First Friday and June devotions to the Sacred Heart : novena prayers, ejaculations, and invocations Frida* co\J tJlasig? ct&soH&VfJ to tft* Sac. red_ MA8?S\ (0*>) vv^ DE Vo>. sacred H£° r: i First Friday and June Devotions to the SACRED HEART NOVENA PRAYERS, EJACULATIONS, AND INVOCATIONS The Use of the Raccolta has been granted by Benziger Bros., New York City. Arranged for Congregational Use and Copyrighted by Rev. Charles M. Carty. For copies address FATHERS RUMBLE AND CARTY Radio Replies Press St. Paul 1, Minn., U.S.A. 1 Imprimatur ® Joannes Gregorius Murray Archiepiscopus Sancti Pauli Paulopoli die 6a Julii 1946. 2 CONTENTS Number EJACULATIONS 1-20 LITTLE OFFICE 21 THE LITANY OF THE SACRED HEART 22 HYMNS 23-24 PIOUS PRACTICES 25-27 THE BADGE OF THE SACRED HEART 28 HOLY COMMUNION ON THE FIRST FRIDAY 29 JUNE INDULGENCES 30 CONGREGATIONAL NOVENA PRAYERS 32 ACTS OF REPARATION & CONSECRATION 33-37 PRAYERS FOR A NOVENA OR FIRST FRIDAY HOLY HOUR 38-42 THE HEART OF JESUS IN THE EUCHARIST 43 EJACULATIONS TO THE EUCHA- RISTIC HEART OF JESUS 44-45 3 GENERAL CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR GAIN- ING ALL INDULGENCES 1 — State of Grace. 2 — Intention of gaining the Indulgence. 3 — Accuracy in performance of works enjoined. SPECIAL CONDITIONS USUALLY REQUIRED FOR PLENARY INDULGENCES AND SOME- TIMES FOR PARTIAL INDULGENCES I—Confession. II—Communion. III — Visit to Church or Public Chapel. IV — Prayer according to the Intention of the Holy Father. (The intentions of the Holy Father are: The spread of the Catholic faith, the triumph of Holy Church, the conversion of sinners, peace and union among Christian princes and rulers, and the extirpation of heresy• 4 FIRST FRIDAY AND JUNE DEVOTIONS TO THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS • NOVENA, FIRST FRIDAY, OR JUNE EJACULATIONS, AND INVOCATIONS 1 MAY the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved in iTA every place. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 192. 2 C WEET Heart of my Jesus, grant that I ^ may love Thee more and more. An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions, for the daily and devout repetition of this ejaculation. No. 193. 3 XTEART of Jesus, burning with love for us, set our hearts on fire with love of Thee (Roman Breviary). An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, when this invocation is said with devotion every day for a month. No. 194. 4 Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee! An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions, when its daily recitation is continued for a month. No. 195. 5 5 TESUS, meek and humble of heart, make ” our heart like unto Thy Heart (Roman Breviary). An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions for the devout recitation of this invocation every day. No. 196. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! An indulgence of 300 days. No. 197. 7 F) IVINE Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, deliver the holy souls in purgatory. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 198. 8 GACRED Heart of Jesus, I believe in Thy ^ love for me. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 199. 9 love and thanksgiving be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! /JLORV.u Sacre An indulgence of 300 days. No. 200. 10 Fh HEART of love, I put all my trust in” Thee; for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque). An indulgence of 300 days. 6 A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions, if this invocation is repeated daily with devotion. No. 201. 11 CWEET Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and on our erring brethren. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 202. 12 All for Thee, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 203. 13 gACRED Heart of Jesus, mayest Thou be known, loved and imitated! An indulgence of 300 days once a day. No. 204. 14 Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families. An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions, if this devout invocation is repeated daily. No. 205. 15 Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 206. 16 §ACRED Heart of Jesus, I give myself to Thee through Mary. An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, for the daily repetition of this invocation for a month. No. 207. 7 17 CACHED Heart of Jesus, strengthened in ^ Thine agony by an Angel, strengthen us in our agony. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 208. XJEART of Jesus, I love Thee! Convert all poor blasphemers! An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions, if this invocation is repeated daily with devotion. No. 210. IVfOST Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy iVJl on us. An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, if this invocation is devoutly repeated every day for a month. No. 211. The Little Office 21 faithful who recite devoutly the little v/ffice of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may gain: An indulgence of 7 years. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, provided that they recite it daily for a month. No. 212. 18 of Jesus, let me love Thee and x make Thee loved. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 209. 19 20 8 The Litany of the Sacred Heart 22 T ORD, have mercy on us.^ Christ have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. > God, the Father of Heaven, God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God. Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Ghost in the Virgin Mother’s womb. Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God, Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty, Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God, Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High, Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of Heaven, Heart of Jesus, glowing furnace of charity. Heart of Jesus, vessel of justice and love. Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love. Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise. Heart of Jesus, King and center of all hearts. Heart of Jesus, wherein are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Heart of Jesus, wherein dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead, 9 Have mercy on us Heart of Jesus, in Whom the Father is well pleased. Heart of Jesus, of Whose fulness we have all received. Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills. Heart of Jesus, patient and rich in mercy. Heart of Jesus, rich unto all who call upon Thee, Heart of Jesus, fount of life and holiness, M Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our s offenses, g Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with reproaches, « Heart of Jesus, bruised for our iniquities, g Heart of Jesus, obedient even unto death, £ Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, gj Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation, d Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection, * Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconcilia- tion. Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins, Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in Thee, Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, Heart of Jesus, delight of all Saints, Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,have mercy on us. Priest Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, People: Make our hearts like unto Thine. 10 Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, /look upon the Heart of Thy well-beloved Son / and upon the praise and satisfaction / which He offers unto Thee in the name of sinners; / and do Thou of Thy great goodness / grant them pardon when they seek Thy mercy, / in the name of the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, /who liveth and reigneth with Thee for ever and ever. Amen./ An indulgence of 7 years. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, when this Litany together with its versides and col- lect are devoutly said every day for a month. No. 213. Hymns 23 Cor, area legem continent 0 HEART! thou ark where lies the law, Not of the servitude of old, But that from which we pardon draw, And grace and mercies manifold. Heart, the pure and stainless shrine Where that new covenant has lain: Temple than Salem’s more divine; Veil, better than its veil in twain. With such a wound as must appear Love willed that Thou shouldst wounded be. That we might all the wounds revere. Which love doth bear invisibly. 11 ’Neath this, love’s symbol, suffering twice. Things mystical and bloody both Christ, as a priest, in sacrifice To Heaven uplifted, nothing loth. Who would not love for love repay? What man, redeemed, could love refuse To this Heart, or herein, for aye. His tabernacle fail to choose? Jesu, to Thee be glory given, Who from Thy Heart dost grace outpour; To Father and to Paraclete Be endless praise for ever more. Amen. (Roman Breviary; tr. J. Fitzpatrick). An indulgence of 5 years. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, for the daily recitation of this hymn throughout a month. No. 214. 24 Auctor beats ueculi J ESU! Creator of the world, Of all mankind Redeemer blest. True God of God, in Whom we see Thy Father’s image clear expressed! Thee, Saviour, love alone constrained To make our mortal flesh Thine own. And, as a second Adam, come For the first Adam to atone. That selfsame love which made the sky. Which made the sea and stars, and earth. Took pity on our misery. And broke the bondage of our birth. 12 O Jesus! in Thy Heart divine May that same love forever glow! Forever mercy to mankind From that exhaustless fountain flow! For this the Sacred Heart was pierced, And both with blood and water ran — To cleanse us from the stains of guilt. And be the hope and strength of man. Jesu, to Thee be glory given. Who from Thy Heart dost grace outpour, To Father and to Paraclete Be endless praise for evermore. Amen. (Roman Breviary, tr. E. Caswall). An indulgence of 5 years. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, if this hymn is devoutly recited every day for a month. No. 215. Pious Practices 25 T1 HE faithful who recite the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be together with the invocation Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may love Thee more and more: before an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may gain: An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions, if they perform this act of devotion daily. No. 216. 13 26 'THE faithful who devoutly visit a churchA or public oratory where the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is being celebrated (even though it has been transferred with the consent of the Ordinary) may gain: A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions. No. 217. 27 The faithful who devoutly assist at a pub- lic novena in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, immediately before the Feast or at some other time during the year, may gain: An indulgence of 10 years on any day. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, provided that they assist at this devout exercise on at least five days. Those who at the aforesaid times perform their devotions privately in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the intention of so continuing for nine successive days, may gain: An indulgence of 7 years once each day. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions at the end of the novena; but where this is performed publicly, this indulgence can be gained only by those who are lawfully prevented from taking part in the public exercises. No. 218. 14 28 The Badge of the Sacred Heart THE faithful who devoutly wear a badge A of white wool, suspended from the neck after the manner of a small scapular, with a likeness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus em- broidered thereon or otherwise attached, and with the following, or similar words, printed upon it: Cease, the Heart of Jesus is with us, or even without any inscription at all, if they say Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be, may gain: An indulgence of 5Q0 days, once a day. No. 219. 29 a) THE faithful who receive Holy Com- munion on the First Friday of the month and devoutly assist at the public exer- cises in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may gain: A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions. If they receive Holy Communion on the First Friday, and recite privately some prayers in reparation for the injuries offered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus they may gain: A plenary indulgence provided that they make their confession, visit a church or public oratory and pray for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff. If, however, a public service is held, this latter indul- gence can be gained only by those who are lawfully prevented from assisting at such service. b) The faithful who recite devout prayers of reparation on other Fridays of the year may gain: An indulgence of 7 years once on each Friday.1 No. 220. 15 /30 A Month Dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus ^HE faithful who devoutly take part in public services in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus during the month of June, or some other, according to the prudent judgment of the most Reverend Ordinary, may gain: An indulgence of 10 years on any day of the month. A plenary indulgence, if they are present at these services on at least ten days of the month and, in addition, make their confession, receive Holy Com- munion and pray for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff. Those who perform their devotions pri- vately during such a month may gain: An indulgence of 7 years on any day of the month. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, provided that they perform these devotions daily throughout the month and are lawfully excused from taking part in public exercises where the latter are held. No. 221. Moreover, if the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart is solemnly celebrated, namely, with a sermon either daily or in the form of a retreat (with at least two discourses each day) for a period of eight days, whether in a church, public oratory or semi-public oratory (for those who may lawfully make use of the latter), there is granted: 1® A plenary indulgence for each visit made on the day on which the month is closed, to be gained by those who have been present at ten at least of the sermons and prayers, or have assisted at all the ex- 16 ercises of the retreat (performing their devotions from time to time), if they make their confession, receive Holy Communion and say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be six times at each visit for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff. 2° a) An indulgence of 500 days, for those who perform some work of piety that this devout practice may be more widely spread or receive an increase; b) A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions as often as they receive Holy Communion during the aforesaid month; c) The indult of a personal “privileged” altar on the iinal day of the month, to the preachers and rectors of churches or oratories where the aforesaid service is solemnly held. No. 221. 31 T HE faithful, on any of the five Fridays 1 immediately preceding the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, if they receive Holy Communion, may gain: A plenary indulgence, if they make their confes- sion, visit some church or public oratory and pray for the intentions of the Roman Pontiff. No. 222. Chaplet 32 Priest: O God, make speed to save me; People: O Lord, make haste to help me. Priest: Glory be to the Father, etc. People: As it was in the beginning, etc. Priest and People: I. My most loving Jesus, / when I con- sider Thy tender Heart / ana behold It full of mercy and tenderness toward sinners, / 17 my own heart is filled with joy and confi- dence / that I shall be kindly welcomed by Thee. / Alas, how many times have I sin- ned! / But now, with Peter and with Mag- dalen, f I weep for my sins and detest them j because they offend Thee, who art infinite Goodness. / Ah, mercifully grant me pardon for them all; / and let me die, I ask it through Thy Sacred Heart, / let me die rather than offend Thee again; / at least let me live only to love Thee in return. / Our Father once and Glory be five times. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, Make me love Thee ever more and more. H. My Jesus, I bless Thy most humble Heart, / and I give Thee thanks that, / in giving It to me to be my example, / not only dost Thou urge me with strong pleadings to imitate It, / but even at the cost of Thine own great humiliations, / Thou dost point out and make plain to me the way of sal- vation. / Fool and ingrate that I am, / how far have I gone astray! / Pardon me; ( no longer shall pride rule in me, / but with a humble heart will I follow Thee / through the midst of tribulations and thus obtain my peace and salvation. / Do Thou give me strength and I wUl bless Thy Sacred Heart for ever. / Our Father once and Glory be five times. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, Make me love Thee ever more and more. 18 III. My Jesus, I am filled with admira- tion / at the exceeding patience of Thy Sacred Heart, /and I thank Thee for having given us so many wondrous examples of un- wearied patience. / It grieves me that these Thine examples / reproach me in vain for my excessive delicacy, / shrinking as I do from the slightest pain. / O my dear Jesus, pour into my heart / a fervent and abiding love of tribulations, / of crosses, of mortifi- cation and penance, / so that, by following Thy footsteps to Calvary, / I may likewise come with Thee to the joys of paradise. / Our Father once and Glory be five times. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, Make me love Thee ever more and more. IV. At the sight of the great meekness of Thy Heart, / dear Jesus, I shudder at my own, so unlike to Thine. / Unhappily I am disquited and complain even at a hint, / a gesture, a word that thwarts me! / Ah, par- don all my violence, / and give me the grace henceforward / to imitate in every contra- diction Thine own unchanging meekness, / thus to enjoy a perpetual and holy peace. / Our Father once and Glory be five times. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, Make me love Thee ever more and more. V. Let all men sing the praises, / O Jesus, of Thy most generous Heart, / the Con- queror of death and hell, / for well It merits 19 every praise. / I am more than ever ashamed / when I behold my own heart so cowardly / that it trembles at every idle word out of human respect;/ but it shall be so no longer;/ from Thee I implore strength so courageous, / that after fighting and con- quering on earth,/ I may hereafter triumph joyfully with Thee in heaven./ Our Father once and Glory be five times. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, Make me love Thee ever more and more. Let us turn to Mary, dedicating ourselves yet more and more to her, and filled with confidence in her maternal heart let us say to her: Through the high worth of thy most sweet Heart, / obtain for me, O mighty Mother of God and my Mother, / a true and lasting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus thy Son; / to the end that I may take up my abode, / with all my thoughts and affections, in that Sacred Heart, / and may faithfully fulfil my every duty, / and serve Jesus with a ready heart every day of my life, / and especially this present day. / Priest: Heart of Jesus, burning with love of us. People: Make our hearts to burn with love of Thee. Let us pray. May Thy Holy Spirit, we beseech Thee, O 20 Lord, / enkindle in us that fire which our Lord Jesus Christ sent upon the earth / from the innermost recesses of His Sacred Heart, / and which He willed should burn with exceeding warmth: / Who liveth and reigneth with Thee / in the unity of the same Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. / An indulgence of 7 years. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this chaplet throughout one month. No. 223. Acts of Reparation and Consecration 33 A SWEETEST Jesus, / Thou dost pour forth Thy love abundantly on men, / while they repay Thee most ungratefully with neglect, indifference and contempt. / Behold us humbly kneeling before Thine altar (outside a church or oratory say: in Thy presence) ; / by a special act of hom- age / we would fain repair this heartless ingratitude on the part of men, / and the manifold injuries that are everywhere done to Thy most loving Heart. Yet we are not unmindful that we, too, / have had our part in this unworthy be- havior; / therefore are we moved to deep contrition, / and, above all, we beg Thy mercy for ourselves; / we are ready to atone, by this voluntary act of expiation, / for the crimes which we ourselves have commit- ted, / as also for the sins of those who, / 21 straying far from the way of salvation, either refuse, in the blindness of their unbelief, / to follow Thee, the Shepherd and Guide of their souls, / or who trample upon the vows of their Baptism / and shake off the sweet yoke of Thy law. / Not only are we anxious to expiate all these deplorable crimes, / but in an especial manner do we purpose to make reparation for these offenses: / immodesty and shame* ful excesses in life and dress; / the many snares of corruption laid for the souls of the ' innocent; / the neglect of holydays; / the hateful blasphemies that are hurled against Thee and Thy Saints; / the reproaches ut- tered against Thy Vicar on earth / and all the priestly order; / the neglect also, of the very Sacrament of Thy love, / as well as its ' profanation by horrifying sacrilege; / and finally the public sins of the nations in re- bellion against the just rights / and the teaching authority of the Church established by Thee. / Would that we were able to atone / for all these outrages even to the shedding of our blood! / Meanwhile, in order to atone for the violations of the honor due to Thee, / we offer unto Thee that selfsame satisfac- tion / which of old Thou didst offer to the Father / upon the holy Cross / and which from day to day Thou dost continually re- new / upon the altars of Thy Church. / To this we add the expiatory merits of Thy Virgin Mother, / of all Thy Saints and of the 22 devout faithful upon earth. / With all our hearts we promise to atone, / Thy grace assisting us, / for our own past sins > and those of all other men, / as also for our cold- ness towards Thine exceeding great love, / by a firm faith, spotless purity of life and the perfect fulfilment, / so far as in us lies, / of the law of the Gospel, / and in particular of the precept of charity. / We likewise pledge ourselves / in accord- ance with our strength / to prevent such injuries from being done to Thee, / and to invite as many as we can to follow Thee. / Accept, we pray Thee, most gracious Jesus, / through the intercession of Our Lady of Reparation, / this our free-will offering of reparation, / and be Thou pleased to keen us, / by the great gift of final perseverance, / faithful even unto death in our dutiful service of Thee, / so that in the end we may all come to that our true native land, / where Thou, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, / livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen. An indulgence of 5 years. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions, for the daily recitation of this prayer, on condition of confession. Communion and a visit to some church or public oratory. No. 224. The faithful, moreover, who, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, assist at this same act of reparation, adding thereto the Litany of the Sacred Heart, in any church or oratory, even semi-public (for those who 23 lawfully frequent it), in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament solemnly exposed, may gain: An indulgence of 7 years. A plenary indulgence, provided that they atone for their sins in sacramental confession and partake of the Eucharistic Table. No. 224. 34 An Act of Reparation and Consecration Priest and People: O most merciful Heart of Jesus, divine^ mercy-seat, / for whose sake the Eternal Father / has promised that He would always hear our prayers! / I unite myself to Thee in offering to Thine Eternal Father / this poor and needy heart of mine, / contrite and humbled in His divine presence, / and desirous of making a com- plete reparation for the offenses that are committed against Him,/especially those which Thou dost continually suffer in the Holy Eucharist, / and more particularly those which I myself have unhappily so often committed. / Would that I could wash them away with my tears, / O Sacred Heart of Jesus, / and blot out with my own heart’s blood / the ingratitude wherewith we have repaid Thy tender love. / I unite my sorrow, slight as it is, with the mortal agony / which caused Thy sweat to become as drops of blood / in the Garden of Olives at the very thought of our sins. / Do Thou offer it, dear 24 Lord, / to Thine Eternal Father in union with Thy Sacred Heart. / Render Him in- finite thanks for the manifold blessings / which He constantly showers upon us, / and let Thy love supply for our want of thank- fulness and remembrance. / Grant me grace always to present myself / in a spirit of deepest reverence before the face of Thy divine Majesty, / in order thus to repair in some measure the irreverences and out- rages / which I have dared to commit before Thee; / grant also, that from this day forth, / I may devote myself with all my might to drawing, / both by word and ex- ample, / many souls to know Thee and to experience the riches of Thy Heart. / From this moment I offer and dedicate myself / wholly to propagating the honor due to Thy most sweet Sacred Heart. / 1 choose It as the object of all my affections and desires, / and from this hour forevermore I set up in It my perpetual abode, / thanking, adoring and loving It with all my heart, / inasmuch as It is the Heart of my Jesus, / who is worthy to be loved, / the Heart of my King and sovereign Lord, / the Bridegroom of my soul, my Shepherd and Master, my truest Friend, / my loving Father, my sure Guide, my unfailing protection and my everlasting blessedness. Amen. / An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily repetition of this prayer. No. 225. 25 35 An Act of Consecration a) IN . . . N . . . give myself and conse-A crate to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, / my person and my life, my actions, pains and sufferings,/ so that I may be unwilling to make use of any part of my being / save to honor, love and glorify the Sacred Heart, / This is my unchanging purpose, namely, / to be all His, and to do all things for the love of Him, / at the same time renouncing with all my heart / whatever is displeasing to Him. / . I therefore take Thee, O Sacred Heart, to be the only object of my love, / the guardian of my life, my assurance of salvation, / the remedy of my weakness and inconstancy, / the atonement for all the faults of my life / and my sure refuge at the hour of death. / Be then, O Heart of goodness, my justifi- cation before God Thy Father, / and turn away from me the shafts of His righteous anger. / O Heart of love, I put all my con- fidence in Thee, / for I fear everything from my own wickedness and frailty, 7 but I hope for all things from Thy goodness and bounty. / Do Thou consume in me all that can dis- please Thee or resist Thy holy will; / let Thy pure love imprint Thee so deeply upon my 26 heart, / that I shall nevermore be able to forget Thee or to be separated from Thee;/ may I obtain from all Thy loving kindness/ the grace of having my name written in Thee, / for in Thee I desire to place all my happiness and all my glory, / living and dying in very bondage to Thee. (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque). An indulgence of 3 years. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer. No. 226. 36 b) Y most loving Jesns, I consecrate my- iTA self to-day / anew and without re- serve to Thy divine Heart. / I consecrate to Thee my body with all its senses, / my soul with all its faculties, / and in short, my en- tire being. / I consecrate to Thee all my thoughts, words and deeds; / all my suffer- ings and labors; / all my hopes, consolations and joys; / and chiefly do I consecrate to Thee this poor heart of mine, / to the end that it may love nothing save only Thee, 7 and may be consumed as a victim in the fire of Thy love. / Accept, O Jesus, Thou dearest Spouse of my soul, / the desire which I have of consoling Thy divine Heart, / and of be- longing to Thee for ever. / Take possession of me in such wise / that from this day forth I may have no other freedom, / save that of loving Thee, / and no other life, save that of 27 suffering and dying for Thee; / I put my trust in Thee without reserve, / and I hope for the remission of my sins through Thine in- finite bounty. / I place within Thy hands all my cares and anxieties, / especially as touch- ing my eternal salvation. / I promise to love Thee and honor Thee to the last moment of my life, / and to spread, as much as I can, / the worship of Thy most Sacred Heart. / Dispose of me, my Jesus, according to Thy good pleasure; / I would have no other re- ward save Thy greater glory and Thy holy love. / Grant me grace to find my home in Thy divine Heart; / here would I pass every day of my life; / here would I breathe forth my last breath; / only do Thou establish in ihy heart Thy dwelling place, / the seat of Thy rest, in order that we may thus remain inseparably united; / and so may I one day be able to praise Thee, / love Thee and pos- sess Thee for ever in the kingdom of heaven, / where I shall sing without end the infinite mercies of Thy Sacred Heart. / An indulgence of 500 days once a day. No. 227. 37 c MY l°v*n£ Jesus, out of the grateful love I bear Thee, / and to make rep- aration for my unfaithfulness to grace, / I give Thee my heart, and I consecrate my- self wholly to Thee; / and with Thy help I purpose to sin no more./ The faithful who devoutly recite this act 28 of consecration before an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may obtain: An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions for its daily recitation. No. 228. 38 PRAYERS FOR A NOVENA OR FIRST FRIDAY HOLY HOUR A DIVINE Heart of Jesus, grant, I pray^ Thee, / eternal rest to the souls in pur- gatory, / the grace of perseverance to those who are about to die this day, / true repent- ance to sinners, / the light of faith to pagans, / and Thy blessing to me and to all who are dear to me. / To Thee, therefore, O most loving Heart of Jesus, / I commend all these souls, / and in their behalf I offer unto Thee / all Thy merits in union with the merits of Thy most blessed Mother / and of all the Angels and Saints, / together with all the Masses, Communions, prayers and good works / which are this day being offered throughout Christendom. / An indulgence of 500 days. No. 229. 39 0 MOST Holy Heart of Jesus, / shower Thy blessings in abundant measure upon Thy holy Church, / upon the Supreme Pontiff and upon all the clergy; / to the just grant perseverance; / convert sinners; / enlighten 29 unbelievers; / bless our relations, friends and benefactors; / assist the dying; / deliver the holy souls in purgatory; / ana extend over all hearts the sweet empire of Thy love. Amen. / An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer. No. 230. 40 0 MOST holy Heart of Jesus, / fountain of every blessing, I adore Thee, / I love Thee, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, / 1 offer Thee this poor heart of mine. / Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedi- ent to Thy will. / Grant, good Jesu, that I may live in Thee and for Thee. / Protect me in the midst of danger; / comfort me in my afflictions; / give me health of body, / as- sistance in my temporal needs, / Thy bless- ing on all that I do, / and the grace of a holy death. / An indulgence of 500 days. No. 231. 41 J HAIL Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, / living and life-giving fountain of eternal life, / infinite treasure of divinity, / glowing furnace of divine love, / Thou art my place of rest and my most sure refuge. / My dear Saviour, enkindle my heart with that burn- ing love / wherewith Thine own is on fire; / 30 pour into my heart the manifold graces, / of which Thy Heart is the source; / let Thy will be mine, / and let mine be forever obedient to Thine; / for I desire that in fu- ture / Thy holy will may be the rule of all my desires and actions. Amen. / An indulgence of 500 days. No. 232. 42 A GOD, Who dost deign mercifully / tov bestow upon us infinite treasures of love in the Heart of Thy Son, /which was wound- ed for our sins; /grant, we beseech Thee, / that we who pay Him the devout homage of our piety, / may in like manner perform works of worthy satisfaction. / Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. / (Roman Missal). An indulgence of 5 years. A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer through an entire month. No. 233. 43 ARANT, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, /that we who glory in the Most Sacred Heart of Thy dear Son /and call to mind the chief benefits of His love toward us, / may find equal joy in their doing / and in their saving effect. / Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. / An indulgence of 5 years. A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the devout repetition of this prayer daily for a month. No. 234. 31 The Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist rp HE worship of the Most Sacred Heart of 1 Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is not to be understood as being substantially different from that which has long been paid by the Church to the Sacred Heart Itself, but only as a peculiar manifestation of veneration, love, gratitude and submission because of that act of highest love whereby the most loving Heart of Jesus instituted the adorable Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, thus re* maining with us even to the end of the world. EJACULATIONS AND INVOCATIONS TO THE HEART OF JESUS IN THE EUCHARIST 44 FUCHARISTIC Heart of Jesus, on fire with^ love of us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee! An indulgence of 300 days. No. 235. 45 T ET us adore, thank, pray to and console, in the company of Mary Immaculate, the most sacred and well-beloved Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist! An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this invocation. No. 236. 32 46 TJ LESSED be the Most Sacred Heart of 13 Jesus in the Holy Eucharist! An indulgence of 300 days. No. 237. 47 tj1 UCHARISTIC Heart of Jesus, Pattern of the priestly heart, have mercy on us. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 238. 48 UCHARISTIC Heart of Jesus, have mercy^ on us. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 239. 49 T>RAISED and blessed be the Sacred Heart and the Precious Blood of Jesus, in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar! An indulgence of 300 days. No. 240. 50 T>RAISED be the Most Sacred Heart of A Jesus in the most holy Sacrament! An indulgence of 300 days. No. 241. 33 51 |?UCHARISTIC Heart of Jesus, increase in us faith, hope and charity! An indulgence of 300 days. No. 242. 52 jP UCHARISTIC Heart of Jesus, furnace of^ divine charity, give peace to the world. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 243. 53 T ADORE Thee, O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 244. 54 T OVE and honor and glory be to the Eu- charistic Heart of Jesus! An indulgence of 300 days. No. 245. 55 Til AY the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus be praised and adored, loved and thanked at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time. Amen. An indulgence of 300 days. No. 246. 34 PAMI4TKA MISJI Sw. Udzielonej przez OO. Redemptorystow OBFITE U NIEGO ODKUPIENIE. Celem tej Pamigtki Jest utrwalenie owocow Misji sw. Zachowaj jg w mod- litewniku. Cz§sto J3 czytaj, przypomi- naj$c sobie dobre postanowienia. JAK PRZEPJIDZlC DZIEtf W SPOSOB CHRZE§CIJAtfSKI RANO 1. Skoro si? obudzisz, przezegnaj si? i mow: Jezus, Marja, Jozef, warn od- daj? serce i dusz? mojg. 2. Wstan spiesznie, ubierz si?, u- kl?knij i mow: O Boze moj, wielbi? Ci? i kocham z catego serca. Dzi?kuj? Ci za wszystkie dobrodziejstwa. Ofiaruj? Ci wszystkie mysli, stowa i uczynki dnia dzisiejszego. 3. Zmow trzy Zdrowas Marjo na czesc Niepokalanej Marji Panny. 4. Jezeli ci czas pozwoli, dodaj Ojcze nasz, Zdrowas Marjo, Wierz? w Boga i akt skruchy. W CIAGU DNIA 1. Zabierajgc si? do pracy, wes- tchnij: Wszystko dla Ciebie, Panie! 2. Gdy ci? cos do gniewu pobudza, mow: O moj Jezu, daj mi cierpliwosc! 3. W czasie pokusy do nieczystosci, mow: Jezus, Marja, Jozef ratujcie mnie. Odwroc mysl od pokusy. 4. Modi si? przed jedzeniem i po je- dzeniu, jak w ksigzcei, lub zmow Zdro- was Marjo. 5. Jezeli zgrzeszytes, zafuj natycli- miast i pros Boga o przebaczenie. WIECZOREM 1. Udaj si? na spoczynek w czasie stosownym. Przedtem ukl?knij, prze- zegnaj si? i mow: O moj Boze, daj mi task? abym poznat czem Ci? dzis obra- zitem, i udziel mi skruchy doskonatej za grzechy moje. 2. Zbadaj sumienie, abys poznat w czem zgrzeszyles w ciggu dnia, a po- tem wzbudz akty nast§pujgce: AKT W I ARY. O Boze m6j, wierz? mocno we wszystko co sw. Kosciot Katolicki naucza, bo Ty, nieskonczona Prawdo, jemu to objawiies. AKT NADZIEJI. O Boze moj, ufa- jgc w dobroci i obietnicach Twoich, spodziewam si§ odpuszczenia grzechow moich, pomocy Twojej taski i zbawie- nia wiecznego, przez zastugi Jezusa Chrystusa. AKT MILOSCI. O Boze moj, mituje Ci§ z cafego serca i z catej duszy, bo Tys nieskonczona Dobroc; a z mitosci ku Tobie mituj§ blizniego mojego jako siebie samego. AKT SKRUCHY. O Boze moj. ser- decznie zafuj§ za wszystkie moje grze- chy zem Ci§ obrazit, a przez to niebo utracit i na piekto zastuzyt. Ale naj- wi§cej zatuj§ zem Ciebie, Dobro nie- skoriczone, obrazit. Mocno sobie posta- nawiam wi§cej nie grzeszyc, pokuto- wac, i wszelkiej okazji do grzechu uni- kac. 3. Zmow trzy Zdrowas Marjo na czesc NiepokalaneJ Marji Panny. 4. Przezegnaj si§ wod$ swi§cong i udaj si§ na spoczynek. 5. B§dgc w tozku, mow: Trzeba mi umrzec, a nie wiem kiedy, nie wiem gdzie, nie wiem jak, ale to wiem, ze je- zeli umr§ w grzechu smiertelnym, be- ds pot§piony na wieki. Gdybys byt w grzechu smiertelnym, wzbudz skruch§ doskonatg i postanow czempredzej si? wyspowiadac. Srodki wytrwaloSci 1. Unikaj okazji do grzechu, to Jest wszystkich osob, miejsc i rzeczy ktore zwykle do grzechu prowadza- 2. Badz umiarkowanym w uzywaniu trunkow. Wstrzymaj si§ od nich zu- petnie jezeli sa szkodliwe dla ciebie, dla rodziny, lub dla innych. 3. Badz odwaznym w sipelnianiu obo- wiazkow chrzescijanskich ; Boga jedy- nie si§ boj. 4. cwicz si§ w modlitwie. 5. Cz§sto przyjmuj Sakramenta sw. 6. Poboznie wystuchaj Mszy sw. w Niedziel? i swi§ta obowiazkowe, i stu- chaj Stowa Bozego jak cz§sto tylko mozesz. 7. Miej prawdziwe nabozeristwo do Najsw. Marji Panny, i o ile mozna, co- dziennie odmawiaj Rozaniec. CO KAZDY CHRZESCIJANIN WIEDZIEC MUSI 1. Jest jeden Bog. 2. Bog wynagradza sprawiedliwych w niebie i karze grzesznych w piekle przez cata wiecznosc. 3. W Bogu sa trzy Osoby: Ojciec, Syn i Duch swi§ty. 4. Druga Osoba, to jest Syn Bozy, stat si§ cztowiekiem i umart na krzy- zu aby nas zbawic z grzechu i piekta. JEDNEGO TYLKO POTRZEBA, ZBAW DUSZ£ TWOJA! Sw. Alfonsie, m6dl si§ za namil II Invocations With An Act of Oblation 56 TTEART of Jesns in the Eucharist, sweetu Companion of our exile, I adore Thee: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Heart solitary. Heart humiliated. Heart abandoned, Heart forgotten, Heart despised, Heart outraged, Heart ignored by men, Heart, lover of our hearts. Heart pleading for love. Heart patient in waiting for us, Heart eager to hear our prayers. Heart desirous that we should pray to Thee, Heart, source of fresh graces. Heart silent, desiring to speak to souls, Heart, sweet refuge of the hidden life. Heart, teacher of the secrets of union with God, Heart of Him who sleeps, yet ever watches, Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Jesus Victim, I wish to comfort Thee; / I unite myself to Thee, / I offer myself in union with Thee; / 1 count myself as nothing before Thee; / 1 desire to forget myself in order to think of Thee, / to be forgotten and despised for love of Thee/not to be under- stood, not to be loved except by Thee. / I will hold my peaee that I may listen to Thee, / 1 will forsake myself that I may lose my- self in Thee. / 35 Grant that thus I may slake Thy thirst for my salvation, / Thy burning thirst for my sanctification, / and that, being purified, / I may bestow on Thee a pure and true love. / I would no longer weary Thine expecta- tion; / take me, I give myself to Thee./ I entrust to Thee all my actions, / my mind that Thou mayest enlighten it, / my heart that Thou mayest direct it,/ my will that Thou mayest establish it, / my misery that Thou mayest relieve it, / my soul and my body that Thou mayest feed them. / Eucharistic Heart of my Jesus, / whose Blood is the life of my soul, / may it be no longer I that live, / but Thou alone who livest in me. Amen. / An indulgence of 500 days. No. 247. Ill A Consecration 57 T ESUS, adorable Master, hidden in Thy ** Sacrament of love, / Thou who abidest with me to comfort my exile, / could I re- fuse to devote myself to comforting Thee in Thine? / O Thou, who givest me Thy Heart, / how can I refuse to give Thee mine? J To give myself to Thee is truly to my own advantage, / since it is to find for myself the inestimable treasure of a Heart, / so loving, unselfish and faithful, / even as I would wish my own to be. / Even so I can give 36 nothing and yet I am always receiving! / Lord, I could never vie with Thee in gen- erosity, / but I love Thee; / deign to accept graciously my poor heart, / and although it be worthless, / yet since Thou dost love it, / it may become something by Thy grace. / Make it good and have it in Thy keeping. / Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, / I consecrate to Thee all the faculties of my soul, / all the powers of my body; / I would strive to know Thee and love Thee ever more and more, / in order to make Thee better known and loved; / I would act only for Thy glory, / I would do only the will of Thy Father. / I consecrate to Thee every moment of my life / in a spirit of adoration before Thy real presence, / in a spirit of thanksgiving for this incomparable gift, / in a spirit of reparation for all our cruel indifference, / in a spirit of unceasing supplication that our prayers, / being offered through Thee, with Thee and in Thee, / may rise purified and enriched to the throne of God’s mercy unto His eternal glory. Amen. / An indulgence of 500 days. No. 248. IV Prayer for Amendment of Life 58 EUCHARISTIC Heart of my God, / breath- ing and throbbing under the veil of the sacred species, I adore Thee. / Moved to fresh love by the immense bless- ing of the divine Eucharist, / and penetrated 37 with sorrow for my ingratitude, / I humble myself profoundly when I consider the depths of my misery,/ but I abandon it to the still greater depths of Thy mercies. Thou hast chosen me from my youth,/ Thou hast not despised mine infirmity; / entering into my poor heart,/ Thou comest to invite me to an exchange of love,/ and givest me happiness and peace./ And I, for my part, have lost all because I have been unfaithful, O Lord Jesus. / I have suffered my mind to go astray, / and my heart to grow cold; / have listened to my own voice and have forgotten Thee. / Thou wouldst have been my guide, / my counselor, the protector of my life, / whilst I, suffering my passions to deafen me to Thy loving call, / have failed to hear it, and have forgotten Thee. / In the midst of the salutary trials of our probation, / in the joys of consolation, / in all my difficulties and necessities, / instead of going to Thee, / I have sought creatures and have forgotten Thee. / I have forgotten Thee in Thy forsaken tabernacles / where Thy love languishes, / in the churches of the city where men insult Thee, / in indifferent and sacrilegious hearts and even in my own sinful heart, / O Jesus, both at the very moment of going up to receive Thee / and after having received Thee. / Eucharistic Heart of my Saviour, / joy of my first Communion / and of the days when 38 I was faithful, / I give myself to Thee; / return once more, draw me to Thyself anew, / forgive me even this time, / and I will expiate all by loving Thee. / Blessed Archangel Saint Michael and thou, / well-beloved Saint John, / offer up to God my act of reparation and be pro- pitious unto me. Amen. / An indulgence of 500 days. No. 249. V Prayer 59 A EUCHARISTIC Heart, O sovereign lovev of the Lord Jesus, / who didst institute this venerable Sacrament / in order to re- main here below in our midst / and to give to our souls Thy Flesh as meat / and Thy Blood as heavenly drink; / we firmly be- lieve, Lord Jesus, / in Thy supreme love which instituted the Holy Eucharist; / and here, before this sacred Host, / it is most meet that we should adore this love of Thine, / that we should praise and exalt it as the great source of life in Thy Church. / This love of Thine is for us a pressing in- vitation; / for Thou seemest to say to us: “See how much I have loved you! / In giv- ing you My Flesh to eat and My Blood to drink, / I desire by this union to awaken your charity and unite you to Myself; / I desire to transform your souls into Me, / the Crucified One, into Me, the Bread of 39 eternal life; / so give Me your hearts, live in My life, / and you shall live in God.” / We acknowledge, O Lord, / that such is the appeal of Thy Eucharistic Heart / and for it we give Thee hearty thanks. / Our hearts are ready, / yea, our hearts are ready to accept Thine invitation. / Give us the grace of being penetrated through and through by that supreme love, / wherewith Thou didst invite us, / even before Thy sacred passion, / to take and eat Thy holy Body. / Engrave deeply within our hearts the firm purpose of being ever faithful to Thy loving invita- tion. / Grant us such devotion and reverence as are needful to honor / and receive worthily the precious gift of Thy Eucha- ristic Heart, / the gift of Thy dying love. / Would that we were able thus, by the help of Thy grace, / to celebrate fruitfully the memorial of Thy passion, / to make due reparation for our offenses and our luke- warmness, / to nourish and increase our love for Thee, / and to preserve ever-living within our hearts and seed of a blessed eternity. Amen. / An indulgence of 5 years, when said in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed to the adoration of the faithful in any church, public or semi-public oratory (in the case of those who may lawfully use the latter). A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions to those who recite this prayer daily in any place they may choose and who each week adore the Blessed Sacrament exposed, as above, for a certain space of time. No. 250. 40 Litany of Reparation 17 OR the forgetfulness and ingratitudeA of men, For the way Thou art deserted in Thy Tabernacle, For the crimes of sinners. For the blasphemies uttered against Thee, For the sacrileges which profane Thy Sacrament of Love, For the coldness of the greater part of Thy children. For the abuse of Thy grace, For our own unfaithfulness. For the incomprehensible hardness of our hearts, For our long delay in loving Thee, For Thy bitter sadness at the loss of souls. For Thy long waiting at the door of our hearts, For Thy loving sighs, For Thy loving tears. For Thy loving imprisonment. For Thy loving death. 41 We will console Thee, O Lord. O Jesus, Divine Savior, / from Whose Heart came forth this bitter complaint: / “I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none, / and for one that would comfort me, / and I found none,” / graciously accept the feeble con- solation we offer Thee, / and aid us so powerfully by Thy grace, / that we may for the time to come shun more and more / all that can displease Thee, / and prove our- selves in everything, /everywhere, and for- ever, / Thy most faithful and devoted chil- dren. / Act of Reparation A SWEET Jesus, Whose overflowing char-v ity for men / is requited by so much for- getfulness, / negligence and contempt, / be- hold us prostrate before Thy altar, / eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries, / to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject. / Mindful, alas, that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, / which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, / we humbly ask Thy pardon / and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation / not only for our own personal offenses; / but also for the sins of those, / who, straying far from the path of salva- tion, / refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow Thee, / their Shepherd and Leader, / 42 or, renouncing the vows of their Baptism, / have cast off the sweet yoke of Thy law. / We are now resolved to expiate / each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; / we are determined to make amends j for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty / in unbecoming dress and behavior, / for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, / for the frequent violation of Sundays and holydays, / and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy Saints. / We wish also to make amends for the insults / to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy priests are subjected, / for the profanation, / by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacri- lege, j of the very Sacrament of Thy Divine love; / and lastly for the public crimes of nations, j who resist the rights and the teaching authority of the Church which Thou hast founded. / Would, O Divine Jesus, / we were able to wash away such abominations with our blood, j We now offer, in reparation for these violations of Thy Divine honor, / the satisfaction Thou didst once make to Thy eternal Father on the Cross / and which Thou dost continue to renew daily on our altars; / we offer it in union with the acts of atonement of Thy Virgin Mother / and all the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; / and we sincerely promise to make recompense, / as far as we can with the help of Thy grace, / for all neglect of Thy great 43 love and for the sins / we and others have committed in the past. / Henceforth we will live a life of unwavering faith, / of purity of conduct, / of perfect observance of the precepts of the Gospel and especially that of charity. / We promise to the best of our power / to prevent others from offending Thee / and to bring as many as possible to follow Thee. / O Loving Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, / our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering / we make of this act of expiation; / and by the crowning gift of perseverance / keep us faithful unto death in our duty / and the allegiance we owe to Thee, / so that we may all one day come to that happy home, / where Thou with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen. / At the Ninth Hour (S O’clock P. M.) Q JESUS, my Savior, / how greatly am I indebted to Thee for having willed / that Thy Side should be opened with a spear, / that in the depth of Thy Heart we might behold Thy great love for us, / and for having permitted Thy holy Body, / when taken down from the Cross, / to be placed in the arms of Thy Blessed Mother, / who received it bathed in tears and with her 44 heart broken/ and pierced with most bitter grief./ I beseech Thee, O Lord,/ to pierce my heart with a true wound of love,/ to cleanse my soul from all its stains/ with the water that came out of Thy Side,/ and to heal its infirmities with the remedy of Thy Blood./ Grant me grace to share in the sorrows of Thy most holy Mother at the time of Thy Passion and Thy death. / Make me one of her faithful and devoted serv- ants, / that she may vouchsafe to take me under her protection / and to assist me in my trials and necessities,/ especially at the hour of my death./ (Dom Anthony de Molina, Carthusian, d. 1619.) 45 Petitions Through the Heart of Jesus QNCE, when it seemed to the Venerable Mary of the Incarnation that God was deaf to her prayers, she heard an interior voice saying to her: “Ask Me for it through the Heart of My Son. Through Him I will hearken to thy prayer.”) ... It is through the Heart of my Jesus, who is my way, my truth and my life, that I draw near to Thee, 0 Eternal Father. Through this divine Heart 1 adore Thee for all those who adore Thee not. I love Thee for all those who do not love Thee. I acknowledge Thee for all those who are wilfully blind, and who, despising Thee, do not acknowledge Thee. I wish through this divine Heart to fulfil the obli- gation of all human beings. I embrace them all to present them through It to Thee. Ah! grant that through this divine Heart they may have life. (Venerable Mary of the Incarnation, d. 1672.) 46 BENEDICTION SERVICE Kneeling—All Sing O SALUTARIS HOSTIA O Salutaris Hostia, Quae coeli pandis ostium: Bella premunt hostilia. Da robur, fer auxilium. Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria! Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. TANTUM ERGO Kneel — Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui; Et antiquum documentum. Novo cedat ritui; Praestet tides supplementum, Sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque, Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque, Sit et benedictio. Procedenti ab utroque, Compar sit laudatio. Amen. Priest: Panem de coelo praestitisti eis. (T. P. Alleluia). People: Omne delectamentum in se haben- tem. (Alleluia). 47 Priest: Oremus: Deus, qui nobis, sub Sac- ramento mirabili, passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti: tribue, quaesumus, ita nos cor- poris et sanguinis tuae sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tui fructum in nobis jugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. People: Amen. Indulgence of 5 years. Plenary once a month on usual conditions for daily recitation. THE DIVINE PRAISES Repeat aloud after the priest IJLESSED be God. ** Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His most Sacred Heart. Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Concep- tion. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints. Indulgence of 3 years. Of 5 years if publicly re- cited.—No. 646. Plenary on usual conditions once a month for daily recitation. 48 BOOKLETS FOR CONGREGATIONAL USE (All Run in Two Colors) GENERAL DEVOTIONS TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN For May, October, and December ... 15c JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT — Holy Hour with the highly indulgenced prayers from the Raccolta 15c FIRST FRIDAY AND JUNE DEVOTIONS TO THE SACRED HEART — Novena and Holy Hours prayers. 15c WAY OF THE CROSS FOR ADULTS, arranged for congregational praying 10c WAY OF THE CROSS FOR CHILDREN, containing the famous 14 etchings of the Holy Face by Hippolyte Lazerges 15c THE THREE HOURS AND ALL FRIDAYS OF THE YEAR, with the famous 14 etchings of the Holy Face of Jesus by Hippolyte Lazerges, an attractive souvenir book 25c THE FUNERAL MASS AND BURIAL SERVICE, 4 col- umns in full Latin and English with complete indication of correct posture and explanation for Catholics and non-Catholics 50c FORTY HOURS for Priests and People with all rubrics. . 25c For Copies Address FATHERS RUMBLE AND CARTY Radio Replies Press ST. PAUL I, MINN., U. S. A.