id sid tid token lemma pos _004723754 1 1 persecuted persecute VERB _004723754 1 2 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 1 3 v v ADP _004723754 1 4 tkaun tkaun NOUN _004723754 1 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 2 1 j j X _004723754 2 2 - - PUNCT _004723754 2 3 i i PRON _004723754 2 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 3 1 j j NOUN _004723754 3 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 3 3 a a DET _004723754 3 4 - - PUNCT _004723754 3 5 ax ax NOUN _004723754 3 6 osi/-s osi/-s NOUN _004723754 3 7 is be AUX _004723754 3 8 \ \ AUX _004723754 3 9 persecuted persecute VERB _004723754 3 10 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 3 11 by by ADP _004723754 3 12 h. h. PROPN _004723754 3 13 j. j. PROPN _004723754 3 14 tholen tholen PROPN _004723754 3 15 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 3 16 hays hay NOUN _004723754 3 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 3 18 kansas kansas PROPN _004723754 3 19 dedication dedication VERB _004723754 3 20 this this DET _004723754 3 21 study study NOUN _004723754 3 22 of of ADP _004723754 3 23 the the DET _004723754 3 24 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 3 25 situation situation NOUN _004723754 3 26 was be AUX _004723754 3 27 prompted prompt VERB _004723754 3 28 by by ADP _004723754 3 29 an an DET _004723754 3 30 editorial editorial NOUN _004723754 3 31 appearing appear VERB _004723754 3 32 in in ADP _004723754 3 33 the the DET _004723754 3 34 emporia emporia PROPN _004723754 3 35 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 3 36 kansas kansas PROPN _004723754 3 37 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 3 38 gazette gazette NOUN _004723754 3 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 4 1 it it PRON _004723754 4 2 is be AUX _004723754 4 3 not not PART _004723754 4 4 strictly strictly ADV _004723754 4 5 confined confine VERB _004723754 4 6 to to ADP _004723754 4 7 an an DET _004723754 4 8 answer answer NOUN _004723754 4 9 to to ADP _004723754 4 10 that that DET _004723754 4 11 editorial editorial NOUN _004723754 4 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 4 13 but but CCONJ _004723754 4 14 includes include VERB _004723754 4 15 much much ADJ _004723754 4 16 other other ADJ _004723754 4 17 material material NOUN _004723754 4 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 4 19 bearing bear VERB _004723754 4 20 on on ADP _004723754 4 21 the the DET _004723754 4 22 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 4 23 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 4 24 of of ADP _004723754 4 25 religion religion NOUN _004723754 4 26 in in ADP _004723754 4 27 general general ADJ _004723754 4 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 4 29 the the DET _004723754 4 30 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 4 31 church church NOUN _004723754 4 32 in in ADP _004723754 4 33 particular particular ADJ _004723754 4 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 5 1 no no DET _004723754 5 2 claim claim NOUN _004723754 5 3 of of ADP _004723754 5 4 completeness completeness NOUN _004723754 5 5 is be AUX _004723754 5 6 made make VERB _004723754 5 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 5 8 but but CCONJ _004723754 5 9 the the DET _004723754 5 10 information information NOUN _004723754 5 11 contained contain VERB _004723754 5 12 herein herein NOUN _004723754 5 13 is be AUX _004723754 5 14 authentic authentic ADJ _004723754 5 15 and and CCONJ _004723754 5 16 can can AUX _004723754 5 17 easily easily ADV _004723754 5 18 be be AUX _004723754 5 19 corroborated corroborate VERB _004723754 5 20 by by ADP _004723754 5 21 any any DET _004723754 5 22 one one NUM _004723754 5 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 6 1 to to ADP _004723754 6 2 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 6 3 loving love VERB _004723754 6 4 americans americans PROPN _004723754 6 5 who who PRON _004723754 6 6 believe believe VERB _004723754 6 7 in in ADP _004723754 6 8 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 6 9 of of ADP _004723754 6 10 conscience conscience NOUN _004723754 6 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 7 1 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 7 2 of of ADP _004723754 7 3 press press NOUN _004723754 7 4 and and CCONJ _004723754 7 5 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 7 6 of of ADP _004723754 7 7 speeiti speeiti PROPN _004723754 7 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 7 9 we we PRON _004723754 7 10 are be AUX _004723754 7 11 pleased pleased ADJ _004723754 7 12 to to PART _004723754 7 13 dedicate dedicate VERB _004723754 7 14 this this DET _004723754 7 15 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _004723754 7 16 in in ADP _004723754 7 17 memory memory NOUN _004723754 7 18 of of ADP _004723754 7 19 the the DET _004723754 7 20 founders founder NOUN _004723754 7 21 of of ADP _004723754 7 22 this this DET _004723754 7 23 nation nation NOUN _004723754 7 24 who who PRON _004723754 7 25 secured secure VERB _004723754 7 26 for for ADP _004723754 7 27 us we PRON _004723754 7 28 this this DET _004723754 7 29 priceless priceless ADJ _004723754 7 30 heritage heritage NOUN _004723754 7 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 8 1 h. h. PROPN _004723754 8 2 j j PROPN _004723754 8 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 8 4 tholen tholen PROPN _004723754 8 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 9 1 minding mind VERB _004723754 9 2 our our PRON _004723754 9 3 own own ADJ _004723754 9 4 business business NOUN _004723754 9 5 “ " PUNCT _004723754 9 6 young young ADJ _004723754 9 7 bill bill NOUN _004723754 9 8 ” " PUNCT _004723754 9 9 white white ADJ _004723754 9 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 9 11 in in ADP _004723754 9 12 the the DET _004723754 9 13 emporta emporta PROPN _004723754 9 14 gazette gazette NOUN _004723754 9 15 and and CCONJ _004723754 9 16 reprinted reprint VERB _004723754 9 17 in in ADP _004723754 9 18 the the DET _004723754 9 19 hays hay NOUN _004723754 9 20 daily daily PROPN _004723754 9 21 news news NOUN _004723754 9 22 on on ADP _004723754 9 23 february february PROPN _004723754 9 24 19 19 NUM _004723754 9 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 9 26 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 9 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 9 28 said say VERB _004723754 9 29 : : PUNCT _004723754 9 30 “ " PUNCT _004723754 9 31 josephus josephus PROPN _004723754 9 32 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 9 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 9 34 the the DET _004723754 9 35 new new ADJ _004723754 9 36 deal deal NOUN _004723754 9 37 ’s ’s PART _004723754 9 38 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 9 39 to to ADP _004723754 9 40 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 9 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 9 42 is be AUX _004723754 9 43 under under ADP _004723754 9 44 heavy heavy ADJ _004723754 9 45 fire fire NOUN _004723754 9 46 in in ADP _004723754 9 47 congress congress PROPN _004723754 9 48 and and CCONJ _004723754 9 49 outside outside ADP _004723754 9 50 of of ADP _004723754 9 51 it it PRON _004723754 9 52 because because SCONJ _004723754 9 53 of of ADP _004723754 9 54 a a DET _004723754 9 55 speech speech NOUN _004723754 9 56 he he PRON _004723754 9 57 made make VERB _004723754 9 58 several several ADJ _004723754 9 59 months month NOUN _004723754 9 60 ago ago ADV _004723754 9 61 in in ADP _004723754 9 62 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 9 63 city city NOUN _004723754 9 64 . . PUNCT _004723754 10 1 he he PRON _004723754 10 2 took take VERB _004723754 10 3 occasion occasion NOUN _004723754 10 4 to to PART _004723754 10 5 compliment compliment VERB _004723754 10 6 the the DET _004723754 10 7 american american ADJ _004723754 10 8 system system NOUN _004723754 10 9 of of ADP _004723754 10 10 free free ADJ _004723754 10 11 public public ADJ _004723754 10 12 schools school NOUN _004723754 10 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 11 1 continuing continue VERB _004723754 11 2 his his PRON _004723754 11 3 rounded rounded ADJ _004723754 11 4 oratorical oratorical ADJ _004723754 11 5 periods period NOUN _004723754 11 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 11 7 he he PRON _004723754 11 8 sa sa X _004723754 11 9 d d PROPN _004723754 12 1 they they PRON _004723754 12 2 were be AUX _004723754 12 3 the the DET _004723754 12 4 outgrowth outgrowth NOUN _004723754 12 5 of of ADP _004723754 12 6 the the DET _004723754 12 7 ideals ideal NOUN _004723754 12 8 of of ADP _004723754 12 9 thomas thomas PROPN _004723754 12 10 jefferson jefferson PROPN _004723754 12 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 12 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 12 13 commended commend VERB _004723754 12 14 the the DET _004723754 12 15 principles principle NOUN _004723754 12 16 of of ADP _004723754 12 17 that that DET _004723754 12 18 great great ADJ _004723754 12 19 democrat democrat PROPN _004723754 12 20 to to ADP _004723754 12 21 the the DET _004723754 12 22 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 12 23 people people NOUN _004723754 12 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 13 1 here here ADV _004723754 13 2 it it PRON _004723754 13 3 would would AUX _004723754 13 4 have have AUX _004723754 13 5 ended end VERB _004723754 13 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 13 7 had have AUX _004723754 13 8 it it PRON _004723754 13 9 not not PART _004723754 13 10 been be AUX _004723754 13 11 seized seize VERB _004723754 13 12 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 13 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 13 14 misrepresented misrepresent VERB _004723754 13 15 by by ADP _004723754 13 16 a a DET _004723754 13 17 section section NOUN _004723754 13 18 of of ADP _004723754 13 19 the the DET _004723754 13 20 american american ADJ _004723754 13 21 religious religious ADJ _004723754 13 22 press press NOUN _004723754 13 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 14 1 the the DET _004723754 14 2 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 14 3 government government NOUN _004723754 14 4 for for ADP _004723754 14 5 the the DET _004723754 14 6 past past ADJ _004723754 14 7 10 10 NUM _004723754 14 8 years year NOUN _004723754 14 9 has have AUX _004723754 14 10 been be AUX _004723754 14 11 engaged engage VERB _004723754 14 12 in in ADP _004723754 14 13 two two NUM _004723754 14 14 campaigns campaign NOUN _004723754 14 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 14 16 one one NUM _004723754 14 17 to to PART _004723754 14 18 educate educate VERB _004723754 14 19 the the DET _004723754 14 20 people people NOUN _004723754 14 21 of of ADP _004723754 14 22 that that DET _004723754 14 23 semiilliterate semiilliterate ADJ _004723754 14 24 country country NOUN _004723754 14 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 14 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 14 27 another another DET _004723754 14 28 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 14 29 of of ADP _004723754 14 30 bitter bitter ADJ _004723754 14 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 14 32 ruthless ruthless ADJ _004723754 14 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 14 34 and and CCONJ _004723754 14 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 14 36 as as SCONJ _004723754 14 37 it it PRON _004723754 14 38 seems seem VERB _004723754 14 39 to to ADP _004723754 14 40 us we PRON _004723754 14 41 on on ADP _004723754 14 42 this this DET _004723754 14 43 side side NOUN _004723754 14 44 of of ADP _004723754 14 45 the the DET _004723754 14 46 rio rio NOUN _004723754 14 47 grande grande NOUN _004723754 14 48 , , PUNCT _004723754 14 49 entirely entirely ADV _004723754 14 50 unjustified unjustified ADJ _004723754 14 51 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 14 52 of of ADP _004723754 14 53 the the DET _004723754 14 54 roman roman ADJ _004723754 14 55 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 14 56 faith faith NOUN _004723754 14 57 . . PUNCT _004723754 15 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 15 2 tn tn ADP _004723754 15 3 defense defense NOUN _004723754 15 4 of of ADP _004723754 15 5 this this DET _004723754 15 6 policy policy NOUN _004723754 15 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 15 8 mexicans mexican NOUN _004723754 15 9 argue argue VERB _004723754 15 10 that that SCONJ _004723754 15 11 the the DET _004723754 15 12 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 15 13 catholic catholic PROPN _004723754 15 14 church church PROPN _004723754 15 15 was be AUX _004723754 15 16 for for ADP _004723754 15 17 centuries century NOUN _004723754 15 18 the the DET _004723754 15 19 greatest great ADJ _004723754 15 20 enemy enemy NOUN _004723754 15 21 of of ADP _004723754 15 22 popular popular ADJ _004723754 15 23 education education NOUN _004723754 15 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 16 1 they they PRON _004723754 16 2 say say VERB _004723754 16 3 that that SCONJ _004723754 16 4 before before ADP _004723754 16 5 the the DET _004723754 16 6 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 16 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 16 8 when when SCONJ _004723754 16 9 education education NOUN _004723754 16 10 was be AUX _004723754 16 11 by by ADP _004723754 16 12 law law NOUN _004723754 16 13 a a DET _004723754 16 14 monopoly monopoly NOUN _004723754 16 15 of of ADP _004723754 16 16 the the DET _004723754 16 17 church church NOUN _004723754 16 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 16 19 not not PART _004723754 16 20 one one NUM _004723754 16 21 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 16 22 child child NOUN _004723754 16 23 in in ADP _004723754 16 24 a a DET _004723754 16 25 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 16 26 could could AUX _004723754 16 27 read read VERB _004723754 16 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 17 1 now now ADV _004723754 17 2 they they PRON _004723754 17 3 claim claim VERB _004723754 17 4 that that SCONJ _004723754 17 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 17 6 as as ADP _004723754 17 7 a a DET _004723754 17 8 result result NOUN _004723754 17 9 of of ADP _004723754 17 10 the the DET _004723754 17 11 newly newly ADV _004723754 17 12 established establish VERB _004723754 17 13 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 17 14 free free ADJ _004723754 17 15 public public ADJ _004723754 17 16 schools school NOUN _004723754 17 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 17 18 25 25 NUM _004723754 17 19 4 4 NUM _004723754 17 20 per per ADP _004723754 17 21 cent cent NOUN _004723754 17 22 of of ADP _004723754 17 23 the the DET _004723754 17 24 population population NOUN _004723754 17 25 is be AUX _004723754 17 26 already already ADV _004723754 17 27 literate literate ADJ _004723754 17 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 18 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 18 2 to to ADP _004723754 18 3 our our PRON _004723754 18 4 american american ADJ _004723754 18 5 eyes eye NOUN _004723754 18 6 this this PRON _004723754 18 7 would would AUX _004723754 18 8 seem seem VERB _004723754 18 9 no no DET _004723754 18 10 reason reason NOUN _004723754 18 11 for for ADP _004723754 18 12 persecuting persecute VERB _004723754 18 13 the the DET _004723754 18 14 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 18 15 faith faith NOUN _004723754 18 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 18 17 or or CCONJ _004723754 18 18 for for ADP _004723754 18 19 prohibiting prohibit VERB _004723754 18 20 relig’ous relig’ous ADJ _004723754 18 21 schools school NOUN _004723754 18 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 19 1 whether whether SCONJ _004723754 19 2 or or CCONJ _004723754 19 3 not not PART _004723754 19 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 19 5 20 20 NUM _004723754 19 6 years year NOUN _004723754 19 7 ago ago ADV _004723754 19 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 19 9 the the DET _004723754 19 10 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 19 11 catholic catholic PROPN _004723754 19 12 church church NOUN _004723754 19 13 was be AUX _004723754 19 14 unwilling unwilling ADJ _004723754 19 15 or or CCONJ _004723754 19 16 unable unable ADJ _004723754 19 17 to to PART _004723754 19 18 assume assume VERB _004723754 19 19 the the DET _004723754 19 20 burden burden NOUN _004723754 19 21 of of ADP _004723754 19 22 educating educate VERB _004723754 19 23 the the DET _004723754 19 24 peons peon NOUN _004723754 19 25 is be AUX _004723754 19 26 unimportant unimportant ADJ _004723754 19 27 today today NOUN _004723754 19 28 under under ADP _004723754 19 29 our our PRON _004723754 19 30 american american ADJ _004723754 19 31 system system NOUN _004723754 19 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 19 33 public public ADJ _004723754 19 34 anj anj PROPN _004723754 19 35 church church NOUN _004723754 19 36 schools school NOUN _004723754 19 37 exist exist VERB _004723754 19 38 side side NOUN _004723754 19 39 by by ADP _004723754 19 40 side side NOUN _004723754 19 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 19 42 each each PRON _004723754 19 43 bearing bear VERB _004723754 19 44 a a DET _004723754 19 45 share share NOUN _004723754 19 46 of of ADP _004723754 19 47 the the DET _004723754 19 48 common common ADJ _004723754 19 49 task task NOUN _004723754 19 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 19 51 and and CCONJ _004723754 19 52 people people NOUN _004723754 19 53 are be AUX _004723754 19 54 free free ADJ _004723754 19 55 to to PART _004723754 19 56 send send VERB _004723754 19 57 their their PRON _004723754 19 58 children child NOUN _004723754 19 59 to to ADP _004723754 19 60 either either ADV _004723754 19 61 . . PUNCT _004723754 20 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 20 2 on on ADP _004723754 20 3 the the DET _004723754 20 4 other other ADJ _004723754 20 5 hand hand NOUN _004723754 20 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 20 7 thjngs thjng NOUN _004723754 20 8 have have AUX _004723754 20 9 come come VERB _004723754 20 10 to to ADP _004723754 20 11 a a DET _004723754 20 12 pretty pretty ADJ _004723754 20 13 pass pass NOUN _004723754 20 14 if if SCONJ _004723754 20 15 an an DET _004723754 20 16 american american ADJ _004723754 20 17 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 20 18 abroad abroad ADV _004723754 20 19 can can AUX _004723754 20 20 not not PART _004723754 20 21 point point VERB _004723754 20 22 with with ADP _004723754 20 23 pride pride NOUN _004723754 20 24 to to ADP _004723754 20 25 the the DET _004723754 20 26 school school NOUN _004723754 20 27 system system NOUN _004723754 20 28 of of ADP _004723754 20 29 his his PRON _004723754 20 30 own own ADJ _004723754 20 31 country country NOUN _004723754 20 32 and and CCONJ _004723754 20 33 praise praise VERB _004723754 20 34 the the DET _004723754 20 35 ideals ideal NOUN _004723754 20 36 of of ADP _004723754 20 37 thomas thomas PROPN _004723754 20 38 jefferson jefferson PROPN _004723754 20 39 without without ADP _004723754 20 40 being be AUX _004723754 20 41 accused accuse VERB _004723754 20 42 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 20 43 as as SCONJ _004723754 20 44 mr mr PROPN _004723754 20 45 . . PROPN _004723754 20 46 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 20 47 recently recently ADV _004723754 20 48 was be AUX _004723754 20 49 by by ADP _004723754 20 50 a a DET _004723754 20 51 volunteer volunteer NOUN _004723754 20 52 congressional congressional ADJ _004723754 20 53 spokesman spokesman NOUN _004723754 20 54 for for ADP _004723754 20 55 the the DET _004723754 20 56 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 20 57 viewpoint viewpoint NOUN _004723754 20 58 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 20 59 of of ADP _004723754 20 60 “ " PUNCT _004723754 20 61 conspiring conspire VERB _004723754 20 62 with with ADP _004723754 20 63 the the DET _004723754 20 64 tyrants tyrant NOUN _004723754 20 65 of of ADP _004723754 20 66 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 20 67 to to PART _004723754 20 68 enslave enslave VERB _004723754 20 69 the the DET _004723754 20 70 people people NOUN _004723754 20 71 . . PUNCT _004723754 21 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 21 2 as as ADP _004723754 21 3 an an DET _004723754 21 4 outgrowth outgrowth NOUN _004723754 21 5 of of ADP _004723754 21 6 all all DET _004723754 21 7 this this DET _004723754 21 8 ruckus ruckus NOUN _004723754 21 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 22 1 senator senator PROPN _004723754 22 2 borah borah PROPN _004723754 22 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 22 4 who who PRON _004723754 22 5 is be AUX _004723754 22 6 old old ADJ _004723754 22 7 enough enough ADV _004723754 22 8 tp tp PART _004723754 22 9 know know VERB _004723754 22 10 better well ADV _004723754 22 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 22 12 has have AUX _004723754 22 13 introduced introduce VERB _004723754 22 14 a a DET _004723754 22 15 resolm resolm NOUN _004723754 22 16 tion tion NOUN _004723754 22 17 calling call VERB _004723754 22 18 for for ADP _004723754 22 19 a a DET _004723754 22 20 senatorial senatorial ADJ _004723754 22 21 investigation investigation NOUN _004723754 22 22 of of ADP _004723754 22 23 the the DET _004723754 22 24 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 22 25 government government NOUN _004723754 22 26 ’s ’s NOUN _004723754 22 27 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 22 28 of of ADP _004723754 22 29 the the DET _004723754 22 30 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 22 31 fa’th fa’th PROPN _004723754 22 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 23 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 23 2 such such DET _004723754 23 3 an an DET _004723754 23 4 investigation investigation NOUN _004723754 23 5 would would AUX _004723754 23 6 prove prove VERB _004723754 23 7 what what PRON _004723754 23 8 everyone everyone PRON _004723754 23 9 knows know VERB _004723754 23 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 23 11 namely namely ADV _004723754 23 12 that that SCONJ _004723754 23 13 such such DET _004723754 23 14 a a DET _004723754 23 15 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 23 16 has have AUX _004723754 23 17 ex'sted ex'ste VERB _004723754 23 18 for for ADP _004723754 23 19 a a DET _004723754 23 20 decade decade NOUN _004723754 23 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 23 22 and and CCONJ _004723754 23 23 is be AUX _004723754 23 24 conducted conduct VERB _004723754 23 25 with with ADP _004723754 23 26 relentless relentless ADJ _004723754 23 27 brutality brutality NOUN _004723754 23 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 24 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 24 2 what what PRON _004723754 24 3 business business NOUN _004723754 24 4 is be AUX _004723754 24 5 this this PRON _004723754 24 6 of of ADP _004723754 24 7 the the DET _004723754 24 8 united united PROPN _004723754 24 9 states states PROPN _004723754 24 10 senate senate PROPN _004723754 24 11 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 25 1 is be AUX _004723754 25 2 it it PRON _004723754 25 3 not not PART _004723754 25 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 25 5 however however ADV _004723754 25 6 misguided misguided ADJ _004723754 25 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 25 8 purely purely ADV _004723754 25 9 a a DET _004723754 25 10 domestic domestic ADJ _004723754 25 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 25 12 affair affair NOUN _004723754 25 13 of of ADP _004723754 25 14 the the DET _004723754 25 15 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 25 16 people people NOUN _004723754 25 17 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 26 1 5 5 NUM _004723754 26 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 26 3 •do •do NUM _004723754 26 4 we we PRON _004723754 26 5 threaten threaten VERB _004723754 26 6 to to PART _004723754 26 7 investigate investigate VERB _004723754 26 8 or or CCONJ _004723754 26 9 intervene intervene VERB _004723754 26 10 when when SCONJ _004723754 26 11 the the DET _004723754 26 12 germans germans PROPN _004723754 26 13 persecute persecute VERB _004723754 26 14 the the DET _004723754 26 15 lutherans lutherans PROPN _004723754 26 16 or or CCONJ _004723754 26 17 butcher butcher VERB _004723754 26 18 the the DET _004723754 26 19 jews jews PROPN _004723754 26 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 26 21 when when SCONJ _004723754 26 22 the the DET _004723754 26 23 turks turk NOUN _004723754 26 24 have have VERB _004723754 26 25 at at ADP _004723754 26 26 their their PRON _004723754 26 27 ihercy ihercy NOUN _004723754 26 28 armenian armenian ADJ _004723754 26 29 christians christians PROPN _004723754 26 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 26 31 when when SCONJ _004723754 26 32 * * PUNCT _004723754 26 33 the the DET _004723754 26 34 bolshevik bolshevik NOUN _004723754 26 35 russians russians PROPN _004723754 26 36 ship ship VERB _004723754 26 37 their their PRON _004723754 26 38 mkldle mkldle NOUN _004723754 26 39 classes class NOUN _004723754 26 40 into into ADP _004723754 26 41 exile exile NOUN _004723754 26 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 26 43 or or CCONJ _004723754 26 44 when when SCONJ _004723754 26 45 the the DET _004723754 26 46 british british ADJ _004723754 26 47 slaughter slaughter VERB _004723754 26 48 the the DET _004723754 26 49 hindus hindus NOUN _004723754 26 50 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 27 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 27 2 how how SCONJ _004723754 27 3 would would AUX _004723754 27 4 you you PRON _004723754 27 5 feel feel VERB _004723754 27 6 about about ADP _004723754 27 7 it it PRON _004723754 27 8 if if SCONJ _004723754 27 9 the the DET _004723754 27 10 french french ADJ _004723754 27 11 or or CCONJ _004723754 27 12 spanish spanish ADJ _004723754 27 13 government government NOUN _004723754 27 14 had have AUX _004723754 27 15 officially officially ADV _004723754 27 16 invest'gated invest'gate VERB _004723754 27 17 the the DET _004723754 27 18 acivities acivitie NOUN _004723754 27 19 of of ADP _004723754 27 20 the the DET _004723754 27 21 old old ADJ _004723754 27 22 american american PROPN _004723754 27 23 kii kii PROPN _004723754 27 24 klux klux PROPN _004723754 27 25 klan klan NOUN _004723754 27 26 against against ADP _004723754 27 27 the the DET _004723754 27 28 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 27 29 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 28 1 or or CCONJ _004723754 28 2 if if SCONJ _004723754 28 3 the the DET _004723754 28 4 british british ADJ _004723754 28 5 parliament parliament NOUN _004723754 28 6 appointed appoint VERB _004723754 28 7 a a DET _004723754 28 8 committee committee NOUN _004723754 28 9 to to PART _004723754 28 10 “ " PUNCT _004723754 28 11 investigate investigate VERB _004723754 28 12 ” " PUNCT _004723754 28 13 southern southern ADJ _004723754 28 14 lynchings lynching NOUN _004723754 28 15 or or CCONJ _004723754 28 16 northern northern ADJ _004723754 28 17 gang gang NOUN _004723754 28 18 murders murder NOUN _004723754 28 19 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 29 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 29 2 senator senator PROPN _004723754 29 3 borah borah PROPN _004723754 29 4 for for ADP _004723754 29 5 15 15 NUM _004723754 29 6 years year NOUN _004723754 29 7 has have AUX _004723754 29 8 opposed oppose VERB _004723754 29 9 the the DET _004723754 29 10 league league NOUN _004723754 29 11 of of ADP _004723754 29 12 nations nation NOUN _004723754 29 13 on on ADP _004723754 29 14 the the DET _004723754 29 15 h’ghly h’ghly ADV _004723754 29 16 questionable questionable ADJ _004723754 29 17 ground ground NOUN _004723754 29 18 that that SCONJ _004723754 29 19 it it PRON _004723754 29 20 would would AUX _004723754 29 21 permit permit VERB _004723754 29 22 foreign foreign ADJ _004723754 29 23 countries country NOUN _004723754 29 24 to to PART _004723754 29 25 meddle meddle VERB _004723754 29 26 in in ADP _004723754 29 27 american american ADJ _004723754 29 28 domestic domestic ADJ _004723754 29 29 affairs affair NOUN _004723754 29 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 30 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 30 2 v v PROPN _004723754 30 3 / / SYM _004723754 30 4 e e NOUN _004723754 30 5 want want VERB _004723754 30 6 foreign foreign ADJ _004723754 30 7 countries country NOUN _004723754 30 8 to to PART _004723754 30 9 mind mind VERB _004723754 30 10 their their PRON _004723754 30 11 own own ADJ _004723754 30 12 business business NOUN _004723754 30 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 30 14 why why SCONJ _004723754 30 15 do do AUX _004723754 30 16 n’t not PART _004723754 30 17 we we PRON _004723754 30 18 set set VERB _004723754 30 19 an an DET _004723754 30 20 example example NOUN _004723754 30 21 by by ADP _004723754 30 22 not not PART _004723754 30 23 butting butt VERB _004723754 30 24 into into ADP _004723754 30 25 theirs theirs PRON _004723754 30 26 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 30 27 ” " PUNCT _004723754 31 1 several several ADJ _004723754 31 2 glaring glaring ADJ _004723754 31 3 errors error NOUN _004723754 31 4 occur occur VERB _004723754 31 5 in in ADP _004723754 31 6 this this DET _004723754 31 7 b b NOUN _004723754 31 8 t t NOUN _004723754 31 9 of of ADP _004723754 31 10 “ " PUNCT _004723754 31 11 wisdom wisdom NOUN _004723754 31 12 ” " PUNCT _004723754 31 13 from from ADP _004723754 31 14 the the DET _004723754 31 15 pen pen NOUN _004723754 31 16 of of ADP _004723754 31 17 “ " PUNCT _004723754 31 18 young young ADJ _004723754 31 19 bill bill NOUN _004723754 31 20 . . PUNCT _004723754 31 21 ” " PUNCT _004723754 32 1 the the DET _004723754 32 2 exact exact ADJ _004723754 32 3 words word NOUN _004723754 32 4 of of ADP _004723754 32 5 mr mr PROPN _004723754 32 6 . . PROPN _004723754 32 7 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 32 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 32 9 which which PRON _004723754 32 10 caused cause VERB _004723754 32 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 32 12 according accord VERB _004723754 32 13 to to ADP _004723754 32 14 white white ADJ _004723754 32 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 32 16 “ " PUNCT _004723754 32 17 a a DET _004723754 32 18 section section NOUN _004723754 32 19 of of ADP _004723754 32 20 the the DET _004723754 32 21 american american PROPN _004723754 32 22 relig.ous relig.ous ADJ _004723754 32 23 press press NOUN _004723754 32 24 to to PART _004723754 32 25 misrepresent misrepresent VERB _004723754 32 26 mr mr PROPN _004723754 32 27 . . PROPN _004723754 32 28 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 32 29 will will AUX _004723754 32 30 be be AUX _004723754 32 31 given give VERB _004723754 32 32 in in ADP _004723754 32 33 this this DET _004723754 32 34 record record NOUN _004723754 32 35 of of ADP _004723754 32 36 events event NOUN _004723754 32 37 in in ADP _004723754 32 38 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 32 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 33 1 the the DET _004723754 33 2 other other ADJ _004723754 33 3 errors error NOUN _004723754 33 4 in in ADP _004723754 33 5 mr mr PROPN _004723754 33 6 . . PROPN _004723754 33 7 white white PROPN _004723754 33 8 ’s ’s PROPN _004723754 33 9 statement statement NOUN _004723754 33 10 will will AUX _004723754 33 11 become become VERB _004723754 33 12 evident evident ADJ _004723754 33 13 from from ADP _004723754 33 14 a a DET _004723754 33 15 careful careful ADJ _004723754 33 16 perusal perusal NOUN _004723754 33 17 of of ADP _004723754 33 18 all all PRON _004723754 33 19 of of ADP _004723754 33 20 what what PRON _004723754 33 21 follows follow VERB _004723754 33 22 in in ADP _004723754 33 23 this this DET _004723754 33 24 brief brief ADJ _004723754 33 25 resume resume NOUN _004723754 33 26 of of ADP _004723754 33 27 the the DET _004723754 33 28 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 33 29 persecutions persecution NOUN _004723754 33 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 33 31 covering cover VERB _004723754 33 32 not not PART _004723754 33 33 2i 2i NUM _004723754 33 34 { { PUNCT _004723754 33 35 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 33 36 but but CCONJ _004723754 33 37 100 100 NUM _004723754 33 38 years year NOUN _004723754 33 39 of of ADP _004723754 33 40 misrule misrule NOUN _004723754 33 41 in in ADP _004723754 33 42 that that PRON _004723754 33 43 a a DET _004723754 33 44 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _004723754 33 45 country country NOUN _004723754 33 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 34 1 space space NOUN _004723754 34 2 will will AUX _004723754 34 3 not not PART _004723754 34 4 permit permit VERB _004723754 34 5 even even ADV _004723754 34 6 a a DET _004723754 34 7 brief brief ADJ _004723754 34 8 record record NOUN _004723754 34 9 of of ADP _004723754 34 10 the the DET _004723754 34 11 300 300 NUM _004723754 34 12 years year NOUN _004723754 34 13 of of ADP _004723754 34 14 progress progress NOUN _004723754 34 15 in in ADP _004723754 34 16 culture culture NOUN _004723754 34 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 34 18 civilization civilization NOUN _004723754 34 19 made make VERB _004723754 34 20 between between ADP _004723754 34 21 1524 1524 NUM _004723754 34 22 and and CCONJ _004723754 34 23 1824 1824 NUM _004723754 34 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 34 25 during during ADP _004723754 34 26 which which DET _004723754 34 27 time time NOUN _004723754 34 28 the the DET _004723754 34 29 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 34 30 church church NOUN _004723754 34 31 had have VERB _004723754 34 32 a a DET _004723754 34 33 frfee frfee NOUN _004723754 34 34 hand hand NOUN _004723754 34 35 in in ADP _004723754 34 36 the the DET _004723754 34 37 education education NOUN _004723754 34 38 and and CCONJ _004723754 34 39 civiliz civiliz NOUN _004723754 34 40 - - PUNCT _004723754 34 41 ation ation NOUN _004723754 34 42 of of ADP _004723754 34 43 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 34 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 34 45 and and CCONJ _004723754 34 46 for for ADP _004723754 34 47 which which PRON _004723754 34 48 she she PRON _004723754 34 49 offers offer VERB _004723754 34 50 no no DET _004723754 34 51 apology apology NOUN _004723754 34 52 . . PUNCT _004723754 35 1 of of ADP _004723754 35 2 the the DET _004723754 35 3 history history NOUN _004723754 35 4 of of ADP _004723754 35 5 these these DET _004723754 35 6 30i0 30i0 NUM _004723754 35 7 years year NOUN _004723754 35 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 35 9 she she PRON _004723754 35 10 may may AUX _004723754 35 11 well well ADV _004723754 35 12 be be AUX _004723754 35 13 justly justly ADV _004723754 35 14 proud proud ADJ _004723754 35 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 36 1 this this DET _004723754 36 2 booklet booklet NOUN _004723754 36 3 will will AUX _004723754 36 4 deal deal VERB _004723754 36 5 with with ADP _004723754 36 6 the the DET _004723754 36 7 past past ADJ _004723754 36 8 100 100 NUM _004723754 36 9 years year NOUN _004723754 36 10 in in ADP _004723754 36 11 which which PRON _004723754 36 12 the the DET _004723754 36 13 church church NOUN _004723754 36 14 has have AUX _004723754 36 15 bee*a bee*a NOUN _004723754 36 16 hampered hamper VERB _004723754 36 17 by by ADP _004723754 36 18 the the DET _004723754 36 19 gov gov PROPN _004723754 36 20 _ _ PROPN _004723754 36 21 ernment ernment NOUN _004723754 36 22 and and CCONJ _004723754 36 23 particularly particularly ADV _004723754 36 24 the the DET _004723754 36 25 past past ADJ _004723754 36 26 20 20 NUM _004723754 36 27 years year NOUN _004723754 36 28 for for ADP _004723754 36 29 which which PRON _004723754 36 30 the the DET _004723754 36 31 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 36 32 party party NOUN _004723754 36 33 in in ADP _004723754 36 34 power power NOUN _004723754 36 35 is be AUX _004723754 36 36 responsible responsible ADJ _004723754 36 37 . . PUNCT _004723754 37 1 charges charge NOUN _004723754 37 2 and and CCONJ _004723754 37 3 counter counter NOUN _004723754 37 4 charges charge NOUN _004723754 37 5 are be AUX _004723754 37 6 constantly constantly ADV _004723754 37 7 being be AUX _004723754 37 8 made make VERB _004723754 37 9 regarding regard VERB _004723754 37 10 the the DET _004723754 37 11 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 37 12 of of ADP _004723754 37 13 the the DET _004723754 37 14 church church NOUN _004723754 37 15 in in ADP _004723754 37 16 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 37 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 38 1 recent recent ADJ _004723754 38 2 official official ADJ _004723754 38 3 statements statement NOUN _004723754 38 4 by by ADP _004723754 38 5 the the DET _004723754 38 6 president president NOUN _004723754 38 7 of of ADP _004723754 38 8 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 38 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 38 10 by by ADP _004723754 38 11 the the DET _004723754 38 12 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 38 13 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 38 14 at at ADP _004723754 38 15 washington washington PROPN _004723754 38 16 deny deny VERB _004723754 38 17 the the DET _004723754 38 18 exlstance exlstance NOUN _004723754 38 19 of of ADP _004723754 38 20 religious religious ADJ _004723754 38 21 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 38 22 in in ADP _004723754 38 23 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 38 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 39 1 these these DET _004723754 39 2 denials denial NOUN _004723754 39 3 were be AUX _004723754 39 4 occasioned occasion VERB _004723754 39 5 by by ADP _004723754 39 6 the the DET _004723754 39 7 borah borah PROPN _004723754 39 8 resolution resolution NOUN _004723754 39 9 which which PRON _004723754 39 10 called call VERB _004723754 39 11 for for ADP _004723754 39 12 a a DET _004723754 39 13 senatorial senatorial ADJ _004723754 39 14 invest inv ADJ _004723754 39 15 gation gation NOUN _004723754 39 16 of of ADP _004723754 39 17 the the DET _004723754 39 18 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 39 19 govern govern PROPN _004723754 39 20 ment ment NOUN _004723754 39 21 ’s ’s PART _004723754 39 22 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 39 23 of of ADP _004723754 39 24 the the DET _004723754 39 25 church church NOUN _004723754 39 26 . . PUNCT _004723754 40 1 for for ADP _004723754 40 2 the the DET _004723754 40 3 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 40 4 of of ADP _004723754 40 5 clarifying clarify VERB _004723754 40 6 the the DET _004723754 40 7 matter matter NOUN _004723754 40 8 in in ADP _004723754 40 9 the the DET _004723754 40 10 minds mind NOUN _004723754 40 11 of of ADP _004723754 40 12 the the DET _004723754 40 13 american american PROPN _004723754 40 14 people^ people^ NOUN _004723754 40 15 we we PRON _004723754 40 16 will will AUX _004723754 40 17 present present VERB _004723754 40 18 authoritative authoritative ADJ _004723754 40 19 infornqn infornqn NOUN _004723754 40 20 : : PUNCT _004723754 40 21 tion tion NOUN _004723754 40 22 in in ADP _004723754 40 23 regard regard NOUN _004723754 40 24 to to ADP _004723754 40 25 the the DET _004723754 40 26 situat’on situat’on NOUN _004723754 40 27 as as SCONJ _004723754 40 28 it it PRON _004723754 40 29 stands stand VERB _004723754 40 30 today today NOUN _004723754 40 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 41 1 members member NOUN _004723754 41 2 of of ADP _004723754 41 3 protestant protestant ADJ _004723754 41 4 denomina denomina NOUN _004723754 41 5 tions tion NOUN _004723754 41 6 who who PRON _004723754 41 7 believe believe VERB _004723754 41 8 that that SCONJ _004723754 41 9 the the DET _004723754 41 10 attack attack NOUN _004723754 41 11 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 41 12 the the DET _004723754 41 13 church church NOUN _004723754 41 14 in in ADP _004723754 41 15 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 41 16 is be AUX _004723754 41 17 anti anti ADJ _004723754 41 18 - - ADJ _004723754 41 19 cathol cathol ADJ _004723754 41 20 lie lie NOUN _004723754 41 21 instead instead ADV _004723754 41 22 of of ADP _004723754 41 23 anti anti PROPN _004723754 41 24 .. .. PROPN _004723754 41 25 god god PROPN _004723754 41 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 41 27 antikejgiaus antikejgiaus ADJ _004723754 41 28 in in ADP _004723754 41 29 general general ADJ _004723754 41 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 41 31 will will AUX _004723754 41 32 find find VERB _004723754 41 33 fma fma ADP _004723754 41 34 a a DET _004723754 41 35 careful careful ADJ _004723754 41 36 perusal perusal NOUN _004723754 41 37 of of ADP _004723754 41 38 the the DET _004723754 41 39 laws law NOUN _004723754 41 40 which which PRON _004723754 41 41 i i PRON _004723754 41 42 will will AUX _004723754 41 43 cite cite VERB _004723754 41 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 41 45 that that SCONJ _004723754 41 46 these these DET _004723754 41 47 laws law NOUN _004723754 41 48 are be AUX _004723754 41 49 directed direct VERB _004723754 41 50 against against ADP _004723754 41 51 all all DET _004723754 41 52 religions religion NOUN _004723754 41 53 and and CCONJ _004723754 41 54 not not PART _004723754 41 55 merely merely ADV _004723754 41 56 the the DET _004723754 41 57 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 41 58 religion religion NOUN _004723754 41 59 . . PUNCT _004723754 42 1 recent recent ADJ _004723754 42 2 acts act NOUN _004723754 42 3 of of ADP _004723754 42 4 7 7 NUM _004723754 42 5 the the DET _004723754 42 6 government government NOUN _004723754 42 7 under under ADP _004723754 42 8 general general ADJ _004723754 42 9 calles calle NOUN _004723754 42 10 also also ADV _004723754 42 11 bear bear VERB _004723754 42 12 out out ADP _004723754 42 13 the the DET _004723754 42 14 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 42 15 fact fact NOUN _004723754 42 16 that that SCONJ _004723754 42 17 the the DET _004723754 42 18 aim aim NOUN _004723754 42 19 of of ADP _004723754 42 20 the the DET _004723754 42 21 government government NOUN _004723754 42 22 of of ADP _004723754 42 23 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 42 24 is be AUX _004723754 42 25 to to PART _004723754 42 26 destroy destroy VERB _004723754 42 27 every every DET _004723754 42 28 vestige^ vestige^ NOUN _004723754 42 29 of of ADP _004723754 42 30 religion religion NOUN _004723754 42 31 and and CCONJ _004723754 42 32 they they PRON _004723754 42 33 are be AUX _004723754 42 34 proceeding proceed VERB _004723754 42 35 to to PART _004723754 42 36 do do VERB _004723754 42 37 so so ADV _004723754 42 38 along along ADP _004723754 42 39 the the DET _004723754 42 40 same same ADJ _004723754 42 41 lines line NOUN _004723754 42 42 which which PRON _004723754 42 43 have have AUX _004723754 42 44 been be AUX _004723754 42 45 followed follow VERB _004723754 42 46 in in ADP _004723754 42 47 russia russia PROPN _004723754 42 48 for for ADP _004723754 42 49 the the DET _004723754 42 50 past past ADJ _004723754 42 51 15 15 NUM _004723754 42 52 years year NOUN _004723754 42 53 . . PUNCT _004723754 43 1 however however ADV _004723754 43 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 43 3 before before ADP _004723754 43 4 offering offer VERB _004723754 43 5 our our PRON _004723754 43 6 evidence evidence NOUN _004723754 43 7 on on ADP _004723754 43 8 the the DET _004723754 43 9 present present ADJ _004723754 43 10 situation situation NOUN _004723754 43 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 43 12 let let VERB _004723754 43 13 us we PRON _004723754 43 14 go go VERB _004723754 43 15 back back ADV _004723754 43 16 to to ADP _004723754 43 17 the the DET _004723754 43 18 very very ADJ _004723754 43 19 beginning beginning NOUN _004723754 43 20 of of ADP _004723754 43 21 the the DET _004723754 43 22 trouble trouble NOUN _004723754 43 23 between between ADP _004723754 43 24 the the DET _004723754 43 25 church church NOUN _004723754 43 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 43 27 state state NOUN _004723754 43 28 in in ADP _004723754 43 29 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 43 30 in in ADP _004723754 43 31 order order NOUN _004723754 43 32 that that SCONJ _004723754 43 33 we we PRON _004723754 43 34 may may AUX _004723754 43 35 view view VERB _004723754 43 36 the the DET _004723754 43 37 whole whole ADJ _004723754 43 38 matter matter NOUN _004723754 43 39 in in ADP _004723754 43 40 its its PRON _004723754 43 41 proper proper ADJ _004723754 43 42 setting setting NOUN _004723754 43 43 . . PUNCT _004723754 44 1 this this DET _004723754 44 2 background background NOUN _004723754 44 3 is be AUX _004723754 44 4 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 44 5 for for ADP _004723754 44 6 a a DET _004723754 44 7 thorough thorough ADJ _004723754 44 8 undersanding undersanding NOUN _004723754 44 9 of of ADP _004723754 44 10 the the DET _004723754 44 11 problems problem NOUN _004723754 44 12 . . PUNCT _004723754 45 1 the the DET _004723754 45 2 first first ADJ _004723754 45 3 attacks attack NOUN _004723754 45 4 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 45 5 the the DET _004723754 45 6 church church NOUN _004723754 45 7 made make VERB _004723754 45 8 by by ADP _004723754 45 9 the the DET _004723754 45 10 government government NOUN _004723754 45 11 op op NOUN _004723754 45 12 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 45 13 let let VERB _004723754 45 14 us we PRON _004723754 45 15 examine examine VERB _004723754 45 16 the the DET _004723754 45 17 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 45 18 of of ADP _004723754 45 19 1857 1857 NUM _004723754 45 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 45 21 the the DET _004723754 45 22 laws law NOUN _004723754 45 23 of of ADP _004723754 45 24 reform reform NOUN _004723754 45 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 46 1 from from ADP _004723754 46 2 july july PROPN _004723754 46 3 4 4 NUM _004723754 46 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 46 5 1822 1822 NUM _004723754 46 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 46 7 when when SCONJ _004723754 46 8 the the DET _004723754 46 9 law law NOUN _004723754 46 10 was be AUX _004723754 46 11 issued issue VERB _004723754 46 12 permitting permit VERB _004723754 46 13 the the DET _004723754 46 14 government government NOUN _004723754 46 15 to to PART _004723754 46 16 take take VERB _004723754 46 17 possession possession NOUN _004723754 46 18 of of ADP _004723754 46 19 the the DET _004723754 46 20 philippine philippine ADJ _004723754 46 21 mission mission NOUN _004723754 46 22 property property NOUN _004723754 46 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 46 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 46 25 of of ADP _004723754 46 26 revenues revenue NOUN _004723754 46 27 from from ADP _004723754 46 28 pious pious ADJ _004723754 46 29 foundations foundation NOUN _004723754 46 30 which which PRON _004723754 46 31 were be AUX _004723754 46 32 not not PART _004723754 46 33 to to PART _004723754 46 34 be be AUX _004723754 46 35 spent spend VERB _004723754 46 36 within within ADP _004723754 46 37 the the DET _004723754 46 38 limits limit NOUN _004723754 46 39 of of ADP _004723754 46 40 the the DET _004723754 46 41 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 46 42 republic republic NOUN _004723754 46 43 , , PUNCT _004723754 46 44 to to ADP _004723754 46 45 the the DET _004723754 46 46 law law NOUN _004723754 46 47 of of ADP _004723754 46 48 november november PROPN _004723754 46 49 23rd 23rd NUM _004723754 46 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 46 51 1855 1855 NUM _004723754 46 52 , , PUNCT _004723754 46 53 article article NOUN _004723754 46 54 42 42 NUM _004723754 46 55 of of ADP _004723754 46 56 y y PROPN _004723754 46 57 hich hich ADV _004723754 46 58 abolished abolish VERB _004723754 46 59 all all DET _004723754 46 60 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _004723754 46 61 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _004723754 46 62 in in ADP _004723754 46 63 civil civil ADJ _004723754 46 64 matters matter NOUN _004723754 46 65 , , PUNCT _004723754 46 66 a a DET _004723754 46 67 series series NOUN _004723754 46 68 of of ADP _004723754 46 69 laws law NOUN _004723754 46 70 were be AUX _004723754 46 71 enacted enact VERB _004723754 46 72 by by ADP _004723754 46 73 congress congress PROPN _004723754 46 74 and and CCONJ _004723754 46 75 the the DET _004723754 46 76 legislatures legislature NOUN _004723754 46 77 of of ADP _004723754 46 78 the the DET _004723754 46 79 states state NOUN _004723754 46 80 clearly clearly ADV _004723754 46 81 showing show VERB _004723754 46 82 the the DET _004723754 46 83 anti anti ADJ _004723754 46 84 - - ADJ _004723754 46 85 religjous religjous ADJ _004723754 46 86 spirit spirit NOUN _004723754 46 87 of of ADP _004723754 46 88 those those PRON _004723754 46 89 who who PRON _004723754 46 90 framed frame VERB _004723754 46 91 them they PRON _004723754 46 92 . . PUNCT _004723754 47 1 this this DET _004723754 47 2 spirit spirit NOUN _004723754 47 3 was be AUX _004723754 47 4 at at ADP _004723754 47 5 its its PRON _004723754 47 6 height height NOUN _004723754 47 7 from from ADP _004723754 47 8 1857 1857 NUM _004723754 47 9 to to ADP _004723754 47 10 1874 1874 NUM _004723754 47 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 48 1 during during ADP _004723754 48 2 the the DET _004723754 48 3 presidency presidency NOUN _004723754 48 4 of of ADP _004723754 48 5 d. d. PROPN _004723754 48 6 ignacio ignacio PROPN _004723754 48 7 comonfort comonfort PROPN _004723754 48 8 the the DET _004723754 48 9 famous famous ADJ _004723754 48 10 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 48 11 of of ADP _004723754 48 12 1857 1857 NUM _004723754 48 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 48 14 decreeing decree VERB _004723754 48 15 the the DET _004723754 48 16 separation separation NOUN _004723754 48 17 of of ADP _004723754 48 18 church church NOUN _004723754 48 19 i i PRON _004723754 48 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 48 21 stale stale ADJ _004723754 48 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 48 23 was be AUX _004723754 48 24 promulgated promulgate VERB _004723754 48 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 48 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 48 27 in in ADP _004723754 48 28 the the DET _004723754 48 29 years year NOUN _004723754 48 30 following follow VERB _004723754 48 31 benito benito PROPN _004723754 48 32 juarez juarez PROPN _004723754 48 33 framed frame VERB _004723754 48 34 innumerable innumerable ADJ _004723754 48 35 laws law NOUN _004723754 48 36 systematizing systematize VERB _004723754 48 37 the the DET _004723754 48 38 provisions provision NOUN _004723754 48 39 of of ADP _004723754 48 40 the the DET _004723754 48 41 cionstitutioa cionstitutioa NOUN _004723754 48 42 and and CCONJ _004723754 48 43 enforcing enforce VERB _004723754 48 44 the the DET _004723754 48 45 separation separation NOUN _004723754 48 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 48 47 and and CCONJ _004723754 48 48 in in ADP _004723754 48 49 1874 1874 NUM _004723754 48 50 president president PROPN _004723754 48 51 d. d. PROPN _004723754 48 52 sebastian sebastian PROPN _004723754 48 53 lerdo lerdo PROPN _004723754 48 54 de de PROPN _004723754 48 55 tejada tejada PROPN _004723754 48 56 raised raise VERB _004723754 48 57 many many ADJ _004723754 48 58 of of ADP _004723754 48 59 the the DET _004723754 48 60 reform reform NOUN _004723754 48 61 laws law NOUN _004723754 48 62 framed frame VERB _004723754 48 63 by by ADP _004723754 48 64 juarez juarez PROPN _004723754 48 65 to to ADP _004723754 48 66 constitutional constitutional ADJ _004723754 48 67 statutes statute NOUN _004723754 48 68 . . PUNCT _004723754 49 1 the the DET _004723754 49 2 church church NOUN _004723754 49 3 and and CCONJ _004723754 49 4 her her PRON _004723754 49 5 privileges privilege NOUN _004723754 49 6 law law NOUN _004723754 49 7 of of ADP _004723754 49 8 december december PROPN _004723754 49 9 4 4 NUM _004723754 49 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 49 11 1860 1860 NUM _004723754 49 12 : : PUNCT _004723754 49 13 art art NOUN _004723754 49 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 50 1 8- 8- X _004723754 50 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 50 3 right right ADJ _004723754 50 4 of of ADP _004723754 50 5 asylum asylum NOUN _004723754 50 6 in in ADP _004723754 50 7 churches church NOUN _004723754 50 8 is be AUX _004723754 50 9 abolished abolish VERB _004723754 50 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 50 11 force force NOUN _004723754 50 12 may may AUX _004723754 50 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 50 14 should should AUX _004723754 50 15 be be AUX _004723754 50 16 employed employ VERB _004723754 50 17 in in ADP _004723754 50 18 whatever whatever DET _004723754 50 19 measure measure NOUN _004723754 50 20 it it PRON _004723754 50 21 may may AUX _004723754 50 22 be be AUX _004723754 50 23 deemed deem VERB _004723754 50 24 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 50 25 to to PART _004723754 50 26 arrest arrest VERB _004723754 50 27 and and CCONJ _004723754 50 28 remove remove VERB _004723754 50 29 according accord VERB _004723754 50 30 to to ADP _004723754 50 31 law law NOUN _004723754 50 32 a a DET _004723754 50 33 declared declared ADJ _004723754 50 34 or or CCONJ _004723754 50 35 suspected suspect VERB _004723754 50 36 criminal criminal NOUN _004723754 50 37 , , PUNCT _004723754 50 38 without without ADP _004723754 50 39 the the DET _004723754 50 40 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _004723754 50 41 authorities authority NOUN _004723754 50 42 having have VERB _004723754 50 43 a a DET _004723754 50 44 right right NOUN _004723754 50 45 to to PART _004723754 50 46 intervene intervene VERB _004723754 50 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 51 1 art art NOUN _004723754 51 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 52 1 17 17 NUM _004723754 52 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 52 3 official official ADJ _004723754 52 4 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 52 5 former former ADJ _004723754 52 6 ly ly ADV _004723754 52 7 given give VERB _004723754 52 8 to to ADP _004723754 52 9 various various ADJ _004723754 52 10 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _004723754 52 11 persons person NOUN _004723754 52 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 52 13 corporations corporation NOUN _004723754 52 14 is be AUX _004723754 52 15 withdrawn withdraw VERB _004723754 52 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 53 1 art art NOUN _004723754 53 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 54 1 18 18 NUM _004723754 54 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 54 3 the the DET _004723754 54 4 use use NOUN _004723754 54 5 of of ADP _004723754 54 6 church church NOUN _004723754 54 7 bells bell NOUN _004723754 54 8 is be AUX _004723754 54 9 to to PART _004723754 54 10 be be AUX _004723754 54 11 regulated regulate VERB _004723754 54 12 by by ADP _004723754 54 13 police police NOUN _004723754 54 14 ordinance ordinance NOUN _004723754 54 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 55 1 art art NOUN _004723754 55 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 56 1 24 24 NUM _004723754 56 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 56 3 public public ADJ _004723754 56 4 officials official NOUN _004723754 56 5 are be AUX _004723754 56 6 forbidden forbid VERB _004723754 56 7 in in ADP _004723754 56 8 their their PRON _004723754 56 9 official official ADJ _004723754 56 10 capacity capacity NOUN _004723754 56 11 to to PART _004723754 56 12 assist assist VERB _004723754 56 13 at at ADP _004723754 56 14 any any DET _004723754 56 15 religious religious ADJ _004723754 56 16 ceremony ceremony NOUN _004723754 56 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 56 18 or or CCONJ _004723754 56 19 entertainment entertainment NOUN _004723754 56 20 in in ADP _004723754 56 21 honor honor NOUN _004723754 56 22 of of ADP _004723754 56 23 a a DET _004723754 56 24 clergyman clergyman NOUN _004723754 56 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 56 26 however however ADV _004723754 56 27 high high ADJ _004723754 56 28 in in ADP _004723754 56 29 rank rank NOUN _004723754 56 30 he he PRON _004723754 56 31 may may AUX _004723754 56 32 be be AUX _004723754 56 33 . . PUNCT _004723754 57 1 troops troop NOUN _004723754 57 2 of of ADP _004723754 57 3 soldiers soldier NOUN _004723754 57 4 are be AUX _004723754 57 5 included include VERB _004723754 57 6 in in ADP _004723754 57 7 the the DET _004723754 57 8 foregoing forego VERB _004723754 57 9 prohibition prohibition NOUN _004723754 57 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 58 1 law law NOUN _004723754 58 2 of of ADP _004723754 58 3 may may PROPN _004723754 58 4 13 13 NUM _004723754 58 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 58 6 1873 1873 NUM _004723754 58 7 — — PUNCT _004723754 58 8 no no DET _004723754 58 9 religious religious ADJ _004723754 58 10 rite rite NOUN _004723754 58 11 or or CCONJ _004723754 58 12 demonstration demonstration NOUN _004723754 58 13 of of ADP _004723754 58 14 any any DET _004723754 58 15 kind kind NOUN _004723754 58 16 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _004723754 58 17 may may AUX _004723754 58 18 take take VERB _004723754 58 19 place place NOUN _004723754 58 20 outside outside ADV _004723754 58 21 oi oi ADP _004723754 58 22 the the DET _004723754 58 23 church church NOUN _004723754 58 24 building building NOUN _004723754 58 25 in in ADP _004723754 58 26 any any DET _004723754 58 27 part part NOUN _004723754 58 28 of of ADP _004723754 58 29 the the DET _004723754 58 30 republic republic NOUN _004723754 58 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 59 1 law law NOUN _004723754 59 2 of of ADP _004723754 59 3 december december PROPN _004723754 59 4 14 14 NUM _004723754 59 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 59 6 1874 1874 NUM _004723754 59 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 59 8 art art NOUN _004723754 59 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 60 1 3 3 NUM _004723754 60 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 60 3 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 60 4 shall shall AUX _004723754 60 5 the the DET _004723754 60 6 government government NOUN _004723754 60 7 recognize recognize VERB _004723754 60 8 in in ADP _004723754 60 9 any any DET _004723754 60 10 manner manner NOUN _004723754 60 11 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _004723754 60 12 religious religious ADJ _004723754 60 13 9 9 NUM _004723754 60 14 solemnities solemnity NOUN _004723754 60 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 61 1 all all DET _004723754 61 2 days day NOUN _004723754 61 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 61 4 therefore therefore ADV _004723754 61 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 61 6 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 61 7 that that PRON _004723754 61 8 do do AUX _004723754 61 9 not not PART _004723754 61 10 commemorate commemorate VERB _004723754 61 11 some some DET _004723754 61 12 exclusively exclusively ADV _004723754 61 13 civil civil ADJ _004723754 61 14 event event NOUN _004723754 61 15 cease cease NOUN _004723754 61 16 to to PART _004723754 61 17 be be AUX _004723754 61 18 holidays holiday NOUN _004723754 61 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 62 1 sundays sunday NOUN _004723754 62 2 are be AUX _004723754 62 3 set set VERB _004723754 62 4 apart apart ADV _004723754 62 5 as as ADP _004723754 62 6 days day NOUN _004723754 62 7 of of ADP _004723754 62 8 rest rest NOUN _004723754 62 9 for for ADP _004723754 62 10 offices office NOUN _004723754 62 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 62 12 public public ADJ _004723754 62 13 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 62 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 63 1 art art NOUN _004723754 63 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 64 1 5 5 X _004723754 64 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 64 3 no no DET _004723754 64 4 religious religious ADJ _004723754 64 5 rite rite NOUN _004723754 64 6 may may AUX _004723754 64 7 take take VERB _004723754 64 8 place place NOUN _004723754 64 9 outside outside ADP _004723754 64 10 the the DET _004723754 64 11 church church NOUN _004723754 64 12 building building NOUN _004723754 64 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 64 14 neither neither CCONJ _004723754 64 15 shall shall AUX _004723754 64 16 the the DET _004723754 64 17 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 64 18 of of ADP _004723754 64 19 religion religion NOUN _004723754 64 20 or or CCONJ _004723754 64 21 any any DET _004723754 64 22 individual individual NOUN _004723754 64 23 of of ADP _004723754 64 24 either either DET _004723754 64 25 sex sex NOUN _004723754 64 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 64 27 of of ADP _004723754 64 28 any any DET _004723754 64 29 denomination denomination NOUN _004723754 64 30 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _004723754 64 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 64 32 wear wear VERB _004723754 64 33 in in ADP _004723754 64 34 public public ADJ _004723754 64 35 a a DET _004723754 64 36 special special ADJ _004723754 64 37 dress dress NOUN _004723754 64 38 or or CCONJ _004723754 64 39 insignia insignia NOUN _004723754 64 40 which which PRON _004723754 64 41 would would AUX _004723754 64 42 characterize characterize VERB _004723754 64 43 him he PRON _004723754 64 44 in in ADP _004723754 64 45 any any DET _004723754 64 46 way way NOUN _004723754 64 47 , , PUNCT _004723754 64 48 under under ADP _004723754 64 49 penalty penalty NOUN _004723754 64 50 of of ADP _004723754 64 51 fine fine NOUN _004723754 64 52 of of ADP _004723754 64 53 ten ten NUM _004723754 64 54 to to PART _004723754 64 55 two two NUM _004723754 64 56 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 64 57 pesos peso NOUN _004723754 64 58 . . PUNCT _004723754 65 1 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 65 2 of of ADP _004723754 65 3 1857 1857 NUM _004723754 65 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 65 5 art art NOUN _004723754 65 6 . . PUNCT _004723754 66 1 5 5 X _004723754 66 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 66 3 the the DET _004723754 66 4 state state NOUN _004723754 66 5 can can AUX _004723754 66 6 not not PART _004723754 66 7 allow allow VERB _004723754 66 8 any any DET _004723754 66 9 contract contract NOUN _004723754 66 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 66 11 pact pact NOUN _004723754 66 12 or or CCONJ _004723754 66 13 agreement agreement NOUN _004723754 66 14 to to PART _004723754 66 15 go go VERB _004723754 66 16 into into ADP _004723754 66 17 effect effect NOUN _004723754 66 18 that that PRON _004723754 66 19 has have VERB _004723754 66 20 for for ADP _004723754 66 21 its its PRON _004723754 66 22 object object NOUN _004723754 66 23 the the DET _004723754 66 24 impairment impairment NOUN _004723754 66 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 66 26 loss loss NOUN _004723754 66 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 66 28 or or CCONJ _004723754 66 29 irrevocable irrevocable ADJ _004723754 66 30 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _004723754 66 31 of of ADP _004723754 66 32 a a DET _004723754 66 33 man man NOUN _004723754 66 34 ’s ’s PART _004723754 66 35 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 66 36 , , PUNCT _004723754 66 37 whatever whatever PRON _004723754 66 38 the the DET _004723754 66 39 cause cause NOUN _004723754 66 40 may may AUX _004723754 66 41 be be AUX _004723754 66 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 66 43 work work NOUN _004723754 66 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 66 45 education education NOUN _004723754 66 46 or or CCONJ _004723754 66 47 religious religious ADJ _004723754 66 48 vows vow NOUN _004723754 66 49 . . PUNCT _004723754 67 1 consequently consequently ADV _004723754 67 2 the the DET _004723754 67 3 law law NOUN _004723754 67 4 does do AUX _004723754 67 5 not not PART _004723754 67 6 recognize recognize VERB _004723754 67 7 monastic monastic ADJ _004723754 67 8 orders order NOUN _004723754 67 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 67 10 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 67 11 can can AUX _004723754 67 12 it it PRON _004723754 67 13 permit permit VERB _004723754 67 14 their their PRON _004723754 67 15 establishment establishment NOUN _004723754 67 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 67 17 whatever whatever PRON _004723754 67 18 be be AUX _004723754 67 19 their their PRON _004723754 67 20 designation designation NOUN _004723754 67 21 or or CCONJ _004723754 67 22 object object NOUN _004723754 67 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 68 1 art art NOUN _004723754 68 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 69 1 27 27 NUM _004723754 69 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 69 3 religious religious ADJ _004723754 69 4 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 69 5 or or CCONJ _004723754 69 6 corporations corporation NOUN _004723754 69 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 8 whatever whatever DET _004723754 69 9 their their PRON _004723754 69 10 character character NOUN _004723754 69 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 12 name name NOUN _004723754 69 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 14 period period NOUN _004723754 69 15 of of ADP _004723754 69 16 existence existence NOUN _004723754 69 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 69 18 object object NOUN _004723754 69 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 69 21 such such ADJ _004723754 69 22 civil civil ADJ _004723754 69 23 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 69 24 as as SCONJ _004723754 69 25 are be AUX _004723754 69 26 under under ADP _004723754 69 27 the the DET _004723754 69 28 patronage patronage NOUN _004723754 69 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 30 direction direction NOUN _004723754 69 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 32 or or CCONJ _004723754 69 33 administration administration NOUN _004723754 69 34 of of ADP _004723754 69 35 these these PRON _004723754 69 36 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 37 or or CCONJ _004723754 69 38 of of ADP _004723754 69 39 the the DET _004723754 69 40 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 69 41 of of ADP _004723754 69 42 any any DET _004723754 69 43 religious religious ADJ _004723754 69 44 denomination denomination NOUN _004723754 69 45 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 46 shall shall AUX _004723754 69 47 have have VERB _004723754 69 48 no no DET _004723754 69 49 legal legal ADJ _004723754 69 50 right right NOUN _004723754 69 51 to to PART _004723754 69 52 acquire acquire VERB _004723754 69 53 title title NOUN _004723754 69 54 to to ADP _004723754 69 55 or or CCONJ _004723754 69 56 administer administer VERB _004723754 69 57 any any DET _004723754 69 58 property property NOUN _004723754 69 59 , , PUNCT _004723754 69 60 but but CCONJ _004723754 69 61 such such ADJ _004723754 69 62 buildings building NOUN _004723754 69 63 as as SCONJ _004723754 69 64 are be AUX _004723754 69 65 destined destine VERB _004723754 69 66 for for ADP _004723754 69 67 the the DET _004723754 69 68 immediate immediate ADJ _004723754 69 69 and and CCONJ _004723754 69 70 direct direct ADJ _004723754 69 71 use use NOUN _004723754 69 72 of of ADP _004723754 69 73 sa‘d sa‘d SPACE _004723754 69 74 corporation corporation NOUN _004723754 69 75 and and CCONJ _004723754 69 76 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 69 77 . . PUNCT _004723754 70 1 neither neither CCONJ _004723754 70 2 shall shall AUX _004723754 70 3 they they PRON _004723754 70 4 have have VERB _004723754 70 5 the the DET _004723754 70 6 right right NOUN _004723754 70 7 to to PART _004723754 70 8 acquire acquire VERB _004723754 70 9 or or CCONJ _004723754 70 10 man^age man^age NOUN _004723754 70 11 revenues revenue NOUN _004723754 70 12 derived derive VERB _004723754 70 13 ^rom ^rom SPACE _004723754 70 14 real real ADJ _004723754 70 15 estate estate NOUN _004723754 70 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 71 1 law law NOUN _004723754 71 2 of of ADP _004723754 71 3 july july PROPN _004723754 71 4 12 12 NUM _004723754 71 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 71 6 1859 1859 NUM _004723754 71 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 71 8 art art NOUN _004723754 71 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 72 1 5 5 X _004723754 72 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 72 3 all all DET _004723754 72 4 the the DET _004723754 72 5 10 10 NUM _004723754 72 6 male male ADJ _004723754 72 7 religious religious ADJ _004723754 72 8 orders order NOUN _004723754 72 9 which which PRON _004723754 72 10 exist exist VERB _004723754 72 11 throughout throughout ADP _004723754 72 12 the the DET _004723754 72 13 republic republic NOUN _004723754 72 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 72 15 whatever whatever PRON _004723754 72 16 their their PRON _004723754 72 17 name name NOUN _004723754 72 18 or or CCONJ _004723754 72 19 the the DET _004723754 72 20 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 72 21 of of ADP _004723754 72 22 their their PRON _004723754 72 23 existence existence NOUN _004723754 72 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 72 25 are be AUX _004723754 72 26 hereby hereby ADV _004723754 72 27 suppressed suppress VERB _004723754 72 28 throughout throughout ADP _004723754 72 29 the the DET _004723754 72 30 whole whole ADJ _004723754 72 31 republic republic NOUN _004723754 72 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 72 33 as as ADP _004723754 72 34 also also ADV _004723754 72 35 all all DET _004723754 72 36 archconfraternities archconfraternitie NOUN _004723754 72 37 , , PUNCT _004723754 72 38 confraternities confraternitie NOUN _004723754 72 39 , , PUNCT _004723754 72 40 congregations congregation NOUN _004723754 72 41 or or CCONJ _004723754 72 42 sisterhoods sisterhood NOUN _004723754 72 43 annexed annex VERB _004723754 72 44 to to ADP _004723754 72 45 the the DET _004723754 72 46 religious religious ADJ _004723754 72 47 communities community NOUN _004723754 72 48 , , PUNCT _004723754 72 49 cathedrals cathedral NOUN _004723754 72 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 72 51 parishes parish NOUN _004723754 72 52 or or CCONJ _004723754 72 53 any any DET _004723754 72 54 other other ADJ _004723754 72 55 churches church NOUN _004723754 72 56 . . PUNCT _004723754 73 1 art art NOUN _004723754 73 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 74 1 6 6 X _004723754 74 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 74 3 the the DET _004723754 74 4 foundation foundation NOUN _004723754 74 5 or or CCONJ _004723754 74 6 erection erection NOUN _004723754 74 7 of of ADP _004723754 74 8 new new ADJ _004723754 74 9 convents convent NOUN _004723754 74 10 of of ADP _004723754 74 11 regulars regular NOUN _004723754 74 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 74 13 archconfraternities archconfraternitie NOUN _004723754 74 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 74 15 confraternities confraternitie NOUN _004723754 74 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 74 17 congregations congregation NOUN _004723754 74 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 74 19 or or CCONJ _004723754 74 20 sisterhoods sisterhood NOUN _004723754 74 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 74 22 under under ADP _004723754 74 23 whatever whatever DET _004723754 74 24 form form NOUN _004723754 74 25 or or CCONJ _004723754 74 26 name name NOUN _004723754 74 27 is be AUX _004723754 74 28 given give VERB _004723754 74 29 them they PRON _004723754 74 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 74 31 is be AUX _004723754 74 32 prohibited prohibit VERB _004723754 74 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 74 34 likewise likewise ADV _004723754 74 35 the the DET _004723754 74 36 wearing wearing NOUN _004723754 74 37 of of ADP _004723754 74 38 the the DET _004723754 74 39 garb garb NOUN _004723754 74 40 or or CCONJ _004723754 74 41 habit habit NOUN _004723754 74 42 of of ADP _004723754 74 43 the the DET _004723754 74 44 suppressed suppress VERB _004723754 74 45 orders order NOUN _004723754 74 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 75 1 art art NOUN _004723754 75 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 76 1 7 7 X _004723754 76 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 76 3 by by ADP _004723754 76 4 this this DET _004723754 76 5 law law NOUN _004723754 76 6 the the DET _004723754 76 7 ecclesiastics ecclesiastic NOUN _004723754 76 8 of of ADP _004723754 76 9 the the DET _004723754 76 10 suppressed suppress VERB _004723754 76 11 orders order NOUN _004723754 76 12 are be AUX _004723754 76 13 reduced reduce VERB _004723754 76 14 to to ADP _004723754 76 15 the the DET _004723754 76 16 conditions condition NOUN _004723754 76 17 of of ADP _004723754 76 18 secular secular ADJ _004723754 76 19 clergy clergy NOUN _004723754 76 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 76 21 and and CCONJ _004723754 76 22 shall shall AUX _004723754 76 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 76 24 like like ADP _004723754 76 25 these these PRON _004723754 76 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 76 27 be be AUX _004723754 76 28 subject subject ADJ _004723754 76 29 as as SCONJ _004723754 76 30 regards regard VERB _004723754 76 31 the the DET _004723754 76 32 exercise exercise NOUN _004723754 76 33 of of ADP _004723754 76 34 their their PRON _004723754 76 35 ministry ministry NOUN _004723754 76 36 to to ADP _004723754 76 37 the the DET _004723754 76 38 ordinaries ordinary NOUN _004723754 76 39 of of ADP _004723754 76 40 their their PRON _004723754 76 41 respective respective ADJ _004723754 76 42 dioceses diocese NOUN _004723754 76 43 . . PUNCT _004723754 77 1 confiscation confiscation NOUN _004723754 77 2 of of ADP _004723754 77 3 property property NOUN _004723754 77 4 art art NOUN _004723754 77 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 78 1 12—^all 12—^all NUM _004723754 78 2 books book NOUN _004723754 78 3 printed print VERB _004723754 78 4 or or CCONJ _004723754 78 5 manuscript manuscript NOUN _004723754 78 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 78 7 paintings painting NOUN _004723754 78 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 78 9 antiquities antiquity NOUN _004723754 78 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 78 11 other other ADJ _004723754 78 12 articles article NOUN _004723754 78 13 belonging belong VERB _004723754 78 14 to to ADP _004723754 78 15 the the DET _004723754 78 16 surpressed surpresse VERB _004723754 78 17 religious religious ADJ _004723754 78 18 communities community NOUN _004723754 78 19 shall shall AUX _004723754 78 20 be be AUX _004723754 78 21 given give VERB _004723754 78 22 to to ADP _004723754 78 23 museums museum NOUN _004723754 78 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 78 25 lyceums lyceum NOUN _004723754 78 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 78 27 libraries library NOUN _004723754 78 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 78 29 other other ADJ _004723754 78 30 public public ADJ _004723754 78 31 establishments establishment NOUN _004723754 78 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 79 1 art art NOUN _004723754 79 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 80 1 13 13 NUM _004723754 80 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 80 3 all all DET _004723754 80 4 members member NOUN _004723754 80 5 of of ADP _004723754 80 6 the the DET _004723754 80 7 suppressed suppress VERB _004723754 80 8 orders order NOUN _004723754 80 9 who who PRON _004723754 80 10 fifteen fifteen VERB _004723754 80 11 days day NOUN _004723754 80 12 after after ADP _004723754 80 13 the the DET _004723754 80 14 publication publication NOUN _004723754 80 15 of of ADP _004723754 80 16 this this DET _004723754 80 17 law law NOUN _004723754 80 18 in in ADP _004723754 80 19 their their PRON _004723754 80 20 respective respective ADJ _004723754 80 21 localities locality NOUN _004723754 80 22 shall shall AUX _004723754 80 23 continue continue VERB _004723754 80 24 to to PART _004723754 80 25 wear wear VERB _004723754 80 26 the the DET _004723754 80 27 habit habit NOUN _004723754 80 28 or or CCONJ _004723754 80 29 live live VERB _004723754 80 30 in in ADP _004723754 80 31 community community NOUN _004723754 80 32 shall shall AUX _004723754 80 33 forfeit forfeit VERB _004723754 80 34 the the DET _004723754 80 35 right right NOUN _004723754 80 36 to to PART _004723754 80 37 collect collect VERB _004723754 80 38 their their PRON _004723754 80 39 quota quota NOUN _004723754 80 40 as as SCONJ _004723754 80 41 assigned assign VERB _004723754 80 42 by by ADP _004723754 80 43 article article NOUN _004723754 80 44 8 8 NUM _004723754 80 45 , , PUNCT _004723754 80 46 and and CCONJ _004723754 80 47 11 11 NUM _004723754 80 48 if if SCONJ _004723754 80 49 after after ADP _004723754 80 50 the the DET _004723754 80 51 term term NOUN _004723754 80 52 of of ADP _004723754 80 53 15 15 NUM _004723754 80 54 days day NOUN _004723754 80 55 designated designate VERB _004723754 80 56 by by ADP _004723754 80 57 this this DET _004723754 80 58 article article NOUN _004723754 80 59 they they PRON _004723754 80 60 should should AUX _004723754 80 61 reunite reunite VERB _004723754 80 62 in in ADP _004723754 80 63 any any DET _004723754 80 64 place place NOUN _004723754 80 65 and and CCONJ _004723754 80 66 appear appear VERB _004723754 80 67 to to PART _004723754 80 68 follow follow VERB _004723754 80 69 their their PRON _004723754 80 70 community community NOUN _004723754 80 71 life life NOUN _004723754 80 72 they they PRON _004723754 80 73 shall shall AUX _004723754 80 74 immediately immediately ADV _004723754 80 75 be be AUX _004723754 80 76 expelled expel VERB _004723754 80 77 from from ADP _004723754 80 78 the the DET _004723754 80 79 country country NOUN _004723754 80 80 . . PUNCT _004723754 81 1 art art NOUN _004723754 81 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 82 1 21 21 NUM _004723754 82 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 82 3 all all DET _004723754 82 4 novitiates novitiate NOUN _004723754 82 5 for for ADP _004723754 82 6 women woman NOUN _004723754 82 7 are be AUX _004723754 82 8 perpetually perpetually ADV _004723754 82 9 closed close VERB _004723754 82 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 83 1 those those PRON _004723754 83 2 at at ADP _004723754 83 3 present present ADJ _004723754 83 4 in in ADP _004723754 83 5 novitiates novitiate NOUN _004723754 83 6 can can AUX _004723754 83 7 not not PART _004723754 83 8 be be AUX _004723754 83 9 professed profess VERB _004723754 83 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 84 1 law law NOUN _004723754 84 2 of of ADP _004723754 84 3 feb feb PROPN _004723754 84 4 . . PROPN _004723754 84 5 26 26 NUM _004723754 84 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 84 7 1863 1863 NUM _004723754 84 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 84 9 art art NOUN _004723754 84 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 85 1 1 1 X _004723754 85 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 85 3 all all DET _004723754 85 4 religious religious ADJ _004723754 85 5 communities community NOUN _004723754 85 6 of of ADP _004723754 85 7 women woman NOUN _004723754 85 8 are be AUX _004723754 85 9 suppressed suppress VERB _004723754 85 10 throughout throughout ADP _004723754 85 11 the the DET _004723754 85 12 republic republic NOUN _004723754 85 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 86 1 law law NOUN _004723754 86 2 of of ADP _004723754 86 3 december december PROPN _004723754 86 4 4 4 NUM _004723754 86 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 86 6 1873 1873 NUM _004723754 86 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 87 1 art art NOUN _004723754 87 2 . . PUNCT _004723754 88 1 19 19 NUM _004723754 88 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 88 3 the the DET _004723754 88 4 state state NOUN _004723754 88 5 does do AUX _004723754 88 6 not not PART _004723754 88 7 recognize recognize VERB _004723754 88 8 monastic monastic ADJ _004723754 88 9 orders order NOUN _004723754 88 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 88 11 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 88 12 can can AUX _004723754 88 13 it it PRON _004723754 88 14 permit permit VERB _004723754 88 15 their their PRON _004723754 88 16 establishment establishment NOUN _004723754 88 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 88 18 whatever whatever PRON _004723754 88 19 their their PRON _004723754 88 20 name name NOUN _004723754 88 21 or or CCONJ _004723754 88 22 the the DET _004723754 88 23 object object NOUN _004723754 88 24 for for ADP _004723754 88 25 which which PRON _004723754 88 26 they they PRON _004723754 88 27 are be AUX _004723754 88 28 founded found VERB _004723754 88 29 . . PUNCT _004723754 89 1 any any DET _004723754 89 2 orders order NOUN _004723754 89 3 that that PRON _004723754 89 4 may may AUX _004723754 89 5 be be AUX _004723754 89 6 secretly secretly ADV _004723754 89 7 established establish VERB _004723754 89 8 shall shall AUX _004723754 89 9 be be AUX _004723754 89 10 considered consider VERB _004723754 89 11 unlawful unlawful ADJ _004723754 89 12 assemblies assembly NOUN _004723754 89 13 which which PRON _004723754 89 14 the the DET _004723754 89 15 authorities authority NOUN _004723754 89 16 may may AUX _004723754 89 17 dissolve dissolve VERB _004723754 89 18 should should AUX _004723754 89 19 the the DET _004723754 89 20 members member NOUN _004723754 89 21 attempt attempt VERB _004723754 89 22 to to PART _004723754 89 23 live live VERB _004723754 89 24 in in ADP _004723754 89 25 community community NOUN _004723754 89 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 89 27 and and CCONJ _004723754 89 28 in in ADP _004723754 89 29 all all DET _004723754 89 30 such such ADJ _004723754 89 31 cases case NOUN _004723754 89 32 the the DET _004723754 89 33 superiors superior NOUN _004723754 89 34 or or CCONJ _004723754 89 35 heads head NOUN _004723754 89 36 shall shall AUX _004723754 89 37 be be AUX _004723754 89 38 judged judge VERB _004723754 89 39 criminals criminal NOUN _004723754 89 40 infringing infringe VERB _004723754 89 41 on on ADP _004723754 89 42 individual individual ADJ _004723754 89 43 rights right NOUN _004723754 89 44 according accord VERB _004723754 89 45 to to ADP _004723754 89 46 article article NOUN _004723754 89 47 973 973 NUM _004723754 89 48 of of ADP _004723754 89 49 the the DET _004723754 89 50 penal penal ADJ _004723754 89 51 code code NOUN _004723754 89 52 of of ADP _004723754 89 53 the the DET _004723754 89 54 district district NOUN _004723754 89 55 , , PUNCT _004723754 89 56 which which PRON _004723754 89 57 is be AUX _004723754 89 58 declared declare VERB _004723754 89 59 in in ADP _004723754 89 60 force force NOUN _004723754 89 61 in in ADP _004723754 89 62 all all DET _004723754 89 63 the the DET _004723754 89 64 republic republic NOUN _004723754 89 65 . . PUNCT _004723754 90 1 church church NOUN _004723754 90 2 prop prop NOUN _004723754 90 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 90 4 erty erty NOUN _004723754 90 5 law law NOUN _004723754 90 6 of of ADP _004723754 90 7 july july PROPN _004723754 90 8 12 12 NUM _004723754 90 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 90 10 1859 1859 NUM _004723754 90 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 90 12 art art NOUN _004723754 90 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 91 1 1 1 X _004723754 91 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 91 3 all all DET _004723754 91 4 property property NOUN _004723754 91 5 which which PRON _004723754 91 6 under under ADP _004723754 91 7 different different ADJ _004723754 91 8 titles title NOUN _004723754 91 9 has have AUX _004723754 91 10 been be AUX _004723754 91 11 administered administer VERB _004723754 91 12 by by ADP _004723754 91 13 the the DET _004723754 91 14 secular secular ADJ _004723754 91 15 and and CCONJ _004723754 91 16 regular regular ADJ _004723754 91 17 clergy clergy NOUN _004723754 91 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 91 19 whatever whatever DET _004723754 91 20 kind kind NOUN _004723754 91 21 of of ADP _004723754 91 22 property property NOUN _004723754 91 23 it it PRON _004723754 91 24 may may AUX _004723754 91 25 be be AUX _004723754 91 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 91 27 taxes taxis NOUN _004723754 91 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 91 29 shares share NOUN _004723754 91 30 or or CCONJ _004723754 91 31 stock stock NOUN _004723754 91 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 91 33 or or CCONJ _004723754 91 34 the the DET _004723754 91 35 name name NOUN _004723754 91 36 or or CCONJ _004723754 91 37 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 91 38 it it PRON _004723754 91 39 may may AUX _004723754 91 40 have have AUX _004723754 91 41 had have VERB _004723754 91 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 91 43 becomes become VERB _004723754 91 44 the the DET _004723754 91 45 property property NOUN _004723754 91 46 of of ADP _004723754 91 47 the the DET _004723754 91 48 state state NOUN _004723754 91 49 . . PUNCT _004723754 92 1 law law NOUN _004723754 92 2 of of ADP _004723754 92 3 september september PROPN _004723754 92 4 25 25 NUM _004723754 92 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 92 6 1873 1873 NUM _004723754 92 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 92 8 art art NOUN _004723754 92 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 93 1 3 3 NUM _004723754 93 2 r r X _004723754 93 3 — — PUNCT _004723754 93 4 no no DET _004723754 93 5 religious religious ADJ _004723754 93 6 institution institution NOUN _004723754 93 7 may may AUX _004723754 93 8 acquire acquire VERB _004723754 93 9 12 12 NUM _004723754 93 10 property property NOUN _004723754 93 11 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 93 12 the the DET _004723754 93 13 revenuie revenuie NOUN _004723754 93 14 derived derive VERB _004723754 93 15 from from ADP _004723754 93 16 property property NOUN _004723754 93 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 94 1 legacies legacy NOUN _004723754 94 2 and and CCONJ _004723754 94 3 wills will NOUN _004723754 94 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 95 1 law law NOUN _004723754 95 2 of of ADP _004723754 95 3 december december PROPN _004723754 95 4 14 14 NUM _004723754 95 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 95 6 1874 1874 NUM _004723754 95 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 95 8 art art NOUN _004723754 95 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 96 1 8 8 NUM _004723754 96 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 96 3 legacies legacy NOUN _004723754 96 4 made make VERB _004723754 96 5 in in ADP _004723754 96 6 favor favor NOUN _004723754 96 7 of of ADP _004723754 96 8 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 96 9 of of ADP _004723754 96 10 religion religion NOUN _004723754 96 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 96 12 of of ADP _004723754 96 13 tbeir tbeir PRON _004723754 96 14 relatives relative NOUN _004723754 96 15 to to ADP _004723754 96 16 the the DET _004723754 96 17 fourth fourth ADJ _004723754 96 18 degree degree NOUN _004723754 96 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 96 20 or or CCONJ _004723754 96 21 of of ADP _004723754 96 22 persons person NOUN _004723754 96 23 living live VERB _004723754 96 24 with with ADP _004723754 96 25 said say VERB _004723754 96 26 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 96 27 where where SCONJ _004723754 96 28 they they PRON _004723754 96 29 have have AUX _004723754 96 30 rendered render VERB _004723754 96 31 any any DET _004723754 96 32 spiritual spiritual ADJ _004723754 96 33 aid aid NOUN _004723754 96 34 to to ADP _004723754 96 35 the the DET _004723754 96 36 testators testator NOUN _004723754 96 37 in in ADP _004723754 96 38 their their PRON _004723754 96 39 last last ADJ _004723754 96 40 illness illness NOUN _004723754 96 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 96 42 or or CCONJ _004723754 96 43 when when SCONJ _004723754 96 44 they they PRON _004723754 96 45 have have AUX _004723754 96 46 been be AUX _004723754 96 47 , , PUNCT _004723754 96 48 their their PRON _004723754 96 49 spiritual spiritual ADJ _004723754 96 50 directors director NOUN _004723754 96 51 , , PUNCT _004723754 96 52 are be AUX _004723754 96 53 null null ADJ _004723754 96 54 and and CCONJ _004723754 96 55 void void ADJ _004723754 96 56 . . PUNCT _004723754 97 1 hospital hospital NOUN _004723754 97 2 and and CCONJ _004723754 97 3 charitable charitable ADJ _004723754 97 4 • • ADJ _004723754 97 5 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 97 6 law law NOUN _004723754 97 7 of of ADP _004723754 97 8 feb feb PROPN _004723754 97 9 . . PROPN _004723754 97 10 2 2 NUM _004723754 97 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 97 12 1861 1861 NUM _004723754 97 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 97 14 art art NOUN _004723754 97 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 98 1 1^—all 1^—all NUM _004723754 98 2 hospitals hospital NOUN _004723754 98 3 and and CCONJ _004723754 98 4 charitable charitable ADJ _004723754 98 5 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 98 6 which which PRON _004723754 98 7 up up ADP _004723754 98 8 to to ADP _004723754 98 9 the the DET _004723754 98 10 present present ADJ _004723754 98 11 time time NOUN _004723754 98 12 have have AUX _004723754 98 13 been be AUX _004723754 98 14 under under ADP _004723754 98 15 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _004723754 98 16 authority authority NOUN _004723754 98 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 98 18 managed manage VERB _004723754 98 19 by by ADP _004723754 98 20 religious religious ADJ _004723754 98 21 corporations corporation NOUN _004723754 98 22 are be AUX _004723754 98 23 secularized secularize VERB _004723754 98 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 99 1 law^ law^ PROPN _004723754 99 2 of of ADP _004723754 99 3 february february PROPN _004723754 99 4 5 5 NUM _004723754 99 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 99 6 1861 1861 NUM _004723754 99 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 99 8 art art NOUN _004723754 99 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 100 1 67 67 NUM _004723754 100 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 100 3 charitable charitable ADJ _004723754 100 4 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 100 5 that that PRON _004723754 100 6 were be AUX _004723754 100 7 managed manage VERB _004723754 100 8 by by ADP _004723754 100 9 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _004723754 100 10 corporations corporation NOUN _004723754 100 11 or or CCONJ _004723754 100 12 committees committee NOUN _004723754 100 13 independent independent ADJ _004723754 100 14 of of ADP _004723754 100 15 the the DET _004723754 100 16 government government NOUN _004723754 100 17 are be AUX _004723754 100 18 secularized secularize VERB _004723754 100 19 an an PRON _004723754 100 20 i i PRON _004723754 100 21 placed place VERB _004723754 100 22 under under ADP _004723754 100 23 the the DET _004723754 100 24 immediate immediate ADJ _004723754 100 25 supervision supervision NOUN _004723754 100 26 of of ADP _004723754 100 27 the the DET _004723754 100 28 civil civil ADJ _004723754 100 29 authorities authority NOUN _004723754 100 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 101 1 law law NOUN _004723754 101 2 of of ADP _004723754 101 3 august august PROPN _004723754 101 4 27 27 NUM _004723754 101 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 101 6 1904 1904 NUM _004723754 101 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 101 8 art art NOUN _004723754 101 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 102 1 25 25 NUM _004723754 102 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 102 3 the the DET _004723754 102 4 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 102 5 of of ADP _004723754 102 6 any any DET _004723754 102 7 form form NOUN _004723754 102 8 of of ADP _004723754 102 9 religion religion NOUN _004723754 102 10 can can AUX _004723754 102 11 not not PART _004723754 102 12 act act VERB _004723754 102 13 as as ADP _004723754 102 14 the the DET _004723754 102 15 directors director NOUN _004723754 102 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 102 17 adminis admini NOUN _004723754 102 18 trators trator NOUN _004723754 102 19 or or CCONJ _004723754 102 20 patrons patron NOUN _004723754 102 21 of of ADP _004723754 102 22 private private ADJ _004723754 102 23 charity charity NOUN _004723754 102 24 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 102 25 neither neither CCONJ _004723754 102 26 can can AUX _004723754 102 27 officials official NOUN _004723754 102 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 102 29 dignitaries dignitary NOUN _004723754 102 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 102 31 or or CCONJ _004723754 102 32 religious religious ADJ _004723754 102 33 corporations corporation NOUN _004723754 102 34 , , PUNCT _004723754 102 35 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 102 36 anyone anyone PRON _004723754 102 37 , , PUNCT _004723754 102 38 delegated delegate VERB _004723754 102 39 by by ADP _004723754 102 40 them they PRON _004723754 102 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 102 42 act act VERB _004723754 102 43 in in ADP _004723754 102 44 the the DET _004723754 102 45 same same ADJ _004723754 102 46 capacity capacity NOUN _004723754 102 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 103 1 13 13 NUM _004723754 103 2 public public ADJ _004723754 103 3 office office NOUN _004723754 103 4 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 103 5 of of ADP _004723754 103 6 1857 1857 NUM _004723754 103 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 103 8 art art NOUN _004723754 103 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 104 1 5(5 5(5 NUM _004723754 104 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 104 3 no no DET _004723754 104 4 member member NOUN _004723754 104 5 of of ADP _004723754 104 6 the the DET _004723754 104 7 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _004723754 104 8 body body NOUN _004723754 104 9 can can AUX _004723754 104 10 be be AUX _004723754 104 11 elected elect VERB _004723754 104 12 ^ ^ SPACE _004723754 104 13 cotipressman cotipressman NOUN _004723754 104 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 105 1 law law NOUN _004723754 105 2 of of ADP _004723754 105 3 nov nov PROPN _004723754 105 4 . . PROPN _004723754 105 5 1874 1874 NUM _004723754 105 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 105 7 art art NOUN _004723754 105 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 106 1 58 58 NUM _004723754 106 2 — — PUNCT _004723754 106 3 nominations nomination NOUN _004723754 106 4 for for ADP _004723754 106 5 senator senator NOUN _004723754 106 6 are be AUX _004723754 106 7 subject subject ADJ _004723754 106 8 to to ADP _004723754 106 9 the the DET _004723754 106 10 same same ADJ _004723754 106 11 conditions condition NOUN _004723754 106 12 as as ADP _004723754 106 13 those those PRON _004723754 106 14 for for ADP _004723754 106 15 congressman congressman NOUN _004723754 106 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 107 1 present present ADJ _004723754 107 2 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 107 3 based base VERB _004723754 107 4 on on ADP _004723754 107 5 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 107 6 op op NOUN _004723754 107 7 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 107 8 president president PROPN _004723754 107 9 cardenas cardenas PROPN _004723754 107 10 of of ADP _004723754 107 11 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 107 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 107 13 on on ADP _004723754 107 14 january january PROPN _004723754 107 15 25th 25th NOUN _004723754 107 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 107 17 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 107 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 107 19 issued issue VERB _004723754 107 20 a a DET _004723754 107 21 statement statement NOUN _004723754 107 22 which which PRON _004723754 107 23 was be AUX _004723754 107 24 reiterated reiterate VERB _004723754 107 25 by by ADP _004723754 107 26 the the DET _004723754 107 27 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 107 28 embassy embassy NOUN _004723754 107 29 at at ADP _004723754 107 30 washington washington PROPN _004723754 107 31 on on ADP _004723754 107 32 january january PROPN _004723754 107 33 31st 31st NOUN _004723754 107 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 108 1 these these DET _004723754 108 2 statements statement NOUN _004723754 108 3 said say VERB _004723754 108 4 there there PRON _004723754 108 5 is be VERB _004723754 108 6 no no DET _004723754 108 7 religious religious ADJ _004723754 108 8 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 108 9 in in ADP _004723754 108 10 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 108 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 109 1 the the DET _004723754 109 2 same same ADJ _004723754 109 3 statement statement NOUN _004723754 109 4 has have AUX _004723754 109 5 been be AUX _004723754 109 6 made make VERB _004723754 109 7 by by ADP _004723754 109 8 emissaries emissary NOUN _004723754 109 9 of of ADP _004723754 109 10 the the DET _004723754 109 11 government government NOUN _004723754 109 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 109 13 scouting scout VERB _004723754 109 14 through through ADP _004723754 109 15 our our PRON _004723754 109 16 country country NOUN _004723754 109 17 for for ADP _004723754 109 18 tourist tourist NOUN _004723754 109 19 traffic traffic NOUN _004723754 109 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 109 21 for for ADP _004723754 109 22 attendance attendance NOUN _004723754 109 23 at at ADP _004723754 109 24 the the DET _004723754 109 25 lions lion NOUN _004723754 109 26 international international ADJ _004723754 109 27 and and CCONJ _004723754 109 28 rotary rotary ADJ _004723754 109 29 international international ADJ _004723754 109 30 conventions convention NOUN _004723754 109 31 which which PRON _004723754 109 32 are be AUX _004723754 109 33 to to PART _004723754 109 34 be be AUX _004723754 109 35 held hold VERB _004723754 109 36 in in ADP _004723754 109 37 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 109 38 city city NOUN _004723754 109 39 this this DET _004723754 109 40 year year NOUN _004723754 109 41 . . PUNCT _004723754 110 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 110 2 the the DET _004723754 110 3 denial denial NOUN _004723754 110 4 of of ADP _004723754 110 5 the the DET _004723754 110 6 inalienable inalienable ADJ _004723754 110 7 right right NOUN _004723754 110 8 of of ADP _004723754 110 9 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 110 10 of of ADP _004723754 110 11 religious religious ADJ _004723754 110 12 worship worship NOUN _004723754 110 13 by by ADP _004723754 110 14 its its PRON _004723754 110 15 own own ADJ _004723754 110 16 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 110 17 is be AUX _004723754 110 18 not not PART _004723754 110 19 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 110 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 110 21 then then ADV _004723754 110 22 what what PRON _004723754 110 23 is be AUX _004723754 110 24 it it PRON _004723754 110 25 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 111 1 by by ADP _004723754 111 2 law law NOUN _004723754 111 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 111 4 the the DET _004723754 111 5 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 111 6 government government NOUN _004723754 111 7 prohibits prohibit VERB _004723754 111 8 training training NOUN _004723754 111 9 of of ADP _004723754 111 10 students student NOUN _004723754 111 11 for for ADP _004723754 111 12 the the DET _004723754 111 13 ministry ministry NOUN _004723754 111 14 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 111 15 has have AUX _004723754 111 16 closed close VERB _004723754 111 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 111 18 confiscated confiscate VERB _004723754 111 19 thousands thousand NOUN _004723754 111 20 of of ADP _004723754 111 21 churches church NOUN _004723754 111 22 a\id a\id PROPN _004723754 111 23 has have AUX _004723754 111 24 so so ADV _004723754 111 25 limited limit VERB _004723754 111 26 the the DET _004723754 111 27 number number NOUN _004723754 111 28 of of ADP _004723754 111 29 priests priest NOUN _004723754 111 30 as as SCONJ _004723754 111 31 to to PART _004723754 111 32 make make VERB _004723754 111 33 rel'gious rel'gious ADJ _004723754 111 34 worship worship NOUN _004723754 111 35 practically practically ADV _004723754 111 36 impossible impossible ADJ _004723754 111 37 . . PUNCT _004723754 112 1 by by ADP _004723754 112 2 law law NOUN _004723754 112 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 112 4 the the DET _004723754 112 5 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 112 6 government government NOUN _004723754 112 7 confiscates confiscate VERB _004723754 112 8 at at ADP _004723754 112 9 omce omce NOUN _004723754 112 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 112 11 without without ADP _004723754 112 12 the the DET _004723754 112 13 presentation presentation NOUN _004723754 112 14 of of ADP _004723754 112 15 any any DET _004723754 112 16 further furth ADJ _004723754 112 17 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 112 18 evidence evidence NOUN _004723754 112 19 any any DET _004723754 112 20 house house NOUN _004723754 112 21 or or CCONJ _004723754 112 22 institution institution NOUN _004723754 112 23 wherein wherein SCONJ _004723754 112 24 a a DET _004723754 112 25 pi pi NOUN _004723754 112 26 iost iost NOUN _004723754 112 27 or or CCONJ _004723754 112 28 minister minister NOUN _004723754 112 29 has have AUX _004723754 112 30 held hold VERB _004723754 112 31 a^y a^y DET _004723754 112 32 private private ADJ _004723754 112 33 religious religious ADJ _004723754 112 34 service service NOUN _004723754 112 35 . . PUNCT _004723754 113 1 the the DET _004723754 113 2 reiigoifs reiigoifs PROPN _004723754 113 3 educatipn educatipn NOUN _004723754 113 4 of of ADP _004723754 113 5 pither pither NOUN _004723754 113 6 children child NOUN _004723754 113 7 or or CCONJ _004723754 113 8 adults adult NOUN _004723754 113 9 14 14 NUM _004723754 113 10 is be AUX _004723754 113 11 prohibited prohibit VERB _004723754 113 12 . . PUNCT _004723754 114 1 in in ADP _004723754 114 2 denying deny VERB _004723754 114 3 the the DET _004723754 114 4 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 114 5 of of ADP _004723754 114 6 education education NOUN _004723754 114 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 114 8 the the DET _004723754 114 9 government government NOUN _004723754 114 10 has have AUX _004723754 114 11 made make VERB _004723754 114 12 mandatory mandatory ADJ _004723754 114 13 the the DET _004723754 114 14 exclusion exclusion NOUN _004723754 114 15 of of ADP _004723754 114 16 the the DET _004723754 114 17 name name NOUN _004723754 114 18 of of ADP _004723754 114 19 god god PROPN _004723754 114 20 from from ADP _004723754 114 21 all all DET _004723754 114 22 schools school NOUN _004723754 114 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 114 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 114 25 made make VERB _004723754 114 26 a a DET _004723754 114 27 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 114 28 part part NOUN _004723754 114 29 of of ADP _004723754 114 30 the the DET _004723754 114 31 curriculum curriculum NOUN _004723754 114 32 the the DET _004723754 114 33 teaching teaching NOUN _004723754 114 34 of of ADP _004723754 114 35 the the DET _004723754 114 36 tenets tenet NOUN _004723754 114 37 of of ADP _004723754 114 38 the the DET _004723754 114 39 national national ADJ _004723754 114 40 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 114 41 party party NOUN _004723754 114 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 115 1 the the DET _004723754 115 2 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 115 3 federal federal ADJ _004723754 115 4 government government NOUN _004723754 115 5 deprived deprive VERB _004723754 115 6 the the DET _004723754 115 7 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 115 8 within within ADP _004723754 115 9 the the DET _004723754 115 10 federal federal ADJ _004723754 115 11 district district NOUN _004723754 115 12 of of ADP _004723754 115 13 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 115 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 115 15 numbering number VERB _004723754 115 16 over over ADP _004723754 115 17 one one NUM _004723754 115 18 million million NUM _004723754 115 19 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 115 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 115 21 of of ADP _004723754 115 22 the the DET _004723754 115 23 possibility possibility NOUN _004723754 115 24 of of ADP _004723754 115 25 religious religious ADJ _004723754 115 26 worship worship NOUN _004723754 115 27 by by ADP _004723754 115 28 reducing reduce VERB _004723754 115 29 the the DET _004723754 115 30 number number NOUN _004723754 115 31 of of ADP _004723754 115 32 priests priest NOUN _004723754 115 33 therein therein ADV _004723754 115 34 to to ADP _004723754 115 35 twenty twenty NUM _004723754 115 36 - - PUNCT _004723754 115 37 five five NUM _004723754 115 38 . . PUNCT _004723754 116 1 the the DET _004723754 116 2 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 116 3 government government NOUN _004723754 116 4 has have AUX _004723754 116 5 abetted abet VERB _004723754 116 6 and and CCONJ _004723754 116 7 encouraged encourage VERB _004723754 116 8 the the DET _004723754 116 9 different different ADJ _004723754 116 10 state state NOUN _004723754 116 11 governments government NOUN _004723754 116 12 to to PART _004723754 116 13 pursue pursue VERB _004723754 116 14 this this DET _004723754 116 15 policy policy NOUN _004723754 116 16 of of ADP _004723754 116 17 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 116 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 116 19 by by ADP _004723754 116 20 making make VERB _004723754 116 21 public public ADJ _004723754 116 22 worship worship NOUN _004723754 116 23 impossible impossible ADJ _004723754 116 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 116 25 deprived deprive VERB _004723754 116 26 the the DET _004723754 116 27 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 116 28 of of ADP _004723754 116 29 the the DET _004723754 116 30 exercise exercise NOUN _004723754 116 31 of of ADP _004723754 116 32 the the DET _004723754 116 33 right right NOUN _004723754 116 34 to to ADP _004723754 116 35 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 116 36 of of ADP _004723754 116 37 worship worship NOUN _004723754 116 38 . . PUNCT _004723754 117 1 in in ADP _004723754 117 2 1926 1926 NUM _004723754 117 3 after after ADP _004723754 117 4 fifteen fifteen NUM _004723754 117 5 years year NOUN _004723754 117 6 of of ADP _004723754 117 7 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 117 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 117 9 after after SCONJ _004723754 117 10 all all DET _004723754 117 11 foreign foreign ADJ _004723754 117 12 priests priest NOUN _004723754 117 13 had have AUX _004723754 117 14 been be AUX _004723754 117 15 expelled expel VERB _004723754 117 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 117 17 it it PRON _004723754 117 18 was be AUX _004723754 117 19 estimated estimate VERB _004723754 117 20 that that SCONJ _004723754 117 21 there there PRON _004723754 117 22 were be VERB _004723754 117 23 3,910 3,910 NUM _004723754 117 24 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 117 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 117 26 priests priest NOUN _004723754 117 27 in in ADP _004723754 117 28 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 117 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 117 30 all all DET _004723754 117 31 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 117 32 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 117 33 . . PUNCT _004723754 118 1 the the DET _004723754 118 2 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 118 3 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 118 4 of of ADP _004723754 118 5 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 118 6 petitioned petition VERB _004723754 118 7 the the DET _004723754 118 8 national national ADJ _004723754 118 9 congress congress PROPN _004723754 118 10 stating state VERB _004723754 118 11 that that SCONJ _004723754 118 12 this this DET _004723754 118 13 number number NOUN _004723754 118 14 of of ADP _004723754 118 15 priests priest NOUN _004723754 118 16 was be AUX _004723754 118 17 wholly wholly ADV _004723754 118 18 inadequate inadequate ADJ _004723754 118 19 in in ADP _004723754 118 20 a a DET _004723754 118 21 nation nation NOUN _004723754 118 22 of of ADP _004723754 118 23 fifteen fifteen NUM _004723754 118 24 millions million NOUN _004723754 118 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 118 26 more more ADJ _004723754 118 27 than than ADP _004723754 118 28 ninety ninety NUM _004723754 118 29 - - PUNCT _004723754 118 30 five five NUM _004723754 118 31 per per ADP _004723754 118 32 cent cent NOUN _004723754 118 33 of of ADP _004723754 118 34 whom whom PRON _004723754 118 35 are be AUX _004723754 118 36 officially officially ADV _004723754 118 37 recorded record VERB _004723754 118 38 as as ADP _004723754 118 39 catholic catholic PROPN _004723754 118 40 . . PUNCT _004723754 119 1 the the DET _004723754 119 2 congress congress PROPN _004723754 119 3 rejected reject VERB _004723754 119 4 that that PRON _004723754 119 5 petition petition NOUN _004723754 119 6 and and CCONJ _004723754 119 7 state state NOUN _004723754 119 8 legislatures legislature NOUN _004723754 119 9 were be AUX _004723754 119 10 instructed instruct VERB _004723754 119 11 to to PART _004723754 119 12 reduce reduce VERB _004723754 119 13 further far ADV _004723754 119 14 the the DET _004723754 119 15 number number NOUN _004723754 119 16 of of ADP _004723754 119 17 priests priest NOUN _004723754 119 18 . . PUNCT _004723754 120 1 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 120 2 op op NOUN _004723754 120 3 worship worship AUX _004723754 120 4 denied deny VERB _004723754 120 5 at at ADP _004723754 120 6 present present NOUN _004723754 120 7 in in ADP _004723754 120 8 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 120 9 by by ADP _004723754 120 10 law law NOUN _004723754 120 11 no no DET _004723754 120 12 priest priest NOUN _004723754 120 13 is be AUX _004723754 120 14 allowed allow VERB _004723754 120 15 to to PART _004723754 120 16 minister minister VERB _004723754 120 17 in in ADP _004723754 120 18 any any DET _004723754 120 19 way way NOUN _004723754 120 20 in in ADP _004723754 120 21 fourteen fourteen NUM _004723754 120 22 of of ADP _004723754 120 23 the the DET _004723754 120 24 thirty thirty NUM _004723754 120 25 states state NOUN _004723754 120 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 120 27 territories territory NOUN _004723754 120 28 of of ADP _004723754 120 29 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 120 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 121 1 thie thie PROPN _004723754 121 2 catho15 catho15 X _004723754 121 3 lies lie VERB _004723754 121 4 therein therein ADV _004723754 121 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 121 6 numbering number VERB _004723754 121 7 over over ADP _004723754 121 8 six six NUM _004723754 121 9 millions million NOUN _004723754 121 10 are be AUX _004723754 121 11 persecuted persecute VERB _004723754 121 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 121 13 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 121 14 of of ADP _004723754 121 15 worship worship NOUN _004723754 121 16 is be AUX _004723754 121 17 denied deny VERB _004723754 121 18 them they PRON _004723754 121 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 122 1 even even ADV _004723754 122 2 when when SCONJ _004723754 122 3 dying die VERB _004723754 122 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 122 5 they they PRON _004723754 122 6 may may AUX _004723754 122 7 not not PART _004723754 122 8 have have VERB _004723754 122 9 the the DET _004723754 122 10 services service NOUN _004723754 122 11 of of ADP _004723754 122 12 a a DET _004723754 122 13 priest priest NOUN _004723754 122 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 123 1 in in ADP _004723754 123 2 the the DET _004723754 123 3 state state NOUN _004723754 123 4 of of ADP _004723754 123 5 oaxaca oaxaca PROPN _004723754 123 6 a a DET _004723754 123 7 population population NOUN _004723754 123 8 of of ADP _004723754 123 9 more more ADJ _004723754 123 10 than than ADP _004723754 123 11 a a DET _004723754 123 12 million million NUM _004723754 123 13 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 123 14 is be AUX _004723754 123 15 limited limit VERB _004723754 123 16 in in ADP _004723754 123 17 its its PRON _004723754 123 18 opportunity opportunity NOUN _004723754 123 19 of of ADP _004723754 123 20 religious religious ADJ _004723754 123 21 worship worship NOUN _004723754 123 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 123 23 of of ADP _004723754 123 24 receiving receive VERB _004723754 123 25 the the DET _004723754 123 26 sacraments sacrament NOUN _004723754 123 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 123 28 to to ADP _004723754 123 29 one one NUM _004723754 123 30 priest priest NOUN _004723754 123 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 124 1 in in ADP _004723754 124 2 durango durango PROPN _004723754 124 3 a a DET _004723754 124 4 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 124 5 population population NOUN _004723754 124 6 of of ADP _004723754 124 7 one one NUM _004723754 124 8 million million NUM _004723754 124 9 two two NUM _004723754 124 10 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 124 11 thousand thousand NUM _004723754 124 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 124 13 scattered scatter VERB _004723754 124 14 over over ADP _004723754 124 15 a a DET _004723754 124 16 region region NOUN _004723754 124 17 of of ADP _004723754 124 18 nearly nearly ADV _004723754 124 19 forty forty NUM _004723754 124 20 thousand thousand NUM _004723754 124 21 square square ADJ _004723754 124 22 miles mile NOUN _004723754 124 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 124 24 with with ADP _004723754 124 25 only only ADJ _004723754 124 26 primitive primitive ADJ _004723754 124 27 means mean NOUN _004723754 124 28 of of ADP _004723754 124 29 transportation transportation NOUN _004723754 124 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 124 31 is be AUX _004723754 124 32 limited limit VERB _004723754 124 33 in in ADP _004723754 124 34 its its PRON _004723754 124 35 opportunity opportunity NOUN _004723754 124 36 of of ADP _004723754 124 37 religious religious ADJ _004723754 124 38 worship worship NOUN _004723754 124 39 , , PUNCT _004723754 124 40 of of ADP _004723754 124 41 receiving receive VERB _004723754 124 42 the the DET _004723754 124 43 sacraments sacrament NOUN _004723754 124 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 124 45 to to ADP _004723754 124 46 the the DET _004723754 124 47 services service NOUN _004723754 124 48 of of ADP _004723754 124 49 two two NUM _004723754 124 50 priests priest NOUN _004723754 124 51 . . PUNCT _004723754 125 1 in in ADP _004723754 125 2 the the DET _004723754 125 3 entire entire ADJ _004723754 125 4 thirty thirty NUM _004723754 125 5 states state NOUN _004723754 125 6 and and CCONJ _004723754 125 7 territories territory NOUN _004723754 125 8 of of ADP _004723754 125 9 mexico mexico NOUN _004723754 125 10 a a DET _004723754 125 11 population population NOUN _004723754 125 12 of of ADP _004723754 125 13 fifteen fifteen NUM _004723754 125 14 millions million NOUN _004723754 125 15 is be AUX _004723754 125 16 limited limit VERB _004723754 125 17 by by ADP _004723754 125 18 the the DET _004723754 125 19 laws law NOUN _004723754 125 20 of of ADP _004723754 125 21 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 125 22 to to ADP _004723754 125 23 the the DET _004723754 125 24 services service NOUN _004723754 125 25 of of ADP _004723754 125 26 three three NUM _004723754 125 27 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 125 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 125 29 thirty thirty NUM _004723754 125 30 - - PUNCT _004723754 125 31 four four NUM _004723754 125 32 priests priest NOUN _004723754 125 33 . . PUNCT _004723754 126 1 yet yet ADV _004723754 126 2 president president PROPN _004723754 126 3 cardenas cardenas PROPN _004723754 126 4 and and CCONJ _004723754 126 5 the the DET _004723754 126 6 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 126 7 embassy embassy NOUN _004723754 126 8 in in ADP _004723754 126 9 the the DET _004723754 126 10 united united PROPN _004723754 126 11 states states PROPN _004723754 126 12 have have VERB _004723754 126 13 the the DET _004723754 126 14 effrontry effrontry NOUN _004723754 126 15 to to PART _004723754 126 16 state state VERB _004723754 126 17 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 126 18 there there PRON _004723754 126 19 is be VERB _004723754 126 20 no no DET _004723754 126 21 religious religious ADJ _004723754 126 22 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 126 23 in in ADP _004723754 126 24 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 126 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 126 26 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 126 27 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 127 1 among among ADP _004723754 127 2 the the DET _004723754 127 3 provisions provision NOUN _004723754 127 4 of of ADP _004723754 127 5 the the DET _004723754 127 6 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 127 7 of of ADP _004723754 127 8 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 127 9 affecting affect VERB _004723754 127 10 directly directly ADV _004723754 127 11 the the DET _004723754 127 12 question question NOUN _004723754 127 13 of of ADP _004723754 127 14 religion religion NOUN _004723754 127 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 127 16 i i PRON _004723754 127 17 wish wish VERB _004723754 127 18 to to PART _004723754 127 19 call call VERB _004723754 127 20 attention attention NOUN _004723754 127 21 to to ADP _004723754 127 22 the the DET _004723754 127 23 following following NOUN _004723754 127 24 quoted quote VERB _004723754 127 25 in in ADP _004723754 127 26 the the DET _004723754 127 27 outlook outlook NOUN _004723754 127 28 march march PROPN _004723754 127 29 14 14 NUM _004723754 127 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 127 31 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 127 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 127 33 vol vol NOUN _004723754 127 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 128 1 115 115 NUM _004723754 128 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 128 3 no no NOUN _004723754 128 4 . . NOUN _004723754 128 5 11 11 NUM _004723754 128 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 128 7 page page NOUN _004723754 128 8 455 455 NUM _004723754 128 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 129 1 you you PRON _004723754 129 2 will will AUX _004723754 129 3 note note VERB _004723754 129 4 that that SCONJ _004723754 129 5 the the DET _004723754 129 6 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 129 7 chu^rch chu^rch NOUN _004723754 129 8 is be AUX _004723754 129 9 not not PART _004723754 129 10 singled single VERB _004723754 129 11 out out ADP _004723754 129 12 particularly particularly ADV _004723754 129 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 129 14 arnd arnd PROPN _004723754 129 15 that that SCONJ _004723754 129 16 these these DET _004723754 129 17 constitutional constitutional ADJ _004723754 129 18 provisions provision NOUN _004723754 129 19 apply apply VERB _004723754 129 20 alike alike ADV _004723754 129 21 to to ADP _004723754 129 22 all all DET _004723754 129 23 religions religion NOUN _004723754 129 24 : : PUNCT _004723754 129 25 “ " PUNCT _004723754 129 26 no no DET _004723754 129 27 religious religious ADJ _004723754 129 28 corporations corporation NOUN _004723754 129 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 129 30 no no DET _004723754 129 31 minister minister NOUN _004723754 129 32 of of ADP _004723754 129 33 any any DET _004723754 129 34 cult cult NOUN _004723754 129 35 may may AUX _004723754 129 36 establish establish VERB _004723754 129 37 or or CCONJ _004723754 129 38 direct direct ADJ _004723754 129 39 schools school NOUN _004723754 129 40 of of ADP _004723754 129 41 primary primary ADJ _004723754 129 42 instructio*q instructio*q NUM _004723754 129 43 . . PUNCT _004723754 130 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 130 2 education education NOUN _004723754 130 3 shall shall AUX _004723754 130 4 be be AUX _004723754 130 5 free free ADJ _004723754 130 6 but but CCONJ _004723754 130 7 it it PRON _004723754 130 8 shall shall AUX _004723754 130 9 be be AUX _004723754 130 10 laical laical ADJ _004723754 130 11 in in ADP _004723754 130 12 the the DET _004723754 130 13 official official ADJ _004723754 130 14 educaticmal educaticmal ADJ _004723754 130 15 in16 in16 PROPN _004723754 130 16 stitutions stitution NOUN _004723754 130 17 as as ADP _004723754 130 18 in in ADP _004723754 130 19 thie thie PROPN _004723754 130 20 primary primary PROPN _004723754 130 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 130 22 elementary elementary ADJ _004723754 130 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 130 24 superior superior ADJ _004723754 130 25 instruction instruction NOUN _004723754 130 26 given give VERB _004723754 130 27 in in ADP _004723754 130 28 the the DET _004723754 130 29 private private ADJ _004723754 130 30 schools school NOUN _004723754 130 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 131 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 131 2 private private ADJ _004723754 131 3 schools school NOUN _004723754 131 4 of of ADP _004723754 131 5 primary primary ADJ _004723754 131 6 instruction instruction NOUN _004723754 131 7 may may AUX _004723754 131 8 be be AUX _004723754 131 9 established establish VERB _004723754 131 10 only only ADV _004723754 131 11 subject subject ADJ _004723754 131 12 to to ADP _004723754 131 13 official official ADJ _004723754 131 14 direction direction NOUN _004723754 131 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 131 16 ” " PUNCT _004723754 132 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 132 2 in in ADP _004723754 132 3 other other ADJ _004723754 132 4 words word NOUN _004723754 132 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 132 6 both both PRON _004723754 132 7 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 132 8 schools school NOUN _004723754 132 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 132 10 instruction instruction NOUN _004723754 132 11 by by ADP _004723754 132 12 priests priest NOUN _004723754 132 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 132 14 nuns nun NOUN _004723754 132 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 132 16 in in ADP _004723754 132 17 any any DET _004723754 132 18 kind kind NOUN _004723754 132 19 of of ADP _004723754 132 20 schools school NOUN _004723754 132 21 are be AUX _004723754 132 22 prohibited prohibit VERB _004723754 132 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 133 1 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 133 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 133 3 of of ADP _004723754 133 4 course course NOUN _004723754 133 5 is be AUX _004723754 133 6 a a DET _004723754 133 7 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 133 8 country country NOUN _004723754 133 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 134 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 134 2 all all DET _004723754 134 3 church church NOUN _004723754 134 4 property property NOUN _004723754 134 5 passes pass VERB _004723754 134 6 at at ADP _004723754 134 7 once once ADV _004723754 134 8 to to ADP _004723754 134 9 the the DET _004723754 134 10 nation nation NOUN _004723754 134 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 135 1 many many ADJ _004723754 135 2 churches church NOUN _004723754 135 3 in in ADP _004723754 135 4 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 135 5 are be AUX _004723754 135 6 held hold VERB _004723754 135 7 by by ADP _004723754 135 8 private private ADJ _004723754 135 9 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 135 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 136 1 these these DET _004723754 136 2 properties property NOUN _004723754 136 3 also also ADV _004723754 136 4 pass pass VERB _004723754 136 5 to to ADP _004723754 136 6 the the DET _004723754 136 7 nation nation NOUN _004723754 136 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 137 1 here here ADV _004723754 137 2 from from ADP _004723754 137 3 article article NOUN _004723754 137 4 130 130 NUM _004723754 137 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 137 6 is be AUX _004723754 137 7 a a DET _004723754 137 8 grist grist NOUN _004723754 137 9 of of ADP _004723754 137 10 clerical clerical ADJ _004723754 137 11 reform reform NOUN _004723754 137 12 : : PUNCT _004723754 137 13 “ " PUNCT _004723754 137 14 the the DET _004723754 137 15 power power NOUN _004723754 137 16 of of ADP _004723754 137 17 intervention intervention NOUN _004723754 137 18 in in ADP _004723754 137 19 the the DET _004723754 137 20 public public ADJ _004723754 137 21 worship worship NOUN _004723754 137 22 belongs belong VERB _004723754 137 23 exclusively exclusively ADV _004723754 137 24 to to ADP _004723754 137 25 the the DET _004723754 137 26 federal federal ADJ _004723754 137 27 powers power NOUN _004723754 137 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 138 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 138 2 congress congress PROPN _004723754 138 3 may may AUX _004723754 138 4 not not PART _004723754 138 5 dictate dictate VERB _004723754 138 6 laws law NOUN _004723754 138 7 establishing establish VERB _004723754 138 8 or or CCONJ _004723754 138 9 prohibiting prohibit VERB _004723754 138 10 any any DET _004723754 138 11 religion religion NOUN _004723754 138 12 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _004723754 138 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 139 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 139 2 marriage marriage NOUN _004723754 139 3 is be AUX _004723754 139 4 a a DET _004723754 139 5 civil civil ADJ _004723754 139 6 contract contract NOUN _004723754 139 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 140 1 jthis jthis PROPN _004723754 140 2 and and CCONJ _004723754 140 3 other other ADJ _004723754 140 4 acts act NOUN _004723754 140 5 of of ADP _004723754 140 6 the the DET _004723754 140 7 civil civil ADJ _004723754 140 8 state state NOUN _004723754 140 9 of of ADP _004723754 140 10 persons person NOUN _004723754 140 11 are be AUX _004723754 140 12 the the DET _004723754 140 13 exclusive exclusive ADJ _004723754 140 14 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _004723754 140 15 of of ADP _004723754 140 16 the the DET _004723754 140 17 functionaries functionary NOUN _004723754 140 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 140 19 authorities authority NOUN _004723754 140 20 of of ADP _004723754 140 21 the the DET _004723754 140 22 civil civil ADJ _004723754 140 23 order order NOUN _004723754 140 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 140 25 in in ADP _004723754 140 26 the the DET _004723754 140 27 manner manner NOUN _004723754 140 28 prescribed prescribe VERB _004723754 140 29 by by ADP _004723754 140 30 the the DET _004723754 140 31 laws law NOUN _004723754 140 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 140 33 and and CCONJ _004723754 140 34 will will AUX _004723754 140 35 have have VERB _004723754 140 36 the the DET _004723754 140 37 force force NOUN _004723754 140 38 and and CCONJ _004723754 140 39 validity validity NOUN _004723754 140 40 that that SCONJ _004723754 140 41 the the DET _004723754 140 42 same same ADJ _004723754 140 43 attribute attribute NOUN _004723754 140 44 to to ADP _004723754 140 45 them they PRON _004723754 140 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 141 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 141 2 the the DET _004723754 141 3 law law NOUN _004723754 141 4 does do AUX _004723754 141 5 not not PART _004723754 141 6 recognize recognize VERB _004723754 141 7 any any DET _004723754 141 8 personality personality NOUN _004723754 141 9 in in ADP _004723754 141 10 the the DET _004723754 141 11 religious religious ADJ _004723754 141 12 .groups .group NOUN _004723754 141 13 denominated denominate VERB _004723754 141 14 churches church NOUN _004723754 141 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 142 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 142 2 the the DET _004723754 142 3 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 142 4 of of ADP _004723754 142 5 the the DET _004723754 142 6 cults cult NOUN _004723754 142 7 will will AUX _004723754 142 8 be be AUX _004723754 142 9 considered consider VERB _004723754 142 10 as as ADP _004723754 142 11 persons person NOUN _004723754 142 12 who who PRON _004723754 142 13 exercise exercise VERB _004723754 142 14 a a DET _004723754 142 15 profession profession NOUN _004723754 142 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 143 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 143 2 the the DET _004723754 143 3 legislatures legislature NOUN _004723754 143 4 of of ADP _004723754 143 5 the the DET _004723754 143 6 states state NOUN _004723754 143 7 only only ADV _004723754 143 8 will will AUX _004723754 143 9 have have VERB _004723754 143 10 the the DET _004723754 143 11 power power NOUN _004723754 143 12 to to PART _004723754 143 13 determine determine VERB _004723754 143 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 143 15 according accord VERB _004723754 143 16 to to ADP _004723754 143 17 the the DET _004723754 143 18 local local ADJ _004723754 143 19 necessities necessity NOUN _004723754 143 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 143 21 the the DET _004723754 143 22 17 17 NUM _004723754 143 23 maximum maximum ADJ _004723754 143 24 number number NOUN _004723754 143 25 of of ADP _004723754 143 26 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 143 27 of of ADP _004723754 143 28 the the DET _004723754 143 29 cults cult NOUN _004723754 143 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 144 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 144 2 to to PART _004723754 144 3 exercise exercise VERB _004723754 144 4 in in ADP _004723754 144 5 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 144 6 the the DET _004723754 144 7 ministry ministry PROPN _004723754 144 8 of of ADP _004723754 144 9 any any DET _004723754 144 10 cult cult NOUN _004723754 144 11 it it PRON _004723754 144 12 is be AUX _004723754 144 13 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 144 14 to to PART _004723754 144 15 be be AUX _004723754 144 16 mexicali mexicali VERB _004723754 144 17 by by ADP _004723754 144 18 b’rth b’rth NOUN _004723754 144 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 144 20 ” " PUNCT _004723754 145 1 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 145 2 thus thus ADV _004723754 145 3 all all DET _004723754 145 4 the the DET _004723754 145 5 spanish spanish NOUN _004723754 145 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 145 7 french french ADJ _004723754 145 8 and and CCONJ _004723754 145 9 italian italian ADJ _004723754 145 10 clericals clerical NOUN _004723754 145 11 in in ADP _004723754 145 12 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 145 13 are be AUX _004723754 145 14 barred bar VERB _004723754 145 15 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 145 16 even even ADV _004723754 145 17 amer.can amer.can VERB _004723754 145 18 priests priest NOUN _004723754 145 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 145 20 protestant protestant ADJ _004723754 145 21 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 145 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 145 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 145 24 miss miss VERB _004723754 145 25 onaries onarie NOUN _004723754 145 26 . . PUNCT _004723754 145 27 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 146 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 146 2 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 146 3 are be AUX _004723754 146 4 forbidden forbid VERB _004723754 146 5 to to ADP _004723754 146 6 inher inher PROPN _004723754 146 7 t t NOUN _004723754 146 8 property property NOUN _004723754 146 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 146 10 to to PART _004723754 146 11 gather gather VERB _004723754 146 12 for for ADP _004723754 146 13 political political ADJ _004723754 146 14 pur pur NOUN _004723754 146 15 poses pose NOUN _004723754 146 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 146 17 to to PART _004723754 146 18 take take VERB _004723754 146 19 part part NOUN _004723754 146 20 in in ADP _004723754 146 21 political political ADJ _004723754 146 22 gatherings gathering NOUN _004723754 146 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 146 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 146 25 to to PART _004723754 146 26 vote vote VERB _004723754 146 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 146 28 ” " PUNCT _004723754 147 1 as as ADP _004723754 147 2 evidence evidence NOUN _004723754 147 3 that that SCONJ _004723754 147 4 the the DET _004723754 147 5 prov prov ADJ _004723754 147 6 sions sion NOUN _004723754 147 7 of of ADP _004723754 147 8 the the DET _004723754 147 9 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 147 10 of of ADP _004723754 147 11 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 147 12 are be AUX _004723754 147 13 being be AUX _004723754 147 14 applied apply VERB _004723754 147 15 and and CCONJ _004723754 147 16 made make VERB _004723754 147 17 use use NOUN _004723754 147 18 of of ADP _004723754 147 19 by by ADP _004723754 147 20 the the DET _004723754 147 21 gb\^ernment gb\^ernment NOUN _004723754 147 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 147 23 i i PRON _004723754 147 24 refer refer VERB _004723754 147 25 you you PRON _004723754 147 26 to to ADP _004723754 147 27 an an DET _004723754 147 28 associated associated ADJ _004723754 147 29 press press NOUN _004723754 147 30 dispatch dispatch NOUN _004723754 147 31 of of ADP _004723754 147 32 june june PROPN _004723754 147 33 23 23 NUM _004723754 147 34 , , PUNCT _004723754 147 35 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 147 36 , , PUNCT _004723754 147 37 which which PRON _004723754 147 38 among among ADP _004723754 147 39 other other ADJ _004723754 147 40 things thing NOUN _004723754 147 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 147 42 says say VERB _004723754 147 43 : : PUNCT _004723754 147 44 “ " PUNCT _004723754 147 45 at at ADP _004723754 147 46 villa villa PROPN _004723754 147 47 hermosa hermosa PROPN _004723754 147 48 in in ADP _004723754 147 49 tabasco tabasco PROPN _004723754 147 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 147 51 two two NUM _004723754 147 52 w w NOUN _004723754 147 53 dows dow NOUN _004723754 147 54 and and CCONJ _004723754 147 55 two two NUM _004723754 147 56 girls girl NOUN _004723754 147 57 were be AUX _004723754 147 58 arrested arrest VERB _004723754 147 59 and and CCONJ _004723754 147 60 held hold VERB _004723754 147 61 in in ADP _004723754 147 62 jail jail NOUN _004723754 147 63 for for ADP _004723754 147 64 ten ten NUM _004723754 147 65 hours hour NOUN _004723754 147 66 because because SCONJ _004723754 147 67 they they PRON _004723754 147 68 had have AUX _004723754 147 69 visited visit VERB _004723754 147 70 a a DET _004723754 147 71 cemetery cemetery NOUN _004723754 147 72 and and CCONJ _004723754 147 73 put put VERB _004723754 147 74 floa^ers floa^er NOUN _004723754 147 75 on on ADP _004723754 147 76 the the DET _004723754 147 77 grave grave NOUN _004723754 147 78 of of ADP _004723754 147 79 the the DET _004723754 147 80 husband husband NOUN _004723754 147 81 of of ADP _004723754 147 82 ons on NOUN _004723754 147 83 of of ADP _004723754 147 84 the the DET _004723754 147 85 widows widow NOUN _004723754 147 86 . . PUNCT _004723754 148 1 they they PRON _004723754 148 2 were be AUX _004723754 148 3 finally finally ADV _004723754 148 4 released release VERB _004723754 148 5 on on ADP _004723754 148 6 the the DET _004723754 148 7 payment payment NOUN _004723754 148 8 of of ADP _004723754 148 9 f f PROPN _004723754 148 10 nes ne NOUN _004723754 148 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 149 1 a a DET _004723754 149 2 recent recent ADJ _004723754 149 3 decree decree NOUN _004723754 149 4 by by ADP _004723754 149 5 the the DET _004723754 149 6 cover cover NOUN _004723754 149 7 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 149 8 provided provide VERB _004723754 149 9 that that SCONJ _004723754 149 10 all all DET _004723754 149 11 tombstones tombstone NOUN _004723754 149 12 must must AUX _004723754 149 13 be be AUX _004723754 149 14 removed remove VERB _004723754 149 15 from from ADP _004723754 149 16 cemieteries cemieterie NOUN _004723754 149 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 149 18 all all DET _004723754 149 19 giaves giave NOUN _004723754 149 20 be be VERB _004723754 149 21 without without ADP _004723754 149 22 any any DET _004723754 149 23 sacred sacred ADJ _004723754 149 24 adornment adornment NOUN _004723754 149 25 or or CCONJ _004723754 149 26 flowers flower NOUN _004723754 149 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 149 28 ” " PUNCT _004723754 150 1 general general ADJ _004723754 150 2 calles calle NOUN _004723754 150 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 150 4 at at ADP _004723754 150 5 guadalajara guadalajara PROPN _004723754 150 6 in in ADP _004723754 150 7 july july PROPN _004723754 150 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 150 9 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 150 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 150 11 emphas emphas PROPN _004723754 150 12 zed ze VERB _004723754 150 13 the the DET _004723754 150 14 view view NOUN _004723754 150 15 cf cf ADP _004723754 150 16 the the DET _004723754 150 17 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 150 18 party party NOUN _004723754 150 19 toward toward ADP _004723754 150 20 the the DET _004723754 150 21 youth youth NOUN _004723754 150 22 of of ADP _004723754 150 23 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 150 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 151 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 151 2 they they PRON _004723754 151 3 must must AUX _004723754 151 4 ” " PUNCT _004723754 151 5 he he PRON _004723754 151 6 said say VERB _004723754 151 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 151 8 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 151 9 wrest wrest ADJ _004723754 151 10 youth youth NOUN _004723754 151 11 from from ADP _004723754 151 12 the the DET _004723754 151 13 claws claws NOUN _004723754 151 14 of of ADP _004723754 151 15 the the DET _004723754 151 16 clergy clergy NOUN _004723754 151 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 152 1 the the DET _004723754 152 2 child child NOUN _004723754 152 3 and and CCONJ _004723754 152 4 the the DET _004723754 152 5 youth youth NOUN _004723754 152 6 belong belong VERB _004723754 152 7 to to ADP _004723754 152 8 the the DET _004723754 152 9 community community NOUN _004723754 152 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 152 11 it it PRON _004723754 152 12 is be AUX _004723754 152 13 the the DET _004723754 152 14 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 152 15 that that PRON _004723754 152 16 has have VERB _004723754 152 17 the the DET _004723754 152 18 obligat obligat ADJ _004723754 152 19 on on ADP _004723754 152 20 of of ADP _004723754 152 21 doing do VERB _004723754 152 22 away away ADV _004723754 152 23 with with ADP _004723754 152 24 prejudices prejudice NOUN _004723754 152 25 and and CCONJ _004723754 152 26 developing develop VERB _004723754 152 27 the the DET _004723754 152 28 new new ADJ _004723754 152 29 national national ADJ _004723754 152 30 soul soul NOUN _004723754 152 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 153 1 for for ADP _004723754 153 2 18 18 NUM _004723754 153 3 this this DET _004723754 153 4 reason reason NOUN _004723754 153 5 i i PRON _004723754 153 6 urge urge VERB _004723754 153 7 all all DET _004723754 153 8 the the DET _004723754 153 9 governments government NOUN _004723754 153 10 in in ADP _004723754 153 11 the the DET _004723754 153 12 republic republic NOUN _004723754 153 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 153 14 all all DET _004723754 153 15 the the DET _004723754 153 16 authorities authority NOUN _004723754 153 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 153 18 all all DET _004723754 153 19 the the DET _004723754 153 20 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 153 21 elements element NOUN _004723754 153 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 153 23 that that SCONJ _004723754 153 24 they they PRON _004723754 153 25 go go VERB _004723754 153 26 into into ADP _004723754 153 27 wh^atever wh^atever PROPN _004723754 153 28 fields field NOUN _004723754 153 29 it it PRON _004723754 153 30 may may AUX _004723754 153 31 be be AUX _004723754 153 32 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 153 33 to to PART _004723754 153 34 go go VERB _004723754 153 35 > > X _004723754 153 36 because because SCONJ _004723754 153 37 the the DET _004723754 153 38 child child NOUN _004723754 153 39 and and CCONJ _004723754 153 40 the the DET _004723754 153 41 youth youth NOUN _004723754 153 42 must must AUX _004723754 153 43 belong belong VERB _004723754 153 44 to to ADP _004723754 153 45 the the DET _004723754 153 46 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 153 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 153 48 ” " PUNCT _004723754 154 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 154 2 america america PROPN _004723754 154 3 vol vol PROPN _004723754 154 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 155 1 li li PROPN _004723754 155 2 no no PROPN _004723754 155 3 . . PROPN _004723754 155 4 19 19 NUM _004723754 155 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 155 6 aug aug PROPN _004723754 155 7 . . PROPN _004723754 155 8 18 18 NUM _004723754 155 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 155 10 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 155 11 ” " PUNCT _004723754 155 12 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 155 13 note note VERB _004723754 155 14 especially especially ADV _004723754 155 15 these these DET _004723754 155 16 last last ADJ _004723754 155 17 four four NUM _004723754 155 18 woixis woixis NOUN _004723754 155 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 155 20 belong belong VERB _004723754 155 21 to to ADP _004723754 155 22 the the DET _004723754 155 23 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 155 24 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 155 25 not not PART _004723754 155 26 even even ADV _004723754 155 27 to to ADP _004723754 155 28 the the DET _004723754 155 29 state state NOUN _004723754 155 30 as as ADP _004723754 155 31 in in ADP _004723754 155 32 russia russia PROPN _004723754 155 33 but but CCONJ _004723754 155 34 to to ADP _004723754 155 35 the the DET _004723754 155 36 dominant dominant ADJ _004723754 155 37 party party PROPN _004723754 155 38 — — PUNCT _004723754 155 39 the the DET _004723754 155 40 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 155 41 . . PUNCT _004723754 156 1 there there PRON _004723754 156 2 is be VERB _004723754 156 3 no no ADV _004723754 156 4 longer long ADV _004723754 156 5 any any DET _004723754 156 6 doubt doubt NOUN _004723754 156 7 at at ADV _004723754 156 8 all all ADV _004723754 156 9 if if SCONJ _004723754 156 10 there there PRON _004723754 156 11 ever ever ADV _004723754 156 12 was be AUX _004723754 156 13 any any PRON _004723754 156 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 156 15 that that SCONJ _004723754 156 16 it it PRON _004723754 156 17 is be AUX _004723754 156 18 the the DET _004723754 156 19 determined determined ADJ _004723754 156 20 design design NOUN _004723754 156 21 of of ADP _004723754 156 22 general general ADJ _004723754 156 23 calles calle NOUN _004723754 156 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 156 25 the the DET _004723754 156 26 military military ADJ _004723754 156 27 dictatorship dictatorship NOUN _004723754 156 28 of of ADP _004723754 156 29 which which PRON _004723754 156 30 he he PRON _004723754 156 31 is be AUX _004723754 156 32 the the DET _004723754 156 33 boss boss NOUN _004723754 156 34 to to PART _004723754 156 35 crush crush VERB _004723754 156 36 out out ADP _004723754 156 37 every every DET _004723754 156 38 vestige vestige NOUN _004723754 156 39 of of ADP _004723754 156 40 religion religion NOUN _004723754 156 41 from from ADP _004723754 156 42 the the DET _004723754 156 43 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 156 44 people people NOUN _004723754 156 45 . . PUNCT _004723754 157 1 the the DET _004723754 157 2 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 157 3 has have AUX _004723754 157 4 proceeded proceed VERB _004723754 157 5 with with ADP _004723754 157 6 diabolical diabolical ADJ _004723754 157 7 ruthlessness ruthlessness NOUN _004723754 157 8 and and CCONJ _004723754 157 9 singleness singleness NOUN _004723754 157 10 of of ADP _004723754 157 11 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 157 12 . . PUNCT _004723754 158 1 following follow VERB _004723754 158 2 the the DET _004723754 158 3 agreements agreement NOUN _004723754 158 4 made make VERB _004723754 158 5 with with ADP _004723754 158 6 the the DET _004723754 158 7 church church NOUN _004723754 158 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 158 9 the the DET _004723754 158 10 attack attack NOUN _004723754 158 11 shifted shift VERB _004723754 158 12 from from ADP _004723754 158 13 the the DET _004723754 158 14 federal federal ADJ _004723754 158 15 government government NOUN _004723754 158 16 to to ADP _004723754 158 17 the the DET _004723754 158 18 states state NOUN _004723754 158 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 159 1 there there ADV _004723754 159 2 the the DET _004723754 159 3 number number NOUN _004723754 159 4 of of ADP _004723754 159 5 priests priest NOUN _004723754 159 6 allowed allow VERB _004723754 159 7 to to PART _004723754 159 8 function function VERB _004723754 159 9 was be AUX _004723754 159 10 reduced reduce VERB _004723754 159 11 from from ADP _004723754 159 12 time time NOUN _004723754 159 13 to to ADP _004723754 159 14 time time NOUN _004723754 159 15 to to ADP _004723754 159 16 a a DET _004723754 159 17 pitifully pitifully ADV _004723754 159 18 small small ADJ _004723754 159 19 numhar numhar ADJ _004723754 159 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 159 21 utterly utterly ADV _004723754 159 22 inadequate inadequate ADJ _004723754 159 23 except except SCONJ _004723754 159 24 for for ADP _004723754 159 25 only only ADV _004723754 159 26 a a DET _004723754 159 27 small small ADJ _004723754 159 28 fraction fraction NOUN _004723754 159 29 of of ADP _004723754 159 30 the the DET _004723754 159 31 people people NOUN _004723754 159 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 159 33 and and CCONJ _004723754 159 34 finally finally ADV _004723754 159 35 in in ADP _004723754 159 36 many many ADJ _004723754 159 37 states state NOUN _004723754 159 38 no no DET _004723754 159 39 priests priest NOUN _004723754 159 40 at at ADV _004723754 159 41 all all ADV _004723754 159 42 are be AUX _004723754 159 43 allowed allow VERB _004723754 159 44 . . PUNCT _004723754 160 1 then then ADV _004723754 160 2 at at ADP _004723754 160 3 the the DET _004723754 160 4 beginning beginning NOUN _004723754 160 5 of of ADP _004723754 160 6 june june PROPN _004723754 160 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 160 8 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 160 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 160 10 under under ADP _004723754 160 11 the the DET _004723754 160 12 pretext pretext NOUN _004723754 160 13 that that SCONJ _004723754 160 14 they they PRON _004723754 160 15 were be AUX _004723754 160 16 not not PART _004723754 160 17 being be AUX _004723754 160 18 used use VERB _004723754 160 19 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 160 20 it it PRON _004723754 160 21 was be AUX _004723754 160 22 forbidden forbid VERB _004723754 160 23 to to PART _004723754 160 24 use use VERB _004723754 160 25 theno^ theno^ NUM _004723754 160 26 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 160 27 church church NOUN _004723754 160 28 after after SCONJ _004723754 160 29 church church NOUN _004723754 160 30 was be AUX _004723754 160 31 confiscated confiscate VERB _004723754 160 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 161 1 from from ADP _004723754 161 2 an an DET _004723754 161 3 official official ADJ _004723754 161 4 list list NOUN _004723754 161 5 before before ADP _004723754 161 6 us we PRON _004723754 161 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 161 8 between between ADP _004723754 161 9 june june PROPN _004723754 161 10 2 2 NUM _004723754 161 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 161 12 july july PROPN _004723754 161 13 28 28 NUM _004723754 161 14 no no ADV _004723754 161 15 less less ADJ _004723754 161 16 than than ADP _004723754 161 17 twenty twenty NUM _004723754 161 18 seven seven NUM _004723754 161 19 decrees decree NOUN _004723754 161 20 were be AUX _004723754 161 21 issued issue VERB _004723754 161 22 taking take VERB _004723754 161 23 over over ADP _004723754 161 24 as as ADP _004723754 161 25 many many ADJ _004723754 161 26 properties property NOUN _004723754 161 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 162 1 in in ADP _004723754 162 2 the the DET _004723754 162 3 middle middle NOUN _004723754 162 4 of of ADP _004723754 162 5 this this PRON _004723754 162 6 came come VERB _004723754 162 7 the the DET _004723754 162 8 elections election NOUN _004723754 162 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 162 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 162 11 nothing nothing PRON _004723754 162 12 but but CCONJ _004723754 162 13 even even ADV _004723754 162 14 darker dark ADJ _004723754 162 15 days day NOUN _004723754 162 16 were be AUX _004723754 162 17 19 19 NUM _004723754 162 18 promised promise VERB _004723754 162 19 by by ADP _004723754 162 20 the the DET _004723754 162 21 result result NOUN _004723754 162 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 162 23 for for ADP _004723754 162 24 the the DET _004723754 162 25 pre pre ADJ _004723754 162 26 destined destine VERB _004723754 162 27 candidate candidate NOUN _004723754 162 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 162 29 general general ADJ _004723754 162 30 cardenas cardena NOUN _004723754 162 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 162 32 left leave VERB _004723754 162 33 no no DET _004723754 162 34 doubt doubt NOUN _004723754 162 35 of of ADP _004723754 162 36 his his PRON _004723754 162 37 desire desire NOUN _004723754 162 38 to to PART _004723754 162 39 please please VERB _004723754 162 40 the the DET _004723754 162 41 fanatical fanatical ADJ _004723754 162 42 aims aim NOUN _004723754 162 43 of of ADP _004723754 162 44 his his PRON _004723754 162 45 master master NOUN _004723754 162 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 162 47 cal cal ADJ _004723754 162 48 les le NOUN _004723754 162 49 after after ADP _004723754 162 50 the the DET _004723754 162 51 elections election NOUN _004723754 162 52 , , PUNCT _004723754 162 53 calles calle NOUN _004723754 162 54 h h NOUN _004723754 162 55 mself mself PRON _004723754 162 56 returned return VERB _004723754 162 57 publicily publicily ADV _004723754 162 58 to to ADP _004723754 162 59 the the DET _004723754 162 60 seene seene NOUN _004723754 162 61 and and CCONJ _004723754 162 62 announced announce VERB _004723754 162 63 a a DET _004723754 162 64 program program NOUN _004723754 162 65 which which PRON _004723754 162 66 was be AUX _004723754 162 67 radically radically ADV _004723754 162 68 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 162 69 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 162 70 the the DET _004723754 162 71 principal principal ADJ _004723754 162 72 item item NOUN _004723754 162 73 b'f b'f ADP _004723754 162 74 this this DET _004723754 162 75 progtam progtam NOUN _004723754 162 76 as as SCONJ _004723754 162 77 stated state VERB _004723754 162 78 above above ADV _004723754 162 79 was be AUX _004723754 162 80 that that SCONJ _004723754 162 81 the the DET _004723754 162 82 child child NOUN _004723754 162 83 belongs belong VERB _004723754 162 84 to to ADP _004723754 162 85 the the DET _004723754 162 86 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 162 87 . . PUNCT _004723754 163 1 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 163 2 of of ADP _004723754 163 3 education education NOUN _004723754 163 4 abolished abolish VERB _004723754 163 5 * * PUNCT _004723754 163 6 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 163 7 calles calle NOUN _004723754 163 8 made make VERB _004723754 163 9 a a DET _004723754 163 10 speech speech NOUN _004723754 163 11 at at ADP _004723754 163 12 cuerna cuerna NOUN _004723754 163 13 vaca vaca NOUN _004723754 163 14 in in ADP _004723754 163 15 which which PRON _004723754 163 16 he he PRON _004723754 163 17 set set VERB _004723754 163 18 forth forth ADP _004723754 163 19 the the DET _004723754 163 20 six six NUM _004723754 163 21 year year NOUN _004723754 163 22 plan plan NOUN _004723754 163 23 wh wh ADP _004723754 163 24 ch ch NOUN _004723754 163 25 he he PRON _004723754 163 26 designed design VERB _004723754 163 27 for for ADP _004723754 163 28 his his PRON _004723754 163 29 creature creature NOUN _004723754 163 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 163 31 the the DET _004723754 163 32 new new ADJ _004723754 163 33 president president NOUN _004723754 163 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 164 1 in in ADP _004723754 164 2 the the DET _004723754 164 3 course course NOUN _004723754 164 4 of of ADP _004723754 164 5 this this DET _004723754 164 6 speech speech NOUN _004723754 164 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 164 8 made make VERB _004723754 164 9 in in ADP _004723754 164 10 the the DET _004723754 164 11 name name NOUN _004723754 164 12 of of ADP _004723754 164 13 his his PRON _004723754 164 14 political political ADJ _004723754 164 15 party party NOUN _004723754 164 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 164 17 which which PRON _004723754 164 18 is be AUX _004723754 164 19 a a DET _004723754 164 20 military military ADJ _004723754 164 21 camahllu camahllu NOUN _004723754 164 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 164 23 he he PRON _004723754 164 24 announced announce VERB _004723754 164 25 his his PRON _004723754 164 26 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 164 27 of of ADP _004723754 164 28 amending amend VERB _004723754 164 29 article article NOUN _004723754 164 30 3 3 NUM _004723754 164 31 of of ADP _004723754 164 32 the the DET _004723754 164 33 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 164 34 which which PRON _004723754 164 35 guarantees guarantee VERB _004723754 164 36 free free ADJ _004723754 164 37 dom dom NOUN _004723754 164 38 of of ADP _004723754 164 39 education education NOUN _004723754 164 40 , , PUNCT _004723754 164 41 by by ADP _004723754 164 42 abolishing abolish VERB _004723754 164 43 that that DET _004723754 164 44 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 164 45 and and CCONJ _004723754 164 46 putting put VERB _004723754 164 47 all all DET _004723754 164 48 education education NOUN _004723754 164 49 in in ADP _004723754 164 50 the the DET _004723754 164 51 hands hand NOUN _004723754 164 52 of of ADP _004723754 164 53 his his PRON _004723754 164 54 anti anti ADJ _004723754 164 55 - - ADJ _004723754 164 56 religious religious ADJ _004723754 164 57 party party NOUN _004723754 164 58 . . PUNCT _004723754 165 1 he he PRON _004723754 165 2 continued continue VERB _004723754 165 3 : : PUNCT _004723754 165 4 “ " PUNCT _004723754 165 5 we we PRON _004723754 165 6 must must AUX _004723754 165 7 enter enter VERB _004723754 165 8 into into ADP _004723754 165 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 165 10 take take VERB _004723754 165 11 possession possession NOUN _004723754 165 12 of of ADP _004723754 165 13 the the DET _004723754 165 14 minds mind NOUN _004723754 165 15 of of ADP _004723754 165 16 the the DET _004723754 165 17 children child NOUN _004723754 165 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 165 19 the the DET _004723754 165 20 mhids mhid NOUN _004723754 165 21 of of ADP _004723754 165 22 the the DET _004723754 165 23 youth youth NOUN _004723754 165 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 165 25 ” " PUNCT _004723754 166 1 what what PRON _004723754 166 2 this this PRON _004723754 166 3 meant mean VERB _004723754 166 4 was be AUX _004723754 166 5 clear clear ADJ _004723754 166 6 to to ADP _004723754 166 7 everybody everybody PRON _004723754 166 8 who who PRON _004723754 166 9 heard hear VERB _004723754 166 10 him he PRON _004723754 166 11 : : PUNCT _004723754 166 12 the the DET _004723754 166 13 national national ADJ _004723754 166 14 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 166 15 party party NOUN _004723754 166 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 166 17 dedicated dedicate VERB _004723754 166 18 openly openly ADV _004723754 166 19 to to ADP _004723754 166 20 the the DET _004723754 166 21 destruction destruction NOUN _004723754 166 22 of of ADP _004723754 166 23 all all DET _004723754 166 24 rel rel NOUN _004723754 166 25 gion gion NOUN _004723754 166 26 in in ADP _004723754 166 27 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 166 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 166 29 must must AUX _004723754 166 30 possess possess VERB _004723754 166 31 even even ADV _004723754 166 32 the the DET _004723754 166 33 souls soul NOUN _004723754 166 34 of of ADP _004723754 166 35 youth youth NOUN _004723754 166 36 , , PUNCT _004723754 166 37 as as SCONJ _004723754 166 38 it it PRON _004723754 166 39 now now ADV _004723754 166 40 con con VERB _004723754 166 41 trols trol VERB _004723754 166 42 its its PRON _004723754 166 43 bodies body NOUN _004723754 166 44 . . PUNCT _004723754 166 45 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 167 1 * * PROPN _004723754 167 2 america america PROPN _004723754 167 3 vol vol PROPN _004723754 167 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 168 1 li li PROPN _004723754 168 2 no no PROPN _004723754 168 3 . . PROPN _004723754 168 4 21 21 NUM _004723754 168 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 168 6 september september PROPN _004723754 168 7 1 1 NUM _004723754 168 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 168 9 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 168 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 169 1 in in ADP _004723754 169 2 its its PRON _004723754 169 3 issue issue NOUN _004723754 169 4 of of ADP _004723754 169 5 august august PROPN _004723754 169 6 11 11 NUM _004723754 169 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 169 8 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 169 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 169 10 the the DET _004723754 169 11 living live VERB _004723754 169 12 church church NOUN _004723754 169 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 169 14 an an DET _004723754 169 15 organ organ NOUN _004723754 169 16 of of ADP _004723754 169 17 the the DET _004723754 169 18 protestant protestant ADJ _004723754 169 19 episcopal episcopal NOUN _004723754 169 20 church church NOUN _004723754 169 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 169 22 sounded sound VERB _004723754 169 23 an an DET _004723754 169 24 alarm alarm NOUN _004723754 169 25 against against ADP _004723754 169 26 the the DET _004723754 169 27 new new ADJ _004723754 169 28 law law NOUN _004723754 169 29 that that PRON _004723754 169 30 is be AUX _004723754 169 31 20 20 NUM _004723754 169 32 to to PART _004723754 169 33 ba ba PROPN _004723754 169 34 passed pass VERB _004723754 169 35 abolishing abolish VERB _004723754 169 36 all all DET _004723754 169 37 private private ADJ _004723754 169 38 education education NOUN _004723754 169 39 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _004723754 169 40 in in ADP _004723754 169 41 which which PRON _004723754 169 42 any any DET _004723754 169 43 i?eiigious i?eiigious ADJ _004723754 169 44 training training NOUN _004723754 169 45 is be AUX _004723754 169 46 given give VERB _004723754 169 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 170 1 other other ADJ _004723754 170 2 repr repr ADJ _004723754 170 3 resentative resentative ADJ _004723754 170 4 journals journal NOUN _004723754 170 5 of of ADP _004723754 170 6 religious religious ADJ _004723754 170 7 opinion opinion NOUN _004723754 170 8 according accord VERB _004723754 170 9 to to ADP _004723754 170 10 archbishop archbishop NOUN _004723754 170 11 gurley gurley PROPN _004723754 170 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 170 13 baltimore baltimore PROPN _004723754 170 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 170 15 quoted quote VERB _004723754 170 16 by by ADP _004723754 170 17 the the DET _004723754 170 18 literary literary ADJ _004723754 170 19 digest digest NOUN _004723754 170 20 on on ADP _004723754 170 21 march march PROPN _004723754 170 22 2 2 NUM _004723754 170 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 170 24 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 170 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 170 26 which which PRON _004723754 170 27 have have AUX _004723754 170 28 unanimously unanimously ADV _004723754 170 29 condemned condemn VERB _004723754 170 30 the the DET _004723754 170 31 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 170 32 situation situation NOUN _004723754 170 33 as as ADP _004723754 170 34 a a DET _004723754 170 35 major major ADJ _004723754 170 36 scandal scandal NOUN _004723754 170 37 in in ADP _004723754 170 38 woj woj PROPN _004723754 170 39 - - PUNCT _004723754 170 40 lid lid ADJ _004723754 170 41 affairs affair NOUN _004723754 170 42 are be AUX _004723754 170 43 : : PUNCT _004723754 170 44 “ " PUNCT _004723754 170 45 the the DET _004723754 170 46 chirstian chirstian ADJ _004723754 170 47 century century NOUN _004723754 170 48 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 170 49 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 170 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 170 51 “ " PUNCT _004723754 170 52 the the DET _004723754 170 53 christian christian PROPN _004723754 170 54 science science PROPN _004723754 170 55 monitor monitor PROPN _004723754 170 56 ” " PUNCT _004723754 170 57 “ " PUNCT _004723754 170 58 the the DET _004723754 170 59 american american PROPN _004723754 170 60 hebrew hebrew PROPN _004723754 170 61 ” " PUNCT _004723754 170 62 as as ADV _004723754 170 63 well well ADV _004723754 170 64 as as ADP _004723754 170 65 baptist baptist ADJ _004723754 170 66 , , PUNCT _004723754 170 67 presbyterian presbyterian ADJ _004723754 170 68 and and CCONJ _004723754 170 69 methodist methodist ADJ _004723754 170 70 publications publication NOUN _004723754 170 71 . . PUNCT _004723754 171 1 regarding regard VERB _004723754 171 2 the the DET _004723754 171 3 question question NOUN _004723754 171 4 of of ADP _004723754 171 5 education education NOUN _004723754 171 6 in in ADP _004723754 171 7 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 171 8 there there PRON _004723754 171 9 is be VERB _004723754 171 10 a a DET _004723754 171 11 very very ADV _004723754 171 12 enlightening enlightening ADJ _004723754 171 13 article article NOUN _004723754 171 14 on on ADP _004723754 171 15 this this DET _004723754 171 16 subject subject NOUN _004723754 171 17 in in ADP _004723754 171 18 volume volume NOUN _004723754 171 19 35 35 NUM _004723754 171 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 171 21 number number NOUN _004723754 171 22 4 4 NUM _004723754 171 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 171 24 april april PROPN _004723754 171 25 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 171 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 171 27 st st PROPN _004723754 171 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 171 29 francis francis PROPN _004723754 171 30 home home PROPN _004723754 171 31 journal journal NOUN _004723754 171 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 171 33 by by ADP _004723754 171 34 hon hon PROPN _004723754 171 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 171 36 dr dr PROPN _004723754 171 37 . . PROPN _004723754 171 38 john john PROPN _004723754 171 39 jos jos PROPN _004723754 171 40 . . PROPN _004723754 171 41 correll correll PROPN _004723754 171 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 172 1 among among ADP _004723754 172 2 other other ADJ _004723754 172 3 things thing NOUN _004723754 172 4 he he PRON _004723754 172 5 says say VERB _004723754 172 6 : : PUNCT _004723754 172 7 “ " PUNCT _004723754 172 8 at at ADP _004723754 172 9 the the DET _004723754 172 10 very very ADJ _004723754 172 11 beginning beginning NOUN _004723754 172 12 of of ADP _004723754 172 13 the the DET _004723754 172 14 seventeenth seventeenth ADJ _004723754 172 15 century century NOUN _004723754 172 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 172 17 samuel samuel PROPN _004723754 172 18 champ champ PROPN _004723754 172 19 lain lain NOUN _004723754 172 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 172 21 for for ADP _004723754 172 22 whom whom PRON _004723754 172 23 lake lake NOUN _004723754 172 24 champlain champlain NOUN _004723754 172 25 was be AUX _004723754 172 26 named name VERB _004723754 172 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 172 28 declared declare VERB _004723754 172 29 that that SCONJ _004723754 172 30 he he PRON _004723754 172 31 was be AUX _004723754 172 32 suprised suprise VERB _004723754 172 33 beyond beyond ADP _004723754 172 34 words word NOUN _004723754 172 35 at at ADP _004723754 172 36 the the DET _004723754 172 37 beautiful beautiful ADJ _004723754 172 38 buildings building NOUN _004723754 172 39 of of ADP _004723754 172 40 a a DET _004723754 172 41 public public ADJ _004723754 172 42 character character NOUN _004723754 172 43 , , PUNCT _004723754 172 44 official official ADJ _004723754 172 45 residences residence NOUN _004723754 172 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 172 47 cathedrals cathedral NOUN _004723754 172 48 , , PUNCT _004723754 172 49 churches church NOUN _004723754 172 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 172 51 hos hos NOUN _004723754 172 52 pitals pital NOUN _004723754 172 53 and and CCONJ _004723754 172 54 universities university NOUN _004723754 172 55 he he PRON _004723754 172 56 saw see VERB _004723754 172 57 in in ADP _004723754 172 58 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 172 59 . . PUNCT _004723754 173 1 dr dr PROPN _004723754 173 2 . . PROPN _004723754 173 3 correll correll PROPN _004723754 173 4 continues continue VERB _004723754 173 5 : : PUNCT _004723754 173 6 “ " PUNCT _004723754 173 7 there there PRON _004723754 173 8 were be VERB _004723754 173 9 schools school NOUN _004723754 173 10 for for ADP _004723754 173 11 indians indians PROPN _004723754 173 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 173 13 that that PRON _004723754 173 14 is be AUX _004723754 173 15 trade trade NOUN _004723754 173 16 schools school NOUN _004723754 173 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 173 18 industrial industrial ADJ _004723754 173 19 schools school NOUN _004723754 173 20 that that PRON _004723754 173 21 we we PRON _004723754 173 22 would would AUX _004723754 173 23 call call VERB _004723754 173 24 technical technical ADJ _004723754 173 25 schools school NOUN _004723754 173 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 173 27 of of ADP _004723754 173 28 many many ADJ _004723754 173 29 kinds kind NOUN _004723754 173 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 174 1 every every DET _004723754 174 2 church church NOUN _004723754 174 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 174 4 and and CCONJ _004723754 174 5 even even ADV _004723754 174 6 the the DET _004723754 174 7 poorer poor ADJ _004723754 174 8 mission mission NOUN _004723754 174 9 stations station NOUN _004723754 174 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 174 11 had have VERB _004723754 174 12 a a DET _004723754 174 13 school school NOUN _004723754 174 14 for for ADP _004723754 174 15 indians indians PROPN _004723754 174 16 and and CCONJ _004723754 174 17 besides besides SCONJ _004723754 174 18 * * PRON _004723754 174 19 being be AUX _004723754 174 20 taught teach VERB _004723754 174 21 to to PART _004723754 174 22 read read VERB _004723754 174 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 174 24 write write VERB _004723754 174 25 they they PRON _004723754 174 26 were be AUX _004723754 174 27 schooled school VERB _004723754 174 28 in in ADP _004723754 174 29 the the DET _004723754 174 30 art art NOUN _004723754 174 31 of of ADP _004723754 174 32 using use VERB _004723754 174 33 their their PRON _004723754 174 34 eyas eyas NOUN _004723754 174 35 and and CCONJ _004723754 174 36 hands hand NOUN _004723754 174 37 . . PUNCT _004723754 175 1 we we PRON _004723754 175 2 have have AUX _004723754 175 3 come come VERB _004723754 175 4 to to ADP _004723754 175 5 such such ADJ _004723754 175 6 schools school NOUN _004723754 175 7 here here ADV _004723754 175 8 in in ADP _004723754 175 9 america america PROPN _004723754 175 10 only only ADV _004723754 175 11 in in ADP _004723754 175 12 very very ADV _004723754 175 13 recent recent ADJ _004723754 175 14 times time NOUN _004723754 175 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 176 1 * * PUNCT _004723754 176 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 176 3 tke tke NOUN _004723754 176 4 tjiliversity tjiliversity NOUN _004723754 176 5 of of ADP _004723754 176 6 mfexicd mfexicd NOUN _004723754 176 7 was be AUX _004723754 176 8 iished iishe VERB _004723754 176 9 in in ADP _004723754 176 10 1551 1551 NUM _004723754 176 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 177 1 thie thie NOUN _004723754 177 2 spanish spanish ADJ _004723754 177 3 ^r^own ^r^own PROPN _004723754 177 4 was be AUX _004723754 177 5 so so ADV _004723754 177 6 much much ADV _004723754 177 7 interested interested ADJ _004723754 177 8 in in ADP _004723754 177 9 this this DET _004723754 177 10 enterprise enterprise NOUN _004723754 177 11 th*at th*at NOUN _004723754 177 12 is be AUX _004723754 177 13 allowed allow VERB _004723754 177 14 from from ADP _004723754 177 15 the the DET _004723754 177 16 revenues revenue NOUN _004723754 177 17 of of ADP _004723754 177 18 the the DET _004723754 177 19 viceroy viceroy NOUN _004723754 177 20 a a DET _004723754 177 21 sum sum NOUN _004723754 177 22 of of ADP _004723754 177 23 rnoney rnoney NOUN _004723754 177 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 177 25 approximately approximately ADV _004723754 177 26 two two NUM _004723754 177 27 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 177 28 thousand thousand NUM _004723754 177 29 dollars dollar NOUN _004723754 177 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 177 31 for for ADP _004723754 177 32 the the DET _004723754 177 33 salaries salary NOUN _004723754 177 34 of of ADP _004723754 177 35 the the DET _004723754 177 36 professors professor NOUN _004723754 177 37 . . PUNCT _004723754 178 1 it it PRON _004723754 178 2 is be AUX _004723754 178 3 sometimes sometimes ADV _004723754 178 4 said say VERB _004723754 178 5 that that SCONJ _004723754 178 6 eur eur PROPN _004723754 178 7 own own PROPN _004723754 178 8 bluestocking bluestocking NOUN _004723754 178 9 harvard harvard NOUN _004723754 178 10 was be AUX _004723754 178 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 179 1 the the DET _004723754 179 2 first first ADJ _004723754 179 3 school school NOUN _004723754 179 4 established establish VERB _004723754 179 5 in in ADP _004723754 179 6 america america PROPN _004723754 179 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 180 1 the the DET _004723754 180 2 fact fact NOUN _004723754 180 3 of of ADP _004723754 180 4 the the DET _004723754 180 5 matter matter NOUN _004723754 180 6 is be AUX _004723754 180 7 harvard harvard NOUN _004723754 180 8 was be AUX _004723754 180 9 not not PART _004723754 180 10 founded found VERB _004723754 180 11 until until ADP _004723754 180 12 1638 1638 NUM _004723754 180 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 181 1 at at ADP _004723754 181 2 this this DET _004723754 181 3 time time NOUN _004723754 181 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 181 5 it it PRON _004723754 181 6 was be AUX _004723754 181 7 little little ADV _004723754 181 8 better well ADJ _004723754 181 9 than than ADP _004723754 181 10 a a DET _004723754 181 11 high high ADJ _004723754 181 12 school school NOUN _004723754 181 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 181 14 and and CCONJ _004723754 181 15 before before ADP _004723754 181 16 the the DET _004723754 181 17 year year NOUN _004723754 181 18 1700 1700 NUM _004723754 181 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 181 20 had have VERB _004723754 181 21 scarcely scarcely ADV _004723754 181 22 one one NUM _004723754 181 23 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 181 24 students student NOUN _004723754 181 25 and and CCONJ _004723754 181 26 did do AUX _004723754 181 27 not not PART _004723754 181 28 become become VERB _004723754 181 29 a a DET _004723754 181 30 university university NOUN _004723754 181 31 until until ADP _004723754 181 32 the the DET _004723754 181 33 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _004723754 181 34 century century NOUN _004723754 181 35 . . PUNCT _004723754 182 1 the the DET _004723754 182 2 university university PROPN _004723754 182 3 of of ADP _004723754 182 4 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 182 5 became become VERB _004723754 182 6 a a DET _004723754 182 7 full full ADV _004723754 182 8 - - PUNCT _004723754 182 9 fledged fledge VERB _004723754 182 10 university university NOUN _004723754 182 11 within within ADP _004723754 182 12 twenty twenty NUM _004723754 182 13 - - PUNCT _004723754 182 14 five five NUM _004723754 182 15 years year NOUN _004723754 182 16 after after ADP _004723754 182 17 its its PRON _004723754 182 18 founding founding NOUN _004723754 182 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 183 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 183 2 in in ADP _004723754 183 3 short short ADJ _004723754 183 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 183 5 just just ADV _004723754 183 6 lelghty lelghty NOUN _004723754 183 7 - - PUNCT _004723754 183 8 three three NUM _004723754 183 9 years year NOUN _004723754 183 10 before before ADP _004723754 183 11 our our PRON _004723754 183 12 proud proud ADJ _004723754 183 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 183 14 stately stately ADJ _004723754 183 15 harvard harvard PROPN _004723754 183 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 183 17 was be AUX _004723754 183 18 founded found VERB _004723754 183 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 183 20 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 183 21 had have VERB _004723754 183 22 a a DET _004723754 183 23 university university NOUN _004723754 183 24 licensed license VERB _004723754 183 25 to to PART _004723754 183 26 give give VERB _004723754 183 27 baccalaureate baccalaureate NOUN _004723754 183 28 degrees degree NOUN _004723754 183 29 by by ADP _004723754 183 30 the the DET _004723754 183 31 spanish spanish ADJ _004723754 183 32 government government NOUN _004723754 183 33 . . PUNCT _004723754 184 1 two two NUM _004723754 184 2 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 184 3 years year NOUN _004723754 184 4 befone befone NOUN _004723754 184 5 harvard harvard PROPN _004723754 184 6 had have VERB _004723754 184 7 a a DET _004723754 184 8 school school NOUN _004723754 184 9 of of ADP _004723754 184 10 medicine medicine NOUN _004723754 184 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 184 12 the the DET _004723754 184 13 university university PROPN _004723754 184 14 of of ADP _004723754 184 15 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 184 16 had have VERB _004723754 184 17 its its PRON _004723754 184 18 misdical misdical ADJ _004723754 184 19 college college NOUN _004723754 184 20 . . PUNCT _004723754 185 1 eighty eighty NUM _004723754 185 2 - - PUNCT _004723754 185 3 six six NUM _004723754 185 4 years year NOUN _004723754 185 5 before before SCONJ _004723754 185 6 hunter hunter NOUN _004723754 185 7 opened open VERB _004723754 185 8 the the DET _004723754 185 9 first first ADJ _004723754 185 10 school school NOUN _004723754 185 11 of of ADP _004723754 185 12 disstection disstection NOUN _004723754 185 13 in in ADP _004723754 185 14 england england PROPN _004723754 185 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 185 16 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 185 17 had have AUX _004723754 185 18 initiated initiate VERB _004723754 185 19 the the DET _004723754 185 20 study study NOUN _004723754 185 21 pf pf X _004723754 185 22 surgery surgery NOUN _004723754 185 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 185 24 dissection dissection NOUN _004723754 185 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 186 1 humboldt humboldt PROPN _004723754 186 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 186 3 by by ADP _004723754 186 4 no no DET _004723754 186 5 possible possible ADJ _004723754 186 6 streteh streteh NOUN _004723754 186 7 of of ADP _004723754 186 8 the the DET _004723754 186 9 imagination imagination NOUN _004723754 186 10 a a DET _004723754 186 11 friend friend NOUN _004723754 186 12 of of ADP _004723754 186 13 the the DET _004723754 186 14 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 186 15 church church NOUN _004723754 186 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 186 17 was be AUX _004723754 186 18 not not PART _004723754 186 19 one one NUM _004723754 186 20 whit whit NOUN _004723754 186 21 stingy stingy NOUN _004723754 186 22 with with ADP _004723754 186 23 his his PRON _004723754 186 24 praise praise NOUN _004723754 186 25 of of ADP _004723754 186 26 what what PRON _004723754 186 27 he he PRON _004723754 186 28 saw see VERB _004723754 186 29 in in ADP _004723754 186 30 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 186 31 when when SCONJ _004723754 186 32 he he PRON _004723754 186 33 visited visit VERB _004723754 186 34 it it PRON _004723754 186 35 in in ADP _004723754 186 36 1808 1808 NUM _004723754 186 37 for for SCONJ _004723754 186 38 he he PRON _004723754 186 39 wrote write VERB _004723754 186 40 : : PUNCT _004723754 186 41 “ " PUNCT _004723754 186 42 no no DET _004723754 186 43 city city NOUN _004723754 186 44 of of ADP _004723754 186 45 the the DET _004723754 186 46 new new ADJ _004723754 186 47 continent continent NOUN _004723754 186 48 , , PUNCT _004723754 186 49 not not PART _004723754 186 50 even even ADV _004723754 186 51 excepting except VERB _004723754 186 52 those those DET _004723754 186 53 o»f o»f NOUN _004723754 186 54 the the DET _004723754 186 55 united united PROPN _004723754 186 56 states states PROPN _004723754 186 57 , , PUNCT _004723754 186 58 can can AUX _004723754 186 59 display display VERB _004723754 186 60 such such ADJ _004723754 186 61 great great ADJ _004723754 186 62 3cieiitifio 3cieiitifio NUM _004723754 186 63 establishment^ establishment^ PROPN _004723754 186 64 as as SCONJ _004723754 186 65 the the DET _004723754 186 66 oapin oapin ADJ _004723754 186 67 tal tal NOUN _004723754 186 68 of of ADP _004723754 186 69 mexica mexica PROPN _004723754 186 70 does do AUX _004723754 186 71 this this PRON _004723754 186 72 look look VERB _004723754 186 73 like like ADP _004723754 186 74 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 187 1 the the DET _004723754 187 2 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 187 3 church church NOUN _004723754 187 4 was be AUX _004723754 187 5 “ " PUNCT _004723754 187 6 for for ADP _004723754 187 7 centuries century NOUN _004723754 187 8 the the DET _004723754 187 9 greatest great ADJ _004723754 187 10 e'rieihy e'rieihy NOUN _004723754 187 11 of of ADP _004723754 187 12 popular popular ADJ _004723754 187 13 education education NOUN _004723754 187 14 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 187 15 ” " PUNCT _004723754 188 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 188 2 one one NUM _004723754 188 3 of of ADP _004723754 188 4 the the DET _004723754 188 5 most most ADV _004723754 188 6 interesting interesting ADJ _004723754 188 7 books book NOUN _004723754 188 8 * * PUNCT _004723754 188 9 on on ADP _004723754 188 10 education education NOUN _004723754 188 11 in in ADP _004723754 188 12 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 188 13 has have AUX _004723754 188 14 been be AUX _004723754 188 15 written write VERB _004723754 188 16 by by ADP _004723754 188 17 professor professor NOUN _004723754 188 18 bourne bourne NOUN _004723754 188 19 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 188 20 6 6 NUM _004723754 188 21 t t NOUN _004723754 188 22 yale yale NOUN _004723754 188 23 ' ' PART _004723754 188 24 university university NOUN _004723754 188 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 188 26 under under ADP _004723754 188 27 the the DET _004723754 188 28 title title NOUN _004723754 188 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 188 30 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 188 31 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 188 32 spain spain NOUN _004723754 188 33 in in ADP _004723754 188 34 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 188 35 america america PROPN _004723754 188 36 ” " PUNCT _004723754 188 37 in in ADP _004723754 188 38 this this DET _004723754 188 39 book book NOUN _004723754 188 40 , , PUNCT _004723754 188 41 dr dr PROPN _004723754 188 42 . . PROPN _004723754 188 43 bourne bourne PROPN _004723754 188 44 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 188 45 has have AUX _004723754 188 46 this this PRON _004723754 188 47 to to PART _004723754 188 48 say say VERB _004723754 188 49 relative relative ADJ _004723754 188 50 to to ADP _004723754 188 51 the the DET _004723754 188 52 educational educational ADJ _004723754 188 53 development development NOUN _004723754 188 54 of of ADP _004723754 188 55 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 188 56 dtft*ing dtft*e VERB _004723754 188 57 the the DET _004723754 188 58 ^sixteenth ^sixteenth ADJ _004723754 188 59 century century NOUN _004723754 188 60 : : PUNCT _004723754 188 61 “ " PUNCT _004723754 188 62 not not PART _004723754 188 63 all all DET _004723754 188 64 tk^ tk^ PROPN _004723754 188 65 insthutions insthution NOUN _004723754 188 66 of of ADP _004723754 188 67 learning learn VERB _004723754 188 68 founded found VERB _004723754 188 69 in^ in^ PROPN _004723754 188 70 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 188 71 in in ADP _004723754 188 72 the the DET _004723754 188 73 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ _004723754 188 74 century century NOUN _004723754 188 75 can can AUX _004723754 188 76 be be AUX _004723754 188 77 enumerated enumerate VERB _004723754 188 78 here here ADV _004723754 188 79 , , PUNCT _004723754 188 80 but but CCONJ _004723754 188 81 it it PRON _004723754 188 82 is be AUX _004723754 188 83 not not PART _004723754 188 84 too too ADV _004723754 188 85 mbeh mbeh ADJ _004723754 188 86 to to PART _004723754 188 87 say say VERB _004723754 188 88 that that SCONJ _004723754 188 89 in in ADP _004723754 188 90 number number NOUN _004723754 188 91 , , PUNCT _004723754 188 92 range range NOUN _004723754 188 93 of of ADP _004723754 188 94 studies study NOUN _004723754 188 95 and and CCONJ _004723754 188 96 standard standard ADJ _004723754 188 97 o»i o»i NOUN _004723754 188 98 attainments attainment NOUN _004723754 188 99 by by ADP _004723754 188 100 the the DET _004723754 188 101 faculties faculty NOUN _004723754 188 102 they they PRON _004723754 188 103 surpassed surpass VERB _004723754 188 104 any any DET _004723754 188 105 th'ng th'ng NOUN _004723754 188 106 exisiting exisite VERB _004723754 188 107 in in ADP _004723754 188 108 english english PROPN _004723754 188 109 - - PUNCT _004723754 188 110 america america PROPN _004723754 188 111 until until ADP _004723754 188 112 the the DET _004723754 188 113 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _004723754 188 114 century century NOUN _004723754 188 115 . . PUNCT _004723754 188 116 ” " PUNCT _004723754 189 1 in in ADP _004723754 189 2 effect effect PROPN _004723754 189 3 dr dr PROPN _004723754 189 4 . . PROPN _004723754 189 5 bourne bourne PROPN _004723754 189 6 tells tell VERB _004723754 189 7 us we PRON _004723754 189 8 that that SCONJ _004723754 189 9 educa educa PROPN _004723754 189 10 tion tion NOUN _004723754 189 11 in in ADP _004723754 189 12 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 189 13 was be AUX _004723754 189 14 three three NUM _004723754 189 15 hundred hundred NUM _004723754 189 16 years year NOUN _004723754 189 17 ahead ahead ADV _004723754 189 18 of of ADP _004723754 189 19 education education NOUN _004723754 189 20 in in ADP _004723754 189 21 ehglish ehglish PROPN _004723754 189 22 america america PROPN _004723754 189 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 190 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 190 2 somie somie VERB _004723754 190 3 idea idea NOUN _004723754 190 4 of of ADP _004723754 190 5 the the DET _004723754 190 6 growth growth NOUN _004723754 190 7 of of ADP _004723754 190 8 education education NOUN _004723754 190 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 190 10 the the DET _004723754 190 11 throughness throughness NOUN _004723754 190 12 of of ADP _004723754 190 13 the the DET _004723754 190 14 teachings teaching NOUN _004723754 190 15 of of ADP _004723754 190 16 the the DET _004723754 190 17 franciscan franciscan ADJ _004723754 190 18 monks monk NOUN _004723754 190 19 may may AUX _004723754 190 20 be be AUX _004723754 190 21 gathered gather VERB _004723754 190 22 from from ADP _004723754 190 23 a a DET _004723754 190 24 letter letter NOUN _004723754 190 25 of of ADP _004723754 190 26 geronim geronim NOUN _004723754 190 27 ® ® NOUN _004723754 190 28 lopez lopez PROPN _004723754 190 29 to to ADP _004723754 190 30 the the DET _004723754 190 31 king king NOUN _004723754 190 32 of of ADP _004723754 190 33 spain spain PROPN _004723754 190 34 in in ADP _004723754 190 35 which which PRON _004723754 190 36 he he PRON _004723754 190 37 bitterly bitterly ADV _004723754 190 38 complains complain VERB _004723754 190 39 that that SCONJ _004723754 190 40 the the DET _004723754 190 41 clergy^ clergy^ NOUN _004723754 190 42 taught teach VERB _004723754 190 43 the the DET _004723754 190 44 indians indians PROPN _004723754 190 45 “ " PUNCT _004723754 190 46 all all ADV _004723754 190 47 to to PART _004723754 190 48 faithfully^ faithfully^ VERB _004723754 190 49 and and CCONJ _004723754 190 50 thoroughly thoroughly ADV _004723754 190 51 even even ADV _004723754 190 52 to to ADP _004723754 190 53 the the DET _004723754 190 54 point point NOUN _004723754 190 55 of of ADP _004723754 190 56 making make VERB _004723754 190 57 them they PRON _004723754 190 58 excellent excellent ADJ _004723754 190 59 writers writer NOUN _004723754 190 60 and and CCONJ _004723754 190 61 latinists latinist NOUN _004723754 190 62 . . PUNCT _004723754 190 63 ” " PUNCT _004723754 191 1 this this PRON _004723754 191 2 was be AUX _004723754 191 3 in in ADP _004723754 191 4 1540 1540 NUM _004723754 191 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 192 1 the the DET _004723754 192 2 claim claim NOUN _004723754 192 3 has have AUX _004723754 192 4 frequently frequently ADV _004723754 192 5 been be AUX _004723754 192 6 made make VERB _004723754 192 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 192 8 that that SCONJ _004723754 192 9 the the DET _004723754 192 10 first first ADJ _004723754 192 11 book book NOUN _004723754 192 12 printed print VERB _004723754 192 13 in in ADP _004723754 192 14 amer amer NOUN _004723754 192 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 192 16 ca can AUX _004723754 192 17 was be AUX _004723754 192 18 the the DET _004723754 192 19 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _004723754 192 20 bay bay PROPN _004723754 192 21 psalm psalm NOUN _004723754 192 22 book book NOUN _004723754 192 23 printed print VERB _004723754 192 24 in in ADP _004723754 192 25 boston boston PROPN _004723754 192 26 in in ADP _004723754 192 27 1638 1638 NUM _004723754 192 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 193 1 fully fully ADV _004723754 193 2 a a DET _004723754 193 3 century century NOUN _004723754 193 4 earlier early ADV _004723754 193 5 the the DET _004723754 193 6 la la PROPN _004723754 193 7 escala escala NOUN _004723754 193 8 spiritual spiritual ADJ _004723754 193 9 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 193 10 the the DET _004723754 193 11 spiritual spiritual ADJ _004723754 193 12 ladder ladder NOUN _004723754 193 13 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 193 14 was be AUX _004723754 193 15 printed print VERB _004723754 193 16 in in ADP _004723754 193 17 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 193 18 along along ADP _004723754 193 19 with with ADP _004723754 193 20 scores score NOUN _004723754 193 21 2^ 2^ NUM _004723754 193 22 of of ADP _004723754 193 23 otlier otli ADJ _004723754 193 24 books book NOUN _004723754 193 25 before before SCONJ _004723754 193 26 tbe tbe NOUN _004723754 193 27 end end NOUN _004723754 193 28 bf bf NOUN _004723754 193 29 tbe tbe VERB _004723754 193 30 sixteenth sixteenth ADJ _004723754 193 31 century century NOUN _004723754 193 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 194 1 in in ADP _004723754 194 2 1570 1570 NUM _004723754 194 3 the the DET _004723754 194 4 first first ADJ _004723754 194 5 medical medical ADJ _004723754 194 6 book book NOUN _004723754 194 7 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 194 8 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 194 9 secretos secretos X _004723754 194 10 de de X _004723754 194 11 cbi!hlrgia cbi!hlrgia PROPN _004723754 194 12 ’’ ’’ PART _004723754 194 13 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 194 14 secrets secret NOUN _004723754 194 15 of of ADP _004723754 194 16 surgery surgery NOUN _004723754 194 17 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 194 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 194 19 printed print VERB _004723754 194 20 ih ih ADP _004723754 194 21 the the DET _004723754 194 22 new new ADJ _004723754 194 23 world world NOUN _004723754 194 24 appeared appear VERB _004723754 194 25 and and CCONJ _004723754 194 26 by by ADP _004723754 194 27 1575 1575 NUM _004723754 194 28 there there PRON _004723754 194 29 were be VERB _004723754 194 30 no no DET _004723754 194 31 less less ADJ _004723754 194 32 than than ADP _004723754 194 33 6 6 NUM _004723754 194 34 printing printing NOUN _004723754 194 35 presses press NOUN _004723754 194 36 running run VERB _004723754 194 37 in in ADP _004723754 194 38 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 194 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 195 1 from from ADP _004723754 195 2 this this PRON _004723754 195 3 wa wa INTJ _004723754 195 4 must must AUX _004723754 195 5 conclude conclude VERB _004723754 195 6 that that SCONJ _004723754 195 7 the the DET _004723754 195 8 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 195 9 indian indian PROPN _004723754 195 10 could could AUX _004723754 195 11 read read VERB _004723754 195 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 195 13 else else ADV _004723754 195 14 why why SCONJ _004723754 195 15 the the DET _004723754 195 16 plt'inting plt'inte VERB _004723754 195 17 presses?^ presses?^ NOUN _004723754 195 18 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 195 19 the the DET _004723754 195 20 danieils danieil NOUN _004723754 195 21 incident incident NOUN _004723754 195 22 to to ADP _004723754 195 23 the the DET _004723754 195 24 stupefaction stupefaction NOUN _004723754 195 25 of of ADP _004723754 195 26 all all DET _004723754 195 27 mexicans mexicans PROPN _004723754 195 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 195 29 mr mr PROPN _004723754 195 30 . . PROPN _004723754 195 31 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 195 32 on on ADP _004723754 195 33 july july PROPN _004723754 195 34 26 26 NUM _004723754 195 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 195 36 1'934 1'934 NUM _004723754 195 37 , , PUNCT _004723754 195 38 in in ADP _004723754 195 39 the the DET _004723754 195 40 course course NOUN _004723754 195 41 of of ADP _004723754 195 42 a a DET _004723754 195 43 speech speech NOUN _004723754 195 44 on on ADP _004723754 195 45 education education NOUN _004723754 195 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 195 47 said say VERB _004723754 195 48 this this PRON _004723754 195 49 : : PUNCT _004723754 195 50 “ " PUNCT _004723754 195 51 the the DET _004723754 195 52 spirit spirit NOUN _004723754 195 53 of of ADP _004723754 195 54 the the DET _004723754 195 55 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 195 56 of of ADP _004723754 195 57 today today NOUN _004723754 195 58 was be AUX _004723754 195 59 clearly clearly ADV _004723754 195 60 and and CCONJ _004723754 195 61 succinctly succinctly ADV _004723754 195 62 stated state VERB _004723754 195 63 last last ADJ _004723754 195 64 week week NOUN _004723754 195 65 in in ADP _004723754 195 66 guadalajara guadalajara PROPN _004723754 195 67 by by ADP _004723754 195 68 general general ADJ _004723754 195 69 calles calle NOUN _004723754 195 70 in in ADP _004723754 195 71 as as ADV _004723754 195 72 brief brief ADJ _004723754 195 73 a a DET _004723754 195 74 sentence sentence NOUN _004723754 195 75 as as ADP _004723754 195 76 that that PRON _004723754 195 77 employed employ VERB _004723754 195 78 by by ADP _004723754 195 79 jefferson jefferson PROPN _004723754 195 80 decades decade NOUN _004723754 195 81 ago ago ADV _004723754 195 82 . . PUNCT _004723754 196 1 general general ADJ _004723754 196 2 calles calle NOUN _004723754 196 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 196 4 speaking speak VERB _004723754 196 5 for for ADP _004723754 196 6 the the DET _004723754 196 7 ear ear NOUN _004723754 196 8 of of ADP _004723754 196 9 all all DET _004723754 196 10 patriotic patriotic ADJ _004723754 196 11 mexicans mexican NOUN _004723754 196 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 196 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 196 14 particularly particularly ADV _004723754 196 15 those those PRON _004723754 196 16 entrusted entrust VERB _004723754 196 17 with with ADP _004723754 196 18 leadership leadership NOUN _004723754 196 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 196 20 said say VERB _004723754 196 21 : : PUNCT _004723754 196 22 “ " PUNCT _004723754 196 23 we we PRON _004723754 196 24 must must AUX _004723754 196 25 enter enter VERB _004723754 196 26 in in ADP _004723754 196 27 to to ADP _004723754 196 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 196 29 take take VERB _004723754 196 30 possession possession NOUN _004723754 196 31 of of ADP _004723754 196 32 the the DET _004723754 196 33 mind mind NOUN _004723754 196 34 of of ADP _004723754 196 35 childhood childhood NOUN _004723754 196 36 , , PUNCT _004723754 196 37 the the DET _004723754 196 38 mind mind NOUN _004723754 196 39 of of ADP _004723754 196 40 youth youth NOUN _004723754 196 41 . . PUNCT _004723754 196 42 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 197 1 to to ADP _004723754 197 2 the the DET _004723754 197 3 carrying carrying NOUN _004723754 197 4 out out ADP _004723754 197 5 of of ADP _004723754 197 6 that that DET _004723754 197 7 aim aim NOUN _004723754 197 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 197 9 which which PRON _004723754 197 10 alone alone ADV _004723754 197 11 can can AUX _004723754 197 12 give give VERB _004723754 197 13 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 197 14 the the DET _004723754 197 15 high high ADJ _004723754 197 16 place place NOUN _004723754 197 17 envisioned envision VERB _004723754 197 18 by by ADP _004723754 197 19 its its PRON _004723754 197 20 statesmen statesman NOUN _004723754 197 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 197 22 the the DET _004723754 197 23 government government NOUN _004723754 197 24 is be AUX _004723754 197 25 making make VERB _004723754 197 26 the the DET _004723754 197 27 rural rural ADJ _004723754 197 28 school school NOUN _004723754 197 29 a a DET _004723754 197 30 social social ADJ _004723754 197 31 institution institution NOUN _004723754 197 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 197 33 ” " PUNCT _004723754 198 1 » » PRON _004723754 198 2 “ " PUNCT _004723754 198 3 now now ADV _004723754 198 4 of of ADP _004723754 198 5 two two NUM _004723754 198 6 things thing NOUN _004723754 198 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 198 8 one one PRON _004723754 198 9 is be AUX _004723754 198 10 true true ADJ _004723754 198 11 : : PUNCT _004723754 198 12 either either CCONJ _004723754 198 13 mr mr PROPN _004723754 198 14 . . PROPN _004723754 198 15 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 198 16 knew know VERB _004723754 198 17 what what PRON _004723754 198 18 calles calle NOUN _004723754 198 19 meant mean VERB _004723754 198 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 198 21 or or CCONJ _004723754 198 22 he he PRON _004723754 198 23 did do VERB _004723754 198 24 not not PART _004723754 198 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 199 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 199 2 he he PRON _004723754 199 3 did do AUX _004723754 199 4 know know VERB _004723754 199 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 199 6 he he PRON _004723754 199 7 was be AUX _004723754 199 8 guilty guilty ADJ _004723754 199 9 of of ADP _004723754 199 10 an an DET _004723754 199 11 unwarrantable unwarrantable ADJ _004723754 199 12 interference interference NOUN _004723754 199 13 in in ADP _004723754 199 14 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 199 15 politics politic NOUN _004723754 199 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 199 17 on on ADP _004723754 199 18 the the DET _004723754 199 19 side side NOUN _004723754 199 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 199 21 too too ADV _004723754 199 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 199 23 of of ADP _004723754 199 24 the the DET _004723754 199 25 anti anti NOUN _004723754 199 26 - - NOUN _004723754 199 27 christians christian NOUN _004723754 199 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 200 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 200 2 he he PRON _004723754 200 3 did do AUX _004723754 200 4 not not PART _004723754 200 5 know know VERB _004723754 200 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 200 7 then then ADV _004723754 200 8 he he PRON _004723754 200 9 should should AUX _004723754 200 10 not not PART _004723754 200 11 be be AUX _004723754 200 12 in in ADP _004723754 200 13 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 200 14 as as ADP _004723754 200 15 our our PRON _004723754 200 16 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 200 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 201 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 201 2 america america PROPN _004723754 201 3 ” " PUNCT _004723754 201 4 vol vol PROPN _004723754 201 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 202 1 li li PROPN _004723754 202 2 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 202 3 no no DET _004723754 202 4 21 21 NUM _004723754 202 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 202 6 sept sept VERB _004723754 202 7 1 1 NUM _004723754 202 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 202 9 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 202 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 203 1 u u NOUN _004723754 203 2 what what PRON _004723754 203 3 calles calle NOUN _004723754 203 4 meant mean VERB _004723754 203 5 by by ADP _004723754 203 6 his his PRON _004723754 203 7 words word NOUN _004723754 203 8 he he PRON _004723754 203 9 made make VERB _004723754 203 10 abundantly abundantly ADV _004723754 203 11 clfear clfear ADJ _004723754 203 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 203 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 203 14 it it PRON _004723754 203 15 is be AUX _004723754 203 16 inconceivable inconceivable ADJ _004723754 203 17 that that SCONJ _004723754 203 18 mr mr PROPN _004723754 203 19 . . PROPN _004723754 203 20 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 203 21 did do AUX _004723754 203 22 not not PART _004723754 203 23 know know VERB _004723754 203 24 what what PRON _004723754 203 25 he he PRON _004723754 203 26 meant mean VERB _004723754 203 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 204 1 it it PRON _004723754 204 2 was be AUX _004723754 204 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 204 4 and and CCONJ _004723754 204 5 was^ was^ PROPN _004723754 204 6 known know VERB _004723754 204 7 to to PART _004723754 204 8 be be AUX _004723754 204 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 204 10 the the DET _004723754 204 11 opening opening NOUN _004723754 204 12 gun gun NOUN _004723754 204 13 in in ADP _004723754 204 14 a a DET _004723754 204 15 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 204 16 to to PART _004723754 204 17 strike strike VERB _004723754 204 18 out out ADP _004723754 204 19 of of ADP _004723754 204 20 the the DET _004723754 204 21 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 204 22 the the DET _004723754 204 23 last last ADJ _004723754 204 24 vestiges vestige NOUN _004723754 204 25 of of ADP _004723754 204 26 educational educational ADJ _004723754 204 27 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 204 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 204 29 and and CCONJ _004723754 204 30 to to PART _004723754 204 31 place place VERB _004723754 204 32 all all DET _004723754 204 33 education education NOUN _004723754 204 34 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _004723754 204 35 in in ADP _004723754 204 36 the the DET _004723754 204 37 hands hand NOUN _004723754 204 38 of of ADP _004723754 204 39 the the DET _004723754 204 40 propagandists propagandist NOUN _004723754 204 41 of of ADP _004723754 204 42 his his PRON _004723754 204 43 own own ADJ _004723754 204 44 radical radical ADJ _004723754 204 45 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 204 46 party party NOUN _004723754 204 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 205 1 the the DET _004723754 205 2 doctrine doctrine NOUN _004723754 205 3 consecrated consecrate VERB _004723754 205 4 by by ADP _004723754 205 5 our our PRON _004723754 205 6 own own ADJ _004723754 205 7 tj tj NOUN _004723754 205 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 206 1 s. s. PROPN _004723754 206 2 supreme supreme PROPN _004723754 206 3 court court PROPN _004723754 206 4 in in ADP _004723754 206 5 the the DET _004723754 206 6 oregon oregon ADJ _004723754 206 7 decision decision NOUN _004723754 206 8 june june PROPN _004723754 206 9 1 1 NUM _004723754 206 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 11 1925 1925 NUM _004723754 206 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 13 that that SCONJ _004723754 206 14 the the DET _004723754 206 15 child child NOUN _004723754 206 16 belongs belong VERB _004723754 206 17 to to ADP _004723754 206 18 the the DET _004723754 206 19 home home NOUN _004723754 206 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 206 21 the the DET _004723754 206 22 family family NOUN _004723754 206 23 he he PRON _004723754 206 24 calls call VERB _004723754 206 25 a a DET _004723754 206 26 “ " PUNCT _004723754 206 27 selfish selfish ADJ _004723754 206 28 doctrine doctrine NOUN _004723754 206 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 30 because because SCONJ _004723754 206 31 children child NOUN _004723754 206 32 and and CCONJ _004723754 206 33 youth youth NOUN _004723754 206 34 belong belong VERB _004723754 206 35 to to ADP _004723754 206 36 the the DET _004723754 206 37 community community NOUN _004723754 206 38 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 39 they they PRON _004723754 206 40 belong belong VERB _004723754 206 41 to to ADP _004723754 206 42 the the DET _004723754 206 43 collectivity collectivity NOUN _004723754 206 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 45 and and CCONJ _004723754 206 46 it it PRON _004723754 206 47 is be AUX _004723754 206 48 the the DET _004723754 206 49 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 206 50 that that PRON _004723754 206 51 has have VERB _004723754 206 52 the the DET _004723754 206 53 inescapably inescapably ADJ _004723754 206 54 duty duty NOUN _004723754 206 55 to to PART _004723754 206 56 take take VERB _004723754 206 57 possession possession NOUN _004723754 206 58 of of ADP _004723754 206 59 consciences conscience NOUN _004723754 206 60 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 61 to to PART _004723754 206 62 drive drive VERB _004723754 206 63 out out ADP _004723754 206 64 prejudices prejudice NOUN _004723754 206 65 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 66 and and CCONJ _004723754 206 67 to to PART _004723754 206 68 form form VERB _004723754 206 69 the the DET _004723754 206 70 new new ADJ _004723754 206 71 soul soul NOUN _004723754 206 72 of of ADP _004723754 206 73 the the DET _004723754 206 74 nation nation NOUN _004723754 206 75 , , PUNCT _004723754 206 76 children child NOUN _004723754 206 77 and and CCONJ _004723754 206 78 the the DET _004723754 206 79 young young ADJ _004723754 206 80 must must AUX _004723754 206 81 belong belong VERB _004723754 206 82 to to ADP _004723754 206 83 the the DET _004723754 206 84 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 206 85 . . PUNCT _004723754 206 86 ” " PUNCT _004723754 207 1 this this PRON _004723754 207 2 is be AUX _004723754 207 3 indeed indeed ADV _004723754 207 4 “ " PUNCT _004723754 207 5 the the DET _004723754 207 6 spirit spirit NOUN _004723754 207 7 o»f o»f VERB _004723754 207 8 the the DET _004723754 207 9 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 207 10 of of ADP _004723754 207 11 today today NOUN _004723754 207 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 207 13 which which PRON _004723754 207 14 mr mr PROPN _004723754 207 15 . . PROPN _004723754 207 16 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 207 17 lauded laud VERB _004723754 207 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 207 19 that that ADV _004723754 207 20 is is ADV _004723754 207 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 207 22 the the DET _004723754 207 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 207 24 s^pirit s^pirit PROPN _004723754 207 25 of of ADP _004723754 207 26 those those PRON _004723754 207 27 who who PRON _004723754 207 28 tyrannize tyrannize VERB _004723754 207 29 and| and| PRON _004723754 207 30 make make VERB _004723754 207 31 no no DET _004723754 207 32 secret secret NOUN _004723754 207 33 of of ADP _004723754 207 34 tyrannizing tyrannize VERB _004723754 207 35 ovei ovei PROPN _004723754 207 36 [ [ X _004723754 207 37 . . PUNCT _004723754 208 1 the the DET _004723754 208 2 souls soul NOUN _004723754 208 3 of of ADP _004723754 208 4 the the DET _004723754 208 5 people people NOUN _004723754 208 6 and and CCONJ _004723754 208 7 its its PRON _004723754 208 8 young young ADJ _004723754 208 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 209 1 the the DET _004723754 209 2 plan plan NOUN _004723754 209 3 to to PART _004723754 209 4 revise revise VERB _004723754 209 5 article article NOUN _004723754 209 6 3 3 NUM _004723754 209 7 of of ADP _004723754 209 8 the the DET _004723754 209 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 209 10 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 209 11 so so SCONJ _004723754 209 12 that that SCONJ _004723754 209 13 education education NOUN _004723754 209 14 would would AUX _004723754 209 15 be be AUX _004723754 209 16 completely completely ADV _004723754 209 17 under under ADP _004723754 209 18 the the DET _004723754 209 19 control control NOUN _004723754 209 20 of of ADP _004723754 209 21 the the DET _004723754 209 22 ruling rule VERB _004723754 209 23 party party NOUN _004723754 209 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 209 25 and and CCONJ _004723754 209 26 exclude exclude VERB _004723754 209 27 all all DET _004723754 209 28 possibility possibility NOUN _004723754 209 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 209 30 of of ADP _004723754 209 31 any any DET _004723754 209 32 religious religious ADJ _004723754 209 33 education education NOUN _004723754 209 34 , , PUNCT _004723754 209 35 soon soon ADV _004723754 209 36 met meet VERB _004723754 209 37 with with ADP _004723754 209 38 opposition opposition NOUN _004723754 209 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 210 1 in in ADP _004723754 210 2 the the DET _004723754 210 3 university university PROPN _004723754 210 4 of of ADP _004723754 210 5 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 210 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 210 7 which which PRON _004723754 210 8 won win VERB _004723754 210 9 its its PRON _004723754 210 10 autonomy autonomy NOUN _004723754 210 11 in in ADP _004723754 210 12 1933 1933 NUM _004723754 210 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 210 14 after after ADP _004723754 210 15 a a DET _004723754 210 16 series series NOUN _004723754 210 17 of of ADP _004723754 210 18 violent violent ADJ _004723754 210 19 revolts revolt NOUN _004723754 210 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 210 21 the the DET _004723754 210 22 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 210 23 federation federation PROPN _004723754 210 24 of of ADP _004723754 210 25 uniyersity uniyersity NOUN _004723754 210 26 students student NOUN _004723754 210 27 adopted adopt VERB _004723754 210 28 a a DET _004723754 210 29 resolution resolution NOUN _004723754 210 30 by by ADP _004723754 210 31 a a DET _004723754 210 32 vote vote NOUN _004723754 210 33 of of ADP _004723754 210 34 8 8 NUM _004723754 210 35 to to PART _004723754 210 36 1 1 NUM _004723754 210 37 , , PUNCT _004723754 210 38 denouncing denounce VERB _004723754 210 39 the the DET _004723754 210 40 proposed propose VERB _004723754 210 41 changes change NOUN _004723754 210 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 210 43 op op NOUN _004723754 210 44 the the DET _004723754 210 45 i^rouncj i^rouncj PROPN _004723754 210 46 25 25 NUM _004723754 210 47 that that SCONJ _004723754 210 48 they they PRON _004723754 210 49 would would AUX _004723754 210 50 again again ADV _004723754 210 51 destroy destroy VERB _004723754 210 52 academic academic ADJ _004723754 210 53 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 210 54 , , PUNCT _004723754 210 55 and and CCONJ _004723754 210 56 would would AUX _004723754 210 57 substitute substitute VERB _004723754 210 58 an an DET _004723754 210 59 obligatory obligatory ADJ _004723754 210 60 doctrinaire doctrinaire ADJ _004723754 210 61 socialist socialist ADJ _004723754 210 62 education education NOUN _004723754 210 63 for for ADP _004723754 210 64 the the DET _004723754 210 65 secular secular ADJ _004723754 210 66 education education NOUN _004723754 210 67 now now ADV _004723754 210 68 prevailing prevail VERB _004723754 210 69 there there ADV _004723754 210 70 . . PUNCT _004723754 211 1 the the DET _004723754 211 2 resolution resolution NOUN _004723754 211 3 protests protest VERB _004723754 211 4 against against ADP _004723754 211 5 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 211 6 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 211 7 any any DET _004723754 211 8 attempt attempt NOUN _004723754 211 9 that that PRON _004723754 211 10 may may AUX _004723754 211 11 be be AUX _004723754 211 12 made make VERB _004723754 211 13 to to PART _004723754 211 14 subject subject VERB _004723754 211 15 the the DET _004723754 211 16 institution institution NOUN _004723754 211 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 211 18 its its PRON _004723754 211 19 members member NOUN _004723754 211 20 to to ADP _004723754 211 21 rules rule NOUN _004723754 211 22 of of ADP _004723754 211 23 thought thought NOUN _004723754 211 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 211 25 action action NOUN _004723754 211 26 not not PART _004723754 211 27 adopted adopt VERB _004723754 211 28 freely freely ADV _004723754 211 29 by by ADP _004723754 211 30 the the DET _004723754 211 31 university university NOUN _004723754 211 32 itself/ itself/ SPACE _004723754 211 33 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 211 34 the the DET _004723754 211 35 pro pro ADJ _004723754 211 36 test test NOUN _004723754 211 37 was be AUX _004723754 211 38 concurred concur VERB _004723754 211 39 in in ADP _004723754 211 40 by by ADP _004723754 211 41 the the DET _004723754 211 42 rector rector NOUN _004723754 211 43 of of ADP _004723754 211 44 the the DET _004723754 211 45 university university NOUN _004723754 211 46 himsem himsem NOUN _004723754 211 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 212 1 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 212 2 defined define VERB _004723754 212 3 quoting quote VERB _004723754 212 4 from from ADP _004723754 212 5 " " PUNCT _004723754 212 6 america america PROPN _004723754 212 7 ” " PUNCT _004723754 212 8 vol vol NOUN _004723754 212 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 213 1 li li PROPN _004723754 213 2 no no PROPN _004723754 213 3 . . PROPN _004723754 213 4 23 23 NUM _004723754 213 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 213 6 september september PROPN _004723754 213 7 15 15 NUM _004723754 213 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 213 9 1934^ 1934^ NUM _004723754 213 10 — — PUNCT _004723754 213 11 " " PUNCT _004723754 213 12 what what PRON _004723754 213 13 are be AUX _004723754 213 14 the the DET _004723754 213 15 people people NOUN _004723754 213 16 doing do VERB _004723754 213 17 labout labout ADP _004723754 213 18 it it PRON _004723754 213 19 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 214 1 the the DET _004723754 214 2 people^ people^ NOUN _004723754 214 3 not not PART _004723754 214 4 the the DET _004723754 214 5 politicans politican NOUN _004723754 214 6 . . PUNCT _004723754 215 1 they they PRON _004723754 215 2 are be AUX _004723754 215 3 doing do VERB _004723754 215 4 what what PRON _004723754 215 5 devout devout ADP _004723754 215 6 christians christian NOUN _004723754 215 7 have have AUX _004723754 215 8 done do VERB _004723754 215 9 under under ADP _004723754 215 10 similar similar ADJ _004723754 215 11 conditions condition NOUN _004723754 215 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 215 13 in in ADP _004723754 215 14 every every DET _004723754 215 15 age age NOUN _004723754 215 16 of of ADP _004723754 215 17 the the DET _004723754 215 18 world world NOUN _004723754 215 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 216 1 they they PRON _004723754 216 2 are be AUX _004723754 216 3 defying defy VERB _004723754 216 4 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 216 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 216 6 and and CCONJ _004723754 216 7 prison prison NOUN _004723754 216 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 216 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 216 10 banish banish ADJ _004723754 216 11 ment ment NOUN _004723754 216 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 216 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 216 14 setting set VERB _004723754 216 15 up up ADP _004723754 216 16 secret secret ADJ _004723754 216 17 altars altar NOUN _004723754 216 18 where where SCONJ _004723754 216 19 they they PRON _004723754 216 20 gather gather VERB _004723754 216 21 to to PART _004723754 216 22 make make VERB _004723754 216 23 their their PRON _004723754 216 24 devotions devotion NOUN _004723754 216 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 217 1 sometimes sometimes ADV _004723754 217 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 217 3 at at ADP _004723754 217 4 untold untold ADJ _004723754 217 5 hardships hardship NOUN _004723754 217 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 217 7 they they PRON _004723754 217 8 make make VERB _004723754 217 9 long long ADJ _004723754 217 10 pilgrimages pilgrimage NOUN _004723754 217 11 to to ADP _004723754 217 12 places place NOUN _004723754 217 13 where where SCONJ _004723754 217 14 they they PRON _004723754 217 15 may may AUX _004723754 217 16 worship worship VERB _004723754 217 17 opfenly opfenly ADV _004723754 217 18 in in ADP _004723754 217 19 the the DET _004723754 217 20 churches church NOUN _004723754 217 21 without without ADP _004723754 217 22 fear fear NOUN _004723754 217 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 218 1 it it PRON _004723754 218 2 has have AUX _004723754 218 3 been be AUX _004723754 218 4 estimated estimate VERB _004723754 218 5 that that SCONJ _004723754 218 6 several several ADJ _004723754 218 7 thousand thousand NUM _004723754 218 8 of of ADP _004723754 218 9 those those DET _004723754 218 10 dusty dusty ADJ _004723754 218 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 218 12 foot foot NOUN _004723754 218 13 - - PUNCT _004723754 218 14 sore sore NOUN _004723754 218 15 pilgrims pilgrim NOUN _004723754 218 16 marched march VERB _004723754 218 17 in in ADP _004723754 218 18 the the DET _004723754 218 19 corpus corpus PROPN _004723754 218 20 christi christi NOUN _004723754 218 21 procession procession NOUN _004723754 218 22 at at ADP _004723754 218 23 el el PROPN _004723754 218 24 paso paso PROPN _004723754 218 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 218 26 texas texas PROPN _004723754 218 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 219 1 " " PUNCT _004723754 219 2 for for ADP _004723754 219 3 the the DET _004723754 219 4 most most ADJ _004723754 219 5 part part NOUN _004723754 219 6 worshipers worshiper NOUN _004723754 219 7 at at ADP _004723754 219 8 those those DET _004723754 219 9 hidden hide VERB _004723754 219 10 altars altar NOUN _004723754 219 11 are be AUX _004723754 219 12 unmolested unmolested ADJ _004723754 219 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 219 14 but but CCONJ _004723754 219 15 once once ADV _004723754 219 16 in in ADP _004723754 219 17 a a DET _004723754 219 18 while while NOUN _004723754 219 19 a a DET _004723754 219 20 judas judas PROPN _004723754 219 21 collects collect VERB _004723754 219 22 his his PRON _004723754 219 23 pay pay NOUN _004723754 219 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 220 1 the the DET _004723754 220 2 story story NOUN _004723754 220 3 is be AUX _004723754 220 4 told tell VERB _004723754 220 5 of of ADP _004723754 220 6 a a DET _004723754 220 7 young young ADJ _004723754 220 8 man man NOUN _004723754 220 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 220 10 a a DET _004723754 220 11 frequenter frequenter NOUN _004723754 220 12 0l 0l NUM _004723754 220 13 the the DET _004723754 220 14 cock cock NOUN _004723754 220 15 pit pit NOUN _004723754 220 16 and and CCONJ _004723754 220 17 the the DET _004723754 220 18 gambling gambling NOUN _004723754 220 19 room room NOUN _004723754 220 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 220 21 who who PRON _004723754 220 22 having have VERB _004723754 220 23 a a DET _004723754 220 24 run run NOUN _004723754 220 25 of of ADP _004723754 220 26 hard hard ADJ _004723754 220 27 luck luck NOUN _004723754 220 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 220 29 cast cast VERB _004723754 220 30 about about ADP _004723754 220 31 for for ADP _004723754 220 32 some some DET _004723754 220 33 money^ money^ NOUN _004723754 220 34 ^nd ^nd PROPN _004723754 220 35 remembering remember VERB _004723754 220 36 the the DET _004723754 220 37 26 26 NUM _004723754 220 38 fifteen fifteen NUM _004723754 220 39 pesos pesos NOUN _004723754 220 40 paid pay VERB _004723754 220 41 to to ADP _004723754 220 42 any any DET _004723754 220 43 informer informer NOUN _004723754 220 44 who who PRON _004723754 220 45 revealed reveal VERB _004723754 220 46 the the DET _004723754 220 47 place place NOUN _004723754 220 48 of of ADP _004723754 220 49 one one NUM _004723754 220 50 of of ADP _004723754 220 51 those those DET _004723754 220 52 secret secret ADJ _004723754 220 53 altars altar NOUN _004723754 220 54 , , PUNCT _004723754 220 55 he he PRON _004723754 220 56 led lead VERB _004723754 220 57 the the DET _004723754 220 58 law law NOUN _004723754 220 59 enforcement enforcement NOUN _004723754 220 60 officers officer NOUN _004723754 220 61 to to ADP _004723754 220 62 the the DET _004723754 220 63 place place NOUN _004723754 220 64 and and CCONJ _004723754 220 65 waited wait VERB _004723754 220 66 outsidel outsidel NOUN _004723754 220 67 he he PRON _004723754 220 68 had have VERB _004723754 220 69 to to PART _004723754 220 70 wait wait VERB _004723754 220 71 in in ADP _004723754 220 72 order order NOUN _004723754 220 73 to to PART _004723754 220 74 collect collect VERB _004723754 220 75 his his PRON _004723754 220 76 money money NOUN _004723754 220 77 . . PUNCT _004723754 221 1 when when SCONJ _004723754 221 2 he he PRON _004723754 221 3 saw see VERB _004723754 221 4 his his PRON _004723754 221 5 mother mother NOUN _004723754 221 6 slip slip VERB _004723754 221 7 out out ADP _004723754 221 8 of of ADP _004723754 221 9 the the DET _004723754 221 10 door door NOUN _004723754 221 11 into into ADP _004723754 221 12 the the DET _004723754 221 13 clutches clutch NOUN _004723754 221 14 of of ADP _004723754 221 15 an an DET _004723754 221 16 armed armed ADJ _004723754 221 17 soldier soldier NOUN _004723754 221 18 he he PRON _004723754 221 19 realized realize VERB _004723754 221 20 the the DET _004723754 221 21 enormity enormity NOUN _004723754 221 22 of of ADP _004723754 221 23 what what PRON _004723754 221 24 he he PRON _004723754 221 25 haa haa VERB _004723754 221 26 done do VERB _004723754 221 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 221 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 221 29 went go VERB _004723754 221 30 half half ADV _004723754 221 31 mad mad ADJ _004723754 221 32 with with ADP _004723754 221 33 remorse remorse NOUN _004723754 221 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 222 1 he he PRON _004723754 222 2 fought fight VERB _004723754 222 3 with with ADP _004723754 222 4 the the DET _004723754 222 5 soldiers soldier NOUN _004723754 222 6 until until SCONJ _004723754 222 7 they they PRON _004723754 222 8 had have VERB _004723754 222 9 to to PART _004723754 222 10 knock knock VERB _004723754 222 11 him he PRON _004723754 222 12 senseless senseless NOUN _004723754 222 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 222 14 take take VERB _004723754 222 15 him he PRON _004723754 222 16 to to ADP _004723754 222 17 jail jail NOUN _004723754 222 18 also also ADV _004723754 222 19 ” " PUNCT _004723754 222 20 priests priest NOUN _004723754 222 21 must must AUX _004723754 222 22 marry marry VERB _004723754 222 23 “ " PUNCT _004723754 222 24 in in ADP _004723754 222 25 yucatan yucatan PROPN _004723754 222 26 a a DET _004723754 222 27 decree decree NOUN _004723754 222 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 222 29 not not PART _004723754 222 30 yet yet ADV _004723754 222 31 pro pro ADV _004723754 222 32 mulgated mulgate VERB _004723754 222 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 222 34 has have AUX _004723754 222 35 provided provide VERB _004723754 222 36 that that SCONJ _004723754 222 37 for for ADP _004723754 222 38 the the DET _004723754 222 39 entire entire ADJ _004723754 222 40 state state NOUN _004723754 222 41 only only ADV _004723754 222 42 three three NUM _004723754 222 43 priests priest NOUN _004723754 222 44 will will AUX _004723754 222 45 be be AUX _004723754 222 46 allowed allow VERB _004723754 222 47 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 222 48 further far ADV _004723754 222 49 , , PUNCT _004723754 222 50 that that SCONJ _004723754 222 51 these these DET _004723754 222 52 three three NUM _004723754 222 53 must must AUX _004723754 222 54 marry marry VERB _004723754 222 55 before before SCONJ _004723754 222 56 they they PRON _004723754 222 57 will will AUX _004723754 222 58 be be AUX _004723754 222 59 permitted permit VERB _004723754 222 60 to to PART _004723754 222 61 exercise exercise VERB _004723754 222 62 their their PRON _004723754 222 63 office office NOUN _004723754 222 64 . . PUNCT _004723754 223 1 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 223 2 massed mass VERB _004723754 223 3 before before ADP _004723754 223 4 govrnment govrnment NOUN _004723754 223 5 headquarters headquarters NOUN _004723754 223 6 on on ADP _004723754 223 7 september september PROPN _004723754 223 8 26 26 NUM _004723754 223 9 to to PART _004723754 223 10 protest protest VERB _004723754 223 11 this this DET _004723754 223 12 decree decree NOUN _004723754 223 13 ^and ^and PUNCT _004723754 223 14 were be AUX _004723754 223 15 shot shoot VERB _004723754 223 16 at at ADP _004723754 223 17 by by ADP _004723754 223 18 policemen policeman NOUN _004723754 223 19 in in ADP _004723754 223 20 plain plain ADJ _004723754 223 21 clothes clothe NOUN _004723754 223 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 223 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 223 24 many many ADJ _004723754 223 25 were be AUX _004723754 223 26 injured injure VERB _004723754 223 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 223 28 ’’ ’' PUNCT _004723754 224 1 america america PROPN _004723754 224 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 224 3 vol vol PROPN _004723754 224 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 225 1 li li PROPN _004723754 225 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 225 3 no no DET _004723754 225 4 26 26 NUM _004723754 225 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 225 6 october october PROPN _004723754 225 7 6 6 NUM _004723754 225 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 225 9 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 225 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 226 1 confiscation confiscation NOUN _004723754 226 2 op op NOUN _004723754 226 3 church church NOUN _004723754 226 4 property property NOUN _004723754 226 5 “ " PUNCT _004723754 226 6 on on ADP _004723754 226 7 september september PROPN _004723754 226 8 10 10 NUM _004723754 226 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 10 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 226 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 12 the the DET _004723754 226 13 secretary secretary NOUN _004723754 226 14 of of ADP _004723754 226 15 hacienda hacienda PROPN _004723754 226 16 reported report VERB _004723754 226 17 to to ADP _004723754 226 18 the the DET _004723754 226 19 federal federal ADJ _004723754 226 20 congress congress PROPN _004723754 226 21 on on ADP _004723754 226 22 “ " PUNCT _004723754 226 23 the the DET _004723754 226 24 nationalization nationalization NOUN _004723754 226 25 of of ADP _004723754 226 26 the the DET _004723754 226 27 property property NOUN _004723754 226 28 of of ADP _004723754 226 29 the the DET _004723754 226 30 clergy clergy NOUN _004723754 226 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 32 ” " PUNCT _004723754 226 33 giving give VERB _004723754 226 34 the the DET _004723754 226 35 following follow VERB _004723754 226 36 figures figure NOUN _004723754 226 37 : : PUNCT _004723754 226 38 “ " PUNCT _004723754 226 39 238 238 NUM _004723754 226 40 preliminary preliminary ADJ _004723754 226 41 investigations investigation NOUN _004723754 226 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 43 68 68 NUM _004723754 226 44 consignments consignment NOUN _004723754 226 45 to to ADP _004723754 226 46 the the DET _004723754 226 47 attorney attorney NOUN _004723754 226 48 general general NOUN _004723754 226 49 of of ADP _004723754 226 50 the the DET _004723754 226 51 republic republic NOUN _004723754 226 52 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 53 l l PROPN _004723754 226 54 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 55 ll02 ll02 PROPN _004723754 226 56 judgment judgment NOUN _004723754 226 57 procedures procedure NOUN _004723754 226 58 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 59 58 58 NUM _004723754 226 60 occupations occupation NOUN _004723754 226 61 of of ADP _004723754 226 62 rural rural ADJ _004723754 226 63 and and CCONJ _004723754 226 64 urban urban ADJ _004723754 226 65 properties property NOUN _004723754 226 66 “ " PUNCT _004723754 226 67 he he PRON _004723754 226 68 also also ADV _004723754 226 69 reported report VERB _004723754 226 70 27 27 NUM _004723754 226 71 that that SCONJ _004723754 226 72 three three NUM _004723754 226 73 churches church NOUN _004723754 226 74 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 226 75 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 226 76 gave give VERB _004723754 226 77 way way NOUN _004723754 226 78 to to ADP _004723754 226 79 the the DET _004723754 226 80 widening widening NOUN _004723754 226 81 of of ADP _004723754 226 82 streets street NOUN _004723754 226 83 , , PUNCT _004723754 226 84 and and CCONJ _004723754 226 85 six six NUM _004723754 226 86 were be AUX _004723754 226 87 “ " PUNCT _004723754 226 88 disaffected disaffect VERB _004723754 226 89 to to PART _004723754 226 90 be be AUX _004723754 226 91 used use VERB _004723754 226 92 for for ADP _004723754 226 93 federal federal ADJ _004723754 226 94 public public ADJ _004723754 226 95 service service NOUN _004723754 226 96 . . PUNCT _004723754 226 97 ” " PUNCT _004723754 227 1 at at ADP _004723754 227 2 the the DET _004723754 227 3 same same ADJ _004723754 227 4 time time NOUN _004723754 227 5 there there PRON _004723754 227 6 were be VERB _004723754 227 7 increasing increase VERB _004723754 227 8 evidences evidence NOUN _004723754 227 9 of of ADP _004723754 227 10 rifts rift NOUN _004723754 227 11 within within ADP _004723754 227 12 the the DET _004723754 227 13 calles calle NOUN _004723754 227 14 pariy pariy NOUN _004723754 227 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 227 16 since since SCONJ _004723754 227 17 the the DET _004723754 227 18 president president NOUN _004723754 227 19 - - PUNCT _004723754 227 20 elect elect PROPN _004723754 227 21 general general ADJ _004723754 227 22 cardenas cardena NOUN _004723754 227 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 227 24 apparently apparently ADV _004723754 227 25 began begin VERB _004723754 227 26 to to PART _004723754 227 27 show show VERB _004723754 227 28 himself himself PRON _004723754 227 29 too too ADV _004723754 227 30 independent independent ADJ _004723754 227 31 of of ADP _004723754 227 32 party party NOUN _004723754 227 33 dictation dictation NOUN _004723754 227 34 , , PUNCT _004723754 227 35 under under ADP _004723754 227 36 the the DET _004723754 227 37 impression impression NOUN _004723754 227 38 that that SCONJ _004723754 227 39 he he PRON _004723754 227 40 had have AUX _004723754 227 41 been be AUX _004723754 227 42 chosen choose VERB _004723754 227 43 by by ADP _004723754 227 44 the the DET _004723754 227 45 whole whole ADJ _004723754 227 46 people people NOUN _004723754 227 47 and and CCONJ _004723754 227 48 not not PART _004723754 227 49 merely merely ADV _004723754 227 50 by by ADP _004723754 227 51 his his PRON _004723754 227 52 own own ADJ _004723754 227 53 dominant dominant ADJ _004723754 227 54 politicomilitary politicomilitary ADJ _004723754 227 55 organization organization NOUN _004723754 227 56 . . PUNCT _004723754 227 57 ” " PUNCT _004723754 228 1 america america PROPN _004723754 228 2 vol vol PROPN _004723754 228 3 . . PUNCT _004723754 229 1 li li PROPN _004723754 229 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 229 3 no no PROPN _004723754 229 4 . . PROPN _004723754 229 5 26 26 NUM _004723754 229 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 229 7 october october PROPN _004723754 229 8 6 6 NUM _004723754 229 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 229 10 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 229 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 230 1 in in ADP _004723754 230 2 the the DET _004723754 230 3 diocese diocese NOUN _004723754 230 4 of of ADP _004723754 230 5 guadalajara guadalajara PROPN _004723754 230 6 alone alone ADV _004723754 230 7 twenty twenty NUM _004723754 230 8 priests priest NOUN _004723754 230 9 have have AUX _004723754 230 10 laid lay VERB _004723754 230 11 down down ADP _004723754 230 12 their their PRON _004723754 230 13 lives life NOUN _004723754 230 14 for for ADP _004723754 230 15 their their PRON _004723754 230 16 faith faith NOUN _004723754 230 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 231 1 many many ADJ _004723754 231 2 other other ADJ _004723754 231 3 priests priest NOUN _004723754 231 4 and and CCONJ _004723754 231 5 sisters sister NOUN _004723754 231 6 have have AUX _004723754 231 7 suffered suffer VERB _004723754 231 8 imprisonment imprisonment NOUN _004723754 231 9 or or CCONJ _004723754 231 10 death death NOUN _004723754 231 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 231 12 or or CCONJ _004723754 231 13 both both PRON _004723754 231 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 231 15 and and CCONJ _004723754 231 16 the the DET _004723754 231 17 world world NOUN _004723754 231 18 will will AUX _004723754 231 19 probably probably ADV _004723754 231 20 never never ADV _004723754 231 21 even even ADV _004723754 231 22 hear hear VERB _004723754 231 23 of of ADP _004723754 231 24 their their PRON _004723754 231 25 names name NOUN _004723754 231 26 . . PUNCT _004723754 232 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 232 2 others other NOUN _004723754 232 3 are be AUX _004723754 232 4 taking take VERB _004723754 232 5 their their PRON _004723754 232 6 places place NOUN _004723754 232 7 constantly constantly ADV _004723754 232 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 232 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 232 10 the the DET _004723754 232 11 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 232 12 church church NOUN _004723754 232 13 has have VERB _004723754 232 14 no no DET _004723754 232 15 intention intention NOUN _004723754 232 16 abandoning abandon VERB _004723754 232 17 its its PRON _004723754 232 18 rights right NOUN _004723754 232 19 before before ADP _004723754 232 20 god god PROPN _004723754 232 21 of of ADP _004723754 232 22 carrying carry VERB _004723754 232 23 religion religion NOUN _004723754 232 24 to to ADP _004723754 232 25 an an DET _004723754 232 26 oppressed oppressed ADJ _004723754 232 27 people people NOUN _004723754 232 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 232 29 any any PRON _004723754 232 30 more more ADJ _004723754 232 31 than than ADP _004723754 232 32 in in ADP _004723754 232 33 the the DET _004723754 232 34 past past NOUN _004723754 232 35 it it PRON _004723754 232 36 did do VERB _004723754 232 37 it it PRON _004723754 232 38 in in ADP _004723754 232 39 poland poland PROPN _004723754 232 40 or or CCONJ _004723754 232 41 ireland ireland VERB _004723754 232 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 232 43 ” " PUNCT _004723754 233 1 america america PROPN _004723754 233 2 vol vol PROPN _004723754 233 3 . . PUNCT _004723754 234 1 lii lii PROPN _004723754 234 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 234 3 no no INTJ _004723754 234 4 . . NOUN _004723754 234 5 1 1 NUM _004723754 234 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 234 7 october october PROPN _004723754 234 8 13 13 NUM _004723754 234 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 234 10 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 234 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 235 1 socialist socialist ADJ _004723754 235 2 education education NOUN _004723754 235 3 in in ADP _004723754 235 4 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 235 5 “ " PUNCT _004723754 235 6 the the DET _004723754 235 7 proposed propose VERB _004723754 235 8 amendment amendment NOUN _004723754 235 9 to to ADP _004723754 235 10 article article NOUN _004723754 235 11 3 3 NUM _004723754 235 12 of of ADP _004723754 235 13 the the DET _004723754 235 14 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 235 15 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 235 16 was be AUX _004723754 235 17 reported report VERB _004723754 235 18 to to ADP _004723754 235 19 the the DET _004723754 235 20 chamber chamber NOUN _004723754 235 21 of of ADP _004723754 235 22 deputies deputy NOUN _004723754 235 23 on on ADP _004723754 235 24 september september PROPN _004723754 235 25 26 26 NUM _004723754 235 26 . . PUNCT _004723754 236 1 it it PRON _004723754 236 2 stated state VERB _004723754 236 3 that that SCONJ _004723754 236 4 the the DET _004723754 236 5 education education NOUN _004723754 236 6 in in ADP _004723754 236 7 all all DET _004723754 236 8 its its PRON _004723754 236 9 types type NOUN _004723754 236 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 236 11 grades grade NOUN _004723754 236 12 belonged belong VERB _004723754 236 13 to to ADP _004723754 236 14 the the DET _004723754 236 15 federation federation NOUN _004723754 236 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 236 17 the the DET _004723754 236 18 state state NOUN _004723754 236 19 and and CCONJ _004723754 236 20 the the DET _004723754 236 21 municipalities municipality NOUN _004723754 236 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 236 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 236 24 that that SCONJ _004723754 236 25 it it PRON _004723754 236 26 “ " PUNCT _004723754 236 27 shau shau NOUN _004723754 236 28 exclude exclude VERB _004723754 236 29 all all DET _004723754 236 30 religious religious ADJ _004723754 236 31 education/ education/ SPACE _004723754 236 32 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 236 33 education education NOUN _004723754 236 34 “ " PUNCT _004723754 236 35 shall shall AUX _004723754 236 36 be be AUX _004723754 236 37 scientific scientific ADJ _004723754 236 38 and and CCONJ _004723754 236 39 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 236 40 . . PUNCT _004723754 236 41 ” " PUNCT _004723754 237 1 members member NOUN _004723754 237 2 of of ADP _004723754 237 3 religious religious ADJ _004723754 237 4 28 28 NUM _004723754 237 5 orders order NOUN _004723754 237 6 or or CCONJ _004723754 237 7 any any DET _004723754 237 8 one one NOUN _004723754 237 9 “ " PUNCT _004723754 237 10 directly directly ADV _004723754 237 11 or or CCONJ _004723754 237 12 indirectly indirectly ADV _004723754 237 13 connected connect VERB _004723754 237 14 with with ADP _004723754 237 15 the the DET _004723754 237 16 propagation propagation NOUN _004723754 237 17 of of ADP _004723754 237 18 a a DET _004723754 237 19 religious religious ADJ _004723754 237 20 creed creed NOUN _004723754 237 21 shall shall AUX _004723754 237 22 not not PART _004723754 237 23 intervene intervene VERB _004723754 237 24 in in ADP _004723754 237 25 any any DET _004723754 237 26 form form NOUN _004723754 237 27 in in ADP _004723754 237 28 the the DET _004723754 237 29 education education NOUN _004723754 237 30 here here ADV _004723754 237 31 treated/^ treated/^ PROPN _004723754 237 32 the the DET _004723754 237 33 amendment amendment NOUN _004723754 237 34 , , PUNCT _004723754 237 35 as as ADV _004723754 237 36 well well ADV _004723754 237 37 a- a- X _004723754 237 38 > > X _004723754 237 39 eliminating eliminate VERB _004723754 237 40 religious religious ADJ _004723754 237 41 education education NOUN _004723754 237 42 in in ADP _004723754 237 43 public public ADJ _004723754 237 44 and and CCONJ _004723754 237 45 private private ADJ _004723754 237 46 schools school NOUN _004723754 237 47 , , PUNCT _004723754 237 48 also also ADV _004723754 237 49 would would AUX _004723754 237 50 give give VERB _004723754 237 51 the the DET _004723754 237 52 state state NOUN _004723754 237 53 arbitrary arbitrary ADJ _004723754 237 54 control control NOUN _004723754 237 55 over over ADP _004723754 237 56 private private ADJ _004723754 237 57 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 237 58 without without ADP _004723754 237 59 allowing allow VERB _004723754 237 60 the the DET _004723754 237 61 latter latter ADJ _004723754 237 62 recourse recourse NOUN _004723754 237 63 to to ADP _004723754 237 64 legal legal ADJ _004723754 237 65 action action NOUN _004723754 237 66 . . PUNCT _004723754 238 1 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 238 2 if if SCONJ _004723754 238 3 this this PRON _004723754 238 4 is be AUX _004723754 238 5 not not PART _004723754 238 6 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 238 7 what what PRON _004723754 238 8 is be AUX _004723754 238 9 it it PRON _004723754 238 10 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 238 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 238 12 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 238 13 on on ADP _004723754 238 14 october october PROPN _004723754 238 15 4 4 NUM _004723754 238 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 238 17 three three NUM _004723754 238 18 persons person NOUN _004723754 238 19 were be AUX _004723754 238 20 killed kill VERB _004723754 238 21 and and CCONJ _004723754 238 22 eight eight NUM _004723754 238 23 wounded wound VERB _004723754 238 24 in in ADP _004723754 238 25 puebla puebla NOUN _004723754 238 26 in in ADP _004723754 238 27 a a DET _004723754 238 28 demonstration demonstration NOUN _004723754 238 29 against against ADP _004723754 238 30 the the DET _004723754 238 31 closing closing NOUN _004723754 238 32 of of ADP _004723754 238 33 st st PROPN _004723754 238 34 . . PROPN _004723754 238 35 teresa teresa PROPN _004723754 238 36 ’s ’s NUM _004723754 238 37 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 238 38 school school NOUN _004723754 238 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 239 1 the the DET _004723754 239 2 local local ADJ _004723754 239 3 government government NOUN _004723754 239 4 had have AUX _004723754 239 5 decreed decree VERB _004723754 239 6 it it PRON _004723754 239 7 state state NOUN _004723754 239 8 property property NOUN _004723754 239 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 240 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 240 2 america america PROPN _004723754 240 3 ” " PUNCT _004723754 240 4 vol vol PROPN _004723754 240 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 241 1 lii lii PROPN _004723754 241 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 241 3 nd nd PROPN _004723754 241 4 . . PROPN _004723754 241 5 2 2 NUM _004723754 241 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 241 7 october october PROPN _004723754 241 8 20 20 NUM _004723754 241 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 241 10 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 241 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 241 12 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 241 13 continues continue VERB _004723754 241 14 “ " PUNCT _004723754 241 15 it it PRON _004723754 241 16 is be AUX _004723754 241 17 not not PART _004723754 241 18 as as SCONJ _004723754 241 19 if if SCONJ _004723754 241 20 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 241 21 in in ADP _004723754 241 22 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 241 23 had have AUX _004723754 241 24 just just ADV _004723754 241 25 broken break VERB _004723754 241 26 out out ADP _004723754 241 27 anew anew ADV _004723754 241 28 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 241 29 it it PRON _004723754 241 30 has have AUX _004723754 241 31 never never ADV _004723754 241 32 ceased cease VERB _004723754 241 33 all all DET _004723754 241 34 these these DET _004723754 241 35 years year NOUN _004723754 241 36 . . PUNCT _004723754 242 1 it it PRON _004723754 242 2 is be AUX _004723754 242 3 merely merely ADV _004723754 242 4 that that SCONJ _004723754 242 5 in in ADP _004723754 242 6 recent recent ADJ _004723754 242 7 months month NOUN _004723754 242 8 it it PRON _004723754 242 9 has have AUX _004723754 242 10 put put VERB _004723754 242 11 on on ADP _004723754 242 12 greater great ADJ _004723754 242 13 intensity intensity NOUN _004723754 242 14 and and CCONJ _004723754 242 15 ferocity ferocity NOUN _004723754 242 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 242 17 as as SCONJ _004723754 242 18 the the DET _004723754 242 19 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 242 20 people people NOUN _004723754 242 21 itself itself PRON _004723754 242 22 has have AUX _004723754 242 23 become become AUX _004723754 242 24 aroused arouse VERB _004723754 242 25 at at ADP _004723754 242 26 ever_increasing ever_increase VERB _004723754 242 27 exactions exaction NOUN _004723754 242 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 242 29 tyrannies tyranny NOUN _004723754 242 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 242 31 riots riot NOUN _004723754 242 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 242 33 followed follow VERB _004723754 242 34 by by ADP _004723754 242 35 callous callous ADJ _004723754 242 36 shooting shooting NOUN _004723754 242 37 by by ADP _004723754 242 38 the the DET _004723754 242 39 police police NOUN _004723754 242 40 , , PUNCT _004723754 242 41 have have AUX _004723754 242 42 occurred occur VERB _004723754 242 43 all all ADV _004723754 242 44 over over ADP _004723754 242 45 the the DET _004723754 242 46 country country NOUN _004723754 242 47 fanned fan VERB _004723754 242 48 by by ADP _004723754 242 49 student student NOUN _004723754 242 50 outbreaks outbreak NOUN _004723754 242 51 over over ADP _004723754 242 52 the the DET _004723754 242 53 determination determination NOUN _004723754 242 54 to to PART _004723754 242 55 impose impose VERB _004723754 242 56 on on ADP _004723754 242 57 all all DET _004723754 242 58 schools school NOUN _004723754 242 59 a a DET _004723754 242 60 system system NOUN _004723754 242 61 of of ADP _004723754 242 62 education education NOUN _004723754 242 63 which which PRON _004723754 242 64 the the DET _004723754 242 65 government government NOUN _004723754 242 66 itself itself PRON _004723754 242 67 calls call VERB _004723754 242 68 “ " PUNCT _004723754 242 69 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 242 70 . . PUNCT _004723754 242 71 ” " PUNCT _004723754 243 1 these these DET _004723754 243 2 student student NOUN _004723754 243 3 demonstrations demonstration NOUN _004723754 243 4 have have VERB _004723754 243 5 no no DET _004723754 243 6 specifically specifically ADV _004723754 243 7 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 243 8 character character NOUN _004723754 243 9 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 243 10 they they PRON _004723754 243 11 are be AUX _004723754 243 12 a a DET _004723754 243 13 normal normal ADJ _004723754 243 14 and and CCONJ _004723754 243 15 natural natural ADJ _004723754 243 16 revolt revolt NOUN _004723754 243 17 in in ADP _004723754 243 18 favor favor NOUN _004723754 243 19 of of ADP _004723754 243 20 academic academic ADJ _004723754 243 21 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 243 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 244 1 it it PRON _004723754 244 2 was be AUX _004723754 244 3 into into ADP _004723754 244 4 the the DET _004723754 244 5 midst midst NOUN _004723754 244 6 of of ADP _004723754 244 7 this this DET _004723754 244 8 delicate delicate ADJ _004723754 244 9 situation situation NOUN _004723754 244 10 that that SCONJ _004723754 244 11 the the DET _004723754 244 12 nice nice ADJ _004723754 244 13 old old ADJ _004723754 244 14 man man NOUN _004723754 244 15 wbq wbq PROPN _004723754 244 16 29 29 NUM _004723754 244 17 repnasented repnasente VERB _004723754 244 18 us we PRON _004723754 244 19 in in ADP _004723754 244 20 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 244 21 put put VERB _004723754 244 22 his his PRON _004723754 244 23 inept inept ADJ _004723754 244 24 oar oar NOUN _004723754 244 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 245 1 the the DET _004723754 245 2 dominant dominant ADJ _004723754 245 3 military military ADJ _004723754 245 4 party party NOUN _004723754 245 5 which which PRON _004723754 245 6 has have VERB _004723754 245 7 the the DET _004723754 245 8 country country NOUN _004723754 245 9 by by ADP _004723754 245 10 the the DET _004723754 245 11 throat throat NOUN _004723754 245 12 proposed propose VERB _004723754 245 13 to to PART _004723754 245 14 amend amend VERB _004723754 245 15 article article NOUN _004723754 245 16 3 3 NUM _004723754 245 17 of of ADP _004723754 245 18 the the DET _004723754 245 19 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 245 20 by by ADP _004723754 245 21 making make VERB _004723754 245 22 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 245 23 education education NOUN _004723754 245 24 by by ADP _004723754 245 25 name name NOUN _004723754 245 26 compulsory compulsory NOUN _004723754 245 27 in in ADP _004723754 245 28 all all DET _004723754 245 29 schools school NOUN _004723754 245 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 246 1 this this PRON _004723754 246 2 is be AUX _004723754 246 3 the the DET _004723754 246 4 famous famous ADJ _004723754 246 5 article article NOUN _004723754 246 6 3 3 NUM _004723754 246 7 which which PRON _004723754 246 8 begins begin VERB _004723754 246 9 : : PUNCT _004723754 246 10 “ " PUNCT _004723754 246 11 education education NOUN _004723754 246 12 is be AUX _004723754 246 13 freie freie NOUN _004723754 246 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 246 15 “ " PUNCT _004723754 246 16 pero pero NOUN _004723754 246 17 ” " PUNCT _004723754 246 18 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 246 19 which which PRON _004723754 246 20 means mean VERB _004723754 246 21 “ " PUNCT _004723754 246 22 however however ADV _004723754 246 23 ’’ ’’ INTJ _004723754 246 24 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 246 25 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 246 26 these these DET _004723754 246 27 peros pero NOUN _004723754 246 28 in in ADP _004723754 246 29 the the DET _004723754 246 30 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 246 31 have have AUX _004723754 246 32 long long ADV _004723754 246 33 been be AUX _004723754 246 34 the the DET _004723754 246 35 joke joke NOUN _004723754 246 36 of of ADP _004723754 246 37 the the DET _004723754 246 38 lawyer lawyer NOUN _004723754 246 39 fraternity fraternity NOUN _004723754 246 40 in in ADP _004723754 246 41 mexicoi mexicoi NOUN _004723754 246 42 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 247 1 this this DET _004723754 247 2 particular particular ADJ _004723754 247 3 pero pero NOUN _004723754 247 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 247 5 like like ADP _004723754 247 6 the the DET _004723754 247 7 others other NOUN _004723754 247 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 247 9 of of ADP _004723754 247 10 course course NOUN _004723754 247 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 247 12 nuliified nuliifie VERB _004723754 247 13 the the DET _004723754 247 14 right right NOUN _004723754 247 15 guaranteed guarantee VERB _004723754 247 16 by by ADP _004723754 247 17 the the DET _004723754 247 18 first first ADJ _004723754 247 19 clause clause NOUN _004723754 247 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 247 21 but but CCONJ _004723754 247 22 it it PRON _004723754 247 23 was be AUX _004723754 247 24 proposed propose VERB _004723754 247 25 to to PART _004723754 247 26 go go VERB _004723754 247 27 still still ADV _004723754 247 28 further far ADV _004723754 247 29 and and CCONJ _004723754 247 30 put put VERB _004723754 247 31 socialism socialism NOUN _004723754 247 32 into into ADP _004723754 247 33 the the DET _004723754 247 34 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 247 35 as as ADP _004723754 247 36 a a DET _004723754 247 37 compulsory compulsory ADJ _004723754 247 38 form form NOUN _004723754 247 39 of of ADP _004723754 247 40 education education NOUN _004723754 247 41 . . PUNCT _004723754 248 1 an an DET _004723754 248 2 inconspicuous inconspicuous ADJ _004723754 248 3 associated associate VERB _004723754 248 4 press press NOUN _004723754 248 5 dispatch dispatch NOUN _004723754 248 6 of of ADP _004723754 248 7 october october PROPN _004723754 248 8 10 10 NUM _004723754 248 9 . . NUM _004723754 248 10 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 248 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 248 12 said say VERB _004723754 248 13 : : PUNCT _004723754 248 14 “ " PUNCT _004723754 248 15 disregarding disregard VERB _004723754 248 16 public public ADJ _004723754 248 17 opposition^ opposition^ ADP _004723754 248 18 the the DET _004723754 248 19 chamber chamber NOUN _004723754 248 20 of of ADP _004723754 248 21 deputies deputy NOUN _004723754 248 22 voted vote VERB _004723754 248 23 unanimously unanimously ADV _004723754 248 24 in in ADP _004723754 248 25 favor favor NOUN _004723754 248 26 of of ADP _004723754 248 27 amending amend VERB _004723754 248 28 article article NOUN _004723754 248 29 3 3 NUM _004723754 248 30 of of ADP _004723754 248 31 the the DET _004723754 248 32 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 248 33 so so SCONJ _004723754 248 34 as as SCONJ _004723754 248 35 to to PART _004723754 248 36 make make VERB _004723754 248 37 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 248 38 education education NOUN _004723754 248 39 compulsory compulsory NOUN _004723754 248 40 in in ADP _004723754 248 41 all all DET _004723754 248 42 schools school NOUN _004723754 248 43 except except SCONJ _004723754 248 44 the the DET _004723754 248 45 universities university NOUN _004723754 248 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 249 1 the the DET _004723754 249 2 senate senate PROPN _004723754 249 3 is be AUX _004723754 249 4 expected expect VERB _004723754 249 5 to to PART _004723754 249 6 act act VERB _004723754 249 7 favorably favorably ADV _004723754 249 8 shortly shortly ADV _004723754 249 9 on on ADP _004723754 249 10 the the DET _004723754 249 11 proposal proposal NOUN _004723754 249 12 . . PUNCT _004723754 249 13 ” " PUNCT _004723754 250 1 this this PRON _004723754 250 2 is be AUX _004723754 250 3 the the DET _004723754 250 4 most most ADV _004723754 250 5 deadly deadly ADJ _004723754 250 6 blow blow NOUN _004723754 250 7 yet yet ADV _004723754 250 8 aimed aim VERB _004723754 250 9 at at ADP _004723754 250 10 religion religion NOUN _004723754 250 11 in in ADP _004723754 250 12 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 250 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 251 1 the the DET _004723754 251 2 physical physical ADJ _004723754 251 3 property property NOUN _004723754 251 4 of of ADP _004723754 251 5 the the DET _004723754 251 6 church church NOUN _004723754 251 7 has have AUX _004723754 251 8 been be AUX _004723754 251 9 wrenched wrench VERB _004723754 251 10 from from ADP _004723754 251 11 it it PRON _004723754 251 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 251 13 often often ADV _004723754 251 14 with with ADP _004723754 251 15 violence violence NOUN _004723754 251 16 and and CCONJ _004723754 251 17 bloodshed bloodshed NOUN _004723754 251 18 . . PUNCT _004723754 252 1 now now ADV _004723754 252 2 the the DET _004723754 252 3 souls soul NOUN _004723754 252 4 of of ADP _004723754 252 5 mexicans mexican NOUN _004723754 252 6 will will AUX _004723754 252 7 be be AUX _004723754 252 8 possessed possess VERB _004723754 252 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 252 10 as as SCONJ _004723754 252 11 calles calle NOUN _004723754 252 12 boasted boast VERB _004723754 252 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 252 14 daniels daniel NOUN _004723754 252 15 echoed echo VERB _004723754 252 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 253 1 calles calle NOUN _004723754 253 2 in in ADP _004723754 253 3 his his PRON _004723754 253 4 speech speech NOUN _004723754 253 5 made make VERB _004723754 253 6 it it PRON _004723754 253 7 perfectly perfectly ADV _004723754 253 8 clear clear ADJ _004723754 253 9 that that SCONJ _004723754 253 10 by by ADP _004723754 253 11 socialism socialism NOUN _004723754 253 12 he he PRON _004723754 253 13 meant mean VERB _004723754 253 14 atheism atheism NOUN _004723754 253 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 254 1 he he PRON _004723754 254 2 still still ADV _004723754 254 3 possesses possess VERB _004723754 254 4 the the DET _004723754 254 5 army army NOUN _004723754 254 6 and and CCONJ _004723754 254 7 so so ADV _004723754 254 8 he he PRON _004723754 254 9 still still ADV _004723754 254 10 can can AUX _004723754 254 11 make make VERB _004723754 254 12 the the DET _004723754 254 13 country country NOUN _004723754 254 14 swallow swallow VERB _004723754 254 15 his his PRON _004723754 254 16 medicine medicine NOUN _004723754 254 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 255 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 255 2 it it PRON _004723754 255 3 is be AUX _004723754 255 4 in30 in30 PROPN _004723754 255 5 tolerable tolerable ADJ _004723754 255 6 that that SCONJ _004723754 255 7 he he PRON _004723754 255 8 should should AUX _004723754 255 9 have have VERB _004723754 255 10 the the DET _004723754 255 11 support support NOUN _004723754 255 12 of of ADP _004723754 255 13 our our PRON _004723754 255 14 own own ADJ _004723754 255 15 country country NOUN _004723754 255 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 256 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 256 2 in in ADP _004723754 256 3 spite spite NOUN _004723754 256 4 of of ADP _004723754 256 5 continued continue VERB _004723754 256 6 opposition opposition NOUN _004723754 256 7 by by ADP _004723754 256 8 the the DET _004723754 256 9 people people NOUN _004723754 256 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 256 11 the the DET _004723754 256 12 government government NOUN _004723754 256 13 expressed express VERB _004723754 256 14 its its PRON _004723754 256 15 determination determination NOUN _004723754 256 16 to to PART _004723754 256 17 institute institute VERB _004723754 256 18 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 256 19 education education NOUN _004723754 256 20 in in ADP _004723754 256 21 all all DET _004723754 256 22 secondary secondary ADJ _004723754 256 23 schools school NOUN _004723754 256 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 257 1 the the DET _004723754 257 2 bill bill NOUN _004723754 257 3 for for ADP _004723754 257 4 this this PRON _004723754 257 5 was be AUX _004723754 257 6 pas^sed pas^se VERB _004723754 257 7 by by ADP _004723754 257 8 the the DET _004723754 257 9 chamber chamber NOUN _004723754 257 10 of of ADP _004723754 257 11 deputies deputy NOUN _004723754 257 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 257 13 sent send VERB _004723754 257 14 to to ADP _004723754 257 15 the the DET _004723754 257 16 senate senate PROPN _004723754 257 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 257 18 where where SCONJ _004723754 257 19 it it PRON _004723754 257 20 was be AUX _004723754 257 21 assured assure VERB _004723754 257 22 of of ADP _004723754 257 23 ap ap PROPN _004723754 257 24 proval proval NOUN _004723754 257 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 258 1 more more ADJ _004723754 258 2 than than ADP _004723754 258 3 10,000 10,000 NUM _004723754 258 4 persons person NOUN _004723754 258 5 paraded parade VERB _004723754 258 6 in in ADP _004723754 258 7 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 258 8 city city NOUN _004723754 258 9 on on ADP _004723754 258 10 october october PROPN _004723754 258 11 12 12 NUM _004723754 258 12 in in ADP _004723754 258 13 protest protest NOUN _004723754 258 14 against against ADP _004723754 258 15 the the DET _004723754 258 16 bill bill NOUN _004723754 258 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 259 1 police police NOUN _004723754 259 2 using use VERB _004723754 259 3 teargas tearga NOUN _004723754 259 4 bombs bomb NOUN _004723754 259 5 attacked attack VERB _004723754 259 6 the the DET _004723754 259 7 marchers marcher NOUN _004723754 259 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 259 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 259 10 more more ADJ _004723754 259 11 than than ADP _004723754 259 12 100 100 NUM _004723754 259 13 were be AUX _004723754 259 14 injured injure VERB _004723754 259 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 260 1 because because SCONJ _004723754 260 2 of of ADP _004723754 260 3 the the DET _004723754 260 4 many many ADJ _004723754 260 5 protests protest NOUN _004723754 260 6 against against ADP _004723754 260 7 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 260 8 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 260 9 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 260 10 speech speech NOUN _004723754 260 11 endorsing endorse VERB _004723754 260 12 the the DET _004723754 260 13 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 260 14 plan plan NOUN _004723754 260 15 of of ADP _004723754 260 16 education education NOUN _004723754 260 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 260 18 acting act VERB _004723754 260 19 secretary secretary NOUN _004723754 260 20 of of ADP _004723754 260 21 state state PROPN _004723754 260 22 phillips phillip NOUN _004723754 260 23 on on ADP _004723754 260 24 october october PROPN _004723754 260 25 17 17 NUM _004723754 260 26 telephoned telephone VERB _004723754 260 27 him he PRON _004723754 260 28 for for ADP _004723754 260 29 a a DET _004723754 260 30 statement statement NOUN _004723754 260 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 261 1 mr mr PROPN _004723754 261 2 . . PROPN _004723754 261 3 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 261 4 said say VERB _004723754 261 5 he he PRON _004723754 261 6 had have VERB _004723754 261 7 no no DET _004723754 261 8 idea idea NOUN _004723754 261 9 his his PRON _004723754 261 10 remarks remark NOUN _004723754 261 11 could could AUX _004723754 261 12 be be AUX _004723754 261 13 interpreted interpret VERB _004723754 261 14 as as ADP _004723754 261 15 having have VERB _004723754 261 16 any any DET _004723754 261 17 relation relation NOUN _004723754 261 18 to to ADP _004723754 261 19 controversial controversial ADJ _004723754 261 20 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 261 21 matters matter NOUN _004723754 261 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 262 1 — — PUNCT _004723754 262 2 “ " PUNCT _004723754 262 3 america america PROPN _004723754 262 4 ” " PUNCT _004723754 262 5 vol vol PROPN _004723754 262 6 . . PUNCT _004723754 263 1 lii lii PROPN _004723754 263 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 263 3 no no NOUN _004723754 263 4 . . NOUN _004723754 263 5 3 3 NUM _004723754 263 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 263 7 october october PROPN _004723754 263 8 27 27 NUM _004723754 263 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 263 10 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 263 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 264 1 this this PRON _004723754 264 2 is be AUX _004723754 264 3 a a DET _004723754 264 4 weak weak ADJ _004723754 264 5 excuse excuse NOUN _004723754 264 6 for for ADP _004723754 264 7 all all DET _004723754 264 8 the the DET _004723754 264 9 unfavorable unfavorable ADJ _004723754 264 10 comment comment NOUN _004723754 264 11 caused cause VERB _004723754 264 12 by by ADP _004723754 264 13 mr mr PROPN _004723754 264 14 . . PROPN _004723754 264 15 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 264 16 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 264 17 ill ill ADJ _004723754 264 18 timed timed PROPN _004723754 264 19 and and CCONJ _004723754 264 20 ill ill ADJ _004723754 264 21 informed informed ADJ _004723754 264 22 laudation laudation NOUN _004723754 264 23 of of ADP _004723754 264 24 calles calle NOUN _004723754 264 25 ’s ’s PART _004723754 264 26 educational educational ADJ _004723754 264 27 policies policy NOUN _004723754 264 28 last last ADJ _004723754 264 29 july july PROPN _004723754 264 30 which which PRON _004723754 264 31 led lead VERB _004723754 264 32 to to ADP _004723754 264 33 a a DET _004723754 264 34 wide wide ADJ _004723754 264 35 spread spread NOUN _004723754 264 36 demand demand NOUN _004723754 264 37 for for ADP _004723754 264 38 his his PRON _004723754 264 39 recall recall NOUN _004723754 264 40 as as ADP _004723754 264 41 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 264 42 to to ADP _004723754 264 43 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 264 44 . . PUNCT _004723754 265 1 did do AUX _004723754 265 2 this this DET _004723754 265 3 protest protest NOUN _004723754 265 4 cause cause VERB _004723754 265 5 him he PRON _004723754 265 6 to to PART _004723754 265 7 abate abate VERB _004723754 265 8 his his PRON _004723754 265 9 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _004723754 265 10 attitude attitude NOUN _004723754 265 11 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 266 1 it it PRON _004723754 266 2 did do VERB _004723754 266 3 not not PART _004723754 266 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 266 5 mr mr PROPN _004723754 266 6 . . PROPN _004723754 266 7 white white PROPN _004723754 266 8 ’s ’s PART _004723754 266 9 smoke smoke NOUN _004723754 266 10 screen screen NOUN _004723754 266 11 to to ADP _004723754 266 12 the the DET _004723754 266 13 contrary contrary NOUN _004723754 266 14 notwithstanding notwithstanding ADV _004723754 266 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 267 1 he he PRON _004723754 267 2 first first ADV _004723754 267 3 offered offer VERB _004723754 267 4 a a DET _004723754 267 5 lame lame ADJ _004723754 267 6 excuse excuse NOUN _004723754 267 7 for for ADP _004723754 267 8 his his PRON _004723754 267 9 action action NOUN _004723754 267 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 268 1 then then ADV _004723754 268 2 he he PRON _004723754 268 3 took take VERB _004723754 268 4 senator senator PROPN _004723754 268 5 reynolds reynold NOUN _004723754 268 6 to to PART _004723754 268 7 make make VERB _004723754 268 8 a a DET _004723754 268 9 laudatory laudatory ADJ _004723754 268 10 speech speech NOUN _004723754 268 11 to to ADP _004723754 268 12 the the DET _004723754 268 13 deputies deputy NOUN _004723754 268 14 in in ADP _004723754 268 15 the the DET _004723754 268 16 very very ADJ _004723754 268 17 midst midst NOUN _004723754 268 18 of of ADP _004723754 268 19 31 31 NUM _004723754 268 20 their their PRON _004723754 268 21 vote vote NOUN _004723754 268 22 to to PART _004723754 268 23 call call VERB _004723754 268 24 on on ADP _004723754 268 25 the the DET _004723754 268 26 president president NOUN _004723754 268 27 to to PART _004723754 268 28 expel expel VERB _004723754 268 29 all all DET _004723754 268 30 the the DET _004723754 268 31 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 268 32 bishops bishop NOUN _004723754 268 33 . . PUNCT _004723754 269 1 h»e h»e ADJ _004723754 269 2 calles calle NOUN _004723754 269 3 and and CCONJ _004723754 269 4 after after SCONJ _004723754 269 5 his his PRON _004723754 269 6 visit visit NOUN _004723754 269 7 gave give VERB _004723754 269 8 out out ADP _004723754 269 9 a a DET _004723754 269 10 statement statement NOUN _004723754 269 11 acknowledging acknowledge VERB _004723754 269 12 him he PRON _004723754 269 13 as as ADP _004723754 269 14 boss boss NOUN _004723754 269 15 of of ADP _004723754 269 16 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 269 17 then then ADV _004723754 269 18 told tell VERB _004723754 269 19 the the DET _004723754 269 20 official official ADJ _004723754 269 21 paper paper NOUN _004723754 269 22 he he PRON _004723754 269 23 was be AUX _004723754 269 24 glad glad ADJ _004723754 269 25 to to PART _004723754 269 26 give give VERB _004723754 269 27 this this DET _004723754 269 28 statement statement NOUN _004723754 269 29 to to ADP _004723754 269 30 it it PRON _004723754 269 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 269 32 “ " PUNCT _004723754 269 33 because because SCONJ _004723754 269 34 it it PRON _004723754 269 35 knew know VERB _004723754 269 36 so so ADV _004723754 269 37 well well INTJ _004723754 269 38 how how SCONJ _004723754 269 39 to to PART _004723754 269 40 interpret interpret VERB _004723754 269 41 the the DET _004723754 269 42 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 269 43 in in ADP _004723754 269 44 mexico/ mexico/ SPACE _004723754 269 45 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 269 46 he he PRON _004723754 269 47 then then ADV _004723754 269 48 dined dine VERB _004723754 269 49 the the DET _004723754 269 50 governor governor NOUN _004723754 269 51 of of ADP _004723754 269 52 puebla puebla NOUN _004723754 269 53 on on ADP _004723754 269 54 the the DET _004723754 269 55 very very ADJ _004723754 269 56 day day NOUN _004723754 269 57 that that SCONJ _004723754 269 58 resolutions resolution NOUN _004723754 269 59 were be AUX _004723754 269 60 being be AUX _004723754 269 61 passed pass VERB _004723754 269 62 exalting exalt VERB _004723754 269 63 that that DET _004723754 269 64 worthy worthy ADJ _004723754 269 65 as as ADP _004723754 269 66 one one NUM _004723754 269 67 who who PRON _004723754 269 68 had have AUX _004723754 269 69 most most ADV _004723754 269 70 ruthlessly ruthlessly ADV _004723754 269 71 carried carry VERB _004723754 269 72 out out ADP _004723754 269 73 the the DET _004723754 269 74 anti anti ADJ _004723754 269 75 - - ADJ _004723754 269 76 religious religious ADJ _004723754 269 77 program program NOUN _004723754 269 78 . . PUNCT _004723754 270 1 is be AUX _004723754 270 2 this this DET _004723754 270 3 folly folly NOUN _004723754 270 4 or or CCONJ _004723754 270 5 is be AUX _004723754 270 6 it it PRON _004723754 270 7 malice malice NOUN _004723754 270 8 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 271 1 how how SCONJ _004723754 271 2 the the DET _004723754 271 3 british british ADJ _004723754 271 4 regard regard NOUN _004723754 271 5 daniels daniel NOUN _004723754 271 6 from from ADP _004723754 271 7 the the DET _004723754 271 8 london london PROPN _004723754 271 9 tablet tablet PROPN _004723754 271 10 as as SCONJ _004723754 271 11 quoted quote VERB _004723754 271 12 in in ADP _004723754 271 13 the the DET _004723754 271 14 josephium josephium NOUN _004723754 271 15 weekly weekly ADJ _004723754 271 16 vol vol NOUN _004723754 271 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 272 1 xxi xxi PROPN _004723754 272 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 272 3 no no DET _004723754 272 4 9 9 NUM _004723754 272 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 272 6 march march PROPN _004723754 272 7 2 2 NUM _004723754 272 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 272 9 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 272 10 : : PUNCT _004723754 272 11 “ " PUNCT _004723754 272 12 on on ADP _004723754 272 13 this this DET _004723754 272 14 point point NOUN _004723754 272 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 272 16 our our PRON _004723754 272 17 opinion opinion NOUN _004723754 272 18 is be AUX _004723754 272 19 that that SCONJ _004723754 272 20 although although SCONJ _004723754 272 21 tminod tminod PROPN _004723754 272 22 diplomats diplomat NOUN _004723754 272 23 ought ought AUX _004723754 272 24 not not PART _004723754 272 25 even even ADV _004723754 272 26 once once ADV _004723754 272 27 to to PART _004723754 272 28 offend offend VERB _004723754 272 29 against against ADP _004723754 272 30 impartiality impartiality NOUN _004723754 272 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 272 32 we we PRON _004723754 272 33 might might AUX _004723754 272 34 overlook overlook VERB _004723754 272 35 a a DET _004723754 272 36 single single ADJ _004723754 272 37 indiscretion indiscretion NOUN _004723754 272 38 just just ADV _004723754 272 39 as as SCONJ _004723754 272 40 we we PRON _004723754 272 41 allow allow VERB _004723754 272 42 a a DET _004723754 272 43 dog dog NOUN _004723754 272 44 one one NUM _004723754 272 45 bite bite NOUN _004723754 272 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 273 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 273 2 the the DET _004723754 273 3 daniels daniel NOUN _004723754 273 4 intervention intervention NOUN _004723754 273 5 has have AUX _004723754 273 6 been be AUX _004723754 273 7 continuous continuous ADJ _004723754 273 8 the the DET _004723754 273 9 sans san NOUN _004723754 273 10 ... ... PUNCT _004723754 273 11 dieu dieu PROPN _004723754 273 12 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 273 13 paper paper PROPN _004723754 273 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 273 15 el el PROPN _004723754 273 16 national national PROPN _004723754 273 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 273 18 might might AUX _004723754 273 19 fairly fairly ADV _004723754 273 20 be be AUX _004723754 273 21 called call VERB _004723754 273 22 a a DET _004723754 273 23 personal personal ADJ _004723754 273 24 organ organ NOUN _004723754 273 25 of of ADP _004723754 273 26 mr mr PROPN _004723754 273 27 . . PROPN _004723754 273 28 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 273 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 273 30 in in ADP _004723754 273 31 which which PRON _004723754 273 32 he he PRON _004723754 273 33 encourages encourage VERB _004723754 273 34 anticatholic anticatholic ADJ _004723754 273 35 decrees decree NOUN _004723754 273 36 and and CCONJ _004723754 273 37 activities activity NOUN _004723754 273 38 . . PUNCT _004723754 274 1 when when SCONJ _004723754 274 2 the the DET _004723754 274 3 chamber chamber NOUN _004723754 274 4 of of ADP _004723754 274 5 deputies deputy NOUN _004723754 274 6 approved approve VERB _004723754 274 7 the the DET _004723754 274 8 action action NOUN _004723754 274 9 of of ADP _004723754 274 10 the the DET _004723754 274 11 governor governor NOUN _004723754 274 12 of of ADP _004723754 274 13 puebla puebla NOUN _004723754 274 14 in in ADP _004723754 274 15 closing close VERB _004723754 274 16 all all DET _004723754 274 17 the the DET _004723754 274 18 churches church NOUN _004723754 274 19 in in ADP _004723754 274 20 that that DET _004723754 274 21 state state NOUN _004723754 274 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 274 23 mr mr PROPN _004723754 274 24 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 274 25 immediately immediately ADV _004723754 274 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 274 27 ostentatiously ostentatiously ADV _004723754 274 28 invited invite VERB _004723754 274 29 the the DET _004723754 274 30 governor governor NOUN _004723754 274 31 to to ADP _004723754 274 32 luncheon luncheon VERB _004723754 274 33 . . PUNCT _004723754 275 1 this this DET _004723754 275 2 old old ADJ _004723754 275 3 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 275 4 has have AUX _004723754 275 5 also also ADV _004723754 275 6 fawned fawn VERB _004723754 275 7 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 275 8 sr sr PROPN _004723754 275 9 garrido garrido PROPN _004723754 275 10 canabal canabal PROPN _004723754 275 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 275 12 the the DET _004723754 275 13 red red ADJ _004723754 275 14 - - PUNCT _004723754 275 15 shirt shirt NOUN _004723754 275 16 minister minister NOUN _004723754 275 17 whose whose DET _004723754 275 18 men man NOUN _004723754 275 19 shot shoot VERB _004723754 275 20 down down ADP _004723754 275 21 the the DET _004723754 275 22 government government NOUN _004723754 275 23 ’s ’s PART _004723754 275 24 critics critic NOUN _004723754 275 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 276 1 an an DET _004723754 276 2 american american PROPN _004723754 276 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 276 4 now now ADV _004723754 276 5 in in ADP _004723754 276 6 london london PROPN _004723754 276 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 276 8 to to PART _004723754 276 9 whom whom PRON _004723754 276 10 32 32 NUM _004723754 276 11 we we PRON _004723754 276 12 have have AUX _004723754 276 13 posed pose VERB _004723754 276 14 a a DET _004723754 276 15 question question NOUN _004723754 276 16 based base VERB _004723754 276 17 on on ADP _004723754 276 18 these these DET _004723754 276 19 facts fact NOUN _004723754 276 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 276 21 lamely lamely ADV _004723754 276 22 replied reply VERB _004723754 276 23 that that SCONJ _004723754 276 24 washington washington PROPN _004723754 276 25 recalled recall VERB _004723754 276 26 mr mr PROPN _004723754 276 27 . . PROPN _004723754 276 28 daniels daniels PROPN _004723754 276 29 just just ADV _004723754 276 30 now now ADV _004723754 276 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 276 32 it it PRON _004723754 276 33 would would AUX _004723754 276 34 look look VERB _004723754 276 35 like like ADP _004723754 276 36 a a DET _004723754 276 37 surrender surrender NOUN _004723754 276 38 to to ADP _004723754 276 39 the the DET _004723754 276 40 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 276 41 . . PUNCT _004723754 277 1 we we PRON _004723754 277 2 retorted retort VERB _004723754 277 3 that that SCONJ _004723754 277 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 277 5 in in ADP _004723754 277 6 the the DET _004723754 277 7 eyes eye NOUN _004723754 277 8 of of ADP _004723754 277 9 good good ADJ _004723754 277 10 men man NOUN _004723754 277 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 277 12 it it PRON _004723754 277 13 would would AUX _004723754 277 14 look look VERB _004723754 277 15 still still ADV _004723754 277 16 more more ADV _004723754 277 17 like like ADP _004723754 277 18 an an DET _004723754 277 19 assertion assertion NOUN _004723754 277 20 of of ADP _004723754 277 21 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 277 22 discipline discipline NOUN _004723754 277 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 277 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 277 25 a a DET _004723754 277 26 repudiation repudiation NOUN _004723754 277 27 of of ADP _004723754 277 28 anticatholic anticatholic ADJ _004723754 277 29 activities activity NOUN _004723754 277 30 with with ADP _004723754 277 31 which which PRON _004723754 277 32 the the DET _004723754 277 33 united united PROPN _004723754 277 34 states states PROPN _004723754 277 35 ought ought AUX _004723754 277 36 to to PART _004723754 277 37 have have VERB _004723754 277 38 no no DET _004723754 277 39 sympathy sympathy NOUN _004723754 277 40 at at ADV _004723754 277 41 all all ADV _004723754 277 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 277 43 ” " PUNCT _004723754 277 44 from from ADP _004723754 277 45 an an DET _004723754 277 46 “ " PUNCT _004723754 277 47 a a DET _004723754 277 48 b b NOUN _004723754 277 49 c c NOUN _004723754 277 50 of of ADP _004723754 277 51 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 277 52 politics politic NOUN _004723754 277 53 ” " PUNCT _004723754 277 54 by by ADP _004723754 277 55 p. p. PROPN _004723754 277 56 s. s. PROPN _004723754 277 57 m. m. PROPN _004723754 277 58 ridland ridland PROPN _004723754 277 59 , , PUNCT _004723754 277 60 i i PRON _004723754 277 61 quote quote VERB _004723754 277 62 the the DET _004723754 277 63 following follow VERB _004723754 277 64 : : PUNCT _004723754 277 65 “ " PUNCT _004723754 277 66 to to ADP _004723754 277 67 the the DET _004723754 277 68 uninitiated uninitiated ADJ _004723754 277 69 observer observer NOUN _004723754 277 70 the the DET _004723754 277 71 political political ADJ _004723754 277 72 organization organization NOUN _004723754 277 73 of of ADP _004723754 277 74 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 277 75 shows show VERB _004723754 277 76 a a DET _004723754 277 77 solid solid ADJ _004723754 277 78 democratic democratic ADJ _004723754 277 79 facade facade NOUN _004723754 277 80 which which PRON _004723754 277 81 , , PUNCT _004723754 277 82 in in ADP _004723754 277 83 the the DET _004723754 277 84 orderly orderly ADJ _004723754 277 85 arrangement arrangement NOUN _004723754 277 86 of of ADP _004723754 277 87 the the DET _004723754 277 88 divers diver NOUN _004723754 277 89 architectural architectural ADJ _004723754 277 90 elements element NOUN _004723754 277 91 , , PUNCT _004723754 277 92 closely closely ADV _004723754 277 93 resembles resemble VERB _004723754 277 94 that that PRON _004723754 277 95 df df VERB _004723754 277 96 the the DET _004723754 277 97 united united PROPN _004723754 277 98 states states PROPN _004723754 277 99 of of ADP _004723754 277 100 america america PROPN _004723754 277 101 . . PUNCT _004723754 278 1 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 278 2 is be AUX _004723754 278 3 of of ADP _004723754 278 4 course course NOUN _004723754 278 5 a a DET _004723754 278 6 federal federal ADJ _004723754 278 7 republic republic NOUN _004723754 278 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 278 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 278 10 the the DET _004723754 278 11 president president NOUN _004723754 278 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 278 13 his his PRON _004723754 278 14 cabinet cabinet NOUN _004723754 278 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 278 16 the the DET _004723754 278 17 senate senate PROPN _004723754 278 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 278 19 the the DET _004723754 278 20 house house NOUN _004723754 278 21 of of ADP _004723754 278 22 representatives representative NOUN _004723754 278 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 278 24 the the DET _004723754 278 25 su su PROPN _004723754 278 26 preme preme NOUN _004723754 278 27 court court NOUN _004723754 278 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 278 29 the the DET _004723754 278 30 stata stata NOUN _004723754 278 31 governors governor NOUN _004723754 278 32 and and CCONJ _004723754 278 33 legislatures legislature NOUN _004723754 278 34 are be AUX _004723754 278 35 all all ADV _004723754 278 36 there there ADV _004723754 278 37 . . PUNCT _004723754 279 1 the the DET _004723754 279 2 proportions proportion NOUN _004723754 279 3 are be AUX _004723754 279 4 smaller small ADJ _004723754 279 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 279 6 but but CCONJ _004723754 279 7 in in ADP _004723754 279 8 other other ADJ _004723754 279 9 respects respect NOUN _004723754 279 10 the the DET _004723754 279 11 frontages frontage NOUN _004723754 279 12 are be AUX _004723754 279 13 so so ADV _004723754 279 14 much much ADV _004723754 279 15 alike alike ADV _004723754 279 16 that that SCONJ _004723754 279 17 whole whole ADJ _004723754 279 18 parts part NOUN _004723754 279 19 might might AUX _004723754 279 20 be be AUX _004723754 279 21 interchanged interchange VERB _004723754 279 22 without without ADP _004723754 279 23 affecting affect VERB _004723754 279 24 the the DET _004723754 279 25 structures structure NOUN _004723754 279 26 . . PUNCT _004723754 280 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 280 2 the the DET _004723754 280 3 successive successive ADJ _004723754 280 4 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 280 5 ad ad NOUN _004723754 280 6 ministrations ministration NOUN _004723754 280 7 which which PRON _004723754 280 8 have have AUX _004723754 280 9 governed govern VERB _004723754 280 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 280 11 or or CCONJ _004723754 280 12 misgoverned misgovern VERB _004723754 280 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 280 14 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 280 15 since since SCONJ _004723754 280 16 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 280 17 paru paru NOUN _004723754 280 18 to to ADP _004723754 280 19 the the DET _004723754 280 20 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 280 21 promulgated promulgate VERB _004723754 280 22 in in ADP _004723754 280 23 the the DET _004723754 280 24 course course NOUN _004723754 280 25 of of ADP _004723754 280 26 that that DET _004723754 280 27 year year NOUN _004723754 280 28 as as ADP _004723754 280 29 their their PRON _004723754 280 30 legal legal ADJ _004723754 280 31 fountainhead fountainhead NOUN _004723754 280 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 281 1 in in ADP _004723754 281 2 other other ADJ _004723754 281 3 words word NOUN _004723754 281 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 281 5 the the DET _004723754 281 6 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 281 7 of of ADP _004723754 281 8 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 281 9 is be AUX _004723754 281 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 281 11 at at ADP _004723754 281 12 the the DET _004723754 281 13 present present ADJ _004723754 281 14 moment moment NOUN _004723754 281 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 281 16 the the DET _004723754 281 17 fons fon NOUN _004723754 281 18 et et PROPN _004723754 281 19 origo origo PROPN _004723754 281 20 df df PROPN _004723754 281 21 authority authority NOUN _004723754 281 22 in in ADP _004723754 281 23 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 281 24 which which PRON _004723754 281 25 professes profess VERB _004723754 281 26 to to PART _004723754 281 27 be be AUX _004723754 281 28 a a DET _004723754 281 29 democratic democratic ADJ _004723754 281 30 country country NOUN _004723754 281 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 282 1 yet yet CCONJ _004723754 282 2 there there PRON _004723754 282 3 is be VERB _004723754 282 4 lan lan PROPN _004723754 282 5 33 33 NUM _004723754 282 6 extremely extremely ADV _004723754 282 7 curious curious ADJ _004723754 282 8 thing thing NOUN _004723754 282 9 about about ADP _004723754 282 10 the the DET _004723754 282 11 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 282 12 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 282 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 283 1 it it PRON _004723754 283 2 is be AUX _004723754 283 3 the the DET _004723754 283 4 wort wort NOUN _004723754 283 5 of of ADP _004723754 283 6 a a DET _004723754 283 7 single single ADJ _004723754 283 8 party party NOUN _004723754 283 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 283 10 the the DET _004723754 283 11 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 283 12 party party NOUN _004723754 283 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 284 1 the the DET _004723754 284 2 revolutionaries revolutionary NOUN _004723754 284 3 had have AUX _004723754 284 4 pre pre X _004723754 284 5 viously viously ADV _004723754 284 6 conquered conquer VERB _004723754 284 7 the the DET _004723754 284 8 land land NOUN _004723754 284 9 by by ADP _004723754 284 10 force force NOUN _004723754 284 11 of of ADP _004723754 284 12 arms arm NOUN _004723754 284 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 284 14 senor senor NOUN _004723754 284 15 carranza carranza PROPN _004723754 284 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 284 17 who who PRON _004723754 284 18 was be AUX _004723754 284 19 at at ADP _004723754 284 20 that that DET _004723754 284 21 time time NOUN _004723754 284 22 head head NOUN _004723754 284 23 of of ADP _004723754 284 24 the the DET _004723754 284 25 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 284 26 party party NOUN _004723754 284 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 284 28 solemnly solemnly ADV _004723754 284 29 decreed decreed NOUN _004723754 284 30 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 284 31 sept sept PROPN _004723754 284 32 - - PROPN _004723754 284 33 ember ember PROPN _004723754 284 34 14 14 NUM _004723754 284 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 284 36 1916 1916 NUM _004723754 284 37 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 284 38 that that PRON _004723754 284 39 all all DET _004723754 284 40 its its PRON _004723754 284 41 opponents opponent NOUN _004723754 284 42 should should AUX _004723754 284 43 be be AUX _004723754 284 44 rigorously rigorously ADV _004723754 284 45 excluded exclude VERB _004723754 284 46 from from ADP _004723754 284 47 the the DET _004723754 284 48 constituent constituent ADJ _004723754 284 49 congress congress PROPN _004723754 284 50 which which PRON _004723754 284 51 was be AUX _004723754 284 52 to to PART _004723754 284 53 frame frame VERB _004723754 284 54 the the DET _004723754 284 55 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 284 56 . . PUNCT _004723754 285 1 this this PRON _004723754 285 2 was be AUX _004723754 285 3 duly duly ADV _004723754 285 4 carried carry VERB _004723754 285 5 into into ADP _004723754 285 6 execution execution NOUN _004723754 285 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 285 8 so so SCONJ _004723754 285 9 that that SCONJ _004723754 285 10 all all DET _004723754 285 11 the the DET _004723754 285 12 non non ADJ _004723754 285 13 - - ADJ _004723754 285 14 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 285 15 elements element NOUN _004723754 285 16 simply simply ADV _004723754 285 17 had have VERB _004723754 285 18 no no DET _004723754 285 19 say say NOUN _004723754 285 20 in in ADP _004723754 285 21 the the DET _004723754 285 22 matter matter NOUN _004723754 285 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 286 1 yet yet ADV _004723754 286 2 the the DET _004723754 286 3 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 286 4 purports purport VERB _004723754 286 5 to to PART _004723754 286 6 be be AUX _004723754 286 7 a a DET _004723754 286 8 truly truly ADV _004723754 286 9 democratic democratic ADJ _004723754 286 10 document document NOUN _004723754 286 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 286 12 “ " PUNCT _004723754 286 13 as as SCONJ _004723754 286 14 i i PRON _004723754 286 15 have have AUX _004723754 286 16 already already ADV _004723754 286 17 pointed point VERB _004723754 286 18 out out ADP _004723754 286 19 the the DET _004723754 286 20 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 286 21 congress congress PROPN _004723754 286 22 is be AUX _004723754 286 23 divided divide VERB _004723754 286 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 286 25 like like ADP _004723754 286 26 the the DET _004723754 286 27 american american PROPN _004723754 286 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 286 29 into into ADP _004723754 286 30 two two NUM _004723754 286 31 houses house NOUN _004723754 286 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 286 33 the the DET _004723754 286 34 senado senado NOUN _004723754 286 35 and and CCONJ _004723754 286 36 the the DET _004723754 286 37 camara camara PROPN _004723754 286 38 de de PROPN _004723754 286 39 los los PROPN _004723754 286 40 diputadoes diputadoes PROPN _004723754 286 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 286 42 and and CCONJ _004723754 286 43 the the DET _004723754 286 44 members member NOUN _004723754 286 45 are be AUX _004723754 286 46 elected elect VERB _004723754 286 47 in in ADP _004723754 286 48 similar similar ADJ _004723754 286 49 fashion fashion NOUN _004723754 286 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 286 51 nominally nominally ADV _004723754 286 52 . . PUNCT _004723754 287 1 now now ADV _004723754 287 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 287 3 in in ADP _004723754 287 4 accordance accordance NOUN _004723754 287 5 with with ADP _004723754 287 6 article article NOUN _004723754 287 7 60 60 NUM _004723754 287 8 of of ADP _004723754 287 9 the the DET _004723754 287 10 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 287 11 it it PRON _004723754 287 12 is be AUX _004723754 287 13 they they PRON _004723754 287 14 who who PRON _004723754 287 15 decide decide VERB _004723754 287 16 about about ADP _004723754 287 17 new new ADJ _004723754 287 18 elections election NOUN _004723754 287 19 and and CCONJ _004723754 287 20 the the DET _004723754 287 21 validity validity NOUN _004723754 287 22 of of ADP _004723754 287 23 the the DET _004723754 287 24 claims claim NOUN _004723754 287 25 of of ADP _004723754 287 26 their their PRON _004723754 287 27 would would AUX _004723754 287 28 be be AUX _004723754 287 29 successors successor NOUN _004723754 287 30 : : PUNCT _004723754 287 31 moreover moreover ADV _004723754 287 32 the the DET _004723754 287 33 same same ADJ _004723754 287 34 article article NOUN _004723754 287 35 lays lay VERB _004723754 287 36 down down ADP _004723754 287 37 that that SCONJ _004723754 287 38 this this DET _004723754 287 39 decision decision NOUN _004723754 287 40 must must AUX _004723754 287 41 be be AUX _004723754 287 42 considered consider VERB _004723754 287 43 final final ADJ _004723754 287 44 . . PUNCT _004723754 288 1 of of ADP _004723754 288 2 course course NOUN _004723754 288 3 it it PRON _004723754 288 4 would would AUX _004723754 288 5 all all ADV _004723754 288 6 be be AUX _004723754 288 7 quite quite ADV _004723754 288 8 acceptable acceptable ADJ _004723754 288 9 if if SCONJ _004723754 288 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 288 11 in in ADP _004723754 288 12 each each DET _004723754 288 13 particular particular ADJ _004723754 288 14 case^ case^ X _004723754 288 15 the the DET _004723754 288 16 members member NOUN _004723754 288 17 limited limit VERB _004723754 288 18 themselves themselves PRON _004723754 288 19 to to ADP _004723754 288 20 elucidating elucidate VERB _004723754 288 21 the the DET _004723754 288 22 number number NOUN _004723754 288 23 of of ADP _004723754 288 24 votes vote NOUN _004723754 288 25 securd securd VERB _004723754 288 26 by by ADP _004723754 288 27 rival rival ADJ _004723754 288 28 candidates candidate NOUN _004723754 288 29 at at ADP _004723754 288 30 the the DET _004723754 288 31 polling polling NOUN _004723754 288 32 booths booth NOUN _004723754 288 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 288 34 and and CCONJ _004723754 288 35 then then ADV _004723754 288 36 admitted admit VERB _004723754 288 37 the the DET _004723754 288 38 man man NOUN _004723754 288 39 who who PRON _004723754 288 40 had have AUX _004723754 288 41 secured secure VERB _004723754 288 42 the the DET _004723754 288 43 high high ADJ _004723754 288 44 est est NOUN _004723754 288 45 number number NOUN _004723754 288 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 288 47 “ " PUNCT _004723754 288 48 but but CCONJ _004723754 288 49 they they PRON _004723754 288 50 do do VERB _004723754 288 51 not not PART _004723754 288 52 . . PUNCT _004723754 289 1 votes vote NOUN _004723754 289 2 in in ADP _004723754 289 3 fact fact NOUN _004723754 289 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 289 5 are be AUX _004723754 289 6 now now ADV _004723754 289 7 about about ADP _004723754 289 8 the the DET _004723754 289 9 last last ADJ _004723754 289 10 thing thing NOUN _004723754 289 11 a a DET _004723754 289 12 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 289 13 needs need VERB _004723754 289 14 if if SCONJ _004723754 289 15 he he PRON _004723754 289 16 wishes wish VERB _004723754 289 17 to to PART _004723754 289 18 be be AUX _004723754 289 19 elected elect VERB _004723754 289 20 to to ADP _004723754 289 21 congress congress PROPN _004723754 289 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 290 1 it it PRON _004723754 290 2 has have AUX _004723754 290 3 been be AUX _004723754 290 4 an an DET _004723754 290 5 accepted accepted ADJ _004723754 290 6 34 34 NUM _004723754 290 7 principle principle NOUN _004723754 290 8 in in ADP _004723754 290 9 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 290 10 politics politic NOUN _004723754 290 11 that that SCONJ _004723754 290 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 290 13 in in ADP _004723754 290 14 every every DET _004723754 290 15 single single ADJ _004723754 290 16 case case NOUN _004723754 290 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 290 18 the the DET _004723754 290 19 so so ADV _004723754 290 20 called call VERB _004723754 290 21 criterio criterio PROPN _004723754 290 22 politico politico PROPN _004723754 290 23 should should AUX _004723754 290 24 be be AUX _004723754 290 25 applied apply VERB _004723754 290 26 to to ADP _004723754 290 27 the the DET _004723754 290 28 claims claim NOUN _004723754 290 29 of of ADP _004723754 290 30 candidates candidate NOUN _004723754 290 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 291 1 the the DET _004723754 291 2 criterio criterio PROPN _004723754 291 3 politico politico PROPN _004723754 291 4 is be AUX _004723754 291 5 a a DET _004723754 291 6 very very ADV _004723754 291 7 mockery mockery NOUN _004723754 291 8 of of ADP _004723754 291 9 the the DET _004723754 291 10 basic basic ADJ _004723754 291 11 principle principle NOUN _004723754 291 12 underlaying underlay VERB _004723754 291 13 any any DET _004723754 291 14 democratic democratic ADJ _004723754 291 15 regime regime NOUN _004723754 291 16 since since SCONJ _004723754 291 17 it it PRON _004723754 291 18 simply simply ADV _004723754 291 19 means mean VERB _004723754 291 20 that that SCONJ _004723754 291 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 291 22 regardless regardless ADV _004723754 291 23 of of ADP _004723754 291 24 the the DET _004723754 291 25 number number NOUN _004723754 291 26 of of ADP _004723754 291 27 votes vote NOUN _004723754 291 28 secured secure VERB _004723754 291 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 291 30 the the DET _004723754 291 31 candidate candidate NOUN _004723754 291 32 whose whose DET _004723754 291 33 political political ADJ _004723754 291 34 views view NOUN _004723754 291 35 prove prove VERB _004723754 291 36 most most ADV _004723754 291 37 acceptable acceptable ADJ _004723754 291 38 to to ADP _004723754 291 39 the the DET _004723754 291 40 party party NOUN _004723754 291 41 in in ADP _004723754 291 42 power power NOUN _004723754 291 43 be be AUX _004723754 291 44 immediately immediately ADV _004723754 291 45 admitted admit VERB _004723754 291 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 291 47 even even ADV _004723754 291 48 if if SCONJ _004723754 291 49 his his PRON _004723754 291 50 rival rival NOUN _004723754 291 51 really really ADV _004723754 291 52 proved prove VERB _004723754 291 53 successful successful ADJ _004723754 291 54 at at ADP _004723754 291 55 the the DET _004723754 291 56 election election NOUN _004723754 291 57 . . PUNCT _004723754 292 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 292 2 let let VERB _004723754 292 3 us we PRON _004723754 292 4 take take VERB _004723754 292 5 a a DET _004723754 292 6 concrete concrete ADJ _004723754 292 7 example example NOUN _004723754 292 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 293 1 at at ADP _004723754 293 2 the the DET _004723754 293 3 present present ADJ _004723754 293 4 moment moment NOUN _004723754 293 5 it it PRON _004723754 293 6 has have VERB _004723754 293 7 to to PART _004723754 293 8 be be AUX _004723754 293 9 entirely entirely ADV _004723754 293 10 hypothetical hypothetical ADJ _004723754 293 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 293 12 as as ADP _004723754 293 13 for for ADP _004723754 293 14 many many DET _004723754 293 15 a a DET _004723754 293 16 long long ADJ _004723754 293 17 year year NOUN _004723754 293 18 the the DET _004723754 293 19 non non ADJ _004723754 293 20 - - ADJ _004723754 293 21 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 293 22 op op NOUN _004723754 293 23 position position NOUN _004723754 293 24 has have AUX _004723754 293 25 more more ADV _004723754 293 26 wisely wisely ADV _004723754 293 27 abstain'ed abstain'ed ADJ _004723754 293 28 from from ADP _004723754 293 29 taking take VERB _004723754 293 30 part part NOUN _004723754 293 31 in in ADP _004723754 293 32 such such ADJ _004723754 293 33 farcial farcial ADJ _004723754 293 34 pro pro ADJ _004723754 293 35 ceedings ceeding NOUN _004723754 293 36 . . PUNCT _004723754 294 1 two two NUM _004723754 294 2 candidates candidate NOUN _004723754 294 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 294 4 a a PRON _004723754 294 5 and and CCONJ _004723754 294 6 b b NOUN _004723754 294 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 294 8 stand stand VERB _004723754 294 9 for for ADP _004723754 294 10 a a DET _004723754 294 11 given give VERB _004723754 294 12 constituency constituency NOUN _004723754 294 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 295 1 the the DET _004723754 295 2 constituency constituency NOUN _004723754 295 3 is be AUX _004723754 295 4 almost almost ADV _004723754 295 5 entirely entirely ADV _004723754 295 6 cjatholic cjatholic ADJ _004723754 295 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 296 1 a a PRON _004723754 296 2 is be AUX _004723754 296 3 also also ADV _004723754 296 4 a a DET _004723754 296 5 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 296 6 : : PUNCT _004723754 296 7 he he PRON _004723754 296 8 secunes secune VERB _004723754 296 9 20,000 20,000 NUM _004723754 296 10 votes vote NOUN _004723754 296 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 297 1 b b X _004723754 297 2 is be AUX _004723754 297 3 a a DET _004723754 297 4 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 297 5 and and CCONJ _004723754 297 6 only only ADV _004723754 297 7 secures secure VERB _004723754 297 8 2,000 2,000 NUM _004723754 297 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 298 1 the the DET _004723754 298 2 case case NOUN _004723754 298 3 comes come VERB _004723754 298 4 up up ADP _004723754 298 5 for for ADP _004723754 298 6 revision revision NOUN _004723754 298 7 before before ADP _004723754 298 8 the the DET _004723754 298 9 camara camara NOUN _004723754 298 10 which which PRON _004723754 298 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 298 12 by by ADP _004723754 298 13 applying apply VERB _004723754 298 14 the the DET _004723754 298 15 criterio criterio PROPN _004723754 298 16 politico politico PROPN _004723754 298 17 invalidates invalidate VERB _004723754 298 18 under under ADP _004723754 298 19 any any DET _004723754 298 20 pretext pretext NOUN _004723754 298 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 298 22 the the DET _004723754 298 23 20,000 20,000 NUM _004723754 298 24 votes vote NOUN _004723754 298 25 cast cast VERB _004723754 298 26 for for ADP _004723754 298 27 a a DET _004723754 298 28 declares declare NOUN _004723754 298 29 b b X _004723754 298 30 “ " PUNCT _004723754 298 31 legally legally ADV _004723754 298 32 ’’ ’’ VERB _004723754 298 33 elected elect VERB _004723754 298 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 299 1 b b X _004723754 299 2 takes take VERB _004723754 299 3 his his PRON _004723754 299 4 seat seat NOUN _004723754 299 5 and and CCONJ _004723754 299 6 will will AUX _004723754 299 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 299 8 needless needless ADJ _004723754 299 9 to to PART _004723754 299 10 say say VERB _004723754 299 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 299 12 vote vote VERB _004723754 299 13 in in ADP _004723754 299 14 favor favor NOUN _004723754 299 15 of of ADP _004723754 299 16 all all DET _004723754 299 17 the the DET _004723754 299 18 anti anti ADJ _004723754 299 19 - - ADJ _004723754 299 20 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 299 21 bills bill NOUN _004723754 299 22 together together ADV _004723754 299 23 with with ADP _004723754 299 24 the the DET _004723754 299 25 rest rest NOUN _004723754 299 26 of of ADP _004723754 299 27 th*3 th*3 NUM _004723754 299 28 members member NOUN _004723754 299 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 299 30 many many ADJ _004723754 299 31 of of ADP _004723754 299 32 whom whom PRON _004723754 299 33 have have AUX _004723754 299 34 been be AUX _004723754 299 35 previously previously ADV _004723754 299 36 “ " PUNCT _004723754 299 37 elected elect VERB _004723754 299 38 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 299 39 in in ADP _004723754 299 40 precis’ely precis’ely ADV _004723754 299 41 the the DET _004723754 299 42 same same ADJ _004723754 299 43 fashion fashion NOUN _004723754 299 44 . . PUNCT _004723754 300 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 300 2 one one PRON _004723754 300 3 would would AUX _004723754 300 4 think think VERB _004723754 300 5 that that SCONJ _004723754 300 6 the the DET _004723754 300 7 above above ADJ _004723754 300 8 ought ought AUX _004723754 300 9 to to PART _004723754 300 10 be be AUX _004723754 300 11 more more ADJ _004723754 300 12 than than ADP _004723754 300 13 sufficient sufficient ADJ _004723754 300 14 to to PART _004723754 300 15 satiate satiate VERB _004723754 300 16 the the DET _004723754 300 17 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 300 18 appetite appetite NOUN _004723754 300 19 for for ADP _004723754 300 20 unlimited unlimited ADJ _004723754 300 21 power power NOUN _004723754 300 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 301 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 301 2 it it PRON _004723754 301 3 is be AUX _004723754 301 4 not not PART _004723754 301 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 302 1 although although SCONJ _004723754 302 2 the the DET _004723754 302 3 revolutionaries revolutionary NOUN _004723754 302 4 have have AUX _004723754 302 5 held hold VERB _004723754 302 6 35 35 NUM _004723754 302 7 undisputed undisputed ADJ _004723754 302 8 sway sway NOUN _004723754 302 9 over over ADP _004723754 302 10 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 302 11 since since SCONJ _004723754 302 12 1914 1914 NUM _004723754 302 13 there there PRON _004723754 302 14 have have AUX _004723754 302 15 been be AUX _004723754 302 16 serious serious ADJ _004723754 302 17 rifts rift NOUN _004723754 302 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 302 19 divisions division NOUN _004723754 302 20 among among ADP _004723754 302 21 them they PRON _004723754 302 22 at at ADP _004723754 302 23 different different ADJ _004723754 302 24 times time NOUN _004723754 302 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 303 1 unanimity unanimity NOUN _004723754 303 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 303 3 as as SCONJ _004723754 303 4 regards regard VERB _004723754 303 5 the the DET _004723754 303 6 non non ADJ _004723754 303 7 - - ADJ _004723754 303 8 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 303 9 opposition opposition NOUN _004723754 303 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 303 11 had have AUX _004723754 303 12 already already ADV _004723754 303 13 been be AUX _004723754 303 14 obtained obtain VERB _004723754 303 15 by by ADP _004723754 303 16 processes process NOUN _004723754 303 17 like like ADP _004723754 303 18 that that PRON _004723754 303 19 already already ADV _004723754 303 20 described describe VERB _004723754 303 21 . . PUNCT _004723754 304 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 304 2 not not PART _004723754 304 3 many many ADJ _004723754 304 4 yeiars yeiar NOUN _004723754 304 5 ago ago ADV _004723754 304 6 the the DET _004723754 304 7 obregon obregon NOUN _004723754 304 8 - - PUNCT _004723754 304 9 calles calle NOUN _004723754 304 10 clique clique NOUN _004723754 304 11 decided decide VERB _004723754 304 12 that that SCONJ _004723754 304 13 it it PRON _004723754 304 14 was be AUX _004723754 304 15 .necessary .necessary ADJ _004723754 304 16 to to PART _004723754 304 17 secure secure VERB _004723754 304 18 uniformity uniformity NOUN _004723754 304 19 as as ADV _004723754 304 20 well well ADV _004723754 304 21 . . PUNCT _004723754 305 1 hence hence ADV _004723754 305 2 the the DET _004723754 305 3 partido partido NOUN _004723754 305 4 nacional nacional ADJ _004723754 305 5 revolucionario revolucionario PROPN _004723754 305 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 305 7 the the DET _004723754 305 8 national national ADJ _004723754 305 9 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 305 10 party party NOUN _004723754 305 11 which which PRON _004723754 305 12 at at ADP _004723754 305 13 present present NOUN _004723754 305 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 305 15 under under ADP _004723754 305 16 what what PRON _004723754 305 17 one one PRON _004723754 305 18 might might AUX _004723754 305 19 call call VERB _004723754 305 20 the the DET _004723754 305 21 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 305 22 ^super ^super SPACE _004723754 305 23 - - PUNCT _004723754 305 24 presidency presidency NOUN _004723754 305 25 ” " PUNCT _004723754 305 26 of of ADP _004723754 305 27 senor senor NOUN _004723754 305 28 calles calle NOUN _004723754 305 29 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 305 30 the the DET _004723754 305 31 president president NOUN _004723754 305 32 of of ADP _004723754 305 33 the the DET _004723754 305 34 party party NOUN _004723754 305 35 is be AUX _004723754 305 36 nominally nominally ADV _004723754 305 37 a a DET _004723754 305 38 somewhat somewhat ADV _004723754 305 39 obscure obscure ADJ _004723754 305 40 politician politician NOUN _004723754 305 41 by by ADP _004723754 305 42 the the DET _004723754 305 43 name name NOUN _004723754 305 44 of of ADP _004723754 305 45 ramos ramos NOUN _004723754 305 46 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 305 47 controls control VERB _004723754 305 48 congress congress PROPN _004723754 305 49 and and CCONJ _004723754 305 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 305 51 in in ADP _004723754 305 52 consequence consequence NOUN _004723754 305 53 , , PUNCT _004723754 305 54 controls control VERB _004723754 305 55 the the DET _004723754 305 56 whole whole ADJ _004723754 305 57 nation nation NOUN _004723754 305 58 . . PUNCT _004723754 306 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 306 2 this this DET _004723754 306 3 control control NOUN _004723754 306 4 is be AUX _004723754 306 5 so so ADV _004723754 306 6 thorough thorough ADJ _004723754 306 7 that that SCONJ _004723754 306 8 at at ADP _004723754 306 9 the the DET _004723754 306 10 time time NOUN _004723754 306 11 of of ADP _004723754 306 12 this this DET _004723754 306 13 writing writing NOUN _004723754 306 14 every every DET _004723754 306 15 single single ADJ _004723754 306 16 senator senator NOUN _004723754 306 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 306 18 every every DET _004723754 306 19 single single ADJ _004723754 306 20 diputado diputado NOUN _004723754 306 21 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 306 22 with with ADP _004723754 306 23 one one NUM _004723754 306 24 solitary solitary ADJ _004723754 306 25 exception exception NOUN _004723754 306 26 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 306 27 every every DET _004723754 306 28 single single ADJ _004723754 306 29 state state NOUN _004723754 306 30 - - PUNCT _004723754 306 31 governor governor NOUN _004723754 306 32 belongs belong VERB _004723754 306 33 to to ADP _004723754 306 34 the the DET _004723754 306 35 p. p. PROPN _004723754 306 36 n. n. NOUN _004723754 306 37 r r NOUN _004723754 306 38 as as SCONJ _004723754 306 39 it it PRON _004723754 306 40 is be AUX _004723754 306 41 generally generally ADV _004723754 306 42 called call VERB _004723754 306 43 . . PUNCT _004723754 307 1 its its PRON _004723754 307 2 leader leader NOUN _004723754 307 3 j j PROPN _004723754 307 4 discuss discuss VERB _004723754 307 5 all all DET _004723754 307 6 bills bill NOUN _004723754 307 7 at at ADP _004723754 307 8 headquarters headquarters NOUN _004723754 307 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 307 10 then then ADV _004723754 307 11 send send VERB _004723754 307 12 them they PRON _004723754 307 13 down down ADP _004723754 307 14 perfunctorily perfunctorily ADV _004723754 307 15 to to ADP _004723754 307 16 the the DET _004723754 307 17 senate senate PROPN _004723754 307 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 307 19 the the DET _004723754 307 20 camara camara NOUN _004723754 307 21 for for ADP _004723754 307 22 “ " PUNCT _004723754 307 23 legal legal ADJ _004723754 307 24 ” " PUNCT _004723754 307 25 sanction sanction NOUN _004723754 307 26 : : PUNCT _004723754 307 27 a a DET _004723754 307 28 minor minor ADJ _004723754 307 29 matter matter NOUN _004723754 307 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 307 31 as as SCONJ _004723754 307 32 the the DET _004723754 307 33 senate senate PROPN _004723754 307 34 and and CCONJ _004723754 307 35 the the DET _004723754 307 36 camara camara NOUN _004723754 307 37 are be AUX _004723754 307 38 little little ADV _004723754 307 39 better well ADJ _004723754 307 40 than than ADP _004723754 307 41 branch branch NOUN _004723754 307 42 offices office NOUN _004723754 307 43 of of ADP _004723754 307 44 the the DET _004723754 307 45 allpowerful allpowerful ADJ _004723754 307 46 p p PROPN _004723754 307 47 n. n. PROPN _004723754 307 48 r. r. PROPN _004723754 308 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 308 2 the the DET _004723754 308 3 p. p. PROPN _004723754 308 4 n. n. PROPN _004723754 308 5 r. r. PROPN _004723754 308 6 derives derive VERB _004723754 308 7 additional additional ADJ _004723754 308 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 308 9 strength strength NOUN _004723754 308 10 from from ADP _004723754 308 11 the the DET _004723754 308 12 financial financial ADJ _004723754 308 13 support support NOUN _004723754 308 14 given give VERB _004723754 308 15 it it PRON _004723754 308 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 308 17 whether whether SCONJ _004723754 308 18 they they PRON _004723754 308 19 will will AUX _004723754 308 20 it it PRON _004723754 308 21 or or CCONJ _004723754 308 22 not not PART _004723754 308 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 308 24 by by ADP _004723754 308 25 all all DET _004723754 308 26 government government NOUN _004723754 308 27 employes employe NOUN _004723754 308 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 308 29 regardless regardless ADV _004723754 308 30 of of ADP _004723754 308 31 category category NOUN _004723754 308 32 every every DET _004723754 308 33 person person NOUN _004723754 308 34 entering enter VERB _004723754 308 35 the the DET _004723754 308 36 service service NOUN _004723754 308 37 of of ADP _004723754 308 38 the the DET _004723754 308 39 administration administration NOUN _004723754 308 40 , , PUNCT _004723754 308 41 is be AUX _004723754 308 42 ipso ipso X _004723754 308 43 facto facto X _004723754 308 44 enrolled enrol VERB _004723754 308 45 as as ADP _004723754 308 46 a a DET _004723754 308 47 member member NOUN _004723754 309 1 the the DET _004723754 309 2 p. p. PROPN _004723754 309 3 n. n. PROPN _004723754 309 4 r. r. PROPN _004723754 309 5 and and CCONJ _004723754 309 6 he he PRON _004723754 309 7 must must AUX _004723754 309 8 surrender surrender VERB _004723754 309 9 to to ADP _004723754 309 10 it it PRON _004723754 309 11 one one NUM _004723754 309 12 day day NOUN _004723754 309 13 ’s ’s NOUN _004723754 309 14 pay pay NOUN _004723754 309 15 if if SCONJ _004723754 309 16 the the DET _004723754 309 17 month month NOUN _004723754 309 18 has have VERB _004723754 309 19 86 86 NUM _004723754 309 20 thirty thirty NUM _004723754 309 21 - - PUNCT _004723754 309 22 one one NUM _004723754 309 23 days day NOUN _004723754 309 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 310 1 the the DET _004723754 310 2 fee fee NOUN _004723754 310 3 is be AUX _004723754 310 4 deducted deduct VERB _004723754 310 5 from from ADP _004723754 310 6 his his PRON _004723754 310 7 pay pay NOUN _004723754 310 8 ciieck ciieck NOUN _004723754 310 9 by by ADP _004723754 310 10 the the DET _004723754 310 11 treasury treasury PROPN _004723754 310 12 department department NOUN _004723754 310 13 without without ADP _004723754 310 14 even even ADV _004723754 310 15 consulting consult VERB _004723754 310 16 him he PRON _004723754 310 17 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 310 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 310 19 the the DET _004723754 310 20 treasury treasury PROPN _004723754 310 21 department department PROPN _004723754 310 22 hands hand VERB _004723754 310 23 the the DET _004723754 310 24 mone^ys mone^ys NOUN _004723754 310 25 to to ADP _004723754 310 26 the the DET _004723754 310 27 proper proper ADJ _004723754 310 28 officer officer NOUN _004723754 310 29 of of ADP _004723754 310 30 the the DET _004723754 310 31 p. p. PROPN _004723754 310 32 n. n. PROPN _004723754 310 33 r. r. PROPN _004723754 310 34 where where SCONJ _004723754 310 35 it it PRON _004723754 310 36 is be AUX _004723754 310 37 applied apply VERB _004723754 310 38 to to ADP _004723754 310 39 purposes purpose NOUN _004723754 310 40 specified specify VERB _004723754 310 41 by by ADP _004723754 310 42 the the DET _004723754 310 43 leaders leader NOUN _004723754 310 44 of of ADP _004723754 310 45 the the DET _004723754 310 46 party party NOUN _004723754 310 47 who who PRON _004723754 310 48 do do AUX _004723754 310 49 not not PART _004723754 310 50 even even ADV _004723754 310 51 go go VERB _004723754 310 52 to to ADP _004723754 310 53 the the DET _004723754 310 54 trouble trouble NOUN _004723754 310 55 of of ADP _004723754 310 56 consulting consult VERB _004723754 310 57 the the DET _004723754 310 58 other other ADJ _004723754 310 59 members member NOUN _004723754 310 60 about about ADP _004723754 310 61 it it PRON _004723754 310 62 this this PRON _004723754 310 63 means mean VERB _004723754 310 64 millions million NOUN _004723754 310 65 a a DET _004723754 310 66 yerar yerar NOUN _004723754 310 67 spent spend VERB _004723754 310 68 in in ADP _004723754 310 69 propaganda propaganda NOUN _004723754 310 70 . . PUNCT _004723754 311 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 311 2 these these PRON _004723754 311 3 are be AUX _004723754 311 4 the the DET _004723754 311 5 broad broad ADJ _004723754 311 6 principles principle NOUN _004723754 311 7 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 311 8 which which PRON _004723754 311 9 the the DET _004723754 311 10 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 311 11 “ " PUNCT _004723754 311 12 democra democra NOUN _004723754 311 13 < < X _004723754 311 14 jy jy PROPN _004723754 311 15 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 311 16 rests rest VERB _004723754 311 17 at at ADP _004723754 311 18 the the DET _004723754 311 19 present present ADJ _004723754 311 20 moment moment NOUN _004723754 311 21 . . PUNCT _004723754 312 1 wheh wheh PROPN _004723754 312 2 well well ADV _004723754 312 3 - - PUNCT _004723754 312 4 meaning mean VERB _004723754 312 5 journalists journalist NOUN _004723754 312 6 admonish admonish VERB _004723754 312 7 us we PRON _004723754 312 8 to to PART _004723754 312 9 be be AUX _004723754 312 10 very very ADV _004723754 312 11 careful careful ADJ _004723754 312 12 about about ADP _004723754 312 13 not not PART _004723754 312 14 wounding wound VERB _004723754 312 15 the the DET _004723754 312 16 sensibirty sensibirty NOUN _004723754 312 17 of of ADP _004723754 312 18 the the DET _004723754 312 19 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 312 20 people people NOUN _004723754 312 21 they they PRON _004723754 312 22 must must AUX _004723754 312 23 in in ADP _004723754 312 24 fairness fairness NOUN _004723754 312 25 tell tell VERB _004723754 312 26 us we PRON _004723754 312 27 precisely precisely ADV _004723754 312 28 whom whom PRON _004723754 312 29 they they PRON _004723754 312 30 meian meian ADJ _004723754 312 31 by by ADP _004723754 312 32 “ " PUNCT _004723754 312 33 the the DET _004723754 312 34 people people NOUN _004723754 312 35 . . PUNCT _004723754 312 36 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 312 37 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 312 38 if if SCONJ _004723754 312 39 they they PRON _004723754 312 40 rejfer rejfer VERB _004723754 312 41 to to ADP _004723754 312 42 the the DET _004723754 312 43 rn rn PROPN _004723754 312 44 . . PUNCT _004723754 313 1 r. r. PROPN _004723754 313 2 and and CCONJ _004723754 313 3 consider consider VERB _004723754 313 4 it it PRON _004723754 313 5 the the DET _004723754 313 6 people people NOUN _004723754 313 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 313 8 i i PRON _004723754 313 9 do do AUX _004723754 313 10 not not PART _004723754 313 11 think think VERB _004723754 313 12 one one NUM _004723754 313 13 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 313 14 in in ADP _004723754 313 15 ten ten NUM _004723754 313 16 thousand thousand NUM _004723754 313 17 would would AUX _004723754 313 18 agree agree VERB _004723754 313 19 with with ADP _004723754 313 20 the the DET _004723754 313 21 definition definition NOUN _004723754 313 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 314 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 314 2 any any DET _004723754 314 3 inquiry inquiry NOUN _004723754 314 4 into into ADP _004723754 314 5 the the DET _004723754 314 6 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 314 7 situation situation NOUN _004723754 314 8 would would AUX _004723754 314 9 be be AUX _004723754 314 10 incomplete incomplete ADJ _004723754 314 11 if if SCONJ _004723754 314 12 it it PRON _004723754 314 13 does do AUX _004723754 314 14 not not PART _004723754 314 15 take take VERB _004723754 314 16 into into ADP _004723754 314 17 account account NOUN _004723754 314 18 everything everything PRON _004723754 314 19 that that PRON _004723754 314 20 has have AUX _004723754 314 21 been be AUX _004723754 314 22 outlined outline VERB _004723754 314 23 above above ADV _004723754 314 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 314 25 fails fail VERB _004723754 314 26 to to PART _004723754 314 27 go go VERB _004723754 314 28 very very ADV _004723754 314 29 carefully carefully ADV _004723754 314 30 into into ADP _004723754 314 31 the the DET _004723754 314 32 question question NOUN _004723754 314 33 of of ADP _004723754 314 34 whether whether SCONJ _004723754 314 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 314 36 in in ADP _004723754 314 37 upholding uphold VERB _004723754 314 38 senor senor NOUN _004723754 314 39 dalles dalle NOUN _004723754 314 40 and and CCONJ _004723754 314 41 his his PRON _004723754 314 42 p. p. PROPN _004723754 314 43 n n PROPN _004723754 314 44 r. r. PROPN _004723754 314 45 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 314 46 which which PRON _004723754 314 47 , , PUNCT _004723754 314 48 whatever whatever DET _004723754 314 49 international international ADJ _004723754 314 50 theorists theorist NOUN _004723754 314 51 may may AUX _004723754 314 52 say say VERB _004723754 314 53 , , PUNCT _004723754 314 54 is be AUX _004723754 314 55 the the DET _004723754 314 56 practical practical ADJ _004723754 314 57 outcome outcome NOUN _004723754 314 58 of of ADP _004723754 314 59 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 314 60 of of ADP _004723754 314 61 the the DET _004723754 314 62 present present ADJ _004723754 314 63 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 314 64 government government NOUN _004723754 314 65 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 314 66 , , PUNCT _004723754 314 67 americans americans PROPN _004723754 314 68 are be AUX _004723754 314 69 not not PART _004723754 314 70 proving prove VERB _004723754 314 71 false false ADJ _004723754 314 72 to to ADP _004723754 314 73 th*e th*e DET _004723754 314 74 principles principle NOUN _004723754 314 75 which which PRON _004723754 314 76 lie lie VERB _004723754 314 77 at at ADP _004723754 314 78 the the DET _004723754 314 79 base base NOUN _004723754 314 80 o o NOUN _004723754 314 81 < < X _004723754 314 82 l l X _004723754 314 83 their their PRON _004723754 314 84 own own ADJ _004723754 314 85 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 314 86 . . PUNCT _004723754 314 87 ” " PUNCT _004723754 315 1 under under ADP _004723754 315 2 the the DET _004723754 315 3 caption caption NOUN _004723754 315 4 “ " PUNCT _004723754 315 5 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 315 6 outlaws outlaw VERB _004723754 315 7 religion religion NOUN _004723754 315 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 315 9 ” " PUNCT _004723754 315 10 robert robert PROPN _004723754 315 11 h. h. PROPN _004723754 315 12 murray murray PROPN _004723754 315 13 writing write VERB _004723754 315 14 in in ADP _004723754 315 15 the the DET _004723754 315 16 magazine magazine NOUN _004723754 315 17 “ " PUNCT _004723754 315 18 today today NOUN _004723754 315 19 ” " PUNCT _004723754 315 20 vol vol NOUN _004723754 315 21 . . PROPN _004723754 316 1 3 3 NUM _004723754 316 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 316 3 no no INTJ _004723754 316 4 . . NOUN _004723754 316 5 25 25 NUM _004723754 316 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 316 7 a.pril a.pril PROPN _004723754 316 8 13 13 NUM _004723754 316 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 316 10 1985 1985 NUM _004723754 316 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 316 12 says say VERB _004723754 316 13 : : PUNCT _004723754 316 14 37 37 NUM _004723754 316 15 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 316 16 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 316 17 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 316 18 say say VERB _004723754 316 19 that that SCONJ _004723754 316 20 ^ ^ SPACE _004723754 316 21 their their PRON _004723754 316 22 church church NOUN _004723754 316 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 316 24 their their PRON _004723754 316 25 religion religion NOUN _004723754 316 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 316 27 and and CCONJ _004723754 316 28 their their PRON _004723754 316 29 coreligionists coreligionist NOUN _004723754 316 30 in in ADP _004723754 316 31 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 316 32 are be AUX _004723754 316 33 being be AUX _004723754 316 34 persecuted persecute VERB _004723754 316 35 . . PUNCT _004723754 317 1 the the DET _004723754 317 2 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 317 3 government government NOUN _004723754 317 4 insists insist VERB _004723754 317 5 with with ADP _004723754 317 6 vehemence vehemence NOUN _004723754 317 7 that that SCONJ _004723754 317 8 they they PRON _004723754 317 9 are be AUX _004723754 317 10 not not PART _004723754 317 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 318 1 i i PRON _004723754 318 2 say say VERB _004723754 318 3 they they PRON _004723754 318 4 are be AUX _004723754 318 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 319 1 i i PRON _004723754 319 2 say say VERB _004723754 319 3 this this PRON _004723754 319 4 as as ADP _004723754 319 5 a a DET _004723754 319 6 protestauc protestauc NOUN _004723754 319 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 320 1 although although SCONJ _004723754 320 2 admitting admit VERB _004723754 320 3 my my PRON _004723754 320 4 hesitation hesitation NOUN _004723754 320 5 to to PART _004723754 320 6 set set VERB _004723754 320 7 myself myself PRON _004723754 320 8 up up ADP _004723754 320 9 as as ADP _004723754 320 10 an an DET _004723754 320 11 authority authority NOUN _004723754 320 12 on on ADP _004723754 320 13 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 320 14 affairs affair NOUN _004723754 320 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 321 1 i i PRON _004723754 321 2 have have VERB _004723754 321 3 speht speht PROPN _004723754 321 4 twentyfive twentyfive ADJ _004723754 321 5 years year NOUN _004723754 321 6 there there ADV _004723754 321 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 322 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 322 2 i i PRON _004723754 322 3 could could AUX _004723754 322 4 stnetch stnetch VERB _004723754 322 5 out out ADP _004723754 322 6 that that DET _004723754 322 7 period period NOUN _004723754 322 8 to to ADP _004723754 322 9 half half DET _004723754 322 10 a a DET _004723754 322 11 century century NOUN _004723754 322 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 322 13 possibly possibly ADV _004723754 322 14 i i PRON _004723754 322 15 might might AUX _004723754 322 16 aspire aspire VERB _004723754 322 17 to to ADP _004723754 322 18 a a DET _004723754 322 19 title title NOUN _004723754 322 20 as as ADP _004723754 322 21 an an DET _004723754 322 22 authority authority NOUN _004723754 322 23 on on ADP _004723754 322 24 what what PRON _004723754 322 25 is be AUX _004723754 322 26 going go VERB _004723754 322 27 on on ADP _004723754 322 28 there there ADV _004723754 322 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 322 30 speaking speak VERB _004723754 322 31 or or CCONJ _004723754 322 32 writing writing NOUN _004723754 322 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 322 34 as as ADV _004723754 322 35 assuredly assuredly ADV _004723754 322 36 as as SCONJ _004723754 322 37 th th NOUN _004723754 322 38 - - NOUN _004723754 322 39 el el NOUN _004723754 322 40 starry^-teyed starry^-teye VERB _004723754 322 41 folk folk NOUN _004723754 322 42 who who PRON _004723754 322 43 ride ride VERB _004723754 322 44 into into ADP _004723754 322 45 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 322 46 on on ADP _004723754 322 47 a a DET _004723754 322 48 fifteen fifteen NUM _004723754 322 49 - - PUNCT _004723754 322 50 day day NOUN _004723754 322 51 excursion excursion NOUN _004723754 322 52 ticket ticket NOUN _004723754 322 53 and and CCONJ _004723754 322 54 emerge emerge VERB _004723754 322 55 as as ADP _004723754 322 56 exj^erts exj^ert NOUN _004723754 322 57 and and CCONJ _004723754 322 58 expounders expounder NOUN _004723754 322 59 , , PUNCT _004723754 322 60 ready ready ADJ _004723754 322 61 to to PART _004723754 322 62 write write VERB _004723754 322 63 books book NOUN _004723754 322 64 and and CCONJ _004723754 322 65 give give VERB _004723754 322 66 lectures lecture NOUN _004723754 322 67 and and CCONJ _004723754 322 68 interviews interview NOUN _004723754 322 69 , , PUNCT _004723754 322 70 “ " PUNCT _004723754 322 71 i i PRON _004723754 322 72 know know VERB _004723754 322 73 that that SCONJ _004723754 322 74 ruthless ruthless ADJ _004723754 322 75 religious religious ADJ _004723754 322 76 persecutio\is persecutio\is NOUN _004723754 322 77 are be AUX _004723754 322 78 in in ADP _004723754 322 79 full full ADJ _004723754 322 80 swing swing NOUN _004723754 322 81 . . PUNCT _004723754 323 1 so so ADV _004723754 323 2 do do VERB _004723754 323 3 the the DET _004723754 323 4 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 323 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 324 1 so so ADV _004723754 324 2 do do AUX _004723754 324 3 plutarco plutarco NOUN _004723754 324 4 calles calle NOUN _004723754 324 5 and and CCONJ _004723754 324 6 his his PRON _004723754 324 7 surrogates surrogate NOUN _004723754 324 8 the the DET _004723754 324 9 big big ADJ _004723754 324 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 324 11 middle middle ADJ _004723754 324 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 324 13 little little ADJ _004723754 324 14 jacks jack NOUN _004723754 324 15 in in ADP _004723754 324 16 office office NOUN _004723754 324 17 of of ADP _004723754 324 18 his his PRON _004723754 324 19 factional factional ADJ _004723754 324 20 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 324 21 government government NOUN _004723754 324 22 who who PRON _004723754 324 23 are be AUX _004723754 324 24 running run VERB _004723754 324 25 things thing NOUN _004723754 324 26 below below ADP _004723754 324 27 the the DET _004723754 324 28 rio rio NOUN _004723754 324 29 grande grande VERB _004723754 324 30 as as SCONJ _004723754 324 31 they they PRON _004723754 324 32 please please VERB _004723754 324 33 and and CCONJ _004723754 324 34 telling tell VERB _004723754 324 35 th^ th^ ADJ _004723754 324 36 world world NOUN _004723754 324 37 including include VERB _004723754 324 38 the the DET _004723754 324 39 bewildened bewildene VERB _004723754 324 40 and and CCONJ _004723754 324 41 distraught distraught ADJ _004723754 324 42 officials official NOUN _004723754 324 43 in in ADP _004723754 324 44 our our PRON _004723754 324 45 own own ADJ _004723754 324 46 department department NOUN _004723754 324 47 of of ADP _004723754 324 48 state state PROPN _004723754 324 49 , , PUNCT _004723754 324 50 whem whem NOUN _004723754 324 51 to to PART _004723754 324 52 go go VERB _004723754 324 53 if if SCONJ _004723754 324 54 they they PRON _004723754 324 55 do do AUX _004723754 324 56 n’t not PART _004723754 324 57 like like VERB _004723754 324 58 it it PRON _004723754 324 59 . . PUNCT _004723754 325 1 the the DET _004723754 325 2 unbiased unbiased ADJ _004723754 325 3 observer observer NOUN _004723754 325 4 can can AUX _004723754 325 5 not not PART _004723754 325 6 believe believe VERB _004723754 325 7 that that SCONJ _004723754 325 8 religion religion NOUN _004723754 325 9 in in ADP _004723754 325 10 geneml geneml PROPN _004723754 325 11 •and •and NOUN _004723754 326 1 the the DET _004723754 326 2 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 326 3 church church NOUN _004723754 326 4 in in ADP _004723754 326 5 particular particular ADJ _004723754 326 6 must must AUX _004723754 326 7 be be AUX _004723754 326 8 rigidly rigidly ADV _004723754 326 9 restricted restrict VERB _004723754 326 10 or or CCONJ _004723754 326 11 wholly wholly ADV _004723754 326 12 destroyed destroy VERB _004723754 326 13 in in ADP _004723754 326 14 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 326 15 to to PART _004723754 326 16 enable enable VERB _004723754 326 17 th th NOUN _004723754 326 18 - - NOUN _004723754 326 19 ei ei NOUN _004723754 326 20 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 326 21 people people NOUN _004723754 326 22 to to PART _004723754 326 23 be be AUX _004723754 326 24 “ " PUNCT _004723754 326 25 rescued rescue VERB _004723754 326 26 ” " PUNCT _004723754 326 27 by by ADP _004723754 326 28 the the DET _004723754 326 29 self self NOUN _004723754 326 30 - - PUNCT _004723754 326 31 proclaimed proclaim VERB _004723754 326 32 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 326 33 “ " PUNCT _004723754 326 34 redeemers redeemer NOUN _004723754 326 35 of of ADP _004723754 326 36 the the DET _004723754 326 37 liberties liberty NOUN _004723754 326 38 and and CCONJ _004723754 326 39 ^"igbt^ ^"igbt^ PUNCT _004723754 326 40 qt qt ADP _004723754 326 41 the the DET _004723754 326 42 people/ people/ NUM _004723754 326 43 ' ' PART _004723754 326 44 38 38 NUM _004723754 326 45 the the DET _004723754 326 46 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 326 47 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 326 48 of of ADP _004723754 326 49 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 326 50 , , PUNCT _004723754 326 51 art art NOUN _004723754 326 52 . . PUNCT _004723754 327 1 24 24 NUM _004723754 327 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 327 3 provides provide VERB _004723754 327 4 : : PUNCT _004723754 327 5 * * PUNCT _004723754 327 6 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 327 7 every every DET _004723754 327 8 man man NOUN _004723754 327 9 is be AUX _004723754 327 10 fre^e fre^e VERB _004723754 327 11 to to PART _004723754 327 12 profess profess VERB _004723754 327 13 the the DET _004723754 327 14 religion religion NOUN _004723754 327 15 of of ADP _004723754 327 16 his his PRON _004723754 327 17 choirce choirce NOUN _004723754 327 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 327 19 to to PART _004723754 327 20 practice practice VERB _004723754 327 21 the the DET _004723754 327 22 rituals ritual NOUN _004723754 327 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 327 24 devotions devotion NOUN _004723754 327 25 or or CCONJ _004723754 327 26 acts act NOUN _004723754 327 27 of of ADP _004723754 327 28 the the DET _004723754 327 29 respective respective ADJ _004723754 327 30 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 327 31 creed creed NOUN _004723754 327 32 in in ADP _004723754 327 33 the the DET _004723754 327 34 churches church NOUN _004723754 327 35 or or CCONJ _004723754 327 36 in in ADP _004723754 327 37 his his PRON _004723754 327 38 hom^^ hom^^ NOUN _004723754 327 39 providing provide VERB _004723754 327 40 they they PRON _004723754 327 41 do do AUX _004723754 327 42 not not PART _004723754 327 43 constitute constitute VERB _004723754 327 44 a a DET _004723754 327 45 crime crime NOUN _004723754 327 46 or or CCONJ _004723754 327 47 an an DET _004723754 327 48 offense offense NOUN _004723754 327 49 punishable punishable ADJ _004723754 327 50 ! ! PUNCT _004723754 327 51 by by ADP _004723754 327 52 law law NOUN _004723754 327 53 . . PUNCT _004723754 327 54 ” " PUNCT _004723754 328 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 328 2 but but CCONJ _004723754 328 3 is be AUX _004723754 328 4 every every DET _004723754 328 5 man man NOUN _004723754 328 6 in in ADP _004723754 328 7 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 328 8 free free ADJ _004723754 328 9 to to PART _004723754 328 10 worship worship VERB _004723754 328 11 according accord VERB _004723754 328 12 to to ADP _004723754 328 13 the the DET _004723754 328 14 dictates dictate NOUN _004723754 328 15 of of ADP _004723754 328 16 his his PRON _004723754 328 17 own own ADJ _004723754 328 18 conscience conscience NOUN _004723754 328 19 “ " PUNCT _004723754 328 20 in in ADP _004723754 328 21 thie thie PROPN _004723754 328 22 chuixh chuixh NOUN _004723754 328 23 or or CCONJ _004723754 328 24 in in ADP _004723754 328 25 his his PRON _004723754 328 26 home home NOUN _004723754 328 27 ” " PUNCT _004723754 328 28 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 329 1 he he PRON _004723754 329 2 is be AUX _004723754 329 3 not not PART _004723754 329 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 330 1 every every DET _004723754 330 2 official official ADJ _004723754 330 3 and and CCONJ _004723754 330 4 violent violent ADJ _004723754 330 5 means mean NOUN _004723754 330 6 is be AUX _004723754 330 7 being be AUX _004723754 330 8 e?,xerted e?,xerte VERB _004723754 330 9 by by ADP _004723754 330 10 the the DET _004723754 330 11 government government NOUN _004723754 330 12 to to PART _004723754 330 13 prevent prevent VERB _004723754 330 14 or or CCONJ _004723754 330 15 discourage discourage VERB _004723754 330 16 him he PRON _004723754 330 17 from from ADP _004723754 330 18 doing do VERB _004723754 330 19 it it PRON _004723754 330 20 . . PUNCT _004723754 331 1 the the DET _004723754 331 2 manner manner NOUN _004723754 331 3 in in ADP _004723754 331 4 which which PRON _004723754 331 5 this this DET _004723754 331 6 article article NOUN _004723754 331 7 of of ADP _004723754 331 8 the the DET _004723754 331 9 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 331 10 is be AUX _004723754 331 11 being be AUX _004723754 331 12 applied apply VERB _004723754 331 13 by by ADP _004723754 331 14 dalles dalle NOUN _004723754 331 15 and and CCONJ _004723754 331 16 his his PRON _004723754 331 17 agents agent NOUN _004723754 331 18 mahes mahe VERB _004723754 331 19 it it PRON _004723754 331 20 completely completely ADV _004723754 331 21 meaningless meaningless ADJ _004723754 331 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 331 23 the the DET _004723754 331 24 deadest dead ADJ _004723754 331 25 of of ADP _004723754 331 26 all all DET _004723754 331 27 the the DET _004723754 331 28 scores score NOUN _004723754 331 29 of of ADP _004723754 331 30 dead dead ADJ _004723754 331 31 letters letter NOUN _004723754 331 32 that that PRON _004723754 331 33 embellish embellish VERB _004723754 331 34 the the DET _004723754 331 35 statue statue NOUN _004723754 331 36 books book NOUN _004723754 331 37 of of ADP _004723754 331 38 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 331 39 , , PUNCT _004723754 331 40 “ " PUNCT _004723754 331 41 although although SCONJ _004723754 331 42 the the DET _004723754 331 43 current current ADJ _004723754 331 44 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 331 45 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 331 46 is be AUX _004723754 331 47 primarily primarily ADV _004723754 331 48 direloted direlote VERB _004723754 331 49 against against ADP _004723754 331 50 the the DET _004723754 331 51 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 331 52 church church NOUN _004723754 331 53 it it PRON _004723754 331 54 is be AUX _004723754 331 55 in in ADP _004723754 331 56 opposi^ opposi^ NOUN _004723754 331 57 tion tion NOUN _004723754 331 58 to to ADP _004723754 331 59 all all DET _004723754 331 60 churches church NOUN _004723754 331 61 , , PUNCT _004723754 331 62 all all PRON _004723754 331 63 creeds^ creeds^ VERB _004723754 331 64 all all DET _004723754 331 65 religion religion NOUN _004723754 331 66 . . PUNCT _004723754 332 1 the the DET _004723754 332 2 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 332 3 say say VERB _004723754 332 4 that that SCONJ _004723754 332 5 it it PRON _004723754 332 6 is be AUX _004723754 332 7 simply simply ADV _004723754 332 8 the the DET _004723754 332 9 product product NOUN _004723754 332 10 of of ADP _004723754 332 11 anti anti ADJ _004723754 332 12 - - ADJ _004723754 332 13 religious religious ADJ _004723754 332 14 hatred hatred NOUN _004723754 332 15 on on ADP _004723754 332 16 the the DET _004723754 332 17 part part NOUN _004723754 332 18 of of ADP _004723754 332 19 those those PRON _004723754 332 20 in in ADP _004723754 332 21 power power NOUN _004723754 332 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 333 1 some some PRON _004723754 333 2 of of ADP _004723754 333 3 the the DET _004723754 333 4 nomcatholic nomcatholic ADJ _004723754 333 5 observers observer NOUN _004723754 333 6 assume assume VERB _004723754 333 7 that that SCONJ _004723754 333 8 the the DET _004723754 333 9 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 333 10 is be AUX _004723754 333 11 the the DET _004723754 333 12 r«asult r«asult NOUN _004723754 333 13 of of ADP _004723754 333 14 avarice avarice NOUN _004723754 333 15 on on ADP _004723754 333 16 the the DET _004723754 333 17 part part NOUN _004723754 333 18 of of ADP _004723754 333 19 of'licials of'licial NOUN _004723754 333 20 who who PRON _004723754 333 21 ' ' AUX _004723754 333 22 find find VERB _004723754 333 23 it it PRON _004723754 333 24 profitable profitable ADJ _004723754 333 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 333 26 ” " PUNCT _004723754 334 1 i i PRON _004723754 334 2 submit submit VERB _004723754 334 3 mr mr PROPN _004723754 334 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 334 5 murray murray PROPN _004723754 334 6 ’s ’s PART _004723754 334 7 findings finding NOUN _004723754 334 8 as as ADP _004723754 334 9 fair fair ADJ _004723754 334 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 334 11 unbiased unbiased ADJ _004723754 334 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 334 13 certainly certainly ADV _004723754 334 14 more more ADV _004723754 334 15 authoritative authoritative ADJ _004723754 334 16 than than SCONJ _004723754 334 17 if if SCONJ _004723754 334 18 they they PRON _004723754 334 19 came come VERB _004723754 334 20 from from ADP _004723754 334 21 a a DET _004723754 334 22 writer writer NOUN _004723754 334 23 with with ADP _004723754 334 24 little little ADJ _004723754 334 25 or or CCONJ _004723754 334 26 no no PRON _004723754 334 27 actual actual ADJ _004723754 334 28 ^experience ^experience NOUN _004723754 334 29 in in ADP _004723754 334 30 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 334 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 334 32 or or CCONJ _004723754 334 33 one one NUM _004723754 334 34 with with ADP _004723754 334 35 either either CCONJ _004723754 334 36 p»ersonal p»ersonal ADJ _004723754 334 37 or or CCONJ _004723754 334 38 political political ADJ _004723754 334 39 inteuests inteuest NOUN _004723754 334 40 at at ADP _004723754 334 41 stake stake NOUN _004723754 334 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 335 1 39 39 NUM _004723754 335 2 the the DET _004723754 335 3 text text NOUN _004723754 335 4 op op NOUN _004723754 335 5 the the DET _004723754 335 6 borah borah PROPN _004723754 335 7 resolution resolution NOUN _004723754 335 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 335 9 january january PROPN _004723754 335 10 31 31 NUM _004723754 335 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 335 12 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 335 13 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 335 14 serious serious ADJ _004723754 335 15 anti anti ADJ _004723754 335 16 - - ADJ _004723754 335 17 religious religious ADJ _004723754 335 18 outbreaks outbreak NOUN _004723754 335 19 have have AUX _004723754 335 20 occured occur VERB _004723754 335 21 in in ADP _004723754 335 22 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 335 23 under under ADP _004723754 335 24 the the DET _004723754 335 25 regime regime NOUN _004723754 335 26 of of ADP _004723754 335 27 the the DET _004723754 335 28 national national ADJ _004723754 335 29 r’evolutionary r’evolutionary PROPN _004723754 335 30 party party NOUN _004723754 335 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 335 32 and and CCONJ _004723754 335 33 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 335 34 the the DET _004723754 335 35 persecutions persecution NOUN _004723754 335 36 of of ADP _004723754 335 37 christians christian NOUN _004723754 335 38 of of ADP _004723754 335 39 all all DET _004723754 335 40 faiths faith NOUN _004723754 335 41 now now ADV _004723754 335 42 being be AUX _004723754 335 43 practiced practice VERB _004723754 335 44 in in ADP _004723754 335 45 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 335 46 have have VERB _004723754 335 47 around around ADP _004723754 335 48 indignation indignation NOUN _004723754 335 49 and and CCONJ _004723754 335 50 protest protest NOUN _004723754 335 51 throughout throughout ADP _004723754 335 52 the the DET _004723754 335 53 civilized civilized ADJ _004723754 335 54 world world NOUN _004723754 335 55 , , PUNCT _004723754 335 56 and and CCONJ _004723754 335 57 . . PUNCT _004723754 336 1 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 2 american american ADJ _004723754 336 3 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 336 4 of of ADP _004723754 336 5 th’e th’e PROPN _004723754 336 6 christian christian PROPN _004723754 336 7 faiths faith NOUN _004723754 336 8 have have AUX _004723754 336 9 been be AUX _004723754 336 10 outraged outraged ADJ _004723754 336 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 12 railed rail VERB _004723754 336 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 14 their their PRON _004723754 336 15 homes home NOUN _004723754 336 16 invaded invade VERB _004723754 336 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 18 their their PRON _004723754 336 19 civil civil ADJ _004723754 336 20 rights right NOUN _004723754 336 21 abridged abridge VERB _004723754 336 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 24 their their PRON _004723754 336 25 lives life NOUN _004723754 336 26 placed place VERB _004723754 336 27 in in ADP _004723754 336 28 jeopardy jeopardy NOUN _004723754 336 29 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 30 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 31 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 32 the the DET _004723754 336 33 vindictive vindictive ADJ _004723754 336 34 anti anti ADJ _004723754 336 35 - - ADJ _004723754 336 36 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 37 policy policy NOUN _004723754 336 38 of of ADP _004723754 336 39 the the DET _004723754 336 40 present present ADJ _004723754 336 41 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 336 42 government government NOUN _004723754 336 43 has have AUX _004723754 336 44 arbitrarily arbitrarily ADV _004723754 336 45 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 46 unwarrantably unwarrantably ADV _004723754 336 47 restricted restrict VERB _004723754 336 48 the the DET _004723754 336 49 number number NOUN _004723754 336 50 of of ADP _004723754 336 51 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 336 52 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 53 priests priest NOUN _004723754 336 54 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 55 rabbis rabbi NOUN _004723754 336 56 permitted permit VERB _004723754 336 57 to to PART _004723754 336 58 officiate officiate VERB _004723754 336 59 in in ADP _004723754 336 60 some some DET _004723754 336 61 states state NOUN _004723754 336 62 within within ADP _004723754 336 63 the the DET _004723754 336 64 bounda»ries bounda»rie NOUN _004723754 336 65 of of ADP _004723754 336 66 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 67 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 68 has have VERB _004723754 336 69 ia ia PROPN _004723754 336 70 other other ADJ _004723754 336 71 states state NOUN _004723754 336 72 entirely entirely ADV _004723754 336 73 forbidden forbid VERB _004723754 336 74 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 75 prohibited prohibit VERB _004723754 336 76 the the DET _004723754 336 77 ordinary ordinary ADJ _004723754 336 78 spiritual spiritual ADJ _004723754 336 79 administration administration NOUN _004723754 336 80 of of ADP _004723754 336 81 clergymen clergyman NOUN _004723754 336 82 of of ADP _004723754 336 83 all all DET _004723754 336 84 creeds creed NOUN _004723754 336 85 thus thus ADV _004723754 336 86 resulting result VERB _004723754 336 87 in in ADP _004723754 336 88 the the DET _004723754 336 89 complete complete ADJ _004723754 336 90 denial denial NOUN _004723754 336 91 of of ADP _004723754 336 92 the the DET _004723754 336 93 rights right NOUN _004723754 336 94 of of ADP _004723754 336 95 the the DET _004723754 336 96 people people NOUN _004723754 336 97 to to PART _004723754 336 98 practice practice VERB _004723754 336 99 the the DET _004723754 336 100 religion religion NOUN _004723754 336 101 of of ADP _004723754 336 102 their their PRON _004723754 336 103 own own ADJ _004723754 336 104 choosing choosing NOUN _004723754 336 105 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 106 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 107 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 108 it it PRON _004723754 336 109 has have AUX _004723754 336 110 been be AUX _004723754 336 111 the the DET _004723754 336 112 national national ADJ _004723754 336 113 policy policy NOUN _004723754 336 114 of of ADP _004723754 336 115 the the DET _004723754 336 116 government government NOUN _004723754 336 117 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 118 the the DET _004723754 336 119 dominant dominant ADJ _004723754 336 120 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 336 121 party party PROPN _004723754 336 122 of of ADP _004723754 336 123 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 124 to to PART _004723754 336 125 discourage discourage VERB _004723754 336 126 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 127 profession profession NOUN _004723754 336 128 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 129 obliterate obliterate VERB _004723754 336 130 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 131 worship worship NOUN _004723754 336 132 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 133 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 134 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 135 the the DET _004723754 336 136 present present ADJ _004723754 336 137 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 336 138 government government NOUN _004723754 336 139 prohibits prohibit VERB _004723754 336 140 the the DET _004723754 336 141 tim’ehonored tim’ehonore VERB _004723754 336 142 practice practice NOUN _004723754 336 143 of of ADP _004723754 336 144 private private ADJ _004723754 336 145 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 146 instruction instruction NOUN _004723754 336 147 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 148 education education NOUN _004723754 336 149 of of ADP _004723754 336 150 chudren chudren PROPN _004723754 336 151 40 40 NUM _004723754 336 152 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 153 compels compel VERB _004723754 336 154 parents parent NOUN _004723754 336 155 as as ADP _004723754 336 156 an an DET _004723754 336 157 only only ADJ _004723754 336 158 alternative alternative NOUN _004723754 336 159 to to ADP _004723754 336 160 i i PRON _004723754 336 161 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 162 gnoranc gnoranc VERB _004723754 336 163 « « PUNCT _004723754 336 164 to to PART _004723754 336 165 leduottto leduottto VERB _004723754 336 166 theit theit ADJ _004723754 336 167 children child NOUN _004723754 336 168 in in ADP _004723754 336 169 schools school NOUN _004723754 336 170 teaching teach VERB _004723754 336 171 hostility hostility NOUN _004723754 336 172 to to ADP _004723754 336 173 orthodox orthodox ADJ _004723754 336 174 religion religion NOUN _004723754 336 175 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 176 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 177 whei’eas whei’eas SCONJ _004723754 336 178 such such ADJ _004723754 336 179 anti-'religious anti-'religious ADJ _004723754 336 180 activity activity NOUN _004723754 336 181 in in ADP _004723754 336 182 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 183 is be AUX _004723754 336 184 contrary contrary ADJ _004723754 336 185 to to ADP _004723754 336 186 the the DET _004723754 336 187 tradition tradition NOUN _004723754 336 188 off off ADP _004723754 336 189 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 336 190 of of ADP _004723754 336 191 conscieince conscieince NOUN _004723754 336 192 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 193 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 336 194 of of ADP _004723754 336 195 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 196 worship worship NOUN _004723754 336 197 which which PRON _004723754 336 198 are be AUX _004723754 336 199 the the DET _004723754 336 200 cherished cherish VERB _004723754 336 201 attributes attribute NOUN _004723754 336 202 of of ADP _004723754 336 203 all all DET _004723754 336 204 civilized civilized ADJ _004723754 336 205 g|ov<]jmments g|ov<]jmment NOUN _004723754 336 206 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 207 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 208 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 209 many many ADJ _004723754 336 210 distinguished distinguished ADJ _004723754 336 211 headers header NOUN _004723754 336 212 of of ADP _004723754 336 213 the the DET _004723754 336 214 protestant protestant ADJ _004723754 336 215 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 216 jewish jewish ADJ _004723754 336 217 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 218 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 336 219 faiths faith NOUN _004723754 336 220 as as ADV _004723754 336 221 well well ADV _004723754 336 222 as as ADP _004723754 336 223 outstanding outstanding ADJ _004723754 336 224 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 225 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 226 interdenominational interdenominational ADJ _004723754 336 227 organizations organization NOUN _004723754 336 228 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 229 societies society NOUN _004723754 336 230 have have AUX _004723754 336 231 emphatically emphatically ADV _004723754 336 232 denounced denounce VERB _004723754 336 233 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 234 register’ed register’ed ADJ _004723754 336 235 protest protest NOUN _004723754 336 236 against against ADP _004723754 336 237 such such ADJ _004723754 336 238 policies policy NOUN _004723754 336 239 ch ch VERB _004723754 336 240 the the DET _004723754 336 241 present present ADJ _004723754 336 242 government government NOUN _004723754 336 243 of of ADP _004723754 336 244 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 245 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 246 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 247 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 248 the the DET _004723754 336 249 government government NOUN _004723754 336 250 of of ADP _004723754 336 251 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 252 has have AUX _004723754 336 253 even even ADV _004723754 336 254 encouraged encourage VERB _004723754 336 255 an an DET _004723754 336 256 economic economic ADJ _004723754 336 257 boycott boycott NOUN _004723754 336 258 against against ADP _004723754 336 259 those those PRON _004723754 336 260 sincerly sincerly ADV _004723754 336 261 profesising profesise VERB _004723754 336 262 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 263 practicing practice VERB _004723754 336 264 the the DET _004723754 336 265 christian christian ADJ _004723754 336 266 religion religion NOUN _004723754 336 267 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 268 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 269 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 270 christians christian NOUN _004723754 336 271 are be AUX _004723754 336 272 expelled expel VERB _004723754 336 273 from from ADP _004723754 336 274 public public ADJ _004723754 336 275 office office NOUN _004723754 336 276 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 277 driven drive VERB _004723754 336 278 from from ADP _004723754 336 279 professions profession NOUN _004723754 336 280 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 281 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 282 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 283 whereas whereas SCONJ _004723754 336 284 christiaa christiaa ADJ _004723754 336 285 residents resident NOUN _004723754 336 286 of of ADP _004723754 336 287 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 288 who who PRON _004723754 336 289 complain complain VERB _004723754 336 290 of of ADP _004723754 336 291 such such ADJ _004723754 336 292 intolerance intolerance NOUN _004723754 336 293 are be AUX _004723754 336 294 flagrantly flagrantly ADV _004723754 336 295 mistreated mistreat VERB _004723754 336 296 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 297 abused abuse VERB _004723754 336 298 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 299 now now ADV _004723754 336 300 therefore therefore ADV _004723754 336 301 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 302 be be AUX _004723754 336 303 it it PRON _004723754 336 304 resolved resolve VERB _004723754 336 305 that that SCONJ _004723754 336 306 the the DET _004723754 336 307 senate senate PROPN _004723754 336 308 of of ADP _004723754 336 309 the the DET _004723754 336 310 united united PROPN _004723754 336 311 state state PROPN _004723754 336 312 in in ADP _004723754 336 313 congress congress PROPN _004723754 336 314 assembled assemble VERB _004723754 336 315 deems deem VERB _004723754 336 316 it it PRON _004723754 336 317 fitting fitting ADJ _004723754 336 318 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 319 proper proper ADJ _004723754 336 320 to to PART _004723754 336 321 protest protest VERB _004723754 336 322 the the DET _004723754 336 323 anti anti ADJ _004723754 336 324 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 325 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 336 326 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 327 practices practice NOUN _004723754 336 328 of of ADP _004723754 336 329 the the DET _004723754 336 330 pres»ent pres»ent NOUN _004723754 336 331 rulers rulers PROPN _004723754 336 332 ol ol PROPN _004723754 336 333 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 334 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 335 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 336 that that SCONJ _004723754 336 337 it it PRON _004723754 336 338 views view VERB _004723754 336 339 with with ADP _004723754 336 340 the the DET _004723754 336 341 gravest grave ADJ _004723754 336 342 concern concern NOUN _004723754 336 343 such such ADJ _004723754 336 344 ruthless ruthless ADJ _004723754 336 345 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 336 346 of of ADP _004723754 336 347 helpless helpless ADJ _004723754 336 348 men man NOUN _004723754 336 349 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 350 women woman NOUN _004723754 336 351 who who PRON _004723754 336 352 have have AUX _004723754 336 353 becom^e becom^e VERB _004723754 336 354 the the DET _004723754 336 355 innocent innocent ADJ _004723754 336 356 41 41 NUM _004723754 336 357 victims victim NOUN _004723754 336 358 of of ADP _004723754 336 359 anti anti ADJ _004723754 336 360 - - ADJ _004723754 336 361 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 362 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 336 363 r r NOUN _004723754 336 364 be be AUX _004723754 336 365 it it PRON _004723754 336 366 further far ADV _004723754 336 367 resolved resolve VERB _004723754 336 368 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 369 that that SCONJ _004723754 336 370 it it PRON _004723754 336 371 strongly strongly ADV _004723754 336 372 condemns condemn VERB _004723754 336 373 the the DET _004723754 336 374 cruelties cruelty NOUN _004723754 336 375 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 376 brutalities brutality NOUN _004723754 336 377 that that PRON _004723754 336 378 have have AUX _004723754 336 379 accompanied accompany VERB _004723754 336 380 the the DET _004723754 336 381 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 336 382 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 336 383 of of ADP _004723754 336 384 the the DET _004723754 336 385 present present ADJ _004723754 336 386 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 336 387 government government NOUN _004723754 336 388 against against ADP _004723754 336 389 the the DET _004723754 336 390 profession profession NOUN _004723754 336 391 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 392 practice practice NOUN _004723754 336 393 of of ADP _004723754 336 394 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 395 beliefs belief NOUN _004723754 336 396 by by ADP _004723754 336 397 our our PRON _004723754 336 398 nationals national NOUN _004723754 336 399 of of ADP _004723754 336 400 ait ait ADJ _004723754 336 401 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 402 faiths faith NOUN _004723754 336 403 now now ADV _004723754 336 404 domiciled domicile VERB _004723754 336 405 in in ADP _004723754 336 406 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 407 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 408 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 409 be be AUX _004723754 336 410 it it PRON _004723754 336 411 further far ADV _004723754 336 412 resolved resolve VERB _004723754 336 413 that that SCONJ _004723754 336 414 it it PRON _004723754 336 415 calls call VERB _004723754 336 416 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 336 417 the the DET _004723754 336 418 government government NOUN _004723754 336 419 of of ADP _004723754 336 420 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 421 in in ADP _004723754 336 422 the the DET _004723754 336 423 name name NOUN _004723754 336 424 of of ADP _004723754 336 425 humanity humanity NOUN _004723754 336 426 to to PART _004723754 336 427 cease cease VERB _004723754 336 428 denying deny VERB _004723754 336 429 fundamental fundamental ADJ _004723754 336 430 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 431 inalienable inalienable ADJ _004723754 336 432 rights right NOUN _004723754 336 433 to to ADP _004723754 336 434 those those PRON _004723754 336 435 of of ADP _004723754 336 436 our our PRON _004723754 336 437 nationals national NOUN _004723754 336 438 who who PRON _004723754 336 439 may may AUX _004723754 336 440 be be AUX _004723754 336 441 lesldent lesldent ADJ _004723754 336 442 in in ADP _004723754 336 443 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 336 444 , , PUNCT _004723754 336 445 regardless regardless ADV _004723754 336 446 of of ADP _004723754 336 447 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 448 convictions conviction NOUN _004723754 336 449 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 336 450 be be AUX _004723754 336 451 it it PRON _004723754 336 452 further far ADV _004723754 336 453 resolved resolve VERB _004723754 336 454 that that SCONJ _004723754 336 455 the the DET _004723754 336 456 committee committee NOUN _004723754 336 457 on on ADP _004723754 336 458 foreign foreign ADJ _004723754 336 459 relations relation NOUN _004723754 336 460 of of ADP _004723754 336 461 the the DET _004723754 336 462 united united PROPN _004723754 336 463 states states PROPN _004723754 336 464 senate senate PROPN _004723754 336 465 or or CCONJ _004723754 336 466 a a DET _004723754 336 467 subcommittee subcommittee NOUN _004723754 336 468 thereof thereof ADV _004723754 336 469 be be AUX _004723754 336 470 authorizfed authorizfe VERB _004723754 336 471 to to PART _004723754 336 472 conduct conduct VERB _004723754 336 473 hearings hearing NOUN _004723754 336 474 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 475 receive receive VERB _004723754 336 476 such such ADJ _004723754 336 477 evid’ence evid’ence NOUN _004723754 336 478 as as SCONJ _004723754 336 479 may may AUX _004723754 336 480 be be AUX _004723754 336 481 presented present VERB _004723754 336 482 relating relate VERB _004723754 336 483 to to ADP _004723754 336 484 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 485 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 336 486 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 487 anti anti ADJ _004723754 336 488 ... ... ADJ _004723754 336 489 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 490 compulsion compulsion NOUN _004723754 336 491 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 492 agitation agitation NOUN _004723754 336 493 in in ADP _004723754 336 494 m’exico m’exico PROPN _004723754 336 495 for for ADP _004723754 336 496 the the DET _004723754 336 497 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 336 498 of of ADP _004723754 336 499 determining determine VERB _004723754 336 500 the the DET _004723754 336 501 policy policy NOUN _004723754 336 502 of of ADP _004723754 336 503 the the DET _004723754 336 504 united united PROPN _004723754 336 505 states states PROPN _004723754 336 506 in in ADP _004723754 336 507 reference reference NOUN _004723754 336 508 to to ADP _004723754 336 509 this this DET _004723754 336 510 vital vital ADJ _004723754 336 511 problem problem NOUN _004723754 336 512 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 513 in in ADP _004723754 336 514 that that DET _004723754 336 515 way way NOUN _004723754 336 516 we we PRON _004723754 336 517 may may AUX _004723754 336 518 best well ADV _004723754 336 519 serve serve VERB _004723754 336 520 the the DET _004723754 336 521 cause cause NOUN _004723754 336 522 of of ADP _004723754 336 523 tolerance tolerance NOUN _004723754 336 524 and and CCONJ _004723754 336 525 religious religious ADJ _004723754 336 526 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 336 527 . . PUNCT _004723754 337 1 for for ADP _004723754 337 2 the the DET _004723754 337 3 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 337 4 of of ADP _004723754 337 5 tnis tnis PROPN _004723754 337 6 resolution resolution PROPN _004723754 337 7 the the DET _004723754 337 8 committee committee NOUN _004723754 337 9 or or CCONJ _004723754 337 10 any any DET _004723754 337 11 duly duly ADV _004723754 337 12 authorized authorize VERB _004723754 337 13 subcommittee subcommittee NOUN _004723754 337 14 thereof thereof ADV _004723754 337 15 is be AUX _004723754 337 16 authorized authorize VERB _004723754 337 17 to to PART _004723754 337 18 hold hold VERB _004723754 337 19 such such ADJ _004723754 337 20 hearings^ hearings^ NOUN _004723754 337 21 to to PART _004723754 337 22 sit sit VERB _004723754 337 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 337 24 act act VERB _004723754 337 25 at at ADP _004723754 337 26 such such ADJ _004723754 337 27 times time NOUN _004723754 337 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 337 29 places place NOUN _004723754 337 30 during during ADP _004723754 337 31 the the DET _004723754 337 32 sessions session NOUN _004723754 337 33 and and CCONJ _004723754 337 34 recesses recess NOUN _004723754 337 35 of of ADP _004723754 337 36 the the DET _004723754 337 37 senate senate PROPN _004723754 337 38 in in ADP _004723754 337 39 the the DET _004723754 337 40 seventyfourth seventyfourth NOUN _004723754 337 41 congress congress PROPN _004723754 337 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 337 43 to to PART _004723754 337 44 employ employ VERB _004723754 337 45 sy sy NOUN _004723754 337 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 337 47 cb cb PROPN _004723754 337 48 clerical clerical ADJ _004723754 337 49 and and CCONJ _004723754 337 50 other other ADJ _004723754 337 51 assistants assistant NOUN _004723754 337 52 to to ADP _004723754 337 53 jequipe jequipe NOUN _004723754 337 54 § § NOUN _004723754 337 55 ubpoepa ubpoepa PROPN _004723754 337 56 gv gv ADP _004723754 337 57 gtb'^rwise gtb'^rwise VERB _004723754 337 58 42 42 NUM _004723754 337 59 the the DET _004723754 337 60 attendance attendance NOUN _004723754 337 61 of of ADP _004723754 337 62 such such ADJ _004723754 337 63 witnesses witness NOUN _004723754 337 64 and and CCONJ _004723754 337 65 the the DET _004723754 337 66 production production NOUN _004723754 337 67 of of ADP _004723754 337 68 such such ADJ _004723754 337 69 books book NOUN _004723754 337 70 ^ ^ X _004723754 337 71 papers paper NOUN _004723754 337 72 and and CCONJ _004723754 337 73 docum’ents docum’ent NOUN _004723754 337 74 , , PUNCT _004723754 337 75 to to PART _004723754 337 76 administer administer VERB _004723754 337 77 such such ADJ _004723754 337 78 oaths oath NOUN _004723754 337 79 , , PUNCT _004723754 337 80 to to PART _004723754 337 81 take take VERB _004723754 337 82 such such ADJ _004723754 337 83 testimony testimony NOUN _004723754 337 84 , , PUNCT _004723754 337 85 and and CCONJ _004723754 337 86 to to PART _004723754 337 87 make make VERB _004723754 337 88 such such ADJ _004723754 337 89 expenditures expenditure NOUN _004723754 337 90 , , PUNCT _004723754 337 91 as as SCONJ _004723754 337 92 it it PRON _004723754 337 93 deems deem VERB _004723754 337 94 advisabte advisabte ADJ _004723754 337 95 . . PUNCT _004723754 338 1 the the DET _004723754 338 2 cost cost NOUN _004723754 338 3 of of ADP _004723754 338 4 stenographic stenographic ADJ _004723754 338 5 service service NOUN _004723754 338 6 to to PART _004723754 338 7 report report VERB _004723754 338 8 such such ADJ _004723754 338 9 hearings hearing NOUN _004723754 338 10 shall shall AUX _004723754 338 11 not not PART _004723754 338 12 be be AUX _004723754 338 13 in in ADP _004723754 338 14 excess excess NOUN _004723754 338 15 of of ADP _004723754 338 16 25 25 NUM _004723754 338 17 cents cent NOUN _004723754 338 18 pe^r pe^r VERB _004723754 338 19 100 100 NUM _004723754 338 20 words word NOUN _004723754 338 21 the the DET _004723754 338 22 expenses expense NOUN _004723754 338 23 of of ADP _004723754 338 24 the the DET _004723754 338 25 committee committee NOUN _004723754 338 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 338 27 which which PRON _004723754 338 28 shall shall AUX _004723754 338 29 not not PART _004723754 338 30 exceed exceed VERB _004723754 338 31 $ $ SYM _004723754 338 32 10,000 10,000 NUM _004723754 338 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 338 34 shall shall AUX _004723754 338 35 be be AUX _004723754 338 36 paid pay VERB _004723754 338 37 from from ADP _004723754 338 38 the the DET _004723754 338 39 conting’ent conting’ent NOUN _004723754 338 40 fund fund NOUN _004723754 338 41 of of ADP _004723754 338 42 the the DET _004723754 338 43 senate senate PROPN _004723754 338 44 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 338 45 vouchers voucher NOUN _004723754 338 46 approved approve VERB _004723754 338 47 by by ADP _004723754 338 48 the the DET _004723754 338 49 chairman chairman NOUN _004723754 338 50 . . PUNCT _004723754 339 1 the the DET _004723754 339 2 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 339 3 embassy embassy NOUN _004723754 339 4 in in ADP _004723754 339 5 a a DET _004723754 339 6 statement statement NOUN _004723754 339 7 of of ADP _004723754 339 8 january january PROPN _004723754 339 9 31st 31st NOUN _004723754 339 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 339 11 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 339 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 339 13 said say VERB _004723754 339 14 : : PUNCT _004723754 339 15 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 339 16 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 339 17 there there PRON _004723754 339 18 is be VERB _004723754 339 19 no no DET _004723754 339 20 religious religious ADJ _004723754 339 21 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 339 22 in in ADP _004723754 339 23 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 339 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 340 1 the the DET _004723754 340 2 resolution resolution NOUN _004723754 340 3 in in ADP _004723754 340 4 regard regard NOUN _004723754 340 5 to to ADP _004723754 340 6 this this DET _004723754 340 7 matter matter NOUN _004723754 340 8 which which PRON _004723754 340 9 was be AUX _004723754 340 10 presented present VERB _004723754 340 11 at at ADP _004723754 340 12 the the DET _004723754 340 13 senate senate PROPN _004723754 340 14 today today NOUN _004723754 340 15 is be AUX _004723754 340 16 probably probably ADV _004723754 340 17 due due ADJ _004723754 340 18 either either ADV _004723754 340 19 to to ADP _004723754 340 20 partial partial ADJ _004723754 340 21 or or CCONJ _004723754 340 22 incomplete incomplete ADJ _004723754 340 23 information information NOUN _004723754 340 24 . . PUNCT _004723754 341 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 341 2 catholic catholic PROPN _004723754 341 3 clergymen clergyman NOUN _004723754 341 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 341 5 as as ADV _004723754 341 6 well well ADV _004723754 341 7 as as ADP _004723754 341 8 those those PRON _004723754 341 9 belonging belong VERB _004723754 341 10 to to ADP _004723754 341 11 other other ADJ _004723754 341 12 faiths faith NOUN _004723754 341 13 who who PRON _004723754 341 14 have have AUX _004723754 341 15 complmd complmd VERB _004723754 341 16 with with ADP _004723754 341 17 the the DET _004723754 341 18 lawis lawis NOUN _004723754 341 19 are be AUX _004723754 341 20 exercising exercise VERB _004723754 341 21 their their PRON _004723754 341 22 ministry ministry NOUN _004723754 341 23 in in ADP _004723754 341 24 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 341 25 city city NOUN _004723754 341 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 341 27 throughout throughout ADP _004723754 341 28 the the DET _004723754 341 29 republic republic NOUN _004723754 341 30 without without ADP _004723754 341 31 being be AUX _004723754 341 32 molested molest VERB _004723754 341 33 in in ADP _004723754 341 34 the the DET _004723754 341 35 least least ADJ _004723754 341 36 . . PUNCT _004723754 341 37 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 342 1 please please INTJ _004723754 342 2 note note VERB _004723754 342 3 the the DET _004723754 342 4 phrase phrase NOUN _004723754 342 5 “ " PUNCT _004723754 342 6 who who PRON _004723754 342 7 have have AUX _004723754 342 8 complied comply VERB _004723754 342 9 with with ADP _004723754 342 10 the the DET _004723754 342 11 laws law NOUN _004723754 342 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 342 13 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 342 14 the the DET _004723754 342 15 trick trick NOUN _004723754 342 16 loophole loophole NOUN _004723754 342 17 used use VERB _004723754 342 18 by by ADP _004723754 342 19 calles calle NOUN _004723754 342 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 342 21 his his PRON _004723754 342 22 tribe tribe NOUN _004723754 342 23 when when SCONJ _004723754 342 24 cornered corner VERB _004723754 342 25 by by ADP _004723754 342 26 facts fact NOUN _004723754 342 27 which which PRON _004723754 342 28 they they PRON _004723754 342 29 can can AUX _004723754 342 30 not not PART _004723754 342 31 deny deny VERB _004723754 342 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 342 33 representative representative PROPN _004723754 342 34 william william PROPN _004723754 342 35 p. p. PROPN _004723754 342 36 connery connery PROPN _004723754 342 37 , , PUNCT _004723754 342 38 jr jr PROPN _004723754 342 39 . . PROPN _004723754 342 40 , , PUNCT _004723754 342 41 of of ADP _004723754 342 42 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _004723754 342 43 , , PUNCT _004723754 342 44 in in ADP _004723754 342 45 a a DET _004723754 342 46 speech speech NOUN _004723754 342 47 on on ADP _004723754 342 48 the the DET _004723754 342 49 floor floor NOUN _004723754 342 50 of of ADP _004723754 342 51 the the DET _004723754 342 52 house house NOUN _004723754 342 53 of of ADP _004723754 342 54 representatives representative NOUN _004723754 342 55 on on ADP _004723754 342 56 february february PROPN _004723754 342 57 8^ 8^ NUM _004723754 342 58 , , PUNCT _004723754 342 59 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 342 60 said say VERB _004723754 342 61 : : PUNCT _004723754 342 62 “ " PUNCT _004723754 342 63 i i PRON _004723754 342 64 believe believe VERB _004723754 342 65 that that SCONJ _004723754 342 66 the the DET _004723754 342 67 honorable honorable ADJ _004723754 342 68 joseph joseph PROPN _004723754 342 69 daniels daniel NOUN _004723754 342 70 and and CCONJ _004723754 342 71 other other ADJ _004723754 342 72 represents43 represents43 NOUN _004723754 342 73 tives tive NOUN _004723754 342 74 of of ADP _004723754 342 75 the the DET _004723754 342 76 american american ADJ _004723754 342 77 goremment goremment PROPN _004723754 342 78 in in ADP _004723754 342 79 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 342 80 who who PRON _004723754 342 81 for for ADP _004723754 342 82 som^e som^e ADJ _004723754 342 83 unknown unknown ADJ _004723754 342 84 reason reason NOUN _004723754 342 85 are be AUX _004723754 342 86 cooperating cooperate VERB _004723754 342 87 with with ADP _004723754 342 88 the the DET _004723754 342 89 tyrants tyrant NOUN _004723754 342 90 of of ADP _004723754 342 91 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 342 92 to to PART _004723754 342 93 enslav^e enslav^e VERB _004723754 342 94 the the DET _004723754 342 95 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 342 96 people people NOUN _004723754 342 97 , , PUNCT _004723754 342 98 should should AUX _004723754 342 99 be be AUX _004723754 342 100 summoned summon VERB _004723754 342 101 back back ADV _004723754 342 102 to to ADP _004723754 342 103 the the DET _004723754 342 104 unitad unitad ADJ _004723754 342 105 states state NOUN _004723754 342 106 and and CCONJ _004723754 342 107 forced force VERB _004723754 342 108 to to PART _004723754 342 109 tell tell VERB _004723754 342 110 the the DET _004723754 342 111 truth truth NOUN _004723754 342 112 of of ADP _004723754 342 113 the the DET _004723754 342 114 conditions condition NOUN _004723754 342 115 which which PRON _004723754 342 116 exist exist VERB _004723754 342 117 in in ADP _004723754 342 118 that that DET _004723754 342 119 country country NOUN _004723754 342 120 < < X _004723754 342 121 at at ADP _004723754 342 122 this this DET _004723754 342 123 time time NOUN _004723754 342 124 . . PUNCT _004723754 342 125 ” " PUNCT _004723754 343 1 representative representative ADJ _004723754 343 2 connery connery NOUN _004723754 343 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 4 continued continue VERB _004723754 343 5 : : PUNCT _004723754 343 6 “ " PUNCT _004723754 343 7 the the DET _004723754 343 8 question question NOUN _004723754 343 9 may may AUX _004723754 343 10 be be AUX _004723754 343 11 pertinently pertinently ADV _004723754 343 12 ask ask VERB _004723754 343 13 ed ed NOUN _004723754 343 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 15 what what PRON _004723754 343 16 right right NOUN _004723754 343 17 have have VERB _004723754 343 18 we we PRON _004723754 343 19 the the DET _004723754 343 20 people people NOUN _004723754 343 21 of of ADP _004723754 343 22 the the DET _004723754 343 23 united united PROPN _004723754 343 24 states states PROPN _004723754 343 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 26 or or CCONJ _004723754 343 27 the the DET _004723754 343 28 government government NOUN _004723754 343 29 of of ADP _004723754 343 30 the the DET _004723754 343 31 united united PROPN _004723754 343 32 states states PROPN _004723754 343 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 34 to to PART _004723754 343 35 interfere interfere VERB _004723754 343 36 with with ADP _004723754 343 37 what what PRON _004723754 343 38 might might AUX _004723754 343 39 seem seem VERB _004723754 343 40 to to PART _004723754 343 41 be be AUX _004723754 343 42 entirely entirely ADV _004723754 343 43 a a DET _004723754 343 44 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 343 45 domestic domestic ADJ _004723754 343 46 problem?^ problem?^ NOUN _004723754 343 47 “ " PUNCT _004723754 343 48 in in ADP _004723754 343 49 the the DET _004723754 343 50 first first ADJ _004723754 343 51 place place NOUN _004723754 343 52 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 53 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 343 54 be be AUX _004723754 343 55 said say VERB _004723754 343 56 “ " PUNCT _004723754 343 57 if if SCONJ _004723754 343 58 we we PRON _004723754 343 59 wish wish VERB _004723754 343 60 to to PART _004723754 343 61 be be AUX _004723754 343 62 consistent consistent ADJ _004723754 343 63 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 64 we we PRON _004723754 343 65 have have VERB _004723754 343 66 only only ADV _004723754 343 67 to to PART _004723754 343 68 look look VERB _004723754 343 69 back back ADV _004723754 343 70 to to ADP _004723754 343 71 the the DET _004723754 343 72 time time NOUN _004723754 343 73 of of ADP _004723754 343 74 the the DET _004723754 343 75 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 343 76 revolution revolution PROPN _004723754 343 77 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 78 to to ADP _004723754 343 79 the the DET _004723754 343 80 agreement agreement NOUN _004723754 343 81 entered enter VERB _004723754 343 82 into into ADP _004723754 343 83 by by ADP _004723754 343 84 mr mr PROPN _004723754 343 85 . . PROPN _004723754 343 86 lansing lansing PROPN _004723754 343 87 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 88 the the DET _004723754 343 89 secretary secretary NOUN _004723754 343 90 of of ADP _004723754 343 91 state state NOUN _004723754 343 92 under under ADP _004723754 343 93 president president PROPN _004723754 343 94 wilson wilson PROPN _004723754 343 95 and and CCONJ _004723754 343 96 the the DET _004723754 343 97 defacto defacto ADJ _004723754 343 98 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 343 99 government government NOUN _004723754 343 100 , , PUNCT _004723754 343 101 which which PRON _004723754 343 102 was be AUX _004723754 343 103 asking ask VERB _004723754 343 104 at at ADP _004723754 343 105 that that DET _004723754 343 106 time time NOUN _004723754 343 107 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 343 108 of of ADP _004723754 343 109 the the DET _004723754 343 110 united united PROPN _004723754 343 111 states states PROPN _004723754 343 112 . . PUNCT _004723754 344 1 the the DET _004723754 344 2 united united PROPN _004723754 344 3 states states PROPN _004723754 344 4 demanded demand VERB _004723754 344 5 as as ADP _004723754 344 6 a a DET _004723754 344 7 condition condition NOUN _004723754 344 8 precedent precedent NOUN _004723754 344 9 to to ADP _004723754 344 10 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 344 11 by by ADP _004723754 344 12 this this DET _004723754 344 13 country country NOUN _004723754 344 14 that that SCONJ _004723754 344 15 the the DET _004723754 344 16 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 344 17 government government NOUN _004723754 344 18 should should AUX _004723754 344 19 grant grant VERB _004723754 344 20 absolute absolute ADJ _004723754 344 21 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 344 22 of of ADP _004723754 344 23 worship worship NOUN _004723754 344 24 to to ADP _004723754 344 25 all all PRON _004723754 344 26 of of ADP _004723754 344 27 the the DET _004723754 344 28 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 344 29 people people NOUN _004723754 344 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 345 1 to to ADP _004723754 345 2 this this PRON _004723754 345 3 the the DET _004723754 345 4 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 345 5 government government NOUN _004723754 345 6 agreed agree VERB _004723754 345 7 without without ADP _004723754 345 8 any any DET _004723754 345 9 reservation reservation NOUN _004723754 345 10 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 345 11 it it PRON _004723754 345 12 was be AUX _004723754 345 13 not not PART _004723754 345 14 a a DET _004723754 345 15 question question NOUN _004723754 345 16 of of ADP _004723754 345 17 interfering interfere VERB _004723754 345 18 in in ADP _004723754 345 19 the the DET _004723754 345 20 domestic domestic ADJ _004723754 345 21 affairs affair NOUN _004723754 345 22 of of ADP _004723754 345 23 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 345 24 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 345 25 it it PRON _004723754 345 26 was be AUX _004723754 345 27 a a DET _004723754 345 28 question question NOUN _004723754 345 29 as as ADP _004723754 345 30 to to ADP _004723754 345 31 what what PRON _004723754 345 32 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 345 33 they they PRON _004723754 345 34 should should AUX _004723754 345 35 grant grant VERB _004723754 345 36 the the DET _004723754 345 37 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 345 38 people people NOUN _004723754 345 39 if if SCONJ _004723754 345 40 they they PRON _004723754 345 41 desired desire VERB _004723754 345 42 such such ADJ _004723754 345 43 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 345 44 mr mr PROPN _004723754 345 45 . . PROPN _004723754 345 46 speaker speaker PROPN _004723754 345 47 , , PUNCT _004723754 345 48 that that DET _004723754 345 49 agreement agreement NOUN _004723754 345 50 has have AUX _004723754 345 51 been be AUX _004723754 345 52 violated violate VERB _004723754 345 53 . . PUNCT _004723754 346 1 in in ADP _004723754 346 2 honor honor NOUN _004723754 346 3 of of ADP _004723754 346 4 ourselves ourselves PRON _004723754 346 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 6 in in ADP _004723754 346 7 behalf behalf NOUN _004723754 346 8 of of ADP _004723754 346 9 the the DET _004723754 346 10 guaranty guaranty NOUN _004723754 346 11 of of ADP _004723754 346 12 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 346 13 of of ADP _004723754 346 14 44 44 NUM _004723754 346 15 conscieiice conscieiice NOUN _004723754 346 16 which which PRON _004723754 346 17 the the DET _004723754 346 18 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 346 19 qovernment qovernment NOUN _004723754 346 20 agreed agree VERB _004723754 346 21 their their PRON _004723754 346 22 people people NOUN _004723754 346 23 would would AUX _004723754 346 24 always always ADV _004723754 346 25 have have VERB _004723754 346 26 if if SCONJ _004723754 346 27 they they PRON _004723754 346 28 s’ecur^d s’ecur^d VERB _004723754 346 29 the the DET _004723754 346 30 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 346 31 of of ADP _004723754 346 32 the the DET _004723754 346 33 american american ADJ _004723754 346 34 govierixment govierixment NOUN _004723754 346 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 36 it it PRON _004723754 346 37 is be AUX _004723754 346 38 th*e th*e PRON _004723754 346 39 duty duty NOUN _004723754 346 40 of of ADP _004723754 346 41 congiiess congiiess NOUN _004723754 346 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 43 the the DET _004723754 346 44 duty duty NOUN _004723754 346 45 of of ADP _004723754 346 46 the the DET _004723754 346 47 state state NOUN _004723754 346 48 department department NOUN _004723754 346 49 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 50 to to PART _004723754 346 51 notify notify VERB _004723754 346 52 the the DET _004723754 346 53 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 346 54 geverament geverament NOUN _004723754 346 55 that that SCONJ _004723754 346 56 they they PRON _004723754 346 57 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 58 having having AUX _004723754 346 59 violated violate VERB _004723754 346 60 the the DET _004723754 346 61 agreemient agreemient ADJ _004723754 346 62 thfey thfey NOUN _004723754 346 63 made make VERB _004723754 346 64 with with ADP _004723754 346 65 the the DET _004723754 346 66 government government NOUN _004723754 346 67 of of ADP _004723754 346 68 the the DET _004723754 346 69 united united PROPN _004723754 346 70 states states PROPN _004723754 346 71 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 72 we we PRON _004723754 346 73 on on ADP _004723754 346 74 our our PRON _004723754 346 75 part part NOUN _004723754 346 76 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 77 to to PART _004723754 346 78 be be AUX _004723754 346 79 consistent consistent ADJ _004723754 346 80 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 81 are be AUX _004723754 346 82 forced force VERB _004723754 346 83 to to PART _004723754 346 84 withdraw withdraw VERB _004723754 346 85 further further ADJ _004723754 346 86 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 346 87 and and CCONJ _004723754 346 88 to to PART _004723754 346 89 withdraw withdraw VERB _004723754 346 90 from from ADP _004723754 346 91 that that DET _004723754 346 92 country country NOUN _004723754 346 93 any any DET _004723754 346 94 representatives representative NOUN _004723754 346 95 we we PRON _004723754 346 96 may may AUX _004723754 346 97 have have VERB _004723754 346 98 there there ADV _004723754 346 99 . . PUNCT _004723754 346 100 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 346 101 " " PUNCT _004723754 346 102 in in ADP _004723754 346 103 the the DET _004723754 346 104 new new PROPN _004723754 346 105 york york PROPN _004723754 346 106 world world NOUN _004723754 346 107 - - PUNCT _004723754 346 108 telegram telegram PROPN _004723754 346 109 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 110 february february PROPN _004723754 346 111 20 20 NUM _004723754 346 112 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 113 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 346 114 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 115 frederick frederick PROPN _004723754 346 116 vincent vincent PROPN _004723754 346 117 williams williams PROPN _004723754 346 118 said say VERB _004723754 346 119 : : PUNCT _004723754 346 120 ^‘they’ve ^‘they’ve PUNCT _004723754 346 121 taken take VERB _004723754 346 122 god god PROPN _004723754 346 123 out out ADP _004723754 346 124 of of ADP _004723754 346 125 the the DET _004723754 346 126 sky sky NOUN _004723754 346 127 down down ADV _004723754 346 128 there there ADV _004723754 346 129 , , PUNCT _004723754 346 130 and and CCONJ _004723754 346 131 you you PRON _004723754 346 132 newspapers newspaper VERB _004723754 346 133 up up ADP _004723754 346 134 here here ADV _004723754 346 135 have have AUX _004723754 346 136 n’t not PART _004723754 346 137 heard hear VERB _004723754 346 138 about about ADP _004723754 346 139 it it PRON _004723754 346 140 . . PUNCT _004723754 347 1 he he PRON _004723754 347 2 and and CCONJ _004723754 347 3 mrs mrs PROPN _004723754 347 4 williams williams PROPN _004723754 347 5 have have AUX _004723754 347 6 returned return VERB _004723754 347 7 after after ADP _004723754 347 8 investigating investigate VERB _004723754 347 9 the the DET _004723754 347 10 surveillance surveillance NOUN _004723754 347 11 the the DET _004723754 347 12 ruling rule VERB _004723754 347 13 regime regime NOUN _004723754 347 14 enforces enforce NOUN _004723754 347 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 348 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 348 2 a a DET _004723754 348 3 surveillance surveillance NOUN _004723754 348 4 that that PRON _004723754 348 5 would would AUX _004723754 348 6 make make VERB _004723754 348 7 your your PRON _004723754 348 8 hair hair NOUN _004723754 348 9 stand stand VERB _004723754 348 10 up up ADP _004723754 348 11 if if SCONJ _004723754 348 12 you you PRON _004723754 348 13 knew know VERB _004723754 348 14 about about ADP _004723754 348 15 it it PRON _004723754 348 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 348 17 ” " PUNCT _004723754 348 18 he he PRON _004723754 348 19 explained^ explained^ X _004723754 348 20 “ " PUNCT _004723754 348 21 here here ADV _004723754 348 22 is be AUX _004723754 348 23 how how SCONJ _004723754 348 24 god god PROPN _004723754 348 25 stands stand VERB _004723754 348 26 in in ADP _004723754 348 27 the the DET _004723754 348 28 town town NOUN _004723754 348 29 of of ADP _004723754 348 30 chihuahua chihuahua PROPN _004723754 349 1 i i PRON _004723754 349 2 was be AUX _004723754 349 3 there there ADV _004723754 349 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 349 5 i i PRON _004723754 349 6 was be AUX _004723754 349 7 at at ADP _004723754 349 8 the the DET _004723754 349 9 opening opening NOUN _004723754 349 10 of of ADP _004723754 349 11 school school NOUN _004723754 349 12 heard hear VERB _004723754 349 13 the the DET _004723754 349 14 children child NOUN _004723754 349 15 say say VERB _004723754 349 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 349 17 in in ADP _004723754 349 18 salutation salutation NOUN _004723754 349 19 : : PUNCT _004723754 349 20 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 349 21 teacher teacher NOUN _004723754 349 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 349 23 there there PRON _004723754 349 24 is be VERB _004723754 349 25 no no DET _004723754 349 26 god god NOUN _004723754 349 27 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 349 28 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 349 29 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 349 30 my my PRON _004723754 349 31 child child NOUN _004723754 349 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 349 33 ’’ ’' PUNCT _004723754 350 1 the the DET _004723754 350 2 teacher teacher NOUN _004723754 350 3 said say VERB _004723754 350 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 350 5 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 350 6 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 350 7 there there PRON _004723754 350 8 never never ADV _004723754 350 9 was be AUX _004723754 350 10 any any DET _004723754 350 11 god god PROPN _004723754 350 12 . . PUNCT _004723754 350 13 ” " PUNCT _004723754 351 1 that that DET _004723754 351 2 sort sort NOUN _004723754 351 3 of of ADP _004723754 351 4 data datum NOUN _004723754 351 5 the the DET _004723754 351 6 former former ADJ _004723754 351 7 west west PROPN _004723754 351 8 coast coast PROPN _004723754 351 9 star star PROPN _004723754 351 10 reporter reporter NOUN _004723754 351 11 hobo hobo NOUN _004723754 351 12 short short ADJ _004723754 351 13 story story NOUN _004723754 351 14 writer writer NOUN _004723754 351 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 351 16 has have AUX _004723754 351 17 brought bring VERB _004723754 351 18 back back ADV _004723754 351 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 351 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 351 21 this this DET _004723754 351 22 w»eek w»eek NOUN _004723754 351 23 he he PRON _004723754 351 24 presented present VERB _004723754 351 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 351 26 at at ADP _004723754 351 27 washington washington PROPN _004723754 351 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 351 29 information information NOUN _004723754 351 30 to to ADP _004723754 351 31 senator senator PROPN _004723754 351 32 william william PROPN _004723754 351 33 e e PROPN _004723754 351 34 borah borah PROPN _004723754 351 35 and and CCONJ _004723754 351 36 other other ADJ _004723754 351 37 senators senator NOUN _004723754 351 38 supporting support VERB _004723754 351 39 tb§ tb§ NOUN _004723754 351 40 re^oiutiopt re^oiutiopt PROPN _004723754 351 41 for for ADP _004723754 351 42 m m PROPN _004723754 351 43 investigation investigation NOUN _004723754 351 44 45 45 NUM _004723754 351 45 of of ADP _004723754 351 46 tlie tlie ADJ _004723754 351 47 m»exican m»exican ADJ _004723754 351 48 situation situation NOUN _004723754 351 49 to to PART _004723754 351 50 d'etermine d'etermine VERB _004723754 351 51 the the DET _004723754 351 52 propriety propriety NOUN _004723754 351 53 of of ADP _004723754 351 54 severing sever VERB _004723754 351 55 diplomatic diplomatic ADJ _004723754 351 56 relations relation NOUN _004723754 351 57 , , PUNCT _004723754 351 58 “ " PUNCT _004723754 351 59 in in ADP _004723754 351 60 th»e th»e PUNCT _004723754 351 61 heart heart NOUN _004723754 351 62 of of ADP _004723754 351 63 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 351 64 city/ city/ SPACE _004723754 351 65 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 351 66 he he PRON _004723754 351 67 said say VERB _004723754 351 68 , , PUNCT _004723754 351 69 “ " PUNCT _004723754 351 70 i i PRON _004723754 351 71 saw see VERB _004723754 351 72 one one NUM _004723754 351 73 night night NOUN _004723754 351 74 2,000 2,000 NUM _004723754 351 75 rebels rebel NOUN _004723754 351 76 gathered gather VERB _004723754 351 77 in in ADP _004723754 351 78 a a DET _004723754 351 79 patio patio NOUN _004723754 351 80 around around ADP _004723754 351 81 the the DET _004723754 351 82 body body NOUN _004723754 351 83 of of ADP _004723754 351 84 a a DET _004723754 351 85 comrade comrade NOUN _004723754 351 86 who who PRON _004723754 351 87 had have AUX _004723754 351 88 been be AUX _004723754 351 89 killed kill VERB _004723754 351 90 by by ADP _004723754 351 91 the the DET _004723754 351 92 soldiers soldier NOUN _004723754 351 93 agents agent NOUN _004723754 351 94 for for ADP _004723754 351 95 twentyfive twentyfive ADJ _004723754 351 96 blocks block NOUN _004723754 351 97 around around ADV _004723754 351 98 guarded guard VERB _004723754 351 99 them they PRON _004723754 351 100 against against ADP _004723754 351 101 being be AUX _004723754 351 102 found find VERB _004723754 351 103 out out ADP _004723754 351 104 . . PUNCT _004723754 352 1 they they PRON _004723754 352 2 had have VERB _004723754 352 3 to to PART _004723754 352 4 pay pay VERB _004723754 352 5 tribute tribute NOUN _004723754 352 6 in in ADP _004723754 352 7 secret secret NOUN _004723754 352 8 to to ADP _004723754 352 9 the the DET _004723754 352 10 martyr martyr NOUN _004723754 352 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 352 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 352 13 as as SCONJ _004723754 352 14 his his PRON _004723754 352 15 body body NOUN _004723754 352 16 lay lie VERB _004723754 352 17 on on ADP _004723754 352 18 the the DET _004723754 352 19 catafalque catafalque NOUN _004723754 352 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 352 21 they they PRON _004723754 352 22 knelt kneel VERB _004723754 352 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 352 24 chanted chant VERB _004723754 352 25 : : PUNCT _004723754 352 26 “ " PUNCT _004723754 352 27 viva viva X _004723754 352 28 christo christo ADJ _004723754 352 29 rey rey PROPN _004723754 352 30 ” " PUNCT _004723754 352 31 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 352 32 long long ADV _004723754 352 33 live live VERB _004723754 352 34 christ christ PROPN _004723754 352 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 352 36 the the DET _004723754 352 37 king king NOUN _004723754 352 38 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 353 1 it it PRON _004723754 353 2 is be AUX _004723754 353 3 the the DET _004723754 353 4 third third ADJ _004723754 353 5 internationale internationale NOUN _004723754 353 6 of of ADP _004723754 353 7 the the DET _004723754 353 8 union union PROPN _004723754 353 9 of of ADP _004723754 353 10 soviet soviet ADJ _004723754 353 11 socialist socialist ADJ _004723754 353 12 republics republic NOUN _004723754 353 13 that that PRON _004723754 353 14 has have AUX _004723754 353 15 thus thus ADV _004723754 353 16 made make VERB _004723754 353 17 a a DET _004723754 353 18 mass mass NOUN _004723754 353 19 a a DET _004723754 353 20 secret secret ADJ _004723754 353 21 rite rite NOUN _004723754 353 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 353 23 he he PRON _004723754 353 24 said say VERB _004723754 353 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 353 26 and and CCONJ _004723754 353 27 made make VERB _004723754 353 28 school school NOUN _004723754 353 29 children child NOUN _004723754 353 30 raise raise VERB _004723754 353 31 their their PRON _004723754 353 32 hands hand NOUN _004723754 353 33 in in ADP _004723754 353 34 pagan pagan PROPN _004723754 353 35 obedienoe obedienoe PROPN _004723754 353 36 “ " PUNCT _004723754 353 37 russia russia PROPN _004723754 353 38 has have AUX _004723754 353 39 spent spend VERB _004723754 353 40 $ $ SYM _004723754 353 41 18,000,000 18,000,000 NUM _004723754 353 42 in in ADP _004723754 353 43 communist communist ADJ _004723754 353 44 propaganda propaganda NOUN _004723754 353 45 down down ADP _004723754 353 46 there/^ there/^ PROPN _004723754 353 47 be be AUX _004723754 353 48 said say VERB _004723754 353 49 , , PUNCT _004723754 353 50 “ " PUNCT _004723754 353 51 ammunition ammunition NOUN _004723754 353 52 for for ADP _004723754 353 53 the the DET _004723754 353 54 populace populace NOUN _004723754 353 55 opposing oppose VERB _004723754 353 56 the the DET _004723754 353 57 government government NOUN _004723754 353 58 has have AUX _004723754 353 59 be^n be^n NOUN _004723754 353 60 coming come VERB _004723754 353 61 in in ADP _004723754 353 62 lov lov NOUN _004723754 353 63 months month NOUN _004723754 353 64 . . PUNCT _004723754 354 1 it it PRON _004723754 354 2 still still ADV _004723754 354 3 is be AUX _004723754 354 4 coming come VERB _004723754 354 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 355 1 there there PRON _004723754 355 2 is be VERB _004723754 355 3 going go VERB _004723754 355 4 to to PART _004723754 355 5 be be AUX _004723754 355 6 fighting fight VERB _004723754 355 7 that that SCONJ _004723754 355 8 you you PRON _004723754 355 9 have have AUX _004723754 355 10 n’t not PART _004723754 355 11 dreamed dream VERB _004723754 355 12 of of ADP _004723754 355 13 “ " PUNCT _004723754 355 14 in in ADP _004723754 355 15 fourteen fourteen NUM _004723754 355 16 of of ADP _004723754 355 17 the the DET _004723754 355 18 twenty twenty NUM _004723754 355 19 - - PUNCT _004723754 355 20 eight eight NUM _004723754 355 21 states state NOUN _004723754 355 22 there there PRON _004723754 355 23 are be VERB _004723754 355 24 no no DET _004723754 355 25 priests priest NOUN _004723754 355 26 allowed allow VERB _004723754 355 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 355 28 or or CCONJ _004723754 355 29 rabbis rabbi NOUN _004723754 355 30 or or CCONJ _004723754 355 31 protestant protestant ADJ _004723754 355 32 ministers minister NOUN _004723754 355 33 . . PUNCT _004723754 356 1 the the DET _004723754 356 2 people people NOUN _004723754 356 3 will will AUX _004723754 356 4 not not PART _004723754 356 5 stand stand VERB _004723754 356 6 it it PRON _004723754 356 7 any any ADV _004723754 356 8 longer long ADV _004723754 356 9 than than SCONJ _004723754 356 10 they they PRON _004723754 356 11 have have VERB _004723754 356 12 to to PART _004723754 356 13 wait wait VERB _004723754 356 14 for for ADP _004723754 356 15 enough enough ADJ _004723754 356 16 guns gun NOUN _004723754 356 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 356 18 bullets bullet NOUN _004723754 356 19 with with ADP _004723754 356 20 which which PRON _004723754 356 21 to to PART _004723754 356 22 " " PUNCT _004723754 356 23 arm arm VERB _004723754 356 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 356 25 the the DET _004723754 356 26 order order NOUN _004723754 356 27 to to PART _004723754 356 28 go go VERB _004723754 356 29 forward forward ADV _004723754 356 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 31 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 356 32 speaking speak VERB _004723754 356 33 at at ADP _004723754 356 34 a a DET _004723754 356 35 mass mass NOUN _004723754 356 36 meeting meeting NOUN _004723754 356 37 of of ADP _004723754 356 38 protest protest NOUN _004723754 356 39 against against ADP _004723754 356 40 the the DET _004723754 356 41 war war NOUN _004723754 356 42 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 356 43 religion religion NOUN _004723754 356 44 in in ADP _004723754 356 45 mtexico mtexico PROPN _004723754 356 46 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 47 dr dr PROPN _004723754 356 48 . . PROPN _004723754 356 49 edward edward PROPN _004723754 356 50 lodge lodge PROPN _004723754 356 51 curran curran PROPN _004723754 356 52 of of ADP _004723754 356 53 brooklyn brooklyn PROPN _004723754 356 54 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 55 new new PROPN _004723754 356 56 york york PROPN _004723754 356 57 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 58 said say VERB _004723754 356 59 : : PUNCT _004723754 356 60 46 46 NUM _004723754 356 61 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 356 62 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 356 63 in in ADP _004723754 356 64 the the DET _004723754 356 65 columns column NOUN _004723754 356 66 of of ADP _004723754 356 67 the the DET _004723754 356 68 new new PROPN _004723754 356 69 york york PROPN _004723754 356 70 times times PROPN _004723754 356 71 and and CCONJ _004723754 356 72 herald herald ADJ _004723754 356 73 tribune tribune NOUN _004723754 356 74 on on ADP _004723754 356 75 saturday saturday PROPN _004723754 356 76 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 77 january january PROPN _004723754 356 78 26 26 NUM _004723754 356 79 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 80 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 356 81 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 82 appeared appear VERB _004723754 356 83 certain certain ADJ _004723754 356 84 statements statement NOUN _004723754 356 85 given give VERB _004723754 356 86 by by ADP _004723754 356 87 lazaro lazaro NOUN _004723754 356 88 cardenas cardena NOUN _004723754 356 89 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 90 president president NOUN _004723754 356 91 of of ADP _004723754 356 92 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 356 93 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 94 during during ADP _004723754 356 95 an an DET _004723754 356 96 interview interview NOUN _004723754 356 97 with with ADP _004723754 356 98 foreign foreign ADJ _004723754 356 99 correspondents correspondent NOUN _004723754 356 100 in in ADP _004723754 356 101 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 356 102 city city NOUN _004723754 356 103 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 104 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 356 105 dr dr PROPN _004723754 356 106 : : PUNCT _004723754 356 107 curran curran NOUN _004723754 356 108 said say VERB _004723754 356 109 : : PUNCT _004723754 356 110 “ " PUNCT _004723754 356 111 such such ADJ _004723754 356 112 statements statement NOUN _004723754 356 113 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 114 for for ADP _004723754 356 115 the the DET _004723754 356 116 most most ADJ _004723754 356 117 part part NOUN _004723754 356 118 , , PUNCT _004723754 356 119 were be AUX _004723754 356 120 an an DET _004723754 356 121 insult insult NOUN _004723754 356 122 to to ADP _004723754 356 123 the the DET _004723754 356 124 intelligence intelligence NOUN _004723754 356 125 of of ADP _004723754 356 126 any any DET _004723754 356 127 informed informed ADJ _004723754 356 128 correspondent correspondent NOUN _004723754 356 129 and and CCONJ _004723754 356 130 a a DET _004723754 356 131 tissue tissue NOUN _004723754 356 132 of of ADP _004723754 356 133 historical historical ADJ _004723754 356 134 and and CCONJ _004723754 356 135 hysterical hysterical ADJ _004723754 356 136 falsehoods falsehood NOUN _004723754 356 137 . . PUNCT _004723754 357 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 357 2 the the DET _004723754 357 3 president president PROPN _004723754 357 4 of of ADP _004723754 357 5 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 357 6 was be AUX _004723754 357 7 wrong wrong ADJ _004723754 357 8 when when SCONJ _004723754 357 9 he he PRON _004723754 357 10 said say VERB _004723754 357 11 that that SCONJ _004723754 357 12 the the DET _004723754 357 13 aims aim NOUN _004723754 357 14 of of ADP _004723754 357 15 the the DET _004723754 357 16 existing exist VERB _004723754 357 17 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 357 18 go go VERB _004723754 357 19 no no ADV _004723754 357 20 further far ADV _004723754 357 21 that that SCONJ _004723754 357 22 those those PRON _004723754 357 23 that that PRON _004723754 357 24 most most ADJ _004723754 357 25 * * ADP _004723754 357 26 of of ADP _004723754 357 27 the the DET _004723754 357 28 advanced advanced ADJ _004723754 357 29 countries country NOUN _004723754 357 30 of of ADP _004723754 357 31 europe europe PROPN _004723754 357 32 and and CCONJ _004723754 357 33 america america PROPN _004723754 357 34 are be AUX _004723754 357 35 seeking seek VERB _004723754 357 36 . . PUNCT _004723754 358 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 358 2 the the DET _004723754 358 3 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 358 4 president president PROPN _004723754 358 5 intended intend VERB _004723754 358 6 to to PART _004723754 358 7 include include VERB _004723754 358 8 our our PRON _004723754 358 9 own own ADJ _004723754 358 10 american american ADJ _004723754 358 11 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 358 12 in in ADP _004723754 358 13 the the DET _004723754 358 14 category category NOUN _004723754 358 15 of of ADP _004723754 358 16 those those PRON _004723754 358 17 with with ADP _004723754 358 18 which which PRON _004723754 358 19 he he PRON _004723754 358 20 dared dared AUX _004723754 358 21 compare compare VERB _004723754 358 22 the the DET _004723754 358 23 ty^rannicai ty^rannicai PROPN _004723754 358 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 358 25 godless godless ADJ _004723754 358 26 coustitution coustitution NOUN _004723754 358 27 of of ADP _004723754 358 28 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 358 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 358 30 then then ADV _004723754 358 31 he he PRON _004723754 358 32 has have AUX _004723754 358 33 insulted insult VERB _004723754 358 34 the the DET _004723754 358 35 american american ADJ _004723754 358 36 constitution^ constitution^ PROPN _004723754 358 37 the the DET _004723754 358 38 americai americai PROPN _004723754 358 39 government government NOUN _004723754 358 40 and and CCONJ _004723754 358 41 the the DET _004723754 358 42 american american ADJ _004723754 358 43 people people NOUN _004723754 358 44 and and CCONJ _004723754 358 45 our our PRON _004723754 358 46 federal federal ADJ _004723754 358 47 administration administration NOUN _004723754 358 48 should should AUX _004723754 358 49 demand demand VERB _004723754 358 50 an an DET _004723754 358 51 absolute absolute ADJ _004723754 358 52 and and CCONJ _004723754 358 53 uncompromising uncompromising NOUN _004723754 358 54 apology apology NOUN _004723754 358 55 , , PUNCT _004723754 358 56 “ " PUNCT _004723754 358 57 in in ADP _004723754 358 58 the the DET _004723754 358 59 united united PROPN _004723754 358 60 states states PROPN _004723754 358 61 the the DET _004723754 358 62 oonstitutioa oonstitutioa NOUN _004723754 358 63 is be AUX _004723754 358 64 the the DET _004723754 358 65 safeguard safeguard NOUN _004723754 358 66 of of ADP _004723754 358 67 the the DET _004723754 358 68 rights right NOUN _004723754 358 69 of of ADP _004723754 358 70 humanity humanity NOUN _004723754 358 71 . . PUNCT _004723754 359 1 the the DET _004723754 359 2 american american ADJ _004723754 359 3 oonstitutiom oonstitutiom PROPN _004723754 359 4 includes include VERB _004723754 359 5 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 359 6 of of ADP _004723754 359 7 speech speech NOUN _004723754 359 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 359 9 fre’edom fre’edom ADP _004723754 359 10 of of ADP _004723754 359 11 the the DET _004723754 359 12 press^ press^ NOUN _004723754 359 13 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 359 14 of of ADP _004723754 359 15 assemblage assemblage NOUN _004723754 359 16 and and CCONJ _004723754 359 17 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 359 18 of of ADP _004723754 359 19 religious religious ADJ _004723754 359 20 worship worship NOUN _004723754 359 21 . . PUNCT _004723754 360 1 the the DET _004723754 360 2 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 360 3 of of ADP _004723754 360 4 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 360 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 360 6 on on ADP _004723754 360 7 the the DET _004723754 360 8 basis basis NOUN _004723754 360 9 of of ADP _004723754 360 10 which which PRON _004723754 360 11 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 360 12 is be AUX _004723754 360 13 governed govern VERB _004723754 360 14 or or CCONJ _004723754 360 15 rather rather ADV _004723754 360 16 misgoverned misgovern VERB _004723754 360 17 today today NOUN _004723754 360 18 boldly boldly ADV _004723754 360 19 and and CCONJ _004723754 360 20 brazenly brazenly ADV _004723754 360 21 states state VERB _004723754 360 22 that that SCONJ _004723754 360 23 the the DET _004723754 360 24 jmexican jmexican ADJ _004723754 360 25 people people NOUN _004723754 360 26 are be AUX _004723754 360 27 to to PART _004723754 360 28 possess possess VERB _004723754 360 29 only only ADV _004723754 360 30 47 47 NUM _004723754 360 31 those those DET _004723754 360 32 rights right NOUN _004723754 360 33 which which PRON _004723754 360 34 the the DET _004723754 360 35 co^nstitution co^nstitution NOUN _004723754 360 36 itself itself PRON _004723754 360 37 is be AUX _004723754 360 38 pleased pleased ADJ _004723754 360 39 to to PART _004723754 360 40 grant grant VERB _004723754 360 41 them they PRON _004723754 360 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 361 1 in in ADP _004723754 361 2 other other ADJ _004723754 361 3 words word NOUN _004723754 361 4 the the DET _004723754 361 5 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 361 6 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 361 7 is be AUX _004723754 361 8 supposed suppose VERB _004723754 361 9 to to PART _004723754 361 10 be be AUX _004723754 361 11 superior superior ADJ _004723754 361 12 to to ADP _004723754 361 13 humanity humanity NOUN _004723754 361 14 and and CCONJ _004723754 361 15 to to ADP _004723754 361 16 god god PROPN _004723754 361 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 362 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 362 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 362 3 thn thn PROPN _004723754 362 4 president president NOUN _004723754 362 5 of of ADP _004723754 362 6 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 362 7 was be AUX _004723754 362 8 wrong wrong ADJ _004723754 362 9 again again ADV _004723754 362 10 when when SCONJ _004723754 362 11 he he PRON _004723754 362 12 stated state VERB _004723754 362 13 that that SCONJ _004723754 362 14 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 362 15 it it PRON _004723754 362 16 is be AUX _004723754 362 17 untrue untrue ADJ _004723754 362 18 that that SCONJ _004723754 362 19 the the DET _004723754 362 20 government government NOUN _004723754 362 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 362 22 or or CCONJ _004723754 362 23 any any DET _004723754 362 24 institution institution NOUN _004723754 362 25 oonn.ected oonn.ecte VERB _004723754 362 26 with with ADP _004723754 362 27 it^ it^ NOUN _004723754 362 28 persecutes persecute VERB _004723754 362 29 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 362 30 because because SCONJ _004723754 362 31 they they PRON _004723754 362 32 profess profess VERB _004723754 362 33 the the DET _004723754 362 34 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 362 35 or or CCONJ _004723754 362 36 any any DET _004723754 362 37 other other ADJ _004723754 362 38 religion religion NOUN _004723754 362 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 362 40 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 363 1 a a DET _004723754 363 2 government government NOUN _004723754 363 3 that that PRON _004723754 363 4 permits permit VERB _004723754 363 5 no no DET _004723754 363 6 more more ADJ _004723754 363 7 than than ADP _004723754 363 8 50i0 50i0 NUM _004723754 363 9 priests priest NOUN _004723754 363 10 to to PART _004723754 363 11 minister minister VERB _004723754 363 12 to to ADP _004723754 363 13 14 14 NUM _004723754 363 14 ^ ^ SPACE _004723754 363 15 000,oido 000,oido NUM _004723754 363 16 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 363 17 mexicans mexicans PROPN _004723754 363 18 is be AUX _004723754 363 19 a a DET _004723754 363 20 persecuting persecuting NOUN _004723754 363 21 .government .government NOUN _004723754 363 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 364 1 a a DET _004723754 364 2 government government NOUN _004723754 364 3 whose whose DET _004723754 364 4 brutal brutal ADJ _004723754 364 5 soldiery soldiery NOUN _004723754 364 6 has have AUX _004723754 364 7 slain slay VERB _004723754 364 8 innocent innocent ADJ _004723754 364 9 people people NOUN _004723754 364 10 for for ADP _004723754 364 11 harboring harbor VERB _004723754 364 12 priests priest NOUN _004723754 364 13 or or CCONJ _004723754 364 14 for for ADP _004723754 364 15 permitting permit VERB _004723754 364 16 religious religious ADJ _004723754 364 17 services service NOUN _004723754 364 18 to to PART _004723754 364 19 take take VERB _004723754 364 20 place place NOUN _004723754 364 21 in in ADP _004723754 364 22 their their PRON _004723754 364 23 homes^ homes^ NOUN _004723754 364 24 is be AUX _004723754 364 25 a a DET _004723754 364 26 persecuting persecuting NOUN _004723754 364 27 government government NOUN _004723754 364 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 365 1 a a DET _004723754 365 2 government government NOUN _004723754 365 3 that that PRON _004723754 365 4 refuses refuse VERB _004723754 365 5 to to PART _004723754 365 6 allow allow VERB _004723754 365 7 the the DET _004723754 365 8 existence existence NOUN _004723754 365 9 of of ADP _004723754 365 10 private private ADJ _004723754 365 11 schools school NOUN _004723754 365 12 wherein wherein SCONJ _004723754 365 13 religion religion NOUN _004723754 365 14 may may AUX _004723754 365 15 be be AUX _004723754 365 16 taught teach VERB _004723754 365 17 is be AUX _004723754 365 18 a a DET _004723754 365 19 persecuting persecuting NOUN _004723754 365 20 government government NOUN _004723754 365 21 a a DET _004723754 365 22 government government NOUN _004723754 365 23 that that PRON _004723754 365 24 has have AUX _004723754 365 25 confiscat'ed confiscat'e VERB _004723754 365 26 all all DET _004723754 365 27 property property NOUN _004723754 365 28 ever ever ADV _004723754 365 29 devoted devote VERB _004723754 365 30 to to ADP _004723754 365 31 religious religious ADJ _004723754 365 32 purposes purpose NOUN _004723754 365 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 365 34 whether whether SCONJ _004723754 365 35 owned own VERB _004723754 365 36 by by ADP _004723754 365 37 religious religious ADJ _004723754 365 38 organizations organization NOUN _004723754 365 39 or or CCONJ _004723754 365 40 by by ADP _004723754 365 41 private private ADJ _004723754 365 42 persons^ persons^ NOUN _004723754 365 43 and and CCONJ _004723754 365 44 without without ADP _004723754 365 45 compensation compensation NOUN _004723754 365 46 is be AUX _004723754 365 47 a a DET _004723754 365 48 highway highway NOUN _004723754 365 49 robber robber NOUN _004723754 365 50 as as ADV _004723754 365 51 well well ADV _004723754 365 52 as as ADP _004723754 365 53 a a DET _004723754 365 54 pei^ pei^ PROPN _004723754 365 55 secutor secutor NOUN _004723754 365 56 . . PUNCT _004723754 366 1 a a DET _004723754 366 2 government government NOUN _004723754 366 3 that that PRON _004723754 366 4 claims claim VERB _004723754 366 5 ownership ownership NOUN _004723754 366 6 of of ADP _004723754 366 7 the the DET _004723754 366 8 consci'enee consci'enee NOUN _004723754 366 9 of of ADP _004723754 366 10 children child NOUN _004723754 366 11 as as ADV _004723754 366 12 well well ADV _004723754 366 13 as as ADP _004723754 366 14 of of ADP _004723754 366 15 their their PRON _004723754 366 16 teachers teacher NOUN _004723754 366 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 366 18 text text NOUN _004723754 366 19 books book NOUN _004723754 366 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 366 21 school school NOUN _004723754 366 22 buildings building NOUN _004723754 366 23 is be AUX _004723754 366 24 a a DET _004723754 366 25 persecuting persecuting NOUN _004723754 366 26 government government NOUN _004723754 366 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 366 28 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 367 1 our our PRON _004723754 367 2 sunday sunday PROPN _004723754 367 3 visitor visitor NOUN _004723754 367 4 february february PROPN _004723754 367 5 10th 10th PROPN _004723754 367 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 367 7 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 367 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 368 1 washington washington PROPN _004723754 368 2 fteb fteb PROPN _004723754 368 3 . . PUNCT _004723754 369 1 27^ 27^ NUM _004723754 369 2 1935—(n 1935—(n PROPN _004723754 369 3 . . PROPN _004723754 369 4 c. c. PROPN _004723754 369 5 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 369 6 — — PUNCT _004723754 369 7 taking take VERB _004723754 369 8 issue issue NOUN _004723754 369 9 with with ADP _004723754 369 10 statements statement NOUN _004723754 369 11 attributed attribute VERB _004723754 369 12 to to ADP _004723754 369 13 francisco francisco PROPN _004723754 369 14 castillo castillo PROPN _004723754 369 15 najera najera PROPN _004723754 369 16 new new ADJ _004723754 369 17 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 369 18 of of ADP _004723754 369 19 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 369 20 to to ADP _004723754 369 21 the the DET _004723754 369 22 united united PROPN _004723754 369 23 states states PROPN _004723754 369 24 to to PART _004723754 369 25 pness pness VERB _004723754 369 26 reports report NOUN _004723754 369 27 ofifa ofifa VERB _004723754 369 28 48 48 NUM _004723754 369 29 jfew jfew ADJ _004723754 369 30 days day NOUN _004723754 369 31 ago ago ADV _004723754 369 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 370 1 represibntativ’e represibntativ’e PROPN _004723754 370 2 john john PROPN _004723754 370 3 p. p. PROPN _004723754 370 4 higgins higgins PROPN _004723754 370 5 of of ADP _004723754 370 6 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _004723754 370 7 declared declare VERB _004723754 370 8 that that SCONJ _004723754 370 9 h#3 h#3 NOUN _004723754 370 10 “ " PUNCT _004723754 370 11 as as ADV _004723754 370 12 well well ADV _004723754 370 13 as as ADP _004723754 370 14 every every DET _004723754 370 15 other other ADJ _004723754 370 16 informed informed ADJ _004723754 370 17 ame4ican^ ame4ican^ SPACE _004723754 370 18 “ " PUNCT _004723754 370 19 was be AUX _004723754 370 20 surprised surprise VERB _004723754 370 21 by by ADP _004723754 370 22 remarks remark NOUN _004723754 370 23 which which PRON _004723754 370 24 signalled signal VERB _004723754 370 25 the the DET _004723754 370 26 arrival arrival NOUN _004723754 370 27 in in ADP _004723754 370 28 washington washington PROPN _004723754 370 29 of of ADP _004723754 370 30 th*3 th*3 NUM _004723754 370 31 new new ADJ _004723754 370 32 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 370 33 ambassador ambassador PROPN _004723754 370 34 , , PUNCT _004723754 370 35 representative representative ADJ _004723754 370 36 higgins higgin NOUN _004723754 370 37 letter letter NOUN _004723754 370 38 tells tell VERB _004723754 370 39 senor senor PROPN _004723754 370 40 najora najora PROPN _004723754 370 41 ki ki PROPN _004723754 370 42 his his PRON _004723754 370 43 statement^ statement^ NOUN _004723754 370 44 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 370 45 the the DET _004723754 370 46 agitation agitation NOUN _004723754 370 47 is be AUX _004723754 370 48 outside outside ADP _004723754 370 49 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 370 50 not not PART _004723754 370 51 in in ADP _004723754 370 52 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 370 53 is be AUX _004723754 370 54 indeed indeed ADV _004723754 370 55 startling startling ADJ _004723754 370 56 to to ADP _004723754 370 57 the the DET _004723754 370 58 american american ADJ _004723754 370 59 public public NOUN _004723754 370 60 which which PRON _004723754 370 61 has have AUX _004723754 370 62 been be AUX _004723754 370 63 reading read VERB _004723754 370 64 for for ADP _004723754 370 65 months month NOUN _004723754 370 66 in in ADP _004723754 370 67 th»s th»s NOUN _004723754 370 68 press press NOUN _004723754 370 69 reports report NOUN _004723754 370 70 from from ADP _004723754 370 71 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 370 72 of of ADP _004723754 370 73 the the DET _004723754 370 74 unspeakable unspeakable ADJ _004723754 370 75 religious religious ADJ _004723754 370 76 p*3rsecution p*3rsecution NOUN _004723754 370 77 and and CCONJ _004723754 370 78 the the DET _004723754 370 79 numerous numerous ADJ _004723754 370 80 murders murder NOUN _004723754 370 81 of of ADP _004723754 370 82 religious religious ADJ _004723754 370 83 teach#3rs teach#3rs NOUN _004723754 370 84 and and CCONJ _004723754 370 85 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 370 86 of of ADP _004723754 370 87 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 370 88 as as ADV _004723754 370 89 well well ADV _004723754 370 90 as as ADP _004723754 370 91 the the DET _004723754 370 92 confiscation confiscation NOUN _004723754 370 93 of of ADP _004723754 370 94 religious religious ADJ _004723754 370 95 prop prop NOUN _004723754 370 96 erty erty NOUN _004723754 370 97 of of ADP _004723754 370 98 all all DET _004723754 370 99 christian christian ADJ _004723754 370 100 denominations denomination NOUN _004723754 370 101 and and CCONJ _004723754 370 102 the the DET _004723754 370 103 exiling exiling NOUN _004723754 370 104 of of ADP _004723754 370 105 teachers teacher NOUN _004723754 370 106 of of ADP _004723754 370 107 all all PRON _004723754 370 108 religions^/ religions^/ VERB _004723754 370 109 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 370 110 “ " PUNCT _004723754 370 111 fairminded fairminde VERB _004723754 370 112 , , PUNCT _004723754 370 113 unprejudiced unprejudiced ADJ _004723754 370 114 witnessses witnessse NOUN _004723754 370 115 who who PRON _004723754 370 116 have have AUX _004723754 370 117 heen heen VERB _004723754 370 118 in in ADP _004723754 370 119 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 370 120 more more ADV _004723754 370 121 recently recently ADV _004723754 370 122 than than SCONJ _004723754 370 123 you^ you^ PROPN _004723754 370 124 declare declare VERB _004723754 370 125 und»3r und»3r SPACE _004723754 370 126 oath oath NOUN _004723754 370 127 that that SCONJ _004723754 370 128 men man NOUN _004723754 370 129 wom*3n wom*3n PROPN _004723754 370 130 and and CCONJ _004723754 370 131 children child NOUN _004723754 370 132 are be AUX _004723754 370 133 being be AUX _004723754 370 134 persecuted persecute VERB _004723754 370 135 pittilessly pittilessly ADV _004723754 370 136 for for ADP _004723754 370 137 conscience’^ conscience’^ NOUN _004723754 370 138 sake sake NOUN _004723754 370 139 , , PUNCT _004723754 370 140 the the DET _004723754 370 141 letter letter NOUN _004723754 370 142 continues continue VERB _004723754 370 143 many many ADJ _004723754 370 144 mexicans mexican NOUN _004723754 370 145 entirely entirely ADV _004723754 370 146 loyal loyal ADJ _004723754 370 147 to to ADP _004723754 370 148 their their PRON _004723754 370 149 native native ADJ _004723754 370 150 land^ land^ NOUN _004723754 370 151 are be AUX _004723754 370 152 willing willing ADJ _004723754 370 153 and and CCONJ _004723754 370 154 anxious anxious ADJ _004723754 370 155 to to PART _004723754 370 156 testify testify VERB _004723754 370 157 to to ADP _004723754 370 158 the the DET _004723754 370 159 murders^ murders^ PROPN _004723754 370 160 confiscations confiscation NOUN _004723754 370 161 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 370 162 and and CCONJ _004723754 370 163 corruption corruption NOUN _004723754 370 164 that that PRON _004723754 370 165 have have AUX _004723754 370 166 disgraced disgrace VERB _004723754 370 167 the the DET _004723754 370 168 regime regime NOUN _004723754 370 169 of of ADP _004723754 370 170 the the DET _004723754 370 171 miilionare miilionare NOUN _004723754 370 172 socialists socialist NOUN _004723754 370 173 who who PRON _004723754 370 174 are be AUX _004723754 370 175 exploiting exploit VERB _004723754 370 176 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 370 177 . . PUNCT _004723754 371 1 •‘if •‘if PROPN _004723754 371 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 371 3 as as SCONJ _004723754 371 4 you you PRON _004723754 371 5 mr mr PROPN _004723754 371 6 ambassador ambassador PROPN _004723754 371 7 claim claim VERB _004723754 371 8 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 371 9 is be AUX _004723754 371 10 quiet^ quiet^ ADJ _004723754 371 11 indifferent^ indifferent^ NOUN _004723754 371 12 why why SCONJ _004723754 371 13 is be AUX _004723754 371 14 the the DET _004723754 371 15 government government NOUN _004723754 371 16 press press NOUN _004723754 371 17 daily daily ADV _004723754 371 18 full full ADJ _004723754 371 19 of of ADP _004723754 371 20 vicious vicious ADJ _004723754 371 21 attacks attack NOUN _004723754 371 22 and and CCONJ _004723754 371 23 slanders slander NOUN _004723754 371 24 on on ADP _004723754 371 25 the the DET _004723754 371 26 christian christian ADJ _004723754 371 27 clergy clergy NOUN _004723754 371 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 371 29 laity laity NOUN _004723754 371 30 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 372 1 why why SCONJ _004723754 372 2 was be AUX _004723754 372 3 it it PRON _004723754 372 4 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 372 5 for for SCONJ _004723754 372 6 the the DET _004723754 372 7 governmexit governmexit NOUN _004723754 372 8 to to PART _004723754 372 9 organize organize VERB _004723754 372 10 antkgod antkgod ADJ _004723754 372 11 demonstrations demonstration NOUN _004723754 372 12 4r 4r NUM _004723754 372 13 sind sind NOUN _004723754 372 14 try try VERB _004723754 372 15 to to PART _004723754 372 16 compel compel VERB _004723754 372 17 attendance attendance NOUN _004723754 372 18 of of ADP _004723754 372 19 federal federal ADJ _004723754 372 20 employes employe NOUN _004723754 372 21 under under ADP _004723754 372 22 penality penality NOUN _004723754 372 23 of of ADP _004723754 372 24 dismissal dismissal NOUN _004723754 372 25 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 373 1 why^ why^ NOUN _004723754 373 2 within within ADP _004723754 373 3 a a DET _004723754 373 4 few few ADJ _004723754 373 5 weeks week NOUN _004723754 373 6 were be AUX _004723754 373 7 numerous numerous ADJ _004723754 373 8 internes interne NOUN _004723754 373 9 in in ADP _004723754 373 10 many many ADJ _004723754 373 11 hospitals hospital NOUN _004723754 373 12 in in ADP _004723754 373 13 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 373 14 discharged discharge VERB _004723754 373 15 for for ADP _004723754 373 16 this this DET _004723754 373 17 refusal refusal NOUN _004723754 373 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 373 19 thus thus ADV _004723754 373 20 restrained restrain VERB _004723754 373 21 from from ADP _004723754 373 22 ooatinuing ooatinue VERB _004723754 373 23 the the DET _004723754 373 24 training training NOUN _004723754 373 25 required require VERB _004723754 373 26 for for ADP _004723754 373 27 their their PRON _004723754 373 28 profession profession NOUN _004723754 373 29 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 374 1 why why SCONJ _004723754 374 2 did do AUX _004723754 374 3 nurses nurse NOUN _004723754 374 4 in in ADP _004723754 374 5 government government NOUN _004723754 374 6 owned own VERB _004723754 374 7 hospitals hospital NOUN _004723754 374 8 suffer suffer VERB _004723754 374 9 the the DET _004723754 374 10 same same ADJ _004723754 374 11 fate fate NOUN _004723754 374 12 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 375 1 is be AUX _004723754 375 2 the the DET _004723754 375 3 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 375 4 from from ADP _004723754 375 5 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 375 6 unaware unaware VERB _004723754 375 7 that that SCONJ _004723754 375 8 all all DET _004723754 375 9 the the DET _004723754 375 10 national national ADJ _004723754 375 11 press press NOUN _004723754 375 12 se se PROPN _004723754 375 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 375 14 rvices rvice NOUN _004723754 375 15 in in ADP _004723754 375 16 the the DET _004723754 375 17 united united PROPN _004723754 375 18 states states PROPN _004723754 375 19 carried carry VERB _004723754 375 20 this this DET _004723754 375 21 news news NOUN _004723754 375 22 and and CCONJ _004723754 375 23 that that SCONJ _004723754 375 24 it it PRON _004723754 375 25 has have AUX _004723754 375 26 never never ADV _004723754 375 27 been be AUX _004723754 375 28 officially officially ADV _004723754 375 29 denied deny VERB _004723754 375 30 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 376 1 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 376 2 incidentally incidentally ADV _004723754 376 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 376 4 the the DET _004723754 376 5 new new ADJ _004723754 376 6 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 376 7 might might AUX _004723754 376 8 explain explain VERB _004723754 376 9 why why SCONJ _004723754 376 10 the the DET _004723754 376 11 government government NOUN _004723754 376 12 of of ADP _004723754 376 13 france france PROPN _004723754 376 14 recently recently ADV _004723754 376 15 protested protest VERB _004723754 376 16 tlbe tlbe NOUN _004723754 376 17 closiing closiing NOUN _004723754 376 18 of of ADP _004723754 376 19 schools school NOUN _004723754 376 20 in in ADP _004723754 376 21 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 376 22 conducted conduct VERB _004723754 376 23 by by ADP _004723754 376 24 french french ADJ _004723754 376 25 citizens citizen NOUN _004723754 376 26 . . PUNCT _004723754 377 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 377 2 you you PRON _004723754 377 3 really really ADV _004723754 377 4 believed believe VERB _004723754 377 5 what what PRON _004723754 377 6 you you PRON _004723754 377 7 have have VERB _004723754 377 8 said^ said^ NOUN _004723754 377 9 i i PRON _004723754 377 10 challenge challenge VERB _004723754 377 11 you you PRON _004723754 377 12 to to PART _004723754 377 13 publish publish VERB _004723754 377 14 in in ADP _004723754 377 15 the the DET _004723754 377 16 united united PROPN _004723754 377 17 states states PROPN _004723754 377 18 the the DET _004723754 377 19 solemn solemn ADJ _004723754 377 20 atheistic atheistic ADJ _004723754 377 21 delaration delaration NOUN _004723754 377 22 which which PRON _004723754 377 23 every every DET _004723754 377 24 teacher teacher NOUN _004723754 377 25 in in ADP _004723754 377 26 mexican mexican PROPN _004723754 377 27 schools school NOUN _004723754 377 28 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 377 29 public public ADJ _004723754 377 30 and and CCONJ _004723754 377 31 private private ADJ _004723754 377 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 377 33 including include VERB _004723754 377 34 american american ADJ _004723754 377 35 institutions institution NOUN _004723754 377 36 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 377 37 must must AUX _004723754 377 38 take take VERB _004723754 377 39 in in ADP _004723754 377 40 order order NOUN _004723754 377 41 to to PART _004723754 377 42 hold hold VERB _004723754 377 43 his his PRON _004723754 377 44 or or CCONJ _004723754 377 45 her her PRON _004723754 377 46 job job NOUN _004723754 377 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 378 1 if'you if'you PRON _004723754 378 2 fail fail VERB _004723754 378 3 or or CCONJ _004723754 378 4 refuse refuse VERB _004723754 378 5 to to PART _004723754 378 6 acquaint acquaint VERB _004723754 378 7 the the DET _004723754 378 8 public public NOUN _004723754 378 9 with with ADP _004723754 378 10 this this DET _004723754 378 11 < < X _004723754 378 12 mth mth NOUN _004723754 378 13 i i PRON _004723754 378 14 will will AUX _004723754 378 15 supply supply VERB _004723754 378 16 the the DET _004723754 378 17 authentic authentic ADJ _004723754 378 18 text text NOUN _004723754 378 19 and and CCONJ _004723754 378 20 again again ADV _004723754 378 21 challenge challenge VERB _004723754 378 22 you you PRON _004723754 378 23 to to PART _004723754 378 24 deny deny VERB _004723754 378 25 it it PRON _004723754 378 26 . . PUNCT _004723754 379 1 * * PUNCT _004723754 379 2 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 380 1 the the DET _004723754 380 2 pledge pledge NOUN _004723754 380 3 required require VERB _004723754 380 4 of of ADP _004723754 380 5 every every DET _004723754 380 6 teacher teacher NOUN _004723754 380 7 in in ADP _004723754 380 8 the the DET _004723754 380 9 state state NOUN _004723754 380 10 of of ADP _004723754 380 11 yucantan yucantan PROPN _004723754 380 12 when when SCONJ _004723754 380 13 being be AUX _004723754 380 14 appointed appoint VERB _004723754 380 15 to to PART _004723754 380 16 teach teach VERB _004723754 380 17 in in ADP _004723754 380 18 an an DET _004723754 380 19 official official ADJ _004723754 380 20 school school NOUN _004723754 380 21 referred refer VERB _004723754 380 22 to to ADP _004723754 380 23 by by ADP _004723754 380 24 representative representative ADJ _004723754 380 25 higgins higgin NOUN _004723754 380 26 is be AUX _004723754 380 27 as as SCONJ _004723754 380 28 follows follow VERB _004723754 380 29 : : PUNCT _004723754 381 1 i i PRON _004723754 381 2 ^ ^ PUNCT _004723754 381 3 before before SCONJ _004723754 381 4 the the DET _004723754 381 5 board board NOUN _004723754 381 6 of of ADP _004723754 381 7 federal federal ADJ _004723754 381 8 education education NOUN _004723754 381 9 solemnly solemnly ADV _004723754 381 10 declare declare VERB _004723754 381 11 without without ADP _004723754 381 12 reservation reservation NOUN _004723754 381 13 of of ADP _004723754 381 14 any any DET _004723754 381 15 sort sort NOUN _004723754 381 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 381 17 the the DET _004723754 381 18 program program NOUN _004723754 381 19 of of ADP _004723754 381 20 the the DET _004723754 381 21 s'ocialistic s'ocialistic NOUN _004723754 381 22 sic^ool sic^ool NOUN _004723754 381 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 381 24 to to PART _004723754 381 25 be be AUX _004723754 381 26 ^ ^ PART _004723754 381 27 propagatpr propagatpr NOUN _004723754 381 28 a^nd a^nd PROPN _004723754 381 29 defepdey defepdey VERB _004723754 381 30 50 50 NUM _004723754 381 31 of of ADP _004723754 381 32 it it PRON _004723754 381 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 381 34 i i PRON _004723754 381 35 declare declare VERB _004723754 381 36 myself myself PRON _004723754 381 37 an an DET _004723754 381 38 atheist^ atheist^ NOUN _004723754 381 39 and and CCONJ _004723754 381 40 irreconcilable irreconcilable ADJ _004723754 381 41 enemy enemy NOUN _004723754 381 42 of of ADP _004723754 381 43 the the DET _004723754 381 44 roman roman ADJ _004723754 381 45 apostolic apostolic ADJ _004723754 381 46 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 381 47 religion religion NOUN _004723754 381 48 and and CCONJ _004723754 381 49 that that SCONJ _004723754 381 50 i i PRON _004723754 381 51 shall shall AUX _004723754 381 52 strive strive VERB _004723754 381 53 vigorously vigorously ADV _004723754 381 54 to to PART _004723754 381 55 destroy destroy VERB _004723754 381 56 it it PRON _004723754 381 57 ridding rid VERB _004723754 381 58 the the DET _004723754 381 59 conscience conscience NOUN _004723754 381 60 of of ADP _004723754 381 61 all all DET _004723754 381 62 religious religious ADJ _004723754 381 63 beliefs belief NOUN _004723754 381 64 and and CCONJ _004723754 381 65 being be AUX _004723754 381 66 ready ready ADJ _004723754 381 67 to to PART _004723754 381 68 fight fight VERB _004723754 381 69 against against ADP _004723754 381 70 the the DET _004723754 381 71 clergy clergy NOUN _004723754 381 72 in in ADP _004723754 381 73 the the DET _004723754 381 74 field field NOUN _004723754 381 75 whenev#9i whenev#9i VERB _004723754 381 76 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 381 77 this this PRON _004723754 381 78 may may AUX _004723754 381 79 be be AUX _004723754 381 80 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 381 81 . . PUNCT _004723754 382 1 i i PRON _004723754 382 2 declare declare VERB _004723754 382 3 myself myself PRON _004723754 382 4 to to PART _004723754 382 5 be be AUX _004723754 382 6 ready ready ADJ _004723754 382 7 to to PART _004723754 382 8 take take VERB _004723754 382 9 a a DET _004723754 382 10 principail principail NOUN _004723754 382 11 part part NOUN _004723754 382 12 in in ADP _004723754 382 13 the the DET _004723754 382 14 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 382 15 far far ADV _004723754 382 16 the the DET _004723754 382 17 defanaticization defanaticization NOUN _004723754 382 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 382 19 to to PART _004723754 382 20 attack attack VERB _004723754 382 21 the the DET _004723754 382 22 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 382 23 apostolic apostolic ADJ _004723754 382 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 382 25 roman roman ADJ _004723754 382 26 religion religion NOUN _004723754 382 27 wherever wherever SCONJ _004723754 382 28 thefre thefre PROPN _004723754 382 29 is be AUX _004723754 382 30 need need AUX _004723754 382 31 shown show VERB _004723754 382 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 383 1 i i PRON _004723754 383 2 also also ADV _004723754 383 3 declare declare VERB _004723754 383 4 that that SCONJ _004723754 383 5 i i PRON _004723754 383 6 will will AUX _004723754 383 7 not not PART _004723754 383 8 permit permit VERB _004723754 383 9 in in ADP _004723754 383 10 my my PRON _004723754 383 11 residence residence NOUN _004723754 383 12 religious religious ADJ _004723754 383 13 practices practice NOUN _004723754 383 14 of of ADP _004723754 383 15 any any DET _004723754 383 16 sort sort NOUN _004723754 383 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 383 18 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 383 19 will will AUX _004723754 383 20 i i PRON _004723754 383 21 permit permit VERB _004723754 383 22 the the DET _004723754 383 23 existence existence NOUN _004723754 383 24 of of ADP _004723754 383 25 images image NOUN _004723754 383 26 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 383 27 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 383 28 wil5 wil5 NOUN _004723754 383 29 i i PRON _004723754 383 30 permit permit VERB _004723754 383 31 any any DET _004723754 383 32 member member NOUN _004723754 383 33 of of ADP _004723754 383 34 my my PRON _004723754 383 35 hamily hamily ADV _004723754 383 36 under under ADP _004723754 383 37 my my PRON _004723754 383 38 control control NOUN _004723754 383 39 to to PART _004723754 383 40 be be AUX _004723754 383 41 present present ADJ _004723754 383 42 lat lat NOUN _004723754 383 43 any any DET _004723754 383 44 act act NOUN _004723754 383 45 of of ADP _004723754 383 46 religious religious ADJ _004723754 383 47 character character NOUN _004723754 383 48 . . PUNCT _004723754 383 49 ” " PUNCT _004723754 384 1 ^ ^ PUNCT _004723754 384 2 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 384 3 city city PROPN _004723754 384 4 correspondent correspondent PROPN _004723754 384 5 n n PROPN _004723754 384 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 384 7 c.^ c.^ PROPN _004723754 384 8 feb feb PROPN _004723754 384 9 . . PROPN _004723754 385 1 28 28 NUM _004723754 385 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 385 3 1935,—the 1935,—the DET _004723754 385 4 theory theory NOUN _004723754 385 5 advanced advance VERB _004723754 385 6 by by ADP _004723754 385 7 general general ADJ _004723754 385 8 calles calle NOUN _004723754 385 9 in in ADP _004723754 385 10 his his PRON _004723754 385 11 speech speech NOUN _004723754 385 12 at at ADP _004723754 385 13 guadalajara guadalajara PROPN _004723754 385 14 on on ADP _004723754 385 15 july july PROPN _004723754 385 16 19^ 19^ NUM _004723754 385 17 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 385 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 385 19 in in ADP _004723754 385 20 which which PRON _004723754 385 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 385 22 assailing assail VERB _004723754 385 23 the the DET _004723754 385 24 church church NOUN _004723754 385 25 he he PRON _004723754 385 26 proclaimed proclaim VERB _004723754 385 27 we we PRON _004723754 385 28 must must AUX _004723754 385 29 now now ADV _004723754 385 30 enter enter VERB _004723754 385 31 into into ADP _004723754 385 32 and and CCONJ _004723754 385 33 take take VERB _004723754 385 34 possession possession NOUN _004723754 385 35 of of ADP _004723754 385 36 the the DET _004723754 385 37 co^isciences co^iscience NOUN _004723754 385 38 of of ADP _004723754 385 39 the the DET _004723754 385 40 children^ children^ NOUN _004723754 385 41 of of ADP _004723754 385 42 the the DET _004723754 385 43 consciences conscience NOUN _004723754 385 44 of of ADP _004723754 385 45 the the DET _004723754 385 46 young^ young^ NOUN _004723754 385 47 because because SCONJ _004723754 385 48 they they PRON _004723754 385 49 belong belong VERB _004723754 385 50 and and CCONJ _004723754 385 51 should should AUX _004723754 385 52 belong belong VERB _004723754 385 53 to to ADP _004723754 385 54 the the DET _004723754 385 55 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 385 56 . . PUNCT _004723754 385 57 '' '' PUNCT _004723754 385 58 has have AUX _004723754 385 59 become become VERB _004723754 385 60 more more ADV _004723754 385 61 tangible tangible ADJ _004723754 385 62 with with ADP _004723754 385 63 the the DET _004723754 385 64 recent recent ADJ _004723754 385 65 dissemination dissemination NOUN _004723754 385 66 in in ADP _004723754 385 67 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 385 68 city city NOUN _004723754 385 69 of of ADP _004723754 385 70 a a DET _004723754 385 71 circular circular ADJ _004723754 385 72 urging urge VERB _004723754 385 73 children child NOUN _004723754 385 74 to to PART _004723754 385 75 despise despise VERB _004723754 385 76 and and CCONJ _004723754 385 77 hate hate VERB _004723754 385 78 their their PRON _004723754 385 79 parents parent NOUN _004723754 385 80 , , PUNCT _004723754 385 81 and and CCONJ _004723754 385 82 the the DET _004723754 385 83 pledge pledge NOUN _004723754 385 84 required require VERB _004723754 385 85 by by ADP _004723754 385 86 teachers teacher NOUN _004723754 385 87 in in ADP _004723754 385 88 the the DET _004723754 385 89 offcial offcial ADJ _004723754 385 90 schools school NOUN _004723754 385 91 of of ADP _004723754 385 92 yucatan yucatan PROPN _004723754 385 93 . . PUNCT _004723754 386 1 ghastly ghastly ADJ _004723754 386 2 lengths length NOUN _004723754 386 3 since since SCONJ _004723754 386 4 the the DET _004723754 386 5 announcement announcement NOUN _004723754 386 6 by by ADP _004723754 386 7 president president PROPN _004723754 386 8 cardenas cardenas PROPN _004723754 386 9 that that SCONJ _004723754 386 10 all all DET _004723754 386 11 propaganda propaganda NOUN _004723754 386 12 resi resi ADV _004723754 386 13 garding garde VERB _004723754 386 14 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 386 15 education education NOUN _004723754 386 16 and and CCONJ _004723754 386 17 other other ADJ _004723754 386 18 features feature NOUN _004723754 386 19 is be AUX _004723754 386 20 to to PART _004723754 386 21 be be AUX _004723754 386 22 directed direct VERB _004723754 386 23 by by ADP _004723754 386 24 the the DET _004723754 386 25 executive executive NOUN _004723754 386 26 of of ADP _004723754 386 27 the the DET _004723754 386 28 six.year six.year ADJ _004723754 386 29 plan plan PROPN _004723754 386 30 committee committee NOUN _004723754 386 31 of of ADP _004723754 386 32 the the DET _004723754 386 33 national national ADJ _004723754 386 34 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 386 35 party party NOUN _004723754 386 36 , , PUNCT _004723754 386 37 the the DET _004723754 386 38 bloc bloc NOUN _004723754 386 39 of of ADP _004723754 386 40 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 386 41 y'ouths y'outh NOUN _004723754 386 42 has have AUX _004723754 386 43 come come VERB _004723754 386 44 into into ADP _004723754 386 45 existence existence NOUN _004723754 386 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 387 1 since since SCONJ _004723754 387 2 this this DET _004723754 387 3 circular circular NOUN _004723754 387 4 has have VERB _004723754 387 5 to to PART _004723754 387 6 do do VERB _004723754 387 7 with with ADP _004723754 387 8 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 387 9 education education NOUN _004723754 387 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 387 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 387 12 has have AUX _004723754 387 13 not not PART _004723754 387 14 been be AUX _004723754 387 15 repudiated repudiate VERB _004723754 387 16 by by ADP _004723754 387 17 the the DET _004723754 387 18 national national ADJ _004723754 387 19 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 387 20 party party NOUN _004723754 387 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 387 22 it it PRON _004723754 387 23 is be AUX _004723754 387 24 assumed assume VERB _004723754 387 25 that that SCONJ _004723754 387 26 this this DET _004723754 387 27 party party NOUN _004723754 387 28 has have AUX _004723754 387 29 gone go VERB _004723754 387 30 to to ADP _004723754 387 31 ghastly ghastly ADJ _004723754 387 32 lengths length NOUN _004723754 387 33 — — PUNCT _004723754 387 34 that that PRON _004723754 387 35 of of ADP _004723754 387 36 advising advise VERB _004723754 387 37 children child NOUN _004723754 387 38 to to PART _004723754 387 39 despise despise VERB _004723754 387 40 and and CCONJ _004723754 387 41 hate hate VERB _004723754 387 42 their their PRON _004723754 387 43 parents parent NOUN _004723754 387 44 and and CCONJ _004723754 387 45 to to PART _004723754 387 46 deprive deprive VERB _004723754 387 47 them they PRON _004723754 387 48 of of ADP _004723754 387 49 that that DET _004723754 387 50 most most ADJ _004723754 387 51 natural natural ADJ _004723754 387 52 devotion devotion NOUN _004723754 387 53 , , PUNCT _004723754 387 54 filial filial ADJ _004723754 387 55 love love NOUN _004723754 387 56 . . PUNCT _004723754 388 1 in in ADP _004723754 388 2 reproducing reproduce VERB _004723754 388 3 the the DET _004723754 388 4 circular circular NOUN _004723754 388 5 in in ADP _004723754 388 6 its its PRON _004723754 388 7 issue issue NOUN _004723754 388 8 of of ADP _004723754 388 9 february february PROPN _004723754 388 10 14 14 NUM _004723754 388 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 388 12 omega omega NOUN _004723754 388 13 carried carry VERB _004723754 388 14 a a DET _004723754 388 15 black black ADJ _004723754 388 16 - - PUNCT _004723754 388 17 faced face VERB _004723754 388 18 banner banner NOUN _004723754 388 19 headline headline NOUN _004723754 388 20 : : PUNCT _004723754 388 21 “ " PUNCT _004723754 388 22 fails fail VERB _004723754 388 23 to to PART _004723754 388 24 counsel counsel VERB _004723754 388 25 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 388 26 kill kill VERB _004723754 388 27 your your PRON _004723754 388 28 parents parent NOUN _004723754 388 29 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 388 30 in in ADP _004723754 388 31 order order NOUN _004723754 388 32 to to PART _004723754 388 33 round round VERB _004723754 388 34 out out ADP _004723754 388 35 the the DET _004723754 388 36 liberator liberator NOUN _004723754 388 37 's 's PART _004723754 388 38 decalogue decalogue NOUN _004723754 388 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 388 40 ’’ ’' PUNCT _004723754 389 1 the the DET _004723754 389 2 handbill handbill NOUN _004723754 389 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 389 4 addressed address VERB _004723754 389 5 to to ADP _004723754 389 6 “ " PUNCT _004723754 389 7 child child NOUN _004723754 389 8 or or CCONJ _004723754 389 9 youth youth NOUN _004723754 389 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 389 11 ” " PUNCT _004723754 389 12 says say VERB _004723754 389 13 : : PUNCT _004723754 389 14 “ " PUNCT _004723754 389 15 if if SCONJ _004723754 389 16 your your PRON _004723754 389 17 tyrannical tyrannical ADJ _004723754 389 18 parents parent NOUN _004723754 389 19 prevent prevent VERB _004723754 389 20 your your PRON _004723754 389 21 attendance attendance NOUN _004723754 389 22 at at ADP _004723754 389 23 the the DET _004723754 389 24 schools school NOUN _004723754 389 25 that that PRON _004723754 389 26 the the DET _004723754 389 27 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 389 28 has have AUX _004723754 389 29 prepared prepare VERB _004723754 389 30 for for ADP _004723754 389 31 you you PRON _004723754 389 32 , , PUNCT _004723754 389 33 despise despise VERB _004723754 389 34 them they PRON _004723754 389 35 . . PUNCT _004723754 390 1 neither neither CCONJ _004723754 390 2 favor favor NOUN _004723754 390 3 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 390 4 grratitude grratitude NOUN _004723754 390 5 is be AUX _004723754 390 6 due due ADJ _004723754 390 7 them they PRON _004723754 390 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 390 9 for for SCONJ _004723754 390 10 you you PRON _004723754 390 11 were be AUX _004723754 390 12 not not PART _004723754 390 13 the the DET _004723754 390 14 fruit fruit NOUN _004723754 390 15 of of ADP _004723754 390 16 suffering suffering NOUN _004723754 390 17 but but CCONJ _004723754 390 18 of of ADP _004723754 390 19 vile vile ADJ _004723754 390 20 plea^ plea^ NOUN _004723754 390 21 sure sure ADJ _004723754 390 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 391 1 they they PRON _004723754 391 2 want want VERB _004723754 391 3 to to PART _004723754 391 4 keep keep VERB _004723754 391 5 you you PRON _004723754 391 6 always always ADV _004723754 391 7 in in ADP _004723754 391 8 the the DET _004723754 391 9 fanatical fanatical ADJ _004723754 391 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 391 11 egotistic egotistic ADJ _004723754 391 12 darkness darkness NOUN _004723754 391 13 of of ADP _004723754 391 14 their their PRON _004723754 391 15 despotic despotic ADJ _004723754 391 16 care care NOUN _004723754 391 17 : : PUNCT _004723754 391 18 they they PRON _004723754 391 19 want want VERB _004723754 391 20 you you PRON _004723754 391 21 to to PART _004723754 391 22 follow follow VERB _004723754 391 23 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 391 24 like like ADP _004723754 391 25 an an DET _004723754 391 26 abject abject ADJ _004723754 391 27 slave slave NOUN _004723754 391 28 their their PRON _004723754 391 29 stupid stupid ADJ _004723754 391 30 caprices caprice NOUN _004723754 391 31 as as SCONJ _004723754 391 32 they they PRON _004723754 391 33 did do VERB _004723754 391 34 those those PRON _004723754 391 35 of of ADP _004723754 391 36 their their PRON _004723754 391 37 retrograde retrograde NOUN _004723754 391 38 ancestors ancestor NOUN _004723754 391 39 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 391 40 hate hate VERB _004723754 391 41 them they PRON _004723754 391 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 392 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 392 2 look look VERB _004723754 392 3 over over ADP _004723754 392 4 the the DET _004723754 392 5 scho»ols scho»ol NOUN _004723754 392 6 of of ADP _004723754 392 7 your your PRON _004723754 392 8 town town NOUN _004723754 392 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 392 10 you you PRON _004723754 392 11 will will AUX _004723754 392 12 find find VERB _004723754 392 13 in in ADP _004723754 392 14 them they PRON _004723754 392 15 many many ADJ _004723754 392 16 children child NOUN _004723754 392 17 or or CCONJ _004723754 392 18 youths youth NOUN _004723754 392 19 like like ADP _004723754 392 20 yourself yourself PRON _004723754 392 21 who who PRON _004723754 392 22 have have AUX _004723754 392 23 obtained obtain VERB _004723754 392 24 complete complete ADJ _004723754 392 25 liberation liberation NOUN _004723754 392 26 from from ADP _004723754 392 27 those those DET _004723754 392 28 called call VERB _004723754 392 29 parents parent NOUN _004723754 392 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 393 1 take take VERB _004723754 393 2 an an DET _004723754 393 3 example example NOUN _004723754 393 4 from from ADP _004723754 393 5 us we PRON _004723754 393 6 who who PRON _004723754 393 7 have have AUX _004723754 393 8 succeeded succeed VERB _004723754 393 9 in in ADP _004723754 393 10 de52 de52 PROPN _004723754 393 11 stroying stroye VERB _004723754 393 12 the the DET _004723754 393 13 brutal brutal ADJ _004723754 393 14 and and CCONJ _004723754 393 15 inhuman inhuman ADJ _004723754 393 16 yoke yoke NOUN _004723754 393 17 of of ADP _004723754 393 18 oul oul PROPN _004723754 393 19 ' ' PART _004723754 393 20 exploiters exploiter NOUN _004723754 393 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 393 22 our our PRON _004723754 393 23 progenitors progenitor NOUN _004723754 393 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 393 25 and and CCONJ _004723754 393 26 of of ADP _004723754 393 27 those those DET _004723754 393 28 hypocrites hypocrite NOUN _004723754 393 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 393 30 the the DET _004723754 393 31 pastors pastor NOUN _004723754 393 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 394 1 your your PRON _004723754 394 2 parents parent NOUN _004723754 394 3 and and CCONJ _004723754 394 4 your your PRON _004723754 394 5 pastors pastor NOUN _004723754 394 6 have have AUX _004723754 394 7 been be AUX _004723754 394 8 allied ally VERB _004723754 394 9 in in ADP _004723754 394 10 oppressing oppress VERB _004723754 394 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 394 12 exploiting exploit VERB _004723754 394 13 you you PRON _004723754 394 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 395 1 unite unite VERB _004723754 395 2 with with ADP _004723754 395 3 the the DET _004723754 395 4 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 395 5 teachers teacher NOUN _004723754 395 6 in in ADP _004723754 395 7 our our PRON _004723754 395 8 schools school NOUN _004723754 395 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 395 10 they they PRON _004723754 395 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 395 12 with with ADP _004723754 395 13 their their PRON _004723754 395 14 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 395 15 orientation orientation NOUN _004723754 395 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 395 17 will will AUX _004723754 395 18 teach teach VERB _004723754 395 19 you you PRON _004723754 395 20 to to PART _004723754 395 21 be be AUX _004723754 395 22 free free ADJ _004723754 395 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 396 1 the the DET _004723754 396 2 schools school NOUN _004723754 396 3 are be AUX _004723754 396 4 crowded crowd VERB _004723754 396 5 with with ADP _004723754 396 6 children child NOUN _004723754 396 7 and and CCONJ _004723754 396 8 youth youth NOUN _004723754 396 9 who who PRON _004723754 396 10 hunger hunger VERB _004723754 396 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 396 12 thirst thirst VERB _004723754 396 13 for for ADP _004723754 396 14 proletarian proletarian ADJ _004723754 396 15 justice justice NOUN _004723754 396 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 397 1 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 397 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 397 3 do do AUX _004723754 397 4 not not PART _004723754 397 5 remain remain VERB _004723754 397 6 behind behind ADP _004723754 397 7 the the DET _004723754 397 8 times time NOUN _004723754 397 9 : : PUNCT _004723754 397 10 break break VERB _004723754 397 11 the the DET _004723754 397 12 bestial bestial ADJ _004723754 397 13 yoke yoke NOUN _004723754 397 14 of of ADP _004723754 397 15 your your PRON _004723754 397 16 socalled socalled ADJ _004723754 397 17 father father NOUN _004723754 397 18 or or CCONJ _004723754 397 19 your your PRON _004723754 397 20 sto sto ADV _004723754 397 21 - - PUNCT _004723754 397 22 called call VERB _004723754 397 23 mother mother NOUN _004723754 397 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 397 25 hasten hasten NOUN _004723754 397 26 to to PART _004723754 397 27 join join VERB _004723754 397 28 with with ADP _004723754 397 29 your your PRON _004723754 397 30 free free ADJ _004723754 397 31 companions companion NOUN _004723754 397 32 who who PRON _004723754 397 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 397 34 in in ADP _004723754 397 35 the the DET _004723754 397 36 schools school NOUN _004723754 397 37 of of ADP _004723754 397 38 the the DET _004723754 397 39 revolution revolution NOUN _004723754 397 40 , , PUNCT _004723754 397 41 are be AUX _004723754 397 42 miaking miake VERB _004723754 397 43 common common ADJ _004723754 397 44 cause cause NOUN _004723754 397 45 with with ADP _004723754 397 46 their their PRON _004723754 397 47 protectors protector NOUN _004723754 397 48 , , PUNCT _004723754 397 49 the the DET _004723754 397 50 socialistic socialistic ADJ _004723754 397 51 teachers teacher NOUN _004723754 397 52 . . PUNCT _004723754 397 53 ” " PUNCT _004723754 398 1 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 398 2 of of ADP _004723754 398 3 press press NOUN _004723754 398 4 “ " PUNCT _004723754 398 5 the the DET _004723754 398 6 president president NOUN _004723754 398 7 of of ADP _004723754 398 8 the the DET _004723754 398 9 republic republic NOUN _004723754 398 10 has have AUX _004723754 398 11 promulgated promulgate VERB _004723754 398 12 a a DET _004723754 398 13 decree decree NOUN _004723754 398 14 changing change VERB _004723754 398 15 the the DET _004723754 398 16 laws law NOUN _004723754 398 17 on on ADP _004723754 398 18 the the DET _004723754 398 19 general general ADJ _004723754 398 20 means mean NOUN _004723754 398 21 of of ADP _004723754 398 22 communication communication NOUN _004723754 398 23 so so SCONJ _004723754 398 24 that that SCONJ _004723754 398 25 use use NOUN _004723754 398 26 of of ADP _004723754 398 27 the the DET _004723754 398 28 mails mail NOUN _004723754 398 29 will will AUX _004723754 398 30 be be AUX _004723754 398 31 prohibited prohibit VERB _004723754 398 32 to to ADP _004723754 398 33 correspondence correspondence NOUN _004723754 398 34 that that PRON _004723754 398 35 involves involve VERB _004723754 398 36 the the DET _004723754 398 37 propagiation propagiation NOUN _004723754 398 38 or or CCONJ _004723754 398 39 diffusion diffusion NOUN _004723754 398 40 of of ADP _004723754 398 41 any any DET _004723754 398 42 religious religious ADJ _004723754 398 43 doctrine doctrine NOUN _004723754 398 44 . . PUNCT _004723754 399 1 president president PROPN _004723754 399 2 cardenas cardenas PROPN _004723754 399 3 has have AUX _004723754 399 4 issued issue VERB _004723754 399 5 this this DET _004723754 399 6 decree decree NOUN _004723754 399 7 by by ADP _004723754 399 8 virtue virtue NOUN _004723754 399 9 of of ADP _004723754 399 10 “ " PUNCT _004723754 399 11 extraordinary extraordinary ADJ _004723754 399 12 faculties faculty NOUN _004723754 399 13 granted grant VERB _004723754 399 14 the the DET _004723754 399 15 executive executive NOUN _004723754 399 16 by by ADP _004723754 399 17 congress congress PROPN _004723754 399 18 by by ADP _004723754 399 19 decree decree NOUN _004723754 399 20 of of ADP _004723754 399 21 dec dec PROPN _004723754 399 22 . . PROPN _004723754 399 23 29 29 NUM _004723754 399 24 , , PUNCT _004723754 399 25 1933 1933 NUM _004723754 399 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 399 27 ” " PUNCT _004723754 399 28 although although SCONJ _004723754 399 29 the the DET _004723754 399 30 presidential presidential ADJ _004723754 399 31 decree decree NOUN _004723754 399 32 is be AUX _004723754 399 33 in in ADP _004723754 399 34 violation violation NOUN _004723754 399 35 i^f i^f ADP _004723754 399 36 article article NOUN _004723754 399 37 25 25 NUM _004723754 399 38 of of ADP _004723754 399 39 the the DET _004723754 399 40 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 399 41 of of ADP _004723754 399 42 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 399 43 , , PUNCT _004723754 399 44 which which PRON _004723754 399 45 savs savs VERB _004723754 399 46 : : PUNCT _004723754 399 47 “ " PUNCT _004723754 399 48 gorresnondence gorresnondence NOUN _004723754 399 49 which which PRON _004723754 399 50 under under ADP _004723754 399 51 cover cover NOUN _004723754 399 52 , , PUNCT _004723754 399 53 circulate circulate VERB _004723754 399 54 throuerh throuerh PROPN _004723754 399 55 the the DET _004723754 399 56 mails mail NOUN _004723754 399 57 shall shall AUX _004723754 399 58 be be AUX _004723754 399 59 free free ADJ _004723754 399 60 from from ADP _004723754 399 61 search search NOUN _004723754 399 62 , , PUNCT _004723754 399 63 and and CCONJ _004723754 399 64 its its PRON _004723754 399 65 vioiatioa vioiatioa NOUN _004723754 399 66 shall shall AUX _004723754 399 67 be be AUX _004723754 399 68 punishable punishable ADJ _004723754 399 69 hy hy PROPN _004723754 399 70 53 53 NUM _004723754 399 71 law.^*—the law.^*—the PROPN _004723754 399 72 denver denver NOUN _004723754 399 73 register register PROPN _004723754 399 74 , , PUNCT _004723754 399 75 marsh marsh PROPN _004723754 399 76 3 3 NUM _004723754 399 77 , , PUNCT _004723754 399 78 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 399 79 . . PUNCT _004723754 400 1 the the DET _004723754 400 2 new new ADJ _004723754 400 3 decree decree NOUN _004723754 400 4 has have AUX _004723754 400 5 been be AUX _004723754 400 6 issued issue VERB _004723754 400 7 because because SCONJ _004723754 400 8 “ " PUNCT _004723754 400 9 one one NUM _004723754 400 10 of of ADP _004723754 400 11 the the DET _004723754 400 12 “ " PUNCT _004723754 400 13 ideological ideological ADJ _004723754 400 14 tendencies tendency NOUN _004723754 400 15 of of ADP _004723754 400 16 the the DET _004723754 400 17 present present ADJ _004723754 400 18 government government NOUN _004723754 400 19 is be AUX _004723754 400 20 to to PART _004723754 400 21 combat combat VERB _004723754 400 22 fanaticism fanaticism NOUN _004723754 400 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 400 24 religious religious ADJ _004723754 400 25 prejudices prejudice NOUN _004723754 400 26 by by ADP _004723754 400 27 all all DET _004723754 400 28 legitimate legitimate ADJ _004723754 400 29 means mean NOUN _004723754 400 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 400 31 with with ADP _004723754 400 32 the the DET _004723754 400 33 firm firm ADJ _004723754 400 34 purpose purpose NOUN _004723754 400 35 of of ADP _004723754 400 36 carrying carry VERB _004723754 400 37 out out ADP _004723754 400 38 the the DET _004723754 400 39 spiritual spiritual ADJ _004723754 400 40 liberation liberation NOUN _004723754 400 41 of of ADP _004723754 400 42 the the DET _004723754 400 43 people people NOUN _004723754 400 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 400 45 ” " PUNCT _004723754 400 46 av av PROPN _004723754 400 47 > > PROPN _004723754 400 48 d d PROPN _004723754 400 49 “ " PUNCT _004723754 400 50 to to PART _004723754 400 51 accomplish accomplish VERB _004723754 400 52 this this DET _004723754 400 53 object object NOUN _004723754 400 54 it it PRON _004723754 400 55 is be AUX _004723754 400 56 proper proper ADJ _004723754 400 57 to to PART _004723754 400 58 dictate dictate VERB _004723754 400 59 all all DET _004723754 400 60 those those DET _004723754 400 61 methods method NOUN _004723754 400 62 of of ADP _004723754 400 63 a a DET _004723754 400 64 legal legal ADJ _004723754 400 65 character character NOUN _004723754 400 66 which which PRON _004723754 400 67 tend tend VERB _004723754 400 68 to to PART _004723754 400 69 facilitate facilitate VERB _004723754 400 70 free free ADJ _004723754 400 71 governmental governmental ADJ _004723754 400 72 action action NOUN _004723754 400 73 . . PUNCT _004723754 400 74 ” " PUNCT _004723754 401 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 401 2 for for ADP _004723754 401 3 these these DET _004723754 401 4 reasons reason NOUN _004723754 401 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 401 6 ” " PUNCT _004723754 401 7 the the DET _004723754 401 8 decree decree NOUN _004723754 401 9 says say VERB _004723754 401 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 401 11 “ " PUNCT _004723754 401 12 it it PRON _004723754 401 13 is be AUX _004723754 401 14 ^requisite ^requisite SPACE _004723754 401 15 to to PART _004723754 401 16 amend amend VERB _004723754 401 17 the the DET _004723754 401 18 dispositions disposition NOUN _004723754 401 19 relative relative ADJ _004723754 401 20 to to ADP _004723754 401 21 the the DET _004723754 401 22 law law NOUN _004723754 401 23 on on ADP _004723754 401 24 general general ADJ _004723754 401 25 modes mode NOUN _004723754 401 26 of of ADP _004723754 401 27 communication communication NOUN _004723754 401 28 so so SCONJ _004723754 401 29 as as SCONJ _004723754 401 30 to to PART _004723754 401 31 prevent prevent VERB _004723754 401 32 the the DET _004723754 401 33 acceptance acceptance NOUN _004723754 401 34 or or CCONJ _004723754 401 35 circulation circulation NOUN _004723754 401 36 in in ADP _004723754 401 37 the the DET _004723754 401 38 mail mail NOUN _004723754 401 39 of of ADP _004723754 401 40 publications publication NOUN _004723754 401 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 401 42 printed print VERB _004723754 401 43 matter matter NOUN _004723754 401 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 401 45 a*nd a*nd NOUN _004723754 401 46 correspondence correspondence NOUN _004723754 401 47 in in ADP _004723754 401 48 gen gen PROPN _004723754 401 49 * * PROPN _004723754 401 50 e*ral e*ral NUM _004723754 401 51 which which PRON _004723754 401 52 involves involve VERB _004723754 401 53 the the DET _004723754 401 54 propagation propagation NOUN _004723754 401 55 or or CCONJ _004723754 401 56 diffusion diffusion NOUN _004723754 401 57 of of ADP _004723754 401 58 any any DET _004723754 401 59 religious religious ADJ _004723754 401 60 creed creed NOUN _004723754 401 61 . . PUNCT _004723754 402 1 since since SCONJ _004723754 402 2 the the DET _004723754 402 3 mail mail NOUN _004723754 402 4 is be AUX _004723754 402 5 one one NUM _004723754 402 6 of of ADP _004723754 402 7 the the DET _004723754 402 8 most most ADV _004723754 402 9 powerful powerful ADJ _004723754 402 10 auxiliaries auxiliary NOUN _004723754 402 11 in in ADP _004723754 402 12 the the DET _004723754 402 13 work work NOUN _004723754 402 14 of of ADP _004723754 402 15 spread spread ADJ _004723754 402 16 ing ing NOUN _004723754 402 17 culture culture NOUN _004723754 402 18 , , PUNCT _004723754 402 19 it it PRON _004723754 402 20 would would AUX _004723754 402 21 be be AUX _004723754 402 22 unsatisfactory unsatisfactory ADJ _004723754 402 23 to to PART _004723754 402 24 allow allow VERB _004723754 402 25 the the DET _004723754 402 26 use use NOUN _004723754 402 27 of of ADP _004723754 402 28 this this DET _004723754 402 29 public public ADJ _004723754 402 30 service service NOUN _004723754 402 31 for for ADP _004723754 402 32 the the DET _004723754 402 33 traffic traffic NOUN _004723754 402 34 of of ADP _004723754 402 35 ideas idea NOUN _004723754 402 36 contrary contrary ADJ _004723754 402 37 to to ADP _004723754 402 38 the the DET _004723754 402 39 desired desire VERB _004723754 402 40 cultural cultural ADJ _004723754 402 41 development development NOUN _004723754 402 42 . . PUNCT _004723754 403 1 ’^ ’^ PROPN _004723754 404 1 el el PROPN _004723754 404 2 universal universal PROPN _004723754 404 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 404 4 a a DET _004723754 404 5 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 404 6 newspaper newspaper NOUN _004723754 404 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 404 8 in in ADP _004723754 404 9 its its PRON _004723754 404 10 issue issue NOUN _004723754 404 11 of of ADP _004723754 404 12 feb feb PROPN _004723754 404 13 . . PROPN _004723754 404 14 16 16 NUM _004723754 404 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 404 16 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 404 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 404 18 attacked attack VERB _004723754 404 19 the the DET _004723754 404 20 constitutionality constitutionality NOUN _004723754 404 21 of of ADP _004723754 404 22 the the DET _004723754 404 23 decree decree NOUN _004723754 404 24 which which PRON _004723754 404 25 requi*res requi*re VERB _004723754 404 26 an an DET _004723754 404 27 “ " PUNCT _004723754 404 28 irregular irregular ADJ _004723754 404 29 explanation explanation NOUN _004723754 404 30 whether whether SCONJ _004723754 404 31 it it PRON _004723754 404 32 is be AUX _004723754 404 33 considered consider VERB _004723754 404 34 from from ADP _004723754 404 35 the the DET _004723754 404 36 legal legal ADJ _004723754 404 37 viewpoint viewpoint NOUN _004723754 404 38 , , PUNCT _004723754 404 39 or or CCONJ _004723754 404 40 from from ADP _004723754 404 41 the the DET _004723754 404 42 social social ADJ _004723754 404 43 or or CCONJ _004723754 404 44 purely purely ADV _004723754 404 45 administrative administrative ADJ _004723754 404 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 404 47 ” " PUNCT _004723754 405 1 the the DET _004723754 405 2 journal journal NOUN _004723754 405 3 cites cite VERB _004723754 405 4 article article NOUN _004723754 405 5 6 6 NUM _004723754 405 6 of of ADP _004723754 405 7 the the DET _004723754 405 8 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 405 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 405 10 which which PRON _004723754 405 11 provides provide VERB _004723754 405 12 : : PUNCT _004723754 405 13 “ " PUNCT _004723754 405 14 the the DET _004723754 405 15 expression expression NOUN _004723754 405 16 of of ADP _004723754 405 17 ideas idea NOUN _004723754 405 18 shall shall AUX _004723754 405 19 not not PART _004723754 405 20 be be AUX _004723754 405 21 the the DET _004723754 405 22 subject subject NOUN _004723754 405 23 of of ADP _004723754 405 24 any any DET _004723754 405 25 judicial judicial ADJ _004723754 405 26 or or CCONJ _004723754 405 27 executive executive ADJ _004723754 405 28 investigation investigation NOUN _004723754 405 29 , , PUNCT _004723754 405 30 unless unless SCONJ _004723754 405 31 it it PRON _004723754 405 32 offend offend VERB _004723754 405 33 54 54 NUM _004723754 405 34 good good ADJ _004723754 405 35 morals moral NOUN _004723754 405 36 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 405 37 impair impair VERB _004723754 405 38 the the DET _004723754 405 39 rights right NOUN _004723754 405 40 of of ADP _004723754 405 41 the the DET _004723754 405 42 third third ADJ _004723754 405 43 parties party NOUN _004723754 405 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 405 45 incite incite ADJ _004723754 405 46 to to PART _004723754 405 47 crime crime VERB _004723754 405 48 , , PUNCT _004723754 405 49 cyt cyt PROPN _004723754 405 50 cause cause VERB _004723754 405 51 a a DET _004723754 405 52 breach breach NOUN _004723754 405 53 of of ADP _004723754 405 54 peace peace NOUN _004723754 405 55 . . PUNCT _004723754 405 56 ” " PUNCT _004723754 406 1 this this DET _004723754 406 2 wording wording NOUN _004723754 406 3 is be AUX _004723754 406 4 retained retain VERB _004723754 406 5 from from ADP _004723754 406 6 the the DET _004723754 406 7 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 406 8 of of ADP _004723754 406 9 1857 1857 NUM _004723754 406 10 in in ADP _004723754 406 11 that that PRON _004723754 406 12 of of ADP _004723754 406 13 1917 1917 NUM _004723754 406 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 407 1 article article NOUN _004723754 407 2 7 7 NUM _004723754 407 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 407 4 el el PROPN _004723754 407 5 universal universal ADJ _004723754 407 6 points point NOUN _004723754 407 7 out out ADP _004723754 407 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 407 9 provides provide VERB _004723754 407 10 that that SCONJ _004723754 407 11 “ " PUNCT _004723754 407 12 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 407 13 of of ADP _004723754 407 14 writing write VERB _004723754 407 15 and and CCONJ _004723754 407 16 publishing publish VERB _004723754 407 17 writings writing NOUN _004723754 407 18 on on ADP _004723754 407 19 any any DET _004723754 407 20 subject subject NOUN _004723754 407 21 is be AUX _004723754 407 22 inviolable inviolable ADJ _004723754 407 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 408 1 no no DET _004723754 408 2 law law NOUN _004723754 408 3 or or CCONJ _004723754 408 4 authority authority NOUN _004723754 408 5 shall shall AUX _004723754 408 6 have have VERB _004723754 408 7 the the DET _004723754 408 8 right right NOUN _004723754 408 9 to to PART _004723754 408 10 establish establish VERB _004723754 408 11 censorship censorship NOUN _004723754 408 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 408 13 require require VERB _004723754 408 14 bond bond NOUN _004723754 408 15 from from ADP _004723754 408 16 authors author NOUN _004723754 408 17 or or CCONJ _004723754 408 18 printers printer NOUN _004723754 408 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 408 20 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 408 21 restrict restrict VERB _004723754 408 22 the the DET _004723754 408 23 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 408 24 of of ADP _004723754 408 25 the the DET _004723754 408 26 press press NOUN _004723754 408 27 , , PUNCT _004723754 408 28 which which PRON _004723754 408 29 shall shall AUX _004723754 408 30 be be AUX _004723754 408 31 limited limit VERB _004723754 408 32 only only ADV _004723754 408 33 by by ADP _004723754 408 34 the the DET _004723754 408 35 respect respect NOUN _004723754 408 36 due due ADP _004723754 408 37 to to ADP _004723754 408 38 private private ADJ _004723754 408 39 life life NOUN _004723754 408 40 , , PUNCT _004723754 408 41 morals moral NOUN _004723754 408 42 , , PUNCT _004723754 408 43 and and CCONJ _004723754 408 44 public public ADJ _004723754 408 45 peace peace NOUN _004723754 408 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 408 47 ” " PUNCT _004723754 409 1 to to PART _004723754 409 2 say say VERB _004723754 409 3 what what PRON _004723754 409 4 publications publication NOUN _004723754 409 5 shall shall AUX _004723754 409 6 or or CCONJ _004723754 409 7 shall shall AUX _004723754 409 8 not not PART _004723754 409 9 be be AUX _004723754 409 10 circulated circulate VERB _004723754 409 11 by by ADP _004723754 409 12 mail mail NOUN _004723754 409 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 409 14 el el PROPN _004723754 409 15 universal universal PROPN _004723754 409 16 remarks remark NOUN _004723754 409 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 409 18 is be AUX _004723754 409 19 equvalent equvalent ADJ _004723754 409 20 to to AUX _004723754 409 21 censorship censorship NOUN _004723754 409 22 and and CCONJ _004723754 409 23 violates violate VERB _004723754 409 24 the the DET _004723754 409 25 freedom freedom NOUN _004723754 409 26 of of ADP _004723754 409 27 writing write VERB _004723754 409 28 and and CCONJ _004723754 409 29 publishing publish VERB _004723754 409 30 writings writing NOUN _004723754 409 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 410 1 * * PUNCT _004723754 410 2 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 411 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 411 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 411 3 what what PRON _004723754 411 4 is be AUX _004723754 411 5 a a DET _004723754 411 6 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 411 7 between between ADP _004723754 411 8 friends friend NOUN _004723754 411 9 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 412 1 priests priest NOUN _004723754 412 2 hunted hunt VERB _004723754 412 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 412 4 jailed jail VERB _004723754 412 5 in in ADP _004723754 412 6 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 412 7 el el PROPN _004723754 412 8 paso.—specific paso.—specific PROPN _004723754 412 9 instances instance NOUN _004723754 412 10 of of ADP _004723754 412 11 the the DET _004723754 412 12 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 412 13 of of ADP _004723754 412 14 religion religion NOUN _004723754 412 15 in in ADP _004723754 412 16 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 412 17 are be AUX _004723754 412 18 furnished furnish VERB _004723754 412 19 in in ADP _004723754 412 20 affidavits affidavit NOUN _004723754 412 21 of of ADP _004723754 412 22 three three NUM _004723754 412 23 priests priest NOUN _004723754 412 24 now now ADV _004723754 412 25 resident resident VERB _004723754 412 26 here here ADV _004723754 412 27 and and CCONJ _004723754 412 28 the the DET _004723754 412 29 contents content NOUN _004723754 412 30 of of ADP _004723754 412 31 a a DET _004723754 412 32 letter letter NOUN _004723754 412 33 sent send VERB _004723754 412 34 to to ADP _004723754 412 35 a a DET _004723754 412 36 mexican mexican ADJ _004723754 412 37 layman layman NOUN _004723754 412 38 by by ADP _004723754 412 39 a a DET _004723754 412 40 municipal municipal ADJ _004723754 412 41 president president NOUN _004723754 412 42 in in ADP _004723754 412 43 the the DET _004723754 412 44 state state NOUN _004723754 412 45 of of ADP _004723754 412 46 chihuahua chihuahua PROPN _004723754 412 47 forbidding forbid VERB _004723754 412 48 religious religious ADJ _004723754 412 49 teaching teaching NOUN _004723754 412 50 “ " PUNCT _004723754 412 51 either either CCONJ _004723754 412 52 in in ADP _004723754 412 53 the the DET _004723754 412 54 temple temple NOUN _004723754 412 55 or or CCONJ _004723754 412 56 in in ADP _004723754 412 57 private private ADJ _004723754 412 58 homes home NOUN _004723754 412 59 . . PUNCT _004723754 412 60 ” " PUNCT _004723754 413 1 the the DET _004723754 413 2 letter letter NOUN _004723754 413 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 413 4 signed sign VERB _004723754 413 5 by by ADP _004723754 413 6 alfredo alfredo PROPN _004723754 413 7 elias elia NOUN _004723754 413 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 413 9 mmiicipal mmiicipal ADJ _004723754 413 10 president president NOUN _004723754 413 11 of of ADP _004723754 413 12 rosales rosale NOUN _004723754 413 13 , , PUNCT _004723754 413 14 chihuahua chihuahua PROPN _004723754 413 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 413 16 was be AUX _004723754 413 17 sent send VERB _004723754 413 18 to to ADP _004723754 413 19 a a DET _004723754 413 20 citizen citizen NOUN _004723754 413 21 of of ADP _004723754 413 22 rosales rosale NOUN _004723754 413 23 whose whose DET _004723754 413 24 son son NOUN _004723754 413 25 is be AUX _004723754 413 26 an an DET _004723754 413 27 official official NOUN _004723754 413 28 of of ADP _004723754 413 29 a a DET _004723754 413 30 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 413 31 organization organization NOUN _004723754 413 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 414 1 it it PRON _004723754 414 2 said say VERB _004723754 414 3 : : PUNCT _004723754 414 4 “ " PUNCT _004723754 414 5 i i PRON _004723754 414 6 take take VERB _004723754 414 7 the the DET _004723754 414 8 liberty liberty NOUN _004723754 414 9 to to PART _004723754 414 10 advise advise VERB _004723754 414 11 you you PRON _004723754 414 12 that that SCONJ _004723754 414 13 superior superior ADJ _004723754 414 14 authorities authority NOUN _004723754 414 15 have have AUX _004723754 414 16 com55 com55 ADV _004723754 414 17 municiated municiate VERB _004723754 414 18 to to ADP _004723754 414 19 this this DET _004723754 414 20 presidency presidency NOUN _004723754 414 21 that that SCONJ _004723754 414 22 it it PRON _004723754 414 23 is be AUX _004723754 414 24 prohibited prohibit VERB _004723754 414 25 to to PART _004723754 414 26 give give VERB _004723754 414 27 religious religious ADJ _004723754 414 28 or or CCONJ _004723754 414 29 doc doc NOUN _004723754 414 30 trinal trinal ADJ _004723754 414 31 teaching teaching NOUN _004723754 414 32 in in ADP _004723754 414 33 view view NOUN _004723754 414 34 of of ADP _004723754 414 35 the the DET _004723754 414 36 fact fact NOUN _004723754 414 37 that that SCONJ _004723754 414 38 it it PRON _004723754 414 39 constitutes constitute VERB _004723754 414 40 a a DET _004723754 414 41 violation violation NOUN _004723754 414 42 of of ADP _004723754 414 43 article article NOUN _004723754 414 44 3 3 NUM _004723754 414 45 of of ADP _004723754 414 46 the the DET _004723754 414 47 general general ADJ _004723754 414 48 constitution constitution NOUN _004723754 414 49 ot ot PROPN _004723754 414 50 the the DET _004723754 414 51 republic republic NOUN _004723754 414 52 . . PUNCT _004723754 415 1 religious religious ADJ _004723754 415 2 doctrine doctrine NOUN _004723754 415 3 can can AUX _004723754 415 4 not not PART _004723754 415 5 be be AUX _004723754 415 6 taught teach VERB _004723754 415 7 either either CCONJ _004723754 415 8 : : PUNCT _004723754 415 9 in in ADP _004723754 415 10 the the DET _004723754 415 11 temple temple NOUN _004723754 415 12 or or CCONJ _004723754 415 13 in in ADP _004723754 415 14 private private ADJ _004723754 415 15 homes home NOUN _004723754 415 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 416 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 416 2 as as SCONJ _004723754 416 3 you you PRON _004723754 416 4 probably probably ADV _004723754 416 5 have have VERB _004723754 416 6 some some DET _004723754 416 7 person person NOUN _004723754 416 8 in in ADP _004723754 416 9 your your PRON _004723754 416 10 family family NOUN _004723754 416 11 who who PRON _004723754 416 12 is be AUX _004723754 416 13 participating participate VERB _004723754 416 14 in in ADP _004723754 416 15 such such ADJ _004723754 416 16 acts act NOUN _004723754 416 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 416 18 i i PRON _004723754 416 19 would would AUX _004723754 416 20 appreciate appreciate VERB _004723754 416 21 that that SCONJ _004723754 416 22 you you PRON _004723754 416 23 take take VERB _004723754 416 24 the the DET _004723754 416 25 necessary necessary ADJ _004723754 416 26 steps step NOUN _004723754 416 27 to to PART _004723754 416 28 refrain refrain VERB _004723754 416 29 from from ADP _004723754 416 30 doing do VERB _004723754 416 31 so so ADV _004723754 416 32 in in ADP _004723754 416 33 order order NOUN _004723754 416 34 that that SCONJ _004723754 416 35 i i PRON _004723754 416 36 may may AUX _004723754 416 37 not not PART _004723754 416 38 be be AUX _004723754 416 39 forced force VERB _004723754 416 40 to to PART _004723754 416 41 punish punish VERB _004723754 416 42 the the DET _004723754 416 43 infraction infraction NOUN _004723754 416 44 and and CCONJ _004723754 416 45 assess assess VERB _004723754 416 46 the the DET _004723754 416 47 corresponding corresponding ADJ _004723754 416 48 punishment punishment NOUN _004723754 416 49 . . PUNCT _004723754 417 1 ”—the ”—the PROPN _004723754 417 2 denver denver PROPN _004723754 417 3 register register PROPN _004723754 417 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 417 5 march march PROPN _004723754 417 6 3 3 NUM _004723754 417 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 417 8 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 417 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 418 1 one one NUM _004723754 418 2 of of ADP _004723754 418 3 the the DET _004723754 418 4 priests priest NOUN _004723754 418 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 418 6 the the DET _004723754 418 7 rev rev PROPN _004723754 418 8 . . PROPN _004723754 418 9 arturo arturo PROPN _004723754 418 10 balderrarpa balderrarpa PROPN _004723754 418 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 418 12 has have AUX _004723754 418 13 made make VERB _004723754 418 14 affidavit affidavit NOUN _004723754 418 15 to to ADP _004723754 418 16 the the DET _004723754 418 17 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 418 18 to to PART _004723754 418 19 which which PRON _004723754 418 20 he he PRON _004723754 418 21 was be AUX _004723754 418 22 subjected subject VERB _004723754 418 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 419 1 as as ADP _004723754 419 2 pastor pastor NOUN _004723754 419 3 of of ADP _004723754 419 4 the the DET _004723754 419 5 church church NOUN _004723754 419 6 of of ADP _004723754 419 7 the the DET _004723754 419 8 sacred sacred ADJ _004723754 419 9 heart heart NOUN _004723754 419 10 at at ADP _004723754 419 11 madeia madeia PROPN _004723754 419 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 419 13 chihuahua chihuahua PROPN _004723754 419 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 419 15 he he PRON _004723754 419 16 was be AUX _004723754 419 17 informed inform VERB _004723754 419 18 by by ADP _004723754 419 19 the the DET _004723754 419 20 landlord landlord NOUN _004723754 419 21 of of ADP _004723754 419 22 the the DET _004723754 419 23 house house NOUN _004723754 419 24 in in ADP _004723754 419 25 which which PRON _004723754 419 26 he he PRON _004723754 419 27 was be AUX _004723754 419 28 residing reside VERB _004723754 419 29 that that SCONJ _004723754 419 30 the the DET _004723754 419 31 latter latter NOUN _004723754 419 32 had have AUX _004723754 419 33 been be AUX _004723754 419 34 directed direct VERB _004723754 419 35 to to PART _004723754 419 36 “ " PUNCT _004723754 419 37 tell tell VERB _004723754 419 38 father father PROPN _004723754 419 39 balderrama balderrama NOUN _004723754 419 40 to to PART _004723754 419 41 leave leave VERB _004723754 419 42 this this DET _004723754 419 43 town town NOUN _004723754 419 44 , , PUNCT _004723754 419 45 as as SCONJ _004723754 419 46 i i PRON _004723754 419 47 understand understand VERB _004723754 419 48 there there PRON _004723754 419 49 is be VERB _004723754 419 50 an an DET _004723754 419 51 official official ADJ _004723754 419 52 committee committee NOUN _004723754 419 53 from from ADP _004723754 419 54 the the DET _004723754 419 55 centl:*al centl:*al PROPN _004723754 419 56 government government NOUN _004723754 419 57 of of ADP _004723754 419 58 chihuahuia chihuahuia NOUN _004723754 419 59 coming come VERB _004723754 419 60 here here ADV _004723754 419 61 to to PART _004723754 419 62 investigate investigate VERB _004723754 419 63 and and CCONJ _004723754 419 64 see see VERB _004723754 419 65 if if SCONJ _004723754 419 66 a a DET _004723754 419 67 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 419 68 priest priest NOUN _004723754 419 69 is be AUX _004723754 419 70 practicing practice VERB _004723754 419 71 his his PRON _004723754 419 72 ministry ministry NOUN _004723754 419 73 . . PUNCT _004723754 419 74 ” " PUNCT _004723754 420 1 the the DET _004723754 420 2 message message NOUN _004723754 420 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 420 4 father father PROPN _004723754 420 5 balderrama balderrama PROPN _004723754 420 6 ’s ’s PART _004723754 420 7 affidavit affidavit PROPN _004723754 420 8 says say VERB _004723754 420 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 420 10 came come VERB _004723754 420 11 from from ADP _004723754 420 12 the the DET _004723754 420 13 municipal municipal ADJ _004723754 420 14 president president NOUN _004723754 420 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 421 1 this this PRON _004723754 421 2 was be AUX _004723754 421 3 about about ADP _004723754 421 4 june june PROPN _004723754 421 5 4 4 NUM _004723754 421 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 421 7 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 421 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 422 1 the the DET _004723754 422 2 priest priest NOUN _004723754 422 3 then then ADV _004723754 422 4 went go VERB _004723754 422 5 to to ADP _004723754 422 6 matachic matachic NOUN _004723754 422 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 422 8 a a DET _004723754 422 9 mission mission NOUN _004723754 422 10 of of ADP _004723754 422 11 madera madera PROPN _004723754 422 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 422 13 where where SCONJ _004723754 422 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 422 15 he he PRON _004723754 422 16 .says .say VERB _004723754 422 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 422 18 he he PRON _004723754 422 19 ceased cease VERB _004723754 422 20 practicing practice VERB _004723754 422 21 his his PRON _004723754 422 22 ministry ministry NOUN _004723754 422 23 , , PUNCT _004723754 422 24 as as SCONJ _004723754 422 25 it it PRON _004723754 422 26 was be AUX _004723754 422 27 forbidden forbid VERB _004723754 422 28 there there ADV _004723754 422 29 by by ADP _004723754 422 30 law law NOUN _004723754 422 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 423 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 423 2 i i PRON _004723754 423 3 had have AUX _004723754 423 4 been be AUX _004723754 423 5 in in ADP _004723754 423 6 matachic matachic ADJ _004723754 423 7 three three NUM _004723754 423 8 cwr cwr NOUN _004723754 423 9 four four NUM _004723754 423 10 days day NOUN _004723754 423 11 , , PUNCT _004723754 423 12 ” " PUNCT _004723754 423 13 he he PRON _004723754 423 14 continues^ continues^ VERB _004723754 423 15 “ " PUNCT _004723754 423 16 when when SCONJ _004723754 423 17 i i PRON _004723754 423 18 received receive VERB _004723754 423 19 a a DET _004723754 423 20 let56 let56 NOUN _004723754 423 21 ter ter NOUN _004723754 423 22 from from ADP _004723754 423 23 the the DET _004723754 423 24 presidente presidente PROPN _004723754 423 25 municipal municipal NOUN _004723754 423 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 423 27 asking ask VERB _004723754 423 28 me i PRON _004723754 423 29 to to PART _004723754 423 30 come come VERB _004723754 423 31 to to ADP _004723754 423 32 his his PRON _004723754 423 33 office office NOUN _004723754 423 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 424 1 1 1 NUM _004723754 424 2 answered answer VERB _004723754 424 3 his his PRON _004723754 424 4 call call NOUN _004723754 424 5 immediately immediately ADV _004723754 424 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 424 7 and and CCONJ _004723754 424 8 he he PRON _004723754 424 9 personally personally ADV _004723754 424 10 told tell VERB _004723754 424 11 me i PRON _004723754 424 12 : : PUNCT _004723754 424 13 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 424 14 i i PRON _004723754 424 15 have have AUX _004723754 424 16 been be AUX _004723754 424 17 advised advise VERB _004723754 424 18 that that SCONJ _004723754 424 19 you you PRON _004723754 424 20 have have AUX _004723754 424 21 been be AUX _004723754 424 22 administering administer VERB _004723754 424 23 here here ADV _004723754 424 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 424 25 you you PRON _004723754 424 26 have have AUX _004723754 424 27 therefore therefore ADV _004723754 424 28 violated violate VERB _004723754 424 29 the the DET _004723754 424 30 law law NOUN _004723754 424 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 424 32 and and CCONJ _004723754 424 33 i i PRON _004723754 424 34 want want VERB _004723754 424 35 you you PRON _004723754 424 36 to to PART _004723754 424 37 leave leave VERB _004723754 424 38 this this DET _004723754 424 39 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _004723754 424 40 immediately immediately ADV _004723754 424 41 . . PUNCT _004723754 424 42 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 425 1 hc hc VERB _004723754 425 2 added add VERB _004723754 425 3 : : PUNCT _004723754 425 4 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 425 5 i i PRON _004723754 425 6 have have VERB _004723754 425 7 strict strict ADJ _004723754 425 8 orders order NOUN _004723754 425 9 from from ADP _004723754 425 10 the the DET _004723754 425 11 central central ADJ _004723754 425 12 government government NOUN _004723754 425 13 in in ADP _004723754 425 14 chihuahua chihuahua PROPN _004723754 425 15 that that SCONJ _004723754 425 16 we we PRON _004723754 425 17 be be VERB _004723754 425 18 on on ADP _004723754 425 19 the the DET _004723754 425 20 watch watch NOUN _004723754 425 21 for for ADP _004723754 425 22 priests priest NOUN _004723754 425 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 425 24 not not PART _004723754 425 25 to to PART _004723754 425 26 allow allow VERB _004723754 425 27 priests priest NOUN _004723754 425 28 here here ADV _004723754 425 29 . . PUNCT _004723754 425 30 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 426 1 i i PRON _004723754 426 2 the the DET _004723754 426 3 * * NOUN _004723754 426 4 returned return VERB _004723754 426 5 to to ADP _004723754 426 6 madera madera PROPN _004723754 426 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 426 8 ” " PUNCT _004723754 427 1 he he PRON _004723754 427 2 then then ADV _004723754 427 3 went go VERB _004723754 427 4 to to ADP _004723754 427 5 another another DET _004723754 427 6 mission mission NOUN _004723754 427 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 427 8 where where SCONJ _004723754 427 9 he he PRON _004723754 427 10 received receive VERB _004723754 427 11 information information NOUN _004723754 427 12 that that PRON _004723754 427 13 jose jose VERB _004723754 427 14 blanco blanco PROPN _004723754 427 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 427 16 municipal municipal ADJ _004723754 427 17 president president NOUN _004723754 427 18 of of ADP _004723754 427 19 la la PROPN _004723754 427 20 junta junta PROPN _004723754 427 21 , , PUNCT _004723754 427 22 had have AUX _004723754 427 23 gone go VERB _004723754 427 24 to to ADP _004723754 427 25 guerrero guerrero ADJ _004723754 427 26 cit/ cit/ PROPN _004723754 427 27 to to PART _004723754 427 28 place place VERB _004723754 427 29 a a DET _004723754 427 30 complaint complaint NOUN _004723754 427 31 against against ADP _004723754 427 32 him he PRON _004723754 427 33 , , PUNCT _004723754 427 34 charging charge VERB _004723754 427 35 that that DET _004723754 427 36 father father PROPN _004723754 427 37 balderrama balderrama NOUN _004723754 427 38 had have AUX _004723754 427 39 been be AUX _004723754 427 40 administering administer VERB _004723754 427 41 in in ADP _004723754 427 42 the the DET _004723754 427 43 mission mission NOUN _004723754 427 44 of of ADP _004723754 427 45 basuchil basuchil PROPN _004723754 427 46 . . PUNCT _004723754 428 1 the the DET _004723754 428 2 priest priest NOUN _004723754 428 3 then then ADV _004723754 428 4 fled flee VERB _004723754 428 5 to to ADP _004723754 428 6 chihuahua chihuahua PROPN _004723754 428 7 city city NOUN _004723754 428 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 429 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 429 2 from from ADP _004723754 429 3 about about ADP _004723754 429 4 the the DET _004723754 429 5 middle middle NOUN _004723754 429 6 of of ADP _004723754 429 7 september september PROPN _004723754 429 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 429 9 19'32 19'32 NUM _004723754 429 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 429 11 to to ADP _004723754 429 12 nov nov PROPN _004723754 429 13 . . PROPN _004723754 429 14 19 19 NUM _004723754 429 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 429 16 1934 1934 NUM _004723754 429 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 429 18 when when SCONJ _004723754 429 19 i i PRON _004723754 429 20 crossed cross VERB _004723754 429 21 to to ADP _004723754 429 22 the the DET _004723754 429 23 united united PROPN _004723754 429 24 states states PROPN _004723754 429 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 429 26 ” " PUNCT _004723754 429 27 father father PROPN _004723754 429 28 balderrama balderrama PROPN _004723754 429 29 said say VERB _004723754 429 30 , , PUNCT _004723754 429 31 “ " PUNCT _004723754 429 32 life life NOUN _004723754 429 33 was be AUX _004723754 429 34 unbearable unbearable ADJ _004723754 429 35 and and CCONJ _004723754 429 36 miserable miserable ADJ _004723754 429 37 . . PUNCT _004723754 430 1 i i PRON _004723754 430 2 was be AUX _004723754 430 3 always always ADV _004723754 430 4 hounded hound VERB _004723754 430 5 and and CCONJ _004723754 430 6 watched watch VERB _004723754 430 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 430 8 so so ADV _004723754 430 9 i i PRON _004723754 430 10 decided decide VERB _004723754 430 11 to to PART _004723754 430 12 come come VERB _004723754 430 13 to to ADP _004723754 430 14 the the DET _004723754 430 15 united united PROPN _004723754 430 16 states state VERB _004723754 430 17 us we PRON _004723754 430 18 a a DET _004723754 430 19 refugee refugee NOUN _004723754 430 20 . . PUNCT _004723754 430 21 ” " PUNCT _004723754 430 22 — — PUNCT _004723754 430 23 denver denver PROPN _004723754 430 24 register register NOUN _004723754 430 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 430 26 march march PROPN _004723754 430 27 3rd 3rd PROPN _004723754 430 28 , , PUNCT _004723754 430 29 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 430 30 . . PUNCT _004723754 431 1 and and CCONJ _004723754 431 2 yet yet ADV _004723754 431 3 we we PRON _004723754 431 4 are be AUX _004723754 431 5 told tell VERB _004723754 431 6 there there PRON _004723754 431 7 is be VERB _004723754 431 8 no no DET _004723754 431 9 persecution persecution NOUN _004723754 431 10 of of ADP _004723754 431 11 religion religion NOUN _004723754 431 12 in in ADP _004723754 431 13 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 431 14 these these DET _004723754 431 15 few few ADJ _004723754 431 16 instances instance NOUN _004723754 431 17 can can AUX _004723754 431 18 be be AUX _004723754 431 19 multiplied multiply VERB _004723754 431 20 by by ADP _004723754 431 21 the the DET _004723754 431 22 hundreds hundred NOUN _004723754 431 23 and and CCONJ _004723754 431 24 thousands thousand NOUN _004723754 431 25 , , PUNCT _004723754 431 26 even even ADV _004723754 431 27 from from ADP _004723754 431 28 the the DET _004723754 431 29 meager meager ADJ _004723754 431 30 information information NOUN _004723754 431 31 which which PRON _004723754 431 32 trickles trickle VERB _004723754 431 33 past past ADP _004723754 431 34 the the DET _004723754 431 35 censors censor NOUN _004723754 431 36 out out ADP _004723754 431 37 of of ADP _004723754 431 38 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 431 39 . . PUNCT _004723754 432 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 432 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 432 3 if if SCONJ _004723754 432 4 the the DET _004723754 432 5 whole whole ADJ _004723754 432 6 truth truth NOUN _004723754 432 7 could could AUX _004723754 432 8 be be AUX _004723754 432 9 learned learn VERB _004723754 432 10 concerning concern VERB _004723754 432 11 the the DET _004723754 432 12 inhuman inhuman ADJ _004723754 432 13 butchery butchery NOUN _004723754 432 14 going go VERB _004723754 432 15 on on ADP _004723754 432 16 at at ADP _004723754 432 17 our our PRON _004723754 432 18 very very ADJ _004723754 432 19 door door NOUN _004723754 432 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 432 21 it it PRON _004723754 432 22 would would AUX _004723754 432 23 make make VERB _004723754 432 24 our our PRON _004723754 432 25 government government NOUN _004723754 432 26 withdraw withdraw VERB _004723754 432 27 57 57 NUM _004723754 432 28 its its PRON _004723754 432 29 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 432 30 or or CCONJ _004723754 432 31 insist insist VERB _004723754 432 32 upon upon SCONJ _004723754 432 33 the the DET _004723754 432 34 original original ADJ _004723754 432 35 conditions condition NOUN _004723754 432 36 of of ADP _004723754 432 37 recognition recognition NOUN _004723754 432 38 beivig beivig NOUN _004723754 432 39 observed observe VERB _004723754 432 40 . . PUNCT _004723754 433 1 from from ADP _004723754 433 2 the the DET _004723754 433 3 houston houston PROPN _004723754 433 4 chronicle chronicle NOUN _004723754 433 5 we we PRON _004723754 433 6 quote quote VERB _004723754 433 7 an an DET _004723754 433 8 interview interview NOUN _004723754 433 9 by by ADP _004723754 433 10 m. m. PROPN _004723754 433 11 e. e. PROPN _004723754 433 12 walter walter PROPN _004723754 433 13 with with ADP _004723754 433 14 fortes fortis NOUN _004723754 433 15 gil gil NOUN _004723754 433 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 433 17 until until ADP _004723754 433 18 recently recently ADV _004723754 433 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 433 20 attorney attorney NOUN _004723754 433 21 general general NOUN _004723754 433 22 of of ADP _004723754 433 23 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 433 24 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 433 25 wbo wbo PROPN _004723754 433 26 told tell VERB _004723754 433 27 bim bim NOUN _004723754 433 28 a a DET _004723754 433 29 man man NOUN _004723754 433 30 could could AUX _004723754 433 31 wear wear VERB _004723754 433 32 a a DET _004723754 433 33 roman roman ADJ _004723754 433 34 collar collar NOUN _004723754 433 35 in in ADP _004723754 433 36 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 433 37 and and CCONJ _004723754 433 38 that that SCONJ _004723754 433 39 the the DET _004723754 433 40 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 433 41 churcn churcn PROPN _004723754 433 42 could could AUX _004723754 433 43 conduct conduct VERB _004723754 433 44 seminahes seminahe NOUN _004723754 433 45 there there ADV _004723754 433 46 to to PART _004723754 433 47 train train VERB _004723754 433 48 future future ADJ _004723754 433 49 priests priest NOUN _004723754 433 50 . . PUNCT _004723754 434 1 walter walter NOUN _004723754 434 2 continues continue VERB _004723754 434 3 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 434 4 “ " PUNCT _004723754 434 5 that that SCONJ _004723754 434 6 evenmg evenmg PROPN _004723754 434 7 i i PRON _004723754 434 8 had have VERB _004723754 434 9 dinner dinner NOUN _004723754 434 10 with with ADP _004723754 434 11 a a DET _004723754 434 12 group group NOUN _004723754 434 13 of of ADP _004723754 434 14 foreign foreign ADJ _004723754 434 15 correspondents correspondent NOUN _004723754 434 16 and and CCONJ _004723754 434 17 , , PUNCT _004723754 434 18 of of ADP _004723754 434 19 course course NOUN _004723754 434 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 434 21 described describe VERB _004723754 434 22 the the DET _004723754 434 23 talk talk NOUN _004723754 434 24 i i PRON _004723754 434 25 " " PUNCT _004723754 434 26 had have AUX _004723754 434 27 had have VERB _004723754 434 28 with with ADP _004723754 434 29 mr mr PROPN _004723754 434 30 . . PROPN _004723754 434 31 gil gil PROPN _004723754 434 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 435 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 435 2 they they PRON _004723754 435 3 laughed laugh VERB _004723754 435 4 raucously raucously ADV _004723754 435 5 . . PUNCT _004723754 436 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 436 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 436 3 he he PRON _004723754 436 4 said say VERB _004723754 436 5 any any DET _004723754 436 6 priest priest NOUN _004723754 436 7 could could AUX _004723754 436 8 walk walk VERB _004723754 436 9 * * ADP _004723754 436 10 on on ADP _004723754 436 11 the the DET _004723754 436 12 streets street NOUN _004723754 436 13 wearing wear VERB _004723754 436 14 a a DET _004723754 436 15 clerical clerical ADJ _004723754 436 16 collar collar NOUN _004723754 436 17 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 436 18 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 436 19 they they PRON _004723754 436 20 asked ask VERB _004723754 436 21 . . PUNCT _004723754 437 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 437 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 437 3 yes yes INTJ _004723754 437 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 437 5 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 437 6 i i PRON _004723754 437 7 answered answer VERB _004723754 437 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 438 1 well well INTJ _004723754 438 2 here here ADV _004723754 438 3 is be AUX _004723754 438 4 100 100 NUM _004723754 438 5 pesos pesos NOUN _004723754 438 6 that that PRON _004723754 438 7 you you PRON _004723754 438 8 ca can AUX _004723754 438 9 n’t not PART _004723754 438 10 turn turn VERB _004723754 438 11 your your PRON _004723754 438 12 collar collar NOUN _004723754 438 13 around around ADP _004723754 438 14 aiid aiid PROPN _004723754 438 15 go go VERB _004723754 438 16 two two NUM _004723754 438 17 blocks block NOUN _004723754 438 18 without without ADP _004723754 438 19 landing land VERB _004723754 438 20 in in ADP _004723754 438 21 the the DET _004723754 438 22 jug jug NOUN _004723754 438 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 438 24 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 439 1 how how SCONJ _004723754 439 2 about about ADP _004723754 439 3 the the DET _004723754 439 4 seminaries seminary NOUN _004723754 439 5 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 439 6 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 440 1 i i PRON _004723754 440 2 asked ask VERB _004723754 440 3 . . PUNCT _004723754 441 1 there there PRON _004723754 441 2 are be VERB _004723754 441 3 none none NOUN _004723754 441 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 441 5 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 441 6 they they PRON _004723754 441 7 all all PRON _004723754 441 8 answered answer VERB _004723754 441 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 442 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 442 2 they they PRON _004723754 442 3 may may AUX _004723754 442 4 not not PART _004723754 442 5 be be AUX _004723754 442 6 specifically specifically ADV _004723754 442 7 forbidden forbid VERB _004723754 442 8 but but CCONJ _004723754 442 9 they they PRON _004723754 442 10 would would AUX _004723754 442 11 come come VERB _004723754 442 12 under under ADP _004723754 442 13 the the DET _004723754 442 14 heading heading NOUN _004723754 442 15 of of ADP _004723754 442 16 a a DET _004723754 442 17 private private ADJ _004723754 442 18 school school NOUN _004723754 442 19 amd amd NOUN _004723754 442 20 you you PRON _004723754 442 21 ca can AUX _004723754 442 22 n’t not PART _004723754 442 23 operate operate VERB _004723754 442 24 a a DET _004723754 442 25 private private ADJ _004723754 442 26 school school NOUN _004723754 442 27 without without ADP _004723754 442 28 a a DET _004723754 442 29 government government NOUN _004723754 442 30 permit permit NOUN _004723754 442 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 443 1 just just ADV _004723754 443 2 try try VERB _004723754 443 3 and and CCONJ _004723754 443 4 get get VERB _004723754 443 5 a a DET _004723754 443 6 permit permit NOUN _004723754 443 7 for for ADP _004723754 443 8 a a DET _004723754 443 9 seminary seminary NOUN _004723754 443 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 444 1 furthermore furthermore ADV _004723754 444 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 444 3 if if SCONJ _004723754 444 4 you you PRON _004723754 444 5 operated operate VERB _004723754 444 6 one one NUM _004723754 444 7 without without ADP _004723754 444 8 a a DET _004723754 444 9 permit permit NOUN _004723754 444 10 the the DET _004723754 444 11 property property NOUN _004723754 444 12 would would AUX _004723754 444 13 be be AUX _004723754 444 14 subject subject ADJ _004723754 444 15 to to ADP _004723754 444 16 confiscation confiscation NOUN _004723754 444 17 by by ADP _004723754 444 18 the the DET _004723754 444 19 government government NOUN _004723754 444 20 since since SCONJ _004723754 444 21 it it PRON _004723754 444 22 would would AUX _004723754 444 23 be be AUX _004723754 444 24 used use VERB _004723754 444 25 for for ADP _004723754 444 26 religious religious ADJ _004723754 444 27 purposes purpose NOUN _004723754 444 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 445 1 you you PRON _004723754 445 2 can can AUX _004723754 445 3 be be AUX _004723754 445 4 sure sure ADJ _004723754 445 5 of of ADP _004723754 445 6 one one NUM _004723754 445 7 thing thing NOUN _004723754 445 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 446 1 there there PRON _004723754 446 2 is be VERB _004723754 446 3 n’t not PART _004723754 446 4 a a DET _004723754 446 5 seminary seminary ADJ _004723754 446 6 ru^nning ru^nning NOUN _004723754 446 7 in in ADP _004723754 446 8 the the DET _004723754 446 9 country country NOUN _004723754 446 10 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 446 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 446 12 ’’ ’' PUNCT _004723754 447 1 58 58 NUM _004723754 447 2 a a DET _004723754 447 3 prominent prominent ADJ _004723754 447 4 business business NOUN _004723754 447 5 man man NOUN _004723754 447 6 ’s ’s NOUN _004723754 447 7 view view NOUN _004723754 447 8 the the DET _004723754 447 9 next next ADJ _004723754 447 10 man man NOUN _004723754 447 11 i i PRON _004723754 447 12 talked talk VERB _004723754 447 13 with with ADP _004723754 447 14 was be AUX _004723754 447 15 a a DET _004723754 447 16 prominent prominent ADJ _004723754 447 17 business business NOUN _004723754 447 18 man man NOUN _004723754 447 19 and and CCONJ _004723754 447 20 incidentally incidentally ADV _004723754 447 21 a a DET _004723754 447 22 mason mason NOUN _004723754 447 23 . . PUNCT _004723754 448 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 448 2 go^iditions go^idition NOUN _004723754 448 3 in in ADP _004723754 448 4 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 448 5 today today NOUN _004723754 448 6 are be AUX _004723754 448 7 a a DET _004723754 448 8 crying cry VERB _004723754 448 9 shame shame NOUN _004723754 448 10 , , PUNCT _004723754 448 11 ” " PUNCT _004723754 448 12 he he PRON _004723754 448 13 declared declare VERB _004723754 448 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 449 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 449 2 the the DET _004723754 449 3 government government NOUN _004723754 449 4 does do AUX _004723754 449 5 not not PART _004723754 449 6 have have VERB _004723754 449 7 even even ADV _004723754 449 8 10 10 NUM _004723754 449 9 per per ADP _004723754 449 10 cent cent NOUN _004723754 449 11 of of ADP _004723754 449 12 the the DET _004723754 449 13 people people NOUN _004723754 449 14 behind behind ADP _004723754 449 15 it it PRON _004723754 449 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 450 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 450 2 what what PRON _004723754 450 3 can can AUX _004723754 450 4 the the DET _004723754 450 5 masses masse NOUN _004723754 450 6 do do VERB _004723754 450 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 451 1 thy thy PROPN _004723754 451 2 are be AUX _004723754 451 3 unarmed unarmed ADJ _004723754 451 4 and and CCONJ _004723754 451 5 a a DET _004723754 451 6 thousand thousand NUM _004723754 451 7 men man NOUN _004723754 451 8 can can AUX _004723754 451 9 do do VERB _004723754 451 10 little little ADJ _004723754 451 11 before before ADP _004723754 451 12 a a DET _004723754 451 13 couple couple NOUN _004723754 451 14 of of ADP _004723754 451 15 well well ADV _004723754 451 16 armed armed ADJ _004723754 451 17 soldiers soldier NOUN _004723754 451 18 . . PUNCT _004723754 452 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 452 2 one one NUM _004723754 452 3 military military ADJ _004723754 452 4 leader leader NOUN _004723754 452 5 ever ever ADV _004723754 452 6 threw throw VERB _004723754 452 7 his his PRON _004723754 452 8 weight weight NOUN _004723754 452 9 to to ADP _004723754 452 10 the the DET _004723754 452 11 other other ADJ _004723754 452 12 side side NOUN _004723754 452 13 the the DET _004723754 452 14 whole whole ADJ _004723754 452 15 government government NOUN _004723754 452 16 in in ADP _004723754 452 17 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 452 18 city city NOUN _004723754 452 19 would would AUX _004723754 452 20 flee flee VERB _004723754 452 21 before before SCONJ _004723754 452 22 the the DET _004723754 452 23 revolters revolter NOUN _004723754 452 24 got get VERB _004723754 452 25 within within ADP _004723754 452 26 100 100 NUM _004723754 452 27 miles mile NOUN _004723754 452 28 of of ADP _004723754 452 29 the the DET _004723754 452 30 place place NOUN _004723754 452 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 453 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 453 2 force force VERB _004723754 453 3 op op NOUN _004723754 453 4 arms arm NOUN _004723754 453 5 ” " PUNCT _004723754 453 6 “ " PUNCT _004723754 453 7 i i PRON _004723754 453 8 am be AUX _004723754 453 9 not not PART _004723754 453 10 a a DET _004723754 453 11 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 453 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 453 13 but but CCONJ _004723754 453 14 i i PRON _004723754 453 15 think think VERB _004723754 453 16 it it PRON _004723754 453 17 is be AUX _004723754 453 18 a a DET _004723754 453 19 disgrace disgrace NOUN _004723754 453 20 the the DET _004723754 453 21 way way NOUN _004723754 453 22 a a DET _004723754 453 23 small small ADJ _004723754 453 24 mhiority mhiority NOUN _004723754 453 25 has have AUX _004723754 453 26 been be AUX _004723754 453 27 able able ADJ _004723754 453 28 to to PART _004723754 453 29 oppress oppress VERB _004723754 453 30 them they PRON _004723754 453 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 453 32 ” " PUNCT _004723754 454 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 454 2 how how SCONJ _004723754 454 3 is be AUX _004723754 454 4 such such DET _004723754 454 5 a a DET _004723754 454 6 small small ADJ _004723754 454 7 minority minority NOUN _004723754 454 8 able able ADJ _004723754 454 9 to to PART _004723754 454 10 hold hold VERB _004723754 454 11 control control NOUN _004723754 454 12 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 454 13 ” " PUNCT _004723754 455 1 i i PRON _004723754 455 2 asked ask VERB _004723754 455 3 . . PUNCT _004723754 456 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 456 2 by by ADP _004723754 456 3 force force NOUN _004723754 456 4 of of ADP _004723754 456 5 arms arm NOUN _004723754 456 6 . . PUNCT _004723754 457 1 they they PRON _004723754 457 2 have have VERB _004723754 457 3 a a DET _004723754 457 4 garrison garrison NOUN _004723754 457 5 in in ADP _004723754 457 6 every every DET _004723754 457 7 city city NOUN _004723754 457 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 458 1 any any DET _004723754 458 2 revolt revolt NOUN _004723754 458 3 that that PRON _004723754 458 4 might might AUX _004723754 458 5 start start VERB _004723754 458 6 would would AUX _004723754 458 7 be be AUX _004723754 458 8 nipped nip VERB _004723754 458 9 in in ADP _004723754 458 10 the the DET _004723754 458 11 bud bud NOUN _004723754 458 12 . . PUNCT _004723754 458 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 458 14 the the DET _004723754 458 15 united united PROPN _004723754 458 16 states states PROPN _004723754 458 17 is be AUX _004723754 458 18 behind behind ADP _004723754 458 19 the the DET _004723754 458 20 government government NOUN _004723754 458 21 . . PUNCT _004723754 459 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 459 2 so so ADV _004723754 459 3 long long ADV _004723754 459 4 as as SCONJ _004723754 459 5 it it PRON _004723754 459 6 refuses refuse VERB _004723754 459 7 to to PART _004723754 459 8 allow allow VERB _004723754 459 9 anyone anyone PRON _004723754 459 10 except except SCONJ _004723754 459 11 the the DET _004723754 459 12 government government NOUN _004723754 459 13 to to PART _004723754 459 14 buy buy VERB _004723754 459 15 arms arm NOUN _004723754 459 16 and and CCONJ _004723754 459 17 ammuriition ammuriition NOUN _004723754 459 18 it it PRON _004723754 459 19 is be AUX _004723754 459 20 actually actually ADV _004723754 459 21 supporting support VERB _004723754 459 22 the the DET _004723754 459 23 government government NOUN _004723754 459 24 and and CCONJ _004723754 459 25 should should AUX _004723754 459 26 feel feel VERB _004723754 459 27 responsible responsible ADJ _004723754 459 28 for for ADP _004723754 459 29 its its PRON _004723754 459 30 acts act NOUN _004723754 459 31 . . PUNCT _004723754 459 32 ” " PUNCT _004723754 460 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 460 2 how how SCONJ _004723754 460 3 about about ADP _004723754 460 4 elections election NOUN _004723754 460 5 ca can AUX _004723754 460 6 n’t not PART _004723754 460 7 the the DET _004723754 460 8 opposition opposition NOUN _004723754 460 9 party party NOUN _004723754 460 10 do do VERB _004723754 460 11 something something PRON _004723754 460 12 in in ADP _004723754 460 13 them they PRON _004723754 460 14 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 460 15 ” " PUNCT _004723754 461 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 461 2 the the DET _004723754 461 3 elections election NOUN _004723754 461 4 are be AUX _004723754 461 5 conducted conduct VERB _004723754 461 6 by by ADP _004723754 461 7 the the DET _004723754 461 8 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _004723754 461 9 party party NOUN _004723754 461 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 462 1 they they PRON _004723754 462 2 count count VERB _004723754 462 3 the the DET _004723754 462 4 59 59 NUM _004723754 462 5 , , PUNCT _004723754 462 6 votes vote NOUN _004723754 462 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 463 1 that that PRON _004723754 463 2 ought ought AUX _004723754 463 3 to to PART _004723754 463 4 answer answer VERB _004723754 463 5 your your PRON _004723754 463 6 ' ' PUNCT _004723754 463 7 question question NOUN _004723754 463 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 463 9 ” " PUNCT _004723754 463 10 he he PRON _004723754 463 11 replied reply VERB _004723754 463 12 . . PUNCT _004723754 464 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 464 2 the the DET _004723754 464 3 american american ADJ _004723754 464 4 ambassador ambassador NOUN _004723754 464 5 here here ADV _004723754 464 6 is be AUX _004723754 464 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 464 8 v v NOUN _004723754 464 9 4 4 NUM _004723754 464 10 nice nice ADJ _004723754 464 11 kind kind ADJ _004723754 464 12 old old ADJ _004723754 464 13 man man NOUN _004723754 464 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 464 15 but but CCONJ _004723754 464 16 be be AUX _004723754 464 17 does do AUX _004723754 464 18 n’t not PART _004723754 464 19 know know VERB _004723754 464 20 what what PRON _004723754 464 21 it it PRON _004723754 464 22 ’s ’ VERB _004723754 464 23 all all ADV _004723754 464 24 about about ADP _004723754 464 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 465 1 he he PRON _004723754 465 2 likes like VERB _004723754 465 3 to to PART _004723754 465 4 |nake |nake VERB _004723754 465 5 everyone everyone PRON _004723754 465 6 happy happy ADJ _004723754 465 7 so so SCONJ _004723754 465 8 he he PRON _004723754 465 9 pats pat VERB _004723754 465 10 everyone everyone PRON _004723754 465 11 on on ADP _004723754 465 12 the the DET _004723754 465 13 back back NOUN _004723754 465 14 that that PRON _004723754 465 15 comes come VERB _004723754 465 16 to to PART _004723754 465 17 see see VERB _004723754 465 18 him he PRON _004723754 465 19 and and CCONJ _004723754 465 20 agrees agree VERB _004723754 465 21 with with ADP _004723754 465 22 anything anything PRON _004723754 465 23 he he PRON _004723754 465 24 says say VERB _004723754 465 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 465 26 ” " PUNCT _004723754 466 1 ninety ninety NUM _004723754 466 2 per per ADP _004723754 466 3 cent cent NOUN _004723754 466 4 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 466 5 “ " PUNCT _004723754 466 6 but but CCONJ _004723754 466 7 is be AUX _004723754 466 8 it it PRON _004723754 466 9 true true ADJ _004723754 466 10 that that SCONJ _004723754 466 11 90 90 NUM _004723754 466 12 per per NOUN _004723754 466 13 cent cent NOUN _004723754 466 14 of of ADP _004723754 466 15 the the DET _004723754 466 16 population population NOUN _004723754 466 17 is be AUX _004723754 466 18 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 466 19 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 467 1 are be AUX _004723754 467 2 they they PRON _004723754 467 3 ^ ^ SPACE _004723754 467 4 actually actually ADV _004723754 467 5 catholics catholic VERB _004723754 467 6 or or CCONJ _004723754 467 7 only only ADJ _004723754 467 8 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 467 9 in in ADP _004723754 467 10 name name NOUN _004723754 467 11 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 468 1 i i PRON _004723754 468 2 “ " PUNCT _004723754 468 3 they they PRON _004723754 468 4 are be AUX _004723754 468 5 catholics catholic NOUN _004723754 468 6 . . PUNCT _004723754 469 1 after after SCONJ _004723754 469 2 the the DET _004723754 469 3 conquest conqu ADJ _004723754 469 4 many many ADJ _004723754 469 5 indians indians PROPN _004723754 469 6 were be AUX _004723754 469 7 taken take VERB _004723754 469 8 into into ADP _004723754 469 9 the the DET _004723754 469 10 church church NOUN _004723754 469 11 that that PRON _004723754 469 12 were be AUX _004723754 469 13 not not PART _004723754 469 14 adequately adequately ADV _004723754 469 15 instructed instruct VERB _004723754 469 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 470 1 they they PRON _004723754 470 2 were be AUX _004723754 470 3 christians christian NOUN _004723754 470 4 in in ADP _004723754 470 5 name name NOUN _004723754 470 6 but but CCONJ _004723754 470 7 pagans pagans PROPN _004723754 470 8 in in ADP _004723754 470 9 reality reality NOUN _004723754 470 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 471 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 471 2 the the DET _004723754 471 3 missionaries missionary NOUN _004723754 471 4 finally finally ADV _004723754 471 5 got get VERB _004723754 471 6 them they PRON _004723754 471 7 instructed instruct VERB _004723754 471 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 472 1 this this DET _004723754 472 2 talk talk NOUN _004723754 472 3 you you PRON _004723754 472 4 hear hear VERB _004723754 472 5 back back ADV _004723754 472 6 in in ADP _004723754 472 7 the the DET _004723754 472 8 states state NOUN _004723754 472 9 about about ADP _004723754 472 10 the the DET _004723754 472 11 indian indian ADJ _004723754 472 12 being be AUX _004723754 472 13 a a DET _004723754 472 14 pagan pagan NOUN _004723754 472 15 in in ADP _004723754 472 16 reality reality NOUN _004723754 472 17 while while SCONJ _004723754 472 18 professins professin NOUN _004723754 472 19 : : PUNCT _004723754 472 20 to to PART _004723754 472 21 be be AUX _004723754 472 22 a a DET _004723754 472 23 christian christian NOUN _004723754 472 24 is be AUX _004723754 472 25 all all PRON _004723754 472 26 bunk bunk ADJ _004723754 472 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 472 28 ’’ ’' PUNCT _004723754 473 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 473 2 what what PRON _004723754 473 3 do do AUX _004723754 473 4 you you PRON _004723754 473 5 consider consider VERB _004723754 473 6 the the DET _004723754 473 7 biggest big ADJ _004723754 473 8 mistakes mistake NOUN _004723754 473 9 the the DET _004723754 473 10 church church NOUN _004723754 473 11 has have AUX _004723754 473 12 made make VERB _004723754 473 13 in in ADP _004723754 473 14 the the DET _004723754 473 15 last last ADJ _004723754 473 16 few few ADJ _004723754 473 17 years year NOUN _004723754 473 18 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 474 1 say say VERB _004723754 474 2 in in ADP _004723754 474 3 the the DET _004723754 474 4 last last ADJ _004723754 474 5 half half DET _004723754 474 6 a a DET _004723754 474 7 ^.century ^.century NOUN _004723754 474 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 475 1 since since SCONJ _004723754 475 2 the the DET _004723754 475 3 government government NOUN _004723754 475 4 is be AUX _004723754 475 5 so so ADV _004723754 475 6 bitter bitter ADJ _004723754 475 7 against against ADP _004723754 475 8 it it PRON _004723754 475 9 there there PRON _004723754 475 10 must must AUX _004723754 475 11 be be AUX _004723754 475 12 some some DET _004723754 475 13 reason reason NOUN _004723754 475 14 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 475 15 ” " PUNCT _004723754 476 1 the the DET _004723754 476 2 man man NOUN _004723754 476 3 thought think VERB _004723754 476 4 for for ADP _004723754 476 5 a a DET _004723754 476 6 moment moment NOUN _004723754 476 7 with with ADP _004723754 476 8 a a DET _004723754 476 9 puzzled puzzle VERB _004723754 476 10 frown frown NOUN _004723754 476 11 on on ADP _004723754 476 12 his his PRON _004723754 476 13 face face NOUN _004723754 476 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 477 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 477 2 i i PRON _004723754 477 3 ca can AUX _004723754 477 4 n’t not PART _004723754 477 5 think think VERB _004723754 477 6 of of ADP _004723754 477 7 any any PRON _004723754 477 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 477 9 ” " PUNCT _004723754 477 10 he he PRON _004723754 477 11 finally finally ADV _004723754 477 12 said say VERB _004723754 477 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 478 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 478 2 that that ADV _004723754 478 3 is is ADV _004723754 478 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 478 5 i i PRON _004723754 478 6 ca can AUX _004723754 478 7 n’t not PART _004723754 478 8 think think VERB _004723754 478 9 of of ADP _004723754 478 10 a^iy a^iy PROPN _004723754 478 11 _ _ PROPN _004723754 478 12 thing thing NOUN _004723754 478 13 that that PRON _004723754 478 14 would would AUX _004723754 478 15 be be AUX _004723754 478 16 a a DET _004723754 478 17 mistake mistake NOUN _004723754 478 18 in in ADP _004723754 478 19 a a DET _004723754 478 20 free free ADJ _004723754 478 21 country country NOUN _004723754 478 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 479 1 it it PRON _004723754 479 2 ’s ’ VERB _004723754 479 3 true true ADJ _004723754 479 4 that that SCONJ _004723754 479 5 when when SCONJ _004723754 479 6 a a DET _004723754 479 7 government government NOUN _004723754 479 8 official official NOUN _004723754 479 9 would would AUX _004723754 479 10 stand stand VERB _004723754 479 11 up up ADP _004723754 479 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 479 13 announce announce VERB _004723754 479 14 that that SCONJ _004723754 479 15 he he PRON _004723754 479 16 was be AUX _004723754 479 17 an an DET _004723754 479 18 atheist atheist ADJ _004723754 479 19 60 60 NUM _004723754 479 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 479 21 that that SCONJ _004723754 479 22 he he PRON _004723754 479 23 did do VERB _004723754 479 24 hot hot ADV _004723754 479 25 believe believe VERB _004723754 479 26 hi hi INTJ _004723754 479 27 god god PROPN _004723754 479 28 01 01 NUM _004723754 479 29 * * PUNCT _004723754 479 30 religion religion NOUN _004723754 479 31 some some DET _004723754 479 32 phes't phes't PROPN _004723754 479 33 or or CCONJ _004723754 479 34 bishop bishop PROPN _004723754 479 35 would would AUX _004723754 479 36 condemn condemn VERB _004723754 479 37 hirh hirh NOUN _004723754 479 38 . . PUNCT _004723754 480 1 and and CCONJ _004723754 480 2 when when SCONJ _004723754 480 3 .some .some PUNCT _004723754 480 4 other other ADJ _004723754 480 5 official official NOUN _004723754 480 6 would would AUX _004723754 480 7 stand stand VERB _004723754 480 8 lip lip NOUN _004723754 480 9 arid arid PROPN _004723754 480 10 say say VERB _004723754 480 11 that that SCONJ _004723754 480 12 a a DET _004723754 480 13 country country NOUN _004723754 480 14 can can AUX _004723754 480 15 hot hot ADV _004723754 480 16 exist exist VERB _004723754 480 17 without without ADP _004723754 480 18 religion religion NOUN _004723754 480 19 , , PUNCT _004723754 480 20 that that SCONJ _004723754 480 21 civili'z civili'z ADV _004723754 480 22 , , PUNCT _004723754 480 23 at‘’on at‘’on ADP _004723754 480 24 is be AUX _004723754 480 25 impossible impossible ADJ _004723754 480 26 without without SCONJ _004723754 480 27 the the DET _004723754 480 28 restraints restraint NOUN _004723754 480 29 of of ADP _004723754 480 30 religion religion NOUN _004723754 480 31 , , PUNCT _004723754 480 32 some some DET _004723754 480 33 pishop pishop NOUN _004723754 480 34 or or CCONJ _004723754 480 35 priest priest NOUN _004723754 480 36 would would AUX _004723754 480 37 prais prais VERB _004723754 480 38 : : PUNCT _004723754 480 39 him he PRON _004723754 480 40 . . PUNCT _004723754 481 1 that that PRON _004723754 481 2 was be AUX _004723754 481 3 probably probably ADV _004723754 481 4 a a DET _004723754 481 5 mistake mistake NOUN _004723754 481 6 down down ADV _004723754 481 7 here here ADV _004723754 481 8 . . PUNCT _004723754 482 1 but but CCONJ _004723754 482 2 it it PRON _004723754 482 3 would would AUX _004723754 482 4 not not PART _004723754 482 5 be be AUX _004723754 482 6 in in ADP _004723754 482 7 th th NOUN _004723754 482 8 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 482 9 united united PROPN _004723754 482 10 states states PROPN _004723754 482 11 or or CCONJ _004723754 482 12 any any DET _004723754 482 13 free free ADJ _004723754 482 14 country country NOUN _004723754 482 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 482 16 ” " PUNCT _004723754 483 1 church church NOUN _004723754 483 2 leadership leadership NOUN _004723754 483 3 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 483 4 •‘what •‘what X _004723754 483 5 about about ADP _004723754 483 6 the the DET _004723754 483 7 leadership leadership NOUN _004723754 483 8 in in ADP _004723754 483 9 the the DET _004723754 483 10 church church NOUN _004723754 483 11 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 483 12 ” " PUNCT _004723754 484 1 i i PRON _004723754 484 2 asked ask VERB _004723754 484 3 . . PUNCT _004723754 485 1 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 485 2 ‘ ' PUNCT _004723754 485 3 most most ADJ _004723754 485 4 of of ADP _004723754 485 5 the the DET _004723754 485 6 bishops bishop NOUN _004723754 485 7 have have AUX _004723754 485 8 been be AUX _004723754 485 9 exiled exile VERB _004723754 485 10 or or CCONJ _004723754 485 11 expelled expel VERB _004723754 485 12 from from ADP _004723754 485 13 their their PRON _004723754 485 14 dioceses diocese NOUN _004723754 485 15 . . PUNCT _004723754 486 1 •‘however •‘however NOUN _004723754 486 2 , , PUNCT _004723754 486 3 archbishop archbishop NOUN _004723754 486 4 diaz diaz PROPN _004723754 486 5 has have AUX _004723754 486 6 been be AUX _004723754 486 7 able able ADJ _004723754 486 8 to to PART _004723754 486 9 hold hold VERB _004723754 486 10 on on ADP _004723754 486 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 486 12 the the DET _004723754 486 13 fact fact NOUN _004723754 486 14 that that SCONJ _004723754 486 15 he he PRON _004723754 486 16 is be AUX _004723754 486 17 still still ADV _004723754 486 18 in in ADP _004723754 486 19 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 486 20 shows show VERB _004723754 486 21 he he PRON _004723754 486 22 is be AUX _004723754 486 23 a a DET _004723754 486 24 politician politician NOUN _004723754 486 25 of of ADP _004723754 486 26 no no DET _004723754 486 27 small small ADJ _004723754 486 28 merit merit NOUN _004723754 486 29 . . PUNCT _004723754 487 1 diaz diaz PROPN _004723754 487 2 is be AUX _004723754 487 3 a a DET _004723754 487 4 full full ADJ _004723754 487 5 blooded blooded ADJ _004723754 487 6 indian indian NOUN _004723754 487 7 , , PUNCT _004723754 487 8 but but CCONJ _004723754 487 9 he he PRON _004723754 487 10 is be AUX _004723754 487 11 a a DET _004723754 487 12 highly highly ADV _004723754 487 13 educated educate VERB _004723754 487 14 , , PUNCT _004723754 487 15 a a DET _004723754 487 16 cultured cultured ADJ _004723754 487 17 gentlemavi gentlemavi NOUN _004723754 487 18 and and CCONJ _004723754 487 19 a a DET _004723754 487 20 teal teal ADJ _004723754 487 21 mexican mexican NOUN _004723754 487 22 . . PUNCT _004723754 488 1 he he PRON _004723754 488 2 has have AUX _004723754 488 3 done do VERB _004723754 488 4 a a DET _004723754 488 5 great great ADJ _004723754 488 6 deal deal NOUN _004723754 488 7 to to PART _004723754 488 8 keep keep VERB _004723754 488 9 down down ADP _004723754 488 10 revolt revolt NOUN _004723754 488 11 . . PUNCT _004723754 489 1 he he PRON _004723754 489 2 has have AUX _004723754 489 3 ap ap PROPN _004723754 489 4 pealed peal VERB _004723754 489 5 to to ADP _004723754 489 6 his his PRON _004723754 489 7 followers follower NOUN _004723754 489 8 to to PART _004723754 489 9 resort resort VERB _004723754 489 10 to to ADP _004723754 489 11 legal legal ADJ _004723754 489 12 methods method NOUN _004723754 489 13 only only ADV _004723754 489 14 and and CCONJ _004723754 489 15 not not PART _004723754 489 16 allow allow VERB _004723754 489 17 the the DET _004723754 489 18 country country NOUN _004723754 489 19 to to PART _004723754 489 20 go go VERB _004723754 489 21 through through ADP _004723754 489 22 the the DET _004723754 489 23 horrors horror NOUN _004723754 489 24 of of ADP _004723754 489 25 a a DET _004723754 489 26 civil civil ADJ _004723754 489 27 war war NOUN _004723754 489 28 . . PUNCT _004723754 490 1 the the DET _004723754 490 2 curse curse NOUN _004723754 490 3 of of ADP _004723754 490 4 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 490 5 is be AUX _004723754 490 6 its its PRON _004723754 490 7 passio passio NOUN _004723754 490 8 i i PRON _004723754 490 9 for for ADP _004723754 490 10 experimenting experiment VERB _004723754 490 11 with with ADP _004723754 490 12 govetoment govetoment NOUN _004723754 490 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 491 1 every every DET _004723754 491 2 president president NOUN _004723754 491 3 we we PRON _004723754 491 4 have have AUX _004723754 491 5 had have AUX _004723754 491 6 sine sine VERB _004723754 491 7 ^ ^ X _004723754 492 1 porfirio porfirio NOUN _004723754 492 2 diaz diaz NOUN _004723754 492 3 has have AUX _004723754 492 4 been be AUX _004723754 492 5 a a DET _004723754 492 6 little little ADJ _004723754 492 7 mor mor NOUN _004723754 492 8 radical radical ADJ _004723754 492 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 493 1 everyone everyone PRON _004723754 493 2 has have AUX _004723754 493 3 had have VERB _004723754 493 4 to to PART _004723754 493 5 try try VERB _004723754 493 6 out out ADP _004723754 493 7 something something PRON _004723754 493 8 new new ADJ _004723754 493 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 494 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 494 2 maybe maybe ADV _004723754 494 3 that that PRON _004723754 494 4 is be AUX _004723754 494 5 our our PRON _004723754 494 6 hope hope NOUN _004723754 494 7 . . PUNCT _004723754 495 1 i i PRON _004723754 495 2 ca can AUX _004723754 495 3 n’t not PART _004723754 495 4 imagine imagine VERB _004723754 495 5 them they PRON _004723754 495 6 stopping stop VERB _004723754 495 7 their their PRON _004723754 495 8 experimenting experimenting NOUN _004723754 495 9 and and CCONJ _004723754 495 10 it it PRON _004723754 495 11 seems seem VERB _004723754 495 12 that that SCONJ _004723754 495 13 they they PRON _004723754 495 14 have have AUX _004723754 495 15 gone go VERB _004723754 495 16 about about ADV _004723754 495 17 as as ADV _004723754 495 18 far far ADV _004723754 495 19 in in ADP _004723754 495 20 radicalism radicalism NOUN _004723754 495 21 as as ADP _004723754 495 22 « « SPACE _004723754 495 23 1 1 NUM _004723754 495 24 they they PRON _004723754 495 25 can can AUX _004723754 495 26 go go VERB _004723754 495 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 496 1 maybe maybe ADV _004723754 496 2 the the DET _004723754 496 3 next next ADJ _004723754 496 4 experiments experiment NOUN _004723754 496 5 will will AUX _004723754 496 6 be be AUX _004723754 496 7 in in ADP _004723754 496 8 conservatism conservatism NOUN _004723754 496 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 496 10 ” " PUNCT _004723754 497 1 real real ADJ _004723754 497 2 “ " PUNCT _004723754 497 3 iron iron NOUN _004723754 497 4 man man NOUN _004723754 497 5 ” " PUNCT _004723754 497 6 “ " PUNCT _004723754 497 7 is be AUX _004723754 497 8 calles calle NOUN _004723754 497 9 i*eally i*eally ADV _004723754 497 10 the the DET _004723754 497 11 iron iron NOUN _004723754 497 12 man man NOUN _004723754 497 13 of of ADP _004723754 497 14 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 497 15 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 497 16 ” " PUNCT _004723754 498 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 498 2 no no DET _004723754 498 3 question question NOUN _004723754 498 4 about about ADP _004723754 498 5 it it PRON _004723754 498 6 . . PUNCT _004723754 499 1 the the DET _004723754 499 2 rest rest NOUN _004723754 499 3 of of ADP _004723754 499 4 the the DET _004723754 499 5 party party NOUN _004723754 499 6 follows follow VERB _004723754 499 7 him he PRON _004723754 499 8 like like ADP _004723754 499 9 a a DET _004723754 499 10 bunch bunch NOUN _004723754 499 11 of of ADP _004723754 499 12 sheep sheep NOUN _004723754 499 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 500 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 500 2 he he PRON _004723754 500 3 were be AUX _004723754 500 4 to to PART _004723754 500 5 take take VERB _004723754 500 6 a a DET _004723754 500 7 rosary rosary NOUN _004723754 500 8 in in ADP _004723754 500 9 his his PRON _004723754 500 10 hand hand NOUN _004723754 500 11 and and CCONJ _004723754 500 12 start start VERB _004723754 500 13 out out ADP _004723754 500 14 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN _004723754 500 15 on on ADP _004723754 500 16 a a DET _004723754 500 17 pilgrimage pilgrimage NOUN _004723754 500 18 to to ADP _004723754 500 19 guadalupe guadalupe NOUN _004723754 500 20 , , PUNCT _004723754 500 21 before before SCONJ _004723754 500 22 he he PRON _004723754 500 23 got get VERB _004723754 500 24 there there ADV _004723754 500 25 every every DET _004723754 500 26 member member NOUN _004723754 500 27 of of ADP _004723754 500 28 the the DET _004723754 500 29 government government NOUN _004723754 500 30 would would AUX _004723754 500 31 be be AUX _004723754 500 32 following follow VERB _004723754 500 33 on on ADP _004723754 500 34 his his PRON _004723754 500 35 heels heel NOUN _004723754 500 36 trying try VERB _004723754 500 37 to to PART _004723754 500 38 look look VERB _004723754 500 39 sanctimonious sanctimonious ADJ _004723754 500 40 . . PUNCT _004723754 500 41 ” " PUNCT _004723754 500 42 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 501 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 501 2 why why SCONJ _004723754 501 3 is be AUX _004723754 501 4 he he PRON _004723754 501 5 so so ADV _004723754 501 6 bitter bitter ADJ _004723754 501 7 against against ADP _004723754 501 8 religion religion NOUN _004723754 501 9 ? ? PUNCT _004723754 501 10 ” " PUNCT _004723754 502 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 502 2 i i PRON _004723754 502 3 do do AUX _004723754 502 4 n’t not PART _004723754 502 5 know know VERB _004723754 502 6 . . PUNCT _004723754 503 1 nobody nobody PRON _004723754 503 2 knows know VERB _004723754 503 3 . . PUNCT _004723754 504 1 and and CCONJ _004723754 504 2 nobody nobody PRON _004723754 504 3 knows know VERB _004723754 504 4 what what PRON _004723754 504 5 are be AUX _004723754 504 6 his his PRON _004723754 504 7 » » NOUN _004723754 504 8 real real ADJ _004723754 504 9 sentiments sentiment NOUN _004723754 504 10 . . PUNCT _004723754 505 1 maybe maybe ADV _004723754 505 2 all all DET _004723754 505 3 this this DET _004723754 505 4 anti anti ADJ _004723754 505 5 - - ADJ _004723754 505 6 religion religion ADJ _004723754 505 7 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 505 8 is be AUX _004723754 505 9 just just ADV _004723754 505 10 for for ADP _004723754 505 11 political political ADJ _004723754 505 12 effect effect NOUN _004723754 505 13 . . PUNCT _004723754 506 1 , , PUNCT _004723754 506 2 maybe maybe ADV _004723754 506 3 it it PRON _004723754 506 4 ’s ’s AUX _004723754 506 5 being be AUX _004723754 506 6 done do VERB _004723754 506 7 to to PART _004723754 506 8 hold hold VERB _004723754 506 9 his his PRON _004723754 506 10 par par NOUN _004723754 506 11 » » NOUN _004723754 506 12 ty ty ADP _004723754 506 13 together together ADV _004723754 506 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 507 1 so so ADV _004723754 507 2 long long ADV _004723754 507 3 as as SCONJ _004723754 507 4 there there PRON _004723754 507 5 is be VERB _004723754 507 6 bitter bitter ADJ _004723754 507 7 opposition opposition NOUN _004723754 507 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 507 9 they they PRON _004723754 507 10 have have VERB _004723754 507 11 to to PART _004723754 507 12 ^tick ^tick VERB _004723754 507 13 together together ADV _004723754 507 14 . . PUNCT _004723754 508 1 if if SCONJ _004723754 508 2 that that DET _004723754 508 3 fear fear NOUN _004723754 508 4 died die VERB _004723754 508 5 down down ADP _004723754 508 6 they they PRON _004723754 508 7 would would AUX _004723754 508 8 begin begin VERB _004723754 508 9 trying try VERB _004723754 508 10 to to PART _004723754 508 11 cut cut VERB _004723754 508 12 each each DET _004723754 508 13 other other ADJ _004723754 508 14 ’s ’s NOUN _004723754 508 15 throats throat NOUN _004723754 508 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 509 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 509 2 calles calle NOUN _004723754 509 3 was be AUX _004723754 509 4 a a DET _004723754 509 5 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 509 6 , , PUNCT _004723754 509 7 but but CCONJ _004723754 509 8 he he PRON _004723754 509 9 left leave VERB _004723754 509 10 the the DET _004723754 509 11 church church NOUN _004723754 509 12 to to PART _004723754 509 13 become become VERB _004723754 509 14 a a DET _004723754 509 15 mason mason NOUN _004723754 509 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 509 17 and and CCONJ _004723754 509 18 he he PRON _004723754 509 19 is be AUX _004723754 509 20 as as ADV _004723754 509 21 poor poor ADJ _004723754 509 22 a a DET _004723754 509 23 mason mason NOUN _004723754 509 24 as as ADP _004723754 509 25 a a DET _004723754 509 26 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 509 27 . . PUNCT _004723754 510 1 masons mason NOUN _004723754 510 2 are be AUX _004723754 510 3 required require VERB _004723754 510 4 to to PART _004723754 510 5 believe believe VERB _004723754 510 6 in in ADP _004723754 510 7 a a DET _004723754 510 8 god god PROPN _004723754 510 9 . . PUNCT _004723754 511 1 he he PRON _004723754 511 2 professes profess VERB _004723754 511 3 atheism atheism NOUN _004723754 511 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 512 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 512 2 when when SCONJ _004723754 512 3 he he PRON _004723754 512 4 went go VERB _004723754 512 5 to to ADP _004723754 512 6 the the DET _004723754 512 7 states state NOUN _004723754 512 8 , , PUNCT _004723754 512 9 for for ADP _004723754 512 10 his his PRON _004723754 512 11 operation operation NOUN _004723754 512 12 ( ( PUNCT _004723754 512 13 last last ADJ _004723754 512 14 fall fall NOUN _004723754 512 15 ) ) PUNCT _004723754 512 16 he he PRON _004723754 512 17 went go VERB _004723754 512 18 to to ADP _004723754 512 19 a a DET _004723754 512 20 catholic catholic ADJ _004723754 512 21 hospital hospital NOUN _004723754 512 22 and and CCONJ _004723754 512 23 insisted insist VERB _004723754 512 24 on on ADP _004723754 512 25 having have VERB _004723754 512 26 the the DET _004723754 512 27 sisters sister NOUN _004723754 512 28 take take VERB _004723754 512 29 care care NOUN _004723754 512 30 of of ADP _004723754 512 31 him he PRON _004723754 512 32 . . PUNCT _004723754 513 1 -yet -yet X _004723754 514 1 back back ADV _004723754 514 2 here here ADV _004723754 514 3 no no DET _004723754 514 4 hospital hospital NOUN _004723754 514 5 can can AUX _004723754 514 6 be be AUX _004723754 514 7 operated operate VERB _004723754 514 8 by by ADP _004723754 514 9 a a DET _004723754 514 10 religious religious ADJ _004723754 514 11 d^romination d^romination NOUN _004723754 514 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 514 13 no no DET _004723754 514 14 woman woman NOUN _004723754 514 15 may may AUX _004723754 514 16 become become VERB _004723754 514 17 a a DET _004723754 514 18 nun nun NOUN _004723754 514 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 515 1 62 62 NUM _004723754 515 2 grandchild grandchild PROPN _004723754 515 3 catholic catholic PROPN _004723754 515 4 “ " PUNCT _004723754 515 5 when when SCONJ _004723754 515 6 his his PRON _004723754 515 7 grandchild grandchild NOUN _004723754 515 8 was be AUX _004723754 515 9 baptized baptize VERB _004723754 515 10 a a DET _004723754 515 11 catholic catholic NOUN _004723754 515 12 he he PRON _004723754 515 13 was be AUX _004723754 515 14 its its PRON _004723754 515 15 godfather godfather NOUN _004723754 515 16 . . PUNCT _004723754 516 1 “ " PUNCT _004723754 516 2 yet yet CCONJ _004723754 516 3 he he PRON _004723754 516 4 is be AUX _004723754 516 5 behind behind ADP _004723754 516 6 the the DET _004723754 516 7 educational educational ADJ _004723754 516 8 laws law NOUN _004723754 516 9 that that PRON _004723754 516 10 require require VERB _004723754 516 11 children child NOUN _004723754 516 12 to to PART _004723754 516 13 be be AUX _004723754 516 14 given give VERB _004723754 516 15 atheistical atheistical ADJ _004723754 516 16 training training NOUN _004723754 516 17 . . PUNCT _004723754 516 18 ’ ' PUNCT _004723754 517 1 * * PUNCT _004723754 517 2 this this DET _004723754 517 3 sketch sketch NOUN _004723754 517 4 of of ADP _004723754 517 5 conditions condition NOUN _004723754 517 6 in in ADP _004723754 517 7 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 517 8 has have AUX _004723754 517 9 been be AUX _004723754 517 10 prepared prepare VERB _004723754 517 11 in in ADP _004723754 517 12 order order NOUN _004723754 517 13 to to PART _004723754 517 14 give give VERB _004723754 517 15 publicity publicity NOUN _004723754 517 16 to to ADP _004723754 517 17 the the DET _004723754 517 18 little little ADJ _004723754 517 19 known know VERB _004723754 517 20 facts fact NOUN _004723754 517 21 about about ADP _004723754 517 22 that that DET _004723754 517 23 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ _004723754 517 24 country country NOUN _004723754 517 25 . . PUNCT _004723754 518 1 the the DET _004723754 518 2 secular secular ADJ _004723754 518 3 press press NOUN _004723754 518 4 for for ADP _004723754 518 5 the the DET _004723754 518 6 m'ost m'ost PROPN _004723754 518 7 part part NOUN _004723754 518 8 has have AUX _004723754 518 9 been be AUX _004723754 518 10 silent silent ADJ _004723754 518 11 even even ADV _004723754 518 12 in in ADP _004723754 518 13 the the DET _004723754 518 14 face face NOUN _004723754 518 15 of of ADP _004723754 518 16 most most ADJ _004723754 518 17 horrifying horrifying ADJ _004723754 518 18 conditions condition NOUN _004723754 518 19 . . PUNCT _004723754 519 1 by by ADP _004723754 519 2 its its PRON _004723754 519 3 silence silence NOUN _004723754 519 4 , , PUNCT _004723754 519 5 it it PRON _004723754 519 6 has have AUX _004723754 519 7 lent lend VERB _004723754 519 8 comfort comfort NOUN _004723754 519 9 to to ADP _004723754 519 10 the the DET _004723754 519 11 enemy enemy NOUN _004723754 519 12 , , PUNCT _004723754 519 13 which which PRON _004723754 519 14 it it PRON _004723754 519 15 , , PUNCT _004723754 519 16 may may AUX _004723754 519 17 some some DET _004723754 519 18 day day NOUN _004723754 519 19 regret regret NOUN _004723754 519 20 . . PUNCT _004723754 520 1 sovie sovie NOUN _004723754 520 2 : : PUNCT _004723754 520 3 russia russia PROPN _004723754 520 4 is be AUX _004723754 520 5 backhig backhig PROPN _004723754 520 6 the the DET _004723754 520 7 anti anti ADJ _004723754 520 8 - - ADJ _004723754 520 9 religious religious ADJ _004723754 520 10 campaign campaign NOUN _004723754 520 11 in in ADP _004723754 520 12 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 520 13 and and CCONJ _004723754 520 14 has have AUX _004723754 520 15 already already ADV _004723754 520 16 announced announce VERB _004723754 520 17 that that SCONJ _004723754 520 18 the the DET _004723754 520 19 united united PROPN _004723754 520 20 states states PROPN _004723754 520 21 is be AUX _004723754 520 22 next next ADJ _004723754 520 23 in in ADP _004723754 520 24 line line NOUN _004723754 520 25 after after ADP _004723754 520 26 the the DET _004723754 520 27 complete complete ADJ _004723754 520 28 over^ over^ NOUN _004723754 520 29 throw throw NOUN _004723754 520 30 of of ADP _004723754 520 31 religion religion NOUN _004723754 520 32 in in ADP _004723754 520 33 mexico mexico PROPN _004723754 520 34 . . PUNCT _004723754 521 1 she she PRON _004723754 521 2 ha ha INTJ _004723754 521 3 ; ; PUNCT _004723754 521 4 long long ADV _004723754 521 5 been be AUX _004723754 521 6 active active ADJ _004723754 521 7 in in ADP _004723754 521 8 our our PRON _004723754 521 9 colleges college NOUN _004723754 521 10 and and CCONJ _004723754 521 11 universities university NOUN _004723754 521 12 and and CCONJ _004723754 521 13 has have AUX _004723754 521 14 made make VERB _004723754 521 15 alarming alarming ADJ _004723754 521 16 gains gain NOUN _004723754 521 17 in in ADP _004723754 521 18 producing produce VERB _004723754 521 19 a a DET _004723754 521 20 generation generation NOUN _004723754 521 21 of of ADP _004723754 521 22 radical radical ADJ _004723754 521 23 socialists socialist NOUN _004723754 521 24 among among ADP _004723754 521 25 our our PRON _004723754 521 26 inteller inteller NOUN _004723754 521 27 tuals tual NOUN _004723754 521 28 who who PRON _004723754 521 29 will will AUX _004723754 521 30 be be AUX _004723754 521 31 the the DET _004723754 521 32 leaders leader NOUN _004723754 521 33 ot ot VERB _004723754 521 34 to to ADP _004723754 521 35 mor^row mor^row VERB _004723754 521 36 and and CCONJ _004723754 521 37 willing willing ADJ _004723754 521 38 tools tool NOUN _004723754 521 39 of of ADP _004723754 521 40 russia russia PROPN _004723754 521 41 when when SCONJ _004723754 521 42 the the DET _004723754 521 43 eomnaand eomnaand NOUN _004723754 521 44 to to ADP _004723754 521 45 revolt revolt NOUN _004723754 521 46 is be AUX _004723754 521 47 given give VERB _004723754 521 48 . . PUNCT _004723754 522 1 this this PRON _004723754 522 2 is be AUX _004723754 522 3 not not PART _004723754 522 4 a a DET _004723754 522 5 vague vague ADJ _004723754 522 6 dream dream NOUN _004723754 522 7 nor nor CCONJ _004723754 522 8 is be AUX _004723754 522 9 it it PRON _004723754 522 10 the the DET _004723754 522 11 wild wild ADJ _004723754 522 12 imagination imagination NOUN _004723754 522 13 of of ADP _004723754 522 14 an an DET _004723754 522 15 alarmist alarmist NOUN _004723754 522 16 , , PUNCT _004723754 522 17 but but CCONJ _004723754 522 18 a a DET _004723754 522 19 simple simple ADJ _004723754 522 20 warning warning NOUN _004723754 522 21 based base VERB _004723754 522 22 on on ADP _004723754 522 23 in in ADP _004723754 522 24 _ _ DET _004723754 522 25 controvertable controvertable ADJ _004723754 522 26 evidence evidence NOUN _004723754 522 27 of of ADP _004723754 522 28 the the DET _004723754 522 29 activities activity NOUN _004723754 522 30 of of ADP _004723754 522 31 the the DET _004723754 522 32 most most ADV _004723754 522 33 diabolical diabolical ADJ _004723754 522 34 organization organization NOUN _004723754 522 35 , , PUNCT _004723754 522 36 the the DET _004723754 522 37 “ " PUNCT _004723754 522 38 third third ADJ _004723754 522 39 internationale internationale NOUN _004723754 522 40 ” " PUNCT _004723754 522 41 , , PUNCT _004723754 522 42 the the DET _004723754 522 43 world world NOUN _004723754 522 44 has have AUX _004723754 522 45 ever ever ADV _004723754 522 46 known know VERB _004723754 522 47 . . PUNCT _004723754 523 1 the the DET _004723754 523 2 result result NOUN _004723754 523 3 of of ADP _004723754 523 4 the the DET _004723754 523 5 recent recent ADJ _004723754 523 6 literary literary ADJ _004723754 523 7 digest digest ADJ _004723754 523 8 poll poll NOUN _004723754 523 9 , , PUNCT _004723754 523 10 showing show VERB _004723754 523 11 nearly nearly ADV _004723754 523 12 17 17 NUM _004723754 523 13 % % NOUN _004723754 523 14 of of ADP _004723754 523 15 112,200 112,200 NUM _004723754 523 16 students student NOUN _004723754 523 17 of of ADP _004723754 523 18 our our PRON _004723754 523 19 unive^rsities unive^rsitie NOUN _004723754 523 20 and and CCONJ _004723754 523 21 colleges college NOUN _004723754 523 22 who who PRON _004723754 523 23 answered answer VERB _004723754 523 24 the the DET _004723754 523 25 questionnaire questionnaire NOUN _004723754 523 26 , , PUNCT _004723754 523 27 as as ADP _004723754 523 28 stating state VERB _004723754 523 29 that that SCONJ _004723754 523 30 they they PRON _004723754 523 31 would would AUX _004723754 523 32 63 63 NUM _004723754 523 33 not not PART _004723754 523 34 bear bear VERB _004723754 523 35 arms arm NOUN _004723754 523 36 for for ADP _004723754 523 37 their their PRON _004723754 523 38 country country NOUN _004723754 523 39 even even ADV _004723754 523 40 if if SCONJ _004723754 523 41 our our PRON _004723754 523 42 borders border NOUN _004723754 523 43 were be AUX _004723754 523 44 invaded invade VERB _004723754 523 45 , , PUNCT _004723754 523 46 is be AUX _004723754 523 47 evidence evidence NOUN _004723754 523 48 to to ADP _004723754 523 49 me i PRON _004723754 523 50 that that SCONJ _004723754 523 51 that that SCONJ _004723754 523 52 17 17 NUM _004723754 523 53 % % NOUN _004723754 523 54 are be AUX _004723754 523 55 already already ADV _004723754 523 56 commu'iiists commu'iiists PROPN _004723754 523 57 . . PUNCT _004723754 524 1 think think VERB _004723754 524 2 it it PRON _004723754 524 3 over over ADP _004723754 524 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 525 1 h. h. PROPN _004723754 525 2 j. j. PROPN _004723754 525 3 tholen tholen PROPN _004723754 525 4 . . PUNCT _004723754 526 1 may may AUX _004723754 526 2 1st 1st PROPN _004723754 526 3 , , PUNCT _004723754 526 4 1935 1935 NUM _004723754 526 5 . . PUNCT