litE QyEENSYl8f~X 3742 W cst Pine Boulevard ST. LOUIS, 1\10. Imprimi potest: Samuel Horine, S . ]. Praep. Provo Missollrianae . Nihil obstat: F. ]. Holweck Censor Librorum Imprimatur: >I< J oannes J . Glennon Archiepiscopus Sti. Ludovici Sti. Ludovici , die 4 Aprilis , 1932 Sixth edition, January 1939 ANY FINANCIAL PROFIT made by the Central Office of the Sodality will be used for the ad,lancement of the Sodality movement alld the cause of Catholic Action. Copyright, 1932 THE QUEEN'S WORK, Inc. oeac\d\f\&Cl Whose Country Is This? A s they got into their golf clothes in the dressing room of the country club, Tom Floyd noticed the Shriners' pin on the coat lapel of his golf partner, the one stranger in the group. He had come with the best of introductions from Frank Hutchinson, of Oklahoma, a friend of Floyd's. So Floyd had arranged the four- some, and now was glad that he had brought along one of his Mason friends. "In Oklahoma all your life?" Floyd asked as they ambled out to the first tee. "Nobody in Oklahoma has been there all his life," Overman, the newcomer, replied. "But I've been there for about twenty years, and that makes me practically a native son." "Hutchinson seems to think a lot of you." "Yes. We've been good friends for years. Grand chap and honest as the First Na- tional Bank." "Doubtful compliment if I know some First Nationals," put in Stevens, the other Mason. "And do you know," continued Overman, "I never had the slightest idea he was a Catholic till he came back from one of his trips. All of a sudden he started going to church and even talking religion to the boys, and it knocked me flat. A Catholic! My stars! I thought all Catholics were Micks or Dagos." -1- A quick but furtive kick in the shin pre- vented Kelley, the other Catholic in the foursome, from reaching for a heavy iron. Un-American "No," said Floyd mildly; "there are a few Catholics who are native-born Amer- icans." "Oh, I suppose so. But I've lived in Oklahoma long enough to know that good Catholics can't be good Americans. And though I'm a Democrat, I worked as hard as I could to keep AI Smith and the Pope out of the White House." "And put Hoover and depression in?" demanded Kelley, who avoided Floyd's warning look as he shot his shaft. "Of course," Floyd said quietly, "you didn't honestly think that the election of Smith meant the transfer of the Pope from the Vatican to Washing-ton, did you?" • "Not exactly," Overman agreed. "But in national office we want men who are thorough Americans, without divided alle- giance, who have no loyalty to any foreign I power, who believe in American instit,utions and support them, and whose history proves their patriotism. And that lets AI Smith and the Catholics out." Postponed They had reached the tee, and Stevens, who had walked more rapidly than the others, proceeded to do the honors for their guest. Under cover of the preliminaries Ketley almost hissed to Floyd: -2- "Are you going to let that guy get away with that stuff?" "No. But let's play our round. We'll get the subject on the table during dinner." "I'd like to take a poke at his nose." "Which is just the sort of argument we Catholics are accused of using. Keep your jacket on, Bill. He's just saying what he's heard and read a hundred times. We'll thrash it out while we're eating." As the first white ball sailed in a long, beautiful parabola toward the first green, conversation lapsed into intense concentra- tion on the game. Dinner for Four The table was set in a corner of the hotel veranda opening off the main dining room. Cool breezes blew across the green links and rustled the decorations, hung in preparation for a party; the men sat back in complete relaxation. Four glasses were held in four lazy hands; the white mist that covered them added to the delightful sensation of coolness and rest. The waiter, order carefully noted, had disappeared, and conversation, which had leaped from hole to hole in postmortem discussion of im- portant plays, lapsed. Though Kelley had admired the guest's exceptional golf, his casual comments about Catholics still rankled. So Kelley looked at Floyd appealingly in the hope that the subject would be resumed. Floyd caught the appeal and adroitly turned the conver- -3- s and principles are detrimental to the i public good, show us how this is the case? Does it hurt the country to follow Christ, to be- lieve in pure womanhood, to accept the spiritual leadership of the Popes who led all Europe out of pa g anism, to practice universal charity, to stand for the sanctity of home and family, to preach honesty to employees and justice to employers, to ac- cept the principle that just government is from God and that we have the double obligation of giving to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's? "No one can answer lies as fast as they can be uttered. We have been overwhelmed with lies . Our answer to those lies is the blood of our men and the purity of our women. We love America even when our fellow Americans distrust us. Weare patriots even when our patriotism is ques- tioned. We have never failed our country. Please God, we never shall." They rose, shook hands around, sent messages to mutual friends, and departed. A few days later, on Floyd's desk rested a small package postmarked from Okla- homa. He tore open the wrappings and found a small silk flag and with it a card and a brief message. "Put the flag up somewhere on your wall," it read. "Somehow, Mason though I am, you convinced me that it is very safe in Catholic hands." And the signature was Overman's. -36- 2> -I' -IV __ !; v~/ 3( '.Q"~''.Q".-.q-.,q.,q.~~ EXCELLENT PAMPHLETS ON Conduct and Character • Ch rist the Modern Christ and Women \ The Daily Examen Don't Say It! Hard- Headed Holiness Hints to Happiness Hours Off I Can Read Anything I Don't Like Lent It's Christ or War Our Precious Freedom Pardon My Manners Personality of Christ Truth's the Thing! \Vhen Sorrow Comes Why Leave Home? You Can't Live That Way • Single copy 10c 25 for $2.25 50 for $4.00 Send for complete list of pamphlets. THE QUEEN ' S WORK 3742 West Pine Boulevard ST. LOUIS, MO . 767554-001 767554-002 767554-003 767554-004 767554-005 767554-006 767554-007 767554-008 767554-009 767554-010 767554-011 767554-012 767554-013 767554-014 767554-015 767554-016 767554-017 767554-018 767554-019 767554-020 767554-021 767554-022 767554-023 767554-024 767554-025 767554-026 767554-027 767554-028 767554-029 767554-030 767554-031 767554-032 767554-033 767554-034 767554-035 767554-036 767554-037 767554-038 767554-039 767554-040