id sid tid token lemma pos _003136118 1 1 l.q l.q PROPN _003136118 1 2 iiou iiou NOUN _003136118 1 3 i i PRON _003136118 1 4 wi!l wi!l VERB _003136118 1 5 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1 6 qm qm PROPN _003136118 1 7 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1 8 -th~ -th~ PROPN _003136118 1 9 li+vlj'j~ li+vlj'j~ PROPN _003136118 1 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 2 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 3 1 it it PRON _003136118 3 2 dt dt X _003136118 3 3 l l NOUN _003136118 3 4 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 3 5 s s PROPN _003136118 3 6 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 3 7 2 2 X _003136118 3 8 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 3 9 th th PRON _003136118 3 10 e e NOUN _003136118 3 11 litu litu ADJ _003136118 3 12 r.ciy r.ciy PROPN _003136118 3 13 ~?-t-\98 ~?-t-\98 PROPN _003136118 3 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 3 15 th th DET _003136118 3 16 e e NOUN _003136118 3 17 laity laity NOUN _003136118 3 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 4 1 wi wi PROPN _003136118 4 2 lliam lliam PROPN _003136118 4 3 j. j. PROPN _003136118 4 4 lallou lallou PROPN _003136118 4 5 the the DET _003136118 4 6 catholic catholic PROPN _003136118 4 7 hou hou PROPN _003136118 4 8 ~ ~ PUNCT _003136118 4 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 4 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 4 11 * * PUNCT _003136118 4 12 the the DET _003136118 4 13 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 4 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 4 15 the the DET _003136118 4 16 laity laity NOUN _003136118 4 17 by by ADP _003136118 4 18 rev rev PROPN _003136118 4 19 . . PROPN _003136118 4 20 william william PROPN _003136118 4 21 j. j. PROPN _003136118 4 22 lallou lallou PROPN _003136118 4 23 associate associate PROPN _003136118 4 24 profe profe PROPN _003136118 4 25 sso sso PROPN _003136118 4 26 r r PROPN _003136118 4 27 of of ADP _003136118 4 28 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 4 29 at at ADP _003136118 4 30 the the DET _003136118 4 31 catho catho PROPN _003136118 4 32 lic lic PROPN _003136118 4 33 universi universi ADJ _003136118 4 34 ty ty PROPN _003136118 4 35 of of ADP _003136118 4 36 america america PROPN _003136118 4 37 foul foul PROPN _003136118 4 38 ' ' PART _003136118 4 39 addresses address NOUN _003136118 4 40 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 4 41 in in ADP _003136118 4 42 the the DET _003136118 4 43 n n NOUN _003136118 4 44 ationwide ationwide NOUN _003136118 4 45 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 4 46 hour hour NOUN _003136118 4 47 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 4 48 produced produce VERB _003136118 4 49 by by ADP _003136118 4 50 the the DET _003136118 4 51 national national PROPN _003136118 4 52 council council PROPN _003136118 4 53 of of ADP _003136118 4 54 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 4 55 men man NOUN _003136118 4 56 , , PUNCT _003136118 4 57 in in ADP _003136118 4 58 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003136118 4 59 with with ADP _003136118 4 60 the the DET _003136118 4 61 national national PROPN _003136118 4 62 broadcasting broadcasting NOUN _003136118 4 63 company company NOUN _003136118 4 64 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 4 65 , , PUNCT _003136118 4 66 on on ADP _003136118 4 67 sundays sunday NOUN _003136118 4 68 from from ADP _003136118 4 69 june june PROPN _003136118 4 70 7 7 NUM _003136118 4 71 , , PUNCT _003136118 4 72 through through ADP _003136118 4 73 june june PROPN _003136118 4 74 28 28 NUM _003136118 4 75 , , PUNCT _003136118 4 76 1942 1942 NUM _003136118 4 77 . . PUNCT _003136118 5 1 page page NOUN _003136118 5 2 june june PROPN _003136118 5 3 7 7 NUM _003136118 5 4 why why SCONJ _003136118 5 5 should should AUX _003136118 5 6 we we PRON _003136118 5 7 h h VERB _003136118 5 8 a a DET _003136118 5 9 v v NOUN _003136118 5 10 e e NOUN _003136118 5 11 litu litu ADJ _003136118 5 12 rgy rgy NOUN _003136118 5 13 ? ? PUNCT _003136118 6 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 6 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 7 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 7 2 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 8 1 ................ ................ PUNCT _003136118 8 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 9 1 ............ ............ PUNCT _003136118 9 2 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 10 1 3 3 NUM _003136118 10 2 june june PROPN _003136118 10 3 14 14 NUM _003136118 10 4 the the DET _003136118 10 5 supre supre NOUN _003136118 10 6 me i PRON _003136118 10 7 act act NOUN _003136118 10 8 of of ADP _003136118 10 9 the the DET _003136118 10 10 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 10 11 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 11 1 .............................. .............................. PUNCT _003136118 11 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 12 1 ............... ............... PUNCT _003136118 12 2 8 8 NUM _003136118 12 3 june june PROPN _003136118 12 4 21 21 NUM _003136118 12 5 lay lie VERB _003136118 12 6 participation participation NOUN _003136118 12 7 in in ADP _003136118 12 8 the the DET _003136118 12 9 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 12 10 ......................................... ......................................... PUNCT _003136118 13 1 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 13 2 14 14 NUM _003136118 14 1 j j NOUN _003136118 14 2 une une PROPN _003136118 14 3 28 28 NUM _003136118 14 4 oriental oriental ADJ _003136118 14 5 rites rite NOUN _003136118 14 6 in in ADP _003136118 14 7 the the DET _003136118 14 8 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 14 9 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 14 10 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 15 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 15 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 16 1 ........ ........ PUNCT _003136118 17 1 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 17 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 18 1 ................. ................. PUNCT _003136118 18 2 20 20 NUM _003136118 18 3 statement statement NOUN _003136118 18 4 of of ADP _003136118 18 5 the the DET _003136118 18 6 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 18 7 hour hour NOUN _003136118 18 8 's 's PART _003136118 18 9 purpose purpose NOUN _003136118 18 10 ........................................... ........................................... PUNCT _003136118 18 11 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 19 1 25 25 NUM _003136118 19 2 list list NOUN _003136118 19 3 of of ADP _003136118 19 4 stations station NOUN _003136118 19 5 carrying carry VERB _003136118 19 6 the the DET _003136118 19 7 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 19 8 hour hour NOUN _003136118 19 9 ............................. ............................. PUNCT _003136118 19 10 ................ ................ PUNCT _003136118 19 11 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 19 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 20 1 26 26 NUM _003136118 20 2 list list NOUN _003136118 20 3 of of ADP _003136118 20 4 catholic catholic PROPN _003136118 20 5 h h NOUN _003136118 20 6 our our PRON _003136118 20 7 pamphlets pamphlet NOUN _003136118 20 8 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 20 9 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 21 1 ............................................... ............................................... PUNCT _003136118 21 2 28 28 NUM _003136118 21 3 national national PROPN _003136118 21 4 council council PROPN _003136118 21 5 of of ADP _003136118 21 6 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 21 7 men man NOUN _003136118 21 8 producers producer NOUN _003136118 21 9 of of ADP _003136118 21 10 the the DET _003136118 21 11 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 21 12 hour hour NOUN _003136118 21 13 1312 1312 NUM _003136118 21 14 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _003136118 21 15 avenue avenue PROPN _003136118 21 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 21 17 n. n. PROPN _003136118 21 18 w. w. PROPN _003136118 21 19 washington washington PROPN _003136118 21 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 21 21 d. d. PROPN _003136118 21 22 c. c. PROPN _003136118 21 23 printed print VERB _003136118 21 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 21 25 distributed distribute VERB _003136118 21 26 by by ADP _003136118 21 27 our our PRON _003136118 21 28 sunday sunday PROPN _003136118 21 29 visitor visitor PROPN _003136118 21 30 huntington huntington PROPN _003136118 21 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 21 32 indiana indiana PROPN _003136118 21 33 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 21 34 ~ ~ PUNCT _003136118 21 35 nihil nihil PROPN _003136118 21 36 obstat obstat PROPN _003136118 21 37 rev rev PROPN _003136118 21 38 . . PUNCT _003136118 21 39 t. t. PROPN _003136118 21 40 e. e. PROPN _003136118 21 41 dillon dillon PROPN _003136118 21 42 censor censor PROPN _003136118 21 43 libro libro PROPN _003136118 21 44 rum rum NOUN _003136118 21 45 imprimatur imprimatur NOUN _003136118 21 46 : : PUNCT _003136118 21 47 + + NUM _003136118 21 48 john john PROPN _003136118 21 49 francis francis PROPN _003136118 21 50 noll noll PROPN _003136118 21 51 , , PUNCT _003136118 21 52 d. d. PROPN _003136118 21 53 d. d. PROPN _003136118 21 54 bishop bishop PROPN _003136118 21 55 of of ADP _003136118 21 56 fort fort NOUN _003136118 21 57 wayne wayne PROPN _003136118 21 58 deackjmed deackjme VERB _003136118 21 59 print print NOUN _003136118 21 60 ed ed PROPN _003136118 21 61 in in ADP _003136118 21 62 u u PROPN _003136118 21 63 . . PUNCT _003136118 22 1 s. s. PROPN _003136118 22 2 a. a. PROPN _003136118 22 3 why why SCONJ _003136118 22 4 should should AUX _003136118 22 5 we we PRON _003136118 22 6 have have VERB _003136118 22 7 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 22 8 ? ? PUNCT _003136118 23 1 address address NOUN _003136118 23 2 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 23 3 on on ADP _003136118 23 4 june june PROPN _003136118 23 5 7 7 NUM _003136118 23 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 23 7 1942 1942 NUM _003136118 23 8 one one NUM _003136118 23 9 who who PRON _003136118 23 10 picks pick VERB _003136118 23 11 up up ADP _003136118 23 12 the the DET _003136118 23 13 catalogue catalogue NOUN _003136118 23 14 these these DET _003136118 23 15 relationships relationship NOUN _003136118 23 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 23 17 that that SCONJ _003136118 23 18 he he PRON _003136118 23 19 is be AUX _003136118 23 20 god god PROPN _003136118 23 21 's 's PART _003136118 23 22 of of ADP _003136118 23 23 a a DET _003136118 23 24 college college NOUN _003136118 23 25 rarely rarely ADV _003136118 23 26 fails fail VERB _003136118 23 27 to to PART _003136118 23 28 be be AUX _003136118 23 29 myscreature myscreature ADJ _003136118 23 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 23 31 dependent dependent ADJ _003136118 23 32 upon upon SCONJ _003136118 23 33 god god PROPN _003136118 23 34 for for SCONJ _003136118 23 35 tified tifie VERB _003136118 23 36 by by ADP _003136118 23 37 the the DET _003136118 23 38 titles title NOUN _003136118 23 39 of of ADP _003136118 23 40 some some PRON _003136118 23 41 of of ADP _003136118 23 42 the the DET _003136118 23 43 his his PRON _003136118 23 44 being being NOUN _003136118 23 45 and and CCONJ _003136118 23 46 destined destine VERB _003136118 23 47 for for ADP _003136118 23 48 god god PROPN _003136118 23 49 as as ADP _003136118 23 50 courses course NOUN _003136118 23 51 list list VERB _003136118 23 52 ~ ~ PUNCT _003136118 23 53 d d NOUN _003136118 23 54 in in ADP _003136118 23 55 its its PRON _003136118 23 56 curriculum curriculum NOUN _003136118 23 57 . . PUNCT _003136118 24 1 his his PRON _003136118 24 2 final final ADJ _003136118 24 3 end end NOUN _003136118 24 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 24 5 that that SCONJ _003136118 24 6 he he PRON _003136118 24 7 owes owe VERB _003136118 24 8 god god PROPN _003136118 24 9 when when SCONJ _003136118 24 10 the the DET _003136118 24 11 college college NOUN _003136118 24 12 is be AUX _003136118 24 13 a a DET _003136118 24 14 theological theological ADJ _003136118 24 15 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _003136118 24 16 for for ADP _003136118 24 17 divine divine ADJ _003136118 24 18 blessings blessing NOUN _003136118 24 19 seminary seminary NOUN _003136118 24 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 24 21 the the DET _003136118 24 22 casual casual ADJ _003136118 24 23 reader reader NOUN _003136118 24 24 a a PRON _003136118 24 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 24 26 reparation reparation NOUN _003136118 24 27 for for ADP _003136118 24 28 human human ADJ _003136118 24 29 shortlayman shortlayman NOUN _003136118 24 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 24 31 it it PRON _003136118 24 32 is be AUX _003136118 24 33 exceptional exceptional ADJ _003136118 24 34 not not PART _003136118 24 35 to to PART _003136118 24 36 find find VERB _003136118 24 37 comings coming NOUN _003136118 24 38 . . PUNCT _003136118 25 1 when when SCONJ _003136118 25 2 man man NOUN _003136118 25 3 gives give VERB _003136118 25 4 expresat expresat VERB _003136118 25 5 least least ADV _003136118 25 6 one one NUM _003136118 25 7 subject subject NOUN _003136118 25 8 of of ADP _003136118 25 9 the the DET _003136118 25 10 course course NOUN _003136118 25 11 sion sion NOUN _003136118 25 12 to to ADP _003136118 25 13 his his PRON _003136118 25 14 sense sense NOUN _003136118 25 15 of of ADP _003136118 25 16 these these DET _003136118 25 17 relationwhose relationwhose NOUN _003136118 25 18 name name NOUN _003136118 25 19 gives give VERB _003136118 25 20 one one NUM _003136118 25 21 pause pause NOUN _003136118 25 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 26 1 so so ADV _003136118 26 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 26 3 ships ship NOUN _003136118 26 4 between between ADP _003136118 26 5 himself himself PRON _003136118 26 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 26 7 his his PRON _003136118 26 8 when when SCONJ _003136118 26 9 we we PRON _003136118 26 10 find find VERB _003136118 26 11 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 26 12 listed list VERB _003136118 26 13 on on ADP _003136118 26 14 the the DET _003136118 26 15 creator creator NOUN _003136118 26 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 26 17 he he PRON _003136118 26 18 is be AUX _003136118 26 19 said say VERB _003136118 26 20 to to PART _003136118 26 21 worship worship VERB _003136118 26 22 god god PROPN _003136118 26 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 27 1 theological theological PROPN _003136118 27 2 curriculum curriculum PROPN _003136118 27 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 27 4 one one NUM _003136118 27 5 is be AUX _003136118 27 6 apt apt ADJ _003136118 27 7 but but CCONJ _003136118 27 8 this this DET _003136118 27 9 worship worship NOUN _003136118 27 10 is be AUX _003136118 27 11 not not PART _003136118 27 12 yet yet ADV _003136118 27 13 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 27 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 28 1 to to PART _003136118 28 2 be be AUX _003136118 28 3 puzzled puzzle VERB _003136118 28 4 as as ADP _003136118 28 5 to to ADP _003136118 28 6 its its PRON _003136118 28 7 definite definite ADJ _003136118 28 8 meanthe meanthe ADJ _003136118 28 9 expression expression NOUN _003136118 28 10 of of ADP _003136118 28 11 the the DET _003136118 28 12 individual individual NOUN _003136118 28 13 's 's PART _003136118 28 14 ing ing NOUN _003136118 28 15 even even ADV _003136118 28 16 though though SCONJ _003136118 28 17 his his PRON _003136118 28 18 knowledge knowledge NOUN _003136118 28 19 may may AUX _003136118 28 20 convictions conviction NOUN _003136118 28 21 of of ADP _003136118 28 22 his his PRON _003136118 28 23 dependence dependence NOUN _003136118 28 24 upon upon SCONJ _003136118 28 25 not not PART _003136118 28 26 be be AUX _003136118 28 27 so so ADV _003136118 28 28 elementary elementary ADJ _003136118 28 29 that that SCONJ _003136118 28 30 he he PRON _003136118 28 31 congod congod PROPN _003136118 28 32 will will AUX _003136118 28 33 vary vary VERB _003136118 28 34 with with ADP _003136118 28 35 one one PRON _003136118 28 36 's 's PART _003136118 28 37 own own ADJ _003136118 28 38 pecu- pecu- NOUN _003136118 28 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 28 40 fuses fuse VERB _003136118 28 41 liturgy liturgy ADJ _003136118 28 42 with with ADP _003136118 28 43 literature literature NOUN _003136118 28 44 . . PUNCT _003136118 29 1 so so ADV _003136118 29 2 at at ADP _003136118 29 3 liar liar NOUN _003136118 29 4 disposition disposition NOUN _003136118 29 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 30 1 it it PRON _003136118 30 2 wni wni PROPN _003136118 30 3 be be AUX _003136118 30 4 effusive effusive ADJ _003136118 30 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 31 1 the the DET _003136118 31 2 outset outset NOUN _003136118 31 3 of of ADP _003136118 31 4 this this DET _003136118 31 5 series series NOUN _003136118 31 6 of of ADP _003136118 31 7 talks talk NOUN _003136118 31 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 31 9 restrained restrained ADJ _003136118 31 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 31 11 extravagant extravagant ADJ _003136118 31 12 or or CCONJ _003136118 31 13 dignion dignion NOUN _003136118 31 14 the the DET _003136118 31 15 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 31 16 of of ADP _003136118 31 17 the the DET _003136118 31 18 church church NOUN _003136118 31 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 31 20 it it PRON _003136118 31 21 fied fie VERB _003136118 31 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 31 23 hysterical hysterical ADJ _003136118 31 24 or or CCONJ _003136118 31 25 rational rational ADJ _003136118 31 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 32 1 his his PRON _003136118 32 2 in\ in\ PROPN _003136118 32 3 seems seem VERB _003136118 32 4 logical logical ADJ _003136118 32 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 32 6 not not PART _003136118 32 7 at at ADV _003136118 32 8 all all PRON _003136118 32 9 superdividual superdividual ADJ _003136118 32 10 worship worship NOUN _003136118 32 11 may may AUX _003136118 32 12 be be AUX _003136118 32 13 much much ADV _003136118 32 14 more more ADV _003136118 32 15 £ £ SYM _003136118 32 16 luous luous ADJ _003136118 32 17 to to PART _003136118 32 18 define define VERB _003136118 32 19 the the DET _003136118 32 20 word word NOUN _003136118 32 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 32 22 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 32 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 33 1 satisfactory satisfactory ADJ _003136118 33 2 to to ADP _003136118 33 3 him he PRON _003136118 33 4 personally personally ADV _003136118 33 5 we we PRON _003136118 33 6 are be AUX _003136118 33 7 not not PART _003136118 33 8 going go VERB _003136118 33 9 to to PART _003136118 33 10 become become VERB _003136118 33 11 pedanthan pedanthan PROPN _003136118 33 12 the the DET _003136118 33 13 organized organized ADJ _003136118 33 14 worship worship NOUN _003136118 33 15 which which PRON _003136118 33 16 tic tic VERB _003136118 33 17 to to ADP _003136118 33 18 the the DET _003136118 33 19 degree degree NOUN _003136118 33 20 of of ADP _003136118 33 21 tracing trace VERB _003136118 33 22 the the PRON _003136118 33 23 we we PRON _003136118 33 24 call call VERB _003136118 33 25 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 33 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 34 1 he he PRON _003136118 34 2 may may AUX _003136118 34 3 have have VERB _003136118 34 4 mosteps mostep NOUN _003136118 34 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 35 1 by by ADP _003136118 35 2 which which PRON _003136118 35 3 the the DET _003136118 35 4 greek greek ADJ _003136118 35 5 word word NOUN _003136118 35 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 35 7 ments ment NOUN _003136118 35 8 of of ADP _003136118 35 9 greater great ADJ _003136118 35 10 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003136118 35 11 exaltaleitourgia exaltaleitourgia NOUN _003136118 35 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 35 13 has have AUX _003136118 35 14 come come VERB _003136118 35 15 to to PART _003136118 35 16 mean mean VERB _003136118 35 17 the the DET _003136118 35 18 tion tion NOUN _003136118 35 19 as as SCONJ _003136118 35 20 he he PRON _003136118 35 21 feasts feast VERB _003136118 35 22 on on ADP _003136118 35 23 the the DET _003136118 35 24 glories glory NOUN _003136118 35 25 of of ADP _003136118 35 26 official official ADJ _003136118 35 27 worship worship NOUN _003136118 35 28 of of ADP _003136118 35 29 the the DET _003136118 35 30 church church NOUN _003136118 35 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 35 32 the the DET _003136118 35 33 sunset sunset NOUN _003136118 35 34 or or CCONJ _003136118 35 35 contemplates contemplate VERB _003136118 35 36 the the DET _003136118 35 37 wonwhich wonwhich NOUN _003136118 35 38 we we PRON _003136118 35 39 express express VERB _003136118 35 40 by by ADP _003136118 35 41 the the DET _003136118 35 42 term term NOUN _003136118 35 43 , , PUNCT _003136118 35 44 litders litder NOUN _003136118 35 45 of of ADP _003136118 35 46 the the DET _003136118 35 47 stars star NOUN _003136118 35 48 than than SCONJ _003136118 35 49 he he PRON _003136118 35 50 has have VERB _003136118 35 51 at at ADP _003136118 35 52 an an DET _003136118 35 53 urgy urgy NOUN _003136118 35 54 . . PUNCT _003136118 36 1 so so ADV _003136118 36 2 let let VERB _003136118 36 3 us we PRON _003136118 36 4 state state VERB _003136118 36 5 at at ADP _003136118 36 6 once once ADV _003136118 36 7 that that DET _003136118 36 8 elaborate elaborate ADJ _003136118 36 9 religious religious ADJ _003136118 36 10 function function NOUN _003136118 36 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 37 1 he he PRON _003136118 37 2 the the DET _003136118 37 3 accepted accepted ADJ _003136118 37 4 definition definition NOUN _003136118 37 5 of of ADP _003136118 37 6 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 37 7 may may AUX _003136118 37 8 thrill thrill VERB _003136118 37 9 with with SCONJ _003136118 37 10 greater great ADJ _003136118 37 11 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003136118 37 12 is be AUX _003136118 37 13 : : PUNCT _003136118 37 14 the the DET _003136118 37 15 public public ADJ _003136118 37 16 worship worship NOUN _003136118 37 17 of of ADP _003136118 37 18 god god PROPN _003136118 37 19 as as ADV _003136118 37 20 elan elan ADJ _003136118 37 21 as as SCONJ _003136118 37 22 he he PRON _003136118 37 23 listens listen VERB _003136118 37 24 to to ADP _003136118 37 25 a a DET _003136118 37 26 great great ADJ _003136118 37 27 symregulated symregulate VERB _003136118 37 28 by by ADP _003136118 37 29 the the DET _003136118 37 30 church church NOUN _003136118 37 31 . . PUNCT _003136118 38 1 there there ADV _003136118 38 2 phony phony ADJ _003136118 38 3 than than ADP _003136118 38 4 when when SCONJ _003136118 38 5 he he PRON _003136118 38 6 is be AUX _003136118 38 7 the the DET _003136118 38 8 hearer hearer NOUN _003136118 38 9 are be AUX _003136118 38 10 certain certain ADJ _003136118 38 11 fundamental fundamental ADJ _003136118 38 12 relationof relationof NOUN _003136118 38 13 a a DET _003136118 38 14 sunday sunday PROPN _003136118 38 15 sermon sermon PROPN _003136118 38 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 39 1 he he PRON _003136118 39 2 may may AUX _003136118 39 3 feel feel VERB _003136118 39 4 ships ship NOUN _003136118 39 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 39 6 which which PRON _003136118 39 7 exist exist VERB _003136118 39 8 between between ADP _003136118 39 9 god god PROPN _003136118 39 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 39 11 greater great ADJ _003136118 39 12 sensible sensible ADJ _003136118 39 13 devotion devotion NOUN _003136118 39 14 as as SCONJ _003136118 39 15 he he PRON _003136118 39 16 man man NOUN _003136118 39 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 39 18 which which PRON _003136118 39 19 exist exist VERB _003136118 39 20 whether whether SCONJ _003136118 39 21 man man NOUN _003136118 39 22 kneels kneel NOUN _003136118 39 23 alone alone ADV _003136118 39 24 in in ADP _003136118 39 25 a a DET _003136118 39 26 tiny tiny ADJ _003136118 39 27 chapel chapel NOUN _003136118 39 28 than than ADP _003136118 39 29 thinks think VERB _003136118 39 30 of of ADP _003136118 39 31 them they PRON _003136118 39 32 or or CCONJ _003136118 39 33 not not PART _003136118 39 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 40 1 but but CCONJ _003136118 40 2 man man NOUN _003136118 40 3 when when SCONJ _003136118 40 4 he he PRON _003136118 40 5 forms form VERB _003136118 40 6 a a DET _003136118 40 7 unit unit NOUN _003136118 40 8 in in ADP _003136118 40 9 a a DET _003136118 40 10 vast vast ADJ _003136118 40 11 concan concan NOUN _003136118 40 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 40 13 does do AUX _003136118 40 14 know know VERB _003136118 40 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 40 16 think think VERB _003136118 40 17 of of ADP _003136118 40 18 gregation gregation NOUN _003136118 40 19 in in ADP _003136118 40 20 a a DET _003136118 40 21 great great ADJ _003136118 40 22 cathedral cathedral NOUN _003136118 40 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 41 1 all all DET _003136118 41 2 4 4 NUM _003136118 41 3 the the DET _003136118 41 4 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 41 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 41 6 the the DET _003136118 41 7 laity laity NOUN _003136118 41 8 this this PRON _003136118 41 9 is be AUX _003136118 41 10 very very ADV _003136118 41 11 true true ADJ _003136118 41 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 41 13 as as SCONJ _003136118 41 14 it it PRON _003136118 41 15 is be AUX _003136118 41 16 true true ADJ _003136118 41 17 that that SCONJ _003136118 41 18 he he PRON _003136118 41 19 must must AUX _003136118 41 20 externalize externalize VERB _003136118 41 21 his his PRON _003136118 41 22 devotion devotion NOUN _003136118 41 23 one one PRON _003136118 41 24 may may AUX _003136118 41 25 worship worship VERB _003136118 41 26 god god PROPN _003136118 41 27 in in ADP _003136118 41 28 any any DET _003136118 41 29 place place NOUN _003136118 41 30 to to ADP _003136118 41 31 his his PRON _003136118 41 32 country country NOUN _003136118 41 33 in in ADP _003136118 41 34 definitely definitely ADV _003136118 41 35 presin presin VERB _003136118 41 36 his his PRON _003136118 41 37 wide wide ADJ _003136118 41 38 creation creation NOUN _003136118 41 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 41 40 at at ADP _003136118 41 41 home home NOUN _003136118 41 42 or or CCONJ _003136118 41 43 in in ADP _003136118 41 44 cribed cribed ADJ _003136118 41 45 fashion fashion NOUN _003136118 41 46 . . PUNCT _003136118 42 1 it it PRON _003136118 42 2 is be AUX _003136118 42 3 conceivable conceivable ADJ _003136118 42 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 42 5 the the DET _003136118 42 6 street street NOUN _003136118 42 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 42 8 at at ADP _003136118 42 9 work work NOUN _003136118 42 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 42 11 at at ADP _003136118 42 12 play play NOUN _003136118 42 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 42 14 on on SCONJ _003136118 42 15 though though SCONJ _003136118 42 16 most most ADV _003136118 42 17 unlikely unlikely ADJ _003136118 42 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 42 19 that that SCONJ _003136118 42 20 some some DET _003136118 42 21 the the DET _003136118 42 22 mountain mountain NOUN _003136118 42 23 top top NOUN _003136118 42 24 or or CCONJ _003136118 42 25 by by ADP _003136118 42 26 the the DET _003136118 42 27 seacitizen seacitizen NOUN _003136118 42 28 could could AUX _003136118 42 29 design design VERB _003136118 42 30 a a DET _003136118 42 31 flag flag NOUN _003136118 42 32 which which DET _003136118 42 33 shore shore NOUN _003136118 42 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 42 35 in in ADP _003136118 42 36 the the DET _003136118 42 37 busy busy ADJ _003136118 42 38 city city NOUN _003136118 42 39 or or CCONJ _003136118 42 40 in in ADP _003136118 42 41 the the PRON _003136118 42 42 would would AUX _003136118 42 43 be be AUX _003136118 42 44 a a DET _003136118 42 45 more more ADV _003136118 42 46 expressive expressive ADJ _003136118 42 47 emblem emblem NOUN _003136118 42 48 quiet quiet ADJ _003136118 42 49 country country NOUN _003136118 42 50 . . PUNCT _003136118 43 1 but but CCONJ _003136118 43 2 all all DET _003136118 43 3 this this DET _003136118 43 4 worship worship NOUN _003136118 43 5 of of ADP _003136118 43 6 the the DET _003136118 43 7 united united PROPN _003136118 43 8 states states PROPN _003136118 43 9 than than ADP _003136118 43 10 our our PRON _003136118 43 11 presis presis NOUN _003136118 43 12 not not PART _003136118 43 13 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 43 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 44 1 if if SCONJ _003136118 44 2 man man NOUN _003136118 44 3 finds find VERB _003136118 44 4 such such ADJ _003136118 44 5 ent ent NOUN _003136118 44 6 flag flag NOUN _003136118 44 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 44 8 just just ADV _003136118 44 9 as as SCONJ _003136118 44 10 it it PRON _003136118 44 11 is be AUX _003136118 44 12 conceivable conceivable ADJ _003136118 44 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 44 14 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN _003136118 44 15 in in ADP _003136118 44 16 this this DET _003136118 44 17 unorganized unorganized ADJ _003136118 44 18 but but CCONJ _003136118 44 19 in in ADP _003136118 44 20 this this DET _003136118 44 21 case case NOUN _003136118 44 22 more more ADV _003136118 44 23 likely likely ADJ _003136118 44 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 44 25 that that SCONJ _003136118 44 26 an an DET _003136118 44 27 worship worship NOUN _003136118 44 28 of of ADP _003136118 44 29 god god PROPN _003136118 44 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 44 31 why why SCONJ _003136118 44 32 must must AUX _003136118 44 33 we we PRON _003136118 44 34 have have VERB _003136118 44 35 individual individual ADJ _003136118 44 36 could could AUX _003136118 44 37 compose compose VERB _003136118 44 38 a a DET _003136118 44 39 hymn hymn NOUN _003136118 44 40 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 44 41 whose whose DET _003136118 44 42 ceremonial ceremonial ADJ _003136118 44 43 somemore somemore NOUN _003136118 44 44 distinctive distinctive NOUN _003136118 44 45 of of ADP _003136118 44 46 the the DET _003136118 44 47 spirit spirit NOUN _003136118 44 48 of of ADP _003136118 44 49 times time NOUN _003136118 44 50 distracts distract VERB _003136118 44 51 man man NOUN _003136118 44 52 from from ADP _003136118 44 53 his his PRON _003136118 44 54 this this DET _003136118 44 55 country country NOUN _003136118 44 56 than than ADP _003136118 44 57 our our PRON _003136118 44 58 national national ADJ _003136118 44 59 anthoughts anthought NOUN _003136118 44 60 of of ADP _003136118 44 61 god god PROPN _003136118 44 62 more more ADJ _003136118 44 63 than than SCONJ _003136118 44 64 it it PRON _003136118 44 65 helps help VERB _003136118 44 66 them they PRON _003136118 44 67 . . PUNCT _003136118 45 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _003136118 45 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 45 3 the the DET _003136118 45 4 stars star NOUN _003136118 45 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 45 6 him he PRON _003136118 45 7 to to PART _003136118 45 8 concentrate concentrate VERB _003136118 45 9 on on ADP _003136118 45 10 his his PRON _003136118 45 11 relation relation NOUN _003136118 45 12 ship ship NOUN _003136118 45 13 with with ADP _003136118 45 14 god god PROPN _003136118 45 15 ? ? PUNCT _003136118 46 1 stripes stripe NOUN _003136118 46 2 form form VERB _003136118 46 3 our our PRON _003136118 46 4 official official ADJ _003136118 46 5 flag flag NOUN _003136118 46 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 46 7 to to PART _003136118 46 8 be be AUX _003136118 46 9 saluted salute VERB _003136118 46 10 as as ADP _003136118 46 11 such such ADJ _003136118 46 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 46 13 and and CCONJ _003136118 46 14 the the DET _003136118 46 15 accepted accepted ADJ _003136118 46 16 chant chant NOUN _003136118 46 17 of of ADP _003136118 46 18 the the DET _003136118 46 19 republic republic NOUN _003136118 46 20 is be AUX _003136118 46 21 the the DET _003136118 46 22 " " PUNCT _003136118 46 23 star star NOUN _003136118 46 24 we we PRON _003136118 46 25 may may AUX _003136118 46 26 glimpse glimpse VERB _003136118 46 27 an an DET _003136118 46 28 answer answer NOUN _003136118 46 29 to to PART _003136118 46 30 spangled spangle VERB _003136118 46 31 banner banner NOUN _003136118 46 32 . . PUNCT _003136118 46 33 " " PUNCT _003136118 47 1 in in ADP _003136118 47 2 like like ADP _003136118 47 3 manner manner NOUN _003136118 47 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 47 5 this this DET _003136118 47 6 difficulty difficulty NOUN _003136118 47 7 by by ADP _003136118 47 8 remembering remember VERB _003136118 47 9 that that SCONJ _003136118 47 10 the the DET _003136118 47 11 official official ADJ _003136118 47 12 public public ADJ _003136118 47 13 worship worship NOUN _003136118 47 14 of of ADP _003136118 47 15 the the DET _003136118 47 16 the the DET _003136118 47 17 individual individual ADJ _003136118 47 18 man man NOUN _003136118 47 19 is be AUX _003136118 47 20 not not PART _003136118 47 21 himself himself PRON _003136118 47 22 church church NOUN _003136118 47 23 is be AUX _003136118 47 24 conducted conduct VERB _003136118 47 25 according accord VERB _003136118 47 26 to to ADP _003136118 47 27 alone alone ADV _003136118 47 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 48 1 not not PART _003136118 48 2 .only .only ADV _003136118 48 3 as as ADP _003136118 48 4 an an DET _003136118 48 5 individual individual ADJ _003136118 48 6 definite definite ADJ _003136118 48 7 forms form NOUN _003136118 48 8 regulated regulate VERB _003136118 48 9 by by ADP _003136118 48 10 the the DET _003136118 48 11 must must AUX _003136118 48 12 h h NOUN _003136118 48 13 e e X _003136118 48 14 pay pay NOUN _003136118 48 15 to to ADP _003136118 48 16 god god PROPN _003136118 48 17 the the DET _003136118 48 18 worship worship NOUN _003136118 48 19 of of ADP _003136118 48 20 adoration adoration NOUN _003136118 48 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 48 22 thanksgi thanksgi NOUN _003136118 48 23 ving ving NOUN _003136118 48 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 48 25 repentchurch repentchurch NOUN _003136118 48 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 48 27 even even ADV _003136118 48 28 though though SCONJ _003136118 48 29 at at ADP _003136118 48 30 times time NOUN _003136118 48 31 these these PRON _003136118 48 32 may may AUX _003136118 48 33 not not PART _003136118 48 34 be be AUX _003136118 48 35 so so ADV _003136118 48 36 inspiring inspiring ADJ _003136118 48 37 and and CCONJ _003136118 48 38 satisfactory satisfactory ADJ _003136118 48 39 as as SCONJ _003136118 48 40 his his PRON _003136118 48 41 private private ADJ _003136118 48 42 worship worship NOUN _003136118 48 43 is be AUX _003136118 48 44 to to ADP _003136118 48 45 the the DET _003136118 48 46 individual individual ADJ _003136118 48 47 christian christian NOUN _003136118 48 48 . . PUNCT _003136118 49 1 we we PRON _003136118 49 2 do do AUX _003136118 49 3 not not PART _003136118 49 4 have have VERB _003136118 49 5 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 49 6 till till SCONJ _003136118 49 7 this this DET _003136118 49 8 individual individual NOUN _003136118 49 9 is be AUX _003136118 49 10 associated associate VERB _003136118 49 11 with with ADP _003136118 49 12 his his PRON _003136118 49 13 fellows fellow NOUN _003136118 49 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 49 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 49 16 not not PART _003136118 49 17 associated associate VERB _003136118 49 18 in in ADP _003136118 49 19 any any DET _003136118 49 20 chance chance NOUN _003136118 49 21 · · PUNCT _003136118 49 22 fashance fashance NOUN _003136118 49 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 49 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 49 25 petition petition NOUN _003136118 49 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 49 27 but but CCONJ _003136118 49 28 as as ADP _003136118 49 29 a a DET _003136118 49 30 social social ADJ _003136118 49 31 being being NOUN _003136118 49 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 49 33 as as SCONJ _003136118 49 34 a a DET _003136118 49 35 member member NOUN _003136118 49 36 of of ADP _003136118 49 37 the the DET _003136118 49 38 society society NOUN _003136118 49 39 organized organize VERB _003136118 49 40 by by ADP _003136118 49 41 christ christ PROPN _003136118 49 42 to to PART _003136118 49 43 perpetuate perpetuate VERB _003136118 49 44 his his PRON _003136118 49 45 work work NOUN _003136118 49 46 on on ADP _003136118 49 47 earth earth NOUN _003136118 49 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 49 49 the the DET _003136118 49 50 church church NOUN _003136118 49 51 , , PUNCT _003136118 49 52 must must AUX _003136118 49 53 he he PRON _003136118 49 54 pay pay VERB _003136118 49 55 tribute tribute NOUN _003136118 49 56 to to ADP _003136118 49 57 his his PRON _003136118 49 58 creator creator NOUN _003136118 49 59 . . PUNCT _003136118 50 1 the the DET _003136118 50 2 cult cult NOUN _003136118 50 3 of of ADP _003136118 50 4 god god PROPN _003136118 50 5 rendered render VERB _003136118 50 6 to to ADP _003136118 50 7 him he PRON _003136118 50 8 by by ADP _003136118 50 9 ion ion NOUN _003136118 50 10 but but CCONJ _003136118 50 11 as as ADP _003136118 50 12 members member NOUN _003136118 50 13 of of ADP _003136118 50 14 an an DET _003136118 50 15 organizamen organizaman NOUN _003136118 50 16 as as ADP _003136118 50 17 m m VERB _003136118 50 18 embers ember NOUN _003136118 50 19 of of ADP _003136118 50 20 this this DET _003136118 50 21 society society NOUN _003136118 50 22 tion tion NOUN _003136118 50 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 50 24 the the DET _003136118 50 25 church church NOUN _003136118 50 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 50 27 which which PRON _003136118 50 28 has have VERB _003136118 50 29 its its PRON _003136118 50 30 offimu offimu NOUN _003136118 50 31 st st PROPN _003136118 50 32 evidently evidently ADV _003136118 50 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 50 34 to to PART _003136118 50 35 be be AUX _003136118 50 36 official official ADJ _003136118 50 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 50 38 be be AUX _003136118 50 39 regcial regcial ADJ _003136118 50 40 , , PUNCT _003136118 50 41 public public ADJ _003136118 50 42 worship worship NOUN _003136118 50 43 of of ADP _003136118 50 44 cod cod NOUN _003136118 50 45 , , PUNCT _003136118 50 46 as as ADP _003136118 50 47 a a DET _003136118 50 48 soulated soulate VERB _003136118 50 49 by by ADP _003136118 50 50 the the DET _003136118 50 51 governing govern VERB _003136118 50 52 authority authority NOUN _003136118 50 53 ciety ciety NOUN _003136118 50 54 , , PUNCT _003136118 50 55 distinct distinct ADJ _003136118 50 56 from from ADP _003136118 50 57 the the DET _003136118 50 58 private private ADJ _003136118 50 59 in in ADP _003136118 50 60 the the DET _003136118 50 61 church church NOUN _003136118 50 62 . . PUNCT _003136118 51 1 the the DET _003136118 51 2 individual individual ADJ _003136118 51 3 citizen citizen NOUN _003136118 51 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 51 5 in in ADP _003136118 51 6 private private ADJ _003136118 51 7 life life NOUN _003136118 51 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 51 9 may may AUX _003136118 51 10 give give VERB _003136118 51 11 expression expression NOUN _003136118 51 12 to to ADP _003136118 51 13 his his PRON _003136118 51 14 patriotism patriotism NOUN _003136118 51 15 in in ADP _003136118 51 16 a a DET _003136118 51 17 variety variety NOUN _003136118 51 18 of of ADP _003136118 51 19 ways way NOUN _003136118 51 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 51 21 some some PRON _003136118 51 22 of of ADP _003136118 51 23 them they PRON _003136118 51 24 perhaps perhaps ADV _003136118 51 25 worship worship VERB _003136118 51 26 which which PRON _003136118 51 27 may may AUX _003136118 51 28 be be AUX _003136118 51 29 practiced practice VERB _003136118 51 30 by by ADP _003136118 51 31 the the DET _003136118 51 32 single single ADJ _003136118 51 33 member member NOUN _003136118 51 34 at at ADP _003136118 51 35 h h NOUN _003136118 51 36 ome ome ADP _003136118 51 37 or or CCONJ _003136118 51 38 elsewhere elsewhere ADV _003136118 51 39 outside outside ADP _003136118 51 40 of of ADP _003136118 51 41 church church NOUN _003136118 51 42 . . PUNCT _003136118 52 1 an an DET _003136118 52 2 orbetter orbetter NOUN _003136118 52 3 than than ADP _003136118 52 4 the the DET _003136118 52 5 officially officially ADV _003136118 52 6 prescribed prescribed ADJ _003136118 52 7 ganization ganization NOUN _003136118 52 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 52 9 of of ADP _003136118 52 10 its its PRON _003136118 52 11 very very ADJ _003136118 52 12 nature nature NOUN _003136118 52 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 52 14 has have VERB _003136118 52 15 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _003136118 52 16 indicative indicative ADJ _003136118 52 17 of of ADP _003136118 52 18 loyalty loyalty NOUN _003136118 52 19 to to ADP _003136118 52 20 the the DET _003136118 52 21 right right NOUN _003136118 52 22 to to PART _003136118 52 23 enact enact VERB _003136118 52 24 legislation legislation NOUN _003136118 52 25 to to ADP _003136118 52 26 govcountry govcountry NOUN _003136118 52 27 . . PUNCT _003136118 53 1 but but CCONJ _003136118 53 2 when when SCONJ _003136118 53 3 the the DET _003136118 53 4 individual individual NOUN _003136118 53 5 is be AUX _003136118 53 6 ern ern ADJ _003136118 53 7 the the DET _003136118 53 8 conduct conduct NOUN _003136118 53 9 of of ADP _003136118 53 10 its its PRON _003136118 53 11 members member NOUN _003136118 53 12 associated associate VERB _003136118 53 13 with with ADP _003136118 53 14 his his PRON _003136118 53 15 fellow fellow NOUN _003136118 53 16 - - PUNCT _003136118 53 17 citizens citizen NOUN _003136118 53 18 when when SCONJ _003136118 53 19 they they PRON _003136118 53 20 are be AUX _003136118 53 21 associated associate VERB _003136118 53 22 in in ADP _003136118 53 23 its its PRON _003136118 53 24 offiwhy offiwhy ADJ _003136118 53 25 should should AUX _003136118 53 26 we we PRON _003136118 53 27 have have VERB _003136118 53 28 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 53 29 ? ? PUNCT _003136118 54 1 5 5 NUM _003136118 54 2 .cial .cial NUM _003136118 54 3 assemblies assembly NOUN _003136118 54 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 55 1 the the DET _003136118 55 2 result result NOUN _003136118 55 3 of of ADP _003136118 55 4 such such ADJ _003136118 55 5 one one NUM _003136118 55 6 without without ADP _003136118 55 7 an an DET _003136118 55 8 altar altar NOUN _003136118 55 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 56 1 the the DET _003136118 56 2 former former ADJ _003136118 56 3 legislation legislation NOUN _003136118 56 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 56 5 in in ADP _003136118 56 6 the the DET _003136118 56 7 case case NOUN _003136118 56 8 of of ADP _003136118 56 9 the the DET _003136118 56 10 provides provide NOUN _003136118 56 11 for for ADP _003136118 56 12 a a DET _003136118 56 13 popular popular ADJ _003136118 56 14 devotion devotion NOUN _003136118 56 15 church church NOUN _003136118 56 16 with with ADP _003136118 56 17 reference reference NOUN _003136118 56 18 to to ADP _003136118 56 19 her her PRON _003136118 56 20 memwhile memwhile NOUN _003136118 56 21 the the DET _003136118 56 22 latter latter ADJ _003136118 56 23 is be AUX _003136118 56 24 needed need VERB _003136118 56 25 for for ADP _003136118 56 26 the the DET _003136118 56 27 bel bel NOUN _003136118 56 28 's 's PART _003136118 56 29 assembled assemble VERB _003136118 56 30 for for ADP _003136118 56 31 public public ADJ _003136118 56 32 worship worship NOUN _003136118 56 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 56 34 supreme supreme PROPN _003136118 56 35 act act PROPN _003136118 56 36 of of ADP _003136118 56 37 the the DET _003136118 56 38 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 56 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 56 40 the the PRON _003136118 56 41 is be AUX _003136118 56 42 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 56 43 . . PUNCT _003136118 57 1 celebration celebration NOUN _003136118 57 2 of of ADP _003136118 57 3 mass mass PROPN _003136118 57 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 58 1 to to PART _003136118 58 2 be be AUX _003136118 58 3 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 58 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 58 5 not not PART _003136118 58 6 all all DET _003136118 58 7 publi publi NOUN _003136118 58 8 c c AUX _003136118 58 9 worship worship NOUN _003136118 58 10 is be AUX _003136118 58 11 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 58 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 59 1 it it PRON _003136118 59 2 must must AUX _003136118 59 3 be be AUX _003136118 59 4 official official ADJ _003136118 59 5 as as ADV _003136118 59 6 well well ADV _003136118 59 7 as as ADP _003136118 59 8 public public ADJ _003136118 59 9 to to PART _003136118 59 10 be be AUX _003136118 59 11 cl cl PROPN _003136118 59 12 asse asse NOUN _003136118 59 13 d d PROPN _003136118 59 14 technically technically ADV _003136118 59 15 as as ADP _003136118 59 16 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 59 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 60 1 there there PRON _003136118 60 2 are be VERB _003136118 60 3 many many ADJ _003136118 60 4 popular popular ADJ _003136118 60 5 devotions devotion NOUN _003136118 60 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 7 sanctioned sanction VERB _003136118 60 8 by by ADP _003136118 60 9 the the DET _003136118 60 10 church church NOUN _003136118 60 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 12 to to ADP _003136118 60 13 some some DET _003136118 60 14 extent extent NOUN _003136118 60 15 even even ADV _003136118 60 16 regulated regulate VERB _003136118 60 17 by by ADP _003136118 60 18 her she PRON _003136118 60 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 20 which which PRON _003136118 60 21 a a DET _003136118 60 22 function function NOUN _003136118 60 23 must must AUX _003136118 60 24 be be AUX _003136118 60 25 not not PART _003136118 60 26 only only ADV _003136118 60 27 public public ADJ _003136118 60 28 or or CCONJ _003136118 60 29 popular popular ADJ _003136118 60 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 31 not not PART _003136118 60 32 merely merely ADV _003136118 60 33 sanctioned sanction VERB _003136118 60 34 by by ADP _003136118 60 35 the the DET _003136118 60 36 church church NOUN _003136118 60 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 38 but but CCONJ _003136118 60 39 it it PRON _003136118 60 40 must must AUX _003136118 60 41 be be AUX _003136118 60 42 part part NOUN _003136118 60 43 of of ADP _003136118 60 44 her her PRON _003136118 60 45 official official ADJ _003136118 60 46 ceremonial ceremonial NOUN _003136118 60 47 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 48 an an DET _003136118 60 49 obligatory obligatory ADJ _003136118 60 50 observance observance NOUN _003136118 60 51 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 52 found find VERB _003136118 60 53 in in ADP _003136118 60 54 her her PRON _003136118 60 55 official official ADJ _003136118 60 56 service service NOUN _003136118 60 57 - - PUNCT _003136118 60 58 books,-the books,-the PRON _003136118 60 59 missal missal NOUN _003136118 60 60 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 61 the the DET _003136118 60 62 ritual ritual ADJ _003136118 60 63 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 64 and and CCONJ _003136118 60 65 the the DET _003136118 60 66 breviary breviary ADJ _003136118 60 67 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 68 to to PART _003136118 60 69 are be AUX _003136118 60 70 not not PART _003136118 60 71 considered consider VERB _003136118 60 72 as as ADP _003136118 60 73 part part NOUN _003136118 60 74 of of ADP _003136118 60 75 the the DET _003136118 60 76 mention mention NOUN _003136118 60 77 only only ADV _003136118 60 78 the the DET _003136118 60 79 most most ADV _003136118 60 80 important important ADJ _003136118 60 81 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 60 82 , , PUNCT _003136118 60 83 because because SCONJ _003136118 60 84 they they PRON _003136118 60 85 are be AUX _003136118 60 86 not not PART _003136118 60 87 preones preone NOUN _003136118 60 88 . . PUNCT _003136118 61 1 scribed scribe VERB _003136118 61 2 by by ADP _003136118 61 3 the the DET _003136118 61 4 church church NOUN _003136118 61 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 61 6 are be AUX _003136118 61 7 not not PART _003136118 61 8 to to PART _003136118 61 9 be be AUX _003136118 61 10 found find VERB _003136118 61 11 in in ADP _003136118 61 12 her her PRON _003136118 61 13 official official ADJ _003136118 61 14 service service NOUN _003136118 61 15 for for ADP _003136118 61 16 the the DET _003136118 61 17 purposes purpose NOUN _003136118 61 18 of of ADP _003136118 61 19 these these DET _003136118 61 20 talks talk NOUN _003136118 61 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 61 22 books book NOUN _003136118 61 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 62 1 for for ADP _003136118 62 2 example example NOUN _003136118 62 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 62 4 the the DET _003136118 62 5 devotion devotion NOUN _003136118 62 6 we we PRON _003136118 62 7 must must AUX _003136118 62 8 assume assume VERB _003136118 62 9 the the DET _003136118 62 10 existence existence NOUN _003136118 62 11 of of ADP _003136118 62 12 a a PRON _003136118 62 13 of of ADP _003136118 62 14 the the DET _003136118 62 15 three three NUM _003136118 62 16 hours hour NOUN _003136118 62 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 62 18 which which PRON _003136118 62 19 crowds crowd VERB _003136118 62 20 church church NOUN _003136118 62 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 62 22 its its PRON _003136118 62 23 commission commission NOUN _003136118 62 24 to to PART _003136118 62 25 conour conour VERB _003136118 62 26 churches church NOUN _003136118 62 27 on on ADP _003136118 62 28 good good ADJ _003136118 62 29 friday friday PROPN _003136118 62 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 62 31 is be AUX _003136118 62 32 tinue tinue NOUN _003136118 62 33 the the DET _003136118 62 34 work work NOUN _003136118 62 35 of of ADP _003136118 62 36 christ christ PROPN _003136118 62 37 on on ADP _003136118 62 38 earth earth NOUN _003136118 62 39 not not PART _003136118 62 40 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 62 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 62 42 while while SCONJ _003136118 62 43 the the DET _003136118 62 44 morning morning NOUN _003136118 62 45 and and CCONJ _003136118 62 46 h h NOUN _003136118 62 47 ence ence NOUN _003136118 62 48 to to PART _003136118 62 49 regulate regulate VERB _003136118 62 50 the the DET _003136118 62 51 official official ADJ _003136118 62 52 function function NOUN _003136118 62 53 of of ADP _003136118 62 54 that that DET _003136118 62 55 day day NOUN _003136118 62 56 which which DET _003136118 62 57 conpublic conpublic ADJ _003136118 62 58 worship worship NOUN _003136118 62 59 of of ADP _003136118 62 60 god god PROPN _003136118 62 61 , , PUNCT _003136118 62 62 which which PRON _003136118 62 63 is be AUX _003136118 62 64 to to ADP _003136118 62 65 cludes clude NOUN _003136118 62 66 with with ADP _003136118 62 67 the the DET _003136118 62 68 mass mass NOUN _003136118 62 69 of of ADP _003136118 62 70 the the DET _003136118 62 71 prebe prebe NOUN _003136118 62 72 unde unde ADJ _003136118 62 73 rstood rstood NOUN _003136118 62 74 by by ADP _003136118 62 75 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 62 76 . . PUNCT _003136118 63 1 in in ADP _003136118 63 2 the the DET _003136118 63 3 sanctified sanctified ADJ _003136118 63 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 63 5 is be AUX _003136118 63 6 prescribed prescribe VERB _003136118 63 7 as as ADP _003136118 63 8 the the DET _003136118 63 9 litcourse litcourse NOUN _003136118 63 10 of of ADP _003136118 63 11 age age NOUN _003136118 63 12 - - PUNCT _003136118 63 13 long long ADJ _003136118 63 14 development development NOUN _003136118 63 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 63 16 the the DET _003136118 63 17 urgy urgy NOUN _003136118 63 18 of of ADP _003136118 63 19 good good PROPN _003136118 63 20 f f X _003136118 63 21 r r NOUN _003136118 63 22 iday iday NOUN _003136118 63 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 64 1 the the DET _003136118 64 2 holy holy ADJ _003136118 64 3 ritual ritual NOUN _003136118 64 4 of of ADP _003136118 64 5 the the DET _003136118 64 6 church church NOUN _003136118 64 7 has have AUX _003136118 64 8 acquired acquire VERB _003136118 64 9 a a DET _003136118 64 10 hour hour NOUN _003136118 64 11 of of ADP _003136118 64 12 adoration adoration NOUN _003136118 64 13 of of ADP _003136118 64 14 the the DET _003136118 64 15 blessed bless VERB _003136118 64 16 technique technique NOUN _003136118 64 17 which which PRON _003136118 64 18 regulates regulate VERB _003136118 64 19 its its PRON _003136118 64 20 minsacrament minsacrament NOUN _003136118 64 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 64 22 which which PRON _003136118 64 23 has have VERB _003136118 64 24 such such DET _003136118 64 25 a a DET _003136118 64 26 poputest poput ADJ _003136118 64 27 details detail NOUN _003136118 64 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 65 1 catholic catholic PROPN _003136118 65 2 ceremonial ceremonial ADJ _003136118 65 3 ular ular ADJ _003136118 65 4 appeal appeal NOUN _003136118 65 5 for for ADP _003136118 65 6 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 65 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 65 8 is be AUX _003136118 65 9 much much ADJ _003136118 65 10 worship worship NOUN _003136118 65 11 is be AUX _003136118 65 12 often often ADV _003136118 65 13 criticized criticize VERB _003136118 65 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 65 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 65 16 in in SCONJ _003136118 65 17 encouraged encourage VERB _003136118 65 18 by by ADP _003136118 65 19 the the DET _003136118 65 20 church church NOUN _003136118 65 21 but but CCONJ _003136118 65 22 nodefence nodefence NOUN _003136118 65 23 of of ADP _003136118 65 24 a a DET _003136118 65 25 more more ADV _003136118 65 26 austere austere ADJ _003136118 65 27 cult cult NOUN _003136118 65 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 65 29 the the PRON _003136118 65 30 where where SCONJ _003136118 65 31 prescribed prescribed ADJ _003136118 65 32 as as ADP _003136118 65 33 is be AUX _003136118 65 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 65 35 for for ADP _003136118 65 36 insta insta ADJ _003136118 65 37 nce nce NOUN _003136118 65 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 65 39 scriptural scriptural ADJ _003136118 65 40 verse verse NOUN _003136118 65 41 is be AUX _003136118 65 42 quoted quote VERB _003136118 65 43 that that SCONJ _003136118 65 44 we we PRON _003136118 65 45 the the DET _003136118 65 46 procession procession NOUN _003136118 65 47 of of ADP _003136118 65 48 the the DET _003136118 65 49 blessed bless VERB _003136118 65 50 sacshould sacshould AUX _003136118 65 51 worship worship VERB _003136118 65 52 god god PROPN _003136118 65 53 in in ADP _003136118 65 54 spirit spirit NOUN _003136118 65 55 and and CCONJ _003136118 65 56 in in ADP _003136118 65 57 rament rament NOUN _003136118 65 58 on on ADP _003136118 65 59 corpus corpus PROPN _003136118 65 60 christi christi NOUN _003136118 65 61 . . PUNCT _003136118 66 1 even even ADV _003136118 66 2 so so ADV _003136118 66 3 truth truth NOUN _003136118 66 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 67 1 a a DET _003136118 67 2 purely purely ADV _003136118 67 3 intellectual intellectual ADJ _003136118 67 4 cult cult NOUN _003136118 67 5 of of ADP _003136118 67 6 favored favored ADJ _003136118 67 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 67 8 so so ADV _003136118 67 9 beloved beloved ADJ _003136118 67 10 of of ADP _003136118 67 11 the the DET _003136118 67 12 peogod peogod NOUN _003136118 67 13 without without ADP _003136118 67 14 external external ADJ _003136118 67 15 forms form NOUN _003136118 67 16 would would AUX _003136118 67 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 67 18 ie ie X _003136118 67 19 as as SCONJ _003136118 67 20 is be AUX _003136118 67 21 the the DET _003136118 67 22 way way NOUN _003136118 67 23 of of ADP _003136118 67 24 the the DET _003136118 67 25 cross cross NOUN _003136118 67 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 67 27 be be AUX _003136118 67 28 indeed indeed ADV _003136118 67 29 a a DET _003136118 67 30 worship worship NOUN _003136118 67 31 of of ADP _003136118 67 32 him he PRON _003136118 67 33 in in ADP _003136118 67 34 r r NOUN _003136118 67 35 ichly ichly ADV _003136118 67 36 indul indul NOUN _003136118 67 37 genced gence VERB _003136118 67 38 by by ADP _003136118 67 39 the the DET _003136118 67 40 church church NOUN _003136118 67 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 67 42 spirit spirit NOUN _003136118 67 43 but but CCONJ _003136118 67 44 it it PRON _003136118 67 45 would would AUX _003136118 67 46 not not PART _003136118 67 47 be be AUX _003136118 67 48 a a DET _003136118 67 49 worship worship NOUN _003136118 67 50 it it PRON _003136118 67 51 is be AUX _003136118 67 52 still still ADV _003136118 67 53 strictly strictly ADV _003136118 67 54 speaking speak VERB _003136118 67 55 not not PART _003136118 67 56 part part NOUN _003136118 67 57 of of ADP _003136118 67 58 him he PRON _003136118 67 59 in in ADP _003136118 67 60 truth truth NOUN _003136118 67 61 . . PUNCT _003136118 68 1 it it PRON _003136118 68 2 would would AUX _003136118 68 3 not not PART _003136118 68 4 be be AUX _003136118 68 5 of of ADP _003136118 68 6 her her PRON _003136118 68 7 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 68 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 69 1 we we PRON _003136118 69 2 could could AUX _003136118 69 3 imagine imagine VERB _003136118 69 4 true true ADJ _003136118 69 5 to to ADP _003136118 69 6 man man NOUN _003136118 69 7 's 's PART _003136118 69 8 nature nature NOUN _003136118 69 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 70 1 we we PRON _003136118 70 2 are be AUX _003136118 70 3 men man NOUN _003136118 70 4 a a DET _003136118 70 5 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 70 6 church church NOUN _003136118 70 7 without without ADP _003136118 70 8 stations station NOUN _003136118 70 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 70 10 not not PART _003136118 70 11 angels angel NOUN _003136118 70 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 71 1 we we PRON _003136118 71 2 are be AUX _003136118 71 3 composed compose VERB _003136118 71 4 of of ADP _003136118 71 5 of of ADP _003136118 71 6 the the DET _003136118 71 7 cross cross NOUN _003136118 71 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 71 9 though though SCONJ _003136118 71 10 it it PRON _003136118 71 11 would would AUX _003136118 71 12 be be AUX _003136118 71 13 an an DET _003136118 71 14 body body NOUN _003136118 71 15 as as ADV _003136118 71 16 well well ADV _003136118 71 17 as as ADP _003136118 71 18 soul soul NOUN _003136118 71 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 71 20 of of ADP _003136118 71 21 matter matter NOUN _003136118 71 22 as as ADP _003136118 71 23 oddity oddity NOUN _003136118 71 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 71 25 but but CCONJ _003136118 71 26 we we PRON _003136118 71 27 could could AUX _003136118 71 28 not not PART _003136118 71 29 imagine imagine VERB _003136118 71 30 well well ADV _003136118 71 31 as as ADP _003136118 71 32 spirit spirit PROPN _003136118 71 33 . . PUNCT _003136118 72 1 consequently consequently ADV _003136118 72 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 72 3 the the DET _003136118 72 4 6 6 NUM _003136118 72 5 the the DET _003136118 72 6 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 72 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 72 8 the the DET _003136118 72 9 laity laity NOUN _003136118 72 10 body body NOUN _003136118 72 11 with with ADP _003136118 72 12 its its PRON _003136118 72 13 senses sense NOUN _003136118 72 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 72 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 72 16 not not PART _003136118 72 17 alone alone ADJ _003136118 72 18 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 72 19 is be AUX _003136118 72 20 recited recite VERB _003136118 72 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 72 22 no no DET _003136118 72 23 action action NOUN _003136118 72 24 is be AUX _003136118 72 25 perthe perthe ADJ _003136118 72 26 soul soul NOUN _003136118 72 27 with with ADP _003136118 72 28 its its PRON _003136118 72 29 faculties faculty NOUN _003136118 72 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 72 31 should should AUX _003136118 72 32 formed form VERB _003136118 72 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 72 34 no no DET _003136118 72 35 garment garment NOUN _003136118 72 36 or or CCONJ _003136118 72 37 utensil utensil PROPN _003136118 72 38 is be AUX _003136118 72 39 render render VERB _003136118 72 40 homage homage NOUN _003136118 72 41 to to ADP _003136118 72 42 the the DET _003136118 72 43 creator creator NOUN _003136118 72 44 . . PUNCT _003136118 73 1 the the DET _003136118 73 2 employed employed PROPN _003136118 73 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 73 4 but but CCONJ _003136118 73 5 is be AUX _003136118 73 6 deep deep ADJ _003136118 73 7 with with ADP _003136118 73 8 meanwhole meanwhole NOUN _003136118 73 9 man man NOUN _003136118 73 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 74 1 body body NOUN _003136118 74 2 and and CCONJ _003136118 74 3 soul soul NOUN _003136118 74 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 74 5 is be AUX _003136118 74 6 coning cone VERB _003136118 74 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 74 8 consecrated consecrate VERB _003136118 74 9 by by ADP _003136118 74 10 the the DET _003136118 74 11 usage usage NOUN _003136118 74 12 cerned cerne VERB _003136118 74 13 ~ ~ PUNCT _003136118 74 14 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 75 1 < < X _003136118 75 2 ' ' PART _003136118 75 3 eligious eligious ADJ _003136118 75 4 worship worship NOUN _003136118 75 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 76 1 the the PRON _003136118 76 2 of of ADP _003136118 76 3 ages age NOUN _003136118 76 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 77 1 some some PRON _003136118 77 2 of of ADP _003136118 77 3 our our PRON _003136118 77 4 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _003136118 77 5 material material VERB _003136118 77 6 part part NOUN _003136118 77 7 of of ADP _003136118 77 8 man man NOUN _003136118 77 9 is be AUX _003136118 77 10 the the DET _003136118 77 11 instrucome instrucome ADJ _003136118 77 12 from from ADP _003136118 77 13 the the DET _003136118 77 14 example example NOUN _003136118 77 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 77 16 precept precept ADJ _003136118 77 17 ment ment NOUN _003136118 77 18 of of ADP _003136118 77 19 the the DET _003136118 77 20 soul soul NOUN _003136118 77 21 to to PART _003136118 77 22 express express VERB _003136118 77 23 the the DET _003136118 77 24 acof acof PROPN _003136118 77 25 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 77 26 christ christ PROPN _003136118 77 27 himself himself PRON _003136118 77 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 78 1 some some PRON _003136118 78 2 are be AUX _003136118 78 3 tivities tivitie NOUN _003136118 78 4 of of ADP _003136118 78 5 the the DET _003136118 78 6 soul soul NOUN _003136118 78 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 79 1 this this PRON _003136118 79 2 is be AUX _003136118 79 3 true true ADJ _003136118 79 4 taken take VERB _003136118 79 5 direct direct ADV _003136118 79 6 from from ADP _003136118 79 7 the the DET _003136118 79 8 pages page NOUN _003136118 79 9 of of ADP _003136118 79 10 holy holy ADJ _003136118 79 11 in in ADP _003136118 79 12 all all DET _003136118 79 13 departments department NOUN _003136118 79 14 of of ADP _003136118 79 15 human human ADJ _003136118 79 16 life life NOUN _003136118 79 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 80 1 writ writ PROPN _003136118 80 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 81 1 some some PRON _003136118 81 2 were be AUX _003136118 81 3 in in ADP _003136118 81 4 use use NOUN _003136118 81 5 in in ADP _003136118 81 6 the the PRON _003136118 81 7 we we PRON _003136118 81 8 are be AUX _003136118 81 9 not not PART _003136118 81 10 content content ADJ _003136118 81 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 81 12 for for ADP _003136118 81 13 example example NOUN _003136118 81 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 81 15 church church NOUN _003136118 81 16 of of ADP _003136118 81 17 the the DET _003136118 81 18 catacombs catacomb NOUN _003136118 81 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 82 1 all all PRON _003136118 82 2 have have VERB _003136118 82 3 with with ADP _003136118 82 4 thinking thinking NOUN _003136118 82 5 well well ADV _003136118 82 6 of of ADP _003136118 82 7 our our PRON _003136118 82 8 neighbor neighbor NOUN _003136118 82 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 83 1 the the DET _003136118 83 2 patina patina NOUN _003136118 83 3 resulting result VERB _003136118 83 4 from from ADP _003136118 83 5 centurwe centurwe NOUN _003136118 83 6 must must AUX _003136118 83 7 give give VERB _003136118 83 8 visible visible ADJ _003136118 83 9 expression expression NOUN _003136118 83 10 to to ADP _003136118 83 11 ies ie NOUN _003136118 83 12 of of ADP _003136118 83 13 use use NOUN _003136118 83 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 84 1 it it PRON _003136118 84 2 is be AUX _003136118 84 3 true true ADJ _003136118 84 4 that that SCONJ _003136118 84 5 we we PRON _003136118 84 6 are be AUX _003136118 84 7 our our PRON _003136118 84 8 good good ADJ _003136118 84 9 thoughts thought NOUN _003136118 84 10 of of ADP _003136118 84 11 him he PRON _003136118 84 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 85 1 we we PRON _003136118 85 2 not not PART _003136118 85 3 always always ADV _003136118 85 4 able able ADJ _003136118 85 5 to to PART _003136118 85 6 account account VERB _003136118 85 7 for for ADP _003136118 85 8 the the DET _003136118 85 9 manifest manif ADJ _003136118 85 10 our our PRON _003136118 85 11 love love NOUN _003136118 85 12 or or CCONJ _003136118 85 13 our our PRON _003136118 85 14 friendship friendship NOUN _003136118 85 15 origin origin NOUN _003136118 85 16 of of ADP _003136118 85 17 every every DET _003136118 85 18 detail detail NOUN _003136118 85 19 of of ADP _003136118 85 20 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 85 21 by by ADP _003136118 85 22 a a DET _003136118 85 23 tender tender ADJ _003136118 85 24 embrace embrace NOUN _003136118 85 25 or or CCONJ _003136118 85 26 a a DET _003136118 85 27 firm firm ADJ _003136118 85 28 clasp clasp NOUN _003136118 85 29 practice practice NOUN _003136118 85 30 . . PUNCT _003136118 86 1 the the DET _003136118 86 2 beginnings beginning NOUN _003136118 86 3 of of ADP _003136118 86 4 some some PRON _003136118 86 5 of of ADP _003136118 86 6 the the DET _003136118 86 7 hands hand NOUN _003136118 86 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 87 1 we we PRON _003136118 87 2 show show VERB _003136118 87 3 our our PRON _003136118 87 4 symobservances symobservance NOUN _003136118 87 5 are be AUX _003136118 87 6 lost lose VERB _003136118 87 7 in in ADP _003136118 87 8 the the DET _003136118 87 9 mists mist NOUN _003136118 87 10 of of ADP _003136118 87 11 pathy pathy ADJ _003136118 87 12 with with ADP _003136118 87 13 the the DET _003136118 87 14 bereaved bereaved ADJ _003136118 87 15 or or CCONJ _003136118 87 16 our our PRON _003136118 87 17 antiquity antiquity NOUN _003136118 87 18 and and CCONJ _003136118 87 19 scholars scholar NOUN _003136118 87 20 differ differ VERB _003136118 87 21 as as ADP _003136118 87 22 to to ADP _003136118 87 23 memory memory NOUN _003136118 87 24 of of ADP _003136118 87 25 the the DET _003136118 87 26 dead dead ADJ _003136118 87 27 by by ADP _003136118 87 28 certain certain ADJ _003136118 87 29 contheir contheir NOUN _003136118 87 30 historical historical ADJ _003136118 87 31 genesis genesis NOUN _003136118 87 32 and and CCONJ _003136118 87 33 their their PRON _003136118 87 34 ventional ventional ADJ _003136118 87 35 signs sign NOUN _003136118 87 36 , , PUNCT _003136118 87 37 by by ADP _003136118 87 38 sending send VERB _003136118 87 39 messpiritual messpiritual ADJ _003136118 87 40 meaning meaning NOUN _003136118 87 41 . . PUNCT _003136118 88 1 for for ADP _003136118 88 2 the the DET _003136118 88 3 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 88 4 sages sage NOUN _003136118 88 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 88 6 flowers flower NOUN _003136118 88 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 88 8 by by ADP _003136118 88 9 wearing wear VERB _003136118 88 10 is be AUX _003136118 88 11 not not PART _003136118 88 12 to to PART _003136118 88 13 be be AUX _003136118 88 14 pictured picture VERB _003136118 88 15 as as ADP _003136118 88 16 a a DET _003136118 88 17 mathemamourning mathemamourne VERB _003136118 88 18 clothes clothe NOUN _003136118 88 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 89 1 as as SCONJ _003136118 89 2 there there PRON _003136118 89 3 have have VERB _003136118 89 4 tical tical ADJ _003136118 89 5 table table NOUN _003136118 89 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 89 7 like like ADP _003136118 89 8 a a DET _003136118 89 9 table table NOUN _003136118 89 10 of of ADP _003136118 89 11 natural natural ADJ _003136118 89 12 been be AUX _003136118 89 13 developed develop VERB _003136118 89 14 certain certain ADJ _003136118 89 15 conventions convention NOUN _003136118 89 16 sines sine NOUN _003136118 89 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 89 18 cosines cosine NOUN _003136118 89 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 89 20 calculated calculate VERB _003136118 89 21 once once ADV _003136118 89 22 in in ADP _003136118 89 23 our our PRON _003136118 89 24 intercourse intercourse NOUN _003136118 89 25 with with ADP _003136118 89 26 our our PRON _003136118 89 27 fellows fellow NOUN _003136118 89 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 89 29 for for ADP _003136118 89 30 all all DET _003136118 89 31 time time NOUN _003136118 89 32 . . PUNCT _003136118 90 1 it it PRON _003136118 90 2 is be AUX _003136118 90 3 a a DET _003136118 90 4 living live VERB _003136118 90 5 thing thing NOUN _003136118 90 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 90 7 so so ADV _003136118 90 8 has have AUX _003136118 90 9 the the DET _003136118 90 10 church church NOUN _003136118 90 11 developed develop VERB _003136118 90 12 a a DET _003136118 90 13 cerethe cerethe ADJ _003136118 90 14 slow slow ADJ _003136118 90 15 evolution evolution NOUN _003136118 90 16 of of ADP _003136118 90 17 nineteen nineteen NUM _003136118 90 18 hunmonial hunmonial ADJ _003136118 90 19 expression expression NOUN _003136118 90 20 of of ADP _003136118 90 21 man man NOUN _003136118 90 22 's 's PART _003136118 90 23 relidred relidre VERB _003136118 90 24 years year NOUN _003136118 90 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 90 26 gradually gradually ADV _003136118 90 27 developing develop VERB _003136118 90 28 in in ADP _003136118 90 29 gious gious ADJ _003136118 90 30 thoughts thought NOUN _003136118 90 31 and and CCONJ _003136118 90 32 feelings feeling NOUN _003136118 90 33 in in ADP _003136118 90 34 the the DET _003136118 90 35 accord accord NOUN _003136118 90 36 with with ADP _003136118 90 37 its its PRON _003136118 90 38 varying vary VERB _003136118 90 39 environofficial environofficial NOUN _003136118 90 40 , , PUNCT _003136118 90 41 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 90 42 worship worship NOUN _003136118 90 43 of of ADP _003136118 90 44 god god PROPN _003136118 90 45 . . PUNCT _003136118 91 1 ment ment NOUN _003136118 91 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 92 1 the the DET _003136118 92 2 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 92 3 does do AUX _003136118 92 4 not not PART _003136118 92 5 resemble resemble VERB _003136118 92 6 a a DET _003136118 92 7 geometrical geometrical ADJ _003136118 92 8 figure figure NOUN _003136118 92 9 whose whose DET _003136118 92 10 the the DET _003136118 92 11 result result NOUN _003136118 92 12 has have AUX _003136118 92 13 been be AUX _003136118 92 14 an an DET _003136118 92 15 artistic artistic ADJ _003136118 92 16 members member NOUN _003136118 92 17 show show VERB _003136118 92 18 exact exact ADJ _003136118 92 19 proportions proportion NOUN _003136118 92 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 92 21 expression expression NOUN _003136118 92 22 of of ADP _003136118 92 23 divine divine ADJ _003136118 92 24 worship worship NOUN _003136118 92 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 93 1 somebut somebut NOUN _003136118 93 2 rather rather ADV _003136118 93 3 a a DET _003136118 93 4 tree tree NOUN _003136118 93 5 whose whose DET _003136118 93 6 branches branch NOUN _003136118 93 7 one one PRON _003136118 93 8 has have AUX _003136118 93 9 defined define VERB _003136118 93 10 the the DET _003136118 93 11 function function NOUN _003136118 93 12 of of ADP _003136118 93 13 art art NOUN _003136118 93 14 are be AUX _003136118 93 15 symmetrical symmetrical ADJ _003136118 93 16 without without ADP _003136118 93 17 being be AUX _003136118 93 18 to to PART _003136118 93 19 be be AUX _003136118 93 20 the the DET _003136118 93 21 union union NOUN _003136118 93 22 of of ADP _003136118 93 23 the the DET _003136118 93 24 soul soul NOUN _003136118 93 25 of of ADP _003136118 93 26 meanmathematically meanmathematically ADV _003136118 93 27 balanced balanced ADJ _003136118 93 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 94 1 a a DET _003136118 94 2 new new ADJ _003136118 94 3 ing ing NOUN _003136118 94 4 to to ADP _003136118 94 5 the the DET _003136118 94 6 body body NOUN _003136118 94 7 of of ADP _003136118 94 8 expression expression NOUN _003136118 94 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 95 1 the the DET _003136118 95 2 church church NOUN _003136118 95 3 has have AUX _003136118 95 4 summoned summon VERB _003136118 95 5 poetry poetry NOUN _003136118 95 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 95 7 house house NOUN _003136118 95 8 will will AUX _003136118 95 9 show show VERB _003136118 95 10 a a DET _003136118 95 11 well well ADV _003136118 95 12 - - PUNCT _003136118 95 13 defined define VERB _003136118 95 14 plan plan NOUN _003136118 95 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 16 music music NOUN _003136118 95 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 18 architecture architecture NOUN _003136118 95 19 and and CCONJ _003136118 95 20 symboan symboan VERB _003136118 95 21 harmonious harmonious ADJ _003136118 95 22 grouping grouping NOUN _003136118 95 23 of of ADP _003136118 95 24 its its PRON _003136118 95 25 lism lism NOUN _003136118 95 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 27 painting painting NOUN _003136118 95 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 95 29 sculpture sculpture NOUN _003136118 95 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 31 pagrooms pagroom NOUN _003136118 95 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 33 up up ADP _003136118 95 34 - - PUNCT _003136118 95 35 to to ADP _003136118 95 36 - - PUNCT _003136118 95 37 date date NOUN _003136118 95 38 conveniences convenience NOUN _003136118 95 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 40 eantry eantry NOUN _003136118 95 41 and and CCONJ _003136118 95 42 costume costume NOUN _003136118 95 43 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 44 to to PART _003136118 95 45 contribute contribute VERB _003136118 95 46 useful useful ADJ _003136118 95 47 arrangements arrangement NOUN _003136118 95 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 95 49 which which PRON _003136118 95 50 are be AUX _003136118 95 51 the the DET _003136118 95 52 each each DET _003136118 95 53 its its PRON _003136118 95 54 share share NOUN _003136118 95 55 in in ADP _003136118 95 56 the the DET _003136118 95 57 artistic artistic ADJ _003136118 95 58 deresultant deresultant NOUN _003136118 95 59 of of ADP _003136118 95 60 years year NOUN _003136118 95 61 of of ADP _003136118 95 62 experiment experiment NOUN _003136118 95 63 . . PUNCT _003136118 95 64 . . PUNCT _003136118 96 1 velonment velonment NOUN _003136118 96 2 of of ADP _003136118 96 3 the the DET _003136118 96 4 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 96 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 97 1 no no INTJ _003136118 97 2 but but CCONJ _003136118 97 3 an an DET _003136118 97 4 old old ADJ _003136118 97 5 mansion mansion NOUN _003136118 97 6 will will AUX _003136118 97 7 not not PART _003136118 97 8 display display VERB _003136118 97 9 why why SCONJ _003136118 97 10 should should AUX _003136118 97 11 we we PRON _003136118 97 12 have have VERB _003136118 97 13 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 97 14 ' ' NOUN _003136118 97 15 1 1 NUM _003136118 97 16 such such ADJ _003136118 97 17 order order NOUN _003136118 97 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 98 1 it it PRON _003136118 98 2 will will AUX _003136118 98 3 show show VERB _003136118 98 4 additions addition NOUN _003136118 98 5 are be AUX _003136118 98 6 draped drape VERB _003136118 98 7 with with ADP _003136118 98 8 ivy ivy NOUN _003136118 98 9 of of ADP _003136118 98 10 medieval medieval PROPN _003136118 98 11 and and CCONJ _003136118 98 12 destructions destruction NOUN _003136118 98 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 99 1 there there PRON _003136118 99 2 will will AUX _003136118 99 3 be be AUX _003136118 99 4 growth growth NOUN _003136118 99 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 100 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 100 2 no no DET _003136118 100 3 jutty jutty ADJ _003136118 100 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 100 5 frieze frieze NOUN _003136118 100 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 100 7 buttress buttress NOUN _003136118 100 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 100 9 floors floor NOUN _003136118 100 10 on on ADP _003136118 100 11 different different ADJ _003136118 100 12 levels level NOUN _003136118 100 13 and and CCONJ _003136118 100 14 winnor winnor ADJ _003136118 100 15 coign coign NOUN _003136118 100 16 of of ADP _003136118 100 17 vantage vantage NOUN _003136118 100 18 " " PUNCT _003136118 100 19 but but CCONJ _003136118 100 20 is be AUX _003136118 100 21 elodows elodow NOUN _003136118 100 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 100 23 doors door NOUN _003136118 100 24 walled wall VERB _003136118 100 25 up up ADP _003136118 100 26 or or CCONJ _003136118 100 27 no no DET _003136118 100 28 quent quent NOUN _003136118 100 29 with with ADP _003136118 100 30 symbolic symbolic ADJ _003136118 100 31 meaning meaning NOUN _003136118 100 32 . . PUNCT _003136118 101 1 such such ADJ _003136118 101 2 longer long ADV _003136118 101 3 used use VERB _003136118 101 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 102 1 there there PRON _003136118 102 2 will will AUX _003136118 102 3 be be AUX _003136118 102 4 rambling ramble VERB _003136118 102 5 is be AUX _003136118 102 6 the the DET _003136118 102 7 castle castle NOUN _003136118 102 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 102 9 centuries century NOUN _003136118 102 10 old old ADJ _003136118 102 11 even even ADV _003136118 102 12 passages passage NOUN _003136118 102 13 to to PART _003136118 102 14 connect connect VERB _003136118 102 15 old old ADJ _003136118 102 16 parts part NOUN _003136118 102 17 with with ADP _003136118 102 18 when when SCONJ _003136118 102 19 columbus columbus NOUN _003136118 102 20 sailed sail VERB _003136118 102 21 across across ADP _003136118 102 22 the the DET _003136118 102 23 new new ADJ _003136118 102 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 102 25 modern modern ADJ _003136118 102 26 appliances appliance NOUN _003136118 102 27 tacked tack VERB _003136118 102 28 atlantic atlantic PROPN _003136118 102 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 102 30 raised raise VERB _003136118 102 31 by by ADP _003136118 102 32 popes pope NOUN _003136118 102 33 and and CCONJ _003136118 102 34 paton paton PROPN _003136118 102 35 out out ADP _003136118 102 36 of of ADP _003136118 102 37 harmony harmony NOUN _003136118 102 38 with with ADP _003136118 102 39 the the DET _003136118 102 40 original original ADJ _003136118 102 41 riarchs riarch NOUN _003136118 102 42 and and CCONJ _003136118 102 43 bishops bishop NOUN _003136118 102 44 , , PUNCT _003136118 102 45 as as ADP _003136118 102 46 the the DET _003136118 102 47 imposplan imposplan NOUN _003136118 102 48 . . PUNCT _003136118 103 1 just just ADV _003136118 103 2 such such DET _003136118 103 3 an an DET _003136118 103 4 old old ADJ _003136118 103 5 mansion mansion NOUN _003136118 103 6 is be AUX _003136118 103 7 ing ing ADJ _003136118 103 8 structure structure NOUN _003136118 103 9 of of ADP _003136118 103 10 the the DET _003136118 103 11 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 103 12 of of ADP _003136118 103 13 the the DET _003136118 103 14 the the DET _003136118 103 15 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 103 16 of of ADP _003136118 103 17 the the DET _003136118 103 18 church church NOUN _003136118 103 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 104 1 portions portion NOUN _003136118 104 2 church church PROPN _003136118 104 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 105 1 of of ADP _003136118 105 2 it it PRON _003136118 105 3 are be AUX _003136118 105 4 as as ADV _003136118 105 5 ancient ancient ADJ _003136118 105 6 as as ADP _003136118 105 7 christianity christianity PROPN _003136118 105 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 106 1 wings wing NOUN _003136118 106 2 have have AUX _003136118 106 3 been be AUX _003136118 106 4 added add VERB _003136118 106 5 in in ADP _003136118 106 6 the the DET _003136118 106 7 course course NOUN _003136118 106 8 of of ADP _003136118 106 9 centuries century NOUN _003136118 106 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 107 1 old old ADJ _003136118 107 2 sections section NOUN _003136118 107 3 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 107 4 hour hour NOUN _003136118 107 5 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 107 6 in in ADP _003136118 107 7 time time NOUN _003136118 107 8 of of ADP _003136118 107 9 war war NOUN _003136118 107 10 have have AUX _003136118 107 11 been be AUX _003136118 107 12 renovated renovate VERB _003136118 107 13 or or CCONJ _003136118 107 14 torn tear VERB _003136118 107 15 down down ADP _003136118 107 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 108 1 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 108 2 adapted adapt VERB _003136118 108 3 from from ADP _003136118 108 4 cardinal cardinal ADJ _003136118 108 5 newman newman NOUN _003136118 108 6 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 109 1 no no DET _003136118 109 2 new new ADJ _003136118 109 3 parts part NOUN _003136118 109 4 have have AUX _003136118 109 5 been be AUX _003136118 109 6 built build VERB _003136118 109 7 for for ADP _003136118 109 8 ages age NOUN _003136118 109 9 though though SCONJ _003136118 109 10 there there PRON _003136118 109 11 are be VERB _003136118 109 12 constant constant ADJ _003136118 109 13 o o PROPN _003136118 109 14 lord lord PROPN _003136118 109 15 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 109 16 christ christ PROPN _003136118 109 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 109 18 who who PRON _003136118 109 19 in in ADP _003136118 109 20 thy thy PRON _003136118 109 21 minor minor ADJ _003136118 109 22 alterations alteration NOUN _003136118 109 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 109 24 represented represent VERB _003136118 109 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 109 26 for for ADP _003136118 109 27 mercy mercy NOUN _003136118 109 28 hearest hear ADJ _003136118 109 29 the the DET _003136118 109 30 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 109 31 of of ADP _003136118 109 32 sininstance sininstance NOUN _003136118 109 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 109 34 by by ADP _003136118 109 35 new new ADJ _003136118 109 36 masses masse NOUN _003136118 109 37 in in ADP _003136118 109 38 the the DET _003136118 109 39 ners ner NOUN _003136118 109 40 , , PUNCT _003136118 109 41 pour pour VERB _003136118 109 42 forth forth ADV _003136118 109 43 , , PUNCT _003136118 109 44 we we PRON _003136118 109 45 beseech beseech VERB _003136118 109 46 thee thee PRON _003136118 109 47 , , PUNCT _003136118 109 48 missal missal NOUN _003136118 109 49 · · PUNCT _003136118 109 50 and and CCONJ _003136118 109 51 new new ADJ _003136118 109 52 offices office NOUN _003136118 109 53 in in ADP _003136118 109 54 the the DET _003136118 109 55 brevall brevall ADJ _003136118 109 56 grace grace NOUN _003136118 109 57 and and CCONJ _003136118 109 58 blessing blessing NOUN _003136118 109 59 upon upon SCONJ _003136118 109 60 our our PRON _003136118 109 61 iary iary NOUN _003136118 109 62 as as SCONJ _003136118 109 63 new new ADJ _003136118 109 64 saints saint NOUN _003136118 109 65 are be AUX _003136118 109 66 added add VERB _003136118 109 67 to to ADP _003136118 109 68 the the DET _003136118 109 69 country country NOUN _003136118 109 70 and and CCONJ _003136118 109 71 its its PRON _003136118 109 72 citizens citizen NOUN _003136118 109 73 . . PUNCT _003136118 110 1 we we PRON _003136118 110 2 pray pray VERB _003136118 110 3 calendar calendar NOUN _003136118 110 4 of of ADP _003136118 110 5 the the DET _003136118 110 6 canonized canonized ADJ _003136118 110 7 servants servant NOUN _003136118 110 8 in in ADP _003136118 110 9 particular particular ADJ _003136118 110 10 for for ADP _003136118 110 11 the the DET _003136118 110 12 presidentof presidentof PROPN _003136118 110 13 god god PROPN _003136118 110 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 111 1 in in ADP _003136118 111 2 the the DET _003136118 111 3 talks talk NOUN _003136118 111 4 which which PRON _003136118 111 5 are be AUX _003136118 111 6 to to PART _003136118 111 7 for for ADP _003136118 111 8 our our PRON _003136118 111 9 congress congress NOUN _003136118 111 10 - - PUNCT _003136118 111 11 for for ADP _003136118 111 12 all all DET _003136118 111 13 our our PRON _003136118 111 14 solfollow solfollow NOUN _003136118 111 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 111 16 · · PUNCT _003136118 111 17 we we PRON _003136118 111 18 shall shall AUX _003136118 111 19 inspect inspect VERB _003136118 111 20 briefly briefly NOUN _003136118 111 21 diers dier NOUN _003136118 111 22 - - PUNCT _003136118 111 23 for for ADP _003136118 111 24 all all PRON _003136118 111 25 who who PRON _003136118 111 26 defend defend VERB _003136118 111 27 us we PRON _003136118 111 28 in in ADP _003136118 111 29 some some PRON _003136118 111 30 of of ADP _003136118 111 31 the the DET _003136118 111 32 principal principal ADJ _003136118 111 33 halls hall NOUN _003136118 111 34 of of ADP _003136118 111 35 this this DET _003136118 111 36 ships ship NOUN _003136118 111 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 111 38 whether whether SCONJ _003136118 111 39 on on ADP _003136118 111 40 the the DET _003136118 111 41 seas sea NOUN _003136118 111 42 or or CCONJ _003136118 111 43 in in ADP _003136118 111 44 venerable venerable ADJ _003136118 111 45 castle castle NOUN _003136118 111 46 . . PUNCT _003136118 112 1 its its PRON _003136118 112 2 corner corner NOUN _003136118 112 3 - - PUNCT _003136118 112 4 stone stone NOUN _003136118 112 5 the the DET _003136118 112 6 skies sky NOUN _003136118 112 7 - - PUNCT _003136118 112 8 for for ADP _003136118 112 9 all all PRON _003136118 112 10 who who PRON _003136118 112 11 are be AUX _003136118 112 12 suffering suffer VERB _003136118 112 13 was be AUX _003136118 112 14 laid lay VERB _003136118 112 15 by by ADP _003136118 112 16 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 112 17 christ christ PROPN _003136118 112 18 himself himself PRON _003136118 112 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 113 1 the the DET _003136118 113 2 hardships hardship NOUN _003136118 113 3 of of ADP _003136118 113 4 war war NOUN _003136118 113 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 114 1 we we PRON _003136118 114 2 pray pray VERB _003136118 114 3 for for ADP _003136118 114 4 its its PRON _003136118 114 5 foundations foundation NOUN _003136118 114 6 were be AUX _003136118 114 7 dug dig VERB _003136118 114 8 by by ADP _003136118 114 9 his his PRON _003136118 114 10 all all PRON _003136118 114 11 who who PRON _003136118 114 12 are be AUX _003136118 114 13 in in ADP _003136118 114 14 peril peril NOUN _003136118 114 15 or or CCONJ _003136118 114 16 in in ADP _003136118 114 17 danger danger NOUN _003136118 114 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 115 1 apostles apostle NOUN _003136118 115 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 116 1 its its PRON _003136118 116 2 ground ground NOUN _003136118 116 3 - - PUNCT _003136118 116 4 plan plan NOUN _003136118 116 5 was be AUX _003136118 116 6 debring debre VERB _003136118 116 7 us we PRON _003136118 116 8 all all PRON _003136118 116 9 aft'er aft'er VERB _003136118 116 10 the the DET _003136118 116 11 troubles trouble NOUN _003136118 116 12 of of ADP _003136118 116 13 signed sign VERB _003136118 116 14 by by ADP _003136118 116 15 the the DET _003136118 116 16 early early ADJ _003136118 116 17 christians christians PROPN _003136118 116 18 bethis bethis DET _003136118 116 19 life life NOUN _003136118 116 20 into into ADP _003136118 116 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 117 1 the the DET _003136118 117 2 haven haven NOUN _003136118 117 3 of of ADP _003136118 117 4 peace peace NOUN _003136118 117 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 117 6 fore fore NOUN _003136118 117 7 they they PRON _003136118 117 8 emerged emerge VERB _003136118 117 9 from from ADP _003136118 117 10 the the DET _003136118 117 11 cataand cataand NOUN _003136118 117 12 reunite reunite VERB _003136118 117 13 us we PRON _003136118 117 14 all all PRON _003136118 117 15 together together ADV _003136118 117 16 forever forever ADV _003136118 117 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 117 18 combs comb NOUN _003136118 117 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 118 1 its its PRON _003136118 118 2 main main ADJ _003136118 118 3 portion portion NOUN _003136118 118 4 dates date VERB _003136118 118 5 from from ADP _003136118 118 6 0 0 NUM _003136118 118 7 dear dear ADJ _003136118 118 8 lord lord PROPN _003136118 118 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 118 10 in in ADP _003136118 118 11 thy thy PRON _003136118 118 12 glorious glorious ADJ _003136118 118 13 heavthe heavthe PROPN _003136118 118 14 late late ADJ _003136118 118 15 roman roman PROPN _003136118 118 16 empire empire NOUN _003136118 118 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 119 1 its its PRON _003136118 119 2 walls wall NOUN _003136118 119 3 enly enly VERB _003136118 119 4 kingdom kingdom NOUN _003136118 119 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 120 1 the the DET _003136118 120 2 supreme supreme PROPN _003136118 120 3 act act PROPN _003136118 120 4 of of ADP _003136118 120 5 the the DET _003136118 120 6 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 120 7 address address NOUN _003136118 120 8 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 120 9 on on ADP _003136118 120 10 .june .june PROPN _003136118 120 11 14 14 NUM _003136118 120 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 120 13 1942 1942 NUM _003136118 120 14 in in ADP _003136118 120 15 the the DET _003136118 120 16 happy happy ADJ _003136118 120 17 times time NOUN _003136118 120 18 before before ADP _003136118 120 19 paneye paneye NOUN _003136118 120 20 of of ADP _003136118 120 21 faith faith NOUN _003136118 120 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 121 1 it it PRON _003136118 121 2 is be AUX _003136118 121 3 no no DET _003136118 121 4 unusual unusual ADJ _003136118 121 5 perzer perzer NOUN _003136118 121 6 units unit NOUN _003136118 121 7 ploughed plough VERB _003136118 121 8 the the DET _003136118 121 9 ground ground NOUN _003136118 121 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 121 11 formance formance NOUN _003136118 121 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 121 13 restricted restrict VERB _003136118 121 14 to to ADP _003136118 121 15 ten ten NUM _003136118 121 16 - - PUNCT _003136118 121 17 year year NOUN _003136118 121 18 the the DET _003136118 121 19 luftwaffe luftwaffe PROPN _003136118 121 20 darkened darken VERB _003136118 121 21 the the DET _003136118 121 22 air air NOUN _003136118 121 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 121 24 intervals interval NOUN _003136118 121 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 121 26 but but CCONJ _003136118 121 27 part part NOUN _003136118 121 28 of of ADP _003136118 121 29 the the DET _003136118 121 30 cathotens cathoten NOUN _003136118 121 31 of of ADP _003136118 121 32 thousands thousand NOUN _003136118 121 33 used use VERB _003136118 121 34 to to PART _003136118 121 35 journey journey VERB _003136118 121 36 lic lic PROPN _003136118 121 37 's 's PART _003136118 121 38 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003136118 121 39 religious religious ADJ _003136118 121 40 experience experience NOUN _003136118 121 41 . . PUNCT _003136118 122 1 from from ADP _003136118 122 2 all all DET _003136118 122 3 quarters quarter NOUN _003136118 122 4 of of ADP _003136118 122 5 the the DET _003136118 122 6 globe globe NOUN _003136118 122 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 122 8 yet yet CCONJ _003136118 122 9 it it PRON _003136118 122 10 exceeds exceed VERB _003136118 122 11 the the DET _003136118 122 12 passion passion NOUN _003136118 122 13 play play NOUN _003136118 122 14 of of ADP _003136118 122 15 every every DET _003136118 122 16 ten ten NUM _003136118 122 17 years year NOUN _003136118 122 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 122 19 to to ADP _003136118 122 20 the the DET _003136118 122 21 little little ADJ _003136118 122 22 town town NOUN _003136118 122 23 oberammergau oberammergau NOUN _003136118 122 24 as as ADP _003136118 122 25 the the DET _003136118 122 26 substance substance NOUN _003136118 122 27 of of ADP _003136118 122 28 oberammergau oberammergau NOUN _003136118 122 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 122 30 in in ADP _003136118 122 31 bavaria bavaria PROPN _003136118 122 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 122 33 to to PART _003136118 122 34 does do VERB _003136118 122 35 its its PRON _003136118 122 36 shadow shadow NOUN _003136118 122 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 122 38 as as SCONJ _003136118 122 39 the the DET _003136118 122 40 reality reality NOUN _003136118 122 41 does do AUX _003136118 122 42 witness witness VERB _003136118 122 43 the the DET _003136118 122 44 production production NOUN _003136118 122 45 of of ADP _003136118 122 46 the the DET _003136118 122 47 pasits pasit NOUN _003136118 122 48 representation representation NOUN _003136118 122 49 . . PUNCT _003136118 123 1 the the DET _003136118 123 2 mass mass PROPN _003136118 123 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 123 4 sion sion NOUN _003136118 123 5 play play NOUN _003136118 123 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 124 1 the the DET _003136118 124 2 passion passion NOUN _003136118 124 3 play play NOUN _003136118 124 4 is be AUX _003136118 124 5 a a DET _003136118 124 6 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003136118 124 7 in in ADP _003136118 124 8 its its PRON _003136118 124 9 form form NOUN _003136118 124 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 124 11 is be AUX _003136118 124 12 the the DET _003136118 124 13 real real ADJ _003136118 124 14 pictorial pictorial ADJ _003136118 124 15 representation representation NOUN _003136118 124 16 of of ADP _003136118 124 17 the the DET _003136118 124 18 life life NOUN _003136118 124 19 passion passion NOUN _003136118 124 20 play play NOUN _003136118 124 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 124 22 the the DET _003136118 124 23 authentic authentic ADJ _003136118 124 24 pasand pasand NOUN _003136118 124 25 especially especially ADV _003136118 124 26 of of ADP _003136118 124 27 the the DET _003136118 124 28 passion passion NOUN _003136118 124 29 and and CCONJ _003136118 124 30 sion sion NOUN _003136118 124 31 play play NOUN _003136118 124 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 124 33 as as SCONJ _003136118 124 34 commanded command VERB _003136118 124 35 by by ADP _003136118 124 36 our our PRON _003136118 124 37 death death NOUN _003136118 124 38 of of ADP _003136118 124 39 our our PRON _003136118 124 40 lord lord PROPN _003136118 124 41 . . PUNCT _003136118 125 1 it it PRON _003136118 125 2 is be AUX _003136118 125 3 produced produce VERB _003136118 125 4 lord lord PROPN _003136118 125 5 himself himself PRON _003136118 125 6 when when SCONJ _003136118 125 7 he he PRON _003136118 125 8 said say VERB _003136118 125 9 at at ADP _003136118 125 10 the the PRON _003136118 125 11 with with ADP _003136118 125 12 religious religious ADJ _003136118 125 13 fervor fervor NOUN _003136118 125 14 by by ADP _003136118 125 15 its its PRON _003136118 125 16 actors actor NOUN _003136118 125 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 125 18 last last ADJ _003136118 125 19 supper supper NOUN _003136118 125 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 125 21 after after SCONJ _003136118 125 22 he he PRON _003136118 125 23 had have VERB _003136118 125 24 consethe consethe ADJ _003136118 125 25 men man NOUN _003136118 125 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 125 27 women woman NOUN _003136118 125 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 125 29 children child NOUN _003136118 125 30 crated crate VERB _003136118 125 31 the the DET _003136118 125 32 bread bread NOUN _003136118 125 33 and and CCONJ _003136118 125 34 the the DET _003136118 125 35 wine wine NOUN _003136118 125 36 inof inof NOUN _003136118 125 37 oberammergau oberammergau NOUN _003136118 125 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 125 39 and and CCONJ _003136118 125 40 few few ADJ _003136118 125 41 are be AUX _003136118 125 42 the the PRON _003136118 125 43 to to ADP _003136118 125 44 his his PRON _003136118 125 45 body body NOUN _003136118 125 46 and and CCONJ _003136118 125 47 blood blood NOUN _003136118 125 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 125 49 " " PUNCT _003136118 125 50 do do AUX _003136118 125 51 this this DET _003136118 125 52 spectators spectator NOUN _003136118 125 53 who who PRON _003136118 125 54 are be AUX _003136118 125 55 not not PART _003136118 125 56 thrilled thrill VERB _003136118 125 57 by by ADP _003136118 125 58 for for ADP _003136118 125 59 a a DET _003136118 125 60 commemoration commemoration NOUN _003136118 125 61 of of ADP _003136118 125 62 me i PRON _003136118 125 63 " " PUNCT _003136118 125 64 its its PRON _003136118 125 65 scenes scene NOUN _003136118 125 66 . . PUNCT _003136118 126 1 yet yet ADV _003136118 126 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 126 3 after after ADV _003136118 126 4 all all ADV _003136118 126 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 126 6 the the DET _003136118 126 7 pas(luke pas(luke PROPN _003136118 126 8 22:19 22:19 NUM _003136118 126 9 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 126 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 126 11 so so SCONJ _003136118 126 12 that that SCONJ _003136118 126 13 st st PROPN _003136118 126 14 . . PROPN _003136118 126 15 paul paul PROPN _003136118 126 16 sion sion PROPN _003136118 126 17 play play NOUN _003136118 126 18 is be AUX _003136118 126 19 only only ADV _003136118 126 20 a a DET _003136118 126 21 play play NOUN _003136118 126 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 126 23 only only ADV _003136118 126 24 a a PRON _003136118 126 25 could could AUX _003136118 126 26 write write VERB _003136118 126 27 to to ADP _003136118 126 28 his his PRON _003136118 126 29 converts convert NOUN _003136118 126 30 at at ADP _003136118 126 31 cortheatrical cortheatrical ADJ _003136118 126 32 representation representation NOUN _003136118 126 33 of of ADP _003136118 126 34 what what PRON _003136118 126 35 inth inth NOUN _003136118 126 36 : : PUNCT _003136118 126 37 " " PUNCT _003136118 126 38 as as ADV _003136118 126 39 often often ADV _003136118 126 40 as as SCONJ _003136118 126 41 you you PRON _003136118 126 42 shall shall AUX _003136118 126 43 eat eat VERB _003136118 126 44 it it PRON _003136118 126 45 commemorates commemorate NOUN _003136118 126 46 . . PUNCT _003136118 127 1 but but CCONJ _003136118 127 2 there there PRON _003136118 127 3 is be VERB _003136118 127 4 a a DET _003136118 127 5 this this DET _003136118 127 6 bread bread NOUN _003136118 127 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 127 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 127 9 drink drink VERB _003136118 127 10 the the DET _003136118 127 11 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 127 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 127 13 memorial memorial NOUN _003136118 127 14 of of ADP _003136118 127 15 the the DET _003136118 127 16 passion passion NOUN _003136118 127 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 127 18 death death NOUN _003136118 127 19 you you PRON _003136118 127 20 shall shall AUX _003136118 127 21 shew shew VERB _003136118 127 22 the the DET _003136118 127 23 death death NOUN _003136118 127 24 of of ADP _003136118 127 25 the the PRON _003136118 127 26 of of ADP _003136118 127 27 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 127 28 christ christ PROPN _003136118 127 29 which which PRON _003136118 127 30 is be AUX _003136118 127 31 something something PRON _003136118 127 32 lord lord PROPN _003136118 127 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 127 34 until until SCONJ _003136118 127 35 he he PRON _003136118 127 36 come come VERB _003136118 127 37 " " PUNCT _003136118 127 38 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 127 39 i i PRON _003136118 127 40 cor cor VERB _003136118 127 41 . . PUNCT _003136118 128 1 11 11 NUM _003136118 128 2 : : PUNCT _003136118 128 3 more more ADJ _003136118 128 4 than than ADP _003136118 128 5 a a DET _003136118 128 6 play play NOUN _003136118 128 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 128 8 which which PRON _003136118 128 9 is be AUX _003136118 128 10 the the DET _003136118 128 11 of25 of25 PROPN _003136118 128 12 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 128 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 129 1 every every DET _003136118 129 2 time time NOUN _003136118 129 3 that that PRON _003136118 129 4 mass mass NOUN _003136118 129 5 is be AUX _003136118 129 6 celeficial celeficial ADJ _003136118 129 7 commemoration commemoration NOUN _003136118 129 8 of of ADP _003136118 129 9 the the DET _003136118 129 10 events event NOUN _003136118 129 11 of of ADP _003136118 129 12 the the DET _003136118 129 13 original original ADJ _003136118 129 14 holy holy ADJ _003136118 129 15 thursday thursday PROPN _003136118 129 16 and and CCONJ _003136118 129 17 good good ADJ _003136118 129 18 friday friday PROPN _003136118 129 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 129 20 official official NOUN _003136118 129 21 because because SCONJ _003136118 129 22 commanded command VERB _003136118 129 23 by by ADP _003136118 129 24 him he PRON _003136118 129 25 who who PRON _003136118 129 26 suffered suffer VERB _003136118 129 27 the the DET _003136118 129 28 cruel cruel ADJ _003136118 129 29 passion passion NOUN _003136118 129 30 and and CCONJ _003136118 129 31 died die VERB _003136118 129 32 the the DET _003136118 129 33 ignombrated ignombrate VERB _003136118 129 34 in in ADP _003136118 129 35 imitation imitation NOUN _003136118 129 36 of of ADP _003136118 129 37 the the DET _003136118 129 38 example example NOUN _003136118 129 39 and and CCONJ _003136118 129 40 in in ADP _003136118 129 41 obedience obedience NOUN _003136118 129 42 to to ADP _003136118 129 43 the the DET _003136118 129 44 command command NOUN _003136118 129 45 of of ADP _003136118 129 46 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 129 47 christ christ PROPN _003136118 129 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 129 49 so so ADV _003136118 129 50 often often ADV _003136118 129 51 is be AUX _003136118 129 52 appreciative appreciative ADJ _003136118 129 53 commemoration commemoration NOUN _003136118 129 54 made make VERB _003136118 129 55 of of ADP _003136118 129 56 the the DET _003136118 129 57 passion passion NOUN _003136118 129 58 and and CCONJ _003136118 129 59 death death NOUN _003136118 129 60 of of ADP _003136118 129 61 our our PRON _003136118 129 62 lord lord PROPN _003136118 129 63 inious inious ADJ _003136118 129 64 death death NOUN _003136118 129 65 . . PUNCT _003136118 130 1 it it PRON _003136118 130 2 is be AUX _003136118 130 3 no no DET _003136118 130 4 mere mere ADJ _003136118 130 5 play play NOUN _003136118 130 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 130 7 precisely precisely ADV _003136118 130 8 as as ADP _003136118 130 9 depending depend VERB _003136118 130 10 for for ADP _003136118 130 11 its its PRON _003136118 130 12 effect effect NOUN _003136118 130 13 largely largely ADV _003136118 130 14 upthat upthat SCONJ _003136118 130 15 such such ADJ _003136118 130 16 he he PRON _003136118 130 17 himself himself PRON _003136118 130 18 wished wish VERB _003136118 130 19 commemoration commemoration NOUN _003136118 130 20 be be AUX _003136118 130 21 on on ADP _003136118 130 22 acting act VERB _003136118 130 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 130 24 stagecraft stagecraft VERB _003136118 130 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 130 26 the the DET _003136118 130 27 made make VERB _003136118 130 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 131 1 unusual unusual ADJ _003136118 131 2 time time NOUN _003136118 131 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 131 4 place place NOUN _003136118 131 5 of of ADP _003136118 131 6 its its PRON _003136118 131 7 proto proto NOUN _003136118 131 8 a a DET _003136118 131 9 non non ADJ _003136118 131 10 - - ADJ _003136118 131 11 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 131 12 attending attend VERB _003136118 131 13 duction duction NOUN _003136118 131 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 132 1 its its PRON _003136118 132 2 appeal appeal NOUN _003136118 132 3 is be AUX _003136118 132 4 solely solely ADV _003136118 132 5 to to ADP _003136118 132 6 the the DET _003136118 132 7 mass mass NOUN _003136118 132 8 for for ADP _003136118 132 9 the the DET _003136118 132 10 first first ADJ _003136118 132 11 time time NOUN _003136118 132 12 it it PRON _003136118 132 13 must must AUX _003136118 132 14 the the DET _003136118 132 15 supreme supreme ADJ _003136118 132 16 act act PROPN _003136118 132 17 of of ADP _003136118 132 18 the the DET _003136118 132 19 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 132 20 9 9 NUM _003136118 132 21 seem seem VERB _003136118 132 22 a a DET _003136118 132 23 bewildering bewilder VERB _003136118 132 24 succession succession NOUN _003136118 132 25 of of ADP _003136118 132 26 priest priest NOUN _003136118 132 27 at at ADP _003136118 132 28 the the DET _003136118 132 29 foot foot NOUN _003136118 132 30 of of ADP _003136118 132 31 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 132 32 the the DET _003136118 132 33 altar altar NOUN _003136118 132 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 132 35 and and CCONJ _003136118 132 36 involved involve VERB _003136118 132 37 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _003136118 132 38 . . PUNCT _003136118 133 1 it it PRON _003136118 133 2 will will AUX _003136118 133 3 be be AUX _003136118 133 4 difthe difthe NOUN _003136118 133 5 later later ADJ _003136118 133 6 ones one NOUN _003136118 133 7 which which PRON _003136118 133 8 are be AUX _003136118 133 9 known know VERB _003136118 133 10 as as ADP _003136118 133 11 ficult ficult ADJ _003136118 133 12 to to PART _003136118 133 13 convey convey VERB _003136118 133 14 a a DET _003136118 133 15 clear clear ADJ _003136118 133 16 picture picture NOUN _003136118 133 17 of of ADP _003136118 133 18 the the DET _003136118 133 19 collects collect NOUN _003136118 133 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 134 1 there there PRON _003136118 134 2 are be VERB _003136118 134 3 hymns hymn NOUN _003136118 134 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 134 5 like like ADP _003136118 134 6 the the DET _003136118 134 7 mass mass NOUN _003136118 134 8 to to ADP _003136118 134 9 those those DET _003136118 134 10 listeners listener NOUN _003136118 134 11 in in ADP _003136118 134 12 our our PRON _003136118 134 13 the the DET _003136118 134 14 i i PRON _003136118 134 15 ntroit ntroit ADV _003136118 134 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 134 17 or or CCONJ _003136118 134 18 entrance entrance NOUN _003136118 134 19 anthem anthem NOUN _003136118 134 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 134 21 radio radio NOUN _003136118 134 22 audience audience NOUN _003136118 134 23 who who PRON _003136118 134 24 are be AUX _003136118 134 25 unfamiliar unfamiliar ADJ _003136118 134 26 an an DET _003136118 134 27 d d NOUN _003136118 134 28 the the DET _003136118 134 29 gloria gloria NOUN _003136118 134 30 in in ADP _003136118 134 31 exce exce NOUN _003136118 134 32 lsis lsis NOUN _003136118 135 1 d d PROPN _003136118 135 2 eo eo X _003136118 135 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 135 4 with with ADP _003136118 135 5 its its PRON _003136118 135 6 intricate intricate ADJ _003136118 135 7 ritual ritual NOUN _003136118 135 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 136 1 yet yet ADV _003136118 136 2 to to PART _003136118 136 3 " " PUNCT _003136118 136 4 glory glory NOUN _003136118 136 5 be be AUX _003136118 136 6 to to ADP _003136118 136 7 god god PROPN _003136118 136 8 in in ADP _003136118 136 9 the the DET _003136118 136 10 highest high ADJ _003136118 136 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 136 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 136 13 the the DET _003136118 136 14 well well ADV _003136118 136 15 - - PUNCT _003136118 136 16 instructed instruct VERB _003136118 136 17 this this DET _003136118 136 18 supreme supreme NOUN _003136118 136 19 which which PRON _003136118 136 20 is be AUX _003136118 136 21 a a DET _003136118 136 22 development development NOUN _003136118 136 23 of of ADP _003136118 136 24 the the DET _003136118 136 25 act act NOUN _003136118 136 26 of of ADP _003136118 136 27 the the DET _003136118 136 28 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 136 29 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 136 30 has have VERB _003136118 136 31 a a DET _003136118 136 32 h h NOUN _003136118 136 33 ymn ymn NOUN _003136118 136 34 sung sing VERB _003136118 136 35 by by ADP _003136118 136 36 the the DET _003136118 136 37 angels angel NOUN _003136118 136 38 at at ADP _003136118 136 39 the the DET _003136118 136 40 logical logical ADJ _003136118 136 41 sequence sequence NOUN _003136118 136 42 of of ADP _003136118 136 43 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 136 44 and and CCONJ _003136118 136 45 birth birth NOUN _003136118 136 46 of of ADP _003136118 136 47 christ christ PROPN _003136118 136 48 in in ADP _003136118 136 49 bethlehem bethlehem PROPN _003136118 136 50 . . PUNCT _003136118 137 1 the the DET _003136118 137 2 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _003136118 137 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 137 4 a a DET _003136118 137 5 convincing convincing ADJ _003136118 137 6 reaselect reaselect ADJ _003136118 137 7 ions ion NOUN _003136118 137 8 from from ADP _003136118 137 9 scripture scripture NOUN _003136118 137 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 137 11 in in ADP _003136118 137 12 the the DET _003136118 137 13 son son NOUN _003136118 137 14 for for ADP _003136118 137 15 everything everything PRON _003136118 137 16 th th X _003136118 137 17 at at ADP _003136118 137 18 is be AUX _003136118 137 19 said say VERB _003136118 137 20 first first ADV _003136118 137 21 half half NOUN _003136118 137 22 of of ADP _003136118 137 23 the the DET _003136118 137 24 mass mass NOUN _003136118 137 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 137 26 are be AUX _003136118 137 27 chiefly chiefly ADJ _003136118 137 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 137 29 done do VERB _003136118 137 30 . . PUNCT _003136118 138 1 the the DET _003136118 138 2 epistle epistle NOUN _003136118 138 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 138 4 the the DET _003136118 138 5 gospel gospel NOUN _003136118 138 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 139 1 this this PRON _003136118 139 2 the the DET _003136118 139 3 mass mass NOUN _003136118 139 4 is be AUX _003136118 139 5 divided divide VERB _003136118 139 6 into into ADP _003136118 139 7 two two NUM _003136118 139 8 preparatory preparatory ADJ _003136118 139 9 portion portion NOUN _003136118 139 10 of of ADP _003136118 139 11 the the DET _003136118 139 12 mass mass NOUN _003136118 139 13 parts part NOUN _003136118 139 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 139 15 a a DET _003136118 139 16 preparatory preparatory ADJ _003136118 139 17 portion portion NOUN _003136118 139 18 and and CCONJ _003136118 139 19 concludes conclude VERB _003136118 139 20 with with ADP _003136118 139 21 the the DET _003136118 139 22 recitation recitation NOUN _003136118 139 23 of of ADP _003136118 139 24 the the DET _003136118 139 25 the the DET _003136118 139 26 mass mass NOUN _003136118 139 27 proper proper ADJ _003136118 139 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 140 1 in in ADP _003136118 140 2 this this DET _003136118 140 3 latter latter ADJ _003136118 140 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 140 5 creed creed NOUN _003136118 140 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 141 1 our our PRON _003136118 141 2 lord lord PROPN _003136118 141 3 's 's PART _003136118 141 4 command command NOUN _003136118 141 5 is be AUX _003136118 141 6 fulfilled fulfil VERB _003136118 141 7 to to ADP _003136118 141 8 when when SCONJ _003136118 141 9 we we PRON _003136118 141 10 come come VERB _003136118 141 11 to to ADP _003136118 141 12 the the DET _003136118 141 13 second second ADJ _003136118 141 14 half half NOUN _003136118 141 15 repeat repeat VERB _003136118 141 16 what what PRON _003136118 141 17 he he PRON _003136118 141 18 did do VERB _003136118 141 19 at at ADP _003136118 141 20 the the DET _003136118 141 21 last last ADJ _003136118 141 22 of of ADP _003136118 141 23 the the DET _003136118 141 24 mass mass NOUN _003136118 141 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 141 26 the the DET _003136118 141 27 mass mass NOUN _003136118 141 28 proper proper ADJ _003136118 141 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 141 30 its its PRON _003136118 141 31 supper supper NOUN _003136118 141 32 . . PUNCT _003136118 142 1 christ christ PROPN _003136118 142 2 took take VERB _003136118 142 3 bread bread NOUN _003136118 142 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 142 5 three three NUM _003136118 142 6 salient salient ADJ _003136118 142 7 divisions division NOUN _003136118 142 8 - - PUNCT _003136118 142 9 offertory offertory ADJ _003136118 142 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 142 11 wine wine NOUN _003136118 142 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 142 13 so so ADV _003136118 142 14 the the DET _003136118 142 15 priest priest NOUN _003136118 142 16 takes take VERB _003136118 142 17 bread bread NOUN _003136118 142 18 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 142 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 142 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 142 21 communionare communionare NOUN _003136118 142 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 142 23 wine wine NOUN _003136118 142 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 142 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 142 26 offers offer VERB _003136118 142 27 them they PRON _003136118 142 28 to to ADP _003136118 142 29 god god PROPN _003136118 142 30 . . PUNCT _003136118 143 1 ela ela PROPN _003136118 143 2 borations boration NOUN _003136118 143 3 of of ADP _003136118 143 4 the the DET _003136118 143 5 order order NOUN _003136118 143 6 followed follow VERB _003136118 143 7 this this PRON _003136118 143 8 is be AUX _003136118 143 9 called call VERB _003136118 143 10 the the DET _003136118 143 11 offertory offertory NOUN _003136118 143 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 144 1 our our PRON _003136118 144 2 by by ADP _003136118 144 3 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 144 4 christ christ PROPN _003136118 144 5 at at ADP _003136118 144 6 the the DET _003136118 144 7 first first ADJ _003136118 144 8 of of ADP _003136118 144 9 all all DET _003136118 144 10 lord lord PROPN _003136118 144 11 consecrated consecrate VERB _003136118 144 12 the the DET _003136118 144 13 bread bread NOUN _003136118 144 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 144 15 masses masse NOUN _003136118 144 16 at at ADP _003136118 144 17 the the DET _003136118 144 18 last last ADJ _003136118 144 19 supper supper NOUN _003136118 144 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 145 1 during during ADP _003136118 145 2 wine wine NOUN _003136118 145 3 into into ADP _003136118 145 4 his his PRON _003136118 145 5 body body NOUN _003136118 145 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 145 7 blood blood NOUN _003136118 145 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 145 9 the the DET _003136118 145 10 offerto offerto NOUN _003136118 145 11 ry ry ADP _003136118 145 12 section section NOUN _003136118 145 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 145 14 the the DET _003136118 145 15 bread bread NOUN _003136118 145 16 is be AUX _003136118 145 17 so so ADV _003136118 145 18 in in ADP _003136118 145 19 mass mass NOUN _003136118 145 20 we we PRON _003136118 145 21 have have VERB _003136118 145 22 the the DET _003136118 145 23 consecraoffered consecraoffered ADJ _003136118 145 24 to to ADP _003136118 145 25 god god PROPN _003136118 145 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 145 27 wine wine NOUN _003136118 145 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 145 29 water water NOUN _003136118 145 30 are be AUX _003136118 145 31 tion tion NOUN _003136118 145 32 of of ADP _003136118 145 33 the the DET _003136118 145 34 bread bread NOUN _003136118 145 35 and and CCONJ _003136118 145 36 wine wine NOUN _003136118 145 37 by by ADP _003136118 145 38 the the DET _003136118 145 39 poured pour VERB _003136118 145 40 into into ADP _003136118 145 41 the the DET _003136118 145 42 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 145 43 and and CCONJ _003136118 145 44 it it PRON _003136118 145 45 too too ADV _003136118 145 46 priest priest NOUN _003136118 145 47 . . PUNCT _003136118 146 1 christ christ PROPN _003136118 146 2 gave give VERB _003136118 146 3 to to ADP _003136118 146 4 his his PRON _003136118 146 5 aposis aposis NOUN _003136118 146 6 offered offer VERB _003136118 146 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 147 1 there there PRON _003136118 147 2 is be VERB _003136118 147 3 a a DET _003136118 147 4 ceremonial ceremonial ADJ _003136118 147 5 ties tie NOUN _003136118 147 6 to to PART _003136118 147 7 eat eat VERB _003136118 147 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 147 9 to to PART _003136118 147 10 drink drink VERB _003136118 147 11 of of ADP _003136118 147 12 the the DET _003136118 147 13 conwashing conwashing NOUN _003136118 147 14 of of ADP _003136118 147 15 the the DET _003136118 147 16 priest priest NOUN _003136118 147 17 's 's PART _003136118 147 18 hands hand NOUN _003136118 147 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 148 1 the the DET _003136118 148 2 secrated secrated ADJ _003136118 148 3 bread bread NOUN _003136118 148 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 148 5 wine wine NOUN _003136118 148 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 148 7 whence whence ADP _003136118 148 8 p p NOUN _003136118 148 9 eople eople NOUN _003136118 148 10 are be AUX _003136118 148 11 invited invite VERB _003136118 148 12 to to PART _003136118 148 13 join join VERB _003136118 148 14 their their PRON _003136118 148 15 we we PRON _003136118 148 16 have have VERB _003136118 148 17 the the DET _003136118 148 18 distribution distribution NOUN _003136118 148 19 of of ADP _003136118 148 20 holy holy ADJ _003136118 148 21 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 148 22 to to ADP _003136118 148 23 those those PRON _003136118 148 24 of of ADP _003136118 148 25 the the DET _003136118 148 26 celebrant celebrant ADJ _003136118 148 27 communion communion NOUN _003136118 148 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 149 1 offertory offertory ADJ _003136118 149 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 149 3 consecraas consecraas NOUN _003136118 149 4 he he PRON _003136118 149 5 turns turn VERB _003136118 149 6 to to ADP _003136118 149 7 them they PRON _003136118 149 8 with with ADP _003136118 149 9 the the DET _003136118 149 10 .tion .tion NUM _003136118 149 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 149 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 149 13 communion communion NOUN _003136118 149 14 make make VERB _003136118 149 15 up up ADP _003136118 149 16 the the DET _003136118 149 17 words word NOUN _003136118 149 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 149 19 orate orate ADJ _003136118 149 20 fratres fratre NOUN _003136118 149 21 : : PUNCT _003136118 149 22 " " PUNCT _003136118 149 23 pray pray NOUN _003136118 149 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 149 25 breth breth PROPN _003136118 149 26 : : PUNCT _003136118 149 27 second second ADJ _003136118 149 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 149 29 more more ADV _003136118 149 30 solemn solemn ADJ _003136118 149 31 half half NOUN _003136118 149 32 of of ADP _003136118 149 33 ren ren PROPN _003136118 149 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 149 35 that that SCONJ _003136118 149 36 your your PRON _003136118 149 37 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 149 38 and and CCONJ _003136118 149 39 mine mine NOUN _003136118 149 40 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 149 41 the the DET _003136118 149 42 mass mass NOUN _003136118 149 43 . . PUNCT _003136118 150 1 may may AUX _003136118 150 2 be be AUX _003136118 150 3 acceptable acceptable ADJ _003136118 150 4 in in ADP _003136118 150 5 the the DET _003136118 150 6 eyes eye NOUN _003136118 150 7 of of ADP _003136118 150 8 the the DET _003136118 150 9 preparatory preparatory NOUN _003136118 150 10 half half NOUN _003136118 150 11 is be AUX _003136118 150 12 made make VERB _003136118 150 13 up up ADP _003136118 150 14 the the DET _003136118 150 15 almighty almighty NOUN _003136118 150 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 150 17 " " PUNCT _003136118 151 1 the the DET _003136118 151 2 offertory offertory ADJ _003136118 151 3 secof secof NOUN _003136118 151 4 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 151 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 151 6 hymns hymn NOUN _003136118 151 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 151 8 selection selection NOUN _003136118 151 9 of of ADP _003136118 151 10 the the DET _003136118 151 11 mass mass NOUN _003136118 151 12 concludes conclude VERB _003136118 151 13 with with ADP _003136118 151 14 tions tion NOUN _003136118 151 15 from from ADP _003136118 151 16 holy holy ADJ _003136118 151 17 scripture scripture NOUN _003136118 151 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 152 1 there there PRON _003136118 152 2 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 152 3 which which PRON _003136118 152 4 beg beg VERB _003136118 152 5 for for ADP _003136118 152 6 the the DET _003136118 152 7 divine divine ADJ _003136118 152 8 are be AUX _003136118 152 9 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 152 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 152 11 like like ADP _003136118 152 12 the the DET _003136118 152 13 introductory introductory ADJ _003136118 152 14 acceptance acceptance NOUN _003136118 152 15 of of ADP _003136118 152 16 the the DET _003136118 152 17 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 152 18 which which DET _003136118 152 19 ~nes ~ne NOUN _003136118 152 20 which which PRON _003136118 152 21 are be AUX _003136118 152 22 recited recite VERB _003136118 152 23 by by ADP _003136118 152 24 the the DET _003136118 152 25 is be AUX _003136118 152 26 about about ADJ _003136118 152 27 to to PART _003136118 152 28 be be AUX _003136118 152 29 offered offer VERB _003136118 152 30 . . PUNCT _003136118 153 1 10 10 NUM _003136118 153 2 the the DET _003136118 153 3 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 153 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 153 5 the the DET _003136118 153 6 laity laity NOUN _003136118 153 7 passing pass VERB _003136118 153 8 to to ADP _003136118 153 9 t t PROPN _003136118 153 10 he he PRON _003136118 153 11 consecration consecration PROPN _003136118 153 12 secthe secthe PROPN _003136118 153 13 priest priest NOUN _003136118 153 14 then then ADV _003136118 153 15 receives receive VERB _003136118 153 16 holy holy ADJ _003136118 153 17 t t PROPN _003136118 153 18 ion ion NOUN _003136118 153 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 153 20 which which PRON _003136118 153 21 is be AUX _003136118 153 22 the the DET _003136118 153 23 very very ADV _003136118 153 24 solemn solemn ADJ _003136118 153 25 communion communion NOUN _003136118 153 26 both both PRON _003136118 153 27 under under ADP _003136118 153 28 the the DET _003136118 153 29 form form NOUN _003136118 153 30 of of ADP _003136118 153 31 part part NOUN _003136118 153 32 of of ADP _003136118 153 33 the the DET _003136118 153 34 mass mass NOUN _003136118 153 35 , , PUNCT _003136118 153 36 we we PRON _003136118 153 37 begin begin VERB _003136118 153 38 with with ADP _003136118 153 39 bread bread NOUN _003136118 153 40 and and CCONJ _003136118 153 41 under under ADP _003136118 153 42 that that PRON _003136118 153 43 of of ADP _003136118 153 44 wine wine NOUN _003136118 153 45 , , PUNCT _003136118 153 46 but but CCONJ _003136118 153 47 an an DET _003136118 153 48 introductory introductory ADJ _003136118 153 49 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 153 50 , , PUNCT _003136118 153 51 appropriholy appropriholy ADJ _003136118 153 52 communion communion NOUN _003136118 153 53 is be AUX _003136118 153 54 distributed distribute VERB _003136118 153 55 to to ADP _003136118 153 56 at at ADP _003136118 153 57 ely ely ADV _003136118 153 58 called call VERB _003136118 153 59 the the DET _003136118 153 60 preface preface NOUN _003136118 153 61 , , PUNCT _003136118 153 62 which which PRON _003136118 153 63 conthe conthe PROPN _003136118 153 64 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 153 65 only only ADV _003136118 153 66 under under ADP _003136118 153 67 the the DET _003136118 153 68 cludes clude NOUN _003136118 153 69 with with ADP _003136118 153 70 the the DET _003136118 153 71 triple triple ADJ _003136118 153 72 sanctus sanctu NOUN _003136118 153 73 , , PUNCT _003136118 153 74 form form NOUN _003136118 153 75 of of ADP _003136118 153 76 bread bread NOUN _003136118 153 77 . . PUNCT _003136118 154 1 the the DET _003136118 154 2 people people NOUN _003136118 154 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 154 4 how"holy how"holy NOUN _003136118 154 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 154 6 holy holy ADJ _003136118 154 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 154 8 holy holy ADJ _003136118 154 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 154 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 155 1 there there PRON _003136118 155 2 follow follow VERB _003136118 155 3 ever ever ADV _003136118 155 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 155 5 in in ADP _003136118 155 6 receiving receive VERB _003136118 155 7 only only ADV _003136118 155 8 the the DET _003136118 155 9 host host NOUN _003136118 155 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 155 11 pr pr ADP _003136118 155 12 ayers ayer NOUN _003136118 155 13 for for ADP _003136118 155 14 the the DET _003136118 155 15 living living NOUN _003136118 155 16 and and CCONJ _003136118 155 17 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 155 18 do do AUX _003136118 155 19 not not PART _003136118 155 20 receive receive VERB _003136118 155 21 less less ADJ _003136118 155 22 of of ADP _003136118 155 23 the the DET _003136118 155 24 body body NOUN _003136118 155 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 155 26 a a DET _003136118 155 27 sking ske VERB _003136118 155 28 the the DET _003136118 155 29 intercession intercession NOUN _003136118 155 30 of of ADP _003136118 155 31 the the DET _003136118 155 32 blood blood NOUN _003136118 155 33 of of ADP _003136118 155 34 christ christ PROPN _003136118 155 35 than than SCONJ _003136118 155 36 does do VERB _003136118 155 37 the the DET _003136118 155 38 saints saint NOUN _003136118 155 39 and and CCONJ _003136118 155 40 begging beg VERB _003136118 155 41 for for ADP _003136118 155 42 god god PROPN _003136118 155 43 's 's PART _003136118 155 44 acpriest acpriest NOUN _003136118 155 45 . . PUNCT _003136118 156 1 the the DET _003136118 156 2 host host NOUN _003136118 156 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 156 4 indeed indeed ADV _003136118 156 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 156 6 is be AUX _003136118 156 7 deceptance deceptance NOUN _003136118 156 8 of of ADP _003136118 156 9 the the DET _003136118 156 10 mass mass NOUN _003136118 156 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 157 1 this this PRON _003136118 157 2 leads lead VERB _003136118 157 3 finitely finitely ADV _003136118 157 4 consecrated consecrate VERB _003136118 157 5 into into ADP _003136118 157 6 christ christ PROPN _003136118 157 7 's 's PART _003136118 157 8 to to ADP _003136118 157 9 the the DET _003136118 157 10 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003136118 157 11 moment moment NOUN _003136118 157 12 of of ADP _003136118 157 13 the the DET _003136118 157 14 body body NOUN _003136118 157 15 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 157 16 but but CCONJ _003136118 157 17 where where SCONJ _003136118 157 18 that that DET _003136118 157 19 body body NOUN _003136118 157 20 is be AUX _003136118 157 21 we we PRON _003136118 157 22 consecration consecration VERB _003136118 157 23 itself itself PRON _003136118 157 24 where where SCONJ _003136118 157 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 157 26 in in ADP _003136118 157 27 obedihave obedihave NOUN _003136118 157 28 also also ADV _003136118 157 29 his his PRON _003136118 157 30 blood blood NOUN _003136118 157 31 and and CCONJ _003136118 157 32 his his PRON _003136118 157 33 soul soul NOUN _003136118 157 34 ence ence NOUN _003136118 157 35 to to ADP _003136118 157 36 the the DET _003136118 157 37 command command NOUN _003136118 157 38 of of ADP _003136118 157 39 christ christ PROPN _003136118 157 40 and and CCONJ _003136118 157 41 and and CCONJ _003136118 157 42 his his PRON _003136118 157 43 divinity divinity NOUN _003136118 157 44 and and CCONJ _003136118 157 45 all all DET _003136118 157 46 that that PRON _003136118 157 47 is be AUX _003136118 157 48 in in ADP _003136118 157 49 virtue virtue NOUN _003136118 157 50 of of ADP _003136118 157 51 the the DET _003136118 157 52 power power NOUN _003136118 157 53 conveyed convey VERB _003136118 157 54 in in ADP _003136118 157 55 christ christ PROPN _003136118 157 56 's 's PART _003136118 157 57 . . PUNCT _003136118 158 1 the the DET _003136118 158 2 mass mass NOUN _003136118 158 3 concludes conclude VERB _003136118 158 4 ordination ordination NOUN _003136118 158 5 to to ADP _003136118 158 6 priests priest NOUN _003136118 158 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 158 8 the the DET _003136118 158 9 bread bread NOUN _003136118 158 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 158 11 with with ADP _003136118 158 12 a a DET _003136118 158 13 brief brief ADJ _003136118 158 14 service service NOUN _003136118 158 15 of of ADP _003136118 158 16 thanksgivwine thanksgivwine NOUN _003136118 158 17 become become VERB _003136118 158 18 the the DET _003136118 158 19 body body NOUN _003136118 158 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 158 21 blood blood NOUN _003136118 158 22 ing ing NOUN _003136118 158 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 158 24 ending end VERB _003136118 158 25 with with ADP _003136118 158 26 a a DET _003136118 158 27 final final ADJ _003136118 158 28 blessing blessing NOUN _003136118 158 29 of of ADP _003136118 158 30 j j PROPN _003136118 158 31 esus esus PROPN _003136118 158 32 christ christ PROPN _003136118 158 33 . . PUNCT _003136118 159 1 first first ADV _003136118 159 2 the the DET _003136118 159 3 conseand conseand NOUN _003136118 159 4 the the DET _003136118 159 5 last last ADJ _003136118 159 6 gospel gospel NOUN _003136118 159 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 159 8 which which PRON _003136118 159 9 is be AUX _003136118 159 10 uscrated uscrate VERB _003136118 159 11 host host NOUN _003136118 159 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 159 13 and and CCONJ _003136118 159 14 then then ADV _003136118 159 15 the the DET _003136118 159 16 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 159 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 159 18 ually ually ADV _003136118 159 19 the the DET _003136118 159 20 beginning beginning NOUN _003136118 159 21 of of ADP _003136118 159 22 st st PROPN _003136118 159 23 . . PROPN _003136118 159 24 john john PROPN _003136118 159 25 's 's PART _003136118 159 26 is be AUX _003136118 159 27 raised raise VERB _003136118 159 28 to to PART _003136118 159 29 be be AUX _003136118 159 30 seen see VERB _003136118 159 31 and and CCONJ _003136118 159 32 venerated venerate VERB _003136118 159 33 gospel gospel NOUN _003136118 159 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 160 1 by by ADP _003136118 160 2 all all DET _003136118 160 3 present present ADJ _003136118 160 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 161 1 a a DET _003136118 161 2 series series NOUN _003136118 161 3 of of ADP _003136118 161 4 three three NUM _003136118 161 5 such such ADJ _003136118 161 6 is be AUX _003136118 161 7 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 161 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 161 9 in in ADP _003136118 161 10 very very ADV _003136118 161 11 summary summary NOUN _003136118 161 12 outprayers outprayer NOUN _003136118 161 13 leads lead VERB _003136118 161 14 to to ADP _003136118 161 15 the the DET _003136118 161 16 memento memento NOUN _003136118 161 17 for for ADP _003136118 161 18 line line NOUN _003136118 161 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 161 20 the the DET _003136118 161 21 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 161 22 mass mass NOUN _003136118 161 23 of of ADP _003136118 161 24 today today NOUN _003136118 161 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 161 26 the the DET _003136118 161 27 dead dead ADJ _003136118 161 28 who who PRON _003136118 161 29 are be AUX _003136118 161 30 to to PART _003136118 161 31 be be AUX _003136118 161 32 mentioned mention VERB _003136118 161 33 the the DET _003136118 161 34 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 161 35 passion passion NOUN _003136118 161 36 play play NOUN _003136118 161 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 161 38 which which PRON _003136118 161 39 in in ADP _003136118 161 40 the the DET _003136118 161 41 mass mass NOUN _003136118 161 42 . . PUNCT _003136118 162 1 another another DET _003136118 162 2 intercession intercession NOUN _003136118 162 3 is be AUX _003136118 162 4 the the DET _003136118 162 5 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003136118 162 6 fulfillment fulfillment NOUN _003136118 162 7 of of ADP _003136118 162 8 the the PRON _003136118 162 9 of of ADP _003136118 162 10 saints saint NOUN _003136118 162 11 and and CCONJ _003136118 162 12 the the DET _003136118 162 13 canon canon NOUN _003136118 162 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 162 15 as as ADP _003136118 162 16 this this DET _003136118 162 17 divine divine ADJ _003136118 162 18 precept precept NOUN _003136118 162 19 to to PART _003136118 162 20 renew renew VERB _003136118 162 21 the the DET _003136118 162 22 last last ADJ _003136118 162 23 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 162 24 section section NOUN _003136118 162 25 of of ADP _003136118 162 26 the the DET _003136118 162 27 mass mass NOUN _003136118 162 28 supper supper NOUN _003136118 162 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 162 30 " " PUNCT _003136118 162 31 do do VERB _003136118 162 32 this this PRON _003136118 162 33 for for ADP _003136118 162 34 a a DET _003136118 162 35 commemoris commemoris NOUN _003136118 162 36 termed term VERB _003136118 162 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 162 38 is be AUX _003136118 162 39 over over ADP _003136118 162 40 . . PUNCT _003136118 163 1 ation ation NOUN _003136118 163 2 of of ADP _003136118 163 3 me i PRON _003136118 163 4 " " PUNCT _003136118 163 5 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 163 6 luke luke PROPN _003136118 163 7 22 22 NUM _003136118 163 8 : : SYM _003136118 163 9 19 19 NUM _003136118 163 10 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 163 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 164 1 this this DET _003136118 164 2 the the DET _003136118 164 3 pater pater ADJ _003136118 164 4 noster noster NOUN _003136118 164 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 164 6 the the DET _003136118 164 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 164 8 our our PRON _003136118 164 9 is be AUX _003136118 164 10 the the DET _003136118 164 11 mass mass NOUN _003136118 164 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 164 13 the the DET _003136118 164 14 permanent permanent ADJ _003136118 164 15 memfather memfather NOUN _003136118 164 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 164 17 " " PUNCT _003136118 164 18 is be AUX _003136118 164 19 now now ADV _003136118 164 20 said say VERB _003136118 164 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 164 22 the the DET _003136118 164 23 comorial comorial NOUN _003136118 164 24 of of ADP _003136118 164 25 the the DET _003136118 164 26 death death NOUN _003136118 164 27 of of ADP _003136118 164 28 the the DET _003136118 164 29 lord lord PROPN _003136118 164 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 164 31 in in ADP _003136118 164 32 munion munion NOUN _003136118 164 33 section section NOUN _003136118 164 34 of of ADP _003136118 164 35 the the DET _003136118 164 36 mass mass NOUN _003136118 164 37 begins begin VERB _003136118 164 38 . . PUNCT _003136118 165 1 the the DET _003136118 165 2 already already ADV _003136118 165 3 - - PUNCT _003136118 165 4 quoted quote VERB _003136118 165 5 words word NOUN _003136118 165 6 of of ADP _003136118 165 7 st st PROPN _003136118 165 8 . . PROPN _003136118 165 9 the the DET _003136118 165 10 particle particle NOUN _003136118 165 11 of of ADP _003136118 165 12 consecrated consecrated ADJ _003136118 165 13 bread bread NOUN _003136118 165 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 165 15 paul paul PROPN _003136118 165 16 : : PUNCT _003136118 165 17 " " PUNCT _003136118 165 18 as as ADV _003136118 165 19 often often ADV _003136118 165 20 as as SCONJ _003136118 165 21 you you PRON _003136118 165 22 shall shall AUX _003136118 165 23 eat eat VERB _003136118 165 24 called call VERB _003136118 165 25 the the DET _003136118 165 26 host host NOUN _003136118 165 27 , , PUNCT _003136118 165 28 is be AUX _003136118 165 29 divided divide VERB _003136118 165 30 into into ADP _003136118 165 31 this this DET _003136118 165 32 bread bread NOUN _003136118 165 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 165 34 and and CCONJ _003136118 165 35 drink drink VERB _003136118 165 36 the the DET _003136118 165 37 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 165 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 165 39 three three NUM _003136118 165 40 pieces piece NOUN _003136118 165 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 165 42 a a DET _003136118 165 43 s s NOUN _003136118 165 44 our our PRON _003136118 165 45 lord lord PROPN _003136118 165 46 broke break VERB _003136118 165 47 you you PRON _003136118 165 48 shall shall AUX _003136118 165 49 shew shew VERB _003136118 165 50 the the DET _003136118 165 51 death death NOUN _003136118 165 52 of of ADP _003136118 165 53 the the DET _003136118 165 54 the the DET _003136118 165 55 bread bread NOUN _003136118 165 56 at at ADP _003136118 165 57 the the DET _003136118 165 58 last last ADJ _003136118 165 59 supper supper NOUN _003136118 165 60 . . PUNCT _003136118 166 1 lord lord PROPN _003136118 166 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 166 3 until until SCONJ _003136118 166 4 he he PRON _003136118 166 5 come come VERB _003136118 166 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 166 7 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 166 8 l l NOUN _003136118 166 9 cor cor NOUN _003136118 166 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 167 1 11 11 NUM _003136118 167 2 : : PUNCT _003136118 167 3 thrice thrice NOUN _003136118 167 4 we we PRON _003136118 167 5 call call VERB _003136118 167 6 upon upon SCONJ _003136118 167 7 the the DET _003136118 167 8 lamb lamb PROPN _003136118 167 9 of of ADP _003136118 167 10 26 26 NUM _003136118 167 11 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 167 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 168 1 this this DET _003136118 168 2 brief brief ADJ _003136118 168 3 synopsis synopsis NOUN _003136118 168 4 has have VERB _003136118 168 5 pergod pergod NOUN _003136118 168 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 168 7 the the DET _003136118 168 8 agnus agnus NOUN _003136118 168 9 dei dei NOUN _003136118 168 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 168 11 beseeching beseech VERB _003136118 168 12 his his PRON _003136118 168 13 haps hap NOUN _003136118 168 14 been be AUX _003136118 168 15 rather rather ADV _003136118 168 16 confusing confuse VERB _003136118 168 17 to to ADP _003136118 168 18 those those DET _003136118 168 19 divine divine ADJ _003136118 168 20 mercy mercy NOUN _003136118 168 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 168 22 begging beg VERB _003136118 168 23 for for ADP _003136118 168 24 that that PRON _003136118 168 25 of of ADP _003136118 168 26 our our PRON _003136118 168 27 listeners listener NOUN _003136118 168 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 168 29 40 40 NUM _003136118 168 30 whom whom PRON _003136118 168 31 the the DET _003136118 168 32 ordel ordel NOUN _003136118 168 33 ! ! PUNCT _003136118 168 34 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 169 1 pe pe X _003136118 169 2 ~ ~ NOUN _003136118 169 3 ce ce PROPN _003136118 169 4 whi<;h whi<;h PROPN _003136118 169 5 the the DET _003136118 169 6 world world NOUN _003136118 169 7 can can AUX _003136118 169 8 not not PART _003136118 169 9 give give VERB _003136118 169 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 170 1 of of ADP _003136118 170 2 the the DET _003136118 170 3 mass mass NOUN _003136118 170 4 i~ i~ NUM _003136118 170 5 ll_q~ ll_q~ ADJ _003136118 170 6 w w PROPN _003136118 170 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 170 8 lt lt PROPN _003136118 170 9 ~ ~ NUM _003136118 170 10 t.e\ t.e\ NOUN _003136118 170 11 q~ q~ NOUN _003136118 170 12 ~qmthe ~qmthe DET _003136118 170 13 supreme supreme ADJ _003136118 170 14 act act PROPN _003136118 170 15 of of ADP _003136118 170 16 the the DET _003136118 170 17 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 170 18 11 11 NUM _003136118 170 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 171 1 mon mon PROPN _003136118 171 2 experience experience NOUN _003136118 171 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 171 4 or or CCONJ _003136118 171 5 even even ADV _003136118 171 6 to to ADP _003136118 171 7 those those DET _003136118 171 8 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 171 9 who who PRON _003136118 171 10 are be AUX _003136118 171 11 accustomed accustomed ADJ _003136118 171 12 to to PART _003136118 171 13 follow follow VERB _003136118 171 14 the the DET _003136118 171 15 rapid rapid ADJ _003136118 171 16 tempo tempo NOUN _003136118 171 17 of of ADP _003136118 171 18 its its PRON _003136118 171 19 elaborate elaborate ADJ _003136118 171 20 ritual ritual NOUN _003136118 171 21 with with ADP _003136118 171 22 the the DET _003136118 171 23 prayerbook prayerbook NOUN _003136118 171 24 before before ADP _003136118 171 25 them they PRON _003136118 171 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 172 1 so so ADV _003136118 172 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 3 let let VERB _003136118 172 4 us we PRON _003136118 172 5 repeat repeat VERB _003136118 172 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 7 the the DET _003136118 172 8 mass mass NOUN _003136118 172 9 consists consist VERB _003136118 172 10 of of ADP _003136118 172 11 two two NUM _003136118 172 12 parts part NOUN _003136118 172 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 14 an an DET _003136118 172 15 introductory introductory ADJ _003136118 172 16 half half NOUN _003136118 172 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 18 made make VERB _003136118 172 19 up up ADP _003136118 172 20 of of ADP _003136118 172 21 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 172 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 172 23 hymns hymn NOUN _003136118 172 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 172 25 scripture scripture NOUN _003136118 172 26 selections selection NOUN _003136118 172 27 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 172 29 a a DET _003136118 172 30 second second ADJ _003136118 172 31 half half NOUN _003136118 172 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 33 which which PRON _003136118 172 34 is be AUX _003136118 172 35 a a DET _003136118 172 36 development development NOUN _003136118 172 37 of of ADP _003136118 172 38 the the DET _003136118 172 39 three three NUM _003136118 172 40 chief chief ADJ _003136118 172 41 actions action NOUN _003136118 172 42 performed perform VERB _003136118 172 43 by by ADP _003136118 172 44 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 172 45 christ christ PROPN _003136118 172 46 at at ADP _003136118 172 47 the the DET _003136118 172 48 last last ADJ _003136118 172 49 supper supper NOUN _003136118 172 50 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 51 represented represent VERB _003136118 172 52 by by ADP _003136118 172 53 our our PRON _003136118 172 54 offertory offertory ADJ _003136118 172 55 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 56 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 172 57 , , PUNCT _003136118 172 58 and and CCONJ _003136118 172 59 communion communion NOUN _003136118 172 60 . . PUNCT _003136118 173 1 the the DET _003136118 173 2 whole whole NOUN _003136118 173 3 concludes conclude VERB _003136118 173 4 with with ADP _003136118 173 5 a a DET _003136118 173 6 short short ADJ _003136118 173 7 service service NOUN _003136118 173 8 of of ADP _003136118 173 9 thanksgiving thanksgiving NOUN _003136118 173 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 174 1 the the DET _003136118 174 2 evolution evolution NOUN _003136118 174 3 of of ADP _003136118 174 4 the the DET _003136118 174 5 elements element NOUN _003136118 174 6 of of ADP _003136118 174 7 the the DET _003136118 174 8 preparatory preparatory ADJ _003136118 174 9 half half NOUN _003136118 174 10 of of ADP _003136118 174 11 the the DET _003136118 174 12 mass mass NOUN _003136118 174 13 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 174 14 known know VERB _003136118 174 15 as as ADP _003136118 174 16 collects collect NOUN _003136118 174 17 are be AUX _003136118 174 18 of of ADP _003136118 174 19 very very ADV _003136118 174 20 early early ADJ _003136118 174 21 origin origin NOUN _003136118 174 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 174 23 some some PRON _003136118 174 24 of of ADP _003136118 174 25 them they PRON _003136118 174 26 are be AUX _003136118 174 27 taken take VERB _003136118 174 28 verbatim verbatim ADJ _003136118 174 29 from from ADP _003136118 174 30 our our PRON _003136118 174 31 earliest early ADJ _003136118 174 32 service service NOUN _003136118 174 33 books book NOUN _003136118 174 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 175 1 the the DET _003136118 175 2 scripture scripture NOUN _003136118 175 3 readings reading NOUN _003136118 175 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 175 5 the the DET _003136118 175 6 epistle epistle NOUN _003136118 175 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 175 8 the the DET _003136118 175 9 gospel gospel NOUN _003136118 175 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 175 11 are be AUX _003136118 175 12 naturally naturally ADV _003136118 175 13 the the DET _003136118 175 14 most most ADV _003136118 175 15 ancient ancient ADJ _003136118 175 16 portions portion NOUN _003136118 175 17 of of ADP _003136118 175 18 the the DET _003136118 175 19 mass mass NOUN _003136118 175 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 175 21 going go VERB _003136118 175 22 back back ADV _003136118 175 23 to to ADP _003136118 175 24 apostolic apostolic ADJ _003136118 175 25 times time NOUN _003136118 175 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 176 1 passing pass VERB _003136118 176 2 to to ADP _003136118 176 3 the the DET _003136118 176 4 second second ADJ _003136118 176 5 half half NOUN _003136118 176 6 of of ADP _003136118 176 7 the the DET _003136118 176 8 mass mass NOUN _003136118 176 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 176 10 the the DET _003136118 176 11 multiplied multiply VERB _003136118 176 12 rites rite NOUN _003136118 176 13 and and CCONJ _003136118 176 14 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 176 15 incident incident NOUN _003136118 176 16 to to ADP _003136118 176 17 the the DET _003136118 176 18 offertory offertory NOUN _003136118 176 19 are be AUX _003136118 176 20 largely largely ADV _003136118 176 21 medieval medieval ADJ _003136118 176 22 elaborations elaboration NOUN _003136118 176 23 of of ADP _003136118 176 24 the the DET _003136118 176 25 primitive primitive ADJ _003136118 176 26 simple simple ADJ _003136118 176 27 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003136118 176 28 of of ADP _003136118 176 29 taking take VERB _003136118 176 30 the the DET _003136118 176 31 bread bread NOUN _003136118 176 32 and and CCONJ _003136118 176 33 wine wine NOUN _003136118 176 34 and and CCONJ _003136118 176 35 setting set VERB _003136118 176 36 them they PRON _003136118 176 37 apart apart ADV _003136118 176 38 for for ADP _003136118 176 39 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 176 40 . . PUNCT _003136118 177 1 the the DET _003136118 177 2 canon canon NOUN _003136118 177 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 177 4 from from ADP _003136118 177 5 its its PRON _003136118 177 6 preface preface NOUN _003136118 177 7 to to ADP _003136118 177 8 the the DET _003136118 177 9 pater pater ADJ _003136118 177 10 noster noster NOUN _003136118 177 11 - - PUNCT _003136118 177 12 the the DET _003136118 177 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 177 14 our our PRON _003136118 177 15 father"-represents father"-represent NOUN _003136118 177 16 our our PRON _003136118 177 17 oldest old ADJ _003136118 177 18 text text NOUN _003136118 177 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 177 20 found find VERB _003136118 177 21 word word NOUN _003136118 177 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 177 23 the the DET _003136118 177 24 elaboration elaboration NOUN _003136118 177 25 of of ADP _003136118 177 26 the the DET _003136118 177 27 fundafor fundafor ADJ _003136118 177 28 word word NOUN _003136118 177 29 as as SCONJ _003136118 177 30 it it PRON _003136118 177 31 is be AUX _003136118 177 32 recited recite VERB _003136118 177 33 today today NOUN _003136118 177 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 177 35 mental mental ADJ _003136118 177 36 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 177 37 of of ADP _003136118 177 38 the the DET _003136118 177 39 last last ADJ _003136118 177 40 supper supper NOUN _003136118 177 41 in in ADP _003136118 177 42 the the DET _003136118 177 43 most most ADV _003136118 177 44 ancient ancient ADJ _003136118 177 45 of of ADP _003136118 177 46 our our PRON _003136118 177 47 massinto massinto NOUN _003136118 177 48 the the DET _003136118 177 49 complex complex ADJ _003136118 177 50 ceremonial ceremonial NOUN _003136118 177 51 and and CCONJ _003136118 177 52 books book NOUN _003136118 177 53 , , PUNCT _003136118 177 54 or or CCONJ _003136118 177 55 sacramentaries sacramentarie NOUN _003136118 177 56 . . PUNCT _003136118 178 1 the the DET _003136118 178 2 the the DET _003136118 178 3 multiplied multiply VERB _003136118 178 4 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 178 5 of of ADP _003136118 178 6 the the DET _003136118 178 7 seccommunion seccommunion NOUN _003136118 178 8 of of ADP _003136118 178 9 the the DET _003136118 178 10 people people NOUN _003136118 178 11 in in ADP _003136118 178 12 early early ADJ _003136118 178 13 ond ond NOUN _003136118 178 14 half half NOUN _003136118 178 15 of of ADP _003136118 178 16 the the DET _003136118 178 17 mass mass NOUN _003136118 178 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 178 19 form form VERB _003136118 178 20 the the DET _003136118 178 21 intimes intime NOUN _003136118 178 22 soon soon ADV _003136118 178 23 became become VERB _003136118 178 24 a a DET _003136118 178 25 long long ADJ _003136118 178 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 178 27 comteresting comteresting NOUN _003136118 178 28 subject subject NOUN _003136118 178 29 of of ADP _003136118 178 30 the the DET _003136118 178 31 history history NOUN _003136118 178 32 of of ADP _003136118 178 33 plicated plicated ADJ _003136118 178 34 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003136118 178 35 , , PUNCT _003136118 178 36 especially especially ADV _003136118 178 37 durliturgy durliturgy X _003136118 178 38 . . PUNCT _003136118 179 1 not not PART _003136118 179 2 all all DET _003136118 179 3 portions portion NOUN _003136118 179 4 of of ADP _003136118 179 5 our our PRON _003136118 179 6 ing ing NOUN _003136118 179 7 those those DET _003136118 179 8 centuries century NOUN _003136118 179 9 when when SCONJ _003136118 179 10 every every DET _003136118 179 11 mass mass NOUN _003136118 179 12 are be AUX _003136118 179 13 of of ADP _003136118 179 14 equal equal ADJ _003136118 179 15 antiquity antiquity NOUN _003136118 179 16 for for ADP _003136118 179 17 member member NOUN _003136118 179 18 of of ADP _003136118 179 19 the the DET _003136118 179 20 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 179 21 rethey rethey PRON _003136118 179 22 are be AUX _003136118 179 23 the the DET _003136118 179 24 resultant resultant NOUN _003136118 179 25 of of ADP _003136118 179 26 the the DET _003136118 179 27 slow slow ADJ _003136118 179 28 ceived ceive VERB _003136118 179 29 holy holy ADJ _003136118 179 30 communion communion PROPN _003136118 179 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 179 32 communiand communiand PROPN _003136118 179 33 not not PART _003136118 179 34 always always ADV _003136118 179 35 symmetrical symmetrical ADJ _003136118 179 36 growth growth NOUN _003136118 179 37 cated cat VERB _003136118 179 38 under under ADP _003136118 179 39 both both DET _003136118 179 40 forms form NOUN _003136118 179 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 179 42 of of ADP _003136118 179 43 bread bread NOUN _003136118 179 44 of of ADP _003136118 179 45 centuries century NOUN _003136118 179 46 . . PUNCT _003136118 180 1 for for ADP _003136118 180 2 example example NOUN _003136118 180 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 180 4 the the PRON _003136118 180 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 180 6 wine wine NOUN _003136118 180 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 180 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 180 9 always always ADV _003136118 180 10 received receive VERB _003136118 180 11 a a DET _003136118 180 12 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 180 13 at at ADP _003136118 180 14 the the DET _003136118 180 15 foot foot NOUN _003136118 180 16 of of ADP _003136118 180 17 the the DET _003136118 180 18 altar altar NOUN _003136118 180 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 180 20 portion portion NOUN _003136118 180 21 of of ADP _003136118 180 22 the the DET _003136118 180 23 host host NOUN _003136118 180 24 broken break VERB _003136118 180 25 off off ADP _003136118 180 26 from from ADP _003136118 180 27 with with ADP _003136118 180 28 which which PRON _003136118 180 29 mass mass NOUN _003136118 180 30 begins begin VERB _003136118 180 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 180 32 are be AUX _003136118 180 33 the the DET _003136118 180 34 another another DET _003136118 180 35 host host NOUN _003136118 180 36 , , PUNCT _003136118 180 37 in in ADP _003136118 180 38 literal literal ADJ _003136118 180 39 imitation imitation NOUN _003136118 180 40 most most ADV _003136118 180 41 recent recent ADJ _003136118 180 42 adrlition adrlition NOUN _003136118 180 43 to to ADP _003136118 180 44 its its PRON _003136118 180 45 text text NOUN _003136118 180 46 , , PUNCT _003136118 180 47 as as ADP _003136118 180 48 of of ADP _003136118 180 49 the the DET _003136118 180 50 action action NOUN _003136118 180 51 at at ADP _003136118 180 52 the the DET _003136118 180 53 last last ADJ _003136118 180 54 supper supper NOUN _003136118 180 55 they they PRON _003136118 180 56 have have AUX _003136118 180 57 been be AUX _003136118 180 58 of of ADP _003136118 180 59 obligation obligation NOUN _003136118 180 60 only only ADV _003136118 180 61 where where SCONJ _003136118 180 62 our our PRON _003136118 180 63 lord lord PROPN _003136118 180 64 broke break VERB _003136118 180 65 the the DET _003136118 180 66 bread bread NOUN _003136118 180 67 since since SCONJ _003136118 180 68 1570 1570 NUM _003136118 180 69 . . PUNCT _003136118 181 1 the the DET _003136118 181 2 introit introit NOUN _003136118 181 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 181 4 on on ADP _003136118 181 5 the the PRON _003136118 181 6 to to PART _003136118 181 7 give give VERB _003136118 181 8 to to ADP _003136118 181 9 the the DET _003136118 181 10 apostles apostle NOUN _003136118 181 11 in in ADP _003136118 181 12 holy holy ADJ _003136118 181 13 other other ADJ _003136118 181 14 hand hand NOUN _003136118 181 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 181 16 originally originally ADV _003136118 181 17 a a DET _003136118 181 18 procescommunion procescommunion NOUN _003136118 181 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 182 1 the the DET _003136118 182 2 last last ADJ _003136118 182 3 gospel gospel NOUN _003136118 182 4 is be AUX _003136118 182 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 182 6 sional sional ADJ _003136118 182 7 hymn hymn NOUN _003136118 182 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 182 9 a a DET _003136118 182 10 psalm psalm NOUN _003136118 182 11 chanted chant VERB _003136118 182 12 as as ADP _003136118 182 13 like like ADP _003136118 182 14 the the DET _003136118 182 15 introductory introductory ADJ _003136118 182 16 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 182 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 182 18 anthe anthe DET _003136118 182 19 officiants officiant NOUN _003136118 182 20 entered enter VERB _003136118 182 21 the the DET _003136118 182 22 church church NOUN _003136118 182 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 182 24 other other ADJ _003136118 182 25 late late ADJ _003136118 182 26 addition addition NOUN _003136118 182 27 to to ADP _003136118 182 28 the the DET _003136118 182 29 mass mass ADJ _003136118 182 30 dates date NOUN _003136118 182 31 from from ADP _003136118 182 32 the the DET _003136118 182 33 fifth fifth ADJ _003136118 182 34 century century NOUN _003136118 182 35 . . PUNCT _003136118 183 1 the the PRON _003136118 183 2 since since SCONJ _003136118 183 3 it it PRON _003136118 183 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 183 5 too too ADV _003136118 183 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 183 7 did do AUX _003136118 183 8 not not PART _003136118 183 9 become become VERB _003136118 183 10 of of ADP _003136118 183 11 12 12 NUM _003136118 183 12 the the DET _003136118 183 13 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 183 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 183 15 the the DET _003136118 183 16 laity laity NOUN _003136118 183 17 obligation obligation NOUN _003136118 183 18 unt unt NOUN _003136118 183 19 il il PROPN _003136118 183 20 1570 1570 NUM _003136118 183 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 183 22 with with ADP _003136118 183 23 the the DET _003136118 183 24 bolically bolically ADV _003136118 183 25 g g NOUN _003136118 183 26 iven iven ADJ _003136118 183 27 to to ADP _003136118 183 28 god god PROPN _003136118 183 29 by by ADP _003136118 183 30 being be AUX _003136118 183 31 publication publication NOUN _003136118 183 32 of of ADP _003136118 183 33 the the DET _003136118 183 34 standard standard ADJ _003136118 183 35 missal missal NOUN _003136118 183 36 slain slain NOUN _003136118 183 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 183 38 its its PRON _003136118 183 39 blood blood NOUN _003136118 183 40 sprinkled sprinkle VERB _003136118 183 41 on on ADP _003136118 183 42 the the PRON _003136118 183 43 of of ADP _003136118 183 44 pope pope PROPN _003136118 183 45 pius pius PROPN _003136118 183 46 v. v. PROPN _003136118 183 47 thus thus ADV _003136118 183 48 the the DET _003136118 183 49 mass mass PROPN _003136118 183 50 altar altar NOUN _003136118 183 51 , , PUNCT _003136118 183 52 which which DET _003136118 183 53 r r VERB _003136118 183 54 epresented epresente VERB _003136118 183 55 divinity divinity NOUN _003136118 183 56 , , PUNCT _003136118 183 57 begins begin VERB _003136118 183 58 and and CCONJ _003136118 183 59 ends end VERB _003136118 183 60 with with ADP _003136118 184 1 its its PRON _003136118 184 2 most most ADJ _003136118 184 3 wh wh ADJ _003136118 184 4 ile ile ADJ _003136118 184 5 portions portion NOUN _003136118 184 6 would would AUX _003136118 184 7 be be AUX _003136118 184 8 burnt burn VERB _003136118 184 9 on on ADP _003136118 184 10 modern modern ADJ _003136118 184 11 additions addition NOUN _003136118 184 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 185 1 the the DET _003136118 185 2 altar altar NOUN _003136118 185 3 or or CCONJ _003136118 185 4 roasted roast VERB _003136118 185 5 to to PART _003136118 185 6 be be AUX _003136118 185 7 eaten eat VERB _003136118 185 8 the the DET _003136118 185 9 mass mass NOUN _003136118 185 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 185 11 however however ADV _003136118 185 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 185 13 must must AUX _003136118 185 14 not not PART _003136118 185 15 be be AUX _003136118 185 16 by by ADP _003136118 185 17 the the DET _003136118 185 18 offerers offerer NOUN _003136118 185 19 of of ADP _003136118 185 20 the the DET _003136118 185 21 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 185 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 186 1 considered consider VERB _003136118 186 2 simply simply ADV _003136118 186 3 as as ADP _003136118 186 4 a a DET _003136118 186 5 seri seri ADJ _003136118 186 6 es es NOUN _003136118 186 7 of of ADP _003136118 186 8 these these DET _003136118 186 9 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN _003136118 186 10 of of ADP _003136118 186 11 the the DET _003136118 186 12 old old ADJ _003136118 186 13 law law NOUN _003136118 186 14 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 186 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 186 16 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _003136118 186 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 18 some some PRON _003136118 186 19 of of ADP _003136118 186 20 passed pass VERB _003136118 186 21 into into ADP _003136118 186 22 desuetude desuetude NOUN _003136118 186 23 because because SCONJ _003136118 186 24 they they PRON _003136118 186 25 them they PRON _003136118 186 26 sanctified sanctify VERB _003136118 186 27 as as ADP _003136118 186 28 of of ADP _003136118 186 29 divine divine ADJ _003136118 186 30 oriwere oriwere PROPN _003136118 186 31 replaced replace VERB _003136118 186 32 by by ADP _003136118 186 33 the the DET _003136118 186 34 one one NUM _003136118 186 35 great great ADJ _003136118 186 36 gin gin NOUN _003136118 186 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 38 some some PRON _003136118 186 39 of of ADP _003136118 186 40 scriptural scriptural ADJ _003136118 186 41 warrant warrant NOUN _003136118 186 42 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 43 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 186 44 of of ADP _003136118 186 45 the the DET _003136118 186 46 new new ADJ _003136118 186 47 law law NOUN _003136118 186 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 49 that that PRON _003136118 186 50 ofand ofand NOUN _003136118 186 51 all all ADV _003136118 186 52 sacred sacred ADJ _003136118 186 53 with with ADP _003136118 186 54 the the DET _003136118 186 55 tradition tradition NOUN _003136118 186 56 fered fere VERB _003136118 186 57 by by ADP _003136118 186 58 jesu jesu PROPN _003136118 186 59 s s PART _003136118 186 60 christ christ PROPN _003136118 186 61 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 62 when when SCONJ _003136118 186 63 as as ADP _003136118 186 64 of of ADP _003136118 186 65 centuries century NOUN _003136118 186 66 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 67 for for ADP _003136118 186 68 the the DET _003136118 186 69 mass mass NOUN _003136118 186 70 is be AUX _003136118 186 71 that that SCONJ _003136118 186 72 both both DET _003136118 186 73 priest priest NOUN _003136118 186 74 and and CCONJ _003136118 186 75 victim victim NOUN _003136118 186 76 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 77 he he PRON _003136118 186 78 was be AUX _003136118 186 79 s s PART _003136118 186 80 upreme upreme ADJ _003136118 186 81 act act NOUN _003136118 186 82 of of ADP _003136118 186 83 divine divine ADJ _003136118 186 84 worship worship NOUN _003136118 186 85 crucified crucify VERB _003136118 186 86 on on ADP _003136118 186 87 mount mount PROPN _003136118 186 88 calvary calvary PROPN _003136118 186 89 , , PUNCT _003136118 186 90 the the DET _003136118 186 91 alwhich alwhich NOUN _003136118 186 92 is be AUX _003136118 186 93 called call VERB _003136118 186 94 a a DET _003136118 186 95 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 186 96 . . PUNCT _003136118 187 1 time time NOUN _003136118 187 2 tar tar NOUN _003136118 187 3 being be AUX _003136118 187 4 the the DET _003136118 187 5 frame frame NOUN _003136118 187 6 of of ADP _003136118 187 7 the the DET _003136118 187 8 cross cross NOUN _003136118 187 9 does do AUX _003136118 187 10 not not PART _003136118 187 11 permit permit VERB _003136118 187 12 nor nor CCONJ _003136118 187 13 do do AUX _003136118 187 14 es es VERB _003136118 187 15 the the DET _003136118 187 16 pura pura NOUN _003136118 187 17 nd nd ADP _003136118 187 18 the the DET _003136118 187 19 sacrificial sacrificial ADJ _003136118 187 20 change change NOUN _003136118 187 21 of of ADP _003136118 187 22 the the DET _003136118 187 23 pose pose NOUN _003136118 187 24 of of ADP _003136118 187 25 these these DET _003136118 187 26 addresses address NOUN _003136118 187 27 requ requ VERB _003136118 187 28 ire ire VERB _003136118 187 29 that that PRON _003136118 187 30 victim victim NOUN _003136118 187 31 nothing nothing PRON _003136118 187 32 less less ADJ _003136118 187 33 than than ADP _003136118 187 34 the the DET _003136118 187 35 death death NOUN _003136118 187 36 we we PRON _003136118 187 37 attempt attempt VERB _003136118 187 38 an an DET _003136118 187 39 elaborate elaborate ADJ _003136118 187 40 explanaof explanaof NOUN _003136118 187 41 the the DET _003136118 187 42 god god PROPN _003136118 187 43 - - PUNCT _003136118 187 44 made make VERB _003136118 187 45 - - PUNCT _003136118 187 46 man man NOUN _003136118 187 47 . . PUNCT _003136118 188 1 the the DET _003136118 188 2 cruel cruel ADJ _003136118 188 3 tion tion NOUN _003136118 188 4 of of ADP _003136118 188 5 the the DET _003136118 188 6 notion notion NOUN _003136118 188 7 of of ADP _003136118 188 8 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 188 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 188 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 188 11 bloody bloody ADJ _003136118 188 12 sacri sacri ADJ _003136118 188 13 fice fice NOUN _003136118 188 14 which which PRON _003136118 188 15 was be AUX _003136118 188 16 ofenter ofenter ADJ _003136118 188 17 into into ADP _003136118 188 18 the the DET _003136118 188 19 intricate intricate ADJ _003136118 188 20 theological theological NOUN _003136118 188 21 fered fere VERB _003136118 188 22 by by ADP _003136118 188 23 christ christ PROPN _003136118 188 24 when when SCONJ _003136118 188 25 he he PRON _003136118 188 26 died die VERB _003136118 188 27 on on ADP _003136118 188 28 question question NOUN _003136118 188 29 of of ADP _003136118 188 30 the the DET _003136118 188 31 realization realization NOUN _003136118 188 32 of of ADP _003136118 188 33 the the DET _003136118 188 34 golgotha golgotha PROPN _003136118 188 35 w w PROPN _003136118 188 36 a a DET _003136118 188 37 s s NOUN _003136118 188 38 in in ADP _003136118 188 39 prospect prospect NOUN _003136118 188 40 at at ADP _003136118 188 41 the the DET _003136118 188 42 idea idea NOUN _003136118 188 43 of of ADP _003136118 188 44 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 188 45 in in ADP _003136118 188 46 the the DET _003136118 188 47 celebration celebration NOUN _003136118 188 48 last last ADJ _003136118 188 49 supper supper NOUN _003136118 188 50 when when SCONJ _003136118 188 51 our our PRON _003136118 188 52 lord lord PROPN _003136118 188 53 offered offer VERB _003136118 188 54 of of ADP _003136118 188 55 mass mass NOUN _003136118 188 56 . . PUNCT _003136118 189 1 suffice suffice VERB _003136118 189 2 it it PRON _003136118 189 3 to to PART _003136118 189 4 say say VERB _003136118 189 5 that that SCONJ _003136118 189 6 the the DET _003136118 189 7 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 189 8 in in ADP _003136118 189 9 the the DET _003136118 189 10 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 189 11 of of ADP _003136118 189 12 the the DET _003136118 189 13 accepted accept VERB _003136118 189 14 definition definition NOUN _003136118 189 15 of of ADP _003136118 189 16 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 189 17 is be AUX _003136118 189 18 bread bread NOUN _003136118 189 19 and and CCONJ _003136118 189 20 the the DET _003136118 189 21 wine wine NOUN _003136118 189 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 189 23 as as SCONJ _003136118 189 24 it it PRON _003136118 189 25 is be AUX _003136118 189 26 in in ADP _003136118 189 27 that that SCONJ _003136118 189 28 it it PRON _003136118 189 29 means mean VERB _003136118 189 30 the the DET _003136118 189 31 official official ADJ _003136118 189 32 offering offer VERB _003136118 189 33 retrospect retrospect NOUN _003136118 189 34 wh wh NOUN _003136118 189 35 en en ADP _003136118 189 36 the the DET _003136118 189 37 same same ADJ _003136118 189 38 savior savior NOUN _003136118 189 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 189 40 to to ADP _003136118 189 41 god god PROPN _003136118 189 42 , , PUNCT _003136118 189 43 and and CCONJ _003136118 189 44 to to ADP _003136118 189 45 him he PRON _003136118 189 46 alone alone ADV _003136118 189 47 , , PUNCT _003136118 189 48 of of ADP _003136118 189 49 some some DET _003136118 189 50 act act NOUN _003136118 189 51 ing e VERB _003136118 189 52 through through ADP _003136118 189 53 his his PRON _003136118 189 54 human human ADJ _003136118 189 55 priest priest NOUN _003136118 189 56 , , PUNCT _003136118 189 57 tang tang PROPN _003136118 189 58 ible ible ADJ _003136118 189 59 object object NOUN _003136118 189 60 by by ADP _003136118 189 61 destroy destroy NOUN _003136118 189 62 ing ing NOUN _003136118 189 63 or or CCONJ _003136118 189 64 at at ADP _003136118 189 65 every every DET _003136118 189 66 mass mass NOUN _003136118 189 67 which which PRON _003136118 189 68 is be AUX _003136118 189 69 celebrated celebrate VERB _003136118 189 70 , , PUNCT _003136118 189 71 changing change VERB _003136118 189 72 it it PRON _003136118 189 73 in in ADP _003136118 189 74 some some DET _003136118 189 75 way way NOUN _003136118 189 76 as as SCONJ _003136118 189 77 a a DET _003136118 189 78 symagain symagain NOUN _003136118 189 79 changes change VERB _003136118 189 80 bread bread NOUN _003136118 189 81 into into ADP _003136118 189 82 the the DET _003136118 189 83 body body NOUN _003136118 189 84 bol bol NOUN _003136118 189 85 of of ADP _003136118 189 86 the the DET _003136118 189 87 worship worship NOUN _003136118 189 88 due due ADP _003136118 189 89 to to ADP _003136118 189 90 god god PROPN _003136118 189 91 , , PUNCT _003136118 189 92 thus thus ADV _003136118 189 93 which which PRON _003136118 189 94 was be AUX _003136118 189 95 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 189 96 for for ADP _003136118 189 97 us we PRON _003136118 189 98 and and CCONJ _003136118 189 99 presenting present VERB _003136118 189 100 it it PRON _003136118 189 101 to to ADP _003136118 189 102 him he PRON _003136118 189 103 in in ADP _003136118 189 104 r r NOUN _003136118 189 105 ecogn ecogn ADJ _003136118 189 106 iwine iwine NOUN _003136118 189 107 into into ADP _003136118 189 108 the the DET _003136118 189 109 blood blood NOUN _003136118 189 110 which which PRON _003136118 189 111 was be AUX _003136118 189 112 tion tion NOUN _003136118 189 113 of of ADP _003136118 189 114 his his PRON _003136118 189 115 ownership ownership NOUN _003136118 189 116 of of ADP _003136118 189 117 all all DET _003136118 189 118 things thing NOUN _003136118 189 119 sh sh VERB _003136118 189 120 ed ed NOUN _003136118 189 121 for for ADP _003136118 189 122 us we PRON _003136118 189 123 . . PUNCT _003136118 190 1 the the DET _003136118 190 2 mass mass NOUN _003136118 190 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 190 4 as as SCONJ _003136118 190 5 was be AUX _003136118 190 6 the the PRON _003136118 190 7 of of ADP _003136118 190 8 his his PRON _003136118 190 9 creation creation NOUN _003136118 190 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 191 1 the the DET _003136118 191 2 defin defin NOUN _003136118 191 3 ition ition NOUN _003136118 191 4 is be AUX _003136118 191 5 last last ADJ _003136118 191 6 supper supper NOUN _003136118 191 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 191 8 is be AUX _003136118 191 9 calvary calvary ADJ _003136118 191 10 in in ADP _003136118 191 11 a a DET _003136118 191 12 painbest painb ADJ _003136118 191 13 underst underst ADJ _003136118 191 14 ood ood NOUN _003136118 191 15 by by ADP _003136118 191 16 considering consider VERB _003136118 191 17 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 191 18 under under ADP _003136118 191 19 t t NOUN _003136118 191 20 he he PRON _003136118 191 21 old old ADJ _003136118 191 22 testament testament NOUN _003136118 191 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 192 1 less less ADJ _003136118 192 2 and and CCONJ _003136118 192 3 bloodless bloodless ADJ _003136118 192 4 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 192 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 192 6 divestan divestan PROPN _003136118 192 7 ancient ancient PROPN _003136118 192 8 hebrew hebrew PROPN _003136118 192 9 would would AUX _003136118 192 10 pay pay VERB _003136118 192 11 hi hi INTJ _003136118 192 12 s s NOUN _003136118 192 13 ed ed NOUN _003136118 192 14 of of ADP _003136118 192 15 the the DET _003136118 192 16 horrors horror NOUN _003136118 192 17 of of ADP _003136118 192 18 good good ADJ _003136118 192 19 friday friday PROPN _003136118 192 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 193 1 sacrificial sacrificial ADJ _003136118 193 2 worship worship NOUN _003136118 193 3 to to ADP _003136118 193 4 god god PROPN _003136118 193 5 by by ADP _003136118 193 6 preonly preonly ADV _003136118 193 7 the the DET _003136118 193 8 mystic mystic ADJ _003136118 193 9 n n NOUN _003136118 193 10 a a DET _003136118 193 11 ils il NOUN _003136118 193 12 of of ADP _003136118 193 13 consecrasenting consecrasente VERB _003136118 193 14 in in ADP _003136118 193 15 the the DET _003136118 193 16 temple temple NOUN _003136118 193 17 an an DET _003136118 193 18 animal animal NOUN _003136118 193 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 193 20 tion tion NOUN _003136118 193 21 are be AUX _003136118 193 22 driven drive VERB _003136118 193 23 into into ADP _003136118 193 24 the the DET _003136118 193 25 body body NOUN _003136118 193 26 of of ADP _003136118 193 27 such such ADJ _003136118 193 28 as as ADP _003136118 193 29 a a DET _003136118 193 30 sheep sheep NOUN _003136118 193 31 or or CCONJ _003136118 193 32 a a DET _003136118 193 33 goat goat NOUN _003136118 193 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 193 35 of of ADP _003136118 193 36 his his PRON _003136118 193 37 christ christ PROPN _003136118 193 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 193 39 a a DET _003136118 193 40 nd nd NOUN _003136118 193 41 the the DET _003136118 193 42 blood blood NOUN _003136118 193 43 which which PRON _003136118 193 44 covflock covflock VERB _003136118 193 45 . . PUNCT _003136118 194 1 the the DET _003136118 194 2 victim victim NOUN _003136118 194 3 would would AUX _003136118 194 4 be be AUX _003136118 194 5 symered symere VERB _003136118 194 6 the the DET _003136118 194 7 dying die VERB _003136118 194 8 saviour saviour NOUN _003136118 194 9 on on ADP _003136118 194 10 the the DET _003136118 194 11 the the DET _003136118 194 12 supreme supreme PROPN _003136118 194 13 act act PROPN _003136118 194 14 of of ADP _003136118 194 15 the the DET _003136118 194 16 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 194 17 13 13 NUM _003136118 194 18 cross cross NOUN _003136118 194 19 only only ADV _003136118 194 20 mystically mystically ADJ _003136118 194 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 194 22 sacratwo sacratwo PROPN _003136118 194 23 elements element NOUN _003136118 194 24 sacramentally sacramentally ADV _003136118 194 25 symmentally symmentally ADV _003136118 194 26 flows flow VERB _003136118 194 27 at at ADP _003136118 194 28 the the DET _003136118 194 29 mass mass NOUN _003136118 194 30 in in ADP _003136118 194 31 the the DET _003136118 194 32 bolizing bolizing NOUN _003136118 194 33 the the DET _003136118 194 34 actual actual ADJ _003136118 194 35 separation separation NOUN _003136118 194 36 of of ADP _003136118 194 37 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003136118 194 38 separate separate ADJ _003136118 194 39 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 194 40 of of ADP _003136118 194 41 the the DET _003136118 194 42 body body NOUN _003136118 194 43 and and CCONJ _003136118 194 44 blood blood NOUN _003136118 194 45 of of ADP _003136118 194 46 christ christ PROPN _003136118 194 47 in in ADP _003136118 194 48 bread bread NOUN _003136118 194 49 and and CCONJ _003136118 194 50 wine wine NOUN _003136118 194 51 . . PUNCT _003136118 195 1 at at ADP _003136118 195 2 the the DET _003136118 195 3 last last ADJ _003136118 195 4 suphis suphis DET _003136118 195 5 death death NOUN _003136118 195 6 on on ADP _003136118 195 7 the the DET _003136118 195 8 cross cross NOUN _003136118 195 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 196 1 when when SCONJ _003136118 196 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 3 per per ADP _003136118 196 4 our our PRON _003136118 196 5 lord lord PROPN _003136118 196 6 said say VERB _003136118 196 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 196 8 this this PRON _003136118 196 9 is be AUX _003136118 196 10 my my PRON _003136118 196 11 therefore therefore ADV _003136118 196 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 13 we we PRON _003136118 196 14 catholics catholic VERB _003136118 196 15 assemble assemble VERB _003136118 196 16 body body NOUN _003136118 196 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 18 whi whi NOUN _003136118 196 19 ch ch NOUN _003136118 196 20 is be AUX _003136118 196 21 given give VERB _003136118 196 22 for for ADP _003136118 196 23 you you PRON _003136118 196 24 " " PUNCT _003136118 196 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 196 26 in in ADP _003136118 196 27 the the DET _003136118 196 28 church church NOUN _003136118 196 29 to to PART _003136118 196 30 hear hear VERB _003136118 196 31 mass mass NOUN _003136118 196 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 33 we we PRON _003136118 196 34 " " PUNCT _003136118 196 35 this this PRON _003136118 196 36 is be AUX _003136118 196 37 the the DET _003136118 196 38 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 196 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 40 the the DET _003136118 196 41 new new ADJ _003136118 196 42 tescome tescome NOUN _003136118 196 43 not not PART _003136118 196 44 only only ADV _003136118 196 45 to to PART _003136118 196 46 participate participate VERB _003136118 196 47 in in ADP _003136118 196 48 a a DET _003136118 196 49 tament tament NOUN _003136118 196 50 in in ADP _003136118 196 51 my my PRON _003136118 196 52 blood blood NOUN _003136118 196 53 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 54 which which PRON _003136118 196 55 shall shall AUX _003136118 196 56 be be AUX _003136118 196 57 religious religious ADJ _003136118 196 58 function function NOUN _003136118 196 59 of of ADP _003136118 196 60 historic historic NOUN _003136118 196 61 antished antishe VERB _003136118 196 62 for for ADP _003136118 196 63 you you PRON _003136118 196 64 " " PUNCT _003136118 196 65 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 196 66 luke luke PROPN _003136118 196 67 22:19 22:19 NUM _003136118 196 68 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 69 20 20 NUM _003136118 196 70 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 196 71 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 72 quity quity NOUN _003136118 196 73 and and CCONJ _003136118 196 74 of of ADP _003136118 196 75 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003136118 196 76 significance significance NOUN _003136118 196 77 , , PUNCT _003136118 196 78 and and CCONJ _003136118 196 79 his his PRON _003136118 196 80 omnipotent omnipotent ADJ _003136118 196 81 power power NOUN _003136118 196 82 effected effect VERB _003136118 196 83 but but CCONJ _003136118 196 84 to to PART _003136118 196 85 take take VERB _003136118 196 86 part part NOUN _003136118 196 87 in in ADP _003136118 196 88 the the DET _003136118 196 89 offering offering NOUN _003136118 196 90 of of ADP _003136118 196 91 that that PRON _003136118 196 92 which which PRON _003136118 196 93 his his PRON _003136118 196 94 words word NOUN _003136118 196 95 expressed express VERB _003136118 196 96 . . PUNCT _003136118 197 1 a a DET _003136118 197 2 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 197 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 4 the the DET _003136118 197 5 supreme supreme PROPN _003136118 197 6 act act PROPN _003136118 197 7 of of ADP _003136118 197 8 reso reso NOUN _003136118 197 9 also also ADV _003136118 197 10 the the DET _003136118 197 11 priest priest NOUN _003136118 197 12 at at ADP _003136118 197 13 mass mass PROPN _003136118 197 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 15 in in ADP _003136118 197 16 comligion comligion NOUN _003136118 197 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 18 one one NUM _003136118 197 19 entirely entirely ADV _003136118 197 20 worthy worthy ADJ _003136118 197 21 of of ADP _003136118 197 22 the the DET _003136118 197 23 pliance pliance NOUN _003136118 197 24 with with ADP _003136118 197 25 christ christ PROPN _003136118 197 26 's 's PART _003136118 197 27 command command NOUN _003136118 197 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 29 gi"eat gi"eat VERB _003136118 197 30 god god PROPN _003136118 197 31 to to PART _003136118 197 32 whom whom PRON _003136118 197 33 it it PRON _003136118 197 34 is be AUX _003136118 197 35 offered offer VERB _003136118 197 36 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 37 " " PUNCT _003136118 197 38 do do VERB _003136118 197 39 this this PRON _003136118 197 40 for for ADP _003136118 197 41 a a DET _003136118 197 42 commemoration commemoration NOUN _003136118 197 43 of of ADP _003136118 197 44 the the DET _003136118 197 45 immolation immolation NOUN _003136118 197 46 of of ADP _003136118 197 47 the the DET _003136118 197 48 most most ADV _003136118 197 49 perfect perfect ADJ _003136118 197 50 me i PRON _003136118 197 51 " " PUNCT _003136118 197 52 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 197 53 luke luke PROPN _003136118 197 54 22 22 NUM _003136118 197 55 : : SYM _003136118 197 56 19 19 NUM _003136118 197 57 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 197 58 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 59 changes change VERB _003136118 197 60 bread bread NOUN _003136118 197 61 of of ADP _003136118 197 62 victill).s victill).s PROPN _003136118 197 63 by by ADP _003136118 197 64 the the DET _003136118 197 65 high high ADJ _003136118 197 66 priest priest NOUN _003136118 197 67 par par NOUN _003136118 197 68 into into ADP _003136118 197 69 the the DET _003136118 197 70 body body NOUN _003136118 197 71 given give VERB _003136118 197 72 for for ADP _003136118 197 73 us we PRON _003136118 197 74 and and CCONJ _003136118 197 75 excellence excellence NOUN _003136118 197 76 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 77 in in ADP _003136118 197 78 botlf botlf PROPN _003136118 197 79 cases case NOUN _003136118 197 80 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 81 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 197 82 wine wine VERB _003136118 197 83 into into ADP _003136118 197 84 the the DET _003136118 197 85 blood blood NOUN _003136118 197 86 shed shed VERB _003136118 197 87 for for ADP _003136118 197 88 us we PRON _003136118 197 89 , , PUNCT _003136118 197 90 christ christ PROPN _003136118 197 91 himself himself PRON _003136118 197 92 . . PUNCT _003136118 198 1 the the DET _003136118 198 2 separate separate ADJ _003136118 198 3 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 198 4 of of ADP _003136118 198 5 the the DET _003136118 198 6 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 198 7 in in ADP _003136118 198 8 time time NOUN _003136118 198 9 of of ADP _003136118 198 10 war war NOUN _003136118 198 11 lay lay VERB _003136118 198 12 participation participation NOUN _003136118 198 13 in in ADP _003136118 198 14 the the DET _003136118 198 15 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 198 16 address address NOUN _003136118 198 17 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 198 18 on on ADP _003136118 198 19 june june PROPN _003136118 198 20 21 21 NUM _003136118 198 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 198 22 1942 1942 NUM _003136118 198 23 there there PRON _003136118 198 24 is be VERB _003136118 198 25 in in ADP _003136118 198 26 the the DET _003136118 198 27 church church NOUN _003136118 198 28 at at ADP _003136118 198 29 the the DET _003136118 198 30 the the DET _003136118 198 31 altar altar NOUN _003136118 198 32 - - PUNCT _003136118 198 33 boys boy NOUN _003136118 198 34 and and CCONJ _003136118 198 35 the the DET _003136118 198 36 choristers chorister NOUN _003136118 198 37 present present ADJ _003136118 198 38 day day NOUN _003136118 198 39 a a DET _003136118 198 40 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 198 41 movement movement NOUN _003136118 198 42 , , PUNCT _003136118 198 43 players player NOUN _003136118 198 44 of of ADP _003136118 198 45 the the DET _003136118 198 46 lesser less ADJ _003136118 198 47 roles role NOUN _003136118 198 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 198 49 the the PRON _003136118 198 50 which which PRON _003136118 198 51 has have VERB _003136118 198 52 for for ADP _003136118 198 53 its its PRON _003136118 198 54 object object NOUN _003136118 198 55 emphasis emphasis NOUN _003136118 198 56 members member NOUN _003136118 198 57 of of ADP _003136118 198 58 the the DET _003136118 198 59 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 198 60 are be AUX _003136118 198 61 on on ADP _003136118 198 62 lay lay ADJ _003136118 198 63 participation participation NOUN _003136118 198 64 in in ADP _003136118 198 65 the the DET _003136118 198 66 official official NOUN _003136118 198 67 , , PUNCT _003136118 198 68 not not PART _003136118 198 69 mere mere ADJ _003136118 198 70 audience audience NOUN _003136118 198 71 but but CCONJ _003136118 198 72 actors actor NOUN _003136118 198 73 , , PUNCT _003136118 198 74 public public ADJ _003136118 198 75 worship worship NOUN _003136118 198 76 of of ADP _003136118 198 77 the the DET _003136118 198 78 church church NOUN _003136118 198 79 . . PUNCT _003136118 199 1 this this PRON _003136118 199 2 though though SCONJ _003136118 199 3 their their PRON _003136118 199 4 parts part NOUN _003136118 199 5 are be AUX _003136118 199 6 of of ADP _003136118 199 7 a a DET _003136118 199 8 less less ADJ _003136118 199 9 should should AUX _003136118 199 10 not not PART _003136118 199 11 be be AUX _003136118 199 12 understood understand VERB _003136118 199 13 as as ADP _003136118 199 14 anything anything PRON _003136118 199 15 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ _003136118 199 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 200 1 it it PRON _003136118 200 2 does do AUX _003136118 200 3 not not PART _003136118 200 4 contemplate contemplate VERB _003136118 200 5 the the DET _003136118 200 6 destruction destruction NOUN _003136118 200 7 of of ADP _003136118 200 8 the the DET _003136118 200 9 active active ADJ _003136118 200 10 character character NOUN _003136118 200 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 201 1 the the DET _003136118 201 2 idea idea NOUN _003136118 201 3 of of ADP _003136118 201 4 lay lay ADJ _003136118 201 5 participation participation NOUN _003136118 201 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 201 7 as as SCONJ _003136118 201 8 visioned visione VERB _003136118 201 9 by by ADP _003136118 201 10 promoters promoter NOUN _003136118 201 11 of of ADP _003136118 201 12 the the DET _003136118 201 13 litursanctuary litursanctuary ADJ _003136118 201 14 rail rail NOUN _003136118 201 15 with with ADP _003136118 201 16 the the DET _003136118 201 17 consequent consequent ADJ _003136118 201 18 gical gical ADJ _003136118 201 19 movement movement NOUN _003136118 201 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 201 21 is be AUX _003136118 201 22 one one NUM _003136118 201 23 which which PRON _003136118 201 24 rests rest VERB _003136118 201 25 abolition abolition NOUN _003136118 201 26 of of ADP _003136118 201 27 the the DET _003136118 201 28 distinction distinction NOUN _003136118 201 29 between between ADP _003136118 201 30 on on ADP _003136118 201 31 a a DET _003136118 201 32 firm firm ADJ _003136118 201 33 basis basis NOUN _003136118 201 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 201 35 both both DET _003136118 201 36 theological theological ADJ _003136118 201 37 chancel chancel NOUN _003136118 201 38 and and CCONJ _003136118 201 39 nave nave NOUN _003136118 201 40 . . PUNCT _003136118 202 1 it it PRON _003136118 202 2 does do AUX _003136118 202 3 not not PART _003136118 202 4 aim aim VERB _003136118 202 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 202 6 historical historical ADJ _003136118 202 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 203 1 in in ADP _003136118 203 2 the the DET _003136118 203 3 words word NOUN _003136118 203 4 of of ADP _003136118 203 5 st st PROPN _003136118 203 6 . . PROPN _003136118 203 7 at at ADP _003136118 203 8 minimizing minimize VERB _003136118 203 9 the the DET _003136118 203 10 separation separation NOUN _003136118 203 11 of of ADP _003136118 203 12 paull paull NOUN _003136118 203 13 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 203 14 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 203 15 we we PRON _003136118 203 16 are be AUX _003136118 203 17 members member NOUN _003136118 203 18 of of ADP _003136118 203 19 the the DET _003136118 203 20 mysclergy mysclergy NOUN _003136118 203 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 203 22 laity laity NOUN _003136118 203 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 203 24 converting convert VERB _003136118 203 25 the the DET _003136118 203 26 tical tical ADJ _003136118 203 27 body body NOUN _003136118 203 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 203 29 of of ADP _003136118 203 30 which which PRON _003136118 203 31 christ christ PROPN _003136118 203 32 is be AUX _003136118 203 33 the the DET _003136118 203 34 latter latter ADJ _003136118 203 35 into into ADP _003136118 203 36 so so ADV _003136118 203 37 many many ADJ _003136118 203 38 altar altar NOUN _003136118 203 39 - - PUNCT _003136118 203 40 boys boy NOUN _003136118 203 41 and and CCONJ _003136118 203 42 head head NOUN _003136118 203 43 , , PUNCT _003136118 203 44 each each PRON _003136118 203 45 .one .one NOUN _003136118 203 46 of of ADP _003136118 203 47 the the DET _003136118 203 48 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 203 49 altar altar NOUN _003136118 203 50 - - PUNCT _003136118 203 51 girls girl NOUN _003136118 203 52 . . PUNCT _003136118 204 1 its its PRON _003136118 204 2 purpose purpose NOUN _003136118 204 3 is be AUX _003136118 204 4 rather rather ADV _003136118 204 5 having have VERB _003136118 204 6 his his PRON _003136118 204 7 association association NOUN _003136118 204 8 with with ADP _003136118 204 9 the the DET _003136118 204 10 dione dione NOUN _003136118 204 11 of of ADP _003136118 204 12 education education NOUN _003136118 204 13 which which PRON _003136118 204 14 should should AUX _003136118 204 15 revine revine VERB _003136118 204 16 head head NOUN _003136118 204 17 who who PRON _003136118 204 18 is be AUX _003136118 204 19 the the DET _003136118 204 20 great great ADJ _003136118 204 21 high high ADJ _003136118 204 22 suit suit NOUN _003136118 204 23 in in ADP _003136118 204 24 the the DET _003136118 204 25 point point NOUN _003136118 204 26 of of ADP _003136118 204 27 view view NOUN _003136118 204 28 that that SCONJ _003136118 204 29 the the DET _003136118 204 30 priest priest NOUN _003136118 204 31 . . PUNCT _003136118 205 1 members member NOUN _003136118 205 2 of of ADP _003136118 205 3 the the DET _003136118 205 4 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 205 5 in in ADP _003136118 205 6 the the DET _003136118 205 7 phrase phrase NOUN _003136118 205 8 of of ADP _003136118 205 9 the the DET _003136118 205 10 same same ADJ _003136118 205 11 aposshould aposshould AUX _003136118 205 12 not not PART _003136118 205 13 consider consider VERB _003136118 205 14 themselves themselves PRON _003136118 205 15 as as ADP _003136118 205 16 tle tle NOUN _003136118 205 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 206 1 * * PUNCT _003136118 206 2 * * PUNCT _003136118 206 3 christ christ PROPN _003136118 206 4 our our PRON _003136118 206 5 lord lord PROPN _003136118 206 6 is be AUX _003136118 206 7 the the DET _003136118 206 8 high high ADJ _003136118 206 9 mere mere ADJ _003136118 206 10 spectators spectator NOUN _003136118 206 11 of of ADP _003136118 206 12 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 206 13 funcpriest funcpriest NOUN _003136118 206 14 who who PRON _003136118 206 15 alone alone ADV _003136118 206 16 can can AUX _003136118 206 17 pay pay VERB _003136118 206 18 to to ADP _003136118 206 19 god god PROPN _003136118 206 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 207 1 tions tion NOUN _003136118 207 2 but but CCONJ _003136118 207 3 real real ADJ _003136118 207 4 participants participant NOUN _003136118 207 5 in in ADP _003136118 207 6 the the DET _003136118 207 7 the the DET _003136118 207 8 father father NOUN _003136118 207 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 207 10 worship worship VERB _003136118 207 11 which which PRON _003136118 207 12 il il PROPN _003136118 207 13 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 207 14 ! ! PUNCT _003136118 208 1 en en ADV _003136118 208 2 : : PUNCT _003136118 208 3 conduct conduct NOUN _003136118 208 4 of of ADP _003136118 208 5 official official ADJ _003136118 208 6 worship worship NOUN _003136118 208 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 209 1 the the DET _003136118 209 2 tirely tirely ADV _003136118 209 3 worthy worthy ADJ _003136118 209 4 of of ADP _003136118 209 5 the the DET _003136118 209 6 great great ADJ _003136118 209 7 god god PROPN _003136118 209 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 210 1 .layman .layman PROPN _003136118 210 2 is be AUX _003136118 210 3 not not PART _003136118 210 4 to to PART _003136118 210 5 take take VERB _003136118 210 6 his his PRON _003136118 210 7 place place NOUN _003136118 210 8 who who PRON _003136118 210 9 is be AUX _003136118 210 10 adored adore VERB _003136118 210 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 211 1 our our PRON _003136118 211 2 association association NOUN _003136118 211 3 in in ADP _003136118 211 4 ! ! PUNCT _003136118 212 1 in in ADP _003136118 212 2 his his PRON _003136118 212 3 pew pew NOUN _003136118 212 4 as as SCONJ _003136118 212 5 one one PRON _003136118 212 6 would would AUX _003136118 212 7 occupy occupy VERB _003136118 212 8 a a DET _003136118 212 9 the the DET _003136118 212 10 mystical mystical ADJ _003136118 212 11 body body NOUN _003136118 212 12 of of ADP _003136118 212 13 which which PRON _003136118 212 14 christ christ PROPN _003136118 212 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 213 1 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 213 2 seat seat NOUN _003136118 213 3 in in ADP _003136118 213 4 a a DET _003136118 213 5 theatre theatre NOUN _003136118 213 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 213 7 to to PART _003136118 213 8 look look VERB _003136118 213 9 at at ADP _003136118 213 10 others other NOUN _003136118 213 11 the the DET _003136118 213 12 high high ADJ _003136118 213 13 - - PUNCT _003136118 213 14 priest priest NOUN _003136118 213 15 is be AUX _003136118 213 16 the the DET _003136118 213 17 head head NOUN _003136118 213 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 213 19 im im PROPN _003136118 213 20 : : PUNCT _003136118 213 21 worship worship VERB _003136118 213 22 in in ADP _003136118 213 23 his his PRON _003136118 213 24 name name NOUN _003136118 213 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 213 26 but but CCONJ _003136118 213 27 rather rather ADV _003136118 213 28 as as ADP _003136118 213 29 parts part NOUN _003136118 213 30 to to ADP _003136118 213 31 each each DET _003136118 213 32 one one NUM _003136118 213 33 of of ADP _003136118 213 34 us we PRON _003136118 213 35 a a DET _003136118 213 36 sacerdotal sacerdotal NOUN _003136118 213 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 213 38 an an DET _003136118 213 39 actor actor NOUN _003136118 213 40 in in ADP _003136118 213 41 the the DET _003136118 213 42 sacred sacred ADJ _003136118 213 43 drama drama NOUN _003136118 213 44 of of ADP _003136118 213 45 character character NOUN _003136118 213 46 . . PUNCT _003136118 214 1 naturally naturally ADV _003136118 214 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 214 3 this this PRON _003136118 214 4 is be AUX _003136118 214 5 not not PART _003136118 214 6 to to ADP _003136118 214 7 the the DET _003136118 214 8 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 214 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 214 10 filling fill VERB _003136118 214 11 a a DET _003136118 214 12 role role NOUN _003136118 214 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 214 14 however however ADV _003136118 214 15 be be AUX _003136118 214 16 understood understand VERB _003136118 214 17 in in ADP _003136118 214 18 the the DET _003136118 214 19 sense sense NOUN _003136118 214 20 that that ADV _003136118 214 21 inconspicuous inconspicuous ADJ _003136118 214 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 214 23 but but CCONJ _003136118 214 24 still still ADV _003136118 214 25 a a DET _003136118 214 26 real real ADJ _003136118 214 27 and and CCONJ _003136118 214 28 there there PRON _003136118 214 29 is be VERB _003136118 214 30 no no DET _003136118 214 31 essential essential ADJ _003136118 214 32 difference difference NOUN _003136118 214 33 beeven beeven VERB _003136118 214 34 a a DET _003136118 214 35 speaking speak VERB _003136118 214 36 part part NOUN _003136118 214 37 . . PUNCT _003136118 215 1 if if SCONJ _003136118 215 2 we we PRON _003136118 215 3 may may AUX _003136118 215 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 215 5 tween tween NOUN _003136118 215 6 priest priest NOUN _003136118 215 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 215 8 layman layman NOUN _003136118 215 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 216 1 the the PRON _003136118 216 2 with with ADP _003136118 216 3 due due ADJ _003136118 216 4 reverence reverence NOUN _003136118 216 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 216 6 compare compare VERB _003136118 216 7 the the DET _003136118 216 8 mass mass NOUN _003136118 216 9 to to ADP _003136118 216 10 a a DET _003136118 216 11 sacred sacred ADJ _003136118 216 12 drama drama NOUN _003136118 216 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 216 14 in in ADP _003136118 216 15 which which PRON _003136118 216 16 bishops bishop NOUN _003136118 216 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 216 18 priests priest NOUN _003136118 216 19 are be AUX _003136118 216 20 the the DET _003136118 216 21 protagonists protagonist NOUN _003136118 216 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 216 23 the the DET _003136118 216 24 minor minor ADJ _003136118 216 25 clergy clergy NOUN _003136118 216 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 216 27 former former ADJ _003136118 216 28 is be AUX _003136118 216 29 not not PART _003136118 216 30 only only ADV _003136118 216 31 one one NUM _003136118 216 32 who who PRON _003136118 216 33 has have AUX _003136118 216 34 been be AUX _003136118 216 35 selected select VERB _003136118 216 36 and and CCONJ _003136118 216 37 trained train VERB _003136118 216 38 for for ADP _003136118 216 39 th~ th~ PROPN _003136118 217 1 * * NOUN _003136118 217 2 i i PRON _003136118 217 3 cor cor VERB _003136118 217 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 218 1 12 12 NUM _003136118 218 2 : : SYM _003136118 218 3 27 27 NUM _003136118 218 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 219 1 * * PUNCT _003136118 219 2 * * PUNCT _003136118 219 3 hebr hebr NOUN _003136118 219 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 220 1 5:4 5:4 NUM _003136118 220 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 221 1 lay lay VERB _003136118 221 2 participation participation NOUN _003136118 221 3 in in ADP _003136118 221 4 the the DET _003136118 221 5 liturgy liturgy ADJ _003136118 221 6 15 15 NUM _003136118 221 7 exercise exercise NOUN _003136118 221 8 of of ADP _003136118 221 9 the the DET _003136118 221 10 functions function NOUN _003136118 221 11 of of ADP _003136118 221 12 the the DET _003136118 221 13 present present NOUN _003136118 221 14 responded respond VERB _003136118 221 15 amen amen INTJ _003136118 221 16 at at ADP _003136118 221 17 the the DET _003136118 221 18 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 221 19 but but CCONJ _003136118 221 20 one one NOUN _003136118 221 21 who who PRON _003136118 221 22 has have AUX _003136118 221 23 been be AUX _003136118 221 24 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 221 25 enend enend NOUN _003136118 221 26 of of ADP _003136118 221 27 what what PRON _003136118 221 28 we we PRON _003136118 221 29 should should AUX _003136118 221 30 now now ADV _003136118 221 31 call call VERB _003136118 221 32 dowed dowe VERB _003136118 221 33 by by ADP _003136118 221 34 the the DET _003136118 221 35 laying laying NOUN _003136118 221 36 on on ADP _003136118 221 37 of of ADP _003136118 221 38 hands hand NOUN _003136118 221 39 the the DET _003136118 221 40 canon canon NOUN _003136118 221 41 of of ADP _003136118 221 42 the the DET _003136118 221 43 mass mass NOUN _003136118 221 44 . . PUNCT _003136118 222 1 when when SCONJ _003136118 222 2 in in ADP _003136118 222 3 ordination ordination NOUN _003136118 222 4 with with ADP _003136118 222 5 powers power NOUN _003136118 222 6 not not PART _003136118 222 7 comchanting comchante VERB _003136118 222 8 was be AUX _003136118 222 9 to to PART _003136118 222 10 be be AUX _003136118 222 11 done do VERB _003136118 222 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 222 13 it it PRON _003136118 222 14 was be AUX _003136118 222 15 municated municate VERB _003136118 222 16 to to ADP _003136118 222 17 the the DET _003136118 222 18 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 222 19 generaloriginally generaloriginally ADV _003136118 222 20 in in ADP _003136118 222 21 the the DET _003136118 222 22 form form NOUN _003136118 222 23 of of ADP _003136118 222 24 congrely congrely ADV _003136118 222 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 223 1 the the DET _003136118 223 2 sacramental sacramental ADJ _003136118 223 3 character character NOUN _003136118 223 4 imgational imgational ADJ _003136118 223 5 singing singing NOUN _003136118 223 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 223 7 until until SCONJ _003136118 223 8 the the DET _003136118 223 9 music music NOUN _003136118 223 10 pressed press VERB _003136118 223 11 on on ADP _003136118 223 12 the the DET _003136118 223 13 soul soul NOUN _003136118 223 14 in in ADP _003136118 223 15 holy holy ADJ _003136118 223 16 orders order NOUN _003136118 223 17 became become VERB _003136118 223 18 too too ADV _003136118 223 19 difficult difficult ADJ _003136118 223 20 for for SCONJ _003136118 223 21 those those PRON _003136118 223 22 not not PART _003136118 223 23 is be AUX _003136118 223 24 something something PRON _003136118 223 25 quite quite ADV _003136118 223 26 peculiar peculiar ADJ _003136118 223 27 to to ADP _003136118 223 28 those those PRON _003136118 223 29 specially specially ADV _003136118 223 30 trained train VERB _003136118 223 31 to to PART _003136118 223 32 sing sing VERB _003136118 223 33 it it PRON _003136118 223 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 224 1 the the PRON _003136118 224 2 who who PRON _003136118 224 3 are be AUX _003136118 224 4 ordained ordain VERB _003136118 224 5 bishops bishop NOUN _003136118 224 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 224 7 offertory offertory NOUN _003136118 224 8 at at ADP _003136118 224 9 mass mass NOUN _003136118 224 10 took take VERB _003136118 224 11 the the DET _003136118 224 12 form form NOUN _003136118 224 13 priests priest NOUN _003136118 224 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 224 15 lesser less ADJ _003136118 224 16 ministers minister NOUN _003136118 224 17 in in ADP _003136118 224 18 the the PRON _003136118 224 19 of of ADP _003136118 224 20 a a DET _003136118 224 21 procession procession NOUN _003136118 224 22 of of ADP _003136118 224 23 the the DET _003136118 224 24 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 224 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 224 26 church church NOUN _003136118 224 27 of of ADP _003136118 224 28 god god PROPN _003136118 224 29 . . PUNCT _003136118 225 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _003136118 225 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 225 3 the the DET _003136118 225 4 bearing bear VERB _003136118 225 5 gifts gift NOUN _003136118 225 6 to to ADP _003136118 225 7 the the DET _003136118 225 8 altar altar NOUN _003136118 225 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 225 10 includsacramental includsacramental ADJ _003136118 225 11 character character NOUN _003136118 225 12 stamped stamp VERB _003136118 225 13 on on ADP _003136118 225 14 ing e VERB _003136118 225 15 the the DET _003136118 225 16 bread bread NOUN _003136118 225 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 225 18 wine wine NOUN _003136118 225 19 to to PART _003136118 225 20 be be AUX _003136118 225 21 conthe conthe DET _003136118 225 22 soul soul NOUN _003136118 225 23 in in ADP _003136118 225 24 baptism baptism NOUN _003136118 225 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 225 26 that that SCONJ _003136118 225 27 with with SCONJ _003136118 225 28 secrated secrate VERB _003136118 225 29 at at ADP _003136118 225 30 mass mass NOUN _003136118 225 31 . . PUNCT _003136118 226 1 the the DET _003136118 226 2 pax pax NOUN _003136118 226 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 226 4 or or CCONJ _003136118 226 5 which which PRON _003136118 226 6 it it PRON _003136118 226 7 is be AUX _003136118 226 8 sealed seal VERB _003136118 226 9 in in ADP _003136118 226 10 confirmation confirmation NOUN _003136118 226 11 kiss kiss NOUN _003136118 226 12 of of ADP _003136118 226 13 peace peace NOUN _003136118 226 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 226 15 was be AUX _003136118 226 16 exchanged exchange VERB _003136118 226 17 are be AUX _003136118 226 18 to to PART _003136118 226 19 be be AUX _003136118 226 20 regarded regard VERB _003136118 226 21 as as ADP _003136118 226 22 giving give VERB _003136118 226 23 the the PRON _003136118 226 24 among among ADP _003136118 226 25 the the DET _003136118 226 26 members member NOUN _003136118 226 27 of of ADP _003136118 226 28 the the DET _003136118 226 29 conindividual conindividual NOUN _003136118 226 30 baptized baptize VERB _003136118 226 31 and and CCONJ _003136118 226 32 confirmed confirm VERB _003136118 226 33 gregation gregation NOUN _003136118 226 34 as as SCONJ _003136118 226 35 it it PRON _003136118 226 36 is be AUX _003136118 226 37 to to PART _003136118 226 38 - - PUNCT _003136118 226 39 day day NOUN _003136118 226 40 by by ADP _003136118 226 41 the the DET _003136118 226 42 a a DET _003136118 226 43 participation participation NOUN _003136118 226 44 in in ADP _003136118 226 45 the the DET _003136118 226 46 priesthood priesthood NOUN _003136118 226 47 of of ADP _003136118 226 48 clergy clergy NOUN _003136118 226 49 assisting assist VERB _003136118 226 50 in in ADP _003136118 226 51 the the DET _003136118 226 52 sanctuary sanctuary ADJ _003136118 226 53 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 226 54 christ christ PROPN _003136118 226 55 , , PUNCT _003136118 226 56 so so SCONJ _003136118 226 57 that that SCONJ _003136118 226 58 each each DET _003136118 226 59 one one NUM _003136118 226 60 of of ADP _003136118 226 61 at at ADP _003136118 226 62 high high ADJ _003136118 226 63 mass mass NOUN _003136118 226 64 . . PUNCT _003136118 227 1 holy holy PROPN _003136118 227 2 communion communion PROPN _003136118 227 3 the the DET _003136118 227 4 faithful faithful NOUN _003136118 227 5 has have VERB _003136118 227 6 his his PRON _003136118 227 7 share share NOUN _003136118 227 8 in in ADP _003136118 227 9 the the PRON _003136118 227 10 was be AUX _003136118 227 11 a a DET _003136118 227 12 general general ADJ _003136118 227 13 communion communion NOUN _003136118 227 14 at at ADP _003136118 227 15 every every DET _003136118 227 16 exercise exercise NOUN _003136118 227 17 of of ADP _003136118 227 18 this this DET _003136118 227 19 priesthood priesthood NOUN _003136118 227 20 when when SCONJ _003136118 227 21 he he PRON _003136118 227 22 mass mass VERB _003136118 227 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 227 24 every every DET _003136118 227 25 member member NOUN _003136118 227 26 of of ADP _003136118 227 27 the the DET _003136118 227 28 congrecomes congrecome NOUN _003136118 227 29 to to ADP _003136118 227 30 the the DET _003136118 227 31 church church NOUN _003136118 227 32 to to PART _003136118 227 33 assist assist VERB _003136118 227 34 at at ADP _003136118 227 35 gation gation NOUN _003136118 227 36 receiving receiving NOUN _003136118 227 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 228 1 so so SCONJ _003136118 228 2 that that SCONJ _003136118 228 3 attendmass attendmass NOUN _003136118 228 4 or or CCONJ _003136118 228 5 other other ADJ _003136118 228 6 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 228 7 services service NOUN _003136118 228 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 229 1 ance ance NOUN _003136118 229 2 at at ADP _003136118 229 3 mass mass NOUN _003136118 229 4 without without ADP _003136118 229 5 participation participation NOUN _003136118 229 6 in in ADP _003136118 229 7 holy holy ADJ _003136118 229 8 communion communion NOUN _003136118 229 9 was be AUX _003136118 229 10 a a DET _003136118 229 11 thing thing NOUN _003136118 229 12 in in ADP _003136118 229 13 centuries century NOUN _003136118 229 14 past past ADP _003136118 229 15 the the DET _003136118 229 16 part part NOUN _003136118 229 17 playunthought playunthought NOUN _003136118 229 18 of of ADP _003136118 229 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 230 1 ed ed NOUN _003136118 230 2 by by ADP _003136118 230 3 the the DET _003136118 230 4 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 230 5 was be AUX _003136118 230 6 much much ADV _003136118 230 7 more more ADV _003136118 230 8 co'nspicuous co'nspicuous ADJ _003136118 230 9 than than SCONJ _003136118 230 10 it it PRON _003136118 230 11 is be AUX _003136118 230 12 today today NOUN _003136118 230 13 theologically theologically ADV _003136118 230 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 230 15 therefore therefore ADV _003136118 230 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 230 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 230 18 hisand hisand VERB _003136118 230 19 much much ADV _003136118 230 20 more more ADV _003136118 230 21 active active ADJ _003136118 230 22 than than ADP _003136118 230 23 even even ADV _003136118 230 24 torically torically ADV _003136118 230 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 230 26 active active ADJ _003136118 230 27 lay lay NOUN _003136118 230 28 participation participation NOUN _003136118 230 29 the the DET _003136118 230 30 most most ADV _003136118 230 31 zealous zealous ADJ _003136118 230 32 promotors promotor NOUN _003136118 230 33 of of ADP _003136118 230 34 the the PRON _003136118 230 35 in in ADP _003136118 230 36 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 230 37 worship worship NOUN _003136118 230 38 rests rest VERB _003136118 230 39 on on ADP _003136118 230 40 a a DET _003136118 230 41 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 230 42 movement movement NOUN _003136118 230 43 would would AUX _003136118 230 44 have have VERB _003136118 230 45 sound sound ADJ _003136118 230 46 basis basis NOUN _003136118 230 47 . . PUNCT _003136118 231 1 as as SCONJ _003136118 231 2 time time NOUN _003136118 231 3 went go VERB _003136118 231 4 on on ADP _003136118 231 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 231 6 revived revive VERB _003136118 231 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 232 1 in in ADP _003136118 232 2 very very ADV _003136118 232 3 early early ADJ _003136118 232 4 times time NOUN _003136118 232 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 232 6 bevarious bevarious ADJ _003136118 232 7 instances instance NOUN _003136118 232 8 of of ADP _003136118 232 9 the the DET _003136118 232 10 cooperafore cooperafore ADJ _003136118 232 11 there there PRON _003136118 232 12 were be VERB _003136118 232 13 regularly regularly ADV _003136118 232 14 ordained ordain VERB _003136118 232 15 tion tion NOUN _003136118 232 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 233 1 of of ADP _003136118 233 2 the the DET _003136118 233 3 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 233 4 passed pass VERB _003136118 233 5 pne pne NOUN _003136118 233 6 by by ADP _003136118 233 7 lectors lector NOUN _003136118 233 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 233 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 233 10 readers reader NOUN _003136118 233 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 233 12 members member NOUN _003136118 233 13 of of ADP _003136118 233 14 the the DET _003136118 233 15 one one NUM _003136118 233 16 into into ADP _003136118 233 17 disuse disuse NOUN _003136118 233 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 234 1 their their PRON _003136118 234 2 concertcongregation concertcongregation NOUN _003136118 234 3 would would AUX _003136118 234 4 be be AUX _003136118 234 5 designated designate VERB _003136118 234 6 ed ed NOUN _003136118 234 7 responses response NOUN _003136118 234 8 to to ADP _003136118 234 9 the the DET _003136118 234 10 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 234 11 became become VERB _003136118 234 12 by by ADP _003136118 234 13 the the DET _003136118 234 14 bishop bishop PROPN _003136118 234 15 to to PART _003136118 234 16 read read VERB _003136118 234 17 the the DET _003136118 234 18 selecless selecless NOUN _003136118 234 19 frequent frequent ADJ _003136118 234 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 235 1 congregational congregational ADJ _003136118 235 2 tions tion NOUN _003136118 235 3 from from ADP _003136118 235 4 holy holy ADJ _003136118 235 5 scripture scripture NOUN _003136118 235 6 at at ADP _003136118 235 7 mass mass PROPN _003136118 235 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 236 1 chant chant PROPN _003136118 236 2 became become VERB _003136118 236 3 the the DET _003136118 236 4 province province NOUN _003136118 236 5 of of ADP _003136118 236 6 a a PRON _003136118 236 7 there there PRON _003136118 236 8 was be VERB _003136118 236 9 much much ADJ _003136118 236 10 answering answering NOUN _003136118 236 11 by by ADP _003136118 236 12 the the DET _003136118 236 13 selected select VERB _003136118 236 14 group group NOUN _003136118 236 15 of of ADP _003136118 236 16 choristers chorister NOUN _003136118 236 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 237 1 the the DET _003136118 237 2 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 237 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 237 4 as as SCONJ _003136118 237 5 st st PROPN _003136118 237 6 . . PROPN _003136118 237 7 justin justin PROPN _003136118 237 8 martyr martyr PROPN _003136118 237 9 offertory offertory PROPN _003136118 237 10 procession procession PROPN _003136118 237 11 declined decline VERB _003136118 237 12 from from ADP _003136118 237 13 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 237 14 second second ADJ _003136118 237 15 century century NOUN _003136118 237 16 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 237 17 tells tell VERB _003136118 237 18 how how SCONJ _003136118 237 19 all all DET _003136118 237 20 the the DET _003136118 237 21 regular regular ADJ _003136118 237 22 procedure procedure NOUN _003136118 237 23 to to ADP _003136118 237 24 an an DET _003136118 237 25 ob16 ob16 PROPN _003136118 237 26 the the DET _003136118 237 27 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 237 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 237 29 the the DET _003136118 237 30 laity laity NOUN _003136118 237 31 servance servance NOUN _003136118 237 32 eight eight NUM _003136118 237 33 times time NOUN _003136118 237 34 a a DET _003136118 237 35 year year NOUN _003136118 237 36 , , PUNCT _003136118 237 37 then then ADV _003136118 237 38 as as ADP _003136118 237 39 a a DET _003136118 237 40 consequence consequence NOUN _003136118 237 41 the the DET _003136118 237 42 missal missal NOUN _003136118 237 43 for for ADP _003136118 237 44 only only ADV _003136118 237 45 four four NUM _003136118 237 46 t t NOUN _003136118 237 47 imes ime NOUN _003136118 237 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 237 49 until until SCONJ _003136118 237 50 it it PRON _003136118 237 51 finally finally ADV _003136118 237 52 disthe disthe ADJ _003136118 237 53 laity laity NOUN _003136118 237 54 is be AUX _003136118 237 55 replacing replace VERB _003136118 237 56 the the DET _003136118 237 57 beads bead NOUN _003136118 237 58 appeared appear VERB _003136118 237 59 a a DET _003136118 237 60 lto lto PROPN _003136118 237 61 gether gether NOUN _003136118 237 62 . . PUNCT _003136118 238 1 the the DET _003136118 238 2 pax pax ADJ _003136118 238 3 linand linand VERB _003136118 238 4 the the DET _003136118 238 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 238 6 key key NOUN _003136118 238 7 of of ADP _003136118 238 8 heaven heaven PROPN _003136118 238 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 238 10 in in ADP _003136118 238 11 the the DET _003136118 238 12 gere gere PROPN _003136118 238 13 d d NOUN _003136118 238 14 in in ADP _003136118 238 15 certain certain ADJ _003136118 238 16 localities locality NOUN _003136118 238 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 238 18 at at ADP _003136118 238 19 hands hand NOUN _003136118 238 20 of of ADP _003136118 238 21 the the DET _003136118 238 22 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 238 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 238 24 as as SCONJ _003136118 238 25 they they PRON _003136118 238 26 aslast aslast VERB _003136118 238 27 became became AUX _003136118 238 28 restricted restrict VERB _003136118 238 29 to to ADP _003136118 238 30 the the DET _003136118 238 31 sancsist sancsist NOUN _003136118 238 32 at at ADP _003136118 238 33 mass mass NOUN _003136118 238 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 239 1 they they PRON _003136118 239 2 learn learn VERB _003136118 239 3 first first ADV _003136118 239 4 to to ADP _003136118 239 5 tuary tuary NOUN _003136118 239 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 240 1 holy holy ADJ _003136118 240 2 communion communion PROPN _003136118 240 3 grew grow VERB _003136118 240 4 so so ADV _003136118 240 5 read read VERB _003136118 240 6 the the DET _003136118 240 7 invariable invariable ADJ _003136118 240 8 portions portion NOUN _003136118 240 9 of of ADP _003136118 240 10 the the DET _003136118 240 11 infrequent infrequent NOUN _003136118 240 12 that that SCONJ _003136118 240 13 a a DET _003136118 240 14 council council NOUN _003136118 240 15 of of ADP _003136118 240 16 the the DET _003136118 240 17 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003136118 240 18 of of ADP _003136118 240 19 the the DET _003136118 240 20 mass mass NOUN _003136118 240 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 240 22 thus thus ADV _003136118 240 23 praythirteenth praythirteenth ADJ _003136118 240 24 century century NOUN _003136118 240 25 had have VERB _003136118 240 26 to to PART _003136118 240 27 pass pass VERB _003136118 240 28 a a DET _003136118 240 29 ing ing NOUN _003136118 240 30 the the DET _003136118 240 31 mass mass NOUN _003136118 240 32 with with ADP _003136118 240 33 the the DET _003136118 240 34 priest priest NOUN _003136118 240 35 , , PUNCT _003136118 240 36 rathdecree rathdecree NOUN _003136118 240 37 requiring require VERB _003136118 240 38 holy holy ADJ _003136118 240 39 commun commun PROPN _003136118 240 40 ion ion NOUN _003136118 240 41 er er INTJ _003136118 240 42 than than ADP _003136118 240 43 reciting recite VERB _003136118 240 44 other other ADJ _003136118 240 45 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 240 46 , , PUNCT _003136118 240 47 at at ADP _003136118 240 48 least least ADJ _003136118 240 49 once once ADV _003136118 240 50 a a DET _003136118 240 51 year year NOUN _003136118 240 52 under under ADP _003136118 240 53 pain pain NOUN _003136118 240 54 of of ADP _003136118 240 55 however however ADV _003136118 240 56 devotional devotional ADJ _003136118 240 57 , , PUNCT _003136118 240 58 which which PRON _003136118 240 59 have have VERB _003136118 240 60 no no DET _003136118 240 61 excommunication excommunication NOUN _003136118 240 62 . . PUNCT _003136118 241 1 losing lose VERB _003136118 241 2 the the DET _003136118 241 3 exdirect exdirect ADJ _003136118 241 4 bearing bearing NOUN _003136118 241 5 on on ADP _003136118 241 6 the the DET _003136118 241 7 funct funct ADJ _003136118 241 8 ion ion NOUN _003136118 241 9 ercise ercise NOUN _003136118 241 10 of of ADP _003136118 241 11 these these DET _003136118 241 12 active active ADJ _003136118 241 13 bits bit NOUN _003136118 241 14 of of ADP _003136118 241 15 parwhich parwhich NOUN _003136118 241 16 they they PRON _003136118 241 17 are be AUX _003136118 241 18 attending attend VERB _003136118 241 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 242 1 the the DET _003136118 242 2 ticipation ticipation NOUN _003136118 242 3 in in ADP _003136118 242 4 the the DET _003136118 242 5 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 242 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 242 7 the the DET _003136118 242 8 faithnext faithnext ADJ _003136118 242 9 stage stage NOUN _003136118 242 10 is be AUX _003136118 242 11 their their PRON _003136118 242 12 progress progress NOUN _003136118 242 13 to to ADP _003136118 242 14 a a DET _003136118 242 15 ful ful ADJ _003136118 242 16 lost lose VERB _003136118 242 17 their their PRON _003136118 242 18 appreciation appreciation NOUN _003136118 242 19 of of ADP _003136118 242 20 the the DET _003136118 242 21 missal missal NOUN _003136118 242 22 in in ADP _003136118 242 23 some some DET _003136118 242 24 simplified simplified ADJ _003136118 242 25 form form NOUN _003136118 242 26 theological theological ADJ _003136118 242 27 basis basis NOUN _003136118 242 28 on on ADP _003136118 242 29 which which PRON _003136118 242 30 they they PRON _003136118 242 31 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 242 32 like like ADP _003136118 242 33 th th PRON _003136118 242 34 at at ADP _003136118 242 35 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 242 36 of of ADP _003136118 242 37 the the DET _003136118 242 38 leaflets leaflet NOUN _003136118 242 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 242 40 compiled compile VERB _003136118 242 41 . . PUNCT _003136118 243 1 rested rest VERB _003136118 243 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 243 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 243 4 the the DET _003136118 243 5 mentali mentali NOUN _003136118 243 6 ty ty PROPN _003136118 243 7 of of ADP _003136118 243 8 the the PRON _003136118 243 9 to to PART _003136118 243 10 cover cover VERB _003136118 243 11 the the DET _003136118 243 12 particlar particlar ADJ _003136118 243 13 mass mass NOUN _003136118 243 14 which which DET _003136118 243 15 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 243 16 became become VERB _003136118 243 17 that that PRON _003136118 243 18 of of ADP _003136118 243 19 obis obis PROPN _003136118 243 20 b b PROPN _003136118 243 21 ein ein PROPN _003136118 243 22 g g PROPN _003136118 243 23 said say VERB _003136118 243 24 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 243 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 243 26 or or CCONJ _003136118 243 27 the the DET _003136118 243 28 sunday sunday PROPN _003136118 243 29 misservers misserver NOUN _003136118 243 30 of of ADP _003136118 243 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 243 32 rather rather ADV _003136118 243 33 than than ADP _003136118 243 34 participants participant NOUN _003136118 243 35 sal sal NOUN _003136118 243 36 , , PUNCT _003136118 243 37 which which PRON _003136118 243 38 avoids avoid VERB _003136118 243 39 most most ADJ _003136118 243 40 of of ADP _003136118 243 41 the the DET _003136118 243 42 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 243 43 comin comin NOUN _003136118 243 44 , , PUNCT _003136118 243 45 the the DET _003136118 243 46 sacred sacred ADJ _003136118 243 47 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 243 48 . . PUNCT _003136118 244 1 plexities plexitie NOUN _003136118 244 2 arising arise VERB _003136118 244 3 from from ADP _003136118 244 4 the the DET _003136118 244 5 constant constant ADJ _003136118 244 6 conflict conflict NOUN _003136118 244 7 between between ADP _003136118 244 8 the the DET _003136118 244 9 ever ever ADV _003136118 244 10 varying vary VERB _003136118 244 11 the the DET _003136118 244 12 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 244 13 movement movement NOUN _003136118 244 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 244 15 th th DET _003136118 244 16 eresundays eresunday NOUN _003136118 244 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 244 18 the the DET _003136118 244 19 feasts feast NOUN _003136118 244 20 permanentfore permanentfore ADV _003136118 244 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 244 22 contemplates contemplate VERB _003136118 244 23 a a DET _003136118 244 24 campa campa NOUN _003136118 244 25 i i PRON _003136118 244 26 gn gn PROPN _003136118 244 27 of of ADP _003136118 244 28 ly ly NOUN _003136118 244 29 fixed fix VERB _003136118 244 30 to to ADP _003136118 244 31 days day NOUN _003136118 244 32 of of ADP _003136118 244 33 the the DET _003136118 244 34 month month NOUN _003136118 244 35 . . PUNCT _003136118 245 1 the the DET _003136118 245 2 education education NOUN _003136118 245 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 245 4 destined destine VERB _003136118 245 5 to to PART _003136118 245 6 awaken awaken PROPN _003136118 245 7 in in ADP _003136118 245 8 final final ADJ _003136118 245 9 step step NOUN _003136118 245 10 in in ADP _003136118 245 11 the the DET _003136118 245 12 educational educational ADJ _003136118 245 13 prothe prothe NOUN _003136118 245 14 laity laity NOUN _003136118 245 15 a a DET _003136118 245 16 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 245 17 sense sense NOUN _003136118 245 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 245 19 by by ADP _003136118 245 20 in in ADP _003136118 245 21 gress gress NOUN _003136118 245 22 is be AUX _003136118 245 23 the the DET _003136118 245 24 use use NOUN _003136118 245 25 of of ADP _003136118 245 26 the the DET _003136118 245 27 mass mass NOUN _003136118 245 28 - - PUNCT _003136118 245 29 book book NOUN _003136118 245 30 structing structe VERB _003136118 245 31 them they PRON _003136118 245 32 concerning concern VERB _003136118 245 33 the the DET _003136118 245 34 itself itself PRON _003136118 245 35 , , PUNCT _003136118 245 36 many many ADJ _003136118 245 37 of of ADP _003136118 245 38 the the DET _003136118 245 39 laity laity NOUN _003136118 245 40 mastermass mastermass NOUN _003136118 245 41 and and CCONJ _003136118 245 42 their their PRON _003136118 245 43 real real ADJ _003136118 245 44 share share NOUN _003136118 245 45 in in ADP _003136118 245 46 the the DET _003136118 245 47 ing ing NOUN _003136118 245 48 its its PRON _003136118 245 49 intricacies intricacy NOUN _003136118 245 50 so so SCONJ _003136118 245 51 that that SCONJ _003136118 245 52 they they PRON _003136118 245 53 use use VERB _003136118 245 54 offering offering NOUN _003136118 245 55 of of ADP _003136118 245 56 it it PRON _003136118 245 57 , , PUNCT _003136118 245 58 with with ADP _003136118 245 59 the the DET _003136118 245 60 r r NOUN _003136118 245 61 esult esult NOUN _003136118 245 62 that that SCONJ _003136118 245 63 it it PRON _003136118 245 64 with with ADP _003136118 245 65 a a DET _003136118 245 66 degree degree NOUN _003136118 245 67 of of ADP _003136118 245 68 skill skill NOUN _003136118 245 69 which which PRON _003136118 245 70 they they PRON _003136118 245 71 will will AUX _003136118 245 72 be be AUX _003136118 245 73 able able ADJ _003136118 245 74 to to PART _003136118 245 75 follow follow VERB _003136118 245 76 the the DET _003136118 245 77 lit lit NOUN _003136118 245 78 would would AUX _003136118 245 79 do do VERB _003136118 245 80 credit credit NOUN _003136118 245 81 to to PART _003136118 245 82 seminarians seminarian NOUN _003136118 245 83 in in ADP _003136118 245 84 urgy urgy NOUN _003136118 245 85 with with ADP _003136118 245 86 the the DET _003136118 245 87 missal missal NOUN _003136118 245 88 and and CCONJ _003136118 245 89 , , PUNCT _003136118 245 90 taking take VERB _003136118 245 91 a a DET _003136118 245 92 major major ADJ _003136118 245 93 orders order NOUN _003136118 245 94 . . PUNCT _003136118 246 1 step step NOUN _003136118 246 2 still still ADV _003136118 246 3 further far ADV _003136118 246 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 246 5 be be AUX _003136118 246 6 able able ADJ _003136118 246 7 to to PART _003136118 246 8 take take VERB _003136118 246 9 part part NOUN _003136118 246 10 by by ADP _003136118 246 11 making make VERB _003136118 246 12 the the DET _003136118 246 13 responses response NOUN _003136118 246 14 at at ADP _003136118 246 15 low low ADJ _003136118 246 16 mass mass NOUN _003136118 246 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 246 18 joining join VERB _003136118 246 19 in in ADP _003136118 246 20 the the DET _003136118 246 21 chant chant NOUN _003136118 246 22 at at ADP _003136118 246 23 high high ADJ _003136118 246 24 mass mass NOUN _003136118 246 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 247 1 the the DET _003136118 247 2 children child NOUN _003136118 247 3 in in ADP _003136118 247 4 our our PRON _003136118 247 5 so so ADV _003136118 247 6 far far ADV _003136118 247 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 247 8 we we PRON _003136118 247 9 have have VERB _003136118 247 10 only only ADJ _003136118 247 11 education education NOUN _003136118 247 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 247 13 the the DET _003136118 247 14 understanding understanding NOUN _003136118 247 15 of of ADP _003136118 247 16 the the DET _003136118 247 17 mass mass NOUN _003136118 247 18 and and CCONJ _003136118 247 19 the the DET _003136118 247 20 abil abil NOUN _003136118 247 21 ity ity NOUN _003136118 247 22 to to PART _003136118 247 23 follow follow VERB _003136118 247 24 it it PRON _003136118 247 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 248 1 the the DET _003136118 248 2 intelschools intelschool NOUN _003136118 248 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 248 4 the the DET _003136118 248 5 young young ADJ _003136118 248 6 people people NOUN _003136118 248 7 in in ADP _003136118 248 8 our our PRON _003136118 248 9 ligent ligent NOUN _003136118 248 10 rea rea PROPN _003136118 248 11 ding ding NOUN _003136118 248 12 of of ADP _003136118 248 13 the the DET _003136118 248 14 missal missal NOUN _003136118 248 15 with with ADP _003136118 248 16 academies academy NOUN _003136118 248 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 248 18 colleges college NOUN _003136118 248 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 248 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 248 21 adults adult NOUN _003136118 248 22 the the DET _003136118 248 23 priest priest NOUN _003136118 248 24 is be AUX _003136118 248 25 participation participation NOUN _003136118 248 26 of of ADP _003136118 248 27 a a DET _003136118 248 28 sort sort NOUN _003136118 248 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 248 30 in in ADP _003136118 248 31 study study NOUN _003136118 248 32 clubs club NOUN _003136118 248 33 and and CCONJ _003136118 248 34 similar similar ADJ _003136118 248 35 organbut organbut NOUN _003136118 248 36 much much ADV _003136118 248 37 more more ADV _003136118 248 38 active active ADJ _003136118 248 39 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003136118 248 40 izations ization NOUN _003136118 248 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 248 42 are be AUX _003136118 248 43 following follow VERB _003136118 248 44 courses course NOUN _003136118 248 45 in in ADP _003136118 248 46 on on ADP _003136118 248 47 the the DET _003136118 248 48 part part NOUN _003136118 248 49 of of ADP _003136118 248 50 the the DET _003136118 248 51 laity laity NOUN _003136118 248 52 is be AUX _003136118 248 53 being be AUX _003136118 248 54 the the DET _003136118 248 55 public public ADJ _003136118 248 56 worship worship NOUN _003136118 248 57 of of ADP _003136118 248 58 the the DET _003136118 248 59 church church NOUN _003136118 248 60 . . PUNCT _003136118 249 1 sought seek VERB _003136118 249 2 and and CCONJ _003136118 249 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 249 4 to to ADP _003136118 249 5 a a DET _003136118 249 6 great great ADJ _003136118 249 7 · · PUNCT _003136118 249 8 extent extent NOUN _003136118 249 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 249 10 lay lie VERB _003136118 249 11 participation participation NOUN _003136118 249 12 in in ADP _003136118 249 13 the the DET _003136118 249 14 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 249 15 17 17 NUM _003136118 249 16 found find VERB _003136118 249 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 249 18 by by ADP _003136118 249 19 the the DET _003136118 249 20 promotors promotor NOUN _003136118 249 21 of of ADP _003136118 249 22 the the DET _003136118 249 23 litlay litlay NOUN _003136118 249 24 participation participation NOUN _003136118 249 25 in in ADP _003136118 249 26 high high ADJ _003136118 249 27 mass mass NOUN _003136118 249 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 249 29 the the DET _003136118 249 30 urgical urgical ADJ _003136118 249 31 movement movement NOUN _003136118 249 32 . . PUNCT _003136118 250 1 the the DET _003136118 250 2 results result NOUN _003136118 250 3 only only ADV _003136118 250 4 difficulties difficulty NOUN _003136118 250 5 are be AUX _003136118 250 6 the the DET _003136118 250 7 very very ADJ _003136118 250 8 pracach pracach NOUN _003136118 250 9 ieved ieve VERB _003136118 250 10 are be AUX _003136118 250 11 the the DET _003136118 250 12 dialogue dialogue NOUN _003136118 250 13 mass mass NOUN _003136118 250 14 in in ADP _003136118 250 15 tical tical ADJ _003136118 250 16 ones one NOUN _003136118 250 17 incident incident NOUN _003136118 250 18 to to PART _003136118 250 19 con con VERB _003136118 250 20 gregationthe gregationthe PROPN _003136118 250 21 case case NOUN _003136118 250 22 of of ADP _003136118 250 23 low low ADJ _003136118 250 24 mass mass NOUN _003136118 250 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 250 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 250 27 the the DET _003136118 250 28 singal singal ADJ _003136118 250 29 singing singing NOUN _003136118 250 30 . . PUNCT _003136118 251 1 much much ADJ _003136118 251 2 is be AUX _003136118 251 3 being be AUX _003136118 251 4 done do VERB _003136118 251 5 in in ADP _003136118 251 6 ing ing NOUN _003136118 251 7 of of ADP _003136118 251 8 the the DET _003136118 251 9 official official ADJ _003136118 251 10 chant chant NOUN _003136118 251 11 at at ADP _003136118 251 12 high high ADJ _003136118 251 13 thi thi NOUN _003136118 251 14 s s NOUN _003136118 251 15 connection connection NOUN _003136118 251 16 with with ADP _003136118 251 17 the the DET _003136118 251 18 children child NOUN _003136118 251 19 mass mass VERB _003136118 251 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 252 1 the the DET _003136118 252 2 dialogue dialogue NOUN _003136118 252 3 mass mass NOUN _003136118 252 4 may may AUX _003136118 252 5 be be AUX _003136118 252 6 of of ADP _003136118 252 7 our our PRON _003136118 252 8 schools school NOUN _003136118 252 9 whose whose DET _003136118 252 10 training training NOUN _003136118 252 11 is be AUX _003136118 252 12 described describe VERB _003136118 252 13 as as ADP _003136118 252 14 a a DET _003136118 252 15 low low ADJ _003136118 252 16 mass mass NOUN _003136118 252 17 at at ADP _003136118 252 18 which which PRON _003136118 252 19 widespread widespread ADJ _003136118 252 20 in in ADP _003136118 252 21 the the DET _003136118 252 22 execution execution NOUN _003136118 252 23 of of ADP _003136118 252 24 the the DET _003136118 252 25 members member NOUN _003136118 252 26 of of ADP _003136118 252 27 the the DET _003136118 252 28 con con PROPN _003136118 252 29 gregation gregation NOUN _003136118 252 30 . . PUNCT _003136118 253 1 plain plain ADJ _003136118 253 2 chant chant NOUN _003136118 253 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 253 4 of of ADP _003136118 253 5 the the DET _003136118 253 6 easier easy ADJ _003136118 253 7 litr litr ADJ _003136118 253 8 ecite ecite NOUN _003136118 253 9 in in ADP _003136118 253 10 concert concert NOUN _003136118 253 11 the the DET _003136118 253 12 responses response NOUN _003136118 253 13 usurgical usurgical ADJ _003136118 253 14 masses masse NOUN _003136118 253 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 253 16 especially especially ADV _003136118 253 17 when when SCONJ _003136118 253 18 ually ually ADV _003136118 253 19 m m AUX _003136118 253 20 ade ade VERB _003136118 253 21 by by ADP _003136118 253 22 the the DET _003136118 253 23 altar altar NOUN _003136118 253 24 - - PUNCT _003136118 253 25 boy boy NOUN _003136118 253 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 253 27 , , PUNCT _003136118 253 28 in in ADP _003136118 253 29 sung sung PROPN _003136118 253 30 in in ADP _003136118 253 31 unison unison PROPN _003136118 253 32 . . PUNCT _003136118 254 1 at at ADP _003136118 254 2 hi hi PROPN _003136118 254 3 gh gh PROPN _003136118 254 4 mass mass PROPN _003136118 254 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 254 6 no no DET _003136118 254 7 addition addition NOUN _003136118 254 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 254 9 say say VERB _003136118 254 10 together together ADV _003136118 254 11 certain certain ADJ _003136118 254 12 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 254 13 can can AUX _003136118 254 14 be be AUX _003136118 254 15 so so ADV _003136118 254 16 ungifted ungifted ADJ _003136118 254 17 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 254 18 with with ADP _003136118 254 19 the the DET _003136118 254 20 priest priest NOUN _003136118 254 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 254 22 especially especially ADV _003136118 254 23 musically musically ADV _003136118 254 24 as as SCONJ _003136118 254 25 to to PART _003136118 254 26 be be AUX _003136118 254 27 unable unable ADJ _003136118 254 28 to to PART _003136118 254 29 manthose manthose VERB _003136118 254 30 ordinarily ordinarily ADV _003136118 254 31 sung sing VERB _003136118 254 32 by by ADP _003136118 254 33 the the DET _003136118 254 34 choir choir NOUN _003136118 254 35 age age NOUN _003136118 254 36 the the DET _003136118 254 37 choral choral ADJ _003136118 254 38 responses response NOUN _003136118 254 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 254 40 amen amen INTJ _003136118 254 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 254 42 at at ADP _003136118 254 43 high high ADJ _003136118 254 44 mass mass NOUN _003136118 254 45 . . PUNCT _003136118 255 1 it it PRON _003136118 255 2 must must AUX _003136118 255 3 be be AUX _003136118 255 4 admitted admit VERB _003136118 255 5 et et ADP _003136118 255 6 cum cum PROPN _003136118 255 7 spiritu spiritu ADJ _003136118 255 8 tuo tuo PROPN _003136118 255 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 255 10 deo deo NOUN _003136118 255 11 gratias gratia NOUN _003136118 255 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 255 13 that that SCONJ _003136118 255 14 there there PRON _003136118 255 15 are be VERB _003136118 255 16 objections objection NOUN _003136118 255 17 to to ADP _003136118 255 18 the the PRON _003136118 255 19 and and CCONJ _003136118 255 20 the the DET _003136118 255 21 others other NOUN _003136118 255 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 256 1 not not PART _003136118 256 2 a a DET _003136118 256 3 high high ADJ _003136118 256 4 degree degree NOUN _003136118 256 5 general general ADJ _003136118 256 6 adoption adoption NOUN _003136118 256 7 of of ADP _003136118 256 8 this this DET _003136118 256 9 practice practice NOUN _003136118 256 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 257 1 of of ADP _003136118 257 2 skill skill NOUN _003136118 257 3 sh sh PROPN _003136118 257 4 ould ould AUX _003136118 257 5 be be AUX _003136118 257 6 r r NOUN _003136118 257 7 equ equ NOUN _003136118 257 8 ired ire VERB _003136118 257 9 to to PART _003136118 257 10 equip equip VERB _003136118 257 11 the the DET _003136118 257 12 church church NOUN _003136118 257 13 r r NOUN _003136118 257 14 equ equ NOUN _003136118 257 15 ires ire NOUN _003136118 257 16 for for ADP _003136118 257 17 the the DET _003136118 257 18 lawthe lawthe ADJ _003136118 257 19 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 257 20 to to PART _003136118 257 21 sing sing VERB _003136118 257 22 the the DET _003136118 257 23 inful inful ADJ _003136118 257 24 conduct conduct NOUN _003136118 257 25 of of ADP _003136118 257 26 the the DET _003136118 257 27 dialogue dialogue NOUN _003136118 257 28 mass mass NOUN _003136118 257 29 variable variable ADJ _003136118 257 30 chants chant NOUN _003136118 257 31 of of ADP _003136118 257 32 the the DET _003136118 257 33 mass mass NOUN _003136118 257 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 257 35 along along SCONJ _003136118 257 36 that that SCONJ _003136118 257 37 it it PRON _003136118 257 38 be be AUX _003136118 257 39 permitted permit VERB _003136118 257 40 by by ADP _003136118 257 41 the the DET _003136118 257 42 local local ADJ _003136118 257 43 with with ADP _003136118 257 44 , , PUNCT _003136118 257 45 or or CCONJ _003136118 257 46 alternately alternately ADV _003136118 257 47 with with ADP _003136118 257 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 257 49 the the DET _003136118 257 50 choir choir PROPN _003136118 257 51 . . PUNCT _003136118 258 1 b b PROPN _003136118 258 2 ishop ishop NOUN _003136118 258 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 258 4 that that SCONJ _003136118 258 5 the the DET _003136118 258 6 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 258 7 the the DET _003136118 258 8 specially specially ADV _003136118 258 9 trained train VERB _003136118 258 10 choristers chorister NOUN _003136118 258 11 do do AUX _003136118 258 12 not not PART _003136118 258 13 recite recite VERB _003136118 258 14 aloud aloud ADV _003136118 258 15 any any DET _003136118 258 16 portions portion NOUN _003136118 258 17 of of ADP _003136118 258 18 would would AUX _003136118 258 19 continue continue VERB _003136118 258 20 to to PART _003136118 258 21 chant chant VERB _003136118 258 22 the the DET _003136118 258 23 varith varith NOUN _003136118 258 24 e e PROPN _003136118 258 25 mass mass NOUN _003136118 258 26 which which PRON _003136118 258 27 the the DET _003136118 258 28 pr pr X _003136118 258 29 iest i ADJ _003136118 258 30 recites recite NOUN _003136118 258 31 able able ADJ _003136118 258 32 parts part NOUN _003136118 258 33 of of ADP _003136118 258 34 the the DET _003136118 258 35 mass mass NOUN _003136118 258 36 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 258 37 as as ADV _003136118 258 38 well well ADV _003136118 258 39 as as ADP _003136118 258 40 in in ADP _003136118 258 41 secret secret NOUN _003136118 258 42 . . PUNCT _003136118 259 1 it it PRON _003136118 259 2 would would AUX _003136118 259 3 be be AUX _003136118 259 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 259 5 obvio obvio NOUN _003136118 259 6 usly usly ADV _003136118 259 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 259 8 its its PRON _003136118 259 9 more more ADV _003136118 259 10 elaborate elaborate ADJ _003136118 259 11 chants chant NOUN _003136118 259 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 260 1 so so ADV _003136118 260 2 incongruous incongruous ADJ _003136118 260 3 for for SCONJ _003136118 260 4 the the DET _003136118 260 5 people people NOUN _003136118 260 6 to to PART _003136118 260 7 dewhether dewhether VERB _003136118 260 8 at at ADP _003136118 260 9 low low ADJ _003136118 260 10 mass mass NOUN _003136118 260 11 or or CCONJ _003136118 260 12 at at ADP _003136118 260 13 high high ADJ _003136118 260 14 claim claim NOUN _003136118 260 15 the the DET _003136118 260 16 canon canon NOUN _003136118 260 17 of of ADP _003136118 260 18 the the DET _003136118 260 19 mass mass NOUN _003136118 260 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 260 21 for for ADP _003136118 260 22 mass mass NOUN _003136118 260 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 260 24 the the DET _003136118 260 25 attendants attendant NOUN _003136118 260 26 are be AUX _003136118 260 27 no no ADV _003136118 260 28 longer long ADJ _003136118 260 29 example example NOUN _003136118 260 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 260 31 which which PRON _003136118 260 32 the the DET _003136118 260 33 rubrics rubric NOUN _003136118 260 34 require require VERB _003136118 260 35 silent silent ADJ _003136118 260 36 passive passive ADJ _003136118 260 37 spectators spectator NOUN _003136118 260 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 260 39 but but CCONJ _003136118 260 40 vocal vocal ADJ _003136118 260 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 260 42 the the DET _003136118 260 43 celebrant celebrant NOUN _003136118 260 44 to to PART _003136118 260 45 say say VERB _003136118 260 46 in in ADP _003136118 260 47 a a DET _003136118 260 48 whisper whisper NOUN _003136118 260 49 . . PUNCT _003136118 261 1 active active ADJ _003136118 261 2 par par NOUN _003136118 261 3 ticipants ticipant NOUN _003136118 261 4 in in ADP _003136118 261 5 the the DET _003136118 261 6 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 261 7 on on ADP _003136118 261 8 the the DET _003136118 261 9 other other ADJ _003136118 261 10 h h NOUN _003136118 261 11 and and CCONJ _003136118 261 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 261 13 there there PRON _003136118 261 14 is be VERB _003136118 261 15 nothhomage nothhomage NOUN _003136118 261 16 paid pay VERB _003136118 261 17 to to ADP _003136118 261 18 the the DET _003136118 261 19 most most ADV _003136118 261 20 high high ADJ _003136118 261 21 ing ing ADJ _003136118 261 22 indeco indeco PROPN _003136118 261 23 r r NOUN _003136118 261 24 ous ous ADJ _003136118 261 25 in in ADP _003136118 261 26 concerted concerted ADJ _003136118 261 27 an an PRON _003136118 261 28 jointly jointly ADV _003136118 261 29 by by ADP _003136118 261 30 his his PRON _003136118 261 31 pri pri NOUN _003136118 261 32 est est ADV _003136118 261 33 a a DET _003136118 261 34 t t NOUN _003136118 261 35 the the DET _003136118 261 36 altar altar NOUN _003136118 261 37 swering swere VERB _003136118 261 38 by by ADP _003136118 261 39 the the DET _003136118 261 40 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 261 41 of of ADP _003136118 261 42 the the DET _003136118 261 43 and and CCONJ _003136118 261 44 the the DET _003136118 261 45 non non ADJ _003136118 261 46 - - ADJ _003136118 261 47 ordained ordained ADJ _003136118 261 48 members member NOUN _003136118 261 49 of of ADP _003136118 261 50 respo respo PROPN _003136118 261 51 n n ADP _003136118 261 52 ses se NOUN _003136118 261 53 usually usually ADV _003136118 261 54 made make VERB _003136118 261 55 in in ADP _003136118 261 56 its its PRON _003136118 261 57 name name NOUN _003136118 261 58 t t NOUN _003136118 261 59 he he PRON _003136118 261 60 myst myst VERB _003136118 261 61 ical ical ADJ _003136118 261 62 body body NOUN _003136118 261 63 of of ADP _003136118 261 64 christ christ PROPN _003136118 261 65 in in ADP _003136118 261 66 the the PRON _003136118 261 67 by by ADP _003136118 261 68 the the DET _003136118 261 69 server server NOUN _003136118 261 70 , , PUNCT _003136118 261 71 nor nor CCONJ _003136118 261 72 in in ADP _003136118 261 73 the the DET _003136118 261 74 recitation recitation NOUN _003136118 261 75 congregation congregation NOUN _003136118 261 76 , , PUNCT _003136118 261 77 all all PRON _003136118 261 78 actively actively ADV _003136118 261 79 united unite VERB _003136118 261 80 in in ADP _003136118 261 81 alou alou PROPN _003136118 261 82 d d PROPN _003136118 261 83 by by ADP _003136118 261 84 priest priest NOUN _003136118 261 85 and and CCONJ _003136118 261 86 people people NOUN _003136118 261 87 together together ADV _003136118 261 88 communal communal ADJ _003136118 261 89 worship worship NOUN _003136118 261 90 . . PUNCT _003136118 262 1 of of ADP _003136118 262 2 certain certain ADJ _003136118 262 3 portions portion NOUN _003136118 262 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 262 5 like like ADP _003136118 262 6 those those PRON _003136118 262 7 which which PRON _003136118 262 8 are be AUX _003136118 262 9 s s PRON _003136118 262 10 ung ung NOUN _003136118 262 11 by by ADP _003136118 262 12 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 262 13 t t PROPN _003136118 262 14 h h NOUN _003136118 262 15 e e PROPN _003136118 262 16 choir choir NOUN _003136118 262 17 at at ADP _003136118 262 18 high high ADJ _003136118 262 19 mass mass NOUN _003136118 262 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 263 1 in in ADP _003136118 263 2 these these DET _003136118 263 3 days day NOUN _003136118 263 4 of of ADP _003136118 263 5 frequent frequent ADJ _003136118 263 6 holy holy ADJ _003136118 263 7 communion communion NOUN _003136118 263 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 263 9 only only ADV _003136118 263 10 passing pass VERB _003136118 263 11 reference reference NOUN _003136118 263 12 need need AUX _003136118 263 13 be be AUX _003136118 263 14 made make VERB _003136118 263 15 to to ADP _003136118 263 16 that that PRON _003136118 263 17 mo mo PROPN _003136118 263 18 st st PROPN _003136118 263 19 active active ADJ _003136118 263 20 when when SCONJ _003136118 263 21 we we PRON _003136118 263 22 come come VERB _003136118 263 23 to to PART _003136118 263 24 consider consider VERB _003136118 263 25 the the DET _003136118 263 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 263 27 conspicuous conspicuous ADJ _003136118 263 28 participation participation NOUN _003136118 263 29 of of ADP _003136118 263 30 18 18 NUM _003136118 263 31 the the DET _003136118 263 32 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 263 33 and and CCONJ _003136118 263 34 the the DET _003136118 263 35 laity laity NOUN _003136118 263 36 the the DET _003136118 263 37 laity laity NOUN _003136118 263 38 in in ADP _003136118 263 39 the the DET _003136118 263 40 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 263 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 263 42 which which PRON _003136118 263 43 is be AUX _003136118 263 44 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 263 45 was be AUX _003136118 263 46 the the DET _003136118 263 47 rule rule NOUN _003136118 263 48 . . PUNCT _003136118 264 1 it it PRON _003136118 264 2 was be AUX _003136118 264 3 an an DET _003136118 264 4 represented represent VERB _003136118 264 5 by by ADP _003136118 264 6 the the DET _003136118 264 7 reception reception NOUN _003136118 264 8 of of ADP _003136118 264 9 indispensable indispensable ADJ _003136118 264 10 element element NOUN _003136118 264 11 in in ADP _003136118 264 12 the the DET _003136118 264 13 assistholy assistholy ADJ _003136118 264 14 communion communion NOUN _003136118 264 15 at at ADP _003136118 264 16 mass mass PROPN _003136118 264 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 265 1 emphaance emphaance NOUN _003136118 265 2 of of ADP _003136118 265 3 the the DET _003136118 265 4 early early ADJ _003136118 265 5 christians christian NOUN _003136118 265 6 at at ADP _003136118 265 7 sis sis PROPN _003136118 265 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 265 9 however however ADV _003136118 265 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 265 11 should should AUX _003136118 265 12 be be AUX _003136118 265 13 placed place VERB _003136118 265 14 on on ADP _003136118 265 15 mass mass NOUN _003136118 265 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 266 1 it it PRON _003136118 266 2 remained remain VERB _003136118 266 3 for for ADP _003136118 266 4 later later ADJ _003136118 266 5 times time NOUN _003136118 266 6 the the DET _003136118 266 7 propriety propriety NOUN _003136118 266 8 of of ADP _003136118 266 9 receiving receive VERB _003136118 266 10 holy holy ADJ _003136118 266 11 to to PART _003136118 266 12 conceive conceive VERB _003136118 266 13 of of ADP _003136118 266 14 attendance attendance NOUN _003136118 266 15 at at ADP _003136118 266 16 mass mass ADJ _003136118 266 17 communion communion NOUN _003136118 266 18 during during ADP _003136118 266 19 mass mass PROPN _003136118 266 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 266 21 at at ADP _003136118 266 22 the the PRON _003136118 266 23 without without ADJ _003136118 266 24 reception reception NOUN _003136118 266 25 of of ADP _003136118 266 26 holy holy ADJ _003136118 266 27 comproper comproper NOUN _003136118 266 28 time time NOUN _003136118 266 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 266 30 after after ADP _003136118 266 31 the the DET _003136118 266 32 communion communion NOUN _003136118 266 33 munion munion NOUN _003136118 266 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 267 1 even even ADV _003136118 267 2 now now ADV _003136118 267 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 267 4 with with ADP _003136118 267 5 our our PRON _003136118 267 6 freof freof NOUN _003136118 267 7 the the DET _003136118 267 8 priest priest NOUN _003136118 267 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 267 10 as as SCONJ _003136118 267 11 the the DET _003136118 267 12 chief chief ADJ _003136118 267 13 feature feature NOUN _003136118 267 14 ~uent ~uent PUNCT _003136118 267 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 267 16 daily daily ADJ _003136118 267 17 communion communion NOUN _003136118 267 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 267 19 there there ADV _003136118 267 20 of of ADP _003136118 267 21 lay lay PROPN _003136118 267 22 association association NOUN _003136118 267 23 with with ADP _003136118 267 24 the the DET _003136118 267 25 holy holy PROPN _003136118 267 26 is be AUX _003136118 267 27 not not PART _003136118 267 28 sufficiently sufficiently ADV _003136118 267 29 inculcated inculcate VERB _003136118 267 30 the the DET _003136118 267 31 sagrifice sagrifice NOUN _003136118 267 32 . . PUNCT _003136118 268 1 hence hence ADV _003136118 268 2 communion communion NOUN _003136118 268 3 outidea outidea NOUN _003136118 268 4 of of ADP _003136118 268 5 the the DET _003136118 268 6 reception reception NOUN _003136118 268 7 of of ADP _003136118 268 8 holy holy ADJ _003136118 268 9 comside comside PROPN _003136118 268 10 of of ADP _003136118 268 11 mass mass PROPN _003136118 268 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 268 13 or or CCONJ _003136118 268 14 immediately immediately ADV _003136118 268 15 bemunion bemunion NOUN _003136118 268 16 as as ADP _003136118 268 17 an an DET _003136118 268 18 active active ADJ _003136118 268 19 participation participation NOUN _003136118 268 20 fore fore NOUN _003136118 268 21 or or CCONJ _003136118 268 22 immediately immediately ADV _003136118 268 23 after after ADP _003136118 268 24 mass mass NOUN _003136118 268 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 268 26 in in ADP _003136118 268 27 the the DET _003136118 268 28 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 268 29 of of ADP _003136118 268 30 the the DET _003136118 268 31 mass mass NOUN _003136118 268 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 268 33 not not PART _003136118 268 34 should should AUX _003136118 268 35 be be AUX _003136118 268 36 the the DET _003136118 268 37 exception exception NOUN _003136118 268 38 rather rather ADV _003136118 268 39 than than ADP _003136118 268 40 to to PART _003136118 268 41 be be AUX _003136118 268 42 lightly lightly ADV _003136118 268 43 divorced divorce VERB _003136118 268 44 from from ADP _003136118 268 45 it it PRON _003136118 268 46 by by ADP _003136118 268 47 the the DET _003136118 268 48 rule rule NOUN _003136118 268 49 . . PUNCT _003136118 269 1 holy holy ADJ _003136118 269 2 communion communion PROPN _003136118 269 3 is be AUX _003136118 269 4 the the DET _003136118 269 5 the the DET _003136118 269 6 distribution distribution NOUN _003136118 269 7 of of ADP _003136118 269 8 holy holy ADJ _003136118 269 9 communhighest communhighest NOUN _003136118 269 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 269 11 most most ADV _003136118 269 12 intimate intimate ADJ _003136118 269 13 form form NOUN _003136118 269 14 of of ADP _003136118 269 15 ion ion NOUN _003136118 269 16 at at ADP _003136118 269 17 times time NOUN _003136118 269 18 other other ADJ _003136118 269 19 than than ADP _003136118 269 20 that that DET _003136118 269 21 immecooperation immecooperation NOUN _003136118 269 22 of of ADP _003136118 269 23 the the DET _003136118 269 24 faithful faithful ADJ _003136118 269 25 at at ADP _003136118 269 26 mass mass PROPN _003136118 269 27 . . PUNCT _003136118 270 1 diately diately ADV _003136118 270 2 following follow VERB _003136118 270 3 the the DET _003136118 270 4 communion communion NOUN _003136118 270 5 the the DET _003136118 270 6 mass mass NOUN _003136118 270 7 is be AUX _003136118 270 8 a a DET _003136118 270 9 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 270 10 which which PRON _003136118 270 11 reof reof VERB _003136118 270 12 the the DET _003136118 270 13 celebrant celebrant NOUN _003136118 270 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 271 1 suits suit NOUN _003136118 271 2 in in ADP _003136118 271 3 a a DET _003136118 271 4 sacrament sacrament NOUN _003136118 271 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 272 1 the the DET _003136118 272 2 priest priest NOUN _003136118 272 3 alone alone ADV _003136118 272 4 can can AUX _003136118 272 5 offer offer VERB _003136118 272 6 the the DET _003136118 272 7 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 272 8 but but CCONJ _003136118 272 9 the the DET _003136118 272 10 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 272 11 movement movement NOUN _003136118 272 12 offers offer VERB _003136118 272 13 priest priest NOUN _003136118 272 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 272 15 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 272 16 people people NOUN _003136118 272 17 together together ADV _003136118 272 18 particito particito ADP _003136118 272 19 the the DET _003136118 272 20 laity laity NOUN _003136118 272 21 these these DET _003136118 272 22 forms form NOUN _003136118 272 23 of of ADP _003136118 272 24 participate participate NOUN _003136118 272 25 in in ADP _003136118 272 26 the the DET _003136118 272 27 sacrament sacrament NOUN _003136118 272 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 272 29 which which PRON _003136118 272 30 is be AUX _003136118 272 31 efpation efpation NOUN _003136118 272 32 in in ADP _003136118 272 33 the the DET _003136118 272 34 sacred sacred ADJ _003136118 272 35 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 272 36 as as ADP _003136118 272 37 a a DET _003136118 272 38 fected fecte VERB _003136118 272 39 by by ADP _003136118 272 40 the the DET _003136118 272 41 sacerdotal sacerdotal ADJ _003136118 272 42 action action NOUN _003136118 272 43 of of ADP _003136118 272 44 privilege privilege NOUN _003136118 272 45 , , PUNCT _003136118 272 46 which which PRON _003136118 272 47 all all PRON _003136118 272 48 may may AUX _003136118 272 49 enjoy enjoy VERB _003136118 272 50 but but CCONJ _003136118 272 51 the the DET _003136118 272 52 consecrating consecrate VERB _003136118 272 53 priest priest NOUN _003136118 272 54 . . PUNCT _003136118 273 1 this this DET _003136118 273 2 holy holy ADJ _003136118 273 3 which which PRON _003136118 273 4 none none NOUN _003136118 273 5 are be AUX _003136118 273 6 obliged oblige VERB _003136118 273 7 to to PART _003136118 273 8 exercise exercise VERB _003136118 273 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 274 1 sacrament sacrament PROPN _003136118 274 2 is be AUX _003136118 274 3 an an DET _003136118 274 4 integral integral ADJ _003136118 274 5 part part NOUN _003136118 274 6 of of ADP _003136118 274 7 the the DET _003136118 274 8 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 274 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 275 1 the the DET _003136118 275 2 people people NOUN _003136118 275 3 are be AUX _003136118 275 4 not not PART _003136118 275 5 co co NOUN _003136118 275 6 - - NOUN _003136118 275 7 consecrators consecrator NOUN _003136118 275 8 with with ADP _003136118 275 9 the the DET _003136118 275 10 celebrating celebrate VERB _003136118 275 11 priest priest NOUN _003136118 275 12 but but CCONJ _003136118 275 13 they they PRON _003136118 275 14 are be AUX _003136118 275 15 co co NOUN _003136118 275 16 - - NOUN _003136118 275 17 participants participant NOUN _003136118 275 18 in in ADP _003136118 275 19 the the DET _003136118 275 20 eucharistic eucharistic ADJ _003136118 275 21 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 275 22 by by ADP _003136118 275 23 the the DET _003136118 275 24 reception reception NOUN _003136118 275 25 of of ADP _003136118 275 26 holy holy ADJ _003136118 275 27 communthere communthere NOUN _003136118 275 28 are be AUX _003136118 275 29 those those PRON _003136118 275 30 who who PRON _003136118 275 31 are be AUX _003136118 275 32 content content ADJ _003136118 275 33 with with ADP _003136118 275 34 things thing NOUN _003136118 275 35 as as SCONJ _003136118 275 36 they they PRON _003136118 275 37 are be AUX _003136118 275 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 275 39 who who PRON _003136118 275 40 would would AUX _003136118 275 41 be be AUX _003136118 275 42 only only ADV _003136118 275 43 disturbed disturb VERB _003136118 275 44 by by ADP _003136118 275 45 forms form NOUN _003136118 275 46 of of ADP _003136118 275 47 active active ADJ _003136118 275 48 participation participation NOUN _003136118 275 49 as as ADP _003136118 275 50 a a DET _003136118 275 51 substitute substitute NOUN _003136118 275 52 for for ADP _003136118 275 53 the the DET _003136118 275 54 private private ADJ _003136118 275 55 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 275 56 to to PART _003136118 275 57 which which PRON _003136118 275 58 they they PRON _003136118 275 59 have have AUX _003136118 275 60 been be AUX _003136118 275 61 long long ADV _003136118 275 62 accustomed accustom VERB _003136118 275 63 . . PUNCT _003136118 276 1 there there PRON _003136118 276 2 are be VERB _003136118 276 3 many many ADJ _003136118 276 4 others other NOUN _003136118 276 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 276 6 however however ADV _003136118 276 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 276 8 ion ion NOUN _003136118 276 9 along along ADP _003136118 276 10 with with ADP _003136118 276 11 the the DET _003136118 276 12 priest priest NOUN _003136118 276 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 277 1 the the DET _003136118 277 2 lay lay NOUN _003136118 277 3 who who PRON _003136118 277 4 feel feel VERB _003136118 277 5 that that SCONJ _003136118 277 6 under under ADP _003136118 277 7 the the DET _003136118 277 8 old old ADJ _003136118 277 9 condicooperation condicooperation NOUN _003136118 277 10 here here ADV _003136118 277 11 is be AUX _003136118 277 12 as as ADV _003136118 277 13 active active ADJ _003136118 277 14 as as ADP _003136118 277 15 tions tion NOUN _003136118 277 16 they they PRON _003136118 277 17 received receive VERB _003136118 277 18 only only ADV _003136118 277 19 a a DET _003136118 277 20 fraction fraction NOUN _003136118 277 21 was be AUX _003136118 277 22 that that PRON _003136118 277 23 of of ADP _003136118 277 24 the the DET _003136118 277 25 apostles apostle NOUN _003136118 277 26 at at ADP _003136118 277 27 the the PRON _003136118 277 28 of of ADP _003136118 277 29 the the DET _003136118 277 30 benefit benefit NOUN _003136118 277 31 which which PRON _003136118 277 32 they they PRON _003136118 277 33 should should AUX _003136118 277 34 defirst defirst VERB _003136118 277 35 of of ADP _003136118 277 36 all all DET _003136118 277 37 masses masse NOUN _003136118 277 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 277 39 offered offer VERB _003136118 277 40 by by ADP _003136118 277 41 the the DET _003136118 277 42 rive rive NOUN _003136118 277 43 from from ADP _003136118 277 44 attendance attendance NOUN _003136118 277 45 at at ADP _003136118 277 46 the the DET _003136118 277 47 supreme supreme PROPN _003136118 277 48 great great PROPN _003136118 277 49 high high ADJ _003136118 277 50 priest priest NOUN _003136118 277 51 himself himself PRON _003136118 277 52 at at ADP _003136118 277 53 the the DET _003136118 277 54 act act NOUN _003136118 277 55 of of ADP _003136118 277 56 christian christian ADJ _003136118 277 57 worship worship NOUN _003136118 277 58 . . PUNCT _003136118 278 1 teachlast teachlast PROPN _003136118 278 2 supper supper VERB _003136118 278 3 in in ADP _003136118 278 4 the the DET _003136118 278 5 upper upper ADJ _003136118 278 6 chamber chamber NOUN _003136118 278 7 ing e VERB _003136118 278 8 the the DET _003136118 278 9 people people NOUN _003136118 278 10 to to PART _003136118 278 11 follow follow VERB _003136118 278 12 the the DET _003136118 278 13 mass mass NOUN _003136118 278 14 in in ADP _003136118 278 15 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN _003136118 278 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 279 1 in in ADP _003136118 279 2 the the DET _003136118 279 3 primitive primitive ADJ _003136118 279 4 intelligently intelligently ADV _003136118 279 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 6 missal missal NOUN _003136118 279 7 in in ADP _003136118 279 8 hand hand NOUN _003136118 279 9 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 279 10 alchurch alchurch NOUN _003136118 279 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 12 general general ADJ _003136118 279 13 communion communion NOUN _003136118 279 14 of of ADP _003136118 279 15 the the DET _003136118 279 16 lowing lowing NOUN _003136118 279 17 them they PRON _003136118 279 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 19 within within ADP _003136118 279 20 proper proper ADJ _003136118 279 21 limits limit NOUN _003136118 279 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 23 lay lay VERB _003136118 279 24 participation participation NOUN _003136118 279 25 in in ADP _003136118 279 26 the the DET _003136118 279 27 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 279 28 19 19 NUM _003136118 279 29 the the DET _003136118 279 30 active active ADJ _003136118 279 31 participation participation NOUN _003136118 279 32 of of ADP _003136118 279 33 the the DET _003136118 279 34 diabut diabut NOUN _003136118 279 35 nevertheless nevertheless ADV _003136118 279 36 bringing bring VERB _003136118 279 37 to to ADP _003136118 279 38 the the DET _003136118 279 39 logue logue PROPN _003136118 279 40 low low PROPN _003136118 279 41 mass mass NOUN _003136118 279 42 and and CCONJ _003136118 279 43 the the DET _003136118 279 44 congregaman congregaman NOUN _003136118 279 45 in in ADP _003136118 279 46 the the DET _003136118 279 47 pew pew NOUN _003136118 279 48 a a DET _003136118 279 49 realization realization NOUN _003136118 279 50 of of ADP _003136118 279 51 his his PRON _003136118 279 52 tionally tionally ADV _003136118 279 53 - - PUNCT _003136118 279 54 sung sung ADJ _003136118 279 55 high high ADJ _003136118 279 56 mass mass PROPN _003136118 279 57 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 279 58 emphaactive emphaactive ADJ _003136118 279 59 association association NOUN _003136118 279 60 with with ADP _003136118 279 61 the the DET _003136118 279 62 priest priest NOUN _003136118 279 63 sizing size VERB _003136118 279 64 the the DET _003136118 279 65 intimate intimate ADJ _003136118 279 66 connection connection NOUN _003136118 279 67 beat beat VERB _003136118 279 68 the the DET _003136118 279 69 altar altar NOUN _003136118 279 70 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 71 in in ADP _003136118 279 72 accord accord NOUN _003136118 279 73 with with ADP _003136118 279 74 the the DET _003136118 279 75 tween tween NOUN _003136118 279 76 assistance assistance NOUN _003136118 279 77 at at ADP _003136118 279 78 mass mass NOUN _003136118 279 79 and and CCONJ _003136118 279 80 the the DET _003136118 279 81 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 279 82 of of ADP _003136118 279 83 the the DET _003136118 279 84 celebrant celebrant NOUN _003136118 279 85 at at ADP _003136118 279 86 the the DET _003136118 279 87 orreception orreception NOUN _003136118 279 88 of of ADP _003136118 279 89 holy holy ADJ _003136118 279 90 communionate communionate ADJ _003136118 279 91 fratres fratre NOUN _003136118 279 92 : : PUNCT _003136118 279 93 " " PUNCT _003136118 279 94 pray pray NOUN _003136118 279 95 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 96 brethren brother NOUN _003136118 279 97 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 98 that that SCONJ _003136118 279 99 here here ADV _003136118 279 100 we we PRON _003136118 279 101 have have VERB _003136118 279 102 a a DET _003136118 279 103 three three NUM _003136118 279 104 - - ADJ _003136118 279 105 fold fold ADJ _003136118 279 106 system system NOUN _003136118 279 107 my my PRON _003136118 279 108 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 279 109 and and CCONJ _003136118 279 110 yours yours PRON _003136118 279 111 may may AUX _003136118 279 112 be be AUX _003136118 279 113 acof acof NOUN _003136118 279 114 lay lay VERB _003136118 279 115 cooperation cooperation NOUN _003136118 279 116 - - PUNCT _003136118 279 117 positive positive ADJ _003136118 279 118 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 119 comceptable comceptable ADJ _003136118 279 120 in in ADP _003136118 279 121 the the DET _003136118 279 122 sight sight NOUN _003136118 279 123 of of ADP _003136118 279 124 god god PROPN _003136118 279 125 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 126 the the DET _003136118 279 127 parative parative NOUN _003136118 279 128 , , PUNCT _003136118 279 129 and and CCONJ _003136118 279 130 superlative superlative ADJ _003136118 279 131 -- -- PUNCT _003136118 279 132 quite quite ADV _003136118 279 133 in in ADP _003136118 279 134 father father PROPN _003136118 279 135 almighty almighty ADV _003136118 279 136 . . PUNCT _003136118 279 137 " " PUNCT _003136118 280 1 accord accord NOUN _003136118 280 2 with with ADP _003136118 280 3 present present ADJ _003136118 280 4 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical ADJ _003136118 280 5 law law NOUN _003136118 280 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 280 7 involving involve VERB _003136118 280 8 no no DET _003136118 280 9 radical radical ADJ _003136118 280 10 changes change NOUN _003136118 280 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 280 12 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 280 13 in in ADP _003136118 280 14 time time NOUN _003136118 280 15 of of ADP _003136118 280 16 war war NOUN _003136118 280 17 oriental oriental ADJ _003136118 280 18 rites rite NOUN _003136118 280 19 in in ADP _003136118 280 20 the the DET _003136118 280 21 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 280 22 address address NOUN _003136118 280 23 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 280 24 on on ADP _003136118 280 25 june june PROPN _003136118 280 26 28 28 NUM _003136118 280 27 , , PUNCT _003136118 280 28 1942 1942 NUM _003136118 280 29 in in ADP _003136118 280 30 the the DET _003136118 280 31 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 280 32 hour hour NOUN _003136118 280 33 for for ADP _003136118 280 34 the the DET _003136118 280 35 protestant protestant ADJ _003136118 280 36 churches church NOUN _003136118 280 37 of of ADP _003136118 280 38 western western ADJ _003136118 280 39 past past ADJ _003136118 280 40 three three NUM _003136118 280 41 sundays sunday NOUN _003136118 280 42 , , PUNCT _003136118 280 43 ~e ~e PUNCT _003136118 280 44 h h NOUN _003136118 280 45 ave ave NOUN _003136118 280 46 been be AUX _003136118 280 47 christianity christianity ADJ _003136118 280 48 . . PUNCT _003136118 281 1 studying study VERB _003136118 281 2 the the DET _003136118 281 3 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 281 4 of of ADP _003136118 281 5 the the DET _003136118 281 6 church church NOUN _003136118 281 7 how how SCONJ _003136118 281 8 this this PRON _003136118 281 9 came come VERB _003136118 281 10 about about ADP _003136118 281 11 historically historically ADV _003136118 281 12 in in ADP _003136118 281 13 the the DET _003136118 281 14 familiar familiar ADJ _003136118 281 15 form form NOUN _003136118 281 16 in in ADP _003136118 281 17 which which PRON _003136118 281 18 may may AUX _003136118 281 19 be be AUX _003136118 281 20 stated state VERB _003136118 281 21 thus thus ADV _003136118 281 22 : : PUNCT _003136118 281 23 there there PRON _003136118 281 24 was be VERB _003136118 281 25 01'catholics 01'catholic NOUN _003136118 281 26 see see VERB _003136118 281 27 it it PRON _003136118 281 28 carried carry VERB _003136118 281 29 out out ADP _003136118 281 30 sunday sunday PROPN _003136118 281 31 ig ig PROPN _003136118 281 32 inally inally ADV _003136118 281 33 some some DET _003136118 281 34 very very ADV _003136118 281 35 simple simple ADJ _003136118 281 36 ceremony ceremony NOUN _003136118 281 37 after after ADP _003136118 281 38 sunday sunday PROPN _003136118 281 39 . . PUNCT _003136118 282 1 when when SCONJ _003136118 282 2 we we PRON _003136118 282 3 learn learn VERB _003136118 282 4 in in ADP _003136118 282 5 employed employ VERB _003136118 282 6 for for ADP _003136118 282 7 the the DET _003136118 282 8 celebration celebration NOUN _003136118 282 9 of of ADP _003136118 282 10 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 282 11 quiz quiz NOUN _003136118 282 12 programmes programme NOUN _003136118 282 13 of of ADP _003136118 282 14 the the DET _003136118 282 15 mass mass NOUN _003136118 282 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 283 1 this this DET _003136118 283 2 rite rite NOUN _003136118 283 3 crystallized crystallize VERB _003136118 283 4 into into ADP _003136118 283 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 283 6 believe believe VERB _003136118 283 7 it it PRON _003136118 283 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 283 9 not not PART _003136118 283 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 283 11 variety variety NOUN _003136118 283 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 283 13 that that SCONJ _003136118 283 14 various various ADJ _003136118 283 15 forms form NOUN _003136118 283 16 according accord VERB _003136118 283 17 to to ADP _003136118 283 18 the the DET _003136118 283 19 the the DET _003136118 283 20 mass mass NOUN _003136118 283 21 is be AUX _003136118 283 22 celebrated celebrate VERB _003136118 283 23 not not PART _003136118 283 24 only only ADV _003136118 283 25 in in ADP _003136118 283 26 local local ADJ _003136118 283 27 conditions condition NOUN _003136118 283 28 where where SCONJ _003136118 283 29 it it PRON _003136118 283 30 was be AUX _003136118 283 31 praclatin praclatin ADJ _003136118 283 32 but but CCONJ _003136118 283 33 in in ADP _003136118 283 34 nine nine NUM _003136118 283 35 or or CCONJ _003136118 283 36 ten ten NUM _003136118 283 37 other other ADJ _003136118 283 38 difticed diftice VERB _003136118 283 39 . . PUNCT _003136118 284 1 some some DET _003136118 284 2 features feature NOUN _003136118 284 3 were be AUX _003136118 284 4 elaborferent elaborferent NOUN _003136118 284 5 languages language NOUN _003136118 284 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 284 7 we we PRON _003136118 284 8 must must AUX _003136118 284 9 not not PART _003136118 284 10 ated ate VERB _003136118 284 11 in in ADP _003136118 284 12 one one NUM _003136118 284 13 place place NOUN _003136118 284 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 284 15 not not PART _003136118 284 16 developpicture developpicture VERB _003136118 284 17 the the DET _003136118 284 18 mass mass NOUN _003136118 284 19 to to PART _003136118 284 20 which which PRON _003136118 284 21 we we PRON _003136118 284 22 ed ed VERB _003136118 284 23 in in ADP _003136118 284 24 others other NOUN _003136118 284 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 285 1 slight slight ADJ _003136118 285 2 re re PROPN _003136118 285 3 - - NOUN _003136118 285 4 arrangeare arrangeare ADJ _003136118 285 5 accustomed accustomed NOUN _003136118 285 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 285 7 m m VERB _003136118 285 8 erely erely ADV _003136118 285 9 celebrated celebrate VERB _003136118 285 10 ments ment NOUN _003136118 285 11 of of ADP _003136118 285 12 the the DET _003136118 285 13 original original ADJ _003136118 285 14 order order NOUN _003136118 285 15 were be AUX _003136118 285 16 in in ADP _003136118 285 17 a a DET _003136118 285 18 tongue tongue NOUN _003136118 285 19 other other ADJ _003136118 285 20 than than ADP _003136118 285 21 latin latin PROPN _003136118 285 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 286 1 made make VERB _003136118 286 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 286 3 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 286 4 's 's PART _003136118 286 5 lengthy lengthy ADJ _003136118 286 6 or or CCONJ _003136118 286 7 abbrevianot abbrevianot ADV _003136118 286 8 only only ADV _003136118 286 9 is be AUX _003136118 286 10 the the DET _003136118 286 11 language language NOUN _003136118 286 12 different different ADJ _003136118 286 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 286 14 ted ted PROPN _003136118 286 15 varied vary VERB _003136118 286 16 in in ADP _003136118 286 17 different different ADJ _003136118 286 18 parts part NOUN _003136118 286 19 of of ADP _003136118 286 20 but but CCONJ _003136118 286 21 the the DET _003136118 286 22 entire entire ADJ _003136118 286 23 rite rite NOUN _003136118 286 24 - - NOUN _003136118 286 25 the the DET _003136118 286 26 ceremonial ceremonial NOUN _003136118 286 27 , , PUNCT _003136118 286 28 ch ch NOUN _003136118 286 29 ri ri PROPN _003136118 286 30 stendom stendom NOUN _003136118 286 31 . . PUNCT _003136118 287 1 the the DET _003136118 287 2 development development NOUN _003136118 287 3 of of ADP _003136118 287 4 the the DET _003136118 287 5 vestments vestment NOUN _003136118 287 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 287 7 the the DET _003136118 287 8 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 287 9 - - PUNCT _003136118 287 10 is be AUX _003136118 287 11 difthe difthe PROPN _003136118 287 12 r r PROPN _003136118 287 13 ather ather X _003136118 287 14 vag vag PROPN _003136118 287 15 ue ue PROPN _003136118 287 16 primitive primitive ADJ _003136118 287 17 rite rite ADJ _003136118 287 18 cenferent cenferent NOUN _003136118 287 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 288 1 while while SCONJ _003136118 288 2 the the DET _003136118 288 3 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 288 4 of of ADP _003136118 288 5 the the DET _003136118 288 6 t t NOUN _003136118 288 7 ered ere VERB _003136118 288 8 · · NUM _003136118 288 9 abo abo NOUN _003136118 288 10 ut ut INTJ _003136118 288 11 the the DET _003136118 288 12 three three NUM _003136118 288 13 great great ADJ _003136118 288 14 patrichurch patrichurch NOUN _003136118 288 15 throughout throughout ADP _003136118 288 16 the the DET _003136118 288 17 world world NOUN _003136118 288 18 is be AUX _003136118 288 19 archates archate NOUN _003136118 288 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 288 21 rome rome PROPN _003136118 288 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 288 23 alexandria alexandria PROPN _003136118 288 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 288 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 288 26 very very ADV _003136118 288 27 predominantly predominantly ADV _003136118 288 28 the the DET _003136118 288 29 latin latin PROPN _003136118 288 30 rite rite PROPN _003136118 288 31 antioch antioch PROPN _003136118 288 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 288 33 which which PRON _003136118 288 34 became become VERB _003136118 288 35 the the DET _003136118 288 36 parent parent NOUN _003136118 288 37 of of ADP _003136118 288 38 familiar familiar ADJ _003136118 288 39 religious religious ADJ _003136118 288 40 experience experience NOUN _003136118 288 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 288 42 stems stem VERB _003136118 288 43 of of ADP _003136118 288 44 many many ADJ _003136118 288 45 branches branch NOUN _003136118 288 46 of of ADP _003136118 288 47 liturthere liturthere PROPN _003136118 288 48 are be AUX _003136118 288 49 other other ADJ _003136118 288 50 rites rite NOUN _003136118 288 51 in in ADP _003136118 288 52 the the DET _003136118 288 53 church church NOUN _003136118 288 54 . . PUNCT _003136118 289 1 gical gical ADJ _003136118 289 2 worship worship NOUN _003136118 289 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 290 1 out out ADP _003136118 290 2 of of ADP _003136118 290 3 antioch antioch PROPN _003136118 290 4 grew grow VERB _003136118 290 5 there there PRON _003136118 290 6 is be VERB _003136118 290 7 what what PRON _003136118 290 8 is be AUX _003136118 290 9 loosely loosely ADV _003136118 290 10 termed term VERB _003136118 290 11 the the DET _003136118 290 12 the the DET _003136118 290 13 patriarchate patriarchate NOUN _003136118 290 14 of of ADP _003136118 290 15 con con PROPN _003136118 290 16 stantinople stantinople PROPN _003136118 290 17 greek greek VERB _003136118 290 18 rite rite NOUN _003136118 290 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 291 1 there there PRON _003136118 291 2 are be VERB _003136118 291 3 the the DET _003136118 291 4 armenwhen armenwhen ADJ _003136118 291 5 th th NOUN _003136118 291 6 at at ADP _003136118 291 7 city city NOUN _003136118 291 8 became become VERB _003136118 291 9 the the DET _003136118 291 10 sea sea NOUN _003136118 291 11 t t NOUN _003136118 291 12 of of ADP _003136118 291 13 ian ian PROPN _003136118 291 14 rite rite PROPN _003136118 291 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 291 16 the the DET _003136118 291 17 syriac syriac NOUN _003136118 291 18 rite rite NOUN _003136118 291 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 291 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 291 21 the the DET _003136118 291 22 the the DET _003136118 291 23 roman roman ADJ _003136118 291 24 emperor emperor NOUN _003136118 291 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 291 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 291 27 from from ADP _003136118 291 28 chaldean chaldean NOUN _003136118 291 29 rite rite PROPN _003136118 291 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 291 31 to to PART _003136118 291 32 mention mention VERB _003136118 291 33 only only ADV _003136118 291 34 a a DET _003136118 291 35 constant constant ADJ _003136118 291 36 inopl inopl ADJ _003136118 291 37 e e NOUN _003136118 291 38 a a PRON _003136118 291 39 rose rise VERB _003136118 291 40 the the DET _003136118 291 41 mostfew mostfew ADJ _003136118 291 42 . . PUNCT _003136118 292 1 all all DET _003136118 292 2 those those PRON _003136118 292 3 who who PRON _003136118 292 4 practice practice VERB _003136118 292 5 these these PRON _003136118 292 6 widely widely ADV _003136118 292 7 practiced practice VERB _003136118 292 8 of of ADP _003136118 292 9 easterll easterll ADJ _003136118 292 10 litrites litrite NOUN _003136118 292 11 profess profess VERB _003136118 292 12 the the DET _003136118 292 13 same same ADJ _003136118 292 14 faith faith NOUN _003136118 292 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 292 16 urg urg PROPN _003136118 292 17 ies ies PROPN _003136118 292 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 293 1 the the DET _003136118 293 2 h h NOUN _003136118 293 3 eresies eresie NOUN _003136118 293 4 of of ADP _003136118 293 5 the the DET _003136118 293 6 fifth fifth ADJ _003136118 293 7 acknowledge acknowledge VERB _003136118 293 8 the the DET _003136118 293 9 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _003136118 293 10 of of ADP _003136118 293 11 century century NOUN _003136118 293 12 lost lose VERB _003136118 293 13 to to ADP _003136118 293 14 the the DET _003136118 293 15 church church NOUN _003136118 293 16 many many ADJ _003136118 293 17 the the DET _003136118 293 18 pope pope NOUN _003136118 293 19 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 293 20 that that PRON _003136118 293 21 is be AUX _003136118 293 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 293 23 all all DET _003136118 293 24 those those PRON _003136118 293 25 among among ADP _003136118 293 26 ch ch NOUN _003136118 293 27 ri ri PROPN _003136118 293 28 stians stian NOUN _003136118 293 29 in in ADP _003136118 293 30 asia asia PROPN _003136118 293 31 minor minor PROPN _003136118 293 32 and and CCONJ _003136118 293 33 the the DET _003136118 293 34 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 293 35 of of ADP _003136118 293 36 the the DET _003136118 293 37 near near PROPN _003136118 293 38 east east PROPN _003136118 293 39 , , PUNCT _003136118 293 40 egypt egypt PROPN _003136118 293 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 293 42 in in ADP _003136118 293 43 syria syria PROPN _003136118 293 44 and and CCONJ _003136118 293 45 modern modern ADJ _003136118 293 46 iraq iraq PROPN _003136118 293 47 , , PUNCT _003136118 293 48 who who PRON _003136118 293 49 are be AUX _003136118 293 50 called call VERB _003136118 293 51 uniates uniate NOUN _003136118 293 52 , , PUNCT _003136118 293 53 united unite VERB _003136118 293 54 with with ADP _003136118 293 55 who who PRON _003136118 293 56 carried carry VERB _003136118 293 57 th th PRON _003136118 293 58 eir eir ADP _003136118 293 59 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 293 60 with with ADP _003136118 293 61 rome rome PROPN _003136118 293 62 - - PUNCT _003136118 293 63 for for ADP _003136118 293 64 there there PRON _003136118 293 65 are be VERB _003136118 293 66 also also ADV _003136118 293 67 the the DET _003136118 293 68 soth soth NOUN _003136118 293 69 em em PRON _003136118 293 70 into into ADP _003136118 293 71 h h NOUN _003136118 293 72 er er INTJ _003136118 293 73 esy esy NOUN _003136118 293 74 . . PUNCT _003136118 294 1 in in ADP _003136118 294 2 the the DET _003136118 294 3 ninth ninth ADJ _003136118 294 4 cen cen NOUN _003136118 294 5 - - PUNCT _003136118 294 6 called call VERB _003136118 294 7 orthodox orthodox ADJ _003136118 294 8 e e PROPN _003136118 294 9 astern astern ADJ _003136118 294 10 churches church NOUN _003136118 294 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 294 12 as as SCONJ _003136118 294 13 disunited disunite VERB _003136118 294 14 from from ADP _003136118 294 15 rome rome PROPN _003136118 294 16 as as SCONJ _003136118 294 17 are be AUX _003136118 294 18 the the DET _003136118 294 19 tury tury NOUN _003136118 294 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 294 21 when when SCONJ _003136118 294 22 the the DET _003136118 294 23 great great ADJ _003136118 294 24 church church NOUN _003136118 294 25 of of ADP _003136118 294 26 oriental oriental ADJ _003136118 294 27 rites rite NOUN _003136118 294 28 in in ADP _003136118 294 29 the the DET _003136118 294 30 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 294 31 21 21 NUM _003136118 294 32 constantinople constantinople NOUN _003136118 294 33 severed sever VERB _003136118 294 34 its its PRON _003136118 294 35 bonds bond NOUN _003136118 294 36 and and CCONJ _003136118 294 37 now now ADV _003136118 294 38 in in ADP _003136118 294 39 rap rap PROPN _003136118 294 40 i i NOUN _003136118 294 41 d d PROPN _003136118 294 42 tempo tempo NOUN _003136118 294 43 , , PUNCT _003136118 294 44 now now ADV _003136118 294 45 in in ADP _003136118 294 46 with with ADP _003136118 294 47 rome rome PROPN _003136118 294 48 - - PUNCT _003136118 294 49 and and CCONJ _003136118 294 50 with with ADP _003136118 294 51 it it PRON _003136118 294 52 the the DET _003136118 294 53 bulk bulk NOUN _003136118 294 54 of of ADP _003136118 294 55 animated animate VERB _003136118 294 56 form form NOUN _003136118 294 57 and and CCONJ _003136118 294 58 now now ADV _003136118 294 59 in in ADP _003136118 294 60 mournchrist mournchrist ADJ _003136118 294 61 ia ia PROPN _003136118 294 62 ns n VERB _003136118 294 63 of of ADP _003136118 294 64 the the DET _003136118 294 65 eastern eastern ADJ _003136118 294 66 empire empire NOUN _003136118 294 67 fu fu PROPN _003136118 294 68 l l NOUN _003136118 294 69 guise guise NOUN _003136118 294 70 , , PUNCT _003136118 294 71 now now ADV _003136118 294 72 in in ADP _003136118 294 73 t t NOUN _003136118 294 74 h h NOUN _003136118 294 75 e e NOUN _003136118 294 76 a a DET _003136118 294 77 ustere ustere NOUN _003136118 294 78 n n VERB _003136118 294 79 atut atut NOUN _003136118 294 80 he he PRON _003136118 294 81 byzantine byzantine VERB _003136118 294 82 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 294 83 became become VERB _003136118 294 84 a a DET _003136118 294 85 ral ral ADJ _003136118 294 86 scale scale NOUN _003136118 294 87 an an DET _003136118 294 88 d d PROPN _003136118 294 89 n n NOUN _003136118 294 90 ow ow INTJ _003136118 294 91 in in ADP _003136118 294 92 colorful colorful ADJ _003136118 294 93 chroschi chroschi ADJ _003136118 294 94 smatic smatic ADJ _003136118 294 95 form form NOUN _003136118 294 96 of of ADP _003136118 294 97 worship worship NOUN _003136118 294 98 . . PUNCT _003136118 295 1 in in ADP _003136118 295 2 the the DET _003136118 295 3 matics matic NOUN _003136118 295 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 296 1 f f PROPN _003136118 296 2 or or CCONJ _003136118 296 3 th th DET _003136118 296 4 e e NOUN _003136118 296 5 n n NOUN _003136118 296 6 ovice ovice NOUN _003136118 296 7 in in ADP _003136118 296 8 music music NOUN _003136118 296 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 296 10 near near ADP _003136118 296 11 east east PROPN _003136118 296 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 296 13 both both PRON _003136118 296 14 in in ADP _003136118 296 15 the the DET _003136118 296 16 fo fo PROPN _003136118 296 17 u u PROPN _003136118 296 18 rth rth NOUN _003136118 296 19 cenit cenit NOUN _003136118 296 20 is be AUX _003136118 296 21 often often ADV _003136118 296 22 hard hard ADJ _003136118 296 23 t t NOUN _003136118 296 24 o o NOUN _003136118 296 25 recognize recognize VERB _003136118 296 26 the the DET _003136118 296 27 t t NOUN _003136118 296 28 ury ury NOUN _003136118 296 29 and and CCONJ _003136118 296 30 t t NOUN _003136118 296 31 h h NOUN _003136118 296 32 e e X _003136118 296 33 ninth ninth ADJ _003136118 296 34 century century NOUN _003136118 296 35 , , PUNCT _003136118 296 36 some some DET _003136118 296 37 0riginal 0riginal NUM _003136118 296 38 t t NOUN _003136118 296 39 h h VERB _003136118 296 40 em em PRON _003136118 296 41 e e NOUN _003136118 296 42 as as ADP _003136118 296 43 it it PRON _003136118 296 44 p p NOUN _003136118 296 45 asse asse PROPN _003136118 296 46 s s PROPN _003136118 296 47 through through ADP _003136118 296 48 remained remain VERB _003136118 296 49 fa fa ADV _003136118 296 50 ithful ithful ADJ _003136118 296 51 to to ADP _003136118 296 52 the the DET _003136118 296 53 pope pope NOUN _003136118 296 54 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 296 55 successive successive ADJ _003136118 296 56 vari vari NOUN _003136118 296 57 ations ation NOUN _003136118 296 58 . . PUNCT _003136118 297 1 it it PRON _003136118 297 2 is be AUX _003136118 297 3 only only ADV _003136118 297 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 297 5 s s NOUN _003136118 297 6 ince ince NOUN _003136118 297 7 then then ADV _003136118 297 8 many many ADJ _003136118 297 9 have have AUX _003136118 297 10 been be AUX _003136118 297 11 rethe rethe VERB _003136118 297 12 trained train VERB _003136118 297 13 m m PROPN _003136118 297 14 usicia usicia PROPN _003136118 297 15 n n ADV _003136118 297 16 who who PRON _003136118 297 17 ca can AUX _003136118 297 18 n n ADV _003136118 297 19 di di VERB _003136118 297 20 scei scei NOUN _003136118 297 21 ved ve VERB _003136118 297 22 into into ADP _003136118 297 23 unity unity NOUN _003136118 297 24 with with ADP _003136118 297 25 the the DET _003136118 297 26 holy holy ADJ _003136118 297 27 cern cern NOUN _003136118 297 28 it it PRON _003136118 297 29 by by ADP _003136118 297 30 certain certain ADJ _003136118 297 31 caden caden NOUN _003136118 297 32 ces ce NOUN _003136118 297 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 297 34 certain certain ADJ _003136118 297 35 see see NOUN _003136118 297 36 . . PUNCT _003136118 298 1 it it PRON _003136118 298 2 is be AUX _003136118 298 3 these these PRON _003136118 298 4 who who PRON _003136118 298 5 are be AUX _003136118 298 6 called call VERB _003136118 298 7 the the DET _003136118 298 8 patterns pattern NOUN _003136118 298 9 in in ADP _003136118 298 10 the the DET _003136118 298 11 phrases phrase NOUN _003136118 298 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 298 13 no no ADV _003136118 298 14 matter matter ADV _003136118 298 15 uniate uniate VERB _003136118 298 16 eastern eastern ADJ _003136118 298 17 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 298 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 298 19 un un PROPN _003136118 298 20 ited ite VERB _003136118 298 21 how how SCONJ _003136118 298 22 elaborately elaborately ADV _003136118 298 23 it it PRON _003136118 298 24 is be AUX _003136118 298 25 involved involve VERB _003136118 298 26 in in ADP _003136118 298 27 w w ADP _003136118 298 28 it it PRON _003136118 299 1 h h AUX _003136118 299 2 ro ro VERB _003136118 299 3 me i PRON _003136118 299 4 in in ADP _003136118 299 5 the the DET _003136118 299 6 profession profession NOUN _003136118 299 7 of of ADP _003136118 299 8 t t NOUN _003136118 299 9 h h NOUN _003136118 299 10 e e PROPN _003136118 299 11 t t PROPN _003136118 299 12 h h NOUN _003136118 299 13 e e NOUN _003136118 299 14 developm developm NOUN _003136118 299 15 ent ent NOUN _003136118 299 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 300 1 ju ju PROPN _003136118 300 2 st st PROPN _003136118 301 1 so so ADV _003136118 301 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 301 3 there there PRON _003136118 301 4 is be VERB _003136118 301 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 301 6 same same ADJ _003136118 301 7 fa fa X _003136118 302 1 it it PRON _003136118 302 2 h h X _003136118 302 3 but but CCONJ _003136118 302 4 allowed allow VERB _003136118 302 5 to to PART _003136118 302 6 retain retain VERB _003136118 302 7 all all DET _003136118 302 8 a a DET _003136118 302 9 fu fu NOUN _003136118 302 10 n n ADP _003136118 302 11 dament dament NOUN _003136118 302 12 al al PROPN _003136118 302 13 theme theme NOUN _003136118 302 14 in in ADP _003136118 302 15 the the DET _003136118 302 16 mas mas PROPN _003136118 302 17 s s PROPN _003136118 302 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 302 19 their their PRON _003136118 302 20 ancien ancien PROPN _003136118 302 21 t t NOUN _003136118 302 22 custom custom NOUN _003136118 302 23 s s PART _003136118 302 24 as as SCONJ _003136118 302 25 to to PART _003136118 302 26 woran woran VERB _003136118 302 27 in in ADP _003136118 302 28 evitable evitable ADJ _003136118 302 29 p p NOUN _003136118 302 30 attern attern NOUN _003136118 302 31 of of ADP _003136118 302 32 introduc- introduc- NUM _003136118 302 33 . . PUNCT _003136118 303 1 ship ship NOUN _003136118 303 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 303 3 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 303 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 303 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 303 6 ceremoni ceremoni PROPN _003136118 303 7 al al PROPN _003136118 303 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 303 9 lit light VERB _003136118 303 10 tory tory NOUN _003136118 303 11 service service NOUN _003136118 303 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 303 13 mass mass NOUN _003136118 303 14 proper proper ADJ _003136118 303 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 303 16 an an DET _003136118 303 17 urgical urgical ADJ _003136118 303 18 la la X _003136118 303 19 n n PROPN _003136118 303 20 guage guage NOUN _003136118 303 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 303 22 eccles eccle NOUN _003136118 303 23 iastical iastical ADJ _003136118 303 24 essent essent NOUN _003136118 303 25 ial ial ADJ _003136118 303 26 sequ sequ NOUN _003136118 303 27 en en ADP _003136118 303 28 ce ce PROPN _003136118 303 29 of of ADP _003136118 303 30 offertory offertory ADJ _003136118 303 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 303 32 music music NOUN _003136118 303 33 . . PUNCT _003136118 304 1 these these DET _003136118 304 2 un un PROPN _003136118 304 3 iates iate NOUN _003136118 304 4 are be AUX _003136118 304 5 all all PRON _003136118 304 6 cathconsecration cathconsecration NOUN _003136118 304 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 304 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 304 9 communion communion NOUN _003136118 304 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 304 11 olics olic NOUN _003136118 304 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 304 13 as as ADP _003136118 304 14 m m VERB _003136118 304 15 uch uch ADJ _003136118 304 16 so so ADV _003136118 304 17 as as SCONJ _003136118 304 18 the the DET _003136118 304 19 members member NOUN _003136118 304 20 which which PRON _003136118 304 21 remain remain VERB _003136118 304 22 con con PROPN _003136118 304 23 stant stant NOUN _003136118 304 24 through through ADP _003136118 304 25 alii alii NOUN _003136118 304 26 of of ADP _003136118 304 27 t t NOUN _003136118 304 28 h h NOUN _003136118 304 29 e e NOUN _003136118 304 30 ch ch NOUN _003136118 304 31 urch urch NOUN _003136118 304 32 in in ADP _003136118 304 33 rome rome PROPN _003136118 304 34 or or CCONJ _003136118 304 35 new new ADJ _003136118 304 36 the the DET _003136118 304 37 variations variation NOUN _003136118 304 38 of of ADP _003136118 304 39 r r NOUN _003136118 304 40 ites ite NOUN _003136118 304 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 304 42 latin latin PROPN _003136118 304 43 and and CCONJ _003136118 304 44 york york PROPN _003136118 304 45 , , PUNCT _003136118 304 46 but but CCONJ _003136118 304 47 t t PROPN _003136118 304 48 hey hey INTJ _003136118 304 49 follow follow VERB _003136118 304 50 a a DET _003136118 304 51 different different ADJ _003136118 304 52 eastern eastern ADJ _003136118 304 53 , , PUNCT _003136118 304 54 gr gr X _003136118 304 55 eek eek NOUN _003136118 304 56 and and CCONJ _003136118 304 57 armenian armenian ADJ _003136118 304 58 , , PUNCT _003136118 304 59 ritual ritual ADJ _003136118 304 60 and and CCONJ _003136118 304 61 use use VERB _003136118 304 62 a a DET _003136118 304 63 different different ADJ _003136118 304 64 language language NOUN _003136118 304 65 coptic coptic ADJ _003136118 304 66 and and CCONJ _003136118 304 67 syrian syrian ADJ _003136118 304 68 . . PUNCT _003136118 305 1 at at ADP _003136118 305 2 t t PROPN _003136118 305 3 h h NOUN _003136118 305 4 e e NOUN _003136118 305 5 altar altar NOUN _003136118 305 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 306 1 basically basically ADV _003136118 306 2 the the DET _003136118 306 3 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 306 4 now now ADV _003136118 306 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 306 6 wh wh PROPN _003136118 306 7 o o PROPN _003136118 306 8 a a DET _003136118 306 9 r r NOUN _003136118 306 10 e e NOUN _003136118 306 11 these these PRON _003136118 306 12 uniate uniate VERB _003136118 306 13 cathis cathis NOUN _003136118 306 14 the the DET _003136118 306 15 same same ADJ _003136118 306 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 307 1 th th DET _003136118 307 2 e e PROPN _003136118 307 3 essenti essenti PROPN _003136118 307 4 al al PROPN _003136118 307 5 elements elements PROPN _003136118 307 6 olics olic NOUN _003136118 307 7 of of ADP _003136118 307 8 the the DET _003136118 307 9 e e PROPN _003136118 307 10 ast ast PROPN _003136118 307 11 ern ern PROPN _003136118 307 12 rites rite NOUN _003136118 307 13 ? ? PUNCT _003136118 308 1 it it PRON _003136118 308 2 is be AUX _003136118 308 3 are be AUX _003136118 308 4 identical identical ADJ _003136118 308 5 in in ADP _003136118 308 6 the the DET _003136118 308 7 roman roman ADJ _003136118 308 8 r r NOUN _003136118 308 9 ite ite VERB _003136118 308 10 beyond beyond ADP _003136118 308 11 the the DET _003136118 308 12 purpose purpose NOUN _003136118 308 13 of of ADP _003136118 308 14 th th DET _003136118 308 15 ese ese ADJ _003136118 308 16 talks talk NOUN _003136118 308 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 308 18 in in ADP _003136118 308 19 a a DET _003136118 308 20 nyone nyone NOUN _003136118 308 21 of of ADP _003136118 308 22 t t NOUN _003136118 308 23 h h NOUN _003136118 308 24 e e NOUN _003136118 308 25 eastern eastern ADJ _003136118 308 26 to to PART _003136118 308 27 go go VERB _003136118 308 28 into into ADP _003136118 308 29 t t NOUN _003136118 308 30 he he PRON _003136118 308 31 · · PUNCT _003136118 308 32 det det VERB _003136118 308 33 a a DET _003136118 308 34 iled iled ADJ _003136118 308 35 divisions division NOUN _003136118 308 36 rites rite NOUN _003136118 308 37 . . PUNCT _003136118 309 1 but but CCONJ _003136118 309 2 externally externally ADV _003136118 309 3 they they PRON _003136118 309 4 look look VERB _003136118 309 5 very very ADV _003136118 309 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 309 7 complex complex ADJ _003136118 309 8 s s PART _003136118 309 9 ubdivisio ubdivisio ADJ _003136118 309 10 ns ns NOUN _003136118 309 11 of of ADP _003136118 309 12 these these DET _003136118 309 13 different different ADJ _003136118 309 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 309 15 a a DET _003136118 309 16 cath cath NOUN _003136118 309 17 olic olic NOUN _003136118 309 18 of of ADP _003136118 309 19 the the DET _003136118 309 20 bodi bodi NOUN _003136118 309 21 es es ADP _003136118 309 22 of of ADP _003136118 309 23 cathol cathol NOUN _003136118 309 24 ics ic NOUN _003136118 309 25 of of ADP _003136118 309 26 the the DET _003136118 309 27 near near PROPN _003136118 309 28 latin latin PROPN _003136118 309 29 r r PROPN _003136118 309 30 ite ite NOUN _003136118 309 31 would would AUX _003136118 309 32 have have VERB _003136118 309 33 difficulty difficulty NOUN _003136118 309 34 i i PRON _003136118 309 35 n n VERB _003136118 309 36 east east PROPN _003136118 309 37 . . PUNCT _003136118 310 1 best well ADV _003136118 310 2 known know VERB _003136118 310 3 a a DET _003136118 310 4 nd nd NOUN _003136118 310 5 m m NOUN _003136118 310 6 ost ost ADV _003136118 310 7 numfollow numfollow ADJ _003136118 310 8 ing ing PROPN _003136118 310 9 t t PROPN _003136118 310 10 h h NOUN _003136118 310 11 e e NOUN _003136118 310 12 service service NOUN _003136118 310 13 in in ADP _003136118 310 14 a a DET _003136118 310 15 un un PROPN _003136118 310 16 i i PRON _003136118 310 17 ate eat VERB _003136118 310 18 erous erous ADJ _003136118 310 19 in in ADP _003136118 310 20 chr chr PROPN _003136118 310 21 ist ist PROPN _003136118 310 22 endom endom NOUN _003136118 310 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 310 24 a a DET _003136118 310 25 s s NOUN _003136118 310 26 well well INTJ _003136118 310 27 as as ADP _003136118 310 28 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 310 29 ch ch NOUN _003136118 310 30 urch urch NOUN _003136118 310 31 . . PUNCT _003136118 311 1 this this DET _003136118 311 2 difficu difficu PROPN _003136118 311 3 lty lty PROPN _003136118 311 4 in in ADP _003136118 311 5 t t PROPN _003136118 311 6 h h PROPN _003136118 311 7 e e PROPN _003136118 311 8 united united PROPN _003136118 311 9 st st PROPN _003136118 311 10 at at ADP _003136118 311 11 es es PROPN _003136118 311 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 311 13 is be AUX _003136118 311 14 what what PRON _003136118 311 15 is be AUX _003136118 311 16 may may AUX _003136118 311 17 be be AUX _003136118 311 18 compared compare VERB _003136118 311 19 to to ADP _003136118 311 20 that that PRON _003136118 311 21 which which PRON _003136118 311 22 is be AUX _003136118 311 23 inaccurat inaccurat PROPN _003136118 311 24 ely ely ADV _003136118 311 25 called call VERB _003136118 311 26 the the DET _003136118 311 27 greek greek NOUN _003136118 311 28 foun foun PROPN _003136118 311 29 d d PROPN _003136118 311 30 in in ADP _003136118 311 31 t t PROPN _003136118 311 32 he he PRON _003136118 311 33 style style NOUN _003136118 311 34 of of ADP _003136118 311 35 musical musical ADJ _003136118 311 36 comch comch NOUN _003136118 311 37 urch urch NOUN _003136118 311 38 . . PUNCT _003136118 312 1 by by ADP _003136118 312 2 the the DET _003136118 312 3 uni uni PROPN _003136118 312 4 ate eat VERB _003136118 312 5 greek greek ADJ _003136118 312 6 posit posit NOUN _003136118 312 7 ion ion NOUN _003136118 312 8 known know VERB _003136118 312 9 as as ADP _003136118 312 10 a a DET _003136118 312 11 t t NOUN _003136118 312 12 h h NOUN _003136118 312 13 eme eme NOUN _003136118 312 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 312 15 ch ch NOUN _003136118 312 16 urch urch NOUN _003136118 312 17 we we PRON _003136118 312 18 m m VERB _003136118 312 19 ean ean X _003136118 312 20 tho tho PROPN _003136118 312 21 se se PROPN _003136118 312 22 ca can AUX _003136118 312 23 tholic tholic ADJ _003136118 312 24 variations variation NOUN _003136118 312 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 313 1 here here ADV _003136118 313 2 a a DET _003136118 313 3 musical musical ADJ _003136118 313 4 phrase phrase NOUN _003136118 313 5 groups group NOUN _003136118 313 6 wh wh ADP _003136118 313 7 o o PROPN _003136118 313 8 use use VERB _003136118 313 9 the the DET _003136118 313 10 rite rite NOUN _003136118 313 11 attributed attribute VERB _003136118 313 12 is be AUX _003136118 313 13 stated state VERB _003136118 313 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 313 15 then then ADV _003136118 313 16 subjected subject VERB _003136118 313 17 to to ADP _003136118 313 18 a a PRON _003136118 313 19 to to ADP _003136118 313 20 st st PROPN _003136118 313 21 . . PROPN _003136118 313 22 joh joh PROPN _003136118 313 23 n n PROPN _003136118 313 24 chrysost chrysost PROPN _003136118 313 25 om om NOUN _003136118 313 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 313 27 who who PRON _003136118 313 28 w w ADP _003136118 313 29 a a DET _003136118 313 30 s s NOUN _003136118 313 31 number number NOUN _003136118 313 32 of of ADP _003136118 313 33 t t NOUN _003136118 313 34 ranspositions ransposition NOUN _003136118 313 35 and and CCONJ _003136118 313 36 embishop embishop NOUN _003136118 313 37 of of ADP _003136118 313 38 const const NOUN _003136118 313 39 a a DET _003136118 313 40 n n NOUN _003136118 313 41 t t NOUN _003136118 313 42 inople inople NOUN _003136118 313 43 in in ADP _003136118 313 44 the the DET _003136118 313 45 bro bro NOUN _003136118 313 46 ideries iderie NOUN _003136118 313 47 , , PUNCT _003136118 313 48 appearing appear VERB _003136118 313 49 now now ADV _003136118 313 50 in in ADP _003136118 313 51 slow slow ADJ _003136118 313 52 fourth fourth ADJ _003136118 313 53 century century NOUN _003136118 313 54 . . PUNCT _003136118 314 1 thi thi AUX _003136118 314 2 s s PRON _003136118 314 3 rite rite ADJ _003136118 314 4 is be AUX _003136118 314 5 not not PART _003136118 314 6 al22 al22 PROPN _003136118 314 7 the the DET _003136118 314 8 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 314 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 314 10 the the DET _003136118 314 11 laity laity NOUN _003136118 314 12 ways way NOUN _003136118 314 13 celebrated celebrate VERB _003136118 314 14 in in ADP _003136118 314 15 greek greek NOUN _003136118 314 16 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 314 17 indeed indeed ADV _003136118 314 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 314 19 same same ADJ _003136118 314 20 origin origin NOUN _003136118 314 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 314 22 distinguished distinguish VERB _003136118 314 23 by by ADP _003136118 314 24 the the PRON _003136118 314 25 in in ADP _003136118 314 26 this this DET _003136118 314 27 country country NOUN _003136118 314 28 it it PRON _003136118 314 29 is be AUX _003136118 314 30 only only ADV _003136118 314 31 excepfact excepfact VERB _003136118 314 32 that that SCONJ _003136118 314 33 all all DET _003136118 314 34 maronites maronite NOUN _003136118 314 35 are be AUX _003136118 314 36 uniates uniate NOUN _003136118 314 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 314 38 tionally tionally ADV _003136118 314 39 so so ADV _003136118 314 40 , , PUNCT _003136118 314 41 for for ADP _003136118 314 42 here here ADV _003136118 314 43 the the DET _003136118 314 44 more more ADV _003136118 314 45 usthere usthere ADV _003136118 314 46 being be AUX _003136118 314 47 none none NOUN _003136118 314 48 who who PRON _003136118 314 49 are be AUX _003136118 314 50 schismaual schismaual ADJ _003136118 314 51 langauge langauge NOUN _003136118 314 52 is be AUX _003136118 314 53 the the DET _003136118 314 54 ancient ancient ADJ _003136118 314 55 slavtics slavtic NOUN _003136118 314 56 , , PUNCT _003136118 314 57 none none NOUN _003136118 314 58 who who PRON _003136118 314 59 are be AUX _003136118 314 60 not not PART _003136118 314 61 in in ADP _003136118 314 62 communonic communonic ADJ _003136118 314 63 . . PUNCT _003136118 315 1 retaining retain VERB _003136118 315 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 315 3 for for ADP _003136118 315 4 convenience convenience NOUN _003136118 315 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 315 6 ion ion NOUN _003136118 315 7 with with ADP _003136118 315 8 rome rome PROPN _003136118 315 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 316 1 churches church NOUN _003136118 316 2 of of ADP _003136118 316 3 both both CCONJ _003136118 316 4 the the DET _003136118 316 5 unscientific unscientific ADJ _003136118 316 6 name name NOUN _003136118 316 7 of of ADP _003136118 316 8 greek greek NOUN _003136118 316 9 these these DET _003136118 316 10 rites rite NOUN _003136118 316 11 are be AUX _003136118 316 12 to to PART _003136118 316 13 be be AUX _003136118 316 14 found find VERB _003136118 316 15 in in ADP _003136118 316 16 this this DET _003136118 316 17 church church NOUN _003136118 316 18 for for ADP _003136118 316 19 the the DET _003136118 316 20 various various ADJ _003136118 316 21 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 316 22 of of ADP _003136118 316 23 country country NOUN _003136118 316 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 316 25 though though SCONJ _003136118 316 26 they they PRON _003136118 316 27 are be AUX _003136118 316 28 much much ADV _003136118 316 29 this this DET _003136118 316 30 rite rite ADJ _003136118 316 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 316 32 we we PRON _003136118 316 33 may may AUX _003136118 316 34 say say VERB _003136118 316 35 that that SCONJ _003136118 316 36 it it PRON _003136118 316 37 emfewer emfewer VERB _003136118 316 38 in in ADP _003136118 316 39 number number NOUN _003136118 316 40 than than ADP _003136118 316 41 those those PRON _003136118 316 42 of of ADP _003136118 316 43 braces brace NOUN _003136118 316 44 the the DET _003136118 316 45 ruthenians ruthenian NOUN _003136118 316 46 of of ADP _003136118 316 47 the the DET _003136118 316 48 unithe unithe ADJ _003136118 316 49 ruthenians ruthenian NOUN _003136118 316 50 . . PUNCT _003136118 317 1 again again ADV _003136118 317 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 317 3 there there PRON _003136118 317 4 is be VERB _003136118 317 5 ted ted ADJ _003136118 317 6 states state NOUN _003136118 317 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 317 8 who who PRON _003136118 317 9 number number VERB _003136118 317 10 over over ADP _003136118 317 11 half half DET _003136118 317 12 the the DET _003136118 317 13 ancient ancient ADJ _003136118 317 14 church church NOUN _003136118 317 15 of of ADP _003136118 317 16 egypt egypt PROPN _003136118 317 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 317 18 dea dea PROPN _003136118 317 19 million million NUM _003136118 317 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 317 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 317 22 are be AUX _003136118 317 23 governed govern VERB _003136118 317 24 by by ADP _003136118 317 25 two two NUM _003136118 317 26 vel vel NOUN _003136118 317 27 oped ope VERB _003136118 317 28 under under ADP _003136118 317 29 the the DET _003136118 317 30 aegis aegis NOUN _003136118 317 31 of of ADP _003136118 317 32 the the DET _003136118 317 33 pabishops pabishop NOUN _003136118 317 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 318 1 the the DET _003136118 318 2 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 318 3 language language NOUN _003136118 318 4 triarch triarch NOUN _003136118 318 5 of of ADP _003136118 318 6 alexandria alexandria PROPN _003136118 318 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 318 8 known know VERB _003136118 318 9 as as ADP _003136118 318 10 is be AUX _003136118 318 11 archaic archaic ADJ _003136118 318 12 slavonic slavonic NOUN _003136118 318 13 and and CCONJ _003136118 318 14 the the DET _003136118 318 15 ritual ritual ADJ _003136118 318 16 the the DET _003136118 318 17 coptic coptic ADJ _003136118 318 18 church church NOUN _003136118 318 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 318 20 most most ADJ _003136118 318 21 of of ADP _003136118 318 22 whose whose DET _003136118 318 23 is be AUX _003136118 318 24 that that PRON _003136118 318 25 of of ADP _003136118 318 26 the the DET _003136118 318 27 greek greek NOUN _003136118 318 28 rite rite NOUN _003136118 318 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 318 30 the the DET _003136118 318 31 same same ADJ _003136118 318 32 members member NOUN _003136118 318 33 are be AUX _003136118 318 34 not not PART _003136118 318 35 in in ADP _003136118 318 36 communion communion NOUN _003136118 318 37 as as ADP _003136118 318 38 that that PRON _003136118 318 39 of of ADP _003136118 318 40 the the DET _003136118 318 41 orthodox orthodox ADJ _003136118 318 42 greek greek NOUN _003136118 318 43 with with ADP _003136118 318 44 rome rome PROPN _003136118 318 45 but but CCONJ _003136118 318 46 of of ADP _003136118 318 47 whom whom PRON _003136118 318 48 there there PRON _003136118 318 49 is be VERB _003136118 318 50 church church NOUN _003136118 318 51 of of ADP _003136118 318 52 constantinople constantinople NOUN _003136118 318 53 and and CCONJ _003136118 318 54 atha atha VERB _003136118 318 55 small small ADJ _003136118 318 56 body body NOUN _003136118 318 57 of of ADP _003136118 318 58 uniates uniates PROPN _003136118 318 59 . . PUNCT _003136118 319 1 we we PRON _003136118 319 2 may may AUX _003136118 319 3 ens ens VERB _003136118 319 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 319 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 319 6 of of ADP _003136118 319 7 the the DET _003136118 319 8 national national ADJ _003136118 319 9 church church NOUN _003136118 319 10 of of ADP _003136118 319 11 mention mention NOUN _003136118 319 12 here here ADV _003136118 319 13 also also ADV _003136118 319 14 the the DET _003136118 319 15 church church NOUN _003136118 319 16 of of ADP _003136118 319 17 russia russia PROPN _003136118 319 18 under under ADP _003136118 319 19 the the DET _003136118 319 20 czars czar NOUN _003136118 319 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 320 1 the the DET _003136118 320 2 obeethiopia obeethiopia PROPN _003136118 320 3 or or CCONJ _003136118 320 4 abyssinia abyssinia PROPN _003136118 320 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 320 6 in in ADP _003136118 320 7 which which DET _003136118 320 8 dience dience NOUN _003136118 320 9 however however ADV _003136118 320 10 is be AUX _003136118 320 11 that that PRON _003136118 320 12 of of ADP _003136118 320 13 submisthe submisthe ADJ _003136118 320 14 uniate uniate ADJ _003136118 320 15 percentage percentage NOUN _003136118 320 16 is be AUX _003136118 320 17 a a DET _003136118 320 18 mere mere ADJ _003136118 320 19 sion sion NOUN _003136118 320 20 to to ADP _003136118 320 21 the the DET _003136118 320 22 see see NOUN _003136118 320 23 of of ADP _003136118 320 24 rome rome PROPN _003136118 320 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 321 1 next next ADV _003136118 321 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 321 3 we we PRON _003136118 321 4 trace trace VERB _003136118 321 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 322 1 lastly lastly ADV _003136118 322 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 322 3 reference reference NOUN _003136118 322 4 should should AUX _003136118 322 5 be be AUX _003136118 322 6 have have VERB _003136118 322 7 the the DET _003136118 322 8 armenian armenian ADJ _003136118 322 9 uniates uniate NOUN _003136118 322 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 322 11 cathomade cathomade VERB _003136118 322 12 to to ADP _003136118 322 13 the the DET _003136118 322 14 chaldean chaldean ADJ _003136118 322 15 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 322 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 322 17 of of ADP _003136118 322 18 lics lic NOUN _003136118 322 19 originally originally ADV _003136118 322 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 322 21 from from ADP _003136118 322 22 the the DET _003136118 322 23 district district NOUN _003136118 322 24 ancient ancient ADJ _003136118 322 25 mesopotamia mesopotamia NOUN _003136118 322 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 323 1 this this PRON _003136118 323 2 very very ADV _003136118 323 3 between between ADP _003136118 323 4 the the DET _003136118 323 5 black black ADJ _003136118 323 6 sea sea NOUN _003136118 323 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 323 8 the the DET _003136118 323 9 summary summary NOUN _003136118 323 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 323 11 perhaps perhaps ADV _003136118 323 12 confusing confusing ADJ _003136118 323 13 caspian caspian NOUN _003136118 323 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 323 15 following follow VERB _003136118 323 16 a a DET _003136118 323 17 rite rite ADJ _003136118 323 18 really really ADV _003136118 323 19 not not PART _003136118 323 20 classification classification NOUN _003136118 323 21 of of ADP _003136118 323 22 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 323 23 of of ADP _003136118 323 24 nonvery nonvery NOUN _003136118 323 25 different different ADJ _003136118 323 26 from from ADP _003136118 323 27 the the DET _003136118 323 28 greek greek ADJ _003136118 323 29 litroman litroman PROPN _003136118 323 30 rites rite NOUN _003136118 323 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 323 32 whose whose DET _003136118 323 33 members member NOUN _003136118 323 34 acurgy acurgy NOUN _003136118 323 35 , , PUNCT _003136118 323 36 since since SCONJ _003136118 323 37 both both PRON _003136118 323 38 grew grow VERB _003136118 323 39 up up ADP _003136118 323 40 under under ADP _003136118 323 41 knowledge knowledge NOUN _003136118 323 42 the the DET _003136118 323 43 authority authority NOUN _003136118 323 44 of of ADP _003136118 323 45 rome rome PROPN _003136118 323 46 the the DET _003136118 323 47 patriarchate patriarchate NOUN _003136118 323 48 of of ADP _003136118 323 49 antioch antioch PROPN _003136118 323 50 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 323 51 but but CCONJ _003136118 323 52 -the -the DET _003136118 323 53 greek greek ADJ _003136118 323 54 church church NOUN _003136118 323 55 and and CCONJ _003136118 323 56 the the DET _003136118 323 57 artheir artheir NOUN _003136118 323 58 language language NOUN _003136118 323 59 is be AUX _003136118 323 60 armenian armenian ADJ _003136118 323 61 . . PUNCT _003136118 324 1 the the DET _003136118 324 2 men man NOUN _003136118 324 3 ian ian PROPN _003136118 324 4 uniates uniate VERB _003136118 324 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 324 6 the the DET _003136118 324 7 syrians syrians PROPN _003136118 324 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 324 9 adherents adherent NOUN _003136118 324 10 of of ADP _003136118 324 11 this this DET _003136118 324 12 rite rite NOUN _003136118 324 13 in in ADP _003136118 324 14 the the DET _003136118 324 15 unithe unithe ADJ _003136118 324 16 maronites maronite NOUN _003136118 324 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 324 18 the the DET _003136118 324 19 coptics coptic NOUN _003136118 324 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 324 21 the the DET _003136118 324 22 ted ted ADJ _003136118 324 23 states state NOUN _003136118 324 24 are be AUX _003136118 324 25 much much ADV _003136118 324 26 less less ADV _003136118 324 27 numerous numerous ADJ _003136118 324 28 chaldeans chaldean NOUN _003136118 324 29 - - PUNCT _003136118 324 30 while while SCONJ _003136118 324 31 by by ADP _003136118 324 32 no no DET _003136118 324 33 means means NOUN _003136118 324 34 exthan exthan ADP _003136118 324 35 those those PRON _003136118 324 36 of of ADP _003136118 324 37 the the DET _003136118 324 38 ruthenian ruthenian ADJ _003136118 324 39 greek greek PROPN _003136118 324 40 haustive haustive NOUN _003136118 324 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 324 42 will will AUX _003136118 324 43 suffice suffice VERB _003136118 324 44 to to PART _003136118 324 45 give give VERB _003136118 324 46 us we PRON _003136118 324 47 a a DET _003136118 324 48 church church NOUN _003136118 324 49 and and CCONJ _003136118 324 50 they they PRON _003136118 324 51 have have VERB _003136118 324 52 not not PART _003136118 324 53 the the DET _003136118 324 54 ecpicture ecpicture NOUN _003136118 324 55 of of ADP _003136118 324 56 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 324 57 practicing practice VERB _003136118 324 58 clesiastical clesiastical ADJ _003136118 324 59 organization organization NOUN _003136118 324 60 of of ADP _003136118 324 61 the the DET _003136118 324 62 latforms latform NOUN _003136118 324 63 of of ADP _003136118 324 64 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 324 65 basically basically ADV _003136118 324 66 identical identical ADJ _003136118 324 67 ter ter NOUN _003136118 324 68 . . PUNCT _003136118 325 1 a a DET _003136118 325 2 third third ADJ _003136118 325 3 group group NOUN _003136118 325 4 of of ADP _003136118 325 5 eastern eastern PROPN _003136118 325 6 with with ADP _003136118 325 7 our our PRON _003136118 325 8 own own ADJ _003136118 325 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 325 10 but but CCONJ _003136118 325 11 peculiar peculiar ADJ _003136118 325 12 in in ADP _003136118 325 13 their their PRON _003136118 325 14 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 325 15 is be AUX _003136118 325 16 represented represent VERB _003136118 325 17 by by ADP _003136118 325 18 the the DET _003136118 325 19 syvarying syvarye VERB _003136118 325 20 vestments vestment NOUN _003136118 325 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 325 22 the the DET _003136118 325 23 texts text NOUN _003136118 325 24 of of ADP _003136118 325 25 rians rian NOUN _003136118 325 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 325 27 another another DET _003136118 325 28 flowering flowering NOUN _003136118 325 29 of of ADP _003136118 325 30 the the DET _003136118 325 31 patheir patheir PROPN _003136118 325 32 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 325 33 , , PUNCT _003136118 325 34 their their PRON _003136118 325 35 ceremonial ceremonial NOUN _003136118 325 36 , , PUNCT _003136118 325 37 and and CCONJ _003136118 325 38 triarchate triarchate ADJ _003136118 325 39 of of ADP _003136118 325 40 antioch antioch PROPN _003136118 325 41 , , PUNCT _003136118 325 42 and and CCONJ _003136118 325 43 a a DET _003136118 325 44 fourth fourth ADJ _003136118 325 45 their their PRON _003136118 325 46 language language NOUN _003136118 325 47 . . PUNCT _003136118 326 1 is be AUX _003136118 326 2 the the DET _003136118 326 3 maronite maronite PROPN _003136118 326 4 church church NOUN _003136118 326 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 326 6 of of ADP _003136118 326 7 the the PRON _003136118 326 8 if if SCONJ _003136118 326 9 we we PRON _003136118 326 10 may may AUX _003136118 326 11 select select VERB _003136118 326 12 certain certain ADJ _003136118 326 13 characoriental characoriental ADJ _003136118 326 14 rites rite NOUN _003136118 326 15 in in ADP _003136118 326 16 the the DET _003136118 326 17 liturgy liturgy ADJ _003136118 326 18 23 23 NUM _003136118 326 19 teristics teristic NOUN _003136118 326 20 which which PRON _003136118 326 21 in in ADP _003136118 326 22 general general ADJ _003136118 326 23 distinthe distinthe NOUN _003136118 326 24 chant chant NOUN _003136118 326 25 of of ADP _003136118 326 26 the the DET _003136118 326 27 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 326 28 has have VERB _003136118 326 29 guish guish ADJ _003136118 326 30 eastern eastern ADJ _003136118 326 31 liturgies liturgy NOUN _003136118 326 32 from from ADP _003136118 326 33 the the DET _003136118 326 34 that that DET _003136118 326 35 plaintive plaintive ADJ _003136118 326 36 character character NOUN _003136118 326 37 and and CCONJ _003136118 326 38 that that DET _003136118 326 39 latin latin PROPN _003136118 326 40 rite rite NOUN _003136118 326 41 of of ADP _003136118 326 42 the the DET _003136118 326 43 roman roman ADJ _003136118 326 44 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 326 45 abundance abundance NOUN _003136118 326 46 of of ADP _003136118 326 47 cadenzas cadenzas NOUN _003136118 326 48 which which PRON _003136118 326 49 we we PRON _003136118 326 50 church church VERB _003136118 326 51 , , PUNCT _003136118 326 52 we we PRON _003136118 326 53 should should AUX _003136118 326 54 mention mention VERB _003136118 326 55 , , PUNCT _003136118 326 56 first first ADJ _003136118 326 57 associate associate NOUN _003136118 326 58 with with ADP _003136118 326 59 oriental oriental ADJ _003136118 326 60 music music NOUN _003136118 326 61 , , PUNCT _003136118 326 62 as as ADP _003136118 326 63 of of ADP _003136118 326 64 all all PRON _003136118 326 65 , , PUNCT _003136118 326 66 the the DET _003136118 326 67 length length NOUN _003136118 326 68 of of ADP _003136118 326 69 the the DET _003136118 326 70 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 326 71 . . PUNCT _003136118 327 1 distinguished distinguish VERB _003136118 327 2 from from ADP _003136118 327 3 the the DET _003136118 327 4 greater great ADJ _003136118 327 5 rethe rethe NOUN _003136118 327 6 oriental oriental ADJ _003136118 327 7 rites rite NOUN _003136118 327 8 know know VERB _003136118 327 9 no no DET _003136118 327 10 such such ADJ _003136118 327 11 straint straint NOUN _003136118 327 12 of of ADP _003136118 327 13 our our PRON _003136118 327 14 gregorian gregorian ADJ _003136118 327 15 chant chant NOUN _003136118 327 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 328 1 streamlined streamline VERB _003136118 328 2 services service NOUN _003136118 328 3 as as SCONJ _003136118 328 4 allow allow VERB _003136118 328 5 mass mass NOUN _003136118 328 6 there there PRON _003136118 328 7 are be VERB _003136118 328 8 two two NUM _003136118 328 9 very very ADV _003136118 328 10 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003136118 328 11 moevery moevery ADJ _003136118 328 12 hour hour NOUN _003136118 328 13 on on ADP _003136118 328 14 the the DET _003136118 328 15 hour hour NOUN _003136118 328 16 in in ADP _003136118 328 17 our our PRON _003136118 328 18 city city NOUN _003136118 328 19 ments ment NOUN _003136118 328 20 in in ADP _003136118 328 21 the the DET _003136118 328 22 oriental oriental ADJ _003136118 328 23 mass mass NOUN _003136118 328 24 : : PUNCT _003136118 328 25 the the DET _003136118 328 26 churches church NOUN _003136118 328 27 . . PUNCT _003136118 329 1 secondly secondly ADV _003136118 329 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 329 3 there there PRON _003136118 329 4 is be VERB _003136118 329 5 greatlittle greatlittle ADJ _003136118 329 6 entrance entrance NOUN _003136118 329 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 329 8 the the DET _003136118 329 9 great great ADJ _003136118 329 10 ener ener NOUN _003136118 329 11 elaboration elaboration NOUN _003136118 329 12 of of ADP _003136118 329 13 ritual ritual ADJ _003136118 329 14 than than ADP _003136118 329 15 in in ADP _003136118 329 16 our our PRON _003136118 329 17 trance trance NOUN _003136118 329 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 330 1 the the DET _003136118 330 2 former former ADJ _003136118 330 3 is be AUX _003136118 330 4 the the DET _003136118 330 5 procesrite procesrite NOUN _003136118 330 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 331 1 the the DET _003136118 331 2 roman roman ADJ _003136118 331 3 mass mass NOUN _003136118 331 4 to to ADP _003136118 331 5 an an DET _003136118 331 6 oriension oriension NOUN _003136118 331 7 in in ADP _003136118 331 8 which which PRON _003136118 331 9 the the DET _003136118 331 10 book book NOUN _003136118 331 11 of of ADP _003136118 331 12 gospels gospel NOUN _003136118 331 13 tal tal NOUN _003136118 331 14 seems seem VERB _003136118 331 15 austere austere ADJ _003136118 331 16 and and CCONJ _003136118 331 17 " " PUNCT _003136118 331 18 low low ADJ _003136118 331 19 is be AUX _003136118 331 20 carried carry VERB _003136118 331 21 about about ADP _003136118 331 22 the the DET _003136118 331 23 church church NOUN _003136118 331 24 before before ADP _003136118 331 25 church church NOUN _003136118 331 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 331 27 " " PUNCT _003136118 332 1 there there PRON _003136118 332 2 are be VERB _003136118 332 3 more more ADV _003136118 332 4 multibeing multibee VERB _003136118 332 5 placed place VERB _003136118 332 6 on on ADP _003136118 332 7 the the DET _003136118 332 8 altar altar NOUN _003136118 332 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 332 10 previous previous ADJ _003136118 332 11 plied plied ADJ _003136118 332 12 signs sign NOUN _003136118 332 13 of of ADP _003136118 332 14 the the DET _003136118 332 15 cross cross NOUN _003136118 332 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 332 17 more more ADV _003136118 332 18 reto reto VERB _003136118 332 19 the the DET _003136118 332 20 chanting chanting NOUN _003136118 332 21 of of ADP _003136118 332 22 the the DET _003136118 332 23 lessons lesson NOUN _003136118 332 24 from from ADP _003136118 332 25 pea pea NOUN _003136118 332 26 ted ted PROPN _003136118 332 27 bows bow NOUN _003136118 332 28 and and CCONJ _003136118 332 29 inclinations inclination NOUN _003136118 332 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 332 31 sacred sacred ADJ _003136118 332 32 scripture scripture NOUN _003136118 332 33 . . PUNCT _003136118 333 1 the the DET _003136118 333 2 second second ADJ _003136118 333 3 is be AUX _003136118 333 4 though though ADV _003136118 333 5 generally generally ADV _003136118 333 6 no no DET _003136118 333 7 bending bending NOUN _003136118 333 8 of of ADP _003136118 333 9 an an DET _003136118 333 10 even even ADV _003136118 333 11 more more ADV _003136118 333 12 elaborate elaborate ADJ _003136118 333 13 procession procession NOUN _003136118 333 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 333 15 t t PROPN _003136118 333 16 he he PRON _003136118 333 17 knee knee VERB _003136118 333 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 333 19 more more ADV _003136118 333 20 complex complex ADJ _003136118 333 21 gestures gesture NOUN _003136118 333 22 of of ADP _003136118 333 23 which which PRON _003136118 333 24 escorts escort VERB _003136118 333 25 the the DET _003136118 333 26 sacred sacred ADJ _003136118 333 27 elements element NOUN _003136118 333 28 all all DET _003136118 333 29 kinds kind NOUN _003136118 333 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 333 31 much much ADV _003136118 333 32 freer free ADJ _003136118 333 33 use use NOUN _003136118 333 34 of of ADP _003136118 333 35 infor infor ADJ _003136118 333 36 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 333 37 , , PUNCT _003136118 333 38 the the DET _003136118 333 39 bread bread NOUN _003136118 333 40 carried carry VERB _003136118 333 41 cense cense NOUN _003136118 333 42 , , PUNCT _003136118 333 43 and and CCONJ _003136118 333 44 a a DET _003136118 333 45 much much ADV _003136118 333 46 more more ADV _003136118 333 47 detailed detailed ADJ _003136118 333 48 by by ADP _003136118 333 49 the the DET _003136118 333 50 deacon deacon NOUN _003136118 333 51 and and CCONJ _003136118 333 52 the the DET _003136118 333 53 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 333 54 by by ADP _003136118 333 55 technique technique NOUN _003136118 333 56 in in ADP _003136118 333 57 preparing prepare VERB _003136118 333 58 and and CCONJ _003136118 333 59 handthe handthe PROPN _003136118 333 60 celebrant celebrant PROPN _003136118 333 61 , , PUNCT _003136118 333 62 accompanied accompany VERB _003136118 333 63 by by ADP _003136118 333 64 inling inle VERB _003136118 333 65 the the DET _003136118 333 66 bread bread NOUN _003136118 333 67 and and CCONJ _003136118 333 68 wine wine NOUN _003136118 333 69 destined destine VERB _003136118 333 70 cense cense NOUN _003136118 333 71 and and CCONJ _003136118 333 72 lights light NOUN _003136118 333 73 and and CCONJ _003136118 333 74 ceremonial ceremonial ADJ _003136118 333 75 f f NOUN _003136118 333 76 or or CCONJ _003136118 333 77 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 333 78 . . PUNCT _003136118 334 1 the the DET _003136118 334 2 vestments vestment NOUN _003136118 334 3 fans fan NOUN _003136118 334 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 334 5 proceeding proceed VERB _003136118 334 6 from from ADP _003136118 334 7 the the DET _003136118 334 8 altar altar NOUN _003136118 334 9 at at ADP _003136118 334 10 a a DET _003136118 334 11 re re ADV _003136118 334 12 more more ADV _003136118 334 13 gorgeous gorgeous ADJ _003136118 334 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 334 15 less less ADJ _003136118 334 16 formthe formthe NOUN _003136118 334 17 left leave VERB _003136118 334 18 to to ADP _003136118 334 19 the the DET _003136118 334 20 high high ADJ _003136118 334 21 altar altar NOUN _003136118 334 22 at at ADP _003136118 334 23 which which PRON _003136118 334 24 fitting fitting PROPN _003136118 334 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 335 1 the the DET _003136118 335 2 arrrangements arrrangement NOUN _003136118 335 3 of of ADP _003136118 335 4 sancthe sancthe PROPN _003136118 335 5 mass mass NOUN _003136118 335 6 is be AUX _003136118 335 7 being be AUX _003136118 335 8 celebrated celebrate VERB _003136118 335 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 336 1 on on ADP _003136118 336 2 t t NOUN _003136118 336 3 uary uary ADJ _003136118 336 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 336 5 alta alta NOUN _003136118 336 6 r r PROPN _003136118 336 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 336 8 though though SCONJ _003136118 336 9 differing differ VERB _003136118 336 10 the the DET _003136118 336 11 other other ADJ _003136118 336 12 hand hand NOUN _003136118 336 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 336 14 the the DET _003136118 336 15 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 336 16 itf itf NOUN _003136118 336 17 rom rom ADP _003136118 336 18 ours our NOUN _003136118 336 19 more more ADJ _003136118 336 20 in in ADP _003136118 336 21 design design NOUN _003136118 336 22 than than ADP _003136118 336 23 in in ADP _003136118 336 24 self self NOUN _003136118 336 25 is be AUX _003136118 336 26 not not PART _003136118 336 27 nearly nearly ADV _003136118 336 28 so so ADV _003136118 336 29 dramatic dramatic ADJ _003136118 336 30 as as ADP _003136118 336 31 essence essence NOUN _003136118 336 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 336 33 departs depart NOUN _003136118 336 34 from from ADP _003136118 336 35 that that PRON _003136118 336 36 with with ADP _003136118 336 37 with with ADP _003136118 336 38 us we PRON _003136118 336 39 . . PUNCT _003136118 337 1 it it PRON _003136118 337 2 might might AUX _003136118 337 3 well well ADV _003136118 337 4 pass pass VERB _003136118 337 5 unwhich unwhich ADV _003136118 337 6 we we PRON _003136118 337 7 are be AUX _003136118 337 8 familiar familiar ADJ _003136118 337 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 338 1 ordinary ordinary ADJ _003136118 338 2 noticed notice VERB _003136118 338 3 by by ADP _003136118 338 4 the the DET _003136118 338 5 uninstructed uninstructed ADJ _003136118 338 6 observleavened observleavened ADJ _003136118 338 7 bread bread NOUN _003136118 338 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 338 9 not not PART _003136118 338 10 the the DET _003136118 338 11 unleaver unleaver ADJ _003136118 338 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 338 13 while while SCONJ _003136118 338 14 in in ADP _003136118 338 15 the the DET _003136118 338 16 latin latin PROPN _003136118 338 17 mass mass PROPN _003136118 338 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 338 19 the the DET _003136118 338 20 ened ene VERB _003136118 338 21 bread bread NOUN _003136118 338 22 of of ADP _003136118 338 23 our our PRON _003136118 338 24 use use NOUN _003136118 338 25 is be AUX _003136118 338 26 as as ADP _003136118 338 27 a a DET _003136118 338 28 rule rule NOUN _003136118 338 29 silence silence NOUN _003136118 338 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 338 31 the the DET _003136118 338 32 tinkling tinkle VERB _003136118 338 33 bell bell NOUN _003136118 338 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 338 35 and and CCONJ _003136118 338 36 the the DET _003136118 338 37 the the DET _003136118 338 38 material material NOUN _003136118 338 39 for for ADP _003136118 338 40 consecration consecration NOUN _003136118 338 41 in in ADP _003136118 338 42 the the DET _003136118 338 43 elevation elevation NOUN _003136118 338 44 of of ADP _003136118 338 45 the the DET _003136118 338 46 host host NOUN _003136118 338 47 and and CCONJ _003136118 338 48 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 338 49 e e PROPN _003136118 338 50 astern astern ADJ _003136118 338 51 church church PROPN _003136118 338 52 . . PUNCT _003136118 339 1 the the DET _003136118 339 2 bread bread NOUN _003136118 339 3 is be AUX _003136118 339 4 cut cut VERB _003136118 339 5 would would AUX _003136118 339 6 impress impress VERB _003136118 339 7 the the DET _003136118 339 8 most most ADV _003136118 339 9 casual casual ADJ _003136118 339 10 atinto atinto ADP _003136118 339 11 little little ADJ _003136118 339 12 cubes cube NOUN _003136118 339 13 for for ADP _003136118 339 14 holy holy ADJ _003136118 339 15 comtendant comtendant NOUN _003136118 339 16 that that SCONJ _003136118 339 17 something something PRON _003136118 339 18 of of ADP _003136118 339 19 great great ADJ _003136118 339 20 munion munion NOUN _003136118 339 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 340 1 the the DET _003136118 340 2 laity laity NOUN _003136118 340 3 receive receive VERB _003136118 340 4 both both PRON _003136118 340 5 under under ADP _003136118 340 6 the the DET _003136118 340 7 form form NOUN _003136118 340 8 of of ADP _003136118 340 9 bread bread NOUN _003136118 340 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 340 11 under under ADP _003136118 340 12 t t NOUN _003136118 340 13 he he PRON _003136118 340 14 form form VERB _003136118 340 15 of of ADP _003136118 340 16 wine wine NOUN _003136118 340 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 340 18 in in ADP _003136118 340 19 some some DET _003136118 340 20 cases case NOUN _003136118 340 21 by by ADP _003136118 340 22 dipping dip VERB _003136118 340 23 the the DET _003136118 340 24 host host NOUN _003136118 340 25 in in ADP _003136118 340 26 the the DET _003136118 340 27 chalice chalice NOUN _003136118 340 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 340 29 as as ADP _003136118 340 30 with with ADP _003136118 340 31 the the DET _003136118 340 32 greeks greek NOUN _003136118 340 33 . . PUNCT _003136118 341 1 importance importance NOUN _003136118 341 2 is be AUX _003136118 341 3 transpiring transpire VERB _003136118 341 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 342 1 this this DET _003136118 342 2 generalization generalization NOUN _003136118 342 3 of of ADP _003136118 342 4 the the DET _003136118 342 5 significant significant ADJ _003136118 342 6 features feature NOUN _003136118 342 7 of of ADP _003136118 342 8 oriental oriental ADJ _003136118 342 9 rites rite NOUN _003136118 342 10 must must AUX _003136118 342 11 not not PART _003136118 342 12 convey convey VERB _003136118 342 13 the the DET _003136118 342 14 impression impression NOUN _003136118 342 15 that that SCONJ _003136118 342 16 they they PRON _003136118 342 17 are be AUX _003136118 342 18 all all ADV _003136118 342 19 very very ADV _003136118 342 20 similar similar ADJ _003136118 342 21 one one NUM _003136118 342 22 24 24 NUM _003136118 342 23 the the DET _003136118 342 24 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 342 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 342 26 the the DET _003136118 342 27 laity laity NOUN _003136118 342 28 to to ADP _003136118 342 29 the the DET _003136118 342 30 other other ADJ _003136118 342 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 342 32 for for SCONJ _003136118 342 33 each each DET _003136118 342 34 one one NOUN _003136118 342 35 has have VERB _003136118 342 36 its its PRON _003136118 342 37 old old ADJ _003136118 342 38 use use NOUN _003136118 342 39 as as ADP _003136118 342 40 our our PRON _003136118 342 41 own own ADJ _003136118 342 42 . . PUNCT _003136118 343 1 we we PRON _003136118 343 2 are be AUX _003136118 343 3 all all PRON _003136118 343 4 distinctive distinctive ADJ _003136118 343 5 characteristics characteristic NOUN _003136118 343 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 344 1 the the DET _003136118 344 2 fellow fellow NOUN _003136118 344 3 - - PUNCT _003136118 344 4 citizens citizen NOUN _003136118 344 5 of of ADP _003136118 344 6 the the DET _003136118 344 7 one one NUM _003136118 344 8 great great ADJ _003136118 344 9 maronite maronite NOUN _003136118 344 10 rite rite NOUN _003136118 344 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 344 12 for for ADP _003136118 344 13 instance instance NOUN _003136118 344 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 344 15 has have VERB _003136118 344 16 kingdom kingdom NOUN _003136118 344 17 of of ADP _003136118 344 18 god god PROPN _003136118 344 19 on on ADP _003136118 344 20 earth earth NOUN _003136118 344 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 345 1 we we PRON _003136118 345 2 are be AUX _003136118 345 3 been be AUX _003136118 345 4 very very ADV _003136118 345 5 much much ADV _003136118 345 6 romanized romanize VERB _003136118 345 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 345 8 all all PRON _003136118 345 9 paying pay VERB _003136118 345 10 to to ADP _003136118 345 11 god god PROPN _003136118 345 12 the the DET _003136118 345 13 homage homage NOUN _003136118 345 14 of of ADP _003136118 345 15 appears appear VERB _003136118 345 16 much much ADV _003136118 345 17 more more ADV _003136118 345 18 like like ADP _003136118 345 19 our our PRON _003136118 345 20 liturworship liturworship NOUN _003136118 345 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 345 22 of of ADP _003136118 345 23 official official ADJ _003136118 345 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 345 25 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 345 26 worgy worgy NOUN _003136118 345 27 than than SCONJ _003136118 345 28 it it PRON _003136118 345 29 really really ADV _003136118 345 30 is be AUX _003136118 345 31 . . PUNCT _003136118 346 1 on on ADP _003136118 346 2 the the DET _003136118 346 3 other other ADJ _003136118 346 4 ship ship NOUN _003136118 346 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 346 6 differing differ VERB _003136118 346 7 in in ADP _003136118 346 8 expression expression NOUN _003136118 346 9 but but CCONJ _003136118 346 10 hand hand NOUN _003136118 346 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 346 12 the the DET _003136118 346 13 coptic coptic ADJ _003136118 346 14 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 346 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 346 16 though though SCONJ _003136118 346 17 agreeing agree VERB _003136118 346 18 in in ADP _003136118 346 19 essence essence NOUN _003136118 346 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 347 1 the the DET _003136118 347 2 hands hand NOUN _003136118 347 3 exhibiting exhibit VERB _003136118 347 4 most most ADJ _003136118 347 5 of of ADP _003136118 347 6 the the DET _003136118 347 7 features feature NOUN _003136118 347 8 may may AUX _003136118 347 9 be be AUX _003136118 347 10 the the DET _003136118 347 11 hands hand NOUN _003136118 347 12 of of ADP _003136118 347 13 esau esau NOUN _003136118 347 14 but but CCONJ _003136118 347 15 the the DET _003136118 347 16 which which PRON _003136118 347 17 we we PRON _003136118 347 18 have have AUX _003136118 347 19 named name VERB _003136118 347 20 as as ADP _003136118 347 21 peculiar peculiar ADJ _003136118 347 22 voice voice NOUN _003136118 347 23 is be AUX _003136118 347 24 always always ADV _003136118 347 25 the the DET _003136118 347 26 voice voice NOUN _003136118 347 27 of of ADP _003136118 347 28 jacob jacob PROPN _003136118 347 29 . . PUNCT _003136118 348 1 liturgy liturgy PROPN _003136118 348 2 has have AUX _003136118 348 3 been be AUX _003136118 348 4 defined define VERB _003136118 348 5 as as ADP _003136118 348 6 the the DET _003136118 348 7 the the DET _003136118 348 8 most most ADV _003136118 348 9 unusual unusual ADJ _003136118 348 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 348 11 the the DET _003136118 348 12 most most ADV _003136118 348 13 orienofficial orienofficial ADJ _003136118 348 14 public public ADJ _003136118 348 15 worship worship NOUN _003136118 348 16 of of ADP _003136118 348 17 the the DET _003136118 348 18 tal tal NOUN _003136118 348 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 348 20 of of ADP _003136118 348 21 all all PRON _003136118 348 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 349 1 the the DET _003136118 349 2 various various ADJ _003136118 349 3 uniate uniate NOUN _003136118 349 4 to to ADP _003136118 349 5 eastern eastern PROPN _003136118 349 6 rites rite NOUN _003136118 349 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 349 8 would would AUX _003136118 349 9 seem seem VERB _003136118 349 10 to to ADP _003136118 349 11 us we PRON _003136118 349 12 churches church NOUN _003136118 349 13 are be AUX _003136118 349 14 not not PART _003136118 349 15 in in ADP _003136118 349 16 communion communion NOUN _003136118 349 17 church church NOUN _003136118 349 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 350 1 this this DET _003136118 350 2 worship worship NOUN _003136118 350 3 is be AUX _003136118 350 4 no no PRON _003136118 350 5 less less ADV _003136118 350 6 official official ADJ _003136118 350 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 350 8 no no PRON _003136118 350 9 less less ADV _003136118 350 10 liturgical liturgical ADJ _003136118 350 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 350 12 when when SCONJ _003136118 350 13 conducted conduct VERB _003136118 350 14 according accord VERB _003136118 350 15 to to ADP _003136118 350 16 the the DET _003136118 350 17 rite rite NOUN _003136118 350 18 of of ADP _003136118 350 19 the the DET _003136118 350 20 greek greek ADJ _003136118 350 21 church church NOUN _003136118 350 22 or or CCONJ _003136118 350 23 the the DET _003136118 350 24 armenian armenian NOUN _003136118 350 25 with with ADP _003136118 350 26 one one NUM _003136118 350 27 another another DET _003136118 350 28 but but CCONJ _003136118 350 29 they they PRON _003136118 350 30 are be AUX _003136118 350 31 all all ADV _003136118 350 32 in in ADP _003136118 350 33 communion communion NOUN _003136118 350 34 , , PUNCT _003136118 350 35 as as SCONJ _003136118 350 36 we we PRON _003136118 350 37 are be AUX _003136118 350 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 350 39 with with ADP _003136118 350 40 the the DET _003136118 350 41 pope pope NOUN _003136118 350 42 as as ADP _003136118 350 43 the the DET _003136118 350 44 vi vi PROPN _003136118 350 45 s s NOUN _003136118 350 46 ible ible ADJ _003136118 350 47 head head NOUN _003136118 350 48 of of ADP _003136118 350 49 the the DET _003136118 350 50 church church NOUN _003136118 350 51 , , PUNCT _003136118 350 52 when when SCONJ _003136118 350 53 carried carry VERB _003136118 350 54 out out ADP _003136118 350 55 accordchurch accordchurch NOUN _003136118 350 56 , , PUNCT _003136118 350 57 eastern eastern ADJ _003136118 350 58 and and CCONJ _003136118 350 59 western western ADJ _003136118 350 60 , , PUNCT _003136118 350 61 on on ADP _003136118 350 62 earth earth NOUN _003136118 350 63 . . PUNCT _003136118 351 1 all all PRON _003136118 351 2 ing ing NOUN _003136118 351 3 to to ADP _003136118 351 4 the the DET _003136118 351 5 ritual ritual NOUN _003136118 351 6 of of ADP _003136118 351 7 alexandria alexandria PROPN _003136118 351 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 351 9 are be AUX _003136118 351 10 branches branch NOUN _003136118 351 11 joined join VERB _003136118 351 12 to to ADP _003136118 351 13 the the DET _003136118 351 14 main main ADJ _003136118 351 15 stem stem NOUN _003136118 351 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 351 17 which which PRON _003136118 351 18 is be AUX _003136118 351 19 rome rome PROPN _003136118 351 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 352 1 they they PRON _003136118 352 2 are be AUX _003136118 352 3 living live VERB _003136118 352 4 branches branch NOUN _003136118 352 5 drawantioch drawantioch PROPN _003136118 352 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 352 7 in in ADP _003136118 352 8 greek greek NOUN _003136118 352 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 352 10 in in ADP _003136118 352 11 slavonic slavonic NOUN _003136118 352 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 352 13 in in ADP _003136118 352 14 coptic coptic ADJ _003136118 352 15 or or CCONJ _003136118 352 16 syriac syriac ADJ _003136118 352 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 352 18 than than ADP _003136118 352 19 when when SCONJ _003136118 352 20 it it PRON _003136118 352 21 is be AUX _003136118 352 22 carried carry VERB _003136118 352 23 out out ADP _003136118 352 24 in in ADP _003136118 352 25 accordance accordance NOUN _003136118 352 26 with with ADP _003136118 352 27 the the DET _003136118 352 28 ing ing NOUN _003136118 352 29 their their PRON _003136118 352 30 life life NOUN _003136118 352 31 by by ADP _003136118 352 32 real real ADJ _003136118 352 33 visible visible ADJ _003136118 352 34 comceremonial comceremonial NOUN _003136118 352 35 of of ADP _003136118 352 36 the the DET _003136118 352 37 church church NOUN _003136118 352 38 of of ADP _003136118 352 39 rome rome PROPN _003136118 352 40 munion munion NOUN _003136118 352 41 from from ADP _003136118 352 42 the the DET _003136118 352 43 parent parent NOUN _003136118 352 44 stem stem NOUN _003136118 352 45 and and CCONJ _003136118 352 46 and and CCONJ _003136118 352 47 in in ADP _003136118 352 48 the the DET _003136118 352 49 latin latin ADJ _003136118 352 50 language language NOUN _003136118 352 51 . . PUNCT _003136118 353 1 all all ADV _003136118 353 2 so so ADV _003136118 353 3 from from ADP _003136118 353 4 christ christ PROPN _003136118 353 5 himself himself PRON _003136118 353 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 354 1 we we PRON _003136118 354 2 must must AUX _003136118 354 3 not not PART _003136118 354 4 think think VERB _003136118 354 5 of of ADP _003136118 354 6 ori€ntal ori€ntal ADJ _003136118 354 7 christians christians PROPN _003136118 354 8 as as ADP _003136118 354 9 less less ADV _003136118 354 10 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 354 11 than than ADP _003136118 354 12 ourselves ourselves PRON _003136118 354 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 355 1 they they PRON _003136118 355 2 are be AUX _003136118 355 3 children child NOUN _003136118 355 4 of of ADP _003136118 355 5 the the DET _003136118 355 6 great great ADJ _003136118 355 7 patriarchates patriarchate NOUN _003136118 355 8 of of ADP _003136118 355 9 antioch antioch PROPN _003136118 355 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 355 11 of of ADP _003136118 355 12 alexandria alexandria PROPN _003136118 355 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 355 14 as as SCONJ _003136118 355 15 we we PRON _003136118 355 16 are be AUX _003136118 355 17 children child NOUN _003136118 355 18 of of ADP _003136118 355 19 the the DET _003136118 355 20 patriarchate patriarchate NOUN _003136118 355 21 of of ADP _003136118 355 22 rome rome PROPN _003136118 355 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 355 24 though though SCONJ _003136118 355 25 this this DET _003136118 355 26 last last ADJ _003136118 355 27 has have VERB _003136118 355 28 the the DET _003136118 355 29 pirmacy pirmacy NOUN _003136118 355 30 of of ADP _003136118 355 31 jurisdiction jurisdiction NOUN _003136118 355 32 over over ADP _003136118 355 33 all all DET _003136118 355 34 other other ADJ _003136118 355 35 patriarchates patriarchate NOUN _003136118 355 36 . . PUNCT _003136118 356 1 their their PRON _003136118 356 2 rites rite NOUN _003136118 356 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 356 4 their their PRON _003136118 356 5 ceremonies ceremony NOUN _003136118 356 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 356 7 their their PRON _003136118 356 8 language language NOUN _003136118 356 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 356 10 their their PRON _003136118 356 11 customs custom NOUN _003136118 356 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 356 13 have have VERB _003136118 356 14 all all DET _003136118 356 15 the the DET _003136118 356 16 same same ADJ _003136118 356 17 sanctity sanctity NOUN _003136118 356 18 of of ADP _003136118 356 19 agecatholics agecatholic NOUN _003136118 356 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 356 21 roman roman ADJ _003136118 356 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 356 23 uniate uniate ADJ _003136118 356 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 356 25 professing profess VERB _003136118 356 26 the the DET _003136118 356 27 one one NUM _003136118 356 28 faith faith NOUN _003136118 356 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 356 30 in in ADP _003136118 356 31 obedience obedience NOUN _003136118 356 32 to to ADP _003136118 356 33 the the DET _003136118 356 34 one one NUM _003136118 356 35 bishop bishop NOUN _003136118 356 36 of of ADP _003136118 356 37 rome rome PROPN _003136118 356 38 , , PUNCT _003136118 356 39 give give VERB _003136118 356 40 voice voice NOUN _003136118 356 41 to to ADP _003136118 356 42 their their PRON _003136118 356 43 official official ADJ _003136118 356 44 worship worship NOUN _003136118 356 45 , , PUNCT _003136118 356 46 each each DET _003136118 356 47 group group NOUN _003136118 356 48 in in ADP _003136118 356 49 its its PRON _003136118 356 50 own own ADJ _003136118 356 51 traditional traditional ADJ _003136118 356 52 form form NOUN _003136118 356 53 . . PUNCT _003136118 357 1 distinct distinct ADJ _003136118 357 2 as as ADP _003136118 357 3 the the DET _003136118 357 4 fingers finger NOUN _003136118 357 5 in in ADP _003136118 357 6 the the DET _003136118 357 7 variety variety NOUN _003136118 357 8 of of ADP _003136118 357 9 their their PRON _003136118 357 10 liturgies liturgy NOUN _003136118 357 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 357 12 they they PRON _003136118 357 13 are be AUX _003136118 357 14 united unite VERB _003136118 357 15 as as ADP _003136118 357 16 the the DET _003136118 357 17 hand hand NOUN _003136118 357 18 in in ADP _003136118 357 19 the the DET _003136118 357 20 one one NUM _003136118 357 21 faith faith NOUN _003136118 357 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 357 23 of of ADP _003136118 357 24 which which PRON _003136118 357 25 each each DET _003136118 357 26 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 357 27 is be AUX _003136118 357 28 an an DET _003136118 357 29 official official ADJ _003136118 357 30 expression expression NOUN _003136118 357 31 . . PUNCT _003136118 358 1 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 358 2 in in ADP _003136118 358 3 time time NOUN _003136118 358 4 of of ADP _003136118 358 5 war war NOUN _003136118 358 6 the the DET _003136118 358 7 purpose purpose NOUN _003136118 358 8 of of ADP _003136118 358 9 the the DET _003136118 358 10 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 358 11 hour hour NOUN _003136118 358 12 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 358 13 extract extract VERB _003136118 358 14 from from ADP _003136118 358 15 the the DET _003136118 358 16 address address NOUN _003136118 358 17 of of ADP _003136118 358 18 the the DET _003136118 358 19 late late ADJ _003136118 358 20 patrick patrick ADJ _003136118 358 21 cardinal cardinal ADJ _003136118 358 22 hayes haye NOUN _003136118 358 23 at at ADP _003136118 358 24 the the DET _003136118 358 25 inaugural inaugural ADJ _003136118 358 26 program program NOUN _003136118 358 27 of of ADP _003136118 358 28 the the DET _003136118 358 29 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 358 30 hour hour NOUN _003136118 358 31 in in ADP _003136118 358 32 the the DET _003136118 358 33 studio studio NOUN _003136118 358 34 of of ADP _003136118 358 35 the the DET _003136118 358 36 national national PROPN _003136118 358 37 broadcastin broadcastin PROPN _003136118 358 38 g g PROPN _003136118 358 39 company company NOUN _003136118 358 40 , , PUNCT _003136118 358 41 new new PROPN _003136118 358 42 york york PROPN _003136118 358 43 cit cit PROPN _003136118 358 44 y y PROPN _003136118 358 45 , , PUNCT _003136118 358 46 march march PROPN _003136118 358 47 2 2 NUM _003136118 358 48 , , PUNCT _003136118 358 49 1930 1930 NUM _003136118 358 50 . . PUNCT _003136118 358 51 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 359 1 our our PRON _003136118 359 2 congratulations congratulation NOUN _003136118 359 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 359 4 our our PRON _003136118 359 5 gratitude gratitude NOUN _003136118 359 6 are be AUX _003136118 359 7 extended extend VERB _003136118 359 8 to to ADP _003136118 359 9 the the DET _003136118 359 10 national national ADJ _003136118 359 11 council council PROPN _003136118 359 12 of of ADP _003136118 359 13 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 359 14 men man NOUN _003136118 359 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 359 16 its its PRON _003136118 359 17 officials official NOUN _003136118 359 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 359 19 and and CCONJ _003136118 359 20 to to ADP _003136118 359 21 all all PRON _003136118 359 22 who who PRON _003136118 359 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 359 24 by by ADP _003136118 359 25 their their PRON _003136118 359 26 financial financial ADJ _003136118 359 27 support support NOUN _003136118 359 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 359 29 have have AUX _003136118 359 30 made make VERB _003136118 359 31 it it PRON _003136118 359 32 possible possible ADJ _003136118 359 33 to to PART _003136118 359 34 use use VERB _003136118 359 35 this this DET _003136118 359 36 offer offer NOUN _003136118 359 37 of of ADP _003136118 359 38 the the DET _003136118 359 39 national national PROPN _003136118 359 40 broadcasting broadcasting PROPN _003136118 359 41 company company NOUN _003136118 359 42 . . PUNCT _003136118 360 1 the the DET _003136118 360 2 heavy heavy ADJ _003136118 360 3 expense expense NOUN _003136118 360 4 of of ADP _003136118 360 5 managing manage VERB _003136118 360 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 360 7 financing finance VERB _003136118 360 8 a a DET _003136118 360 9 weekly weekly ADJ _003136118 360 10 program program NOUN _003136118 360 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 360 12 its its PRON _003136118 360 13 musical musical ADJ _003136118 360 14 numbers number NOUN _003136118 360 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 360 16 its its PRON _003136118 360 17 speakers speaker NOUN _003136118 360 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 360 19 the the DET _003136118 360 20 subsequ subsequ NOUN _003136118 360 21 ent ent VERB _003136118 360 22 answering answering NOUN _003136118 360 23 of of ADP _003136118 360 24 inquiries inquiry NOUN _003136118 360 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 360 26 must must AUX _003136118 360 27 be be AUX _003136118 360 28 met meet VERB _003136118 360 29 . . PUNCT _003136118 361 1 •.• •.• NOUN _003136118 361 2 this this DET _003136118 361 3 radio radio NOUN _003136118 361 4 hour hour NOUN _003136118 361 5 is be AUX _003136118 361 6 for for ADP _003136118 361 7 all all DET _003136118 361 8 the the DET _003136118 361 9 people people NOUN _003136118 361 10 of of ADP _003136118 361 11 t t PROPN _003136118 361 12 he he PRON _003136118 361 13 united united PROPN _003136118 361 14 states states PROPN _003136118 361 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 362 1 to to ADP _003136118 362 2 our our PRON _003136118 362 3 fellow fellow NOUN _003136118 362 4 - - PUNCT _003136118 362 5 citizens citizen NOUN _003136118 362 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 362 7 in in ADP _003136118 362 8 this this DET _003136118 362 9 word word NOUN _003136118 362 10 of of ADP _003136118 362 11 dedication dedication NOUN _003136118 362 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 362 13 we we PRON _003136118 362 14 wish wish VERB _003136118 362 15 to to PART _003136118 362 16 express express VERB _003136118 362 17 a a DET _003136118 362 18 cordial cordial ADJ _003136118 362 19 greeting greeting NOUN _003136118 362 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 362 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 362 22 indeed indeed ADV _003136118 362 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 362 24 congratulations congratulation NOUN _003136118 362 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 363 1 for for ADP _003136118 363 2 this this DET _003136118 363 3 radio radio NOUN _003136118 363 4 hour hour NOUN _003136118 363 5 is be AUX _003136118 363 6 one one NUM _003136118 363 7 of of ADP _003136118 363 8 service service NOUN _003136118 363 9 to to ADP _003136118 363 10 america america PROPN _003136118 363 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 363 12 which which PRON _003136118 363 13 certainly certainly ADV _003136118 363 14 will will AUX _003136118 363 15 listen listen VERB _003136118 363 16 in in ADP _003136118 363 17 interestedly interestedly ADV _003136118 363 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 363 19 and and CCONJ _003136118 363 20 even even ADV _003136118 363 21 sympathetically sympathetically ADV _003136118 363 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 363 23 i i PRON _003136118 363 24 am be AUX _003136118 363 25 sure sure ADJ _003136118 363 26 , , PUNCT _003136118 363 27 to to ADP _003136118 363 28 the the DET _003136118 363 29 voice voice NOUN _003136118 363 30 of of ADP _003136118 363 31 the the DET _003136118 363 32 ancient ancient ADJ _003136118 363 33 church church NOUN _003136118 363 34 with with ADP _003136118 363 35 its its PRON _003136118 363 36 historic historic ADJ _003136118 363 37 background background NOUN _003136118 363 38 of of ADP _003136118 363 39 a a DET _003136118 363 40 ll ll AUX _003136118 363 41 the the DET _003136118 363 42 centuries century NOUN _003136118 363 43 of of ADP _003136118 363 44 the the DET _003136118 363 45 christian christian ADJ _003136118 363 46 era era NOUN _003136118 363 47 , , PUNCT _003136118 363 48 and and CCONJ _003136118 363 49 with with ADP _003136118 363 50 its its PRON _003136118 363 51 own own ADJ _003136118 363 52 notable notable ADJ _003136118 363 53 con con NOUN _003136118 363 54 tribution tribution NOUN _003136118 363 55 to to ADP _003136118 363 56 the the DET _003136118 363 57 discovery discovery NOUN _003136118 363 58 , , PUNCT _003136118 363 59 exploration exploration NOUN _003136118 363 60 , , PUNCT _003136118 363 61 foundation foundation NOUN _003136118 363 62 and and CCONJ _003136118 363 63 growth growth NOUN _003136118 363 64 of of ADP _003136118 363 65 our our PRON _003136118 363 66 glorious glorious ADJ _003136118 363 67 country country NOUN _003136118 363 68 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 364 1 thus thus ADV _003136118 364 2 to to ADP _003136118 364 3 voice voice NOUN _003136118 364 4 befo befo NOUN _003136118 364 5 re re ADP _003136118 364 6 a a DET _003136118 364 7 vas vas NOUN _003136118 364 8 t t NOUN _003136118 364 9 public public NOUN _003136118 365 1 the the DET _003136118 365 2 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 365 3 church church NOUN _003136118 365 4 is be AUX _003136118 365 5 no no DET _003136118 365 6 lig lig NOUN _003136118 365 7 ht ht X _003136118 365 8 task task NOUN _003136118 365 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 366 1 our our PRON _003136118 366 2 prayers prayer NOUN _003136118 366 3 will will AUX _003136118 366 4 be be AUX _003136118 366 5 with with ADP _003136118 366 6 those those PRON _003136118 366 7 who who PRON _003136118 366 8 have have VERB _003136118 366 9 that that DET _003136118 366 10 task task NOUN _003136118 366 11 in in ADP _003136118 366 12 hand hand NOUN _003136118 366 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 367 1 we we PRON _003136118 367 2 feel feel VERB _003136118 367 3 certain certain ADJ _003136118 367 4 that that SCONJ _003136118 367 5 it it PRON _003136118 367 6 will will AUX _003136118 367 7 have have VERB _003136118 367 8 both both CCONJ _003136118 367 9 the the DET _003136118 367 10 good good ADJ _003136118 367 11 will will NOUN _003136118 367 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 367 13 the the DET _003136118 367 14 good good ADJ _003136118 367 15 wishes wish NOUN _003136118 367 16 of of ADP _003136118 367 17 the the DET _003136118 367 18 great great ADJ _003136118 367 19 majority majority NOUN _003136118 367 20 of of ADP _003136118 367 21 our our PRON _003136118 367 22 countrymen countryman NOUN _003136118 367 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 368 1 surely surely ADV _003136118 368 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 368 3 there there PRON _003136118 368 4 is be VERB _003136118 368 5 no no DET _003136118 368 6 true true ADJ _003136118 368 7 lover lover NOUN _003136118 368 8 of of ADP _003136118 368 9 our our PRON _003136118 368 10 country country NOUN _003136118 368 11 who who PRON _003136118 368 12 does do AUX _003136118 368 13 not not PART _003136118 368 14 eagerly eagerly ADV _003136118 368 15 hope hope VERB _003136118 368 16 for for ADP _003136118 368 17 a a DET _003136118 368 18 less less ADV _003136118 368 19 worldly worldly ADJ _003136118 368 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 368 21 a a DET _003136118 368 22 less less ADJ _003136118 368 23 material material NOUN _003136118 368 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 368 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 368 26 a a DET _003136118 368 27 more more ADV _003136118 368 28 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003136118 368 29 standard standard NOUN _003136118 368 30 among among ADP _003136118 368 31 our our PRON _003136118 368 32 p p ADJ _003136118 368 33 eople eople NOUN _003136118 368 34 . . PUNCT _003136118 369 1 with with ADP _003136118 369 2 good good ADJ _003136118 369 3 will will NOUN _003136118 369 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 369 5 with with ADP _003136118 369 6 kindness kindness NOUN _003136118 369 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 369 8 with with ADP _003136118 369 9 christ christ PROPN _003136118 369 10 - - PUNCT _003136118 369 11 like like ADJ _003136118 369 12 sympathy sympathy NOUN _003136118 369 13 for for ADP _003136118 369 14 all all PRON _003136118 369 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 369 16 this this DET _003136118 369 17 work work NOUN _003136118 369 18 is be AUX _003136118 369 19 inaugurated inaugurate VERB _003136118 369 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 370 1 so so ADV _003136118 370 2 may may AUX _003136118 370 3 it it PRON _003136118 370 4 continue continue VERB _003136118 370 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 371 1 so so ADV _003136118 371 2 may may AUX _003136118 371 3 it it PRON _003136118 371 4 be be AUX _003136118 371 5 fulfilled fulfil VERB _003136118 371 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 372 1 this this DET _003136118 372 2 word word NOUN _003136118 372 3 of of ADP _003136118 372 4 dedication dedication NOUN _003136118 372 5 voices voice NOUN _003136118 372 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 372 7 therefore therefore ADV _003136118 372 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 372 9 the the DET _003136118 372 10 hope hope NOUN _003136118 372 11 that that SCONJ _003136118 372 12 this this DET _003136118 372 13 radio radio NOUN _003136118 372 14 hour hour NOUN _003136118 372 15 may may AUX _003136118 372 16 serve serve VERB _003136118 372 17 to to PART _003136118 372 18 make make VERB _003136118 372 19 known know VERB _003136118 372 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 372 21 to to PART _003136118 372 22 explain explain VERB _003136118 372 23 with with ADP _003136118 372 24 the the DET _003136118 372 25 charity charity NOUN _003136118 372 26 of of ADP _003136118 372 27 christ christ PROPN _003136118 372 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 372 29 our our PRON _003136118 372 30 faith faith NOUN _003136118 372 31 , , PUNCT _003136118 372 32 which which PRON _003136118 372 33 we we PRON _003136118 372 34 love love VERB _003136118 372 35 even even ADV _003136118 372 36 as as SCONJ _003136118 372 37 we we PRON _003136118 372 38 love love VERB _003136118 372 39 christ christ PROPN _003136118 372 40 himself himself PRON _003136118 372 41 . . PUNCT _003136118 373 1 may may AUX _003136118 373 2 it it PRON _003136118 373 3 serve serve VERB _003136118 373 4 to to PART _003136118 373 5 make make VERB _003136118 373 6 better well ADJ _003136118 373 7 urderstood urderstood VERB _003136118 373 8 that that DET _003136118 373 9 faith faith NOUN _003136118 373 10 as as SCONJ _003136118 373 11 it it PRON _003136118 373 12 really really ADV _003136118 373 13 is be AUX _003136118 373 14 - - PUNCT _003136118 373 15 a a DET _003136118 373 16 light light NOUN _003136118 373 17 r r NOUN _003136118 373 18 evealing eveale VERB _003136118 373 19 the the DET _003136118 373 20 pathway pathway NOUN _003136118 373 21 to to PART _003136118 373 22 h h VERB _003136118 373 23 eaven eaven ADJ _003136118 373 24 : : PUNCT _003136118 373 25 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 373 26 a a DET _003136118 373 27 strength strength NOUN _003136118 373 28 , , PUNCT _003136118 373 29 and and CCONJ _003136118 373 30 a a DET _003136118 373 31 power power NOUN _003136118 373 32 divine divine VERB _003136118 373 33 through through ADP _003136118 373 34 christ christ PROPN _003136118 373 35 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 373 36 pardoning pardon VERB _003136118 373 37 ou ou ADP _003136118 373 38 r r NOUN _003136118 373 39 sins sin NOUN _003136118 373 40 , , PUNCT _003136118 373 41 elevating elevating NOUN _003136118 373 42 , , PUNCT _003136118 373 43 consecrating consecrate VERB _003136118 373 44 our our PRON _003136118 373 45 common common ADJ _003136118 373 46 every every DET _003136118 373 47 - - PUNCT _003136118 373 48 day day NOUN _003136118 373 49 duties duty NOUN _003136118 373 50 and and CCONJ _003136118 373 51 joys joy NOUN _003136118 373 52 , , PUNCT _003136118 373 53 bringing bring VERB _003136118 373 54 not not PART _003136118 373 55 only only ADV _003136118 373 56 justice justice NOUN _003136118 373 57 but but CCONJ _003136118 373 58 gladness gladness NOUN _003136118 373 59 and and CCONJ _003136118 373 60 peace peace NOUN _003136118 373 61 to to ADP _003136118 373 62 our our PRON _003136118 373 63 searching search VERB _003136118 373 64 and and CCONJ _003136118 373 65 questioning question VERB _003136118 373 66 h h NOUN _003136118 373 67 earts eart NOUN _003136118 373 68 . . PUNCT _003136118 374 1 104 104 NUM _003136118 374 2 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 374 3 hour hour NOUN _003136118 374 4 stations station NOUN _003136118 374 5 in in ADP _003136118 374 6 41 41 NUM _003136118 374 7 states state NOUN _003136118 374 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 374 9 the the DET _003136118 374 10 district district NOUN _003136118 374 11 of of ADP _003136118 374 12 columbia columbia PROPN _003136118 374 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 374 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 374 15 hawaii hawaii PROPN _003136118 374 16 alabama alabama PROPN _003136118 374 17 arlzana arlzana PROPN _003136118 374 18 arkansas arkansas PROPN _003136118 374 19 california california PROPN _003136118 374 20 colorado colorado PROPN _003136118 374 21 connecticut connecticut PROPN _003136118 374 22 district district PROPN _003136118 374 23 of of ADP _003136118 374 24 columbia columbia PROPN _003136118 374 25 florida florida PROPN _003136118 374 26 georgia georgia PROPN _003136118 374 27 idaho idaho PROPN _003136118 374 28 illinois illinois PROPN _003136118 374 29 indiana indiana PROPN _003136118 374 30 kansas kansas PROPN _003136118 374 31 kentucky kentucky PROPN _003136118 374 32 louisiana louisiana PROPN _003136118 374 33 maryland maryland PROPN _003136118 374 34 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN _003136118 374 35 michigan michigan PROPN _003136118 374 36 minnesota minnesota PROPN _003136118 374 37 mississippi mississippi PROPN _003136118 374 38 missouri missouri PROPN _003136118 374 39 montana montana PROPN _003136118 374 40 nebraska nebraska PROPN _003136118 374 41 nevada nevada PROPN _003136118 374 42 new new PROPN _003136118 374 43 hampshire hampshire PROPN _003136118 374 44 t t PROPN _003136118 374 45 - - PUNCT _003136118 374 46 iew iew NOUN _003136118 374 47 mexico mexico NOUN _003136118 374 48 birmingham birmingham PROPN _003136118 375 1 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 375 2 ............................... ............................... PUNCT _003136118 375 3 wbrc wbrc NOUN _003136118 375 4 960 960 NUM _003136118 375 5 kc kc PROPN _003136118 375 6 mabile mabile NOUN _003136118 375 7 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 376 1 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 377 1 ...................... ...................... PUNCT _003136118 378 1 wa wa INTJ _003136118 378 2 la la PROPN _003136118 378 3 1410 1410 NUM _003136118 378 4 kc kc X _003136118 378 5 phoenix phoenix NOUN _003136118 378 6 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 379 1 ............................................... ............................................... PUNCT _003136118 379 2 ktar ktar NOUN _003136118 379 3 620 620 NUM _003136118 379 4 kc kc PROPN _003136118 379 5 safford safford PROPN _003136118 379 6 .................................................... .................................................... PUNCT _003136118 379 7 kglu kglu PROPN _003136118 379 8 1450 1450 NUM _003136118 379 9 kc kc PROPN _003136118 379 10 tucson tucson PROPN _003136118 379 11 .................................. .................................. PUNCT _003136118 379 12 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 379 13 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 380 1 kvoa kvoa PROPN _003136118 380 2 1290 1290 NUM _003136118 380 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 380 4 yuma yuma PRON _003136118 380 5 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 381 1 .............. .............. PUNCT _003136118 381 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 382 1 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 382 2 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 383 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 383 2 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 383 3 kyum kyum X _003136118 383 4 1240 1240 NUM _003136118 383 5 kc kc PROPN _003136118 383 6 little little ADJ _003136118 383 7 rock rock NOUN _003136118 383 8 ............................................ ............................................ PUNCT _003136118 384 1 kark kark PROPN _003136118 384 2 920 920 NUM _003136118 384 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 384 4 bakersfield bakersfield PROPN _003136118 384 5 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 385 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 385 2 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 386 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 386 2 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 387 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 388 1 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 388 2 kern kern NOUN _003136118 388 3 1410 1410 NUM _003136118 388 4 kc kc X _003136118 388 5 fresno fresno PROPN _003136118 388 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 389 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 389 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 390 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 390 2 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 391 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 391 2 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 392 1 • • PUNCT _003136118 392 2 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 392 3 kmj kmj PROPN _003136118 392 4 580 580 NUM _003136118 392 5 kc kc PROPN _003136118 392 6 los los PROPN _003136118 392 7 angeles angeles PROPN _003136118 392 8 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 393 1 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 393 2 • • PROPN _003136118 393 3 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 393 4 • • PROPN _003136118 393 5 ........... ........... X _003136118 393 6 keca keca NOUN _003136118 393 7 790 790 NUM _003136118 393 8 kc kc ADP _003136118 393 9 sacramento sacramento PROPN _003136118 393 10 ............................................ ............................................ PUNCT _003136118 394 1 kfbk kfbk ADJ _003136118 394 2 1530 1530 NUM _003136118 394 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 394 4 san san PROPN _003136118 394 5 franc franc PROPN _003136118 394 6 isco isco PROPN _003136118 394 7 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 395 1 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 396 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 396 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 397 1 .................. .................. PUNCT _003136118 397 2 kpo kpo PROPN _003136118 397 3 680 680 NUM _003136118 397 4 kc kc PROPN _003136118 397 5 stockton stockton PROPN _003136118 397 6 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 398 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 398 2 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 399 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 399 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 400 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 400 2 ................... ................... PUNCT _003136118 401 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 401 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 402 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 402 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 403 1 kwg kwg PROPN _003136118 403 2 1230 1230 NUM _003136118 403 3 kc kc ADP _003136118 403 4 denver denver PROPN _003136118 403 5 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 404 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 404 2 ................ ................ PUNCT _003136118 404 3 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 405 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 405 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 406 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 406 2 .......................... .......................... PUNCT _003136118 407 1 koa koa PROPN _003136118 407 2 850 850 NUM _003136118 407 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 407 4 hartford hartford NOUN _003136118 407 5 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 408 1 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 409 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 409 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 410 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 410 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 411 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 411 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 412 1 .............. .............. PUNCT _003136118 413 1 wt wt X _003136118 413 2 ic ic PROPN _003136118 413 3 * * PROPN _003136118 413 4 1080 1080 NUM _003136118 413 5 kc kc PROPN _003136118 413 6 wash wash VERB _003136118 413 7 ington ington PROPN _003136118 413 8 ......................... ......................... PUNCT _003136118 414 1 .................. .................. PUNCT _003136118 414 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 414 3 ._wrc ._wrc PUNCT _003136118 415 1 980 980 NUM _003136118 415 2 kc kc PROPN _003136118 415 3 jacksonville jacksonville PROPN _003136118 415 4 ........................ ........................ PUNCT _003136118 416 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 416 2 ................... ................... PUNCT _003136118 417 1 wjax wjax ADJ _003136118 417 2 930 930 NUM _003136118 417 3 kc kc NOUN _003136118 417 4 lakeland lakeland NOUN _003136118 417 5 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 418 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 418 2 ........................................... ........................................... PUNCT _003136118 419 1 wlak wlak ADJ _003136118 419 2 1340 1340 NUM _003136118 419 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 419 4 miami miami PROPN _003136118 419 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 420 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 420 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 421 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 421 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 422 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 422 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 423 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 423 2 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 424 1 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 425 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 425 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 426 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 426 2 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 427 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 427 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 428 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 428 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 429 1 w w AUX _003136118 429 2 lod lod NOUN _003136118 429 3 610 610 NUM _003136118 429 4 kc kc PROPN _003136118 429 5 pensacola pensacola PROPN _003136118 429 6 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 430 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 430 2 ......................................... ......................................... PUNCT _003136118 431 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 431 2 .wcoa .wcoa NUM _003136118 432 1 1370 1370 NUM _003136118 432 2 kc kc PROPN _003136118 432 3 tampa tampa PROPN _003136118 432 4 ................................ ................................ PUNCT _003136118 432 5 wfla wfla NOUN _003136118 432 6 - - PUNCT _003136118 432 7 wsun wsun VERB _003136118 432 8 1970 1970 NUM _003136118 432 9 - - SYM _003136118 432 10 620 620 NUM _003136118 432 11 kc kc PROPN _003136118 432 12 atlanta atlanta PROPN _003136118 432 13 .............. .............. PUNCT _003136118 432 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 432 15 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 433 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 433 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 434 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 434 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 435 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 435 2 ............ ............ PUNCT _003136118 436 1 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 436 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 436 3 ._ws ._ws PUNCT _003136118 437 1 b b X _003136118 437 2 750 750 NUM _003136118 437 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 437 4 savannah savannah PROPN _003136118 437 5 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 437 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 437 7 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 438 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 438 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 439 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 439 2 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 440 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 440 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 441 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 441 2 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 442 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 442 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 442 3 wsav wsav PROPN _003136118 442 4 1340 1340 NUM _003136118 442 5 kc kc PROPN _003136118 442 6 boise boise NOUN _003136118 442 7 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 443 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 443 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 444 1 .................. .................. PUNCT _003136118 444 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 444 3 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 445 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 445 2 .................... .................... PUNCT _003136118 446 1 kido kido NOUN _003136118 446 2 1380 1380 NUM _003136118 446 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 446 4 pocatello pocatello INTJ _003136118 446 5 .............. .............. PUNCT _003136118 446 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 447 1 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 447 2 ................... ................... PUNCT _003136118 448 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 448 2 ........ ........ PUNCT _003136118 449 1 ksei ksei VERB _003136118 449 2 930 930 NUM _003136118 449 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 449 4 t t NOUN _003136118 449 5 win win NOUN _003136118 449 6 falls fall VERB _003136118 449 7 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 449 8 ................... ................... PUNCT _003136118 450 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 450 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 451 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 451 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 451 3 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 452 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 452 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 452 3 ktfi ktfi VERB _003136118 452 4 1270 1270 NUM _003136118 452 5 kc kc PROPN _003136118 452 6 chicago chicago PROPN _003136118 452 7 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 453 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 453 2 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 454 1 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 455 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 455 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 456 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 456 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 457 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 457 2 ........ ........ PUNCT _003136118 458 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 458 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 458 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 459 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 459 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 460 1 wmaq wmaq VERB _003136118 460 2 670 670 NUM _003136118 460 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 460 4 fort fort NOUN _003136118 460 5 wayne wayne NOUN _003136118 460 6 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 460 7 .................................... .................................... PUNCT _003136118 461 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 461 2 .wgl .wgl ADJ _003136118 462 1 1450 1450 NUM _003136118 462 2 kc kc PROPN _003136118 462 3 terre terre PROPN _003136118 462 4 haute haute PROPN _003136118 462 5 ........ ........ PUNCT _003136118 463 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 463 2 ......................... ......................... PUNCT _003136118 464 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 464 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 465 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 465 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 466 1 wbow wbow NOUN _003136118 466 2 1230 1230 NUM _003136118 466 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 466 4 wichita wichita PROPN _003136118 466 5 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 467 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 467 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 468 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 468 2 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 469 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 469 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 470 1 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 471 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 471 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 472 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 472 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 473 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 473 2 .kans .kan NOUN _003136118 473 3 1240 1240 NUM _003136118 473 4 kc kc PROPN _003136118 473 5 lou lou PROPN _003136118 473 6 isvi isvi PROPN _003136118 473 7 lle lle PROPN _003136118 473 8 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 474 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 474 2 ....................................... ....................................... PUNCT _003136118 474 3 wave wave NOUN _003136118 474 4 * * NOUN _003136118 474 5 970 970 NUM _003136118 474 6 kc kc PROPN _003136118 474 7 new new PROPN _003136118 474 8 orleans orleans PROPN _003136118 474 9 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 475 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 475 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 475 3 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 476 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 477 1 .................. .................. PUNCT _003136118 477 2 wsmb wsmb NUM _003136118 477 3 * * NOUN _003136118 477 4 shreveport shreveport NOUN _003136118 477 5 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 478 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 478 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 479 1 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 479 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 479 3 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 480 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 480 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 481 1 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 481 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 482 1 ktbs ktbs PROPN _003136118 482 2 baltimore baltimore PROPN _003136118 482 3 ................ ................ PUNCT _003136118 483 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 483 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 484 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 484 2 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 485 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 485 2 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 486 1 wbal wbal ADJ _003136118 486 2 boston boston PROPN _003136118 486 3 ........................................... ........................................... PUNCT _003136118 486 4 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 487 1 wbz wbz NOUN _003136118 487 2 · · NUM _003136118 487 3 sp sp NOUN _003136118 487 4 ringfield ringfield NOUN _003136118 487 5 ............................... ............................... PUNCT _003136118 488 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 488 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 489 1 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 489 2 wbza wbza NOUN _003136118 489 3 * * PROPN _003136118 489 4 detroit detroit PROPN _003136118 489 5 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 490 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 490 2 .......................... .......................... PUNCT _003136118 491 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 491 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 492 1 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 493 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 493 2 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 494 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 494 2 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 495 1 wwj wwj ADV _003136118 495 2 dul dul PROPN _003136118 495 3 uth uth PROPN _003136118 495 4 - - PUNCT _003136118 495 5 superior superior NOUN _003136118 495 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 496 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 496 2 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 497 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 497 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 498 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 498 2 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 499 1 w w PROPN _003136118 499 2 ebc ebc PROPN _003136118 499 3 mankato mankato PROPN _003136118 499 4 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 499 5 • • PROPN _003136118 499 6 ........................ ........................ PROPN _003136118 499 7 kysm kysm PROPN _003136118 499 8 minneapolis minneapolis PROPN _003136118 499 9 - - PUNCT _003136118 499 10 st st PROPN _003136118 499 11 _ _ PROPN _003136118 499 12 paul paul PROPN _003136118 499 13 ................. ................. PUNCT _003136118 500 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 500 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 501 1 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 501 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 501 3 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 501 4 kstp kstp VERB _003136118 501 5 rochester rochester PROPN _003136118 501 6 ........... ........... PUNCT _003136118 502 1 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 503 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 503 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 504 1 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 504 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 505 1 kroc kroc PROPN _003136118 505 2 st st PROPN _003136118 505 3 _ _ PROPN _003136118 505 4 cloud cloud NOUN _003136118 505 5 ........................ ........................ PUNCT _003136118 506 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 506 2 ....................... ....................... PUNCT _003136118 507 1 kfam kfam PROPN _003136118 507 2 j j PROPN _003136118 507 3 ackson ackson PROPN _003136118 507 4 .......................... .......................... PUNCT _003136118 508 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 508 2 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 509 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 509 2 .................. .................. PUNCT _003136118 510 1 w w ADP _003136118 510 2 j j PROPN _003136118 510 3 dx dx PROPN _003136118 510 4 kansas kansas PROPN _003136118 510 5 city city PROPN _003136118 510 6 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 511 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 511 2 ................ ................ PUNCT _003136118 512 1 ............ ............ PUNCT _003136118 512 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 512 3 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 512 4 wdaf wdaf ADJ _003136118 512 5 springfield springfield NOUN _003136118 512 6 .............................................. .............................................. PUNCT _003136118 513 1 kgbx kgbx PROPN _003136118 513 2 saint saint PROPN _003136118 513 3 louis louis PROPN _003136118 513 4 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 514 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 514 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 515 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 515 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 516 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 516 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 517 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 517 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 518 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 518 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 519 1 ..................... ..................... PUNCT _003136118 519 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 520 1 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 521 1 ksd ksd NOUN _003136118 521 2 * * PUNCT _003136118 521 3 bill bill NOUN _003136118 521 4 ings ing NOUN _003136118 521 5 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 522 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 522 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 523 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 523 2 ............. ............. PUNCT _003136118 524 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 524 2 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 524 3 •.• •.• PROPN _003136118 524 4 ............ ............ PUNCT _003136118 525 1 kgh kgh PROPN _003136118 525 2 l l PROPN _003136118 525 3 bozeman bozeman NOUN _003136118 525 4 .......................... .......................... PUNCT _003136118 525 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 526 1 ..................... ..................... PUNCT _003136118 526 2 krbm krbm PROPN _003136118 526 3 butte butte PROPN _003136118 526 4 ................. ................. PUNCT _003136118 526 5 • • PROPN _003136118 526 6 ............ ............ PUNCT _003136118 527 1 .......................... .......................... PUNCT _003136118 528 1 kg kg INTJ _003136118 528 2 i i PRON _003136118 528 3 r r VERB _003136118 528 4 helena helena NOUN _003136118 528 5 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 528 6 ................................................. ................................................. PUNCT _003136118 529 1 kpfa kpfa PROPN _003136118 529 2 omaha omaha INTJ _003136118 529 3 ............ ............ PUNCT _003136118 529 4 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 529 5 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 530 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 530 2 ......... ......... PUNCT _003136118 531 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 531 2 .......................... .......................... PUNCT _003136118 532 1 wow wow INTJ _003136118 532 2 reno reno NOUN _003136118 532 3 ................................... ................................... PUNCT _003136118 533 1 ..................... ..................... PUNCT _003136118 533 2 koh koh PROPN _003136118 533 3 manchester manchester NOUN _003136118 533 4 ....... ....... PUNCT _003136118 534 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 534 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 535 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 535 2 ................. ................. PUNCT _003136118 536 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 536 2 .......... .......... PUNCT _003136118 537 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 537 2 w w ADP _003136118 537 3 fea fea NOUN _003136118 537 4 albuquerque albuquerque NOUN _003136118 537 5 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 538 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 538 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 539 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 539 2 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 540 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 541 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 541 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 542 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 542 2 ... ... PUNCT _003136118 543 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 543 2 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 544 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 544 2 ..... ..... PUNCT _003136118 545 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 545 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 546 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 546 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 547 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 547 2 ...... ...... PUNCT _003136118 548 1 kob kob NOUN _003136118 548 2 1350 1350 NUM _003136118 548 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 4 1480 1480 NUM _003136118 548 5 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 6 1090 1090 NUM _003136118 548 7 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 8 1030 1030 NUM _003136118 548 9 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 10 1030 1030 NUM _003136118 548 11 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 12 950 950 NUM _003136118 548 13 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 14 1320 1320 NUM _003136118 548 15 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 16 1230 1230 NUM _003136118 548 17 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 18 1500 1500 NUM _003136118 548 19 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 20 1340 1340 NUM _003136118 548 21 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 22 1450 1450 NUM _003136118 548 23 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 24 1300 1300 NUM _003136118 548 25 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 26 610 610 NUM _003136118 548 27 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 28 1260 1260 NUM _003136118 548 29 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 30 550 550 NUM _003136118 548 31 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 32 790 790 NUM _003136118 548 33 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 34 1450 1450 NUM _003136118 548 35 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 36 1370 1370 NUM _003136118 548 37 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 38 1240 1240 NUM _003136118 548 39 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 40 590 590 NUM _003136118 548 41 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 42 630 630 NUM _003136118 548 43 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 44 1370 1370 NUM _003136118 548 45 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 46 1030 1030 NUM _003136118 548 47 kc kc PROPN _003136118 548 48 104 104 NUM _003136118 548 49 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 548 50 hour hour NOUN _003136118 548 51 stations station NOUN _003136118 548 52 in in ADP _003136118 548 53 41 41 NUM _003136118 548 54 states state NOUN _003136118 548 55 , , PUNCT _003136118 548 56 the the DET _003136118 548 57 district district NOUN _003136118 548 58 of of ADP _003136118 548 59 columbia columbia PROPN _003136118 548 60 , , PUNCT _003136118 548 61 and and CCONJ _003136118 548 62 hawaii hawaii PROPN _003136118 548 63 new new PROPN _003136118 548 64 york york PROPN _003136118 548 65 north north PROPN _003136118 548 66 corolino corolino PROPN _003136118 548 67 north north PROPN _003136118 548 68 dokota dokota PROPN _003136118 548 69 ohio ohio PROPN _003136118 548 70 oklahoma oklahoma PROPN _003136118 548 71 oregon oregon PROPN _003136118 548 72 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN _003136118 548 73 rhode rhode VERB _003136118 548 74 island island PROPN _003136118 548 75 south south PROPN _003136118 548 76 carolina carolina PROPN _003136118 548 77 south south PROPN _003136118 548 78 dakota dakota PROPN _003136118 548 79 tennessee tennessee PROPN _003136118 548 80 texas texas PROPN _003136118 548 81 virginia virginia PROPN _003136118 548 82 washington washington PROPN _003136118 548 83 west west PROPN _003136118 548 84 virginia virginia PROPN _003136118 548 85 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN _003136118 548 86 hawaii hawaii NOUN _003136118 548 87 short short ADJ _003136118 548 88 wave wave NOUN _003136118 548 89 * * PUNCT _003136118 548 90 delayed delay VERB _003136118 548 91 broadcast broadcast NOUN _003136118 548 92 buffalo buffalo NOUN _003136118 548 93 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 94 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 95 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 96 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 97 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 98 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 99 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 100 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 101 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 102 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 103 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 104 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 105 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 106 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 107 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 108 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 109 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 110 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 111 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 112 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 113 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 114 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 115 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 116 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 117 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 118 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 119 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 120 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 121 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 122 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 123 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 124 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 125 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 126 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 127 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 128 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 129 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 130 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 131 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 132 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 133 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 134 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 135 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 136 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 137 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 138 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 139 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 140 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 141 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 548 142 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 1 wben wben ADJ _003136118 549 2 930 930 NUM _003136118 549 3 kc kc NOUN _003136118 549 4 n n PROPN _003136118 549 5 ew ew X _003136118 549 6 yark yark NOUN _003136118 549 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 15 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 16 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 549 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_003136118 550 1 weaf weaf NOUN _003136118 550 2 660 660 NUM _003136118 550 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 550 4 schenectady schenectady NOUN _003136118 550 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 550 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 551 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 551 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 552 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 552 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 553 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 554 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 555 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 556 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 556 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 557 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 558 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 559 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 560 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 561 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 562 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 563 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 564 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 565 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 566 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 567 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 568 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 569 1 _ _ 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581 24 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 25 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 26 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 27 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 28 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 29 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 30 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 31 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 32 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 33 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 34 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 35 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 36 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 37 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 38 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 39 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 40 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 41 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 42 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 43 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 44 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 45 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 46 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 47 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 48 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 49 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 50 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 51 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 52 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 53 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 581 54 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 1 wise wise ADJ _003136118 582 2 1230 1230 NUM _003136118 582 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 582 4 charlotte charlotte NOUN _003136118 582 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 15 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 16 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 17 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 18 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 19 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 20 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 21 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 22 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 23 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 24 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 25 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 26 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 27 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 28 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 29 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 30 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 31 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 32 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 33 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 34 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 35 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 36 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 37 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 38 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 39 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 40 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 41 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 42 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 43 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 44 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 45 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 46 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 47 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 48 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 49 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 50 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 51 wsoc wsoc NOUN _003136118 582 52 * * PUNCT _003136118 582 53 1240 1240 NUM _003136118 582 54 kc kc NOUN _003136118 582 55 raleigh raleigh VERB _003136118 582 56 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 57 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 58 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 59 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 60 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 61 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 62 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 63 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 64 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 65 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 66 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 67 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 68 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 69 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 70 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 71 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 72 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 582 73 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 583 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 3 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 4 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 583 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 584 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 584 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 585 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 3 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 4 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 585 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 586 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 586 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 587 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 588 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 589 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 590 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 590 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 1 wptf wptf NOUN _003136118 591 2 680 680 NUM _003136118 591 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 591 4 winston winston PROPN _003136118 591 5 - - PUNCT _003136118 591 6 salem salem PROPN _003136118 591 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 15 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 16 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 17 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 18 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 19 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 20 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 21 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 22 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 23 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 24 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 25 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 26 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 27 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 28 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 29 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 30 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 31 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 32 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 33 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 34 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 35 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 36 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 37 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 38 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 39 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 40 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 41 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 42 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 43 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 44 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 591 45 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 592 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 592 2 wsjs wsjs NOUN _003136118 592 3 600 600 NUM _003136118 592 4 kc kc NOUN _003136118 592 5 bi bi PROPN _003136118 592 6 sma sma PROPN _003136118 592 7 rck rck NOUN _003136118 592 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 592 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 592 10 _ _ 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_003136118 921 20 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 21 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 22 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 23 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 24 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 25 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 26 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 27 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 28 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 29 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 30 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 31 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 32 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 33 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 34 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 35 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 36 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 37 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 38 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 39 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 40 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 41 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 42 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 43 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 44 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 45 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 46 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 47 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 48 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 49 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 50 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 51 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 52 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 53 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 54 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 55 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 56 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 921 57 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 1 khq khq NOUN _003136118 922 2 590 590 NUM _003136118 922 3 kc kc NOUN _003136118 922 4 charleston charleston NOUN _003136118 922 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 15 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 16 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 17 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 18 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 19 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 20 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 21 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 922 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 923 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 923 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 923 3 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 923 4 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 923 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 923 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 923 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 923 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 924 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 924 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 925 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 925 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 926 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 926 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 927 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 927 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 927 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 928 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 928 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 928 3 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 929 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 929 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 930 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 930 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 931 1 ._wgkv ._wgkv PUNCT _003136118 932 1 1490 1490 NUM _003136118 932 2 kc kc PROPN _003136118 932 3 madison madison PROPN _003136118 932 4 .... .... PUNCT _003136118 932 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 932 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 933 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 933 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 934 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 934 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 935 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 936 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 937 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 938 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 939 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 940 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 941 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 942 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 943 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 944 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 945 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 946 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 947 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 948 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 949 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 950 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 951 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 952 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 953 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 954 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 955 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 956 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 957 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 957 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 958 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 959 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 960 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 961 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 962 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 963 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 964 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 964 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 965 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 966 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 967 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 968 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 969 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 969 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 970 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 970 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 1 wiba wiba NOUN _003136118 971 2 1310 1310 NUM _003136118 971 3 kc kc VERB _003136118 971 4 honolulu honolulu VERB _003136118 971 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 15 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 16 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 17 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 18 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 19 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 20 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 21 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 22 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 23 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 24 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 25 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 26 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 27 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 28 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 29 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 30 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 31 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 32 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 33 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 34 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 35 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 36 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 37 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 38 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 39 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 40 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 41 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 42 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 43 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 44 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 45 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 46 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 47 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 48 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 49 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 50 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 51 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 52 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 53 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 971 54 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 1 kgu kgu NOUN _003136118 972 2 760 760 NUM _003136118 972 3 kc kc PROPN _003136118 972 4 schenectady schenectady NOUN _003136118 972 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 7 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 8 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 9 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 10 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 11 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 12 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 13 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 14 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 972 15 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 973 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 973 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 974 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 974 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 975 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 976 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 977 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 978 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 978 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 979 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 979 2 · · PUNCT _003136118 979 3 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 979 4 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 979 5 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 979 6 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 980 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 981 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 981 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 982 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 983 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 983 2 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 984 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 985 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 986 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 987 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 988 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 989 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 990 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 991 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 992 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 993 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 994 1 _ _ PUNCT _003136118 995 1 wgeo wgeo NOUN _003136118 995 2 9.53 9.53 NUM _003136118 995 3 mc mc PROPN _003136118 995 4 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 995 5 revised revise VERB _003136118 995 6 as as ADP _003136118 995 7 of of ADP _003136118 995 8 april april PROPN _003136118 995 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 995 10 1942 1942 NUM _003136118 995 11 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 995 12 cathol cathol NOUN _003136118 995 13 ic ic PROPN _003136118 995 14 hour hour NOUN _003136118 995 15 radio radio NOUN _003136118 995 16 addresses address NOUN _003136118 995 17 in in ADP _003136118 995 18 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _003136118 995 19 form form NOUN _003136118 995 20 prices price NOUN _003136118 995 21 subject subject ADJ _003136118 995 22 to to ADP _003136118 995 23 change change NOUN _003136118 995 24 without without ADP _003136118 995 25 notice notice NOUN _003136118 995 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 996 1 our our PRON _003136118 996 2 sunday sunday PROPN _003136118 996 3 visitor visitor NOUN _003136118 996 4 is be AUX _003136118 996 5 the the DET _003136118 996 6 authorized authorized ADJ _003136118 996 7 p p NOUN _003136118 996 8 ublisher ublisher NOUN _003136118 996 9 of of ADP _003136118 996 10 a a DET _003136118 996 11 ll ll AUX _003136118 996 12 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 996 13 hour hour NOUN _003136118 996 14 addresses address NOUN _003136118 996 15 in in ADP _003136118 996 16 pamphlet pamphlet NOUN _003136118 996 17 form form NOUN _003136118 996 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 997 1 the the DET _003136118 997 2 addresses address NOUN _003136118 997 3 published publish VERB _003136118 997 4 to to ADP _003136118 997 5 date date NOUN _003136118 997 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 997 7 all all PRON _003136118 997 8 of of ADP _003136118 997 9 which which PRON _003136118 997 10 are be AUX _003136118 997 11 available available ADJ _003136118 997 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 997 13 are be AUX _003136118 997 14 li li PROPN _003136118 997 15 sted ste VERB _003136118 997 16 below below ADV _003136118 997 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 998 1 others other NOUN _003136118 998 2 will will AUX _003136118 998 3 b b X _003136118 998 4 e e NOUN _003136118 998 5 published publish VERB _003136118 998 6 as as SCONJ _003136118 998 7 they they PRON _003136118 998 8 are be AUX _003136118 998 9 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 998 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 999 1 quantity quantity NOUN _003136118 999 2 prices price NOUN _003136118 999 3 do do AUX _003136118 999 4 not not PART _003136118 999 5 include include VERB _003136118 999 6 carriage carriage NOUN _003136118 999 7 charge charge NOUN _003136118 999 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 999 9 the the DET _003136118 999 10 divine divine ADJ _003136118 999 11 rom rom NOUN _003136118 999 12 ance/ ance/ NUM _003136118 999 13 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 999 14 by by ADP _003136118 999 15 rt rt PROPN _003136118 999 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 999 17 rev rev PROPN _003136118 999 18 . . PROPN _003136118 999 19 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 999 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 1000 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1000 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1000 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1000 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1000 5 80 80 NUM _003136118 1000 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1000 7 a a DET _003136118 1000 8 nd nd PROPN _003136118 1000 9 c'over c'over PROPN _003136118 1000 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1001 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1001 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1001 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1001 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1001 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1001 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1001 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1001 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1001 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1001 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1001 11 ioc ioc VERB _003136118 1001 12 each each PRON _003136118 1001 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1002 1 in in ADP _003136118 1002 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1002 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1002 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1002 5 8 8 NUM _003136118 1002 6 .7 .7 NUM _003136118 1002 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1002 8 p p NOUN _003136118 1002 9 er er INTJ _003136118 1002 10 100 100 NUM _003136118 1002 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1003 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1003 2 the the DET _003136118 1003 3 moral moral ADJ _003136118 1003 4 order order NOUN _003136118 1003 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1003 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1003 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1003 8 mary mary PROPN _003136118 1003 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1003 10 the the DET _003136118 1003 11 mother mother NOUN _003136118 1003 12 of of ADP _003136118 1003 13 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 1003 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 1003 15 " " PUNCT _003136118 1003 16 by by ADP _003136118 1003 17 r r NOUN _003136118 1003 18 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1003 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 1004 1 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1004 2 . . PROPN _003136118 1004 3 gee gee PROPN _003136118 1004 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 1005 1 john john PROPN _003136118 1005 2 so so PROPN _003136118 1005 3 n n PROPN _003136118 1005 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1005 5 64 64 NUM _003136118 1005 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1005 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1005 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1005 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1006 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1006 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1006 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1006 4 ioc ioc PROPN _003136118 1006 5 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1006 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1006 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1006 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1006 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1006 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1006 11 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1006 12 each each PRON _003136118 1006 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1007 1 in in ADP _003136118 1007 2 qua qua PROPN _003136118 1007 3 ntities ntitie NOUN _003136118 1007 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1007 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1007 6 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1007 7 per per ADP _003136118 1007 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1007 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1007 10 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1007 11 4a 4a NOUN _003136118 1007 12 trilogy trilogy NOUN _003136118 1007 13 on on ADP _003136118 1007 14 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 1007 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1007 16 " " PUNCT _003136118 1007 17 by by ADP _003136118 1007 18 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1007 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 1008 1 th th PRON _003136118 1008 2 omas omas PROPN _003136118 1008 3 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1008 4 burke burke PROPN _003136118 1008 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1008 6 c.s c.s PROPN _003136118 1008 7 .p .p PROPN _003136118 1008 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1008 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1008 10 32 32 NUM _003136118 1008 11 pages page NOUN _003136118 1008 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 1008 13 cover cover VERB _003136118 1008 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1009 1 sin sin PROPN _003136118 1009 2 g g PROPN _003136118 1009 3 le le X _003136118 1009 4 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1009 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1009 6 i i PRON _003136118 1009 7 oc oc AUX _003136118 1009 8 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1009 9 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1009 10 5 5 NUM _003136118 1009 11 or or CCONJ _003136118 1009 12 more more ADJ _003136118 1009 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1009 14 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1009 15 cacho cacho NOUN _003136118 1009 16 in in ADP _003136118 1009 17 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1009 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1009 19 $ $ SYM _003136118 1009 20 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1009 21 per per ADP _003136118 1009 22 100 100 NUM _003136118 1009 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1010 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1010 2 the the DET _003136118 1010 3 phil phil PROPN _003136118 1010 4 osophy osophy NOUN _003136118 1010 5 of of ADP _003136118 1010 6 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1010 7 education education NOUN _003136118 1010 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1010 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1010 10 by by ADP _003136118 1010 11 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1010 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1010 13 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1010 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1010 15 charles charles PROPN _003136118 1010 16 l. l. PROPN _003136118 1010 17 o'donn o'donn PROPN _003136118 1010 18 ell ell PROPN _003136118 1010 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1010 20 c.s.c c.s.c PROPN _003136118 1010 21 . . PROPN _003136118 1010 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 1010 23 32 32 NUM _003136118 1010 24 pages page NOUN _003136118 1010 25 a a DET _003136118 1010 26 n n PROPN _003136118 1010 27 d d NOUN _003136118 1010 28 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1010 29 . . PUNCT _003136118 1011 1 s s NOUN _003136118 1011 2 in in ADP _003136118 1011 3 g g PROPN _003136118 1011 4 le le X _003136118 1011 5 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1011 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1011 7 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1011 8 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1011 9 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1011 10 5 5 NUM _003136118 1011 11 or or CCONJ _003136118 1011 12 more more ADJ _003136118 1011 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1011 14 8c 8c X _003136118 1011 15 each each PRON _003136118 1011 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1012 1 in in ADP _003136118 1012 2 quantiti quantiti PROPN _003136118 1012 3 es es PROPN _003136118 1012 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1012 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1012 6 5:50 5:50 NUM _003136118 1012 7 per per ADP _003136118 1012 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1012 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1013 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1013 2 c c PROPN _003136118 1013 3 hristianity hristianity NOUN _003136118 1013 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1013 5 the the DET _003136118 1013 6 modern modern ADJ _003136118 1013 7 mind mind NOUN _003136118 1013 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1013 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1013 10 by by ADP _003136118 1013 11 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1013 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1014 1 j j PROPN _003136118 1014 2 ohn ohn PROPN _003136118 1014 3 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1014 4 mcclorey mcclorey PROPN _003136118 1014 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1015 1 s.j s.j PROPN _003136118 1015 2 . . PROPN _003136118 1015 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1015 4 64 64 NUM _003136118 1015 5 pages page NOUN _003136118 1015 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1015 7 cover cover VERB _003136118 1015 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1016 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1016 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1016 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1016 4 l5c l5c ADV _003136118 1016 5 postpa postpa PROPN _003136118 1016 6 i i PROPN _003136118 1016 7 d d PROPN _003136118 1016 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1016 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1016 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1016 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1016 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1016 13 10c 10c X _003136118 1016 14 each each PRON _003136118 1016 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1017 1 in in ADP _003136118 1017 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1017 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1017 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1017 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1017 6 .50 .50 NUM _003136118 1017 7 per per ADP _003136118 1017 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1017 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1017 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1018 1 the the DET _003136118 1018 2 moral moral ADJ _003136118 1018 3 law law NOUN _003136118 1018 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1018 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1018 6 by by ADP _003136118 1018 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1018 8 . . PROPN _003136118 1018 9 james james PROPN _003136118 1018 10 m m PROPN _003136118 1018 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1019 1 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1019 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1019 3 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1019 4 . . PROPN _003136118 1019 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1019 6 % % NOUN _003136118 1019 7 pages page NOUN _003136118 1019 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 1019 9 cover cover VERB _003136118 1019 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1020 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1020 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1020 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1020 4 20c 20c NOUN _003136118 1020 5 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1020 6 5 5 NUM _003136118 1020 7 or or CCONJ _003136118 1020 8 more more ADJ _003136118 1020 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1020 10 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1020 11 eae·h eae·h NOUN _003136118 1020 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1021 1 in in ADP _003136118 1021 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1021 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1021 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1021 5 10.50 10.50 NUM _003136118 1021 6 per per ADP _003136118 1021 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1021 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1022 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1022 2 christ christ PROPN _003136118 1022 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1022 4 his his PRON _003136118 1022 5 church church NOUN _003136118 1022 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1022 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1022 8 by by ADP _003136118 1022 9 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1022 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1023 1 r r NOUN _003136118 1023 2 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1023 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1023 4 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1023 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1024 1 joseph joseph PROPN _003136118 1024 2 m m PROPN _003136118 1024 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1025 1 corrigan corrigan PROPN _003136118 1025 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1025 3 88 88 NUM _003136118 1025 4 pages page NOUN _003136118 1025 5 a a DET _003136118 1025 6 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1025 7 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1025 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1026 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1026 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1026 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1027 1 20c 20c NOUN _003136118 1027 2 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1027 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1027 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1027 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1027 6 more more ADJ _003136118 1027 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1027 8 15c 15c X _003136118 1027 9 each each PRON _003136118 1027 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1028 1 in in ADP _003136118 1028 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1028 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1028 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1028 5 10.50 10.50 NUM _003136118 1028 6 per per ADP _003136118 1028 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1028 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1029 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1029 2 the the DET _003136118 1029 3 marks mark NOUN _003136118 1029 4 of of ADP _003136118 1029 5 the the DET _003136118 1029 6 church church NOUN _003136118 1029 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1029 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1029 9 by by ADP _003136118 1029 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1029 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1029 12 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1029 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1029 14 j j PROPN _003136118 1029 15 ohn ohn PROPN _003136118 1029 16 k. k. PROPN _003136118 1029 17 cartwright cartwright PROPN _003136118 1029 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1029 19 48 48 NUM _003136118 1029 20 pages page NOUN _003136118 1029 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 1029 22 cover cover VERB _003136118 1029 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1030 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1030 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1030 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1031 1 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1031 2 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1031 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1031 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1031 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1031 6 more more ADJ _003136118 1031 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1031 8 8c 8c X _003136118 1031 9 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1031 10 each each PRON _003136118 1031 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1032 1 in in ADP _003136118 1032 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1032 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1032 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1032 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1032 6 per per ADP _003136118 1032 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1032 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1033 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1033 2 the the DET _003136118 1033 3 organizati organizati PROPN _003136118 1033 4 on on ADP _003136118 1033 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1033 6 government government NOUN _003136118 1033 7 of of ADP _003136118 1033 8 the the DET _003136118 1033 9 church church NOUN _003136118 1033 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1033 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1033 12 by by ADP _003136118 1033 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1033 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1033 15 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1033 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1033 17 francis francis PROPN _003136118 1033 18 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1033 19 connell connell PROPN _003136118 1033 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1033 21 PROPN _003136118 1033 22 . . PROPN _003136118 1033 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 1033 24 48 48 NUM _003136118 1033 25 pages page NOUN _003136118 1033 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 1033 27 cover cover VERB _003136118 1033 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 1034 1 singl singl PROPN _003136118 1034 2 e e PROPN _003136118 1034 3 copy copy NOUN _003136118 1034 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1034 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1034 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1034 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1034 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1034 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1034 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1034 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1034 12 8e 8e X _003136118 1034 13 each each PRON _003136118 1034 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1035 1 in in ADP _003136118 1035 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1035 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1035 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1035 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1035 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1035 7 per per ADP _003136118 1035 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1035 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1036 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1036 2 moral moral ADJ _003136118 1036 3 factors factor NOUN _003136118 1036 4 in in ADP _003136118 1036 5 economic economic ADJ _003136118 1036 6 life life NOUN _003136118 1036 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1036 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1036 9 by by ADP _003136118 1036 10 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1036 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1037 1 r r NOUN _003136118 1037 2 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1037 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1038 1 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1038 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 1039 1 francis francis PROPN _003136118 1039 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1039 3 haas haas PROPN _003136118 1039 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1039 5 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1039 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 1039 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1039 8 . . PROPN _003136118 1039 9 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1039 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1040 1 john john PROPN _003136118 1040 2 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1040 3 ryan ryan PROPN _003136118 1040 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1040 5 32 32 NUM _003136118 1040 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1040 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1040 8 eover eover NOUN _003136118 1040 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1041 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1041 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1041 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1041 4 10e 10e NOUN _003136118 1041 5 postpa postpa NOUN _003136118 1041 6 i i NOUN _003136118 1041 7 d d NOUN _003136118 1041 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1041 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1041 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1041 11 m m VERB _003136118 1041 12 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1041 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1041 14 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1041 15 each each PRON _003136118 1041 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1042 1 in in ADP _003136118 1042 2 quantiti quantiti PROPN _003136118 1042 3 es es PROPN _003136118 1042 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1042 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1042 6 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1042 7 per per ADP _003136118 1042 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1042 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1043 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1043 2 divine divine ADJ _003136118 1043 3 helps help NOUN _003136118 1043 4 for for ADP _003136118 1043 5 man man NOUN _003136118 1043 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1043 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1043 8 by by ADP _003136118 1043 9 r r NOUN _003136118 1043 10 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1043 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1044 1 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1044 2 . . PROPN _003136118 1044 3 edward edward PROPN _003136118 1044 4 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1044 5 w w PROPN _003136118 1044 6 a a DET _003136118 1044 7 lsh lsh NOUN _003136118 1044 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1044 9 c.m c.m PROPN _003136118 1044 10 . . PROPN _003136118 1044 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1044 12 104 104 NUM _003136118 1044 13 pages page NOUN _003136118 1044 14 a a DET _003136118 1044 15 nd nd X _003136118 1044 16 covel covel NOUN _003136118 1044 17 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1044 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1045 1 sing sing VERB _003136118 1045 2 le le X _003136118 1045 3 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1045 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1045 5 25c 25c NOUN _003136118 1045 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1045 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1045 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1045 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1045 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1045 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1045 12 20c 20c X _003136118 1045 13 each each PRON _003136118 1045 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1046 1 in in ADP _003136118 1046 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1046 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1046 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1046 5 12 12 NUM _003136118 1046 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1046 7 per per ADP _003136118 1046 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1046 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1047 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1047 2 the the DET _003136118 1047 3 parables parable NOUN _003136118 1047 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1047 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1047 6 by by ADP _003136118 1047 7 r r NOUN _003136118 1047 8 e e PROPN _003136118 1047 9 v. v. PROPN _003136118 1047 10 john john PROPN _003136118 1047 11 a a PROPN _003136118 1047 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1048 1 mcclory mcclory ADJ _003136118 1048 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1048 3 s.j s.j PROPN _003136118 1048 4 . . PROPN _003136118 1048 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1048 6 128 128 NUM _003136118 1048 7 pages page NOUN _003136118 1048 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 1048 9 cover cover VERB _003136118 1048 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1049 1 s s NOUN _003136118 1049 2 in in ADP _003136118 1049 3 gle gle PROPN _003136118 1049 4 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1049 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1049 6 30c 30c NOUN _003136118 1049 7 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1049 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1049 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1049 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1049 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1049 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1049 13 20c 20c X _003136118 1049 14 each each PRON _003136118 1049 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1050 1 in in ADP _003136118 1050 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1050 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1050 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1050 5 13 13 NUM _003136118 1050 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1050 7 per per ADP _003136118 1050 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1050 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1051 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1051 2 christianity christianity NOUN _003136118 1051 3 's 's PART _003136118 1051 4 contribution contribution NOUN _003136118 1051 5 to to ADP _003136118 1051 6 civilization civilization NOUN _003136118 1051 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1051 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1051 9 by by ADP _003136118 1051 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1051 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1052 1 james james PROPN _003136118 1052 2 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1052 3 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1052 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1052 5 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1052 6 . . PROPN _003136118 1052 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1052 8 96 96 NUM _003136118 1052 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1052 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 1052 11 cover cover VERB _003136118 1052 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1053 1 sin sin NOUN _003136118 1053 2 g g PROPN _003136118 1053 3 l l PROPN _003136118 1053 4 e e PROPN _003136118 1053 5 copy copy NOUN _003136118 1053 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1053 7 20c 20c PROPN _003136118 1053 8 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1053 9 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1053 10 5 5 NUM _003136118 1053 11 or or CCONJ _003136118 1053 12 more more ADJ _003136118 1053 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1053 14 15c 15c X _003136118 1053 15 each each PRON _003136118 1053 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1054 1 in in ADP _003136118 1054 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1054 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1054 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1054 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _003136118 1054 6 p p NOUN _003136118 1054 7 er er INTJ _003136118 1054 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1054 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1055 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1055 2 manifestations manifestation NOUN _003136118 1055 3 of of ADP _003136118 1055 4 christ christ PROPN _003136118 1055 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1055 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1055 7 by by ADP _003136118 1055 8 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1055 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1055 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1055 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1055 12 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1055 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1056 1 fu fu PROPN _003136118 1056 2 l l PROPN _003136118 1056 3 ton ton PROPN _003136118 1056 4 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1056 5 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1056 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1056 7 123 123 NUM _003136118 1056 8 pages page NOUN _003136118 1056 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 1056 10 covel covel NOUN _003136118 1056 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1056 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1057 1 singl singl PROPN _003136118 1057 2 e e PROPN _003136118 1057 3 copy copy NOUN _003136118 1057 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1057 5 30c 30c PROPN _003136118 1057 6 p p NOUN _003136118 1057 7 os os PROPN _003136118 1057 8 t t PROPN _003136118 1057 9 paid pay VERB _003136118 1057 10 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1057 11 5 5 NUM _003136118 1057 12 or or CCONJ _003136118 1057 13 more more ADJ _003136118 1057 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 1057 15 20c 20c X _003136118 1057 16 each each PRON _003136118 1057 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 1058 1 in in ADP _003136118 1058 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1058 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1058 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1058 5 13.00 13.00 NUM _003136118 1058 6 per per ADP _003136118 1058 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1058 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1059 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1059 2 the the DET _003136118 1059 3 way way NOUN _003136118 1059 4 of of ADP _003136118 1059 5 the the DET _003136118 1059 6 cross cross NOUN _003136118 1059 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1059 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1059 9 by by ADP _003136118 1059 10 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1059 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1059 12 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1059 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1059 14 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1059 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1060 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1060 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1060 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1060 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1060 5 32 32 NUM _003136118 1060 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1060 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1060 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1060 9 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 1060 10 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 1060 11 book book NOUN _003136118 1060 12 si si PROPN _003136118 1060 13 ze ze PROPN _003136118 1060 14 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 1060 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1061 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1061 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1061 3 .. .. PUNCT _003136118 1061 4 10c 10c X _003136118 1061 5 postpai postpai NOUN _003136118 1061 6 d d PROPN _003136118 1061 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1061 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1061 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1061 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1061 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1061 12 5c 5c PROPN _003136118 1061 13 each each PRON _003136118 1061 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1062 1 in in ADP _003136118 1062 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1062 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1062 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1062 5 3 3 NUM _003136118 1062 6 .50 .50 NUM _003136118 1062 7 per per ADP _003136118 1062 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1062 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1063 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1063 2 christ christ PROPN _003136118 1063 3 today today NOUN _003136118 1063 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1063 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1063 6 by by ADP _003136118 1063 7 v v PROPN _003136118 1063 8 ery ery PROPN _003136118 1063 9 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1063 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1063 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1063 12 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1063 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1063 14 i i PROPN _003136118 1063 15 g g PROPN _003136118 1063 16 natius natius PROPN _003136118 1063 17 smith smith PROPN _003136118 1063 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1063 19 o. o. PROPN _003136118 1063 20 p. p. PROPN _003136118 1063 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 1063 22 48 48 NUM _003136118 1063 23 pages page NOUN _003136118 1063 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 1063 25 cover cover VERB _003136118 1063 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 1064 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1064 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1064 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1064 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1064 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1064 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1064 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1064 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1064 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1064 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1064 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1064 12 each each PRON _003136118 1064 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1065 1 in in ADP _003136118 1065 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1065 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1065 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1065 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1065 6 per per ADP _003136118 1065 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1065 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1065 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1066 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1066 2 the the DET _003136118 1066 3 chris chris PROPN _003136118 1066 4 t t PROPN _003136118 1066 5 ian ian PROPN _003136118 1066 6 fami1y fami1y NOUN _003136118 1066 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1066 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1066 9 by by ADP _003136118 1066 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1066 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1066 12 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1066 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1066 14 edward edward PROPN _003136118 1066 15 l l PROPN _003136118 1066 16 o o PROPN _003136118 1066 17 dge dge PROPN _003136118 1066 18 curran curran PROPN _003136118 1066 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1066 20 68 68 NUM _003136118 1066 21 pages page NOUN _003136118 1066 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 1066 23 cover cover VERB _003136118 1066 24 . . PUNCT _003136118 1067 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1067 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1067 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1067 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1067 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1067 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1067 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1067 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1067 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1067 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1067 11 loc loc PROPN _003136118 1067 12 each each PRON _003136118 1067 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1068 1 in in ADP _003136118 1068 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1068 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1068 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1068 5 7 7 NUM _003136118 1068 6 .75 .75 NUM _003136118 1068 7 per per ADP _003136118 1068 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1068 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1069 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1069 2 the the DET _003136118 1069 3 dublin dublin PROPN _003136118 1069 4 eucharistic eucharistic PROPN _003136118 1069 5 congress congress PROPN _003136118 1069 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1069 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1069 8 by by ADP _003136118 1069 9 his his PRON _003136118 1069 10 eminence eminence NOUN _003136118 1069 11 willi willi PROPN _003136118 1069 12 am be AUX _003136118 1069 13 cardinal cardinal PROPN _003136118 1069 14 o'connell o'connell PROPN _003136118 1069 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1070 1 an an DET _003136118 1070 2 address address NOUN _003136118 1070 3 rebroadcast rebroadcast VERB _003136118 1070 4 from from ADP _003136118 1070 5 dublin dublin PROPN _003136118 1070 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 1071 1 12 12 NUM _003136118 1071 2 pages page NOUN _003136118 1071 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1071 4 c'over c'over PROPN _003136118 1071 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1071 6 single single ADJ _003136118 1071 7 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1071 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1071 9 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1071 10 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1071 11 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1071 12 5 5 NUM _003136118 1071 13 or or CCONJ _003136118 1071 14 more more ADJ _003136118 1071 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1071 16 5c 5c PROPN _003136118 1071 17 each each PRON _003136118 1071 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1072 1 in in ADP _003136118 1072 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1072 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1072 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1072 5 4.25 4.25 NUM _003136118 1072 6 per per ADP _003136118 1072 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1072 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1073 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1073 2 rural rural ADJ _003136118 1073 3 catholic catholic NOUN _003136118 1073 4 actio actio NOUN _003136118 1073 5 n n PROPN _003136118 1073 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1073 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1073 8 by by ADP _003136118 1073 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1073 10 . . PROPN _003136118 1073 11 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1073 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1073 13 edgar edgar PROPN _003136118 1073 14 schmi schmi PROPN _003136118 1073 15 edel edel NOUN _003136118 1073 16 er er INTJ _003136118 1073 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1073 18 o.s.b o.s.b NOUN _003136118 1073 19 . . PROPN _003136118 1073 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1073 21 24 24 NUM _003136118 1073 22 pages page NOUN _003136118 1073 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 1073 24 cover cover VERB _003136118 1073 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1074 1 s s PROPN _003136118 1074 2 ing ing PROPN _003136118 1074 3 le le X _003136118 1074 4 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1074 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1075 1 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1075 2 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1075 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1075 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1075 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1075 6 more more ADJ _003136118 1075 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1075 8 5c 5c NUM _003136118 1075 9 eae eae NOUN _003136118 1075 10 - - PROPN _003136118 1075 11 h. h. PROPN _003136118 1075 12 in in ADP _003136118 1075 13 quan quan PROPN _003136118 1075 14 tities titie VERB _003136118 1075 15 $ $ SYM _003136118 1075 16 4.00 4.00 NUM _003136118 1075 17 per per ADP _003136118 1075 18 100 100 NUM _003136118 1075 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 1076 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1076 2 religion religion NOUN _003136118 1076 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1076 4 human human ADJ _003136118 1076 5 nature nature NOUN _003136118 1076 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1076 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1076 8 by by ADP _003136118 1076 9 r r NOUN _003136118 1076 10 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1076 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1077 1 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1077 2 . . PROPN _003136118 1077 3 j j PROPN _003136118 1077 4 oseph oseph PROPN _003136118 1077 5 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1077 6 d d PROPN _003136118 1077 7 a a DET _003136118 1077 8 ly ly NOUN _003136118 1077 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1077 10 40 40 NUM _003136118 1077 11 pages page NOUN _003136118 1077 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 1077 13 cover cover VERB _003136118 1077 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1078 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1078 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1078 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1078 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1078 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1078 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1078 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1078 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1078 9 m m NOUN _003136118 1078 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1078 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1078 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1078 13 each each PRON _003136118 1078 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1079 1 in in ADP _003136118 1079 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1079 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1079 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1079 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1079 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1079 7 per per ADP _003136118 1079 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1079 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1080 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1080 2 the the DET _003136118 1080 3 church church NOUN _003136118 1080 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1080 5 some some DET _003136118 1080 6 outstanding outstanding ADJ _003136118 1080 7 problems problem NOUN _003136118 1080 8 of of ADP _003136118 1080 9 the the DET _003136118 1080 10 day day NOUN _003136118 1080 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1080 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 1080 13 by by ADP _003136118 1080 14 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1080 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1081 1 j j PROPN _003136118 1081 2 ones ones PROPN _003136118 1081 3 i. i. PROPN _003136118 1081 4 corrigan corrigan PROPN _003136118 1081 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1081 6 8.j 8.j NUM _003136118 1081 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1081 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1081 9 72 72 NUM _003136118 1081 10 pages page NOUN _003136118 1081 11 and and CCONJ _003136118 1081 12 cover cover VERB _003136118 1081 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1082 1 singl singl PROPN _003136118 1082 2 e e PROPN _003136118 1082 3 copy copy NOUN _003136118 1082 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1082 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1082 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1082 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1082 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1082 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1082 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1082 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1082 12 10c 10c X _003136118 1082 13 each each PRON _003136118 1082 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1083 1 in in ADP _003136118 1083 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1083 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1083 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1083 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1083 6 per per ADP _003136118 1083 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1083 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1084 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1084 2 conflicting conflicting ADJ _003136118 1084 3 standards standard NOUN _003136118 1084 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1084 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1084 6 by by ADP _003136118 1084 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1084 8 . . PROPN _003136118 1084 9 james james PROPN _003136118 1084 10 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1084 11 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1084 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1084 13 c.s c.s PROPN _003136118 1084 14 .p .p PROPN _003136118 1084 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1084 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 1084 17 80 80 NUM _003136118 1084 18 pages page NOUN _003136118 1084 19 and and CCONJ _003136118 1084 20 cover cover VERB _003136118 1084 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 1085 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1085 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1085 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1085 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1085 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1085 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1085 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1085 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1085 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1085 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1085 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1085 12 each each PRON _003136118 1085 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1086 1 in in ADP _003136118 1086 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1086 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1086 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1086 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1086 6 per per ADP _003136118 1086 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1086 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1087 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1087 2 the the DET _003136118 1087 3 hymn hymn NOUN _003136118 1087 4 of of ADP _003136118 1087 5 the the DET _003136118 1087 6 conquered conquered NOUN _003136118 1087 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1087 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1087 9 by by ADP _003136118 1087 10 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1087 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1087 12 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1087 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1087 14 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1087 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1088 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1088 2 j j PROPN _003136118 1088 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1088 4 shee shee PROPN _003136118 1088 5 n n PROPN _003136118 1088 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1088 7 12s 12 NOUN _003136118 1088 8 pages page NOUN _003136118 1088 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 1088 10 cover cover VERB _003136118 1088 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1089 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1089 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1089 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1089 4 30c 30c NOUN _003136118 1089 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1089 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1089 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1089 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1089 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1089 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1089 11 20c 20c X _003136118 1089 12 each each PRON _003136118 1089 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1090 1 in in ADP _003136118 1090 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1090 3 $ $ SYM _003136118 1090 4 13.00 13.00 NUM _003136118 1091 1 p p NOUN _003136118 1091 2 e e NOUN _003136118 1091 3 r r NOUN _003136118 1091 4 100 100 NUM _003136118 1091 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1092 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1092 2 the the DET _003136118 1092 3 seven seven NUM _003136118 1092 4 last last ADJ _003136118 1092 5 words word NOUN _003136118 1092 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1092 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1092 8 by by ADP _003136118 1092 9 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1092 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1092 11 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1092 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1092 13 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1092 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1093 1 ful ful ADJ _003136118 1093 2 to to ADP _003136118 1093 3 n n PROPN _003136118 1093 4 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1093 5 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1093 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1093 7 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 1093 8 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 1093 9 book book NOUN _003136118 1093 10 s s PART _003136118 1093 11 ize ize NOUN _003136118 1093 12 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 1093 13 32 32 NUM _003136118 1093 14 pages page NOUN _003136118 1093 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 1093 16 cover cover VERB _003136118 1093 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 1094 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1094 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1094 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1094 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1094 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1094 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1094 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1094 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1094 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1094 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1094 11 5c 5c PROPN _003136118 1094 12 each each PRON _003136118 1094 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1095 1 in in ADP _003136118 1095 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1095 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1095 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1095 5 3.50 3.50 NUM _003136118 1095 6 per per ADP _003136118 1095 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1095 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1096 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1096 2 the the DET _003136118 1096 3 church church NOUN _003136118 1096 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1096 5 the the DET _003136118 1096 6 child child NOUN _003136118 1096 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1096 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1096 9 by by ADP _003136118 1096 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1096 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1096 12 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1096 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1096 14 paul paul PROPN _003136118 1096 15 h h PROPN _003136118 1096 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1097 1 furfey furfey PROPN _003136118 1097 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1097 3 48 48 NUM _003136118 1097 4 pages page NOUN _003136118 1097 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1097 6 cover cover VERB _003136118 1097 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1098 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1098 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1098 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1098 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1098 5 postp postp PROPN _003136118 1098 6 aid aid NOUN _003136118 1098 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1098 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1098 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1098 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1098 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1098 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1098 13 each each PRON _003136118 1098 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1099 1 in in ADP _003136118 1099 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1099 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1099 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1099 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1099 6 per per ADP _003136118 1099 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1099 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1100 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1100 2 love love NOUN _003136118 1100 3 's 's PART _003136118 1100 4 veiled veiled ADJ _003136118 1100 5 victory victory NOUN _003136118 1100 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1100 7 love love NOUN _003136118 1100 8 's 's PART _003136118 1100 9 laws law NOUN _003136118 1100 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1100 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1100 12 by by ADP _003136118 1100 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1100 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1100 15 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1100 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1100 17 george george PROPN _003136118 1100 18 f f PROPN _003136118 1100 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 1101 1 s s PART _003136118 1101 2 troh troh PROPN _003136118 1101 3 aver aver PROPN _003136118 1101 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1101 5 s.j s.j PROPN _003136118 1101 6 . . PROPN _003136118 1101 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1101 8 48 48 NUM _003136118 1101 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1101 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 1101 11 cover cover VERB _003136118 1101 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1102 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1102 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1102 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1102 4 15e 15e X _003136118 1102 5 pos pos NOUN _003136118 1102 6 tpaid tpaid VERB _003136118 1102 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1102 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1102 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1102 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1102 11 8c 8c NOUN _003136118 1102 12 each each PRON _003136118 1102 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1103 1 in in ADP _003136118 1103 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1103 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1103 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1103 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1103 6 per per ADP _003136118 1103 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1103 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1104 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1104 2 religion religion NOUN _003136118 1104 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1104 4 liturgy liturgy NOUN _003136118 1104 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1104 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1104 7 by by ADP _003136118 1104 8 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1104 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1104 10 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1104 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1104 12 francis francis PROPN _003136118 1104 13 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1104 14 wal wal PROPN _003136118 1104 15 sh sh PROPN _003136118 1104 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 1104 17 o.s.b o.s.b PROPN _003136118 1104 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1104 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1104 20 32 32 NUM _003136118 1104 21 pages page NOUN _003136118 1104 22 a a DET _003136118 1104 23 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1104 24 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1104 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1105 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1105 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1105 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1105 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1105 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1105 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1105 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1105 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1105 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1105 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1105 11 sc sc VERB _003136118 1105 12 each each PRON _003136118 1105 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1106 1 in in ADP _003136118 1106 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1106 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1106 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1106 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1106 6 per per ADP _003136118 1106 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1106 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1107 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1107 2 the the DET _003136118 1107 3 lord lord PROPN _003136118 1107 4 's 's PART _003136118 1107 5 prayer prayer NOUN _003136118 1107 6 today today NOUN _003136118 1107 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1107 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1107 9 by by ADP _003136118 1107 10 very very ADV _003136118 1107 11 rev rev ADJ _003136118 1107 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1107 13 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1107 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1107 15 ignatius ignatius PROPN _003136118 1107 16 sm'ith sm'ith PROPN _003136118 1107 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1107 18 o. o. PROPN _003136118 1107 19 p. p. PROPN _003136118 1107 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1107 21 64 64 NUM _003136118 1107 22 page page NOUN _003136118 1107 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 1107 24 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1107 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1108 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1108 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1108 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1109 1 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1109 2 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1109 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1109 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1109 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1109 6 m m VERB _003136118 1109 7 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1109 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1109 9 10 10 NUM _003136118 1109 10 e e NOUN _003136118 1109 11 each each PRON _003136118 1109 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1110 1 in in ADP _003136118 1110 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1110 3 $ $ SYM _003136118 1110 4 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1110 5 per per ADP _003136118 1110 6 100 100 NUM _003136118 1110 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1111 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1111 2 god god PROPN _003136118 1111 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1111 4 man man NOUN _003136118 1111 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1111 6 redemption redemption NOUN _003136118 1111 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1111 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1111 9 by by ADP _003136118 1111 10 r r NOUN _003136118 1111 11 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1111 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1112 1 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1112 2 . . PROPN _003136118 1112 3 ignat ignat PROPN _003136118 1112 4 ius ius PROPN _003136118 1112 5 w. w. PROPN _003136118 1112 6 cox cox PROPN _003136118 1112 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1112 8 8.j 8.j NUM _003136118 1112 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1112 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1112 11 64 64 NUM _003136118 1112 12 pages page NOUN _003136118 1112 13 and and CCONJ _003136118 1112 14 cover cover VERB _003136118 1112 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1113 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1113 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1113 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1113 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1113 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1113 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1113 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1113 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1113 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1113 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1113 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1113 12 each each PRON _003136118 1113 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1114 1 in in ADP _003136118 1114 2 quan quan PROPN _003136118 1114 3 tities titie NOUN _003136118 1114 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1114 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1114 6 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1114 7 per per ADP _003136118 1114 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1114 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1115 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1115 2 this this DET _003136118 1115 3 mysterious mysterious ADJ _003136118 1115 4 human human ADJ _003136118 1115 5 nature nature NOUN _003136118 1115 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1115 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1115 8 by by ADP _003136118 1115 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1115 10 . . PROPN _003136118 1115 11 jam jam PROPN _003136118 1115 12 es es PROPN _003136118 1115 13 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1115 14 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1115 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1115 16 c.s c.s PROPN _003136118 1115 17 .p .p PROPN _003136118 1115 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1115 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1115 20 48 48 NUM _003136118 1115 21 pages page NOUN _003136118 1115 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 1115 23 cover cover VERB _003136118 1115 24 . . PUNCT _003136118 1116 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1116 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1116 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1116 4 .15c .15c PROPN _003136118 1116 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1116 6 : : PUNCT _003136118 1116 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1116 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1116 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1116 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1116 11 sc sc X _003136118 1116 12 each each PRON _003136118 1116 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1117 1 in in ADP _003136118 1117 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1117 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1117 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1117 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1117 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1117 7 per per ADP _003136118 1117 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1117 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1118 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1118 2 the the DET _003136118 1118 3 eternal eternal ADJ _003136118 1118 4 galilean galilean NOUN _003136118 1118 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1118 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1118 7 by by ADP _003136118 1118 8 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1118 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1118 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1118 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1118 12 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1118 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1119 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1119 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1119 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1119 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1119 5 160 160 NUM _003136118 1119 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1119 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1119 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1119 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1120 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1120 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1120 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1120 4 35c 35c NOUN _003136118 1120 5 postpa postpa PROPN _003136118 1120 6 i i NOUN _003136118 1120 7 d d PROPN _003136118 1120 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1120 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1120 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1120 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1120 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1120 13 25c 25c NOUN _003136118 1120 14 eac·h eac·h NOUN _003136118 1120 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1121 1 in in ADP _003136118 1121 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1121 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1121 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1121 5 17.00 17.00 NUM _003136118 1121 6 per per ADP _003136118 1121 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1121 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1122 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1122 2 the the DET _003136118 1122 3 queen queen NOUN _003136118 1122 4 of of ADP _003136118 1122 5 seven seven NUM _003136118 1122 6 swords sword NOUN _003136118 1122 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1122 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1122 9 by by ADP _003136118 1122 10 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1122 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1122 12 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1122 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1122 14 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1122 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1123 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1123 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1123 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1123 4 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 1123 5 prayerbook prayerbook NOUN _003136118 1123 6 size size NOUN _003136118 1123 7 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 1123 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1123 9 32 32 NUM _003136118 1123 10 pages page NOUN _003136118 1123 11 and and CCONJ _003136118 1123 12 cover cover VERB _003136118 1123 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1124 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1124 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1124 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1124 4 10e 10e NOUN _003136118 1124 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1124 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1124 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1124 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1124 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1124 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1124 11 5e 5e NOUN _003136118 1124 12 each each PRON _003136118 1124 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1125 1 in in ADP _003136118 1125 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1125 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1125 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1125 5 3.50 3.50 NUM _003136118 1125 6 per per ADP _003136118 1125 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1125 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1126 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1126 2 the the DET _003136118 1126 3 catholic catholic NOUN _003136118 1126 4 teaching teaching NOUN _003136118 1126 5 on on ADP _003136118 1126 6 our our PRON _003136118 1126 7 industrial industrial ADJ _003136118 1126 8 system system NOUN _003136118 1126 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1126 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1126 11 by by ADP _003136118 1126 12 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1126 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1126 14 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1126 15 . . PROPN _003136118 1126 16 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1126 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 1127 1 john john PROPN _003136118 1127 2 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1127 3 ryan ryan PROPN _003136118 1127 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1127 5 32 32 NUM _003136118 1127 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1127 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1127 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1127 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1128 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1128 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1128 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1128 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1128 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1128 6 : : PUNCT _003136118 1128 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1128 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1128 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1128 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1128 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1128 12 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1128 13 each each PRON _003136118 1128 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1129 1 in in ADP _003136118 1129 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1129 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1129 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1129 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1129 6 per per ADP _003136118 1129 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1129 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1130 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1130 2 the the DET _003136118 1130 3 happ happ ADJ _003136118 1130 4 i i PRON _003136118 1130 5 ness ness NOUN _003136118 1130 6 of of ADP _003136118 1130 7 fai fai PROPN _003136118 1130 8 t t PROPN _003136118 1130 9 h h NOUN _003136118 1130 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1130 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1130 12 by by ADP _003136118 1130 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1130 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1130 15 dani dani PROPN _003136118 1130 16 el el PROPN _003136118 1130 17 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1130 18 lord lord PROPN _003136118 1130 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1130 20 s.j s.j PROPN _003136118 1130 21 . . PROPN _003136118 1130 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 1130 23 80 80 NUM _003136118 1130 24 pages page NOUN _003136118 1130 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 1130 26 cover cover VERB _003136118 1130 27 . . PUNCT _003136118 1131 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1131 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1131 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1131 4 1'5e 1'5e NUM _003136118 1131 5 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1131 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1131 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1131 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1131 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1131 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1131 11 ide ide ADJ _003136118 1131 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1132 1 in in ADP _003136118 1132 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1132 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1132 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1132 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1132 6 per per ADP _003136118 1132 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1132 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1133 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1133 2 the the DET _003136118 1133 3 salvation salvation NOUN _003136118 1133 4 of of ADP _003136118 1133 5 human human ADJ _003136118 1133 6 society society NOUN _003136118 1133 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1133 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1133 9 by by ADP _003136118 1133 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1133 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1133 12 peter peter PROPN _003136118 1133 13 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1133 14 bergen bergen PROPN _003136118 1133 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1133 16 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1133 17 . . PROPN _003136118 1133 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1133 19 48 48 NUM _003136118 1133 20 pages page NOUN _003136118 1133 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 1133 22 cover cover VERB _003136118 1133 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1134 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1134 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1134 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1134 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1134 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1134 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1134 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1134 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1134 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1134 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1134 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1134 12 each each PRON _003136118 1134 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1135 1 in in ADP _003136118 1135 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1135 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1135 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1135 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1135 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1135 7 per per ADP _003136118 1135 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1135 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1136 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1136 2 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1136 3 education education NOUN _003136118 1136 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1136 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1136 6 by by ADP _003136118 1136 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1136 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1137 1 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1137 2 . . PROPN _003136118 1137 3 george george PROPN _003136118 1137 4 johnson johnson PROPN _003136118 1137 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1137 6 40 40 NUM _003136118 1137 7 pages page NOUN _003136118 1137 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 1137 9 cover cover VERB _003136118 1137 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1138 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1138 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1138 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1138 4 i5c i5c NOUN _003136118 1138 5 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1138 6 postpaid postpaid NOUN _003136118 1138 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1138 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1138 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1138 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1138 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1138 12 bc bc PROPN _003136118 1138 13 each each PRON _003136118 1138 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1139 1 in in ADP _003136118 1139 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1139 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1139 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1139 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1139 6 per per ADP _003136118 1139 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1139 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1140 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1140 2 the the DET _003136118 1140 3 church church NOUN _003136118 1140 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1140 5 her her PRON _003136118 1140 6 missions mission NOUN _003136118 1140 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1140 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1140 9 by by ADP _003136118 1140 10 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1140 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1140 12 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1140 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1140 14 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1140 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1141 1 william william PROPN _003136118 1141 2 quinn quinn PROPN _003136118 1141 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1141 4 32 32 NUM _003136118 1141 5 pages page NOUN _003136118 1141 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1141 7 cover cover VERB _003136118 1141 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1142 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1142 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1142 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1143 1 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1143 2 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1143 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1143 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1143 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1143 6 more more ADJ _003136118 1143 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1143 8 8e 8e PROPN _003136118 1143 9 e e NOUN _003136118 1143 10 ach ach NOUN _003136118 1143 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1144 1 in in ADP _003136118 1144 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1144 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1144 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1144 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1144 6 per per ADP _003136118 1144 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1144 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1145 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1145 2 the the DET _003136118 1145 3 church church NOUN _003136118 1145 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1145 5 the the DET _003136118 1145 6 depression depression NOUN _003136118 1145 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1145 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1145 9 by by ADP _003136118 1145 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1145 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1145 12 james james PROPN _003136118 1145 13 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1145 14 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1145 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1145 16 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1145 17 . . PROPN _003136118 1145 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1145 19 80 80 NUM _003136118 1145 20 pages page NOUN _003136118 1145 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 1145 22 cover cover VERB _003136118 1145 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1146 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1146 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1146 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1146 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1146 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1146 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1146 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1146 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1146 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1146 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1146 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1146 12 each each PRON _003136118 1146 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1147 1 in in ADP _003136118 1147 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1147 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1147 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1147 5 8 8 NUM _003136118 1147 6 .75 .75 NUM _003136118 1147 7 per per ADP _003136118 1147 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1147 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1148 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1148 2 the the DET _003136118 1148 3 f f PROPN _003136118 1148 4 u u PROPN _003136118 1148 5 llness llness ADJ _003136118 1148 6 of of ADP _003136118 1148 7 christ christ PROPN _003136118 1148 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1148 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1148 10 by by ADP _003136118 1148 11 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1148 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1149 1 r r NOUN _003136118 1149 2 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1149 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1150 1 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1150 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 1151 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1151 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1151 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1151 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1151 5 176 176 NUM _003136118 1151 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1151 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1151 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1151 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1152 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1152 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1152 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1152 4 45c 45c NOUN _003136118 1152 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1152 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1152 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1152 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1152 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1152 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1152 11 30c 30c X _003136118 1152 12 each each PRON _003136118 1152 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1153 1 in in ADP _003136118 1153 2 quantiti quantiti PROPN _003136118 1153 3 es es PROPN _003136118 1153 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1153 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1153 6 17 17 NUM _003136118 1153 7 .50 .50 NUM _003136118 1153 8 per per ADP _003136118 1153 9 100 100 NUM _003136118 1153 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1154 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1154 2 the the DET _003136118 1154 3 church church NOUN _003136118 1154 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1154 5 modern modern ADJ _003136118 1154 6 thought thought NOUN _003136118 1154 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1154 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1154 9 by by ADP _003136118 1154 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1154 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1154 12 james james PROPN _003136118 1154 13 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1154 14 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1154 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1154 16 c.s c.s PROPN _003136118 1154 17 .p .p PROPN _003136118 1154 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1154 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1154 20 so so ADV _003136118 1154 21 pag pag PROPN _003136118 1154 22 ~ ~ PUNCT _003136118 1154 23 s s NOUN _003136118 1154 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 1154 25 cover cover VERB _003136118 1154 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 1155 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1155 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1155 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1156 1 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1156 2 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1156 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1156 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1156 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1156 6 more more ADJ _003136118 1156 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1156 8 10c 10c X _003136118 1156 9 each each PRON _003136118 1156 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1157 1 in in ADP _003136118 1157 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1157 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1157 4 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1157 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1157 6 s.7 s.7 NOUN _003136118 1157 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1157 8 per per ADP _003136118 1157 9 100 100 NUM _003136118 1157 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1158 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1158 2 misunderstood misunderstood NOUN _003136118 1158 3 truths truth NOUN _003136118 1158 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1158 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1158 6 by by ADP _003136118 1158 7 most most ADJ _003136118 1158 8 rev rev ADJ _003136118 1158 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1158 10 duane duane PROPN _003136118 1158 11 g. g. PROPN _003136118 1158 12 hunt hunt PROPN _003136118 1158 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1158 14 48 48 NUM _003136118 1158 15 pages page NOUN _003136118 1158 16 and and CCONJ _003136118 1158 17 cover cover VERB _003136118 1158 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1159 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1159 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1159 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1159 4 i5c i5c PROPN _003136118 1159 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1159 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1159 7 ' ' NUM _003136118 1159 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1159 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1159 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1159 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1159 12 bc bc PROPN _003136118 1159 13 each each PRON _003136118 1159 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1160 1 in in ADP _003136118 1160 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1160 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1160 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1160 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1160 6 per per ADP _003136118 1160 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1160 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1161 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1161 2 the the DET _003136118 1161 3 judgment judgment NOUN _003136118 1161 4 of of ADP _003136118 1161 5 god god PROPN _003136118 1161 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1161 7 the the DET _003136118 1161 8 s s NOUN _003136118 1161 9 ense ense NOUN _003136118 1161 10 of of ADP _003136118 1161 11 duty duty NOUN _003136118 1161 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1161 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 1161 14 by by ADP _003136118 1161 15 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1161 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1161 17 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1161 18 . . PROPN _003136118 1161 19 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1161 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 1162 1 william william PROPN _003136118 1162 2 j j PROPN _003136118 1162 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1162 4 kerby kerby PROPN _003136118 1162 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1162 6 16 16 NUM _003136118 1162 7 pages page NOUN _003136118 1162 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 1162 9 cover cover VERB _003136118 1162 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1163 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1163 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1163 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1163 4 ide ide ADP _003136118 1163 5 p p NOUN _003136118 1163 6 ostpaid ostpaid NOUN _003136118 1163 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1163 8 · · PUNCT _003136118 1163 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1163 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1163 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1163 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1163 13 5e 5e NUM _003136118 1163 14 each each PRON _003136118 1163 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1164 1 in in ADP _003136118 1164 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1164 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1164 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1164 5 4.00 4.00 NUM _003136118 1164 6 per per ADP _003136118 1164 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1164 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1165 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1165 2 ch ch PROPN _003136118 1165 3 r r NOUN _003136118 1165 4 i i NOUN _003136118 1165 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1165 6 stian stian ADJ _003136118 1165 7 education education NOUN _003136118 1165 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1165 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1165 10 by by ADP _003136118 1165 11 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1165 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1165 13 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1165 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1165 15 james james PROPN _003136118 1165 16 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1165 17 reeves reeve NOUN _003136118 1165 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1165 19 32 32 NUM _003136118 1165 20 pages page NOUN _003136118 1165 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 1165 22 cover cover VERB _003136118 1165 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1166 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1166 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1166 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1166 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1166 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1166 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1166 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1166 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1166 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1166 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1166 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1166 12 each each PRON _003136118 1166 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1167 1 in in ADP _003136118 1167 2 quantiti quantiti PROPN _003136118 1167 3 es es PROPN _003136118 1167 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1167 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1167 6 4.00 4.00 NUM _003136118 1167 7 per per ADP _003136118 1167 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1167 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1168 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1168 2 what what PRON _003136118 1168 3 civijization civijization NOUN _003136118 1168 4 owes owe VERB _003136118 1168 5 to to ADP _003136118 1168 6 the the DET _003136118 1168 7 church church NOUN _003136118 1168 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1168 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1168 10 by by ADP _003136118 1168 11 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1168 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1168 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1168 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1168 15 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1168 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1169 1 william william PROPN _003136118 1169 2 quinn quinn PROPN _003136118 1169 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1169 4 64 64 NUM _003136118 1169 5 pages page NOUN _003136118 1169 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1169 7 cover cover VERB _003136118 1169 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1170 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1170 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1170 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1170 4 15 15 NUM _003136118 1170 5 c c AUX _003136118 1170 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1170 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1170 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1170 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1170 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1170 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1170 12 10 10 NUM _003136118 1170 13 each each PRON _003136118 1170 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1171 1 in in ADP _003136118 1171 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1171 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1171 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1171 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1171 6 per per ADP _003136118 1171 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1171 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1172 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1172 2 if if SCONJ _003136118 1172 3 not not PART _003136118 1172 4 christianity christianity ADJ _003136118 1172 5 : : PUNCT _003136118 1172 6 what what PRON _003136118 1172 7 ? ? PUNCT _003136118 1172 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1172 9 by by ADP _003136118 1172 10 r r NOUN _003136118 1172 11 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1172 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1173 1 james james PROPN _003136118 1173 2 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1173 3 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1173 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1173 5 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1173 6 . . PROPN _003136118 1173 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1173 8 96 96 NUM _003136118 1173 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1173 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 1173 11 cover cover VERB _003136118 1173 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1174 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1174 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1174 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1174 4 20c 20c PROPN _003136118 1174 5 p p NOUN _003136118 1174 6 os os PROPN _003136118 1174 7 tpaid tpaid VERB _003136118 1174 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1174 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1174 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1174 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1174 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1174 13 i5c i5c VERB _003136118 1174 14 each each PRON _003136118 1174 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1175 1 rn rn ADP _003136118 1175 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1175 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1175 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1175 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _003136118 1175 6 per per ADP _003136118 1175 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1175 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1176 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1176 2 the the DET _003136118 1176 3 prodigal prodigal ADJ _003136118 1176 4 world world NOUN _003136118 1176 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1176 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1176 7 by by ADP _003136118 1176 8 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1176 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1176 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1176 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1176 12 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1176 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1177 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1177 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1177 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1177 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1177 5 140 140 NUM _003136118 1177 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1177 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1177 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1177 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1178 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1178 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1178 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1178 4 35c 35c NOUN _003136118 1178 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1178 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1178 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1178 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1178 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1178 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1178 11 25c 25c NOUN _003136118 1178 12 each each PRON _003136118 1178 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1179 1 in in ADP _003136118 1179 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1179 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1179 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1179 5 17.00 17.00 NUM _003136118 1179 6 p p NOUN _003136118 1179 7 er er INTJ _003136118 1179 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1179 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1180 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1180 2 the the DET _003136118 1180 3 coin coin NOUN _003136118 1180 4 of of ADP _003136118 1180 5 our our PRON _003136118 1180 6 tribute tribute NOUN _003136118 1180 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1180 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1180 9 by by ADP _003136118 1180 10 v v NOUN _003136118 1180 11 ery ery NOUN _003136118 1180 12 r r NOUN _003136118 1180 13 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1180 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1181 1 thomas thomas PROPN _003136118 1181 2 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1181 3 conlon conlon PROPN _003136118 1181 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1181 5 o.p o.p PROPN _003136118 1181 6 . . PROPN _003136118 1181 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1181 8 40 40 NUM _003136118 1181 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1181 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 1181 11 cover cover VERB _003136118 1181 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1182 1 singl singl PROPN _003136118 1182 2 e e PROPN _003136118 1182 3 copy copy NOUN _003136118 1182 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1182 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1182 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1182 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1182 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1182 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1182 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1182 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1182 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1182 13 each each PRON _003136118 1182 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1183 1 in in ADP _003136118 1183 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1183 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1183 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1183 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1183 6 per per ADP _003136118 1183 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1183 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1184 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1184 2 pope pope PROPN _003136118 1184 3 pius pius PROPN _003136118 1184 4 xi xi PROPN _003136118 1184 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1184 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1184 7 by by ADP _003136118 1184 8 h h PROPN _003136118 1184 9 is be AUX _003136118 1184 10 emin emin ADJ _003136118 1184 11 ence ence NOUN _003136118 1184 12 patrick patrick PROPN _003136118 1184 13 cardinal cardinal PROPN _003136118 1184 14 h h NOUN _003136118 1184 15 ayes aye NOUN _003136118 1184 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1185 1 an an DET _003136118 1185 2 address address NOUN _003136118 1185 3 in in ADP _003136118 1185 4 h h NOUN _003136118 1185 5 onor onor NOUN _003136118 1185 6 of of ADP _003136118 1185 7 the the DET _003136118 1185 8 79th 79th ADJ _003136118 1185 9 birthday birthday NOUN _003136118 1185 10 of of ADP _003136118 1185 11 his his PRON _003136118 1185 12 h h NOUN _003136118 1185 13 olin olin PROPN _003136118 1185 14 ess ess PROPN _003136118 1185 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1185 16 16 16 NUM _003136118 1185 17 pages page NOUN _003136118 1185 18 and and CCONJ _003136118 1185 19 4 4 NUM _003136118 1185 20 color color NOUN _003136118 1185 21 c"over c"over NOUN _003136118 1185 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 1186 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1186 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1186 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1186 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1186 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1186 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1186 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1186 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1186 9 m m NOUN _003136118 1186 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1186 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1186 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1186 13 each each PRON _003136118 1186 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1187 1 in in ADP _003136118 1187 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1187 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1187 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1187 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1187 6 per per ADP _003136118 1187 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1187 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1187 9 umisunderstanding umisunderstande VERB _003136118 1187 10 the the DET _003136118 1187 11 church church NOUN _003136118 1187 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1187 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 1187 14 by by ADP _003136118 1187 15 most most ADJ _003136118 1187 16 rev rev ADJ _003136118 1187 17 . . PROPN _003136118 1187 18 duane duane PROPN _003136118 1187 19 g. g. PROPN _003136118 1187 20 hunt hunt PROPN _003136118 1187 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 1187 22 48 48 NUM _003136118 1187 23 pages page NOUN _003136118 1187 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 1187 25 cover cover VERB _003136118 1187 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 1188 1 sing sing VERB _003136118 1188 2 le le X _003136118 1188 3 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1188 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1188 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1188 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1188 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1188 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1188 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1188 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1188 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1188 12 sc sc X _003136118 1188 13 each each PRON _003136118 1188 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1189 1 in in ADP _003136118 1189 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1189 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1189 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1189 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1189 6 p p NOUN _003136118 1189 7 e e NOUN _003136118 1189 8 r r NOUN _003136118 1189 9 100 100 NUM _003136118 1189 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1190 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1190 2 the the DET _003136118 1190 3 poetry poetry NOUN _003136118 1190 4 of of ADP _003136118 1190 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1191 1 duty duty NOUN _003136118 1191 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1191 3 " " PUNCT _003136118 1191 4 by by ADP _003136118 1191 5 r r NOUN _003136118 1191 6 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1191 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1192 1 alfred alfred PROPN _003136118 1192 2 duffy duffy PROPN _003136118 1192 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1192 4 c.p c.p PROPN _003136118 1192 5 . . PROPN _003136118 1192 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1192 7 48 48 NUM _003136118 1192 8 pages page NOUN _003136118 1192 9 a a DET _003136118 1192 10 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1192 11 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1192 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1193 1 sing sing VERB _003136118 1193 2 le le PROPN _003136118 1193 3 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1193 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1194 1 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1194 2 postpa postpa PROPN _003136118 1195 1 i i NOUN _003136118 1195 2 d d NUM _003136118 1195 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1195 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1195 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1195 6 m m NOUN _003136118 1195 7 or or CCONJ _003136118 1195 8 e e NOUN _003136118 1195 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1195 10 8d 8d VERB _003136118 1195 11 each each PRON _003136118 1195 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1196 1 in in ADP _003136118 1196 2 qu qu PROPN _003136118 1196 3 a a DET _003136118 1196 4 ntities ntitie NOUN _003136118 1196 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1196 6 $ $ SYM _003136118 1196 7 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1196 8 per per ADP _003136118 1196 9 100 100 NUM _003136118 1196 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1197 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1197 2 characteristic characteristic ADJ _003136118 1197 3 christian christian ADJ _003136118 1197 4 ideals ideal NOUN _003136118 1197 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1197 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1197 7 by by ADP _003136118 1197 8 r r NOUN _003136118 1197 9 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1197 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1198 1 bonaventu bonaventu PROPN _003136118 1198 2 re re PROPN _003136118 1198 3 mcintyre mcintyre PROPN _003136118 1198 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1198 5 o. o. PROPN _003136118 1198 6 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1198 7 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1198 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1198 9 32 32 NUM _003136118 1198 10 pages page NOUN _003136118 1198 11 a a DET _003136118 1198 12 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1198 13 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1198 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1199 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1199 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1199 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1199 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1199 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1199 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1199 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1199 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1199 9 m m NOUN _003136118 1199 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1199 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1199 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1199 13 each each PRON _003136118 1199 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1200 1 in in ADP _003136118 1200 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1200 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1200 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1200 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1200 6 per per ADP _003136118 1200 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1200 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1201 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1201 2 the the DET _003136118 1201 3 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1201 4 church church NOUN _003136118 1201 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1201 6 youth youth NOUN _003136118 1201 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1201 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1201 9 by by ADP _003136118 1201 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1201 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1202 1 j j PROPN _003136118 1202 2 ohn ohn PROPN _003136118 1202 3 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1202 4 o'hara o'hara PROPN _003136118 1202 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1202 6 c.s.c c.s.c PROPN _003136118 1202 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1202 8 48 48 NUM _003136118 1202 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1202 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 1202 11 cover cover VERB _003136118 1202 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1203 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1203 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1203 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1203 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1203 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1203 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1203 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1203 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1203 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1203 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1203 11 be be AUX _003136118 1203 12 each each PRON _003136118 1203 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1204 1 in in ADP _003136118 1204 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1204 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1204 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1204 5 6.0 6.0 NUM _003136118 1204 6 0 0 NUM _003136118 1204 7 per per ADP _003136118 1204 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1204 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1205 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1205 2 the the DET _003136118 1205 3 spirit spirit NOUN _003136118 1205 4 of of ADP _003136118 1205 5 the the DET _003136118 1205 6 missions mission NOUN _003136118 1205 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1205 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1205 9 by by ADP _003136118 1205 10 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1205 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1206 1 r r NOUN _003136118 1206 2 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1206 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1206 4 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1206 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1207 1 thomas thomas PROPN _003136118 1207 2 j j PROPN _003136118 1207 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1208 1 mcd mcd PROPN _003136118 1208 2 onne onne PROPN _003136118 1208 3 ll ll PROPN _003136118 1208 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1208 5 32 32 NUM _003136118 1208 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1208 7 a a DET _003136118 1208 8 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1208 9 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1208 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1209 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1209 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1209 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1209 4 loe loe PROPN _003136118 1209 5 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1209 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1209 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1209 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1209 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1209 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1209 11 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1209 12 each each PRON _003136118 1209 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1210 1 in in ADP _003136118 1210 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1210 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1210 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1210 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1210 6 per per ADP _003136118 1210 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1210 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1211 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1211 2 the the DET _003136118 1211 3 life life NOUN _003136118 1211 4 of of ADP _003136118 1211 5 the the DET _003136118 1211 6 soul soul NOUN _003136118 1211 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1211 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1211 9 by by ADP _003136118 1211 10 r r NOUN _003136118 1211 11 e e PROPN _003136118 1211 12 v. v. ADP _003136118 1211 13 j j PROPN _003136118 1211 14 ames ames PROPN _003136118 1211 15 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1211 16 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1211 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1211 18 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1211 19 . . PROPN _003136118 1211 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1211 21 96 96 NUM _003136118 1211 22 pages page NOUN _003136118 1211 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 1211 24 cover cover VERB _003136118 1211 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1212 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1212 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1212 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1212 4 20c 20c PROPN _003136118 1212 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1212 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1212 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1212 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1212 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1212 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1212 11 15c 15c X _003136118 1212 12 each each PRON _003136118 1212 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1213 1 in in ADP _003136118 1213 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1213 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1213 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1213 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _003136118 1213 6 per per ADP _003136118 1213 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1213 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1214 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1214 2 our our PRON _003136118 1214 3 wounded wound VERB _003136118 1214 4 world world NOUN _003136118 1214 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1214 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1214 7 by by ADP _003136118 1214 8 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1214 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1215 1 r r NOUN _003136118 1215 2 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1215 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1215 4 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1215 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1216 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1216 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1216 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1216 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1216 5 112 112 NUM _003136118 1216 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1216 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1216 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1216 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1217 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1217 2 dopy dopy PROPN _003136118 1217 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1217 4 25c 25c NOUN _003136118 1217 5 p p NOUN _003136118 1217 6 ostpaid ostpaid NOUN _003136118 1217 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1217 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1217 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1217 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1217 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1217 12 20c 20c X _003136118 1217 13 each each PRON _003136118 1217 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1218 1 in in ADP _003136118 1218 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1218 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1218 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1218 5 12.50 12.50 NUM _003136118 1218 6 per per ADP _003136118 1218 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1218 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1219 1 the the DET _003136118 1219 2 first first ADJ _003136118 1219 3 six six NUM _003136118 1219 4 addresses address NOUN _003136118 1219 5 in in ADP _003136118 1219 6 this this DET _003136118 1219 7 series series NOUN _003136118 1219 8 published publish VERB _003136118 1219 9 separately separately ADV _003136118 1219 10 under under ADP _003136118 1219 11 the the DET _003136118 1219 12 title title NOUN _003136118 1219 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 1219 14 freedom freedom NOUN _003136118 1219 15 and and CCONJ _003136118 1219 16 democracy democracy NOUN _003136118 1219 17 : : PUNCT _003136118 1219 18 a a DET _003136118 1219 19 study study NOUN _003136118 1219 20 of of ADP _003136118 1219 21 their their PRON _003136118 1219 22 enemies enemy NOUN _003136118 1219 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 1219 24 " " PUNCT _003136118 1219 25 56 56 NUM _003136118 1219 26 pages page NOUN _003136118 1219 27 and and CCONJ _003136118 1219 28 cover cover VERB _003136118 1219 29 . . PUNCT _003136118 1220 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1220 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1220 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1220 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1220 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1220 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1220 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1220 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1220 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1220 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1220 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1220 12 each each PRON _003136118 1220 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1221 1 in in ADP _003136118 1221 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1221 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1221 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1221 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1221 6 per per ADP _003136118 1221 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1221 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1222 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1222 2 the the DET _003136118 1222 3 banquet banquet NOUN _003136118 1222 4 of of ADP _003136118 1222 5 triumph triumph NOUN _003136118 1222 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1222 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1222 8 by by ADP _003136118 1222 9 v v NOUN _003136118 1222 10 ery ery NOUN _003136118 1222 11 r r NOUN _003136118 1222 12 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1222 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1223 1 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1223 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1223 3 mcl mcl PROPN _003136118 1223 4 arney arney PROPN _003136118 1223 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1223 6 o.p o.p PROPN _003136118 1223 7 . . PROPN _003136118 1223 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1223 9 32 32 NUM _003136118 1223 10 pages page NOUN _003136118 1223 11 and and CCONJ _003136118 1223 12 cover cover VERB _003136118 1223 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1224 1 sing sing VERB _003136118 1224 2 le le PROPN _003136118 1224 3 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1224 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1224 5 loc loc PROPN _003136118 1224 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1224 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1224 8 ' ' NUM _003136118 1224 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1224 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1224 11 m m VERB _003136118 1224 12 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1224 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1224 14 be be AUX _003136118 1224 15 each each PRON _003136118 1224 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1225 1 in in ADP _003136118 1225 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1225 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1225 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1225 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1225 6 p p NOUN _003136118 1225 7 er er INTJ _003136118 1225 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1225 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1225 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1226 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1226 2 society society NOUN _003136118 1226 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1226 4 the the DET _003136118 1226 5 social social ADJ _003136118 1226 6 encyclicals encyclical NOUN _003136118 1226 7 - - PUNCT _003136118 1226 8 america america PROPN _003136118 1226 9 's 's PART _003136118 1226 10 road road NOUN _003136118 1226 11 out out ADV _003136118 1226 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1226 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 1226 14 by by ADP _003136118 1226 15 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1226 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1226 17 r. r. PROPN _003136118 1226 18 a a PROPN _003136118 1226 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 1227 1 mcgowan mcgowan PROPN _003136118 1227 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1227 3 32 32 NUM _003136118 1227 4 pages page NOUN _003136118 1227 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1227 6 cover cover VERB _003136118 1227 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1228 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1228 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1228 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1228 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1228 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1228 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1228 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1228 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1228 9 m m VERB _003136118 1228 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1228 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1228 12 sc sc X _003136118 1228 13 each each PRON _003136118 1228 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1229 1 in in ADP _003136118 1229 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1229 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1229 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1229 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1229 6 per per ADP _003136118 1229 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1229 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1230 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1230 2 pius pius PROPN _003136118 1230 3 xi xi PROPN _003136118 1230 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1230 5 father father NOUN _003136118 1230 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1230 7 teacher teacher NOUN _003136118 1230 8 of of ADP _003136118 1230 9 the the DET _003136118 1230 10 nations nation NOUN _003136118 1230 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1230 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 1230 13 ( ( PUNCT _003136118 1230 14 on on ADP _003136118 1230 15 his his PRON _003136118 1230 16 eightieth eightieth ADJ _003136118 1230 17 birthday birthday NOUN _003136118 1230 18 ) ) PUNCT _003136118 1230 19 by by ADP _003136118 1230 20 his his PRON _003136118 1230 21 excellency excellency NOUN _003136118 1230 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 1230 23 most most ADJ _003136118 1230 24 r r VERB _003136118 1230 25 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1230 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 1231 1 amleto amleto PROPN _003136118 1231 2 giovanni giovanni PROPN _003136118 1231 3 cicognani cicognani PROPN _003136118 1231 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1231 5 16 16 NUM _003136118 1231 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1231 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1231 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1231 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1232 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1232 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1232 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1232 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1232 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1232 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1232 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1232 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1232 9 m m NOUN _003136118 1232 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1232 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1232 12 6c 6c PROPN _003136118 1232 13 eadh eadh NOUN _003136118 1232 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1233 1 in in ADP _003136118 1233 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1233 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1233 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1233 5 3 3 NUM _003136118 1233 6 .60 .60 NUM _003136118 1233 7 per per ADP _003136118 1233 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1233 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1234 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1234 2 the the DET _003136118 1234 3 eastern eastern ADJ _003136118 1234 4 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1234 5 church church NOUN _003136118 1234 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1234 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1234 8 by by ADP _003136118 1234 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1234 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1235 1 j j PROPN _003136118 1235 2 ohn ohn PROPN _003136118 1235 3 kallok kallok PROPN _003136118 1235 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1235 5 48 48 NUM _003136118 1235 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1235 7 a a DET _003136118 1235 8 na na AUX _003136118 1235 9 cover cover VERB _003136118 1235 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1236 1 sing sing VERB _003136118 1236 2 le le PROPN _003136118 1236 3 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1236 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1236 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1236 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1236 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1236 8 6 6 NUM _003136118 1236 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1236 10 m m VERB _003136118 1236 11 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1236 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1236 13 8c 8c X _003136118 1236 14 each each PRON _003136118 1236 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1237 1 in in ADP _003136118 1237 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1237 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1237 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1237 5 6.0 6.0 NUM _003136118 1237 6 0 0 NUM _003136118 1237 7 per per ADP _003136118 1237 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1237 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1238 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1238 2 joy joy NOUN _003136118 1238 3 in in ADP _003136118 1238 4 religion religion NOUN _003136118 1238 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1238 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1238 7 by by ADP _003136118 1238 8 r r NOUN _003136118 1238 9 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1238 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1239 1 john john PROPN _003136118 1239 2 b b PROPN _003136118 1239 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1240 1 d d PROPN _003136118 1240 2 elau elau PROPN _003136118 1241 1 n n PROPN _003136118 1241 2 ey ey PROPN _003136118 1241 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1241 4 c.s.c c.s.c PROPN _003136118 1241 5 . . PROPN _003136118 1241 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1241 7 40 40 NUM _003136118 1241 8 pages page NOUN _003136118 1241 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 1241 10 cover cover VERB _003136118 1241 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1242 1 sin sin NOUN _003136118 1242 2 g g PROPN _003136118 1242 3 le le X _003136118 1242 4 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1242 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1242 6 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1242 7 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1242 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1242 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1242 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1242 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1242 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1242 13 8d 8d X _003136118 1242 14 each each PRON _003136118 1242 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1243 1 in in ADP _003136118 1243 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1243 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1243 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1243 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1243 6 per per ADP _003136118 1243 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1243 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1244 1 uthe uthe DET _003136118 1244 2 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1244 3 lost lose VERB _003136118 1244 4 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1244 5 radiance radiance NOUN _003136118 1244 6 of of ADP _003136118 1244 7 the the DET _003136118 1244 8 religion religion NOUN _003136118 1244 9 of of ADP _003136118 1244 10 jesus jesus PROPN _003136118 1244 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1244 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 1244 13 by by ADP _003136118 1244 14 r r NOUN _003136118 1244 15 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1244 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1245 1 thomas thomas PROPN _003136118 1245 2 a. a. PROPN _003136118 1245 3 carn carn PROPN _003136118 1245 4 ey ey PROPN _003136118 1245 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1245 6 40 40 NUM _003136118 1245 7 pages page NOUN _003136118 1245 8 and and CCONJ _003136118 1245 9 cover cover VERB _003136118 1245 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1246 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1246 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1246 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1246 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1246 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1246 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1246 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1246 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1246 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1246 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1246 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1246 12 each each PRON _003136118 1246 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1247 1 in in ADP _003136118 1247 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1247 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1247 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1247 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1247 6 . . NUM _003136118 1247 7 00 00 PUNCT _003136118 1248 1 p p NOUN _003136118 1248 2 er er INTJ _003136118 1248 3 100 100 NUM _003136118 1248 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 1249 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1249 2 some some DET _003136118 1249 3 spiritual spiritual ADJ _003136118 1249 4 problems problem NOUN _003136118 1249 5 of of ADP _003136118 1249 6 college college NOUN _003136118 1249 7 students student NOUN _003136118 1249 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1249 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1249 10 by by ADP _003136118 1249 11 r r NOUN _003136118 1249 12 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1249 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1250 1 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1250 2 . . PROPN _003136118 1250 3 maurice maurice PROPN _003136118 1250 4 s. s. PROPN _003136118 1250 5 sheehy sheehy PROPN _003136118 1250 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1250 7 40 40 NUM _003136118 1250 8 pages page NOUN _003136118 1250 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 1250 10 cover cover VERB _003136118 1250 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1251 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1251 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1251 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1251 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1251 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1251 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1251 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1251 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1251 9 m m NOUN _003136118 1251 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1251 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1251 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1251 13 eadh eadh NOUN _003136118 1251 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1252 1 in in ADP _003136118 1252 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1252 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1252 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1252 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1252 6 per per ADP _003136118 1252 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1252 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1253 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1253 2 god god PROPN _003136118 1253 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1253 4 governments government NOUN _003136118 1253 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1253 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1253 7 by by ADP _003136118 1253 8 r r NOUN _003136118 1253 9 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1253 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1254 1 wilfrid wilfrid NOUN _003136118 1254 2 parsons parson NOUN _003136118 1254 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1254 4 s.j s.j PROPN _003136118 1254 5 . . PROPN _003136118 1254 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1254 7 48 48 NUM _003136118 1254 8 pages page NOUN _003136118 1254 9 and and CCONJ _003136118 1254 10 cover cover VERB _003136118 1254 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1255 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1255 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1255 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1255 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1255 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1255 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1255 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1255 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1255 9 m m NOUN _003136118 1255 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1255 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1255 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1255 13 each each PRON _003136118 1255 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1256 1 in in ADP _003136118 1256 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1256 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1256 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1256 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1256 6 per per ADP _003136118 1256 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1256 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1257 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1257 2 saints saint NOUN _003136118 1257 3 vo vo VERB _003136118 1257 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 1258 1 kings king NOUN _003136118 1258 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1258 3 " " PUNCT _003136118 1258 4 by by ADP _003136118 1258 5 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1258 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 1259 1 j j NOUN _003136118 1259 2 a a DET _003136118 1259 3 m m PROPN _003136118 1259 4 es es NOUN _003136118 1259 5 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1259 6 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1259 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1259 8 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1259 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1259 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1259 11 96 96 NUM _003136118 1259 12 pages page NOUN _003136118 1259 13 a a DET _003136118 1259 14 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1259 15 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1259 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1260 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1260 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1260 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1260 4 20 20 NUM _003136118 1260 5 postpaid postpaid NOUN _003136118 1260 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1260 7 1 1 NUM _003136118 1260 8 > > NUM _003136118 1260 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1260 10 m m VERB _003136118 1260 11 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1260 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1260 13 15c 15c X _003136118 1260 14 each each PRON _003136118 1260 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1261 1 in in ADP _003136118 1261 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1261 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1261 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1261 5 11.0 11.0 NUM _003136118 1261 6 0 0 NUM _003136118 1261 7 per per ADP _003136118 1261 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1261 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1262 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1262 2 justice justice NOUN _003136118 1262 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1262 4 charity charity NOUN _003136118 1262 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1262 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1262 7 by by ADP _003136118 1262 8 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1262 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1263 1 r r NOUN _003136118 1263 2 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1263 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1263 4 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1263 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1264 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1264 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1264 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1264 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 1265 1 p p NOUN _003136118 1265 2 art art NOUN _003136118 1265 3 i"the i"the DET _003136118 1265 4 social social ADJ _003136118 1265 5 problem problem NOUN _003136118 1265 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1265 7 the the DET _003136118 1265 8 church church NOUN _003136118 1265 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1265 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1265 11 96 96 NUM _003136118 1265 12 pages page NOUN _003136118 1265 13 a a DET _003136118 1265 14 nd nd ADV _003136118 1265 15 cov cov ADJ _003136118 1265 16 er er INTJ _003136118 1265 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 1266 1 sin sin PROPN _003136118 1266 2 g g PROPN _003136118 1266 3 le le X _003136118 1266 4 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1266 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1266 6 20epostpaid 20epostpaid NUM _003136118 1266 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1266 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1266 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1266 10 m m VERB _003136118 1266 11 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1266 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1266 13 15c 15c X _003136118 1266 14 each each PRON _003136118 1266 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1267 1 in in ADP _003136118 1267 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1267 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1267 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1267 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _003136118 1267 6 p p NOUN _003136118 1267 7 er er INTJ _003136118 1267 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1267 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1268 1 p p NOUN _003136118 1268 2 a a DET _003136118 1268 3 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1268 4 ii"the ii"the ADJ _003136118 1268 5 individual individual ADJ _003136118 1268 6 problem problem NOUN _003136118 1268 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1268 8 the the DET _003136118 1268 9 cross cross NOUN _003136118 1268 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1268 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1268 12 80 80 NUM _003136118 1268 13 pages page NOUN _003136118 1268 14 and and CCONJ _003136118 1268 15 cover cover VERB _003136118 1268 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1269 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1269 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1269 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1269 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1269 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1269 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1269 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1269 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1269 9 m m NOUN _003136118 1269 10 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1269 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1270 1 ioc ioc VERB _003136118 1270 2 each each PRON _003136118 1270 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1271 1 in in ADP _003136118 1271 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1271 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1271 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1271 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1271 6 per per ADP _003136118 1271 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1271 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1272 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1272 2 in in ADP _003136118 1272 3 defense defense NOUN _003136118 1272 4 of of ADP _003136118 1272 5 chastity chastity NOUN _003136118 1272 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1272 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1272 8 by by ADP _003136118 1272 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1272 10 . . PROPN _003136118 1272 11 felix felix PROPN _003136118 1272 12 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1272 13 kirsch kirsch PROPN _003136118 1272 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 1272 15 o o PROPN _003136118 1272 16 .m .m PROPN _003136118 1272 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 1273 1 cap cap NOUN _003136118 1273 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 1273 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1273 4 72 72 NUM _003136118 1273 5 pages page NOUN _003136118 1273 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1273 7 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1273 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1273 9 including include VERB _003136118 1273 10 study study NOUN _003136118 1273 11 aids aid NOUN _003136118 1273 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 1273 13 bibliography bibliography NOUN _003136118 1273 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1274 1 sing sing VERB _003136118 1274 2 le le X _003136118 1274 3 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1274 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1274 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1274 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1274 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1275 1 5 5 NUM _003136118 1275 2 or or CCONJ _003136118 1275 3 more more ADJ _003136118 1275 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1275 5 10c 10c X _003136118 1275 6 each each PRON _003136118 1275 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1276 1 in in ADP _003136118 1276 2 qua qua PROPN _003136118 1276 3 ntities ntitie NOUN _003136118 1276 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1276 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1276 6 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1276 7 per per ADP _003136118 1276 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1276 9 · · PUNCT _003136118 1276 10 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1276 11 the the DET _003136118 1276 12 appeal appeal NOUN _003136118 1276 13 to to ADP _003136118 1276 14 reason reason NOUN _003136118 1276 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1276 16 " " PUNCT _003136118 1276 17 by by ADP _003136118 1276 18 m.ost m.ost PROPN _003136118 1276 19 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1276 20 . . PROPN _003136118 1276 21 duane duane PROPN _003136118 1276 22 g. g. PROPN _003136118 1276 23 hunt hunt PROPN _003136118 1276 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 1276 25 d.d d.d PROPN _003136118 1276 26 . . PROPN _003136118 1276 27 , , PUNCT _003136118 1276 28 ll.d ll.d PROPN _003136118 1276 29 . . PUNCT _003136118 1276 30 , , PUNCT _003136118 1276 31 72 72 NUM _003136118 1276 32 pages page NOUN _003136118 1276 33 and and CCONJ _003136118 1276 34 cover cover VERB _003136118 1276 35 . . PUNCT _003136118 1277 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1277 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1277 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1277 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1277 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1277 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1277 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1277 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1277 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1277 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1277 11 loc loc PROPN _003136118 1277 12 each each PRON _003136118 1277 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1278 1 in in ADP _003136118 1278 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1278 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1278 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1278 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1278 6 per per ADP _003136118 1278 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1278 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1279 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1279 2 practical practical ADJ _003136118 1279 3 aspects aspect NOUN _003136118 1279 4 of of ADP _003136118 1279 5 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1279 6 education education NOUN _003136118 1279 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1279 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1279 9 by by ADP _003136118 1279 10 very very ADV _003136118 1279 11 rev rev ADJ _003136118 1279 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1279 13 edward edward PROPN _003136118 1279 14 v. v. PROPN _003136118 1279 15 stanford stanford PROPN _003136118 1279 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 1279 17 o.s.a o.s.a PROPN _003136118 1279 18 . . PROPN _003136118 1279 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1279 20 48 48 NUM _003136118 1279 21 pages page NOUN _003136118 1279 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 1279 23 cover cover VERB _003136118 1279 24 . . PUNCT _003136118 1280 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1280 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1280 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1280 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1280 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1280 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1280 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1280 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1280 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1280 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1280 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1280 12 each each PRON _003136118 1280 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1281 1 in in ADP _003136118 1281 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1281 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1281 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1281 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1281 6 per per ADP _003136118 1281 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1281 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1282 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1282 2 the the DET _003136118 1282 3 mission mission NOUN _003136118 1282 4 of of ADP _003136118 1282 5 youth youth NOUN _003136118 1282 6 in in ADP _003136118 1282 7 contemporary contemporary ADJ _003136118 1282 8 society society NOUN _003136118 1282 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1282 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1282 11 by by ADP _003136118 1282 12 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1282 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1282 14 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1282 15 . . PROPN _003136118 1282 16 george george PROPN _003136118 1282 17 johnson johnson PROPN _003136118 1282 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1282 19 40 40 NUM _003136118 1282 20 pages page NOUN _003136118 1282 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 1282 22 cover cover VERB _003136118 1282 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1283 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1283 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1283 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1283 4 l5c l5c NOUN _003136118 1283 5 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1283 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1283 7 : : PUNCT _003136118 1283 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1283 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1283 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1283 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1283 12 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1283 13 each each PRON _003136118 1283 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1284 1 in in ADP _003136118 1284 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1284 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1284 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1284 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1284 6 per per ADP _003136118 1284 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1284 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1285 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1285 2 the the DET _003136118 1285 3 holy holy ADJ _003136118 1285 4 eucharist eucharist NOUN _003136118 1285 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1285 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1285 7 by by ADP _003136118 1285 8 most most ADJ _003136118 1285 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1285 10 . . PROPN _003136118 1285 11 joseph joseph PROPN _003136118 1285 12 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1285 13 rummel rummel PROPN _003136118 1285 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 1285 15 s.t.d s.t.d PROPN _003136118 1285 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1285 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1285 18 ll.d ll.d PROPN _003136118 1285 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 1285 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1285 21 32 32 NUM _003136118 1285 22 pages page NOUN _003136118 1285 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 1285 24 cover cover VERB _003136118 1285 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1286 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1286 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1286 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1286 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1286 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1286 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1286 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1286 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1286 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1286 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1286 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1286 12 each each PRON _003136118 1286 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1287 1 in in ADP _003136118 1287 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1287 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1287 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1287 5 5:50 5:50 NUM _003136118 1287 6 per per ADP _003136118 1287 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1287 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1288 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1288 2 cardinal cardinal PROPN _003136118 1288 3 hayes hayes PROPN _003136118 1288 4 - - PUNCT _003136118 1288 5 a a PRON _003136118 1288 6 eulo eulo NOUN _003136118 1288 7 ~ ~ NUM _003136118 1288 8 y y PROPN _003136118 1288 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1288 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1288 11 by by ADP _003136118 1288 12 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1288 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1288 14 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1288 15 . . PROPN _003136118 1288 16 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1288 17 . . PUNCT _003136118 1289 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1289 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1289 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1289 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1289 5 16 16 NUM _003136118 1289 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1289 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1289 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1289 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1290 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1290 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1290 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1290 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1290 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1290 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1290 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1290 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1290 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1290 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1290 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1290 12 each each PRON _003136118 1290 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1291 1 in in ADP _003136118 1291 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1291 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1291 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1291 5 3.50 3.50 NUM _003136118 1291 6 per per ADP _003136118 1291 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1291 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1292 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1292 2 the the DET _003136118 1292 3 rosary rosary NOUN _003136118 1292 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1292 5 the the DET _003136118 1292 6 rijrhts rijrht NOUN _003136118 1292 7 of of ADP _003136118 1292 8 man man NOUN _003136118 1292 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1292 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1292 11 by by ADP _003136118 1292 12 very very ADV _003136118 1292 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1292 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1292 15 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1292 16 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1292 17 m".larney m".larney PROPN _003136118 1292 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1292 19 o.p o.p PROPN _003136118 1292 20 . . PROPN _003136118 1292 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 1292 22 56 56 NUM _003136118 1292 23 pages page NOUN _003136118 1292 24 and and CCONJ _003136118 1292 25 cover cover VERB _003136118 1292 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 1293 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1293 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1293 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1293 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1293 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1293 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1293 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1293 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1293 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1293 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1293 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1293 12 each each PRON _003136118 1293 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1294 1 in in ADP _003136118 1294 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1294 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1294 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1294 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1294 6 per per ADP _003136118 1294 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1294 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1295 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1295 2 human human ADJ _003136118 1295 3 life life NOUN _003136118 1295 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1295 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1295 6 by by ADP _003136118 1295 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1295 8 . . PROPN _003136118 1295 9 james james PROPN _003136118 1295 10 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1295 11 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1295 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1295 13 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1295 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1295 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1295 16 96 96 NUM _003136118 1295 17 pages page NOUN _003136118 1295 18 and and CCONJ _003136118 1295 19 cover cover VERB _003136118 1295 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 1296 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1296 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1296 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1296 4 20c 20c PROPN _003136118 1296 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1296 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1296 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1296 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1296 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1296 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1296 11 15c 15c X _003136118 1296 12 each each PRON _003136118 1296 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1297 1 in in ADP _003136118 1297 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1297 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1297 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1297 5 10 10 NUM _003136118 1297 6 per per ADP _003136118 1297 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1297 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1298 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1298 2 freedom freedom NOUN _003136118 1298 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1298 4 " " PUNCT _003136118 1298 5 by by ADP _003136118 1298 6 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1298 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1298 8 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1298 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1298 10 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1298 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1299 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1299 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1299 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1299 4 . . PROPN _003136118 1300 1 part part PROPN _003136118 1300 2 i i PROPN _003136118 1300 3 - - PUNCT _003136118 1300 4 usocial usocial ADJ _003136118 1300 5 freedom freedom NOUN _003136118 1300 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1300 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1300 8 80 80 NUM _003136118 1300 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1300 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 1300 11 cover cover VERB _003136118 1300 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1301 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1301 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1301 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1301 4 l5c l5c ADJ _003136118 1301 5 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1301 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1301 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1301 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1301 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1301 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1301 11 10 10 NUM _003136118 1301 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 1301 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1302 1 each each PRON _003136118 1302 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 1303 1 in in ADP _003136118 1303 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1303 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1303 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1303 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1303 6 per per ADP _003136118 1303 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1303 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1303 9 part part NOUN _003136118 1303 10 ii-"personal ii-"personal ADJ _003136118 1303 11 freedom freedom NOUN _003136118 1303 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1303 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 1303 14 96 96 NUM _003136118 1303 15 pages page NOUN _003136118 1303 16 and and CCONJ _003136118 1303 17 cover cover VERB _003136118 1303 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1304 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1304 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1304 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1304 4 20c 20c PROPN _003136118 1304 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1304 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1304 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1304 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1304 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1304 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1304 11 15c 15c X _003136118 1304 12 each each PRON _003136118 1304 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1305 1 in in ADP _003136118 1305 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1305 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1305 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1305 5 12.00 12.00 NUM _003136118 1305 6 per per ADP _003136118 1305 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1305 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1306 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1306 2 the the DET _003136118 1306 3 holy holy ADJ _003136118 1306 4 ghost ghost NOUN _003136118 1306 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1306 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1306 7 by by ADP _003136118 1306 8 very very ADV _003136118 1306 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1306 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1306 11 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1306 12 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1306 13 mclarney mclarney PROPN _003136118 1306 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 1306 15 o.p o.p PROPN _003136118 1306 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1306 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1306 18 56 56 NUM _003136118 1306 19 pages page NOUN _003136118 1306 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 1306 21 cover cover VERB _003136118 1306 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 1307 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1307 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1307 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1307 4 l5c l5c ADJ _003136118 1307 5 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1307 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1307 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1307 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1307 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1307 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1307 11 loc loc NOUN _003136118 1307 12 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1307 13 each each PRON _003136118 1307 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1308 1 in in ADP _003136118 1308 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1308 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1308 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1308 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1308 6 per per ADP _003136118 1308 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1308 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1309 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1309 2 toward toward ADP _003136118 1309 3 the the DET _003136118 1309 4 reconstruction reconstruction NOUN _003136118 1309 5 of of ADP _003136118 1309 6 a a DET _003136118 1309 7 christian christian ADJ _003136118 1309 8 social social ADJ _003136118 1309 9 order order NOUN _003136118 1309 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1309 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1309 12 by by ADP _003136118 1309 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1309 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1309 15 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1309 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1309 17 john john PROPN _003136118 1309 18 p. p. PROPN _003136118 1309 19 monoghan monoghan PROPN _003136118 1309 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1309 21 48 48 NUM _003136118 1309 22 pages page NOUN _003136118 1309 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 1309 24 cover cover VERB _003136118 1309 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1310 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1310 2 " " PUNCT _003136118 1310 3 .opy .opy PROPN _003136118 1310 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1310 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1310 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1310 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1310 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1310 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1310 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1310 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1310 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1310 13 each each PRON _003136118 1310 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1311 1 in in ADP _003136118 1311 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1311 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1311 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1311 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1311 6 per per ADP _003136118 1311 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1311 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1312 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1312 2 marian marian ADJ _003136118 1312 3 vi2'nettes vi2'nette NOUN _003136118 1312 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1312 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1312 6 by by ADP _003136118 1312 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1312 8 . . PROPN _003136118 1312 9 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1312 10 r. r. PROPN _003136118 1312 11 keane keane PROPN _003136118 1312 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1312 13 d.s.m d.s.m PROPN _003136118 1312 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1312 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1312 16 32 32 NUM _003136118 1312 17 pages page NOUN _003136118 1312 18 and and CCONJ _003136118 1312 19 cover cover VERB _003136118 1312 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 1313 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1313 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1313 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1313 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1313 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1313 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1313 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1313 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1313 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1313 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1313 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1313 12 each each PRON _003136118 1313 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1314 1 in in ADP _003136118 1314 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1314 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1314 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1314 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1314 6 per per ADP _003136118 1314 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1314 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1315 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1315 2 the the DET _003136118 1315 3 peace peace NOUN _003136118 1315 4 of of ADP _003136118 1315 5 christ christ PROPN _003136118 1315 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1315 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1315 8 by by ADP _003136118 1315 9 very very ADV _003136118 1315 10 rev rev ADJ _003136118 1315 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1315 12 martin martin PROPN _003136118 1315 13 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1315 14 o'malley o'malley PROPN _003136118 1315 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1315 16 c.m c.m PROPN _003136118 1315 17 . . PROPN _003136118 1315 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1315 19 32 32 NUM _003136118 1315 20 pages page NOUN _003136118 1315 21 and and CCONJ _003136118 1315 22 cover cover VERB _003136118 1315 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1316 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1316 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1316 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1316 4 loc loc PROPN _003136118 1316 5 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1316 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1316 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1316 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1316 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1316 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1316 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1316 12 each each PRON _003136118 1316 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1317 1 in in ADP _003136118 1317 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1317 3 $ $ SYM _003136118 1317 4 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1317 5 per per ADP _003136118 1317 6 100 100 NUM _003136118 1317 7 . . PUNCT _003136118 1318 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1318 2 god god PROPN _003136118 1318 3 's 's PART _003136118 1318 4 world world NOUN _003136118 1318 5 of of ADP _003136118 1318 6 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN _003136118 1318 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1318 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1318 9 by by ADP _003136118 1318 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1318 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1318 12 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1318 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1318 14 john john PROPN _003136118 1318 15 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1318 16 russell russell PROPN _003136118 1318 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1318 18 40 40 NUM _003136118 1318 19 pages page NOUN _003136118 1318 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 1318 21 c'over c'over PROPN _003136118 1318 22 . . PUNCT _003136118 1318 23 single single ADJ _003136118 1318 24 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1318 25 , , PUNCT _003136118 1318 26 l5c l5c ADJ _003136118 1318 27 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1318 28 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1318 29 5 5 NUM _003136118 1318 30 or or CCONJ _003136118 1318 31 more more ADJ _003136118 1318 32 , , PUNCT _003136118 1318 33 8c 8c X _003136118 1318 34 each each PRON _003136118 1318 35 . . PUNCT _003136118 1319 1 in in ADP _003136118 1319 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1319 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1320 1 $ $ SYM _003136118 1320 2 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1320 3 per per ADP _003136118 1320 4 100 100 NUM _003136118 1320 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1321 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1321 2 the the DET _003136118 1321 3 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1321 4 tradition tradition NOUN _003136118 1321 5 in in ADP _003136118 1321 6 literature literature NOUN _003136118 1321 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1321 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1321 9 by by ADP _003136118 1321 10 brother brother PROPN _003136118 1321 11 leo leo PROPN _003136118 1321 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1321 13 f.s.c f.s.c PROPN _003136118 1321 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1321 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1321 16 40 40 NUM _003136118 1321 17 pages page NOUN _003136118 1321 18 and and CCONJ _003136118 1321 19 cover cover VERB _003136118 1321 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 1322 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1322 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1322 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1322 4 l5e l5e PROPN _003136118 1322 5 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1322 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1322 7 6 6 NUM _003136118 1322 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1322 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1322 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1322 11 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1322 12 each each PRON _003136118 1322 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1323 1 in in ADP _003136118 1323 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1323 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1323 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1323 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1323 6 per per ADP _003136118 1323 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1323 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1324 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1324 2 what what PRON _003136118 1324 3 catholics catholic NOUN _003136118 1324 4 do do VERB _003136118 1324 5 at at ADP _003136118 1324 6 mass mass NOUN _003136118 1324 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1324 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1324 9 by by ADP _003136118 1324 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1324 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1324 12 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1324 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1324 14 william william PROPN _003136118 1324 15 h. h. PROPN _003136118 1324 16 russell russell PROPN _003136118 1324 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1324 18 72 72 NUM _003136118 1324 19 pages page NOUN _003136118 1324 20 and and CCONJ _003136118 1324 21 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1324 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 1324 23 including include VERB _003136118 1324 24 study study NOUN _003136118 1324 25 club club NOUN _003136118 1324 26 questions question NOUN _003136118 1324 27 and and CCONJ _003136118 1324 28 suggestions suggestion NOUN _003136118 1324 29 , , PUNCT _003136118 1324 30 and and CCONJ _003136118 1324 31 brief brief ADJ _003136118 1324 32 bibliography bibliography NOUN _003136118 1324 33 . . PUNCT _003136118 1325 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1325 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1325 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1325 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1325 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1325 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1325 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1325 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1325 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1325 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1325 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1325 12 each each PRON _003136118 1325 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1326 1 in in ADP _003136118 1326 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1326 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1326 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1326 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1326 6 per per ADP _003136118 1326 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1326 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1327 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1327 2 prophets prophet NOUN _003136118 1327 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1327 4 kin2 kin2 PROPN _003136118 1327 5 's 's PART _003136118 1327 6 : : PUNCT _003136118 1327 7 great great ADJ _003136118 1327 8 scenes scene NOUN _003136118 1327 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1327 10 great great ADJ _003136118 1327 11 lines line NOUN _003136118 1327 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1327 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 1327 14 by by ADP _003136118 1327 15 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1327 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1327 17 james james PROPN _003136118 1327 18 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1327 19 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1327 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1327 21 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1327 22 . . PROPN _003136118 1327 23 , , PUNCT _003136118 1327 24 96 96 NUM _003136118 1327 25 pages page NOUN _003136118 1327 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 1327 27 cover cover VERB _003136118 1327 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 1328 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1328 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1328 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1328 4 20c 20c PROPN _003136118 1328 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1328 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1328 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1328 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1328 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1328 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1328 11 15c 15c X _003136118 1328 12 each each PRON _003136118 1328 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1329 1 in in ADP _003136118 1329 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1329 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1329 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1329 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _003136118 1329 6 per per ADP _003136118 1329 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1329 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1330 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1330 2 peace peace NOUN _003136118 1330 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1330 4 the the DET _003136118 1330 5 fruit fruit NOUN _003136118 1330 6 of of ADP _003136118 1330 7 justice justice NOUN _003136118 1330 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1330 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1330 10 by by ADP _003136118 1330 11 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1330 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1330 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1330 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1330 15 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1330 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1331 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1331 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1331 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1331 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1331 5 64pages 64page NOUN _003136118 1331 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1331 7 cover cover VERB _003136118 1331 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1332 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1332 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1332 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1332 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1332 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1332 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1332 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1332 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1332 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1332 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1332 11 10 10 NUM _003136118 1332 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 1332 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1333 1 each each PRON _003136118 1333 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 1334 1 in in ADP _003136118 1334 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1334 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1334 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1334 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1334 6 per per ADP _003136118 1334 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1334 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1335 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1335 2 the the DET _003136118 1335 3 seven seven NUM _003136118 1335 4 last last ADJ _003136118 1335 5 words word NOUN _003136118 1335 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1335 7 the the DET _003136118 1335 8 seven seven NUM _003136118 1335 9 virtues virtue NOUN _003136118 1335 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1335 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1335 12 by by ADP _003136118 1335 13 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1335 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1335 15 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1335 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1335 17 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1335 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1336 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1336 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1336 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1336 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1336 5 80 80 NUM _003136118 1336 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1336 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1336 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1336 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1337 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1337 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1337 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1337 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1337 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1337 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1337 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1337 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1337 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1337 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1337 11 10c 10c X _003136118 1337 12 each each PRON _003136118 1337 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1338 1 in in ADP _003136118 1338 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1338 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1338 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1338 5 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1338 6 per per ADP _003136118 1338 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1338 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1339 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1339 2 1930 1930 NUM _003136118 1339 3 - - PUNCT _003136118 1339 4 memories-1940"-the memories-1940"-the NOUN _003136118 1339 5 addresses address NOUN _003136118 1339 6 delivered deliver VERB _003136118 1339 7 in in ADP _003136118 1339 8 the the DET _003136118 1339 9 tenth tenth ADJ _003136118 1339 10 anniversary anniversary NOUN _003136118 1339 11 broadcast broadcast NOUN _003136118 1339 12 of of ADP _003136118 1339 13 the the DET _003136118 1339 14 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1339 15 hour hour NOUN _003136118 1339 16 on on ADP _003136118 1339 17 march march PROPN _003136118 1339 18 3 3 NUM _003136118 1339 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1339 20 1940 1940 NUM _003136118 1339 21 , , PUNCT _003136118 1339 22 together together ADV _003136118 1339 23 with with ADP _003136118 1339 24 congratulatory congratulatory ADJ _003136118 1339 25 messages message NOUN _003136118 1339 26 and and CCONJ _003136118 1339 27 editorials editorial NOUN _003136118 1339 28 . . PUNCT _003136118 1340 1 80 80 NUM _003136118 1340 2 pages page NOUN _003136118 1340 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1340 4 cover cover VERB _003136118 1340 5 . . PUNCT _003136118 1341 1 sinitle sinitle PROPN _003136118 1341 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1341 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1341 4 25 25 NUM _003136118 1341 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1341 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 1342 1 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1342 2 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1342 3 5 5 NUM _003136118 1342 4 or or CCONJ _003136118 1342 5 more more ADJ _003136118 1342 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1342 7 20c 20c X _003136118 1342 8 each each PRON _003136118 1342 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1343 1 in in ADP _003136118 1343 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1343 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1343 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1343 5 11.00 11.00 NUM _003136118 1343 6 per per ADP _003136118 1343 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1343 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1344 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1344 2 what what PRON _003136118 1344 3 kind kind NOUN _003136118 1344 4 of of ADP _003136118 1344 5 a a DET _003136118 1344 6 world world NOUN _003136118 1344 7 do do AUX _003136118 1344 8 you you PRON _003136118 1344 9 want want VERB _003136118 1344 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1344 11 " " PUNCT _003136118 1344 12 by by ADP _003136118 1344 13 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1344 14 . . PROPN _003136118 1344 15 wilfrid wilfrid PROPN _003136118 1344 16 parsons parson NOUN _003136118 1344 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1344 18 s.j s.j PROPN _003136118 1344 19 . . PROPN _003136118 1344 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1344 21 40 40 NUM _003136118 1344 22 pages page NOUN _003136118 1344 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 1344 24 cover cover VERB _003136118 1344 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1345 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1345 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1345 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1345 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1345 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1345 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1345 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1345 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1345 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1345 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1345 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1345 12 each each PRON _003136118 1345 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1346 1 in in ADP _003136118 1346 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1346 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1346 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1346 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1346 6 per per ADP _003136118 1346 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1346 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1347 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1347 2 law law NOUN _003136118 1347 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1347 4 " " PUNCT _003136118 1347 5 by by ADP _003136118 1347 6 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1347 7 . . PROPN _003136118 1347 8 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1347 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1347 10 howard howard PROPN _003136118 1347 11 w. w. PROPN _003136118 1347 12 smith smith PROPN _003136118 1347 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1347 14 40 40 NUM _003136118 1347 15 pages page NOUN _003136118 1347 16 and and CCONJ _003136118 1347 17 cover cover VERB _003136118 1347 18 . . PUNCT _003136118 1348 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1348 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1348 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1348 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1348 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1348 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1348 7 ' ' NUM _003136118 1348 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1348 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1348 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1348 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1348 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1348 13 each each PRON _003136118 1348 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1349 1 in in ADP _003136118 1349 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1349 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1349 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1349 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1349 6 per per ADP _003136118 1349 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1349 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1349 9 uin uin VERB _003136118 1349 10 the the DET _003136118 1349 11 be2'inning be2'inning NOUN _003136118 1349 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1349 13 " " PUNCT _003136118 1349 14 by by ADP _003136118 1349 15 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1349 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1349 17 arthur arthur PROPN _003136118 1349 18 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1349 19 sawkins sawkins PROPN _003136118 1349 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1349 21 40 40 NUM _003136118 1349 22 pa2'es pa2'es NOUN _003136118 1349 23 and and CCONJ _003136118 1349 24 cover cover VERB _003136118 1349 25 . . PUNCT _003136118 1350 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1350 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1350 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1350 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1350 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1350 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1350 7 ' ' NUM _003136118 1350 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1350 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1350 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1350 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1350 12 8c 8c X _003136118 1350 13 ea".h ea".h NOUN _003136118 1350 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1351 1 in in ADP _003136118 1351 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1351 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1351 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1351 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1351 6 per per ADP _003136118 1351 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1351 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1352 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1352 2 the the DET _003136118 1352 3 life life NOUN _003136118 1352 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1352 5 personality personality NOUN _003136118 1352 6 of of ADP _003136118 1352 7 christ christ PROPN _003136118 1352 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1352 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1352 10 by by ADP _003136118 1352 11 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1352 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1352 13 herbert herbert PROPN _003136118 1352 14 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1352 15 gallagher gallagher PROPN _003136118 1352 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 1352 17 o.f.m o.f.m NOUN _003136118 1352 18 . . PROPN _003136118 1352 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1352 20 48 48 NUM _003136118 1352 21 pages page NOUN _003136118 1352 22 and and CCONJ _003136118 1352 23 cover cover VERB _003136118 1352 24 . . PUNCT _003136118 1353 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1353 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1353 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1353 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1353 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1353 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1353 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1353 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1353 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1353 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1353 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1353 12 each each PRON _003136118 1353 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1354 1 · · PUNCT _003136118 1354 2 in in ADP _003136118 1354 3 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1354 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1354 5 $ $ SYM _003136118 1354 6 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1354 7 per per ADP _003136118 1354 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1354 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1355 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1355 2 america america PROPN _003136118 1355 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1355 4 the the DET _003136118 1355 5 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1355 6 church church NOUN _003136118 1355 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1355 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1355 9 by by ADP _003136118 1355 10 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1355 11 . . PROPN _003136118 1355 12 john john PROPN _003136118 1355 13 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1355 14 waide waide PROPN _003136118 1355 15 , , PUNCT _003136118 1355 16 48 48 NUM _003136118 1355 17 pages page NOUN _003136118 1355 18 dnd dnd PROPN _003136118 1355 19 cover cover PROPN _003136118 1355 20 . . PUNCT _003136118 1356 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1356 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1356 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1357 1 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1357 2 ' ' PART _003136118 1357 3 postpaid postpaid NOUN _003136118 1357 4 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1357 5 5 5 NUM _003136118 1357 6 or or CCONJ _003136118 1357 7 more more ADJ _003136118 1357 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1357 9 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1357 10 each each PRON _003136118 1357 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1358 1 in in ADP _003136118 1358 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1358 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1358 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1358 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1358 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1358 7 per per ADP _003136118 1358 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1358 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1359 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1359 2 the the DET _003136118 1359 3 social social ADJ _003136118 1359 4 crisis crisis NOUN _003136118 1359 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1359 6 christian christian ADJ _003136118 1359 7 patriotis patriotis PROPN _003136118 1359 8 m m PROPN _003136118 1359 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1359 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1359 11 by by ADP _003136118 1359 12 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1359 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1359 14 dr dr PROPN _003136118 1359 15 . . PROPN _003136118 1359 16 john john PROPN _003136118 1359 17 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1359 18 cronin cronin PROPN _003136118 1359 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1359 20 8.s 8.s PROPN _003136118 1359 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 1359 22 , , PUNCT _003136118 1359 23 40 40 NUM _003136118 1359 24 pages page NOUN _003136118 1359 25 and and CCONJ _003136118 1359 26 cover cover VERB _003136118 1359 27 . . PUNCT _003136118 1360 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1360 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1360 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1361 1 15c 15c PROPN _003136118 1361 2 postpa postpa PROPN _003136118 1361 3 i i NOUN _003136118 1361 4 d d NOUN _003136118 1361 5 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1361 6 5 5 NUM _003136118 1361 7 or or CCONJ _003136118 1361 8 more more ADJ _003136118 1361 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1361 10 8e 8e NUM _003136118 1361 11 each each DET _003136118 1361 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1362 1 in in ADP _003136118 1362 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1362 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1362 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1362 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1362 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1362 7 per per ADP _003136118 1362 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1362 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1363 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1363 2 missionary missionary ADJ _003136118 1363 3 responsibility responsibility NOUN _003136118 1363 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1363 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1363 6 by by ADP _003136118 1363 7 the the DET _003136118 1363 8 most most ADJ _003136118 1363 9 r r NOUN _003136118 1363 10 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1363 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1364 1 richard richard PROPN _003136118 1364 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1364 3 cushing cushing PROPN _003136118 1364 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1364 5 d.d d.d PROPN _003136118 1364 6 . . PROPN _003136118 1364 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1364 8 ll.d ll.d PROPN _003136118 1364 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1365 1 , , PUNCT _003136118 1365 2 32 32 NUM _003136118 1365 3 pages page NOUN _003136118 1365 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1365 5 cover cover VERB _003136118 1365 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 1366 1 singl singl PROPN _003136118 1366 2 e e PROPN _003136118 1366 3 copy copy NOUN _003136118 1366 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1366 5 ioc ioc VERB _003136118 1366 6 pos pos NOUN _003136118 1366 7 tpaid tpaid VERB _003136118 1366 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1366 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1366 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1366 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1366 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1366 13 be be AUX _003136118 1366 14 each each PRON _003136118 1366 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1367 1 in in ADP _003136118 1367 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1367 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1367 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1367 5 5 5 NUM _003136118 1367 6 . . NUM _003136118 1367 7 50 50 NUM _003136118 1367 8 per per ADP _003136118 1367 9 100 100 NUM _003136118 1367 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1368 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1368 2 crucial crucial ADJ _003136118 1368 3 questions question NOUN _003136118 1368 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1368 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1368 6 by by ADP _003136118 1368 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1368 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1369 1 james james PROPN _003136118 1369 2 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1369 3 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1369 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1369 5 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1369 6 . . PROPN _003136118 1369 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1369 8 64 64 NUM _003136118 1369 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1369 10 and and CCONJ _003136118 1369 11 cover cover VERB _003136118 1369 12 . . PUNCT _003136118 1370 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1370 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1370 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1371 1 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1371 2 postpaid postpaid PROPN _003136118 1371 3 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1371 4 5 5 NUM _003136118 1371 5 or or CCONJ _003136118 1371 6 more more ADJ _003136118 1371 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1371 8 8e 8e X _003136118 1371 9 each each PRON _003136118 1371 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1372 1 in in ADP _003136118 1372 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1372 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1372 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1372 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1372 6 per per ADP _003136118 1372 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1372 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1373 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1373 2 favorite favorite ADJ _003136118 1373 3 texts text NOUN _003136118 1373 4 from from ADP _003136118 1373 5 the the DET _003136118 1373 6 confessions confession NOUN _003136118 1373 7 of of ADP _003136118 1373 8 st st PROPN _003136118 1373 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1373 10 augustine augustine PROPN _003136118 1373 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1373 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 1373 13 by by ADP _003136118 1373 14 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1373 15 . . PROPN _003136118 1373 16 james james PROPN _003136118 1373 17 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1373 18 gilli gilli PROPN _003136118 1373 19 s s PROPN _003136118 1373 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1373 21 c.s c.s PROPN _003136118 1373 22 .p .p PROPN _003136118 1373 23 . . PUNCT _003136118 1373 24 , , PUNCT _003136118 1373 25 64 64 NUM _003136118 1373 26 pages page NOUN _003136118 1373 27 and and CCONJ _003136118 1373 28 cover cover VERB _003136118 1373 29 . . PUNCT _003136118 1374 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1374 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1374 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1374 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1374 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1374 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1374 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1374 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1374 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1374 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1374 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1374 12 10c 10c X _003136118 1374 13 each each PRON _003136118 1374 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1375 1 in in ADP _003136118 1375 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1375 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1375 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1375 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1375 6 per per ADP _003136118 1375 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1375 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1376 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1376 2 war war NOUN _003136118 1376 3 and and CCONJ _003136118 1376 4 guilt guilt NOUN _003136118 1376 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1376 6 " " PUNCT _003136118 1376 7 by by ADP _003136118 1376 8 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1376 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1377 1 r r NOUN _003136118 1377 2 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1377 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1378 1 ms ms PROPN _003136118 1378 2 gr gr PROPN _003136118 1378 3 . . PROPN _003136118 1379 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1379 2 j j PROPN _003136118 1379 3 . . PUNCT _003136118 1380 1 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1380 2 of of ADP _003136118 1380 3 the the DET _003136118 1380 4 catholic catholic ADJ _003136118 1380 5 univers univer NOUN _003136118 1380 6 ity ity NOUN _003136118 1380 7 of of ADP _003136118 1380 8 america america PROPN _003136118 1380 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1380 10 196 196 NUM _003136118 1380 11 pages page NOUN _003136118 1380 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 1380 13 cover cover VERB _003136118 1380 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1381 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1381 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1381 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1381 4 goc goc NOUN _003136118 1381 5 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1381 6 postpaid postpaid NOUN _003136118 1381 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1381 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1381 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1381 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1381 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1381 12 50c 50c X _003136118 1381 13 each each PRON _003136118 1381 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1382 1 in in ADP _003136118 1382 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1382 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1382 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1382 5 32.00 32.00 NUM _003136118 1382 6 per per ADP _003136118 1382 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1382 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1383 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1383 2 the the DET _003136118 1383 3 purposes purpose NOUN _003136118 1383 4 of of ADP _003136118 1383 5 our our PRON _003136118 1383 6 eucharistic eucharistic ADJ _003136118 1383 7 sacrifice sacrifice NOUN _003136118 1383 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1383 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1383 10 by by ADP _003136118 1383 11 r r NOUN _003136118 1383 12 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1383 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1384 1 gerald gerald PROPN _003136118 1384 2 t. t. PROPN _003136118 1384 3 bask bask PROPN _003136118 1384 4 · · PUNCT _003136118 1384 5 field field NOUN _003136118 1384 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1384 7 s.t.d s.t.d PROPN _003136118 1384 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1384 9 , , PUNCT _003136118 1384 10 32 32 NUM _003136118 1384 11 pages page NOUN _003136118 1384 12 and and CCONJ _003136118 1384 13 cover cover VERB _003136118 1384 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1385 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1385 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1385 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1385 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1385 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1385 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1385 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1385 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1385 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1385 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1385 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1385 12 each each PRON _003136118 1385 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1386 1 in in ADP _003136118 1386 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1386 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1386 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1386 5 5 5 NUM _003136118 1386 6 .50 .50 NUM _003136118 1386 7 per per ADP _003136118 1386 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1386 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1387 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1387 2 1'he 1'he NUM _003136118 1387 3 case case NOUN _003136118 1387 4 for for ADP _003136118 1387 5 conscience conscience NOUN _003136118 1387 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1387 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1387 8 by by ADP _003136118 1387 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1387 10 . . PROPN _003136118 1387 11 thomas thomas PROPN _003136118 1387 12 smith smith PROPN _003136118 1387 13 sullivan sullivan PROPN _003136118 1387 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 1387 15 o.m.i o.m.i PROPN _003136118 1387 16 . . PROPN _003136118 1387 17 , , PUNCT _003136118 1387 18 s.t.d s.t.d PROPN _003136118 1387 19 . . PROPN _003136118 1387 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1387 21 32 32 NUM _003136118 1387 22 pages page NOUN _003136118 1387 23 a a DET _003136118 1387 24 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1387 25 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1387 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 1388 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1388 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1388 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1388 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1388 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1388 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1388 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1388 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1388 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1388 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1388 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1388 12 each each PRON _003136118 1388 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1389 1 in in ADP _003136118 1389 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1389 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1389 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1389 5 5.50 5.50 NUM _003136118 1389 6 per per ADP _003136118 1389 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1389 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1390 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1390 2 the the DET _003136118 1390 3 catholi catholi NOUN _003136118 1390 4 c c VERB _003136118 1390 5 notion notion NOUN _003136118 1390 6 of of ADP _003136118 1390 7 faith faith NOUN _003136118 1390 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1390 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1390 10 by by ADP _003136118 1390 11 r r NOUN _003136118 1390 12 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1390 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1391 1 thomas thomas PROPN _003136118 1391 2 n. n. PROPN _003136118 1391 3 o'kane o'kane PROPN _003136118 1391 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1391 5 40 40 NUM _003136118 1391 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1391 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1391 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1391 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1392 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1392 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1392 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1392 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1392 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1392 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1392 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1392 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1392 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1392 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1392 11 bc bc PROPN _003136118 1392 12 each each PRON _003136118 1392 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1393 1 in in ADP _003136118 1393 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1393 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1393 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1393 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1393 6 per per ADP _003136118 1393 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1393 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1394 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1394 2 freedom freedom NOUN _003136118 1394 3 defended defend VERB _003136118 1394 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1394 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1394 6 by by ADP _003136118 1394 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1394 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1395 1 john john PROPN _003136118 1395 2 f. f. PROPN _003136118 1395 3 cronin cronin PROPN _003136118 1395 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1395 5 s.s s.s PROPN _003136118 1395 6 . . PROPN _003136118 1395 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1395 8 ph.d ph.d PROPN _003136118 1395 9 . . PROPN _003136118 1395 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1395 11 32 32 NUM _003136118 1395 12 pages page NOUN _003136118 1395 13 a a DET _003136118 1395 14 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1395 15 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1395 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1396 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1396 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1396 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1396 4 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1396 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1396 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1396 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1396 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1396 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1396 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1396 11 8c 8c X _003136118 1396 12 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1396 13 each each PRON _003136118 1396 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1397 1 in in ADP _003136118 1397 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1397 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1397 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1397 5 5.5 5.5 NUM _003136118 1397 6 0 0 NUM _003136118 1397 7 per per ADP _003136118 1397 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1397 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1398 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1398 2 the the DET _003136118 1398 3 rights right NOUN _003136118 1398 4 of of ADP _003136118 1398 5 the the DET _003136118 1398 6 oppressed oppressed ADJ _003136118 1398 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1398 8 " " PUNCT _003136118 1398 9 by by ADP _003136118 1398 10 rt rt PROPN _003136118 1398 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1398 12 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1398 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1398 14 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1398 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1399 1 martin martin PROPN _003136118 1399 2 j j PROPN _003136118 1399 3 ' ' PROPN _003136118 1399 4 . . PUNCT _003136118 1400 1 o'connor o'connor NOUN _003136118 1400 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1400 3 40 40 NUM _003136118 1400 4 pages page NOUN _003136118 1400 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1400 6 cove cove VERB _003136118 1400 7 r. r. PROPN _003136118 1400 8 single single PROPN _003136118 1400 9 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1400 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1400 11 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1400 12 pos pos PROPN _003136118 1400 13 tpaid tpaid VERB _003136118 1400 14 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1400 15 5 5 NUM _003136118 1400 16 or or CCONJ _003136118 1400 17 more more ADJ _003136118 1400 18 , , PUNCT _003136118 1400 19 bc bc PROPN _003136118 1400 20 each each PRON _003136118 1400 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 1401 1 in in ADP _003136118 1401 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1401 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1401 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1401 5 6 6 NUM _003136118 1401 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1401 7 per per ADP _003136118 1401 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1401 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1401 10 " " PUNCT _003136118 1402 1 the the DET _003136118 1402 2 practical practical ADJ _003136118 1402 3 aspects aspect NOUN _003136118 1402 4 of of ADP _003136118 1402 5 patriotism patriotism NOUN _003136118 1402 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1402 7 " " PUNCT _003136118 1402 8 by by ADP _003136118 1402 9 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1402 10 . . PROPN _003136118 1402 11 george george PROPN _003136118 1402 12 johnson johnson PROPN _003136118 1402 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1402 14 ph.d ph.d PROPN _003136118 1402 15 . . PROPN _003136118 1402 16 , , PUNCT _003136118 1402 17 40 40 NUM _003136118 1402 18 pages page NOUN _003136118 1402 19 and and CCONJ _003136118 1402 20 cover cover VERB _003136118 1402 21 . . PUNCT _003136118 1403 1 singl singl PROPN _003136118 1403 2 e e PROPN _003136118 1403 3 copy copy NOUN _003136118 1403 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1403 5 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1403 6 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1403 7 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1403 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1403 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1403 10 more more ADJ _003136118 1403 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1403 12 be be AUX _003136118 1403 13 ' ' PUNCT _003136118 1403 14 each each PRON _003136118 1403 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1404 1 in in ADP _003136118 1404 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1404 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1404 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1404 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1404 6 pel pel PROPN _003136118 1404 7 ' ' NOUN _003136118 1404 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1404 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1405 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1405 2 what what PRON _003136118 1405 3 is be AUX _003136118 1405 4 wrong wrong ADJ _003136118 1405 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1405 6 how how SCONJ _003136118 1405 7 to to PART _003136118 1405 8 set set VERB _003136118 1405 9 it it PRON _003136118 1405 10 right right ADV _003136118 1405 11 , , PUNCT _003136118 1405 12 " " PUNCT _003136118 1405 13 by by ADP _003136118 1405 14 r r NOUN _003136118 1405 15 ev ev NOUN _003136118 1405 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1406 1 james james PROPN _003136118 1406 2 m. m. PROPN _003136118 1406 3 gillis gillis PROPN _003136118 1406 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1406 5 c.s.p c.s.p PROPN _003136118 1406 6 . . PUNCT _003136118 1406 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1406 8 80 80 NUM _003136118 1406 9 pages page NOUN _003136118 1406 10 a a DET _003136118 1406 11 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1406 12 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1406 13 . . PUNCT _003136118 1407 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1407 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1407 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1407 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1407 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1407 6 pos pos PROPN _003136118 1407 7 tpaid tpaid VERB _003136118 1407 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1407 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1407 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1407 11 more more ADJ _003136118 1407 12 , , PUNCT _003136118 1407 13 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1407 14 eac eac VERB _003136118 1407 15 h. h. PROPN _003136118 1407 16 in in ADP _003136118 1407 17 qua qua PROPN _003136118 1407 18 ntities ntitie NOUN _003136118 1407 19 , , PUNCT _003136118 1407 20 $ $ SYM _003136118 1407 21 8.75 8.75 NUM _003136118 1407 22 per per ADP _003136118 1407 23 100 100 NUM _003136118 1407 24 . . PUNCT _003136118 1408 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1408 2 peace peace NOUN _003136118 1408 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1408 4 " " PUNCT _003136118 1408 5 by by ADP _003136118 1408 6 r r NOUN _003136118 1408 7 t. t. NOUN _003136118 1408 8 r r NOUN _003136118 1408 9 ev ev PROPN _003136118 1408 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1409 1 msgr msgr PROPN _003136118 1409 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 1410 1 fulton fulton PROPN _003136118 1410 2 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1410 3 sheen sheen PROPN _003136118 1410 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1410 5 160 160 NUM _003136118 1410 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1410 7 and and CCONJ _003136118 1410 8 cover cover VERB _003136118 1410 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1411 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1411 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1411 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1411 4 35c 35c NOUN _003136118 1411 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1411 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1411 7 5 5 NUM _003136118 1411 8 or or CCONJ _003136118 1411 9 more more ADJ _003136118 1411 10 , , PUNCT _003136118 1411 11 25c 25c NOUN _003136118 1411 12 eac eac NOUN _003136118 1411 13 h h NOUN _003136118 1411 14 . . PUNCT _003136118 1412 1 in in ADP _003136118 1412 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1412 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1412 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1412 5 17 17 NUM _003136118 1412 6 .00 .00 NUM _003136118 1412 7 per per ADP _003136118 1412 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1412 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1413 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1413 2 christian christian ADJ _003136118 1413 3 heroism heroism NOUN _003136118 1413 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1413 5 " " PUNCT _003136118 1413 6 by by ADP _003136118 1413 7 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1413 8 . . PROPN _003136118 1413 9 robert robert PROPN _003136118 1413 10 j. j. PROPN _003136118 1413 11 slavin~ slavin~ PROPN _003136118 1413 12 a.p a.p PROPN _003136118 1413 13 . . PROPN _003136118 1413 14 , , PUNCT _003136118 1413 15 64 64 NUM _003136118 1413 16 pages page NOUN _003136118 1413 17 and and CCONJ _003136118 1413 18 cover cover VERB _003136118 1413 19 . . PUNCT _003136118 1414 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1414 2 c'opy c'opy PROPN _003136118 1414 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1414 4 20c 20c NOUN _003136118 1414 5 , , PUNCT _003136118 1414 6 pos pos PROPN _003136118 1414 7 tpaid tpaid VERB _003136118 1414 8 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1414 9 5 5 NUM _003136118 1414 10 or or CCONJ _003136118 1414 11 m m NOUN _003136118 1414 12 ore ore NOUN _003136118 1414 13 , , PUNCT _003136118 1414 14 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1414 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1415 1 in in ADP _003136118 1415 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1415 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1415 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1415 5 7.'50 7.'50 NUM _003136118 1415 6 p p NOUN _003136118 1415 7 er er INTJ _003136118 1415 8 100 100 NUM _003136118 1415 9 . . PUNCT _003136118 1416 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1416 2 a a DET _003136118 1416 3 report report NOUN _003136118 1416 4 to to ADP _003136118 1416 5 mothers mother NOUN _003136118 1416 6 and and CCONJ _003136118 1416 7 fathers father NOUN _003136118 1416 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1416 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1416 10 by by ADP _003136118 1416 11 rev rev PROPN _003136118 1416 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1416 13 william william PROPN _003136118 1416 14 a a PROPN _003136118 1416 15 . . PUNCT _003136118 1417 1 maguite maguite PROPN _003136118 1417 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1417 3 chaplain chaplain NOUN _003136118 1417 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1417 5 u. u. PROPN _003136118 1417 6 s. s. PROPN _003136118 1417 7 army army PROPN _003136118 1417 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1417 9 a a DET _003136118 1417 10 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1417 11 rev rev VERB _003136118 1417 12 . . PROPN _003136118 1417 13 christoph christoph PROPN _003136118 1417 14 er er INTJ _003136118 1417 15 e e NOUN _003136118 1417 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1418 1 o'hara o'hara PROPN _003136118 1418 2 , , PUNCT _003136118 1418 3 chaplain chaplain NOUN _003136118 1418 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1418 5 u. u. PROPN _003136118 1418 6 s. s. PROPN _003136118 1418 7 navy navy PROPN _003136118 1418 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1418 9 24 24 NUM _003136118 1418 10 pages page NOUN _003136118 1418 11 and and CCONJ _003136118 1418 12 cove cove VERB _003136118 1418 13 r. r. PROPN _003136118 1418 14 single single ADJ _003136118 1418 15 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1418 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1419 1 15c 15c PROPN _003136118 1419 2 pos pos PROPN _003136118 1419 3 tpaid tpaid VERB _003136118 1419 4 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1419 5 5 5 NUM _003136118 1419 6 or or CCONJ _003136118 1419 7 more more ADJ _003136118 1419 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1419 9 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1419 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1420 1 in in ADP _003136118 1420 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1420 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1420 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1420 5 6.00 6.00 NUM _003136118 1420 6 per per ADP _003136118 1420 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1420 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1421 1 " " PUNCT _003136118 1421 2 the the DET _003136118 1421 3 l l NOUN _003136118 1421 4 iturgy iturgy NOUN _003136118 1421 5 and and CCONJ _003136118 1421 6 the the DET _003136118 1421 7 laity laity NOUN _003136118 1421 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1421 9 " " PUNCT _003136118 1421 10 by by ADP _003136118 1421 11 r r NOUN _003136118 1421 12 e e PROPN _003136118 1421 13 v. v. PROPN _003136118 1421 14 william william PROPN _003136118 1421 15 j j PROPN _003136118 1421 16 . . PUNCT _003136118 1422 1 l l PROPN _003136118 1422 2 a a DET _003136118 1422 3 llou llou PROPN _003136118 1422 4 , , PUNCT _003136118 1422 5 32 32 NUM _003136118 1422 6 pages page NOUN _003136118 1422 7 a a DET _003136118 1422 8 nd nd NOUN _003136118 1422 9 cover cover NOUN _003136118 1422 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1423 1 single single ADJ _003136118 1423 2 copy copy PROPN _003136118 1423 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1423 4 15c 15c NOUN _003136118 1423 5 postpaid postpaid VERB _003136118 1423 6 ; ; PUNCT _003136118 1423 7 ' ' NUM _003136118 1423 8 5 5 NUM _003136118 1423 9 or or CCONJ _003136118 1423 10 more.z more.z NOUN _003136118 1423 11 . . PUNCT _003136118 1424 1 10c 10c NOUN _003136118 1424 2 . . PUNCT _003136118 1425 1 in in ADP _003136118 1425 2 quantities quantity NOUN _003136118 1425 3 , , PUNCT _003136118 1425 4 $ $ SYM _003136118 1425 5 6.50 6.50 NUM _003136118 1425 6 per per ADP _003136118 1425 7 100 100 NUM _003136118 1425 8 . . PUNCT _003136118 1425 9 complete complete ADJ _003136118 1425 10 list list NOUN _003136118 1425 11 of of ADP _003136118 1425 12 108 108 NUM _003136118 1425 13 pamphlets pamphlet NOUN _003136118 1425 14 to to ADP _003136118 1425 15 one one NUM _003136118 1425 16 address address NOUN _003136118 1425 17 in in ADP _003136118 1425 18 u. u. PROPN _003136118 1425 19 s. s. PROPN _003136118 1425 20 , , PUNCT _003136118 1425 21 $ $ SYM _003136118 1425 22 13 13 NUM _003136118 1425 23 .7 .7 NUM _003136118 1425 24 5 5 NUM _003136118 1425 25 postpaid postpaid NOUN _003136118 1425 26 . . PUNCT _003136118 1426 1 price price NOUN _003136118 1426 2 to to ADP _003136118 1426 3 canada canada PROPN _003136118 1426 4 and and CCONJ _003136118 1426 5 foreign foreign ADJ _003136118 1426 6 countries country NOUN _003136118 1426 7 , , PUNCT _003136118 1426 8 $ $ SYM _003136118 1426 9 16.75 16.75 NUM _003136118 1426 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1427 1 address address NOUN _003136118 1427 2 : : PUNCT _003136118 1427 3 our our PRON _003136118 1427 4 sunday sunday PROPN _003136118 1427 5 visitor visitor NOUN _003136118 1427 6 , , PUNCT _003136118 1427 7 huntington huntington PROPN _003136118 1427 8 , , PUNCT _003136118 1427 9 indiana indiana PROPN _003136118 1427 10 . . PUNCT _003136118 1428 1 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 2 - - SYM _003136118 1428 3 001 001 NUM _003136118 1428 4 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 5 - - SYM _003136118 1428 6 002 002 NUM _003136118 1428 7 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 8 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 9 003 003 NUM _003136118 1428 10 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 11 - - SYM _003136118 1428 12 004 004 NUM _003136118 1428 13 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 14 - - SYM _003136118 1428 15 005 005 NUM _003136118 1428 16 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 17 - - SYM _003136118 1428 18 006 006 NUM _003136118 1428 19 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 20 - - SYM _003136118 1428 21 007 007 NUM _003136118 1428 22 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 23 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 24 008 008 NUM _003136118 1428 25 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 26 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 27 009 009 NUM _003136118 1428 28 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 29 - - SYM _003136118 1428 30 010 010 NUM _003136118 1428 31 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 32 - - SYM _003136118 1428 33 011 011 NUM _003136118 1428 34 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 35 - - SYM _003136118 1428 36 012 012 NUM _003136118 1428 37 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 38 - - SYM _003136118 1428 39 013 013 NUM _003136118 1428 40 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 41 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 42 014 014 NUM _003136118 1428 43 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 44 - - SYM _003136118 1428 45 015 015 NUM _003136118 1428 46 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 47 - - SYM _003136118 1428 48 016 016 NUM _003136118 1428 49 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 50 - - SYM _003136118 1428 51 017 017 NUM _003136118 1428 52 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 53 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 54 018 018 NUM _003136118 1428 55 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 56 - - SYM _003136118 1428 57 019 019 NUM _003136118 1428 58 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 59 - - SYM _003136118 1428 60 020 020 NUM _003136118 1428 61 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 62 - - SYM _003136118 1428 63 021 021 NUM _003136118 1428 64 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 65 - - SYM _003136118 1428 66 022 022 NUM _003136118 1428 67 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 68 - - SYM _003136118 1428 69 023 023 NUM _003136118 1428 70 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 71 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 72 024 024 NUM _003136118 1428 73 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 74 - - SYM _003136118 1428 75 025 025 NUM _003136118 1428 76 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 77 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 78 026 026 NUM _003136118 1428 79 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 80 - - SYM _003136118 1428 81 027 027 NUM _003136118 1428 82 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 83 - - SYM _003136118 1428 84 028 028 NUM _003136118 1428 85 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 86 - - SYM _003136118 1428 87 029 029 NUM _003136118 1428 88 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 89 - - SYM _003136118 1428 90 030 030 NUM _003136118 1428 91 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 92 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 93 031 031 NUM _003136118 1428 94 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 95 - - SYM _003136118 1428 96 032 032 NUM _003136118 1428 97 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 98 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 99 033 033 NUM _003136118 1428 100 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 101 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 102 034 034 NUM _003136118 1428 103 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 104 - - PUNCT _003136118 1428 105 035 035 NUM _003136118 1428 106 827198 827198 NUM _003136118 1428 107 - - SYM _003136118 1428 108 036 036 NUM