id sid tid token lemma pos _005195321 1 1 the the DET _005195321 1 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 1 3 church church NOUN _005195321 1 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 1 5 youth youth NOUN _005195321 1 6 4\ 4\ PROPN _005195321 1 7 x?u x?u PROPN _005195321 1 8 iy'i iy'i PROPN _005195321 1 9 - - PUNCT _005195321 1 10 y y PROPN _005195321 1 11 - - PUNCT _005195321 1 12 s s NOUN _005195321 1 13 1 1 NUM _005195321 1 14 ^ ^ X _005195321 1 15 ^mq ^mq SPACE _005195321 1 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 2 1 | | INTJ _005195321 2 2 . . PUNCT _005195321 2 3 ^ ^ X _005195321 3 1 r r X _005195321 3 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 3 3 r^ci r^ci ADV _005195321 3 4 3 3 NUM _005195321 3 5 /heco'tuolt'c /heco'tuolt'c PUNCT _005195321 3 6 c c PROPN _005195321 3 7 hujfsjj hujfsjj PROPN _005195321 3 8 aft aft PROPN _005195321 3 9 v v PROPN _005195321 3 10 $ $ SYM _005195321 3 11 ^07 ^07 X _005195321 3 12 $ $ PROPN _005195321 3 13 & & CCONJ _005195321 3 14 £ £ PROPN _005195321 3 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 3 16 ' ' PUNCT _005195321 3 17 v v NOUN _005195321 3 18 3 3 NUM _005195321 3 19 # # NOUN _005195321 3 20 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 3 21 church church NOUN _005195321 3 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 3 23 youth youth NOUN _005195321 3 24 7&fcv 7&fcv NUM _005195321 3 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 3 26 5 5 NUM _005195321 3 27 ' ' NUM _005195321 3 28 • • NOUN _005195321 3 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 3 30 . . PUNCT _005195321 4 1 by by ADP _005195321 4 2 john john PROPN _005195321 4 3 p. p. PROPN _005195321 4 4 o’hara o’hara PROPN _005195321 4 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 4 6 c. c. PROPN _005195321 4 7 s. s. PROPN _005195321 4 8 c. c. PROPN _005195321 4 9 tt tt PROPN _005195321 4 10 ito ito PROPN _005195321 4 11 m m PROPN _005195321 4 12 vj vj PROPN _005195321 4 13 v v NOUN _005195321 4 14 ^-.w ^-.w PROPN _005195321 4 15 * * PUNCT _005195321 4 16 — — PUNCT _005195321 4 17 — — PUNCT _005195321 4 18 — — PUNCT _005195321 4 19 wiiiiiium wiiiiiium NOUN _005195321 4 20 date date NOUN _005195321 4 21 : : PUNCT _005195321 4 22 j j X _005195321 4 23 ? ? NOUN _005195321 4 24 ^ ^ X _005195321 4 25 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 5 1 c c NOUN _005195321 5 2 input input NOUN _005195321 5 3 operator operator NOUN _005195321 5 4 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 5 5 clm clm VERB _005195321 5 6 * * PROPN _005195321 5 7 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 5 8 o o PROPN _005195321 5 9 x x PROPN _005195321 5 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 5 11 c c NOUN _005195321 5 12 > > X _005195321 5 13 £ £ SYM _005195321 5 14 5 5 NUM _005195321 5 15 c c PROPN _005195321 5 16 © © ADJ _005195321 5 17 % % INTJ _005195321 5 18 the the DET _005195321 5 19 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 5 20 church church NOUN _005195321 5 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 5 22 youth youth NOUN _005195321 5 23 by by ADP _005195321 5 24 rev rev PROPN _005195321 5 25 . . PROPN _005195321 5 26 john john PROPN _005195321 5 27 f. f. PROPN _005195321 5 28 o’hara o’hara PROPN _005195321 5 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 5 30 c. c. PROPN _005195321 5 31 s. s. PROPN _005195321 5 32 c. c. PROPN _005195321 5 33 president president PROPN _005195321 5 34 of of ADP _005195321 5 35 the the DET _005195321 5 36 university university PROPN _005195321 5 37 of of ADP _005195321 5 38 notre notre PROPN _005195321 5 39 dame dame VERB _005195321 5 40 a a DET _005195321 5 41 series series NOUN _005195321 5 42 of of ADP _005195321 5 43 five five NUM _005195321 5 44 addresses address NOUN _005195321 5 45 delivered deliver VERB _005195321 5 46 in in ADP _005195321 5 47 the the DET _005195321 5 48 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 5 49 hour hour NOUN _005195321 5 50 , , PUNCT _005195321 5 51 produced produce VERB _005195321 5 52 by by ADP _005195321 5 53 the the DET _005195321 5 54 national national PROPN _005195321 5 55 council council PROPN _005195321 5 56 of of ADP _005195321 5 57 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 5 58 men man NOUN _005195321 5 59 , , PUNCT _005195321 5 60 through through ADP _005195321 5 61 the the DET _005195321 5 62 courtesy courtesy NOUN _005195321 5 63 of of ADP _005195321 5 64 the the DET _005195321 5 65 national national PROPN _005195321 5 66 broadcasting broadcasting PROPN _005195321 5 67 company company NOUN _005195321 5 68 and and CCONJ _005195321 5 69 its its PRON _005195321 5 70 associated associated ADJ _005195321 5 71 stations station NOUN _005195321 5 72 . . PUNCT _005195321 6 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 6 2 on on ADP _005195321 6 3 sundays sunday NOUN _005195321 6 4 from from ADP _005195321 6 5 september september PROPN _005195321 6 6 6 6 NUM _005195321 6 7 to to ADP _005195321 6 8 october october PROPN _005195321 6 9 4 4 NUM _005195321 6 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 6 11 1936 1936 NUM _005195321 6 12 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 6 13 i. i. PROPN _005195321 6 14 a a DET _005195321 6 15 program program NOUN _005195321 6 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 7 1 ii ii PROPN _005195321 7 2 . . PROPN _005195321 7 3 prudence prudence PROPN _005195321 7 4 . . PUNCT _005195321 8 1 iii iii PROPN _005195321 8 2 . . PROPN _005195321 8 3 justice justice PROPN _005195321 8 4 . . PUNCT _005195321 9 1 iv iv PROPN _005195321 9 2 . . PUNCT _005195321 10 1 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 10 2 . . PUNCT _005195321 11 1 v. v. ADP _005195321 11 2 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 11 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 11 4 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 11 5 . . PUNCT _005195321 12 1 national national ADJ _005195321 12 2 council council PROPN _005195321 12 3 of of ADP _005195321 12 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 12 5 men man NOUN _005195321 12 6 producer producer NOUN _005195321 12 7 of of ADP _005195321 12 8 the the DET _005195321 12 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 12 10 hour hour NOUN _005195321 12 11 1312 1312 NUM _005195321 12 12 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _005195321 12 13 avenue avenue PROPN _005195321 12 14 washington washington PROPN _005195321 12 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 12 16 d. d. PROPN _005195321 12 17 c. c. PROPN _005195321 12 18 printed print VERB _005195321 12 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 12 20 distributed distribute VERB _005195321 12 21 by by ADP _005195321 12 22 our our PRON _005195321 12 23 sunday sunday PROPN _005195321 12 24 visitor visitor PROPN _005195321 12 25 huntington huntington PROPN _005195321 12 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 12 27 indiana indiana PROPN _005195321 12 28 imprimatur imprimatur PROPN _005195321 12 29 : : PUNCT _005195321 12 30 •b •b PROPN _005195321 12 31 john john PROPN _005195321 12 32 francis francis PROPN _005195321 12 33 noll noll PROPN _005195321 12 34 , , PUNCT _005195321 12 35 d. d. PROPN _005195321 12 36 d. d. PROPN _005195321 12 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 12 38 bishop bishop PROPN _005195321 12 39 of of ADP _005195321 12 40 fort fort NOUN _005195321 12 41 wayne wayne PROPN _005195321 12 42 . . PUNCT _005195321 13 1 a a DET _005195321 13 2 program program NOUN _005195321 13 3 address address NOUN _005195321 13 4 delivered deliver VERB _005195321 13 5 on on ADP _005195321 13 6 september september PROPN _005195321 13 7 6 6 NUM _005195321 13 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 13 9 1936 1936 NUM _005195321 13 10 it it PRON _005195321 13 11 seems seem VERB _005195321 13 12 to to PART _005195321 13 13 be be AUX _005195321 13 14 characteristic characteristic ADJ _005195321 13 15 of of ADP _005195321 13 16 our our PRON _005195321 13 17 civilization civilization NOUN _005195321 13 18 that that SCONJ _005195321 13 19 moral moral ADJ _005195321 13 20 crusades crusade NOUN _005195321 13 21 move move VERB _005195321 13 22 in in ADP _005195321 13 23 waves wave NOUN _005195321 13 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 14 1 just just ADV _005195321 14 2 now now ADV _005195321 14 3 we we PRON _005195321 14 4 seem seem VERB _005195321 14 5 to to PART _005195321 14 6 be be AUX _005195321 14 7 having have VERB _005195321 14 8 a a DET _005195321 14 9 wave wave NOUN _005195321 14 10 of of ADP _005195321 14 11 youth youth NOUN _005195321 14 12 programs program NOUN _005195321 14 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 14 14 youth youth NOUN _005195321 14 15 movements movement NOUN _005195321 14 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 15 1 today today NOUN _005195321 15 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 15 3 reformers reformer NOUN _005195321 15 4 jump jump VERB _005195321 15 5 at at ADP _005195321 15 6 you you PRON _005195321 15 7 from from ADP _005195321 15 8 behind behind ADP _005195321 15 9 every every DET _005195321 15 10 tree tree NOUN _005195321 15 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 15 12 bush bush PROPN _005195321 15 13 with with ADP _005195321 15 14 a a DET _005195321 15 15 freshly freshly ADV _005195321 15 16 - - PUNCT _005195321 15 17 concocted concoct VERB _005195321 15 18 program program NOUN _005195321 15 19 for for ADP _005195321 15 20 youth youth NOUN _005195321 15 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 15 22 a a DET _005195321 15 23 plan plan NOUN _005195321 15 24 for for ADP _005195321 15 25 its its PRON _005195321 15 26 national national ADJ _005195321 15 27 or or CCONJ _005195321 15 28 international international ADJ _005195321 15 29 adoption adoption NOUN _005195321 15 30 . . PUNCT _005195321 16 1 there there PRON _005195321 16 2 is be VERB _005195321 16 3 a a DET _005195321 16 4 reason reason NOUN _005195321 16 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 16 6 of of ADP _005195321 16 7 course course NOUN _005195321 16 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 16 9 for for ADP _005195321 16 10 this this DET _005195321 16 11 concern concern NOUN _005195321 16 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 17 1 i i PRON _005195321 17 2 find find VERB _005195321 17 3 no no DET _005195321 17 4 statistics statistic NOUN _005195321 17 5 on on ADP _005195321 17 6 the the DET _005195321 17 7 subject subject NOUN _005195321 17 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 17 9 but but CCONJ _005195321 17 10 i i PRON _005195321 17 11 am be AUX _005195321 17 12 sure sure ADJ _005195321 17 13 that that SCONJ _005195321 17 14 for for ADP _005195321 17 15 at at ADV _005195321 17 16 least least ADJ _005195321 17 17 ten ten NUM _005195321 17 18 per per ADP _005195321 17 19 cent cent NOUN _005195321 17 20 of of ADP _005195321 17 21 the the DET _005195321 17 22 population population NOUN _005195321 17 23 of of ADP _005195321 17 24 the the DET _005195321 17 25 united united PROPN _005195321 17 26 states states PROPN _005195321 17 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 17 28 family family NOUN _005195321 17 29 life life NOUN _005195321 17 30 does do AUX _005195321 17 31 not not PART _005195321 17 32 last last VERB _005195321 17 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 17 34 on on ADP _005195321 17 35 the the DET _005195321 17 36 average average ADJ _005195321 17 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 17 38 as as ADV _005195321 17 39 much much ADJ _005195321 17 40 as as ADP _005195321 17 41 four four NUM _005195321 17 42 years year NOUN _005195321 17 43 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 17 44 while while SCONJ _005195321 17 45 for for ADP _005195321 17 46 another another DET _005195321 17 47 five five NUM _005195321 17 48 per per ADP _005195321 17 49 cent cent NOUN _005195321 17 50 , , PUNCT _005195321 17 51 ten ten NUM _005195321 17 52 years year NOUN _005195321 17 53 would would AUX _005195321 17 54 be be AUX _005195321 17 55 a a DET _005195321 17 56 high high ADJ _005195321 17 57 average average NOUN _005195321 17 58 . . PUNCT _005195321 18 1 homes home NOUN _005195321 18 2 broken break VERB _005195321 18 3 by by ADP _005195321 18 4 divorce divorce NOUN _005195321 18 5 cause cause VERB _005195321 18 6 serious serious ADJ _005195321 18 7 social social ADJ _005195321 18 8 problems problem NOUN _005195321 18 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 19 1 again again ADV _005195321 19 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 19 3 the the DET _005195321 19 4 home home NOUN _005195321 19 5 as as ADP _005195321 19 6 an an DET _005195321 19 7 institution institution NOUN _005195321 19 8 is be AUX _005195321 19 9 not not PART _005195321 19 10 what what PRON _005195321 19 11 it it PRON _005195321 19 12 was be AUX _005195321 19 13 thirty thirty NUM _005195321 19 14 years year NOUN _005195321 19 15 ago ago ADV _005195321 19 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 19 17 particularly particularly ADV _005195321 19 18 for for ADP _005195321 19 19 city city NOUN _005195321 19 20 dwellers dweller NOUN _005195321 19 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 20 1 tenements tenement NOUN _005195321 20 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 20 3 flats flat NOUN _005195321 20 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 20 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 20 6 apartments apartment NOUN _005195321 20 7 have have AUX _005195321 20 8 made make VERB _005195321 20 9 impossible impossible ADJ _005195321 20 10 the the DET _005195321 20 11 social social ADJ _005195321 20 12 visiting visiting NOUN _005195321 20 13 of of ADP _005195321 20 14 a a DET _005195321 20 15 generation generation NOUN _005195321 20 16 ago ago ADV _005195321 20 17 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 20 18 hostesses hostess NOUN _005195321 20 19 take take VERB _005195321 20 20 their their PRON _005195321 20 21 guests guest NOUN _005195321 20 22 to to ADP _005195321 20 23 a a DET _005195321 20 24 restaurant restaurant NOUN _005195321 20 25 of of ADP _005195321 20 26 a a DET _005195321 20 27 night night NOUN _005195321 20 28 club club NOUN _005195321 20 29 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 20 30 automobiles automobile NOUN _005195321 20 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 20 32 dance dance NOUN _005195321 20 33 halls hall NOUN _005195321 20 34 , , PUNCT _005195321 20 35 taverns tavern NOUN _005195321 20 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 20 37 gambling gambling NOUN _005195321 20 38 establishments establishment NOUN _005195321 20 39 , , PUNCT _005195321 20 40 as as ADV _005195321 20 41 well well ADV _005195321 20 42 as as ADP _005195321 20 43 more more ADV _005195321 20 44 innocent innocent ADJ _005195321 20 45 places place NOUN _005195321 20 46 of of ADP _005195321 20 47 amusement amusement NOUN _005195321 20 48 , , PUNCT _005195321 20 49 lure lure VERB _005195321 20 50 young young ADJ _005195321 20 51 people people NOUN _005195321 20 52 from from ADP _005195321 20 53 their their PRON _005195321 20 54 homes home NOUN _005195321 20 55 . . PUNCT _005195321 21 1 there there PRON _005195321 21 2 is be VERB _005195321 21 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 21 4 then then ADV _005195321 21 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 21 6 a a DET _005195321 21 7 problem problem NOUN _005195321 21 8 that that SCONJ _005195321 21 9 youth youth NOUN _005195321 21 10 programs program NOUN _005195321 21 11 strive strive VERB _005195321 21 12 to to PART _005195321 21 13 meet meet VERB _005195321 21 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 22 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 22 2 i i PRON _005195321 22 3 find find VERB _005195321 22 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 22 5 usually usually ADV _005195321 22 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 22 7 behind behind ADP _005195321 22 8 such such ADJ _005195321 22 9 programs program NOUN _005195321 22 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 22 11 a a DET _005195321 22 12 well well ADV _005195321 22 13 - - PUNCT _005195321 22 14 intentioned intentione VERB _005195321 22 15 desire desire NOUN _005195321 22 16 to to PART _005195321 22 17 correct correct VERB _005195321 22 18 or or CCONJ _005195321 22 19 offset offset VERB _005195321 22 20 certain certain ADJ _005195321 22 21 new new ADJ _005195321 22 22 environmental environmental ADJ _005195321 22 23 influences influence NOUN _005195321 22 24 that that PRON _005195321 22 25 threaten threaten VERB _005195321 22 26 youth youth NOUN _005195321 22 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 23 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 23 2 i i PRON _005195321 23 3 find find VERB _005195321 23 4 also also ADV _005195321 23 5 in in ADP _005195321 23 6 the the DET _005195321 23 7 vast vast ADJ _005195321 23 8 majority majority NOUN _005195321 23 9 of of ADP _005195321 23 10 such such ADJ _005195321 23 11 programs program NOUN _005195321 23 12 a a DET _005195321 23 13 lack lack NOUN _005195321 23 14 of of ADP _005195321 23 15 attention attention NOUN _005195321 23 16 to to ADP _005195321 23 17 the the DET _005195321 23 18 parents parent NOUN _005195321 23 19 who who PRON _005195321 23 20 create create VERB _005195321 23 21 many many ADJ _005195321 23 22 of of ADP _005195321 23 23 the the DET _005195321 23 24 problems problem NOUN _005195321 23 25 of of ADP _005195321 23 26 their their PRON _005195321 23 27 own own ADJ _005195321 23 28 children child NOUN _005195321 23 29 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 23 30 and and CCONJ _005195321 23 31 little little ADJ _005195321 23 32 or or CCONJ _005195321 23 33 no no PRON _005195321 23 34 appreciation appreciation NOUN _005195321 23 35 of of ADP _005195321 23 36 the the DET _005195321 23 37 fact fact NOUN _005195321 23 38 that that SCONJ _005195321 23 39 the the DET _005195321 23 40 young young ADJ _005195321 23 41 people people NOUN _005195321 23 42 themselves themselves PRON _005195321 23 43 have have AUX _005195321 23 44 an an DET _005195321 23 45 intellect intellect NOUN _005195321 23 46 and and CCONJ _005195321 23 47 a a DET _005195321 23 48 free free ADJ _005195321 23 49 will will NOUN _005195321 23 50 , , PUNCT _005195321 23 51 through through ADP _005195321 23 52 which which PRON _005195321 23 53 their their PRON _005195321 23 54 creator creator NOUN _005195321 23 55 expects expect VERB _005195321 23 56 them they PRON _005195321 23 57 to to ADP _005195321 23 58 4 4 NUM _005195321 23 59 the the DET _005195321 23 60 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 23 61 church church NOUN _005195321 23 62 and and CCONJ _005195321 23 63 youth youth NOUN _005195321 23 64 work work VERB _005195321 23 65 out out ADP _005195321 23 66 their their PRON _005195321 23 67 own own ADJ _005195321 23 68 destiny destiny NOUN _005195321 23 69 . . PUNCT _005195321 24 1 there there PRON _005195321 24 2 is be VERB _005195321 24 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 24 4 in in ADP _005195321 24 5 a a DET _005195321 24 6 word word NOUN _005195321 24 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 24 8 too too ADV _005195321 24 9 much much ADJ _005195321 24 10 regimentation regimentation NOUN _005195321 24 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 24 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 24 13 too too ADV _005195321 24 14 little little ADJ _005195321 24 15 individual individual ADJ _005195321 24 16 discipline discipline NOUN _005195321 24 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 24 18 either either CCONJ _005195321 24 19 of of ADP _005195321 24 20 soul soul NOUN _005195321 24 21 or or CCONJ _005195321 24 22 body body NOUN _005195321 24 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 25 1 i i PRON _005195321 25 2 propose propose VERB _005195321 25 3 to to PART _005195321 25 4 present present VERB _005195321 25 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 25 6 during during ADP _005195321 25 7 the the DET _005195321 25 8 next next ADJ _005195321 25 9 few few ADJ _005195321 25 10 weeks week NOUN _005195321 25 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 25 12 certain certain ADJ _005195321 25 13 phases phase NOUN _005195321 25 14 of of ADP _005195321 25 15 an an DET _005195321 25 16 ancient ancient ADJ _005195321 25 17 program program NOUN _005195321 25 18 for for ADP _005195321 25 19 youth youth NOUN _005195321 25 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 25 21 a a DET _005195321 25 22 program program NOUN _005195321 25 23 that that PRON _005195321 25 24 has have AUX _005195321 25 25 been be AUX _005195321 25 26 tried try VERB _005195321 25 27 for for ADP _005195321 25 28 centuries century NOUN _005195321 25 29 and and CCONJ _005195321 25 30 has have AUX _005195321 25 31 not not PART _005195321 25 32 been be AUX _005195321 25 33 found find VERB _005195321 25 34 wanting want VERB _005195321 25 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 26 1 i i PRON _005195321 26 2 shall shall AUX _005195321 26 3 assume assume VERB _005195321 26 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 26 5 the the DET _005195321 26 6 young young ADJ _005195321 26 7 people people NOUN _005195321 26 8 who who PRON _005195321 26 9 hear hear VERB _005195321 26 10 my my PRON _005195321 26 11 voice voice NOUN _005195321 26 12 are be AUX _005195321 26 13 endowed endow VERB _005195321 26 14 with with ADP _005195321 26 15 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005195321 26 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 26 17 free free ADJ _005195321 26 18 will will NOUN _005195321 26 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 26 20 that that SCONJ _005195321 26 21 they they PRON _005195321 26 22 are be AUX _005195321 26 23 capable capable ADJ _005195321 26 24 of of ADP _005195321 26 25 choosing choose VERB _005195321 26 26 for for ADP _005195321 26 27 themselves themselves PRON _005195321 26 28 between between ADP _005195321 26 29 right right NOUN _005195321 26 30 and and CCONJ _005195321 26 31 wrong wrong ADJ _005195321 26 32 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 26 33 i i PRON _005195321 26 34 shall shall AUX _005195321 26 35 even even ADV _005195321 26 36 assume assume VERB _005195321 26 37 that that SCONJ _005195321 26 38 when when SCONJ _005195321 26 39 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 26 40 is be AUX _005195321 26 41 presented present VERB _005195321 26 42 to to ADP _005195321 26 43 them they PRON _005195321 26 44 in in ADP _005195321 26 45 a a DET _005195321 26 46 clear clear ADJ _005195321 26 47 light light NOUN _005195321 26 48 , , PUNCT _005195321 26 49 they they PRON _005195321 26 50 will will AUX _005195321 26 51 usually usually ADV _005195321 26 52 choose choose VERB _005195321 26 53 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 26 54 . . PUNCT _005195321 27 1 i i PRON _005195321 27 2 believe believe VERB _005195321 27 3 that that SCONJ _005195321 27 4 i i PRON _005195321 27 5 am be AUX _005195321 27 6 fully fully ADV _005195321 27 7 aware aware ADJ _005195321 27 8 of of ADP _005195321 27 9 all all DET _005195321 27 10 the the DET _005195321 27 11 mistakes mistake NOUN _005195321 27 12 of of ADP _005195321 27 13 which which PRON _005195321 27 14 young young ADJ _005195321 27 15 people people NOUN _005195321 27 16 are be AUX _005195321 27 17 capable capable ADJ _005195321 27 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 27 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 27 20 of of ADP _005195321 27 21 the the DET _005195321 27 22 sins sin NOUN _005195321 27 23 they they PRON _005195321 27 24 commit commit VERB _005195321 27 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 27 26 and and CCONJ _005195321 27 27 yet yet ADV _005195321 27 28 i i PRON _005195321 27 29 am be AUX _005195321 27 30 an an DET _005195321 27 31 optimist optimist NOUN _005195321 27 32 regarding regard VERB _005195321 27 33 the the DET _005195321 27 34 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005195321 27 35 desire desire NOUN _005195321 27 36 of of ADP _005195321 27 37 most most ADJ _005195321 27 38 of of ADP _005195321 27 39 them they PRON _005195321 27 40 to to PART _005195321 27 41 do do AUX _005195321 27 42 the the DET _005195321 27 43 right right ADJ _005195321 27 44 thing thing NOUN _005195321 27 45 . . PUNCT _005195321 28 1 i i PRON _005195321 28 2 submit submit VERB _005195321 28 3 for for ADP _005195321 28 4 their their PRON _005195321 28 5 consideration consideration NOUN _005195321 28 6 certain certain ADJ _005195321 28 7 phases phase NOUN _005195321 28 8 of of ADP _005195321 28 9 a a DET _005195321 28 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 28 11 program program NOUN _005195321 28 12 for for ADP _005195321 28 13 youth youth NOUN _005195321 28 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 29 1 the the DET _005195321 29 2 fact fact NOUN _005195321 29 3 that that SCONJ _005195321 29 4 it it PRON _005195321 29 5 is be AUX _005195321 29 6 equally equally ADV _005195321 29 7 suited suited ADJ _005195321 29 8 to to ADP _005195321 29 9 old old ADJ _005195321 29 10 age age NOUN _005195321 29 11 is be AUX _005195321 29 12 beside beside ADP _005195321 29 13 the the DET _005195321 29 14 point point NOUN _005195321 29 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 29 16 its its PRON _005195321 29 17 applications application NOUN _005195321 29 18 will will AUX _005195321 29 19 be be AUX _005195321 29 20 made make VERB _005195321 29 21 to to ADP _005195321 29 22 young young ADJ _005195321 29 23 people people NOUN _005195321 29 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 30 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 30 2 lest lest SCONJ _005195321 30 3 the the DET _005195321 30 4 program program NOUN _005195321 30 5 appear appear VERB _005195321 30 6 too too ADV _005195321 30 7 formidable formidable ADJ _005195321 30 8 of of ADP _005195321 30 9 mystical mystical ADJ _005195321 30 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 30 11 in in ADP _005195321 30 12 particularizing particularize VERB _005195321 30 13 on on ADP _005195321 30 14 life life NOUN _005195321 30 15 i i PRON _005195321 30 16 shall shall AUX _005195321 30 17 confine confine VERB _005195321 30 18 my my PRON _005195321 30 19 considerations consideration NOUN _005195321 30 20 largely largely ADV _005195321 30 21 to to ADP _005195321 30 22 four four NUM _005195321 30 23 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 30 24 which which PRON _005195321 30 25 were be AUX _005195321 30 26 analyzed analyze VERB _005195321 30 27 for for ADP _005195321 30 28 us we PRON _005195321 30 29 by by ADP _005195321 30 30 the the DET _005195321 30 31 ancient ancient ADJ _005195321 30 32 greeks greek NOUN _005195321 30 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 31 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 31 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 31 3 in in ADP _005195321 31 4 the the DET _005195321 31 5 presentation presentation NOUN _005195321 31 6 of of ADP _005195321 31 7 the the DET _005195321 31 8 program program NOUN _005195321 31 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 31 10 i i PRON _005195321 31 11 offer offer VERB _005195321 31 12 points point NOUN _005195321 31 13 that that PRON _005195321 31 14 are be AUX _005195321 31 15 offered offer VERB _005195321 31 16 by by ADP _005195321 31 17 other other ADJ _005195321 31 18 religious religious ADJ _005195321 31 19 organizations organization NOUN _005195321 31 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 31 21 i i PRON _005195321 31 22 make make VERB _005195321 31 23 no no DET _005195321 31 24 claim claim NOUN _005195321 31 25 that that SCONJ _005195321 31 26 they they PRON _005195321 31 27 are be AUX _005195321 31 28 the the DET _005195321 31 29 exclusive exclusive ADJ _005195321 31 30 possession possession NOUN _005195321 31 31 of of ADP _005195321 31 32 the the DET _005195321 31 33 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 31 34 church church NOUN _005195321 31 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 32 1 my my PRON _005195321 32 2 only only ADJ _005195321 32 3 claim claim NOUN _005195321 32 4 is be AUX _005195321 32 5 that that SCONJ _005195321 32 6 all all PRON _005195321 32 7 of of ADP _005195321 32 8 these these DET _005195321 32 9 points point NOUN _005195321 32 10 are be AUX _005195321 32 11 offered offer VERB _005195321 32 12 by by ADP _005195321 32 13 the the DET _005195321 32 14 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 32 15 church church NOUN _005195321 32 16 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 32 17 that that SCONJ _005195321 32 18 some some DET _005195321 32 19 points point NOUN _005195321 32 20 are be AUX _005195321 32 21 offered offer VERB _005195321 32 22 only only ADV _005195321 32 23 by by ADP _005195321 32 24 the the DET _005195321 32 25 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 32 26 church church NOUN _005195321 32 27 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 32 28 and and CCONJ _005195321 32 29 that that SCONJ _005195321 32 30 the the DET _005195321 32 31 whole whole ADJ _005195321 32 32 program program NOUN _005195321 32 33 is be AUX _005195321 32 34 offered offer VERB _005195321 32 35 by by ADP _005195321 32 36 that that DET _005195321 32 37 agency agency NOUN _005195321 32 38 alone alone ADV _005195321 32 39 . . PUNCT _005195321 33 1 first first ADV _005195321 33 2 of of ADP _005195321 33 3 all all PRON _005195321 33 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 33 5 i i PRON _005195321 33 6 should should AUX _005195321 33 7 remind remind VERB _005195321 33 8 the the DET _005195321 33 9 children child NOUN _005195321 33 10 of of ADP _005195321 33 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 33 12 parents parent NOUN _005195321 33 13 that that SCONJ _005195321 33 14 the the DET _005195321 33 15 church church NOUN _005195321 33 16 has have AUX _005195321 33 17 already already ADV _005195321 33 18 done do VERB _005195321 33 19 much much DET _005195321 33 20 a a DET _005195321 33 21 program program NOUN _005195321 33 22 5 5 NUM _005195321 33 23 for for ADP _005195321 33 24 them they PRON _005195321 33 25 before before SCONJ _005195321 33 26 they they PRON _005195321 33 27 are be AUX _005195321 33 28 asked ask VERB _005195321 33 29 to to PART _005195321 33 30 choose choose VERB _005195321 33 31 between between ADP _005195321 33 32 good good ADJ _005195321 33 33 and and CCONJ _005195321 33 34 evil evil ADJ _005195321 33 35 — — PUNCT _005195321 33 36 which which PRON _005195321 33 37 they they PRON _005195321 33 38 must must AUX _005195321 33 39 do do VERB _005195321 33 40 , , PUNCT _005195321 33 41 in in ADP _005195321 33 42 accordance accordance NOUN _005195321 33 43 with with ADP _005195321 33 44 their their PRON _005195321 33 45 lights light NOUN _005195321 33 46 , , PUNCT _005195321 33 47 when when SCONJ _005195321 33 48 they they PRON _005195321 33 49 reach reach VERB _005195321 33 50 the the DET _005195321 33 51 age age NOUN _005195321 33 52 of of ADP _005195321 33 53 reason reason NOUN _005195321 33 54 . . PUNCT _005195321 34 1 before before ADP _005195321 34 2 that that DET _005195321 34 3 time time NOUN _005195321 34 4 the the DET _005195321 34 5 church church NOUN _005195321 34 6 has have AUX _005195321 34 7 conferred confer VERB _005195321 34 8 upon upon SCONJ _005195321 34 9 them they PRON _005195321 34 10 great great ADJ _005195321 34 11 benefits benefit NOUN _005195321 34 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 34 13 among among ADP _005195321 34 14 which which PRON _005195321 34 15 i i PRON _005195321 34 16 call call VERB _005195321 34 17 attention attention NOUN _005195321 34 18 to to ADP _005195321 34 19 the the DET _005195321 34 20 following following NOUN _005195321 34 21 : : PUNCT _005195321 34 22 1 1 X _005195321 34 23 . . X _005195321 34 24 life life NOUN _005195321 34 25 itself itself PRON _005195321 34 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 35 1 these these DET _005195321 35 2 children child NOUN _005195321 35 3 have have AUX _005195321 35 4 been be AUX _005195321 35 5 born bear VERB _005195321 35 6 into into ADP _005195321 35 7 this this DET _005195321 35 8 world world NOUN _005195321 35 9 because because SCONJ _005195321 35 10 their their PRON _005195321 35 11 parents parent NOUN _005195321 35 12 were be AUX _005195321 35 13 willing willing ADJ _005195321 35 14 to to PART _005195321 35 15 undergo undergo VERB _005195321 35 16 the the DET _005195321 35 17 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _005195321 35 18 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 35 19 to to ADP _005195321 35 20 their their PRON _005195321 35 21 existence existence NOUN _005195321 35 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 35 23 care care NOUN _005195321 35 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 36 1 the the DET _005195321 36 2 church church NOUN _005195321 36 3 has have AUX _005195321 36 4 told tell VERB _005195321 36 5 these these DET _005195321 36 6 parents parent NOUN _005195321 36 7 that that SCONJ _005195321 36 8 abortion abortion NOUN _005195321 36 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 36 10 birth birth NOUN _005195321 36 11 prevention prevention NOUN _005195321 36 12 are be AUX _005195321 36 13 crimes crime NOUN _005195321 36 14 that that PRON _005195321 36 15 provoke provoke VERB _005195321 36 16 god god PROPN _005195321 36 17 ’s ’s PART _005195321 36 18 judgments judgment NOUN _005195321 36 19 on on ADP _005195321 36 20 selfish selfish ADJ _005195321 36 21 men man NOUN _005195321 36 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 36 23 women woman NOUN _005195321 36 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 36 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 36 26 although although SCONJ _005195321 36 27 bad bad ADJ _005195321 36 28 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 36 29 may may AUX _005195321 36 30 resist resist VERB _005195321 36 31 this this DET _005195321 36 32 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 36 33 and and CCONJ _005195321 36 34 follow follow VERB _005195321 36 35 the the DET _005195321 36 36 way way NOUN _005195321 36 37 of of ADP _005195321 36 38 the the DET _005195321 36 39 world world NOUN _005195321 36 40 , , PUNCT _005195321 36 41 good good ADJ _005195321 36 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 36 43 parents parent NOUN _005195321 36 44 , , PUNCT _005195321 36 45 humbly humbly ADV _005195321 36 46 obedient obedient ADJ _005195321 36 47 to to ADP _005195321 36 48 the the DET _005195321 36 49 natural natural ADJ _005195321 36 50 law law NOUN _005195321 36 51 whose whose DET _005195321 36 52 herald herald ADJ _005195321 36 53 the the DET _005195321 36 54 church church NOUN _005195321 36 55 is be AUX _005195321 36 56 , , PUNCT _005195321 36 57 give give VERB _005195321 36 58 new new ADJ _005195321 36 59 meaning meaning NOUN _005195321 36 60 to to ADP _005195321 36 61 the the DET _005195321 36 62 paradox paradox NOUN _005195321 36 63 of of ADP _005195321 36 64 christ christ PROPN _005195321 36 65 , , PUNCT _005195321 36 66 “ " PUNCT _005195321 36 67 the the DET _005195321 36 68 meek meek NOUN _005195321 36 69 shall shall AUX _005195321 36 70 inherit inherit VERB _005195321 36 71 the the DET _005195321 36 72 land land NOUN _005195321 36 73 ” " PUNCT _005195321 36 74 . . PUNCT _005195321 37 1 2 2 X _005195321 37 2 . . X _005195321 37 3 a a DET _005195321 37 4 permanent permanent ADJ _005195321 37 5 home home NOUN _005195321 37 6 . . PUNCT _005195321 38 1 the the DET _005195321 38 2 church church NOUN _005195321 38 3 tells tell VERB _005195321 38 4 the the DET _005195321 38 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 38 6 father father NOUN _005195321 38 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 38 8 mother mother NOUN _005195321 38 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 38 10 “ " PUNCT _005195321 38 11 what what PRON _005195321 38 12 therefore therefore ADV _005195321 38 13 god god PROPN _005195321 38 14 hath hath NOUN _005195321 38 15 joined join VERB _005195321 38 16 together together ADV _005195321 38 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 38 18 let let VERB _005195321 38 19 no no DET _005195321 38 20 man man NOUN _005195321 38 21 put put VERB _005195321 38 22 asunder asunder ADV _005195321 38 23 ” " PUNCT _005195321 38 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 39 1 while while SCONJ _005195321 39 2 there there PRON _005195321 39 3 are be VERB _005195321 39 4 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 39 5 who who PRON _005195321 39 6 disregard disregard VERB _005195321 39 7 the the DET _005195321 39 8 church church NOUN _005195321 39 9 ’s ’s PART _005195321 39 10 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 39 11 on on ADP _005195321 39 12 divorce divorce NOUN _005195321 39 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 39 14 broken broken ADJ _005195321 39 15 homes home NOUN _005195321 39 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 39 17 which which PRON _005195321 39 18 figure figure NOUN _005195321 39 19 so so ADV _005195321 39 20 prominently prominently ADV _005195321 39 21 in in ADP _005195321 39 22 the the DET _005195321 39 23 stories story NOUN _005195321 39 24 of of ADP _005195321 39 25 juvenile juvenile ADJ _005195321 39 26 crime crime NOUN _005195321 39 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 39 28 are be AUX _005195321 39 29 still still ADV _005195321 39 30 relatively relatively ADV _005195321 39 31 rare rare ADJ _005195321 39 32 among among ADP _005195321 39 33 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 39 34 . . PUNCT _005195321 40 1 the the DET _005195321 40 2 child child NOUN _005195321 40 3 born bear VERB _005195321 40 4 into into ADP _005195321 40 5 a a DET _005195321 40 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 40 7 home home NOUN _005195321 40 8 in in ADP _005195321 40 9 this this DET _005195321 40 10 country country NOUN _005195321 40 11 has have VERB _005195321 40 12 by by ADP _005195321 40 13 far far ADV _005195321 40 14 the the DET _005195321 40 15 best good ADJ _005195321 40 16 chance chance NOUN _005195321 40 17 of of ADP _005195321 40 18 growing grow VERB _005195321 40 19 up up ADP _005195321 40 20 under under ADP _005195321 40 21 the the DET _005195321 40 22 watchful watchful ADJ _005195321 40 23 care care NOUN _005195321 40 24 of of ADP _005195321 40 25 both both DET _005195321 40 26 father father NOUN _005195321 40 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 40 28 mother mother NOUN _005195321 40 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 41 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 41 2 in in ADP _005195321 41 3 the the DET _005195321 41 4 providence providence NOUN _005195321 41 5 of of ADP _005195321 41 6 god god PROPN _005195321 41 7 it it PRON _005195321 41 8 falls fall VERB _005195321 41 9 to to ADP _005195321 41 10 the the DET _005195321 41 11 lot lot NOUN _005195321 41 12 of of ADP _005195321 41 13 that that DET _005195321 41 14 child child NOUN _005195321 41 15 in in ADP _005195321 41 16 its its PRON _005195321 41 17 early early ADJ _005195321 41 18 years year NOUN _005195321 41 19 to to PART _005195321 41 20 lose lose VERB _005195321 41 21 father father NOUN _005195321 41 22 or or CCONJ _005195321 41 23 mother mother NOUN _005195321 41 24 or or CCONJ _005195321 41 25 both both PRON _005195321 41 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 41 27 the the DET _005195321 41 28 church church NOUN _005195321 41 29 does do VERB _005195321 41 30 what what PRON _005195321 41 31 it it PRON _005195321 41 32 can can AUX _005195321 41 33 to to PART _005195321 41 34 supply supply VERB _005195321 41 35 for for ADP _005195321 41 36 the the DET _005195321 41 37 parents parent NOUN _005195321 41 38 ’ ’ PART _005195321 41 39 place place NOUN _005195321 41 40 . . PUNCT _005195321 42 1 it it PRON _005195321 42 2 teaches teach VERB _005195321 42 3 relatives relative NOUN _005195321 42 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 42 5 neighbors neighbor NOUN _005195321 42 6 the the DET _005195321 42 7 blessedness blessedness NOUN _005195321 42 8 of of ADP _005195321 42 9 caring care VERB _005195321 42 10 for for ADP _005195321 42 11 widows widow NOUN _005195321 42 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 42 13 orphans orphan NOUN _005195321 42 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 42 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 42 16 it it PRON _005195321 42 17 provides provide VERB _005195321 42 18 schools school NOUN _005195321 42 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 42 20 according accord VERB _005195321 42 21 to to ADP _005195321 42 22 its its PRON _005195321 42 23 means mean NOUN _005195321 42 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 42 25 where where SCONJ _005195321 42 26 those those DET _005195321 42 27 6 6 NUM _005195321 42 28 the the DET _005195321 42 29 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 42 30 church church NOUN _005195321 42 31 and and CCONJ _005195321 42 32 youth youth NOUN _005195321 42 33 children child NOUN _005195321 42 34 may may AUX _005195321 42 35 be be AUX _005195321 42 36 taught teach VERB _005195321 42 37 how how SCONJ _005195321 42 38 to to PART _005195321 42 39 make make VERB _005195321 42 40 a a DET _005195321 42 41 living living NOUN _005195321 42 42 in in ADP _005195321 42 43 this this DET _005195321 42 44 life life NOUN _005195321 42 45 and and CCONJ _005195321 42 46 save save VERB _005195321 42 47 their their PRON _005195321 42 48 souls soul NOUN _005195321 42 49 for for ADP _005195321 42 50 the the DET _005195321 42 51 next next ADJ _005195321 42 52 . . PUNCT _005195321 43 1 3 3 X _005195321 43 2 . . X _005195321 43 3 baptism baptism NOUN _005195321 43 4 . . PUNCT _005195321 44 1 mindful mindful ADJ _005195321 44 2 of of ADP _005195321 44 3 our our PRON _005195321 44 4 divine divine ADJ _005195321 44 5 saviour saviour NOUN _005195321 44 6 ’s ’s PART _005195321 44 7 words word NOUN _005195321 44 8 to to PART _005195321 44 9 nicodemus nicodemus VERB _005195321 44 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 44 11 “ " PUNCT _005195321 44 12 unless unless SCONJ _005195321 44 13 a a DET _005195321 44 14 man man NOUN _005195321 44 15 be be AUX _005195321 44 16 born bear VERB _005195321 44 17 again again ADV _005195321 44 18 of of ADP _005195321 44 19 water water NOUN _005195321 44 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 44 21 the the DET _005195321 44 22 holy holy ADJ _005195321 44 23 ghost ghost NOUN _005195321 44 24 he he PRON _005195321 44 25 can can AUX _005195321 44 26 not not PART _005195321 44 27 enter enter VERB _005195321 44 28 the the DET _005195321 44 29 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005195321 44 30 of of ADP _005195321 44 31 god god PROPN _005195321 44 32 ” " PUNCT _005195321 44 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 44 34 the the DET _005195321 44 35 church church NOUN _005195321 44 36 demands demand VERB _005195321 44 37 that that SCONJ _005195321 44 38 parents parent NOUN _005195321 44 39 fulfill fulfill VERB _005195321 44 40 without without ADP _005195321 44 41 delay delay NOUN _005195321 44 42 their their PRON _005195321 44 43 obligation obligation NOUN _005195321 44 44 to to PART _005195321 44 45 have have AUX _005195321 44 46 conferred confer VERB _005195321 44 47 this this DET _005195321 44 48 most most ADV _005195321 44 49 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 44 50 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005195321 44 51 , , PUNCT _005195321 44 52 which which PRON _005195321 44 53 introduces introduce VERB _005195321 44 54 the the DET _005195321 44 55 child child NOUN _005195321 44 56 to to ADP _005195321 44 57 the the DET _005195321 44 58 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005195321 44 59 life life NOUN _005195321 44 60 , , PUNCT _005195321 44 61 infuses infuse VERB _005195321 44 62 the the DET _005195321 44 63 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 44 64 of of ADP _005195321 44 65 faith faith NOUN _005195321 44 66 , , PUNCT _005195321 44 67 hope hope NOUN _005195321 44 68 , , PUNCT _005195321 44 69 and and CCONJ _005195321 44 70 charity charity NOUN _005195321 44 71 , , PUNCT _005195321 44 72 and and CCONJ _005195321 44 73 gives give VERB _005195321 44 74 a a DET _005195321 44 75 right right NOUN _005195321 44 76 to to ADP _005195321 44 77 many many ADJ _005195321 44 78 other other ADJ _005195321 44 79 graces grace NOUN _005195321 44 80 . . PUNCT _005195321 45 1 4 4 X _005195321 45 2 . . X _005195321 45 3 ideals ideal NOUN _005195321 45 4 . . PUNCT _005195321 46 1 as as SCONJ _005195321 46 2 the the DET _005195321 46 3 child child NOUN _005195321 46 4 advances advance VERB _005195321 46 5 in in ADP _005195321 46 6 age age NOUN _005195321 46 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 46 8 the the DET _005195321 46 9 church church NOUN _005195321 46 10 is be AUX _005195321 46 11 at at ADP _005195321 46 12 pains pain NOUN _005195321 46 13 to to PART _005195321 46 14 see see VERB _005195321 46 15 that that SCONJ _005195321 46 16 he he PRON _005195321 46 17 advances advance VERB _005195321 46 18 in in ADP _005195321 46 19 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195321 46 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 46 21 grace grace NOUN _005195321 46 22 as as ADV _005195321 46 23 well well ADV _005195321 46 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 47 1 it it PRON _005195321 47 2 teaches teach VERB _005195321 47 3 ideals ideal NOUN _005195321 47 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 47 5 it it PRON _005195321 47 6 instills instill VERB _005195321 47 7 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 47 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 47 9 it it PRON _005195321 47 10 corrects correct VERB _005195321 47 11 incipient incipient ADJ _005195321 47 12 vices vice NOUN _005195321 47 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 48 1 it it PRON _005195321 48 2 provides provide VERB _005195321 48 3 ideals ideal NOUN _005195321 48 4 in in ADP _005195321 48 5 a a DET _005195321 48 6 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ _005195321 48 7 world world NOUN _005195321 48 8 that that PRON _005195321 48 9 struggles struggle VERB _005195321 48 10 to to PART _005195321 48 11 hold hold VERB _005195321 48 12 men man NOUN _005195321 48 13 down down ADP _005195321 48 14 to to ADP _005195321 48 15 realities reality NOUN _005195321 48 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 48 17 especially especially ADV _005195321 48 18 sordid sordid VERB _005195321 48 19 realities reality NOUN _005195321 48 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 49 1 to to PART _005195321 49 2 show show VERB _005195321 49 3 the the DET _005195321 49 4 practicality practicality NOUN _005195321 49 5 of of ADP _005195321 49 6 her her PRON _005195321 49 7 ideals ideal NOUN _005195321 49 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 49 9 the the DET _005195321 49 10 church church NOUN _005195321 49 11 points point VERB _005195321 49 12 to to ADP _005195321 49 13 very very ADV _005195321 49 14 real real ADJ _005195321 49 15 models model NOUN _005195321 49 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 50 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 50 2 the the DET _005195321 50 3 church church NOUN _005195321 50 4 honors honor VERB _005195321 50 5 the the DET _005195321 50 6 saints saint NOUN _005195321 50 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 50 8 she she PRON _005195321 50 9 does do VERB _005195321 50 10 so so ADV _005195321 50 11 not not PART _005195321 50 12 only only ADV _005195321 50 13 because because SCONJ _005195321 50 14 they they PRON _005195321 50 15 are be AUX _005195321 50 16 friends friend NOUN _005195321 50 17 of of ADP _005195321 50 18 god god PROPN _005195321 50 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 50 20 but but CCONJ _005195321 50 21 to to PART _005195321 50 22 remind remind VERB _005195321 50 23 us we PRON _005195321 50 24 that that SCONJ _005195321 50 25 by by ADP _005195321 50 26 imitating imitate VERB _005195321 50 27 their their PRON _005195321 50 28 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 50 29 and and CCONJ _005195321 50 30 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _005195321 50 31 we we PRON _005195321 50 32 can can AUX _005195321 50 33 also also ADV _005195321 50 34 attain attain VERB _005195321 50 35 to to ADP _005195321 50 36 that that DET _005195321 50 37 friendship friendship NOUN _005195321 50 38 . . PUNCT _005195321 51 1 above above ADP _005195321 51 2 all all PRON _005195321 51 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 51 4 the the DET _005195321 51 5 church church NOUN _005195321 51 6 places place VERB _005195321 51 7 before before ADP _005195321 51 8 the the DET _005195321 51 9 child child NOUN _005195321 51 10 as as ADP _005195321 51 11 his his PRON _005195321 51 12 model model NOUN _005195321 51 13 the the DET _005195321 51 14 divine divine ADJ _005195321 51 15 infant infant NOUN _005195321 51 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 51 17 who who PRON _005195321 51 18 was be AUX _005195321 51 19 subject subject ADJ _005195321 51 20 to to ADP _005195321 51 21 joseph joseph PROPN _005195321 51 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 51 23 mary mary PROPN _005195321 51 24 although although SCONJ _005195321 51 25 their their PRON _005195321 51 26 lord lord PROPN _005195321 51 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 51 28 master master PROPN _005195321 51 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 51 30 who who PRON _005195321 51 31 suffered suffer VERB _005195321 51 32 privations privation NOUN _005195321 51 33 without without ADP _005195321 51 34 complaint complaint NOUN _005195321 51 35 , , PUNCT _005195321 51 36 who who PRON _005195321 51 37 “ " PUNCT _005195321 51 38 advanced advance VERB _005195321 51 39 in in ADP _005195321 51 40 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195321 51 41 and and CCONJ _005195321 51 42 age age NOUN _005195321 51 43 , , PUNCT _005195321 51 44 and and CCONJ _005195321 51 45 grace grace NOUN _005195321 51 46 with with ADP _005195321 51 47 god god PROPN _005195321 51 48 and and CCONJ _005195321 51 49 men man NOUN _005195321 51 50 . . PUNCT _005195321 51 51 ” " PUNCT _005195321 52 1 so so ADV _005195321 52 2 much much ADJ _005195321 52 3 for for ADP _005195321 52 4 the the DET _005195321 52 5 child child NOUN _005195321 52 6 in in ADP _005195321 52 7 his his PRON _005195321 52 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 52 9 home home NOUN _005195321 52 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 53 1 what what PRON _005195321 53 2 has have AUX _005195321 53 3 the the DET _005195321 53 4 church church NOUN _005195321 53 5 to to PART _005195321 53 6 offer offer VERB _005195321 53 7 to to ADP _005195321 53 8 all all DET _005195321 53 9 youth youth NOUN _005195321 53 10 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 54 1 briefly briefly ADV _005195321 54 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 54 3 she she PRON _005195321 54 4 proposes propose VERB _005195321 54 5 : : PUNCT _005195321 54 6 first first ADV _005195321 54 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 54 8 a a DET _005195321 54 9 definite definite ADJ _005195321 54 10 set set NOUN _005195321 54 11 of of ADP _005195321 54 12 truths truth NOUN _005195321 54 13 as as ADP _005195321 54 14 the the DET _005195321 54 15 background background NOUN _005195321 54 16 of of ADP _005195321 54 17 conduct conduct NOUN _005195321 54 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 55 1 she she PRON _005195321 55 2 asks ask VERB _005195321 55 3 us we PRON _005195321 55 4 to to PART _005195321 55 5 accept accept VERB _005195321 55 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 7 not not PART _005195321 55 8 on on ADP _005195321 55 9 her her PRON _005195321 55 10 word word NOUN _005195321 55 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 12 not not PART _005195321 55 13 on on ADP _005195321 55 14 god god PROPN _005195321 55 15 ’s ’s PROPN _005195321 55 16 word word NOUN _005195321 55 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 18 but but CCONJ _005195321 55 19 on on ADP _005195321 55 20 the the DET _005195321 55 21 evidence evidence NOUN _005195321 55 22 we we PRON _005195321 55 23 can can AUX _005195321 55 24 a a DET _005195321 55 25 program program NOUN _005195321 55 26 7 7 NUM _005195321 55 27 discover discover NOUN _005195321 55 28 for for ADP _005195321 55 29 ourselves ourselves PRON _005195321 55 30 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 31 the the DET _005195321 55 32 following follow VERB _005195321 55 33 truths truth NOUN _005195321 55 34 of of ADP _005195321 55 35 religion religion NOUN _005195321 55 36 : : PUNCT _005195321 55 37 the the DET _005195321 55 38 existence existence NOUN _005195321 55 39 of of ADP _005195321 55 40 god god PROPN _005195321 55 41 and and CCONJ _005195321 55 42 of of ADP _005195321 55 43 a a DET _005195321 55 44 divine divine ADJ _005195321 55 45 revelation revelation NOUN _005195321 55 46 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 55 47 the the DET _005195321 55 48 reality reality NOUN _005195321 55 49 of of ADP _005195321 55 50 the the DET _005195321 55 51 life life NOUN _005195321 55 52 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 53 death death NOUN _005195321 55 54 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 55 and and CCONJ _005195321 55 56 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005195321 55 57 of of ADP _005195321 55 58 jesus jesus PROPN _005195321 55 59 christ christ PROPN _005195321 55 60 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 55 61 the the DET _005195321 55 62 fact fact NOUN _005195321 55 63 that that SCONJ _005195321 55 64 jesus jesus PROPN _005195321 55 65 christ christ PROPN _005195321 55 66 claimed claim VERB _005195321 55 67 to to PART _005195321 55 68 be be AUX _005195321 55 69 god god PROPN _005195321 55 70 and and CCONJ _005195321 55 71 proved prove VERB _005195321 55 72 his his PRON _005195321 55 73 claim claim NOUN _005195321 55 74 by by ADP _005195321 55 75 miracles miracle NOUN _005195321 55 76 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 77 the the DET _005195321 55 78 chief chief NOUN _005195321 55 79 of of ADP _005195321 55 80 which which PRON _005195321 55 81 was be AUX _005195321 55 82 his his PRON _005195321 55 83 own own ADJ _005195321 55 84 resurrection resurrection NOUN _005195321 55 85 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 55 86 the the DET _005195321 55 87 fact fact NOUN _005195321 55 88 that that SCONJ _005195321 55 89 our our PRON _005195321 55 90 lord lord PROPN _005195321 55 91 established establish VERB _005195321 55 92 a a DET _005195321 55 93 church church NOUN _005195321 55 94 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 95 to to PART _005195321 55 96 which which PRON _005195321 55 97 he he PRON _005195321 55 98 gave give VERB _005195321 55 99 his his PRON _005195321 55 100 own own ADJ _005195321 55 101 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 55 102 power power NOUN _005195321 55 103 and and CCONJ _005195321 55 104 infallibility infallibility NOUN _005195321 55 105 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 106 and and CCONJ _005195321 55 107 to to PART _005195321 55 108 which which PRON _005195321 55 109 all all DET _005195321 55 110 men man NOUN _005195321 55 111 must must AUX _005195321 55 112 submit submit VERB _005195321 55 113 , , PUNCT _005195321 55 114 once once ADV _005195321 55 115 her her PRON _005195321 55 116 divine divine ADJ _005195321 55 117 authority authority NOUN _005195321 55 118 is be AUX _005195321 55 119 sufficiently sufficiently ADV _005195321 55 120 proposed propose VERB _005195321 55 121 to to ADP _005195321 55 122 their their PRON _005195321 55 123 minds mind NOUN _005195321 55 124 . . PUNCT _005195321 56 1 secondly secondly ADV _005195321 56 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 56 3 she she PRON _005195321 56 4 offers offer VERB _005195321 56 5 a a DET _005195321 56 6 clear clear ADV _005195321 56 7 - - PUNCT _005195321 56 8 cut cut VERB _005195321 56 9 code code NOUN _005195321 56 10 of of ADP _005195321 56 11 laws law NOUN _005195321 56 12 covering cover VERB _005195321 56 13 our our PRON _005195321 56 14 relations relation NOUN _005195321 56 15 with with ADP _005195321 56 16 god god PROPN _005195321 56 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 56 18 with with ADP _005195321 56 19 our our PRON _005195321 56 20 fellowmen fellowman NOUN _005195321 56 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 56 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 56 23 with with ADP _005195321 56 24 ourselves ourselves PRON _005195321 56 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 56 26 in in ADP _005195321 56 27 whatever whatever DET _005195321 56 28 state state NOUN _005195321 56 29 of of ADP _005195321 56 30 life life NOUN _005195321 56 31 we we PRON _005195321 56 32 may may AUX _005195321 56 33 choose choose VERB _005195321 56 34 to to PART _005195321 56 35 embrace embrace VERB _005195321 56 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 57 1 as as ADP _005195321 57 2 sanction sanction NOUN _005195321 57 3 for for ADP _005195321 57 4 these these DET _005195321 57 5 laws law NOUN _005195321 57 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 57 7 she she PRON _005195321 57 8 offers offer VERB _005195321 57 9 an an DET _005195321 57 10 eternity eternity NOUN _005195321 57 11 of of ADP _005195321 57 12 bliss bliss NOUN _005195321 57 13 or or CCONJ _005195321 57 14 of of ADP _005195321 57 15 woe woe NOUN _005195321 57 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 57 17 in in ADP _005195321 57 18 which which PRON _005195321 57 19 alone alone ADV _005195321 57 20 all all DET _005195321 57 21 justice justice NOUN _005195321 57 22 can can AUX _005195321 57 23 be be AUX _005195321 57 24 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005195321 57 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 57 26 mercy mercy NOUN _005195321 57 27 fully fully ADV _005195321 57 28 satisfied satisfied ADJ _005195321 57 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 58 1 thirdly thirdly ADV _005195321 58 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 58 3 for for ADP _005195321 58 4 souls soul NOUN _005195321 58 5 of of ADP _005195321 58 6 exceptional exceptional ADJ _005195321 58 7 courage courage NOUN _005195321 58 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 58 9 the the DET _005195321 58 10 church church NOUN _005195321 58 11 offers offer VERB _005195321 58 12 certain certain ADJ _005195321 58 13 higher high ADJ _005195321 58 14 states state NOUN _005195321 58 15 of of ADP _005195321 58 16 life life NOUN _005195321 58 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 58 18 in in ADP _005195321 58 19 which which PRON _005195321 58 20 these these DET _005195321 58 21 souls soul NOUN _005195321 58 22 may may AUX _005195321 58 23 adorn adorn VERB _005195321 58 24 civilization civilization NOUN _005195321 58 25 by by ADP _005195321 58 26 following follow VERB _005195321 58 27 more more ADV _005195321 58 28 closely closely ADV _005195321 58 29 the the DET _005195321 58 30 divine divine ADJ _005195321 58 31 model model NOUN _005195321 58 32 , , PUNCT _005195321 58 33 jesus jesus PROPN _005195321 58 34 christ christ PROPN _005195321 58 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 59 1 finally finally ADV _005195321 59 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 59 3 the the DET _005195321 59 4 church church NOUN _005195321 59 5 offers offer VERB _005195321 59 6 to to ADP _005195321 59 7 both both CCONJ _005195321 59 8 sinner sinner NOUN _005195321 59 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 59 10 saint saint VERB _005195321 59 11 the the DET _005195321 59 12 assistance assistance NOUN _005195321 59 13 of of ADP _005195321 59 14 divine divine ADJ _005195321 59 15 grace grace NOUN _005195321 59 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 59 17 to to PART _005195321 59 18 place place VERB _005195321 59 19 the the DET _005195321 59 20 soul soul NOUN _005195321 59 21 in in ADP _005195321 59 22 the the DET _005195321 59 23 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005195321 59 24 life life NOUN _005195321 59 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 59 26 maintain maintain VERB _005195321 59 27 it it PRON _005195321 59 28 there there ADV _005195321 59 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 60 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 60 2 while while SCONJ _005195321 60 3 grace grace NOUN _005195321 60 4 is be AUX _005195321 60 5 a a DET _005195321 60 6 free free ADJ _005195321 60 7 gift gift NOUN _005195321 60 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 60 9 god god PROPN _005195321 60 10 has have AUX _005195321 60 11 established establish VERB _005195321 60 12 certain certain ADJ _005195321 60 13 channels channel NOUN _005195321 60 14 through through ADP _005195321 60 15 which which PRON _005195321 60 16 it it PRON _005195321 60 17 flows flow VERB _005195321 60 18 most most ADV _005195321 60 19 freely freely ADV _005195321 60 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 61 1 these these PRON _005195321 61 2 are be AUX _005195321 61 3 prayers prayer NOUN _005195321 61 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 61 5 good good ADJ _005195321 61 6 works work NOUN _005195321 61 7 on on ADP _005195321 61 8 the the DET _005195321 61 9 one one NUM _005195321 61 10 hand hand NOUN _005195321 61 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 61 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 61 13 the the DET _005195321 61 14 seven seven NUM _005195321 61 15 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195321 61 16 on on ADP _005195321 61 17 the the DET _005195321 61 18 other other ADJ _005195321 61 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 62 1 it it PRON _005195321 62 2 is be AUX _005195321 62 3 especially especially ADV _005195321 62 4 in in ADP _005195321 62 5 the the DET _005195321 62 6 sacramental sacramental ADJ _005195321 62 7 life life NOUN _005195321 62 8 of of ADP _005195321 62 9 the the DET _005195321 62 10 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 62 11 church church NOUN _005195321 62 12 that that PRON _005195321 62 13 the the DET _005195321 62 14 sinner sinner NOUN _005195321 62 15 finds find VERB _005195321 62 16 his his PRON _005195321 62 17 strength strength NOUN _005195321 62 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 62 19 comfort comfort NOUN _005195321 62 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 63 1 in in ADP _005195321 63 2 the the DET _005195321 63 3 twenty twenty NUM _005195321 63 4 years year NOUN _005195321 63 5 of of ADP _005195321 63 6 my my PRON _005195321 63 7 priesthood priesthood NOUN _005195321 63 8 i i PRON _005195321 63 9 have have AUX _005195321 63 10 heard hear VERB _005195321 63 11 hundreds hundred NOUN _005195321 63 12 of of ADP _005195321 63 13 thousands thousand NOUN _005195321 63 14 of of ADP _005195321 63 15 young young ADJ _005195321 63 16 men man NOUN _005195321 63 17 ’s ’s PART _005195321 63 18 confessions confession NOUN _005195321 63 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 63 20 have have AUX _005195321 63 21 distributed distribute VERB _005195321 63 22 more more ADJ _005195321 63 23 than than ADP _005195321 63 24 a a DET _005195321 63 25 million million NUM _005195321 63 26 holy holy ADJ _005195321 63 27 communions communion NOUN _005195321 63 28 to to ADP _005195321 63 29 young young ADJ _005195321 63 30 men man NOUN _005195321 63 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 64 1 i i PRON _005195321 64 2 need need VERB _005195321 64 3 no no DET _005195321 64 4 angel angel NOUN _005195321 64 5 to to ADP _005195321 64 6 8 8 NUM _005195321 64 7 the the DET _005195321 64 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 64 9 church church NOUN _005195321 64 10 and and CCONJ _005195321 64 11 youth youth NOUN _005195321 64 12 tell tell VERB _005195321 64 13 me i PRON _005195321 64 14 of of ADP _005195321 64 15 the the DET _005195321 64 16 strength strength NOUN _005195321 64 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 64 18 consolation consolation NOUN _005195321 64 19 these these DET _005195321 64 20 two two NUM _005195321 64 21 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195321 64 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 64 23 penance penance NOUN _005195321 64 24 and and CCONJ _005195321 64 25 holy holy ADJ _005195321 64 26 eucharist eucharist NOUN _005195321 64 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 64 28 hold hold VERB _005195321 64 29 for for ADP _005195321 64 30 youth youth NOUN _005195321 64 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 65 1 i i PRON _005195321 65 2 know know VERB _005195321 65 3 the the DET _005195321 65 4 problems problem NOUN _005195321 65 5 of of ADP _005195321 65 6 youth youth NOUN _005195321 65 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 65 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 65 9 i i PRON _005195321 65 10 know know VERB _005195321 65 11 of of ADP _005195321 65 12 only only ADV _005195321 65 13 one one NUM _005195321 65 14 universal universal ADJ _005195321 65 15 solvent solvent NOUN _005195321 65 16 of of ADP _005195321 65 17 these these DET _005195321 65 18 problems problem NOUN _005195321 65 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 66 1 vocational vocational ADJ _005195321 66 2 guidance guidance NOUN _005195321 66 3 may may AUX _005195321 66 4 help help VERB _005195321 66 5 a a DET _005195321 66 6 boy boy NOUN _005195321 66 7 make make VERB _005195321 66 8 a a DET _005195321 66 9 living living NOUN _005195321 66 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 66 11 but but CCONJ _005195321 66 12 it it PRON _005195321 66 13 can can AUX _005195321 66 14 not not PART _005195321 66 15 mend mend VERB _005195321 66 16 a a DET _005195321 66 17 broken broken ADJ _005195321 66 18 heart heart NOUN _005195321 66 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 67 1 recreation recreation NOUN _005195321 67 2 centers center NOUN _005195321 67 3 may may AUX _005195321 67 4 lessen lessen VERB _005195321 67 5 certain certain ADJ _005195321 67 6 temptations temptation NOUN _005195321 67 7 a a DET _005195321 67 8 boy boy NOUN _005195321 67 9 may may AUX _005195321 67 10 have have VERB _005195321 67 11 to to PART _005195321 67 12 throw throw VERB _005195321 67 13 his his PRON _005195321 67 14 life life NOUN _005195321 67 15 away away ADV _005195321 67 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 67 17 but but CCONJ _005195321 67 18 they they PRON _005195321 67 19 can can AUX _005195321 67 20 hardly hardly ADV _005195321 67 21 be be AUX _005195321 67 22 expected expect VERB _005195321 67 23 to to PART _005195321 67 24 inspire inspire VERB _005195321 67 25 a a DET _005195321 67 26 young young ADJ _005195321 67 27 man man NOUN _005195321 67 28 to to PART _005195321 67 29 give give VERB _005195321 67 30 his his PRON _005195321 67 31 life life NOUN _005195321 67 32 for for ADP _005195321 67 33 a a DET _005195321 67 34 principle principle NOUN _005195321 67 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 68 1 from from ADP _005195321 68 2 the the DET _005195321 68 3 tears tear NOUN _005195321 68 4 of of ADP _005195321 68 5 boys boy NOUN _005195321 68 6 that that PRON _005195321 68 7 have have AUX _005195321 68 8 stained stain VERB _005195321 68 9 my my PRON _005195321 68 10 purple purple ADJ _005195321 68 11 stole stole NOUN _005195321 68 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 68 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 68 14 from from ADP _005195321 68 15 the the DET _005195321 68 16 unearthly unearthly ADJ _005195321 68 17 joy joy NOUN _005195321 68 18 i i PRON _005195321 68 19 have have AUX _005195321 68 20 seen see VERB _005195321 68 21 on on ADP _005195321 68 22 the the DET _005195321 68 23 faces face NOUN _005195321 68 24 of of ADP _005195321 68 25 boys boy NOUN _005195321 68 26 at at ADP _005195321 68 27 holy holy ADJ _005195321 68 28 communion communion PROPN _005195321 68 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 68 30 i i PRON _005195321 68 31 have have AUX _005195321 68 32 come come VERB _005195321 68 33 to to PART _005195321 68 34 feel feel VERB _005195321 68 35 that that SCONJ _005195321 68 36 the the DET _005195321 68 37 greatest great ADJ _005195321 68 38 harm harm NOUN _005195321 68 39 that that PRON _005195321 68 40 could could AUX _005195321 68 41 be be AUX _005195321 68 42 done do VERB _005195321 68 43 to to ADP _005195321 68 44 civilization civilization NOUN _005195321 68 45 , , PUNCT _005195321 68 46 to to ADP _005195321 68 47 the the DET _005195321 68 48 hopes hope NOUN _005195321 68 49 and and CCONJ _005195321 68 50 aspirations aspiration NOUN _005195321 68 51 of of ADP _005195321 68 52 mankind mankind NOUN _005195321 68 53 , , PUNCT _005195321 68 54 would would AUX _005195321 68 55 be be AUX _005195321 68 56 the the DET _005195321 68 57 abolition abolition NOUN _005195321 68 58 of of ADP _005195321 68 59 the the DET _005195321 68 60 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195321 68 61 of of ADP _005195321 68 62 penance penance NOUN _005195321 68 63 and and CCONJ _005195321 68 64 holy holy ADJ _005195321 68 65 eucharist eucharist NOUN _005195321 68 66 . . PUNCT _005195321 69 1 st st PROPN _005195321 69 2 . . PROPN _005195321 69 3 peter peter PROPN _005195321 69 4 probably probably ADV _005195321 69 5 thought think VERB _005195321 69 6 that that SCONJ _005195321 69 7 he he PRON _005195321 69 8 was be AUX _005195321 69 9 generous generous ADJ _005195321 69 10 when when SCONJ _005195321 69 11 he he PRON _005195321 69 12 asked ask VERB _005195321 69 13 if if SCONJ _005195321 69 14 he he PRON _005195321 69 15 should should AUX _005195321 69 16 forgive forgive VERB _005195321 69 17 his his PRON _005195321 69 18 brother brother NOUN _005195321 69 19 “ " PUNCT _005195321 69 20 till till SCONJ _005195321 69 21 seven seven NUM _005195321 69 22 times time NOUN _005195321 69 23 ” " PUNCT _005195321 69 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 69 25 but but CCONJ _005195321 69 26 our our PRON _005195321 69 27 lord lord PROPN _005195321 69 28 told tell VERB _005195321 69 29 him he PRON _005195321 69 30 , , PUNCT _005195321 69 31 “ " PUNCT _005195321 69 32 till till SCONJ _005195321 69 33 seventy seventy NUM _005195321 69 34 times time NOUN _005195321 69 35 seven seven NUM _005195321 69 36 times time NOUN _005195321 69 37 ” " PUNCT _005195321 69 38 . . PUNCT _005195321 70 1 youth youth NOUN _005195321 70 2 can can AUX _005195321 70 3 be be AUX _005195321 70 4 generous generous ADJ _005195321 70 5 while while SCONJ _005195321 70 6 it it PRON _005195321 70 7 has have VERB _005195321 70 8 hope hope NOUN _005195321 70 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 70 10 ambition ambition NOUN _005195321 70 11 can can AUX _005195321 70 12 flame flame VERB _005195321 70 13 when when SCONJ _005195321 70 14 the the DET _005195321 70 15 heart heart NOUN _005195321 70 16 is be AUX _005195321 70 17 serene serene ADJ _005195321 70 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 71 1 the the DET _005195321 71 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 71 3 church church NOUN _005195321 71 4 offers offer VERB _005195321 71 5 youth youth NOUN _005195321 71 6 the the DET _005195321 71 7 cross cross NOUN _005195321 71 8 of of ADP _005195321 71 9 christ christ PROPN _005195321 71 10 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 71 11 she she PRON _005195321 71 12 gives give VERB _005195321 71 13 youth youth NOUN _005195321 71 14 at at ADP _005195321 71 15 the the DET _005195321 71 16 same same ADJ _005195321 71 17 time time NOUN _005195321 71 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 71 19 the the DET _005195321 71 20 strength strength NOUN _005195321 71 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 71 22 the the DET _005195321 71 23 ambition ambition NOUN _005195321 71 24 to to PART _005195321 71 25 follow follow VERB _005195321 71 26 him he PRON _005195321 71 27 — — PUNCT _005195321 71 28 even even ADV _005195321 71 29 to to PART _005195321 71 30 calvary calvary VERB _005195321 71 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 71 32 if if SCONJ _005195321 71 33 need need NOUN _005195321 71 34 be be AUX _005195321 71 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 72 1 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 72 2 9 9 NUM _005195321 72 3 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 72 4 address address NOUN _005195321 72 5 delivered deliver VERB _005195321 72 6 on on ADP _005195321 72 7 september september PROPN _005195321 72 8 13 13 NUM _005195321 72 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 72 10 1936 1936 NUM _005195321 72 11 a a DET _005195321 72 12 few few ADJ _005195321 72 13 years year NOUN _005195321 72 14 ago ago ADV _005195321 72 15 a a DET _005195321 72 16 conference conference NOUN _005195321 72 17 was be AUX _005195321 72 18 held hold VERB _005195321 72 19 at at ADP _005195321 72 20 a a DET _005195321 72 21 midwestern midwestern ADJ _005195321 72 22 university university NOUN _005195321 72 23 to to PART _005195321 72 24 discuss discuss VERB _005195321 72 25 the the DET _005195321 72 26 place place NOUN _005195321 72 27 of of ADP _005195321 72 28 religion religion NOUN _005195321 72 29 in in ADP _005195321 72 30 education education NOUN _005195321 72 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 73 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195321 73 2 that that DET _005195321 73 3 conference conference NOUN _005195321 73 4 is be AUX _005195321 73 5 now now ADV _005195321 73 6 forgotten forget VERB _005195321 73 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 73 8 although although SCONJ _005195321 73 9 it it PRON _005195321 73 10 received receive VERB _005195321 73 11 considerable considerable ADJ _005195321 73 12 attention attention NOUN _005195321 73 13 at at ADP _005195321 73 14 the the DET _005195321 73 15 time time NOUN _005195321 73 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 74 1 from from ADP _005195321 74 2 the the DET _005195321 74 3 papers paper NOUN _005195321 74 4 read read VERB _005195321 74 5 at at ADP _005195321 74 6 the the DET _005195321 74 7 meeting meeting NOUN _005195321 74 8 i i PRON _005195321 74 9 wish wish VERB _005195321 74 10 to to PART _005195321 74 11 quote quote VERB _005195321 74 12 two two NUM _005195321 74 13 extracts extract NOUN _005195321 74 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 74 15 one one NUM _005195321 74 16 from from ADP _005195321 74 17 the the DET _005195321 74 18 address address NOUN _005195321 74 19 of of ADP _005195321 74 20 professor professor PROPN _005195321 74 21 a. a. PROPN _005195321 74 22 who who PRON _005195321 74 23 represented represent VERB _005195321 74 24 a a DET _005195321 74 25 prominent prominent ADJ _005195321 74 26 university university NOUN _005195321 74 27 on on ADP _005195321 74 28 the the DET _005195321 74 29 atlantic atlantic PROPN _005195321 74 30 coast coast NOUN _005195321 74 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 74 32 and and CCONJ _005195321 74 33 one one NUM _005195321 74 34 from from ADP _005195321 74 35 professor professor PROPN _005195321 74 36 b b PROPN _005195321 74 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 74 38 who who PRON _005195321 74 39 represented represent VERB _005195321 74 40 a a DET _005195321 74 41 no no ADV _005195321 74 42 less less ADV _005195321 74 43 prominent prominent ADJ _005195321 74 44 university university NOUN _005195321 74 45 on on ADP _005195321 74 46 the the DET _005195321 74 47 pacific pacific PROPN _005195321 74 48 coast coast NOUN _005195321 74 49 . . PUNCT _005195321 75 1 in in ADP _005195321 75 2 the the DET _005195321 75 3 newspaper newspaper NOUN _005195321 75 4 accounts account NOUN _005195321 75 5 of of ADP _005195321 75 6 the the DET _005195321 75 7 proceedings proceeding NOUN _005195321 75 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 75 9 dr dr PROPN _005195321 75 10 . . PROPN _005195321 75 11 a a PRON _005195321 75 12 was be AUX _005195321 75 13 quoted quote VERB _005195321 75 14 as as ADP _005195321 75 15 saying say VERB _005195321 75 16 : : PUNCT _005195321 75 17 “ " PUNCT _005195321 75 18 i i PRON _005195321 75 19 have have AUX _005195321 75 20 seen see VERB _005195321 75 21 no no DET _005195321 75 22 evidence evidence NOUN _005195321 75 23 of of ADP _005195321 75 24 moral moral ADJ _005195321 75 25 decline decline NOUN _005195321 75 26 in in ADP _005195321 75 27 young young ADJ _005195321 75 28 people people NOUN _005195321 75 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 75 30 but but CCONJ _005195321 75 31 there there PRON _005195321 75 32 is be VERB _005195321 75 33 great great ADJ _005195321 75 34 confusion confusion NOUN _005195321 75 35 in in ADP _005195321 75 36 current current ADJ _005195321 75 37 standards standard NOUN _005195321 75 38 . . PUNCT _005195321 76 1 the the DET _005195321 76 2 young young ADJ _005195321 76 3 people people NOUN _005195321 76 4 are be AUX _005195321 76 5 thinking think VERB _005195321 76 6 more more ADV _005195321 76 7 about about ADP _005195321 76 8 problems problem NOUN _005195321 76 9 of of ADP _005195321 76 10 conduct conduct NOUN _005195321 76 11 than than ADP _005195321 76 12 ever ever ADV _005195321 76 13 before before ADV _005195321 76 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 77 1 the the DET _005195321 77 2 standards standard NOUN _005195321 77 3 of of ADP _005195321 77 4 yesterday yesterday NOUN _005195321 77 5 do do AUX _005195321 77 6 not not PART _005195321 77 7 fit fit VERB _005195321 77 8 the the DET _005195321 77 9 young young ADJ _005195321 77 10 people people NOUN _005195321 77 11 of of ADP _005195321 77 12 today today NOUN _005195321 77 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 78 1 a a DET _005195321 78 2 new new ADJ _005195321 78 3 code code NOUN _005195321 78 4 needs need VERB _005195321 78 5 to to PART _005195321 78 6 be be AUX _005195321 78 7 developed develop VERB _005195321 78 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 79 1 this this DET _005195321 79 2 necessity necessity NOUN _005195321 79 3 is be AUX _005195321 79 4 made make VERB _005195321 79 5 more more ADJ _005195321 79 6 poignant poignant NOUN _005195321 79 7 by by ADP _005195321 79 8 the the DET _005195321 79 9 fact fact NOUN _005195321 79 10 that that SCONJ _005195321 79 11 there there PRON _005195321 79 12 is be VERB _005195321 79 13 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195321 79 14 of of ADP _005195321 79 15 good good ADJ _005195321 79 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 79 17 evil evil NOUN _005195321 79 18 everywhere everywhere ADV _005195321 79 19 in in ADP _005195321 79 20 the the DET _005195321 79 21 land land NOUN _005195321 79 22 that that PRON _005195321 79 23 was be AUX _005195321 79 24 not not PART _005195321 79 25 available available ADJ _005195321 79 26 to to ADP _005195321 79 27 our our PRON _005195321 79 28 forefathers forefather NOUN _005195321 79 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 79 30 ” " PUNCT _005195321 80 1 again again ADV _005195321 80 2 from from ADP _005195321 80 3 the the DET _005195321 80 4 published publish VERB _005195321 80 5 accounts account NOUN _005195321 80 6 of of ADP _005195321 80 7 the the DET _005195321 80 8 conference conference NOUN _005195321 80 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 80 10 we we PRON _005195321 80 11 learn learn VERB _005195321 80 12 that that SCONJ _005195321 80 13 professor professor PROPN _005195321 80 14 b b PROPN _005195321 80 15 “ " PUNCT _005195321 80 16 pointed point VERB _005195321 80 17 out out ADP _005195321 80 18 that that SCONJ _005195321 80 19 the the DET _005195321 80 20 present present ADJ _005195321 80 21 day day NOUN _005195321 80 22 educational educational ADJ _005195321 80 23 policy policy NOUN _005195321 80 24 aims aim VERB _005195321 80 25 to to PART _005195321 80 26 look look VERB _005195321 80 27 after after ADP _005195321 80 28 the the DET _005195321 80 29 needs need NOUN _005195321 80 30 of of ADP _005195321 80 31 the the DET _005195321 80 32 learners learner NOUN _005195321 80 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 80 34 and and CCONJ _005195321 80 35 not not PART _005195321 80 36 follow follow VERB _005195321 80 37 the the DET _005195321 80 38 whims whim NOUN _005195321 80 39 of of ADP _005195321 80 40 the the DET _005195321 80 41 professors professor NOUN _005195321 80 42 . . PUNCT _005195321 81 1 he he PRON _005195321 81 2 told tell VERB _005195321 81 3 of of ADP _005195321 81 4 a a DET _005195321 81 5 professor professor NOUN _005195321 81 6 who who PRON _005195321 81 7 spent spend VERB _005195321 81 8 many many ADJ _005195321 81 9 hours hour NOUN _005195321 81 10 trying try VERB _005195321 81 11 to to PART _005195321 81 12 discover discover VERB _005195321 81 13 what what PRON _005195321 81 14 the the DET _005195321 81 15 needs need NOUN _005195321 81 16 of of ADP _005195321 81 17 the the DET _005195321 81 18 learners learner NOUN _005195321 81 19 were be AUX _005195321 81 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 82 1 finally finally ADV _005195321 82 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 82 3 someone someone PRON _005195321 82 4 suggested suggest VERB _005195321 82 5 that that SCONJ _005195321 82 6 the the DET _005195321 82 7 pupils pupil NOUN _005195321 82 8 themselves themselves PRON _005195321 82 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 82 10 as as ADP _005195321 82 11 the the DET _005195321 82 12 learners learner NOUN _005195321 82 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 82 14 could could AUX _005195321 82 15 tell tell VERB _005195321 82 16 best well ADV _005195321 82 17 what what PRON _005195321 82 18 their their PRON _005195321 82 19 needs need NOUN _005195321 82 20 were be AUX _005195321 82 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 83 1 a a DET _005195321 83 2 canvass canvass NOUN _005195321 83 3 was be AUX _005195321 83 4 insti10 insti10 ADJ _005195321 83 5 the the DET _005195321 83 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 83 7 church church NOUN _005195321 83 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 83 9 youth youth NOUN _005195321 83 10 tuted tut VERB _005195321 83 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 83 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 83 13 the the DET _005195321 83 14 educational educational ADJ _005195321 83 15 world world NOUN _005195321 83 16 was be AUX _005195321 83 17 startled startle VERB _005195321 83 18 by by ADP _005195321 83 19 the the DET _005195321 83 20 composite composite ADJ _005195321 83 21 answer answer NOUN _005195321 83 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 83 23 ” " PUNCT _005195321 84 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 84 2 education education NOUN _005195321 84 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 84 4 ” " PUNCT _005195321 84 5 according accord VERB _005195321 84 6 to to ADP _005195321 84 7 a a DET _005195321 84 8 summary summary NOUN _005195321 84 9 of of ADP _005195321 84 10 the the DET _005195321 84 11 answers answer NOUN _005195321 84 12 of of ADP _005195321 84 13 these these DET _005195321 84 14 students student NOUN _005195321 84 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 84 16 “ " PUNCT _005195321 84 17 must must AUX _005195321 84 18 develop develop VERB _005195321 84 19 an an DET _005195321 84 20 understanding understanding NOUN _005195321 84 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 84 22 first first ADJ _005195321 84 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 84 24 of of ADP _005195321 84 25 self self NOUN _005195321 84 26 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 84 27 second second ADJ _005195321 84 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 84 29 of of ADP _005195321 84 30 nature nature NOUN _005195321 84 31 and and CCONJ _005195321 84 32 the the DET _005195321 84 33 physical physical ADJ _005195321 84 34 world world NOUN _005195321 84 35 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 84 36 third third ADJ _005195321 84 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 84 38 of of ADP _005195321 84 39 organized organized ADJ _005195321 84 40 society society NOUN _005195321 84 41 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 84 42 and and CCONJ _005195321 84 43 fourth fourth ADV _005195321 84 44 , , PUNCT _005195321 84 45 of of ADP _005195321 84 46 the the DET _005195321 84 47 force force NOUN _005195321 84 48 of of ADP _005195321 84 49 law law NOUN _005195321 84 50 and and CCONJ _005195321 84 51 love love NOUN _005195321 84 52 — — PUNCT _005195321 84 53 god god PROPN _005195321 84 54 and and CCONJ _005195321 84 55 religion religion NOUN _005195321 84 56 — — PUNCT _005195321 84 57 working work VERB _005195321 84 58 in in ADP _005195321 84 59 the the DET _005195321 84 60 world world NOUN _005195321 84 61 . . PUNCT _005195321 85 1 character character NOUN _005195321 85 2 results result NOUN _005195321 85 3 from from ADP _005195321 85 4 the the DET _005195321 85 5 adjustments adjustment NOUN _005195321 85 6 of of ADP _005195321 85 7 the the DET _005195321 85 8 individual individual NOUN _005195321 85 9 to to ADP _005195321 85 10 his his PRON _005195321 85 11 understanding understanding NOUN _005195321 85 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 85 13 appreciation appreciation NOUN _005195321 85 14 of of ADP _005195321 85 15 these these DET _005195321 85 16 four four NUM _005195321 85 17 elements element NOUN _005195321 85 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 85 19 ” " PUNCT _005195321 86 1 before before ADP _005195321 86 2 proceeding proceed VERB _005195321 86 3 to to PART _005195321 86 4 analyze analyze VERB _005195321 86 5 the the DET _005195321 86 6 findings finding NOUN _005195321 86 7 of of ADP _005195321 86 8 these these DET _005195321 86 9 professors professor NOUN _005195321 86 10 let let VERB _005195321 86 11 us we PRON _005195321 86 12 go go VERB _005195321 86 13 back back ADV _005195321 86 14 to to PART _005195321 86 15 pick pick VERB _005195321 86 16 up up ADP _005195321 86 17 the the DET _005195321 86 18 thread thread NOUN _005195321 86 19 of of ADP _005195321 86 20 last last ADJ _005195321 86 21 sunday sunday PROPN _005195321 86 22 ’s ’s PART _005195321 86 23 discourse discourse NOUN _005195321 86 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 87 1 last last ADJ _005195321 87 2 week week NOUN _005195321 87 3 we we PRON _005195321 87 4 saw see VERB _005195321 87 5 in in ADP _005195321 87 6 broad broad ADJ _005195321 87 7 outline outline NOUN _005195321 87 8 what what PRON _005195321 87 9 the the DET _005195321 87 10 church church NOUN _005195321 87 11 offers offer VERB _005195321 87 12 young young ADJ _005195321 87 13 men man NOUN _005195321 87 14 and and CCONJ _005195321 87 15 women woman NOUN _005195321 87 16 to to PART _005195321 87 17 assist assist VERB _005195321 87 18 them they PRON _005195321 87 19 in in ADP _005195321 87 20 solving solve VERB _005195321 87 21 the the DET _005195321 87 22 problems problem NOUN _005195321 87 23 of of ADP _005195321 87 24 life life NOUN _005195321 87 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 88 1 i i PRON _005195321 88 2 said say VERB _005195321 88 3 that that SCONJ _005195321 88 4 in in ADP _005195321 88 5 particularizing particularize VERB _005195321 88 6 on on ADP _005195321 88 7 this this DET _005195321 88 8 program program NOUN _005195321 88 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 88 10 i i PRON _005195321 88 11 would would AUX _005195321 88 12 confine confine VERB _005195321 88 13 my my PRON _005195321 88 14 considerations consideration NOUN _005195321 88 15 largely largely ADV _005195321 88 16 to to ADP _005195321 88 17 four four NUM _005195321 88 18 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 88 19 which which PRON _005195321 88 20 were be AUX _005195321 88 21 anlayzed anlayze VERB _005195321 88 22 for for ADP _005195321 88 23 us we PRON _005195321 88 24 by by ADP _005195321 88 25 the the DET _005195321 88 26 ancient ancient ADJ _005195321 88 27 greeks greek NOUN _005195321 88 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 89 1 such such DET _005195321 89 2 an an DET _005195321 89 3 approach approach NOUN _005195321 89 4 is be AUX _005195321 89 5 positive positive ADJ _005195321 89 6 . . PUNCT _005195321 90 1 the the DET _005195321 90 2 approach approach NOUN _005195321 90 3 through through ADP _005195321 90 4 vice vice NOUN _005195321 90 5 is be AUX _005195321 90 6 negative negative ADJ _005195321 90 7 . . PUNCT _005195321 91 1 both both DET _005195321 91 2 forms form NOUN _005195321 91 3 of of ADP _005195321 91 4 approach approach NOUN _005195321 91 5 are be AUX _005195321 91 6 good good ADJ _005195321 91 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 91 8 both both PRON _005195321 91 9 are be AUX _005195321 91 10 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 91 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 92 1 in in ADP _005195321 92 2 dealing deal VERB _005195321 92 3 with with ADP _005195321 92 4 young young ADJ _005195321 92 5 men man NOUN _005195321 92 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 92 7 however however ADV _005195321 92 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 92 9 i i PRON _005195321 92 10 have have AUX _005195321 92 11 always always ADV _005195321 92 12 felt feel VERB _005195321 92 13 that that SCONJ _005195321 92 14 i i PRON _005195321 92 15 was be AUX _005195321 92 16 dealing deal VERB _005195321 92 17 with with ADP _005195321 92 18 optimists optimist NOUN _005195321 92 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 92 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 92 21 i i PRON _005195321 92 22 have have AUX _005195321 92 23 never never ADV _005195321 92 24 wanted want VERB _005195321 92 25 to to PART _005195321 92 26 tear tear VERB _005195321 92 27 down down ADP _005195321 92 28 without without ADP _005195321 92 29 furnishing furnish VERB _005195321 92 30 the the DET _005195321 92 31 materials material NOUN _005195321 92 32 to to PART _005195321 92 33 build build VERB _005195321 92 34 up up ADP _005195321 92 35 again again ADV _005195321 92 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 93 1 the the DET _005195321 93 2 greeks greek NOUN _005195321 93 3 listed list VERB _005195321 93 4 four four NUM _005195321 93 5 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 93 6 as as ADP _005195321 93 7 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195321 93 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 93 9 or or CCONJ _005195321 93 10 principal principal NOUN _005195321 93 11 : : PUNCT _005195321 93 12 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 93 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 93 14 justice justice NOUN _005195321 93 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 93 16 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 93 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 93 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 93 19 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 93 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 94 1 they they PRON _005195321 94 2 considered consider VERB _005195321 94 3 these these DET _005195321 94 4 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 94 5 in in ADP _005195321 94 6 relation relation NOUN _005195321 94 7 to to ADP _005195321 94 8 the the DET _005195321 94 9 natural natural ADJ _005195321 94 10 man man NOUN _005195321 94 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 94 12 his his PRON _005195321 94 13 temporal temporal ADJ _005195321 94 14 welfare welfare NOUN _005195321 94 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 94 16 the the DET _005195321 94 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 94 18 church church NOUN _005195321 94 19 studies study NOUN _005195321 94 20 them they PRON _005195321 94 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 94 22 not not PART _005195321 94 23 only only ADV _005195321 94 24 in in ADP _005195321 94 25 this this DET _005195321 94 26 relationship relationship NOUN _005195321 94 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 94 28 but but CCONJ _005195321 94 29 also also ADV _005195321 94 30 with with ADP _005195321 94 31 reference reference NOUN _005195321 94 32 to to ADP _005195321 94 33 the the DET _005195321 94 34 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005195321 94 35 man man NOUN _005195321 94 36 and and CCONJ _005195321 94 37 his his PRON _005195321 94 38 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 94 39 destiny destiny NOUN _005195321 94 40 . . PUNCT _005195321 95 1 in in ADP _005195321 95 2 justice justice PROPN _005195321 95 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 4 for for ADP _005195321 95 5 instance instance NOUN _005195321 95 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 7 the the DET _005195321 95 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 95 9 church church NOUN _005195321 95 10 tells tell VERB _005195321 95 11 us we PRON _005195321 95 12 to to PART _005195321 95 13 be be AUX _005195321 95 14 square square ADJ _005195321 95 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 95 16 to to PART _005195321 95 17 pay pay VERB _005195321 95 18 our our PRON _005195321 95 19 debts debt NOUN _005195321 95 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 21 not not PART _005195321 95 22 only only ADV _005195321 95 23 that that SCONJ _005195321 95 24 we we PRON _005195321 95 25 may may AUX _005195321 95 26 prudence prudence VERB _005195321 95 27 11 11 NUM _005195321 95 28 be be AUX _005195321 95 29 good good ADJ _005195321 95 30 citizens citizen NOUN _005195321 95 31 and and CCONJ _005195321 95 32 useful useful ADJ _005195321 95 33 members member NOUN _005195321 95 34 of of ADP _005195321 95 35 society society NOUN _005195321 95 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 37 not not PART _005195321 95 38 only only ADV _005195321 95 39 that that SCONJ _005195321 95 40 the the DET _005195321 95 41 trust trust NOUN _005195321 95 42 so so ADV _005195321 95 43 essential essential ADJ _005195321 95 44 to to SCONJ _005195321 95 45 community community NOUN _005195321 95 46 happiness happiness NOUN _005195321 95 47 may may AUX _005195321 95 48 be be AUX _005195321 95 49 maintained maintain VERB _005195321 95 50 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 51 but but CCONJ _005195321 95 52 also also ADV _005195321 95 53 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 54 and and CCONJ _005195321 95 55 principally principally ADV _005195321 95 56 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 57 because because SCONJ _005195321 95 58 the the DET _005195321 95 59 law law NOUN _005195321 95 60 of of ADP _005195321 95 61 god god PROPN _005195321 95 62 demands demand VERB _005195321 95 63 that that SCONJ _005195321 95 64 we we PRON _005195321 95 65 do do VERB _005195321 95 66 unto unto ADP _005195321 95 67 others other NOUN _005195321 95 68 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 69 for for ADP _005195321 95 70 the the DET _005195321 95 71 love love NOUN _005195321 95 72 of of ADP _005195321 95 73 god god PROPN _005195321 95 74 , , PUNCT _005195321 95 75 as as SCONJ _005195321 95 76 we we PRON _005195321 95 77 would would AUX _005195321 95 78 have have VERB _005195321 95 79 them they PRON _005195321 95 80 do do VERB _005195321 95 81 unto unto ADP _005195321 95 82 us we PRON _005195321 95 83 . . PUNCT _005195321 96 1 the the DET _005195321 96 2 church church NOUN _005195321 96 3 tells tell VERB _005195321 96 4 us we PRON _005195321 96 5 to to PART _005195321 96 6 be be AUX _005195321 96 7 honest honest ADJ _005195321 96 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 96 9 not not PART _005195321 96 10 because because SCONJ _005195321 96 11 “ " PUNCT _005195321 96 12 honesty honesty NOUN _005195321 96 13 is be AUX _005195321 96 14 the the DET _005195321 96 15 best good ADJ _005195321 96 16 policy policy NOUN _005195321 96 17 ” " PUNCT _005195321 96 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 96 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 96 20 not not PART _005195321 96 21 merely merely ADV _005195321 96 22 because because SCONJ _005195321 96 23 honesty honesty NOUN _005195321 96 24 is be AUX _005195321 96 25 the the DET _005195321 96 26 mark mark NOUN _005195321 96 27 of of ADP _005195321 96 28 the the DET _005195321 96 29 good good ADJ _005195321 96 30 citizen citizen NOUN _005195321 96 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 96 32 but but CCONJ _005195321 96 33 because because SCONJ _005195321 96 34 dishonesty dishonesty NOUN _005195321 96 35 is be AUX _005195321 96 36 a a DET _005195321 96 37 defilement defilement NOUN _005195321 96 38 of of ADP _005195321 96 39 the the DET _005195321 96 40 image image NOUN _005195321 96 41 of of ADP _005195321 96 42 god god PROPN _005195321 96 43 . . PUNCT _005195321 97 1 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 97 2 is be AUX _005195321 97 3 the the DET _005195321 97 4 first first ADJ _005195321 97 5 of of ADP _005195321 97 6 these these DET _005195321 97 7 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195321 97 8 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 97 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 98 1 the the DET _005195321 98 2 ancient ancient ADJ _005195321 98 3 greeks greek NOUN _005195321 98 4 thought think VERB _005195321 98 5 of of ADP _005195321 98 6 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 98 7 as as ADP _005195321 98 8 “ " PUNCT _005195321 98 9 right right ADJ _005195321 98 10 reason reason NOUN _005195321 98 11 applied apply VERB _005195321 98 12 to to ADP _005195321 98 13 action action NOUN _005195321 98 14 in in ADP _005195321 98 15 view view NOUN _005195321 98 16 of of ADP _005195321 98 17 an an DET _005195321 98 18 end end NOUN _005195321 98 19 sought seek VERB _005195321 98 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 98 21 ” " PUNCT _005195321 99 1 the the DET _005195321 99 2 church church NOUN _005195321 99 3 accepts accept VERB _005195321 99 4 this this DET _005195321 99 5 definition definition NOUN _005195321 99 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 99 7 but but CCONJ _005195321 99 8 makes make VERB _005195321 99 9 the the DET _005195321 99 10 desired desire VERB _005195321 99 11 final final ADJ _005195321 99 12 end end NOUN _005195321 99 13 the the DET _005195321 99 14 eternity eternity NOUN _005195321 99 15 of of ADP _005195321 99 16 bliss bliss NOUN _005195321 99 17 which which PRON _005195321 99 18 god god PROPN _005195321 99 19 has have AUX _005195321 99 20 promised promise VERB _005195321 99 21 to to ADP _005195321 99 22 his his PRON _005195321 99 23 creatures creature NOUN _005195321 99 24 who who PRON _005195321 99 25 fulfill fulfill VERB _005195321 99 26 his his PRON _005195321 99 27 law law NOUN _005195321 99 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 100 1 the the DET _005195321 100 2 church church NOUN _005195321 100 3 does do AUX _005195321 100 4 not not PART _005195321 100 5 miss miss VERB _005195321 100 6 the the DET _005195321 100 7 point point NOUN _005195321 100 8 that that PRON _005195321 100 9 man man NOUN _005195321 100 10 has have VERB _005195321 100 11 a a DET _005195321 100 12 temporal temporal ADJ _005195321 100 13 as as ADV _005195321 100 14 well well ADV _005195321 100 15 as as ADP _005195321 100 16 an an DET _005195321 100 17 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 100 18 end end NOUN _005195321 100 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 101 1 she she PRON _005195321 101 2 recognizes recognize VERB _005195321 101 3 that that SCONJ _005195321 101 4 you you PRON _005195321 101 5 have have VERB _005195321 101 6 your your PRON _005195321 101 7 health health NOUN _005195321 101 8 to to PART _005195321 101 9 consider consider VERB _005195321 101 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 101 11 your your PRON _005195321 101 12 means mean NOUN _005195321 101 13 of of ADP _005195321 101 14 livelihood livelihood NOUN _005195321 101 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 101 16 your your PRON _005195321 101 17 selection selection NOUN _005195321 101 18 of of ADP _005195321 101 19 friends friend NOUN _005195321 101 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 101 21 your your PRON _005195321 101 22 choice choice NOUN _005195321 101 23 of of ADP _005195321 101 24 a a DET _005195321 101 25 state state NOUN _005195321 101 26 of of ADP _005195321 101 27 life life NOUN _005195321 101 28 — — PUNCT _005195321 101 29 most most ADV _005195321 101 30 probably probably ADV _005195321 101 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 101 32 the the DET _005195321 101 33 establishment establishment NOUN _005195321 101 34 of of ADP _005195321 101 35 a a DET _005195321 101 36 home home NOUN _005195321 101 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 101 38 and and CCONJ _005195321 101 39 the the DET _005195321 101 40 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005195321 101 41 of of ADP _005195321 101 42 the the DET _005195321 101 43 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005195321 101 44 of of ADP _005195321 101 45 married married ADJ _005195321 101 46 life life NOUN _005195321 101 47 . . PUNCT _005195321 102 1 the the DET _005195321 102 2 church church NOUN _005195321 102 3 tells tell VERB _005195321 102 4 you you PRON _005195321 102 5 that that DET _005195321 102 6 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 102 7 is be AUX _005195321 102 8 the the DET _005195321 102 9 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 102 10 that that PRON _005195321 102 11 you you PRON _005195321 102 12 must must AUX _005195321 102 13 bring bring VERB _005195321 102 14 to to ADP _005195321 102 15 these these DET _005195321 102 16 selections selection NOUN _005195321 102 17 if if SCONJ _005195321 102 18 you you PRON _005195321 102 19 would would AUX _005195321 102 20 have have VERB _005195321 102 21 happiness happiness NOUN _005195321 102 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 102 23 peace peace NOUN _005195321 102 24 in in ADP _005195321 102 25 this this DET _005195321 102 26 life life NOUN _005195321 102 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 102 28 at at ADP _005195321 102 29 the the DET _005195321 102 30 same same ADJ _005195321 102 31 time time NOUN _005195321 102 32 place place NOUN _005195321 102 33 no no DET _005195321 102 34 obstacle obstacle NOUN _005195321 102 35 to to ADP _005195321 102 36 the the DET _005195321 102 37 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 102 38 happiness happiness NOUN _005195321 102 39 to to PART _005195321 102 40 which which PRON _005195321 102 41 god god PROPN _005195321 102 42 has have AUX _005195321 102 43 called call VERB _005195321 102 44 you you PRON _005195321 102 45 . . PUNCT _005195321 103 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 103 2 now now ADV _005195321 103 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 103 4 what what PRON _005195321 103 5 shall shall AUX _005195321 103 6 we we PRON _005195321 103 7 say say VERB _005195321 103 8 of of ADP _005195321 103 9 the the DET _005195321 103 10 findings finding NOUN _005195321 103 11 of of ADP _005195321 103 12 the the DET _005195321 103 13 professors professor NOUN _005195321 103 14 on on ADP _005195321 103 15 the the DET _005195321 103 16 problems problem NOUN _005195321 103 17 of of ADP _005195321 103 18 youth youth NOUN _005195321 103 19 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 104 1 when when SCONJ _005195321 104 2 professor professor NOUN _005195321 104 3 a a PRON _005195321 104 4 finds find VERB _005195321 104 5 no no DET _005195321 104 6 moral moral ADJ _005195321 104 7 decline decline NOUN _005195321 104 8 among among ADP _005195321 104 9 young young ADJ _005195321 104 10 people people NOUN _005195321 104 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 104 12 we we PRON _005195321 104 13 long long VERB _005195321 104 14 to to PART _005195321 104 15 ask ask VERB _005195321 104 16 him he PRON _005195321 104 17 what what PRON _005195321 104 18 he he PRON _005195321 104 19 means mean VERB _005195321 104 20 by by ADP _005195321 104 21 moral moral ADJ _005195321 104 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 104 23 what what PRON _005195321 104 24 he he PRON _005195321 104 25 means mean VERB _005195321 104 26 by by ADP _005195321 104 27 decline decline NOUN _005195321 104 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 105 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 105 2 there there PRON _005195321 105 3 are be VERB _005195321 105 4 no no DET _005195321 105 5 fixed fix VERB _005195321 105 6 standards standard NOUN _005195321 105 7 of of ADP _005195321 105 8 conduct conduct NOUN _005195321 105 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 105 10 it it PRON _005195321 105 11 is be AUX _005195321 105 12 rash rash ADJ _005195321 105 13 to to PART _005195321 105 14 speak speak VERB _005195321 105 15 of of ADP _005195321 105 16 either either PRON _005195321 105 17 decline decline NOUN _005195321 105 18 or or CCONJ _005195321 105 19 improvement improvement NOUN _005195321 105 20 — — PUNCT _005195321 105 21 one one NUM _005195321 105 22 never never ADV _005195321 105 23 knows know VERB _005195321 105 24 12 12 NUM _005195321 105 25 the the DET _005195321 105 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 105 27 church church NOUN _005195321 105 28 and and CCONJ _005195321 105 29 youth youth NOUN _005195321 105 30 whether whether SCONJ _005195321 105 31 he he PRON _005195321 105 32 is be AUX _005195321 105 33 going go VERB _005195321 105 34 up up ADP _005195321 105 35 or or CCONJ _005195321 105 36 down down ADV _005195321 105 37 . . PUNCT _005195321 106 1 professor professor NOUN _005195321 106 2 a a PRON _005195321 106 3 suggests suggest VERB _005195321 106 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 106 5 a a DET _005195321 106 6 new new ADJ _005195321 106 7 code code NOUN _005195321 106 8 needs need VERB _005195321 106 9 to to PART _005195321 106 10 be be AUX _005195321 106 11 developed develop VERB _005195321 106 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 106 13 that that SCONJ _005195321 106 14 the the DET _005195321 106 15 standards standard NOUN _005195321 106 16 of of ADP _005195321 106 17 yesterday yesterday NOUN _005195321 106 18 do do AUX _005195321 106 19 not not PART _005195321 106 20 fit fit VERB _005195321 106 21 the the DET _005195321 106 22 young young ADJ _005195321 106 23 people people NOUN _005195321 106 24 of of ADP _005195321 106 25 today today NOUN _005195321 106 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 107 1 i i PRON _005195321 107 2 wonder wonder VERB _005195321 107 3 why why SCONJ _005195321 107 4 he he PRON _005195321 107 5 concludes conclude VERB _005195321 107 6 that that SCONJ _005195321 107 7 there there PRON _005195321 107 8 should should AUX _005195321 107 9 be be AUX _005195321 107 10 standards standard NOUN _005195321 107 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 108 1 men man NOUN _005195321 108 2 still still ADV _005195321 108 3 have have VERB _005195321 108 4 the the DET _005195321 108 5 same same ADJ _005195321 108 6 physical physical ADJ _005195321 108 7 constitution constitution NOUN _005195321 108 8 they they PRON _005195321 108 9 had have VERB _005195321 108 10 thirty thirty NUM _005195321 108 11 years year NOUN _005195321 108 12 ago ago ADV _005195321 108 13 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 108 14 they they PRON _005195321 108 15 still still ADV _005195321 108 16 have have VERB _005195321 108 17 the the DET _005195321 108 18 same same ADJ _005195321 108 19 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005195321 108 20 instincts instinct NOUN _005195321 108 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 108 22 aspirations aspiration NOUN _005195321 108 23 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 108 24 they they PRON _005195321 108 25 still still ADV _005195321 108 26 have have VERB _005195321 108 27 relations relation NOUN _005195321 108 28 with with ADP _005195321 108 29 their their PRON _005195321 108 30 neighbors neighbor NOUN _005195321 108 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 108 32 they they PRON _005195321 108 33 are be AUX _005195321 108 34 not not PART _005195321 108 35 the the DET _005195321 108 36 creatures creature NOUN _005195321 108 37 of of ADP _005195321 108 38 any any DET _005195321 108 39 new new ADJ _005195321 108 40 god god PROPN _005195321 108 41 . . PUNCT _005195321 109 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 109 2 we we PRON _005195321 109 3 know know VERB _005195321 109 4 of of ADP _005195321 109 5 no no DET _005195321 109 6 universal universal ADJ _005195321 109 7 decree decree NOUN _005195321 109 8 that that PRON _005195321 109 9 has have AUX _005195321 109 10 changed change VERB _005195321 109 11 their their PRON _005195321 109 12 last last ADJ _005195321 109 13 end end NOUN _005195321 109 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 110 1 why why SCONJ _005195321 110 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 110 3 then then ADV _005195321 110 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 110 5 should should AUX _005195321 110 6 there there PRON _005195321 110 7 be be AUX _005195321 110 8 a a DET _005195321 110 9 new new ADJ _005195321 110 10 set set NOUN _005195321 110 11 of of ADP _005195321 110 12 standards standard NOUN _005195321 110 13 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 111 1 why why SCONJ _005195321 111 2 should should AUX _005195321 111 3 it it PRON _005195321 111 4 not not PART _005195321 111 5 still still ADV _005195321 111 6 be be AUX _005195321 111 7 wrong wrong ADJ _005195321 111 8 to to PART _005195321 111 9 lie lie VERB _005195321 111 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 111 11 to to PART _005195321 111 12 steal steal VERB _005195321 111 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 111 14 to to PART _005195321 111 15 commit commit VERB _005195321 111 16 adultery adultery NOUN _005195321 111 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 111 18 to to PART _005195321 111 19 murder murder NOUN _005195321 111 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 111 21 to to PART _005195321 111 22 disobey disobey VERB _005195321 111 23 authority authority NOUN _005195321 111 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 111 25 to to PART _005195321 111 26 dishonor dishonor VERB _005195321 111 27 god god PROPN _005195321 111 28 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 112 1 when when SCONJ _005195321 112 2 professor professor PROPN _005195321 112 3 b b PROPN _005195321 112 4 objects object NOUN _005195321 112 5 to to ADP _005195321 112 6 professors professor NOUN _005195321 112 7 following follow VERB _005195321 112 8 their their PRON _005195321 112 9 whims whim NOUN _005195321 112 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 112 11 we we PRON _005195321 112 12 quite quite ADV _005195321 112 13 agree agree VERB _005195321 112 14 with with ADP _005195321 112 15 him he PRON _005195321 112 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 112 17 but but CCONJ _005195321 112 18 we we PRON _005195321 112 19 long long VERB _005195321 112 20 to to PART _005195321 112 21 point point VERB _005195321 112 22 out out ADP _005195321 112 23 to to ADP _005195321 112 24 him he PRON _005195321 112 25 that that SCONJ _005195321 112 26 professors professor NOUN _005195321 112 27 should should AUX _005195321 112 28 have have VERB _005195321 112 29 something something PRON _005195321 112 30 more more ADV _005195321 112 31 solid solid ADJ _005195321 112 32 than than ADP _005195321 112 33 whims whim NOUN _005195321 112 34 in in ADP _005195321 112 35 their their PRON _005195321 112 36 educational educational ADJ _005195321 112 37 repertoire repertoire NOUN _005195321 112 38 . . PUNCT _005195321 113 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 113 2 when when SCONJ _005195321 113 3 he he PRON _005195321 113 4 finds find VERB _005195321 113 5 sense sense NOUN _005195321 113 6 in in ADP _005195321 113 7 a a DET _005195321 113 8 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN _005195321 113 9 of of ADP _005195321 113 10 understandings understanding NOUN _005195321 113 11 that that PRON _005195321 113 12 places place VERB _005195321 113 13 self self NOUN _005195321 113 14 first first ADV _005195321 113 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 113 16 the the DET _005195321 113 17 physical physical ADJ _005195321 113 18 world world NOUN _005195321 113 19 second second ADV _005195321 113 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 113 21 organized organize VERB _005195321 113 22 society society NOUN _005195321 113 23 third third ADV _005195321 113 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 113 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 113 26 god god PROPN _005195321 113 27 last last ADV _005195321 113 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 113 29 we we PRON _005195321 113 30 regret regret VERB _005195321 113 31 that that SCONJ _005195321 113 32 he he PRON _005195321 113 33 is be AUX _005195321 113 34 in in ADP _005195321 113 35 a a DET _005195321 113 36 position position NOUN _005195321 113 37 to to PART _005195321 113 38 confirm confirm VERB _005195321 113 39 young young ADJ _005195321 113 40 minds mind NOUN _005195321 113 41 in in ADP _005195321 113 42 the the DET _005195321 113 43 blindness blindness NOUN _005195321 113 44 . . PUNCT _005195321 114 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 114 2 there there PRON _005195321 114 3 is be VERB _005195321 114 4 one one NUM _005195321 114 5 best good ADJ _005195321 114 6 way way NOUN _005195321 114 7 to to PART _005195321 114 8 promote promote VERB _005195321 114 9 moral moral ADJ _005195321 114 10 anarchy anarchy NOUN _005195321 114 11 in in ADP _005195321 114 12 the the DET _005195321 114 13 world world NOUN _005195321 114 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 114 15 it it PRON _005195321 114 16 is be AUX _005195321 114 17 to to PART _005195321 114 18 upset upset VERB _005195321 114 19 the the DET _005195321 114 20 divinely divinely ADV _005195321 114 21 established establish VERB _005195321 114 22 order order NOUN _005195321 114 23 of of ADP _005195321 114 24 placing place VERB _005195321 114 25 the the DET _005195321 114 26 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195321 114 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 114 28 love love NOUN _005195321 114 29 of of ADP _005195321 114 30 god god PROPN _005195321 114 31 first first ADV _005195321 114 32 in in ADP _005195321 114 33 man man NOUN _005195321 114 34 ’s ’s PART _005195321 114 35 duties duty NOUN _005195321 114 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 115 1 newspaper newspaper NOUN _005195321 115 2 scandals scandal NOUN _005195321 115 3 are be AUX _005195321 115 4 but but CCONJ _005195321 115 5 the the DET _005195321 115 6 stories story NOUN _005195321 115 7 of of ADP _005195321 115 8 men man NOUN _005195321 115 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 115 10 women woman NOUN _005195321 115 11 who who PRON _005195321 115 12 placed place VERB _005195321 115 13 self self NOUN _005195321 115 14 first first ADV _005195321 115 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 116 1 i i PRON _005195321 116 2 have have AUX _005195321 116 3 defined define VERB _005195321 116 4 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 116 5 as as SCONJ _005195321 116 6 right right ADJ _005195321 116 7 reason reason NOUN _005195321 116 8 applied apply VERB _005195321 116 9 to to ADP _005195321 116 10 action action NOUN _005195321 116 11 in in ADP _005195321 116 12 view view NOUN _005195321 116 13 of of ADP _005195321 116 14 man man NOUN _005195321 116 15 ’s ’s PART _005195321 116 16 temporal temporal ADJ _005195321 116 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 116 18 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 116 19 end end NOUN _005195321 116 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 117 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 117 2 no no DET _005195321 117 3 end end NOUN _005195321 117 4 is be AUX _005195321 117 5 in in ADP _005195321 117 6 view view NOUN _005195321 117 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 117 8 action action NOUN _005195321 117 9 is be AUX _005195321 117 10 haphazard haphazard ADJ _005195321 117 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 117 12 not not PART _005195321 117 13 reasonable reasonable ADJ _005195321 117 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 118 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 118 2 a a DET _005195321 118 3 false false ADJ _005195321 118 4 end end NOUN _005195321 118 5 is be AUX _005195321 118 6 in in ADP _005195321 118 7 view view NOUN _005195321 118 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 118 9 action action NOUN _005195321 118 10 is be AUX _005195321 118 11 still still ADV _005195321 118 12 unreasonable unreasonable ADJ _005195321 118 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 119 1 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 119 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 119 3 riches rich NOUN _005195321 119 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 119 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 119 6 power power NOUN _005195321 119 7 are be AUX _005195321 119 8 false false ADJ _005195321 119 9 ends end NOUN _005195321 119 10 if if SCONJ _005195321 119 11 proposed propose VERB _005195321 119 12 as as ADP _005195321 119 13 final final ADJ _005195321 119 14 ends end NOUN _005195321 119 15 or or CCONJ _005195321 119 16 if if SCONJ _005195321 119 17 accepted accept VERB _005195321 119 18 as as ADP _005195321 119 19 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 119 20 13 13 NUM _005195321 119 21 opposed oppose VERB _005195321 119 22 to to ADP _005195321 119 23 man man NOUN _005195321 119 24 ’s ’s PART _005195321 119 25 true true ADJ _005195321 119 26 final final ADJ _005195321 119 27 end end NOUN _005195321 119 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 120 1 that that SCONJ _005195321 120 2 they they PRON _005195321 120 3 are be AUX _005195321 120 4 so so ADV _005195321 120 5 proposed propose VERB _005195321 120 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 120 7 accepted accept VERB _005195321 120 8 is be AUX _005195321 120 9 a a DET _005195321 120 10 commonplace commonplace NOUN _005195321 120 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 120 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 120 13 the the DET _005195321 120 14 world world NOUN _005195321 120 15 is be AUX _005195321 120 16 sick sick ADJ _005195321 120 17 as as ADP _005195321 120 18 a a DET _005195321 120 19 result result NOUN _005195321 120 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 121 1 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 121 2 proposes propose VERB _005195321 121 3 that that DET _005195321 121 4 man man NOUN _005195321 121 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 121 6 to to PART _005195321 121 7 understand understand VERB _005195321 121 8 self self NOUN _005195321 121 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 121 10 must must AUX _005195321 121 11 first first ADV _005195321 121 12 determine determine VERB _005195321 121 13 whence whence SCONJ _005195321 121 14 he he PRON _005195321 121 15 comes come VERB _005195321 121 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 121 17 whither whither NOUN _005195321 121 18 he he PRON _005195321 121 19 goes go VERB _005195321 121 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 122 1 no no DET _005195321 122 2 one one NOUN _005195321 122 3 can can AUX _005195321 122 4 understand understand VERB _005195321 122 5 a a DET _005195321 122 6 machine machine NOUN _005195321 122 7 unless unless SCONJ _005195321 122 8 he he PRON _005195321 122 9 knows know VERB _005195321 122 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 122 11 either either CCONJ _005195321 122 12 by by ADP _005195321 122 13 testimony testimony NOUN _005195321 122 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 122 15 experience experience NOUN _005195321 122 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 122 17 or or CCONJ _005195321 122 18 reasoning reasoning NOUN _005195321 122 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 122 20 what what PRON _005195321 122 21 was be AUX _005195321 122 22 in in ADP _005195321 122 23 the the DET _005195321 122 24 mind mind NOUN _005195321 122 25 of of ADP _005195321 122 26 its its PRON _005195321 122 27 inventor inventor NOUN _005195321 122 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 123 1 man man NOUN _005195321 123 2 can can AUX _005195321 123 3 understand understand VERB _005195321 123 4 self self NOUN _005195321 123 5 only only ADV _005195321 123 6 to to ADP _005195321 123 7 the the DET _005195321 123 8 degree degree NOUN _005195321 123 9 to to PART _005195321 123 10 which which PRON _005195321 123 11 he he PRON _005195321 123 12 understands understand VERB _005195321 123 13 what what PRON _005195321 123 14 was be AUX _005195321 123 15 in in ADP _005195321 123 16 the the DET _005195321 123 17 mind mind NOUN _005195321 123 18 of of ADP _005195321 123 19 his his PRON _005195321 123 20 creator creator NOUN _005195321 123 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 124 1 by by ADP _005195321 124 2 reason reason NOUN _005195321 124 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 124 4 by by ADP _005195321 124 5 experience experience NOUN _005195321 124 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 124 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 124 8 by by ADP _005195321 124 9 testimony testimony NOUN _005195321 124 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 124 11 he he PRON _005195321 124 12 can can AUX _005195321 124 13 learn learn VERB _005195321 124 14 much much ADJ _005195321 124 15 about about ADP _005195321 124 16 what what PRON _005195321 124 17 was be AUX _005195321 124 18 in in ADP _005195321 124 19 the the DET _005195321 124 20 mind mind NOUN _005195321 124 21 of of ADP _005195321 124 22 his his PRON _005195321 124 23 creator creator NOUN _005195321 124 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 125 1 the the DET _005195321 125 2 prudent prudent ADJ _005195321 125 3 young young ADJ _005195321 125 4 man man NOUN _005195321 125 5 begins begin VERB _005195321 125 6 with with ADP _005195321 125 7 god god PROPN _005195321 125 8 to to PART _005195321 125 9 understand understand VERB _005195321 125 10 self self NOUN _005195321 125 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 125 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 125 13 right right ADJ _005195321 125 14 reason reason NOUN _005195321 125 15 then then ADV _005195321 125 16 orders order VERB _005195321 125 17 his his PRON _005195321 125 18 life life NOUN _005195321 125 19 to to ADP _005195321 125 20 its its PRON _005195321 125 21 final final ADJ _005195321 125 22 destiny destiny NOUN _005195321 125 23 with with ADP _005195321 125 24 his his PRON _005195321 125 25 creator creator NOUN _005195321 125 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 126 1 to to PART _005195321 126 2 aid aid VERB _005195321 126 3 youth youth NOUN _005195321 126 4 to to PART _005195321 126 5 acquire acquire VERB _005195321 126 6 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 126 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 126 8 the the DET _005195321 126 9 church church NOUN _005195321 126 10 offers offer VERB _005195321 126 11 her her PRON _005195321 126 12 counsel counsel NOUN _005195321 126 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 126 14 her her PRON _005195321 126 15 wise wise ADJ _005195321 126 16 rule rule NOUN _005195321 126 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 126 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 126 19 especially especially ADV _005195321 126 20 her her PRON _005195321 126 21 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195321 126 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 127 1 the the DET _005195321 127 2 chief chief ADJ _005195321 127 3 agency agency NOUN _005195321 127 4 she she PRON _005195321 127 5 employs employ VERB _005195321 127 6 to to PART _005195321 127 7 counsel counsel VERB _005195321 127 8 youth youth NOUN _005195321 127 9 is be AUX _005195321 127 10 the the DET _005195321 127 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 127 12 school school NOUN _005195321 127 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 128 1 having have VERB _005195321 128 2 in in ADP _005195321 128 3 mind mind NOUN _005195321 128 4 the the DET _005195321 128 5 moral moral ADJ _005195321 128 6 as as ADV _005195321 128 7 well well ADV _005195321 128 8 as as ADP _005195321 128 9 the the DET _005195321 128 10 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195321 128 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 128 12 physical physical ADJ _005195321 128 13 nature nature NOUN _005195321 128 14 of of ADP _005195321 128 15 man man NOUN _005195321 128 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 128 17 the the DET _005195321 128 18 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 128 19 church church NOUN _005195321 128 20 has have AUX _005195321 128 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 128 22 by by ADP _005195321 128 23 a a DET _005195321 128 24 voluntary voluntary ADJ _005195321 128 25 systerm systerm NOUN _005195321 128 26 of of ADP _005195321 128 27 double double ADJ _005195321 128 28 taxation taxation NOUN _005195321 128 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 128 30 built build VERB _005195321 128 31 up up ADP _005195321 128 32 in in ADP _005195321 128 33 this this DET _005195321 128 34 country country NOUN _005195321 128 35 a a DET _005195321 128 36 complete complete ADJ _005195321 128 37 educational educational ADJ _005195321 128 38 system system NOUN _005195321 128 39 , , PUNCT _005195321 128 40 from from ADP _005195321 128 41 kindergarten kindergarten NOUN _005195321 128 42 to to ADP _005195321 128 43 university university NOUN _005195321 128 44 , , PUNCT _005195321 128 45 in in ADP _005195321 128 46 which which PRON _005195321 128 47 upwards upwards ADV _005195321 128 48 of of ADP _005195321 128 49 three three NUM _005195321 128 50 million million NUM _005195321 128 51 children child NOUN _005195321 128 52 receive receive VERB _005195321 128 53 their their PRON _005195321 128 54 training training NOUN _005195321 128 55 . . PUNCT _005195321 129 1 the the DET _005195321 129 2 underlying underlie VERB _005195321 129 3 principle principle NOUN _005195321 129 4 of of ADP _005195321 129 5 the the DET _005195321 129 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 129 7 educational educational ADJ _005195321 129 8 system system NOUN _005195321 129 9 was be AUX _005195321 129 10 set set VERB _005195321 129 11 down down ADP _005195321 129 12 by by ADP _005195321 129 13 our our PRON _005195321 129 14 lord lord PROPN _005195321 129 15 when when SCONJ _005195321 129 16 he he PRON _005195321 129 17 said say VERB _005195321 129 18 : : PUNCT _005195321 129 19 “ " PUNCT _005195321 129 20 what what PRON _005195321 129 21 doth doth NOUN _005195321 129 22 it it PRON _005195321 129 23 profit profit VERB _005195321 129 24 a a DET _005195321 129 25 man man NOUN _005195321 129 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 129 27 if if SCONJ _005195321 129 28 he he PRON _005195321 129 29 gain gain VERB _005195321 129 30 the the DET _005195321 129 31 whole whole ADJ _005195321 129 32 world world NOUN _005195321 129 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 129 34 and and CCONJ _005195321 129 35 suffer suffer VERB _005195321 129 36 the the DET _005195321 129 37 loss loss NOUN _005195321 129 38 of of ADP _005195321 129 39 his his PRON _005195321 129 40 own own ADJ _005195321 129 41 soul soul NOUN _005195321 129 42 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 129 43 ” " PUNCT _005195321 130 1 the the DET _005195321 130 2 church church NOUN _005195321 130 3 is be AUX _005195321 130 4 not not PART _005195321 130 5 opposed oppose VERB _005195321 130 6 to to ADP _005195321 130 7 the the DET _005195321 130 8 public public ADJ _005195321 130 9 school school NOUN _005195321 130 10 system system NOUN _005195321 130 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 130 12 but but CCONJ _005195321 130 13 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 130 14 support support VERB _005195321 130 15 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 130 16 schools school NOUN _005195321 130 17 in in ADP _005195321 130 18 addition addition NOUN _005195321 130 19 to to ADP _005195321 130 20 paying pay VERB _005195321 130 21 the the DET _005195321 130 22 public public ADJ _005195321 130 23 school school NOUN _005195321 130 24 taxes taxis NOUN _005195321 130 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 130 26 because because SCONJ _005195321 130 27 they they PRON _005195321 130 28 want want VERB _005195321 130 29 their their PRON _005195321 130 30 children child NOUN _005195321 130 31 to to PART _005195321 130 32 be be AUX _005195321 130 33 instructed instruct VERB _005195321 130 34 in in ADP _005195321 130 35 morality morality NOUN _005195321 130 36 and and CCONJ _005195321 130 37 religion religion NOUN _005195321 130 38 at at ADP _005195321 130 39 14 14 NUM _005195321 130 40 the the DET _005195321 130 41 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 130 42 church church NOUN _005195321 130 43 and and CCONJ _005195321 130 44 youth youth NOUN _005195321 130 45 the the DET _005195321 130 46 same same ADJ _005195321 130 47 time time NOUN _005195321 130 48 that that PRON _005195321 130 49 they they PRON _005195321 130 50 are be AUX _005195321 130 51 preparing prepare VERB _005195321 130 52 for for ADP _005195321 130 53 citizenship citizenship NOUN _005195321 130 54 and and CCONJ _005195321 130 55 social social ADJ _005195321 130 56 life life NOUN _005195321 130 57 . . PUNCT _005195321 131 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 131 2 more more ADV _005195321 131 3 vital vital ADJ _005195321 131 4 than than ADP _005195321 131 5 the the DET _005195321 131 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 131 7 school school NOUN _005195321 131 8 as as ADP _005195321 131 9 an an DET _005195321 131 10 agency agency NOUN _005195321 131 11 of of ADP _005195321 131 12 counsel counsel NOUN _005195321 131 13 is be AUX _005195321 131 14 the the DET _005195321 131 15 sacrament sacrament NOUN _005195321 131 16 of of ADP _005195321 131 17 penance penance NOUN _005195321 131 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 132 1 within within ADP _005195321 132 2 the the DET _005195321 132 3 sacred sacred ADJ _005195321 132 4 precincts precinct NOUN _005195321 132 5 of of ADP _005195321 132 6 the the DET _005195321 132 7 confessional confessional NOUN _005195321 132 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 132 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 132 10 under under ADP _005195321 132 11 the the DET _005195321 132 12 protection protection NOUN _005195321 132 13 of of ADP _005195321 132 14 sacramental sacramental ADJ _005195321 132 15 secrecy secrecy NOUN _005195321 132 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 132 17 the the DET _005195321 132 18 troubled troubled ADJ _005195321 132 19 youth youth NOUN _005195321 132 20 can can AUX _005195321 132 21 open open VERB _005195321 132 22 his his PRON _005195321 132 23 heart heart NOUN _005195321 132 24 to to PART _005195321 132 25 receive receive VERB _005195321 132 26 guidance guidance NOUN _005195321 132 27 in in ADP _005195321 132 28 his his PRON _005195321 132 29 own own ADJ _005195321 132 30 particular particular ADJ _005195321 132 31 problems problem NOUN _005195321 132 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 133 1 from from ADP _005195321 133 2 the the DET _005195321 133 3 pulpit pulpit NOUN _005195321 133 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 133 5 the the DET _005195321 133 6 rostrum rostrum NOUN _005195321 133 7 the the DET _005195321 133 8 child child NOUN _005195321 133 9 may may AUX _005195321 133 10 receive receive VERB _005195321 133 11 general general ADJ _005195321 133 12 lessons lesson NOUN _005195321 133 13 on on ADP _005195321 133 14 how how SCONJ _005195321 133 15 to to PART _005195321 133 16 keep keep VERB _005195321 133 17 spiritually spiritually ADV _005195321 133 18 well well ADV _005195321 133 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 133 20 just just ADV _005195321 133 21 as as SCONJ _005195321 133 22 lectures lecture VERB _005195321 133 23 on on ADP _005195321 133 24 health health NOUN _005195321 133 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 133 26 hygiene hygiene NOUN _005195321 133 27 may may AUX _005195321 133 28 give give VERB _005195321 133 29 general general ADJ _005195321 133 30 guidance guidance NOUN _005195321 133 31 on on ADP _005195321 133 32 physical physical ADJ _005195321 133 33 health health NOUN _005195321 133 34 . . PUNCT _005195321 134 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 134 2 just just ADV _005195321 134 3 as as SCONJ _005195321 134 4 a a DET _005195321 134 5 man man NOUN _005195321 134 6 who who PRON _005195321 134 7 is be AUX _005195321 134 8 sick sick ADJ _005195321 134 9 consults consult NOUN _005195321 134 10 a a DET _005195321 134 11 physician physician NOUN _005195321 134 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 134 13 accepts accept VERB _005195321 134 14 treatment treatment NOUN _005195321 134 15 for for ADP _005195321 134 16 a a DET _005195321 134 17 particular particular ADJ _005195321 134 18 malady malady NOUN _005195321 134 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 134 20 so so CCONJ _005195321 134 21 the the DET _005195321 134 22 soul soul NOUN _005195321 134 23 that that PRON _005195321 134 24 is be AUX _005195321 134 25 sick sick ADJ _005195321 134 26 acts act NOUN _005195321 134 27 prudently prudently ADV _005195321 134 28 when when SCONJ _005195321 134 29 it it PRON _005195321 134 30 seeks seek VERB _005195321 134 31 out out ADP _005195321 134 32 a a DET _005195321 134 33 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 134 34 physician physician NOUN _005195321 134 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 135 1 the the DET _005195321 135 2 second second ADJ _005195321 135 3 agency agency NOUN _005195321 135 4 the the DET _005195321 135 5 church church NOUN _005195321 135 6 employs employ VERB _005195321 135 7 to to PART _005195321 135 8 instill instill VERB _005195321 135 9 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 135 10 is be AUX _005195321 135 11 her her PRON _005195321 135 12 code code NOUN _005195321 135 13 of of ADP _005195321 135 14 laws law NOUN _005195321 135 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 136 1 her her PRON _005195321 136 2 law law NOUN _005195321 136 3 - - PUNCT _005195321 136 4 making make VERB _005195321 136 5 power power NOUN _005195321 136 6 was be AUX _005195321 136 7 conferred confer VERB _005195321 136 8 by by ADP _005195321 136 9 her her PRON _005195321 136 10 divine divine ADJ _005195321 136 11 founder founder NOUN _005195321 136 12 when when SCONJ _005195321 136 13 he he PRON _005195321 136 14 said say VERB _005195321 136 15 : : PUNCT _005195321 136 16 “ " PUNCT _005195321 136 17 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _005195321 136 18 you you PRON _005195321 136 19 shall shall AUX _005195321 136 20 bind bind VERB _005195321 136 21 upon upon SCONJ _005195321 136 22 earth earth NOUN _005195321 136 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 136 24 shall shall AUX _005195321 136 25 be be AUX _005195321 136 26 bound bind VERB _005195321 136 27 also also ADV _005195321 136 28 in in ADP _005195321 136 29 heaven heaven PROPN _005195321 136 30 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 136 31 and and CCONJ _005195321 136 32 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _005195321 136 33 you you PRON _005195321 136 34 shall shall AUX _005195321 136 35 loose loose ADJ _005195321 136 36 upon upon SCONJ _005195321 136 37 earth earth NOUN _005195321 136 38 , , PUNCT _005195321 136 39 shall shall AUX _005195321 136 40 be be AUX _005195321 136 41 loosed loose VERB _005195321 136 42 also also ADV _005195321 136 43 in in ADP _005195321 136 44 heaven heaven PROPN _005195321 136 45 . . PUNCT _005195321 136 46 ” " PUNCT _005195321 137 1 in in ADP _005195321 137 2 addition addition NOUN _005195321 137 3 to to ADP _005195321 137 4 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 137 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 137 6 interpreting interpret VERB _005195321 137 7 the the DET _005195321 137 8 ten ten NUM _005195321 137 9 commandments commandment NOUN _005195321 137 10 and and CCONJ _005195321 137 11 other other ADJ _005195321 137 12 precepts precept NOUN _005195321 137 13 given give VERB _005195321 137 14 by by ADP _005195321 137 15 divine divine ADJ _005195321 137 16 revelation revelation NOUN _005195321 137 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 137 18 the the DET _005195321 137 19 church church NOUN _005195321 137 20 adds add VERB _005195321 137 21 her her PRON _005195321 137 22 own own ADJ _005195321 137 23 precepts precept NOUN _005195321 137 24 whenever whenever SCONJ _005195321 137 25 she she PRON _005195321 137 26 finds find VERB _005195321 137 27 these these PRON _005195321 137 28 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 137 29 for for ADP _005195321 137 30 safeguarding safeguard VERB _005195321 137 31 the the DET _005195321 137 32 law law NOUN _005195321 137 33 of of ADP _005195321 137 34 god god PROPN _005195321 137 35 or or CCONJ _005195321 137 36 protecting protect VERB _005195321 137 37 society society NOUN _005195321 137 38 or or CCONJ _005195321 137 39 the the DET _005195321 137 40 individual individual NOUN _005195321 137 41 . . PUNCT _005195321 138 1 i i PRON _005195321 138 2 have have AUX _005195321 138 3 already already ADV _005195321 138 4 mentioned mention VERB _005195321 138 5 the the DET _005195321 138 6 third third ADJ _005195321 138 7 agency agency NOUN _005195321 138 8 the the DET _005195321 138 9 church church NOUN _005195321 138 10 uses use VERB _005195321 138 11 to to PART _005195321 138 12 instill instill VERB _005195321 138 13 the the DET _005195321 138 14 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 138 15 of of ADP _005195321 138 16 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 138 17 — — PUNCT _005195321 138 18 the the DET _005195321 138 19 ministry ministry PROPN _005195321 138 20 of of ADP _005195321 138 21 the the DET _005195321 138 22 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195321 138 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 139 1 by by ADP _005195321 139 2 way way NOUN _005195321 139 3 of of ADP _005195321 139 4 generalization generalization NOUN _005195321 139 5 i i PRON _005195321 139 6 may may AUX _005195321 139 7 add add VERB _005195321 139 8 that that SCONJ _005195321 139 9 every every DET _005195321 139 10 time time NOUN _005195321 139 11 a a DET _005195321 139 12 catholie catholie NOUN _005195321 139 13 goes go VERB _005195321 139 14 to to ADP _005195321 139 15 confession confession NOUN _005195321 139 16 with with ADP _005195321 139 17 sincere sincere ADJ _005195321 139 18 sorrow sorrow NOUN _005195321 139 19 for for ADP _005195321 139 20 his his PRON _005195321 139 21 sins sin NOUN _005195321 139 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 139 23 a a DET _005195321 139 24 firm firm ADJ _005195321 139 25 purpose purpose NOUN _005195321 139 26 of of ADP _005195321 139 27 amendment amendment NOUN _005195321 139 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 139 29 every every DET _005195321 139 30 time time NOUN _005195321 139 31 in in ADP _005195321 139 32 these these DET _005195321 139 33 circumstances circumstance NOUN _005195321 139 34 a a DET _005195321 139 35 priest priest NOUN _005195321 139 36 pronounces pronounce VERB _005195321 139 37 over over ADP _005195321 139 38 him he PRON _005195321 139 39 the the DET _005195321 139 40 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 139 41 15 15 NUM _005195321 139 42 words word NOUN _005195321 139 43 of of ADP _005195321 139 44 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005195321 139 45 , , PUNCT _005195321 139 46 he he PRON _005195321 139 47 not not PART _005195321 139 48 only only ADV _005195321 139 49 receives receive VERB _005195321 139 50 grace grace NOUN _005195321 139 51 to to PART _005195321 139 52 take take VERB _005195321 139 53 up up ADP _005195321 139 54 again again ADV _005195321 139 55 the the DET _005195321 139 56 burdens burden NOUN _005195321 139 57 of of ADP _005195321 139 58 his his PRON _005195321 139 59 state state NOUN _005195321 139 60 of of ADP _005195321 139 61 life life NOUN _005195321 139 62 , , PUNCT _005195321 139 63 but but CCONJ _005195321 139 64 he he PRON _005195321 139 65 is be AUX _005195321 139 66 reminded remind VERB _005195321 139 67 once once ADV _005195321 139 68 more more ADJ _005195321 139 69 of of ADP _005195321 139 70 his his PRON _005195321 139 71 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 139 72 end end NOUN _005195321 139 73 and and CCONJ _005195321 139 74 of of ADP _005195321 139 75 his his PRON _005195321 139 76 primary primary ADJ _005195321 139 77 ambition ambition NOUN _005195321 139 78 — — PUNCT _005195321 139 79 to to PART _005195321 139 80 save save VERB _005195321 139 81 his his PRON _005195321 139 82 soul soul NOUN _005195321 139 83 . . PUNCT _005195321 140 1 likewise likewise ADV _005195321 140 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 140 3 every every DET _005195321 140 4 time time NOUN _005195321 140 5 he he PRON _005195321 140 6 kneels kneel VERB _005195321 140 7 at at ADP _005195321 140 8 the the DET _005195321 140 9 altar altar ADJ _005195321 140 10 rail rail NOUN _005195321 140 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 140 12 receives receive VERB _005195321 140 13 the the DET _005195321 140 14 body body NOUN _005195321 140 15 of of ADP _005195321 140 16 christ christ PROPN _005195321 140 17 in in ADP _005195321 140 18 holy holy ADJ _005195321 140 19 communion communion NOUN _005195321 140 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 140 21 he he PRON _005195321 140 22 dedicates dedicate VERB _005195321 140 23 himself himself PRON _005195321 140 24 anew anew ADV _005195321 140 25 to to ADP _005195321 140 26 the the DET _005195321 140 27 task task NOUN _005195321 140 28 of of ADP _005195321 140 29 loving love VERB _005195321 140 30 god god PROPN _005195321 140 31 with with ADP _005195321 140 32 his his PRON _005195321 140 33 whole whole ADJ _005195321 140 34 heart heart NOUN _005195321 140 35 , , PUNCT _005195321 140 36 and and CCONJ _005195321 140 37 receives receive VERB _005195321 140 38 , , PUNCT _005195321 140 39 in in ADP _005195321 140 40 the the DET _005195321 140 41 author author NOUN _005195321 140 42 of of ADP _005195321 140 43 grace grace NOUN _005195321 140 44 , , PUNCT _005195321 140 45 the the DET _005195321 140 46 abundant abundant ADJ _005195321 140 47 aids aid NOUN _005195321 140 48 he he PRON _005195321 140 49 needs need VERB _005195321 140 50 to to PART _005195321 140 51 carry carry VERB _005195321 140 52 out out ADP _005195321 140 53 his his PRON _005195321 140 54 good good ADJ _005195321 140 55 resolutions resolution NOUN _005195321 140 56 . . PUNCT _005195321 141 1 in in ADP _005195321 141 2 this this DET _005195321 141 3 country country NOUN _005195321 141 4 where where SCONJ _005195321 141 5 one one NUM _005195321 141 6 marriage marriage NOUN _005195321 141 7 in in ADP _005195321 141 8 every every DET _005195321 141 9 six six NUM _005195321 141 10 ends end NOUN _005195321 141 11 in in ADP _005195321 141 12 divorce divorce NOUN _005195321 141 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 141 14 where where SCONJ _005195321 141 15 the the DET _005195321 141 16 falling fall VERB _005195321 141 17 birthrate birthrate NOUN _005195321 141 18 is be AUX _005195321 141 19 a a DET _005195321 141 20 national national ADJ _005195321 141 21 menace menace NOUN _005195321 141 22 as as ADV _005195321 141 23 well well ADV _005195321 141 24 as as ADP _005195321 141 25 a a DET _005195321 141 26 grievous grievous ADJ _005195321 141 27 shame shame NOUN _005195321 141 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 141 29 where where SCONJ _005195321 141 30 juvenile juvenile ADJ _005195321 141 31 crime crime NOUN _005195321 141 32 is be AUX _005195321 141 33 on on ADP _005195321 141 34 a a DET _005195321 141 35 dangerous dangerous ADJ _005195321 141 36 increase increase NOUN _005195321 141 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 141 38 where where SCONJ _005195321 141 39 a a DET _005195321 141 40 contract contract NOUN _005195321 141 41 is be AUX _005195321 141 42 too too ADV _005195321 141 43 often often ADV _005195321 141 44 only only ADV _005195321 141 45 a a DET _005195321 141 46 scrap scrap NOUN _005195321 141 47 of of ADP _005195321 141 48 paper paper NOUN _005195321 141 49 , , PUNCT _005195321 141 50 it it PRON _005195321 141 51 would would AUX _005195321 141 52 seem seem VERB _005195321 141 53 well well ADJ _005195321 141 54 that that SCONJ _005195321 141 55 there there PRON _005195321 141 56 be be AUX _005195321 141 57 greater great ADJ _005195321 141 58 cultivation cultivation NOUN _005195321 141 59 of of ADP _005195321 141 60 the the DET _005195321 141 61 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 141 62 of of ADP _005195321 141 63 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 141 64 . . PUNCT _005195321 142 1 it it PRON _005195321 142 2 is be AUX _005195321 142 3 to to PART _005195321 142 4 be be AUX _005195321 142 5 feared fear VERB _005195321 142 6 that that SCONJ _005195321 142 7 our our PRON _005195321 142 8 natural natural ADJ _005195321 142 9 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 142 10 of of ADP _005195321 142 11 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 142 12 has have AUX _005195321 142 13 remained remain VERB _005195321 142 14 too too ADV _005195321 142 15 largely largely ADV _005195321 142 16 natural natural ADJ _005195321 142 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 142 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 142 19 has have AUX _005195321 142 20 been be AUX _005195321 142 21 directed direct VERB _005195321 142 22 too too ADV _005195321 142 23 exclusively exclusively ADV _005195321 142 24 to to ADP _005195321 142 25 problems problem NOUN _005195321 142 26 of of ADP _005195321 142 27 health health NOUN _005195321 142 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 142 29 of of ADP _005195321 142 30 business business NOUN _005195321 142 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 142 32 of of ADP _005195321 142 33 power power NOUN _005195321 142 34 , , PUNCT _005195321 142 35 to to ADP _005195321 142 36 problems problem NOUN _005195321 142 37 that that PRON _005195321 142 38 may may AUX _005195321 142 39 be be AUX _005195321 142 40 good good ADJ _005195321 142 41 in in ADP _005195321 142 42 themselves themselves PRON _005195321 142 43 , , PUNCT _005195321 142 44 but but CCONJ _005195321 142 45 which which PRON _005195321 142 46 appear appear VERB _005195321 142 47 trifling trifle VERB _005195321 142 48 to to ADP _005195321 142 49 the the DET _005195321 142 50 man man NOUN _005195321 142 51 whose whose DET _005195321 142 52 gaze gaze NOUN _005195321 142 53 is be AUX _005195321 142 54 fixed fix VERB _005195321 142 55 on on ADP _005195321 142 56 eternity eternity NOUN _005195321 142 57 . . PUNCT _005195321 143 1 it it PRON _005195321 143 2 is be AUX _005195321 143 3 even even ADV _005195321 143 4 good good ADJ _005195321 143 5 business business NOUN _005195321 143 6 to to PART _005195321 143 7 place place VERB _005195321 143 8 eternity eternity NOUN _005195321 143 9 first first ADV _005195321 143 10 in in ADP _005195321 143 11 all all DET _005195321 143 12 our our PRON _005195321 143 13 considerations consideration NOUN _005195321 143 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 143 15 for for ADP _005195321 143 16 thus thus ADV _005195321 143 17 we we PRON _005195321 143 18 brush brush VERB _005195321 143 19 away away ADV _005195321 143 20 the the DET _005195321 143 21 pettiness pettiness NOUN _005195321 143 22 of of ADP _005195321 143 23 passion passion NOUN _005195321 143 24 and and CCONJ _005195321 143 25 prejudice prejudice NOUN _005195321 143 26 that that PRON _005195321 143 27 disturbs disturb VERB _005195321 143 28 our our PRON _005195321 143 29 consideration consideration NOUN _005195321 143 30 of of ADP _005195321 143 31 business business NOUN _005195321 143 32 problems problem NOUN _005195321 143 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 144 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 144 2 good good ADJ _005195321 144 3 business business NOUN _005195321 144 4 or or CCONJ _005195321 144 5 not not PART _005195321 144 6 from from ADP _005195321 144 7 the the DET _005195321 144 8 world world NOUN _005195321 144 9 ’s ’s PART _005195321 144 10 point point NOUN _005195321 144 11 of of ADP _005195321 144 12 view view NOUN _005195321 144 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 144 14 it it PRON _005195321 144 15 is be AUX _005195321 144 16 bad bad ADJ _005195321 144 17 business business NOUN _005195321 144 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 144 19 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195321 144 20 irretrievably irretrievably ADV _005195321 144 21 bad bad ADJ _005195321 144 22 business business NOUN _005195321 144 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 144 24 to to PART _005195321 144 25 brush brush VERB _005195321 144 26 aside aside ADV _005195321 144 27 the the DET _005195321 144 28 business business NOUN _005195321 144 29 of of ADP _005195321 144 30 salvation salvation NOUN _005195321 144 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 145 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 145 2 better well ADV _005195321 145 3 is be AUX _005195321 145 4 a a DET _005195321 145 5 man man NOUN _005195321 145 6 that that PRON _005195321 145 7 hath hath VERB _005195321 145 8 less less ADJ _005195321 145 9 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195321 145 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 145 11 ” " PUNCT _005195321 145 12 says say VERB _005195321 145 13 the the DET _005195321 145 14 scripture scripture NOUN _005195321 145 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 145 16 “ " PUNCT _005195321 145 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 145 18 wanteth wanteth PROPN _005195321 145 19 understanding understanding NOUN _005195321 145 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 145 21 with with ADP _005195321 145 22 the the DET _005195321 145 23 fear fear NOUN _005195321 145 24 of of ADP _005195321 145 25 god god PROPN _005195321 145 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 145 27 than than ADP _005195321 145 28 he he PRON _005195321 145 29 that that PRON _005195321 145 30 aboundeth aboundeth VERB _005195321 145 31 in in ADP _005195321 145 32 understanding understanding NOUN _005195321 145 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 145 34 and and CCONJ _005195321 145 35 transgresseth transgresseth VERB _005195321 145 36 the the DET _005195321 145 37 law law NOUN _005195321 145 38 of of ADP _005195321 145 39 the the DET _005195321 145 40 most most ADV _005195321 145 41 high high ADJ _005195321 145 42 . . PUNCT _005195321 145 43 ” " PUNCT _005195321 146 1 16 16 NUM _005195321 146 2 the the DET _005195321 146 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 146 4 church church NOUN _005195321 146 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 146 6 youth youth NOUN _005195321 146 7 justice justice NOUN _005195321 146 8 address address NOUN _005195321 146 9 delivered deliver VERB _005195321 146 10 on on ADP _005195321 146 11 september september PROPN _005195321 146 12 20 20 NUM _005195321 146 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 146 14 1936 1936 NUM _005195321 146 15 several several ADJ _005195321 146 16 years year NOUN _005195321 146 17 ago ago ADV _005195321 146 18 i i PRON _005195321 146 19 was be AUX _005195321 146 20 asked ask VERB _005195321 146 21 one one NUM _005195321 146 22 day day NOUN _005195321 146 23 to to PART _005195321 146 24 recommend recommend VERB _005195321 146 25 a a DET _005195321 146 26 group group NOUN _005195321 146 27 of of ADP _005195321 146 28 college college NOUN _005195321 146 29 graduates graduate NOUN _005195321 146 30 for for ADP _005195321 146 31 employment employment NOUN _005195321 146 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 147 1 the the DET _005195321 147 2 man man NOUN _005195321 147 3 stated state VERB _005195321 147 4 the the DET _005195321 147 5 qualifications qualification NOUN _005195321 147 6 briefly briefly ADV _005195321 147 7 : : PUNCT _005195321 147 8 “ " PUNCT _005195321 147 9 average average ADJ _005195321 147 10 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005195321 147 11 will will AUX _005195321 147 12 do do VERB _005195321 147 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 147 14 and and CCONJ _005195321 147 15 a a DET _005195321 147 16 moderate moderate ADJ _005195321 147 17 amount amount NOUN _005195321 147 18 of of ADP _005195321 147 19 courage courage NOUN _005195321 147 20 — — PUNCT _005195321 147 21 but but CCONJ _005195321 147 22 they they PRON _005195321 147 23 must must AUX _005195321 147 24 be be AUX _005195321 147 25 absolutely absolutely ADV _005195321 147 26 truthful truthful ADJ _005195321 147 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 148 1 i i PRON _005195321 148 2 can can AUX _005195321 148 3 watch watch VERB _005195321 148 4 a a DET _005195321 148 5 thief thief NOUN _005195321 148 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 148 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 148 8 he he PRON _005195321 148 9 added add VERB _005195321 148 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 148 11 “ " PUNCT _005195321 148 12 but but CCONJ _005195321 148 13 i i PRON _005195321 148 14 ca can AUX _005195321 148 15 n’t not PART _005195321 148 16 watch watch VERB _005195321 148 17 a a DET _005195321 148 18 liar liar NOUN _005195321 148 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 149 1 i i PRON _005195321 149 2 do do AUX _005195321 149 3 n’t not PART _005195321 149 4 want want VERB _005195321 149 5 a a DET _005195321 149 6 thief thief NOUN _005195321 149 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 149 8 of of ADP _005195321 149 9 course course NOUN _005195321 149 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 149 11 but but CCONJ _005195321 149 12 the the DET _005195321 149 13 damage damage NOUN _005195321 149 14 done do VERB _005195321 149 15 by by ADP _005195321 149 16 the the DET _005195321 149 17 average average ADJ _005195321 149 18 thief thief NOUN _005195321 149 19 is be AUX _005195321 149 20 quickly quickly ADV _005195321 149 21 repaired repair VERB _005195321 149 22 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 149 23 a a DET _005195321 149 24 liar liar NOUN _005195321 149 25 can can AUX _005195321 149 26 ruin ruin VERB _005195321 149 27 my my PRON _005195321 149 28 business business NOUN _005195321 149 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 149 30 ” " PUNCT _005195321 150 1 justice justice NOUN _005195321 150 2 is be AUX _005195321 150 3 the the DET _005195321 150 4 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 150 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 150 6 the the DET _005195321 150 7 habit habit NOUN _005195321 150 8 of of ADP _005195321 150 9 good good NOUN _005195321 150 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 150 11 that that PRON _005195321 150 12 inclines incline VERB _005195321 150 13 us we PRON _005195321 150 14 to to PART _005195321 150 15 give give VERB _005195321 150 16 every every DET _005195321 150 17 one one NOUN _005195321 150 18 his his PRON _005195321 150 19 due due NOUN _005195321 150 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 151 1 a a DET _005195321 151 2 liar liar NOUN _005195321 151 3 sins sin NOUN _005195321 151 4 against against ADP _005195321 151 5 justice justice NOUN _005195321 151 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 151 7 so so ADV _005195321 151 8 does do VERB _005195321 151 9 a a DET _005195321 151 10 thief thief NOUN _005195321 151 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 151 12 so so ADV _005195321 151 13 does do VERB _005195321 151 14 an an DET _005195321 151 15 adulterer adulterer NOUN _005195321 151 16 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 151 17 so so ADV _005195321 151 18 does do VERB _005195321 151 19 a a DET _005195321 151 20 blasphemer blasphemer NOUN _005195321 151 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 151 22 so so ADV _005195321 151 23 do do VERB _005195321 151 24 the the DET _005195321 151 25 calumniator calumniator NOUN _005195321 151 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 151 27 the the DET _005195321 151 28 backbiter backbiter NOUN _005195321 151 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 151 30 the the DET _005195321 151 31 perjurer perjurer NOUN _005195321 151 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 152 1 society society NOUN _005195321 152 2 is be AUX _005195321 152 3 built build VERB _005195321 152 4 upon upon SCONJ _005195321 152 5 mutual mutual ADJ _005195321 152 6 trust trust NOUN _005195321 152 7 . . PUNCT _005195321 153 1 the the DET _005195321 153 2 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 153 3 of of ADP _005195321 153 4 justice justice NOUN _005195321 153 5 should should AUX _005195321 153 6 protect protect VERB _005195321 153 7 that that DET _005195321 153 8 trust trust NOUN _005195321 153 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 153 10 should should AUX _005195321 153 11 incline incline VERB _005195321 153 12 every every DET _005195321 153 13 man man NOUN _005195321 153 14 to to PART _005195321 153 15 give give VERB _005195321 153 16 to to ADP _005195321 153 17 every every DET _005195321 153 18 other other ADJ _005195321 153 19 man man NOUN _005195321 153 20 what what PRON _005195321 153 21 is be AUX _005195321 153 22 his his PRON _005195321 153 23 due due NOUN _005195321 153 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 154 1 to to ADP _005195321 154 2 the the DET _005195321 154 3 extent extent NOUN _005195321 154 4 to to PART _005195321 154 5 which which PRON _005195321 154 6 that that DET _005195321 154 7 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 154 8 is be AUX _005195321 154 9 absent absent ADJ _005195321 154 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 154 11 we we PRON _005195321 154 12 must must AUX _005195321 154 13 have have VERB _005195321 154 14 police police NOUN _005195321 154 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 154 16 we we PRON _005195321 154 17 must must AUX _005195321 154 18 have have VERB _005195321 154 19 courts court NOUN _005195321 154 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 154 21 we we PRON _005195321 154 22 must must AUX _005195321 154 23 have have VERB _005195321 154 24 jails jail NOUN _005195321 154 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 154 26 executioners executioner NOUN _005195321 154 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 154 28 we we PRON _005195321 154 29 must must AUX _005195321 154 30 have have VERB _005195321 154 31 armies army NOUN _005195321 154 32 and and CCONJ _005195321 154 33 navies navy NOUN _005195321 154 34 and and CCONJ _005195321 154 35 military military ADJ _005195321 154 36 preparedness preparedness NOUN _005195321 154 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 154 38 for for ADP _005195321 154 39 the the DET _005195321 154 40 protection protection NOUN _005195321 154 41 of of ADP _005195321 154 42 our our PRON _005195321 154 43 rights right NOUN _005195321 154 44 . . PUNCT _005195321 155 1 you you PRON _005195321 155 2 see see VERB _005195321 155 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 155 4 then then ADV _005195321 155 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 155 6 how how SCONJ _005195321 155 7 important important ADJ _005195321 155 8 is be AUX _005195321 155 9 the the DET _005195321 155 10 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 155 11 of of ADP _005195321 155 12 justice justice NOUN _005195321 155 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 156 1 like like ADP _005195321 156 2 the the DET _005195321 156 3 other other ADJ _005195321 156 4 three three NUM _005195321 156 5 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 156 6 we we PRON _005195321 156 7 are be AUX _005195321 156 8 studying study VERB _005195321 156 9 these these DET _005195321 156 10 sundays sunday NOUN _005195321 156 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 156 12 it it PRON _005195321 156 13 is be AUX _005195321 156 14 a a DET _005195321 156 15 natural natural ADJ _005195321 156 16 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 156 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 156 18 that that ADV _005195321 156 19 is is ADV _005195321 156 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 156 21 it it PRON _005195321 156 22 is be AUX _005195321 156 23 based base VERB _005195321 156 24 on on ADP _005195321 156 25 our our PRON _005195321 156 26 nature nature NOUN _005195321 156 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 157 1 unlike unlike ADP _005195321 157 2 the the DET _005195321 157 3 other other ADJ _005195321 157 4 three three NUM _005195321 157 5 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 157 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 157 7 however however ADV _005195321 157 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 157 9 it it PRON _005195321 157 10 is be AUX _005195321 157 11 primarily primarily ADV _005195321 157 12 a a DET _005195321 157 13 social social ADJ _005195321 157 14 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 157 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 157 16 it it PRON _005195321 157 17 takes take VERB _005195321 157 18 into into ADP _005195321 157 19 account account NOUN _005195321 157 20 the the DET _005195321 157 21 rights right NOUN _005195321 157 22 of of ADP _005195321 157 23 others other NOUN _005195321 157 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 157 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 157 26 requires require VERB _005195321 157 27 others other NOUN _005195321 157 28 to to PART _005195321 157 29 take take VERB _005195321 157 30 our our PRON _005195321 157 31 rights right NOUN _005195321 157 32 into into ADP _005195321 157 33 account account NOUN _005195321 157 34 . . PUNCT _005195321 158 1 selfishness selfishness NOUN _005195321 158 2 would would AUX _005195321 158 3 take take VERB _005195321 158 4 all all PRON _005195321 158 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 158 6 or or CCONJ _005195321 158 7 would would AUX _005195321 158 8 take take VERB _005195321 158 9 all all DET _005195321 158 10 the the DET _005195321 158 11 best good ADJ _005195321 158 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 158 13 justice justice NOUN _005195321 158 14 draws draw VERB _005195321 158 15 the the DET _005195321 158 16 line line NOUN _005195321 158 17 between between ADP _005195321 158 18 my my PRON _005195321 158 19 rights right NOUN _005195321 158 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 158 21 yours your NOUN _005195321 158 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 159 1 because because SCONJ _005195321 159 2 of of ADP _005195321 159 3 individual individual ADJ _005195321 159 4 selfishness selfishness NOUN _005195321 159 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 159 6 men man NOUN _005195321 159 7 orjustice orjustice NOUN _005195321 159 8 17 17 NUM _005195321 159 9 ganize ganize VERB _005195321 159 10 governments government NOUN _005195321 159 11 to to PART _005195321 159 12 distinguish distinguish VERB _005195321 159 13 between between ADP _005195321 159 14 mine mine NOUN _005195321 159 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 159 16 thine thine NOUN _005195321 159 17 in in ADP _005195321 159 18 case case NOUN _005195321 159 19 of of ADP _005195321 159 20 conflict conflict NOUN _005195321 159 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 159 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 159 23 they they PRON _005195321 159 24 organize organize VERB _005195321 159 25 courts court NOUN _005195321 159 26 to to PART _005195321 159 27 adjudicate adjudicate VERB _005195321 159 28 individual individual ADJ _005195321 159 29 differences difference NOUN _005195321 159 30 . . PUNCT _005195321 160 1 the the DET _005195321 160 2 church church NOUN _005195321 160 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 160 4 as as ADP _005195321 160 5 the the DET _005195321 160 6 guardian guardian NOUN _005195321 160 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 160 8 interpreter interpreter NOUN _005195321 160 9 of of ADP _005195321 160 10 the the DET _005195321 160 11 natural natural ADJ _005195321 160 12 law law NOUN _005195321 160 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 160 14 has have VERB _005195321 160 15 much much ADJ _005195321 160 16 to to PART _005195321 160 17 say say VERB _005195321 160 18 about about ADP _005195321 160 19 the the DET _005195321 160 20 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 160 21 of of ADP _005195321 160 22 justice justice NOUN _005195321 160 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 161 1 her her PRON _005195321 161 2 appeal appeal NOUN _005195321 161 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 161 4 as as ADP _005195321 161 5 ever ever ADV _005195321 161 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 161 7 is be AUX _005195321 161 8 to to ADP _005195321 161 9 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 161 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 161 11 but but CCONJ _005195321 161 12 she she PRON _005195321 161 13 recognizes recognize VERB _005195321 161 14 the the DET _005195321 161 15 right right NOUN _005195321 161 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 161 17 the the DET _005195321 161 18 duty duty NOUN _005195321 161 19 of of ADP _005195321 161 20 the the DET _005195321 161 21 state state NOUN _005195321 161 22 to to PART _005195321 161 23 clarify clarify VERB _005195321 161 24 rights right NOUN _005195321 161 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 161 26 adjudicate adjudicate VERB _005195321 161 27 conflicts conflict NOUN _005195321 161 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 161 29 and and CCONJ _005195321 161 30 she she PRON _005195321 161 31 reminds remind VERB _005195321 161 32 executives executive NOUN _005195321 161 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 161 34 legislators legislator NOUN _005195321 161 35 , , PUNCT _005195321 161 36 and and CCONJ _005195321 161 37 judges judge NOUN _005195321 161 38 that that SCONJ _005195321 161 39 they they PRON _005195321 161 40 must must AUX _005195321 161 41 follow follow VERB _005195321 161 42 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 161 43 and and CCONJ _005195321 161 44 the the DET _005195321 161 45 natural natural ADJ _005195321 161 46 law law NOUN _005195321 161 47 in in ADP _005195321 161 48 the the DET _005195321 161 49 determination determination NOUN _005195321 161 50 and and CCONJ _005195321 161 51 protection protection NOUN _005195321 161 52 of of ADP _005195321 161 53 individual individual ADJ _005195321 161 54 rights right NOUN _005195321 161 55 . . PUNCT _005195321 162 1 there there PRON _005195321 162 2 is be VERB _005195321 162 3 in in ADP _005195321 162 4 modern modern ADJ _005195321 162 5 times time NOUN _005195321 162 6 no no ADV _005195321 162 7 clearer clear ADJ _005195321 162 8 example example NOUN _005195321 162 9 of of ADP _005195321 162 10 the the DET _005195321 162 11 church church NOUN _005195321 162 12 ’s ’s PART _005195321 162 13 role role NOUN _005195321 162 14 in in ADP _005195321 162 15 defining define VERB _005195321 162 16 rights right NOUN _005195321 162 17 than than ADP _005195321 162 18 in in ADP _005195321 162 19 the the DET _005195321 162 20 famous famous ADJ _005195321 162 21 encyclical encyclical NOUN _005195321 162 22 of of ADP _005195321 162 23 leo leo PROPN _005195321 162 24 xiii xiii PROPN _005195321 162 25 on on ADP _005195321 162 26 the the DET _005195321 162 27 rights right NOUN _005195321 162 28 of of ADP _005195321 162 29 labor labor NOUN _005195321 162 30 , , PUNCT _005195321 162 31 and and CCONJ _005195321 162 32 the the DET _005195321 162 33 equally equally ADV _005195321 162 34 famous famous ADJ _005195321 162 35 letter letter NOUN _005195321 162 36 of of ADP _005195321 162 37 pope pope PROPN _005195321 162 38 pius pius ADJ _005195321 162 39 xi xi PROPN _005195321 162 40 on on ADP _005195321 162 41 reconstructing reconstruct VERB _005195321 162 42 the the DET _005195321 162 43 social social ADJ _005195321 162 44 order order NOUN _005195321 162 45 . . PUNCT _005195321 163 1 these these DET _005195321 163 2 two two NUM _005195321 163 3 popes pope NOUN _005195321 163 4 pointed point VERB _005195321 163 5 out out ADP _005195321 163 6 that that SCONJ _005195321 163 7 every every DET _005195321 163 8 man man NOUN _005195321 163 9 has have VERB _005195321 163 10 a a DET _005195321 163 11 right right NOUN _005195321 163 12 to to ADP _005195321 163 13 life life NOUN _005195321 163 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 163 15 has have VERB _005195321 163 16 a a DET _005195321 163 17 right right NOUN _005195321 163 18 to to ADP _005195321 163 19 the the DET _005195321 163 20 things thing NOUN _005195321 163 21 that that PRON _005195321 163 22 are be AUX _005195321 163 23 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 163 24 to to PART _005195321 163 25 live live VERB _005195321 163 26 in in ADP _005195321 163 27 comfort comfort NOUN _005195321 163 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 163 29 has have VERB _005195321 163 30 a a DET _005195321 163 31 right right NOUN _005195321 163 32 , , PUNCT _005195321 163 33 in in ADP _005195321 163 34 other other ADJ _005195321 163 35 words word NOUN _005195321 163 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 163 37 to to ADP _005195321 163 38 a a DET _005195321 163 39 living living NOUN _005195321 163 40 wage wage NOUN _005195321 163 41 that that PRON _005195321 163 42 will will AUX _005195321 163 43 enable enable VERB _005195321 163 44 him he PRON _005195321 163 45 to to PART _005195321 163 46 sustain sustain VERB _005195321 163 47 himself himself PRON _005195321 163 48 properly properly ADV _005195321 163 49 in in ADP _005195321 163 50 his his PRON _005195321 163 51 own own ADJ _005195321 163 52 station station NOUN _005195321 163 53 in in ADP _005195321 163 54 life life NOUN _005195321 163 55 and and CCONJ _005195321 163 56 to to PART _005195321 163 57 raise raise VERB _005195321 163 58 a a DET _005195321 163 59 family family NOUN _005195321 163 60 . . PUNCT _005195321 164 1 those those DET _005195321 164 2 employers employer NOUN _005195321 164 3 who who PRON _005195321 164 4 have have AUX _005195321 164 5 paid pay VERB _005195321 164 6 less less ADJ _005195321 164 7 than than ADP _005195321 164 8 a a DET _005195321 164 9 living live VERB _005195321 164 10 wage wage NOUN _005195321 164 11 can can AUX _005195321 164 12 accept accept VERB _005195321 164 13 their their PRON _005195321 164 14 share share NOUN _005195321 164 15 of of ADP _005195321 164 16 the the DET _005195321 164 17 blame blame NOUN _005195321 164 18 for for ADP _005195321 164 19 the the DET _005195321 164 20 depression depression NOUN _005195321 164 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 164 22 inasmuch inasmuch ADJ _005195321 164 23 as as SCONJ _005195321 164 24 they they PRON _005195321 164 25 took take VERB _005195321 164 26 out out ADP _005195321 164 27 of of ADP _005195321 164 28 the the DET _005195321 164 29 market market NOUN _005195321 164 30 such such ADJ _005195321 164 31 potential potential ADJ _005195321 164 32 customers customer NOUN _005195321 164 33 as as SCONJ _005195321 164 34 they they PRON _005195321 164 35 deprived deprive VERB _005195321 164 36 of of ADP _005195321 164 37 the the DET _005195321 164 38 means mean NOUN _005195321 164 39 of of ADP _005195321 164 40 ordinary ordinary ADJ _005195321 164 41 comfortable comfortable ADJ _005195321 164 42 living living NOUN _005195321 164 43 . . PUNCT _005195321 165 1 those those DET _005195321 165 2 employers employer NOUN _005195321 165 3 who who PRON _005195321 165 4 have have AUX _005195321 165 5 paid pay VERB _005195321 165 6 starvation starvation NOUN _005195321 165 7 wages wage NOUN _005195321 165 8 must must AUX _005195321 165 9 accept accept VERB _005195321 165 10 their their PRON _005195321 165 11 share share NOUN _005195321 165 12 of of ADP _005195321 165 13 the the DET _005195321 165 14 blame blame NOUN _005195321 165 15 for for ADP _005195321 165 16 the the DET _005195321 165 17 spread spread NOUN _005195321 165 18 of of ADP _005195321 165 19 communism communism NOUN _005195321 165 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 165 21 for for ADP _005195321 165 22 though though SCONJ _005195321 165 23 the the DET _005195321 165 24 originators originator NOUN _005195321 165 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 165 26 propagandists propagandist NOUN _005195321 165 27 of of ADP _005195321 165 28 this this DET _005195321 165 29 violent violent ADJ _005195321 165 30 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195321 165 31 of of ADP _005195321 165 32 government government NOUN _005195321 165 33 may may AUX _005195321 165 34 themselves themselves PRON _005195321 165 35 have have AUX _005195321 165 36 been be AUX _005195321 165 37 well well ADV _005195321 165 38 - - PUNCT _005195321 165 39 fed fed PROPN _005195321 165 40 , , PUNCT _005195321 165 41 they they PRON _005195321 165 42 have have AUX _005195321 165 43 found find VERB _005195321 165 44 their their PRON _005195321 165 45 readiest readiest ADJ _005195321 165 46 recruits recruit NOUN _005195321 165 47 among among ADP _005195321 165 48 the the DET _005195321 165 49 halfstarved halfstarved NOUN _005195321 165 50 . . PUNCT _005195321 166 1 in in ADP _005195321 166 2 the the DET _005195321 166 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 166 4 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 166 5 on on ADP _005195321 166 6 justice justice NOUN _005195321 166 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 166 8 our our PRON _005195321 166 9 duties duty NOUN _005195321 166 10 18 18 NUM _005195321 166 11 the the DET _005195321 166 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 166 13 church church NOUN _005195321 166 14 and and CCONJ _005195321 166 15 youth youth NOUN _005195321 166 16 to to ADP _005195321 166 17 god god PROPN _005195321 166 18 come come VERB _005195321 166 19 first first ADV _005195321 166 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 167 1 god god PROPN _005195321 167 2 has have VERB _005195321 167 3 rights right NOUN _005195321 167 4 . . PUNCT _005195321 168 1 he he PRON _005195321 168 2 is be AUX _005195321 168 3 our our PRON _005195321 168 4 creator creator NOUN _005195321 168 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 168 6 we we PRON _005195321 168 7 are be AUX _005195321 168 8 his his PRON _005195321 168 9 creatures creature NOUN _005195321 168 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 169 1 we we PRON _005195321 169 2 once once ADV _005195321 169 3 were be AUX _005195321 169 4 not not PART _005195321 169 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 169 6 but but CCONJ _005195321 169 7 now now ADV _005195321 169 8 we we PRON _005195321 169 9 are be AUX _005195321 169 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 169 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 169 12 we we PRON _005195321 169 13 did do AUX _005195321 169 14 not not PART _005195321 169 15 bring bring VERB _005195321 169 16 ourselves ourselves PRON _005195321 169 17 into into ADP _005195321 169 18 being be AUX _005195321 169 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 170 1 we we PRON _005195321 170 2 owe owe VERB _005195321 170 3 god god PROPN _005195321 170 4 worship worship NOUN _005195321 170 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 170 6 we we PRON _005195321 170 7 owe owe VERB _005195321 170 8 him he PRON _005195321 170 9 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _005195321 170 10 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 170 11 he he PRON _005195321 170 12 has have VERB _005195321 170 13 a a DET _005195321 170 14 right right NOUN _005195321 170 15 to to ADP _005195321 170 16 our our PRON _005195321 170 17 apology apology NOUN _005195321 170 18 if if SCONJ _005195321 170 19 we we PRON _005195321 170 20 offend offend VERB _005195321 170 21 him he PRON _005195321 170 22 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 170 23 he he PRON _005195321 170 24 has have VERB _005195321 170 25 a a DET _005195321 170 26 right right NOUN _005195321 170 27 to to ADP _005195321 170 28 our our PRON _005195321 170 29 petitions petition NOUN _005195321 170 30 for for ADP _005195321 170 31 help help NOUN _005195321 170 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 171 1 this this DET _005195321 171 2 sort sort NOUN _005195321 171 3 of of ADP _005195321 171 4 justice justice NOUN _005195321 171 5 is be AUX _005195321 171 6 called call VERB _005195321 171 7 the the DET _005195321 171 8 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 171 9 of of ADP _005195321 171 10 religion religion NOUN _005195321 171 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 172 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 172 2 if if SCONJ _005195321 172 3 we we PRON _005195321 172 4 pay pay VERB _005195321 172 5 god god PROPN _005195321 172 6 his his PRON _005195321 172 7 due due ADJ _005195321 172 8 in in ADP _005195321 172 9 all all DET _005195321 172 10 humility humility NOUN _005195321 172 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 172 12 there there PRON _005195321 172 13 is be VERB _005195321 172 14 a a DET _005195321 172 15 better well ADJ _005195321 172 16 chance chance NOUN _005195321 172 17 that that SCONJ _005195321 172 18 we we PRON _005195321 172 19 will will AUX _005195321 172 20 have have AUX _005195321 172 21 more more ADJ _005195321 172 22 respect respect NOUN _005195321 172 23 for for ADP _005195321 172 24 the the DET _005195321 172 25 rights right NOUN _005195321 172 26 of of ADP _005195321 172 27 our our PRON _005195321 172 28 fellow fellow NOUN _005195321 172 29 - - PUNCT _005195321 172 30 men man NOUN _005195321 172 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 173 1 the the DET _005195321 173 2 communists communists PROPN _005195321 173 3 understand understand VERB _005195321 173 4 this this PRON _005195321 173 5 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195321 173 6 better well ADJ _005195321 173 7 than than SCONJ _005195321 173 8 we we PRON _005195321 173 9 do do VERB _005195321 173 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 173 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 173 12 they they PRON _005195321 173 13 direct direct VERB _005195321 173 14 their their PRON _005195321 173 15 first first ADJ _005195321 173 16 attack attack NOUN _005195321 173 17 against against ADP _005195321 173 18 religion religion NOUN _005195321 173 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 173 20 which which PRON _005195321 173 21 they they PRON _005195321 173 22 call call VERB _005195321 173 23 “ " PUNCT _005195321 173 24 the the DET _005195321 173 25 opiate opiate NOUN _005195321 173 26 of of ADP _005195321 173 27 the the DET _005195321 173 28 people people NOUN _005195321 173 29 ” " PUNCT _005195321 173 30 . . PUNCT _005195321 174 1 having having AUX _005195321 174 2 given give VERB _005195321 174 3 god god PROPN _005195321 174 4 his his PRON _005195321 174 5 due due ADJ _005195321 174 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 174 7 the the DET _005195321 174 8 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 174 9 must must AUX _005195321 174 10 proceed proceed VERB _005195321 174 11 to to PART _005195321 174 12 give give VERB _005195321 174 13 to to ADP _005195321 174 14 his his PRON _005195321 174 15 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005195321 174 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 174 17 to to ADP _005195321 174 18 every every DET _005195321 174 19 man man NOUN _005195321 174 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 174 21 that that SCONJ _005195321 174 22 which which PRON _005195321 174 23 is be AUX _005195321 174 24 his his PRON _005195321 174 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 175 1 by by ADP _005195321 175 2 the the DET _005195321 175 3 canon canon NOUN _005195321 175 4 law law NOUN _005195321 175 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 175 6 by by ADP _005195321 175 7 particular particular ADJ _005195321 175 8 decrees decree NOUN _005195321 175 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 175 10 by by ADP _005195321 175 11 decisions decision NOUN _005195321 175 12 of of ADP _005195321 175 13 the the DET _005195321 175 14 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _005195321 175 15 courts court NOUN _005195321 175 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 175 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 175 18 especially especially ADV _005195321 175 19 by by ADP _005195321 175 20 the the DET _005195321 175 21 teachings teaching NOUN _005195321 175 22 of of ADP _005195321 175 23 approved approve VERB _005195321 175 24 theologians theologian NOUN _005195321 175 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 175 26 the the DET _005195321 175 27 church church NOUN _005195321 175 28 solves solve VERB _005195321 175 29 problems problem NOUN _005195321 175 30 of of ADP _005195321 175 31 justice justice NOUN _005195321 175 32 and and CCONJ _005195321 175 33 rights right NOUN _005195321 175 34 and and CCONJ _005195321 175 35 thus thus ADV _005195321 175 36 instructs instruct VERB _005195321 175 37 the the DET _005195321 175 38 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 175 39 of of ADP _005195321 175 40 the the DET _005195321 175 41 individual individual NOUN _005195321 175 42 . . PUNCT _005195321 176 1 as as ADP _005195321 176 2 sanction sanction NOUN _005195321 176 3 for for ADP _005195321 176 4 her her PRON _005195321 176 5 decisions decision NOUN _005195321 176 6 she she PRON _005195321 176 7 wields wield VERB _005195321 176 8 the the DET _005195321 176 9 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 176 10 power power NOUN _005195321 176 11 of of ADP _005195321 176 12 refusing refuse VERB _005195321 176 13 absolution absolution NOUN _005195321 176 14 to to ADP _005195321 176 15 the the DET _005195321 176 16 sinner sinner NOUN _005195321 176 17 who who PRON _005195321 176 18 has have AUX _005195321 176 19 culpably culpably ADV _005195321 176 20 violated violate VERB _005195321 176 21 the the DET _005195321 176 22 strict strict ADJ _005195321 176 23 right right NOUN _005195321 176 24 of of ADP _005195321 176 25 his his PRON _005195321 176 26 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005195321 176 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 176 28 refuses refuse VERB _005195321 176 29 to to PART _005195321 176 30 make make VERB _005195321 176 31 good good ADJ _005195321 176 32 the the DET _005195321 176 33 damage damage NOUN _005195321 176 34 done do VERB _005195321 176 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 177 1 unhappily unhappily ADV _005195321 177 2 for for ADP _005195321 177 3 the the DET _005195321 177 4 peace peace NOUN _005195321 177 5 of of ADP _005195321 177 6 society society NOUN _005195321 177 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 177 8 the the DET _005195321 177 9 moral moral ADJ _005195321 177 10 codes code NOUN _005195321 177 11 followed follow VERB _005195321 177 12 generally generally ADV _005195321 177 13 by by ADP _005195321 177 14 the the DET _005195321 177 15 world world NOUN _005195321 177 16 have have AUX _005195321 177 17 allowed allow VERB _005195321 177 18 the the DET _005195321 177 19 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 177 20 church church NOUN _005195321 177 21 too too ADV _005195321 177 22 much much ADJ _005195321 177 23 of of ADP _005195321 177 24 a a DET _005195321 177 25 monopoly monopoly NOUN _005195321 177 26 in in ADP _005195321 177 27 her her PRON _005195321 177 28 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 177 29 on on ADP _005195321 177 30 restitution restitution NOUN _005195321 177 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 178 1 property property NOUN _005195321 178 2 rights right NOUN _005195321 178 3 would would AUX _005195321 178 4 be be AUX _005195321 178 5 far far ADV _005195321 178 6 better well ADV _005195321 178 7 observed observe VERB _005195321 178 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 178 9 the the DET _005195321 178 10 home home NOUN _005195321 178 11 would would AUX _005195321 178 12 be be AUX _005195321 178 13 more more ADV _005195321 178 14 sacred sacred ADJ _005195321 178 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 178 16 reputations reputation NOUN _005195321 178 17 would would AUX _005195321 178 18 suffer suffer VERB _005195321 178 19 less less ADJ _005195321 178 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 178 21 life life NOUN _005195321 178 22 would would AUX _005195321 178 23 be be AUX _005195321 178 24 more more ADV _005195321 178 25 secure secure ADJ _005195321 178 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 178 27 were be AUX _005195321 178 28 every every DET _005195321 178 29 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 178 30 in in ADP _005195321 178 31 the the DET _005195321 178 32 world world NOUN _005195321 178 33 imbued imbue VERB _005195321 178 34 with with ADP _005195321 178 35 the the DET _005195321 178 36 notion notion NOUN _005195321 178 37 that that SCONJ _005195321 178 38 where where SCONJ _005195321 178 39 wilful wilful ADJ _005195321 178 40 damage damage NOUN _005195321 178 41 justice justice NOUN _005195321 178 42 19 19 NUM _005195321 178 43 is be AUX _005195321 178 44 done do VERB _005195321 178 45 to to ADP _005195321 178 46 another another PRON _005195321 178 47 , , PUNCT _005195321 178 48 restitution restitution NOUN _005195321 178 49 is be AUX _005195321 178 50 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 178 51 to to ADP _005195321 178 52 the the DET _005195321 178 53 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN _005195321 178 54 of of ADP _005195321 178 55 the the DET _005195321 178 56 sin sin NOUN _005195321 178 57 . . PUNCT _005195321 179 1 no no DET _005195321 179 2 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 179 3 can can AUX _005195321 179 4 steal steal VERB _005195321 179 5 with with ADP _005195321 179 6 impunity impunity NOUN _005195321 179 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 179 8 he he PRON _005195321 179 9 knows know VERB _005195321 179 10 that that SCONJ _005195321 179 11 he he PRON _005195321 179 12 must must AUX _005195321 179 13 restore restore VERB _005195321 179 14 if if SCONJ _005195321 179 15 he he PRON _005195321 179 16 would would AUX _005195321 179 17 have have VERB _005195321 179 18 his his PRON _005195321 179 19 sin sin NOUN _005195321 179 20 forgiven forgive VERB _005195321 179 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 180 1 no no DET _005195321 180 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 180 3 employer employer NOUN _005195321 180 4 can can AUX _005195321 180 5 with with ADP _005195321 180 6 an an DET _005195321 180 7 easy easy ADJ _005195321 180 8 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 180 9 defraud defraud NOUN _005195321 180 10 laborers laborer NOUN _005195321 180 11 of of ADP _005195321 180 12 their their PRON _005195321 180 13 wages wage NOUN _005195321 180 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 180 15 for for SCONJ _005195321 180 16 he he PRON _005195321 180 17 knows know VERB _005195321 180 18 that that SCONJ _005195321 180 19 this this DET _005195321 180 20 sin sin NOUN _005195321 180 21 cries cry VERB _005195321 180 22 to to ADP _005195321 180 23 heaven heaven PROPN _005195321 180 24 for for ADP _005195321 180 25 vengeance vengeance NOUN _005195321 180 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 180 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 180 28 that that SCONJ _005195321 180 29 the the DET _005195321 180 30 pennies penny NOUN _005195321 180 31 he he PRON _005195321 180 32 steals steal VERB _005195321 180 33 in in ADP _005195321 180 34 this this DET _005195321 180 35 way way NOUN _005195321 180 36 will will AUX _005195321 180 37 salt salt VERB _005195321 180 38 him he PRON _005195321 180 39 with with ADP _005195321 180 40 fire fire NOUN _005195321 180 41 for for ADP _005195321 180 42 all all DET _005195321 180 43 eternity eternity NOUN _005195321 180 44 if if SCONJ _005195321 180 45 he he PRON _005195321 180 46 dies die VERB _005195321 180 47 without without ADP _005195321 180 48 making make VERB _005195321 180 49 an an DET _005195321 180 50 effort effort NOUN _005195321 180 51 to to PART _005195321 180 52 restore restore VERB _005195321 180 53 his his PRON _005195321 180 54 ill ill ADV _005195321 180 55 - - PUNCT _005195321 180 56 gotten get VERB _005195321 180 57 gain gain NOUN _005195321 180 58 . . PUNCT _005195321 181 1 no no DET _005195321 181 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 181 3 worker worker NOUN _005195321 181 4 who who PRON _005195321 181 5 receives receive VERB _005195321 181 6 a a DET _005195321 181 7 good good ADJ _005195321 181 8 day day NOUN _005195321 181 9 ’s ’s PART _005195321 181 10 pay pay NOUN _005195321 181 11 can can AUX _005195321 181 12 do do VERB _005195321 181 13 less less ADJ _005195321 181 14 than than ADP _005195321 181 15 a a DET _005195321 181 16 good good ADJ _005195321 181 17 day day NOUN _005195321 181 18 ’s ’s PART _005195321 181 19 work work NOUN _005195321 181 20 for for ADP _005195321 181 21 his his PRON _005195321 181 22 employer employer NOUN _005195321 181 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 181 24 and and CCONJ _005195321 181 25 the the DET _005195321 181 26 worker worker NOUN _005195321 181 27 knows know VERB _005195321 181 28 further far ADV _005195321 181 29 that that SCONJ _005195321 181 30 he he PRON _005195321 181 31 has have VERB _005195321 181 32 an an DET _005195321 181 33 obligation obligation NOUN _005195321 181 34 of of ADP _005195321 181 35 restitution restitution NOUN _005195321 181 36 if if SCONJ _005195321 181 37 wilfully wilfully ADJ _005195321 181 38 or or CCONJ _005195321 181 39 through through ADP _005195321 181 40 culpable culpable ADJ _005195321 181 41 negligence negligence NOUN _005195321 181 42 he he PRON _005195321 181 43 destroys destroy VERB _005195321 181 44 or or CCONJ _005195321 181 45 wastes waste VERB _005195321 181 46 the the DET _005195321 181 47 goods good NOUN _005195321 181 48 of of ADP _005195321 181 49 his his PRON _005195321 181 50 employer employer NOUN _005195321 181 51 . . PUNCT _005195321 182 1 every every DET _005195321 182 2 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 182 3 knows know VERB _005195321 182 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 182 5 if if SCONJ _005195321 182 6 he he PRON _005195321 182 7 damages damage VERB _005195321 182 8 the the DET _005195321 182 9 reputation reputation NOUN _005195321 182 10 of of ADP _005195321 182 11 his his PRON _005195321 182 12 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005195321 182 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 182 14 wmether wmether ADJ _005195321 182 15 by by ADP _005195321 182 16 wilful wilful ADJ _005195321 182 17 lies lie NOUN _005195321 182 18 or or CCONJ _005195321 182 19 by by ADP _005195321 182 20 making make VERB _005195321 182 21 known know VERB _005195321 182 22 hidden hide VERB _005195321 182 23 faults fault NOUN _005195321 182 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 182 25 he he PRON _005195321 182 26 must must AUX _005195321 182 27 repair repair VERB _005195321 182 28 that that DET _005195321 182 29 harm harm NOUN _005195321 182 30 to to ADP _005195321 182 31 the the DET _005195321 182 32 best good ADJ _005195321 182 33 of of ADP _005195321 182 34 his his PRON _005195321 182 35 ability ability NOUN _005195321 182 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 183 1 every every DET _005195321 183 2 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 183 3 knows know VERB _005195321 183 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 183 5 if if SCONJ _005195321 183 6 he he PRON _005195321 183 7 injures injure VERB _005195321 183 8 his his PRON _005195321 183 9 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005195321 183 10 ’s ’s PART _005195321 183 11 health health NOUN _005195321 183 12 or or CCONJ _005195321 183 13 shortens shorten NOUN _005195321 183 14 his his PRON _005195321 183 15 life life NOUN _005195321 183 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 183 17 he he PRON _005195321 183 18 is be AUX _005195321 183 19 bound bind VERB _005195321 183 20 to to PART _005195321 183 21 render render VERB _005195321 183 22 proportionate proportionate ADJ _005195321 183 23 support support NOUN _005195321 183 24 to to ADP _005195321 183 25 the the DET _005195321 183 26 dependents dependent NOUN _005195321 183 27 who who PRON _005195321 183 28 have have AUX _005195321 183 29 been be AUX _005195321 183 30 deprived deprive VERB _005195321 183 31 of of ADP _005195321 183 32 their their PRON _005195321 183 33 source source NOUN _005195321 183 34 of of ADP _005195321 183 35 livelihood livelihood NOUN _005195321 183 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 184 1 does do AUX _005195321 184 2 this this PRON _005195321 184 3 mean mean VERB _005195321 184 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 184 5 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 184 6 are be AUX _005195321 184 7 the the DET _005195321 184 8 only only ADJ _005195321 184 9 just just ADV _005195321 184 10 people people NOUN _005195321 184 11 in in ADP _005195321 184 12 the the DET _005195321 184 13 world world NOUN _005195321 184 14 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 185 1 or or CCONJ _005195321 185 2 that that SCONJ _005195321 185 3 all all DET _005195321 185 4 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 185 5 are be AUX _005195321 185 6 paragons paragon NOUN _005195321 185 7 of of ADP _005195321 185 8 justice justice NOUN _005195321 185 9 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 186 1 such such DET _005195321 186 2 an an DET _005195321 186 3 inference inference NOUN _005195321 186 4 would would AUX _005195321 186 5 be be AUX _005195321 186 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 186 7 of of ADP _005195321 186 8 course course NOUN _005195321 186 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 186 10 absurd absurd ADJ _005195321 186 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 187 1 outside outside ADP _005195321 187 2 the the DET _005195321 187 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 187 4 church church NOUN _005195321 187 5 there there PRON _005195321 187 6 are be VERB _005195321 187 7 millions million NOUN _005195321 187 8 of of ADP _005195321 187 9 good good ADJ _005195321 187 10 people people NOUN _005195321 187 11 who who PRON _005195321 187 12 are be AUX _005195321 187 13 just just ADV _005195321 187 14 in in ADP _005195321 187 15 their their PRON _005195321 187 16 dealings dealing NOUN _005195321 187 17 with with ADP _005195321 187 18 their their PRON _005195321 187 19 fellow fellow NOUN _005195321 187 20 - - PUNCT _005195321 187 21 men man NOUN _005195321 187 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 187 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 187 24 millions million NOUN _005195321 187 25 who who PRON _005195321 187 26 are be AUX _005195321 187 27 at at ADP _005195321 187 28 great great ADJ _005195321 187 29 pains pain NOUN _005195321 187 30 to to PART _005195321 187 31 repair repair VERB _005195321 187 32 any any DET _005195321 187 33 unjust unjust ADJ _005195321 187 34 damage damage NOUN _005195321 187 35 they they PRON _005195321 187 36 may may AUX _005195321 187 37 have have AUX _005195321 187 38 done do VERB _005195321 187 39 . . PUNCT _005195321 188 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 188 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 188 3 since since SCONJ _005195321 188 4 our our PRON _005195321 188 5 lord lord PROPN _005195321 188 6 came come VERB _005195321 188 7 to to PART _005195321 188 8 call call VERB _005195321 188 9 “ " PUNCT _005195321 188 10 not not PART _005195321 188 11 the the DET _005195321 188 12 just just ADV _005195321 188 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 188 14 but but CCONJ _005195321 188 15 sinners sinner NOUN _005195321 188 16 to to ADP _005195321 188 17 repentance repentance NOUN _005195321 188 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 188 19 ” " PUNCT _005195321 188 20 it it PRON _005195321 188 21 is be AUX _005195321 188 22 to to PART _005195321 188 23 be be AUX _005195321 188 24 expected expect VERB _005195321 188 25 that that SCONJ _005195321 188 26 within within ADP _005195321 188 27 the the DET _005195321 188 28 fold fold NOUN _005195321 188 29 of of ADP _005195321 188 30 the the DET _005195321 188 31 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 188 32 church church NOUN _005195321 188 33 there there PRON _005195321 188 34 will will AUX _005195321 188 35 be be AUX _005195321 188 36 sinners sinner NOUN _005195321 188 37 — — PUNCT _005195321 188 38 sinners sinner NOUN _005195321 188 39 against against ADP _005195321 188 40 jus20 jus20 NOUN _005195321 188 41 the the DET _005195321 188 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 188 43 church church NOUN _005195321 188 44 and and CCONJ _005195321 188 45 youth youth NOUN _005195321 188 46 tice tice NOUN _005195321 188 47 and and CCONJ _005195321 188 48 against against ADP _005195321 188 49 all all DET _005195321 188 50 the the DET _005195321 188 51 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 188 52 . . PUNCT _005195321 189 1 the the DET _005195321 189 2 church church NOUN _005195321 189 3 prays pray VERB _005195321 189 4 for for ADP _005195321 189 5 them they PRON _005195321 189 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 189 7 urges urge VERB _005195321 189 8 them they PRON _005195321 189 9 to to ADP _005195321 189 10 repentance repentance NOUN _005195321 189 11 — — PUNCT _005195321 189 12 to to ADP _005195321 189 13 the the DET _005195321 189 14 full full ADJ _005195321 189 15 repentance repentance NOUN _005195321 189 16 that that PRON _005195321 189 17 necessarily necessarily ADV _005195321 189 18 includes include VERB _005195321 189 19 restitution restitution NOUN _005195321 189 20 for for ADP _005195321 189 21 every every DET _005195321 189 22 culpable culpable ADJ _005195321 189 23 violation violation NOUN _005195321 189 24 of of ADP _005195321 189 25 the the DET _005195321 189 26 strict strict ADJ _005195321 189 27 right right NOUN _005195321 189 28 of of ADP _005195321 189 29 our our PRON _005195321 189 30 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005195321 189 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 190 1 the the DET _005195321 190 2 individual individual ADJ _005195321 190 3 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 190 4 may may AUX _005195321 190 5 be be AUX _005195321 190 6 at at ADP _005195321 190 7 fault fault NOUN _005195321 190 8 — — PUNCT _005195321 190 9 he he PRON _005195321 190 10 may may AUX _005195321 190 11 be be AUX _005195321 190 12 a a DET _005195321 190 13 bad bad ADJ _005195321 190 14 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 190 15 — — PUNCT _005195321 190 16 but but CCONJ _005195321 190 17 the the DET _005195321 190 18 church church NOUN _005195321 190 19 does do AUX _005195321 190 20 not not PART _005195321 190 21 fail fail VERB _005195321 190 22 in in ADP _005195321 190 23 her her PRON _005195321 190 24 teachings teaching NOUN _005195321 190 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 190 26 in in ADP _005195321 190 27 her her PRON _005195321 190 28 use use NOUN _005195321 190 29 of of ADP _005195321 190 30 all all DET _005195321 190 31 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 190 32 means mean NOUN _005195321 190 33 in in ADP _005195321 190 34 her her PRON _005195321 190 35 power power NOUN _005195321 190 36 to to PART _005195321 190 37 aid aid VERB _005195321 190 38 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 190 39 to to PART _005195321 190 40 practice practice VERB _005195321 190 41 full full ADJ _005195321 190 42 justice justice NOUN _005195321 190 43 , , PUNCT _005195321 190 44 no no ADV _005195321 190 45 matter matter ADV _005195321 190 46 what what PRON _005195321 190 47 its its PRON _005195321 190 48 cost cost NOUN _005195321 190 49 . . PUNCT _005195321 191 1 for for ADP _005195321 191 2 the the DET _005195321 191 3 guidance guidance NOUN _005195321 191 4 of of ADP _005195321 191 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 191 6 professional professional ADJ _005195321 191 7 men man NOUN _005195321 191 8 she she PRON _005195321 191 9 lays lay VERB _005195321 191 10 down down ADP _005195321 191 11 certain certain ADJ _005195321 191 12 special special ADJ _005195321 191 13 rules rule NOUN _005195321 191 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 192 1 the the DET _005195321 192 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 192 3 judge judge NOUN _005195321 192 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 192 5 for for ADP _005195321 192 6 instance instance NOUN _005195321 192 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 192 8 she she PRON _005195321 192 9 reminds remind VERB _005195321 192 10 that that SCONJ _005195321 192 11 the the DET _005195321 192 12 law law NOUN _005195321 192 13 of of ADP _005195321 192 14 restitution restitution NOUN _005195321 192 15 obliges oblige VERB _005195321 192 16 him he PRON _005195321 192 17 if if SCONJ _005195321 192 18 through through ADP _005195321 192 19 malice malice NOUN _005195321 192 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 192 21 or or CCONJ _005195321 192 22 through through ADP _005195321 192 23 culpable culpable ADJ _005195321 192 24 ignorance ignorance NOUN _005195321 192 25 or or CCONJ _005195321 192 26 neglect neglect NOUN _005195321 192 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 192 28 his his PRON _005195321 192 29 decisions decision NOUN _005195321 192 30 inflict inflict VERB _005195321 192 31 unjust unjust ADJ _005195321 192 32 damage damage NOUN _005195321 192 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 193 1 she she PRON _005195321 193 2 tells tell VERB _005195321 193 3 him he PRON _005195321 193 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 193 5 he he PRON _005195321 193 6 must must AUX _005195321 193 7 have have VERB _005195321 193 8 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005195321 193 9 knowledge knowledge NOUN _005195321 193 10 to to PART _005195321 193 11 perform perform VERB _005195321 193 12 the the DET _005195321 193 13 duties duty NOUN _005195321 193 14 of of ADP _005195321 193 15 his his PRON _005195321 193 16 office office NOUN _005195321 193 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 193 18 that that SCONJ _005195321 193 19 he he PRON _005195321 193 20 must must AUX _005195321 193 21 have have VERB _005195321 193 22 competent competent ADJ _005195321 193 23 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _005195321 193 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 193 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 193 26 that that SCONJ _005195321 193 27 his his PRON _005195321 193 28 judgments judgment NOUN _005195321 193 29 must must AUX _005195321 193 30 rise rise VERB _005195321 193 31 above above ADP _005195321 193 32 personal personal ADJ _005195321 193 33 considerations consideration NOUN _005195321 193 34 , , PUNCT _005195321 193 35 passions passion NOUN _005195321 193 36 and and CCONJ _005195321 193 37 prejudices prejudice NOUN _005195321 193 38 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 193 39 that that SCONJ _005195321 193 40 he he PRON _005195321 193 41 must must AUX _005195321 193 42 reject reject VERB _005195321 193 43 alike alike ADJ _005195321 193 44 bribes bribe NOUN _005195321 193 45 and and CCONJ _005195321 193 46 undue undue ADJ _005195321 193 47 influence influence NOUN _005195321 193 48 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 193 49 that that SCONJ _005195321 193 50 he he PRON _005195321 193 51 must must AUX _005195321 193 52 fulfill fulfill VERB _005195321 193 53 his his PRON _005195321 193 54 duties duty NOUN _005195321 193 55 with with ADP _005195321 193 56 diligence diligence NOUN _005195321 193 57 and and CCONJ _005195321 193 58 justice justice NOUN _005195321 193 59 , , PUNCT _005195321 193 60 respecting respect VERB _005195321 193 61 alike alike ADP _005195321 193 62 the the DET _005195321 193 63 laws law NOUN _005195321 193 64 of of ADP _005195321 193 65 the the DET _005195321 193 66 land land NOUN _005195321 193 67 and and CCONJ _005195321 193 68 the the DET _005195321 193 69 divine divine ADJ _005195321 193 70 law law NOUN _005195321 193 71 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 193 72 that that SCONJ _005195321 193 73 , , PUNCT _005195321 193 74 finally finally ADV _005195321 193 75 , , PUNCT _005195321 193 76 he he PRON _005195321 193 77 must must AUX _005195321 193 78 be be AUX _005195321 193 79 willing willing ADJ _005195321 193 80 to to PART _005195321 193 81 give give VERB _005195321 193 82 up up ADP _005195321 193 83 his his PRON _005195321 193 84 office office NOUN _005195321 193 85 rather rather ADV _005195321 193 86 than than ADP _005195321 193 87 enforce enforce VERB _005195321 193 88 a a DET _005195321 193 89 civil civil ADJ _005195321 193 90 law law NOUN _005195321 193 91 that that PRON _005195321 193 92 runs run VERB _005195321 193 93 counter counter ADV _005195321 193 94 to to ADP _005195321 193 95 the the DET _005195321 193 96 law law NOUN _005195321 193 97 of of ADP _005195321 193 98 god god PROPN _005195321 193 99 . . PUNCT _005195321 194 1 similarly similarly ADV _005195321 194 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 194 3 the the DET _005195321 194 4 church church NOUN _005195321 194 5 reminds remind VERB _005195321 194 6 the the DET _005195321 194 7 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 194 8 lawyer lawyer NOUN _005195321 194 9 that that SCONJ _005195321 194 10 in in ADP _005195321 194 11 accepting accept VERB _005195321 194 12 a a DET _005195321 194 13 case case NOUN _005195321 194 14 he he PRON _005195321 194 15 enters enter VERB _005195321 194 16 into into ADP _005195321 194 17 a a DET _005195321 194 18 contract contract NOUN _005195321 194 19 which which PRON _005195321 194 20 gives give VERB _005195321 194 21 his his PRON _005195321 194 22 client client NOUN _005195321 194 23 the the DET _005195321 194 24 right right NOUN _005195321 194 25 to to ADP _005195321 194 26 able able ADJ _005195321 194 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 194 28 honest honest ADJ _005195321 194 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 194 30 and and CCONJ _005195321 194 31 diligent diligent ADJ _005195321 194 32 representation representation NOUN _005195321 194 33 before before ADP _005195321 194 34 the the DET _005195321 194 35 law law NOUN _005195321 194 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 195 1 in in ADP _005195321 195 2 civil civil ADJ _005195321 195 3 causes cause NOUN _005195321 195 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 195 5 she she PRON _005195321 195 6 tells tell VERB _005195321 195 7 the the DET _005195321 195 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 195 9 lawyer lawyer NOUN _005195321 195 10 that that SCONJ _005195321 195 11 he he PRON _005195321 195 12 can can AUX _005195321 195 13 not not PART _005195321 195 14 accept accept VERB _005195321 195 15 a a DET _005195321 195 16 case case NOUN _005195321 195 17 that that PRON _005195321 195 18 is be AUX _005195321 195 19 certainly certainly ADV _005195321 195 20 unjust unjust ADJ _005195321 195 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 195 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 195 23 that that SCONJ _005195321 195 24 if if SCONJ _005195321 195 25 in in ADP _005195321 195 26 the the DET _005195321 195 27 course course NOUN _005195321 195 28 of of ADP _005195321 195 29 a a DET _005195321 195 30 doubtful doubtful ADJ _005195321 195 31 case case NOUN _005195321 195 32 he he PRON _005195321 195 33 becomes become VERB _005195321 195 34 convinced convinced ADJ _005195321 195 35 of of ADP _005195321 195 36 its its PRON _005195321 195 37 injustice injustice NOUN _005195321 195 38 , , PUNCT _005195321 195 39 he he PRON _005195321 195 40 must must AUX _005195321 195 41 drop drop VERB _005195321 195 42 it it PRON _005195321 195 43 . . PUNCT _005195321 196 1 since since SCONJ _005195321 196 2 the the DET _005195321 196 3 law law NOUN _005195321 196 4 presumes presume VERB _005195321 196 5 the the DET _005195321 196 6 criminal criminal ADJ _005195321 196 7 innocent innocent ADJ _005195321 196 8 until until SCONJ _005195321 196 9 his his PRON _005195321 196 10 guilt guilt NOUN _005195321 196 11 is be AUX _005195321 196 12 proved prove VERB _005195321 196 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 196 14 she she PRON _005195321 196 15 allows allow VERB _005195321 196 16 the the DET _005195321 196 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 196 18 lawyer lawyer NOUN _005195321 196 19 justice justice NOUN _005195321 196 20 21 21 NUM _005195321 196 21 to to PART _005195321 196 22 undertake undertake VERB _005195321 196 23 the the DET _005195321 196 24 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005195321 196 25 defense defense NOUN _005195321 196 26 of of ADP _005195321 196 27 a a DET _005195321 196 28 criminal criminal NOUN _005195321 196 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 196 30 but but CCONJ _005195321 196 31 in in ADP _005195321 196 32 both both CCONJ _005195321 196 33 civil civil ADJ _005195321 196 34 and and CCONJ _005195321 196 35 criminal criminal ADJ _005195321 196 36 cases case NOUN _005195321 196 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 196 38 the the DET _005195321 196 39 church church NOUN _005195321 196 40 insists insist VERB _005195321 196 41 that that SCONJ _005195321 196 42 the the DET _005195321 196 43 lawyer lawyer NOUN _005195321 196 44 abstain abstain ADV _005195321 196 45 from from ADP _005195321 196 46 all all DET _005195321 196 47 fraud fraud NOUN _005195321 196 48 , , PUNCT _005195321 196 49 false false ADJ _005195321 196 50 testimony testimony NOUN _005195321 196 51 , , PUNCT _005195321 196 52 forged forge VERB _005195321 196 53 documents document NOUN _005195321 196 54 , , PUNCT _005195321 196 55 and and CCONJ _005195321 196 56 everything everything PRON _005195321 196 57 that that PRON _005195321 196 58 may may AUX _005195321 196 59 in in ADP _005195321 196 60 any any DET _005195321 196 61 way way NOUN _005195321 196 62 offend offend NOUN _005195321 196 63 against against ADP _005195321 196 64 honesty honesty NOUN _005195321 196 65 or or CCONJ _005195321 196 66 justice justice NOUN _005195321 196 67 . . PUNCT _005195321 197 1 finally finally ADV _005195321 197 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 197 3 she she PRON _005195321 197 4 reminds remind VERB _005195321 197 5 him he PRON _005195321 197 6 that that SCONJ _005195321 197 7 his his PRON _005195321 197 8 fees fee NOUN _005195321 197 9 must must AUX _005195321 197 10 be be AUX _005195321 197 11 just just ADV _005195321 197 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 198 1 who who PRON _005195321 198 2 pays pay VERB _005195321 198 3 your your PRON _005195321 198 4 grocery grocery NOUN _005195321 198 5 bill bill NOUN _005195321 198 6 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 199 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 199 2 you you PRON _005195321 199 3 do do AUX _005195321 199 4 not not PART _005195321 199 5 pay pay VERB _005195321 199 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 199 7 the the DET _005195321 199 8 grocer grocer NOUN _005195321 199 9 must must AUX _005195321 199 10 increase increase VERB _005195321 199 11 his his PRON _005195321 199 12 charges charge NOUN _005195321 199 13 on on ADP _005195321 199 14 the the DET _005195321 199 15 rest rest NOUN _005195321 199 16 of of ADP _005195321 199 17 his his PRON _005195321 199 18 customers customer NOUN _005195321 199 19 or or CCONJ _005195321 199 20 go go VERB _005195321 199 21 out out ADP _005195321 199 22 of of ADP _005195321 199 23 business business NOUN _005195321 199 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 200 1 who who PRON _005195321 200 2 does do VERB _005195321 200 3 your your PRON _005195321 200 4 work work NOUN _005195321 200 5 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 201 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 201 2 you you PRON _005195321 201 3 are be AUX _005195321 201 4 slack slack NOUN _005195321 201 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 201 6 other other ADJ _005195321 201 7 workmen workman NOUN _005195321 201 8 are be AUX _005195321 201 9 forced force VERB _005195321 201 10 to to PART _005195321 201 11 exert exert VERB _005195321 201 12 extra extra ADJ _005195321 201 13 effort effort NOUN _005195321 201 14 or or CCONJ _005195321 201 15 more more ADJ _005195321 201 16 workmen workman NOUN _005195321 201 17 must must AUX _005195321 201 18 be be AUX _005195321 201 19 hired hire VERB _005195321 201 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 201 21 if if SCONJ _005195321 201 22 the the DET _005195321 201 23 job job NOUN _005195321 201 24 is be AUX _005195321 201 25 to to PART _005195321 201 26 be be AUX _005195321 201 27 done do VERB _005195321 201 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 202 1 who who PRON _005195321 202 2 pays pay VERB _005195321 202 3 for for ADP _005195321 202 4 the the DET _005195321 202 5 protection protection NOUN _005195321 202 6 you you PRON _005195321 202 7 receive receive VERB _005195321 202 8 from from ADP _005195321 202 9 your your PRON _005195321 202 10 government government NOUN _005195321 202 11 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 203 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 203 2 you you PRON _005195321 203 3 evade evade VERB _005195321 203 4 your your PRON _005195321 203 5 legitimate legitimate ADJ _005195321 203 6 taxes taxis NOUN _005195321 203 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 203 8 the the DET _005195321 203 9 burden burden NOUN _005195321 203 10 of of ADP _005195321 203 11 those those PRON _005195321 203 12 must must AUX _005195321 203 13 fall fall VERB _005195321 203 14 on on ADP _005195321 203 15 others other NOUN _005195321 203 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 204 1 a a DET _005195321 204 2 great great ADJ _005195321 204 3 deal deal NOUN _005195321 204 4 of of ADP _005195321 204 5 the the DET _005195321 204 6 increased increase VERB _005195321 204 7 cost cost NOUN _005195321 204 8 of of ADP _005195321 204 9 government government NOUN _005195321 204 10 in in ADP _005195321 204 11 modern modern ADJ _005195321 204 12 times time NOUN _005195321 204 13 can can AUX _005195321 204 14 be be AUX _005195321 204 15 traced trace VERB _005195321 204 16 directly directly ADV _005195321 204 17 to to ADP _005195321 204 18 the the DET _005195321 204 19 fact fact NOUN _005195321 204 20 that that SCONJ _005195321 204 21 disregard disregard NOUN _005195321 204 22 for for ADP _005195321 204 23 the the DET _005195321 204 24 rights right NOUN _005195321 204 25 of of ADP _005195321 204 26 others other NOUN _005195321 204 27 has have AUX _005195321 204 28 been be AUX _005195321 204 29 widespread widespread ADJ _005195321 204 30 , , PUNCT _005195321 204 31 and and CCONJ _005195321 204 32 that that SCONJ _005195321 204 33 with with ADP _005195321 204 34 the the DET _005195321 204 35 loss loss NOUN _005195321 204 36 in in ADP _005195321 204 37 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN _005195321 204 38 of of ADP _005195321 204 39 the the DET _005195321 204 40 appeal appeal NOUN _005195321 204 41 to to ADP _005195321 204 42 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 204 43 there there PRON _005195321 204 44 has have AUX _005195321 204 45 been be AUX _005195321 204 46 substituted substitute VERB _005195321 204 47 an an DET _005195321 204 48 appeal appeal NOUN _005195321 204 49 to to ADP _005195321 204 50 the the DET _005195321 204 51 police police NOUN _005195321 204 52 power power NOUN _005195321 204 53 for for ADP _005195321 204 54 the the DET _005195321 204 55 protection protection NOUN _005195321 204 56 of of ADP _005195321 204 57 individual individual ADJ _005195321 204 58 rights right NOUN _005195321 204 59 . . PUNCT _005195321 205 1 no no DET _005195321 205 2 student student NOUN _005195321 205 3 of of ADP _005195321 205 4 the the DET _005195321 205 5 industrial industrial ADJ _005195321 205 6 history history NOUN _005195321 205 7 of of ADP _005195321 205 8 the the DET _005195321 205 9 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _005195321 205 10 century century NOUN _005195321 205 11 can can AUX _005195321 205 12 deny deny VERB _005195321 205 13 that that SCONJ _005195321 205 14 most most ADJ _005195321 205 15 outrageous outrageous ADJ _005195321 205 16 injustices injustice NOUN _005195321 205 17 were be AUX _005195321 205 18 committed commit VERB _005195321 205 19 by by ADP _005195321 205 20 the the DET _005195321 205 21 capitalists capitalist NOUN _005195321 205 22 of of ADP _005195321 205 23 the the DET _005195321 205 24 industrial industrial ADJ _005195321 205 25 revolution revolution NOUN _005195321 205 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 206 1 case case NOUN _005195321 206 2 - - PUNCT _005195321 206 3 hardened harden VERB _005195321 206 4 men man NOUN _005195321 206 5 built build VERB _005195321 206 6 up up ADP _005195321 206 7 vast vast ADJ _005195321 206 8 fortunes fortune NOUN _005195321 206 9 in in ADP _005195321 206 10 those those DET _005195321 206 11 days day NOUN _005195321 206 12 by by ADP _005195321 206 13 exploiting exploit VERB _005195321 206 14 the the DET _005195321 206 15 desperate desperate ADJ _005195321 206 16 need need NOUN _005195321 206 17 of of ADP _005195321 206 18 the the DET _005195321 206 19 poor poor ADJ _005195321 206 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 206 21 employing employ VERB _005195321 206 22 men man NOUN _005195321 206 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 206 24 women woman NOUN _005195321 206 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 206 26 and and CCONJ _005195321 206 27 children child NOUN _005195321 206 28 for for ADP _005195321 206 29 a a DET _005195321 206 30 pittance pittance NOUN _005195321 206 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 206 32 working work VERB _005195321 206 33 them they PRON _005195321 206 34 long long ADJ _005195321 206 35 hours hour NOUN _005195321 206 36 under under ADP _005195321 206 37 inhuman inhuman ADJ _005195321 206 38 conditons conditon NOUN _005195321 206 39 . . PUNCT _005195321 207 1 they they PRON _005195321 207 2 sowed sow VERB _005195321 207 3 the the DET _005195321 207 4 wind wind NOUN _005195321 207 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 207 6 we we PRON _005195321 207 7 reap reap VERB _005195321 207 8 the the DET _005195321 207 9 whirlwind whirlwind NOUN _005195321 207 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 208 1 the the DET _005195321 208 2 proponents proponent NOUN _005195321 208 3 of of ADP _005195321 208 4 communism communism NOUN _005195321 208 5 would would AUX _005195321 208 6 destroy destroy VERB _005195321 208 7 all all DET _005195321 208 8 human human ADJ _005195321 208 9 rights right NOUN _005195321 208 10 and and CCONJ _005195321 208 11 begin begin VERB _005195321 208 12 anew anew ADV _005195321 208 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 208 14 with with ADP _005195321 208 15 man man NOUN _005195321 208 16 the the DET _005195321 208 17 mere mere ADJ _005195321 208 18 creature creature NOUN _005195321 208 19 of of ADP _005195321 208 20 the the DET _005195321 208 21 state state NOUN _005195321 208 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 209 1 against against ADP _005195321 209 2 this this DET _005195321 209 3 unnatural unnatural ADJ _005195321 209 4 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195321 209 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 209 6 the the DET _005195321 209 7 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 209 8 church church NOUN _005195321 209 9 finds find VERB _005195321 209 10 itself itself PRON _005195321 209 11 too too ADV _005195321 209 12 much much ADV _005195321 209 13 alone alone ADV _005195321 209 14 in in ADP _005195321 209 15 its its PRON _005195321 209 16 appeal appeal NOUN _005195321 209 17 to to ADP _005195321 209 18 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 209 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 210 1 it it PRON _005195321 210 2 recognizes recognize VERB _005195321 210 3 that that DET _005195321 210 4 govern22 govern22 NOUN _005195321 210 5 the the DET _005195321 210 6 catholic catholic PROPN _005195321 210 7 church church NOUN _005195321 210 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 210 9 youth youth NOUN _005195321 210 10 ment ment NOUN _005195321 210 11 must must AUX _005195321 210 12 act act VERB _005195321 210 13 to to PART _005195321 210 14 protect protect VERB _005195321 210 15 human human ADJ _005195321 210 16 rights right NOUN _005195321 210 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 210 18 but but CCONJ _005195321 210 19 it it PRON _005195321 210 20 would would AUX _005195321 210 21 prefer prefer VERB _005195321 210 22 to to PART _005195321 210 23 have have VERB _005195321 210 24 these these DET _005195321 210 25 rights right NOUN _005195321 210 26 safeguarded safeguard VERB _005195321 210 27 by by ADP _005195321 210 28 an an DET _005195321 210 29 active active ADJ _005195321 210 30 sense sense NOUN _005195321 210 31 of of ADP _005195321 210 32 justice justice NOUN _005195321 210 33 in in ADP _005195321 210 34 every every DET _005195321 210 35 human human ADJ _005195321 210 36 heart heart NOUN _005195321 210 37 . . PUNCT _005195321 211 1 st st PROPN _005195321 211 2 . . PROPN _005195321 211 3 luke luke PROPN _005195321 211 4 in in ADP _005195321 211 5 his his PRON _005195321 211 6 gospel gospel NOUN _005195321 211 7 relates relate VERB _005195321 211 8 the the DET _005195321 211 9 beautiful beautiful ADJ _005195321 211 10 story story NOUN _005195321 211 11 of of ADP _005195321 211 12 zacheus zacheus PROPN _005195321 211 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 211 14 the the DET _005195321 211 15 visit visit NOUN _005195321 211 16 of of ADP _005195321 211 17 our our PRON _005195321 211 18 lord lord PROPN _005195321 211 19 to to ADP _005195321 211 20 his his PRON _005195321 211 21 home home NOUN _005195321 211 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 212 1 zacheus zacheus PROPN _005195321 212 2 was be AUX _005195321 212 3 of of ADP _005195321 212 4 the the DET _005195321 212 5 notoriously notoriously ADV _005195321 212 6 dishonest dishonest ADJ _005195321 212 7 class class NOUN _005195321 212 8 of of ADP _005195321 212 9 the the DET _005195321 212 10 publicans publican NOUN _005195321 212 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 212 12 or or CCONJ _005195321 212 13 tax tax NOUN _005195321 212 14 - - PUNCT _005195321 212 15 gatherers gatherer NOUN _005195321 212 16 — — PUNCT _005195321 212 17 in in ADP _005195321 212 18 fact fact NOUN _005195321 212 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 212 20 he he PRON _005195321 212 21 was be AUX _005195321 212 22 chief chief ADJ _005195321 212 23 of of ADP _005195321 212 24 the the DET _005195321 212 25 publicans publican NOUN _005195321 212 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 213 1 zacheus zacheus PROPN _005195321 213 2 was be AUX _005195321 213 3 short short ADJ _005195321 213 4 of of ADP _005195321 213 5 stature stature NOUN _005195321 213 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 213 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 213 8 when when SCONJ _005195321 213 9 he he PRON _005195321 213 10 heard hear VERB _005195321 213 11 that that SCONJ _005195321 213 12 our our PRON _005195321 213 13 lord lord PROPN _005195321 213 14 was be AUX _005195321 213 15 coming come VERB _005195321 213 16 down down ADP _005195321 213 17 the the DET _005195321 213 18 road road NOUN _005195321 213 19 in in ADP _005195321 213 20 the the DET _005195321 213 21 midst midst NOUN _005195321 213 22 of of ADP _005195321 213 23 a a DET _005195321 213 24 crowd crowd NOUN _005195321 213 25 of of ADP _005195321 213 26 people people NOUN _005195321 213 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 213 28 he he PRON _005195321 213 29 climbed climb VERB _005195321 213 30 a a DET _005195321 213 31 sycamore sycamore NOUN _005195321 213 32 tree tree NOUN _005195321 213 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 213 34 in in ADP _005195321 213 35 order order NOUN _005195321 213 36 that that SCONJ _005195321 213 37 he he PRON _005195321 213 38 might might AUX _005195321 213 39 have have AUX _005195321 213 40 a a DET _005195321 213 41 view view NOUN _005195321 213 42 of of ADP _005195321 213 43 this this DET _005195321 213 44 prophet prophet NOUN _005195321 213 45 . . PUNCT _005195321 214 1 his his PRON _005195321 214 2 simple simple ADJ _005195321 214 3 faith faith NOUN _005195321 214 4 touched touch VERB _005195321 214 5 our our PRON _005195321 214 6 lord lord PROPN _005195321 214 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 214 8 who who PRON _005195321 214 9 invited invite VERB _005195321 214 10 him he PRON _005195321 214 11 down down ADP _005195321 214 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 214 13 asked ask VERB _005195321 214 14 to to PART _005195321 214 15 be be AUX _005195321 214 16 entertained entertain VERB _005195321 214 17 by by ADP _005195321 214 18 him he PRON _005195321 214 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 215 1 in in ADP _005195321 215 2 the the DET _005195321 215 3 midst midst NOUN _005195321 215 4 of of ADP _005195321 215 5 the the DET _005195321 215 6 feast feast NOUN _005195321 215 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 215 8 poor poor ADJ _005195321 215 9 zacheus zacheus NOUN _005195321 215 10 was be AUX _005195321 215 11 overcome overcome VERB _005195321 215 12 with with ADP _005195321 215 13 emotion emotion NOUN _005195321 215 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 215 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 215 16 standing standing NOUN _005195321 215 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 215 18 he he PRON _005195321 215 19 said say VERB _005195321 215 20 to to ADP _005195321 215 21 the the DET _005195321 215 22 lord lord PROPN _005195321 215 23 : : PUNCT _005195321 215 24 “ " PUNCT _005195321 215 25 behold behold VERB _005195321 215 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 215 27 lord lord PROPN _005195321 215 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 215 29 the the DET _005195321 215 30 half half NOUN _005195321 215 31 of of ADP _005195321 215 32 my my PRON _005195321 215 33 goods good NOUN _005195321 215 34 i i PRON _005195321 215 35 give give VERB _005195321 215 36 to to ADP _005195321 215 37 the the DET _005195321 215 38 poor poor ADJ _005195321 215 39 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 215 40 and and CCONJ _005195321 215 41 if if SCONJ _005195321 215 42 i i PRON _005195321 215 43 have have AUX _005195321 215 44 wronged wrong VERB _005195321 215 45 any any DET _005195321 215 46 man man NOUN _005195321 215 47 of of ADP _005195321 215 48 anything anything PRON _005195321 215 49 , , PUNCT _005195321 215 50 i i PRON _005195321 215 51 restore restore VERB _005195321 215 52 him he PRON _005195321 215 53 fourfold fourfold ADJ _005195321 215 54 . . PUNCT _005195321 215 55 ” " PUNCT _005195321 216 1 jesus jesus PROPN _005195321 216 2 said say VERB _005195321 216 3 to to ADP _005195321 216 4 him he PRON _005195321 216 5 : : PUNCT _005195321 216 6 “ " PUNCT _005195321 216 7 this this DET _005195321 216 8 day day NOUN _005195321 216 9 is be AUX _005195321 216 10 salvation salvation NOUN _005195321 216 11 come come VERB _005195321 216 12 to to ADP _005195321 216 13 this this DET _005195321 216 14 house house NOUN _005195321 216 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 216 16 ” " PUNCT _005195321 216 17 suppose suppose VERB _005195321 216 18 the the DET _005195321 216 19 spirit spirit NOUN _005195321 216 20 of of ADP _005195321 216 21 zacheus zacheus PROPN _005195321 216 22 were be AUX _005195321 216 23 to to PART _005195321 216 24 sweep sweep VERB _005195321 216 25 the the DET _005195321 216 26 world world NOUN _005195321 216 27 today today NOUN _005195321 216 28 ! ! PUNCT _005195321 217 1 a a DET _005195321 217 2 four four NUM _005195321 217 3 - - PUNCT _005195321 217 4 hundred hundred NUM _005195321 217 5 per per ADP _005195321 217 6 cent cent NOUN _005195321 217 7 dividend dividend NOUN _005195321 217 8 paid pay VERB _005195321 217 9 voluntarily voluntarily ADV _005195321 217 10 to to ADP _005195321 217 11 the the DET _005195321 217 12 victims victim NOUN _005195321 217 13 of of ADP _005195321 217 14 injustce injustce PROPN _005195321 217 15 from from ADP _005195321 217 16 ill ill ADV _005195321 217 17 - - PUNCT _005195321 217 18 gotten get VERB _005195321 217 19 gains gain NOUN _005195321 217 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 217 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 217 22 a a DET _005195321 217 23 further further ADJ _005195321 217 24 fifty fifty NUM _005195321 217 25 per per ADP _005195321 217 26 cent cent NOUN _005195321 217 27 dividend dividend NOUN _005195321 217 28 to to ADP _005195321 217 29 the the DET _005195321 217 30 poor poor ADJ _005195321 217 31 from from ADP _005195321 217 32 honest honest ADJ _005195321 217 33 wealth wealth NOUN _005195321 217 34 , , PUNCT _005195321 217 35 would would AUX _005195321 217 36 go go VERB _005195321 217 37 far far ADV _005195321 217 38 towards towards ADP _005195321 217 39 a a DET _005195321 217 40 solution solution NOUN _005195321 217 41 of of ADP _005195321 217 42 our our PRON _005195321 217 43 so so ADV _005195321 217 44 - - PUNCT _005195321 217 45 called call VERB _005195321 217 46 economic economic ADJ _005195321 217 47 problem problem NOUN _005195321 217 48 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 217 49 which which PRON _005195321 217 50 is be AUX _005195321 217 51 essentially essentially ADV _005195321 217 52 a a DET _005195321 217 53 moral moral ADJ _005195321 217 54 problem problem NOUN _005195321 217 55 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 217 56 . . PUNCT _005195321 218 1 the the DET _005195321 218 2 inspiration inspiration NOUN _005195321 218 3 to to PART _005195321 218 4 do do AUX _005195321 218 5 this this PRON _005195321 218 6 came come VERB _005195321 218 7 to to ADP _005195321 218 8 zacheus zacheus PROPN _005195321 218 9 when when SCONJ _005195321 218 10 he he PRON _005195321 218 11 entertained entertain VERB _005195321 218 12 our our PRON _005195321 218 13 lord lord PROPN _005195321 218 14 in in ADP _005195321 218 15 his his PRON _005195321 218 16 house house NOUN _005195321 218 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 219 1 justice justice NOUN _005195321 219 2 to to ADP _005195321 219 3 god god PROPN _005195321 219 4 was be AUX _005195321 219 5 followed follow VERB _005195321 219 6 quickly quickly ADV _005195321 219 7 by by ADP _005195321 219 8 justice justice NOUN _005195321 219 9 to to ADP _005195321 219 10 mankind mankind NOUN _005195321 219 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 220 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 220 2 that that PRON _005195321 220 3 is be AUX _005195321 220 4 the the DET _005195321 220 5 program program NOUN _005195321 220 6 of of ADP _005195321 220 7 justice justice NOUN _005195321 220 8 the the DET _005195321 220 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 220 10 church church NOUN _005195321 220 11 proposes propose VERB _005195321 220 12 to to PART _005195321 220 13 youth youth VERB _005195321 220 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 221 1 justice justice NOUN _005195321 221 2 to to ADP _005195321 221 3 god god PROPN _005195321 221 4 must must AUX _005195321 221 5 come come VERB _005195321 221 6 first first ADV _005195321 221 7 . . PUNCT _005195321 222 1 it it PRON _005195321 222 2 is be AUX _005195321 222 3 not not PART _005195321 222 4 the the DET _005195321 222 5 easy easy ADJ _005195321 222 6 path path NOUN _005195321 222 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 222 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 222 9 the the DET _005195321 222 10 world world NOUN _005195321 222 11 will will AUX _005195321 222 12 have have VERB _005195321 222 13 none none NOUN _005195321 222 14 of of ADP _005195321 222 15 it it PRON _005195321 222 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 222 17 but but CCONJ _005195321 222 18 as as SCONJ _005195321 222 19 i i PRON _005195321 222 20 have have AUX _005195321 222 21 said say VERB _005195321 222 22 before before ADV _005195321 222 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 222 24 what what PRON _005195321 222 25 the the DET _005195321 222 26 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 222 27 church church NOUN _005195321 222 28 offers offer VERB _005195321 222 29 youth youth NOUN _005195321 222 30 is be AUX _005195321 222 31 the the DET _005195321 222 32 cross cross NOUN _005195321 222 33 of of ADP _005195321 222 34 justice justice NOUN _005195321 222 35 23 23 NUM _005195321 222 36 her her PRON _005195321 222 37 founder founder NOUN _005195321 222 38 — — PUNCT _005195321 222 39 and and CCONJ _005195321 222 40 the the DET _005195321 222 41 grace grace NOUN _005195321 222 42 and and CCONJ _005195321 222 43 courage courage NOUN _005195321 222 44 to to PART _005195321 222 45 bear bear VERB _005195321 222 46 the the DET _005195321 222 47 cross cross NOUN _005195321 222 48 . . PROPN _005195321 222 49 24 24 NUM _005195321 222 50 the the DET _005195321 222 51 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 222 52 church church NOUN _005195321 222 53 and and CCONJ _005195321 222 54 youth youth NOUN _005195321 222 55 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 222 56 address address NOUN _005195321 222 57 delivered deliver VERB _005195321 222 58 on on ADP _005195321 222 59 september september PROPN _005195321 222 60 27 27 NUM _005195321 222 61 , , PUNCT _005195321 222 62 1936 1936 NUM _005195321 222 63 the the DET _005195321 222 64 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195321 222 65 of of ADP _005195321 222 66 the the DET _005195321 222 67 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 222 68 are be AUX _005195321 222 69 as as ADV _005195321 222 70 numerous numerous ADJ _005195321 222 71 as as ADP _005195321 222 72 the the DET _005195321 222 73 sands sand NOUN _005195321 222 74 of of ADP _005195321 222 75 the the DET _005195321 222 76 sea sea NOUN _005195321 222 77 - - PUNCT _005195321 222 78 shore shore NOUN _005195321 222 79 . . PUNCT _005195321 223 1 the the DET _005195321 223 2 reason reason NOUN _005195321 223 3 for for ADP _005195321 223 4 this this PRON _005195321 223 5 is be AUX _005195321 223 6 not not PART _005195321 223 7 far far ADV _005195321 223 8 to to PART _005195321 223 9 seek seek VERB _005195321 223 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 224 1 every every DET _005195321 224 2 man man NOUN _005195321 224 3 has have VERB _005195321 224 4 it it PRON _005195321 224 5 in in ADP _005195321 224 6 his his PRON _005195321 224 7 nature nature NOUN _005195321 224 8 to to PART _005195321 224 9 seek seek VERB _005195321 224 10 a a DET _005195321 224 11 reason reason NOUN _005195321 224 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 224 13 if if SCONJ _005195321 224 14 not not PART _005195321 224 15 an an DET _005195321 224 16 excuse excuse NOUN _005195321 224 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 224 18 for for ADP _005195321 224 19 everything everything PRON _005195321 224 20 that that PRON _005195321 224 21 he he PRON _005195321 224 22 does do VERB _005195321 224 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 225 1 the the DET _005195321 225 2 two two NUM _005195321 225 3 most most ADV _005195321 225 4 fundamental fundamental ADJ _005195321 225 5 impulses impulse NOUN _005195321 225 6 in in ADP _005195321 225 7 oitr oitr ADJ _005195321 225 8 nature nature NOUN _005195321 225 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 225 10 the the DET _005195321 225 11 two two NUM _005195321 225 12 strongest strong ADJ _005195321 225 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 225 14 are be AUX _005195321 225 15 those those PRON _005195321 225 16 that that PRON _005195321 225 17 refer refer VERB _005195321 225 18 to to ADP _005195321 225 19 the the DET _005195321 225 20 preservation preservation NOUN _005195321 225 21 of of ADP _005195321 225 22 the the DET _005195321 225 23 individual individual NOUN _005195321 225 24 and and CCONJ _005195321 225 25 the the DET _005195321 225 26 preservaton preservaton NOUN _005195321 225 27 of of ADP _005195321 225 28 the the DET _005195321 225 29 race race NOUN _005195321 225 30 . . PUNCT _005195321 226 1 rebellion rebellion NOUN _005195321 226 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 226 3 either either CCONJ _005195321 226 4 physical physical ADJ _005195321 226 5 or or CCONJ _005195321 226 6 mental mental ADJ _005195321 226 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 226 8 sooner soon ADV _005195321 226 9 or or CCONJ _005195321 226 10 later later ADV _005195321 226 11 rebukes rebuke VERB _005195321 226 12 excess excess ADJ _005195321 226 13 in in ADP _005195321 226 14 the the DET _005195321 226 15 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005195321 226 16 of of ADP _005195321 226 17 these these DET _005195321 226 18 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 226 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 226 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 226 21 common common ADJ _005195321 226 22 sense sense NOUN _005195321 226 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 226 24 individual individual ADJ _005195321 226 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 226 26 collective collective ADJ _005195321 226 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 226 28 seeks seek VERB _005195321 226 29 a a DET _005195321 226 30 golden golden ADJ _005195321 226 31 mean mean NOUN _005195321 226 32 that that PRON _005195321 226 33 will will AUX _005195321 226 34 fix fix VERB _005195321 226 35 limits limit NOUN _005195321 226 36 to to ADP _005195321 226 37 this this DET _005195321 226 38 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005195321 226 39 . . PUNCT _005195321 227 1 when when SCONJ _005195321 227 2 the the DET _005195321 227 3 individual individual ADJ _005195321 227 4 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 227 5 conflcts conflct VERB _005195321 227 6 with with ADP _005195321 227 7 the the DET _005195321 227 8 social social ADJ _005195321 227 9 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 227 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 227 11 whether whether SCONJ _005195321 227 12 expressed express VERB _005195321 227 13 in in ADP _005195321 227 14 a a DET _005195321 227 15 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195321 227 16 or or CCONJ _005195321 227 17 in in ADP _005195321 227 18 a a DET _005195321 227 19 code code NOUN _005195321 227 20 to to PART _005195321 227 21 regulate regulate VERB _005195321 227 22 the the DET _005195321 227 23 use use NOUN _005195321 227 24 of of ADP _005195321 227 25 these these DET _005195321 227 26 instincts instinct NOUN _005195321 227 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 227 28 a a DET _005195321 227 29 new new ADJ _005195321 227 30 philosopher philosopher NOUN _005195321 227 31 of of ADP _005195321 227 32 the the DET _005195321 227 33 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 227 34 is be AUX _005195321 227 35 born bear VERB _005195321 227 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 228 1 he he PRON _005195321 228 2 may may AUX _005195321 228 3 be be AUX _005195321 228 4 content content ADJ _005195321 228 5 to to PART _005195321 228 6 philosophize philosophize VERB _005195321 228 7 for for ADP _005195321 228 8 himself himself PRON _005195321 228 9 alone alone ADV _005195321 228 10 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 228 11 or or CCONJ _005195321 228 12 he he PRON _005195321 228 13 may may AUX _005195321 228 14 become become VERB _005195321 228 15 a a DET _005195321 228 16 crusader crusader NOUN _005195321 228 17 for for ADP _005195321 228 18 his his PRON _005195321 228 19 own own ADJ _005195321 228 20 particular particular ADJ _005195321 228 21 views view NOUN _005195321 228 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 229 1 those those PRON _005195321 229 2 who who PRON _005195321 229 3 rationalize rationalize VERB _005195321 229 4 against against ADP _005195321 229 5 their their PRON _005195321 229 6 better well ADJ _005195321 229 7 judgment judgment NOUN _005195321 229 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 229 9 those those PRON _005195321 229 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 229 11 that that ADV _005195321 229 12 is is ADV _005195321 229 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 229 14 who who PRON _005195321 229 15 sin sin VERB _005195321 229 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 229 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 229 18 then then ADV _005195321 229 19 seek seek VERB _005195321 229 20 an an DET _005195321 229 21 excuse excuse NOUN _005195321 229 22 for for ADP _005195321 229 23 their their PRON _005195321 229 24 sin sin NOUN _005195321 229 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 229 26 are be AUX _005195321 229 27 most most ADV _005195321 229 28 likely likely ADJ _005195321 229 29 to to PART _005195321 229 30 become become VERB _005195321 229 31 active active ADJ _005195321 229 32 crusaders crusader NOUN _005195321 229 33 for for ADP _005195321 229 34 a a DET _005195321 229 35 false false ADJ _005195321 229 36 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195321 229 37 . . PUNCT _005195321 230 1 they they PRON _005195321 230 2 seek seek VERB _005195321 230 3 to to PART _005195321 230 4 quiet quiet VERB _005195321 230 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 230 6 by by ADP _005195321 230 7 force force NOUN _005195321 230 8 of of ADP _005195321 230 9 numbers number NOUN _005195321 230 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 230 11 the the DET _005195321 230 12 inner inner ADJ _005195321 230 13 voice voice NOUN _005195321 230 14 of of ADP _005195321 230 15 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 230 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 231 1 it it PRON _005195321 231 2 is be AUX _005195321 231 3 because because SCONJ _005195321 231 4 of of ADP _005195321 231 5 the the DET _005195321 231 6 activities activity NOUN _005195321 231 7 of of ADP _005195321 231 8 this this DET _005195321 231 9 particular particular ADJ _005195321 231 10 kind kind NOUN _005195321 231 11 of of ADP _005195321 231 12 men man NOUN _005195321 231 13 that that PRON _005195321 231 14 it it PRON _005195321 231 15 has have AUX _005195321 231 16 been be AUX _005195321 231 17 said say VERB _005195321 231 18 that that SCONJ _005195321 231 19 “ " PUNCT _005195321 231 20 every every DET _005195321 231 21 false false ADJ _005195321 231 22 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195321 231 23 is be AUX _005195321 231 24 an an DET _005195321 231 25 excuse excuse NOUN _005195321 231 26 for for ADP _005195321 231 27 somebody somebody PRON _005195321 231 28 ’s ’s NOUN _005195321 231 29 sin sin NOUN _005195321 231 30 . . PUNCT _005195321 231 31 ” " PUNCT _005195321 232 1 for for ADP _005195321 232 2 the the DET _005195321 232 3 past past ADJ _005195321 232 4 three three NUM _005195321 232 5 weeks week NOUN _005195321 232 6 we we PRON _005195321 232 7 have have AUX _005195321 232 8 considered consider VERB _005195321 232 9 what what PRON _005195321 232 10 the the DET _005195321 232 11 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 232 12 church church NOUN _005195321 232 13 offers offer VERB _005195321 232 14 to to ADP _005195321 232 15 youth youth NOUN _005195321 232 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 233 1 we we PRON _005195321 233 2 have have AUX _005195321 233 3 seen see VERB _005195321 233 4 a a DET _005195321 233 5 general general ADJ _005195321 233 6 program program NOUN _005195321 233 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 233 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 233 9 we we PRON _005195321 233 10 have have AUX _005195321 233 11 considered consider VERB _005195321 233 12 in in ADP _005195321 233 13 particular particular ADJ _005195321 233 14 the the DET _005195321 233 15 individual individual ADJ _005195321 233 16 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 233 17 of of ADP _005195321 233 18 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 233 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 233 20 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 233 21 25 25 NUM _005195321 233 22 the the DET _005195321 233 23 social social ADJ _005195321 233 24 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 233 25 of of ADP _005195321 233 26 justice justice NOUN _005195321 233 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 234 1 today today NOUN _005195321 234 2 we we PRON _005195321 234 3 turn turn VERB _005195321 234 4 our our PRON _005195321 234 5 attention attention NOUN _005195321 234 6 again again ADV _005195321 234 7 to to ADP _005195321 234 8 the the DET _005195321 234 9 individual individual NOUN _005195321 234 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 234 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 234 12 take take VERB _005195321 234 13 up up ADP _005195321 234 14 the the DET _005195321 234 15 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 234 16 of of ADP _005195321 234 17 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 234 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 235 1 it it PRON _005195321 235 2 would would AUX _005195321 235 3 be be AUX _005195321 235 4 a a DET _005195321 235 5 mstake mstake NOUN _005195321 235 6 to to PART _005195321 235 7 follow follow VERB _005195321 235 8 the the DET _005195321 235 9 popular popular ADJ _005195321 235 10 conception conception NOUN _005195321 235 11 of of ADP _005195321 235 12 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 235 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 235 14 regard regard VERB _005195321 235 15 it it PRON _005195321 235 16 as as ADV _005195321 235 17 coterminous coterminous ADJ _005195321 235 18 with with ADP _005195321 235 19 sobriety sobriety NOUN _005195321 235 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 236 1 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 236 2 is be AUX _005195321 236 3 a a DET _005195321 236 4 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 236 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 236 6 or or CCONJ _005195321 236 7 habit habit NOUN _005195321 236 8 of of ADP _005195321 236 9 good good NOUN _005195321 236 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 236 11 which which PRON _005195321 236 12 restrains restrain VERB _005195321 236 13 the the DET _005195321 236 14 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 236 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 236 16 directs direct VERB _005195321 236 17 them they PRON _005195321 236 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 236 19 in in ADP _005195321 236 20 proper proper ADJ _005195321 236 21 moderation moderation NOUN _005195321 236 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 236 23 to to ADP _005195321 236 24 their their PRON _005195321 236 25 proper proper ADJ _005195321 236 26 end end NOUN _005195321 236 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 237 1 in in ADP _005195321 237 2 the the DET _005195321 237 3 strict strict ADJ _005195321 237 4 sense sense NOUN _005195321 237 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 237 6 it it PRON _005195321 237 7 applies apply VERB _005195321 237 8 only only ADV _005195321 237 9 to to ADP _005195321 237 10 the the DET _005195321 237 11 physical physical ADJ _005195321 237 12 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 237 13 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 237 14 in in ADP _005195321 237 15 the the DET _005195321 237 16 broader broad ADJ _005195321 237 17 sense sense NOUN _005195321 237 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 237 19 it it PRON _005195321 237 20 applies apply VERB _005195321 237 21 equally equally ADV _005195321 237 22 well well ADV _005195321 237 23 to to ADP _005195321 237 24 the the DET _005195321 237 25 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 237 26 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 237 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 237 28 the the DET _005195321 237 29 urge urge NOUN _005195321 237 30 for for ADP _005195321 237 31 fame fame NOUN _005195321 237 32 , , PUNCT _005195321 237 33 glory glory NOUN _005195321 237 34 , , PUNCT _005195321 237 35 power power NOUN _005195321 237 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 237 37 and and CCONJ _005195321 237 38 riches rich NOUN _005195321 237 39 . . PUNCT _005195321 238 1 we we PRON _005195321 238 2 will will AUX _005195321 238 3 consider consider VERB _005195321 238 4 this this DET _005195321 238 5 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 238 6 today today NOUN _005195321 238 7 only only ADV _005195321 238 8 with with ADP _005195321 238 9 respect respect NOUN _005195321 238 10 to to ADP _005195321 238 11 the the DET _005195321 238 12 physical physical ADJ _005195321 238 13 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 238 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 239 1 since since SCONJ _005195321 239 2 the the DET _005195321 239 3 philosophers philosopher NOUN _005195321 239 4 of of ADP _005195321 239 5 the the DET _005195321 239 6 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 239 7 have have AUX _005195321 239 8 been be AUX _005195321 239 9 so so ADV _005195321 239 10 numerous numerous ADJ _005195321 239 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 239 12 it it PRON _005195321 239 13 is be AUX _005195321 239 14 to to PART _005195321 239 15 be be AUX _005195321 239 16 expected expect VERB _005195321 239 17 that that SCONJ _005195321 239 18 the the DET _005195321 239 19 false false ADJ _005195321 239 20 philosophies philosophy NOUN _005195321 239 21 of of ADP _005195321 239 22 the the DET _005195321 239 23 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 239 24 should should AUX _005195321 239 25 be be AUX _005195321 239 26 numerous numerous ADJ _005195321 239 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 240 1 the the DET _005195321 240 2 conflict conflict NOUN _005195321 240 3 between between ADP _005195321 240 4 the the DET _005195321 240 5 urgency urgency NOUN _005195321 240 6 of of ADP _005195321 240 7 physical physical ADJ _005195321 240 8 impulses impulse NOUN _005195321 240 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 240 10 the the DET _005195321 240 11 commandments commandment NOUN _005195321 240 12 of of ADP _005195321 240 13 god god PROPN _005195321 240 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 240 15 as as ADV _005195321 240 16 well well ADV _005195321 240 17 as as ADP _005195321 240 18 the the DET _005195321 240 19 higher high ADJ _005195321 240 20 counsels counsel NOUN _005195321 240 21 of of ADP _005195321 240 22 perfection perfection NOUN _005195321 240 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 240 24 st st PROPN _005195321 240 25 . . PROPN _005195321 240 26 paul paul PROPN _005195321 240 27 described describe VERB _005195321 240 28 as as ADP _005195321 240 29 “ " PUNCT _005195321 240 30 the the DET _005195321 240 31 warfare warfare NOUN _005195321 240 32 between between ADP _005195321 240 33 the the DET _005195321 240 34 flesh flesh NOUN _005195321 240 35 and and CCONJ _005195321 240 36 the the DET _005195321 240 37 spirit spirit NOUN _005195321 240 38 . . PUNCT _005195321 240 39 ” " PUNCT _005195321 241 1 two two NUM _005195321 241 2 extreme extreme ADJ _005195321 241 3 schools school NOUN _005195321 241 4 of of ADP _005195321 241 5 thought thought NOUN _005195321 241 6 on on ADP _005195321 241 7 the the DET _005195321 241 8 use use NOUN _005195321 241 9 of of ADP _005195321 241 10 god god PROPN _005195321 241 11 ’s ’s PART _005195321 241 12 creatures creature NOUN _005195321 241 13 for for ADP _005195321 241 14 the the DET _005195321 241 15 welfare welfare NOUN _005195321 241 16 of of ADP _005195321 241 17 man man NOUN _005195321 241 18 have have AUX _005195321 241 19 existed exist VERB _005195321 241 20 from from ADP _005195321 241 21 the the DET _005195321 241 22 beginning beginning NOUN _005195321 241 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 242 1 one one NUM _005195321 242 2 group group NOUN _005195321 242 3 has have AUX _005195321 242 4 erred err VERB _005195321 242 5 by by ADP _005195321 242 6 excess excess NOUN _005195321 242 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 242 8 the the DET _005195321 242 9 other other ADJ _005195321 242 10 by by ADP _005195321 242 11 defect defect NOUN _005195321 242 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 243 1 for for ADP _005195321 243 2 one one NUM _005195321 243 3 group group NOUN _005195321 243 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 243 5 the the DET _005195321 243 6 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 243 7 have have AUX _005195321 243 8 stood stand VERB _005195321 243 9 as as ADP _005195321 243 10 essentially essentially ADV _005195321 243 11 evil evil ADJ _005195321 243 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 243 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 243 14 to to PART _005195321 243 15 be be AUX _005195321 243 16 restrained restrain VERB _005195321 243 17 at at ADV _005195321 243 18 all all DET _005195321 243 19 cost cost NOUN _005195321 243 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 243 21 for for ADP _005195321 243 22 the the DET _005195321 243 23 other other ADJ _005195321 243 24 group group NOUN _005195321 243 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 243 26 the the DET _005195321 243 27 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 243 28 represent represent VERB _005195321 243 29 the the DET _005195321 243 30 most most ADV _005195321 243 31 urgent urgent ADJ _005195321 243 32 promptings prompting NOUN _005195321 243 33 of of ADP _005195321 243 34 nature nature NOUN _005195321 243 35 , , PUNCT _005195321 243 36 and and CCONJ _005195321 243 37 their their PRON _005195321 243 38 restrant restrant NOUN _005195321 243 39 is be AUX _005195321 243 40 fraught fraught ADJ _005195321 243 41 with with ADP _005195321 243 42 danger danger NOUN _005195321 243 43 . . PUNCT _005195321 244 1 the the DET _005195321 244 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 244 3 reasoning reasoning NOUN _005195321 244 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 244 5 aided aid VERB _005195321 244 6 by by ADP _005195321 244 7 divine divine ADJ _005195321 244 8 revelation revelation NOUN _005195321 244 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 244 10 lies lie VERB _005195321 244 11 between between ADP _005195321 244 12 these these DET _005195321 244 13 two two NUM _005195321 244 14 extremes extreme NOUN _005195321 244 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 245 1 puritanism puritanism NOUN _005195321 245 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 245 3 or or CCONJ _005195321 245 4 manicheism manicheism NOUN _005195321 245 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 245 6 which which PRON _005195321 245 7 regards regard VERB _005195321 245 8 the the DET _005195321 245 9 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 245 10 as as ADP _005195321 245 11 essentially essentially ADV _005195321 245 12 evil evil ADJ _005195321 245 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 245 14 has have VERB _005195321 245 15 little little ADJ _005195321 245 16 hearing hearing NOUN _005195321 245 17 now now ADV _005195321 245 18 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 245 19 hedonism hedonism PROPN _005195321 245 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 245 21 the the DET _005195321 245 22 other other ADJ _005195321 245 23 extreme extreme NOUN _005195321 245 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 245 25 is be AUX _005195321 245 26 having have VERB _005195321 245 27 its its PRON _005195321 245 28 day day NOUN _005195321 245 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 246 1 against against ADP _005195321 246 2 this this DET _005195321 246 3 popular popular ADJ _005195321 246 4 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195321 246 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 246 6 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195321 246 7 newman newman PROPN _005195321 246 8 argues argue VERB _005195321 246 9 the the DET _005195321 246 10 26 26 NUM _005195321 246 11 the the DET _005195321 246 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 246 13 church church NOUN _005195321 246 14 and and CCONJ _005195321 246 15 youth youth NOUN _005195321 246 16 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 246 17 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 246 18 ' ' PUNCT _005195321 246 19 in in ADP _005195321 246 20 his his PRON _005195321 246 21 eloquent eloquent ADJ _005195321 246 22 sermon sermon NOUN _005195321 246 23 on on ADP _005195321 246 24 “ " PUNCT _005195321 246 25 nature nature NOUN _005195321 246 26 and and CCONJ _005195321 246 27 grace grace NOUN _005195321 246 28 ” " PUNCT _005195321 246 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 247 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 247 2 in in ADP _005195321 247 3 truth truth NOUN _005195321 247 4 the the DET _005195321 247 5 world world NOUN _005195321 247 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 247 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 247 8 says say VERB _005195321 247 9 the the DET _005195321 247 10 cardinal cardinal NOUN _005195321 247 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 247 12 “ " PUNCT _005195321 247 13 does do AUX _005195321 247 14 not not PART _005195321 247 15 know know VERB _005195321 247 16 of of ADP _005195321 247 17 the the DET _005195321 247 18 existence existence NOUN _005195321 247 19 of of ADP _005195321 247 20 grace grace NOUN _005195321 247 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 247 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 247 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 248 1 it it PRON _005195321 248 2 sees see VERB _005195321 248 3 that that SCONJ _005195321 248 4 nature nature NOUN _005195321 248 5 has have VERB _005195321 248 6 a a DET _005195321 248 7 number number NOUN _005195321 248 8 of of ADP _005195321 248 9 tendencies tendency NOUN _005195321 248 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 248 11 inclinations inclination NOUN _005195321 248 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 248 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 248 14 passions passion NOUN _005195321 248 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 248 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 248 17 because because SCONJ _005195321 248 18 they they PRON _005195321 248 19 are be AUX _005195321 248 20 in in ADP _005195321 248 21 nature nature NOUN _005195321 248 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 248 23 it it PRON _005195321 248 24 thinks think VERB _005195321 248 25 that that SCONJ _005195321 248 26 each each PRON _005195321 248 27 of of ADP _005195321 248 28 them they PRON _005195321 248 29 may may AUX _005195321 248 30 be be AUX _005195321 248 31 indulged indulge VERB _005195321 248 32 for for ADP _005195321 248 33 its its PRON _005195321 248 34 own own ADJ _005195321 248 35 sake sake NOUN _005195321 248 36 ... ... PUNCT _005195321 249 1 it it PRON _005195321 249 2 does do AUX _005195321 249 3 not not PART _005195321 249 4 understand understand VERB _005195321 249 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 6 it it PRON _005195321 249 7 will will AUX _005195321 249 8 not not PART _005195321 249 9 admit admit VERB _005195321 249 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 11 that that SCONJ _005195321 249 12 impulses impulse NOUN _005195321 249 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 249 14 propensities propensity NOUN _005195321 249 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 16 which which PRON _005195321 249 17 are be AUX _005195321 249 18 found find VERB _005195321 249 19 in in ADP _005195321 249 20 nature nature NOUN _005195321 249 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 22 as as SCONJ _005195321 249 23 god god PROPN _005195321 249 24 created create VERB _005195321 249 25 it it PRON _005195321 249 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 27 may may AUX _005195321 249 28 yet yet ADV _005195321 249 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 30 if if SCONJ _005195321 249 31 allowed allow VERB _005195321 249 32 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 33 become become VERB _005195321 249 34 sins sin NOUN _005195321 249 35 on on ADP _005195321 249 36 the the DET _005195321 249 37 ground ground NOUN _005195321 249 38 that that SCONJ _005195321 249 39 he he PRON _005195321 249 40 has have AUX _005195321 249 41 subjected subject VERB _005195321 249 42 them they PRON _005195321 249 43 to to ADP _005195321 249 44 higher high ADJ _005195321 249 45 principles principle NOUN _005195321 249 46 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 47 whether whether SCONJ _005195321 249 48 in in ADP _005195321 249 49 our our PRON _005195321 249 50 nature nature NOUN _005195321 249 51 , , PUNCT _005195321 249 52 or or CCONJ _005195321 249 53 superadded superadde VERB _005195321 249 54 to to ADP _005195321 249 55 our our PRON _005195321 249 56 nature nature NOUN _005195321 249 57 . . PUNCT _005195321 249 58 . . PUNCT _005195321 249 59 . . PUNCT _005195321 250 1 because because SCONJ _005195321 250 2 the the DET _005195321 250 3 wild wild ADJ _005195321 250 4 emotions emotion NOUN _005195321 250 5 of of ADP _005195321 250 6 wrath wrath NOUN _005195321 250 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 250 8 hatred hatred NOUN _005195321 250 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 250 10 desire desire NOUN _005195321 250 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 250 12 greediness greediness NOUN _005195321 250 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 250 14 cruelty cruelty NOUN _005195321 250 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 250 16 are be AUX _005195321 250 17 no no DET _005195321 250 18 sin sin NOUN _005195321 250 19 in in ADP _005195321 250 20 the the DET _005195321 250 21 brute brute ADJ _005195321 250 22 creation creation NOUN _005195321 250 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 250 24 which which PRON _005195321 250 25 has have VERB _005195321 250 26 neither neither CCONJ _005195321 250 27 the the DET _005195321 250 28 means mean NOUN _005195321 250 29 nor nor CCONJ _005195321 250 30 the the DET _005195321 250 31 command command NOUN _005195321 250 32 to to PART _005195321 250 33 repress repress VERB _005195321 250 34 them they PRON _005195321 250 35 , , PUNCT _005195321 250 36 therefore therefore ADV _005195321 250 37 they they PRON _005195321 250 38 are be AUX _005195321 250 39 no no DET _005195321 250 40 sins sin NOUN _005195321 250 41 in in ADP _005195321 250 42 a a DET _005195321 250 43 being being NOUN _005195321 250 44 who who PRON _005195321 250 45 has have VERB _005195321 250 46 a a DET _005195321 250 47 diviner diviner NOUN _005195321 250 48 sense sense NOUN _005195321 250 49 and and CCONJ _005195321 250 50 a a DET _005195321 250 51 controlling control VERB _005195321 250 52 power power NOUN _005195321 250 53 . . PUNCT _005195321 251 1 concupiscence concupiscence NOUN _005195321 251 2 may may AUX _005195321 251 3 be be AUX _005195321 251 4 indulged indulge VERB _005195321 251 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 251 6 because because SCONJ _005195321 251 7 it it PRON _005195321 251 8 is be AUX _005195321 251 9 natural natural ADJ _005195321 251 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 251 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 252 1 . . PUNCT _005195321 252 2 . . PUNCT _005195321 253 1 the the DET _005195321 253 2 church church NOUN _005195321 253 3 is be AUX _005195321 253 4 built build VERB _005195321 253 5 upon upon SCONJ _005195321 253 6 the the DET _005195321 253 7 doctrine doctrine NOUN _005195321 253 8 that that SCONJ _005195321 253 9 impurity impurity NOUN _005195321 253 10 is be AUX _005195321 253 11 hateful hateful ADJ _005195321 253 12 to to ADP _005195321 253 13 god god PROPN _005195321 253 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 253 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 253 16 that that SCONJ _005195321 253 17 concupiscence concupiscence NOUN _005195321 253 18 is be AUX _005195321 253 19 its its PRON _005195321 253 20 root root NOUN _005195321 253 21 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 253 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 253 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 253 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 254 1 whereas whereas SCONJ _005195321 254 2 the the DET _005195321 254 3 corrupt corrupt ADJ _005195321 254 4 world world NOUN _005195321 254 5 defends defend NOUN _005195321 254 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 254 7 nay nay PROPN _005195321 254 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 254 9 i i PRON _005195321 254 10 may may AUX _005195321 254 11 even even ADV _005195321 254 12 say say VERB _005195321 254 13 sanctifies sanctifie NOUN _005195321 254 14 that that PRON _005195321 254 15 very very ADJ _005195321 254 16 concupiscence concupiscence NOUN _005195321 254 17 which which PRON _005195321 254 18 is be AUX _005195321 254 19 its its PRON _005195321 254 20 corruption corruption NOUN _005195321 254 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 255 1 its its PRON _005195321 255 2 bolder bolder NOUN _005195321 255 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 255 4 more more ADV _005195321 255 5 consistent consistent ADJ _005195321 255 6 teachers teacher NOUN _005195321 255 7 make make VERB _005195321 255 8 the the DET _005195321 255 9 laws law NOUN _005195321 255 10 of of ADP _005195321 255 11 the the DET _005195321 255 12 physical physical ADJ _005195321 255 13 creation creation NOUN _005195321 255 14 so so ADV _005195321 255 15 supreme supreme ADV _005195321 255 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 255 17 as as SCONJ _005195321 255 18 to to PART _005195321 255 19 disbelieve disbelieve VERB _005195321 255 20 the the DET _005195321 255 21 existence existence NOUN _005195321 255 22 of of ADP _005195321 255 23 miracles miracle NOUN _005195321 255 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 255 25 as as ADP _005195321 255 26 being be AUX _005195321 255 27 an an DET _005195321 255 28 interruption interruption NOUN _005195321 255 29 of of ADP _005195321 255 30 them they PRON _005195321 255 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 255 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 255 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 255 34 . . PUNCT _005195321 256 1 in in ADP _005195321 256 2 like like ADP _005195321 256 3 manner manner NOUN _005195321 256 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 256 5 it it PRON _005195321 256 6 deifies deify VERB _005195321 256 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 256 8 worships worship VERB _005195321 256 9 human human ADJ _005195321 256 10 nature nature NOUN _005195321 256 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 256 12 its its PRON _005195321 256 13 impulses impulse NOUN _005195321 256 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 256 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 256 16 denies deny VERB _005195321 256 17 the the DET _005195321 256 18 power power NOUN _005195321 256 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 256 20 the the DET _005195321 256 21 grant grant NOUN _005195321 256 22 of of ADP _005195321 256 23 grace grace NOUN _005195321 256 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 256 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 256 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 257 1 like like ADP _005195321 257 2 the the DET _005195321 257 3 proud proud ADJ _005195321 257 4 spirit spirit NOUN _005195321 257 5 in in ADP _005195321 257 6 the the DET _005195321 257 7 beginning beginning NOUN _005195321 257 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 257 9 it it PRON _005195321 257 10 wishes wish VERB _005195321 257 11 to to PART _005195321 257 12 find find VERB _005195321 257 13 its its PRON _005195321 257 14 supreme supreme ADJ _005195321 257 15 good good NOUN _005195321 257 16 in in ADP _005195321 257 17 its its PRON _005195321 257 18 own own ADJ _005195321 257 19 nature nature NOUN _005195321 257 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 257 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 257 22 nothing nothing PRON _005195321 257 23 above above ADP _005195321 257 24 it it PRON _005195321 257 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 257 26 it it PRON _005195321 257 27 undertakes undertake VERB _005195321 257 28 to to PART _005195321 257 29 be be AUX _005195321 257 30 sufficient sufficient ADJ _005195321 257 31 for for ADP _005195321 257 32 its its PRON _005195321 257 33 own own ADJ _005195321 257 34 happiness happiness NOUN _005195321 257 35 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 257 36 it it PRON _005195321 257 37 has have VERB _005195321 257 38 no no DET _005195321 257 39 desire desire NOUN _005195321 257 40 for for ADP _005195321 257 41 the the DET _005195321 257 42 supernatural supernatural ADJ _005195321 257 43 , , PUNCT _005195321 257 44 and and CCONJ _005195321 257 45 therefore therefore ADV _005195321 257 46 does do AUX _005195321 257 47 not not PART _005195321 257 48 believe believe VERB _005195321 257 49 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 257 50 27 27 NUM _005195321 257 51 in in ADP _005195321 257 52 it it PRON _005195321 257 53 . . PUNCT _005195321 258 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 258 2 as as SCONJ _005195321 258 3 nature nature NOUN _005195321 258 4 can can AUX _005195321 258 5 not not PART _005195321 258 6 rise rise VERB _005195321 258 7 above above ADP _005195321 258 8 nature nature NOUN _005195321 258 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 258 10 it it PRON _005195321 258 11 will will AUX _005195321 258 12 not not PART _005195321 258 13 believe believe VERB _005195321 258 14 that that SCONJ _005195321 258 15 the the DET _005195321 258 16 narrow narrow ADJ _005195321 258 17 way way NOUN _005195321 258 18 is be AUX _005195321 258 19 possible possible ADJ _005195321 258 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 258 21 ” " PUNCT _005195321 259 1 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 259 2 discourses discourse VERB _005195321 259 3 to to ADP _005195321 259 4 mixed mixed ADJ _005195321 259 5 congregations congregation NOUN _005195321 259 6 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 259 7 . . PUNCT _005195321 260 1 allow allow VERB _005195321 260 2 me i PRON _005195321 260 3 to to PART _005195321 260 4 apply apply VERB _005195321 260 5 this this DET _005195321 260 6 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 260 7 to to ADP _005195321 260 8 particular particular ADJ _005195321 260 9 situations situation NOUN _005195321 260 10 that that PRON _005195321 260 11 confront confront VERB _005195321 260 12 youth youth NOUN _005195321 260 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 261 1 what what PRON _005195321 261 2 about about ADP _005195321 261 3 the the DET _005195321 261 4 use use NOUN _005195321 261 5 of of ADP _005195321 261 6 liquor liquor NOUN _005195321 261 7 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 262 1 is be AUX _005195321 262 2 all all DET _005195321 262 3 use use NOUN _005195321 262 4 of of ADP _005195321 262 5 intoxicants intoxicant NOUN _005195321 262 6 a a DET _005195321 262 7 sin sin NOUN _005195321 262 8 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 263 1 is be AUX _005195321 263 2 drink drink VERB _005195321 263 3 an an DET _005195321 263 4 evil evil NOUN _005195321 263 5 in in ADP _005195321 263 6 itself itself PRON _005195321 263 7 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 264 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 264 2 not not PART _005195321 264 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 264 4 is be AUX _005195321 264 5 total total ADJ _005195321 264 6 abstinence abstinence NOUN _005195321 264 7 from from ADP _005195321 264 8 intoxicants intoxicant NOUN _005195321 264 9 a a DET _005195321 264 10 sin sin NOUN _005195321 264 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 264 12 as as SCONJ _005195321 264 13 opposed oppose VERB _005195321 264 14 to to ADP _005195321 264 15 natural natural ADJ _005195321 264 16 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 264 17 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 265 1 in in ADP _005195321 265 2 the the DET _005195321 265 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 265 4 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 265 5 on on ADP _005195321 265 6 the the DET _005195321 265 7 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 265 8 of of ADP _005195321 265 9 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 265 10 only only ADV _005195321 265 11 that that PRON _005195321 265 12 is be AUX _005195321 265 13 sinful sinful ADJ _005195321 265 14 which which PRON _005195321 265 15 is be AUX _005195321 265 16 opposed oppose VERB _005195321 265 17 to to ADP _005195321 265 18 the the DET _005195321 265 19 end end NOUN _005195321 265 20 for for ADP _005195321 265 21 which which PRON _005195321 265 22 an an DET _005195321 265 23 appetite appetite NOUN _005195321 265 24 is be AUX _005195321 265 25 given give VERB _005195321 265 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 266 1 for for ADP _005195321 266 2 the the DET _005195321 266 3 preservation preservation NOUN _005195321 266 4 of of ADP _005195321 266 5 the the DET _005195321 266 6 individual individual NOUN _005195321 266 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 266 8 god god PROPN _005195321 266 9 has have AUX _005195321 266 10 instilled instill VERB _005195321 266 11 the the DET _005195321 266 12 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 266 13 of of ADP _005195321 266 14 hunger hunger NOUN _005195321 266 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 266 16 thirst thirst PROPN _005195321 266 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 266 18 which which PRON _005195321 266 19 overcome overcome VERB _005195321 266 20 indifference indifference NOUN _005195321 266 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 266 22 laziness laziness NOUN _005195321 266 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 266 24 whatever whatever PRON _005195321 266 25 might might AUX _005195321 266 26 interfere interfere VERB _005195321 266 27 with with ADP _005195321 266 28 the the DET _005195321 266 29 orderly orderly ADJ _005195321 266 30 processes process NOUN _005195321 266 31 of of ADP _005195321 266 32 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 266 33 and and CCONJ _005195321 266 34 regular regular ADJ _005195321 266 35 nourishment nourishment NOUN _005195321 266 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 267 1 to to PART _005195321 267 2 eat eat VERB _005195321 267 3 foods food NOUN _005195321 267 4 that that PRON _005195321 267 5 are be AUX _005195321 267 6 harmful harmful ADJ _005195321 267 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 267 8 to to PART _005195321 267 9 eat eat VERB _005195321 267 10 to to ADP _005195321 267 11 excess excess ADJ _005195321 267 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 267 13 to to PART _005195321 267 14 drink drink VERB _005195321 267 15 what what PRON _005195321 267 16 is be AUX _005195321 267 17 injurious injurious ADJ _005195321 267 18 to to ADP _005195321 267 19 health health NOUN _005195321 267 20 or or CCONJ _005195321 267 21 life life NOUN _005195321 267 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 267 23 to to PART _005195321 267 24 disturb disturb VERB _005195321 267 25 reason reason NOUN _005195321 267 26 by by ADP _005195321 267 27 excessive excessive ADJ _005195321 267 28 potations potation NOUN _005195321 267 29 — — PUNCT _005195321 267 30 all all DET _005195321 267 31 such such ADJ _005195321 267 32 disorders disorder NOUN _005195321 267 33 are be AUX _005195321 267 34 opposed opposed ADJ _005195321 267 35 to to ADP _005195321 267 36 the the DET _005195321 267 37 end end NOUN _005195321 267 38 for for ADP _005195321 267 39 which which PRON _005195321 267 40 god god PROPN _005195321 267 41 gave give VERB _005195321 267 42 these these DET _005195321 267 43 physical physical ADJ _005195321 267 44 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 267 45 . . PUNCT _005195321 268 1 the the DET _005195321 268 2 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 268 3 of of ADP _005195321 268 4 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 268 5 rules rule VERB _005195321 268 6 their their PRON _005195321 268 7 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _005195321 268 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 269 1 total total ADJ _005195321 269 2 abstinence abstinence NOUN _005195321 269 3 from from ADP _005195321 269 4 all all DET _005195321 269 5 food food NOUN _005195321 269 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 269 7 drink drink NOUN _005195321 269 8 is be AUX _005195321 269 9 normally normally ADV _005195321 269 10 a a DET _005195321 269 11 sin sin NOUN _005195321 269 12 against against ADP _005195321 269 13 the the DET _005195321 269 14 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 269 15 of of ADP _005195321 269 16 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 269 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 269 18 if if SCONJ _005195321 269 19 it it PRON _005195321 269 20 is be AUX _005195321 269 21 so so ADV _005195321 269 22 prolonged prolonged ADJ _005195321 269 23 that that SCONJ _005195321 269 24 it it PRON _005195321 269 25 imperils imperil VERB _005195321 269 26 the the DET _005195321 269 27 health health NOUN _005195321 269 28 or or CCONJ _005195321 269 29 life life NOUN _005195321 269 30 of of ADP _005195321 269 31 the the DET _005195321 269 32 individual individual NOUN _005195321 269 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 270 1 total total ADJ _005195321 270 2 abstinence abstinence NOUN _005195321 270 3 from from ADP _005195321 270 4 certain certain ADJ _005195321 270 5 forms form NOUN _005195321 270 6 of of ADP _005195321 270 7 food food NOUN _005195321 270 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 270 9 drink drink NOUN _005195321 270 10 does do AUX _005195321 270 11 not not PART _005195321 270 12 offend offend VERB _005195321 270 13 against against ADP _005195321 270 14 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 270 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 270 16 provided provide VERB _005195321 270 17 the the DET _005195321 270 18 primary primary ADJ _005195321 270 19 purpose purpose NOUN _005195321 270 20 of of ADP _005195321 270 21 the the DET _005195321 270 22 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 270 23 is be AUX _005195321 270 24 served serve VERB _005195321 270 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 270 26 and and CCONJ _005195321 270 27 if if SCONJ _005195321 270 28 such such ADJ _005195321 270 29 total total ADJ _005195321 270 30 abstinence abstinence NOUN _005195321 270 31 is be AUX _005195321 270 32 undertaken undertake VERB _005195321 270 33 from from ADP _005195321 270 34 a a DET _005195321 270 35 worthy worthy ADJ _005195321 270 36 motive motive NOUN _005195321 270 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 270 38 such such ADJ _005195321 270 39 as as ADP _005195321 270 40 penance penance NOUN _005195321 270 41 for for ADP _005195321 270 42 sin sin NOUN _005195321 270 43 , , PUNCT _005195321 270 44 or or CCONJ _005195321 270 45 training training NOUN _005195321 270 46 of of ADP _005195321 270 47 the the DET _005195321 270 48 will will NOUN _005195321 270 49 , , PUNCT _005195321 270 50 it it PRON _005195321 270 51 goes go VERB _005195321 270 52 beyond beyond ADP _005195321 270 53 the the DET _005195321 270 54 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 270 55 of of ADP _005195321 270 56 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 270 57 and and CCONJ _005195321 270 58 enters enter VERB _005195321 270 59 the the DET _005195321 270 60 higher high ADJ _005195321 270 61 field field NOUN _005195321 270 62 of of ADP _005195321 270 63 the the DET _005195321 270 64 counsels counsel NOUN _005195321 270 65 of of ADP _005195321 270 66 perfection perfection NOUN _005195321 270 67 . . PUNCT _005195321 271 1 st st PROPN _005195321 271 2 . . PROPN _005195321 271 3 john john PROPN _005195321 271 4 the the DET _005195321 271 5 baptist baptist NOUN _005195321 271 6 gave give VERB _005195321 271 7 us we PRON _005195321 271 8 a a DET _005195321 271 9 needed need VERB _005195321 271 10 example example NOUN _005195321 271 11 of of ADP _005195321 271 12 the the DET _005195321 271 13 counsel counsel NOUN _005195321 271 14 of of ADP _005195321 271 15 abstinence abstinence NOUN _005195321 271 16 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 271 17 our our PRON _005195321 271 18 lord lord PROPN _005195321 271 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 271 20 on on ADP _005195321 271 21 the the DET _005195321 271 22 other other ADJ _005195321 271 23 hand hand NOUN _005195321 271 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 271 25 28 28 NUM _005195321 271 26 the the DET _005195321 271 27 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 271 28 church church NOUN _005195321 271 29 and and CCONJ _005195321 271 30 youth youth NOUN _005195321 271 31 did do VERB _005195321 271 32 what what PRON _005195321 271 33 all all PRON _005195321 271 34 of of ADP _005195321 271 35 us we PRON _005195321 271 36 may may AUX _005195321 271 37 do do VERB _005195321 271 38 — — PUNCT _005195321 271 39 and and CCONJ _005195321 271 40 critics critic NOUN _005195321 271 41 condemned condemn VERB _005195321 271 42 both both PRON _005195321 271 43 of of ADP _005195321 271 44 them they PRON _005195321 271 45 . . PUNCT _005195321 272 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 272 2 john john PROPN _005195321 272 3 the the DET _005195321 272 4 baptist baptist NOUN _005195321 272 5 came come VERB _005195321 272 6 neither neither CCONJ _005195321 272 7 eating eat VERB _005195321 272 8 bread bread NOUN _005195321 272 9 nor nor CCONJ _005195321 272 10 drinking drink VERB _005195321 272 11 wine wine NOUN _005195321 272 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 272 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 272 14 you you PRON _005195321 272 15 say say VERB _005195321 272 16 : : PUNCT _005195321 272 17 he he PRON _005195321 272 18 hath hath VERB _005195321 272 19 a a DET _005195321 272 20 devil devil NOUN _005195321 272 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 273 1 the the DET _005195321 273 2 son son NOUN _005195321 273 3 of of ADP _005195321 273 4 man man NOUN _005195321 273 5 is be AUX _005195321 273 6 coming come VERB _005195321 273 7 eating eat VERB _005195321 273 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 273 9 drinking drinking NOUN _005195321 273 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 273 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 273 12 you you PRON _005195321 273 13 say say VERB _005195321 273 14 : : PUNCT _005195321 273 15 behold behold VERB _005195321 273 16 a a DET _005195321 273 17 man man NOUN _005195321 273 18 that that PRON _005195321 273 19 is be AUX _005195321 273 20 a a DET _005195321 273 21 glutton glutton NOUN _005195321 273 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 273 23 a a DET _005195321 273 24 drinker drinker NOUN _005195321 273 25 of of ADP _005195321 273 26 wine wine NOUN _005195321 273 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 273 28 a a DET _005195321 273 29 friend friend NOUN _005195321 273 30 of of ADP _005195321 273 31 publicans publican NOUN _005195321 273 32 and and CCONJ _005195321 273 33 sinners sinner NOUN _005195321 273 34 . . PUNCT _005195321 273 35 ” " PUNCT _005195321 274 1 so so ADV _005195321 274 2 much much ADV _005195321 274 3 for for ADP _005195321 274 4 the the DET _005195321 274 5 appetite appetite NOUN _005195321 274 6 for for ADP _005195321 274 7 the the DET _005195321 274 8 preservation preservation NOUN _005195321 274 9 of of ADP _005195321 274 10 the the DET _005195321 274 11 individual individual NOUN _005195321 274 12 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 274 13 what what PRON _005195321 274 14 of of ADP _005195321 274 15 the the DET _005195321 274 16 impulse impulse NOUN _005195321 274 17 for for ADP _005195321 274 18 the the DET _005195321 274 19 preservation preservation NOUN _005195321 274 20 of of ADP _005195321 274 21 the the DET _005195321 274 22 race race NOUN _005195321 274 23 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 275 1 here here ADV _005195321 275 2 again again ADV _005195321 275 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 275 4 in in ADP _005195321 275 5 the the DET _005195321 275 6 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 275 7 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 275 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 275 9 there there PRON _005195321 275 10 is be VERB _005195321 275 11 a a DET _005195321 275 12 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 275 13 of of ADP _005195321 275 14 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 275 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 275 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 275 17 a a DET _005195321 275 18 higher high ADJ _005195321 275 19 counsel counsel NOUN _005195321 275 20 of of ADP _005195321 275 21 total total ADJ _005195321 275 22 abstinence abstinence NOUN _005195321 275 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 276 1 the the DET _005195321 276 2 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 276 3 of of ADP _005195321 276 4 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 276 5 obliges oblige VERB _005195321 276 6 all all PRON _005195321 276 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 276 8 the the DET _005195321 276 9 higher high ADJ _005195321 276 10 counsel counsel NOUN _005195321 276 11 only only ADV _005195321 276 12 those those DET _005195321 276 13 wrho wrho NOUN _005195321 276 14 voluntarily voluntarily ADV _005195321 276 15 assume assume VERB _005195321 276 16 it it PRON _005195321 276 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 277 1 the the DET _005195321 277 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 277 3 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 277 4 may may AUX _005195321 277 5 be be AUX _005195321 277 6 presented present VERB _005195321 277 7 thus thus ADV _005195321 277 8 : : PUNCT _005195321 277 9 god god PROPN _005195321 277 10 could could AUX _005195321 277 11 have have AUX _005195321 277 12 created create VERB _005195321 277 13 all all DET _005195321 277 14 people people NOUN _005195321 277 15 at at ADP _005195321 277 16 once once ADV _005195321 277 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 277 18 or or CCONJ _005195321 277 19 he he PRON _005195321 277 20 could could AUX _005195321 277 21 have have AUX _005195321 277 22 created create VERB _005195321 277 23 bodies body NOUN _005195321 277 24 successively successively ADV _005195321 277 25 as as SCONJ _005195321 277 26 he he PRON _005195321 277 27 does do VERB _005195321 277 28 souls soul NOUN _005195321 277 29 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 277 30 but but CCONJ _005195321 277 31 god god PROPN _005195321 277 32 created create VERB _005195321 277 33 man man NOUN _005195321 277 34 “ " PUNCT _005195321 277 35 in in ADP _005195321 277 36 his his PRON _005195321 277 37 own own ADJ _005195321 277 38 image image NOUN _005195321 277 39 and and CCONJ _005195321 277 40 likeness likeness NOUN _005195321 277 41 , , PUNCT _005195321 277 42 ” " PUNCT _005195321 277 43 and and CCONJ _005195321 277 44 as as ADP _005195321 277 45 part part NOUN _005195321 277 46 of of ADP _005195321 277 47 the the DET _005195321 277 48 likeness likeness NOUN _005195321 277 49 he he PRON _005195321 277 50 gave give VERB _005195321 277 51 man man NOUN _005195321 277 52 a a DET _005195321 277 53 share share NOUN _005195321 277 54 in in ADP _005195321 277 55 his his PRON _005195321 277 56 creative creative ADJ _005195321 277 57 power power NOUN _005195321 277 58 , , PUNCT _005195321 277 59 which which PRON _005195321 277 60 is be AUX _005195321 277 61 the the DET _005195321 277 62 power power NOUN _005195321 277 63 we we PRON _005195321 277 64 find find VERB _005195321 277 65 most most ADJ _005195321 277 66 awe awe NOUN _005195321 277 67 - - PUNCT _005195321 277 68 inspiring inspiring ADJ _005195321 277 69 when when SCONJ _005195321 277 70 we we PRON _005195321 277 71 contemplate contemplate VERB _005195321 277 72 god god PROPN _005195321 277 73 in in ADP _005195321 277 74 his his PRON _005195321 277 75 works work NOUN _005195321 277 76 . . PUNCT _005195321 278 1 it it PRON _005195321 278 2 is be AUX _005195321 278 3 the the DET _005195321 278 4 great great ADJ _005195321 278 5 desire desire NOUN _005195321 278 6 of of ADP _005195321 278 7 god god PROPN _005195321 278 8 that that PRON _005195321 278 9 heaven heaven PROPN _005195321 278 10 be be AUX _005195321 278 11 peopled people VERB _005195321 278 12 with with ADP _005195321 278 13 saints saint NOUN _005195321 278 14 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 278 15 yet yet CCONJ _005195321 278 16 he he PRON _005195321 278 17 makes make VERB _005195321 278 18 the the DET _005195321 278 19 creation creation NOUN _005195321 278 20 of of ADP _005195321 278 21 a a DET _005195321 278 22 soul soul NOUN _005195321 278 23 depend depend VERB _005195321 278 24 upon upon SCONJ _005195321 278 25 the the DET _005195321 278 26 will will NOUN _005195321 278 27 of of ADP _005195321 278 28 a a DET _005195321 278 29 man man NOUN _005195321 278 30 and and CCONJ _005195321 278 31 a a DET _005195321 278 32 woman woman NOUN _005195321 278 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 279 1 marriage marriage NOUN _005195321 279 2 is be AUX _005195321 279 3 therefore therefore ADV _005195321 279 4 a a DET _005195321 279 5 partnership partnership NOUN _005195321 279 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 279 7 not not PART _005195321 279 8 merely merely ADV _005195321 279 9 between between ADP _005195321 279 10 a a DET _005195321 279 11 man man NOUN _005195321 279 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 279 13 a a DET _005195321 279 14 woman woman NOUN _005195321 279 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 279 16 but but CCONJ _005195321 279 17 between between ADP _005195321 279 18 a a DET _005195321 279 19 man man NOUN _005195321 279 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 279 21 a a DET _005195321 279 22 woman woman NOUN _005195321 279 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 279 24 god god PROPN _005195321 279 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 280 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 280 2 god god PROPN _005195321 280 3 is be AUX _005195321 280 4 not not PART _005195321 280 5 mocked mock VERB _005195321 280 6 . . PUNCT _005195321 280 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 281 1 a a DET _005195321 281 2 terrible terrible ADJ _005195321 281 3 judgment judgment NOUN _005195321 281 4 awaits await VERB _005195321 281 5 the the DET _005195321 281 6 man man NOUN _005195321 281 7 or or CCONJ _005195321 281 8 the the DET _005195321 281 9 woman woman NOUN _005195321 281 10 who who PRON _005195321 281 11 tries try VERB _005195321 281 12 to to PART _005195321 281 13 cheat cheat VERB _005195321 281 14 god god PROPN _005195321 281 15 out out ADP _005195321 281 16 of of ADP _005195321 281 17 his his PRON _005195321 281 18 share share NOUN _005195321 281 19 in in ADP _005195321 281 20 the the DET _005195321 281 21 partnership partnership NOUN _005195321 281 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 282 1 grave grave PROPN _005195321 282 2 cares care NOUN _005195321 282 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 282 4 responsibilities responsibility NOUN _005195321 282 5 attend attend VERB _005195321 282 6 the the DET _005195321 282 7 use use NOUN _005195321 282 8 of of ADP _005195321 282 9 this this DET _005195321 282 10 creative creative ADJ _005195321 282 11 power power NOUN _005195321 282 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 283 1 whoever whoever PRON _005195321 283 2 assumes assume VERB _005195321 283 3 responsibility responsibility NOUN _005195321 283 4 for for ADP _005195321 283 5 the the DET _005195321 283 6 life life NOUN _005195321 283 7 of of ADP _005195321 283 8 a a DET _005195321 283 9 child child NOUN _005195321 283 10 must must AUX _005195321 283 11 give give VERB _005195321 283 12 the the DET _005195321 283 13 child child NOUN _005195321 283 14 a a DET _005195321 283 15 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 283 16 29 29 NUM _005195321 283 17 two two NUM _005195321 283 18 - - ADJ _005195321 283 19 fold fold ADJ _005195321 283 20 education education NOUN _005195321 283 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 283 22 material material NOUN _005195321 283 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 283 24 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 283 25 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 283 26 the the DET _005195321 283 27 child child NOUN _005195321 283 28 must must AUX _005195321 283 29 be be AUX _005195321 283 30 put put VERB _005195321 283 31 in in ADP _005195321 283 32 a a DET _005195321 283 33 position position NOUN _005195321 283 34 to to PART _005195321 283 35 make make VERB _005195321 283 36 a a DET _005195321 283 37 living living NOUN _005195321 283 38 and and CCONJ _005195321 283 39 gain gain VERB _005195321 283 40 heaven heaven PROPN _005195321 283 41 . . PUNCT _005195321 284 1 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005195321 284 2 by by ADP _005195321 284 3 the the DET _005195321 284 4 parents parent NOUN _005195321 284 5 begins begin VERB _005195321 284 6 with with ADP _005195321 284 7 the the DET _005195321 284 8 life life NOUN _005195321 284 9 of of ADP _005195321 284 10 the the DET _005195321 284 11 child child NOUN _005195321 284 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 284 13 ends end VERB _005195321 284 14 only only ADV _005195321 284 15 with with ADP _005195321 284 16 death death NOUN _005195321 284 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 285 1 selfish selfish ADJ _005195321 285 2 men man NOUN _005195321 285 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 285 4 women woman NOUN _005195321 285 5 who who PRON _005195321 285 6 foresee foresee VERB _005195321 285 7 these these DET _005195321 285 8 pains pain NOUN _005195321 285 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 285 10 cares care NOUN _005195321 285 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 285 12 disappointments disappointment NOUN _005195321 285 13 are be AUX _005195321 285 14 tempted tempt VERB _005195321 285 15 strongly strongly ADV _005195321 285 16 to to ADP _005195321 285 17 forego forego NOUN _005195321 285 18 parenthood parenthood NOUN _005195321 285 19 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 285 20 god god PROPN _005195321 285 21 knows know VERB _005195321 285 22 these these DET _005195321 285 23 temptations temptation NOUN _005195321 285 24 and and CCONJ _005195321 285 25 supplies supply VERB _005195321 285 26 motives motive NOUN _005195321 285 27 to to PART _005195321 285 28 offset offset VERB _005195321 285 29 them they PRON _005195321 285 30 — — PUNCT _005195321 285 31 the the DET _005195321 285 32 instinct instinct NOUN _005195321 285 33 of of ADP _005195321 285 34 fatherhood fatherhood NOUN _005195321 285 35 and and CCONJ _005195321 285 36 motherhood motherhood NOUN _005195321 285 37 , , PUNCT _005195321 285 38 the the DET _005195321 285 39 love love NOUN _005195321 285 40 of of ADP _005195321 285 41 children child NOUN _005195321 285 42 , , PUNCT _005195321 285 43 the the DET _005195321 285 44 desire desire NOUN _005195321 285 45 to to PART _005195321 285 46 have have AUX _005195321 285 47 the the DET _005195321 285 48 companionship companionship NOUN _005195321 285 49 and and CCONJ _005195321 285 50 solicitous solicitous ADJ _005195321 285 51 care care NOUN _005195321 285 52 of of ADP _005195321 285 53 one one NUM _005195321 285 54 ’s ’s NOUN _005195321 285 55 own own ADJ _005195321 285 56 in in ADP _005195321 285 57 life life NOUN _005195321 285 58 ’s ’s NUM _005195321 285 59 declining decline VERB _005195321 285 60 years year NOUN _005195321 285 61 , , PUNCT _005195321 285 62 and and CCONJ _005195321 285 63 so so ADV _005195321 285 64 forth forth ADV _005195321 285 65 . . PUNCT _005195321 286 1 the the DET _005195321 286 2 strongest strong ADJ _005195321 286 3 present present ADJ _005195321 286 4 incentive incentive NOUN _005195321 286 5 to to ADP _005195321 286 6 the the DET _005195321 286 7 act act NOUN _005195321 286 8 by by ADP _005195321 286 9 which which PRON _005195321 286 10 god god PROPN _005195321 286 11 ’s ’s PART _005195321 286 12 plan plan NOUN _005195321 286 13 of of ADP _005195321 286 14 creation creation NOUN _005195321 286 15 is be AUX _005195321 286 16 carried carry VERB _005195321 286 17 on on ADP _005195321 286 18 is be AUX _005195321 286 19 the the DET _005195321 286 20 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 286 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 286 22 both both CCONJ _005195321 286 23 mental mental ADJ _005195321 286 24 and and CCONJ _005195321 286 25 physical physical ADJ _005195321 286 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 286 27 contained contain VERB _005195321 286 28 in in ADP _005195321 286 29 the the DET _005195321 286 30 act act NOUN _005195321 286 31 itself itself PRON _005195321 286 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 287 1 this this DET _005195321 287 2 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 287 3 is be AUX _005195321 287 4 not not PART _005195321 287 5 evil evil ADJ _005195321 287 6 in in ADP _005195321 287 7 itself itself PRON _005195321 287 8 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 287 9 it it PRON _005195321 287 10 is be AUX _005195321 287 11 good good ADJ _005195321 287 12 when when SCONJ _005195321 287 13 it it PRON _005195321 287 14 is be AUX _005195321 287 15 used use VERB _005195321 287 16 as as ADP _005195321 287 17 a a DET _005195321 287 18 means mean NOUN _005195321 287 19 to to ADP _005195321 287 20 the the DET _005195321 287 21 end end NOUN _005195321 287 22 god god PROPN _005195321 287 23 intended intend VERB _005195321 287 24 it it PRON _005195321 287 25 to to PART _005195321 287 26 serve serve VERB _005195321 287 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 287 28 in in ADP _005195321 287 29 lawful lawful ADJ _005195321 287 30 marriage marriage NOUN _005195321 287 31 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 287 32 the the DET _005195321 287 33 stability stability NOUN _005195321 287 34 of of ADP _005195321 287 35 which which PRON _005195321 287 36 insures insure VERB _005195321 287 37 to to ADP _005195321 287 38 the the DET _005195321 287 39 child child NOUN _005195321 287 40 the the DET _005195321 287 41 care care NOUN _005195321 287 42 of of ADP _005195321 287 43 both both DET _005195321 287 44 father father NOUN _005195321 287 45 and and CCONJ _005195321 287 46 mother mother NOUN _005195321 287 47 in in ADP _005195321 287 48 education education NOUN _005195321 287 49 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 287 50 . . PUNCT _005195321 288 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 288 2 it it PRON _005195321 288 3 is be AUX _005195321 288 4 an an DET _005195321 288 5 abominable abominable ADJ _005195321 288 6 evil evil NOUN _005195321 288 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 288 8 hateful hateful ADJ _005195321 288 9 alike alike ADV _005195321 288 10 to to ADP _005195321 288 11 god god PROPN _005195321 288 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 288 13 man man NOUN _005195321 288 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 288 15 to to PART _005195321 288 16 seek seek VERB _005195321 288 17 this this DET _005195321 288 18 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 288 19 for for ADP _005195321 288 20 itself itself PRON _005195321 288 21 without without ADP _005195321 288 22 regard regard NOUN _005195321 288 23 to to ADP _005195321 288 24 the the DET _005195321 288 25 end end NOUN _005195321 288 26 for for ADP _005195321 288 27 which which PRON _005195321 288 28 god god PROPN _005195321 288 29 intended intend VERB _005195321 288 30 it it PRON _005195321 288 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 289 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 289 2 the the DET _005195321 289 3 procuring procuring NOUN _005195321 289 4 or or CCONJ _005195321 289 5 voluntary voluntary ADJ _005195321 289 6 acceptance acceptance NOUN _005195321 289 7 of of ADP _005195321 289 8 this this DET _005195321 289 9 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 289 10 outside outside ADP _005195321 289 11 of of ADP _005195321 289 12 its its PRON _005195321 289 13 lawful lawful ADJ _005195321 289 14 end end NOUN _005195321 289 15 were be AUX _005195321 289 16 not not PART _005195321 289 17 a a DET _005195321 289 18 mortal mortal ADJ _005195321 289 19 sin sin NOUN _005195321 289 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 289 21 many many ADJ _005195321 289 22 selfish selfish ADJ _005195321 289 23 people people NOUN _005195321 289 24 would would AUX _005195321 289 25 shun shun VERB _005195321 289 26 the the DET _005195321 289 27 burdens burden NOUN _005195321 289 28 of of ADP _005195321 289 29 married married ADJ _005195321 289 30 life life NOUN _005195321 289 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 289 32 and and CCONJ _005195321 289 33 god god PROPN _005195321 289 34 ’s ’s PART _005195321 289 35 plan plan NOUN _005195321 289 36 of of ADP _005195321 289 37 creation creation NOUN _005195321 289 38 would would AUX _005195321 289 39 be be AUX _005195321 289 40 frustrated frustrate VERB _005195321 289 41 . . PUNCT _005195321 290 1 it it PRON _005195321 290 2 is be AUX _005195321 290 3 evident evident ADJ _005195321 290 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 5 therefore therefore ADV _005195321 290 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 7 that that SCONJ _005195321 290 8 any any DET _005195321 290 9 thought thought NOUN _005195321 290 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 11 word word NOUN _005195321 290 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 13 desire desire NOUN _005195321 290 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 15 reading reading NOUN _005195321 290 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 17 conversation conversation NOUN _005195321 290 18 or or CCONJ _005195321 290 19 act act NOUN _005195321 290 20 that that PRON _005195321 290 21 produces produce VERB _005195321 290 22 such such ADJ _005195321 290 23 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 290 24 is be AUX _005195321 290 25 forbidden forbid VERB _005195321 290 26 under under ADP _005195321 290 27 pain pain NOUN _005195321 290 28 of of ADP _005195321 290 29 mortal mortal ADJ _005195321 290 30 sin sin NOUN _005195321 290 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 32 when when SCONJ _005195321 290 33 it it PRON _005195321 290 34 is be AUX _005195321 290 35 admitted admit VERB _005195321 290 36 voluntarily voluntarily ADV _005195321 290 37 and and CCONJ _005195321 290 38 without without ADP _005195321 290 39 necessity necessity NOUN _005195321 290 40 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 290 41 and and CCONJ _005195321 290 42 if if SCONJ _005195321 290 43 such such ADJ _005195321 290 44 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 290 45 arises arise VERB _005195321 290 46 accidentally accidentally ADV _005195321 290 47 from from ADP _005195321 290 48 some some DET _005195321 290 49 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 290 50 pursuit pursuit NOUN _005195321 290 51 , , PUNCT _005195321 290 52 the the DET _005195321 290 53 will will NOUN _005195321 290 54 must must AUX _005195321 290 55 be be AUX _005195321 290 56 set set VERB _005195321 290 57 steadfastly steadfastly ADV _005195321 290 58 against against ADP _005195321 290 59 the the DET _005195321 290 60 pleasure pleasure NOUN _005195321 290 61 . . PUNCT _005195321 291 1 is be AUX _005195321 291 2 such such ADJ _005195321 291 3 teaching teach VERB _005195321 291 4 too too ADV _005195321 291 5 hard hard ADJ _005195321 291 6 for for ADP _005195321 291 7 youth youth NOUN _005195321 291 8 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 292 1 the the DET _005195321 292 2 experience experience NOUN _005195321 292 3 of of ADP _005195321 292 4 nineteen nineteen NUM _005195321 292 5 hundred hundred NUM _005195321 292 6 years year NOUN _005195321 292 7 has have AUX _005195321 292 8 not not PART _005195321 292 9 caused cause VERB _005195321 292 10 30 30 NUM _005195321 292 11 the the DET _005195321 292 12 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 292 13 church church NOUN _005195321 292 14 and and CCONJ _005195321 292 15 youth youth VERB _005195321 292 16 the the DET _005195321 292 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 292 18 church church NOUN _005195321 292 19 to to PART _005195321 292 20 regret regret VERB _005195321 292 21 such such ADJ _005195321 292 22 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 292 23 or or CCONJ _005195321 292 24 to to PART _005195321 292 25 modify modify VERB _005195321 292 26 it it PRON _005195321 292 27 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 292 28 she she PRON _005195321 292 29 could could AUX _005195321 292 30 not not PART _005195321 292 31 change change VERB _005195321 292 32 it it PRON _005195321 292 33 if if SCONJ _005195321 292 34 she she PRON _005195321 292 35 would would AUX _005195321 292 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 292 37 for for ADP _005195321 292 38 it it PRON _005195321 292 39 is be AUX _005195321 292 40 the the DET _005195321 292 41 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 292 42 of of ADP _005195321 292 43 her her PRON _005195321 292 44 divine divine ADJ _005195321 292 45 founder founder NOUN _005195321 292 46 . . PUNCT _005195321 293 1 no no INTJ _005195321 293 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 293 3 the the DET _005195321 293 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 293 5 church church NOUN _005195321 293 6 is be AUX _005195321 293 7 an an DET _005195321 293 8 optimist optimist NOUN _005195321 293 9 with with ADP _005195321 293 10 regard regard NOUN _005195321 293 11 to to ADP _005195321 293 12 youth youth NOUN _005195321 293 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 293 14 and and CCONJ _005195321 293 15 her her PRON _005195321 293 16 experience experience NOUN _005195321 293 17 has have AUX _005195321 293 18 confirmed confirm VERB _005195321 293 19 her her PRON _005195321 293 20 optimism optimism NOUN _005195321 293 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 294 1 she she PRON _005195321 294 2 points point VERB _005195321 294 3 out out ADP _005195321 294 4 to to PART _005195321 294 5 youth youth VERB _005195321 294 6 that that DET _005195321 294 7 purity purity NOUN _005195321 294 8 is be AUX _005195321 294 9 a a DET _005195321 294 10 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 294 11 so so ADV _005195321 294 12 noble noble ADJ _005195321 294 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 294 14 so so ADV _005195321 294 15 elevating elevating ADJ _005195321 294 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 294 17 so so ADV _005195321 294 18 manly manly ADV _005195321 294 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 294 20 so so ADV _005195321 294 21 strong strong ADJ _005195321 294 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 294 23 that that SCONJ _005195321 294 24 even even ADV _005195321 294 25 libertines libertine NOUN _005195321 294 26 stand stand VERB _005195321 294 27 in in ADP _005195321 294 28 awe awe NOUN _005195321 294 29 of of ADP _005195321 294 30 it it PRON _005195321 294 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 295 1 rakes rake VERB _005195321 295 2 and and CCONJ _005195321 295 3 profligates profligate VERB _005195321 295 4 rail rail NOUN _005195321 295 5 at at ADP _005195321 295 6 it it PRON _005195321 295 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 295 8 sneer sneer VERB _005195321 295 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 295 10 calling call VERB _005195321 295 11 it it PRON _005195321 295 12 an an DET _005195321 295 13 impossibility impossibility NOUN _005195321 295 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 295 15 denying deny VERB _005195321 295 16 its its PRON _005195321 295 17 existence existence NOUN _005195321 295 18 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 295 19 but but CCONJ _005195321 295 20 bring bring VERB _005195321 295 21 them they PRON _005195321 295 22 into into ADP _005195321 295 23 the the DET _005195321 295 24 presence presence NOUN _005195321 295 25 of of ADP _005195321 295 26 purity purity NOUN _005195321 295 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 295 28 their their PRON _005195321 295 29 foul foul ADJ _005195321 295 30 tongues tongue NOUN _005195321 295 31 are be AUX _005195321 295 32 silenced silence VERB _005195321 295 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 296 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 296 2 which which PRON _005195321 296 3 of of ADP _005195321 296 4 you you PRON _005195321 296 5 shall shall AUX _005195321 296 6 convince convince VERB _005195321 296 7 me i PRON _005195321 296 8 of of ADP _005195321 296 9 sin sin NOUN _005195321 296 10 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 296 11 ” " PUNCT _005195321 296 12 silenced silence VERB _005195321 296 13 the the DET _005195321 296 14 traducers traducer NOUN _005195321 296 15 of of ADP _005195321 296 16 our our PRON _005195321 296 17 divine divine ADJ _005195321 296 18 saviour saviour NOUN _005195321 296 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 297 1 it it PRON _005195321 297 2 is be AUX _005195321 297 3 only only ADV _005195321 297 4 under under ADP _005195321 297 5 the the DET _005195321 297 6 influence influence NOUN _005195321 297 7 of of ADP _005195321 297 8 strong strong ADJ _005195321 297 9 drink drink NOUN _005195321 297 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 297 11 which which PRON _005195321 297 12 maddens madden VERB _005195321 297 13 reason reason NOUN _005195321 297 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 297 15 that that SCONJ _005195321 297 16 a a DET _005195321 297 17 profligate profligate NOUN _005195321 297 18 loses lose VERB _005195321 297 19 his his PRON _005195321 297 20 awe awe NOUN _005195321 297 21 in in ADP _005195321 297 22 the the DET _005195321 297 23 presence presence NOUN _005195321 297 24 of of ADP _005195321 297 25 purity purity NOUN _005195321 297 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 298 1 the the DET _005195321 298 2 pure pure ADJ _005195321 298 3 man man NOUN _005195321 298 4 can can AUX _005195321 298 5 not not PART _005195321 298 6 be be AUX _005195321 298 7 a a DET _005195321 298 8 coward coward NOUN _005195321 298 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 298 10 he he PRON _005195321 298 11 has have AUX _005195321 298 12 fought fight VERB _005195321 298 13 too too ADV _005195321 298 14 many many ADJ _005195321 298 15 fights fight NOUN _005195321 298 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 298 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 298 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 299 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 299 2 usually usually ADV _005195321 299 3 without without ADP _005195321 299 4 the the DET _005195321 299 5 inspiration inspiration NOUN _005195321 299 6 of of ADP _005195321 299 7 applause applause NOUN _005195321 299 8 from from ADP _005195321 299 9 onlookers onlooker NOUN _005195321 299 10 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 299 11 he he PRON _005195321 299 12 can can AUX _005195321 299 13 not not PART _005195321 299 14 be be AUX _005195321 299 15 base base NOUN _005195321 299 16 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 299 17 his his PRON _005195321 299 18 love love NOUN _005195321 299 19 of of ADP _005195321 299 20 god god PROPN _005195321 299 21 has have AUX _005195321 299 22 elevated elevate VERB _005195321 299 23 him he PRON _005195321 299 24 above above ADP _005195321 299 25 baseness baseness NOUN _005195321 299 26 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 299 27 he he PRON _005195321 299 28 can can AUX _005195321 299 29 not not PART _005195321 299 30 be be AUX _005195321 299 31 a a DET _005195321 299 32 traitor traitor NOUN _005195321 299 33 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 299 34 fidelity fidelity NOUN _005195321 299 35 has have AUX _005195321 299 36 burned burn VERB _005195321 299 37 into into ADP _005195321 299 38 his his PRON _005195321 299 39 soul soul NOUN _005195321 299 40 . . PUNCT _005195321 300 1 purity purity NOUN _005195321 300 2 is be AUX _005195321 300 3 an an DET _005195321 300 4 indispensable indispensable ADJ _005195321 300 5 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 300 6 for for ADP _005195321 300 7 men man NOUN _005195321 300 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 301 1 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 301 2 and and CCONJ _005195321 301 3 fortitude fortitude VERB _005195321 301 4 31 31 NUM _005195321 301 5 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 301 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 301 7 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 301 8 address address NOUN _005195321 301 9 delivered deliver VERB _005195321 301 10 on on ADP _005195321 301 11 october october PROPN _005195321 301 12 4 4 NUM _005195321 301 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 301 14 1936 1936 NUM _005195321 301 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 302 1 in in ADP _005195321 302 2 our our PRON _005195321 302 3 study study NOUN _005195321 302 4 last last ADJ _005195321 302 5 sunday sunday PROPN _005195321 302 6 of of ADP _005195321 302 7 the the DET _005195321 302 8 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 302 9 of of ADP _005195321 302 10 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 302 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 302 12 we we PRON _005195321 302 13 dwelt dwelt VERB _005195321 302 14 only only ADV _005195321 302 15 on on ADP _005195321 302 16 the the DET _005195321 302 17 restraint restraint NOUN _005195321 302 18 it it PRON _005195321 302 19 exercises exercise VERB _005195321 302 20 on on ADP _005195321 302 21 our our PRON _005195321 302 22 physical physical ADJ _005195321 302 23 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 302 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 303 1 before before ADP _005195321 303 2 turning turn VERB _005195321 303 3 our our PRON _005195321 303 4 attention attention NOUN _005195321 303 5 to to ADP _005195321 303 6 the the DET _005195321 303 7 fourth fourth ADJ _005195321 303 8 cardinal cardinal ADJ _005195321 303 9 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 303 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 303 11 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 303 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 303 13 we we PRON _005195321 303 14 can can AUX _005195321 303 15 profitably profitably ADV _005195321 303 16 consider consider VERB _005195321 303 17 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 303 18 as as ADP _005195321 303 19 the the DET _005195321 303 20 moderator moderator NOUN _005195321 303 21 of of ADP _005195321 303 22 our our PRON _005195321 303 23 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 303 24 appetites appetite NOUN _005195321 303 25 of of ADP _005195321 303 26 anger anger NOUN _005195321 303 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 303 28 worldly worldly ADJ _005195321 303 29 ambition ambition NOUN _005195321 303 30 , , PUNCT _005195321 303 31 since since SCONJ _005195321 303 32 these these PRON _005195321 303 33 affect affect VERB _005195321 303 34 youth youth NOUN _005195321 303 35 so so ADV _005195321 303 36 intimately intimately ADV _005195321 303 37 . . PUNCT _005195321 304 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 304 2 blessed bless VERB _005195321 304 3 are be AUX _005195321 304 4 the the DET _005195321 304 5 meek meek NOUN _005195321 304 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 304 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 304 8 said say VERB _005195321 304 9 our our PRON _005195321 304 10 blessed bless VERB _005195321 304 11 lord lord PROPN _005195321 304 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 304 13 “ " PUNCT _005195321 304 14 for for SCONJ _005195321 304 15 they they PRON _005195321 304 16 shall shall AUX _005195321 304 17 possess possess VERB _005195321 304 18 the the DET _005195321 304 19 land land NOUN _005195321 304 20 ” " PUNCT _005195321 304 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 305 1 does do AUX _005195321 305 2 this this PRON _005195321 305 3 mean mean VERB _005195321 305 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 305 5 the the DET _005195321 305 6 impulse impulse NOUN _005195321 305 7 to to ADP _005195321 305 8 anger anger NOUN _005195321 305 9 is be AUX _005195321 305 10 essentially essentially ADV _005195321 305 11 evil evil ADJ _005195321 305 12 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 306 1 no no INTJ _005195321 306 2 . . PUNCT _005195321 306 3 “ " PUNCT _005195321 306 4 be be AUX _005195321 306 5 angry angry ADJ _005195321 306 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 306 7 sin sin VERB _005195321 306 8 not not PART _005195321 306 9 ” " PUNCT _005195321 306 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 306 11 said say VERB _005195321 306 12 st st PROPN _005195321 306 13 . . PROPN _005195321 306 14 paul paul PROPN _005195321 306 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 306 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 306 17 our our PRON _005195321 306 18 divine divine ADJ _005195321 306 19 saviour saviour NOUN _005195321 306 20 gave give VERB _005195321 306 21 us we PRON _005195321 306 22 an an DET _005195321 306 23 example example NOUN _005195321 306 24 of of ADP _005195321 306 25 righteous righteous ADJ _005195321 306 26 indignation indignation NOUN _005195321 306 27 when when SCONJ _005195321 306 28 with with ADP _005195321 306 29 a a DET _005195321 306 30 whip whip NOUN _005195321 306 31 he he PRON _005195321 306 32 drove drive VERB _005195321 306 33 the the DET _005195321 306 34 buyers buyer NOUN _005195321 306 35 and and CCONJ _005195321 306 36 sellers seller NOUN _005195321 306 37 from from ADP _005195321 306 38 the the DET _005195321 306 39 temple temple NOUN _005195321 306 40 . . PUNCT _005195321 307 1 no no INTJ _005195321 307 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 307 3 a a DET _005195321 307 4 temper temper NOUN _005195321 307 5 may may AUX _005195321 307 6 be be AUX _005195321 307 7 a a DET _005195321 307 8 very very ADV _005195321 307 9 good good ADJ _005195321 307 10 thing thing NOUN _005195321 307 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 307 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 307 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 308 1 provided provide VERB _005195321 308 2 it it PRON _005195321 308 3 is be AUX _005195321 308 4 kept keep VERB _005195321 308 5 in in ADP _005195321 308 6 control control NOUN _005195321 308 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 308 8 always always ADV _005195321 308 9 subject subject ADJ _005195321 308 10 to to ADP _005195321 308 11 reason reason NOUN _005195321 308 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 309 1 it it PRON _005195321 309 2 can can AUX _005195321 309 3 supply supply VERB _005195321 309 4 the the DET _005195321 309 5 force force NOUN _005195321 309 6 of of ADP _005195321 309 7 character character NOUN _005195321 309 8 that that PRON _005195321 309 9 gives give VERB _005195321 309 10 initiative initiative NOUN _005195321 309 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 309 12 that that PRON _005195321 309 13 repels repel VERB _005195321 309 14 evil evil ADJ _005195321 309 15 suggestions suggestion NOUN _005195321 309 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 309 17 that that PRON _005195321 309 18 drives drive VERB _005195321 309 19 men man NOUN _005195321 309 20 to to ADP _005195321 309 21 heroic heroic ADJ _005195321 309 22 heights height NOUN _005195321 309 23 of of ADP _005195321 309 24 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 309 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 310 1 like like ADP _005195321 310 2 all all DET _005195321 310 3 the the DET _005195321 310 4 gifts gift NOUN _005195321 310 5 of of ADP _005195321 310 6 god god PROPN _005195321 310 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 310 8 it it PRON _005195321 310 9 is be AUX _005195321 310 10 a a DET _005195321 310 11 good good ADJ _005195321 310 12 thing thing NOUN _005195321 310 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 310 14 and and CCONJ _005195321 310 15 only only ADV _005195321 310 16 rejection rejection NOUN _005195321 310 17 of of ADP _005195321 310 18 reason reason NOUN _005195321 310 19 brings bring VERB _005195321 310 20 it it PRON _005195321 310 21 into into ADP _005195321 310 22 disrepute disrepute NOUN _005195321 310 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 311 1 what what PRON _005195321 311 2 of of ADP _005195321 311 3 ambition ambition NOUN _005195321 311 4 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 312 1 what what PRON _005195321 312 2 of of ADP _005195321 312 3 the the DET _005195321 312 4 thirst thirst NOUN _005195321 312 5 for for ADP _005195321 312 6 honors honor NOUN _005195321 312 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 312 8 fame fame NOUN _005195321 312 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 312 10 riches rich NOUN _005195321 312 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 312 12 power power NOUN _005195321 312 13 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 313 1 again again ADV _005195321 313 2 the the DET _005195321 313 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 313 4 church church NOUN _005195321 313 5 appeals appeal NOUN _005195321 313 6 to to ADP _005195321 313 7 the the DET _005195321 313 8 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 313 9 principle principle NOUN _005195321 313 10 that that SCONJ _005195321 313 11 every every DET _005195321 313 12 creature creature NOUN _005195321 313 13 of of ADP _005195321 313 14 god god PROPN _005195321 313 15 is be AUX _005195321 313 16 good good ADJ _005195321 313 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 313 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 313 19 only only ADV _005195321 313 20 the the DET _005195321 313 21 unreasonable unreasonable ADJ _005195321 313 22 use use NOUN _005195321 313 23 of of ADP _005195321 313 24 god god PROPN _005195321 313 25 ’s ’s PART _005195321 313 26 creatures creature NOUN _005195321 313 27 is be AUX _005195321 313 28 evil evil ADJ _005195321 313 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 314 1 to to PART _005195321 314 2 turn turn VERB _005195321 314 3 away away ADV _005195321 314 4 from from ADP _005195321 314 5 god god PROPN _005195321 314 6 as as ADP _005195321 314 7 our our PRON _005195321 314 8 last last ADJ _005195321 314 9 end end NOUN _005195321 314 10 in in ADP _005195321 314 11 order order NOUN _005195321 314 12 to to PART _005195321 314 13 seek seek VERB _005195321 314 14 these these DET _005195321 314 15 creatures creature NOUN _005195321 314 16 for for ADP _005195321 314 17 themselves themselves PRON _005195321 314 18 is be AUX _005195321 314 19 a a DET _005195321 314 20 grave grave ADJ _005195321 314 21 deordination deordination NOUN _005195321 314 22 of of ADP _005195321 314 23 god god PROPN _005195321 314 24 ’s ’s PART _005195321 314 25 purpose purpose NOUN _005195321 314 26 in in ADP _005195321 314 27 giving give VERB _005195321 314 28 them they PRON _005195321 314 29 to to ADP _005195321 314 30 us we PRON _005195321 314 31 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 314 32 and and CCONJ _005195321 314 33 it it PRON _005195321 314 34 is be AUX _005195321 314 35 essentially essentially ADV _005195321 314 36 such such ADJ _005195321 314 37 evil evil ADJ _005195321 314 38 choice choice NOUN _005195321 314 39 that that PRON _005195321 314 40 constitutes constitute VERB _005195321 314 41 the the DET _005195321 314 42 rebellion rebellion NOUN _005195321 314 43 which which PRON _005195321 314 44 we we PRON _005195321 314 45 call call VERB _005195321 314 46 mortal mortal ADJ _005195321 314 47 sin sin NOUN _005195321 314 48 , , PUNCT _005195321 314 49 to to PART _005195321 314 50 seek seek VERB _005195321 314 51 honors honor NOUN _005195321 314 52 honestly honestly ADV _005195321 314 53 and and CCONJ _005195321 314 54 in in ADP _005195321 314 55 all all DET _005195321 314 56 32 32 NUM _005195321 314 57 the the DET _005195321 314 58 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 314 59 church church NOUN _005195321 314 60 and and CCONJ _005195321 314 61 youth youth NOUN _005195321 314 62 humility humility NOUN _005195321 314 63 for for ADP _005195321 314 64 the the DET _005195321 314 65 good good NOUN _005195321 314 66 we we PRON _005195321 314 67 may may AUX _005195321 314 68 accomplish accomplish VERB _005195321 314 69 through through ADP _005195321 314 70 them they PRON _005195321 314 71 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 314 72 to to PART _005195321 314 73 regard regard VERB _005195321 314 74 worldly worldly ADJ _005195321 314 75 goods good NOUN _005195321 314 76 as as ADP _005195321 314 77 a a DET _005195321 314 78 trust trust NOUN _005195321 314 79 through through ADP _005195321 314 80 which which PRON _005195321 314 81 we we PRON _005195321 314 82 may may AUX _005195321 314 83 alleviate alleviate VERB _005195321 314 84 suffering suffering NOUN _005195321 314 85 and and CCONJ _005195321 314 86 diffuse diffuse VERB _005195321 314 87 happiness happiness NOUN _005195321 314 88 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 314 89 to to PART _005195321 314 90 accept accept VERB _005195321 314 91 fame fame NOUN _005195321 314 92 that that SCONJ _005195321 314 93 it it PRON _005195321 314 94 may may AUX _005195321 314 95 shine shine VERB _005195321 314 96 as as ADP _005195321 314 97 a a DET _005195321 314 98 light light NOUN _005195321 314 99 before before ADP _005195321 314 100 men man NOUN _005195321 314 101 and and CCONJ _005195321 314 102 “ " PUNCT _005195321 314 103 glorify glorify VERB _005195321 314 104 your your PRON _005195321 314 105 father father NOUN _005195321 314 106 who who PRON _005195321 314 107 is be AUX _005195321 314 108 in in ADP _005195321 314 109 heaven”—these heaven”—these ADJ _005195321 314 110 are be AUX _005195321 314 111 proper proper ADJ _005195321 314 112 manifestations manifestation NOUN _005195321 314 113 of of ADP _005195321 314 114 the the DET _005195321 314 115 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 314 116 of of ADP _005195321 314 117 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 314 118 . . PUNCT _005195321 315 1 that that SCONJ _005195321 315 2 they they PRON _005195321 315 3 demand demand VERB _005195321 315 4 great great ADJ _005195321 315 5 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 315 6 goes go VERB _005195321 315 7 without without ADP _005195321 315 8 saying say VERB _005195321 315 9 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 315 10 but but CCONJ _005195321 315 11 we we PRON _005195321 315 12 have have AUX _005195321 315 13 already already ADV _005195321 315 14 warned warn VERB _005195321 315 15 that that SCONJ _005195321 315 16 there there PRON _005195321 315 17 is be VERB _005195321 315 18 no no DET _005195321 315 19 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 315 20 without without ADP _005195321 315 21 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 315 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 316 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _005195321 316 2 our our PRON _005195321 316 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 316 4 people people NOUN _005195321 316 5 in in ADP _005195321 316 6 this this DET _005195321 316 7 country country NOUN _005195321 316 8 have have AUX _005195321 316 9 sinned sin VERB _005195321 316 10 more more ADV _005195321 316 11 by by ADP _005195321 316 12 defect defect NOUN _005195321 316 13 than than ADP _005195321 316 14 by by ADP _005195321 316 15 excess excess NOUN _005195321 316 16 of of ADP _005195321 316 17 ambition ambition NOUN _005195321 316 18 in in ADP _005195321 316 19 seeking seek VERB _005195321 316 20 the the DET _005195321 316 21 worldly worldly ADJ _005195321 316 22 goods good NOUN _005195321 316 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 316 24 worldly worldly ADJ _005195321 316 25 honors honor NOUN _005195321 316 26 through through ADP _005195321 316 27 which which PRON _005195321 316 28 to to PART _005195321 316 29 glorify glorify VERB _005195321 316 30 god god PROPN _005195321 316 31 and and CCONJ _005195321 316 32 exercise exercise VERB _005195321 316 33 love love NOUN _005195321 316 34 of of ADP _005195321 316 35 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005195321 316 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 317 1 in in ADP _005195321 317 2 all all DET _005195321 317 3 justice justice NOUN _005195321 317 4 it it PRON _005195321 317 5 must must AUX _005195321 317 6 be be AUX _005195321 317 7 said say VERB _005195321 317 8 that that SCONJ _005195321 317 9 many many ADJ _005195321 317 10 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 317 11 of of ADP _005195321 317 12 wealth wealth NOUN _005195321 317 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 317 14 power power NOUN _005195321 317 15 have have AUX _005195321 317 16 followed follow VERB _005195321 317 17 very very ADV _005195321 317 18 literally literally ADV _005195321 317 19 the the DET _005195321 317 20 scriptural scriptural ADJ _005195321 317 21 injunction injunction NOUN _005195321 317 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 317 23 “ " PUNCT _005195321 317 24 when when SCONJ _005195321 317 25 thou thou PRON _005195321 317 26 dost dost X _005195321 317 27 alms alm NOUN _005195321 317 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 317 29 let let VERB _005195321 317 30 not not PART _005195321 317 31 thy thy VERB _005195321 317 32 left leave VERB _005195321 317 33 hand hand NOUN _005195321 317 34 know know VERB _005195321 317 35 what what PRON _005195321 317 36 thy thy PRON _005195321 317 37 right right ADJ _005195321 317 38 hand hand NOUN _005195321 317 39 doth doth NOUN _005195321 317 40 ” " PUNCT _005195321 317 41 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 317 42 but but CCONJ _005195321 317 43 it it PRON _005195321 317 44 is be AUX _005195321 317 45 equally equally ADV _005195321 317 46 true true ADJ _005195321 317 47 that that SCONJ _005195321 317 48 too too ADV _005195321 317 49 many many ADJ _005195321 317 50 catholics catholic NOUN _005195321 317 51 in in ADP _005195321 317 52 this this DET _005195321 317 53 country country NOUN _005195321 317 54 have have AUX _005195321 317 55 followed follow VERB _005195321 317 56 the the DET _005195321 317 57 shameful shameful ADJ _005195321 317 58 example example NOUN _005195321 317 59 of of ADP _005195321 317 60 the the DET _005195321 317 61 servant servant NOUN _005195321 317 62 who who PRON _005195321 317 63 wrapped wrap VERB _005195321 317 64 his his PRON _005195321 317 65 talent talent NOUN _005195321 317 66 in in ADP _005195321 317 67 a a DET _005195321 317 68 napkin napkin NOUN _005195321 317 69 . . PUNCT _005195321 318 1 be be AUX _005195321 318 2 it it PRON _005195321 318 3 understood understand VERB _005195321 318 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 318 5 then then ADV _005195321 318 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 318 7 that that SCONJ _005195321 318 8 the the DET _005195321 318 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 318 10 church church NOUN _005195321 318 11 encourages encourage VERB _005195321 318 12 the the DET _005195321 318 13 honest honest ADJ _005195321 318 14 ambitions ambition NOUN _005195321 318 15 of of ADP _005195321 318 16 youth youth NOUN _005195321 318 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 318 18 but but CCONJ _005195321 318 19 warns warn VERB _005195321 318 20 youth youth NOUN _005195321 318 21 that that SCONJ _005195321 318 22 these these PRON _005195321 318 23 must must AUX _005195321 318 24 never never ADV _005195321 318 25 imperil imperil VERB _005195321 318 26 the the DET _005195321 318 27 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 318 28 welfare welfare NOUN _005195321 318 29 of of ADP _005195321 318 30 the the DET _005195321 318 31 soul soul NOUN _005195321 318 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 319 1 to to ADP _005195321 319 2 one one NUM _005195321 319 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 319 4 all all PRON _005195321 319 5 she she PRON _005195321 319 6 repeats repeat VERB _005195321 319 7 the the DET _005195321 319 8 warning warning NOUN _005195321 319 9 of of ADP _005195321 319 10 her her PRON _005195321 319 11 divine divine ADJ _005195321 319 12 founder founder NOUN _005195321 319 13 : : PUNCT _005195321 319 14 “ " PUNCT _005195321 319 15 seek seek VERB _005195321 319 16 ye ye PRON _005195321 319 17 therefore therefore ADV _005195321 319 18 first first ADV _005195321 319 19 the the DET _005195321 319 20 kingdom kingdom NOUN _005195321 319 21 of of ADP _005195321 319 22 god god PROPN _005195321 319 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 319 24 and and CCONJ _005195321 319 25 his his PRON _005195321 319 26 justice justice NOUN _005195321 319 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 319 28 and and CCONJ _005195321 319 29 all all DET _005195321 319 30 these these DET _005195321 319 31 things thing NOUN _005195321 319 32 shall shall AUX _005195321 319 33 be be AUX _005195321 319 34 added add VERB _005195321 319 35 unto unto ADP _005195321 319 36 you you PRON _005195321 319 37 . . PUNCT _005195321 319 38 ” " PUNCT _005195321 320 1 the the DET _005195321 320 2 catholic catholic PROPN _005195321 320 3 church church NOUN _005195321 320 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 320 5 then then ADV _005195321 320 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 320 7 does do AUX _005195321 320 8 not not PART _005195321 320 9 crush crush VERB _005195321 320 10 the the DET _005195321 320 11 honest honest ADJ _005195321 320 12 aspirations aspiration NOUN _005195321 320 13 of of ADP _005195321 320 14 youth youth NOUN _005195321 320 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 321 1 on on ADP _005195321 321 2 the the DET _005195321 321 3 contrary contrary NOUN _005195321 321 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 321 5 it it PRON _005195321 321 6 welcomes welcome VERB _005195321 321 7 the the DET _005195321 321 8 enthusiasm enthusiasm NOUN _005195321 321 9 of of ADP _005195321 321 10 youth youth NOUN _005195321 321 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 321 12 seeks seek VERB _005195321 321 13 only only ADV _005195321 321 14 to to PART _005195321 321 15 save save VERB _005195321 321 16 it it PRON _005195321 321 17 from from ADP _005195321 321 18 the the DET _005195321 321 19 pitfalls pitfall NOUN _005195321 321 20 that that PRON _005195321 321 21 have have AUX _005195321 321 22 destroyed destroy VERB _005195321 321 23 others other NOUN _005195321 321 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 322 1 she she PRON _005195321 322 2 imposes impose VERB _005195321 322 3 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 322 4 in in ADP _005195321 322 5 the the DET _005195321 322 6 selection selection NOUN _005195321 322 7 of of ADP _005195321 322 8 the the DET _005195321 322 9 best good ADJ _005195321 322 10 means mean NOUN _005195321 322 11 to to PART _005195321 322 12 reach reach VERB _005195321 322 13 the the DET _005195321 322 14 proper proper ADJ _005195321 322 15 ends end NOUN _005195321 322 16 of of ADP _005195321 322 17 life life NOUN _005195321 322 18 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 322 19 she she PRON _005195321 322 20 demands demand VERB _005195321 322 21 justice justice NOUN _005195321 322 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 322 23 first first ADV _005195321 322 24 to to ADP _005195321 322 25 god god PROPN _005195321 322 26 and and CCONJ _005195321 322 27 then then ADV _005195321 322 28 to to ADP _005195321 322 29 our our PRON _005195321 322 30 neighbor neighbor NOUN _005195321 322 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 322 32 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 322 33 and and CCONJ _005195321 322 34 fortitude fortitude VERB _005195321 322 35 33 33 NUM _005195321 322 36 in in ADP _005195321 322 37 our our PRON _005195321 322 38 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 322 39 relations relation NOUN _005195321 322 40 with with ADP _005195321 322 41 others other NOUN _005195321 322 42 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 322 43 she she PRON _005195321 322 44 insists insist VERB _005195321 322 45 that that SCONJ _005195321 322 46 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 322 47 rule rule VERB _005195321 322 48 our our PRON _005195321 322 49 lower low ADJ _005195321 322 50 passions passion NOUN _005195321 322 51 that that SCONJ _005195321 322 52 they they PRON _005195321 322 53 be be VERB _005195321 322 54 our our PRON _005195321 322 55 servants servant NOUN _005195321 322 56 and and CCONJ _005195321 322 57 not not PART _005195321 322 58 our our PRON _005195321 322 59 masters master NOUN _005195321 322 60 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 322 61 while while SCONJ _005195321 322 62 the the DET _005195321 322 63 higher high ADJ _005195321 322 64 passions passion NOUN _005195321 322 65 , , PUNCT _005195321 322 66 impetuosity impetuosity NOUN _005195321 322 67 on on ADP _005195321 322 68 the the DET _005195321 322 69 one one NUM _005195321 322 70 hand hand NOUN _005195321 322 71 and and CCONJ _005195321 322 72 timidity timidity NOUN _005195321 322 73 on on ADP _005195321 322 74 the the DET _005195321 322 75 other other ADJ _005195321 322 76 , , PUNCT _005195321 322 77 she she PRON _005195321 322 78 entrusts entrust VERB _005195321 322 79 to to ADP _005195321 322 80 the the DET _005195321 322 81 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 322 82 of of ADP _005195321 322 83 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 322 84 . . PUNCT _005195321 323 1 that that SCONJ _005195321 323 2 a a DET _005195321 323 3 special special ADJ _005195321 323 4 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 323 5 is be AUX _005195321 323 6 necessary necessary ADJ _005195321 323 7 for for ADP _005195321 323 8 strengthening strengthen VERB _005195321 323 9 the the DET _005195321 323 10 soul soul NOUN _005195321 323 11 in in ADP _005195321 323 12 difficult difficult ADJ _005195321 323 13 situations situation NOUN _005195321 323 14 is be AUX _005195321 323 15 glaringly glaringly ADV _005195321 323 16 evident evident ADJ _005195321 323 17 from from ADP _005195321 323 18 the the DET _005195321 323 19 mediocrity mediocrity NOUN _005195321 323 20 that that PRON _005195321 323 21 characterizes characterize VERB _005195321 323 22 the the DET _005195321 323 23 vast vast ADJ _005195321 323 24 majority majority NOUN _005195321 323 25 of of ADP _005195321 323 26 men man NOUN _005195321 323 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 324 1 there there PRON _005195321 324 2 are be VERB _005195321 324 3 many many ADJ _005195321 324 4 good good ADJ _005195321 324 5 men man NOUN _005195321 324 6 in in ADP _005195321 324 7 the the DET _005195321 324 8 world world NOUN _005195321 324 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 324 10 but but CCONJ _005195321 324 11 there there PRON _005195321 324 12 are be VERB _005195321 324 13 not not PART _005195321 324 14 many many ADJ _005195321 324 15 who who PRON _005195321 324 16 are be AUX _005195321 324 17 both both PRON _005195321 324 18 great great ADJ _005195321 324 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 324 20 good good ADJ _005195321 324 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 325 1 the the DET _005195321 325 2 power power NOUN _005195321 325 3 to to PART _005195321 325 4 dare dare VERB _005195321 325 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 325 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 325 7 dare dare VERB _005195321 325 8 calmly calmly ADV _005195321 325 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 325 10 reasonably reasonably ADV _005195321 325 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 325 12 in in ADP _005195321 325 13 the the DET _005195321 325 14 face face NOUN _005195321 325 15 of of ADP _005195321 325 16 the the DET _005195321 325 17 gravest grave ADJ _005195321 325 18 danger danger NOUN _005195321 325 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 325 20 is be AUX _005195321 325 21 rare rare ADJ _005195321 325 22 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 325 23 still still ADV _005195321 325 24 less less ADV _005195321 325 25 common common ADJ _005195321 325 26 is be AUX _005195321 325 27 the the DET _005195321 325 28 power power NOUN _005195321 325 29 to to PART _005195321 325 30 endure endure VERB _005195321 325 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 326 1 it it PRON _005195321 326 2 is be AUX _005195321 326 3 said say VERB _005195321 326 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 326 5 the the DET _005195321 326 6 best good ADJ _005195321 326 7 defense defense NOUN _005195321 326 8 is be AUX _005195321 326 9 a a DET _005195321 326 10 good good ADJ _005195321 326 11 attack attack NOUN _005195321 326 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 326 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 326 14 this this PRON _005195321 326 15 is be AUX _005195321 326 16 partly partly ADV _005195321 326 17 true true ADJ _005195321 326 18 because because SCONJ _005195321 326 19 the the DET _005195321 326 20 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 326 21 of of ADP _005195321 326 22 patience patience NOUN _005195321 326 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 326 24 which which PRON _005195321 326 25 is be AUX _005195321 326 26 a a DET _005195321 326 27 part part NOUN _005195321 326 28 of of ADP _005195321 326 29 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 326 30 , , PUNCT _005195321 326 31 is be AUX _005195321 326 32 so so ADV _005195321 326 33 difficult difficult ADJ _005195321 326 34 to to PART _005195321 326 35 attain attain VERB _005195321 326 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 327 1 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 327 2 may may AUX _005195321 327 3 be be AUX _005195321 327 4 defined define VERB _005195321 327 5 in in ADP _005195321 327 6 the the DET _005195321 327 7 broad broad ADJ _005195321 327 8 sense sense NOUN _005195321 327 9 as as ADP _005195321 327 10 firmness firmness NOUN _005195321 327 11 of of ADP _005195321 327 12 soul soul NOUN _005195321 327 13 in in ADP _005195321 327 14 pursuing pursue VERB _005195321 327 15 an an DET _005195321 327 16 honest honest ADJ _005195321 327 17 end end NOUN _005195321 327 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 328 1 more more ADV _005195321 328 2 strictly strictly ADV _005195321 328 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 328 4 it it PRON _005195321 328 5 is be AUX _005195321 328 6 a a DET _005195321 328 7 moral moral ADJ _005195321 328 8 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 328 9 which which PRON _005195321 328 10 strengthens strengthen VERB _005195321 328 11 a a DET _005195321 328 12 man man NOUN _005195321 328 13 in in ADP _005195321 328 14 difficulties difficulty NOUN _005195321 328 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 328 16 especially especially ADV _005195321 328 17 in in ADP _005195321 328 18 sustaining sustain VERB _005195321 328 19 or or CCONJ _005195321 328 20 repelling repel VERB _005195321 328 21 the the DET _005195321 328 22 danger danger NOUN _005195321 328 23 of of ADP _005195321 328 24 death death NOUN _005195321 328 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 329 1 in in ADP _005195321 329 2 its its PRON _005195321 329 3 highest high ADJ _005195321 329 4 special special ADJ _005195321 329 5 form form NOUN _005195321 329 6 it it PRON _005195321 329 7 is be AUX _005195321 329 8 called call VERB _005195321 329 9 martyrdom martyrdom NOUN _005195321 329 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 330 1 the the DET _005195321 330 2 christian christian PROPN _005195321 330 3 martyrs martyr NOUN _005195321 330 4 were be AUX _005195321 330 5 not not PART _005195321 330 6 insensible insensible ADJ _005195321 330 7 to to ADP _005195321 330 8 the the DET _005195321 330 9 fear fear NOUN _005195321 330 10 of of ADP _005195321 330 11 death death NOUN _005195321 330 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 331 1 the the DET _005195321 331 2 records record NOUN _005195321 331 3 show show VERB _005195321 331 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 331 5 they they PRON _005195321 331 6 were be AUX _005195321 331 7 neither neither CCONJ _005195321 331 8 fanatics fanatic NOUN _005195321 331 9 nor nor CCONJ _005195321 331 10 dullards dullard NOUN _005195321 331 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 331 12 on on ADP _005195321 331 13 the the DET _005195321 331 14 contrary contrary NOUN _005195321 331 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 331 16 many many ADJ _005195321 331 17 of of ADP _005195321 331 18 them they PRON _005195321 331 19 were be AUX _005195321 331 20 of of ADP _005195321 331 21 a a DET _005195321 331 22 high high ADJ _005195321 331 23 order order NOUN _005195321 331 24 of of ADP _005195321 331 25 intelligence intelligence NOUN _005195321 331 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 331 27 as as SCONJ _005195321 331 28 evidenced evidence VERB _005195321 331 29 by by ADP _005195321 331 30 their their PRON _005195321 331 31 answers answer NOUN _005195321 331 32 to to ADP _005195321 331 33 the the DET _005195321 331 34 judges judge NOUN _005195321 331 35 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 331 36 and and CCONJ _005195321 331 37 when when SCONJ _005195321 331 38 their their PRON _005195321 331 39 executioners executioner NOUN _005195321 331 40 lost lose VERB _005195321 331 41 their their PRON _005195321 331 42 tempers temper NOUN _005195321 331 43 , , PUNCT _005195321 331 44 the the DET _005195321 331 45 martyrs martyr NOUN _005195321 331 46 remained remain VERB _005195321 331 47 calm calm ADJ _005195321 331 48 . . PUNCT _005195321 332 1 no no INTJ _005195321 332 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 332 3 they they PRON _005195321 332 4 were be AUX _005195321 332 5 clear clear ADV _005195321 332 6 - - PUNCT _005195321 332 7 headed head VERB _005195321 332 8 men man NOUN _005195321 332 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 332 10 women woman NOUN _005195321 332 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 332 12 girls girl NOUN _005195321 332 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 332 14 boys boy NOUN _005195321 332 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 332 16 whose whose DET _005195321 332 17 faith faith NOUN _005195321 332 18 in in ADP _005195321 332 19 god god PROPN _005195321 332 20 had have AUX _005195321 332 21 led lead VERB _005195321 332 22 them they PRON _005195321 332 23 to to ADP _005195321 332 24 the the DET _005195321 332 25 conviction conviction NOUN _005195321 332 26 that that SCONJ _005195321 332 27 “ " PUNCT _005195321 332 28 the the DET _005195321 332 29 sufferings suffering NOUN _005195321 332 30 of of ADP _005195321 332 31 this this DET _005195321 332 32 time time NOUN _005195321 332 33 are be AUX _005195321 332 34 not not PART _005195321 332 35 worthy worthy ADJ _005195321 332 36 to to PART _005195321 332 37 be be AUX _005195321 332 38 compared compare VERB _005195321 332 39 with with ADP _005195321 332 40 the the DET _005195321 332 41 glory glory NOUN _005195321 332 42 to to PART _005195321 332 43 come come VERB _005195321 332 44 ” " PUNCT _005195321 332 45 , , PUNCT _005195321 332 46 and and CCONJ _005195321 332 47 they they PRON _005195321 332 48 willingly willingly ADV _005195321 332 49 gave give VERB _005195321 332 50 their their PRON _005195321 332 51 lives life NOUN _005195321 332 52 for for ADP _005195321 332 53 a a DET _005195321 332 54 principle principle NOUN _005195321 332 55 . . PUNCT _005195321 333 1 34 34 NUM _005195321 333 2 the the DET _005195321 333 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 333 4 church church NOUN _005195321 333 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 333 6 youth youth NOUN _005195321 333 7 while while SCONJ _005195321 333 8 christian christian ADJ _005195321 333 9 martyrdom martyrdom NOUN _005195321 333 10 in in ADP _005195321 333 11 its its PRON _005195321 333 12 original original ADJ _005195321 333 13 form form NOUN _005195321 333 14 is be AUX _005195321 333 15 nowadays nowadays ADV _005195321 333 16 extremely extremely ADV _005195321 333 17 rare rare ADJ _005195321 333 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 333 19 there there PRON _005195321 333 20 is be VERB _005195321 333 21 still still ADV _005195321 333 22 abundant abundant ADJ _005195321 333 23 opportunity opportunity NOUN _005195321 333 24 to to PART _005195321 333 25 die die VERB _005195321 333 26 for for ADP _005195321 333 27 principle principle NOUN _005195321 333 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 333 29 and and CCONJ _005195321 333 30 there there PRON _005195321 333 31 is be VERB _005195321 333 32 dire dire ADJ _005195321 333 33 need need NOUN _005195321 333 34 for for SCONJ _005195321 333 35 the the DET _005195321 333 36 cultivation cultivation NOUN _005195321 333 37 of of ADP _005195321 333 38 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 333 39 to to PART _005195321 333 40 meet meet VERB _005195321 333 41 the the DET _005195321 333 42 difficult difficult ADJ _005195321 333 43 situations situation NOUN _005195321 333 44 of of ADP _005195321 333 45 public public ADJ _005195321 333 46 and and CCONJ _005195321 333 47 private private ADJ _005195321 333 48 life life NOUN _005195321 333 49 . . PUNCT _005195321 334 1 the the DET _005195321 334 2 soldier soldier NOUN _005195321 334 3 who who PRON _005195321 334 4 endangers endanger VERB _005195321 334 5 his his PRON _005195321 334 6 life life NOUN _005195321 334 7 in in ADP _005195321 334 8 battle battle NOUN _005195321 334 9 needs need VERB _005195321 334 10 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 334 11 to to PART _005195321 334 12 die die VERB _005195321 334 13 for for ADP _005195321 334 14 principle principle NOUN _005195321 334 15 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 334 16 far far ADV _005195321 334 17 greater great ADJ _005195321 334 18 courage courage NOUN _005195321 334 19 is be AUX _005195321 334 20 required require VERB _005195321 334 21 of of ADP _005195321 334 22 the the DET _005195321 334 23 woman woman NOUN _005195321 334 24 who who PRON _005195321 334 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 334 26 alone alone ADV _005195321 334 27 on on ADP _005195321 334 28 her her PRON _005195321 334 29 bed bed NOUN _005195321 334 30 of of ADP _005195321 334 31 pain pain NOUN _005195321 334 32 , , PUNCT _005195321 334 33 must must AUX _005195321 334 34 decide decide VERB _005195321 334 35 that that SCONJ _005195321 334 36 she she PRON _005195321 334 37 will will AUX _005195321 334 38 risk risk VERB _005195321 334 39 death death NOUN _005195321 334 40 rather rather ADV _005195321 334 41 than than ADP _005195321 334 42 consent consent VERB _005195321 334 43 to to ADP _005195321 334 44 the the DET _005195321 334 45 murder murder NOUN _005195321 334 46 of of ADP _005195321 334 47 her her PRON _005195321 334 48 unborn unborn ADJ _005195321 334 49 child child NOUN _005195321 334 50 . . PUNCT _005195321 335 1 just just ADV _005195321 335 2 as as ADV _005195321 335 3 great great ADJ _005195321 335 4 may may AUX _005195321 335 5 be be AUX _005195321 335 6 the the DET _005195321 335 7 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _005195321 335 8 demanded demand VERB _005195321 335 9 of of ADP _005195321 335 10 that that DET _005195321 335 11 woman woman NOUN _005195321 335 12 ’s ’s PART _005195321 335 13 husband husband NOUN _005195321 335 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 335 15 for for ADP _005195321 335 16 the the DET _005195321 335 17 temptation temptation NOUN _005195321 335 18 comes come VERB _005195321 335 19 to to ADP _005195321 335 20 him he PRON _005195321 335 21 that that SCONJ _005195321 335 22 his his PRON _005195321 335 23 decision decision NOUN _005195321 335 24 is be AUX _005195321 335 25 a a DET _005195321 335 26 cowardly cowardly ADJ _005195321 335 27 one one NUM _005195321 335 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 335 29 since since SCONJ _005195321 335 30 he he PRON _005195321 335 31 is be AUX _005195321 335 32 deciding decide VERB _005195321 335 33 not not PART _005195321 335 34 on on ADP _005195321 335 35 his his PRON _005195321 335 36 own own ADJ _005195321 335 37 life life NOUN _005195321 335 38 , , PUNCT _005195321 335 39 but but CCONJ _005195321 335 40 on on ADP _005195321 335 41 the the DET _005195321 335 42 life life NOUN _005195321 335 43 of of ADP _005195321 335 44 the the DET _005195321 335 45 one one NUM _005195321 335 46 nearest near ADJ _005195321 335 47 and and CCONJ _005195321 335 48 dearest dear ADJ _005195321 335 49 to to ADP _005195321 335 50 him he PRON _005195321 335 51 . . PUNCT _005195321 336 1 be be AUX _005195321 336 2 it it PRON _005195321 336 3 said say VERB _005195321 336 4 to to ADP _005195321 336 5 the the DET _005195321 336 6 glory glory NOUN _005195321 336 7 of of ADP _005195321 336 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 336 9 womanhood womanhood NOUN _005195321 336 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 336 11 the the DET _005195321 336 12 right right ADJ _005195321 336 13 decision decision NOUN _005195321 336 14 is be AUX _005195321 336 15 not not PART _005195321 336 16 rare rare ADJ _005195321 336 17 in in ADP _005195321 336 18 these these DET _005195321 336 19 days day NOUN _005195321 336 20 of of ADP _005195321 336 21 self self NOUN _005195321 336 22 - - PUNCT _005195321 336 23 indulgence indulgence NOUN _005195321 336 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 337 1 there there PRON _005195321 337 2 are be VERB _005195321 337 3 many many ADJ _005195321 337 4 mothers mother NOUN _005195321 337 5 who who PRON _005195321 337 6 have have AUX _005195321 337 7 given give VERB _005195321 337 8 their their PRON _005195321 337 9 lives life NOUN _005195321 337 10 rather rather ADV _005195321 337 11 than than ADP _005195321 337 12 consent consent VERB _005195321 337 13 to to ADP _005195321 337 14 the the DET _005195321 337 15 murder murder NOUN _005195321 337 16 of of ADP _005195321 337 17 an an DET _005195321 337 18 innocent innocent ADJ _005195321 337 19 babe babe NOUN _005195321 337 20 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 337 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 337 22 there there PRON _005195321 337 23 are be VERB _005195321 337 24 many many ADV _005195321 337 25 more more ADJ _005195321 337 26 who who PRON _005195321 337 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 337 28 in in ADP _005195321 337 29 the the DET _005195321 337 30 providence providence NOUN _005195321 337 31 of of ADP _005195321 337 32 god god PROPN _005195321 337 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 337 34 have have AUX _005195321 337 35 offered offer VERB _005195321 337 36 freely freely ADV _005195321 337 37 and and CCONJ _005195321 337 38 have have AUX _005195321 337 39 then then ADV _005195321 337 40 been be AUX _005195321 337 41 restored restore VERB _005195321 337 42 to to ADP _005195321 337 43 health health NOUN _005195321 337 44 , , PUNCT _005195321 337 45 to to ADP _005195321 337 46 the the DET _005195321 337 47 happy happy ADJ _005195321 337 48 confusion confusion NOUN _005195321 337 49 of of ADP _005195321 337 50 medical medical ADJ _005195321 337 51 science science NOUN _005195321 337 52 . . PUNCT _005195321 338 1 what what PRON _005195321 338 2 of of ADP _005195321 338 3 the the DET _005195321 338 4 physician physician NOUN _005195321 338 5 himself himself PRON _005195321 338 6 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 339 1 the the DET _005195321 339 2 medical medical ADJ _005195321 339 3 profession profession NOUN _005195321 339 4 is be AUX _005195321 339 5 not not PART _005195321 339 6 for for ADP _005195321 339 7 the the DET _005195321 339 8 coward coward NOUN _005195321 339 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 340 1 every every DET _005195321 340 2 morning morning NOUN _005195321 340 3 ’s ’s PART _005195321 340 4 sun sun NOUN _005195321 340 5 brings bring VERB _005195321 340 6 to to ADP _005195321 340 7 the the DET _005195321 340 8 physician physician NOUN _005195321 340 9 the the DET _005195321 340 10 possibility possibility NOUN _005195321 340 11 that that SCONJ _005195321 340 12 he he PRON _005195321 340 13 may may AUX _005195321 340 14 be be AUX _005195321 340 15 called call VERB _005195321 340 16 upon upon SCONJ _005195321 340 17 to to PART _005195321 340 18 perform perform VERB _005195321 340 19 some some DET _005195321 340 20 act act NOUN _005195321 340 21 that that PRON _005195321 340 22 is be AUX _005195321 340 23 contrary contrary ADJ _005195321 340 24 to to ADP _005195321 340 25 the the DET _005195321 340 26 law law NOUN _005195321 340 27 of of ADP _005195321 340 28 god god PROPN _005195321 340 29 and and CCONJ _005195321 340 30 the the DET _005195321 340 31 teachings teaching NOUN _005195321 340 32 of of ADP _005195321 340 33 the the DET _005195321 340 34 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 340 35 church church NOUN _005195321 340 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 341 1 only only ADV _005195321 341 2 by by ADP _005195321 341 3 a a DET _005195321 341 4 habit habit NOUN _005195321 341 5 of of ADP _005195321 341 6 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 341 7 can can AUX _005195321 341 8 he he PRON _005195321 341 9 resist resist VERB _005195321 341 10 the the DET _005195321 341 11 promises promise NOUN _005195321 341 12 of of ADP _005195321 341 13 financial financial ADJ _005195321 341 14 reward reward NOUN _005195321 341 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 341 16 the the DET _005195321 341 17 social social ADJ _005195321 341 18 pressure pressure NOUN _005195321 341 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 341 20 the the DET _005195321 341 21 threats threat NOUN _005195321 341 22 that that PRON _005195321 341 23 would would AUX _005195321 341 24 swerve swerve VERB _005195321 341 25 him he PRON _005195321 341 26 from from ADP _005195321 341 27 the the DET _005195321 341 28 path path NOUN _005195321 341 29 of of ADP _005195321 341 30 duty duty NOUN _005195321 341 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 342 1 the the DET _005195321 342 2 medical medical ADJ _005195321 342 3 profession profession NOUN _005195321 342 4 constitutes constitute VERB _005195321 342 5 a a DET _005195321 342 6 noble noble ADJ _005195321 342 7 vocation vocation NOUN _005195321 342 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 342 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 342 10 practitioners practitioner NOUN _005195321 342 11 of of ADP _005195321 342 12 medicine medicine NOUN _005195321 342 13 should should AUX _005195321 342 14 be be AUX _005195321 342 15 noble noble ADJ _005195321 342 16 men man NOUN _005195321 342 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 343 1 the the DET _005195321 343 2 conscientious conscientious ADJ _005195321 343 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 343 4 doctor doctor NOUN _005195321 343 5 will will AUX _005195321 343 6 act act VERB _005195321 343 7 from from ADP _005195321 343 8 principle principle NOUN _005195321 343 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 343 10 not not PART _005195321 343 11 from from ADP _005195321 343 12 expeditemperance expeditemperance NOUN _005195321 343 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 343 14 fortitude fortitude VERB _005195321 343 15 35 35 NUM _005195321 343 16 ency ency NOUN _005195321 343 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 343 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 343 19 the the DET _005195321 343 20 patient patient NOUN _005195321 343 21 will will AUX _005195321 343 22 know know VERB _005195321 343 23 in in ADP _005195321 343 24 advance advance NOUN _005195321 343 25 what what PRON _005195321 343 26 to to PART _005195321 343 27 expect expect VERB _005195321 343 28 of of ADP _005195321 343 29 him he PRON _005195321 343 30 in in ADP _005195321 343 31 given give VERB _005195321 343 32 situations situation NOUN _005195321 343 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 344 1 and and CCONJ _005195321 344 2 conscientious conscientious ADJ _005195321 344 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 344 4 doctors doctor NOUN _005195321 344 5 have have VERB _005195321 344 6 to to ADP _005195321 344 7 their their PRON _005195321 344 8 credit credit NOUN _005195321 344 9 many many ADJ _005195321 344 10 souls soul NOUN _005195321 344 11 whose whose DET _005195321 344 12 deathbed deathbed ADJ _005195321 344 13 return return NOUN _005195321 344 14 to to ADP _005195321 344 15 god god PROPN _005195321 344 16 they they PRON _005195321 344 17 counselled counsel VERB _005195321 344 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 345 1 there there PRON _005195321 345 2 are be VERB _005195321 345 3 many many ADJ _005195321 345 4 conscientious conscientious ADJ _005195321 345 5 physicians physician NOUN _005195321 345 6 outside outside ADP _005195321 345 7 the the DET _005195321 345 8 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 345 9 church church NOUN _005195321 345 10 — — PUNCT _005195321 345 11 their their PRON _005195321 345 12 number number NOUN _005195321 345 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 345 14 thank thank VERB _005195321 345 15 god god PROPN _005195321 345 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 345 17 is be AUX _005195321 345 18 legion legion NOUN _005195321 345 19 — — PUNCT _005195321 345 20 but but CCONJ _005195321 345 21 the the DET _005195321 345 22 final final ADJ _005195321 345 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 345 24 complete complete ADJ _005195321 345 25 source source NOUN _005195321 345 26 of of ADP _005195321 345 27 the the DET _005195321 345 28 medical medical ADJ _005195321 345 29 ethics ethic NOUN _005195321 345 30 followed follow VERB _005195321 345 31 even even ADV _005195321 345 32 by by ADP _005195321 345 33 these these DET _005195321 345 34 physicians physician NOUN _005195321 345 35 is be AUX _005195321 345 36 in in ADP _005195321 345 37 the the DET _005195321 345 38 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 345 39 authority authority NOUN _005195321 345 40 of of ADP _005195321 345 41 the the DET _005195321 345 42 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 345 43 church church NOUN _005195321 345 44 . . PUNCT _005195321 346 1 what what PRON _005195321 346 2 of of ADP _005195321 346 3 the the DET _005195321 346 4 public public ADJ _005195321 346 5 servant servant NOUN _005195321 346 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 346 7 the the DET _005195321 346 8 governor governor NOUN _005195321 346 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 346 10 the the DET _005195321 346 11 mayor mayor NOUN _005195321 346 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 346 13 the the DET _005195321 346 14 judge judge NOUN _005195321 346 15 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 347 1 here here ADV _005195321 347 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 347 3 again again ADV _005195321 347 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 347 5 the the DET _005195321 347 6 virtue virtue NOUN _005195321 347 7 of of ADP _005195321 347 8 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 347 9 must must AUX _005195321 347 10 prevail prevail VERB _005195321 347 11 if if SCONJ _005195321 347 12 the the DET _005195321 347 13 service service NOUN _005195321 347 14 rendered render VERB _005195321 347 15 is be AUX _005195321 347 16 to to PART _005195321 347 17 be be AUX _005195321 347 18 in in ADP _005195321 347 19 keeping keep VERB _005195321 347 20 with with ADP _005195321 347 21 the the DET _005195321 347 22 oath oath NOUN _005195321 347 23 of of ADP _005195321 347 24 office office NOUN _005195321 347 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 348 1 it it PRON _005195321 348 2 is be AUX _005195321 348 3 easy easy ADJ _005195321 348 4 to to PART _005195321 348 5 follow follow VERB _005195321 348 6 the the DET _005195321 348 7 line line NOUN _005195321 348 8 of of ADP _005195321 348 9 least least ADJ _005195321 348 10 resistence resistence NOUN _005195321 348 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 348 12 bribery bribery NOUN _005195321 348 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 348 14 political political ADJ _005195321 348 15 expediency expediency NOUN _005195321 348 16 are be AUX _005195321 348 17 common common ADJ _005195321 348 18 enough enough ADV _005195321 348 19 to to PART _005195321 348 20 be be AUX _005195321 348 21 seldom seldom ADV _005195321 348 22 noticed notice VERB _005195321 348 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 348 24 favoritism favoritism NOUN _005195321 348 25 seems seem VERB _005195321 348 26 to to PART _005195321 348 27 be be AUX _005195321 348 28 expected expect VERB _005195321 348 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 349 1 it it PRON _005195321 349 2 requires require VERB _005195321 349 3 a a DET _005195321 349 4 courageous courageous ADJ _005195321 349 5 will will NOUN _005195321 349 6 to to PART _005195321 349 7 rule rule VERB _005195321 349 8 with with ADP _005195321 349 9 impartial impartial ADJ _005195321 349 10 justice justice NOUN _005195321 349 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 349 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 349 13 it it PRON _005195321 349 14 requires require VERB _005195321 349 15 the the DET _005195321 349 16 stoutest stout ADJ _005195321 349 17 heart heart NOUN _005195321 349 18 to to PART _005195321 349 19 repel repel VERB _005195321 349 20 some some PRON _005195321 349 21 of of ADP _005195321 349 22 the the DET _005195321 349 23 suggestions suggestion NOUN _005195321 349 24 that that PRON _005195321 349 25 fall fall VERB _005195321 349 26 to to ADP _005195321 349 27 the the DET _005195321 349 28 lot lot NOUN _005195321 349 29 of of ADP _005195321 349 30 the the DET _005195321 349 31 ruler ruler NOUN _005195321 349 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 350 1 nominal nominal ADJ _005195321 350 2 adherence adherence NOUN _005195321 350 3 to to ADP _005195321 350 4 the the DET _005195321 350 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 350 6 church church NOUN _005195321 350 7 or or CCONJ _005195321 350 8 to to ADP _005195321 350 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 350 10 practices practice NOUN _005195321 350 11 is be AUX _005195321 350 12 no no DET _005195321 350 13 guarantee guarantee NOUN _005195321 350 14 that that SCONJ _005195321 350 15 a a DET _005195321 350 16 candidate candidate NOUN _005195321 350 17 for for ADP _005195321 350 18 office office NOUN _005195321 350 19 has have AUX _005195321 350 20 the the DET _005195321 350 21 fortitude fortitude NOUN _005195321 350 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 350 23 even even ADV _005195321 350 24 if if SCONJ _005195321 350 25 he he PRON _005195321 350 26 has have VERB _005195321 350 27 the the DET _005195321 350 28 wisdom wisdom NOUN _005195321 350 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 350 30 to to PART _005195321 350 31 rule rule VERB _005195321 350 32 as as ADP _005195321 350 33 a a DET _005195321 350 34 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 350 35 should should AUX _005195321 350 36 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 350 37 and and CCONJ _005195321 350 38 catholics catholic VERB _005195321 350 39 themselves themselves PRON _005195321 350 40 are be AUX _005195321 350 41 derelict derelict ADJ _005195321 350 42 in in ADP _005195321 350 43 their their PRON _005195321 350 44 duty duty NOUN _005195321 350 45 if if SCONJ _005195321 350 46 they they PRON _005195321 350 47 do do AUX _005195321 350 48 not not PART _005195321 350 49 oppose oppose VERB _005195321 350 50 the the DET _005195321 350 51 candidacy candidacy NOUN _005195321 350 52 of of ADP _005195321 350 53 men man NOUN _005195321 350 54 who who PRON _005195321 350 55 , , PUNCT _005195321 350 56 in in ADP _005195321 350 57 their their PRON _005195321 350 58 honest honest ADJ _005195321 350 59 judgment judgment NOUN _005195321 350 60 are be AUX _005195321 350 61 not not PART _005195321 350 62 worthy worthy ADJ _005195321 350 63 of of ADP _005195321 350 64 the the DET _005195321 350 65 trust trust NOUN _005195321 350 66 they they PRON _005195321 350 67 seek seek VERB _005195321 350 68 . . PUNCT _005195321 351 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 351 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 351 3 principles principle NOUN _005195321 351 4 properly properly ADV _005195321 351 5 exemplified exemplify VERB _005195321 351 6 in in ADP _005195321 351 7 a a DET _005195321 351 8 wise wise ADJ _005195321 351 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 351 10 virtuous virtuous ADJ _005195321 351 11 ruler ruler NOUN _005195321 351 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 351 13 be be AUX _005195321 351 14 he he PRON _005195321 351 15 constable constable ADJ _005195321 351 16 or or CCONJ _005195321 351 17 president president NOUN _005195321 351 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 351 19 can can AUX _005195321 351 20 come come VERB _005195321 351 21 as as ADV _005195321 351 22 close close ADJ _005195321 351 23 as as SCONJ _005195321 351 24 is be AUX _005195321 351 25 humanly humanly ADV _005195321 351 26 possible possible ADJ _005195321 351 27 to to ADP _005195321 351 28 producing produce VERB _005195321 351 29 an an DET _005195321 351 30 ideal ideal ADJ _005195321 351 31 government government NOUN _005195321 351 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 352 1 what what PRON _005195321 352 2 of of ADP _005195321 352 3 the the DET _005195321 352 4 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 352 5 teacher teacher NOUN _005195321 352 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 352 7 of of ADP _005195321 352 8 the the DET _005195321 352 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 352 10 editor editor NOUN _005195321 352 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 352 12 publisher publisher NOUN _005195321 352 13 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 353 1 again again ADV _005195321 353 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 3 there there PRON _005195321 353 4 must must AUX _005195321 353 5 be be AUX _005195321 353 6 fortitude fortitude ADJ _005195321 353 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 8 strong strong ADJ _005195321 353 9 courage courage NOUN _005195321 353 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 11 as as ADV _005195321 353 12 well well ADV _005195321 353 13 as as ADP _005195321 353 14 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 353 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 16 justice justice NOUN _005195321 353 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 353 19 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 353 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 353 22 above above ADP _005195321 353 23 all all PRON _005195321 353 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 25 there there PRON _005195321 353 26 must must AUX _005195321 353 27 be be AUX _005195321 353 28 an an DET _005195321 353 29 36 36 NUM _005195321 353 30 the the DET _005195321 353 31 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 353 32 church church NOUN _005195321 353 33 and and CCONJ _005195321 353 34 youth youth NOUN _005195321 353 35 abundance abundance NOUN _005195321 353 36 of of ADP _005195321 353 37 christian christian ADJ _005195321 353 38 charity charity NOUN _005195321 353 39 , , PUNCT _005195321 353 40 if if SCONJ _005195321 353 41 the the DET _005195321 353 42 representatives representative NOUN _005195321 353 43 of of ADP _005195321 353 44 these these DET _005195321 353 45 professions profession NOUN _005195321 353 46 are be AUX _005195321 353 47 to to PART _005195321 353 48 be be AUX _005195321 353 49 true true ADJ _005195321 353 50 to to ADP _005195321 353 51 the the DET _005195321 353 52 high high ADJ _005195321 353 53 duties duty NOUN _005195321 353 54 they they PRON _005195321 353 55 assume assume VERB _005195321 353 56 . . PUNCT _005195321 354 1 the the DET _005195321 354 2 teacher teacher NOUN _005195321 354 3 accepts accept VERB _005195321 354 4 a a DET _005195321 354 5 sacred sacred ADJ _005195321 354 6 trust trust NOUN _005195321 354 7 when when SCONJ _005195321 354 8 he he PRON _005195321 354 9 steps step VERB _005195321 354 10 into into ADP _005195321 354 11 the the DET _005195321 354 12 classroom classroom NOUN _005195321 354 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 355 1 his his PRON _005195321 355 2 influence influence NOUN _005195321 355 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 355 4 for for ADP _005195321 355 5 good good ADJ _005195321 355 6 or or CCONJ _005195321 355 7 evil evil ADJ _005195321 355 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 355 9 will will AUX _005195321 355 10 leave leave VERB _005195321 355 11 a a DET _005195321 355 12 stamp stamp NOUN _005195321 355 13 on on ADP _005195321 355 14 the the DET _005195321 355 15 plastic plastic ADJ _005195321 355 16 minds mind NOUN _005195321 355 17 he he PRON _005195321 355 18 has have VERB _005195321 355 19 before before ADP _005195321 355 20 him he PRON _005195321 355 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 356 1 should should AUX _005195321 356 2 he he PRON _005195321 356 3 abuse abuse VERB _005195321 356 4 the the DET _005195321 356 5 confidence confidence NOUN _005195321 356 6 he he PRON _005195321 356 7 thus thus ADV _005195321 356 8 receives receive VERB _005195321 356 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 356 10 there there PRON _005195321 356 11 awaits await VERB _005195321 356 12 him he PRON _005195321 356 13 at at ADP _005195321 356 14 the the DET _005195321 356 15 last last ADJ _005195321 356 16 judgment judgment NOUN _005195321 356 17 the the DET _005195321 356 18 curse curse NOUN _005195321 356 19 pronounced pronounce VERB _005195321 356 20 by by ADP _005195321 356 21 the the DET _005195321 356 22 gentle gentle ADJ _005195321 356 23 saviour saviour NOUN _005195321 356 24 on on ADP _005195321 356 25 the the DET _005195321 356 26 givers giver NOUN _005195321 356 27 of of ADP _005195321 356 28 scandal scandal NOUN _005195321 356 29 : : PUNCT _005195321 356 30 “ " PUNCT _005195321 356 31 he he PRON _005195321 356 32 that that PRON _005195321 356 33 shall shall AUX _005195321 356 34 scandalize scandalize VERB _005195321 356 35 one one NUM _005195321 356 36 of of ADP _005195321 356 37 these these DET _005195321 356 38 little little ADJ _005195321 356 39 ones one NOUN _005195321 356 40 that that PRON _005195321 356 41 believe believe VERB _005195321 356 42 in in ADP _005195321 356 43 me i PRON _005195321 356 44 , , PUNCT _005195321 356 45 it it PRON _005195321 356 46 were be AUX _005195321 356 47 better well ADJ _005195321 356 48 for for ADP _005195321 356 49 him he PRON _005195321 356 50 that that SCONJ _005195321 356 51 a a DET _005195321 356 52 millstone millstone NOUN _005195321 356 53 should should AUX _005195321 356 54 be be AUX _005195321 356 55 hanged hang VERB _005195321 356 56 about about ADP _005195321 356 57 his his PRON _005195321 356 58 neck neck NOUN _005195321 356 59 , , PUNCT _005195321 356 60 and and CCONJ _005195321 356 61 that that SCONJ _005195321 356 62 he he PRON _005195321 356 63 should should AUX _005195321 356 64 be be AUX _005195321 356 65 drowned drown VERB _005195321 356 66 in in ADP _005195321 356 67 the the DET _005195321 356 68 depth depth NOUN _005195321 356 69 of of ADP _005195321 356 70 the the DET _005195321 356 71 sea sea NOUN _005195321 356 72 . . PUNCT _005195321 356 73 ” " PUNCT _005195321 357 1 equally equally ADV _005195321 357 2 subject subject ADJ _005195321 357 3 to to ADP _005195321 357 4 this this DET _005195321 357 5 warning warning NOUN _005195321 357 6 are be AUX _005195321 357 7 the the DET _005195321 357 8 writer writer NOUN _005195321 357 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 357 10 the the DET _005195321 357 11 editor editor NOUN _005195321 357 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 357 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 357 14 the the DET _005195321 357 15 publisher publisher NOUN _005195321 357 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 358 1 the the DET _005195321 358 2 influence influence NOUN _005195321 358 3 of of ADP _005195321 358 4 one one NUM _005195321 358 5 evil evil ADJ _005195321 358 6 book book NOUN _005195321 358 7 may may AUX _005195321 358 8 go go VERB _005195321 358 9 on on ADP _005195321 358 10 to to ADP _005195321 358 11 the the DET _005195321 358 12 end end NOUN _005195321 358 13 of of ADP _005195321 358 14 time time NOUN _005195321 358 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 359 1 but but CCONJ _005195321 359 2 just just ADV _005195321 359 3 as as ADV _005195321 359 4 great great ADJ _005195321 359 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 359 6 or or CCONJ _005195321 359 7 even even ADV _005195321 359 8 greater great ADJ _005195321 359 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 359 10 may may AUX _005195321 359 11 be be AUX _005195321 359 12 their their PRON _005195321 359 13 influence influence NOUN _005195321 359 14 for for ADP _005195321 359 15 good good ADJ _005195321 359 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 360 1 it it PRON _005195321 360 2 would would AUX _005195321 360 3 seem seem VERB _005195321 360 4 from from ADP _005195321 360 5 many many ADJ _005195321 360 6 of of ADP _005195321 360 7 the the DET _005195321 360 8 teachings teaching NOUN _005195321 360 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 360 10 from from ADP _005195321 360 11 many many ADJ _005195321 360 12 of of ADP _005195321 360 13 the the DET _005195321 360 14 newspapers newspaper NOUN _005195321 360 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 360 16 magazines magazine NOUN _005195321 360 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 360 18 books book NOUN _005195321 360 19 current current ADJ _005195321 360 20 at at ADP _005195321 360 21 the the DET _005195321 360 22 present present ADJ _005195321 360 23 time time NOUN _005195321 360 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 360 25 that that SCONJ _005195321 360 26 too too ADV _005195321 360 27 often often ADV _005195321 360 28 nowadays nowadays ADV _005195321 360 29 these these DET _005195321 360 30 trusts trust NOUN _005195321 360 31 are be AUX _005195321 360 32 assumed assume VERB _005195321 360 33 lightly lightly ADV _005195321 360 34 , , PUNCT _005195321 360 35 and and CCONJ _005195321 360 36 with with ADP _005195321 360 37 no no DET _005195321 360 38 thought thought NOUN _005195321 360 39 of of ADP _005195321 360 40 the the DET _005195321 360 41 consequences consequence NOUN _005195321 360 42 they they PRON _005195321 360 43 entail entail VERB _005195321 360 44 . . PUNCT _005195321 361 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 361 2 am be AUX _005195321 361 3 i i PRON _005195321 361 4 my my PRON _005195321 361 5 brother brother NOUN _005195321 361 6 ’s ’s PART _005195321 361 7 keeper keeper NOUN _005195321 361 8 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 361 9 ” " PUNCT _005195321 361 10 seems seem VERB _005195321 361 11 to to PART _005195321 361 12 be be AUX _005195321 361 13 the the DET _005195321 361 14 current current ADJ _005195321 361 15 answer answer NOUN _005195321 361 16 to to ADP _005195321 361 17 protests protest NOUN _005195321 361 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 362 1 it it PRON _005195321 362 2 seems seem VERB _005195321 362 3 a a DET _005195321 362 4 proper proper ADJ _005195321 362 5 reply reply NOUN _005195321 362 6 from from ADP _005195321 362 7 a a DET _005195321 362 8 hardened hardened ADJ _005195321 362 9 conscience conscience NOUN _005195321 362 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 363 1 we we PRON _005195321 363 2 heard hear VERB _005195321 363 3 it it PRON _005195321 363 4 first first ADV _005195321 363 5 from from ADP _005195321 363 6 the the DET _005195321 363 7 lips lip NOUN _005195321 363 8 of of ADP _005195321 363 9 the the DET _005195321 363 10 first first ADJ _005195321 363 11 murderer murderer NOUN _005195321 363 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 363 13 who who PRON _005195321 363 14 slew slay VERB _005195321 363 15 his his PRON _005195321 363 16 brother brother NOUN _005195321 363 17 in in ADP _005195321 363 18 cold cold ADJ _005195321 363 19 blood blood NOUN _005195321 363 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 364 1 it it PRON _005195321 364 2 is be AUX _005195321 364 3 an an DET _005195321 364 4 answer answer NOUN _005195321 364 5 that that PRON _005195321 364 6 will will AUX _005195321 364 7 not not PART _005195321 364 8 be be AUX _005195321 364 9 accepted accept VERB _005195321 364 10 at at ADP _005195321 364 11 the the DET _005195321 364 12 judgment judgment NOUN _005195321 364 13 seat seat NOUN _005195321 364 14 of of ADP _005195321 364 15 god god PROPN _005195321 364 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 364 17 where where SCONJ _005195321 364 18 the the DET _005195321 364 19 intellectual intellectual ADJ _005195321 364 20 authors author NOUN _005195321 364 21 of of ADP _005195321 364 22 crimes crime NOUN _005195321 364 23 will will AUX _005195321 364 24 be be AUX _005195321 364 25 finally finally ADV _005195321 364 26 — — PUNCT _005195321 364 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 364 28 irretrievably irretrievably ADV _005195321 364 29 — — PUNCT _005195321 364 30 exposed expose VERB _005195321 364 31 . . PUNCT _005195321 365 1 prudence prudence NOUN _005195321 365 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 365 3 justice justice NOUN _005195321 365 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 365 5 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 365 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 365 7 fortitude fortitude VERB _005195321 365 8 these these PRON _005195321 365 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 365 10 then then ADV _005195321 365 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 365 12 are be AUX _005195321 365 13 four four NUM _005195321 365 14 cornerstones cornerstone NOUN _005195321 365 15 which which PRON _005195321 365 16 the the DET _005195321 365 17 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 365 18 church church NOUN _005195321 365 19 offers offer VERB _005195321 365 20 to to PART _005195321 365 21 youth youth VERB _005195321 365 22 for for ADP _005195321 365 23 the the DET _005195321 365 24 shaping shaping NOUN _005195321 365 25 of of ADP _005195321 365 26 life life NOUN _005195321 365 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 366 1 they they PRON _005195321 366 2 do do AUX _005195321 366 3 not not PART _005195321 366 4 contain contain VERB _005195321 366 5 all all DET _005195321 366 6 the the DET _005195321 366 7 fullness fullness NOUN _005195321 366 8 of of ADP _005195321 366 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 366 10 life life NOUN _005195321 366 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 366 12 it it PRON _005195321 366 13 has have AUX _005195321 366 14 not not PART _005195321 366 15 been be AUX _005195321 366 16 suggested suggest VERB _005195321 366 17 that that SCONJ _005195321 366 18 they they PRON _005195321 366 19 should should AUX _005195321 366 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 367 1 i i PRON _005195321 367 2 have have VERB _005195321 367 3 temperance temperance NOUN _005195321 367 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 367 5 fortitude fortitude VERB _005195321 367 6 37 37 NUM _005195321 367 7 chosen choose VERB _005195321 367 8 them they PRON _005195321 367 9 because because SCONJ _005195321 367 10 we we PRON _005195321 367 11 have have VERB _005195321 367 12 them they PRON _005195321 367 13 in in ADP _005195321 367 14 common common ADJ _005195321 367 15 with with ADP _005195321 367 16 the the DET _005195321 367 17 pagans pagans PROPN _005195321 367 18 of of ADP _005195321 367 19 ancient ancient ADJ _005195321 367 20 greece greece PROPN _005195321 367 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 367 22 with with ADP _005195321 367 23 the the DET _005195321 367 24 man man NOUN _005195321 367 25 in in ADP _005195321 367 26 the the DET _005195321 367 27 street street NOUN _005195321 367 28 today today NOUN _005195321 367 29 who who PRON _005195321 367 30 has have VERB _005195321 367 31 no no DET _005195321 367 32 formal formal ADJ _005195321 367 33 affiliation affiliation NOUN _005195321 367 34 with with ADP _005195321 367 35 christianity christianity NOUN _005195321 367 36 . . PUNCT _005195321 368 1 with with ADP _005195321 368 2 this this DET _005195321 368 3 man man NOUN _005195321 368 4 in in ADP _005195321 368 5 the the DET _005195321 368 6 street street NOUN _005195321 368 7 they they PRON _005195321 368 8 are be AUX _005195321 368 9 natural natural ADJ _005195321 368 10 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 368 11 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 368 12 the the DET _005195321 368 13 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 368 14 accepts accept VERB _005195321 368 15 them they PRON _005195321 368 16 as as ADP _005195321 368 17 such such ADJ _005195321 368 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 368 19 supernaturalizes supernaturalize VERB _005195321 368 20 them they PRON _005195321 368 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 369 1 the the DET _005195321 369 2 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 369 3 has have VERB _005195321 369 4 in in ADP _005195321 369 5 addition addition NOUN _005195321 369 6 the the DET _005195321 369 7 great great ADJ _005195321 369 8 theological theological ADJ _005195321 369 9 virtues virtue NOUN _005195321 369 10 of of ADP _005195321 369 11 faith faith NOUN _005195321 369 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 369 13 hope hope NOUN _005195321 369 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 369 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 369 16 charity charity NOUN _005195321 369 17 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 369 18 he he PRON _005195321 369 19 has have VERB _005195321 369 20 further far ADV _005195321 369 21 the the DET _005195321 369 22 divine divine ADJ _005195321 369 23 counsels counsel NOUN _005195321 369 24 of of ADP _005195321 369 25 perfection perfection NOUN _005195321 369 26 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 369 27 he he PRON _005195321 369 28 has have VERB _005195321 369 29 the the DET _005195321 369 30 sacraments sacrament NOUN _005195321 369 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 369 32 the the DET _005195321 369 33 great great ADJ _005195321 369 34 sources source NOUN _005195321 369 35 of of ADP _005195321 369 36 divine divine ADJ _005195321 369 37 help help NOUN _005195321 369 38 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 369 39 he he PRON _005195321 369 40 has have VERB _005195321 369 41 the the DET _005195321 369 42 full full ADJ _005195321 369 43 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 369 44 authority authority NOUN _005195321 369 45 of of ADP _005195321 369 46 the the DET _005195321 369 47 church church NOUN _005195321 369 48 to to PART _005195321 369 49 rule rule VERB _005195321 369 50 his his PRON _005195321 369 51 life life NOUN _005195321 369 52 and and CCONJ _005195321 369 53 aid aid VERB _005195321 369 54 him he PRON _005195321 369 55 to to ADP _005195321 369 56 the the DET _005195321 369 57 highest high ADJ _005195321 369 58 perfection perfection NOUN _005195321 369 59 to to PART _005195321 369 60 which which DET _005195321 369 61 man man NOUN _005195321 369 62 may may AUX _005195321 369 63 aspire aspire VERB _005195321 369 64 . . PUNCT _005195321 370 1 i i PRON _005195321 370 2 have have AUX _005195321 370 3 chosen choose VERB _005195321 370 4 to to PART _005195321 370 5 present present VERB _005195321 370 6 only only ADV _005195321 370 7 the the DET _005195321 370 8 groundwork groundwork NOUN _005195321 370 9 of of ADP _005195321 370 10 the the DET _005195321 370 11 moral moral ADJ _005195321 370 12 life life NOUN _005195321 370 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 370 14 for for ADP _005195321 370 15 the the DET _005195321 370 16 invitation invitation NOUN _005195321 370 17 to to ADP _005195321 370 18 security security NOUN _005195321 370 19 it it PRON _005195321 370 20 offers offer VERB _005195321 370 21 the the DET _005195321 370 22 troubled troubled ADJ _005195321 370 23 mind mind NOUN _005195321 370 24 of of ADP _005195321 370 25 youth youth NOUN _005195321 370 26 . . PUNCT _005195321 371 1 if if SCONJ _005195321 371 2 that that DET _005195321 371 3 invitation invitation NOUN _005195321 371 4 is be AUX _005195321 371 5 heeded heed VERB _005195321 371 6 by by ADP _005195321 371 7 any any PRON _005195321 371 8 of of ADP _005195321 371 9 my my PRON _005195321 371 10 youthful youthful ADJ _005195321 371 11 hearers hearer NOUN _005195321 371 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 371 13 the the DET _005195321 371 14 grace grace NOUN _005195321 371 15 of of ADP _005195321 371 16 god god PROPN _005195321 371 17 can can AUX _005195321 371 18 lead lead VERB _005195321 371 19 them they PRON _005195321 371 20 on on ADP _005195321 371 21 to to PART _005195321 371 22 know know VERB _005195321 371 23 the the DET _005195321 371 24 fullness fullness NOUN _005195321 371 25 of of ADP _005195321 371 26 the the DET _005195321 371 27 riches rich NOUN _005195321 371 28 of of ADP _005195321 371 29 god god PROPN _005195321 371 30 . . PUNCT _005195321 372 1 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005195321 372 2 hayes hayes PROPN _005195321 372 3 states state VERB _005195321 372 4 aims aim NOUN _005195321 372 5 of of ADP _005195321 372 6 the the DET _005195321 372 7 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 372 8 hour hour NOUN _005195321 372 9 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 372 10 extract extract VERB _005195321 372 11 from from ADP _005195321 372 12 his his PRON _005195321 372 13 address address NOUN _005195321 372 14 at at ADP _005195321 372 15 the the DET _005195321 372 16 inaugural inaugural ADJ _005195321 372 17 program program NOUN _005195321 372 18 in in ADP _005195321 372 19 the the DET _005195321 372 20 studio studio NOUN _005195321 372 21 of of ADP _005195321 372 22 the the DET _005195321 372 23 national national PROPN _005195321 372 24 broadcasting broadcasting PROPN _005195321 372 25 company company NOUN _005195321 372 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 372 27 new new PROPN _005195321 372 28 york york PROPN _005195321 372 29 city city PROPN _005195321 372 30 , , PUNCT _005195321 372 31 march march PROPN _005195321 372 32 2 2 NUM _005195321 372 33 , , PUNCT _005195321 372 34 1930 1930 NUM _005195321 372 35 . . PUNCT _005195321 372 36 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 373 1 our our PRON _005195321 373 2 congratulations congratulation NOUN _005195321 373 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 373 4 our our PRON _005195321 373 5 gratitude gratitude NOUN _005195321 373 6 are be AUX _005195321 373 7 extended extend VERB _005195321 373 8 to to ADP _005195321 373 9 the the DET _005195321 373 10 national national ADJ _005195321 373 11 council council PROPN _005195321 373 12 of of ADP _005195321 373 13 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 373 14 men man NOUN _005195321 373 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 373 16 its its PRON _005195321 373 17 officials official NOUN _005195321 373 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 373 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 373 20 to to ADP _005195321 373 21 all all PRON _005195321 373 22 who who PRON _005195321 373 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 373 24 by by ADP _005195321 373 25 their their PRON _005195321 373 26 financial financial ADJ _005195321 373 27 support support NOUN _005195321 373 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 373 29 have have AUX _005195321 373 30 made make VERB _005195321 373 31 it it PRON _005195321 373 32 possible possible ADJ _005195321 373 33 to to PART _005195321 373 34 use use VERB _005195321 373 35 this this DET _005195321 373 36 offer offer NOUN _005195321 373 37 of of ADP _005195321 373 38 the the DET _005195321 373 39 national national PROPN _005195321 373 40 broadcasting broadcasting PROPN _005195321 373 41 company company NOUN _005195321 373 42 . . PUNCT _005195321 374 1 the the DET _005195321 374 2 heavy heavy ADJ _005195321 374 3 expense expense NOUN _005195321 374 4 of of ADP _005195321 374 5 managing manage VERB _005195321 374 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 374 7 financing finance VERB _005195321 374 8 a a DET _005195321 374 9 weekly weekly ADJ _005195321 374 10 program program NOUN _005195321 374 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 374 12 its its PRON _005195321 374 13 musical musical ADJ _005195321 374 14 numbers number NOUN _005195321 374 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 374 16 its its PRON _005195321 374 17 speakers speaker NOUN _005195321 374 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 374 19 the the DET _005195321 374 20 subsequent subsequent ADJ _005195321 374 21 answering answering NOUN _005195321 374 22 of of ADP _005195321 374 23 inquiries inquiry NOUN _005195321 374 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 374 25 must must AUX _005195321 374 26 be be AUX _005195321 374 27 met meet VERB _005195321 374 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 374 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 375 1 . . PUNCT _005195321 375 2 . . PUNCT _005195321 376 1 this this DET _005195321 376 2 radio radio NOUN _005195321 376 3 hour hour NOUN _005195321 376 4 is be AUX _005195321 376 5 for for ADP _005195321 376 6 all all DET _005195321 376 7 the the DET _005195321 376 8 people people NOUN _005195321 376 9 of of ADP _005195321 376 10 the the DET _005195321 376 11 united united PROPN _005195321 376 12 states states PROPN _005195321 376 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 377 1 to to ADP _005195321 377 2 our our PRON _005195321 377 3 fellow fellow NOUN _005195321 377 4 - - PUNCT _005195321 377 5 citizens citizen NOUN _005195321 377 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 377 7 in in ADP _005195321 377 8 this this DET _005195321 377 9 word word NOUN _005195321 377 10 of of ADP _005195321 377 11 dedication dedication NOUN _005195321 377 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 377 13 we we PRON _005195321 377 14 wish wish VERB _005195321 377 15 to to PART _005195321 377 16 express express VERB _005195321 377 17 a a DET _005195321 377 18 cordial cordial ADJ _005195321 377 19 greeting greeting NOUN _005195321 377 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 377 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 377 22 indeed indeed ADV _005195321 377 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 377 24 congratulations congratulation NOUN _005195321 377 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 378 1 for for ADP _005195321 378 2 this this DET _005195321 378 3 radio radio NOUN _005195321 378 4 hour hour NOUN _005195321 378 5 is be AUX _005195321 378 6 one one NUM _005195321 378 7 of of ADP _005195321 378 8 service service NOUN _005195321 378 9 to to ADP _005195321 378 10 america america PROPN _005195321 378 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 378 12 which which PRON _005195321 378 13 certainly certainly ADV _005195321 378 14 will will AUX _005195321 378 15 listen listen VERB _005195321 378 16 in in ADP _005195321 378 17 interestedly interestedly ADV _005195321 378 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 378 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 378 20 even even ADV _005195321 378 21 sympathetically sympathetically ADV _005195321 378 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 378 23 i i PRON _005195321 378 24 am be AUX _005195321 378 25 sure sure ADJ _005195321 378 26 , , PUNCT _005195321 378 27 to to ADP _005195321 378 28 the the DET _005195321 378 29 voice voice NOUN _005195321 378 30 of of ADP _005195321 378 31 the the DET _005195321 378 32 ancient ancient ADJ _005195321 378 33 church church NOUN _005195321 378 34 with with ADP _005195321 378 35 its its PRON _005195321 378 36 historic historic ADJ _005195321 378 37 background background NOUN _005195321 378 38 of of ADP _005195321 378 39 all all DET _005195321 378 40 the the DET _005195321 378 41 centuries century NOUN _005195321 378 42 of of ADP _005195321 378 43 the the DET _005195321 378 44 christian christian ADJ _005195321 378 45 era era NOUN _005195321 378 46 , , PUNCT _005195321 378 47 and and CCONJ _005195321 378 48 with with ADP _005195321 378 49 its its PRON _005195321 378 50 own own ADJ _005195321 378 51 notable notable ADJ _005195321 378 52 contribution contribution NOUN _005195321 378 53 to to ADP _005195321 378 54 the the DET _005195321 378 55 discovery discovery NOUN _005195321 378 56 , , PUNCT _005195321 378 57 exploration exploration NOUN _005195321 378 58 , , PUNCT _005195321 378 59 foundation foundation NOUN _005195321 378 60 and and CCONJ _005195321 378 61 growth growth NOUN _005195321 378 62 of of ADP _005195321 378 63 our our PRON _005195321 378 64 glorious glorious ADJ _005195321 378 65 country country NOUN _005195321 378 66 . . PUNCT _005195321 378 67 . . PUNCT _005195321 378 68 . . PUNCT _005195321 378 69 . . PUNCT _005195321 379 1 thus thus ADV _005195321 379 2 to to PART _005195321 379 3 voice voice VERB _005195321 379 4 before before ADP _005195321 379 5 a a DET _005195321 379 6 vast vast ADJ _005195321 379 7 public public NOUN _005195321 379 8 the the DET _005195321 379 9 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 379 10 church church NOUN _005195321 379 11 is be AUX _005195321 379 12 no no DET _005195321 379 13 light light ADJ _005195321 379 14 task task NOUN _005195321 379 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 380 1 our our PRON _005195321 380 2 prayers prayer NOUN _005195321 380 3 will will AUX _005195321 380 4 be be AUX _005195321 380 5 with with ADP _005195321 380 6 those those PRON _005195321 380 7 who who PRON _005195321 380 8 have have VERB _005195321 380 9 that that DET _005195321 380 10 task task NOUN _005195321 380 11 in in ADP _005195321 380 12 hand hand NOUN _005195321 380 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 381 1 we we PRON _005195321 381 2 feel feel VERB _005195321 381 3 certain certain ADJ _005195321 381 4 that that SCONJ _005195321 381 5 it it PRON _005195321 381 6 will will AUX _005195321 381 7 have have VERB _005195321 381 8 both both CCONJ _005195321 381 9 the the DET _005195321 381 10 good good ADJ _005195321 381 11 will will NOUN _005195321 381 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 381 13 the the DET _005195321 381 14 good good ADJ _005195321 381 15 wishes wish NOUN _005195321 381 16 of of ADP _005195321 381 17 the the DET _005195321 381 18 great great ADJ _005195321 381 19 majority majority NOUN _005195321 381 20 of of ADP _005195321 381 21 our our PRON _005195321 381 22 countrymen countryman NOUN _005195321 381 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 382 1 surely surely ADV _005195321 382 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 382 3 there there PRON _005195321 382 4 is be VERB _005195321 382 5 no no DET _005195321 382 6 true true ADJ _005195321 382 7 lover lover NOUN _005195321 382 8 of of ADP _005195321 382 9 our our PRON _005195321 382 10 country country NOUN _005195321 382 11 who who PRON _005195321 382 12 does do AUX _005195321 382 13 not not PART _005195321 382 14 eagerly eagerly ADV _005195321 382 15 hope hope VERB _005195321 382 16 for for ADP _005195321 382 17 a a DET _005195321 382 18 less less ADV _005195321 382 19 worldly worldly ADJ _005195321 382 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 382 21 a a DET _005195321 382 22 less less ADJ _005195321 382 23 material material NOUN _005195321 382 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 382 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 382 26 a a DET _005195321 382 27 more more ADV _005195321 382 28 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 382 29 standard standard NOUN _005195321 382 30 among among ADP _005195321 382 31 our our PRON _005195321 382 32 people people NOUN _005195321 382 33 . . PUNCT _005195321 383 1 with with ADP _005195321 383 2 good good ADJ _005195321 383 3 will will NOUN _005195321 383 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 383 5 with with ADP _005195321 383 6 kindness kindness NOUN _005195321 383 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 383 8 with with ADP _005195321 383 9 christ christ PROPN _005195321 383 10 - - PUNCT _005195321 383 11 like like ADJ _005195321 383 12 sympathy sympathy NOUN _005195321 383 13 for for ADP _005195321 383 14 all all PRON _005195321 383 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 383 16 this this DET _005195321 383 17 work work NOUN _005195321 383 18 is be AUX _005195321 383 19 inaugurated inaugurate VERB _005195321 383 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 384 1 so so ADV _005195321 384 2 may may AUX _005195321 384 3 it it PRON _005195321 384 4 continue continue VERB _005195321 384 5 . . PUNCT _005195321 385 1 so so ADV _005195321 385 2 may may AUX _005195321 385 3 it it PRON _005195321 385 4 be be AUX _005195321 385 5 fulfilled fulfil VERB _005195321 385 6 . . PUNCT _005195321 386 1 this this DET _005195321 386 2 word word NOUN _005195321 386 3 of of ADP _005195321 386 4 dedication dedication NOUN _005195321 386 5 voices voice NOUN _005195321 386 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 386 7 therefore therefore ADV _005195321 386 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 386 9 the the DET _005195321 386 10 hope hope NOUN _005195321 386 11 that that SCONJ _005195321 386 12 this this DET _005195321 386 13 radio radio NOUN _005195321 386 14 hour hour NOUN _005195321 386 15 may may AUX _005195321 386 16 serve serve VERB _005195321 386 17 to to PART _005195321 386 18 make make VERB _005195321 386 19 known know VERB _005195321 386 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 386 21 to to PART _005195321 386 22 explain explain VERB _005195321 386 23 with with ADP _005195321 386 24 the the DET _005195321 386 25 charity charity NOUN _005195321 386 26 of of ADP _005195321 386 27 christ christ PROPN _005195321 386 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 386 29 our our PRON _005195321 386 30 faith faith NOUN _005195321 386 31 , , PUNCT _005195321 386 32 which which PRON _005195321 386 33 we we PRON _005195321 386 34 love love VERB _005195321 386 35 even even ADV _005195321 386 36 as as SCONJ _005195321 386 37 we we PRON _005195321 386 38 love love VERB _005195321 386 39 christ christ PROPN _005195321 386 40 himself himself PRON _005195321 386 41 . . PUNCT _005195321 387 1 may may AUX _005195321 387 2 it it PRON _005195321 387 3 serve serve VERB _005195321 387 4 to to PART _005195321 387 5 make make VERB _005195321 387 6 better well ADV _005195321 387 7 understood understand VERB _005195321 387 8 that that SCONJ _005195321 387 9 faith faith NOUN _005195321 387 10 as as SCONJ _005195321 387 11 it it PRON _005195321 387 12 really really ADV _005195321 387 13 is be AUX _005195321 387 14 — — PUNCT _005195321 387 15 a a DET _005195321 387 16 light light NOUN _005195321 387 17 revealing reveal VERB _005195321 387 18 the the DET _005195321 387 19 pathway pathway NOUN _005195321 387 20 to to ADP _005195321 387 21 heaven heaven PROPN _005195321 387 22 : : PUNCT _005195321 387 23 a a DET _005195321 387 24 strength strength NOUN _005195321 387 25 , , PUNCT _005195321 387 26 and and CCONJ _005195321 387 27 a a DET _005195321 387 28 power power NOUN _005195321 387 29 divine divine VERB _005195321 387 30 through through ADP _005195321 387 31 christ christ PROPN _005195321 387 32 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 387 33 pardoning pardon VERB _005195321 387 34 our our PRON _005195321 387 35 sins sin NOUN _005195321 387 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 387 37 elevating elevating NOUN _005195321 387 38 , , PUNCT _005195321 387 39 consecrating consecrate VERB _005195321 387 40 our our PRON _005195321 387 41 common common ADJ _005195321 387 42 every every DET _005195321 387 43 - - PUNCT _005195321 387 44 day day NOUN _005195321 387 45 duties duty NOUN _005195321 387 46 and and CCONJ _005195321 387 47 joys joy NOUN _005195321 387 48 , , PUNCT _005195321 387 49 bringing bring VERB _005195321 387 50 not not PART _005195321 387 51 only only ADV _005195321 387 52 justice justice NOUN _005195321 387 53 but but CCONJ _005195321 387 54 gladness gladness NOUN _005195321 387 55 and and CCONJ _005195321 387 56 peace peace NOUN _005195321 387 57 to to ADP _005195321 387 58 our our PRON _005195321 387 59 searching search VERB _005195321 387 60 and and CCONJ _005195321 387 61 questioning question VERB _005195321 387 62 hearts heart NOUN _005195321 387 63 . . PUNCT _005195321 388 1 the the DET _005195321 388 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 388 3 hour hour NOUN _005195321 388 4 coast coast NOUN _005195321 388 5 - - PUNCT _005195321 388 6 to to ADP _005195321 388 7 - - PUNCT _005195321 388 8 coast coast NOUN _005195321 388 9 on on ADP _005195321 388 10 nbc nbc PROPN _005195321 388 11 every every DET _005195321 388 12 sunday sunday PROPN _005195321 388 13 at at ADP _005195321 388 14 six six NUM _005195321 388 15 o’clock o’clock PROPN _005195321 388 16 new new PROPN _005195321 388 17 york york PROPN _005195321 388 18 time time PROPN _005195321 388 19 alabama alabama PROPN _005195321 388 20 arizona arizona PROPN _005195321 388 21 arkansas arkansas PROPN _005195321 388 22 california california PROPN _005195321 388 23 colorado colorado PROPN _005195321 388 24 connecticut connecticut PROPN _005195321 388 25 d. d. PROPN _005195321 388 26 of of ADP _005195321 388 27 o. o. PROPN _005195321 388 28 florida florida PROPN _005195321 388 29 georgia georgia PROPN _005195321 388 30 idaho idaho PROPN _005195321 388 31 illinois illinois PROPN _005195321 388 32 indiana indiana PROPN _005195321 388 33 iowa iowa PROPN _005195321 388 34 kentucky kentucky PROPN _005195321 388 35 louisiana louisiana PROPN _005195321 388 36 maine maine PROPN _005195321 388 37 maryland maryland PROPN _005195321 388 38 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _005195321 388 39 michigan michigan PROPN _005195321 388 40 minnesota minnesota PROPN _005195321 388 41 mississippi mississippi PROPN _005195321 388 42 missouri missouri PROPN _005195321 388 43 montana montana PROPN _005195321 388 44 nebraska nebraska PROPN _005195321 388 45 new new PROPN _005195321 388 46 mexico mexico PROPN _005195321 388 47 new new PROPN _005195321 388 48 york york PROPN _005195321 388 49 north north PROPN _005195321 388 50 carolina carolina PROPN _005195321 388 51 north north PROPN _005195321 388 52 dakota dakota PROPN _005195321 388 53 ohio ohio PROPN _005195321 388 54 oklahoma oklahoma PROPN _005195321 388 55 oregon oregon PROPN _005195321 388 56 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN _005195321 388 57 rhode rhode VERB _005195321 388 58 island island PROPN _005195321 388 59 south south PROPN _005195321 388 60 carolina carolina PROPN _005195321 388 61 tennessee tennessee PROPN _005195321 388 62 texas texas PROPN _005195321 388 63 utah utah PROPN _005195321 388 64 virginia virginia PROPN _005195321 388 65 washington washington PROPN _005195321 388 66 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN _005195321 388 67 hawaii hawaii PROPN _005195321 388 68 birmingham birmingham PROPN _005195321 388 69 phoenix phoenix PROPN _005195321 388 70 hot hot PROPN _005195321 388 71 springs springs PROPN _005195321 388 72 little little ADJ _005195321 388 73 rock rock NOUN _005195321 388 74 fresno fresno PROPN _005195321 388 75 los los PROPN _005195321 388 76 angeles angeles PROPN _005195321 388 77 sacramento sacramento PROPN _005195321 388 78 san san PROPN _005195321 388 79 francisco francisco PROPN _005195321 388 80 stockton stockton PROPN _005195321 388 81 denver denver PROPN _005195321 388 82 pueblo pueblo PROPN _005195321 388 83 hartford hartford PROPN _005195321 388 84 washington washington PROPN _005195321 388 85 jacksonville jacksonville PROPN _005195321 388 86 miami miami PROPN _005195321 389 1 tampa tampa PROPN _005195321 389 2 atlanta atlanta PROPN _005195321 389 3 boise boise PROPN _005195321 389 4 chicago chicago PROPN _005195321 389 5 fort fort PROPN _005195321 389 6 wayne wayne PROPN _005195321 389 7 indianapolis indianapolis PROPN _005195321 389 8 terre terre PROPN _005195321 389 9 haute haute PROPN _005195321 389 10 des des PROPN _005195321 389 11 moines moines PROPN _005195321 389 12 louisville louisville PROPN _005195321 389 13 new new PROPN _005195321 389 14 orleans orleans PROPN _005195321 389 15 shreveport shreveport PROPN _005195321 389 16 portland portland PROPN _005195321 389 17 baltimore baltimore PROPN _005195321 389 18 worcester worcester PROPN _005195321 389 19 detroit detroit PROPN _005195321 389 20 minneapolis minneapolis PROPN _005195321 389 21 - - PUNCT _005195321 389 22 st st PROPN _005195321 389 23 . . PROPN _005195321 389 24 paul paul PROPN _005195321 389 25 duluth duluth PROPN _005195321 389 26 - - PUNCT _005195321 389 27 superior superior PROPN _005195321 389 28 jackson jackson PROPN _005195321 389 29 kansascity kansascity PROPN _005195321 389 30 springfield springfield PROPN _005195321 389 31 billings billings PROPN _005195321 389 32 butte butte PROPN _005195321 389 33 helena helena PROPN _005195321 389 34 omaha omaha PROPN _005195321 389 35 albuquerque albuquerque PROPN _005195321 389 36 buffalo buffalo PROPN _005195321 389 37 new new PROPN _005195321 389 38 york york PROPN _005195321 389 39 schenectady schenectady PROPN _005195321 389 40 asheville asheville PROPN _005195321 389 41 charlotte charlotte PROPN _005195321 389 42 raleigh raleigh PROPN _005195321 389 43 bismarck bismarck PROPN _005195321 389 44 fargo fargo PROPN _005195321 389 45 cincinnati cincinnati PROPN _005195321 389 46 cleveland cleveland PROPN _005195321 389 47 oklahoma oklahoma PROPN _005195321 389 48 city city PROPN _005195321 389 49 portland portland PROPN _005195321 389 50 allentown allentown VERB _005195321 389 51 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN _005195321 389 52 pittsburgh pittsburgh PROPN _005195321 389 53 providence providence NOUN _005195321 389 54 charleston charleston PROPN _005195321 389 55 columbia columbia PROPN _005195321 389 56 greenville greenville PROPN _005195321 389 57 nashville nashville PROPN _005195321 389 58 amarillo amarillo PROPN _005195321 389 59 el el PROPN _005195321 389 60 paso paso PROPN _005195321 389 61 houston houston PROPN _005195321 389 62 san san PROPN _005195321 389 63 antonio antonio PROPN _005195321 389 64 salt salt PROPN _005195321 389 65 lake lake PROPN _005195321 389 66 city city PROPN _005195321 389 67 richmond richmond PROPN _005195321 389 68 seattle seattle PROPN _005195321 389 69 spokane spokane PROPN _005195321 389 70 madison madison PROPN _005195321 389 71 honolulu honolulu PROPN _005195321 389 72 wbrc wbrc NOUN _005195321 389 73 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 74 930 930 NUM _005195321 389 75 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 76 ktar ktar PROPN _005195321 389 77 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 78 620 620 NUM _005195321 389 79 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 80 kths kth NOUN _005195321 389 81 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 82 1060 1060 NUM _005195321 389 83 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 84 kark kark PROPN _005195321 389 85 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 86 890 890 NUM _005195321 389 87 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 88 kmj kmj PROPN _005195321 389 89 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 90 580 580 NUM _005195321 389 91 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 92 keca keca NOUN _005195321 389 93 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 94 1430 1430 NUM _005195321 389 95 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 96 kfbk kfbk PROPN _005195321 389 97 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 98 1490 1490 NUM _005195321 389 99 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 100 kpo kpo PROPN _005195321 389 101 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 102 680 680 NUM _005195321 389 103 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 104 kwg kwg PROPN _005195321 389 105 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 106 1200 1200 NUM _005195321 389 107 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 108 koa koa PROPN _005195321 389 109 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 110 830 830 NUM _005195321 389 111 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 112 kghf kghf PROPN _005195321 389 113 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 114 1320 1320 NUM _005195321 389 115 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 116 wtic wtic ADJ _005195321 389 117 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 118 1040 1040 NUM _005195321 389 119 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 120 wrc wrc PROPN _005195321 389 121 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 122 950 950 NUM _005195321 389 123 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 124 wjax wjax ADJ _005195321 389 125 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 126 900 900 NUM _005195321 389 127 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 128 wiod wiod NOUN _005195321 389 129 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 130 610 610 NUM _005195321 389 131 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 132 wfla wfla NOUN _005195321 389 133 - - PUNCT _005195321 389 134 wsun wsun VERB _005195321 389 135 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 136 620 620 NUM _005195321 389 137 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 138 wsb wsb PROPN _005195321 389 139 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 140 740 740 NUM _005195321 389 141 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 142 kido kido PROPN _005195321 389 143 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 144 1350 1350 NUM _005195321 389 145 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 146 wmaq wmaq PROPN _005195321 389 147 - - PUNCT _005195321 389 148 wcfl wcfl PROPN _005195321 389 149 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 150 670 670 NUM _005195321 389 151 kc kc NOUN _005195321 389 152 wgl wgl ADJ _005195321 389 153 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 154 1370 1370 NUM _005195321 389 155 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 156 wire wire NOUN _005195321 389 157 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 158 1400 1400 NUM _005195321 389 159 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 160 wbow wbow PROPN _005195321 389 161 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 162 1310 1310 NUM _005195321 389 163 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 164 who who PRON _005195321 389 165 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 166 1000 1000 NUM _005195321 389 167 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 168 wave wave NOUN _005195321 389 169 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 170 940 940 NUM _005195321 389 171 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 172 wsmb wsmb NUM _005195321 389 173 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 174 1320 1320 NUM _005195321 389 175 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 176 ktbs ktbs PROPN _005195321 389 177 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 178 1450 1450 NUM _005195321 389 179 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 180 wosh wosh PROPN _005195321 389 181 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 182 940 940 NUM _005195321 389 183 kc kc NOUN _005195321 389 184 wfbr wfbr NOUN _005195321 389 185 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 186 1270 1270 NUM _005195321 389 187 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 188 wtag wtag PROPN _005195321 389 189 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 190 580 580 NUM _005195321 389 191 kc kc NOUN _005195321 389 192 wwj wwj ADV _005195321 389 193 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 194 920 920 NUM _005195321 389 195 kc kc X _005195321 389 196 kstp kstp PROPN _005195321 389 197 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 198 1460 1460 NUM _005195321 389 199 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 200 webc webc PROPN _005195321 389 201 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 202 1290 1290 NUM _005195321 389 203 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 204 wjdx wjdx PROPN _005195321 389 205 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 206 1270 1270 NUM _005195321 389 207 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 208 wdaf wdaf NOUN _005195321 389 209 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 210 610 610 NUM _005195321 389 211 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 212 kgbx kgbx PROPN _005195321 389 213 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 214 1230 1230 NUM _005195321 389 215 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 216 kghl kghl NOUN _005195321 389 217 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 218 780 780 NUM _005195321 389 219 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 220 kgir kgir PROPN _005195321 389 221 , , PUNCT _005195321 389 222 1340 1340 NUM _005195321 389 223 kc kc PROPN _005195321 389 224 kpfa kpfa PROPN _005195321 389 225 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 1 1210 1210 NUM _005195321 390 2 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 3 wow wow INTJ _005195321 390 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 5 590 590 NUM _005195321 390 6 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 7 kob kob PROPN _005195321 390 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 9 1180 1180 NUM _005195321 390 10 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 11 wben wben NOUN _005195321 390 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 13 900 900 NUM _005195321 390 14 kc kc NOUN _005195321 390 15 weaf weaf NOUN _005195321 390 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 17 660 660 NUM _005195321 390 18 kc kc NOUN _005195321 390 19 wgy wgy PROPN _005195321 390 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 21 790 790 NUM _005195321 390 22 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 23 wwnc wwnc NOUN _005195321 390 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 25 570 570 NUM _005195321 390 26 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 27 wsoc wsoc NOUN _005195321 390 28 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 29 1210 1210 NUM _005195321 390 30 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 31 wptf wptf PROPN _005195321 390 32 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 33 680 680 NUM _005195321 390 34 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 35 kfyr kfyr NOUN _005195321 390 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 37 550 550 NUM _005195321 390 38 kc kc NOUN _005195321 390 39 wday wday PROPN _005195321 390 40 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 41 940 940 NUM _005195321 390 42 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 43 wsai wsai PROPN _005195321 390 44 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 45 1330 1330 NUM _005195321 390 46 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 47 wtam wtam PROPN _005195321 390 48 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 49 1070 1070 NUM _005195321 390 50 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 51 wky wky PROPN _005195321 390 52 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 53 900 900 NUM _005195321 390 54 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 55 kex kex PROPN _005195321 390 56 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 57 1180 1180 NUM _005195321 390 58 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 59 wsan wsan PROPN _005195321 390 60 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 61 1440 1440 NUM _005195321 390 62 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 63 kyw kyw PROPN _005195321 390 64 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 65 1020 1020 NUM _005195321 390 66 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 67 wcae wcae PROPN _005195321 390 68 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 69 1220 1220 NUM _005195321 390 70 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 71 wjar wjar PROPN _005195321 390 72 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 73 890 890 NUM _005195321 390 74 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 75 wcsc wcsc PROPN _005195321 390 76 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 77 1360 1360 NUM _005195321 390 78 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 79 wis wis PROPN _005195321 390 80 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 81 560 560 NUM _005195321 390 82 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 83 wfbc wfbc PROPN _005195321 390 84 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 85 1300 1300 NUM _005195321 390 86 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 87 wsm wsm PROPN _005195321 390 88 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 89 650 650 NUM _005195321 390 90 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 91 kgnc kgnc PROPN _005195321 390 92 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 93 1410 1410 NUM _005195321 390 94 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 95 .... .... PUNCT _005195321 390 96 ktsm ktsm PROPN _005195321 390 97 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 98 1310 1310 NUM _005195321 390 99 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 100 kprc kprc PROPN _005195321 390 101 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 102 920 920 NUM _005195321 390 103 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 104 woai woai PROPN _005195321 390 105 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 106 1190 1190 NUM _005195321 390 107 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 108 kdyl kdyl PROPN _005195321 390 109 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 110 1290 1290 NUM _005195321 390 111 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 112 wmbg wmbg PROPN _005195321 390 113 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 114 1350 1350 NUM _005195321 390 115 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 116 komo komo PROPN _005195321 390 117 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 118 920 920 NUM _005195321 390 119 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 120 khq khq PROPN _005195321 390 121 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 122 590 590 NUM _005195321 390 123 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 124 wiba wiba PROPN _005195321 390 125 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 126 1280 1280 NUM _005195321 390 127 kc kc PROPN _005195321 390 128 kgu kgu PROPN _005195321 390 129 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 130 750 750 NUM _005195321 390 131 kc kc NOUN _005195321 390 132 short short ADJ _005195321 390 133 wave wave NOUN _005195321 390 134 stations station NOUN _005195321 390 135 w2xad w2xad PROPN _005195321 390 136 schenectady schenectady NOUN _005195321 390 137 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 138 n. n. PROPN _005195321 390 139 y y PROPN _005195321 390 140 15.33 15.33 NUM _005195321 390 141 meg meg PROPN _005195321 390 142 w2xaf w2xaf PROPN _005195321 390 143 schenectady schenectady NOUN _005195321 390 144 , , PUNCT _005195321 390 145 n. n. PROPN _005195321 390 146 y y PROPN _005195321 390 147 9.53 9.53 NUM _005195321 390 148 meg meg PROPN _005195321 390 149 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 390 150 hour hour NOUN _005195321 390 151 radio radio NOUN _005195321 390 152 addresses address NOUN _005195321 390 153 in in ADP _005195321 390 154 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _005195321 390 155 form form NOUN _005195321 390 156 our our PRON _005195321 390 157 sunday sunday PROPN _005195321 390 158 visitor visitor NOUN _005195321 390 159 is be AUX _005195321 390 160 the the DET _005195321 390 161 authorized authorized ADJ _005195321 390 162 publisher publisher NOUN _005195321 390 163 of of ADP _005195321 390 164 all all DET _005195321 390 165 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 390 166 hour hour NOUN _005195321 390 167 addresses address NOUN _005195321 390 168 in in ADP _005195321 390 169 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _005195321 390 170 form form NOUN _005195321 390 171 . . PUNCT _005195321 391 1 the the DET _005195321 391 2 addresses address NOUN _005195321 391 3 published publish VERB _005195321 391 4 to to ADP _005195321 391 5 date date NOUN _005195321 391 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 391 7 all all PRON _005195321 391 8 of of ADP _005195321 391 9 which which PRON _005195321 391 10 are be AUX _005195321 391 11 available available ADJ _005195321 391 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 391 13 are be AUX _005195321 391 14 listed list VERB _005195321 391 15 below below ADV _005195321 391 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 392 1 others other NOUN _005195321 392 2 will will AUX _005195321 392 3 be be AUX _005195321 392 4 published publish VERB _005195321 392 5 as as SCONJ _005195321 392 6 they they PRON _005195321 392 7 are be AUX _005195321 392 8 delivered deliver VERB _005195321 392 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 393 1 quantity quantity NOUN _005195321 393 2 prices price NOUN _005195321 393 3 do do AUX _005195321 393 4 not not PART _005195321 393 5 include include VERB _005195321 393 6 carriage carriage NOUN _005195321 393 7 charge charge NOUN _005195321 393 8 “ " PUNCT _005195321 393 9 the the DET _005195321 393 10 divine divine ADJ _005195321 393 11 romance romance NOUN _005195321 393 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 393 13 ” " PUNCT _005195321 393 14 by by ADP _005195321 393 15 rt rt PROPN _005195321 393 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 393 17 rev rev PROPN _005195321 393 18 . . PROPN _005195321 393 19 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 393 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 394 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 394 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 394 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 394 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 394 5 80 80 NUM _005195321 394 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 394 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 394 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 394 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 395 1 single single ADJ _005195321 395 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 395 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 395 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 395 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 395 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 395 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 395 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 395 9 more more ADJ _005195321 395 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 395 11 10c 10c X _005195321 395 12 each each PRON _005195321 395 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 396 1 in in ADP _005195321 396 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 396 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 396 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 396 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 396 6 per per ADP _005195321 396 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 396 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 397 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 397 2 the the DET _005195321 397 3 moral moral ADJ _005195321 397 4 order order NOUN _005195321 397 5 * * PUNCT _005195321 397 6 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 397 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 397 8 “ " PUNCT _005195321 397 9 mary mary PROPN _005195321 397 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 397 11 the the DET _005195321 397 12 mother mother NOUN _005195321 397 13 of of ADP _005195321 397 14 jesus jesus PROPN _005195321 397 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 397 16 ” " PUNCT _005195321 397 17 by by ADP _005195321 397 18 rev rev PROPN _005195321 397 19 . . PROPN _005195321 397 20 dr dr PROPN _005195321 397 21 . . PROPN _005195321 397 22 geo geo PROPN _005195321 397 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 398 1 johnson johnson PROPN _005195321 398 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 398 3 64 64 NUM _005195321 398 4 pages page NOUN _005195321 398 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 398 6 cover cover VERB _005195321 398 7 . . PUNCT _005195321 399 1 single single ADJ _005195321 399 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 399 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 399 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 399 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 399 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 399 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 399 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 399 9 more more ADJ _005195321 399 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 399 11 8c 8c X _005195321 399 12 each each PRON _005195321 399 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 400 1 in in ADP _005195321 400 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 400 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 400 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 400 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 400 6 per per ADP _005195321 400 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 400 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 401 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 401 2 a a DET _005195321 401 3 triology triology NOUN _005195321 401 4 on on ADP _005195321 401 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005195321 401 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 401 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 401 8 by by ADP _005195321 401 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 401 10 . . PROPN _005195321 401 11 thomas thomas PROPN _005195321 401 12 ' ' PART _005195321 401 13 f. f. PROPN _005195321 401 14 burke burke PROPN _005195321 401 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 401 16 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 401 17 . . PROPN _005195321 401 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 401 19 32 32 NUM _005195321 401 20 pages page NOUN _005195321 401 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 401 22 cover cover VERB _005195321 401 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 402 1 single single ADJ _005195321 402 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 402 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 402 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 402 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 402 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 402 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 402 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 402 9 more more ADJ _005195321 402 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 402 11 8c 8c X _005195321 402 12 each each PRON _005195321 402 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 403 1 in in ADP _005195321 403 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 403 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 403 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 403 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 403 6 per per ADP _005195321 403 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 403 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 404 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 404 2 the the DET _005195321 404 3 story story NOUN _005195321 404 4 of of ADP _005195321 404 5 the the DET _005195321 404 6 bible bible NOUN _005195321 404 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 404 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 404 9 by by ADP _005195321 404 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 404 11 . . PROPN _005195321 404 12 dr dr PROPN _005195321 404 13 . . PROPN _005195321 404 14 francis francis PROPN _005195321 404 15 l. l. PROPN _005195321 404 16 keenan keenan PROPN _005195321 404 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 405 1 64 64 NUM _005195321 405 2 pages page NOUN _005195321 405 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 405 4 cover cover VERB _005195321 405 5 . . PUNCT _005195321 406 1 single single ADJ _005195321 406 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 406 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 406 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 406 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 406 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 406 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 406 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 406 9 more more ADJ _005195321 406 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 406 11 8c 8c X _005195321 406 12 each each PRON _005195321 406 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 407 1 in in ADP _005195321 407 2 quantities1 quantities1 PROPN _005195321 407 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 407 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 407 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 407 6 per per ADP _005195321 407 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 407 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 408 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 408 2 four four NUM _005195321 408 3 religious religious ADJ _005195321 408 4 founders founder NOUN _005195321 408 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 408 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 408 7 by by ADP _005195321 408 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 408 9 . . PROPN _005195321 408 10 dr dr PROPN _005195321 408 11 . . PROPN _005195321 408 12 francis francis PROPN _005195321 408 13 j. j. PROPN _005195321 408 14 connell connell PROPN _005195321 408 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 408 16 c. c. PROPN _005195321 408 17 ss ss PROPN _005195321 408 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 409 1 r. r. PROPN _005195321 409 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 3 rev rev PROPN _005195321 409 4 . . PROPN _005195321 409 5 benedict benedict PROPN _005195321 409 6 bradley bradley PROPN _005195321 409 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 8 o.s.b o.s.b PROPN _005195321 409 9 . . PROPN _005195321 409 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 11 rev rev PROPN _005195321 409 12 . . PROPN _005195321 409 13 thomas thomas PROPN _005195321 409 14 m. m. PROPN _005195321 409 15 schwertner schwertner PROPN _005195321 409 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 17 o.p o.p PROPN _005195321 409 18 . . PROPN _005195321 409 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 20 rev rev PROPN _005195321 409 21 . . PROPN _005195321 409 22 sigmund sigmund PROPN _005195321 409 23 cratz cratz PROPN _005195321 409 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 25 o.m o.m PROPN _005195321 409 26 . . PROPN _005195321 409 27 cap cap PROPN _005195321 409 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 409 29 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 30 and and CCONJ _005195321 409 31 rev rev PROPN _005195321 409 32 . . PROPN _005195321 409 33 m. m. PROPN _005195321 409 34 j. j. PROPN _005195321 409 35 ahern ahern PROPN _005195321 409 36 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 37 s. s. PROPN _005195321 409 38 j. j. PROPN _005195321 409 39 , , PUNCT _005195321 409 40 56 56 NUM _005195321 409 41 pages page NOUN _005195321 409 42 and and CCONJ _005195321 409 43 cover cover VERB _005195321 409 44 . . PUNCT _005195321 410 1 single single ADJ _005195321 410 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 410 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 410 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 410 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 410 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 410 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 410 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 410 9 more more ADJ _005195321 410 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 410 11 8c 8c X _005195321 410 12 each each PRON _005195321 410 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 411 1 in in ADP _005195321 411 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 411 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 411 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 411 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 411 6 per per ADP _005195321 411 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 411 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 412 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 412 2 the the DET _005195321 412 3 philosophy philosophy NOUN _005195321 412 4 of of ADP _005195321 412 5 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 412 6 education education NOUN _005195321 412 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 412 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 412 9 by by ADP _005195321 412 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 412 11 . . PROPN _005195321 412 12 dr dr PROPN _005195321 412 13 . . PROPN _005195321 412 14 charles charles PROPN _005195321 412 15 l. l. PROPN _005195321 412 16 o’donnell o’donnell PROPN _005195321 412 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 412 18 c.s.c c.s.c PROPN _005195321 412 19 . . PROPN _005195321 412 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 412 21 32 32 NUM _005195321 412 22 pages page NOUN _005195321 412 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 412 24 cover cover VERB _005195321 412 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 413 1 single single ADJ _005195321 413 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 413 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 413 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 413 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 413 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 413 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 413 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 413 9 more more ADJ _005195321 413 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 413 11 8c 8c X _005195321 413 12 each each PRON _005195321 413 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 414 1 in in ADP _005195321 414 2 quantities- quantities- PROPN _005195321 414 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 414 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 414 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 414 6 per per ADP _005195321 414 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 414 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 415 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 415 2 christianity christianity NOUN _005195321 415 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 415 4 the the DET _005195321 415 5 modern modern ADJ _005195321 415 6 mind mind NOUN _005195321 415 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 415 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 415 9 by by ADP _005195321 415 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 415 11 . . PROPN _005195321 415 12 john john PROPN _005195321 415 13 a. a. PROPN _005195321 415 14 mcclorey mcclorey PROPN _005195321 415 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 415 16 s.j s.j PROPN _005195321 415 17 . . PROPN _005195321 415 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 415 19 64 64 NUM _005195321 415 20 pages page NOUN _005195321 415 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 415 22 cover cover VERB _005195321 415 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 416 1 single single ADJ _005195321 416 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 416 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 416 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 416 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 416 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 416 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 416 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 416 9 more more ADJ _005195321 416 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 416 11 8c 8c X _005195321 416 12 each each PRON _005195321 416 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 417 1 in in ADP _005195321 417 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 417 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 417 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 417 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 417 6 per per ADP _005195321 417 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 417 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 418 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 418 2 the the DET _005195321 418 3 moral moral ADJ _005195321 418 4 law law NOUN _005195321 418 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 418 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 418 7 by by ADP _005195321 418 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 418 9 . . PROPN _005195321 418 10 james james PROPN _005195321 418 11 m. m. PROPN _005195321 418 12 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 418 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 418 14 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 418 15 . . PROPN _005195321 418 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 418 17 88 88 NUM _005195321 418 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 418 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 418 20 cover cover VERB _005195321 418 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 419 1 single single ADJ _005195321 419 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 419 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 419 4 20c 20c PROPN _005195321 419 5 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 419 6 5 5 NUM _005195321 419 7 or or CCONJ _005195321 419 8 more more ADJ _005195321 419 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 419 10 15c 15c X _005195321 419 11 each each PRON _005195321 419 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 420 1 in in ADP _005195321 420 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 420 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 420 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 420 5 9.50 9.50 NUM _005195321 420 6 per per ADP _005195321 420 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 420 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 421 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 421 2 christ christ PROPN _005195321 421 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 421 4 his his PRON _005195321 421 5 church church NOUN _005195321 421 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 421 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 421 8 by by ADP _005195321 421 9 rt rt PROPN _005195321 421 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 421 11 rev rev PROPN _005195321 421 12 . . PROPN _005195321 421 13 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 421 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 422 1 joseph joseph PROPN _005195321 422 2 m. m. PROPN _005195321 422 3 corrigan corrigan PROPN _005195321 422 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 422 5 88 88 NUM _005195321 422 6 pagesand pagesand NOUN _005195321 422 7 cover cover NOUN _005195321 422 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 423 1 single single ADJ _005195321 423 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 423 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 423 4 20c 20c X _005195321 423 5 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 423 6 postpaid postpaid NOUN _005195321 423 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 423 8 5 5 NUM _005195321 423 9 or or CCONJ _005195321 423 10 more more ADJ _005195321 423 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 423 12 15c 15c X _005195321 423 13 each each PRON _005195321 423 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 424 1 in in ADP _005195321 424 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 424 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 424 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 424 5 9.50 9.50 NUM _005195321 424 6 per per ADP _005195321 424 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 424 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 425 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 425 2 the the DET _005195321 425 3 marks mark NOUN _005195321 425 4 of of ADP _005195321 425 5 the the DET _005195321 425 6 church church NOUN _005195321 425 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 425 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 425 9 by by ADP _005195321 425 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 425 11 . . PROPN _005195321 425 12 dr dr PROPN _005195321 425 13 . . PROPN _005195321 425 14 john john PROPN _005195321 425 15 k. k. PROPN _005195321 425 16 cartwright cartwright PROPN _005195321 425 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 425 18 46 46 NUM _005195321 425 19 pages page NOUN _005195321 425 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 425 21 cover cover VERB _005195321 425 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 426 1 single single ADJ _005195321 426 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 426 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 426 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 426 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 426 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 426 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 426 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 426 9 m m NOUN _005195321 426 10 - - NOUN _005195321 426 11 ore ore NOUN _005195321 426 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 426 13 10c 10c X _005195321 426 14 each each PRON _005195321 426 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 427 1 in in ADP _005195321 427 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 427 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 427 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 427 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 427 6 per per ADP _005195321 427 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 427 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 428 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 428 2 the the DET _005195321 428 3 organization organization NOUN _005195321 428 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 428 5 government government NOUN _005195321 428 6 of of ADP _005195321 428 7 the the DET _005195321 428 8 church church NOUN _005195321 428 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 428 10 ” " PUNCT _005195321 428 11 by by ADP _005195321 428 12 r^ev r^ev PROPN _005195321 428 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 428 14 dr dr PROPN _005195321 428 15 . . PROPN _005195321 428 16 francisj francisj PROPN _005195321 428 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 429 1 connell connell PROPN _005195321 429 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 429 3 PROPN _005195321 429 4 . . PROPN _005195321 429 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 429 6 48 48 NUM _005195321 429 7 pages page NOUN _005195321 429 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 429 9 cover cover VERB _005195321 429 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 430 1 single single ADJ _005195321 430 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 430 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 430 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 430 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 430 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 430 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 430 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 430 9 more more ADJ _005195321 430 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 430 11 8c 8c X _005195321 430 12 each each PRON _005195321 430 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 431 1 in in ADP _005195321 431 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 431 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 431 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 431 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 431 6 per per ADP _005195321 431 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 431 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 432 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 432 2 moral moral ADJ _005195321 432 3 factors factor NOUN _005195321 432 4 in in ADP _005195321 432 5 economic economic ADJ _005195321 432 6 life life NOUN _005195321 432 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 432 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 432 9 by by ADP _005195321 432 10 rt rt PROPN _005195321 432 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 432 12 rev rev PROPN _005195321 432 13 . . PROPN _005195321 432 14 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 432 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 433 1 francis francis PROPN _005195321 433 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 433 3 haas haas PROPN _005195321 433 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 433 5 rt rt PROPN _005195321 433 6 . . PUNCT _005195321 433 7 rev rev PROPN _005195321 433 8 . . PROPN _005195321 433 9 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 433 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 434 1 john john PROPN _005195321 434 2 a. a. PROPN _005195321 434 3 ryan ryan PROPN _005195321 434 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 434 5 32 32 NUM _005195321 434 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 434 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 434 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 434 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 435 1 single single ADJ _005195321 435 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 435 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 435 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 435 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 435 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 435 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 435 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 435 9 more more ADJ _005195321 435 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 435 11 8c 8c X _005195321 435 12 each each PRON _005195321 435 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 436 1 in in ADP _005195321 436 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 436 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 436 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 436 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 436 6 per per ADP _005195321 436 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 436 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 437 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 437 2 divine divine ADJ _005195321 437 3 helps help NOUN _005195321 437 4 for for ADP _005195321 437 5 man man NOUN _005195321 437 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 437 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 437 8 by by ADP _005195321 437 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 437 10 . . PROPN _005195321 437 11 dr dr PROPN _005195321 437 12 . . PROPN _005195321 437 13 edward edward PROPN _005195321 437 14 j. j. PROPN _005195321 437 15 walsh walsh PROPN _005195321 437 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 437 17 c.m c.m PROPN _005195321 437 18 . . PROPN _005195321 437 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 437 20 104 104 NUM _005195321 437 21 pages page NOUN _005195321 437 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 437 23 cover cover VERB _005195321 437 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 438 1 single single ADJ _005195321 438 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 438 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 438 4 25c 25c NOUN _005195321 438 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 438 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 438 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 438 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 438 9 more more ADJ _005195321 438 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 438 11 20c 20c X _005195321 438 12 each each PRON _005195321 438 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 439 1 in in ADP _005195321 439 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 439 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 439 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 439 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _005195321 439 6 per per ADP _005195321 439 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 439 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 440 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 440 2 the the DET _005195321 440 3 parables parable NOUN _005195321 440 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 440 5 ” " PUNCT _005195321 440 6 by by ADP _005195321 440 7 rev rev PROPN _005195321 440 8 . . PROPN _005195321 440 9 john john PROPN _005195321 440 10 a. a. PROPN _005195321 440 11 mcclorey mcclorey PROPN _005195321 440 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 440 13 s.j s.j PROPN _005195321 440 14 . . PROPN _005195321 440 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 440 16 128 128 NUM _005195321 440 17 pages page NOUN _005195321 440 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 440 19 cover cover VERB _005195321 440 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 441 1 single single ADJ _005195321 441 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 441 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 441 4 30c 30c NOUN _005195321 441 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 441 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 441 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 441 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 441 9 more more ADJ _005195321 441 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 441 11 20c 20c X _005195321 441 12 each each PRON _005195321 441 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 442 1 in in ADP _005195321 442 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 442 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 442 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 442 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _005195321 442 6 per per ADP _005195321 442 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 442 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 443 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 443 2 christianity christianity PROPN _005195321 443 3 ’s ’s PART _005195321 443 4 contribution contribution NOUN _005195321 443 5 to to ADP _005195321 443 6 civilization civilization NOUN _005195321 443 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 443 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 443 9 by by ADP _005195321 443 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 443 11 . . PROPN _005195321 444 1 jamesm jamesm PROPN _005195321 444 2 . . PUNCT _005195321 445 1 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 445 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 445 3 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 445 4 . . PROPN _005195321 445 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 445 6 96 96 NUM _005195321 445 7 pages page NOUN _005195321 445 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 445 9 cover cover VERB _005195321 445 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 446 1 single single ADJ _005195321 446 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 446 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 446 4 20c 20c NOUN _005195321 446 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 446 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 446 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 446 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 446 9 more more ADJ _005195321 446 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 446 11 15c 15c X _005195321 446 12 each each PRON _005195321 446 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 447 1 in in ADP _005195321 447 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 447 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 447 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 447 5 10.00 10.00 NUM _005195321 447 6 per per ADP _005195321 447 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 447 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 448 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 448 2 manifestations manifestation NOUN _005195321 448 3 of of ADP _005195321 448 4 christ christ PROPN _005195321 448 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 448 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 448 7 by by ADP _005195321 448 8 rt rt PROPN _005195321 448 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 448 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 448 11 . . PROPN _005195321 448 12 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 448 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 449 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 449 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 449 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 449 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 449 5 123 123 NUM _005195321 449 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 449 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 449 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 449 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 450 1 single single ADJ _005195321 450 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 450 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 450 4 30c 30c NOUN _005195321 450 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 450 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 450 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 450 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 450 9 more more ADJ _005195321 450 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 450 11 20c 20c X _005195321 450 12 each each PRON _005195321 450 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 451 1 in in ADP _005195321 451 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 451 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 451 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 451 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _005195321 451 6 per per ADP _005195321 451 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 451 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 452 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 452 2 the the DET _005195321 452 3 way way NOUN _005195321 452 4 of of ADP _005195321 452 5 the the DET _005195321 452 6 cross cross NOUN _005195321 452 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 452 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 452 9 by by ADP _005195321 452 10 rt rt PROPN _005195321 452 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 452 12 rev rev PROPN _005195321 452 13 . . PROPN _005195321 452 14 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 452 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 453 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 453 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 453 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 453 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 453 5 32 32 NUM _005195321 453 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 453 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 453 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 453 9 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 453 10 prayer prayer NOUN _005195321 453 11 book book NOUN _005195321 453 12 size size NOUN _005195321 453 13 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 453 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 454 1 single single ADJ _005195321 454 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 454 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 454 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 454 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 454 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 454 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 454 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 454 9 more more ADJ _005195321 454 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 454 11 5c 5c PROPN _005195321 454 12 each each PRON _005195321 454 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 455 1 in in ADP _005195321 455 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 455 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 455 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 455 5 3.00 3.00 NUM _005195321 455 6 per per ADP _005195321 455 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 455 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 456 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 456 2 christ christ PROPN _005195321 456 3 today today NOUN _005195321 456 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 456 5 ” " PUNCT _005195321 456 6 by by ADP _005195321 456 7 very very ADV _005195321 456 8 rev rev ADJ _005195321 456 9 . . PROPN _005195321 456 10 dr dr PROPN _005195321 456 11 . . PROPN _005195321 456 12 ignatius ignatius PROPN _005195321 456 13 smith smith PROPN _005195321 456 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 456 15 o. o. PROPN _005195321 456 16 p. p. PROPN _005195321 456 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 456 18 48 48 NUM _005195321 456 19 pages page NOUN _005195321 456 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 456 21 cover cover VERB _005195321 456 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 457 1 single single ADJ _005195321 457 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 457 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 457 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 457 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 457 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 457 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 457 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 457 9 more more ADJ _005195321 457 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 457 11 8c 8c X _005195321 457 12 each each PRON _005195321 457 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 458 1 in in ADP _005195321 458 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 458 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 458 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 458 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 458 6 per per ADP _005195321 458 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 458 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 459 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 459 2 the the DET _005195321 459 3 church church NOUN _005195321 459 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 459 5 the the DET _005195321 459 6 depression/ depression/ NUM _005195321 459 7 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 459 8 by by ADP _005195321 459 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 459 10 . . PROPN _005195321 459 11 james james PROPN _005195321 459 12 m. m. PROPN _005195321 459 13 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 459 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 459 15 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 459 16 . . PROPN _005195321 459 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 459 18 80 80 NUM _005195321 459 19 pages page NOUN _005195321 459 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 459 21 cover cover VERB _005195321 459 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 460 1 single single ADJ _005195321 460 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 460 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 460 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 460 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 460 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 460 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 460 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 460 9 more more ADJ _005195321 460 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 460 11 10c 10c X _005195321 460 12 each each PRON _005195321 460 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 461 1 in in ADP _005195321 461 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 461 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 461 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 461 5 8.tf0 8.tf0 NUM _005195321 461 6 per per ADP _005195321 461 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 461 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 462 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 462 2 the the DET _005195321 462 3 fullness fullness NOUN _005195321 462 4 of of ADP _005195321 462 5 christ christ PROPN _005195321 462 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 462 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 462 8 by by ADP _005195321 462 9 rt rt PROPN _005195321 462 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 462 11 rev rev PROPN _005195321 462 12 . . PROPN _005195321 462 13 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 462 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 463 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 463 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 463 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 463 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 463 5 176 176 NUM _005195321 463 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 463 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 463 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 463 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 464 1 single single ADJ _005195321 464 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 464 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 464 4 45c 45c NOUN _005195321 464 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 464 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 464 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 464 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 464 9 more more ADJ _005195321 464 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 464 11 30c 30c X _005195321 464 12 each each PRON _005195321 464 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 465 1 in in ADP _005195321 465 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 465 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 465 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 465 5 16.50 16.50 NUM _005195321 465 6 per per ADP _005195321 465 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 465 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 466 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 466 2 the the DET _005195321 466 3 church church NOUN _005195321 466 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 466 5 modern modern ADJ _005195321 466 6 thought/ thought/ NUM _005195321 466 7 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 466 8 by by ADP _005195321 466 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 466 10 . . PROPN _005195321 466 11 james james PROPN _005195321 466 12 m. m. PROPN _005195321 466 13 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 466 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 466 15 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 466 16 . . PROPN _005195321 466 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 466 18 80 80 NUM _005195321 466 19 pages page NOUN _005195321 466 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 466 21 cover cover VERB _005195321 466 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 467 1 single single ADJ _005195321 467 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 467 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 467 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 467 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 467 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 467 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 467 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 467 9 more more ADJ _005195321 467 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 467 11 10c 10c X _005195321 467 12 each each PRON _005195321 467 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 468 1 in in ADP _005195321 468 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 468 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 468 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 468 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 468 6 per per ADP _005195321 468 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 468 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 469 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 469 2 misunderstood misunderstood NOUN _005195321 469 3 truths truth NOUN _005195321 469 4 . . PUNCT _005195321 469 5 ” " PUNCT _005195321 470 1 by by ADP _005195321 470 2 most most ADJ _005195321 470 3 rev rev ADJ _005195321 470 4 . . PROPN _005195321 470 5 duane duane PROPN _005195321 470 6 g. g. PROPN _005195321 470 7 hunt hunt PROPN _005195321 470 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 470 9 48 48 NUM _005195321 470 10 pages page NOUN _005195321 470 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 470 12 cover cover VERB _005195321 470 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 471 1 single single ADJ _005195321 471 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 471 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 471 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 471 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 471 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 471 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 471 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 471 9 more more ADJ _005195321 471 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 471 11 8c 8c X _005195321 471 12 each each PRON _005195321 471 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 472 1 in in ADP _005195321 472 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 472 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 472 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 472 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 472 6 per per ADP _005195321 472 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 472 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 473 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 473 2 the the DET _005195321 473 3 judgment judgment NOUN _005195321 473 4 of of ADP _005195321 473 5 god god PROPN _005195321 473 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 473 7 the the DET _005195321 473 8 sense sense NOUN _005195321 473 9 of of ADP _005195321 473 10 duty duty NOUN _005195321 473 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 473 12 ” " PUNCT _005195321 473 13 by by ADP _005195321 473 14 r*t r*t PROPN _005195321 473 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 473 16 rev rev PROPN _005195321 473 17 . . PROPN _005195321 473 18 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 473 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 474 1 william william PROPN _005195321 474 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 474 3 kerby kerby PROPN _005195321 474 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 474 5 16 16 NUM _005195321 474 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 474 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 474 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 474 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 475 1 single single ADJ _005195321 475 2 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 475 3 copy copy NOUN _005195321 475 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 475 5 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 475 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 475 7 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 475 8 5 5 NUM _005195321 475 9 or or CCONJ _005195321 475 10 more more ADJ _005195321 475 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 475 12 5c 5c PROPN _005195321 475 13 each each PRON _005195321 475 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 476 1 in in ADP _005195321 476 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 476 3 ' ' PART _005195321 476 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 476 5 $ $ SYM _005195321 476 6 3.50 3.50 NUM _005195321 476 7 per per ADP _005195321 476 8 100 100 NUM _005195321 476 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 477 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 477 2 christian christian ADJ _005195321 477 3 education education NOUN _005195321 477 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 477 5 ” " PUNCT _005195321 477 6 by by ADP _005195321 477 7 rev rev PROPN _005195321 477 8 . . PROPN _005195321 477 9 dr dr PROPN _005195321 477 10 . . PROPN _005195321 477 11 james james PROPN _005195321 477 12 a. a. PROPN _005195321 477 13 reeves reeve NOUN _005195321 477 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 477 15 32 32 NUM _005195321 477 16 pages page NOUN _005195321 477 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 477 18 cover cover VERB _005195321 477 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 478 1 single single ADJ _005195321 478 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 478 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 478 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 478 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 478 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 478 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 478 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 478 9 more more ADJ _005195321 478 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 478 11 8c 8c X _005195321 478 12 each each PRON _005195321 478 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 479 1 in in ADP _005195321 479 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 479 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 479 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 479 5 3.50 3.50 NUM _005195321 479 6 per per ADP _005195321 479 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 479 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 480 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 480 2 what what PRON _005195321 480 3 civilization civilization NOUN _005195321 480 4 owes owe VERB _005195321 480 5 to to ADP _005195321 480 6 the the DET _005195321 480 7 church church NOUN _005195321 480 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 480 9 ” " PUNCT _005195321 480 10 by by ADP _005195321 480 11 rt rt PROPN _005195321 480 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 480 13 rev rev PROPN _005195321 480 14 . . PROPN _005195321 480 15 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 480 16 . . PUNCT _005195321 481 1 william william PROPN _005195321 481 2 quinn quinn PROPN _005195321 481 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 481 4 64 64 NUM _005195321 481 5 pages page NOUN _005195321 481 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 481 7 cover cover VERB _005195321 481 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 482 1 single single ADJ _005195321 482 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 482 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 482 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 482 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 482 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 482 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 482 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 482 9 more more ADJ _005195321 482 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 482 11 8c 8c X _005195321 482 12 each each PRON _005195321 482 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 483 1 in in ADP _005195321 483 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 483 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 483 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 483 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 483 6 per per ADP _005195321 483 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 483 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 484 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 484 2 if if SCONJ _005195321 484 3 not not PART _005195321 484 4 christianity christianity ADJ _005195321 484 5 : : PUNCT _005195321 484 6 what what PRON _005195321 484 7 ? ? PUNCT _005195321 484 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 484 9 by by ADP _005195321 484 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 484 11 . . PROPN _005195321 484 12 james james PROPN _005195321 484 13 m. m. PROPN _005195321 484 14 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 484 15 ' ' PROPN _005195321 484 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 484 17 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 484 18 . . PROPN _005195321 484 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 484 20 96 96 NUM _005195321 484 21 pages page NOUN _005195321 484 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 484 23 cover cover VERB _005195321 484 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 485 1 single single ADJ _005195321 485 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 485 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 485 4 20c 20c NOUN _005195321 485 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 485 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 485 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 485 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 485 9 more more ADJ _005195321 485 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 485 11 15c 15c X _005195321 485 12 each each PRON _005195321 485 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 486 1 in in ADP _005195321 486 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 486 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 486 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 486 5 10.00 10.00 NUM _005195321 486 6 per per ADP _005195321 486 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 486 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 487 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 487 2 the the DET _005195321 487 3 prodigal prodigal ADJ _005195321 487 4 world world NOUN _005195321 487 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 487 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 487 7 by by ADP _005195321 487 8 rt rt PROPN _005195321 487 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 487 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 487 11 . . PROPN _005195321 487 12 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 487 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 488 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 488 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 488 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 488 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 488 5 140 140 NUM _005195321 488 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 488 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 488 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 488 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 489 1 single single ADJ _005195321 489 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 489 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 489 4 35c 35c NOUN _005195321 489 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 489 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 489 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 489 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 489 9 more more ADJ _005195321 489 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 489 11 25c 25c NOUN _005195321 489 12 each each PRON _005195321 489 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 490 1 in in ADP _005195321 490 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 490 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 490 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 490 5 16.00 16.00 NUM _005195321 490 6 per per ADP _005195321 490 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 490 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 491 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 491 2 the the DET _005195321 491 3 coin coin NOUN _005195321 491 4 of of ADP _005195321 491 5 our our PRON _005195321 491 6 tribute tribute NOUN _005195321 491 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 491 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 491 9 by by ADP _005195321 491 10 very very ADV _005195321 491 11 rev rev ADJ _005195321 491 12 . . PROPN _005195321 491 13 thomas thomas PROPN _005195321 491 14 f. f. PROPN _005195321 491 15 conlon conlon PROPN _005195321 491 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 491 17 o.p o.p PROPN _005195321 491 18 . . PROPN _005195321 491 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 491 20 40 40 NUM _005195321 491 21 pages page NOUN _005195321 491 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 491 23 cover cover VERB _005195321 491 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 492 1 single single ADJ _005195321 492 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 492 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 492 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 492 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 492 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 492 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 492 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 492 9 more more ADJ _005195321 492 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 492 11 8c 8c X _005195321 492 12 each each PRON _005195321 492 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 493 1 in in ADP _005195321 493 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 493 3 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 493 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 493 5 $ $ SYM _005195321 493 6 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 493 7 per per ADP _005195321 493 8 100 100 NUM _005195321 493 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 494 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 494 2 pope pope PROPN _005195321 494 3 pius pius PROPN _005195321 494 4 xi xi PROPN _005195321 494 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 494 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 494 7 by by ADP _005195321 494 8 his his PRON _005195321 494 9 eminence eminence NOUN _005195321 494 10 patrick patrick ADJ _005195321 494 11 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005195321 494 12 hayes hayes PROPN _005195321 494 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 495 1 an an DET _005195321 495 2 address address NOUN _005195321 495 3 in in ADP _005195321 495 4 honor honor NOUN _005195321 495 5 of of ADP _005195321 495 6 the the DET _005195321 495 7 79th 79th ADJ _005195321 495 8 birth birth NOUN _005195321 495 9 of of ADP _005195321 495 10 his his PRON _005195321 495 11 holiness holiness NOUN _005195321 495 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 495 13 16 16 NUM _005195321 495 14 pages page NOUN _005195321 495 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 495 16 4 4 NUM _005195321 495 17 - - PUNCT _005195321 495 18 color color NOUN _005195321 495 19 cover cover NOUN _005195321 495 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 496 1 single single ADJ _005195321 496 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 496 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 496 4 10!c 10!c NUM _005195321 496 5 postpaid postpaid NOUN _005195321 496 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 496 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 496 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 496 9 more more ADJ _005195321 496 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 496 11 8c 8c X _005195321 496 12 each each PRON _005195321 496 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 497 1 in in ADP _005195321 497 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 497 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 497 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 497 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 497 6 per per ADP _005195321 497 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 497 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 498 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 498 2 misunderstanding misunderstand VERB _005195321 498 3 the the DET _005195321 498 4 church/ church/ SPACE _005195321 498 5 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 498 6 by by ADP _005195321 498 7 most most ADJ _005195321 498 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 498 9 . . PROPN _005195321 498 10 duane duane PROPN _005195321 498 11 g. g. PROPN _005195321 498 12 hunt hunt PROPN _005195321 498 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 498 14 48 48 NUM _005195321 498 15 pages page NOUN _005195321 498 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 498 17 cover cover VERB _005195321 498 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 499 1 single single ADJ _005195321 499 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 499 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 499 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 499 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 499 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 499 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 499 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 499 9 more more ADJ _005195321 499 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 499 11 8c 8c X _005195321 499 12 each each PRON _005195321 499 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 500 1 in in ADP _005195321 500 2 quantities- quantities- PROPN _005195321 500 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 500 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 500 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 500 6 per per ADP _005195321 500 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 500 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 501 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 501 2 the the DET _005195321 501 3 poetry poetry NOUN _005195321 501 4 of of ADP _005195321 501 5 duty duty NOUN _005195321 501 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 501 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 501 8 by by ADP _005195321 501 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 501 10 . . PROPN _005195321 501 11 alfred alfred PROPN _005195321 501 12 duffy duffy PROPN _005195321 501 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 501 14 c.p c.p PROPN _005195321 501 15 . . PROPN _005195321 501 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 501 17 48 48 NUM _005195321 501 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 501 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 501 20 cover cover VERB _005195321 501 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 502 1 single single ADJ _005195321 502 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 502 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 502 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 502 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 502 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 502 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 502 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 502 9 more more ADJ _005195321 502 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 502 11 8c 8c X _005195321 502 12 each each PRON _005195321 502 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 503 1 in in ADP _005195321 503 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 503 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 503 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 503 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 503 6 per per ADP _005195321 503 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 503 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 504 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 504 2 characteristic characteristic ADJ _005195321 504 3 christian christian ADJ _005195321 504 4 ideals ideal NOUN _005195321 504 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 504 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 504 7 by by ADP _005195321 504 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 504 9 . . PROPN _005195321 504 10 bonaventure bonaventure PROPN _005195321 504 11 mcintyre mcintyre PROPN _005195321 504 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 504 13 o. o. PROPN _005195321 504 14 f.m f.m PROPN _005195321 504 15 . . PROPN _005195321 504 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 504 17 32 32 NUM _005195321 504 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 504 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 504 20 cover cover VERB _005195321 504 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 505 1 single single ADJ _005195321 505 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 505 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 505 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 505 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 505 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 505 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 505 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 505 9 more more ADJ _005195321 505 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 505 11 8c 8c X _005195321 505 12 each each PRON _005195321 505 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 506 1 in in ADP _005195321 506 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 506 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 506 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 506 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 506 6 per per ADP _005195321 506 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 506 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 507 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 507 2 the the DET _005195321 507 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 507 4 church church NOUN _005195321 507 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 507 6 youth youth NOUN _005195321 507 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 507 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 507 9 by by ADP _005195321 507 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 507 11 . . PROPN _005195321 507 12 john john PROPN _005195321 507 13 f. f. PROPN _005195321 507 14 o’hara o’hara PROPN _005195321 507 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 507 16 c.s.c c.s.c PROPN _005195321 507 17 . . PROPN _005195321 507 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 507 19 48 48 NUM _005195321 507 20 pages page NOUN _005195321 507 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 507 22 cover cover VERB _005195321 507 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 508 1 single single ADJ _005195321 508 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 508 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 508 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 508 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 508 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 508 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 508 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 508 9 more more ADJ _005195321 508 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 508 11 8c 8c X _005195321 508 12 each each PRON _005195321 508 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 509 1 in in ADP _005195321 509 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 509 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 509 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 509 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 509 6 per per ADP _005195321 509 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 509 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 510 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 510 2 the the DET _005195321 510 3 spirit spirit NOUN _005195321 510 4 of of ADP _005195321 510 5 the the DET _005195321 510 6 missions mission NOUN _005195321 510 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 510 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 510 9 by by ADP _005195321 510 10 rt rt PROPN _005195321 510 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 510 12 rev rev PROPN _005195321 510 13 . . PROPN _005195321 510 14 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 510 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 511 1 thomas thomas PROPN _005195321 511 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 511 3 mcdonnell mcdonnell PROPN _005195321 511 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 511 5 32 32 NUM _005195321 511 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 511 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 511 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 511 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 512 1 single single ADJ _005195321 512 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 512 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 512 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 512 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 512 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 512 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 512 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 512 9 more more ADJ _005195321 512 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 512 11 8c 8c X _005195321 512 12 each each PRON _005195321 512 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 513 1 in in ADP _005195321 513 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 513 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 513 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 513 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 513 6 per per ADP _005195321 513 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 513 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 514 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 514 2 the the DET _005195321 514 3 life life NOUN _005195321 514 4 of of ADP _005195321 514 5 the the DET _005195321 514 6 soul soul NOUN _005195321 514 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 514 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 514 9 by by ADP _005195321 514 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 514 11 . . PROPN _005195321 514 12 james james PROPN _005195321 514 13 m. m. PROPN _005195321 514 14 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 514 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 514 16 c. c. PROPN _005195321 514 17 s. s. PROPN _005195321 514 18 p. p. PROPN _005195321 514 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 514 20 96 96 NUM _005195321 514 21 pages page NOUN _005195321 514 22 and and CCONJ _005195321 514 23 cover cover VERB _005195321 514 24 . . PUNCT _005195321 515 1 single single ADJ _005195321 515 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 515 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 515 4 20c 20c NOUN _005195321 515 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 515 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 515 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 515 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 515 9 more more ADJ _005195321 515 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 515 11 15c 15c X _005195321 515 12 each each PRON _005195321 515 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 516 1 in in ADP _005195321 516 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 516 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 516 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 516 5 10.00 10.00 NUM _005195321 516 6 per per ADP _005195321 516 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 516 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 517 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 517 2 our our PRON _005195321 517 3 wounded wound VERB _005195321 517 4 world world NOUN _005195321 517 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 517 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 517 7 by by ADP _005195321 517 8 rt rt PROPN _005195321 517 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 517 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 517 11 . . PROPN _005195321 517 12 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 517 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 518 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 518 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 518 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 518 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 518 5 112 112 NUM _005195321 518 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 518 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 518 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 518 9 cover cover VERB _005195321 518 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 519 1 single single ADJ _005195321 519 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 519 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 519 4 25c 25c NOUN _005195321 519 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 519 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 519 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 519 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 519 9 more more ADJ _005195321 519 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 519 11 20c 20c X _005195321 519 12 each each PRON _005195321 519 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 520 1 in in ADP _005195321 520 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 520 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 520 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 520 5 11.50 11.50 NUM _005195321 520 6 per per ADP _005195321 520 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 520 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 521 1 the the DET _005195321 521 2 first first ADJ _005195321 521 3 six six NUM _005195321 521 4 addresses address NOUN _005195321 521 5 in in ADP _005195321 521 6 this this DET _005195321 521 7 series series NOUN _005195321 521 8 published publish VERB _005195321 521 9 separately separately ADV _005195321 521 10 under under ADP _005195321 521 11 the the DET _005195321 521 12 title title NOUN _005195321 521 13 “ " PUNCT _005195321 521 14 freedom freedom NOUN _005195321 521 15 and and CCONJ _005195321 521 16 democracy democracy NOUN _005195321 521 17 : : PUNCT _005195321 521 18 a a DET _005195321 521 19 study study NOUN _005195321 521 20 of of ADP _005195321 521 21 their their PRON _005195321 521 22 enemies enemy NOUN _005195321 521 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 521 24 ” " PUNCT _005195321 521 25 56 56 NUM _005195321 521 26 pages page NOUN _005195321 521 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 521 28 cover cover VERB _005195321 521 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 522 1 single single ADJ _005195321 522 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 522 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 522 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 522 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 522 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 522 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 522 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 522 9 more more ADJ _005195321 522 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 522 11 10c 10c X _005195321 522 12 each each PRON _005195321 522 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 523 1 in in ADP _005195321 523 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 523 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 523 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 523 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 523 6 ' ' PUNCT _005195321 523 7 per per ADP _005195321 523 8 100 100 NUM _005195321 523 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 524 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 524 2 the the DET _005195321 524 3 banquet banquet NOUN _005195321 524 4 of of ADP _005195321 524 5 triumph triumph NOUN _005195321 524 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 524 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 524 8 by by ADP _005195321 524 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 524 10 . . PROPN _005195321 524 11 james james PROPN _005195321 524 12 j. j. PROPN _005195321 524 13 mclarney mclarney PROPN _005195321 524 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 524 15 o. o. PROPN _005195321 524 16 p. p. PROPN _005195321 524 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 524 18 32 32 NUM _005195321 524 19 pages page NOUN _005195321 524 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 524 21 cover cover VERB _005195321 524 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 525 1 single single ADJ _005195321 525 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 525 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 525 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 525 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 525 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 525 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 525 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 525 9 more more ADJ _005195321 525 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 525 11 8c 8c X _005195321 525 12 each each PRON _005195321 525 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 526 1 in in ADP _005195321 526 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 526 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 526 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 526 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 526 6 per per ADP _005195321 526 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 526 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 527 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 527 2 society society NOUN _005195321 527 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 527 4 the the DET _005195321 527 5 social social ADJ _005195321 527 6 encyclicals encyclical NOUN _005195321 527 7 — — PUNCT _005195321 527 8 america america PROPN _005195321 527 9 ’s ’s PROPN _005195321 527 10 road road NOUN _005195321 527 11 out out ADV _005195321 527 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 527 13 ” " PUNCT _005195321 527 14 by by ADP _005195321 527 15 rev rev PROPN _005195321 527 16 . . PROPN _005195321 527 17 r. r. PROPN _005195321 527 18 a. a. PROPN _005195321 527 19 mcgowan mcgowan PROPN _005195321 527 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 527 21 32 32 NUM _005195321 527 22 pages page NOUN _005195321 527 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 527 24 cover cover VERB _005195321 527 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 528 1 single single ADJ _005195321 528 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 528 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 528 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 528 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 528 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 528 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 528 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 528 9 more more ADJ _005195321 528 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 528 11 8c 8c X _005195321 528 12 each each PRON _005195321 528 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 529 1 in in ADP _005195321 529 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 529 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 529 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 529 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 529 6 per per ADP _005195321 529 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 529 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 529 9 ' ' PUNCT _005195321 529 10 ‘ ' PUNCT _005195321 529 11 the the DET _005195321 529 12 christian christian ADJ _005195321 529 13 family family NOUN _005195321 529 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 529 15 " " PUNCT _005195321 529 16 by by ADP _005195321 529 17 rev rev PROPN _005195321 529 18 . . PROPN _005195321 529 19 dr dr PROPN _005195321 529 20 . . PROPN _005195321 529 21 edward edward PROPN _005195321 529 22 lodge lodge PROPN _005195321 529 23 curran curran PROPN _005195321 529 24 , , PUNCT _005195321 529 25 68 68 NUM _005195321 529 26 pages page NOUN _005195321 529 27 and and CCONJ _005195321 529 28 cover cover VERB _005195321 529 29 . . PUNCT _005195321 530 1 single single ADJ _005195321 530 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 530 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 530 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 530 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 530 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 530 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 530 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 530 9 more more ADJ _005195321 530 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 530 11 10c 10c X _005195321 530 12 each each PRON _005195321 530 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 531 1 in in ADP _005195321 531 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 531 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 531 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 531 5 7.00 7.00 NUM _005195321 531 6 per per ADP _005195321 531 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 531 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 532 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 532 2 the the DET _005195321 532 3 dublin dublin PROPN _005195321 532 4 eucharistic eucharistic PROPN _005195321 532 5 congress/ congress/ SPACE _005195321 532 6 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 532 7 by by ADP _005195321 532 8 his his PRON _005195321 532 9 eminence eminence NOUN _005195321 532 10 william william PROPN _005195321 532 11 cardinal cardinal PROPN _005195321 532 12 o’connell o’connell PROPN _005195321 532 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 533 1 an an DET _005195321 533 2 address address NOUN _005195321 533 3 rebroadcast rebroadcast VERB _005195321 533 4 from from ADP _005195321 533 5 dublin dublin PROPN _005195321 533 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 533 7 12 12 NUM _005195321 533 8 pages page NOUN _005195321 533 9 and and CCONJ _005195321 533 10 cover cover VERB _005195321 533 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 534 1 single single ADJ _005195321 534 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 534 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 534 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 534 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 534 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 534 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 534 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 534 9 more more ADJ _005195321 534 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 534 11 5c 5c PROPN _005195321 534 12 each each PRON _005195321 534 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 535 1 in in ADP _005195321 535 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 535 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 535 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 535 5 3.75 3.75 NUM _005195321 535 6 per per ADP _005195321 535 7 1.00 1.00 NUM _005195321 535 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 536 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 536 2 rural rural ADJ _005195321 536 3 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 536 4 action action NOUN _005195321 536 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 536 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 536 7 by by ADP _005195321 536 8 r’ev r’ev PROPN _005195321 536 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 537 1 dr dr PROPN _005195321 537 2 . . PROPN _005195321 537 3 edgar edgar PROPN _005195321 537 4 schmiedeler schmiedeler PROPN _005195321 537 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 537 6 o.s.b o.s.b PROPN _005195321 537 7 . . PROPN _005195321 537 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 537 9 24 24 NUM _005195321 537 10 pages page NOUN _005195321 537 11 and and CCONJ _005195321 537 12 cover cover VERB _005195321 537 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 538 1 single single ADJ _005195321 538 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 538 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 538 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 538 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 538 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 538 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 538 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 538 9 more more ADJ _005195321 538 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 538 11 5c 5c PROPN _005195321 538 12 each each PRON _005195321 538 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 539 1 in in ADP _005195321 539 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 539 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 539 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 539 5 3.50 3.50 NUM _005195321 539 6 per per ADP _005195321 539 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 539 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 540 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 540 2 religion religion NOUN _005195321 540 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 540 4 human human ADJ _005195321 540 5 nature nature NOUN _005195321 540 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 540 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 540 8 by by ADP _005195321 540 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 540 10 . . PROPN _005195321 540 11 dr dr PROPN _005195321 540 12 . . PROPN _005195321 540 13 joseph joseph PROPN _005195321 540 14 a. a. PROPN _005195321 540 15 daly daly PROPN _005195321 540 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 540 17 40 40 NUM _005195321 540 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 540 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 540 20 cover cover VERB _005195321 540 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 541 1 single single ADJ _005195321 541 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 541 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 541 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 541 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 541 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 541 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 541 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 541 9 more more ADJ _005195321 541 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 541 11 8c 8c X _005195321 541 12 each each PRON _005195321 541 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 542 1 in in ADP _005195321 542 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 542 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 542 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 542 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 542 6 per per ADP _005195321 542 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 542 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 543 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 543 2 the the DET _005195321 543 3 church church NOUN _005195321 543 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 543 5 some some DET _005195321 543 6 outstanding outstanding ADJ _005195321 543 7 problems problem NOUN _005195321 543 8 of of ADP _005195321 543 9 the the DET _005195321 543 10 day day NOUN _005195321 543 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 543 12 ” " PUNCT _005195321 543 13 by by ADP _005195321 543 14 rev rev PROPN _005195321 543 15 . . PROPN _005195321 543 16 jones jones PROPN _005195321 543 17 i. i. PROPN _005195321 543 18 corrigan corrigan PROPN _005195321 543 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 543 20 s.j s.j PROPN _005195321 543 21 . . PROPN _005195321 543 22 , , PUNCT _005195321 543 23 72 72 NUM _005195321 543 24 pages page NOUN _005195321 543 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 543 26 cover cover VERB _005195321 543 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 544 1 single single ADJ _005195321 544 2 c’opy c’opy NOUN _005195321 544 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 544 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 544 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 544 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 544 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 544 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 544 9 more more ADJ _005195321 544 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 544 11 10c 10c X _005195321 544 12 each each PRON _005195321 544 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 545 1 in in ADP _005195321 545 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 545 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 545 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 545 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 545 6 per per ADP _005195321 545 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 545 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 546 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 546 2 conflicting conflicting ADJ _005195321 546 3 standards standard NOUN _005195321 546 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 546 5 ” " PUNCT _005195321 546 6 by by ADP _005195321 546 7 rev rev PROPN _005195321 546 8 . . PROPN _005195321 546 9 james james PROPN _005195321 546 10 ' ' PART _005195321 546 11 m. m. PROPN _005195321 546 12 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 546 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 546 14 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 546 15 . . PROPN _005195321 546 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 546 17 80 80 NUM _005195321 546 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 546 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 546 20 cover cover VERB _005195321 546 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 547 1 single single ADJ _005195321 547 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 547 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 547 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 547 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 547 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 547 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 547 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 547 9 more more ADJ _005195321 547 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 547 11 10c 10c X _005195321 547 12 each each PRON _005195321 547 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 548 1 in in ADP _005195321 548 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 548 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 548 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 548 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 548 6 per per ADP _005195321 548 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 548 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 549 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 549 2 the the DET _005195321 549 3 hymn hymn NOUN _005195321 549 4 of of ADP _005195321 549 5 the the DET _005195321 549 6 conquered conquered NOUN _005195321 549 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 549 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 549 9 by by ADP _005195321 549 10 rt rt PROPN _005195321 549 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 549 12 rev rev PROPN _005195321 549 13 . . PROPN _005195321 549 14 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 549 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 550 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 550 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 550 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 550 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 550 5 128 128 NUM _005195321 550 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 550 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 550 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 550 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 551 1 single single ADJ _005195321 551 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 551 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 551 4 30c 30c NOUN _005195321 551 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 551 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 551 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 551 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 551 9 more more ADJ _005195321 551 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 551 11 20c 20c X _005195321 551 12 each each PRON _005195321 551 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 552 1 in in ADP _005195321 552 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 552 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 552 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 552 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _005195321 552 6 per per ADP _005195321 552 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 552 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 553 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 553 2 the the DET _005195321 553 3 seven seven NUM _005195321 553 4 last last ADJ _005195321 553 5 words word NOUN _005195321 553 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 553 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 553 8 by by ADP _005195321 553 9 rt rt PROPN _005195321 553 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 553 11 rev rev PROPN _005195321 553 12 . . PROPN _005195321 553 13 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 553 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 554 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 554 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 554 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 554 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 554 5 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 554 6 prayer prayer NOUN _005195321 554 7 book book NOUN _005195321 554 8 size size NOUN _005195321 554 9 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 554 10 32 32 NUM _005195321 554 11 pages page NOUN _005195321 554 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 554 13 cover cover VERB _005195321 554 14 . . PUNCT _005195321 555 1 single single ADJ _005195321 555 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 555 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 555 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 555 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 555 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 555 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 555 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 555 9 more more ADJ _005195321 555 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 555 11 5c 5c PROPN _005195321 555 12 each each PRON _005195321 555 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 556 1 in in ADP _005195321 556 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 556 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 556 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 556 5 3.00 3.00 NUM _005195321 556 6 per per ADP _005195321 556 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 556 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 557 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 557 2 the the DET _005195321 557 3 church church NOUN _005195321 557 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 557 5 the the DET _005195321 557 6 child child NOUN _005195321 557 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 557 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 557 9 by by ADP _005195321 557 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 557 11 . . PROPN _005195321 557 12 dr dr PROPN _005195321 557 13 . . PROPN _005195321 557 14 paul paul PROPN _005195321 557 15 h. h. PROPN _005195321 557 16 furfey furfey PROPN _005195321 557 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 557 18 48 48 NUM _005195321 557 19 pages page NOUN _005195321 557 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 557 21 cover cover VERB _005195321 557 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 558 1 single single ADJ _005195321 558 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 558 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 558 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 558 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 558 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 558 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 558 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 558 9 more more ADJ _005195321 558 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 558 11 8c 8c X _005195321 558 12 each each PRON _005195321 558 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 559 1 in in ADP _005195321 559 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 559 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 559 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 559 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 559 6 per per ADP _005195321 559 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 559 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 560 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 560 2 love love NOUN _005195321 560 3 ’s ’s PART _005195321 560 4 veiled veil VERB _005195321 560 5 victory victory NOUN _005195321 560 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 560 7 love love NOUN _005195321 560 8 ’s ’s NOUN _005195321 560 9 laws law NOUN _005195321 560 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 560 11 ” " PUNCT _005195321 560 12 by by ADP _005195321 560 13 rev rev PROPN _005195321 560 14 . . PROPN _005195321 560 15 dr dr PROPN _005195321 560 16 . . PROPN _005195321 560 17 george george PROPN _005195321 560 18 f. f. PROPN _005195321 560 19 strohaver strohaver PROPN _005195321 560 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 560 21 s. s. PROPN _005195321 560 22 j. j. PROPN _005195321 560 23 , , PUNCT _005195321 560 24 48 48 NUM _005195321 560 25 pages page NOUN _005195321 560 26 and and CCONJ _005195321 560 27 cover cover VERB _005195321 560 28 . . PUNCT _005195321 561 1 single single ADJ _005195321 561 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 561 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 561 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 561 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 561 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 561 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 561 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 561 9 more more ADJ _005195321 561 10 8c 8c NOUN _005195321 561 11 each each PRON _005195321 561 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 562 1 in in ADP _005195321 562 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 562 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 562 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 562 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 562 6 per per ADP _005195321 562 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 562 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 563 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 563 2 religion religion NOUN _005195321 563 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 563 4 liturgy liturgy NOUN _005195321 563 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 563 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 563 7 by by ADP _005195321 563 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 563 9 . . PROPN _005195321 563 10 dr dr PROPN _005195321 563 11 . . PROPN _005195321 563 12 francis francis PROPN _005195321 563 13 a. a. PROPN _005195321 563 14 walsh walsh PROPN _005195321 563 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 563 16 o.s.b o.s.b PROPN _005195321 563 17 . . PROPN _005195321 563 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 563 19 32 32 NUM _005195321 563 20 pages page NOUN _005195321 563 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 563 22 cover cover VERB _005195321 563 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 564 1 single single ADJ _005195321 564 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 564 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 564 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 564 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 564 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 564 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 564 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 564 9 more more ADJ _005195321 564 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 564 11 8c 8c X _005195321 564 12 each each PRON _005195321 564 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 565 1 in in ADP _005195321 565 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 565 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 565 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 565 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 565 6 per per ADP _005195321 565 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 565 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 566 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 566 2 the the DET _005195321 566 3 lord lord PROPN _005195321 566 4 ’s ’s PART _005195321 566 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005195321 566 6 today today NOUN _005195321 566 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 566 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 566 9 by by ADP _005195321 566 10 very very ADV _005195321 566 11 rev rev ADJ _005195321 566 12 . . PROPN _005195321 566 13 dr dr PROPN _005195321 566 14 . . PROPN _005195321 566 15 ignatius ignatius PROPN _005195321 566 16 smith smith PROPN _005195321 566 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 566 18 o.p o.p PROPN _005195321 566 19 . . PROPN _005195321 566 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 566 21 64 64 NUM _005195321 566 22 pages page NOUN _005195321 566 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 566 24 cover cover VERB _005195321 566 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 567 1 single single ADJ _005195321 567 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 567 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 567 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 567 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 567 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 567 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 567 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 567 9 more more ADJ _005195321 567 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 567 11 8c 8c X _005195321 567 12 each each PRON _005195321 567 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 568 1 in in ADP _005195321 568 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 568 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 568 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 568 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 568 6 per per ADP _005195321 568 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 568 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 569 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 569 2 god god PROPN _005195321 569 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 569 4 man man NOUN _005195321 569 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 569 6 redemption redemption NOUN _005195321 569 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 569 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 569 9 by by ADP _005195321 569 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 569 11 . . PROPN _005195321 569 12 dr dr PROPN _005195321 569 13 . . PROPN _005195321 569 14 ignatius ignatius PROPN _005195321 569 15 w. w. PROPN _005195321 569 16 cox cox PROPN _005195321 569 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 569 18 s.j s.j PROPN _005195321 569 19 . . PROPN _005195321 569 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 569 21 64 64 NUM _005195321 569 22 pages page NOUN _005195321 569 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 569 24 cover cover VERB _005195321 569 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 570 1 single single ADJ _005195321 570 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 570 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 570 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 570 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 570 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 570 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 570 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 570 9 more more ADJ _005195321 570 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 570 11 8c 8c X _005195321 570 12 each each PRON _005195321 570 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 571 1 in in ADP _005195321 571 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 571 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 571 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 571 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _005195321 571 6 per per ADP _005195321 571 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 571 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 572 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 572 2 this this DET _005195321 572 3 mysterious mysterious ADJ _005195321 572 4 human human ADJ _005195321 572 5 nature nature NOUN _005195321 572 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 572 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 572 8 by by ADP _005195321 572 9 r’ev r’ev PROPN _005195321 572 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 573 1 james james PROPN _005195321 573 2 m. m. PROPN _005195321 573 3 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 573 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 573 5 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 573 6 . . PROPN _005195321 573 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 573 8 48 48 NUM _005195321 573 9 pages page NOUN _005195321 573 10 and and CCONJ _005195321 573 11 cover cover VERB _005195321 573 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 574 1 single single ADJ _005195321 574 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 574 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 574 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 574 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 574 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 574 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 574 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 574 9 more more ADJ _005195321 574 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 574 11 8c 8c X _005195321 574 12 each each PRON _005195321 574 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 575 1 in in ADP _005195321 575 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 575 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 575 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 575 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 575 6 per per ADP _005195321 575 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 575 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 576 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 576 2 the the DET _005195321 576 3 eternal eternal ADJ _005195321 576 4 galilean galilean NOUN _005195321 576 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 576 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 576 7 by by ADP _005195321 576 8 rt rt PROPN _005195321 576 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 576 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 576 11 . . PROPN _005195321 576 12 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 576 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 577 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 577 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 577 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 577 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 577 5 160 160 NUM _005195321 577 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 577 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 577 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 577 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 578 1 single single ADJ _005195321 578 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 578 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 578 4 35c 35c NOUN _005195321 578 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 578 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 578 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 578 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 578 9 more more ADJ _005195321 578 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 578 11 25c 25c NOUN _005195321 578 12 each each PRON _005195321 578 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 579 1 in in ADP _005195321 579 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 579 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 579 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 579 5 16.00 16.00 NUM _005195321 579 6 per per ADP _005195321 579 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 579 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 580 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 580 2 the the DET _005195321 580 3 queen queen NOUN _005195321 580 4 of of ADP _005195321 580 5 seven seven NUM _005195321 580 6 swords sword NOUN _005195321 580 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 580 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 580 9 by by ADP _005195321 580 10 rt rt PROPN _005195321 580 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 580 12 rev rev PROPN _005195321 580 13 . . PROPN _005195321 580 14 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 580 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 581 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 581 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 581 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 581 4 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 581 5 prayer prayer NOUN _005195321 581 6 - - PUNCT _005195321 581 7 book book NOUN _005195321 581 8 size size NOUN _005195321 581 9 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 581 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 581 11 32 32 NUM _005195321 581 12 pages page NOUN _005195321 581 13 and and CCONJ _005195321 581 14 cover cover VERB _005195321 581 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 582 1 single single ADJ _005195321 582 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 582 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 582 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 582 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 582 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 582 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 582 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 582 9 more more ADJ _005195321 582 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 582 11 5c 5c PROPN _005195321 582 12 each each PRON _005195321 582 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 583 1 in in ADP _005195321 583 2 quantities1 quantities1 PROPN _005195321 583 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 583 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 583 5 3.00 3.00 NUM _005195321 583 6 per per ADP _005195321 583 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 583 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 584 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 584 2 the the DET _005195321 584 3 catholic catholic NOUN _005195321 584 4 teaching teaching NOUN _005195321 584 5 on on ADP _005195321 584 6 our our PRON _005195321 584 7 industrial industrial ADJ _005195321 584 8 system system NOUN _005195321 584 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 584 10 ” " PUNCT _005195321 584 11 by by ADP _005195321 584 12 rt rt PROPN _005195321 584 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 584 14 rev rev PROPN _005195321 584 15 . . PROPN _005195321 584 16 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 584 17 . . PUNCT _005195321 585 1 john john PROPN _005195321 585 2 a. a. PROPN _005195321 585 3 ryan ryan PROPN _005195321 585 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 585 5 32 32 NUM _005195321 585 6 pages page NOUN _005195321 585 7 and and CCONJ _005195321 585 8 cover cover VERB _005195321 585 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 586 1 single single ADJ _005195321 586 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 586 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 586 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 586 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 586 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 586 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 586 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 586 9 more more ADJ _005195321 586 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 586 11 8c 8c X _005195321 586 12 each each PRON _005195321 586 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 587 1 in in ADP _005195321 587 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 587 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 587 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 587 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 587 6 per per ADP _005195321 587 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 587 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 588 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 588 2 the the DET _005195321 588 3 happiness happiness NOUN _005195321 588 4 of of ADP _005195321 588 5 faith faith NOUN _005195321 588 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 588 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 588 8 by by ADP _005195321 588 9 rev rev PROPN _005195321 588 10 . . PROPN _005195321 588 11 daniel daniel PROPN _005195321 588 12 a. a. PROPN _005195321 588 13 lord lord PROPN _005195321 588 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 588 15 s.j s.j PROPN _005195321 588 16 . . PROPN _005195321 588 17 , , PUNCT _005195321 588 18 80 80 NUM _005195321 588 19 pages page NOUN _005195321 588 20 and and CCONJ _005195321 588 21 cover cover VERB _005195321 588 22 . . PUNCT _005195321 589 1 single single ADJ _005195321 589 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 589 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 589 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 589 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 589 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 589 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 589 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 589 9 more more ADJ _005195321 589 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 589 11 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 589 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 590 1 in in ADP _005195321 590 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 590 3 . . PUNCT _005195321 591 1 $ $ SYM _005195321 591 2 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 591 3 per per ADP _005195321 591 4 100 100 NUM _005195321 591 5 . . PUNCT _005195321 592 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 592 2 the the DET _005195321 592 3 salvation salvation NOUN _005195321 592 4 of of ADP _005195321 592 5 human human ADJ _005195321 592 6 society society NOUN _005195321 592 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 592 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 592 9 by by ADP _005195321 592 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 592 11 . . PROPN _005195321 592 12 peter peter PROPN _005195321 592 13 j. j. PROPN _005195321 592 14 bergen bergen PROPN _005195321 592 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 592 16 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 592 17 . . PROPN _005195321 592 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 592 19 48 48 NUM _005195321 592 20 pages page NOUN _005195321 592 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 592 22 cover cover VERB _005195321 592 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 593 1 single single ADJ _005195321 593 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 593 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 593 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 593 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 593 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 593 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 593 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 593 9 more more ADJ _005195321 593 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 593 11 8c 8c X _005195321 593 12 each each PRON _005195321 593 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 594 1 in in ADP _005195321 594 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 594 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 594 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 594 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 594 6 per per ADP _005195321 594 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 594 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 595 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 595 2 faith faith NOUN _005195321 595 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 595 4 ” " PUNCT _005195321 595 5 by by ADP _005195321 595 6 rev rev PROPN _005195321 595 7 . . PROPN _005195321 595 8 vincent vincent PROPN _005195321 595 9 f. f. PROPN _005195321 595 10 kienberger kienberger PROPN _005195321 595 11 , , PUNCT _005195321 595 12 o. o. PROPN _005195321 595 13 p. p. PROPN _005195321 595 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 595 15 48 48 NUM _005195321 595 16 pages page NOUN _005195321 595 17 and and CCONJ _005195321 595 18 cover cover VERB _005195321 595 19 . . PUNCT _005195321 596 1 single single ADJ _005195321 596 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 596 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 596 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 596 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 596 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 596 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 596 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 596 9 more more ADJ _005195321 596 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 596 11 8c 8c X _005195321 596 12 each each PRON _005195321 596 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 597 1 in in ADP _005195321 597 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 597 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 597 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 597 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 597 6 per per ADP _005195321 597 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 597 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 598 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 598 2 catholic catholic ADJ _005195321 598 3 education education NOUN _005195321 598 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 598 5 ” " PUNCT _005195321 598 6 by by ADP _005195321 598 7 rev rev PROPN _005195321 598 8 . . PROPN _005195321 598 9 dr dr PROPN _005195321 598 10 . . PROPN _005195321 598 11 george george PROPN _005195321 598 12 johnson johnson PROPN _005195321 598 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 598 14 40 40 NUM _005195321 598 15 pages page NOUN _005195321 598 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 598 17 cover cover VERB _005195321 598 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 599 1 single single ADJ _005195321 599 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 599 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 599 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 599 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 599 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 599 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 599 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 599 9 more more ADJ _005195321 599 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 599 11 8c 8c X _005195321 599 12 each each PRON _005195321 599 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 600 1 in in ADP _005195321 600 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 600 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 600 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 600 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 600 6 per per ADP _005195321 600 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 600 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 601 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 601 2 the the DET _005195321 601 3 church church NOUN _005195321 601 4 and and CCONJ _005195321 601 5 her her PRON _005195321 601 6 missions mission NOUN _005195321 601 7 , , PUNCT _005195321 601 8 ” " PUNCT _005195321 601 9 by by ADP _005195321 601 10 rt rt PROPN _005195321 601 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 601 12 rev rev PROPN _005195321 601 13 . . PROPN _005195321 601 14 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 601 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 602 1 william william PROPN _005195321 602 2 quinn quinn PROPN _005195321 602 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 602 4 32 32 NUM _005195321 602 5 pages page NOUN _005195321 602 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 602 7 cover cover VERB _005195321 602 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 603 1 single single ADJ _005195321 603 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 603 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 603 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 603 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 603 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 603 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 603 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 603 9 more more ADJ _005195321 603 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 603 11 8c 8c X _005195321 603 12 each each PRON _005195321 603 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 604 1 in in ADP _005195321 604 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 604 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 604 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 604 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _005195321 604 6 per per ADP _005195321 604 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 604 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 605 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 605 2 pius pius PROPN _005195321 605 3 xi xi PROPN _005195321 605 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 605 5 father father NOUN _005195321 605 6 and and CCONJ _005195321 605 7 teacher teacher NOUN _005195321 605 8 of of ADP _005195321 605 9 the the DET _005195321 605 10 nations nation NOUN _005195321 605 11 ” " PUNCT _005195321 605 12 ( ( PUNCT _005195321 605 13 on on ADP _005195321 605 14 his his PRON _005195321 605 15 eightieth eightieth ADJ _005195321 605 16 birthday birthday NOUN _005195321 605 17 ) ) PUNCT _005195321 605 18 by by ADP _005195321 605 19 his his PRON _005195321 605 20 excellency excellency NOUN _005195321 605 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 605 22 most most ADV _005195321 605 23 reverend reverend VERB _005195321 605 24 amleto amleto ADJ _005195321 605 25 giovanni giovanni PROPN _005195321 605 26 cicognani cicognani PROPN _005195321 605 27 , , PUNCT _005195321 605 28 16 16 NUM _005195321 605 29 pages page NOUN _005195321 605 30 and and CCONJ _005195321 605 31 cover cover VERB _005195321 605 32 . . PUNCT _005195321 606 1 single single ADJ _005195321 606 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 606 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 606 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 606 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 606 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 606 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 606 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 606 9 more more ADJ _005195321 606 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 606 11 5c 5c PROPN _005195321 606 12 each each PRON _005195321 606 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 607 1 in in ADP _005195321 607 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 607 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 607 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 607 5 3.00 3.00 NUM _005195321 607 6 ! ! PUNCT _005195321 607 7 : : PUNCT _005195321 607 8 per per ADP _005195321 607 9 100 100 NUM _005195321 607 10 . . PUNCT _005195321 608 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 608 2 the the DET _005195321 608 3 eastern eastern ADJ _005195321 608 4 catholic catholic PROPN _005195321 608 5 church/ church/ SPACE _005195321 608 6 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 608 7 by by ADP _005195321 608 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 608 9 . . PROPN _005195321 608 10 john john PROPN _005195321 608 11 kallok kallok PROPN _005195321 608 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 608 13 48 48 NUM _005195321 608 14 pages page NOUN _005195321 608 15 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 608 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 608 17 cover cover VERB _005195321 608 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 609 1 single single ADJ _005195321 609 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 609 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 609 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 609 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 609 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 609 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 609 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 609 9 more more ADJ _005195321 609 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 609 11 8c 8c X _005195321 609 12 each each PRON _005195321 609 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 610 1 in in ADP _005195321 610 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 610 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 610 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 610 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 610 6 per per ADP _005195321 610 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 610 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 611 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 611 2 joy joy NOUN _005195321 611 3 in in ADP _005195321 611 4 religion religion NOUN _005195321 611 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 611 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 611 7 by by ADP _005195321 611 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 611 9 . . PROPN _005195321 611 10 john john PROPN _005195321 611 11 b. b. PROPN _005195321 611 12 delaunay delaunay PROPN _005195321 611 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 611 14 o.s.c o.s.c PROPN _005195321 611 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 611 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 611 17 40 40 NUM _005195321 611 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 611 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 611 20 cover cover VERB _005195321 611 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 612 1 single single ADJ _005195321 612 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 612 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 612 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 612 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 612 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 612 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 612 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 612 9 more more ADJ _005195321 612 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 612 11 8c 8c X _005195321 612 12 each each PRON _005195321 612 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 613 1 in in ADP _005195321 613 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 613 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 613 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 613 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 613 6 per per ADP _005195321 613 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 613 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 614 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 614 2 the the DET _005195321 614 3 ‘ ' PUNCT _005195321 614 4 lost lose VERB _005195321 614 5 * * PUNCT _005195321 614 6 radiance radiance NOUN _005195321 614 7 of of ADP _005195321 614 8 the the DET _005195321 614 9 religion religion NOUN _005195321 614 10 of of ADP _005195321 614 11 jesus jesus PROPN _005195321 614 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 614 13 ” " PUNCT _005195321 614 14 by by ADP _005195321 614 15 rev rev PROPN _005195321 614 16 . . PROPN _005195321 614 17 thomas thomas PROPN _005195321 614 18 a. a. PROPN _005195321 614 19 carney carney PROPN _005195321 614 20 , , PUNCT _005195321 614 21 40 40 NUM _005195321 614 22 pages page NOUN _005195321 614 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 614 24 cover cover VERB _005195321 614 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 615 1 single single ADJ _005195321 615 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 615 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 615 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 615 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 615 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 615 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 615 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 615 9 more more ADJ _005195321 615 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 615 11 8c 8c X _005195321 615 12 each each PRON _005195321 615 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 616 1 in in ADP _005195321 616 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 616 3 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 616 4 , , PUNCT _005195321 616 5 $ $ SYM _005195321 616 6 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 616 7 per per ADP _005195321 616 8 100 100 NUM _005195321 616 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 617 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 617 2 some some DET _005195321 617 3 spiritual spiritual ADJ _005195321 617 4 problems problem NOUN _005195321 617 5 of of ADP _005195321 617 6 college college NOUN _005195321 617 7 students student NOUN _005195321 617 8 , , PUNCT _005195321 617 9 ” " PUNCT _005195321 617 10 by by ADP _005195321 617 11 rev rev PROPN _005195321 617 12 . . PROPN _005195321 617 13 dr dr PROPN _005195321 617 14 . . PROPN _005195321 617 15 maurice maurice PROPN _005195321 617 16 s. s. PROPN _005195321 617 17 sheehy sheehy PROPN _005195321 617 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 617 19 40 40 NUM _005195321 617 20 pages page NOUN _005195321 617 21 and and CCONJ _005195321 617 22 cover cover VERB _005195321 617 23 . . PUNCT _005195321 618 1 single single ADJ _005195321 618 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 618 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 618 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 618 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 618 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 618 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 618 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 618 9 more more ADJ _005195321 618 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 618 11 8c 8c X _005195321 618 12 each each PRON _005195321 618 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 619 1 in in ADP _005195321 619 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 619 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 619 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 619 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 619 6 per per ADP _005195321 619 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 619 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 620 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 620 2 god god PROPN _005195321 620 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 620 4 governments government NOUN _005195321 620 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 620 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 620 7 by by ADP _005195321 620 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 620 9 . . PROPN _005195321 620 10 wilfrid wilfrid PROPN _005195321 620 11 parsons parson NOUN _005195321 620 12 , , PUNCT _005195321 620 13 s.j s.j PROPN _005195321 620 14 . . PROPN _005195321 620 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 620 16 48 48 NUM _005195321 620 17 pages page NOUN _005195321 620 18 and and CCONJ _005195321 620 19 cover cover VERB _005195321 620 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 621 1 single single ADJ _005195321 621 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 621 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 621 4 10c 10c NOUN _005195321 621 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 621 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 621 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 621 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 621 9 more more ADJ _005195321 621 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 621 11 8c 8c X _005195321 621 12 each each PRON _005195321 621 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 622 1 in in ADP _005195321 622 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 622 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 622 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 622 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _005195321 622 6 per per ADP _005195321 622 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 622 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 623 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 623 2 saints saint NOUN _005195321 623 3 vs. vs. X _005195321 623 4 kings king NOUN _005195321 623 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 623 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 623 7 by by ADP _005195321 623 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 623 9 . . PROPN _005195321 623 10 james james PROPN _005195321 623 11 m. m. PROPN _005195321 623 12 gillis gillis PROPN _005195321 623 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 623 14 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _005195321 623 15 . . PROPN _005195321 623 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 623 17 96 96 NUM _005195321 623 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 623 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 623 20 cover cover VERB _005195321 623 21 . . PUNCT _005195321 624 1 single single ADJ _005195321 624 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 624 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 624 4 20c 20c NOUN _005195321 624 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 624 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 624 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 624 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 624 9 more more ADJ _005195321 624 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 624 11 15c 15c X _005195321 624 12 each each PRON _005195321 624 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 625 1 in in ADP _005195321 625 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 625 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 625 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 625 5 10.00 10.00 NUM _005195321 625 6 per per ADP _005195321 625 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 625 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 626 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 626 2 justice justice NOUN _005195321 626 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 626 4 charity charity NOUN _005195321 626 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 626 6 ” " PUNCT _005195321 626 7 by by ADP _005195321 626 8 rt rt PROPN _005195321 626 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 626 10 rev rev PROPN _005195321 626 11 . . PROPN _005195321 626 12 msgr msgr PROPN _005195321 626 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 627 1 fulton fulton PROPN _005195321 627 2 j. j. PROPN _005195321 627 3 sheen sheen PROPN _005195321 627 4 . . PROPN _005195321 628 1 part part PROPN _005195321 628 2 j j PROPN _005195321 628 3 — — PUNCT _005195321 628 4 “ " PUNCT _005195321 628 5 the the DET _005195321 628 6 social social ADJ _005195321 628 7 problem problem NOUN _005195321 628 8 and and CCONJ _005195321 628 9 the the DET _005195321 628 10 church church NOUN _005195321 628 11 . . PUNCT _005195321 628 12 ” " PUNCT _005195321 629 1 96 96 NUM _005195321 629 2 pages page NOUN _005195321 629 3 and and CCONJ _005195321 629 4 cover cover VERB _005195321 629 5 . . PUNCT _005195321 630 1 single single ADJ _005195321 630 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 630 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 630 4 20c 20c NOUN _005195321 630 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 630 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 630 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 630 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 630 9 more more ADJ _005195321 630 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 630 11 15c 15c X _005195321 630 12 each each PRON _005195321 630 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 631 1 in in ADP _005195321 631 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 631 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 631 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 631 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _005195321 631 6 per per ADP _005195321 631 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 631 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 631 9 part part NOUN _005195321 631 10 ii ii PROPN _005195321 631 11 — — PUNCT _005195321 631 12 “ " PUNCT _005195321 631 13 the the DET _005195321 631 14 individual individual ADJ _005195321 631 15 problem problem NOUN _005195321 631 16 and and CCONJ _005195321 631 17 the the DET _005195321 631 18 cross cross NOUN _005195321 631 19 , , PUNCT _005195321 631 20 ” " PUNCT _005195321 631 21 80 80 NUM _005195321 631 22 pages page NOUN _005195321 631 23 and and CCONJ _005195321 631 24 cover cover VERB _005195321 631 25 . . PUNCT _005195321 632 1 single single ADJ _005195321 632 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 632 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 632 4 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 632 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 632 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 632 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 632 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 632 9 more more ADJ _005195321 632 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 632 11 10c 10c X _005195321 632 12 each each PRON _005195321 632 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 633 1 in in ADP _005195321 633 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 633 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 633 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 633 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 633 6 per per ADP _005195321 633 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 633 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 634 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 634 2 in in ADP _005195321 634 3 defense defense NOUN _005195321 634 4 of of ADP _005195321 634 5 chastity/ chastity/ NUM _005195321 634 6 ’ ' PUNCT _005195321 634 7 by by ADP _005195321 634 8 rev rev PROPN _005195321 634 9 . . PROPN _005195321 634 10 felix felix PROPN _005195321 634 11 m. m. PROPN _005195321 634 12 kirsch kirsch PROPN _005195321 634 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 634 14 o.m.cap o.m.cap PROPN _005195321 634 15 . . PUNCT _005195321 634 16 , , PUNCT _005195321 634 17 72 72 NUM _005195321 634 18 pages page NOUN _005195321 634 19 and and CCONJ _005195321 634 20 cover cover NOUN _005195321 634 21 , , PUNCT _005195321 634 22 including include VERB _005195321 634 23 study study NOUN _005195321 634 24 aids aid NOUN _005195321 634 25 and and CCONJ _005195321 634 26 bibliography bibliography NOUN _005195321 634 27 . . PUNCT _005195321 635 1 single single ADJ _005195321 635 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 635 3 15c 15c NOUN _005195321 635 4 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 635 5 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 635 6 5 5 NUM _005195321 635 7 or or CCONJ _005195321 635 8 more more ADJ _005195321 635 9 , , PUNCT _005195321 635 10 10c 10c X _005195321 635 11 each each PRON _005195321 635 12 . . PUNCT _005195321 636 1 in in ADP _005195321 636 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 636 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 636 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 636 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 636 6 per per ADP _005195321 636 7 100 100 NUM _005195321 636 8 . . PUNCT _005195321 637 1 “ " PUNCT _005195321 637 2 the the DET _005195321 637 3 appeal appeal NOUN _005195321 637 4 to to ADP _005195321 637 5 reason reason NOUN _005195321 637 6 , , PUNCT _005195321 637 7 ” " PUNCT _005195321 637 8 by by ADP _005195321 637 9 most most ADJ _005195321 637 10 rev rev ADJ _005195321 637 11 . . PROPN _005195321 637 12 duane duane PROPN _005195321 637 13 g. g. PROPN _005195321 637 14 hunt hunt PROPN _005195321 637 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 637 16 d. d. PROPN _005195321 637 17 d. d. PROPN _005195321 637 18 , , PUNCT _005195321 637 19 ll ll PROPN _005195321 637 20 . . PUNCT _005195321 638 1 d. d. PROPN _005195321 638 2 , , PUNCT _005195321 638 3 72 72 NUM _005195321 638 4 pages page NOUN _005195321 638 5 and and CCONJ _005195321 638 6 cover cover VERB _005195321 638 7 . . PUNCT _005195321 639 1 single single ADJ _005195321 639 2 copy copy PROPN _005195321 639 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 639 4 15q 15q NOUN _005195321 639 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _005195321 639 6 ; ; PUNCT _005195321 639 7 5 5 NUM _005195321 639 8 or or CCONJ _005195321 639 9 more more ADJ _005195321 639 10 , , PUNCT _005195321 639 11 10c 10c X _005195321 639 12 each each PRON _005195321 639 13 . . PUNCT _005195321 640 1 in in ADP _005195321 640 2 quantities quantity NOUN _005195321 640 3 , , PUNCT _005195321 640 4 $ $ SYM _005195321 640 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _005195321 640 6 pei pei NOUN _005195321 640 7 * * PROPN _005195321 640 8 100 100 NUM _005195321 640 9 . . PUNCT _005195321 641 1 complete complete ADJ _005195321 641 2 lot lot NOUN _005195321 641 3 of of ADP _005195321 641 4 71 71 NUM _005195321 641 5 pamphlets pamphlet NOUN _005195321 641 6 to to ADP _005195321 641 7 one one NUM _005195321 641 8 address address NOUN _005195321 641 9 in in ADP _005195321 641 10 u. u. PROPN _005195321 641 11 s. s. PROPN _005195321 641 12 and and CCONJ _005195321 641 13 canada canada PROPN _005195321 641 14 , , PUNCT _005195321 641 15 $ $ SYM _005195321 641 16 7.40 7.40 NUM _005195321 641 17 postpaid postpaid NOUN _005195321 641 18 . . PUNCT _005195321 642 1 price price NOUN _005195321 642 2 to to ADP _005195321 642 3 foreign foreign ADJ _005195321 642 4 countries country NOUN _005195321 642 5 , , PUNCT _005195321 642 6 $ $ SYM _005195321 642 7 9.00 9.00 NUM _005195321 642 8 address address NOUN _005195321 642 9 : : PUNCT _005195321 642 10 our our PRON _005195321 642 11 sunday sunday PROPN _005195321 642 12 visitor visitor NOUN _005195321 642 13 , , PUNCT _005195321 642 14 huntington huntington PROPN _005195321 642 15 , , PUNCT _005195321 642 16 indiana indiana PROPN _005195321 642 17 9 9 NUM _005195321 642 18 > > PUNCT