id sid tid token lemma pos _003394302 1 1 m m VERB _003394302 1 2 $ $ SYM _003394302 1 3 m m VERB _003394302 1 4 mnmn mnmn NOUN _003394302 1 5 svstem svstem NOUN _003394302 1 6 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 2 1 it it PRON _003394302 2 2 is be AUX _003394302 2 3 suggested suggest VERB _003394302 2 4 as as ADP _003394302 2 5 remedy remedy NOUN _003394302 2 6 for for ADP _003394302 2 7 evils evil NOUN _003394302 2 8 of of ADP _003394302 2 9 modern modern ADJ _003394302 2 10 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394302 2 11 what what PRON _003394302 2 12 is be AUX _003394302 2 13 the the DET _003394302 2 14 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 2 15 system system NOUN _003394302 2 16 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 3 1 it it PRON _003394302 3 2 is be AUX _003394302 3 3 suggested suggest VERB _003394302 3 4 a a DET _003394302 3 5 s s NOUN _003394302 3 6 remedy remedy NOUN _003394302 3 7 for for ADP _003394302 3 8 evils evil NOUN _003394302 3 9 o o NOUN _003394302 3 10 f f X _003394302 3 11 modern modern ADJ _003394302 3 12 c c VERB _003394302 3 13 a a DET _003394302 3 14 p p NOUN _003394302 3 15 i i NOUN _003394302 3 16 t t PROPN _003394302 4 1 a a DET _003394302 4 2 l l NOUN _003394302 5 1 i i PRON _003394302 5 2 s s VERB _003394302 5 3 m m VERB _003394302 5 4 by by ADP _003394302 5 5 eileen eileen PROPN _003394302 5 6 egan egan PROPN _003394302 6 1 no no PROPN _003394302 6 2 . . NOUN _003394302 6 3 5a 5a NUM _003394302 6 4 published publish VERB _003394302 6 5 in in ADP _003394302 6 6 u. u. PROPN _003394302 6 7 s. s. PROPN _003394302 6 8 a. a. PROPN _003394302 6 9 august august PROPN _003394302 6 10 5 5 NUM _003394302 6 11 , , PUNCT _003394302 6 12 1941 1941 NUM _003394302 6 13 by by ADP _003394302 6 14 our our PRON _003394302 6 15 sunday sunday PROPN _003394302 6 16 visitor visitor PROPN _003394302 6 17 press press PROPN _003394302 6 18 huntington huntington PROPN _003394302 6 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 6 20 indiana indiana PROPN _003394302 6 21 our our PRON _003394302 6 22 sunday sunday PROPN _003394302 6 23 visitor visitor PROPN _003394302 6 24 library library PROPN _003394302 6 25 huntington huntington PROPN _003394302 6 26 , , PUNCT _003394302 6 27 indiana indiana PROPN _003394302 6 28 nihil nihil PROPN _003394302 6 29 obstat obstat PROPN _003394302 6 30 : : PUNCT _003394302 6 31 rev rev PROPN _003394302 6 32 . . PROPN _003394302 6 33 t. t. PROPN _003394302 6 34 e. e. PROPN _003394302 6 35 dillon dillon PROPN _003394302 6 36 censor censor PROPN _003394302 6 37 librorum librorum PROPN _003394302 6 38 imprimatur imprimatur PROPN _003394302 6 39 : : PUNCT _003394302 6 40 john john PROPN _003394302 6 41 francis francis PROPN _003394302 6 42 noll noll PROPN _003394302 6 43 , , PUNCT _003394302 6 44 d. d. PROPN _003394302 6 45 d. d. PROPN _003394302 6 46 , , PUNCT _003394302 6 47 bishop bishop PROPN _003394302 6 48 of of ADP _003394302 6 49 port port NOUN _003394302 6 50 wayne wayne NOUN _003394302 6 51 what what PRON _003394302 6 52 is be AUX _003394302 6 53 the the DET _003394302 6 54 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 6 55 system system NOUN _003394302 6 56 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 7 1 t t NOUN _003394302 7 2 h h NOUN _003394302 7 3 e e NOUN _003394302 7 4 recent recent ADJ _003394302 7 5 publication publication NOUN _003394302 7 6 of of ADP _003394302 7 7 " " PUNCT _003394302 7 8 the the DET _003394302 7 9 church church NOUN _003394302 7 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 7 11 social social ADJ _003394302 7 12 order order NOUN _003394302 7 13 " " PUNCT _003394302 7 14 by by ADP _003394302 7 15 the the DET _003394302 7 16 archbishops archbishop NOUN _003394302 7 17 and and CCONJ _003394302 7 18 bishops bishop NOUN _003394302 7 19 of of ADP _003394302 7 20 the the DET _003394302 7 21 united united PROPN _003394302 7 22 states states PROPN _003394302 7 23 has have AUX _003394302 7 24 been be AUX _003394302 7 25 the the DET _003394302 7 26 occasion occasion NOUN _003394302 7 27 of of ADP _003394302 7 28 a a DET _003394302 7 29 great great ADJ _003394302 7 30 inquiry inquiry NOUN _003394302 7 31 into into ADP _003394302 7 32 the the DET _003394302 7 33 theory theory NOUN _003394302 7 34 and and CCONJ _003394302 7 35 practice practice NOUN _003394302 7 36 of of ADP _003394302 7 37 the the DET _003394302 7 38 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 7 39 system system NOUN _003394302 7 40 . . PUNCT _003394302 8 1 besides besides SCONJ _003394302 8 2 stating state VERB _003394302 8 3 f f X _003394302 8 4 o o NOUN _003394302 8 5 r r X _003394302 8 6 americans americans PROPN _003394302 8 7 the the DET _003394302 8 8 teaching teaching NOUN _003394302 8 9 of of ADP _003394302 8 10 the the DET _003394302 8 11 church church NOUN _003394302 8 12 on on ADP _003394302 8 13 ownership ownership NOUN _003394302 8 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 8 15 property property NOUN _003394302 8 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 8 17 wages wage NOUN _003394302 8 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 8 19 security security NOUN _003394302 8 20 and and CCONJ _003394302 8 21 labor labor NOUN _003394302 8 22 the the DET _003394302 8 23 bishops bishop NOUN _003394302 8 24 laid lay VERB _003394302 8 25 down down ADP _003394302 8 26 general general ADJ _003394302 8 27 outlines outline VERB _003394302 8 28 f f PROPN _003394302 9 1 o o X _003394302 9 2 r r NOUN _003394302 9 3 the the DET _003394302 9 4 establishment establishment NOUN _003394302 9 5 of of ADP _003394302 9 6 a a DET _003394302 9 7 social social ADJ _003394302 9 8 order order NOUN _003394302 9 9 which which PRON _003394302 9 10 would would AUX _003394302 9 11 make make VERB _003394302 9 12 f f X _003394302 9 13 o o X _003394302 9 14 r r VERB _003394302 9 15 a a DET _003394302 9 16 betterment betterment NOUN _003394302 9 17 of of ADP _003394302 9 18 our our PRON _003394302 9 19 present present ADJ _003394302 9 20 condition condition NOUN _003394302 9 21 by by ADP _003394302 9 22 the the DET _003394302 9 23 practical practical ADJ _003394302 9 24 application application NOUN _003394302 9 25 of of ADP _003394302 9 26 general general ADJ _003394302 9 27 moral moral ADJ _003394302 9 28 principles principle NOUN _003394302 9 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 10 1 the the DET _003394302 10 2 remedy remedy NOUN _003394302 10 3 they they PRON _003394302 10 4 offer offer VERB _003394302 10 5 is be AUX _003394302 10 6 " " PUNCT _003394302 10 7 the the DET _003394302 10 8 reintegration reintegration NOUN _003394302 10 9 of of ADP _003394302 10 10 the the DET _003394302 10 11 social social ADJ _003394302 10 12 body body NOUN _003394302 10 13 by by ADP _003394302 10 14 means mean NOUN _003394302 10 15 of of ADP _003394302 10 16 vocational vocational ADJ _003394302 10 17 groups group NOUN _003394302 10 18 " " PUNCT _003394302 10 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 10 20 or or CCONJ _003394302 10 21 , , PUNCT _003394302 10 22 in in ADP _003394302 10 23 other other ADJ _003394302 10 24 words word NOUN _003394302 10 25 , , PUNCT _003394302 10 26 the the DET _003394302 10 27 gradual gradual ADJ _003394302 10 28 adoption adoption NOUN _003394302 10 29 of of ADP _003394302 10 30 the the DET _003394302 10 31 sane sane ADJ _003394302 10 32 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 10 33 order order NOUN _003394302 10 34 which which PRON _003394302 10 35 pope pope PROPN _003394302 10 36 leo leo PROPN _003394302 11 1 x x PROPN _003394302 12 1 i i PRON _003394302 13 1 i i PRON _003394302 14 1 i i PROPN _003394302 14 2 and and CCONJ _003394302 14 3 pius pius PROPN _003394302 14 4 xi xi PROPN _003394302 14 5 advocated advocate VERB _003394302 14 6 in in ADP _003394302 14 7 their their PRON _003394302 14 8 famous famous ADJ _003394302 14 9 encyclicals encyclical NOUN _003394302 14 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 15 1 it it PRON _003394302 15 2 is be AUX _003394302 15 3 important important ADJ _003394302 15 4 to to PART _003394302 15 5 note note VERB _003394302 15 6 that that SCONJ _003394302 15 7 the the DET _003394302 15 8 suggested suggest VERB _003394302 15 9 remedy remedy NOUN _003394302 15 10 is be AUX _003394302 15 11 not not PART _003394302 15 12 a a DET _003394302 15 13 complete complete ADJ _003394302 15 14 political political ADJ _003394302 15 15 framework framework NOUN _003394302 15 16 t t NOUN _003394302 15 17 h h NOUN _003394302 15 18 a a DET _003394302 15 19 t t NOUN _003394302 15 20 overnight overnight ADV _003394302 15 21 would would AUX _003394302 15 22 bring bring VERB _003394302 15 23 utopia utopia NOUN _003394302 15 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 16 1 i i PRON _003394302 16 2 t t PROPN _003394302 16 3 is be AUX _003394302 16 4 certainly certainly ADV _003394302 16 5 not not PART _003394302 16 6 a a DET _003394302 16 7 form form NOUN _003394302 16 8 of of ADP _003394302 16 9 totalitarianism totalitarianism NOUN _003394302 16 10 as as SCONJ _003394302 16 11 some some DET _003394302 16 12 very very ADV _003394302 16 13 leftist leftist ADJ _003394302 16 14 critics critic NOUN _003394302 16 15 would would AUX _003394302 16 16 like like VERB _003394302 16 17 people people NOUN _003394302 16 18 to to PART _003394302 16 19 think think VERB _003394302 16 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 17 1 because because SCONJ _003394302 17 2 italy italy PROPN _003394302 17 3 developed develop VERB _003394302 17 4 a a DET _003394302 17 5 false false ADJ _003394302 17 6 conception conception NOUN _003394302 17 7 of of ADP _003394302 17 8 the the DET _003394302 17 9 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 17 10 system system NOUN _003394302 17 11 through through ADP _003394302 17 12 the the DET _003394302 17 13 dictatorship dictatorship NOUN _003394302 17 14 of of ADP _003394302 17 15 the the DET _003394302 17 16 fascist fascist ADJ _003394302 17 17 party party NOUN _003394302 17 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 17 19 these these DET _003394302 17 20 same same ADJ _003394302 17 21 critics critic NOUN _003394302 17 22 would would AUX _003394302 17 23 have have VERB _003394302 17 24 us we PRON _003394302 17 25 believe believe VERB _003394302 17 26 that that SCONJ _003394302 17 27 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 17 28 means mean VERB _003394302 17 29 fascism fascism NOUN _003394302 17 30 or or CCONJ _003394302 17 31 totalitarianism totalitarianism NOUN _003394302 17 32 . . PUNCT _003394302 18 1 they they PRON _003394302 18 2 neglect neglect VERB _003394302 18 3 to to PART _003394302 18 4 mention mention VERB _003394302 18 5 that that SCONJ _003394302 18 6 the the DET _003394302 18 7 pope pope NOUN _003394302 18 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 18 9 in in ADP _003394302 18 10 recommending recommend VERB _003394302 18 11 the the DET _003394302 18 12 true true ADJ _003394302 18 13 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 18 14 system system NOUN _003394302 18 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 18 16 condemned condemn VERB _003394302 18 17 such such DET _003394302 18 18 a a DET _003394302 18 19 mis4 mis4 NOUN _003394302 18 20 what what PRON _003394302 18 21 is be AUX _003394302 18 22 the the DET _003394302 18 23 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 18 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 19 1 system system NOUN _003394302 19 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 20 1 such such DET _003394302 20 2 a a DET _003394302 20 3 system system NOUN _003394302 20 4 is be AUX _003394302 20 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 20 6 in in ADP _003394302 20 7 its its PRON _003394302 20 8 essence essence NOUN _003394302 20 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 20 10 a a DET _003394302 20 11 reform reform NOUN _003394302 20 12 movement movement NOUN _003394302 20 13 which which PRON _003394302 20 14 recognizes recognize VERB _003394302 20 15 certain certain ADJ _003394302 20 16 roots root NOUN _003394302 20 17 in in ADP _003394302 20 18 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394302 20 19 which which PRON _003394302 20 20 have have AUX _003394302 20 21 given give VERB _003394302 20 22 rise rise NOUN _003394302 20 23 to to ADP _003394302 20 24 the the DET _003394302 20 25 misery misery NOUN _003394302 20 26 and and CCONJ _003394302 20 27 unrest unrest NOUN _003394302 20 28 we we PRON _003394302 20 29 see see VERB _003394302 20 30 about about ADP _003394302 20 31 us we PRON _003394302 20 32 today today NOUN _003394302 20 33 . . PUNCT _003394302 21 1 it it PRON _003394302 21 2 is be AUX _003394302 21 3 merely merely ADV _003394302 21 4 a a DET _003394302 21 5 method method NOUN _003394302 21 6 to to PART _003394302 21 7 overcome overcome VERB _003394302 21 8 these these DET _003394302 21 9 evils evil NOUN _003394302 21 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 21 11 to to PART _003394302 21 12 promote promote VERB _003394302 21 13 economic economic ADJ _003394302 21 14 democracy democracy NOUN _003394302 21 15 among among ADP _003394302 21 16 the the DET _003394302 21 17 peoples people NOUN _003394302 21 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 22 1 before before SCONJ _003394302 22 2 we we PRON _003394302 22 3 can can AUX _003394302 22 4 understand understand VERB _003394302 22 5 the the DET _003394302 22 6 remedy remedy NOUN _003394302 22 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 22 8 we we PRON _003394302 22 9 must must AUX _003394302 22 10 understand understand VERB _003394302 22 11 the the DET _003394302 22 12 sources source NOUN _003394302 22 13 of of ADP _003394302 22 14 the the DET _003394302 22 15 evils evil NOUN _003394302 22 16 of of ADP _003394302 22 17 our our PRON _003394302 22 18 present present ADJ _003394302 22 19 order order NOUN _003394302 22 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 23 1 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394302 23 2 was be AUX _003394302 23 3 founded found VERB _003394302 23 4 on on ADP _003394302 23 5 the the DET _003394302 23 6 idea idea NOUN _003394302 23 7 that that SCONJ _003394302 23 8 if if SCONJ _003394302 23 9 men man NOUN _003394302 23 10 were be AUX _003394302 23 11 allowed allow VERB _003394302 23 12 to to PART _003394302 23 13 conduct conduct VERB _003394302 23 14 their their PRON _003394302 23 15 business business NOUN _003394302 23 16 enterprises enterprise NOUN _003394302 23 17 absolutely absolutely ADV _003394302 23 18 free free ADJ _003394302 23 19 from from ADP _003394302 23 20 any any DET _003394302 23 21 restraints restraint NOUN _003394302 23 22 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _003394302 23 23 , , PUNCT _003394302 23 24 they they PRON _003394302 23 25 would would AUX _003394302 23 26 give give VERB _003394302 23 27 the the DET _003394302 23 28 best good ADJ _003394302 23 29 service service NOUN _003394302 23 30 to to ADP _003394302 23 31 themselves themselves PRON _003394302 23 32 and and CCONJ _003394302 23 33 to to ADP _003394302 23 34 the the DET _003394302 23 35 state state NOUN _003394302 23 36 . . PUNCT _003394302 24 1 this this DET _003394302 24 2 liberalistic liberalistic ADJ _003394302 24 3 notion notion NOUN _003394302 24 4 was be AUX _003394302 24 5 upheld uphold VERB _003394302 24 6 by by ADP _003394302 24 7 the the DET _003394302 24 8 most most ADV _003394302 24 9 influential influential ADJ _003394302 24 10 economic economic ADJ _003394302 24 11 thinkers thinker NOUN _003394302 24 12 of of ADP _003394302 24 13 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394302 24 14 's 's PART _003394302 24 15 early early ADJ _003394302 24 16 age age NOUN _003394302 24 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 24 18 and and CCONJ _003394302 24 19 can can AUX _003394302 24 20 still still ADV _003394302 24 21 be be AUX _003394302 24 22 heard hear VERB _003394302 24 23 today today NOUN _003394302 24 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 25 1 this this DET _003394302 25 2 notion notion NOUN _003394302 25 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 25 4 which which PRON _003394302 25 5 sounds sound VERB _003394302 25 6 very very ADV _003394302 25 7 well well ADV _003394302 25 8 when when SCONJ _003394302 25 9 expounded expound VERB _003394302 25 10 smoothly smoothly ADV _003394302 25 11 , , PUNCT _003394302 25 12 conveniently conveniently ADV _003394302 25 13 frees free VERB _003394302 25 14 the the DET _003394302 25 15 business business NOUN _003394302 25 16 world world NOUN _003394302 25 17 of of ADP _003394302 25 18 all all DET _003394302 25 19 considerations consideration NOUN _003394302 25 20 of of ADP _003394302 25 21 morality morality NOUN _003394302 25 22 , , PUNCT _003394302 25 23 justice justice NOUN _003394302 25 24 and and CCONJ _003394302 25 25 concern concern NOUN _003394302 25 26 for for ADP _003394302 25 27 the the DET _003394302 25 28 common common ADJ _003394302 25 29 good good NOUN _003394302 25 30 . . PUNCT _003394302 26 1 as as ADV _003394302 26 2 long long ADV _003394302 26 3 as as SCONJ _003394302 26 4 the the DET _003394302 26 5 businessman businessman NOUN _003394302 26 6 himself himself PRON _003394302 26 7 came come VERB _003394302 26 8 out out ADP _003394302 26 9 richer richer ADV _003394302 26 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 26 11 all all PRON _003394302 26 12 was be AUX _003394302 26 13 well well ADJ _003394302 26 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 27 1 along along ADP _003394302 27 2 with with ADP _003394302 27 3 this this PRON _003394302 27 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 27 5 went go VERB _003394302 27 6 the the DET _003394302 27 7 idea idea NOUN _003394302 27 8 of of ADP _003394302 27 9 the the DET _003394302 27 10 absolute absolute ADJ _003394302 27 11 right right NOUN _003394302 27 12 of of ADP _003394302 27 13 property property NOUN _003394302 27 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 28 1 the the DET _003394302 28 2 catholic catholic ADJ _003394302 28 3 church church NOUN _003394302 28 4 had have AUX _003394302 28 5 always always ADV _003394302 28 6 taught teach VERB _003394302 28 7 that that SCONJ _003394302 28 8 property property NOUN _003394302 28 9 was be AUX _003394302 28 10 only only ADV _003394302 28 11 entrusted entrust VERB _003394302 28 12 to to ADP _003394302 28 13 a a DET _003394302 28 14 human human ADJ _003394302 28 15 being being NOUN _003394302 28 16 as as ADV _003394302 28 17 long long ADV _003394302 28 18 as as SCONJ _003394302 28 19 he he PRON _003394302 28 20 makes make VERB _003394302 28 21 good good ADJ _003394302 28 22 use use NOUN _003394302 28 23 of of ADP _003394302 28 24 it it PRON _003394302 28 25 , , PUNCT _003394302 28 26 and and CCONJ _003394302 28 27 that that SCONJ _003394302 28 28 the the DET _003394302 28 29 possession possession NOUN _003394302 28 30 of of ADP _003394302 28 31 property property NOUN _003394302 28 32 has have VERB _003394302 28 33 a a DET _003394302 28 34 two two NUM _003394302 28 35 - - ADJ _003394302 28 36 fold fold ADJ _003394302 28 37 aspect aspect NOUN _003394302 28 38 , , PUNCT _003394302 28 39 one one NUM _003394302 28 40 , , PUNCT _003394302 28 41 the the DET _003394302 28 42 right right NOUN _003394302 28 43 to to PART _003394302 28 44 own own VERB _003394302 28 45 it it PRON _003394302 28 46 individually individually ADV _003394302 28 47 , , PUNCT _003394302 28 48 two two NUM _003394302 28 49 , , PUNCT _003394302 28 50 the the DET _003394302 28 51 duty duty NOUN _003394302 28 52 to to PART _003394302 28 53 use use VERB _003394302 28 54 it it PRON _003394302 28 55 in in ADP _003394302 28 56 line line NOUN _003394302 28 57 with with ADP _003394302 28 58 the the DET _003394302 28 59 common common ADJ _003394302 28 60 good good NOUN _003394302 28 61 of of ADP _003394302 28 62 society society NOUN _003394302 28 63 . . PUNCT _003394302 29 1 the the DET _003394302 29 2 factory factory NOUN _003394302 29 3 or or CCONJ _003394302 29 4 house house NOUN _003394302 29 5 owner owner NOUN _003394302 29 6 who who PRON _003394302 29 7 refused refuse VERB _003394302 29 8 to to PART _003394302 29 9 install install VERB _003394302 29 10 the the DET _003394302 29 11 necessary necessary ADJ _003394302 29 12 safety safety NOUN _003394302 29 13 or or CCONJ _003394302 29 14 sanitary sanitary ADJ _003394302 29 15 precautions precaution NOUN _003394302 29 16 on on ADP _003394302 29 17 the the DET _003394302 29 18 grounds ground NOUN _003394302 30 1 that that SCONJ _003394302 30 2 the the DET _003394302 30 3 factory factory NOUN _003394302 30 4 or or CCONJ _003394302 30 5 house house NOUN _003394302 30 6 5 5 NUM _003394302 30 7 what what PRON _003394302 30 8 is be AUX _003394302 30 9 the the DET _003394302 30 10 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 30 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 31 1 system system NOUN _003394302 31 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 32 1 was be AUX _003394302 32 2 his his PRON _003394302 32 3 property property NOUN _003394302 32 4 and and CCONJ _003394302 32 5 that that SCONJ _003394302 32 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 32 7 therefore therefore ADV _003394302 32 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 32 9 he he PRON _003394302 32 10 could could AUX _003394302 32 11 do do VERB _003394302 32 12 what what PRON _003394302 32 13 he he PRON _003394302 32 14 liked like VERB _003394302 32 15 with with ADP _003394302 32 16 it it PRON _003394302 32 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 32 18 was be AUX _003394302 32 19 conveniently conveniently ADV _003394302 32 20 forgetting forget VERB _003394302 32 21 the the DET _003394302 32 22 second second ADJ _003394302 32 23 aspect aspect NOUN _003394302 32 24 of of ADP _003394302 32 25 ownership ownership NOUN _003394302 32 26 and and CCONJ _003394302 32 27 was be AUX _003394302 32 28 , , PUNCT _003394302 32 29 according accord VERB _003394302 32 30 to to ADP _003394302 32 31 the the DET _003394302 32 32 church church NOUN _003394302 32 33 's 's PART _003394302 32 34 teaching teaching NOUN _003394302 32 35 , , PUNCT _003394302 32 36 not not PART _003394302 32 37 obeying obey VERB _003394302 32 38 the the DET _003394302 32 39 moral moral ADJ _003394302 32 40 law law NOUN _003394302 32 41 . . PUNCT _003394302 33 1 the the DET _003394302 33 2 complete complete ADJ _003394302 33 3 divorce divorce NOUN _003394302 33 4 of of ADP _003394302 33 5 business business NOUN _003394302 33 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 33 7 ownership ownership NOUN _003394302 33 8 of of ADP _003394302 33 9 all all DET _003394302 33 10 kinds kind NOUN _003394302 33 11 from from ADP _003394302 33 12 any any DET _003394302 33 13 moral moral ADJ _003394302 33 14 restraints restraint NOUN _003394302 33 15 created create VERB _003394302 33 16 a a DET _003394302 33 17 situation situation NOUN _003394302 33 18 in in ADP _003394302 33 19 which which PRON _003394302 33 20 the the DET _003394302 33 21 strong strong ADJ _003394302 33 22 and and CCONJ _003394302 33 23 ruthless ruthless ADJ _003394302 33 24 could could AUX _003394302 33 25 prey prey VERB _003394302 33 26 upon upon SCONJ _003394302 33 27 the the DET _003394302 33 28 weak weak ADJ _003394302 33 29 members member NOUN _003394302 33 30 of of ADP _003394302 33 31 society society NOUN _003394302 33 32 . . PUNCT _003394302 34 1 the the DET _003394302 34 2 christian christian ADJ _003394302 34 3 teaching teaching NOUN _003394302 34 4 that that PRON _003394302 34 5 all all DET _003394302 34 6 men man NOUN _003394302 34 7 are be AUX _003394302 34 8 equal equal ADJ _003394302 34 9 in in ADP _003394302 34 10 the the DET _003394302 34 11 sight sight NOUN _003394302 34 12 of of ADP _003394302 34 13 god god PROPN _003394302 34 14 was be AUX _003394302 34 15 twisted twist VERB _003394302 34 16 to to PART _003394302 34 17 support support VERB _003394302 34 18 woeful woeful ADJ _003394302 34 19 injustices injustice NOUN _003394302 34 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 35 1 the the DET _003394302 35 2 heads head NOUN _003394302 35 3 of of ADP _003394302 35 4 great great ADJ _003394302 35 5 enterprises enterprise NOUN _003394302 35 6 which which PRON _003394302 35 7 ruined ruin VERB _003394302 35 8 their their PRON _003394302 35 9 competitors competitor NOUN _003394302 35 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 35 11 oppressed oppress VERB _003394302 35 12 their their PRON _003394302 35 13 workmen workman NOUN _003394302 35 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 35 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 35 16 controlled control VERB _003394302 35 17 their their PRON _003394302 35 18 entire entire ADJ _003394302 35 19 field field NOUN _003394302 35 20 of of ADP _003394302 35 21 endeavor endeavor NOUN _003394302 35 22 countered counter VERB _003394302 35 23 any any DET _003394302 35 24 criticism criticism NOUN _003394302 35 25 with with ADP _003394302 35 26 the the DET _003394302 35 27 statement statement NOUN _003394302 35 28 that that SCONJ _003394302 35 29 since since SCONJ _003394302 35 30 all all DET _003394302 35 31 men man NOUN _003394302 35 32 were be AUX _003394302 35 33 equal equal ADJ _003394302 35 34 , , PUNCT _003394302 35 35 any any DET _003394302 35 36 man man NOUN _003394302 35 37 could could AUX _003394302 35 38 rise rise VERB _003394302 35 39 in in ADP _003394302 35 40 the the DET _003394302 35 41 world world NOUN _003394302 35 42 as as SCONJ _003394302 35 43 they they PRON _003394302 35 44 had have AUX _003394302 35 45 done do VERB _003394302 35 46 . . PUNCT _003394302 36 1 if if SCONJ _003394302 36 2 pressed press VERB _003394302 36 3 f f PROPN _003394302 36 4 u u PROPN _003394302 36 5 r r NOUN _003394302 36 6 t t NOUN _003394302 36 7 h h NOUN _003394302 36 8 e e NOUN _003394302 36 9 r r NOUN _003394302 36 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 36 11 they they PRON _003394302 36 12 would would AUX _003394302 36 13 defend defend VERB _003394302 36 14 themselves themselves PRON _003394302 36 15 by by ADP _003394302 36 16 crying cry VERB _003394302 36 17 that that SCONJ _003394302 36 18 they they PRON _003394302 36 19 lived live VERB _003394302 36 20 in in ADP _003394302 36 21 a a DET _003394302 36 22 f f X _003394302 36 23 r r NOUN _003394302 36 24 e e NOUN _003394302 36 25 e e NOUN _003394302 36 26 country country NOUN _003394302 36 27 . . PUNCT _003394302 37 1 the the DET _003394302 37 2 misuse misuse NOUN _003394302 37 3 of of ADP _003394302 37 4 the the DET _003394302 37 5 words word NOUN _003394302 37 6 freedom freedom NOUN _003394302 37 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 37 8 equality equality NOUN _003394302 37 9 has have AUX _003394302 37 10 brought bring VERB _003394302 37 11 us we PRON _003394302 37 12 to to ADP _003394302 37 13 our our PRON _003394302 37 14 present present ADJ _003394302 37 15 condition condition NOUN _003394302 37 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 37 17 in in ADP _003394302 37 18 which which PRON _003394302 37 19 the the DET _003394302 37 20 weaker weak ADJ _003394302 37 21 members member NOUN _003394302 37 22 of of ADP _003394302 37 23 society society NOUN _003394302 37 24 own own VERB _003394302 37 25 nothing nothing PRON _003394302 37 26 a a DET _003394302 37 27 t t NOUN _003394302 37 28 all all PRON _003394302 37 29 , , PUNCT _003394302 37 30 in in ADP _003394302 37 31 which which PRON _003394302 37 32 economic economic ADJ _003394302 37 33 dominance dominance NOUN _003394302 37 34 is be AUX _003394302 37 35 held hold VERB _003394302 37 36 securely securely ADV _003394302 37 37 by by ADP _003394302 37 38 the the DET _003394302 37 39 few few ADJ _003394302 37 40 , , PUNCT _003394302 37 41 who who PRON _003394302 37 42 use use VERB _003394302 37 43 it it PRON _003394302 37 44 for for ADP _003394302 37 45 their their PRON _003394302 37 46 own own ADJ _003394302 37 47 advantage advantage NOUN _003394302 37 48 . . PUNCT _003394302 38 1 in in ADP _003394302 38 2 america america PROPN _003394302 38 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 38 4 the the DET _003394302 38 5 richest rich ADJ _003394302 38 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 38 7 most most ADV _003394302 38 8 progressive progressive ADJ _003394302 38 9 country country NOUN _003394302 38 10 in in ADP _003394302 38 11 the the DET _003394302 38 12 world world NOUN _003394302 38 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 38 14 almost almost ADV _003394302 38 15 one one NUM _003394302 38 16 out out ADP _003394302 38 17 of of ADP _003394302 38 18 four four NUM _003394302 38 19 of of ADP _003394302 38 20 our our PRON _003394302 38 21 working work VERB _003394302 38 22 population population NOUN _003394302 38 23 is be AUX _003394302 38 24 unable unable ADJ _003394302 38 25 to to PART _003394302 38 26 find find VERB _003394302 38 27 work work NOUN _003394302 38 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 39 1 we we PRON _003394302 39 2 have have VERB _003394302 39 3 large large ADJ _003394302 39 4 cotton cotton NOUN _003394302 39 5 surpluses surplus NOUN _003394302 39 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 39 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 39 8 people people NOUN _003394302 39 9 without without ADP _003394302 39 10 s s PRON _003394302 39 11 h h NOUN _003394302 39 12 i i PRON _003394302 39 13 r r VERB _003394302 39 14 t t NOUN _003394302 39 15 s s X _003394302 39 16 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 39 17 we we PRON _003394302 39 18 have have VERB _003394302 39 19 idle idle ADJ _003394302 39 20 builders builder NOUN _003394302 39 21 and and CCONJ _003394302 39 22 families family NOUN _003394302 39 23 without without ADP _003394302 39 24 houses house NOUN _003394302 39 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 40 1 it it PRON _003394302 40 2 is be AUX _003394302 40 3 not not PART _003394302 40 4 necessary necessary ADJ _003394302 40 5 to to PART _003394302 40 6 describe describe VERB _003394302 40 7 f f PROPN _003394302 40 8 u u PROPN _003394302 40 9 r r NOUN _003394302 40 10 t t NOUN _003394302 40 11 h h NOUN _003394302 40 12 e e NOUN _003394302 40 13 r r NOUN _003394302 40 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 40 15 since since SCONJ _003394302 40 16 nothing nothing PRON _003394302 40 17 is be AUX _003394302 40 18 more more ADV _003394302 40 19 obvious obvious ADJ _003394302 40 20 6 6 NUM _003394302 40 21 what what PRON _003394302 40 22 is be AUX _003394302 40 23 the the DET _003394302 40 24 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 40 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 41 1 system system NOUN _003394302 41 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 42 1 than than SCONJ _003394302 42 2 want want VERB _003394302 42 3 in in ADP _003394302 42 4 the the DET _003394302 42 5 midst midst NOUN _003394302 42 6 of of ADP _003394302 42 7 plenty plenty NOUN _003394302 42 8 . . PUNCT _003394302 43 1 men man NOUN _003394302 43 2 seeking seek VERB _003394302 43 3 power power NOUN _003394302 43 4 seize seize NOUN _003394302 43 5 upon upon SCONJ _003394302 43 6 these these DET _003394302 43 7 obvious obvious ADJ _003394302 43 8 evils evil NOUN _003394302 43 9 to to PART _003394302 43 10 foment foment VERB _003394302 43 11 class class NOUN _003394302 43 12 war war NOUN _003394302 43 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 44 1 this this PRON _003394302 44 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 44 3 of of ADP _003394302 44 4 course course NOUN _003394302 44 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 44 6 adds add VERB _003394302 44 7 to to ADP _003394302 44 8 the the DET _003394302 44 9 chaos chaos NOUN _003394302 44 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 44 11 may may AUX _003394302 44 12 bring bring VERB _003394302 44 13 f f PROPN _003394302 44 14 a a DET _003394302 44 15 r r NOUN _003394302 44 16 greater great ADJ _003394302 44 17 evils evil NOUN _003394302 44 18 in in ADP _003394302 44 19 its its PRON _003394302 44 20 train train NOUN _003394302 44 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 45 1 the the DET _003394302 45 2 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 45 3 remedy remedy NOUN _003394302 45 4 starts start VERB _003394302 45 5 from from ADP _003394302 45 6 the the DET _003394302 45 7 basic basic ADJ _003394302 45 8 evils evil NOUN _003394302 45 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 46 1 it it PRON _003394302 46 2 advocates advocate VERB _003394302 46 3 a a DET _003394302 46 4 return return NOUN _003394302 46 5 to to ADP _003394302 46 6 ethical ethical ADJ _003394302 46 7 standards standard NOUN _003394302 46 8 in in ADP _003394302 46 9 the the DET _003394302 46 10 conduct conduct NOUN _003394302 46 11 of of ADP _003394302 46 12 all all DET _003394302 46 13 business business NOUN _003394302 46 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 47 1 instead instead ADV _003394302 47 2 of of ADP _003394302 47 3 holding hold VERB _003394302 47 4 out out ADP _003394302 47 5 individual individual ADJ _003394302 47 6 profit profit NOUN _003394302 47 7 as as ADP _003394302 47 8 the the DET _003394302 47 9 be be AUX _003394302 47 10 - - PUNCT _003394302 47 11 all all PRON _003394302 47 12 and and CCONJ _003394302 47 13 end end NOUN _003394302 47 14 - - PUNCT _003394302 47 15 all all PRON _003394302 47 16 of of ADP _003394302 47 17 business business NOUN _003394302 47 18 enterprise enterprise NOUN _003394302 47 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 47 20 the the DET _003394302 47 21 common common ADJ _003394302 47 22 good good NOUN _003394302 47 23 would would AUX _003394302 47 24 be be AUX _003394302 47 25 the the DET _003394302 47 26 criterion criterion NOUN _003394302 47 27 of of ADP _003394302 47 28 action action NOUN _003394302 47 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 48 1 this this PRON _003394302 48 2 would would AUX _003394302 48 3 bring bring VERB _003394302 48 4 back back ADV _003394302 48 5 the the DET _003394302 48 6 idea idea NOUN _003394302 48 7 of of ADP _003394302 48 8 a a DET _003394302 48 9 just just ADV _003394302 48 10 wage wage NOUN _003394302 48 11 f f X _003394302 48 12 o o X _003394302 48 13 r r X _003394302 48 14 the the DET _003394302 48 15 working work VERB _003394302 48 16 man man NOUN _003394302 48 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 48 18 that that ADV _003394302 48 19 is is ADV _003394302 48 20 , , PUNCT _003394302 48 21 a a DET _003394302 48 22 wage wage NOUN _003394302 48 23 that that PRON _003394302 48 24 would would AUX _003394302 48 25 provide provide VERB _003394302 48 26 f f X _003394302 48 27 o o X _003394302 48 28 r r NOUN _003394302 48 29 him he PRON _003394302 48 30 and and CCONJ _003394302 48 31 his his PRON _003394302 48 32 family family NOUN _003394302 48 33 the the DET _003394302 48 34 physical physical ADJ _003394302 48 35 and and CCONJ _003394302 48 36 cultural cultural ADJ _003394302 48 37 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 48 38 of of ADP _003394302 48 39 a a DET _003394302 48 40 good good ADJ _003394302 48 41 life life NOUN _003394302 48 42 . . PUNCT _003394302 49 1 since since SCONJ _003394302 49 2 it it PRON _003394302 49 3 is be AUX _003394302 49 4 unjust unjust ADJ _003394302 49 5 to to PART _003394302 49 6 limit limit VERB _003394302 49 7 the the DET _003394302 49 8 owning owning NOUN _003394302 49 9 of of ADP _003394302 49 10 property property NOUN _003394302 49 11 to to ADP _003394302 49 12 a a DET _003394302 49 13 few few ADJ _003394302 49 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 49 15 a a DET _003394302 49 16 wider wide ADJ _003394302 49 17 distribution distribution NOUN _003394302 49 18 of of ADP _003394302 49 19 property property NOUN _003394302 49 20 would would AUX _003394302 49 21 be be AUX _003394302 49 22 a a DET _003394302 49 23 necessary necessary ADJ _003394302 49 24 condition condition NOUN _003394302 49 25 of of ADP _003394302 49 26 a a DET _003394302 49 27 good good ADJ _003394302 49 28 social social ADJ _003394302 49 29 order order NOUN _003394302 49 30 . . PUNCT _003394302 50 1 another another DET _003394302 50 2 result result NOUN _003394302 50 3 of of ADP _003394302 50 4 bringing bring VERB _003394302 50 5 moral moral ADJ _003394302 50 6 principles principle NOUN _003394302 50 7 back back ADV _003394302 50 8 into into ADP _003394302 50 9 the the DET _003394302 50 10 economic economic ADJ _003394302 50 11 life life NOUN _003394302 50 12 of of ADP _003394302 50 13 the the DET _003394302 50 14 nation nation NOUN _003394302 50 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 50 16 would would AUX _003394302 50 17 be be AUX _003394302 50 18 the the DET _003394302 50 19 .serious .serious ADJ _003394302 50 20 attempt attempt NOUN _003394302 50 21 to to PART _003394302 50 22 create create VERB _003394302 50 23 security security NOUN _003394302 50 24 f f PROPN _003394302 50 25 o o X _003394302 51 1 r r NOUN _003394302 51 2 the the DET _003394302 51 3 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003394302 51 4 wage wage NOUN _003394302 51 5 - - PUNCT _003394302 51 6 earner earner NOUN _003394302 51 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 52 1 since since SCONJ _003394302 52 2 the the DET _003394302 52 3 wage wage NOUN _003394302 52 4 - - PUNCT _003394302 52 5 earner earner NOUN _003394302 52 6 is be AUX _003394302 52 7 a a DET _003394302 52 8 man man NOUN _003394302 52 9 made make VERB _003394302 52 10 in in ADP _003394302 52 11 the the DET _003394302 52 12 image image NOUN _003394302 52 13 and and CCONJ _003394302 52 14 likeness likeness NOUN _003394302 52 15 of of ADP _003394302 52 16 god god PROPN _003394302 52 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 52 18 he he PRON _003394302 52 19 has have VERB _003394302 52 20 a a DET _003394302 52 21 positive positive ADJ _003394302 52 22 right right NOUN _003394302 52 23 to to ADP _003394302 52 24 a a DET _003394302 52 25 just just ADJ _003394302 52 26 wage wage NOUN _003394302 52 27 , , PUNCT _003394302 52 28 a a DET _003394302 52 29 modicum modicum NOUN _003394302 52 30 of of ADP _003394302 52 31 security security NOUN _003394302 52 32 and and CCONJ _003394302 52 33 the the DET _003394302 52 34 ownership ownership NOUN _003394302 52 35 of of ADP _003394302 52 36 some some DET _003394302 52 37 portion portion NOUN _003394302 52 38 of of ADP _003394302 52 39 the the DET _003394302 52 40 world world NOUN _003394302 52 41 's 's PART _003394302 52 42 goods good NOUN _003394302 52 43 . . PUNCT _003394302 53 1 if if SCONJ _003394302 53 2 the the DET _003394302 53 3 tonic tonic NOUN _003394302 53 4 of of ADP _003394302 53 5 such such ADJ _003394302 53 6 moral moral ADJ _003394302 53 7 principles principle NOUN _003394302 53 8 were be AUX _003394302 53 9 injected inject VERB _003394302 53 10 into into ADP _003394302 53 11 the the DET _003394302 53 12 sick sick ADJ _003394302 53 13 body body NOUN _003394302 53 14 of of ADP _003394302 53 15 our our PRON _003394302 53 16 social social ADJ _003394302 53 17 order order NOUN _003394302 53 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 53 19 the the DET _003394302 53 20 evil evil ADJ _003394302 53 21 effects effect NOUN _003394302 53 22 of of ADP _003394302 53 23 class class NOUN _003394302 53 24 war war NOUN _003394302 53 25 would would AUX _003394302 53 26 cease cease VERB _003394302 53 27 . . PUNCT _003394302 54 1 as as ADP _003394302 54 2 a a DET _003394302 54 3 machinery machinery NOUN _003394302 54 4 to to PART _003394302 54 5 attain attain VERB _003394302 54 6 such such ADJ _003394302 54 7 excellent excellent ADJ _003394302 54 8 ends end NOUN _003394302 54 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 54 10 the the DET _003394302 54 11 bishops bishop NOUN _003394302 54 12 point point VERB _003394302 54 13 to to ADP _003394302 54 14 the the DET _003394302 54 15 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 54 16 system system NOUN _003394302 54 17 . . PUNCT _003394302 55 1 i i PRON _003394302 55 2 t t NOUN _003394302 55 3 is be AUX _003394302 55 4 applicable applicable ADJ _003394302 55 5 to to ADP _003394302 55 6 many many ADJ _003394302 55 7 political political ADJ _003394302 55 8 frameworks framework NOUN _003394302 55 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 55 10 f f PROPN _003394302 55 11 o o X _003394302 56 1 r r NOUN _003394302 56 2 example example NOUN _003394302 56 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 56 4 republican republican ADJ _003394302 56 5 or or CCONJ _003394302 56 6 monarchic monarchic NOUN _003394302 56 7 .. .. PUNCT _003394302 56 8 in in ADP _003394302 56 9 each each DET _003394302 56 10 locality locality NOUN _003394302 56 11 , , PUNCT _003394302 56 12 workmen workman NOUN _003394302 56 13 and and CCONJ _003394302 56 14 employers employer NOUN _003394302 56 15 of of ADP _003394302 56 16 the the DET _003394302 56 17 7 7 NUM _003394302 56 18 what what PRON _003394302 56 19 is be AUX _003394302 56 20 the the DET _003394302 56 21 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 56 22 . . PUNCT _003394302 57 1 system system NOUN _003394302 57 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 58 1 same same ADJ _003394302 58 2 vocation vocation NOUN _003394302 58 3 would would AUX _003394302 58 4 form form VERB _003394302 58 5 unions union NOUN _003394302 58 6 in in ADP _003394302 58 7 which which PRON _003394302 58 8 both both DET _003394302 58 9 groups group NOUN _003394302 58 10 would would AUX _003394302 58 11 actively actively ADV _003394302 58 12 participate participate VERB _003394302 58 13 f f X _003394302 58 14 o o X _003394302 59 1 r r NOUN _003394302 59 2 the the DET _003394302 59 3 good good NOUN _003394302 59 4 of of ADP _003394302 59 5 all all PRON _003394302 59 6 . . PUNCT _003394302 60 1 these these PRON _003394302 60 2 would would AUX _003394302 60 3 band band VERB _003394302 60 4 together together ADV _003394302 60 5 with with ADP _003394302 60 6 all all DET _003394302 60 7 other other ADJ _003394302 60 8 workers worker NOUN _003394302 60 9 and and CCONJ _003394302 60 10 employers employer NOUN _003394302 60 11 of of ADP _003394302 60 12 the the DET _003394302 60 13 same same ADJ _003394302 60 14 field field NOUN _003394302 60 15 in in ADP _003394302 60 16 the the DET _003394302 60 17 entire entire ADJ _003394302 60 18 nation nation NOUN _003394302 60 19 . . PUNCT _003394302 61 1 these these DET _003394302 61 2 powerful powerful ADJ _003394302 61 3 federations federation NOUN _003394302 61 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 61 5 representing represent VERB _003394302 61 6 all all DET _003394302 61 7 interests interest NOUN _003394302 61 8 of of ADP _003394302 61 9 the the DET _003394302 61 10 vocations vocation NOUN _003394302 61 11 , , PUNCT _003394302 61 12 would would AUX _003394302 61 13 set set VERB _003394302 61 14 standards standard NOUN _003394302 61 15 of of ADP _003394302 61 16 work work NOUN _003394302 61 17 and and CCONJ _003394302 61 18 production production NOUN _003394302 61 19 to to PART _003394302 61 20 protect protect VERB _003394302 61 21 the the DET _003394302 61 22 public public NOUN _003394302 61 23 , , PUNCT _003394302 61 24 and and CCONJ _003394302 61 25 would would AUX _003394302 61 26 promulgate promulgate VERB _003394302 61 27 and and CCONJ _003394302 61 28 enforce enforce VERB _003394302 61 29 just just ADV _003394302 61 30 provisions provision NOUN _003394302 61 31 of of ADP _003394302 61 32 work work NOUN _003394302 61 33 , , PUNCT _003394302 61 34 wages wage NOUN _003394302 61 35 and and CCONJ _003394302 62 1 general general ADJ _003394302 62 2 welfare welfare NOUN _003394302 62 3 f f PROPN _003394302 62 4 o o X _003394302 63 1 r r NOUN _003394302 63 2 the the DET _003394302 63 3 wage wage NOUN _003394302 63 4 - - PUNCT _003394302 63 5 earner earner NOUN _003394302 63 6 . . PUNCT _003394302 64 1 even even ADV _003394302 64 2 agricultural agricultural ADJ _003394302 64 3 and and CCONJ _003394302 64 4 cultural cultural ADJ _003394302 64 5 pursuits pursuit NOUN _003394302 64 6 could could AUX _003394302 64 7 be be AUX _003394302 64 8 organized organize VERB _003394302 64 9 in in ADP _003394302 64 10 the the DET _003394302 64 11 same same ADJ _003394302 64 12 manner manner NOUN _003394302 64 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 64 14 so so SCONJ _003394302 64 15 that that SCONJ _003394302 64 16 no no DET _003394302 64 17 worker worker NOUN _003394302 64 18 would would AUX _003394302 64 19 be be AUX _003394302 64 20 left leave VERB _003394302 64 21 alone alone ADJ _003394302 64 22 and and CCONJ _003394302 64 23 unprotected unprotected ADJ _003394302 64 24 against against ADP _003394302 64 25 injustice injustice NOUN _003394302 64 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 65 1 the the DET _003394302 65 2 greater great ADJ _003394302 65 3 part part NOUN _003394302 65 4 of of ADP _003394302 65 5 the the DET _003394302 65 6 work work NOUN _003394302 65 7 f f PROPN _003394302 65 8 o o X _003394302 65 9 r r NOUN _003394302 65 10 social social ADJ _003394302 65 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 65 12 economic economic ADJ _003394302 65 13 justice justice NOUN _003394302 65 14 would would AUX _003394302 65 15 be be AUX _003394302 65 16 done do VERB _003394302 65 17 by by ADP _003394302 65 18 the the DET _003394302 65 19 regional regional ADJ _003394302 65 20 unions union NOUN _003394302 65 21 of of ADP _003394302 65 22 employers employer NOUN _003394302 65 23 and and CCONJ _003394302 65 24 employees employee NOUN _003394302 65 25 , , PUNCT _003394302 65 26 but but CCONJ _003394302 65 27 the the DET _003394302 65 28 state state NOUN _003394302 65 29 would would AUX _003394302 65 30 have have VERB _003394302 65 31 to to PART _003394302 65 32 be be AUX _003394302 65 33 a a DET _003394302 65 34 watchful watchful ADJ _003394302 65 35 guardian guardian NOUN _003394302 65 36 of of ADP _003394302 65 37 the the DET _003394302 65 38 rights right NOUN _003394302 65 39 of of ADP _003394302 65 40 the the DET _003394302 65 41 weak weak ADJ _003394302 65 42 . . PUNCT _003394302 66 1 in in ADP _003394302 66 2 most most ADJ _003394302 66 3 modern modern ADJ _003394302 66 4 countries country NOUN _003394302 66 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 66 6 the the DET _003394302 66 7 state state NOUN _003394302 66 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 66 9 under under ADP _003394302 66 10 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394302 66 11 , , PUNCT _003394302 66 12 has have AUX _003394302 66 13 been be AUX _003394302 66 14 a a DET _003394302 66 15 f f X _003394302 66 16 a a DET _003394302 66 17 r r NOUN _003394302 66 18 more more ADV _003394302 66 19 watchful watchful ADJ _003394302 66 20 guardian guardian NOUN _003394302 66 21 of of ADP _003394302 66 22 the the DET _003394302 66 23 rights right NOUN _003394302 66 24 of of ADP _003394302 66 25 the the DET _003394302 66 26 strong strong ADJ _003394302 66 27 . . PUNCT _003394302 67 1 by by ADP _003394302 67 2 throwing throw VERB _003394302 67 3 the the DET _003394302 67 4 responsibilities responsibility NOUN _003394302 67 5 for for ADP _003394302 67 6 the the DET _003394302 67 7 general general ADJ _003394302 67 8 welfare welfare NOUN _003394302 67 9 back back ADV _003394302 67 10 on on ADP _003394302 67 11 the the DET _003394302 67 12 community community NOUN _003394302 67 13 organization organization NOUN _003394302 67 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 67 15 a a DET _003394302 67 16 decrease decrease NOUN _003394302 67 17 of of ADP _003394302 67 18 centralized centralized ADJ _003394302 67 19 power power NOUN _003394302 67 20 would would AUX _003394302 67 21 inevitably inevitably ADV _003394302 67 22 result result VERB _003394302 67 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 68 1 if if SCONJ _003394302 68 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 68 3 finally finally ADV _003394302 68 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 68 5 men man NOUN _003394302 68 6 were be AUX _003394302 68 7 represented represent VERB _003394302 68 8 according accord VERB _003394302 68 9 to to ADP _003394302 68 10 their their PRON _003394302 68 11 vocations vocation NOUN _003394302 68 12 in in ADP _003394302 68 13 one one NUM _003394302 68 14 chamber chamber NOUN _003394302 68 15 of of ADP _003394302 68 16 the the DET _003394302 68 17 government government NOUN _003394302 68 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 68 19 the the DET _003394302 68 20 interests interest NOUN _003394302 68 21 of of ADP _003394302 68 22 all all DET _003394302 68 23 members member NOUN _003394302 68 24 of of ADP _003394302 68 25 society society NOUN _003394302 68 26 would would AUX _003394302 68 27 be be AUX _003394302 68 28 more more ADV _003394302 68 29 surely surely ADV _003394302 68 30 taken take VERB _003394302 68 31 care care NOUN _003394302 68 32 of of ADP _003394302 68 33 . . PUNCT _003394302 69 1 workers worker NOUN _003394302 69 2 in in ADP _003394302 69 3 the the DET _003394302 69 4 legislature legislature NOUN _003394302 69 5 would would AUX _003394302 69 6 find find VERB _003394302 69 7 some some DET _003394302 69 8 means mean NOUN _003394302 69 9 of of ADP _003394302 69 10 bringing bring VERB _003394302 69 11 the the DET _003394302 69 12 surplus surplus ADJ _003394302 69 13 cotton cotton NOUN _003394302 69 14 to to ADP _003394302 69 15 those those PRON _003394302 69 16 who who PRON _003394302 69 17 need need VERB _003394302 69 18 shirts shirt NOUN _003394302 69 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 69 20 and and CCONJ _003394302 69 21 of of ADP _003394302 69 22 providing provide VERB _003394302 69 23 work work NOUN _003394302 69 24 f f X _003394302 69 25 o o X _003394302 70 1 r r NOUN _003394302 70 2 idle idle ADJ _003394302 70 3 builders builder NOUN _003394302 70 4 by by ADP _003394302 70 5 supplying supply VERB _003394302 70 6 houses house NOUN _003394302 70 7 f f X _003394302 70 8 o o X _003394302 71 1 r r NOUN _003394302 71 2 families family NOUN _003394302 71 3 without without ADP _003394302 71 4 adequate adequate ADJ _003394302 71 5 shelter shelter NOUN _003394302 71 6 . . PUNCT _003394302 72 1 8 8 NUM _003394302 72 2 what what PRON _003394302 72 3 is be AUX _003394302 72 4 the the DET _003394302 72 5 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 72 6 . . PUNCT _003394302 73 1 system system NOUN _003394302 73 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 74 1 the the DET _003394302 74 2 problem problem NOUN _003394302 74 3 is be AUX _003394302 74 4 not not PART _003394302 74 5 insoluble insoluble ADJ _003394302 74 6 if if SCONJ _003394302 74 7 we we PRON _003394302 74 8 throw throw VERB _003394302 74 9 over over ADP _003394302 74 10 a a DET _003394302 74 11 few few ADJ _003394302 74 12 of of ADP _003394302 74 13 the the DET _003394302 74 14 evil evil ADJ _003394302 74 15 principles principle NOUN _003394302 74 16 invented invent VERB _003394302 74 17 in in ADP _003394302 74 18 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394302 74 19 's 's PART _003394302 74 20 -early -early ADJ _003394302 74 21 days day NOUN _003394302 74 22 to to ADP _003394302 74 23 j j PROPN _003394302 74 24 u u PROPN _003394302 74 25 s s PART _003394302 74 26 t t NOUN _003394302 75 1 i i PRON _003394302 75 2 f f X _003394302 75 3 y y PROPN _003394302 76 1 the the DET _003394302 76 2 insatiable insatiable ADJ _003394302 76 3 greed greed NOUN _003394302 76 4 f f X _003394302 77 1 o o X _003394302 77 2 r r NOUN _003394302 77 3 profits profit NOUN _003394302 77 4 of of ADP _003394302 77 5 the the DET _003394302 77 6 few few ADJ _003394302 77 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 78 1 as as SCONJ _003394302 78 2 can can AUX _003394302 78 3 be be AUX _003394302 78 4 seen see VERB _003394302 78 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 78 6 this this PRON _003394302 78 7 is be AUX _003394302 78 8 a a DET _003394302 78 9 very very ADV _003394302 78 10 general general ADJ _003394302 78 11 suggestion suggestion NOUN _003394302 78 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 78 13 and and CCONJ _003394302 78 14 would would AUX _003394302 78 15 have have VERB _003394302 78 16 to to PART _003394302 78 17 be be AUX _003394302 78 18 modified modify VERB _003394302 78 19 to to PART _003394302 78 20 fit fit VERB _003394302 78 21 each each DET _003394302 78 22 country country NOUN _003394302 78 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 79 1 for for ADP _003394302 79 2 example example NOUN _003394302 79 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 79 4 a a DET _003394302 79 5 highly highly ADV _003394302 79 6 industrialized industrialize VERB _003394302 79 7 country country NOUN _003394302 79 8 would would AUX _003394302 79 9 have have VERB _003394302 79 10 a a DET _003394302 79 11 different different ADJ _003394302 79 12 version version NOUN _003394302 79 13 from from ADP _003394302 79 14 a a DET _003394302 79 15 country country NOUN _003394302 79 16 whose whose DET _003394302 79 17 activities activity NOUN _003394302 79 18 are be AUX _003394302 79 19 largely largely ADV _003394302 79 20 rural rural ADJ _003394302 79 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 80 1 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 80 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 80 3 the the DET _003394302 80 4 one one NUM _003394302 80 5 european european ADJ _003394302 80 6 country country NOUN _003394302 80 7 which which PRON _003394302 80 8 has have AUX _003394302 80 9 experimented experiment VERB _003394302 80 10 with with ADP _003394302 80 11 this this DET _003394302 80 12 system system NOUN _003394302 80 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 80 14 has have VERB _003394302 80 15 some some DET _003394302 80 16 unique unique ADJ _003394302 80 17 features feature NOUN _003394302 80 18 to to PART _003394302 80 19 satisfy satisfy VERB _003394302 80 20 the the DET _003394302 80 21 needs need NOUN _003394302 80 22 of of ADP _003394302 80 23 her her PRON _003394302 80 24 fishing fishing NOUN _003394302 80 25 and and CCONJ _003394302 80 26 agricultural agricultural ADJ _003394302 80 27 populations population NOUN _003394302 80 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 81 1 these these PRON _003394302 81 2 will will AUX _003394302 81 3 be be AUX _003394302 81 4 explained explain VERB _003394302 81 5 in in ADP _003394302 81 6 a a DET _003394302 81 7 later later ADJ _003394302 81 8 article article NOUN _003394302 81 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 82 1 whatever whatever DET _003394302 82 2 good good ADJ _003394302 82 3 organizations organization NOUN _003394302 82 4 had have AUX _003394302 82 5 grown grow VERB _003394302 82 6 up up ADP _003394302 82 7 in in ADP _003394302 82 8 a a DET _003394302 82 9 country country NOUN _003394302 82 10 would would AUX _003394302 82 11 of of ADP _003394302 82 12 course course NOUN _003394302 82 13 be be AUX _003394302 82 14 the the DET _003394302 82 15 basis basis NOUN _003394302 83 1 f f PROPN _003394302 83 2 o o X _003394302 83 3 r r VERB _003394302 83 4 the the DET _003394302 83 5 transition transition NOUN _003394302 83 6 into into ADP _003394302 83 7 the the DET _003394302 83 8 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 83 9 system system NOUN _003394302 83 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 84 1 labor labor NOUN _003394302 84 2 unions union NOUN _003394302 84 3 would would AUX _003394302 84 4 enlarge enlarge VERB _003394302 84 5 their their PRON _003394302 84 6 numbers number NOUN _003394302 84 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 84 8 broaden broaden VERB _003394302 84 9 their their PRON _003394302 84 10 functions function NOUN _003394302 84 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 85 1 the the DET _003394302 85 2 important important ADJ _003394302 85 3 thing thing NOUN _003394302 85 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 85 5 however however ADV _003394302 85 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 85 7 is be AUX _003394302 85 8 the the DET _003394302 85 9 return return NOUN _003394302 85 10 to to ADP _003394302 85 11 the the DET _003394302 85 12 principles principle NOUN _003394302 85 13 of of ADP _003394302 85 14 justice justice NOUN _003394302 85 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 85 16 morality morality NOUN _003394302 85 17 so so SCONJ _003394302 85 18 that that SCONJ _003394302 85 19 all all DET _003394302 85 20 men man NOUN _003394302 85 21 may may AUX _003394302 85 22 be be AUX _003394302 85 23 made make VERB _003394302 85 24 partakers partaker NOUN _003394302 85 25 , , PUNCT _003394302 85 26 in in ADP _003394302 85 27 more more ADV _003394302 85 28 even even ADV _003394302 85 29 measure measure NOUN _003394302 85 30 , , PUNCT _003394302 85 31 of of ADP _003394302 85 32 the the DET _003394302 85 33 goods good NOUN _003394302 85 34 which which PRON _003394302 85 35 are be AUX _003394302 85 36 on on ADP _003394302 85 37 the the DET _003394302 85 38 earth earth NOUN _003394302 85 39 . . PUNCT _003394302 86 1 rebirth rebirth NOUN _003394302 86 2 in in ADP _003394302 86 3 p p NOUN _003394302 86 4 o o NOUN _003394302 87 1 r r NOUN _003394302 87 2 t t NOUN _003394302 87 3 u u NOUN _003394302 87 4 g g NOUN _003394302 87 5 a a DET _003394302 87 6 l l X _003394302 87 7 — — PUNCT _003394302 87 8 a a DET _003394302 87 9 glance glance NOUN _003394302 87 10 a a DET _003394302 87 11 t t NOUN _003394302 87 12 t t NOUN _003394302 87 13 h h NOUN _003394302 87 14 e e NOUN _003394302 87 15 background background NOUN _003394302 87 16 " " PUNCT _003394302 87 17 jphrough jphrough ADJ _003394302 87 18 many many ADJ _003394302 87 19 sources source NOUN _003394302 87 20 , , PUNCT _003394302 87 21 the the DET _003394302 87 22 principle principle ADJ _003394302 87 23 outlines outline VERB _003394302 87 24 of of ADP _003394302 87 25 the the DET _003394302 87 26 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 87 27 state state NOUN _003394302 87 28 are be AUX _003394302 87 29 becoming become VERB _003394302 87 30 better well ADV _003394302 87 31 known know VERB _003394302 87 32 . . PUNCT _003394302 88 1 to to ADP _003394302 88 2 those those PRON _003394302 88 3 interested interested ADJ _003394302 88 4 in in ADP _003394302 88 5 such such DET _003394302 88 6 an an DET _003394302 88 7 organization organization NOUN _003394302 88 8 of of ADP _003394302 88 9 society society NOUN _003394302 88 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 88 11 it it PRON _003394302 88 12 is be AUX _003394302 88 13 of of ADP _003394302 88 14 serious serious ADJ _003394302 88 15 interest interest NOUN _003394302 88 16 to to PART _003394302 88 17 examine examine VERB _003394302 88 18 its its PRON _003394302 88 19 results result NOUN _003394302 88 20 in in ADP _003394302 88 21 the the DET _003394302 88 22 one one NUM _003394302 88 23 country country NOUN _003394302 88 24 that that PRON _003394302 88 25 has have AUX _003394302 88 26 honestly honestly ADV _003394302 88 27 tried try VERB _003394302 88 28 it it PRON _003394302 88 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 89 1 just just ADV _003394302 89 2 as as SCONJ _003394302 89 3 the the DET _003394302 89 4 eyes eye NOUN _003394302 89 5 of of ADP _003394302 89 6 communists communist NOUN _003394302 89 7 everywhere everywhere ADV _003394302 89 8 turned turn VERB _003394302 89 9 to to ADP _003394302 89 10 russia russia PROPN _003394302 89 11 to to PART _003394302 89 12 find find VERB _003394302 89 13 proof proof NOUN _003394302 89 14 of of ADP _003394302 89 15 the the DET _003394302 89 16 results result NOUN _003394302 89 17 of of ADP _003394302 89 18 communistic communistic ADJ _003394302 89 19 ideals ideal NOUN _003394302 89 20 , , PUNCT _003394302 89 21 so so SCONJ _003394302 89 22 the the DET _003394302 89 23 eyes eye NOUN _003394302 89 24 of of ADP _003394302 89 25 less less ADV _003394302 89 26 atheistic atheistic ADJ _003394302 89 27 economists economist NOUN _003394302 89 28 and and CCONJ _003394302 89 29 workers worker NOUN _003394302 89 30 turn turn VERB _003394302 89 31 to to ADP _003394302 89 32 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 89 33 to to PART _003394302 89 34 see see VERB _003394302 89 35 the the DET _003394302 89 36 results result NOUN _003394302 89 37 of of ADP _003394302 89 38 the the DET _003394302 89 39 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 89 40 experiment experiment NOUN _003394302 89 41 . . PUNCT _003394302 90 1 communism communism NOUN _003394302 90 2 and and CCONJ _003394302 90 3 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 90 4 contrasted contrast VERB _003394302 90 5 there there PRON _003394302 90 6 could could AUX _003394302 90 7 be be AUX _003394302 90 8 no no DET _003394302 90 9 greater great ADJ _003394302 90 10 contrast contrast NOUN _003394302 90 11 i i PROPN _003394302 90 12 - - PUNCT _003394302 90 13 n n PROPN _003394302 90 14 the the DET _003394302 90 15 world world NOUN _003394302 90 16 than than ADP _003394302 90 17 between between ADP _003394302 90 18 the the DET _003394302 90 19 results result NOUN _003394302 90 20 of of ADP _003394302 90 21 communism communism NOUN _003394302 90 22 in in ADP _003394302 90 23 russia russia PROPN _003394302 90 24 and and CCONJ _003394302 90 25 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 90 26 in in ADP _003394302 90 27 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 90 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 91 1 in in ADP _003394302 91 2 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 91 3 the the DET _003394302 91 4 new new ADJ _003394302 91 5 state state NOUN _003394302 91 6 was be AUX _003394302 91 7 ushered usher VERB _003394302 91 8 in in ADP _003394302 91 9 first first ADV _003394302 91 10 by by ADP _003394302 91 11 a a DET _003394302 91 12 peaceful peaceful ADJ _003394302 91 13 assumption assumption NOUN _003394302 91 14 of of ADP _003394302 91 15 power power NOUN _003394302 91 16 from from ADP _003394302 91 17 a a DET _003394302 91 18 corrupt corrupt ADJ _003394302 91 19 governing governing NOUN _003394302 91 20 group group NOUN _003394302 91 21 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 91 22 then then ADV _003394302 91 23 by by ADP _003394302 91 24 the the DET _003394302 91 25 adoption adoption NOUN _003394302 91 26 of of ADP _003394302 91 27 a a DET _003394302 91 28 constitution constitution NOUN _003394302 91 29 through through ADP _003394302 91 30 a a DET _003394302 91 31 free free ADJ _003394302 91 32 plebiscite plebiscite NOUN _003394302 91 33 . . PUNCT _003394302 92 1 in in ADP _003394302 92 2 russia russia PROPN _003394302 92 3 rivers river NOUN _003394302 92 4 of of ADP _003394302 92 5 blood blood NOUN _003394302 92 6 flowed flow VERB _003394302 92 7 that that SCONJ _003394302 92 8 marxism marxism PROPN _003394302 92 9 might might AUX _003394302 92 10 grow grow VERB _003394302 92 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 93 1 religion religion NOUN _003394302 93 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 93 3 under under ADP _003394302 93 4 the the DET _003394302 93 5 soviet soviet PROPN _003394302 93 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 93 7 has have AUX _003394302 93 8 been be AUX _003394302 93 9 openly openly ADV _003394302 93 10 persecuted persecute VERB _003394302 93 11 by by ADP _003394302 93 12 killing kill VERB _003394302 93 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 93 14 confiscation confiscation NOUN _003394302 93 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 93 16 arbitrary arbitrary ADJ _003394302 93 17 arrest arrest NOUN _003394302 93 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 93 19 torture torture NOUN _003394302 93 20 , , PUNCT _003394302 93 21 and and CCONJ _003394302 93 22 anti anti ADJ _003394302 93 23 - - ADJ _003394302 93 24 religious religious ADJ _003394302 93 25 propaganda propaganda NOUN _003394302 93 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 94 1 in in ADP _003394302 94 2 new new ADJ _003394302 94 3 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 94 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 94 5 no no DET _003394302 94 6 religion religion NOUN _003394302 94 7 or or CCONJ _003394302 94 8 race race NOUN _003394302 94 9 has have AUX _003394302 94 10 been be AUX _003394302 94 11 persecuted persecute VERB _003394302 94 12 . . PUNCT _003394302 95 1 christian christian ADJ _003394302 95 2 and and CCONJ _003394302 95 3 jew jew PROPN _003394302 95 4 prosper prosper VERB _003394302 95 5 together together ADV _003394302 95 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 95 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 95 8 their their PRON _003394302 95 9 rights right NOUN _003394302 95 10 are be AUX _003394302 95 11 specifically specifically ADV _003394302 95 12 guaranteed guarantee VERB _003394302 95 13 in in ADP _003394302 95 14 the the DET _003394302 95 15 constitution constitution NOUN _003394302 95 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 96 1 " " PUNCT _003394302 96 2 the the DET _003394302 96 3 paradise paradise PROPN _003394302 96 4 of of ADP _003394302 96 5 workers worker NOUN _003394302 96 6 " " PUNCT _003394302 96 7 has have AUX _003394302 96 8 gradually gradually ADV _003394302 96 9 reduced reduce VERB _003394302 96 10 every every DET _003394302 96 11 man man NOUN _003394302 96 12 to to ADP _003394302 96 13 the the DET _003394302 96 14 dignity dignity NOUN _003394302 96 15 of of ADP _003394302 96 16 10 10 NUM _003394302 96 17 what what PRON _003394302 96 18 is be AUX _003394302 96 19 the the DET _003394302 96 20 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 96 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 97 1 system system NOUN _003394302 97 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 98 1 an an DET _003394302 98 2 animal animal NOUN _003394302 98 3 whose whose DET _003394302 98 4 stomach stomach NOUN _003394302 98 5 should should AUX _003394302 98 6 be be AUX _003394302 98 7 filled fill VERB _003394302 98 8 ( ( PUNCT _003394302 98 9 if if SCONJ _003394302 98 10 convenient convenient ADJ _003394302 98 11 ) ) PUNCT _003394302 98 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 98 13 but but CCONJ _003394302 98 14 who who PRON _003394302 98 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 98 16 beyond beyond ADP _003394302 98 17 that that PRON _003394302 98 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 98 19 has have VERB _003394302 98 20 only only ADV _003394302 98 21 the the DET _003394302 98 22 right right NOUN _003394302 98 23 to to PART _003394302 98 24 obey obey VERB _003394302 98 25 the the DET _003394302 98 26 dictates dictate NOUN _003394302 98 27 of of ADP _003394302 98 28 a a DET _003394302 98 29 totalitarian totalitarian ADJ _003394302 98 30 government government NOUN _003394302 98 31 or or CCONJ _003394302 98 32 submit submit VERB _003394302 98 33 to to ADP _003394302 98 34 liquidation liquidation NOUN _003394302 98 35 . . PUNCT _003394302 99 1 the the DET _003394302 99 2 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 99 3 citizen citizen NOUN _003394302 99 4 is be AUX _003394302 99 5 oppressed oppress VERB _003394302 99 6 by by ADP _003394302 99 7 no no DET _003394302 99 8 government government NOUN _003394302 99 9 but but CCONJ _003394302 99 10 protected protect VERB _003394302 99 11 by by ADP _003394302 99 12 a a DET _003394302 99 13 state state NOUN _003394302 99 14 which which PRON _003394302 99 15 announces announce VERB _003394302 99 16 in in ADP _003394302 99 17 its its PRON _003394302 99 18 constitution constitution NOUN _003394302 99 19 that that SCONJ _003394302 99 20 all all DET _003394302 99 21 its its PRON _003394302 99 22 acts act NOUN _003394302 99 23 are be AUX _003394302 99 24 subservient subservient ADJ _003394302 99 25 to to ADP _003394302 99 26 the the DET _003394302 99 27 moral moral ADJ _003394302 99 28 law law NOUN _003394302 99 29 , , PUNCT _003394302 99 30 and and CCONJ _003394302 99 31 that that SCONJ _003394302 99 32 it it PRON _003394302 99 33 has have VERB _003394302 99 34 a a DET _003394302 99 35 duty duty NOUN _003394302 99 36 to to PART _003394302 99 37 see see VERB _003394302 99 38 that that SCONJ _003394302 99 39 the the DET _003394302 99 40 benefits benefit NOUN _003394302 99 41 of of ADP _003394302 99 42 civilization civilization NOUN _003394302 99 43 are be AUX _003394302 99 44 made make VERB _003394302 99 45 available available ADJ _003394302 99 46 to to ADP _003394302 99 47 all all PRON _003394302 99 48 . . PUNCT _003394302 100 1 instead instead ADV _003394302 100 2 of of ADP _003394302 100 3 starving starve VERB _003394302 100 4 its its PRON _003394302 100 5 citizens citizen NOUN _003394302 100 6 by by ADP _003394302 100 7 the the DET _003394302 100 8 millions million NOUN _003394302 100 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 100 10 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 100 11 is be AUX _003394302 100 12 protecting protect VERB _003394302 100 13 its its PRON _003394302 100 14 families family NOUN _003394302 100 15 by by ADP _003394302 100 16 giving give VERB _003394302 100 17 them they PRON _003394302 100 18 the the DET _003394302 100 19 security security NOUN _003394302 100 20 of of ADP _003394302 100 21 a a DET _003394302 100 22 living living NOUN _003394302 100 23 wage wage NOUN _003394302 100 24 , , PUNCT _003394302 100 25 proper proper ADJ _003394302 100 26 housing housing NOUN _003394302 100 27 and and CCONJ _003394302 100 28 good good ADJ _003394302 100 29 medical medical ADJ _003394302 100 30 care care NOUN _003394302 100 31 . . PUNCT _003394302 101 1 russia russia PROPN _003394302 101 2 has have VERB _003394302 101 3 her her PRON _003394302 101 4 enemies enemy NOUN _003394302 101 5 roaming roam VERB _003394302 101 6 about about ADP _003394302 101 7 the the DET _003394302 101 8 world world NOUN _003394302 101 9 seeking seek VERB _003394302 101 10 the the DET _003394302 101 11 ruin ruin NOUN _003394302 101 12 of of ADP _003394302 101 13 nations nation NOUN _003394302 101 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 101 15 stirring stir VERB _003394302 101 16 up up ADP _003394302 101 17 discord discord NOUN _003394302 101 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 101 19 as as ADP _003394302 101 20 in in ADP _003394302 101 21 the the DET _003394302 101 22 united united PROPN _003394302 101 23 states states PROPN _003394302 101 24 , , PUNCT _003394302 101 25 and and CCONJ _003394302 101 26 war war NOUN _003394302 101 27 , , PUNCT _003394302 101 28 as as ADP _003394302 101 29 in in ADP _003394302 101 30 spain spain PROPN _003394302 101 31 . . PUNCT _003394302 102 1 it it PRON _003394302 102 2 recently recently ADV _003394302 102 3 waged wage VERB _003394302 102 4 war war NOUN _003394302 102 5 upon upon SCONJ _003394302 102 6 one one NUM _003394302 102 7 small small ADJ _003394302 102 8 nation nation NOUN _003394302 102 9 and and CCONJ _003394302 102 10 is be AUX _003394302 102 11 threatening threaten VERB _003394302 102 12 others other NOUN _003394302 102 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 103 1 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 103 2 is be AUX _003394302 103 3 giving give VERB _003394302 103 4 her her PRON _003394302 103 5 citizens citizen NOUN _003394302 103 6 the the DET _003394302 103 7 blessings blessing NOUN _003394302 103 8 of of ADP _003394302 103 9 peace peace NOUN _003394302 103 10 in in ADP _003394302 103 11 internal internal ADJ _003394302 103 12 and and CCONJ _003394302 103 13 external external ADJ _003394302 103 14 affairs affair NOUN _003394302 103 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 103 16 and and CCONJ _003394302 103 17 is be AUX _003394302 103 18 true true ADJ _003394302 103 19 to to ADP _003394302 103 20 her her PRON _003394302 103 21 mission mission NOUN _003394302 103 22 of of ADP _003394302 103 23 bringing bring VERB _003394302 103 24 christianity christianity NOUN _003394302 103 25 to to ADP _003394302 103 26 the the DET _003394302 103 27 world world NOUN _003394302 103 28 , , PUNCT _003394302 103 29 whether whether SCONJ _003394302 103 30 by by ADP _003394302 103 31 standing stand VERB _003394302 103 32 up up ADP _003394302 103 33 f f PROPN _003394302 103 34 o o X _003394302 103 35 r r NOUN _003394302 103 36 right right ADJ _003394302 103 37 principles principle NOUN _003394302 103 38 at at ADP _003394302 103 39 geneva geneva PROPN _003394302 103 40 or or CCONJ _003394302 103 41 by by ADP _003394302 103 42 building build VERB _003394302 103 43 schools school NOUN _003394302 103 44 for for ADP _003394302 103 45 native native ADJ _003394302 103 46 children child NOUN _003394302 103 47 in in ADP _003394302 103 48 her her PRON _003394302 103 49 extensive extensive ADJ _003394302 103 50 colonial colonial ADJ _003394302 103 51 possessions possession NOUN _003394302 103 52 . . PUNCT _003394302 104 1 the the DET _003394302 104 2 contrast contrast NOUN _003394302 104 3 between between ADP _003394302 104 4 communism communism NOUN _003394302 104 5 and and CCONJ _003394302 104 6 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 104 7 could could AUX _003394302 104 8 be be AUX _003394302 104 9 extended extend VERB _003394302 104 10 to to ADP _003394302 104 11 every every DET _003394302 104 12 department department NOUN _003394302 104 13 of of ADP _003394302 104 14 government government NOUN _003394302 104 15 action action NOUN _003394302 104 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 104 17 though though SCONJ _003394302 104 18 enough enough ADJ _003394302 104 19 has have AUX _003394302 104 20 been be AUX _003394302 104 21 said say VERB _003394302 104 22 to to PART _003394302 104 23 bring bring VERB _003394302 104 24 out out ADP _003394302 104 25 the the DET _003394302 104 26 main main ADJ _003394302 104 27 difference difference NOUN _003394302 104 28 between between ADP _003394302 104 29 the the DET _003394302 104 30 two two NUM _003394302 104 31 systems system NOUN _003394302 104 32 : : PUNCT _003394302 104 33 communism communism NOUN _003394302 104 34 is be AUX _003394302 104 35 destructive destructive ADJ _003394302 104 36 , , PUNCT _003394302 104 37 while while SCONJ _003394302 104 38 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 104 39 is be AUX _003394302 104 40 constructive constructive ADJ _003394302 104 41 . . PUNCT _003394302 105 1 the the DET _003394302 105 2 results result NOUN _003394302 105 3 cited cite VERB _003394302 105 4 above above ADV _003394302 105 5 are be AUX _003394302 105 6 not not PART _003394302 105 7 accidental accidental ADJ _003394302 105 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 105 9 but but CCONJ _003394302 105 10 inevitable inevitable ADJ _003394302 105 11 since since SCONJ _003394302 105 12 marxism marxism PROPN _003394302 105 13 finds find VERB _003394302 105 14 its its PRON _003394302 105 15 basis basis NOUN _003394302 105 16 in in ADP _003394302 105 17 hate hate NOUN _003394302 105 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 105 19 and and CCONJ _003394302 105 20 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 105 21 springs spring NOUN _003394302 105 22 from from ADP _003394302 105 23 love love NOUN _003394302 105 24 , , PUNCT _003394302 105 25 from from ADP _003394302 105 26 the the DET _003394302 105 27 chris11 chris11 NOUN _003394302 105 28 what what PRON _003394302 105 29 is be AUX _003394302 105 30 the the DET _003394302 105 31 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 105 32 . . PUNCT _003394302 106 1 system system NOUN _003394302 106 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 107 1 tian tian ADJ _003394302 107 2 conception conception NOUN _003394302 107 3 of of ADP _003394302 107 4 the the DET _003394302 107 5 brotherhood brotherhood NOUN _003394302 107 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 107 7 mutual mutual ADJ _003394302 107 8 interdependence interdependence NOUN _003394302 107 9 of of ADP _003394302 107 10 mankind mankind NOUN _003394302 107 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 108 1 from from ADP _003394302 108 2 retrogression retrogression NOUN _003394302 108 3 to to PART _003394302 108 4 progress progress VERB _003394302 108 5 the the DET _003394302 108 6 history history NOUN _003394302 108 7 of of ADP _003394302 108 8 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 108 9 f f PROPN _003394302 108 10 o o X _003394302 109 1 r r NOUN _003394302 109 2 the the DET _003394302 109 3 last last ADJ _003394302 109 4 hundred hundred NUM _003394302 109 5 years year NOUN _003394302 109 6 had have AUX _003394302 109 7 been be AUX _003394302 109 8 one one NUM _003394302 109 9 of of ADP _003394302 109 10 retrogression retrogression NOUN _003394302 109 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 110 1 by by ADP _003394302 110 2 trying try VERB _003394302 110 3 to to PART _003394302 110 4 imitate imitate VERB _003394302 110 5 the the DET _003394302 110 6 successes success NOUN _003394302 110 7 of of ADP _003394302 110 8 industrial industrial PROPN _003394302 110 9 england england PROPN _003394302 110 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 110 11 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 110 12 lost lose VERB _003394302 110 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 110 14 for for ADP _003394302 110 15 a a DET _003394302 110 16 while while NOUN _003394302 110 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 110 18 her her PRON _003394302 110 19 true true ADJ _003394302 110 20 individuality individuality NOUN _003394302 110 21 and and CCONJ _003394302 110 22 found find VERB _003394302 110 23 herself herself PRON _003394302 110 24 burdened burden VERB _003394302 110 25 by by ADP _003394302 110 26 a a DET _003394302 110 27 staggering staggering ADJ _003394302 110 28 load load NOUN _003394302 110 29 of of ADP _003394302 110 30 debts debt NOUN _003394302 110 31 to to ADP _003394302 110 32 foreigners foreigner NOUN _003394302 110 33 . . PUNCT _003394302 111 1 she she PRON _003394302 111 2 was be AUX _003394302 111 3 perpetually perpetually ADV _003394302 111 4 in in ADP _003394302 111 5 fear fear NOUN _003394302 111 6 of of ADP _003394302 111 7 having have VERB _003394302 111 8 her her PRON _003394302 111 9 colonies colony NOUN _003394302 111 10 taken take VERB _003394302 111 11 away away ADV _003394302 111 12 from from ADP _003394302 111 13 her she PRON _003394302 111 14 by by ADP _003394302 111 15 more more ADV _003394302 111 16 powerful powerful ADJ _003394302 111 17 countries country NOUN _003394302 111 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 111 19 yet yet ADV _003394302 111 20 was be AUX _003394302 111 21 unable unable ADJ _003394302 111 22 to to PART _003394302 111 23 afford afford VERB _003394302 111 24 even even ADV _003394302 111 25 a a DET _003394302 111 26 small small ADJ _003394302 111 27 fleet fleet NOUN _003394302 111 28 to to PART _003394302 111 29 protect protect VERB _003394302 111 30 them they PRON _003394302 111 31 . . PUNCT _003394302 112 1 in in ADP _003394302 112 2 1908 1908 NUM _003394302 112 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 112 4 the the DET _003394302 112 5 king king NOUN _003394302 112 6 of of ADP _003394302 112 7 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 112 8 was be AUX _003394302 112 9 murdered murder VERB _003394302 112 10 by by ADP _003394302 112 11 the the DET _003394302 112 12 agents agent NOUN _003394302 112 13 of of ADP _003394302 112 14 an an DET _003394302 112 15 international international ADJ _003394302 112 16 organization organization NOUN _003394302 112 17 . . PUNCT _003394302 113 1 in in ADP _003394302 113 2 1910 1910 NUM _003394302 113 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 113 4 a a DET _003394302 113 5 republic republic NOUN _003394302 113 6 was be AUX _003394302 113 7 declared declare VERB _003394302 113 8 by by ADP _003394302 113 9 a a DET _003394302 113 10 minority minority NOUN _003394302 113 11 peculiarly peculiarly ADV _003394302 113 12 active active ADJ _003394302 113 13 in in ADP _003394302 113 14 lisbon lisbon PROPN _003394302 113 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 113 16 with with ADP _003394302 113 17 strong strong ADJ _003394302 113 18 connections connection NOUN _003394302 113 19 abroad abroad ADV _003394302 113 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 114 1 to to PART _003394302 114 2 consolidate consolidate VERB _003394302 114 3 its its PRON _003394302 114 4 power power NOUN _003394302 114 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 114 6 the the DET _003394302 114 7 " " PUNCT _003394302 114 8 democratic democratic ADJ _003394302 114 9 " " PUNCT _003394302 114 10 republicans republicans PROPN _003394302 114 11 threw throw VERB _003394302 114 12 all all DET _003394302 114 13 their their PRON _003394302 114 14 opponents opponent NOUN _003394302 114 15 into into ADP _003394302 114 16 jails jail NOUN _003394302 114 17 . . PUNCT _003394302 115 1 so so ADV _003394302 115 2 great great ADJ _003394302 115 3 was be AUX _003394302 115 4 the the DET _003394302 115 5 suffering suffering NOUN _003394302 115 6 of of ADP _003394302 115 7 thousands thousand NOUN _003394302 115 8 of of ADP _003394302 115 9 these these DET _003394302 115 10 persecuted persecute VERB _003394302 115 11 people people NOUN _003394302 115 12 that that SCONJ _003394302 115 13 protest protest NOUN _003394302 115 14 meetings meeting NOUN _003394302 115 15 were be AUX _003394302 115 16 held hold VERB _003394302 115 17 in in ADP _003394302 115 18 london london PROPN _003394302 115 19 to to PART _003394302 115 20 petition petition VERB _003394302 115 21 an an DET _003394302 115 22 amnesty amnesty NOUN _003394302 115 23 for for ADP _003394302 115 24 political political ADJ _003394302 115 25 prisoners prisoner NOUN _003394302 115 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 116 1 the the DET _003394302 116 2 accounts account NOUN _003394302 116 3 written write VERB _003394302 116 4 on on ADP _003394302 116 5 the the DET _003394302 116 6 spot spot NOUN _003394302 116 7 by by ADP _003394302 116 8 philip philip PROPN _003394302 116 9 gibbs gibb NOUN _003394302 116 10 describing describe VERB _003394302 116 11 the the DET _003394302 116 12 horrible horrible ADJ _003394302 116 13 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 116 14 of of ADP _003394302 116 15 these these DET _003394302 116 16 jails jail NOUN _003394302 116 17 and and CCONJ _003394302 116 18 dungeons dungeon NOUN _003394302 116 19 are be AUX _003394302 116 20 a a DET _003394302 116 21 prophecy prophecy NOUN _003394302 116 22 of of ADP _003394302 116 23 what what PRON _003394302 116 24 was be AUX _003394302 116 25 to to PART _003394302 116 26 happen happen VERB _003394302 116 27 later later ADV _003394302 116 28 in in ADP _003394302 116 29 spain spain PROPN _003394302 116 30 . . PUNCT _003394302 117 1 a a DET _003394302 117 2 systematic systematic ADJ _003394302 117 3 persecution persecution NOUN _003394302 117 4 of of ADP _003394302 117 5 religion religion NOUN _003394302 117 6 was be AUX _003394302 117 7 entered enter VERB _003394302 117 8 into into ADP _003394302 117 9 by by ADP _003394302 117 10 men man NOUN _003394302 117 11 who who PRON _003394302 117 12 stigmatized stigmatize VERB _003394302 117 13 the the DET _003394302 117 14 name name NOUN _003394302 117 15 of of ADP _003394302 117 16 democracy democracy NOUN _003394302 117 17 by by ADP _003394302 117 18 calling call VERB _003394302 117 19 themselves themselves PRON _003394302 117 20 democrats democrats PROPN _003394302 117 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 118 1 the the DET _003394302 118 2 writer writer NOUN _003394302 118 3 has have AUX _003394302 118 4 noted note VERB _003394302 118 5 great great ADJ _003394302 118 6 skepticism skepticism NOUN _003394302 118 7 of of ADP _003394302 118 8 this this DET _003394302 118 9 type type NOUN _003394302 118 10 of of ADP _003394302 118 11 democracy democracy NOUN _003394302 118 12 among among ADP _003394302 118 13 simple simple ADJ _003394302 118 14 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 118 15 nuns nun NOUN _003394302 118 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 118 17 who who PRON _003394302 118 18 during during ADP _003394302 118 19 the the DET _003394302 118 20 troubled troubled ADJ _003394302 118 21 days day NOUN _003394302 118 22 of of ADP _003394302 118 23 the the DET _003394302 118 24 last last ADJ _003394302 118 25 war war NOUN _003394302 118 26 , , PUNCT _003394302 118 27 were be AUX _003394302 118 28 12 12 NUM _003394302 118 29 what what PRON _003394302 118 30 is be AUX _003394302 118 31 the the DET _003394302 118 32 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 118 33 . . PUNCT _003394302 119 1 system system NOUN _003394302 119 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 120 1 driven drive VERB _003394302 120 2 into into ADP _003394302 120 3 exile exile NOUN _003394302 120 4 in in ADP _003394302 120 5 belgium belgium NOUN _003394302 120 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 120 7 then then ADV _003394302 120 8 england england PROPN _003394302 120 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 120 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 120 11 even even ADV _003394302 120 12 to to ADP _003394302 120 13 the the DET _003394302 120 14 united united PROPN _003394302 120 15 states states PROPN _003394302 120 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 121 1 the the DET _003394302 121 2 new new ADJ _003394302 121 3 leaders leader NOUN _003394302 121 4 fought fight VERB _003394302 121 5 among among ADP _003394302 121 6 themselves themselves PRON _003394302 121 7 f f X _003394302 121 8 o o X _003394302 121 9 r r NOUN _003394302 121 10 complete complete ADJ _003394302 121 11 power power NOUN _003394302 121 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 121 13 and and CCONJ _003394302 121 14 revolutions revolution NOUN _003394302 121 15 were be AUX _003394302 121 16 bloody bloody ADJ _003394302 121 17 and and CCONJ _003394302 121 18 frequent frequent ADJ _003394302 121 19 . . PUNCT _003394302 122 1 the the DET _003394302 122 2 fortunes fortune NOUN _003394302 122 3 of of ADP _003394302 122 4 the the DET _003394302 122 5 country country NOUN _003394302 122 6 fell fall VERB _003394302 122 7 lower lower ADV _003394302 122 8 and and CCONJ _003394302 122 9 lower low ADJ _003394302 122 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 123 1 the the DET _003394302 123 2 misery misery NOUN _003394302 123 3 of of ADP _003394302 123 4 the the DET _003394302 123 5 country country NOUN _003394302 123 6 people people NOUN _003394302 123 7 grew grow VERB _003394302 123 8 so so ADV _003394302 123 9 acute acute ADJ _003394302 123 10 that that SCONJ _003394302 123 11 they they PRON _003394302 123 12 preferred prefer VERB _003394302 123 13 to to PART _003394302 123 14 leave leave VERB _003394302 123 15 their their PRON _003394302 123 16 homeland homeland NOUN _003394302 123 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 123 18 and and CCONJ _003394302 123 19 for for ADP _003394302 123 20 many many ADJ _003394302 123 21 years year NOUN _003394302 123 22 , , PUNCT _003394302 123 23 to to PART _003394302 123 24 use use VERB _003394302 123 25 a a DET _003394302 123 26 common common ADJ _003394302 123 27 saying saying NOUN _003394302 123 28 , , PUNCT _003394302 123 29 the the DET _003394302 123 30 most most ADV _003394302 123 31 important important ADJ _003394302 123 32 export export NOUN _003394302 123 33 of of ADP _003394302 123 34 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 123 35 was be AUX _003394302 123 36 peasants peasant NOUN _003394302 123 37 . . PUNCT _003394302 124 1 that that PRON _003394302 124 2 was be AUX _003394302 124 3 the the DET _003394302 124 4 lot lot NOUN _003394302 124 5 of of ADP _003394302 124 6 a a DET _003394302 124 7 nation nation NOUN _003394302 124 8 which which PRON _003394302 124 9 had have AUX _003394302 124 10 once once ADV _003394302 124 11 led lead VERB _003394302 124 12 the the DET _003394302 124 13 world world NOUN _003394302 124 14 in in ADP _003394302 124 15 discovery discovery NOUN _003394302 124 16 and and CCONJ _003394302 124 17 colonization colonization NOUN _003394302 124 18 and and CCONJ _003394302 124 19 had have AUX _003394302 124 20 owned own VERB _003394302 124 21 one one NUM _003394302 124 22 of of ADP _003394302 124 23 the the DET _003394302 124 24 greatest great ADJ _003394302 124 25 and and CCONJ _003394302 124 26 most most ADV _003394302 124 27 far far ADV _003394302 124 28 - - PUNCT _003394302 124 29 flung flung ADJ _003394302 124 30 empires empire NOUN _003394302 124 31 that that SCONJ _003394302 124 32 the the DET _003394302 124 33 world world NOUN _003394302 124 34 has have AUX _003394302 124 35 ever ever ADV _003394302 124 36 seen see VERB _003394302 124 37 . . PUNCT _003394302 125 1 salazar salazar NOUN _003394302 125 2 most most ADV _003394302 125 3 unusual unusual ADJ _003394302 125 4 ' ' PUNCT _003394302 125 5 dictator dictator NOUN _003394302 125 6 ' ' PUNCT _003394302 125 7 the the DET _003394302 125 8 people people NOUN _003394302 125 9 finally finally ADV _003394302 125 10 got get VERB _003394302 125 11 tired tired ADJ _003394302 125 12 of of ADP _003394302 125 13 waiting wait VERB _003394302 125 14 f f PROPN _003394302 125 15 o o X _003394302 125 16 r r NOUN _003394302 125 17 the the DET _003394302 125 18 promised promise VERB _003394302 125 19 constructive constructive ADJ _003394302 125 20 reforms reform NOUN _003394302 125 21 of of ADP _003394302 125 22 the the DET _003394302 125 23 government government NOUN _003394302 125 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 126 1 in in ADP _003394302 126 2 1926 1926 NUM _003394302 126 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 126 4 people people NOUN _003394302 126 5 of of ADP _003394302 126 6 many many ADJ _003394302 126 7 shades shade NOUN _003394302 126 8 of of ADP _003394302 126 9 opinion opinion NOUN _003394302 126 10 united unite VERB _003394302 126 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 126 12 took take VERB _003394302 126 13 the the DET _003394302 126 14 power power NOUN _003394302 126 15 from from ADP _003394302 126 16 the the DET _003394302 126 17 inept inept ADJ _003394302 126 18 and and CCONJ _003394302 126 19 corrupt corrupt ADJ _003394302 126 20 politicians politician NOUN _003394302 126 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 127 1 not not PART _003394302 127 2 long long ADV _003394302 127 3 a a DET _003394302 127 4 f f NOUN _003394302 127 5 t t NOUN _003394302 127 6 e e NOUN _003394302 127 7 r r NOUN _003394302 127 8 wards ward NOUN _003394302 127 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 127 10 a a DET _003394302 127 11 brilliant brilliant ADJ _003394302 127 12 professor professor NOUN _003394302 127 13 of of ADP _003394302 127 14 economics economic NOUN _003394302 127 15 at at ADP _003394302 127 16 coimbra coimbra PROPN _003394302 127 17 university university PROPN _003394302 127 18 was be AUX _003394302 127 19 given give VERB _003394302 127 20 the the DET _003394302 127 21 task task NOUN _003394302 127 22 of of ADP _003394302 127 23 bringing bring VERB _003394302 127 24 order order NOUN _003394302 127 25 into into ADP _003394302 127 26 the the DET _003394302 127 27 chaotic chaotic ADJ _003394302 127 28 finances finance NOUN _003394302 127 29 of of ADP _003394302 127 30 his his PRON _003394302 127 31 country country NOUN _003394302 127 32 . . PUNCT _003394302 128 1 this this PRON _003394302 128 2 was be AUX _003394302 128 3 dr dr PROPN _003394302 128 4 . . PROPN _003394302 128 5 antonio antonio PROPN _003394302 128 6 oliveira oliveira PROPN _003394302 128 7 salazar salazar PROPN _003394302 128 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 128 9 now now ADV _003394302 128 10 prime prime ADJ _003394302 128 11 minister minister NOUN _003394302 128 12 of of ADP _003394302 128 13 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 128 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 129 1 the the DET _003394302 129 2 first first ADJ _003394302 129 3 thing thing NOUN _003394302 129 4 he he PRON _003394302 129 5 insisted insist VERB _003394302 129 6 upon upon SCONJ _003394302 129 7 was be AUX _003394302 129 8 a a DET _003394302 129 9 balanced balanced ADJ _003394302 129 10 budget budget NOUN _003394302 129 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 130 1 by by ADP _003394302 130 2 the the DET _003394302 130 3 heroic heroic ADJ _003394302 130 4 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003394302 130 5 of of ADP _003394302 130 6 the the DET _003394302 130 7 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 130 8 people people NOUN _003394302 130 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 130 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 130 11 by by ADP _003394302 130 12 a a DET _003394302 130 13 ruthlessly ruthlessly ADV _003394302 130 14 honest honest ADJ _003394302 130 15 administration administration NOUN _003394302 130 16 of of ADP _003394302 130 17 funds fund NOUN _003394302 130 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 130 19 this this PRON _003394302 130 20 was be AUX _003394302 130 21 accomplished accomplish VERB _003394302 130 22 . . PUNCT _003394302 131 1 a a DET _003394302 131 2 good good ADJ _003394302 131 3 start start NOUN _003394302 131 4 was be AUX _003394302 131 5 then then ADV _003394302 131 6 made make VERB _003394302 131 7 toward toward ADP _003394302 131 8 reducing reduce VERB _003394302 131 9 the the DET _003394302 131 10 foreign foreign ADJ _003394302 131 11 debts debt NOUN _003394302 131 12 piled pile VERB _003394302 131 13 up up ADP _003394302 131 14 by by ADP _003394302 131 15 the the DET _003394302 131 16 politicians politician NOUN _003394302 131 17 of of ADP _003394302 131 18 earlier early ADJ _003394302 131 19 regimes regime NOUN _003394302 131 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 132 1 the the DET _003394302 132 2 budget budget NOUN _003394302 132 3 surpluses surplus NOUN _003394302 132 4 of of ADP _003394302 132 5 the the DET _003394302 132 6 first first ADJ _003394302 132 7 few few ADJ _003394302 132 8 years year NOUN _003394302 132 9 of of ADP _003394302 132 10 dr dr PROPN _003394302 132 11 . . PROPN _003394302 132 12 salazar salazar PROPN _003394302 132 13 's 's PART _003394302 132 14 administration administration NOUN _003394302 132 15 13 13 NUM _003394302 132 16 what what PRON _003394302 132 17 is be AUX _003394302 132 18 the the DET _003394302 132 19 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 132 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 133 1 system system NOUN _003394302 133 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 133 3 formed form VERB _003394302 133 4 a a DET _003394302 133 5 bulwark bulwark NOUN _003394302 133 6 against against ADP _003394302 133 7 the the DET _003394302 133 8 depression depression NOUN _003394302 133 9 t t NOUN _003394302 133 10 h h X _003394302 133 11 a a DET _003394302 133 12 t t NOUN _003394302 133 13 came come VERB _003394302 133 14 upon upon SCONJ _003394302 133 15 the the DET _003394302 133 16 world world NOUN _003394302 133 17 at at ADP _003394302 133 18 that that DET _003394302 133 19 time time NOUN _003394302 133 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 134 1 let let VERB _003394302 134 2 us we PRON _003394302 134 3 take take VERB _003394302 134 4 a a DET _003394302 134 5 quick quick ADJ _003394302 134 6 glance glance NOUN _003394302 134 7 at at ADP _003394302 134 8 the the DET _003394302 134 9 constructive constructive ADJ _003394302 134 10 efforts effort NOUN _003394302 134 11 of of ADP _003394302 134 12 the the DET _003394302 134 13 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 134 14 government government NOUN _003394302 134 15 in in ADP _003394302 134 16 these these DET _003394302 134 17 last last ADJ _003394302 134 18 difficult difficult ADJ _003394302 134 19 years year NOUN _003394302 134 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 135 1 in in ADP _003394302 135 2 1933 1933 NUM _003394302 135 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 135 4 a a DET _003394302 135 5 constitution constitution NOUN _003394302 135 6 was be AUX _003394302 135 7 adopted adopt VERB _003394302 135 8 by by ADP _003394302 135 9 plebiscite plebiscite NOUN _003394302 135 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 135 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 135 12 a a DET _003394302 135 13 beginning beginning NOUN _003394302 135 14 was be AUX _003394302 135 15 made make VERB _003394302 135 16 in in ADP _003394302 135 17 the the DET _003394302 135 18 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 135 19 organization organization NOUN _003394302 135 20 of of ADP _003394302 135 21 society society PROPN _003394302 135 22 . . PUNCT _003394302 136 1 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 136 2 had have AUX _003394302 136 3 reached reach VERB _003394302 136 4 its its PRON _003394302 136 5 great great ADJ _003394302 136 6 heights height NOUN _003394302 136 7 under under ADP _003394302 136 8 the the DET _003394302 136 9 ancient ancient ADJ _003394302 136 10 guild guild NOUN _003394302 136 11 system system NOUN _003394302 136 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 136 13 and and CCONJ _003394302 136 14 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 136 15 thinkers thinker NOUN _003394302 136 16 had have AUX _003394302 136 17 long long ADV _003394302 136 18 recommended recommend VERB _003394302 136 19 a a DET _003394302 136 20 return return NOUN _003394302 136 21 to to ADP _003394302 136 22 the the DET _003394302 136 23 principles principle NOUN _003394302 136 24 of of ADP _003394302 136 25 that that DET _003394302 136 26 system system NOUN _003394302 136 27 . . PUNCT _003394302 137 1 the the DET _003394302 137 2 response response NOUN _003394302 137 3 of of ADP _003394302 137 4 its its PRON _003394302 137 5 people people NOUN _003394302 137 6 to to ADP _003394302 137 7 an an DET _003394302 137 8 honest honest ADJ _003394302 137 9 government government NOUN _003394302 137 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 137 11 true true ADJ _003394302 137 12 to to ADP _003394302 137 13 the the DET _003394302 137 14 t t NOUN _003394302 137 15 r r NOUN _003394302 137 16 a a DET _003394302 137 17 ditions dition NOUN _003394302 137 18 of of ADP _003394302 137 19 the the DET _003394302 137 20 country country NOUN _003394302 137 21 , , PUNCT _003394302 137 22 was be AUX _003394302 137 23 immediate immediate ADJ _003394302 137 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 138 1 a a DET _003394302 138 2 statute statute NOUN _003394302 138 3 of of ADP _003394302 138 4 labor labor NOUN _003394302 138 5 was be AUX _003394302 138 6 promulgated promulgate VERB _003394302 138 7 by by ADP _003394302 138 8 the the DET _003394302 138 9 new new ADJ _003394302 138 10 government government NOUN _003394302 138 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 138 12 accepted accept VERB _003394302 138 13 by by ADP _003394302 138 14 the the DET _003394302 138 15 people people NOUN _003394302 138 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 139 1 labor labor NOUN _003394302 139 2 contracts contract NOUN _003394302 139 3 between between ADP _003394302 139 4 employers employer NOUN _003394302 139 5 and and CCONJ _003394302 139 6 employees employee NOUN _003394302 139 7 made make VERB _003394302 139 8 for for ADP _003394302 139 9 stability stability NOUN _003394302 139 10 in in ADP _003394302 139 11 working work VERB _003394302 139 12 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 139 13 by by ADP _003394302 139 14 avoiding avoid VERB _003394302 139 15 costly costly ADJ _003394302 139 16 strikes strike NOUN _003394302 139 17 and and CCONJ _003394302 139 18 class class NOUN _003394302 139 19 struggles struggle NOUN _003394302 139 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 140 1 wages wage NOUN _003394302 140 2 were be AUX _003394302 140 3 made make VERB _003394302 140 4 very very ADV _003394302 140 5 much much ADV _003394302 140 6 higher high ADJ _003394302 140 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 140 8 productivity productivity NOUN _003394302 140 9 was be AUX _003394302 140 10 increased increase VERB _003394302 140 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 141 1 unions union NOUN _003394302 141 2 of of ADP _003394302 141 3 workmen workman NOUN _003394302 141 4 spread spread VERB _003394302 141 5 in in ADP _003394302 141 6 a a DET _003394302 141 7 count count NOUN _003394302 141 8 r r NOUN _003394302 141 9 y y PROPN _003394302 141 10 hitherto hitherto PROPN _003394302 141 11 poorly poorly ADV _003394302 141 12 unionized unionize VERB _003394302 141 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 142 1 benefits benefit NOUN _003394302 142 2 of of ADP _003394302 142 3 wise wise ADJ _003394302 142 4 organization organization NOUN _003394302 142 5 were be AUX _003394302 142 6 spread spread VERB _003394302 142 7 to to ADP _003394302 142 8 agricultural agricultural ADJ _003394302 142 9 and and CCONJ _003394302 142 10 fishing fishing NOUN _003394302 142 11 centres centre NOUN _003394302 142 12 through through ADP _003394302 142 13 the the DET _003394302 142 14 sponsoring sponsoring NOUN _003394302 142 15 by by ADP _003394302 142 16 the the DET _003394302 142 17 government government NOUN _003394302 142 18 of of ADP _003394302 142 19 cooperative cooperative ADJ _003394302 142 20 enterprises enterprise NOUN _003394302 142 21 whereever whereever VERB _003394302 142 22 there there PRON _003394302 142 23 was be VERB _003394302 142 24 need need NOUN _003394302 142 25 f f PROPN _003394302 142 26 o o X _003394302 143 1 r r VERB _003394302 143 2 them they PRON _003394302 143 3 . . PUNCT _003394302 144 1 when when SCONJ _003394302 144 2 the the DET _003394302 144 3 active active ADJ _003394302 144 4 principle principle NOUN _003394302 144 5 of of ADP _003394302 144 6 the the DET _003394302 144 7 common common ADJ _003394302 144 8 good good NOUN _003394302 144 9 was be AUX _003394302 144 10 brought bring VERB _003394302 144 11 back back ADV _003394302 144 12 into into ADP _003394302 144 13 the the DET _003394302 144 14 economic economic ADJ _003394302 144 15 life life NOUN _003394302 144 16 of of ADP _003394302 144 17 the the DET _003394302 144 18 nation nation NOUN _003394302 144 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 144 20 the the DET _003394302 144 21 effects effect NOUN _003394302 144 22 were be AUX _003394302 144 23 startling startling ADJ _003394302 144 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 145 1 through through ADP _003394302 145 2 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003394302 145 3 toward toward ADP _003394302 145 4 a a DET _003394302 145 5 common common ADJ _003394302 145 6 end end NOUN _003394302 145 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 145 8 with with ADP _003394302 145 9 the the DET _003394302 145 10 backing backing NOUN _003394302 145 11 of of ADP _003394302 145 12 a a DET _003394302 145 13 watchful watchful ADJ _003394302 145 14 government government NOUN _003394302 145 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 145 16 industrial industrial ADJ _003394302 145 17 peace peace NOUN _003394302 145 18 was be AUX _003394302 145 19 assured assure VERB _003394302 145 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 146 1 due due ADP _003394302 146 2 to to ADP _003394302 146 3 the the DET _003394302 146 4 more more ADV _003394302 146 5 just just ADV _003394302 146 6 apportionment apportionment NOUN _003394302 146 7 of of ADP _003394302 146 8 wages wage NOUN _003394302 146 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 146 10 buying buy VERB _003394302 146 11 power power NOUN _003394302 146 12 increased increase VERB _003394302 146 13 enormously enormously ADV _003394302 146 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 147 1 the the DET _003394302 147 2 problem problem NOUN _003394302 147 3 of of ADP _003394302 147 4 unemployment unemployment NOUN _003394302 147 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 147 6 which which PRON _003394302 147 7 had have AUX _003394302 147 8 threatened threaten VERB _003394302 147 9 to to PART _003394302 147 10 be14 be14 VERB _003394302 147 11 what what PRON _003394302 147 12 is be AUX _003394302 147 13 the the DET _003394302 147 14 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 147 15 . . PUNCT _003394302 148 1 system system NOUN _003394302 148 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 149 1 come come VERB _003394302 149 2 desperate desperate ADJ _003394302 149 3 because because SCONJ _003394302 149 4 of of ADP _003394302 149 5 the the DET _003394302 149 6 closing closing NOUN _003394302 149 7 of of ADP _003394302 149 8 the the DET _003394302 149 9 doors door NOUN _003394302 149 10 of of ADP _003394302 149 11 brazil brazil PROPN _003394302 149 12 to to ADP _003394302 149 13 immigration immigration NOUN _003394302 149 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 149 15 was be AUX _003394302 149 16 gradually gradually ADV _003394302 149 17 conquered conquer VERB _003394302 149 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 150 1 now now ADV _003394302 150 2 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 150 3 can can AUX _003394302 150 4 boast boast VERB _003394302 150 5 t t NOUN _003394302 150 6 h h NOUN _003394302 150 7 a a DET _003394302 150 8 t t NOUN _003394302 150 9 as as ADV _003394302 150 10 nearly nearly ADV _003394302 150 11 as as ADP _003394302 150 12 possible possible ADJ _003394302 150 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 150 14 she she PRON _003394302 150 15 has have AUX _003394302 150 16 found find VERB _003394302 150 17 a a DET _003394302 150 18 constructive constructive ADJ _003394302 150 19 solution solution NOUN _003394302 151 1 f f X _003394302 151 2 o o X _003394302 151 3 r r NOUN _003394302 151 4 the the DET _003394302 151 5 modern modern ADJ _003394302 151 6 world world NOUN _003394302 151 7 's 's PART _003394302 151 8 peacetime peacetime NOUN _003394302 151 9 nightmare nightmare NOUN _003394302 151 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 151 11 workers worker NOUN _003394302 151 12 without without ADP _003394302 151 13 work work NOUN _003394302 151 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 152 1 every every DET _003394302 152 2 class class NOUN _003394302 152 3 has have VERB _003394302 152 4 voice voice NOUN _003394302 152 5 in in ADP _003394302 152 6 rule rule NOUN _003394302 152 7 political political ADJ _003394302 152 8 order order NOUN _003394302 152 9 was be AUX _003394302 152 10 achieved achieve VERB _003394302 152 11 through through ADP _003394302 152 12 vesting vest VERB _003394302 152 13 power power NOUN _003394302 152 14 in in ADP _003394302 152 15 a a DET _003394302 152 16 president president NOUN _003394302 152 17 of of ADP _003394302 152 18 the the DET _003394302 152 19 republic republic NOUN _003394302 152 20 and and CCONJ _003394302 152 21 in in ADP _003394302 152 22 a a DET _003394302 152 23 national national ADJ _003394302 152 24 assembly assembly NOUN _003394302 152 25 elected elect VERB _003394302 152 26 by by ADP _003394302 152 27 the the DET _003394302 152 28 nation nation NOUN _003394302 152 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 153 1 the the DET _003394302 153 2 representatives representative NOUN _003394302 153 3 of of ADP _003394302 153 4 the the DET _003394302 153 5 workers worker NOUN _003394302 153 6 unions union NOUN _003394302 153 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 153 8 employers employer NOUN _003394302 153 9 ' ' PART _003394302 153 10 associations association NOUN _003394302 153 11 meeting meet VERB _003394302 153 12 together together ADV _003394302 153 13 in in ADP _003394302 153 14 corporations corporation NOUN _003394302 153 15 may may AUX _003394302 153 16 advise advise VERB _003394302 153 17 the the DET _003394302 153 18 national national ADJ _003394302 153 19 assembly assembly NOUN _003394302 153 20 concerning concern VERB _003394302 153 21 the the DET _003394302 153 22 proposed propose VERB _003394302 153 23 legislation legislation NOUN _003394302 153 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 154 1 thus thus ADV _003394302 154 2 f f PROPN _003394302 154 3 a a DET _003394302 154 4 r r NOUN _003394302 154 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 154 6 the the DET _003394302 154 7 corporations corporation NOUN _003394302 154 8 do do AUX _003394302 154 9 not not PART _003394302 154 10 meet meet VERB _003394302 154 11 together together ADV _003394302 154 12 as as ADP _003394302 154 13 a a DET _003394302 154 14 body body NOUN _003394302 154 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 154 16 but but CCONJ _003394302 154 17 discuss discuss VERB _003394302 154 18 affairs affair NOUN _003394302 154 19 in in ADP _003394302 154 20 panels panel NOUN _003394302 154 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 155 1 by by ADP _003394302 155 2 their their PRON _003394302 155 3 advice advice NOUN _003394302 155 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 155 5 however however ADV _003394302 155 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 155 7 they they PRON _003394302 155 8 help help VERB _003394302 155 9 assure assure VERB _003394302 155 10 the the DET _003394302 155 11 fact fact NOUN _003394302 155 12 that that SCONJ _003394302 155 13 the the DET _003394302 155 14 interests interest NOUN _003394302 155 15 of of ADP _003394302 155 16 the the DET _003394302 155 17 nation nation NOUN _003394302 155 18 as as ADP _003394302 155 19 a a DET _003394302 155 20 whole whole NOUN _003394302 155 21 will will AUX _003394302 155 22 not not PART _003394302 155 23 be be AUX _003394302 155 24 subordinated subordinate VERB _003394302 155 25 to to ADP _003394302 155 26 pressure pressure NOUN _003394302 155 27 by by ADP _003394302 155 28 a a DET _003394302 155 29 few few ADJ _003394302 155 30 , , PUNCT _003394302 155 31 or or CCONJ _003394302 155 32 to to ADP _003394302 155 33 politicians politician NOUN _003394302 155 34 ' ' PART _003394302 155 35 votes vote NOUN _003394302 155 36 . . PUNCT _003394302 156 1 the the DET _003394302 156 2 corporations corporation NOUN _003394302 156 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 156 4 representing represent VERB _003394302 156 5 the the DET _003394302 156 6 entire entire ADJ _003394302 156 7 economic economic ADJ _003394302 156 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 156 9 intellectual intellectual ADJ _003394302 156 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 156 11 moral moral ADJ _003394302 156 12 life life NOUN _003394302 156 13 of of ADP _003394302 156 14 the the DET _003394302 156 15 nation nation NOUN _003394302 156 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 156 17 will will AUX _003394302 156 18 have have VERB _003394302 156 19 more more ADJ _003394302 156 20 power power NOUN _003394302 156 21 as as SCONJ _003394302 156 22 the the DET _003394302 156 23 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 156 24 structure structure NOUN _003394302 156 25 comes come VERB _003394302 156 26 of of ADP _003394302 156 27 age age NOUN _003394302 156 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 157 1 its its PRON _003394302 157 2 colonies colony NOUN _003394302 157 3 also also ADV _003394302 157 4 benefit benefit VERB _003394302 157 5 a a DET _003394302 157 6 colonial colonial ADJ _003394302 157 7 act act NOUN _003394302 157 8 to to PART _003394302 157 9 regularize regularize VERB _003394302 157 10 the the DET _003394302 157 11 administration administration NOUN _003394302 157 12 of of ADP _003394302 157 13 the the DET _003394302 157 14 colonies colony NOUN _003394302 157 15 of of ADP _003394302 157 16 africa africa PROPN _003394302 157 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 157 18 china china PROPN _003394302 157 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 157 20 the the DET _003394302 157 21 atlantic atlantic PROPN _003394302 157 22 and and CCONJ _003394302 157 23 oceania oceania NOUN _003394302 157 24 was be AUX _003394302 157 25 promulgated promulgate VERB _003394302 157 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 158 1 in in ADP _003394302 158 2 its its PRON _003394302 158 3 statement statement NOUN _003394302 158 4 of of ADP _003394302 158 5 the the DET _003394302 158 6 labor labor NOUN _003394302 158 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 158 8 other other ADJ _003394302 158 9 rights right NOUN _003394302 158 10 of of ADP _003394302 158 11 the the DET _003394302 158 12 natives native NOUN _003394302 158 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 158 14 this this DET _003394302 158 15 act act NOUN _003394302 158 16 is be AUX _003394302 158 17 a a DET _003394302 158 18 magnificently magnificently ADV _003394302 158 19 christian christian ADJ _003394302 158 20 and and CCONJ _003394302 158 21 progressive progressive ADJ _003394302 158 22 document document NOUN _003394302 158 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 159 1 trade trade NOUN _003394302 159 2 between between ADP _003394302 159 3 the the DET _003394302 159 4 mother mother NOUN _003394302 159 5 country country NOUN _003394302 159 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 159 7 the the DET _003394302 159 8 colonies colony NOUN _003394302 159 9 was be AUX _003394302 159 10 greatly greatly ADV _003394302 159 11 increased increase VERB _003394302 159 12 since since SCONJ _003394302 159 13 the the DET _003394302 159 14 advent advent NOUN _003394302 159 15 of of ADP _003394302 159 16 the the DET _003394302 159 17 new new ADJ _003394302 159 18 government government NOUN _003394302 159 19 . . PUNCT _003394302 160 1 a a DET _003394302 160 2 small small ADJ _003394302 160 3 navy navy NOUN _003394302 160 4 of of ADP _003394302 160 5 very very ADV _003394302 160 6 modern modern ADJ _003394302 160 7 ships ship NOUN _003394302 160 8 was be AUX _003394302 160 9 built build VERB _003394302 160 10 in in ADP _003394302 160 11 15 15 NUM _003394302 160 12 what what PRON _003394302 160 13 is be AUX _003394302 160 14 the the DET _003394302 160 15 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 160 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 161 1 system system NOUN _003394302 161 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 162 1 england england PROPN _003394302 162 2 and and CCONJ _003394302 162 3 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 162 4 to to PART _003394302 162 5 protect protect VERB _003394302 162 6 these these DET _003394302 162 7 extensive extensive ADJ _003394302 162 8 possessions possession NOUN _003394302 162 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 163 1 new new ADJ _003394302 163 2 yorkers yorker NOUN _003394302 163 3 saw see VERB _003394302 163 4 the the DET _003394302 163 5 small small ADJ _003394302 163 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 163 7 trim trim VERB _003394302 163 8 " " PUNCT _003394302 163 9 tejo tejo NOUN _003394302 163 10 " " PUNCT _003394302 163 11 in in ADP _003394302 163 12 the the DET _003394302 163 13 harbor harbor NOUN _003394302 163 14 on on ADP _003394302 163 15 the the DET _003394302 163 16 occasion occasion NOUN _003394302 163 17 of of ADP _003394302 163 18 opening opening NOUN _003394302 163 19 of of ADP _003394302 163 20 the the DET _003394302 163 21 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 163 22 exhibit exhibit VERB _003394302 163 23 a a DET _003394302 163 24 t t NOUN _003394302 164 1 the the DET _003394302 164 2 new new PROPN _003394302 164 3 york york PROPN _003394302 164 4 world world PROPN _003394302 164 5 's 's PART _003394302 164 6 f f PROPN _003394302 164 7 a a DET _003394302 164 8 i i NOUN _003394302 164 9 r r VERB _003394302 164 10 in in ADP _003394302 164 11 1939 1939 NUM _003394302 164 12 . . PUNCT _003394302 165 1 order order NOUN _003394302 165 2 and and CCONJ _003394302 165 3 peace peace NOUN _003394302 165 4 from from ADP _003394302 165 5 chaos chaos NOUN _003394302 165 6 order order NOUN _003394302 165 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 165 8 peace peace NOUN _003394302 165 9 now now ADV _003394302 165 10 reign reign NOUN _003394302 165 11 in in ADP _003394302 165 12 " " PUNCT _003394302 165 13 the the DET _003394302 165 14 little little ADJ _003394302 165 15 house house NOUN _003394302 165 16 of of ADP _003394302 165 17 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 165 18 " " PUNCT _003394302 165 19 . . PUNCT _003394302 166 1 the the DET _003394302 166 2 period period NOUN _003394302 166 3 of of ADP _003394302 166 4 national national ADJ _003394302 166 5 apathy apathy NOUN _003394302 166 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 166 7 shame shame NOUN _003394302 166 8 has have AUX _003394302 166 9 passed pass VERB _003394302 166 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 166 11 a a DET _003394302 166 12 consciousness consciousness NOUN _003394302 166 13 of of ADP _003394302 166 14 national national ADJ _003394302 166 15 pride pride NOUN _003394302 166 16 and and CCONJ _003394302 166 17 high high ADJ _003394302 166 18 destiny destiny NOUN _003394302 166 19 has have AUX _003394302 166 20 taken take VERB _003394302 166 21 hold hold NOUN _003394302 166 22 of of ADP _003394302 166 23 the the DET _003394302 166 24 people people NOUN _003394302 166 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 167 1 in in ADP _003394302 167 2 the the DET _003394302 167 3 previous previous ADJ _003394302 167 4 hundred hundred NUM _003394302 167 5 years year NOUN _003394302 167 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 167 7 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 167 8 sank sink VERB _003394302 167 9 lower lower ADV _003394302 167 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 167 11 lower low ADJ _003394302 167 12 in in ADP _003394302 167 13 national national ADJ _003394302 167 14 and and CCONJ _003394302 167 15 international international ADJ _003394302 167 16 aifairs aifair NOUN _003394302 167 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 167 18 in in ADP _003394302 167 19 spite spite NOUN _003394302 167 20 of of ADP _003394302 167 21 the the DET _003394302 167 22 fact fact NOUN _003394302 167 23 that that SCONJ _003394302 167 24 this this PRON _003394302 167 25 was be AUX _003394302 167 26 a a DET _003394302 167 27 period period NOUN _003394302 167 28 of of ADP _003394302 167 29 prosperity prosperity NOUN _003394302 167 30 and and CCONJ _003394302 167 31 economic economic ADJ _003394302 167 32 expansion expansion NOUN _003394302 167 33 . . PUNCT _003394302 168 1 in in ADP _003394302 168 2 a a DET _003394302 168 3 time time NOUN _003394302 168 4 of of ADP _003394302 168 5 world world NOUN _003394302 168 6 - - PUNCT _003394302 168 7 wide wide ADJ _003394302 168 8 depression depression NOUN _003394302 168 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 168 10 she she PRON _003394302 168 11 organized organize VERB _003394302 168 12 herself herself PRON _003394302 168 13 slowly slowly ADV _003394302 168 14 and and CCONJ _003394302 168 15 surely surely ADV _003394302 168 16 under under ADP _003394302 168 17 the the DET _003394302 168 18 principles principle NOUN _003394302 168 19 of of ADP _003394302 168 20 a a DET _003394302 168 21 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 168 22 republic republic NOUN _003394302 168 23 and and CCONJ _003394302 168 24 has have AUX _003394302 168 25 attained attain VERB _003394302 168 26 a a DET _003394302 168 27 prosperity prosperity NOUN _003394302 168 28 she she PRON _003394302 168 29 has have AUX _003394302 168 30 not not PART _003394302 168 31 known know VERB _003394302 168 32 since since SCONJ _003394302 168 33 her her PRON _003394302 168 34 golden golden ADJ _003394302 168 35 age age NOUN _003394302 168 36 . . PUNCT _003394302 169 1 for for ADP _003394302 169 2 us we PRON _003394302 169 3 the the DET _003394302 169 4 importance importance NOUN _003394302 169 5 of of ADP _003394302 169 6 this this DET _003394302 169 7 great great ADJ _003394302 169 8 national national ADJ _003394302 169 9 renovation renovation NOUN _003394302 169 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 169 11 reconstruction reconstruction NOUN _003394302 169 12 lies lie VERB _003394302 169 13 in in ADP _003394302 169 14 the the DET _003394302 169 15 fact fact NOUN _003394302 169 16 that that SCONJ _003394302 169 17 it it PRON _003394302 169 18 was be AUX _003394302 169 19 based base VERB _003394302 169 20 on on ADP _003394302 169 21 certain certain ADJ _003394302 169 22 potent potent NOUN _003394302 169 23 and and CCONJ _003394302 169 24 simple simple ADJ _003394302 169 25 t t NOUN _003394302 169 26 r r NOUN _003394302 169 27 u u NOUN _003394302 169 28 t t NOUN _003394302 169 29 h h NOUN _003394302 169 30 s s X _003394302 169 31 which which PRON _003394302 169 32 the the DET _003394302 169 33 modern modern ADJ _003394302 169 34 world world NOUN _003394302 169 35 conveniently conveniently ADV _003394302 169 36 forgot forgot ADJ _003394302 169 37 , , PUNCT _003394302 169 38 but but CCONJ _003394302 169 39 which which PRON _003394302 169 40 solid solid ADJ _003394302 169 41 thinkers thinker NOUN _003394302 169 42 taught teach VERB _003394302 169 43 long long ADV _003394302 169 44 before before ADP _003394302 169 45 the the DET _003394302 169 46 rise rise NOUN _003394302 169 47 of of ADP _003394302 169 48 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394302 169 49 and and CCONJ _003394302 169 50 will will AUX _003394302 169 51 continue continue VERB _003394302 169 52 to to PART _003394302 169 53 teach teach VERB _003394302 169 54 no no ADV _003394302 169 55 matter matter ADV _003394302 169 56 what what PRON _003394302 169 57 system system NOUN _003394302 169 58 replaces replace VERB _003394302 169 59 it it PRON _003394302 169 60 . . PUNCT _003394302 170 1 social social ADJ _003394302 170 2 security security NOUN _003394302 170 3 under under ADP _003394302 170 4 t t PROPN _003394302 170 5 h h NOUN _003394302 170 6 e e NOUN _003394302 170 7 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 170 8 system system NOUN _003394302 170 9 every every DET _003394302 170 10 one one NUM _003394302 170 11 of of ADP _003394302 170 12 us we PRON _003394302 170 13 who who PRON _003394302 170 14 depends depend VERB _003394302 170 15 on on ADP _003394302 170 16 wages wage NOUN _003394302 170 17 for for ADP _003394302 170 18 rent rent NOUN _003394302 170 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 170 20 clothes clothe NOUN _003394302 170 21 , , PUNCT _003394302 170 22 food food NOUN _003394302 170 23 and and CCONJ _003394302 170 24 the the DET _003394302 170 25 other other ADJ _003394302 170 26 necessities necessity NOUN _003394302 170 27 of of ADP _003394302 170 28 life life NOUN _003394302 170 29 , , PUNCT _003394302 170 30 has have AUX _003394302 170 31 had have VERB _003394302 170 32 to to PART _003394302 170 33 worry worry VERB _003394302 170 34 about about ADP _003394302 170 35 the the DET _003394302 170 36 steadiness steadiness NOUN _003394302 170 37 of of ADP _003394302 170 38 his his PRON _003394302 170 39 income income NOUN _003394302 170 40 . . PUNCT _003394302 171 1 in in ADP _003394302 171 2 america america PROPN _003394302 171 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 171 4 due due ADP _003394302 171 5 to to ADP _003394302 171 6 the the DET _003394302 171 7 many many ADJ _003394302 171 8 abuses abuse NOUN _003394302 171 9 of of ADP _003394302 171 10 our our PRON _003394302 171 11 economic economic ADJ _003394302 171 12 system system NOUN _003394302 171 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 171 14 we we PRON _003394302 171 15 have have AUX _003394302 171 16 had have VERB _003394302 171 17 to to PART _003394302 171 18 become become VERB _003394302 171 19 extremely extremely ADV _003394302 171 20 " " PUNCT _003394302 171 21 social social ADJ _003394302 171 22 security security NOUN _003394302 171 23 conscious conscious ADJ _003394302 171 24 " " PUNCT _003394302 171 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 172 1 it it PRON _003394302 172 2 is be AUX _003394302 172 3 therefore therefore ADV _003394302 172 4 of of ADP _003394302 172 5 great great ADJ _003394302 172 6 interest interest NOUN _003394302 172 7 to to ADP _003394302 172 8 us we PRON _003394302 172 9 to to PART _003394302 172 10 see see VERB _003394302 172 11 how how SCONJ _003394302 172 12 other other ADJ _003394302 172 13 systems system NOUN _003394302 172 14 meet meet VERB _003394302 172 15 the the DET _003394302 172 16 same same ADJ _003394302 172 17 problem problem NOUN _003394302 172 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 173 1 in in ADP _003394302 173 2 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 173 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 173 4 where where SCONJ _003394302 173 5 a a DET _003394302 173 6 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 173 7 system system NOUN _003394302 173 8 of of ADP _003394302 173 9 government government NOUN _003394302 173 10 is be AUX _003394302 173 11 being be AUX _003394302 173 12 gradually gradually ADV _003394302 173 13 built build VERB _003394302 173 14 up up ADP _003394302 173 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 173 16 the the DET _003394302 173 17 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003394302 173 18 working work VERB _003394302 173 19 man man NOUN _003394302 173 20 is be AUX _003394302 173 21 finding find VERB _003394302 173 22 more more ADJ _003394302 173 23 and and CCONJ _003394302 173 24 more more ADJ _003394302 173 25 security security NOUN _003394302 173 26 in in ADP _003394302 173 27 his his PRON _003394302 173 28 job job NOUN _003394302 173 29 and and CCONJ _003394302 173 30 in in ADP _003394302 173 31 the the DET _003394302 173 32 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 173 33 of of ADP _003394302 173 34 his his PRON _003394302 173 35 daily daily ADJ _003394302 173 36 life life NOUN _003394302 173 37 . . PUNCT _003394302 174 1 we we PRON _003394302 174 2 will will AUX _003394302 174 3 examine examine VERB _003394302 174 4 unemployment unemployment NOUN _003394302 174 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 174 6 wages wage NOUN _003394302 174 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 174 8 working work VERB _003394302 174 9 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 174 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 174 11 the the DET _003394302 174 12 state state NOUN _003394302 174 13 of of ADP _003394302 174 14 business business NOUN _003394302 174 15 . . PUNCT _003394302 175 1 work work NOUN _003394302 175 2 created create VERB _003394302 175 3 on on ADP _003394302 175 4 needed need VERB _003394302 175 5 projects project NOUN _003394302 175 6 world world NOUN _003394302 175 7 depression depression NOUN _003394302 175 8 skips skip VERB _003394302 175 9 no no DET _003394302 175 10 country country NOUN _003394302 175 11 today today NOUN _003394302 175 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 175 13 and and CCONJ _003394302 175 14 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 175 15 was be AUX _003394302 175 16 affected affect VERB _003394302 175 17 as as SCONJ _003394302 175 18 we we PRON _003394302 175 19 were be AUX _003394302 175 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 176 1 her her PRON _003394302 176 2 important important ADJ _003394302 176 3 exports export NOUN _003394302 176 4 of of ADP _003394302 176 5 cork cork NOUN _003394302 176 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 176 7 sardines sardine NOUN _003394302 176 8 and and CCONJ _003394302 176 9 wine wine NOUN _003394302 176 10 went go VERB _003394302 176 11 down down ADP _003394302 176 12 considerably considerably ADV _003394302 176 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 176 14 and and CCONJ _003394302 176 15 of of ADP _003394302 176 16 course course NOUN _003394302 176 17 men man NOUN _003394302 176 18 lost lose VERB _003394302 176 19 their their PRON _003394302 176 20 jobs job NOUN _003394302 176 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 177 1 dr dr PROPN _003394302 177 2 . . PROPN _003394302 177 3 salazar salazar PROPN _003394302 177 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 177 5 the the DET _003394302 177 6 present present ADJ _003394302 177 7 prime prime ADJ _003394302 177 8 minister minister NOUN _003394302 177 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 177 10 took take VERB _003394302 177 11 office office NOUN _003394302 177 12 as as ADP _003394302 177 13 minister minister PROPN _003394302 177 14 of of ADP _003394302 177 15 finances finance NOUN _003394302 177 16 one one NUM _003394302 177 17 year year NOUN _003394302 177 18 before before ADP _003394302 177 19 the the DET _003394302 177 20 depression depression NOUN _003394302 177 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 178 1 when when SCONJ _003394302 178 2 he he PRON _003394302 178 3 saw see VERB _003394302 178 4 the the DET _003394302 178 5 results result NOUN _003394302 178 6 of of ADP _003394302 178 7 the the DET _003394302 178 8 depression depression NOUN _003394302 178 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 178 10 he he PRON _003394302 178 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 178 12 his his PRON _003394302 178 13 government government NOUN _003394302 178 14 studied study VERB _003394302 178 15 the the DET _003394302 178 16 situation situation NOUN _003394302 178 17 as as SCONJ _003394302 178 18 it it PRON _003394302 178 19 affected affect VERB _003394302 178 20 the the DET _003394302 178 21 working work VERB _003394302 178 22 man man NOUN _003394302 178 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 179 1 men man NOUN _003394302 179 2 had have VERB _003394302 179 3 to to PART _003394302 179 4 be be AUX _003394302 179 5 put put VERB _003394302 179 6 back back ADV _003394302 179 7 to to ADP _003394302 179 8 work work NOUN _003394302 179 9 without without ADP _003394302 179 10 bankrupting bankrupt VERB _003394302 179 11 an an DET _003394302 179 12 already already ADV _003394302 179 13 debt debt NOUN _003394302 179 14 - - PUNCT _003394302 179 15 ridden ridden ADJ _003394302 179 16 country country NOUN _003394302 179 17 . . PUNCT _003394302 180 1 first first ADV _003394302 180 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 180 3 many many ADJ _003394302 180 4 abuses abuse NOUN _003394302 180 5 of of ADP _003394302 180 6 the the DET _003394302 180 7 old old ADJ _003394302 180 8 tax tax NOUN _003394302 180 9 - - PUNCT _003394302 180 10 collecting collect VERB _003394302 180 11 system system NOUN _003394302 180 12 were be AUX _003394302 180 13 swept sweep VERB _003394302 180 14 away away ADV _003394302 180 15 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 180 16 then then ADV _003394302 180 17 taxes taxis NOUN _003394302 180 18 were be AUX _003394302 180 19 made make VERB _003394302 180 20 some17 some17 NOUN _003394302 180 21 what what PRON _003394302 180 22 is be AUX _003394302 180 23 the the DET _003394302 180 24 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 180 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 181 1 system system NOUN _003394302 181 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 182 1 what what PRON _003394302 182 2 higher high ADJ _003394302 182 3 in in ADP _003394302 182 4 view view NOUN _003394302 182 5 of of ADP _003394302 182 6 the the DET _003394302 182 7 changed changed ADJ _003394302 182 8 situation situation NOUN _003394302 182 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 183 1 the the DET _003394302 183 2 budget budget NOUN _003394302 183 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 183 4 which which PRON _003394302 183 5 the the DET _003394302 183 6 politicians politician NOUN _003394302 183 7 had have AUX _003394302 183 8 been be AUX _003394302 183 9 unable unable ADJ _003394302 183 10 to to PART _003394302 183 11 balance balance VERB _003394302 183 12 in in ADP _003394302 183 13 almost almost ADV _003394302 183 14 a a DET _003394302 183 15 hundred hundred NUM _003394302 183 16 years year NOUN _003394302 183 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 183 18 was be AUX _003394302 183 19 balanced balance VERB _003394302 183 20 in in ADP _003394302 183 21 one one NUM _003394302 183 22 year year NOUN _003394302 183 23 through through ADP _003394302 183 24 the the DET _003394302 183 25 efforts effort NOUN _003394302 183 26 of of ADP _003394302 183 27 a a DET _003394302 183 28 completely completely ADV _003394302 183 29 honest honest ADJ _003394302 183 30 administration administration NOUN _003394302 183 31 , , PUNCT _003394302 183 32 and and CCONJ _003394302 183 33 a a DET _003394302 183 34 minister minister NOUN _003394302 183 35 of of ADP _003394302 183 36 finances finance NOUN _003394302 183 37 who who PRON _003394302 183 38 was be AUX _003394302 183 39 an an DET _003394302 183 40 economist economist NOUN _003394302 183 41 , , PUNCT _003394302 183 42 not not PART _003394302 183 43 a a DET _003394302 183 44 vote vote NOUN _003394302 183 45 - - PUNCT _003394302 183 46 begging beg VERB _003394302 183 47 job job NOUN _003394302 183 48 - - PUNCT _003394302 183 49 seeker seeker NOUN _003394302 183 50 . . PUNCT _003394302 184 1 a a DET _003394302 184 2 f f PROPN _003394302 184 3 t t NOUN _003394302 184 4 e e NOUN _003394302 184 5 r r NOUN _003394302 184 6 careful careful ADJ _003394302 184 7 study study NOUN _003394302 184 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 184 9 the the DET _003394302 184 10 following following NOUN _003394302 184 11 were be AUX _003394302 184 12 found find VERB _003394302 184 13 to to PART _003394302 184 14 be be AUX _003394302 184 15 among among ADP _003394302 184 16 the the DET _003394302 184 17 country country NOUN _003394302 184 18 's 's PART _003394302 184 19 most most ADV _003394302 184 20 pressing pressing ADJ _003394302 184 21 needs need NOUN _003394302 184 22 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 184 23 roads road NOUN _003394302 184 24 , , PUNCT _003394302 184 25 docks dock NOUN _003394302 184 26 f f PROPN _003394302 184 27 o o PROPN _003394302 184 28 r r NOUN _003394302 184 29 commerce commerce NOUN _003394302 184 30 , , PUNCT _003394302 184 31 houses house VERB _003394302 184 32 f f X _003394302 184 33 o o X _003394302 184 34 r r NOUN _003394302 184 35 working working NOUN _003394302 184 36 - - PUNCT _003394302 184 37 men man NOUN _003394302 184 38 and and CCONJ _003394302 184 39 their their PRON _003394302 184 40 families family NOUN _003394302 184 41 , , PUNCT _003394302 184 42 the the DET _003394302 184 43 rudiments rudiment NOUN _003394302 184 44 of of ADP _003394302 184 45 a a DET _003394302 184 46 navy navy NOUN _003394302 184 47 , , PUNCT _003394302 184 48 more more ADJ _003394302 184 49 national national ADJ _003394302 184 50 selfsufficiency selfsufficiency NOUN _003394302 184 51 in in ADP _003394302 184 52 the the DET _003394302 184 53 staple staple ADJ _003394302 184 54 articles article NOUN _003394302 184 55 of of ADP _003394302 184 56 food food NOUN _003394302 184 57 , , PUNCT _003394302 184 58 improvement improvement NOUN _003394302 184 59 in in ADP _003394302 184 60 transportation transportation NOUN _003394302 184 61 facilities facility NOUN _003394302 184 62 through through ADP _003394302 184 63 long long ADJ _003394302 184 64 necessary necessary ADJ _003394302 184 65 reconstruction reconstruction NOUN _003394302 184 66 of of ADP _003394302 184 67 existing exist VERB _003394302 184 68 railway railway NOUN _003394302 184 69 lines line NOUN _003394302 184 70 . . PUNCT _003394302 185 1 made make VERB _003394302 185 2 country country NOUN _003394302 185 3 nearly nearly ADV _003394302 185 4 self self NOUN _003394302 185 5 sufficient sufficient ADJ _003394302 185 6 no no DET _003394302 185 7 project project NOUN _003394302 185 8 was be AUX _003394302 185 9 started start VERB _003394302 185 10 without without ADP _003394302 185 11 a a DET _003394302 185 12 definite definite ADJ _003394302 185 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 185 14 practical practical ADJ _003394302 185 15 plan plan NOUN _003394302 185 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 186 1 every every DET _003394302 186 2 plan plan NOUN _003394302 186 3 involved involve VERB _003394302 186 4 some some DET _003394302 186 5 necessary necessary ADJ _003394302 186 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 186 7 basic basic ADJ _003394302 186 8 addition addition NOUN _003394302 186 9 to to ADP _003394302 186 10 the the DET _003394302 186 11 welfare welfare NOUN _003394302 186 12 of of ADP _003394302 186 13 the the DET _003394302 186 14 people people NOUN _003394302 186 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 186 16 their their PRON _003394302 186 17 country country NOUN _003394302 186 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 187 1 men man NOUN _003394302 187 2 were be AUX _003394302 187 3 put put VERB _003394302 187 4 to to ADP _003394302 187 5 work work NOUN _003394302 187 6 building build VERB _003394302 187 7 some some PRON _003394302 187 8 of of ADP _003394302 187 9 the the DET _003394302 187 10 needed need VERB _003394302 187 11 ships ship NOUN _003394302 187 12 ( ( PUNCT _003394302 187 13 others other NOUN _003394302 187 14 had have VERB _003394302 187 15 to to PART _003394302 187 16 be be AUX _003394302 187 17 built build VERB _003394302 187 18 in in ADP _003394302 187 19 england england PROPN _003394302 187 20 hecause hecause NOUN _003394302 187 21 of of ADP _003394302 187 22 that that DET _003394302 187 23 country country NOUN _003394302 187 24 's 's PART _003394302 187 25 superior superior ADJ _003394302 187 26 technical technical ADJ _003394302 187 27 facilities facility NOUN _003394302 187 28 ) ) PUNCT _003394302 187 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 188 1 unemployed unemployed ADJ _003394302 188 2 workers worker NOUN _003394302 188 3 found find VERB _003394302 188 4 useful useful ADJ _003394302 188 5 toil toil NOUN _003394302 188 6 in in ADP _003394302 188 7 building build VERB _003394302 188 8 and and CCONJ _003394302 188 9 improving improve VERB _003394302 188 10 the the DET _003394302 188 11 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 188 12 roads road NOUN _003394302 188 13 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 188 14 in in ADP _003394302 188 15 tearing tear VERB _003394302 188 16 down down ADP _003394302 188 17 old old ADJ _003394302 188 18 and and CCONJ _003394302 188 19 unsanitary unsanitary ADJ _003394302 188 20 houses house NOUN _003394302 188 21 and and CCONJ _003394302 188 22 constructing construct VERB _003394302 188 23 clean clean ADJ _003394302 188 24 , , PUNCT _003394302 188 25 pleasant pleasant ADJ _003394302 188 26 dwellings dwelling NOUN _003394302 188 27 to to PART _003394302 188 28 house house VERB _003394302 188 29 a a DET _003394302 188 30 rapidly rapidly ADV _003394302 188 31 growing grow VERB _003394302 188 32 population population NOUN _003394302 188 33 . . PUNCT _003394302 189 1 the the DET _003394302 189 2 port port NOUN _003394302 189 3 of of ADP _003394302 189 4 oporto oporto NOUN _003394302 189 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 189 6 the the DET _003394302 189 7 industrial industrial ADJ _003394302 189 8 city city NOUN _003394302 189 9 of of ADP _003394302 189 10 the the DET _003394302 189 11 north north NOUN _003394302 189 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 189 13 was be AUX _003394302 189 14 improved improve VERB _003394302 189 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 189 16 and and CCONJ _003394302 189 17 the the DET _003394302 189 18 harbor harbor NOUN _003394302 189 19 works work NOUN _003394302 189 20 of of ADP _003394302 189 21 the the DET _003394302 189 22 town town NOUN _003394302 189 23 of of ADP _003394302 189 24 setubal setubal PROPN _003394302 189 25 have have AUX _003394302 189 26 been be AUX _003394302 189 27 completed complete VERB _003394302 189 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 190 1 expensive expensive ADJ _003394302 190 2 changes change NOUN _003394302 190 3 are be AUX _003394302 190 4 being be AUX _003394302 190 5 executed execute VERB _003394302 190 6 in in ADP _003394302 190 7 the the DET _003394302 190 8 port port NOUN _003394302 190 9 of of ADP _003394302 190 10 lisbon lisbon NOUN _003394302 190 11 to to PART _003394302 190 12 help help VERB _003394302 190 13 it it PRON _003394302 190 14 achieve achieve VERB _003394302 190 15 the the DET _003394302 190 16 importance importance NOUN _003394302 190 17 it it PRON _003394302 190 18 should should AUX _003394302 190 19 assume assume VERB _003394302 190 20 as as ADP _003394302 190 21 a a DET _003394302 190 22 great great ADJ _003394302 190 23 atlantic atlantic ADJ _003394302 190 24 harbor harbor NOUN _003394302 190 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 191 1 18 18 NUM _003394302 191 2 what what PRON _003394302 191 3 is be AUX _003394302 191 4 the the DET _003394302 191 5 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 191 6 . . PUNCT _003394302 192 1 system system NOUN _003394302 192 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 193 1 twelve twelve NUM _003394302 193 2 other other ADJ _003394302 193 3 less less ADV _003394302 193 4 important important ADJ _003394302 193 5 harbors harbor NOUN _003394302 193 6 are be AUX _003394302 193 7 included include VERB _003394302 193 8 in in ADP _003394302 193 9 the the DET _003394302 193 10 scheme scheme NOUN _003394302 193 11 f f PROPN _003394302 193 12 o o NOUN _003394302 193 13 r r NOUN _003394302 193 14 port port NOUN _003394302 193 15 improvement improvement NOUN _003394302 193 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 194 1 the the DET _003394302 194 2 work work NOUN _003394302 194 3 on on ADP _003394302 194 4 these these PRON _003394302 194 5 is be AUX _003394302 194 6 slowly slowly ADV _003394302 194 7 but but CCONJ _003394302 194 8 surely surely ADV _003394302 194 9 being be AUX _003394302 194 10 brought bring VERB _003394302 194 11 to to ADP _003394302 194 12 completion completion NOUN _003394302 194 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 195 1 the the DET _003394302 195 2 production production NOUN _003394302 195 3 of of ADP _003394302 195 4 wheat wheat NOUN _003394302 195 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 195 6 as as ADP _003394302 195 7 a a DET _003394302 195 8 single single ADJ _003394302 195 9 example example NOUN _003394302 195 10 of of ADP _003394302 195 11 government government NOUN _003394302 195 12 help help NOUN _003394302 195 13 in in ADP _003394302 195 14 the the DET _003394302 195 15 production production NOUN _003394302 195 16 of of ADP _003394302 195 17 staples staple NOUN _003394302 195 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 195 19 has have AUX _003394302 195 20 been be AUX _003394302 195 21 vastly vastly ADV _003394302 195 22 increased increase VERB _003394302 195 23 so so SCONJ _003394302 195 24 that that SCONJ _003394302 195 25 the the DET _003394302 195 26 country country NOUN _003394302 195 27 is be AUX _003394302 195 28 now now ADV _003394302 195 29 self self NOUN _003394302 195 30 - - PUNCT _003394302 195 31 sufficient sufficient ADJ _003394302 195 32 in in ADP _003394302 195 33 this this DET _003394302 195 34 regard regard NOUN _003394302 195 35 . . PUNCT _003394302 196 1 two two NUM _003394302 196 2 of of ADP _003394302 196 3 the the DET _003394302 196 4 projects project NOUN _003394302 196 5 vital vital ADJ _003394302 196 6 to to ADP _003394302 196 7 the the DET _003394302 196 8 goal goal NOUN _003394302 196 9 of of ADP _003394302 196 10 self self NOUN _003394302 196 11 - - PUNCT _003394302 196 12 sufficiency sufficiency NOUN _003394302 196 13 are be AUX _003394302 196 14 irrigation irrigation NOUN _003394302 196 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 196 16 the the DET _003394302 196 17 erection erection NOUN _003394302 196 18 of of ADP _003394302 196 19 storage storage NOUN _003394302 196 20 places place NOUN _003394302 196 21 f f PROPN _003394302 196 22 o o X _003394302 196 23 r r NOUN _003394302 196 24 foodstuffs foodstuff NOUN _003394302 196 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 197 1 both both PRON _003394302 197 2 of of ADP _003394302 197 3 these these DET _003394302 197 4 problems problem NOUN _003394302 197 5 have have AUX _003394302 197 6 been be AUX _003394302 197 7 energetically energetically ADV _003394302 197 8 and and CCONJ _003394302 197 9 wisely wisely ADV _003394302 197 10 worked work VERB _003394302 197 11 out out ADP _003394302 197 12 . . PUNCT _003394302 198 1 the the DET _003394302 198 2 entire entire ADJ _003394302 198 3 plans plan NOUN _003394302 198 4 are be AUX _003394302 198 5 not not PART _003394302 198 6 yet yet ADV _003394302 198 7 in in ADP _003394302 198 8 execution execution NOUN _003394302 198 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 198 10 but but CCONJ _003394302 198 11 enough enough ADJ _003394302 198 12 has have AUX _003394302 198 13 been be AUX _003394302 198 14 done do VERB _003394302 198 15 to to PART _003394302 198 16 show show VERB _003394302 198 17 that that SCONJ _003394302 198 18 the the DET _003394302 198 19 government government NOUN _003394302 198 20 has have AUX _003394302 198 21 found find VERB _003394302 198 22 the the DET _003394302 198 23 correct correct ADJ _003394302 198 24 solution solution NOUN _003394302 198 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 199 1 the the DET _003394302 199 2 government government NOUN _003394302 199 3 itself itself PRON _003394302 199 4 took take VERB _003394302 199 5 over over ADP _003394302 199 6 the the DET _003394302 199 7 improvement improvement NOUN _003394302 199 8 of of ADP _003394302 199 9 transportation transportation NOUN _003394302 199 10 by by ADP _003394302 199 11 reconstructing reconstruct VERB _003394302 199 12 bridges bridge NOUN _003394302 199 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 199 14 tracks track NOUN _003394302 199 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 199 16 other other ADJ _003394302 199 17 equipment equipment NOUN _003394302 199 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 200 1 the the DET _003394302 200 2 results result NOUN _003394302 200 3 are be AUX _003394302 200 4 a a DET _003394302 200 5 great great ADJ _003394302 200 6 help help NOUN _003394302 200 7 to to PART _003394302 200 8 trade trade VERB _003394302 200 9 and and CCONJ _003394302 200 10 tourism tourism NOUN _003394302 200 11 in in ADP _003394302 200 12 this this DET _003394302 200 13 little little ADJ _003394302 200 14 country country NOUN _003394302 200 15 . . PUNCT _003394302 201 1 today today NOUN _003394302 201 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 201 3 the the DET _003394302 201 4 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 201 5 government government NOUN _003394302 201 6 can can AUX _003394302 201 7 still still ADV _003394302 201 8 balance balance VERB _003394302 201 9 its its PRON _003394302 201 10 budget budget NOUN _003394302 201 11 , , PUNCT _003394302 201 12 while while SCONJ _003394302 201 13 pointing point VERB _003394302 201 14 with with ADP _003394302 201 15 pride pride NOUN _003394302 201 16 to to ADP _003394302 201 17 a a DET _003394302 201 18 record record NOUN _003394302 201 19 of of ADP _003394302 201 20 less less ADJ _003394302 201 21 than than ADP _003394302 201 22 one one NUM _003394302 201 23 person person NOUN _003394302 201 24 in in ADP _003394302 201 25 two two NUM _003394302 201 26 hundred hundred NUM _003394302 201 27 unemployed unemployed ADJ _003394302 201 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 202 1 freed free VERB _003394302 202 2 nation nation NOUN _003394302 202 3 of of ADP _003394302 202 4 class class NOUN _003394302 202 5 war war NOUN _003394302 202 6 the the DET _003394302 202 7 solving solving NOUN _003394302 202 8 of of ADP _003394302 202 9 the the DET _003394302 202 10 problem problem NOUN _003394302 202 11 of of ADP _003394302 202 12 unemployment unemployment NOUN _003394302 202 13 is be AUX _003394302 202 14 only only ADV _003394302 202 15 one one NUM _003394302 202 16 aspect aspect NOUN _003394302 202 17 of of ADP _003394302 202 18 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 202 19 's 's PART _003394302 202 20 program program NOUN _003394302 203 1 f f PROPN _003394302 203 2 o o X _003394302 204 1 r r NOUN _003394302 204 2 the the DET _003394302 204 3 welfare welfare NOUN _003394302 204 4 of of ADP _003394302 204 5 the the DET _003394302 204 6 working work VERB _003394302 204 7 man man NOUN _003394302 204 8 . . PUNCT _003394302 205 1 the the DET _003394302 205 2 other other ADJ _003394302 205 3 aspect aspect NOUN _003394302 205 4 is be AUX _003394302 205 5 f f PROPN _003394302 205 6 a a DET _003394302 205 7 r r NOUN _003394302 205 8 more more ADV _003394302 205 9 important important ADJ _003394302 205 10 because because SCONJ _003394302 205 11 it it PRON _003394302 205 12 is be AUX _003394302 205 13 the the DET _003394302 205 14 translation translation NOUN _003394302 205 15 into into ADP _003394302 205 16 action action NOUN _003394302 205 17 of of ADP _003394302 205 18 basically basically ADV _003394302 205 19 sound sound ADJ _003394302 205 20 principles principle NOUN _003394302 205 21 of of ADP _003394302 205 22 social social ADJ _003394302 205 23 reconstruction reconstruction NOUN _003394302 205 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 206 1 the the DET _003394302 206 2 statute statute NOUN _003394302 206 3 of of ADP _003394302 206 4 labor labor NOUN _003394302 206 5 makes make VERB _003394302 206 6 unnecessary unnecessary ADJ _003394302 206 7 the the DET _003394302 206 8 furious furious ADJ _003394302 206 9 class class NOUN _003394302 206 10 war war NOUN _003394302 206 11 we we PRON _003394302 206 12 sometimes sometimes ADV _003394302 206 13 see see VERB _003394302 206 14 in in ADP _003394302 206 15 the the DET _003394302 206 16 united united PROPN _003394302 206 17 states states PROPN _003394302 206 18 because because SCONJ _003394302 206 19 it it PRON _003394302 206 20 enshrines enshrine NOUN _003394302 206 21 in in ADP _003394302 206 22 the the DET _003394302 206 23 constitution constitution NOUN _003394302 206 24 the the DET _003394302 206 25 idea idea NOUN _003394302 206 26 that that DET _003394302 206 27 man man NOUN _003394302 206 28 as as ADP _003394302 206 29 a a DET _003394302 206 30 human human ADJ _003394302 206 31 being being NOUN _003394302 206 32 has have VERB _003394302 206 33 rights right NOUN _003394302 206 34 in in ADP _003394302 206 35 regard regard NOUN _003394302 206 36 to to ADP _003394302 206 37 a a DET _003394302 206 38 iiv19 iiv19 NOUN _003394302 206 39 what what PRON _003394302 206 40 is be AUX _003394302 206 41 the the DET _003394302 206 42 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 206 43 . . PUNCT _003394302 207 1 system system NOUN _003394302 207 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 208 1 ing ing NOUN _003394302 208 2 wage wage NOUN _003394302 208 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 208 4 security security NOUN _003394302 208 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 208 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 208 7 worthy worthy ADJ _003394302 208 8 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 208 9 of of ADP _003394302 208 10 work work NOUN _003394302 208 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 209 1 it it PRON _003394302 209 2 also also ADV _003394302 209 3 sets set VERB _003394302 209 4 up up ADP _003394302 209 5 an an DET _003394302 209 6 efficient efficient ADJ _003394302 209 7 organization organization NOUN _003394302 209 8 to to PART _003394302 209 9 safeguard safeguard VERB _003394302 209 10 these these DET _003394302 209 11 rights right NOUN _003394302 209 12 for for ADP _003394302 209 13 every every DET _003394302 209 14 worker worker NOUN _003394302 209 15 in in ADP _003394302 209 16 the the DET _003394302 209 17 land land NOUN _003394302 209 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 210 1 advances advance NOUN _003394302 210 2 in in ADP _003394302 210 3 social social ADJ _003394302 210 4 life life NOUN _003394302 210 5 working work VERB _003394302 210 6 men man NOUN _003394302 210 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 210 8 women woman NOUN _003394302 210 9 are be AUX _003394302 210 10 entitled entitle VERB _003394302 210 11 to to ADP _003394302 210 12 a a DET _003394302 210 13 paid pay VERB _003394302 210 14 vacation vacation NOUN _003394302 210 15 the the DET _003394302 210 16 length length NOUN _003394302 210 17 of of ADP _003394302 210 18 which which PRON _003394302 210 19 depends depend VERB _003394302 210 20 on on ADP _003394302 210 21 the the DET _003394302 210 22 number number NOUN _003394302 210 23 of of ADP _003394302 210 24 years year NOUN _003394302 210 25 they they PRON _003394302 210 26 have have AUX _003394302 210 27 been be AUX _003394302 210 28 employed employ VERB _003394302 210 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 211 1 provision provision NOUN _003394302 211 2 is be AUX _003394302 211 3 made make VERB _003394302 211 4 f f PROPN _003394302 211 5 o o X _003394302 211 6 r r NOUN _003394302 211 7 illness illness NOUN _003394302 211 8 or or CCONJ _003394302 211 9 forced force VERB _003394302 211 10 unemployment unemployment NOUN _003394302 211 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 212 1 men man NOUN _003394302 212 2 may may AUX _003394302 212 3 not not PART _003394302 212 4 be be AUX _003394302 212 5 fired fire VERB _003394302 212 6 for for ADP _003394302 212 7 trivial trivial ADJ _003394302 212 8 reasons reason NOUN _003394302 212 9 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 212 10 thus thus ADV _003394302 212 11 no no DET _003394302 212 12 man man NOUN _003394302 212 13 feels feel VERB _003394302 212 14 at at ADP _003394302 212 15 the the DET _003394302 212 16 mercy mercy NOUN _003394302 212 17 of of ADP _003394302 212 18 an an DET _003394302 212 19 employer employer NOUN _003394302 212 20 's 's PART _003394302 212 21 whim whim NOUN _003394302 212 22 . . PUNCT _003394302 213 1 if if SCONJ _003394302 213 2 the the DET _003394302 213 3 employer employer NOUN _003394302 213 4 does do AUX _003394302 213 5 not not PART _003394302 213 6 fulfill fulfill VERB _003394302 213 7 these these DET _003394302 213 8 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 213 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 213 10 the the DET _003394302 213 11 worker worker NOUN _003394302 213 12 may may AUX _003394302 213 13 appeal appeal VERB _003394302 213 14 to to ADP _003394302 213 15 the the DET _003394302 213 16 tribunal tribunal NOUN _003394302 213 17 of of ADP _003394302 213 18 labor labor NOUN _003394302 213 19 situated situate VERB _003394302 213 20 in in ADP _003394302 213 21 each each DET _003394302 213 22 district district NOUN _003394302 213 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 214 1 the the DET _003394302 214 2 writer writer NOUN _003394302 214 3 has have AUX _003394302 214 4 seen see VERB _003394302 214 5 the the DET _003394302 214 6 workers worker NOUN _003394302 214 7 come come VERB _003394302 214 8 to to ADP _003394302 214 9 the the DET _003394302 214 10 tribunal tribunal NOUN _003394302 214 11 in in ADP _003394302 214 12 their their PRON _003394302 214 13 work work NOUN _003394302 214 14 clothes clothe NOUN _003394302 214 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 214 16 tell tell VERB _003394302 214 17 their their PRON _003394302 214 18 story story NOUN _003394302 214 19 in in ADP _003394302 214 20 full full ADJ _003394302 214 21 confidence confidence NOUN _003394302 214 22 that that SCONJ _003394302 214 23 the the DET _003394302 214 24 justice justice NOUN _003394302 214 25 done do VERB _003394302 214 26 to to ADP _003394302 214 27 their their PRON _003394302 214 28 fellows fellow NOUN _003394302 214 29 will will AUX _003394302 214 30 be be AUX _003394302 214 31 done do VERB _003394302 214 32 to to ADP _003394302 214 33 them they PRON _003394302 214 34 . . PUNCT _003394302 215 1 private private ADJ _003394302 215 2 companies company NOUN _003394302 215 3 have have AUX _003394302 215 4 been be AUX _003394302 215 5 quick quick ADJ _003394302 215 6 to to PART _003394302 215 7 cooperate cooperate VERB _003394302 215 8 with with ADP _003394302 215 9 the the DET _003394302 215 10 government government NOUN _003394302 215 11 in in ADP _003394302 215 12 providing provide VERB _003394302 215 13 good good ADJ _003394302 215 14 medical medical ADJ _003394302 215 15 care care NOUN _003394302 215 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 215 17 sanitary sanitary ADJ _003394302 215 18 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 215 19 of of ADP _003394302 215 20 work work NOUN _003394302 215 21 , , PUNCT _003394302 215 22 and and CCONJ _003394302 215 23 in in ADP _003394302 215 24 some some DET _003394302 215 25 cases case NOUN _003394302 215 26 , , PUNCT _003394302 215 27 more more ADV _003394302 215 28 adequate adequate ADJ _003394302 215 29 housing housing NOUN _003394302 215 30 . . PUNCT _003394302 216 1 the the DET _003394302 216 2 statute statute NOUN _003394302 216 3 of of ADP _003394302 216 4 labor labor NOUN _003394302 216 5 also also ADV _003394302 216 6 provides provide VERB _003394302 216 7 that that SCONJ _003394302 216 8 the the DET _003394302 216 9 local local ADJ _003394302 216 10 unions union NOUN _003394302 216 11 representing represent VERB _003394302 216 12 each each DET _003394302 216 13 industry industry NOUN _003394302 216 14 make make VERB _003394302 216 15 labor labor NOUN _003394302 216 16 contracts contract NOUN _003394302 216 17 with with ADP _003394302 216 18 the the DET _003394302 216 19 employers employer NOUN _003394302 216 20 ' ' PART _003394302 216 21 associations association NOUN _003394302 216 22 . . PUNCT _003394302 217 1 these these DET _003394302 217 2 contracts contract NOUN _003394302 217 3 must must AUX _003394302 217 4 live live VERB _003394302 217 5 up up ADP _003394302 217 6 to to ADP _003394302 217 7 certain certain ADJ _003394302 217 8 standards standard NOUN _003394302 217 9 and and CCONJ _003394302 217 10 are be AUX _003394302 217 11 binding bind VERB _003394302 217 12 in in ADP _003394302 217 13 the the DET _003394302 217 14 locality locality NOUN _003394302 217 15 in in ADP _003394302 217 16 which which PRON _003394302 217 17 they they PRON _003394302 217 18 are be AUX _003394302 217 19 adopted adopt VERB _003394302 217 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 218 1 naturally naturally ADV _003394302 218 2 different different ADJ _003394302 218 3 localities locality NOUN _003394302 218 4 and and CCONJ _003394302 218 5 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 218 6 call call VERB _003394302 218 7 for for ADP _003394302 218 8 different different ADJ _003394302 218 9 terms term NOUN _003394302 218 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 219 1 the the DET _003394302 219 2 correct correct ADJ _003394302 219 3 carrying carry VERB _003394302 219 4 out out ADP _003394302 219 5 of of ADP _003394302 219 6 the the DET _003394302 219 7 terms term NOUN _003394302 219 8 of of ADP _003394302 219 9 these these DET _003394302 219 10 contracts contract NOUN _003394302 219 11 is be AUX _003394302 219 12 a a DET _003394302 219 13 matter matter NOUN _003394302 219 14 which which PRON _003394302 219 15 is be AUX _003394302 219 16 the the DET _003394302 219 17 concern concern NOUN _003394302 219 18 of of ADP _003394302 219 19 the the DET _003394302 219 20 tribunal tribunal NOUN _003394302 219 21 of of ADP _003394302 219 22 labor labor NOUN _003394302 219 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 220 1 thus thus ADV _003394302 220 2 the the DET _003394302 220 3 worker worker NOUN _003394302 220 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 220 5 even even ADV _003394302 220 6 in in ADP _003394302 220 7 remote remote ADJ _003394302 220 8 dis20 dis20 ADV _003394302 220 9 what what PRON _003394302 220 10 is be AUX _003394302 220 11 the the DET _003394302 220 12 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 220 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 221 1 system system NOUN _003394302 221 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 222 1 tricts trict NOUN _003394302 222 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 222 3 is be AUX _003394302 222 4 not not PART _003394302 222 5 alone alone ADJ _003394302 222 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 222 7 defenseless defenseless VERB _003394302 222 8 in in ADP _003394302 222 9 his his PRON _003394302 222 10 struggle struggle NOUN _003394302 222 11 f f PROPN _003394302 222 12 o o X _003394302 222 13 r r NOUN _003394302 222 14 justice justice NOUN _003394302 222 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 222 16 security security NOUN _003394302 222 17 . . PUNCT _003394302 223 1 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 223 2 promotes promote VERB _003394302 223 3 democracy democracy NOUN _003394302 223 4 one one NUM _003394302 223 5 of of ADP _003394302 223 6 the the DET _003394302 223 7 most most ADV _003394302 223 8 important important ADJ _003394302 223 9 things thing NOUN _003394302 223 10 the the DET _003394302 223 11 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 223 12 experiment experiment NOUN _003394302 223 13 has have AUX _003394302 223 14 done do VERB _003394302 223 15 is be AUX _003394302 223 16 to to PART _003394302 223 17 prove prove VERB _003394302 223 18 to to ADP _003394302 223 19 the the DET _003394302 223 20 world world NOUN _003394302 223 21 that that SCONJ _003394302 223 22 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 223 23 is be AUX _003394302 223 24 not not PART _003394302 223 25 a a DET _003394302 223 26 cut cut VERB _003394302 223 27 - - PUNCT _003394302 223 28 and and CCONJ _003394302 223 29 - - PUNCT _003394302 223 30 dried dry VERB _003394302 223 31 system system NOUN _003394302 223 32 to to PART _003394302 223 33 be be AUX _003394302 223 34 imposed impose VERB _003394302 223 35 like like ADP _003394302 223 36 a a DET _003394302 223 37 shell shell NOUN _003394302 223 38 on on ADP _003394302 223 39 the the DET _003394302 223 40 economic economic ADJ _003394302 223 41 and and CCONJ _003394302 223 42 political political ADJ _003394302 223 43 life life NOUN _003394302 223 44 of of ADP _003394302 223 45 a a DET _003394302 223 46 country country NOUN _003394302 223 47 . . PUNCT _003394302 224 1 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 224 2 has have AUX _003394302 224 3 proved prove VERB _003394302 224 4 that that SCONJ _003394302 224 5 corporativism corporativism NOUN _003394302 224 6 is be AUX _003394302 224 7 the the DET _003394302 224 8 application application NOUN _003394302 224 9 of of ADP _003394302 224 10 certain certain ADJ _003394302 224 11 basic basic ADJ _003394302 224 12 principles principle NOUN _003394302 224 13 to to ADP _003394302 224 14 economic economic ADJ _003394302 224 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 224 16 social social ADJ _003394302 224 17 life life NOUN _003394302 224 18 for for ADP _003394302 224 19 the the DET _003394302 224 20 purpose purpose NOUN _003394302 224 21 of of ADP _003394302 224 22 promoting promote VERB _003394302 224 23 economic economic ADJ _003394302 224 24 democracy democracy NOUN _003394302 224 25 in in ADP _003394302 224 26 the the DET _003394302 224 27 modern modern ADJ _003394302 224 28 world world NOUN _003394302 224 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 225 1 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 225 2 's 's PART _003394302 225 3 own own ADJ _003394302 225 4 solution solution NOUN _003394302 225 5 of of ADP _003394302 225 6 her her PRON _003394302 225 7 rural rural ADJ _003394302 225 8 problems problem NOUN _003394302 225 9 is be AUX _003394302 225 10 a a DET _003394302 225 11 case case NOUN _003394302 225 12 in in ADP _003394302 225 13 point point NOUN _003394302 225 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 226 1 in in ADP _003394302 226 2 357 357 NUM _003394302 226 3 rural rural ADJ _003394302 226 4 areas area NOUN _003394302 226 5 there there PRON _003394302 226 6 is be VERB _003394302 226 7 a a DET _003394302 226 8 central central ADJ _003394302 226 9 casa casa NOUN _003394302 226 10 do do AUX _003394302 226 11 povo povo NOUN _003394302 226 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 226 13 or or CCONJ _003394302 226 14 people people NOUN _003394302 226 15 's 's PART _003394302 226 16 house house NOUN _003394302 226 17 . . PUNCT _003394302 227 1 here here ADV _003394302 227 2 the the DET _003394302 227 3 small small ADJ _003394302 227 4 f f PROPN _003394302 227 5 a a DET _003394302 227 6 r r NOUN _003394302 227 7 m m NOUN _003394302 227 8 e e NOUN _003394302 227 9 r r NOUN _003394302 227 10 may may AUX _003394302 227 11 obtain obtain VERB _003394302 227 12 credit credit NOUN _003394302 227 13 without without ADP _003394302 227 14 enriching enrich VERB _003394302 227 15 a a DET _003394302 227 16 bank bank NOUN _003394302 227 17 or or CCONJ _003394302 227 18 money money NOUN _003394302 227 19 lender lender NOUN _003394302 227 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 228 1 both both CCONJ _003394302 228 2 worker worker NOUN _003394302 228 3 and and CCONJ _003394302 228 4 larger large ADJ _003394302 228 5 landowner landowner NOUN _003394302 228 6 contribute contribute VERB _003394302 228 7 to to ADP _003394302 228 8 the the DET _003394302 228 9 upkeep upkeep NOUN _003394302 228 10 of of ADP _003394302 228 11 the the DET _003394302 228 12 house house NOUN _003394302 228 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 229 1 small small ADJ _003394302 229 2 but but CCONJ _003394302 229 3 regular regular ADJ _003394302 229 4 contributions contribution NOUN _003394302 229 5 make make VERB _003394302 229 6 possible possible ADJ _003394302 229 7 help help NOUN _003394302 229 8 to to ADP _003394302 229 9 the the DET _003394302 229 10 worker worker NOUN _003394302 229 11 in in ADP _003394302 229 12 illness illness NOUN _003394302 229 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 229 14 unemployment unemployment NOUN _003394302 229 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 229 16 and and CCONJ _003394302 229 17 old old ADJ _003394302 229 18 age age NOUN _003394302 229 19 . . PUNCT _003394302 230 1 these these DET _003394302 230 2 centres centre NOUN _003394302 230 3 also also ADV _003394302 230 4 serve serve VERB _003394302 230 5 as as ADP _003394302 230 6 posts post NOUN _003394302 230 7 f f X _003394302 230 8 o o X _003394302 230 9 r r NOUN _003394302 230 10 instruction instruction NOUN _003394302 230 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 230 12 entertainment entertainment NOUN _003394302 230 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 231 1 these these DET _003394302 231 2 sources source NOUN _003394302 231 3 of of ADP _003394302 231 4 security security NOUN _003394302 231 5 and and CCONJ _003394302 231 6 enlightenment enlightenment PROPN _003394302 231 7 have have AUX _003394302 231 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 231 9 in in ADP _003394302 231 10 the the DET _003394302 231 11 few few ADJ _003394302 231 12 years year NOUN _003394302 231 13 of of ADP _003394302 231 14 their their PRON _003394302 231 15 existence existence NOUN _003394302 231 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 231 17 worked work VERB _003394302 231 18 wonders wonder NOUN _003394302 231 19 in in ADP _003394302 231 20 the the DET _003394302 231 21 improvement improvement NOUN _003394302 231 22 of of ADP _003394302 231 23 rural rural ADJ _003394302 231 24 life life NOUN _003394302 231 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 232 1 when when SCONJ _003394302 232 2 their their PRON _003394302 232 3 possibilities possibility NOUN _003394302 232 4 for for ADP _003394302 232 5 promoting promote VERB _003394302 232 6 consumers consumer NOUN _003394302 232 7 ' ' PART _003394302 232 8 and and CCONJ _003394302 232 9 producers producer NOUN _003394302 232 10 ' ' PART _003394302 232 11 cooperatives cooperative NOUN _003394302 232 12 are be AUX _003394302 232 13 more more ADV _003394302 232 14 fully fully ADV _003394302 232 15 realized realize VERB _003394302 232 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 232 17 the the DET _003394302 232 18 results result NOUN _003394302 232 19 will will AUX _003394302 232 20 be be AUX _003394302 232 21 worth worth ADJ _003394302 232 22 watching watch VERB _003394302 232 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 233 1 insurance insurance NOUN _003394302 233 2 against against ADP _003394302 233 3 bad bad ADJ _003394302 233 4 times time NOUN _003394302 233 5 the the DET _003394302 233 6 fishermen fisherman NOUN _003394302 233 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 233 8 important important ADJ _003394302 233 9 in in ADP _003394302 233 10 a a DET _003394302 233 11 country country NOUN _003394302 233 12 with with ADP _003394302 233 13 a a DET _003394302 233 14 coastline coastline NOUN _003394302 233 15 like like ADP _003394302 233 16 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 233 17 's 's PART _003394302 233 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 233 19 have have VERB _003394302 233 20 similar similar ADJ _003394302 233 21 centres centre NOUN _003394302 233 22 called call VERB _003394302 233 23 casas casas PROPN _003394302 233 24 dos do VERB _003394302 233 25 pescadores pescadore NOUN _003394302 233 26 , , PUNCT _003394302 233 27 or or CCONJ _003394302 233 28 fishermen fisherman NOUN _003394302 233 29 's 's PART _003394302 233 30 houses house NOUN _003394302 233 31 . . PUNCT _003394302 234 1 one one NUM _003394302 234 2 such such ADJ _003394302 234 3 house house NOUN _003394302 234 4 that that SCONJ _003394302 234 5 the the DET _003394302 234 6 writer writer NOUN _003394302 234 7 saw see VERB _003394302 234 8 21 21 NUM _003394302 234 9 what what PRON _003394302 234 10 is be AUX _003394302 234 11 the the DET _003394302 234 12 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 234 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 235 1 system system NOUN _003394302 235 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 236 1 had have AUX _003394302 236 2 helped help VERB _003394302 236 3 an an DET _003394302 236 4 entire entire ADJ _003394302 236 5 village village NOUN _003394302 236 6 through through ADP _003394302 236 7 a a DET _003394302 236 8 winter winter NOUN _003394302 236 9 of of ADP _003394302 236 10 small small ADJ _003394302 236 11 catches catch NOUN _003394302 236 12 by by ADP _003394302 236 13 providing provide VERB _003394302 236 14 complete complete ADJ _003394302 236 15 medical medical ADJ _003394302 236 16 care care NOUN _003394302 236 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 236 18 lunches lunch NOUN _003394302 236 19 and and CCONJ _003394302 236 20 dinners dinner NOUN _003394302 236 21 , , PUNCT _003394302 236 22 clothes clothe NOUN _003394302 236 23 , , PUNCT _003394302 236 24 schools school NOUN _003394302 236 25 and and CCONJ _003394302 236 26 an an DET _003394302 236 27 old old ADJ _003394302 236 28 men man NOUN _003394302 236 29 's 's PART _003394302 236 30 home home NOUN _003394302 236 31 . . PUNCT _003394302 237 1 a a DET _003394302 237 2 small small ADJ _003394302 237 3 proportion proportion NOUN _003394302 237 4 from from ADP _003394302 237 5 each each DET _003394302 237 6 catch catch NOUN _003394302 237 7 had have AUX _003394302 237 8 been be AUX _003394302 237 9 put put VERB _003394302 237 10 aside aside ADV _003394302 237 11 in in ADP _003394302 237 12 good good ADJ _003394302 237 13 times time NOUN _003394302 237 14 so so SCONJ _003394302 237 15 that that SCONJ _003394302 237 16 a a DET _003394302 237 17 large large ADJ _003394302 237 18 surplus surplus NOUN _003394302 237 19 was be AUX _003394302 237 20 ready ready ADJ _003394302 237 21 for for ADP _003394302 237 22 any any DET _003394302 237 23 emergency emergency NOUN _003394302 237 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 238 1 these these DET _003394302 238 2 houses house NOUN _003394302 238 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 238 4 run run VERB _003394302 238 5 on on ADP _003394302 238 6 cooperative cooperative ADJ _003394302 238 7 lines line NOUN _003394302 238 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 238 9 are be AUX _003394302 238 10 a a DET _003394302 238 11 lesson lesson NOUN _003394302 238 12 to to ADP _003394302 238 13 other other ADJ _003394302 238 14 countries country NOUN _003394302 238 15 in in ADP _003394302 238 16 local local ADJ _003394302 238 17 self self NOUN _003394302 238 18 - - PUNCT _003394302 238 19 help help NOUN _003394302 238 20 and and CCONJ _003394302 238 21 self self NOUN _003394302 238 22 - - PUNCT _003394302 238 23 government government NOUN _003394302 238 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 239 1 incidentally incidentally ADV _003394302 239 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 239 3 it it PRON _003394302 239 4 is be AUX _003394302 239 5 as as ADV _003394302 239 6 close close ADJ _003394302 239 7 an an DET _003394302 239 8 approximation approximation NOUN _003394302 239 9 of of ADP _003394302 239 10 true true ADJ _003394302 239 11 economic economic ADJ _003394302 239 12 and and CCONJ _003394302 239 13 political political ADJ _003394302 239 14 democracy democracy NOUN _003394302 239 15 as as SCONJ _003394302 239 16 this this DET _003394302 239 17 writer writer NOUN _003394302 239 18 has have AUX _003394302 239 19 seen see VERB _003394302 239 20 anywhere anywhere ADV _003394302 239 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 240 1 naturally naturally ADV _003394302 240 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 240 3 there there PRON _003394302 240 4 was be VERB _003394302 240 5 some some DET _003394302 240 6 opposition opposition NOUN _003394302 240 7 to to ADP _003394302 240 8 the the DET _003394302 240 9 entire entire ADJ _003394302 240 10 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 240 11 scheme scheme NOUN _003394302 240 12 from from ADP _003394302 240 13 employers employer NOUN _003394302 240 14 who who PRON _003394302 240 15 wanted want VERB _003394302 240 16 absolute absolute ADJ _003394302 240 17 freedom freedom NOUN _003394302 240 18 to to PART _003394302 240 19 make make VERB _003394302 240 20 as as ADV _003394302 240 21 much much ADJ _003394302 240 22 money money NOUN _003394302 240 23 as as ADP _003394302 240 24 possible possible ADJ _003394302 240 25 without without ADP _003394302 240 26 having have VERB _003394302 240 27 to to PART _003394302 240 28 join join VERB _003394302 240 29 guilds guild NOUN _003394302 240 30 or or CCONJ _003394302 240 31 abide abide NOUN _003394302 240 32 by by ADP _003394302 240 33 regional regional ADJ _003394302 240 34 labor labor NOUN _003394302 240 35 contracts contract NOUN _003394302 240 36 . . PUNCT _003394302 241 1 however however ADV _003394302 241 2 , , PUNCT _003394302 241 3 when when SCONJ _003394302 241 4 the the DET _003394302 241 5 increased increased ADJ _003394302 241 6 buying buying NOUN _003394302 241 7 power power NOUN _003394302 241 8 caused cause VERB _003394302 241 9 by by ADP _003394302 241 10 higher high ADJ _003394302 241 11 wages wage NOUN _003394302 241 12 brought bring VERB _003394302 241 13 about about ADP _003394302 241 14 business business NOUN _003394302 241 15 expansion expansion NOUN _003394302 241 16 during during ADP _003394302 241 17 a a DET _003394302 241 18 world world NOUN _003394302 241 19 depression depression NOUN _003394302 241 20 , , PUNCT _003394302 241 21 their their PRON _003394302 241 22 views view NOUN _003394302 241 23 have have AUX _003394302 241 24 shown show VERB _003394302 241 25 a a DET _003394302 241 26 change change NOUN _003394302 241 27 . . PUNCT _003394302 242 1 many many ADJ _003394302 242 2 businessmen businessman NOUN _003394302 242 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 242 4 in in ADP _003394302 242 5 fact fact NOUN _003394302 242 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 242 7 insist insist VERB _003394302 242 8 that that SCONJ _003394302 242 9 the the DET _003394302 242 10 stability stability NOUN _003394302 242 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 242 12 expansion expansion NOUN _003394302 242 13 of of ADP _003394302 242 14 business business NOUN _003394302 242 15 is be AUX _003394302 242 16 a a DET _003394302 242 17 tribute tribute NOUN _003394302 242 18 to to ADP _003394302 242 19 the the DET _003394302 242 20 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 242 21 system system NOUN _003394302 242 22 . . PUNCT _003394302 243 1 certainly certainly ADV _003394302 243 2 the the DET _003394302 243 3 rural rural ADJ _003394302 243 4 worker worker NOUN _003394302 243 5 or or CCONJ _003394302 243 6 farmer farmer NOUN _003394302 243 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 243 8 the the DET _003394302 243 9 fisherman fisherman NOUN _003394302 243 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 243 11 the the DET _003394302 243 12 city city NOUN _003394302 243 13 worker worker NOUN _003394302 243 14 can can AUX _003394302 243 15 localize localize VERB _003394302 243 16 the the DET _003394302 243 17 cause cause NOUN _003394302 243 18 of of ADP _003394302 243 19 their their PRON _003394302 243 20 new new ADJ _003394302 243 21 security security NOUN _003394302 243 22 and and CCONJ _003394302 243 23 higher high ADJ _003394302 243 24 standard standard NOUN _003394302 243 25 of of ADP _003394302 243 26 living living NOUN _003394302 243 27 . . PUNCT _003394302 244 1 social social PROPN _003394302 244 2 w w PROPN _003394302 244 3 o o NOUN _003394302 244 4 r r X _003394302 244 5 k k PROPN _003394302 244 6 s s NOUN _003394302 244 7 under under ADP _003394302 244 8 a a DET _003394302 244 9 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 244 10 republic republic NOUN _003394302 244 11 jn jn PROPN _003394302 244 12 america america PROPN _003394302 244 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 244 14 we we PRON _003394302 244 15 are be AUX _003394302 244 16 inclined inclined ADJ _003394302 244 17 to to PART _003394302 244 18 think think VERB _003394302 244 19 that that SCONJ _003394302 244 20 because because SCONJ _003394302 244 21 we we PRON _003394302 244 22 have have VERB _003394302 244 23 more more ADJ _003394302 244 24 cars car NOUN _003394302 244 25 and and CCONJ _003394302 244 26 bathrooms bathroom NOUN _003394302 244 27 per per ADP _003394302 244 28 unit unit NOUN _003394302 244 29 of of ADP _003394302 244 30 population population NOUN _003394302 244 31 , , PUNCT _003394302 244 32 all all DET _003394302 244 33 progress progress NOUN _003394302 244 34 is be AUX _003394302 244 35 ours ours PRON _003394302 244 36 . . PUNCT _003394302 245 1 it it PRON _003394302 245 2 might might AUX _003394302 245 3 be be AUX _003394302 245 4 surprising surprising ADJ _003394302 245 5 to to PART _003394302 245 6 take take VERB _003394302 245 7 note note NOUN _003394302 245 8 of of ADP _003394302 245 9 the the DET _003394302 245 10 progress progress NOUN _003394302 245 11 being be AUX _003394302 245 12 made make VERB _003394302 245 13 in in ADP _003394302 245 14 small small ADJ _003394302 245 15 european european ADJ _003394302 245 16 countries country NOUN _003394302 245 17 with with ADP _003394302 245 18 f f PROPN _003394302 245 19 a a DET _003394302 245 20 r r NOUN _003394302 245 21 less less ADJ _003394302 245 22 resources resource NOUN _003394302 245 23 of of ADP _003394302 245 24 trade trade NOUN _003394302 245 25 or or CCONJ _003394302 245 26 wealth wealth NOUN _003394302 245 27 . . PUNCT _003394302 246 1 in in ADP _003394302 246 2 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 246 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 246 4 besides besides SCONJ _003394302 246 5 banishing banish VERB _003394302 246 6 unemployment unemployment NOUN _003394302 246 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 246 8 creating create VERB _003394302 246 9 security security NOUN _003394302 246 10 for for ADP _003394302 246 11 the the DET _003394302 246 12 working work VERB _003394302 246 13 man man NOUN _003394302 246 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 246 15 a a DET _003394302 246 16 progressive progressive ADJ _003394302 246 17 government government NOUN _003394302 246 18 has have AUX _003394302 246 19 inspired inspire VERB _003394302 246 20 or or CCONJ _003394302 246 21 sponsored sponsor VERB _003394302 246 22 many many ADJ _003394302 246 23 activities activity NOUN _003394302 246 24 to to PART _003394302 246 25 improve improve VERB _003394302 246 26 the the DET _003394302 246 27 living live VERB _003394302 246 28 conditions condition NOUN _003394302 246 29 of of ADP _003394302 246 30 all all DET _003394302 246 31 wageearners wageearner NOUN _003394302 246 32 and and CCONJ _003394302 246 33 their their PRON _003394302 246 34 families family NOUN _003394302 246 35 . . PUNCT _003394302 247 1 these these DET _003394302 247 2 activities activity NOUN _003394302 247 3 include include VERB _003394302 247 4 extensive extensive ADJ _003394302 247 5 housing housing NOUN _003394302 247 6 developments development NOUN _003394302 247 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 247 8 a a DET _003394302 247 9 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ _003394302 247 10 plan plan NOUN _003394302 247 11 f f PROPN _003394302 247 12 o o X _003394302 247 13 r r NOUN _003394302 247 14 medical medical ADJ _003394302 247 15 care care NOUN _003394302 247 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 247 17 particularly particularly ADV _003394302 247 18 in in ADP _003394302 247 19 tuberculosis tuberculosis NOUN _003394302 247 20 , , PUNCT _003394302 247 21 more more ADJ _003394302 247 22 park park NOUN _003394302 247 23 spaces space VERB _003394302 247 24 f f PROPN _003394302 247 25 o o X _003394302 248 1 r r NOUN _003394302 248 2 the the DET _003394302 248 3 use use NOUN _003394302 248 4 of of ADP _003394302 248 5 children child NOUN _003394302 248 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 248 7 modern modern ADJ _003394302 248 8 provision provision NOUN _003394302 249 1 f f PROPN _003394302 249 2 o o X _003394302 250 1 r r NOUN _003394302 250 2 the the DET _003394302 250 3 care care NOUN _003394302 250 4 of of ADP _003394302 250 5 dependent dependent ADJ _003394302 250 6 members member NOUN _003394302 250 7 of of ADP _003394302 250 8 society society NOUN _003394302 250 9 , , PUNCT _003394302 250 10 and and CCONJ _003394302 250 11 the the DET _003394302 250 12 bringing bringing NOUN _003394302 250 13 of of ADP _003394302 250 14 education education NOUN _003394302 250 15 and and CCONJ _003394302 250 16 culture culture NOUN _003394302 250 17 to to ADP _003394302 250 18 those those PRON _003394302 250 19 most most ADV _003394302 250 20 remote remote ADJ _003394302 250 21 from from ADP _003394302 250 22 the the DET _003394302 250 23 centres centre NOUN _003394302 250 24 of of ADP _003394302 250 25 culture culture NOUN _003394302 250 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 251 1 family family NOUN _003394302 251 2 unit unit NOUN _003394302 251 3 basis basis NOUN _003394302 251 4 of of ADP _003394302 251 5 government government NOUN _003394302 251 6 the the DET _003394302 251 7 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 251 8 constitution constitution NOUN _003394302 251 9 recognizes recognize VERB _003394302 251 10 the the DET _003394302 251 11 family family NOUN _003394302 251 12 unit unit NOUN _003394302 251 13 as as ADP _003394302 251 14 the the DET _003394302 251 15 basis basis NOUN _003394302 252 1 f f PROPN _003394302 253 1 o o X _003394302 254 1 r r NOUN _003394302 254 2 the the DET _003394302 254 3 government government NOUN _003394302 254 4 and and CCONJ _003394302 254 5 as as SCONJ _003394302 254 6 existing exist VERB _003394302 254 7 before before ADP _003394302 254 8 the the DET _003394302 254 9 government government NOUN _003394302 254 10 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 254 11 therefore therefore ADV _003394302 254 12 the the DET _003394302 254 13 family family NOUN _003394302 254 14 as as ADP _003394302 254 15 a a DET _003394302 254 16 unit unit NOUN _003394302 254 17 has have VERB _003394302 254 18 rights right NOUN _003394302 254 19 that that PRON _003394302 254 20 should should AUX _003394302 254 21 be be AUX _003394302 254 22 respected respect VERB _003394302 254 23 and and CCONJ _003394302 254 24 protected protect VERB _003394302 254 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 255 1 when when SCONJ _003394302 255 2 a a DET _003394302 255 3 housing housing NOUN _003394302 255 4 scheme scheme NOUN _003394302 255 5 was be AUX _003394302 255 6 planned plan VERB _003394302 255 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 255 8 this this DET _003394302 255 9 consideration consideration NOUN _003394302 255 10 came come VERB _003394302 255 11 f f PROPN _003394302 256 1 i i PRON _003394302 256 2 r r VERB _003394302 256 3 s s NOUN _003394302 256 4 t t NOUN _003394302 256 5 . . PUNCT _003394302 257 1 instead instead ADV _003394302 257 2 of of ADP _003394302 257 3 building build VERB _003394302 257 4 apartment apartment NOUN _003394302 257 5 houses house NOUN _003394302 257 6 where where SCONJ _003394302 257 7 human human ADJ _003394302 257 8 beings being NOUN _003394302 257 9 are be AUX _003394302 257 10 crowded crowd VERB _003394302 257 11 like like ADP _003394302 257 12 members member NOUN _003394302 257 13 of of ADP _003394302 257 14 an an DET _003394302 257 15 insect insect NOUN _003394302 257 16 community community NOUN _003394302 257 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 257 18 it it PRON _003394302 257 19 was be AUX _003394302 257 20 decided decide VERB _003394302 257 21 to to PART _003394302 257 22 build build VERB _003394302 257 23 a a DET _003394302 257 24 house house NOUN _003394302 258 1 f f PROPN _003394302 258 2 o o X _003394302 259 1 r r NOUN _003394302 259 2 23 23 NUM _003394302 259 3 what what PRON _003394302 259 4 is be AUX _003394302 259 5 the the DET _003394302 259 6 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 259 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 260 1 system system NOUN _003394302 260 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 261 1 each each DET _003394302 261 2 family family NOUN _003394302 261 3 . . PUNCT _003394302 262 1 the the DET _003394302 262 2 poor poor ADJ _003394302 262 3 as as ADV _003394302 262 4 well well ADV _003394302 262 5 as as ADP _003394302 262 6 the the DET _003394302 262 7 rich rich ADJ _003394302 262 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 262 9 says say VERB _003394302 262 10 the the DET _003394302 262 11 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 262 12 government government NOUN _003394302 262 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 262 14 have have VERB _003394302 262 15 the the DET _003394302 262 16 right right NOUN _003394302 262 17 to to ADP _003394302 262 18 privacy privacy NOUN _003394302 262 19 . . PUNCT _003394302 263 1 the the DET _003394302 263 2 houses house NOUN _003394302 263 3 are be AUX _003394302 263 4 of of ADP _003394302 263 5 different different ADJ _003394302 263 6 sizes size NOUN _003394302 263 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 263 8 comprising comprise VERB _003394302 263 9 3 3 NUM _003394302 263 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 263 11 4 4 NUM _003394302 263 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 263 13 5 5 NUM _003394302 263 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 263 15 6 6 NUM _003394302 263 16 , , PUNCT _003394302 263 17 and and CCONJ _003394302 263 18 even even ADV _003394302 263 19 7 7 NUM _003394302 263 20 and and CCONJ _003394302 263 21 8 8 NUM _003394302 263 22 room room NOUN _003394302 263 23 units unit NOUN _003394302 263 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 264 1 each each DET _003394302 264 2 house house NOUN _003394302 264 3 has have VERB _003394302 264 4 its its PRON _003394302 264 5 shower shower NOUN _003394302 264 6 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 264 7 many many ADJ _003394302 264 8 have have VERB _003394302 264 9 private private ADJ _003394302 264 10 gardens garden NOUN _003394302 264 11 ; ; PUNCT _003394302 264 12 all all PRON _003394302 264 13 are be AUX _003394302 264 14 pleasantly pleasantly ADV _003394302 264 15 situated situate VERB _003394302 264 16 and and CCONJ _003394302 264 17 landscaped landscape VERB _003394302 264 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 265 1 the the DET _003394302 265 2 lucky lucky ADJ _003394302 265 3 families family NOUN _003394302 265 4 who who PRON _003394302 265 5 live live VERB _003394302 265 6 in in ADP _003394302 265 7 these these DET _003394302 265 8 houses house NOUN _003394302 265 9 pay pay VERB _003394302 265 10 only only ADV _003394302 265 11 10 10 NUM _003394302 265 12 per per ADP _003394302 265 13 cent cent NOUN _003394302 265 14 of of ADP _003394302 265 15 their their PRON _003394302 265 16 monthly monthly ADJ _003394302 265 17 income income NOUN _003394302 265 18 as as ADP _003394302 265 19 rent rent NOUN _003394302 265 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 266 1 that that DET _003394302 266 2 figure figure NOUN _003394302 266 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 266 4 of of ADP _003394302 266 5 course course NOUN _003394302 266 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 266 7 is be AUX _003394302 266 8 in in ADP _003394302 266 9 striking strike VERB _003394302 266 10 cont cont NOUN _003394302 266 11 r r NOUN _003394302 266 12 a a DET _003394302 266 13 s s NOUN _003394302 266 14 t t NOUN _003394302 266 15 to to ADP _003394302 266 16 the the DET _003394302 266 17 rent rent NOUN _003394302 266 18 - - PUNCT _003394302 266 19 salary salary NOUN _003394302 266 20 ratio ratio NOUN _003394302 266 21 of of ADP _003394302 266 22 wage wage NOUN _003394302 266 23 - - PUNCT _003394302 266 24 earners earner NOUN _003394302 266 25 in in ADP _003394302 266 26 the the DET _003394302 266 27 united united PROPN _003394302 266 28 states states PROPN _003394302 266 29 . . PUNCT _003394302 267 1 if if SCONJ _003394302 267 2 a a DET _003394302 267 3 man man NOUN _003394302 267 4 earns earn VERB _003394302 267 5 only only ADV _003394302 267 6 $ $ SYM _003394302 267 7 75 75 NUM _003394302 267 8 a a DET _003394302 267 9 month month NOUN _003394302 267 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 267 11 he he PRON _003394302 267 12 can can AUX _003394302 267 13 keep keep VERB _003394302 267 14 his his PRON _003394302 267 15 family family NOUN _003394302 267 16 in in ADP _003394302 267 17 a a DET _003394302 267 18 lovely lovely ADJ _003394302 267 19 six six NUM _003394302 267 20 room room NOUN _003394302 267 21 house house NOUN _003394302 267 22 f f PROPN _003394302 267 23 o o X _003394302 267 24 r r NOUN _003394302 267 25 $ $ SYM _003394302 267 26 7.50 7.50 NUM _003394302 267 27 monthly monthly ADJ _003394302 267 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 268 1 the the DET _003394302 268 2 best good ADJ _003394302 268 3 is be AUX _003394302 268 4 yet yet ADV _003394302 268 5 to to PART _003394302 268 6 come come VERB _003394302 268 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 269 1 p p NOUN _003394302 269 2 a a DET _003394302 269 3 r r NOUN _003394302 269 4 t t NOUN _003394302 269 5 of of ADP _003394302 269 6 this this DET _003394302 269 7 $ $ SYM _003394302 269 8 7.50 7.50 NUM _003394302 269 9 goes go VERB _003394302 269 10 to to PART _003394302 269 11 pay pay VERB _003394302 269 12 an an DET _003394302 269 13 insurance insurance NOUN _003394302 269 14 premium premium NOUN _003394302 269 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 269 16 so so SCONJ _003394302 269 17 that that SCONJ _003394302 269 18 if if SCONJ _003394302 269 19 the the DET _003394302 269 20 head head NOUN _003394302 269 21 of of ADP _003394302 269 22 the the DET _003394302 269 23 house house NOUN _003394302 269 24 dies die VERB _003394302 269 25 , , PUNCT _003394302 269 26 the the DET _003394302 269 27 home home NOUN _003394302 269 28 immediately immediately ADV _003394302 269 29 becomes become VERB _003394302 269 30 the the DET _003394302 269 31 property property NOUN _003394302 269 32 of of ADP _003394302 269 33 the the DET _003394302 269 34 family family NOUN _003394302 269 35 . . PUNCT _003394302 270 1 it it PRON _003394302 270 2 is be AUX _003394302 270 3 easy easy ADJ _003394302 270 4 to to PART _003394302 270 5 see see VERB _003394302 270 6 t t NOUN _003394302 270 7 h h NOUN _003394302 270 8 a a DET _003394302 270 9 t t NOUN _003394302 271 1 this this PRON _003394302 271 2 is be AUX _003394302 271 3 an an DET _003394302 271 4 enormous enormous ADJ _003394302 271 5 step step NOUN _003394302 271 6 in in ADP _003394302 271 7 the the DET _003394302 271 8 protection protection NOUN _003394302 271 9 of of ADP _003394302 271 10 the the DET _003394302 271 11 family family NOUN _003394302 271 12 as as ADP _003394302 271 13 a a DET _003394302 271 14 family family NOUN _003394302 271 15 . . PUNCT _003394302 272 1 in in ADP _003394302 272 2 any any DET _003394302 272 3 event event NOUN _003394302 272 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 272 5 a a DET _003394302 272 6 f f NOUN _003394302 272 7 t t NOUN _003394302 272 8 e e NOUN _003394302 272 9 r r NOUN _003394302 272 10 twenty twenty NUM _003394302 272 11 years year NOUN _003394302 272 12 of of ADP _003394302 272 13 such such ADJ _003394302 272 14 payments payment NOUN _003394302 272 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 272 16 the the DET _003394302 272 17 house house NOUN _003394302 272 18 automatically automatically ADV _003394302 272 19 becomes become VERB _003394302 272 20 the the DET _003394302 272 21 property property NOUN _003394302 272 22 of of ADP _003394302 272 23 the the DET _003394302 272 24 family family NOUN _003394302 272 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 273 1 state state NOUN _003394302 273 2 protects protect VERB _003394302 273 3 people people NOUN _003394302 273 4 from from ADP _003394302 273 5 disease disease NOUN _003394302 273 6 by by ADP _003394302 273 7 the the DET _003394302 273 8 summer summer NOUN _003394302 273 9 of of ADP _003394302 273 10 1939 1939 NUM _003394302 273 11 , , PUNCT _003394302 273 12 10,000 10,000 NUM _003394302 273 13 persons person NOUN _003394302 273 14 had have AUX _003394302 273 15 been be AUX _003394302 273 16 accommodated accommodate VERB _003394302 273 17 in in ADP _003394302 273 18 such such ADJ _003394302 273 19 projects project NOUN _003394302 273 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 274 1 such such ADJ _003394302 274 2 developments development NOUN _003394302 274 3 are be AUX _003394302 274 4 still still ADV _003394302 274 5 under under ADP _003394302 274 6 construction construction NOUN _003394302 274 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 274 8 and and CCONJ _003394302 274 9 a a DET _003394302 274 10 f f NOUN _003394302 274 11 t t NOUN _003394302 274 12 er er INTJ _003394302 274 13 a a DET _003394302 274 14 medical medical ADJ _003394302 274 15 check check NOUN _003394302 274 16 - - PUNCT _003394302 274 17 up up NOUN _003394302 274 18 , , PUNCT _003394302 274 19 more more ADJ _003394302 274 20 and and CCONJ _003394302 274 21 more more ADJ _003394302 274 22 families family NOUN _003394302 274 23 leave leave VERB _003394302 274 24 unsatisfactory unsatisfactory NOUN _003394302 274 25 habitations habitations PROPN _003394302 275 1 f f PROPN _003394302 275 2 o o X _003394302 275 3 r r NOUN _003394302 275 4 these these DET _003394302 275 5 brightly brightly ADV _003394302 275 6 cheerful cheerful ADJ _003394302 275 7 homes home NOUN _003394302 275 8 . . PUNCT _003394302 276 1 the the DET _003394302 276 2 writer writer NOUN _003394302 276 3 has have AUX _003394302 276 4 seen see VERB _003394302 276 5 these these DET _003394302 276 6 clean clean ADJ _003394302 276 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 276 8 happy happy ADJ _003394302 276 9 sections section NOUN _003394302 276 10 in in ADP _003394302 276 11 lisbon lisbon PROPN _003394302 276 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 276 13 oporto oporto NOUN _003394302 276 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 276 15 viana viana PROPN _003394302 276 16 do do VERB _003394302 276 17 castelo castelo PROPN _003394302 276 18 and and CCONJ _003394302 276 19 aveiro aveiro PROPN _003394302 276 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 277 1 they they PRON _003394302 277 2 are be AUX _003394302 277 3 to to PART _003394302 277 4 be be AUX _003394302 277 5 found find VERB _003394302 277 6 in in ADP _003394302 277 7 many many ADJ _003394302 277 8 other other ADJ _003394302 277 9 districts district NOUN _003394302 277 10 where where SCONJ _003394302 277 11 the the DET _003394302 277 12 need need NOUN _003394302 277 13 was be AUX _003394302 277 14 felt feel VERB _003394302 277 15 . . PUNCT _003394302 278 1 certainly certainly ADV _003394302 278 2 the the DET _003394302 278 3 healthy healthy ADJ _003394302 278 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 278 5 economically economically ADV _003394302 278 6 24 24 NUM _003394302 278 7 what what PRON _003394302 278 8 is be AUX _003394302 278 9 the the DET _003394302 278 10 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 278 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 279 1 system system NOUN _003394302 279 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 280 1 secure secure ADJ _003394302 280 2 citizens citizen NOUN _003394302 280 3 found find VERB _003394302 280 4 here here ADV _003394302 280 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 280 6 will will AUX _003394302 280 7 bring bring VERB _003394302 280 8 dividends dividend NOUN _003394302 280 9 to to ADP _003394302 280 10 their their PRON _003394302 280 11 progressive progressive ADJ _003394302 280 12 little little ADJ _003394302 280 13 republic republic NOUN _003394302 280 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 281 1 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 281 2 has have AUX _003394302 281 3 inaugurated inaugurate VERB _003394302 281 4 an an DET _003394302 281 5 . . PUNCT _003394302 281 6 excellent excellent ADJ _003394302 281 7 service service NOUN _003394302 281 8 in in ADP _003394302 281 9 its its PRON _003394302 281 10 national national ADJ _003394302 281 11 compaign compaign NOUN _003394302 281 12 to to PART _003394302 281 13 rid rid VERB _003394302 281 14 the the DET _003394302 281 15 country country NOUN _003394302 281 16 of of ADP _003394302 281 17 tuberculosis tuberculosis NOUN _003394302 281 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 282 1 from from ADP _003394302 282 2 a a DET _003394302 282 3 large large ADJ _003394302 282 4 headquarters headquarters NOUN _003394302 282 5 in in ADP _003394302 282 6 lisbon lisbon PROPN _003394302 282 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 282 8 all all DET _003394302 282 9 activities activity NOUN _003394302 282 10 are be AUX _003394302 282 11 directed direct VERB _003394302 282 12 and and CCONJ _003394302 282 13 coordinated coordinate VERB _003394302 282 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 283 1 in in ADP _003394302 283 2 most most ADJ _003394302 283 3 of of ADP _003394302 283 4 the the DET _003394302 283 5 large large ADJ _003394302 283 6 towns town NOUN _003394302 283 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 283 8 there there PRON _003394302 283 9 is be VERB _003394302 283 10 a a DET _003394302 283 11 station station NOUN _003394302 283 12 to to PART _003394302 283 13 serve serve VERB _003394302 283 14 the the DET _003394302 283 15 surrounding surround VERB _003394302 283 16 countryside countryside NOUN _003394302 283 17 . . PUNCT _003394302 284 1 preventive preventive ADJ _003394302 284 2 measures measure NOUN _003394302 284 3 are be AUX _003394302 284 4 directed direct VERB _003394302 284 5 from from ADP _003394302 284 6 these these DET _003394302 284 7 centres centre NOUN _003394302 284 8 . . PUNCT _003394302 285 1 examinations examination NOUN _003394302 285 2 are be AUX _003394302 285 3 made make VERB _003394302 285 4 available available ADJ _003394302 285 5 to to ADP _003394302 285 6 all all PRON _003394302 285 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 286 1 thus thus ADV _003394302 286 2 the the DET _003394302 286 3 citizenry citizenry NOUN _003394302 286 4 at at ADP _003394302 286 5 large large ADJ _003394302 286 6 is be AUX _003394302 286 7 protected protect VERB _003394302 286 8 from from ADP _003394302 286 9 infection infection NOUN _003394302 286 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 287 1 modern modern ADJ _003394302 287 2 medical medical ADJ _003394302 287 3 care care NOUN _003394302 287 4 reaches reach VERB _003394302 287 5 the the DET _003394302 287 6 poorest poor ADJ _003394302 287 7 fisherman fisherman NOUN _003394302 287 8 through through ADP _003394302 287 9 the the DET _003394302 287 10 cooperatively cooperatively ADV _003394302 287 11 run run ADJ _003394302 287 12 fishermen fisherman NOUN _003394302 287 13 's 's PART _003394302 287 14 house house NOUN _003394302 287 15 . . PUNCT _003394302 288 1 these these DET _003394302 288 2 houses house NOUN _003394302 288 3 employ employ VERB _003394302 288 4 as as ADV _003394302 288 5 many many ADJ _003394302 288 6 as as ADP _003394302 288 7 eight eight NUM _003394302 288 8 or or CCONJ _003394302 288 9 ten ten NUM _003394302 288 10 doctors doctor NOUN _003394302 288 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 289 1 the the DET _003394302 289 2 pre pre ADJ _003394302 289 3 - - ADJ _003394302 289 4 natal natal ADJ _003394302 289 5 care care NOUN _003394302 289 6 given give VERB _003394302 289 7 to to ADP _003394302 289 8 mothers mother NOUN _003394302 289 9 is be AUX _003394302 289 10 excellent excellent ADJ _003394302 289 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 290 1 it it PRON _003394302 290 2 is be AUX _003394302 290 3 surprising surprising ADJ _003394302 290 4 to to ADP _003394302 290 5 the the DET _003394302 290 6 . . PUNCT _003394302 290 7 visitor visitor NOUN _003394302 290 8 to to PART _003394302 290 9 see see VERB _003394302 290 10 a a DET _003394302 290 11 modern modern ADJ _003394302 290 12 delivery delivery NOUN _003394302 290 13 room room NOUN _003394302 290 14 in in ADP _003394302 290 15 an an DET _003394302 290 16 old old ADJ _003394302 290 17 - - PUNCT _003394302 290 18 fashioned fashioned ADJ _003394302 290 19 fishing fishing NOUN _003394302 290 20 village village NOUN _003394302 290 21 . . PUNCT _003394302 291 1 medical medical ADJ _003394302 291 2 care care NOUN _003394302 291 3 f f PROPN _003394302 291 4 o o X _003394302 291 5 r r NOUN _003394302 291 6 agricultural agricultural ADJ _003394302 291 7 workers worker NOUN _003394302 291 8 is be AUX _003394302 291 9 often often ADV _003394302 291 10 obtained obtain VERB _003394302 291 11 at at ADP _003394302 291 12 the the DET _003394302 291 13 people people NOUN _003394302 291 14 's 's PART _003394302 291 15 house house NOUN _003394302 291 16 t t PROPN _003394302 291 17 h h PROPN _003394302 291 18 a a DET _003394302 291 19 t t NOUN _003394302 291 20 is be AUX _003394302 291 21 found find VERB _003394302 291 22 in in ADP _003394302 291 23 each each DET _003394302 291 24 rural rural ADJ _003394302 291 25 area area NOUN _003394302 291 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 292 1 for for ADP _003394302 292 2 industrial industrial ADJ _003394302 292 3 workers worker NOUN _003394302 292 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 292 5 the the DET _003394302 292 6 service service NOUN _003394302 292 7 is be AUX _003394302 292 8 just just ADV _003394302 292 9 as as ADV _003394302 292 10 thorough thorough ADJ _003394302 292 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 293 1 the the DET _003394302 293 2 larger large ADJ _003394302 293 3 factories factory NOUN _003394302 293 4 employ employ VERB _003394302 293 5 resident resident ADJ _003394302 293 6 physicians physician NOUN _003394302 293 7 who who PRON _003394302 293 8 give give VERB _003394302 293 9 not not PART _003394302 293 10 only only ADV _003394302 293 11 care care VERB _003394302 293 12 during during ADP _003394302 293 13 working work VERB _003394302 293 14 hours hour NOUN _003394302 293 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 293 16 but but CCONJ _003394302 293 17 general general ADJ _003394302 293 18 medical medical ADJ _003394302 293 19 attention attention NOUN _003394302 293 20 at at ADP _003394302 293 21 a a DET _003394302 293 22 nominal nominal ADJ _003394302 293 23 cost cost NOUN _003394302 293 24 . . PUNCT _003394302 294 1 the the DET _003394302 294 2 need need NOUN _003394302 294 3 now now ADV _003394302 294 4 is be AUX _003394302 294 5 f f PROPN _003394302 294 6 o o X _003394302 294 7 r r NOUN _003394302 294 8 more more ADJ _003394302 294 9 hospitals hospital NOUN _003394302 294 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 295 1 lisbon lisbon NOUN _003394302 295 2 has have VERB _003394302 295 3 some some DET _003394302 295 4 magnificent magnificent ADJ _003394302 295 5 new new ADJ _003394302 295 6 structures structure NOUN _003394302 295 7 such such ADJ _003394302 295 8 as as ADP _003394302 295 9 the the DET _003394302 295 10 maternity maternity NOUN _003394302 295 11 hospital hospital NOUN _003394302 295 12 , , PUNCT _003394302 295 13 alfredo alfredo PROPN _003394302 295 14 da da PROPN _003394302 295 15 costa costa PROPN _003394302 295 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 296 1 in in ADP _003394302 296 2 the the DET _003394302 296 3 nort nort NOUN _003394302 296 4 * * PUNCT _003394302 297 1 the the DET _003394302 297 2 hospitals hospital NOUN _003394302 297 3 are be AUX _003394302 297 4 more more ADV _003394302 297 5 crowded crowded ADJ _003394302 297 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 297 7 since since SCONJ _003394302 297 8 map map NOUN _003394302 297 9 » » PRON _003394302 297 10 come come VERB _003394302 297 11 f f PROPN _003394302 297 12 o o X _003394302 297 13 r r NOUN _003394302 297 14 care care NOUN _003394302 297 15 now now ADV _003394302 297 16 who who PRON _003394302 297 17 never never ADV _003394302 297 18 had have VERB _003394302 297 19 a a DET _003394302 297 20 chance chance NOUN _003394302 297 21 a a DET _003394302 297 22 t t NOUN _003394302 297 23 hospital hospital NOUN _003394302 297 24 service service NOUN _003394302 297 25 before before ADV _003394302 297 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 298 1 the the DET _003394302 298 2 facilities facility NOUN _003394302 298 3 of of ADP _003394302 298 4 the the DET _003394302 298 5 coimbra coimbra PROPN _003394302 298 6 university university PROPN _003394302 298 7 hospital hospital NOUN _003394302 298 8 were be AUX _003394302 298 9 taxed tax VERB _003394302 298 10 to to ADP _003394302 298 11 the the DET _003394302 298 12 utmost utmost NOUN _003394302 298 13 when when SCONJ _003394302 298 14 the the DET _003394302 298 15 writer writer NOUN _003394302 298 16 visited visit VERB _003394302 298 17 it it PRON _003394302 298 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 299 1 but but CCONJ _003394302 299 2 so so ADV _003394302 299 3 acutely acutely ADV _003394302 299 4 25 25 NUM _003394302 299 5 what what PRON _003394302 299 6 is be AUX _003394302 299 7 the the DET _003394302 299 8 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 299 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 300 1 system system NOUN _003394302 300 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 301 1 are be AUX _003394302 301 2 the the DET _003394302 301 3 members member NOUN _003394302 301 4 of of ADP _003394302 301 5 the the DET _003394302 301 6 government government NOUN _003394302 301 7 aware aware ADJ _003394302 301 8 of of ADP _003394302 301 9 this this DET _003394302 301 10 need need NOUN _003394302 301 11 t t NOUN _003394302 301 12 h h VERB _003394302 301 13 a a DET _003394302 301 14 t t NOUN _003394302 301 15 action action NOUN _003394302 301 16 will will AUX _003394302 301 17 probably probably ADV _003394302 301 18 come come VERB _003394302 301 19 soon soon ADV _003394302 301 20 . . PUNCT _003394302 302 1 aid aid NOUN _003394302 302 2 for for ADP _003394302 302 3 orphans orphan NOUN _003394302 302 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 302 5 sick sick ADJ _003394302 302 6 and and CCONJ _003394302 302 7 aged aged ADJ _003394302 302 8 so so ADV _003394302 302 9 f f PROPN _003394302 302 10 a a DET _003394302 302 11 r r NOUN _003394302 302 12 we we PRON _003394302 302 13 have have AUX _003394302 302 14 seen see VERB _003394302 302 15 only only ADV _003394302 302 16 the the DET _003394302 302 17 work work NOUN _003394302 302 18 done do VERB _003394302 302 19 for for ADP _003394302 302 20 wage wage NOUN _003394302 302 21 - - PUNCT _003394302 302 22 earners earner NOUN _003394302 302 23 and and CCONJ _003394302 302 24 their their PRON _003394302 302 25 families family NOUN _003394302 302 26 . . PUNCT _003394302 303 1 what what PRON _003394302 303 2 about about ADP _003394302 303 3 those those PRON _003394302 303 4 too too ADV _003394302 303 5 old old ADJ _003394302 303 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 303 7 infirm infirm ADJ _003394302 303 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 303 9 or or CCONJ _003394302 303 10 otherwise otherwise ADV _003394302 303 11 prevented prevent VERB _003394302 303 12 f f X _003394302 303 13 r r NOUN _003394302 303 14 o o AUX _003394302 303 15 m m AUX _003394302 303 16 supplying supply VERB _003394302 303 17 themselves themselves PRON _003394302 303 18 with with ADP _003394302 303 19 a a DET _003394302 303 20 livelihood livelihood NOUN _003394302 303 21 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 304 1 in in ADP _003394302 304 2 everytown everytown PROPN _003394302 304 3 , , PUNCT _003394302 304 4 there there PRON _003394302 304 5 is be VERB _003394302 304 6 a a DET _003394302 304 7 central central ADJ _003394302 304 8 hospital hospital NOUN _003394302 305 1 f f PROPN _003394302 305 2 o o X _003394302 305 3 r r NOUN _003394302 305 4 those those PRON _003394302 305 5 who who PRON _003394302 305 6 are be AUX _003394302 305 7 aged age VERB _003394302 305 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 305 9 infirm infirm ADJ _003394302 305 10 or or CCONJ _003394302 305 11 unable unable ADJ _003394302 305 12 to to PART _003394302 305 13 work work VERB _003394302 305 14 . . PUNCT _003394302 306 1 this this PRON _003394302 306 2 is be AUX _003394302 306 3 called call VERB _003394302 306 4 the the DET _003394302 306 5 " " PUNCT _003394302 306 6 misericordia misericordia NOUN _003394302 306 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 306 8 " " PUNCT _003394302 307 1 instead instead ADV _003394302 307 2 of of ADP _003394302 307 3 being be AUX _003394302 307 4 the the DET _003394302 307 5 bleak bleak ADJ _003394302 307 6 dwelling dwelling NOUN _003394302 307 7 we we PRON _003394302 307 8 often often ADV _003394302 307 9 see see VERB _003394302 307 10 in in ADP _003394302 307 11 the the DET _003394302 307 12 united united PROPN _003394302 307 13 states states PROPN _003394302 307 14 , , PUNCT _003394302 307 15 they they PRON _003394302 307 16 are be AUX _003394302 307 17 often often ADV _003394302 307 18 the the DET _003394302 307 19 most most ADV _003394302 307 20 distinguished distinguished ADJ _003394302 307 21 structures structure NOUN _003394302 307 22 of of ADP _003394302 307 23 the the DET _003394302 307 24 town town NOUN _003394302 307 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 308 1 for for ADP _003394302 308 2 orphans orphan NOUN _003394302 308 3 there there PRON _003394302 308 4 is be VERB _003394302 308 5 similar similar ADJ _003394302 308 6 provision provision NOUN _003394302 308 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 309 1 in in ADP _003394302 309 2 both both DET _003394302 309 3 cases case NOUN _003394302 309 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 309 5 there there PRON _003394302 309 6 is be VERB _003394302 309 7 an an DET _003394302 309 8 enormous enormous ADJ _003394302 309 9 amount amount NOUN _003394302 309 10 of of ADP _003394302 309 11 private private ADJ _003394302 309 12 charity charity NOUN _003394302 309 13 , , PUNCT _003394302 309 14 and and CCONJ _003394302 309 15 of of ADP _003394302 309 16 course course NOUN _003394302 309 17 , , PUNCT _003394302 309 18 since since SCONJ _003394302 309 19 freedom freedom NOUN _003394302 309 20 of of ADP _003394302 309 21 religion religion NOUN _003394302 309 22 has have AUX _003394302 309 23 been be AUX _003394302 309 24 re re VERB _003394302 309 25 - - VERB _003394302 309 26 established establish VERB _003394302 309 27 , , PUNCT _003394302 309 28 the the DET _003394302 309 29 religious religious ADJ _003394302 309 30 orders order NOUN _003394302 309 31 have have AUX _003394302 309 32 found find VERB _003394302 309 33 their their PRON _003394302 309 34 way way NOUN _003394302 309 35 back back ADV _003394302 309 36 to to ADP _003394302 309 37 the the DET _003394302 309 38 service service NOUN _003394302 309 39 of of ADP _003394302 309 40 society society NOUN _003394302 309 41 's 's PART _003394302 309 42 outcasts outcast NOUN _003394302 309 43 . . PUNCT _003394302 310 1 to to PART _003394302 310 2 describe describe VERB _003394302 310 3 the the DET _003394302 310 4 " " PUNCT _003394302 310 5 misericordias misericordia NOUN _003394302 310 6 " " PUNCT _003394302 310 7 and and CCONJ _003394302 310 8 other other ADJ _003394302 310 9 catholic catholic ADJ _003394302 310 10 social social ADJ _003394302 310 11 works work NOUN _003394302 310 12 that that SCONJ _003394302 310 13 the the DET _003394302 310 14 writer writer NOUN _003394302 310 15 saw see VERB _003394302 310 16 in in ADP _003394302 310 17 coimbra coimbra PROPN _003394302 310 18 alone alone ADV _003394302 310 19 , , PUNCT _003394302 310 20 would would AUX _003394302 310 21 require require VERB _003394302 310 22 a a DET _003394302 310 23 long long ADJ _003394302 310 24 article article NOUN _003394302 310 25 . . PUNCT _003394302 311 1 it it PRON _003394302 311 2 is be AUX _003394302 311 3 interesting interesting ADJ _003394302 311 4 to to PART _003394302 311 5 note note VERB _003394302 311 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 311 7 however however ADV _003394302 311 8 , , PUNCT _003394302 311 9 t t NOUN _003394302 311 10 h h VERB _003394302 311 11 a a DET _003394302 311 12 t t NOUN _003394302 311 13 one one NUM _003394302 311 14 of of ADP _003394302 311 15 the the DET _003394302 311 16 biggest big ADJ _003394302 311 17 orphanages orphanage NOUN _003394302 311 18 f f PROPN _003394302 311 19 o o X _003394302 311 20 r r NOUN _003394302 311 21 boys boy NOUN _003394302 311 22 and and CCONJ _003394302 311 23 girls girl NOUN _003394302 311 24 , , PUNCT _003394302 311 25 once once ADV _003394302 311 26 had have VERB _003394302 311 27 dr dr PROPN _003394302 311 28 . . PROPN _003394302 311 29 salazar salazar PROPN _003394302 311 30 , , PUNCT _003394302 311 31 the the DET _003394302 311 32 present present ADJ _003394302 311 33 prime prime ADJ _003394302 311 34 minister minister NOUN _003394302 311 35 , , PUNCT _003394302 311 36 as as ADP _003394302 311 37 an an DET _003394302 311 38 active active ADJ _003394302 311 39 director director NOUN _003394302 311 40 in in ADP _003394302 311 41 the the DET _003394302 311 42 days day NOUN _003394302 311 43 when when SCONJ _003394302 311 44 he he PRON _003394302 311 45 was be AUX _003394302 311 46 professor professor NOUN _003394302 311 47 of of ADP _003394302 311 48 economics economic NOUN _003394302 311 49 at at ADP _003394302 311 50 the the DET _003394302 311 51 university university NOUN _003394302 311 52 . . PUNCT _003394302 312 1 the the DET _003394302 312 2 directress directress NOUN _003394302 312 3 is be AUX _003394302 312 4 proud proud ADJ _003394302 312 5 to to PART _003394302 312 6 point point VERB _003394302 312 7 out out ADP _003394302 312 8 the the DET _003394302 312 9 spot spot NOUN _003394302 312 10 in in ADP _003394302 312 11 the the DET _003394302 312 12 ancient ancient ADJ _003394302 312 13 chapel chapel NOUN _003394302 312 14 where where SCONJ _003394302 312 15 he he PRON _003394302 312 16 used use VERB _003394302 312 17 to to PART _003394302 312 18 pray pray VERB _003394302 312 19 every every DET _003394302 312 20 time time NOUN _003394302 312 21 he he PRON _003394302 312 22 paid pay VERB _003394302 312 23 his his PRON _003394302 312 24 visit visit NOUN _003394302 312 25 to to ADP _003394302 312 26 the the DET _003394302 312 27 orphanage orphanage NOUN _003394302 312 28 . . PUNCT _003394302 313 1 chtistian chtistian ADJ _003394302 313 2 spirit spirit PROPN _003394302 313 3 of of ADP _003394302 313 4 charity charity NOUN _003394302 313 5 is be AUX _003394302 313 6 need need VERB _003394302 313 7 parks park NOUN _003394302 314 1 f f PROPN _003394302 314 2 o o X _003394302 315 1 r r NOUN _003394302 315 2 children child NOUN _003394302 315 3 can can AUX _003394302 315 4 be be AUX _003394302 315 5 seen see VERB _003394302 315 6 in in ADP _003394302 315 7 many many ADJ _003394302 315 8 parts part NOUN _003394302 315 9 of of ADP _003394302 315 10 lisbon lisbon PROPN _003394302 315 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 315 12 in in ADP _003394302 315 13 other other ADJ _003394302 315 14 portuguese portuguese ADJ _003394302 315 15 cities city NOUN _003394302 315 16 . . PUNCT _003394302 316 1 these these DET _003394302 316 2 26 26 NUM _003394302 316 3 what what PRON _003394302 316 4 is be AUX _003394302 316 5 the the DET _003394302 316 6 corporative corporative ADJ _003394302 316 7 . . PUNCT _003394302 317 1 system system NOUN _003394302 317 2 ? ? PUNCT _003394302 318 1 sometimes sometimes ADV _003394302 318 2 supply supply VERB _003394302 318 3 winter winter NOUN _003394302 318 4 recreation recreation NOUN _003394302 318 5 under under ADP _003394302 318 6 expert expert NOUN _003394302 318 7 care care NOUN _003394302 319 1 f f PROPN _003394302 319 2 o o X _003394302 319 3 r r VERB _003394302 319 4 the the DET _003394302 319 5 children child NOUN _003394302 319 6 of of ADP _003394302 319 7 working work VERB _003394302 319 8 mothers mother NOUN _003394302 319 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 320 1 the the DET _003394302 320 2 cultural cultural ADJ _003394302 320 3 aspect aspect NOUN _003394302 320 4 is be AUX _003394302 320 5 not not PART _003394302 320 6 lost lose VERB _003394302 320 7 in in ADP _003394302 320 8 these these DET _003394302 320 9 activities activity NOUN _003394302 321 1 f f X _003394302 321 2 o o X _003394302 322 1 r r VERB _003394302 322 2 the the DET _003394302 322 3 betterment betterment NOUN _003394302 322 4 of of ADP _003394302 322 5 the the DET _003394302 322 6 least least ADJ _003394302 322 7 favored favor VERB _003394302 322 8 members member NOUN _003394302 322 9 of of ADP _003394302 322 10 society society NOUN _003394302 322 11 . . PUNCT _003394302 323 1 to to PART _003394302 323 2 accommodate accommodate VERB _003394302 323 3 those those PRON _003394302 323 4 whose whose DET _003394302 323 5 education education NOUN _003394302 323 6 was be AUX _003394302 323 7 neglected neglect VERB _003394302 323 8 under under ADP _003394302 323 9 the the DET _003394302 323 10 bomb bomb NOUN _003394302 323 11 - - PUNCT _003394302 323 12 ridden ride VERB _003394302 323 13 liberal liberal ADJ _003394302 323 14 regime regime NOUN _003394302 323 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 323 16 2,050 2,050 NUM _003394302 323 17 centres centre NOUN _003394302 323 18 of of ADP _003394302 323 19 instruction instruction NOUN _003394302 323 20 f f PROPN _003394302 323 21 o o X _003394302 324 1 r r NOUN _003394302 324 2 the the DET _003394302 324 3 acceleration acceleration NOUN _003394302 324 4 of of ADP _003394302 324 5 education education NOUN _003394302 324 6 have have AUX _003394302 324 7 been be AUX _003394302 324 8 opened open VERB _003394302 324 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 325 1 these these PRON _003394302 325 2 are be AUX _003394302 325 3 often often ADV _003394302 325 4 located locate VERB _003394302 325 5 in in ADP _003394302 325 6 the the DET _003394302 325 7 people people NOUN _003394302 325 8 's 's PART _003394302 325 9 houses house NOUN _003394302 325 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 326 1 here here ADV _003394302 326 2 come come VERB _003394302 326 3 men man NOUN _003394302 326 4 and and CCONJ _003394302 326 5 women woman NOUN _003394302 326 6 to to PART _003394302 326 7 learn learn VERB _003394302 326 8 to to PART _003394302 326 9 write write VERB _003394302 326 10 , , PUNCT _003394302 326 11 and and CCONJ _003394302 326 12 children child NOUN _003394302 326 13 f f PROPN _003394302 326 14 r r NOUN _003394302 326 15 o o NOUN _003394302 326 16 m m VERB _003394302 326 17 isolated isolate VERB _003394302 326 18 homesteads homestead NOUN _003394302 326 19 . . PUNCT _003394302 327 1 as as ADP _003394302 327 2 of of ADP _003394302 327 3 1939 1939 NUM _003394302 327 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 327 5 there there PRON _003394302 327 6 were be VERB _003394302 327 7 46,000 46,000 NUM _003394302 327 8 students student NOUN _003394302 327 9 enrolled enrol VERB _003394302 327 10 at at ADP _003394302 327 11 these these DET _003394302 327 12 centres centre NOUN _003394302 327 13 . . PUNCT _003394302 328 1 for for ADP _003394302 328 2 lightening lighten VERB _003394302 328 3 the the DET _003394302 328 4 monotony monotony NOUN _003394302 328 5 of of ADP _003394302 328 6 work work NOUN _003394302 328 7 , , PUNCT _003394302 328 8 there there PRON _003394302 328 9 are be VERB _003394302 328 10 excellent excellent ADJ _003394302 328 11 " " PUNCT _003394302 328 12 movies movie NOUN _003394302 328 13 " " PUNCT _003394302 328 14 to to PART _003394302 328 15 be be AUX _003394302 328 16 seen see VERB _003394302 328 17 a a DET _003394302 328 18 t t NOUN _003394302 328 19 the the DET _003394302 328 20 peoples people NOUN _003394302 328 21 ' ' PART _003394302 328 22 houses house NOUN _003394302 328 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 329 1 in in ADP _003394302 329 2 the the DET _003394302 329 3 summer summer NOUN _003394302 329 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 329 5 six six NUM _003394302 329 6 great great ADJ _003394302 329 7 trucks truck NOUN _003394302 329 8 travel travel VERB _003394302 329 9 from from ADP _003394302 329 10 village village NOUN _003394302 329 11 to to ADP _003394302 329 12 village village NOUN _003394302 329 13 carrying carry VERB _003394302 329 14 their their PRON _003394302 329 15 burden burden NOUN _003394302 329 16 of of ADP _003394302 329 17 dreams dream NOUN _003394302 329 18 . . PUNCT _003394302 330 1 this this PRON _003394302 330 2 is be AUX _003394302 330 3 the the DET _003394302 330 4 travelling travel VERB _003394302 330 5 theatre theatre NOUN _003394302 330 6 , , PUNCT _003394302 330 7 inaugurated inaugurate VERB _003394302 330 8 nearly nearly ADV _003394302 330 9 four four NUM _003394302 330 10 years year NOUN _003394302 330 11 ago ago ADV _003394302 330 12 f f X _003394302 331 1 o o X _003394302 331 2 r r NOUN _003394302 331 3 the the DET _003394302 331 4 benefit benefit NOUN _003394302 331 5 of of ADP _003394302 331 6 the the DET _003394302 331 7 country country NOUN _003394302 331 8 dweller dweller NOUN _003394302 331 9 . . PUNCT _003394302 332 1 for for ADP _003394302 332 2 a a DET _003394302 332 3 poor poor ADJ _003394302 332 4 country country NOUN _003394302 332 5 , , PUNCT _003394302 332 6 portugal portugal PROPN _003394302 332 7 has have AUX _003394302 332 8 done do VERB _003394302 332 9 well well ADV _003394302 332 10 . . PUNCT _003394302 333 1 to to ADP _003394302 333 2 a a DET _003394302 333 3 visitor visitor NOUN _003394302 333 4 , , PUNCT _003394302 333 5 the the DET _003394302 333 6 activity activity NOUN _003394302 333 7 on on ADP _003394302 333 8 behalf behalf NOUN _003394302 333 9 of of ADP _003394302 333 10 the the DET _003394302 333 11 working work VERB _003394302 333 12 man man NOUN _003394302 333 13 seems seem VERB _003394302 333 14 amazing amazing ADJ _003394302 333 15 , , PUNCT _003394302 333 16 the the DET _003394302 333 17 results result NOUN _003394302 333 18 already already ADV _003394302 333 19 achieved achieve VERB _003394302 333 20 , , PUNCT _003394302 333 21 more more ADV _003394302 333 22 amazing amazing ADJ _003394302 333 23 . . PUNCT _003394302 334 1 the the DET _003394302 334 2 fact fact NOUN _003394302 334 3 that that SCONJ _003394302 334 4 all all DET _003394302 334 5 these these DET _003394302 334 6 things thing NOUN _003394302 334 7 have have AUX _003394302 334 8 been be AUX _003394302 334 9 done do VERB _003394302 334 10 with with ADP _003394302 334 11 small small ADJ _003394302 334 12 resources resource NOUN _003394302 334 13 is be AUX _003394302 334 14 a a DET _003394302 334 15 proof proof NOUN _003394302 334 16 that that SCONJ _003394302 334 17 it it PRON _003394302 334 18 is be AUX _003394302 334 19 not not PART _003394302 334 20 more more ADJ _003394302 334 21 riches rich NOUN _003394302 334 22 that that SCONJ _003394302 334 23 the the DET _003394302 334 24 world world NOUN _003394302 334 25 needs need VERB _003394302 334 26 to to PART _003394302 334 27 satisfy satisfy VERB _003394302 334 28 the the DET _003394302 334 29 needs need NOUN _003394302 334 30 of of ADP _003394302 334 31 its its PRON _003394302 334 32 peoples people NOUN _003394302 334 33 , , PUNCT _003394302 334 34 but but CCONJ _003394302 334 35 more more ADJ _003394302 334 36 of of ADP _003394302 334 37 the the DET _003394302 334 38 christian christian ADJ _003394302 334 39 spirit spirit PROPN _003394302 334 40 of of ADP _003394302 334 41 charity charity NOUN _003394302 334 42 and and CCONJ _003394302 334 43 more more ADJ _003394302 334 44 of of ADP _003394302 334 45 a a DET _003394302 334 46 desire desire NOUN _003394302 334 47 to to PART _003394302 334 48 serve serve VERB _003394302 334 49 the the DET _003394302 334 50 common common ADJ _003394302 334 51 good good NOUN _003394302 334 52 . . PUNCT