id sid tid token lemma pos _005195566 1 1 the the DET _005195566 1 2 last last ADJ _005195566 1 3 moments moment NOUN _005195566 1 4 of of ADP _005195566 1 5 a a DET _005195566 1 6 converted converted ADJ _005195566 1 7 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 1 8 the the DET _005195566 1 9 last last ADJ _005195566 1 10 moments moment NOUN _005195566 1 11 o o NOUN _005195566 1 12 f f X _005195566 1 13 a a DET _005195566 1 14 converted converted ADJ _005195566 1 15 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 1 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 2 1 t. t. PROPN _005195566 2 2 lie lie PROPN _005195566 2 3 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 2 4 of of ADP _005195566 2 5 the the DET _005195566 2 6 lord lord PROPN _005195566 2 7 i i PRON _005195566 2 8 will will AUX _005195566 2 9 sing sing VERB _005195566 2 10 for for ADP _005195566 2 11 ever ever ADV _005195566 2 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 3 1 behold behold VERB _005195566 3 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 3 3 from from ADP _005195566 3 4 henceforth henceforth ADV _005195566 3 5 all all DET _005195566 3 6 generations generation NOUN _005195566 3 7 ssc^ifme ssc^ifme PROPN _005195566 3 8 dietosed dietose VERB _005195566 3 9 * * PROPN _005195566 3 10 st st PROPN _005195566 3 11 . . PROPN _005195566 3 12 luke luke PROPN _005195566 3 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 3 14 i. i. PROPN _005195566 3 15 48 48 NUM _005195566 3 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 4 1 by by ADP _005195566 4 2 the the DET _005195566 4 3 rev rev PROPN _005195566 4 4 . . PROPN _005195566 4 5 j. j. PROPN _005195566 4 6 p. p. PROPN _005195566 4 7 donelan donelan PROPN _005195566 4 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 5 1 baltimore baltimore PROPN _005195566 5 2 : : PUNCT _005195566 5 3 metropolitan metropolitan ADJ _005195566 5 4 press press PROPN _005195566 5 5 1846 1846 NUM _005195566 5 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 5 7 entered enter VERB _005195566 5 8 according accord VERB _005195566 5 9 to to ADP _005195566 5 10 the the DET _005195566 5 11 act act NOUN _005195566 5 12 of of ADP _005195566 5 13 congress congress PROPN _005195566 5 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 5 15 in in ADP _005195566 5 16 the the DET _005195566 5 17 year year NOUN _005195566 5 18 eighteen eighteen NUM _005195566 5 19 hundred hundred NUM _005195566 5 20 and and CCONJ _005195566 5 21 forty forty NUM _005195566 5 22 - - PUNCT _005195566 5 23 six six NUM _005195566 5 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 5 25 by by ADP _005195566 5 26 louis louis PROPN _005195566 5 27 regis regis PROPN _005195566 5 28 deluol deluol PROPN _005195566 5 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 5 30 in in ADP _005195566 5 31 the the DET _005195566 5 32 clerk clerk NOUN _005195566 5 33 ’s ’s PART _005195566 5 34 office office NOUN _005195566 5 35 of of ADP _005195566 5 36 the the DET _005195566 5 37 district district NOUN _005195566 5 38 court court PROPN _005195566 5 39 of of ADP _005195566 5 40 maryland maryland PROPN _005195566 5 41 . . PUNCT _005195566 6 1 * * PUNCT _005195566 6 2 > > PUNCT _005195566 6 3 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 6 4 deabfesffied deabfesffie VERB _005195566 6 5 k k PROPN _005195566 6 6 k k X _005195566 6 7 v v PROPN _005195566 6 8 to to ADP _005195566 6 9 the the DET _005195566 6 10 venerable venerable ADJ _005195566 6 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 6 12 very very ADV _005195566 6 13 iei1w= iei1w= PROPN _005195566 6 14 smrd smrd ADJ _005195566 6 15 the the DET _005195566 6 16 patriarch patriarch NOUN _005195566 6 17 of of ADP _005195566 6 18 catholicity catholicity NOUN _005195566 6 19 in in ADP _005195566 6 20 the the DET _005195566 6 21 district district NOUN _005195566 6 22 of of ADP _005195566 6 23 columbia columbia PROPN _005195566 6 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 6 25 the the DET _005195566 6 26 orphan orphan NOUN _005195566 6 27 ’s ’s PART _005195566 6 28 father father PROPN _005195566 6 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 6 30 the the DET _005195566 6 31 widow widow NOUN _005195566 6 32 ’s ’s NOUN _005195566 6 33 friend friend NOUN _005195566 6 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 6 35 this this DET _005195566 6 36 little little ADJ _005195566 6 37 work work NOUN _005195566 6 38 is be AUX _005195566 6 39 affectionately affectionately ADV _005195566 6 40 inscribed inscribe VERB _005195566 6 41 by by ADP _005195566 6 42 the the DET _005195566 6 43 writer/ writer/ NUM _005195566 6 44 ) ) PUNCT _005195566 6 45 preface preface NOUN _005195566 6 46 . . PUNCT _005195566 7 1 in in ADP _005195566 7 2 presenting present VERB _005195566 7 3 the the DET _005195566 7 4 following follow VERB _005195566 7 5 pages page NOUN _005195566 7 6 to to ADP _005195566 7 7 the the DET _005195566 7 8 public public NOUN _005195566 7 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 7 10 it it PRON _005195566 7 11 may may AUX _005195566 7 12 not not PART _005195566 7 13 be be AUX _005195566 7 14 amiss amiss ADJ _005195566 7 15 to to PART _005195566 7 16 premise premise VERB _005195566 7 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 7 18 that that SCONJ _005195566 7 19 they they PRON _005195566 7 20 are be AUX _005195566 7 21 intended intend VERB _005195566 7 22 merely merely ADV _005195566 7 23 to to PART _005195566 7 24 convey convey VERB _005195566 7 25 facts fact NOUN _005195566 7 26 as as SCONJ _005195566 7 27 they they PRON _005195566 7 28 really really ADV _005195566 7 29 occurred occur VERB _005195566 7 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 7 31 without without ADP _005195566 7 32 any any DET _005195566 7 33 attempt attempt NOUN _005195566 7 34 at at ADP _005195566 7 35 explanation explanation NOUN _005195566 7 36 or or CCONJ _005195566 7 37 vindication vindication NOUN _005195566 7 38 of of ADP _005195566 7 39 the the DET _005195566 7 40 various various ADJ _005195566 7 41 dogmas dogma NOUN _005195566 7 42 of of ADP _005195566 7 43 the the DET _005195566 7 44 catholic catholic ADJ _005195566 7 45 religion religion NOUN _005195566 7 46 to to PART _005195566 7 47 which which PRON _005195566 7 48 they they PRON _005195566 7 49 have have VERB _005195566 7 50 reference reference NOUN _005195566 7 51 . . PUNCT _005195566 8 1 the the DET _005195566 8 2 writer writer NOUN _005195566 8 3 has have AUX _005195566 8 4 preferred prefer VERB _005195566 8 5 to to PART _005195566 8 6 let let VERB _005195566 8 7 facts fact NOUN _005195566 8 8 speak speak VERB _005195566 8 9 for for ADP _005195566 8 10 themselves themselves PRON _005195566 8 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 8 12 trusting trust VERB _005195566 8 13 rather rather ADV _005195566 8 14 to to ADP _005195566 8 15 their their PRON _005195566 8 16 interest interest NOUN _005195566 8 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 8 18 influence influence NOUN _005195566 8 19 6 6 NUM _005195566 8 20 preface preface NOUN _005195566 8 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 9 1 # # NOUN _005195566 9 2 than than ADP _005195566 9 3 to to ADP _005195566 9 4 any any DET _005195566 9 5 effort effort NOUN _005195566 9 6 of of ADP _005195566 9 7 his his PRON _005195566 9 8 own own ADJ _005195566 9 9 . . PUNCT _005195566 10 1 in in ADP _005195566 10 2 the the DET _005195566 10 3 inspired inspire VERB _005195566 10 4 words word NOUN _005195566 10 5 of of ADP _005195566 10 6 the the DET _005195566 10 7 “ " PUNCT _005195566 10 8 disciple disciple NOUN _005195566 10 9 whom whom PRON _005195566 10 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 10 11 loved love VERB _005195566 10 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 10 13 ” " PUNCT _005195566 10 14 that that SCONJ _005195566 10 15 which which PRON _005195566 10 16 we we PRON _005195566 10 17 have have AUX _005195566 10 18 heard hear VERB _005195566 10 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 10 20 which which PRON _005195566 10 21 we we PRON _005195566 10 22 have have AUX _005195566 10 23 seen see VERB _005195566 10 24 with with ADP _005195566 10 25 our our PRON _005195566 10 26 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 10 27 , , PUNCT _005195566 10 28 which which PRON _005195566 10 29 we we PRON _005195566 10 30 have have AUX _005195566 10 31 diligently diligently ADV _005195566 10 32 looked look VERB _005195566 10 33 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 10 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 10 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 10 36 our our PRON _005195566 10 37 hands hand NOUN _005195566 10 38 have have AUX _005195566 10 39 handled handle VERB _005195566 10 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 10 41 . . PUNCT _005195566 11 1 . . PUNCT _005195566 11 2 . . PUNCT _005195566 12 1 that that PRON _005195566 12 2 which which PRON _005195566 12 3 we we PRON _005195566 12 4 have have AUX _005195566 12 5 seen see VERB _005195566 12 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 12 7 heard hear VERB _005195566 12 8 we we PRON _005195566 12 9 declare declare VERB _005195566 12 10 unto unto ADP _005195566 12 11 you you PRON _005195566 12 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 12 13 that that SCONJ _005195566 12 14 you you PRON _005195566 12 15 also also ADV _005195566 12 16 may may AUX _005195566 12 17 have have VERB _005195566 12 18 fellowship fellowship NOUN _005195566 12 19 yoith yoith ADP _005195566 12 20 us we PRON _005195566 12 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 12 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 12 23 our our PRON _005195566 12 24 fellowship fellowship NOUN _005195566 12 25 may may AUX _005195566 12 26 be be AUX _005195566 12 27 with with ADP _005195566 12 28 the the DET _005195566 12 29 father father NOUN _005195566 12 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 12 31 and and CCONJ _005195566 12 32 with with ADP _005195566 12 33 his his PRON _005195566 12 34 son son NOUN _005195566 12 35 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 12 36 christ christ PROPN _005195566 12 37 . . PUNCT _005195566 13 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 13 2 these these DET _005195566 13 3 things thing NOUN _005195566 13 4 we we PRON _005195566 13 5 write write VERB _005195566 13 6 unto unto ADP _005195566 13 7 you you PRON _005195566 13 8 that that SCONJ _005195566 13 9 you you PRON _005195566 13 10 may may AUX _005195566 13 11 rejoice rejoice VERB _005195566 13 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 13 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 13 14 yourjoy yourjoy NOUN _005195566 13 15 may may AUX _005195566 13 16 befull befull VERB _005195566 13 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 14 1 1 1 NUM _005195566 14 2 s. s. PROPN _005195566 14 3 john john PROPN _005195566 14 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 14 5 i i PROPN _005195566 14 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 14 7 1 1 NUM _005195566 14 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 14 9 3 3 NUM _005195566 14 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 14 11 4 4 NUM _005195566 14 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 14 13 if if SCONJ _005195566 14 14 the the DET _005195566 14 15 writer writer NOUN _005195566 14 16 has have AUX _005195566 14 17 sometimes sometimes ADV _005195566 14 18 used use VERB _005195566 14 19 strong strong ADJ _005195566 14 20 expressions expression NOUN _005195566 14 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 14 22 his his PRON _005195566 14 23 pen pen NOUN _005195566 14 24 has have VERB _005195566 14 25 but but CCONJ _005195566 14 26 traced trace VERB _005195566 14 27 the the DET _005195566 14 28 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 14 29 of of ADP _005195566 14 30 his his PRON _005195566 14 31 heart heart NOUN _005195566 14 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 15 1 for for ADP _005195566 15 2 all all PRON _005195566 15 3 that that PRON _005195566 15 4 is be AUX _005195566 15 5 herein herein ADJ _005195566 15 6 related related ADJ _005195566 15 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 15 8 he he PRON _005195566 15 9 holds hold VERB _005195566 15 10 preface preface NOUN _005195566 15 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 16 1 7 7 NUM _005195566 16 2 himself himself PRON _005195566 16 3 responsible responsible ADJ _005195566 16 4 . . PUNCT _005195566 17 1 willing willing ADJ _005195566 17 2 to to PART _005195566 17 3 render render VERB _005195566 17 4 to to ADP _005195566 17 5 him he PRON _005195566 17 6 that that SCONJ _005195566 17 7 asketh asketh ADP _005195566 17 8 it it PRON _005195566 17 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 17 10 a a DET _005195566 17 11 reason reason NOUN _005195566 17 12 for for ADP _005195566 17 13 the the DET _005195566 17 14 faith faith NOUN _005195566 17 15 that that PRON _005195566 17 16 is be AUX _005195566 17 17 in in ADP _005195566 17 18 him he PRON _005195566 17 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 18 1 with with ADP _005195566 18 2 the the DET _005195566 18 3 subject subject NOUN _005195566 18 4 of of ADP _005195566 18 5 this this DET _005195566 18 6 narrative narrative NOUN _005195566 18 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 18 8 who who PRON _005195566 18 9 had have AUX _005195566 18 10 for for ADP _005195566 18 11 many many ADJ _005195566 18 12 years year NOUN _005195566 18 13 previously previously ADV _005195566 18 14 to to ADP _005195566 18 15 his his PRON _005195566 18 16 death death NOUN _005195566 18 17 resided reside VERB _005195566 18 18 in in ADP _005195566 18 19 alexandria alexandria PROPN _005195566 18 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 18 21 d. d. PROPN _005195566 18 22 c. c. PROPN _005195566 18 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 18 24 th^e th^e PROPN _005195566 18 25 writer writer NOUN _005195566 18 26 had have VERB _005195566 18 27 no no DET _005195566 18 28 acquaintance acquaintance NOUN _005195566 18 29 prior prior ADV _005195566 18 30 to to ADP _005195566 18 31 his his PRON _005195566 18 32 introduction introduction NOUN _005195566 18 33 to to ADP _005195566 18 34 him he PRON _005195566 18 35 in in ADP _005195566 18 36 his his PRON _005195566 18 37 sick sick ADJ _005195566 18 38 room room NOUN _005195566 19 1 f f PROPN _005195566 20 1 they they PRON _005195566 20 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 20 3 however however ADV _005195566 20 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 20 5 who who PRON _005195566 20 6 knew know VERB _005195566 20 7 him he PRON _005195566 20 8 well well ADV _005195566 20 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 20 10 speak speak VERB _005195566 20 11 of of ADP _005195566 20 12 him he PRON _005195566 20 13 as as ADP _005195566 20 14 one one NUM _005195566 20 15 long long ADV _005195566 20 16 known know VERB _005195566 20 17 as as ADP _005195566 20 18 an an DET _005195566 20 19 avowed avow VERB _005195566 20 20 enemy enemy NOUN _005195566 20 21 to to ADP _005195566 20 22 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 20 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 21 1 in in ADP _005195566 21 2 his his PRON _005195566 21 3 childhood childhood NOUN _005195566 21 4 he he PRON _005195566 21 5 had have AUX _005195566 21 6 been be AUX _005195566 21 7 baptized baptize VERB _005195566 21 8 in in ADP _005195566 21 9 the the DET _005195566 21 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005195566 21 11 church church NOUN _005195566 21 12 by by ADP _005195566 21 13 the the DET _005195566 21 14 venerable venerable ADJ _005195566 21 15 father father PROPN _005195566 21 16 francis francis PROPN _005195566 21 17 neale neale PROPN _005195566 21 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 21 19 of of ADP _005195566 21 20 the the DET _005195566 21 21 jesuit jesuit NOUN _005195566 21 22 order order NOUN _005195566 21 23 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 21 24 and and CCONJ _005195566 21 25 had have VERB _005195566 21 26 his his PRON _005195566 21 27 education education NOUN _005195566 21 28 equalled equal VERB _005195566 21 29 his his PRON _005195566 21 30 naturally naturally ADV _005195566 21 31 strong strong ADJ _005195566 21 32 mind mind NOUN _005195566 21 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 21 34 the the DET _005195566 21 35 evil evil NOUN _005195566 21 36 which which PRON _005195566 21 37 he he PRON _005195566 21 38 might might AUX _005195566 21 39 have have AUX _005195566 21 40 inflicted inflict VERB _005195566 21 41 on on ADP _005195566 21 42 society society NOUN _005195566 21 43 would would AUX _005195566 21 44 be be AUX _005195566 21 45 incalculable incalculable ADJ _005195566 21 46 . . PUNCT _005195566 22 1 8 8 NUM _005195566 22 2 preface preface NOUN _005195566 22 3 . . PUNCT _005195566 23 1 providentially providentially ADV _005195566 23 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 23 3 however however ADV _005195566 23 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 23 5 such such ADJ _005195566 23 6 was be AUX _005195566 23 7 not not PART _005195566 23 8 the the DET _005195566 23 9 case case NOUN _005195566 23 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 24 1 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 24 2 tborn tborn VERB _005195566 24 3 of of ADP _005195566 24 4 poor poor ADJ _005195566 24 5 parents parent NOUN _005195566 24 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 24 7 in in ADP _005195566 24 8 early early ADJ _005195566 24 9 youth youth NOUN _005195566 24 10 he he PRON _005195566 24 11 acquired acquire VERB _005195566 24 12 only only ADV _005195566 24 13 the the DET _005195566 24 14 simplest simple ADJ _005195566 24 15 rudiments rudiment NOUN _005195566 24 16 of of ADP _005195566 24 17 education education NOUN _005195566 24 18 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 24 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 24 20 his his PRON _005195566 24 21 after after ADP _005195566 24 22 life life NOUN _005195566 24 23 afforded afford VERB _005195566 24 24 few few ADJ _005195566 24 25 opportunities opportunity NOUN _005195566 24 26 for for ADP _005195566 24 27 supplying supply VERB _005195566 24 28 this this DET _005195566 24 29 deficiency deficiency NOUN _005195566 24 30 . . PUNCT _005195566 25 1 uncompromising uncompromise VERB _005195566 25 2 in in ADP _005195566 25 3 his his PRON _005195566 25 4 principles principle NOUN _005195566 25 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 25 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 25 7 a a DET _005195566 25 8 shrewd shrewd ADJ _005195566 25 9 observer observer NOUN _005195566 25 10 of of ADP _005195566 25 11 men man NOUN _005195566 25 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 25 13 things thing NOUN _005195566 25 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 25 15 he he PRON _005195566 25 16 enjoyed enjoy VERB _005195566 25 17 the the DET _005195566 25 18 confidence confidence NOUN _005195566 25 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 25 20 respect respect NOUN _005195566 25 21 of of ADP _005195566 25 22 many many ADJ _005195566 25 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 26 1 for for ADP _005195566 26 2 one one NUM _005195566 26 3 in in ADP _005195566 26 4 his his PRON _005195566 26 5 humble humble ADJ _005195566 26 6 sphere sphere NOUN _005195566 26 7 of of ADP _005195566 26 8 life life NOUN _005195566 26 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 26 10 he he PRON _005195566 26 11 exerted exert VERB _005195566 26 12 no no DET _005195566 26 13 inconsiderable inconsiderable ADJ _005195566 26 14 influence influence NOUN _005195566 26 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 26 16 as as ADP _005195566 26 17 all all PRON _005195566 26 18 believed believe VERB _005195566 26 19 that that SCONJ _005195566 26 20 however however ADV _005195566 26 21 erroneous erroneous ADJ _005195566 26 22 his his PRON _005195566 26 23 principles principle NOUN _005195566 26 24 on on ADP _005195566 26 25 religious religious ADJ _005195566 26 26 subjects subject NOUN _005195566 26 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 26 28 energetic energetic ADJ _005195566 26 29 his his PRON _005195566 26 30 manner manner NOUN _005195566 26 31 of of ADP _005195566 26 32 expressing express VERB _005195566 26 33 them they PRON _005195566 26 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 26 35 he he PRON _005195566 26 36 was be AUX _005195566 26 37 sincere sincere ADJ _005195566 26 38 . . PUNCT _005195566 27 1 the the DET _005195566 27 2 truly truly ADV _005195566 27 3 sensible sensible ADJ _005195566 27 4 will will AUX _005195566 27 5 respect respect VERB _005195566 27 6 the the DET _005195566 27 7 honest honest ADJ _005195566 27 8 errors error NOUN _005195566 27 9 of of ADP _005195566 27 10 another another PRON _005195566 27 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 27 12 even even ADV _005195566 27 13 while while SCONJ _005195566 27 14 they they PRON _005195566 27 15 seek seek VERB _005195566 27 16 to to PART _005195566 27 17 disprove disprove VERB _005195566 27 18 them they PRON _005195566 27 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 28 1 preface preface NOUN _005195566 28 2 . . PUNCT _005195566 29 1 9 9 NUM _005195566 29 2 the the DET _005195566 29 3 reader reader NOUN _005195566 29 4 will will AUX _005195566 29 5 perceive perceive VERB _005195566 29 6 that that SCONJ _005195566 29 7 not not PART _005195566 29 8 unfrequently unfrequently ADV _005195566 29 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 29 10 in in ADP _005195566 29 11 the the DET _005195566 29 12 following follow VERB _005195566 29 13 pages page NOUN _005195566 29 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 29 15 the the DET _005195566 29 16 invocation invocation NOUN _005195566 29 17 of of ADP _005195566 29 18 saints saint NOUN _005195566 29 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 29 20 angels angel NOUN _005195566 29 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 29 22 the the DET _005195566 29 23 intercession intercession NOUN _005195566 29 24 of of ADP _005195566 29 25 the the DET _005195566 29 26 b. b. PROPN _005195566 29 27 v. v. PROPN _005195566 29 28 mary mary PROPN _005195566 29 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 29 30 praying pray VERB _005195566 29 31 for for ADP _005195566 29 32 the the DET _005195566 29 33 dead dead ADJ _005195566 29 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 29 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 29 36 the the DET _005195566 29 37 real real ADJ _005195566 29 38 presence presence NOUN _005195566 29 39 of of ADP _005195566 29 40 our our PRON _005195566 29 41 blessed bless VERB _005195566 29 42 lord lord PROPN _005195566 29 43 in in ADP _005195566 29 44 the the DET _005195566 29 45 holy holy ADJ _005195566 29 46 communion communion NOUN _005195566 29 47 are be AUX _005195566 29 48 introduced introduce VERB _005195566 29 49 . . PUNCT _005195566 30 1 if if SCONJ _005195566 30 2 the the DET _005195566 30 3 writer writer NOUN _005195566 30 4 has have AUX _005195566 30 5 not not PART _005195566 30 6 stopped stop VERB _005195566 30 7 to to PART _005195566 30 8 prove prove VERB _005195566 30 9 these these DET _005195566 30 10 various various ADJ _005195566 30 11 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195566 30 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 30 13 it it PRON _005195566 30 14 is be AUX _005195566 30 15 through through ADP _005195566 30 16 an an DET _005195566 30 17 unwillingness unwillingness NOUN _005195566 30 18 to to PART _005195566 30 19 interrupt interrupt VERB _005195566 30 20 the the DET _005195566 30 21 thread thread NOUN _005195566 30 22 of of ADP _005195566 30 23 the the DET _005195566 30 24 narrative narrative NOUN _005195566 30 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 31 1 under under ADP _005195566 31 2 other other ADJ _005195566 31 3 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005195566 31 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 31 5 it it PRON _005195566 31 6 would would AUX _005195566 31 7 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195566 31 8 be be AUX _005195566 31 9 a a DET _005195566 31 10 duty duty NOUN _005195566 31 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 31 12 as as SCONJ _005195566 31 13 it it PRON _005195566 31 14 would would AUX _005195566 31 15 assuredly assuredly ADV _005195566 31 16 be be AUX _005195566 31 17 a a DET _005195566 31 18 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195566 31 19 to to PART _005195566 31 20 enter enter VERB _005195566 31 21 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 31 22 these these DET _005195566 31 23 subjects subject NOUN _005195566 31 24 at at ADP _005195566 31 25 length length NOUN _005195566 31 26 . . PUNCT _005195566 32 1 with with ADP _005195566 32 2 these these DET _005195566 32 3 reflections reflection NOUN _005195566 32 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 32 5 this this DET _005195566 32 6 little little ADJ _005195566 32 7 work work NOUN _005195566 32 8 goes go VERB _005195566 32 9 forth forth ADV _005195566 32 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 32 11 to to PART _005195566 32 12 seek seek VERB _005195566 32 13 its its PRON _005195566 32 14 varied varied ADJ _005195566 32 15 fortune fortune NOUN _005195566 32 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 33 1 to to ADP _005195566 33 2 god god PROPN _005195566 33 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 33 4 to to ADP _005195566 33 5 his his PRON _005195566 33 6 blessed bless VERB _005195566 33 7 mother mother NOUN _005195566 33 8 it it PRON _005195566 33 9 is be AUX _005195566 33 10 commended commend VERB _005195566 33 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 34 1 may may AUX _005195566 34 2 it it PRON _005195566 34 3 10 10 NUM _005195566 34 4 preface preface NOUN _005195566 34 5 . . PUNCT _005195566 35 1 tend tend VERB _005195566 35 2 to to PART _005195566 35 3 awaken awaken VERB _005195566 35 4 in in ADP _005195566 35 5 the the DET _005195566 35 6 minds mind NOUN _005195566 35 7 of of ADP _005195566 35 8 some some PRON _005195566 35 9 who who PRON _005195566 35 10 read read VERB _005195566 35 11 it it PRON _005195566 35 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 35 13 a a DET _005195566 35 14 desire desire NOUN _005195566 35 15 to to PART _005195566 35 16 seek seek VERB _005195566 35 17 repose repose NOUN _005195566 35 18 in in ADP _005195566 35 19 the the DET _005195566 35 20 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 35 21 of of ADP _005195566 35 22 that that DET _005195566 35 23 holy holy ADJ _005195566 35 24 church church NOUN _005195566 35 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 35 26 which which PRON _005195566 35 27 alone alone ADV _005195566 35 28 can can AUX _005195566 35 29 impart impart VERB _005195566 35 30 true true ADJ _005195566 35 31 comfort comfort NOUN _005195566 35 32 here here ADV _005195566 35 33 — — PUNCT _005195566 35 34 true true ADJ _005195566 35 35 happiness happiness NOUN _005195566 35 36 hereafter hereafter ADV _005195566 35 37 . . PUNCT _005195566 36 1 st st PROPN _005195566 36 2 . . PROPN _005195566 36 3 matthew matthew PROPN _005195566 36 4 ’s ’s PROPN _005195566 36 5 church church PROPN _005195566 36 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 36 7 > > X _005195566 36 8 city city NOUN _005195566 36 9 of of ADP _005195566 36 10 washington washington PROPN _005195566 36 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 36 12 d. d. PROPN _005195566 36 13 c. c. PROPN _005195566 36 14 ) ) PUNCT _005195566 37 1 the the DET _005195566 37 2 last last ADJ _005195566 37 3 moments moment NOUN _005195566 37 4 of of ADP _005195566 37 5 a a DET _005195566 37 6 converted converted ADJ _005195566 37 7 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 37 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 38 1 the the DET _005195566 38 2 remarkable remarkable ADJ _005195566 38 3 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 38 4 which which PRON _005195566 38 5 we we PRON _005195566 38 6 are be AUX _005195566 38 7 about about ADJ _005195566 38 8 to to PART _005195566 38 9 relate relate VERB _005195566 38 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 38 11 will will AUX _005195566 38 12 be be AUX _005195566 38 13 viewed view VERB _005195566 38 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 38 15 doubtless doubtless NOUN _005195566 38 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 38 17 by by ADP _005195566 38 18 many many ADJ _005195566 38 19 as as ADP _005195566 38 20 a a DET _005195566 38 21 mere mere ADJ _005195566 38 22 human human ADJ _005195566 38 23 affair affair NOUN _005195566 38 24 — — PUNCT _005195566 38 25 an an DET _005195566 38 26 effect effect NOUN _005195566 38 27 of of ADP _005195566 38 28 sudden sudden ADJ _005195566 38 29 impulse impulse NOUN _005195566 38 30 or or CCONJ _005195566 38 31 fanaticism fanaticism NOUN _005195566 38 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 39 1 there there PRON _005195566 39 2 are be VERB _005195566 39 3 those those PRON _005195566 39 4 into into ADP _005195566 39 5 whose whose DET _005195566 39 6 hands hand NOUN _005195566 39 7 these these DET _005195566 39 8 pages page NOUN _005195566 39 9 will will AUX _005195566 39 10 fall fall VERB _005195566 39 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 39 12 who who PRON _005195566 39 13 will will AUX _005195566 39 14 treat treat VERB _005195566 39 15 the the DET _005195566 39 16 whole whole ADJ _005195566 39 17 matter matter NOUN _005195566 39 18 lightly lightly ADV _005195566 39 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 39 20 and and CCONJ _005195566 39 21 pass pass VERB _005195566 39 22 it it PRON _005195566 39 23 by by ADP _005195566 39 24 as as ADP _005195566 39 25 another another DET _005195566 39 26 fiction fiction NOUN _005195566 39 27 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 39 28 and and CCONJ _005195566 39 29 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195566 39 30 censure censure VERB _005195566 39 31 the the DET _005195566 39 32 writer writer NOUN _005195566 39 33 for for ADP _005195566 39 34 giving give VERB _005195566 39 35 the the DET _005195566 39 36 facts fact NOUN _005195566 39 37 to to ADP _005195566 39 38 the the DET _005195566 39 39 public public NOUN _005195566 39 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 40 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 40 2 there there PRON _005195566 40 3 are be VERB _005195566 40 4 higher high ADJ _005195566 40 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 40 6 holier holier VERB _005195566 40 7 motives motive NOUN _005195566 40 8 for for ADP _005195566 40 9 proclaiming proclaim VERB _005195566 40 10 to to ADP _005195566 40 11 the the DET _005195566 40 12 world world NOUN _005195566 40 13 14 14 NUM _005195566 40 14 the the DET _005195566 40 15 last last ADJ _005195566 40 16 moments moment NOUN _005195566 40 17 of of ADP _005195566 40 18 this this DET _005195566 40 19 striking striking ADJ _005195566 40 20 proof proof NOUN _005195566 40 21 of of ADP _005195566 40 22 god god PROPN _005195566 40 23 ’s ’s PART _005195566 40 24 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 40 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 41 1 in in ADP _005195566 41 2 giving give VERB _005195566 41 3 publicity publicity NOUN _005195566 41 4 to to ADP _005195566 41 5 this this DET _005195566 41 6 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005195566 41 7 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 41 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 41 9 in in ADP _005195566 41 10 stating state VERB _005195566 41 11 minutely minutely ADV _005195566 41 12 each each DET _005195566 41 13 fact fact NOUN _005195566 41 14 as as SCONJ _005195566 41 15 it it PRON _005195566 41 16 transpired transpire VERB _005195566 41 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 41 18 every every DET _005195566 41 19 circumstance circumstance NOUN _005195566 41 20 attending attend VERB _005195566 41 21 the the DET _005195566 41 22 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 41 23 of of ADP _005195566 41 24 mr mr PROPN _005195566 41 25 . . PROPN _005195566 41 26 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 41 27 , , PUNCT _005195566 41 28 the the DET _005195566 41 29 writer writer NOUN _005195566 41 30 is be AUX _005195566 41 31 guided guide VERB _005195566 41 32 by by ADP _005195566 41 33 a a DET _005195566 41 34 fervent fervent ADJ _005195566 41 35 wish wish NOUN _005195566 41 36 to to PART _005195566 41 37 promote promote VERB _005195566 41 38 the the DET _005195566 41 39 glory glory NOUN _005195566 41 40 of of ADP _005195566 41 41 god god PROPN _005195566 41 42 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 41 43 to to PART _005195566 41 44 show show VERB _005195566 41 45 forth4$is forth4$is NOUN _005195566 41 46 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 41 47 and and CCONJ _005195566 41 48 to to PART _005195566 41 49 proclaim proclaim VERB _005195566 41 50 i i PROPN _005195566 41 51 d d PROPN _005195566 41 52 's 's PART _005195566 41 53 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 41 54 . . PUNCT _005195566 42 1 he he PRON _005195566 42 2 desires desire VERB _005195566 42 3 to to PART _005195566 42 4 show show VERB _005195566 42 5 to to ADP _005195566 42 6 the the DET _005195566 42 7 world world NOUN _005195566 42 8 the the DET _005195566 42 9 efficacy efficacy NOUN _005195566 42 10 of of ADP _005195566 42 11 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 42 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 42 13 of of ADP _005195566 42 14 the the DET _005195566 42 15 intercession intercession NOUN _005195566 42 16 of of ADP _005195566 42 17 the the DET _005195566 42 18 saints saint NOUN _005195566 42 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 42 20 angels angel NOUN _005195566 42 21 of of ADP _005195566 42 22 god god PROPN _005195566 42 23 — — PUNCT _005195566 42 24 and and CCONJ _005195566 42 25 first first ADV _005195566 42 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 42 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 42 28 above above ADP _005195566 42 29 them they PRON _005195566 42 30 all all PRON _005195566 42 31 , , PUNCT _005195566 42 32 of of ADP _005195566 42 33 mary mary PROPN _005195566 42 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 42 35 the the DET _005195566 42 36 ever ever ADV _005195566 42 37 blessed bless VERB _005195566 42 38 and and CCONJ _005195566 42 39 immaculate immaculate VERB _005195566 42 40 mother mother NOUN _005195566 42 41 of of ADP _005195566 42 42 god god PROPN _005195566 42 43 . . PUNCT _005195566 43 1 what what PRON _005195566 43 2 the the DET _005195566 43 3 thoughtless thoughtless NOUN _005195566 43 4 or or CCONJ _005195566 43 5 the the DET _005195566 43 6 prejudiced prejudiced NOUN _005195566 43 7 may may AUX _005195566 43 8 think think VERB _005195566 43 9 or or CCONJ _005195566 43 10 say say VERB _005195566 43 11 of of ADP _005195566 43 12 his his PRON _005195566 43 13 efforts effort NOUN _005195566 43 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 43 15 the the DET _005195566 43 16 writef writef NOUN _005195566 43 17 neither neither CCONJ _005195566 43 18 heeds heed NOUN _005195566 43 19 nor nor CCONJ _005195566 43 20 cares care NOUN _005195566 43 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 43 22 for for ADP _005195566 43 23 conscious conscious ADJ _005195566 43 24 of of ADP _005195566 43 25 the the DET _005195566 43 26 truth truth NOUN _005195566 43 27 of of ADP _005195566 43 28 what what PRON _005195566 43 29 he he PRON _005195566 43 30 a a DET _005195566 43 31 converted converted ADJ _005195566 43 32 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 43 33 . . PUNCT _005195566 44 1 15 15 NUM _005195566 44 2 states state NOUN _005195566 44 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 44 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 44 5 impelled impel VERB _005195566 44 6 by by ADP _005195566 44 7 no no DET _005195566 44 8 other other ADJ _005195566 44 9 aim aim NOUN _005195566 44 10 than than SCONJ _005195566 44 11 to to PART _005195566 44 12 glorify glorify VERB _005195566 44 13 the the DET _005195566 44 14 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005195566 44 15 ways way NOUN _005195566 44 16 of of ADP _005195566 44 17 god god PROPN _005195566 44 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 44 19 he he PRON _005195566 44 20 sends send VERB _005195566 44 21 forth forth ADP _005195566 44 22 this this DET _005195566 44 23 little little ADJ _005195566 44 24 work work NOUN _005195566 44 25 to to PART _005195566 44 26 seek seek VERB _005195566 44 27 its"way its"way NOUN _005195566 44 28 into into ADP _005195566 44 29 the the DET _005195566 44 30 hands hand NOUN _005195566 44 31 of of ADP _005195566 44 32 all all PRON _005195566 44 33 . . PUNCT _005195566 45 1 if if SCONJ _005195566 45 2 any any DET _005195566 45 3 censure censure NOUN _005195566 45 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 45 5 so so ADV _005195566 45 6 let let VERB _005195566 45 7 it it PRON _005195566 45 8 be be AUX _005195566 45 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 45 10 if if SCONJ _005195566 45 11 any any DET _005195566 45 12 approve approve NOUN _005195566 45 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 45 14 lemhem lemhem PRON _005195566 45 15 thank thank VERB _005195566 45 16 that that DET _005195566 45 17 father father NOUN _005195566 45 18 in in ADP _005195566 45 19 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 45 20 who who PRON _005195566 45 21 continues continue VERB _005195566 45 22 to to PART _005195566 45 23 manifest manifest VERB _005195566 45 24 his his PRON _005195566 45 25 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 45 26 in in ADP _005195566 45 27 such such ADJ _005195566 45 28 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005195566 45 29 ways way NOUN _005195566 45 30 . . PUNCT _005195566 46 1 if if SCONJ _005195566 46 2 these these DET _005195566 46 3 facts fact NOUN _005195566 46 4 shall shall AUX _005195566 46 5 be be AUX _005195566 46 6 read read VERB _005195566 46 7 by by ADP _005195566 46 8 any*w3io any*w3io NUM _005195566 46 9 love love NOUN _005195566 46 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 46 11 venerate venerate VERB _005195566 46 12 the the DET _005195566 46 13 blessed bless VERB _005195566 46 14 motfe^ motfe^ NOUN _005195566 46 15 of of ADP _005195566 46 16 god god PROPN _005195566 46 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 46 18 they they PRON _005195566 46 19 will will AUX _005195566 46 20 serve serve VERB _005195566 46 21 to to PART _005195566 46 22 strengthen strengthen VERB _005195566 46 23 that that DET _005195566 46 24 filial filial ADJ _005195566 46 25 trust trust NOUN _005195566 46 26 in in ADP _005195566 46 27 her her PRON _005195566 46 28 protection protection NOUN _005195566 46 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 47 1 with with ADP _005195566 47 2 the the DET _005195566 47 3 subject subject NOUN _005195566 47 4 of of ADP _005195566 47 5 this this DET _005195566 47 6 narrative narrative NOUN _005195566 47 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 47 8 let let VERB _005195566 47 9 such such ADJ _005195566 47 10 exclaim exclaim NOUN _005195566 47 11 : : PUNCT _005195566 47 12 “ " PUNCT _005195566 47 13 would would AUX _005195566 47 14 that that SCONJ _005195566 47 15 every every DET _005195566 47 16 heart heart NOUN _005195566 47 17 were be AUX _005195566 47 18 filled fill VERB _005195566 47 19 with with ADP _005195566 47 20 love love NOUN _005195566 47 21 for for ADP _005195566 47 22 mary mary PROPN _005195566 47 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 47 24 the the DET _005195566 47 25 refuge refuge NOUN _005195566 47 26 of of ADP _005195566 47 27 sinners sinner NOUN _005195566 47 28 and and CCONJ _005195566 47 29 the the DET _005195566 47 30 mother mother NOUN _005195566 47 31 of of ADP _005195566 47 32 my my PRON _005195566 47 33 god god PROPN _005195566 47 34 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 48 1 55 55 NUM _005195566 48 2 it it PRON _005195566 48 3 is be AUX _005195566 48 4 to to PART _005195566 48 5 give give VERB _005195566 48 6 an an DET _005195566 48 7 additional additional ADJ _005195566 48 8 motive motive NOUN _005195566 48 9 for for ADP _005195566 48 10 this this DET _005195566 48 11 devotion devotion NOUN _005195566 48 12 that that SCONJ _005195566 48 13 th.e th.e PROPN _005195566 48 14 last last ADJ _005195566 48 15 moments moment NOUN _005195566 48 16 of16 of16 NOUN _005195566 48 17 the the DET _005195566 48 18 follo\^g^j3tag^s follo\^g^j3tag^s PROPN _005195566 48 19 are be AUX _005195566 48 20 written write VERB _005195566 48 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 48 22 let let VERB _005195566 48 23 them they PRON _005195566 48 24 be be AUX _005195566 48 25 read read VERB _005195566 48 26 attentively attentively ADV _005195566 48 27 , , PUNCT _005195566 48 28 for for ADP _005195566 48 29 the the DET _005195566 48 30 writer writer NOUN _005195566 48 31 , , PUNCT _005195566 48 32 as as ADV _005195566 48 33 well well ADV _005195566 48 34 as as ADP _005195566 48 35 numerous numerous ADJ _005195566 48 36 other other ADJ _005195566 48 37 eye eye NOUN _005195566 48 38 - - PUNCT _005195566 48 39 witnesses witness NOUN _005195566 48 40 , , PUNCT _005195566 48 41 ready ready ADJ _005195566 48 42 to to PART _005195566 48 43 substantiate substantiate VERB _005195566 48 44 every every DET _005195566 48 45 circumstance circumstance NOUN _005195566 48 46 here here ADV _005195566 48 47 related relate VERB _005195566 48 48 . . PUNCT _005195566 49 1 mr mr PROPN _005195566 49 2 . . PROPN _005195566 49 3 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 49 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 49 5 at at ADP _005195566 49 6 the the DET _005195566 49 7 time time NOUN _005195566 49 8 our our PRON _005195566 49 9 narrative narrative ADJ _005195566 49 10 commences commence NOUN _005195566 49 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 49 12 was be AUX _005195566 49 13 confined confine VERB _005195566 49 14 to to ADP _005195566 49 15 his his PRON _005195566 49 16 room room NOUN _005195566 49 17 by by ADP _005195566 49 18 the the DET _005195566 49 19 illness illness NOUN _005195566 49 20 of of ADP _005195566 49 21 which which PRON _005195566 49 22 he he PRON _005195566 49 23 subsequently subsequently ADV _005195566 49 24 diedhis diedhis DET _005195566 49 25 body body NOUN _005195566 49 26 was be AUX _005195566 49 27 exceedingly exceedingly ADV _005195566 49 28 emaciated emaciate VERB _005195566 49 29 while while SCONJ _005195566 49 30 his his PRON _005195566 49 31 mind mind NOUN _005195566 49 32 remained remain VERB _005195566 49 33 strong strong ADJ _005195566 49 34 and and CCONJ _005195566 49 35 vigorous vigorous ADJ _005195566 49 36 . . PUNCT _005195566 50 1 all all PRON _005195566 50 2 who who PRON _005195566 50 3 ever ever ADV _005195566 50 4 heard hear VERB _005195566 50 5 him he PRON _005195566 50 6 declaim declaim VERB _005195566 50 7 against against ADP _005195566 50 8 revealed reveal VERB _005195566 50 9 religion religion NOUN _005195566 50 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 50 11 or or CCONJ _005195566 50 12 who who PRON _005195566 50 13 knew know VERB _005195566 50 14 him he PRON _005195566 50 15 during during ADP _005195566 50 16 his his PRON _005195566 50 17 days day NOUN _005195566 50 18 of of ADP _005195566 50 19 health health NOUN _005195566 50 20 agree agree VERB _005195566 50 21 in in ADP _005195566 50 22 pronouncing pronounce VERB _005195566 50 23 him he PRON _005195566 50 24 a a DET _005195566 50 25 man man NOUN _005195566 50 26 of of ADP _005195566 50 27 unusually unusually ADV _005195566 50 28 strong strong ADJ _005195566 50 29 argumentative argumentative ADJ _005195566 50 30 powers power NOUN _005195566 50 31 . . PUNCT _005195566 51 1 in in ADP _005195566 51 2 the the DET _005195566 51 3 district district PROPN _005195566 51 4 of of ADP _005195566 51 5 columbia columbia PROPN _005195566 51 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 51 7 where where SCONJ _005195566 51 8 mr mr PROPN _005195566 51 9 . . PROPN _005195566 51 10 mcgrawwas mcgrawwas PROPN _005195566 51 11 most most ADV _005195566 51 12 known know VERB _005195566 51 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 51 14 his his PRON _005195566 51 15 views view NOUN _005195566 51 16 on on ADP _005195566 51 17 the the DET _005195566 51 18 subject subject NOUN _005195566 51 19 of of ADP _005195566 51 20 religion religion NOUN _005195566 51 21 a a DET _005195566 51 22 converted converted ADJ _005195566 51 23 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 51 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 52 1 17 17 NUM _005195566 52 2 need need AUX _005195566 52 3 not not PART _005195566 52 4 be be AUX _005195566 52 5 mentioned mention VERB _005195566 52 6 . . PUNCT _005195566 53 1 they they PRON _005195566 53 2 are be AUX _005195566 53 3 as as ADV _005195566 53 4 familiar familiar ADJ _005195566 53 5 to to ADP _005195566 53 6 his his PRON _005195566 53 7 acquaintances acquaintance NOUN _005195566 53 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 53 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 53 10 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 53 11 to to ADP _005195566 53 12 a a DET _005195566 53 13 great great ADJ _005195566 53 14 portion portion NOUN _005195566 53 15 of of ADP _005195566 53 16 the the DET _005195566 53 17 district district NOUN _005195566 53 18 as as ADP _005195566 53 19 the the DET _005195566 53 20 history history NOUN _005195566 53 21 of of ADP _005195566 53 22 any any DET _005195566 53 23 fact fact NOUN _005195566 53 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 54 1 during during ADP _005195566 54 2 a a DET _005195566 54 3 long long ADJ _005195566 54 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 54 5 eventful eventful ADJ _005195566 54 6 life life NOUN _005195566 54 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 54 8 he he PRON _005195566 54 9 had have AUX _005195566 54 10 for for ADP _005195566 54 11 forty forty NUM _005195566 54 12 years year NOUN _005195566 54 13 openly openly ADV _005195566 54 14 professed profess VERB _005195566 54 15 himself himself PRON _005195566 54 16 an an DET _005195566 54 17 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 54 18 — — PUNCT _005195566 54 19 had have AUX _005195566 54 20 gloried glory VERB _005195566 54 21 in in ADP _005195566 54 22 the the DET _005195566 54 23 wild wild ADJ _005195566 54 24 and and CCONJ _005195566 54 25 senseless senseless ADJ _005195566 54 26 theories theory NOUN _005195566 54 27 of of ADP _005195566 54 28 voltaire voltaire NOUN _005195566 54 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 54 30 ofrousseau ofrousseau PROPN _005195566 54 31 , , PUNCT _005195566 54 32 of of ADP _005195566 54 33 paine paine PROPN _005195566 54 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 54 35 diderot diderot PROPN _005195566 54 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 54 37 d’alembert d’alembert PROPN _005195566 54 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 54 39 bollingbroke bollingbroke VERB _005195566 54 40 and and CCONJ _005195566 54 41 kneeland kneeland NOUN _005195566 54 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 55 1 following follow VERB _005195566 55 2 in in ADP _005195566 55 3 the the DET _005195566 55 4 track track NOUN _005195566 55 5 of of ADP _005195566 55 6 such such ADJ _005195566 55 7 demoralizing demoralize VERB _005195566 55 8 leaders leader NOUN _005195566 55 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 55 10 his his PRON _005195566 55 11 naturally naturally ADV _005195566 55 12 strong strong ADJ _005195566 55 13 intellect intellect NOUN _005195566 55 14 succeeded succeed VERB _005195566 55 15 to to ADP _005195566 55 16 no no DET _005195566 55 17 inconsiderable inconsiderable ADJ _005195566 55 18 extent extent NOUN _005195566 55 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 55 20 in in ADP _005195566 55 21 compiling compile VERB _005195566 55 22 a a DET _005195566 55 23 system system NOUN _005195566 55 24 partaking partake VERB _005195566 55 25 of of ADP _005195566 55 26 the the DET _005195566 55 27 inconsistencies inconsistency NOUN _005195566 55 28 of of ADP _005195566 55 29 one one NUM _005195566 55 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 55 31 the the DET _005195566 55 32 absurdities absurdity NOUN _005195566 55 33 of of ADP _005195566 55 34 another another PRON _005195566 55 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 55 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 55 37 the the DET _005195566 55 38 horrid horrid NOUN _005195566 55 39 blasphemies blasphemy NOUN _005195566 55 40 of of ADP _005195566 55 41 all all PRON _005195566 55 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 56 1 this this DET _005195566 56 2 system system NOUN _005195566 56 3 he he PRON _005195566 56 4 had have AUX _005195566 56 5 openly openly ADV _005195566 56 6 professed profess VERB _005195566 56 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 56 8 strenuously strenuously ADV _005195566 56 9 endeavored endeavor VERB _005195566 56 10 2 2 NUM _005195566 56 11 18 18 NUM _005195566 56 12 the the DET _005195566 56 13 last last ADJ _005195566 56 14 moments moment NOUN _005195566 56 15 of of ADP _005195566 56 16 to to PART _005195566 56 17 inculcate inculcate VERB _005195566 56 18 during during ADP _005195566 56 19 five five NUM _005195566 56 20 and and CCONJ _005195566 56 21 thirty thirty NUM _005195566 56 22 years year NOUN _005195566 56 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 57 1 possessed possess VERB _005195566 57 2 of of ADP _005195566 57 3 an an DET _005195566 57 4 inventive inventive ADJ _005195566 57 5 genius genius NOUN _005195566 57 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 57 7 a a DET _005195566 57 8 fluency fluency NOUN _005195566 57 9 of of ADP _005195566 57 10 words word NOUN _005195566 57 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 57 12 it it PRON _005195566 57 13 is be AUX _005195566 57 14 not not PART _005195566 57 15 to to PART _005195566 57 16 be be AUX _005195566 57 17 wondered wonder VERB _005195566 57 18 at at ADP _005195566 57 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 57 20 that that SCONJ _005195566 57 21 few few ADJ _005195566 57 22 were be AUX _005195566 57 23 found find VERB _005195566 57 24 to to PART _005195566 57 25 enter enter VERB _005195566 57 26 the the DET _005195566 57 27 arena arena NOUN _005195566 57 28 of of ADP _005195566 57 29 dispute dispute NOUN _005195566 57 30 with with ADP _005195566 57 31 him he PRON _005195566 57 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 57 33 for for ADP _005195566 57 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 57 35 to to PART _005195566 57 36 convince convince VERB _005195566 57 37 him he PRON _005195566 57 38 was be AUX _005195566 57 39 impossible impossible ADJ _005195566 57 40 , , PUNCT _005195566 57 41 so so ADV _005195566 57 42 strongly strongly ADV _005195566 57 43 was be AUX _005195566 57 44 he he PRON _005195566 57 45 wedded wed VERB _005195566 57 46 to to ADP _005195566 57 47 his his PRON _005195566 57 48 own own ADJ _005195566 57 49 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005195566 57 50 views view NOUN _005195566 57 51 . . PUNCT _005195566 58 1 not not PART _005195566 58 2 an an DET _005195566 58 3 apparent apparent ADJ _005195566 58 4 discrepancy discrepancy NOUN _005195566 58 5 in in ADP _005195566 58 6 the the DET _005195566 58 7 bible bible PROPN _005195566 58 8 had have AUX _005195566 58 9 escaped escape VERB _005195566 58 10 him he PRON _005195566 58 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 58 12 no no DET _005195566 58 13 difficulty difficulty NOUN _005195566 58 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 58 15 no no DET _005195566 58 16 seeming seem VERB _005195566 58 17 contradiction contradiction NOUN _005195566 58 18 or or CCONJ _005195566 58 19 prophecy prophecy NOUN _005195566 58 20 in in ADP _005195566 58 21 either either CCONJ _005195566 58 22 the the DET _005195566 58 23 old old ADJ _005195566 58 24 or or CCONJ _005195566 58 25 new new ADJ _005195566 58 26 testament testament NOUN _005195566 58 27 but but CCONJ _005195566 58 28 was be AUX _005195566 58 29 as as ADV _005195566 58 30 familiar familiar ADJ _005195566 58 31 to to ADP _005195566 58 32 him he PRON _005195566 58 33 as as ADP _005195566 58 34 the the DET _005195566 58 35 commandments commandment NOUN _005195566 58 36 to to ADP _005195566 58 37 a a DET _005195566 58 38 christian christian NOUN _005195566 58 39 . . PUNCT _005195566 59 1 he he PRON _005195566 59 2 had have AUX _005195566 59 3 studied study VERB _005195566 59 4 the the DET _005195566 59 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 59 6 volume volume NOUN _005195566 59 7 for for ADP _005195566 59 8 the the DET _005195566 59 9 express express ADJ _005195566 59 10 purpose purpose NOUN _005195566 59 11 of of ADP _005195566 59 12 culling cull VERB _005195566 59 13 such such ADJ _005195566 59 14 passages passage NOUN _005195566 59 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 59 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 59 17 most most ADV _005195566 59 18 fearful fearful ADJ _005195566 59 19 was be AUX _005195566 59 20 the the DET _005195566 59 21 use use NOUN _005195566 59 22 which which PRON _005195566 59 23 he he PRON _005195566 59 24 made make VERB _005195566 59 25 of of ADP _005195566 59 26 his his PRON _005195566 59 27 ill ill ADV _005195566 59 28 - - PUNCT _005195566 59 29 directed direct VERB _005195566 59 30 talent talent NOUN _005195566 59 31 . . PUNCT _005195566 60 1 the the DET _005195566 60 2 strongest strong ADJ _005195566 60 3 arguments argument NOUN _005195566 60 4 a a DET _005195566 60 5 converted converted ADJ _005195566 60 6 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 60 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 61 1 19 19 NUM _005195566 61 2 and and CCONJ _005195566 61 3 most most ADV _005195566 61 4 plausible plausible ADJ _005195566 61 5 theories theory NOUN _005195566 61 6 against against ADP _005195566 61 7 the the DET _005195566 61 8 truths truth NOUN _005195566 61 9 ofthe ofthe PRON _005195566 61 10 gospel gospel NOUN _005195566 61 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 61 12 mr mr PROPN _005195566 61 13 . . PROPN _005195566 61 14 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 61 15 would would AUX _005195566 61 16 set set VERB _005195566 61 17 forth forth ADP _005195566 61 18 in in ADP _005195566 61 19 his his PRON _005195566 61 20 intercourse intercourse NOUN _005195566 61 21 with with ADP _005195566 61 22 the the DET _005195566 61 23 young young ADJ _005195566 61 24 men man NOUN _005195566 61 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 61 26 many many ADJ _005195566 61 27 of of ADP _005195566 61 28 whom whom PRON _005195566 61 29 looked look VERB _005195566 61 30 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 61 31 him he PRON _005195566 61 32 as as ADP _005195566 61 33 their their PRON _005195566 61 34 leader leader NOUN _005195566 61 35 in in ADP _005195566 61 36 infidelity infidelity NOUN _005195566 61 37 . . PUNCT _005195566 62 1 he he PRON _005195566 62 2 was be AUX _005195566 62 3 for for ADP _005195566 62 4 several several ADJ _005195566 62 5 years year NOUN _005195566 62 6 accustomed accustom VERB _005195566 62 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 62 8 after after SCONJ _005195566 62 9 the the DET _005195566 62 10 duties duty NOUN _005195566 62 11 of of ADP _005195566 62 12 the the DET _005195566 62 13 day day NOUN _005195566 62 14 were be AUX _005195566 62 15 over over ADV _005195566 62 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 62 17 to to PART _005195566 62 18 argue argue VERB _005195566 62 19 against against ADP _005195566 62 20 the the DET _005195566 62 21 christian christian ADJ _005195566 62 22 religion religion NOUN _005195566 62 23 in in ADP _005195566 62 24 presence presence NOUN _005195566 62 25 of of ADP _005195566 62 26 an an DET _005195566 62 27 assemblage assemblage NOUN _005195566 62 28 of of ADP _005195566 62 29 persons person NOUN _005195566 62 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 62 31 who who PRON _005195566 62 32 would would AUX _005195566 62 33 gather gather VERB _005195566 62 34 around around ADP _005195566 62 35 his his PRON _005195566 62 36 door door NOUN _005195566 62 37 or or CCONJ _005195566 62 38 in in ADP _005195566 62 39 some some DET _005195566 62 40 public public ADJ _005195566 62 41 place place NOUN _005195566 62 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 62 43 attracted attract VERB _005195566 62 44 by by ADP _005195566 62 45 the the DET _005195566 62 46 bold bold ADJ _005195566 62 47 originality originality NOUN _005195566 62 48 of of ADP _005195566 62 49 his his PRON _005195566 62 50 manner manner NOUN _005195566 62 51 , , PUNCT _005195566 62 52 and and CCONJ _005195566 62 53 by by ADP _005195566 62 54 the the DET _005195566 62 55 novelty novelty NOUN _005195566 62 56 of of ADP _005195566 62 57 his his PRON _005195566 62 58 views view NOUN _005195566 62 59 . . PUNCT _005195566 63 1 it it PRON _005195566 63 2 was be AUX _005195566 63 3 his his PRON _005195566 63 4 chief chief ADJ _005195566 63 5 aim aim NOUN _005195566 63 6 to to PART _005195566 63 7 instil instil VERB _005195566 63 8 his his PRON _005195566 63 9 principles principle NOUN _005195566 63 10 in in ADP _005195566 63 11 the the DET _005195566 63 12 minds mind NOUN _005195566 63 13 of of ADP _005195566 63 14 the the DET _005195566 63 15 young young ADJ _005195566 63 16 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 63 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 63 18 too too ADV _005195566 63 19 fatally fatally ADV _005195566 63 20 did do VERB _005195566 63 21 he he PRON _005195566 63 22 for for ADP _005195566 63 23 years year NOUN _005195566 63 24 succeed succeed VERB _005195566 63 25 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 64 1 many many ADJ _005195566 64 2 corrupted corrupt VERB _005195566 64 3 by by ADP _005195566 64 4 his his PRON _005195566 64 5 irreligious irreligious ADJ _005195566 64 6 teaching teaching NOUN _005195566 64 7 are be AUX _005195566 64 8 now now ADV _005195566 64 9 suffering suffer VERB _005195566 64 10 the the DET _005195566 64 11 dread dread NOUN _005195566 64 12 20 20 NUM _005195566 64 13 the the DET _005195566 64 14 last last ADJ _005195566 64 15 moments moment NOUN _005195566 64 16 of of ADP _005195566 64 17 consequences consequence NOUN _005195566 64 18 — — PUNCT _005195566 64 19 many many ADJ _005195566 64 20 there there PRON _005195566 64 21 are be VERB _005195566 64 22 who who PRON _005195566 64 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 64 24 during during ADP _005195566 64 25 the the DET _005195566 64 26 long long ADJ _005195566 64 27 period period NOUN _005195566 64 28 of of ADP _005195566 64 29 thirty thirty NUM _005195566 64 30 or or CCONJ _005195566 64 31 forty forty NUM _005195566 64 32 years year NOUN _005195566 64 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 64 34 learned learn VERB _005195566 64 35 from from ADP _005195566 64 36 him he PRON _005195566 64 37 to to PART _005195566 64 38 blaspheme blaspheme VERB _005195566 64 39 the the DET _005195566 64 40 god god PROPN _005195566 64 41 of of ADP _005195566 64 42 truth truth NOUN _005195566 64 43 and and CCONJ _005195566 64 44 to to PART _005195566 64 45 deny deny VERB _005195566 64 46 his his PRON _005195566 64 47 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 64 48 revelations revelation NOUN _005195566 64 49 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 65 1 — — PUNCT _005195566 65 2 some some PRON _005195566 65 3 remain remain VERB _005195566 65 4 here here ADV _005195566 65 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 65 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 65 7 others other NOUN _005195566 65 8 are be AUX _005195566 65 9 scattered scatter VERB _005195566 65 10 to to ADP _005195566 65 11 different different ADJ _005195566 65 12 parts part NOUN _005195566 65 13 of of ADP _005195566 65 14 the the DET _005195566 65 15 world world NOUN _005195566 65 16 — — PUNCT _005195566 65 17 while while SCONJ _005195566 65 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 65 19 how how SCONJ _005195566 65 20 shall shall AUX _005195566 65 21 it it PRON _005195566 65 22 be be AUX _005195566 65 23 said say VERB _005195566 65 24 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 66 1 no no DET _005195566 66 2 few few ADJ _005195566 66 3 have have AUX _005195566 66 4 already already ADV _005195566 66 5 passed pass VERB _005195566 66 6 the the DET _005195566 66 7 confines confine NOUN _005195566 66 8 of of ADP _005195566 66 9 time time NOUN _005195566 66 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 66 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 66 12 are be AUX _005195566 66 13 now now ADV _005195566 66 14 in in ADP _005195566 66 15 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 66 16 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 67 1 ti ti VERB _005195566 67 2 it it PRON _005195566 67 3 was be AUX _005195566 67 4 long long ADJ _005195566 67 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 67 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 67 7 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 67 8 the the DET _005195566 67 9 constant constant ADJ _005195566 67 10 custom custom NOUN _005195566 67 11 of of ADP _005195566 67 12 mr mr PROPN _005195566 67 13 . . PROPN _005195566 67 14 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 67 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 67 16 to to PART _005195566 67 17 seek seek VERB _005195566 67 18 interviews interview NOUN _005195566 67 19 with with ADP _005195566 67 20 the the DET _005195566 67 21 sick sick ADJ _005195566 67 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 67 23 the the DET _005195566 67 24 dying dying NOUN _005195566 67 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 67 26 and and CCONJ _005195566 67 27 there there ADV _005195566 67 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 67 29 while while SCONJ _005195566 67 30 performing perform VERB _005195566 67 31 some some DET _005195566 67 32 friendly friendly ADJ _005195566 67 33 office office NOUN _005195566 67 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 67 35 to to PART _005195566 67 36 distil distil VERB _005195566 67 37 the the DET _005195566 67 38 poison poison NOUN _005195566 67 39 of of ADP _005195566 67 40 his his PRON _005195566 67 41 infidelity infidelity NOUN _005195566 67 42 into into ADP _005195566 67 43 the the DET _005195566 67 44 very very ADJ _005195566 67 45 soul soul NOUN _005195566 67 46 of of ADP _005195566 67 47 the the DET _005195566 67 48 death death NOUN _005195566 67 49 - - PUNCT _005195566 67 50 stricken stricken VERB _005195566 67 51 victim victim NOUN _005195566 67 52 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 68 1 no no DET _005195566 68 2 christian christian ADJ _005195566 68 3 minister minister NOUN _005195566 68 4 could could AUX _005195566 68 5 be be AUX _005195566 68 6 more more ADV _005195566 68 7 zealous zealous ADJ _005195566 68 8 for for ADP _005195566 68 9 good good ADJ _005195566 68 10 than than SCONJ _005195566 68 11 was be AUX _005195566 68 12 this this DET _005195566 68 13 misa misa NOUN _005195566 68 14 converted convert VERB _005195566 68 15 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 68 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 69 1 21 21 NUM _005195566 69 2 guided guide VERB _005195566 69 3 individual individual NOUN _005195566 69 4 in in ADP _005195566 69 5 disseminating disseminate VERB _005195566 69 6 his his PRON _005195566 69 7 horrid horrid NOUN _005195566 69 8 principles principle NOUN _005195566 69 9 . . PUNCT _005195566 70 1 strange strange ADJ _005195566 70 2 infatuation infatuation NOUN _005195566 70 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 71 1 frightful frightful ADJ _005195566 71 2 wanderings wandering NOUN _005195566 71 3 of of ADP _005195566 71 4 the the DET _005195566 71 5 human human ADJ _005195566 71 6 intellect intellect NOUN _005195566 71 7 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 72 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 72 2 yet yet ADV _005195566 72 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 72 4 the the DET _005195566 72 5 writer writer NOUN _005195566 72 6 of of ADP _005195566 72 7 this this DET _005195566 72 8 narrative narrative NOUN _005195566 72 9 entertains entertain NOUN _005195566 72 10 not not PART _005195566 72 11 the the DET _005195566 72 12 slightest slight ADJ _005195566 72 13 doubt doubt NOUN _005195566 72 14 of of ADP _005195566 72 15 mr mr PROPN _005195566 72 16 . . PROPN _005195566 72 17 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 72 18 ’s ’s NOUN _005195566 72 19 sincerity sincerity NOUN _005195566 72 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 73 1 he he PRON _005195566 73 2 had have AUX _005195566 73 3 become become VERB _005195566 73 4 impressed impressed ADJ _005195566 73 5 with with ADP _005195566 73 6 the the DET _005195566 73 7 belief belief NOUN _005195566 73 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 9 that that SCONJ _005195566 73 10 all all DET _005195566 73 11 religious religious ADJ _005195566 73 12 authority authority NOUN _005195566 73 13 was be AUX _005195566 73 14 an an DET _005195566 73 15 unauthorized unauthorized ADJ _005195566 73 16 restraint restraint NOUN _005195566 73 17 on on ADP _005195566 73 18 human human ADJ _005195566 73 19 liberty liberty NOUN _005195566 73 20 — — PUNCT _005195566 73 21 that that SCONJ _005195566 73 22 the the DET _005195566 73 23 mind mind NOUN _005195566 73 24 of of ADP _005195566 73 25 man man NOUN _005195566 73 26 should should AUX _005195566 73 27 tower tower VERB _005195566 73 28 above above ADP _005195566 73 29 all all DET _005195566 73 30 dependance dependance NOUN _005195566 73 31 on on ADP _005195566 73 32 others other NOUN _005195566 73 33 for for ADP _005195566 73 34 guidance guidance NOUN _005195566 73 35 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 73 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 73 37 being be AUX _005195566 73 38 naturally naturally ADV _005195566 73 39 of of ADP _005195566 73 40 an an DET _005195566 73 41 ardent ardent ADJ _005195566 73 42 temperament temperament NOUN _005195566 73 43 and and CCONJ _005195566 73 44 possessing possess VERB _005195566 73 45 a a DET _005195566 73 46 heart heart NOUN _005195566 73 47 ever ever ADV _005195566 73 48 sensibly sensibly ADV _005195566 73 49 alive alive ADJ _005195566 73 50 to to ADP _005195566 73 51 the the DET _005195566 73 52 necessities necessity NOUN _005195566 73 53 of of ADP _005195566 73 54 others other NOUN _005195566 73 55 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 56 he he PRON _005195566 73 57 considered consider VERB _005195566 73 58 it it PRON _005195566 73 59 his his PRON _005195566 73 60 duty duty NOUN _005195566 73 61 to to PART _005195566 73 62 destroy destroy VERB _005195566 73 63 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 64 as as ADV _005195566 73 65 far far ADV _005195566 73 66 as as ADP _005195566 73 67 possible possible ADJ _005195566 73 68 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 69 the the DET _005195566 73 70 results result NOUN _005195566 73 71 of of ADP _005195566 73 72 religious religious ADJ _005195566 73 73 education education NOUN _005195566 73 74 in in ADP _005195566 73 75 those those PRON _005195566 73 76 around around ADP _005195566 73 77 him he PRON _005195566 73 78 — — PUNCT _005195566 73 79 hence hence ADV _005195566 73 80 his his PRON _005195566 73 81 unceasing uncease VERB _005195566 73 82 exertions exertion NOUN _005195566 73 83 22 22 NUM _005195566 73 84 the the DET _005195566 73 85 last last ADJ _005195566 73 86 moments moment NOUN _005195566 73 87 of of ADP _005195566 73 88 against against ADP _005195566 73 89 revealed reveal VERB _005195566 73 90 religion religion NOUN _005195566 73 91 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 92 and and CCONJ _005195566 73 93 his his PRON _005195566 73 94 equally equally ADV _005195566 73 95 strenuous strenuous ADJ _005195566 73 96 efforts effort NOUN _005195566 73 97 to to PART _005195566 73 98 elevate elevate VERB _005195566 73 99 human human ADJ _005195566 73 100 reason reason NOUN _005195566 73 101 to to ADP _005195566 73 102 the the DET _005195566 73 103 throne throne NOUN _005195566 73 104 of of ADP _005195566 73 105 the the DET _005195566 73 106 deity deity NOUN _005195566 73 107 * * PUNCT _005195566 73 108 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 73 109 against against ADP _005195566 73 110 his his PRON _005195566 73 111 character character NOUN _005195566 73 112 in in ADP _005195566 73 113 a a DET _005195566 73 114 moral moral ADJ _005195566 73 115 point point NOUN _005195566 73 116 of of ADP _005195566 73 117 view view NOUN _005195566 73 118 no no DET _005195566 73 119 one one PRON _005195566 73 120 could could AUX _005195566 73 121 speak speak VERB _005195566 73 122 — — PUNCT _005195566 73 123 a a DET _005195566 73 124 kind kind NOUN _005195566 73 125 father father NOUN _005195566 73 126 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 127 he he PRON _005195566 73 128 labored labor VERB _005195566 73 129 to to PART _005195566 73 130 support support VERB _005195566 73 131 his his PRON _005195566 73 132 family family NOUN _005195566 73 133 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 134 and and CCONJ _005195566 73 135 reared rear VERB _005195566 73 136 them they PRON _005195566 73 137 in in ADP _005195566 73 138 respectability respectability NOUN _005195566 73 139 — — PUNCT _005195566 73 140 in in ADP _005195566 73 141 nothing nothing PRON _005195566 73 142 but but SCONJ _005195566 73 143 religion religion NOUN _005195566 73 144 was be AUX _005195566 73 145 he he PRON _005195566 73 146 opposed opposed ADJ _005195566 73 147 to to ADP _005195566 73 148 them they PRON _005195566 73 149 — — PUNCT _005195566 73 150 and and CCONJ _005195566 73 151 strange strange ADJ _005195566 73 152 as as SCONJ _005195566 73 153 it it PRON _005195566 73 154 may may AUX _005195566 73 155 seem seem VERB _005195566 73 156 to to ADP _005195566 73 157 some some PRON _005195566 73 158 , , PUNCT _005195566 73 159 he he PRON _005195566 73 160 was be AUX _005195566 73 161 not not PART _005195566 73 162 opposed oppose VERB _005195566 73 163 to to ADP _005195566 73 164 his his PRON _005195566 73 165 childrens children NOUN _005195566 73 166 ’ ' PUNCT _005195566 73 167 joining join VERB _005195566 73 168 the the DET _005195566 73 169 catholic(clxurch catholic(clxurch PROPN _005195566 73 170 . . PUNCT _005195566 74 1 while while SCONJ _005195566 74 2 he he PRON _005195566 74 3 was be AUX _005195566 74 4 willing willing ADJ _005195566 74 5 for for SCONJ _005195566 74 6 them they PRON _005195566 74 7 to to PART _005195566 74 8 enjoy enjoy VERB _005195566 74 9 their their PRON _005195566 74 10 own own ADJ _005195566 74 11 opinions opinion NOUN _005195566 74 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 74 13 he he PRON _005195566 74 14 required require VERB _005195566 74 15 that that SCONJ _005195566 74 16 they they PRON _005195566 74 17 should should AUX _005195566 74 18 never never ADV _005195566 74 19 introduce introduce VERB _005195566 74 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 74 21 in in ADP _005195566 74 22 his his PRON _005195566 74 23 presence presence NOUN _005195566 74 24 the the DET _005195566 74 25 subject subject NOUN _005195566 74 26 of of ADP _005195566 74 27 religion religion NOUN _005195566 74 28 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 74 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 74 30 if if SCONJ _005195566 74 31 perchance perchance ADV _005195566 74 32 in in ADP _005195566 74 33 an an DET _005195566 74 34 unguarded unguarded ADJ _005195566 74 35 moment moment NOUN _005195566 74 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 74 37 or or CCONJ _005195566 74 38 when when SCONJ _005195566 74 39 they they PRON _005195566 74 40 beheld behold VERB _005195566 74 41 him he PRON _005195566 74 42 slowly slowly ADV _005195566 74 43 sinking sink VERB _005195566 74 44 beneath beneath ADP _005195566 74 45 the the DET _005195566 74 46 effects effect NOUN _005195566 74 47 of of ADP _005195566 74 48 disease disease NOUN _005195566 74 49 , , PUNCT _005195566 74 50 a a DET _005195566 74 51 converted converted ADJ _005195566 74 52 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 74 53 . . PUNCT _005195566 75 1 23 23 NUM _005195566 75 2 they they PRON _005195566 75 3 introduced introduce VERB _005195566 75 4 the the DET _005195566 75 5 subject subject NOUN _005195566 75 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 75 7 it it PRON _005195566 75 8 would would AUX _005195566 75 9 serve serve VERB _005195566 75 10 but but CCONJ _005195566 75 11 to to ADP _005195566 75 12 elicit elicit PROPN _005195566 75 13 from from ADP _005195566 75 14 the the DET _005195566 75 15 father father NOUN _005195566 75 16 a a DET _005195566 75 17 tirade tirade NOUN _005195566 75 18 against against ADP _005195566 75 19 the the DET _005195566 75 20 professors professor NOUN _005195566 75 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 75 22 the the DET _005195566 75 23 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195566 75 24 of of ADP _005195566 75 25 revelation revelation NOUN _005195566 75 26 . . PUNCT _005195566 76 1 during during ADP _005195566 76 2 the the DET _005195566 76 3 spring spring NOUN _005195566 76 4 of of ADP _005195566 76 5 1846 1846 NUM _005195566 76 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 76 7 mr mr PROPN _005195566 76 8 . . PROPN _005195566 76 9 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 76 10 was be AUX _005195566 76 11 attacked attack VERB _005195566 76 12 with with ADP _005195566 76 13 a a DET _005195566 76 14 severe severe ADJ _005195566 76 15 bronchial bronchial ADJ _005195566 76 16 affection affection NOUN _005195566 76 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 76 18 which which PRON _005195566 76 19 in in ADP _005195566 76 20 a a DET _005195566 76 21 few few ADJ _005195566 76 22 months month NOUN _005195566 76 23 proved prove VERB _005195566 76 24 fatal fatal ADJ _005195566 76 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 77 1 his his PRON _005195566 77 2 once once ADV _005195566 77 3 robust robust ADJ _005195566 77 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 77 5 hardy hardy ADJ _005195566 77 6 constitution constitution NOUN _005195566 77 7 rapidly rapidly ADV _005195566 77 8 yielded yield VERB _005195566 77 9 to to ADP _005195566 77 10 the the DET _005195566 77 11 inroads inroad NOUN _005195566 77 12 of of ADP _005195566 77 13 diseasewhile diseasewhile ADJ _005195566 77 14 trusting trusting NOUN _005195566 77 15 with with ADP _005195566 77 16 apparent apparent ADJ _005195566 77 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 77 18 no no ADV _005195566 77 19 doubt doubt ADV _005195566 77 20 sincere sincere ADJ _005195566 77 21 reliance reliance NOUN _005195566 77 22 to to ADP _005195566 77 23 his his PRON _005195566 77 24 erroneous erroneous ADJ _005195566 77 25 principles,—he principles,—he NOUN _005195566 77 26 looked look VERB _005195566 77 27 on on ADP _005195566 77 28 death death NOUN _005195566 77 29 as as ADP _005195566 77 30 the the DET _005195566 77 31 termination termination NOUN _005195566 77 32 of of ADP _005195566 77 33 all all DET _005195566 77 34 his his PRON _005195566 77 35 sufferings suffering NOUN _005195566 77 36 . . PUNCT _005195566 78 1 to to ADP _005195566 78 2 the the DET _005195566 78 3 earnest earnest ADJ _005195566 78 4 entreaties entreaty NOUN _005195566 78 5 of of ADP _005195566 78 6 his his PRON _005195566 78 7 family family NOUN _005195566 78 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 78 9 friends friend NOUN _005195566 78 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 78 11 whenever whenever SCONJ _005195566 78 12 they they PRON _005195566 78 13 ventured venture VERB _005195566 78 14 to to PART _005195566 78 15 broach broach VERB _005195566 78 16 the the DET _005195566 78 17 subject subject NOUN _005195566 78 18 of of ADP _005195566 78 19 preparing prepare VERB _005195566 78 20 for for ADP _005195566 78 21 death death NOUN _005195566 78 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 78 23 he he PRON _005195566 78 24 would would AUX _005195566 78 25 reply reply VERB _005195566 78 26 in in ADP _005195566 78 27 his his PRON _005195566 78 28 usual usual ADJ _005195566 78 29 style style NOUN _005195566 78 30 — — PUNCT _005195566 78 31 assuring assure VERB _005195566 78 32 all all DET _005195566 78 33 24 24 NUM _005195566 78 34 the the DET _005195566 78 35 last last ADJ _005195566 78 36 moments moment NOUN _005195566 78 37 of of ADP _005195566 78 38 of of ADP _005195566 78 39 his his PRON _005195566 78 40 perfect perfect ADJ _005195566 78 41 resignation resignation NOUN _005195566 78 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 78 43 of of ADP _005195566 78 44 his his PRON _005195566 78 45 trust trust NOUN _005195566 78 46 and and CCONJ _005195566 78 47 entire entire ADJ _005195566 78 48 confidence confidence NOUN _005195566 78 49 in in ADP _005195566 78 50 the the DET _005195566 78 51 god god PROPN _005195566 78 52 whom whom PRON _005195566 78 53 he he PRON _005195566 78 54 worshipped worship VERB _005195566 78 55 , , PUNCT _005195566 78 56 of of ADP _005195566 78 57 his his PRON _005195566 78 58 willingness willingness NOUN _005195566 78 59 to to PART _005195566 78 60 abide abide VERB _005195566 78 61 the the DET _005195566 78 62 consequences consequence NOUN _005195566 78 63 of of ADP _005195566 78 64 his his PRON _005195566 78 65 belief belief NOUN _005195566 78 66 , , PUNCT _005195566 78 67 and and CCONJ _005195566 78 68 his his PRON _005195566 78 69 settled settle VERB _005195566 78 70 conviction conviction NOUN _005195566 78 71 of of ADP _005195566 78 72 the the DET _005195566 78 73 truth truth NOUN _005195566 78 74 of of ADP _005195566 78 75 his his PRON _005195566 78 76 opinions opinion NOUN _005195566 78 77 on on ADP _005195566 78 78 the the DET _005195566 78 79 subject subject NOUN _005195566 78 80 of of ADP _005195566 78 81 rational rational ADJ _005195566 78 82 religion religion NOUN _005195566 78 83 . . PUNCT _005195566 79 1 many many ADJ _005195566 79 2 visited visit VERB _005195566 79 3 him he PRON _005195566 79 4 during during ADP _005195566 79 5 this this DET _005195566 79 6 period period NOUN _005195566 79 7 of of ADP _005195566 79 8 his his PRON _005195566 79 9 illness illness NOUN _005195566 79 10 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 79 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 79 12 no no DET _005195566 79 13 few few ADJ _005195566 79 14 were be AUX _005195566 79 15 hindered hinder VERB _005195566 79 16 from from ADP _005195566 79 17 speaking speak VERB _005195566 79 18 on on ADP _005195566 79 19 pious pious ADJ _005195566 79 20 subjects subject NOUN _005195566 79 21 through through ADP _005195566 79 22 a a DET _005195566 79 23 natural natural ADJ _005195566 79 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 79 25 and and CCONJ _005195566 79 26 very very ADV _005195566 79 27 justifiable justifiable ADJ _005195566 79 28 dread dread NOUN _005195566 79 29 of of ADP _005195566 79 30 exciting exciting ADJ _005195566 79 31 him he PRON _005195566 79 32 against against ADP _005195566 79 33 religion religion NOUN _005195566 79 34 . . PUNCT _005195566 80 1 so so ADV _005195566 80 2 excitable excitable ADJ _005195566 80 3 were be AUX _005195566 80 4 his his PRON _005195566 80 5 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 80 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 80 7 vehement vehement VERB _005195566 80 8 his his PRON _005195566 80 9 manner manner NOUN _005195566 80 10 on on ADP _005195566 80 11 this this DET _005195566 80 12 point point NOUN _005195566 80 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 80 14 that that SCONJ _005195566 80 15 not not PART _005195566 80 16 unfrequently unfrequently ADV _005195566 80 17 in in ADP _005195566 80 18 disproving disprove VERB _005195566 80 19 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 80 20 and and CCONJ _005195566 80 21 supporting support VERB _005195566 80 22 his his PRON _005195566 80 23 own own ADJ _005195566 80 24 views view NOUN _005195566 80 25 he he PRON _005195566 80 26 would would AUX _005195566 80 27 become become VERB _005195566 80 28 speechless speechless ADV _005195566 80 29 from from ADP _005195566 80 30 fatigue fatigue NOUN _005195566 80 31 . . PUNCT _005195566 81 1 the the DET _005195566 81 2 few few ADJ _005195566 81 3 who who PRON _005195566 81 4 ventured venture VERB _005195566 81 5 to to PART _005195566 81 6 introduce introduce VERB _005195566 81 7 the the DET _005195566 81 8 suba suba PROPN _005195566 81 9 converted convert VERB _005195566 81 10 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 81 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 82 1 25 25 NUM _005195566 82 2 ject ject NOUN _005195566 82 3 of of ADP _005195566 82 4 religion religion NOUN _005195566 82 5 succeeded succeed VERB _005195566 82 6 in in ADP _005195566 82 7 nothing nothing PRON _005195566 82 8 but but CCONJ _005195566 82 9 in in ADP _005195566 82 10 calling call VERB _005195566 82 11 forth forth ADP _005195566 82 12 his his PRON _005195566 82 13 reiterated reiterate VERB _005195566 82 14 opposition opposition NOUN _005195566 82 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 82 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 82 17 a a DET _005195566 82 18 renewal renewal NOUN _005195566 82 19 of of ADP _005195566 82 20 his his PRON _005195566 82 21 entire entire ADJ _005195566 82 22 confidence confidence NOUN _005195566 82 23 in in ADP _005195566 82 24 the the DET _005195566 82 25 sufficiency sufficiency NOUN _005195566 82 26 of of ADP _005195566 82 27 reason reason NOUN _005195566 82 28 and and CCONJ _005195566 82 29 morality morality NOUN _005195566 82 30 for for ADP _005195566 82 31 man man NOUN _005195566 82 32 ’s ’s PART _005195566 82 33 security security NOUN _005195566 82 34 . . PUNCT _005195566 83 1 -when -when PUNCT _005195566 83 2 questioned question VERB _005195566 83 3 on on ADP _005195566 83 4 the the DET _005195566 83 5 immortality immortality NOUN _005195566 83 6 of of ADP _005195566 83 7 the the DET _005195566 83 8 soul soul NOUN _005195566 83 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 83 10 on on ADP _005195566 83 11 his his PRON _005195566 83 12 prospects prospect NOUN _005195566 83 13 beyond beyond ADP _005195566 83 14 the the DET _005195566 83 15 grave grave NOUN _005195566 83 16 or or CCONJ _005195566 83 17 his his PRON _005195566 83 18 views view NOUN _005195566 83 19 of of ADP _005195566 83 20 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 83 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 83 22 he he PRON _005195566 83 23 would would AUX _005195566 83 24 reply reply VERB _005195566 83 25 that that SCONJ _005195566 83 26 a a DET _005195566 83 27 future future ADJ _005195566 83 28 state state NOUN _005195566 83 29 was be AUX _005195566 83 30 absurd absurd ADJ _005195566 83 31 — — PUNCT _005195566 83 32 that that SCONJ _005195566 83 33 the the DET _005195566 83 34 soul soul NOUN _005195566 83 35 ’s ’s PART _005195566 83 36 immortality immortality NOUN _005195566 83 37 was be AUX _005195566 83 38 a a DET _005195566 83 39 mere mere ADJ _005195566 83 40 fiction fiction NOUN _005195566 83 41 , , PUNCT _005195566 83 42 and and CCONJ _005195566 83 43 that that SCONJ _005195566 83 44 the the DET _005195566 83 45 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195566 83 46 of of ADP _005195566 83 47 future future ADJ _005195566 83 48 rewards reward NOUN _005195566 83 49 and and CCONJ _005195566 83 50 punishments punishment NOUN _005195566 83 51 was be AUX _005195566 83 52 the the DET _005195566 83 53 offspring offspring NOUN _005195566 83 54 of of ADP _005195566 83 55 designing design VERB _005195566 83 56 legislators legislator NOUN _005195566 83 57 . . PUNCT _005195566 84 1 nothing nothing PRON _005195566 84 2 seemed seem VERB _005195566 84 3 capable capable ADJ _005195566 84 4 to to PART _005195566 84 5 alter alter VERB _005195566 84 6 his his PRON _005195566 84 7 views view NOUN _005195566 84 8 on on ADP _005195566 84 9 these these DET _005195566 84 10 points point NOUN _005195566 84 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 85 1 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 85 2 he he PRON _005195566 85 3 treated treat VERB _005195566 85 4 as as ADP _005195566 85 5 a a DET _005195566 85 6 fable fable NOUN _005195566 85 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 85 8 the the DET _005195566 85 9 history history NOUN _005195566 85 10 of of ADP _005195566 85 11 its its PRON _005195566 85 12 divine divine ADJ _005195566 85 13 founder founder NOUN _005195566 85 14 was be AUX _005195566 85 15 but but CCONJ _005195566 85 16 one one NUM _005195566 85 17 of of ADP _005195566 85 18 the the DET _005195566 85 19 many many ADJ _005195566 85 20 chimeras chimera NOUN _005195566 85 21 by by ADP _005195566 85 22 which which PRON _005195566 85 23 the the DET _005195566 85 24 human human ADJ _005195566 85 25 mind mind NOUN _005195566 85 26 was be AUX _005195566 85 27 26 26 NUM _005195566 85 28 the the DET _005195566 85 29 last last ADJ _005195566 85 30 moments moment NOUN _005195566 85 31 of of ADP _005195566 85 32 enslaved enslave VERB _005195566 85 33 — — PUNCT _005195566 85 34 the the DET _005195566 85 35 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 85 36 truths truth NOUN _005195566 85 37 contained contain VERB _005195566 85 38 in in ADP _005195566 85 39 the the DET _005195566 85 40 written write VERB _005195566 85 41 word word NOUN _005195566 85 42 of of ADP _005195566 85 43 god god PROPN _005195566 85 44 were be AUX _005195566 85 45 but but CCONJ _005195566 85 46 ill ill ADJ _005195566 85 47 arranged arrange VERB _005195566 85 48 contradictions contradiction NOUN _005195566 85 49 , , PUNCT _005195566 85 50 wthile wthile NOUN _005195566 85 51 reason reason NOUN _005195566 85 52 was be AUX _005195566 85 53 the the DET _005195566 85 54 only only ADJ _005195566 85 55 deity deity NOUN _005195566 85 56 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 85 57 and and CCONJ _005195566 85 58 was be AUX _005195566 85 59 alone alone ADJ _005195566 85 60 deserving deserve VERB _005195566 85 61 of of ADP _005195566 85 62 man man NOUN _005195566 85 63 ’s ’s PART _005195566 85 64 adoration adoration NOUN _005195566 85 65 . . PUNCT _005195566 86 1 * * PUNCT _005195566 86 2 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 86 3 on on ADP _005195566 86 4 one one NUM _005195566 86 5 occasion occasion NOUN _005195566 86 6 in in ADP _005195566 86 7 reply reply NOUN _005195566 86 8 to to ADP _005195566 86 9 the the DET _005195566 86 10 repeated repeat VERB _005195566 86 11 request request NOUN _005195566 86 12 of of ADP _005195566 86 13 a a DET _005195566 86 14 pious pious ADJ _005195566 86 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005195566 86 16 lady lady NOUN _005195566 86 17 for for ADP _005195566 86 18 permission permission NOUN _005195566 86 19 to to PART _005195566 86 20 introduce introduce VERB _005195566 86 21 a a DET _005195566 86 22 priest priest NOUN _005195566 86 23 into into ADP _005195566 86 24 his his PRON _005195566 86 25 room room NOUN _005195566 86 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 86 27 he he PRON _005195566 86 28 replied reply VERB _005195566 86 29 with with ADP _005195566 86 30 emphasis emphasis NOUN _005195566 86 31 : : PUNCT _005195566 86 32 “ " PUNCT _005195566 86 33 not not PART _005195566 86 34 only only ADV _005195566 86 35 one one NUM _005195566 86 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 86 37 but but CCONJ _005195566 86 38 a a DET _005195566 86 39 host host NOUN _005195566 86 40 of of ADP _005195566 86 41 priests priest NOUN _005195566 86 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 86 43 that that SCONJ _005195566 86 44 they they PRON _005195566 86 45 may may AUX _005195566 86 46 see see VERB _005195566 86 47 how how SCONJ _005195566 86 48 an an DET _005195566 86 49 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 86 50 can can AUX _005195566 86 51 die die VERB _005195566 86 52 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 86 53 ” " PUNCT _005195566 87 1 such such ADJ _005195566 87 2 were be AUX _005195566 87 3 his his PRON _005195566 87 4 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 87 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 87 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 87 7 such such DET _005195566 87 8 the the DET _005195566 87 9 vain vain ADJ _005195566 87 10 boastings boasting NOUN _005195566 87 11 of of ADP _005195566 87 12 this this DET _005195566 87 13 child child NOUN _005195566 87 14 of of ADP _005195566 87 15 error error NOUN _005195566 87 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 88 1 u u PRON _005195566 88 2 see see VERB _005195566 88 3 how how SCONJ _005195566 88 4 an an DET _005195566 88 5 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 88 6 can can AUX _005195566 88 7 meet meet VERB _005195566 88 8 death death NOUN _005195566 88 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 88 10 ” " PUNCT _005195566 88 11 was be AUX _005195566 88 12 his his PRON _005195566 88 13 frequent frequent ADJ _005195566 88 14 remark remark NOUN _005195566 88 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 88 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 88 17 when when SCONJ _005195566 88 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 88 19 on on ADP _005195566 88 20 another another DET _005195566 88 21 occasion occasion NOUN _005195566 88 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 88 23 he he PRON _005195566 88 24 was be AUX _005195566 88 25 exhorted exhort VERB _005195566 88 26 to to PART _005195566 88 27 think think VERB _005195566 88 28 of of ADP _005195566 88 29 the the DET _005195566 88 30 frightful frightful ADJ _005195566 88 31 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 88 32 into into ADP _005195566 88 33 which which PRON _005195566 88 34 he he PRON _005195566 88 35 was be AUX _005195566 88 36 about about ADV _005195566 88 37 enter enter VERB _005195566 88 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 88 39 he he PRON _005195566 88 40 replied reply VERB _005195566 88 41 a a DET _005195566 88 42 converted converted ADJ _005195566 88 43 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 88 44 . . PUNCT _005195566 89 1 27 27 NUM _005195566 89 2 with with ADP _005195566 89 3 apparently apparently ADV _005195566 89 4 much much ADJ _005195566 89 5 sincerity sincerity NOUN _005195566 89 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 89 7 u u NOUN _005195566 89 8 that that PRON _005195566 89 9 change change NOUN _005195566 89 10 which which PRON _005195566 89 11 you you PRON _005195566 89 12 call call VERB _005195566 89 13 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 89 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 89 15 but but CCONJ _005195566 89 16 which which PRON _005195566 89 17 i i PRON _005195566 89 18 call call VERB _005195566 89 19 the the DET _005195566 89 20 simple simple ADJ _005195566 89 21 dissolution dissolution NOUN _005195566 89 22 of of ADP _005195566 89 23 all all DET _005195566 89 24 human human ADJ _005195566 89 25 organization organization NOUN _005195566 89 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 89 27 has have VERB _005195566 89 28 no no DET _005195566 89 29 terror terror NOUN _005195566 89 30 for for ADP _005195566 89 31 me i PRON _005195566 89 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 89 33 i i PRON _005195566 89 34 am be AUX _005195566 89 35 not not PART _005195566 89 36 afraid afraid ADJ _005195566 89 37 to to PART _005195566 89 38 die die VERB _005195566 89 39 , , PUNCT _005195566 89 40 for for SCONJ _005195566 89 41 that that PRON _005195566 89 42 ends end VERB _005195566 89 43 all all DET _005195566 89 44 my my PRON _005195566 89 45 sufferings suffering NOUN _005195566 89 46 and and CCONJ _005195566 89 47 all all DET _005195566 89 48 my my PRON _005195566 89 49 being being NOUN _005195566 89 50 . . PUNCT _005195566 90 1 no no DET _005195566 90 2 christian christian NOUN _005195566 90 3 can can AUX _005195566 90 4 meet meet VERB _005195566 90 5 death death NOUN _005195566 90 6 with with ADP _005195566 90 7 less less ADJ _005195566 90 8 of of ADP _005195566 90 9 fear fear NOUN _005195566 90 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 90 11 than than SCONJ _005195566 90 12 i i PRON _005195566 90 13 now now ADV _005195566 90 14 see see VERB _005195566 90 15 its its PRON _005195566 90 16 slow slow ADJ _005195566 90 17 but but CCONJ _005195566 90 18 sure sure ADJ _005195566 90 19 progress progress NOUN _005195566 90 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 90 21 ” " PUNCT _005195566 91 1 eternal eternal ADJ _005195566 91 2 god god PROPN _005195566 91 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 92 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 92 2 frightful frightful ADJ _005195566 92 3 such such ADJ _005195566 92 4 sentiments sentiment NOUN _005195566 92 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 93 1 as as SCONJ _005195566 93 2 he he PRON _005195566 93 3 himself himself PRON _005195566 93 4 remarked remark VERB _005195566 93 5 when when SCONJ _005195566 93 6 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195566 93 7 suing sue VERB _005195566 93 8 for for ADP _005195566 93 9 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 93 10 at at ADP _005195566 93 11 the the DET _005195566 93 12 foot foot NOUN _005195566 93 13 of of ADP _005195566 93 14 the the DET _005195566 93 15 cross cross NOUN _005195566 93 16 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 94 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 94 2 vague vague ADJ _005195566 94 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 94 4 undefined undefined ADJ _005195566 94 5 is be AUX _005195566 94 6 the the DET _005195566 94 7 idea idea NOUN _005195566 94 8 an an DET _005195566 94 9 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 94 10 forms form NOUN _005195566 94 11 of of ADP _005195566 94 12 the the DET _005195566 94 13 state state NOUN _005195566 94 14 beyond beyond ADP _005195566 94 15 the the DET _005195566 94 16 grave grave NOUN _005195566 94 17 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 95 1 no no DET _005195566 95 2 faith faith NOUN _005195566 95 3 enlivens enliven VERB _005195566 95 4 the the DET _005195566 95 5 dreary dreary ADJ _005195566 95 6 blank blank NOUN _005195566 95 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 95 8 the the DET _005195566 95 9 horrid horrid NOUN _005195566 95 10 gloom gloom NOUN _005195566 95 11 brooding brood VERB _005195566 95 12 over over ADP _005195566 95 13 the the DET _005195566 95 14 last last ADJ _005195566 95 15 moment moment NOUN _005195566 95 16 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 96 1 no no DET _005195566 96 2 gleam gleam NOUN _005195566 96 3 of of ADP _005195566 96 4 cheering cheer VERB _005195566 96 5 hope hope NOUN _005195566 96 6 dispels dispel VERB _005195566 96 7 the the DET _005195566 96 8 dread dread NOUN _005195566 96 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 96 10 the the DET _005195566 96 11 fearful fearful ADJ _005195566 96 12 doubt doubt NOUN _005195566 96 13 28 28 NUM _005195566 96 14 the the DET _005195566 96 15 last last ADJ _005195566 96 16 moments moment NOUN _005195566 96 17 of of ADP _005195566 96 18 which which PRON _005195566 96 19 must must AUX _005195566 96 20 sometimes sometimes ADV _005195566 96 21 rack rack VERB _005195566 96 22 the the DET _005195566 96 23 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 96 24 ’s ’s PART _005195566 96 25 soul soul NOUN _005195566 96 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 96 27 despite despite SCONJ _005195566 96 28 the the DET _005195566 96 29 boasted boast VERB _005195566 96 30 security security NOUN _005195566 96 31 which which PRON _005195566 96 32 lends lend VERB _005195566 96 33 a a DET _005195566 96 34 seeming seeming NOUN _005195566 96 35 but but CCONJ _005195566 96 36 a a DET _005195566 96 37 fatal fatal ADJ _005195566 96 38 calmness calmness NOUN _005195566 96 39 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 97 1 no no DET _005195566 97 2 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 97 3 born bear VERB _005195566 97 4 charity charity NOUN _005195566 97 5 points point VERB _005195566 97 6 the the DET _005195566 97 7 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 97 8 above above ADV _005195566 97 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 97 10 nor nor CCONJ _005195566 97 11 lifts lift VERB _005195566 97 12 up up ADP _005195566 97 13 the the DET _005195566 97 14 soul soul NOUN _005195566 97 15 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 97 16 the the DET _005195566 97 17 wings wing NOUN _005195566 97 18 of of ADP _005195566 97 19 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 97 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 97 21 as as ADP _005195566 97 22 looking look VERB _005195566 97 23 from from ADP _005195566 97 24 the the DET _005195566 97 25 window window NOUN _005195566 97 26 of of ADP _005195566 97 27 the the DET _005195566 97 28 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 97 29 it it PRON _005195566 97 30 gazes gaze VERB _005195566 97 31 on on ADP _005195566 97 32 the the DET _005195566 97 33 past past NOUN _005195566 97 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 97 35 the the DET _005195566 97 36 present present ADJ _005195566 97 37 or or CCONJ _005195566 97 38 the the DET _005195566 97 39 future future NOUN _005195566 97 40 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 98 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 98 2 all all PRON _005195566 98 3 is be AUX _005195566 98 4 gloom gloom NOUN _005195566 98 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 98 6 is be AUX _005195566 98 7 wild wild ADJ _005195566 98 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 98 9 cheerless cheerless NOUN _005195566 98 10 doubt doubt NOUN _005195566 98 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 99 1 * * PUNCT _005195566 100 1 ah ah INTJ _005195566 100 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 100 3 who who PRON _005195566 100 4 can can AUX _005195566 100 5 believe believe VERB _005195566 100 6 it it PRON _005195566 100 7 is be AUX _005195566 100 8 all all PRON _005195566 100 9 of of ADP _005195566 100 10 death death NOUN _005195566 100 11 to to PART _005195566 100 12 die die VERB _005195566 100 13 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 101 1 who who PRON _005195566 101 2 can can AUX _005195566 101 3 place place VERB _005195566 101 4 his his PRON _005195566 101 5 hand hand NOUN _005195566 101 6 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 101 7 his his PRON _005195566 101 8 heart heart NOUN _005195566 101 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 101 10 say say VERB _005195566 101 11 he he PRON _005195566 101 12 is be AUX _005195566 101 13 prepared prepared ADJ _005195566 101 14 to to PART _005195566 101 15 meet meet VERB _005195566 101 16 that that DET _005195566 101 17 change change NOUN _005195566 101 18 which which PRON _005195566 101 19 knows know VERB _005195566 101 20 no no DET _005195566 101 21 change change NOUN _005195566 101 22 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 102 1 to to PART _005195566 102 2 set set VERB _005195566 102 3 out out ADP _005195566 102 4 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 102 5 that that DET _005195566 102 6 perilous perilous ADJ _005195566 102 7 journey journey NOUN _005195566 102 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 102 9 which which PRON _005195566 102 10 ends end VERB _005195566 102 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 102 12 where where SCONJ _005195566 102 13 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 103 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 103 2 the the DET _005195566 103 3 chamber chamber NOUN _005195566 103 4 where where SCONJ _005195566 103 5 the the DET _005195566 103 6 good good ADJ _005195566 103 7 man man NOUN _005195566 103 8 meets meet VERB _005195566 103 9 his his PRON _005195566 103 10 fate fate NOUN _005195566 103 11 ” " PUNCT _005195566 103 12 may may AUX _005195566 103 13 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 103 14 be be AUX _005195566 103 15 called call VERB _005195566 103 16 the the DET _005195566 103 17 dwelling dwelling ADJ _005195566 103 18 place place NOUN _005195566 103 19 of of ADP _005195566 103 20 a a DET _005195566 103 21 converted converted ADJ _005195566 103 22 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 103 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 104 1 29 29 NUM _005195566 104 2 angels angel NOUN _005195566 104 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 104 4 for for ADP _005195566 104 5 it it PRON _005195566 104 6 is be AUX _005195566 104 7 there there PRON _005195566 104 8 the the DET _005195566 104 9 gates gate NOUN _005195566 104 10 of of ADP _005195566 104 11 a a DET _005195566 104 12 happy happy ADJ _005195566 104 13 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 104 14 are be AUX _005195566 104 15 opened open VERB _005195566 104 16 to to ADP _005195566 104 17 him he PRON _005195566 104 18 — — PUNCT _005195566 104 19 it it PRON _005195566 104 20 is be AUX _005195566 104 21 there there PRON _005195566 104 22 the the DET _005195566 104 23 vision vision NOUN _005195566 104 24 of of ADP _005195566 104 25 the the DET _005195566 104 26 heavenly heavenly ADJ _005195566 104 27 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _005195566 104 28 first first ADJ _005195566 104 29 bursts burst NOUN _005195566 104 30 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 104 31 his his PRON _005195566 104 32 view view NOUN _005195566 104 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 104 34 and and CCONJ _005195566 104 35 the the DET _005195566 104 36 spirits spirit NOUN _005195566 104 37 of of ADP _005195566 104 38 god god PROPN _005195566 104 39 welcome welcome VERB _005195566 104 40 home home ADV _005195566 104 41 another another DET _005195566 104 42 soul soul NOUN _005195566 104 43 ransomed ransom VERB _005195566 104 44 by by ADP _005195566 104 45 the the DET _005195566 104 46 blood blood NOUN _005195566 104 47 of of ADP _005195566 104 48 the the DET _005195566 104 49 lamb lamb PROPN _005195566 104 50 . . PUNCT _005195566 104 51 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 105 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 105 2 no no DET _005195566 105 3 such such ADJ _005195566 105 4 cheering cheer VERB _005195566 105 5 truths truth NOUN _005195566 105 6 cluster cluster VERB _005195566 105 7 around around ADP _005195566 105 8 the the DET _005195566 105 9 dying die VERB _005195566 105 10 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 105 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 106 1 no no DET _005195566 106 2 angel angel NOUN _005195566 106 3 is be AUX _005195566 106 4 there there ADV _005195566 106 5 to to PART _005195566 106 6 point point VERB _005195566 106 7 the the DET _005195566 106 8 doubting doubt VERB _005195566 106 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 106 10 the the DET _005195566 106 11 trembling tremble VERB _005195566 106 12 soul soul NOUN _005195566 106 13 to to ADP _005195566 106 14 a a DET _005195566 106 15 better well ADJ _005195566 106 16 world world NOUN _005195566 106 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 107 1 no no DET _005195566 107 2 bright bright ADJ _005195566 107 3 visions vision NOUN _005195566 107 4 of of ADP _005195566 107 5 god god PROPN _005195566 107 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 107 7 of of ADP _005195566 107 8 his his PRON _005195566 107 9 angels angel NOUN _005195566 107 10 open open ADJ _005195566 107 11 to to ADP _005195566 107 12 his his PRON _005195566 107 13 view view NOUN _005195566 107 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 108 1 no no DET _005195566 108 2 star star NOUN _005195566 108 3 of of ADP _005195566 108 4 hope hope PROPN _005195566 108 5 rises rise VERB _005195566 108 6 mid mid ADJ _005195566 108 7 the the DET _005195566 108 8 storm storm NOUN _005195566 108 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 108 10 to to PART _005195566 108 11 guide guide VERB _005195566 108 12 the the DET _005195566 108 13 wanderer wander ADJ _005195566 108 14 home home NOUN _005195566 108 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 108 16 or or CCONJ _005195566 108 17 cheer cheer VERB _005195566 108 18 the the DET _005195566 108 19 desponding despond VERB _005195566 108 20 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 108 21 in in ADP _005195566 108 22 that that DET _005195566 108 23 awful awful ADJ _005195566 108 24 gloom gloom NOUN _005195566 108 25 — — PUNCT _005195566 108 26 all all PRON _005195566 108 27 is be AUX _005195566 108 28 dark dark ADJ _005195566 108 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 108 30 frightful frightful ADJ _005195566 108 31 uncertainty uncertainty NOUN _005195566 108 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 108 33 all all PRON _005195566 108 34 is be AUX _005195566 108 35 doubt doubt NOUN _005195566 108 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 108 37 and and CCONJ _005195566 108 38 though though SCONJ _005195566 108 39 the the DET _005195566 108 40 departing depart VERB _005195566 108 41 one one NOUN _005195566 108 42 may may AUX _005195566 108 43 still still ADV _005195566 108 44 persist persist VERB _005195566 108 45 , , PUNCT _005195566 108 46 his his PRON _005195566 108 47 perseverance perseverance NOUN _005195566 108 48 can can AUX _005195566 108 49 arise arise VERB _005195566 108 50 30 30 NUM _005195566 108 51 the the DET _005195566 108 52 east east ADJ _005195566 108 53 moments moment NOUN _005195566 108 54 of of ADP _005195566 108 55 from from ADP _005195566 108 56 nothing nothing PRON _005195566 108 57 else else ADV _005195566 108 58 than than ADP _005195566 108 59 wilful wilful ADJ _005195566 108 60 obstinacy obstinacy NOUN _005195566 108 61 or or CCONJ _005195566 108 62 a a DET _005195566 108 63 frightful frightful ADJ _005195566 108 64 yet yet ADV _005195566 108 65 well well ADV _005195566 108 66 merited merit VERB _005195566 108 67 judgment judgment NOUN _005195566 108 68 of of ADP _005195566 108 69 god<^-0faj^of god<^-0faj^of PROPN _005195566 108 70 error error NOUN _005195566 108 71 , , PUNCT _005195566 108 72 stay stay VERB _005195566 108 73 thy thy PRON _005195566 108 74 wayward wayward ADJ _005195566 108 75 courkrf courkrf NOUN _005195566 108 76 jonange jonange NOUN _005195566 108 77 thy thy PRON _005195566 108 78 wicked wicked ADJ _005195566 108 79 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 108 80 whjjj&^et whjjj&^et AUX _005195566 108 81 lingering linger VERB _005195566 108 82 this this PRON _005195566 108 83 sideji^^grave sideji^^grave NOUN _005195566 108 84 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 109 1 if if SCONJ _005195566 109 2 so so ADV _005195566 109 3 it it PRON _005195566 109 4 be be VERB _005195566 109 5 that that SCONJ _005195566 109 6 go^fnay go^fnay NOUN _005195566 109 7 still still ADV _005195566 109 8 pardon pardon VERB _005195566 109 9 thee thee PRON _005195566 109 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 109 11 but but CCONJ _005195566 109 12 if if SCONJ _005195566 109 13 thou thou PRON _005195566 109 14 will will AUX _005195566 109 15 not not PART _005195566 109 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 109 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 109 18 persevere persevere VERB _005195566 109 19 in in ADP _005195566 109 20 thy thy PRON _005195566 109 21 infidelity infidelity NOUN _005195566 109 22 / / SYM _005195566 109 23 otft^^tepjnore otft^^tepjnore NOUN _005195566 109 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 109 25 and and CCONJ _005195566 109 26 all all PRON _005195566 109 27 is be AUX _005195566 109 28 lost lose VERB _005195566 109 29 forever forever ADV _005195566 109 30 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 110 1 one one NUM _005195566 110 2 awfm awfm NOUN _005195566 110 3 lhoment lhoment NOUN _005195566 110 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 110 5 forever forever ADV _005195566 110 6 it it PRON _005195566 110 7 will will AUX _005195566 110 8 be be AUX _005195566 110 9 too too ADV _005195566 110 10 late late ADJ _005195566 110 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 111 1 jno jno PROPN _005195566 111 2 return return NOUN _005195566 111 3 — — PUNCT _005195566 111 4 no no DET _005195566 111 5 change—-m^feftpe change—-m^feftpe NOUN _005195566 111 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 112 1 lo lo INTJ _005195566 112 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 113 1 even even ADV _005195566 113 2 now now ADV _005195566 113 3 the^jnf^els the^jnf^el NOUN _005195566 113 4 of of ADP _005195566 113 5 god god PROPN _005195566 113 6 are be AUX _005195566 113 7 waiting wait VERB _005195566 113 8 for for ADP _005195566 113 9 tfiee tfiee PROPN _005195566 113 10 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 114 1 see see VERB _005195566 114 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 115 1 from from ADP _005195566 115 2 the the DET _005195566 115 3 happy happy ADJ _005195566 115 4 shoresnqfcanaan shoresnqfcanaan NOUN _005195566 115 5 they they PRON _005195566 115 6 are be AUX _005195566 115 7 beckoning beckon VERB _005195566 115 8 to to ADP _005195566 115 9 thee thee PRON _005195566 115 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 116 1 " " PUNCT _005195566 116 2 ^¥fej^god ^¥fej^god X _005195566 116 3 waits wait NOUN _005195566 116 4 for for ADP _005195566 116 5 thy thy PRON _005195566 116 6 return return NOUN _005195566 116 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 117 1 thy thy PRON _005195566 117 2 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 117 3 lives live VERB _005195566 117 4 to to PART _005195566 117 5 make make VERB _005195566 117 6 intercessionfo^iee intercessionfo^iee PROPN _005195566 117 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 118 1 thou thou PROPN _005195566 118 2 hast hast PROPN _005195566 118 3 a a DET _005195566 118 4 mother mother NOUN _005195566 118 5 jj*4f1?aven jj*4f1?aven PROPN _005195566 118 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 118 7 the the DET _005195566 118 8 mother mother NOUN _005195566 118 9 a a DET _005195566 118 10 converted converted ADJ _005195566 118 11 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 118 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 119 1 31 31 NUM _005195566 119 2 of of ADP _005195566 119 3 god god PROPN _005195566 119 4 who^pleads who^plead VERB _005195566 119 5 to to ADP _005195566 119 6 her her PRON _005195566 119 7 divine divine ADJ _005195566 119 8 son son NOUN _005195566 119 9 for for ADP _005195566 119 10 thee thee PROPN _005195566 119 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 120 1 andtke andtke PROPN _005195566 120 2 * * PROPN _005195566 120 3 ding ding PROPN _005195566 120 4 angel angel NOUN _005195566 120 5 is be AUX _005195566 120 6 ready ready ADJ _005195566 120 7 at at ADP _005195566 120 8 heaven^ heaven^ NUM _005195566 120 9 command command NOUN _005195566 120 10 to to PART _005195566 120 11 blot blot VERB _005195566 120 12 foreverjiy^aults foreverjiy^ault NOUN _005195566 120 13 from from ADP _005195566 120 14 the the DET _005195566 120 15 register register NOUN _005195566 120 16 of of ADP _005195566 120 17 death death NOUN _005195566 120 18 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 121 1 u u NOUN _005195566 121 2 why why SCONJ _005195566 121 3 will will AUX _005195566 121 4 ye ye ADV _005195566 121 5 perish perish VERB _005195566 121 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 121 7 0 0 NUM _005195566 121 8 house house NOUN _005195566 121 9 of of ADP _005195566 121 10 israel israel PROPN _005195566 121 11 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 121 12 ” " PUNCT _005195566 122 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 122 2 as as SCONJ _005195566 122 3 i i PRON _005195566 122 4 live live VERB _005195566 122 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 122 6 saith saith PROPN _005195566 122 7 will will AUX _005195566 122 8 not not PART _005195566 122 9 the the DET _005195566 122 10 death death NOUN _005195566 122 11 of of ADP _005195566 122 12 the the DET _005195566 122 13 sinner sinner PROPN _005195566 122 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 122 15 buf buf PROPN _005195566 122 16 / / SYM _005195566 122 17 rather rather ADV _005195566 122 18 that that SCONJ _005195566 122 19 he he PRON _005195566 122 20 be be AUX _005195566 122 21 converted convert VERB _005195566 122 22 jructtive jructtive ADJ _005195566 122 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 122 24 ” " PUNCT _005195566 123 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 123 2 turn turn VERB _005195566 123 3 to to ADP _005195566 123 4 me i PRON _005195566 123 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 123 6 0 0 PUNCT _005195566 123 7 isradl^ndthough isradl^ndthough NOUN _005195566 123 8 thy thy NOUN _005195566 123 9 sins sin NOUN _005195566 123 10 be be VERB _005195566 123 11 as as ADV _005195566 123 12 red red ADJ _005195566 123 13 as as ADP _005195566 123 14 scarlet scarlet ADJ _005195566 123 15 twill twill NOUN _005195566 123 16 make make VERB _005195566 123 17 them they PRON _005195566 123 18 white white ADJ _005195566 123 19 as as ADP _005195566 123 20 snow”—^oh snow”—^oh NOUN _005195566 123 21 house house PROPN _005195566 123 22 of of ADP _005195566 123 23 israel israel PROPN _005195566 123 24 why why SCONJ _005195566 123 25 will will AUX _005195566 123 26 ye'3^ ye'3^ VERB _005195566 123 27 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 123 28 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 123 29 ” " PUNCT _005195566 123 30 praised praise VERB _005195566 123 31 and and CCONJ _005195566 123 32 glorified glorify VERB _005195566 123 33 forever forever ADV _005195566 123 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 123 35 be be AUX _005195566 123 36 the the DET _005195566 123 37 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 123 38 of of ADP _005195566 123 39 ( ( PUNCT _005195566 123 40 our our PRON _005195566 123 41 god god PROPN _005195566 123 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 123 43 who who PRON _005195566 123 44 was be AUX _005195566 123 45 pleased pleased ADJ _005195566 123 46 to to ADP _005195566 123 47 manifes’bthese manifes’bthese PROPN _005195566 123 48 consoling consoling NOUN _005195566 123 49 assurances assurance NOUN _005195566 123 50 so so SCONJ _005195566 123 51 opeplj opeplj VERB _005195566 123 52 < < X _005195566 123 53 and and CCONJ _005195566 123 54 so so ADV _005195566 123 55 wonderfully wonderfully ADV _005195566 123 56 to to PART _005195566 123 57 the^mibject the^mibject VERB _005195566 123 58 of of ADP _005195566 123 59 our our PRON _005195566 123 60 narrative narrative NOUN _005195566 123 61 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 124 1 w^at w^at NOUN _005195566 124 2 but but CCONJ _005195566 124 3 the the DET _005195566 124 4 power power NOUN _005195566 124 5 of of ADP _005195566 124 6 32 32 NUM _005195566 124 7 the the DET _005195566 124 8 last last ADJ _005195566 124 9 moments moment NOUN _005195566 124 10 of of ADP _005195566 124 11 god god PROPN _005195566 124 12 could could AUX _005195566 124 13 so so ADV _005195566 124 14 effectually effectually ADV _005195566 124 15 operate operate VERB _005195566 124 16 the the DET _005195566 124 17 change change NOUN _005195566 124 18 which which PRON _005195566 124 19 filled fill VERB _005195566 124 20 men man NOUN _005195566 124 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 124 22 angels angel NOUN _005195566 124 23 with with ADP _005195566 124 24 • • NUM _005195566 124 25 joy joy NOUN _005195566 124 26 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 125 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 125 2 1o 1o NOUN _005195566 125 3 resume resume VERB _005195566 125 4 our our PRON _005195566 125 5 subjedtr^ subjedtr^ NOUN _005195566 125 6 ' ' AUX _005195566 125 7 yielding yield VERB _005195566 125 8 to to ADP _005195566 125 9 the the DET _005195566 125 10 request request NOUN _005195566 125 11 of of ADP _005195566 125 12 the the DET _005195566 125 13 afflicted afflict VERB _005195566 125 14 family family NOUN _005195566 125 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 125 16 a a DET _005195566 125 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195566 125 18 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 125 19 from from ADP _005195566 125 20 a a DET _005195566 125 21 neighboring neighboring NOUN _005195566 125 22 city city NOUN _005195566 125 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 125 24 having having AUX _005195566 125 25 previously previously ADV _005195566 125 26 been be AUX _005195566 125 27 invited invite VERB _005195566 125 28 by by ADP _005195566 125 29 the the DET _005195566 125 30 resident resident ADJ _005195566 125 31 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 125 32 of of ADP _005195566 125 33 the the DET _005195566 125 34 parish parish NOUN _005195566 125 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 125 36 visited visit VERB _005195566 125 37 mr mr PROPN _005195566 125 38 . . PROPN _005195566 125 39 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 125 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 126 1 not not PART _005195566 126 2 unaware unaware ADJ _005195566 126 3 of of ADP _005195566 126 4 the the DET _005195566 126 5 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005195566 126 6 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005195566 126 7 of of ADP _005195566 126 8 the the DET _005195566 126 9 case case NOUN _005195566 126 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 126 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 126 12 being be AUX _005195566 126 13 an an DET _005195566 126 14 entire entire ADJ _005195566 126 15 stranger stranger NOUN _005195566 126 16 to to ADP _005195566 126 17 the the DET _005195566 126 18 sick sick ADJ _005195566 126 19 man man NOUN _005195566 126 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 126 21 the the DET _005195566 126 22 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 126 23 had have VERB _005195566 126 24 no no DET _005195566 126 25 other other ADJ _005195566 126 26 resource resource NOUN _005195566 126 27 than than SCONJ _005195566 126 28 to to PART _005195566 126 29 recommend recommend VERB _005195566 126 30 the the DET _005195566 126 31 object object NOUN _005195566 126 32 of of ADP _005195566 126 33 his his PRON _005195566 126 34 mission mission NOUN _005195566 126 35 to to ADP _005195566 126 36 the the DET _005195566 126 37 special special ADJ _005195566 126 38 care care NOUN _005195566 126 39 of of ADP _005195566 126 40 god god PROPN _005195566 126 41 , , PUNCT _005195566 126 42 through through ADP _005195566 126 43 the the DET _005195566 126 44 hands hand NOUN _005195566 126 45 of of ADP _005195566 126 46 mary mary PROPN _005195566 126 47 , , PUNCT _005195566 126 48 the the DET _005195566 126 49 blessed bless VERB _005195566 126 50 mother mother NOUN _005195566 126 51 of of ADP _005195566 126 52 our our PRON _005195566 126 53 lord lord PROPN _005195566 126 54 . . PUNCT _005195566 127 1 this this PRON _005195566 127 2 he he PRON _005195566 127 3 did do VERB _005195566 127 4 — — PUNCT _005195566 127 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 127 6 the the DET _005195566 127 7 result result NOUN _005195566 127 8 proved prove VERB _005195566 127 9 that that SCONJ _005195566 127 10 the the DET _005195566 127 11 church church NOUN _005195566 127 12 is be AUX _005195566 127 13 guided guide VERB _005195566 127 14 by by ADP _005195566 127 15 a a DET _005195566 127 16 a a DET _005195566 127 17 converted converted ADJ _005195566 127 18 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 127 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 128 1 33 33 NUM _005195566 128 2 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 128 3 of of ADP _005195566 128 4 truth truth NOUN _005195566 128 5 when when SCONJ _005195566 128 6 she she PRON _005195566 128 7 so so ADV _005195566 128 8 sweetly sweetly ADV _005195566 128 9 addresses address VERB _005195566 128 10 the the DET _005195566 128 11 mother mother NOUN _005195566 128 12 of of ADP _005195566 128 13 god god PROPN _005195566 128 14 as as ADP _005195566 128 15 “ " PUNCT _005195566 128 16 the the DET _005195566 128 17 refuge refuge NOUN _005195566 128 18 of of ADP _005195566 128 19 sinners sinner NOUN _005195566 128 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 128 21 ” " PUNCT _005195566 129 1 lon lon NOUN _005195566 129 2 being be AUX _005195566 129 3 introduced introduce VERB _005195566 129 4 into into ADP _005195566 129 5 the the DET _005195566 129 6 room room NOUN _005195566 129 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 129 8 he he PRON _005195566 129 9 found find VERB _005195566 129 10 the the DET _005195566 129 11 sick sick ADJ _005195566 129 12 man man NOUN _005195566 129 13 reclining recline VERB _005195566 129 14 in in ADP _005195566 129 15 a a DET _005195566 129 16 chair chair NOUN _005195566 129 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 129 18 apparently apparently ADV _005195566 129 19 much much ADV _005195566 129 20 exhausted exhausted ADJ _005195566 129 21 from from ADP _005195566 129 22 conversation conversation NOUN _005195566 129 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 130 1 the the DET _005195566 130 2 sufferer sufferer NOUN _005195566 130 3 reached reach VERB _005195566 130 4 forth forth ADP _005195566 130 5 his his PRON _005195566 130 6 hand hand NOUN _005195566 130 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 130 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 130 9 feebly feebly ADV _005195566 130 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 130 11 yet yet ADV _005195566 130 12 with with ADP _005195566 130 13 much much ADV _005195566 130 14 apparent apparent ADJ _005195566 130 15 earnestness earnestness NOUN _005195566 130 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 130 17 welcomed welcome VERB _005195566 130 18 his his PRON _005195566 130 19 visitor visitor NOUN _005195566 130 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 131 1 there there PRON _005195566 131 2 was be VERB _005195566 131 3 no no DET _005195566 131 4 violence violence NOUN _005195566 131 5 of of ADP _005195566 131 6 feeling feeling NOUN _005195566 131 7 manifested manifest VERB _005195566 131 8 by by ADP _005195566 131 9 mr mr PROPN _005195566 131 10 . . PROPN _005195566 131 11 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 131 12 during during ADP _005195566 131 13 this this PRON _005195566 131 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 131 15 nor nor CCONJ _005195566 131 16 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 131 17 during during ADP _005195566 131 18 any any PRON _005195566 131 19 of of ADP _005195566 131 20 the the DET _005195566 131 21 subsequent subsequent ADJ _005195566 131 22 visit^ visit^ NOUN _005195566 131 23 made make VERB _005195566 131 24 by by ADP _005195566 131 25 the the DET _005195566 131 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005195566 131 27 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 131 28 . . PUNCT _005195566 132 1 on on ADP _005195566 132 2 this this DET _005195566 132 3 occasion occasion NOUN _005195566 132 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 132 5 the the DET _005195566 132 6 subject subject NOUN _005195566 132 7 of of ADP _005195566 132 8 religion religion NOUN _005195566 132 9 was be AUX _005195566 132 10 not not PART _005195566 132 11 introduced introduce VERB _005195566 132 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 133 1 — — PUNCT _005195566 133 2 they they PRON _005195566 133 3 spoke speak VERB _005195566 133 4 of of ADP _005195566 133 5 various various ADJ _005195566 133 6 topics topic NOUN _005195566 133 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 133 8 of of ADP _005195566 133 9 questions question NOUN _005195566 133 10 of of ADP _005195566 133 11 history history NOUN _005195566 133 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 133 13 of of ADP _005195566 133 14 the the DET _005195566 133 15 leading lead VERB _005195566 133 16 political political ADJ _005195566 133 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 133 18 stirring stirring ADJ _005195566 133 19 events event NOUN _005195566 133 20 of of ADP _005195566 133 21 the the DET _005195566 133 22 3 3 NUM _005195566 133 23 34 34 NUM _005195566 133 24 the the DET _005195566 133 25 last last ADJ _005195566 133 26 moments moment NOUN _005195566 133 27 of of ADP _005195566 133 28 day day NOUN _005195566 133 29 — — PUNCT _005195566 133 30 and and CCONJ _005195566 133 31 after after ADP _005195566 133 32 the the DET _005195566 133 33 lapse lapse NOUN _005195566 133 34 of of ADP _005195566 133 35 an an DET _005195566 133 36 hour hour NOUN _005195566 133 37 , , PUNCT _005195566 133 38 the the DET _005195566 133 39 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 133 40 retired*- retired*- NOUN _005195566 133 41 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 134 1 nothing nothing PRON _005195566 134 2 of of ADP _005195566 134 3 any any DET _005195566 134 4 particular particular ADJ _005195566 134 5 interest interest NOUN _005195566 134 6 marked mark VERB _005195566 134 7 this this DET _005195566 134 8 visit visit NOUN _005195566 134 9 or or CCONJ _005195566 134 10 the the DET _005195566 134 11 time time NOUN _005195566 134 12 which which PRON _005195566 134 13 intervened intervene VERB _005195566 134 14 between between ADP _005195566 134 15 it it PRON _005195566 134 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 134 17 the the DET _005195566 134 18 following follow VERB _005195566 134 19 one one NUM _005195566 134 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 135 1 it it PRON _005195566 135 2 is be AUX _005195566 135 3 but but CCONJ _005195566 135 4 just just ADV _005195566 135 5 to to PART _005195566 135 6 remark remark VERB _005195566 135 7 that that SCONJ _005195566 135 8 the the DET _005195566 135 9 resident resident ADJ _005195566 135 10 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 135 11 of of ADP _005195566 135 12 the the DET _005195566 135 13 place place NOUN _005195566 135 14 had have AUX _005195566 135 15 previously previously ADV _005195566 135 16 visited visit VERB _005195566 135 17 the the DET _005195566 135 18 sick sick ADJ _005195566 135 19 man man NOUN _005195566 135 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 135 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 135 22 was be AUX _005195566 135 23 received receive VERB _005195566 135 24 by by ADP _005195566 135 25 him he PRON _005195566 135 26 in in ADP _005195566 135 27 the the DET _005195566 135 28 same same ADJ _005195566 135 29 friendly friendly ADJ _005195566 135 30 manner manner NOUN _005195566 135 31 — — PUNCT _005195566 135 32 and and CCONJ _005195566 135 33 although although SCONJ _005195566 135 34 the the DET _005195566 135 35 efforts effort NOUN _005195566 135 36 of of ADP _005195566 135 37 that that DET _005195566 135 38 zealous zealous ADJ _005195566 135 39 priest priest NOUN _005195566 135 40 met meet VERB _005195566 135 41 with with ADP _005195566 135 42 no no DET _005195566 135 43 encouragement encouragement NOUN _005195566 135 44 on on ADP _005195566 135 45 the the DET _005195566 135 46 part part NOUN _005195566 135 47 of of ADP _005195566 135 48 mr mr PROPN _005195566 135 49 . . PROPN _005195566 135 50 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 135 51 — — PUNCT _005195566 135 52 although although SCONJ _005195566 135 53 to to ADP _005195566 135 54 all all DET _005195566 135 55 the the DET _005195566 135 56 tender tender ADJ _005195566 135 57 invitations invitation NOUN _005195566 135 58 of of ADP _005195566 135 59 religion religion NOUN _005195566 135 60 , , PUNCT _005195566 135 61 and and CCONJ _005195566 135 62 its its PRON _005195566 135 63 most most ADV _005195566 135 64 appalling appalling ADJ _005195566 135 65 truths truth NOUN _005195566 135 66 he he PRON _005195566 135 67 replied reply VERB _005195566 135 68 in in ADP _005195566 135 69 his his PRON _005195566 135 70 usual usual ADJ _005195566 135 71 manner manner NOUN _005195566 135 72 , , PUNCT _005195566 135 73 we we PRON _005195566 135 74 may may AUX _005195566 135 75 confidently confidently ADV _005195566 135 76 believe believe VERB _005195566 135 77 that that SCONJ _005195566 135 78 those those DET _005195566 135 79 visits visit NOUN _005195566 135 80 had have VERB _005195566 135 81 their their PRON _005195566 135 82 good good ADJ _005195566 135 83 effect effect NOUN _005195566 135 84 . . PUNCT _005195566 136 1 during during ADP _005195566 136 2 those those DET _005195566 136 3 interviews interview NOUN _005195566 136 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 136 5 we we PRON _005195566 136 6 may may AUX _005195566 136 7 safely safely ADV _005195566 136 8 say say VERB _005195566 136 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 136 10 the the DET _005195566 136 11 a a DET _005195566 136 12 converted converted ADJ _005195566 136 13 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 136 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 137 1 35 35 NUM _005195566 137 2 good good ADJ _005195566 137 3 seed seed NOUN _005195566 137 4 was be AUX _005195566 137 5 planted plant VERB _005195566 137 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 137 7 which which PRON _005195566 137 8 subsequently subsequently ADV _005195566 137 9 fructified fructify VERB _005195566 137 10 a a DET _005195566 137 11 thousand thousand NUM _005195566 137 12 fold fold NOUN _005195566 137 13 . . PUNCT _005195566 138 1 on on ADP _005195566 138 2 one one NUM _005195566 138 3 occasion occasion NOUN _005195566 138 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 138 5 in in ADP _005195566 138 6 his his PRON _005195566 138 7 remarks remark NOUN _005195566 138 8 to to ADP _005195566 138 9 that that DET _005195566 138 10 rev rev PROPN _005195566 138 11 . . PROPN _005195566 138 12 gentleman gentleman PROPN _005195566 138 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 138 14 mr mr PROPN _005195566 138 15 . . PROPN _005195566 138 16 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 138 17 used use VERB _005195566 138 18 language language NOUN _005195566 138 19 which which PRON _005195566 138 20 he he PRON _005195566 138 21 immediately immediately ADV _005195566 138 22 regretted regret VERB _005195566 138 23 — — PUNCT _005195566 138 24 for for ADP _005195566 138 25 although although SCONJ _005195566 138 26 deeply deeply ADV _005195566 138 27 wedded wed VERB _005195566 138 28 to to ADP _005195566 138 29 his his PRON _005195566 138 30 own own ADJ _005195566 138 31 views view NOUN _005195566 138 32 , , PUNCT _005195566 138 33 he he PRON _005195566 138 34 seldom seldom ADV _005195566 138 35 forgot forget VERB _005195566 138 36 when when SCONJ _005195566 138 37 in in ADP _005195566 138 38 conversation conversation NOUN _005195566 138 39 with with ADP _005195566 138 40 clergymen clergyman NOUN _005195566 138 41 the the DET _005195566 138 42 respect respect NOUN _005195566 138 43 due due ADJ _005195566 138 44 them.—how them.—how NOUN _005195566 138 45 earnestly earnestly ADV _005195566 138 46 did do AUX _005195566 138 47 he he PRON _005195566 138 48 afterwards afterwards ADV _005195566 138 49 ask ask VERB _005195566 138 50 pardon pardon NOUN _005195566 138 51 of of ADP _005195566 138 52 god god PROPN _005195566 138 53 and and CCONJ _005195566 138 54 of of ADP _005195566 138 55 this this DET _005195566 138 56 good good ADJ _005195566 138 57 priest priest NOUN _005195566 138 58 , , PUNCT _005195566 138 59 for for ADP _005195566 138 60 this this DET _005195566 138 61 offence offence NOUN _005195566 138 62 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 139 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 139 2 may may AUX _005195566 139 3 we we PRON _005195566 139 4 not not PART _005195566 139 5 hope hope VERB _005195566 139 6 that that SCONJ _005195566 139 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 139 8 as as SCONJ _005195566 139 9 the the DET _005195566 139 10 words word NOUN _005195566 139 11 produced produce VERB _005195566 139 12 no no DET _005195566 139 13 other other ADJ _005195566 139 14 feeling feeling NOUN _005195566 139 15 on on ADP _005195566 139 16 the the DET _005195566 139 17 mind mind NOUN _005195566 139 18 of of ADP _005195566 139 19 the the DET _005195566 139 20 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 139 21 than than ADP _005195566 139 22 pity pity NOUN _005195566 139 23 for for ADP _005195566 139 24 the the DET _005195566 139 25 momentary momentary ADJ _005195566 139 26 forgetfulness forgetfulness NOUN _005195566 139 27 that that PRON _005195566 139 28 caused cause VERB _005195566 139 29 them they PRON _005195566 139 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 139 31 kind kind ADV _005195566 139 32 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 139 33 heard hear VERB _005195566 139 34 them they PRON _005195566 139 35 not not PART _005195566 139 36 — — PUNCT _005195566 139 37 or or CCONJ _005195566 139 38 hearing hear VERB _005195566 139 39 them they PRON _005195566 139 40 , , PUNCT _005195566 139 41 excused excuse VERB _005195566 139 42 them they PRON _005195566 139 43 . . PUNCT _005195566 140 1 one one NUM _005195566 140 2 week week NOUN _005195566 140 3 passed pass VERB _005195566 140 4 between between ADP _005195566 140 5 the the DET _005195566 140 6 36 36 NUM _005195566 140 7 the the DET _005195566 140 8 last last ADJ _005195566 140 9 moments moment NOUN _005195566 140 10 of of ADP _005195566 140 11 first first ADJ _005195566 140 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 140 13 second second ADJ _005195566 140 14 visits visit NOUN _005195566 140 15 of of ADP _005195566 140 16 the the DET _005195566 140 17 stanger stanger ADJ _005195566 140 18 clergymen clergyman NOUN _005195566 140 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 141 1 during during ADP _005195566 141 2 the the DET _005195566 141 3 interval interval NOUN _005195566 141 4 how how SCONJ _005195566 141 5 fervently fervently ADV _005195566 141 6 was be AUX _005195566 141 7 the the DET _005195566 141 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 141 9 of of ADP _005195566 141 10 faith faith NOUN _005195566 141 11 put put VERB _005195566 141 12 up up ADP _005195566 141 13 to to ADP _005195566 141 14 the the DET _005195566 141 15 throne throne NOUN _005195566 141 16 of of ADP _005195566 141 17 grace grace NOUN _005195566 141 18 for for ADP _005195566 141 19 this this PRON _005195566 141 20 lost lose VERB _005195566 141 21 one one NUM _005195566 141 22 of of ADP _005195566 141 23 the the DET _005195566 141 24 tribe tribe NOUN _005195566 141 25 of of ADP _005195566 141 26 israel israel PROPN _005195566 141 27 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 142 1 christians christian NOUN _005195566 142 2 of of ADP _005195566 142 3 various various ADJ _005195566 142 4 denominations denomination NOUN _005195566 142 5 united unite VERB _005195566 142 6 in in ADP _005195566 142 7 supplicating supplicate VERB _005195566 142 8 god god PROPN _005195566 142 9 in in ADP _005195566 142 10 his his PRON _005195566 142 11 behalf.—all behalf.—all NUM _005195566 142 12 felt feel VERB _005195566 142 13 an an DET _005195566 142 14 interest interest NOUN _005195566 142 15 in in ADP _005195566 142 16 his his PRON _005195566 142 17 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 142 18 — — PUNCT _005195566 142 19 for for ADP _005195566 142 20 all all PRON _005195566 142 21 had have AUX _005195566 142 22 known know VERB _005195566 142 23 and and CCONJ _005195566 142 24 sorrowed sorrow VERB _005195566 142 25 over over ADP _005195566 142 26 his his PRON _005195566 142 27 errors.—the errors.—the DET _005195566 142 28 sisters sister NOUN _005195566 142 29 of of ADP _005195566 142 30 charity charity NOUN _005195566 142 31 gathered gather VERB _005195566 142 32 their their PRON _005195566 142 33 orphan orphan NOUN _005195566 142 34 charge charge NOUN _005195566 142 35 around around ADP _005195566 142 36 the the DET _005195566 142 37 shrine shrine NOUN _005195566 142 38 of of ADP _005195566 142 39 mary mary PROPN _005195566 142 40 , , PUNCT _005195566 142 41 and and CCONJ _005195566 142 42 taught teach VERB _005195566 142 43 them they PRON _005195566 142 44 to to PART _005195566 142 45 pray pray VERB _005195566 142 46 for for ADP _005195566 142 47 him.—the him.—the DET _005195566 142 48 pure pure ADJ _005195566 142 49 and and CCONJ _005195566 142 50 fervent fervent ADJ _005195566 142 51 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 142 52 went go VERB _005195566 142 53 up up ADP _005195566 142 54 from from ADP _005195566 142 55 cloistered cloister VERB _005195566 142 56 innocence innocence NOUN _005195566 142 57 — — PUNCT _005195566 142 58 and and CCONJ _005195566 142 59 the the DET _005195566 142 60 matin matin NOUN _005195566 142 61 and and CCONJ _005195566 142 62 the the DET _005195566 142 63 evening evening NOUN _005195566 142 64 office office NOUN _005195566 142 65 was be AUX _005195566 142 66 cha^nted cha^nte VERB _005195566 142 67 in in ADP _005195566 142 68 his his PRON _005195566 142 69 behalf behalf NOUN _005195566 142 70 . . PUNCT _005195566 143 1 — — PUNCT _005195566 144 1 the the DET _005195566 144 2 spotless spotless PROPN _005195566 144 3 lamb lamb PROPN _005195566 144 4 was be AUX _005195566 144 5 immolated immolate VERB _005195566 144 6 on on ADP _005195566 144 7 the the DET _005195566 144 8 altar altar NOUN _005195566 144 9 to to PART _005195566 144 10 plead plead VERB _005195566 144 11 for for ADP _005195566 144 12 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 144 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 144 14 a a DET _005195566 144 15 converted converted ADJ _005195566 144 16 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 144 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 145 1 37 37 NUM _005195566 145 2 for for ADP _005195566 145 3 pardon pardon NOUN _005195566 145 4 for for ADP _005195566 145 5 this this DET _005195566 145 6 wandering wander VERB _005195566 145 7 child child NOUN _005195566 145 8 of of ADP _005195566 145 9 error.—for error.—for NOUN _005195566 145 10 all all PRON _005195566 145 11 knew know VERB _005195566 145 12 that that SCONJ _005195566 145 13 the the DET _005195566 145 14 lord lord PROPN _005195566 145 15 loveth loveth PROPN _005195566 145 16 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 145 17 — — PUNCT _005195566 145 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 145 19 heareth heareth VERB _005195566 145 20 the the DET _005195566 145 21 cry cry NOUN _005195566 145 22 of of ADP _005195566 145 23 the the DET _005195566 145 24 swallow swallow NOUN _005195566 145 25 for for ADP _005195566 145 26 food food NOUN _005195566 145 27 . . PUNCT _005195566 146 1 — — PUNCT _005195566 146 2 all all PRON _005195566 146 3 knew know VERB _005195566 146 4 that that SCONJ _005195566 146 5 ^his ^his SPACE _005195566 146 6 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 146 7 endureth endureth VERB _005195566 146 8 from from ADP _005195566 146 9 end end NOUN _005195566 146 10 to to ADP _005195566 146 11 end end NOUN _005195566 146 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 146 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 146 14 his his PRON _005195566 146 15 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 146 16 even even ADV _005195566 146 17 unto unto ADP _005195566 146 18 everlasting.—cheering everlasting.—cheering PROPN _005195566 146 19 thought thought NOUN _005195566 146 20 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 147 1 consoling console VERB _005195566 147 2 truth truth NOUN _005195566 147 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 148 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 148 2 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005195566 148 3 are be AUX _005195566 148 4 thy thy PRON _005195566 148 5 ways way NOUN _005195566 148 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 148 7 oh oh INTJ _005195566 148 8 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 149 1 god god NOUN _005195566 149 2 of of ADP _005195566 149 3 our our PRON _005195566 149 4 fathers father NOUN _005195566 149 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 150 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 150 2 great great ADJ _005195566 150 3 thy thy PRON _005195566 150 4 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 150 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 150 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 150 7 how how SCONJ _005195566 150 8 exalted exalt VERB _005195566 150 9 thy thy PRON _005195566 150 10 views view NOUN _005195566 150 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 151 1 let let VERB _005195566 151 2 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 151 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 151 4 earth earth NOUN _005195566 151 5 proclaim proclaim VERB _005195566 151 6 thy thy PRON _005195566 151 7 glory glory NOUN _005195566 151 8 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 151 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 151 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 151 11 let let VERB _005195566 151 12 all all PRON _005195566 151 13 that that PRON _005195566 151 14 is be AUX _005195566 151 15 within within ADP _005195566 151 16 us we PRON _005195566 151 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 151 18 around around ADP _005195566 151 19 us we PRON _005195566 151 20 bless bless VERB _005195566 151 21 thy thy PRON _005195566 151 22 holy holy ADJ _005195566 151 23 name name NOUN _005195566 151 24 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 152 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 152 2 omnipotent omnipotent ADJ _005195566 152 3 is be AUX _005195566 152 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 152 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 153 1 what what PRON _005195566 153 2 can can AUX _005195566 153 3 it it PRON _005195566 153 4 not not PART _005195566 153 5 operate operate VERB _005195566 153 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 154 1 from from ADP _005195566 154 2 what what PRON _005195566 154 3 dangers danger NOUN _005195566 154 4 of of ADP _005195566 154 5 soul soul NOUN _005195566 154 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 154 7 of of ADP _005195566 154 8 body body NOUN _005195566 154 9 can can AUX _005195566 154 10 it it PRON _005195566 154 11 not not PART _005195566 154 12 rescue rescue VERB _005195566 154 13 man man NOUN _005195566 154 14 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 155 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 155 2 often often ADV _005195566 155 3 was be AUX _005195566 155 4 the the DET _005195566 155 5 arm arm NOUN _005195566 155 6 of of ADP _005195566 155 7 god god PROPN _005195566 155 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 155 9 already already ADV _005195566 155 10 up38 up38 PROPN _005195566 155 11 the the DET _005195566 155 12 last last ADJ _005195566 155 13 moments moment NOUN _005195566 155 14 of of ADP _005195566 155 15 lifted lift VERB _005195566 155 16 to to PART _005195566 155 17 strike strike VERB _005195566 155 18 the the DET _005195566 155 19 rebellious rebellious ADJ _005195566 155 20 jews jews PROPN _005195566 155 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 155 22 held hold VERB _005195566 155 23 back back ADV _005195566 155 24 by by ADP _005195566 155 25 the the DET _005195566 155 26 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 155 27 of of ADP _005195566 155 28 moses moses PROPN _005195566 155 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 155 30 or or CCONJ _005195566 155 31 permitted permit VERB _005195566 155 32 to to PART _005195566 155 33 fall fall VERB _005195566 155 34 only only ADV _005195566 155 35 in in ADP _005195566 155 36 blessings blessing NOUN _005195566 155 37 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 155 38 his his PRON _005195566 155 39 people people NOUN _005195566 155 40 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 156 1 the the DET _005195566 156 2 troubled troubled ADJ _005195566 156 3 waters water NOUN _005195566 156 4 roll roll VERB _005195566 156 5 back back ADP _005195566 156 6 their their PRON _005195566 156 7 sullen sullen ADJ _005195566 156 8 waves wave NOUN _005195566 156 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 156 10 serve serve VERB _005195566 156 11 as as ADP _005195566 156 12 sentinels sentinel NOUN _005195566 156 13 to to PART _005195566 156 14 cover cover VERB _005195566 156 15 the the DET _005195566 156 16 retreat retreat NOUN _005195566 156 17 of of ADP _005195566 156 18 the the DET _005195566 156 19 israelites israelites PROPN _005195566 156 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 156 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 156 22 again again ADV _005195566 156 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 156 24 at at ADP _005195566 156 25 the the DET _005195566 156 26 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 156 27 of of ADP _005195566 156 28 moses moses PROPN _005195566 156 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 156 30 the the DET _005195566 156 31 sea sea NOUN _005195566 156 32 , , PUNCT _005195566 156 33 the the DET _005195566 156 34 earth earth NOUN _005195566 156 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 156 36 elements element NOUN _005195566 156 37 , , PUNCT _005195566 156 38 are be AUX _005195566 156 39 embattled embattle VERB _005195566 156 40 against against ADP _005195566 156 41 the the DET _005195566 156 42 hosts host NOUN _005195566 156 43 of of ADP _005195566 156 44 pharaoh pharaoh PROPN _005195566 156 45 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 157 1 the the DET _005195566 157 2 flinty flinty PROPN _005195566 157 3 rock rock PROPN _005195566 157 4 gives give VERB _005195566 157 5 forth forth ADP _005195566 157 6 its its PRON _005195566 157 7 gushing gush VERB _005195566 157 8 streams stream NOUN _005195566 157 9 to to PART _005195566 157 10 cool cool VERB _005195566 157 11 the the DET _005195566 157 12 travellers traveller NOUN _005195566 157 13 in in ADP _005195566 157 14 the the DET _005195566 157 15 wilderness wilderness NOUN _005195566 157 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 158 1 the the DET _005195566 158 2 brazen brazen ADJ _005195566 158 3 serpent serpent NOUN _005195566 158 4 is be AUX _005195566 158 5 an an DET _005195566 158 6 instrument instrument NOUN _005195566 158 7 of of ADP _005195566 158 8 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 158 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 158 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 158 11 the the DET _005195566 158 12 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 158 13 of of ADP _005195566 158 14 faith faith NOUN _005195566 158 15 is be AUX _005195566 158 16 answered answer VERB _005195566 158 17 by by ADP _005195566 158 18 manna manna PROPN _005195566 158 19 from from ADP _005195566 158 20 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 158 21 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 159 1 a a DET _005195566 159 2 mother mother NOUN _005195566 159 3 ’s ’s PART _005195566 159 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 159 5 is be AUX _005195566 159 6 heard hear VERB _005195566 159 7 in in ADP _005195566 159 8 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 159 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 159 10 as as SCONJ _005195566 159 11 agar agar NOUN _005195566 159 12 weeps weep VERB _005195566 159 13 for for ADP _005195566 159 14 her her PRON _005195566 159 15 boy boy NOUN _005195566 159 16 ismael ismael PROPN _005195566 159 17 in in ADP _005195566 159 18 the the DET _005195566 159 19 wilderness wilderness NOUN _005195566 159 20 of of ADP _005195566 159 21 bersabee bersabee NOUN _005195566 159 22 — — PUNCT _005195566 159 23 for for ADP _005195566 159 24 her her PRON _005195566 159 25 child child NOUN _005195566 159 26 is be AUX _005195566 159 27 faint faint ADJ _005195566 159 28 — — PUNCT _005195566 159 29 a a DET _005195566 159 30 converted converted ADJ _005195566 159 31 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 159 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 159 33 ^ ^ X _005195566 160 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 160 2 she she PRON _005195566 160 3 can can AUX _005195566 160 4 not not PART _005195566 160 5 bear bear VERB _005195566 160 6 to to PART _005195566 160 7 see see VERB _005195566 160 8 him he PRON _005195566 160 9 die die VERB _005195566 160 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 160 11 she she PRON _005195566 160 12 turns turn VERB _005195566 160 13 in in ADP _005195566 160 14 anguish anguish NOUN _005195566 160 15 from from ADP _005195566 160 16 him he PRON _005195566 160 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 160 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 160 19 lifting lift VERB _005195566 160 20 up up ADP _005195566 160 21 her her PRON _005195566 160 22 voice voice NOUN _005195566 160 23 she she PRON _005195566 160 24 weeps weep VERB _005195566 160 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 161 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 161 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 162 1 the the DET _005195566 162 2 power power NOUN _005195566 162 3 of of ADP _005195566 162 4 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 162 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 163 1 it it PRON _005195566 163 2 brought bring VERB _005195566 163 3 an an DET _005195566 163 4 angel angel NOUN _005195566 163 5 from from ADP _005195566 163 6 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 163 7 in in ADP _005195566 163 8 that that DET _005195566 163 9 hour hour NOUN _005195566 163 10 of of ADP _005195566 163 11 trial trial NOUN _005195566 163 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 163 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 163 14 the the DET _005195566 163 15 miraculous miraculous ADJ _005195566 163 16 waters water NOUN _005195566 163 17 bring bring VERB _005195566 163 18 back back ADV _005195566 163 19 to to ADP _005195566 163 20 life life NOUN _005195566 163 21 the the DET _005195566 163 22 drooping droop VERB _005195566 163 23 form form NOUN _005195566 163 24 of of ADP _005195566 163 25 her her PRON _005195566 163 26 hoy hoy PROPN _005195566 163 27 ismaeljjtbavid ismaeljjtbavid PROPN _005195566 163 28 sinned sin VERB _005195566 163 29 magdalen magdalen PROPN _005195566 163 30 was be AUX _005195566 163 31 a a DET _005195566 163 32 sinner sinner NOUN _005195566 163 33 — — PUNCT _005195566 163 34 and and CCONJ _005195566 163 35 the the DET _005195566 163 36 thief thief NOUN _005195566 163 37 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 163 38 the the DET _005195566 163 39 cross cross NOUN _005195566 163 40 was be AUX _005195566 163 41 guilty guilty ADJ _005195566 163 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 163 43 — — PUNCT _005195566 163 44 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 163 45 the the DET _005195566 163 46 supplications supplication NOUN _005195566 163 47 of of ADP _005195566 163 48 the the DET _005195566 163 49 one one NUM _005195566 163 50 stayed stay VERB _005195566 163 51 the the DET _005195566 163 52 avenging avenge VERB _005195566 163 53 sword sword NOUN _005195566 163 54 of of ADP _005195566 163 55 justice_the justice_the DET _005195566 163 56 tears tear NOUN _005195566 163 57 of of ADP _005195566 163 58 the the DET _005195566 163 59 “ " PUNCT _005195566 163 60 sinful sinful ADJ _005195566 163 61 mary mary NOUN _005195566 163 62 ” " PUNCT _005195566 163 63 blotted blot VERB _005195566 163 64 out out ADP _005195566 163 65 her her PRON _005195566 163 66 offences offence NOUN _005195566 163 67 — — PUNCT _005195566 163 68 and and CCONJ _005195566 163 69 paradise paradise PROPN _005195566 163 70 was be AUX _005195566 163 71 the the DET _005195566 163 72 reward reward NOUN _005195566 163 73 of of ADP _005195566 163 74 the the DET _005195566 163 75 good good ADJ _005195566 163 76 thief thief NOUN _005195566 163 77 ’s ’s NOUN _005195566 163 78 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 163 79 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 164 1 it it PRON _005195566 164 2 was be AUX _005195566 164 3 this this DET _005195566 164 4 consoling consoling NOUN _005195566 164 5 assurance assurance NOUN _005195566 164 6 that that PRON _005195566 164 7 encouraged encourage VERB _005195566 164 8 the the DET _005195566 164 9 good good NOUN _005195566 164 10 to to PART _005195566 164 11 pray pray VERB _005195566 164 12 for for ADP _005195566 164 13 mr mr PROPN _005195566 164 14 . . PROPN _005195566 164 15 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 164 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 165 1 the the DET _005195566 165 2 chanty chanty NOUN _005195566 165 3 of of ADP _005195566 165 4 god god PROPN _005195566 165 5 urged urge VERB _005195566 165 6 them they PRON _005195566 165 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 165 8 they they PRON _005195566 165 9 hoped hope VERB _005195566 165 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 165 11 40 40 NUM _005195566 165 12 the the DET _005195566 165 13 last last ADJ _005195566 165 14 moments moment NOUN _005195566 165 15 of of ADP _005195566 165 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 165 17 thanks thank NOUN _005195566 165 18 be be AUX _005195566 165 19 to to ADP _005195566 165 20 god god PROPN _005195566 165 21 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 166 1 they they PRON _005195566 166 2 did do AUX _005195566 166 3 not not PART _005195566 166 4 hope hope VERB _005195566 166 5 in in ADP _005195566 166 6 vain vain NOUN _005195566 166 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 167 1 whatever whatever PRON _005195566 167 2 the the DET _005195566 167 3 motives motive NOUN _005195566 167 4 by by ADP _005195566 167 5 which which PRON _005195566 167 6 he he PRON _005195566 167 7 was be AUX _005195566 167 8 actuated actuate VERB _005195566 167 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 167 10 whether whether SCONJ _005195566 167 11 the the DET _005195566 167 12 grace grace NOUN _005195566 167 13 of of ADP _005195566 167 14 god god PROPN _005195566 167 15 had have AUX _005195566 167 16 already already ADV _005195566 167 17 begun begin VERB _005195566 167 18 to to PART _005195566 167 19 operate operate VERB _005195566 167 20 in in ADP _005195566 167 21 his his PRON _005195566 167 22 heart heart NOUN _005195566 167 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 167 24 or or CCONJ _005195566 167 25 through through ADP _005195566 167 26 mere mere ADJ _005195566 167 27 human human ADJ _005195566 167 28 motives motive NOUN _005195566 167 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 167 30 as as ADP _005195566 167 31 personal personal ADJ _005195566 167 32 regard regard NOUN _005195566 167 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 167 34 certain certain ADJ _005195566 167 35 it it PRON _005195566 167 36 is be AUX _005195566 167 37 that that SCONJ _005195566 167 38 mr mr PROPN _005195566 167 39 . . PROPN _005195566 167 40 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 167 41 expressed express VERB _005195566 167 42 his his PRON _005195566 167 43 surprise surprise NOUN _005195566 167 44 during during ADP _005195566 167 45 the the DET _005195566 167 46 week week NOUN _005195566 167 47 that that SCONJ _005195566 167 48 the the DET _005195566 167 49 strange strange ADJ _005195566 167 50 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 167 51 had have AUX _005195566 167 52 not not PART _005195566 167 53 again again ADV _005195566 167 54 called call VERB _005195566 167 55 . . PUNCT _005195566 168 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 168 2 natural natural ADJ _005195566 168 3 it it PRON _005195566 168 4 is be AUX _005195566 168 5 for for ADP _005195566 168 6 man man NOUN _005195566 168 7 at at ADP _005195566 168 8 all all DET _005195566 168 9 times time NOUN _005195566 168 10 to to PART _005195566 168 11 love love VERB _005195566 168 12 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005195566 168 13 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 169 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 169 2 it it PRON _005195566 169 3 is be AUX _005195566 169 4 particularly particularly ADV _005195566 169 5 in in ADP _005195566 169 6 sickness sickness NOUN _005195566 169 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 169 8 in in ADP _005195566 169 9 suffering suffering NOUN _005195566 169 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 169 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 169 12 in in ADP _005195566 169 13 trials trial NOUN _005195566 169 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 169 15 that that PRON _005195566 169 16 kindness kindness NOUN _005195566 169 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 169 18 attention attention NOUN _005195566 169 19 are be AUX _005195566 169 20 appreciated appreciate VERB _005195566 169 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 170 1 a a DET _005195566 170 2 kind kind NOUN _005195566 170 3 expression expression NOUN _005195566 170 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 170 5 a a DET _005195566 170 6 gentle gentle ADJ _005195566 170 7 look look NOUN _005195566 170 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 170 9 or or CCONJ _005195566 170 10 a a DET _005195566 170 11 word word NOUN _005195566 170 12 of of ADP _005195566 170 13 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005195566 170 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 170 15 is be AUX _005195566 170 16 never never ADV _005195566 170 17 entirely entirely ADV _005195566 170 18 useless useless ADJ _005195566 170 19 — — PUNCT _005195566 170 20 would would AUX _005195566 170 21 that that SCONJ _005195566 170 22 it it PRON _005195566 170 23 were be AUX _005195566 170 24 more more ADV _005195566 170 25 common common ADJ _005195566 170 26 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 171 1 it it PRON _005195566 171 2 was be AUX _005195566 171 3 very very ADV _005195566 171 4 a a DET _005195566 171 5 converted converted ADJ _005195566 171 6 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 171 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 172 1 41 41 NUM _005195566 172 2 probably probably ADV _005195566 172 3 this this DET _005195566 172 4 motive motive NOUN _005195566 172 5 that that PRON _005195566 172 6 actuated actuate VERB _005195566 172 7 mr mr PROPN _005195566 172 8 . . PROPN _005195566 172 9 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 172 10 in in ADP _005195566 172 11 asking ask VERB _005195566 172 12 why why SCONJ _005195566 172 13 his his PRON _005195566 172 14 rev rev VERB _005195566 172 15 . . PROPN _005195566 172 16 visitor visitor PROPN _005195566 172 17 stayed stay VERB _005195566 172 18 so so ADV _005195566 172 19 long long ADV _005195566 172 20 away away ADV _005195566 172 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 173 1 it it PRON _005195566 173 2 was be AUX _005195566 173 3 for for ADP _005195566 173 4 this this PRON _005195566 173 5 precisely precisely ADV _005195566 173 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 173 7 the the DET _005195566 173 8 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 173 9 was be AUX _005195566 173 10 waiting wait VERB _005195566 173 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 173 12 most most ADV _005195566 173 13 anxiously anxiously ADV _005195566 173 14 had have AUX _005195566 173 15 he he PRON _005195566 173 16 watched watch VERB _005195566 173 17 the the DET _005195566 173 18 current current NOUN _005195566 173 19 of of ADP _005195566 173 20 affairs affair NOUN _005195566 173 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 173 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 173 23 enquired enquire VERB _005195566 173 24 of of ADP _005195566 173 25 all all PRON _005195566 173 26 who who PRON _005195566 173 27 could could AUX _005195566 173 28 inform inform VERB _005195566 173 29 him he PRON _005195566 173 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 173 31 the the DET _005195566 173 32 result result NOUN _005195566 173 33 of of ADP _005195566 173 34 his his PRON _005195566 173 35 first first ADJ _005195566 173 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 173 37 apparently apparently ADV _005195566 173 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 173 39 accidental accidental ADJ _005195566 173 40 visit visit NOUN _005195566 173 41 — — PUNCT _005195566 173 42 and and CCONJ _005195566 173 43 on on ADP _005195566 173 44 being be AUX _005195566 173 45 informed inform VERB _005195566 173 46 of of ADP _005195566 173 47 the the DET _005195566 173 48 enquiry enquiry NOUN _005195566 173 49 on on ADP _005195566 173 50 the the DET _005195566 173 51 part part NOUN _005195566 173 52 of of ADP _005195566 173 53 his his PRON _005195566 173 54 patient patient NOUN _005195566 173 55 , , PUNCT _005195566 173 56 no no DET _005195566 173 57 time time NOUN _005195566 173 58 was be AUX _005195566 173 59 lost lose VERB _005195566 173 60 in in ADP _005195566 173 61 repairing repair VERB _005195566 173 62 to to ADP _005195566 173 63 his his PRON _005195566 173 64 bed bed NOUN _005195566 173 65 - - PUNCT _005195566 173 66 side side NOUN _005195566 173 67 . . PUNCT _005195566 174 1 behold behold VERB _005195566 174 2 him he PRON _005195566 174 3 then then ADV _005195566 174 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 174 5 a a DET _005195566 174 6 second second ADJ _005195566 174 7 time time NOUN _005195566 174 8 in in ADP _005195566 174 9 the the DET _005195566 174 10 sick sick ADJ _005195566 174 11 man man NOUN _005195566 174 12 ’s ’s NOUN _005195566 174 13 room room NOUN _005195566 174 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 175 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 175 2 anxiously anxiously ADV _005195566 175 3 every every DET _005195566 175 4 throb throb NOUN _005195566 175 5 of of ADP _005195566 175 6 his his PRON _005195566 175 7 heart heart NOUN _005195566 175 8 beats beat VERB _005195566 175 9 with with ADP _005195566 175 10 earnest earnest ADJ _005195566 175 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 175 12 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 175 13 half half ADV _005195566 175 14 - - PUNCT _005195566 175 15 doubting doubt VERB _005195566 175 16 hope hope NOUN _005195566 175 17 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 176 1 the the DET _005195566 176 2 invalid invalid ADJ _005195566 176 3 smiles smile VERB _005195566 176 4 a a DET _005195566 176 5 welcome welcome NOUN _005195566 176 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 176 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 176 8 presses press VERB _005195566 176 9 his his PRON _005195566 176 10 hand hand NOUN _005195566 176 11 in in ADP _005195566 176 12 token token NOUN _005195566 176 13 of of ADP _005195566 176 14 its its PRON _005195566 176 15 sincerity sincerity NOUN _005195566 176 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 177 1 not not PART _005195566 177 2 yet yet ADV _005195566 177 3 one one NUM _005195566 177 4 word word NOUN _005195566 177 5 of of ADP _005195566 177 6 reli42 reli42 NOUN _005195566 177 7 the the DET _005195566 177 8 last last ADJ _005195566 177 9 moments moment NOUN _005195566 177 10 of of ADP _005195566 177 11 gion gion NOUN _005195566 177 12 is be AUX _005195566 177 13 introduced introduce VERB _005195566 177 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 178 1 the the DET _005195566 178 2 approaching approaching ADJ _005195566 178 3 end end NOUN _005195566 178 4 of of ADP _005195566 178 5 all all DET _005195566 178 6 his his PRON _005195566 178 7 sufferings suffering NOUN _005195566 178 8 — — PUNCT _005195566 178 9 the the DET _005195566 178 10 calmness calmness NOUN _005195566 178 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 178 12 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195566 178 13 with with ADP _005195566 178 14 which which PRON _005195566 178 15 a a DET _005195566 178 16 disciple disciple NOUN _005195566 178 17 of of ADP _005195566 178 18 reason reason NOUN _005195566 178 19 can can AUX _005195566 178 20 die die VERB _005195566 178 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 178 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 178 23 the the DET _005195566 178 24 beauteous beauteous ADJ _005195566 178 25 order order NOUN _005195566 178 26 of of ADP _005195566 178 27 nature nature NOUN _005195566 178 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 178 29 which which PRON _005195566 178 30 teaches teach VERB _005195566 178 31 the the DET _005195566 178 32 young young ADJ _005195566 178 33 to to PART _005195566 178 34 provide provide VERB _005195566 178 35 for for ADP _005195566 178 36 the the DET _005195566 178 37 old old ADJ _005195566 178 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 178 39 the the DET _005195566 178 40 strong strong ADJ _005195566 178 41 to to PART _005195566 178 42 protect protect VERB _005195566 178 43 the the DET _005195566 178 44 weak weak ADJ _005195566 178 45 — — PUNCT _005195566 178 46 and and CCONJ _005195566 178 47 the the DET _005195566 178 48 departing depart VERB _005195566 178 49 to to PART _005195566 178 50 look look VERB _005195566 178 51 to to ADP _005195566 178 52 an an DET _005195566 178 53 honest honest ADJ _005195566 178 54 name name NOUN _005195566 178 55 , , PUNCT _005195566 178 56 and and CCONJ _005195566 178 57 the the DET _005195566 178 58 tranquillity tranquillity NOUN _005195566 178 59 of of ADP _005195566 178 60 the the DET _005195566 178 61 grave grave NOUN _005195566 178 62 as as ADP _005195566 178 63 the the DET _005195566 178 64 reward reward NOUN _005195566 178 65 of of ADP _005195566 178 66 a a DET _005195566 178 67 good good ADJ _005195566 178 68 life life NOUN _005195566 178 69 — — PUNCT _005195566 178 70 such such ADJ _005195566 178 71 was be AUX _005195566 178 72 the the DET _005195566 178 73 theme theme NOUN _005195566 178 74 of of ADP _005195566 178 75 his his PRON _005195566 178 76 conversation conversation NOUN _005195566 178 77 . . PUNCT _005195566 179 1 r r NOUN _005195566 179 2 and and CCONJ _005195566 179 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 179 4 as as SCONJ _005195566 179 5 he he PRON _005195566 179 6 proceeded proceed VERB _005195566 179 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 179 8 it it PRON _005195566 179 9 must must AUX _005195566 179 10 have have AUX _005195566 179 11 been be AUX _005195566 179 12 evident evident ADJ _005195566 179 13 to to ADP _005195566 179 14 all all PRON _005195566 179 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 179 16 that that SCONJ _005195566 179 17 he he PRON _005195566 179 18 was be AUX _005195566 179 19 sincere sincere ADJ _005195566 179 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 180 1 he he PRON _005195566 180 2 remarked remark VERB _005195566 180 3 how how SCONJ _005195566 180 4 different different ADJ _005195566 180 5 was be AUX _005195566 180 6 his his PRON _005195566 180 7 situation situation NOUN _005195566 180 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 180 9 calm calm ADJ _005195566 180 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 180 11 collected collect VERB _005195566 180 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 180 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 180 14 prepared prepare VERB _005195566 180 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 180 16 from from ADP _005195566 180 17 the the DET _005195566 180 18 death death NOUN _005195566 180 19 of of ADP _005195566 180 20 many many ADJ _005195566 180 21 professing professing ADJ _005195566 180 22 christians christian NOUN _005195566 180 23 whom whom PRON _005195566 180 24 he he PRON _005195566 180 25 had have AUX _005195566 180 26 known know VERB _005195566 180 27 . . PUNCT _005195566 181 1 they they PRON _005195566 181 2 seemed seem VERB _005195566 181 3 terrified terrified ADJ _005195566 181 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 181 5 appalled appal VERB _005195566 181 6 at at ADP _005195566 181 7 the the DET _005195566 181 8 gloom gloom NOUN _005195566 181 9 a a DET _005195566 181 10 converted converted ADJ _005195566 181 11 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 181 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 182 1 43 43 NUM _005195566 182 2 of of ADP _005195566 182 3 the the DET _005195566 182 4 grave grave NOUN _005195566 182 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 182 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 182 7 what what PRON _005195566 182 8 they they PRON _005195566 182 9 foolishly foolishly ADV _005195566 182 10 believed believe VERB _005195566 182 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 182 12 the the DET _005195566 182 13 judgment judgment NOUN _005195566 182 14 - - PUNCT _005195566 182 15 seat seat NOUN _005195566 182 16 of of ADP _005195566 182 17 god,—while god,—while NOUN _005195566 182 18 he he PRON _005195566 182 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 182 20 and and CCONJ _005195566 182 21 as as SCONJ _005195566 182 22 he he PRON _005195566 182 23 spoke speak VERB _005195566 182 24 he he PRON _005195566 182 25 placed place VERB _005195566 182 26 his his PRON _005195566 182 27 hand hand NOUN _005195566 182 28 on on ADP _005195566 182 29 his his PRON _005195566 182 30 heart heart NOUN _005195566 182 31 and and CCONJ _005195566 182 32 raised raise VERB _005195566 182 33 himself himself PRON _005195566 182 34 in in ADP _005195566 182 35 bed bed NOUN _005195566 182 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 182 37 could could AUX _005195566 182 38 look look VERB _005195566 182 39 on on ADP _005195566 182 40 death death NOUN _005195566 182 41 with with ADP _005195566 182 42 calm calm ADJ _005195566 182 43 composure composure NOUN _005195566 182 44 — — PUNCT _005195566 182 45 and and CCONJ _005195566 182 46 smile smile VERB _005195566 182 47 at at ADP _005195566 182 48 its its PRON _005195566 182 49 approach approach NOUN _005195566 182 50 . . PUNCT _005195566 183 1 for for ADP _005195566 183 2 him he PRON _005195566 183 3 there there PRON _005195566 183 4 were be VERB _005195566 183 5 no no DET _005195566 183 6 fears fear NOUN _005195566 183 7 of of ADP _005195566 183 8 judgment judgment NOUN _005195566 183 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 183 10 for for SCONJ _005195566 183 11 his his PRON _005195566 183 12 god god PROPN _005195566 183 13 was be AUX _005195566 183 14 always always ADV _005195566 183 15 with with ADP _005195566 183 16 him he PRON _005195566 183 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 184 1 reason reason NOUN _005195566 184 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 184 3 free free ADJ _005195566 184 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 184 5 untrammelled untrammelled ADJ _005195566 184 6 reason reason NOUN _005195566 184 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 184 8 was be AUX _005195566 184 9 the the DET _005195566 184 10 only only ADJ _005195566 184 11 deity deity NOUN _005195566 184 12 in in ADP _005195566 184 13 whom whom PRON _005195566 184 14 he he PRON _005195566 184 15 believed believe VERB _005195566 184 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 185 1 there there PRON _005195566 185 2 was be VERB _005195566 185 3 no no DET _005195566 185 4 other other ADJ _005195566 185 5 god god PROPN _005195566 185 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 185 7 no no DET _005195566 185 8 judgment judgment NOUN _005195566 185 9 - - PUNCT _005195566 185 10 seat seat NOUN _005195566 185 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 185 12 but but CCONJ _005195566 185 13 the the DET _005195566 185 14 tribunal tribunal NOUN _005195566 185 15 of of ADP _005195566 185 16 man man PROPN _005195566 185 17 ’s ’s PART _005195566 185 18 own own ADJ _005195566 185 19 conscience conscience NOUN _005195566 185 20 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 186 1 he he PRON _005195566 186 2 expressed express VERB _005195566 186 3 in in ADP _005195566 186 4 unbounded unbounded ADJ _005195566 186 5 terms term NOUN _005195566 186 6 his his PRON _005195566 186 7 pity pity NOUN _005195566 186 8 for for ADP _005195566 186 9 the the DET _005195566 186 10 deluded deluded ADJ _005195566 186 11 followers follower NOUN _005195566 186 12 of of ADP _005195566 186 13 “ " PUNCT _005195566 186 14 priestcraft priestcraft NOUN _005195566 186 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 186 16 ” " PUNCT _005195566 186 17 as as SCONJ _005195566 186 18 he he PRON _005195566 186 19 styled style VERB _005195566 186 20 revelation,—and revelation,—and NOUN _005195566 186 21 lauded laud VERB _005195566 186 22 to to ADP _005195566 186 23 the the DET _005195566 186 24 skies sky NOUN _005195566 186 25 the the DET _005195566 186 26 ennobling ennoble VERB _005195566 186 27 principles principle NOUN _005195566 186 28 of of ADP _005195566 186 29 “ " PUNCT _005195566 186 30 the the DET _005195566 186 31 age age NOUN _005195566 186 32 of of ADP _005195566 186 33 reason reason NOUN _005195566 186 34 . . PUNCT _005195566 186 35 ” " PUNCT _005195566 187 1 the the DET _005195566 187 2 44 44 NUM _005195566 187 3 the the DET _005195566 187 4 last last ADJ _005195566 187 5 moments moment NOUN _005195566 187 6 of of ADP _005195566 187 7 voluminous voluminous ADJ _005195566 187 8 books book NOUN _005195566 187 9 of of ADP _005195566 187 10 voltaire voltaire NOUN _005195566 187 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 187 12 were be AUX _005195566 187 13 a a DET _005195566 187 14 fortress fortress NOUN _005195566 187 15 for for ADP _005195566 187 16 the the DET _005195566 187 17 protection protection NOUN _005195566 187 18 of of ADP _005195566 187 19 human human ADJ _005195566 187 20 rights right NOUN _005195566 187 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 187 22 while while SCONJ _005195566 187 23 the the DET _005195566 187 24 other other ADJ _005195566 187 25 heroes hero NOUN _005195566 187 26 of of ADP _005195566 187 27 infidelity infidelity NOUN _005195566 187 28 were be AUX _005195566 187 29 the the DET _005195566 187 30 true true ADJ _005195566 187 31 apostles apostle NOUN _005195566 187 32 of of ADP _005195566 187 33 mind mind NOUN _005195566 187 34 — — PUNCT _005195566 187 35 the the DET _005195566 187 36 supporters supporter NOUN _005195566 187 37 of of ADP _005195566 187 38 truth truth NOUN _005195566 187 39 against against ADP _005195566 187 40 the the DET _005195566 187 41 inroads inroad NOUN _005195566 187 42 of of ADP _005195566 187 43 error error NOUN _005195566 187 44 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 188 1 it it PRON _005195566 188 2 seemed seem VERB _005195566 188 3 impossible impossible ADJ _005195566 188 4 to to PART _005195566 188 5 change change VERB _005195566 188 6 the the DET _005195566 188 7 current current NOUN _005195566 188 8 of of ADP _005195566 188 9 conversation conversation NOUN _005195566 188 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 189 1 whatever whatever PRON _005195566 189 2 was be AUX _005195566 189 3 said say VERB _005195566 189 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 189 5 he he PRON _005195566 189 6 would would AUX _005195566 189 7 turn turn VERB _005195566 189 8 to to ADP _005195566 189 9 the the DET _005195566 189 10 advantage advantage NOUN _005195566 189 11 of of ADP _005195566 189 12 his his PRON _005195566 189 13 opinions opinion NOUN _005195566 189 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 190 1 many many ADJ _005195566 190 2 little little ADJ _005195566 190 3 stratagems stratagem NOUN _005195566 190 4 were be AUX _005195566 190 5 used use VERB _005195566 190 6 to to PART _005195566 190 7 effect effect VERB _005195566 190 8 this this DET _005195566 190 9 purpose purpose NOUN _005195566 190 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 190 11 but but CCONJ _005195566 190 12 all all PRON _005195566 190 13 in in ADP _005195566 190 14 vain vain ADJ _005195566 190 15 . . PUNCT _005195566 191 1 to to PART _005195566 191 2 oppose oppose VERB _005195566 191 3 him he PRON _005195566 191 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 191 5 or or CCONJ _005195566 191 6 to to PART _005195566 191 7 argue argue VERB _005195566 191 8 against against ADP _005195566 191 9 his his PRON _005195566 191 10 views view NOUN _005195566 191 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 191 12 was be AUX _005195566 191 13 only only ADV _005195566 191 14 to to PART _005195566 191 15 excite excite VERB _005195566 191 16 him he PRON _005195566 191 17 to to ADP _005195566 191 18 still still ADV _005195566 191 19 more more ADV _005195566 191 20 frightful frightful ADJ _005195566 191 21 language language NOUN _005195566 191 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 191 23 or or CCONJ _005195566 191 24 to to PART _005195566 191 25 irritate irritate VERB _005195566 191 26 his his PRON _005195566 191 27 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 191 28 and and CCONJ _005195566 191 29 thus thus ADV _005195566 191 30 thwart thwart VERB _005195566 191 31 the the DET _005195566 191 32 desired desire VERB _005195566 191 33 object object NOUN _005195566 191 34 . . PUNCT _005195566 192 1 silence silence NOUN _005195566 192 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 192 3 or or CCONJ _005195566 192 4 even even ADV _005195566 192 5 an an DET _005195566 192 6 apparent apparent ADJ _005195566 192 7 acquiescence acquiescence NOUN _005195566 192 8 in in ADP _005195566 192 9 as as ADV _005195566 192 10 much much ADJ _005195566 192 11 of of ADP _005195566 192 12 his his PRON _005195566 192 13 opinion opinion NOUN _005195566 192 14 as as SCONJ _005195566 192 15 was be AUX _005195566 192 16 not not PART _005195566 192 17 too too ADV _005195566 192 18 evia evia PROPN _005195566 192 19 converted convert VERB _005195566 192 20 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 192 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 193 1 45 45 NUM _005195566 193 2 dently dently ADV _005195566 193 3 opposed oppose VERB _005195566 193 4 to to ADP _005195566 193 5 divine divine ADJ _005195566 193 6 truth truth NOUN _005195566 193 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 193 8 was be AUX _005195566 193 9 the the DET _005195566 193 10 only only ADJ _005195566 193 11 means mean NOUN _005195566 193 12 left leave VERB _005195566 193 13 to to ADP _005195566 193 14 follow^f^after follow^f^after PROPN _005195566 193 15 an an DET _005195566 193 16 hour hour NOUN _005195566 193 17 or or CCONJ _005195566 193 18 more more ADV _005195566 193 19 passed pass VERB _005195566 193 20 in in ADP _005195566 193 21 this this DET _005195566 193 22 manner manner NOUN _005195566 193 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 193 24 the the DET _005195566 193 25 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 193 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 193 27 who who PRON _005195566 193 28 had have VERB _005195566 193 29 during during ADP _005195566 193 30 the the DET _005195566 193 31 time time NOUN _005195566 193 32 whispered whisper VERB _005195566 193 33 many many DET _005195566 193 34 a a DET _005195566 193 35 silent silent ADJ _005195566 193 36 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 193 37 to to ADP _005195566 193 38 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 193 39 in in ADP _005195566 193 40 his his PRON _005195566 193 41 behalf behalf NOUN _005195566 193 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 193 43 requested request VERB _005195566 193 44 to to PART _005195566 193 45 be be AUX _005195566 193 46 left leave VERB _005195566 193 47 alone alone ADJ _005195566 193 48 with with ADP _005195566 193 49 the the DET _005195566 193 50 sick sick ADJ _005195566 193 51 man man NOUN _005195566 193 52 . . PUNCT _005195566 194 1 all all DET _005195566 194 2 present present ADJ _005195566 194 3 looked look VERB _005195566 194 4 amazed amazed ADJ _005195566 194 5 . . PUNCT _005195566 195 1 they they PRON _005195566 195 2 obeyed obey VERB _005195566 195 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 195 4 apparently apparently ADV _005195566 195 5 unconscious unconscious ADJ _005195566 195 6 of of ADP _005195566 195 7 what what PRON _005195566 195 8 they they PRON _005195566 195 9 were be AUX _005195566 195 10 doing do VERB _005195566 195 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 196 1 the the DET _005195566 196 2 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 196 3 closed close VERB _005195566 196 4 the the DET _005195566 196 5 door door NOUN _005195566 196 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 196 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 196 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 196 9 advancing advance VERB _005195566 196 10 towards towards ADP _005195566 196 11 the the DET _005195566 196 12 sick sick ADJ _005195566 196 13 man man NOUN _005195566 196 14 ’s ’s PART _005195566 196 15 bed bed NOUN _005195566 196 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 196 17 gazed gaze VERB _005195566 196 18 for for ADP _005195566 196 19 a a DET _005195566 196 20 moment moment NOUN _005195566 196 21 at at ADP _005195566 196 22 him he PRON _005195566 196 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 196 24 then then ADV _005195566 196 25 threw throw VERB _005195566 196 26 himself himself PRON _005195566 196 27 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 196 28 his his PRON _005195566 196 29 knees knee NOUN _005195566 196 30 as as SCONJ _005195566 196 31 he he PRON _005195566 196 32 leaned lean VERB _005195566 196 33 with with ADP _005195566 196 34 extended extended ADJ _005195566 196 35 arms arm NOUN _005195566 196 36 towards towards ADP _005195566 196 37 him he PRON _005195566 196 38 . . PUNCT _005195566 197 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 197 2 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _005195566 197 3 man man NOUN _005195566 197 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 197 5 ” " PUNCT _005195566 197 6 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 197 7 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005195566 197 8 the the DET _005195566 197 9 priest priest NOUN _005195566 197 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 197 11 “ " PUNCT _005195566 197 12 why why SCONJ _005195566 197 13 do do AUX _005195566 197 14 you you PRON _005195566 197 15 continue continue VERB _005195566 197 16 to to PART _005195566 197 17 outrage outrage VERB _005195566 197 18 the the DET _005195566 197 19 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 197 20 of of ADP _005195566 197 21 god god PROPN _005195566 197 22 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 198 1 think think VERB _005195566 198 2 of of ADP _005195566 198 3 that that DET _005195566 198 4 awful awful ADJ _005195566 198 5 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 198 6 46 46 NUM _005195566 198 7 the the DET _005195566 198 8 last last ADJ _005195566 198 9 moments moment NOUN _005195566 198 10 of of ADP _005195566 198 11 before before ADP _005195566 198 12 you you PRON _005195566 198 13 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 199 1 think think VERB _005195566 199 2 of of ADP _005195566 199 3 that that DET _005195566 199 4 god god PROPN _005195566 199 5 whom whom PRON _005195566 199 6 you you PRON _005195566 199 7 blaspheme blaspheme VERB _005195566 199 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 199 9 deny deny VERB _005195566 199 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 199 11 but but CCONJ _005195566 199 12 who who PRON _005195566 199 13 has have AUX _005195566 199 14 sent send VERB _005195566 199 15 me i PRON _005195566 199 16 here here ADV _005195566 199 17 to to PART _005195566 199 18 save save VERB _005195566 199 19 you you PRON _005195566 199 20 from from ADP _005195566 199 21 ruin ruin NOUN _005195566 199 22 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 199 23 ” " PUNCT _005195566 200 1 there there PRON _005195566 200 2 is be VERB _005195566 200 3 no no DET _005195566 200 4 god god NOUN _005195566 200 5 for for ADP _005195566 200 6 the the DET _005195566 200 7 christian christian NOUN _005195566 200 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 200 9 ” " PUNCT _005195566 200 10 angrily angrily ADV _005195566 200 11 replied reply VERB _005195566 200 12 the the DET _005195566 200 13 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 200 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 200 15 “ " PUNCT _005195566 200 16 you you PRON _005195566 200 17 have have VERB _005195566 200 18 no no DET _005195566 200 19 god god PROPN _005195566 200 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 200 21 ” " PUNCT _005195566 201 1 h h PROPN _005195566 201 2 “ " PUNCT _005195566 201 3 there there PRON _005195566 201 4 is be VERB _005195566 201 5 a a DET _005195566 201 6 god god NOUN _005195566 201 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 201 8 ” " PUNCT _005195566 201 9 the the DET _005195566 201 10 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 201 11 replied reply VERB _005195566 201 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 201 13 still still ADV _005195566 201 14 kneeling kneel VERB _005195566 201 15 : : PUNCT _005195566 201 16 “ " PUNCT _005195566 201 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 201 18 he he PRON _005195566 201 19 sends send VERB _005195566 201 20 me i PRON _005195566 201 21 here here ADV _005195566 201 22 to to ADP _005195566 201 23 day day NOUN _005195566 201 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 202 1 let let VERB _005195566 202 2 me i PRON _005195566 202 3 ask ask VERB _005195566 202 4 his his PRON _005195566 202 5 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 202 6 for for ADP _005195566 202 7 you you PRON _005195566 202 8 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 202 9 ” " PUNCT _005195566 203 1 * * PUNCT _005195566 203 2 “ " PUNCT _005195566 203 3 fool fool NOUN _005195566 203 4 then then ADV _005195566 203 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 203 6 as as SCONJ _005195566 203 7 you you PRON _005195566 203 8 are be AUX _005195566 203 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 203 10 ” " PUNCT _005195566 203 11 said say VERB _005195566 203 12 he he PRON _005195566 203 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 203 14 as as SCONJ _005195566 203 15 the the DET _005195566 203 16 fire fire NOUN _005195566 203 17 flashed flash VERB _005195566 203 18 fearfully fearfully ADV _005195566 203 19 from from ADP _005195566 203 20 his his PRON _005195566 203 21 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 203 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 203 23 “ " PUNCT _005195566 203 24 fool fool NOUN _005195566 203 25 then then ADV _005195566 203 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 203 27 as as SCONJ _005195566 203 28 you you PRON _005195566 203 29 are be AUX _005195566 203 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 203 31 pray pray VERB _005195566 203 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 203 33 but but CCONJ _005195566 203 34 pray pray VERB _005195566 203 35 loud loud ADV _005195566 203 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 203 37 or or CCONJ _005195566 203 38 else else ADV _005195566 203 39 your your PRON _005195566 203 40 bible bible ADJ _005195566 203 41 god god PROPN _005195566 203 42 will will AUX _005195566 203 43 not not PART _005195566 203 44 hear hear VERB _005195566 203 45 you you PRON _005195566 203 46 . . PUNCT _005195566 203 47 ” " PUNCT _005195566 204 1 the the DET _005195566 204 2 priest priest NOUN _005195566 204 3 lifted lift VERB _005195566 204 4 up up ADP _005195566 204 5 his his PRON _005195566 204 6 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 204 7 to to ADP _005195566 204 8 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 204 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 204 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 204 11 thought think VERB _005195566 204 12 of of ADP _005195566 204 13 her she PRON _005195566 204 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 204 15 the the DET _005195566 204 16 refuge refuge NOUN _005195566 204 17 of of ADP _005195566 204 18 sinners sinner NOUN _005195566 204 19 — — PUNCT _005195566 204 20 the the DET _005195566 204 21 mother mother NOUN _005195566 204 22 of of ADP _005195566 204 23 god god PROPN _005195566 204 24 : : PUNCT _005195566 204 25 and and CCONJ _005195566 204 26 he he PRON _005195566 204 27 prayed pray VERB _005195566 204 28 for for ADP _005195566 204 29 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 204 30 through through ADP _005195566 204 31 the the DET _005195566 204 32 a a DET _005195566 204 33 converted converted ADJ _005195566 204 34 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 204 35 . . PUNCT _005195566 205 1 47 47 NUM _005195566 205 2 hands hand NOUN _005195566 205 3 of of ADP _005195566 205 4 mary mary PROPN _005195566 205 5 . . PUNCT _005195566 206 1 the the DET _005195566 206 2 lovely lovely ADJ _005195566 206 3 words word NOUN _005195566 206 4 of of ADP _005195566 206 5 st st PROPN _005195566 206 6 . . PROPN _005195566 206 7 bernard bernard PROPN _005195566 206 8 gushed gush VERB _005195566 206 9 from from ADP _005195566 206 10 his his PRON _005195566 206 11 heart heart NOUN _005195566 206 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 206 13 from from ADP _005195566 206 14 his his PRON _005195566 206 15 lips lip NOUN _005195566 206 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 207 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 207 2 the the DET _005195566 207 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 207 4 went go VERB _005195566 207 5 up up ADP _005195566 207 6 : : PUNCT _005195566 207 7 “ " PUNCT _005195566 207 8 remember remember VERB _005195566 207 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 207 10 ” " PUNCT _005195566 207 11 & & CCONJ _005195566 207 12 casternal casternal PROPN _005195566 207 13 god god PROPN _005195566 207 14 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 208 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 208 2 sudden sudden ADJ _005195566 208 3 a a DET _005195566 208 4 change change NOUN _005195566 208 5 comes come VERB _005195566 208 6 over over ADP _005195566 208 7 the the DET _005195566 208 8 sick sick ADJ _005195566 208 9 man man NOUN _005195566 208 10 ’s ’s NUM _005195566 208 11 soul soul NOUN _005195566 208 12 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 209 1 while while SCONJ _005195566 209 2 yet yet ADV _005195566 209 3 pronouncing pronounce VERB _005195566 209 4 the the DET _005195566 209 5 words word NOUN _005195566 209 6 of of ADP _005195566 209 7 the the DET _005195566 209 8 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 209 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 10 a a DET _005195566 209 11 stifled stifled ADJ _005195566 209 12 groan groan NOUN _005195566 209 13 is be AUX _005195566 209 14 heard hear VERB _005195566 209 15 — — PUNCT _005195566 209 16 a a DET _005195566 209 17 sigh sigh NOUN _005195566 209 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 19 as as SCONJ _005195566 209 20 if if SCONJ _005195566 209 21 from from ADP _005195566 209 22 the the DET _005195566 209 23 very very ADJ _005195566 209 24 soul soul NOUN _005195566 209 25 — — PUNCT _005195566 209 26 and and CCONJ _005195566 209 27 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 28 at at ADP _005195566 209 29 the the DET _005195566 209 30 close close NOUN _005195566 209 31 of of ADP _005195566 209 32 the the DET _005195566 209 33 “ " PUNCT _005195566 209 34 remember remember NOUN _005195566 209 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 36 ” " PUNCT _005195566 209 37 as as SCONJ _005195566 209 38 the the DET _005195566 209 39 priest priest NOUN _005195566 209 40 looked look VERB _005195566 209 41 towards towards ADP _005195566 209 42 him he PRON _005195566 209 43 for for ADP _005195566 209 44 whom whom PRON _005195566 209 45 he he PRON _005195566 209 46 had have AUX _005195566 209 47 been be AUX _005195566 209 48 praying pray VERB _005195566 209 49 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 50 what what PRON _005195566 209 51 were be AUX _005195566 209 52 his his PRON _005195566 209 53 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 209 54 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 55 what what PRON _005195566 209 56 his his PRON _005195566 209 57 surprise surprise NOUN _005195566 209 58 to to PART _005195566 209 59 find find VERB _005195566 209 60 hipi hipi NOUN _005195566 209 61 shedding shed VERB _005195566 209 62 tears tear NOUN _005195566 209 63 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 64 his his PRON _005195566 209 65 hands hand NOUN _005195566 209 66 clasped clasp VERB _005195566 209 67 in in ADP _005195566 209 68 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 209 69 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 70 and and CCONJ _005195566 209 71 to to PART _005195566 209 72 hear hear VERB _005195566 209 73 these these DET _005195566 209 74 expressive expressive ADJ _005195566 209 75 words word NOUN _005195566 209 76 : : PUNCT _005195566 209 77 “ " PUNCT _005195566 209 78 mary mary PROPN _005195566 209 79 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 80 standing stand VERB _005195566 209 81 at at ADP _005195566 209 82 the the DET _005195566 209 83 foot foot NOUN _005195566 209 84 of of ADP _005195566 209 85 the the DET _005195566 209 86 cross cross NOUN _005195566 209 87 of of ADP _005195566 209 88 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 209 89 , , PUNCT _005195566 209 90 pray pray VERB _005195566 209 91 for for ADP _005195566 209 92 me i PRON _005195566 209 93 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 210 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 210 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 210 3 god god PROPN _005195566 210 4 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 211 1 have have VERB _005195566 211 2 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 211 3 on on ADP _005195566 211 4 me i PRON _005195566 211 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 211 6 ” " PUNCT _005195566 212 1 48 48 NUM _005195566 212 2 the the DET _005195566 212 3 last last ADJ _005195566 212 4 moments moment NOUN _005195566 212 5 of of ADP _005195566 212 6 “ " PUNCT _005195566 212 7 surprised surprised ADJ _005195566 212 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 212 9 alarmed alarmed ADJ _005195566 212 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 212 11 the the DET _005195566 212 12 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 212 13 gazed gaze VERB _005195566 212 14 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 212 15 the the DET _005195566 212 16 scene scene NOUN _005195566 212 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 213 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 213 2 a a DET _005195566 213 3 moment moment NOUN _005195566 213 4 passed pass VERB _005195566 213 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 213 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 213 7 he he PRON _005195566 213 8 was be AUX _005195566 213 9 clasped clasp VERB _005195566 213 10 in in ADP _005195566 213 11 the the DET _005195566 213 12 sick sick ADJ _005195566 213 13 man man NOUN _005195566 213 14 ’s ’s PART _005195566 213 15 arms arm NOUN _005195566 213 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 214 1 a a DET _005195566 214 2 flood flood NOUN _005195566 214 3 of of ADP _005195566 214 4 tears tear NOUN _005195566 214 5 was be AUX _005195566 214 6 streaming stream VERB _005195566 214 7 from from ADP _005195566 214 8 his his PRON _005195566 214 9 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 214 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 214 11 his his PRON _005195566 214 12 countenance countenance NOUN _005195566 214 13 was be AUX _005195566 214 14 changed change VERB _005195566 214 15 — — PUNCT _005195566 214 16 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005195566 214 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 214 18 joy joy NOUN _005195566 214 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 214 20 grief grief NOUN _005195566 214 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 214 22 hope hope NOUN _005195566 214 23 were be AUX _005195566 214 24 blended blend VERB _005195566 214 25 there there ADV _005195566 214 26 — — PUNCT _005195566 214 27 a a DET _005195566 214 28 mild mild ADJ _005195566 214 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 214 30 gentle gentle ADJ _005195566 214 31 calm calm NOUN _005195566 214 32 had have AUX _005195566 214 33 replaced replace VERB _005195566 214 34 the the DET _005195566 214 35 stern stern ADJ _005195566 214 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 214 37 determined determined ADJ _005195566 214 38 look look NOUN _005195566 214 39 which which PRON _005195566 214 40 had have AUX _005195566 214 41 characterized characterize VERB _005195566 214 42 him he PRON _005195566 214 43 through through ADP _005195566 214 44 life life NOUN _005195566 214 45 — — PUNCT _005195566 214 46 and and CCONJ _005195566 214 47 a a DET _005195566 214 48 smile smile NOUN _005195566 214 49 of of ADP _005195566 214 50 delight delight NOUN _005195566 214 51 beamed beam VERB _005195566 214 52 through through ADP _005195566 214 53 all all DET _005195566 214 54 his his PRON _005195566 214 55 tears tear NOUN _005195566 214 56 . . PUNCT _005195566 215 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 215 2 oh oh INTJ _005195566 215 3 god god INTJ _005195566 215 4 of of ADP _005195566 215 5 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 215 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 215 7 ” " PUNCT _005195566 216 1 he he PRON _005195566 216 2 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005195566 216 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 216 4 “ " PUNCT _005195566 216 5 what what PRON _005195566 216 6 have have AUX _005195566 216 7 i i PRON _005195566 216 8 done do VERB _005195566 216 9 to to PART _005195566 216 10 deserve deserve VERB _005195566 216 11 this this DET _005195566 216 12 favor favor NOUN _005195566 216 13 at at ADP _005195566 216 14 thy thy PRON _005195566 216 15 hands hand NOUN _005195566 216 16 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 217 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 217 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 217 3 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 217 4 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 218 1 my my PRON _005195566 218 2 lord lord PROPN _005195566 218 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 218 4 my my PRON _005195566 218 5 god god PROPN _005195566 218 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 218 7 what what PRON _005195566 218 8 is be AUX _005195566 218 9 this this PRON _005195566 218 10 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 219 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 219 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 220 1 heaven heaven NOUN _005195566 220 2 of of ADP _005195566 220 3 heavens heavens PROPN _005195566 220 4 f f PROPN _005195566 220 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 220 6 all all PRON _005195566 220 7 that that PRON _005195566 220 8 they they PRON _005195566 220 9 contain contain VERB _005195566 220 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 220 11 thank thank VERB _005195566 220 12 my my PRON _005195566 220 13 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 220 14 for for ADP _005195566 220 15 me i PRON _005195566 220 16 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 221 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 221 2 mary mary PROPN _005195566 221 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 221 4 standa standa PROPN _005195566 221 5 converted convert VERB _005195566 221 6 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 221 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 222 1 49 49 NUM _005195566 222 2 ing ing NOUN _005195566 222 3 at at ADP _005195566 222 4 the the DET _005195566 222 5 foot foot NOUN _005195566 222 6 of of ADP _005195566 222 7 the the DET _005195566 222 8 cross cross NOUN _005195566 222 9 of of ADP _005195566 222 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 222 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 222 12 pray pray VERB _005195566 222 13 for for ADP _005195566 222 14 me i PRON _005195566 222 15 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 223 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 223 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 223 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 223 4 dying die VERB _005195566 223 5 on on ADP _005195566 223 6 the the DET _005195566 223 7 cross cross NOUN _005195566 223 8 for for ADP _005195566 223 9 me i PRON _005195566 223 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 223 11 have have VERB _005195566 223 12 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 223 13 on on ADP _005195566 223 14 me i PRON _005195566 223 15 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 224 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 224 2 mother mother NOUN _005195566 224 3 of of ADP _005195566 224 4 god god PROPN _005195566 224 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 224 6 pray pray VERB _005195566 224 7 for for ADP _005195566 224 8 me i PRON _005195566 224 9 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 225 1 my my PRON _005195566 225 2 mother mother NOUN _005195566 225 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 225 4 the the DET _005195566 225 5 refuge refuge NOUN _005195566 225 6 of of ADP _005195566 225 7 sinners sinner NOUN _005195566 225 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 225 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 225 10 the the DET _005195566 225 11 cause cause NOUN _005195566 225 12 of of ADP _005195566 225 13 my my PRON _005195566 225 14 salvation salvation NOUN _005195566 225 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 225 16 thank thank VERB _005195566 225 17 my my PRON _005195566 225 18 god god PROPN _005195566 225 19 for for ADP _005195566 225 20 me i PRON _005195566 225 21 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 226 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 226 2 angel angel NOUN _005195566 226 3 that that PRON _005195566 226 4 has have AUX _005195566 226 5 always always ADV _005195566 226 6 been be AUX _005195566 226 7 with with ADP _005195566 226 8 me i PRON _005195566 226 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 226 10 thank thank VERB _005195566 226 11 my my PRON _005195566 226 12 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 226 13 for for ADP _005195566 226 14 me i PRON _005195566 226 15 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 226 16 ” " PUNCT _005195566 227 1 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 227 2 these these PRON _005195566 227 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 227 4 many many ADJ _005195566 227 5 similar similar ADJ _005195566 227 6 aspirations aspiration NOUN _005195566 227 7 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005195566 227 8 the the DET _005195566 227 9 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005195566 227 10 change change NOUN _005195566 227 11 effected effect VERB _005195566 227 12 in in ADP _005195566 227 13 mr mr PROPN _005195566 227 14 . . PROPN _005195566 227 15 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 227 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 228 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 228 2 and and CCONJ _005195566 228 3 is be AUX _005195566 228 4 it it PRON _005195566 228 5 possible possible ADJ _005195566 228 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 228 7 5 5 NUM _005195566 228 8 ’ ' PUNCT _005195566 228 9 asked ask VERB _005195566 228 10 the the DET _005195566 228 11 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 228 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 228 13 “ " PUNCT _005195566 228 14 that that SCONJ _005195566 228 15 god god PROPN _005195566 228 16 has have AUX _005195566 228 17 manifested manifest VERB _005195566 228 18 his his PRON _005195566 228 19 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 228 20 to to ADP _005195566 228 21 you you PRON _005195566 228 22 so so ADV _005195566 228 23 wonderfully wonderfully ADV _005195566 228 24 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 229 1 55 55 NUM _005195566 229 2 j j NOUN _005195566 229 3 “ " PUNCT _005195566 229 4 yes yes INTJ _005195566 229 5 father father PROPN _005195566 229 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 229 7 55 55 NUM _005195566 229 8 replied reply VERB _005195566 229 9 the the DET _005195566 229 10 happy happy ADJ _005195566 229 11 convert convert NOUN _005195566 229 12 : : PUNCT _005195566 229 13 “ " PUNCT _005195566 229 14 yes yes INTJ _005195566 229 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 229 16 i i PRON _005195566 229 17 feel feel VERB _005195566 229 18 a a DET _005195566 229 19 change change NOUN _005195566 229 20 in in ADP _005195566 229 21 all all DET _005195566 229 22 my my PRON _005195566 229 23 views view NOUN _005195566 229 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 230 1 from from ADP _005195566 230 2 the the DET _005195566 230 3 moment moment NOUN _005195566 230 4 you you PRON _005195566 230 5 commenced commence VERB _005195566 230 6 that that DET _005195566 230 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 230 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 230 9 i i PRON _005195566 230 10 seemed seem VERB _005195566 230 11 trans4 trans4 ADJ _005195566 230 12 50 50 NUM _005195566 230 13 the the DET _005195566 230 14 last last ADJ _005195566 230 15 moments moment NOUN _005195566 230 16 of of ADP _005195566 230 17 ported port VERB _005195566 230 18 out out ADP _005195566 230 19 of of ADP _005195566 230 20 myself myself PRON _005195566 230 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 230 22 god god PROPN _005195566 230 23 has have AUX _005195566 230 24 been be AUX _005195566 230 25 pleased pleased ADJ _005195566 230 26 to to PART _005195566 230 27 show show VERB _005195566 230 28 me i PRON _005195566 230 29 my my PRON _005195566 230 30 error error NOUN _005195566 230 31 . . PUNCT _005195566 231 1 the the DET _005195566 231 2 blessed blessed ADJ _005195566 231 3 mother mother NOUN _005195566 231 4 of of ADP _005195566 231 5 my my PRON _005195566 231 6 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 231 7 seemed seem VERB _005195566 231 8 to to PART _005195566 231 9 stand stand VERB _005195566 231 10 before before ADP _005195566 231 11 me i PRON _005195566 231 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 231 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 231 14 with with ADP _005195566 231 15 a a DET _005195566 231 16 mild mild ADJ _005195566 231 17 countenance countenance NOUN _005195566 231 18 point point NOUN _005195566 231 19 to to ADP _005195566 231 20 her her PRON _005195566 231 21 divine divine ADJ _005195566 231 22 son son NOUN _005195566 231 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 231 24 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 231 25 the the DET _005195566 231 26 cross cross NOUN _005195566 231 27 beside beside ADP _005195566 231 28 her she PRON _005195566 231 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 232 1 i i PRON _005195566 232 2 looked look VERB _005195566 232 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 232 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 232 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 232 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 232 7 my my PRON _005195566 232 8 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 232 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 232 10 smiled smile VERB _005195566 232 11 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 232 12 me i PRON _005195566 232 13 — — PUNCT _005195566 232 14 and and CCONJ _005195566 232 15 i i PRON _005195566 232 16 could could AUX _005195566 232 17 not not PART _005195566 232 18 repress repress VERB _005195566 232 19 my my PRON _005195566 232 20 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 232 21 as as SCONJ _005195566 232 22 i i PRON _005195566 232 23 cried cry VERB _005195566 232 24 out out ADP _005195566 232 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 232 26 oh oh INTJ _005195566 232 27 mary mary NOUN _005195566 232 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 232 29 standing stand VERB _005195566 232 30 at at ADP _005195566 232 31 the the DET _005195566 232 32 foot foot NOUN _005195566 232 33 of of ADP _005195566 232 34 the the DET _005195566 232 35 cross cross NOUN _005195566 232 36 of of ADP _005195566 232 37 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 232 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 232 39 pray pray VERB _005195566 232 40 for for ADP _005195566 232 41 me i PRON _005195566 232 42 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 232 43 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 233 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 233 2 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 233 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 233 4 dying die VERB _005195566 233 5 on on ADP _005195566 233 6 the the DET _005195566 233 7 cross cross NOUN _005195566 233 8 for for ADP _005195566 233 9 me i PRON _005195566 233 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 233 11 have have VERB _005195566 233 12 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 233 13 on on ADP _005195566 233 14 me i PRON _005195566 233 15 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 233 16 ” " PUNCT _005195566 234 1 4 4 NUM _005195566 234 2 “ " PUNCT _005195566 234 3 since since SCONJ _005195566 234 4 this this PRON _005195566 234 5 is be AUX _005195566 234 6 so so ADV _005195566 234 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 234 8 ” " PUNCT _005195566 234 9 said say VERB _005195566 234 10 the the DET _005195566 234 11 priest priest NOUN _005195566 234 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 234 13 with with ADP _005195566 234 14 tears tear NOUN _005195566 234 15 of of ADP _005195566 234 16 joy joy NOUN _005195566 234 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 234 18 “ " PUNCT _005195566 234 19 let let VERB _005195566 234 20 us we PRON _005195566 234 21 return return VERB _005195566 234 22 thanks thank NOUN _005195566 234 23 to to ADP _005195566 234 24 our our PRON _005195566 234 25 good good ADJ _005195566 234 26 god god PROPN _005195566 234 27 for for ADP _005195566 234 28 his his PRON _005195566 234 29 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 234 30 and and CCONJ _005195566 234 31 his his PRON _005195566 234 32 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 234 33 . . PUNCT _005195566 235 1 do do AUX _005195566 235 2 so so ADV _005195566 235 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 235 4 do do AUX _005195566 235 5 so so ADV _005195566 235 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 235 7 father father NOUN _005195566 235 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 235 9 ” " PUNCT _005195566 235 10 rejoined rejoin VERB _005195566 235 11 the the DET _005195566 235 12 sick sick ADJ _005195566 235 13 man man NOUN _005195566 235 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 235 15 “ " PUNCT _005195566 235 16 do do VERB _005195566 235 17 so so ADV _005195566 235 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 235 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 235 20 i i PRON _005195566 235 21 will will AUX _005195566 235 22 unite unite VERB _005195566 235 23 with with ADP _005195566 235 24 all all DET _005195566 235 25 51a 51a NOUN _005195566 235 26 converted convert VERB _005195566 235 27 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 235 28 . . PUNCT _005195566 236 1 my my PRON _005195566 236 2 strength strength NOUN _005195566 236 3 . . PUNCT _005195566 236 4 ” " PUNCT _005195566 237 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 237 2 the the DET _005195566 237 3 priest priest NOUN _005195566 237 4 knelt knelt PROPN _005195566 237 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 237 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 237 7 recited recite VERB _005195566 237 8 in in ADP _005195566 237 9 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _005195566 237 10 to to ADP _005195566 237 11 god god PROPN _005195566 237 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 237 13 the the DET _005195566 237 14 te te PROPN _005195566 237 15 deum deum NOUN _005195566 237 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 237 17 the the DET _005195566 237 18 litanies litany NOUN _005195566 237 19 of of ADP _005195566 237 20 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 237 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 237 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 237 23 of of ADP _005195566 237 24 the the DET _005195566 237 25 b. b. PROPN _005195566 237 26 v. v. PROPN _005195566 237 27 mary mary PROPN _005195566 237 28 . . PUNCT _005195566 238 1 what what PRON _005195566 238 2 a a DET _005195566 238 3 joyous joyous ADJ _005195566 238 4 scene scene NOUN _005195566 238 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 239 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 239 2 fervently fervently ADV _005195566 239 3 did do AUX _005195566 239 4 they they PRON _005195566 239 5 pray pray VERB _005195566 239 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 239 7 the the DET _005195566 239 8 converted converted ADJ _005195566 239 9 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 239 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 239 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 239 12 the the DET _005195566 239 13 priest priest NOUN _005195566 239 14 of of ADP _005195566 239 15 religion religion NOUN _005195566 239 16 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 240 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 240 2 earnest earnest ADJ _005195566 240 3 the the DET _005195566 240 4 petitions petition NOUN _005195566 240 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 240 6 how how SCONJ _005195566 240 7 sincere sincere ADJ _005195566 240 8 the the DET _005195566 240 9 aspirations aspiration NOUN _005195566 240 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 240 11 how how SCONJ _005195566 240 12 strong strong ADJ _005195566 240 13 the the DET _005195566 240 14 faith faith NOUN _005195566 240 15 of of ADP _005195566 240 16 the the DET _005195566 240 17 recent recent ADJ _005195566 240 18 convert convert NOUN _005195566 240 19 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 241 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 241 2 have have VERB _005195566 241 3 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 241 4 on on ADP _005195566 241 5 me i PRON _005195566 241 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 241 7 ” " PUNCT _005195566 242 1 would would AUX _005195566 242 2 he he PRON _005195566 242 3 reply reply VERB _005195566 242 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 242 5 as as SCONJ _005195566 242 6 the the DET _005195566 242 7 petition petition NOUN _005195566 242 8 went go VERB _005195566 242 9 up up ADP _005195566 242 10 to to ADP _005195566 242 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 242 12 his his PRON _005195566 242 13 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005195566 242 14 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 242 15 with with SCONJ _005195566 242 16 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 242 17 turned turn VERB _005195566 242 18 towards towards ADP _005195566 242 19 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 242 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 242 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 242 22 hands hand NOUN _005195566 242 23 uplifted uplifted ADJ _005195566 242 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 242 25 while while SCONJ _005195566 242 26 every every DET _005195566 242 27 feature feature NOUN _005195566 242 28 of of ADP _005195566 242 29 his his PRON _005195566 242 30 countenance countenance NOUN _005195566 242 31 glowed glow VERB _005195566 242 32 with with ADP _005195566 242 33 love love NOUN _005195566 242 34 and and CCONJ _005195566 242 35 hope hope NOUN _005195566 242 36 commingled commingle VERB _005195566 242 37 with with ADP _005195566 242 38 fear fear NOUN _005195566 242 39 : : PUNCT _005195566 242 40 “ " PUNCT _005195566 242 41 have have AUX _005195566 242 42 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 242 43 on on ADP _005195566 242 44 me i PRON _005195566 242 45 , , PUNCT _005195566 242 46 oh oh INTJ _005195566 242 47 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 242 48 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 243 1 have have VERB _005195566 243 2 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 243 3 on on ADP _005195566 243 4 me i PRON _005195566 243 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 243 6 mother mother NOUN _005195566 243 7 of of ADP _005195566 243 8 god god PROPN _005195566 243 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 243 10 52 52 NUM _005195566 243 11 the the DET _005195566 243 12 last last ADJ _005195566 243 13 moments moment NOUN _005195566 243 14 of of ADP _005195566 243 15 my my PRON _005195566 243 16 mother mother NOUN _005195566 243 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 243 18 pray pray VERB _005195566 243 19 for for ADP _005195566 243 20 me i PRON _005195566 243 21 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 244 1 look look VERB _005195566 244 2 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 244 3 your your PRON _005195566 244 4 child child NOUN _005195566 244 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 245 1 he he PRON _005195566 245 2 owes owe VERB _005195566 245 3 his his PRON _005195566 245 4 salvation salvation NOUN _005195566 245 5 to to ADP _005195566 245 6 your your PRON _005195566 245 7 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 245 8 with with ADP _005195566 245 9 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 245 10 for for ADP _005195566 245 11 him he PRON _005195566 245 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 245 13 0 0 NUM _005195566 246 1 blessed bless VERB _005195566 246 2 mother mother NOUN _005195566 246 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 246 4 look look VERB _005195566 246 5 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 246 6 me i PRON _005195566 246 7 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 247 1 thou thou DET _005195566 247 2 knowest knowest PROPN _005195566 247 3 that that PRON _005195566 247 4 i i PRON _005195566 247 5 love love VERB _005195566 247 6 thy thy PROPN _005195566 247 7 divine divine ADJ _005195566 247 8 son son NOUN _005195566 247 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 247 10 but but CCONJ _005195566 247 11 do do AUX _005195566 247 12 you you PRON _005195566 247 13 love love VERB _005195566 247 14 him he PRON _005195566 247 15 for for ADP _005195566 247 16 me i PRON _005195566 247 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 248 1 would would AUX _005195566 248 2 that that SCONJ _005195566 248 3 every every DET _005195566 248 4 heart heart NOUN _005195566 248 5 were be AUX _005195566 248 6 filled fill VERB _005195566 248 7 with with ADP _005195566 248 8 love love NOUN _005195566 248 9 for for ADP _005195566 248 10 mary mary PROPN _005195566 248 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 248 12 the the DET _005195566 248 13 refuge refuge NOUN _005195566 248 14 of of ADP _005195566 248 15 sinners sinner NOUN _005195566 248 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 248 17 the the DET _005195566 248 18 mother mother NOUN _005195566 248 19 of of ADP _005195566 248 20 my my PRON _005195566 248 21 god god PROPN _005195566 248 22 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 249 1 > > X _005195566 249 2 rhfe rhfe PROPN _005195566 249 3 earnestly earnestly ADV _005195566 249 4 entreated entreat VERB _005195566 249 5 to to PART _005195566 249 6 be be AUX _005195566 249 7 permitted permit VERB _005195566 249 8 to to PART _005195566 249 9 make make VERB _005195566 249 10 his his PRON _005195566 249 11 confession confession NOUN _005195566 249 12 immediately immediately ADV _005195566 249 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 249 14 but but CCONJ _005195566 249 15 fearful fearful ADJ _005195566 249 16 that that SCONJ _005195566 249 17 the the DET _005195566 249 18 excitement excitement NOUN _005195566 249 19 of of ADP _005195566 249 20 the the DET _005195566 249 21 past past ADJ _005195566 249 22 few few ADJ _005195566 249 23 moments moment NOUN _005195566 249 24 might might AUX _005195566 249 25 be be AUX _005195566 249 26 injurious injurious ADJ _005195566 249 27 to to ADP _005195566 249 28 him he PRON _005195566 249 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 249 30 the the DET _005195566 249 31 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 249 32 proposed propose VERB _005195566 249 33 to to PART _005195566 249 34 delay delay VERB _005195566 249 35 the the DET _005195566 249 36 confession confession NOUN _005195566 249 37 for for ADP _005195566 249 38 a a DET _005195566 249 39 while while NOUN _005195566 249 40 in in ADP _005195566 249 41 order order NOUN _005195566 249 42 to to PART _005195566 249 43 leave leave VERB _005195566 249 44 him he PRON _005195566 249 45 alone alone ADJ _005195566 249 46 to to PART _005195566 249 47 commune commune VERB _005195566 249 48 with with ADP _005195566 249 49 his his PRON _005195566 249 50 god god PROPN _005195566 249 51 . . PUNCT _005195566 250 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 250 2 much much ADV _005195566 250 3 to to ADP _005195566 250 4 his his PRON _005195566 250 5 surprise surprise NOUN _005195566 250 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 250 7 he he PRON _005195566 250 8 found find VERB _005195566 250 9 that that SCONJ _005195566 250 10 mr mr PROPN _005195566 250 11 . . PROPN _005195566 250 12 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 250 13 was be AUX _005195566 250 14 as as ADV _005195566 250 15 calm calm ADJ _005195566 250 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 250 17 a a DET _005195566 250 18 converted converted ADJ _005195566 250 19 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 250 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 251 1 tranquil tranquil PROPN _005195566 251 2 as as ADP _005195566 251 3 a a DET _005195566 251 4 child child NOUN _005195566 251 5 . . PUNCT _005195566 252 1 there there PRON _005195566 252 2 was be VERB _005195566 252 3 a a DET _005195566 252 4 total total ADJ _005195566 252 5 change change NOUN _005195566 252 6 not not PART _005195566 252 7 only only ADV _005195566 252 8 in in ADP _005195566 252 9 feeling feeling NOUN _005195566 252 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 252 11 in in ADP _005195566 252 12 mind mind NOUN _005195566 252 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 252 14 but but CCONJ _005195566 252 15 in in ADP _005195566 252 16 appearance appearance NOUN _005195566 252 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 252 18 in in ADP _005195566 252 19 action action NOUN _005195566 252 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 253 1 there there PRON _005195566 253 2 was be VERB _005195566 253 3 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 253 4 an an DET _005195566 253 5 earnestness earnestness NOUN _005195566 253 6 of of ADP _005195566 253 7 expression expression NOUN _005195566 253 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 253 9 but but CCONJ _005195566 253 10 it it PRON _005195566 253 11 was be AUX _005195566 253 12 as as ADV _005195566 253 13 calmly calmly ADV _005195566 253 14 dignified dignify VERB _005195566 253 15 as as SCONJ _005195566 253 16 if if SCONJ _005195566 253 17 from from ADP _005195566 253 18 long long ADJ _005195566 253 19 reflection reflection NOUN _005195566 253 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 254 1 there there PRON _005195566 254 2 was be VERB _005195566 254 3 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 254 4 a a DET _005195566 254 5 glow glow NOUN _005195566 254 6 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 254 7 his his PRON _005195566 254 8 cheek cheek NOUN _005195566 254 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 254 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 254 11 joy joy NOUN _005195566 254 12 sparkling sparkle VERB _005195566 254 13 in in ADP _005195566 254 14 his his PRON _005195566 254 15 eye eye NOUN _005195566 254 16 — — PUNCT _005195566 254 17 but but CCONJ _005195566 254 18 it it PRON _005195566 254 19 was be AUX _005195566 254 20 the the DET _005195566 254 21 smile smile NOUN _005195566 254 22 of of ADP _005195566 254 23 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005195566 254 24 to to ADP _005195566 254 25 god god PROPN _005195566 254 26 — — PUNCT _005195566 254 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 254 28 the the DET _005195566 254 29 eye eye NOUN _005195566 254 30 bespoke bespoke VERB _005195566 254 31 the the DET _005195566 254 32 settled settle VERB _005195566 254 33 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 254 34 of of ADP _005195566 254 35 the the DET _005195566 254 36 heart heart NOUN _005195566 254 37 . . PUNCT _005195566 255 1 " " PUNCT _005195566 255 2 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 255 3 so so ADV _005195566 255 4 earnest earnest ADJ _005195566 255 5 were be AUX _005195566 255 6 his his PRON _005195566 255 7 wishes wish NOUN _005195566 255 8 to to PART _005195566 255 9 be be AUX _005195566 255 10 allowed allow VERB _005195566 255 11 to to PART _005195566 255 12 make make VERB _005195566 255 13 forthwith forthwith ADP _005195566 255 14 his his PRON _005195566 255 15 confession confession NOUN _005195566 255 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 255 17 that that SCONJ _005195566 255 18 the the DET _005195566 255 19 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 255 20 consented consent VERB _005195566 255 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 256 1 what what PRON _005195566 256 2 the the DET _005195566 256 3 fervor fervor NOUN _005195566 256 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 256 5 contrition contrition NOUN _005195566 256 6 which which PRON _005195566 256 7 marked mark VERB _005195566 256 8 that that SCONJ _005195566 256 9 penitential penitential ADJ _005195566 256 10 act act NOUN _005195566 256 11 it it PRON _005195566 256 12 is be AUX _005195566 256 13 not not PART _005195566 256 14 ours ours ADJ _005195566 256 15 to to PART _005195566 256 16 know know VERB _005195566 256 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 257 1 it it PRON _005195566 257 2 is be AUX _005195566 257 3 locked lock VERB _005195566 257 4 up up ADP _005195566 257 5 in in ADP _005195566 257 6 the the DET _005195566 257 7 impenetrable impenetrable ADJ _005195566 257 8 gloom gloom NOUN _005195566 257 9 of of ADP _005195566 257 10 the the DET _005195566 257 11 past past NOUN _005195566 257 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 257 13 but but CCONJ _005195566 257 14 may may AUX _005195566 257 15 we we PRON _005195566 257 16 not not PART _005195566 257 17 hope hope VERB _005195566 257 18 54 54 NUM _005195566 257 19 the the DET _005195566 257 20 last last ADJ _005195566 257 21 moments moment NOUN _005195566 257 22 of of ADP _005195566 257 23 that that PRON _005195566 257 24 he he PRON _005195566 257 25 who who PRON _005195566 257 26 has have AUX _005195566 257 27 entrusted entrust VERB _005195566 257 28 to to ADP _005195566 257 29 his his PRON _005195566 257 30 church church NOUN _005195566 257 31 the the DET _005195566 257 32 power power NOUN _005195566 257 33 of of ADP _005195566 257 34 binding bind VERB _005195566 257 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 257 36 of of ADP _005195566 257 37 loosening loosen VERB _005195566 257 38 in in ADP _005195566 257 39 the the DET _005195566 257 40 court court NOUN _005195566 257 41 of of ADP _005195566 257 42 conscience conscience NOUN _005195566 257 43 ratified ratify VERB _005195566 257 44 in in ADP _005195566 257 45 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 257 46 the the DET _005195566 257 47 ministrations ministration NOUN _005195566 257 48 of of ADP _005195566 257 49 his his PRON _005195566 257 50 representative representative NOUN _005195566 257 51 here here ADV _005195566 257 52 below below ADV _005195566 257 53 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 258 1 who who PRON _005195566 258 2 can can AUX _005195566 258 3 express express VERB _005195566 258 4 the the DET _005195566 258 5 joy joy NOUN _005195566 258 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 258 7 the the DET _005195566 258 8 wonder wonder NOUN _005195566 258 9 of of ADP _005195566 258 10 the the DET _005195566 258 11 family family NOUN _005195566 258 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 258 13 when when SCONJ _005195566 258 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 258 15 on on ADP _005195566 258 16 calling call VERB _005195566 258 17 them they PRON _005195566 258 18 into into ADP _005195566 258 19 the the DET _005195566 258 20 room room NOUN _005195566 258 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 258 22 they they PRON _005195566 258 23 for for ADP _005195566 258 24 the the DET _005195566 258 25 first first ADJ _005195566 258 26 time time NOUN _005195566 258 27 discovered discover VERB _005195566 258 28 the the DET _005195566 258 29 change change NOUN _005195566 258 30 that that PRON _005195566 258 31 had have AUX _005195566 258 32 been be AUX _005195566 258 33 operated operate VERB _005195566 258 34 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 259 1 tears tear NOUN _005195566 259 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 259 4 sighs sigh NOUN _005195566 259 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 259 7 expressions expression NOUN _005195566 259 8 of of ADP _005195566 259 9 amazement amazement NOUN _005195566 259 10 were be AUX _005195566 259 11 heard hear VERB _005195566 259 12 from from ADP _005195566 259 13 all all DET _005195566 259 14 sides side NOUN _005195566 259 15 — — PUNCT _005195566 259 16 “ " PUNCT _005195566 259 17 come come VERB _005195566 259 18 to to ADP _005195566 259 19 my my PRON _005195566 259 20 arms arm NOUN _005195566 259 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 22 my my PRON _005195566 259 23 children child NOUN _005195566 259 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 25 ” " PUNCT _005195566 259 26 he he PRON _005195566 259 27 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005195566 259 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 29 as as SCONJ _005195566 259 30 he he PRON _005195566 259 31 embraced embrace VERB _005195566 259 32 them they PRON _005195566 259 33 most most ADV _005195566 259 34 affectionately affectionately ADV _005195566 259 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 36 “ " PUNCT _005195566 259 37 come come VERB _005195566 259 38 to to ADP _005195566 259 39 your your PRON _005195566 259 40 father father NOUN _005195566 259 41 ’s ’s PART _005195566 259 42 arms arm NOUN _005195566 259 43 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 44 dear dear ADJ _005195566 259 45 children child NOUN _005195566 259 46 , , PUNCT _005195566 259 47 and and CCONJ _005195566 259 48 join join VERB _005195566 259 49 me i PRON _005195566 259 50 in in ADP _005195566 259 51 thanking thank VERB _005195566 259 52 god god PROPN _005195566 259 53 for for ADP _005195566 259 54 his his PRON _005195566 259 55 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 259 56 to to ADP _005195566 259 57 me i PRON _005195566 259 58 . . PUNCT _005195566 260 1 your your PRON _005195566 260 2 father father NOUN _005195566 260 3 is be AUX _005195566 260 4 saved save VERB _005195566 260 5 — — PUNCT _005195566 260 6 he he PRON _005195566 260 7 is be AUX _005195566 260 8 a a DET _005195566 260 9 christian^-he christian^-he PROPN _005195566 260 10 believes belief NOUN _005195566 260 11 as as ADP _005195566 260 12 a a DET _005195566 260 13 converted converted ADJ _005195566 260 14 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 260 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 260 16 55 55 NUM _005195566 260 17 you you PRON _005195566 260 18 do do VERB _005195566 260 19 — — PUNCT _005195566 260 20 he he PRON _005195566 260 21 thinks think VERB _005195566 260 22 as as SCONJ _005195566 260 23 you you PRON _005195566 260 24 do do VERB _005195566 260 25 — — PUNCT _005195566 260 26 your your PRON _005195566 260 27 god god PROPN _005195566 260 28 is be AUX _005195566 260 29 his his PRON _005195566 260 30 god god PROPN _005195566 260 31 — — PUNCT _005195566 260 32 and and CCONJ _005195566 260 33 the the DET _005195566 260 34 blessed bless VERB _005195566 260 35 virgin virgin NOUN _005195566 260 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 260 37 your your PRON _005195566 260 38 mother mother NOUN _005195566 260 39 in in ADP _005195566 260 40 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 260 41 , , PUNCT _005195566 260 42 is be AUX _005195566 260 43 his his PRON _005195566 260 44 mother mother NOUN _005195566 260 45 also also ADV _005195566 260 46 . . PUNCT _005195566 261 1 she she PRON _005195566 261 2 has have AUX _005195566 261 3 snatched snatch VERB _005195566 261 4 me i PRON _005195566 261 5 from from ADP _005195566 261 6 ruin ruin NOUN _005195566 261 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 261 8 but but CCONJ _005195566 261 9 for for ADP _005195566 261 10 her she PRON _005195566 261 11 i i PRON _005195566 261 12 would would AUX _005195566 261 13 have have AUX _005195566 261 14 been be AUX _005195566 261 15 lost lose VERB _005195566 261 16 for for ADP _005195566 261 17 ever ever ADV _005195566 261 18 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 261 19 ’ ' PUNCT _005195566 262 1 5 5 NUM _005195566 262 2 tears tear NOUN _005195566 262 3 choked choke VERB _005195566 262 4 the the DET _005195566 262 5 utterance utterance NOUN _005195566 262 6 of of ADP _005195566 262 7 his his PRON _005195566 262 8 delighted delighted ADJ _005195566 262 9 family family NOUN _005195566 262 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 262 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 262 12 they they PRON _005195566 262 13 could could AUX _005195566 262 14 articulate articulate VERB _005195566 262 15 but but CCONJ _005195566 262 16 brief brief ADJ _005195566 262 17 expressions expression NOUN _005195566 262 18 of of ADP _005195566 262 19 their their PRON _005195566 262 20 joy joy NOUN _005195566 262 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 262 22 gratitude—“praises gratitude—“praise NOUN _005195566 262 23 be be AUX _005195566 262 24 to to ADP _005195566 262 25 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 262 26 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 262 27 ” " PUNCT _005195566 263 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 263 2 glory glory NOUN _005195566 263 3 to to ADP _005195566 263 4 god god PROPN _005195566 263 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 263 6 ” " PUNCT _005195566 264 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 264 2 “ " PUNCT _005195566 264 3 thanks thank NOUN _005195566 264 4 to to ADP _005195566 264 5 our our PRON _005195566 264 6 blessed bless VERB _005195566 264 7 lady lady NOUN _005195566 264 8 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 264 9 ” " PUNCT _005195566 264 10 were be AUX _005195566 264 11 repeatedly repeatedly ADV _005195566 264 12 heard hear VERB _005195566 264 13 from from ADP _005195566 264 14 weeping weep VERB _005195566 264 15 wife wife NOUN _005195566 264 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 264 17 daughters daughter NOUN _005195566 264 18 . . PUNCT _005195566 265 1 their their PRON _005195566 265 2 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 265 3 had have AUX _005195566 265 4 been be AUX _005195566 265 5 heard hear VERB _005195566 265 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 265 7 their their PRON _005195566 265 8 dearest dear ADJ _005195566 265 9 earthly earthly ADJ _005195566 265 10 wishes wish NOUN _005195566 265 11 granted grant VERB _005195566 265 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 265 13 their their PRON _005195566 265 14 hearts heart NOUN _005195566 265 15 teemed teem VERB _005195566 265 16 with with ADP _005195566 265 17 emotions emotion NOUN _005195566 265 18 which which DET _005195566 265 19 words word NOUN _005195566 265 20 could could AUX _005195566 265 21 not not PART _005195566 265 22 express express VERB _005195566 265 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 265 24 and and CCONJ _005195566 265 25 they they PRON _005195566 265 26 could could AUX _005195566 265 27 only only ADV _005195566 265 28 weep weep VERB _005195566 265 29 their their PRON _005195566 265 30 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005195566 265 31 to to ADP _005195566 265 32 the the DET _005195566 265 33 father father NOUN _005195566 265 34 of of ADP _005195566 265 35 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 265 36 . . PUNCT _005195566 266 1 they they PRON _005195566 266 2 now now ADV _005195566 266 3 56 56 NUM _005195566 266 4 the the DET _005195566 266 5 last last ADJ _005195566 266 6 moments moment NOUN _005195566 266 7 of of ADP _005195566 266 8 beheld beheld PROPN _005195566 266 9 that that DET _005195566 266 10 father father NOUN _005195566 266 11 whom whom PRON _005195566 266 12 they they PRON _005195566 266 13 had have AUX _005195566 266 14 never never ADV _005195566 266 15 heard hear VERB _005195566 266 16 speak speak NOUN _005195566 266 17 of of ADP _005195566 266 18 religion religion NOUN _005195566 266 19 but but CCONJ _005195566 266 20 to to PART _005195566 266 21 oppose oppose VERB _005195566 266 22 it it PRON _005195566 266 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 266 24 a a DET _005195566 266 25 fervent fervent ADJ _005195566 266 26 believer believer NOUN _005195566 266 27 in in ADP _005195566 266 28 its its PRON _005195566 266 29 saving save VERB _005195566 266 30 truths truth NOUN _005195566 266 31 . . PUNCT _005195566 267 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 267 2 often often ADV _005195566 267 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 4 from from ADP _005195566 267 5 early early ADJ _005195566 267 6 childhood childhood NOUN _005195566 267 7 until until ADP _005195566 267 8 that that DET _005195566 267 9 present present ADJ _005195566 267 10 moment moment NOUN _005195566 267 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 12 had have AUX _005195566 267 13 they they PRON _005195566 267 14 heard hear VERB _005195566 267 15 him he PRON _005195566 267 16 protest protest VERB _005195566 267 17 against against ADP _005195566 267 18 the the DET _005195566 267 19 attributes attribute NOUN _005195566 267 20 of of ADP _005195566 267 21 god god PROPN _005195566 267 22 — — PUNCT _005195566 267 23 at at ADP _005195566 267 24 one one NUM _005195566 267 25 time time NOUN _005195566 267 26 accusing accuse VERB _005195566 267 27 /^im /^im PROPN _005195566 267 28 of of ADP _005195566 267 29 partiality partiality NOUN _005195566 267 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 31 at at ADP _005195566 267 32 another another DET _005195566 267 33 arraigning arraign VERB _005195566 267 34 fhis fhis PRON _005195566 267 35 authority authority NOUN _005195566 267 36 — — PUNCT _005195566 267 37 now now ADV _005195566 267 38 denying deny VERB _005195566 267 39 even/^iis even/^iis ADJ _005195566 267 40 existence existence NOUN _005195566 267 41 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 42 and and CCONJ _005195566 267 43 again again ADV _005195566 267 44 deifying deify VERB _005195566 267 45 human human ADJ _005195566 267 46 reason reason NOUN _005195566 267 47 — — PUNCT _005195566 267 48 but but CCONJ _005195566 267 49 now now ADV _005195566 267 50 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 51 through through ADP _005195566 267 52 the the DET _005195566 267 53 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 267 54 of of ADP _005195566 267 55 that that DET _005195566 267 56 same same ADJ _005195566 267 57 insulted insulted ADJ _005195566 267 58 being being NOUN _005195566 267 59 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 60 they they PRON _005195566 267 61 heard hear VERB _005195566 267 62 that that SCONJ _005195566 267 63 parent parent NOUN _005195566 267 64 proclaiming proclaim VERB _005195566 267 65 the the DET _005195566 267 66 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 267 67 and and CCONJ _005195566 267 68 the the DET _005195566 267 69 power power NOUN _005195566 267 70 of of ADP _005195566 267 71 god god PROPN _005195566 267 72 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 73 imploring implore VERB _005195566 267 74 his his PRON _005195566 267 75 pardon pardon NOUN _005195566 267 76 , , PUNCT _005195566 267 77 professing profess VERB _005195566 267 78 his his PRON _005195566 267 79 entire entire ADJ _005195566 267 80 belief belief NOUN _005195566 267 81 in in ADP _005195566 267 82 all all DET _005195566 267 83 the the DET _005195566 267 84 attributes attribute NOUN _005195566 267 85 of of ADP _005195566 267 86 the the DET _005195566 267 87 divinity divinity NOUN _005195566 267 88 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 267 89 and and CCONJ _005195566 267 90 repenting repent VERB _005195566 267 91 from from ADP _005195566 267 92 his his PRON _005195566 267 93 soul soul NOUN _005195566 267 94 the the DET _005195566 267 95 follies folly NOUN _005195566 267 96 and and CCONJ _005195566 267 97 the the DET _005195566 267 98 errors error NOUN _005195566 267 99 of of ADP _005195566 267 100 his his PRON _005195566 267 101 a a DET _005195566 267 102 converted converted ADJ _005195566 267 103 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 267 104 . . PUNCT _005195566 268 1 57 57 NUM _005195566 268 2 ways way NOUN _005195566 268 3 . . PUNCT _005195566 269 1 well well INTJ _005195566 269 2 might might AUX _005195566 269 3 they they PRON _005195566 269 4 weep weep VERB _005195566 269 5 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 269 6 for for ADP _005195566 269 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 269 8 when when SCONJ _005195566 269 9 through through ADP _005195566 269 10 very very ADV _005195566 269 11 excess excess NOUN _005195566 269 12 of of ADP _005195566 269 13 joy joy NOUN _005195566 269 14 the the DET _005195566 269 15 tongue tongue NOUN _005195566 269 16 can can AUX _005195566 269 17 no no ADV _005195566 269 18 longer long ADV _005195566 269 19 perform perform VERB _005195566 269 20 its its PRON _005195566 269 21 office office NOUN _005195566 269 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 269 23 the the DET _005195566 269 24 deep deep ADJ _005195566 269 25 well well ADV _005195566 269 26 springs spring NOUN _005195566 269 27 of of ADP _005195566 269 28 the the DET _005195566 269 29 heart heart NOUN _005195566 269 30 give give VERB _005195566 269 31 forth forth ADP _005195566 269 32 their their PRON _005195566 269 33 tribute tribute NOUN _005195566 269 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 269 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 269 36 the the DET _005195566 269 37 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 269 38 bespeak bespeak VERB _005195566 269 39 the the DET _005195566 269 40 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 269 41 the the DET _005195566 269 42 lips lip NOUN _005195566 269 43 would would AUX _005195566 269 44 fain fain VERB _005195566 269 45 utter utter ADJ _005195566 269 46 . . PUNCT _005195566 270 1 as as SCONJ _005195566 270 2 the the DET _005195566 270 3 evening evening NOUN _005195566 270 4 was be AUX _005195566 270 5 now now ADV _005195566 270 6 far far ADV _005195566 270 7 advanced advanced ADJ _005195566 270 8 the the DET _005195566 270 9 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 270 10 after after ADP _005195566 270 11 explaining explain VERB _005195566 270 12 the the DET _005195566 270 13 nature nature NOUN _005195566 270 14 and and CCONJ _005195566 270 15 efficacy efficacy NOUN _005195566 270 16 of of ADP _005195566 270 17 extreme extreme ADJ _005195566 270 18 unction unction NOUN _005195566 270 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 270 20 deemed deem VERB _005195566 270 21 it it PRON _005195566 270 22 advisable advisable ADJ _005195566 270 23 to to PART _005195566 270 24 comply comply VERB _005195566 270 25 with with ADP _005195566 270 26 the the DET _005195566 270 27 sick sick ADJ _005195566 270 28 man man NOUN _005195566 270 29 ’s ’s PART _005195566 270 30 request request NOUN _005195566 270 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 270 32 and and CCONJ _005195566 270 33 accordingly accordingly ADV _005195566 270 34 he he PRON _005195566 270 35 prepared prepare VERB _005195566 270 36 to to PART _005195566 270 37 administer administer VERB _005195566 270 38 this this DET _005195566 270 39 consoling consoling NOUN _005195566 270 40 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005195566 270 41 . . PUNCT _005195566 271 1 let let VERB _005195566 271 2 the the DET _005195566 271 3 reader reader NOUN _005195566 271 4 picture picture NOUN _005195566 271 5 to to ADP _005195566 271 6 himself himself PRON _005195566 271 7 this this DET _005195566 271 8 interesting interesting ADJ _005195566 271 9 scene scene NOUN _005195566 271 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 272 1 — — PUNCT _005195566 272 2 there there PRON _005195566 272 3 stretched stretch VERB _005195566 272 4 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 272 5 a a DET _005195566 272 6 bed bed NOUN _005195566 272 7 of of ADP _005195566 272 8 sickness sickness NOUN _005195566 272 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 272 10 of of ADP _005195566 272 11 death death NOUN _005195566 272 12 was be AUX _005195566 272 13 the the DET _005195566 272 14 ransomed ransomed ADJ _005195566 272 15 child child NOUN _005195566 272 16 of of ADP _005195566 272 17 error error NOUN _005195566 272 18 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 272 19 he he PRON _005195566 272 20 who who PRON _005195566 272 21 had have VERB _005195566 272 22 for for ADP _005195566 272 23 58 58 NUM _005195566 272 24 the the DET _005195566 272 25 last last ADJ _005195566 272 26 moments moment NOUN _005195566 272 27 of of ADP _005195566 272 28 so so ADV _005195566 272 29 many many ADJ _005195566 272 30 years year NOUN _005195566 272 31 been be AUX _005195566 272 32 lost lose VERB _005195566 272 33 — — PUNCT _005195566 272 34 but but CCONJ _005195566 272 35 was be AUX _005195566 272 36 now now ADV _005195566 272 37 found find VERB _005195566 272 38 — — PUNCT _005195566 272 39 the the DET _005195566 272 40 redeemed redeemed ADJ _005195566 272 41 one one NUM _005195566 272 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 272 43 wdio wdio NOUN _005195566 272 44 had have AUX _005195566 272 45 wearied weary VERB _005195566 272 46 his his PRON _005195566 272 47 soul soul NOUN _005195566 272 48 in in ADP _005195566 272 49 the the DET _005195566 272 50 ways way NOUN _005195566 272 51 of of ADP _005195566 272 52 infidelity infidelity NOUN _005195566 272 53 — — PUNCT _005195566 272 54 but but CCONJ _005195566 272 55 now now ADV _005195566 272 56 an an DET _005195566 272 57 humble humble ADJ _005195566 272 58 suppliant suppliant NOUN _005195566 272 59 at at ADP _005195566 272 60 the the DET _005195566 272 61 cross cross NOUN _005195566 272 62 of of ADP _005195566 272 63 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 272 64 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 273 1 his his PRON _005195566 273 2 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 273 3 uplifted uplifted ADJ _005195566 273 4 to to ADP _005195566 273 5 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 273 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 273 7 or or CCONJ _005195566 273 8 resting rest VERB _005195566 273 9 on on ADP _005195566 273 10 the the DET _005195566 273 11 little little ADJ _005195566 273 12 crucifix crucifix NOUN _005195566 273 13 which which PRON _005195566 273 14 he he PRON _005195566 273 15 held hold VERB _005195566 273 16 firmly firmly ADV _005195566 273 17 grasped grasp VERB _005195566 273 18 in in ADP _005195566 273 19 both both DET _005195566 273 20 hands hand NOUN _005195566 273 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 273 22 as as SCONJ _005195566 273 23 he he PRON _005195566 273 24 would would AUX _005195566 273 25 lift lift VERB _005195566 273 26 it it PRON _005195566 273 27 up up ADP _005195566 273 28 before before ADP _005195566 273 29 him he PRON _005195566 273 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 273 31 then then ADV _005195566 273 32 press press VERB _005195566 273 33 it it PRON _005195566 273 34 to to ADP _005195566 273 35 his his PRON _005195566 273 36 lips lip NOUN _005195566 273 37 and and CCONJ _005195566 273 38 again again ADV _005195566 273 39 repose repose VERB _005195566 273 40 it it PRON _005195566 273 41 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 273 42 his his PRON _005195566 273 43 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 273 44 . . PUNCT _005195566 274 1 at at ADP _005195566 274 2 his his PRON _005195566 274 3 head head NOUN _005195566 274 4 knelt kneel VERB _005195566 274 5 his his PRON _005195566 274 6 wife wife NOUN _005195566 274 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 274 8 the the DET _005195566 274 9 partner partner NOUN _005195566 274 10 of of ADP _005195566 274 11 his his PRON _005195566 274 12 toils toil NOUN _005195566 274 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 274 14 troubles trouble NOUN _005195566 274 15 through through ADP _005195566 274 16 life life NOUN _005195566 274 17 — — PUNCT _005195566 274 18 she she PRON _005195566 274 19 who who PRON _005195566 274 20 had have AUX _005195566 274 21 so so ADV _005195566 274 22 long long ADV _005195566 274 23 prayed pray VERB _005195566 274 24 for for ADP _005195566 274 25 his his PRON _005195566 274 26 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 274 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 274 28 grieved grieve VERB _005195566 274 29 over over ADP _005195566 274 30 his his PRON _005195566 274 31 wanderings wandering NOUN _005195566 274 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 275 1 around around ADP _005195566 275 2 his his PRON _005195566 275 3 bed bed NOUN _005195566 275 4 were be AUX _005195566 275 5 kneeling kneel VERB _005195566 275 6 his his PRON _005195566 275 7 pious pious ADJ _005195566 275 8 daughters daughter NOUN _005195566 275 9 mingling mingle VERB _005195566 275 10 their their PRON _005195566 275 11 tears tear NOUN _005195566 275 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 275 13 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 275 14 with with ADP _005195566 275 15 his his PRON _005195566 275 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 276 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 276 2 earnestly earnestly ADV _005195566 276 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 276 4 often often ADV _005195566 276 5 had have VERB _005195566 276 6 they they PRON _005195566 276 7 a a DET _005195566 276 8 converted converted ADJ _005195566 276 9 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 276 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 277 1 59 59 NUM _005195566 277 2 asked ask VERB _005195566 277 3 this this DET _005195566 277 4 favor favor NOUN _005195566 277 5 from from ADP _005195566 277 6 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 277 7 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 278 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 278 2 many many ADJ _005195566 278 3 fervent fervent ADJ _005195566 278 4 communions communion NOUN _005195566 278 5 had have AUX _005195566 278 6 they they PRON _005195566 278 7 offered offer VERB _005195566 278 8 in in ADP _005195566 278 9 his his PRON _005195566 278 10 behalf behalf NOUN _005195566 278 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 279 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 279 2 the the DET _005195566 279 3 blessed bless VERB _005195566 279 4 boon boon NOUN _005195566 279 5 had have AUX _005195566 279 6 come come VERB _005195566 279 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 279 8 their their PRON _005195566 279 9 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 279 10 were be AUX _005195566 279 11 granted.̂ granted.̂ PROPN _005195566 279 12 ^/lt ^/lt PUNCT _005195566 279 13 was be AUX _005195566 279 14 hard hard ADJ _005195566 279 15 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 279 16 to to PART _005195566 279 17 part part VERB _005195566 279 18 with with ADP _005195566 279 19 their their PRON _005195566 279 20 father father NOUN _005195566 279 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 279 22 but but CCONJ _005195566 279 23 to to PART _005195566 279 24 part part VERB _005195566 279 25 with with ADP _005195566 279 26 him he PRON _005195566 279 27 thus thus ADV _005195566 279 28 — — PUNCT _005195566 279 29 to to PART _005195566 279 30 see see VERB _005195566 279 31 him he PRON _005195566 279 32 die die VERB _005195566 279 33 a a DET _005195566 279 34 christian christian NOUN _005195566 279 35 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 280 1 ah ah INTJ _005195566 280 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 281 1 there there PRON _005195566 281 2 was be VERB _005195566 281 3 joy joy NOUN _005195566 281 4 in in ADP _005195566 281 5 the the DET _005195566 281 6 sorrow’—and sorrow’—and NOUN _005195566 281 7 here here ADV _005195566 281 8 they they PRON _005195566 281 9 knelt knelt VERB _005195566 281 10 to to PART _005195566 281 11 thank thank VERB _005195566 281 12 their their PRON _005195566 281 13 god god PROPN _005195566 281 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 281 15 and and CCONJ _005195566 281 16 bless bless VERB _005195566 281 17 the the DET _005195566 281 18 hand hand NOUN _005195566 281 19 that that PRON _005195566 281 20 reflected reflect VERB _005195566 281 21 the the DET _005195566 281 22 painful painful ADJ _005195566 281 23 blow blow NOUN _005195566 281 24 ’ ' PUNCT _005195566 281 25 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 282 1 some some DET _005195566 282 2 pious pious ADJ _005195566 282 3 friends friend NOUN _005195566 282 4 w’ere w’ere ADV _005195566 282 5 also also ADV _005195566 282 6 kneeling kneel VERB _005195566 282 7 there there ADV _005195566 282 8 — — PUNCT _005195566 282 9 they they PRON _005195566 282 10 had have AUX _005195566 282 11 called call VERB _005195566 282 12 to to ADP _005195566 282 13 inquire inquire NOUN _005195566 282 14 after after ADP _005195566 282 15 his his PRON _005195566 282 16 condition condition NOUN _005195566 282 17 — — PUNCT _005195566 282 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 282 19 hearing hear VERB _005195566 282 20 the the DET _005195566 282 21 joyful joyful PROPN _005195566 282 22 newt newt PROPN _005195566 282 23 s s PART _005195566 282 24 they they PRON _005195566 282 25 mingled mingle VERB _005195566 282 26 w’ith w’ith ADP _005195566 282 27 the the DET _005195566 282 28 little little ADJ _005195566 282 29 group group NOUN _005195566 282 30 now now ADV _005195566 282 31 gathered gather VERB _005195566 282 32 around around ADP _005195566 282 33 his his PRON _005195566 282 34 bed bed NOUN _005195566 282 35 . . PUNCT _005195566 283 1 the the DET _005195566 283 2 priest priest NOUN _005195566 283 3 of of ADP _005195566 283 4 god god PROPN _005195566 283 5 slowly slowly ADV _005195566 283 6 repeated repeat VERB _005195566 283 7 the the DET _005195566 283 8 appointed appoint VERB _005195566 283 9 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 283 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 283 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 283 12 ere ere INTJ _005195566 283 13 he he PRON _005195566 283 14 proceeded proceed VERB _005195566 283 15 to to ADP _005195566 283 16 the the DET _005195566 283 17 unctions unction NOUN _005195566 283 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 283 19 he he PRON _005195566 283 20 60 60 NUM _005195566 283 21 the the DET _005195566 283 22 last last ADJ _005195566 283 23 moments moment NOUN _005195566 283 24 of of ADP _005195566 283 25 addressed address VERB _005195566 283 26 both both PRON _005195566 283 27 to to ADP _005195566 283 28 the the DET _005195566 283 29 sick sick ADJ _005195566 283 30 man man NOUN _005195566 283 31 and and CCONJ _005195566 283 32 to to ADP _005195566 283 33 those those PRON _005195566 283 34 present present ADJ _005195566 283 35 a a DET _005195566 283 36 few few ADJ _005195566 283 37 words word NOUN _005195566 283 38 explanatory explanatory ADJ _005195566 283 39 of of ADP _005195566 283 40 the the DET _005195566 283 41 immediate immediate ADJ _005195566 283 42 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _005195566 283 43 . . PUNCT _005195566 284 1 he he PRON _005195566 284 2 reminded remind VERB _005195566 284 3 them they PRON _005195566 284 4 of of ADP _005195566 284 5 the the DET _005195566 284 6 venerable venerable ADJ _005195566 284 7 antiquity antiquity NOUN _005195566 284 8 of of ADP _005195566 284 9 this this DET _005195566 284 10 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005195566 284 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 284 12 of of ADP _005195566 284 13 its its PRON _005195566 284 14 necessity necessity NOUN _005195566 284 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 284 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 284 17 the the DET _005195566 284 18 divine divine ADJ _005195566 284 19 authority authority NOUN _005195566 284 20 for for ADP _005195566 284 21 its its PRON _005195566 284 22 institution institution NOUN _005195566 284 23 recorded record VERB _005195566 284 24 in in ADP _005195566 284 25 the the DET _005195566 284 26 epistle epistle NOUN _005195566 284 27 of of ADP _005195566 284 28 saint saint PROPN _005195566 284 29 james james PROPN _005195566 284 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 284 31 fifth fifth ADJ _005195566 284 32 chapter chapter NOUN _005195566 284 33 * * PUNCT _005195566 285 1 he he PRON _005195566 285 2 spoke speak VERB _005195566 285 3 of of ADP _005195566 285 4 the the DET _005195566 285 5 consoling consoling NOUN _005195566 285 6 assurances assurance NOUN _005195566 285 7 attached attach VERB _005195566 285 8 to to ADP _005195566 285 9 its its PRON _005195566 285 10 faithful faithful ADJ _005195566 285 11 observance observance NOUN _005195566 285 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 286 1 the the DET _005195566 286 2 promise promise NOUN _005195566 286 3 of of ADP _005195566 286 4 truth truth NOUN _005195566 286 5 was be AUX _005195566 286 6 given give VERB _005195566 286 7 that that SCONJ _005195566 286 8 the the DET _005195566 286 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 286 10 of of ADP _005195566 286 11 faith faith NOUN _005195566 286 12 united unite VERB _005195566 286 13 to to ADP _005195566 286 14 the the DET _005195566 286 15 “ " PUNCT _005195566 286 16 anointing anoint VERB _005195566 286 17 with with ADP _005195566 286 18 oil oil NOUN _005195566 286 19 in in ADP _005195566 286 20 the the DET _005195566 286 21 name name NOUN _005195566 286 22 of of ADP _005195566 286 23 the the DET _005195566 286 24 lord lord PROPN _005195566 286 25 ” " PUNCT _005195566 286 26 should should AUX _005195566 286 27 save save VERB _005195566 286 28 the the DET _005195566 286 29 sick sick ADJ _005195566 286 30 man man NOUN _005195566 286 31 — — PUNCT _005195566 286 32 that that SCONJ _005195566 286 33 the the DET _005195566 286 34 lord lord PROPN _005195566 286 35 “ " PUNCT _005195566 286 36 should should AUX _005195566 286 37 raise raise VERB _005195566 286 38 him he PRON _005195566 286 39 up up ADP _005195566 286 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 286 41 ” " PUNCT _005195566 287 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 287 2 that that SCONJ _005195566 287 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 287 4 in in ADP _005195566 287 5 case case NOUN _005195566 287 6 any any DET _005195566 287 7 stain stain NOUN _005195566 287 8 of of ADP _005195566 287 9 sin sin NOUN _005195566 287 10 still still ADV _005195566 287 11 defiled defile VERB _005195566 287 12 the the DET _005195566 287 13 sick sick ADJ _005195566 287 14 man man NOUN _005195566 287 15 ’s ’s NUM _005195566 287 16 soul soul NOUN _005195566 287 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 287 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 287 19 the the DET _005195566 287 20 frailties frailty NOUN _005195566 287 21 of of ADP _005195566 287 22 human human ADJ _005195566 287 23 nature nature NOUN _005195566 287 24 still still ADV _005195566 287 25 rendered render VERB _005195566 287 26 him he PRON _005195566 287 27 disthe disthe PRON _005195566 287 28 last last ADJ _005195566 287 29 moments moment NOUN _005195566 287 30 of of ADP _005195566 287 31 61 61 NUM _005195566 287 32 pleasing pleasing ADJ _005195566 287 33 to to ADP _005195566 287 34 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 287 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 287 36 the the DET _005195566 287 37 grace grace NOUN _005195566 287 38 of of ADP _005195566 287 39 the the DET _005195566 287 40 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005195566 287 41 would would AUX _005195566 287 42 wash wash VERB _005195566 287 43 them they PRON _005195566 287 44 all all PRON _005195566 287 45 away away ADV _005195566 287 46 , , PUNCT _005195566 287 47 through through ADP _005195566 287 48 the the DET _005195566 287 49 merits merit NOUN _005195566 287 50 of of ADP _005195566 287 51 the the DET _005195566 287 52 blood blood NOUN _005195566 287 53 of of ADP _005195566 287 54 christ christ PROPN _005195566 287 55 . . PUNCT _005195566 287 56 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 288 1 if if SCONJ _005195566 288 2 he he PRON _005195566 288 3 be be VERB _005195566 288 4 in in ADP _005195566 288 5 sins sin NOUN _005195566 288 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 288 7 they they PRON _005195566 288 8 shall shall AUX _005195566 288 9 be be AUX _005195566 288 10 forgiven forgive VERB _005195566 288 11 him he PRON _005195566 288 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 289 1 55 55 NUM _005195566 289 2 what what PRON _005195566 289 3 a a DET _005195566 289 4 consoling console VERB _005195566 289 5 reflection reflection NOUN _005195566 289 6 for for ADP _005195566 289 7 the the DET _005195566 289 8 dying die VERB _005195566 289 9 catholic catholic NOUN _005195566 289 10 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 290 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 290 2 admirably admirably ADV _005195566 290 3 calculated calculate VERB _005195566 290 4 to to PART _005195566 290 5 encourage encourage VERB _005195566 290 6 him he PRON _005195566 290 7 in in ADP _005195566 290 8 that that DET _005195566 290 9 trying try VERB _005195566 290 10 moment moment NOUN _005195566 290 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 290 12 when when SCONJ _005195566 290 13 earth earth NOUN _005195566 290 14 fades fade VERB _005195566 290 15 away away ADV _005195566 290 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 290 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 290 18 the the DET _005195566 290 19 unseen unseen ADJ _005195566 290 20 visions vision NOUN _005195566 290 21 of of ADP _005195566 290 22 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 290 23 are be AUX _005195566 290 24 about about ADJ _005195566 290 25 to to PART _005195566 290 26 open open VERB _005195566 290 27 before before ADP _005195566 290 28 him he PRON _005195566 290 29 — — PUNCT _005195566 290 30 when when SCONJ _005195566 290 31 the the DET _005195566 290 32 curtain curtain NOUN _005195566 290 33 shall shall AUX _005195566 290 34 fall fall VERB _005195566 290 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 290 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 290 37 the the DET _005195566 290 38 veil veil NOUN _005195566 290 39 which which PRON _005195566 290 40 conceals conceal VERB _005195566 290 41 an an DET _005195566 290 42 unknown unknown ADJ _005195566 290 43 world world NOUN _005195566 290 44 shall shall AUX _005195566 290 45 be be AUX _005195566 290 46 removed remove VERB _005195566 290 47 . . PUNCT _005195566 291 1 such such ADJ _005195566 291 2 did do AUX _005195566 291 3 it it PRON _005195566 291 4 prove prove VERB _005195566 291 5 to to ADP _005195566 291 6 mr mr PROPN _005195566 291 7 . . PROPN _005195566 291 8 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 291 9 . . PUNCT _005195566 292 1 he he PRON _005195566 292 2 listened listen VERB _005195566 292 3 with with ADP _005195566 292 4 edifying edify VERB _005195566 292 5 attention attention NOUN _005195566 292 6 to to ADP _005195566 292 7 the the DET _005195566 292 8 explanations explanation NOUN _005195566 292 9 given give VERB _005195566 292 10 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 292 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 292 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 292 13 when when SCONJ _005195566 292 14 the the DET _005195566 292 15 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 292 16 proceeded proceed VERB _005195566 292 17 to to PART _005195566 292 18 anoint anoint VERB _005195566 292 19 the the DET _005195566 292 20 different different ADJ _005195566 292 21 senses sense NOUN _005195566 292 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 292 23 he he PRON _005195566 292 24 repeated repeat VERB _005195566 292 25 in in ADP _005195566 292 26 english english PROPN _005195566 292 27 what what PRON _005195566 292 28 62 62 NUM _005195566 292 29 the the DET _005195566 292 30 last last ADJ _005195566 292 31 moments moment NOUN _005195566 292 32 of of ADP _005195566 292 33 the the DET _005195566 292 34 church church NOUN _005195566 292 35 required require VERB _005195566 292 36 him he PRON _005195566 292 37 to to PART _005195566 292 38 pronounce pronounce VERB _005195566 292 39 first first ADV _005195566 292 40 in in ADP _005195566 292 41 latin latin PROPN _005195566 292 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 293 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 293 2 by by ADP _005195566 293 3 this this DET _005195566 293 4 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 293 5 unction unction NOUN _005195566 293 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 293 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 293 8 through through ADP _005195566 293 9 his his PRON _005195566 293 10 most most ADV _005195566 293 11 gracious gracious ADJ _005195566 293 12 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 293 13 may may AUX _005195566 293 14 our our PRON _005195566 293 15 lord lord PROPN _005195566 293 16 remit remit VERB _005195566 293 17 unto unto ADP _005195566 293 18 thee thee PRON _005195566 293 19 all all DET _005195566 293 20 sins sin NOUN _005195566 293 21 of of ADP _005195566 293 22 which which PRON _005195566 293 23 thou thou DET _005195566 293 24 hast hast NOUN _005195566 293 25 been be VERB _005195566 293 26 guilty guilty ADJ _005195566 293 27 through through ADP _005195566 293 28 the the DET _005195566 293 29 sense sense NOUN _005195566 293 30 of of ADP _005195566 293 31 seeing see VERB _005195566 293 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 293 33 and and CCONJ _005195566 293 34 so so ADV _005195566 293 35 of of ADP _005195566 293 36 the the DET _005195566 293 37 rest rest NOUN _005195566 293 38 . . PUNCT _005195566 294 1 as as SCONJ _005195566 294 2 the the DET _005195566 294 3 sign sign NOUN _005195566 294 4 of of ADP _005195566 294 5 the the DET _005195566 294 6 cross cross NOUN _005195566 294 7 was be AUX _005195566 294 8 formed form VERB _005195566 294 9 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 294 10 his his PRON _005195566 294 11 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 294 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 294 13 his his PRON _005195566 294 14 ears ear NOUN _005195566 294 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 294 16 his his PRON _005195566 294 17 mouth mouth NOUN _005195566 294 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 294 19 hands hand NOUN _005195566 294 20 and and CCONJ _005195566 294 21 feet foot NOUN _005195566 294 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 294 23 the the DET _005195566 294 24 sick sick ADJ _005195566 294 25 man man NOUN _005195566 294 26 responded respond VERB _005195566 294 27 “ " PUNCT _005195566 294 28 amen amen INTJ _005195566 294 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 294 30 ” " PUNCT _005195566 294 31 in in ADP _005195566 294 32 a a DET _005195566 294 33 tone tone NOUN _005195566 294 34 which which PRON _005195566 294 35 bespoke bespoke VERB _005195566 294 36 the the DET _005195566 294 37 pious pious ADJ _005195566 294 38 emotions emotion NOUN _005195566 294 39 of of ADP _005195566 294 40 his his PRON _005195566 294 41 heart heart NOUN _005195566 294 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 295 1 all all PRON _005195566 295 2 were be AUX _005195566 295 3 edified edify VERB _005195566 295 4 — — PUNCT _005195566 295 5 for for ADP _005195566 295 6 all all PRON _005195566 295 7 looked look VERB _005195566 295 8 on on ADP _005195566 295 9 with with ADP _005195566 295 10 wonder wonder NOUN _005195566 295 11 as as SCONJ _005195566 295 12 they they PRON _005195566 295 13 beheld behold VERB _005195566 295 14 him he PRON _005195566 295 15 thus thus ADV _005195566 295 16 captivated captivate VERB _005195566 295 17 by by ADP _005195566 295 18 the the DET _005195566 295 19 grace grace NOUN _005195566 295 20 of of ADP _005195566 295 21 god god PROPN _005195566 295 22 . . PUNCT _005195566 296 1 " " PUNCT _005195566 296 2 " " PUNCT _005195566 296 3 the the DET _005195566 296 4 calm calm ADJ _005195566 296 5 resignation resignation NOUN _005195566 296 6 now now ADV _005195566 296 7 depicted depict VERB _005195566 296 8 on on ADP _005195566 296 9 his his PRON _005195566 296 10 countenance countenance NOUN _005195566 296 11 was be AUX _005195566 296 12 far far ADV _005195566 296 13 different different ADJ _005195566 296 14 from from ADP _005195566 296 15 that that PRON _005195566 296 16 which which PRON _005195566 296 17 had have AUX _005195566 296 18 characterized characterize VERB _005195566 296 19 him he PRON _005195566 296 20 during during ADP _005195566 296 21 the the DET _005195566 296 22 first first ADJ _005195566 296 23 part part NOUN _005195566 296 24 of of ADP _005195566 296 25 his his PRON _005195566 296 26 illa illa NOUN _005195566 296 27 converted convert VERB _005195566 296 28 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 296 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 297 1 63 63 NUM _005195566 297 2 ness ness ADJ _005195566 297 3 . . PUNCT _005195566 298 1 it it PRON _005195566 298 2 was be AUX _005195566 298 3 the the DET _005195566 298 4 calm calm ADJ _005195566 298 5 tranquillity tranquillity NOUN _005195566 298 6 breathed breathe VERB _005195566 298 7 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 298 8 the the DET _005195566 298 9 soul soul NOUN _005195566 298 10 by by ADP _005195566 298 11 a a DET _005195566 298 12 hope hope NOUN _005195566 298 13 in in ADP _005195566 298 14 god god PROPN _005195566 298 15 . . PUNCT _005195566 299 1 tears tear NOUN _005195566 299 2 were be AUX _005195566 299 3 in in ADP _005195566 299 4 his his PRON _005195566 299 5 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 299 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 299 7 but but CCONJ _005195566 299 8 they they PRON _005195566 299 9 were be AUX _005195566 299 10 the the DET _005195566 299 11 tears tear NOUN _005195566 299 12 of of ADP _005195566 299 13 an an DET _005195566 299 14 humble humble ADJ _005195566 299 15 and and CCONJ _005195566 299 16 a a DET _005195566 299 17 contrite contrite ADJ _005195566 299 18 heart heart NOUN _005195566 299 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 300 1 they they PRON _005195566 300 2 were be AUX _005195566 300 3 tears tear NOUN _005195566 300 4 like like ADP _005195566 300 5 those those PRON _005195566 300 6 which which PRON _005195566 300 7 magdalen magdalen PROPN _005195566 300 8 shed shed VERB _005195566 300 9 when when SCONJ _005195566 300 10 “ " PUNCT _005195566 300 11 she she PRON _005195566 300 12 wept weep VERB _005195566 300 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 300 14 was be AUX _005195566 300 15 forgiven forgive VERB _005195566 300 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 300 17 ” " PUNCT _005195566 301 1 every every DET _005195566 301 2 expression expression NOUN _005195566 301 3 that that PRON _005195566 301 4 escaped escape VERB _005195566 301 5 his his PRON _005195566 301 6 lips lip NOUN _005195566 301 7 was be AUX _005195566 301 8 an an DET _005195566 301 9 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005195566 301 10 to to ADP _005195566 301 11 god god PROPN _005195566 301 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 302 1 he he PRON _005195566 302 2 prayed pray VERB _005195566 302 3 earnestly earnestly ADV _005195566 302 4 for for ADP _005195566 302 5 pardon pardon NOUN _005195566 302 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 302 7 he he PRON _005195566 302 8 called call VERB _005195566 302 9 on on ADP _005195566 302 10 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 302 11 in in ADP _005195566 302 12 accents accent NOUN _005195566 302 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 302 14 in in ADP _005195566 302 15 language language NOUN _005195566 302 16 which which PRON _005195566 302 17 filled fill VERB _005195566 302 18 all all PRON _005195566 302 19 present present ADJ _005195566 302 20 with with ADP _005195566 302 21 amazement amazement NOUN _005195566 302 22 . . PUNCT _005195566 303 1 for for ADP _005195566 303 2 several several ADJ _005195566 303 3 moments moment NOUN _005195566 303 4 after after SCONJ _005195566 303 5 he he PRON _005195566 303 6 was be AUX _005195566 303 7 anointed anoint VERB _005195566 303 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 303 9 he he PRON _005195566 303 10 poured pour VERB _005195566 303 11 forth forth ADP _005195566 303 12 such such DET _005195566 303 13 an an DET _005195566 303 14 earnest earnest NOUN _005195566 303 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 303 16 such such DET _005195566 303 17 a a DET _005195566 303 18 pious pious ADJ _005195566 303 19 strain strain NOUN _005195566 303 20 of of ADP _005195566 303 21 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _005195566 303 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 303 23 of of ADP _005195566 303 24 humble humble ADJ _005195566 303 25 petition petition NOUN _005195566 303 26 to to ADP _005195566 303 27 god god PROPN _005195566 303 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 303 29 that that SCONJ _005195566 303 30 a a DET _005195566 303 31 stranger stranger NOUN _005195566 303 32 would would AUX _005195566 303 33 have have AUX _005195566 303 34 concluded conclude VERB _005195566 303 35 he he PRON _005195566 303 36 had have AUX _005195566 303 37 always always ADV _005195566 303 38 been be AUX _005195566 303 39 accustomed accustom VERB _005195566 303 40 to to ADP _005195566 303 41 piety piety NOUN _005195566 303 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 304 1 64 64 NUM _005195566 304 2 the the DET _005195566 304 3 last last ADJ _005195566 304 4 moments moment NOUN _005195566 304 5 of of ADP _005195566 304 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 304 7 why why SCONJ _005195566 304 8 should should AUX _005195566 304 9 we we PRON _005195566 304 10 wonder wonder VERB _005195566 304 11 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 305 1 was be AUX _005195566 305 2 it it PRON _005195566 305 3 not not PART _005195566 305 4 the the DET _005195566 305 5 work work NOUN _005195566 305 6 of of ADP _005195566 305 7 god god PROPN _005195566 305 8 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 306 1 if if SCONJ _005195566 306 2 the the DET _005195566 306 3 ministering minister VERB _005195566 306 4 angel angel NOUN _005195566 306 5 touched touch VERB _005195566 306 6 isaiah isaiah PROPN _005195566 306 7 ’s ’s PART _005195566 306 8 hallowed hallowed ADJ _005195566 306 9 lips lip NOUN _005195566 306 10 with with ADP _005195566 306 11 fire fire NOUN _005195566 306 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 306 13 why why SCONJ _005195566 306 14 need need AUX _005195566 306 15 we we PRON _005195566 306 16 wonder wonder VERB _005195566 306 17 that that SCONJ _005195566 306 18 another another DET _005195566 306 19 angel angel NOUN _005195566 306 20 brought bring VERB _005195566 306 21 from from ADP _005195566 306 22 above above ADP _005195566 306 23 the the DET _005195566 306 24 inspiration inspiration NOUN _005195566 306 25 which which PRON _005195566 306 26 spoke speak VERB _005195566 306 27 through through ADP _005195566 306 28 this this DET _005195566 306 29 recent recent ADJ _005195566 306 30 triumph triumph NOUN _005195566 306 31 of of ADP _005195566 306 32 the the DET _005195566 306 33 cross cross NOUN _005195566 306 34 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 307 1 the the DET _005195566 307 2 ways way NOUN _005195566 307 3 of of ADP _005195566 307 4 god god PROPN _005195566 307 5 are be AUX _005195566 307 6 deep deep ADJ _005195566 307 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 307 8 mysterious mysterious ADJ _005195566 307 9 . . PUNCT _005195566 308 1 u u NOUN _005195566 308 2 thy thy PRON _005195566 308 3 ways way NOUN _005195566 308 4 are be AUX _005195566 308 5 not not PART _005195566 308 6 my my PRON _005195566 308 7 ways way NOUN _005195566 308 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 308 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 308 10 thy thy PRON _005195566 308 11 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 308 12 are be AUX _005195566 308 13 not not PART _005195566 308 14 my my PRON _005195566 308 15 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 308 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 308 17 for for ADP _005195566 308 18 as as ADV _005195566 308 19 far far ADV _005195566 308 20 as as SCONJ _005195566 308 21 the the DET _005195566 308 22 heavens heaven NOUN _005195566 308 23 are be AUX _005195566 308 24 above above ADP _005195566 308 25 the the DET _005195566 308 26 earth earth NOUN _005195566 308 27 so so ADV _005195566 308 28 far far ADV _005195566 308 29 are be AUX _005195566 308 30 my my PRON _005195566 308 31 ways way NOUN _005195566 308 32 above above ADP _005195566 308 33 thy thy PRON _005195566 308 34 ways way NOUN _005195566 308 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 308 36 my my PRON _005195566 308 37 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 308 38 above above ADP _005195566 308 39 thy thy PRON _005195566 308 40 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 308 41 . . PUNCT _005195566 308 42 ” " PUNCT _005195566 309 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 309 2 who who PRON _005195566 309 3 hath hath VERB _005195566 309 4 known know VERB _005195566 309 5 the the DET _005195566 309 6 mind mind NOUN _005195566 309 7 of of ADP _005195566 309 8 the the DET _005195566 309 9 lord lord PROPN _005195566 309 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 309 11 or or CCONJ _005195566 309 12 who who PRON _005195566 309 13 hath hath VERB _005195566 309 14 been be AUX _005195566 309 15 his his PRON _005195566 309 16 counsellor counsellor NOUN _005195566 309 17 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 309 18 ” " PUNCT _005195566 310 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 310 2 oh oh INTJ _005195566 310 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 311 1 the the DET _005195566 311 2 depth depth NOUN _005195566 311 3 of of ADP _005195566 311 4 the the DET _005195566 311 5 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195566 311 6 of of ADP _005195566 311 7 the the DET _005195566 311 8 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195566 311 9 of of ADP _005195566 311 10 god god PROPN _005195566 311 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 312 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 312 2 incomprehensible incomprehensible NOUN _005195566 312 3 are be AUX _005195566 312 4 his his PRON _005195566 312 5 judga judga ADJ _005195566 312 6 converted convert VERB _005195566 312 7 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 312 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 313 1 65 65 NUM _005195566 313 2 ments ment NOUN _005195566 313 3 — — PUNCT _005195566 313 4 how how SCONJ _005195566 313 5 unsearchable unsearchable ADJ _005195566 313 6 hisways hisway NOUN _005195566 313 7 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 313 8 ” " PUNCT _005195566 314 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _005195566 314 2 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 314 3 here here ADV _005195566 314 4 was be AUX _005195566 314 5 another another DET _005195566 314 6 evidence evidence NOUN _005195566 314 7 of of ADP _005195566 314 8 the the DET _005195566 314 9 power power NOUN _005195566 314 10 of of ADP _005195566 314 11 god god PROPN _005195566 314 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 314 13 like like ADP _005195566 314 14 another another DET _005195566 314 15 saul saul PROPN _005195566 314 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 314 17 he he PRON _005195566 314 18 had have AUX _005195566 314 19 been be AUX _005195566 314 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 314 21 at at ADP _005195566 314 22 least least ADJ _005195566 314 23 in in ADP _005195566 314 24 one one NUM _005195566 314 25 point point NOUN _005195566 314 26 of of ADP _005195566 314 27 view view NOUN _005195566 314 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 314 29 a a DET _005195566 314 30 persecutor persecutor NOUN _005195566 314 31 of of ADP _005195566 314 32 the the DET _005195566 314 33 people people NOUN _005195566 314 34 of of ADP _005195566 314 35 god god PROPN _005195566 314 36 . . PUNCT _005195566 315 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 315 2 even even ADV _005195566 315 3 while while SCONJ _005195566 315 4 yet yet ADV _005195566 315 5 glorying glory VERB _005195566 315 6 in in ADP _005195566 315 7 his his PRON _005195566 315 8 pride pride NOUN _005195566 315 9 of of ADP _005195566 315 10 intellect intellect NOUN _005195566 315 11 he he PRON _005195566 315 12 is be AUX _005195566 315 13 stricken stricken VERB _005195566 315 14 down down ADP _005195566 315 15 in in ADP _005195566 315 16 the the DET _005195566 315 17 midst midst NOUN _005195566 315 18 of of ADP _005195566 315 19 his his PRON _005195566 315 20 career career NOUN _005195566 315 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 315 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 315 23 now now ADV _005195566 315 24 humbly humbly ADV _005195566 315 25 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 315 26 asks ask VERB _005195566 315 27 “ " PUNCT _005195566 315 28 lord lord PROPN _005195566 315 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 315 30 what what PRON _005195566 315 31 wilt wilt VERB _005195566 315 32 thou thou PRON _005195566 315 33 have have VERB _005195566 315 34 me i PRON _005195566 315 35 to to PART _005195566 315 36 do do VERB _005195566 315 37 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 315 38 ” " PUNCT _005195566 316 1 the the DET _005195566 316 2 wolf wolf PROPN _005195566 316 3 has have AUX _005195566 316 4 become become VERB _005195566 316 5 a a DET _005195566 316 6 lamb lamb NOUN _005195566 316 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 316 8 the the DET _005195566 316 9 reviler reviler NOUN _005195566 316 10 adores adore NOUN _005195566 316 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 316 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 316 13 the the DET _005195566 316 14 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 316 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 316 16 the the DET _005195566 316 17 power power NOUN _005195566 316 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 316 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 316 20 the the DET _005195566 316 21 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 316 22 of of ADP _005195566 316 23 god god PROPN _005195566 316 24 stand stand VERB _005195566 316 25 avenged avenge VERB _005195566 316 26 before before ADP _005195566 316 27 his his PRON _005195566 316 28 enemies enemy NOUN _005195566 316 29 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 317 1 glorious glorious ADJ _005195566 317 2 victory victory NOUN _005195566 317 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 318 1 more more ADV _005195566 318 2 effectual effectual ADJ _005195566 318 3 in in ADP _005195566 318 4 proclaiming proclaim VERB _005195566 318 5 the the DET _005195566 318 6 attributes attribute NOUN _005195566 318 7 of of ADP _005195566 318 8 god god PROPN _005195566 318 9 than than ADP _005195566 318 10 the the DET _005195566 318 11 creation creation NOUN _005195566 318 12 of of ADP _005195566 318 13 a a DET _005195566 318 14 world world NOUN _005195566 318 15 . . PUNCT _005195566 319 1 for for ADP _005195566 319 2 in in ADP _005195566 319 3 this this DET _005195566 319 4 drfs drfs PROPN _005195566 319 5 power power NOUN _005195566 319 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 319 7 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195566 319 8 are be AUX _005195566 319 9 manifestwhile manifestwhile ADJ _005195566 319 10 in in ADP _005195566 319 11 that that SCONJ _005195566 319 12 his his PRON _005195566 319 13 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 319 14 and and CCONJ _005195566 319 15 his his PRON _005195566 319 16 pa66 pa66 PROPN _005195566 319 17 the the DET _005195566 319 18 east east ADJ _005195566 319 19 moments moment NOUN _005195566 319 20 of of ADP _005195566 319 21 tience tience NOUN _005195566 319 22 stand stand NOUN _005195566 319 23 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005195566 319 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 320 1 the the DET _005195566 320 2 good good ADJ _005195566 320 3 shepherd shepherd NOUN _005195566 320 4 had have AUX _005195566 320 5 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 320 6 found find VERB _005195566 320 7 the the DET _005195566 320 8 sheep sheep NOUN _005195566 320 9 that that PRON _005195566 320 10 was be AUX _005195566 320 11 lost lose VERB _005195566 320 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 320 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 320 14 had have AUX _005195566 320 15 brought bring VERB _005195566 320 16 it it PRON _005195566 320 17 home home NOUN _005195566 320 18 rejoicing rejoicing NOUN _005195566 320 19 — — PUNCT _005195566 320 20 the the DET _005195566 320 21 prodigal prodigal NOUN _005195566 320 22 had have AUX _005195566 320 23 returned return VERB _005195566 320 24 to to ADP _005195566 320 25 his his PRON _005195566 320 26 father father NOUN _005195566 320 27 ’s ’s PART _005195566 320 28 house house NOUN _005195566 320 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 320 30 and and CCONJ _005195566 320 31 found find VERB _005195566 320 32 a a DET _005195566 320 33 secure secure ADJ _005195566 320 34 asylum asylum NOUN _005195566 320 35 . . PUNCT _005195566 321 1 the the DET _005195566 321 2 wearied wearied ADJ _005195566 321 3 spirit spirit PROPN _005195566 321 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 321 5 like like ADP _005195566 321 6 the the DET _005195566 321 7 dove dove NOUN _005195566 321 8 of of ADP _005195566 321 9 the the DET _005195566 321 10 deluge deluge NOUN _005195566 321 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 321 12 had have AUX _005195566 321 13 sought seek VERB _005195566 321 14 in in ADP _005195566 321 15 vain vain NOUN _005195566 321 16 for for SCONJ _005195566 321 17 a a DET _005195566 321 18 spot spot NOUN _005195566 321 19 whereon whereon NOUN _005195566 321 20 to to PART _005195566 321 21 rest rest VERB _005195566 321 22 — — PUNCT _005195566 321 23 and and CCONJ _005195566 321 24 now now ADV _005195566 321 25 it it PRON _005195566 321 26 was be AUX _005195566 321 27 returned return VERB _005195566 321 28 to to ADP _005195566 321 29 the the DET _005195566 321 30 ark ark PROPN _005195566 321 31 — — PUNCT _005195566 321 32 where where SCONJ _005195566 321 33 a a DET _005195566 321 34 more more ADJ _005195566 321 35 than than SCONJ _005195566 321 36 moses moses PROPN _005195566 321 37 had have AUX _005195566 321 38 welcomed welcome VERB _005195566 321 39 it it PRON _005195566 321 40 home home ADV _005195566 321 41 . . PUNCT _005195566 322 1 another another DET _005195566 322 2 sinner sinner NOUN _005195566 322 3 had have AUX _005195566 322 4 been be AUX _005195566 322 5 converted convert VERB _005195566 322 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 322 7 there there PRON _005195566 322 8 was be VERB _005195566 322 9 joy joy NOUN _005195566 322 10 before before ADP _005195566 322 11 the the DET _005195566 322 12 angels angel NOUN _005195566 322 13 of of ADP _005195566 322 14 god god PROPN _005195566 322 15 — — PUNCT _005195566 322 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 322 17 earth earth NOUN _005195566 322 18 was be AUX _005195566 322 19 sharing share VERB _005195566 322 20 in in ADP _005195566 322 21 the the DET _005195566 322 22 festival festival NOUN _005195566 322 23 of of ADP _005195566 322 24 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 322 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 323 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 323 2 glorious glorious ADJ _005195566 323 3 things thing NOUN _005195566 323 4 are be AUX _005195566 323 5 said say VERB _005195566 323 6 of of ADP _005195566 323 7 the the DET _005195566 323 8 city city NOUN _005195566 323 9 of of ADP _005195566 323 10 god god PROPN _005195566 323 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 323 12 ” " PUNCT _005195566 323 13 where where SCONJ _005195566 323 14 such such ADJ _005195566 323 15 charity charity NOUN _005195566 323 16 for for ADP _005195566 323 17 man man NOUN _005195566 323 18 is be AUX _005195566 323 19 found find VERB _005195566 323 20 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 324 1 who who PRON _005195566 324 2 would would AUX _005195566 324 3 despond despond VERB _005195566 324 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 324 5 or or CCONJ _005195566 324 6 who who PRON _005195566 324 7 despair despair NOUN _005195566 324 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 324 9 a a DET _005195566 324 10 converted converted ADJ _005195566 324 11 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 324 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 325 1 67 67 NUM _005195566 325 2 since since SCONJ _005195566 325 3 grace grace NOUN _005195566 325 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 325 5 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 325 6 may may AUX _005195566 325 7 still still ADV _005195566 325 8 be be AUX _005195566 325 9 found find VERB _005195566 325 10 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 326 1 taking take VERB _005195566 326 2 leave leave NOUN _005195566 326 3 of of ADP _005195566 326 4 mr mr PROPN _005195566 326 5 . . PROPN _005195566 326 6 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 326 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 326 8 the the DET _005195566 326 9 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 326 10 retired retire VERB _005195566 326 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 326 12 for for SCONJ _005195566 326 13 the the DET _005195566 326 14 interview interview NOUN _005195566 326 15 had have AUX _005195566 326 16 continued continue VERB _005195566 326 17 nearly nearly ADV _005195566 326 18 four four NUM _005195566 326 19 hours hour NOUN _005195566 326 20 — — PUNCT _005195566 326 21 as as SCONJ _005195566 326 22 he he PRON _005195566 326 23 left leave VERB _005195566 326 24 the the DET _005195566 326 25 sick sick ADJ _005195566 326 26 man man NOUN _005195566 326 27 ’s ’s NOUN _005195566 326 28 room room NOUN _005195566 326 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 326 30 he he PRON _005195566 326 31 recommended recommend VERB _005195566 326 32 himself himself PRON _005195566 326 33 to to ADP _005195566 326 34 his his PRON _005195566 326 35 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 326 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 326 37 to to ADP _005195566 326 38 those those PRON _005195566 326 39 of of ADP _005195566 326 40 the the DET _005195566 326 41 family family NOUN _005195566 326 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 326 43 for for SCONJ _005195566 326 44 he he PRON _005195566 326 45 felt feel VERB _005195566 326 46 that that SCONJ _005195566 326 47 god god PROPN _005195566 326 48 has have AUX _005195566 326 49 visited visit VERB _005195566 326 50 that that DET _005195566 326 51 house house NOUN _005195566 326 52 . . PUNCT _005195566 327 1 on on ADP _005195566 327 2 the the DET _005195566 327 3 following following ADJ _005195566 327 4 day day NOUN _005195566 327 5 he he PRON _005195566 327 6 returned return VERB _005195566 327 7 again again ADV _005195566 327 8 to to ADP _005195566 327 9 alexandria alexandria PROPN _005195566 327 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 327 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 327 12 found find VERB _005195566 327 13 his his PRON _005195566 327 14 convert convert NOUN _005195566 327 15 in in ADP _005195566 327 16 the the DET _005195566 327 17 same same ADJ _005195566 327 18 pious pious ADJ _005195566 327 19 disposition disposition NOUN _005195566 327 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 328 1 the the DET _005195566 328 2 fact fact NOUN _005195566 328 3 of of ADP _005195566 328 4 his his PRON _005195566 328 5 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 328 6 had have AUX _005195566 328 7 already already ADV _005195566 328 8 become become AUX _005195566 328 9 widely widely ADV _005195566 328 10 circulated circulate VERB _005195566 328 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 328 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 328 13 numbers number NOUN _005195566 328 14 of of ADP _005195566 328 15 all all DET _005195566 328 16 denominations denomination NOUN _005195566 328 17 flocked flock VERB _005195566 328 18 to to PART _005195566 328 19 have have VERB _005195566 328 20 ocular ocular ADJ _005195566 328 21 demonstration demonstration NOUN _005195566 328 22 of of ADP _005195566 328 23 its its PRON _005195566 328 24 truth truth NOUN _005195566 328 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 329 1 to to ADP _005195566 329 2 all all PRON _005195566 329 3 he he PRON _005195566 329 4 spoke speak VERB _005195566 329 5 in in ADP _005195566 329 6 the the DET _005195566 329 7 same same ADJ _005195566 329 8 pious pious ADJ _005195566 329 9 terms term NOUN _005195566 329 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 330 1 to to ADP _005195566 330 2 all all PRON _005195566 330 3 he he PRON _005195566 330 4 manifested manifest VERB _005195566 330 5 his his PRON _005195566 330 6 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005195566 330 7 for for ADP _005195566 330 8 the the DET _005195566 330 9 past past NOUN _005195566 330 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 330 11 his his PRON _005195566 330 12 grati68 grati68 NOUN _005195566 330 13 the the DET _005195566 330 14 last last ADJ _005195566 330 15 moments moment NOUN _005195566 330 16 of of ADP _005195566 330 17 tude tude NOUN _005195566 330 18 to to ADP _005195566 330 19 god god PROPN _005195566 330 20 for for ADP _005195566 330 21 being be AUX _005195566 330 22 spared spare VERB _005195566 330 23 a a DET _005195566 330 24 sudden sudden ADJ _005195566 330 25 and and CCONJ _005195566 330 26 an an DET _005195566 330 27 unprovided unprovided ADJ _005195566 330 28 death death NOUN _005195566 330 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 331 1 he he PRON _005195566 331 2 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005195566 331 3 the the DET _005195566 331 4 glory glory NOUN _005195566 331 5 of of ADP _005195566 331 6 mary mary PROPN _005195566 331 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 331 8 the the DET _005195566 331 9 mother mother NOUN _005195566 331 10 of of ADP _005195566 331 11 god god PROPN _005195566 331 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 331 13 whom whom PRON _005195566 331 14 now now ADV _005195566 331 15 he he PRON _005195566 331 16 always always ADV _005195566 331 17 called call VERB _005195566 331 18 his his PRON _005195566 331 19 mother mother NOUN _005195566 331 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 332 1 he he PRON _005195566 332 2 spoke speak VERB _005195566 332 3 of of ADP _005195566 332 4 the the DET _005195566 332 5 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005195566 332 6 of of ADP _005195566 332 7 his his PRON _005195566 332 8 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 332 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 332 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 332 11 begged beg VERB _005195566 332 12 all all PRON _005195566 332 13 to to PART _005195566 332 14 thank thank VERB _005195566 332 15 god god PROPN _005195566 332 16 for for ADP _005195566 332 17 him.^ him.^ PROPN _005195566 332 18 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 332 19 wonderful wonderful ADJ _005195566 332 20 was be AUX _005195566 332 21 the the DET _005195566 332 22 effect effect NOUN _005195566 332 23 produced produce VERB _005195566 332 24 on on ADP _005195566 332 25 those those PRON _005195566 332 26 who who PRON _005195566 332 27 heard hear VERB _005195566 332 28 him he PRON _005195566 332 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 333 1 whence whence ADV _005195566 333 2 this this DET _005195566 333 3 sudden sudden ADJ _005195566 333 4 change change NOUN _005195566 333 5 — — PUNCT _005195566 333 6 these these DET _005195566 333 7 pious pious ADJ _005195566 333 8 dispositions disposition NOUN _005195566 333 9 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 334 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 334 2 surely surely ADV _005195566 334 3 the the DET _005195566 334 4 finger finger NOUN _005195566 334 5 of of ADP _005195566 334 6 god god PROPN _005195566 334 7 is be AUX _005195566 334 8 here here ADV _005195566 334 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 334 10 ” " PUNCT _005195566 334 11 said say VERB _005195566 334 12 they they PRON _005195566 334 13 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 334 14 but but CCONJ _005195566 334 15 among among ADP _005195566 334 16 the the DET _005195566 334 17 many many ADJ _005195566 334 18 who who PRON _005195566 334 19 visited visit VERB _005195566 334 20 his his PRON _005195566 334 21 sick sick ADJ _005195566 334 22 room room NOUN _005195566 334 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 334 24 there there PRON _005195566 334 25 was be VERB _005195566 334 26 one one NUM _005195566 334 27 class class NOUN _005195566 334 28 in in ADP _005195566 334 29 whose whose DET _005195566 334 30 interest interest NOUN _005195566 334 31 and and CCONJ _005195566 334 32 in in ADP _005195566 334 33 whose whose DET _005195566 334 34 visits visit NOUN _005195566 334 35 he he PRON _005195566 334 36 manifested manifest VERB _005195566 334 37 the the DET _005195566 334 38 deepest deep ADJ _005195566 334 39 anxiety anxiety NOUN _005195566 334 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 335 1 the the DET _005195566 335 2 young young ADJ _005195566 335 3 men man NOUN _005195566 335 4 of of ADP _005195566 335 5 alexandria alexandria PROPN _005195566 335 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 335 7 they they PRON _005195566 335 8 who who PRON _005195566 335 9 had have AUX _005195566 335 10 known know VERB _005195566 335 11 his his PRON _005195566 335 12 principles principle NOUN _005195566 335 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 335 14 had have AUX _005195566 335 15 heard hear VERB _005195566 335 16 him he PRON _005195566 335 17 profess profess VERB _005195566 335 18 those those DET _005195566 335 19 princia princia NOUN _005195566 335 20 converted convert VERB _005195566 335 21 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 335 22 . . PUNCT _005195566 336 1 69 69 NUM _005195566 336 2 pies pie NOUN _005195566 336 3 in in ADP _005195566 336 4 public public ADJ _005195566 336 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 336 6 in in ADP _005195566 336 7 private private ADJ _005195566 336 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 337 1 it it PRON _005195566 337 2 was be AUX _005195566 337 3 for for ADP _005195566 337 4 them they PRON _005195566 337 5 that that SCONJ _005195566 337 6 he he PRON _005195566 337 7 called call VERB _005195566 337 8 in in ADP _005195566 337 9 a a DET _005195566 337 10 special special ADJ _005195566 337 11 manner manner NOUN _005195566 337 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 338 1 for for ADP _005195566 338 2 them they PRON _005195566 338 3 did do AUX _005195566 338 4 he he PRON _005195566 338 5 pray pray VERB _005195566 338 6 most most ADV _005195566 338 7 unceasingly unceasingly ADV _005195566 338 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 339 1 he he PRON _005195566 339 2 requested request VERB _005195566 339 3 all all PRON _005195566 339 4 who who PRON _005195566 339 5 had have AUX _005195566 339 6 ever ever ADV _005195566 339 7 been be AUX _005195566 339 8 disedified disedifie VERB _005195566 339 9 or or CCONJ _005195566 339 10 misled mislead VERB _005195566 339 11 by by ADP _005195566 339 12 his his PRON _005195566 339 13 “ " PUNCT _005195566 339 14 senseless senseless ADJ _005195566 339 15 jargon jargon NOUN _005195566 339 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 339 17 ” " PUNCT _005195566 339 18 as as SCONJ _005195566 339 19 he he PRON _005195566 339 20 now now ADV _005195566 339 21 styled style VERB _005195566 339 22 his his PRON _005195566 339 23 former former ADJ _005195566 339 24 efforts effort NOUN _005195566 339 25 against against ADP _005195566 339 26 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 339 27 , , PUNCT _005195566 339 28 to to PART _005195566 339 29 come come VERB _005195566 339 30 and and CCONJ _005195566 339 31 look look VERB _005195566 339 32 at at ADP _005195566 339 33 him he PRON _005195566 339 34 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 35 to to PART _005195566 339 36 learn learn VERB _005195566 339 37 from from ADP _005195566 339 38 him he PRON _005195566 339 39 , , PUNCT _005195566 339 40 so so ADV _005195566 339 41 long long ADV _005195566 339 42 a a DET _005195566 339 43 blasphemer blasphemer NOUN _005195566 339 44 against against ADP _005195566 339 45 the the DET _005195566 339 46 author author NOUN _005195566 339 47 of of ADP _005195566 339 48 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 339 49 , , PUNCT _005195566 339 50 the the DET _005195566 339 51 consoling console VERB _005195566 339 52 truths truth NOUN _005195566 339 53 of of ADP _005195566 339 54 religion religion NOUN _005195566 339 55 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 56 to to PART _005195566 339 57 hear hear VERB _005195566 339 58 from from ADP _005195566 339 59 him he PRON _005195566 339 60 an an DET _005195566 339 61 entire entire ADJ _005195566 339 62 recantation recantation NOUN _005195566 339 63 of of ADP _005195566 339 64 all all DET _005195566 339 65 his his PRON _005195566 339 66 former former ADJ _005195566 339 67 errors error NOUN _005195566 339 68 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 69 to to PART _005195566 339 70 witness witness VERB _005195566 339 71 his his PRON _005195566 339 72 firm firm ADJ _005195566 339 73 belief belief NOUN _005195566 339 74 in in ADP _005195566 339 75 all all DET _005195566 339 76 the the DET _005195566 339 77 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195566 339 78 of of ADP _005195566 339 79 the the DET _005195566 339 80 holy holy ADJ _005195566 339 81 catholic catholic PROPN _005195566 339 82 church church NOUN _005195566 339 83 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 84 his his PRON _005195566 339 85 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005195566 339 86 for for ADP _005195566 339 87 the the DET _005195566 339 88 past past NOUN _005195566 339 89 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 90 his his PRON _005195566 339 91 trust trust NOUN _005195566 339 92 in in ADP _005195566 339 93 the the DET _005195566 339 94 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 339 95 of of ADP _005195566 339 96 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 339 97 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 98 his his PRON _005195566 339 99 confidence confidence NOUN _005195566 339 100 in in ADP _005195566 339 101 the the DET _005195566 339 102 all all ADV _005195566 339 103 - - PUNCT _005195566 339 104 atoning atone VERB _005195566 339 105 merits merit NOUN _005195566 339 106 of of ADP _005195566 339 107 his his PRON _005195566 339 108 crucified crucified ADJ _005195566 339 109 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005195566 339 110 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 111 his his PRON _005195566 339 112 70 70 NUM _005195566 339 113 the the DET _005195566 339 114 last last ADJ _005195566 339 115 moments moment NOUN _005195566 339 116 of of ADP _005195566 339 117 hope hope NOUN _005195566 339 118 for for ADP _005195566 339 119 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 339 120 — — PUNCT _005195566 339 121 his his PRON _005195566 339 122 earnest earnest ADJ _005195566 339 123 entreaties entreaty NOUN _005195566 339 124 that that PRON _005195566 339 125 he he PRON _005195566 339 126 might might AUX _005195566 339 127 be be AUX _005195566 339 128 remembered remember VERB _005195566 339 129 in in ADP _005195566 339 130 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 339 131 to to ADP _005195566 339 132 god god PROPN _005195566 339 133 after after ADP _005195566 339 134 his his PRON _005195566 339 135 death death NOUN _005195566 339 136 not not PART _005195566 339 137 only only ADV _005195566 339 138 by by ADP _005195566 339 139 his his PRON _005195566 339 140 family family NOUN _005195566 339 141 and and CCONJ _005195566 339 142 confessor confessor NOUN _005195566 339 143 , , PUNCT _005195566 339 144 but but CCONJ _005195566 339 145 by by ADP _005195566 339 146 all all PRON _005195566 339 147 who who PRON _005195566 339 148 had have VERB _005195566 339 149 the the DET _005195566 339 150 charity charity NOUN _005195566 339 151 of of ADP _005195566 339 152 god god PROPN _005195566 339 153 . . PUNCT _005195566 340 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 340 2 affectionately affectionately ADV _005195566 340 3 did do AUX _005195566 340 4 he he PRON _005195566 340 5 speak speak VERB _005195566 340 6 of of ADP _005195566 340 7 his his PRON _005195566 340 8 c c NOUN _005195566 340 9 ( ( PUNCT _005195566 340 10 good good ADJ _005195566 340 11 mother mother NOUN _005195566 340 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 340 13 55 55 NUM _005195566 340 14 the the DET _005195566 340 15 blessed bless VERB _005195566 340 16 virgin virgin NOUN _005195566 340 17 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 341 1 what what PRON _005195566 341 2 endearing endear VERB _005195566 341 3 epithets epithet NOUN _005195566 341 4 did do AUX _005195566 341 5 he he PRON _005195566 341 6 bestow bestow VERB _005195566 341 7 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 341 8 her she PRON _005195566 341 9 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 342 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 342 2 openly openly ADV _005195566 342 3 did do AUX _005195566 342 4 he he PRON _005195566 342 5 proclaim proclaim VERB _005195566 342 6 to to ADP _005195566 342 7 all all PRON _005195566 342 8 alike alike ADV _005195566 342 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 342 10 christians christian NOUN _005195566 342 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 342 12 infidels infidel NOUN _005195566 342 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 342 14 that that DET _005195566 342 15 mary mary PROPN _005195566 342 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 342 17 the the DET _005195566 342 18 mother mother NOUN _005195566 342 19 of of ADP _005195566 342 20 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 342 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 342 22 was be AUX _005195566 342 23 the the DET _005195566 342 24 instrument instrument NOUN _005195566 342 25 of of ADP _005195566 342 26 his his PRON _005195566 342 27 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 342 28 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 343 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 343 2 what what PRON _005195566 343 3 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 343 4 is be AUX _005195566 343 5 a a DET _005195566 343 6 subject subject NOUN _005195566 343 7 of of ADP _005195566 343 8 edification edification NOUN _005195566 343 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 343 10 if if SCONJ _005195566 343 11 not not PART _005195566 343 12 of of ADP _005195566 343 13 amazement amazement NOUN _005195566 343 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 343 15 is be AUX _005195566 343 16 the the DET _005195566 343 17 correct correct ADJ _005195566 343 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 343 19 truly truly ADV _005195566 343 20 catholic catholic ADJ _005195566 343 21 manner manner NOUN _005195566 343 22 in in ADP _005195566 343 23 which which PRON _005195566 343 24 he he PRON _005195566 343 25 spoke speak VERB _005195566 343 26 on on ADP _005195566 343 27 this this DET _005195566 343 28 subject subject NOUN _005195566 343 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 344 1 never never ADV _005195566 344 2 derogating derogate VERB _005195566 344 3 from from ADP _005195566 344 4 the the DET _005195566 344 5 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 344 6 of of ADP _005195566 344 7 god god PROPN _005195566 344 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 344 9 to to PART _005195566 344 10 extol extol VERB _005195566 344 11 the the DET _005195566 344 12 praises praise NOUN _005195566 344 13 of of ADP _005195566 344 14 maa maa NOUN _005195566 344 15 converted convert VERB _005195566 344 16 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 344 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 345 1 71 71 NUM _005195566 345 2 ry ry ADV _005195566 345 3 — — PUNCT _005195566 345 4 never never ADV _005195566 345 5 sharing share VERB _005195566 345 6 the the DET _005195566 345 7 glory glory NOUN _005195566 345 8 of of ADP _005195566 345 9 the the DET _005195566 345 10 creator creator NOUN _005195566 345 11 with with ADP _005195566 345 12 the the DET _005195566 345 13 creature creature NOUN _005195566 345 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 346 1 surely surely ADV _005195566 346 2 the the DET _005195566 346 3 fact fact NOUN _005195566 346 4 can can AUX _005195566 346 5 be be AUX _005195566 346 6 accounted account VERB _005195566 346 7 for for ADP _005195566 346 8 in in ADP _005195566 346 9 no no DET _005195566 346 10 other other ADJ _005195566 346 11 way way NOUN _005195566 346 12 than than ADP _005195566 346 13 that that PRON _005195566 346 14 of of ADP _005195566 346 15 his his PRON _005195566 346 16 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 346 17 — — PUNCT _005195566 346 18 it it PRON _005195566 346 19 came come VERB _005195566 346 20 from from ADP _005195566 346 21 above above ADV _005195566 346 22 . . PUNCT _005195566 347 1 before before ADP _005195566 347 2 receiving receive VERB _005195566 347 3 tke tke PROPN _005195566 347 4 holy holy PROPN _005195566 347 5 communion communion PROPN _005195566 347 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 347 7 mr mr PROPN _005195566 347 8 . . PROPN _005195566 347 9 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 347 10 requested request VERB _005195566 347 11 his his PRON _005195566 347 12 family family NOUN _005195566 347 13 to to PART _005195566 347 14 collect collect VERB _005195566 347 15 all all DET _005195566 347 16 his his PRON _005195566 347 17 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 347 18 books book NOUN _005195566 347 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 347 20 papers paper NOUN _005195566 347 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 347 22 manuscripts manuscript NOUN _005195566 347 23 to to PART _005195566 347 24 be be AUX _005195566 347 25 burned burn VERB _005195566 347 26 . . PUNCT _005195566 348 1 had have AUX _005195566 348 2 they they PRON _005195566 348 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 348 4 who who PRON _005195566 348 5 were be AUX _005195566 348 6 commissioned commission VERB _005195566 348 7 with with ADP _005195566 348 8 this this DET _005195566 348 9 grateful grateful ADJ _005195566 348 10 task task NOUN _005195566 348 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 348 12 yielded yield VERB _005195566 348 13 to to ADP _005195566 348 14 his his PRON _005195566 348 15 wishes wish NOUN _005195566 348 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 348 17 they they PRON _005195566 348 18 would would AUX _005195566 348 19 have have AUX _005195566 348 20 burned burn VERB _005195566 348 21 them they PRON _005195566 348 22 in in ADP _005195566 348 23 the the DET _005195566 348 24 public public ADJ _005195566 348 25 streets street NOUN _005195566 348 26 as as ADP _005195566 348 27 a a DET _005195566 348 28 testimony testimony NOUN _005195566 348 29 of of ADP _005195566 348 30 his his PRON _005195566 348 31 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 348 32 to to ADP _005195566 348 33 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 348 34 . . PUNCT _005195566 349 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 349 2 it it PRON _005195566 349 3 was be AUX _005195566 349 4 deemed deem VERB _005195566 349 5 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005195566 349 6 to to PART _005195566 349 7 burn burn VERB _005195566 349 8 them they PRON _005195566 349 9 in in ADP _005195566 349 10 private private ADJ _005195566 349 11 as as SCONJ _005195566 349 12 he he PRON _005195566 349 13 publicly publicly ADV _005195566 349 14 mentioned mention VERB _005195566 349 15 the the DET _005195566 349 16 fact fact NOUN _005195566 349 17 on on ADP _005195566 349 18 many many ADJ _005195566 349 19 occasions occasion NOUN _005195566 349 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 350 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 350 2 strong strong ADJ _005195566 350 3 an an DET _005195566 350 4 evidence evidence NOUN _005195566 350 5 this this DET _005195566 350 6 of of ADP _005195566 350 7 his his PRON _005195566 350 8 sincerity sincerity NOUN _005195566 350 9 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 351 1 none none NOUN _005195566 351 2 but but CCONJ _005195566 351 3 a a DET _005195566 351 4 72 72 NUM _005195566 351 5 the the DET _005195566 351 6 last last ADJ _005195566 351 7 moments moment NOUN _005195566 351 8 of of ADP _005195566 351 9 mind mind NOUN _005195566 351 10 radically radically ADV _005195566 351 11 changed change VERB _005195566 351 12 could could AUX _005195566 351 13 be be AUX _005195566 351 14 brought bring VERB _005195566 351 15 to to PART _005195566 351 16 give give VERB _005195566 351 17 up up ADP _005195566 351 18 thus thus ADV _005195566 351 19 the the DET _005195566 351 20 cherished cherish VERB _005195566 351 21 sources source NOUN _005195566 351 22 of of ADP _005195566 351 23 all all DET _005195566 351 24 its its PRON _005195566 351 25 arguments argument NOUN _005195566 351 26 and and CCONJ _005195566 351 27 boasted boast VERB _005195566 351 28 theories theory NOUN _005195566 351 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 352 1 but but CCONJ _005195566 352 2 the the DET _005195566 352 3 grace grace NOUN _005195566 352 4 of of ADP _005195566 352 5 god god PROPN _005195566 352 6 was be AUX _005195566 352 7 triumphant triumphant ADJ _005195566 352 8 here here ADV _005195566 352 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 352 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 352 11 like like ADP _005195566 352 12 the the DET _005195566 352 13 humble humble ADJ _005195566 352 14 penitents penitent NOUN _005195566 352 15 mentioned mention VERB _005195566 352 16 in in ADP _005195566 352 17 the the DET _005195566 352 18 acts act NOUN _005195566 352 19 of of ADP _005195566 352 20 the the DET _005195566 352 21 apostles apostle NOUN _005195566 352 22 when when SCONJ _005195566 352 23 apalled apalle VERB _005195566 352 24 by by ADP _005195566 352 25 the the DET _005195566 352 26 punishment punishment NOUN _005195566 352 27 inflicted inflict VERB _005195566 352 28 on on ADP _005195566 352 29 the the DET _005195566 352 30 sons son NOUN _005195566 352 31 of of ADP _005195566 352 32 sceva sceva PROPN _005195566 352 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 352 34 he he PRON _005195566 352 35 too too ADV _005195566 352 36 came come VERB _005195566 352 37 u u PRON _005195566 352 38 confessing confess VERB _005195566 352 39 his his PRON _005195566 352 40 sins sin NOUN _005195566 352 41 ” " PUNCT _005195566 352 42 and and CCONJ _005195566 352 43 committing commit VERB _005195566 352 44 his his PRON _005195566 352 45 wicked wicked ADJ _005195566 352 46 books book NOUN _005195566 352 47 to to ADP _005195566 352 48 the the DET _005195566 352 49 flames flame NOUN _005195566 352 50 . . PUNCT _005195566 353 1 on on ADP _005195566 353 2 this this DET _005195566 353 3 occasion occasion NOUN _005195566 353 4 mr mr PROPN _005195566 353 5 . . PROPN _005195566 353 6 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 353 7 received receive VERB _005195566 353 8 the the DET _005195566 353 9 holy holy ADJ _005195566 353 10 communion communion NOUN _005195566 353 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 354 1 his his PRON _005195566 354 2 preparation preparation NOUN _005195566 354 3 for for ADP _005195566 354 4 it it PRON _005195566 354 5 had have AUX _005195566 354 6 been be AUX _005195566 354 7 truly truly ADV _005195566 354 8 edifying edify VERB _005195566 354 9 . . PUNCT _005195566 355 1 not not PART _005195566 355 2 a a DET _005195566 355 3 moment moment NOUN _005195566 355 4 had have AUX _005195566 355 5 been be AUX _005195566 355 6 lost lose VERB _005195566 355 7 since since SCONJ _005195566 355 8 his his PRON _005195566 355 9 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 355 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 356 1 his his PRON _005195566 356 2 wife wife NOUN _005195566 356 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 356 4 daughters daughter NOUN _005195566 356 5 had have AUX _005195566 356 6 each each PRON _005195566 356 7 in in ADP _005195566 356 8 turn turn NOUN _005195566 356 9 read read VERB _005195566 356 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 356 11 prayed pray VERB _005195566 356 12 by by ADP _005195566 356 13 his his PRON _005195566 356 14 bed bed NOUN _005195566 356 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 356 16 while while SCONJ _005195566 356 17 no no DET _005195566 356 18 few few ADJ _005195566 356 19 among among ADP _005195566 356 20 the the DET _005195566 356 21 many many ADJ _005195566 356 22 who who PRON _005195566 356 23 visited visit VERB _005195566 356 24 him he PRON _005195566 356 25 a a DET _005195566 356 26 converted converted ADJ _005195566 356 27 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 356 28 . . PUNCT _005195566 357 1 73 73 NUM _005195566 357 2 performed perform VERB _005195566 357 3 the the DET _005195566 357 4 same same ADJ _005195566 357 5 pious pious ADJ _005195566 357 6 office office NOUN _005195566 357 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 358 1 he he PRON _005195566 358 2 longed long VERB _005195566 358 3 for for ADP _005195566 358 4 that that DET _005195566 358 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 358 6 food food NOUN _005195566 358 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 358 8 that that SCONJ _005195566 358 9 last last ADJ _005195566 358 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 358 11 perpetual perpetual ADJ _005195566 358 12 memorial memorial NOUN _005195566 358 13 of of ADP _005195566 358 14 christ christ PROPN _005195566 358 15 ’s ’s PART _005195566 358 16 passion passion NOUN _005195566 358 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 358 18 suffering suffering NOUN _005195566 358 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 358 20 in in ADP _005195566 358 21 which which PRON _005195566 358 22 the the DET _005195566 358 23 soul soul NOUN _005195566 358 24 feasts feast NOUN _005195566 358 25 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 358 26 the the DET _005195566 358 27 food food NOUN _005195566 358 28 of of ADP _005195566 358 29 angels angel NOUN _005195566 358 30 . . PUNCT _005195566 359 1 he he PRON _005195566 359 2 prayed pray VERB _005195566 359 3 most most ADV _005195566 359 4 earnestly earnestly ADV _005195566 359 5 to to PART _005195566 359 6 be be AUX _005195566 359 7 a a DET _005195566 359 8 partaker partaker NOUN _005195566 359 9 of of ADP _005195566 359 10 that that DET _005195566 359 11 u u PROPN _005195566 359 12 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 359 13 banquet banquet NOUN _005195566 359 14 in in ADP _005195566 359 15 wffiich wffiich PROPN _005195566 359 16 christ christ PROPN _005195566 359 17 is be AUX _005195566 359 18 received receive VERB _005195566 359 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 359 20 his his PRON _005195566 359 21 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 359 22 passion passion NOUN _005195566 359 23 copnmemorated copnmemorate VERB _005195566 359 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 359 25 the the DET _005195566 359 26 soul soul NOUN _005195566 359 27 is be AUX _005195566 359 28 filled fill VERB _005195566 359 29 with with ADP _005195566 359 30 grace grace NOUN _005195566 359 31 , , PUNCT _005195566 359 32 and and CCONJ _005195566 359 33 a a DET _005195566 359 34 pledge pledge NOUN _005195566 359 35 of of ADP _005195566 359 36 future future ADJ _005195566 359 37 glory glory NOUN _005195566 359 38 is be AUX _005195566 359 39 given give VERB _005195566 359 40 to to ADP _005195566 359 41 the the DET _005195566 359 42 worthy worthy ADJ _005195566 359 43 receiver receiver NOUN _005195566 359 44 . . PUNCT _005195566 359 45 ” " PUNCT _005195566 360 1 ixnd ixnd PRON _005195566 360 2 his his PRON _005195566 360 3 pious pious ADJ _005195566 360 4 wishes wish NOUN _005195566 360 5 wrere wrere PRON _005195566 360 6 gratified gratify VERB _005195566 360 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 361 1 on on ADP _005195566 361 2 questioning question VERB _005195566 361 3 him he PRON _005195566 361 4 concerning concern VERB _005195566 361 5 this this DET _005195566 361 6 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 361 7 dogma dogma NOUN _005195566 361 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 361 9 the the DET _005195566 361 10 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 361 11 found find VERB _005195566 361 12 him he PRON _005195566 361 13 thoroughly thoroughly ADV _005195566 361 14 instructed instruct VERB _005195566 361 15 . . PUNCT _005195566 362 1 as as SCONJ _005195566 362 2 if if SCONJ _005195566 362 3 by by ADP _005195566 362 4 intuition intuition NOUN _005195566 362 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 362 6 he he PRON _005195566 362 7 possessed possess VERB _005195566 362 8 a a DET _005195566 362 9 thorough thorough ADJ _005195566 362 10 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195566 362 11 of of ADP _005195566 362 12 the the DET _005195566 362 13 subject subject NOUN _005195566 362 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 362 15 the the DET _005195566 362 16 dispositions disposition NOUN _005195566 362 17 required require VERB _005195566 362 18 — — PUNCT _005195566 362 19 an an DET _005195566 362 20 entire entire ADJ _005195566 362 21 faith faith NOUN _005195566 362 22 in in ADP _005195566 362 23 the the DET _005195566 362 24 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 362 25 74 74 NUM _005195566 362 26 a a DET _005195566 362 27 converted converted ADJ _005195566 362 28 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 362 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 363 1 mystery mystery PROPN _005195566 363 2 — — PUNCT _005195566 363 3 the the DET _005195566 363 4 manner manner NOUN _005195566 363 5 of of ADP _005195566 363 6 receiving receive VERB _005195566 363 7 ^js^holy ^js^holy ADJ _005195566 363 8 communion communion NOUN _005195566 363 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 363 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 363 11 even even ADV _005195566 363 12 the the DET _005195566 363 13 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _005195566 363 14 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005195566 363 15 to to ADP _005195566 363 16 this this DET _005195566 363 17 holy holy ADJ _005195566 363 18 act act PROPN _005195566 363 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 364 1 , , PUNCT _005195566 364 2 r r NOUN _005195566 364 3 fhus fhu NOUN _005195566 364 4 encouraged encourage VERB _005195566 364 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 364 6 the the DET _005195566 364 7 priest priest NOUN _005195566 364 8 prepared prepare VERB _005195566 364 9 to to PART _005195566 364 10 administer administer VERB _005195566 364 11 fj fj PROPN _005195566 364 12 > > X _005195566 364 13 e e PROPN _005195566 364 14 holy holy ADJ _005195566 364 15 communion communion PROPN _005195566 364 16 as as ADP _005195566 364 17 viaticum viaticum NOUN _005195566 364 18 . . PUNCT _005195566 365 1 on on ADP _005195566 365 2 this this DET _005195566 365 3 occasion occasion NOUN _005195566 365 4 many many ADJ _005195566 365 5 were be AUX _005195566 365 6 present present ADJ _005195566 365 7 . . PUNCT _005195566 366 1 nor nor CCONJ _005195566 366 2 were be AUX _005195566 366 3 they they PRON _005195566 366 4 all all PRON _005195566 366 5 catholics catholic NOUN _005195566 366 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 366 7 although although SCONJ _005195566 366 8 all all PRON _005195566 366 9 were be AUX _005195566 366 10 in in ADP _005195566 366 11 tears tear NOUN _005195566 366 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 366 13 so so CCONJ _005195566 366 14 edifying edify VERB _005195566 366 15 and and CCONJ _005195566 366 16 affecting affecting NOUN _005195566 366 17 was be AUX _005195566 366 18 the the DET _005195566 366 19 scene scene NOUN _005195566 366 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 367 1 words word NOUN _005195566 367 2 can can AUX _005195566 367 3 ill ill ADV _005195566 367 4 express express VERB _005195566 367 5 the the DET _005195566 367 6 piety piety NOUN _005195566 367 7 manifested manifest VERB _005195566 367 8 by by ADP _005195566 367 9 mr mr PROPN _005195566 367 10 . . PROPN _005195566 367 11 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 367 12 at at ADP _005195566 367 13 this this DET _005195566 367 14 important important ADJ _005195566 367 15 moment moment NOUN _005195566 367 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 368 1 all all PRON _005195566 368 2 were be AUX _005195566 368 3 kneeling kneel VERB _005195566 368 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 368 5 while while SCONJ _005195566 368 6 the the DET _005195566 368 7 half half ADV _005195566 368 8 suppressed suppress VERB _005195566 368 9 sob sob NOUN _005195566 368 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 368 11 the the DET _005195566 368 12 gushing gush VERB _005195566 368 13 tear tear NOUN _005195566 368 14 told tell VERB _005195566 368 15 eloquently eloquently ADV _005195566 368 16 the the DET _005195566 368 17 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 368 18 of of ADP _005195566 368 19 those those PRON _005195566 368 20 present present ADJ _005195566 368 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 369 1 it it PRON _005195566 369 2 was be AUX _005195566 369 3 a a DET _005195566 369 4 holy holy ADJ _005195566 369 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 369 6 a a DET _005195566 369 7 joyful joyful ADJ _005195566 369 8 moment moment NOUN _005195566 369 9 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 370 1 as as SCONJ _005195566 370 2 the the DET _005195566 370 3 priest priest NOUN _005195566 370 4 rose rise VERB _005195566 370 5 from from ADP _005195566 370 6 his his PRON _005195566 370 7 knees knee NOUN _005195566 370 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 370 9 elevated elevate VERB _005195566 370 10 the the DET _005195566 370 11 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 370 12 host host NOUN _005195566 370 13 before before ADP _005195566 370 14 the the DET _005195566 370 15 sick sick ADJ _005195566 370 16 man man NOUN _005195566 370 17 ’s ’s PART _005195566 370 18 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 370 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 370 20 he he PRON _005195566 370 21 a a DET _005195566 370 22 converted converted ADJ _005195566 370 23 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 370 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 371 1 75 75 NUM _005195566 371 2 raised raise VERB _005195566 371 3 himself himself PRON _005195566 371 4 in in ADP _005195566 371 5 the the DET _005195566 371 6 bed bed NOUN _005195566 371 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 371 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 371 9 crossing cross VERB _005195566 371 10 his his PRON _005195566 371 11 hands hand NOUN _005195566 371 12 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 371 13 his his PRON _005195566 371 14 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 371 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 371 16 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005195566 371 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 371 18 with with ADP _005195566 371 19 tears tear NOUN _005195566 371 20 in in ADP _005195566 371 21 his his PRON _005195566 371 22 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 371 23 : : PUNCT _005195566 371 24 “ " PUNCT _005195566 371 25 lord lord PROPN _005195566 371 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 371 27 i i PRON _005195566 371 28 am be AUX _005195566 371 29 not not PART _005195566 371 30 worthy worthy ADJ _005195566 371 31 that that SCONJ _005195566 371 32 thou thou DET _005195566 371 33 shouldst shouldst NOUN _005195566 371 34 enter enter VERB _005195566 371 35 under under ADP _005195566 371 36 my my PRON _005195566 371 37 roof roof NOUN _005195566 371 38 — — PUNCT _005195566 371 39 say say VERB _005195566 371 40 but but CCONJ _005195566 371 41 the the DET _005195566 371 42 word word NOUN _005195566 371 43 and and CCONJ _005195566 371 44 my my PRON _005195566 371 45 soul soul NOUN _005195566 371 46 shall shall AUX _005195566 371 47 be be AUX _005195566 371 48 healed heal VERB _005195566 371 49 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 372 1 my my PRON _005195566 372 2 heart heart NOUN _005195566 372 3 is be AUX _005195566 372 4 ready ready ADJ _005195566 372 5 o o PROPN _005195566 372 6 god god INTJ _005195566 372 7 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 373 1 my my PRON _005195566 373 2 heart heart NOUN _005195566 373 3 is be AUX _005195566 373 4 ready ready ADJ _005195566 373 5 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 374 1 even even ADV _005195566 374 2 as as SCONJ _005195566 374 3 the the DET _005195566 374 4 hart hart PROPN _005195566 374 5 panteth panteth PROPN _005195566 374 6 after after ADP _005195566 374 7 the the DET _005195566 374 8 streams stream NOUN _005195566 374 9 of of ADP _005195566 374 10 living living NOUN _005195566 374 11 waters water NOUN _005195566 374 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 374 13 so so ADV _005195566 374 14 does do AUX _005195566 374 15 my my PRON _005195566 374 16 soul soul NOUN _005195566 374 17 thirst thirst VERB _005195566 374 18 after after ADP _005195566 374 19 thee thee PRON _005195566 374 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 374 21 o o X _005195566 374 22 god god PROPN _005195566 374 23 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 375 1 when when SCONJ _005195566 375 2 shall shall AUX _005195566 375 3 i i PRON _005195566 375 4 come come VERB _005195566 375 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 375 6 appear appear VERB _005195566 375 7 before before ADP _005195566 375 8 my my PRON _005195566 375 9 god god INTJ _005195566 375 10 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 376 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 376 2 good good ADJ _005195566 376 3 thou thou DET _005195566 376 4 art art NOUN _005195566 376 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 376 6 my my PRON _005195566 376 7 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 376 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 376 9 my my PRON _005195566 376 10 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005195566 376 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 377 1 what what PRON _005195566 377 2 have have AUX _005195566 377 3 i i PRON _005195566 377 4 in in ADP _005195566 377 5 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 377 6 but but CCONJ _005195566 377 7 thee thee PROPN _005195566 377 8 — — PUNCT _005195566 377 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 377 10 beside beside ADP _005195566 377 11 thee thee PRON _005195566 377 12 what what PRON _005195566 377 13 do do AUX _005195566 377 14 i i PRON _005195566 377 15 desire desire VERB _005195566 377 16 on on ADP _005195566 377 17 earth earth NOUN _005195566 377 18 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 378 1 what what PRON _005195566 378 2 shall shall AUX _005195566 378 3 i i PRON _005195566 378 4 render render VERB _005195566 378 5 to to ADP _005195566 378 6 the the DET _005195566 378 7 lord lord PROPN _005195566 378 8 for for ADP _005195566 378 9 all all PRON _005195566 378 10 that that PRON _005195566 378 11 he he PRON _005195566 378 12 hath hath VERB _005195566 378 13 done do VERB _005195566 378 14 unto unto ADP _005195566 378 15 me i PRON _005195566 378 16 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 379 1 i i PRON _005195566 379 2 will will AUX _005195566 379 3 thank thank VERB _005195566 379 4 my my PRON _005195566 379 5 god god PROPN _005195566 379 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 379 7 i i PRON _005195566 379 8 will will AUX _005195566 379 9 praise praise VERB _005195566 379 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 379 11 glorify glorify VERB _005195566 379 12 his his PRON _005195566 379 13 76 76 NUM _005195566 379 14 the the DET _005195566 379 15 last last ADJ _005195566 379 16 moments moment NOUN _005195566 379 17 of of ADP _005195566 379 18 holy holy ADJ _005195566 379 19 name name NOUN _005195566 379 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 380 1 pardon pardon VERB _005195566 380 2 me i PRON _005195566 380 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 380 4 0 0 PUNCT _005195566 380 5 my my PRON _005195566 380 6 lord lord PROPN _005195566 380 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 380 8 my my PRON _005195566 380 9 god god PROPN _005195566 380 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 380 11 for for ADP _005195566 380 12 all all DET _005195566 380 13 my my PRON _005195566 380 14 transgressions transgression NOUN _005195566 380 15 against against ADP _005195566 380 16 thee thee NOUN _005195566 380 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 380 18 thy thy PRON _005195566 380 19 church church NOUN _005195566 380 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 381 1 i i PRON _005195566 381 2 believe believe VERB _005195566 381 3 thou thou DET _005195566 381 4 art art NOUN _005195566 381 5 my my PRON _005195566 381 6 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005195566 381 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 381 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 381 9 that that SCONJ _005195566 381 10 in in ADP _005195566 381 11 the the DET _005195566 381 12 last last ADJ _005195566 381 13 day day NOUN _005195566 381 14 i i PRON _005195566 381 15 shall shall AUX _005195566 381 16 rise rise VERB _005195566 381 17 to to PART _005195566 381 18 meet meet VERB _005195566 381 19 thee thee PRON _005195566 381 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 382 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 382 2 my my PRON _005195566 382 3 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 382 4 . . PUNCT _005195566 383 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 383 2 my my PRON _005195566 383 3 god god PROPN _005195566 383 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 383 5 why why SCONJ _005195566 383 6 art art NOUN _005195566 383 7 thou thou NOUN _005195566 383 8 so so ADV _005195566 383 9 good good ADJ _005195566 383 10 to to ADP _005195566 383 11 me i PRON _005195566 383 12 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 384 1 i i PRON _005195566 384 2 am be AUX _005195566 384 3 not not PART _005195566 384 4 worthy worthy ADJ _005195566 384 5 to to PART _005195566 384 6 be be AUX _005195566 384 7 called call VERB _005195566 384 8 thy thy PRON _005195566 384 9 child child NOUN _005195566 384 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 384 11 but but CCONJ _005195566 384 12 let let VERB _005195566 384 13 me i PRON _005195566 384 14 call call VERB _005195566 384 15 thee thee PRON _005195566 384 16 father father NOUN _005195566 384 17 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 385 1 no no ADV _005195566 385 2 matter matter ADV _005195566 385 3 what what PRON _005195566 385 4 thou thou PRON _005195566 385 5 doest do ADJ _005195566 385 6 unto unto ADP _005195566 385 7 me i PRON _005195566 385 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 385 9 i i PRON _005195566 385 10 will will AUX _005195566 385 11 love love VERB _005195566 385 12 thee thee PRON _005195566 385 13 still still ADV _005195566 385 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 386 1 punish punish VERB _005195566 386 2 me i PRON _005195566 386 3 — — PUNCT _005195566 386 4 condemn condemn VERB _005195566 386 5 me i PRON _005195566 386 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 386 7 afflict afflict VERB _005195566 386 8 me i PRON _005195566 386 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 386 10 i i PRON _005195566 386 11 will will AUX _005195566 386 12 call call VERB _005195566 386 13 thee thee PRON _005195566 386 14 father father NOUN _005195566 386 15 . . PUNCT _005195566 387 1 what what PRON _005195566 387 2 have have AUX _005195566 387 3 i i PRON _005195566 387 4 done do VERB _005195566 387 5 to to PART _005195566 387 6 deserve deserve VERB _005195566 387 7 this this DET _005195566 387 8 so so ADV _005195566 387 9 great great ADJ _005195566 387 10 favor favor NOUN _005195566 387 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 387 12 that that SCONJ _005195566 387 13 thou thou DET _005195566 387 14 shouldst shouldst NOUN _005195566 387 15 come come VERB _005195566 387 16 to to ADP _005195566 387 17 me i PRON _005195566 387 18 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 387 19 my my PRON _005195566 387 20 bed bed NOUN _005195566 387 21 of of ADP _005195566 387 22 > > X _005195566 387 23 sickness sickness NOUN _005195566 387 24 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 388 1 i i PRON _005195566 388 2 have have AUX _005195566 388 3 blasphemed blaspheme VERB _005195566 388 4 thee thee PRON _005195566 388 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 388 6 i i PRON _005195566 388 7 have have AUX _005195566 388 8 been be AUX _005195566 388 9 |hy |hy ADV _005195566 388 10 enemy enemy NOUN _005195566 388 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 388 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 388 13 is be AUX _005195566 388 14 this this PRON _005195566 388 15 py py PROPN _005195566 388 16 revenge revenge NOUN _005195566 388 17 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 389 1 come come VERB _005195566 389 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 389 3 lord lord PROPN _005195566 389 4 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 389 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 390 1 — — PUNCT _005195566 390 2 come come VERB _005195566 390 3 quickly quickly ADV _005195566 390 4 . . PUNCT _005195566 391 1 my my PRON _005195566 391 2 soul soul NOUN _005195566 391 3 huna huna PROPN _005195566 391 4 converted convert VERB _005195566 391 5 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 391 6 . . PUNCT _005195566 392 1 77 77 NUM _005195566 392 2 gers ger NOUN _005195566 392 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 392 4 thirsts thirst NOUN _005195566 392 5 after after ADP _005195566 392 6 thy thy PROPN _005195566 392 7 holy holy ADJ _005195566 392 8 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005195566 392 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 392 10 i i PRON _005195566 392 11 am be AUX _005195566 392 12 yours yours PRON _005195566 392 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 392 14 you you PRON _005195566 392 15 are be AUX _005195566 392 16 mine mine PRON _005195566 392 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 392 18 ” " PUNCT _005195566 393 1 ^these ^these X _005195566 393 2 and and CCONJ _005195566 393 3 many many ADJ _005195566 393 4 other other ADJ _005195566 393 5 similar similar ADJ _005195566 393 6 aspirations aspiration NOUN _005195566 393 7 did do AUX _005195566 393 8 he he PRON _005195566 393 9 pronounce pronounce VERB _005195566 393 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 393 11 as as SCONJ _005195566 393 12 still still ADV _005195566 393 13 holding hold VERB _005195566 393 14 his his PRON _005195566 393 15 hands hand NOUN _005195566 393 16 crossed cross VERB _005195566 393 17 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 393 18 his his PRON _005195566 393 19 breast breast NOUN _005195566 393 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 393 21 he he PRON _005195566 393 22 kept keep VERB _005195566 393 23 his his PRON _005195566 393 24 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 393 25 steadfastly steadfastly ADV _005195566 393 26 fixed fix VERB _005195566 393 27 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 393 28 the the DET _005195566 393 29 consecrated consecrated ADJ _005195566 393 30 host host NOUN _005195566 393 31 . . PUNCT _005195566 394 1 strength strength NOUN _005195566 394 2 seemed seem VERB _005195566 394 3 to to PART _005195566 394 4 be be AUX _005195566 394 5 given give VERB _005195566 394 6 him he PRON _005195566 394 7 for for ADP _005195566 394 8 the the DET _005195566 394 9 time time NOUN _005195566 394 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 395 1 his his PRON _005195566 395 2 voice voice NOUN _005195566 395 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 395 4 though though SCONJ _005195566 395 5 feeble feeble ADJ _005195566 395 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 395 7 was be AUX _005195566 395 8 distinct distinct ADJ _005195566 395 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 395 10 save save VERB _005195566 395 11 when when SCONJ _005195566 395 12 either either CCONJ _005195566 395 13 his his PRON _005195566 395 14 own own ADJ _005195566 395 15 tears tear NOUN _005195566 395 16 for for ADP _005195566 395 17 a a DET _005195566 395 18 moment moment NOUN _005195566 395 19 obstructed obstruct VERB _005195566 395 20 his his PRON _005195566 395 21 utterance utterance NOUN _005195566 395 22 , , PUNCT _005195566 395 23 or or CCONJ _005195566 395 24 the the DET _005195566 395 25 sobs sobs NOUN _005195566 395 26 of of ADP _005195566 395 27 the the DET _005195566 395 28 kneeling kneeling NOUN _005195566 395 29 group group NOUN _005195566 395 30 interrupted interrupt VERB _005195566 395 31 him he PRON _005195566 395 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 396 1 not not PART _005195566 396 2 a a DET _005195566 396 3 word word NOUN _005195566 396 4 was be AUX _005195566 396 5 spoken speak VERB _005195566 396 6 but but CCONJ _005195566 396 7 by by ADP _005195566 396 8 the the DET _005195566 396 9 sick sick ADJ _005195566 396 10 man man NOUN _005195566 396 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 396 12 who who PRON _005195566 396 13 was be AUX _005195566 396 14 thus thus ADV _005195566 396 15 holding hold VERB _005195566 396 16 sweet sweet ADJ _005195566 396 17 converse converse NOUN _005195566 396 18 with with ADP _005195566 396 19 his his PRON _005195566 396 20 lord lord PROPN _005195566 396 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 397 1 any any DET _005195566 397 2 interruption interruption NOUN _005195566 397 3 of of ADP _005195566 397 4 so so ADV _005195566 397 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 397 6 a a DET _005195566 397 7 colloquy colloquy NOUN _005195566 397 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 397 9 would would AUX _005195566 397 10 have have AUX _005195566 397 11 been be AUX _005195566 397 12 deemed deem VERB _005195566 397 13 almost almost ADV _005195566 397 14 sacrilegious sacrilegious ADJ _005195566 397 15 by by ADP _005195566 397 16 those those DET _005195566 397 17 present present ADJ _005195566 397 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 397 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 397 20 78 78 NUM _005195566 397 21 the the DET _005195566 397 22 last last ADJ _005195566 397 23 moments moment NOUN _005195566 397 24 of of ADP _005195566 397 25 5 5 NUM _005195566 397 26 l l NOUN _005195566 397 27 the the DET _005195566 397 28 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 397 29 himself himself PRON _005195566 397 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 397 31 though though SCONJ _005195566 397 32 not not PART _005195566 397 33 unused unused ADJ _005195566 397 34 to to ADP _005195566 397 35 trying try VERB _005195566 397 36 scenes scene NOUN _005195566 397 37 , , PUNCT _005195566 397 38 stood stand VERB _005195566 397 39 , , PUNCT _005195566 397 40 lost lose VERB _005195566 397 41 in in ADP _005195566 397 42 wonder wonder NOUN _005195566 397 43 and and CCONJ _005195566 397 44 amazement amazement NOUN _005195566 397 45 . . PUNCT _005195566 398 1 -the -the DET _005195566 398 2 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 398 3 viaticum viaticum NOUN _005195566 398 4 is be AUX _005195566 398 5 placed place VERB _005195566 398 6 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 398 7 the the DET _005195566 398 8 sick sick ADJ _005195566 398 9 man man NOUN _005195566 398 10 ’s ’s PART _005195566 398 11 tongue tongue NOUN _005195566 398 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 398 13 he he PRON _005195566 398 14 folds fold VERB _005195566 398 15 his his PRON _005195566 398 16 bands band NOUN _005195566 398 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 398 18 reposes repose VERB _005195566 398 19 himself himself PRON _005195566 398 20 in in ADP _005195566 398 21 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 398 22 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 398 23 his his PRON _005195566 398 24 pillow pillow NOUN _005195566 398 25 — — PUNCT _005195566 398 26 the the DET _005195566 398 27 appointed appoint VERB _005195566 398 28 ceremonial ceremonial NOUN _005195566 398 29 is be AUX _005195566 398 30 finished finish VERB _005195566 398 31 , , PUNCT _005195566 398 32 and and CCONJ _005195566 398 33 all all PRON _005195566 398 34 continued continue VERB _005195566 398 35 to to PART _005195566 398 36 kneel kneel VERB _005195566 398 37 in in ADP _005195566 398 38 silence silence NOUN _005195566 398 39 , , PUNCT _005195566 398 40 lest lest SCONJ _005195566 398 41 they they PRON _005195566 398 42 should should AUX _005195566 398 43 call call VERB _005195566 398 44 back back ADV _005195566 398 45 to to ADP _005195566 398 46 earth earth NOUN _005195566 398 47 the the DET _005195566 398 48 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 398 49 of of ADP _005195566 398 50 this this DET _005195566 398 51 child child NOUN _005195566 398 52 of of ADP _005195566 398 53 god god PROPN _005195566 398 54 . . PUNCT _005195566 399 1 a a DET _005195566 399 2 brief brief ADJ _005195566 399 3 half half ADJ _005195566 399 4 hour hour NOUN _005195566 399 5 passed pass VERB _005195566 399 6 in in ADP _005195566 399 7 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _005195566 399 8 for for ADP _005195566 399 9 the the DET _005195566 399 10 blessings blessing NOUN _005195566 399 11 which which PRON _005195566 399 12 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 399 13 had have AUX _005195566 399 14 bestowed bestow VERB _005195566 399 15 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 399 16 the the DET _005195566 399 17 family family NOUN _005195566 399 18 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 399 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 399 20 the the DET _005195566 399 21 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 399 22 journeyed journey VERB _005195566 399 23 homeward homeward PROPN _005195566 399 24 rejoicing rejoicing NOUN _005195566 399 25 and and CCONJ _005195566 399 26 grateful grateful ADJ _005195566 399 27 . . PUNCT _005195566 400 1 it it PRON _005195566 400 2 is be AUX _005195566 400 3 not not PART _005195566 400 4 necessary necessary ADJ _005195566 400 5 to to PART _005195566 400 6 recount recount VERB _005195566 400 7 the the DET _005195566 400 8 different different ADJ _005195566 400 9 visits visit NOUN _005195566 400 10 during during ADP _005195566 400 11 the the DET _005195566 400 12 succeeding succeed VERB _005195566 400 13 two two NUM _005195566 400 14 weeks week NOUN _005195566 400 15 . . PUNCT _005195566 401 1 let let VERB _005195566 401 2 it it PRON _005195566 401 3 suffice suffice VERB _005195566 401 4 that that SCONJ _005195566 401 5 a a DET _005195566 401 6 converted converted ADJ _005195566 401 7 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 401 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 402 1 79 79 NUM _005195566 402 2 each each PRON _005195566 402 3 was be AUX _005195566 402 4 marked mark VERB _005195566 402 5 by by ADP _005195566 402 6 some some DET _005195566 402 7 incident incident NOUN _005195566 402 8 of of ADP _005195566 402 9 interest interest NOUN _005195566 402 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 402 11 edification edification NOUN _005195566 402 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 403 1 numbers number NOUN _005195566 403 2 still still ADV _005195566 403 3 daily daily ADV _005195566 403 4 and and CCONJ _005195566 403 5 hourly hourly ADV _005195566 403 6 flocked flock VERB _005195566 403 7 to to PART _005195566 403 8 see see VERB _005195566 403 9 this this DET _005195566 403 10 example example NOUN _005195566 403 11 of of ADP _005195566 403 12 god god PROPN _005195566 403 13 ’s ’s PART _005195566 403 14 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 403 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 403 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 403 17 nearly nearly ADV _005195566 403 18 all all PRON _005195566 403 19 left leave VERB _005195566 403 20 him he PRON _005195566 403 21 moved move VERB _005195566 403 22 to to ADP _005195566 403 23 tears tear NOUN _005195566 403 24 by by ADP _005195566 403 25 the the DET _005195566 403 26 fervor fervor NOUN _005195566 403 27 of of ADP _005195566 403 28 his his PRON _005195566 403 29 piety piety NOUN _005195566 403 30 and and CCONJ _005195566 403 31 the the DET _005195566 403 32 unction unction NOUN _005195566 403 33 of of ADP _005195566 403 34 his his PRON _005195566 403 35 NOUN _005195566 403 36 great great ADJ _005195566 403 37 was be AUX _005195566 403 38 the the DET _005195566 403 39 curiosity curiosity NOUN _005195566 403 40 excited excite VERB _005195566 403 41 by by ADP _005195566 403 42 this this DET _005195566 403 43 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 403 44 , , PUNCT _005195566 403 45 that that SCONJ _005195566 403 46 several several ADJ _005195566 403 47 from from ADP _005195566 403 48 the the DET _005195566 403 49 city city NOUN _005195566 403 50 of of ADP _005195566 403 51 washington washington PROPN _005195566 403 52 visited visit VERB _005195566 403 53 him he PRON _005195566 403 54 to to PART _005195566 403 55 assure assure VERB _005195566 403 56 themselves themselves PRON _005195566 403 57 of of ADP _005195566 403 58 its its PRON _005195566 403 59 reality reality NOUN _005195566 403 60 . . PUNCT _005195566 404 1 to to ADP _005195566 404 2 one one NUM _005195566 404 3 of of ADP _005195566 404 4 these these DET _005195566 404 5 mr mr PROPN _005195566 404 6 . . PROPN _005195566 404 7 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 404 8 remarked remark VERB _005195566 404 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 404 10 that that SCONJ _005195566 404 11 he he PRON _005195566 404 12 wondered wonder VERB _005195566 404 13 much much ADJ _005195566 404 14 u u NOUN _005195566 404 15 why why SCONJ _005195566 404 16 men man NOUN _005195566 404 17 did do AUX _005195566 404 18 not not PART _005195566 404 19 believe believe VERB _005195566 404 20 in in ADP _005195566 404 21 the the DET _005195566 404 22 truths truth NOUN _005195566 404 23 of of ADP _005195566 404 24 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 404 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 405 1 for for ADP _005195566 405 2 me i PRON _005195566 405 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 405 4 he he PRON _005195566 405 5 continued continue VERB _005195566 405 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 405 7 even even ADV _005195566 405 8 were be AUX _005195566 405 9 i i PRON _005195566 405 10 to to PART _005195566 405 11 try try VERB _005195566 405 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 405 13 i i PRON _005195566 405 14 could could AUX _005195566 405 15 not not PART _005195566 405 16 now now ADV _005195566 405 17 reject reject VERB _005195566 405 18 my my PRON _005195566 405 19 belief belief NOUN _005195566 405 20 in in ADP _005195566 405 21 all all PRON _005195566 405 22 its its PRON _005195566 405 23 doctrines doctrine NOUN _005195566 405 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 406 1 i i PRON _005195566 406 2 have have AUX _005195566 406 3 tried try VERB _005195566 406 4 the the DET _005195566 406 5 world world NOUN _005195566 406 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 406 7 have have AUX _005195566 406 8 been be AUX _005195566 406 9 an an DET _005195566 406 10 atheist atheist NOUN _005195566 406 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 406 12 an an DET _005195566 406 13 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 406 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 406 15 * * PUNCT _005195566 406 16 80 80 NUM _005195566 406 17 the the DET _005195566 406 18 last last ADJ _005195566 406 19 moments moment NOUN _005195566 406 20 of of ADP _005195566 406 21 i i PRON _005195566 406 22 have have AUX _005195566 406 23 sometimes sometimes ADV _005195566 406 24 thought think VERB _005195566 406 25 myself myself PRON _005195566 406 26 happy happy ADJ _005195566 406 27 — — PUNCT _005195566 406 28 i i PRON _005195566 406 29 was be AUX _005195566 406 30 sincere sincere ADJ _005195566 406 31 in in ADP _005195566 406 32 what what PRON _005195566 406 33 i i PRON _005195566 406 34 said say VERB _005195566 406 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 406 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 406 37 spoke speak VERB _005195566 406 38 freely freely ADV _005195566 406 39 what what PRON _005195566 406 40 i i PRON _005195566 406 41 believed believe VERB _005195566 406 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 407 1 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 407 2 how how SCONJ _005195566 407 3 differently differently ADV _005195566 407 4 are be AUX _005195566 407 5 my my PRON _005195566 407 6 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 407 7 now now ADV _005195566 407 8 from from ADP _005195566 407 9 those those PRON _005195566 407 10 which which PRON _005195566 407 11 i i PRON _005195566 407 12 formerly formerly ADV _005195566 407 13 had have VERB _005195566 407 14 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 408 1 every every DET _005195566 408 2 thing thing NOUN _005195566 408 3 around around ADP _005195566 408 4 me i PRON _005195566 408 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 408 6 within within ADP _005195566 408 7 me i PRON _005195566 408 8 has have AUX _005195566 408 9 changed change VERB _005195566 408 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 408 11 i i PRON _005195566 408 12 always always ADV _005195566 408 13 loved love VERB _005195566 408 14 my my PRON _005195566 408 15 family family NOUN _005195566 408 16 — — PUNCT _005195566 408 17 but but CCONJ _005195566 408 18 i i PRON _005195566 408 19 never never ADV _005195566 408 20 loved love VERB _005195566 408 21 them they PRON _005195566 408 22 so so ADV _005195566 408 23 dearly dearly ADV _005195566 408 24 as as ADP _005195566 408 25 now now ADV _005195566 408 26 . . PUNCT _005195566 409 1 i i PRON _005195566 409 2 now now ADV _005195566 409 3 look look VERB _005195566 409 4 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 409 5 my my PRON _005195566 409 6 children child NOUN _005195566 409 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 409 8 my my PRON _005195566 409 9 wife wife NOUN _005195566 409 10 with with ADP _005195566 409 11 different different ADJ _005195566 409 12 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 409 13 . . PUNCT _005195566 410 1 they they PRON _005195566 410 2 were be AUX _005195566 410 3 always always ADV _005195566 410 4 kind kind ADJ _005195566 410 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 410 6 dutiful dutiful ADJ _005195566 410 7 to to ADP _005195566 410 8 me i PRON _005195566 410 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 410 10 but but CCONJ _005195566 410 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 410 12 till till SCONJ _005195566 410 13 i i PRON _005195566 410 14 became become VERB _005195566 410 15 a a DET _005195566 410 16 catholic catholic NOUN _005195566 410 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 410 18 i i PRON _005195566 410 19 never never ADV _005195566 410 20 appreciated appreciate VERB _005195566 410 21 their their PRON _005195566 410 22 tenderness*-^ tenderness*-^ NOUN _005195566 410 23 * * PUNCT _005195566 411 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 411 2 here here ADV _005195566 411 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 411 4 55 55 NUM _005195566 411 5 said say VERB _005195566 411 6 he he PRON _005195566 411 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 411 8 raising raise VERB _005195566 411 9 his his PRON _005195566 411 10 little little ADJ _005195566 411 11 crucifix crucifix NOUN _005195566 411 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 411 13 which which PRON _005195566 411 14 he he PRON _005195566 411 15 constantly constantly ADV _005195566 411 16 kept keep VERB _005195566 411 17 either either CCONJ _005195566 411 18 in in ADP _005195566 411 19 his his PRON _005195566 411 20 hand hand NOUN _005195566 411 21 or or CCONJ _005195566 411 22 on on ADP _005195566 411 23 his his PRON _005195566 411 24 breast breast NOUN _005195566 411 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 411 26 u u PROPN _005195566 411 27 here here ADV _005195566 411 28 is be AUX _005195566 411 29 now now ADV _005195566 411 30 my my PRON _005195566 411 31 sign sign NOUN _005195566 411 32 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 412 1 here here ADV _005195566 412 2 is be AUX _005195566 412 3 my my PRON _005195566 412 4 model model NOUN _005195566 412 5 — — PUNCT _005195566 412 6 by by ADP _005195566 412 7 this this PRON _005195566 412 8 i i PRON _005195566 412 9 was be AUX _005195566 412 10 redeemed redeem VERB _005195566 412 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 412 12 a a DET _005195566 412 13 converted converted ADJ _005195566 412 14 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 412 15 . . PUNCT _005195566 413 1 81 81 NUM _005195566 413 2 under under ADP _005195566 413 3 this this DET _005195566 413 4 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 413 5 banner banner NOUN _005195566 413 6 i i PRON _005195566 413 7 have have AUX _005195566 413 8 enlisted enlist VERB _005195566 413 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 413 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 413 11 under under ADP _005195566 413 12 this this PRON _005195566 413 13 i i PRON _005195566 413 14 will will AUX _005195566 413 15 live live VERB _005195566 413 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 413 17 die die VERB _005195566 413 18 . . PUNCT _005195566 413 19 0 0 PUNCT _005195566 414 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 414 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 414 3 dying die VERB _005195566 414 4 on on ADP _005195566 414 5 the the DET _005195566 414 6 cross cross NOUN _005195566 414 7 for for ADP _005195566 414 8 me i PRON _005195566 414 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 414 10 have have VERB _005195566 414 11 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 414 12 on on ADP _005195566 414 13 me i PRON _005195566 414 14 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 415 1 mary mary PROPN _005195566 415 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 415 3 standing stand VERB _005195566 415 4 at at ADP _005195566 415 5 the the DET _005195566 415 6 foot foot NOUN _005195566 415 7 of of ADP _005195566 415 8 the the DET _005195566 415 9 cross cross NOUN _005195566 415 10 of of ADP _005195566 415 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 415 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 415 13 pray pray VERB _005195566 415 14 for for ADP _005195566 415 15 me i PRON _005195566 415 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 415 17 ” " PUNCT _005195566 416 1 referring refer VERB _005195566 416 2 to to ADP _005195566 416 3 some some DET _005195566 416 4 misunderstanding misunderstanding NOUN _005195566 416 5 which which PRON _005195566 416 6 had have AUX _005195566 416 7 formerly formerly ADV _005195566 416 8 existed exist VERB _005195566 416 9 between between ADP _005195566 416 10 him he PRON _005195566 416 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 416 12 another another PRON _005195566 416 13 for for ADP _005195566 416 14 some some DET _005195566 416 15 real real ADJ _005195566 416 16 or or CCONJ _005195566 416 17 imaginary imaginary ADJ _005195566 416 18 cause cause NOUN _005195566 416 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 416 20 he he PRON _005195566 416 21 observed observe VERB _005195566 416 22 : : PUNCT _005195566 416 23 “ " PUNCT _005195566 416 24 how how SCONJ _005195566 416 25 different different ADJ _005195566 416 26 is be AUX _005195566 416 27 the the DET _005195566 416 28 morality morality NOUN _005195566 416 29 taught teach VERB _005195566 416 30 by by ADP _005195566 416 31 religion religion NOUN _005195566 416 32 from from ADP _005195566 416 33 that that DET _005195566 416 34 which which PRON _005195566 416 35 the the DET _005195566 416 36 followers follower NOUN _005195566 416 37 of of ADP _005195566 416 38 reason reason NOUN _005195566 416 39 practice practice NOUN _005195566 416 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 417 1 even even ADV _005195566 417 2 in in ADP _005195566 417 3 my my PRON _005195566 417 4 own own ADJ _005195566 417 5 case case NOUN _005195566 417 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 417 7 the the DET _005195566 417 8 last last ADJ _005195566 417 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 417 10 worst bad ADJ _005195566 417 11 of of ADP _005195566 417 12 all all DET _005195566 417 13 mankind mankind NOUN _005195566 417 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 417 15 the the DET _005195566 417 16 most most ADV _005195566 417 17 unworthy unworthy ADJ _005195566 417 18 being be AUX _005195566 417 19 in in ADP _005195566 417 20 existence existence NOUN _005195566 417 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 417 22 how how SCONJ _005195566 417 23 is be AUX _005195566 417 24 it it PRON _005195566 417 25 manifested manifest VERB _005195566 417 26 . . PUNCT _005195566 418 1 for for ADP _005195566 418 2 years year NOUN _005195566 418 3 i i PRON _005195566 418 4 have have AUX _005195566 418 5 proudly proudly ADV _005195566 418 6 kept keep VERB _005195566 418 7 aloof aloof ADJ _005195566 418 8 from from ADP _005195566 418 9 aim aim NOUN _005195566 418 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 418 11 foolishly foolishly ADV _005195566 418 12 supposing suppose VERB _005195566 418 13 that that SCONJ _005195566 418 14 reas reas PROPN _005195566 418 15 md md PROPN _005195566 418 16 honor honor NOUN _005195566 418 17 dictated dictate VERB _005195566 418 18 the the DET _005195566 418 19 82 82 NUM _005195566 418 20 the the DET _005195566 418 21 last last ADJ _005195566 418 22 step step NOUN _005195566 418 23 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 418 24 nay nay PROPN _005195566 418 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 418 26 had have AUX _005195566 418 27 i i PRON _005195566 418 28 met meet VERB _005195566 418 29 him he PRON _005195566 418 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 418 31 there there PRON _005195566 418 32 have have AUX _005195566 418 33 been be AUX _005195566 418 34 moments moment NOUN _005195566 418 35 when when SCONJ _005195566 418 36 my my PRON _005195566 418 37 heart heart NOUN _005195566 418 38 would would AUX _005195566 418 39 have have AUX _005195566 418 40 gloated gloat VERB _005195566 418 41 over over ADP _005195566 418 42 his his PRON _005195566 418 43 death death NOUN _005195566 418 44 . . PUNCT _005195566 419 1 his his PRON _005195566 419 2 very very ADJ _005195566 419 3 name name NOUN _005195566 419 4 i i PRON _005195566 419 5 hated hate VERB _005195566 419 6 . . PUNCT _005195566 420 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 420 2 now now ADV _005195566 420 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 420 4 how how SCONJ _005195566 420 5 different different ADJ _005195566 420 6 is be AUX _005195566 420 7 my my PRON _005195566 420 8 case case NOUN _005195566 420 9 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 421 1 oh oh INTJ _005195566 421 2 god god INTJ _005195566 421 3 of of ADP _005195566 421 4 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 421 5 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 422 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 422 2 freely freely ADV _005195566 422 3 do do AUX _005195566 422 4 i i PRON _005195566 422 5 forgive forgive VERB _005195566 422 6 him he PRON _005195566 422 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 422 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 422 9 earnestly earnestly ADV _005195566 422 10 beg beg VERB _005195566 422 11 him he PRON _005195566 422 12 to to PART _005195566 422 13 forgive forgive VERB _005195566 422 14 me i PRON _005195566 422 15 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 423 1 ia ia PROPN _005195566 423 2 worm worm NOUN _005195566 423 3 of of ADP _005195566 423 4 earth earth NOUN _005195566 423 5 — — PUNCT _005195566 423 6 i i PRON _005195566 423 7 a a DET _005195566 423 8 sinful sinful ADJ _005195566 423 9 man man NOUN _005195566 423 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 423 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 423 12 the the DET _005195566 423 13 greatest great ADJ _005195566 423 14 ot ot NOUN _005195566 423 15 sinners sinner NOUN _005195566 423 16 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 423 17 were be AUX _005195566 423 18 he he PRON _005195566 423 19 here here ADV _005195566 423 20 now now ADV _005195566 423 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 423 22 how how SCONJ _005195566 423 23 affectionately affectionately ADV _005195566 423 24 would would AUX _005195566 423 25 i i PRON _005195566 423 26 embrace embrace VERB _005195566 423 27 him he PRON _005195566 423 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 423 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 423 30 ask ask VERB _005195566 423 31 his his PRON _005195566 423 32 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005195566 423 33 — — PUNCT _005195566 423 34 for for ADP _005195566 423 35 all all PRON _005195566 423 36 is be AUX _005195566 423 37 changed change VERB _005195566 423 38 — — PUNCT _005195566 423 39 as as SCONJ _005195566 423 40 i i PRON _005195566 423 41 hope hope VERB _005195566 423 42 to to AUX _005195566 423 43 he he PRON _005195566 423 44 forgiven forgive VERB _005195566 423 45 , , PUNCT _005195566 423 46 i i PRON _005195566 423 47 forgive forgive VERB _005195566 423 48 all all PRON _005195566 423 49 in in ADP _005195566 423 50 him he PRON _005195566 423 51 . . PUNCT _005195566 424 1 glorious glorious ADJ _005195566 424 2 system system NOUN _005195566 424 3 of of ADP _005195566 424 4 divine divine ADJ _005195566 424 5 revelation revelation NOUN _005195566 424 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 425 1 glorious glorious ADJ _005195566 425 2 religion religion NOUN _005195566 425 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 426 1 sublime sublime ADJ _005195566 426 2 morality morality NOUN _005195566 426 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 427 1 the the DET _005195566 427 2 false false ADJ _005195566 427 3 apostles apostle NOUN _005195566 427 4 of of ADP _005195566 427 5 infidelity infidelity NOUN _005195566 427 6 never never ADV _005195566 427 7 conceived conceive VERB _005195566 427 8 of of ADP _005195566 427 9 it it PRON _005195566 427 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 428 1 it it PRON _005195566 428 2 must must AUX _005195566 428 3 have have AUX _005195566 428 4 come come VERB _005195566 428 5 from from ADP _005195566 428 6 god god PROPN _005195566 428 7 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 429 1 the the DET _005195566 429 2 mind mind NOUN _005195566 429 3 of of ADP _005195566 429 4 deity deity NOUN _005195566 429 5 alone alone ADV _005195566 429 6 could could AUX _005195566 429 7 suga suga PROPN _005195566 429 8 converted convert VERB _005195566 429 9 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 429 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 430 1 83 83 NUM _005195566 430 2 gest gest VERB _005195566 430 3 it it PRON _005195566 430 4 — — PUNCT _005195566 430 5 the the DET _005195566 430 6 christian christian NOUN _005195566 430 7 alone alone ADV _005195566 430 8 can can AUX _005195566 430 9 practice practice VERB _005195566 430 10 it it PRON _005195566 430 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 431 1 i i PRON _005195566 431 2 always always ADV _005195566 431 3 admired admire VERB _005195566 431 4 it it PRON _005195566 431 5 in in ADP _005195566 431 6 others other NOUN _005195566 431 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 431 8 but but CCONJ _005195566 431 9 attributed attribute VERB _005195566 431 10 it it PRON _005195566 431 11 to to ADP _005195566 431 12 human human ADJ _005195566 431 13 motives motive NOUN _005195566 431 14 . . PUNCT _005195566 432 1 i i PRON _005195566 432 2 now now ADV _005195566 432 3 feel feel VERB _005195566 432 4 my my PRON _005195566 432 5 error error NOUN _005195566 432 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 432 7 oh oh INTJ _005195566 432 8 god god PROPN _005195566 432 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 432 10 forgive forgive VERB _005195566 432 11 me i PRON _005195566 432 12 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 433 1 thou thou PRON _005195566 433 2 who who PRON _005195566 433 3 died die VERB _005195566 433 4 for for ADP _005195566 433 5 me i PRON _005195566 433 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 433 7 arid arid PROPN _005195566 433 8 prayed pray VERB _005195566 433 9 ford;hose ford;hose NOUN _005195566 433 10 who who PRON _005195566 433 11 crucified crucify VERB _005195566 433 12 thee thee PRON _005195566 433 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 433 14 i i PRON _005195566 433 15 thank thank VERB _005195566 433 16 thee thee PRON _005195566 433 17 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 434 1 i i PRON _005195566 434 2 forgive forgive VERB _005195566 434 3 also also ADV _005195566 434 4 all all PRON _005195566 434 5 who who PRON _005195566 434 6 ever ever ADV _005195566 434 7 injured injure VERB _005195566 434 8 me i PRON _005195566 434 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 434 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 434 11 ask ask VERB _005195566 434 12 pardon pardon NOUN _005195566 434 13 of of ADP _005195566 434 14 all all PRON _005195566 434 15 i i PRON _005195566 434 16 have have AUX _005195566 434 17 injured injure VERB _005195566 434 18 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 435 1 we we PRON _005195566 435 2 must must AUX _005195566 435 3 not not PART _005195566 435 4 suppose suppose VERB _005195566 435 5 that that SCONJ _005195566 435 6 mr mr PROPN _005195566 435 7 . . PROPN _005195566 435 8 mcgraw mcgraw PROPN _005195566 435 9 was be AUX _005195566 435 10 hurried hurry VERB _005195566 435 11 away away ADV _005195566 435 12 by by ADP _005195566 435 13 impulse impulse NOUN _005195566 435 14 of of ADP _005195566 435 15 feeling feeling NOUN _005195566 435 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 435 17 or or CCONJ _005195566 435 18 that that SCONJ _005195566 435 19 the the DET _005195566 435 20 fervent fervent ADJ _005195566 435 21 expressions expression NOUN _005195566 435 22 which which PRON _005195566 435 23 thus thus ADV _005195566 435 24 came come VERB _005195566 435 25 from from ADP _005195566 435 26 his his PRON _005195566 435 27 very very ADJ _005195566 435 28 soul soul NOUN _005195566 435 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 435 30 were be AUX _005195566 435 31 the the DET _005195566 435 32 effect effect NOUN _005195566 435 33 of of ADP _005195566 435 34 religious religious ADJ _005195566 435 35 excitement excitement NOUN _005195566 435 36 or or CCONJ _005195566 435 37 enthusiasm enthusiasm NOUN _005195566 435 38 . . PUNCT _005195566 436 1 to to PART _005195566 436 2 be be AUX _005195566 436 3 convinced convince VERB _005195566 436 4 of of ADP _005195566 436 5 the the DET _005195566 436 6 reverse reverse NOUN _005195566 436 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 436 8 it it PRON _005195566 436 9 was be AUX _005195566 436 10 but but CCONJ _005195566 436 11 necessary necessary ADJ _005195566 436 12 to to PART _005195566 436 13 see see VERB _005195566 436 14 and and CCONJ _005195566 436 15 hear hear VERB _005195566 436 16 him he PRON _005195566 436 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 436 18 while while SCONJ _005195566 436 19 living live VERB _005195566 436 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 436 21 speaking speak VERB _005195566 436 22 on on ADP _005195566 436 23 the the DET _005195566 436 24 84 84 NUM _005195566 436 25 the the DET _005195566 436 26 last last ADJ _005195566 436 27 moments moment NOUN _005195566 436 28 of of ADP _005195566 436 29 subject subject NOUN _005195566 436 30 of of ADP _005195566 436 31 religion religion NOUN _005195566 436 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 436 33 to to PART _005195566 436 34 mark mark VERB _005195566 436 35 his his PRON _005195566 436 36 tranquil tranquil ADJ _005195566 436 37 manner manner NOUN _005195566 436 38 and and CCONJ _005195566 436 39 the the DET _005195566 436 40 calm calm ADJ _005195566 436 41 and and CCONJ _005195566 436 42 sweet sweet ADJ _005195566 436 43 smile smile NOUN _005195566 436 44 depicted depict VERB _005195566 436 45 on on ADP _005195566 436 46 his his PRON _005195566 436 47 countenance countenance NOUN _005195566 436 48 . . PUNCT _005195566 437 1 now now ADV _005195566 437 2 that that SCONJ _005195566 437 3 he he PRON _005195566 437 4 has have AUX _005195566 437 5 gone go VERB _005195566 437 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 7 that that SCONJ _005195566 437 8 the the DET _005195566 437 9 sound sound NOUN _005195566 437 10 of of ADP _005195566 437 11 his his PRON _005195566 437 12 voice voice NOUN _005195566 437 13 is be AUX _005195566 437 14 hushed hush VERB _005195566 437 15 forever forever ADV _005195566 437 16 in in ADP _005195566 437 17 the the DET _005195566 437 18 grave grave NOUN _005195566 437 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 20 his his PRON _005195566 437 21 sincerity sincerity NOUN _005195566 437 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 437 23 earnestness earnestness NOUN _005195566 437 24 of of ADP _005195566 437 25 purpose purpose NOUN _005195566 437 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 27 the the DET _005195566 437 28 settled settled ADJ _005195566 437 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 437 30 confirmed confirm VERB _005195566 437 31 conviction conviction NOUN _005195566 437 32 which which PRON _005195566 437 33 actuated actuate VERB _005195566 437 34 him he PRON _005195566 437 35 can can AUX _005195566 437 36 be be AUX _005195566 437 37 found find VERB _005195566 437 38 by by ADP _005195566 437 39 every every DET _005195566 437 40 honest honest ADJ _005195566 437 41 mind mind NOUN _005195566 437 42 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 43 in in ADP _005195566 437 44 his his PRON _005195566 437 45 uniform uniform ADJ _005195566 437 46 deportment deportment NOUN _005195566 437 47 — — PUNCT _005195566 437 48 in in ADP _005195566 437 49 the the DET _005195566 437 50 traits trait NOUN _005195566 437 51 which which PRON _005195566 437 52 charcterised charcterise VERB _005195566 437 53 him he PRON _005195566 437 54 before before ADV _005195566 437 55 and and CCONJ _005195566 437 56 after after ADP _005195566 437 57 his his PRON _005195566 437 58 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 437 59 — — PUNCT _005195566 437 60 then then ADV _005195566 437 61 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 62 all all PRON _005195566 437 63 was be AUX _005195566 437 64 firm firm ADJ _005195566 437 65 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 66 determined determined ADJ _005195566 437 67 resolution resolution NOUN _005195566 437 68 — — PUNCT _005195566 437 69 in in ADP _005195566 437 70 his his PRON _005195566 437 71 denunciations denunciation NOUN _005195566 437 72 of of ADP _005195566 437 73 christianity christianity NOUN _005195566 437 74 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 75 even even ADV _005195566 437 76 when when SCONJ _005195566 437 77 most most ADV _005195566 437 78 vehement vehement ADJ _005195566 437 79 , , PUNCT _005195566 437 80 he he PRON _005195566 437 81 was be AUX _005195566 437 82 remarked remark VERB _005195566 437 83 for for ADP _005195566 437 84 his his PRON _005195566 437 85 consistency consistency NOUN _005195566 437 86 . . PUNCT _005195566 438 1 where where SCONJ _005195566 438 2 real real ADJ _005195566 438 3 merit merit NOUN _005195566 438 4 was be AUX _005195566 438 5 due due ADJ _005195566 438 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 438 7 he he PRON _005195566 438 8 so so ADV _005195566 438 9 believed believe VERB _005195566 438 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 438 11 it it PRON _005195566 438 12 was be AUX _005195566 438 13 accorded accord VERB _005195566 438 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 438 15 between between ADP _005195566 438 16 the the DET _005195566 438 17 deserving deserve VERB _005195566 438 18 a a DET _005195566 438 19 converted converted ADJ _005195566 438 20 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 438 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 439 1 85 85 NUM _005195566 439 2 and and CCONJ _005195566 439 3 the the DET _005195566 439 4 guilty guilty ADJ _005195566 439 5 — — PUNCT _005195566 439 6 the the DET _005195566 439 7 really really ADV _005195566 439 8 sincere sincere ADJ _005195566 439 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 439 10 the the DET _005195566 439 11 base base NOUN _005195566 439 12 pretender pretender NOUN _005195566 439 13 — — PUNCT _005195566 439 14 errors error NOUN _005195566 439 15 of of ADP _005195566 439 16 judgment judgment NOUN _005195566 439 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 439 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 439 19 human human ADJ _005195566 439 20 frailties frailty NOUN _005195566 439 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 439 22 a a DET _005195566 439 23 settled settle VERB _005195566 439 24 determination determination NOUN _005195566 439 25 of of ADP _005195566 439 26 malice malice NOUN _005195566 439 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 439 28 momentary momentary ADJ _005195566 439 29 weakness weakness NOUN _005195566 439 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 439 31 he he PRON _005195566 439 32 was be AUX _005195566 439 33 quick quick ADJ _005195566 439 34 to to PART _005195566 439 35 discriminate discriminate VERB _005195566 439 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 439 37 sure sure ADJ _005195566 439 38 to to PART _005195566 439 39 make make VERB _005195566 439 40 every every DET _005195566 439 41 allowance allowance NOUN _005195566 439 42 . . PUNCT _005195566 440 1 , , PUNCT _005195566 440 2 after after ADP _005195566 440 3 his his PRON _005195566 440 4 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 440 5 to to ADP _005195566 440 6 christianity christianity PROPN _005195566 440 7 the the DET _005195566 440 8 same same ADJ _005195566 440 9 noble noble ADJ _005195566 440 10 traits trait NOUN _005195566 440 11 were be AUX _005195566 440 12 observable observable ADJ _005195566 440 13 in in ADP _005195566 440 14 him he PRON _005195566 440 15 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 16 the the DET _005195566 440 17 errors error NOUN _005195566 440 18 of of ADP _005195566 440 19 his his PRON _005195566 440 20 former former ADJ _005195566 440 21 life life NOUN _005195566 440 22 he he PRON _005195566 440 23 condemned condemn VERB _005195566 440 24 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 440 25 as as ADP _005195566 440 26 the the DET _005195566 440 27 effects effect NOUN _005195566 440 28 of of ADP _005195566 440 29 pride pride NOUN _005195566 440 30 of of ADP _005195566 440 31 intellect intellect NOUN _005195566 440 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 33 ambition ambition NOUN _005195566 440 34 of of ADP _005195566 440 35 being be AUX _005195566 440 36 known know VERB _005195566 440 37 and and CCONJ _005195566 440 38 noticed notice VERB _005195566 440 39 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 40 but but CCONJ _005195566 440 41 in in ADP _005195566 440 42 others other NOUN _005195566 440 43 , , PUNCT _005195566 440 44 he he PRON _005195566 440 45 bewailed bewail VERB _005195566 440 46 them they PRON _005195566 440 47 as as ADP _005195566 440 48 misfortunes misfortune NOUN _005195566 440 49 over over ADP _005195566 440 50 which which PRON _005195566 440 51 we we PRON _005195566 440 52 should should AUX _005195566 440 53 w^eep w^eep VERB _005195566 440 54 , , PUNCT _005195566 440 55 rather rather ADV _005195566 440 56 than than ADP _005195566 440 57 condemn condemn PROPN _005195566 440 58 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 59 he he PRON _005195566 440 60 spoke speak VERB _005195566 440 61 of of ADP _005195566 440 62 the the DET _005195566 440 63 professors professor NOUN _005195566 440 64 of of ADP _005195566 440 65 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 440 66 opinions opinion NOUN _005195566 440 67 as as ADP _005195566 440 68 persons person NOUN _005195566 440 69 for for ADP _005195566 440 70 whom whom PRON _005195566 440 71 we we PRON _005195566 440 72 should should AUX _005195566 440 73 pray pray VERB _005195566 440 74 rather rather ADV _005195566 440 75 than than ADP _005195566 440 76 despise despise NOUN _005195566 440 77 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 78 of of ADP _005195566 440 79 their their PRON _005195566 440 80 errors error NOUN _005195566 440 81 he he PRON _005195566 440 82 spoke speak VERB _005195566 440 83 in in ADP _005195566 440 84 86 86 NUM _005195566 440 85 the the DET _005195566 440 86 last last ADJ _005195566 440 87 moments moment NOUN _005195566 440 88 of of ADP _005195566 440 89 terms term NOUN _005195566 440 90 of of ADP _005195566 440 91 unmitigated unmitigated ADJ _005195566 440 92 abhorrence abhorrence NOUN _005195566 440 93 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 440 94 but but CCONJ _005195566 440 95 of of ADP _005195566 440 96 themselves themselves PRON _005195566 440 97 , , PUNCT _005195566 440 98 he he PRON _005195566 440 99 spoke speak VERB _005195566 440 100 in in ADP _005195566 440 101 true true ADJ _005195566 440 102 christian christian ADJ _005195566 440 103 charity charity NOUN _005195566 440 104 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 105 no no DET _005195566 440 106 hour hour NOUN _005195566 440 107 of of ADP _005195566 440 108 the the DET _005195566 440 109 day day NOUN _005195566 440 110 or or CCONJ _005195566 440 111 night night NOUN _005195566 440 112 passed pass VERB _005195566 440 113 without without ADP _005195566 440 114 bearing bear VERB _005195566 440 115 to to ADP _005195566 440 116 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 440 117 his his PRON _005195566 440 118 earnest earnest ADJ _005195566 440 119 supplications supplication NOUN _005195566 440 120 in in ADP _005195566 440 121 their their PRON _005195566 440 122 behalf behalf NOUN _005195566 440 123 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 124 for for SCONJ _005195566 440 125 the the DET _005195566 440 126 snare snare NOUN _005195566 440 127 of of ADP _005195566 440 128 the the DET _005195566 440 129 fowler fowler NOUN _005195566 440 130 had have AUX _005195566 440 131 been be AUX _005195566 440 132 broken break VERB _005195566 440 133 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 134 his his PRON _005195566 440 135 soul soul NOUN _005195566 440 136 had have AUX _005195566 440 137 been be AUX _005195566 440 138 rescued rescue VERB _005195566 440 139 from from ADP _005195566 440 140 danger danger NOUN _005195566 440 141 , , PUNCT _005195566 440 142 and and CCONJ _005195566 440 143 he he PRON _005195566 440 144 wept weep VERB _005195566 440 145 as as SCONJ _005195566 440 146 he he PRON _005195566 440 147 thought think VERB _005195566 440 148 of of ADP _005195566 440 149 those those PRON _005195566 440 150 still still ADV _005195566 440 151 detained detain VERB _005195566 440 152 in in ADP _005195566 440 153 their their PRON _005195566 440 154 bondage bondage NOUN _005195566 440 155 and and CCONJ _005195566 440 156 in in ADP _005195566 440 157 error error NOUN _005195566 440 158 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 159 there there PRON _005195566 440 160 was be VERB _005195566 440 161 no no DET _005195566 440 162 wild wild ADJ _005195566 440 163 outbreaking outbreaking NOUN _005195566 440 164 of of ADP _005195566 440 165 feeling feel VERB _005195566 440 166 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 167 no no DET _005195566 440 168 violence violence NOUN _005195566 440 169 of of ADP _005195566 440 170 expression expression NOUN _005195566 440 171 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 172 all all PRON _005195566 440 173 was be AUX _005195566 440 174 calm calm ADJ _005195566 440 175 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 176 all all PRON _005195566 440 177 was be AUX _005195566 440 178 tranquil tranquil ADJ _005195566 440 179 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 440 180 and and CCONJ _005195566 440 181 the the DET _005195566 440 182 fervent fervent ADJ _005195566 440 183 outpourings outpouring NOUN _005195566 440 184 of of ADP _005195566 440 185 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 440 186 , , PUNCT _005195566 440 187 by by ADP _005195566 440 188 which which PRON _005195566 440 189 his his PRON _005195566 440 190 inmost inmost NOUN _005195566 440 191 soul soul NOUN _005195566 440 192 was be AUX _005195566 440 193 made make VERB _005195566 440 194 known know VERB _005195566 440 195 , , PUNCT _005195566 440 196 fell fall VERB _005195566 440 197 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 440 198 the the DET _005195566 440 199 ears ear NOUN _005195566 440 200 of of ADP _005195566 440 201 all all PRON _005195566 440 202 who who PRON _005195566 440 203 heard hear VERB _005195566 440 204 them they PRON _005195566 440 205 as as ADP _005195566 440 206 the the DET _005195566 440 207 accents accent NOUN _005195566 440 208 of of ADP _005195566 440 209 one one NUM _005195566 440 210 standing stand VERB _005195566 440 211 on on ADP _005195566 440 212 the the DET _005195566 440 213 verge verge NOUN _005195566 440 214 of of ADP _005195566 440 215 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 440 216 — — PUNCT _005195566 440 217 they they PRON _005195566 440 218 still still ADV _005195566 440 219 come come VERB _005195566 440 220 back back ADV _005195566 440 221 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 440 222 their their PRON _005195566 440 223 a a DET _005195566 440 224 converted converted ADJ _005195566 440 225 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 440 226 . . PUNCT _005195566 441 1 87 87 NUM _005195566 441 2 memories memory NOUN _005195566 441 3 like like ADP _005195566 441 4 echoes echo NOUN _005195566 441 5 from from ADP _005195566 441 6 that that DET _005195566 441 7 other other ADJ _005195566 441 8 world world NOUN _005195566 441 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 441 10 where where SCONJ _005195566 441 11 all all PRON _005195566 441 12 is be AUX _005195566 441 13 truth truth NOUN _005195566 441 14 all all PRON _005195566 441 15 is be AUX _005195566 441 16 stern stern ADJ _005195566 441 17 reality reality NOUN _005195566 441 18 . . PUNCT _005195566 442 1 some some PRON _005195566 442 2 may may AUX _005195566 442 3 condemn condemn VERB _005195566 442 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 442 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 442 6 others other NOUN _005195566 442 7 doubt doubt VERB _005195566 442 8 them they PRON _005195566 442 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 442 10 but but CCONJ _005195566 442 11 of of ADP _005195566 442 12 such such ADJ _005195566 442 13 we we PRON _005195566 442 14 can can AUX _005195566 442 15 only only ADV _005195566 442 16 say say VERB _005195566 442 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 442 18 in in ADP _005195566 442 19 the the DET _005195566 442 20 words word NOUN _005195566 442 21 of of ADP _005195566 442 22 our our PRON _005195566 442 23 divine divine ADJ _005195566 442 24 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005195566 442 25 : : PUNCT _005195566 442 26 “ " PUNCT _005195566 442 27 ye ye PRON _005195566 442 28 know know VERB _005195566 442 29 not not PART _005195566 442 30 of of ADP _005195566 442 31 what what PRON _005195566 442 32 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 442 33 ye ye PRON _005195566 442 34 are be AUX _005195566 442 35 . . PUNCT _005195566 442 36 ” " PUNCT _005195566 443 1 on^the on^the DET _005195566 443 2 afternoon afternoon NOUN _005195566 443 3 of—~ of—~ VERB _005195566 443 4 a a DET _005195566 443 5 messenger messenger NOUN _005195566 443 6 was be AUX _005195566 443 7 despatched despatch VERB _005195566 443 8 to to ADP _005195566 443 9 washington washington PROPN _005195566 443 10 to to PART _005195566 443 11 request request VERB _005195566 443 12 the the DET _005195566 443 13 immediate immediate ADJ _005195566 443 14 attendance attendance NOUN _005195566 443 15 of of ADP _005195566 443 16 his his PRON _005195566 443 17 confessor confessor NOUN _005195566 443 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 443 19 for for SCONJ _005195566 443 20 he he PRON _005195566 443 21 was be AUX _005195566 443 22 rapidly rapidly ADV _005195566 443 23 sinking sink VERB _005195566 443 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 443 25 and and CCONJ _005195566 443 26 he he PRON _005195566 443 27 desired desire VERB _005195566 443 28 to to PART _005195566 443 29 see see VERB _005195566 443 30 once once ADV _005195566 443 31 again again ADV _005195566 443 32 his his PRON _005195566 443 33 rev rev ADJ _005195566 443 34 . . PROPN _005195566 443 35 friend friend NOUN _005195566 443 36 . . PUNCT _005195566 444 1 in in ADP _005195566 444 2 a a DET _005195566 444 3 short short ADJ _005195566 444 4 time time NOUN _005195566 444 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 444 6 the the DET _005195566 444 7 priest priest NOUN _005195566 444 8 was be AUX _005195566 444 9 at at ADP _005195566 444 10 his his PRON _005195566 444 11 bed bed NOUN _005195566 444 12 side side NOUN _005195566 444 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 444 14 for for ADP _005195566 444 15 h^had h^had ADJ _005195566 444 16 frequently frequently ADV _005195566 444 17 promised promise VERB _005195566 444 18 the the DET _005195566 444 19 si^k si^k NOUN _005195566 444 20 man man NOUN _005195566 444 21 to to PART _005195566 444 22 be be AUX _005195566 444 23 near near ADP _005195566 444 24 him he PRON _005195566 444 25 in in ADP _005195566 444 26 his his PRON _005195566 444 27 last last ADJ _005195566 444 28 agony agony NOUN _005195566 444 29 — — PUNCT _005195566 444 30 a a DET _005195566 444 31 smile smile NOUN _005195566 444 32 of of ADP _005195566 444 33 joy joy NOUN _005195566 444 34 lighted light VERB _005195566 444 35 up up ADP _005195566 444 36 the the DET _005195566 444 37 countenance countenance NOUN _005195566 444 38 of of ADP _005195566 444 39 the the DET _005195566 444 40 sick sick ADJ _005195566 444 41 man man NOUN _005195566 444 42 as as SCONJ _005195566 444 43 the the DET _005195566 444 44 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 444 45 entered enter VERB _005195566 444 46 i i PRON _005195566 444 47 j j NOUN _005195566 444 48 88 88 NUM _005195566 444 49 the the DET _005195566 444 50 last last ADJ _005195566 444 51 moments moment NOUN _005195566 444 52 op op NOUN _005195566 444 53 the the DET _005195566 444 54 room room NOUN _005195566 444 55 — — PUNCT _005195566 444 56 a a DET _005195566 444 57 faint faint ADJ _005195566 444 58 whisper whisper NOUN _005195566 444 59 was be AUX _005195566 444 60 all all PRON _005195566 444 61 that that PRON _005195566 444 62 he he PRON _005195566 444 63 could could AUX _005195566 444 64 use use VERB _005195566 444 65 . . PUNCT _005195566 445 1 to to ADP _005195566 445 2 every every DET _005195566 445 3 exhortation exhortation NOUN _005195566 445 4 to to PART _005195566 445 5 place place VERB _005195566 445 6 his his PRON _005195566 445 7 reliance reliance NOUN _005195566 445 8 on on ADP _005195566 445 9 the the DET _005195566 445 10 merits merit NOUN _005195566 445 11 of of ADP _005195566 445 12 his his PRON _005195566 445 13 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 445 14 , , PUNCT _005195566 445 15 and and CCONJ _005195566 445 16 to to PART _005195566 445 17 keep keep VERB _005195566 445 18 his his PRON _005195566 445 19 mind mind NOUN _005195566 445 20 calmly calmly ADV _005195566 445 21 bent bent VERB _005195566 445 22 on on ADP _005195566 445 23 god god PROPN _005195566 445 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 445 25 he he PRON _005195566 445 26 would would AUX _005195566 445 27 reply reply VERB _005195566 445 28 in in ADP _005195566 445 29 a a DET _005195566 445 30 feeble feeble ADJ _005195566 445 31 whisper whisper NOUN _005195566 445 32 , , PUNCT _005195566 445 33 or or CCONJ _005195566 445 34 by by ADP _005195566 445 35 raising raise VERB _005195566 445 36 his his PRON _005195566 445 37 crucifix crucifix NOUN _005195566 445 38 to to ADP _005195566 445 39 his his PRON _005195566 445 40 lips lip NOUN _005195566 445 41 and and CCONJ _005195566 445 42 kissing kiss VERB _005195566 445 43 it it PRON _005195566 445 44 with with ADP _005195566 445 45 emotion emotion NOUN _005195566 445 46 — — PUNCT _005195566 445 47 he he PRON _005195566 445 48 was be AUX _005195566 445 49 observed observe VERB _005195566 445 50 to to PART _005195566 445 51 weep weep VERB _005195566 445 52 , , PUNCT _005195566 445 53 and and CCONJ _005195566 445 54 when when SCONJ _005195566 445 55 encouraged encourage VERB _005195566 445 56 to to PART _005195566 445 57 hope hope VERB _005195566 445 58 for for ADP _005195566 445 59 pardon pardon PROPN _005195566 445 60 , , PUNCT _005195566 445 61 he he PRON _005195566 445 62 replied reply VERB _005195566 445 63 : : PUNCT _005195566 445 64 “ " PUNCT _005195566 445 65 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 445 66 wept weep VERB _005195566 445 67 for for ADP _005195566 445 68 me i PRON _005195566 445 69 in in ADP _005195566 445 70 the the DET _005195566 445 71 garden garden NOUN _005195566 445 72 , , PUNCT _005195566 445 73 and and CCONJ _005195566 445 74 may may AUX _005195566 445 75 i i PRON _005195566 445 76 not not PART _005195566 445 77 weep weep VERB _005195566 445 78 for for ADP _005195566 445 79 my my PRON _005195566 445 80 sins sin NOUN _005195566 445 81 at at ADP _005195566 445 82 the the DET _005195566 445 83 cross cross NOUN _005195566 445 84 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 446 1 55 55 NUM _005195566 446 2 when when SCONJ _005195566 446 3 asked ask VERB _005195566 446 4 if if SCONJ _005195566 446 5 he he PRON _005195566 446 6 desired desire VERB _005195566 446 7 to to PART _005195566 446 8 receive receive VERB _005195566 446 9 once once ADV _005195566 446 10 more more ADJ _005195566 446 11 his his PRON _005195566 446 12 lord lord PROPN _005195566 446 13 in in ADP _005195566 446 14 the the DET _005195566 446 15 holy holy ADJ _005195566 446 16 communion communion NOUN _005195566 446 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 446 18 he he PRON _005195566 446 19 raised raise VERB _005195566 446 20 his his PRON _005195566 446 21 hands hand NOUN _005195566 446 22 in in ADP _005195566 446 23 an an DET _005195566 446 24 attitude attitude NOUN _005195566 446 25 of of ADP _005195566 446 26 supplication supplication NOUN _005195566 446 27 , , PUNCT _005195566 446 28 and and CCONJ _005195566 446 29 smiling smile VERB _005195566 446 30 through through ADP _005195566 446 31 his his PRON _005195566 446 32 tears tear NOUN _005195566 446 33 replied reply VERB _005195566 446 34 : : PUNCT _005195566 446 35 “ " PUNCT _005195566 446 36 did do VERB _005195566 446 37 the the DET _005195566 446 38 people people NOUN _005195566 446 39 of of ADP _005195566 446 40 god god PROPN _005195566 446 41 sigh sigh PROPN _005195566 446 42 for for ADP _005195566 446 43 their their PRON _005195566 446 44 altars altar NOUN _005195566 446 45 and and CCONJ _005195566 446 46 their their PRON _005195566 446 47 homes home NOUN _005195566 446 48 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 447 1 a a DET _005195566 447 2 converted converted ADJ _005195566 447 3 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 447 4 . . PUNCT _005195566 448 1 89 89 NUM _005195566 448 2 does do AUX _005195566 448 3 the the DET _005195566 448 4 wounded wounded ADJ _005195566 448 5 bird bird NOUN _005195566 448 6 seek seek VERB _005195566 448 7 its its PRON _005195566 448 8 nest nest NOUN _005195566 448 9 or or CCONJ _005195566 448 10 the the DET _005195566 448 11 wounded wounded ADJ _005195566 448 12 hare hare NOUN _005195566 448 13 its its PRON _005195566 448 14 burrow burrow NOUN _005195566 448 15 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 449 1 so so ADV _005195566 449 2 does do AUX _005195566 449 3 my my PRON _005195566 449 4 thirsting thirsting NOUN _005195566 449 5 soul soul NOUN _005195566 449 6 long long ADV _005195566 449 7 for for ADP _005195566 449 8 her her PRON _005195566 449 9 food food NOUN _005195566 449 10 to to ADP _005195566 449 11 streng&en streng&en NOUN _005195566 449 12 her she PRON _005195566 449 13 in in ADP _005195566 449 14 this this DET _005195566 449 15 journey journey NOUN _005195566 449 16 of of ADP _005195566 449 17 death death NOUN _005195566 449 18 . . PUNCT _005195566 449 19 ’ ' PUNCT _005195566 450 1 j^sublime j^sublime ADV _005195566 450 2 answer answer NOUN _005195566 450 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 451 1 bespeaking bespeak VERB _005195566 451 2 the the DET _005195566 451 3 faith faith NOUN _005195566 451 4 of of ADP _005195566 451 5 the the DET _005195566 451 6 christian christian NOUN _005195566 451 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 451 8 the the DET _005195566 451 9 hope hope NOUN _005195566 451 10 inspired inspire VERB _005195566 451 11 by by ADP _005195566 451 12 true true ADJ _005195566 451 13 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195566 451 14 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 451 15 holy holy ADJ _005195566 451 16 communion communion NOUN _005195566 451 17 was be AUX _005195566 451 18 then then ADV _005195566 451 19 administered administer VERB _005195566 451 20 — — PUNCT _005195566 451 21 he he PRON _005195566 451 22 was be AUX _005195566 451 23 supported support VERB _005195566 451 24 by by ADP _005195566 451 25 one one NUM _005195566 451 26 of of ADP _005195566 451 27 his his PRON _005195566 451 28 daughters daughter NOUN _005195566 451 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 451 30 as as SCONJ _005195566 451 31 at at ADP _005195566 451 32 this this DET _005195566 451 33 time time NOUN _005195566 451 34 he he PRON _005195566 451 35 was be AUX _005195566 451 36 too too ADV _005195566 451 37 feeble feeble ADJ _005195566 451 38 to to PART _005195566 451 39 raise raise VERB _005195566 451 40 himself himself PRON _005195566 451 41 in in ADP _005195566 451 42 bed bed NOUN _005195566 451 43 . . PUNCT _005195566 452 1 it it PRON _005195566 452 2 was be AUX _005195566 452 3 generally generally ADV _005195566 452 4 known know VERB _005195566 452 5 that that SCONJ _005195566 452 6 he he PRON _005195566 452 7 was be AUX _005195566 452 8 approaching approach VERB _005195566 452 9 his his PRON _005195566 452 10 end end NOUN _005195566 452 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 452 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 452 13 accordingly accordingly ADV _005195566 452 14 several several ADJ _005195566 452 15 persons person NOUN _005195566 452 16 had have AUX _005195566 452 17 assembled assemble VERB _005195566 452 18 to to PART _005195566 452 19 witness witness VERB _005195566 452 20 his his PRON _005195566 452 21 last last ADJ _005195566 452 22 moments moment NOUN _005195566 452 23 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 452 24 among among ADP _005195566 452 25 those those PRON _005195566 452 26 present present ADJ _005195566 452 27 were be AUX _005195566 452 28 professors professor NOUN _005195566 452 29 of of ADP _005195566 452 30 different different ADJ _005195566 452 31 religions religion NOUN _005195566 452 32 , , PUNCT _005195566 452 33 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 452 34 all all PRON _005195566 452 35 knelt kneel VERB _005195566 452 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 452 37 prayed pray VERB _005195566 452 38 with with ADP _005195566 452 39 one one NUM _005195566 452 40 accord accord NOUN _005195566 452 41 . . PUNCT _005195566 453 1 hard hard ADV _005195566 453 2 indeed indeed ADV _005195566 453 3 must must AUX _005195566 453 4 have have AUX _005195566 453 5 been be AUX _005195566 453 6 the the DET _005195566 453 7 heart heart NOUN _005195566 453 8 so so ADV _005195566 453 9 90 90 NUM _005195566 453 10 the the DET _005195566 453 11 last last ADJ _005195566 453 12 moments moment NOUN _005195566 453 13 of of ADP _005195566 453 14 prejudiced prejudiced ADJ _005195566 453 15 as as SCONJ _005195566 453 16 not not PART _005195566 453 17 to to PART _005195566 453 18 melt melt VERB _005195566 453 19 with with ADP _005195566 453 20 mingled mingle VERB _005195566 453 21 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005195566 453 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 453 23 joy joy NOUN _005195566 453 24 at at ADP _005195566 453 25 so so ADV _005195566 453 26 moving move VERB _005195566 453 27 a a DET _005195566 453 28 spectacle spectacle NOUN _005195566 453 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 454 1 every every DET _005195566 454 2 breath breath NOUN _005195566 454 3 of of ADP _005195566 454 4 the the DET _005195566 454 5 dying die VERB _005195566 454 6 man man NOUN _005195566 454 7 was be AUX _005195566 454 8 a a DET _005195566 454 9 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 454 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 11 and and CCONJ _005195566 454 12 every every DET _005195566 454 13 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 454 14 was be AUX _005195566 454 15 a a DET _005195566 454 16 tribute tribute NOUN _005195566 454 17 of of ADP _005195566 454 18 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005195566 454 19 to to ADP _005195566 454 20 god god PROPN _005195566 454 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 22 calm calm ADJ _005195566 454 23 as as ADP _005195566 454 24 a a DET _005195566 454 25 sleeping sleep VERB _005195566 454 26 child child NOUN _005195566 454 27 he he PRON _005195566 454 28 lay lie VERB _005195566 454 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 30 with with ADP _005195566 454 31 his his PRON _005195566 454 32 hands hand NOUN _005195566 454 33 still still ADV _005195566 454 34 holding hold VERB _005195566 454 35 his his PRON _005195566 454 36 crucifix crucifix NOUN _005195566 454 37 and and CCONJ _005195566 454 38 beads bead NOUN _005195566 454 39 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 40 his his PRON _005195566 454 41 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 454 42 raised raise VERB _005195566 454 43 to to ADP _005195566 454 44 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 454 45 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 46 and and CCONJ _005195566 454 47 his his PRON _005195566 454 48 thoughts thought NOUN _005195566 454 49 intent intent NOUN _005195566 454 50 on on ADP _005195566 454 51 god.^~to god.^~to PROPN _005195566 454 52 every every DET _005195566 454 53 petition petition NOUN _005195566 454 54 of of ADP _005195566 454 55 the the DET _005195566 454 56 litany litany NOUN _005195566 454 57 for for ADP _005195566 454 58 a a DET _005195566 454 59 dying die VERB _005195566 454 60 person person NOUN _005195566 454 61 he he PRON _005195566 454 62 replied reply VERB _005195566 454 63 calmly calmly ADV _005195566 454 64 and and CCONJ _005195566 454 65 earnestly earnestly ADV _005195566 454 66 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 67 to to ADP _005195566 454 68 every every DET _005195566 454 69 aspiration aspiration NOUN _005195566 454 70 he he PRON _005195566 454 71 smiled smile VERB _005195566 454 72 assent assent NOUN _005195566 454 73 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 74 and and CCONJ _005195566 454 75 for for ADP _005195566 454 76 every every DET _005195566 454 77 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 454 78 which which PRON _005195566 454 79 the the DET _005195566 454 80 minister minister PROPN _005195566 454 81 of of ADP _005195566 454 82 god god PROPN _005195566 454 83 recited recite VERB _005195566 454 84 he he PRON _005195566 454 85 looked look VERB _005195566 454 86 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 87 for for SCONJ _005195566 454 88 he he PRON _005195566 454 89 could could AUX _005195566 454 90 not not PART _005195566 454 91 speak speak VERB _005195566 454 92 , , PUNCT _005195566 454 93 his his PRON _005195566 454 94 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005195566 454 95 — — PUNCT _005195566 454 96 no no DET _005195566 454 97 troubled troubled ADJ _005195566 454 98 heavings heaving NOUN _005195566 454 99 of of ADP _005195566 454 100 the the DET _005195566 454 101 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 454 102 or or CCONJ _005195566 454 103 fearful fearful ADJ _005195566 454 104 wanderings wandering NOUN _005195566 454 105 of of ADP _005195566 454 106 the the DET _005195566 454 107 eye eye NOUN _005195566 454 108 gave give VERB _005195566 454 109 reason reason NOUN _005195566 454 110 to to PART _005195566 454 111 fear fear VERB _005195566 454 112 that that SCONJ _005195566 454 113 he he PRON _005195566 454 114 was be AUX _005195566 454 115 tormented torment VERB _005195566 454 116 by by ADP _005195566 454 117 a a DET _005195566 454 118 converted converted ADJ _005195566 454 119 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 454 120 . . PUNCT _005195566 455 1 91 91 NUM _005195566 455 2 doubts doubt NOUN _005195566 455 3 or or CCONJ _005195566 455 4 assailed assail VERB _005195566 455 5 by by ADP _005195566 455 6 temptations temptation NOUN _005195566 455 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 455 8 hard hard ADJ _005195566 455 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 455 10 long long ADV _005195566 455 11 was be AUX _005195566 455 12 his his PRON _005195566 455 13 death death NOUN _005195566 455 14 agony agony NOUN _005195566 455 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 455 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 455 17 the the DET _005195566 455 18 violence violence NOUN _005195566 455 19 of of ADP _005195566 455 20 his his PRON _005195566 455 21 bodily bodily ADJ _005195566 455 22 sufferings suffering NOUN _005195566 455 23 forced force VERB _005195566 455 24 a a DET _005195566 455 25 groan groan NOUN _005195566 455 26 from from ADP _005195566 455 27 sinking sink VERB _005195566 455 28 nature nature NOUN _005195566 455 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 455 30 but but CCONJ _005195566 455 31 the the DET _005195566 455 32 soul soul NOUN _005195566 455 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 455 34 the the DET _005195566 455 35 immortal immortal ADJ _005195566 455 36 soul soul NOUN _005195566 455 37 was be AUX _005195566 455 38 calm calm ADJ _005195566 455 39 — — PUNCT _005195566 455 40 no no DET _005195566 455 41 fears fear NOUN _005195566 455 42 but but CCONJ _005195566 455 43 the the DET _005195566 455 44 salutary salutary ADJ _005195566 455 45 dread dread NOUN _005195566 455 46 of of ADP _005195566 455 47 judgment judgment NOUN _005195566 455 48 disturbed disturb VERB _005195566 455 49 him he PRON _005195566 455 50 — — PUNCT _005195566 455 51 no no ADV _005195566 455 52 doubt doubt ADV _005195566 455 53 harrassed harrasse VERB _005195566 455 54 him he PRON _005195566 455 55 — — PUNCT _005195566 455 56 no no DET _005195566 455 57 dangers danger NOUN _005195566 455 58 appalled appal VERB _005195566 455 59 him he PRON _005195566 455 60 . . PUNCT _005195566 456 1 he he PRON _005195566 456 2 had have AUX _005195566 456 3 made make VERB _005195566 456 4 all all DET _005195566 456 5 his his PRON _005195566 456 6 temporal temporal ADJ _005195566 456 7 arrangements arrangement NOUN _005195566 456 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 456 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 456 10 had have AUX _005195566 456 11 bestowed bestow VERB _005195566 456 12 his his PRON _005195566 456 13 dying die VERB _005195566 456 14 blessing blessing NOUN _005195566 456 15 on on ADP _005195566 456 16 his his PRON _005195566 456 17 family family NOUN _005195566 456 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 456 19 friends friend NOUN _005195566 456 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 456 21 he he PRON _005195566 456 22 had have AUX _005195566 456 23 taken take VERB _005195566 456 24 leave leave NOUN _005195566 456 25 of of ADP _005195566 456 26 all all DET _005195566 456 27 earthly earthly ADJ _005195566 456 28 things thing NOUN _005195566 456 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 456 30 now now ADV _005195566 456 31 he he PRON _005195566 456 32 was be AUX _005195566 456 33 composed compose VERB _005195566 456 34 to to PART _005195566 456 35 die die VERB _005195566 456 36 . . PUNCT _005195566 457 1 the the DET _005195566 457 2 shades shade NOUN _005195566 457 3 of of ADP _005195566 457 4 death death NOUN _005195566 457 5 were be AUX _005195566 457 6 gathering gather VERB _005195566 457 7 around around ADP _005195566 457 8 him he PRON _005195566 457 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 457 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 457 11 the the DET _005195566 457 12 night night NOUN _005195566 457 13 of of ADP _005195566 457 14 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 457 15 was be AUX _005195566 457 16 fast fast ADJ _005195566 457 17 setting set VERB _005195566 457 18 in in ADP _005195566 457 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 457 20 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 457 21 a a DET _005195566 457 22 bright bright ADJ _005195566 457 23 star star NOUN _005195566 457 24 of of ADP _005195566 457 25 hope hope NOUN _005195566 457 26 was be AUX _005195566 457 27 rising rise VERB _005195566 457 28 to to ADP _005195566 457 29 his his PRON _005195566 457 30 view view NOUN _005195566 457 31 . . PUNCT _005195566 458 1 the the DET _005195566 458 2 enemies enemy NOUN _005195566 458 3 of of ADP _005195566 458 4 his his PRON _005195566 458 5 salvation salvation NOUN _005195566 458 6 were be AUX _005195566 458 7 doubtless doubtless ADJ _005195566 458 8 92 92 NUM _005195566 458 9 the the DET _005195566 458 10 last last ADJ _005195566 458 11 moments moment NOUN _005195566 458 12 of of ADP _005195566 458 13 assaulting assault VERB _005195566 458 14 him he PRON _005195566 458 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 458 16 but but CCONJ _005195566 458 17 in in ADP _005195566 458 18 his his PRON _005195566 458 19 hand hand NOUN _005195566 458 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 458 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 458 22 in in ADP _005195566 458 23 his his PRON _005195566 458 24 heart heart NOUN _005195566 458 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 458 26 and and CCONJ _005195566 458 27 on on ADP _005195566 458 28 his his PRON _005195566 458 29 lips lip NOUN _005195566 458 30 was be AUX _005195566 458 31 his his PRON _005195566 458 32 shield shield NOUN _005195566 458 33 of of ADP _005195566 458 34 protection protection NOUN _005195566 458 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 458 36 the the DET _005195566 458 37 cross cross NOUN _005195566 458 38 of of ADP _005195566 458 39 christ christ PROPN _005195566 458 40 and and CCONJ _005195566 458 41 the the DET _005195566 458 42 name name NOUN _005195566 458 43 of of ADP _005195566 458 44 mary mary PROPN _005195566 458 45 . . PUNCT _005195566 459 1 the the DET _005195566 459 2 cold cold ADJ _005195566 459 3 sweat sweat NOUN _005195566 459 4 of of ADP _005195566 459 5 death death NOUN _005195566 459 6 trickled trickle VERB _005195566 459 7 down down ADP _005195566 459 8 his his PRON _005195566 459 9 manly manly ADJ _005195566 459 10 brow brow NOUN _005195566 459 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 459 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 459 13 his his PRON _005195566 459 14 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 459 15 was be AUX _005195566 459 16 breathing breathe VERB _005195566 459 17 its its PRON _005195566 459 18 last last ADJ _005195566 459 19 earthly earthly ADJ _005195566 459 20 vow vow NOUN _005195566 459 21 to to ADP _005195566 459 22 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 459 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 459 24 but but CCONJ _005195566 459 25 the the DET _005195566 459 26 angels angel NOUN _005195566 459 27 of of ADP _005195566 459 28 god god PROPN _005195566 459 29 were be AUX _005195566 459 30 hovering hover VERB _005195566 459 31 around around ADP _005195566 459 32 his his PRON _005195566 459 33 pillow pillow NOUN _005195566 459 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 459 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 459 36 the the DET _005195566 459 37 smiles smile NOUN _005195566 459 38 of of ADP _005195566 459 39 his his PRON _005195566 459 40 blessed bless VERB _005195566 459 41 mother mother NOUN _005195566 459 42 were be AUX _005195566 459 43 resting rest VERB _005195566 459 44 on on ADP _005195566 459 45 her her PRON _005195566 459 46 child child NOUN _005195566 459 47 . . PUNCT _005195566 460 1 in in ADP _005195566 460 2 that that DET _005195566 460 3 awful awful ADJ _005195566 460 4 moment moment NOUN _005195566 460 5 when when SCONJ _005195566 460 6 the the DET _005195566 460 7 tide tide NOUN _005195566 460 8 of of ADP _005195566 460 9 life life NOUN _005195566 460 10 was be AUX _005195566 460 11 fast fast ADV _005195566 460 12 ebbing ebb VERB _005195566 460 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 460 14 and and CCONJ _005195566 460 15 the the DET _005195566 460 16 heart heart NOUN _005195566 460 17 was be AUX _005195566 460 18 ceasing cease VERB _005195566 460 19 its its PRON _005195566 460 20 pulsations pulsation NOUN _005195566 460 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 460 22 then then ADV _005195566 460 23 was be AUX _005195566 460 24 mary mary PROPN _005195566 460 25 his his PRON _005195566 460 26 mother mother NOUN _005195566 460 27 there there ADV _005195566 460 28 . . PUNCT _005195566 461 1 he he PRON _005195566 461 2 had have AUX _005195566 461 3 loved love VERB _005195566 461 4 her she PRON _005195566 461 5 in in ADP _005195566 461 6 life life NOUN _005195566 461 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 461 8 he he PRON _005195566 461 9 still still ADV _005195566 461 10 loved love VERB _005195566 461 11 her she PRON _005195566 461 12 in in ADP _005195566 461 13 death death NOUN _005195566 461 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 461 15 even even ADV _005195566 461 16 as as SCONJ _005195566 461 17 the the DET _005195566 461 18 lamb lamb NOUN _005195566 461 19 frightened frighten VERB _005195566 461 20 at at ADP _005195566 461 21 the the DET _005195566 461 22 coming come VERB _005195566 461 23 storm storm NOUN _005195566 461 24 seeks seek VERB _005195566 461 25 shelter shelter NOUN _005195566 461 26 in in ADP _005195566 461 27 the the DET _005195566 461 28 fold fold NOUN _005195566 461 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 461 30 so so ADV _005195566 461 31 did do VERB _005195566 461 32 the the DET _005195566 461 33 departing depart VERB _005195566 461 34 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 461 35 of of ADP _005195566 461 36 our our PRON _005195566 461 37 friend friend NOUN _005195566 461 38 a a DET _005195566 461 39 converted converted ADJ _005195566 461 40 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 461 41 . . PUNCT _005195566 462 1 93 93 NUM _005195566 462 2 now now ADV _005195566 462 3 seek seek VERB _005195566 462 4 refuge refuge NOUN _005195566 462 5 in in ADP _005195566 462 6 the the DET _005195566 462 7 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 462 8 of of ADP _005195566 462 9 its its PRON _005195566 462 10 god god PROPN _005195566 462 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 463 1 the the DET _005195566 463 2 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 463 3 names name NOUN _005195566 463 4 of of ADP _005195566 463 5 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 463 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 463 7 of of ADP _005195566 463 8 mary mary PROPN _005195566 463 9 were be AUX _005195566 463 10 ever ever ADV _005195566 463 11 on on ADP _005195566 463 12 his his PRON _005195566 463 13 lips lip NOUN _005195566 463 14 as as SCONJ _005195566 463 15 they they PRON _005195566 463 16 were be AUX _005195566 463 17 ever ever ADV _005195566 463 18 in in ADP _005195566 463 19 his his PRON _005195566 463 20 heart heart NOUN _005195566 463 21 — — PUNCT _005195566 463 22 his his PRON _005195566 463 23 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 463 24 would would AUX _005195566 463 25 rest rest VERB _005195566 463 26 with with ADP _005195566 463 27 intense intense ADJ _005195566 463 28 emotion emotion NOUN _005195566 463 29 first first ADV _005195566 463 30 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 463 31 his his PRON _005195566 463 32 crucifix crucifix NOUN _005195566 463 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 463 34 then then ADV _005195566 463 35 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 463 36 the the DET _005195566 463 37 little little ADJ _005195566 463 38 group group NOUN _005195566 463 39 , , PUNCT _005195566 463 40 the the DET _005195566 463 41 wife wife NOUN _005195566 463 42 and and CCONJ _005195566 463 43 children child NOUN _005195566 463 44 whom whom PRON _005195566 463 45 he he PRON _005195566 463 46 was be AUX _005195566 463 47 about about ADJ _005195566 463 48 to to PART _005195566 463 49 leave leave VERB _005195566 463 50 alone alone ADV _005195566 463 51 and and CCONJ _005195566 463 52 unprotected unprotected ADJ _005195566 463 53 , , PUNCT _005195566 463 54 and and CCONJ _005195566 463 55 a a DET _005195566 463 56 tear tear NOUN _005195566 463 57 would would AUX _005195566 463 58 steal steal VERB _005195566 463 59 from from ADP _005195566 463 60 his his PRON _005195566 463 61 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 463 62 . . PUNCT _005195566 464 1 the the DET _005195566 464 2 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 464 3 for for ADP _005195566 464 4 a a DET _005195566 464 5 departing depart VERB _005195566 464 6 soul soul NOUN _005195566 464 7 were be AUX _005195566 464 8 said say VERB _005195566 464 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 10 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 11 though though SCONJ _005195566 464 12 his his PRON _005195566 464 13 voice voice NOUN _005195566 464 14 failed fail VERB _005195566 464 15 him he PRON _005195566 464 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 17 his his PRON _005195566 464 18 lips lip NOUN _005195566 464 19 still still ADV _005195566 464 20 moved move VERB _005195566 464 21 in in ADP _005195566 464 22 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 464 23 : : PUNCT _005195566 464 24 “ " PUNCT _005195566 464 25 depart depart VERB _005195566 464 26 christian christian ADJ _005195566 464 27 soul soul NOUN _005195566 464 28 out out ADP _005195566 464 29 of of ADP _005195566 464 30 this this DET _005195566 464 31 world world NOUN _005195566 464 32 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 33 ” " PUNCT _005195566 464 34 said say VERB _005195566 464 35 the the DET _005195566 464 36 minister minister PROPN _005195566 464 37 of of ADP _005195566 464 38 god god PROPN _005195566 464 39 in in ADP _005195566 464 40 the the DET _005195566 464 41 sweet sweet ADJ _005195566 464 42 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 464 43 peculiar peculiar ADJ _005195566 464 44 words word NOUN _005195566 464 45 of of ADP _005195566 464 46 the the DET _005195566 464 47 ritual ritual ADJ _005195566 464 48 as as SCONJ _005195566 464 49 he he PRON _005195566 464 50 held hold VERB _005195566 464 51 the the DET _005195566 464 52 cross cross NOUN _005195566 464 53 before before ADP _005195566 464 54 the the DET _005195566 464 55 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 464 56 of of ADP _005195566 464 57 the the DET _005195566 464 58 dying die VERB _005195566 464 59 man man NOUN _005195566 464 60 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 61 “ " PUNCT _005195566 464 62 depart depart VERB _005195566 464 63 out out ADP _005195566 464 64 of of ADP _005195566 464 65 this this DET _005195566 464 66 world world NOUN _005195566 464 67 in in ADP _005195566 464 68 the the DET _005195566 464 69 name name NOUN _005195566 464 70 of of ADP _005195566 464 71 god god PROPN _005195566 464 72 the the DET _005195566 464 73 father father PROPN _005195566 464 74 94 94 NUM _005195566 464 75 the the DET _005195566 464 76 last last ADJ _005195566 464 77 moments moment NOUN _005195566 464 78 of of ADP _005195566 464 79 almighty almighty NOUN _005195566 464 80 who who PRON _005195566 464 81 created create VERB _005195566 464 82 thee thee NOUN _005195566 464 83 — — PUNCT _005195566 464 84 in in ADP _005195566 464 85 the the DET _005195566 464 86 name name NOUN _005195566 464 87 of of ADP _005195566 464 88 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 464 89 christ christ PROPN _005195566 464 90 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 91 who who PRON _005195566 464 92 redeemed redeem VERB _005195566 464 93 thee thee PROPN _005195566 464 94 — — PUNCT _005195566 464 95 in in ADP _005195566 464 96 the the DET _005195566 464 97 name name NOUN _005195566 464 98 of of ADP _005195566 464 99 the the DET _005195566 464 100 holy holy ADJ _005195566 464 101 ghost ghost NOUN _005195566 464 102 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 103 who who PRON _005195566 464 104 sanctified sanctify VERB _005195566 464 105 thee thee NOUN _005195566 464 106 — — PUNCT _005195566 464 107 in in ADP _005195566 464 108 the the DET _005195566 464 109 name name NOUN _005195566 464 110 of of ADP _005195566 464 111 the the DET _005195566 464 112 angels angel NOUN _005195566 464 113 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 114 arch arch ADJ _005195566 464 115 - - PUNCT _005195566 464 116 angels angel NOUN _005195566 464 117 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 118 thrones throne NOUN _005195566 464 119 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 120 dominations domination NOUN _005195566 464 121 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 122 cherubim cherubim NOUN _005195566 464 123 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 124 seraphim seraphim NOUN _005195566 464 125 — — PUNCT _005195566 464 126 in in ADP _005195566 464 127 the the DET _005195566 464 128 name name NOUN _005195566 464 129 of of ADP _005195566 464 130 the the DET _005195566 464 131 patriarchs patriarch NOUN _005195566 464 132 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 133 prophets prophet NOUN _005195566 464 134 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 135 of of ADP _005195566 464 136 the the DET _005195566 464 137 holy holy ADJ _005195566 464 138 apostles apostle NOUN _005195566 464 139 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 140 evangelists evangelist NOUN _005195566 464 141 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 142 of of ADP _005195566 464 143 the the DET _005195566 464 144 holy holy PROPN _005195566 464 145 martyrs martyr NOUN _005195566 464 146 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 147 confessors confessor NOUN _005195566 464 148 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 149 of of ADP _005195566 464 150 the the DET _005195566 464 151 holy holy ADJ _005195566 464 152 monks monk NOUN _005195566 464 153 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 154 hermits hermit NOUN _005195566 464 155 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 156 of of ADP _005195566 464 157 the the DET _005195566 464 158 holy holy ADJ _005195566 464 159 virgins virgin NOUN _005195566 464 160 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 161 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 162 of of ADP _005195566 464 163 all all DET _005195566 464 164 the the DET _005195566 464 165 saints saint NOUN _005195566 464 166 of of ADP _005195566 464 167 god god PROPN _005195566 464 168 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 169 may may AUX _005195566 464 170 thy thy PRON _005195566 464 171 place place NOUN _005195566 464 172 be be AUX _005195566 464 173 this this DET _005195566 464 174 day day NOUN _005195566 464 175 in in ADP _005195566 464 176 peace peace NOUN _005195566 464 177 , , PUNCT _005195566 464 178 and and CCONJ _005195566 464 179 thy thy PROPN _005195566 464 180 abode abode PROPN _005195566 464 181 in in ADP _005195566 464 182 holy holy ADJ _005195566 464 183 zion zion PROPN _005195566 464 184 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 464 185 ” " PUNCT _005195566 465 1 let let VERB _005195566 465 2 the the DET _005195566 465 3 body body NOUN _005195566 465 4 return return VERB _005195566 465 5 to to ADP _005195566 465 6 the the DET _005195566 465 7 earth earth NOUN _005195566 465 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 465 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 465 10 the the DET _005195566 465 11 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 465 12 go go VERB _005195566 465 13 back back ADV _005195566 465 14 to to ADP _005195566 465 15 the the DET _005195566 465 16 god god PROPN _005195566 465 17 who who PRON _005195566 465 18 gave give VERB _005195566 465 19 it it PRON _005195566 465 20 — — PUNCT _005195566 465 21 go go VERB _005195566 465 22 forth forth ADV _005195566 465 23 christian christian ADJ _005195566 465 24 soul soul NOUN _005195566 465 25 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 466 1 the the DET _005195566 466 2 resplendant resplendant PROPN _005195566 466 3 company company NOUN _005195566 466 4 of of ADP _005195566 466 5 the the DET _005195566 466 6 angels angel NOUN _005195566 466 7 will will AUX _005195566 466 8 meet meet VERB _005195566 466 9 thee thee PRON _005195566 466 10 at at ADP _005195566 466 11 thy thy PRON _005195566 466 12 departure departure NOUN _005195566 466 13 — — PUNCT _005195566 466 14 the the DET _005195566 466 15 a a DET _005195566 466 16 converted converted ADJ _005195566 466 17 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 466 18 . . PUNCT _005195566 467 1 95 95 NUM _005195566 467 2 court court NOUN _005195566 467 3 of of ADP _005195566 467 4 apostles apostle NOUN _005195566 467 5 will will AUX _005195566 467 6 receive receive VERB _005195566 467 7 thee thee PRON _005195566 467 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 9 the the DET _005195566 467 10 triumphant triumphant ADJ _005195566 467 11 army army NOUN _005195566 467 12 of of ADP _005195566 467 13 martyrs martyr NOUN _005195566 467 14 will will AUX _005195566 467 15 conduct conduct VERB _005195566 467 16 thee thee PRON _005195566 467 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 18 crowds crowd NOUN _005195566 467 19 of of ADP _005195566 467 20 joyful joyful ADJ _005195566 467 21 confessors confessor NOUN _005195566 467 22 will will AUX _005195566 467 23 encompass encompass VERB _005195566 467 24 thee thee PRON _005195566 467 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 26 choirs choir NOUN _005195566 467 27 of of ADP _005195566 467 28 holy holy ADJ _005195566 467 29 virgins virgin NOUN _005195566 467 30 will will AUX _005195566 467 31 go go VERB _005195566 467 32 before before ADP _005195566 467 33 thee thee PRON _005195566 467 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 35 a a DET _005195566 467 36 happy happy ADJ _005195566 467 37 rest rest NOUN _005195566 467 38 in in ADP _005195566 467 39 the the DET _005195566 467 40 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 467 41 of of ADP _005195566 467 42 the the DET _005195566 467 43 patriarchs patriarchs NOUN _005195566 467 44 will will AUX _005195566 467 45 be be AUX _005195566 467 46 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 47 portion portion NOUN _005195566 467 48 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 49 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 467 50 christ christ PROPN _005195566 467 51 thy thy PROPN _005195566 467 52 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 467 53 and and CCONJ _005195566 467 54 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 55 judge judge NOUN _005195566 467 56 will will AUX _005195566 467 57 appear appear VERB _005195566 467 58 to to ADP _005195566 467 59 thee thee VERB _005195566 467 60 with with ADP _005195566 467 61 a a DET _005195566 467 62 mild mild ADJ _005195566 467 63 and and CCONJ _005195566 467 64 cheerful cheerful ADJ _005195566 467 65 countenance countenance NOUN _005195566 467 66 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 67 and and CCONJ _005195566 467 68 give give VERB _005195566 467 69 thee thee PRON _005195566 467 70 a a DET _005195566 467 71 place place NOUN _005195566 467 72 among among ADP _005195566 467 73 those those PRON _005195566 467 74 who who PRON _005195566 467 75 are be AUX _005195566 467 76 to to PART _005195566 467 77 be be AUX _005195566 467 78 in in ADP _005195566 467 79 his his PRON _005195566 467 80 presence presence NOUN _005195566 467 81 forever forever ADV _005195566 467 82 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 83 go go VERB _005195566 467 84 forth forth ADV _005195566 467 85 then then ADV _005195566 467 86 christian christian ADJ _005195566 467 87 soul soul NOUN _005195566 467 88 to to PART _005195566 467 89 meet meet VERB _005195566 467 90 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 91 saviour saviour NOUN _005195566 467 92 and and CCONJ _005195566 467 93 thy thy PROPN _005195566 467 94 judge judge NOUN _005195566 467 95 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 96 thou thou DET _005195566 467 97 art art NOUN _005195566 467 98 not not PART _005195566 467 99 alone alone ADV _005195566 467 100 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 101 angels angel NOUN _005195566 467 102 are be AUX _005195566 467 103 hovering hover VERB _005195566 467 104 o’er o’er PROPN _005195566 467 105 thee thee NOUN _005195566 467 106 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 107 mary mary PROPN _005195566 467 108 is be AUX _005195566 467 109 near near ADP _005195566 467 110 thee thee PRON _005195566 467 111 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 112 she she PRON _005195566 467 113 will will AUX _005195566 467 114 be be AUX _005195566 467 115 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 116 solace solace NOUN _005195566 467 117 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 118 thy thy NOUN _005195566 467 119 refuge refuge NOUN _005195566 467 120 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 121 thy thy PROPN _005195566 467 122 shield shield NOUN _005195566 467 123 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 467 124 go go VERB _005195566 467 125 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 126 thou thou DET _005195566 467 127 art art NOUN _005195566 467 128 not not PART _005195566 467 129 friendless friendless NOUN _005195566 467 130 and and CCONJ _005195566 467 131 lone lone ADJ _005195566 467 132 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 133 thou thou DET _005195566 467 134 wilt wilt NOUN _005195566 467 135 not not PART _005195566 467 136 be be AUX _005195566 467 137 unprotected unprotected ADJ _005195566 467 138 in in ADP _005195566 467 139 that that DET _005195566 467 140 96 96 NUM _005195566 467 141 the the DET _005195566 467 142 last last ADJ _005195566 467 143 moments moment NOUN _005195566 467 144 of of ADP _005195566 467 145 strange strange ADJ _005195566 467 146 distant distant ADJ _005195566 467 147 land land NOUN _005195566 467 148 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 149 let let VERB _005195566 467 150 not not PART _005195566 467 151 thy thy VERB _005195566 467 152 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 467 153 tremble tremble ADJ _005195566 467 154 nor nor CCONJ _005195566 467 155 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 156 soul soul NOUN _005195566 467 157 grow grow VERB _005195566 467 158 sad sad ADJ _005195566 467 159 with with ADP _005195566 467 160 fear fear NOUN _005195566 467 161 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 162 for for SCONJ _005195566 467 163 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 164 mother mother NOUN _005195566 467 165 will will AUX _005195566 467 166 meet meet VERB _005195566 467 167 her her PRON _005195566 467 168 child child NOUN _005195566 467 169 there there ADV _005195566 467 170 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 171 her her PRON _005195566 467 172 name name NOUN _005195566 467 173 will will AUX _005195566 467 174 be be AUX _005195566 467 175 thy thy PROPN _005195566 467 176 passport passport NOUN _005195566 467 177 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 178 her her PRON _005195566 467 179 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 467 180 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 181 rest rest NOUN _005195566 467 182 — — PUNCT _005195566 467 183 light light VERB _005195566 467 184 up up ADP _005195566 467 185 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 186 heart heart NOUN _005195566 467 187 with with ADP _005195566 467 188 joy joy NOUN _005195566 467 189 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 190 and and CCONJ _005195566 467 191 thy thy PRON _005195566 467 192 soul soul NOUN _005195566 467 193 in in ADP _005195566 467 194 gladness gladness NOUN _005195566 467 195 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 196 for for SCONJ _005195566 467 197 thou thou DET _005195566 467 198 hast hast NOUN _005195566 467 199 loved love VERB _005195566 467 200 her she PRON _005195566 467 201 on on ADP _005195566 467 202 earth earth NOUN _005195566 467 203 , , PUNCT _005195566 467 204 and and CCONJ _005195566 467 205 thou thou DET _005195566 467 206 shalt shalt NOUN _005195566 467 207 love love VERB _005195566 467 208 her she PRON _005195566 467 209 in in ADP _005195566 467 210 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 467 211 . . PUNCT _005195566 468 1 the the DET _005195566 468 2 pulse pulse NOUN _005195566 468 3 had have AUX _005195566 468 4 ceased cease VERB _005195566 468 5 to to PART _005195566 468 6 throb throb VERB _005195566 468 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 468 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 468 9 the the DET _005195566 468 10 dying die VERB _005195566 468 11 man man NOUN _005195566 468 12 ’s ’s PART _005195566 468 13 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 468 14 were be AUX _005195566 468 15 fixed fix VERB _005195566 468 16 in in ADP _005195566 468 17 the the DET _005195566 468 18 vacant vacant ADJ _005195566 468 19 stare stare NOUN _005195566 468 20 of of ADP _005195566 468 21 death death NOUN _005195566 468 22 — — PUNCT _005195566 468 23 a a DET _005195566 468 24 pause pause NOUN _005195566 468 25 ensued ensue VERB _005195566 468 26 — — PUNCT _005195566 468 27 silence silence NOUN _005195566 468 28 reigned reign VERB _005195566 468 29 in in ADP _005195566 468 30 the the DET _005195566 468 31 room room NOUN _005195566 468 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 469 1 it it PRON _005195566 469 2 was be AUX _005195566 469 3 an an DET _005195566 469 4 awful awful ADJ _005195566 469 5 pause pause NOUN _005195566 469 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 470 1 for for ADP _005195566 470 2 the the DET _005195566 470 3 angel angel NOUN _005195566 470 4 of of ADP _005195566 470 5 death death NOUN _005195566 470 6 was be AUX _005195566 470 7 there there ADV _005195566 470 8 — — PUNCT _005195566 470 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 470 10 all all PRON _005195566 470 11 felt feel VERB _005195566 470 12 the the DET _005195566 470 13 influence influence NOUN _005195566 470 14 of of ADP _005195566 470 15 his his PRON _005195566 470 16 presence presence NOUN _005195566 470 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 471 1 the the DET _005195566 471 2 blessed bless VERB _005195566 471 3 candle candle NOUN _005195566 471 4 threw throw VERB _005195566 471 5 its its PRON _005195566 471 6 flickering flickering NOUN _005195566 471 7 rays ray NOUN _005195566 471 8 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 471 9 the the DET _005195566 471 10 dying die VERB _005195566 471 11 man man NOUN _005195566 471 12 ’s ’s PART _005195566 471 13 face face NOUN _005195566 471 14 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 471 15 the the DET _005195566 471 16 cross cross NOUN _005195566 471 17 was be AUX _005195566 471 18 still still ADV _005195566 471 19 held hold VERB _005195566 471 20 up up ADP _005195566 471 21 before before ADP _005195566 471 22 him he PRON _005195566 471 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 471 24 a a DET _005195566 471 25 converted converted ADJ _005195566 471 26 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 471 27 . . PUNCT _005195566 472 1 97 97 NUM _005195566 472 2 while while SCONJ _005195566 472 3 the the DET _005195566 472 4 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 472 5 ’s ’s PART _005195566 472 6 hand hand NOUN _005195566 472 7 was be AUX _005195566 472 8 grasped grasp VERB _005195566 472 9 in in ADP _005195566 472 10 the the DET _005195566 472 11 agonies agony NOUN _005195566 472 12 of of ADP _005195566 472 13 death death NOUN _005195566 472 14 by by ADP _005195566 472 15 those those PRON _005195566 472 16 of of ADP _005195566 472 17 the the DET _005195566 472 18 departing depart VERB _005195566 472 19 one one NUM _005195566 472 20 — — PUNCT _005195566 472 21 his his PRON _005195566 472 22 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 472 23 heaved heave VERB _005195566 472 24 with with ADP _005195566 472 25 but but CCONJ _005195566 472 26 few few ADJ _005195566 472 27 convulsive convulsive ADJ _005195566 472 28 efforts effort NOUN _005195566 472 29 — — PUNCT _005195566 472 30 his his PRON _005195566 472 31 lips lip NOUN _005195566 472 32 still still ADV _005195566 472 33 moved move VERB _005195566 472 34 in in ADP _005195566 472 35 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 472 36 — — PUNCT _005195566 472 37 they they PRON _005195566 472 38 lisped lisp VERB _005195566 472 39 the the DET _005195566 472 40 sweet sweet ADJ _005195566 472 41 names name NOUN _005195566 472 42 of of ADP _005195566 472 43 “ " PUNCT _005195566 472 44 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 472 45 and and CCONJ _005195566 472 46 mary”—one mary”—one PROPN _005195566 472 47 struggle struggle NOUN _005195566 472 48 — — PUNCT _005195566 472 49 one one NUM _005195566 472 50 sigh sigh NOUN _005195566 472 51 — — PUNCT _005195566 472 52 and and CCONJ _005195566 472 53 the the DET _005195566 472 54 ransomed ransomed ADJ _005195566 472 55 spirit spirit NOUN _005195566 472 56 had have AUX _005195566 472 57 sped speed VERB _005195566 472 58 its its PRON _005195566 472 59 flight flight NOUN _005195566 472 60 to to ADP _005195566 472 61 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 472 62 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 473 1 come come VERB _005195566 473 2 to to ADP _005195566 473 3 his his PRON _005195566 473 4 assistance assistance NOUN _005195566 473 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 473 6 ye ye ADJ _005195566 473 7 saints saint NOUN _005195566 473 8 of of ADP _005195566 473 9 god god PROPN _005195566 473 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 473 11 meet meet VERB _005195566 473 12 him he PRON _005195566 473 13 , , PUNCT _005195566 473 14 0 0 NUM _005195566 473 15 meet meet VERB _005195566 473 16 him he PRON _005195566 473 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 473 18 ye ye ADJ _005195566 473 19 angels angel NOUN _005195566 473 20 of of ADP _005195566 473 21 god!—mother god!—mother PROPN _005195566 473 22 of of ADP _005195566 473 23 god god PROPN _005195566 473 24 protect protect VERB _005195566 473 25 him he PRON _005195566 473 26 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 473 27 — — PUNCT _005195566 473 28 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 473 29 christ christ PROPN _005195566 473 30 receive receive VERB _005195566 473 31 him he PRON _005195566 473 32 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 474 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 474 2 may may AUX _005195566 474 3 the the DET _005195566 474 4 angels angel NOUN _005195566 474 5 lead lead VERB _005195566 474 6 him he PRON _005195566 474 7 to to ADP _005195566 474 8 his his PRON _005195566 474 9 place place NOUN _005195566 474 10 of of ADP _005195566 474 11 rest rest NOUN _005195566 474 12 . . PUNCT _005195566 475 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 475 2 eternal eternal ADJ _005195566 475 3 rest rest NOUN _005195566 475 4 grant grant NOUN _005195566 475 5 to to ADP _005195566 475 6 him he PRON _005195566 475 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 475 8 o o NOUN _005195566 475 9 lord lord PROPN _005195566 475 10 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 475 11 ” " PUNCT _005195566 475 12 exclaimed exclaim VERB _005195566 475 13 the the DET _005195566 475 14 priest priest NOUN _005195566 475 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 475 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 475 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 475 18 with with ADP _005195566 475 19 one one NUM _005195566 475 20 accord accord NOUN _005195566 475 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 475 22 all all DET _005195566 475 23 present present ADJ _005195566 475 24 responded respond VERB _005195566 475 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 475 26 “ " PUNCT _005195566 475 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 475 28 let let VERB _005195566 475 29 perpetual perpetual ADJ _005195566 475 30 light light NOUN _005195566 475 31 shine shine VERB _005195566 475 32 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 475 33 him he PRON _005195566 475 34 . . PUNCT _005195566 475 35 ” " PUNCT _005195566 476 1 " " PUNCT _005195566 476 2 a a DET _005195566 476 3 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 476 4 was be AUX _005195566 476 5 offered offer VERB _005195566 476 6 to to ADP _005195566 476 7 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 476 8 in in ADP _005195566 476 9 his his PRON _005195566 476 10 98 98 NUM _005195566 476 11 the the DET _005195566 476 12 last last ADJ _005195566 476 13 moments moment NOUN _005195566 476 14 of of ADP _005195566 476 15 behalf behalf NOUN _005195566 476 16 — — PUNCT _005195566 476 17 an an DET _005195566 476 18 earnest earnest ADJ _005195566 476 19 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 476 20 from from ADP _005195566 476 21 hearts heart NOUN _005195566 476 22 stricken stricken VERB _005195566 476 23 with with ADP _005195566 476 24 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005195566 476 25 — — PUNCT _005195566 476 26 yet yet ADV _005195566 476 27 filled fill VERB _005195566 476 28 with with ADP _005195566 476 29 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005195566 476 30 to to ADP _005195566 476 31 god god PROPN _005195566 476 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 477 1 for for ADP _005195566 477 2 they they PRON _005195566 477 3 knew know VERB _005195566 477 4 that that SCONJ _005195566 477 5 he he PRON _005195566 477 6 had have AUX _005195566 477 7 tried try VERB _005195566 477 8 to to PART _005195566 477 9 prepare prepare VERB _005195566 477 10 for for ADP _005195566 477 11 death death NOUN _005195566 477 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 477 13 and and CCONJ _005195566 477 14 they they PRON _005195566 477 15 felt feel VERB _005195566 477 16 that that SCONJ _005195566 477 17 he he PRON _005195566 477 18 had have AUX _005195566 477 19 passed pass VERB _005195566 477 20 to to ADP _005195566 477 21 a a DET _005195566 477 22 better well ADJ _005195566 477 23 world world NOUN _005195566 477 24 . . PUNCT _005195566 478 1 then then ADV _005195566 478 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 478 3 as as SCONJ _005195566 478 4 he he PRON _005195566 478 5 breathed breathe VERB _005195566 478 6 a a DET _005195566 478 7 petition petition NOUN _005195566 478 8 that that PRON _005195566 478 9 all all DET _005195566 478 10 present present ADJ _005195566 478 11 might might AUX _005195566 478 12 die die VERB _005195566 478 13 the the DET _005195566 478 14 death death NOUN _005195566 478 15 of of ADP _005195566 478 16 the the DET _005195566 478 17 just just ADJ _005195566 478 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 478 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 478 20 that that SCONJ _005195566 478 21 their their PRON _005195566 478 22 last last ADJ _005195566 478 23 end end NOUN _005195566 478 24 might might AUX _005195566 478 25 be be AUX _005195566 478 26 like like ADP _005195566 478 27 his his PRON _005195566 478 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 478 29 the the DET _005195566 478 30 priest priest NOUN _005195566 478 31 turned turn VERB _005195566 478 32 towards towards ADP _005195566 478 33 the the DET _005195566 478 34 widow widow NOUN _005195566 478 35 and and CCONJ _005195566 478 36 the the DET _005195566 478 37 orphans orphan NOUN _005195566 478 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 478 39 offered offer VERB _005195566 478 40 what what PRON _005195566 478 41 feeble feeble ADJ _005195566 478 42 consolation consolation NOUN _005195566 478 43 was be AUX _005195566 478 44 in in ADP _005195566 478 45 his his PRON _005195566 478 46 power power NOUN _005195566 478 47 , , PUNCT _005195566 478 48 and and CCONJ _005195566 478 49 left leave VERB _005195566 478 50 them they PRON _005195566 478 51 alone alone ADJ _005195566 478 52 with with ADP _005195566 478 53 the the DET _005195566 478 54 dead dead ADJ _005195566 478 55 — — PUNCT _005195566 478 56 for for ADP _005195566 478 57 in in ADP _005195566 478 58 those those DET _005195566 478 59 moments moment NOUN _005195566 478 60 , , PUNCT _005195566 478 61 when when SCONJ _005195566 478 62 the the DET _005195566 478 63 heart heart NOUN _005195566 478 64 is be AUX _005195566 478 65 too too ADV _005195566 478 66 full full ADJ _005195566 478 67 to to PART _005195566 478 68 speak speak VERB _005195566 478 69 , , PUNCT _005195566 478 70 nature nature NOUN _005195566 478 71 speaks speak VERB _005195566 478 72 in in ADP _005195566 478 73 all all DET _005195566 478 74 the the DET _005195566 478 75 eloquence eloquence NOUN _005195566 478 76 of of ADP _005195566 478 77 tears tear NOUN _005195566 478 78 . . PUNCT _005195566 479 1 there there PRON _005195566 479 2 are be VERB _005195566 479 3 moments moment NOUN _005195566 479 4 when when SCONJ _005195566 479 5 it it PRON _005195566 479 6 is be AUX _005195566 479 7 sweet sweet ADJ _005195566 479 8 to to PART _005195566 479 9 yield yield VERB _005195566 479 10 to to ADP _005195566 479 11 the the DET _005195566 479 12 feelings feeling NOUN _005195566 479 13 of of ADP _005195566 479 14 sadness sadness NOUN _005195566 479 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 479 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 479 17 the the DET _005195566 479 18 heart heart NOUN _005195566 479 19 is be AUX _005195566 479 20 relieved relieve VERB _005195566 479 21 by by ADP _005195566 479 22 weeping weep VERB _005195566 479 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 480 1 why why SCONJ _005195566 480 2 then then ADV _005195566 480 3 disturb disturb VERB _005195566 480 4 the the DET _005195566 480 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 480 6 grief grief NOUN _005195566 480 7 a a DET _005195566 480 8 converted converted ADJ _005195566 480 9 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 480 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 481 1 99 99 NUM _005195566 481 2 of of ADP _005195566 481 3 the the DET _005195566 481 4 widowed widow VERB _005195566 481 5 one one NUM _005195566 481 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 481 7 or or CCONJ _005195566 481 8 seek seek VERB _005195566 481 9 to to PART _005195566 481 10 check check VERB _005195566 481 11 the the DET _005195566 481 12 orphan orphan NOUN _005195566 481 13 ’s ’s NOUN _005195566 481 14 tear tear NOUN _005195566 481 15 when when SCONJ _005195566 481 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 481 17 for for ADP _005195566 481 18 the the DET _005195566 481 19 first first ADJ _005195566 481 20 time time NOUN _005195566 481 21 , , PUNCT _005195566 481 22 a a DET _005195566 481 23 sense sense NOUN _005195566 481 24 of of ADP _005195566 481 25 loneliness loneliness NOUN _005195566 481 26 comes come VERB _005195566 481 27 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 481 28 them they PRON _005195566 481 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 481 30 and and CCONJ _005195566 481 31 they they PRON _005195566 481 32 “ " PUNCT _005195566 481 33 will will AUX _005195566 481 34 not not PART _005195566 481 35 be be AUX _005195566 481 36 comforted comfort VERB _005195566 481 37 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 481 38 ” " PUNCT _005195566 482 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 482 2 wept weep VERB _005195566 482 3 at at ADP _005195566 482 4 the the DET _005195566 482 5 tomb tomb NOUN _005195566 482 6 of of ADP _005195566 482 7 lazarus lazarus PROPN _005195566 482 8 — — PUNCT _005195566 482 9 why why SCONJ _005195566 482 10 may may AUX _005195566 482 11 we we PRON _005195566 482 12 not not PART _005195566 482 13 weep weep VERB _005195566 482 14 at at ADP _005195566 482 15 a a DET _005195566 482 16 parent parent NOUN _005195566 482 17 ’s ’s PART _005195566 482 18 grave grave NOUN _005195566 482 19 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 483 1 on on ADP _005195566 483 2 saturday saturday PROPN _005195566 483 3 june june PROPN _005195566 483 4 — — PUNCT _005195566 483 5 the the DET _005195566 483 6 funeral funeral NOUN _005195566 483 7 obsequies obsequie NOUN _005195566 483 8 were be AUX _005195566 483 9 performed perform VERB _005195566 483 10 in in ADP _005195566 483 11 the the DET _005195566 483 12 church church NOUN _005195566 483 13 of of ADP _005195566 483 14 saint saint PROPN _005195566 483 15 mary mary PROPN _005195566 483 16 ’s ’s NUM _005195566 483 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 483 18 in in ADP _005195566 483 19 alexandria alexandria PROPN _005195566 483 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 483 21 in in ADP _005195566 483 22 presence presence NOUN _005195566 483 23 of of ADP _005195566 483 24 an an DET _005195566 483 25 immense immense ADJ _005195566 483 26 concourse concourse NOUN _005195566 483 27 of of ADP _005195566 483 28 witnesses witness NOUN _005195566 483 29 . . PUNCT _005195566 484 1 the the DET _005195566 484 2 church church NOUN _005195566 484 3 was be AUX _005195566 484 4 crowded crowd VERB _005195566 484 5 by by ADP _005195566 484 6 persons person NOUN _005195566 484 7 of of ADP _005195566 484 8 all all DET _005195566 484 9 denominations denomination NOUN _005195566 484 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 484 11 anxious anxious ADJ _005195566 484 12 to to PART _005195566 484 13 hear hear VERB _005195566 484 14 something something PRON _005195566 484 15 relative relative ADJ _005195566 484 16 to to ADP _005195566 484 17 the the DET _005195566 484 18 facts fact NOUN _005195566 484 19 of of ADP _005195566 484 20 his his PRON _005195566 484 21 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 484 22 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 484 23 and and CCONJ _005195566 484 24 no no DET _005195566 484 25 few few ADJ _005195566 484 26 among among ADP _005195566 484 27 them they PRON _005195566 484 28 had have AUX _005195566 484 29 come come VERB _005195566 484 30 from from ADP _005195566 484 31 washington washington PROPN _005195566 484 32 with with ADP _005195566 484 33 the the DET _005195566 484 34 same same ADJ _005195566 484 35 views view NOUN _005195566 484 36 . . PUNCT _005195566 485 1 some some PRON _005195566 485 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 485 3 doubtless doubtless NOUN _005195566 485 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 485 5 were be AUX _005195566 485 6 then then ADV _005195566 485 7 present present ADJ _005195566 485 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 485 9 who who PRON _005195566 485 10 disbelieved disbelieve VERB _005195566 485 11 the the DET _005195566 485 12 100 100 NUM _005195566 485 13 the the DET _005195566 485 14 last last ADJ _005195566 485 15 moments moment NOUN _005195566 485 16 of of ADP _005195566 485 17 whole whole ADJ _005195566 485 18 affair affair NOUN _005195566 485 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 485 20 or or CCONJ _005195566 485 21 professed profess VERB _005195566 485 22 to to PART _005195566 485 23 think think VERB _005195566 485 24 that that SCONJ _005195566 485 25 it it PRON _005195566 485 26 was be AUX _005195566 485 27 but but CCONJ _005195566 485 28 a a DET _005195566 485 29 fiction fiction NOUN _005195566 485 30 raised raise VERB _005195566 485 31 by by ADP _005195566 485 32 the the DET _005195566 485 33 family family NOUN _005195566 485 34 and and CCONJ _005195566 485 35 friends friend NOUN _005195566 485 36 of of ADP _005195566 485 37 the the DET _005195566 485 38 deceased deceased ADJ _005195566 485 39 . . PUNCT _005195566 486 1 with with ADP _005195566 486 2 such such ADJ _005195566 486 3 it it PRON _005195566 486 4 was be AUX _005195566 486 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 486 6 is be AUX _005195566 486 7 entirely entirely ADV _005195566 486 8 useless useless ADJ _005195566 486 9 to to PART _005195566 486 10 speak speak VERB _005195566 486 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 486 12 for for SCONJ _005195566 486 13 they they PRON _005195566 486 14 would would AUX _005195566 486 15 not not PART _005195566 486 16 believe believe VERB _005195566 486 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 486 18 even even ADV _005195566 486 19 though though SCONJ _005195566 486 20 one one NUM _005195566 486 21 were be AUX _005195566 486 22 to to PART _005195566 486 23 rise rise VERB _005195566 486 24 from from ADP _005195566 486 25 the the DET _005195566 486 26 dead dead ADJ _005195566 486 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 486 28 proclaim proclaim VERB _005195566 486 29 the the DET _005195566 486 30 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005195566 486 31 fact fact NOUN _005195566 486 32 . . PUNCT _005195566 487 1 they they PRON _005195566 487 2 would would AUX _005195566 487 3 even even ADV _005195566 487 4 doubt doubt VERB _005195566 487 5 their their PRON _005195566 487 6 own own ADJ _005195566 487 7 existence existence NOUN _005195566 487 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 487 9 were be AUX _005195566 487 10 it it PRON _005195566 487 11 not not PART _005195566 487 12 they they PRON _005195566 487 13 would would AUX _005195566 487 14 expose expose VERB _005195566 487 15 themselves themselves PRON _005195566 487 16 to to ADP _005195566 487 17 the the DET _005195566 487 18 ridicule ridicule NOUN _005195566 487 19 of of ADP _005195566 487 20 others other NOUN _005195566 487 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 488 1 the the DET _005195566 488 2 miracles miracle NOUN _005195566 488 3 of of ADP _005195566 488 4 christ christ PROPN _005195566 488 5 failed fail VERB _005195566 488 6 to to PART _005195566 488 7 convince convince VERB _005195566 488 8 many many ADJ _005195566 488 9 of of ADP _005195566 488 10 i-&is i-&is PRON _005195566 488 11 hearers hearer NOUN _005195566 488 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 488 13 why why SCONJ _005195566 488 14 then then ADV _005195566 488 15 wonder wonder VERB _005195566 488 16 that that SCONJ _005195566 488 17 there there PRON _005195566 488 18 are be VERB _005195566 488 19 found find VERB _005195566 488 20 minds mind NOUN _005195566 488 21 so so ADV _005195566 488 22 obstinately obstinately ADV _005195566 488 23 prejudiced prejudiced ADJ _005195566 488 24 as as SCONJ _005195566 488 25 to to PART _005195566 488 26 reject reject VERB _005195566 488 27 this this PRON _005195566 488 28 so so ADV _005195566 488 29 public public ADJ _005195566 488 30 a a DET _005195566 488 31 fact fact NOUN _005195566 488 32 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 489 1 every every DET _005195566 489 2 one one NOUN _005195566 489 3 capable capable ADJ _005195566 489 4 of of ADP _005195566 489 5 appreciating appreciate VERB _005195566 489 6 the the DET _005195566 489 7 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005195566 489 8 ways way NOUN _005195566 489 9 of of ADP _005195566 489 10 god god PROPN _005195566 489 11 will will AUX _005195566 489 12 at at ADP _005195566 489 13 least least ADJ _005195566 489 14 enquire enquire VERB _005195566 489 15 into into ADP _005195566 489 16 the the DET _005195566 489 17 facts fact NOUN _005195566 489 18 of of ADP _005195566 489 19 ( ( PUNCT _005195566 489 20 he he PRON _005195566 489 21 case case NOUN _005195566 489 22 bea bea VERB _005195566 489 23 converted converted ADJ _005195566 489 24 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 489 25 . . PUNCT _005195566 490 1 101 101 NUM _005195566 490 2 fore fore NOUN _005195566 490 3 rejecting reject VERB _005195566 490 4 what what PRON _005195566 490 5 may may AUX _005195566 490 6 at at ADP _005195566 490 7 first first ADV _005195566 490 8 appear appear VERB _005195566 490 9 incredible incredible ADJ _005195566 490 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 491 1 in in ADP _005195566 491 2 the the DET _005195566 491 3 funerah funerah PROPN _005195566 491 4 sefrmon sefrmon PROPN _005195566 491 5 the the DET _005195566 491 6 officiating officiate VERB _005195566 491 7 clergyman clergyman NOUN _005195566 491 8 seated seat VERB _005195566 491 9 the the DET _005195566 491 10 principal principal ADJ _005195566 491 11 facts fact NOUN _005195566 491 12 enumerated enumerate VERB _005195566 491 13 in in ADP _005195566 491 14 the the DET _005195566 491 15 foregoing forego VERB _005195566 491 16 pages page NOUN _005195566 491 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 491 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 491 19 dwelt dwelt VERB _005195566 491 20 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 491 21 the the DET _005195566 491 22 mysterious mysterious ADJ _005195566 491 23 providence providence NOUN _005195566 491 24 of of ADP _005195566 491 25 god god PROPN _005195566 491 26 . . PUNCT _005195566 492 1 then then ADV _005195566 492 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 492 3 preceding precede VERB _005195566 492 4 me i PRON _005195566 492 5 funeral funeral ADJ _005195566 492 6 train train NOUN _005195566 492 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 492 8 he he PRON _005195566 492 9 led lead VERB _005195566 492 10 the the DET _005195566 492 11 way way NOUN _005195566 492 12 tqrthat tqrthat PRON _005195566 492 13 last last ADJ _005195566 492 14 resting rest VERB _005195566 492 15 place place NOUN _005195566 492 16 of of ADP _005195566 492 17 mortality/ mortality/ NUM _005195566 492 18 where where SCONJ _005195566 492 19 undisturbed undisturbed ADJ _005195566 492 20 the the DET _005195566 492 21 slumberel slumberel NOUN _005195566 492 22 reposes repose VERB _005195566 492 23 in in ADP _005195566 492 24 the the DET _005195566 492 25 dreamless dreamless NOUN _005195566 492 26 sleep sleep NOUN _005195566 492 27 of of ADP _005195566 492 28 ideath ideath NOUN _005195566 492 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 492 30 till till SCONJ _005195566 492 31 the the DET _005195566 492 32 archangel archangel NOUN _005195566 492 33 ’s ’s PART _005195566 492 34 trump trump NOUN _005195566 492 35 shall shall AUX _005195566 492 36 call call VERB _005195566 492 37 the the DET _005195566 492 38 worldyco worldyco ADJ _005195566 492 39 judgment judgment NOUN _005195566 492 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 493 1 so so ADV _005195566 493 2 lived live VERB _005195566 493 3 and and CCONJ _005195566 493 4 died die VERB _005195566 493 5 tjsfe tjsfe PROPN _005195566 493 6 subject subject NOUN _005195566 493 7 of of ADP _005195566 493 8 this this DET _005195566 493 9 narrative narrative NOUN _005195566 493 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 493 11 such such ADJ _005195566 493 12 j#ere j#ere ADP _005195566 493 13 the the DET _005195566 493 14 principal principal ADJ _005195566 493 15 events event NOUN _005195566 493 16 connected connect VERB _005195566 493 17 with with ADP _005195566 493 18 his his PRON _005195566 493 19 truly truly ADV _005195566 493 20 remarkable remarkable ADJ _005195566 493 21 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 493 22 — — PUNCT _005195566 493 23 who who PRON _005195566 493 24 can can AUX _005195566 493 25 reflect reflect VERB _005195566 493 26 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 493 27 them they PRON _005195566 493 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 493 29 and and CCONJ _005195566 493 30 not not PART _005195566 493 31 give give VERB _005195566 493 32 thanks thank NOUN _005195566 493 33 to to ADP _005195566 493 34 that that DET _005195566 493 35 father father NOUN _005195566 493 36 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 493 37 of of ADP _005195566 493 38 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 493 39 whose whose DET _005195566 493 40 j j NOUN _005195566 493 41 102 102 NUM _005195566 493 42 the the DET _005195566 493 43 last last ADJ _005195566 493 44 moments moment NOUN _005195566 493 45 of of ADP _005195566 493 46 kindness kindness NOUN _005195566 493 47 knoweth knoweth PROPN _005195566 493 48 no no DET _005195566 493 49 bounds bound NOUN _005195566 493 50 , , PUNCT _005195566 493 51 and and CCONJ _005195566 493 52 whose whose DET _005195566 493 53 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 493 54 is be AUX _005195566 493 55 unto unto ADP _005195566 493 56 everlasting everlasting ADJ _005195566 493 57 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 494 1 who who PRON _005195566 494 2 is be AUX _005195566 494 3 like like ADP _005195566 494 4 to to ADP _005195566 494 5 the the DET _005195566 494 6 lord lord PROPN _005195566 494 7 our our PRON _005195566 494 8 god god PROPN _005195566 494 9 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 495 1 how how SCONJ _005195566 495 2 incomprehensible incomprehensible ADJ _005195566 495 3 are be AUX _005195566 495 4 this this DET _005195566 495 5 judgments judgment NOUN _005195566 495 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 495 7 how how SCONJ _005195566 495 8 unsearchable unsearchable ADJ _005195566 495 9 his his PRON _005195566 495 10 ways way NOUN _005195566 495 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 496 1 every every PRON _005195566 496 2 created create VERB _005195566 496 3 being being NOUN _005195566 496 4 proclaims proclaim VERB _005195566 496 5 his his PRON _005195566 496 6 power power NOUN _005195566 496 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 496 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 496 9 u u PROPN _005195566 496 10 day day NOUN _005195566 496 11 discovereth discovereth PROPN _005195566 496 12 the the DET _005195566 496 13 light light NOUN _005195566 496 14 of of ADP _005195566 496 15 him he PRON _005195566 496 16 to to ADP _005195566 496 17 the the DET _005195566 496 18 day day NOUN _005195566 496 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 496 20 ” " PUNCT _005195566 497 1 by by ADP _005195566 497 2 a a DET _005195566 497 3 special special ADJ _005195566 497 4 mark mark NOUN _005195566 497 5 of of ADP _005195566 497 6 his his PRON _005195566 497 7 protecting protect VERB _005195566 497 8 care care NOUN _005195566 497 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 497 10 some some PRON _005195566 497 11 are be AUX _005195566 497 12 preserved preserve VERB _005195566 497 13 in in ADP _005195566 497 14 innocence innocence NOUN _005195566 497 15 from from ADP _005195566 497 16 early early ADJ _005195566 497 17 life life NOUN _005195566 497 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 497 19 grow grow VERB _005195566 497 20 to to ADP _005195566 497 21 maturity maturity NOUN _005195566 497 22 with with ADP _005195566 497 23 all all DET _005195566 497 24 the the DET _005195566 497 25 virtue virtue NOUN _005195566 497 26 of of ADP _005195566 497 27 their their PRON _005195566 497 28 youth youth NOUN _005195566 497 29 — — PUNCT _005195566 497 30 others other NOUN _005195566 497 31 are be AUX _005195566 497 32 cut cut VERB _005195566 497 33 off off ADP _005195566 497 34 in in ADP _005195566 497 35 the the DET _005195566 497 36 midst midst NOUN _005195566 497 37 of of ADP _005195566 497 38 their their PRON _005195566 497 39 sins sin NOUN _005195566 497 40 , , PUNCT _005195566 497 41 and and CCONJ _005195566 497 42 ere ere VERB _005195566 497 43 a a DET _005195566 497 44 moment moment NOUN _005195566 497 45 is be AUX _005195566 497 46 given give VERB _005195566 497 47 them they PRON _005195566 497 48 to to PART _005195566 497 49 sue sue VERB _005195566 497 50 for for ADP _005195566 497 51 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 497 52 they they PRON _005195566 497 53 are be AUX _005195566 497 54 ushered usher VERB _005195566 497 55 into into ADP _005195566 497 56 the the DET _005195566 497 57 presence presence NOUN _005195566 497 58 of of ADP _005195566 497 59 their their PRON _005195566 497 60 god god PROPN _005195566 497 61 . . PUNCT _005195566 498 1 no no DET _005195566 498 2 few few ADJ _005195566 498 3 are be AUX _005195566 498 4 hurried hurry VERB _005195566 498 5 away away ADV _005195566 498 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 498 7 even even ADV _005195566 498 8 after after ADP _005195566 498 9 the the DET _005195566 498 10 commission commission NOUN _005195566 498 11 of of ADP _005195566 498 12 their their PRON _005195566 498 13 first first ADJ _005195566 498 14 and and CCONJ _005195566 498 15 only only ADV _005195566 498 16 mortal mortal ADJ _005195566 498 17 sin sin NOUN _005195566 498 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 498 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 498 20 without without ADP _005195566 498 21 the the DET _005195566 498 22 grace grace NOUN _005195566 498 23 of of ADP _005195566 498 24 the the DET _005195566 498 25 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195566 498 26 — — PUNCT _005195566 498 27 without without ADP _005195566 498 28 contrition contrition NOUN _005195566 498 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 498 30 a a DET _005195566 498 31 converted converted ADJ _005195566 498 32 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 498 33 . . PUNCT _005195566 499 1 103 103 NUM _005195566 499 2 without without ADP _005195566 499 3 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 499 4 they they PRON _005195566 499 5 are be AUX _005195566 499 6 ushered usher VERB _005195566 499 7 into into ADP _005195566 499 8 the the DET _005195566 499 9 presence presence NOUN _005195566 499 10 of of ADP _005195566 499 11 their their PRON _005195566 499 12 sovereign sovereign ADJ _005195566 499 13 judge judge NOUN _005195566 499 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 499 15 while while SCONJ _005195566 499 16 others other NOUN _005195566 499 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 499 18 as as ADP _005195566 499 19 in in ADP _005195566 499 20 the the DET _005195566 499 21 case case NOUN _005195566 499 22 of of ADP _005195566 499 23 mr mr PROPN _005195566 499 24 . . PROPN _005195566 499 25 mfigxaw mfigxaw PROPN _005195566 499 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 499 27 who who PRON _005195566 499 28 live live VERB _005195566 499 29 in in ADP _005195566 499 30 open open ADJ _005195566 499 31 rebellion rebellion NOUN _005195566 499 32 against against ADP _005195566 499 33 the the DET _005195566 499 34 almighty almighty NOUN _005195566 499 35 are be AUX _005195566 499 36 visited visit VERB _005195566 499 37 , , PUNCT _005195566 499 38 even even ADV _005195566 499 39 in in ADP _005195566 499 40 their their PRON _005195566 499 41 last last ADJ _005195566 499 42 moments moment NOUN _005195566 499 43 , , PUNCT _005195566 499 44 by by ADP _005195566 499 45 the the DET _005195566 499 46 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 499 47 of of ADP _005195566 499 48 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 499 49 . . PUNCT _005195566 500 1 wondrous wondrous ADJ _005195566 500 2 are be AUX _005195566 500 3 thy thy PRON _005195566 500 4 ways way NOUN _005195566 500 5 , , PUNCT _005195566 500 6 0 0 NUM _005195566 500 7 god god PROPN _005195566 500 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 500 9 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 501 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 501 2 who who PRON _005195566 501 3 shall shall AUX _005195566 501 4 explain explain VERB _005195566 501 5 them they PRON _005195566 501 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 502 1 who who PRON _005195566 502 2 then then ADV _005195566 502 3 shall shall AUX _005195566 502 4 doubt doubt VERB _005195566 502 5 of of ADP _005195566 502 6 the the DET _005195566 502 7 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 502 8 of of ADP _005195566 502 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 502 10 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 503 1 or or CCONJ _005195566 503 2 who who PRON _005195566 503 3 shall shall AUX _005195566 503 4 say say VERB _005195566 503 5 there there PRON _005195566 503 6 is be VERB _005195566 503 7 no no DET _005195566 503 8 room room NOUN _005195566 503 9 for for ADP _005195566 503 10 pardon pardon PROPN _005195566 503 11 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 504 1 the the DET _005195566 504 2 simple simple ADJ _005195566 504 3 narrative narrative NOUN _005195566 504 4 in in ADP _005195566 504 5 the the DET _005195566 504 6 preceding precede VERB _005195566 504 7 pages page NOUN _005195566 504 8 inspires inspire VERB _005195566 504 9 a a DET _005195566 504 10 three three NUM _005195566 504 11 fold fold ADJ _005195566 504 12 reflection reflection NOUN _005195566 504 13 . . PUNCT _005195566 505 1 trust trust NOUN _005195566 505 2 in in ADP _005195566 505 3 god god PROPN _005195566 505 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 505 5 charity charity NOUN _005195566 505 6 for for ADP _005195566 505 7 others other NOUN _005195566 505 8 , , PUNCT _005195566 505 9 and and CCONJ _005195566 505 10 a a DET _005195566 505 11 tender tender ADJ _005195566 505 12 devotion devotion NOUN _005195566 505 13 to to ADP _005195566 505 14 the the DET _005195566 505 15 blessed bless VERB _005195566 505 16 virgin virgin NOUN _005195566 505 17 . . PUNCT _005195566 506 1 see see VERB _005195566 506 2 how how SCONJ _005195566 506 3 good good ADJ _005195566 506 4 the the DET _005195566 506 5 almighty almighty NOUN _005195566 506 6 was be AUX _005195566 506 7 to to ADP _005195566 506 8 our our PRON _005195566 506 9 convert convert NOUN _005195566 506 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 506 11 from from ADP _005195566 506 12 his his PRON _005195566 506 13 throne throne NOUN _005195566 506 14 in in ADP _005195566 506 15 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 506 16 he he PRON _005195566 506 17 looked look VERB _005195566 506 18 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 506 19 him he PRON _005195566 506 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 506 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 506 22 manifested manifest VERB _005195566 506 23 his his PRON _005195566 506 24 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 506 25 by by ADP _005195566 506 26 changing change VERB _005195566 506 27 this this DET _005195566 506 28 heart heart NOUN _005195566 506 29 of of ADP _005195566 506 30 stone stone NOUN _005195566 506 31 104 104 NUM _005195566 506 32 the the DET _005195566 506 33 last last ADJ _005195566 506 34 moments moment NOUN _005195566 506 35 of of ADP _005195566 506 36 into into ADP _005195566 506 37 one one NUM _005195566 506 38 of of ADP _005195566 506 39 flesh flesh NOUN _005195566 506 40 . . PUNCT _005195566 507 1 he he PRON _005195566 507 2 who who PRON _005195566 507 3 had have AUX _005195566 507 4 so so ADV _005195566 507 5 long long ADV _005195566 507 6 waited wait VERB _005195566 507 7 the the DET _005195566 507 8 return return NOUN _005195566 507 9 of of ADP _005195566 507 10 this this DET _005195566 507 11 unguided unguided ADJ _005195566 507 12 absolom absolom NOUN _005195566 507 13 comes come VERB _005195566 507 14 in in ADP _005195566 507 15 search search NOUN _005195566 507 16 of of ADP _005195566 507 17 him he PRON _005195566 507 18 — — PUNCT _005195566 507 19 great great ADJ _005195566 507 20 had have AUX _005195566 507 21 been be AUX _005195566 507 22 his his PRON _005195566 507 23 errors error NOUN _005195566 507 24 — — PUNCT _005195566 507 25 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 507 26 the the DET _005195566 507 27 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 507 28 of of ADP _005195566 507 29 god god PROPN _005195566 507 30 was be AUX _005195566 507 31 greater great ADJ _005195566 507 32 — — PUNCT _005195566 507 33 numerous numerous ADJ _005195566 507 34 his his PRON _005195566 507 35 sins sin NOUN _005195566 507 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 507 37 yet yet CCONJ _005195566 507 38 still still ADV _005195566 507 39 more more ADV _005195566 507 40 the the DET _005195566 507 41 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 507 42 of of ADP _005195566 507 43 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 507 44 . . PUNCT _005195566 508 1 long long ADV _005195566 508 2 had have AUX _005195566 508 3 he he PRON _005195566 508 4 resisted resist VERB _005195566 508 5 the the DET _005195566 508 6 graces grace NOUN _005195566 508 7 proffered proffer VERB _005195566 508 8 him he PRON _005195566 508 9 — — PUNCT _005195566 508 10 the the DET _005195566 508 11 entreaties entreaty NOUN _005195566 508 12 of of ADP _005195566 508 13 friends friend NOUN _005195566 508 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 508 15 the the DET _005195566 508 16 prayers prayer NOUN _005195566 508 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 508 18 good good ADJ _005195566 508 19 examples example NOUN _005195566 508 20 of of ADP _005195566 508 21 his his PRON _005195566 508 22 pious pious ADJ _005195566 508 23 family family NOUN _005195566 508 24 , , PUNCT _005195566 508 25 and and CCONJ _005195566 508 26 the the DET _005195566 508 27 many many ADJ _005195566 508 28 inducements inducement NOUN _005195566 508 29 within within ADP _005195566 508 30 and and CCONJ _005195566 508 31 around around ADP _005195566 508 32 him he PRON _005195566 508 33 to to PART _005195566 508 34 know know VERB _005195566 508 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 508 36 to to PART _005195566 508 37 love love VERB _005195566 508 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 508 39 and and CCONJ _005195566 508 40 to to PART _005195566 508 41 serve serve VERB _005195566 508 42 his his PRON _005195566 508 43 god god PROPN _005195566 508 44 — — PUNCT _005195566 508 45 hope hope PROPN _005195566 508 46 seemed seem VERB _005195566 508 47 lost lose VERB _005195566 508 48 , , PUNCT _005195566 508 49 and and CCONJ _005195566 508 50 the the DET _005195566 508 51 most most ADV _005195566 508 52 sanguine sanguine ADJ _005195566 508 53 among among ADP _005195566 508 54 his his PRON _005195566 508 55 friends friend NOUN _005195566 508 56 had have AUX _005195566 508 57 ceased cease VERB _005195566 508 58 to to PART _005195566 508 59 anticipate anticipate VERB _005195566 508 60 a a DET _005195566 508 61 change change NOUN _005195566 508 62 — — PUNCT _005195566 508 63 yet yet ADV _005195566 508 64 , , PUNCT _005195566 508 65 glory glory NOUN _005195566 508 66 be be AUX _005195566 508 67 to to ADP _005195566 508 68 god god PROPN _005195566 508 69 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 509 1 that that PRON _005195566 509 2 change change NOUN _005195566 509 3 camep'xake camep'xake VERB _005195566 509 4 the the DET _005195566 509 5 lightning lightning NOUN _005195566 509 6 flash flash NOUN _005195566 509 7 from from ADP _005195566 509 8 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 509 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 509 10 the the DET _005195566 509 11 truth truth NOUN _005195566 509 12 of of ADP _005195566 509 13 god god PROPN _005195566 509 14 broke break VERB _005195566 509 15 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 509 16 him he PRON _005195566 509 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 509 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 509 19 the the DET _005195566 509 20 walls wall NOUN _005195566 509 21 of of ADP _005195566 509 22 error error NOUN _005195566 509 23 crumbled crumble VERB _005195566 509 24 at at ADP _005195566 509 25 the the DET _005195566 509 26 sound sound NOUN _005195566 509 27 a a DET _005195566 509 28 converted converted ADJ _005195566 509 29 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 509 30 . . PUNCT _005195566 510 1 105 105 NUM _005195566 510 2 of of ADP _005195566 510 3 the the DET _005195566 510 4 trumpet trumpet NOUN _005195566 510 5 of of ADP _005195566 510 6 truth truth NOUN _005195566 510 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 510 8 the the DET _005195566 510 9 beauties beauty NOUN _005195566 510 10 of of ADP _005195566 510 11 religion religion NOUN _005195566 510 12 were be AUX _005195566 510 13 made make VERB _005195566 510 14 manifest manifest ADJ _005195566 510 15 to to ADP _005195566 510 16 him he PRON _005195566 510 17 — — PUNCT _005195566 510 18 a a DET _005195566 510 19 luminous luminous ADJ _005195566 510 20 eternity eternity NOUN _005195566 510 21 was be AUX _005195566 510 22 opened open VERB _005195566 510 23 to to ADP _005195566 510 24 his his PRON _005195566 510 25 view view NOUN _005195566 510 26 , , PUNCT _005195566 510 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 510 28 he he PRON _005195566 510 29 was be AUX _005195566 510 30 a a DET _005195566 510 31 christian christian NOUN _005195566 510 32 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 511 1 with with ADP _005195566 511 2 what what DET _005195566 511 3 confidence confidence NOUN _005195566 511 4 in in ADP _005195566 511 5 the the DET _005195566 511 6 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 511 7 of of ADP _005195566 511 8 god god PROPN _005195566 511 9 should should AUX _005195566 511 10 not not PART _005195566 511 11 this this PRON _005195566 511 12 inspire inspire VERB _005195566 511 13 us we PRON _005195566 511 14 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 512 1 no no DET _005195566 512 2 sins sin NOUN _005195566 512 3 are be AUX _005195566 512 4 too too ADV _005195566 512 5 dark dark ADJ _005195566 512 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 512 7 no no DET _005195566 512 8 guilt guilt NOUN _005195566 512 9 too too ADV _005195566 512 10 heinous heinous ADJ _005195566 512 11 — — PUNCT _005195566 512 12 no no DET _005195566 512 13 crime crime NOUN _005195566 512 14 too too ADV _005195566 512 15 great great ADJ _005195566 512 16 for for ADP _005195566 512 17 the the DET _005195566 512 18 mercies mercy NOUN _005195566 512 19 of of ADP _005195566 512 20 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 512 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 513 1 in in ADP _005195566 513 2 a a DET _005195566 513 3 moment moment NOUN _005195566 513 4 when when SCONJ _005195566 513 5 we we PRON _005195566 513 6 least least ADV _005195566 513 7 expect expect VERB _005195566 513 8 it it PRON _005195566 513 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 513 10 the the DET _005195566 513 11 time time NOUN _005195566 513 12 of of ADP _005195566 513 13 visitation visitation NOUN _005195566 513 14 may may AUX _005195566 513 15 come come VERB _005195566 513 16 , , PUNCT _005195566 513 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 513 18 the the DET _005195566 513 19 sinner sinner NOUN _005195566 513 20 become become VERB _005195566 513 21 a a DET _005195566 513 22 saint saint NOUN _005195566 513 23 . . PUNCT _005195566 514 1 if if SCONJ _005195566 514 2 we we PRON _005195566 514 3 admire admire VERB _005195566 514 4 the the DET _005195566 514 5 goodness goodness NOUN _005195566 514 6 of of ADP _005195566 514 7 god god PROPN _005195566 514 8 hi hi INTJ _005195566 514 9 the the DET _005195566 514 10 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 514 11 of of ADP _005195566 514 12 mr mr PROPN _005195566 514 13 . . PROPN _005195566 514 14 ^jkteg'raw ^jkteg'raw PROPN _005195566 514 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 514 16 let let VERB _005195566 514 17 us we PRON _005195566 514 18 strive strive VERB _005195566 514 19 to to PART _005195566 514 20 imitate imitate VERB _005195566 514 21 as as ADV _005195566 514 22 far far ADV _005195566 514 23 as as SCONJ _005195566 514 24 is be AUX _005195566 514 25 in in ADP _005195566 514 26 our our PRON _005195566 514 27 power power NOUN _005195566 514 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 514 29 that that SCONJ _005195566 514 30 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 514 31 towards towards ADP _005195566 514 32 each each DET _005195566 514 33 other other ADJ _005195566 514 34 — — PUNCT _005195566 514 35 let let VERB _005195566 514 36 us we PRON _005195566 514 37 b^patient b^patient ADJ _005195566 514 38 and and CCONJ _005195566 514 39 charitable charitable ADJ _005195566 514 40 one one NUM _005195566 514 41 to to ADP _005195566 514 42 anome?^thm£ing anome?^thm£e VERB _005195566 514 43 no no DET _005195566 514 44 evil evil NOUN _005195566 514 45 — — PUNCT _005195566 514 46 desiring desire VERB _005195566 514 47 not not PART _005195566 514 48 revenge^out revenge^out NOUN _005195566 514 49 rather rather ADV _005195566 514 50 to to PART _005195566 514 51 be be AUX _005195566 514 52 kind kind ADJ _005195566 514 53 to to ADV _005195566 514 54 all all PRON _005195566 514 55 . . PUNCT _005195566 515 1 he he PRON _005195566 515 2 worn wear VERB _005195566 515 3 we we PRON _005195566 515 4 may may AUX _005195566 515 5 106 106 NUM _005195566 515 6 the the DET _005195566 515 7 last last ADJ _005195566 515 8 moments moment NOUN _005195566 515 9 of of AUX _005195566 515 10 consider consider VERB _005195566 515 11 a a DET _005195566 515 12 dhild dhild NOUN _005195566 515 13 of of ADP _005195566 515 14 wrath wrath NOUN _005195566 515 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 515 16 may may AUX _005195566 515 17 be be AUX _005195566 515 18 near near ADJ _005195566 515 19 to to ADP _005195566 515 20 his his PRON _005195566 515 21 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 515 22 — — PUNCT _005195566 515 23 he he PRON _005195566 515 24 whom whom PRON _005195566 515 25 we we PRON _005195566 515 26 despise despise VERB _005195566 515 27 and and CCONJ _005195566 515 28 shun shun PROPN _005195566 515 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 515 30 may may AUX _005195566 515 31 yet yet ADV _005195566 515 32 become become VERB _005195566 515 33 a a DET _005195566 515 34 child child NOUN _005195566 515 35 of of ADP _005195566 515 36 benediction benediction NOUN _005195566 515 37 . . PUNCT _005195566 516 1 let let VERB _005195566 516 2 us we PRON _005195566 516 3 then then ADV _005195566 516 4 be be AUX _005195566 516 5 charitable charitable ADJ _005195566 516 6 even even ADV _005195566 516 7 as as SCONJ _005195566 516 8 god god PROPN _005195566 516 9 our our PRON _005195566 516 10 father father NOUN _005195566 516 11 is be AUX _005195566 516 12 charitable charitable ADJ _005195566 516 13 — — PUNCT _005195566 516 14 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 516 15 bears bear VERB _005195566 516 16 with with ADP _005195566 516 17 his his PRON _005195566 516 18 errors error NOUN _005195566 516 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 516 20 spares spare VERB _005195566 516 21 him he PRON _005195566 516 22 in in ADP _005195566 516 23 all all PRON _005195566 516 24 his his PRON _005195566 516 25 wanderings-—why wanderings-—why PROPN _005195566 516 26 should should AUX _005195566 516 27 we we PRON _005195566 516 28 usurp usurp VERB _005195566 516 29 the the DET _005195566 516 30 attributes attribute NOUN _005195566 516 31 of of ADP _005195566 516 32 god god PROPN _005195566 516 33 , , PUNCT _005195566 516 34 and and CCONJ _005195566 516 35 in in ADP _005195566 516 36 our our PRON _005195566 516 37 individual individual ADJ _005195566 516 38 capacities capacity NOUN _005195566 516 39 , , PUNCT _005195566 516 40 condemn condemn VERB _005195566 516 41 what what PRON _005195566 516 42 he he PRON _005195566 516 43 endures endure VERB _005195566 516 44 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 517 1 we we PRON _005195566 517 2 too too ADV _005195566 517 3 have have VERB _005195566 517 4 our our PRON _005195566 517 5 faults fault NOUN _005195566 517 6 — — PUNCT _005195566 517 7 each each DET _005195566 517 8 one one NOUN _005195566 517 9 has have VERB _005195566 517 10 frailties frailty NOUN _005195566 517 11 at at ADP _005195566 517 12 which which PRON _005195566 517 13 he he PRON _005195566 517 14 sometimes sometimes ADV _005195566 517 15 blushes blush VERB _005195566 517 16 — — PUNCT _005195566 517 17 why why SCONJ _005195566 517 18 then then ADV _005195566 517 19 condemn condemn VERB _005195566 517 20 in in ADP _005195566 517 21 others other NOUN _005195566 517 22 / / PUNCT _005195566 517 23 what what PRON _005195566 517 24 we we PRON _005195566 517 25 indulge indulge VERB _005195566 517 26 in in ADP _005195566 517 27 ourselves ourselves PRON _005195566 517 28 , , PUNCT _005195566 517 29 or or CCONJ _005195566 517 30 why why SCONJ _005195566 517 31 expect expect VERB _005195566 517 32 to to PART _005195566 517 33 find find VERB _005195566 517 34 others other NOUN _005195566 517 35 perfect perfect ADJ _005195566 517 36 , , PUNCT _005195566 517 37 \^hen \^hen PROPN _005195566 517 38 we we PRON _005195566 517 39 ourselves ourselves PRON _005195566 517 40 are be AUX _005195566 517 41 filled fill VERB _005195566 517 42 with with ADP _005195566 517 43 imperfections imperfection NOUN _005195566 517 44 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 518 1 ah ah INTJ _005195566 518 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 518 3 let let VERB _005195566 518 4 us we PRON _005195566 518 5 imitate imitate VERB _005195566 518 6 thfe thfe PROPN _005195566 518 7 charity charity NOUN _005195566 518 8 of of ADP _005195566 518 9 god god PROPN _005195566 518 10 towards towards ADP _005195566 518 11 sinners—^he sinners—^he PROPN _005195566 518 12 loves love VERB _005195566 518 13 this this DET _005195566 518 14 virtue virtue NOUN _005195566 518 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 518 16 it it PRON _005195566 518 17 was be AUX _005195566 518 18 this this DET _005195566 518 19 th^t th^t NOUN _005195566 518 20 brought bring VERB _005195566 518 21 him he PRON _005195566 518 22 down down ADP _005195566 518 23 a a DET _005195566 518 24 converted converted ADJ _005195566 518 25 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 518 26 . . PUNCT _005195566 519 1 107 107 NUM _005195566 519 2 from from ADP _005195566 519 3 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 519 4 — — PUNCT _005195566 519 5 it it PRON _005195566 519 6 was be AUX _005195566 519 7 for for ADP _005195566 519 8 this this PRON _005195566 519 9 he he PRON _005195566 519 10 died die VERB _005195566 519 11 . . PUNCT _005195566 520 1 let let VERB _005195566 520 2 us we PRON _005195566 520 3 , , PUNCT _005195566 520 4 who who PRON _005195566 520 5 are be AUX _005195566 520 6 sinners sinner NOUN _005195566 520 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 520 8 be be AUX _005195566 520 9 to to ADP _005195566 520 10 others other NOUN _005195566 520 11 as as SCONJ _005195566 520 12 we we PRON _005195566 520 13 wish wish VERB _005195566 520 14 our our PRON _005195566 520 15 lord lord PROPN _005195566 520 16 to to PART _005195566 520 17 be be AUX _005195566 520 18 to to ADP _005195566 520 19 us we PRON _005195566 520 20 . . PUNCT _005195566 521 1 “ " PUNCT _005195566 521 2 by by ADP _005195566 521 3 this this DET _005195566 521 4 shjall shjall NOUN _005195566 521 5 alj alj NOUN _005195566 521 6 . . PUNCT _005195566 522 1 men man NOUN _005195566 522 2 know know VERB _005195566 522 3 that that SCONJ _005195566 522 4 ye ye PRON _005195566 522 5 are be AUX _005195566 522 6 my my PRON _005195566 522 7 disciples disciple NOUN _005195566 522 8 ] ] X _005195566 522 9 if if SCONJ _005195566 522 10 ye ye PRON _005195566 522 11 have have VERB _005195566 522 12 love love NOUN _005195566 522 13 one one NUM _005195566 522 14 for for ADP _005195566 522 15 another another PRON _005195566 522 16 . . PUNCT _005195566 522 17 ” " PUNCT _005195566 523 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 523 2 does do AUX _005195566 523 3 not not PART _005195566 523 4 the the DET _005195566 523 5 remarkable remarkable ADJ _005195566 523 6 trait trait NOUN _005195566 523 7 related relate VERB _005195566 523 8 in in ADP _005195566 523 9 these these DET _005195566 523 10 little little ADJ _005195566 523 11 pages page NOUN _005195566 523 12 inspire inspire VERB _005195566 523 13 confidence confidence NOUN _005195566 523 14 in in ADP _005195566 523 15 the the DET _005195566 523 16 protectin^/care protectin^/care NOUN _005195566 523 17 of of ADP _005195566 523 18 our our PRON _005195566 523 19 blessed bless VERB _005195566 523 20 mother mother NOUN _005195566 523 21 in in ADP _005195566 523 22 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 523 23 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 524 1 who who PRON _005195566 524 2 can can AUX _005195566 524 3 doubt doubt VERB _005195566 524 4 it it PRON _005195566 524 5 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 525 1 who who PRON _005195566 525 2 that that DET _005195566 525 3 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 525 4 witnessed witness VERB _005195566 525 5 the the DET _005195566 525 6 facts fact NOUN _005195566 525 7 here here ADV _005195566 525 8 related relate VERB _005195566 525 9 , , PUNCT _005195566 525 10 or or CCONJ _005195566 525 11 heard hear VERB _005195566 525 12 the the DET _005195566 525 13 pious pious ADJ _005195566 525 14 sentiments sentiment NOUN _005195566 525 15 he he PRON _005195566 525 16 expressed express VERB _005195566 525 17 in in ADP _005195566 525 18 regard regard NOUN _005195566 525 19 to to ADP _005195566 525 20 the the DET _005195566 525 21 blessed bless VERB _005195566 525 22 virgin virgin NOUN _005195566 525 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 525 24 can can AUX _005195566 525 25 for for ADP _005195566 525 26 a a DET _005195566 525 27 moment moment NOUN _005195566 525 28 doubt doubt VERB _005195566 525 29 the the DET _005195566 525 30 great great ADJ _005195566 525 31 share share NOUN _005195566 525 32 that that PRON _005195566 525 33 pure pure ADJ _005195566 525 34 and and CCONJ _005195566 525 35 holy holy ADJ _005195566 525 36 being being NOUN _005195566 525 37 had have VERB _005195566 525 38 in in ADP _005195566 525 39 the the DET _005195566 525 40 affair affair NOUN _005195566 525 41 of of ADP _005195566 525 42 his his PRON _005195566 525 43 conversion conversion NOUN _005195566 525 44 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 526 1 her her PRON _005195566 526 2 pure pure ADJ _005195566 526 3 hands hand NOUN _005195566 526 4 were be AUX _005195566 526 5 raised raise VERB _005195566 526 6 in in ADP _005195566 526 7 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 526 8 to to ADP _005195566 526 9 her her PRON _005195566 526 10 divine divine ADJ _005195566 526 11 son son NOUN _005195566 526 12 for for ADP _005195566 526 13 him he PRON _005195566 526 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 526 15 her her PRON _005195566 526 16 maternal maternal ADJ _005195566 526 17 heart heart NOUN _005195566 526 18 felt feel VERB _005195566 526 19 for for ADP _005195566 526 20 his his PRON _005195566 526 21 miseries misery NOUN _005195566 526 22 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 526 23 she she PRON _005195566 526 24 saw see VERB _005195566 526 25 him he PRON _005195566 526 26 on on ADP _005195566 526 27 the the DET _005195566 526 28 brink brink NOUN _005195566 526 29 of of ADP _005195566 526 30 108 108 NUM _005195566 526 31 the the DET _005195566 526 32 last last ADJ _005195566 526 33 moments moment NOUN _005195566 526 34 of of ADP _005195566 526 35 ruin ruin NOUN _005195566 526 36 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 526 37 about about ADP _005195566 526 38 to to PART _005195566 526 39 be be AUX _005195566 526 40 precipitated precipitate VERB _005195566 526 41 into into ADP _005195566 526 42 * * PUNCT _005195566 526 43 that that DET _005195566 526 44 awful awful ADJ _005195566 526 45 gulf gulf PROPN _005195566 526 46 , , PUNCT _005195566 526 47 u u PROPN _005195566 526 48 where where SCONJ _005195566 526 49 no no DET _005195566 526 50 order order NOUN _005195566 526 51 , , PUNCT _005195566 526 52 but but CCONJ _005195566 526 53 everlasting everlaste VERB _005195566 526 54 horror horror NOUN _005195566 526 55 dwells dwell NOUN _005195566 526 56 . . PUNCT _005195566 526 57 ” " PUNCT _005195566 527 1 she she PRON _005195566 527 2 saw see VERB _005195566 527 3 that that SCONJ _005195566 527 4 another another DET _005195566 527 5 victim victim NOUN _005195566 527 6 was be AUX _005195566 527 7 to to PART _005195566 527 8 be be AUX _005195566 527 9 deprived deprive VERB _005195566 527 10 of of ADP _005195566 527 11 the the DET _005195566 527 12 fruits fruit NOUN _005195566 527 13 of of ADP _005195566 527 14 christ christ PROPN _005195566 527 15 ’s ’s PART _005195566 527 16 sufferings suffering NOUN _005195566 527 17 , , PUNCT _005195566 527 18 and and CCONJ _005195566 527 19 that that SCONJ _005195566 527 20 the the DET _005195566 527 21 enemy enemy NOUN _005195566 527 22 was be AUX _005195566 527 23 about about ADJ _005195566 527 24 to to PART _005195566 527 25 deprive deprive VERB _005195566 527 26 him he PRON _005195566 527 27 of of ADP _005195566 527 28 the the DET _005195566 527 29 atonement atonement NOUN _005195566 527 30 of of ADP _005195566 527 31 her her PRON _005195566 527 32 son son NOUN _005195566 527 33 . . PUNCT _005195566 528 1 she she PRON _005195566 528 2 saw see VERB _005195566 528 3 it it PRON _005195566 528 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 528 5 and and CCONJ _005195566 528 6 she she PRON _005195566 528 7 prayed pray VERB _005195566 528 8 it it PRON _005195566 528 9 might might AUX _005195566 528 10 not not PART _005195566 528 11 be be AUX _005195566 528 12 — — PUNCT _005195566 528 13 she she PRON _005195566 528 14 was be AUX _005195566 528 15 moved move VERB _005195566 528 16 to to ADP _005195566 528 17 pity pity NOUN _005195566 528 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 528 19 and and CCONJ _005195566 528 20 kneeling kneel VERB _005195566 528 21 before before ADP _005195566 528 22 the the DET _005195566 528 23 redeemer redeemer NOUN _005195566 528 24 she she PRON _005195566 528 25 called call VERB _005195566 528 26 on on ADP _005195566 528 27 him he PRON _005195566 528 28 by by ADP _005195566 528 29 the the DET _005195566 528 30 endearing endear VERB _005195566 528 31 name name NOUN _005195566 528 32 of of ADP _005195566 528 33 son son NOUN _005195566 528 34 to to ADP _005195566 528 35 pity pity NOUN _005195566 528 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 528 37 to to PART _005195566 528 38 pardon pardon VERB _005195566 528 39 this this DET _005195566 528 40 wandering wandering NOUN _005195566 528 41 child child NOUN _005195566 528 42 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 529 1 her her PRON _005195566 529 2 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 529 3 was be AUX _005195566 529 4 heard hear VERB _005195566 529 5 — — PUNCT _005195566 529 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 529 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 529 8 her her PRON _005195566 529 9 divine divine ADJ _005195566 529 10 son son NOUN _005195566 529 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 529 12 granted grant VERB _005195566 529 13 her her PRON _005195566 529 14 petition petition NOUN _005195566 529 15 , , PUNCT _005195566 529 16 and and CCONJ _005195566 529 17 the the DET _005195566 529 18 sinner sinner NOUN _005195566 529 19 was be AUX _005195566 529 20 converted convert VERB _005195566 529 21 . . PUNCT _005195566 530 1 glorious glorious ADJ _005195566 530 2 belief belief NOUN _005195566 530 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 531 1 consoling consoling NOUN _005195566 531 2 thought think VERB _005195566 531 3 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 532 1 we we PRON _005195566 532 2 have have VERB _005195566 532 3 a a DET _005195566 532 4 mother mother NOUN _005195566 532 5 in in ADP _005195566 532 6 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 532 7 to to PART _005195566 532 8 plead plead VERB _005195566 532 9 with with ADP _005195566 532 10 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 532 11 in in ADP _005195566 532 12 our our PRON _005195566 532 13 behalf behalf NOUN _005195566 532 14 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 533 1 though though SCONJ _005195566 533 2 the the DET _005195566 533 3 eternal eternal ADJ _005195566 533 4 father father NOUN _005195566 533 5 be be AUX _005195566 533 6 angry angry ADJ _005195566 533 7 a a DET _005195566 533 8 converted converted ADJ _005195566 533 9 infidel infidel NOUN _005195566 533 10 . . PUNCT _005195566 534 1 109 109 NUM _005195566 534 2 with with ADP _005195566 534 3 us we PRON _005195566 534 4 , , PUNCT _005195566 534 5 can can AUX _005195566 534 6 he he PRON _005195566 534 7 resist resist VERB _005195566 534 8 the the DET _005195566 534 9 intercession intercession NOUN _005195566 534 10 of of ADP _005195566 534 11 his his PRON _005195566 534 12 divine divine ADJ _005195566 534 13 son son NOUN _005195566 534 14 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 535 1 and and CCONJ _005195566 535 2 when when SCONJ _005195566 535 3 that that DET _005195566 535 4 eternal eternal ADJ _005195566 535 5 son son NOUN _005195566 535 6 is be AUX _005195566 535 7 petitioned petition VERB _005195566 535 8 by by ADP _005195566 535 9 his his PRON _005195566 535 10 blessed bless VERB _005195566 535 11 mother mother NOUN _005195566 535 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 535 13 can can AUX _005195566 535 14 he he PRON _005195566 535 15 refuse refuse VERB _005195566 535 16 to to PART _005195566 535 17 grant grant VERB _005195566 535 18 her her PRON _005195566 535 19 prayer prayer NOUN _005195566 535 20 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 536 1 when when SCONJ _005195566 536 2 such such DET _005195566 536 3 a a DET _005195566 536 4 mother mother NOUN _005195566 536 5 pleads plead VERB _005195566 536 6 with with ADP _005195566 536 7 such such DET _005195566 536 8 a a DET _005195566 536 9 son son NOUN _005195566 536 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 536 11 for for ADP _005195566 536 12 what what PRON _005195566 536 13 may may AUX _005195566 536 14 we we PRON _005195566 536 15 not not PART _005195566 536 16 hope hope VERB _005195566 536 17 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 537 1 her her PRON _005195566 537 2 maternal maternal ADJ _005195566 537 3 heart heart NOUN _005195566 537 4 is be AUX _005195566 537 5 filled fill VERB _005195566 537 6 with with ADP _005195566 537 7 love love NOUN _005195566 537 8 for for ADP _005195566 537 9 us we PRON _005195566 537 10 — — PUNCT _005195566 537 11 her her PRON _005195566 537 12 pure pure ADJ _005195566 537 13 soul soul NOUN _005195566 537 14 is be AUX _005195566 537 15 the the DET _005195566 537 16 temple temple NOUN _005195566 537 17 of of ADP _005195566 537 18 every every DET _005195566 537 19 virtue virtue NOUN _005195566 537 20 , , PUNCT _005195566 537 21 and and CCONJ _005195566 537 22 if if SCONJ _005195566 537 23 her her PRON _005195566 537 24 hands hand NOUN _005195566 537 25 were be AUX _005195566 537 26 never never ADV _005195566 537 27 lifted lift VERB _005195566 537 28 in in ADP _005195566 537 29 vain vain NOUN _005195566 537 30 on on ADP _005195566 537 31 earth earth NOUN _005195566 537 32 to to PART _005195566 537 33 plead plead VERB _005195566 537 34 with with ADP _005195566 537 35 her her PRON _005195566 537 36 divine divine ADJ _005195566 537 37 son son NOUN _005195566 537 38 , , PUNCT _005195566 537 39 the the DET _005195566 537 40 cause cause NOUN _005195566 537 41 of of ADP _005195566 537 42 suffering suffer VERB _005195566 537 43 humanity humanity NOUN _005195566 537 44 , , PUNCT _005195566 537 45 why why SCONJ _005195566 537 46 should should AUX _005195566 537 47 we we PRON _005195566 537 48 be be AUX _005195566 537 49 required require VERB _005195566 537 50 to to PART _005195566 537 51 believe believe VERB _005195566 537 52 , , PUNCT _005195566 537 53 that that SCONJ _005195566 537 54 now now ADV _005195566 537 55 that that SCONJ _005195566 537 56 she she PRON _005195566 537 57 is be AUX _005195566 537 58 enthroned enthrone VERB _005195566 537 59 in in ADP _005195566 537 60 glory glory NOUN _005195566 537 61 , , PUNCT _005195566 537 62 she she PRON _005195566 537 63 pleads plead VERB _005195566 537 64 in in ADP _005195566 537 65 vain vain NOUN _005195566 537 66 for for ADP _005195566 537 67 us we PRON _005195566 537 68 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 538 1 ah ah INTJ _005195566 538 2 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 539 1 far far ADV _005195566 539 2 from from ADP _005195566 539 3 every every DET _005195566 539 4 feeling feeling NOUN _005195566 539 5 heart heart NOUN _005195566 539 6 so so ADV _005195566 539 7 gross gross ADJ _005195566 539 8 an an DET _005195566 539 9 idea idea NOUN _005195566 539 10 of of ADP _005195566 539 11 the the DET _005195566 539 12 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005195566 539 13 of of ADP _005195566 539 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 539 15 for for ADP _005195566 539 16 his his PRON _005195566 539 17 blessed bless VERB _005195566 539 18 mother mother NOUN _005195566 539 19 . . PUNCT _005195566 540 1 her her PRON _005195566 540 2 arms arm NOUN _005195566 540 3 were be AUX _005195566 540 4 the the DET _005195566 540 5 first first ADJ _005195566 540 6 to to PART _005195566 540 7 clasp clasp VERB _005195566 540 8 his his PRON _005195566 540 9 tender tender ADJ _005195566 540 10 form form NOUN _005195566 540 11 , , PUNCT _005195566 540 12 and and CCONJ _005195566 540 13 her her PRON _005195566 540 14 chaste chaste NOUN _005195566 540 15 no no INTJ _005195566 540 16 the the DET _005195566 540 17 last last ADJ _005195566 540 18 moments moment NOUN _005195566 540 19 of of ADP _005195566 540 20 bosom bosom NOUN _005195566 540 21 was be AUX _005195566 540 22 the the DET _005195566 540 23 first first ADJ _005195566 540 24 to to PART _005195566 540 25 pillow pillow VERB _005195566 540 26 his his PRON _005195566 540 27 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 540 28 head head NOUN _005195566 540 29 , , PUNCT _005195566 540 30 so so ADV _005195566 540 31 soon soon ADV _005195566 540 32 to to PART _005195566 540 33 be be AUX _005195566 540 34 pierced pierce VERB _005195566 540 35 with with ADP _005195566 540 36 a a DET _005195566 540 37 thorny thorny ADJ _005195566 540 38 crown crown NOUN _005195566 540 39 — — PUNCT _005195566 540 40 her her PRON _005195566 540 41 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 540 42 first first ADV _005195566 540 43 beamed beam VERB _005195566 540 44 a a DET _005195566 540 45 mother mother NOUN _005195566 540 46 ’s ’s NOUN _005195566 540 47 smile smile NOUN _005195566 540 48 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 540 49 him he PRON _005195566 540 50 in in ADP _005195566 540 51 the the DET _005195566 540 52 humble humble ADJ _005195566 540 53 manger manger NOUN _005195566 540 54 of of ADP _005195566 540 55 bethlehem bethlehem PROPN _005195566 540 56 , , PUNCT _005195566 540 57 and and CCONJ _005195566 540 58 shed shed VERB _005195566 540 59 the the DET _005195566 540 60 bitterest bitter ADJ _005195566 540 61 tear tear NOUN _005195566 540 62 at at ADP _005195566 540 63 the the DET _005195566 540 64 cross cross NOUN _005195566 540 65 of of ADP _005195566 540 66 calvary calvary NOUN _005195566 540 67 — — PUNCT _005195566 540 68 her her PRON _005195566 540 69 voice voice NOUN _005195566 540 70 was be AUX _005195566 540 71 sweet sweet ADJ _005195566 540 72 and and CCONJ _005195566 540 73 powerful powerful ADJ _005195566 540 74 enough enough ADV _005195566 540 75 to to PART _005195566 540 76 win win VERB _005195566 540 77 him he PRON _005195566 540 78 from from ADP _005195566 540 79 his his PRON _005195566 540 80 disputation disputation NOUN _005195566 540 81 with with ADP _005195566 540 82 the the DET _005195566 540 83 poctors poctor NOUN _005195566 540 84 in in ADP _005195566 540 85 the the DET _005195566 540 86 temple temple NOUN _005195566 540 87 , , PUNCT _005195566 540 88 and and CCONJ _005195566 540 89 to to PART _005195566 540 90 induce induce VERB _005195566 540 91 him he PRON _005195566 540 92 to to PART _005195566 540 93 anticipate anticipate VERB _005195566 540 94 the the DET _005195566 540 95 eternal eternal ADJ _005195566 540 96 decrees decree NOUN _005195566 540 97 of of ADP _005195566 540 98 his his PRON _005195566 540 99 father father NOUN _005195566 540 100 , , PUNCT _005195566 540 101 at at ADP _005195566 540 102 the the DET _005195566 540 103 marriage marriage NOUN _005195566 540 104 feast feast NOUN _005195566 540 105 of of ADP _005195566 540 106 cana cana PROPN _005195566 540 107 in in ADP _005195566 540 108 gallilee gallilee PROPN _005195566 540 109 . . PUNCT _005195566 541 1 as as SCONJ _005195566 541 2 he he PRON _005195566 541 3 cast cast VERB _005195566 541 4 his his PRON _005195566 541 5 closing closing NOUN _005195566 541 6 eyes eye NOUN _005195566 541 7 towards towards ADP _005195566 541 8 the the DET _005195566 541 9 foot foot NOUN _005195566 541 10 of of ADP _005195566 541 11 the the DET _005195566 541 12 cross cross NOUN _005195566 541 13 they they PRON _005195566 541 14 rested rest VERB _005195566 541 15 on on ADP _005195566 541 16 his his PRON _005195566 541 17 blessed bless VERB _005195566 541 18 mother mother NOUN _005195566 541 19 , , PUNCT _005195566 541 20 faithful faithful ADJ _005195566 541 21 in in ADP _005195566 541 22 death death NOUN _005195566 541 23 , , PUNCT _005195566 541 24 as as SCONJ _005195566 541 25 she she PRON _005195566 541 26 had have AUX _005195566 541 27 ever ever ADV _005195566 541 28 been be AUX _005195566 541 29 in in ADP _005195566 541 30 life life NOUN _005195566 541 31 — — PUNCT _005195566 541 32 what what PRON _005195566 541 33 then then ADV _005195566 541 34 was be AUX _005195566 541 35 his his PRON _005195566 541 36 expression expression NOUN _005195566 541 37 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 542 1 was be AUX _005195566 542 2 it it PRON _005195566 542 3 that that PRON _005195566 542 4 of of ADP _005195566 542 5 many many ADJ _005195566 542 6 who who PRON _005195566 542 7 almost almost ADV _005195566 542 8 censure censure VERB _005195566 542 9 him he PRON _005195566 542 10 for for ADP _005195566 542 11 his his PRON _005195566 542 12 love love NOUN _005195566 542 13 for for ADP _005195566 542 14 his his PRON _005195566 542 15 mother mother NOUN _005195566 542 16 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 543 1 hear hear VERB _005195566 543 2 it it PRON _005195566 543 3 ye ye ADP _005195566 543 4 who who PRON _005195566 543 5 rea rea PROPN _005195566 543 6 converted convert VERB _005195566 543 7 infidel infidel PROPN _005195566 543 8 . . PUNCT _005195566 544 1 ill ill PROPN _005195566 544 2 vile vile NOUN _005195566 544 3 this this DET _005195566 544 4 sacred sacred ADJ _005195566 544 5 custom custom NOUN _005195566 544 6 , , PUNCT _005195566 544 7 and and CCONJ _005195566 544 8 with with ADP _005195566 544 9 us we PRON _005195566 544 10 strive strive VERB _005195566 544 11 to to PART _005195566 544 12 obey obey VERB _005195566 544 13 it it PRON _005195566 544 14 — — PUNCT _005195566 544 15 “ " PUNCT _005195566 544 16 behold behold VERB _005195566 544 17 thy thy PRON _005195566 544 18 mother mother NOUN _005195566 544 19 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 544 20 ” " PUNCT _005195566 545 1 yes yes INTJ _005195566 545 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 545 3 holy holy ADJ _005195566 545 4 mother mother NOUN _005195566 545 5 of of ADP _005195566 545 6 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 545 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 545 8 thou thou DET _005195566 545 9 art art NOUN _005195566 545 10 our our PRON _005195566 545 11 mother mother NOUN _005195566 545 12 also also ADV _005195566 545 13 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 546 1 we we PRON _005195566 546 2 do do AUX _005195566 546 3 behold behold VERB _005195566 546 4 thee thee PRON _005195566 546 5 — — PUNCT _005195566 546 6 though though SCONJ _005195566 546 7 every every PRON _005195566 546 8 where where SCONJ _005195566 546 9 lovely lovely ADJ _005195566 546 10 , , PUNCT _005195566 546 11 ’ ' PUNCT _005195566 546 12 tis tis VERB _005195566 546 13 at at ADP _005195566 546 14 the the DET _005195566 546 15 foot foot NOUN _005195566 546 16 of of ADP _005195566 546 17 the the DET _005195566 546 18 cross cross NOUN _005195566 546 19 thou thou ADJ _005195566 546 20 art art NOUN _005195566 546 21 most most ADV _005195566 546 22 dear dear ADJ _005195566 546 23 to to PART _005195566 546 24 us—’tis us—’tis VERB _005195566 546 25 there there ADV _005195566 546 26 thy thy PRON _005195566 546 27 fervent fervent ADJ _005195566 546 28 children child NOUN _005195566 546 29 love love VERB _005195566 546 30 to to PART _005195566 546 31 dwell dwell VERB _005195566 546 32 upon upon SCONJ _005195566 546 33 thee thee PRON _005195566 546 34 , , PUNCT _005195566 546 35 for for ADP _005195566 546 36 at at ADP _005195566 546 37 the the DET _005195566 546 38 foot foot NOUN _005195566 546 39 of of ADP _005195566 546 40 the the DET _005195566 546 41 cross cross NOUN _005195566 546 42 thou thou PRON _005195566 546 43 wast wast NOUN _005195566 546 44 given give VERB _005195566 546 45 us we PRON _005195566 546 46 for for ADP _005195566 546 47 our our PRON _005195566 546 48 mother mother NOUN _005195566 546 49 ; ; PUNCT _005195566 546 50 why why SCONJ _005195566 546 51 then then ADV _005195566 546 52 should should AUX _005195566 546 53 we we PRON _005195566 546 54 not not PART _005195566 546 55 love love VERB _005195566 546 56 thee thee PRON _005195566 546 57 , , PUNCT _005195566 546 58 o o PROPN _005195566 546 59 virgin virgin PROPN _005195566 546 60 daughter daughter NOUN _005195566 546 61 of of ADP _005195566 546 62 zion zion PROPN _005195566 546 63 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 547 1 the the DET _005195566 547 2 harp harp NOUN _005195566 547 3 of of ADP _005195566 547 4 tile tile NOUN _005195566 547 5 minstrel minstrel NOUN _005195566 547 6 and and CCONJ _005195566 547 7 the the DET _005195566 547 8 inspired inspire VERB _005195566 547 9 lay lay NOUN _005195566 547 10 of of ADP _005195566 547 11 the the DET _005195566 547 12 prophet prophet NOUN _005195566 547 13 have have AUX _005195566 547 14 proclaimed proclaim VERB _005195566 547 15 thy thy PRON _005195566 547 16 greatness greatness NOUN _005195566 547 17 and and CCONJ _005195566 547 18 thy thy PRON _005195566 547 19 dignity dignity NOUN _005195566 547 20 — — PUNCT _005195566 547 21 kings king NOUN _005195566 547 22 and and CCONJ _005195566 547 23 emperors emperor NOUN _005195566 547 24 have have AUX _005195566 547 25 praised praise VERB _005195566 547 26 thee thee PRON _005195566 547 27 — — PUNCT _005195566 547 28 the the DET _005195566 547 29 learned learn VERB _005195566 547 30 have have AUX _005195566 547 31 set set VERB _005195566 547 32 forth forth ADP _005195566 547 33 thy thy PRON _005195566 547 34 merits merit NOUN _005195566 547 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 547 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 547 37 the the DET _005195566 547 38 ignorant ignorant ADJ _005195566 547 39 have have AUX _005195566 547 40 loved love VERB _005195566 547 41 thee thee PRON _005195566 547 42 — — PUNCT _005195566 547 43 the the DET _005195566 547 44 glorious glorious ADJ _005195566 547 45 church church NOUN _005195566 547 46 throughout throughout ADP _005195566 547 47 the the DET _005195566 547 48 world world NOUN _005195566 547 49 proclaims proclaim VERB _005195566 547 50 thee thee NOUN _005195566 547 51 the the DET _005195566 547 52 mother mother NOUN _005195566 547 53 of of ADP _005195566 547 54 112 112 NUM _005195566 547 55 the the DET _005195566 547 56 last last ADJ _005195566 547 57 moments moment NOUN _005195566 547 58 of of ADP _005195566 547 59 god god PROPN _005195566 547 60 , , PUNCT _005195566 547 61 and and CCONJ _005195566 547 62 all all DET _005195566 547 63 nations nation NOUN _005195566 547 64 shall shall AUX _005195566 547 65 call call VERB _005195566 547 66 thee thee PRON _005195566 547 67 blessed bless VERB _005195566 547 68 . . PUNCT _005195566 548 1 yes yes INTJ _005195566 548 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 548 3 thou thou DET _005195566 548 4 art art NOUN _005195566 548 5 our our PRON _005195566 548 6 mother mother NOUN _005195566 548 7 — — PUNCT _005195566 548 8 we we PRON _005195566 548 9 love love VERB _005195566 548 10 thee thee PRON _005195566 548 11 as as ADP _005195566 548 12 the the DET _005195566 548 13 mother mother NOUN _005195566 548 14 of of ADP _005195566 548 15 god god PROPN _005195566 548 16 — — PUNCT _005195566 548 17 we we PRON _005195566 548 18 will will AUX _005195566 548 19 strive strive VERB _005195566 548 20 to to PART _005195566 548 21 follow follow VERB _005195566 548 22 thy thy PRON _005195566 548 23 example example NOUN _005195566 548 24 and and CCONJ _005195566 548 25 to to PART _005195566 548 26 imitate imitate VERB _005195566 548 27 thy thy PRON _005195566 548 28 virtues virtue NOUN _005195566 548 29 — — PUNCT _005195566 548 30 with with ADP _005195566 548 31 god god PROPN _005195566 548 32 for for ADP _005195566 548 33 our our PRON _005195566 548 34 father father NOUN _005195566 548 35 , , PUNCT _005195566 548 36 and and CCONJ _005195566 548 37 thee thee NOUN _005195566 548 38 for for ADP _005195566 548 39 our our PRON _005195566 548 40 mother mother NOUN _005195566 548 41 , , PUNCT _005195566 548 42 what what PRON _005195566 548 43 shall shall AUX _005195566 548 44 we we PRON _005195566 548 45 fear fear VERB _005195566 548 46 ? ? PUNCT _005195566 549 1 r r X _005195566 549 2 i i PRON _005195566 549 3 hough hough VERB _005195566 549 4 enemies enemy NOUN _005195566 549 5 surround surround VERB _005195566 549 6 us we PRON _005195566 549 7 , , PUNCT _005195566 549 8 and and CCONJ _005195566 549 9 the the DET _005195566 549 10 powers power NOUN _005195566 549 11 of of ADP _005195566 549 12 darkness darkness NOUN _005195566 549 13 oppose oppose VERB _005195566 549 14 our our PRON _005195566 549 15 journey journey NOUN _005195566 549 16 to to ADP _005195566 549 17 heaven heaven PROPN _005195566 549 18 , , PUNCT _005195566 549 19 we we PRON _005195566 549 20 will will AUX _005195566 549 21 fly fly VERB _005195566 549 22 to to ADP _005195566 549 23 thy thy PRON _005195566 549 24 protection protection NOUN _005195566 549 25 , , PUNCT _005195566 549 26 and and CCONJ _005195566 549 27 exclaim exclaim VERB _005195566 549 28 “ " PUNCT _005195566 549 29 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 549 30 , , PUNCT _005195566 549 31 dying die VERB _005195566 549 32 on on ADP _005195566 549 33 the the DET _005195566 549 34 cross cross NOUN _005195566 549 35 for for ADP _005195566 549 36 me i PRON _005195566 549 37 , , PUNCT _005195566 549 38 have have VERB _005195566 549 39 mercy mercy NOUN _005195566 549 40 on on ADP _005195566 549 41 me i PRON _005195566 549 42 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 550 1 mary mary PROPN _005195566 550 2 , , PUNCT _005195566 550 3 standing stand VERB _005195566 550 4 at at ADP _005195566 550 5 the the DET _005195566 550 6 foot foot NOUN _005195566 550 7 of of ADP _005195566 550 8 the the DET _005195566 550 9 cross cross NOUN _005195566 550 10 of of ADP _005195566 550 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005195566 550 12 , , PUNCT _005195566 550 13 pray pray VERB _005195566 550 14 for for ADP _005195566 550 15 me i PRON _005195566 550 16 ! ! PUNCT _005195566 550 17 ” " PUNCT _005195566 551 1 the the DET _005195566 551 2 end end NOUN _005195566 551 3 . . PUNCT _005195566 552 1 s s X _005195566 552 2 ' ' PUNCT _005195566 553 1 * * NOUN _005195566 553 2 1 1 NUM _005195566 553 3 . . PUNCT _005195566 554 1 -m -m INTJ _005195566 555 1 i i PRON