id sid tid token lemma pos _003394182 1 1 m m VERB _003394182 1 2 i i PRON _003394182 1 3 rcj rcj PROPN _003394182 1 4 m m VERB _003394182 1 5 a a DET _003394182 1 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1 7 » » NOUN _003394182 1 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 2 1 e e PROPN _003394182 2 2 c c AUX _003394182 2 3 f f X _003394182 2 4 w w X _003394182 2 5 a a DET _003394182 2 6 ^ ^ NOUN _003394182 3 1 it it PRON _003394182 4 1 the the DET _003394182 4 2 giri'^kai• giri'^kai• PROPN _003394182 4 3 l l NOUN _003394182 5 1 i i PRON _003394182 5 2 f f X _003394182 6 1 e e PROPN _003394182 6 2 r r NOUN _003394182 6 3 i i PROPN _003394182 6 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 7 1 reverend reverend PROPN _003394182 7 2 edward edward PROPN _003394182 7 3 lodge lodge PROPN _003394182 7 4 curran curran PROPN _003394182 7 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 7 6 ll.b ll.b PROPN _003394182 7 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 7 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 7 9 ph.d ph.d PROPN _003394182 7 10 . . PROPN _003394182 7 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 7 12 - - PUNCT _003394182 7 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 7 14 nine nine NUM _003394182 7 15 addresses address NOUN _003394182 7 16 { { PUNCT _003394182 7 17 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 7 18 in in ADP _003394182 7 19 the the DET _003394182 7 20 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 7 21 hour hour NOUN _003394182 7 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 7 23 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 7 24 spon spon NOUN _003394182 7 25 - - PUNCT _003394182 7 26 sored sore VERB _003394182 7 27 by by ADV _003394182 7 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 8 1 the the DET _003394182 8 2 national national PROPN _003394182 8 3 council council PROPN _003394182 8 4 of of ADP _003394182 8 5 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 8 6 men man NOUN _003394182 8 7 i i PRON _003394182 8 8 with with ADP _003394182 8 9 the the DET _003394182 8 10 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003394182 8 11 of of ADP _003394182 8 12 the the DET _003394182 8 13 national national PROPN _003394182 8 14 |$ |$ PROPN _003394182 8 15 broadcasting broadcasting NOUN _003394182 8 16 company company NOUN _003394182 8 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 8 18 its its PRON _003394182 8 19 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 8 20 * * PUNCT _003394182 8 21 • • X _003394182 8 22 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 8 23 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 8 24 v v X _003394182 8 25 v v PROPN _003394182 8 26 1 1 NUM _003394182 8 27 associated associate VERB _003394182 8 28 .-stations .-station NOUN _003394182 8 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 9 1 3 3 X _003394182 9 2 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 9 3 on on ADP _003394182 9 4 sundays sunday NOUN _003394182 9 5 from from ADP _003394182 9 6 may may PROPN _003394182 9 7 15 15 NUM _003394182 9 8 ¿ ¿ SYM _003394182 9 9 t t NOUN _003394182 9 10 » » NOUN _003394182 9 11 july july PROPN _003394182 9 12 17 17 NUM _003394182 9 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 9 14 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 9 15 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 9 16 ) ) PUNCT _003394182 9 17 i. i. PROPN _003394182 9 18 v v PROPN _003394182 9 19 thè thè PROPN _003394182 9 20 christian christian ADJ _003394182 9 21 manifesto manifesto PROPN _003394182 9 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 10 1 ii ii PROPN _003394182 10 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 10 3 /hie /hie PUNCT _003394182 11 1 christian christian PROPN _003394182 11 2 home home PROPN _003394182 11 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 12 1 iii iii PROPN _003394182 12 2 . . PROPN _003394182 13 1 two two NUM _003394182 13 2 in in ADP _003394182 13 3 one one NUM _003394182 13 4 iiesii iiesii NOUN _003394182 13 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 14 1 r r NOUN _003394182 14 2 w w PROPN _003394182 14 3 v v NOUN _003394182 14 4 t t PROPN _003394182 14 5 i i PRON _003394182 14 6 m m VERB _003394182 14 7 in in ADP _003394182 14 8 one one NUM _003394182 14 9 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 14 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 15 1 i i PRON _003394182 15 2 v v VERB _003394182 15 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 16 1 two two NUM _003394182 16 2 inorie inorie PROPN _003394182 16 3 failure failure NOUN _003394182 16 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 16 5 w w PROPN _003394182 16 6 vi vi NOUN _003394182 16 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 16 8 a a DET _003394182 16 9 woman woman NOUN _003394182 16 10 's 's PART _003394182 16 11 triumph triumph NOUN _003394182 16 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 17 1 vii vii INTJ _003394182 17 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 18 1 thriesholds thrieshold NOUN _003394182 18 2 jo| jo| PROPN _003394182 18 3 póter^y póter^y PROPN _003394182 18 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 19 1 § § PROPN _003394182 19 2 vili vili PROPN _003394182 19 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 20 1 forgotten forget VERB _003394182 20 2 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 20 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 21 1 ix ix PROPN _003394182 21 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 22 1 a. a. PROPN _003394182 22 2 nation nation PROPN _003394182 22 3 's 's PART _003394182 22 4 strength strength NOUN _003394182 22 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 23 1 national national PROPN _003394182 23 2 council council PROPN _003394182 23 3 op op PROPN _003394182 23 4 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 23 5 men man NOUN _003394182 23 6 > > X _003394182 23 7 sponsor sponsor VERB _003394182 23 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 23 9 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 23 10 ofr ofr VERB _003394182 23 11 the the DET _003394182 23 12 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 23 13 hour hour NOUN _003394182 23 14 : : PUNCT _003394182 23 15 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 23 16 1314 1314 NUM _003394182 23 17 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _003394182 23 18 avenue avenue PROPN _003394182 23 19 1 1 NUM _003394182 23 20 washington washington PROPN _003394182 23 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 23 22 d. d. PROPN _003394182 23 23 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 23 24 & & CCONJ _003394182 23 25 the the DET _003394182 23 26 christian christian PROPN _003394182 23 27 family family PROPN _003394182 23 28 reverend reverend PROPN _003394182 23 29 edward edward PROPN _003394182 23 30 lodge lodge PROPN _003394182 23 31 curran curran PROPN _003394182 23 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 23 33 ll.b ll.b PROPN _003394182 23 34 . . PUNCT _003394182 23 35 , , PUNCT _003394182 23 36 ph.d ph.d PROPN _003394182 23 37 . . PROPN _003394182 23 38 , , PUNCT _003394182 23 39 nine nine NUM _003394182 23 40 addresses address NOUN _003394182 23 41 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 23 42 in in ADP _003394182 23 43 the the DET _003394182 23 44 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 23 45 hour hour NOUN _003394182 23 46 , , PUNCT _003394182 23 47 spon spon NOUN _003394182 23 48 - - PUNCT _003394182 23 49 sored sore VERB _003394182 23 50 by by ADP _003394182 23 51 the the DET _003394182 23 52 national national PROPN _003394182 23 53 council council PROPN _003394182 23 54 of of ADP _003394182 23 55 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 23 56 men man NOUN _003394182 23 57 with with ADP _003394182 23 58 the the DET _003394182 23 59 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003394182 23 60 of of ADP _003394182 23 61 the the DET _003394182 23 62 national national PROPN _003394182 23 63 broadcasting broadcasting PROPN _003394182 23 64 company company NOUN _003394182 23 65 and and CCONJ _003394182 23 66 its its PRON _003394182 23 67 associated associated ADJ _003394182 23 68 stations station NOUN _003394182 23 69 . . PUNCT _003394182 24 1 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 24 2 on on ADP _003394182 24 3 sundays sunday NOUN _003394182 24 4 from from ADP _003394182 24 5 may may PROPN _003394182 24 6 15 15 NUM _003394182 24 7 to to ADP _003394182 24 8 july july PROPN _003394182 24 9 17 17 NUM _003394182 24 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 24 11 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 24 12 ) ) PUNCT _003394182 24 13 i. i. VERB _003394182 24 14 the the DET _003394182 24 15 christian christian PROPN _003394182 24 16 manifesto manifesto PROPN _003394182 24 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 25 1 ii ii PROPN _003394182 25 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 26 1 the the DET _003394182 26 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 26 3 home home PROPN _003394182 26 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 27 1 iii iii PROPN _003394182 27 2 . . PROPN _003394182 28 1 two two NUM _003394182 28 2 in in ADP _003394182 28 3 one one NUM _003394182 28 4 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 28 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 29 1 iv iv PROPN _003394182 29 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 30 1 two two NUM _003394182 30 2 in in ADP _003394182 30 3 one one NUM _003394182 30 4 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 30 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 31 1 v. v. ADP _003394182 31 2 two two NUM _003394182 31 3 in in ADP _003394182 31 4 one one NUM _003394182 31 5 failure failure NOUN _003394182 31 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 31 7 vi vi NOUN _003394182 31 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 31 9 a a DET _003394182 31 10 woman woman NOUN _003394182 31 11 's 's PART _003394182 31 12 triumph triumph NOUN _003394182 31 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 32 1 vii vii INTJ _003394182 32 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 33 1 thresholds threshold NOUN _003394182 33 2 of of ADP _003394182 33 3 poverty poverty PROPN _003394182 33 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 34 1 viii viii PROPN _003394182 34 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 35 1 forgotten forget VERB _003394182 35 2 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 35 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 36 1 ix ix PROPN _003394182 36 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 37 1 a a DET _003394182 37 2 nation nation NOUN _003394182 37 3 's 's PART _003394182 37 4 strength strength NOUN _003394182 37 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 38 1 national national ADJ _003394182 38 2 council council PROPN _003394182 38 3 of of ADP _003394182 38 4 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 38 5 men man NOUN _003394182 38 6 sponsor sponsor NOUN _003394182 38 7 of of ADP _003394182 38 8 the the DET _003394182 38 9 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 38 10 hour hour NOUN _003394182 38 11 1314 1314 NUM _003394182 38 12 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _003394182 38 13 avenue avenue PROPN _003394182 38 14 washington washington PROPN _003394182 38 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 38 16 d. d. PROPN _003394182 38 17 c. c. PROPN _003394182 39 1 p p PROPN _003394182 39 2 r r PROPN _003394182 39 3 i i PRON _003394182 39 4 n n NOUN _003394182 39 5 t t NOUN _003394182 39 6 e e NOUN _003394182 39 7 d d PROPN _003394182 39 8 a a PROPN _003394182 39 9 n n PROPN _003394182 40 1 d d PROPN _003394182 40 2 d d PROPN _003394182 41 1 i i PRON _003394182 41 2 s s VERB _003394182 41 3 t t NOUN _003394182 41 4 r r NOUN _003394182 41 5 i i NOUN _003394182 42 1 b b NOUN _003394182 42 2 u u PROPN _003394182 42 3 t t NOUN _003394182 42 4 e e NOUN _003394182 42 5 d d NOUN _003394182 42 6 by by ADP _003394182 42 7 o o PROPN _003394182 42 8 u u PROPN _003394182 42 9 r r NOUN _003394182 42 10 s s PART _003394182 42 11 u u NOUN _003394182 42 12 n n NOUN _003394182 42 13 d d PROPN _003394182 43 1 a a PRON _003394182 43 2 y y PROPN _003394182 44 1 v v NOUN _003394182 44 2 i i PRON _003394182 44 3 s s VERB _003394182 44 4 i i PRON _003394182 45 1 t t NOUN _003394182 45 2 o o X _003394182 45 3 r r NOUN _003394182 45 4 h h PROPN _003394182 45 5 u u PROPN _003394182 45 6 n n NOUN _003394182 45 7 t t PROPN _003394182 45 8 i i PRON _003394182 45 9 n n X _003394182 45 10 g g NOUN _003394182 45 11 t t PROPN _003394182 45 12 o o PROPN _003394182 46 1 n n PROPN _003394182 46 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 46 3 i i PRON _003394182 47 1 n n VERB _003394182 48 1 d d PROPN _003394182 48 2 i i PRON _003394182 48 3 a a DET _003394182 48 4 n n X _003394182 48 5 a a PRON _003394182 48 6 by by ADP _003394182 48 7 author author NOUN _003394182 48 8 's 's PART _003394182 48 9 introduction introduction NOUN _003394182 48 10 despite despite SCONJ _003394182 48 11 the the DET _003394182 48 12 tremendous tremendous ADJ _003394182 48 13 changes change NOUN _003394182 48 14 in in ADP _003394182 48 15 transportation transportation NOUN _003394182 48 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 48 17 industry industry NOUN _003394182 48 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 48 19 methods method NOUN _003394182 48 20 of of ADP _003394182 48 21 communication communication NOUN _003394182 48 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 48 23 the the DET _003394182 48 24 home home NOUN _003394182 48 25 remains remain VERB _003394182 48 26 the the DET _003394182 48 27 most most ADJ _003394182 48 28 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 48 29 important important ADJ _003394182 48 30 unit unit NOUN _003394182 48 31 in in ADP _003394182 48 32 life life NOUN _003394182 48 33 . . PUNCT _003394182 49 1 i i PRON _003394182 49 2 t t NOUN _003394182 49 3 is be AUX _003394182 49 4 t t NOUN _003394182 49 5 h h NOUN _003394182 49 6 e e NOUN _003394182 49 7 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 49 8 of of ADP _003394182 49 9 our our PRON _003394182 49 10 loveliest lovely ADJ _003394182 49 11 memories memory NOUN _003394182 49 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 49 13 the the DET _003394182 49 14 source source NOUN _003394182 49 15 of of ADP _003394182 49 16 a a DET _003394182 49 17 nation nation NOUN _003394182 49 18 's 's PART _003394182 49 19 greatness greatness NOUN _003394182 49 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 50 1 he he PRON _003394182 50 2 who who PRON _003394182 50 3 has have AUX _003394182 50 4 builded build VERB _003394182 50 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 50 6 maintained maintain VERB _003394182 50 7 a a DET _003394182 50 8 christian christian ADJ _003394182 50 9 home home NOUN _003394182 50 10 is be AUX _003394182 50 11 rich rich ADJ _003394182 50 12 beyond beyond ADP _003394182 50 13 the the DET _003394182 50 14 dreams dream NOUN _003394182 50 15 of of ADP _003394182 50 16 the the DET _003394182 50 17 wealthiest wealthy ADJ _003394182 50 18 financier financier NOUN _003394182 50 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 51 1 the the DET _003394182 51 2 modern modern ADJ _003394182 51 3 world world NOUN _003394182 51 4 has have AUX _003394182 51 5 failed fail VERB _003394182 51 6 to to PART _003394182 51 7 give give VERB _003394182 51 8 the the DET _003394182 51 9 home home NOUN _003394182 51 10 anything anything PRON _003394182 51 11 like like ADP _003394182 51 12 the the DET _003394182 51 13 care care NOUN _003394182 51 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 51 15 solicitude solicitude NOUN _003394182 51 16 which which PRON _003394182 51 17 it it PRON _003394182 51 18 lavishes lavish VERB _003394182 51 19 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 51 20 other other ADJ _003394182 51 21 in in ADP _003394182 51 22 - - PUNCT _003394182 51 23 stitutions stitution NOUN _003394182 51 24 and and CCONJ _003394182 51 25 activities activity NOUN _003394182 51 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 52 1 i i PRON _003394182 52 2 t t PROPN _003394182 52 3 has have AUX _003394182 52 4 failed fail VERB _003394182 52 5 to to PART _003394182 52 6 realize realize VERB _003394182 52 7 t t NOUN _003394182 52 8 h h NOUN _003394182 52 9 a a DET _003394182 52 10 t t NOUN _003394182 52 11 t t NOUN _003394182 52 12 h h NOUN _003394182 52 13 e e NOUN _003394182 52 14 architecture architecture NOUN _003394182 52 15 of of ADP _003394182 52 16 the the DET _003394182 52 17 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 52 18 is be AUX _003394182 52 19 g g NOUN _003394182 52 20 r r NOUN _003394182 52 21 e e NOUN _003394182 52 22 a a DET _003394182 52 23 t t NOUN _003394182 52 24 e e NOUN _003394182 52 25 r r NOUN _003394182 52 26 t t NOUN _003394182 52 27 h h X _003394182 52 28 a a DET _003394182 52 29 n n NOUN _003394182 52 30 the the DET _003394182 52 31 architecture architecture NOUN _003394182 52 32 of of ADP _003394182 52 33 stone stone NOUN _003394182 52 34 . . PUNCT _003394182 53 1 the the DET _003394182 53 2 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 53 3 church church NOUN _003394182 53 4 has have AUX _003394182 53 5 concentrated concentrate VERB _003394182 53 6 its its PRON _003394182 53 7 g g NOUN _003394182 53 8 r r NOUN _003394182 53 9 e e NOUN _003394182 53 10 a a DET _003394182 53 11 t t NOUN _003394182 53 12 e e NOUN _003394182 53 13 s s NOUN _003394182 53 14 t t NOUN _003394182 53 15 eiforts eifort NOUN _003394182 53 16 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 53 17 " " PUNCT _003394182 53 18 the the DET _003394182 53 19 home home NOUN _003394182 53 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 54 1 possessed possess VERB _003394182 54 2 of of ADP _003394182 54 3 the the DET _003394182 54 4 mandate mandate NOUN _003394182 54 5 of of ADP _003394182 54 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 54 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 54 8 she she PRON _003394182 54 9 denies deny VERB _003394182 54 10 the the DET _003394182 54 11 r r NOUN _003394182 54 12 i i PRON _003394182 54 13 g g NOUN _003394182 54 14 h h NOUN _003394182 54 15 t t PROPN _003394182 54 16 of of ADP _003394182 54 17 any any DET _003394182 54 18 individual individual NOUN _003394182 54 19 or or CCONJ _003394182 54 20 any any DET _003394182 54 21 institution institution NOUN _003394182 54 22 to to AUX _003394182 54 23 inter inter ADJ _003394182 54 24 - - NOUN _003394182 54 25 f f ADJ _003394182 54 26 e e NOUN _003394182 54 27 r r NOUN _003394182 54 28 e e NOUN _003394182 54 29 with with ADP _003394182 54 30 the the DET _003394182 54 31 unity unity NOUN _003394182 54 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 54 33 sanctity sanctity NOUN _003394182 54 34 of of ADP _003394182 54 35 the the DET _003394182 54 36 home home NOUN _003394182 54 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 55 1 for for ADP _003394182 55 2 her she PRON _003394182 55 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 55 4 chil chil NOUN _003394182 55 5 - - PUNCT _003394182 55 6 dren dren PROPN _003394182 55 7 a a DET _003394182 55 8 r r NOUN _003394182 55 9 e e NOUN _003394182 55 10 still still ADV _003394182 55 11 the the DET _003394182 55 12 loveliest lovely ADJ _003394182 55 13 products product NOUN _003394182 55 14 of of ADP _003394182 55 15 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 55 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 56 1 for for ADP _003394182 56 2 her she PRON _003394182 56 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 56 4 human human ADJ _003394182 56 5 love love NOUN _003394182 56 6 is be AUX _003394182 56 7 still still ADV _003394182 56 8 capable capable ADJ _003394182 56 9 of of ADP _003394182 56 10 divine divine ADJ _003394182 56 11 t t NOUN _003394182 56 12 r r NOUN _003394182 56 13 a a DET _003394182 56 14 n n NOUN _003394182 56 15 s s NOUN _003394182 56 16 f f X _003394182 56 17 o o NOUN _003394182 57 1 r r NOUN _003394182 57 2 m m VERB _003394182 57 3 a a DET _003394182 57 4 t t NOUN _003394182 58 1 i i PRON _003394182 58 2 o o NOUN _003394182 58 3 n n ADV _003394182 58 4 even even ADV _003394182 58 5 as as SCONJ _003394182 58 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 58 7 changed change VERB _003394182 58 8 the the DET _003394182 58 9 water water NOUN _003394182 58 10 a a DET _003394182 58 11 t t NOUN _003394182 58 12 cana cana NOUN _003394182 58 13 of of ADP _003394182 58 14 galilee galilee PROPN _003394182 58 15 into into ADP _003394182 58 16 wine wine NOUN _003394182 58 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 59 1 if if SCONJ _003394182 59 2 the the DET _003394182 59 3 following follow VERB _003394182 59 4 addresses address NOUN _003394182 59 5 succeed succeed VERB _003394182 59 6 in in ADP _003394182 59 7 making make VERB _003394182 59 8 one one NUM _003394182 59 9 home home NOUN _003394182 59 10 more more ADV _003394182 59 11 christlike christlike ADJ _003394182 59 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 59 13 one one NUM _003394182 59 14 h h NOUN _003394182 59 15 e e NOUN _003394182 59 16 a a DET _003394182 59 17 r r NOUN _003394182 59 18 t t NOUN _003394182 59 19 more more ADV _003394182 59 20 happy happy ADJ _003394182 59 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 59 22 t t NOUN _003394182 59 23 h h NOUN _003394182 59 24 e e NOUN _003394182 59 25 author author NOUN _003394182 59 26 will will AUX _003394182 59 27 be be AUX _003394182 59 28 glad glad ADJ _003394182 59 29 t t NOUN _003394182 59 30 h h NOUN _003394182 59 31 a a DET _003394182 59 32 t t NOUN _003394182 59 33 his his PRON _003394182 59 34 words word NOUN _003394182 59 35 have have AUX _003394182 59 36 not not PART _003394182 59 37 died die VERB _003394182 59 38 with with ADP _003394182 59 39 the the DET _003394182 59 40 breath breath NOUN _003394182 59 41 t t NOUN _003394182 59 42 h h NOUN _003394182 59 43 a a DET _003394182 59 44 t t NOUN _003394182 59 45 begot begot NOUN _003394182 59 46 them they PRON _003394182 59 47 . . PUNCT _003394182 60 1 rev rev PROPN _003394182 60 2 . . PROPN _003394182 60 3 edward edward PROPN _003394182 60 4 lodge lodge PROPN _003394182 60 5 curran curran PROPN _003394182 60 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 60 7 ll.b ll.b PROPN _003394182 60 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 60 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 60 10 ph.d ph.d PROPN _003394182 60 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 61 1 dedication dedication NOUN _003394182 61 2 to to ADP _003394182 61 3 my my PRON _003394182 61 4 mother mother NOUN _003394182 61 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 61 6 f f PROPN _003394182 61 7 a a DET _003394182 61 8 t t NOUN _003394182 61 9 h h NOUN _003394182 61 10 e e NOUN _003394182 61 11 r r NOUN _003394182 61 12 whose whose DET _003394182 61 13 love love NOUN _003394182 61 14 f f X _003394182 61 15 o o X _003394182 62 1 r r NOUN _003394182 62 2 me i PRON _003394182 62 3 begot beget VERB _003394182 62 4 a a DET _003394182 62 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 62 6 home home NOUN _003394182 62 7 that that SCONJ _003394182 62 8 neither neither PRON _003394182 62 9 time time NOUN _003394182 62 10 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 62 11 eternity eternity NOUN _003394182 62 12 shall shall AUX _003394182 62 13 ever ever ADV _003394182 62 14 erase erase VERB _003394182 62 15 f f X _003394182 62 16 r r NOUN _003394182 62 17 o o NOUN _003394182 62 18 m m VERB _003394182 62 19 my my PRON _003394182 62 20 g g NOUN _003394182 62 21 r r NOUN _003394182 62 22 a a DET _003394182 62 23 t t NOUN _003394182 62 24 e e NOUN _003394182 62 25 f f PROPN _003394182 62 26 u u PROPN _003394182 62 27 l l NOUN _003394182 62 28 memory memory NOUN _003394182 62 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 62 30 " " PUNCT _003394182 63 1 the the DET _003394182 63 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 63 3 family family NOUN _003394182 63 4 5 5 NUM _003394182 63 5 the the DET _003394182 63 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 63 7 manifesto manifesto NOUN _003394182 63 8 address address NOUN _003394182 63 9 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 63 10 on on ADP _003394182 63 11 may may PROPN _003394182 63 12 15 15 NUM _003394182 63 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 63 14 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 63 15 forty forty NUM _003394182 63 16 - - PUNCT _003394182 63 17 one one NUM _003394182 63 18 years year NOUN _003394182 63 19 ago ago ADV _003394182 63 20 today today NOUN _003394182 63 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 63 22 the the DET _003394182 63 23 silvern silvern ADJ _003394182 63 24 voice voice NOUN _003394182 63 25 of of ADP _003394182 63 26 a a DET _003394182 63 27 great great ADJ _003394182 63 28 pope pope NOUN _003394182 63 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 63 30 leo leo PROPN _003394182 63 31 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 63 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 63 33 was be AUX _003394182 63 34 raised raise VERB _003394182 63 35 in in ADP _003394182 63 36 defense defense NOUN _003394182 63 37 of of ADP _003394182 63 38 organized organized ADJ _003394182 63 39 and and CCONJ _003394182 63 40 unorganized unorganized ADJ _003394182 63 41 labor labor NOUN _003394182 63 42 by by ADP _003394182 63 43 the the DET _003394182 63 44 promulgation promulgation NOUN _003394182 63 45 of of ADP _003394182 63 46 his his PRON _003394182 63 47 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 63 48 letter letter NOUN _003394182 63 49 on on ADP _003394182 63 50 " " PUNCT _003394182 63 51 the the DET _003394182 63 52 condition condition NOUN _003394182 63 53 of of ADP _003394182 63 54 labor labor NOUN _003394182 63 55 . . PUNCT _003394182 63 56 " " PUNCT _003394182 64 1 it it PRON _003394182 64 2 was be AUX _003394182 64 3 greeted greet VERB _003394182 64 4 with with ADP _003394182 64 5 a a DET _003394182 64 6 chorus chorus NOUN _003394182 64 7 of of ADP _003394182 64 8 approval approval NOUN _003394182 64 9 by by ADP _003394182 64 10 all all DET _003394182 64 11 those those PRON _003394182 64 12 who who PRON _003394182 64 13 recognized recognize VERB _003394182 64 14 that that SCONJ _003394182 64 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 64 16 since since SCONJ _003394182 64 17 the the DET _003394182 64 18 inception inception NOUN _003394182 64 19 of of ADP _003394182 64 20 our our PRON _003394182 64 21 modern modern ADJ _003394182 64 22 machine machine NOUN _003394182 64 23 world world NOUN _003394182 64 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 64 25 the the DET _003394182 64 26 laborer laborer NOUN _003394182 64 27 had have AUX _003394182 64 28 been be AUX _003394182 64 29 defrauded defraud VERB _003394182 64 30 of of ADP _003394182 64 31 his his PRON _003394182 64 32 hire hire NOUN _003394182 64 33 , , PUNCT _003394182 64 34 and and CCONJ _003394182 64 35 the the DET _003394182 64 36 capitalist capitalist NOUN _003394182 64 37 exalted exalt VERB _003394182 64 38 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 64 39 a a DET _003394182 64 40 pedestal pedestal NOUN _003394182 64 41 of of ADP _003394182 64 42 pagan pagan ADJ _003394182 64 43 success success NOUN _003394182 64 44 . . PUNCT _003394182 65 1 the the DET _003394182 65 2 voice voice NOUN _003394182 65 3 of of ADP _003394182 65 4 leo leo PROPN _003394182 65 5 was be AUX _003394182 65 6 the the DET _003394182 65 7 voice voice NOUN _003394182 65 8 of of ADP _003394182 65 9 christ christ PROPN _003394182 65 10 amongst amongst ADP _003394182 65 11 the the DET _003394182 65 12 poor poor ADJ _003394182 65 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 66 1 the the DET _003394182 66 2 warning warning NOUN _003394182 66 3 of of ADP _003394182 66 4 leo leo PROPN _003394182 66 5 was be AUX _003394182 66 6 the the DET _003394182 66 7 warning warning NOUN _003394182 66 8 of of ADP _003394182 66 9 christ christ PROPN _003394182 66 10 unto unto ADP _003394182 66 11 the the DET _003394182 66 12 rich rich PROPN _003394182 66 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 67 1 every every DET _003394182 67 2 may may AUX _003394182 67 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 67 4 with with ADP _003394182 67 5 its its PRON _003394182 67 6 bursting bursting NOUN _003394182 67 7 blossoms blossom NOUN _003394182 67 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 67 9 brings bring VERB _003394182 67 10 to to ADP _003394182 67 11 certain certain ADJ _003394182 67 12 elements element NOUN _003394182 67 13 within within ADP _003394182 67 14 our our PRON _003394182 67 15 disordered disordered ADJ _003394182 67 16 society society NOUN _003394182 67 17 the the DET _003394182 67 18 recollection recollection NOUN _003394182 67 19 of of ADP _003394182 67 20 the the DET _003394182 67 21 communist communist ADJ _003394182 67 22 manifesto manifesto NOUN _003394182 67 23 .of .of PUNCT _003394182 68 1 the the DET _003394182 68 2 founder founder NOUN _003394182 68 3 of of ADP _003394182 68 4 modern modern ADJ _003394182 68 5 socialism socialism NOUN _003394182 68 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 68 7 karl karl PROPN _003394182 68 8 marx marx PROPN _003394182 68 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 69 1 every every DET _003394182 69 2 may may AUX _003394182 69 3 should should AUX _003394182 69 4 likewise likewise ADV _003394182 69 5 bring bring VERB _003394182 69 6 the the DET _003394182 69 7 remembrance remembrance NOUN _003394182 69 8 of of ADP _003394182 69 9 this this DET _003394182 69 10 great great ADJ _003394182 69 11 christian christian ADJ _003394182 69 12 manifesto manifesto NOUN _003394182 69 13 of of ADP _003394182 69 14 leo leo PROPN _003394182 69 15 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 69 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 70 1 one one NUM _003394182 70 2 year year NOUN _003394182 70 3 ago ago ADV _003394182 70 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 70 5 the the DET _003394182 70 6 present present ADJ _003394182 70 7 pontiff pontiff NOUN _003394182 70 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 70 9 pius pius NOUN _003394182 70 10 xi xi PROPN _003394182 70 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 70 12 issued issue VERB _003394182 70 13 his his PRON _003394182 70 14 own own ADJ _003394182 70 15 encyclical encyclical NOUN _003394182 70 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 70 17 " " PUNCT _003394182 70 18 quadragesimo quadragesimo VERB _003394182 70 19 anno anno NOUN _003394182 70 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 70 21 " " PUNCT _003394182 70 22 on on ADP _003394182 70 23 the the DET _003394182 70 24 occasion occasion NOUN _003394182 70 25 of of ADP _003394182 70 26 its its PRON _003394182 70 27 fortieth fortieth ADJ _003394182 70 28 anniversary anniversary NOUN _003394182 70 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 71 1 forty forty NUM _003394182 71 2 - - PUNCT _003394182 71 3 one one NUM _003394182 71 4 years year NOUN _003394182 71 5 have have AUX _003394182 71 6 not not PART _003394182 71 7 silenced silence VERB _003394182 71 8 its its PRON _003394182 71 9 message message NOUN _003394182 71 10 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 71 11 diluted dilute VERB _003394182 71 12 its its PRON _003394182 71 13 efficacy efficacy NOUN _003394182 71 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 72 1 forty forty NUM _003394182 72 2 - - PUNCT _003394182 72 3 one one NUM _003394182 72 4 years year NOUN _003394182 72 5 of of ADP _003394182 72 6 failure failure NOUN _003394182 72 7 to to PART _003394182 72 8 realize realize VERB _003394182 72 9 its its PRON _003394182 72 10 ideals ideal NOUN _003394182 72 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 72 12 incorporate incorporate VERB _003394182 72 13 its its PRON _003394182 72 14 suggestions suggestion NOUN _003394182 72 15 within within ADP _003394182 72 16 the the DET _003394182 72 17 economic economic ADJ _003394182 72 18 structure structure NOUN _003394182 72 19 of of ADP _003394182 72 20 the the DET _003394182 72 21 world world NOUN _003394182 72 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 72 23 have have AUX _003394182 72 24 done do VERB _003394182 72 25 as as ADV _003394182 72 26 much much ADJ _003394182 72 27 as as ADP _003394182 72 28 anything anything PRON _003394182 72 29 else else ADV _003394182 72 30 to to PART _003394182 72 31 plunge plunge VERB _003394182 72 32 us we PRON _003394182 72 33 into into ADP _003394182 72 34 our our PRON _003394182 72 35 present present ADJ _003394182 72 36 economic economic ADJ _003394182 72 37 disaster disaster NOUN _003394182 72 38 and and CCONJ _003394182 72 39 despair despair NOUN _003394182 72 40 . . PUNCT _003394182 73 1 never never ADV _003394182 73 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 73 3 before before ADP _003394182 73 4 the the DET _003394182 73 5 proclamation proclamation NOUN _003394182 73 6 of of ADP _003394182 73 7 that that DET _003394182 73 8 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 73 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 73 10 had have VERB _003394182 73 11 any any DET _003394182 73 12 authoritative authoritative ADJ _003394182 73 13 voice voice NOUN _003394182 73 14 been be AUX _003394182 73 15 raised raise VERB _003394182 73 16 so so ADV _003394182 73 17 val6 val6 PROPN _003394182 73 18 the the DET _003394182 73 19 christian christian ADJ _003394182 73 20 family family NOUN _003394182 73 21 6 6 NUM _003394182 73 22 iantly iantly ADV _003394182 73 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 73 24 so so ADV _003394182 73 25 fearlessly fearlessly ADV _003394182 73 26 in in ADP _003394182 73 27 defense defense NOUN _003394182 73 28 of of ADP _003394182 73 29 the the DET _003394182 73 30 workingman workingman NOUN _003394182 73 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 74 1 never never ADV _003394182 74 2 had have VERB _003394182 74 3 the the DET _003394182 74 4 principles principle NOUN _003394182 74 5 of of ADP _003394182 74 6 justice justice NOUN _003394182 74 7 as as SCONJ _003394182 74 8 applied apply VERB _003394182 74 9 to to ADP _003394182 74 10 employer employer NOUN _003394182 74 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 74 12 employee employee NOUN _003394182 74 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 74 14 their their PRON _003394182 74 15 mutual mutual ADJ _003394182 74 16 relationships relationship NOUN _003394182 74 17 been be AUX _003394182 74 18 so so ADV _003394182 74 19 clearly clearly ADV _003394182 74 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 74 21 courageously courageously ADV _003394182 74 22 asserted assert VERB _003394182 74 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 75 1 the the DET _003394182 75 2 pope pope PROPN _003394182 75 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 75 4 it it PRON _003394182 75 5 is be AUX _003394182 75 6 true true ADJ _003394182 75 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 75 8 took take VERB _003394182 75 9 the the DET _003394182 75 10 side side NOUN _003394182 75 11 of of ADP _003394182 75 12 labor labor NOUN _003394182 75 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 75 14 but but CCONJ _003394182 75 15 he he PRON _003394182 75 16 did do AUX _003394182 75 17 not not PART _003394182 75 18 take take VERB _003394182 75 19 the the DET _003394182 75 20 side side NOUN _003394182 75 21 of of ADP _003394182 75 22 labor labor NOUN _003394182 75 23 to to ADP _003394182 75 24 the the DET _003394182 75 25 destruction destruction NOUN _003394182 75 26 of of ADP _003394182 75 27 the the DET _003394182 75 28 capitalist capitalist NOUN _003394182 75 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 76 1 he he PRON _003394182 76 2 recognized recognize VERB _003394182 76 3 the the DET _003394182 76 4 duties duty NOUN _003394182 76 5 of of ADP _003394182 76 6 the the DET _003394182 76 7 employer employer NOUN _003394182 76 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 76 9 on on ADP _003394182 76 10 the the DET _003394182 76 11 one one NUM _003394182 76 12 hand hand NOUN _003394182 76 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 76 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 76 15 the the DET _003394182 76 16 co co ADJ _003394182 76 17 - - ADJ _003394182 76 18 existent existent ADJ _003394182 76 19 duties duty NOUN _003394182 76 20 of of ADP _003394182 76 21 the the DET _003394182 76 22 employee employee NOUN _003394182 76 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 76 24 on on ADP _003394182 76 25 the the DET _003394182 76 26 other other ADJ _003394182 76 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 77 1 against against ADP _003394182 77 2 the the DET _003394182 77 3 pernicious pernicious ADJ _003394182 77 4 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _003394182 77 5 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 77 6 doctrine doctrine NOUN _003394182 77 7 which which PRON _003394182 77 8 still still ADV _003394182 77 9 insists insist VERB _003394182 77 10 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 77 11 an an DET _003394182 77 12 inherent inherent ADJ _003394182 77 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 77 14 inevitable inevitable ADJ _003394182 77 15 class class NOUN _003394182 77 16 warfare warfare NOUN _003394182 77 17 between between ADP _003394182 77 18 employer employer NOUN _003394182 77 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 77 20 employee employee NOUN _003394182 77 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 77 22 the the DET _003394182 77 23 august august PROPN _003394182 77 24 pontiff pontiff NOUN _003394182 77 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 77 26 mindful mindful ADJ _003394182 77 27 of of ADP _003394182 77 28 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 77 29 's 's PART _003394182 77 30 divine divine ADJ _003394182 77 31 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 77 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 77 33 end end NOUN _003394182 77 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 77 35 mindful mindful ADJ _003394182 77 36 , , PUNCT _003394182 77 37 too too ADV _003394182 77 38 , , PUNCT _003394182 77 39 of of ADP _003394182 77 40 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 77 41 's 's PART _003394182 77 42 common common ADJ _003394182 77 43 redemption redemption NOUN _003394182 77 44 by by ADP _003394182 77 45 christ christ PROPN _003394182 77 46 , , PUNCT _003394182 77 47 proclaimed proclaim VERB _003394182 77 48 the the DET _003394182 77 49 mutually mutually ADV _003394182 77 50 important important ADJ _003394182 77 51 and and CCONJ _003394182 77 52 complementary complementary ADJ _003394182 77 53 roles role NOUN _003394182 77 54 which which PRON _003394182 77 55 capital capital NOUN _003394182 77 56 and and CCONJ _003394182 77 57 labor labor NOUN _003394182 77 58 must must AUX _003394182 77 59 play play VERB _003394182 77 60 in in ADP _003394182 77 61 the the DET _003394182 77 62 interests interest NOUN _003394182 77 63 of of ADP _003394182 77 64 themselves themselves PRON _003394182 77 65 and and CCONJ _003394182 77 66 of of ADP _003394182 77 67 the the DET _003394182 77 68 body body NOUN _003394182 77 69 politic politic NOUN _003394182 77 70 . . PUNCT _003394182 78 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 78 2 capital capital NOUN _003394182 78 3 can can AUX _003394182 78 4 not not PART _003394182 78 5 do do VERB _003394182 78 6 without without ADP _003394182 78 7 labor labor NOUN _003394182 78 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 78 9 " " PUNCT _003394182 78 10 he he PRON _003394182 78 11 insisted insist VERB _003394182 78 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 78 13 " " PUNCT _003394182 78 14 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 78 15 labor labor NOUN _003394182 78 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 78 17 without without ADP _003394182 78 18 capital capital NOUN _003394182 78 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 78 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 79 1 not not PART _003394182 79 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 79 3 however however ADV _003394182 79 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 79 5 in in ADP _003394182 79 6 the the DET _003394182 79 7 interest interest NOUN _003394182 79 8 of of ADP _003394182 79 9 the the DET _003394182 79 10 working work VERB _003394182 79 11 man man NOUN _003394182 79 12 as as ADP _003394182 79 13 a a DET _003394182 79 14 mere mere ADJ _003394182 79 15 individual individual NOUN _003394182 79 16 were be AUX _003394182 79 17 the the DET _003394182 79 18 great great ADJ _003394182 79 19 truths truth NOUN _003394182 79 20 of of ADP _003394182 79 21 that that DET _003394182 79 22 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 79 23 spread spread VERB _003394182 79 24 like like ADP _003394182 79 25 seeds seed NOUN _003394182 79 26 of of ADP _003394182 79 27 wheat wheat NOUN _003394182 79 28 across across ADP _003394182 79 29 the the DET _003394182 79 30 world world NOUN _003394182 79 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 80 1 the the DET _003394182 80 2 pope pope NOUN _003394182 80 3 envisaged envisage VERB _003394182 80 4 no no DET _003394182 80 5 such such ADJ _003394182 80 6 fiction fiction NOUN _003394182 80 7 as as ADP _003394182 80 8 the the DET _003394182 80 9 absolutely absolutely ADV _003394182 80 10 independent independent ADJ _003394182 80 11 isolated isolated ADJ _003394182 80 12 man man NOUN _003394182 80 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 81 1 the the DET _003394182 81 2 laborer laborer NOUN _003394182 81 3 whose whose DET _003394182 81 4 cause cause NOUN _003394182 81 5 he he PRON _003394182 81 6 pleads plead VERB _003394182 81 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 81 8 the the DET _003394182 81 9 laborer laborer NOUN _003394182 81 10 whose whose DET _003394182 81 11 dignity dignity NOUN _003394182 81 12 he he PRON _003394182 81 13 espouses espouse VERB _003394182 81 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 81 15 the the DET _003394182 81 16 laborer laborer NOUN _003394182 81 17 who who PRON _003394182 81 18 is be AUX _003394182 81 19 worthy worthy ADJ _003394182 81 20 of of ADP _003394182 81 21 a a DET _003394182 81 22 living living NOUN _003394182 81 23 wage wage NOUN _003394182 81 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 81 25 the the DET _003394182 81 26 laborer laborer NOUN _003394182 81 27 who who PRON _003394182 81 28 must must AUX _003394182 81 29 have have VERB _003394182 81 30 freedom freedom NOUN _003394182 81 31 of of ADP _003394182 81 32 union union NOUN _003394182 81 33 with with ADP _003394182 81 34 his his PRON _003394182 81 35 fellow fellow ADJ _003394182 81 36 workers worker NOUN _003394182 81 37 for for ADP _003394182 81 38 their their PRON _003394182 81 39 mutual mutual ADJ _003394182 81 40 assistance assistance NOUN _003394182 81 41 and and CCONJ _003394182 81 42 protection protection NOUN _003394182 81 43 , , PUNCT _003394182 81 44 the the DET _003394182 81 45 laborer laborer NOUN _003394182 81 46 whose whose DET _003394182 81 47 labor labor NOUN _003394182 81 48 must must AUX _003394182 81 49 not not PART _003394182 81 50 be be AUX _003394182 81 51 a a DET _003394182 81 52 chattel chattel NOUN _003394182 81 53 knocked knock VERB _003394182 81 54 down down ADP _003394182 81 55 to to ADP _003394182 81 56 the the DET _003394182 81 57 lowest low ADJ _003394182 81 58 capitalistic capitalistic ADJ _003394182 81 59 bidder bidder NOUN _003394182 81 60 , , PUNCT _003394182 81 61 is be AUX _003394182 81 62 preeminently preeminently ADV _003394182 81 63 the the DET _003394182 81 64 father father NOUN _003394182 81 65 and and CCONJ _003394182 81 66 head head NOUN _003394182 81 67 of of ADP _003394182 81 68 the the DET _003394182 81 69 christian christian ADJ _003394182 81 70 family family NOUN _003394182 81 71 . . PUNCT _003394182 82 1 in in ADP _003394182 82 2 the the DET _003394182 82 3 very very ADJ _003394182 82 4 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 82 5 of of ADP _003394182 82 6 his his PRON _003394182 82 7 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 82 8 pope pope PROPN _003394182 82 9 leo leo PROPN _003394182 82 10 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 82 11 points point VERB _003394182 82 12 out out ADP _003394182 82 13 the the DET _003394182 82 14 priority priority NOUN _003394182 82 15 of of ADP _003394182 82 16 the the DET _003394182 82 17 family family NOUN _003394182 82 18 over over ADP _003394182 82 19 the the DET _003394182 82 20 the the DET _003394182 82 21 christian christian ADJ _003394182 82 22 family family NOUN _003394182 82 23 7 7 NUM _003394182 82 24 state state NOUN _003394182 82 25 in in ADP _003394182 82 26 time time NOUN _003394182 82 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 82 28 nature nature NOUN _003394182 82 29 and and CCONJ _003394182 82 30 dignity dignity NOUN _003394182 82 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 83 1 just just ADV _003394182 83 2 as as ADP _003394182 83 3 man man NOUN _003394182 83 4 's 's PART _003394182 83 5 right right NOUN _003394182 83 6 to to ADP _003394182 83 7 private private ADJ _003394182 83 8 property property NOUN _003394182 83 9 flows flow NOUN _003394182 83 10 from from ADP _003394182 83 11 his his PRON _003394182 83 12 nature nature NOUN _003394182 83 13 as as ADP _003394182 83 14 a a DET _003394182 83 15 human human ADJ _003394182 83 16 being being NOUN _003394182 83 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 83 18 so so ADV _003394182 83 19 man man NOUN _003394182 83 20 's 's PART _003394182 83 21 right right NOUN _003394182 83 22 to to PART _003394182 83 23 live live VERB _003394182 83 24 in in ADP _003394182 83 25 the the DET _003394182 83 26 society society NOUN _003394182 83 27 of of ADP _003394182 83 28 the the DET _003394182 83 29 family family NOUN _003394182 83 30 antedates antedate VERB _003394182 83 31 the the DET _003394182 83 32 existence existence NOUN _003394182 83 33 of of ADP _003394182 83 34 the the DET _003394182 83 35 state state NOUN _003394182 83 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 84 1 inthe inthe ADJ _003394182 84 2 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 84 3 of of ADP _003394182 84 4 the the DET _003394182 84 5 world world NOUN _003394182 84 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 84 7 before before ADP _003394182 84 8 the the DET _003394182 84 9 existence existence NOUN _003394182 84 10 of of ADP _003394182 84 11 the the DET _003394182 84 12 state state NOUN _003394182 84 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 84 14 god god PROPN _003394182 84 15 created create VERB _003394182 84 16 man man NOUN _003394182 84 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 84 18 male male ADJ _003394182 84 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 84 20 female female ADJ _003394182 84 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 85 1 in in ADP _003394182 85 2 the the DET _003394182 85 3 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 85 4 of of ADP _003394182 85 5 history history NOUN _003394182 85 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 85 7 before before SCONJ _003394182 85 8 the the DET _003394182 85 9 slightest slight ADJ _003394182 85 10 trace trace NOUN _003394182 85 11 of of ADP _003394182 85 12 statehood statehood NOUN _003394182 85 13 appears appear VERB _003394182 85 14 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 85 15 its its PRON _003394182 85 16 discolored discolored ADJ _003394182 85 17 pages page NOUN _003394182 85 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 85 19 man man NOUN _003394182 85 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 85 21 woman woman NOUN _003394182 85 22 were be AUX _003394182 85 23 living live VERB _003394182 85 24 in in ADP _003394182 85 25 the the DET _003394182 85 26 society society NOUN _003394182 85 27 of of ADP _003394182 85 28 the the DET _003394182 85 29 family family NOUN _003394182 85 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 86 1 the the DET _003394182 86 2 family family NOUN _003394182 86 3 has have VERB _003394182 86 4 its its PRON _003394182 86 5 reason reason NOUN _003394182 86 6 for for ADP _003394182 86 7 existence existence NOUN _003394182 86 8 independent independent ADJ _003394182 86 9 of of ADP _003394182 86 10 the the DET _003394182 86 11 state state NOUN _003394182 86 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 87 1 the the DET _003394182 87 2 spartan spartan ADJ _003394182 87 3 theory theory NOUN _003394182 87 4 of of ADP _003394182 87 5 ancient ancient ADJ _003394182 87 6 greece greece NOUN _003394182 87 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 87 8 socialistic socialistic ADJ _003394182 87 9 europe europe PROPN _003394182 87 10 is be AUX _003394182 87 11 unhistorical unhistorical ADJ _003394182 87 12 as as ADV _003394182 87 13 well well ADV _003394182 87 14 as as ADP _003394182 87 15 inhuman inhuman PROPN _003394182 87 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 88 1 the the DET _003394182 88 2 family family NOUN _003394182 88 3 has have VERB _003394182 88 4 its its PRON _003394182 88 5 laws law NOUN _003394182 88 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 88 7 duties duty NOUN _003394182 88 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 88 9 its its PRON _003394182 88 10 rights right NOUN _003394182 88 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 88 12 privileges privilege NOUN _003394182 88 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 88 14 apart apart ADV _003394182 88 15 from from ADP _003394182 88 16 any any DET _003394182 88 17 tolerance tolerance NOUN _003394182 88 18 or or CCONJ _003394182 88 19 sufferance sufferance NOUN _003394182 88 20 by by ADP _003394182 88 21 the the DET _003394182 88 22 state state NOUN _003394182 88 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 89 1 into into ADP _003394182 89 2 the the DET _003394182 89 3 precincts precinct NOUN _003394182 89 4 of of ADP _003394182 89 5 the the DET _003394182 89 6 family family NOUN _003394182 89 7 the the DET _003394182 89 8 state state NOUN _003394182 89 9 must must AUX _003394182 89 10 not not PART _003394182 89 11 enter enter VERB _003394182 89 12 by by ADP _003394182 89 13 decree decree NOUN _003394182 89 14 or or CCONJ _003394182 89 15 law law NOUN _003394182 89 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 89 17 save save VERB _003394182 89 18 in in ADP _003394182 89 19 matters matter NOUN _003394182 89 20 that that PRON _003394182 89 21 affect affect VERB _003394182 89 22 the the DET _003394182 89 23 general general ADJ _003394182 89 24 public public ADJ _003394182 89 25 welfare welfare NOUN _003394182 89 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 90 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 90 2 no no DET _003394182 90 3 human human ADJ _003394182 90 4 law law NOUN _003394182 90 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 90 6 " " PUNCT _003394182 90 7 the the DET _003394182 90 8 encyclical encyclical NOUN _003394182 90 9 says say VERB _003394182 90 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 90 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 90 12 can can AUX _003394182 90 13 abolish abolish VERB _003394182 90 14 the the DET _003394182 90 15 natural natural ADJ _003394182 90 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 90 17 primitive primitive ADJ _003394182 90 18 right right NOUN _003394182 90 19 of of ADP _003394182 90 20 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 90 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 90 22 or or CCONJ _003394182 90 23 in in ADP _003394182 90 24 any any DET _003394182 90 25 way way NOUN _003394182 90 26 limit limit VERB _003394182 90 27 the the DET _003394182 90 28 chief chief ADJ _003394182 90 29 and and CCONJ _003394182 90 30 principal principal ADJ _003394182 90 31 purpose purpose NOUN _003394182 90 32 of of ADP _003394182 90 33 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 90 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 90 35 ordained ordain VERB _003394182 90 36 by by ADP _003394182 90 37 god god PROPN _003394182 90 38 's 's PART _003394182 90 39 authority authority NOUN _003394182 90 40 from from ADP _003394182 90 41 the the DET _003394182 90 42 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 90 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 91 1 increase increase VERB _003394182 91 2 cmd cmd NOUN _003394182 91 3 multiply multiply NOUN _003394182 91 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 92 1 thus thus ADV _003394182 92 2 we we PRON _003394182 92 3 have have VERB _003394182 92 4 the the DET _003394182 92 5 family family NOUN _003394182 92 6 : : PUNCT _003394182 92 7 the the DET _003394182 92 8 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 92 9 society society NOUN _003394182 92 10 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 92 11 of of ADP _003394182 92 12 a a DET _003394182 92 13 man man NOUN _003394182 92 14 's 's PART _003394182 92 15 own own ADJ _003394182 92 16 household household NOUN _003394182 92 17 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 92 18 a a DET _003394182 92 19 society society NOUN _003394182 92 20 limited limit VERB _003394182 92 21 indeed indeed ADV _003394182 92 22 in in ADP _003394182 92 23 numbers number NOUN _003394182 92 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 92 25 but but CCONJ _003394182 92 26 a a DET _003394182 92 27 true true ADJ _003394182 92 28 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 92 29 society society NOUN _003394182 92 30 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 92 31 anterior anterior ADJ _003394182 92 32 to to ADP _003394182 92 33 every every DET _003394182 92 34 kind kind NOUN _003394182 92 35 of of ADP _003394182 92 36 state state NOUN _003394182 92 37 or or CCONJ _003394182 92 38 nation nation NOUN _003394182 92 39 , , PUNCT _003394182 92 40 with with ADP _003394182 92 41 rights right NOUN _003394182 92 42 and and CCONJ _003394182 92 43 duties duty NOUN _003394182 92 44 of of ADP _003394182 92 45 its its PRON _003394182 92 46 own own ADJ _003394182 92 47 , , PUNCT _003394182 92 48 totally totally ADV _003394182 92 49 independent independent ADJ _003394182 92 50 of of ADP _003394182 92 51 the the DET _003394182 92 52 commonwealth commonwealth NOUN _003394182 92 53 . . PUNCT _003394182 92 54 " " PUNCT _003394182 93 1 the the DET _003394182 93 2 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 93 3 of of ADP _003394182 93 4 the the DET _003394182 93 5 family family NOUN _003394182 93 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 93 7 according accord VERB _003394182 93 8 to to ADP _003394182 93 9 the the DET _003394182 93 10 encyclical encyclical NOUN _003394182 93 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 93 12 is be AUX _003394182 93 13 of of ADP _003394182 93 14 the the DET _003394182 93 15 greatest great ADJ _003394182 93 16 importance importance NOUN _003394182 93 17 to to ADP _003394182 93 18 the the DET _003394182 93 19 peace peace NOUN _003394182 93 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 93 21 securiy securiy NOUN _003394182 93 22 of of ADP _003394182 93 23 the the DET _003394182 93 24 state state NOUN _003394182 93 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 93 26 society society NOUN _003394182 93 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 93 28 as as ADP _003394182 93 29 a a DET _003394182 93 30 whole whole NOUN _003394182 93 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 94 1 the the DET _003394182 94 2 invention invention NOUN _003394182 94 3 of of ADP _003394182 94 4 machinery machinery NOUN _003394182 94 5 has have AUX _003394182 94 6 worked work VERB _003394182 94 7 a a DET _003394182 94 8 wholesale wholesale ADJ _003394182 94 9 revolution revolution NOUN _003394182 94 10 in in ADP _003394182 94 11 that that DET _003394182 94 12 concept concept NOUN _003394182 94 13 of of ADP _003394182 94 14 labor labor NOUN _003394182 94 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 94 16 in in ADP _003394182 94 17 that that DET _003394182 94 18 concept concept NOUN _003394182 94 19 of of ADP _003394182 94 20 the the DET _003394182 94 21 family family NOUN _003394182 94 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 94 23 which which PRON _003394182 94 24 prevailed prevail VERB _003394182 94 25 before before SCONJ _003394182 94 26 our our PRON _003394182 94 27 modern modern ADJ _003394182 94 28 factories factory NOUN _003394182 94 29 stained stain VERB _003394182 94 30 the the DET _003394182 94 31 bluish bluish ADJ _003394182 94 32 firmament firmament NOUN _003394182 94 33 8 8 NUM _003394182 94 34 the the DET _003394182 94 35 christian christian ADJ _003394182 94 36 family family NOUN _003394182 94 37 8 8 NUM _003394182 94 38 above above ADP _003394182 94 39 us we PRON _003394182 94 40 with with ADP _003394182 94 41 their their PRON _003394182 94 42 threatening threaten VERB _003394182 94 43 flame flame NOUN _003394182 94 44 and and CCONJ _003394182 94 45 smoke smoke NOUN _003394182 94 46 . . PUNCT _003394182 95 1 prior prior ADV _003394182 95 2 to to ADP _003394182 95 3 the the DET _003394182 95 4 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 95 5 century century NOUN _003394182 95 6 apprenticeship apprenticeship NOUN _003394182 95 7 was be AUX _003394182 95 8 a a DET _003394182 95 9 noble noble ADJ _003394182 95 10 preparation preparation NOUN _003394182 95 11 for for ADP _003394182 95 12 the the DET _003394182 95 13 nobler nobler NOUN _003394182 95 14 position position NOUN _003394182 95 15 of of ADP _003394182 95 16 master master PROPN _003394182 95 17 workman workman PROPN _003394182 95 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 96 1 the the DET _003394182 96 2 union union NOUN _003394182 96 3 of of ADP _003394182 96 4 working work VERB _003394182 96 5 men man NOUN _003394182 96 6 in in ADP _003394182 96 7 guilds guild NOUN _003394182 96 8 had have VERB _003394182 96 9 for for ADP _003394182 96 10 its its PRON _003394182 96 11 purpose purpose NOUN _003394182 96 12 better well ADV _003394182 96 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 96 14 more more ADV _003394182 96 15 artistic artistic ADJ _003394182 96 16 production production NOUN _003394182 96 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 96 18 as as ADV _003394182 96 19 well well ADV _003394182 96 20 as as ADP _003394182 96 21 mutual mutual ADJ _003394182 96 22 protection protection NOUN _003394182 96 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 96 24 assistance assistance NOUN _003394182 96 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 97 1 most most ADV _003394182 97 2 important important ADJ _003394182 97 3 of of ADP _003394182 97 4 all all PRON _003394182 97 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 97 6 each each DET _003394182 97 7 guild guild NOUN _003394182 97 8 was be AUX _003394182 97 9 permeated permeate VERB _003394182 97 10 by by ADP _003394182 97 11 the the DET _003394182 97 12 principles principle NOUN _003394182 97 13 of of ADP _003394182 97 14 the the DET _003394182 97 15 christian christian ADJ _003394182 97 16 religion religion NOUN _003394182 97 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 97 18 the the DET _003394182 97 19 only only ADJ _003394182 97 20 guarantee guarantee NOUN _003394182 97 21 that that SCONJ _003394182 97 22 society society NOUN _003394182 97 23 has have VERB _003394182 97 24 against against ADP _003394182 97 25 the the DET _003394182 97 26 excesses excess NOUN _003394182 97 27 of of ADP _003394182 97 28 labor labor NOUN _003394182 97 29 on on ADP _003394182 97 30 the the DET _003394182 97 31 one one NUM _003394182 97 32 hand hand NOUN _003394182 97 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 97 34 the the DET _003394182 97 35 excesses excess NOUN _003394182 97 36 of of ADP _003394182 97 37 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394182 97 38 on on ADP _003394182 97 39 the the DET _003394182 97 40 other other ADJ _003394182 97 41 . . PUNCT _003394182 98 1 in in ADP _003394182 98 2 the the DET _003394182 98 3 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 98 4 of of ADP _003394182 98 5 the the DET _003394182 98 6 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 98 7 century century NOUN _003394182 98 8 machinery machinery NOUN _003394182 98 9 increased increase VERB _003394182 98 10 the the DET _003394182 98 11 number number NOUN _003394182 98 12 of of ADP _003394182 98 13 idle idle ADJ _003394182 98 14 laborers laborer NOUN _003394182 98 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 99 1 labor labor NOUN _003394182 99 2 became become VERB _003394182 99 3 a a DET _003394182 99 4 drug drug NOUN _003394182 99 5 on on ADP _003394182 99 6 the the DET _003394182 99 7 market market NOUN _003394182 99 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 100 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 100 2 men man NOUN _003394182 100 3 struggle struggle VERB _003394182 100 4 to to PART _003394182 100 5 secure secure VERB _003394182 100 6 work work NOUN _003394182 100 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 100 8 when when SCONJ _003394182 100 9 they they PRON _003394182 100 10 stand stand VERB _003394182 100 11 in in ADP _003394182 100 12 the the DET _003394182 100 13 market market NOUN _003394182 100 14 place place NOUN _003394182 100 15 all all DET _003394182 100 16 the the DET _003394182 100 17 day day NOUN _003394182 100 18 idle idle NOUN _003394182 100 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 100 20 labor labor NOUN _003394182 100 21 itself itself PRON _003394182 100 22 experiences experience VERB _003394182 100 23 a a DET _003394182 100 24 dangerous dangerous ADJ _003394182 100 25 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 100 26 division division NOUN _003394182 100 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 101 1 the the DET _003394182 101 2 hands hand NOUN _003394182 101 3 of of ADP _003394182 101 4 the the DET _003394182 101 5 laborers laborer NOUN _003394182 101 6 are be AUX _003394182 101 7 raised raise VERB _003394182 101 8 against against ADP _003394182 101 9 one one NUM _003394182 101 10 another another DET _003394182 101 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 102 1 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394182 102 2 profits profit NOUN _003394182 102 3 by by ADP _003394182 102 4 the the DET _003394182 102 5 struggle struggle NOUN _003394182 102 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 103 1 fortified fortify VERB _003394182 103 2 by by ADP _003394182 103 3 the the DET _003394182 103 4 specious specious ADJ _003394182 103 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 103 6 pagan pagan ADJ _003394182 103 7 philosophy philosophy NOUN _003394182 103 8 of of ADP _003394182 103 9 freedom freedom NOUN _003394182 103 10 of of ADP _003394182 103 11 contract contract NOUN _003394182 103 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 103 13 the the DET _003394182 103 14 capitalist capitalist NOUN _003394182 103 15 was be AUX _003394182 103 16 able able ADJ _003394182 103 17 to to PART _003394182 103 18 hire hire VERB _003394182 103 19 labor labor NOUN _003394182 103 20 at at ADP _003394182 103 21 the the DET _003394182 103 22 lowest low ADJ _003394182 103 23 possible possible ADJ _003394182 103 24 contract contract NOUN _003394182 103 25 price price NOUN _003394182 103 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 104 1 women woman NOUN _003394182 104 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 104 3 children child NOUN _003394182 104 4 were be AUX _003394182 104 5 thereby thereby ADV _003394182 104 6 forced force VERB _003394182 104 7 to to PART _003394182 104 8 enter enter VERB _003394182 104 9 the the DET _003394182 104 10 labor labor NOUN _003394182 104 11 market market NOUN _003394182 104 12 with with ADP _003394182 104 13 the the DET _003394182 104 14 consequent consequent ADJ _003394182 104 15 disruption disruption NOUN _003394182 104 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 104 17 deterioration deterioration NOUN _003394182 104 18 of of ADP _003394182 104 19 the the DET _003394182 104 20 home home NOUN _003394182 104 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 105 1 nothing nothing PRON _003394182 105 2 has have AUX _003394182 105 3 so so ADV _003394182 105 4 damaged damage VERB _003394182 105 5 the the DET _003394182 105 6 status status NOUN _003394182 105 7 of of ADP _003394182 105 8 the the DET _003394182 105 9 christian christian ADJ _003394182 105 10 family family NOUN _003394182 105 11 within within ADP _003394182 105 12 the the DET _003394182 105 13 past past ADJ _003394182 105 14 one one NUM _003394182 105 15 hundred hundred NUM _003394182 105 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 105 17 fifty fifty NUM _003394182 105 18 years year NOUN _003394182 105 19 as as ADP _003394182 105 20 the the DET _003394182 105 21 advent advent NOUN _003394182 105 22 of of ADP _003394182 105 23 our our PRON _003394182 105 24 newer new ADJ _003394182 105 25 machine machine NOUN _003394182 105 26 - - PUNCT _003394182 105 27 made make VERB _003394182 105 28 industrialism industrialism NOUN _003394182 105 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 106 1 had have VERB _003394182 106 2 the the DET _003394182 106 3 contract contract NOUN _003394182 106 4 between between ADP _003394182 106 5 labor labor NOUN _003394182 106 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 106 7 capital capital NOUN _003394182 106 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 106 9 at at ADP _003394182 106 10 the the DET _003394182 106 11 outset outset NOUN _003394182 106 12 of of ADP _003394182 106 13 the the DET _003394182 106 14 indusrial indusrial ADJ _003394182 106 15 revolution revolution NOUN _003394182 106 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 106 17 taken take VERB _003394182 106 18 into into ADP _003394182 106 19 consideration consideration NOUN _003394182 106 20 thenecessary thenecessary ADJ _003394182 106 21 cost cost NOUN _003394182 106 22 of of ADP _003394182 106 23 supporting support VERB _003394182 106 24 a a DET _003394182 106 25 family family NOUN _003394182 106 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 106 27 fewer few ADJ _003394182 106 28 mothers mother NOUN _003394182 106 29 would would AUX _003394182 106 30 have have AUX _003394182 106 31 grown grow VERB _003394182 106 32 prematurely prematurely ADV _003394182 106 33 old old ADJ _003394182 106 34 in in ADP _003394182 106 35 the the DET _003394182 106 36 factories factory NOUN _003394182 106 37 , , PUNCT _003394182 106 38 and and CCONJ _003394182 106 39 fewer few ADJ _003394182 106 40 children child NOUN _003394182 106 41 would would AUX _003394182 106 42 have have AUX _003394182 106 43 fallen fall VERB _003394182 106 44 by by ADP _003394182 106 45 their their PRON _003394182 106 46 .sides .side NOUN _003394182 106 47 , , PUNCT _003394182 106 48 mangled mangle VERB _003394182 106 49 in in ADP _003394182 106 50 body body NOUN _003394182 106 51 and and CCONJ _003394182 106 52 maimed maim VERB _003394182 106 53 in in ADP _003394182 106 54 mind mind NOUN _003394182 106 55 . . PUNCT _003394182 107 1 against against ADP _003394182 107 2 such such ADJ _003394182 107 3 disruption disruption NOUN _003394182 107 4 of of ADP _003394182 107 5 family family NOUN _003394182 107 6 life life NOUN _003394182 107 7 the the DET _003394182 107 8 enthe enthe ADJ _003394182 107 9 christian christian ADJ _003394182 107 10 family family NOUN _003394182 107 11 9 9 NUM _003394182 107 12 cyclical cyclical ADJ _003394182 107 13 of of ADP _003394182 107 14 pope pope PROPN _003394182 107 15 leo leo PROPN _003394182 107 16 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 107 17 shines shine VERB _003394182 107 18 forth forth ADP _003394182 107 19 like like ADP _003394182 107 20 a a DET _003394182 107 21 life life NOUN _003394182 107 22 buoy buoy NOUN _003394182 107 23 off off ADP _003394182 107 24 the the DET _003394182 107 25 reefs reef NOUN _003394182 107 26 at at ADP _003394182 107 27 sea sea NOUN _003394182 107 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 108 1 it it PRON _003394182 108 2 is be AUX _003394182 108 3 to to ADP _003394182 108 4 the the DET _003394182 108 5 interest interest NOUN _003394182 108 6 of of ADP _003394182 108 7 the the DET _003394182 108 8 public public NOUN _003394182 108 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 108 10 he he PRON _003394182 108 11 says say VERB _003394182 108 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 108 13 " " PUNCT _003394182 108 14 that that DET _003394182 108 15 family family NOUN _003394182 108 16 life life NOUN _003394182 108 17 should should AUX _003394182 108 18 be be AUX _003394182 108 19 carried carry VERB _003394182 108 20 out out ADP _003394182 108 21 in in ADP _003394182 108 22 accordance accordance NOUN _003394182 108 23 with with ADP _003394182 108 24 god god PROPN _003394182 108 25 's 's PART _003394182 108 26 laws law NOUN _003394182 108 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 108 28 those those PRON _003394182 108 29 of of ADP _003394182 108 30 nature nature NOUN _003394182 108 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 108 32 " " PUNCT _003394182 109 1 against against ADP _003394182 109 2 the the DET _003394182 109 3 same same ADJ _003394182 109 4 disruption disruption NOUN _003394182 109 5 of of ADP _003394182 109 6 family family NOUN _003394182 109 7 life life NOUN _003394182 109 8 the the DET _003394182 109 9 commemorative commemorative ADJ _003394182 109 10 encyclical encyclical NOUN _003394182 109 11 of of ADP _003394182 109 12 pope pope PROPN _003394182 109 13 pius pius PROPN _003394182 109 14 xi xi PROPN _003394182 109 15 directed direct VERB _003394182 109 16 its its PRON _003394182 109 17 most most ADV _003394182 109 18 forceful forceful ADJ _003394182 109 19 condemnation condemnation NOUN _003394182 109 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 110 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 111 1 i i PRON _003394182 111 2 n n VERB _003394182 111 3 t t NOUN _003394182 111 4 o o X _003394182 111 5 l l X _003394182 111 6 e e X _003394182 111 7 r r NOUN _003394182 111 8 able able ADJ _003394182 111 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 111 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 111 11 to to PART _003394182 111 12 be be AUX _003394182 111 13 opposed oppose VERB _003394182 111 14 with with ADP _003394182 111 15 all all PRON _003394182 111 16 our our PRON _003394182 111 17 strength strength NOUN _003394182 111 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 111 19 " " PUNCT _003394182 111 20 pope pope PROPN _003394182 111 21 pius pius PROPN _003394182 111 22 xi xi PROPN _003394182 111 23 writes write VERB _003394182 111 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 111 25 " " PUNCT _003394182 111 26 is be AUX _003394182 111 27 the the DET _003394182 111 28 abuse abuse NOUN _003394182 112 1 whereby whereby SCONJ _003394182 112 2 mothers mother NOUN _003394182 112 3 of of ADP _003394182 112 4 families family NOUN _003394182 112 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 112 6 because because SCONJ _003394182 112 7 of of ADP _003394182 112 8 the the DET _003394182 112 9 insufficiency insufficiency NOUN _003394182 112 10 of of ADP _003394182 112 11 the the DET _003394182 112 12 father father NOUN _003394182 112 13 's 's PART _003394182 112 14 salary salary NOUN _003394182 112 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 112 16 are be AUX _003394182 112 17 forced force VERB _003394182 112 18 to to PART _003394182 112 19 engage engage VERB _003394182 112 20 in in ADP _003394182 112 21 gainful gainful ADJ _003394182 112 22 occupations occupation NOUN _003394182 112 23 outside outside ADP _003394182 112 24 the the DET _003394182 112 25 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 112 26 walls wall NOUN _003394182 112 27 to to ADP _003394182 112 28 the the DET _003394182 112 29 neglect neglect NOUN _003394182 112 30 of of ADP _003394182 112 31 their their PRON _003394182 112 32 own own ADJ _003394182 112 33 proper proper ADJ _003394182 112 34 care care NOUN _003394182 112 35 and and CCONJ _003394182 112 36 duties duty NOUN _003394182 112 37 , , PUNCT _003394182 112 38 particularly particularly ADV _003394182 112 39 the the DET _003394182 112 40 education education NOUN _003394182 112 41 of of ADP _003394182 112 42 their their PRON _003394182 112 43 children child NOUN _003394182 112 44 . . PUNCT _003394182 112 45 " " PUNCT _003394182 113 1 the the DET _003394182 113 2 gruesomeness gruesomeness NOUN _003394182 113 3 of of ADP _003394182 113 4 the the DET _003394182 113 5 picture picture NOUN _003394182 113 6 of of ADP _003394182 113 7 women woman NOUN _003394182 113 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 113 9 children child NOUN _003394182 113 10 torn tear VERB _003394182 113 11 from from ADP _003394182 113 12 the the DET _003394182 113 13 sanctuary sanctuary NOUN _003394182 113 14 of of ADP _003394182 113 15 the the DET _003394182 113 16 family family NOUN _003394182 113 17 to to PART _003394182 113 18 become become VERB _003394182 113 19 so so ADV _003394182 113 20 many many ADJ _003394182 113 21 purchasable purchasable ADJ _003394182 113 22 units unit NOUN _003394182 113 23 in in ADP _003394182 113 24 the the DET _003394182 113 25 market market NOUN _003394182 113 26 of of ADP _003394182 113 27 industry industry NOUN _003394182 113 28 , , PUNCT _003394182 113 29 has have AUX _003394182 113 30 been be AUX _003394182 113 31 ameliorated ameliorate VERB _003394182 113 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 113 33 modified modify VERB _003394182 113 34 by by ADP _003394182 113 35 social social ADJ _003394182 113 36 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 113 37 enacted enact VERB _003394182 113 38 in in ADP _003394182 113 39 most most ADV _003394182 113 40 civilized civilized ADJ _003394182 113 41 countries country NOUN _003394182 113 42 during during ADP _003394182 113 43 the the DET _003394182 113 44 last last ADJ _003394182 113 45 decade decade NOUN _003394182 113 46 or or CCONJ _003394182 113 47 two two NUM _003394182 113 48 of of ADP _003394182 113 49 the the DET _003394182 113 50 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 113 51 century century NOUN _003394182 113 52 . . PUNCT _003394182 114 1 the the DET _003394182 114 2 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 114 3 on on ADP _003394182 114 4 the the DET _003394182 114 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 114 6 condition condition NOUN _003394182 114 7 of of ADP _003394182 114 8 labor labor NOUN _003394182 114 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 114 10 " " PUNCT _003394182 114 11 demands demand VERB _003394182 114 12 much much ADV _003394182 114 13 more more ADJ _003394182 114 14 than than ADP _003394182 114 15 alleviation alleviation NOUN _003394182 114 16 by by ADP _003394182 114 17 modern modern ADJ _003394182 114 18 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 114 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 115 1 child child NOUN _003394182 115 2 labor labor NOUN _003394182 115 3 and and CCONJ _003394182 115 4 female female ADJ _003394182 115 5 labor labor NOUN _003394182 115 6 must must AUX _003394182 115 7 be be AUX _003394182 115 8 repudiated repudiate VERB _003394182 115 9 in in ADP _003394182 115 10 the the DET _003394182 115 11 larger large ADJ _003394182 115 12 interest interest NOUN _003394182 115 13 of of ADP _003394182 115 14 the the DET _003394182 115 15 home home NOUN _003394182 115 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 115 17 society society NOUN _003394182 115 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 116 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 116 2 women woman NOUN _003394182 116 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 116 4 " " PUNCT _003394182 116 5 it it PRON _003394182 116 6 asserts assert VERB _003394182 116 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 116 8 " " PUNCT _003394182 116 9 are be AUX _003394182 116 10 not not PART _003394182 116 11 suited suit VERB _003394182 116 12 to to ADP _003394182 116 13 certain certain ADJ _003394182 116 14 trades trade NOUN _003394182 116 15 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 116 16 for for SCONJ _003394182 116 17 a a DET _003394182 116 18 woman woman NOUN _003394182 116 19 is be AUX _003394182 116 20 by by ADP _003394182 116 21 nature nature NOUN _003394182 116 22 fitted fit VERB _003394182 116 23 for for ADP _003394182 116 24 home home NOUN _003394182 116 25 work work NOUN _003394182 116 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 116 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 116 28 it it PRON _003394182 116 29 is be AUX _003394182 116 30 that that PRON _003394182 116 31 which which PRON _003394182 116 32 is be AUX _003394182 116 33 best well ADV _003394182 116 34 adapted adapt VERB _003394182 116 35 at at ADP _003394182 116 36 once once ADV _003394182 116 37 to to PART _003394182 116 38 preserve preserve VERB _003394182 116 39 her her PRON _003394182 116 40 modesty modesty NOUN _003394182 116 41 , , PUNCT _003394182 116 42 and and CCONJ _003394182 116 43 to to PART _003394182 116 44 promote promote VERB _003394182 116 45 the the DET _003394182 116 46 good good ADJ _003394182 116 47 bringing bringing NOUN _003394182 116 48 up up ADP _003394182 116 49 of of ADP _003394182 116 50 children child NOUN _003394182 116 51 and and CCONJ _003394182 116 52 the the DET _003394182 116 53 well well NOUN _003394182 116 54 - - PUNCT _003394182 116 55 being being NOUN _003394182 116 56 of of ADP _003394182 116 57 the the DET _003394182 116 58 family family NOUN _003394182 116 59 . . PUNCT _003394182 116 60 " " PUNCT _003394182 117 1 the the DET _003394182 117 2 payment payment NOUN _003394182 117 3 of of ADP _003394182 117 4 a a DET _003394182 117 5 living living NOUN _003394182 117 6 wage wage NOUN _003394182 117 7 alone alone ADV _003394182 117 8 can can AUX _003394182 117 9 keep keep VERB _003394182 117 10 the the DET _003394182 117 11 christian christian ADJ _003394182 117 12 family family NOUN _003394182 117 13 intact intact ADJ _003394182 117 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 118 1 a a DET _003394182 118 2 living living NOUN _003394182 118 3 wage wage NOUN _003394182 118 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 118 5 in in ADP _003394182 118 6 the the DET _003394182 118 7 definition definition NOUN _003394182 118 8 of of ADP _003394182 118 9 pope pope PROPN _003394182 118 10 leo leo PROPN _003394182 118 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 118 12 is be AUX _003394182 118 13 one one NUM _003394182 118 14 that that PRON _003394182 118 15 enables enable VERB _003394182 118 16 the the DET _003394182 118 17 workman workman NOUN _003394182 118 18 " " PUNCT _003394182 118 19 to to PART _003394182 118 20 maintain maintain VERB _003394182 118 21 himself himself PRON _003394182 118 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 118 23 his his PRON _003394182 118 24 wife wife NOUN _003394182 118 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 118 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 118 27 his his PRON _003394182 118 28 children child NOUN _003394182 118 29 in in ADP _003394182 118 30 10 10 NUM _003394182 118 31 the the DET _003394182 118 32 christian christian ADJ _003394182 118 33 family family NOUN _003394182 118 34 10 10 NUM _003394182 118 35 reasonable reasonable ADJ _003394182 118 36 comfort comfort NOUN _003394182 118 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 118 38 " " PUNCT _003394182 119 1 a a DET _003394182 119 2 living living NOUN _003394182 119 3 wage wage NOUN _003394182 119 4 is be AUX _003394182 119 5 one one NUM _003394182 119 6 that that PRON _003394182 119 7 allows allow VERB _003394182 119 8 some some DET _003394182 119 9 small small ADJ _003394182 119 10 surplus surplus NOUN _003394182 119 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 119 12 after after SCONJ _003394182 119 13 the the DET _003394182 119 14 necessary necessary ADJ _003394182 119 15 expenses expense NOUN _003394182 119 16 of of ADP _003394182 119 17 the the DET _003394182 119 18 family family NOUN _003394182 119 19 are be AUX _003394182 119 20 defrayed defray VERB _003394182 119 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 119 22 to to PART _003394182 119 23 be be AUX _003394182 119 24 set set VERB _003394182 119 25 aside aside ADV _003394182 119 26 for for ADP _003394182 119 27 the the DET _003394182 119 28 sudden sudden ADJ _003394182 119 29 vicissitudes vicissitude NOUN _003394182 119 30 of of ADP _003394182 119 31 life life NOUN _003394182 119 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 119 33 for for ADP _003394182 119 34 protection protection NOUN _003394182 119 35 against against ADP _003394182 119 36 the the DET _003394182 119 37 disabilities disability NOUN _003394182 119 38 of of ADP _003394182 119 39 sickness sickness NOUN _003394182 119 40 and and CCONJ _003394182 119 41 old old ADJ _003394182 119 42 age age NOUN _003394182 119 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 120 1 it it PRON _003394182 120 2 is be AUX _003394182 120 3 the the DET _003394182 120 4 family family NOUN _003394182 120 5 which which PRON _003394182 120 6 regulates regulate VERB _003394182 120 7 the the DET _003394182 120 8 amount amount NOUN _003394182 120 9 of of ADP _003394182 120 10 a a DET _003394182 120 11 living living NOUN _003394182 120 12 wage wage NOUN _003394182 120 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 120 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 120 15 not not PART _003394182 120 16 the the DET _003394182 120 17 wage wage NOUN _003394182 120 18 which which PRON _003394182 120 19 regulates regulate VERB _003394182 120 20 the the DET _003394182 120 21 number number NOUN _003394182 120 22 of of ADP _003394182 120 23 a a DET _003394182 120 24 living live VERB _003394182 120 25 family family NOUN _003394182 120 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 121 1 the the DET _003394182 121 2 wage wage NOUN _003394182 121 3 that that PRON _003394182 121 4 prevents prevent VERB _003394182 121 5 the the DET _003394182 121 6 working work VERB _003394182 121 7 man man NOUN _003394182 121 8 from from ADP _003394182 121 9 maintaining maintain VERB _003394182 121 10 his his PRON _003394182 121 11 family family NOUN _003394182 121 12 in in ADP _003394182 121 13 decency decency NOUN _003394182 121 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 121 15 proportionate proportionate VERB _003394182 121 16 comfort comfort NOUN _003394182 121 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 121 18 the the DET _003394182 121 19 wage wage NOUN _003394182 121 20 that that PRON _003394182 121 21 necessitates necessitate VERB _003394182 121 22 the the DET _003394182 121 23 presence presence NOUN _003394182 121 24 of of ADP _003394182 121 25 the the DET _003394182 121 26 wife wife NOUN _003394182 121 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 121 28 children child NOUN _003394182 121 29 in in ADP _003394182 121 30 the the DET _003394182 121 31 labor labor NOUN _003394182 121 32 market market NOUN _003394182 121 33 , , PUNCT _003394182 121 34 is be AUX _003394182 121 35 not not PART _003394182 121 36 a a DET _003394182 121 37 living living NOUN _003394182 121 38 wage wage NOUN _003394182 121 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 122 1 i i PRON _003394182 122 2 t t NOUN _003394182 122 3 is be AUX _003394182 122 4 a a DET _003394182 122 5 homicidal homicidal NOUN _003394182 122 6 wage wage NOUN _003394182 122 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 122 8 with with ADP _003394182 122 9 the the DET _003394182 122 10 family family NOUN _003394182 122 11 as as ADP _003394182 122 12 its its PRON _003394182 122 13 wholesale wholesale ADJ _003394182 122 14 victim victim NOUN _003394182 122 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 123 1 the the DET _003394182 123 2 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 123 3 on on ADP _003394182 123 4 the the DET _003394182 123 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 123 6 condition condition NOUN _003394182 123 7 of of ADP _003394182 123 8 labor labor NOUN _003394182 123 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 123 10 " " PUNCT _003394182 123 11 which which PRON _003394182 123 12 we we PRON _003394182 123 13 commemorate commemorate VERB _003394182 123 14 today today NOUN _003394182 123 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 123 16 is be AUX _003394182 123 17 not not PART _003394182 123 18 then then ADV _003394182 123 19 a a DET _003394182 123 20 mere mere ADJ _003394182 123 21 charter charter NOUN _003394182 123 22 of of ADP _003394182 123 23 the the DET _003394182 123 24 isolated isolated ADJ _003394182 123 25 workingman workingman NOUN _003394182 123 26 's 's PART _003394182 123 27 right right NOUN _003394182 123 28 to to ADP _003394182 123 29 justice justice NOUN _003394182 123 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 124 1 it it PRON _003394182 124 2 is be AUX _003394182 124 3 all all PRON _003394182 124 4 of of ADP _003394182 124 5 that that PRON _003394182 124 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 124 7 more more ADJ _003394182 124 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 125 1 by by ADP _003394182 125 2 its its PRON _003394182 125 3 insistence insistence NOUN _003394182 125 4 on on ADP _003394182 125 5 the the DET _003394182 125 6 priority priority NOUN _003394182 125 7 of of ADP _003394182 125 8 the the DET _003394182 125 9 family family NOUN _003394182 125 10 over over ADP _003394182 125 11 the the DET _003394182 125 12 state state NOUN _003394182 125 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 125 14 the the DET _003394182 125 15 welfare welfare NOUN _003394182 125 16 of of ADP _003394182 125 17 the the DET _003394182 125 18 family family NOUN _003394182 125 19 as as ADP _003394182 125 20 the the DET _003394182 125 21 highest high ADJ _003394182 125 22 good good NOUN _003394182 125 23 of of ADP _003394182 125 24 the the DET _003394182 125 25 state state NOUN _003394182 125 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 125 27 the the DET _003394182 125 28 maintenance maintenance NOUN _003394182 125 29 of of ADP _003394182 125 30 the the DET _003394182 125 31 family family NOUN _003394182 125 32 as as ADP _003394182 125 33 the the DET _003394182 125 34 first first ADJ _003394182 125 35 duty duty NOUN _003394182 125 36 of of ADP _003394182 125 37 human human ADJ _003394182 125 38 toil toil NOUN _003394182 125 39 , , PUNCT _003394182 125 40 the the DET _003394182 125 41 encyclical encyclical NOUN _003394182 125 42 is be AUX _003394182 125 43 eloquent eloquent ADJ _003394182 125 44 with with ADP _003394182 125 45 the the DET _003394182 125 46 church church NOUN _003394182 125 47 's 's PART _003394182 125 48 universal universal ADJ _003394182 125 49 and and CCONJ _003394182 125 50 constant constant ADJ _003394182 125 51 interest interest NOUN _003394182 125 52 in in ADP _003394182 125 53 the the DET _003394182 125 54 primary primary ADJ _003394182 125 55 unit unit NOUN _003394182 125 56 of of ADP _003394182 125 57 all all DET _003394182 125 58 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 125 59 . . PUNCT _003394182 126 1 to to ADP _003394182 126 2 d d PROPN _003394182 126 3 r r NOUN _003394182 126 4 i i PRON _003394182 126 5 f f PROPN _003394182 126 6 t t PROPN _003394182 126 7 away away ADV _003394182 126 8 from from ADP _003394182 126 9 the the DET _003394182 126 10 concept concept NOUN _003394182 126 11 of of ADP _003394182 126 12 the the DET _003394182 126 13 family family NOUN _003394182 126 14 as as SCONJ _003394182 126 15 developed develop VERB _003394182 126 16 by by ADP _003394182 126 17 the the DET _003394182 126 18 encyclical encyclical NOUN _003394182 126 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 126 20 to to PART _003394182 126 21 refuse refuse VERB _003394182 126 22 to to PART _003394182 126 23 take take VERB _003394182 126 24 the the DET _003394182 126 25 family family NOUN _003394182 126 26 as as ADP _003394182 126 27 the the DET _003394182 126 28 basis basis NOUN _003394182 126 29 of of ADP _003394182 126 30 the the DET _003394182 126 31 distribution distribution NOUN _003394182 126 32 of of ADP _003394182 126 33 the the DET _003394182 126 34 f f X _003394182 126 35 r r NOUN _003394182 126 36 u u NOUN _003394182 126 37 i i PRON _003394182 126 38 t t PROPN _003394182 126 39 s s PART _003394182 126 40 of of ADP _003394182 126 41 labor labor NOUN _003394182 126 42 , , PUNCT _003394182 126 43 is be AUX _003394182 126 44 to to PART _003394182 126 45 deny deny VERB _003394182 126 46 the the DET _003394182 126 47 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 126 48 and and CCONJ _003394182 126 49 letter letter NOUN _003394182 126 50 of of ADP _003394182 126 51 the the DET _003394182 126 52 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 126 53 , , PUNCT _003394182 126 54 just just ADV _003394182 126 55 as as ADV _003394182 126 56 much much ADV _003394182 126 57 as as SCONJ _003394182 126 58 to to PART _003394182 126 59 insist insist VERB _003394182 126 60 on on ADP _003394182 126 61 the the DET _003394182 126 62 inevitability inevitability NOUN _003394182 126 63 of of ADP _003394182 126 64 class class NOUN _003394182 126 65 w w ADP _003394182 126 66 a a DET _003394182 126 67 r r NOUN _003394182 126 68 f f X _003394182 126 69 a a DET _003394182 126 70 r r NOUN _003394182 126 71 e e NOUN _003394182 126 72 between between ADP _003394182 126 73 capital capital NOUN _003394182 126 74 and and CCONJ _003394182 126 75 labor labor NOUN _003394182 126 76 . . PUNCT _003394182 127 1 in in ADP _003394182 127 2 the the DET _003394182 127 3 encyclical encyclical NOUN _003394182 127 4 of of ADP _003394182 127 5 leo leo PROPN _003394182 127 6 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 127 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 127 8 the the DET _003394182 127 9 church church NOUN _003394182 127 10 stands stand VERB _003394182 127 11 out out ADP _003394182 127 12 against against ADP _003394182 127 13 the the DET _003394182 127 14 tyrannical tyrannical ADJ _003394182 127 15 state state NOUN _003394182 127 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 127 17 against against ADP _003394182 127 18 the the DET _003394182 127 19 tyrannical tyrannical ADJ _003394182 127 20 industrialist industrialist NOUN _003394182 127 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 127 22 as as ADP _003394182 127 23 the the DET _003394182 127 24 greatest great ADJ _003394182 127 25 defender defender NOUN _003394182 127 26 of of ADP _003394182 127 27 the the DET _003394182 127 28 family family NOUN _003394182 127 29 known know VERB _003394182 127 30 to to ADP _003394182 127 31 man man NOUN _003394182 127 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 128 1 the the DET _003394182 128 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 128 3 family family PROPN _003394182 128 4 11 11 NUM _003394182 128 5 the the DET _003394182 128 6 christian christian PROPN _003394182 128 7 home home NOUN _003394182 128 8 address address NOUN _003394182 128 9 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 128 10 on on ADP _003394182 128 11 may may PROPN _003394182 128 12 22 22 NUM _003394182 128 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 128 14 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 128 15 home home NOUN _003394182 128 16 is be AUX _003394182 128 17 the the DET _003394182 128 18 loveliest lovely ADJ _003394182 128 19 word word NOUN _003394182 128 20 in in ADP _003394182 128 21 all all DET _003394182 128 22 the the DET _003394182 128 23 myriad myriad ADJ _003394182 128 24 languages language NOUN _003394182 128 25 of of ADP _003394182 128 26 mankind mankind NOUN _003394182 128 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 129 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 129 2 there there PRON _003394182 129 3 is be VERB _003394182 129 4 no no DET _003394182 129 5 home home NOUN _003394182 129 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 129 7 the the DET _003394182 129 8 fire fire NOUN _003394182 129 9 of of ADP _003394182 129 10 human human ADJ _003394182 129 11 genius genius NOUN _003394182 129 12 grows grow VERB _003394182 129 13 cold cold ADJ _003394182 129 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 129 15 the the DET _003394182 129 16 weight weight NOUN _003394182 129 17 of of ADP _003394182 129 18 human human ADJ _003394182 129 19 achievement achievement NOUN _003394182 129 20 grows grow VERB _003394182 129 21 heavy heavy ADJ _003394182 129 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 129 23 the the DET _003394182 129 24 attractiveness attractiveness NOUN _003394182 129 25 of of ADP _003394182 129 26 life life NOUN _003394182 129 27 grows grow VERB _003394182 129 28 empty empty ADJ _003394182 129 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 129 30 the the DET _003394182 129 31 spaces space NOUN _003394182 129 32 of of ADP _003394182 129 33 the the DET _003394182 129 34 soul soul NOUN _003394182 129 35 become become VERB _003394182 129 36 a a DET _003394182 129 37 desert desert NOUN _003394182 129 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 130 1 home home NOUN _003394182 130 2 is be AUX _003394182 130 3 the the DET _003394182 130 4 stage stage NOUN _003394182 130 5 setting set VERB _003394182 130 6 for for ADP _003394182 130 7 the the DET _003394182 130 8 drama drama NOUN _003394182 130 9 of of ADP _003394182 130 10 life life NOUN _003394182 130 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 131 1 we we PRON _003394182 131 2 begin begin VERB _003394182 131 3 our our PRON _003394182 131 4 lives life NOUN _003394182 131 5 in in ADP _003394182 131 6 a a DET _003394182 131 7 home home NOUN _003394182 131 8 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 131 9 we we PRON _003394182 131 10 live live VERB _003394182 131 11 our our PRON _003394182 131 12 lives life NOUN _003394182 131 13 in in ADP _003394182 131 14 a a DET _003394182 131 15 home home NOUN _003394182 131 16 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 131 17 we we PRON _003394182 131 18 shall shall AUX _003394182 131 19 give give VERB _003394182 131 20 up up ADP _003394182 131 21 our our PRON _003394182 131 22 lives life NOUN _003394182 131 23 in in ADP _003394182 131 24 a a DET _003394182 131 25 home home NOUN _003394182 131 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 132 1 to to PART _003394182 132 2 live live VERB _003394182 132 3 better well ADV _003394182 132 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 132 5 to to PART _003394182 132 6 die die VERB _003394182 132 7 better well ADV _003394182 132 8 we we PRON _003394182 132 9 must must AUX _003394182 132 10 ennoble ennoble VERB _003394182 132 11 our our PRON _003394182 132 12 concept concept NOUN _003394182 132 13 of of ADP _003394182 132 14 the the DET _003394182 132 15 home home NOUN _003394182 132 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 133 1 against against ADP _003394182 133 2 the the DET _003394182 133 3 gray gray NOUN _003394182 133 4 though though SCONJ _003394182 133 5 sometimes sometimes ADV _003394182 133 6 golden golden ADJ _003394182 133 7 walls wall NOUN _003394182 133 8 of of ADP _003394182 133 9 history history NOUN _003394182 133 10 two two NUM _003394182 133 11 pictures picture NOUN _003394182 133 12 of of ADP _003394182 133 13 two two NUM _003394182 133 14 homes home NOUN _003394182 133 15 stand stand VERB _003394182 133 16 out out ADP _003394182 133 17 in in ADP _003394182 133 18 pathetic pathetic ADJ _003394182 133 19 contrast contrast NOUN _003394182 133 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 134 1 one one NUM _003394182 134 2 is be AUX _003394182 134 3 the the DET _003394182 134 4 picture picture NOUN _003394182 134 5 of of ADP _003394182 134 6 the the DET _003394182 134 7 proudest proud ADJ _003394182 134 8 home home NOUN _003394182 134 9 erected erect VERB _003394182 134 10 by by ADP _003394182 134 11 the the DET _003394182 134 12 genius genius NOUN _003394182 134 13 of of ADP _003394182 134 14 man man NOUN _003394182 134 15 before before ADP _003394182 134 16 the the DET _003394182 134 17 coming coming NOUN _003394182 134 18 of of ADP _003394182 134 19 christ christ PROPN _003394182 134 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 135 1 it it PRON _003394182 135 2 is be AUX _003394182 135 3 the the DET _003394182 135 4 home home NOUN _003394182 135 5 of of ADP _003394182 135 6 the the DET _003394182 135 7 ancient ancient ADJ _003394182 135 8 rulers ruler NOUN _003394182 135 9 of of ADP _003394182 135 10 the the DET _003394182 135 11 civilized civilized ADJ _003394182 135 12 world world NOUN _003394182 135 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 136 1 it it PRON _003394182 136 2 is be AUX _003394182 136 3 the the DET _003394182 136 4 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 136 5 to to PART _003394182 136 6 which which PRON _003394182 136 7 the the DET _003394182 136 8 leaders leader NOUN _003394182 136 9 of of ADP _003394182 136 10 the the DET _003394182 136 11 legions legion NOUN _003394182 136 12 of of ADP _003394182 136 13 caesar caesar PROPN _003394182 136 14 returned return VERB _003394182 136 15 after after SCONJ _003394182 136 16 they they PRON _003394182 136 17 had have AUX _003394182 136 18 trodden tread VERB _003394182 136 19 on on ADP _003394182 136 20 the the DET _003394182 136 21 bodies body NOUN _003394182 136 22 of of ADP _003394182 136 23 their their PRON _003394182 136 24 fallen fall VERB _003394182 136 25 enemies enemy NOUN _003394182 136 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 137 1 it it PRON _003394182 137 2 is be AUX _003394182 137 3 the the DET _003394182 137 4 refuge refuge NOUN _003394182 137 5 whither whither NOUN _003394182 137 6 the the DET _003394182 137 7 senators senator NOUN _003394182 137 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 137 9 patricians patrician NOUN _003394182 137 10 of of ADP _003394182 137 11 rome rome PROPN _003394182 137 12 retired retire VERB _003394182 137 13 when when SCONJ _003394182 137 14 all all DET _003394182 137 15 day day NOUN _003394182 137 16 long long ADV _003394182 137 17 they they PRON _003394182 137 18 had have AUX _003394182 137 19 debated debate VERB _003394182 137 20 on on ADP _003394182 137 21 the the DET _003394182 137 22 safety safety NOUN _003394182 137 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 137 24 security security NOUN _003394182 137 25 of of ADP _003394182 137 26 the the DET _003394182 137 27 empire empire NOUN _003394182 137 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 138 1 it it PRON _003394182 138 2 was be AUX _003394182 138 3 surrounded surround VERB _003394182 138 4 by by ADP _003394182 138 5 the the DET _003394182 138 6 protection protection NOUN _003394182 138 7 of of ADP _003394182 138 8 the the DET _003394182 138 9 roman roman ADJ _003394182 138 10 law law NOUN _003394182 138 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 138 12 ornamented ornament VERB _003394182 138 13 by by ADP _003394182 138 14 the the DET _003394182 138 15 presence presence NOUN _003394182 138 16 of of ADP _003394182 138 17 household household NOUN _003394182 138 18 gods god NOUN _003394182 138 19 beside beside ADP _003394182 138 20 its its PRON _003394182 138 21 hearth hearth NOUN _003394182 138 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 139 1 it it PRON _003394182 139 2 was be AUX _003394182 139 3 subordinate subordinate ADJ _003394182 139 4 to to ADP _003394182 139 5 the the DET _003394182 139 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 139 7 field field NOUN _003394182 139 8 of of ADP _003394182 139 9 battle battle NOUN _003394182 139 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 139 11 the the DET _003394182 139 12 oratory oratory NOUN _003394182 139 13 of of ADP _003394182 139 14 the the DET _003394182 139 15 senate senate PROPN _003394182 139 16 chamber chamber PROPN _003394182 139 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 139 18 the the DET _003394182 139 19 business business NOUN _003394182 139 20 of of ADP _003394182 139 21 the the DET _003394182 139 22 market market NOUN _003394182 139 23 place place NOUN _003394182 139 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 140 1 it it PRON _003394182 140 2 received receive VERB _003394182 140 3 little little ADJ _003394182 140 4 mention mention NOUN _003394182 140 5 in in ADP _003394182 140 6 the the DET _003394182 140 7 classic classic ADJ _003394182 140 8 literature literature NOUN _003394182 140 9 of of ADP _003394182 140 10 antiquity antiquity NOUN _003394182 140 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 141 1 it it PRON _003394182 141 2 is be AUX _003394182 141 3 too too ADV _003394182 141 4 little little ADJ _003394182 141 5 investigated investigate VERB _003394182 141 6 by by ADP _003394182 141 7 the the DET _003394182 141 8 modern modern ADJ _003394182 141 9 historian historian NOUN _003394182 141 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 142 1 12 12 NUM _003394182 142 2 the the DET _003394182 142 3 christian christian ADJ _003394182 142 4 family family NOUN _003394182 142 5 12 12 NUM _003394182 142 6 wars war NOUN _003394182 142 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 142 8 the the DET _003394182 142 9 rumors rumor NOUN _003394182 142 10 of of ADP _003394182 142 11 wars war NOUN _003394182 142 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 142 13 kings king NOUN _003394182 142 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 142 15 the the DET _003394182 142 16 descendants descendant NOUN _003394182 142 17 of of ADP _003394182 142 18 kings king NOUN _003394182 142 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 142 20 laws law NOUN _003394182 142 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 142 22 the the DET _003394182 142 23 infractions infraction NOUN _003394182 142 24 of of ADP _003394182 142 25 laws law NOUN _003394182 142 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 142 27 still still ADV _003394182 142 28 crowd crowd VERB _003394182 142 29 too too ADV _003394182 142 30 thickly thickly ADV _003394182 142 31 the the DET _003394182 142 32 accounts account NOUN _003394182 142 33 of of ADP _003394182 142 34 bygone bygone ADJ _003394182 142 35 civilizations civilization NOUN _003394182 142 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 143 1 the the DET _003394182 143 2 heart heart NOUN _003394182 143 3 of of ADP _003394182 143 4 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 143 5 is be AUX _003394182 143 6 the the DET _003394182 143 7 home home NOUN _003394182 143 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 144 1 the the DET _003394182 144 2 function function NOUN _003394182 144 3 of of ADP _003394182 144 4 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 144 5 is be AUX _003394182 144 6 the the DET _003394182 144 7 family family NOUN _003394182 144 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 145 1 the the DET _003394182 145 2 flower flower NOUN _003394182 145 3 of of ADP _003394182 145 4 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 145 5 is be AUX _003394182 145 6 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 145 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 146 1 without without ADP _003394182 146 2 that that DET _003394182 146 3 roman roman ADJ _003394182 146 4 home home NOUN _003394182 146 5 there there PRON _003394182 146 6 could could AUX _003394182 146 7 have have AUX _003394182 146 8 been be AUX _003394182 146 9 no no DET _003394182 146 10 permanent permanent ADJ _003394182 146 11 peace peace NOUN _003394182 146 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 146 13 no no DET _003394182 146 14 shining shine VERB _003394182 146 15 accomplishment accomplishment NOUN _003394182 146 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 146 17 no no DET _003394182 146 18 external external ADJ _003394182 146 19 glory glory NOUN _003394182 146 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 146 21 no no DET _003394182 146 22 historical historical ADJ _003394182 146 23 magnificence magnificence NOUN _003394182 146 24 of of ADP _003394182 146 25 the the DET _003394182 146 26 empire empire NOUN _003394182 146 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 147 1 the the DET _003394182 147 2 home home NOUN _003394182 147 3 that that PRON _003394182 147 4 we we PRON _003394182 147 5 shall shall AUX _003394182 147 6 visit visit VERB _003394182 147 7 in in ADP _003394182 147 8 imagination imagination NOUN _003394182 147 9 is be AUX _003394182 147 10 not not PART _003394182 147 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 147 12 however however ADV _003394182 147 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 147 14 the the DET _003394182 147 15 product product NOUN _003394182 147 16 of of ADP _003394182 147 17 our our PRON _003394182 147 18 imagination imagination NOUN _003394182 147 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 148 1 it it PRON _003394182 148 2 is be AUX _003394182 148 3 an an DET _003394182 148 4 historical historical ADJ _003394182 148 5 reality reality NOUN _003394182 148 6 based base VERB _003394182 148 7 on on ADP _003394182 148 8 excavated excavate VERB _003394182 148 9 facts fact NOUN _003394182 148 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 149 1 time time NOUN _003394182 149 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 149 3 the the DET _003394182 149 4 eruptions eruption NOUN _003394182 149 5 of of ADP _003394182 149 6 mount mount PROPN _003394182 149 7 vesuvius vesuvius PROPN _003394182 149 8 have have AUX _003394182 149 9 preserved preserve VERB _003394182 149 10 its its PRON _003394182 149 11 physical physical ADJ _003394182 149 12 outlines outline NOUN _003394182 149 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 150 1 in in ADP _003394182 150 2 the the DET _003394182 150 3 year year NOUN _003394182 150 4 79 79 NUM _003394182 150 5 rivers river NOUN _003394182 150 6 of of ADP _003394182 150 7 lava lava PROPN _003394182 150 8 from from ADP _003394182 150 9 mount mount PROPN _003394182 150 10 vesuvius vesuvius PROPN _003394182 150 11 buried bury VERB _003394182 150 12 the the DET _003394182 150 13 roman roman ADJ _003394182 150 14 town town NOUN _003394182 150 15 of of ADP _003394182 150 16 pompeii pompeii NOUN _003394182 150 17 at at ADP _003394182 150 18 its its PRON _003394182 150 19 base base NOUN _003394182 150 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 151 1 for for ADP _003394182 151 2 seventeen seventeen NUM _003394182 151 3 hundred hundred NUM _003394182 151 4 years year NOUN _003394182 151 5 the the DET _003394182 151 6 frozen frozen ADJ _003394182 151 7 lava lava NOUN _003394182 151 8 preserved preserve VERB _003394182 151 9 its its PRON _003394182 151 10 treasury treasury NOUN _003394182 151 11 of of ADP _003394182 151 12 homes home NOUN _003394182 151 13 undisturbed undisturbed ADJ _003394182 151 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 152 1 in in ADP _003394182 152 2 the the DET _003394182 152 3 eighteenth eighteenth ADJ _003394182 152 4 century century NOUN _003394182 152 5 the the DET _003394182 152 6 lava lava NOUN _003394182 152 7 was be AUX _003394182 152 8 removed remove VERB _003394182 152 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 153 1 there there ADV _003394182 153 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 153 3 stripped strip VERB _003394182 153 4 of of ADP _003394182 153 5 its its PRON _003394182 153 6 stony stony PROPN _003394182 153 7 sarcophagus sarcophagus NOUN _003394182 153 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 153 9 was be AUX _003394182 153 10 revealed reveal VERB _003394182 153 11 the the DET _003394182 153 12 roman roman ADJ _003394182 153 13 home home NOUN _003394182 153 14 as as SCONJ _003394182 153 15 it it PRON _003394182 153 16 existed exist VERB _003394182 153 17 in in ADP _003394182 153 18 the the DET _003394182 153 19 days day NOUN _003394182 153 20 when when SCONJ _003394182 153 21 the the DET _003394182 153 22 name name NOUN _003394182 153 23 of of ADP _003394182 153 24 the the DET _003394182 153 25 caesars caesar NOUN _003394182 153 26 was be AUX _003394182 153 27 a a DET _003394182 153 28 catchword catchword NOUN _003394182 153 29 of of ADP _003394182 153 30 power power NOUN _003394182 153 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 153 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 153 33 when when SCONJ _003394182 153 34 the the DET _003394182 153 35 power power NOUN _003394182 153 36 of of ADP _003394182 153 37 the the DET _003394182 153 38 caesars caesar NOUN _003394182 153 39 made make VERB _003394182 153 40 their their PRON _003394182 153 41 name name NOUN _003394182 153 42 prominent prominent ADJ _003394182 153 43 amidst amidst ADP _003394182 153 44 all all DET _003394182 153 45 mankind mankind NOUN _003394182 153 46 . . PUNCT _003394182 154 1 the the DET _003394182 154 2 home home NOUN _003394182 154 3 that that PRON _003394182 154 4 we we PRON _003394182 154 5 enter enter VERB _003394182 154 6 is be AUX _003394182 154 7 the the DET _003394182 154 8 house house NOUN _003394182 154 9 of of ADP _003394182 154 10 a a DET _003394182 154 11 citizen citizen NOUN _003394182 154 12 of of ADP _003394182 154 13 rome rome PROPN _003394182 154 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 154 15 one one NUM _003394182 154 16 of of ADP _003394182 154 17 the the DET _003394182 154 18 few few ADJ _003394182 154 19 who who PRON _003394182 154 20 controlled control VERB _003394182 154 21 the the DET _003394182 154 22 destiny destiny NOUN _003394182 154 23 of of ADP _003394182 154 24 the the DET _003394182 154 25 many many ADJ _003394182 154 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 154 27 who who PRON _003394182 154 28 were be AUX _003394182 154 29 slaves slave NOUN _003394182 154 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 155 1 we we PRON _003394182 155 2 pass pass VERB _003394182 155 3 through through ADP _003394182 155 4 the the DET _003394182 155 5 door door NOUN _003394182 155 6 into into ADP _003394182 155 7 an an DET _003394182 155 8 open open ADJ _003394182 155 9 courtyard courtyard NOUN _003394182 155 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 155 11 the the DET _003394182 155 12 atrium atrium NOUN _003394182 155 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 155 14 which which PRON _003394182 155 15 reminds remind VERB _003394182 155 16 us we PRON _003394182 155 17 of of ADP _003394182 155 18 the the DET _003394182 155 19 courtyards courtyard NOUN _003394182 155 20 in in ADP _003394182 155 21 the the DET _003394182 155 22 center center NOUN _003394182 155 23 of of ADP _003394182 155 24 many many ADJ _003394182 155 25 of of ADP _003394182 155 26 our our PRON _003394182 155 27 modern modern ADJ _003394182 155 28 apartment apartment NOUN _003394182 155 29 houses house NOUN _003394182 155 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 156 1 around around ADP _003394182 156 2 it it PRON _003394182 156 3 are be AUX _003394182 156 4 the the DET _003394182 156 5 rooms room NOUN _003394182 156 6 of of ADP _003394182 156 7 the the DET _003394182 156 8 family family NOUN _003394182 156 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 157 1 in in ADP _003394182 157 2 its its PRON _003394182 157 3 center center NOUN _003394182 157 4 is be AUX _003394182 157 5 a a DET _003394182 157 6 fountain fountain NOUN _003394182 157 7 whose whose DET _003394182 157 8 laughing laughing NOUN _003394182 157 9 waters water NOUN _003394182 157 10 flirt flirt VERB _003394182 157 11 with with ADP _003394182 157 12 the the DET _003394182 157 13 marble marble NOUN _003394182 157 14 statue statue NOUN _003394182 157 15 of of ADP _003394182 157 16 some some DET _003394182 157 17 roman roman ADJ _003394182 157 18 goddess goddess NOUN _003394182 157 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 158 1 her her PRON _003394182 158 2 silence silence NOUN _003394182 158 3 and and CCONJ _003394182 158 4 serenity serenity NOUN _003394182 158 5 seem seem VERB _003394182 158 6 to to PART _003394182 158 7 say say VERB _003394182 158 8 that that SCONJ _003394182 158 9 she she PRON _003394182 158 10 is be AUX _003394182 158 11 oblivious oblivious ADJ _003394182 158 12 of of ADP _003394182 158 13 the the DET _003394182 158 14 beauty beauty NOUN _003394182 158 15 of of ADP _003394182 158 16 the the DET _003394182 158 17 waters water NOUN _003394182 158 18 before before ADP _003394182 158 19 her she PRON _003394182 158 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 158 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 158 22 indifferent indifferent ADJ _003394182 158 23 to to ADP _003394182 158 24 the the DET _003394182 158 25 tide tide NOUN _003394182 158 26 of of ADP _003394182 158 27 life life NOUN _003394182 158 28 the the DET _003394182 158 29 christian christian ADJ _003394182 158 30 family family NOUN _003394182 158 31 13 13 NUM _003394182 158 32 that that PRON _003394182 158 33 splashes splash NOUN _003394182 158 34 and and CCONJ _003394182 158 35 surges surge VERB _003394182 158 36 around around ADP _003394182 158 37 her she PRON _003394182 158 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 159 1 there there PRON _003394182 159 2 are be VERB _003394182 159 3 magnificent magnificent ADJ _003394182 159 4 paintings painting NOUN _003394182 159 5 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 159 6 the the DET _003394182 159 7 walls wall NOUN _003394182 159 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 160 1 there there PRON _003394182 160 2 is be VERB _003394182 160 3 the the DET _003394182 160 4 sound sound NOUN _003394182 160 5 of of ADP _003394182 160 6 birds bird NOUN _003394182 160 7 in in ADP _003394182 160 8 the the DET _003394182 160 9 shrubbery shrubbery NOUN _003394182 160 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 160 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 160 12 the the DET _003394182 160 13 blowing blowing NOUN _003394182 160 14 of of ADP _003394182 160 15 flowers flower NOUN _003394182 160 16 in in ADP _003394182 160 17 the the DET _003394182 160 18 garden garden NOUN _003394182 160 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 160 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 160 21 the the DET _003394182 160 22 busy busy ADJ _003394182 160 23 noise noise NOUN _003394182 160 24 of of ADP _003394182 160 25 slaves slave NOUN _003394182 160 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 160 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 160 28 the the DET _003394182 160 29 laughter laughter NOUN _003394182 160 30 of of ADP _003394182 160 31 children child NOUN _003394182 160 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 160 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 160 34 the the DET _003394182 160 35 humming humming NOUN _003394182 160 36 of of ADP _003394182 160 37 home home NOUN _003394182 160 38 life life NOUN _003394182 160 39 which which PRON _003394182 160 40 even even ADV _003394182 160 41 the the DET _003394182 160 42 thunder thunder NOUN _003394182 160 43 of of ADP _003394182 160 44 a a DET _003394182 160 45 conquering conquering NOUN _003394182 160 46 empire empire NOUN _003394182 160 47 can can AUX _003394182 160 48 not not PART _003394182 160 49 efface efface VERB _003394182 160 50 . . PUNCT _003394182 161 1 within within ADP _003394182 161 2 that that DET _003394182 161 3 home home NOUN _003394182 161 4 which which PRON _003394182 161 5 the the DET _003394182 161 6 destructive destructive ADJ _003394182 161 7 volcanic volcanic ADJ _003394182 161 8 force force NOUN _003394182 161 9 of of ADP _003394182 161 10 mount mount PROPN _003394182 161 11 vesuvius vesuvius PROPN _003394182 161 12 has have AUX _003394182 161 13 so so ADV _003394182 161 14 strangely strangely ADV _003394182 161 15 preserved preserve VERB _003394182 161 16 for for ADP _003394182 161 17 us we PRON _003394182 161 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 161 19 everything everything PRON _003394182 161 20 is be AUX _003394182 161 21 regulated regulate VERB _003394182 161 22 by by ADP _003394182 161 23 the the DET _003394182 161 24 will will NOUN _003394182 161 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 161 26 whim whim PRON _003394182 161 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 161 28 caprice caprice NOUN _003394182 161 29 of of ADP _003394182 161 30 the the DET _003394182 161 31 husband husband NOUN _003394182 161 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 162 1 he he PRON _003394182 162 2 is be AUX _003394182 162 3 lord lord PROPN _003394182 162 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 162 5 master master NOUN _003394182 162 6 of of ADP _003394182 162 7 all all PRON _003394182 162 8 he he PRON _003394182 162 9 surveys survey VERB _003394182 162 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 163 1 he he PRON _003394182 163 2 is be AUX _003394182 163 3 king king NOUN _003394182 163 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 163 5 priest priest NOUN _003394182 163 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 164 1 the the DET _003394182 164 2 home home NOUN _003394182 164 3 is be AUX _003394182 164 4 his his PRON _003394182 164 5 temple temple NOUN _003394182 164 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 165 1 hel hel PROPN _003394182 165 2 has have VERB _003394182 165 3 power power NOUN _003394182 165 4 of of ADP _003394182 165 5 life life NOUN _003394182 165 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 165 7 death death NOUN _003394182 165 8 over over ADP _003394182 165 9 his his PRON _003394182 165 10 children child NOUN _003394182 165 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 166 1 his his PRON _003394182 166 2 wife wife NOUN _003394182 166 3 is be AUX _003394182 166 4 distinguished distinguish VERB _003394182 166 5 from from ADP _003394182 166 6 his his PRON _003394182 166 7 slaves slave NOUN _003394182 166 8 by by ADP _003394182 166 9 the the DET _003394182 166 10 love love NOUN _003394182 166 11 he he PRON _003394182 166 12 bears bear VERB _003394182 166 13 her she PRON _003394182 166 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 166 15 but but CCONJ _003394182 166 16 her her PRON _003394182 166 17 time time NOUN _003394182 166 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 166 19 her her PRON _003394182 166 20 activities activity NOUN _003394182 166 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 166 22 her her PRON _003394182 166 23 ministrations ministration NOUN _003394182 166 24 are be AUX _003394182 166 25 just just ADV _003394182 166 26 as as ADV _003394182 166 27 completely completely ADV _003394182 166 28 and and CCONJ _003394182 166 29 just just ADV _003394182 166 30 as as ADV _003394182 166 31 slavishly slavishly ADV _003394182 166 32 within within ADP _003394182 166 33 his his PRON _003394182 166 34 absolute absolute ADJ _003394182 166 35 control control NOUN _003394182 166 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 167 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _003394182 167 2 he he PRON _003394182 167 3 lived live VERB _003394182 167 4 in in ADP _003394182 167 5 the the DET _003394182 167 6 days day NOUN _003394182 167 7 when when SCONJ _003394182 167 8 the the DET _003394182 167 9 husband husband NOUN _003394182 167 10 could could AUX _003394182 167 11 divorce divorce VERB _003394182 167 12 his his PRON _003394182 167 13 wife wife NOUN _003394182 167 14 at at ADP _003394182 167 15 will will NOUN _003394182 167 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 168 1 perhaps perhaps ADV _003394182 168 2 he he PRON _003394182 168 3 lived live VERB _003394182 168 4 in in ADP _003394182 168 5 the the DET _003394182 168 6 days day NOUN _003394182 168 7 when when SCONJ _003394182 168 8 the the DET _003394182 168 9 birth birth NOUN _003394182 168 10 of of ADP _003394182 168 11 a a DET _003394182 168 12 female female ADJ _003394182 168 13 child child NOUN _003394182 168 14 was be AUX _003394182 168 15 distasteful distasteful ADJ _003394182 168 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 169 1 no no ADV _003394182 169 2 matter matter ADV _003394182 169 3 when when SCONJ _003394182 169 4 he he PRON _003394182 169 5 lived live VERB _003394182 169 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 169 7 the the DET _003394182 169 8 wife wife NOUN _003394182 169 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 169 10 the the DET _003394182 169 11 children child NOUN _003394182 169 12 of of ADP _003394182 169 13 a a DET _003394182 169 14 roman roman ADJ _003394182 169 15 home home NOUN _003394182 169 16 were be AUX _003394182 169 17 mere mere ADJ _003394182 169 18 extensions extension NOUN _003394182 169 19 of of ADP _003394182 169 20 his his PRON _003394182 169 21 personality personality NOUN _003394182 169 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 170 1 no no DET _003394182 170 2 power power NOUN _003394182 170 3 could could AUX _003394182 170 4 determine determine VERB _003394182 170 5 his his PRON _003394182 170 6 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 170 7 towards towards ADP _003394182 170 8 them they PRON _003394182 170 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 171 1 no no DET _003394182 171 2 religious religious ADJ _003394182 171 3 belief belief NOUN _003394182 171 4 that that SCONJ _003394182 171 5 he he PRON _003394182 171 6 entertained entertain VERB _003394182 171 7 impressed impressed ADJ _003394182 171 8 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 171 9 his his PRON _003394182 171 10 mind mind NOUN _003394182 171 11 the the DET _003394182 171 12 mutual mutual ADJ _003394182 171 13 sacredness sacredness NOUN _003394182 171 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 171 15 respect respect NOUN _003394182 171 16 of of ADP _003394182 171 17 their their PRON _003394182 171 18 relationship relationship NOUN _003394182 171 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 172 1 no no DET _003394182 172 2 poetical poetical ADJ _003394182 172 3 idealism idealism NOUN _003394182 172 4 which which PRON _003394182 172 5 he he PRON _003394182 172 6 gathered gather VERB _003394182 172 7 from from ADP _003394182 172 8 the the DET _003394182 172 9 literature literature NOUN _003394182 172 10 of of ADP _003394182 172 11 the the DET _003394182 172 12 ages age NOUN _003394182 172 13 held hold VERB _003394182 172 14 up up ADP _003394182 172 15 the the DET _003394182 172 16 home home NOUN _003394182 172 17 as as ADP _003394182 172 18 the the DET _003394182 172 19 source source NOUN _003394182 172 20 of of ADP _003394182 172 21 all all DET _003394182 172 22 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 172 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 172 24 the the DET _003394182 172 25 sanctuary sanctuary NOUN _003394182 172 26 of of ADP _003394182 172 27 life life NOUN _003394182 172 28 's 's PART _003394182 172 29 loveliest lovely ADJ _003394182 172 30 accomplishments accomplishment NOUN _003394182 172 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 173 1 love love NOUN _003394182 173 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 173 3 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 173 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 173 5 order order NOUN _003394182 173 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 173 7 comfort comfort NOUN _003394182 173 8 might might AUX _003394182 173 9 be be AUX _003394182 173 10 present present ADJ _003394182 173 11 in in ADP _003394182 173 12 his his PRON _003394182 173 13 home home NOUN _003394182 173 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 173 15 but but CCONJ _003394182 173 16 there there PRON _003394182 173 17 was be VERB _003394182 173 18 nought nought ADJ _003394182 173 19 bf bf NOUN _003394182 173 20 religious religious ADJ _003394182 173 21 tenderness tenderness NOUN _003394182 173 22 or or CCONJ _003394182 173 23 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 173 24 equality equality NOUN _003394182 173 25 or or CCONJ _003394182 173 26 sacred sacred ADJ _003394182 173 27 affection affection NOUN _003394182 173 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 174 1 what what PRON _003394182 174 2 mattered matter VERB _003394182 174 3 it it PRON _003394182 174 4 that that SCONJ _003394182 174 5 he he PRON _003394182 174 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 174 7 the the DET _003394182 174 8 roman roman ADJ _003394182 174 9 husband husband NOUN _003394182 174 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 174 11 was be AUX _003394182 174 12 derelict derelict ADJ _003394182 174 13 in in ADP _003394182 174 14 his his PRON _003394182 174 15 marital marital ADJ _003394182 174 16 obligations obligation NOUN _003394182 174 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 175 1 the the DET _003394182 175 2 14 14 NUM _003394182 175 3 the the DET _003394182 175 4 christian christian ADJ _003394182 175 5 family family NOUN _003394182 175 6 14 14 NUM _003394182 175 7 lives life NOUN _003394182 175 8 of of ADP _003394182 175 9 his his PRON _003394182 175 10 gods god NOUN _003394182 175 11 as as SCONJ _003394182 175 12 depicted depict VERB _003394182 175 13 in in ADP _003394182 175 14 literature literature NOUN _003394182 175 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 175 16 accepted accept VERB _003394182 175 17 by by ADP _003394182 175 18 the the DET _003394182 175 19 state state NOUN _003394182 175 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 175 21 were be AUX _003394182 175 22 full full ADJ _003394182 175 23 of of ADP _003394182 175 24 marital marital ADJ _003394182 175 25 infidelities infidelity NOUN _003394182 175 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 176 1 he he PRON _003394182 176 2 was be AUX _003394182 176 3 no no ADV _003394182 176 4 better well ADJ _003394182 176 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 176 6 no no ADV _003394182 176 7 worse bad ADJ _003394182 176 8 than than ADP _003394182 176 9 his his PRON _003394182 176 10 gods god NOUN _003394182 176 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 177 1 beside beside ADP _003394182 177 2 that that DET _003394182 177 3 picture picture NOUN _003394182 177 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 177 5 grim grim ADJ _003394182 177 6 in in ADP _003394182 177 7 outline outline NOUN _003394182 177 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 177 9 gray gray ADJ _003394182 177 10 in in ADP _003394182 177 11 texture texture NOUN _003394182 177 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 177 13 is be AUX _003394182 177 14 the the DET _003394182 177 15 picture picture NOUN _003394182 177 16 of of ADP _003394182 177 17 the the DET _003394182 177 18 home home NOUN _003394182 177 19 that that PRON _003394182 177 20 we we PRON _003394182 177 21 have have AUX _003394182 177 22 known know VERB _003394182 177 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 177 24 in in ADP _003394182 177 25 the the DET _003394182 177 26 midst midst NOUN _003394182 177 27 of of ADP _003394182 177 28 which which PRON _003394182 177 29 we we PRON _003394182 177 30 have have AUX _003394182 177 31 lived live VERB _003394182 177 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 177 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 177 34 to to PART _003394182 177 35 which which PRON _003394182 177 36 all all DET _003394182 177 37 men man NOUN _003394182 177 38 must must AUX _003394182 177 39 turn turn VERB _003394182 177 40 anew anew ADV _003394182 177 41 today today NOUN _003394182 177 42 , , PUNCT _003394182 177 43 if if SCONJ _003394182 177 44 they they PRON _003394182 177 45 hope hope VERB _003394182 177 46 to to PART _003394182 177 47 save save VERB _003394182 177 48 anything anything PRON _003394182 177 49 from from ADP _003394182 177 50 thé thé PROPN _003394182 177 51 volcanic volcanic ADJ _003394182 177 52 wreckage wreckage NOUN _003394182 177 53 of of ADP _003394182 177 54 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 177 55 that that PRON _003394182 177 56 surrounds surround VERB _003394182 177 57 them they PRON _003394182 177 58 . . PUNCT _003394182 178 1 the the DET _003394182 178 2 home home NOUN _003394182 178 3 to to PART _003394182 178 4 which which PRON _003394182 178 5 our our PRON _003394182 178 6 tired tired ADJ _003394182 178 7 footsteps footstep NOUN _003394182 178 8 gladly gladly ADV _003394182 178 9 turn turn VERB _003394182 178 10 is be AUX _003394182 178 11 not not PART _003394182 178 12 the the DET _003394182 178 13 home home NOUN _003394182 178 14 of of ADP _003394182 178 15 a a DET _003394182 178 16 slave slave NOUN _003394182 178 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 179 1 thank thank VERB _003394182 179 2 god god PROPN _003394182 179 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 179 4 since since SCONJ _003394182 179 5 the the DET _003394182 179 6 coming coming NOUN _003394182 179 7 of of ADP _003394182 179 8 christ christ PROPN _003394182 179 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 179 10 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 179 11 has have AUX _003394182 179 12 multiplied multiply VERB _003394182 179 13 its its PRON _003394182 179 14 freemen freeman NOUN _003394182 179 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 180 1 the the DET _003394182 180 2 home home NOUN _003394182 180 3 which which PRON _003394182 180 4 is be AUX _003394182 180 5 our our PRON _003394182 180 6 proudest proud ADJ _003394182 180 7 production production NOUN _003394182 180 8 may may AUX _003394182 180 9 not not PART _003394182 180 10 be be AUX _003394182 180 11 as as ADV _003394182 180 12 lavish lavish ADJ _003394182 180 13 as as ADP _003394182 180 14 the the DET _003394182 180 15 home home NOUN _003394182 180 16 of of ADP _003394182 180 17 our our PRON _003394182 180 18 roman roman ADJ _003394182 180 19 patrician patrician NOUN _003394182 180 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 181 1 there there PRON _003394182 181 2 may may AUX _003394182 181 3 be be AUX _003394182 181 4 no no DET _003394182 181 5 courtyard courtyard NOUN _003394182 181 6 with with ADP _003394182 181 7 blowing blow VERB _003394182 181 8 flowers flower NOUN _003394182 181 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 181 10 laughing laugh VERB _003394182 181 11 fountain fountain NOUN _003394182 181 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 182 1 there there PRON _003394182 182 2 may may AUX _003394182 182 3 be be AUX _003394182 182 4 no no DET _003394182 182 5 roman roman ADJ _003394182 182 6 goddess goddess NOUN _003394182 182 7 in in ADP _003394182 182 8 serene serene NOUN _003394182 182 9 but but CCONJ _003394182 182 10 silent silent ADJ _003394182 182 11 marble marble NOUN _003394182 182 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 183 1 there there PRON _003394182 183 2 may may AUX _003394182 183 3 be be AUX _003394182 183 4 no no DET _003394182 183 5 magnificent magnificent ADJ _003394182 183 6 paintings painting NOUN _003394182 183 7 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 183 8 the the DET _003394182 183 9 wall wall NOUN _003394182 183 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 184 1 there there PRON _003394182 184 2 is be VERB _003394182 184 3 but but CCONJ _003394182 184 4 one one NUM _003394182 184 5 magnificent magnificent ADJ _003394182 184 6 painting painting NOUN _003394182 184 7 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 184 8 the the DET _003394182 184 9 souls soul NOUN _003394182 184 10 of of ADP _003394182 184 11 those those PRON _003394182 184 12 who who PRON _003394182 184 13 constitute constitute VERB _003394182 184 14 that that DET _003394182 184 15 home home NOUN _003394182 184 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 185 1 it it PRON _003394182 185 2 is be AUX _003394182 185 3 the the DET _003394182 185 4 portrait portrait NOUN _003394182 185 5 of of ADP _003394182 185 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 185 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 186 1 it it PRON _003394182 186 2 is be AUX _003394182 186 3 that that DET _003394182 186 4 portrait portrait NOUN _003394182 186 5 which which PRON _003394182 186 6 distinguishes distinguish VERB _003394182 186 7 the the DET _003394182 186 8 christion christion NOUN _003394182 186 9 household household NOUN _003394182 186 10 from from ADP _003394182 186 11 the the DET _003394182 186 12 roman roman NOUN _003394182 186 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 187 1 it it PRON _003394182 187 2 was be AUX _003394182 187 3 the the DET _003394182 187 4 coming coming NOUN _003394182 187 5 of of ADP _003394182 187 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 187 7 that that PRON _003394182 187 8 revolutionized revolutionize VERB _003394182 187 9 the the DET _003394182 187 10 concept concept NOUN _003394182 187 11 of of ADP _003394182 187 12 the the DET _003394182 187 13 home home NOUN _003394182 187 14 because because SCONJ _003394182 187 15 it it PRON _003394182 187 16 was be AUX _003394182 187 17 the the DET _003394182 187 18 coming coming NOUN _003394182 187 19 of of ADP _003394182 187 20 christ christ PROPN _003394182 187 21 that that PRON _003394182 187 22 revolutionized revolutionize VERB _003394182 187 23 the the DET _003394182 187 24 status status NOUN _003394182 187 25 of of ADP _003394182 187 26 woman woman NOUN _003394182 187 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 188 1 in in ADP _003394182 188 2 greece greece PROPN _003394182 188 3 and and CCONJ _003394182 188 4 rome rome PROPN _003394182 188 5 woman woman NOUN _003394182 188 6 was be AUX _003394182 188 7 but but CCONJ _003394182 188 8 a a DET _003394182 188 9 very very ADV _003394182 188 10 negative negative ADJ _003394182 188 11 factor factor NOUN _003394182 188 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 189 1 she she PRON _003394182 189 2 was be AUX _003394182 189 3 the the DET _003394182 189 4 breeder breeder NOUN _003394182 189 5 of of ADP _003394182 189 6 children child NOUN _003394182 189 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 190 1 she she PRON _003394182 190 2 was be AUX _003394182 190 3 the the DET _003394182 190 4 source source NOUN _003394182 190 5 of of ADP _003394182 190 6 the the DET _003394182 190 7 state state NOUN _003394182 190 8 's 's PART _003394182 190 9 man man NOUN _003394182 190 10 power power NOUN _003394182 190 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 191 1 only only ADV _003394182 191 2 those those PRON _003394182 191 3 who who PRON _003394182 191 4 ' ' AUX _003394182 191 5 had have AUX _003394182 191 6 sold sell VERB _003394182 191 7 their their PRON _003394182 191 8 womanhood womanhood NOUN _003394182 191 9 for for ADP _003394182 191 10 gold gold NOUN _003394182 191 11 were be AUX _003394182 191 12 honored honor VERB _003394182 191 13 for for ADP _003394182 191 14 a a DET _003394182 191 15 little little ADJ _003394182 191 16 while while NOUN _003394182 191 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 191 18 by by ADP _003394182 191 19 those those PRON _003394182 191 20 who who PRON _003394182 191 21 used use VERB _003394182 191 22 them they PRON _003394182 191 23 while while SCONJ _003394182 191 24 they they PRON _003394182 191 25 abused abuse VERB _003394182 191 26 their their PRON _003394182 191 27 wives wife NOUN _003394182 191 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 192 1 in in ADP _003394182 192 2 the the DET _003394182 192 3 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 192 4 of of ADP _003394182 192 5 christ christ PROPN _003394182 192 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 192 7 in in ADP _003394182 192 8 the the DET _003394182 192 9 pronouncements pronouncement NOUN _003394182 192 10 of of ADP _003394182 192 11 the the DET _003394182 192 12 church church NOUN _003394182 192 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 192 14 woman woman NOUN _003394182 192 15 was be AUX _003394182 192 16 a a DET _003394182 192 17 very very ADV _003394182 192 18 positive positive ADJ _003394182 192 19 factor factor NOUN _003394182 192 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 193 1 her her PRON _003394182 193 2 birth birth NOUN _003394182 193 3 was be AUX _003394182 193 4 just just ADV _003394182 193 5 as as ADV _003394182 193 6 important important ADJ _003394182 193 7 a a DET _003394182 193 8 thing thing NOUN _003394182 193 9 as as ADP _003394182 193 10 man man NOUN _003394182 193 11 's 's PART _003394182 193 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 194 1 woman woman NOUN _003394182 194 2 had have VERB _003394182 194 3 a a DET _003394182 194 4 soul soul NOUN _003394182 194 5 to to PART _003394182 194 6 save save VERB _003394182 194 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 194 8 thoughts thought NOUN _003394182 194 9 to to PART _003394182 194 10 be be AUX _003394182 194 11 the the DET _003394182 194 12 christian christian ADJ _003394182 194 13 family family NOUN _003394182 194 14 15 15 NUM _003394182 194 15 elevated elevate VERB _003394182 194 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 194 17 emotions emotion NOUN _003394182 194 18 to to PART _003394182 194 19 be be AUX _003394182 194 20 controlled control VERB _003394182 194 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 194 22 dreams dream VERB _003394182 194 23 to to PART _003394182 194 24 be be AUX _003394182 194 25 realized realize VERB _003394182 194 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 195 1 god god PROPN _003394182 195 2 alone alone ADV _003394182 195 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 195 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 195 5 not not PART _003394182 195 6 her her PRON _003394182 195 7 husband husband NOUN _003394182 195 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 195 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 195 10 not not PART _003394182 195 11 the the DET _003394182 195 12 law law NOUN _003394182 195 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 195 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 195 15 not not PART _003394182 195 16 even even ADV _003394182 195 17 the the DET _003394182 195 18 empire empire NOUN _003394182 195 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 195 20 was be AUX _003394182 195 21 to to PART _003394182 195 22 be be AUX _003394182 195 23 the the DET _003394182 195 24 master master NOUN _003394182 195 25 of of ADP _003394182 195 26 her her PRON _003394182 195 27 soul soul NOUN _003394182 195 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 196 1 to to ADP _003394182 196 2 woman woman PROPN _003394182 196 3 christ christ PROPN _003394182 196 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 196 5 the the DET _003394182 196 6 church church NOUN _003394182 196 7 restored restore VERB _003394182 196 8 what what PRON _003394182 196 9 ages age NOUN _003394182 196 10 of of ADP _003394182 196 11 paganism paganism NOUN _003394182 196 12 had have AUX _003394182 196 13 taken take VERB _003394182 196 14 away away ADV _003394182 196 15 from from ADP _003394182 196 16 her she PRON _003394182 196 17 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 196 18 her her PRON _003394182 196 19 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 196 20 sovereignty sovereignty NOUN _003394182 196 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 196 22 her her PRON _003394182 196 23 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 196 24 equality equality NOUN _003394182 196 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 197 1 on on ADP _003394182 197 2 that that DET _003394182 197 3 basis basis NOUN _003394182 197 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 197 5 on on ADP _003394182 197 6 that that DET _003394182 197 7 basis basis NOUN _003394182 197 8 alone alone ADV _003394182 197 9 were be AUX _003394182 197 10 the the DET _003394182 197 11 homes home NOUN _003394182 197 12 of of ADP _003394182 197 13 the the DET _003394182 197 14 world world NOUN _003394182 197 15 refashioned refashion VERB _003394182 197 16 in in ADP _003394182 197 17 the the DET _003394182 197 18 institution institution NOUN _003394182 197 19 known know VERB _003394182 197 20 as as ADP _003394182 197 21 the the DET _003394182 197 22 christian christian ADJ _003394182 197 23 family family NOUN _003394182 197 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 198 1 the the DET _003394182 198 2 roman roman ADJ _003394182 198 3 home home NOUN _003394182 198 4 had have VERB _003394182 198 5 but but CCONJ _003394182 198 6 a a DET _003394182 198 7 remote remote ADJ _003394182 198 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 198 9 impersonal impersonal ADJ _003394182 198 10 connection connection NOUN _003394182 198 11 with with ADP _003394182 198 12 religion religion NOUN _003394182 198 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 199 1 religion religion NOUN _003394182 199 2 merely merely ADV _003394182 199 3 trespassed trespass VERB _003394182 199 4 as as ADP _003394182 199 5 an an DET _003394182 199 6 official official NOUN _003394182 199 7 across across ADP _003394182 199 8 its its PRON _003394182 199 9 threshold threshold NOUN _003394182 199 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 200 1 the the DET _003394182 200 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 200 3 home home NOUN _003394182 200 4 became become VERB _003394182 200 5 a a DET _003394182 200 6 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 200 7 of of ADP _003394182 200 8 religion religion NOUN _003394182 200 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 200 10 where where SCONJ _003394182 200 11 the the DET _003394182 200 12 passions passion NOUN _003394182 200 13 of of ADP _003394182 200 14 man man NOUN _003394182 200 15 were be AUX _003394182 200 16 to to PART _003394182 200 17 be be AUX _003394182 200 18 controlled control VERB _003394182 200 19 by by ADP _003394182 200 20 the the DET _003394182 200 21 purity purity NOUN _003394182 200 22 of of ADP _003394182 200 23 christ christ PROPN _003394182 200 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 200 25 where where SCONJ _003394182 200 26 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 200 27 was be AUX _003394182 200 28 to to PART _003394182 200 29 be be AUX _003394182 200 30 clothed clothe VERB _003394182 200 31 in in ADP _003394182 200 32 the the DET _003394182 200 33 tenderness tenderness NOUN _003394182 200 34 of of ADP _003394182 200 35 christ christ PROPN _003394182 200 36 , , PUNCT _003394182 200 37 and and CCONJ _003394182 200 38 where where SCONJ _003394182 200 39 the the DET _003394182 200 40 power power NOUN _003394182 200 41 of of ADP _003394182 200 42 the the DET _003394182 200 43 husband husband NOUN _003394182 200 44 over over ADP _003394182 200 45 wife wife NOUN _003394182 200 46 , , PUNCT _003394182 200 47 and and CCONJ _003394182 200 48 the the DET _003394182 200 49 power power NOUN _003394182 200 50 of of ADP _003394182 200 51 both both PRON _003394182 200 52 over over ADP _003394182 200 53 children child NOUN _003394182 200 54 , , PUNCT _003394182 200 55 was be AUX _003394182 200 56 to to PART _003394182 200 57 be be AUX _003394182 200 58 exercised exercise VERB _003394182 200 59 in in ADP _003394182 200 60 the the DET _003394182 200 61 charity charity NOUN _003394182 200 62 of of ADP _003394182 200 63 christ christ PROPN _003394182 200 64 . . PUNCT _003394182 201 1 the the DET _003394182 201 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 201 3 treasure treasure NOUN _003394182 201 4 of of ADP _003394182 201 5 the the DET _003394182 201 6 roman roman ADJ _003394182 201 7 home home NOUN _003394182 201 8 was be AUX _003394182 201 9 the the DET _003394182 201 10 symbol symbol NOUN _003394182 201 11 of of ADP _003394182 201 12 its its PRON _003394182 201 13 household household NOUN _003394182 201 14 gods god NOUN _003394182 201 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 202 1 the the DET _003394182 202 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 202 3 treasure treasure NOUN _003394182 202 4 of of ADP _003394182 202 5 the the DET _003394182 202 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 202 7 home home NOUN _003394182 202 8 is be AUX _003394182 202 9 the the DET _003394182 202 10 grace grace NOUN _003394182 202 11 of of ADP _003394182 202 12 christ christ PROPN _003394182 202 13 in in ADP _003394182 202 14 its its PRON _003394182 202 15 builders builder NOUN _003394182 202 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 203 1 the the DET _003394182 203 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 203 3 ' ' PART _003394182 203 4 member member NOUN _003394182 203 5 of of ADP _003394182 203 6 the the DET _003394182 203 7 roman roman ADJ _003394182 203 8 home home NOUN _003394182 203 9 was be AUX _003394182 203 10 the the DET _003394182 203 11 husband husband NOUN _003394182 203 12 or or CCONJ _003394182 203 13 paterfamilias paterfamilias PROPN _003394182 203 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 204 1 the the DET _003394182 204 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 204 3 member member NOUN _003394182 204 4 of of ADP _003394182 204 5 the the DET _003394182 204 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 204 7 home home NOUN _003394182 204 8 is be AUX _003394182 204 9 the the DET _003394182 204 10 personality personality NOUN _003394182 204 11 of of ADP _003394182 204 12 christ christ PROPN _003394182 204 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 205 1 the the DET _003394182 205 2 gods god NOUN _003394182 205 3 of of ADP _003394182 205 4 greece greece PROPN _003394182 205 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 205 6 rome rome PROPN _003394182 205 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 205 8 as as SCONJ _003394182 205 9 the the DET _003394182 205 10 poets poet NOUN _003394182 205 11 tell tell VERB _003394182 205 12 us we PRON _003394182 205 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 205 14 were be AUX _003394182 205 15 only only ADV _003394182 205 16 happy happy ADJ _003394182 205 17 when when SCONJ _003394182 205 18 they they PRON _003394182 205 19 had have AUX _003394182 205 20 left leave VERB _003394182 205 21 their their PRON _003394182 205 22 mansions mansion NOUN _003394182 205 23 on on ADP _003394182 205 24 mount mount PROPN _003394182 205 25 olympus olympus PROPN _003394182 205 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 205 27 wandered wander VERB _003394182 205 28 in in ADP _003394182 205 29 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _003394182 205 30 of of ADP _003394182 205 31 their their PRON _003394182 205 32 base base NOUN _003394182 205 33 desires desire NOUN _003394182 205 34 across across ADP _003394182 205 35 the the DET _003394182 205 36 world world NOUN _003394182 205 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 206 1 christ christ PROPN _003394182 206 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 206 3 who who PRON _003394182 206 4 is be AUX _003394182 206 5 our our PRON _003394182 206 6 god god PROPN _003394182 206 7 in in ADP _003394182 206 8 fact fact NOUN _003394182 206 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 206 10 not not PART _003394182 206 11 in in ADP _003394182 206 12 literature literature NOUN _003394182 206 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 206 14 identified identify VERB _003394182 206 15 himself himself PRON _003394182 206 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 206 17 for for ADP _003394182 206 18 our our PRON _003394182 206 19 sakes sake NOUN _003394182 206 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 206 21 with with ADP _003394182 206 22 a a DET _003394182 206 23 human human ADJ _003394182 206 24 home home NOUN _003394182 206 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 207 1 he he PRON _003394182 207 2 was be AUX _003394182 207 3 born bear VERB _003394182 207 4 in in ADP _003394182 207 5 a a DET _003394182 207 6 rocky rocky ADJ _003394182 207 7 cave cave NOUN _003394182 207 8 surrounded surround VERB _003394182 207 9 by by ADP _003394182 207 10 the the DET _003394182 207 11 first first ADJ _003394182 207 12 christian christian ADJ _003394182 207 13 family family NOUN _003394182 207 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 208 1 he he PRON _003394182 208 2 lived live VERB _003394182 208 3 for for ADP _003394182 208 4 thirty thirty NUM _003394182 208 5 years year NOUN _003394182 208 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 208 7 subject subject ADJ _003394182 208 8 to to ADP _003394182 208 9 his his PRON _003394182 208 10 mother mother NOUN _003394182 208 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 208 12 foster foster PROPN _003394182 208 13 fath16 fath16 VERB _003394182 208 14 the the DET _003394182 208 15 christian christian PROPN _003394182 208 16 family family PROPN _003394182 208 17 16 16 NUM _003394182 208 18 er er INTJ _003394182 208 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 208 20 within within ADP _003394182 208 21 the the DET _003394182 208 22 quiet quiet ADJ _003394182 208 23 precincts precinct NOUN _003394182 208 24 of of ADP _003394182 208 25 that that DET _003394182 208 26 home home NOUN _003394182 208 27 in in ADP _003394182 208 28 nazareth nazareth PROPN _003394182 208 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 208 30 where where SCONJ _003394182 208 31 the the DET _003394182 208 32 presence presence NOUN _003394182 208 33 of of ADP _003394182 208 34 god god PROPN _003394182 208 35 was be AUX _003394182 208 36 as as ADV _003394182 208 37 lavish lavish ADJ _003394182 208 38 as as ADP _003394182 208 39 the the DET _003394182 208 40 air air NOUN _003394182 208 41 , , PUNCT _003394182 208 42 and and CCONJ _003394182 208 43 where where SCONJ _003394182 208 44 the the DET _003394182 208 45 peace peace NOUN _003394182 208 46 of of ADP _003394182 208 47 god god PROPN _003394182 208 48 was be AUX _003394182 208 49 as as ADP _003394182 208 50 f f X _003394182 208 51 r r NOUN _003394182 208 52 a a DET _003394182 208 53 g g NOUN _003394182 208 54 r r NOUN _003394182 208 55 a a DET _003394182 208 56 n n NOUN _003394182 208 57 t t NOUN _003394182 208 58 as as ADP _003394182 208 59 the the DET _003394182 208 60 unfolding unfolding NOUN _003394182 208 61 of of ADP _003394182 208 62 springtime springtime NOUN _003394182 208 63 flowers flower NOUN _003394182 208 64 . . PUNCT _003394182 209 1 at at ADP _003394182 209 2 the the DET _003394182 209 3 moment moment NOUN _003394182 209 4 of of ADP _003394182 209 5 his his PRON _003394182 209 6 death death NOUN _003394182 209 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 209 8 within within ADP _003394182 209 9 the the DET _003394182 209 10 bed bed NOUN _003394182 209 11 chamber chamber NOUN _003394182 209 12 of of ADP _003394182 209 13 calvary calvary PROPN _003394182 209 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 209 15 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 209 16 the the DET _003394182 209 17 pillow pillow NOUN _003394182 209 18 of of ADP _003394182 209 19 his his PRON _003394182 209 20 cross cross NOUN _003394182 209 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 209 22 he he PRON _003394182 209 23 thought think VERB _003394182 209 24 of of ADP _003394182 209 25 home home NOUN _003394182 209 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 209 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 209 28 gave give VERB _003394182 209 29 his his PRON _003394182 209 30 mother mother NOUN _003394182 209 31 to to PART _003394182 209 32 saint saint VERB _003394182 209 33 john john PROPN _003394182 209 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 209 35 and and CCONJ _003394182 209 36 saint saint PROPN _003394182 209 37 john john PROPN _003394182 209 38 as as ADP _003394182 209 39 son son NOUN _003394182 209 40 to to ADP _003394182 209 41 his his PRON _003394182 209 42 mother mother NOUN _003394182 209 43 , , PUNCT _003394182 209 44 to to PART _003394182 209 45 perpetuate perpetuate VERB _003394182 209 46 the the DET _003394182 209 47 home home NOUN _003394182 209 48 that that PRON _003394182 209 49 his his PRON _003394182 209 50 birth birth NOUN _003394182 209 51 had have AUX _003394182 209 52 founded found VERB _003394182 209 53 . . PUNCT _003394182 210 1 for for ADP _003394182 210 2 us we PRON _003394182 210 3 who who PRON _003394182 210 4 follow follow VERB _003394182 210 5 him he PRON _003394182 210 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 210 7 religion religion NOUN _003394182 210 8 must must AUX _003394182 210 9 be be AUX _003394182 210 10 no no DET _003394182 210 11 mere mere ADJ _003394182 210 12 official official ADJ _003394182 210 13 or or CCONJ _003394182 210 14 unwanted unwanted ADJ _003394182 210 15 visitor visitor NOUN _003394182 210 16 within within ADP _003394182 210 17 the the DET _003394182 210 18 home home NOUN _003394182 210 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 211 1 religion religion NOUN _003394182 211 2 must must AUX _003394182 211 3 cross cross VERB _003394182 211 4 the the DET _003394182 211 5 threshold threshold NOUN _003394182 211 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 211 7 remain remain VERB _003394182 211 8 there there ADV _003394182 211 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 211 10 to to PART _003394182 211 11 brighten brighten VERB _003394182 211 12 the the DET _003394182 211 13 walls wall NOUN _003394182 211 14 with with ADP _003394182 211 15 holy holy ADJ _003394182 211 16 pictures picture NOUN _003394182 211 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 211 18 to to PART _003394182 211 19 cleanse cleanse VERB _003394182 211 20 the the DET _003394182 211 21 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 211 22 with with ADP _003394182 211 23 holy holy ADJ _003394182 211 24 thoughts thought NOUN _003394182 211 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 211 26 to to PART _003394182 211 27 fill fill VERB _003394182 211 28 the the DET _003394182 211 29 souls soul NOUN _003394182 211 30 of of ADP _003394182 211 31 all all DET _003394182 211 32 home home NOUN _003394182 211 33 dwellers dweller NOUN _003394182 211 34 with with ADP _003394182 211 35 holy holy ADJ _003394182 211 36 peace peace NOUN _003394182 211 37 and and CCONJ _003394182 211 38 aspirations aspiration NOUN _003394182 211 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 212 1 statesmen statesman NOUN _003394182 212 2 still still ADV _003394182 212 3 look look VERB _003394182 212 4 to to ADP _003394182 212 5 roman roman VERB _003394182 212 6 law law NOUN _003394182 212 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 212 8 organization organization NOUN _003394182 212 9 for for ADP _003394182 212 10 their their PRON _003394182 212 11 guidance guidance NOUN _003394182 212 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 213 1 generals general NOUN _003394182 213 2 still still ADV _003394182 213 3 study study VERB _003394182 213 4 the the DET _003394182 213 5 military military ADJ _003394182 213 6 tactics tactic NOUN _003394182 213 7 of of ADP _003394182 213 8 caesar caesar PROPN _003394182 213 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 214 1 artists artist NOUN _003394182 214 2 still still ADV _003394182 214 3 copy copy VERB _003394182 214 4 the the DET _003394182 214 5 statues statue NOUN _003394182 214 6 of of ADP _003394182 214 7 roman roman ADJ _003394182 214 8 goddesses goddess NOUN _003394182 214 9 to to PART _003394182 214 10 grow grow VERB _003394182 214 11 supreme supreme ADJ _003394182 214 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 215 1 we we PRON _003394182 215 2 who who PRON _003394182 215 3 have have VERB _003394182 215 4 but but CCONJ _003394182 215 5 a a DET _003394182 215 6 little little ADJ _003394182 215 7 time time NOUN _003394182 215 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 215 9 less less ADJ _003394182 215 10 genius genius NOUN _003394182 215 11 to to PART _003394182 215 12 create create VERB _003394182 215 13 must must AUX _003394182 215 14 look look VERB _003394182 215 15 to to ADP _003394182 215 16 christ christ PROPN _003394182 215 17 the the DET _003394182 215 18 home home NOUN _003394182 215 19 builder builder NOUN _003394182 215 20 as as ADP _003394182 215 21 our our PRON _003394182 215 22 model model NOUN _003394182 215 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 216 1 in in ADP _003394182 216 2 all all DET _003394182 216 3 phases phase NOUN _003394182 216 4 of of ADP _003394182 216 5 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 216 6 activity activity NOUN _003394182 216 7 we we PRON _003394182 216 8 must must AUX _003394182 216 9 be be AUX _003394182 216 10 guided guide VERB _003394182 216 11 by by ADP _003394182 216 12 his his PRON _003394182 216 13 teachings teaching NOUN _003394182 216 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 217 1 only only ADV _003394182 217 2 then then ADV _003394182 217 3 can can AUX _003394182 217 4 our our PRON _003394182 217 5 home home NOUN _003394182 217 6 become become VERB _003394182 217 7 life life NOUN _003394182 217 8 's 's PART _003394182 217 9 greatest great ADJ _003394182 217 10 contribution contribution NOUN _003394182 217 11 to to ADP _003394182 217 12 mankind mankind NOUN _003394182 217 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 218 1 only only ADV _003394182 218 2 then then ADV _003394182 218 3 shall shall AUX _003394182 218 4 our our PRON _003394182 218 5 homes home NOUN _003394182 218 6 remain remain VERB _003394182 218 7 to to PART _003394182 218 8 win win VERB _003394182 218 9 us we PRON _003394182 218 10 eternal eternal ADJ _003394182 218 11 glory glory NOUN _003394182 218 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 218 13 even even ADV _003394182 218 14 as as SCONJ _003394182 218 15 the the DET _003394182 218 16 homes home NOUN _003394182 218 17 of of ADP _003394182 218 18 the the DET _003394182 218 19 buried bury VERB _003394182 218 20 city city NOUN _003394182 218 21 of of ADP _003394182 218 22 pompeii pompeii NOUN _003394182 218 23 outlived outlive VERB _003394182 218 24 the the DET _003394182 218 25 conquests conquest NOUN _003394182 218 26 of of ADP _003394182 218 27 caesar caesar PROPN _003394182 218 28 and and CCONJ _003394182 218 29 his his PRON _003394182 218 30 name name NOUN _003394182 218 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 219 1 the the DET _003394182 219 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 219 3 family family PROPN _003394182 219 4 17 17 NUM _003394182 219 5 s s PROPN _003394182 219 6 & & CCONJ _003394182 219 7 3 3 NUM _003394182 219 8 ¡ ¡ NOUN _003394182 219 9 s s VERB _003394182 219 10 a a PRON _003394182 220 1 i i NOUN _003394182 220 2 l l NOUN _003394182 220 3 two two NUM _003394182 220 4 in in ADP _003394182 220 5 one one NUM _003394182 220 6 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 220 7 address address NOUN _003394182 220 8 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 220 9 on on ADP _003394182 220 10 may may PROPN _003394182 220 11 29 29 NUM _003394182 220 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 220 13 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 220 14 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 220 15 is be AUX _003394182 220 16 life life NOUN _003394182 220 17 's 's PART _003394182 220 18 most most ADV _003394182 220 19 important important ADJ _003394182 220 20 contract contract NOUN _003394182 220 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 221 1 it it PRON _003394182 221 2 is be AUX _003394182 221 3 not not PART _003394182 221 4 what what PRON _003394182 221 5 the the DET _003394182 221 6 stage stage NOUN _003394182 221 7 depicts depict VERB _003394182 221 8 it it PRON _003394182 221 9 to to PART _003394182 221 10 be be AUX _003394182 221 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 222 1 happy happy ADJ _003394182 222 2 marriages marriage NOUN _003394182 222 3 do do AUX _003394182 222 4 not not PART _003394182 222 5 form form VERB _003394182 222 6 thé thé PROPN _003394182 222 7 theme theme NOUN _003394182 222 8 of of ADP _003394182 222 9 our our PRON _003394182 222 10 modern modern ADJ _003394182 222 11 drama drama NOUN _003394182 222 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 222 13 presuming presuming NOUN _003394182 222 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 222 15 of of ADP _003394182 222 16 course course NOUN _003394182 222 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 222 18 that that SCONJ _003394182 222 19 we we PRON _003394182 222 20 have have VERB _003394182 222 21 anything anything PRON _003394182 222 22 modern modern ADJ _003394182 222 23 approaching approach VERB _003394182 222 24 the the DET _003394182 222 25 status status NOUN _003394182 222 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 222 27 dignity dignity NOUN _003394182 222 28 of of ADP _003394182 222 29 drama drama NOUN _003394182 222 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 223 1 the the DET _003394182 223 2 essence essence NOUN _003394182 223 3 of of ADP _003394182 223 4 all all DET _003394182 223 5 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003394182 223 6 writing writing NOUN _003394182 223 7 is be AUX _003394182 223 8 struggle struggle NOUN _003394182 223 9 : : PUNCT _003394182 223 10 struggle struggle NOUN _003394182 223 11 between between ADP _003394182 223 12 man man NOUN _003394182 223 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 223 14 the the DET _003394182 223 15 forces force NOUN _003394182 223 16 of of ADP _003394182 223 17 nature nature NOUN _003394182 223 18 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 223 19 struggle struggle VERB _003394182 223 20 between between ADP _003394182 223 21 man man NOUN _003394182 223 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 223 23 man man NOUN _003394182 223 24 in in ADP _003394182 223 25 the the DET _003394182 223 26 arena arena NOUN _003394182 223 27 of of ADP _003394182 223 28 business business NOUN _003394182 223 29 or or CCONJ _003394182 223 30 politics politic NOUN _003394182 223 31 or or CCONJ _003394182 223 32 love love NOUN _003394182 223 33 or or CCONJ _003394182 223 34 war war NOUN _003394182 223 35 . . PUNCT _003394182 224 1 consequently consequently ADV _003394182 224 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 224 3 happy happy ADJ _003394182 224 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 224 5 successful successful ADJ _003394182 224 6 marriages marriage NOUN _003394182 224 7 offer offer VERB _003394182 224 8 no no DET _003394182 224 9 inducement inducement NOUN _003394182 224 10 to to ADP _003394182 224 11 the the DET _003394182 224 12 pen pen NOUN _003394182 224 13 of of ADP _003394182 224 14 the the DET _003394182 224 15 dramatist dramatist NOUN _003394182 224 16 or or CCONJ _003394182 224 17 the the DET _003394182 224 18 emotional emotional ADJ _003394182 224 19 a a DET _003394182 224 20 r r NOUN _003394182 224 21 t t NOUN _003394182 224 22 of of ADP _003394182 224 23 the the DET _003394182 224 24 actor actor NOUN _003394182 224 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 225 1 marital marital ADJ _003394182 225 2 virtue virtue PROPN _003394182 225 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 225 4 marital marital ADJ _003394182 225 5 loyalty loyalty NOUN _003394182 225 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 225 7 marital marital ADJ _003394182 225 8 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003394182 225 9 find find VERB _003394182 225 10 little little ADJ _003394182 225 11 place place NOUN _003394182 225 12 or or CCONJ _003394182 225 13 encouragement encouragement NOUN _003394182 225 14 behind behind ADP _003394182 225 15 the the DET _003394182 225 16 footlights footlight NOUN _003394182 225 17 or or CCONJ _003394182 225 18 within within ADP _003394182 225 19 the the DET _003394182 225 20 changing change VERB _003394182 225 21 scenes scene NOUN _003394182 225 22 of of ADP _003394182 225 23 our our PRON _003394182 225 24 modern modern ADJ _003394182 225 25 photography photography NOUN _003394182 225 26 of of ADP _003394182 225 27 motion motion NOUN _003394182 225 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 226 1 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 226 2 is be AUX _003394182 226 3 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 226 4 what what PRON _003394182 226 5 the the DET _003394182 226 6 state state NOUN _003394182 226 7 assumes assume VERB _003394182 226 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 226 9 decrees decree VERB _003394182 226 10 it it PRON _003394182 226 11 to to PART _003394182 226 12 be be AUX _003394182 226 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 227 1 according accord VERB _003394182 227 2 to to ADP _003394182 227 3 the the DET _003394182 227 4 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 227 5 relations relation NOUN _003394182 227 6 law law NOUN _003394182 227 7 of of ADP _003394182 227 8 most most ADJ _003394182 227 9 of of ADP _003394182 227 10 our our PRON _003394182 227 11 states state NOUN _003394182 227 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 227 13 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 227 14 is be AUX _003394182 227 15 a a DET _003394182 227 16 contract contract NOUN _003394182 227 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 227 18 a a DET _003394182 227 19 mere mere ADJ _003394182 227 20 agreement agreement NOUN _003394182 227 21 between between ADP _003394182 227 22 two two NUM _003394182 227 23 parties party NOUN _003394182 227 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 227 25 a a DET _003394182 227 26 man man NOUN _003394182 227 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 227 28 a a DET _003394182 227 29 woman woman NOUN _003394182 227 30 , , PUNCT _003394182 227 31 to to PART _003394182 227 32 live live VERB _003394182 227 33 a a DET _003394182 227 34 life life NOUN _003394182 227 35 in in ADP _003394182 227 36 common common PROPN _003394182 227 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 228 1 the the DET _003394182 228 2 consent consent NOUN _003394182 228 3 of of ADP _003394182 228 4 the the DET _003394182 228 5 participating participate VERB _003394182 228 6 parties party NOUN _003394182 228 7 alone alone ADV _003394182 228 8 is be AUX _003394182 228 9 necessary necessary ADJ _003394182 228 10 to to PART _003394182 228 11 establish establish VERB _003394182 228 12 it it PRON _003394182 228 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 229 1 on on ADP _003394182 229 2 the the DET _003394182 229 3 other other ADJ _003394182 229 4 hand hand NOUN _003394182 229 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 229 6 we we PRON _003394182 229 7 sometimes sometimes ADV _003394182 229 8 find find VERB _003394182 229 9 the the DET _003394182 229 10 courts court NOUN _003394182 229 11 of of ADP _003394182 229 12 an an DET _003394182 229 13 individual individual ADJ _003394182 229 14 state state NOUN _003394182 229 15 attempting attempt VERB _003394182 229 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 229 17 in in ADP _003394182 229 18 their their PRON _003394182 229 19 judicial judicial ADJ _003394182 229 20 opinions opinion NOUN _003394182 229 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 229 22 to to PART _003394182 229 23 inculcate inculcate VERB _003394182 229 24 the the DET _003394182 229 25 doctrine doctrine NOUN _003394182 229 26 that that SCONJ _003394182 229 27 the the DET _003394182 229 28 contract contract NOUN _003394182 229 29 of of ADP _003394182 229 30 matrimony matrimony NOUN _003394182 229 31 is be AUX _003394182 229 32 a a DET _003394182 229 33 peculiar peculiar ADJ _003394182 229 34 one one NUM _003394182 229 35 , , PUNCT _003394182 229 36 laden laden ADJ _003394182 229 37 with with ADP _003394182 229 38 great great ADJ _003394182 229 39 personal personal ADJ _003394182 229 40 responsibilities responsibility NOUN _003394182 229 41 , , PUNCT _003394182 229 42 fundamentally fundamentally ADV _003394182 229 43 altering alter VERB _003394182 229 44 the the DET _003394182 229 45 lives life NOUN _003394182 229 46 of of ADP _003394182 229 47 its its PRON _003394182 229 48 participants participant NOUN _003394182 229 49 , , PUNCT _003394182 229 50 and and CCONJ _003394182 229 51 fraught fraught ADJ _003394182 229 52 with with ADP _003394182 229 53 momentous momentous ADJ _003394182 229 54 possibilities possibility NOUN _003394182 229 55 of of ADP _003394182 229 56 good good NOUN _003394182 229 57 for for ADP _003394182 229 58 the the DET _003394182 229 59 commonwealth commonwealth NOUN _003394182 229 60 . . PUNCT _003394182 230 1 the the DET _003394182 230 2 best good ADJ _003394182 230 3 statement statement NOUN _003394182 230 4 of of ADP _003394182 230 5 this this DET _003394182 230 6 idealistic idealistic ADJ _003394182 230 7 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 230 8 is be AUX _003394182 230 9 found find VERB _003394182 230 10 in in ADP _003394182 230 11 the the DET _003394182 230 12 words word NOUN _003394182 230 13 of of ADP _003394182 230 14 the the DET _003394182 230 15 united united PROPN _003394182 230 16 states states PROPN _003394182 230 17 supreme supreme PROPN _003394182 230 18 18 18 NUM _003394182 230 19 the the DET _003394182 230 20 christian christian PROPN _003394182 230 21 family family PROPN _003394182 230 22 18 18 NUM _003394182 230 23 court court NOUN _003394182 230 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 230 25 in in ADP _003394182 230 26 the the DET _003394182 230 27 case case NOUN _003394182 230 28 of of ADP _003394182 230 29 maynard maynard PROPN _003394182 230 30 v. v. PROPN _003394182 230 31 hill hill PROPN _003394182 230 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 231 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 231 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 231 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 231 4 " " PUNCT _003394182 231 5 mr mr PROPN _003394182 231 6 . . PROPN _003394182 231 7 justice justice PROPN _003394182 231 8 field field PROPN _003394182 231 9 therein therein ADV _003394182 231 10 declares declare VERB _003394182 231 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 231 12 " " PUNCT _003394182 231 13 is be AUX _003394182 231 14 more more ADJ _003394182 231 15 than than ADP _003394182 231 16 a a DET _003394182 231 17 contract contract NOUN _003394182 231 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 232 1 the the DET _003394182 232 2 consent consent NOUN _003394182 232 3 of of ADP _003394182 232 4 the the DET _003394182 232 5 parties party NOUN _003394182 232 6 is be AUX _003394182 232 7 of of ADP _003394182 232 8 course course NOUN _003394182 232 9 essential essential ADJ _003394182 232 10 to to ADP _003394182 232 11 its its PRON _003394182 232 12 existence existence NOUN _003394182 232 13 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 232 14 but but CCONJ _003394182 232 15 when when SCONJ _003394182 232 16 the the DET _003394182 232 17 contract contract NOUN _003394182 232 18 to to PART _003394182 232 19 marry marry VERB _003394182 232 20 is be AUX _003394182 232 21 executed execute VERB _003394182 232 22 by by ADP _003394182 232 23 the the DET _003394182 232 24 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 232 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 232 26 a a DET _003394182 232 27 relation relation NOUN _003394182 232 28 between between ADP _003394182 232 29 the the DET _003394182 232 30 parties party NOUN _003394182 232 31 is be AUX _003394182 232 32 created create VERB _003394182 232 33 which which PRON _003394182 232 34 they they PRON _003394182 232 35 can can AUX _003394182 232 36 not not PART _003394182 232 37 change change VERB _003394182 232 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 232 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 232 40 . . PUNCT _003394182 233 1 it it PRON _003394182 233 2 is be AUX _003394182 233 3 an an DET _003394182 233 4 institution institution NOUN _003394182 233 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 233 6 in in ADP _003394182 233 7 the the DET _003394182 233 8 maintenance maintenance NOUN _003394182 233 9 of of ADP _003394182 233 10 which which PRON _003394182 233 11 in in ADP _003394182 233 12 its its PRON _003394182 233 13 purity purity NOUN _003394182 233 14 the the DET _003394182 233 15 public public NOUN _003394182 233 16 is be AUX _003394182 233 17 deeply deeply ADV _003394182 233 18 interested interested ADJ _003394182 233 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 233 20 for for SCONJ _003394182 233 21 it it PRON _003394182 233 22 is be AUX _003394182 233 23 the the DET _003394182 233 24 foundation foundation NOUN _003394182 233 25 of of ADP _003394182 233 26 the the DET _003394182 233 27 family family NOUN _003394182 233 28 and and CCONJ _003394182 233 29 of of ADP _003394182 233 30 society society NOUN _003394182 233 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 233 32 without without ADP _003394182 233 33 which which PRON _003394182 233 34 there there PRON _003394182 233 35 would would AUX _003394182 233 36 be be AUX _003394182 233 37 neither neither DET _003394182 233 38 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 233 39 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 233 40 progress progress NOUN _003394182 233 41 . . PUNCT _003394182 233 42 " " PUNCT _003394182 234 1 the the DET _003394182 234 2 matrimonial matrimonial ADJ _003394182 234 3 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 234 4 of of ADP _003394182 234 5 the the DET _003394182 234 6 various various ADJ _003394182 234 7 states state NOUN _003394182 234 8 of of ADP _003394182 234 9 our our PRON _003394182 234 10 federal federal ADJ _003394182 234 11 republic republic NOUN _003394182 234 12 is be AUX _003394182 234 13 not not PART _003394182 234 14 always always ADV _003394182 234 15 in in ADP _003394182 234 16 harmony harmony NOUN _003394182 234 17 with with ADP _003394182 234 18 this this DET _003394182 234 19 idealistic idealistic ADJ _003394182 234 20 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 234 21 of of ADP _003394182 234 22 the the DET _003394182 234 23 united united PROPN _003394182 234 24 states states PROPN _003394182 234 25 supreme supreme PROPN _003394182 234 26 court court PROPN _003394182 234 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 235 1 most most ADJ _003394182 235 2 of of ADP _003394182 235 3 the the DET _003394182 235 4 states state NOUN _003394182 235 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 235 6 it it PRON _003394182 235 7 is be AUX _003394182 235 8 true true ADJ _003394182 235 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 235 10 surround surround VERB _003394182 235 11 the the DET _003394182 235 12 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 235 13 of of ADP _003394182 235 14 matrimony matrimony NOUN _003394182 235 15 with with ADP _003394182 235 16 some some DET _003394182 235 17 sort sort NOUN _003394182 235 18 of of ADP _003394182 235 19 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003394182 235 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 236 1 the the DET _003394182 236 2 young young ADJ _003394182 236 3 couple couple NOUN _003394182 236 4 must must AUX _003394182 236 5 apply apply VERB _003394182 236 6 at at ADP _003394182 236 7 the the DET _003394182 236 8 office office NOUN _003394182 236 9 of of ADP _003394182 236 10 the the DET _003394182 236 11 city city NOUN _003394182 236 12 or or CCONJ _003394182 236 13 town town NOUN _003394182 236 14 clerk clerk NOUN _003394182 236 15 for for ADP _003394182 236 16 a a DET _003394182 236 17 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 236 18 license license NOUN _003394182 236 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 237 1 they they PRON _003394182 237 2 must must AUX _003394182 237 3 truthfully truthfully ADV _003394182 237 4 answer answer VERB _003394182 237 5 questions question NOUN _003394182 237 6 relative relative ADJ _003394182 237 7 to to ADP _003394182 237 8 age age NOUN _003394182 237 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 237 10 parentage parentage NOUN _003394182 237 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 237 12 occupation occupation NOUN _003394182 237 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 237 14 health health NOUN _003394182 237 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 238 1 they they PRON _003394182 238 2 can can AUX _003394182 238 3 present present VERB _003394182 238 4 the the DET _003394182 238 5 license license NOUN _003394182 238 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 238 7 when when SCONJ _003394182 238 8 secured secure VERB _003394182 238 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 238 10 only only ADV _003394182 238 11 to to ADP _003394182 238 12 those those PRON _003394182 238 13 recognized recognize VERB _003394182 238 14 by by ADP _003394182 238 15 law law NOUN _003394182 238 16 as as ADP _003394182 238 17 capable capable ADJ _003394182 238 18 of of ADP _003394182 238 19 performing perform VERB _003394182 238 20 the the DET _003394182 238 21 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 238 22 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003394182 238 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 239 1 should should AUX _003394182 239 2 they they PRON _003394182 239 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 239 4 in in ADP _003394182 239 5 their their PRON _003394182 239 6 own own ADJ _003394182 239 7 conceit conceit NOUN _003394182 239 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 239 9 be be AUX _003394182 239 10 so so ADV _003394182 239 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 239 12 liberal liberal ADJ _003394182 239 13 - - PUNCT _003394182 239 14 minded minded ADJ _003394182 239 15 " " PUNCT _003394182 239 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 239 17 so so ADV _003394182 239 18 " " PUNCT _003394182 239 19 progressive progressive ADJ _003394182 239 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 239 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 239 22 so so ADV _003394182 239 23 " " PUNCT _003394182 239 24 intellectual intellectual ADJ _003394182 239 25 " " PUNCT _003394182 239 26 as as SCONJ _003394182 239 27 to to PART _003394182 239 28 be be AUX _003394182 239 29 free free ADJ _003394182 239 30 from from ADP _003394182 239 31 the the DET _003394182 239 32 so so ADV _003394182 239 33 - - PUNCT _003394182 239 34 called call VERB _003394182 239 35 slavish slavish ADJ _003394182 239 36 bonds bond NOUN _003394182 239 37 of of ADP _003394182 239 38 religion religion NOUN _003394182 239 39 , , PUNCT _003394182 239 40 they they PRON _003394182 239 41 may may AUX _003394182 239 42 have have VERB _003394182 239 43 the the DET _003394182 239 44 ecstatic ecstatic ADJ _003394182 239 45 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 239 46 of of ADP _003394182 239 47 becoming become VERB _003394182 239 48 man man NOUN _003394182 239 49 and and CCONJ _003394182 239 50 wife wife NOUN _003394182 239 51 in in ADP _003394182 239 52 the the DET _003394182 239 53 whitewashed whitewashed ADJ _003394182 239 54 , , PUNCT _003394182 239 55 uncarpeted uncarpeted ADJ _003394182 239 56 , , PUNCT _003394182 239 57 loft loft NOUN _003394182 239 58 room room NOUN _003394182 239 59 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 239 60 of of ADP _003394182 239 61 a a DET _003394182 239 62 city city NOUN _003394182 239 63 hall hall NOUN _003394182 239 64 or or CCONJ _003394182 239 65 a a DET _003394182 239 66 village village NOUN _003394182 239 67 court court NOUN _003394182 239 68 . . PUNCT _003394182 240 1 what what PRON _003394182 240 2 a a DET _003394182 240 3 legal legal ADJ _003394182 240 4 anti anti NOUN _003394182 240 5 - - NOUN _003394182 240 6 climax climax ADJ _003394182 240 7 to to ADP _003394182 240 8 the the DET _003394182 240 9 romantic romantic ADJ _003394182 240 10 climax climax NOUN _003394182 240 11 of of ADP _003394182 240 12 their their PRON _003394182 240 13 courtship courtship NOUN _003394182 240 14 ! ! PUNCT _003394182 241 1 not not PART _003394182 241 2 a a DET _003394182 241 3 word word NOUN _003394182 241 4 is be AUX _003394182 241 5 spoken speak VERB _003394182 241 6 here here ADV _003394182 241 7 of of ADP _003394182 241 8 the the DET _003394182 241 9 duties duty NOUN _003394182 241 10 of of ADP _003394182 241 11 married married ADJ _003394182 241 12 life life NOUN _003394182 241 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 242 1 not not PART _003394182 242 2 a a DET _003394182 242 3 mention mention NOUN _003394182 242 4 is be AUX _003394182 242 5 made make VERB _003394182 242 6 of of ADP _003394182 242 7 the the DET _003394182 242 8 responsibilities responsibility NOUN _003394182 242 9 of of ADP _003394182 242 10 married married ADJ _003394182 242 11 life life NOUN _003394182 242 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 243 1 not not PART _003394182 243 2 a a DET _003394182 243 3 syllable syllable NOUN _003394182 243 4 is be AUX _003394182 243 5 whispered whisper VERB _003394182 243 6 of of ADP _003394182 243 7 the the DET _003394182 243 8 sacred sacred ADJ _003394182 243 9 character character NOUN _003394182 243 10 of of ADP _003394182 243 11 the the DET _003394182 243 12 marital marital ADJ _003394182 243 13 obligation obligation NOUN _003394182 243 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 244 1 not not PART _003394182 244 2 the the DET _003394182 244 3 christian christian ADJ _003394182 244 4 family family NOUN _003394182 244 5 19 19 NUM _003394182 244 6 a a DET _003394182 244 7 plan plan NOUN _003394182 244 8 is be AUX _003394182 244 9 suggested suggest VERB _003394182 244 10 for for ADP _003394182 244 11 the the DET _003394182 244 12 future future ADJ _003394182 244 13 guidance guidance NOUN _003394182 244 14 of of ADP _003394182 244 15 the the DET _003394182 244 16 family family NOUN _003394182 244 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 245 1 the the DET _003394182 245 2 performance performance NOUN _003394182 245 3 of of ADP _003394182 245 4 the the DET _003394182 245 5 purely purely ADV _003394182 245 6 civil civil ADJ _003394182 245 7 contract contract NOUN _003394182 245 8 of of ADP _003394182 245 9 matrimony matrimony NOUN _003394182 245 10 is be AUX _003394182 245 11 not not PART _003394182 245 12 much much ADV _003394182 245 13 different different ADJ _003394182 245 14 in in ADP _003394182 245 15 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003394182 245 16 or or CCONJ _003394182 245 17 formality formality NOUN _003394182 245 18 from from ADP _003394182 245 19 the the DET _003394182 245 20 scene scene NOUN _003394182 245 21 which which PRON _003394182 245 22 takes take VERB _003394182 245 23 place place NOUN _003394182 245 24 at at ADP _003394182 245 25 the the DET _003394182 245 26 signing signing NOUN _003394182 245 27 of of ADP _003394182 245 28 a a DET _003394182 245 29 contract contract NOUN _003394182 245 30 to to PART _003394182 245 31 sell sell VERB _003394182 245 32 goods good NOUN _003394182 245 33 or or CCONJ _003394182 245 34 at at ADP _003394182 245 35 the the DET _003394182 245 36 closing closing NOUN _003394182 245 37 of of ADP _003394182 245 38 title title NOUN _003394182 245 39 for for ADP _003394182 245 40 the the DET _003394182 245 41 purchase purchase NOUN _003394182 245 42 of of ADP _003394182 245 43 real real ADJ _003394182 245 44 estate estate NOUN _003394182 245 45 . . PUNCT _003394182 246 1 it it PRON _003394182 246 2 assuredly assuredly ADV _003394182 246 3 does do AUX _003394182 246 4 not not PART _003394182 246 5 involve involve VERB _003394182 246 6 the the DET _003394182 246 7 formality formality NOUN _003394182 246 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 246 9 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003394182 246 10 which which PRON _003394182 246 11 surrounds surround VERB _003394182 246 12 the the DET _003394182 246 13 incorporation incorporation NOUN _003394182 246 14 of of ADP _003394182 246 15 a a DET _003394182 246 16 bank bank NOUN _003394182 246 17 or or CCONJ _003394182 246 18 railroad railroad NOUN _003394182 246 19 or or CCONJ _003394182 246 20 a a DET _003394182 246 21 great great ADJ _003394182 246 22 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 246 23 enterprise enterprise NOUN _003394182 246 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 247 1 greater great ADJ _003394182 247 2 care care NOUN _003394182 247 3 is be AUX _003394182 247 4 taken take VERB _003394182 247 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 247 6 greater great ADJ _003394182 247 7 advice advice NOUN _003394182 247 8 is be AUX _003394182 247 9 given give VERB _003394182 247 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 247 11 greater great ADJ _003394182 247 12 warnings warning NOUN _003394182 247 13 are be AUX _003394182 247 14 suggested suggest VERB _003394182 247 15 at at ADP _003394182 247 16 the the DET _003394182 247 17 birth birth NOUN _003394182 247 18 of of ADP _003394182 247 19 a a DET _003394182 247 20 big big ADJ _003394182 247 21 business business NOUN _003394182 247 22 than than ADP _003394182 247 23 a a DET _003394182 247 24 t t NOUN _003394182 247 25 the the DET _003394182 247 26 birth birth NOUN _003394182 247 27 of of ADP _003394182 247 28 a a DET _003394182 247 29 home home NOUN _003394182 247 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 248 1 the the DET _003394182 248 2 negligent negligent ADJ _003394182 248 3 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 248 4 of of ADP _003394182 248 5 the the DET _003394182 248 6 state state NOUN _003394182 248 7 at at ADP _003394182 248 8 the the DET _003394182 248 9 inception inception NOUN _003394182 248 10 of of ADP _003394182 248 11 the the DET _003394182 248 12 home home NOUN _003394182 248 13 is be AUX _003394182 248 14 emphasized emphasize VERB _003394182 248 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 248 16 almost almost ADV _003394182 248 17 to to ADP _003394182 248 18 a a DET _003394182 248 19 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 248 20 degree degree NOUN _003394182 248 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 248 22 by by ADP _003394182 248 23 the the DET _003394182 248 24 failure failure NOUN _003394182 248 25 of of ADP _003394182 248 26 the the DET _003394182 248 27 state state NOUN _003394182 248 28 subsequently subsequently ADV _003394182 248 29 to to PART _003394182 248 30 be be AUX _003394182 248 31 interested interested ADJ _003394182 248 32 in in ADP _003394182 248 33 the the DET _003394182 248 34 welfare welfare NOUN _003394182 248 35 of of ADP _003394182 248 36 the the DET _003394182 248 37 married married ADJ _003394182 248 38 couple couple NOUN _003394182 248 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 249 1 one one NUM _003394182 249 2 of of ADP _003394182 249 3 the the DET _003394182 249 4 principal principal ADJ _003394182 249 5 purposes purpose NOUN _003394182 249 6 of of ADP _003394182 249 7 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 249 8 is be AUX _003394182 249 9 the the DET _003394182 249 10 birth birth NOUN _003394182 249 11 of of ADP _003394182 249 12 a a DET _003394182 249 13 family family NOUN _003394182 249 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 250 1 the the DET _003394182 250 2 state state NOUN _003394182 250 3 makes make VERB _003394182 250 4 no no DET _003394182 250 5 effort effort NOUN _003394182 250 6 whatsoever whatsoever ADV _003394182 250 7 to to PART _003394182 250 8 apply apply VERB _003394182 250 9 its its PRON _003394182 250 10 sovereign sovereign ADJ _003394182 250 11 power power NOUN _003394182 250 12 to to ADP _003394182 250 13 the the DET _003394182 250 14 realization realization NOUN _003394182 250 15 of of ADP _003394182 250 16 that that DET _003394182 250 17 purpose purpose NOUN _003394182 250 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 251 1 the the DET _003394182 251 2 majority majority NOUN _003394182 251 3 of of ADP _003394182 251 4 the the DET _003394182 251 5 sections section NOUN _003394182 251 6 of of ADP _003394182 251 7 the the DET _003394182 251 8 state state NOUN _003394182 251 9 's 's PART _003394182 251 10 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 251 11 relations relation NOUN _003394182 251 12 law law NOUN _003394182 251 13 deal deal VERB _003394182 251 14 with with ADP _003394182 251 15 the the DET _003394182 251 16 dissolution dissolution NOUN _003394182 251 17 of of ADP _003394182 251 18 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 251 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 252 1 few few ADJ _003394182 252 2 of of ADP _003394182 252 3 the the DET _003394182 252 4 matrimonial matrimonial ADJ _003394182 252 5 sections section NOUN _003394182 252 6 of of ADP _003394182 252 7 the the DET _003394182 252 8 state state NOUN _003394182 252 9 's 's PART _003394182 252 10 civil civil ADJ _003394182 252 11 practice practice NOUN _003394182 252 12 act act NOUN _003394182 252 13 refer refer VERB _003394182 252 14 to to ADP _003394182 252 15 anything anything PRON _003394182 252 16 save save VERB _003394182 252 17 the the DET _003394182 252 18 method method NOUN _003394182 252 19 of of ADP _003394182 252 20 affecting affect VERB _003394182 252 21 such such ADJ _003394182 252 22 dissolution dissolution NOUN _003394182 252 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 253 1 the the DET _003394182 253 2 state state NOUN _003394182 253 3 does do AUX _003394182 253 4 not not PART _003394182 253 5 extend extend VERB _003394182 253 6 to to ADP _003394182 253 7 the the DET _003394182 253 8 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 253 9 status status NOUN _003394182 253 10 anything anything PRON _003394182 253 11 like like ADP _003394182 253 12 the the DET _003394182 253 13 helpful helpful ADJ _003394182 253 14 supervision supervision NOUN _003394182 253 15 which which PRON _003394182 253 16 it it PRON _003394182 253 17 exercises exercise VERB _003394182 253 18 in in ADP _003394182 253 19 the the DET _003394182 253 20 guardianship guardianship NOUN _003394182 253 21 of of ADP _003394182 253 22 infants infant NOUN _003394182 253 23 or or CCONJ _003394182 253 24 the the DET _003394182 253 25 execution execution NOUN _003394182 253 26 of of ADP _003394182 253 27 a a DET _003394182 253 28 charitable charitable ADJ _003394182 253 29 trust trust NOUN _003394182 253 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 254 1 while while SCONJ _003394182 254 2 the the DET _003394182 254 3 state state NOUN _003394182 254 4 has have VERB _003394182 254 5 no no DET _003394182 254 6 right right NOUN _003394182 254 7 to to PART _003394182 254 8 assume assume VERB _003394182 254 9 exclusive exclusive ADJ _003394182 254 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 254 11 inherent inherent ADJ _003394182 254 12 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _003394182 254 13 over over ADP _003394182 254 14 the the DET _003394182 254 15 formation formation NOUN _003394182 254 16 or or CCONJ _003394182 254 17 interpretation interpretation NOUN _003394182 254 18 of of ADP _003394182 254 19 the the DET _003394182 254 20 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 254 21 contract contract NOUN _003394182 254 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 254 23 it it PRON _003394182 254 24 should should AUX _003394182 254 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 254 26 however however ADV _003394182 254 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 254 28 surround surround VERB _003394182 254 29 the the DET _003394182 254 30 contract contract NOUN _003394182 254 31 of of ADP _003394182 254 32 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 254 33 when when SCONJ _003394182 254 34 legitimately legitimately ADV _003394182 254 35 performed perform VERB _003394182 254 36 before before ADP _003394182 254 37 her she PRON _003394182 254 38 with with ADP _003394182 254 39 something something PRON _003394182 254 40 of of ADP _003394182 254 41 the the DET _003394182 254 42 dignity dignity NOUN _003394182 254 43 with with ADP _003394182 254 44 which which PRON _003394182 254 45 it it PRON _003394182 254 46 surrounds surround VERB _003394182 254 47 the the DET _003394182 254 48 inception inception NOUN _003394182 254 49 of of ADP _003394182 254 50 other other ADJ _003394182 254 51 and and CCONJ _003394182 254 52 lesser less ADJ _003394182 254 53 20 20 NUM _003394182 254 54 the the DET _003394182 254 55 christian christian ADJ _003394182 254 56 family family NOUN _003394182 254 57 20 20 NUM _003394182 254 58 contracts contract NOUN _003394182 254 59 . . PUNCT _003394182 255 1 the the DET _003394182 255 2 state state NOUN _003394182 255 3 should should AUX _003394182 255 4 be be AUX _003394182 255 5 interested interested ADJ _003394182 255 6 in in ADP _003394182 255 7 the the DET _003394182 255 8 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 255 9 of of ADP _003394182 255 10 the the PRON _003394182 255 11 ! ! PUNCT _003394182 256 1 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 256 2 bond bond NOUN _003394182 256 3 f f PROPN _003394182 256 4 a a DET _003394182 256 5 r r NOUN _003394182 256 6 more more ADJ _003394182 256 7 than than SCONJ _003394182 256 8 it it PRON _003394182 256 9 is be AUX _003394182 256 10 interested interested ADJ _003394182 256 11 in in ADP _003394182 256 12 its its PRON _003394182 256 13 dissolution dissolution NOUN _003394182 256 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 257 1 for for ADP _003394182 257 2 us us PROPN _003394182 257 3 catholics catholic NOUN _003394182 257 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 257 5 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 257 6 is be AUX _003394182 257 7 what what PRON _003394182 257 8 christ christ PROPN _003394182 257 9 decreed decreed VERB _003394182 257 10 it it PRON _003394182 257 11 to to PART _003394182 257 12 be be AUX _003394182 257 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 258 1 christ christ PROPN _003394182 258 2 hallowed hallow VERB _003394182 258 3 the the DET _003394182 258 4 contract contract NOUN _003394182 258 5 of of ADP _003394182 258 6 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 258 7 by by ADP _003394182 258 8 his his PRON _003394182 258 9 presence presence NOUN _003394182 258 10 at at ADP _003394182 258 11 the the DET _003394182 258 12 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 258 13 feast feast NOUN _003394182 258 14 of of ADP _003394182 258 15 cana cana PROPN _003394182 258 16 of of ADP _003394182 258 17 galilee galilee PROPN _003394182 258 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 258 19 when when SCONJ _003394182 258 20 he he PRON _003394182 258 21 gazed gaze VERB _003394182 258 22 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 258 23 the the DET _003394182 258 24 waters water NOUN _003394182 258 25 as as SCONJ _003394182 258 26 they they PRON _003394182 258 27 blushed blush VERB _003394182 258 28 to to ADP _003394182 258 29 wine wine NOUN _003394182 258 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 259 1 christ christ PROPN _003394182 259 2 raised raise VERB _003394182 259 3 the the DET _003394182 259 4 contract contract NOUN _003394182 259 5 of of ADP _003394182 259 6 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 259 7 to to ADP _003394182 259 8 the the DET _003394182 259 9 status status NOUN _003394182 259 10 of of ADP _003394182 259 11 a a DET _003394182 259 12 sacrament sacrament NOUN _003394182 259 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 259 14 as as SCONJ _003394182 259 15 such such ADJ _003394182 259 16 took take VERB _003394182 259 17 it it PRON _003394182 259 18 away away ADV _003394182 259 19 from from ADP _003394182 259 20 the the DET _003394182 259 21 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _003394182 259 22 of of ADP _003394182 259 23 the the DET _003394182 259 24 civil civil ADJ _003394182 259 25 power power NOUN _003394182 259 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 259 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 259 28 placed place VERB _003394182 259 29 it it PRON _003394182 259 30 within within ADP _003394182 259 31 the the DET _003394182 259 32 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _003394182 259 33 of of ADP _003394182 259 34 his his PRON _003394182 259 35 apostles apostle NOUN _003394182 259 36 and and CCONJ _003394182 259 37 their their PRON _003394182 259 38 corporate corporate ADJ _003394182 259 39 successor successor NOUN _003394182 259 40 , , PUNCT _003394182 259 41 the the DET _003394182 259 42 church church NOUN _003394182 259 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 260 1 he he PRON _003394182 260 2 gave give VERB _003394182 260 3 it it PRON _003394182 260 4 a a DET _003394182 260 5 sacred sacred ADJ _003394182 260 6 character character NOUN _003394182 260 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 260 8 not not PART _003394182 260 9 to to PART _003394182 260 10 increase increase VERB _003394182 260 11 the the DET _003394182 260 12 obligations obligation NOUN _003394182 260 13 of of ADP _003394182 260 14 married married ADJ _003394182 260 15 life life NOUN _003394182 260 16 but but CCONJ _003394182 260 17 to to PART _003394182 260 18 render render VERB _003394182 260 19 the the DET _003394182 260 20 fulfillment fulfillment NOUN _003394182 260 21 of of ADP _003394182 260 22 all all DET _003394182 260 23 marital marital ADJ _003394182 260 24 obligations obligation NOUN _003394182 260 25 much much ADV _003394182 260 26 easier easy ADJ _003394182 260 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 261 1 in in ADP _003394182 261 2 the the DET _003394182 261 3 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 261 4 of of ADP _003394182 261 5 christ christ PROPN _003394182 261 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 261 7 as as ADP _003394182 261 8 in in ADP _003394182 261 9 the the DET _003394182 261 10 practice practice NOUN _003394182 261 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 261 12 preaching preaching NOUN _003394182 261 13 of of ADP _003394182 261 14 the the DET _003394182 261 15 church church NOUN _003394182 261 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 261 17 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 261 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 261 19 like like ADP _003394182 261 20 baptism baptism NOUN _003394182 261 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 261 22 confirmation confirmation NOUN _003394182 261 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 261 24 penance,-holy penance,-holy ADJ _003394182 261 25 orders order NOUN _003394182 261 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 261 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 261 28 all all DET _003394182 261 29 the the DET _003394182 261 30 sacraments sacrament NOUN _003394182 261 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 261 32 is be AUX _003394182 261 33 a a DET _003394182 261 34 sign sign NOUN _003394182 261 35 and and CCONJ _003394182 261 36 source source NOUN _003394182 261 37 of of ADP _003394182 261 38 eternal eternal ADJ _003394182 261 39 grace grace NOUN _003394182 261 40 . . PUNCT _003394182 262 1 the the DET _003394182 262 2 names name NOUN _003394182 262 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 262 4 the the DET _003394182 262 5 promises promise NOUN _003394182 262 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 262 7 the the DET _003394182 262 8 performances performance NOUN _003394182 262 9 of of ADP _003394182 262 10 the the DET _003394182 262 11 married married ADJ _003394182 262 12 couple couple NOUN _003394182 262 13 become become AUX _003394182 262 14 inscribed inscribe VERB _003394182 262 15 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 262 16 the the DET _003394182 262 17 record record NOUN _003394182 262 18 book book NOUN _003394182 262 19 of of ADP _003394182 262 20 god god PROPN _003394182 262 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 263 1 there there PRON _003394182 263 2 can can AUX _003394182 263 3 be be AUX _003394182 263 4 no no PRON _003394182 263 5 better well ADJ _003394182 263 6 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 263 7 of of ADP _003394182 263 8 married married ADJ _003394182 263 9 life life NOUN _003394182 263 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 263 11 no no DET _003394182 263 12 greater great ADJ _003394182 263 13 prophecy prophecy NOUN _003394182 263 14 of of ADP _003394182 263 15 a a DET _003394182 263 16 happy happy ADJ _003394182 263 17 family family NOUN _003394182 263 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 263 19 than than ADP _003394182 263 20 a a DET _003394182 263 21 sincere sincere ADJ _003394182 263 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 263 23 faithful faithful ADJ _003394182 263 24 compliance compliance NOUN _003394182 263 25 with with ADP _003394182 263 26 the the DET _003394182 263 27 requirements requirement NOUN _003394182 263 28 of of ADP _003394182 263 29 the the DET _003394182 263 30 church church NOUN _003394182 263 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 264 1 as as ADP _003394182 264 2 the the DET _003394182 264 3 custodian custodian NOUN _003394182 264 4 of of ADP _003394182 264 5 the the DET _003394182 264 6 sacraments sacrament NOUN _003394182 264 7 of of ADP _003394182 264 8 christ christ PROPN _003394182 264 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 264 10 the the DET _003394182 264 11 church church NOUN _003394182 264 12 has have AUX _003394182 264 13 placed place VERB _003394182 264 14 around around ADP _003394182 264 15 the the DET _003394182 264 16 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 264 17 contract contract NOUN _003394182 264 18 of of ADP _003394182 264 19 matrimony matrimony PROPN _003394182 264 20 a a DET _003394182 264 21 dignity dignity NOUN _003394182 264 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 264 23 a a DET _003394182 264 24 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003394182 264 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 264 26 a a DET _003394182 264 27 formality formality NOUN _003394182 264 28 f f X _003394182 264 29 a a DET _003394182 264 30 r r NOUN _003394182 264 31 different different ADJ _003394182 264 32 from from ADP _003394182 264 33 the the DET _003394182 264 34 empty empty ADJ _003394182 264 35 ritual ritual NOUN _003394182 264 36 of of ADP _003394182 264 37 the the DET _003394182 264 38 state state NOUN _003394182 264 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 265 1 the the DET _003394182 265 2 church church NOUN _003394182 265 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 265 4 in in ADP _003394182 265 5 the the DET _003394182 265 6 interest interest NOUN _003394182 265 7 of of ADP _003394182 265 8 the the DET _003394182 265 9 christian christian ADJ _003394182 265 10 family family NOUN _003394182 265 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 265 12 warns warn VERB _003394182 265 13 her her PRON _003394182 265 14 women woman NOUN _003394182 265 15 not not PART _003394182 265 16 to to PART _003394182 265 17 select select VERB _003394182 265 18 for for ADP _003394182 265 19 their their PRON _003394182 265 20 life life NOUN _003394182 265 21 partners partner NOUN _003394182 265 22 men man NOUN _003394182 265 23 whose whose DET _003394182 265 24 lives life NOUN _003394182 265 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 265 26 religiously religiously ADV _003394182 265 27 speaking speak VERB _003394182 265 28 , , PUNCT _003394182 265 29 are be AUX _003394182 265 30 a a DET _003394182 265 31 failure failure NOUN _003394182 265 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 266 1 our our PRON _003394182 266 2 young young ADJ _003394182 266 3 girls girl NOUN _003394182 266 4 are be AUX _003394182 266 5 not not PART _003394182 266 6 asked ask VERB _003394182 266 7 to to PART _003394182 266 8 wait wait VERB _003394182 266 9 for for ADP _003394182 266 10 the the DET _003394182 266 11 coming come VERB _003394182 266 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 266 13 courting court VERB _003394182 266 14 the the DET _003394182 266 15 christian christian ADJ _003394182 266 16 family family NOUN _003394182 266 17 21 21 NUM _003394182 266 18 of of ADP _003394182 266 19 saints saint NOUN _003394182 266 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 267 1 they they PRON _003394182 267 2 are be AUX _003394182 267 3 asked ask VERB _003394182 267 4 to to PART _003394182 267 5 place place VERB _003394182 267 6 no no DET _003394182 267 7 faith faith NOUN _003394182 267 8 in in ADP _003394182 267 9 men man NOUN _003394182 267 10 who who PRON _003394182 267 11 have have VERB _003394182 267 12 no no DET _003394182 267 13 faith faith NOUN _003394182 267 14 in in ADP _003394182 267 15 god god PROPN _003394182 267 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 268 1 they they PRON _003394182 268 2 are be AUX _003394182 268 3 bidden bid VERB _003394182 268 4 not not PART _003394182 268 5 to to PART _003394182 268 6 trust trust VERB _003394182 268 7 their their PRON _003394182 268 8 lives life NOUN _003394182 268 9 to to ADP _003394182 268 10 men man NOUN _003394182 268 11 who who PRON _003394182 268 12 have have AUX _003394182 268 13 broken break VERB _003394182 268 14 trust trust NOUN _003394182 268 15 with with ADP _003394182 268 16 .god .god PROPN _003394182 268 17 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 268 18 not not PART _003394182 268 19 to to PART _003394182 268 20 give give VERB _003394182 268 21 their their PRON _003394182 268 22 love love NOUN _003394182 268 23 to to ADP _003394182 268 24 men man NOUN _003394182 268 25 who who PRON _003394182 268 26 have have VERB _003394182 268 27 no no DET _003394182 268 28 love love NOUN _003394182 268 29 for for ADP _003394182 268 30 christ christ PROPN _003394182 268 31 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 268 32 not not PART _003394182 268 33 to to PART _003394182 268 34 unite unite VERB _003394182 268 35 a a DET _003394182 268 36 heart heart NOUN _003394182 268 37 of of ADP _003394182 268 38 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003394182 268 39 with with ADP _003394182 268 40 a a DET _003394182 268 41 heart heart NOUN _003394182 268 42 of of ADP _003394182 268 43 sin sin NOUN _003394182 268 44 . . PUNCT _003394182 269 1 they they PRON _003394182 269 2 are be AUX _003394182 269 3 urged urge VERB _003394182 269 4 to to PART _003394182 269 5 select select VERB _003394182 269 6 as as ADP _003394182 269 7 the the DET _003394182 269 8 foundation foundation NOUN _003394182 269 9 of of ADP _003394182 269 10 the the DET _003394182 269 11 christian christian ADJ _003394182 269 12 family family NOUN _003394182 269 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 269 14 the the DET _003394182 269 15 solid solid ADJ _003394182 269 16 rock rock NOUN _003394182 269 17 of of ADP _003394182 269 18 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 269 19 truth truth NOUN _003394182 269 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 269 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 269 22 not not PART _003394182 269 23 the the DET _003394182 269 24 shifting shift VERB _003394182 269 25 sands sand NOUN _003394182 269 26 of of ADP _003394182 269 27 human human ADJ _003394182 269 28 passion passion NOUN _003394182 269 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 270 1 the the DET _003394182 270 2 girl girl NOUN _003394182 270 3 who who PRON _003394182 270 4 refuses refuse VERB _003394182 270 5 to to PART _003394182 270 6 take take VERB _003394182 270 7 this this DET _003394182 270 8 moral moral ADJ _003394182 270 9 warning warning NOUN _003394182 270 10 into into ADP _003394182 270 11 consideration consideration NOUN _003394182 270 12 is be AUX _003394182 270 13 making make VERB _003394182 270 14 the the DET _003394182 270 15 risk risk NOUN _003394182 270 16 of of ADP _003394182 270 17 matrimony matrimony NOUN _003394182 270 18 a a DET _003394182 270 19 f f X _003394182 270 20 a a DET _003394182 270 21 r r NOUN _003394182 270 22 greater great ADJ _003394182 270 23 gamble gamble NOUN _003394182 270 24 than than SCONJ _003394182 270 25 the the DET _003394182 270 26 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003394182 270 27 circumstances circumstance NOUN _003394182 270 28 and and CCONJ _003394182 270 29 personalities personality NOUN _003394182 270 30 of of ADP _003394182 270 31 life life NOUN _003394182 270 32 may may AUX _003394182 270 33 indicate indicate VERB _003394182 270 34 . . PUNCT _003394182 271 1 she she PRON _003394182 271 2 is be AUX _003394182 271 3 throwing throw VERB _003394182 271 4 aside aside ADP _003394182 271 5 a a DET _003394182 271 6 supreme supreme ADJ _003394182 271 7 court court NOUN _003394182 271 8 whose whose DET _003394182 271 9 primary primary ADJ _003394182 271 10 interest interest NOUN _003394182 271 11 is be AUX _003394182 271 12 the the DET _003394182 271 13 family family NOUN _003394182 271 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 271 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 271 16 to to ADP _003394182 271 17 whose whose DET _003394182 271 18 counsel counsel NOUN _003394182 271 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 271 20 judgment judgment NOUN _003394182 271 21 her her PRON _003394182 271 22 f f PROPN _003394182 271 23 u u PROPN _003394182 271 24 t t NOUN _003394182 271 25 u u NOUN _003394182 271 26 r r NOUN _003394182 271 27 e e NOUN _003394182 271 28 husband husband NOUN _003394182 271 29 may may AUX _003394182 271 30 some some DET _003394182 271 31 day day NOUN _003394182 271 32 agree agree VERB _003394182 271 33 to to PART _003394182 271 34 submit submit VERB _003394182 271 35 when when SCONJ _003394182 271 36 the the DET _003394182 271 37 coercive coercive ADJ _003394182 271 38 power power NOUN _003394182 271 39 of of ADP _003394182 271 40 love love NOUN _003394182 271 41 has have AUX _003394182 271 42 somehow somehow ADV _003394182 271 43 mysteriously mysteriously ADV _003394182 271 44 melted melt VERB _003394182 271 45 away away ADV _003394182 271 46 . . PUNCT _003394182 272 1 the the DET _003394182 272 2 church church NOUN _003394182 272 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 272 4 through through ADP _003394182 272 5 her her PRON _003394182 272 6 parish parish ADJ _003394182 272 7 priests priest NOUN _003394182 272 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 272 9 instructs instruct VERB _003394182 272 10 the the DET _003394182 272 11 loving love VERB _003394182 272 12 couple couple NOUN _003394182 272 13 in in ADP _003394182 272 14 the the DET _003394182 272 15 nature nature NOUN _003394182 272 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 272 17 duties duty NOUN _003394182 272 18 of of ADP _003394182 272 19 married married ADJ _003394182 272 20 life life NOUN _003394182 272 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 273 1 she she PRON _003394182 273 2 emphasizes emphasize VERB _003394182 273 3 the the DET _003394182 273 4 family family NOUN _003394182 273 5 as as ADP _003394182 273 6 the the DET _003394182 273 7 primary primary ADJ _003394182 273 8 purpose purpose NOUN _003394182 273 9 of of ADP _003394182 273 10 their their PRON _003394182 273 11 union union NOUN _003394182 273 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 274 1 she she PRON _003394182 274 2 insists insist VERB _003394182 274 3 that that SCONJ _003394182 274 4 they they PRON _003394182 274 5 be be AUX _003394182 274 6 married marry VERB _003394182 274 7 before before ADP _003394182 274 8 the the DET _003394182 274 9 priest priest NOUN _003394182 274 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 274 11 two two NUM _003394182 274 12 witnesses witness NOUN _003394182 274 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 274 14 whenever whenever SCONJ _003394182 274 15 any any DET _003394182 274 16 one one NUM _003394182 274 17 of of ADP _003394182 274 18 them they PRON _003394182 274 19 or or CCONJ _003394182 274 20 both both PRON _003394182 274 21 of of ADP _003394182 274 22 them they PRON _003394182 274 23 be be VERB _003394182 274 24 a a DET _003394182 274 25 catholic catholic NOUN _003394182 274 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 275 1 she she PRON _003394182 275 2 draws draw VERB _003394182 275 3 them they PRON _003394182 275 4 within within ADP _003394182 275 5 the the DET _003394182 275 6 sacred sacred ADJ _003394182 275 7 arms arm NOUN _003394182 275 8 of of ADP _003394182 275 9 the the DET _003394182 275 10 sanctuary sanctuary NOUN _003394182 275 11 as as ADP _003394182 275 12 a a DET _003394182 275 13 sign sign NOUN _003394182 275 14 of of ADP _003394182 275 15 the the DET _003394182 275 16 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 275 17 graces grace NOUN _003394182 275 18 with with ADP _003394182 275 19 which which PRON _003394182 275 20 the the DET _003394182 275 21 arms arm NOUN _003394182 275 22 of of ADP _003394182 275 23 christ christ PROPN _003394182 275 24 will will AUX _003394182 275 25 enfold enfold VERB _003394182 275 26 them they PRON _003394182 275 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 276 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 276 2 our our PRON _003394182 276 3 young young ADJ _003394182 276 4 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 276 5 men man NOUN _003394182 276 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 276 7 women woman NOUN _003394182 276 8 enter enter VERB _003394182 276 9 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 276 10 the the DET _003394182 276 11 status status NOUN _003394182 276 12 of of ADP _003394182 276 13 matrimony matrimony NOUN _003394182 276 14 as as SCONJ _003394182 276 15 the the DET _003394182 276 16 church church NOUN _003394182 276 17 desires desire VERB _003394182 276 18 them they PRON _003394182 276 19 to to PART _003394182 276 20 do do VERB _003394182 276 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 276 22 they they PRON _003394182 276 23 are be AUX _003394182 276 24 doing do VERB _003394182 276 25 their their PRON _003394182 276 26 utmost utmost NOUN _003394182 276 27 to to PART _003394182 276 28 make make VERB _003394182 276 29 their their PRON _003394182 276 30 own own ADJ _003394182 276 31 lives life NOUN _003394182 276 32 happy happy ADJ _003394182 276 33 , , PUNCT _003394182 276 34 and and CCONJ _003394182 276 35 to to PART _003394182 276 36 make make VERB _003394182 276 37 their their PRON _003394182 276 38 family family NOUN _003394182 276 39 an an DET _003394182 276 40 asset asset NOUN _003394182 276 41 to to ADP _003394182 276 42 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 276 43 and and CCONJ _003394182 276 44 the the DET _003394182 276 45 commonwealth commonwealth NOUN _003394182 276 46 . . PUNCT _003394182 277 1 if if SCONJ _003394182 277 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 277 3 be be AUX _003394182 277 4 surrounded surround VERB _003394182 277 5 by by ADP _003394182 277 6 the the DET _003394182 277 7 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003394182 277 8 of of ADP _003394182 277 9 the the DET _003394182 277 10 church church NOUN _003394182 277 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 277 12 the the DET _003394182 277 13 grace grace NOUN _003394182 277 14 of of ADP _003394182 277 15 christ christ PROPN _003394182 277 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 277 17 the the DET _003394182 277 18 sincerity sincerity NOUN _003394182 277 19 of of ADP _003394182 277 20 the the DET _003394182 277 21 individual individual NOUN _003394182 277 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 277 23 it it PRON _003394182 277 24 is be AUX _003394182 277 25 securing secure VERB _003394182 277 26 a a DET _003394182 277 27 momentum momentum NOUN _003394182 277 28 of of ADP _003394182 277 29 spirituality spirituality NOUN _003394182 277 30 and and CCONJ _003394182 277 31 a a DET _003394182 277 32 tide tide NOUN _003394182 277 33 22 22 NUM _003394182 277 34 the the DET _003394182 277 35 christian christian ADJ _003394182 277 36 family family NOUN _003394182 277 37 22 22 NUM _003394182 277 38 of of ADP _003394182 277 39 sanctity sanctity NOUN _003394182 277 40 that that PRON _003394182 277 41 will will AUX _003394182 277 42 remain remain VERB _003394182 277 43 with with ADP _003394182 277 44 it it PRON _003394182 277 45 through through ADP _003394182 277 46 the the DET _003394182 277 47 storm storm NOUN _003394182 277 48 and and CCONJ _003394182 277 49 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _003394182 277 50 of of ADP _003394182 277 51 the the DET _003394182 277 52 years year NOUN _003394182 277 53 to to PART _003394182 277 54 come come VERB _003394182 277 55 . . PUNCT _003394182 278 1 to to PART _003394182 278 2 begin begin VERB _003394182 278 3 well well ADV _003394182 278 4 does do AUX _003394182 278 5 not not PART _003394182 278 6 always always ADV _003394182 278 7 mean mean VERB _003394182 278 8 to to PART _003394182 278 9 end end VERB _003394182 278 10 well well ADV _003394182 278 11 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 278 12 but but CCONJ _003394182 278 13 to to PART _003394182 278 14 begin begin VERB _003394182 278 15 wrong wrong ADJ _003394182 278 16 is be AUX _003394182 278 17 nearly nearly ADV _003394182 278 18 always always ADV _003394182 278 19 equivalent equivalent ADJ _003394182 278 20 to to ADP _003394182 278 21 ending end VERB _003394182 278 22 wrong wrong ADV _003394182 278 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 279 1 the the DET _003394182 279 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 279 3 family family NOUN _003394182 279 4 then then ADV _003394182 279 5 takes take VERB _003394182 279 6 its its PRON _003394182 279 7 characteristics characteristic NOUN _003394182 279 8 from from ADP _003394182 279 9 the the DET _003394182 279 10 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 279 11 quality quality NOUN _003394182 279 12 of of ADP _003394182 279 13 the the DET _003394182 279 14 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 279 15 that that PRON _003394182 279 16 begot beget VERB _003394182 279 17 it it PRON _003394182 279 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 279 19 even even ADV _003394182 279 20 as as SCONJ _003394182 279 21 a a DET _003394182 279 22 stream stream NOUN _003394182 279 23 reveals reveal VERB _003394182 279 24 the the DET _003394182 279 25 lucidity lucidity NOUN _003394182 279 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 279 27 purity purity NOUN _003394182 279 28 of of ADP _003394182 279 29 its its PRON _003394182 279 30 bubbling bubble VERB _003394182 279 31 sources source NOUN _003394182 279 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 280 1 the the DET _003394182 280 2 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 280 3 of of ADP _003394182 280 4 men man NOUN _003394182 280 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 280 6 women woman NOUN _003394182 280 7 towards towards ADP _003394182 280 8 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 280 9 is be AUX _003394182 280 10 fundamentally fundamentally ADV _003394182 280 11 their their PRON _003394182 280 12 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 280 13 towards towards ADP _003394182 280 14 the the DET _003394182 280 15 family family NOUN _003394182 280 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 281 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 281 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 281 3 is be AUX _003394182 281 4 a a DET _003394182 281 5 mere mere ADJ _003394182 281 6 experience experience NOUN _003394182 281 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 281 8 the the DET _003394182 281 9 family family NOUN _003394182 281 10 is be AUX _003394182 281 11 blighted blight VERB _003394182 281 12 at at ADP _003394182 281 13 its its PRON _003394182 281 14 source source NOUN _003394182 281 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 282 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 282 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 282 3 is be AUX _003394182 282 4 a a DET _003394182 282 5 contract contract NOUN _003394182 282 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 282 7 the the DET _003394182 282 8 family family NOUN _003394182 282 9 is be AUX _003394182 282 10 assured assure VERB _003394182 282 11 of of ADP _003394182 282 12 inception inception NOUN _003394182 282 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 283 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 283 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 283 3 is be AUX _003394182 283 4 a a DET _003394182 283 5 sacrament sacrament NOUN _003394182 283 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 283 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 283 8 it it PRON _003394182 283 9 is be AUX _003394182 283 10 always always ADV _003394182 283 11 that that PRON _003394182 283 12 for for ADP _003394182 283 13 those those PRON _003394182 283 14 who who PRON _003394182 283 15 are be AUX _003394182 283 16 baptized baptize VERB _003394182 283 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 283 18 the the DET _003394182 283 19 family family NOUN _003394182 283 20 is be AUX _003394182 283 21 closest close ADJ _003394182 283 22 in in ADP _003394182 283 23 purpose purpose NOUN _003394182 283 24 and and CCONJ _003394182 283 25 plan plan NOUN _003394182 283 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 283 27 perfection perfection NOUN _003394182 283 28 to to ADP _003394182 283 29 the the DET _003394182 283 30 nazarean nazarean ADJ _003394182 283 31 home home NOUN _003394182 283 32 of of ADP _003394182 283 33 mary mary PROPN _003394182 283 34 and and CCONJ _003394182 283 35 joseph joseph PROPN _003394182 283 36 and and CCONJ _003394182 283 37 jesus jesus PROPN _003394182 283 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 284 1 by by ADP _003394182 284 2 her her PRON _003394182 284 3 insistence insistence NOUN _003394182 284 4 on on ADP _003394182 284 5 the the DET _003394182 284 6 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 284 7 status status NOUN _003394182 284 8 of of ADP _003394182 284 9 matrimony matrimony NOUN _003394182 284 10 the the DET _003394182 284 11 church church NOUN _003394182 284 12 has have AUX _003394182 284 13 rendered render VERB _003394182 284 14 her her PRON _003394182 284 15 greatest great ADJ _003394182 284 16 gift gift NOUN _003394182 284 17 to to ADP _003394182 284 18 all all DET _003394182 284 19 divisions division NOUN _003394182 284 20 of of ADP _003394182 284 21 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 284 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 284 23 irrespective irrespective ADV _003394182 284 24 of of ADP _003394182 284 25 their their PRON _003394182 284 26 allegiance allegiance NOUN _003394182 284 27 or or CCONJ _003394182 284 28 aversion aversion NOUN _003394182 284 29 to to ADP _003394182 284 30 her she PRON _003394182 284 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 285 1 her her PRON _003394182 285 2 christian christian ADJ _003394182 285 3 heritage heritage NOUN _003394182 285 4 of of ADP _003394182 285 5 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 285 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 285 7 family family NOUN _003394182 285 8 life life NOUN _003394182 285 9 has have AUX _003394182 285 10 been be AUX _003394182 285 11 able able ADJ _003394182 285 12 to to PART _003394182 285 13 increase increase VERB _003394182 285 14 the the DET _003394182 285 15 stream stream NOUN _003394182 285 16 of of ADP _003394182 285 17 life life NOUN _003394182 285 18 despite despite SCONJ _003394182 285 19 the the DET _003394182 285 20 indifference indifference NOUN _003394182 285 21 of of ADP _003394182 285 22 the the DET _003394182 285 23 modern modern ADJ _003394182 285 24 state state NOUN _003394182 285 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 285 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 285 27 to to PART _003394182 285 28 cleanse cleanse VERB _003394182 285 29 it it PRON _003394182 285 30 of of ADP _003394182 285 31 all all DET _003394182 285 32 poison poison NOUN _003394182 285 33 from from ADP _003394182 285 34 the the DET _003394182 285 35 tributaries tributary NOUN _003394182 285 36 of of ADP _003394182 285 37 our our PRON _003394182 285 38 modern modern ADJ _003394182 285 39 press press NOUN _003394182 285 40 and and CCONJ _003394182 285 41 stage stage NOUN _003394182 285 42 . . PUNCT _003394182 286 1 the the DET _003394182 286 2 church church NOUN _003394182 286 3 respects respect VERB _003394182 286 4 all all DET _003394182 286 5 marriages marriage NOUN _003394182 286 6 : : PUNCT _003394182 286 7 those those PRON _003394182 286 8 that that PRON _003394182 286 9 are be AUX _003394182 286 10 merely merely ADV _003394182 286 11 civil civil ADJ _003394182 286 12 contracts contract NOUN _003394182 286 13 between between ADP _003394182 286 14 unbelievers unbeliever NOUN _003394182 286 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 286 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 286 17 those those PRON _003394182 286 18 that that PRON _003394182 286 19 are be AUX _003394182 286 20 sacraments sacrament NOUN _003394182 286 21 as as ADV _003394182 286 22 well well ADV _003394182 286 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 286 24 because because SCONJ _003394182 286 25 contracted contract VERB _003394182 286 26 by by ADP _003394182 286 27 baptized baptize VERB _003394182 286 28 believers believer NOUN _003394182 286 29 in in ADP _003394182 286 30 jesus jesus PROPN _003394182 286 31 christ christ PROPN _003394182 286 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 287 1 above above ADP _003394182 287 2 the the DET _003394182 287 3 dissonance dissonance NOUN _003394182 287 4 of of ADP _003394182 287 5 life life NOUN _003394182 287 6 the the DET _003394182 287 7 church church NOUN _003394182 287 8 hears hear VERB _003394182 287 9 forever forever ADV _003394182 287 10 the the DET _003394182 287 11 words word NOUN _003394182 287 12 of of ADP _003394182 287 13 god god PROPN _003394182 287 14 in in ADP _003394182 287 15 the the DET _003394182 287 16 morning morning NOUN _003394182 287 17 of of ADP _003394182 287 18 creation creation NOUN _003394182 287 19 : : PUNCT _003394182 287 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 287 21 for for ADP _003394182 287 22 this this DET _003394182 287 23 cause cause NOUN _003394182 287 24 shall shall AUX _003394182 287 25 a a DET _003394182 287 26 man man NOUN _003394182 287 27 leave leave VERB _003394182 287 28 father father NOUN _003394182 287 29 and and CCONJ _003394182 287 30 mother mother NOUN _003394182 287 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 287 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 287 33 shall shall AUX _003394182 287 34 cleave cleave VERB _003394182 287 35 to to ADP _003394182 287 36 his his PRON _003394182 287 37 wife wife NOUN _003394182 287 38 , , PUNCT _003394182 287 39 and and CCONJ _003394182 287 40 they they PRON _003394182 287 41 two two NUM _003394182 287 42 shall shall AUX _003394182 287 43 be be AUX _003394182 287 44 in in ADP _003394182 287 45 one one NUM _003394182 287 46 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 287 47 . . PUNCT _003394182 287 48 " " PUNCT _003394182 287 49 above above ADP _003394182 287 50 the the DET _003394182 287 51 delusion delusion NOUN _003394182 287 52 of of ADP _003394182 287 53 life life NOUN _003394182 287 54 the the DET _003394182 287 55 church church NOUN _003394182 287 56 sees see VERB _003394182 287 57 forever forever ADV _003394182 287 58 the the DET _003394182 287 59 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 287 60 presence presence NOUN _003394182 287 61 of of ADP _003394182 287 62 christ christ PROPN _003394182 287 63 at at ADP _003394182 287 64 the the DET _003394182 287 65 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 287 66 the the DET _003394182 287 67 christian christian ADJ _003394182 287 68 family family NOUN _003394182 287 69 23 23 NUM _003394182 287 70 feast feast NOUN _003394182 287 71 of of ADP _003394182 287 72 cana cana PROPN _003394182 287 73 in in ADP _003394182 287 74 galilee galilee PROPN _003394182 287 75 . . PUNCT _003394182 288 1 in in ADP _003394182 288 2 the the DET _003394182 288 3 mind mind NOUN _003394182 288 4 of of ADP _003394182 288 5 the the DET _003394182 288 6 church church NOUN _003394182 288 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 288 8 free free ADJ _003394182 288 9 love love NOUN _003394182 288 10 is be AUX _003394182 288 11 the the DET _003394182 288 12 negation negation NOUN _003394182 288 13 of of ADP _003394182 288 14 the the DET _003394182 288 15 family family NOUN _003394182 288 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 289 1 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 289 2 love love NOUN _003394182 289 3 is be AUX _003394182 289 4 the the DET _003394182 289 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 289 6 family family NOUN _003394182 289 7 itself itself PRON _003394182 289 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 290 1 24 24 NUM _003394182 290 2 the the DET _003394182 290 3 christian christian ADJ _003394182 290 4 family family NOUN _003394182 290 5 24 24 NUM _003394182 290 6 two two NUM _003394182 290 7 in in ADP _003394182 290 8 one one NUM _003394182 290 9 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 290 10 address address NOUN _003394182 290 11 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 290 12 on on ADP _003394182 290 13 june june PROPN _003394182 290 14 5 5 NUM _003394182 290 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 290 16 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 290 17 the the DET _003394182 290 18 favorite favorite ADJ _003394182 290 19 occupation occupation NOUN _003394182 290 20 of of ADP _003394182 290 21 the the DET _003394182 290 22 last last ADJ _003394182 290 23 half half NOUN _003394182 290 24 of of ADP _003394182 290 25 the the DET _003394182 290 26 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 290 27 century century NOUN _003394182 290 28 was be AUX _003394182 290 29 war war NOUN _003394182 290 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 291 1 its its PRON _003394182 291 2 favorite favorite ADJ _003394182 291 3 philosophy philosophy NOUN _003394182 291 4 was be AUX _003394182 291 5 pessimism pessimism NOUN _003394182 291 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 292 1 the the DET _003394182 292 2 shadow shadow NOUN _003394182 292 3 of of ADP _003394182 292 4 schopenhauer schopenhauer ADJ _003394182 292 5 loomed loom VERB _003394182 292 6 like like ADP _003394182 292 7 a a DET _003394182 292 8 giant giant ADJ _003394182 292 9 dragon dragon NOUN _003394182 292 10 across across ADP _003394182 292 11 the the DET _003394182 292 12 horizon horizon NOUN _003394182 292 13 of of ADP _003394182 292 14 men man NOUN _003394182 292 15 's 's PART _003394182 292 16 minds mind NOUN _003394182 292 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 293 1 the the DET _003394182 293 2 sentimental sentimental ADJ _003394182 293 3 shoddiness shoddiness NOUN _003394182 293 4 of of ADP _003394182 293 5 man man NOUN _003394182 293 6 's 's PART _003394182 293 7 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 293 8 broke break VERB _003394182 293 9 through through ADP _003394182 293 10 the the DET _003394182 293 11 gorgeous gorgeous ADJ _003394182 293 12 robes robe NOUN _003394182 293 13 of of ADP _003394182 293 14 such such ADJ _003394182 293 15 poetry poetry NOUN _003394182 293 16 as as ADP _003394182 293 17 oscar oscar PROPN _003394182 293 18 wilde wilde PROPN _003394182 293 19 's 's PART _003394182 293 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 294 1 it it PRON _003394182 294 2 reached reach VERB _003394182 294 3 its its PRON _003394182 294 4 apotheosis apotheosis NOUN _003394182 294 5 in in ADP _003394182 294 6 edward edward PROPN _003394182 294 7 fitzgerald fitzgerald PROPN _003394182 294 8 's 's PART _003394182 294 9 translation translation NOUN _003394182 294 10 of of ADP _003394182 294 11 the the DET _003394182 294 12 quatrains quatrain NOUN _003394182 294 13 of of ADP _003394182 294 14 omar omar PROPN _003394182 294 15 khayyam khayyam PROPN _003394182 294 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 295 1 the the DET _003394182 295 2 sermon sermon NOUN _003394182 295 3 on on ADP _003394182 295 4 the the DET _003394182 295 5 mount mount NOUN _003394182 295 6 yielded yield VERB _003394182 295 7 in in ADP _003394182 295 8 attractiveness attractiveness NOUN _003394182 295 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 295 10 force force NOUN _003394182 295 11 to to ADP _003394182 295 12 such such ADJ _003394182 295 13 lines line NOUN _003394182 295 14 of of ADP _003394182 295 15 lovely lovely ADJ _003394182 295 16 hopelessness hopelessness NOUN _003394182 295 17 as as ADP _003394182 295 18 these these PRON _003394182 295 19 : : PUNCT _003394182 295 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 295 21 we we PRON _003394182 295 22 are be AUX _003394182 295 23 no no DET _003394182 295 24 other other ADJ _003394182 295 25 than than ADP _003394182 295 26 a a DET _003394182 295 27 moving move VERB _003394182 295 28 row row NOUN _003394182 295 29 of of ADP _003394182 295 30 magic magic ADJ _003394182 295 31 shadow shadow NOUN _003394182 295 32 - - PUNCT _003394182 295 33 shapes shape NOUN _003394182 295 34 t t NOUN _003394182 295 35 h h X _003394182 295 36 a a DET _003394182 295 37 t t NOUN _003394182 295 38 come come VERB _003394182 295 39 and and CCONJ _003394182 295 40 go go VERB _003394182 295 41 round round ADV _003394182 295 42 with with ADP _003394182 295 43 the the DET _003394182 295 44 sun sun NOUN _003394182 295 45 - - PUNCT _003394182 295 46 illumined illumine VERB _003394182 295 47 lantern lantern NOUN _003394182 295 48 held hold VERB _003394182 295 49 in in ADP _003394182 295 50 midnight midnight NOUN _003394182 295 51 by by ADP _003394182 295 52 the the DET _003394182 295 53 master master NOUN _003394182 295 54 of of ADP _003394182 295 55 the the DET _003394182 295 56 show show NOUN _003394182 295 57 . . PUNCT _003394182 295 58 " " PUNCT _003394182 296 1 more more ADV _003394182 296 2 hurtful hurtful ADJ _003394182 296 3 to to ADP _003394182 296 4 the the DET _003394182 296 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 296 6 regime regime NOUN _003394182 296 7 than than ADP _003394182 296 8 all all DET _003394182 296 9 the the DET _003394182 296 10 expression expression NOUN _003394182 296 11 of of ADP _003394182 296 12 pessimism pessimism NOUN _003394182 296 13 was be AUX _003394182 296 14 its its PRON _003394182 296 15 source source NOUN _003394182 296 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 297 1 the the DET _003394182 297 2 sinister sinister ADJ _003394182 297 3 theory theory NOUN _003394182 297 4 of of ADP _003394182 297 5 charles charles PROPN _003394182 297 6 darwin darwin PROPN _003394182 297 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 297 8 his his PRON _003394182 297 9 popularizers popularizer NOUN _003394182 297 10 filtered filter VERB _003394182 297 11 through through ADP _003394182 297 12 men man NOUN _003394182 297 13 's 's PART _003394182 297 14 souls soul NOUN _003394182 297 15 like like ADP _003394182 297 16 poison poison NOUN _003394182 297 17 from from ADP _003394182 297 18 a a DET _003394182 297 19 snake snake NOUN _003394182 297 20 bite bite NOUN _003394182 297 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 298 1 throughout throughout ADP _003394182 298 2 the the DET _003394182 298 3 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 298 4 century century NOUN _003394182 298 5 the the DET _003394182 298 6 natural natural ADJ _003394182 298 7 sciences science NOUN _003394182 298 8 of of ADP _003394182 298 9 astronomy astronomy NOUN _003394182 298 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 298 11 geology geology NOUN _003394182 298 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 298 13 comparative comparative ADJ _003394182 298 14 anatomy anatomy NOUN _003394182 298 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 298 16 physics physics NOUN _003394182 298 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 298 18 chemistry chemistry NOUN _003394182 298 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 298 20 made make VERB _003394182 298 21 rapid rapid ADJ _003394182 298 22 progress progress NOUN _003394182 298 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 299 1 had have AUX _003394182 299 2 they they PRON _003394182 299 3 maintained maintain VERB _003394182 299 4 their their PRON _003394182 299 5 proper proper ADJ _003394182 299 6 channel channel NOUN _003394182 299 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 299 8 been be AUX _003394182 299 9 influenced influence VERB _003394182 299 10 by by ADP _003394182 299 11 their their PRON _003394182 299 12 own own ADJ _003394182 299 13 proper proper ADJ _003394182 299 14 tide tide NOUN _003394182 299 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 299 16 science science NOUN _003394182 299 17 would would AUX _003394182 299 18 have have AUX _003394182 299 19 merited merit VERB _003394182 299 20 our our PRON _003394182 299 21 sincerest sincere ADJ _003394182 299 22 admiration admiration NOUN _003394182 299 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 300 1 science science NOUN _003394182 300 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 300 3 however however ADV _003394182 300 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 300 5 was be AUX _003394182 300 6 not not PART _003394182 300 7 allowed allow VERB _003394182 300 8 to to PART _003394182 300 9 remain remain VERB _003394182 300 10 single single ADJ _003394182 300 11 in in ADP _003394182 300 12 its its PRON _003394182 300 13 domicile domicile NOUN _003394182 300 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 301 1 the the DET _003394182 301 2 evolutionist evolutionist NOUN _003394182 301 3 who who PRON _003394182 301 4 believed believe VERB _003394182 301 5 that that SCONJ _003394182 301 6 in in ADP _003394182 301 7 the the DET _003394182 301 8 mineral mineral NOUN _003394182 301 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 301 10 vegetable vegetable NOUN _003394182 301 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 301 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 301 13 animal animal NOUN _003394182 301 14 kingdom kingdom NOUN _003394182 301 15 all all DET _003394182 301 16 the the DET _003394182 301 17 christian christian ADJ _003394182 301 18 family family NOUN _003394182 301 19 25 25 NUM _003394182 301 20 present present ADJ _003394182 301 21 species specie NOUN _003394182 301 22 evolved evolve VERB _003394182 301 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 301 24 without without ADP _003394182 301 25 the the DET _003394182 301 26 intervention intervention NOUN _003394182 301 27 of of ADP _003394182 301 28 a a DET _003394182 301 29 living live VERB _003394182 301 30 god god PROPN _003394182 301 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 301 32 from from ADP _003394182 301 33 some some DET _003394182 301 34 species specie NOUN _003394182 301 35 long long ADV _003394182 301 36 ago ago ADV _003394182 301 37 , , PUNCT _003394182 301 38 seized seize VERB _003394182 301 39 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 301 40 the the DET _003394182 301 41 new new ADJ _003394182 301 42 scientific scientific ADJ _003394182 301 43 advances advance NOUN _003394182 301 44 and and CCONJ _003394182 301 45 abducted abduct VERB _003394182 301 46 the the DET _003394182 301 47 sciences science NOUN _003394182 301 48 to to PART _003394182 301 49 prove prove VERB _003394182 301 50 his his PRON _003394182 301 51 evolutionistic evolutionistic ADJ _003394182 301 52 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN _003394182 301 53 . . PUNCT _003394182 302 1 the the DET _003394182 302 2 mind mind NOUN _003394182 302 3 of of ADP _003394182 302 4 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 302 5 was be AUX _003394182 302 6 tainted taint VERB _003394182 302 7 by by ADP _003394182 302 8 the the DET _003394182 302 9 forced forced ADJ _003394182 302 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 302 11 unnatural unnatural ADJ _003394182 302 12 union union NOUN _003394182 302 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 303 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 303 2 contemporary contemporary ADJ _003394182 303 3 literature literature NOUN _003394182 303 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 303 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 303 6 as as ADP _003394182 303 7 a a DET _003394182 303 8 prominent prominent ADJ _003394182 303 9 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 303 10 scientist scientist NOUN _003394182 303 11 wrote write VERB _003394182 303 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 303 13 " " PUNCT _003394182 303 14 officiai officiai NOUN _003394182 303 15 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 303 16 of of ADP _003394182 303 17 all all DET _003394182 303 18 grades grade NOUN _003394182 303 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 303 20 scientific scientific ADJ _003394182 303 21 popularization popularization NOUN _003394182 303 22 under under ADP _003394182 303 23 all all DET _003394182 303 24 its its PRON _003394182 303 25 forms form NOUN _003394182 303 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 303 27 have have AUX _003394182 303 28 propagated propagate VERB _003394182 303 29 the the DET _003394182 303 30 materialistic materialistic ADJ _003394182 303 31 thesis thesis NOUN _003394182 303 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 303 33 which which PRON _003394182 303 34 maintains maintain VERB _003394182 303 35 that that SCONJ _003394182 303 36 for for ADP _003394182 303 37 the the DET _003394182 303 38 world world NOUN _003394182 303 39 there there PRON _003394182 303 40 is be VERB _003394182 303 41 neither neither CCONJ _003394182 303 42 beginning begin VERB _003394182 303 43 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 303 44 end end NOUN _003394182 303 45 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 303 46 it it PRON _003394182 303 47 is be AUX _003394182 303 48 eternal eternal ADJ _003394182 303 49 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 303 50 it it PRON _003394182 303 51 evolves evolve VERB _003394182 303 52 by by ADP _003394182 303 53 its its PRON _003394182 303 54 own own ADJ _003394182 303 55 inherent inherent ADJ _003394182 303 56 powers power NOUN _003394182 303 57 from from ADP _003394182 303 58 the the DET _003394182 303 59 atom atom NOUN _003394182 303 60 to to ADP _003394182 303 61 the the DET _003394182 303 62 human human ADJ _003394182 303 63 conscience conscience NOUN _003394182 303 64 . . PUNCT _003394182 304 1 hence hence ADV _003394182 304 2 there there PRON _003394182 304 3 is be VERB _003394182 304 4 absolutely absolutely ADV _003394182 304 5 no no DET _003394182 304 6 need need NOUN _003394182 304 7 of of SCONJ _003394182 304 8 a a DET _003394182 304 9 god god PROPN _003394182 304 10 to to PART _003394182 304 11 create create VERB _003394182 304 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 304 13 " " PUNCT _003394182 305 1 in in ADP _003394182 305 2 the the DET _003394182 305 3 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 305 4 century century NOUN _003394182 305 5 science science NOUN _003394182 305 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 305 7 coerced coerce VERB _003394182 305 8 by by ADP _003394182 305 9 evolution evolution NOUN _003394182 305 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 305 11 lost lose VERB _003394182 305 12 its its PRON _003394182 305 13 own own ADJ _003394182 305 14 independent independent ADJ _003394182 305 15 vitality vitality NOUN _003394182 305 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 306 1 wherefore wherefore ADJ _003394182 306 2 science science NOUN _003394182 306 3 committed commit VERB _003394182 306 4 suicide suicide NOUN _003394182 306 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 307 1 evolution evolution NOUN _003394182 307 2 evolved evolve VERB _003394182 307 3 itself itself PRON _003394182 307 4 into into ADP _003394182 307 5 mental mental ADJ _003394182 307 6 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 307 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 308 1 evolution evolution NOUN _003394182 308 2 was be AUX _003394182 308 3 the the DET _003394182 308 4 last last ADJ _003394182 308 5 concerted concerted ADJ _003394182 308 6 philosophic philosophic ADJ _003394182 308 7 attack attack NOUN _003394182 308 8 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 308 9 the the DET _003394182 308 10 sacred sacred ADJ _003394182 308 11 institutions institution NOUN _003394182 308 12 of of ADP _003394182 308 13 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 308 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 309 1 three three NUM _003394182 309 2 centuries century NOUN _003394182 309 3 before before ADV _003394182 309 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 309 5 the the DET _003394182 309 6 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _003394182 309 7 institution institution NOUN _003394182 309 8 founded found VERB _003394182 309 9 by by ADP _003394182 309 10 christ christ PROPN _003394182 309 11 became become VERB _003394182 309 12 the the DET _003394182 309 13 object object NOUN _003394182 309 14 of of ADP _003394182 309 15 man man NOUN _003394182 309 16 's 's PART _003394182 309 17 passidnate passidnate ADJ _003394182 309 18 hatred hatred NOUN _003394182 309 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 310 1 the the DET _003394182 310 2 freedom freedom NOUN _003394182 310 3 of of ADP _003394182 310 4 man man NOUN _003394182 310 5 's 's PART _003394182 310 6 soul soul NOUN _003394182 310 7 would would AUX _003394182 310 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 310 9 no no ADV _003394182 310 10 longer long ADV _003394182 310 11 brook brook VERB _003394182 310 12 any any DET _003394182 310 13 supernatural supernatural ADJ _003394182 310 14 control control NOUN _003394182 310 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 311 1 the the DET _003394182 311 2 church church NOUN _003394182 311 3 was be AUX _003394182 311 4 presumably presumably ADV _003394182 311 5 buried bury VERB _003394182 311 6 at at ADP _003394182 311 7 the the DET _003394182 311 8 cross cross NOUN _003394182 311 9 roads road NOUN _003394182 311 10 with with ADP _003394182 311 11 a a DET _003394182 311 12 rotting rot VERB _003394182 311 13 stake stake NOUN _003394182 311 14 in in ADP _003394182 311 15 her her PRON _003394182 311 16 heart heart NOUN _003394182 311 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 311 18 symbolical symbolical ADJ _003394182 311 19 of of ADP _003394182 311 20 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 311 21 's 's PART _003394182 311 22 religious religious ADJ _003394182 311 23 suicide suicide NOUN _003394182 311 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 312 1 but but CCONJ _003394182 312 2 two two NUM _003394182 312 3 other other ADJ _003394182 312 4 institutions institution NOUN _003394182 312 5 remained remain VERB _003394182 312 6 to to PART _003394182 312 7 fetter fetter VERB _003394182 312 8 the the DET _003394182 312 9 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 312 10 of of ADP _003394182 312 11 man man NOUN _003394182 312 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 313 1 one one NUM _003394182 313 2 was be AUX _003394182 313 3 the the DET _003394182 313 4 christian christian ADJ _003394182 313 5 family family NOUN _003394182 313 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 314 1 the the DET _003394182 314 2 other other ADJ _003394182 314 3 was be AUX _003394182 314 4 the the DET _003394182 314 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 314 6 state state NOUN _003394182 314 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 315 1 we we PRON _003394182 315 2 have have AUX _003394182 315 3 lived live VERB _003394182 315 4 to to PART _003394182 315 5 see see VERB _003394182 315 6 them they PRON _003394182 315 7 both both CCONJ _003394182 315 8 the the DET _003394182 315 9 target target NOUN _003394182 315 10 of of ADP _003394182 315 11 the the DET _003394182 315 12 poisonous poisonous ADJ _003394182 315 13 arrows arrow NOUN _003394182 315 14 of of ADP _003394182 315 15 materialistic materialistic ADJ _003394182 315 16 evoluion evoluion NOUN _003394182 315 17 which which PRON _003394182 315 18 denies deny VERB _003394182 315 19 the the DET _003394182 315 20 word word NOUN _003394182 315 21 of of ADP _003394182 315 22 god god PROPN _003394182 315 23 in in ADP _003394182 315 24 the the DET _003394182 315 25 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 315 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 315 27 in in ADP _003394182 315 28 the the DET _003394182 315 29 end end NOUN _003394182 315 30 , , PUNCT _003394182 315 31 and and CCONJ _003394182 315 32 through through ADP _003394182 315 33 the the DET _003394182 315 34 whole whole ADJ _003394182 315 35 gamut gamut NOUN _003394182 315 36 of of ADP _003394182 315 37 existence existence NOUN _003394182 315 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 316 1 no no DET _003394182 316 2 mere mere ADJ _003394182 316 3 contribution contribution NOUN _003394182 316 4 of of ADP _003394182 316 5 applied apply VERB _003394182 316 6 science science NOUN _003394182 316 7 to to ADP _003394182 316 8 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 316 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 316 10 no no DET _003394182 316 11 mere mere ADJ _003394182 316 12 mechanical mechanical ADJ _003394182 316 13 discovery discovery NOUN _003394182 316 14 that that PRON _003394182 316 15 has have VERB _003394182 316 16 26 26 NUM _003394182 316 17 the the DET _003394182 316 18 christian christian ADJ _003394182 316 19 family family NOUN _003394182 316 20 26 26 NUM _003394182 316 21 made make VERB _003394182 316 22 life life NOUN _003394182 316 23 easier easy ADJ _003394182 316 24 or or CCONJ _003394182 316 25 more more ADV _003394182 316 26 comfortable comfortable ADJ _003394182 316 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 316 28 no no DET _003394182 316 29 mere mere ADJ _003394182 316 30 invention invention NOUN _003394182 316 31 that that PRON _003394182 316 32 has have AUX _003394182 316 33 cheapened cheapen VERB _003394182 316 34 and and CCONJ _003394182 316 35 increased increase VERB _003394182 316 36 the the DET _003394182 316 37 products product NOUN _003394182 316 38 of of ADP _003394182 316 39 human human ADJ _003394182 316 40 labor labor NOUN _003394182 316 41 , , PUNCT _003394182 316 42 can can AUX _003394182 316 43 ever ever ADV _003394182 316 44 make make VERB _003394182 316 45 up up ADP _003394182 316 46 for for ADP _003394182 316 47 the the DET _003394182 316 48 devastating devastating ADJ _003394182 316 49 effects effect NOUN _003394182 316 50 of of ADP _003394182 316 51 that that DET _003394182 316 52 philosophic philosophic ADJ _003394182 316 53 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 316 54 and and CCONJ _003394182 316 55 error error NOUN _003394182 316 56 that that PRON _003394182 316 57 corrupted corrupt VERB _003394182 316 58 the the DET _003394182 316 59 idea idea NOUN _003394182 316 60 of of ADP _003394182 316 61 the the DET _003394182 316 62 christian christian ADJ _003394182 316 63 church church NOUN _003394182 316 64 and and CCONJ _003394182 316 65 the the DET _003394182 316 66 christian christian ADJ _003394182 316 67 state state NOUN _003394182 316 68 and and CCONJ _003394182 316 69 the the DET _003394182 316 70 christian christian ADJ _003394182 316 71 family family NOUN _003394182 316 72 . . PUNCT _003394182 317 1 their their PRON _003394182 317 2 innate innate ADJ _003394182 317 3 truth truth NOUN _003394182 317 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 317 5 strength strength NOUN _003394182 317 6 alone alone ADV _003394182 317 7 have have AUX _003394182 317 8 prevented prevent VERB _003394182 317 9 their their PRON _003394182 317 10 annihilation annihilation NOUN _003394182 317 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 318 1 as as ADP _003394182 318 2 ideals ideal NOUN _003394182 318 3 they they PRON _003394182 318 4 stand stand VERB _003394182 318 5 unbroken unbroken ADJ _003394182 318 6 like like ADP _003394182 318 7 rocks rock NOUN _003394182 318 8 that that PRON _003394182 318 9 resist resist VERB _003394182 318 10 the the DET _003394182 318 11 tremendous tremendous ADJ _003394182 318 12 poundings pounding NOUN _003394182 318 13 of of ADP _003394182 318 14 the the DET _003394182 318 15 sea sea NOUN _003394182 318 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 319 1 in in ADP _003394182 319 2 practical practical ADJ _003394182 319 3 life life NOUN _003394182 319 4 they they PRON _003394182 319 5 have have AUX _003394182 319 6 been be AUX _003394182 319 7 seriously seriously ADV _003394182 319 8 maimed maim VERB _003394182 319 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 319 10 mangled mangle VERB _003394182 319 11 by by ADP _003394182 319 12 the the DET _003394182 319 13 theory theory NOUN _003394182 319 14 of of ADP _003394182 319 15 popularized popularized ADJ _003394182 319 16 evolution evolution NOUN _003394182 319 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 320 1 the the DET _003394182 320 2 world world NOUN _003394182 320 3 has have AUX _003394182 320 4 been be AUX _003394182 320 5 reduced reduce VERB _003394182 320 6 by by ADP _003394182 320 7 the the DET _003394182 320 8 pseudo pseudo NOUN _003394182 320 9 - - NOUN _003394182 320 10 scientist scientist NOUN _003394182 320 11 to to ADP _003394182 320 12 the the DET _003394182 320 13 status status NOUN _003394182 320 14 of of ADP _003394182 320 15 a a DET _003394182 320 16 kennel kennel NOUN _003394182 320 17 for for ADP _003394182 320 18 the the DET _003394182 320 19 housing housing NOUN _003394182 320 20 of of ADP _003394182 320 21 an an DET _003394182 320 22 ancestral ancestral ADJ _003394182 320 23 animal animal NOUN _003394182 320 24 known know VERB _003394182 320 25 as as ADP _003394182 320 26 man man NOUN _003394182 320 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 321 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 321 2 we we PRON _003394182 321 3 contemplate contemplate VERB _003394182 321 4 the the DET _003394182 321 5 forced force VERB _003394182 321 6 violation violation NOUN _003394182 321 7 of of ADP _003394182 321 8 the the DET _003394182 321 9 christian christian ADJ _003394182 321 10 family family NOUN _003394182 321 11 by by ADP _003394182 321 12 the the DET _003394182 321 13 housebreaker housebreaker NOUN _003394182 321 14 known know VERB _003394182 321 15 as as ADP _003394182 321 16 evolution evolution NOUN _003394182 321 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 321 18 the the DET _003394182 321 19 wonder wonder NOUN _003394182 321 20 is be AUX _003394182 321 21 not not PART _003394182 321 22 that that SCONJ _003394182 321 23 there there PRON _003394182 321 24 have have AUX _003394182 321 25 been be AUX _003394182 321 26 so so ADV _003394182 321 27 many many ADJ _003394182 321 28 defeats defeat NOUN _003394182 321 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 321 30 but but CCONJ _003394182 321 31 that that SCONJ _003394182 321 32 there there PRON _003394182 321 33 have have AUX _003394182 321 34 not not PART _003394182 321 35 been be AUX _003394182 321 36 as as ADV _003394182 321 37 many many ADJ _003394182 321 38 more more ADJ _003394182 321 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 322 1 mankind mankind NOUN _003394182 322 2 is be AUX _003394182 322 3 ever ever ADV _003394182 322 4 ready ready ADJ _003394182 322 5 to to PART _003394182 322 6 take take VERB _003394182 322 7 the the DET _003394182 322 8 ways way NOUN _003394182 322 9 of of ADP _003394182 322 10 least least ADJ _003394182 322 11 resistance resistance NOUN _003394182 322 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 323 1 lust lust NOUN _003394182 323 2 is be AUX _003394182 323 3 easier easy ADJ _003394182 323 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 323 5 quicker quick ADJ _003394182 323 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 323 7 more more ADV _003394182 323 8 profitable profitable ADJ _003394182 323 9 than than ADP _003394182 323 10 love love NOUN _003394182 323 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 323 12 because because SCONJ _003394182 323 13 it it PRON _003394182 323 14 involves involve VERB _003394182 323 15 no no DET _003394182 323 16 duties duty NOUN _003394182 323 17 or or CCONJ _003394182 323 18 responsibilities responsibility NOUN _003394182 323 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 324 1 the the DET _003394182 324 2 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 324 3 century century NOUN _003394182 324 4 made make VERB _003394182 324 5 love love NOUN _003394182 324 6 identical identical ADJ _003394182 324 7 with with ADP _003394182 324 8 lust lust NOUN _003394182 324 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 325 1 mysticism mysticism NOUN _003394182 325 2 yielded yield VERB _003394182 325 3 to to ADP _003394182 325 4 misery misery NOUN _003394182 325 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 326 1 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 326 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 326 3 was be AUX _003394182 326 4 to to PART _003394182 326 5 become become VERB _003394182 326 6 so so ADV _003394182 326 7 much much ADV _003394182 326 8 scientific scientific ADJ _003394182 326 9 breeding breeding NOUN _003394182 326 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 327 1 fortified fortify VERB _003394182 327 2 by by ADP _003394182 327 3 the the DET _003394182 327 4 newer new ADJ _003394182 327 5 scientific scientific ADJ _003394182 327 6 belief belief NOUN _003394182 327 7 that that SCONJ _003394182 327 8 men man NOUN _003394182 327 9 were be AUX _003394182 327 10 only only ADV _003394182 327 11 animals animal NOUN _003394182 327 12 on on ADP _003394182 327 13 a a DET _003394182 327 14 great great ADJ _003394182 327 15 trek trek NOUN _003394182 327 16 from from ADP _003394182 327 17 savagery savagery NOUN _003394182 327 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 327 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 327 20 not not PART _003394182 327 21 indissoluble indissoluble ADJ _003394182 327 22 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 327 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 327 24 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 327 25 on on ADP _003394182 327 26 a a DET _003394182 327 27 great great ADJ _003394182 327 28 march march NOUN _003394182 327 29 towards towards ADP _003394182 327 30 god god PROPN _003394182 327 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 327 32 the the DET _003394182 327 33 scarlet scarlet ADJ _003394182 327 34 queen queen NOUN _003394182 327 35 of of ADP _003394182 327 36 lust lust NOUN _003394182 327 37 was be AUX _003394182 327 38 crowned crown VERB _003394182 327 39 on on ADP _003394182 327 40 the the DET _003394182 327 41 skeleton skeleton NOUN _003394182 327 42 throne throne NOUN _003394182 327 43 of of ADP _003394182 327 44 a a DET _003394182 327 45 pagan pagan NOUN _003394182 327 46 philosophy philosophy NOUN _003394182 327 47 . . PUNCT _003394182 328 1 no no DET _003394182 328 2 inheritance inheritance NOUN _003394182 328 3 of of ADP _003394182 328 4 man man NOUN _003394182 328 5 then then ADV _003394182 328 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 328 7 was be AUX _003394182 328 8 so so ADV _003394182 328 9 shaken shaken ADJ _003394182 328 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 328 11 threatened threaten VERB _003394182 328 12 by by ADP _003394182 328 13 the the DET _003394182 328 14 advent advent NOUN _003394182 328 15 of of ADP _003394182 328 16 the the DET _003394182 328 17 theory theory NOUN _003394182 328 18 of of ADP _003394182 328 19 evolution evolution NOUN _003394182 328 20 as as ADP _003394182 328 21 the the DET _003394182 328 22 christian christian ADJ _003394182 328 23 family family NOUN _003394182 328 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 329 1 where where SCONJ _003394182 329 2 there there PRON _003394182 329 3 is be VERB _003394182 329 4 no no DET _003394182 329 5 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 329 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 329 7 the the DET _003394182 329 8 christian christian ADJ _003394182 329 9 family family NOUN _003394182 329 10 27 27 NUM _003394182 329 11 there there PRON _003394182 329 12 can can AUX _003394182 329 13 be be AUX _003394182 329 14 no no DET _003394182 329 15 love love NOUN _003394182 329 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 330 1 where where SCONJ _003394182 330 2 there there PRON _003394182 330 3 is be VERB _003394182 330 4 no no DET _003394182 330 5 love love NOUN _003394182 330 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 330 7 the the DET _003394182 330 8 only only ADJ _003394182 330 9 foundation foundation NOUN _003394182 330 10 of of ADP _003394182 330 11 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 330 12 can can AUX _003394182 330 13 be be AUX _003394182 330 14 lust lust NOUN _003394182 330 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 331 1 where where SCONJ _003394182 331 2 the the DET _003394182 331 3 only only ADJ _003394182 331 4 foundation foundation NOUN _003394182 331 5 of of ADP _003394182 331 6 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 331 7 is be AUX _003394182 331 8 lust lust NOUN _003394182 331 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 331 10 then then ADV _003394182 331 11 assuredly assuredly ADV _003394182 331 12 it it PRON _003394182 331 13 is be AUX _003394182 331 14 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 331 15 to to PART _003394182 331 16 incarcerate incarcerate VERB _003394182 331 17 two two NUM _003394182 331 18 human human ADJ _003394182 331 19 beings being NOUN _003394182 331 20 in in ADP _003394182 331 21 the the DET _003394182 331 22 bonds bond NOUN _003394182 331 23 of of ADP _003394182 331 24 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 331 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 331 26 when when SCONJ _003394182 331 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 331 28 because because SCONJ _003394182 331 29 of of ADP _003394182 331 30 the the DET _003394182 331 31 death death NOUN _003394182 331 32 of of ADP _003394182 331 33 lust lust NOUN _003394182 331 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 331 35 the the DET _003394182 331 36 home home NOUN _003394182 331 37 has have AUX _003394182 331 38 become become VERB _003394182 331 39 a a DET _003394182 331 40 prison prison NOUN _003394182 331 41 morgue morgue NOUN _003394182 331 42 . . PUNCT _003394182 332 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 332 2 the the DET _003394182 332 3 christian christian ADJ _003394182 332 4 tradition tradition NOUN _003394182 332 5 of of ADP _003394182 332 6 the the DET _003394182 332 7 sacredness sacredness NOUN _003394182 332 8 of of ADP _003394182 332 9 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 332 10 had have AUX _003394182 332 11 been be AUX _003394182 332 12 set set VERB _003394182 332 13 aside aside ADV _003394182 332 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 332 15 it it PRON _003394182 332 16 was be AUX _003394182 332 17 futile futile ADJ _003394182 332 18 to to PART _003394182 332 19 speak speak VERB _003394182 332 20 of of ADP _003394182 332 21 the the DET _003394182 332 22 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 332 23 purposes purpose NOUN _003394182 332 24 of of ADP _003394182 332 25 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 332 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 332 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 332 28 more more ADV _003394182 332 29 futile futile ADJ _003394182 332 30 to to PART _003394182 332 31 expect expect VERB _003394182 332 32 that that SCONJ _003394182 332 33 the the DET _003394182 332 34 cross cross NOUN _003394182 332 35 - - NOUN _003394182 332 36 pollination pollination NOUN _003394182 332 37 of of ADP _003394182 332 38 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 332 39 would would AUX _003394182 332 40 result result VERB _003394182 332 41 in in ADP _003394182 332 42 the the DET _003394182 332 43 blossoming blossoming NOUN _003394182 332 44 of of ADP _003394182 332 45 a a DET _003394182 332 46 child child NOUN _003394182 332 47 . . PUNCT _003394182 333 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 333 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 333 3 according accord VERB _003394182 333 4 to to ADP _003394182 333 5 the the DET _003394182 333 6 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 333 7 of of ADP _003394182 333 8 the the DET _003394182 333 9 evolutionist evolutionist NOUN _003394182 333 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 333 11 there there PRON _003394182 333 12 was be VERB _003394182 333 13 no no DET _003394182 333 14 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 333 15 sound sound NOUN _003394182 333 16 to to ADP _003394182 333 17 the the DET _003394182 333 18 symphony symphony NOUN _003394182 333 19 of of ADP _003394182 333 20 life life NOUN _003394182 333 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 333 22 no no DET _003394182 333 23 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 333 24 harbor harbor NOUN _003394182 333 25 at at ADP _003394182 333 26 the the DET _003394182 333 27 lone lone PROPN _003394182 333 28 sea sea PROPN _003394182 333 29 's 's PART _003394182 333 30 end end NOUN _003394182 333 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 333 32 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 333 33 as as ADP _003394182 333 34 the the DET _003394182 333 35 union union NOUN _003394182 333 36 of of ADP _003394182 333 37 two two NUM _003394182 333 38 in in ADP _003394182 333 39 one one NUM _003394182 333 40 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 333 41 was be AUX _003394182 333 42 madder madder NOUN _003394182 333 43 than than ADP _003394182 333 44 the the DET _003394182 333 45 maddened maddened ADJ _003394182 333 46 dream dream NOUN _003394182 333 47 of of ADP _003394182 333 48 a a DET _003394182 333 49 madman madman NOUN _003394182 333 50 . . PUNCT _003394182 334 1 if if SCONJ _003394182 334 2 the the DET _003394182 334 3 scientific scientific ADJ _003394182 334 4 tendency tendency NOUN _003394182 334 5 of of ADP _003394182 334 6 the the DET _003394182 334 7 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 334 8 century century NOUN _003394182 334 9 had have AUX _003394182 334 10 been be AUX _003394182 334 11 content content ADJ _003394182 334 12 with with ADP _003394182 334 13 the the DET _003394182 334 14 status status NOUN _003394182 334 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 334 16 designaion designaion NOUN _003394182 334 17 of of ADP _003394182 334 18 a a DET _003394182 334 19 theory theory NOUN _003394182 334 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 334 21 if if SCONJ _003394182 334 22 it it PRON _003394182 334 23 had have AUX _003394182 334 24 been be AUX _003394182 334 25 satisfied satisfied ADJ _003394182 334 26 with with ADP _003394182 334 27 its its PRON _003394182 334 28 own own ADJ _003394182 334 29 laboratory laboratory NOUN _003394182 334 30 of of ADP _003394182 334 31 test test NOUN _003394182 334 32 tubes tube NOUN _003394182 334 33 , , PUNCT _003394182 334 34 the the DET _003394182 334 35 church church NOUN _003394182 334 36 would would AUX _003394182 334 37 have have AUX _003394182 334 38 allowed allow VERB _003394182 334 39 it it PRON _003394182 334 40 to to PART _003394182 334 41 flounder flounder VERB _003394182 334 42 in in ADP _003394182 334 43 the the DET _003394182 334 44 darkness darkness NOUN _003394182 334 45 of of ADP _003394182 334 46 its its PRON _003394182 334 47 own own ADJ _003394182 334 48 experimentation experimentation NOUN _003394182 334 49 . . PUNCT _003394182 335 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 335 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 335 3 however however ADV _003394182 335 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 335 5 it it PRON _003394182 335 6 presumed presume VERB _003394182 335 7 to to PART _003394182 335 8 enter enter VERB _003394182 335 9 the the DET _003394182 335 10 realm realm NOUN _003394182 335 11 of of ADP _003394182 335 12 ethics ethic NOUN _003394182 335 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 335 14 religion religion NOUN _003394182 335 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 335 16 when when SCONJ _003394182 335 17 " " PUNCT _003394182 335 18 it it PRON _003394182 335 19 cast cast VERB _003394182 335 20 its its PRON _003394182 335 21 baleful baleful ADJ _003394182 335 22 shadow shadow NOUN _003394182 335 23 across across ADP _003394182 335 24 the the DET _003394182 335 25 classroom classroom NOUN _003394182 335 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 335 27 when when SCONJ _003394182 335 28 it it PRON _003394182 335 29 trespassed trespass VERB _003394182 335 30 across across ADP _003394182 335 31 the the DET _003394182 335 32 threshold threshold NOUN _003394182 335 33 of of ADP _003394182 335 34 the the DET _003394182 335 35 home home NOUN _003394182 335 36 , , PUNCT _003394182 335 37 when when SCONJ _003394182 335 38 it it PRON _003394182 335 39 demanded demand VERB _003394182 335 40 belief belief NOUN _003394182 335 41 in in ADP _003394182 335 42 itself itself PRON _003394182 335 43 as as ADP _003394182 335 44 the the DET _003394182 335 45 price price NOUN _003394182 335 46 of of ADP _003394182 335 47 some some DET _003394182 335 48 shadowy shadowy ADJ _003394182 335 49 and and CCONJ _003394182 335 50 unsubstantial unsubstantial ADJ _003394182 335 51 salvation salvation NOUN _003394182 335 52 on on ADP _003394182 335 53 earth earth NOUN _003394182 335 54 in in ADP _003394182 335 55 the the DET _003394182 335 56 coming come VERB _003394182 335 57 , , PUNCT _003394182 335 58 age age NOUN _003394182 335 59 , , PUNCT _003394182 335 60 the the DET _003394182 335 61 church church NOUN _003394182 335 62 girded gird VERB _003394182 335 63 herself herself PRON _003394182 335 64 with with ADP _003394182 335 65 the the DET _003394182 335 66 truth truth NOUN _003394182 335 67 of of ADP _003394182 335 68 christ christ PROPN _003394182 335 69 for for ADP _003394182 335 70 the the DET _003394182 335 71 conflict conflict NOUN _003394182 335 72 . . PUNCT _003394182 336 1 she she PRON _003394182 336 2 assumed assume VERB _003394182 336 3 the the DET _003394182 336 4 right right NOUN _003394182 336 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 336 6 the the DET _003394182 336 7 duty duty NOUN _003394182 336 8 to to PART _003394182 336 9 revolt revolt VERB _003394182 336 10 against against ADP _003394182 336 11 the the DET _003394182 336 12 presumptuous presumptuous ADJ _003394182 336 13 blasphemy blasphemy NOUN _003394182 336 14 of of ADP _003394182 336 15 haeckel haeckel NOUN _003394182 336 16 when when SCONJ _003394182 336 17 he he PRON _003394182 336 18 said say VERB _003394182 336 19 : : PUNCT _003394182 336 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 336 21 man man NOUN _003394182 336 22 who who PRON _003394182 336 23 exalted exalt VERB _003394182 336 24 himself himself PRON _003394182 336 25 to to PART _003394182 336 26 be be AUX _003394182 336 27 the the DET _003394182 336 28 son son NOUN _003394182 336 29 of of ADP _003394182 336 30 god god PROPN _003394182 336 31 is be AUX _003394182 336 32 found find VERB _003394182 336 33 to to PART _003394182 336 34 be be AUX _003394182 336 35 only only ADV _003394182 336 36 a a DET _003394182 336 37 placental placental ADJ _003394182 336 38 mammal mammal NOUN _003394182 336 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 336 40 " " PUNCT _003394182 337 1 in in ADP _003394182 337 2 the the DET _003394182 337 3 interests interest NOUN _003394182 337 4 of of ADP _003394182 337 5 an an DET _003394182 337 6 unsuspecting unsuspecting ADJ _003394182 337 7 public public NOUN _003394182 337 8 as as ADV _003394182 337 9 well well ADV _003394182 337 10 as as ADP _003394182 337 11 of of ADP _003394182 337 12 her her PRON _003394182 337 13 own own ADJ _003394182 337 14 children child NOUN _003394182 337 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 337 16 she she PRON _003394182 337 17 de28 de28 PROPN _003394182 337 18 the the DET _003394182 337 19 christian christian ADJ _003394182 337 20 family family NOUN _003394182 337 21 28 28 NUM _003394182 337 22 nounced nounce VERB _003394182 337 23 the the DET _003394182 337 24 same same ADJ _003394182 337 25 pagan pagan ADJ _003394182 337 26 dogmatism dogmatism NOUN _003394182 337 27 when when SCONJ _003394182 337 28 it it PRON _003394182 337 29 appeared appear VERB _003394182 337 30 in in ADP _003394182 337 31 the the DET _003394182 337 32 columns column NOUN _003394182 337 33 of of ADP _003394182 337 34 a a DET _003394182 337 35 popular popular ADJ _003394182 337 36 magazine magazine NOUN _003394182 337 37 some some DET _003394182 337 38 years year NOUN _003394182 337 39 ago ago ADV _003394182 337 40 . . PUNCT _003394182 338 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 338 2 aldous aldous ADJ _003394182 338 3 huxley huxley NOUN _003394182 338 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 338 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 338 6 said say VERB _003394182 338 7 a a DET _003394182 338 8 literary literary ADJ _003394182 338 9 critic critic NOUN _003394182 338 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 338 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 338 12 is be AUX _003394182 338 13 in in ADP _003394182 338 14 search search NOUN _003394182 338 15 of of ADP _003394182 338 16 love love NOUN _003394182 338 17 but but CCONJ _003394182 338 18 he he PRON _003394182 338 19 can can AUX _003394182 338 20 find find VERB _003394182 338 21 only only ADV _003394182 338 22 ridiculous ridiculous ADJ _003394182 338 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 338 24 obscene obscene ADJ _003394182 338 25 biological biological ADJ _003394182 338 26 facts fact NOUN _003394182 338 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 338 28 for for ADP _003394182 338 29 love love NOUN _003394182 338 30 , , PUNCT _003394182 338 31 like like ADP _003394182 338 32 god god PROPN _003394182 338 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 338 34 the the DET _003394182 338 35 other other ADJ _003394182 338 36 most most ADV _003394182 338 37 important important ADJ _003394182 338 38 human human ADJ _003394182 338 39 possessions possession NOUN _003394182 338 40 , , PUNCT _003394182 338 41 does do AUX _003394182 338 42 not not PART _003394182 338 43 exist exist VERB _003394182 338 44 . . PUNCT _003394182 338 45 " " PUNCT _003394182 339 1 out out ADP _003394182 339 2 of of ADP _003394182 339 3 the the DET _003394182 339 4 fen fen PROPN _003394182 339 5 lands land NOUN _003394182 339 6 of of ADP _003394182 339 7 such such ADJ _003394182 339 8 thoughts thought NOUN _003394182 339 9 as as SCONJ _003394182 339 10 these these PRON _003394182 339 11 has have AUX _003394182 339 12 been be AUX _003394182 339 13 begotten beget VERB _003394182 339 14 the the DET _003394182 339 15 serpent serpent ADJ _003394182 339 16 brood brood NOUN _003394182 339 17 of of ADP _003394182 339 18 free free ADJ _003394182 339 19 love love NOUN _003394182 339 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 339 21 companionate companionate ADJ _003394182 339 22 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 339 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 339 24 childless childless ADJ _003394182 339 25 unions union NOUN _003394182 339 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 339 27 which which PRON _003394182 339 28 are be AUX _003394182 339 29 alike alike ADJ _003394182 339 30 in in ADP _003394182 339 31 their their PRON _003394182 339 32 denial denial NOUN _003394182 339 33 of of ADP _003394182 339 34 god god PROPN _003394182 339 35 and and CCONJ _003394182 339 36 in in ADP _003394182 339 37 their their PRON _003394182 339 38 repudiation repudiation NOUN _003394182 339 39 of of ADP _003394182 339 40 the the DET _003394182 339 41 sacredness sacredness NOUN _003394182 339 42 of of ADP _003394182 339 43 that that DET _003394182 339 44 love love NOUN _003394182 339 45 without without ADP _003394182 339 46 which which PRON _003394182 339 47 the the DET _003394182 339 48 christian christian ADJ _003394182 339 49 family family NOUN _003394182 339 50 can can AUX _003394182 339 51 never never ADV _003394182 339 52 have have VERB _003394182 339 53 a a DET _003394182 339 54 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 339 55 . . PUNCT _003394182 340 1 the the DET _003394182 340 2 love love NOUN _003394182 340 3 which which PRON _003394182 340 4 is be AUX _003394182 340 5 at at ADP _003394182 340 6 the the DET _003394182 340 7 foundation foundation NOUN _003394182 340 8 of of ADP _003394182 340 9 the the DET _003394182 340 10 christian christian ADJ _003394182 340 11 home home NOUN _003394182 340 12 is be AUX _003394182 340 13 not not PART _003394182 340 14 the the DET _003394182 340 15 offspring offspring NOUN _003394182 340 16 of of ADP _003394182 340 17 the the DET _003394182 340 18 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 340 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 341 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 341 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 341 3 in in ADP _003394182 341 4 his his PRON _003394182 341 5 condemnation condemnation NOUN _003394182 341 6 of of ADP _003394182 341 7 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 341 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 341 9 christ christ PROPN _003394182 341 10 spoke speak VERB _003394182 341 11 of of ADP _003394182 341 12 christian christian ADJ _003394182 341 13 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 341 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 341 15 he he PRON _003394182 341 16 alluded allude VERB _003394182 341 17 to to ADP _003394182 341 18 those those PRON _003394182 341 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 341 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 341 21 whom whom PRON _003394182 341 22 god god PROPN _003394182 341 23 hath hath NOUN _003394182 341 24 joined join VERB _003394182 341 25 together together ADV _003394182 341 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 341 27 " " PUNCT _003394182 342 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 342 2 the the DET _003394182 342 3 greatest great ADJ _003394182 342 4 apostle apostle NOUN _003394182 342 5 in in ADP _003394182 342 6 the the DET _003394182 342 7 early early ADJ _003394182 342 8 church church NOUN _003394182 342 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 342 10 saint saint PROPN _003394182 342 11 paul paul PROPN _003394182 342 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 342 13 called call VERB _003394182 342 14 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 342 15 a a DET _003394182 342 16 " " PUNCT _003394182 342 17 great great ADJ _003394182 342 18 sacrament sacrament NOUN _003394182 342 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 342 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 342 21 he he PRON _003394182 342 22 pointed point VERB _003394182 342 23 to to ADP _003394182 342 24 the the DET _003394182 342 25 love love NOUN _003394182 342 26 which which PRON _003394182 342 27 christ christ PROPN _003394182 342 28 had have VERB _003394182 342 29 for for ADP _003394182 342 30 his his PRON _003394182 342 31 church church NOUN _003394182 342 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 342 33 the the DET _003394182 342 34 mystical mystical ADJ _003394182 342 35 union union NOUN _003394182 342 36 of of ADP _003394182 342 37 christ christ PROPN _003394182 342 38 with with ADP _003394182 342 39 his his PRON _003394182 342 40 church church NOUN _003394182 342 41 , , PUNCT _003394182 342 42 as as ADP _003394182 342 43 the the DET _003394182 342 44 prototype prototype NOUN _003394182 342 45 of of ADP _003394182 342 46 the the DET _003394182 342 47 love love NOUN _003394182 342 48 which which PRON _003394182 342 49 the the DET _003394182 342 50 husband husband NOUN _003394182 342 51 must must AUX _003394182 342 52 have have VERB _003394182 342 53 for for ADP _003394182 342 54 the the DET _003394182 342 55 wife wife NOUN _003394182 342 56 in in ADP _003394182 342 57 the the DET _003394182 342 58 creation creation NOUN _003394182 342 59 of of ADP _003394182 342 60 the the DET _003394182 342 61 christian christian ADJ _003394182 342 62 family family NOUN _003394182 342 63 . . PUNCT _003394182 343 1 in in ADP _003394182 343 2 the the DET _003394182 343 3 establishment establishment NOUN _003394182 343 4 of of ADP _003394182 343 5 the the DET _003394182 343 6 christian christian PROPN _003394182 343 7 home home PROPN _003394182 343 8 spirit spirit PROPN _003394182 343 9 must must AUX _003394182 343 10 be be AUX _003394182 343 11 joined join VERB _003394182 343 12 to to ADP _003394182 343 13 spirit spirit VERB _003394182 343 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 343 15 as as ADV _003394182 343 16 well well ADV _003394182 343 17 as as ADP _003394182 343 18 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 343 19 to to PART _003394182 343 20 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 343 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 344 1 since since SCONJ _003394182 344 2 man man NOUN _003394182 344 3 is be AUX _003394182 344 4 both both PRON _003394182 344 5 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 344 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 344 7 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 344 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 344 9 any any PRON _003394182 344 10 less less ADJ _003394182 344 11 union union NOUN _003394182 344 12 between between ADP _003394182 344 13 the the DET _003394182 344 14 creators creator NOUN _003394182 344 15 of of ADP _003394182 344 16 the the DET _003394182 344 17 christian christian ADJ _003394182 344 18 home home NOUN _003394182 344 19 is be AUX _003394182 344 20 an an DET _003394182 344 21 impossible impossible ADJ _003394182 344 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 344 23 an an DET _003394182 344 24 abnormal abnormal ADJ _003394182 344 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 344 26 a a DET _003394182 344 27 severable severable ADJ _003394182 344 28 one one NUM _003394182 344 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 345 1 the the DET _003394182 345 2 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 345 3 can can AUX _003394182 345 4 not not PART _003394182 345 5 be be AUX _003394182 345 6 satisfied satisfied ADJ _003394182 345 7 with with ADP _003394182 345 8 mere mere ADJ _003394182 345 9 union union NOUN _003394182 345 10 of of ADP _003394182 345 11 the the DET _003394182 345 12 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 345 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 345 14 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 345 15 can can AUX _003394182 345 16 the the DET _003394182 345 17 union union NOUN _003394182 345 18 of of ADP _003394182 345 19 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 345 20 be be AUX _003394182 345 21 permanent permanent ADJ _003394182 345 22 or or CCONJ _003394182 345 23 productive productive ADJ _003394182 345 24 without without ADP _003394182 345 25 the the DET _003394182 345 26 union union NOUN _003394182 345 27 of of ADP _003394182 345 28 the the DET _003394182 345 29 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 345 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 346 1 it it PRON _003394182 346 2 is be AUX _003394182 346 3 unscientific unscientific ADJ _003394182 346 4 as as ADV _003394182 346 5 well well ADV _003394182 346 6 as as ADP _003394182 346 7 unchristian unchristian ADJ _003394182 346 8 to to PART _003394182 346 9 expect expect VERB _003394182 346 10 two two NUM _003394182 346 11 individuals individual NOUN _003394182 346 12 to to PART _003394182 346 13 live live VERB _003394182 346 14 together together ADV _003394182 346 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 346 16 love love VERB _003394182 346 17 together together ADV _003394182 346 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 346 19 last last VERB _003394182 346 20 together together ADV _003394182 346 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 346 22 when when SCONJ _003394182 346 23 a a DET _003394182 346 24 t t NOUN _003394182 346 25 the the DET _003394182 346 26 the the DET _003394182 346 27 christian christian ADJ _003394182 346 28 family family NOUN _003394182 346 29 29 29 NUM _003394182 346 30 very very ADV _003394182 346 31 outset outset ADJ _003394182 346 32 their their PRON _003394182 346 33 affection affection NOUN _003394182 346 34 is be AUX _003394182 346 35 mathematically mathematically ADV _003394182 346 36 divided divide VERB _003394182 346 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 347 1 had have VERB _003394182 347 2 the the DET _003394182 347 3 pseudo pseudo ADJ _003394182 347 4 - - ADJ _003394182 347 5 scientific scientific ADJ _003394182 347 6 investigator investigator NOUN _003394182 347 7 of of ADP _003394182 347 8 the the DET _003394182 347 9 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 347 10 century century NOUN _003394182 347 11 taken take VERB _003394182 347 12 into into ADP _003394182 347 13 account account NOUN _003394182 347 14 the the DET _003394182 347 15 twin twin ADJ _003394182 347 16 nature nature NOUN _003394182 347 17 of of ADP _003394182 347 18 man man NOUN _003394182 347 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 347 20 had have AUX _003394182 347 21 he he PRON _003394182 347 22 realized realize VERB _003394182 347 23 what what PRON _003394182 347 24 his his PRON _003394182 347 25 own own ADJ _003394182 347 26 introspection introspection NOUN _003394182 347 27 would would AUX _003394182 347 28 have have AUX _003394182 347 29 proved prove VERB _003394182 347 30 to to ADP _003394182 347 31 him he PRON _003394182 347 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 347 33 he he PRON _003394182 347 34 would would AUX _003394182 347 35 not not PART _003394182 347 36 have have AUX _003394182 347 37 fallen fall VERB _003394182 347 38 into into ADP _003394182 347 39 the the DET _003394182 347 40 hopeless hopeless ADJ _003394182 347 41 fallacy fallacy NOUN _003394182 347 42 and and CCONJ _003394182 347 43 the the DET _003394182 347 44 hideous hideous ADJ _003394182 347 45 experiment experiment NOUN _003394182 347 46 of of ADP _003394182 347 47 reducing reduce VERB _003394182 347 48 the the DET _003394182 347 49 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 347 50 status status NOUN _003394182 347 51 to to ADP _003394182 347 52 the the DET _003394182 347 53 transitory transitory ADJ _003394182 347 54 experience experience NOUN _003394182 347 55 of of ADP _003394182 347 56 the the DET _003394182 347 57 jungle jungle NOUN _003394182 347 58 . . PUNCT _003394182 348 1 the the DET _003394182 348 2 church church NOUN _003394182 348 3 does do AUX _003394182 348 4 not not PART _003394182 348 5 minimize minimize VERB _003394182 348 6 the the DET _003394182 348 7 element element NOUN _003394182 348 8 of of ADP _003394182 348 9 human human ADJ _003394182 348 10 love love NOUN _003394182 348 11 in in ADP _003394182 348 12 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 348 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 349 1 she she PRON _003394182 349 2 exalts exalt VERB _003394182 349 3 it it PRON _003394182 349 4 because because SCONJ _003394182 349 5 she she PRON _003394182 349 6 knows know VERB _003394182 349 7 that that SCONJ _003394182 349 8 true true ADJ _003394182 349 9 love love NOUN _003394182 349 10 is be AUX _003394182 349 11 a a DET _003394182 349 12 thing thing NOUN _003394182 349 13 of of ADP _003394182 349 14 the the DET _003394182 349 15 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 349 16 as as ADV _003394182 349 17 well well ADV _003394182 349 18 as as ADP _003394182 349 19 of of ADP _003394182 349 20 the the DET _003394182 349 21 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 349 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 350 1 both both PRON _003394182 350 2 must must AUX _003394182 350 3 be be AUX _003394182 350 4 present present ADJ _003394182 350 5 or or CCONJ _003394182 350 6 else else ADV _003394182 350 7 neither neither CCONJ _003394182 350 8 can can AUX _003394182 350 9 endure endure VERB _003394182 350 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 351 1 against against ADP _003394182 351 2 the the DET _003394182 351 3 insidious insidious ADJ _003394182 351 4 conclusions conclusion NOUN _003394182 351 5 of of ADP _003394182 351 6 the the DET _003394182 351 7 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 351 8 century century NOUN _003394182 351 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 351 10 now now ADV _003394182 351 11 woven weave VERB _003394182 351 12 into into ADP _003394182 351 13 the the DET _003394182 351 14 poetry poetry NOUN _003394182 351 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 351 16 education education NOUN _003394182 351 17 of of ADP _003394182 351 18 our our PRON _003394182 351 19 own own ADJ _003394182 351 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 351 21 the the DET _003394182 351 22 church church NOUN _003394182 351 23 insists insist VERB _003394182 351 24 that that SCONJ _003394182 351 25 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 351 26 is be AUX _003394182 351 27 not not PART _003394182 351 28 synonymous synonymous ADJ _003394182 351 29 with with ADP _003394182 351 30 emotional emotional ADJ _003394182 351 31 love love NOUN _003394182 351 32 alone alone ADV _003394182 351 33 . . PUNCT _003394182 352 1 from from ADP _003394182 352 2 the the DET _003394182 352 3 purely purely ADV _003394182 352 4 human human ADJ _003394182 352 5 point point NOUN _003394182 352 6 of of ADP _003394182 352 7 view view NOUN _003394182 352 8 the the DET _003394182 352 9 love love NOUN _003394182 352 10 that that PRON _003394182 352 11 inaugurates inaugurate VERB _003394182 352 12 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 352 13 can can AUX _003394182 352 14 not not PART _003394182 352 15 help help VERB _003394182 352 16 but but CCONJ _003394182 352 17 change change VERB _003394182 352 18 its its PRON _003394182 352 19 emphasis emphasis NOUN _003394182 352 20 of of ADP _003394182 352 21 expression expression NOUN _003394182 352 22 as as SCONJ _003394182 352 23 the the DET _003394182 352 24 years year NOUN _003394182 352 25 go go VERB _003394182 352 26 by by ADV _003394182 352 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 353 1 love love NOUN _003394182 353 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 353 3 as as SCONJ _003394182 353 4 the the DET _003394182 353 5 poet poet NOUN _003394182 353 6 knows know VERB _003394182 353 7 it it PRON _003394182 353 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 353 9 stands stand VERB _003394182 353 10 dominantly dominantly ADV _003394182 353 11 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 353 12 the the DET _003394182 353 13 threshold threshold NOUN _003394182 353 14 of of ADP _003394182 353 15 matrimony matrimony NOUN _003394182 353 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 353 17 opens open VERB _003394182 353 18 the the DET _003394182 353 19 door door NOUN _003394182 353 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 353 21 floods flood NOUN _003394182 353 22 the the DET _003394182 353 23 rooms room NOUN _003394182 353 24 with with ADP _003394182 353 25 golden golden ADJ _003394182 353 26 splendour splendour NOUN _003394182 353 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 354 1 throughout throughout ADP _003394182 354 2 the the DET _003394182 354 3 early early ADJ _003394182 354 4 days day NOUN _003394182 354 5 of of ADP _003394182 354 6 married married ADJ _003394182 354 7 life life NOUN _003394182 354 8 the the DET _003394182 354 9 expression expression NOUN _003394182 354 10 of of ADP _003394182 354 11 emotional emotional ADJ _003394182 354 12 love love NOUN _003394182 354 13 may may AUX _003394182 354 14 be be AUX _003394182 354 15 in in ADP _003394182 354 16 the the DET _003394182 354 17 ascendancy ascendancy NOUN _003394182 354 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 355 1 all all DET _003394182 355 2 other other ADJ _003394182 355 3 affections affection NOUN _003394182 355 4 are be AUX _003394182 355 5 merged merge VERB _003394182 355 6 in in ADP _003394182 355 7 its its PRON _003394182 355 8 tidal tidal ADJ _003394182 355 9 wave wave NOUN _003394182 355 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 356 1 the the DET _003394182 356 2 first first ADJ _003394182 356 3 fine fine ADJ _003394182 356 4 f f PROPN _003394182 356 5 u u PROPN _003394182 356 6 r r NOUN _003394182 356 7 y y PROPN _003394182 356 8 of of ADP _003394182 356 9 emotional emotional ADJ _003394182 356 10 love love NOUN _003394182 356 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 356 12 however however ADV _003394182 356 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 356 14 can can AUX _003394182 356 15 not not PART _003394182 356 16 last last VERB _003394182 356 17 forever forever ADV _003394182 356 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 357 1 its its PRON _003394182 357 2 emotional emotional ADJ _003394182 357 3 climax climax NOUN _003394182 357 4 comes come VERB _003394182 357 5 early early ADV _003394182 357 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 358 1 as as SCONJ _003394182 358 2 it it PRON _003394182 358 3 wanes wane VERB _003394182 358 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 358 5 like like ADP _003394182 358 6 the the DET _003394182 358 7 moon moon NOUN _003394182 358 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 358 9 the the DET _003394182 358 10 expression expression NOUN _003394182 358 11 of of ADP _003394182 358 12 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 358 13 love love NOUN _003394182 358 14 must must AUX _003394182 358 15 rise rise VERB _003394182 358 16 like like ADP _003394182 358 17 the the DET _003394182 358 18 sun sun NOUN _003394182 358 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 359 1 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 359 2 love love NOUN _003394182 359 3 is be AUX _003394182 359 4 more more ADV _003394182 359 5 lasting lasting ADJ _003394182 359 6 than than ADP _003394182 359 7 emotion emotion NOUN _003394182 359 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 359 9 more more ADV _003394182 359 10 enduring enduring ADJ _003394182 359 11 than than ADP _003394182 359 12 passion passion NOUN _003394182 359 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 360 1 happy happy ADJ _003394182 360 2 the the DET _003394182 360 3 man man NOUN _003394182 360 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 360 5 woman woman NOUN _003394182 360 6 who who PRON _003394182 360 7 realize realize VERB _003394182 360 8 that that SCONJ _003394182 360 9 this this DET _003394182 360 10 love love NOUN _003394182 360 11 of of ADP _003394182 360 12 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 360 13 is be AUX _003394182 360 14 more more ADJ _003394182 360 15 than than ADP _003394182 360 16 half half DET _003394182 360 17 the the PRON _003394182 360 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 361 1 battle battle NOUN _003394182 361 2 in in ADP _003394182 361 3 a a DET _003394182 361 4 successful successful ADJ _003394182 361 5 married married ADJ _003394182 361 6 life life NOUN _003394182 361 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 362 1 in in ADP _003394182 362 2 the the DET _003394182 362 3 dawn dawn NOUN _003394182 362 4 of of ADP _003394182 362 5 the the DET _003394182 362 6 world world NOUN _003394182 362 7 god god PROPN _003394182 362 8 created create VERB _003394182 362 9 emotional emotional ADJ _003394182 362 10 30 30 NUM _003394182 362 11 the the DET _003394182 362 12 christian christian ADJ _003394182 362 13 family family NOUN _003394182 362 14 30 30 NUM _003394182 362 15 love love NOUN _003394182 362 16 to to ADP _003394182 362 17 people people NOUN _003394182 362 18 the the DET _003394182 362 19 earth earth NOUN _003394182 362 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 362 21 realize realize VERB _003394182 362 22 his his PRON _003394182 362 23 dream dream NOUN _003394182 362 24 of of ADP _003394182 362 25 a a DET _003394182 362 26 created create VERB _003394182 362 27 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 362 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 363 1 in in ADP _003394182 363 2 the the DET _003394182 363 3 dawn dawn NOUN _003394182 363 4 of of ADP _003394182 363 5 christianity christianity PROPN _003394182 363 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 363 7 consecrated consecrate VERB _003394182 363 8 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 363 9 love love NOUN _003394182 363 10 to to ADP _003394182 363 11 people people NOUN _003394182 363 12 the the DET _003394182 363 13 chris| chris| PROPN _003394182 363 14 tian tian PROPN _003394182 363 15 home home NOUN _003394182 363 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 363 17 made make VERB _003394182 363 18 it it PRON _003394182 363 19 the the DET _003394182 363 20 prophetic prophetic ADJ _003394182 363 21 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 363 22 of of ADP _003394182 363 23 heaven heaven PROPN _003394182 363 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 364 1 god god PROPN _003394182 364 2 created create VERB _003394182 364 3 the the DET _003394182 364 4 waters water NOUN _003394182 364 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 365 1 christ christ PROPN _003394182 365 2 changed change VERB _003394182 365 3 them they PRON _003394182 365 4 into into ADP _003394182 365 5 wine wine NOUN _003394182 365 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 366 1 it it PRON _003394182 366 2 was be AUX _003394182 366 3 for for ADP _003394182 366 4 the the DET _003394182 366 5 sake sake NOUN _003394182 366 6 of of ADP _003394182 366 7 this this DET _003394182 366 8 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 366 9 love love NOUN _003394182 366 10 that that PRON _003394182 366 11 christ christ PROPN _003394182 366 12 raised raise VERB _003394182 366 13 the the DET _003394182 366 14 union union NOUN _003394182 366 15 of of ADP _003394182 366 16 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 366 17 's 's PART _003394182 366 18 emotions emotion NOUN _003394182 366 19 in in ADP _003394182 366 20 the the DET _003394182 366 21 contract contract NOUN _003394182 366 22 of of ADP _003394182 366 23 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 366 24 to to ADP _003394182 366 25 the the DET _003394182 366 26 dignity dignity NOUN _003394182 366 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 366 28 status status NOUN _003394182 366 29 of of ADP _003394182 366 30 a a DET _003394182 366 31 sacrament sacrament NOUN _003394182 366 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 367 1 in in ADP _003394182 367 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 367 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 367 4 as as ADV _003394182 367 5 well well ADV _003394182 367 6 as as ADP _003394182 367 7 in in ADP _003394182 367 8 all all DET _003394182 367 9 life life NOUN _003394182 367 10 's 's PART _003394182 367 11 other other ADJ _003394182 367 12 activities activity NOUN _003394182 367 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 367 14 relationships relationship NOUN _003394182 367 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 367 16 the the DET _003394182 367 17 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 367 18 is be AUX _003394182 367 19 to to PART _003394182 367 20 be be AUX _003394182 367 21 superior superior ADJ _003394182 367 22 to to ADP _003394182 367 23 the the DET _003394182 367 24 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 367 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 367 26 both both PRON _003394182 367 27 blessed bless VERB _003394182 367 28 however however ADV _003394182 367 29 by by ADP _003394182 367 30 the the DET _003394182 367 31 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 367 32 grace grace NOUN _003394182 367 33 of of ADP _003394182 367 34 christ christ PROPN _003394182 367 35 . . PUNCT _003394182 368 1 as as ADP _003394182 368 2 the the DET _003394182 368 3 foundation foundation NOUN _003394182 368 4 of of ADP _003394182 368 5 the the DET _003394182 368 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 368 7 family family NOUN _003394182 368 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 368 9 then then ADV _003394182 368 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 368 11 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 368 12 is be AUX _003394182 368 13 to to PART _003394182 368 14 be be AUX _003394182 368 15 the the DET _003394182 368 16 union union NOUN _003394182 368 17 of of ADP _003394182 368 18 two two NUM _003394182 368 19 in in ADP _003394182 368 20 one one NUM _003394182 368 21 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 368 22 even even ADV _003394182 368 23 more more ADV _003394182 368 24 than than ADP _003394182 368 25 the the DET _003394182 368 26 union union NOUN _003394182 368 27 of of ADP _003394182 368 28 two two NUM _003394182 368 29 in in ADP _003394182 368 30 one one NUM _003394182 368 31 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 368 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 369 1 those those PRON _003394182 369 2 who who PRON _003394182 369 3 have have AUX _003394182 369 4 lived live VERB _003394182 369 5 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 369 6 successfully successfully ADV _003394182 369 7 are be AUX _003394182 369 8 never never ADV _003394182 369 9 tired tired ADJ _003394182 369 10 of of ADP _003394182 369 11 congratulating congratulate VERB _003394182 369 12 the the DET _003394182 369 13 church church NOUN _003394182 369 14 for for ADP _003394182 369 15 opposing oppose VERB _003394182 369 16 the the DET _003394182 369 17 nineteenth nineteenth ADJ _003394182 369 18 century century NOUN _003394182 369 19 's 's PART _003394182 369 20 exaltation exaltation NOUN _003394182 369 21 of of ADP _003394182 369 22 the the DET _003394182 369 23 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 369 24 and and CCONJ _003394182 369 25 its its PRON _003394182 369 26 denial denial NOUN _003394182 369 27 of of ADP _003394182 369 28 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 369 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 370 1 they they PRON _003394182 370 2 know know VERB _003394182 370 3 with with ADP _003394182 370 4 a a DET _003394182 370 5 conviction conviction NOUN _003394182 370 6 more more ADV _003394182 370 7 assuring assure VERB _003394182 370 8 than than SCONJ _003394182 370 9 any any DET _003394182 370 10 hopeless hopeless ADJ _003394182 370 11 evolutionistic evolutionistic ADJ _003394182 370 12 argument argument NOUN _003394182 370 13 can can AUX _003394182 370 14 hope hope VERB _003394182 370 15 to to PART _003394182 370 16 attain attain VERB _003394182 370 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 370 18 that that SCONJ _003394182 370 19 the the DET _003394182 370 20 decline decline NOUN _003394182 370 21 in in ADP _003394182 370 22 emotional emotional ADJ _003394182 370 23 love love NOUN _003394182 370 24 must must AUX _003394182 370 25 be be AUX _003394182 370 26 counter counter ADJ _003394182 370 27 - - ADJ _003394182 370 28 balanced balanced ADJ _003394182 370 29 by by ADP _003394182 370 30 an an DET _003394182 370 31 increased increase VERB _003394182 370 32 expression expression NOUN _003394182 370 33 of of ADP _003394182 370 34 the the DET _003394182 370 35 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 370 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 371 1 the the DET _003394182 371 2 existence existence NOUN _003394182 371 3 of of ADP _003394182 371 4 both both PRON _003394182 371 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 371 6 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 371 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 371 8 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 371 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 371 10 alone alone ADV _003394182 371 11 can can AUX _003394182 371 12 beget beget VERB _003394182 371 13 the the DET _003394182 371 14 christian christian ADJ _003394182 371 15 family family NOUN _003394182 371 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 372 1 the the DET _003394182 372 2 existence existence NOUN _003394182 372 3 of of ADP _003394182 372 4 both both PRON _003394182 372 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 372 6 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 372 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 372 8 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 372 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 372 10 alone alone ADV _003394182 372 11 can can AUX _003394182 372 12 produce produce VERB _003394182 372 13 that that DET _003394182 372 14 deeper deep ADJ _003394182 372 15 love love NOUN _003394182 372 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 372 17 a a DET _003394182 372 18 thing thing NOUN _003394182 372 19 of of ADP _003394182 372 20 the the DET _003394182 372 21 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 372 22 more more ADV _003394182 372 23 than than ADP _003394182 372 24 of of ADP _003394182 372 25 the the DET _003394182 372 26 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 372 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 372 28 whose whose DET _003394182 372 29 light light NOUN _003394182 372 30 shines shine VERB _003394182 372 31 in in ADP _003394182 372 32 the the DET _003394182 372 33 eyes eye NOUN _003394182 372 34 of of ADP _003394182 372 35 old old ADJ _003394182 372 36 married married ADJ _003394182 372 37 couples couple NOUN _003394182 372 38 , , PUNCT _003394182 372 39 and and CCONJ _003394182 372 40 whose whose DET _003394182 372 41 beauty beauty NOUN _003394182 372 42 seems seem VERB _003394182 372 43 to to PART _003394182 372 44 say say VERB _003394182 372 45 in in ADP _003394182 372 46 the the DET _003394182 372 47 words word NOUN _003394182 372 48 of of ADP _003394182 372 49 browning brown VERB _003394182 372 50 : : PUNCT _003394182 372 51 " " PUNCT _003394182 372 52 grow grow VERB _003394182 372 53 old old ADJ _003394182 372 54 along along ADP _003394182 372 55 with with ADP _003394182 372 56 me i PRON _003394182 372 57 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 372 58 the the DET _003394182 372 59 best good ADJ _003394182 372 60 is be AUX _003394182 372 61 yet yet ADV _003394182 372 62 to to PART _003394182 372 63 be be AUX _003394182 372 64 . . PUNCT _003394182 372 65 " " PUNCT _003394182 373 1 the the DET _003394182 373 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 373 3 family family NOUN _003394182 373 4 31 31 NUM _003394182 373 5 two two NUM _003394182 373 6 in in ADP _003394182 373 7 one one NUM _003394182 373 8 failure failure NOUN _003394182 373 9 address address NOUN _003394182 373 10 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 373 11 on on ADP _003394182 373 12 june june PROPN _003394182 373 13 12 12 NUM _003394182 373 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 373 15 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 373 16 the the DET _003394182 373 17 present present ADJ _003394182 373 18 world world NOUN _003394182 373 19 is be AUX _003394182 373 20 a a DET _003394182 373 21 panorama panorama NOUN _003394182 373 22 of of ADP _003394182 373 23 tremendous tremendous ADJ _003394182 373 24 failures failure NOUN _003394182 373 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 374 1 we we PRON _003394182 374 2 are be AUX _003394182 374 3 fond fond ADJ _003394182 374 4 of of ADP _003394182 374 5 pointing point VERB _003394182 374 6 to to ADP _003394182 374 7 the the DET _003394182 374 8 collapse collapse NOUN _003394182 374 9 of of ADP _003394182 374 10 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394182 374 11 in in ADP _003394182 374 12 america america PROPN _003394182 374 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 374 14 of of ADP _003394182 374 15 wondering wonder VERB _003394182 374 16 what what DET _003394182 374 17 form form NOUN _003394182 374 18 of of ADP _003394182 374 19 economic economic ADJ _003394182 374 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 374 21 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 374 22 structure structure NOUN _003394182 374 23 will will AUX _003394182 374 24 rear rear VERB _003394182 374 25 itself itself PRON _003394182 374 26 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 374 27 the the DET _003394182 374 28 crumbling crumble VERB _003394182 374 29 ruins ruin NOUN _003394182 374 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 375 1 we we PRON _003394182 375 2 are be AUX _003394182 375 3 fond fond ADJ _003394182 375 4 of of ADP _003394182 375 5 noting note VERB _003394182 375 6 the the DET _003394182 375 7 seeming seem VERB _003394182 375 8 inability inability NOUN _003394182 375 9 of of ADP _003394182 375 10 democracy democracy NOUN _003394182 375 11 to to PART _003394182 375 12 grapple grapple VERB _003394182 375 13 with with ADP _003394182 375 14 the the DET _003394182 375 15 fundamental fundamental ADJ _003394182 375 16 needs need NOUN _003394182 375 17 of of ADP _003394182 375 18 mankind mankind NOUN _003394182 375 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 375 20 of of ADP _003394182 375 21 judging judge VERB _003394182 375 22 what what DET _003394182 375 23 change change NOUN _003394182 375 24 is be AUX _003394182 375 25 about about ADJ _003394182 375 26 to to PART _003394182 375 27 take take VERB _003394182 375 28 place place NOUN _003394182 375 29 in in ADP _003394182 375 30 the the DET _003394182 375 31 structure structure NOUN _003394182 375 32 and and CCONJ _003394182 375 33 function function NOUN _003394182 375 34 of of ADP _003394182 375 35 our our PRON _003394182 375 36 political political ADJ _003394182 375 37 institutions institution NOUN _003394182 375 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 376 1 the the DET _003394182 376 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 376 3 failures failure NOUN _003394182 376 4 in in ADP _003394182 376 5 modern modern ADJ _003394182 376 6 life life NOUN _003394182 376 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 376 8 however however ADV _003394182 376 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 376 10 are be AUX _003394182 376 11 those those PRON _003394182 376 12 of of ADP _003394182 376 13 the the DET _003394182 376 14 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 376 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 377 1 a a DET _003394182 377 2 bruised bruise VERB _003394182 377 3 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 377 4 is be AUX _003394182 377 5 worse bad ADJ _003394182 377 6 than than ADP _003394182 377 7 a a DET _003394182 377 8 broken broken ADJ _003394182 377 9 body body NOUN _003394182 377 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 378 1 the the DET _003394182 378 2 collapse collapse NOUN _003394182 378 3 of of ADP _003394182 378 4 married married ADJ _003394182 378 5 life life NOUN _003394182 378 6 through through ADP _003394182 378 7 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 378 8 is be AUX _003394182 378 9 worse bad ADJ _003394182 378 10 than than ADP _003394182 378 11 the the DET _003394182 378 12 collapse collapse NOUN _003394182 378 13 of of ADP _003394182 378 14 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394182 378 15 or or CCONJ _003394182 378 16 the the DET _003394182 378 17 tottering tottering NOUN _003394182 378 18 of of ADP _003394182 378 19 democracy democracy NOUN _003394182 378 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 379 1 in in ADP _003394182 379 2 its its PRON _003394182 379 3 simplest simple ADJ _003394182 379 4 terms term NOUN _003394182 379 5 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 379 6 means mean VERB _003394182 379 7 that that SCONJ _003394182 379 8 a a DET _003394182 379 9 man man NOUN _003394182 379 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 379 11 a a DET _003394182 379 12 woman woman NOUN _003394182 379 13 have have AUX _003394182 379 14 made make VERB _003394182 379 15 a a DET _003394182 379 16 failure failure NOUN _003394182 379 17 of of ADP _003394182 379 18 their their PRON _003394182 379 19 wedded wed VERB _003394182 379 20 lives life NOUN _003394182 379 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 380 1 once once ADV _003394182 380 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 380 3 with with ADP _003394182 380 4 open open ADJ _003394182 380 5 eyes eye NOUN _003394182 380 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 380 7 yearning yearn VERB _003394182 380 8 hearts heart NOUN _003394182 380 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 380 10 they they PRON _003394182 380 11 entered enter VERB _003394182 380 12 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 380 13 the the DET _003394182 380 14 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 380 15 status status NOUN _003394182 380 16 of of ADP _003394182 380 17 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 380 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 381 1 once once ADV _003394182 381 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 381 3 each each PRON _003394182 381 4 to to ADP _003394182 381 5 each each PRON _003394182 381 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 381 7 forever forever ADV _003394182 381 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 381 9 they they PRON _003394182 381 10 pledged pledge VERB _003394182 381 11 their their PRON _003394182 381 12 lives life NOUN _003394182 381 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 381 14 their their PRON _003394182 381 15 love love NOUN _003394182 381 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 381 17 their their PRON _003394182 381 18 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003394182 381 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 381 20 their their PRON _003394182 381 21 devotion devotion NOUN _003394182 381 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 382 1 once once ADV _003394182 382 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 382 3 they they PRON _003394182 382 4 took take VERB _003394182 382 5 each each DET _003394182 382 6 other other ADJ _003394182 382 7 for for ADP _003394182 382 8 better well ADJ _003394182 382 9 or or CCONJ _003394182 382 10 for for ADP _003394182 382 11 worse bad ADJ _003394182 382 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 383 1 once once ADV _003394182 383 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 383 3 they they PRON _003394182 383 4 faced face VERB _003394182 383 5 the the DET _003394182 383 6 problems problem NOUN _003394182 383 7 of of ADP _003394182 383 8 life life NOUN _003394182 383 9 together together ADV _003394182 383 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 384 1 now now ADV _003394182 384 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 384 3 by by ADP _003394182 384 4 their their PRON _003394182 384 5 petition petition NOUN _003394182 384 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 384 7 they they PRON _003394182 384 8 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _003394182 384 9 that that SCONJ _003394182 384 10 the the DET _003394182 384 11 problems problem NOUN _003394182 384 12 of of ADP _003394182 384 13 life life NOUN _003394182 384 14 have have AUX _003394182 384 15 conquered conquer VERB _003394182 384 16 them they PRON _003394182 384 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 385 1 now now ADV _003394182 385 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 385 3 they they PRON _003394182 385 4 seek seek VERB _003394182 385 5 to to PART _003394182 385 6 give give VERB _003394182 385 7 the the DET _003394182 385 8 lie lie NOUN _003394182 385 9 to to ADP _003394182 385 10 their their PRON _003394182 385 11 solemn solemn ADJ _003394182 385 12 promises promise NOUN _003394182 385 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 386 1 now now ADV _003394182 386 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 386 3 they they PRON _003394182 386 4 tell tell VERB _003394182 386 5 the the DET _003394182 386 6 world world NOUN _003394182 386 7 that that SCONJ _003394182 386 8 neither neither PRON _003394182 386 9 of of ADP _003394182 386 10 them they PRON _003394182 386 11 had have VERB _003394182 386 12 the the DET _003394182 386 13 32 32 NUM _003394182 386 14 the the DET _003394182 386 15 christian christian ADJ _003394182 386 16 family family NOUN _003394182 386 17 32 32 NUM _003394182 386 18 intelligence intelligence NOUN _003394182 386 19 or or CCONJ _003394182 386 20 the the DET _003394182 386 21 stamina stamina NOUN _003394182 386 22 to to PART _003394182 386 23 surmount surmount VERB _003394182 386 24 the the DET _003394182 386 25 waves wave NOUN _003394182 386 26 of of ADP _003394182 386 27 misunderstanding misunderstanding NOUN _003394182 386 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 387 1 once once ADV _003394182 387 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 387 3 they they PRON _003394182 387 4 set set VERB _003394182 387 5 out out ADP _003394182 387 6 across across ADP _003394182 387 7 the the DET _003394182 387 8 sea sea NOUN _003394182 387 9 of of ADP _003394182 387 10 human human ADJ _003394182 387 11 existence existence NOUN _003394182 387 12 together together ADV _003394182 387 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 388 1 of of ADP _003394182 388 2 their their PRON _003394182 388 3 own own ADJ _003394182 388 4 free free ADJ _003394182 388 5 will will AUX _003394182 388 6 they they PRON _003394182 388 7 unfurled unfurl VERB _003394182 388 8 the the DET _003394182 388 9 sails sail NOUN _003394182 388 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 389 1 of of ADP _003394182 389 2 their their PRON _003394182 389 3 own own ADJ _003394182 389 4 free free ADJ _003394182 389 5 will will NOUN _003394182 389 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 389 7 perhaps perhaps ADV _003394182 389 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 389 9 they they PRON _003394182 389 10 brushed brush VERB _003394182 389 11 aside aside ADV _003394182 389 12 the the DET _003394182 389 13 admonition admonition NOUN _003394182 389 14 of of ADP _003394182 389 15 parents parent NOUN _003394182 389 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 389 17 the the DET _003394182 389 18 advice advice NOUN _003394182 389 19 of of ADP _003394182 389 20 friends friend NOUN _003394182 389 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 389 22 the the DET _003394182 389 23 warning warning NOUN _003394182 389 24 of of ADP _003394182 389 25 those those PRON _003394182 389 26 who who PRON _003394182 389 27 were be AUX _003394182 389 28 capable capable ADJ _003394182 389 29 of of ADP _003394182 389 30 directing direct VERB _003394182 389 31 them they PRON _003394182 389 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 390 1 now now ADV _003394182 390 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 390 3 they they PRON _003394182 390 4 would would AUX _003394182 390 5 come come VERB _003394182 390 6 back back ADV _003394182 390 7 separately separately ADV _003394182 390 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 390 9 with with ADP _003394182 390 10 sails sail NOUN _003394182 390 11 furled furl VERB _003394182 390 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 390 13 authority authority NOUN _003394182 390 14 divided divide VERB _003394182 390 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 390 16 dreams dream NOUN _003394182 390 17 wrecked wreck VERB _003394182 390 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 390 19 the the DET _003394182 390 20 ship ship NOUN _003394182 390 21 of of ADP _003394182 390 22 life life NOUN _003394182 390 23 itself itself PRON _003394182 390 24 damaged damage VERB _003394182 390 25 almost almost ADV _003394182 390 26 beyond beyond ADP _003394182 390 27 repair repair NOUN _003394182 390 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 391 1 they they PRON _003394182 391 2 can can AUX _003394182 391 3 never never ADV _003394182 391 4 come come VERB _003394182 391 5 back back ADV _003394182 391 6 to to ADP _003394182 391 7 their their PRON _003394182 391 8 former former ADJ _003394182 391 9 unmarried unmarried ADJ _003394182 391 10 status status NOUN _003394182 391 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 392 1 they they PRON _003394182 392 2 are be AUX _003394182 392 3 social social ADJ _003394182 392 4 bankrupts bankrupt NOUN _003394182 392 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 393 1 like like ADP _003394182 393 2 business business NOUN _003394182 393 3 or or CCONJ _003394182 393 4 commercial commercial ADJ _003394182 393 5 bankrupts bankrupt NOUN _003394182 393 6 they they PRON _003394182 393 7 carry carry VERB _003394182 393 8 around around ADP _003394182 393 9 with with ADP _003394182 393 10 them they PRON _003394182 393 11 the the DET _003394182 393 12 reputation reputation NOUN _003394182 393 13 of of ADP _003394182 393 14 defeat defeat NOUN _003394182 393 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 394 1 they they PRON _003394182 394 2 are be AUX _003394182 394 3 an an DET _003394182 394 4 anomaly anomaly NOUN _003394182 394 5 in in ADP _003394182 394 6 society society NOUN _003394182 394 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 395 1 they they PRON _003394182 395 2 pretend pretend VERB _003394182 395 3 to to PART _003394182 395 4 have have AUX _003394182 395 5 dissolved dissolve VERB _003394182 395 6 the the DET _003394182 395 7 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 395 8 contract contract NOUN _003394182 395 9 in in ADP _003394182 395 10 order order NOUN _003394182 395 11 to to PART _003394182 395 12 regain regain VERB _003394182 395 13 the the DET _003394182 395 14 status status NOUN _003394182 395 15 of of ADP _003394182 395 16 single single ADJ _003394182 395 17 blessedness blessedness NOUN _003394182 395 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 396 1 the the DET _003394182 396 2 history history NOUN _003394182 396 3 of of ADP _003394182 396 4 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 396 5 shows show VERB _003394182 396 6 that that SCONJ _003394182 396 7 such such DET _003394182 396 8 a a DET _003394182 396 9 protestation protestation NOUN _003394182 396 10 is be AUX _003394182 396 11 a a DET _003394182 396 12 subterfuge subterfuge NOUN _003394182 396 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 397 1 the the DET _003394182 397 2 divorcee divorcee PROPN _003394182 397 3 has have VERB _003394182 397 4 no no DET _003394182 397 5 intention intention NOUN _003394182 397 6 of of ADP _003394182 397 7 remaining remain VERB _003394182 397 8 alone alone ADV _003394182 397 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 398 1 at at ADP _003394182 398 2 the the DET _003394182 398 3 first first ADJ _003394182 398 4 appearance appearance NOUN _003394182 398 5 of of ADP _003394182 398 6 resurrected resurrected ADJ _003394182 398 7 emotion emotion NOUN _003394182 398 8 the the DET _003394182 398 9 divorcee divorcee PROPN _003394182 398 10 is be AUX _003394182 398 11 ready ready ADJ _003394182 398 12 to to PART _003394182 398 13 fly fly VERB _003394182 398 14 into into ADP _003394182 398 15 another another DET _003394182 398 16 binding binding ADJ _003394182 398 17 obligation obligation NOUN _003394182 398 18 which which PRON _003394182 398 19 generally generally ADV _003394182 398 20 proves prove VERB _003394182 398 21 as as ADV _003394182 398 22 unsuccessful unsuccessful ADJ _003394182 398 23 as as ADP _003394182 398 24 the the DET _003394182 398 25 first first ADJ _003394182 398 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 398 27 but but CCONJ _003394182 398 28 in in ADP _003394182 398 29 consummating consummate VERB _003394182 398 30 which which PRON _003394182 398 31 he he PRON _003394182 398 32 is be AUX _003394182 398 33 fortified fortify VERB _003394182 398 34 by by ADP _003394182 398 35 the the DET _003394182 398 36 knowledge knowledge NOUN _003394182 398 37 that that SCONJ _003394182 398 38 a a DET _003394182 398 39 second second ADJ _003394182 398 40 failure failure NOUN _003394182 398 41 may may AUX _003394182 398 42 likewise likewise ADV _003394182 398 43 result result VERB _003394182 398 44 in in ADP _003394182 398 45 a a DET _003394182 398 46 second second ADJ _003394182 398 47 dissolution dissolution NOUN _003394182 398 48 . . PUNCT _003394182 399 1 from from ADP _003394182 399 2 the the DET _003394182 399 3 purely purely ADV _003394182 399 4 human human ADJ _003394182 399 5 point point NOUN _003394182 399 6 of of ADP _003394182 399 7 view view NOUN _003394182 399 8 it it PRON _003394182 399 9 would would AUX _003394182 399 10 be be AUX _003394182 399 11 interesting interesting ADJ _003394182 399 12 to to PART _003394182 399 13 investigate investigate VERB _003394182 399 14 how how SCONJ _003394182 399 15 many many ADJ _003394182 399 16 second second ADJ _003394182 399 17 marriages marriage NOUN _003394182 399 18 of of ADP _003394182 399 19 divorcees divorcee NOUN _003394182 399 20 are be AUX _003394182 399 21 actually actually ADV _003394182 399 22 happy happy ADJ _003394182 399 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 399 24 successful successful ADJ _003394182 399 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 400 1 if if SCONJ _003394182 400 2 newspaper newspaper NOUN _003394182 400 3 accounts account NOUN _003394182 400 4 be be VERB _003394182 400 5 worthy worthy ADJ _003394182 400 6 of of ADP _003394182 400 7 any any DET _003394182 400 8 belief belief NOUN _003394182 400 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 400 10 we we PRON _003394182 400 11 are be AUX _003394182 400 12 forced force VERB _003394182 400 13 to to PART _003394182 400 14 admit admit VERB _003394182 400 15 that that SCONJ _003394182 400 16 the the DET _003394182 400 17 man man NOUN _003394182 400 18 or or CCONJ _003394182 400 19 woman woman NOUN _003394182 400 20 who who PRON _003394182 400 21 has have AUX _003394182 400 22 made make VERB _003394182 400 23 a a DET _003394182 400 24 failure failure NOUN _003394182 400 25 of of ADP _003394182 400 26 the the DET _003394182 400 27 first first ADJ _003394182 400 28 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 400 29 too too ADV _003394182 400 30 often often ADV _003394182 400 31 makes make VERB _003394182 400 32 a a DET _003394182 400 33 failure failure NOUN _003394182 400 34 of of ADP _003394182 400 35 the the DET _003394182 400 36 second second ADJ _003394182 400 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 401 1 the the DET _003394182 401 2 decree decree NOUN _003394182 401 3 of of ADP _003394182 401 4 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 401 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 401 6 then then ADV _003394182 401 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 401 8 does do AUX _003394182 401 9 not not PART _003394182 401 10 merely merely ADV _003394182 401 11 dissolve dissolve VERB _003394182 401 12 a a DET _003394182 401 13 solemn solemn ADJ _003394182 401 14 contract contract NOUN _003394182 401 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 402 1 it it PRON _003394182 402 2 opens open VERB _003394182 402 3 the the DET _003394182 402 4 way way NOUN _003394182 402 5 to to ADP _003394182 402 6 a a DET _003394182 402 7 whole whole ADJ _003394182 402 8 series series NOUN _003394182 402 9 of of ADP _003394182 402 10 matrimonial matrimonial ADJ _003394182 402 11 failures failure NOUN _003394182 402 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 402 13 defeats defeat NOUN _003394182 402 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 403 1 the the DET _003394182 403 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 403 3 family family PROPN _003394182 403 4 35 35 NUM _003394182 403 5 individually individually ADV _003394182 403 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 403 7 relatively relatively ADV _003394182 403 8 few few ADJ _003394182 403 9 divorcees divorcee NOUN _003394182 403 10 are be AUX _003394182 403 11 ever ever ADV _003394182 403 12 happy happy ADJ _003394182 403 13 after after ADP _003394182 403 14 the the DET _003394182 403 15 issuance issuance NOUN _003394182 403 16 of of ADP _003394182 403 17 their their PRON _003394182 403 18 decree decree NOUN _003394182 403 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 404 1 they they PRON _003394182 404 2 can can AUX _003394182 404 3 not not PART _003394182 404 4 divorce divorce VERB _003394182 404 5 themselves themselves PRON _003394182 404 6 from from ADP _003394182 404 7 the the DET _003394182 404 8 memory memory NOUN _003394182 404 9 of of ADP _003394182 404 10 that that DET _003394182 404 11 splendid splendid ADJ _003394182 404 12 faith faith NOUN _003394182 404 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 404 14 hope hope NOUN _003394182 404 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 404 16 love love NOUN _003394182 404 17 in in ADP _003394182 404 18 which which PRON _003394182 404 19 they they PRON _003394182 404 20 f f X _003394182 405 1 i i PRON _003394182 405 2 r r NOUN _003394182 405 3 s s PROPN _003394182 405 4 t t NOUN _003394182 405 5 were be AUX _003394182 405 6 married marry VERB _003394182 405 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 406 1 they they PRON _003394182 406 2 can can AUX _003394182 406 3 not not PART _003394182 406 4 divorce divorce VERB _003394182 406 5 themselves themselves PRON _003394182 406 6 from from ADP _003394182 406 7 the the DET _003394182 406 8 prick prick NOUN _003394182 406 9 of of ADP _003394182 406 10 conscience conscience NOUN _003394182 406 11 which which PRON _003394182 406 12 in in ADP _003394182 406 13 its its PRON _003394182 406 14 own own ADJ _003394182 406 15 intimate intimate ADJ _003394182 406 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 406 17 inimitable inimitable ADJ _003394182 406 18 way way NOUN _003394182 406 19 points point VERB _003394182 406 20 out out ADP _003394182 406 21 the the DET _003394182 406 22 issues issue NOUN _003394182 406 23 that that PRON _003394182 406 24 they they PRON _003394182 406 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 406 26 the the DET _003394182 406 27 married married ADJ _003394182 406 28 couple couple NOUN _003394182 406 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 406 30 might might AUX _003394182 406 31 have have AUX _003394182 406 32 settled settle VERB _003394182 406 33 by by ADP _003394182 406 34 a a DET _003394182 406 35 little little ADJ _003394182 406 36 understanding understanding NOUN _003394182 406 37 and and CCONJ _003394182 406 38 a a DET _003394182 406 39 little little ADJ _003394182 406 40 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 406 41 love love NOUN _003394182 406 42 , , PUNCT _003394182 406 43 without without ADP _003394182 406 44 submitting submit VERB _003394182 406 45 their their PRON _003394182 406 46 troubles trouble NOUN _003394182 406 47 to to ADP _003394182 406 48 the the DET _003394182 406 49 indifferent indifferent ADJ _003394182 406 50 adjudication adjudication NOUN _003394182 406 51 of of ADP _003394182 406 52 a a DET _003394182 406 53 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 406 54 court court NOUN _003394182 406 55 . . PUNCT _003394182 407 1 they they PRON _003394182 407 2 can can AUX _003394182 407 3 not not PART _003394182 407 4 divorce divorce VERB _003394182 407 5 from from ADP _003394182 407 6 themselves themselves PRON _003394182 407 7 the the DET _003394182 407 8 thought thought NOUN _003394182 407 9 of of ADP _003394182 407 10 their their PRON _003394182 407 11 children child NOUN _003394182 407 12 growing grow VERB _003394182 407 13 up up ADP _003394182 407 14 apart apart ADV _003394182 407 15 from from ADP _003394182 407 16 the the DET _003394182 407 17 family family NOUN _003394182 407 18 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 407 19 wherein wherein SCONJ _003394182 407 20 they they PRON _003394182 407 21 were be AUX _003394182 407 22 begotten beget VERB _003394182 407 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 407 24 or or CCONJ _003394182 407 25 learning learning NOUN _003394182 407 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 407 27 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 407 28 coming come VERB _003394182 407 29 of of ADP _003394182 407 30 age age NOUN _003394182 407 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 407 32 that that SCONJ _003394182 407 33 the the DET _003394182 407 34 love love NOUN _003394182 407 35 between between ADP _003394182 407 36 their their PRON _003394182 407 37 father father NOUN _003394182 407 38 and and CCONJ _003394182 407 39 mother mother NOUN _003394182 407 40 was be AUX _003394182 407 41 sufficient sufficient ADJ _003394182 407 42 to to PART _003394182 407 43 beget beget VERB _003394182 407 44 them they PRON _003394182 407 45 , , PUNCT _003394182 407 46 but but CCONJ _003394182 407 47 not not PART _003394182 407 48 sufficient sufficient ADJ _003394182 407 49 to to PART _003394182 407 50 beget beget VERB _003394182 407 51 the the DET _003394182 407 52 marital marital ADJ _003394182 407 53 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _003394182 407 54 so so ADV _003394182 407 55 necessary necessary ADJ _003394182 407 56 for for ADP _003394182 407 57 the the DET _003394182 407 58 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 407 59 of of ADP _003394182 407 60 the the DET _003394182 407 61 christian christian ADJ _003394182 407 62 home home NOUN _003394182 407 63 . . PUNCT _003394182 408 1 children child NOUN _003394182 408 2 who who PRON _003394182 408 3 are be AUX _003394182 408 4 deprived deprive VERB _003394182 408 5 of of ADP _003394182 408 6 a a DET _003394182 408 7 proper proper ADJ _003394182 408 8 education education NOUN _003394182 408 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 408 10 because because SCONJ _003394182 408 11 of of ADP _003394182 408 12 the the DET _003394182 408 13 narrow narrow ADJ _003394182 408 14 - - PUNCT _003394182 408 15 mindedness mindedness NOUN _003394182 408 16 of of ADP _003394182 408 17 their their PRON _003394182 408 18 parents parent NOUN _003394182 408 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 408 20 have have VERB _003394182 408 21 a a DET _003394182 408 22 right right NOUN _003394182 408 23 to to PART _003394182 408 24 subsequent subsequent ADJ _003394182 408 25 revolt revolt NOUN _003394182 408 26 against against ADP _003394182 408 27 such such ADJ _003394182 408 28 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 408 29 neglect neglect NOUN _003394182 408 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 409 1 children child NOUN _003394182 409 2 who who PRON _003394182 409 3 reach reach VERB _003394182 409 4 manhood manhood NOUN _003394182 409 5 or or CCONJ _003394182 409 6 womanhood womanhood NOUN _003394182 409 7 with with ADP _003394182 409 8 some some DET _003394182 409 9 physical physical ADJ _003394182 409 10 deformity deformity NOUN _003394182 409 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 409 12 because because SCONJ _003394182 409 13 their their PRON _003394182 409 14 parents parent NOUN _003394182 409 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 409 16 though though SCONJ _003394182 409 17 able able ADJ _003394182 409 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 409 19 refused refuse VERB _003394182 409 20 to to PART _003394182 409 21 make make VERB _003394182 409 22 the the DET _003394182 409 23 necessary necessary ADJ _003394182 409 24 financial financial ADJ _003394182 409 25 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _003394182 409 26 to to PART _003394182 409 27 cure cure VERB _003394182 409 28 them they PRON _003394182 409 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 409 30 have have VERB _003394182 409 31 likewise likewise ADV _003394182 409 32 a a DET _003394182 409 33 reasonable reasonable ADJ _003394182 409 34 basis basis NOUN _003394182 409 35 to to PART _003394182 409 36 withold withold VERB _003394182 409 37 the the DET _003394182 409 38 respect respect NOUN _003394182 409 39 in in ADP _003394182 409 40 which which PRON _003394182 409 41 their their PRON _003394182 409 42 parents parent NOUN _003394182 409 43 should should AUX _003394182 409 44 ordinarily ordinarily ADV _003394182 409 45 be be AUX _003394182 409 46 held hold VERB _003394182 409 47 . . PUNCT _003394182 410 1 in in ADP _003394182 410 2 the the DET _003394182 410 3 same same ADJ _003394182 410 4 way way NOUN _003394182 410 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 410 6 children child NOUN _003394182 410 7 who who PRON _003394182 410 8 have have AUX _003394182 410 9 been be AUX _003394182 410 10 deprived deprive VERB _003394182 410 11 of of ADP _003394182 410 12 that that DET _003394182 410 13 home home NOUN _003394182 410 14 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 410 15 which which PRON _003394182 410 16 only only ADV _003394182 410 17 the the DET _003394182 410 18 united united ADJ _003394182 410 19 presence presence NOUN _003394182 410 20 of of ADP _003394182 410 21 f f PROPN _003394182 410 22 a a DET _003394182 410 23 t t NOUN _003394182 410 24 h h NOUN _003394182 410 25 e e NOUN _003394182 410 26 r r NOUN _003394182 410 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 410 28 mother mother NOUN _003394182 410 29 can can AUX _003394182 410 30 create create VERB _003394182 410 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 410 32 have have VERB _003394182 410 33 a a DET _003394182 410 34 right right NOUN _003394182 410 35 to to PART _003394182 410 36 revolt revolt VERB _003394182 410 37 against against ADP _003394182 410 38 the the DET _003394182 410 39 selfish selfish ADJ _003394182 410 40 processes process NOUN _003394182 410 41 of of ADP _003394182 410 42 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 410 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 411 1 to to ADP _003394182 411 2 the the DET _003394182 411 3 latter latter ADJ _003394182 411 4 proposition proposition NOUN _003394182 411 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 411 6 of of ADP _003394182 411 7 course course NOUN _003394182 411 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 411 9 there there PRON _003394182 411 10 are be VERB _003394182 411 11 certain certain ADJ _003394182 411 12 bona bona ADJ _003394182 411 13 fide fide ADJ _003394182 411 14 exceptions exception NOUN _003394182 411 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 412 1 the the DET _003394182 412 2 church church NOUN _003394182 412 3 is be AUX _003394182 412 4 not not PART _003394182 412 5 tyrannical tyrannical ADJ _003394182 412 6 in in ADP _003394182 412 7 her her PRON _003394182 412 8 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 412 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 413 1 the the DET _003394182 413 2 husband husband NOUN _003394182 413 3 who who PRON _003394182 413 4 is be AUX _003394182 413 5 guilty guilty ADJ _003394182 413 6 34 34 NUM _003394182 413 7 the the DET _003394182 413 8 christian christian ADJ _003394182 413 9 family family NOUN _003394182 413 10 34 34 NUM _003394182 413 11 of of ADP _003394182 413 12 cruelty cruelty NOUN _003394182 413 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 413 14 the the DET _003394182 413 15 husband husband NOUN _003394182 413 16 whose whose DET _003394182 413 17 presence presence NOUN _003394182 413 18 is be AUX _003394182 413 19 a a DET _003394182 413 20 constant constant ADJ _003394182 413 21 menace menace NOUN _003394182 413 22 to to ADP _003394182 413 23 the the DET _003394182 413 24 peace peace NOUN _003394182 413 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 413 26 security security NOUN _003394182 413 27 of of ADP _003394182 413 28 his his PRON _003394182 413 29 wife wife NOUN _003394182 413 30 , , PUNCT _003394182 413 31 has have VERB _003394182 413 32 no no DET _003394182 413 33 right right NOUN _003394182 413 34 to to PART _003394182 413 35 remain remain VERB _003394182 413 36 within within ADP _003394182 413 37 the the DET _003394182 413 38 precincts precinct NOUN _003394182 413 39 of of ADP _003394182 413 40 the the DET _003394182 413 41 christian christian ADJ _003394182 413 42 home home NOUN _003394182 413 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 414 1 he he PRON _003394182 414 2 is be AUX _003394182 414 3 neither neither CCONJ _003394182 414 4 a a DET _003394182 414 5 fit fit ADJ _003394182 414 6 companion companion NOUN _003394182 414 7 for for ADP _003394182 414 8 his his PRON _003394182 414 9 wife wife NOUN _003394182 414 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 414 11 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 414 12 a a DET _003394182 414 13 fit fit ADJ _003394182 414 14 guardian guardian NOUN _003394182 414 15 for for ADP _003394182 414 16 his his PRON _003394182 414 17 children child NOUN _003394182 414 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 415 1 the the DET _003394182 415 2 home home NOUN _003394182 415 3 is be AUX _003394182 415 4 better well ADJ _003394182 415 5 off off ADP _003394182 415 6 without without ADP _003394182 415 7 him he PRON _003394182 415 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 416 1 his his PRON _003394182 416 2 removal removal NOUN _003394182 416 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 416 4 by by ADP _003394182 416 5 separation separation NOUN _003394182 416 6 alone alone ADV _003394182 416 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 416 8 may may AUX _003394182 416 9 even even ADV _003394182 416 10 be be AUX _003394182 416 11 the the DET _003394182 416 12 means mean NOUN _003394182 416 13 of of ADP _003394182 416 14 reforming reform VERB _003394182 416 15 him he PRON _003394182 416 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 416 17 of of ADP _003394182 416 18 later later ADV _003394182 416 19 renewing renew VERB _003394182 416 20 the the DET _003394182 416 21 christian christian ADJ _003394182 416 22 family family NOUN _003394182 416 23 when when SCONJ _003394182 416 24 his his PRON _003394182 416 25 disposition disposition NOUN _003394182 416 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 416 27 mode mode NOUN _003394182 416 28 of of ADP _003394182 416 29 living living NOUN _003394182 416 30 shall shall AUX _003394182 416 31 have have AUX _003394182 416 32 changed change VERB _003394182 416 33 . . PUNCT _003394182 417 1 the the DET _003394182 417 2 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003394182 417 3 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 417 4 of of ADP _003394182 417 5 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 417 6 involves involve VERB _003394182 417 7 no no DET _003394182 417 8 such such ADJ _003394182 417 9 impossible impossible ADJ _003394182 417 10 personalities personality NOUN _003394182 417 11 or or CCONJ _003394182 417 12 impossible impossible ADJ _003394182 417 13 situations situation NOUN _003394182 417 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 418 1 the the DET _003394182 418 2 dominant dominant ADJ _003394182 418 3 theme theme NOUN _003394182 418 4 of of ADP _003394182 418 5 the the DET _003394182 418 6 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003394182 418 7 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 418 8 is be AUX _003394182 418 9 selfishness selfishness NOUN _003394182 418 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 419 1 the the DET _003394182 419 2 main main ADJ _003394182 419 3 motive motive NOUN _003394182 419 4 of of ADP _003394182 419 5 the the DET _003394182 419 6 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003394182 419 7 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 419 8 is be AUX _003394182 419 9 the the DET _003394182 419 10 desire desire NOUN _003394182 419 11 to to PART _003394182 419 12 be be AUX _003394182 419 13 freed free VERB _003394182 419 14 of of ADP _003394182 419 15 the the DET _003394182 419 16 duties duty NOUN _003394182 419 17 of of ADP _003394182 419 18 married married ADJ _003394182 419 19 life life NOUN _003394182 419 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 420 1 the the DET _003394182 420 2 fact fact NOUN _003394182 420 3 that that SCONJ _003394182 420 4 there there PRON _003394182 420 5 are be VERB _003394182 420 6 more more ADJ _003394182 420 7 divorces divorce NOUN _003394182 420 8 amongst amongst ADP _003394182 420 9 the the DET _003394182 420 10 rich rich ADJ _003394182 420 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 420 12 the the DET _003394182 420 13 middle middle ADJ _003394182 420 14 classes class NOUN _003394182 420 15 than than ADP _003394182 420 16 amongst amongst ADP _003394182 420 17 the the DET _003394182 420 18 poor poor ADJ _003394182 420 19 is be AUX _003394182 420 20 competent competent ADJ _003394182 420 21 if if SCONJ _003394182 420 22 not not PART _003394182 420 23 convincing convincing ADJ _003394182 420 24 proof proof NOUN _003394182 420 25 of of ADP _003394182 420 26 that that DET _003394182 420 27 tragic tragic ADJ _003394182 420 28 indictment indictment NOUN _003394182 420 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 421 1 separation separation NOUN _003394182 421 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 421 3 without without ADP _003394182 421 4 any any DET _003394182 421 5 attempted attempt VERB _003394182 421 6 dissolution dissolution NOUN _003394182 421 7 of of ADP _003394182 421 8 the the DET _003394182 421 9 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 421 10 bond bond NOUN _003394182 421 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 421 12 is be AUX _003394182 421 13 sufficient sufficient ADJ _003394182 421 14 to to PART _003394182 421 15 rid rid VERB _003394182 421 16 the the DET _003394182 421 17 home home NOUN _003394182 421 18 of of ADP _003394182 421 19 an an DET _003394182 421 20 objectionable objectionable ADJ _003394182 421 21 wife wife NOUN _003394182 421 22 or or CCONJ _003394182 421 23 an an DET _003394182 421 24 objectionable objectionable ADJ _003394182 421 25 husband husband NOUN _003394182 421 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 422 1 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 422 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 422 3 with with ADP _003394182 422 4 the the DET _003394182 422 5 privilege privilege NOUN _003394182 422 6 of of ADP _003394182 422 7 attempted attempt VERB _003394182 422 8 remarriage remarriage NOUN _003394182 422 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 422 10 is be AUX _003394182 422 11 but but CCONJ _003394182 422 12 an an DET _003394182 422 13 incentive incentive NOUN _003394182 422 14 to to ADP _003394182 422 15 the the DET _003394182 422 16 guilty guilty ADJ _003394182 422 17 party party NOUN _003394182 422 18 to to PART _003394182 422 19 continue continue VERB _003394182 422 20 his his PRON _003394182 422 21 or or CCONJ _003394182 422 22 her her PRON _003394182 422 23 philanderings philandering NOUN _003394182 422 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 422 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 422 26 a a DET _003394182 422 27 denial denial NOUN _003394182 422 28 of of ADP _003394182 422 29 those those DET _003394182 422 30 family family NOUN _003394182 422 31 rights right NOUN _003394182 422 32 to to PART _003394182 422 33 which which PRON _003394182 422 34 children child NOUN _003394182 422 35 are be AUX _003394182 422 36 entitled entitle VERB _003394182 422 37 even even ADV _003394182 422 38 more more ADJ _003394182 422 39 than than ADP _003394182 422 40 the the DET _003394182 422 41 parents parent NOUN _003394182 422 42 . . PUNCT _003394182 423 1 because because SCONJ _003394182 423 2 of of ADP _003394182 423 3 the the DET _003394182 423 4 human human ADJ _003394182 423 5 failure failure NOUN _003394182 423 6 of of ADP _003394182 423 7 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 423 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 423 9 it it PRON _003394182 423 10 is be AUX _003394182 423 11 almost almost ADV _003394182 423 12 inconceivable inconceivable ADJ _003394182 423 13 that that SCONJ _003394182 423 14 any any DET _003394182 423 15 sovereign sovereign ADJ _003394182 423 16 power power NOUN _003394182 423 17 should should AUX _003394182 423 18 recognize recognize VERB _003394182 423 19 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 423 20 on on ADP _003394182 423 21 the the DET _003394182 423 22 basis basis NOUN _003394182 423 23 of of ADP _003394182 423 24 public public ADJ _003394182 423 25 policy policy NOUN _003394182 423 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 424 1 public public ADJ _003394182 424 2 policy policy NOUN _003394182 424 3 should should AUX _003394182 424 4 direct direct VERB _003394182 424 5 its its PRON _003394182 424 6 energies energy NOUN _003394182 424 7 to to ADP _003394182 424 8 the the DET _003394182 424 9 maintenance maintenance NOUN _003394182 424 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 424 11 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 424 12 of of ADP _003394182 424 13 all all DET _003394182 424 14 contracts contract NOUN _003394182 424 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 425 1 public public ADJ _003394182 425 2 policy policy NOUN _003394182 425 3 does do AUX _003394182 425 4 not not PART _003394182 425 5 allow allow VERB _003394182 425 6 the the DET _003394182 425 7 buyer buyer NOUN _003394182 425 8 of of ADP _003394182 425 9 real real ADJ _003394182 425 10 estate estate NOUN _003394182 425 11 to to PART _003394182 425 12 repudiate repudiate VERB _003394182 425 13 his his PRON _003394182 425 14 contract contract NOUN _003394182 425 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 425 16 simply simply ADV _003394182 425 17 because because SCONJ _003394182 425 18 in in ADP _003394182 425 19 his his PRON _003394182 425 20 own own ADJ _003394182 425 21 unthe unthe ADJ _003394182 425 22 christian christian ADJ _003394182 425 23 family family NOUN _003394182 425 24 35 35 NUM _003394182 425 25 influenced influence VERB _003394182 425 26 judgment judgment NOUN _003394182 425 27 he he PRON _003394182 425 28 made make VERB _003394182 425 29 a a DET _003394182 425 30 bargain bargain NOUN _003394182 425 31 which which PRON _003394182 425 32 later later ADV _003394182 425 33 proves prove VERB _003394182 425 34 distasteful distasteful ADJ _003394182 425 35 to to ADP _003394182 425 36 him he PRON _003394182 425 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 426 1 public public ADJ _003394182 426 2 policy policy NOUN _003394182 426 3 might might AUX _003394182 426 4 well well ADV _003394182 426 5 be be AUX _003394182 426 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 427 1 satisfied satisfied ADJ _003394182 427 2 with with ADP _003394182 427 3 decreeing decree VERB _003394182 427 4 a a DET _003394182 427 5 judicial judicial ADJ _003394182 427 6 separation separation NOUN _003394182 427 7 where where SCONJ _003394182 427 8 because because SCONJ _003394182 427 9 of of ADP _003394182 427 10 the the DET _003394182 427 11 character character NOUN _003394182 427 12 or or CCONJ _003394182 427 13 activities activity NOUN _003394182 427 14 of of ADP _003394182 427 15 the the DET _003394182 427 16 husband husband NOUN _003394182 427 17 or or CCONJ _003394182 427 18 wife wife NOUN _003394182 427 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 427 20 it it PRON _003394182 427 21 is be AUX _003394182 427 22 humanly humanly ADV _003394182 427 23 impossible impossible ADJ _003394182 427 24 to to PART _003394182 427 25 maintain maintain VERB _003394182 427 26 the the DET _003394182 427 27 marital marital ADJ _003394182 427 28 association association NOUN _003394182 427 29 or or CCONJ _003394182 427 30 bring bring VERB _003394182 427 31 up up ADP _003394182 427 32 children child NOUN _003394182 427 33 in in ADP _003394182 427 34 the the DET _003394182 427 35 proper proper ADJ _003394182 427 36 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 427 37 of of ADP _003394182 427 38 peace peace NOUN _003394182 427 39 and and CCONJ _003394182 427 40 love love NOUN _003394182 427 41 and and CCONJ _003394182 427 42 morality morality NOUN _003394182 427 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 428 1 by by ADP _003394182 428 2 dissolving dissolve VERB _003394182 428 3 the the DET _003394182 428 4 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 428 5 bond bond NOUN _003394182 428 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 428 7 permitting permit VERB _003394182 428 8 remarriage remarriage NOUN _003394182 428 9 public public ADJ _003394182 428 10 policy policy NOUN _003394182 428 11 is be AUX _003394182 428 12 a a DET _003394182 428 13 direct direct ADJ _003394182 428 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 428 15 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 428 16 accomplice accomplice NOUN _003394182 428 17 in in ADP _003394182 428 18 the the DET _003394182 428 19 perpetration perpetration NOUN _003394182 428 20 of of ADP _003394182 428 21 life life NOUN _003394182 428 22 's 's PART _003394182 428 23 greatest great ADJ _003394182 428 24 public public ADJ _003394182 428 25 failure failure NOUN _003394182 428 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 429 1 that that SCONJ _003394182 429 2 unfortunately unfortunately ADV _003394182 429 3 is be AUX _003394182 429 4 the the DET _003394182 429 5 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 429 6 of of ADP _003394182 429 7 public public ADJ _003394182 429 8 policy policy NOUN _003394182 429 9 in in ADP _003394182 429 10 nearly nearly ADV _003394182 429 11 all all DET _003394182 429 12 the the DET _003394182 429 13 sovereign sovereign ADJ _003394182 429 14 states state NOUN _003394182 429 15 of of ADP _003394182 429 16 our our PRON _003394182 429 17 american american PROPN _003394182 429 18 republic republic PROPN _003394182 429 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 430 1 there there PRON _003394182 430 2 is be VERB _003394182 430 3 only only ADV _003394182 430 4 one one NUM _003394182 430 5 state state NOUN _003394182 430 6 in in ADP _003394182 430 7 the the DET _003394182 430 8 union union NOUN _003394182 430 9 which which PRON _003394182 430 10 refuses refuse VERB _003394182 430 11 to to PART _003394182 430 12 dissolve dissolve VERB _003394182 430 13 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 430 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 431 1 that that PRON _003394182 431 2 is be AUX _003394182 431 3 the the DET _003394182 431 4 state state NOUN _003394182 431 5 of of ADP _003394182 431 6 south south PROPN _003394182 431 7 carolina carolina PROPN _003394182 431 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 431 9 where where SCONJ _003394182 431 10 no no DET _003394182 431 11 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 431 12 has have AUX _003394182 431 13 been be AUX _003394182 431 14 permitted permit VERB _003394182 431 15 since since SCONJ _003394182 431 16 1878 1878 NUM _003394182 431 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 432 1 in in ADP _003394182 432 2 every every DET _003394182 432 3 other other ADJ _003394182 432 4 state state NOUN _003394182 432 5 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 432 6 is be AUX _003394182 432 7 permitted permit VERB _003394182 432 8 by by ADP _003394182 432 9 judicial judicial ADJ _003394182 432 10 decree decree NOUN _003394182 432 11 for for ADP _003394182 432 12 reasons reason NOUN _003394182 432 13 ranging range VERB _003394182 432 14 from from ADP _003394182 432 15 adultery adultery NOUN _003394182 432 16 in in ADP _003394182 432 17 new new PROPN _003394182 432 18 york york PROPN _003394182 432 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 432 20 cruelty cruelty NOUN _003394182 432 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 432 22 drunkenness drunkenness NOUN _003394182 432 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 432 24 abandonment abandonment NOUN _003394182 432 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 432 26 a a DET _003394182 432 27 host host NOUN _003394182 432 28 of of ADP _003394182 432 29 reasons reason NOUN _003394182 432 30 elsewhere elsewhere ADV _003394182 432 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 432 32 to to ADP _003394182 432 33 mere mere ADJ _003394182 432 34 mental mental ADJ _003394182 432 35 incompatibility incompatibility NOUN _003394182 432 36 in in ADP _003394182 432 37 nevada nevada PROPN _003394182 432 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 433 1 we we PRON _003394182 433 2 have have AUX _003394182 433 3 not not PART _003394182 433 4 yet yet ADV _003394182 433 5 reached reach VERB _003394182 433 6 that that SCONJ _003394182 433 7 loose loose ADJ _003394182 433 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 433 9 licentious licentious ADJ _003394182 433 10 degradation degradation NOUN _003394182 433 11 of of ADP _003394182 433 12 public public ADJ _003394182 433 13 opinion opinion NOUN _003394182 433 14 which which PRON _003394182 433 15 holds hold VERB _003394182 433 16 sway sway NOUN _003394182 433 17 in in ADP _003394182 433 18 modern modern ADJ _003394182 433 19 soviet soviet ADJ _003394182 433 20 russia russia PROPN _003394182 433 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 433 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 433 23 which which PRON _003394182 433 24 permits permit VERB _003394182 433 25 the the DET _003394182 433 26 married married ADJ _003394182 433 27 couple couple NOUN _003394182 433 28 to to PART _003394182 433 29 dissolve dissolve VERB _003394182 433 30 their their PRON _003394182 433 31 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 433 32 by by ADP _003394182 433 33 mutual mutual ADJ _003394182 433 34 agreement agreement NOUN _003394182 433 35 . . PUNCT _003394182 434 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 434 2 that that DET _003394182 434 3 day day NOUN _003394182 434 4 comes come VERB _003394182 434 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 434 6 though though SCONJ _003394182 434 7 god god PROPN _003394182 434 8 grant grant VERB _003394182 434 9 it it PRON _003394182 434 10 may may AUX _003394182 434 11 never never ADV _003394182 434 12 come come VERB _003394182 434 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 434 14 public public ADJ _003394182 434 15 policy policy NOUN _003394182 434 16 shall shall AUX _003394182 434 17 have have AUX _003394182 434 18 entered enter VERB _003394182 434 19 into into ADP _003394182 434 20 a a DET _003394182 434 21 shameful shameful ADJ _003394182 434 22 alliance alliance NOUN _003394182 434 23 with with ADP _003394182 434 24 private private ADJ _003394182 434 25 lust lust NOUN _003394182 434 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 435 1 this this DET _003394182 435 2 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 435 3 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 435 4 of of ADP _003394182 435 5 america america PROPN _003394182 435 6 is be AUX _003394182 435 7 a a DET _003394182 435 8 greater great ADJ _003394182 435 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 435 10 more more ADV _003394182 435 11 sinister sinister ADJ _003394182 435 12 blow blow NOUN _003394182 435 13 at at ADP _003394182 435 14 our our PRON _003394182 435 15 country country NOUN _003394182 435 16 's 's PART _003394182 435 17 institutions institution NOUN _003394182 435 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 435 19 safety safety NOUN _003394182 435 20 than than ADP _003394182 435 21 all all DET _003394182 435 22 the the DET _003394182 435 23 red red ADJ _003394182 435 24 oratory oratory NOUN _003394182 435 25 that that PRON _003394182 435 26 illuminates illuminate VERB _003394182 435 27 our our PRON _003394182 435 28 street street NOUN _003394182 435 29 corners corner NOUN _003394182 435 30 or or CCONJ _003394182 435 31 all all DET _003394182 435 32 the the DET _003394182 435 33 rumblings rumbling NOUN _003394182 435 34 of of ADP _003394182 435 35 revolt revolt NOUN _003394182 435 36 in in ADP _003394182 435 37 our our PRON _003394182 435 38 communistic communistic ADJ _003394182 435 39 centers center NOUN _003394182 435 40 of of ADP _003394182 435 41 despair despair NOUN _003394182 435 42 . . PUNCT _003394182 436 1 because because SCONJ _003394182 436 2 of of ADP _003394182 436 3 our our PRON _003394182 436 4 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 436 5 ideals ideal NOUN _003394182 436 6 we we PRON _003394182 436 7 catholics catholic VERB _003394182 436 8 are be AUX _003394182 436 9 amongst amongst ADP _003394182 436 10 the the DET _003394182 436 11 great36 great36 NOUN _003394182 436 12 the the DET _003394182 436 13 christian christian PROPN _003394182 436 14 family family PROPN _003394182 436 15 36 36 NUM _003394182 436 16 est est ADJ _003394182 436 17 defenders defender NOUN _003394182 436 18 of of ADP _003394182 436 19 modern modern PROPN _003394182 436 20 america america PROPN _003394182 436 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 437 1 we we PRON _003394182 437 2 refuse refuse VERB _003394182 437 3 to to PART _003394182 437 4 admit admit VERB _003394182 437 5 that that SCONJ _003394182 437 6 a a DET _003394182 437 7 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 437 8 once once ADV _003394182 437 9 validly validly ADV _003394182 437 10 entered enter VERB _003394182 437 11 into into ADP _003394182 437 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 437 13 consummated consummate VERB _003394182 437 14 can can AUX _003394182 437 15 ever ever ADV _003394182 437 16 be be AUX _003394182 437 17 dissolved dissolve VERB _003394182 437 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 438 1 again again ADV _003394182 438 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 438 3 again again ADV _003394182 438 4 we we PRON _003394182 438 5 have have AUX _003394182 438 6 pointed point VERB _003394182 438 7 out out ADP _003394182 438 8 this this DET _003394182 438 9 cancer cancer NOUN _003394182 438 10 of of ADP _003394182 438 11 decay decay NOUN _003394182 438 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 439 1 once once ADV _003394182 439 2 admit admit VERB _003394182 439 3 the the DET _003394182 439 4 slightest slight ADJ _003394182 439 5 reason reason NOUN _003394182 439 6 for for ADP _003394182 439 7 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 439 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 439 9 the the DET _003394182 439 10 way way NOUN _003394182 439 11 is be AUX _003394182 439 12 open open ADJ _003394182 439 13 for for ADP _003394182 439 14 the the DET _003394182 439 15 spectacle spectacle NOUN _003394182 439 16 which which PRON _003394182 439 17 confronts confront VERB _003394182 439 18 us we PRON _003394182 439 19 in in ADP _003394182 439 20 too too ADV _003394182 439 21 many many ADJ _003394182 439 22 of of ADP _003394182 439 23 our our PRON _003394182 439 24 sister sister NOUN _003394182 439 25 states state NOUN _003394182 439 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 440 1 it it PRON _003394182 440 2 is be AUX _003394182 440 3 no no DET _003394182 440 4 uncommon uncommon ADJ _003394182 440 5 thing thing NOUN _003394182 441 1 f f PROPN _003394182 441 2 o o X _003394182 441 3 r r NOUN _003394182 441 4 a a DET _003394182 441 5 married married ADJ _003394182 441 6 couple couple NOUN _003394182 441 7 who who PRON _003394182 441 8 can can AUX _003394182 441 9 not not PART _003394182 441 10 secure secure VERB _003394182 441 11 a a DET _003394182 441 12 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 441 13 in in ADP _003394182 441 14 one one NUM _003394182 441 15 state state NOUN _003394182 441 16 to to PART _003394182 441 17 move move VERB _003394182 441 18 to to ADP _003394182 441 19 another another DET _003394182 441 20 state state NOUN _003394182 441 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 441 22 take take VERB _003394182 441 23 up up ADP _003394182 441 24 residence residence NOUN _003394182 441 25 for for ADP _003394182 441 26 the the DET _003394182 441 27 sole sole ADJ _003394182 441 28 purpose purpose NOUN _003394182 441 29 of of ADP _003394182 441 30 dissolving dissolve VERB _003394182 441 31 their their PRON _003394182 441 32 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 441 33 . . PUNCT _003394182 442 1 it it PRON _003394182 442 2 is be AUX _003394182 442 3 no no DET _003394182 442 4 uncommon uncommon ADJ _003394182 442 5 thing thing NOUN _003394182 442 6 for for SCONJ _003394182 442 7 a a DET _003394182 442 8 man man NOUN _003394182 442 9 to to PART _003394182 442 10 be be AUX _003394182 442 11 considered consider VERB _003394182 442 12 married marry VERB _003394182 442 13 by by ADP _003394182 442 14 one one NUM _003394182 442 15 state state NOUN _003394182 442 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 442 17 unmarried unmarrie VERB _003394182 442 18 by by ADP _003394182 442 19 another another PRON _003394182 442 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 443 1 to to ADP _003394182 443 2 such such DET _003394182 443 3 a a DET _003394182 443 4 confusing confusing ADJ _003394182 443 5 conclusion conclusion NOUN _003394182 443 6 the the DET _003394182 443 7 united united PROPN _003394182 443 8 states states PROPN _003394182 443 9 supreme supreme PROPN _003394182 443 10 court court PROPN _003394182 443 11 gave give VERB _003394182 443 12 its its PRON _003394182 443 13 approval approval NOUN _003394182 443 14 in in ADP _003394182 443 15 a a DET _003394182 443 16 certain certain ADJ _003394182 443 17 celebrated celebrated ADJ _003394182 443 18 case case NOUN _003394182 443 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 444 1 a a DET _003394182 444 2 husband husband NOUN _003394182 444 3 left leave VERB _003394182 444 4 his his PRON _003394182 444 5 wife wife NOUN _003394182 444 6 in in ADP _003394182 444 7 the the DET _003394182 444 8 state state NOUN _003394182 444 9 of of ADP _003394182 444 10 new new PROPN _003394182 444 11 york york PROPN _003394182 444 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 444 13 became become VERB _003394182 444 14 a a DET _003394182 444 15 resident resident NOUN _003394182 444 16 of of ADP _003394182 444 17 the the DET _003394182 444 18 state state NOUN _003394182 444 19 of of ADP _003394182 444 20 connecticut connecticut PROPN _003394182 444 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 445 1 he he PRON _003394182 445 2 obtained obtain VERB _003394182 445 3 a a DET _003394182 445 4 decree decree NOUN _003394182 445 5 of of ADP _003394182 445 6 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 445 7 in in ADP _003394182 445 8 connecticut connecticut PROPN _003394182 445 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 445 10 where where SCONJ _003394182 445 11 he he PRON _003394182 445 12 remarried remarry VERB _003394182 445 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 446 1 his his PRON _003394182 446 2 wife wife NOUN _003394182 446 3 was be AUX _003394182 446 4 never never ADV _003394182 446 5 brought bring VERB _003394182 446 6 before before ADP _003394182 446 7 the the DET _003394182 446 8 court court NOUN _003394182 446 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 447 1 in in ADP _003394182 447 2 a a DET _003394182 447 3 later later ADJ _003394182 447 4 suit suit NOUN _003394182 447 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 447 6 instituted institute VERB _003394182 447 7 by by ADP _003394182 447 8 the the DET _003394182 447 9 abandoned abandon VERB _003394182 447 10 wife wife NOUN _003394182 447 11 for for ADP _003394182 447 12 judicial judicial ADJ _003394182 447 13 separation separation NOUN _003394182 447 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 447 15 the the DET _003394182 447 16 husband husband NOUN _003394182 447 17 offered offer VERB _003394182 447 18 the the DET _003394182 447 19 connecticut connecticut NOUN _003394182 447 20 decree decree NOUN _003394182 447 21 as as ADP _003394182 447 22 a a DET _003394182 447 23 defense defense NOUN _003394182 447 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 448 1 the the DET _003394182 448 2 court court NOUN _003394182 448 3 of of ADP _003394182 448 4 new new PROPN _003394182 448 5 york york PROPN _003394182 448 6 refused refuse VERB _003394182 448 7 to to PART _003394182 448 8 recognize recognize VERB _003394182 448 9 it it PRON _003394182 448 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 448 11 the the DET _003394182 448 12 case case NOUN _003394182 448 13 went go VERB _003394182 448 14 to to ADP _003394182 448 15 the the DET _003394182 448 16 united united PROPN _003394182 448 17 states states PROPN _003394182 448 18 supreme supreme PROPN _003394182 448 19 court court PROPN _003394182 448 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 448 21 where where SCONJ _003394182 448 22 it it PRON _003394182 448 23 was be AUX _003394182 448 24 decided decide VERB _003394182 448 25 that that SCONJ _003394182 448 26 the the DET _003394182 448 27 state state NOUN _003394182 448 28 of of ADP _003394182 448 29 new new PROPN _003394182 448 30 york york PROPN _003394182 448 31 was be AUX _003394182 448 32 not not PART _003394182 448 33 obliged oblige VERB _003394182 448 34 under under ADP _003394182 448 35 the the DET _003394182 448 36 federal federal ADJ _003394182 448 37 constitution constitution NOUN _003394182 448 38 , , PUNCT _003394182 448 39 to to PART _003394182 448 40 recognize recognize VERB _003394182 448 41 the the DET _003394182 448 42 connecticut connecticut ADJ _003394182 448 43 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 448 44 . . PUNCT _003394182 449 1 as as ADV _003394182 449 2 long long ADV _003394182 449 3 as as SCONJ _003394182 449 4 new new PROPN _003394182 449 5 york york PROPN _003394182 449 6 failed fail VERB _003394182 449 7 to to PART _003394182 449 8 recognize recognize VERB _003394182 449 9 it it PRON _003394182 449 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 449 11 the the DET _003394182 449 12 same same ADJ _003394182 449 13 man man NOUN _003394182 449 14 was be AUX _003394182 449 15 married married ADJ _003394182 449 16 to to ADP _003394182 449 17 one one NUM _003394182 449 18 woman woman NOUN _003394182 449 19 in in ADP _003394182 449 20 connecticut connecticut NOUN _003394182 449 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 449 22 to to ADP _003394182 449 23 another another DET _003394182 449 24 woman woman NOUN _003394182 449 25 in in ADP _003394182 449 26 new new PROPN _003394182 449 27 york york PROPN _003394182 449 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 450 1 no no DET _003394182 450 2 such such ADJ _003394182 450 3 confusion confusion NOUN _003394182 450 4 greets greet NOUN _003394182 450 5 us we PRON _003394182 450 6 when when SCONJ _003394182 450 7 we we PRON _003394182 450 8 consider consider VERB _003394182 450 9 the the DET _003394182 450 10 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 450 11 of of ADP _003394182 450 12 the the DET _003394182 450 13 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 450 14 church church NOUN _003394182 450 15 towards towards ADP _003394182 450 16 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 450 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 451 1 her her PRON _003394182 451 2 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 451 3 is be AUX _003394182 451 4 the the DET _003394182 451 5 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 451 6 of of ADP _003394182 451 7 christ christ PROPN _003394182 451 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 452 1 no no DET _003394182 452 2 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 452 3 of of ADP _003394182 452 4 christ christ PROPN _003394182 452 5 is be AUX _003394182 452 6 so so ADV _003394182 452 7 clear clear ADJ _003394182 452 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 452 9 convincing convincing ADJ _003394182 452 10 as as ADP _003394182 452 11 his his PRON _003394182 452 12 pronouncethe pronouncethe ADJ _003394182 452 13 christian christian ADJ _003394182 452 14 family family NOUN _003394182 452 15 87 87 NUM _003394182 452 16 ments ment NOUN _003394182 452 17 against against ADP _003394182 452 18 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 452 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 453 1 to to PART _003394182 453 2 lessen lessen VERB _003394182 453 3 his his PRON _003394182 453 4 influence influence NOUN _003394182 453 5 among among ADP _003394182 453 6 the the DET _003394182 453 7 people people NOUN _003394182 453 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 453 9 the the DET _003394182 453 10 pharisees pharisees PROPN _003394182 453 11 called call VERB _003394182 453 12 the the DET _003394182 453 13 bills bill NOUN _003394182 453 14 of of ADP _003394182 453 15 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 453 16 that that SCONJ _003394182 453 17 moses moses PROPN _003394182 453 18 permitted permit VERB _003394182 453 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 453 20 to to ADP _003394182 453 21 his his PRON _003394182 453 22 attention attention NOUN _003394182 453 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 454 1 not not PART _003394182 454 2 even even ADV _003394182 454 3 the the DET _003394182 454 4 might might NOUN _003394182 454 5 or or CCONJ _003394182 454 6 the the DET _003394182 454 7 magic magic NOUN _003394182 454 8 of of ADP _003394182 454 9 the the DET _003394182 454 10 name name NOUN _003394182 454 11 of of ADP _003394182 454 12 moses moses PROPN _003394182 454 13 could could AUX _003394182 454 14 silence silence VERB _003394182 454 15 him he PRON _003394182 454 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 455 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 455 2 because because SCONJ _003394182 455 3 moses moses PROPN _003394182 455 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 455 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 455 6 he he PRON _003394182 455 7 said say VERB _003394182 455 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 455 9 " " PUNCT _003394182 455 10 by by ADP _003394182 455 11 reason reason NOUN _003394182 455 12 of of ADP _003394182 455 13 the the DET _003394182 455 14 hardness hardness NOUN _003394182 455 15 of of ADP _003394182 455 16 your your PRON _003394182 455 17 heart heart NOUN _003394182 455 18 permitted permit VERB _003394182 455 19 you you PRON _003394182 455 20 to to PART _003394182 455 21 put put VERB _003394182 455 22 away away ADV _003394182 455 23 your your PRON _003394182 455 24 wives wife NOUN _003394182 455 25 : : PUNCT _003394182 455 26 but but CCONJ _003394182 455 27 from from ADP _003394182 455 28 the the DET _003394182 455 29 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 455 30 it it PRON _003394182 455 31 was be AUX _003394182 455 32 not not PART _003394182 455 33 so so ADV _003394182 455 34 . . PUNCT _003394182 455 35 " " PUNCT _003394182 456 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 456 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 456 3 i i PRON _003394182 456 4 say say VERB _003394182 456 5 to to ADP _003394182 456 6 you you PRON _003394182 456 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 456 8 " " PUNCT _003394182 456 9 christ christ PROPN _003394182 456 10 continued continue VERB _003394182 456 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 456 12 " " PUNCT _003394182 456 13 every every DET _003394182 456 14 one one NOUN _003394182 456 15 that that PRON _003394182 456 16 putteth putteth PROPN _003394182 456 17 away away ADV _003394182 456 18 his his PRON _003394182 456 19 wife wife NOUN _003394182 456 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 456 21 marrieth marrieth PROPN _003394182 456 22 another another DET _003394182 456 23 committeth committeth NOUN _003394182 456 24 adultery adultery NOUN _003394182 456 25 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 456 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 456 27 he he PRON _003394182 456 28 that that PRON _003394182 456 29 marrieth marrieth VERB _003394182 456 30 her she PRON _003394182 456 31 that that PRON _003394182 456 32 is be AUX _003394182 456 33 put put VERB _003394182 456 34 away away ADV _003394182 456 35 from from ADP _003394182 456 36 her her PRON _003394182 456 37 husband husband NOUN _003394182 456 38 , , PUNCT _003394182 456 39 committeth committeth ADJ _003394182 456 40 adultery adultery NOUN _003394182 456 41 . . PUNCT _003394182 456 42 " " PUNCT _003394182 457 1 there there PRON _003394182 457 2 is be VERB _003394182 457 3 no no DET _003394182 457 4 hedging hedging NOUN _003394182 457 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 457 6 no no DET _003394182 457 7 pretense pretense NOUN _003394182 457 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 457 9 no no DET _003394182 457 10 excuses excuse NOUN _003394182 457 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 457 12 no no DET _003394182 457 13 condoning condoning NOUN _003394182 457 14 cause cause NOUN _003394182 457 15 for for ADP _003394182 457 16 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 457 17 in in ADP _003394182 457 18 these these DET _003394182 457 19 words word NOUN _003394182 457 20 of of ADP _003394182 457 21 christ christ PROPN _003394182 457 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 458 1 they they PRON _003394182 458 2 are be AUX _003394182 458 3 the the DET _003394182 458 4 sum sum NOUN _003394182 458 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 458 6 substance substance NOUN _003394182 458 7 of of ADP _003394182 458 8 what what PRON _003394182 458 9 we we PRON _003394182 458 10 catholics catholic VERB _003394182 458 11 call call VERB _003394182 458 12 the the DET _003394182 458 13 indissolubility indissolubility NOUN _003394182 458 14 of of ADP _003394182 458 15 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 458 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 459 1 they they PRON _003394182 459 2 are be AUX _003394182 459 3 the the DET _003394182 459 4 proclamation proclamation NOUN _003394182 459 5 of of ADP _003394182 459 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 459 7 that that SCONJ _003394182 459 8 a a DET _003394182 459 9 valid valid ADJ _003394182 459 10 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 459 11 once once ADV _003394182 459 12 entered enter VERB _003394182 459 13 into into ADP _003394182 459 14 can can AUX _003394182 459 15 not not PART _003394182 459 16 be be AUX _003394182 459 17 dissolved dissolve VERB _003394182 459 18 for for ADP _003394182 459 19 any any DET _003394182 459 20 reason reason NOUN _003394182 459 21 short short ADJ _003394182 459 22 of of ADP _003394182 459 23 the the DET _003394182 459 24 great great ADJ _003394182 459 25 reason reason NOUN _003394182 459 26 for for ADP _003394182 459 27 the the DET _003394182 459 28 dissolution dissolution NOUN _003394182 459 29 of of ADP _003394182 459 30 all all DET _003394182 459 31 life life NOUN _003394182 459 32 's 's PART _003394182 459 33 relationships relationship NOUN _003394182 459 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 459 35 death death NOUN _003394182 459 36 itself itself PRON _003394182 459 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 460 1 above above ADP _003394182 460 2 the the DET _003394182 460 3 decrees decree NOUN _003394182 460 4 of of ADP _003394182 460 5 our our PRON _003394182 460 6 law law NOUN _003394182 460 7 courts court NOUN _003394182 460 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 460 9 more more ADV _003394182 460 10 eloquent eloquent ADJ _003394182 460 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 460 12 sincere sincere ADJ _003394182 460 13 than than ADP _003394182 460 14 the the DET _003394182 460 15 united united PROPN _003394182 460 16 states states PROPN _003394182 460 17 supreme supreme PROPN _003394182 460 18 court court PROPN _003394182 460 19 itself itself PRON _003394182 460 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 460 21 is be AUX _003394182 460 22 the the DET _003394182 460 23 command command NOUN _003394182 460 24 of of ADP _003394182 460 25 christ christ PROPN _003394182 460 26 : : PUNCT _003394182 460 27 " " PUNCT _003394182 460 28 what what PRON _003394182 460 29 therefore therefore ADV _003394182 460 30 god god PROPN _003394182 460 31 hath hath NOUN _003394182 460 32 joined join VERB _003394182 460 33 together together ADV _003394182 460 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 460 35 let let VERB _003394182 460 36 no no DET _003394182 460 37 man man NOUN _003394182 460 38 put put VERB _003394182 460 39 asunder asunder ADV _003394182 460 40 . . PUNCT _003394182 460 41 " " PUNCT _003394182 461 1 the the DET _003394182 461 2 church church NOUN _003394182 461 3 's 's PART _003394182 461 4 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 461 5 against against ADP _003394182 461 6 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 461 7 is be AUX _003394182 461 8 no no DET _003394182 461 9 mere mere ADJ _003394182 461 10 human human ADJ _003394182 461 11 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 461 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 461 13 passed pass VERB _003394182 461 14 to to PART _003394182 461 15 penalize penalize VERB _003394182 461 16 those those PRON _003394182 461 17 who who PRON _003394182 461 18 have have AUX _003394182 461 19 made make VERB _003394182 461 20 their their PRON _003394182 461 21 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 461 22 a a DET _003394182 461 23 failure failure NOUN _003394182 461 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 462 1 it it PRON _003394182 462 2 is be AUX _003394182 462 3 divine divine ADJ _003394182 462 4 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 462 5 directed direct VERB _003394182 462 6 to to ADP _003394182 462 7 the the DET _003394182 462 8 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 462 9 of of ADP _003394182 462 10 the the DET _003394182 462 11 christian christian ADJ _003394182 462 12 family family NOUN _003394182 462 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 463 1 in in ADP _003394182 463 2 the the DET _003394182 463 3 creation creation NOUN _003394182 463 4 of of ADP _003394182 463 5 that that DET _003394182 463 6 family family NOUN _003394182 463 7 god god PROPN _003394182 463 8 has have VERB _003394182 463 9 certain certain ADJ _003394182 463 10 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 463 11 rights right NOUN _003394182 463 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 464 1 in in ADP _003394182 464 2 the the DET _003394182 464 3 maintenance maintenance NOUN _003394182 464 4 of of ADP _003394182 464 5 that that DET _003394182 464 6 family family NOUN _003394182 464 7 the the DET _003394182 464 8 children child NOUN _003394182 464 9 have have VERB _003394182 464 10 certain certain ADJ _003394182 464 11 inalienable inalienable ADJ _003394182 464 12 rights right NOUN _003394182 464 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 465 1 to to PART _003394182 465 2 preserve preserve VERB _003394182 465 3 and and CCONJ _003394182 465 4 safeguard safeguard VERB _003394182 465 5 those those DET _003394182 465 6 rights right NOUN _003394182 465 7 the the DET _003394182 465 8 church church NOUN _003394182 465 9 like like ADP _003394182 465 10 christ christ PROPN _003394182 465 11 insists insist VERB _003394182 465 12 that that SCONJ _003394182 465 13 each each DET _003394182 465 14 valid valid ADJ _003394182 465 15 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 465 16 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 465 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 465 18 each each DET _003394182 465 19 valid valid ADJ _003394182 465 20 non non ADJ _003394182 465 21 - - ADJ _003394182 465 22 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 465 23 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 465 24 is be AUX _003394182 465 25 indissoluble indissoluble ADJ _003394182 465 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 466 1 she she PRON _003394182 466 2 provides provide VERB _003394182 466 3 for for ADP _003394182 466 4 separations separation NOUN _003394182 466 5 in in ADP _003394182 466 6 well well ADV _003394182 466 7 38 38 NUM _003394182 466 8 the the DET _003394182 466 9 christian christian ADJ _003394182 466 10 family family NOUN _003394182 466 11 recognized recognize VERB _003394182 466 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 466 13 well well ADV _003394182 466 14 deserving deserve VERB _003394182 466 15 cases case NOUN _003394182 466 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 467 1 she she PRON _003394182 467 2 refuses refuse VERB _003394182 467 3 to to PART _003394182 467 4 relinquish relinquish VERB _003394182 467 5 one one NUM _003394182 467 6 jot jot NOUN _003394182 467 7 or or CCONJ _003394182 467 8 tittle tittle NOUN _003394182 467 9 of of ADP _003394182 467 10 the the DET _003394182 467 11 matrimonial matrimonial ADJ _003394182 467 12 teachings teaching NOUN _003394182 467 13 of of ADP _003394182 467 14 christ christ PROPN _003394182 467 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 468 1 she she PRON _003394182 468 2 consecrates consecrate VERB _003394182 468 3 the the DET _003394182 468 4 union union NOUN _003394182 468 5 of of ADP _003394182 468 6 two two NUM _003394182 468 7 in in ADP _003394182 468 8 one one NUM _003394182 468 9 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 468 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 468 11 in in ADP _003394182 468 12 one one NUM _003394182 468 13 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 468 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 469 1 she she PRON _003394182 469 2 refuses refuse VERB _003394182 469 3 to to PART _003394182 469 4 consecrate consecrate VERB _003394182 469 5 or or CCONJ _003394182 469 6 encourage encourage VERB _003394182 469 7 or or CCONJ _003394182 469 8 tolerate tolerate VERB _003394182 469 9 the the DET _003394182 469 10 union union NOUN _003394182 469 11 of of ADP _003394182 469 12 two two NUM _003394182 469 13 in in ADP _003394182 469 14 one one NUM _003394182 469 15 failure failure NOUN _003394182 469 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 470 1 the the DET _003394182 470 2 christian christian ADJ _003394182 470 3 family family PROPN _003394182 470 4 39 39 NUM _003394182 470 5 a a DET _003394182 470 6 woman woman NOUN _003394182 470 7 's 's PART _003394182 470 8 triumph triumph NOUN _003394182 470 9 address address NOUN _003394182 470 10 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 470 11 on on ADP _003394182 470 12 june june PROPN _003394182 470 13 19 19 NUM _003394182 470 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 470 15 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 470 16 again again ADV _003394182 470 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 470 18 again again ADV _003394182 470 19 through through ADP _003394182 470 20 life life NOUN _003394182 470 21 we we PRON _003394182 470 22 hear hear VERB _003394182 470 23 the the DET _003394182 470 24 proud proud ADJ _003394182 470 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 470 26 patronizing patronizing ADJ _003394182 470 27 statement statement NOUN _003394182 470 28 that that SCONJ _003394182 470 29 woman woman NOUN _003394182 470 30 is be AUX _003394182 470 31 totally totally ADV _003394182 470 32 subordinate subordinate ADJ _003394182 470 33 to to PART _003394182 470 34 man man VERB _003394182 470 35 . . PUNCT _003394182 471 1 the the DET _003394182 471 2 inference inference NOUN _003394182 471 3 has have AUX _003394182 471 4 generally generally ADV _003394182 471 5 been be AUX _003394182 471 6 that that DET _003394182 471 7 man man NOUN _003394182 471 8 is be AUX _003394182 471 9 made make VERB _003394182 471 10 in in ADP _003394182 471 11 the the DET _003394182 471 12 image image NOUN _003394182 471 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 471 14 likeness likeness NOUN _003394182 471 15 of of ADP _003394182 471 16 god god PROPN _003394182 471 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 471 18 so so ADV _003394182 471 19 woman woman NOUN _003394182 471 20 is be AUX _003394182 471 21 made make VERB _003394182 471 22 in in ADP _003394182 471 23 the the DET _003394182 471 24 image image NOUN _003394182 471 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 471 26 likeness likeness NOUN _003394182 471 27 of of ADP _003394182 471 28 man man NOUN _003394182 471 29 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 471 30 that that SCONJ _003394182 471 31 as as SCONJ _003394182 471 32 man man NOUN _003394182 471 33 must must AUX _003394182 471 34 direct direct VERB _003394182 471 35 all all DET _003394182 471 36 his his PRON _003394182 471 37 activities activity NOUN _003394182 471 38 towards towards ADP _003394182 471 39 god god PROPN _003394182 471 40 , , PUNCT _003394182 471 41 so so ADV _003394182 471 42 woman woman NOUN _003394182 471 43 must must AUX _003394182 471 44 direct direct VERB _003394182 471 45 all all DET _003394182 471 46 her her PRON _003394182 471 47 activities activity NOUN _003394182 471 48 towards towards ADP _003394182 471 49 man man NOUN _003394182 471 50 . . PUNCT _003394182 472 1 to to PART _003394182 472 2 refute refute VERB _003394182 472 3 that that DET _003394182 472 4 generalization generalization NOUN _003394182 472 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 472 6 which which PRON _003394182 472 7 is be AUX _003394182 472 8 not not PART _003394182 472 9 the the DET _003394182 472 10 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 472 11 of of ADP _003394182 472 12 the the DET _003394182 472 13 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 472 14 church church NOUN _003394182 472 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 472 16 we we PRON _003394182 472 17 need need AUX _003394182 472 18 only only ADV _003394182 472 19 turn turn VERB _003394182 472 20 to to ADP _003394182 472 21 the the DET _003394182 472 22 description description NOUN _003394182 472 23 of of ADP _003394182 472 24 creation creation NOUN _003394182 472 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 473 1 in in ADP _003394182 473 2 the the DET _003394182 473 3 twenty twenty NUM _003394182 473 4 - - PUNCT _003394182 473 5 seventh seventh ADJ _003394182 473 6 verse verse NOUN _003394182 473 7 of of ADP _003394182 473 8 the the DET _003394182 473 9 first first ADJ _003394182 473 10 chapter chapter NOUN _003394182 473 11 of of ADP _003394182 473 12 the the DET _003394182 473 13 book book NOUN _003394182 473 14 of of ADP _003394182 473 15 genesis genesis NOUN _003394182 473 16 we we PRON _003394182 473 17 read read VERB _003394182 473 18 : : PUNCT _003394182 473 19 " " PUNCT _003394182 473 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 473 21 god god PROPN _003394182 473 22 created create VERB _003394182 473 23 man man NOUN _003394182 473 24 to to ADP _003394182 473 25 his his PRON _003394182 473 26 own own ADJ _003394182 473 27 image image NOUN _003394182 473 28 : : PUNCT _003394182 473 29 to to ADP _003394182 473 30 the the DET _003394182 473 31 image image NOUN _003394182 473 32 of of ADP _003394182 473 33 god god PROPN _003394182 473 34 he he PRON _003394182 473 35 created create VERB _003394182 473 36 him he PRON _003394182 473 37 : : PUNCT _003394182 473 38 male male ADJ _003394182 473 39 and and CCONJ _003394182 473 40 female female ADJ _003394182 473 41 he he PRON _003394182 473 42 created create VERB _003394182 473 43 them they PRON _003394182 473 44 . . PUNCT _003394182 473 45 " " PUNCT _003394182 474 1 here here ADV _003394182 474 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 474 3 in in ADP _003394182 474 4 the the DET _003394182 474 5 very very ADJ _003394182 474 6 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 474 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 474 8 there there PRON _003394182 474 9 is be VERB _003394182 474 10 no no DET _003394182 474 11 inferiority inferiority NOUN _003394182 474 12 of of ADP _003394182 474 13 honor honor NOUN _003394182 474 14 or or CCONJ _003394182 474 15 prestige prestige NOUN _003394182 474 16 or or CCONJ _003394182 474 17 position position NOUN _003394182 474 18 between between ADP _003394182 474 19 the the DET _003394182 474 20 sexes sex NOUN _003394182 474 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 475 1 here here ADV _003394182 475 2 the the DET _003394182 475 3 word word NOUN _003394182 475 4 " " PUNCT _003394182 475 5 man man NOUN _003394182 475 6 " " PUNCT _003394182 475 7 is be AUX _003394182 475 8 used use VERB _003394182 475 9 in in ADP _003394182 475 10 the the DET _003394182 475 11 generic generic ADJ _003394182 475 12 sense sense NOUN _003394182 475 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 475 14 embracing embrace VERB _003394182 475 15 both both DET _003394182 475 16 sexes sex NOUN _003394182 475 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 475 18 the the DET _003394182 475 19 male male ADJ _003394182 475 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 475 21 female female ADJ _003394182 475 22 alike alike ADV _003394182 475 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 476 1 not not PART _003394182 476 2 until until SCONJ _003394182 476 3 we we PRON _003394182 476 4 reach reach VERB _003394182 476 5 the the DET _003394182 476 6 eighteenth eighteenth ADJ _003394182 476 7 verse verse NOUN _003394182 476 8 of of ADP _003394182 476 9 the the DET _003394182 476 10 second second ADJ _003394182 476 11 chapter chapter NOUN _003394182 476 12 do do AUX _003394182 476 13 we we PRON _003394182 476 14 come come VERB _003394182 476 15 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 476 16 that that DET _003394182 476 17 scene scene NOUN _003394182 476 18 which which DET _003394182 476 19 man man NOUN _003394182 476 20 in in ADP _003394182 476 21 his his PRON _003394182 476 22 false false ADJ _003394182 476 23 pride pride NOUN _003394182 476 24 has have AUX _003394182 476 25 indelibly indelibly ADV _003394182 476 26 engrafted engraft VERB _003394182 476 27 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 476 28 his his PRON _003394182 476 29 mind mind NOUN _003394182 476 30 and and CCONJ _003394182 476 31 which which PRON _003394182 476 32 he he PRON _003394182 476 33 presents present VERB _003394182 476 34 from from ADP _003394182 476 35 time time NOUN _003394182 476 36 to to ADP _003394182 476 37 time time NOUN _003394182 476 38 in in ADP _003394182 476 39 presumed presume VERB _003394182 476 40 biblical biblical ADJ _003394182 476 41 justification justification NOUN _003394182 476 42 for for ADP _003394182 476 43 the the DET _003394182 476 44 attitude attitude NOUN _003394182 476 45 of of ADP _003394182 476 46 masculine masculine ADJ _003394182 476 47 superiority superiority NOUN _003394182 476 48 which which PRON _003394182 476 49 he he PRON _003394182 476 50 entertains entertain VERB _003394182 476 51 towards towards ADP _003394182 476 52 woman woman NOUN _003394182 476 53 . . PUNCT _003394182 477 1 " " PUNCT _003394182 477 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 477 3 the the DET _003394182 477 4 lord lord PROPN _003394182 477 5 god god PROPN _003394182 477 6 said say VERB _003394182 477 7 : : PUNCT _003394182 477 8 it it PRON _003394182 477 9 is be AUX _003394182 477 10 not not PART _003394182 477 11 good good ADJ _003394182 477 12 for for SCONJ _003394182 477 13 man man NOUN _003394182 477 14 to to PART _003394182 477 15 be be AUX _003394182 477 16 alone alone ADV _003394182 477 17 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 477 18 let let VERB _003394182 477 19 us we PRON _003394182 477 20 make make VERB _003394182 477 21 him he PRON _003394182 477 22 a a DET _003394182 477 23 help help NOUN _003394182 477 24 like like INTJ _003394182 477 25 unto unto ADP _003394182 477 26 himself himself PRON _003394182 477 27 ... ... PUNCT _003394182 478 1 then then ADV _003394182 478 2 the the DET _003394182 478 3 lord lord PROPN _003394182 478 4 god god PROPN _003394182 478 5 cast cast VERB _003394182 478 6 a a DET _003394182 478 7 deep deep ADJ _003394182 478 8 sleep sleep NOUN _003394182 478 9 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 478 10 adam adam PROPN _003394182 478 11 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 478 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 478 13 when when SCONJ _003394182 478 14 he he PRON _003394182 478 15 was be AUX _003394182 478 16 fast fast ADV _003394182 478 17 asleep asleep ADJ _003394182 478 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 478 19 he he PRON _003394182 478 20 took take VERB _003394182 478 21 one one NUM _003394182 478 22 of of ADP _003394182 478 23 40 40 NUM _003394182 478 24 the the DET _003394182 478 25 christian christian ADJ _003394182 478 26 family family NOUN _003394182 478 27 40 40 NUM _003394182 478 28 his his PRON _003394182 478 29 ribs rib NOUN _003394182 478 30 and and CCONJ _003394182 478 31 filled fill VERB _003394182 478 32 up up ADP _003394182 478 33 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 479 1 f f PROPN _003394182 479 2 o o X _003394182 479 3 r r NOUN _003394182 479 4 it it PRON _003394182 479 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 480 1 and and CCONJ _003394182 480 2 the the DET _003394182 480 3 lord lord PROPN _003394182 480 4 god god PROPN _003394182 480 5 built build VERB _003394182 480 6 the the DET _003394182 480 7 rib rib NOUN _003394182 480 8 which which PRON _003394182 480 9 he he PRON _003394182 480 10 took take VERB _003394182 480 11 from from ADP _003394182 480 12 adam adam PROPN _003394182 480 13 into into ADP _003394182 480 14 a a DET _003394182 480 15 woman woman NOUN _003394182 480 16 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 480 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 480 18 brought bring VERB _003394182 480 19 her she PRON _003394182 480 20 to to ADP _003394182 480 21 adam adam PROPN _003394182 480 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 481 1 and and CCONJ _003394182 481 2 adam adam PROPN _003394182 481 3 said say VERB _003394182 481 4 : : PUNCT _003394182 481 5 this this PRON _003394182 481 6 now now ADV _003394182 481 7 is be AUX _003394182 481 8 bone bone NOUN _003394182 481 9 of of ADP _003394182 481 10 my my PRON _003394182 481 11 bones bone NOUN _003394182 481 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 481 13 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 481 14 of of ADP _003394182 481 15 my my PRON _003394182 481 16 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 481 17 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 481 18 she she PRON _003394182 481 19 shall shall AUX _003394182 481 20 be be AUX _003394182 481 21 called call VERB _003394182 481 22 woman woman NOUN _003394182 481 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 481 24 because because SCONJ _003394182 481 25 she she PRON _003394182 481 26 was be AUX _003394182 481 27 taken take VERB _003394182 481 28 out out ADP _003394182 481 29 of of ADP _003394182 481 30 man man NOUN _003394182 481 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 481 32 " " PUNCT _003394182 482 1 the the DET _003394182 482 2 reading reading NOUN _003394182 482 3 of of ADP _003394182 482 4 these these DET _003394182 482 5 lines line NOUN _003394182 482 6 discloses disclose VERB _003394182 482 7 nothing nothing PRON _003394182 482 8 inferior inferior ADJ _003394182 482 9 or or CCONJ _003394182 482 10 subordinate subordinate ADJ _003394182 482 11 in in ADP _003394182 482 12 quality quality NOUN _003394182 482 13 as as SCONJ _003394182 482 14 f f PROPN _003394182 482 15 a a DET _003394182 482 16 r r NOUN _003394182 482 17 as as ADP _003394182 482 18 the the DET _003394182 482 19 creation creation NOUN _003394182 482 20 of of ADP _003394182 482 21 woman woman NOUN _003394182 482 22 goes go VERB _003394182 482 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 483 1 adam adam PROPN _003394182 483 2 was be AUX _003394182 483 3 formed form VERB _003394182 483 4 from from ADP _003394182 483 5 the the DET _003394182 483 6 slime slime NOUN _003394182 483 7 of of ADP _003394182 483 8 the the DET _003394182 483 9 earth earth NOUN _003394182 483 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 484 1 not not PART _003394182 484 2 until until SCONJ _003394182 484 3 that that DET _003394182 484 4 slime slime NOUN _003394182 484 5 had have AUX _003394182 484 6 become become VERB _003394182 484 7 a a DET _003394182 484 8 rib rib NOUN _003394182 484 9 did do AUX _003394182 484 10 god god PROPN _003394182 484 11 decide decide VERB _003394182 484 12 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 484 13 the the DET _003394182 484 14 creation creation NOUN _003394182 484 15 of of ADP _003394182 484 16 woman woman NOUN _003394182 484 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 485 1 woman woman NOUN _003394182 485 2 was be AUX _003394182 485 3 merely merely ADV _003394182 485 4 second second ADJ _003394182 485 5 in in ADP _003394182 485 6 time time NOUN _003394182 485 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 486 1 in in ADP _003394182 486 2 the the DET _003394182 486 3 mind mind NOUN _003394182 486 4 of of ADP _003394182 486 5 god god PROPN _003394182 486 6 where where SCONJ _003394182 486 7 there there PRON _003394182 486 8 is be VERB _003394182 486 9 no no DET _003394182 486 10 time time NOUN _003394182 486 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 486 12 the the DET _003394182 486 13 second second ADJ _003394182 486 14 thought thought NOUN _003394182 486 15 is be AUX _003394182 486 16 coequal coequal ADJ _003394182 486 17 with with ADP _003394182 486 18 the the DET _003394182 486 19 first first ADJ _003394182 486 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 487 1 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 487 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 487 3 according accord VERB _003394182 487 4 to to ADP _003394182 487 5 the the DET _003394182 487 6 biblical biblical ADJ _003394182 487 7 account account NOUN _003394182 487 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 487 9 was be AUX _003394182 487 10 woman woman NOUN _003394182 487 11 fashioned fashioned ADJ _003394182 487 12 to to PART _003394182 487 13 be be AUX _003394182 487 14 the the DET _003394182 487 15 slave slave NOUN _003394182 487 16 of of ADP _003394182 487 17 man man NOUN _003394182 487 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 488 1 a a DET _003394182 488 2 helpmate helpmate NOUN _003394182 488 3 is be AUX _003394182 488 4 not not PART _003394182 488 5 a a DET _003394182 488 6 slave slave NOUN _003394182 488 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 489 1 a a DET _003394182 489 2 helpmate helpmate NOUN _003394182 489 3 is be AUX _003394182 489 4 a a DET _003394182 489 5 partner partner NOUN _003394182 489 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 490 1 man man NOUN _003394182 490 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 490 3 woman woman NOUN _003394182 490 4 constituted constitute VERB _003394182 490 5 the the DET _003394182 490 6 initial initial ADJ _003394182 490 7 partnership partnership NOUN _003394182 490 8 of of ADP _003394182 490 9 the the DET _003394182 490 10 human human ADJ _003394182 490 11 race race NOUN _003394182 490 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 491 1 each each PRON _003394182 491 2 had have VERB _003394182 491 3 to to PART _003394182 491 4 act act VERB _003394182 491 5 in in ADP _003394182 491 6 the the DET _003394182 491 7 interests interest NOUN _003394182 491 8 of of ADP _003394182 491 9 the the DET _003394182 491 10 partnership partnership NOUN _003394182 491 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 492 1 disassociated disassociate VERB _003394182 492 2 from from ADP _003394182 492 3 the the DET _003394182 492 4 partnership partnership NOUN _003394182 492 5 of of ADP _003394182 492 6 a a DET _003394182 492 7 life life NOUN _003394182 492 8 in in ADP _003394182 492 9 common common ADJ _003394182 492 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 492 11 each each PRON _003394182 492 12 stood stand VERB _003394182 492 13 equal equal ADJ _003394182 492 14 before before ADP _003394182 492 15 the the DET _003394182 492 16 eyes eye NOUN _003394182 492 17 of of ADP _003394182 492 18 god god PROPN _003394182 492 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 493 1 whatever whatever DET _003394182 493 2 subordination subordination NOUN _003394182 493 3 was be AUX _003394182 493 4 imposed impose VERB _003394182 493 5 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 493 6 woman woman NOUN _003394182 493 7 by by ADP _003394182 493 8 reason reason NOUN _003394182 493 9 of of ADP _003394182 493 10 her her PRON _003394182 493 11 physical physical ADJ _003394182 493 12 structure structure NOUN _003394182 493 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 493 14 was be AUX _003394182 493 15 purely purely ADV _003394182 493 16 for for ADP _003394182 493 17 the the DET _003394182 493 18 benefit benefit NOUN _003394182 493 19 of of ADP _003394182 493 20 the the DET _003394182 493 21 partnership partnership NOUN _003394182 493 22 as as ADP _003394182 493 23 such such ADJ _003394182 493 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 493 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 493 26 not not PART _003394182 493 27 for for ADP _003394182 493 28 the the DET _003394182 493 29 benefit benefit NOUN _003394182 493 30 of of ADP _003394182 493 31 man man NOUN _003394182 493 32 as as ADP _003394182 493 33 an an DET _003394182 493 34 isolated isolated ADJ _003394182 493 35 individual individual NOUN _003394182 493 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 494 1 where where SCONJ _003394182 494 2 woman woman NOUN _003394182 494 3 is be AUX _003394182 494 4 subordinate subordinate ADJ _003394182 494 5 to to PART _003394182 494 6 man man VERB _003394182 494 7 for for ADP _003394182 494 8 the the DET _003394182 494 9 sake sake NOUN _003394182 494 10 of of ADP _003394182 494 11 this this DET _003394182 494 12 partnership partnership NOUN _003394182 494 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 494 14 the the DET _003394182 494 15 ideal ideal NOUN _003394182 494 16 of of ADP _003394182 494 17 the the DET _003394182 494 18 christian christian ADJ _003394182 494 19 family family NOUN _003394182 494 20 is be AUX _003394182 494 21 realized realize VERB _003394182 494 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 495 1 where where SCONJ _003394182 495 2 woman woman NOUN _003394182 495 3 is be AUX _003394182 495 4 subordinate subordinate ADJ _003394182 495 5 to to PART _003394182 495 6 man man VERB _003394182 495 7 simply simply ADV _003394182 495 8 for for ADP _003394182 495 9 the the DET _003394182 495 10 sake sake NOUN _003394182 495 11 of of ADP _003394182 495 12 the the DET _003394182 495 13 individual individual ADJ _003394182 495 14 man man NOUN _003394182 495 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 495 16 the the DET _003394182 495 17 threshhold threshhold NOUN _003394182 495 18 of of ADP _003394182 495 19 f f DET _003394182 495 20 r r NOUN _003394182 495 21 e e NOUN _003394182 495 22 e e NOUN _003394182 495 23 love love NOUN _003394182 495 24 has have AUX _003394182 495 25 been be AUX _003394182 495 26 reached reach VERB _003394182 495 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 495 28 or or CCONJ _003394182 495 29 the the DET _003394182 495 30 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 495 31 of of ADP _003394182 495 32 the the DET _003394182 495 33 past past NOUN _003394182 495 34 has have AUX _003394182 495 35 been be AUX _003394182 495 36 duplicated duplicate VERB _003394182 495 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 496 1 the the DET _003394182 496 2 fact fact NOUN _003394182 496 3 that that SCONJ _003394182 496 4 the the DET _003394182 496 5 rights right NOUN _003394182 496 6 of of ADP _003394182 496 7 women woman NOUN _003394182 496 8 were be AUX _003394182 496 9 delayed delay VERB _003394182 496 10 recognition recognition NOUN _003394182 496 11 so so ADV _003394182 496 12 long long ADV _003394182 496 13 in in ADP _003394182 496 14 the the DET _003394182 496 15 history history NOUN _003394182 496 16 of of ADP _003394182 496 17 the the DET _003394182 496 18 world world NOUN _003394182 496 19 has have AUX _003394182 496 20 been be AUX _003394182 496 21 due due ADJ _003394182 496 22 to to ADP _003394182 496 23 the the DET _003394182 496 24 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 496 25 of of ADP _003394182 496 26 man man NOUN _003394182 496 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 496 28 not not PART _003394182 496 29 to to ADP _003394182 496 30 the the DET _003394182 496 31 plan plan NOUN _003394182 496 32 of of ADP _003394182 496 33 almighty almighty ADJ _003394182 496 34 god god PROPN _003394182 496 35 . . PUNCT _003394182 497 1 until until ADP _003394182 497 2 modern modern ADJ _003394182 497 3 times time NOUN _003394182 497 4 all all DET _003394182 497 5 civilizathe civilizathe PROPN _003394182 497 6 christian christian PROPN _003394182 497 7 family family NOUN _003394182 497 8 41 41 NUM _003394182 497 9 tions tion NOUN _003394182 497 10 represented represent VERB _003394182 497 11 more more ADV _003394182 497 12 or or CCONJ _003394182 497 13 less less ADJ _003394182 497 14 a a DET _003394182 497 15 denial denial NOUN _003394182 497 16 of of ADP _003394182 497 17 thè thè NOUN _003394182 497 18 proper proper ADJ _003394182 497 19 status status NOUN _003394182 497 20 of of ADP _003394182 497 21 woman woman NOUN _003394182 497 22 as as SCONJ _003394182 497 23 revealed reveal VERB _003394182 497 24 in in ADP _003394182 497 25 the the DET _003394182 497 26 creative creative ADJ _003394182 497 27 verses verse NOUN _003394182 497 28 of of ADP _003394182 497 29 the the DET _003394182 497 30 book book NOUN _003394182 497 31 of of ADP _003394182 497 32 genesis genesis NOUN _003394182 497 33 . . PUNCT _003394182 498 1 many many ADJ _003394182 498 2 times time NOUN _003394182 498 3 the the DET _003394182 498 4 church church NOUN _003394182 498 5 was be AUX _003394182 498 6 obliged oblige VERB _003394182 498 7 to to PART _003394182 498 8 tolerate tolerate VERB _003394182 498 9 such such ADJ _003394182 498 10 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 498 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 499 1 never never ADV _003394182 499 2 did do AUX _003394182 499 3 she she PRON _003394182 499 4 adopt adopt VERB _003394182 499 5 it it PRON _003394182 499 6 or or CCONJ _003394182 499 7 encourage encourage VERB _003394182 499 8 it it PRON _003394182 499 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 500 1 the the DET _003394182 500 2 inferior inferior ADJ _003394182 500 3 position position NOUN _003394182 500 4 in in ADP _003394182 500 5 which which PRON _003394182 500 6 the the DET _003394182 500 7 common common ADJ _003394182 500 8 law law NOUN _003394182 500 9 of of ADP _003394182 500 10 england england PROPN _003394182 500 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 500 12 our our PRON _003394182 500 13 own own ADJ _003394182 500 14 country country NOUN _003394182 500 15 placed place VERB _003394182 500 16 married married ADJ _003394182 500 17 women woman NOUN _003394182 500 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 500 19 was be AUX _003394182 500 20 based base VERB _003394182 500 21 on on ADP _003394182 500 22 the the DET _003394182 500 23 theory theory NOUN _003394182 500 24 that that SCONJ _003394182 500 25 husband husband NOUN _003394182 500 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 500 27 wife wife NOUN _003394182 500 28 were be AUX _003394182 500 29 one one NUM _003394182 500 30 legal legal ADJ _003394182 500 31 person person NOUN _003394182 500 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 501 1 consequently consequently ADV _003394182 501 2 a a DET _003394182 501 3 wife wife NOUN _003394182 501 4 could could AUX _003394182 501 5 make make VERB _003394182 501 6 no no DET _003394182 501 7 contract contract NOUN _003394182 501 8 with with ADP _003394182 501 9 her her PRON _003394182 501 10 husband husband NOUN _003394182 501 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 502 1 she she PRON _003394182 502 2 could could AUX _003394182 502 3 hold hold VERB _003394182 502 4 no no DET _003394182 502 5 property property NOUN _003394182 502 6 apart apart ADV _003394182 502 7 from from ADP _003394182 502 8 him he PRON _003394182 502 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 503 1 her her PRON _003394182 503 2 earnings earning NOUN _003394182 503 3 belonged belong VERB _003394182 503 4 to to ADP _003394182 503 5 him he PRON _003394182 503 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 504 1 although although SCONJ _003394182 504 2 she she PRON _003394182 504 3 remained remain VERB _003394182 504 4 the the DET _003394182 504 5 legal legal ADJ _003394182 504 6 owner owner NOUN _003394182 504 7 of of ADP _003394182 504 8 any any DET _003394182 504 9 real real ADJ _003394182 504 10 estate estate NOUN _003394182 504 11 possessed possess VERB _003394182 504 12 by by ADP _003394182 504 13 her she PRON _003394182 504 14 before before ADP _003394182 504 15 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 504 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 504 17 all all DET _003394182 504 18 the the DET _003394182 504 19 rents rent NOUN _003394182 504 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 504 21 profits profit NOUN _003394182 504 22 of of ADP _003394182 504 23 such such ADJ _003394182 504 24 real real ADJ _003394182 504 25 estate estate NOUN _003394182 504 26 were be AUX _003394182 504 27 the the DET _003394182 504 28 property property NOUN _003394182 504 29 of of ADP _003394182 504 30 her her PRON _003394182 504 31 husband husband NOUN _003394182 504 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 505 1 -her -her PUNCT _003394182 506 1 personal personal ADJ _003394182 506 2 property property NOUN _003394182 506 3 was be AUX _003394182 506 4 absolutely absolutely ADV _003394182 506 5 within within ADP _003394182 506 6 his his PRON _003394182 506 7 dominion dominion NOUN _003394182 506 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 507 1 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 507 2 her her PRON _003394182 507 3 death death NOUN _003394182 507 4 her her PRON _003394182 507 5 heirs heir NOUN _003394182 507 6 could could AUX _003394182 507 7 make make VERB _003394182 507 8 no no DET _003394182 507 9 claim claim NOUN _003394182 507 10 to to ADP _003394182 507 11 it it PRON _003394182 507 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 508 1 no no DET _003394182 508 2 married married ADJ _003394182 508 3 woman woman NOUN _003394182 508 4 could could AUX _003394182 508 5 sue sue VERB _003394182 508 6 in in ADP _003394182 508 7 the the DET _003394182 508 8 law law NOUN _003394182 508 9 courts court NOUN _003394182 508 10 independently independently ADV _003394182 508 11 of of ADP _003394182 508 12 her her PRON _003394182 508 13 husband husband NOUN _003394182 508 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 509 1 this this DET _003394182 509 2 disability disability NOUN _003394182 509 3 reached reach VERB _003394182 509 4 its its PRON _003394182 509 5 most most ADV _003394182 509 6 sandalous sandalous ADJ _003394182 509 7 conclusions conclusion NOUN _003394182 509 8 in in ADP _003394182 509 9 the the DET _003394182 509 10 subject subject NOUN _003394182 509 11 of of ADP _003394182 509 12 marital marital ADJ _003394182 509 13 rights right NOUN _003394182 509 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 510 1 whenever whenever SCONJ _003394182 510 2 the the DET _003394182 510 3 wife wife NOUN _003394182 510 4 's 's PART _003394182 510 5 affections affection NOUN _003394182 510 6 f f PROPN _003394182 510 7 o o X _003394182 510 8 r r NOUN _003394182 510 9 h h NOUN _003394182 510 10 e e NOUN _003394182 510 11 r r NOUN _003394182 510 12 husband husband NOUN _003394182 510 13 were be AUX _003394182 510 14 destroyed destroy VERB _003394182 510 15 the the DET _003394182 510 16 husband husband NOUN _003394182 510 17 might might AUX _003394182 510 18 sue sue VERB _003394182 510 19 the the DET _003394182 510 20 wrongdoer wrongdoer NOUN _003394182 510 21 for for ADP _003394182 510 22 the the DET _003394182 510 23 alienation alienation NOUN _003394182 510 24 of of ADP _003394182 510 25 such such ADJ _003394182 510 26 affections affection NOUN _003394182 510 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 511 1 whenever whenever SCONJ _003394182 511 2 a a DET _003394182 511 3 third third ADJ _003394182 511 4 party party NOUN _003394182 511 5 was be AUX _003394182 511 6 guilty guilty ADJ _003394182 511 7 of of ADP _003394182 511 8 adultery adultery NOUN _003394182 511 9 with with ADP _003394182 511 10 his his PRON _003394182 511 11 wife wife NOUN _003394182 511 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 511 13 the the DET _003394182 511 14 husband husband NOUN _003394182 511 15 might might AUX _003394182 511 16 sue sue VERB _003394182 511 17 the the DET _003394182 511 18 wrongdoer wrongdoer NOUN _003394182 511 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 511 20 for for ADP _003394182 511 21 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 511 22 conversation conversation NOUN _003394182 511 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 512 1 whenever whenever ADV _003394182 512 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 512 3 for for ADP _003394182 512 4 any any DET _003394182 512 5 reason reason NOUN _003394182 512 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 512 7 a a DET _003394182 512 8 third third ADJ _003394182 512 9 party party NOUN _003394182 512 10 deprived deprive VERB _003394182 512 11 the the DET _003394182 512 12 husband husband NOUN _003394182 512 13 of of ADP _003394182 512 14 the the DET _003394182 512 15 services service NOUN _003394182 512 16 of of ADP _003394182 512 17 his his PRON _003394182 512 18 wife wife NOUN _003394182 512 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 512 20 a a DET _003394182 512 21 civil civil ADJ _003394182 512 22 suit suit NOUN _003394182 512 23 for for ADP _003394182 512 24 such such ADJ _003394182 512 25 loss loss NOUN _003394182 512 26 of of ADP _003394182 512 27 services service NOUN _003394182 512 28 might might AUX _003394182 512 29 be be AUX _003394182 512 30 instituted institute VERB _003394182 512 31 by by ADP _003394182 512 32 the the DET _003394182 512 33 husband husband NOUN _003394182 512 34 . . PUNCT _003394182 513 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 513 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 513 3 however however ADV _003394182 513 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 513 5 the the DET _003394182 513 6 wife wife NOUN _003394182 513 7 was be AUX _003394182 513 8 the the DET _003394182 513 9 injured injure VERB _003394182 513 10 party party NOUN _003394182 513 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 513 12 the the DET _003394182 513 13 husband husband NOUN _003394182 513 14 the the DET _003394182 513 15 guilty guilty ADJ _003394182 513 16 accomplice accomplice NOUN _003394182 513 17 in in ADP _003394182 513 18 the the DET _003394182 513 19 commission commission NOUN _003394182 513 20 of of ADP _003394182 513 21 adultery adultery NOUN _003394182 513 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 513 23 no no DET _003394182 513 24 suit suit NOUN _003394182 513 25 could could AUX _003394182 513 26 be be AUX _003394182 513 27 maintained maintain VERB _003394182 513 28 by by ADP _003394182 513 29 the the DET _003394182 513 30 wife wife NOUN _003394182 513 31 against against ADP _003394182 513 32 the the DET _003394182 513 33 wrongdoer wrongdoer NOUN _003394182 513 34 for for ADP _003394182 513 35 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 513 36 conversation conversation NOUN _003394182 513 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 514 1 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 514 2 could could AUX _003394182 514 3 the the DET _003394182 514 4 wife wife NOUN _003394182 514 5 sue sue VERB _003394182 514 6 for for ADP _003394182 514 7 the the DET _003394182 514 8 alienation alienation NOUN _003394182 514 9 of of ADP _003394182 514 10 her her PRON _003394182 514 11 hus42 hus42 PROPN _003394182 514 12 the the DET _003394182 514 13 christian christian ADJ _003394182 514 14 family family NOUN _003394182 514 15 42 42 NUM _003394182 514 16 band band NOUN _003394182 514 17 's 's PART _003394182 514 18 affections affection NOUN _003394182 514 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 515 1 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 515 2 can can AUX _003394182 515 3 she she PRON _003394182 515 4 yet yet ADV _003394182 515 5 sue sue VERB _003394182 515 6 for for ADP _003394182 515 7 the the DET _003394182 515 8 loss loss NOUN _003394182 515 9 of of ADP _003394182 515 10 his his PRON _003394182 515 11 services service NOUN _003394182 515 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 516 1 as as SCONJ _003394182 516 2 was be AUX _003394182 516 3 pointed point VERB _003394182 516 4 out out ADP _003394182 516 5 in in ADP _003394182 516 6 blackstone blackstone NOUN _003394182 516 7 's 's PART _003394182 516 8 commentaries commentary NOUN _003394182 516 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 516 10 the the DET _003394182 516 11 great great ADJ _003394182 516 12 legal legal ADJ _003394182 516 13 bible bible NOUN _003394182 516 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 516 15 so so SCONJ _003394182 516 16 to to PART _003394182 516 17 speak speak VERB _003394182 516 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 516 19 of of ADP _003394182 516 20 the the DET _003394182 516 21 english english PROPN _003394182 516 22 common common ADJ _003394182 516 23 law law NOUN _003394182 516 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 516 25 the the DET _003394182 516 26 legal legal ADJ _003394182 516 27 inferiority inferiority NOUN _003394182 516 28 of of ADP _003394182 516 29 the the DET _003394182 516 30 woman woman NOUN _003394182 516 31 was be AUX _003394182 516 32 deemed deem VERB _003394182 516 33 to to PART _003394182 516 34 bar bar VERB _003394182 516 35 any any DET _003394182 516 36 interest interest NOUN _003394182 516 37 in in ADP _003394182 516 38 the the DET _003394182 516 39 affection affection NOUN _003394182 516 40 or or CCONJ _003394182 516 41 chastity chastity NOUN _003394182 516 42 of of ADP _003394182 516 43 her her PRON _003394182 516 44 husband husband NOUN _003394182 516 45 . . PUNCT _003394182 517 1 she she PRON _003394182 517 2 could could AUX _003394182 517 3 not not PART _003394182 517 4 sue sue VERB _003394182 517 5 without without ADP _003394182 517 6 joining join VERB _003394182 517 7 her her PRON _003394182 517 8 husband husband NOUN _003394182 517 9 as as ADP _003394182 517 10 a a DET _003394182 517 11 party party NOUN _003394182 517 12 plaintiff plaintiff NOUN _003394182 517 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 517 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 517 15 it it PRON _003394182 517 16 was be AUX _003394182 517 17 not not PART _003394182 517 18 to to PART _003394182 517 19 be be AUX _003394182 517 20 expected expect VERB _003394182 517 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 517 22 even even ADV _003394182 517 23 from from ADP _003394182 517 24 such such DET _003394182 517 25 an an DET _003394182 517 26 heroic heroic ADJ _003394182 517 27 sex sex NOUN _003394182 517 28 as as ADP _003394182 517 29 the the DET _003394182 517 30 male male NOUN _003394182 517 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 517 32 that that SCONJ _003394182 517 33 the the DET _003394182 517 34 husband husband NOUN _003394182 517 35 who who PRON _003394182 517 36 had have AUX _003394182 517 37 allowed allow VERB _003394182 517 38 his his PRON _003394182 517 39 affections affection NOUN _003394182 517 40 to to PART _003394182 517 41 be be AUX _003394182 517 42 alienated alienate VERB _003394182 517 43 or or CCONJ _003394182 517 44 who who PRON _003394182 517 45 had have AUX _003394182 517 46 sinned sin VERB _003394182 517 47 against against ADP _003394182 517 48 his his PRON _003394182 517 49 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 517 50 vows vow NOUN _003394182 517 51 , , PUNCT _003394182 517 52 would would AUX _003394182 517 53 join join VERB _003394182 517 54 as as ADP _003394182 517 55 party party NOUN _003394182 517 56 plaintiff plaintiff NOUN _003394182 517 57 against against ADP _003394182 517 58 the the DET _003394182 517 59 third third ADJ _003394182 517 60 party party NOUN _003394182 517 61 with with ADP _003394182 517 62 whom whom PRON _003394182 517 63 he he PRON _003394182 517 64 was be AUX _003394182 517 65 already already ADV _003394182 517 66 joined join VERB _003394182 517 67 in in ADP _003394182 517 68 affectionate affectionate ADJ _003394182 517 69 or or CCONJ _003394182 517 70 adulterous adulterous ADJ _003394182 517 71 relationship relationship NOUN _003394182 517 72 . . PUNCT _003394182 518 1 today today NOUN _003394182 518 2 nearly nearly ADV _003394182 518 3 all all PRON _003394182 518 4 of of ADP _003394182 518 5 these these DET _003394182 518 6 legal legal ADJ _003394182 518 7 disabilities disability NOUN _003394182 518 8 have have AUX _003394182 518 9 been be AUX _003394182 518 10 removed remove VERB _003394182 518 11 by by ADP _003394182 518 12 statute statute NOUN _003394182 518 13 in in ADP _003394182 518 14 every every DET _003394182 518 15 one one NUM _003394182 518 16 of of ADP _003394182 518 17 the the DET _003394182 518 18 constituent constituent ADJ _003394182 518 19 states state NOUN _003394182 518 20 of of ADP _003394182 518 21 our our PRON _003394182 518 22 great great ADJ _003394182 518 23 american american PROPN _003394182 518 24 republic republic NOUN _003394182 518 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 519 1 today today NOUN _003394182 519 2 a a DET _003394182 519 3 woman woman NOUN _003394182 519 4 may may AUX _003394182 519 5 sue sue VERB _003394182 519 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 519 7 be be AUX _003394182 519 8 sued sue VERB _003394182 519 9 in in ADP _003394182 519 10 her her PRON _003394182 519 11 own own ADJ _003394182 519 12 name name NOUN _003394182 519 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 520 1 she she PRON _003394182 520 2 may may AUX _003394182 520 3 sue sue VERB _003394182 520 4 a a DET _003394182 520 5 third third ADJ _003394182 520 6 party party NOUN _003394182 520 7 for for ADP _003394182 520 8 committing commit VERB _003394182 520 9 adultery adultery NOUN _003394182 520 10 with with ADP _003394182 520 11 her her PRON _003394182 520 12 husband husband NOUN _003394182 520 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 520 14 for for ADP _003394182 520 15 alienating alienate VERB _003394182 520 16 his his PRON _003394182 520 17 affections affection NOUN _003394182 520 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 521 1 today today NOUN _003394182 521 2 she she PRON _003394182 521 3 may may AUX _003394182 521 4 hold hold VERB _003394182 521 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 521 6 enjoy enjoy VERB _003394182 521 7 the the DET _003394182 521 8 rents rent NOUN _003394182 521 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 521 10 profits profit NOUN _003394182 521 11 as as ADV _003394182 521 12 well well ADV _003394182 521 13 as as ADP _003394182 521 14 the the DET _003394182 521 15 title title NOUN _003394182 521 16 to to ADP _003394182 521 17 any any DET _003394182 521 18 real real ADJ _003394182 521 19 estate estate NOUN _003394182 521 20 possessed possess VERB _003394182 521 21 by by ADP _003394182 521 22 her she PRON _003394182 521 23 before before ADP _003394182 521 24 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 521 25 or or CCONJ _003394182 521 26 acquired acquire VERB _003394182 521 27 thereafter thereafter ADV _003394182 521 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 522 1 today today NOUN _003394182 522 2 all all DET _003394182 522 3 her her PRON _003394182 522 4 personal personal ADJ _003394182 522 5 property property NOUN _003394182 522 6 belongs belong VERB _003394182 522 7 to to ADP _003394182 522 8 her she PRON _003394182 522 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 523 1 today today NOUN _003394182 523 2 she she PRON _003394182 523 3 can can AUX _003394182 523 4 make make VERB _003394182 523 5 a a DET _003394182 523 6 will will NOUN _003394182 523 7 without without ADP _003394182 523 8 the the DET _003394182 523 9 permission permission NOUN _003394182 523 10 of of ADP _003394182 523 11 her her PRON _003394182 523 12 husband husband NOUN _003394182 523 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 524 1 today today NOUN _003394182 524 2 she she PRON _003394182 524 3 may may AUX _003394182 524 4 contract contract VERB _003394182 524 5 with with ADP _003394182 524 6 every every DET _003394182 524 7 one one NOUN _003394182 524 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 524 9 even even ADV _003394182 524 10 with with ADP _003394182 524 11 her her PRON _003394182 524 12 husband husband NOUN _003394182 524 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 525 1 today today NOUN _003394182 525 2 the the DET _003394182 525 3 married married ADJ _003394182 525 4 woman woman NOUN _003394182 525 5 is be AUX _003394182 525 6 no no ADV _003394182 525 7 longer long ADV _003394182 525 8 a a DET _003394182 525 9 legal legal ADJ _003394182 525 10 slave slave NOUN _003394182 525 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 526 1 today today NOUN _003394182 526 2 she she PRON _003394182 526 3 has have AUX _003394182 526 4 become become VERB _003394182 526 5 what what PRON _003394182 526 6 god god PROPN _003394182 526 7 himself himself PRON _003394182 526 8 wished wish VERB _003394182 526 9 her she PRON _003394182 526 10 to to PART _003394182 526 11 be be AUX _003394182 526 12 when when SCONJ _003394182 526 13 he he PRON _003394182 526 14 created create VERB _003394182 526 15 her she PRON _003394182 526 16 in in ADP _003394182 526 17 the the DET _003394182 526 18 morning morning NOUN _003394182 526 19 of of ADP _003394182 526 20 the the DET _003394182 526 21 world world NOUN _003394182 526 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 526 23 what what PRON _003394182 526 24 the the DET _003394182 526 25 church church NOUN _003394182 526 26 proclaimed proclaim VERB _003394182 526 27 her she PRON _003394182 526 28 to to PART _003394182 526 29 be be AUX _003394182 526 30 in in ADP _003394182 526 31 the the DET _003394182 526 32 noonday noonday NOUN _003394182 526 33 of of ADP _003394182 526 34 christianity christianity NOUN _003394182 526 35 , , PUNCT _003394182 526 36 and and CCONJ _003394182 526 37 what what PRON _003394182 526 38 she she PRON _003394182 526 39 herself herself PRON _003394182 526 40 must must AUX _003394182 526 41 continue continue VERB _003394182 526 42 to to PART _003394182 526 43 be be AUX _003394182 526 44 until until ADP _003394182 526 45 the the DET _003394182 526 46 night night NOUN _003394182 526 47 - - PUNCT _003394182 526 48 time time NOUN _003394182 526 49 of of ADP _003394182 526 50 existence existence NOUN _003394182 526 51 has have AUX _003394182 526 52 pome pome ADV _003394182 526 53 : : PUNCT _003394182 526 54 the the DET _003394182 526 55 helpmate helpmate NOUN _003394182 526 56 of of ADP _003394182 526 57 man man NOUN _003394182 526 58 , , PUNCT _003394182 526 59 the the DET _003394182 526 60 equal equal ADJ _003394182 526 61 of of ADP _003394182 526 62 man man NOUN _003394182 526 63 as as ADP _003394182 526 64 an an DET _003394182 526 65 the the DET _003394182 526 66 christian christian ADJ _003394182 526 67 family family NOUN _003394182 526 68 43 43 NUM _003394182 526 69 individual individual NOUN _003394182 526 70 , , PUNCT _003394182 526 71 the the DET _003394182 526 72 partner partner NOUN _003394182 526 73 of of ADP _003394182 526 74 man man NOUN _003394182 526 75 in in ADP _003394182 526 76 the the DET _003394182 526 77 great great ADJ _003394182 526 78 partnership partnership NOUN _003394182 526 79 of of ADP _003394182 526 80 the the DET _003394182 526 81 human human ADJ _003394182 526 82 family family NOUN _003394182 526 83 . . PUNCT _003394182 527 1 the the DET _003394182 527 2 woman woman NOUN _003394182 527 3 of of ADP _003394182 527 4 today today NOUN _003394182 527 5 at at ADP _003394182 527 6 the the DET _003394182 527 7 pinnacle pinnacle NOUN _003394182 527 8 of of ADP _003394182 527 9 her her PRON _003394182 527 10 triumphs triumph NOUN _003394182 527 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 527 12 with with ADP _003394182 527 13 outlets outlet NOUN _003394182 527 14 for for ADP _003394182 527 15 all all DET _003394182 527 16 her her PRON _003394182 527 17 faculties faculty NOUN _003394182 527 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 527 19 genius genius NOUN _003394182 527 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 527 21 is be AUX _003394182 527 22 face face NOUN _003394182 527 23 to to PART _003394182 527 24 face face VERB _003394182 527 25 with with ADP _003394182 527 26 another another DET _003394182 527 27 danger danger NOUN _003394182 527 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 528 1 she she PRON _003394182 528 2 runs run VERB _003394182 528 3 the the DET _003394182 528 4 risk risk NOUN _003394182 528 5 of of ADP _003394182 528 6 sacrificing sacrifice VERB _003394182 528 7 her her PRON _003394182 528 8 greatest great ADJ _003394182 528 9 triumph triumph NOUN _003394182 528 10 in in ADP _003394182 528 11 allegiance allegiance NOUN _003394182 528 12 to to ADP _003394182 528 13 that that PRON _003394182 528 14 which which PRON _003394182 528 15 is be AUX _003394182 528 16 merely merely ADV _003394182 528 17 secondary secondary ADJ _003394182 528 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 528 19 transitory transitory ADJ _003394182 528 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 529 1 all all DET _003394182 529 2 her her PRON _003394182 529 3 accomplishments accomplishment NOUN _003394182 529 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 529 5 all all PRON _003394182 529 6 her her PRON _003394182 529 7 emancipations emancipation NOUN _003394182 529 8 from from ADP _003394182 529 9 the the DET _003394182 529 10 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 529 11 slavery slavery NOUN _003394182 529 12 of of ADP _003394182 529 13 paganism paganism NOUN _003394182 529 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 529 15 from from ADP _003394182 529 16 the the DET _003394182 529 17 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 529 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 529 19 educational educational ADJ _003394182 529 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 529 21 political political ADJ _003394182 529 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 529 23 legal legal ADJ _003394182 529 24 subordination subordination NOUN _003394182 529 25 of of ADP _003394182 529 26 our our PRON _003394182 529 27 earlier early ADJ _003394182 529 28 modern modern ADJ _003394182 529 29 era era NOUN _003394182 529 30 , , PUNCT _003394182 529 31 are be AUX _003394182 529 32 as as ADP _003394182 529 33 nothing nothing PRON _003394182 529 34 compared compare VERB _003394182 529 35 with with ADP _003394182 529 36 the the DET _003394182 529 37 great great ADJ _003394182 529 38 calling calling NOUN _003394182 529 39 for for ADP _003394182 529 40 which which PRON _003394182 529 41 she she PRON _003394182 529 42 has have AUX _003394182 529 43 been be AUX _003394182 529 44 physically physically ADV _003394182 529 45 fashioned fashion VERB _003394182 529 46 , , PUNCT _003394182 529 47 towards towards ADP _003394182 529 48 which which PRON _003394182 529 49 she she PRON _003394182 529 50 emotionally emotionally ADV _003394182 529 51 tends tend VERB _003394182 529 52 , , PUNCT _003394182 529 53 and and CCONJ _003394182 529 54 from from ADP _003394182 529 55 which which PRON _003394182 529 56 she she PRON _003394182 529 57 is be AUX _003394182 529 58 being be AUX _003394182 529 59 diverted divert VERB _003394182 529 60 by by ADP _003394182 529 61 the the DET _003394182 529 62 pagan pagan PROPN _003394182 529 63 philosophy philosophy NOUN _003394182 529 64 of of ADP _003394182 529 65 the the DET _003394182 529 66 present present NOUN _003394182 529 67 . . PUNCT _003394182 530 1 no no DET _003394182 530 2 woman woman NOUN _003394182 530 3 judge judge NOUN _003394182 530 4 or or CCONJ _003394182 530 5 lawyer lawyer NOUN _003394182 530 6 or or CCONJ _003394182 530 7 physician physician NOUN _003394182 530 8 or or CCONJ _003394182 530 9 legislator legislator NOUN _003394182 530 10 can can AUX _003394182 530 11 compare compare VERB _003394182 530 12 in in ADP _003394182 530 13 efficiency efficiency NOUN _003394182 530 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 530 15 in in ADP _003394182 530 16 contribution contribution NOUN _003394182 530 17 to to ADP _003394182 530 18 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 530 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 530 20 in in ADP _003394182 530 21 permanency permanency NOUN _003394182 530 22 of of ADP _003394182 530 23 influence influence NOUN _003394182 530 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 530 25 with with ADP _003394182 530 26 the the DET _003394182 530 27 woman woman NOUN _003394182 530 28 who who PRON _003394182 530 29 has have AUX _003394182 530 30 answered answer VERB _003394182 530 31 the the DET _003394182 530 32 most most ADV _003394182 530 33 intimate intimate ADJ _003394182 530 34 bidding bidding NOUN _003394182 530 35 of of ADP _003394182 530 36 her her PRON _003394182 530 37 soul soul NOUN _003394182 530 38 and and CCONJ _003394182 530 39 set set VERB _003394182 530 40 out out ADP _003394182 530 41 , , PUNCT _003394182 530 42 god god PROPN _003394182 530 43 willing willing ADJ _003394182 530 44 , , PUNCT _003394182 530 45 like like ADP _003394182 530 46 the the DET _003394182 530 47 crusading crusade VERB _003394182 530 48 knights knight NOUN _003394182 530 49 of of ADP _003394182 530 50 old old ADJ _003394182 530 51 , , PUNCT _003394182 530 52 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 530 53 the the DET _003394182 530 54 grand grand ADJ _003394182 530 55 and and CCONJ _003394182 530 56 glorious glorious ADJ _003394182 530 57 career career NOUN _003394182 530 58 of of ADP _003394182 530 59 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 530 60 wifehood wifehood NOUN _003394182 530 61 and and CCONJ _003394182 530 62 womanhood womanhood NOUN _003394182 530 63 . . PUNCT _003394182 531 1 she she PRON _003394182 531 2 may may AUX _003394182 531 3 be be AUX _003394182 531 4 obliged oblige VERB _003394182 531 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 531 6 perhaps perhaps ADV _003394182 531 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 531 8 to to PART _003394182 531 9 sacrifice sacrifice VERB _003394182 531 10 her her PRON _003394182 531 11 individual individual ADJ _003394182 531 12 aspirations aspiration NOUN _003394182 531 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 532 1 counterbalancing counterbalance VERB _003394182 532 2 this this DET _003394182 532 3 loss loss NOUN _003394182 532 4 will will AUX _003394182 532 5 be be AUX _003394182 532 6 the the DET _003394182 532 7 two two NUM _003394182 532 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 532 9 three three NUM _003394182 532 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 532 11 four four NUM _003394182 532 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 532 13 five five NUM _003394182 532 14 - - ADJ _003394182 532 15 fold fold ADJ _003394182 532 16 contribution contribution NOUN _003394182 532 17 of of ADP _003394182 532 18 her her PRON _003394182 532 19 sons son NOUN _003394182 532 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 532 21 daughters daughter NOUN _003394182 532 22 to to ADP _003394182 532 23 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 532 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 533 1 happy happy ADJ _003394182 533 2 the the DET _003394182 533 3 woman woman NOUN _003394182 533 4 who who PRON _003394182 533 5 can can AUX _003394182 533 6 hold hold VERB _003394182 533 7 public public ADJ _003394182 533 8 position position NOUN _003394182 533 9 or or CCONJ _003394182 533 10 give give VERB _003394182 533 11 public public ADJ _003394182 533 12 service service NOUN _003394182 533 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 533 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 533 15 not not PART _003394182 533 16 simultaneously simultaneously ADV _003394182 533 17 neglect neglect VERB _003394182 533 18 the the DET _003394182 533 19 prior prior ADJ _003394182 533 20 claims claim NOUN _003394182 533 21 of of ADP _003394182 533 22 home home NOUN _003394182 533 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 533 24 husband husband NOUN _003394182 533 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 533 26 household household NOUN _003394182 533 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 534 1 happier happy ADJ _003394182 534 2 the the DET _003394182 534 3 woman woman NOUN _003394182 534 4 who who PRON _003394182 534 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 534 6 unable unable ADJ _003394182 534 7 to to PART _003394182 534 8 serve serve VERB _003394182 534 9 two two NUM _003394182 534 10 masters master NOUN _003394182 534 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 534 12 is be AUX _003394182 534 13 willing willing ADJ _003394182 534 14 to to PART _003394182 534 15 set set VERB _003394182 534 16 aside aside ADV _003394182 534 17 the the DET _003394182 534 18 selfish selfish ADJ _003394182 534 19 yearnings yearning NOUN _003394182 534 20 of of ADP _003394182 534 21 her her PRON _003394182 534 22 heart heart NOUN _003394182 535 1 f f X _003394182 535 2 o o X _003394182 536 1 r r NOUN _003394182 536 2 the the DET _003394182 536 3 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 536 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 536 5 progress progress NOUN _003394182 536 6 of of ADP _003394182 536 7 that that DET _003394182 536 8 immutable immutable ADJ _003394182 536 9 unit unit NOUN _003394182 536 10 of of ADP _003394182 536 11 all all DET _003394182 536 12 civilizations civilization NOUN _003394182 536 13 — — PUNCT _003394182 536 14 the the DET _003394182 536 15 christian christian ADJ _003394182 536 16 family family NOUN _003394182 536 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 537 1 the the DET _003394182 537 2 church church NOUN _003394182 537 3 never never ADV _003394182 537 4 indorsed indorse VERB _003394182 537 5 the the DET _003394182 537 6 legal legal ADJ _003394182 537 7 disabilities disability NOUN _003394182 537 8 44 44 NUM _003394182 537 9 the the DET _003394182 537 10 christian christian ADJ _003394182 537 11 family family NOUN _003394182 537 12 44 44 NUM _003394182 537 13 of of ADP _003394182 537 14 woman woman NOUN _003394182 537 15 as as SCONJ _003394182 537 16 represented represent VERB _003394182 537 17 by by ADP _003394182 537 18 the the DET _003394182 537 19 common common ADJ _003394182 537 20 law law NOUN _003394182 537 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 537 22 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 537 23 accepted accept VERB _003394182 537 24 in in ADP _003394182 537 25 her her PRON _003394182 537 26 own own ADJ _003394182 537 27 moral moral ADJ _003394182 537 28 theology theology NOUN _003394182 537 29 that that PRON _003394182 537 30 attitude attitude VERB _003394182 537 31 towards towards ADP _003394182 537 32 woman woman NOUN _003394182 537 33 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 537 34 which which PRON _003394182 537 35 it it PRON _003394182 537 36 was be AUX _003394182 537 37 founded found VERB _003394182 537 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 538 1 in in ADP _003394182 538 2 the the DET _003394182 538 3 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 538 4 of of ADP _003394182 538 5 the the DET _003394182 538 6 church church NOUN _003394182 538 7 sin sin NOUN _003394182 538 8 is be AUX _003394182 538 9 neither neither CCONJ _003394182 538 10 male male ADJ _003394182 538 11 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 538 12 female female ADJ _003394182 538 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 539 1 in in ADP _003394182 539 2 the the DET _003394182 539 3 teaching teaching NOUN _003394182 539 4 of of ADP _003394182 539 5 the the DET _003394182 539 6 church church NOUN _003394182 539 7 the the DET _003394182 539 8 only only ADJ _003394182 539 9 valid valid ADJ _003394182 539 10 subordination subordination NOUN _003394182 539 11 of of ADP _003394182 539 12 woman woman NOUN _003394182 539 13 to to AUX _003394182 539 14 man man NOUN _003394182 539 15 is be AUX _003394182 539 16 the the DET _003394182 539 17 biblical biblical ADJ _003394182 539 18 subordination subordination NOUN _003394182 539 19 so so ADV _003394182 539 20 necessary necessary ADJ _003394182 539 21 for for ADP _003394182 539 22 the the DET _003394182 539 23 human human ADJ _003394182 539 24 family family NOUN _003394182 539 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 540 1 as as ADP _003394182 540 2 a a DET _003394182 540 3 wife wife NOUN _003394182 540 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 540 5 a a DET _003394182 540 6 woman woman NOUN _003394182 540 7 is be AUX _003394182 540 8 not not PART _003394182 540 9 the the DET _003394182 540 10 mere mere ADJ _003394182 540 11 outlet outlet NOUN _003394182 540 12 for for ADP _003394182 540 13 the the DET _003394182 540 14 passions passion NOUN _003394182 540 15 of of ADP _003394182 540 16 man man NOUN _003394182 540 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 541 1 as as ADP _003394182 541 2 a a DET _003394182 541 3 partner partner NOUN _003394182 541 4 in in ADP _003394182 541 5 the the DET _003394182 541 6 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 541 7 relationship relationship NOUN _003394182 541 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 541 9 she she PRON _003394182 541 10 is be AUX _003394182 541 11 the the DET _003394182 541 12 helpmate helpmate NOUN _003394182 541 13 of of ADP _003394182 541 14 man man NOUN _003394182 541 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 541 16 the the DET _003394182 541 17 procreator procreator NOUN _003394182 541 18 of of ADP _003394182 541 19 future future ADJ _003394182 541 20 generations generation NOUN _003394182 541 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 542 1 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 542 2 entering enter VERB _003394182 542 3 the the DET _003394182 542 4 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 542 5 status status NOUN _003394182 542 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 542 7 both both DET _003394182 542 8 man man NOUN _003394182 542 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 542 10 woman woman NOUN _003394182 542 11 must must AUX _003394182 542 12 subordinate subordinate VERB _003394182 542 13 all all DET _003394182 542 14 individual individual ADJ _003394182 542 15 activities activity NOUN _003394182 542 16 for for ADP _003394182 542 17 the the DET _003394182 542 18 realization realization NOUN _003394182 542 19 of of ADP _003394182 542 20 the the DET _003394182 542 21 high high ADJ _003394182 542 22 ideals ideal NOUN _003394182 542 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 542 24 purposes purpose NOUN _003394182 542 25 of of ADP _003394182 542 26 that that DET _003394182 542 27 relationship relationship NOUN _003394182 542 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 543 1 the the DET _003394182 543 2 common common ADJ _003394182 543 3 law law NOUN _003394182 543 4 overemphasized overemphasize VERB _003394182 543 5 the the DET _003394182 543 6 subordination subordination NOUN _003394182 543 7 of of ADP _003394182 543 8 woman woman NOUN _003394182 543 9 to to PART _003394182 543 10 man man VERB _003394182 543 11 in in ADP _003394182 543 12 the the DET _003394182 543 13 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 543 14 status status NOUN _003394182 543 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 544 1 the the DET _003394182 544 2 common common ADJ _003394182 544 3 philosophy philosophy NOUN _003394182 544 4 of of ADP _003394182 544 5 today today NOUN _003394182 544 6 over over ADP _003394182 544 7 - - PUNCT _003394182 544 8 emphasizes emphasize VERB _003394182 544 9 the the DET _003394182 544 10 independence independence NOUN _003394182 544 11 of of ADP _003394182 544 12 woman woman NOUN _003394182 544 13 to to ADP _003394182 544 14 the the DET _003394182 544 15 detriment detriment NOUN _003394182 544 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 544 17 destruction destruction NOUN _003394182 544 18 of of ADP _003394182 544 19 the the DET _003394182 544 20 christian christian ADJ _003394182 544 21 family family NOUN _003394182 544 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 545 1 the the DET _003394182 545 2 normal normal ADJ _003394182 545 3 vocation vocation NOUN _003394182 545 4 of of ADP _003394182 545 5 woman woman NOUN _003394182 545 6 is be AUX _003394182 545 7 wifehood wifehood NOUN _003394182 545 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 546 1 the the DET _003394182 546 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 546 3 triumph triumph NOUN _003394182 546 4 of of ADP _003394182 546 5 a a DET _003394182 546 6 woman woman NOUN _003394182 546 7 is be AUX _003394182 546 8 motherhood motherhood ADJ _003394182 546 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 547 1 without without ADP _003394182 547 2 children child NOUN _003394182 547 3 the the DET _003394182 547 4 christian christian ADJ _003394182 547 5 family family NOUN _003394182 547 6 is be AUX _003394182 547 7 imperfect imperfect ADJ _003394182 547 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 548 1 without without ADP _003394182 548 2 children child NOUN _003394182 548 3 there there PRON _003394182 548 4 is be VERB _003394182 548 5 no no DET _003394182 548 6 dominant dominant ADJ _003394182 548 7 reason reason NOUN _003394182 548 8 for for ADP _003394182 548 9 the the DET _003394182 548 10 contract contract NOUN _003394182 548 11 or or CCONJ _003394182 548 12 sacrament sacrament NOUN _003394182 548 13 of of ADP _003394182 548 14 matrimony matrimony PROPN _003394182 548 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 549 1 companionate companionate ADJ _003394182 549 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 549 3 falls fall VERB _003394182 549 4 by by ADP _003394182 549 5 its its PRON _003394182 549 6 own own ADJ _003394182 549 7 definition definition NOUN _003394182 549 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 550 1 companionship companionship NOUN _003394182 550 2 depends depend VERB _003394182 550 3 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 550 4 alternate alternate ADJ _003394182 550 5 absence absence NOUN _003394182 550 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 550 7 association association NOUN _003394182 550 8 for for ADP _003394182 550 9 its its PRON _003394182 550 10 attractiveness attractiveness NOUN _003394182 550 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 551 1 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 551 2 depends depend VERB _003394182 551 3 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 551 4 constant constant ADJ _003394182 551 5 intimacy intimacy NOUN _003394182 551 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 551 7 legitimate legitimate ADJ _003394182 551 8 procreation procreation NOUN _003394182 551 9 for for ADP _003394182 551 10 its its PRON _003394182 551 11 success success NOUN _003394182 551 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 552 1 companionate companionate ADJ _003394182 552 2 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 552 3 is be AUX _003394182 552 4 equivalent equivalent ADJ _003394182 552 5 to to ADP _003394182 552 6 saying say VERB _003394182 552 7 that that SCONJ _003394182 552 8 there there PRON _003394182 552 9 can can AUX _003394182 552 10 be be AUX _003394182 552 11 temporary temporary ADJ _003394182 552 12 permanency permanency NOUN _003394182 552 13 or or CCONJ _003394182 552 14 permanent permanent ADJ _003394182 552 15 uncertainty uncertainty NOUN _003394182 552 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 553 1 the the DET _003394182 553 2 christian christian ADJ _003394182 553 3 family family NOUN _003394182 553 4 participates participate VERB _003394182 553 5 in in ADP _003394182 553 6 the the DET _003394182 553 7 creative creative ADJ _003394182 553 8 activity activity NOUN _003394182 553 9 of of ADP _003394182 553 10 god god PROPN _003394182 553 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 554 1 there there PRON _003394182 554 2 are be VERB _003394182 554 3 no no DET _003394182 554 4 joys joy NOUN _003394182 554 5 in in ADP _003394182 554 6 all all DET _003394182 554 7 the the DET _003394182 554 8 world world NOUN _003394182 554 9 so so ADV _003394182 554 10 deep deep ADJ _003394182 554 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 554 12 satisfying satisfying ADJ _003394182 554 13 as as ADP _003394182 554 14 the the DET _003394182 554 15 joy joy NOUN _003394182 554 16 of of ADP _003394182 554 17 a a DET _003394182 554 18 man man NOUN _003394182 554 19 the the DET _003394182 554 20 christian christian ADJ _003394182 554 21 family family NOUN _003394182 554 22 45 45 NUM _003394182 554 23 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 554 24 becoming become VERB _003394182 554 25 a a DET _003394182 554 26 father father NOUN _003394182 554 27 or or CCONJ _003394182 554 28 the the DET _003394182 554 29 joy joy NOUN _003394182 554 30 of of ADP _003394182 554 31 woman woman NOUN _003394182 554 32 because because SCONJ _003394182 554 33 a a DET _003394182 554 34 child child NOUN _003394182 554 35 has have AUX _003394182 554 36 been be AUX _003394182 554 37 born bear VERB _003394182 554 38 of of ADP _003394182 554 39 her she PRON _003394182 554 40 . . PUNCT _003394182 555 1 the the DET _003394182 555 2 most most ADV _003394182 555 3 thoughtless thoughtless ADJ _003394182 555 4 debutante debutante NOUN _003394182 555 5 is be AUX _003394182 555 6 a a DET _003394182 555 7 willing willing ADJ _003394182 555 8 witness witness NOUN _003394182 555 9 to to ADP _003394182 555 10 this this DET _003394182 555 11 truth truth NOUN _003394182 555 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 555 13 once once SCONJ _003394182 555 14 she she PRON _003394182 555 15 has have AUX _003394182 555 16 experienced experience VERB _003394182 555 17 the the DET _003394182 555 18 joys joy NOUN _003394182 555 19 of of ADP _003394182 555 20 christian christian ADJ _003394182 555 21 motherhood motherhood NOUN _003394182 555 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 556 1 without without ADP _003394182 556 2 the the DET _003394182 556 3 sound sound NOUN _003394182 556 4 of of ADP _003394182 556 5 children child NOUN _003394182 556 6 's 's PART _003394182 556 7 feet foot NOUN _003394182 556 8 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 556 9 the the DET _003394182 556 10 stairs stair NOUN _003394182 556 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 556 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 556 13 children child NOUN _003394182 556 14 's 's PART _003394182 556 15 heavy heavy ADJ _003394182 556 16 breathing breathing NOUN _003394182 556 17 in in ADP _003394182 556 18 the the DET _003394182 556 19 nursery nursery NOUN _003394182 556 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 556 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 556 22 children child NOUN _003394182 556 23 's 's PART _003394182 556 24 laughing laugh VERB _003394182 556 25 voices voice NOUN _003394182 556 26 through through ADP _003394182 556 27 the the DET _003394182 556 28 day day NOUN _003394182 556 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 556 30 the the DET _003394182 556 31 christian christian ADJ _003394182 556 32 family family NOUN _003394182 556 33 for for ADP _003394182 556 34 those those PRON _003394182 556 35 who who PRON _003394182 556 36 are be AUX _003394182 556 37 responsible responsible ADJ _003394182 556 38 for for ADP _003394182 556 39 childlessness childlessness NOUN _003394182 556 40 is be AUX _003394182 556 41 a a DET _003394182 556 42 family family NOUN _003394182 556 43 with with ADP _003394182 556 44 nobody nobody PRON _003394182 556 45 in in ADP _003394182 556 46 it it PRON _003394182 556 47 and and CCONJ _003394182 556 48 a a DET _003394182 556 49 house house NOUN _003394182 556 50 with with ADP _003394182 556 51 a a DET _003394182 556 52 broken broken ADJ _003394182 556 53 heart heart NOUN _003394182 556 54 . . PUNCT _003394182 557 1 while while SCONJ _003394182 557 2 glorying glory VERB _003394182 557 3 in in ADP _003394182 557 4 the the DET _003394182 557 5 possession possession NOUN _003394182 557 6 of of ADP _003394182 557 7 her her PRON _003394182 557 8 newlyfound newlyfound NOUN _003394182 557 9 freedom freedom NOUN _003394182 557 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 557 11 woman woman NOUN _003394182 557 12 must must AUX _003394182 557 13 use use VERB _003394182 557 14 that that DET _003394182 557 15 freedom freedom NOUN _003394182 557 16 in in ADP _003394182 557 17 the the DET _003394182 557 18 interest interest NOUN _003394182 557 19 of of ADP _003394182 557 20 that that DET _003394182 557 21 higher high ADJ _003394182 557 22 vocation vocation NOUN _003394182 557 23 to to PART _003394182 557 24 which which PRON _003394182 557 25 she she PRON _003394182 557 26 has have AUX _003394182 557 27 been be AUX _003394182 557 28 called call VERB _003394182 557 29 from from ADP _003394182 557 30 the the DET _003394182 557 31 very very ADJ _003394182 557 32 beginning beginning NOUN _003394182 557 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 557 34 to to PART _003394182 557 35 which which PRON _003394182 557 36 she she PRON _003394182 557 37 is be AUX _003394182 557 38 dedicated dedicate VERB _003394182 557 39 whether whether SCONJ _003394182 557 40 she she PRON _003394182 557 41 will will AUX _003394182 557 42 it it PRON _003394182 557 43 or or CCONJ _003394182 557 44 not not PART _003394182 557 45 , , PUNCT _003394182 557 46 until until ADP _003394182 557 47 the the DET _003394182 557 48 end end NOUN _003394182 557 49 of of ADP _003394182 557 50 time time NOUN _003394182 557 51 . . PUNCT _003394182 558 1 only only ADV _003394182 558 2 then then ADV _003394182 558 3 will will AUX _003394182 558 4 she she PRON _003394182 558 5 dissolve dissolve VERB _003394182 558 6 the the DET _003394182 558 7 darkness darkness NOUN _003394182 558 8 of of ADP _003394182 558 9 our our PRON _003394182 558 10 modern modern ADJ _003394182 558 11 paganism paganism NOUN _003394182 558 12 by by ADP _003394182 558 13 the the DET _003394182 558 14 light light NOUN _003394182 558 15 which which PRON _003394182 558 16 streams stream VERB _003394182 558 17 from from ADP _003394182 558 18 her her PRON _003394182 558 19 motherly motherly ADJ _003394182 558 20 countenance countenance NOUN _003394182 558 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 559 1 only only ADV _003394182 559 2 then then ADV _003394182 559 3 will will AUX _003394182 559 4 she she PRON _003394182 559 5 give give VERB _003394182 559 6 to to ADP _003394182 559 7 the the DET _003394182 559 8 world world NOUN _003394182 559 9 the the DET _003394182 559 10 greatest great ADJ _003394182 559 11 g g NOUN _003394182 559 12 i i PRON _003394182 559 13 f f PROPN _003394182 559 14 t t PROPN _003394182 559 15 of of ADP _003394182 559 16 which which PRON _003394182 559 17 she she PRON _003394182 559 18 is be AUX _003394182 559 19 capable capable ADJ _003394182 559 20 : : PUNCT _003394182 559 21 the the DET _003394182 559 22 treasury treasury PROPN _003394182 559 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 559 24 the the DET _003394182 559 25 triumph triumph NOUN _003394182 559 26 of of ADP _003394182 559 27 her her PRON _003394182 559 28 motherhood motherhood NOUN _003394182 559 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 560 1 46 46 NUM _003394182 560 2 the the DET _003394182 560 3 christian christian ADJ _003394182 560 4 family family NOUN _003394182 560 5 46 46 NUM _003394182 560 6 thresholds threshold NOUN _003394182 560 7 of of ADP _003394182 560 8 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 560 9 address address NOUN _003394182 560 10 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 560 11 on on ADP _003394182 560 12 july july PROPN _003394182 560 13 3 3 NUM _003394182 560 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 560 15 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 560 16 there there PRON _003394182 560 17 are be VERB _003394182 560 18 some some DET _003394182 560 19 wrongs wrong NOUN _003394182 560 20 in in ADP _003394182 560 21 life life NOUN _003394182 560 22 t t NOUN _003394182 560 23 h h X _003394182 560 24 a a DET _003394182 560 25 t t NOUN _003394182 560 26 men man NOUN _003394182 560 27 forgive forgive NOUN _003394182 560 28 but but CCONJ _003394182 560 29 never never ADV _003394182 560 30 can can AUX _003394182 560 31 forget forget VERB _003394182 560 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 561 1 one one NUM _003394182 561 2 of of ADP _003394182 561 3 them they PRON _003394182 561 4 still still ADV _003394182 561 5 lingers linger VERB _003394182 561 6 like like ADP _003394182 561 7 a a DET _003394182 561 8 spectre spectre NOUN _003394182 561 9 in in ADP _003394182 561 10 the the DET _003394182 561 11 southland southland NOUN _003394182 561 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 562 1 it it PRON _003394182 562 2 is be AUX _003394182 562 3 not not PART _003394182 562 4 the the DET _003394182 562 5 recollection recollection NOUN _003394182 562 6 of of ADP _003394182 562 7 those those DET _003394182 562 8 starving starve VERB _003394182 562 9 years year NOUN _003394182 562 10 wherein wherein SCONJ _003394182 562 11 the the DET _003394182 562 12 line line NOUN _003394182 562 13 of of ADP _003394182 562 14 gray gray ADJ _003394182 562 15 that that PRON _003394182 562 16 faced face VERB _003394182 562 17 the the DET _003394182 562 18 line line NOUN _003394182 562 19 of of ADP _003394182 562 20 blue blue PROPN _003394182 562 21 dissolved dissolve VERB _003394182 562 22 into into ADP _003394182 562 23 the the DET _003394182 562 24 merest mere ADJ _003394182 562 25 skeleton skeleton NOUN _003394182 562 26 of of ADP _003394182 562 27 opposition opposition NOUN _003394182 562 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 563 1 it it PRON _003394182 563 2 is be AUX _003394182 563 3 not not PART _003394182 563 4 the the DET _003394182 563 5 thought thought NOUN _003394182 563 6 of of ADP _003394182 563 7 lee lee PROPN _003394182 563 8 's 's PART _003394182 563 9 surrender surrender NOUN _003394182 563 10 at at ADP _003394182 563 11 appomattox appomattox NOUN _003394182 563 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 564 1 it it PRON _003394182 564 2 is be AUX _003394182 564 3 not not PART _003394182 564 4 the the DET _003394182 564 5 defeat defeat NOUN _003394182 564 6 of of ADP _003394182 564 7 the the DET _003394182 564 8 civil civil ADJ _003394182 564 9 war war NOUN _003394182 564 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 565 1 it it PRON _003394182 565 2 - - PUNCT _003394182 565 3 is be AUX _003394182 565 4 the the DET _003394182 565 5 name name NOUN _003394182 565 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 565 7 personality personality NOUN _003394182 565 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 565 9 memory memory NOUN _003394182 565 10 of of ADP _003394182 565 11 general general ADJ _003394182 565 12 sherman sherman NOUN _003394182 565 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 566 1 across across ADP _003394182 566 2 the the DET _003394182 566 3 plains plain NOUN _003394182 566 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 566 5 hills hill NOUN _003394182 566 6 of of ADP _003394182 566 7 georgia georgia PROPN _003394182 566 8 his his PRON _003394182 566 9 army army NOUN _003394182 566 10 marched march VERB _003394182 566 11 triumphantly triumphantly ADV _003394182 566 12 from from ADP _003394182 566 13 atlanta atlanta PROPN _003394182 566 14 to to ADP _003394182 566 15 the the DET _003394182 566 16 sea sea NOUN _003394182 566 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 567 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 567 2 he he PRON _003394182 567 3 passed pass VERB _003394182 567 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 567 5 the the DET _003394182 567 6 ruined ruin VERB _003394182 567 7 homes home NOUN _003394182 567 8 of of ADP _003394182 567 9 georgia georgia PROPN _003394182 567 10 stood stand VERB _003394182 567 11 like like ADP _003394182 567 12 black black ADJ _003394182 567 13 charred charred ADJ _003394182 567 14 tombs tomb NOUN _003394182 567 15 against against ADP _003394182 567 16 the the DET _003394182 567 17 sky sky NOUN _003394182 567 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 568 1 the the DET _003394182 568 2 crime crime NOUN _003394182 568 3 of of ADP _003394182 568 4 sherman sherman NOUN _003394182 568 5 against against ADP _003394182 568 6 the the DET _003394182 568 7 south south NOUN _003394182 568 8 has have AUX _003394182 568 9 been be AUX _003394182 568 10 the the DET _003394182 568 11 crime crime NOUN _003394182 568 12 of of ADP _003394182 568 13 modern modern ADJ _003394182 568 14 industry industry NOUN _003394182 568 15 against against ADP _003394182 568 16 the the DET _003394182 568 17 world world NOUN _003394182 568 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 569 1 before before ADP _003394182 569 2 the the DET _003394182 569 3 existence existence NOUN _003394182 569 4 of of ADP _003394182 569 5 the the DET _003394182 569 6 factory factory NOUN _003394182 569 7 the the DET _003394182 569 8 home home NOUN _003394182 569 9 was be AUX _003394182 569 10 the the DET _003394182 569 11 center center NOUN _003394182 569 12 of of ADP _003394182 569 13 industry industry NOUN _003394182 569 14 as as ADV _003394182 569 15 well well ADV _003394182 569 16 as as ADP _003394182 569 17 of of ADP _003394182 569 18 life life NOUN _003394182 569 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 570 1 husband husband NOUN _003394182 570 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 570 3 wife wife NOUN _003394182 570 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 570 5 children child NOUN _003394182 570 6 were be AUX _003394182 570 7 in in ADP _003394182 570 8 constant constant ADJ _003394182 570 9 contact contact NOUN _003394182 570 10 every every DET _003394182 570 11 hour hour NOUN _003394182 570 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 571 1 no no ADV _003394182 571 2 matter matter ADV _003394182 571 3 how how SCONJ _003394182 571 4 hard hard ADV _003394182 571 5 their their PRON _003394182 571 6 mode mode NOUN _003394182 571 7 of of ADP _003394182 571 8 life life NOUN _003394182 571 9 may may AUX _003394182 571 10 have have AUX _003394182 571 11 been be AUX _003394182 571 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 571 13 it it PRON _003394182 571 14 was be AUX _003394182 571 15 sweetened sweeten VERB _003394182 571 16 by by ADP _003394182 571 17 the the DET _003394182 571 18 constancy constancy NOUN _003394182 571 19 of of ADP _003394182 571 20 home home NOUN _003394182 571 21 companionship companionship NOUN _003394182 571 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 572 1 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 572 2 may may AUX _003394182 572 3 have have AUX _003394182 572 4 lingered linger VERB _003394182 572 5 within within ADP _003394182 572 6 the the DET _003394182 572 7 domicile domicile NOUN _003394182 572 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 572 9 but but CCONJ _003394182 572 10 the the DET _003394182 572 11 peace peace NOUN _003394182 572 12 of of ADP _003394182 572 13 the the DET _003394182 572 14 nazarean nazarean ADJ _003394182 572 15 home home NOUN _003394182 572 16 was be AUX _003394182 572 17 there there ADV _003394182 572 18 to to PART _003394182 572 19 brighten brighten VERB _003394182 572 20 the the DET _003394182 572 21 face face NOUN _003394182 572 22 of of ADP _003394182 572 23 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 572 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 573 1 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 573 2 may may AUX _003394182 573 3 have have AUX _003394182 573 4 stripped strip VERB _003394182 573 5 the the DET _003394182 573 6 cupboard cupboard NOUN _003394182 573 7 bare bare NOUN _003394182 573 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 573 9 but but CCONJ _003394182 573 10 the the DET _003394182 573 11 peace peace NOUN _003394182 573 12 of of ADP _003394182 573 13 home home NOUN _003394182 573 14 associations association NOUN _003394182 573 15 filled fill VERB _003394182 573 16 heart heart NOUN _003394182 573 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 573 18 soul soul NOUN _003394182 573 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 573 20 mind mind NOUN _003394182 573 21 to to ADP _003394182 573 22 overflowing overflow VERB _003394182 573 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 574 1 with with ADP _003394182 574 2 the the DET _003394182 574 3 coming coming NOUN _003394182 574 4 of of ADP _003394182 574 5 the the DET _003394182 574 6 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 574 7 revolution revolution NOUN _003394182 574 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 574 9 factories factory NOUN _003394182 574 10 poured pour VERB _003394182 574 11 their their PRON _003394182 574 12 thick thick ADJ _003394182 574 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 574 14 grimy grimy ADJ _003394182 574 15 smoke smoke NOUN _003394182 574 16 against against ADP _003394182 574 17 the the DET _003394182 574 18 sky sky NOUN _003394182 574 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 575 1 homes home NOUN _003394182 575 2 were be AUX _003394182 575 3 emptied empty VERB _003394182 575 4 of of ADP _003394182 575 5 their their PRON _003394182 575 6 wage wage NOUN _003394182 575 7 earnthe earnthe ADJ _003394182 575 8 christian christian ADJ _003394182 575 9 family family PROPN _003394182 575 10 47 47 NUM _003394182 575 11 ers er NOUN _003394182 575 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 576 1 around around ADP _003394182 576 2 the the DET _003394182 576 3 walls wall NOUN _003394182 576 4 of of ADP _003394182 576 5 factories factory NOUN _003394182 576 6 men man NOUN _003394182 576 7 clamored clamor VERB _003394182 576 8 for for ADP _003394182 576 9 employment employment NOUN _003394182 576 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 577 1 within within ADP _003394182 577 2 their their PRON _003394182 577 3 foul foul ADJ _003394182 577 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 577 5 ill ill ADJ _003394182 577 6 - - PUNCT _003394182 577 7 smelling smell VERB _003394182 577 8 depths depth NOUN _003394182 577 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 577 10 men man NOUN _003394182 577 11 labored labor VERB _003394182 577 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 577 13 divorced divorce VERB _003394182 577 14 from from ADP _003394182 577 15 the the DET _003394182 577 16 sight sight NOUN _003394182 577 17 of of ADP _003394182 577 18 sunlight sunlight NOUN _003394182 577 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 577 20 the the DET _003394182 577 21 smell smell NOUN _003394182 577 22 of of ADP _003394182 577 23 flowers flower NOUN _003394182 577 24 and and CCONJ _003394182 577 25 the the DET _003394182 577 26 tranquil tranquil NOUN _003394182 577 27 domesticity domesticity NOUN _003394182 577 28 of of ADP _003394182 577 29 their their PRON _003394182 577 30 firesides fireside NOUN _003394182 577 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 578 1 it it PRON _003394182 578 2 was be AUX _003394182 578 3 only only ADV _003394182 578 4 for for ADP _003394182 578 5 a a DET _003394182 578 6 little little ADJ _003394182 578 7 while while NOUN _003394182 578 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 578 9 however however ADV _003394182 578 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 578 11 that that SCONJ _003394182 578 12 the the DET _003394182 578 13 factory factory NOUN _003394182 578 14 system system NOUN _003394182 578 15 kept keep VERB _003394182 578 16 father father NOUN _003394182 578 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 578 18 mother mother NOUN _003394182 578 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 578 20 children child NOUN _003394182 578 21 apart apart ADV _003394182 578 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 579 1 too too ADV _003394182 579 2 soon soon ADV _003394182 579 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 579 4 for for ADP _003394182 579 5 the the DET _003394182 579 6 health health NOUN _003394182 579 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 579 8 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 579 9 of of ADP _003394182 579 10 each each PRON _003394182 579 11 of of ADP _003394182 579 12 them they PRON _003394182 579 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 579 14 were be AUX _003394182 579 15 they they PRON _003394182 579 16 united united ADJ _003394182 579 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 580 1 industry industry NOUN _003394182 580 2 reached reach VERB _003394182 580 3 out out ADP _003394182 580 4 across across ADP _003394182 580 5 the the DET _003394182 580 6 seas sea NOUN _003394182 580 7 to to ADP _003394182 580 8 backward backward ADJ _003394182 580 9 countries country NOUN _003394182 580 10 whose whose DET _003394182 580 11 raw raw ADJ _003394182 580 12 products product NOUN _003394182 580 13 were be AUX _003394182 580 14 so so ADV _003394182 580 15 necessary necessary ADJ _003394182 580 16 for for ADP _003394182 580 17 the the DET _003394182 580 18 greedy greedy ADJ _003394182 580 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 580 20 tireless tireless ADJ _003394182 580 21 stomachs stomach NOUN _003394182 580 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 580 23 of of ADP _003394182 580 24 machinery machinery NOUN _003394182 580 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 581 1 industry industry NOUN _003394182 581 2 likewise likewise ADV _003394182 581 3 reached reach VERB _003394182 581 4 into into ADP _003394182 581 5 the the DET _003394182 581 6 rooms room NOUN _003394182 581 7 of of ADP _003394182 581 8 every every DET _003394182 581 9 cottage cottage NOUN _003394182 581 10 in in ADP _003394182 581 11 the the DET _003394182 581 12 land land NOUN _003394182 581 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 581 14 every every DET _003394182 581 15 house house NOUN _003394182 581 16 in in ADP _003394182 581 17 the the DET _003394182 581 18 city city NOUN _003394182 581 19 streets street NOUN _003394182 581 20 for for ADP _003394182 581 21 the the DET _003394182 581 22 precious precious ADJ _003394182 581 23 members member NOUN _003394182 581 24 of of ADP _003394182 581 25 the the DET _003394182 581 26 christian christian ADJ _003394182 581 27 family family NOUN _003394182 581 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 582 1 since since SCONJ _003394182 582 2 wages wage NOUN _003394182 582 3 were be AUX _003394182 582 4 low low ADJ _003394182 582 5 all all DET _003394182 582 6 members member NOUN _003394182 582 7 of of ADP _003394182 582 8 the the DET _003394182 582 9 home home NOUN _003394182 582 10 had have VERB _003394182 582 11 to to PART _003394182 582 12 cooperate cooperate VERB _003394182 582 13 as as ADP _003394182 582 14 wage wage NOUN _003394182 582 15 earners earner NOUN _003394182 582 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 583 1 the the DET _003394182 583 2 feet foot NOUN _003394182 583 3 of of ADP _003394182 583 4 children child NOUN _003394182 583 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 583 6 of of ADP _003394182 583 7 five five NUM _003394182 583 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 583 9 six six NUM _003394182 583 10 years year NOUN _003394182 583 11 of of ADP _003394182 583 12 age age NOUN _003394182 583 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 583 14 were be AUX _003394182 583 15 heard hear VERB _003394182 583 16 in in ADP _003394182 583 17 pitiable pitiable ADJ _003394182 583 18 rhythm rhythm NOUN _003394182 583 19 throughout throughout ADP _003394182 583 20 the the DET _003394182 583 21 dark dark ADJ _003394182 583 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 583 23 coaldust coaldust ADJ _003394182 583 24 laden laden ADJ _003394182 583 25 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 583 26 of of ADP _003394182 583 27 dangerous dangerous ADJ _003394182 583 28 mines mine NOUN _003394182 583 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 584 1 the the DET _003394182 584 2 eyes eye NOUN _003394182 584 3 of of ADP _003394182 584 4 mothers mother NOUN _003394182 584 5 grew grow VERB _003394182 584 6 dim dim ADV _003394182 584 7 above above ADP _003394182 584 8 the the DET _003394182 584 9 spinning spin VERB _003394182 584 10 looms loom NOUN _003394182 584 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 585 1 husband husband NOUN _003394182 585 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 585 3 wife wife NOUN _003394182 585 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 585 5 child child NOUN _003394182 585 6 were be AUX _003394182 585 7 again again ADV _003394182 585 8 together together ADV _003394182 585 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 585 10 not not PART _003394182 585 11 in in ADP _003394182 585 12 the the DET _003394182 585 13 private private ADJ _003394182 585 14 sanctity sanctity NOUN _003394182 585 15 of of ADP _003394182 585 16 the the DET _003394182 585 17 home home NOUN _003394182 585 18 but but CCONJ _003394182 585 19 in in ADP _003394182 585 20 the the DET _003394182 585 21 public public ADJ _003394182 585 22 degradation degradation NOUN _003394182 585 23 of of ADP _003394182 585 24 the the DET _003394182 585 25 factory factory NOUN _003394182 585 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 586 1 the the DET _003394182 586 2 pagan pagan PROPN _003394182 586 3 capitalist capitalist PROPN _003394182 586 4 had have AUX _003394182 586 5 taken take VERB _003394182 586 6 the the DET _003394182 586 7 loveliest lovely ADJ _003394182 586 8 product product NOUN _003394182 586 9 of of ADP _003394182 586 10 god god PROPN _003394182 586 11 's 's PART _003394182 586 12 creation creation NOUN _003394182 586 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 586 14 the the DET _003394182 586 15 human human ADJ _003394182 586 16 family family NOUN _003394182 586 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 586 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 586 19 severed sever VERB _003394182 586 20 it it PRON _003394182 586 21 for for ADP _003394182 586 22 his his PRON _003394182 586 23 individual individual ADJ _003394182 586 24 profit profit NOUN _003394182 586 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 586 26 pleasure pleasure NOUN _003394182 586 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 587 1 women woman NOUN _003394182 587 2 no no ADV _003394182 587 3 longer long ADV _003394182 587 4 had have VERB _003394182 587 5 time time NOUN _003394182 587 6 to to PART _003394182 587 7 accept accept VERB _003394182 587 8 the the DET _003394182 587 9 responsibilities responsibility NOUN _003394182 587 10 of of ADP _003394182 587 11 motherhood motherhood NOUN _003394182 587 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 588 1 what what PRON _003394182 588 2 profited profit VERB _003394182 588 3 it it PRON _003394182 588 4 them they PRON _003394182 588 5 if if SCONJ _003394182 588 6 they they PRON _003394182 588 7 did do VERB _003394182 588 8 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 589 1 the the DET _003394182 589 2 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 589 3 of of ADP _003394182 589 4 their their PRON _003394182 589 5 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 589 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 589 7 the the DET _003394182 589 8 blood blood NOUN _003394182 589 9 of of ADP _003394182 589 10 their their PRON _003394182 589 11 blood blood NOUN _003394182 589 12 became become VERB _003394182 589 13 so so ADV _003394182 589 14 much much ADV _003394182 589 15 more more ADV _003394182 589 16 added add VERB _003394182 589 17 sacrificial sacrificial ADJ _003394182 589 18 material material NOUN _003394182 589 19 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 589 20 the the DET _003394182 589 21 altar altar NOUN _003394182 589 22 of of ADP _003394182 589 23 economic economic ADJ _003394182 589 24 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 589 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 590 1 fathers father NOUN _003394182 590 2 no no ADV _003394182 590 3 longer long ADV _003394182 590 4 had have VERB _003394182 590 5 time time NOUN _003394182 590 6 to to PART _003394182 590 7 supervise supervise VERB _003394182 590 8 the the DET _003394182 590 9 development development NOUN _003394182 590 10 of of ADP _003394182 590 11 their their PRON _003394182 590 12 households household NOUN _003394182 590 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 591 1 tired tired ADJ _003394182 591 2 with with ADP _003394182 591 3 the the DET _003394182 591 4 long long ADJ _003394182 591 5 48 48 NUM _003394182 591 6 the the DET _003394182 591 7 christian christian ADJ _003394182 591 8 family family NOUN _003394182 591 9 48 48 NUM _003394182 591 10 day day NOUN _003394182 591 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 591 12 that that PRON _003394182 591 13 began begin VERB _003394182 591 14 in in ADP _003394182 591 15 darkness darkness NOUN _003394182 591 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 591 17 ended end VERB _003394182 591 18 in in ADP _003394182 591 19 darkness darkness NOUN _003394182 591 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 591 21 they they PRON _003394182 591 22 reached reach VERB _003394182 591 23 home home NOUN _003394182 591 24 to to PART _003394182 591 25 indulge indulge VERB _003394182 591 26 in in ADP _003394182 591 27 the the DET _003394182 591 28 forgetfulness forgetfulness NOUN _003394182 591 29 of of ADP _003394182 591 30 drink drink NOUN _003394182 591 31 or or CCONJ _003394182 591 32 succumb succumb VERB _003394182 591 33 to to ADP _003394182 591 34 the the DET _003394182 591 35 transitory transitory ADJ _003394182 591 36 unconsciousness unconsciousness NOUN _003394182 591 37 of of ADP _003394182 591 38 sleep sleep NOUN _003394182 591 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 592 1 children child NOUN _003394182 592 2 no no ADV _003394182 592 3 longer long ADV _003394182 592 4 had have VERB _003394182 592 5 time time NOUN _003394182 592 6 to to PART _003394182 592 7 retain retain VERB _003394182 592 8 their their PRON _003394182 592 9 childhood childhood NOUN _003394182 592 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 593 1 the the DET _003394182 593 2 loveliest lovely ADJ _003394182 593 3 period period NOUN _003394182 593 4 of of ADP _003394182 593 5 their their PRON _003394182 593 6 life life NOUN _003394182 593 7 was be AUX _003394182 593 8 robbed rob VERB _003394182 593 9 of of ADP _003394182 593 10 its its PRON _003394182 593 11 dreaming dreaming NOUN _003394182 593 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 593 13 its its PRON _003394182 593 14 playfulness playfulness NOUN _003394182 593 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 594 1 the the DET _003394182 594 2 innocency innocency NOUN _003394182 594 3 of of ADP _003394182 594 4 their their PRON _003394182 594 5 souls soul NOUN _003394182 594 6 was be AUX _003394182 594 7 stained stain VERB _003394182 594 8 by by ADP _003394182 594 9 economic economic ADJ _003394182 594 10 association association NOUN _003394182 594 11 with with ADP _003394182 594 12 those those PRON _003394182 594 13 who who PRON _003394182 594 14 sinned sin VERB _003394182 594 15 through through ADP _003394182 594 16 despair despair NOUN _003394182 594 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 594 18 even even ADV _003394182 594 19 as as SCONJ _003394182 594 20 the the DET _003394182 594 21 brightness brightness NOUN _003394182 594 22 of of ADP _003394182 594 23 their their PRON _003394182 594 24 cheeks cheek NOUN _003394182 594 25 was be AUX _003394182 594 26 bleached bleach VERB _003394182 594 27 by by ADP _003394182 594 28 the the DET _003394182 594 29 unwholesome unwholesome ADJ _003394182 594 30 man man NOUN _003394182 594 31 - - PUNCT _003394182 594 32 made make VERB _003394182 594 33 air air NOUN _003394182 594 34 that that PRON _003394182 594 35 surrounded surround VERB _003394182 594 36 them they PRON _003394182 594 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 595 1 the the DET _003394182 595 2 factory factory NOUN _003394182 595 3 had have AUX _003394182 595 4 become become VERB _003394182 595 5 their their PRON _003394182 595 6 home home NOUN _003394182 595 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 596 1 the the DET _003394182 596 2 mine mine NOUN _003394182 596 3 had have AUX _003394182 596 4 become become VERB _003394182 596 5 their their PRON _003394182 596 6 nursery.machines nursery.machine NOUN _003394182 596 7 had have AUX _003394182 596 8 become become VERB _003394182 596 9 their their PRON _003394182 596 10 playthings plaything NOUN _003394182 596 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 597 1 despair despair NOUN _003394182 597 2 had have AUX _003394182 597 3 become become VERB _003394182 597 4 their their PRON _003394182 597 5 daily daily ADJ _003394182 597 6 dream dream NOUN _003394182 597 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 598 1 for for ADP _003394182 598 2 the the DET _003394182 598 3 crime crime NOUN _003394182 598 4 of of ADP _003394182 598 5 disrupting disrupt VERB _003394182 598 6 the the DET _003394182 598 7 human human ADJ _003394182 598 8 family family NOUN _003394182 598 9 all all DET _003394182 598 10 lovers lover NOUN _003394182 598 11 of of ADP _003394182 598 12 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 598 13 must must AUX _003394182 598 14 forever forever ADV _003394182 598 15 denounce denounce VERB _003394182 598 16 the the DET _003394182 598 17 abuses abuse NOUN _003394182 598 18 of of ADP _003394182 598 19 the the DET _003394182 598 20 beginnings beginning NOUN _003394182 598 21 of of ADP _003394182 598 22 modern modern ADJ _003394182 598 23 industry industry NOUN _003394182 598 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 598 25 even even ADV _003394182 598 26 as as ADP _003394182 598 27 the the DET _003394182 598 28 children child NOUN _003394182 598 29 of of ADP _003394182 598 30 the the DET _003394182 598 31 southland southland NOUN _003394182 598 32 denouncethe denouncethe PROPN _003394182 598 33 abusive abusive ADJ _003394182 598 34 march march PROPN _003394182 598 35 of of ADP _003394182 598 36 sherman sherman PROPN _003394182 598 37 's 's PART _003394182 598 38 army army NOUN _003394182 598 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 599 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 599 2 mother mother NOUN _003394182 599 3 and and CCONJ _003394182 599 4 child child NOUN _003394182 599 5 were be AUX _003394182 599 6 forced force VERB _003394182 599 7 to to PART _003394182 599 8 work work VERB _003394182 599 9 to to PART _003394182 599 10 supplement supplement VERB _003394182 599 11 the the DET _003394182 599 12 scanty scanty ADJ _003394182 599 13 wages wage NOUN _003394182 599 14 of of ADP _003394182 599 15 the the DET _003394182 599 16 father father NOUN _003394182 599 17 whom whom PRON _003394182 599 18 god god PROPN _003394182 599 19 had have AUX _003394182 599 20 appointed appoint VERB _003394182 599 21 the the DET _003394182 599 22 natural natural ADJ _003394182 599 23 wage wage NOUN _003394182 599 24 earner earner NOUN _003394182 599 25 of of ADP _003394182 599 26 the the DET _003394182 599 27 family family NOUN _003394182 599 28 , , PUNCT _003394182 599 29 the the DET _003394182 599 30 plan plan NOUN _003394182 599 31 of of ADP _003394182 599 32 god god PROPN _003394182 599 33 in in ADP _003394182 599 34 the the DET _003394182 599 35 creation creation NOUN _003394182 599 36 of of ADP _003394182 599 37 the the DET _003394182 599 38 human human ADJ _003394182 599 39 family family NOUN _003394182 599 40 was be AUX _003394182 599 41 marred mar VERB _003394182 599 42 and and CCONJ _003394182 599 43 blackened blacken VERB _003394182 599 44 almost almost ADV _003394182 599 45 beyond beyond ADP _003394182 599 46 recognition recognition NOUN _003394182 599 47 . . PUNCT _003394182 600 1 there there PRON _003394182 600 2 can can AUX _003394182 600 3 be be AUX _003394182 600 4 no no DET _003394182 600 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 600 6 home home ADV _003394182 600 7 unless unless SCONJ _003394182 600 8 parent parent NOUN _003394182 600 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 600 10 child child NOUN _003394182 600 11 are be AUX _003394182 600 12 together together ADV _003394182 600 13 day day NOUN _003394182 600 14 by by ADP _003394182 600 15 day day NOUN _003394182 600 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 601 1 there there PRON _003394182 601 2 can can AUX _003394182 601 3 be be AUX _003394182 601 4 no no DET _003394182 601 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 601 6 home home NOUN _003394182 601 7 unless unless SCONJ _003394182 601 8 the the DET _003394182 601 9 father father NOUN _003394182 601 10 receives receive VERB _003394182 601 11 a a DET _003394182 601 12 living living NOUN _003394182 601 13 wage wage NOUN _003394182 601 14 sufficient sufficient ADJ _003394182 601 15 to to PART _003394182 601 16 maintain maintain VERB _003394182 601 17 the the DET _003394182 601 18 constant constant ADJ _003394182 601 19 companionship companionship NOUN _003394182 601 20 of of ADP _003394182 601 21 the the DET _003394182 601 22 home home NOUN _003394182 601 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 602 1 the the DET _003394182 602 2 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 602 3 that that PRON _003394182 602 4 can can AUX _003394182 602 5 boast boast VERB _003394182 602 6 of of ADP _003394182 602 7 skyscrapers skyscraper NOUN _003394182 602 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 602 9 yet yet ADV _003394182 602 10 permit permit VERB _003394182 602 11 foul foul ADJ _003394182 602 12 tenement tenement NOUN _003394182 602 13 slums slum NOUN _003394182 602 14 to to PART _003394182 602 15 blossom blossom NOUN _003394182 602 16 like like ADP _003394182 602 17 weeds weed NOUN _003394182 602 18 along along ADP _003394182 602 19 the the DET _003394182 602 20 waterfronts waterfront NOUN _003394182 602 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 602 22 within within ADP _003394182 602 23 the the DET _003394182 602 24 crowded crowded ADJ _003394182 602 25 areas area NOUN _003394182 602 26 of of ADP _003394182 602 27 our our PRON _003394182 602 28 cities city NOUN _003394182 602 29 , , PUNCT _003394182 602 30 deserves deserve VERB _003394182 602 31 no no DET _003394182 602 32 eulogy eulogy NOUN _003394182 602 33 from from ADP _003394182 602 34 the the DET _003394182 602 35 lips lip NOUN _003394182 602 36 of of ADP _003394182 602 37 man man NOUN _003394182 602 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 603 1 the the DET _003394182 603 2 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 603 3 system system NOUN _003394182 603 4 that that PRON _003394182 603 5 gives give VERB _003394182 603 6 no no DET _003394182 603 7 more more ADJ _003394182 603 8 than than ADP _003394182 603 9 the the DET _003394182 603 10 indithe indithe ADJ _003394182 603 11 christian christian ADJ _003394182 603 12 family family NOUN _003394182 603 13 49 49 NUM _003394182 603 14 vidual vidual ADJ _003394182 603 15 wage wage NOUN _003394182 603 16 earner earner NOUN _003394182 603 17 is be AUX _003394182 603 18 able able ADJ _003394182 603 19 to to PART _003394182 603 20 demand demand VERB _003394182 603 21 of of ADP _003394182 603 22 it it PRON _003394182 603 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 603 24 the the DET _003394182 603 25 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 603 26 system system NOUN _003394182 603 27 that that PRON _003394182 603 28 refuses refuse VERB _003394182 603 29 to to PART _003394182 603 30 take take VERB _003394182 603 31 the the DET _003394182 603 32 family family NOUN _003394182 603 33 needs need VERB _003394182 603 34 as as ADP _003394182 603 35 the the DET _003394182 603 36 basis basis NOUN _003394182 603 37 of of ADP _003394182 603 38 labor labor NOUN _003394182 603 39 's 's PART _003394182 603 40 participation participation NOUN _003394182 603 41 in in ADP _003394182 603 42 its its PRON _003394182 603 43 profits profit NOUN _003394182 603 44 , , PUNCT _003394182 603 45 is be AUX _003394182 603 46 a a DET _003394182 603 47 greater great ADJ _003394182 603 48 enemy enemy NOUN _003394182 603 49 to to ADP _003394182 603 50 the the DET _003394182 603 51 christian christian ADJ _003394182 603 52 family family NOUN _003394182 603 53 than than ADP _003394182 603 54 war war NOUN _003394182 603 55 or or CCONJ _003394182 603 56 disease disease NOUN _003394182 603 57 or or CCONJ _003394182 603 58 famine famine NOUN _003394182 603 59 or or CCONJ _003394182 603 60 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 603 61 or or CCONJ _003394182 603 62 death death NOUN _003394182 603 63 . . PUNCT _003394182 604 1 the the DET _003394182 604 2 paganism paganism NOUN _003394182 604 3 of of ADP _003394182 604 4 the the DET _003394182 604 5 birth birth NOUN _003394182 604 6 of of ADP _003394182 604 7 the the DET _003394182 604 8 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 604 9 revolution revolution NOUN _003394182 604 10 lay lie VERB _003394182 604 11 not not PART _003394182 604 12 in in ADP _003394182 604 13 its its PRON _003394182 604 14 material material NOUN _003394182 604 15 transformation transformation NOUN _003394182 604 16 of of ADP _003394182 604 17 the the DET _003394182 604 18 world world NOUN _003394182 604 19 but but CCONJ _003394182 604 20 in in ADP _003394182 604 21 its its PRON _003394182 604 22 refusal refusal NOUN _003394182 604 23 to to PART _003394182 604 24 recognize recognize VERB _003394182 604 25 the the DET _003394182 604 26 dignity dignity NOUN _003394182 604 27 of of ADP _003394182 604 28 labor labor NOUN _003394182 604 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 605 1 few few ADJ _003394182 605 2 of of ADP _003394182 605 3 the the DET _003394182 605 4 founders founder NOUN _003394182 605 5 of of ADP _003394182 605 6 big big ADJ _003394182 605 7 business business NOUN _003394182 605 8 admitted admit VERB _003394182 605 9 with with ADP _003394182 605 10 pope pope PROPN _003394182 605 11 leo leo PROPN _003394182 605 12 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 605 13 t t PROPN _003394182 605 14 h h X _003394182 605 15 a a DET _003394182 605 16 t t NOUN _003394182 605 17 " " PUNCT _003394182 605 18 there there PRON _003394182 605 19 is be VERB _003394182 605 20 nothing nothing PRON _003394182 605 21 to to PART _003394182 605 22 be be AUX _003394182 605 23 ashamed ashamed ADJ _003394182 605 24 of of ADP _003394182 605 25 in in ADP _003394182 605 26 seeking seek VERB _003394182 605 27 one one PRON _003394182 605 28 's 's PART _003394182 605 29 bread bread NOUN _003394182 605 30 by by ADP _003394182 605 31 labor labor NOUN _003394182 605 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 605 33 " " PUNCT _003394182 606 1 few few ADJ _003394182 606 2 remembered remember VERB _003394182 606 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 606 4 in in ADP _003394182 606 5 the the DET _003394182 606 6 words word NOUN _003394182 606 7 of of ADP _003394182 606 8 the the DET _003394182 606 9 same same ADJ _003394182 606 10 pontiff pontiff NOUN _003394182 606 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 606 12 " " PUNCT _003394182 606 13 that that SCONJ _003394182 606 14 the the DET _003394182 606 15 blessings blessing NOUN _003394182 606 16 of of ADP _003394182 606 17 nature nature NOUN _003394182 606 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 606 19 the the DET _003394182 606 20 gifts gift NOUN _003394182 606 21 of of ADP _003394182 606 22 grace grace NOUN _003394182 606 23 belong belong VERB _003394182 606 24 in in ADP _003394182 606 25 common common ADJ _003394182 606 26 to to ADP _003394182 606 27 the the DET _003394182 606 28 whole whole ADJ _003394182 606 29 human human ADJ _003394182 606 30 race race NOUN _003394182 606 31 and and CCONJ _003394182 606 32 t t NOUN _003394182 606 33 h h NOUN _003394182 606 34 a a DET _003394182 606 35 t t NOUN _003394182 606 36 to to ADP _003394182 606 37 all all PRON _003394182 606 38 , , PUNCT _003394182 606 39 except except SCONJ _003394182 606 40 to to ADP _003394182 606 41 those those PRON _003394182 606 42 who who PRON _003394182 606 43 are be AUX _003394182 606 44 unworthy unworthy ADJ _003394182 606 45 , , PUNCT _003394182 606 46 is be AUX _003394182 606 47 promised promise VERB _003394182 606 48 the the DET _003394182 606 49 inheritance inheritance NOUN _003394182 606 50 of of ADP _003394182 606 51 the the DET _003394182 606 52 kingdom kingdom NOUN _003394182 606 53 of of ADP _003394182 606 54 heaven heaven PROPN _003394182 606 55 . . PUNCT _003394182 606 56 " " PUNCT _003394182 607 1 • • INTJ _003394182 607 2 few few ADJ _003394182 607 3 had have VERB _003394182 607 4 the the DET _003394182 607 5 moral moral ADJ _003394182 607 6 courage courage NOUN _003394182 607 7 to to PART _003394182 607 8 agree agree VERB _003394182 607 9 with with ADP _003394182 607 10 him he PRON _003394182 607 11 as as SCONJ _003394182 607 12 he he PRON _003394182 607 13 said say VERB _003394182 607 14 : : PUNCT _003394182 607 15 " " PUNCT _003394182 607 16 when when SCONJ _003394182 607 17 there there PRON _003394182 607 18 is be VERB _003394182 607 19 question question NOUN _003394182 607 20 of of ADP _003394182 607 21 protecting protect VERB _003394182 607 22 the the DET _003394182 607 23 rights right NOUN _003394182 607 24 of of ADP _003394182 607 25 individuals individual NOUN _003394182 607 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 607 27 the the DET _003394182 607 28 poor poor ADJ _003394182 607 29 and and CCONJ _003394182 607 30 helpless helpless ADJ _003394182 607 31 have have VERB _003394182 607 32 a a DET _003394182 607 33 claim claim NOUN _003394182 607 34 to to ADP _003394182 607 35 special special ADJ _003394182 607 36 consideration consideration NOUN _003394182 607 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 607 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 607 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 608 1 and and CCONJ _003394182 608 2 wage wage NOUN _003394182 608 3 earners earner NOUN _003394182 608 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 608 5 who who PRON _003394182 608 6 are be AUX _003394182 608 7 undoubtedly undoubtedly ADV _003394182 608 8 among among ADP _003394182 608 9 the the DET _003394182 608 10 weak weak ADJ _003394182 608 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 608 12 necessitous necessitous ADJ _003394182 608 13 should should AUX _003394182 608 14 be be AUX _003394182 608 15 especially especially ADV _003394182 608 16 cared care VERB _003394182 608 17 for for ADP _003394182 608 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 608 19 protected protect VERB _003394182 608 20 by by ADP _003394182 608 21 the the DET _003394182 608 22 commonwealth commonwealth NOUN _003394182 608 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 608 24 " " PUNCT _003394182 609 1 no no DET _003394182 609 2 sane sane ADJ _003394182 609 3 lover lover NOUN _003394182 609 4 of of ADP _003394182 609 5 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 609 6 can can AUX _003394182 609 7 desire desire VERB _003394182 609 8 to to PART _003394182 609 9 return return VERB _003394182 609 10 to to ADP _003394182 609 11 the the DET _003394182 609 12 age age NOUN _003394182 609 13 when when SCONJ _003394182 609 14 the the DET _003394182 609 15 home home NOUN _003394182 609 16 was be AUX _003394182 609 17 a a DET _003394182 609 18 complete complete ADJ _003394182 609 19 economic economic ADJ _003394182 609 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 609 21 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 609 22 unit unit NOUN _003394182 609 23 in in ADP _003394182 609 24 itself itself PRON _003394182 609 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 610 1 time time NOUN _003394182 610 2 does do AUX _003394182 610 3 not not PART _003394182 610 4 turn turn VERB _003394182 610 5 backward backward ADV _003394182 610 6 in in ADP _003394182 610 7 its its PRON _003394182 610 8 flight flight NOUN _003394182 610 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 611 1 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 611 2 has have AUX _003394182 611 3 been be AUX _003394182 611 4 benefited benefit VERB _003394182 611 5 by by ADP _003394182 611 6 the the DET _003394182 611 7 march march NOUN _003394182 611 8 of of ADP _003394182 611 9 years year NOUN _003394182 611 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 612 1 life life NOUN _003394182 612 2 has have AUX _003394182 612 3 grown grow VERB _003394182 612 4 mechanically mechanically ADV _003394182 612 5 much much ADV _003394182 612 6 easier easy ADJ _003394182 612 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 613 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN _003394182 613 2 has have AUX _003394182 613 3 become become VERB _003394182 613 4 winged wing VERB _003394182 613 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 614 1 information information NOUN _003394182 614 2 encircles encircle VERB _003394182 614 3 the the DET _003394182 614 4 globe globe NOUN _003394182 614 5 with with ADP _003394182 614 6 the the DET _003394182 614 7 rapidity rapidity NOUN _003394182 614 8 of of ADP _003394182 614 9 wireless wireless NOUN _003394182 614 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 615 1 the the DET _003394182 615 2 great great ADJ _003394182 615 3 mass mass NOUN _003394182 615 4 of of ADP _003394182 615 5 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 615 6 in in ADP _003394182 615 7 our our PRON _003394182 615 8 western western ADJ _003394182 615 9 hemisphere hemisphere NOUN _003394182 615 10 receives receive VERB _003394182 615 11 a a DET _003394182 615 12 t t NOUN _003394182 615 13 least least ADJ _003394182 615 14 the the DET _003394182 615 15 elements element NOUN _003394182 615 16 of of ADP _003394182 615 17 education education NOUN _003394182 615 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 616 1 the the DET _003394182 616 2 glory glory NOUN _003394182 616 3 of of ADP _003394182 616 4 god god PROPN _003394182 616 5 has have AUX _003394182 616 6 revealed reveal VERB _003394182 616 7 50 50 NUM _003394182 616 8 the the DET _003394182 616 9 christian christian ADJ _003394182 616 10 family family NOUN _003394182 616 11 50 50 NUM _003394182 616 12 itself itself PRON _003394182 616 13 in in ADP _003394182 616 14 the the DET _003394182 616 15 growth growth NOUN _003394182 616 16 of of ADP _003394182 616 17 skyscrapers skyscraper NOUN _003394182 616 18 as as ADV _003394182 616 19 well well ADV _003394182 616 20 as as ADP _003394182 616 21 in in ADP _003394182 616 22 fields field NOUN _003394182 616 23 of of ADP _003394182 616 24 waving wave VERB _003394182 616 25 wheat wheat NOUN _003394182 616 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 617 1 the the DET _003394182 617 2 state state NOUN _003394182 617 3 has have AUX _003394182 617 4 expended expend VERB _003394182 617 5 its its PRON _003394182 617 6 energies energy NOUN _003394182 617 7 in in ADP _003394182 617 8 social social ADJ _003394182 617 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 617 10 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 617 11 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 617 12 for for ADP _003394182 617 13 the the DET _003394182 617 14 benefit benefit NOUN _003394182 617 15 of of ADP _003394182 617 16 the the DET _003394182 617 17 workingman workingman NOUN _003394182 617 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 618 1 christianity christianity PROPN _003394182 618 2 has have AUX _003394182 618 3 penetrated penetrate VERB _003394182 618 4 the the DET _003394182 618 5 heart heart NOUN _003394182 618 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 618 7 soul soul NOUN _003394182 618 8 of of ADP _003394182 618 9 many many ADJ _003394182 618 10 a a DET _003394182 618 11 capitalist capitalist NOUN _003394182 618 12 who who PRON _003394182 618 13 considers consider VERB _003394182 618 14 the the DET _003394182 618 15 workingman workingman NOUN _003394182 618 16 his his PRON _003394182 618 17 brother brother NOUN _003394182 618 18 in in ADP _003394182 618 19 christ christ PROPN _003394182 618 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 618 21 who who PRON _003394182 618 22 lavishes lavish VERB _003394182 618 23 his his PRON _003394182 618 24 charity charity NOUN _003394182 618 25 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 618 26 all all DET _003394182 618 27 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 618 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 619 1 despite despite SCONJ _003394182 619 2 these these DET _003394182 619 3 facts fact NOUN _003394182 619 4 the the DET _003394182 619 5 world world NOUN _003394182 619 6 today today NOUN _003394182 619 7 is be AUX _003394182 619 8 reaping reap VERB _003394182 619 9 the the DET _003394182 619 10 harvest harvest NOUN _003394182 619 11 of of ADP _003394182 619 12 its its PRON _003394182 619 13 failure failure NOUN _003394182 619 14 to to PART _003394182 619 15 sow sow VERB _003394182 619 16 christian christian ADJ _003394182 619 17 principles principle NOUN _003394182 619 18 deep deep ADV _003394182 619 19 in in ADP _003394182 619 20 the the DET _003394182 619 21 minds mind NOUN _003394182 619 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 619 23 souls soul NOUN _003394182 619 24 of of ADP _003394182 619 25 leaders leader NOUN _003394182 619 26 of of ADP _003394182 619 27 a a DET _003394182 619 28 bygone bygone ADJ _003394182 619 29 age age NOUN _003394182 619 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 620 1 take take VERB _003394182 620 2 any any DET _003394182 620 3 economic economic ADJ _003394182 620 4 reasons reason NOUN _003394182 620 5 alleged allege VERB _003394182 620 6 for for ADP _003394182 620 7 the the DET _003394182 620 8 present present ADJ _003394182 620 9 depression depression NOUN _003394182 620 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 620 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 620 12 we we PRON _003394182 620 13 are be AUX _003394182 620 14 brought bring VERB _003394182 620 15 face face NOUN _003394182 620 16 to to ADP _003394182 620 17 face face VERB _003394182 620 18 with with ADP _003394182 620 19 a a DET _003394182 620 20 common common ADJ _003394182 620 21 denial denial NOUN _003394182 620 22 of of ADP _003394182 620 23 religion religion NOUN _003394182 620 24 and and CCONJ _003394182 620 25 morality morality NOUN _003394182 620 26 which which PRON _003394182 620 27 lies lie VERB _003394182 620 28 beneath beneath ADP _003394182 620 29 every every DET _003394182 620 30 one one NUM _003394182 620 31 of of ADP _003394182 620 32 them they PRON _003394182 620 33 . . PUNCT _003394182 621 1 whenever whenever SCONJ _003394182 621 2 the the DET _003394182 621 3 employer employer NOUN _003394182 621 4 has have AUX _003394182 621 5 refused refuse VERB _003394182 621 6 to to PART _003394182 621 7 give give VERB _003394182 621 8 the the DET _003394182 621 9 employee employee NOUN _003394182 621 10 a a DET _003394182 621 11 fair fair ADJ _003394182 621 12 share share NOUN _003394182 621 13 of of ADP _003394182 621 14 the the DET _003394182 621 15 profits profit NOUN _003394182 621 16 of of ADP _003394182 621 17 his his PRON _003394182 621 18 business business NOUN _003394182 621 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 621 20 it it PRON _003394182 621 21 has have AUX _003394182 621 22 been be AUX _003394182 621 23 because because SCONJ _003394182 621 24 of of ADP _003394182 621 25 greed greed NOUN _003394182 621 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 621 27 avarice avarice NOUN _003394182 621 28 and and CCONJ _003394182 621 29 a a DET _003394182 621 30 failure failure NOUN _003394182 621 31 to to PART _003394182 621 32 realize realize VERB _003394182 621 33 that that SCONJ _003394182 621 34 because because SCONJ _003394182 621 35 of of ADP _003394182 621 36 his his PRON _003394182 621 37 wealth wealth NOUN _003394182 621 38 he he PRON _003394182 621 39 is be AUX _003394182 621 40 in in ADP _003394182 621 41 a a DET _003394182 621 42 special special ADJ _003394182 621 43 manner manner NOUN _003394182 621 44 his his PRON _003394182 621 45 brother brother NOUN _003394182 621 46 's 's PART _003394182 621 47 keeper keeper NOUN _003394182 621 48 . . PUNCT _003394182 622 1 whenever whenever SCONJ _003394182 622 2 wealth wealth NOUN _003394182 622 3 has have AUX _003394182 622 4 been be AUX _003394182 622 5 amassed amass VERB _003394182 622 6 in in ADP _003394182 622 7 this this DET _003394182 622 8 country country NOUN _003394182 622 9 at at ADP _003394182 622 10 the the DET _003394182 622 11 expense expense NOUN _003394182 622 12 of of ADP _003394182 622 13 those those PRON _003394182 622 14 who who PRON _003394182 622 15 dwell dwell VERB _003394182 622 16 in in ADP _003394182 622 17 unutterable unutterable ADJ _003394182 622 18 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 622 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 622 20 it it PRON _003394182 622 21 has have AUX _003394182 622 22 been be AUX _003394182 622 23 because because SCONJ _003394182 622 24 of of ADP _003394182 622 25 the the DET _003394182 622 26 pagan pagan PROPN _003394182 622 27 philosophy philosophy NOUN _003394182 622 28 t t PROPN _003394182 622 29 h h X _003394182 622 30 a a DET _003394182 622 31 t t NOUN _003394182 622 32 possession possession NOUN _003394182 622 33 of of ADP _003394182 622 34 this this DET _003394182 622 35 earth earth NOUN _003394182 622 36 's 's PART _003394182 622 37 goods good NOUN _003394182 622 38 alone alone ADV _003394182 622 39 sp.ells sp.ells X _003394182 622 40 heaven heaven PROPN _003394182 622 41 . . PUNCT _003394182 623 1 whenever whenever SCONJ _003394182 623 2 certain certain ADJ _003394182 623 3 bankers banker NOUN _003394182 623 4 have have AUX _003394182 623 5 allowed allow VERB _003394182 623 6 their their PRON _003394182 623 7 banks bank NOUN _003394182 623 8 to to PART _003394182 623 9 become become VERB _003394182 623 10 so so ADV _003394182 623 11 many many ADJ _003394182 623 12 gilded gild VERB _003394182 623 13 gambling gambling NOUN _003394182 623 14 dens den NOUN _003394182 623 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 623 16 where where SCONJ _003394182 623 17 the the DET _003394182 623 18 hard hard ADV _003394182 623 19 earned earn VERB _003394182 623 20 savings saving NOUN _003394182 623 21 of of ADP _003394182 623 22 the the DET _003394182 623 23 poor poor ADJ _003394182 623 24 have have AUX _003394182 623 25 been be AUX _003394182 623 26 squandered squander VERB _003394182 623 27 in in ADP _003394182 623 28 the the DET _003394182 623 29 speculations speculation NOUN _003394182 623 30 of of ADP _003394182 623 31 the the DET _003394182 623 32 rich rich ADJ _003394182 623 33 , , PUNCT _003394182 623 34 it it PRON _003394182 623 35 has have AUX _003394182 623 36 been be AUX _003394182 623 37 because because SCONJ _003394182 623 38 of of ADP _003394182 623 39 a a DET _003394182 623 40 denial denial NOUN _003394182 623 41 of of ADP _003394182 623 42 all all DET _003394182 623 43 responsibility responsibility NOUN _003394182 623 44 to to ADP _003394182 623 45 god god PROPN _003394182 623 46 . . PUNCT _003394182 624 1 the the DET _003394182 624 2 modern modern ADJ _003394182 624 3 world world NOUN _003394182 624 4 has have AUX _003394182 624 5 collapsed collapse VERB _003394182 624 6 because because SCONJ _003394182 624 7 god god PROPN _003394182 624 8 has have AUX _003394182 624 9 been be AUX _003394182 624 10 removed remove VERB _003394182 624 11 as as ADP _003394182 624 12 the the DET _003394182 624 13 .cornerstone .cornerstone NOUN _003394182 624 14 of of ADP _003394182 624 15 industry industry NOUN _003394182 624 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 624 17 of of ADP _003394182 624 18 life life NOUN _003394182 624 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 625 1 the the DET _003394182 625 2 church church NOUN _003394182 625 3 has have VERB _003394182 625 4 no no DET _003394182 625 5 indictment indictment NOUN _003394182 625 6 against against ADP _003394182 625 7 wealth wealth NOUN _003394182 625 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 625 9 capitalism capitalism NOUN _003394182 625 10 as as ADP _003394182 625 11 such such ADJ _003394182 625 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 626 1 the the DET _003394182 626 2 church church NOUN _003394182 626 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 626 4 speaking speak VERB _003394182 626 5 the the DET _003394182 626 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 626 7 family family NOUN _003394182 626 8 61 61 NUM _003394182 626 9 through through ADP _003394182 626 10 the the DET _003394182 626 11 encyclical encyclical ADJ _003394182 626 12 letter letter NOUN _003394182 626 13 of of ADP _003394182 626 14 pope pope PROPN _003394182 626 15 leo leo PROPN _003394182 626 16 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 626 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 626 18 insists insist VERB _003394182 626 19 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 626 20 the the DET _003394182 626 21 sacredness sacredness NOUN _003394182 626 22 of of ADP _003394182 626 23 private private ADJ _003394182 626 24 property property NOUN _003394182 626 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 627 1 the the DET _003394182 627 2 church church NOUN _003394182 627 3 maintains maintain VERB _003394182 627 4 that that SCONJ _003394182 627 5 the the DET _003394182 627 6 rich rich ADJ _003394182 627 7 have have VERB _003394182 627 8 rights right NOUN _003394182 627 9 as as ADV _003394182 627 10 well well ADV _003394182 627 11 as as ADP _003394182 627 12 duties duty NOUN _003394182 627 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 627 14 privileges privilege NOUN _003394182 627 15 as as ADV _003394182 627 16 well well ADV _003394182 627 17 as as ADP _003394182 627 18 obligations obligation NOUN _003394182 627 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 628 1 the the DET _003394182 628 2 church church NOUN _003394182 628 3 has have AUX _003394182 628 4 indicted indict VERB _003394182 628 5 our our PRON _003394182 628 6 modern modern ADJ _003394182 628 7 form form NOUN _003394182 628 8 of of ADP _003394182 628 9 industry industry NOUN _003394182 628 10 only only ADV _003394182 628 11 when when SCONJ _003394182 628 12 the the DET _003394182 628 13 -leaders -leader NOUN _003394182 628 14 of of ADP _003394182 628 15 modern modern ADJ _003394182 628 16 industry industry NOUN _003394182 628 17 have have AUX _003394182 628 18 refused refuse VERB _003394182 628 19 to to PART _003394182 628 20 be be AUX _003394182 628 21 controlled control VERB _003394182 628 22 by by ADP _003394182 628 23 the the DET _003394182 628 24 justice justice NOUN _003394182 628 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 628 26 charity charity NOUN _003394182 628 27 of of ADP _003394182 628 28 christ christ PROPN _003394182 628 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 629 1 she she PRON _003394182 629 2 refuses refuse VERB _003394182 629 3 to to ADP _003394182 629 4 glory glory NOUN _003394182 629 5 in in ADP _003394182 629 6 skyscrapers skyscraper NOUN _003394182 629 7 so so ADV _003394182 629 8 long long ADV _003394182 629 9 as as ADP _003394182 629 10 one one NUM _003394182 629 11 christian christian ADJ _003394182 629 12 home home NOUN _003394182 629 13 disintegrates disintegrate NOUN _003394182 629 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 629 15 collapses collapse NOUN _003394182 629 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 630 1 monuments monument NOUN _003394182 630 2 of of ADP _003394182 630 3 industry industry NOUN _003394182 630 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 630 5 she she PRON _003394182 630 6 proclaims proclaim VERB _003394182 630 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 630 8 must must AUX _003394182 630 9 not not PART _003394182 630 10 be be AUX _003394182 630 11 erected erect VERB _003394182 630 12 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 630 13 the the DET _003394182 630 14 ashes ashe NOUN _003394182 630 15 of of ADP _003394182 630 16 ruined ruin VERB _003394182 630 17 homes home NOUN _003394182 630 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 631 1 for for ADP _003394182 631 2 her she PRON _003394182 631 3 the the DET _003394182 631 4 christian christian ADJ _003394182 631 5 home home NOUN _003394182 631 6 is be AUX _003394182 631 7 the the DET _003394182 631 8 only only ADJ _003394182 631 9 valid valid ADJ _003394182 631 10 unit unit NOUN _003394182 631 11 of of ADP _003394182 631 12 earthly earthly ADJ _003394182 631 13 existence existence NOUN _003394182 631 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 632 1 no no DET _003394182 632 2 form form NOUN _003394182 632 3 of of ADP _003394182 632 4 industry industry NOUN _003394182 632 5 must must AUX _003394182 632 6 ever ever ADV _003394182 632 7 interfere interfere VERB _003394182 632 8 with with ADP _003394182 632 9 its its PRON _003394182 632 10 rights right NOUN _003394182 632 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 632 12 privileges privilege NOUN _003394182 632 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 633 1 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 633 2 induced induce VERB _003394182 633 3 by by ADP _003394182 633 4 economic economic ADJ _003394182 633 5 oppression oppression NOUN _003394182 633 6 must must AUX _003394182 633 7 never never ADV _003394182 633 8 be be AUX _003394182 633 9 permitted permit VERB _003394182 633 10 to to PART _003394182 633 11 interfere interfere VERB _003394182 633 12 with with ADP _003394182 633 13 the the DET _003394182 633 14 birth birth NOUN _003394182 633 15 of of ADP _003394182 633 16 children child NOUN _003394182 633 17 or or CCONJ _003394182 633 18 the the DET _003394182 633 19 duties duty NOUN _003394182 633 20 of of ADP _003394182 633 21 father father NOUN _003394182 633 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 633 23 mother mother NOUN _003394182 633 24 within within ADP _003394182 633 25 the the DET _003394182 633 26 home home NOUN _003394182 633 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 634 1 the the DET _003394182 634 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 634 3 home home NOUN _003394182 634 4 can can AUX _003394182 634 5 not not PART _003394182 634 6 exist exist VERB _003394182 634 7 without without ADP _003394182 634 8 the the DET _003394182 634 9 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 634 10 of of ADP _003394182 634 11 christ christ PROPN _003394182 634 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 635 1 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 635 2 can can AUX _003394182 635 3 the the DET _003394182 635 4 christian christian PROPN _003394182 635 5 home home NOUN _003394182 635 6 exist exist VERB _003394182 635 7 where where SCONJ _003394182 635 8 the the DET _003394182 635 9 spirit spirit NOUN _003394182 635 10 of of ADP _003394182 635 11 economic economic ADJ _003394182 635 12 slavery slavery NOUN _003394182 635 13 traces trace VERB _003394182 635 14 its its PRON _003394182 635 15 handwriting handwriting NOUN _003394182 635 16 of of ADP _003394182 635 17 poverty poverty NOUN _003394182 635 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 635 19 despair despair NOUN _003394182 635 20 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 635 21 the the DET _003394182 635 22 walls wall NOUN _003394182 635 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 636 1 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 636 2 the the DET _003394182 636 3 ruins ruin NOUN _003394182 636 4 of of ADP _003394182 636 5 our our PRON _003394182 636 6 present present ADJ _003394182 636 7 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 636 8 system system NOUN _003394182 636 9 a a DET _003394182 636 10 newer new ADJ _003394182 636 11 industrial industrial ADJ _003394182 636 12 structure structure NOUN _003394182 636 13 will will AUX _003394182 636 14 inevitably inevitably ADV _003394182 636 15 be be AUX _003394182 636 16 raised raise VERB _003394182 636 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 637 1 christianity christianity PROPN _003394182 637 2 must must AUX _003394182 637 3 have have VERB _003394182 637 4 a a DET _003394182 637 5 prominent prominent ADJ _003394182 637 6 part part NOUN _003394182 637 7 in in ADP _003394182 637 8 the the DET _003394182 637 9 erection erection NOUN _003394182 637 10 of of ADP _003394182 637 11 this this DET _003394182 637 12 newer new ADJ _003394182 637 13 industrialism industrialism NOUN _003394182 637 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 638 1 the the DET _003394182 638 2 principles principle NOUN _003394182 638 3 of of ADP _003394182 638 4 wage wage NOUN _003394182 638 5 insurance insurance NOUN _003394182 638 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 638 7 workman workman PROPN _003394182 638 8 's 's PART _003394182 638 9 compensation compensation NOUN _003394182 638 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 638 11 old old ADJ _003394182 638 12 age age NOUN _003394182 638 13 insurance insurance NOUN _003394182 638 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 638 15 copartnership copartnership NOUN _003394182 638 16 between between ADP _003394182 638 17 employee employee NOUN _003394182 638 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 638 19 employer employer NOUN _003394182 638 20 are be AUX _003394182 638 21 christian christian ADJ _003394182 638 22 doctrines doctrine NOUN _003394182 638 23 enunciated enunciate VERB _003394182 638 24 by by ADP _003394182 638 25 that that DET _003394182 638 26 great great ADJ _003394182 638 27 pope pope NOUN _003394182 638 28 of of ADP _003394182 638 29 labor labor NOUN _003394182 638 30 , , PUNCT _003394182 638 31 leo leo PROPN _003394182 638 32 xiii xiii PROPN _003394182 638 33 , , PUNCT _003394182 638 34 and and CCONJ _003394182 638 35 by by ADP _003394182 638 36 his his PRON _003394182 638 37 illustrious illustrious ADJ _003394182 638 38 successor successor NOUN _003394182 638 39 , , PUNCT _003394182 638 40 the the DET _003394182 638 41 present present ADJ _003394182 638 42 pontiff pontiff NOUN _003394182 638 43 , , PUNCT _003394182 638 44 pope pope PROPN _003394182 638 45 pius pius PROPN _003394182 638 46 xi xi PROPN _003394182 638 47 . . PUNCT _003394182 639 1 as as SCONJ _003394182 639 2 the the DET _003394182 639 3 representative representative NOUN _003394182 639 4 of of ADP _003394182 639 5 the the DET _003394182 639 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 639 7 family family NOUN _003394182 639 8 the the DET _003394182 639 9 christian christian ADJ _003394182 639 10 laborer laborer NOUN _003394182 639 11 must must AUX _003394182 639 12 insist insist VERB _003394182 639 13 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 639 14 the the DET _003394182 639 15 christianization christianization NOUN _003394182 639 16 of of ADP _003394182 639 17 industry industry NOUN _003394182 639 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 640 1 mod52 mod52 NOUN _003394182 640 2 the the DET _003394182 640 3 christian christian PROPN _003394182 640 4 family family NOUN _003394182 640 5 ern ern ADJ _003394182 640 6 economic economic ADJ _003394182 640 7 reform reform NOUN _003394182 640 8 must must AUX _003394182 640 9 exalt exalt VERB _003394182 640 10 the the DET _003394182 640 11 family family NOUN _003394182 640 12 above above ADP _003394182 640 13 the the DET _003394182 640 14 factory factory NOUN _003394182 640 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 640 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 640 17 the the DET _003394182 640 18 child child NOUN _003394182 640 19 above above ADP _003394182 640 20 the the DET _003394182 640 21 capitalist capitalist NOUN _003394182 640 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 641 1 like like ADP _003394182 641 2 the the DET _003394182 641 3 troops troop NOUN _003394182 641 4 of of ADP _003394182 641 5 sherman sherman NOUN _003394182 641 6 the the DET _003394182 641 7 army army NOUN _003394182 641 8 of of ADP _003394182 641 9 modern modern ADJ _003394182 641 10 industry industry NOUN _003394182 641 11 has have AUX _003394182 641 12 violated violate VERB _003394182 641 13 too too ADV _003394182 641 14 long long ADV _003394182 641 15 the the DET _003394182 641 16 homes home NOUN _003394182 641 17 of of ADP _003394182 641 18 our our PRON _003394182 641 19 common common ADJ _003394182 641 20 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 641 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 642 1 it it PRON _003394182 642 2 is be AUX _003394182 642 3 time time NOUN _003394182 642 4 f f PROPN _003394182 643 1 o o X _003394182 643 2 r r NOUN _003394182 643 3 the the DET _003394182 643 4 peace peace NOUN _003394182 643 5 loving love VERB _003394182 643 6 population population NOUN _003394182 643 7 of of ADP _003394182 643 8 christianity christianity NOUN _003394182 643 9 to to PART _003394182 643 10 rebuild rebuild VERB _003394182 643 11 those those DET _003394182 643 12 homes home NOUN _003394182 643 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 643 14 even even ADV _003394182 643 15 as as SCONJ _003394182 643 16 the the DET _003394182 643 17 sons son NOUN _003394182 643 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 643 19 daughters daughter NOUN _003394182 643 20 of of ADP _003394182 643 21 the the DET _003394182 643 22 southland southland NOUN _003394182 643 23 have have AUX _003394182 643 24 restored restore VERB _003394182 643 25 the the DET _003394182 643 26 homes home NOUN _003394182 643 27 that that SCONJ _003394182 643 28 the the DET _003394182 643 29 ravaging ravage VERB _003394182 643 30 army army NOUN _003394182 643 31 of of ADP _003394182 643 32 sherman sherman PROPN _003394182 643 33 once once ADV _003394182 643 34 leveled level VERB _003394182 643 35 to to ADP _003394182 643 36 the the DET _003394182 643 37 ground ground NOUN _003394182 643 38 . . PUNCT _003394182 644 1 no no ADV _003394182 644 2 matter matter ADV _003394182 644 3 what what PRON _003394182 644 4 principles principle VERB _003394182 644 5 our our PRON _003394182 644 6 newer new ADJ _003394182 644 7 form form NOUN _003394182 644 8 of of ADP _003394182 644 9 industry industry NOUN _003394182 644 10 may may AUX _003394182 644 11 adopt adopt VERB _003394182 644 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 644 13 christian christian ADJ _003394182 644 14 principles principle NOUN _003394182 644 15 must must AUX _003394182 644 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 644 17 be be AUX _003394182 644 18 present present ADJ _003394182 644 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 644 20 or or CCONJ _003394182 644 21 else else ADV _003394182 644 22 our our PRON _003394182 644 23 present present ADJ _003394182 644 24 economic economic ADJ _003394182 644 25 despair despair NOUN _003394182 644 26 shall shall AUX _003394182 644 27 only only ADV _003394182 644 28 die die VERB _003394182 644 29 to to PART _003394182 644 30 live live VERB _003394182 644 31 again again ADV _003394182 644 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 645 1 no no ADV _003394182 645 2 longer long ADV _003394182 645 3 can can AUX _003394182 645 4 industry industry NOUN _003394182 645 5 be be AUX _003394182 645 6 the the DET _003394182 645 7 architect architect NOUN _003394182 645 8 of of ADP _003394182 645 9 the the DET _003394182 645 10 home home NOUN _003394182 645 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 646 1 the the DET _003394182 646 2 christian christian ADJ _003394182 646 3 home home NOUN _003394182 646 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 646 5 with with ADP _003394182 646 6 its its PRON _003394182 646 7 human human ADJ _003394182 646 8 trinity trinity NOUN _003394182 646 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 646 10 is be AUX _003394182 646 11 the the DET _003394182 646 12 only only ADJ _003394182 646 13 licensed licensed ADJ _003394182 646 14 architect architect NOUN _003394182 646 15 of of ADP _003394182 646 16 life life NOUN _003394182 646 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 647 1 the the DET _003394182 647 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 647 3 family family PROPN _003394182 647 4 53 53 NUM _003394182 647 5 forgotten forget VERB _003394182 647 6 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 647 7 address address NOUN _003394182 647 8 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 647 9 on on ADP _003394182 647 10 july july PROPN _003394182 647 11 10 10 NUM _003394182 647 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 647 13 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 647 14 it it PRON _003394182 647 15 is be AUX _003394182 647 16 not not PART _003394182 647 17 the the DET _003394182 647 18 walls wall NOUN _003394182 647 19 which which PRON _003394182 647 20 make make VERB _003394182 647 21 a a DET _003394182 647 22 garden garden NOUN _003394182 647 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 648 1 i i PRON _003394182 648 2 t t PROPN _003394182 648 3 is be AUX _003394182 648 4 the the DET _003394182 648 5 flowers flower NOUN _003394182 648 6 blowing blow VERB _003394182 648 7 clouds cloud NOUN _003394182 648 8 of of ADP _003394182 648 9 incense incense NOUN _003394182 648 10 across across ADP _003394182 648 11 the the DET _003394182 648 12 grass grass NOUN _003394182 648 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 649 1 it it PRON _003394182 649 2 is be AUX _003394182 649 3 not not PART _003394182 649 4 the the DET _003394182 649 5 walls wall NOUN _003394182 649 6 of of ADP _003394182 649 7 a a DET _003394182 649 8 house house NOUN _003394182 649 9 which which PRON _003394182 649 10 make make VERB _003394182 649 11 a a DET _003394182 649 12 home home NOUN _003394182 649 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 650 1 it it PRON _003394182 650 2 is be AUX _003394182 650 3 the the DET _003394182 650 4 wealth wealth NOUN _003394182 650 5 of of ADP _003394182 650 6 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 650 7 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 650 8 clustering cluster VERB _003394182 650 9 within within ADP _003394182 650 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 651 1 the the DET _003394182 651 2 laws law NOUN _003394182 651 3 of of ADP _003394182 651 4 most most ADV _003394182 651 5 civilized civilized ADJ _003394182 651 6 states state NOUN _003394182 651 7 merely merely ADV _003394182 651 8 attempt attempt VERB _003394182 651 9 to to PART _003394182 651 10 preserve preserve VERB _003394182 651 11 the the DET _003394182 651 12 family family NOUN _003394182 651 13 skeleton skeleton NOUN _003394182 651 14 intact intact ADJ _003394182 651 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 652 1 they they PRON _003394182 652 2 do do VERB _003394182 652 3 nothing nothing PRON _003394182 652 4 to to PART _003394182 652 5 nourish nourish VERB _003394182 652 6 the the DET _003394182 652 7 flesh flesh NOUN _003394182 652 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 652 9 blood blood NOUN _003394182 652 10 of of ADP _003394182 652 11 home home NOUN _003394182 652 12 existence existence NOUN _003394182 652 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 653 1 only only ADV _003394182 653 2 the the DET _003394182 653 3 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 653 4 church church NOUN _003394182 653 5 assumes assume VERB _003394182 653 6 the the DET _003394182 653 7 role role NOUN _003394182 653 8 of of ADP _003394182 653 9 gardener gardener NOUN _003394182 653 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 653 11 as as SCONJ _003394182 653 12 she she PRON _003394182 653 13 steps step VERB _003394182 653 14 through through ADP _003394182 653 15 the the DET _003394182 653 16 arbored arbored ADJ _003394182 653 17 archway archway NOUN _003394182 653 18 of of ADP _003394182 653 19 each each DET _003394182 653 20 christian christian ADJ _003394182 653 21 home home NOUN _003394182 653 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 653 23 to to ADP _003394182 653 24 till till SCONJ _003394182 653 25 the the DET _003394182 653 26 soil soil NOUN _003394182 653 27 impregnated impregnate VERB _003394182 653 28 by by ADP _003394182 653 29 christ christ PROPN _003394182 653 30 's 's PART _003394182 653 31 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 653 32 grace grace NOUN _003394182 653 33 , , PUNCT _003394182 653 34 so so SCONJ _003394182 653 35 that that SCONJ _003394182 653 36 the the DET _003394182 653 37 flowers flower NOUN _003394182 653 38 of of ADP _003394182 653 39 -forgotten -forgotten ADJ _003394182 653 40 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 653 41 may may AUX _003394182 653 42 bloom bloom VERB _003394182 653 43 forever forever ADV _003394182 653 44 there there ADV _003394182 653 45 . . PUNCT _003394182 654 1 most most ADJ _003394182 654 2 houses house NOUN _003394182 654 3 are be AUX _003394182 654 4 not not PART _003394182 654 5 destroyed destroy VERB _003394182 654 6 by by ADP _003394182 654 7 sudden sudden ADJ _003394182 654 8 tornadoes tornado NOUN _003394182 654 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 655 1 they they PRON _003394182 655 2 are be AUX _003394182 655 3 not not PART _003394182 655 4 worn wear VERB _003394182 655 5 away away ADP _003394182 655 6 by by ADP _003394182 655 7 tramping tramp VERB _003394182 655 8 feet foot NOUN _003394182 655 9 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 655 10 the the DET _003394182 655 11 stairs stair NOUN _003394182 655 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 656 1 they they PRON _003394182 656 2 are be AUX _003394182 656 3 not not PART _003394182 656 4 burned burn VERB _003394182 656 5 by by ADP _003394182 656 6 glowing glow VERB _003394182 656 7 lights light NOUN _003394182 656 8 within within ADP _003394182 656 9 the the DET _003394182 656 10 windows window NOUN _003394182 656 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 657 1 most most ADJ _003394182 657 2 houses house NOUN _003394182 657 3 fall fall VERB _003394182 657 4 to to PART _003394182 657 5 ruin ruin VERB _003394182 657 6 through through ADP _003394182 657 7 decay decay NOUN _003394182 657 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 658 1 they they PRON _003394182 658 2 seem seem VERB _003394182 658 3 unable unable ADJ _003394182 658 4 to to PART _003394182 658 5 bear bear VERB _003394182 658 6 the the DET _003394182 658 7 weight weight NOUN _003394182 658 8 of of ADP _003394182 658 9 emptiness emptiness NOUN _003394182 658 10 or or CCONJ _003394182 658 11 listen listen VERB _003394182 658 12 to to ADP _003394182 658 13 the the DET _003394182 658 14 tragic tragic ADJ _003394182 658 15 sound sound NOUN _003394182 658 16 of of ADP _003394182 658 17 silence silence NOUN _003394182 658 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 659 1 much much ADV _003394182 659 2 quicker quick ADJ _003394182 659 3 than than ADP _003394182 659 4 the the DET _003394182 659 5 house house NOUN _003394182 659 6 which which PRON _003394182 659 7 holds hold VERB _003394182 659 8 it it PRON _003394182 659 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 659 10 the the DET _003394182 659 11 home home NOUN _003394182 659 12 must must AUX _003394182 659 13 likewise likewise ADV _003394182 659 14 yield yield VERB _003394182 659 15 to to ADP _003394182 659 16 emptiness emptiness NOUN _003394182 659 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 659 18 silence silence NOUN _003394182 659 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 660 1 there there PRON _003394182 660 2 is be VERB _003394182 660 3 no no DET _003394182 660 4 greater great ADJ _003394182 660 5 enemy enemy NOUN _003394182 660 6 in in ADP _003394182 660 7 the the DET _003394182 660 8 home home NOUN _003394182 660 9 than than ADP _003394182 660 10 the the DET _003394182 660 11 pagan pagan PROPN _003394182 660 12 silence silence NOUN _003394182 660 13 which which PRON _003394182 660 14 locks lock VERB _003394182 660 15 the the DET _003394182 660 16 mouths mouth NOUN _003394182 660 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 660 18 freezes freeze VERB _003394182 660 19 the the DET _003394182 660 20 hearts heart NOUN _003394182 660 21 of of ADP _003394182 660 22 those those PRON _003394182 660 23 whose whose DET _003394182 660 24 love love NOUN _003394182 660 25 should should AUX _003394182 660 26 beget beget VERB _003394182 660 27 an an DET _003394182 660 28 endless endless ADJ _003394182 660 29 symphony symphony NOUN _003394182 660 30 of of ADP _003394182 660 31 kindly kindly ADJ _003394182 660 32 thoughts thought NOUN _003394182 660 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 660 34 deeds deed NOUN _003394182 660 35 and and CCONJ _003394182 660 36 words word NOUN _003394182 660 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 661 1 to to PART _003394182 661 2 live live VERB _003394182 661 3 in in ADP _003394182 661 4 the the DET _003394182 661 5 midst midst NOUN _003394182 661 6 of of ADP _003394182 661 7 such such ADJ _003394182 661 8 pagan pagan PROPN _003394182 661 9 silence silence NOUN _003394182 661 10 is be AUX _003394182 661 11 to to PART _003394182 661 12 dwell dwell VERB _003394182 661 13 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 661 14 a a DET _003394182 661 15 grim grim ADJ _003394182 661 16 unmelting unmelting ADJ _003394182 661 17 iceberg iceberg NOUN _003394182 661 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 661 19 in54 in54 PROPN _003394182 661 20 the the DET _003394182 661 21 christian christian ADJ _003394182 661 22 family family NOUN _003394182 661 23 54 54 NUM _003394182 661 24 creased crease VERB _003394182 661 25 by by ADP _003394182 661 26 every every DET _003394182 661 27 tide tide NOUN _003394182 661 28 of of ADP _003394182 661 29 life life NOUN _003394182 661 30 that that PRON _003394182 661 31 flows flow VERB _003394182 661 32 around around ADP _003394182 661 33 ft ft PROPN _003394182 661 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 661 35 swelling swell VERB _003394182 661 36 in in ADP _003394182 661 37 weight weight NOUN _003394182 661 38 and and CCONJ _003394182 661 39 volume volume NOUN _003394182 661 40 until until ADP _003394182 661 41 a a DET _003394182 661 42 t t NOUN _003394182 661 43 last last VERB _003394182 661 44 the the DET _003394182 661 45 icy icy NOUN _003394182 661 46 mass mass NOUN _003394182 661 47 has have AUX _003394182 661 48 split split VERB _003394182 661 49 the the DET _003394182 661 50 walls wall NOUN _003394182 661 51 and and CCONJ _003394182 661 52 broken break VERB _003394182 661 53 loving love VERB _003394182 661 54 hearts heart NOUN _003394182 661 55 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 661 56 its its PRON _003394182 661 57 icy icy NOUN _003394182 661 58 cross cross NOUN _003394182 661 59 . . PUNCT _003394182 662 1 love love NOUN _003394182 662 2 should should AUX _003394182 662 3 never never ADV _003394182 662 4 defeat defeat VERB _003394182 662 5 itself itself PRON _003394182 662 6 by by ADP _003394182 662 7 silence silence NOUN _003394182 662 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 663 1 where where SCONJ _003394182 663 2 is be AUX _003394182 663 3 the the DET _003394182 663 4 man man NOUN _003394182 663 5 or or CCONJ _003394182 663 6 woman woman NOUN _003394182 663 7 who who PRON _003394182 663 8 does do AUX _003394182 663 9 not not PART _003394182 663 10 recall recall VERB _003394182 663 11 with with ADP _003394182 663 12 tenderest tender ADJ _003394182 663 13 recollection recollection NOUN _003394182 663 14 the the DET _003394182 663 15 softest soft ADJ _003394182 663 16 whisperings whispering NOUN _003394182 663 17 of of ADP _003394182 663 18 affection affection NOUN _003394182 663 19 in in ADP _003394182 663 20 courtship courtship NOUN _003394182 663 21 time time NOUN _003394182 663 22 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 664 1 where where SCONJ _003394182 664 2 is be AUX _003394182 664 3 the the DET _003394182 664 4 married married ADJ _003394182 664 5 man man NOUN _003394182 664 6 or or CCONJ _003394182 664 7 woman woman NOUN _003394182 664 8 the the DET _003394182 664 9 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 664 10 of of ADP _003394182 664 11 whose whose DET _003394182 664 12 married married ADJ _003394182 664 13 life life NOUN _003394182 664 14 is be AUX _003394182 664 15 not not PART _003394182 664 16 bound bind VERB _003394182 664 17 up up ADP _003394182 664 18 with with ADP _003394182 664 19 the the DET _003394182 664 20 constancy constancy NOUN _003394182 664 21 of of ADP _003394182 664 22 spoken spoken ADJ _003394182 664 23 devotion devotion NOUN _003394182 664 24 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 665 1 the the DET _003394182 665 2 husband husband NOUN _003394182 665 3 or or CCONJ _003394182 665 4 wife wife NOUN _003394182 665 5 whose whose DET _003394182 665 6 lips lip NOUN _003394182 665 7 are be AUX _003394182 665 8 coldly coldly ADV _003394182 665 9 silent silent ADJ _003394182 665 10 do do VERB _003394182 665 11 more more ADJ _003394182 665 12 to to PART _003394182 665 13 harm harm VERB _003394182 665 14 the the DET _003394182 665 15 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 665 16 of of ADP _003394182 665 17 the the DET _003394182 665 18 home home NOUN _003394182 665 19 than than ADP _003394182 665 20 all all DET _003394182 665 21 the the DET _003394182 665 22 disease disease NOUN _003394182 665 23 that that PRON _003394182 665 24 may may AUX _003394182 665 25 some some DET _003394182 665 26 day day NOUN _003394182 665 27 pollute pollute VERB _003394182 665 28 its its PRON _003394182 665 29 healthy healthy ADJ _003394182 665 30 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 665 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 666 1 in in ADP _003394182 666 2 these these DET _003394182 666 3 days day NOUN _003394182 666 4 of of ADP _003394182 666 5 rational rational ADJ _003394182 666 6 psychology psychology NOUN _003394182 666 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 666 8 when when SCONJ _003394182 666 9 all all DET _003394182 666 10 men man NOUN _003394182 666 11 know know VERB _003394182 666 12 so so ADV _003394182 666 13 much much ADV _003394182 666 14 about about ADP _003394182 666 15 the the DET _003394182 666 16 human human ADJ _003394182 666 17 mind mind NOUN _003394182 666 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 666 19 it it PRON _003394182 666 20 seems seem VERB _003394182 666 21 so so ADV _003394182 666 22 strange strange ADJ _003394182 666 23 that that SCONJ _003394182 666 24 a a DET _003394182 666 25 husband husband NOUN _003394182 666 26 should should AUX _003394182 666 27 fail fail VERB _003394182 666 28 to to PART _003394182 666 29 realize realize VERB _003394182 666 30 the the DET _003394182 666 31 necessity necessity NOUN _003394182 666 32 of of ADP _003394182 666 33 love love NOUN _003394182 666 34 's 's PART _003394182 666 35 expression expression NOUN _003394182 666 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 667 1 how how SCONJ _003394182 667 2 tragic tragic ADJ _003394182 667 3 it it PRON _003394182 667 4 is be AUX _003394182 667 5 for for SCONJ _003394182 667 6 the the DET _003394182 667 7 woman woman NOUN _003394182 667 8 ultimately ultimately ADV _003394182 667 9 to to PART _003394182 667 10 conclude conclude VERB _003394182 667 11 from from ADP _003394182 667 12 her her PRON _003394182 667 13 husband husband NOUN _003394182 667 14 's 's PART _003394182 667 15 petty petty ADJ _003394182 667 16 vengeful vengeful ADJ _003394182 667 17 silence silence NOUN _003394182 667 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 667 19 that that SCONJ _003394182 667 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 667 21 a a DET _003394182 667 22 f f NOUN _003394182 667 23 t t NOUN _003394182 667 24 e e NOUN _003394182 667 25 r r NOUN _003394182 667 26 all all PRON _003394182 667 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 667 28 his his PRON _003394182 667 29 protestations protestation NOUN _003394182 667 30 of of ADP _003394182 667 31 love love NOUN _003394182 667 32 were be AUX _003394182 667 33 merely merely ADV _003394182 667 34 passion passion NOUN _003394182 667 35 ! ! PUNCT _003394182 668 1 how how SCONJ _003394182 668 2 tragic tragic ADJ _003394182 668 3 it it PRON _003394182 668 4 is be AUX _003394182 668 5 for for SCONJ _003394182 668 6 her she PRON _003394182 668 7 to to PART _003394182 668 8 discover discover VERB _003394182 668 9 that that SCONJ _003394182 668 10 outside outside ADP _003394182 668 11 the the DET _003394182 668 12 home home NOUN _003394182 668 13 her her PRON _003394182 668 14 husband husband NOUN _003394182 668 15 is be AUX _003394182 668 16 the the DET _003394182 668 17 soul soul NOUN _003394182 668 18 of of ADP _003394182 668 19 geniality geniality NOUN _003394182 668 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 668 21 while while SCONJ _003394182 668 22 within within ADP _003394182 668 23 the the DET _003394182 668 24 home home NOUN _003394182 668 25 his his PRON _003394182 668 26 raspy raspy NOUN _003394182 668 27 voice voice NOUN _003394182 668 28 is be AUX _003394182 668 29 never never ADV _003394182 668 30 loosened loosen VERB _003394182 668 31 except except SCONJ _003394182 668 32 in in ADP _003394182 668 33 petty petty ADJ _003394182 668 34 quarreling quarreling NOUN _003394182 668 35 ! ! PUNCT _003394182 669 1 even even ADV _003394182 669 2 then then ADV _003394182 669 3 the the DET _003394182 669 4 sound sound NOUN _003394182 669 5 of of ADP _003394182 669 6 his his PRON _003394182 669 7 voice voice NOUN _003394182 669 8 seems seem VERB _003394182 669 9 immeasurably immeasurably ADV _003394182 669 10 better well ADJ _003394182 669 11 than than ADP _003394182 669 12 the the DET _003394182 669 13 silence silence NOUN _003394182 669 14 of of ADP _003394182 669 15 the the DET _003394182 669 16 breakfast breakfast NOUN _003394182 669 17 table table NOUN _003394182 669 18 behind behind ADP _003394182 669 19 a a DET _003394182 669 20 paper paper NOUN _003394182 669 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 669 22 or or CCONJ _003394182 669 23 the the DET _003394182 669 24 silence silence NOUN _003394182 669 25 of of ADP _003394182 669 26 the the DET _003394182 669 27 evening evening NOUN _003394182 669 28 hours hour NOUN _003394182 669 29 behind behind ADP _003394182 669 30 a a DET _003394182 669 31 pipe pipe NOUN _003394182 669 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 669 33 or or CCONJ _003394182 669 34 the the DET _003394182 669 35 silence silence NOUN _003394182 669 36 of of ADP _003394182 669 37 the the DET _003394182 669 38 night night NOUN _003394182 669 39 times time NOUN _003394182 669 40 she she PRON _003394182 669 41 spends spend VERB _003394182 669 42 alone alone ADV _003394182 669 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 670 1 how how SCONJ _003394182 670 2 can can AUX _003394182 670 3 the the DET _003394182 670 4 christian christian PROPN _003394182 670 5 home home NOUN _003394182 670 6 endure endure NOUN _003394182 670 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 670 8 when when SCONJ _003394182 670 9 no no DET _003394182 670 10 look look NOUN _003394182 670 11 or or CCONJ _003394182 670 12 word word NOUN _003394182 670 13 or or CCONJ _003394182 670 14 deed deed NOUN _003394182 670 15 of of ADP _003394182 670 16 kindness kindness NOUN _003394182 670 17 dissolves dissolve VERB _003394182 670 18 the the DET _003394182 670 19 drudgery drudgery NOUN _003394182 670 20 of of ADP _003394182 670 21 the the DET _003394182 670 22 day day NOUN _003394182 670 23 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 671 1 the the DET _003394182 671 2 life life NOUN _003394182 671 3 of of ADP _003394182 671 4 christ christ PROPN _003394182 671 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 671 6 which which PRON _003394182 671 7 is be AUX _003394182 671 8 the the DET _003394182 671 9 model model NOUN _003394182 671 10 of of ADP _003394182 671 11 the the DET _003394182 671 12 christian christian ADJ _003394182 671 13 home home NOUN _003394182 671 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 671 15 was be AUX _003394182 671 16 replete replete ADJ _003394182 671 17 with with ADP _003394182 671 18 the the DET _003394182 671 19 eloquence eloquence NOUN _003394182 671 20 of of ADP _003394182 671 21 love love NOUN _003394182 671 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 672 1 we we PRON _003394182 672 2 have have AUX _003394182 672 3 never never ADV _003394182 672 4 been be AUX _003394182 672 5 fully fully ADV _003394182 672 6 told tell VERB _003394182 672 7 about about ADP _003394182 672 8 the the DET _003394182 672 9 beauty beauty NOUN _003394182 672 10 of of ADP _003394182 672 11 the the DET _003394182 672 12 home home NOUN _003394182 672 13 of of ADP _003394182 672 14 nazareth nazareth PROPN _003394182 672 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 673 1 we we PRON _003394182 673 2 can can AUX _003394182 673 3 only only ADV _003394182 673 4 suspect suspect VERB _003394182 673 5 the the PRON _003394182 673 6 the the DET _003394182 673 7 christian christian PROPN _003394182 673 8 family family NOUN _003394182 673 9 55 55 NUM _003394182 673 10 whispered whisper VERB _003394182 673 11 love love NOUN _003394182 673 12 that that PRON _003394182 673 13 passed pass VERB _003394182 673 14 so so ADV _003394182 673 15 often often ADV _003394182 673 16 between between ADP _003394182 673 17 its its PRON _003394182 673 18 holy holy ADJ _003394182 673 19 members member NOUN _003394182 673 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 673 21 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 674 1 we we PRON _003394182 674 2 do do AUX _003394182 674 3 know know VERB _003394182 674 4 the the DET _003394182 674 5 love love NOUN _003394182 674 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 674 7 lavished lavish VERB _003394182 674 8 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 674 9 his his PRON _003394182 674 10 apostolic apostolic ADJ _003394182 674 11 household household NOUN _003394182 674 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 675 1 the the DET _003394182 675 2 members member NOUN _003394182 675 3 of of ADP _003394182 675 4 that that DET _003394182 675 5 godly godly ADJ _003394182 675 6 domicile domicile NOUN _003394182 675 7 were be AUX _003394182 675 8 old old ADJ _003394182 675 9 men man NOUN _003394182 675 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 675 11 tired tired ADJ _003394182 675 12 men man NOUN _003394182 675 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 675 14 worn wear VERB _003394182 675 15 out out ADP _003394182 675 16 men man NOUN _003394182 675 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 676 1 they they PRON _003394182 676 2 had have AUX _003394182 676 3 given give VERB _003394182 676 4 up up ADP _003394182 676 5 all all DET _003394182 676 6 things thing NOUN _003394182 676 7 f f X _003394182 676 8 o o X _003394182 676 9 r r NOUN _003394182 676 10 christ christ PROPN _003394182 676 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 677 1 they they PRON _003394182 677 2 had have AUX _003394182 677 3 left leave VERB _003394182 677 4 their their PRON _003394182 677 5 fishing fishing NOUN _003394182 677 6 nets net NOUN _003394182 677 7 flapping flap VERB _003394182 677 8 in in ADP _003394182 677 9 the the DET _003394182 677 10 waves wave NOUN _003394182 677 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 677 12 their their PRON _003394182 677 13 comrades comrade NOUN _003394182 677 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 677 15 their their PRON _003394182 677 16 relatives relative NOUN _003394182 677 17 crying cry VERB _003394182 677 18 in in ADP _003394182 677 19 the the DET _003394182 677 20 dusk dusk NOUN _003394182 677 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 678 1 for for ADP _003394182 678 2 that that PRON _003394182 678 3 christ christ PROPN _003394182 678 4 resolved resolve VERB _003394182 678 5 he he PRON _003394182 678 6 never never ADV _003394182 678 7 would would AUX _003394182 678 8 upbraid upbraid VERB _003394182 678 9 them they PRON _003394182 678 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 679 1 he he PRON _003394182 679 2 taught teach VERB _003394182 679 3 them they PRON _003394182 679 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 679 5 lived live VERB _003394182 679 6 with with ADP _003394182 679 7 them they PRON _003394182 679 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 680 1 he he PRON _003394182 680 2 saw see VERB _003394182 680 3 to to ADP _003394182 680 4 the the DET _003394182 680 5 nourishment nourishment NOUN _003394182 680 6 of of ADP _003394182 680 7 their their PRON _003394182 680 8 bodies body NOUN _003394182 680 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 680 10 the the DET _003394182 680 11 supernatural supernatural ADJ _003394182 680 12 development development NOUN _003394182 680 13 of of ADP _003394182 680 14 their their PRON _003394182 680 15 souls soul NOUN _003394182 680 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 681 1 they they PRON _003394182 681 2 were be AUX _003394182 681 3 with with ADP _003394182 681 4 him he PRON _003394182 681 5 always always ADV _003394182 681 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 682 1 never never ADV _003394182 682 2 once once ADV _003394182 682 3 did do AUX _003394182 682 4 he he PRON _003394182 682 5 speak speak VERB _003394182 682 6 to to ADP _003394182 682 7 them they PRON _003394182 682 8 unkindly unkindly ADV _003394182 682 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 683 1 never never ADV _003394182 683 2 once once ADV _003394182 683 3 did do AUX _003394182 683 4 he he PRON _003394182 683 5 rebuke rebuke VERB _003394182 683 6 them they PRON _003394182 683 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 684 1 not not PART _003394182 684 2 even even ADV _003394182 684 3 when when SCONJ _003394182 684 4 peter peter PROPN _003394182 684 5 denied deny VERB _003394182 684 6 him he PRON _003394182 684 7 did do AUX _003394182 684 8 he he PRON _003394182 684 9 burst burst VERB _003394182 684 10 forth forth ADV _003394182 684 11 into into ADP _003394182 684 12 righteous righteous ADJ _003394182 684 13 indignation indignation NOUN _003394182 684 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 685 1 he he PRON _003394182 685 2 looked look VERB _003394182 685 3 at at ADP _003394182 685 4 peter peter PROPN _003394182 685 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 685 6 begot begot NOUN _003394182 685 7 in in ADP _003394182 685 8 the the DET _003394182 685 9 eyes eye NOUN _003394182 685 10 of of ADP _003394182 685 11 peter peter PROPN _003394182 685 12 a a DET _003394182 685 13 well well NOUN _003394182 685 14 of of ADP _003394182 685 15 tears tear NOUN _003394182 685 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 686 1 he he PRON _003394182 686 2 looked look VERB _003394182 686 3 at at ADP _003394182 686 4 magdalen magdalen PROPN _003394182 686 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 686 6 begot beget VERB _003394182 686 7 in in ADP _003394182 686 8 the the DET _003394182 686 9 soul soul NOUN _003394182 686 10 of of ADP _003394182 686 11 magdalen magdalen PROPN _003394182 686 12 a a DET _003394182 686 13 furnace furnace NOUN _003394182 686 14 of of ADP _003394182 686 15 love love NOUN _003394182 686 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 687 1 he he PRON _003394182 687 2 looked look VERB _003394182 687 3 at at ADP _003394182 687 4 mary mary PROPN _003394182 687 5 and and CCONJ _003394182 687 6 john john PROPN _003394182 687 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 687 8 down down ADV _003394182 687 9 through through ADP _003394182 687 10 the the DET _003394182 687 11 blood blood NOUN _003394182 687 12 - - PUNCT _003394182 687 13 clotted clot VERB _003394182 687 14 vision vision NOUN _003394182 687 15 of of ADP _003394182 687 16 the the DET _003394182 687 17 cross cross NOUN _003394182 687 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 687 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 687 20 begot beget VERB _003394182 687 21 in in ADP _003394182 687 22 the the DET _003394182 687 23 hearts heart NOUN _003394182 687 24 of of ADP _003394182 687 25 mary mary PROPN _003394182 687 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 687 27 of of ADP _003394182 687 28 john john PROPN _003394182 687 29 the the DET _003394182 687 30 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 687 31 affection affection NOUN _003394182 687 32 of of ADP _003394182 687 33 the the DET _003394182 687 34 christian christian ADJ _003394182 687 35 home home NOUN _003394182 687 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 688 1 beneath beneath ADP _003394182 688 2 the the DET _003394182 688 3 cross cross NOUN _003394182 688 4 of of ADP _003394182 688 5 life life NOUN _003394182 688 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 688 7 today today NOUN _003394182 688 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 688 9 each each DET _003394182 688 10 married married ADJ _003394182 688 11 couple couple NOUN _003394182 688 12 stands stand VERB _003394182 688 13 like like ADP _003394182 688 14 mary mary PROPN _003394182 688 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 688 16 john john PROPN _003394182 688 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 689 1 the the DET _003394182 689 2 love love NOUN _003394182 689 3 of of ADP _003394182 689 4 each each DET _003394182 689 5 married married ADJ _003394182 689 6 man man NOUN _003394182 689 7 for for ADP _003394182 689 8 his his PRON _003394182 689 9 wife wife NOUN _003394182 689 10 should should AUX _003394182 689 11 have have VERB _003394182 689 12 something something PRON _003394182 689 13 of of ADP _003394182 689 14 the the DET _003394182 689 15 love love NOUN _003394182 689 16 that that PRON _003394182 689 17 each each DET _003394182 689 18 man man NOUN _003394182 689 19 holds hold VERB _003394182 689 20 for for ADP _003394182 689 21 his his PRON _003394182 689 22 aging age VERB _003394182 689 23 mother mother NOUN _003394182 689 24 throughout throughout ADP _003394182 689 25 the the DET _003394182 689 26 years year NOUN _003394182 689 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 690 1 the the DET _003394182 690 2 love love NOUN _003394182 690 3 of of ADP _003394182 690 4 each each DET _003394182 690 5 married married ADJ _003394182 690 6 woman woman NOUN _003394182 690 7 for for ADP _003394182 690 8 her her PRON _003394182 690 9 husband husband NOUN _003394182 690 10 should should AUX _003394182 690 11 have have VERB _003394182 690 12 something something PRON _003394182 690 13 of of ADP _003394182 690 14 the the DET _003394182 690 15 love love NOUN _003394182 690 16 that that PRON _003394182 690 17 a a DET _003394182 690 18 mother mother NOUN _003394182 690 19 always always ADV _003394182 690 20 possesses possess VERB _003394182 690 21 for for ADP _003394182 690 22 her her PRON _003394182 690 23 son son NOUN _003394182 690 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 691 1 such such ADJ _003394182 691 2 love love NOUN _003394182 691 3 can can AUX _003394182 691 4 never never ADV _003394182 691 5 know know VERB _003394182 691 6 the the DET _003394182 691 7 paganism paganism NOUN _003394182 691 8 of of ADP _003394182 691 9 silence silence NOUN _003394182 691 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 692 1 passion passion NOUN _003394182 692 2 satisfied satisfied ADJ _003394182 692 3 is be AUX _003394182 692 4 always always ADV _003394182 692 5 steeped steep VERB _003394182 692 6 in in ADP _003394182 692 7 silence silence NOUN _003394182 692 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 693 1 love love NOUN _003394182 693 2 unsatisfied unsatisfie VERB _003394182 693 3 is be AUX _003394182 693 4 always always ADV _003394182 693 5 vibrant vibrant ADJ _003394182 693 6 with with ADP _003394182 693 7 expression expression NOUN _003394182 693 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 694 1 the the DET _003394182 694 2 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 694 3 love love NOUN _003394182 694 4 of of ADP _003394182 694 5 marriage marriage NOUN _003394182 694 6 is be AUX _003394182 694 7 no no DET _003394182 694 8 such such ADJ _003394182 694 9 limited limited ADJ _003394182 694 10 crippled crippled ADJ _003394182 694 11 thing thing NOUN _003394182 694 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 694 13 like like ADP _003394182 694 14 the the DET _003394182 694 15 gasp gasp NOUN _003394182 694 16 of of ADP _003394182 694 17 a a DET _003394182 694 18 drowning drown VERB _003394182 694 19 man man NOUN _003394182 694 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 694 21 as as ADP _003394182 694 22 66 66 NUM _003394182 694 23 the the DET _003394182 694 24 christian christian ADJ _003394182 694 25 family family NOUN _003394182 694 26 56 56 NUM _003394182 694 27 that that PRON _003394182 694 28 which which PRON _003394182 694 29 forms form VERB _003394182 694 30 the the DET _003394182 694 31 theme theme NOUN _003394182 694 32 of of ADP _003394182 694 33 our our PRON _003394182 694 34 modern modern ADJ _003394182 694 35 movies movie NOUN _003394182 694 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 695 1 it it PRON _003394182 695 2 is be AUX _003394182 695 3 love love NOUN _003394182 695 4 in in ADP _003394182 695 5 all all DET _003394182 695 6 its its PRON _003394182 695 7 aspects aspect NOUN _003394182 695 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 696 1 it it PRON _003394182 696 2 is be AUX _003394182 696 3 a a DET _003394182 696 4 jewel jewel NOUN _003394182 696 5 with with ADP _003394182 696 6 a a DET _003394182 696 7 thousand thousand NUM _003394182 696 8 facets facet NOUN _003394182 696 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 697 1 it it PRON _003394182 697 2 is be AUX _003394182 697 3 the the DET _003394182 697 4 eloquent eloquent ADJ _003394182 697 5 love love NOUN _003394182 697 6 which which PRON _003394182 697 7 christ christ PROPN _003394182 697 8 had have VERB _003394182 697 9 for for ADP _003394182 697 10 his his PRON _003394182 697 11 apostles apostle NOUN _003394182 697 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 697 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 697 14 which which PRON _003394182 697 15 he he PRON _003394182 697 16 bade bid VERB _003394182 697 17 john john PROPN _003394182 697 18 to to PART _003394182 697 19 have have VERB _003394182 697 20 for for ADP _003394182 697 21 mary mary PROPN _003394182 697 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 697 23 mary mary NOUN _003394182 697 24 to to PART _003394182 697 25 have have VERB _003394182 697 26 for for ADP _003394182 697 27 john john PROPN _003394182 697 28 as as SCONJ _003394182 697 29 they they PRON _003394182 697 30 stood stand VERB _003394182 697 31 at at ADP _003394182 697 32 the the DET _003394182 697 33 foot foot NOUN _003394182 697 34 of of ADP _003394182 697 35 the the DET _003394182 697 36 cross cross NOUN _003394182 697 37 . . PUNCT _003394182 698 1 if if SCONJ _003394182 698 2 that that DET _003394182 698 3 love love NOUN _003394182 698 4 be be AUX _003394182 698 5 present present ADJ _003394182 698 6 in in ADP _003394182 698 7 the the DET _003394182 698 8 hearts heart NOUN _003394182 698 9 of of ADP _003394182 698 10 married married ADJ _003394182 698 11 couples couple NOUN _003394182 698 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 698 13 the the DET _003394182 698 14 forgotten forgotten ADJ _003394182 698 15 virtue virtue NOUN _003394182 698 16 of of ADP _003394182 698 17 respect respect NOUN _003394182 698 18 will will AUX _003394182 698 19 likewise likewise ADV _003394182 698 20 blossom blossom VERB _003394182 698 21 there there ADV _003394182 698 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 699 1 the the DET _003394182 699 2 modern modern ADJ _003394182 699 3 pedagogical pedagogical ADJ _003394182 699 4 world world NOUN _003394182 699 5 makes make VERB _003394182 699 6 no no DET _003394182 699 7 attempt attempt NOUN _003394182 699 8 to to PART _003394182 699 9 analyze analyze VERB _003394182 699 10 respect respect NOUN _003394182 699 11 or or CCONJ _003394182 699 12 develop develop VERB _003394182 699 13 it it PRON _003394182 699 14 in in ADP _003394182 699 15 the the DET _003394182 699 16 souls soul NOUN _003394182 699 17 of of ADP _003394182 699 18 our our PRON _003394182 699 19 younger young ADJ _003394182 699 20 generation generation NOUN _003394182 699 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 700 1 human human ADJ _003394182 700 2 love love NOUN _003394182 700 3 alone alone ADV _003394182 700 4 is be AUX _003394182 700 5 supposed suppose VERB _003394182 700 6 to to PART _003394182 700 7 be be AUX _003394182 700 8 the the DET _003394182 700 9 secret secret NOUN _003394182 700 10 of of ADP _003394182 700 11 marital marital ADJ _003394182 700 12 success success NOUN _003394182 700 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 701 1 human human ADJ _003394182 701 2 love love NOUN _003394182 701 3 alone alone ADV _003394182 701 4 is be AUX _003394182 701 5 supposed suppose VERB _003394182 701 6 to to PART _003394182 701 7 contain contain VERB _003394182 701 8 all all DET _003394182 701 9 marital marital ADJ _003394182 701 10 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 701 11 in in ADP _003394182 701 12 its its PRON _003394182 701 13 being being NOUN _003394182 701 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 702 1 yet yet ADV _003394182 702 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 702 3 no no DET _003394182 702 4 virtue virtue NOUN _003394182 702 5 of of ADP _003394182 702 6 christ christ PROPN _003394182 702 7 can can AUX _003394182 702 8 survive survive VERB _003394182 702 9 unless unless SCONJ _003394182 702 10 it it PRON _003394182 702 11 be be AUX _003394182 702 12 isolated isolate VERB _003394182 702 13 in in ADP _003394182 702 14 the the DET _003394182 702 15 mind mind NOUN _003394182 702 16 of of ADP _003394182 702 17 man man NOUN _003394182 702 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 702 19 detached detach VERB _003394182 702 20 from from ADP _003394182 702 21 the the DET _003394182 702 22 weeds weed NOUN _003394182 702 23 of of ADP _003394182 702 24 passion passion NOUN _003394182 702 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 702 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 702 27 individually individually ADV _003394182 702 28 nourished nourish VERB _003394182 702 29 in in ADP _003394182 702 30 his his PRON _003394182 702 31 soul soul NOUN _003394182 702 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 703 1 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 703 2 are be AUX _003394182 703 3 not not PART _003394182 703 4 shapeless shapeless ADJ _003394182 703 5 airy airy ADJ _003394182 703 6 things thing NOUN _003394182 703 7 which which PRON _003394182 703 8 cling cle VERB _003394182 703 9 to to ADP _003394182 703 10 human human ADJ _003394182 703 11 love love NOUN _003394182 703 12 like like ADP _003394182 703 13 iron iron NOUN _003394182 703 14 filings filing NOUN _003394182 703 15 to to ADP _003394182 703 16 a a DET _003394182 703 17 magnet magnet NOUN _003394182 703 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 704 1 each each DET _003394182 704 2 virtue virtue NOUN _003394182 704 3 needs need VERB _003394182 704 4 a a DET _003394182 704 5 special special ADJ _003394182 704 6 plan plan NOUN _003394182 704 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 704 8 method method NOUN _003394182 704 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 704 10 accomplishment accomplishment NOUN _003394182 704 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 705 1 men man NOUN _003394182 705 2 do do AUX _003394182 705 3 not not PART _003394182 705 4 merely merely ADV _003394182 705 5 become become VERB _003394182 705 6 good good ADJ _003394182 705 7 in in ADP _003394182 705 8 the the DET _003394182 705 9 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 705 10 church church NOUN _003394182 705 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 706 1 they they PRON _003394182 706 2 become become VERB _003394182 706 3 patient patient ADJ _003394182 706 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 706 5 kind kind ADJ _003394182 706 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 706 7 pure pure ADJ _003394182 706 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 706 9 just just ADV _003394182 706 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 706 11 charitable charitable ADJ _003394182 706 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 707 1 not not PART _003394182 707 2 until until SCONJ _003394182 707 3 the the DET _003394182 707 4 soul soul NOUN _003394182 707 5 has have AUX _003394182 707 6 run run VERB _003394182 707 7 the the DET _003394182 707 8 gamut gamut NOUN _003394182 707 9 of of ADP _003394182 707 10 every every DET _003394182 707 11 virtue virtue NOUN _003394182 707 12 does do AUX _003394182 707 13 the the DET _003394182 707 14 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 707 15 church church NOUN _003394182 707 16 look look VERB _003394182 707 17 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 707 18 its its PRON _003394182 707 19 work work NOUN _003394182 707 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 707 21 call call VERB _003394182 707 22 it it PRON _003394182 707 23 good good ADJ _003394182 707 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 708 1 within within ADP _003394182 708 2 the the DET _003394182 708 3 garden garden NOUN _003394182 708 4 of of ADP _003394182 708 5 the the DET _003394182 708 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 708 7 home home ADV _003394182 708 8 the the DET _003394182 708 9 flower flower NOUN _003394182 708 10 of of ADP _003394182 708 11 respect respect NOUN _003394182 708 12 should should AUX _003394182 708 13 shine shine VERB _003394182 708 14 ever ever ADV _003394182 708 15 brilliantly brilliantly ADV _003394182 708 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 709 1 the the DET _003394182 709 2 respect respect NOUN _003394182 709 3 of of ADP _003394182 709 4 children child NOUN _003394182 709 5 should should AUX _003394182 709 6 be be AUX _003394182 709 7 something something PRON _003394182 709 8 more more ADJ _003394182 709 9 than than ADP _003394182 709 10 lip lip NOUN _003394182 709 11 service service NOUN _003394182 709 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 710 1 respect respect NOUN _003394182 710 2 means mean VERB _003394182 710 3 the the DET _003394182 710 4 constant constant ADJ _003394182 710 5 rendering rendering NOUN _003394182 710 6 of of ADP _003394182 710 7 little little ADJ _003394182 710 8 services service NOUN _003394182 710 9 by by ADP _003394182 710 10 children child NOUN _003394182 710 11 to to ADP _003394182 710 12 their their PRON _003394182 710 13 parents parent NOUN _003394182 710 14 : : PUNCT _003394182 710 15 the the DET _003394182 710 16 placing placing NOUN _003394182 710 17 of of ADP _003394182 710 18 chairs chair NOUN _003394182 710 19 at at ADP _003394182 710 20 the the DET _003394182 710 21 table table NOUN _003394182 710 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 710 23 the the DET _003394182 710 24 free free ADV _003394182 710 25 - - PUNCT _003394182 710 26 will will NOUN _003394182 710 27 offering offering NOUN _003394182 710 28 of of ADP _003394182 710 29 tiny tiny ADJ _003394182 710 30 helps help NOUN _003394182 710 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 710 32 the the DET _003394182 710 33 graceful graceful ADJ _003394182 710 34 greetings greeting NOUN _003394182 710 35 of of ADP _003394182 710 36 morning morning NOUN _003394182 710 37 tide tide NOUN _003394182 710 38 and and CCONJ _003394182 710 39 evening evening NOUN _003394182 710 40 tide tide NOUN _003394182 710 41 , , PUNCT _003394182 710 42 the the DET _003394182 710 43 little little ADJ _003394182 710 44 surprises surprise NOUN _003394182 710 45 of of ADP _003394182 710 46 love love NOUN _003394182 710 47 's 's PART _003394182 710 48 expression expression NOUN _003394182 710 49 that that SCONJ _003394182 710 50 children child NOUN _003394182 710 51 can can AUX _003394182 710 52 be be AUX _003394182 710 53 taught teach VERB _003394182 710 54 as as ADV _003394182 710 55 easily easily ADV _003394182 710 56 as as ADP _003394182 710 57 their their PRON _003394182 710 58 the the DET _003394182 710 59 christian christian ADJ _003394182 710 60 family family NOUN _003394182 710 61 57 57 NUM _003394182 710 62 games game NOUN _003394182 710 63 . . PUNCT _003394182 711 1 the the DET _003394182 711 2 home home NOUN _003394182 711 3 that that PRON _003394182 711 4 is be AUX _003394182 711 5 hallowed hallow VERB _003394182 711 6 by by ADP _003394182 711 7 childish childish ADJ _003394182 711 8 courtesies courtesy NOUN _003394182 711 9 is be AUX _003394182 711 10 blessed bless VERB _003394182 711 11 by by ADP _003394182 711 12 the the DET _003394182 711 13 grace grace NOUN _003394182 711 14 of of ADP _003394182 711 15 god god PROPN _003394182 711 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 712 1 no no PRON _003394182 712 2 stranger strange ADJ _003394182 712 3 crosses cross VERB _003394182 712 4 the the DET _003394182 712 5 threshold threshold NOUN _003394182 712 6 without without ADP _003394182 712 7 detecting detect VERB _003394182 712 8 it it PRON _003394182 712 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 713 1 no no DET _003394182 713 2 children child NOUN _003394182 713 3 cross cross VERB _003394182 713 4 the the DET _003394182 713 5 threshold threshold NOUN _003394182 713 6 outward outward ADV _003394182 713 7 bound bind VERB _003394182 713 8 without without ADP _003394182 713 9 spreading spread VERB _003394182 713 10 the the DET _003394182 713 11 influence influence NOUN _003394182 713 12 of of ADP _003394182 713 13 such such ADJ _003394182 713 14 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 713 15 courtesies courtesy NOUN _003394182 713 16 f f PROPN _003394182 713 17 a a DET _003394182 713 18 r r NOUN _003394182 713 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 713 20 wide wide ADJ _003394182 713 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 713 22 until until SCONJ _003394182 713 23 at at ADP _003394182 713 24 length length NOUN _003394182 713 25 in in ADP _003394182 713 26 adult adult NOUN _003394182 713 27 years year NOUN _003394182 713 28 it it PRON _003394182 713 29 surrounds surround VERB _003394182 713 30 and and CCONJ _003394182 713 31 penetrates penetrate VERB _003394182 713 32 the the DET _003394182 713 33 homes home NOUN _003394182 713 34 that that SCONJ _003394182 713 35 they they PRON _003394182 713 36 themselves themselves PRON _003394182 713 37 are be AUX _003394182 713 38 called call VERB _003394182 713 39 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 713 40 to to PART _003394182 713 41 build build VERB _003394182 713 42 . . PUNCT _003394182 714 1 the the DET _003394182 714 2 respect respect NOUN _003394182 714 3 which which PRON _003394182 714 4 children child NOUN _003394182 714 5 bear bear VERB _003394182 714 6 their their PRON _003394182 714 7 parents parent NOUN _003394182 714 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 714 9 however however ADV _003394182 714 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 714 11 is be AUX _003394182 714 12 only only ADV _003394182 714 13 a a DET _003394182 714 14 reflection reflection NOUN _003394182 714 15 of of ADP _003394182 714 16 the the DET _003394182 714 17 respect respect NOUN _003394182 714 18 which which PRON _003394182 714 19 they they PRON _003394182 714 20 observe observe VERB _003394182 714 21 their their PRON _003394182 714 22 parents parent NOUN _003394182 714 23 bearing bear VERB _003394182 714 24 to to ADP _003394182 714 25 each each DET _003394182 714 26 other other ADJ _003394182 714 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 715 1 childhood childhood NOUN _003394182 715 2 is be AUX _003394182 715 3 the the DET _003394182 715 4 time time NOUN _003394182 715 5 of of ADP _003394182 715 6 imitation imitation NOUN _003394182 715 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 716 1 the the DET _003394182 716 2 husband husband NOUN _003394182 716 3 who who PRON _003394182 716 4 lacks lack VERB _003394182 716 5 the the DET _003394182 716 6 common common ADJ _003394182 716 7 courtesies courtesy NOUN _003394182 716 8 which which PRON _003394182 716 9 every every DET _003394182 716 10 man man NOUN _003394182 716 11 should should AUX _003394182 716 12 show show VERB _003394182 716 13 unto unto ADP _003394182 716 14 a a DET _003394182 716 15 woman woman NOUN _003394182 716 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 716 17 the the DET _003394182 716 18 courtesy courtesy NOUN _003394182 716 19 of of ADP _003394182 716 20 holding hold VERB _003394182 716 21 her her PRON _003394182 716 22 wraps wrap NOUN _003394182 716 23 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 716 24 departing depart VERB _003394182 716 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 716 26 the the DET _003394182 716 27 courtesy courtesy NOUN _003394182 716 28 of of ADP _003394182 716 29 allowing allow VERB _003394182 716 30 her she PRON _003394182 716 31 to to PART _003394182 716 32 precede precede VERB _003394182 716 33 him he PRON _003394182 716 34 through through ADP _003394182 716 35 the the DET _003394182 716 36 doorway doorway NOUN _003394182 716 37 , , PUNCT _003394182 716 38 the the DET _003394182 716 39 courtesy courtesy NOUN _003394182 716 40 of of ADP _003394182 716 41 rising rise VERB _003394182 716 42 when when SCONJ _003394182 716 43 first first ADV _003394182 716 44 she she PRON _003394182 716 45 enters enter VERB _003394182 716 46 the the DET _003394182 716 47 room room NOUN _003394182 716 48 , , PUNCT _003394182 716 49 the the DET _003394182 716 50 courtesy courtesy NOUN _003394182 716 51 of of ADP _003394182 716 52 first first ADV _003394182 716 53 helping help VERB _003394182 716 54 her she PRON _003394182 716 55 at at ADP _003394182 716 56 table table NOUN _003394182 716 57 , , PUNCT _003394182 716 58 the the DET _003394182 716 59 courtesy courtesy NOUN _003394182 716 60 of of ADP _003394182 716 61 greeting greet VERB _003394182 716 62 and and CCONJ _003394182 716 63 addressing address VERB _003394182 716 64 her she PRON _003394182 716 65 respectfully respectfully ADV _003394182 716 66 , , PUNCT _003394182 716 67 must must AUX _003394182 716 68 expect expect VERB _003394182 716 69 no no DET _003394182 716 70 similar similar ADJ _003394182 716 71 courtesies courtesy NOUN _003394182 716 72 on on ADP _003394182 716 73 the the DET _003394182 716 74 part part NOUN _003394182 716 75 of of ADP _003394182 716 76 his his PRON _003394182 716 77 children child NOUN _003394182 716 78 towards towards ADP _003394182 716 79 their their PRON _003394182 716 80 parents parent NOUN _003394182 716 81 or or CCONJ _003394182 716 82 towards towards ADP _003394182 716 83 one one NUM _003394182 716 84 another another DET _003394182 716 85 . . PUNCT _003394182 717 1 the the DET _003394182 717 2 christian christian ADJ _003394182 717 3 home home NOUN _003394182 717 4 is be AUX _003394182 717 5 not not PART _003394182 717 6 merely merely ADV _003394182 717 7 a a DET _003394182 717 8 place place NOUN _003394182 717 9 to to PART _003394182 717 10 sleep sleep VERB _003394182 717 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 717 12 eat eat VERB _003394182 717 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 718 1 the the DET _003394182 718 2 christian christian ADJ _003394182 718 3 home home NOUN _003394182 718 4 is be AUX _003394182 718 5 a a DET _003394182 718 6 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 718 7 of of ADP _003394182 718 8 christ christ PROPN _003394182 718 9 's 's PART _003394182 718 10 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003394182 718 11 grace grace NOUN _003394182 718 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 719 1 like like ADP _003394182 719 2 the the DET _003394182 719 3 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 719 4 of of ADP _003394182 719 5 the the DET _003394182 719 6 altar altar NOUN _003394182 719 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 719 8 the the DET _003394182 719 9 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 719 10 of of ADP _003394182 719 11 the the DET _003394182 719 12 home home NOUN _003394182 719 13 should should AUX _003394182 719 14 be be AUX _003394182 719 15 lined line VERB _003394182 719 16 with with ADP _003394182 719 17 gold gold NOUN _003394182 719 18 of of ADP _003394182 719 19 eternal eternal ADJ _003394182 719 20 love love NOUN _003394182 719 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 719 22 dressed dress VERB _003394182 719 23 with with ADP _003394182 719 24 the the DET _003394182 719 25 white white ADJ _003394182 719 26 and and CCONJ _003394182 719 27 silken silken ADJ _003394182 719 28 drapery drapery NOUN _003394182 719 29 of of ADP _003394182 719 30 respect respect NOUN _003394182 719 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 720 1 the the DET _003394182 720 2 care care NOUN _003394182 720 3 which which PRON _003394182 720 4 the the DET _003394182 720 5 parish parish PROPN _003394182 720 6 priest priest NOUN _003394182 720 7 lavishes lavish VERB _003394182 720 8 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 720 9 the the DET _003394182 720 10 altar altar NOUN _003394182 720 11 should should AUX _003394182 720 12 find find VERB _003394182 720 13 its its PRON _003394182 720 14 imitation imitation NOUN _003394182 720 15 in in ADP _003394182 720 16 the the DET _003394182 720 17 care care NOUN _003394182 720 18 which which PRON _003394182 720 19 husband husband NOUN _003394182 720 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 720 21 wife wife NOUN _003394182 720 22 should should AUX _003394182 720 23 lavish lavish VERB _003394182 720 24 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 720 25 the the DET _003394182 720 26 home home NOUN _003394182 720 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 721 1 both both PRON _003394182 721 2 are be AUX _003394182 721 3 born bear VERB _003394182 721 4 of of ADP _003394182 721 5 respect respect NOUN _003394182 721 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 722 1 both both PRON _003394182 722 2 result result VERB _003394182 722 3 in in ADP _003394182 722 4 a a DET _003394182 722 5 deeper deep ADJ _003394182 722 6 respect respect NOUN _003394182 722 7 for for ADP _003394182 722 8 the the DET _003394182 722 9 inhabitants inhabitant NOUN _003394182 722 10 of of ADP _003394182 722 11 the the DET _003394182 722 12 tabernacles tabernacle NOUN _003394182 722 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 723 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 723 2 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 723 3 courtesies courtesy NOUN _003394182 723 4 such such ADJ _003394182 723 5 as as ADP _003394182 723 6 these these PRON _003394182 723 7 are be AUX _003394182 723 8 present present ADJ _003394182 723 9 in in ADP _003394182 723 10 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 723 11 the the DET _003394182 723 12 home home NOUN _003394182 723 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 723 14 the the DET _003394182 723 15 poorest poor ADJ _003394182 723 16 home home NOUN _003394182 723 17 becomes become VERB _003394182 723 18 a a DET _003394182 723 19 treas58 treas58 VERB _003394182 723 20 the the DET _003394182 723 21 christian christian ADJ _003394182 723 22 family family NOUN _003394182 723 23 58 58 NUM _003394182 723 24 ury ury NOUN _003394182 723 25 of of ADP _003394182 723 26 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 723 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 724 1 without without ADP _003394182 724 2 them they PRON _003394182 724 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 724 4 the the DET _003394182 724 5 wealthiest wealthy ADJ _003394182 724 6 home home NOUN _003394182 724 7 along along ADP _003394182 724 8 the the DET _003394182 724 9 wealthiest wealthy ADJ _003394182 724 10 avenue avenue NOUN _003394182 724 11 in in ADP _003394182 724 12 the the DET _003394182 724 13 world world NOUN _003394182 724 14 degenerates degenerate VERB _003394182 724 15 to to ADP _003394182 724 16 the the DET _003394182 724 17 status status NOUN _003394182 724 18 of of ADP _003394182 724 19 the the DET _003394182 724 20 pyramids pyramid NOUN _003394182 724 21 : : PUNCT _003394182 724 22 a a DET _003394182 724 23 monument monument NOUN _003394182 724 24 that that PRON _003394182 724 25 houses house VERB _003394182 724 26 the the DET _003394182 724 27 crumbling crumble VERB _003394182 724 28 ruins ruin NOUN _003394182 724 29 of of ADP _003394182 724 30 the the DET _003394182 724 31 dead dead ADJ _003394182 724 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 725 1 the the DET _003394182 725 2 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 725 3 courtesies courtesy NOUN _003394182 725 4 which which PRON _003394182 725 5 the the DET _003394182 725 6 church church NOUN _003394182 725 7 reveals reveal VERB _003394182 725 8 as as ADP _003394182 725 9 marital marital ADJ _003394182 725 10 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 725 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 725 12 are be AUX _003394182 725 13 more more ADV _003394182 725 14 conducive conducive ADJ _003394182 725 15 to to ADP _003394182 725 16 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 725 17 than than ADP _003394182 725 18 a a DET _003394182 725 19 retinue retinue NOUN _003394182 725 20 of of ADP _003394182 725 21 servants servant NOUN _003394182 725 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 726 1 they they PRON _003394182 726 2 sweeten sweeten VERB _003394182 726 3 the the DET _003394182 726 4 meals meal NOUN _003394182 726 5 in in ADP _003394182 726 6 common common ADJ _003394182 726 7 more more ADV _003394182 726 8 effectively effectively ADV _003394182 726 9 than than ADP _003394182 726 10 the the DET _003394182 726 11 highly highly ADV _003394182 726 12 paid pay VERB _003394182 726 13 services service NOUN _003394182 726 14 of of ADP _003394182 726 15 english english ADJ _003394182 726 16 butlers butler NOUN _003394182 726 17 or or CCONJ _003394182 726 18 the the DET _003394182 726 19 highly highly ADV _003394182 726 20 seasoned seasoned ADJ _003394182 726 21 dishes dish NOUN _003394182 726 22 from from ADP _003394182 726 23 french french ADJ _003394182 726 24 kitchens kitchen NOUN _003394182 726 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 727 1 the the DET _003394182 727 2 giver giver NOUN _003394182 727 3 of of ADP _003394182 727 4 courtesies courtesy NOUN _003394182 727 5 is be AUX _003394182 727 6 blessed bless VERB _003394182 727 7 even even ADV _003394182 727 8 more more ADJ _003394182 727 9 than than ADP _003394182 727 10 the the DET _003394182 727 11 recipient recipient NOUN _003394182 727 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 728 1 since since SCONJ _003394182 728 2 salvation salvation NOUN _003394182 728 3 is be AUX _003394182 728 4 the the DET _003394182 728 5 eternal eternal ADJ _003394182 728 6 purpose purpose NOUN _003394182 728 7 of of ADP _003394182 728 8 our our PRON _003394182 728 9 existence existence NOUN _003394182 728 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 728 11 surely surely ADV _003394182 728 12 christ christ PROPN _003394182 728 13 meant mean VERB _003394182 728 14 the the DET _003394182 728 15 home home NOUN _003394182 728 16 to to PART _003394182 728 17 be be AUX _003394182 728 18 a a DET _003394182 728 19 constant constant ADJ _003394182 728 20 training training NOUN _003394182 728 21 place place NOUN _003394182 728 22 for for ADP _003394182 728 23 virtue virtue NOUN _003394182 728 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 729 1 we we PRON _003394182 729 2 are be AUX _003394182 729 3 not not PART _003394182 729 4 called call VERB _003394182 729 5 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 729 6 to to PART _003394182 729 7 do do VERB _003394182 729 8 heroic heroic ADJ _003394182 729 9 deeds deed NOUN _003394182 729 10 in in ADP _003394182 729 11 life life NOUN _003394182 729 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 730 1 we we PRON _003394182 730 2 are be AUX _003394182 730 3 only only ADV _003394182 730 4 asked ask VERB _003394182 730 5 to to PART _003394182 730 6 take take VERB _003394182 730 7 the the DET _003394182 730 8 opportunities opportunity NOUN _003394182 730 9 of of ADP _003394182 730 10 each each DET _003394182 730 11 day day NOUN _003394182 730 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 730 13 mint mint VERB _003394182 730 14 them they PRON _003394182 730 15 by by ADP _003394182 730 16 the the DET _003394182 730 17 grace grace NOUN _003394182 730 18 of of ADP _003394182 730 19 god god PROPN _003394182 730 20 into into ADP _003394182 730 21 the the DET _003394182 730 22 golden golden ADJ _003394182 730 23 coin coin NOUN _003394182 730 24 of of ADP _003394182 730 25 eternal eternal ADJ _003394182 730 26 currency currency NOUN _003394182 730 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 731 1 the the DET _003394182 731 2 home home NOUN _003394182 731 3 is be AUX _003394182 731 4 alive alive ADJ _003394182 731 5 with with ADP _003394182 731 6 the the DET _003394182 731 7 seeds seed NOUN _003394182 731 8 of of ADP _003394182 731 9 forgotten forgotten ADJ _003394182 731 10 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 731 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 732 1 courtesy courtesy PROPN _003394182 732 2 is be AUX _003394182 732 3 the the DET _003394182 732 4 means mean NOUN _003394182 732 5 of of ADP _003394182 732 6 blossoming blossom VERB _003394182 732 7 them they PRON _003394182 732 8 into into ADP _003394182 732 9 flowers flower NOUN _003394182 732 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 733 1 the the DET _003394182 733 2 home home NOUN _003394182 733 3 that that PRON _003394182 733 4 lacks lack VERB _003394182 733 5 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 733 6 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 733 7 is be AUX _003394182 733 8 boarded board VERB _003394182 733 9 up up ADP _003394182 733 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 733 11 windows window NOUN _003394182 733 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 733 13 doors door NOUN _003394182 733 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 733 15 with with ADP _003394182 733 16 the the DET _003394182 733 17 sign sign NOUN _003394182 733 18 of of ADP _003394182 733 19 pagan pagan PROPN _003394182 733 20 emptiness emptiness NOUN _003394182 733 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 733 22 desolation desolation NOUN _003394182 733 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 734 1 the the DET _003394182 734 2 home home NOUN _003394182 734 3 that that PRON _003394182 734 4 is be AUX _003394182 734 5 filled fill VERB _003394182 734 6 with with ADP _003394182 734 7 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 734 8 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 734 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 734 10 no no ADV _003394182 734 11 matter matter ADV _003394182 734 12 how how SCONJ _003394182 734 13 dark dark ADJ _003394182 734 14 its its PRON _003394182 734 15 depths depth NOUN _003394182 734 16 or or CCONJ _003394182 734 17 bare bare VERB _003394182 734 18 its its PRON _003394182 734 19 walls wall NOUN _003394182 734 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 734 21 is be AUX _003394182 734 22 filled fill VERB _003394182 734 23 with with ADP _003394182 734 24 the the DET _003394182 734 25 breath breath NOUN _003394182 734 26 of of ADP _003394182 734 27 spring spring NOUN _003394182 734 28 and and CCONJ _003394182 734 29 the the DET _003394182 734 30 glow glow NOUN _003394182 734 31 of of ADP _003394182 734 32 love love NOUN _003394182 734 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 734 34 the the DET _003394182 734 35 peace peace NOUN _003394182 734 36 of of ADP _003394182 734 37 christ christ PROPN _003394182 734 38 eternal eternal PROPN _003394182 734 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 735 1 in in ADP _003394182 735 2 this this PRON _003394182 735 3 as as ADP _003394182 735 4 in in ADP _003394182 735 5 so so ADV _003394182 735 6 many many ADJ _003394182 735 7 other other ADJ _003394182 735 8 things thing NOUN _003394182 735 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 735 10 the the DET _003394182 735 11 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 735 12 church church NOUN _003394182 735 13 stands stand VERB _003394182 735 14 out out ADP _003394182 735 15 as as ADP _003394182 735 16 one one NUM _003394182 735 17 of of ADP _003394182 735 18 the the DET _003394182 735 19 greatest great ADJ _003394182 735 20 benefactors benefactor NOUN _003394182 735 21 of of ADP _003394182 735 22 all all DET _003394182 735 23 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 735 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 736 1 she she PRON _003394182 736 2 proclaims proclaim VERB _003394182 736 3 the the DET _003394182 736 4 necessity necessity NOUN _003394182 736 5 of of ADP _003394182 736 6 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 736 7 kindness kindness NOUN _003394182 736 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 736 9 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 736 10 respect respect NOUN _003394182 736 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 736 12 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 736 13 courtesy courtesy NOUN _003394182 736 14 to to ADP _003394182 736 15 all all DET _003394182 736 16 the the DET _003394182 736 17 world world NOUN _003394182 736 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 737 1 little little ADJ _003394182 737 2 mention mention NOUN _003394182 737 3 of of ADP _003394182 737 4 them they PRON _003394182 737 5 is be AUX _003394182 737 6 found find VERB _003394182 737 7 throughout throughout ADP _003394182 737 8 the the DET _003394182 737 9 myriad myriad ADJ _003394182 737 10 pages page NOUN _003394182 737 11 of of ADP _003394182 737 12 classic classic ADJ _003394182 737 13 literature literature NOUN _003394182 737 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 738 1 little little ADJ _003394182 738 2 stimulation stimulation NOUN _003394182 738 3 to to PART _003394182 738 4 practice practice VERB _003394182 738 5 them they PRON _003394182 738 6 can can AUX _003394182 738 7 exist exist VERB _003394182 738 8 jn jn ADP _003394182 738 9 a a DET _003394182 738 10 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 738 11 that that PRON _003394182 738 12 facilitates facilitate VERB _003394182 738 13 the the DET _003394182 738 14 anarchy anarchy NOUN _003394182 738 15 of of ADP _003394182 738 16 dithe dithe PROPN _003394182 738 17 christian christian PROPN _003394182 738 18 family family PROPN _003394182 738 19 59 59 NUM _003394182 738 20 vorce vorce NOUN _003394182 738 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 738 22 minimizes minimize VERB _003394182 738 23 the the DET _003394182 738 24 importance importance NOUN _003394182 738 25 of of ADP _003394182 738 26 children child NOUN _003394182 738 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 739 1 by by ADP _003394182 739 2 her her PRON _003394182 739 3 denunciation denunciation NOUN _003394182 739 4 of of ADP _003394182 739 5 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 739 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 739 7 birth birth NOUN _003394182 739 8 control control NOUN _003394182 739 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 739 10 the the DET _003394182 739 11 church church NOUN _003394182 739 12 has have AUX _003394182 739 13 strengthened strengthen VERB _003394182 739 14 the the DET _003394182 739 15 christian christian ADJ _003394182 739 16 home home ADV _003394182 739 17 from from ADP _003394182 739 18 without without ADP _003394182 739 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 740 1 by by ADP _003394182 740 2 her her PRON _003394182 740 3 insistence insistence NOUN _003394182 740 4 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 740 5 the the DET _003394182 740 6 forgotten forget VERB _003394182 740 7 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 740 8 the the DET _003394182 740 9 church church NOUN _003394182 740 10 has have AUX _003394182 740 11 strengthened strengthen VERB _003394182 740 12 the the DET _003394182 740 13 christian christian ADJ _003394182 740 14 home home ADV _003394182 740 15 from from ADP _003394182 740 16 within within ADP _003394182 740 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 741 1 only only ADV _003394182 741 2 by by ADP _003394182 741 3 the the DET _003394182 741 4 practice practice NOUN _003394182 741 5 of of ADP _003394182 741 6 these these DET _003394182 741 7 forgotten forget VERB _003394182 741 8 virtues virtue NOUN _003394182 741 9 can can AUX _003394182 741 10 the the DET _003394182 741 11 dwelling dwelling ADJ _003394182 741 12 place place NOUN _003394182 741 13 of of ADP _003394182 741 14 man man NOUN _003394182 741 15 approach approach VERB _003394182 741 16 the the DET _003394182 741 17 immutable immutable ADJ _003394182 741 18 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 741 19 of of ADP _003394182 741 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 741 21 home home NOUN _003394182 741 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 741 23 sweet sweet ADJ _003394182 741 24 home home NOUN _003394182 741 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 741 26 " " PUNCT _003394182 742 1 60 60 NUM _003394182 742 2 the the DET _003394182 742 3 christian christian ADJ _003394182 742 4 family family NOUN _003394182 742 5 60 60 NUM _003394182 742 6 a a DET _003394182 742 7 nation nation NOUN _003394182 742 8 's 's PART _003394182 742 9 strength strength NOUN _003394182 742 10 address address NOUN _003394182 742 11 delivered deliver VERB _003394182 742 12 on on ADP _003394182 742 13 july july PROPN _003394182 742 14 17 17 NUM _003394182 742 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 742 16 1932 1932 NUM _003394182 742 17 • • VERB _003394182 742 18 the the DET _003394182 742 19 greatest great ADJ _003394182 742 20 leaders leader NOUN _003394182 742 21 in in ADP _003394182 742 22 america america PROPN _003394182 742 23 have have AUX _003394182 742 24 not not PART _003394182 742 25 been be AUX _003394182 742 26 its its PRON _003394182 742 27 captains captain NOUN _003394182 742 28 of of ADP _003394182 742 29 industry industry NOUN _003394182 742 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 743 1 the the DET _003394182 743 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 743 3 institutions institution NOUN _003394182 743 4 of of ADP _003394182 743 5 america america PROPN _003394182 743 6 have have AUX _003394182 743 7 not not PART _003394182 743 8 been be AUX _003394182 743 9 its its PRON _003394182 743 10 banks bank NOUN _003394182 743 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 744 1 the the DET _003394182 744 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 744 3 buildings building NOUN _003394182 744 4 in in ADP _003394182 744 5 america america PROPN _003394182 744 6 have have AUX _003394182 744 7 not not PART _003394182 744 8 been be AUX _003394182 744 9 the the DET _003394182 744 10 skyscrapers skyscraper NOUN _003394182 744 11 which which PRON _003394182 744 12 pierce pierce VERB _003394182 744 13 the the DET _003394182 744 14 clouds cloud NOUN _003394182 744 15 with with ADP _003394182 744 16 their their PRON _003394182 744 17 fingers finger NOUN _003394182 744 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 744 19 which which PRON _003394182 744 20 step step VERB _003394182 744 21 down down ADP _003394182 744 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 744 23 as as SCONJ _003394182 744 24 it it PRON _003394182 744 25 were be AUX _003394182 744 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 744 27 into into ADP _003394182 744 28 the the DET _003394182 744 29 waters water NOUN _003394182 744 30 of of ADP _003394182 744 31 new new PROPN _003394182 744 32 york york PROPN _003394182 744 33 harbor harbor NOUN _003394182 744 34 to to PART _003394182 744 35 welcome welcome VERB _003394182 744 36 the the DET _003394182 744 37 incoming incoming ADJ _003394182 744 38 citizen citizen NOUN _003394182 744 39 and and CCONJ _003394182 744 40 his his PRON _003394182 744 41 family family NOUN _003394182 744 42 . . PUNCT _003394182 745 1 the the DET _003394182 745 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 745 3 institutions institution NOUN _003394182 745 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 745 5 the the DET _003394182 745 6 greatest great ADJ _003394182 745 7 buildings building NOUN _003394182 745 8 of of ADP _003394182 745 9 america america PROPN _003394182 745 10 have have AUX _003394182 745 11 been be AUX _003394182 745 12 its its PRON _003394182 745 13 homes home NOUN _003394182 745 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 745 15 scattered scatter VERB _003394182 745 16 across across ADP _003394182 745 17 our our PRON _003394182 745 18 beautiful beautiful ADJ _003394182 745 19 countryside countryside NOUN _003394182 745 20 or or CCONJ _003394182 745 21 clustering cluster VERB _003394182 745 22 by by ADP _003394182 745 23 the the DET _003394182 745 24 thousands thousand NOUN _003394182 745 25 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 745 26 the the DET _003394182 745 27 acres acre NOUN _003394182 745 28 of of ADP _003394182 745 29 our our PRON _003394182 745 30 crowded crowded ADJ _003394182 745 31 municipalities municipality NOUN _003394182 745 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 746 1 the the DET _003394182 746 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 746 3 leaders leader NOUN _003394182 746 4 in in ADP _003394182 746 5 america america PROPN _003394182 746 6 have have AUX _003394182 746 7 been be AUX _003394182 746 8 the the DET _003394182 746 9 fathers father NOUN _003394182 746 10 of of ADP _003394182 746 11 homes home NOUN _003394182 746 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 746 13 the the DET _003394182 746 14 heads head NOUN _003394182 746 15 of of ADP _003394182 746 16 families family NOUN _003394182 746 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 747 1 this this DET _003394182 747 2 year year NOUN _003394182 747 3 we we PRON _003394182 747 4 celebrate celebrate VERB _003394182 747 5 the the DET _003394182 747 6 bi bi NOUN _003394182 747 7 - - NOUN _003394182 747 8 centeriary centeriary NOUN _003394182 747 9 of of ADP _003394182 747 10 the the DET _003394182 747 11 birth birth NOUN _003394182 747 12 of of ADP _003394182 747 13 him he PRON _003394182 747 14 who who PRON _003394182 747 15 is be AUX _003394182 747 16 indisputably indisputably ADV _003394182 747 17 america america PROPN _003394182 747 18 's 's PART _003394182 747 19 greatest great ADJ _003394182 747 20 citizen citizen NOUN _003394182 747 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 748 1 when when SCONJ _003394182 748 2 we we PRON _003394182 748 3 think think VERB _003394182 748 4 of of ADP _003394182 748 5 washington washington PROPN _003394182 748 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 748 7 our our PRON _003394182 748 8 first first ADJ _003394182 748 9 associated associate VERB _003394182 748 10 thought thought NOUN _003394182 748 11 is be AUX _003394182 748 12 not not PART _003394182 748 13 the the DET _003394182 748 14 battlefield battlefield NOUN _003394182 748 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 748 16 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 748 17 the the DET _003394182 748 18 law law NOUN _003394182 748 19 court court NOUN _003394182 748 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 748 21 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 748 22 even even ADV _003394182 748 23 the the DET _003394182 748 24 white white PROPN _003394182 748 25 house house PROPN _003394182 748 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 749 1 with with ADP _003394182 749 2 the the DET _003394182 749 3 name name NOUN _003394182 749 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 749 5 personality personality NOUN _003394182 749 6 of of ADP _003394182 749 7 washington washington PROPN _003394182 749 8 we we PRON _003394182 749 9 immediately immediately ADV _003394182 749 10 link link VERB _003394182 749 11 the the DET _003394182 749 12 quiet quiet ADJ _003394182 749 13 rambling ramble VERB _003394182 749 14 mount mount PROPN _003394182 749 15 vernon vernon PROPN _003394182 749 16 house house PROPN _003394182 749 17 , , PUNCT _003394182 749 18 on on ADP _003394182 749 19 a a DET _003394182 749 20 virginia virginia PROPN _003394182 749 21 hill hill NOUN _003394182 749 22 above above ADP _003394182 749 23 the the DET _003394182 749 24 potomac potomac PROPN _003394182 749 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 749 26 which which PRON _003394182 749 27 was be AUX _003394182 749 28 his his PRON _003394182 749 29 home home NOUN _003394182 749 30 . . PUNCT _003394182 750 1 as as ADP _003394182 750 2 in in ADP _003394182 750 3 the the DET _003394182 750 4 time time NOUN _003394182 750 5 of of ADP _003394182 750 6 washington washington PROPN _003394182 750 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 750 8 so so ADV _003394182 750 9 today today NOUN _003394182 750 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 750 11 america america PROPN _003394182 750 12 is be AUX _003394182 750 13 face face NOUN _003394182 750 14 to to PART _003394182 750 15 face face VERB _003394182 750 16 with with ADP _003394182 750 17 the the DET _003394182 750 18 fundamentals fundamental NOUN _003394182 750 19 of of ADP _003394182 750 20 existence existence NOUN _003394182 750 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 751 1 a a DET _003394182 751 2 little little ADJ _003394182 751 3 while while NOUN _003394182 751 4 ago ago ADV _003394182 751 5 we we PRON _003394182 751 6 were be AUX _003394182 751 7 drunk drunk ADJ _003394182 751 8 with with ADP _003394182 751 9 the the DET _003394182 751 10 wine wine NOUN _003394182 751 11 of of ADP _003394182 751 12 big big ADJ _003394182 751 13 business business NOUN _003394182 751 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 752 1 a a DET _003394182 752 2 little little ADJ _003394182 752 3 while while NOUN _003394182 752 4 ago ago ADV _003394182 752 5 we we PRON _003394182 752 6 were be AUX _003394182 752 7 the the DET _003394182 752 8 captains captain NOUN _003394182 752 9 of of ADP _003394182 752 10 world world NOUN _003394182 752 11 trade trade NOUN _003394182 752 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 753 1 a a DET _003394182 753 2 little little ADJ _003394182 753 3 while while NOUN _003394182 753 4 ago ago ADV _003394182 753 5 we we PRON _003394182 753 6 were be AUX _003394182 753 7 living live VERB _003394182 753 8 the the DET _003394182 753 9 seven seven NUM _003394182 753 10 years year NOUN _003394182 753 11 of of ADP _003394182 753 12 feasting feasting NOUN _003394182 753 13 in in ADP _003394182 753 14 the the DET _003394182 753 15 land land NOUN _003394182 753 16 of of ADP _003394182 753 17 egypt egypt PROPN _003394182 753 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 754 1 today today NOUN _003394182 754 2 we we PRON _003394182 754 3 are be AUX _003394182 754 4 living live VERB _003394182 754 5 the the DET _003394182 754 6 seven seven NUM _003394182 754 7 years year NOUN _003394182 754 8 of of ADP _003394182 754 9 the the DET _003394182 754 10 christian christian ADJ _003394182 754 11 family family NOUN _003394182 754 12 61 61 NUM _003394182 754 13 famine famine NOUN _003394182 754 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 755 1 the the DET _003394182 755 2 streets street NOUN _003394182 755 3 are be AUX _003394182 755 4 echoing echo VERB _003394182 755 5 with with ADP _003394182 755 6 the the DET _003394182 755 7 footsteps footstep NOUN _003394182 755 8 of of ADP _003394182 755 9 idle idle ADJ _003394182 755 10 laborers laborer NOUN _003394182 755 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 756 1 the the DET _003394182 756 2 world world NOUN _003394182 756 3 has have AUX _003394182 756 4 forgotten forget VERB _003394182 756 5 its its PRON _003394182 756 6 luxuries luxury NOUN _003394182 756 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 757 1 humanity humanity NOUN _003394182 757 2 is be AUX _003394182 757 3 crying cry VERB _003394182 757 4 out out ADP _003394182 757 5 for for ADP _003394182 757 6 bread bread NOUN _003394182 757 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 758 1 false false ADJ _003394182 758 2 leaders leader NOUN _003394182 758 3 fail fail VERB _003394182 758 4 to to PART _003394182 758 5 analyze analyze VERB _003394182 758 6 the the DET _003394182 758 7 true true ADJ _003394182 758 8 issue issue NOUN _003394182 758 9 that that PRON _003394182 758 10 lies lie VERB _003394182 758 11 before before ADP _003394182 758 12 us we PRON _003394182 758 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 759 1 it it PRON _003394182 759 2 is be AUX _003394182 759 3 not not PART _003394182 759 4 the the DET _003394182 759 5 issue issue NOUN _003394182 759 6 between between ADP _003394182 759 7 republican republican PROPN _003394182 759 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 759 9 democrat democrat PROPN _003394182 759 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 760 1 it it PRON _003394182 760 2 is be AUX _003394182 760 3 not not PART _003394182 760 4 the the DET _003394182 760 5 issue issue NOUN _003394182 760 6 between between ADP _003394182 760 7 wet wet PROPN _003394182 760 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 760 9 dry dry ADJ _003394182 760 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 761 1 i i PRON _003394182 761 2 t t NOUN _003394182 761 3 is be AUX _003394182 761 4 not not PART _003394182 761 5 the the DET _003394182 761 6 issue issue NOUN _003394182 761 7 between between ADP _003394182 761 8 capital capital NOUN _003394182 761 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 761 10 labor labor NOUN _003394182 761 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 762 1 it it PRON _003394182 762 2 is be AUX _003394182 762 3 the the DET _003394182 762 4 oldest old ADJ _003394182 762 5 issue issue NOUN _003394182 762 6 in in ADP _003394182 762 7 the the DET _003394182 762 8 history history NOUN _003394182 762 9 of of ADP _003394182 762 10 the the DET _003394182 762 11 world world NOUN _003394182 762 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 763 1 i i PRON _003394182 763 2 t t NOUN _003394182 763 3 is be AUX _003394182 763 4 the the DET _003394182 763 5 issue issue NOUN _003394182 763 6 between between ADP _003394182 763 7 law law NOUN _003394182 763 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 763 9 lawlessness lawlessness NOUN _003394182 763 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 763 11 between between ADP _003394182 763 12 government government NOUN _003394182 763 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 763 14 anarchy anarchy NOUN _003394182 763 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 763 16 between between ADP _003394182 763 17 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 763 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 763 19 decay decay NOUN _003394182 763 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 764 1 no no DET _003394182 764 2 institution institution NOUN _003394182 764 3 can can AUX _003394182 764 4 resolve resolve VERB _003394182 764 5 that that DET _003394182 764 6 issue issue NOUN _003394182 764 7 in in ADP _003394182 764 8 our our PRON _003394182 764 9 country country NOUN _003394182 764 10 's 's PART _003394182 764 11 favor favor NOUN _003394182 764 12 so so ADV _003394182 764 13 perfectly perfectly ADV _003394182 764 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 764 15 so so ADV _003394182 764 16 completely completely ADV _003394182 764 17 as as SCONJ _003394182 764 18 thè thè NOUN _003394182 764 19 christian christian ADJ _003394182 764 20 home home NOUN _003394182 764 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 765 1 the the DET _003394182 765 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 765 3 home home NOUN _003394182 765 4 is be AUX _003394182 765 5 based base VERB _003394182 765 6 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 765 7 an an DET _003394182 765 8 absolute absolute ADJ _003394182 765 9 respect respect NOUN _003394182 765 10 for for ADP _003394182 765 11 law law NOUN _003394182 765 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 765 13 order order NOUN _003394182 765 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 766 1 the the DET _003394182 766 2 walls wall NOUN _003394182 766 3 of of ADP _003394182 766 4 the the DET _003394182 766 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 766 6 home home NOUN _003394182 766 7 are be AUX _003394182 766 8 solidified solidify VERB _003394182 766 9 by by ADP _003394182 766 10 religion religion NOUN _003394182 766 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 767 1 the the DET _003394182 767 2 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN _003394182 767 3 of of ADP _003394182 767 4 the the DET _003394182 767 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 767 6 home home NOUN _003394182 767 7 is be AUX _003394182 767 8 purified purify VERB _003394182 767 9 by by ADP _003394182 767 10 morality morality NOUN _003394182 767 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 768 1 the the DET _003394182 768 2 cross cross NOUN _003394182 768 3 of of ADP _003394182 768 4 christ christ PROPN _003394182 768 5 is be AUX _003394182 768 6 on on ADP _003394182 768 7 its its PRON _003394182 768 8 walls wall NOUN _003394182 768 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 769 1 the the DET _003394182 769 2 day day NOUN _003394182 769 3 opens open VERB _003394182 769 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 769 5 closes close VERB _003394182 769 6 with with ADP _003394182 769 7 prayer prayer NOUN _003394182 769 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 770 1 the the DET _003394182 770 2 model model NOUN _003394182 770 3 of of ADP _003394182 770 4 the the DET _003394182 770 5 nazarean nazarean ADJ _003394182 770 6 home home NOUN _003394182 770 7 is be AUX _003394182 770 8 ever ever ADV _003394182 770 9 before before ADP _003394182 770 10 it it PRON _003394182 770 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 771 1 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 771 2 to to ADP _003394182 771 3 god god PROPN _003394182 771 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 771 5 the the DET _003394182 771 6 state state NOUN _003394182 771 7 and and CCONJ _003394182 771 8 the the DET _003394182 771 9 church church NOUN _003394182 771 10 is be AUX _003394182 771 11 the the DET _003394182 771 12 cardinal cardinal ADJ _003394182 771 13 principle principle NOUN _003394182 771 14 of of ADP _003394182 771 15 its its PRON _003394182 771 16 activities activity NOUN _003394182 771 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 772 1 because because SCONJ _003394182 772 2 of of ADP _003394182 772 3 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 772 4 the the DET _003394182 772 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 772 6 home home NOUN _003394182 772 7 is be AUX _003394182 772 8 a a DET _003394182 772 9 nation nation NOUN _003394182 772 10 in in ADP _003394182 772 11 miniature miniature NOUN _003394182 772 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 773 1 there there PRON _003394182 773 2 can can AUX _003394182 773 3 be be AUX _003394182 773 4 no no DET _003394182 773 5 valid valid ADJ _003394182 773 6 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 773 7 virtuous virtuous ADJ _003394182 773 8 citizenship citizenship NOUN _003394182 773 9 where where SCONJ _003394182 773 10 there there PRON _003394182 773 11 is be VERB _003394182 773 12 neither neither DET _003394182 773 13 authority authority NOUN _003394182 773 14 nor nor CCONJ _003394182 773 15 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 773 16 to to ADP _003394182 773 17 authority authority NOUN _003394182 773 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 774 1 authority authority NOUN _003394182 774 2 is be AUX _003394182 774 3 the the DET _003394182 774 4 right right NOUN _003394182 774 5 which which PRON _003394182 774 6 an an DET _003394182 774 7 individual individual NOUN _003394182 774 8 or or CCONJ _003394182 774 9 an an DET _003394182 774 10 organization organization NOUN _003394182 774 11 possesses possess VERB _003394182 774 12 to to PART _003394182 774 13 compel compel VERB _003394182 774 14 the the DET _003394182 774 15 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 774 16 and and CCONJ _003394182 774 17 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003394182 774 18 of of ADP _003394182 774 19 those those PRON _003394182 774 20 in in ADP _003394182 774 21 whose whose DET _003394182 774 22 interest interest NOUN _003394182 774 23 the the DET _003394182 774 24 authority authority NOUN _003394182 774 25 is be AUX _003394182 774 26 held hold VERB _003394182 774 27 and and CCONJ _003394182 774 28 exercised exercise VERB _003394182 774 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 775 1 authority authority NOUN _003394182 775 2 itself itself PRON _003394182 775 3 must must AUX _003394182 775 4 have have VERB _003394182 775 5 a a DET _003394182 775 6 basis basis NOUN _003394182 775 7 in in ADP _003394182 775 8 which which PRON _003394182 775 9 it it PRON _003394182 775 10 inheres inhere VERB _003394182 775 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 775 12 out out ADP _003394182 775 13 of of ADP _003394182 775 14 which which PRON _003394182 775 15 it it PRON _003394182 775 16 grows grow VERB _003394182 775 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 775 18 unto unto ADP _003394182 775 19 which which PRON _003394182 775 20 it it PRON _003394182 775 21 develops develop VERB _003394182 775 22 and and CCONJ _003394182 775 23 progresses progress VERB _003394182 775 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 776 1 by by ADP _003394182 776 2 what what PRON _003394182 776 3 right right NOUN _003394182 776 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 776 5 in in ADP _003394182 776 6 other other ADJ _003394182 776 7 words word NOUN _003394182 776 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 776 9 do do AUX _003394182 776 10 governments government NOUN _003394182 776 11 compel compel VERB _003394182 776 12 the the DET _003394182 776 13 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 776 14 of of ADP _003394182 776 15 their their PRON _003394182 776 16 subjects subject NOUN _003394182 776 17 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 777 1 is be AUX _003394182 777 2 it it PRON _003394182 777 3 by by ADP _003394182 777 4 right right NOUN _003394182 777 5 of of ADP _003394182 777 6 conquest conquest NOUN _003394182 777 7 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 778 1 is be AUX _003394182 778 2 it it PRON _003394182 778 3 because because SCONJ _003394182 778 4 of of ADP _003394182 778 5 fear fear NOUN _003394182 778 6 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 779 1 is be AUX _003394182 779 2 it it PRON _003394182 779 3 because because SCONJ _003394182 779 4 of of ADP _003394182 779 5 the the DET _003394182 779 6 mere mere ADJ _003394182 779 7 utilitarian utilitarian ADJ _003394182 779 8 philos62 philos62 NOUN _003394182 779 9 the the DET _003394182 779 10 christian christian PROPN _003394182 779 11 family family PROPN _003394182 779 12 62 62 NUM _003394182 779 13 ophy ophy NOUN _003394182 779 14 that that DET _003394182 779 15 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 779 16 to to ADP _003394182 779 17 government government NOUN _003394182 779 18 renders render VERB _003394182 779 19 the the DET _003394182 779 20 course course NOUN _003394182 779 21 of of ADP _003394182 779 22 trade trade NOUN _003394182 779 23 more more ADV _003394182 779 24 successful successful ADJ _003394182 779 25 and and CCONJ _003394182 779 26 the the DET _003394182 779 27 conduct conduct NOUN _003394182 779 28 of of ADP _003394182 779 29 our our PRON _003394182 779 30 every every DET _003394182 779 31 day day NOUN _003394182 779 32 existence existence NOUN _003394182 779 33 more more ADV _003394182 779 34 materially materially ADV _003394182 779 35 f f X _003394182 779 36 r r NOUN _003394182 779 37 u u NOUN _003394182 779 38 i i PRON _003394182 779 39 t t PROPN _003394182 779 40 f f PROPN _003394182 779 41 u u PROPN _003394182 779 42 l l PROPN _003394182 779 43 and and CCONJ _003394182 779 44 secure secure ADJ _003394182 779 45 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 780 1 or or CCONJ _003394182 780 2 is be AUX _003394182 780 3 it it PRON _003394182 780 4 merely merely ADV _003394182 780 5 because because SCONJ _003394182 780 6 within within ADP _003394182 780 7 the the DET _003394182 780 8 breast breast NOUN _003394182 780 9 of of ADP _003394182 780 10 every every DET _003394182 780 11 group group NOUN _003394182 780 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 780 13 individual individual NOUN _003394182 780 14 there there PRON _003394182 780 15 is be VERB _003394182 780 16 an an DET _003394182 780 17 instinct instinct NOUN _003394182 780 18 of of ADP _003394182 780 19 dependence dependence NOUN _003394182 780 20 that that PRON _003394182 780 21 finds find VERB _003394182 780 22 its its PRON _003394182 780 23 most most ADV _003394182 780 24 honorable honorable ADJ _003394182 780 25 expression expression NOUN _003394182 780 26 in in ADP _003394182 780 27 submission submission NOUN _003394182 780 28 to to ADP _003394182 780 29 those those PRON _003394182 780 30 who who PRON _003394182 780 31 have have AUX _003394182 780 32 been be AUX _003394182 780 33 established establish VERB _003394182 780 34 as as ADP _003394182 780 35 the the DET _003394182 780 36 guides guide NOUN _003394182 780 37 and and CCONJ _003394182 780 38 guardians guardian NOUN _003394182 780 39 of of ADP _003394182 780 40 public public ADJ _003394182 780 41 welfare welfare NOUN _003394182 780 42 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 781 1 to to PART _003394182 781 2 accept accept VERB _003394182 781 3 any any DET _003394182 781 4 one one NUM _003394182 781 5 of of ADP _003394182 781 6 the the DET _003394182 781 7 foregoing foregoing NOUN _003394182 781 8 reasons reason NOUN _003394182 781 9 ex.cept ex.cept VERB _003394182 781 10 the the DET _003394182 781 11 last last ADJ _003394182 781 12 as as ADP _003394182 781 13 the the DET _003394182 781 14 sole sole ADJ _003394182 781 15 basis basis NOUN _003394182 781 16 of of ADP _003394182 781 17 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 781 18 is be AUX _003394182 781 19 to to PART _003394182 781 20 deny deny VERB _003394182 781 21 or or CCONJ _003394182 781 22 at at ADP _003394182 781 23 least least ADJ _003394182 781 24 to to PART _003394182 781 25 demean demean VERB _003394182 781 26 the the DET _003394182 781 27 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 781 28 nature nature NOUN _003394182 781 29 of of ADP _003394182 781 30 mankind mankind NOUN _003394182 781 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 782 1 to to PART _003394182 782 2 assert assert VERB _003394182 782 3 that that DET _003394182 782 4 fear fear NOUN _003394182 782 5 or or CCONJ _003394182 782 6 force force NOUN _003394182 782 7 or or CCONJ _003394182 782 8 opportunism opportunism ADJ _003394182 782 9 or or CCONJ _003394182 782 10 material material ADJ _003394182 782 11 success success NOUN _003394182 782 12 fundamentally fundamentally ADV _003394182 782 13 accounts account VERB _003394182 782 14 for for ADP _003394182 782 15 the the DET _003394182 782 16 peaceful peaceful ADJ _003394182 782 17 relationship relationship NOUN _003394182 782 18 that that PRON _003394182 782 19 must must AUX _003394182 782 20 exist exist VERB _003394182 782 21 between between ADP _003394182 782 22 ruler ruler NOUN _003394182 782 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 782 24 subject subject NOUN _003394182 782 25 , , PUNCT _003394182 782 26 is be AUX _003394182 782 27 to to PART _003394182 782 28 render render VERB _003394182 782 29 the the DET _003394182 782 30 life life NOUN _003394182 782 31 of of ADP _003394182 782 32 every every DET _003394182 782 33 government government NOUN _003394182 782 34 precarious precarious ADJ _003394182 782 35 and and CCONJ _003394182 782 36 to to PART _003394182 782 37 make make VERB _003394182 782 38 every every DET _003394182 782 39 individual individual NOUN _003394182 782 40 a a DET _003394182 782 41 potential potential ADJ _003394182 782 42 anarchist anarchist NOUN _003394182 782 43 , , PUNCT _003394182 782 44 whenever whenever SCONJ _003394182 782 45 his his PRON _003394182 782 46 private private ADJ _003394182 782 47 gain gain NOUN _003394182 782 48 or or CCONJ _003394182 782 49 personal personal ADJ _003394182 782 50 feelings feeling NOUN _003394182 782 51 come come VERB _003394182 782 52 in in ADP _003394182 782 53 conflict conflict NOUN _003394182 782 54 with with ADP _003394182 782 55 the the DET _003394182 782 56 declarations declaration NOUN _003394182 782 57 and and CCONJ _003394182 782 58 decisions decision NOUN _003394182 782 59 and and CCONJ _003394182 782 60 course course NOUN _003394182 782 61 of of ADP _003394182 782 62 government government NOUN _003394182 782 63 . . PUNCT _003394182 783 1 the the DET _003394182 783 2 government government NOUN _003394182 783 3 of of ADP _003394182 783 4 the the DET _003394182 783 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 783 6 home home NOUN _003394182 783 7 alone alone ADV _003394182 783 8 furnishes furnish VERB _003394182 783 9 the the DET _003394182 783 10 proper proper ADJ _003394182 783 11 model model NOUN _003394182 783 12 for for ADP _003394182 783 13 good good ADJ _003394182 783 14 citizenship citizenship NOUN _003394182 783 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 784 1 who who PRON _003394182 784 2 is be AUX _003394182 784 3 the the DET _003394182 784 4 parent parent NOUN _003394182 784 5 who who PRON _003394182 784 6 will will AUX _003394182 784 7 allow allow VERB _003394182 784 8 his his PRON _003394182 784 9 child child NOUN _003394182 784 10 to to PART _003394182 784 11 rest rest VERB _003394182 784 12 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 784 13 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 784 14 the the DET _003394182 784 15 purely purely ADV _003394182 784 16 material material ADJ _003394182 784 17 basis basis NOUN _003394182 784 18 of of ADP _003394182 784 19 protection protection NOUN _003394182 784 20 or or CCONJ _003394182 784 21 gain gain NOUN _003394182 784 22 or or CCONJ _003394182 784 23 comfort comfort NOUN _003394182 784 24 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 785 1 who who PRON _003394182 785 2 is be AUX _003394182 785 3 the the DET _003394182 785 4 parent parent NOUN _003394182 785 5 who who PRON _003394182 785 6 can can AUX _003394182 785 7 be be AUX _003394182 785 8 satisfied satisfied ADJ _003394182 785 9 with with ADP _003394182 785 10 mere mere ADJ _003394182 785 11 servile servile ADJ _003394182 785 12 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 785 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 785 14 with with ADP _003394182 785 15 observance observance NOUN _003394182 785 16 of of ADP _003394182 785 17 domestic domestic ADJ _003394182 785 18 laws law NOUN _003394182 785 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 785 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 785 21 regulations regulation NOUN _003394182 785 22 through through ADP _003394182 785 23 filial filial ADJ _003394182 785 24 fear fear NOUN _003394182 785 25 alone alone ADV _003394182 785 26 ? ? PUNCT _003394182 786 1 no no DET _003394182 786 2 home home NOUN _003394182 786 3 can can AUX _003394182 786 4 long long ADV _003394182 786 5 exist exist VERB _003394182 786 6 wherein wherein SCONJ _003394182 786 7 the the DET _003394182 786 8 religious religious ADJ _003394182 786 9 background background NOUN _003394182 786 10 of of ADP _003394182 786 11 love love NOUN _003394182 786 12 and and CCONJ _003394182 786 13 duty duty NOUN _003394182 786 14 and and CCONJ _003394182 786 15 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 786 16 is be AUX _003394182 786 17 extinguished extinguish VERB _003394182 786 18 and and CCONJ _003394182 786 19 submerged submerge VERB _003394182 786 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 787 1 and and CCONJ _003394182 787 2 no no DET _003394182 787 3 nation nation NOUN _003394182 787 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 787 5 which which PRON _003394182 787 6 is be AUX _003394182 787 7 composed compose VERB _003394182 787 8 of of ADP _003394182 787 9 homes home NOUN _003394182 787 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 787 11 can can AUX _003394182 787 12 long long ADV _003394182 787 13 exist exist VERB _003394182 787 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 787 15 if if SCONJ _003394182 787 16 in in ADP _003394182 787 17 the the DET _003394182 787 18 minds mind NOUN _003394182 787 19 of of ADP _003394182 787 20 its its PRON _003394182 787 21 citizenry citizenry NOUN _003394182 787 22 there there PRON _003394182 787 23 is be VERB _003394182 787 24 no no PRON _003394182 787 25 the the DET _003394182 787 26 christian christian ADJ _003394182 787 27 family family NOUN _003394182 787 28 63 63 NUM _003394182 787 29 higher high ADJ _003394182 787 30 warrant warrant NOUN _003394182 787 31 of of ADP _003394182 787 32 respect respect NOUN _003394182 787 33 for for ADP _003394182 787 34 law law NOUN _003394182 787 35 than than ADP _003394182 787 36 individual individual ADJ _003394182 787 37 comfort comfort NOUN _003394182 787 38 or or CCONJ _003394182 787 39 pleasure pleasure NOUN _003394182 787 40 or or CCONJ _003394182 787 41 fear fear NOUN _003394182 787 42 . . PUNCT _003394182 788 1 it it PRON _003394182 788 2 is be AUX _003394182 788 3 at at ADP _003394182 788 4 this this DET _003394182 788 5 juncture juncture NOUN _003394182 788 6 that that SCONJ _003394182 788 7 the the DET _003394182 788 8 christian christian PROPN _003394182 788 9 home home NOUN _003394182 788 10 plays play VERB _003394182 788 11 its its PRON _003394182 788 12 dominant dominant ADJ _003394182 788 13 part part NOUN _003394182 788 14 in in ADP _003394182 788 15 the the DET _003394182 788 16 training training NOUN _003394182 788 17 of of ADP _003394182 788 18 the the DET _003394182 788 19 citizenry citizenry NOUN _003394182 788 20 of of ADP _003394182 788 21 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN _003394182 788 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 789 1 the the DET _003394182 789 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 789 3 home home NOUN _003394182 789 4 recognizes recognize VERB _003394182 789 5 god god PROPN _003394182 789 6 as as ADP _003394182 789 7 the the DET _003394182 789 8 source source NOUN _003394182 789 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 789 10 summation summation NOUN _003394182 789 11 of of ADP _003394182 789 12 all all DET _003394182 789 13 life life NOUN _003394182 789 14 's 's PART _003394182 789 15 activities activity NOUN _003394182 789 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 790 1 the the DET _003394182 790 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 790 3 home home PROPN _003394182 790 4 insists insist VERB _003394182 790 5 that that SCONJ _003394182 790 6 the the DET _003394182 790 7 ultimate ultimate ADJ _003394182 790 8 authority authority NOUN _003394182 790 9 behind behind ADP _003394182 790 10 the the DET _003394182 790 11 commonwealth commonwealth NOUN _003394182 790 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 790 13 like like ADP _003394182 790 14 the the DET _003394182 790 15 authority authority NOUN _003394182 790 16 behind behind ADP _003394182 790 17 itself itself PRON _003394182 790 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 790 19 is be AUX _003394182 790 20 god god PROPN _003394182 790 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 791 1 the the DET _003394182 791 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 791 3 home home NOUN _003394182 791 4 is be AUX _003394182 791 5 the the DET _003394182 791 6 enemy enemy NOUN _003394182 791 7 of of ADP _003394182 791 8 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 791 9 anarchy anarchy NOUN _003394182 791 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 792 1 in in ADP _003394182 792 2 the the DET _003394182 792 3 cloudy cloudy ADJ _003394182 792 4 passionate passionate ADJ _003394182 792 5 mentality mentality NOUN _003394182 792 6 of of ADP _003394182 792 7 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 792 8 anarchy anarchy NOUN _003394182 792 9 no no DET _003394182 792 10 governmental governmental ADJ _003394182 792 11 authority authority NOUN _003394182 792 12 has have VERB _003394182 792 13 an an DET _003394182 792 14 immutable immutable ADJ _003394182 792 15 basis basis NOUN _003394182 792 16 for for ADP _003394182 792 17 existence existence NOUN _003394182 792 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 793 1 men man NOUN _003394182 793 2 have have VERB _003394182 793 3 the the DET _003394182 793 4 right right NOUN _003394182 793 5 to to PART _003394182 793 6 destroy destroy VERB _003394182 793 7 any any DET _003394182 793 8 government government NOUN _003394182 793 9 that that PRON _003394182 793 10 displeases displease VERB _003394182 793 11 them they PRON _003394182 793 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 794 1 the the DET _003394182 794 2 burden burden NOUN _003394182 794 3 of of ADP _003394182 794 4 proof proof NOUN _003394182 794 5 is be AUX _003394182 794 6 on on ADP _003394182 794 7 those those PRON _003394182 794 8 who who PRON _003394182 794 9 would would AUX _003394182 794 10 maintain maintain VERB _003394182 794 11 it it PRON _003394182 794 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 795 1 in in ADP _003394182 795 2 the the DET _003394182 795 3 cl^ar cl^ar NOUN _003394182 795 4 concept concept NOUN _003394182 795 5 of of ADP _003394182 795 6 the the DET _003394182 795 7 christian christian ADJ _003394182 795 8 home home NOUN _003394182 795 9 all all DET _003394182 795 10 legitimate legitimate ADJ _003394182 795 11 authority authority NOUN _003394182 795 12 must must AUX _003394182 795 13 be be AUX _003394182 795 14 obeyed obey VERB _003394182 795 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 796 1 the the DET _003394182 796 2 burden burden NOUN _003394182 796 3 of of ADP _003394182 796 4 proof proof NOUN _003394182 796 5 is be AUX _003394182 796 6 on on ADP _003394182 796 7 those those PRON _003394182 796 8 who who PRON _003394182 796 9 would would AUX _003394182 796 10 destroy destroy VERB _003394182 796 11 it it PRON _003394182 796 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 797 1 obedience obedience NOUN _003394182 797 2 to to ADP _003394182 797 3 law law NOUN _003394182 797 4 is be AUX _003394182 797 5 not not PART _003394182 797 6 a a DET _003394182 797 7 matter matter NOUN _003394182 797 8 of of ADP _003394182 797 9 private private ADJ _003394182 797 10 convenience convenience NOUN _003394182 797 11 or or CCONJ _003394182 797 12 personal personal ADJ _003394182 797 13 betterment betterment NOUN _003394182 797 14 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 797 15 it it PRON _003394182 797 16 is be AUX _003394182 797 17 one one NUM _003394182 797 18 of of ADP _003394182 797 19 the the DET _003394182 797 20 essential essential ADJ _003394182 797 21 components component NOUN _003394182 797 22 in in ADP _003394182 797 23 the the DET _003394182 797 24 corner corner NOUN _003394182 797 25 stone stone NOUN _003394182 797 26 of of ADP _003394182 797 27 all all DET _003394182 797 28 morality morality NOUN _003394182 797 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 798 1 that that PRON _003394182 798 2 is be AUX _003394182 798 3 why why SCONJ _003394182 798 4 the the DET _003394182 798 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 798 6 home home NOUN _003394182 798 7 has have AUX _003394182 798 8 always always ADV _003394182 798 9 been be AUX _003394182 798 10 on on ADP _003394182 798 11 the the DET _003394182 798 12 side side NOUN _003394182 798 13 of of ADP _003394182 798 14 legitimately legitimately ADV _003394182 798 15 constituted constitute VERB _003394182 798 16 government government NOUN _003394182 798 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 799 1 that that PRON _003394182 799 2 is be AUX _003394182 799 3 why why SCONJ _003394182 799 4 the the DET _003394182 799 5 christian christian ADJ _003394182 799 6 home home NOUN _003394182 799 7 is be AUX _003394182 799 8 loath loath ADJ _003394182 799 9 to to PART _003394182 799 10 commend commend VERB _003394182 799 11 the the DET _003394182 799 12 forces force NOUN _003394182 799 13 of of ADP _003394182 799 14 armed armed ADJ _003394182 799 15 revolt revolt NOUN _003394182 799 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 800 1 that that PRON _003394182 800 2 is be AUX _003394182 800 3 why why SCONJ _003394182 800 4 the the DET _003394182 800 5 enemies enemy NOUN _003394182 800 6 of of ADP _003394182 800 7 government government NOUN _003394182 800 8 direct direct VERB _003394182 800 9 their their PRON _003394182 800 10 greatest great ADJ _003394182 800 11 efforts effort NOUN _003394182 800 12 against against ADP _003394182 800 13 the the DET _003394182 800 14 home home NOUN _003394182 800 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 801 1 that that PRON _003394182 801 2 also also ADV _003394182 801 3 is be AUX _003394182 801 4 why why SCONJ _003394182 801 5 every every DET _003394182 801 6 government government NOUN _003394182 801 7 should should AUX _003394182 801 8 make make VERB _003394182 801 9 the the DET _003394182 801 10 home home NOUN _003394182 801 11 and and CCONJ _003394182 801 12 the the DET _003394182 801 13 family family NOUN _003394182 801 14 the the DET _003394182 801 15 object object NOUN _003394182 801 16 of of ADP _003394182 801 17 its its PRON _003394182 801 18 finest fine ADJ _003394182 801 19 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 801 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 802 1 during during ADP _003394182 802 2 the the DET _003394182 802 3 past past ADJ _003394182 802 4 one one NUM _003394182 802 5 hundred hundred NUM _003394182 802 6 years year NOUN _003394182 802 7 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 802 8 has have AUX _003394182 802 9 too too ADV _003394182 802 10 often often ADV _003394182 802 11 been be AUX _003394182 802 12 the the DET _003394182 802 13 monopoly monopoly NOUN _003394182 802 14 of of ADP _003394182 802 15 the the DET _003394182 802 16 individual individual ADJ _003394182 802 17 industrialist industrialist NOUN _003394182 802 18 . . PUNCT _003394182 803 1 laws law NOUN _003394182 803 2 have have AUX _003394182 803 3 been be AUX _003394182 803 4 passed pass VERB _003394182 803 5 to to PART _003394182 803 6 guarantee guarantee VERB _003394182 803 7 the the DET _003394182 803 8 accumulation accumulation NOUN _003394182 803 9 of of ADP _003394182 803 10 wealth wealth NOUN _003394182 803 11 rather rather ADV _003394182 803 12 than than ADP _003394182 803 13 the the DET _003394182 803 14 more more ADV _003394182 803 15 equitable equitable ADJ _003394182 803 16 distribution distribution NOUN _003394182 803 17 of of ADP _003394182 803 18 it it PRON _003394182 803 19 amongst amongst ADP _003394182 803 20 the the DET _003394182 803 21 nation nation NOUN _003394182 803 22 's 's PART _003394182 803 23 homes home NOUN _003394182 803 24 . . PUNCT _003394182 804 1 legislatures legislature NOUN _003394182 804 2 elected elect VERB _003394182 804 3 by by ADP _003394182 804 4 64 64 NUM _003394182 804 5 the the DET _003394182 804 6 christian christian ADJ _003394182 804 7 family family NOUN _003394182 804 8 64 64 NUM _003394182 804 9 the the DET _003394182 804 10 " " PUNCT _003394182 804 11 vested vested ADJ _003394182 804 12 interests interest NOUN _003394182 804 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 804 14 " " PUNCT _003394182 804 15 have have AUX _003394182 804 16 bowed bow VERB _003394182 804 17 to to ADP _003394182 804 18 the the DET _003394182 804 19 avaricious avaricious ADJ _003394182 804 20 programs program NOUN _003394182 804 21 of of ADP _003394182 804 22 their their PRON _003394182 804 23 masters master NOUN _003394182 804 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 804 25 forgetful forgetful ADJ _003394182 804 26 of of ADP _003394182 804 27 the the DET _003394182 804 28 fact fact NOUN _003394182 804 29 that that SCONJ _003394182 804 30 the the DET _003394182 804 31 greatest greatest ADV _003394182 804 32 vested vested ADJ _003394182 804 33 interest interest NOUN _003394182 804 34 in in ADP _003394182 804 35 any any DET _003394182 804 36 land land NOUN _003394182 804 37 is be AUX _003394182 804 38 the the DET _003394182 804 39 primal primal ADJ _003394182 804 40 unit unit NOUN _003394182 804 41 of of ADP _003394182 804 42 civilization civilization NOUN _003394182 804 43 , , PUNCT _003394182 804 44 the the DET _003394182 804 45 family family NOUN _003394182 804 46 . . PUNCT _003394182 805 1 governments government NOUN _003394182 805 2 do do AUX _003394182 805 3 not not PART _003394182 805 4 exist exist VERB _003394182 805 5 for for ADP _003394182 805 6 individuals individual NOUN _003394182 805 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 806 1 governments government NOUN _003394182 806 2 exist exist VERB _003394182 806 3 for for ADP _003394182 806 4 the the DET _003394182 806 5 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 806 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 806 7 development development NOUN _003394182 806 8 of of ADP _003394182 806 9 the the DET _003394182 806 10 home home NOUN _003394182 806 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 807 1 the the DET _003394182 807 2 government government NOUN _003394182 807 3 which which PRON _003394182 807 4 surrenders surrender VERB _003394182 807 5 its its PRON _003394182 807 6 operations operation NOUN _003394182 807 7 to to ADP _003394182 807 8 the the DET _003394182 807 9 individual individual NOUN _003394182 807 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 807 11 sets set VERB _003394182 807 12 up up ADP _003394182 807 13 a a DET _003394182 807 14 tyranny tyranny NOUN _003394182 807 15 of of ADP _003394182 807 16 wealth wealth NOUN _003394182 807 17 on on ADP _003394182 807 18 the the DET _003394182 807 19 one one NUM _003394182 807 20 hand hand NOUN _003394182 807 21 and and CCONJ _003394182 807 22 the the DET _003394182 807 23 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _003394182 807 24 menace menace NOUN _003394182 807 25 of of ADP _003394182 807 26 the the DET _003394182 807 27 criminal criminal ADJ _003394182 807 28 anarchist anarchist NOUN _003394182 807 29 on on ADP _003394182 807 30 the the DET _003394182 807 31 other other ADJ _003394182 807 32 . . PUNCT _003394182 808 1 peace peace NOUN _003394182 808 2 and and CCONJ _003394182 808 3 happiness happiness NOUN _003394182 808 4 and and CCONJ _003394182 808 5 law law NOUN _003394182 808 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 808 7 order order NOUN _003394182 808 8 are be AUX _003394182 808 9 products product NOUN _003394182 808 10 of of ADP _003394182 808 11 the the DET _003394182 808 12 home home NOUN _003394182 808 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 809 1 christ christ PROPN _003394182 809 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 809 3 who who PRON _003394182 809 4 was be AUX _003394182 809 5 welcomed welcome VERB _003394182 809 6 in in ADP _003394182 809 7 the the DET _003394182 809 8 jewish jewish ADJ _003394182 809 9 homes home NOUN _003394182 809 10 of of ADP _003394182 809 11 palestine palestine NOUN _003394182 809 12 was be AUX _003394182 809 13 crucified crucify VERB _003394182 809 14 by by ADP _003394182 809 15 individual individual ADJ _003394182 809 16 fanaticism fanaticism NOUN _003394182 809 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 810 1 the the DET _003394182 810 2 jewish jewish ADJ _003394182 810 3 nation nation NOUN _003394182 810 4 was be AUX _003394182 810 5 not not PART _003394182 810 6 averse averse ADJ _003394182 810 7 to to ADP _003394182 810 8 christ christ PROPN _003394182 810 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 811 1 the the DET _003394182 811 2 jewish jewish ADJ _003394182 811 3 « « SPACE _003394182 811 4 people people NOUN _003394182 811 5 listened listen VERB _003394182 811 6 lovingly lovingly ADV _003394182 811 7 to to ADP _003394182 811 8 his his PRON _003394182 811 9 doctrines doctrine NOUN _003394182 811 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 812 1 the the DET _003394182 812 2 jewish jewish ADJ _003394182 812 3 pharisees pharisees PROPN _003394182 812 4 received receive VERB _003394182 812 5 him he PRON _003394182 812 6 at at ADP _003394182 812 7 their their PRON _003394182 812 8 table table NOUN _003394182 812 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 813 1 the the DET _003394182 813 2 jewish jewish ADJ _003394182 813 3 women woman NOUN _003394182 813 4 held hold VERB _003394182 813 5 their their PRON _003394182 813 6 children child NOUN _003394182 813 7 high high ADV _003394182 813 8 above above ADP _003394182 813 9 their their PRON _003394182 813 10 heads head NOUN _003394182 813 11 so so SCONJ _003394182 813 12 that that SCONJ _003394182 813 13 christ christ PROPN _003394182 813 14 might might AUX _003394182 813 15 see see VERB _003394182 813 16 them they PRON _003394182 813 17 and and CCONJ _003394182 813 18 bless bless VERB _003394182 813 19 them they PRON _003394182 813 20 as as SCONJ _003394182 813 21 he he PRON _003394182 813 22 passed pass VERB _003394182 813 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 814 1 not not PART _003394182 814 2 until until SCONJ _003394182 814 3 christ christ PROPN _003394182 814 4 's 's PART _003394182 814 5 preaching preaching NOUN _003394182 814 6 threatened threaten VERB _003394182 814 7 the the DET _003394182 814 8 wealth wealth NOUN _003394182 814 9 and and CCONJ _003394182 814 10 position position NOUN _003394182 814 11 of of ADP _003394182 814 12 the the DET _003394182 814 13 temple temple NOUN _003394182 814 14 's 's PART _003394182 814 15 leaders leader NOUN _003394182 814 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 814 17 did do AUX _003394182 814 18 he he PRON _003394182 814 19 court court VERB _003394182 814 20 their their PRON _003394182 814 21 individual individual ADJ _003394182 814 22 enmity enmity NOUN _003394182 814 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 814 24 revenge revenge NOUN _003394182 814 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 815 1 a a DET _003394182 815 2 few few ADJ _003394182 815 3 men man NOUN _003394182 815 4 entrenched entrench VERB _003394182 815 5 in in ADP _003394182 815 6 power power NOUN _003394182 815 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 815 8 fearful fearful ADJ _003394182 815 9 for for ADP _003394182 815 10 the the DET _003394182 815 11 continuance continuance NOUN _003394182 815 12 of of ADP _003394182 815 13 that that DET _003394182 815 14 power power NOUN _003394182 815 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 815 16 were be AUX _003394182 815 17 able able ADJ _003394182 815 18 to to PART _003394182 815 19 arouse arouse VERB _003394182 815 20 the the DET _003394182 815 21 populace populace NOUN _003394182 815 22 against against ADP _003394182 815 23 its its PRON _003394182 815 24 friend friend NOUN _003394182 815 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 816 1 the the DET _003394182 816 2 greatest great ADJ _003394182 816 3 deception deception NOUN _003394182 816 4 was be AUX _003394182 816 5 practiced practice VERB _003394182 816 6 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 816 7 the the DET _003394182 816 8 roman roman ADJ _003394182 816 9 government government NOUN _003394182 816 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 817 1 the the DET _003394182 817 2 jewish jewish ADJ _003394182 817 3 leaders leader NOUN _003394182 817 4 who who PRON _003394182 817 5 hated hate VERB _003394182 817 6 the the DET _003394182 817 7 romans roman NOUN _003394182 817 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 817 9 petitioned petition VERB _003394182 817 10 the the DET _003394182 817 11 roman roman ADJ _003394182 817 12 government government NOUN _003394182 817 13 to to PART _003394182 817 14 indict indict VERB _003394182 817 15 christ christ PROPN _003394182 817 16 for for ADP _003394182 817 17 the the DET _003394182 817 18 false false ADJ _003394182 817 19 crime crime NOUN _003394182 817 20 of of ADP _003394182 817 21 treason treason NOUN _003394182 817 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 817 23 and and CCONJ _003394182 817 24 to to PART _003394182 817 25 crucify crucify VERB _003394182 817 26 him he PRON _003394182 817 27 in in ADP _003394182 817 28 order order NOUN _003394182 817 29 to to PART _003394182 817 30 satisfy satisfy VERB _003394182 817 31 their their PRON _003394182 817 32 individual individual ADJ _003394182 817 33 resentment resentment NOUN _003394182 817 34 . . PUNCT _003394182 818 1 the the DET _003394182 818 2 lover lover PROPN _003394182 818 3 of of ADP _003394182 818 4 homes home NOUN _003394182 818 5 succumbed succumb VERB _003394182 818 6 to to ADP _003394182 818 7 the the DET _003394182 818 8 hatred hatred NOUN _003394182 818 9 of of ADP _003394182 818 10 individuals individual NOUN _003394182 818 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 819 1 the the DET _003394182 819 2 tragedy tragedy NOUN _003394182 819 3 of of ADP _003394182 819 4 christ christ PROPN _003394182 819 5 is be AUX _003394182 819 6 duplicated duplicate VERB _003394182 819 7 in in ADP _003394182 819 8 the the DET _003394182 819 9 history history NOUN _003394182 819 10 of of ADP _003394182 819 11 every every DET _003394182 819 12 nation nation NOUN _003394182 819 13 known know VERB _003394182 819 14 to to ADP _003394182 819 15 man man NOUN _003394182 819 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 820 1 the the DET _003394182 820 2 home home NOUN _003394182 820 3 that that PRON _003394182 820 4 is be AUX _003394182 820 5 the the DET _003394182 820 6 strength strength NOUN _003394182 820 7 of of ADP _003394182 820 8 nations nation NOUN _003394182 820 9 is be AUX _003394182 820 10 neglected neglect VERB _003394182 820 11 by by ADP _003394182 820 12 the the DET _003394182 820 13 nation nation NOUN _003394182 820 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 821 1 the the DET _003394182 821 2 christian christian PROPN _003394182 821 3 family family NOUN _003394182 821 4 65 65 NUM _003394182 821 5 individuals individual NOUN _003394182 821 6 who who PRON _003394182 821 7 use use VERB _003394182 821 8 the the DET _003394182 821 9 nation nation NOUN _003394182 821 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 821 11 are be AUX _003394182 821 12 stimulated stimulate VERB _003394182 821 13 and and CCONJ _003394182 821 14 protected protect VERB _003394182 821 15 in in ADP _003394182 821 16 their their PRON _003394182 821 17 program program NOUN _003394182 821 18 of of ADP _003394182 821 19 private private ADJ _003394182 821 20 aggrandizement aggrandizement NOUN _003394182 821 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 822 1 individuals individual NOUN _003394182 822 2 who who PRON _003394182 822 3 might might AUX _003394182 822 4 be be AUX _003394182 822 5 converted convert VERB _003394182 822 6 into into ADP _003394182 822 7 heads head NOUN _003394182 822 8 of of ADP _003394182 822 9 families family NOUN _003394182 822 10 by by ADP _003394182 822 11 legislation legislation NOUN _003394182 822 12 favorable favorable ADJ _003394182 822 13 to to ADP _003394182 822 14 the the DET _003394182 822 15 home home NOUN _003394182 822 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 822 17 are be AUX _003394182 822 18 allowed allow VERB _003394182 822 19 to to PART _003394182 822 20 nurse nurse VERB _003394182 822 21 their their PRON _003394182 822 22 wrongs wrong NOUN _003394182 822 23 in in ADP _003394182 822 24 private private ADJ _003394182 822 25 until until SCONJ _003394182 822 26 a a DET _003394182 822 27 million million NUM _003394182 822 28 sparks spark NOUN _003394182 822 29 of of ADP _003394182 822 30 resentment resentment NOUN _003394182 822 31 have have AUX _003394182 822 32 coalesced coalesce VERB _003394182 822 33 into into ADP _003394182 822 34 a a DET _003394182 822 35 scarlet scarlet ADJ _003394182 822 36 flame flame NOUN _003394182 822 37 of of ADP _003394182 822 38 national national ADJ _003394182 822 39 conflagration conflagration NOUN _003394182 822 40 . . PUNCT _003394182 823 1 no no DET _003394182 823 2 nation nation NOUN _003394182 823 3 that that PRON _003394182 823 4 has have VERB _003394182 823 5 the the DET _003394182 823 6 slightest slight ADJ _003394182 823 7 interest interest NOUN _003394182 823 8 in in ADP _003394182 823 9 its its PRON _003394182 823 10 own own ADJ _003394182 823 11 preservation preservation NOUN _003394182 823 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 823 13 can can AUX _003394182 823 14 afford afford VERB _003394182 823 15 to to PART _003394182 823 16 tamper tamper VERB _003394182 823 17 with with ADP _003394182 823 18 the the DET _003394182 823 19 unity unity NOUN _003394182 823 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 823 21 sanctity sanctity NOUN _003394182 823 22 of of ADP _003394182 823 23 the the DET _003394182 823 24 home home NOUN _003394182 823 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 824 1 the the DET _003394182 824 2 nation nation NOUN _003394182 824 3 that that PRON _003394182 824 4 facilitates facilitate VERB _003394182 824 5 the the DET _003394182 824 6 processes process NOUN _003394182 824 7 of of ADP _003394182 824 8 divorce divorce NOUN _003394182 824 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 824 10 the the DET _003394182 824 11 nation nation NOUN _003394182 824 12 that that PRON _003394182 824 13 sanctions sanction VERB _003394182 824 14 the the DET _003394182 824 15 pernicious pernicious ADJ _003394182 824 16 practices practice NOUN _003394182 824 17 of of ADP _003394182 824 18 birth birth NOUN _003394182 824 19 control control NOUN _003394182 824 20 , , PUNCT _003394182 824 21 the the DET _003394182 824 22 nation nation NOUN _003394182 824 23 that that PRON _003394182 824 24 fails fail VERB _003394182 824 25 to to PART _003394182 824 26 make make VERB _003394182 824 27 the the DET _003394182 824 28 home home NOUN _003394182 824 29 the the DET _003394182 824 30 unit unit NOUN _003394182 824 31 of of ADP _003394182 824 32 industry industry NOUN _003394182 824 33 and and CCONJ _003394182 824 34 citizenship citizenship NOUN _003394182 824 35 as as ADV _003394182 824 36 well well ADV _003394182 824 37 as as ADP _003394182 824 38 of of ADP _003394182 824 39 life life NOUN _003394182 824 40 , , PUNCT _003394182 824 41 is be AUX _003394182 824 42 signing sign VERB _003394182 824 43 its its PRON _003394182 824 44 own own ADJ _003394182 824 45 death death NOUN _003394182 824 46 warrant warrant NOUN _003394182 824 47 and and CCONJ _003394182 824 48 moving move VERB _003394182 824 49 towards towards ADP _003394182 824 50 inevitable inevitable ADJ _003394182 824 51 destruction destruction NOUN _003394182 824 52 . . PUNCT _003394182 825 1 the the DET _003394182 825 2 home home NOUN _003394182 825 3 is be AUX _003394182 825 4 the the DET _003394182 825 5 surest sure ADJ _003394182 825 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 825 7 safest safe ADJ _003394182 825 8 tabernacle tabernacle NOUN _003394182 825 9 of of ADP _003394182 825 10 patriotism patriotism NOUN _003394182 825 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 826 1 washington washington PROPN _003394182 826 2 the the DET _003394182 826 3 general general NOUN _003394182 826 4 is be AUX _003394182 826 5 only only ADV _003394182 826 6 surpassed surpass VERB _003394182 826 7 in in ADP _003394182 826 8 the the DET _003394182 826 9 love love NOUN _003394182 826 10 and and CCONJ _003394182 826 11 affection affection NOUN _003394182 826 12 of of ADP _003394182 826 13 the the DET _003394182 826 14 american american ADJ _003394182 826 15 people people NOUN _003394182 826 16 by by ADP _003394182 826 17 washington washington PROPN _003394182 826 18 the the DET _003394182 826 19 home home NOUN _003394182 826 20 lover lover NOUN _003394182 826 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 827 1 throughout throughout ADP _003394182 827 2 the the DET _003394182 827 3 nation nation NOUN _003394182 827 4 today today NOUN _003394182 827 5 the the DET _003394182 827 6 replicas replica NOUN _003394182 827 7 of of ADP _003394182 827 8 his his PRON _003394182 827 9 home home NOUN _003394182 827 10 at at ADP _003394182 827 11 mount mount PROPN _003394182 827 12 vernon vernon PROPN _003394182 827 13 are be AUX _003394182 827 14 standing stand VERB _003394182 827 15 in in ADP _003394182 827 16 our our PRON _003394182 827 17 city city NOUN _003394182 827 18 parks park NOUN _003394182 827 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 828 1 may may AUX _003394182 828 2 they they PRON _003394182 828 3 recall recall VERB _003394182 828 4 the the DET _003394182 828 5 true true ADJ _003394182 828 6 greatness greatness NOUN _003394182 828 7 of of ADP _003394182 828 8 america america PROPN _003394182 828 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 829 1 may may AUX _003394182 829 2 they they PRON _003394182 829 3 awaken awaken VERB _003394182 829 4 the the DET _003394182 829 5 minds mind NOUN _003394182 829 6 of of ADP _003394182 829 7 all all DET _003394182 829 8 governments government NOUN _003394182 829 9 to to ADP _003394182 829 10 the the DET _003394182 829 11 importance importance NOUN _003394182 829 12 of of ADP _003394182 829 13 the the DET _003394182 829 14 home home NOUN _003394182 829 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 830 1 the the DET _003394182 830 2 message message NOUN _003394182 830 3 of of ADP _003394182 830 4 mount mount PROPN _003394182 830 5 vernon vernon PROPN _003394182 830 6 is be AUX _003394182 830 7 greater great ADJ _003394182 830 8 than than ADP _003394182 830 9 the the DET _003394182 830 10 message message NOUN _003394182 830 11 of of ADP _003394182 830 12 valley valley NOUN _003394182 830 13 forge forge NOUN _003394182 830 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 831 1 the the DET _003394182 831 2 homes home NOUN _003394182 831 3 of of ADP _003394182 831 4 a a DET _003394182 831 5 nation nation NOUN _003394182 831 6 are be AUX _003394182 831 7 greater great ADJ _003394182 831 8 than than ADP _003394182 831 9 its its PRON _003394182 831 10 history history NOUN _003394182 831 11 because because SCONJ _003394182 831 12 its its PRON _003394182 831 13 history history NOUN _003394182 831 14 is be AUX _003394182 831 15 written write VERB _003394182 831 16 by by ADP _003394182 831 17 its its PRON _003394182 831 18 homes home NOUN _003394182 831 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 832 1 cardinal cardinal PROPN _003394182 832 2 hayes hayes PROPN _003394182 832 3 states state VERB _003394182 832 4 aims aim NOUN _003394182 832 5 of of ADP _003394182 832 6 t t NOUN _003394182 832 7 h h NOUN _003394182 832 8 e e PROPN _003394182 832 9 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 832 10 radio radio NOUN _003394182 832 11 hour hour NOUN _003394182 832 12 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 832 13 e e NOUN _003394182 832 14 x x PROPN _003394182 832 15 t t NOUN _003394182 832 16 r r NOUN _003394182 832 17 a a DET _003394182 832 18 c c NOUN _003394182 832 19 t t NOUN _003394182 832 20 f f X _003394182 832 21 r r NOUN _003394182 832 22 o o NOUN _003394182 832 23 m m VERB _003394182 832 24 his his PRON _003394182 832 25 address address NOUN _003394182 832 26 a a DET _003394182 832 27 t t NOUN _003394182 832 28 the the DET _003394182 832 29 inaugural inaugural ADJ _003394182 832 30 program program NOUN _003394182 832 31 in in ADP _003394182 832 32 the the DET _003394182 832 33 studio studio NOUN _003394182 832 34 of of ADP _003394182 832 35 the the DET _003394182 832 36 national national PROPN _003394182 832 37 broadcasting broadcasting PROPN _003394182 832 38 company company NOUN _003394182 832 39 , , PUNCT _003394182 832 40 new new PROPN _003394182 832 41 york york PROPN _003394182 832 42 city city PROPN _003394182 832 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 833 1 march march PROPN _003394182 833 2 2 2 NUM _003394182 833 3 . . NUM _003394182 833 4 1930 1930 NUM _003394182 833 5 ) ) PUNCT _003394182 833 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 834 1 our our PRON _003394182 834 2 congratulations congratulation NOUN _003394182 834 3 and and CCONJ _003394182 834 4 our our PRON _003394182 834 5 gratitude gratitude NOUN _003394182 834 6 are be AUX _003394182 834 7 extended extend VERB _003394182 834 8 to to ADP _003394182 834 9 the the DET _003394182 834 10 national national ADJ _003394182 834 11 council council PROPN _003394182 834 12 of of ADP _003394182 834 13 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 834 14 men man NOUN _003394182 834 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 834 16 its its PRON _003394182 834 17 officials official NOUN _003394182 834 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 834 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 834 20 to to ADP _003394182 834 21 all all PRON _003394182 834 22 who who PRON _003394182 834 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 834 24 by by ADP _003394182 834 25 their their PRON _003394182 834 26 financial financial ADJ _003394182 834 27 support support NOUN _003394182 834 28 , , PUNCT _003394182 834 29 have have AUX _003394182 834 30 made make VERB _003394182 834 31 i i PRON _003394182 834 32 t t X _003394182 834 33 possible possible ADJ _003394182 834 34 to to PART _003394182 834 35 use use VERB _003394182 834 36 this this DET _003394182 834 37 offer offer NOUN _003394182 834 38 of of ADP _003394182 834 39 the the DET _003394182 834 40 national national PROPN _003394182 834 41 broadcasting broadcasting PROPN _003394182 834 42 company company NOUN _003394182 834 43 . . PUNCT _003394182 835 1 the the DET _003394182 835 2 heavy heavy ADJ _003394182 835 3 expense expense NOUN _003394182 835 4 of of ADP _003394182 835 5 managing manage VERB _003394182 835 6 and and CCONJ _003394182 835 7 financing finance VERB _003394182 835 8 a a DET _003394182 835 9 weekly weekly ADJ _003394182 835 10 program program NOUN _003394182 835 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 835 12 its its PRON _003394182 835 13 musical musical ADJ _003394182 835 14 numbers number NOUN _003394182 835 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 835 16 its its PRON _003394182 835 17 speakers speaker NOUN _003394182 835 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 835 19 the the DET _003394182 835 20 subsequent subsequent ADJ _003394182 835 21 answering answering NOUN _003394182 835 22 of of ADP _003394182 835 23 inquiries inquiry NOUN _003394182 835 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 835 25 must must AUX _003394182 835 26 be be AUX _003394182 835 27 met meet VERB _003394182 835 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 836 1 that that DET _003394182 836 2 responsibility responsibility NOUN _003394182 836 3 rests rest VERB _003394182 836 4 upon upon SCONJ _003394182 836 5 the the DET _003394182 836 6 national national PROPN _003394182 836 7 council council PROPN _003394182 836 8 of of ADP _003394182 836 9 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 836 10 men man NOUN _003394182 836 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 836 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 836 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 837 1 this this DET _003394182 837 2 radio radio NOUN _003394182 837 3 hour hour NOUN _003394182 837 4 is be AUX _003394182 837 5 for for ADP _003394182 837 6 all all DET _003394182 837 7 the the DET _003394182 837 8 people people NOUN _003394182 837 9 of of ADP _003394182 837 10 the the DET _003394182 837 11 united united PROPN _003394182 837 12 states states PROPN _003394182 837 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 838 1 to to ADP _003394182 838 2 our our PRON _003394182 838 3 fellow fellow NOUN _003394182 838 4 - - PUNCT _003394182 838 5 citizens citizen NOUN _003394182 838 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 838 7 in in ADP _003394182 838 8 this this DET _003394182 838 9 word word NOUN _003394182 838 10 of of ADP _003394182 838 11 dedication dedication NOUN _003394182 838 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 838 13 we we PRON _003394182 838 14 wish wish VERB _003394182 838 15 to to PART _003394182 838 16 express express VERB _003394182 838 17 a a DET _003394182 838 18 cordial cordial ADJ _003394182 838 19 greeting greeting NOUN _003394182 838 20 and and CCONJ _003394182 838 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 838 22 indeed indeed ADV _003394182 838 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 838 24 congratulations congratulation NOUN _003394182 838 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 839 1 for for ADP _003394182 839 2 this this DET _003394182 839 3 radio radio NOUN _003394182 839 4 hour hour NOUN _003394182 839 5 is be AUX _003394182 839 6 one one NUM _003394182 839 7 of of ADP _003394182 839 8 service service NOUN _003394182 839 9 to to ADP _003394182 839 10 america america PROPN _003394182 839 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 839 12 which which PRON _003394182 839 13 certainly certainly ADV _003394182 839 14 will will AUX _003394182 839 15 listen listen VERB _003394182 839 16 in in ADP _003394182 839 17 interestedly interestedly ADV _003394182 839 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 839 19 and and CCONJ _003394182 839 20 even even ADV _003394182 839 21 sympathetically sympathetically ADV _003394182 839 22 , , PUNCT _003394182 839 23 i i PRON _003394182 839 24 am be AUX _003394182 839 25 sure sure ADJ _003394182 839 26 , , PUNCT _003394182 839 27 to to ADP _003394182 839 28 the the DET _003394182 839 29 voice voice NOUN _003394182 839 30 of of ADP _003394182 839 31 t t NOUN _003394182 839 32 h h NOUN _003394182 839 33 e e NOUN _003394182 839 34 ancient ancient ADJ _003394182 839 35 church church NOUN _003394182 839 36 with with ADP _003394182 839 37 its its PRON _003394182 839 38 historic historic ADJ _003394182 839 39 background background NOUN _003394182 839 40 of of ADP _003394182 839 41 all all DET _003394182 839 42 the the DET _003394182 839 43 centuries century NOUN _003394182 839 44 of of ADP _003394182 839 45 the the DET _003394182 839 46 christian christian ADJ _003394182 839 47 era era NOUN _003394182 839 48 , , PUNCT _003394182 839 49 and and CCONJ _003394182 839 50 with with ADP _003394182 839 51 its its PRON _003394182 839 52 own own ADJ _003394182 839 53 notable notable ADJ _003394182 839 54 contribution contribution NOUN _003394182 839 55 to to ADP _003394182 839 56 t t NOUN _003394182 839 57 h h PROPN _003394182 839 58 e e PROPN _003394182 839 59 discovery discovery NOUN _003394182 839 60 , , PUNCT _003394182 839 61 exploration exploration NOUN _003394182 839 62 , , PUNCT _003394182 839 63 foundation foundation NOUN _003394182 839 64 and and CCONJ _003394182 839 65 growth growth NOUN _003394182 839 66 of of ADP _003394182 839 67 our our PRON _003394182 839 68 glorious glorious ADJ _003394182 839 69 country country NOUN _003394182 839 70 . . PUNCT _003394182 839 71 . . PUNCT _003394182 839 72 . . PUNCT _003394182 839 73 . . PUNCT _003394182 840 1 thus thus ADV _003394182 840 2 to to PART _003394182 840 3 voice voice VERB _003394182 840 4 before before ADP _003394182 840 5 a a DET _003394182 840 6 vast vast ADJ _003394182 840 7 public public NOUN _003394182 840 8 the the DET _003394182 840 9 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 840 10 church church NOUN _003394182 840 11 is be AUX _003394182 840 12 no no DET _003394182 840 13 light light ADJ _003394182 840 14 task task NOUN _003394182 840 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 841 1 our our PRON _003394182 841 2 prayers prayer NOUN _003394182 841 3 will will AUX _003394182 841 4 be be AUX _003394182 841 5 with with ADP _003394182 841 6 those those PRON _003394182 841 7 who who PRON _003394182 841 8 have have VERB _003394182 841 9 t t NOUN _003394182 841 10 h h X _003394182 841 11 a a DET _003394182 841 12 t t NOUN _003394182 841 13 task task NOUN _003394182 841 14 in in ADP _003394182 841 15 hand hand NOUN _003394182 841 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 842 1 we we PRON _003394182 842 2 feel feel VERB _003394182 842 3 certain certain ADJ _003394182 842 4 t t NOUN _003394182 842 5 h h NOUN _003394182 842 6 a a DET _003394182 842 7 t t NOUN _003394182 842 8 it it PRON _003394182 842 9 will will AUX _003394182 842 10 have have VERB _003394182 842 11 both both CCONJ _003394182 842 12 the the DET _003394182 842 13 good good ADJ _003394182 842 14 will will NOUN _003394182 842 15 and and CCONJ _003394182 842 16 the the DET _003394182 842 17 good good ADJ _003394182 842 18 wishes wish NOUN _003394182 842 19 of of ADP _003394182 842 20 the the DET _003394182 842 21 g g NOUN _003394182 842 22 r r NOUN _003394182 842 23 e e NOUN _003394182 842 24 a a DET _003394182 842 25 t t NOUN _003394182 842 26 m m VERB _003394182 842 27 a a DET _003394182 842 28 j j NOUN _003394182 842 29 o o NOUN _003394182 842 30 r r NOUN _003394182 842 31 i i NOUN _003394182 842 32 t t PROPN _003394182 842 33 y y PROPN _003394182 842 34 of of ADP _003394182 842 35 our our PRON _003394182 842 36 country country NOUN _003394182 842 37 - - PUNCT _003394182 842 38 men man NOUN _003394182 842 39 . . PUNCT _003394182 843 1 surely surely ADV _003394182 843 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 843 3 there there PRON _003394182 843 4 is be VERB _003394182 843 5 no no DET _003394182 843 6 t t NOUN _003394182 843 7 r r NOUN _003394182 843 8 u u NOUN _003394182 843 9 e e NOUN _003394182 843 10 lover lover NOUN _003394182 843 11 of of ADP _003394182 843 12 our our PRON _003394182 843 13 country country NOUN _003394182 843 14 who who PRON _003394182 843 15 does do AUX _003394182 843 16 not not PART _003394182 843 17 eagerly eagerly ADV _003394182 843 18 hope hope VERB _003394182 843 19 for for ADP _003394182 843 20 a a DET _003394182 843 21 less less ADV _003394182 843 22 worldly worldly ADJ _003394182 843 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 843 24 a a DET _003394182 843 25 less less ADJ _003394182 843 26 material material NOUN _003394182 843 27 , , PUNCT _003394182 843 28 and and CCONJ _003394182 843 29 a a DET _003394182 843 30 more more ADV _003394182 843 31 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003394182 843 32 standard standard NOUN _003394182 843 33 among among ADP _003394182 843 34 our our PRON _003394182 843 35 people people NOUN _003394182 843 36 . . PUNCT _003394182 844 1 with with ADP _003394182 844 2 " " PUNCT _003394182 844 3 good good ADJ _003394182 844 4 will will NOUN _003394182 844 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 844 6 with with ADP _003394182 844 7 kindness kindness NOUN _003394182 844 8 and and CCONJ _003394182 844 9 with with ADP _003394182 844 10 christ christ PROPN _003394182 844 11 - - PUNCT _003394182 844 12 like like ADJ _003394182 844 13 sympathy sympathy NOUN _003394182 844 14 f f PROPN _003394182 844 15 o o X _003394182 845 1 r r NOUN _003394182 845 2 us we PRON _003394182 845 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 845 4 this this DET _003394182 845 5 work work NOUN _003394182 845 6 is be AUX _003394182 845 7 inaugurated inaugurate VERB _003394182 845 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 846 1 so so ADV _003394182 846 2 may may AUX _003394182 846 3 it it PRON _003394182 846 4 continue continue VERB _003394182 846 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 847 1 so so ADV _003394182 847 2 may may AUX _003394182 847 3 it it PRON _003394182 847 4 be be AUX _003394182 847 5 fulfilled fulfil VERB _003394182 847 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 848 1 this this DET _003394182 848 2 work work NOUN _003394182 848 3 of of ADP _003394182 848 4 dedication dedication NOUN _003394182 848 5 voices voice NOUN _003394182 848 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 848 7 therefore therefore ADV _003394182 848 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 848 9 the the DET _003394182 848 10 hope hope NOUN _003394182 848 11 t t PROPN _003394182 848 12 h h X _003394182 848 13 a a DET _003394182 848 14 t t NOUN _003394182 848 15 this this DET _003394182 848 16 radio radio NOUN _003394182 848 17 hour hour NOUN _003394182 848 18 may may AUX _003394182 848 19 serve serve VERB _003394182 848 20 to to PART _003394182 848 21 make make VERB _003394182 848 22 known know VERB _003394182 848 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 848 24 to to PART _003394182 848 25 explain explain VERB _003394182 848 26 with with ADP _003394182 848 27 the the DET _003394182 848 28 charity charity NOUN _003394182 848 29 of of ADP _003394182 848 30 christ christ PROPN _003394182 848 31 , , PUNCT _003394182 848 32 ohr ohr PROPN _003394182 848 33 faith faith NOUN _003394182 848 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 848 35 which which PRON _003394182 848 36 we we PRON _003394182 848 37 love love VERB _003394182 848 38 even even ADV _003394182 848 39 a a DET _003394182 848 40 s s NOUN _003394182 848 41 we we PRON _003394182 848 42 love love VERB _003394182 848 43 christ christ PROPN _003394182 848 44 himself himself PRON _003394182 848 45 . . PUNCT _003394182 849 1 may may AUX _003394182 849 2 it it PRON _003394182 849 3 serve serve VERB _003394182 849 4 to to PART _003394182 849 5 make make VERB _003394182 849 6 better well ADV _003394182 849 7 understood understand VERB _003394182 849 8 t t PROPN _003394182 849 9 h h NOUN _003394182 849 10 a a DET _003394182 849 11 t t NOUN _003394182 849 12 f f X _003394182 850 1 a a DET _003394182 850 2 i i NOUN _003394182 850 3 t t NOUN _003394182 850 4 h h NOUN _003394182 850 5 as as SCONJ _003394182 850 6 i i PRON _003394182 850 7 t t NOUN _003394182 850 8 really really ADV _003394182 850 9 is be AUX _003394182 850 10 — — PUNCT _003394182 850 11 a a DET _003394182 850 12 light light NOUN _003394182 850 13 revealing reveal VERB _003394182 850 14 t t NOUN _003394182 850 15 h h NOUN _003394182 850 16 e e NOUN _003394182 850 17 pathway pathway NOUN _003394182 850 18 to to ADP _003394182 850 19 heaven heaven PROPN _003394182 850 20 : : PUNCT _003394182 850 21 a a DET _003394182 850 22 strength strength NOUN _003394182 850 23 , , PUNCT _003394182 850 24 and and CCONJ _003394182 850 25 a a DET _003394182 850 26 power power NOUN _003394182 850 27 divine divine VERB _003394182 850 28 through through ADP _003394182 850 29 christ christ PROPN _003394182 850 30 : : PUNCT _003394182 850 31 pardoning pardon VERB _003394182 850 32 our our PRON _003394182 850 33 sins sin NOUN _003394182 850 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 850 35 elevating elevating NOUN _003394182 850 36 , , PUNCT _003394182 850 37 consecrating consecrate VERB _003394182 850 38 our our PRON _003394182 850 39 common common ADJ _003394182 850 40 every every DET _003394182 850 41 - - PUNCT _003394182 850 42 day day NOUN _003394182 850 43 duties duty NOUN _003394182 850 44 and and CCONJ _003394182 850 45 joys joy NOUN _003394182 850 46 , , PUNCT _003394182 850 47 bringing bring VERB _003394182 850 48 not not PART _003394182 850 49 only only ADV _003394182 850 50 justice justice NOUN _003394182 850 51 but but CCONJ _003394182 850 52 gladness gladness NOUN _003394182 850 53 and and CCONJ _003394182 850 54 peace peace NOUN _003394182 850 55 to to ADP _003394182 850 56 our our PRON _003394182 850 57 searching search VERB _003394182 850 58 and and CCONJ _003394182 850 59 questioning question VERB _003394182 850 60 hearts heart NOUN _003394182 850 61 . . PUNCT _003394182 851 1 catholic catholic ADJ _003394182 851 2 hour hour NOUN _003394182 851 3 addresses address VERB _003394182 851 4 o o X _003394182 851 5 u u NOUN _003394182 851 6 r r NOUN _003394182 851 7 s s PART _003394182 851 8 u u NOUN _003394182 851 9 n n NOUN _003394182 851 10 d d PROPN _003394182 852 1 a a PRON _003394182 852 2 y y PROPN _003394182 853 1 v v NOUN _003394182 853 2 i i PRON _003394182 853 3 s s VERB _003394182 853 4 i i PRON _003394182 854 1 t t NOUN _003394182 854 2 o o X _003394182 854 3 r r NOUN _003394182 854 4 i i PRON _003394182 854 5 s s AUX _003394182 854 6 t t NOUN _003394182 854 7 h h NOUN _003394182 855 1 e e NOUN _003394182 856 1 a a DET _003394182 856 2 u u PROPN _003394182 856 3 t t NOUN _003394182 856 4 h h NOUN _003394182 856 5 o o NOUN _003394182 856 6 r r NOUN _003394182 857 1 i i PRON _003394182 858 1 z z NOUN _003394182 858 2 e e NOUN _003394182 858 3 d d PROPN _003394182 858 4 p p PROPN _003394182 858 5 u u PROPN _003394182 858 6 b b X _003394182 859 1 l l X _003394182 860 1 i i PRON _003394182 860 2 s s VERB _003394182 860 3 h h NOUN _003394182 860 4 e e NOUN _003394182 860 5 r r NOUN _003394182 860 6 of of ADP _003394182 860 7 a a DET _003394182 860 8 l l X _003394182 860 9 l l NOUN _003394182 860 10 c c PROPN _003394182 860 11 a a DET _003394182 860 12 t t NOUN _003394182 860 13 h h NOUN _003394182 860 14 o o NOUN _003394182 861 1 l l X _003394182 861 2 i i PRON _003394182 861 3 c c VERB _003394182 861 4 h h NOUN _003394182 862 1 o o NOUN _003394182 862 2 u u NOUN _003394182 862 3 r r VERB _003394182 863 1 a a X _003394182 863 2 d d NOUN _003394182 863 3 d d NOUN _003394182 863 4 r r NOUN _003394182 863 5 e e NOUN _003394182 863 6 s s VERB _003394182 863 7 s s NOUN _003394182 863 8 e e NOUN _003394182 863 9 s s VERB _003394182 863 10 i i PRON _003394182 864 1 n n ADV _003394182 864 2 p p NOUN _003394182 864 3 a a X _003394182 864 4 m m PROPN _003394182 864 5 p p NOUN _003394182 864 6 h h NOUN _003394182 864 7 l l X _003394182 864 8 e e NOUN _003394182 864 9 t t NOUN _003394182 864 10 f f PROPN _003394182 865 1 o o X _003394182 865 2 r r NOUN _003394182 865 3 m m NOUN _003394182 865 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 866 1 t t NOUN _003394182 866 2 h h NOUN _003394182 866 3 e e NOUN _003394182 866 4 a a DET _003394182 866 5 d d NOUN _003394182 866 6 d d PROPN _003394182 866 7 r r NOUN _003394182 866 8 e e NOUN _003394182 866 9 s s VERB _003394182 866 10 s s NOUN _003394182 866 11 e e NOUN _003394182 866 12 s s NOUN _003394182 866 13 p p NOUN _003394182 866 14 u u NOUN _003394182 866 15 b b X _003394182 867 1 l l X _003394182 868 1 i i PRON _003394182 868 2 s s VERB _003394182 868 3 h h NOUN _003394182 869 1 e e NOUN _003394182 870 1 d d NOUN _003394182 870 2 t t PROPN _003394182 870 3 o o NOUN _003394182 870 4 d d X _003394182 870 5 a a DET _003394182 870 6 t t NOUN _003394182 870 7 e e NOUN _003394182 870 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 870 9 a a DET _003394182 870 10 l l X _003394182 870 11 l l NOUN _003394182 870 12 of of ADP _003394182 870 13 w w PROPN _003394182 870 14 h h PROPN _003394182 871 1 i i PRON _003394182 871 2 c c VERB _003394182 871 3 h h X _003394182 871 4 a a DET _003394182 871 5 r r NOUN _003394182 871 6 e e NOUN _003394182 871 7 still still ADV _003394182 871 8 a a DET _003394182 871 9 v v NOUN _003394182 872 1 a a DET _003394182 872 2 i i NOUN _003394182 872 3 l l NOUN _003394182 872 4 a a X _003394182 872 5 b b X _003394182 872 6 l l NOUN _003394182 872 7 e e NOUN _003394182 872 8 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 872 9 " " PUNCT _003394182 872 10 t t NOUN _003394182 872 11 h h NOUN _003394182 872 12 e e NOUN _003394182 872 13 w w X _003394182 872 14 a a DET _003394182 872 15 y y PROPN _003394182 872 16 of of ADP _003394182 872 17 t t PROPN _003394182 872 18 h h NOUN _003394182 872 19 e e NOUN _003394182 872 20 c c X _003394182 872 21 r r NOUN _003394182 872 22 o o NOUN _003394182 872 23 s s PROPN _003394182 872 24 s s PRON _003394182 872 25 " " PUNCT _003394182 872 26 o o NOUN _003394182 872 27 b b NOUN _003394182 872 28 t t NOUN _003394182 872 29 a a PRON _003394182 873 1 i i PROPN _003394182 874 1 n n NOUN _003394182 874 2 a a DET _003394182 874 3 b b X _003394182 874 4 l l NOUN _003394182 874 5 e e NOUN _003394182 874 6 only only ADV _003394182 874 7 f f X _003394182 874 8 r r NOUN _003394182 874 9 o o NOUN _003394182 874 10 m m VERB _003394182 874 11 t t NOUN _003394182 874 12 h h NOUN _003394182 874 13 e e PROPN _003394182 874 14 n n ADP _003394182 874 15 a a DET _003394182 874 16 t t NOUN _003394182 875 1 i i PRON _003394182 875 2 o o NOUN _003394182 875 3 n n ADV _003394182 875 4 a a DET _003394182 875 5 l l NOUN _003394182 875 6 c c NOUN _003394182 875 7 o o NOUN _003394182 875 8 u u NOUN _003394182 875 9 n n X _003394182 875 10 c c X _003394182 875 11 i i PRON _003394182 875 12 l l NOUN _003394182 875 13 of of ADP _003394182 875 14 c c PROPN _003394182 875 15 a a DET _003394182 875 16 t t NOUN _003394182 875 17 h h NOUN _003394182 876 1 o o NOUN _003394182 876 2 l l X _003394182 877 1 i i PRON _003394182 877 2 c c VERB _003394182 877 3 m m VERB _003394182 877 4 e e PROPN _003394182 877 5 n n PROPN _003394182 877 6 ) ) PUNCT _003394182 877 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 877 8 a a DET _003394182 877 9 r r NOUN _003394182 877 10 e e X _003394182 877 11 l l NOUN _003394182 877 12 i i PRON _003394182 877 13 s s VERB _003394182 877 14 t t NOUN _003394182 877 15 e e NOUN _003394182 877 16 d d PROPN _003394182 877 17 b b PROPN _003394182 877 18 e e PROPN _003394182 877 19 l l NOUN _003394182 877 20 o o PROPN _003394182 877 21 w w X _003394182 877 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 878 1 o o X _003394182 878 2 t t NOUN _003394182 878 3 h h NOUN _003394182 878 4 e e X _003394182 878 5 r r NOUN _003394182 878 6 s s PROPN _003394182 878 7 will will AUX _003394182 878 8 b b X _003394182 878 9 e e NOUN _003394182 878 10 p p PROPN _003394182 878 11 u u PROPN _003394182 879 1 b b X _003394182 879 2 l l X _003394182 880 1 i i PRON _003394182 880 2 s s VERB _003394182 880 3 h h NOUN _003394182 881 1 e e NOUN _003394182 881 2 d d X _003394182 881 3 a a DET _003394182 881 4 s s NOUN _003394182 881 5 they they PRON _003394182 881 6 1 1 NUM _003394182 882 1 a a DET _003394182 882 2 r r NOUN _003394182 882 3 e e NOUN _003394182 882 4 d d X _003394182 882 5 e e PROPN _003394182 883 1 l l X _003394182 884 1 i i PRON _003394182 884 2 v v VERB _003394182 884 3 e e PROPN _003394182 884 4 r r NOUN _003394182 884 5 e e X _003394182 884 6 d d PROPN _003394182 884 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 884 8 " " PUNCT _003394182 885 1 t t NOUN _003394182 885 2 h h NOUN _003394182 885 3 e e X _003394182 885 4 divine divine X _003394182 885 5 r r NOUN _003394182 885 6 o o NOUN _003394182 885 7 m m VERB _003394182 885 8 a a DET _003394182 885 9 n n NOUN _003394182 885 10 c c NOUN _003394182 885 11 e e NOUN _003394182 885 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 885 13 " " PUNCT _003394182 885 14 b b X _003394182 885 15 y y PROPN _003394182 885 16 r r NOUN _003394182 885 17 e e PROPN _003394182 885 18 v v NOUN _003394182 885 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 886 1 d d NOUN _003394182 886 2 r r NOUN _003394182 886 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 887 1 f f PROPN _003394182 887 2 u u PROPN _003394182 887 3 l l X _003394182 887 4 t t PROPN _003394182 887 5 o o PROPN _003394182 887 6 n n CCONJ _003394182 887 7 j j PROPN _003394182 887 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 888 1 s s PROPN _003394182 888 2 h h NOUN _003394182 888 3 e e NOUN _003394182 888 4 e e PROPN _003394182 888 5 n n PROPN _003394182 888 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 888 7 80 80 NUM _003394182 888 8 p p NOUN _003394182 888 9 a a DET _003394182 888 10 g g NOUN _003394182 888 11 e e PROPN _003394182 888 12 s s VERB _003394182 889 1 a a DET _003394182 889 2 n n X _003394182 889 3 d d NOUN _003394182 889 4 c c NOUN _003394182 889 5 o o NOUN _003394182 889 6 v v X _003394182 889 7 e e NOUN _003394182 889 8 r r NOUN _003394182 889 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 890 1 s s X _003394182 891 1 i i PRON _003394182 891 2 n n ADV _003394182 891 3 g g X _003394182 891 4 l l PROPN _003394182 891 5 e e PROPN _003394182 891 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 891 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 891 8 20c 20c X _003394182 891 9 p p NOUN _003394182 891 10 o o NOUN _003394182 891 11 s s NOUN _003394182 891 12 t t NOUN _003394182 891 13 p p NOUN _003394182 892 1 a a DET _003394182 892 2 i i NOUN _003394182 892 3 d d NOUN _003394182 892 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 893 1 i i PRON _003394182 893 2 n n VERB _003394182 893 3 q q NOUN _003394182 893 4 u u NOUN _003394182 893 5 a a DET _003394182 893 6 n n NOUN _003394182 893 7 t t NOUN _003394182 894 1 i i NOUN _003394182 894 2 t t X _003394182 895 1 i i PRON _003394182 896 1 e e PROPN _003394182 896 2 s s PROPN _003394182 896 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 896 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 896 5 9.00 9.00 NUM _003394182 896 6 p p NOUN _003394182 896 7 e e NOUN _003394182 896 8 r r NOUN _003394182 896 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 896 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 896 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 897 1 t t NOUN _003394182 897 2 h h NOUN _003394182 897 3 e e NOUN _003394182 897 4 moral moral ADJ _003394182 897 5 o o X _003394182 897 6 r r NOUN _003394182 897 7 d d NOUN _003394182 897 8 e e NOUN _003394182 897 9 r r NOUN _003394182 897 10 " " PUNCT _003394182 897 11 a a DET _003394182 897 12 n n NOUN _003394182 897 13 d d PROPN _003394182 897 14 " " PUNCT _003394182 897 15 m m PROPN _003394182 897 16 a a DET _003394182 897 17 r r NOUN _003394182 897 18 y y NOUN _003394182 897 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 897 20 t t NOUN _003394182 897 21 h h NOUN _003394182 897 22 e e NOUN _003394182 897 23 m m VERB _003394182 897 24 o o NOUN _003394182 897 25 t t NOUN _003394182 897 26 h h NOUN _003394182 897 27 e e NOUN _003394182 897 28 r r NOUN _003394182 897 29 of of ADP _003394182 898 1 j j PROPN _003394182 898 2 e e PROPN _003394182 898 3 s s PART _003394182 898 4 u u NOUN _003394182 898 5 s s NOUN _003394182 898 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 898 7 " " PUNCT _003394182 898 8 b b NOUN _003394182 898 9 y y PROPN _003394182 898 10 r r NOUN _003394182 898 11 e e PROPN _003394182 898 12 v v PROPN _003394182 898 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 899 1 dr dr PROPN _003394182 899 2 . . PROPN _003394182 900 1 g g PROPN _003394182 900 2 e e PROPN _003394182 900 3 o o NOUN _003394182 900 4 r r NOUN _003394182 900 5 g g NOUN _003394182 900 6 e e PROPN _003394182 900 7 j j PROPN _003394182 900 8 o o PROPN _003394182 900 9 h h PROPN _003394182 900 10 n n PROPN _003394182 900 11 s s NOUN _003394182 900 12 o o NOUN _003394182 900 13 n n PROPN _003394182 900 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 900 15 64 64 NUM _003394182 900 16 p p NOUN _003394182 900 17 a a DET _003394182 900 18 g g NOUN _003394182 901 1 e e PROPN _003394182 901 2 s s VERB _003394182 901 3 a a DET _003394182 901 4 n n X _003394182 901 5 d d NOUN _003394182 901 6 c c NOUN _003394182 901 7 o o NOUN _003394182 902 1 v v X _003394182 902 2 e e PROPN _003394182 902 3 r r NOUN _003394182 902 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 902 5 single single ADJ _003394182 902 6 copy copy PROPN _003394182 902 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 902 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 902 9 p p NOUN _003394182 902 10 o o NOUN _003394182 902 11 s s PART _003394182 902 12 t t NOUN _003394182 902 13 p p NOUN _003394182 903 1 a a DET _003394182 903 2 i i NOUN _003394182 903 3 d d NOUN _003394182 903 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 904 1 in in ADP _003394182 904 2 q q NOUN _003394182 904 3 u u PROPN _003394182 904 4 a a DET _003394182 904 5 n n NOUN _003394182 904 6 t t NOUN _003394182 905 1 i i NOUN _003394182 906 1 t t X _003394182 907 1 i i PRON _003394182 908 1 e e X _003394182 908 2 s s PROPN _003394182 908 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 908 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 908 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003394182 908 6 p p NOUN _003394182 909 1 e e NOUN _003394182 909 2 r r NOUN _003394182 909 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 909 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 909 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 910 1 a a DET _003394182 910 2 t t NOUN _003394182 910 3 r r NOUN _003394182 910 4 i i NOUN _003394182 910 5 l l NOUN _003394182 910 6 o o PROPN _003394182 910 7 g g PROPN _003394182 910 8 y y PROPN _003394182 910 9 on on ADP _003394182 910 10 p p NOUN _003394182 910 11 r r NOUN _003394182 910 12 a a DET _003394182 910 13 y y PROPN _003394182 910 14 e e NOUN _003394182 910 15 r r NOUN _003394182 910 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 910 17 " " PUNCT _003394182 910 18 b b NOUN _003394182 910 19 y y PROPN _003394182 910 20 r r NOUN _003394182 910 21 e e PROPN _003394182 910 22 v v NOUN _003394182 910 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 911 1 t t NOUN _003394182 911 2 h h NOUN _003394182 911 3 o o NOUN _003394182 911 4 m m VERB _003394182 911 5 a a DET _003394182 911 6 s s NOUN _003394182 911 7 f f NOUN _003394182 911 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 912 1 b b X _003394182 912 2 u u NOUN _003394182 912 3 r r NOUN _003394182 912 4 k k X _003394182 912 5 e e PROPN _003394182 912 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 912 7 c. c. PROPN _003394182 912 8 s. s. PROPN _003394182 912 9 p p PROPN _003394182 912 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 912 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 912 12 32 32 NUM _003394182 912 13 p p NOUN _003394182 912 14 a a DET _003394182 912 15 g g NOUN _003394182 912 16 e e PROPN _003394182 912 17 s s VERB _003394182 912 18 a a DET _003394182 912 19 n n X _003394182 912 20 d d NOUN _003394182 912 21 c c NOUN _003394182 912 22 o o NOUN _003394182 913 1 v v X _003394182 913 2 e e NOUN _003394182 913 3 r r NOUN _003394182 913 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 914 1 s s X _003394182 915 1 i i PRON _003394182 915 2 n n ADV _003394182 915 3 g g X _003394182 915 4 l l PROPN _003394182 915 5 e e PROPN _003394182 915 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 915 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 915 8 10c 10c X _003394182 916 1 p p NOUN _003394182 916 2 o o NOUN _003394182 916 3 s s PART _003394182 916 4 t t NOUN _003394182 916 5 p p NOUN _003394182 917 1 a a PRON _003394182 918 1 i i NOUN _003394182 918 2 d d NOUN _003394182 918 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 919 1 i i PRON _003394182 919 2 n n VERB _003394182 919 3 q q NOUN _003394182 919 4 u u NOUN _003394182 919 5 a a DET _003394182 919 6 n n NOUN _003394182 919 7 t t NOUN _003394182 920 1 i i NOUN _003394182 920 2 t t X _003394182 921 1 i i PRON _003394182 922 1 e e AUX _003394182 922 2 s s PART _003394182 923 1 $ $ SYM _003394182 923 2 5.00 5.00 NUM _003394182 923 3 p p NOUN _003394182 923 4 e e NOUN _003394182 923 5 r r NOUN _003394182 923 6 100 100 NUM _003394182 923 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 923 8 " " PUNCT _003394182 924 1 t t NOUN _003394182 924 2 h h NOUN _003394182 924 3 e e NOUN _003394182 924 4 s s VERB _003394182 924 5 t t NOUN _003394182 924 6 o o NOUN _003394182 924 7 r r NOUN _003394182 924 8 y y PROPN _003394182 924 9 of of ADP _003394182 924 10 t t PROPN _003394182 924 11 h h NOUN _003394182 924 12 e e NOUN _003394182 924 13 b b PROPN _003394182 924 14 i i PROPN _003394182 924 15 b b X _003394182 924 16 l l X _003394182 924 17 e e NOUN _003394182 924 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 924 19 " " PUNCT _003394182 924 20 b b X _003394182 924 21 y y PROPN _003394182 924 22 r r NOUN _003394182 924 23 e e PROPN _003394182 924 24 v v NOUN _003394182 924 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 925 1 d d NOUN _003394182 925 2 r r NOUN _003394182 925 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 926 1 f f X _003394182 927 1 r r NOUN _003394182 927 2 a a DET _003394182 927 3 n n NOUN _003394182 927 4 c c AUX _003394182 927 5 i i PRON _003394182 927 6 s s VERB _003394182 927 7 l l NOUN _003394182 927 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 928 1 k k PROPN _003394182 928 2 e e PROPN _003394182 928 3 e e PROPN _003394182 928 4 n n ADP _003394182 928 5 a a DET _003394182 928 6 n n NOUN _003394182 928 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 928 8 64 64 NUM _003394182 928 9 p p NOUN _003394182 928 10 a a DET _003394182 928 11 g g NOUN _003394182 928 12 e e PROPN _003394182 928 13 s s VERB _003394182 929 1 a a DET _003394182 929 2 n n X _003394182 929 3 d d NOUN _003394182 929 4 c c NOUN _003394182 929 5 o o NOUN _003394182 929 6 v v X _003394182 929 7 e e NOUN _003394182 929 8 r r NOUN _003394182 929 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 930 1 s s X _003394182 931 1 i i PRON _003394182 931 2 n n ADV _003394182 931 3 g g X _003394182 931 4 l l PROPN _003394182 931 5 e e PROPN _003394182 931 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 931 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 931 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 932 1 p p NOUN _003394182 932 2 o o NOUN _003394182 932 3 s s PART _003394182 932 4 t t NOUN _003394182 932 5 p p NOUN _003394182 933 1 a a PRON _003394182 934 1 i i NOUN _003394182 934 2 d d NOUN _003394182 934 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 935 1 i i PRON _003394182 935 2 n n VERB _003394182 935 3 q q NOUN _003394182 935 4 u u NOUN _003394182 935 5 a a DET _003394182 935 6 n n NOUN _003394182 935 7 t t NOUN _003394182 936 1 i i NOUN _003394182 936 2 t t X _003394182 937 1 i i PRON _003394182 938 1 e e X _003394182 938 2 s s PROPN _003394182 938 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 938 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 938 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003394182 938 6 p p NOUN _003394182 938 7 e e NOUN _003394182 938 8 r r NOUN _003394182 938 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 938 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 938 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 939 1 f f X _003394182 939 2 o o PROPN _003394182 939 3 u u NOUN _003394182 939 4 r r NOUN _003394182 939 5 religious religious ADJ _003394182 939 6 f f PROPN _003394182 939 7 o o PROPN _003394182 939 8 u u PROPN _003394182 939 9 n n ADP _003394182 940 1 d d PROPN _003394182 940 2 e e NOUN _003394182 940 3 r r NOUN _003394182 940 4 s s PROPN _003394182 940 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 940 6 " " PUNCT _003394182 940 7 b b NOUN _003394182 940 8 y y PROPN _003394182 940 9 r r NOUN _003394182 940 10 e e PROPN _003394182 940 11 v v NOUN _003394182 940 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 941 1 d d NOUN _003394182 941 2 r r NOUN _003394182 941 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 942 1 f f X _003394182 943 1 r r NOUN _003394182 943 2 a a DET _003394182 943 3 n n NOUN _003394182 943 4 c c AUX _003394182 943 5 i i PRON _003394182 943 6 s s VERB _003394182 943 7 j j NOUN _003394182 943 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 944 1 c c PROPN _003394182 944 2 o o PROPN _003394182 944 3 n n PROPN _003394182 944 4 n n PROPN _003394182 944 5 e e PROPN _003394182 944 6 l l PROPN _003394182 944 7 l l PROPN _003394182 944 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 944 9 c. c. PROPN _003394182 944 10 ss ss PROPN _003394182 944 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 945 1 r. r. PROPN _003394182 945 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 945 3 rev rev PROPN _003394182 945 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 946 1 b b PROPN _003394182 946 2 e e PROPN _003394182 946 3 n n PROPN _003394182 947 1 e e PROPN _003394182 947 2 d d INTJ _003394182 948 1 i i PRON _003394182 948 2 c c VERB _003394182 948 3 t t NOUN _003394182 948 4 b b X _003394182 948 5 r r NOUN _003394182 948 6 a a DET _003394182 948 7 d d X _003394182 948 8 l l X _003394182 948 9 e e NOUN _003394182 948 10 y y PROPN _003394182 948 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 948 12 o. o. PROPN _003394182 948 13 s. s. PROPN _003394182 948 14 b. b. PROPN _003394182 948 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 948 16 r r NOUN _003394182 948 17 e e NOUN _003394182 948 18 v v NOUN _003394182 948 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 949 1 t t NOUN _003394182 949 2 h h NOUN _003394182 949 3 o o NOUN _003394182 949 4 m m VERB _003394182 950 1 a a DET _003394182 950 2 s s NOUN _003394182 950 3 m. m. NOUN _003394182 950 4 s s PART _003394182 950 5 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 950 6 c c NOUN _003394182 950 7 h h X _003394182 950 8 w w X _003394182 950 9 e e PROPN _003394182 950 10 r r NOUN _003394182 950 11 t t PROPN _003394182 950 12 n n NOUN _003394182 950 13 e e NOUN _003394182 950 14 r r NOUN _003394182 950 15 , , PUNCT _003394182 950 16 o. o. PROPN _003394182 950 17 p. p. PROPN _003394182 950 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 950 19 r r NOUN _003394182 950 20 e e X _003394182 950 21 v v NOUN _003394182 950 22 . . PUNCT _003394182 951 1 s s X _003394182 952 1 i i PRON _003394182 953 1 g g VERB _003394182 953 2 m m VERB _003394182 953 3 u u PROPN _003394182 953 4 n n NOUN _003394182 953 5 d d PROPN _003394182 953 6 c c X _003394182 953 7 r r NOUN _003394182 953 8 a a DET _003394182 953 9 t t NOUN _003394182 953 10 z z NOUN _003394182 953 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 953 12 o. o. PROPN _003394182 953 13 m. m. NOUN _003394182 953 14 c c VERB _003394182 953 15 a a DET _003394182 953 16 p p NOUN _003394182 953 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 954 1 , , PUNCT _003394182 954 2 a a DET _003394182 954 3 n n X _003394182 954 4 d d NOUN _003394182 954 5 r r NOUN _003394182 954 6 e e NOUN _003394182 954 7 v v NOUN _003394182 954 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 955 1 m. m. NOUN _003394182 955 2 j j PROPN _003394182 955 3 a a DET _003394182 955 4 h h NOUN _003394182 955 5 e e NOUN _003394182 955 6 r r NOUN _003394182 955 7 n n PROPN _003394182 955 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 955 9 s. s. PROPN _003394182 955 10 j j PROPN _003394182 955 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 955 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 956 1 56 56 NUM _003394182 956 2 p p NOUN _003394182 956 3 a a DET _003394182 956 4 g g NOUN _003394182 956 5 e e PROPN _003394182 956 6 s s VERB _003394182 956 7 a a DET _003394182 956 8 n n X _003394182 956 9 d d NOUN _003394182 956 10 c c NOUN _003394182 956 11 o o NOUN _003394182 957 1 v v X _003394182 957 2 e e NOUN _003394182 957 3 r r NOUN _003394182 957 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 958 1 s s X _003394182 959 1 i i PRON _003394182 959 2 n n ADV _003394182 959 3 g g X _003394182 959 4 l l PROPN _003394182 959 5 e e PROPN _003394182 959 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 959 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 959 8 p p NOUN _003394182 959 9 r r NOUN _003394182 959 10 i i PRON _003394182 959 11 c c VERB _003394182 959 12 e e PROPN _003394182 959 13 15c 15c PUNCT _003394182 960 1 p p NOUN _003394182 960 2 o o NOUN _003394182 960 3 s s NOUN _003394182 960 4 t t NOUN _003394182 960 5 -p -p PUNCT _003394182 960 6 a a PRON _003394182 960 7 i i NOUN _003394182 961 1 d d NOUN _003394182 961 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 962 1 in in ADP _003394182 962 2 q q NOUN _003394182 962 3 u u PROPN _003394182 962 4 a a DET _003394182 962 5 n n NOUN _003394182 962 6 t t NOUN _003394182 963 1 i i NOUN _003394182 964 1 t t X _003394182 965 1 i i PRON _003394182 966 1 e e X _003394182 966 2 s s PROPN _003394182 966 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 966 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 966 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003394182 966 6 p p NOUN _003394182 966 7 e e NOUN _003394182 966 8 r r NOUN _003394182 966 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 966 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 966 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 967 1 t t NOUN _003394182 967 2 h h NOUN _003394182 967 3 e e X _003394182 967 4 p p NOUN _003394182 967 5 h h INTJ _003394182 968 1 i i INTJ _003394182 969 1 l l NOUN _003394182 969 2 o o PROPN _003394182 969 3 s s NOUN _003394182 969 4 o o X _003394182 970 1 p p NOUN _003394182 970 2 h h NOUN _003394182 970 3 y y PROPN _003394182 970 4 of of ADP _003394182 970 5 c c PROPN _003394182 970 6 a a DET _003394182 970 7 t t NOUN _003394182 970 8 h h NOUN _003394182 970 9 o o NOUN _003394182 971 1 l l NOUN _003394182 971 2 i i PRON _003394182 971 3 c c VERB _003394182 971 4 e e NOUN _003394182 971 5 d d PROPN _003394182 971 6 u u PROPN _003394182 971 7 c c AUX _003394182 971 8 a a DET _003394182 971 9 t t NOUN _003394182 972 1 i i PRON _003394182 972 2 o o PROPN _003394182 972 3 n n PROPN _003394182 972 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 972 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 972 6 b b NOUN _003394182 972 7 y y PROPN _003394182 972 8 r r NOUN _003394182 972 9 e e PROPN _003394182 972 10 v v NOUN _003394182 972 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 973 1 d d NOUN _003394182 973 2 r r NOUN _003394182 973 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 974 1 c c PROPN _003394182 974 2 h h X _003394182 974 3 a a DET _003394182 974 4 r r NOUN _003394182 974 5 l l X _003394182 974 6 e e NOUN _003394182 974 7 s s VERB _003394182 975 1 l l NOUN _003394182 975 2 > > X _003394182 975 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 976 1 o o X _003394182 976 2 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 976 3 d d NOUN _003394182 976 4 o o NOUN _003394182 976 5 n n PROPN _003394182 976 6 n n PROPN _003394182 976 7 e e PROPN _003394182 976 8 l l PROPN _003394182 976 9 l l PROPN _003394182 976 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 976 11 c. c. PROPN _003394182 976 12 s. s. PROPN _003394182 976 13 c. c. PROPN _003394182 976 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 976 15 32 32 NUM _003394182 976 16 p p NOUN _003394182 976 17 a a DET _003394182 976 18 g g NOUN _003394182 976 19 e e PROPN _003394182 976 20 s s VERB _003394182 976 21 a a DET _003394182 976 22 n n X _003394182 976 23 d d NOUN _003394182 976 24 c c NOUN _003394182 976 25 o o NOUN _003394182 976 26 v v X _003394182 976 27 e e PROPN _003394182 976 28 r r NOUN _003394182 976 29 . . PUNCT _003394182 976 30 single single ADJ _003394182 976 31 copy copy PROPN _003394182 976 32 , , PUNCT _003394182 976 33 10c 10c X _003394182 976 34 p p NOUN _003394182 976 35 o o NOUN _003394182 976 36 s s PART _003394182 976 37 t t NOUN _003394182 976 38 p p NOUN _003394182 977 1 a a DET _003394182 977 2 i i NOUN _003394182 977 3 d d NOUN _003394182 977 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 978 1 in in ADP _003394182 978 2 q q NOUN _003394182 978 3 u u PROPN _003394182 978 4 a a DET _003394182 978 5 n n NOUN _003394182 978 6 t t NOUN _003394182 979 1 i i NOUN _003394182 980 1 t t X _003394182 981 1 i i PRON _003394182 982 1 e e PROPN _003394182 982 2 s s PROPN _003394182 982 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 982 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 982 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _003394182 982 6 p p NOUN _003394182 982 7 e e NOUN _003394182 982 8 r r NOUN _003394182 982 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 982 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 982 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 983 1 c c AUX _003394182 983 2 h h X _003394182 983 3 r r X _003394182 983 4 i i PRON _003394182 983 5 s s VERB _003394182 983 6 t t NOUN _003394182 984 1 i i PRON _003394182 984 2 a a PRON _003394182 984 3 n n NOUN _003394182 984 4 i i PRON _003394182 984 5 t t PROPN _003394182 984 6 y y PROPN _003394182 985 1 a a DET _003394182 985 2 n n PROPN _003394182 985 3 d d PROPN _003394182 985 4 t t PROPN _003394182 985 5 h h NOUN _003394182 985 6 e e PROPN _003394182 985 7 modern modern PROPN _003394182 985 8 m m PROPN _003394182 986 1 i i PRON _003394182 987 1 n n ADV _003394182 987 2 d d PROPN _003394182 987 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 987 4 " " PUNCT _003394182 987 5 b b NOUN _003394182 987 6 y y PROPN _003394182 987 7 r r NOUN _003394182 987 8 e e NOUN _003394182 987 9 v v NOUN _003394182 987 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 988 1 j j NOUN _003394182 988 2 o o PROPN _003394182 988 3 h h PROPN _003394182 988 4 n n ADV _003394182 988 5 a a NOUN _003394182 988 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 989 1 m m PROPN _003394182 989 2 c c PROPN _003394182 989 3 -clorey -clorey PROPN _003394182 989 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 989 5 s. s. PROPN _003394182 989 6 j j PROPN _003394182 989 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 989 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 989 9 64 64 NUM _003394182 989 10 p p NOUN _003394182 989 11 a a DET _003394182 989 12 g g NOUN _003394182 989 13 e e PROPN _003394182 989 14 s s VERB _003394182 989 15 a a DET _003394182 989 16 n n X _003394182 989 17 d d NOUN _003394182 989 18 c c NOUN _003394182 989 19 o o NOUN _003394182 990 1 v v X _003394182 990 2 e e PROPN _003394182 990 3 r r NOUN _003394182 990 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 990 5 single single ADJ _003394182 990 6 copy copy PROPN _003394182 990 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 990 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 990 9 p p NOUN _003394182 990 10 o o NOUN _003394182 990 11 s s PART _003394182 990 12 t t NOUN _003394182 990 13 p p NOUN _003394182 991 1 a a DET _003394182 991 2 i i NOUN _003394182 991 3 d d NOUN _003394182 991 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 992 1 i i PRON _003394182 992 2 n n VERB _003394182 992 3 q q NOUN _003394182 992 4 u u NOUN _003394182 992 5 a a DET _003394182 992 6 n n NOUN _003394182 992 7 t t NOUN _003394182 993 1 i i NOUN _003394182 993 2 t t X _003394182 994 1 i i PRON _003394182 995 1 e e X _003394182 995 2 s s PROPN _003394182 995 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 995 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 995 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003394182 995 6 p p NOUN _003394182 995 7 e e NOUN _003394182 995 8 r r NOUN _003394182 995 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 995 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 995 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 996 1 t t NOUN _003394182 996 2 h h NOUN _003394182 996 3 e e PROPN _003394182 996 4 moral moral PROPN _003394182 996 5 l l X _003394182 996 6 a a X _003394182 996 7 w w NOUN _003394182 996 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 996 9 " " PUNCT _003394182 996 10 b b NOUN _003394182 996 11 y y PROPN _003394182 996 12 r r NOUN _003394182 996 13 e e NOUN _003394182 996 14 v v NOUN _003394182 996 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 997 1 j j NOUN _003394182 997 2 a a X _003394182 997 3 m m NOUN _003394182 997 4 e e PROPN _003394182 997 5 s s PART _003394182 997 6 m. m. NOUN _003394182 997 7 gillis gillis PROPN _003394182 997 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 997 9 c. c. PROPN _003394182 997 10 s. s. PROPN _003394182 997 11 p. p. PROPN _003394182 997 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 997 13 88 88 NUM _003394182 997 14 p p NOUN _003394182 997 15 a a DET _003394182 997 16 g g NOUN _003394182 997 17 e e PROPN _003394182 997 18 s s VERB _003394182 997 19 a a DET _003394182 997 20 n n PROPN _003394182 997 21 d d NOUN _003394182 997 22 cover cover NOUN _003394182 997 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 998 1 s s X _003394182 999 1 i i PRON _003394182 999 2 n n ADV _003394182 999 3 g g X _003394182 999 4 l l PROPN _003394182 999 5 e e PROPN _003394182 999 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 999 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 999 8 25c 25c NOUN _003394182 999 9 p p NOUN _003394182 999 10 o o NOUN _003394182 999 11 s s NOUN _003394182 999 12 t t NOUN _003394182 999 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1000 1 a a DET _003394182 1000 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1000 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1000 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1001 1 in in ADP _003394182 1001 2 q q NOUN _003394182 1001 3 u u PROPN _003394182 1001 4 a a DET _003394182 1001 5 n n NOUN _003394182 1001 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1002 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1003 1 t t X _003394182 1004 1 i i PRON _003394182 1005 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1005 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1005 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1005 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1005 5 9.50 9.50 NUM _003394182 1005 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1005 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1005 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1005 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1005 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1005 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1006 1 c c AUX _003394182 1006 2 h h X _003394182 1006 3 r r X _003394182 1006 4 i i PRON _003394182 1006 5 s s VERB _003394182 1006 6 t t X _003394182 1007 1 a a PRON _003394182 1008 1 n n PROPN _003394182 1009 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1010 1 h h INTJ _003394182 1011 1 i i PRON _003394182 1011 2 s s VERB _003394182 1011 3 c c NOUN _003394182 1011 4 h h NOUN _003394182 1011 5 u u NOUN _003394182 1011 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1011 7 c c NOUN _003394182 1011 8 h h NOUN _003394182 1011 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 1011 10 " " PUNCT _003394182 1011 11 b b X _003394182 1011 12 y y PROPN _003394182 1011 13 r r NOUN _003394182 1011 14 t t PROPN _003394182 1011 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 1012 1 r r NOUN _003394182 1012 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1012 3 v v NOUN _003394182 1012 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1013 1 m m PROPN _003394182 1013 2 s s X _003394182 1013 3 g g NOUN _003394182 1013 4 r r NOUN _003394182 1013 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 1014 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1014 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1014 3 s s X _003394182 1014 4 e e NOUN _003394182 1014 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1014 6 h h NOUN _003394182 1014 7 m. m. NOUN _003394182 1014 8 c c NOUN _003394182 1014 9 o o X _003394182 1014 10 r r NOUN _003394182 1014 11 r r NOUN _003394182 1014 12 i i PRON _003394182 1014 13 -g -g VERB _003394182 1014 14 a a DET _003394182 1014 15 n n PROPN _003394182 1014 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 1014 17 88 88 NUM _003394182 1014 18 p p NOUN _003394182 1014 19 a a DET _003394182 1014 20 g g NOUN _003394182 1014 21 e e PROPN _003394182 1014 22 s s VERB _003394182 1014 23 a a DET _003394182 1014 24 n n X _003394182 1014 25 d d NOUN _003394182 1014 26 c c NOUN _003394182 1014 27 o o NOUN _003394182 1014 28 v v X _003394182 1014 29 e e PROPN _003394182 1014 30 r r NOUN _003394182 1014 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 1014 32 single single ADJ _003394182 1014 33 copy copy PROPN _003394182 1014 34 , , PUNCT _003394182 1014 35 25c 25c NOUN _003394182 1014 36 p p NOUN _003394182 1014 37 o o NOUN _003394182 1014 38 s s NOUN _003394182 1014 39 t t NOUN _003394182 1014 40 p p NOUN _003394182 1015 1 a a DET _003394182 1015 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1015 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1015 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1016 1 in in ADP _003394182 1016 2 q q NOUN _003394182 1016 3 u u PROPN _003394182 1016 4 a a DET _003394182 1016 5 n n NOUN _003394182 1016 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1017 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1018 1 t t X _003394182 1019 1 i i PRON _003394182 1020 1 e e AUX _003394182 1020 2 s s PART _003394182 1020 3 $ $ SYM _003394182 1020 4 9.50 9.50 NUM _003394182 1020 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1021 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1021 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1021 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1021 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1021 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1022 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1022 2 h h PROPN _003394182 1022 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1022 4 m m PROPN _003394182 1022 5 a a DET _003394182 1022 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1022 7 k k X _003394182 1022 8 s s NOUN _003394182 1022 9 of of ADP _003394182 1022 10 t t NOUN _003394182 1022 11 h h NOUN _003394182 1022 12 e e NOUN _003394182 1022 13 c c NOUN _003394182 1022 14 h h PROPN _003394182 1022 15 u u NOUN _003394182 1022 16 r r NOUN _003394182 1022 17 c c NOUN _003394182 1022 18 h h NOUN _003394182 1022 19 , , PUNCT _003394182 1022 20 " " PUNCT _003394182 1022 21 b b NOUN _003394182 1022 22 y y PROPN _003394182 1022 23 r r NOUN _003394182 1022 24 e e PROPN _003394182 1022 25 v v NOUN _003394182 1022 26 . . PUNCT _003394182 1023 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1023 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1023 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1024 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1024 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1024 3 h h PROPN _003394182 1024 4 n n X _003394182 1024 5 k k PROPN _003394182 1024 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 1025 1 c c PROPN _003394182 1025 2 a a DET _003394182 1025 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1025 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1025 5 w w ADP _003394182 1026 1 r r NOUN _003394182 1027 1 i i PRON _003394182 1027 2 g g NOUN _003394182 1027 3 h h NOUN _003394182 1027 4 t t PROPN _003394182 1027 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 1027 6 48 48 NUM _003394182 1027 7 p p NOUN _003394182 1027 8 a a DET _003394182 1027 9 g g NOUN _003394182 1028 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1028 2 s s VERB _003394182 1028 3 a a DET _003394182 1028 4 n n X _003394182 1028 5 d d NOUN _003394182 1028 6 c c NOUN _003394182 1028 7 o o NOUN _003394182 1029 1 v v X _003394182 1029 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1029 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1029 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1030 1 s s X _003394182 1031 1 i i PRON _003394182 1031 2 n n ADV _003394182 1031 3 g g X _003394182 1031 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1031 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1031 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1031 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1031 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 1032 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1032 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1032 3 s s PART _003394182 1032 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1032 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1033 1 a a PRON _003394182 1034 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1034 2 d d NOUN _003394182 1034 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1035 1 i i PRON _003394182 1035 2 n n VERB _003394182 1035 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1035 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1035 5 a a DET _003394182 1035 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1035 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1036 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1036 2 t t X _003394182 1037 1 i i PRON _003394182 1038 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1038 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1038 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1038 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1038 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003394182 1038 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1038 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1038 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1038 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1038 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1038 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1039 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1039 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1039 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1039 4 o o NOUN _003394182 1039 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1039 6 g g NOUN _003394182 1039 7 a a PRON _003394182 1039 8 n n NOUN _003394182 1039 9 i i PRON _003394182 1039 10 z z NOUN _003394182 1039 11 a a DET _003394182 1039 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1040 1 i i PRON _003394182 1041 1 o o NOUN _003394182 1041 2 n n ADP _003394182 1042 1 a a PROPN _003394182 1042 2 n n PROPN _003394182 1042 3 d d PROPN _003394182 1042 4 g g PROPN _003394182 1042 5 o o X _003394182 1042 6 v v X _003394182 1042 7 e e PROPN _003394182 1042 8 r r PROPN _003394182 1042 9 n n PROPN _003394182 1042 10 m m NOUN _003394182 1042 11 e e PROPN _003394182 1042 12 n n ADP _003394182 1042 13 t t PROPN _003394182 1042 14 of of ADP _003394182 1042 15 t t NOUN _003394182 1042 16 h h NOUN _003394182 1042 17 e e NOUN _003394182 1042 18 c c NOUN _003394182 1042 19 h h PROPN _003394182 1042 20 u u NOUN _003394182 1042 21 r r NOUN _003394182 1042 22 c c NOUN _003394182 1042 23 h h NOUN _003394182 1042 24 , , PUNCT _003394182 1042 25 " " PUNCT _003394182 1042 26 b b NOUN _003394182 1042 27 y y PROPN _003394182 1042 28 r r NOUN _003394182 1042 29 e e PROPN _003394182 1042 30 v v PROPN _003394182 1042 31 . . PUNCT _003394182 1043 1 dr dr PROPN _003394182 1043 2 . . PROPN _003394182 1043 3 f f PROPN _003394182 1043 4 r r NOUN _003394182 1043 5 a a DET _003394182 1043 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1043 7 c c AUX _003394182 1043 8 i i PRON _003394182 1043 9 s s VERB _003394182 1043 10 j j PROPN _003394182 1043 11 connell connell PROPN _003394182 1043 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 1043 13 c. c. PROPN _003394182 1043 14 ss ss PROPN _003394182 1043 15 . . PUNCT _003394182 1044 1 r. r. PROPN _003394182 1044 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 1044 3 48 48 NUM _003394182 1044 4 p p NOUN _003394182 1044 5 a a DET _003394182 1044 6 g g NOUN _003394182 1044 7 e e PROPN _003394182 1044 8 s s VERB _003394182 1044 9 a a DET _003394182 1044 10 n n X _003394182 1044 11 d d NOUN _003394182 1044 12 c c NOUN _003394182 1044 13 o o NOUN _003394182 1044 14 v v X _003394182 1044 15 e e NOUN _003394182 1044 16 r r NOUN _003394182 1044 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 1045 1 s s X _003394182 1046 1 i i PRON _003394182 1047 1 n n ADV _003394182 1047 2 g g X _003394182 1047 3 l l X _003394182 1047 4 e e NOUN _003394182 1047 5 c c AUX _003394182 1047 6 o o X _003394182 1048 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1048 2 y y PROPN _003394182 1048 3 15c 15c PROPN _003394182 1049 1 p p PROPN _003394182 1049 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1049 3 s s PART _003394182 1049 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1049 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1049 6 a a DET _003394182 1049 7 i i NOUN _003394182 1049 8 d d NOUN _003394182 1049 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 1050 1 in in ADP _003394182 1050 2 q q NOUN _003394182 1050 3 u u PROPN _003394182 1050 4 a a DET _003394182 1050 5 n n NOUN _003394182 1050 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1051 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1052 1 t t X _003394182 1053 1 i i PRON _003394182 1054 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1054 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1054 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1054 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1054 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003394182 1054 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1054 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1054 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1054 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1054 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1054 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1055 1 m m VERB _003394182 1055 2 o o X _003394182 1055 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1055 4 a a DET _003394182 1055 5 l l X _003394182 1055 6 f f PROPN _003394182 1055 7 a a DET _003394182 1055 8 c c NOUN _003394182 1055 9 t t NOUN _003394182 1055 10 o o X _003394182 1055 11 r r NOUN _003394182 1055 12 s s NOUN _003394182 1055 13 in in ADP _003394182 1055 14 e e NOUN _003394182 1055 15 c c NOUN _003394182 1055 16 o o NOUN _003394182 1056 1 n n ADV _003394182 1057 1 o o NOUN _003394182 1057 2 m m VERB _003394182 1057 3 i i PRON _003394182 1057 4 c c VERB _003394182 1058 1 l l PROPN _003394182 1059 1 i i PRON _003394182 1059 2 f f X _003394182 1059 3 e e PROPN _003394182 1059 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 1059 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1059 6 b b X _003394182 1059 7 y y PROPN _003394182 1059 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1059 9 e e PROPN _003394182 1059 10 v v NOUN _003394182 1059 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 1060 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1060 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1060 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1061 1 f f X _003394182 1062 1 r r NOUN _003394182 1062 2 a a DET _003394182 1062 3 n n NOUN _003394182 1062 4 c c AUX _003394182 1062 5 i i PRON _003394182 1062 6 s s VERB _003394182 1062 7 j j PROPN _003394182 1062 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1063 1 h h VERB _003394182 1063 2 a a DET _003394182 1063 3 a a NOUN _003394182 1063 4 s s NOUN _003394182 1063 5 a a DET _003394182 1063 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1063 7 d d NOUN _003394182 1063 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1063 9 e e NOUN _003394182 1063 10 v v NOUN _003394182 1063 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 1064 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1064 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1064 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1065 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1065 2 o o PROPN _003394182 1065 3 h h PROPN _003394182 1065 4 n n PROPN _003394182 1065 5 a. a. NOUN _003394182 1065 6 r r PROPN _003394182 1065 7 y y PROPN _003394182 1065 8 a a DET _003394182 1065 9 n n NOUN _003394182 1065 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 1065 11 32 32 NUM _003394182 1065 12 p p NOUN _003394182 1065 13 a a DET _003394182 1065 14 g g NOUN _003394182 1065 15 e e PROPN _003394182 1065 16 s s VERB _003394182 1065 17 a a DET _003394182 1065 18 n n X _003394182 1065 19 d d NOUN _003394182 1065 20 c c NOUN _003394182 1065 21 o o NOUN _003394182 1066 1 v v X _003394182 1066 2 e e PROPN _003394182 1066 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1066 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1066 5 single single ADJ _003394182 1066 6 copy copy PROPN _003394182 1066 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1066 8 10c 10c X _003394182 1066 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1066 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1066 11 s s PART _003394182 1066 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1066 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1067 1 a a DET _003394182 1067 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1067 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1067 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1068 1 in in ADP _003394182 1068 2 q q NOUN _003394182 1068 3 u u PROPN _003394182 1068 4 a a DET _003394182 1068 5 n n NOUN _003394182 1068 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1069 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1070 1 t t X _003394182 1071 1 i i PRON _003394182 1072 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1072 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1072 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1072 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1072 5 5.00 5.00 NUM _003394182 1072 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1072 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1072 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1072 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1072 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1072 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1073 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1074 1 i i PRON _003394182 1075 1 v v ADP _003394182 1075 2 i i PRON _003394182 1076 1 n n VERB _003394182 1076 2 e e PROPN _003394182 1076 3 h h X _003394182 1076 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1076 5 l l X _003394182 1076 6 p p PROPN _003394182 1076 7 s s NOUN _003394182 1076 8 f f X _003394182 1076 9 o o X _003394182 1076 10 r r NOUN _003394182 1076 11 m m NOUN _003394182 1076 12 a a DET _003394182 1076 13 n n NOUN _003394182 1076 14 , , PUNCT _003394182 1076 15 " " PUNCT _003394182 1076 16 b b NOUN _003394182 1076 17 y y PROPN _003394182 1076 18 r r NOUN _003394182 1076 19 e e PROPN _003394182 1076 20 v v NOUN _003394182 1076 21 . . PUNCT _003394182 1077 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1077 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1077 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1078 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1078 2 d d PROPN _003394182 1078 3 w w PROPN _003394182 1078 4 a a DET _003394182 1078 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1078 6 d d PROPN _003394182 1078 7 j j PROPN _003394182 1078 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1079 1 w w PROPN _003394182 1079 2 a a DET _003394182 1079 3 l l NOUN _003394182 1079 4 s s NOUN _003394182 1079 5 h h NOUN _003394182 1079 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 1079 7 c. c. PROPN _003394182 1079 8 m. m. PROPN _003394182 1079 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 1079 10 104 104 NUM _003394182 1079 11 p p NOUN _003394182 1079 12 a a DET _003394182 1079 13 g g NOUN _003394182 1079 14 e e PROPN _003394182 1079 15 s s VERB _003394182 1079 16 a a DET _003394182 1079 17 n n X _003394182 1079 18 d d NOUN _003394182 1079 19 c c NOUN _003394182 1079 20 o o NOUN _003394182 1080 1 v v X _003394182 1080 2 e e PROPN _003394182 1080 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1080 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1081 1 single single ADJ _003394182 1081 2 copy copy PROPN _003394182 1081 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1081 4 30c 30c NOUN _003394182 1081 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1081 6 o o NOUN _003394182 1081 7 s s NOUN _003394182 1081 8 t t NOUN _003394182 1081 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1082 1 a a DET _003394182 1082 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1082 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1082 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1083 1 i i PRON _003394182 1083 2 n n VERB _003394182 1083 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1083 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1083 5 a a DET _003394182 1083 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1083 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1084 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1084 2 t t X _003394182 1085 1 i i PRON _003394182 1086 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1086 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1086 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1086 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1086 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _003394182 1086 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1087 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1087 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1087 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1087 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1087 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1088 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1088 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1088 3 e e X _003394182 1088 4 p p NOUN _003394182 1088 5 a a DET _003394182 1088 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1088 7 a a DET _003394182 1088 8 b b NOUN _003394182 1088 9 l l NOUN _003394182 1088 10 e e PROPN _003394182 1088 11 s s PROPN _003394182 1088 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 1088 13 " " PUNCT _003394182 1088 14 b b NOUN _003394182 1088 15 y y PROPN _003394182 1088 16 r r NOUN _003394182 1088 17 e e NOUN _003394182 1088 18 v v NOUN _003394182 1088 19 . . PUNCT _003394182 1089 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1089 2 o o PROPN _003394182 1089 3 h h PROPN _003394182 1089 4 n n ADV _003394182 1089 5 a a NOUN _003394182 1089 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 1090 1 m m NOUN _003394182 1090 2 c c PROPN _003394182 1090 3 c c PROPN _003394182 1090 4 l l X _003394182 1090 5 o o X _003394182 1090 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1090 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1090 8 y y PROPN _003394182 1090 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 1090 10 s. s. PROPN _003394182 1090 11 j j PROPN _003394182 1090 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 1091 1 , , PUNCT _003394182 1091 2 128 128 NUM _003394182 1091 3 p p NOUN _003394182 1091 4 a a DET _003394182 1091 5 g g NOUN _003394182 1091 6 e e PROPN _003394182 1091 7 s s VERB _003394182 1091 8 a a DET _003394182 1091 9 n n X _003394182 1091 10 d d NOUN _003394182 1091 11 c c NOUN _003394182 1091 12 o o NOUN _003394182 1092 1 v v X _003394182 1092 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1092 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1092 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1093 1 s s X _003394182 1094 1 i i PRON _003394182 1094 2 n n ADV _003394182 1094 3 g g X _003394182 1094 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1094 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1094 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1094 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1094 8 35c 35c NOUN _003394182 1094 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1094 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1094 11 s s NOUN _003394182 1094 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1094 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1095 1 a a DET _003394182 1095 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1095 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1095 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1096 1 i i PRON _003394182 1096 2 n n VERB _003394182 1096 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1096 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1096 5 a a DET _003394182 1096 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1096 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1097 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1097 2 t t X _003394182 1098 1 i i PRON _003394182 1099 1 e e X _003394182 1099 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1099 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1099 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1099 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _003394182 1099 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1100 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1100 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1100 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1100 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1100 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1101 1 c c AUX _003394182 1101 2 h h X _003394182 1101 3 r r X _003394182 1101 4 i i PRON _003394182 1101 5 s s VERB _003394182 1101 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1102 1 i i PRON _003394182 1102 2 a a PRON _003394182 1102 3 n n NOUN _003394182 1102 4 i i PRON _003394182 1103 1 t t PROPN _003394182 1103 2 y y PROPN _003394182 1104 1 ' ' PART _003394182 1104 2 s s NOUN _003394182 1104 3 c c NOUN _003394182 1104 4 o o NOUN _003394182 1104 5 n n NOUN _003394182 1104 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1104 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1104 8 i i NOUN _003394182 1105 1 b b NOUN _003394182 1105 2 u u NOUN _003394182 1105 3 t t NOUN _003394182 1105 4 i i PRON _003394182 1105 5 o o NOUN _003394182 1105 6 n n ADP _003394182 1105 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1105 8 o o NOUN _003394182 1106 1 c c X _003394182 1106 2 i i PRON _003394182 1107 1 v v ADP _003394182 1107 2 i i PRON _003394182 1108 1 l l PROPN _003394182 1109 1 i i PRON _003394182 1109 2 z z VERB _003394182 1109 3 a a DET _003394182 1109 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1110 1 i i PRON _003394182 1110 2 o o PROPN _003394182 1110 3 n n PROPN _003394182 1110 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 1110 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1110 6 b b NOUN _003394182 1110 7 y y PROPN _003394182 1110 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1110 9 e e NOUN _003394182 1110 10 v v NOUN _003394182 1110 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 1111 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1111 2 a a X _003394182 1111 3 m m PROPN _003394182 1111 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1111 5 s s PROPN _003394182 1111 6 m. m. PROPN _003394182 1111 7 giliis giliis PROPN _003394182 1111 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1112 1 c. c. PROPN _003394182 1112 2 s. s. PROPN _003394182 1112 3 p p PROPN _003394182 1112 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1113 1 , , PUNCT _003394182 1113 2 96 96 NUM _003394182 1113 3 p p NOUN _003394182 1113 4 a a DET _003394182 1113 5 g g NOUN _003394182 1113 6 e e PROPN _003394182 1113 7 s s VERB _003394182 1113 8 a a DET _003394182 1113 9 n n X _003394182 1113 10 d d NOUN _003394182 1113 11 c c NOUN _003394182 1113 12 o o NOUN _003394182 1114 1 v v X _003394182 1114 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1114 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1114 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1115 1 s s X _003394182 1116 1 i i PRON _003394182 1116 2 n n ADV _003394182 1116 3 g g X _003394182 1116 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1116 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1116 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1116 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1116 8 25c 25c NOUN _003394182 1116 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1116 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1116 11 s s NOUN _003394182 1116 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1116 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1117 1 a a DET _003394182 1117 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1117 3 d d PROPN _003394182 1117 4 l l X _003394182 1117 5 in in ADP _003394182 1117 6 q q SYM _003394182 1117 7 u u PROPN _003394182 1117 8 a a DET _003394182 1117 9 n n NOUN _003394182 1117 10 t t NOUN _003394182 1117 11 i i NOUN _003394182 1117 12 t t X _003394182 1118 1 i i PRON _003394182 1119 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1119 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1119 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1119 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1119 5 10.00 10.00 NUM _003394182 1119 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1120 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1120 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1120 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1120 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1120 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1121 1 m m VERB _003394182 1122 1 a a PRON _003394182 1122 2 n n NOUN _003394182 1122 3 i i PRON _003394182 1122 4 f f X _003394182 1123 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1123 2 s s VERB _003394182 1123 3 t t NOUN _003394182 1123 4 a a DET _003394182 1123 5 t t NOUN _003394182 1123 6 i i PRON _003394182 1124 1 o o NOUN _003394182 1125 1 n n ADP _003394182 1125 2 s s NOUN _003394182 1125 3 of of ADP _003394182 1125 4 c c NOUN _003394182 1125 5 h h X _003394182 1125 6 r r X _003394182 1125 7 i i PRON _003394182 1125 8 s s NOUN _003394182 1125 9 t t NOUN _003394182 1125 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 1125 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1125 12 b b NOUN _003394182 1125 13 y y PROPN _003394182 1125 14 r r NOUN _003394182 1125 15 e e PROPN _003394182 1125 16 v v NOUN _003394182 1125 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 1126 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1126 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1126 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1127 1 f f PROPN _003394182 1127 2 u u PROPN _003394182 1127 3 l l X _003394182 1127 4 t t PROPN _003394182 1127 5 o o PROPN _003394182 1127 6 n n CCONJ _003394182 1127 7 j j PROPN _003394182 1127 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1128 1 s s PROPN _003394182 1128 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1128 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1128 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1128 5 n n PROPN _003394182 1128 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 1128 7 128 128 NUM _003394182 1128 8 p p NOUN _003394182 1128 9 a a DET _003394182 1128 10 g g NOUN _003394182 1129 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1129 2 s s VERB _003394182 1129 3 a a DET _003394182 1129 4 n n X _003394182 1129 5 d d NOUN _003394182 1129 6 c c NOUN _003394182 1129 7 o o NOUN _003394182 1130 1 v v X _003394182 1130 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1130 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1130 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1131 1 s s X _003394182 1132 1 i i PRON _003394182 1132 2 n n ADV _003394182 1132 3 g g X _003394182 1132 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1132 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1132 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1132 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1132 8 35c 35c NOUN _003394182 1132 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1132 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1132 11 s s NOUN _003394182 1132 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1132 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1133 1 a a DET _003394182 1133 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1133 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1133 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1134 1 i i PRON _003394182 1134 2 n n VERB _003394182 1134 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1134 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1134 5 a a DET _003394182 1134 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1134 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1135 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1135 2 t t X _003394182 1136 1 i i PRON _003394182 1137 1 e e X _003394182 1137 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1137 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1137 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1137 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _003394182 1137 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1138 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1138 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1138 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1138 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1138 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1139 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1139 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1139 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1139 4 w w X _003394182 1139 5 a a DET _003394182 1139 6 y y PROPN _003394182 1139 7 of of ADP _003394182 1139 8 t t PROPN _003394182 1139 9 h h NOUN _003394182 1139 10 e e NOUN _003394182 1139 11 c c X _003394182 1139 12 r r NOUN _003394182 1139 13 o o NOUN _003394182 1139 14 s s PROPN _003394182 1139 15 s s NOUN _003394182 1139 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 1139 17 " " PUNCT _003394182 1139 18 b b NOUN _003394182 1139 19 y y PROPN _003394182 1139 20 r r NOUN _003394182 1139 21 e e NOUN _003394182 1139 22 v v NOUN _003394182 1139 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 1140 1 f f PROPN _003394182 1140 2 u u PROPN _003394182 1140 3 l l X _003394182 1140 4 t t PROPN _003394182 1140 5 o o PROPN _003394182 1140 6 n n CCONJ _003394182 1140 7 j j PROPN _003394182 1140 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1141 1 s s PROPN _003394182 1141 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1141 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1141 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1141 5 n n PROPN _003394182 1141 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 1141 7 32 32 NUM _003394182 1141 8 p p NOUN _003394182 1141 9 a a DET _003394182 1141 10 g g NOUN _003394182 1141 11 e e PROPN _003394182 1141 12 s s VERB _003394182 1142 1 a a DET _003394182 1142 2 n n X _003394182 1142 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1142 4 c c NOUN _003394182 1142 5 o o X _003394182 1143 1 v v X _003394182 1143 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1143 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1143 4 ( ( PUNCT _003394182 1143 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1143 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1143 7 a a DET _003394182 1143 8 y y PROPN _003394182 1143 9 e e NOUN _003394182 1143 10 r r NOUN _003394182 1143 11 book book NOUN _003394182 1143 12 s s VERB _003394182 1143 13 i i PRON _003394182 1143 14 z z NOUN _003394182 1143 15 e e NOUN _003394182 1143 16 ) ) PUNCT _003394182 1143 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 1144 1 s s VERB _003394182 1145 1 i i PRON _003394182 1145 2 n n ADV _003394182 1145 3 g g X _003394182 1145 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1145 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1145 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1145 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1145 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 1146 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1146 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1146 3 s s PART _003394182 1146 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1146 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1147 1 a a PRON _003394182 1148 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1148 2 d d NOUN _003394182 1148 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1149 1 i i PRON _003394182 1149 2 n n VERB _003394182 1149 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1149 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1149 5 a a DET _003394182 1149 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1149 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1150 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1150 2 t t X _003394182 1151 1 i i PRON _003394182 1152 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1152 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1152 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1152 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1152 5 4.00 4.00 NUM _003394182 1152 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1153 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1153 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1153 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1153 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1153 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1154 1 c c AUX _003394182 1154 2 h h X _003394182 1154 3 r r X _003394182 1154 4 i i PRON _003394182 1154 5 s s VERB _003394182 1154 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1154 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1155 1 o o NOUN _003394182 1156 1 d d X _003394182 1156 2 a a DET _003394182 1156 3 y y PROPN _003394182 1156 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 1156 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1157 1 b b X _003394182 1157 2 y y PROPN _003394182 1157 3 v v PROPN _003394182 1157 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1157 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1157 6 y y PROPN _003394182 1157 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1157 8 e e NOUN _003394182 1157 9 v v NOUN _003394182 1157 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1158 1 i i PRON _003394182 1158 2 g g PROPN _003394182 1158 3 n n ADP _003394182 1158 4 a a DET _003394182 1158 5 t t NOUN _003394182 1159 1 i i PRON _003394182 1159 2 u u PROPN _003394182 1159 3 s s VERB _003394182 1159 4 s s NOUN _003394182 1159 5 m m VERB _003394182 1159 6 i i PRON _003394182 1159 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1159 8 h h PROPN _003394182 1159 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 1159 10 o. o. PROPN _003394182 1159 11 p p PROPN _003394182 1159 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 1160 1 , , PUNCT _003394182 1160 2 48 48 NUM _003394182 1160 3 p p NOUN _003394182 1160 4 a a DET _003394182 1160 5 g g NOUN _003394182 1160 6 e e PROPN _003394182 1160 7 s s VERB _003394182 1160 8 a a DET _003394182 1160 9 n n X _003394182 1160 10 d d NOUN _003394182 1160 11 c c NOUN _003394182 1160 12 o o NOUN _003394182 1161 1 v v X _003394182 1161 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1161 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1161 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1162 1 s s X _003394182 1163 1 i i PRON _003394182 1163 2 n n ADV _003394182 1163 3 g g X _003394182 1163 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1163 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1163 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1163 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1163 8 16c 16c NOUN _003394182 1163 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1163 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1163 11 s s X _003394182 1163 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1163 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1164 1 a a DET _003394182 1164 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1164 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1164 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1165 1 i i PRON _003394182 1165 2 n n VERB _003394182 1165 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1165 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1165 5 a a DET _003394182 1165 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1165 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1166 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1166 2 t t X _003394182 1167 1 i i PRON _003394182 1168 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1168 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1168 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1168 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1168 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003394182 1168 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1168 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1168 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1168 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1168 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1169 1 t t PROPN _003394182 1169 2 m m NOUN _003394182 1169 3 ^ ^ X _003394182 1169 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1169 5 t t NOUN _003394182 1169 6 h h NOUN _003394182 1169 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1169 8 c c X _003394182 1169 9 h h X _003394182 1169 10 r r X _003394182 1169 11 i i PRON _003394182 1169 12 s s VERB _003394182 1169 13 t t NOUN _003394182 1170 1 i i PRON _003394182 1170 2 a a PRON _003394182 1170 3 n n NOUN _003394182 1170 4 f f X _003394182 1171 1 a a X _003394182 1171 2 m m VERB _003394182 1171 3 i i PRON _003394182 1171 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1171 5 y y PROPN _003394182 1171 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 1171 7 " " PUNCT _003394182 1171 8 b b X _003394182 1171 9 y y PROPN _003394182 1171 10 r r NOUN _003394182 1171 11 e e PROPN _003394182 1171 12 v v NOUN _003394182 1171 13 . . PUNCT _003394182 1172 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1172 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1172 3 e e X _003394182 1172 4 d d X _003394182 1172 5 w w PROPN _003394182 1172 6 a a DET _003394182 1172 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1172 8 d d PROPN _003394182 1172 9 ix ix PROPN _003394182 1172 10 > > PROPN _003394182 1172 11 dse dse PROPN _003394182 1172 12 c c PROPN _003394182 1172 13 u u X _003394182 1172 14 r r NOUN _003394182 1172 15 r r NOUN _003394182 1172 16 a a DET _003394182 1172 17 n n NOUN _003394182 1172 18 68 68 NUM _003394182 1172 19 p p NOUN _003394182 1173 1 a a DET _003394182 1173 2 g g NOUN _003394182 1174 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1174 2 s s VERB _003394182 1174 3 a a DET _003394182 1174 4 n n X _003394182 1174 5 d d NOUN _003394182 1174 6 c c NOUN _003394182 1174 7 o o NOUN _003394182 1175 1 v v X _003394182 1175 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1175 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1175 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1176 1 s s X _003394182 1177 1 i i PRON _003394182 1177 2 n n ADV _003394182 1177 3 g g X _003394182 1177 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1177 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1177 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1177 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1177 8 20c 20c X _003394182 1177 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1177 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1177 11 s s NOUN _003394182 1177 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1177 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1178 1 a a DET _003394182 1178 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1178 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1178 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1179 1 i i PRON _003394182 1179 2 n n VERB _003394182 1179 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1179 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1179 5 a a DET _003394182 1179 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1179 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1180 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1180 2 t t X _003394182 1181 1 i i PRON _003394182 1182 1 e e VERB _003394182 1182 2 s s PART _003394182 1182 3 $ $ SYM _003394182 1182 4 7.00 7.00 NUM _003394182 1182 5 per per ADP _003394182 1182 6 100 100 NUM _003394182 1182 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 1183 1 „ „ X _003394182 1183 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 1183 3 „ „ X _003394182 1183 4 r r NOUN _003394182 1183 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 1184 1 „ „ X _003394182 1184 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 1184 3 „ „ X _003394182 1184 4 " " PUNCT _003394182 1184 5 t t NOUN _003394182 1184 6 h h PROPN _003394182 1184 7 e e PROPN _003394182 1184 8 dublin dublin PROPN _003394182 1184 9 e e PROPN _003394182 1184 10 u u PROPN _003394182 1184 11 c c AUX _003394182 1184 12 h h X _003394182 1184 13 a a DET _003394182 1184 14 r r NOUN _003394182 1184 15 i i PRON _003394182 1184 16 s s NOUN _003394182 1184 17 t t NOUN _003394182 1185 1 i i PRON _003394182 1185 2 c c VERB _003394182 1185 3 c c X _003394182 1185 4 o o NOUN _003394182 1185 5 n n ADV _003394182 1185 6 g g X _003394182 1185 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1185 8 e e PROPN _003394182 1185 9 s s PROPN _003394182 1185 10 s s NOUN _003394182 1185 11 , , PUNCT _003394182 1185 12 " " PUNCT _003394182 1186 1 b b X _003394182 1186 2 y y PROPN _003394182 1186 3 h h INTJ _003394182 1187 1 i i PRON _003394182 1187 2 s s VERB _003394182 1187 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1188 1 m m VERB _003394182 1188 2 i i PRON _003394182 1189 1 n n ADP _003394182 1189 2 e e PROPN _003394182 1189 3 n n X _003394182 1189 4 c c X _003394182 1189 5 e e X _003394182 1190 1 w w X _003394182 1190 2 i i PROPN _003394182 1191 1 l l PROPN _003394182 1191 2 l l PROPN _003394182 1191 3 i i PRON _003394182 1191 4 a a PRON _003394182 1191 5 m m VERB _003394182 1191 6 c c PROPN _003394182 1191 7 a a DET _003394182 1191 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1191 9 d d NOUN _003394182 1191 10 i i PRON _003394182 1191 11 n n VERB _003394182 1191 12 a a DET _003394182 1191 13 l l NOUN _003394182 1191 14 o o NOUN _003394182 1191 15 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 1191 16 c c PROPN _003394182 1191 17 o o NOUN _003394182 1191 18 n n PROPN _003394182 1191 19 n n PROPN _003394182 1191 20 e e PROPN _003394182 1191 21 l l X _003394182 1191 22 l l PROPN _003394182 1191 23 . . PUNCT _003394182 1192 1 a a DET _003394182 1192 2 n n PROPN _003394182 1192 3 a a DET _003394182 1192 4 d d NOUN _003394182 1192 5 d d PROPN _003394182 1192 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1192 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1192 8 s s VERB _003394182 1192 9 s s NOUN _003394182 1192 10 r r NOUN _003394182 1192 11 e e NOUN _003394182 1192 12 b b X _003394182 1192 13 r r NOUN _003394182 1192 14 o o NOUN _003394182 1192 15 a a DET _003394182 1192 16 d d NOUN _003394182 1192 17 c c NOUN _003394182 1193 1 a a DET _003394182 1193 2 s s NOUN _003394182 1193 3 t t NOUN _003394182 1193 4 f f X _003394182 1193 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1193 6 o o NOUN _003394182 1193 7 m m NOUN _003394182 1193 8 d d PROPN _003394182 1193 9 u u PROPN _003394182 1193 10 b b X _003394182 1193 11 l l X _003394182 1193 12 i i NOUN _003394182 1193 13 n n NOUN _003394182 1193 14 12 12 NUM _003394182 1193 15 p p NOUN _003394182 1193 16 a a DET _003394182 1193 17 g g NOUN _003394182 1193 18 e e PROPN _003394182 1193 19 s s VERB _003394182 1193 20 a a PRON _003394182 1193 21 n n X _003394182 1193 22 d d NOUN _003394182 1193 23 c c NOUN _003394182 1193 24 o o NOUN _003394182 1194 1 v v X _003394182 1194 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1194 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1194 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1195 1 s s X _003394182 1196 1 i i PRON _003394182 1197 1 n n ADV _003394182 1197 2 g g X _003394182 1197 3 l l X _003394182 1197 4 e e NOUN _003394182 1197 5 c c AUX _003394182 1197 6 o o X _003394182 1197 7 p p NOUN _003394182 1197 8 y y PROPN _003394182 1197 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 1197 10 10c 10c X _003394182 1197 11 p p NOUN _003394182 1197 12 o o NOUN _003394182 1197 13 s s PART _003394182 1197 14 t t NOUN _003394182 1197 15 p p NOUN _003394182 1198 1 a a DET _003394182 1198 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1198 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1198 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1199 1 i i PRON _003394182 1199 2 n n VERB _003394182 1199 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1199 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1199 5 a a DET _003394182 1199 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1199 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1200 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1200 2 t t X _003394182 1201 1 i i PRON _003394182 1202 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1202 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1202 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1202 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1202 5 3.75 3.75 NUM _003394182 1202 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1203 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1203 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1203 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1203 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1203 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1204 1 r r NOUN _003394182 1204 2 u u NOUN _003394182 1204 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1204 4 a a DET _003394182 1204 5 l l NOUN _003394182 1204 6 c c NOUN _003394182 1204 7 a a DET _003394182 1204 8 t t NOUN _003394182 1204 9 h h NOUN _003394182 1205 1 o o NOUN _003394182 1205 2 l l X _003394182 1206 1 i i PRON _003394182 1206 2 c c VERB _003394182 1206 3 a a DET _003394182 1206 4 c c NOUN _003394182 1206 5 t t NOUN _003394182 1207 1 i i PRON _003394182 1207 2 o o X _003394182 1207 3 n n PROPN _003394182 1207 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 1207 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1207 6 b b NOUN _003394182 1207 7 y y PROPN _003394182 1207 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1207 9 e e PROPN _003394182 1207 10 v v NOUN _003394182 1207 11 . . PUNCT _003394182 1208 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1208 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1208 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1209 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1209 2 d d PROPN _003394182 1209 3 g g PROPN _003394182 1209 4 a a DET _003394182 1209 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1209 6 s s NOUN _003394182 1209 7 c c NOUN _003394182 1209 8 h h NOUN _003394182 1209 9 m m VERB _003394182 1209 10 i i PRON _003394182 1209 11 e e X _003394182 1210 1 d d PROPN _003394182 1210 2 e e PROPN _003394182 1210 3 l l X _003394182 1210 4 e e X _003394182 1210 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1210 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 1210 7 o. o. PROPN _003394182 1210 8 s s PROPN _003394182 1210 9 b. b. PROPN _003394182 1210 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 1210 11 24 24 NUM _003394182 1210 12 p p NOUN _003394182 1211 1 a a DET _003394182 1211 2 g g NOUN _003394182 1212 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1212 2 s s VERB _003394182 1212 3 a a DET _003394182 1212 4 n n X _003394182 1212 5 d d NOUN _003394182 1212 6 c c NOUN _003394182 1212 7 o o NOUN _003394182 1213 1 v v X _003394182 1213 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1213 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1213 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1214 1 s s X _003394182 1215 1 i i PRON _003394182 1215 2 n n ADV _003394182 1215 3 g g X _003394182 1215 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1215 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1215 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1215 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1215 8 10c 10c X _003394182 1216 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1216 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1216 3 s s PART _003394182 1216 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1216 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1217 1 a a PRON _003394182 1218 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1218 2 d d NOUN _003394182 1218 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1219 1 i i PRON _003394182 1219 2 n n VERB _003394182 1219 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1219 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1219 5 a a DET _003394182 1219 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1219 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1220 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1220 2 t t X _003394182 1221 1 i i PRON _003394182 1222 1 e e X _003394182 1222 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1222 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1222 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1222 5 4 4 NUM _003394182 1222 6 . . NUM _003394182 1222 7 5 5 NUM _003394182 1222 8 0 0 NUM _003394182 1222 9 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 1222 10 p p NOUN _003394182 1222 11 e e NOUN _003394182 1222 12 r r NOUN _003394182 1222 13 100 100 NUM _003394182 1222 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 1222 15 " " PUNCT _003394182 1223 1 r r NOUN _003394182 1223 2 e e PROPN _003394182 1223 3 l l X _003394182 1223 4 i i PRON _003394182 1223 5 g g VERB _003394182 1224 1 i i PRON _003394182 1224 2 o o PROPN _003394182 1224 3 n n ADP _003394182 1224 4 a a PROPN _003394182 1224 5 n n PROPN _003394182 1224 6 d d PROPN _003394182 1224 7 h h PROPN _003394182 1224 8 u u PROPN _003394182 1224 9 m m VERB _003394182 1224 10 a a DET _003394182 1224 11 n n NOUN _003394182 1224 12 n n ADV _003394182 1224 13 a a DET _003394182 1224 14 t t NOUN _003394182 1224 15 u u NOUN _003394182 1224 16 r r NOUN _003394182 1224 17 e e NOUN _003394182 1224 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 1224 19 " " PUNCT _003394182 1224 20 b b X _003394182 1224 21 y y PROPN _003394182 1224 22 r r NOUN _003394182 1224 23 e e PROPN _003394182 1224 24 v v NOUN _003394182 1224 25 . . PUNCT _003394182 1225 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1225 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1225 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1226 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1226 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1226 3 s s X _003394182 1226 4 e e NOUN _003394182 1226 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1226 6 h h NOUN _003394182 1226 7 a a PRON _003394182 1226 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1227 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1227 2 a a DET _003394182 1227 3 l l X _003394182 1227 4 y y PROPN _003394182 1227 5 , , PUNCT _003394182 1227 6 40 40 NUM _003394182 1227 7 p p NOUN _003394182 1227 8 a a DET _003394182 1227 9 g g NOUN _003394182 1228 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1228 2 s s VERB _003394182 1228 3 a a DET _003394182 1228 4 n n X _003394182 1228 5 d d NOUN _003394182 1228 6 c c NOUN _003394182 1228 7 o o NOUN _003394182 1229 1 v v X _003394182 1229 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1229 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1229 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1230 1 s s X _003394182 1231 1 i i PRON _003394182 1231 2 n n ADV _003394182 1231 3 g g X _003394182 1231 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1231 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1231 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1231 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1231 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 1232 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1232 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1232 3 s s PART _003394182 1232 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1232 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1233 1 a a PRON _003394182 1234 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1234 2 d d NOUN _003394182 1234 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1235 1 i i PRON _003394182 1235 2 n n VERB _003394182 1235 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1235 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1235 5 a a DET _003394182 1235 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1235 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1236 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1236 2 t t X _003394182 1237 1 i i PRON _003394182 1238 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1238 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1238 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1238 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1238 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003394182 1238 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1238 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1238 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1238 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1238 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1238 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1239 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1239 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1239 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1239 4 c c NOUN _003394182 1239 5 h h PROPN _003394182 1239 6 u u NOUN _003394182 1239 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1239 8 c c X _003394182 1239 9 h h NOUN _003394182 1239 10 a a DET _003394182 1239 11 n n PROPN _003394182 1239 12 d d X _003394182 1239 13 " " PUNCT _003394182 1239 14 s s NOUN _003394182 1239 15 o o NOUN _003394182 1239 16 m m NOUN _003394182 1239 17 e e NOUN _003394182 1239 18 o o NOUN _003394182 1239 19 u u PROPN _003394182 1239 20 t t NOUN _003394182 1239 21 s s PART _003394182 1239 22 t t NOUN _003394182 1239 23 a a PRON _003394182 1239 24 n n NOUN _003394182 1240 1 d d PROPN _003394182 1240 2 i i PRON _003394182 1240 3 n n X _003394182 1240 4 g g X _003394182 1240 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1240 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1240 7 o o NOUN _003394182 1241 1 b b X _003394182 1241 2 l l X _003394182 1241 3 e e PROPN _003394182 1241 4 m m VERB _003394182 1241 5 s s NOUN _003394182 1241 6 of of ADP _003394182 1241 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1241 8 h h NOUN _003394182 1241 9 e e NOUN _003394182 1241 10 d d PROPN _003394182 1241 11 a a DET _003394182 1241 12 y y PROPN _003394182 1241 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 1241 14 " " PUNCT _003394182 1241 15 b b NOUN _003394182 1241 16 y y PROPN _003394182 1241 17 r r NOUN _003394182 1241 18 e e NOUN _003394182 1241 19 v v NOUN _003394182 1241 20 . . PUNCT _003394182 1242 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1242 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1242 3 n n PROPN _003394182 1242 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1242 5 s s PART _003394182 1243 1 i. i. NOUN _003394182 1243 2 c c NOUN _003394182 1243 3 o o X _003394182 1243 4 r r NOUN _003394182 1243 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1243 6 i i PRON _003394182 1243 7 g g NOUN _003394182 1243 8 a a DET _003394182 1243 9 n n NOUN _003394182 1243 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 1243 11 s s NOUN _003394182 1243 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 1244 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1244 2 . . PUNCT _003394182 1244 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1244 4 72 72 NUM _003394182 1244 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1244 6 a a DET _003394182 1244 7 g g NOUN _003394182 1244 8 e e PROPN _003394182 1244 9 s s VERB _003394182 1244 10 a a DET _003394182 1244 11 n n X _003394182 1244 12 d d NOUN _003394182 1244 13 c c NOUN _003394182 1244 14 o o NOUN _003394182 1245 1 v v X _003394182 1245 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1245 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1245 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1246 1 s s X _003394182 1247 1 i i PRON _003394182 1247 2 n n ADV _003394182 1247 3 g g X _003394182 1247 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1247 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1247 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1247 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1247 8 20c 20c X _003394182 1247 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1247 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1247 11 s s NOUN _003394182 1247 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1247 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1248 1 a a DET _003394182 1248 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1248 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1248 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1249 1 i i PRON _003394182 1249 2 n n VERB _003394182 1249 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1249 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1249 5 a a DET _003394182 1249 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1249 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1250 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1250 2 t t X _003394182 1251 1 i i PRON _003394182 1252 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1252 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1252 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1252 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1252 5 8.00 8.00 NUM _003394182 1252 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1252 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1252 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1252 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1252 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1252 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1253 1 c c PROPN _003394182 1253 2 o o PROPN _003394182 1253 3 n n X _003394182 1254 1 f f PROPN _003394182 1254 2 l l PROPN _003394182 1255 1 i i PRON _003394182 1255 2 c c VERB _003394182 1255 3 t t X _003394182 1256 1 i i PRON _003394182 1256 2 n n ADP _003394182 1256 3 g g NOUN _003394182 1256 4 s s VERB _003394182 1256 5 t t X _003394182 1256 6 a a DET _003394182 1256 7 n n NOUN _003394182 1256 8 d d X _003394182 1256 9 a a DET _003394182 1256 10 r r NOUN _003394182 1256 11 d d NOUN _003394182 1256 12 s s NOUN _003394182 1256 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 1256 14 " " PUNCT _003394182 1257 1 b b NOUN _003394182 1257 2 y y PROPN _003394182 1257 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1257 4 e e NOUN _003394182 1257 5 v v NOUN _003394182 1257 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 1258 1 j j NOUN _003394182 1258 2 a a X _003394182 1258 3 m m NOUN _003394182 1258 4 e e NOUN _003394182 1258 5 s s PART _003394182 1258 6 m. m. NOUN _003394182 1258 7 glllis glllis PROPN _003394182 1258 8 , , PUNCT _003394182 1258 9 c. c. PROPN _003394182 1258 10 s. s. PROPN _003394182 1258 11 p p PROPN _003394182 1258 12 . . PUNCT _003394182 1258 13 , , PUNCT _003394182 1258 14 80 80 NUM _003394182 1258 15 p p NOUN _003394182 1258 16 a a DET _003394182 1258 17 g g NOUN _003394182 1258 18 e e PROPN _003394182 1258 19 s s VERB _003394182 1258 20 a a DET _003394182 1258 21 n n X _003394182 1258 22 d d NOUN _003394182 1258 23 c c NOUN _003394182 1258 24 o o NOUN _003394182 1258 25 v v X _003394182 1258 26 e e NOUN _003394182 1258 27 r r NOUN _003394182 1258 28 . . PUNCT _003394182 1259 1 s s X _003394182 1260 1 i i PRON _003394182 1260 2 n n ADV _003394182 1260 3 g g X _003394182 1260 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1260 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1260 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1260 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1260 8 20c 20c X _003394182 1260 9 p p NOUN _003394182 1260 10 o o NOUN _003394182 1260 11 s s NOUN _003394182 1260 12 t t NOUN _003394182 1260 13 p p NOUN _003394182 1261 1 a a DET _003394182 1261 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1261 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1261 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1262 1 i i PRON _003394182 1262 2 n n VERB _003394182 1262 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1262 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1262 5 a a DET _003394182 1262 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1262 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1263 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1263 2 t t X _003394182 1264 1 i i PRON _003394182 1265 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1265 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1265 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1265 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1265 5 9.00 9.00 NUM _003394182 1265 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1265 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1265 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1265 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1265 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1265 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1266 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1266 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1266 3 e e X _003394182 1266 4 h h PROPN _003394182 1266 5 y y PROPN _003394182 1266 6 m m PROPN _003394182 1267 1 n n PROPN _003394182 1267 2 of of ADP _003394182 1267 3 t t NOUN _003394182 1267 4 h h NOUN _003394182 1267 5 e e NOUN _003394182 1267 6 c c AUX _003394182 1267 7 o o NOUN _003394182 1267 8 n n ADP _003394182 1268 1 q q NOUN _003394182 1268 2 u u NOUN _003394182 1268 3 e e X _003394182 1268 4 r r NOUN _003394182 1268 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1268 6 d d NOUN _003394182 1268 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1268 8 " " PUNCT _003394182 1268 9 b b NOUN _003394182 1268 10 y y PROPN _003394182 1268 11 r r NOUN _003394182 1268 12 e e PROPN _003394182 1268 13 v v NOUN _003394182 1268 14 . . PUNCT _003394182 1269 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1269 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1269 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1270 1 f f PROPN _003394182 1270 2 u u PROPN _003394182 1270 3 l l X _003394182 1270 4 t t PROPN _003394182 1270 5 o o PROPN _003394182 1270 6 n n CCONJ _003394182 1270 7 j j PROPN _003394182 1270 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1270 9 slieen slieen PROPN _003394182 1270 10 , , PUNCT _003394182 1270 11 128 128 NUM _003394182 1270 12 p p NOUN _003394182 1270 13 a a DET _003394182 1270 14 g g NOUN _003394182 1271 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1271 2 s s VERB _003394182 1271 3 a a DET _003394182 1271 4 n n PROPN _003394182 1271 5 d d NOUN _003394182 1271 6 cotfer cotfer NOUN _003394182 1271 7 . . PUNCT _003394182 1272 1 s s VERB _003394182 1273 1 i i PRON _003394182 1273 2 n n ADV _003394182 1273 3 g g X _003394182 1273 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1273 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1273 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1273 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1273 8 35c 35c NOUN _003394182 1273 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 1274 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1274 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1274 3 s s NOUN _003394182 1274 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1274 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1275 1 a a PRON _003394182 1276 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1276 2 d d NOUN _003394182 1276 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1277 1 i i PRON _003394182 1277 2 n n VERB _003394182 1277 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1277 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1277 5 a a DET _003394182 1277 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1277 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1278 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1278 2 t t X _003394182 1279 1 i i PRON _003394182 1280 1 e e X _003394182 1280 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1280 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1280 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1280 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _003394182 1280 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1281 1 e e NOUN _003394182 1281 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1281 3 100 100 NUM _003394182 1281 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1281 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1282 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1282 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1282 3 e e PROPN _003394182 1282 4 s s X _003394182 1282 5 e e NOUN _003394182 1282 6 v v X _003394182 1282 7 e e PROPN _003394182 1282 8 n n X _003394182 1282 9 l l PROPN _003394182 1283 1 a a DET _003394182 1283 2 s s NOUN _003394182 1283 3 t t NOUN _003394182 1283 4 w w NOUN _003394182 1283 5 o o NOUN _003394182 1283 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1283 7 d d PROPN _003394182 1283 8 s s NOUN _003394182 1283 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 1283 10 " " PUNCT _003394182 1283 11 b b NOUN _003394182 1283 12 y y PROPN _003394182 1283 13 r r NOUN _003394182 1283 14 e e PROPN _003394182 1283 15 v v NOUN _003394182 1283 16 . . PUNCT _003394182 1284 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1284 2 u u PROPN _003394182 1284 3 l l X _003394182 1284 4 t t PROPN _003394182 1284 5 o o PROPN _003394182 1284 6 n n CCONJ _003394182 1284 7 j j PROPN _003394182 1284 8 . . PUNCT _003394182 1285 1 s s PROPN _003394182 1285 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1285 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1285 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1285 5 n n PROPN _003394182 1285 6 , , PUNCT _003394182 1286 1 v v X _003394182 1286 2 e e AUX _003394182 1286 3 s s VERB _003394182 1286 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1286 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1286 6 o o NOUN _003394182 1286 7 c c PROPN _003394182 1286 8 k k PROPN _003394182 1286 9 e e PROPN _003394182 1286 10 t t NOUN _003394182 1286 11 size size NOUN _003394182 1286 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 1286 13 32 32 NUM _003394182 1286 14 p p NOUN _003394182 1286 15 a a DET _003394182 1286 16 g g NOUN _003394182 1286 17 e e PROPN _003394182 1286 18 s s VERB _003394182 1286 19 a a DET _003394182 1286 20 n n X _003394182 1286 21 d d NOUN _003394182 1286 22 c c NOUN _003394182 1286 23 o o NOUN _003394182 1286 24 v v X _003394182 1286 25 e e NOUN _003394182 1286 26 r r NOUN _003394182 1286 27 . . PUNCT _003394182 1287 1 s s X _003394182 1288 1 i i PRON _003394182 1288 2 n n ADV _003394182 1288 3 g g X _003394182 1288 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1288 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1288 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1288 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1288 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 1289 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1289 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1289 3 s s PART _003394182 1289 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1289 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1290 1 a a PRON _003394182 1291 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1291 2 d d NOUN _003394182 1291 3 . . PUNCT _003394182 1292 1 i i PRON _003394182 1292 2 n n VERB _003394182 1292 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1292 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1292 5 a a DET _003394182 1292 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1292 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1293 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1293 2 t t X _003394182 1294 1 i i PRON _003394182 1295 1 e e PROPN _003394182 1295 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1295 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1295 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1295 5 3.00 3.00 NUM _003394182 1295 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1295 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1295 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1295 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1295 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1295 11 " " PUNCT _003394182 1296 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1296 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1296 3 e e NOUN _003394182 1296 4 c c NOUN _003394182 1296 5 h h PROPN _003394182 1296 6 u u NOUN _003394182 1296 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1296 8 c c X _003394182 1296 9 h h NOUN _003394182 1296 10 a a DET _003394182 1296 11 n n PROPN _003394182 1296 12 d d PROPN _003394182 1296 13 t t NOUN _003394182 1296 14 h h NOUN _003394182 1296 15 e e NOUN _003394182 1296 16 c c PROPN _003394182 1296 17 h h PROPN _003394182 1297 1 i i PROPN _003394182 1297 2 l l PROPN _003394182 1297 3 d d PROPN _003394182 1297 4 , , PUNCT _003394182 1297 5 " " PUNCT _003394182 1297 6 by by ADP _003394182 1297 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1297 8 e e NOUN _003394182 1297 9 v v NOUN _003394182 1297 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1298 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1298 2 a a DET _003394182 1298 3 u u PROPN _003394182 1298 4 l l NOUN _003394182 1298 5 h h NOUN _003394182 1298 6 . . PUNCT _003394182 1299 1 f f PROPN _003394182 1299 2 u u PROPN _003394182 1299 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1299 4 f f X _003394182 1299 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1299 6 y y PROPN _003394182 1299 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1299 8 p p NOUN _003394182 1299 9 h h NOUN _003394182 1299 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1300 1 d. d. PROPN _003394182 1300 2 , , PUNCT _003394182 1300 3 48 48 NUM _003394182 1300 4 p p NOUN _003394182 1300 5 a a DET _003394182 1300 6 g g NOUN _003394182 1300 7 e e PROPN _003394182 1300 8 s s VERB _003394182 1300 9 a a DET _003394182 1300 10 n n X _003394182 1300 11 d d NOUN _003394182 1300 12 c c NOUN _003394182 1300 13 o o NOUN _003394182 1300 14 v v X _003394182 1300 15 e e NOUN _003394182 1300 16 r r NOUN _003394182 1300 17 . . PUNCT _003394182 1301 1 s s X _003394182 1302 1 i i PRON _003394182 1302 2 n n ADV _003394182 1302 3 g g X _003394182 1302 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1302 5 e e PROPN _003394182 1302 6 copy copy NOUN _003394182 1302 7 , , PUNCT _003394182 1302 8 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 1303 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1303 2 o o NOUN _003394182 1303 3 s s PART _003394182 1303 4 t t NOUN _003394182 1303 5 p p NOUN _003394182 1303 6 a a DET _003394182 1303 7 i i NOUN _003394182 1303 8 d d NOUN _003394182 1303 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 1304 1 in in ADP _003394182 1304 2 q q NOUN _003394182 1304 3 u u PROPN _003394182 1304 4 a a DET _003394182 1304 5 n n NOUN _003394182 1304 6 t t NOUN _003394182 1305 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1306 1 t t X _003394182 1307 1 i i PRON _003394182 1308 1 e e AUX _003394182 1308 2 s s PART _003394182 1308 3 $ $ SYM _003394182 1308 4 5.50 5.50 NUM _003394182 1309 1 p p NOUN _003394182 1309 2 e e NOUN _003394182 1309 3 r r NOUN _003394182 1309 4 100 100 NUM _003394182 1309 5 . . PUNCT _003394182 1309 6 " " PUNCT _003394182 1310 1 t t NOUN _003394182 1310 2 h h NOUN _003394182 1310 3 e e X _003394182 1310 4 l l PROPN _003394182 1310 5 o o PROPN _003394182 1310 6 r r NOUN _003394182 1310 7 d d PROPN _003394182 1310 8 ' ' PUNCT _003394182 1310 9 s s NOUN _003394182 1310 10 p p NOUN _003394182 1310 11 r r NOUN _003394182 1310 12 a a DET _003394182 1310 13 y y PROPN _003394182 1310 14 e e NOUN _003394182 1310 15 r r NOUN _003394182 1310 16 t t PROPN _003394182 1310 17 o o NOUN _003394182 1310 18 d d X _003394182 1310 19 a a DET _003394182 1310 20 y y PROPN _003394182 1310 21 , , PUNCT _003394182 1310 22 " " PUNCT _003394182 1311 1 b b X _003394182 1311 2 y y PROPN _003394182 1311 3 v v PROPN _003394182 1311 4 e e PROPN _003394182 1311 5 r r NOUN _003394182 1311 6 y y PROPN _003394182 1311 7 r r NOUN _003394182 1311 8 e e NOUN _003394182 1311 9 v v NOUN _003394182 1311 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1312 1 d d NOUN _003394182 1312 2 r r NOUN _003394182 1312 3 ; ; PUNCT _003394182 1312 4 i i PRON _003394182 1312 5 g g NOUN _003394182 1312 6 n n X _003394182 1312 7 a a DET _003394182 1312 8 t t NOUN _003394182 1313 1 i i PRON _003394182 1313 2 u u PROPN _003394182 1313 3 s s VERB _003394182 1313 4 s s NOUN _003394182 1313 5 m m VERB _003394182 1313 6 i i PRON _003394182 1313 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1313 8 h h PROPN _003394182 1313 9 , , PUNCT _003394182 1313 10 o o PROPN _003394182 1313 11 p. p. PROPN _003394182 1313 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 1313 13 64 64 NUM _003394182 1313 14 p p NOUN _003394182 1313 15 a a DET _003394182 1313 16 g g NOUN _003394182 1313 17 e e PROPN _003394182 1313 18 s s VERB _003394182 1314 1 a a DET _003394182 1314 2 n n X _003394182 1314 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1314 4 c c NOUN _003394182 1314 5 o o NOUN _003394182 1314 6 v v X _003394182 1314 7 e e PROPN _003394182 1314 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1314 9 . . PUNCT _003394182 1314 10 single single ADJ _003394182 1314 11 copy copy PROPN _003394182 1314 12 , , PUNCT _003394182 1314 13 15c 15c NOUN _003394182 1314 14 p p NOUN _003394182 1314 15 o o NOUN _003394182 1314 16 s s PART _003394182 1314 17 t t NOUN _003394182 1314 18 p p NOUN _003394182 1315 1 a a DET _003394182 1315 2 i i NOUN _003394182 1315 3 d d NOUN _003394182 1315 4 . . PUNCT _003394182 1316 1 i i PRON _003394182 1316 2 n n VERB _003394182 1316 3 q q NOUN _003394182 1316 4 u u NOUN _003394182 1316 5 a a DET _003394182 1316 6 n n NOUN _003394182 1316 7 t t NOUN _003394182 1317 1 i i NOUN _003394182 1317 2 t t X _003394182 1318 1 i i PRON _003394182 1319 1 e e X _003394182 1319 2 s s PROPN _003394182 1319 3 , , PUNCT _003394182 1319 4 $ $ SYM _003394182 1319 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003394182 1319 6 p p NOUN _003394182 1319 7 e e NOUN _003394182 1319 8 r r NOUN _003394182 1319 9 100 100 NUM _003394182 1319 10 . . PUNCT _003394182 1319 11 address address NOUN _003394182 1319 12 : : PUNCT _003394182 1319 13 our our PRON _003394182 1319 14 sunday sunday PROPN _003394182 1319 15 visitor visitor NOUN _003394182 1319 16 , , PUNCT _003394182 1319 17 huntington huntington PROPN _003394182 1319 18 , , PUNCT _003394182 1319 19 indiana indiana PROPN