005195630 287 20 other other ADJ _005195630 287 21 hand hand NOUN _005195630 287 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 287 23 or or CCONJ _005195630 287 24 again again ADV _005195630 287 25 mathematical mathematical ADJ _005195630 287 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 287 27 affords afford NOUN _005195630 287 28 but but CCONJ _005195630 287 29 an an DET _005195630 287 30 imperfect imperfect ADJ _005195630 287 31 training training NOUN _005195630 287 32 for for ADP _005195630 287 33 the the DET _005195630 287 34 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 287 35 . . PUNCT _005195630 288 1 i i PRON _005195630 288 2 do do AUX _005195630 288 3 not not PART _005195630 288 4 see see VERB _005195630 288 5 then then ADV _005195630 288 6 how how SCONJ _005195630 288 7 any any DET _005195630 288 8 objection objection NOUN _005195630 288 9 about about ADP _005195630 288 10 the the DET _005195630 288 11 narrowness narrowness NOUN _005195630 288 12 of of ADP _005195630 288 13 theology theology NOUN _005195630 288 14 comes come VERB _005195630 288 15 into into ADP _005195630 288 16 our our PRON _005195630 288 17 question question NOUN _005195630 288 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 288 19 which which PRON _005195630 288 20 simply simply ADV _005195630 288 21 is be AUX _005195630 288 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 288 23 whether whether SCONJ _005195630 288 24 the the DET _005195630 288 25 belief belief NOUN _005195630 288 26 in in ADP _005195630 288 27 an an DET _005195630 288 28 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 288 29 authority authority NOUN _005195630 288 30 destroys destroy VERB _005195630 288 31 the the DET _005195630 288 32 independence independence NOUN _005195630 288 33 of of ADP _005195630 288 34 the the DET _005195630 288 35 mind mind NOUN _005195630 288 36 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 288 37 and and CCONJ _005195630 288 38 i i PRON _005195630 288 39 consider consider VERB _005195630 288 40 that that SCONJ _005195630 288 41 the the DET _005195630 288 42 whole whole ADJ _005195630 288 43 history history NOUN _005195630 288 44 of of ADP _005195630 288 45 the the DET _005195630 288 46 church church NOUN _005195630 288 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 288 48 and and CCONJ _005195630 288 49 especially especially ADV _005195630 288 50 the the DET _005195630 288 51 history history NOUN _005195630 288 52 of of ADP _005195630 288 53 the the DET _005195630 288 54 theological theological ADJ _005195630 288 55 schools school NOUN _005195630 288 56 , , PUNCT _005195630 288 57 gives give VERB _005195630 288 58 a a DET _005195630 288 59 negative negative NOUN _005195630 288 60 to to ADP _005195630 288 61 the the DET _005195630 288 62 accusation accusation NOUN _005195630 288 63 . . PUNCT _005195630 289 1 there there PRON _005195630 289 2 never never ADV _005195630 289 3 was be AUX _005195630 289 4 a a DET _005195630 289 5 time time NOUN _005195630 289 6 when when SCONJ _005195630 289 7 the the DET _005195630 289 8 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 289 9 of of ADP _005195630 289 10 the the DET _005195630 289 11 educated educate VERB _005195630 289 12 class class NOUN _005195630 289 13 was be AUX _005195630 289 14 more more ADV _005195630 289 15 active active ADJ _005195630 289 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 289 17 or or CCONJ _005195630 289 18 rather rather ADV _005195630 289 19 more more ADV _005195630 289 20 restless restless ADJ _005195630 289 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 289 22 than than ADP _005195630 289 23 in in ADP _005195630 289 24 the the DET _005195630 289 25 middle middle ADJ _005195630 289 26 ages age NOUN _005195630 289 27 . . PUNCT _005195630 290 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 290 2 then then ADV _005195630 290 3 again again ADV _005195630 290 4 all all PRON _005195630 290 5 through through ADP _005195630 290 6 church church NOUN _005195630 290 7 history history NOUN _005195630 290 8 from from ADP _005195630 290 9 the the DET _005195630 290 10 first first ADJ _005195630 290 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 290 12 how how SCONJ _005195630 290 13 slow slow ADJ _005195630 290 14 is be AUX _005195630 290 15 authority authority NOUN _005195630 290 16 in in ADP _005195630 290 17 interfering interfere VERB _005195630 290 18 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 291 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195630 291 2 a a DET _005195630 291 3 local local ADJ _005195630 291 4 teacher teacher NOUN _005195630 291 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 291 6 or or CCONJ _005195630 291 7 a a DET _005195630 291 8 doctor doctor NOUN _005195630 291 9 in in ADP _005195630 291 10 some some DET _005195630 291 11 local local ADJ _005195630 291 12 school school NOUN _005195630 291 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 291 14 hazards hazard VERB _005195630 291 15 a a DET _005195630 291 16 proposition proposition NOUN _005195630 291 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 291 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 291 19 a a DET _005195630 291 20 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 291 21 ensues ensue NOUN _005195630 291 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 292 1 it it PRON _005195630 292 2 smoulders smoulder VERB _005195630 292 3 or or CCONJ _005195630 292 4 burns burn NOUN _005195630 292 5 in in ADP _005195630 292 6 one one NUM _005195630 292 7 place place NOUN _005195630 292 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 292 9 no no DET _005195630 292 10 one one NOUN _005195630 292 11 interposing interposing NOUN _005195630 292 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 292 13 rome rome PROPN _005195630 292 14 simply simply ADV _005195630 292 15 lets let VERB _005195630 292 16 it it PRON _005195630 292 17 alone alone ADV _005195630 292 18 . . PUNCT _005195630 293 1 then then ADV _005195630 293 2 it it PRON _005195630 293 3 comes come VERB _005195630 293 4 before before ADP _005195630 293 5 a a DET _005195630 293 6 bishop bishop NOUN _005195630 293 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 293 8 or or CCONJ _005195630 293 9 some some DET _005195630 293 10 priest priest NOUN _005195630 293 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 293 12 or or CCONJ _005195630 293 13 some some DET _005195630 293 14 professor professor NOUN _005195630 293 15 in in ADP _005195630 293 16 some some DET _005195630 293 17 other other ADJ _005195630 293 18 seat seat NOUN _005195630 293 19 of of ADP _005195630 293 20 learning learn VERB _005195630 293 21 takes take VERB _005195630 293 22 it it PRON _005195630 293 23 up up ADP _005195630 293 24 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 293 25 and and CCONJ _005195630 293 26 then then ADV _005195630 293 27 there there PRON _005195630 293 28 is be VERB _005195630 293 29 a a DET _005195630 293 30 second second ADJ _005195630 293 31 stage stage NOUN _005195630 293 32 of of ADP _005195630 293 33 it it PRON _005195630 293 34 . . PUNCT _005195630 294 1 then then ADV _005195630 294 2 it it PRON _005195630 294 3 comes come VERB _005195630 294 4 before before ADP _005195630 294 5 a a DET _005195630 294 6 university university NOUN _005195630 294 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 294 8 and and CCONJ _005195630 294 9 it it PRON _005195630 294 10 may may AUX _005195630 294 11 be be AUX _005195630 294 12 condemned condemn VERB _005195630 294 13 by by ADP _005195630 294 14 the the DET _005195630 294 15 theological theological ADJ _005195630 294 16 faculty faculty NOUN _005195630 294 17 . . PUNCT _005195630 295 1 so so ADV _005195630 295 2 the the DET _005195630 295 3 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 295 4 proceeds proceed VERB _005195630 295 5 year year NOUN _005195630 295 6 after after ADP _005195630 295 7 year year NOUN _005195630 295 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 295 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 295 10 rome rome PROPN _005195630 295 11 is be AUX _005195630 295 12 still still ADV _005195630 295 13 silent silent ADJ _005195630 295 14 . . PUNCT _005195630 296 1 an an DET _005195630 296 2 appeal appeal NOUN _005195630 296 3 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195630 296 4 is be AUX _005195630 296 5 next next ADV _005195630 296 6 made make VERB _005195630 296 7 to to ADP _005195630 296 8 a a DET _005195630 296 9 seat seat NOUN _005195630 296 10 of of ADP _005195630 296 11 authority authority NOUN _005195630 296 12 inferior inferior ADJ _005195630 296 13 to to ADP _005195630 296 14 rome rome PROPN _005195630 296 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 296 16 and and CCONJ _005195630 296 17 then then ADV _005195630 296 18 at at ADP _005195630 296 19 last last ADJ _005195630 296 20 after after ADP _005195630 296 21 a a DET _005195630 296 22 long long ADJ _005195630 296 23 while while SCONJ _005195630 296 24 it it PRON _005195630 296 25 comes come VERB _005195630 296 26 before before ADP _005195630 296 27 the the DET _005195630 296 28 supreme supreme PROPN _005195630 296 29 power power PROPN _005195630 296 30 . . PUNCT _005195630 297 1 meanwhile meanwhile ADV _005195630 297 2 the the DET _005195630 297 3 question question NOUN _005195630 297 4 has have AUX _005195630 297 5 been be AUX _005195630 297 6 ventilated ventilate VERB _005195630 297 7 and and CCONJ _005195630 297 8 turned turn VERB _005195630 297 9 over over ADP _005195630 297 10 and and CCONJ _005195630 297 11 over over ADV _005195630 297 12 again again ADV _005195630 297 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 297 14 and and CCONJ _005195630 297 15 viewed view VERB _005195630 297 16 on on ADP _005195630 297 17 every every DET _005195630 297 18 side side NOUN _005195630 297 19 of of ADP _005195630 297 20 it it PRON _005195630 297 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 297 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 297 23 authority authority NOUN _005195630 297 24 is be AUX _005195630 297 25 called call VERB _005195630 297 26 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 297 27 to to PART _005195630 297 28 pronounce pronounce VERB _005195630 297 29 a a DET _005195630 297 30 decision decision NOUN _005195630 297 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 297 32 which which PRON _005195630 297 33 has have AUX _005195630 297 34 already already ADV _005195630 297 35 been be AUX _005195630 297 36 arrived arrive VERB _005195630 297 37 at at ADP _005195630 297 38 by by ADP _005195630 297 39 reason reason NOUN _005195630 297 40 . . PUNCT _005195630 298 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 298 2 even even ADV _005195630 298 3 then then ADV _005195630 298 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 298 5 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195630 298 6 the the DET _005195630 298 7 supreme supreme PROPN _005195630 298 8 authority authority PROPN _005195630 298 9 hesitates hesitate NOUN _005195630 298 10 to to PART _005195630 298 11 do do VERB _005195630 298 12 so so ADV _005195630 298 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 298 14 and and CCONJ _005195630 298 15 nothing nothing PRON _005195630 298 16 is be AUX _005195630 298 17 determined determine VERB _005195630 298 18 on on ADP _005195630 298 19 the the DET _005195630 298 20 point point NOUN _005195630 298 21 for for ADP _005195630 298 22 years year NOUN _005195630 298 23 : : PUNCT _005195630 298 24 or or CCONJ _005195630 298 25 so so ADV _005195630 298 26 generally generally ADV _005195630 298 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 298 28 vaguely vaguely ADV _005195630 298 29 , , PUNCT _005195630 298 30 that that SCONJ _005195630 298 31 the the DET _005195630 298 32 whole whole ADJ _005195630 298 33 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 298 34 has have VERB _005195630 298 35 to to PART _005195630 298 36 be be AUX _005195630 298 37 gone go VERB _005195630 298 38 through through ADV _005195630 298 39 again again ADV _005195630 298 40 , , PUNCT _005195630 298 41 before before SCONJ _005195630 298 42 it it PRON _005195630 298 43 is be AUX _005195630 298 44 ultimately ultimately ADV _005195630 298 45 determined determine VERB _005195630 298 46 . . PUNCT _005195630 299 1 it it PRON _005195630 299 2 is be AUX _005195630 299 3 manifest manifest ADJ _005195630 299 4 how how SCONJ _005195630 299 5 a a DET _005195630 299 6 mode mode NOUN _005195630 299 7 of of ADP _005195630 299 8 proceeding proceeding NOUN _005195630 299 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 299 10 such such ADJ _005195630 299 11 as as ADP _005195630 299 12 this this PRON _005195630 299 13 , , PUNCT _005195630 299 14 tends tend VERB _005195630 299 15 not not PART _005195630 299 16 only only ADV _005195630 299 17 to to ADP _005195630 299 18 the the DET _005195630 299 19 liberty liberty NOUN _005195630 299 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 299 21 but but CCONJ _005195630 299 22 to to ADP _005195630 299 23 the the DET _005195630 299 24 courage courage NOUN _005195630 299 25 , , PUNCT _005195630 299 26 of of ADP _005195630 299 27 the the DET _005195630 299 28 individual individual ADJ _005195630 299 29 theologian theologian NOUN _005195630 299 30 or or CCONJ _005195630 299 31 controversialist controversialist NOUN _005195630 299 32 . . PUNCT _005195630 300 1 many many DET _005195630 300 2 a a DET _005195630 300 3 man man NOUN _005195630 300 4 has have VERB _005195630 300 5 ideas idea NOUN _005195630 300 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 300 7 which which PRON _005195630 300 8 he he PRON _005195630 300 9 hopes hope VERB _005195630 300 10 are be AUX _005195630 300 11 true true ADJ _005195630 300 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 300 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 300 14 useful useful ADJ _005195630 300 15 for for ADP _005195630 300 16 his his PRON _005195630 300 17 day day NOUN _005195630 300 18 , , PUNCT _005195630 300 19 but but CCONJ _005195630 300 20 he he PRON _005195630 300 21 is be AUX _005195630 300 22 not not PART _005195630 300 23 confident confident ADJ _005195630 300 24 about about ADP _005195630 300 25 my my PRON _005195630 300 26 mind mind NOUN _005195630 300 27 as as ADP _005195630 300 28 a a DET _005195630 300 29 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 300 30 27 27 NUM _005195630 300 31 them they PRON _005195630 300 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 300 33 and and CCONJ _005195630 300 34 wishes wish VERB _005195630 300 35 to to PART _005195630 300 36 have have VERB _005195630 300 37 them they PRON _005195630 300 38 discussed discuss VERB _005195630 300 39 . . PUNCT _005195630 301 1 he he PRON _005195630 301 2 is be AUX _005195630 301 3 willing willing ADJ _005195630 301 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 301 5 or or CCONJ _005195630 301 6 rather rather ADV _005195630 301 7 would would AUX _005195630 301 8 be be AUX _005195630 301 9 thankful thankful ADJ _005195630 301 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 301 11 to to PART _005195630 301 12 give give VERB _005195630 301 13 them they PRON _005195630 301 14 up up ADP _005195630 301 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 301 16 if if SCONJ _005195630 301 17 they they PRON _005195630 301 18 can can AUX _005195630 301 19 be be AUX _005195630 301 20 proved prove VERB _005195630 301 21 to to PART _005195630 301 22 be be AUX _005195630 301 23 erroneous erroneous ADJ _005195630 301 24 or or CCONJ _005195630 301 25 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005195630 301 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 301 27 and and CCONJ _005195630 301 28 by by ADP _005195630 301 29 means mean NOUN _005195630 301 30 of of ADP _005195630 301 31 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 301 32 he he PRON _005195630 301 33 obtains obtain VERB _005195630 301 34 his his PRON _005195630 301 35 end end NOUN _005195630 301 36 . . PUNCT _005195630 302 1 he he PRON _005195630 302 2 is be AUX _005195630 302 3 answered answer VERB _005195630 302 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 302 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 302 6 he he PRON _005195630 302 7 yields yield VERB _005195630 302 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 302 9 or or CCONJ _005195630 302 10 on on ADP _005195630 302 11 the the DET _005195630 302 12 contrary contrary NOUN _005195630 302 13 he he PRON _005195630 302 14 finds find VERB _005195630 302 15 that that SCONJ _005195630 302 16 he he PRON _005195630 302 17 is be AUX _005195630 302 18 considered consider VERB _005195630 302 19 safe safe ADJ _005195630 302 20 . . PUNCT _005195630 303 1 he he PRON _005195630 303 2 would would AUX _005195630 303 3 not not PART _005195630 303 4 dare dare VERB _005195630 303 5 to to PART _005195630 303 6 do do VERB _005195630 303 7 this this PRON _005195630 303 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 303 9 if if SCONJ _005195630 303 10 he he PRON _005195630 303 11 knew know VERB _005195630 303 12 an an DET _005195630 303 13 authority authority NOUN _005195630 303 14 , , PUNCT _005195630 303 15 which which PRON _005195630 303 16 was be AUX _005195630 303 17 supreme supreme ADJ _005195630 303 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 303 19 final final ADJ _005195630 303 20 , , PUNCT _005195630 303 21 was be AUX _005195630 303 22 watching watch VERB _005195630 303 23 every every DET _005195630 303 24 word word NOUN _005195630 303 25 he he PRON _005195630 303 26 said say VERB _005195630 303 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 303 28 and and CCONJ _005195630 303 29 made make VERB _005195630 303 30 signs sign NOUN _005195630 303 31 of of ADP _005195630 303 32 assent assent NOUN _005195630 303 33 or or CCONJ _005195630 303 34 dissent dissent NOUN _005195630 303 35 to to ADP _005195630 303 36 each each DET _005195630 303 37 sentence sentence NOUN _005195630 303 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 303 39 as as SCONJ _005195630 303 40 he he PRON _005195630 303 41 uttered utter VERB _005195630 303 42 it it PRON _005195630 303 43 . . PUNCT _005195630 304 1 then then ADV _005195630 304 2 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 304 3 he he PRON _005195630 304 4 would would AUX _005195630 304 5 be be AUX _005195630 304 6 fighting fight VERB _005195630 304 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 304 8 as as SCONJ _005195630 304 9 the the DET _005195630 304 10 persian persian ADJ _005195630 304 11 soldiers soldier NOUN _005195630 304 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 304 13 under under ADP _005195630 304 14 the the DET _005195630 304 15 lash lash NOUN _005195630 304 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 304 17 and and CCONJ _005195630 304 18 the the DET _005195630 304 19 freedom freedom NOUN _005195630 304 20 of of ADP _005195630 304 21 his his PRON _005195630 304 22 intellect intellect NOUN _005195630 304 23 might might AUX _005195630 304 24 truly truly ADV _005195630 304 25 be be AUX _005195630 304 26 said say VERB _005195630 304 27 to to PART _005195630 304 28 be be AUX _005195630 304 29 beaten beat VERB _005195630 304 30 out out ADP _005195630 304 31 of of ADP _005195630 304 32 him he PRON _005195630 304 33 . . PUNCT _005195630 305 1 but but CCONJ _005195630 305 2 this this PRON _005195630 305 3 has have AUX _005195630 305 4 not not PART _005195630 305 5 been be AUX _005195630 305 6 so so ADV _005195630 305 7 : : PUNCT _005195630 305 8 — — PUNCT _005195630 305 9 i i PRON _005195630 305 10 do do AUX _005195630 305 11 not not PART _005195630 305 12 mean mean VERB _005195630 305 13 to to PART _005195630 305 14 say say VERB _005195630 305 15 that that SCONJ _005195630 305 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 17 when when SCONJ _005195630 305 18 controversies controversy NOUN _005195630 305 19 run run VERB _005195630 305 20 high high ADV _005195630 305 21 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 22 in in ADP _005195630 305 23 schools school NOUN _005195630 305 24 or or CCONJ _005195630 305 25 even even ADV _005195630 305 26 in in ADP _005195630 305 27 small small ADJ _005195630 305 28 portions portion NOUN _005195630 305 29 of of ADP _005195630 305 30 the the DET _005195630 305 31 church church NOUN _005195630 305 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 33 an an DET _005195630 305 34 interposition interposition NOUN _005195630 305 35 may may AUX _005195630 305 36 not not PART _005195630 305 37 advisably advisably ADV _005195630 305 38 take take VERB _005195630 305 39 place place NOUN _005195630 305 40 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 305 41 and and CCONJ _005195630 305 42 again again ADV _005195630 305 43 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 44 questions question NOUN _005195630 305 45 may may AUX _005195630 305 46 be be AUX _005195630 305 47 of of ADP _005195630 305 48 that that DET _005195630 305 49 urgent urgent ADJ _005195630 305 50 nature nature NOUN _005195630 305 51 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 52 that that SCONJ _005195630 305 53 an an DET _005195630 305 54 appeal appeal NOUN _005195630 305 55 must must AUX _005195630 305 56 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 57 as as ADP _005195630 305 58 a a DET _005195630 305 59 matter matter NOUN _005195630 305 60 of of ADP _005195630 305 61 duty duty NOUN _005195630 305 62 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 63 be be AUX _005195630 305 64 made make VERB _005195630 305 65 at at ADP _005195630 305 66 once once ADV _005195630 305 67 to to ADP _005195630 305 68 the the DET _005195630 305 69 highest high ADJ _005195630 305 70 authority authority NOUN _005195630 305 71 in in ADP _005195630 305 72 the the DET _005195630 305 73 church church NOUN _005195630 305 74 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 305 75 but but CCONJ _005195630 305 76 if if SCONJ _005195630 305 77 we we PRON _005195630 305 78 look look VERB _005195630 305 79 into into ADP _005195630 305 80 the the DET _005195630 305 81 history history NOUN _005195630 305 82 of of ADP _005195630 305 83 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 305 84 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 85 we we PRON _005195630 305 86 shall shall AUX _005195630 305 87 find find VERB _005195630 305 88 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 89 i i PRON _005195630 305 90 think think VERB _005195630 305 91 , , PUNCT _005195630 305 92 the the DET _005195630 305 93 general general ADJ _005195630 305 94 run run NOUN _005195630 305 95 of of ADP _005195630 305 96 things thing NOUN _005195630 305 97 to to PART _005195630 305 98 be be AUX _005195630 305 99 such such ADJ _005195630 305 100 as as SCONJ _005195630 305 101 i i PRON _005195630 305 102 have have AUX _005195630 305 103 represented represent VERB _005195630 305 104 it it PRON _005195630 305 105 . . PUNCT _005195630 306 1 zosimus zosimus PROPN _005195630 306 2 treated treat VERB _005195630 306 3 pelagius pelagius PROPN _005195630 306 4 and and CCONJ _005195630 306 5 coelestius coelestius NOUN _005195630 306 6 with with ADP _005195630 306 7 extreme extreme ADJ _005195630 306 8 forbearance forbearance NOUN _005195630 306 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 306 10 st st PROPN _005195630 306 11 . . PROPN _005195630 306 12 gregory gregory PROPN _005195630 306 13 vii vii PROPN _005195630 306 14 was be AUX _005195630 306 15 equally equally ADV _005195630 306 16 indulgent indulgent ADJ _005195630 306 17 with with ADP _005195630 306 18 berengaiius berengaiius NOUN _005195630 306 19 : : PUNCT _005195630 306 20 — — PUNCT _005195630 306 21 by by ADP _005195630 306 22 reason reason NOUN _005195630 306 23 of of ADP _005195630 306 24 the the DET _005195630 306 25 very very ADJ _005195630 306 26 power power NOUN _005195630 306 27 of of ADP _005195630 306 28 the the DET _005195630 306 29 popes pope NOUN _005195630 306 30 they they PRON _005195630 306 31 have have AUX _005195630 306 32 commonly commonly ADV _005195630 306 33 been be AUX _005195630 306 34 slow slow ADJ _005195630 306 35 and and CCONJ _005195630 306 36 moderate moderate ADJ _005195630 306 37 in in ADP _005195630 306 38 their their PRON _005195630 306 39 use use NOUN _005195630 306 40 of of ADP _005195630 306 41 it it PRON _005195630 306 42 . . PUNCT _005195630 307 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 307 2 here here ADV _005195630 307 3 again again ADV _005195630 307 4 is be AUX _005195630 307 5 a a DET _005195630 307 6 further further ADJ _005195630 307 7 shelter shelter NOUN _005195630 307 8 for for ADP _005195630 307 9 the the DET _005195630 307 10 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005195630 307 11 exercise exercise NOUN _005195630 307 12 of of ADP _005195630 307 13 the the DET _005195630 307 14 reason reason NOUN _005195630 307 15 : : PUNCT _005195630 307 16 — — PUNCT _005195630 307 17 the the DET _005195630 307 18 multitude multitude NOUN _005195630 307 19 of of ADP _005195630 307 20 nations nation NOUN _005195630 307 21 which which PRON _005195630 307 22 are be AUX _005195630 307 23 within within ADP _005195630 307 24 the the DET _005195630 307 25 fold fold NOUN _005195630 307 26 of of ADP _005195630 307 27 the the DET _005195630 307 28 church church NOUN _005195630 307 29 will will AUX _005195630 307 30 be be AUX _005195630 307 31 found find VERB _005195630 307 32 to to PART _005195630 307 33 have have AUX _005195630 307 34 acted act VERB _005195630 307 35 for for ADP _005195630 307 36 its its PRON _005195630 307 37 protection protection NOUN _005195630 307 38 , , PUNCT _005195630 307 39 against against ADP _005195630 307 40 any any DET _005195630 307 41 narrowness narrowness NOUN _005195630 307 42 , , PUNCT _005195630 307 43 on on ADP _005195630 307 44 the the DET _005195630 307 45 supposition supposition NOUN _005195630 307 46 of of ADP _005195630 307 47 narrowness narrowness NOUN _005195630 307 48 , , PUNCT _005195630 307 49 in in ADP _005195630 307 50 the the DET _005195630 307 51 various various ADJ _005195630 307 52 authorities authority NOUN _005195630 307 53 at at ADP _005195630 307 54 rome rome PROPN _005195630 307 55 , , PUNCT _005195630 307 56 with with ADP _005195630 307 57 whom whom PRON _005195630 307 58 lies lie VERB _005195630 307 59 the the DET _005195630 307 60 practical practical ADJ _005195630 307 61 decision decision NOUN _005195630 307 62 of of ADP _005195630 307 63 controverted controvert VERB _005195630 307 64 questions question NOUN _005195630 307 65 . . PUNCT _005195630 308 1 how how SCONJ _005195630 308 2 have have AUX _005195630 308 3 the the DET _005195630 308 4 greek greek ADJ _005195630 308 5 traditions tradition NOUN _005195630 308 6 been be AUX _005195630 308 7 respected respect VERB _005195630 308 8 and and CCONJ _005195630 308 9 provided provide VERB _005195630 308 10 for for ADP _005195630 308 11 in in ADP _005195630 308 12 the the DET _005195630 308 13 later later ADJ _005195630 308 14 ecumenical ecumenical NOUN _005195630 308 15 councils council NOUN _005195630 308 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 308 17 in in ADP _005195630 308 18 spite spite NOUN _005195630 308 19 of of ADP _005195630 308 20 the the DET _005195630 308 21 countries country NOUN _005195630 308 22 that that PRON _005195630 308 23 held hold VERB _005195630 308 24 them they PRON _005195630 308 25 being be AUX _005195630 308 26 in in ADP _005195630 308 27 a a DET _005195630 308 28 state state NOUN _005195630 308 29 of of ADP _005195630 308 30 schism schism NOUN _005195630 308 31 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 309 1 there there PRON _005195630 309 2 are be VERB _005195630 309 3 important important ADJ _005195630 309 4 points point NOUN _005195630 309 5 of of ADP _005195630 309 6 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195630 309 7 which which PRON _005195630 309 8 have have AUX _005195630 309 9 been be AUX _005195630 309 10 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 309 11 humanly humanly ADV _005195630 309 12 speaking speak VERB _005195630 309 13 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 309 14 exempted exempt VERB _005195630 309 15 from from ADP _005195630 309 16 the the DET _005195630 309 17 infallible infallible ADJ _005195630 309 18 sentence sentence NOUN _005195630 309 19 , , PUNCT _005195630 309 20 by by ADP _005195630 309 21 the the DET _005195630 309 22 tenderness tenderness NOUN _005195630 309 23 with with ADP _005195630 309 24 which which PRON _005195630 309 25 its its PRON _005195630 309 26 instruments instrument NOUN _005195630 309 27 , , PUNCT _005195630 309 28 in in ADP _005195630 309 29 framing frame VERB _005195630 309 30 it it PRON _005195630 309 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 309 32 have have AUX _005195630 309 33 treated treat VERB _005195630 309 34 the the DET _005195630 309 35 opinions opinion NOUN _005195630 309 36 of of ADP _005195630 309 37 particular particular ADJ _005195630 309 38 places place NOUN _005195630 309 39 . . PUNCT _005195630 310 1 then then ADV _005195630 310 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 310 3 again again ADV _005195630 310 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 310 5 such such ADJ _005195630 310 6 national national ADJ _005195630 310 7 influences influence NOUN _005195630 310 8 have have VERB _005195630 310 9 a a DET _005195630 310 10 providential providential ADJ _005195630 310 11 effect effect NOUN _005195630 310 12 in in ADP _005195630 310 13 moderating moderate VERB _005195630 310 14 the the DET _005195630 310 15 bias bias NOUN _005195630 310 16 which which PRON _005195630 310 17 the the DET _005195630 310 18 local local ADJ _005195630 310 19 influences influence NOUN _005195630 310 20 of of ADP _005195630 310 21 italy italy PROPN _005195630 310 22 may may AUX _005195630 310 23 exert exert VERB _005195630 310 24 upon upon SCONJ _005195630 310 25 the the DET _005195630 310 26 see see NOUN _005195630 310 27 of of ADP _005195630 310 28 st st PROPN _005195630 310 29 . . PROPN _005195630 310 30 peter peter PROPN _005195630 310 31 , , PUNCT _005195630 310 32 it it PRON _005195630 310 33 stands stand VERB _005195630 310 34 to to PART _005195630 310 35 reason reason VERB _005195630 310 36 that that SCONJ _005195630 310 37 , , PUNCT _005195630 310 38 as as SCONJ _005195630 310 39 the the DET _005195630 310 40 gallican gallican ADJ _005195630 310 41 church church NOUN _005195630 310 42 has have VERB _005195630 310 43 in in ADP _005195630 310 44 it it PRON _005195630 310 45 28 28 NUM _005195630 311 1 my my PRON _005195630 311 2 mind mind NOUN _005195630 311 3 as as ADP _005195630 311 4 a a DET _005195630 311 5 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 311 6 a a DET _005195630 311 7 french french ADJ _005195630 311 8 element element NOUN _005195630 311 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 311 10 so so ADV _005195630 311 11 rome rome PROPN _005195630 311 12 must must AUX _005195630 311 13 have have VERB _005195630 311 14 in in ADP _005195630 311 15 it it PRON _005195630 311 16 an an DET _005195630 311 17 element element NOUN _005195630 311 18 of of ADP _005195630 311 19 italy italy PROPN _005195630 311 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 311 21 and and CCONJ _005195630 311 22 it it PRON _005195630 311 23 is be AUX _005195630 311 24 no no DET _005195630 311 25 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005195630 311 26 to to ADP _005195630 311 27 the the DET _005195630 311 28 zeal zeal NOUN _005195630 311 29 and and CCONJ _005195630 311 30 devotion devotion NOUN _005195630 311 31 with with ADP _005195630 311 32 which which PRON _005195630 311 33 we we PRON _005195630 311 34 submit submit VERB _005195630 311 35 ourselves ourselves PRON _005195630 311 36 to to ADP _005195630 311 37 the the DET _005195630 311 38 holy holy ADJ _005195630 311 39 see see VERB _005195630 311 40 to to PART _005195630 311 41 admit admit VERB _005195630 311 42 this this PRON _005195630 311 43 plainly plainly ADV _005195630 311 44 . . PUNCT _005195630 312 1 it it PRON _005195630 312 2 seems seem VERB _005195630 312 3 to to ADP _005195630 312 4 me i PRON _005195630 312 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 312 6 as as SCONJ _005195630 312 7 i i PRON _005195630 312 8 have have AUX _005195630 312 9 been be AUX _005195630 312 10 saying say VERB _005195630 312 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 312 12 that that SCONJ _005195630 312 13 catholicity catholicity NOUN _005195630 312 14 is be AUX _005195630 312 15 not not PART _005195630 312 16 only only ADV _005195630 312 17 one one NUM _005195630 312 18 of of ADP _005195630 312 19 the the DET _005195630 312 20 notes note NOUN _005195630 312 21 of of ADP _005195630 312 22 the the DET _005195630 312 23 church church NOUN _005195630 312 24 , , PUNCT _005195630 312 25 but but CCONJ _005195630 312 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 312 27 according accord VERB _005195630 312 28 to to ADP _005195630 312 29 the the DET _005195630 312 30 divine divine ADJ _005195630 312 31 purposes purpose NOUN _005195630 312 32 , , PUNCT _005195630 312 33 one one NUM _005195630 312 34 of of ADP _005195630 312 35 its its PRON _005195630 312 36 securities security NOUN _005195630 312 37 . . PUNCT _005195630 313 1 i i PRON _005195630 313 2 think think VERB _005195630 313 3 it it PRON _005195630 313 4 would would AUX _005195630 313 5 be be AUX _005195630 313 6 a a DET _005195630 313 7 very very ADV _005195630 313 8 serious serious ADJ _005195630 313 9 evil evil NOUN _005195630 313 10 , , PUNCT _005195630 313 11 which which PRON _005195630 313 12 divine divine VERB _005195630 313 13 mercy mercy NOUN _005195630 313 14 avert avert NOUN _005195630 313 15 ! ! PUNCT _005195630 314 1 that that SCONJ _005195630 314 2 the the DET _005195630 314 3 church church NOUN _005195630 314 4 should should AUX _005195630 314 5 be be AUX _005195630 314 6 contracted contract VERB _005195630 314 7 in in ADP _005195630 314 8 europe europe PROPN _005195630 314 9 within within ADP _005195630 314 10 the the DET _005195630 314 11 range range NOUN _005195630 314 12 of of ADP _005195630 314 13 particular particular ADJ _005195630 314 14 nationalities nationality NOUN _005195630 314 15 . . PUNCT _005195630 315 1 it it PRON _005195630 315 2 is be AUX _005195630 315 3 a a DET _005195630 315 4 great great ADJ _005195630 315 5 idea idea NOUN _005195630 315 6 to to PART _005195630 315 7 introduce introduce VERB _005195630 315 8 latin latin ADJ _005195630 315 9 civilization civilization NOUN _005195630 315 10 into into ADP _005195630 315 11 america america PROPN _005195630 315 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 315 13 and and CCONJ _005195630 315 14 to to PART _005195630 315 15 improve improve VERB _005195630 315 16 the the DET _005195630 315 17 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 315 18 there there ADV _005195630 315 19 by by ADP _005195630 315 20 the the DET _005195630 315 21 energy energy NOUN _005195630 315 22 of of ADP _005195630 315 23 french french ADJ _005195630 315 24 devotedness devotedness NOUN _005195630 315 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 315 26 but but CCONJ _005195630 315 27 i i PRON _005195630 315 28 trust trust VERB _005195630 315 29 that that SCONJ _005195630 315 30 all all DET _005195630 315 31 european european ADJ _005195630 315 32 races race NOUN _005195630 315 33 will will AUX _005195630 315 34 ever ever ADV _005195630 315 35 have have VERB _005195630 315 36 a a DET _005195630 315 37 place place NOUN _005195630 315 38 in in ADP _005195630 315 39 the the DET _005195630 315 40 church church NOUN _005195630 315 41 , , PUNCT _005195630 315 42 and and CCONJ _005195630 315 43 assuredly assuredly ADV _005195630 315 44 i i PRON _005195630 315 45 think think VERB _005195630 315 46 that that SCONJ _005195630 315 47 the the DET _005195630 315 48 loss loss NOUN _005195630 315 49 of of ADP _005195630 315 50 the the DET _005195630 315 51 english english PROPN _005195630 315 52 , , PUNCT _005195630 315 53 not not PART _005195630 315 54 to to PART _005195630 315 55 say say VERB _005195630 315 56 the the DET _005195630 315 57 german german ADJ _005195630 315 58 element element NOUN _005195630 315 59 , , PUNCT _005195630 315 60 in in ADP _005195630 315 61 its its PRON _005195630 315 62 composition composition NOUN _005195630 315 63 has have AUX _005195630 315 64 been be AUX _005195630 315 65 a a DET _005195630 315 66 most most ADV _005195630 315 67 serious serious ADJ _005195630 315 68 misfortune misfortune PROPN _005195630 315 69 . . PUNCT _005195630 316 1 and and CCONJ _005195630 316 2 certainly certainly ADV _005195630 316 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 4 if if SCONJ _005195630 316 5 there there PRON _005195630 316 6 is be VERB _005195630 316 7 one one NUM _005195630 316 8 consideration consideration NOUN _005195630 316 9 more more ADJ _005195630 316 10 than than ADP _005195630 316 11 another another PRON _005195630 316 12 which which PRON _005195630 316 13 should should AUX _005195630 316 14 make make VERB _005195630 316 15 us we PRON _005195630 316 16 english english ADJ _005195630 316 17 grateful grateful ADJ _005195630 316 18 to to ADP _005195630 316 19 pius pius NOUN _005195630 316 20 the the DET _005195630 316 21 ninth ninth ADJ _005195630 316 22 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 23 it it PRON _005195630 316 24 is be AUX _005195630 316 25 that that SCONJ _005195630 316 26 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 27 by by ADP _005195630 316 28 giving give VERB _005195630 316 29 us we PRON _005195630 316 30 a a DET _005195630 316 31 church church NOUN _005195630 316 32 of of ADP _005195630 316 33 our our PRON _005195630 316 34 own own ADJ _005195630 316 35 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 36 he he PRON _005195630 316 37 has have AUX _005195630 316 38 prepared prepare VERB _005195630 316 39 the the DET _005195630 316 40 way way NOUN _005195630 316 41 for for ADP _005195630 316 42 our our PRON _005195630 316 43 own own ADJ _005195630 316 44 habits habit NOUN _005195630 316 45 of of ADP _005195630 316 46 mind mind NOUN _005195630 316 47 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 48 our our PRON _005195630 316 49 own own ADJ _005195630 316 50 manner manner NOUN _005195630 316 51 of of ADP _005195630 316 52 reasoning reasoning NOUN _005195630 316 53 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 54 our our PRON _005195630 316 55 own own ADJ _005195630 316 56 tastes taste NOUN _005195630 316 57 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 58 and and CCONJ _005195630 316 59 our our PRON _005195630 316 60 own own ADJ _005195630 316 61 virtues virtue NOUN _005195630 316 62 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 63 finding find VERB _005195630 316 64 a a DET _005195630 316 65 place place NOUN _005195630 316 66 and and CCONJ _005195630 316 67 thereby thereby ADV _005195630 316 68 a a DET _005195630 316 69 sanctification sanctification NOUN _005195630 316 70 , , PUNCT _005195630 316 71 in in ADP _005195630 316 72 the the DET _005195630 316 73 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 316 74 church church NOUN _005195630 316 75 . . PUNCT _005195630 317 1 printed print VERB _005195630 317 2 and and CCONJ _005195630 317 3 published publish VERB _005195630 317 4 by by ADP _005195630 317 5 the the DET _005195630 317 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 317 7 truth truth NOUN _005195630 317 8 socie1y socie1y PROPN _005195630 317 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 317 10 london london PROPN _005195630 317 11 b b PROPN _005195630 317 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 317 13 — — PUNCT _005195630 317 14 february february PROPN _005195630 317 15 , , PUNCT _005195630 317 16 1922 1922 NUM _005195630 317 17 . . PUNCT _005195630 318 1 crown crown PROPN _005195630 318 2 8vo 8vo PROPN _005195630 318 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 318 4 price price NOUN _005195630 318 5 is be AUX _005195630 318 6 . . PUNCT _005195630 319 1 net net ADJ _005195630 319 2 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 319 3 by by ADP _005195630 319 4 post post NOUN _005195630 319 5 is be AUX _005195630 319 6 . . PUNCT _005195630 320 1 2d 2d NUM _005195630 320 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 321 1 the the DET _005195630 321 2 compleat compleat ADJ _005195630 321 3 protestant protestant NOUN _005195630 321 4 by by ADP _005195630 321 5 john john PROPN _005195630 321 6 ayscough ayscough PROPN _005195630 321 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 322 1 a a DET _005195630 322 2 series series NOUN _005195630 322 3 of of ADP _005195630 322 4 eight eight NUM _005195630 322 5 dialogues dialogue NOUN _005195630 322 6 between between ADP _005195630 322 7 a a DET _005195630 322 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 322 9 and and CCONJ _005195630 322 10 various various ADJ _005195630 322 11 types type NOUN _005195630 322 12 of of ADP _005195630 322 13 protestants protestant NOUN _005195630 322 14 . . PUNCT _005195630 323 1 “ " PUNCT _005195630 323 2 shrewd shrewd ADJ _005195630 323 3 and and CCONJ _005195630 323 4 kindly kindly ADV _005195630 323 5 and and CCONJ _005195630 323 6 very very ADV _005195630 323 7 human human ADJ _005195630 323 8 is be AUX _005195630 323 9 the the DET _005195630 323 10 touch touch NOUN _005195630 323 11 of of ADP _005195630 323 12 a a DET _005195630 323 13 skilful skilful ADJ _005195630 323 14 hand hand NOUN _005195630 323 15 all all ADV _005195630 323 16 through through ADP _005195630 323 17 these these DET _005195630 323 18 pages page NOUN _005195630 323 19 . . PUNCT _005195630 324 1 here here ADV _005195630 324 2 is be AUX _005195630 324 3 ‘ ' PUNCT _005195630 324 4 satire satire NOUN _005195630 324 5 ’ ' PUNCT _005195630 324 6 of of ADP _005195630 324 7 the the DET _005195630 324 8 genuine genuine ADJ _005195630 324 9 sort sort NOUN _005195630 324 10 — — PUNCT _005195630 324 11 healthy healthy ADJ _005195630 324 12 and and CCONJ _005195630 324 13 biting bite VERB _005195630 324 14 as as ADP _005195630 324 15 rock rock NOUN _005195630 324 16 salt salt NOUN _005195630 324 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 324 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 324 19 as as ADV _005195630 324 20 little little ADJ _005195630 324 21 poisonous poisonous ADJ _005195630 324 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 325 1 to to PART _005195630 325 2 give give VERB _005195630 325 3 even even ADV _005195630 325 4 a a DET _005195630 325 5 few few ADJ _005195630 325 6 lines line NOUN _005195630 325 7 of of ADP _005195630 325 8 the the DET _005195630 325 9 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195630 325 10 of of ADP _005195630 325 11 this this DET _005195630 325 12 little little ADJ _005195630 325 13 book book NOUN _005195630 325 14 would would AUX _005195630 325 15 not not PART _005195630 325 16 be be AUX _005195630 325 17 fair fair ADJ _005195630 325 18 either either CCONJ _005195630 325 19 to to ADP _005195630 325 20 the the DET _005195630 325 21 ‘ ' PUNCT _005195630 325 22 compleat compleat ADJ _005195630 325 23 protestant protestant NOUN _005195630 325 24 ’ ' PUNCT _005195630 325 25 or or CCONJ _005195630 325 26 the the DET _005195630 325 27 * * PUNCT _005195630 325 28 incomplete incomplete ADJ _005195630 325 29 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 325 30 5 5 NUM _005195630 325 31 or or CCONJ _005195630 325 32 indeed indeed ADV _005195630 325 33 anyone anyone PRON _005195630 325 34 else else ADV _005195630 325 35 who who PRON _005195630 325 36 says say VERB _005195630 325 37 anything anything PRON _005195630 325 38 therein therein ADV _005195630 325 39 — — PUNCT _005195630 325 40 we we PRON _005195630 325 41 hope hope VERB _005195630 325 42 our our PRON _005195630 325 43 readers reader NOUN _005195630 325 44 will will AUX _005195630 325 45 buy buy VERB _005195630 325 46 for for ADP _005195630 325 47 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 325 48 . . PUNCT _005195630 325 49 ” " PUNCT _005195630 326 1 — — PUNCT _005195630 326 2 pax pax PROPN _005195630 326 3 . . PROPN _005195630 326 4 cloth cloth PROPN _005195630 326 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 326 6 crown crown NOUN _005195630 326 7 8vo 8vo PROPN _005195630 326 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 326 9 pp pp PROPN _005195630 326 10 . . PUNCT _005195630 327 1 xx xx NUM _005195630 327 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 327 3 189 189 NUM _005195630 327 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 328 1 price price NOUN _005195630 328 2 2s 2s NUM _005195630 328 3 . . PUNCT _005195630 329 1 net net NOUN _005195630 329 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 330 1 the the DET _005195630 330 2 see see NOUN _005195630 330 3 of of ADP _005195630 330 4 st st PROPN _005195630 330 5 . . PROPN _005195630 330 6 peter peter PROPN _005195630 330 7 the the DET _005195630 330 8 rock rock NOUN _005195630 330 9 of of ADP _005195630 330 10 the the DET _005195630 330 11 church church NOUN _005195630 330 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 330 13 the the DET _005195630 330 14 source source NOUN _005195630 330 15 of of ADP _005195630 330 16 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005195630 330 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 330 18 and and CCONJ _005195630 330 19 the the DET _005195630 330 20 centre centre NOUN _005195630 330 21 of of ADP _005195630 330 22 unity unity NOUN _005195630 330 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 331 1 by by ADP _005195630 331 2 thomas thomas PROPN _005195630 331 3 william william PROPN _005195630 331 4 allies allies PROPN _005195630 331 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 331 6 k.c.s.g k.c.s.g PROPN _005195630 331 7 . . PROPN _005195630 331 8 fifth fifth PROPN _005195630 331 9 edition edition PROPN _005195630 331 10 . . PUNCT _005195630 332 1 contents content NOUN _005195630 332 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 333 1 preface preface NOUN _005195630 333 2 — — PUNCT _005195630 333 3 the the DET _005195630 333 4 primacy primacy NOUN _005195630 333 5 of of ADP _005195630 333 6 st st PROPN _005195630 333 7 . . PROPN _005195630 333 8 peter peter PROPN _005195630 333 9 an an DET _005195630 333 10 existing exist VERB _005195630 333 11 power power NOUN _005195630 333 12 — — PUNCT _005195630 333 13 the the DET _005195630 333 14 scriptural scriptural ADJ _005195630 333 15 proof proof NOUN _005195630 333 16 of of ADP _005195630 333 17 the the DET _005195630 333 18 primacy primacy NOUN _005195630 333 19 — — PUNCT _005195630 333 20 the the DET _005195630 333 21 end end NOUN _005195630 333 22 and and CCONJ _005195630 333 23 office office NOUN _005195630 333 24 of of ADP _005195630 333 25 the the DET _005195630 333 26 primacy primacy NOUN _005195630 333 27 — — PUNCT _005195630 333 28 the the DET _005195630 333 29 power power NOUN _005195630 333 30 of of ADP _005195630 333 31 the the DET _005195630 333 32 primacy primacy NOUN _005195630 333 33 — — PUNCT _005195630 333 34 the the DET _005195630 333 35 church church NOUN _005195630 333 36 's 's PART _005195630 333 37 witness witness NOUN _005195630 333 38 to to ADP _005195630 333 39 the the DET _005195630 333 40 primacy primacy NOUN _005195630 333 41 — — PUNCT _005195630 333 42 st st PROPN _005195630 333 43 . . PROPN _005195630 333 44 peter peter PROPN _005195630 333 45 ’s ’s PART _005195630 333 46 primacy primacy NOUN _005195630 333 47 and and CCONJ _005195630 333 48 the the DET _005195630 333 49 royal royal ADJ _005195630 333 50 supremacy supremacy NOUN _005195630 333 51 — — PUNCT _005195630 333 52 the the DET _005195630 333 53 effects effect NOUN _005195630 333 54 of of ADP _005195630 333 55 st st PROPN _005195630 333 56 . . PROPN _005195630 333 57 peter peter PROPN _005195630 333 58 ’s ’s PART _005195630 333 59 primacy primacy NOUN _005195630 333 60 and and CCONJ _005195630 333 61 the the DET _005195630 333 62 royal royal ADJ _005195630 333 63 supremacy supremacy NOUN _005195630 333 64 . . PUNCT _005195630 334 1 catholic catholic PROPN _005195630 334 2 truth truth PROPN _005195630 334 3 society society NOUN _005195630 334 4 72 72 NUM _005195630 334 5 victoria victoria PROPN _005195630 334 6 street street PROPN _005195630 334 7 s s PART _005195630 334 8 w. w. NOUN _005195630 334 9 1 1 NUM _005195630 334 10 books book NOUN _005195630 334 11 and and CCONJ _005195630 334 12 pamphlets pamphlet NOUN _005195630 334 13 for for ADP _005195630 334 14 anglicans anglican NOUN _005195630 334 15 cloth cloth NOUN _005195630 334 16 , , PUNCT _005195630 334 17 price price NOUN _005195630 334 18 four four NUM _005195630 334 19 shillings shilling NOUN _005195630 334 20 each each DET _005195630 334 21 net net NOUN _005195630 334 22 . . PUNCT _005195630 335 1 the the DET _005195630 335 2 church church NOUN _005195630 335 3 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 335 4 or or CCONJ _005195630 335 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 335 6 what what PRON _005195630 335 7 do do AUX _005195630 335 8 anglicans anglican NOUN _005195630 335 9 mean mean VERB _005195630 335 10 by by ADP _005195630 335 11 the the DET _005195630 335 12 church church NOUN _005195630 335 13 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 336 1 by by ADP _005195630 336 2 the the DET _005195630 336 3 very very ADV _005195630 336 4 rev rev ADJ _005195630 336 5 . . PROPN _005195630 336 6 canon canon PROPN _005195630 336 7 bagshawe bagshawe ADV _005195630 336 8 . . PUNCT _005195630 337 1 the the DET _005195630 337 2 early early ADJ _005195630 337 3 history history NOUN _005195630 337 4 of of ADP _005195630 337 5 the the DET _005195630 337 6 church church NOUN _005195630 337 7 of of ADP _005195630 337 8 god god PROPN _005195630 337 9 . . PUNCT _005195630 338 1 by by ADP _005195630 338 2 bishop bishop PROPN _005195630 338 3 brownlow brownlow PROPN _005195630 338 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 339 1 cloth cloth NOUN _005195630 339 2 , , PUNCT _005195630 339 3 price price NOUN _005195630 339 4 two two NUM _005195630 339 5 shillings shilling NOUN _005195630 339 6 net net NOUN _005195630 339 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 340 1 authority authority NOUN _005195630 340 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 341 1 by by ADP _005195630 341 2 the the DET _005195630 341 3 rev rev PROPN _005195630 341 4 . . PROPN _005195630 341 5 luke luke PROPN _005195630 341 6 rivington rivington PROPN _005195630 341 7 , , PUNCT _005195630 341 8 d.d d.d PROPN _005195630 341 9 . . PUNCT _005195630 342 1 this this DET _005195630 342 2 volume volume NOUN _005195630 342 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 342 4 of of ADP _005195630 342 5 which which PRON _005195630 342 6 several several ADJ _005195630 342 7 editions edition NOUN _005195630 342 8 have have AUX _005195630 342 9 been be AUX _005195630 342 10 exhausted exhaust VERB _005195630 342 11 since since SCONJ _005195630 342 12 its its PRON _005195630 342 13 first first ADJ _005195630 342 14 publication publication NOUN _005195630 342 15 in in ADP _005195630 342 16 1888 1888 NUM _005195630 342 17 , , PUNCT _005195630 342 18 was be AUX _005195630 342 19 originally originally ADV _005195630 342 20 prepared prepare VERB _005195630 342 21 as as ADP _005195630 342 22 a a DET _005195630 342 23 reply reply NOUN _005195630 342 24 to to ADP _005195630 342 25 the the DET _005195630 342 26 then then ADV _005195630 342 27 anonymous anonymous ADJ _005195630 342 28 author author NOUN _005195630 342 29 of of ADP _005195630 342 30 the the DET _005195630 342 31 book book NOUN _005195630 342 32 on on ADP _005195630 342 33 roman roman ADJ _005195630 342 34 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 342 35 claims claim NOUN _005195630 342 36 , , PUNCT _005195630 342 37 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195630 342 38 revealed reveal VERB _005195630 342 39 as as ADP _005195630 342 40 the the DET _005195630 342 41 work work NOUN _005195630 342 42 of of ADP _005195630 342 43 bishop bishop PROPN _005195630 342 44 gore gore PROPN _005195630 342 45 . . PUNCT _005195630 343 1 in in ADP _005195630 343 2 the the DET _005195630 343 3 form form NOUN _005195630 343 4 of of ADP _005195630 343 5 an an DET _005195630 343 6 open open ADJ _005195630 343 7 letter letter NOUN _005195630 343 8 to to ADP _005195630 343 9 his his PRON _005195630 343 10 anglican anglican ADJ _005195630 343 11 antagonist antagonist NOUN _005195630 343 12 , , PUNCT _005195630 343 13 dr dr PROPN _005195630 343 14 . . PROPN _005195630 343 15 rivington rivington PROPN _005195630 343 16 gives give VERB _005195630 343 17 some some PRON _005195630 343 18 of of ADP _005195630 343 19 the the DET _005195630 343 20 reasons reason NOUN _005195630 343 21 which which PRON _005195630 343 22 helped help VERB _005195630 343 23 to to PART _005195630 343 24 bring bring VERB _005195630 343 25 about about ADP _005195630 343 26 his his PRON _005195630 343 27 own own ADJ _005195630 343 28 conversion conversion NOUN _005195630 343 29 . . PUNCT _005195630 344 1 the the DET _005195630 344 2 paper paper NOUN _005195630 344 3 is be AUX _005195630 344 4 rich rich ADJ _005195630 344 5 in in ADP _005195630 344 6 historical historical ADJ _005195630 344 7 and and CCONJ _005195630 344 8 patristic patristic ADJ _005195630 344 9 references reference NOUN _005195630 344 10 and and CCONJ _005195630 344 11 contains contain VERB _005195630 344 12 many many ADJ _005195630 344 13 valuable valuable ADJ _005195630 344 14 points point NOUN _005195630 344 15 for for ADP _005195630 344 16 the the DET _005195630 344 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 344 18 student student NOUN _005195630 344 19 and and CCONJ _005195630 344 20 controversialist controversialist NOUN _005195630 344 21 . . PUNCT _005195630 345 1 one one NUM _005195630 345 2 shilling shill VERB _005195630 345 3 each each PRON _005195630 345 4 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 345 5 net net NOUN _005195630 345 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195630 345 7 wrapper wrapper NOUN _005195630 345 8 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 345 9 . . PUNCT _005195630 346 1 the the DET _005195630 346 2 petrine petrine NOUN _005195630 346 3 office office NOUN _005195630 346 4 : : PUNCT _005195630 346 5 a a DET _005195630 346 6 reply reply NOUN _005195630 346 7 to to ADP _005195630 346 8 the the DET _005195630 346 9 rev rev PROPN _005195630 346 10 . . PROPN _005195630 346 11 f. f. PROPN _005195630 346 12 w. w. PROPN _005195630 346 13 puller puller PROPN _005195630 346 14 . . PUNCT _005195630 347 1 by by ADP _005195630 347 2 h. h. PROPN _005195630 347 3 e. e. PROPN _005195630 347 4 hall hall PROPN _005195630 347 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 347 6 m.a m.a PROPN _005195630 347 7 . . PROPN _005195630 347 8 england england PROPN _005195630 347 9 ’s ’s PART _005195630 347 10 breach breach NOUN _005195630 347 11 with with ADP _005195630 347 12 rome rome PROPN _005195630 347 13 . . PUNCT _005195630 348 1 by by ADP _005195630 348 2 his his PRON _005195630 348 3 eminence eminence NOUN _005195630 348 4 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195630 348 5 gasquet gasquet NOUN _005195630 348 6 . . PUNCT _005195630 349 1 a a DET _005195630 349 2 short short ADJ _005195630 349 3 history history NOUN _005195630 349 4 of of ADP _005195630 349 5 the the DET _005195630 349 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195630 349 7 church church NOUN _005195630 349 8 in in ADP _005195630 349 9 england england PROPN _005195630 349 10 . . PUNCT _005195630 350 1 by by ADP _005195630 350 2 the the DET _005195630 350 3 same same ADJ _005195630 350 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 351 1 twopence twopence NOUN _005195630 351 2 each each PRON _005195630 351 3 . . PUNCT _005195630 352 1 have have AUX _005195630 352 2 anglicans anglican NOUN _005195630 352 3 any any DET _005195630 352 4 right right NOUN _005195630 352 5 to to PART _005195630 352 6 call call VERB _005195630 352 7 themselves themselves PRON _005195630 352 8 catholics catholic NOUN _005195630 352 9 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 353 1 by by ADP _005195630 353 2 h h PROPN _005195630 353 3 , , PUNCT _005195630 353 4 e. e. PROPN _005195630 353 5 hall hall PROPN _005195630 353 6 , , PUNCT _005195630 353 7 m.a m.a PROPN _005195630 353 8 , , PUNCT _005195630 353 9 anglican anglican ADJ _005195630 353 10 orders order NOUN _005195630 353 11 . . PUNCT _005195630 354 1 by by ADP _005195630 354 2 c. c. PROPN _005195630 354 3 g. g. PROPN _005195630 354 4 mortimer mortimer PROPN _005195630 354 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 354 6 b.a b.a PROPN _005195630 354 7 . . PROPN _005195630 354 8 the the DET _005195630 354 9 date date NOUN _005195630 354 10 of of ADP _005195630 354 11 the the DET _005195630 354 12 anglican anglican ADJ _005195630 354 13 schism schism NOUN _005195630 354 14 . . PUNCT _005195630 355 1 by by ADP _005195630 355 2 adrian adrian PROPN _005195630 355 3 fortescue fortescue PROPN _005195630 355 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 355 5 d.d d.d PROPN _005195630 355 6 . . PUNCT _005195630 356 1 the the DET _005195630 356 2 failure failure NOUN _005195630 356 3 of of ADP _005195630 356 4 anglicanism anglicanism NOUN _005195630 356 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 357 1 by by ADP _005195630 357 2 f. f. PROPN _005195630 357 3 j. j. PROPN _005195630 357 4 kinsman kinsman PROPN _005195630 357 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 357 6 late late ADJ _005195630 357 7 protestant protestant ADJ _005195630 357 8 bishop bishop NOUN _005195630 357 9 of of ADP _005195630 357 10 delaware delaware PROPN _005195630 357 11 , , PUNCT _005195630 357 12 u.s.a u.s.a PROPN _005195630 357 13 . . PUNCT _005195630 357 14 authority authority NOUN _005195630 357 15 or or CCONJ _005195630 357 16 private private ADJ _005195630 357 17 judgement judgement NOUN _005195630 357 18 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 358 1 by by ADP _005195630 358 2 h. h. PROPN _005195630 358 3 e. e. PROPN _005195630 358 4 hall hall PROPN _005195630 358 5 , , PUNCT _005195630 358 6 m.a m.a PROPN _005195630 358 7 . . PROPN _005195630 358 8 was be AUX _005195630 358 9 barlow barlow VERB _005195630 358 10 a a DET _005195630 358 11 bishop bishop NOUN _005195630 358 12 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 359 1 by by ADP _005195630 359 2 serjeant serjeant ADJ _005195630 359 3 bellasis bellasis NOUN _005195630 359 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 360 1 the the DET _005195630 360 2 branch branch NOUN _005195630 360 3 theory theory NOUN _005195630 360 4 . . PUNCT _005195630 361 1 by by ADP _005195630 361 2 adrian adrian ADJ _005195630 361 3 fortescue fortescue PROPN _005195630 361 4 , , PUNCT _005195630 361 5 d.d d.d PROPN _005195630 361 6 . . PROPN _005195630 361 7 reasons reason NOUN _005195630 361 8 for for ADP _005195630 361 9 being be AUX _005195630 361 10 a a DET _005195630 361 11 catholic catholic NOUN _005195630 361 12 . . PUNCT _005195630 362 1 by by ADP _005195630 362 2 dom dom PROPN _005195630 362 3 ethelbert ethelbert PROPN _005195630 362 4 horne horne PROPN _005195630 362 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 363 1 church church NOUN _005195630 363 2 defence defence NOUN _005195630 363 3 . . PUNCT _005195630 364 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195630 364 2 short short ADJ _005195630 364 3 papers paper NOUN _005195630 364 4 on on ADP _005195630 364 5 anglican anglican ADJ _005195630 364 6 controversy controversy NOUN _005195630 364 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 364 8 ) ) PUNCT _005195630 365 1 continuity continuity NOUN _005195630 365 2 reconsidered reconsider VERB _005195630 365 3 . . PUNCT _005195630 365 4 by by ADP _005195630 365 5 j. j. PROPN _005195630 365 6 h. h. PROPN _005195630 365 7 matthews matthews PROPN _005195630 365 8 . . PUNCT _005195630 366 1 a a DET _005195630 366 2 talk talk NOUN _005195630 366 3 on on ADP _005195630 366 4 continuity continuity NOUN _005195630 366 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 367 1 by by ADP _005195630 367 2 mgr mgr PROPN _005195630 367 3 . . PROPN _005195630 367 4 canon canon PROPN _005195630 367 5 moyes moyes PROPN _005195630 367 6 . . PUNCT _005195630 368 1 the the DET _005195630 368 2 conversion conversion NOUN _005195630 368 3 of of ADP _005195630 368 4 england england PROPN _005195630 368 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 369 1 by by ADP _005195630 369 2 the the DET _005195630 369 3 very very ADV _005195630 369 4 rev rev ADJ _005195630 369 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 369 6 mgr mgr PROPN _005195630 369 7 . . PUNCT _005195630 369 8 benson benson PROPN _005195630 369 9 . . PUNCT _005195630 370 1 “ " PUNCT _005195630 370 2 how how SCONJ _005195630 370 3 shall shall AUX _005195630 370 4 they they PRON _005195630 370 5 preach preach VERB _005195630 370 6 unless unless SCONJ _005195630 370 7 they they PRON _005195630 370 8 are be AUX _005195630 370 9 sent send VERB _005195630 370 10 ? ? PUNCT _005195630 371 1 r r X _005195630 371 2 ’ ' PUNCT _005195630 371 3 by by ADP _005195630 371 4 the the DET _005195630 371 5 rev rev PROPN _005195630 371 6 . . PROPN _005195630 371 7 h. h. PROPN _005195630 371 8 lucas lucas PROPN _005195630 371 9 , , PUNCT _005195630 371 10 s.j s.j PROPN _005195630 371 11 . . PROPN _005195630 371 12 catholic catholic PROPN _005195630 371 13 truth truth PROPN _005195630 371 14 society society NOUN _005195630 371 15 72 72 NUM _005195630 371 16 victoria victoria PROPN _005195630 371 17 street street PROPN _005195630 371 18 s.w s.w PROPN _005195630 371 19 . . PROPN _005195630 371 20 1 1 NUM _005195630 371 21 c c PROPN _005195630 371 22 220 220 NUM _005195630 371 23 . . PUNCT _005195630 371 24 „ „ X _005195630 371 25 168 168 NUM _005195630 371 26 . . PUNCT _005195630 371 27 „ „ X _005195630 372 1 188 188 NUM _005195630 372 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 372 3 „ „ X _005195630 373 1 219 219 NUM _005195630 373 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 374 1 184 184 NUM _005195630 374 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 375 1 „ „ X _005195630 375 2 4 4 X _005195630 375 3 . . X _005195630 375 4 „ „ X _005195630 376 1 5 5 X _005195630 376 2 . . X _005195630 376 3 » » PROPN _005195630 376 4 117 117 NUM _005195630 376 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 376 6 „ „ X _005195630 377 1 10 10 NUM _005195630 377 2 . . PUNCT _005195630 377 3 „ „ X _005195630 377 4 13 13 NUM _005195630 377 5 . . PUNCT _005195630 378 1 „ „ X _005195630 378 2 170 170 NUM _005195630 378 3 . . NUM _005195630 379 1 15 15 NUM _005195630 379 2 „ „ SYM _005195630 379 3 222 222 NUM _005195630 379 4 . . PUNCT