i" I I I ~~=====-.. ~=====-1 RELIGIOUS ~~.li VACATION SCHOOL I I I I I I ~ I MANUAL FOR TEACHERS OF CATHOLIC CHILDREN WHO ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOLS A COURSE OF STUDY FOR GRADES I AND II II 1942 Publications Department CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. I" • Additional co pies of this Manual may be obtained I from the publish"' ~1110.: ~ l~------------~~-- I 'II IJ ~) 1 I I [ '1. A COURSE OF STUDY IN RELIGION FoR TEACHERS OF CATHOLIC CHILDREN ATTENDING PUBLIC SCHOOLS GRADES l AND II Developed as a manual for the use of priests, religious and lay teachers in Religious Vacation School classes. Prepared by a N ation'al Committee under the auspices of The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine: Rev. L eon A. McNeill, G eneral Chairman Rev. George M. D ennerle, Chairman Grades I-V Rev . Carmel J. Scanlan Sister M. Rosalia, M. H. Sister M. Immaculata, C. S. J. Individuals and Communities are invited to send to The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Publications Depart. ment, suggestions for the revision and completion of this Manual. Desired changes noted in schools held during the summer will aid in such revision if they are submitted not later than September 1. ST. ANTHONY GUILD PRESS PATERSON, NEW JERSEY COPYRIGHT, 1942, BY CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE April 20, 1942. Nihil obstat. Henry }. Zolzer, Censor. Imprimatur. ~ Thomas H . Mclaughlin, Bishop of Paterson. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION v FIRST-GRADE RELIGION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SECOND-GRADE RELIGION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 SuGGESTED Music PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 RECREATION PROGRAM .......... ..... .. ." . . . . . . . 28 VISUAL Ams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 TEACHERS' REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 PUPILS' TEXTS · · . . .................. . ...... ~ .. 33 CHILDREN's MASS AND PRAYER BOOKS . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 FOR THE CHILDREN's LIBRARY .............. .. ... 35 DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHERS ..................... 39 iii I INTRODUCTION Religious instruction, to be most beneficial, must be adapted in both content and method to the needs and capacities of the pupils. Children should be classified according to their school grades. The ideal would be to have a separate class for the pupils of each grade, each learning religion at its own level. Sometimes, however, it will be found expedient to form several groups, with pupils ·of two or three grades in each group. The course of study developed by the Confraternity provides for eight grades; but the pupils may be grouped for instruction according to local conditions. Pupils should be promoted from grade to grade at the dose of each school year, and encouraged to continue in classes after as well as before receiving their First Holy Communion. The children, excepting possibly first graders, should have individual copies of the basic textbooks designated for use in the diocese. Teachers should have the basic textbooks and appro- priate instructional materials. In this Manual a brief list of ref- erences is given in connection with the course of study for each grade. A more extensive list fro~:p. which selections may be made will be found in the Reference List at the back of this booklet. Each parish should gradually build up a· catechetical library and a supply of instructional materials, to which carefully selected addi- tions may be made each year. As essentials for every teacher should be a copy of the Bible, a Bible History suited to the grade level taught, and art explanatory text for the appropriate grade level of doctrine. . This course of study is based on The First Communion Catechism prepared from the new revision of the Baltimore Catechism. As the catechism contains a statement of Catholic teaching in very brief form, its truths should be explained and made con- crete through stories and picture,s before the abstract text is ap- proached. The meaning of each difficult word, too, should be v made clear. Make suggestions for the practical application of the religious truths to the everyday life of the pupil and discuss the application with the class, not only after each lesson, but by frequently reverting to it in succeeding lessons. Project work, particularly in the form of developing book- lets in correlation with the class lessons, is an important part of the program in the vacation school. Model projects for each grade are prepared by the Los Angeles Confraternity. In the Religious Vacation School the child develops his own booklets on the plan of the model project. Certain religious activities may be assigned for home study, thus establishing a bond between home and school . in the re- ligious education of the children. The development of an attrac· tive booklet containing pictures, drawings, and brief statements correlated with the topics of instruction may be made a genuine learning activity, as interesting as it is beneficial. It is a mistake to co.nsider project activities as mere "busy work," or to give assignments which are intended only to keep the pupils occupied. In the employment of other visual aids, care should be. taken to achieve the legitimate aims of religious education. Good taste and aesthetic appreciation of religious masterpieces may be in- cidental outcomes of visual instruction, but' the primary concern in the use of all materials should be to impart knowledge, to develop ideas, to instil ideals, to foster spiritual growth, and to train in right conduct. To this end, each lesson should be made as attractive as possible. The decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Council on The Better Care and Promotion . of Catechetical Education (January 12 , i935) directs that a central office be established i_n each diocese to plan and supervise the program of religious in- struction. The direction of the work in the local parish or mission is the responsibility of the pastor. Usually he will need the help of zealous members of the laity to locate and register children, to provide transportation, and to assist in the , actual instruction and training of the pupils. The Confraternity of Christian Doc- trine,.· enjoined by Canon Law and now functioning successfully iri' many dioceses, would seem to be the ideal organization, both vi diocesan and parochial, through which to recruit the laity for this type of service. Detailed information in regard to the Confra- ternity organization and program may be obtained at small cost by writing to: The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W ., Washington, D. C. The Religious Vacation School Manuals for Grades III-V and VI -VIII may be obtained frotri the publisher. The following leaflets supply information and helpful direc- tions for organizing Religious Vacation Schools (St. Anthony Guild Press, Paterson, N. J.) : No. 3B - The Religious Vacation School. No. 4B - Instructions for Lay Teachers. No. 4C- Instructions for Fishers (Home Visitors). No. 4D- Instructions for Helpers. The above leaflets are used to advantage in preparation for a Religious Vacation School. The Manual of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine incorporates these and other Confraternity leaflets. To obtain practical results each child, excepting possibly ·those of the first grade, should have a catecliism (any graded series) or a textbook and a corresponding religious project. The teacher's model project supplies information for the presentation of each lesson. Each teacher should have a Teacher's Manual correspond- ing to the catechism or text used in the grade taught, or an ex- planatory text. Scriptural references are included in the lesson outlines to direct the teacher to the complete story. Bible charts for teachers (for use in all grades), with 13 colored pictures, 21-33 inches, on each roll: The Life of Christ, Christ Establishes His Church, The Parables of Our Lord (all New Testament), Keeping Alive the Knowledge of the Promised Redeemer (Old Testament), $1.50 each. These and other visual aids may be had from Co-op Parish Activities Service, Effingham, Ill., Loyola University Press, Chicago, Illinois, The Catechetical Guild, St. Paul, Minnesota, or St. Anthony's Guild, Paterson, N. J. Write for price lists and literature. vii Suggested Daily Schedule 8:15 Holy Mass (Mass Books and Prayer Books, p.35) 9:00 Salute the Cross, Salute the Flag, opening pr~yers and hymn 9:10 Picture Study and Sacred Story 9:30 Christian Doctrine 10:00 Religious Practice 10:10 Recess with sup,ervised recreation Activities 10:30 Hymn 10:45 Liturgy 11 :00 Project 11:50 Closing prayers 12 :00 Dismissal The daily schedule must necessarily be adapted to local circum- stances. Where teachers are best qualified to teach a specific sub- ject, departmental work produces excellent results. Suggestions for the hymns and recreational programs will be found on pages 27 and 28. In the following lessons only six parts of the fore- going schedule are outlined : . Picture Study and Sacred Story, Christian Doctrine, Religious Practice, Hymn, Liturgy, Project. viii FIRST-GRADE RELIGION GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To help the child to know and love God, his heavenly Father; 2. To help the child to know, love, and imitate Jesus; 3. To help the child know and understand his ,prayers, and to cultivate in him a desire to say them; 4. To help make the child's first impressions of religion as happy as possible. Texts of reference for the teacher: First Communion Catechism, prepared from the Revised Baltimore The Holy Bible (read references in each lesson in advance of class hour) Bible Story or Bible Lessons Christian Doctrine, Grade I, development of lessons in this outline Bible pictures: "Jesus and I" chart See this Manual: Suggested Music Program, p. 27; Recreation Pro- gram, p. 28. Prayers to be learned: Sign of the cross Our Father Hail Mary " Angel of God" Child's Morning Offering Simple Acts of Faith, Hope, Love, and Contrition For the pupil: Materials for prayer projects Grade One FIRST WEEK Theme: God is our Father. He loves us, and gives us many gifts. MONDAY God Made a Beautiful World- He is Our Father- He Cares for Us Aim: To know that God can do all things and that He loves me and takes care of me. To show gratitude to God, my heavenly Father. 1. Picture Study and Story: Sky, land, sun, water, trees, birds, flowers. Creation (Gen. 1:1-25; 2:1-15). 2. Doctrine: God is the Creator. He made all things from nothing. He can do all things. He is everywhere. He takes care of our needs. God is our Father. Catechism 1, 2, 5 (not necessarily by heart) . 3. Practice: Prayers: Sign of the cross; "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name." · 4. Activities: Hymn: With these little ones it may be difficult to teach a hymn the first week, Liturgy: Visit the Church- God's House. Have the children genu- flect properly, teaching them a little prayer to say as they genuflect. Point out the sanctuary lamp. Project: In religion booklet illustrate the story of creation. TUESDAY The Holy Trinity (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: To know that there are three Divine Persons in the one God. 1. Picture Study and Story: Chilg at prayer, thinking of God; clover as symbol of Trinity. Story of St. Patrick and the shamrock. 2. Doctrine: There is one God. There are three Divine Persons in God. We say the names of the three Divine Persons when we make the sign of the cross. God loves me and does everything for me. God - Father, Son, Holy Ghost- wants me to know how good He is and to be happy with Him forever in heaven. God- Father, Son, Holy Ghost- sees me always. God is everywhere. Catechism ques- tions 10-13. 2 , I 3. Practice: Prayers: Sign ·of the cross. "Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Teach some specific way of being good to please God: obedience to parents, teachers; kindness to brothers and sisters and playmates; at home, at school, at play. God has given parents and teachers to tell the child what His holy will is. 4. Activities: Liturgy: Continue from previous day. Project: Trace and color large picture of clover, symbol of Trinity, for their own Religion Picture Book. WEDNESDAY God Has Given Me a Guardian Angel (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim : To know that God loves me so much He has given me a beautiful angel to take care of me. 1. Picture Study and Story: Guardian angel (Ex. 23 :20; Matt. 18:10); creation, trial, fall of the bad and reward of the good angels (Col. 1:16; Is. 14:12-15; 2 Pet. 2:4; 1 John 3:8). 2. Doctrine: God made many angels. He wanted them to stay good. Some of the angels would not do what God wanted. Hell was made for the bad angels. God took the good angels to heaven with Him forever. He loves me so much He gave me a guardian arigel to help me to be good. Catechism questions 2-3. 3. Practice: Prayer: "Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God's love entrusts me here, Ever this day be at my side To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen" Devotion to the guardian angel in a twofold manner: prayer and obedience to his inspirations. Develop this as a help to being happy forever in heaven. 4. Activities: Liturgy: Continue with church manners. Project: Have children paste pictures of angels (cut from Christmas cards, books, etc.) in their Religion Picture Book. Write the prayer. THURSDAY God Makes Our First Parents (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: To know that God wants me to be happy and gives some of His brightness and beauty to my soul. 1. Picture Study and Sto ry: Picture of Adam and Eve in the garden. (Gen. 1 :26-31; 2 :15-25). 3 2. Docirine: God made Adam and Eve. He gave each of them a body and a soul. He gave them some of His very own brightness and beauty for their souls. It is called grace. God loved Adam and Eve. He took care of all their needs. God told Adam and Eve what they must do. Catechism questions 3-4. 3. Practice: Prayer: "Give us this day our daily bread." God takes care of all our needs. He wants us to ask for His help. We ask in this part of the Our Father that He will give us all that we need for our souls and our bodies. 4. Activities: Liturgy: Continue from previous day. Project: A circle 'of sparkling paper to give them some idea of the brightness and beauty of the soul as God created it, to be pasted· in Religion Picture Book. If clay is available, have them model a minia- ture "Garden of Eden." FRIDAY God Makes a Wonderful Promise (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: To know that God so loved us that He promised to send Jesus. 1. Picture Study and Story: Adam and Eve leaving the garden; promise of a Redeemer (Gen. 3). 2. Doctrine: Adam and Eve disobe'yed God. They lost grace, and be- cause Adam was the father of all other people, we do not have grace in our souls when we are born. Adam's sin is on our soul. Adam and Eve were sorry they had disobeyed God, and because God loved them He made a wonderful promis.e before they left the garden. He told them that some day He would send Someone to give back grace to souls. Review lessons of the week; stress God's goodness. 3. Practice: Prayer: "And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those - who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, out de- liver us from evil." We tell God we are sorry for the naughty things we have done, and ask Him to forgive us. We ask that He will save us from all harm. We promise God that we will listen to our guardian angel, and do what he tells us. 4. Activities: Liturgy: A visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Point out and explain the tabernacle and the sanctuary lamp. Project: Complete whatever is unfinished in the Religion Picture Book for the week. 4 SECOND WEEK Theme: Jesus comes to us. He shows us what to do. He helps us to be good. MONDAY God Choo~es a Mother for His Son Aim: To appreciate God's great love, shown when He sends Jesus to save me. 1. Picture Study and Story: The Annunciation of the Saviour (Luke 1:26-38). 2. Doctrine: Adam and Eve told their children of the promise of the Saviour to come. Many of the people were bad; they would not obey God. The good people waited and prayed for the Saviour to come. At last the time came. God chose Mary to be the Mother of His Son. He sent the angel Gabriel to ask her to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary said, "Yes." Catechism questions 14, 17, 19. 3. Practice: "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee." To please God, boys and girls should try to be like Mary: modest, kind, doing God's holy will. Then grace will be in their souls, too. 4. Activities: Hymn: "Dear Little One," or similar hymn to Jesus; start with the words. Liturgy: Visit to Mary's altar in church. Project: Make a little shrine for the Blessed Mother (picture mounted on attractive card with ribbon hanger) to take home today. TUESDAY Jesus Comes to Us- The Shepherds at the Crib (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: An attitude of love for Jesus, and desire to attend Holy Mass each Sunday. 1. Picture Study and Story: The birth of Jesus; the shepherds at the crib (Luke 2:1-20). 2 . Doctrine: Jesus is the Son of God. He is man, too. He came to make up for sin, to win back grace for us, to reopen _ heaven. He loves us. Mother Mary loves us, too. The shepherds obeyed right away. They knew that the little Baby was God and man. When we go to church we visit Jesus who is in the tabernacle. Jesus is pleased when we come to visit Him as the shepherds did. I please Him especially when I come to Mass every Sunday. I can please Jesus in my work, my play, and when I pray. Catechism questions 15, 16, 18. 3. Practice: Prayer: "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." We tell the Blessed Mother that she is 5 holier than all other women, and that her little Son is all-holy too, for Jesus is God. 4. Activities: Hymn: Continue with words from previous day. Liturgy: Visit to Mary's altar. Project: Dramatize journey to Bethlehem; or the Nativity; the visit of the shepherds. WEDNESDAY The Magi Visit Jesus- A Bad King Wants to Kill Jesus (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim : To know that Jesus is God's Best Gift to us. We say, "Thank You," and v;e give God gifts. We obey to please Jesus. 1. Picture Study and Story: The Magi; the flight into Egypt (Matt. 2:1-18). . 2. Doctrine: Some good kings came to see Jesus. They brought Him gifts. In the Mass we offer ourselves to God with Jesus. God gives us gifts too. He will gjve us the strength to be kind, and modest, to tell the truth, to obey, to be honest. There was a king named Herod who was very bad. He sent soldiers to kill the Baby Jesus. People who will · not obey God or listen to their guardian angels are called sinners. We are .sinners, too. We must be sorry for sins that we have done, because they displease God. We must try to do better. We must ask Jesus to help us. Holy Mary will help us to be good, too. Catechism questions 39-41. 3. Practice: Prayer: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners." 4. Activities: Hymn: Start .learning melody of "Dear Little One." Liturgy: Continue from previous day. Project: Paste scenes of the Nativity, the visit of the shepherds and the Magi in Religion Picture Book. Dramatize the visit of the Magi, the flight into Egypt. THURSDAY Jesus Shows Us What to Do and How to Work (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: To want to ·do things the way Jesus did them; to follow His exampl~. 1. Picture Study and Story: The return to Naz~reth (Matt. 2:19-23); Jesus helping St. Joseph and Our Lady (Luke 2:51-52) . . 2. Doctrine: Jesus was happy to do what He was told. He obeyed St. 6 j Joseph and the Blessed Mother, though He knew everything, for Jesus is God. Jesus wants boys and girls to be happy in obeying, in learning. new lessons, in helping at home, in going to church. God tells boys and girls what to do through their parents and their teachers. When St. Joseph died, Jesus did the work that St. Joseph had taught Him. Jesus took good care of His Mother Mary. Some day we shall have to die. We want the Blessed Mother to pray for us when we are dying. Catechism questions 21-22. 3. Practice: .Prayer: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen." 4. Activities: Hymn: Continue with melody from previous day. Liturgy: Visit a shrine of Mary (a statue) in church. Project: Color outline picture of the Boy Jesus at Nazareth. FRIDAY Jesus Shows Us How to Pray (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: To go to Mass always on Sundays, and to desire to visit Jesus in His home, the church, when we can. 1. Picture Study and Story: The Child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52). 2. Doctrine: The Holy Family went to the Temple to pray. They prayed at home, too. They liked especially to go to God's House to pray. We always go to God's House for Mass on Sundays and holy- days. We pray at home, too. Everything that we think, and do, and say can be given to God as a prayer. We pray in a spedal way in the morning , and at night. Review doctrine of the week. 3. Practice: Prayer: Child's Morning Offering, offering everything to God: "My God, I offer You today ·I 4. Activities: All I shall think, or do, or say - Uniting it with what was done On earth, by Jesus Christ, Your Son." Hymn: Continue with melody as needed. Liturgy: Genuflect properly, kneel straight, stand straight in church, God's House. Proper use of holy water on entering and leaving church. Project: Picture of child praying, for Religion Picture Book. 7 THIRD WEEK Theme: Jesus teaches us what to do. MONDAY Jesus Teaches Us to Be Kind- Jesus Hears Our Prayers Aim: To know of Jesus' kindness and power; that He hears and an- swers our prayers. To know that Jesus is God. ·1. Picture Study and Story: Jesus teaching the people (Luke 6:17-49); the storm on the lake (Mark 4:35-40). 2. Doctrine: Jesus wants us to do to others as we would like them to do to us (Matt. 25:31-40). Once He said: "What you do for others, you do for Me." Jesus tells us to be kind to othe,rs, share what we can with those who need it. We are really sharing with Jesus when we share with others. Jesus does many kind things. He helps the apostles when they are badly frightened. Jesus is God and man. The apostles pray to Jesus and Jesus tells the storm to stop. It obeys Him. ' Only God can make storms obey. Catechism questions 24-27. 3. Practice: When we pray we should say, " Please" and "Thank You." Every real prayer is always answered in some way. When we pray for things that might do us harm, God, who sees that they would hurt us, answers our prayers by giving us something that is better for us than what we asked for. 4. Activities: Hymn: "Jesus, Jesus, Come to Me." Start learning words. Liturgy: Tell what the Epistles are. What I should do when they are read at Mass. \ .Project: Color outline picture of storm at sea. Paste in Religion Picture Book picture of Jesus helping others. TUESDAY Jesus Made His Church for Me (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim : To appreciate the fact that Jesus gave me His Catholic Church to I teach me what to do. 1. Picture Study and Story: The choice of the Twelve (Luke 6:12-16). Jesus feeds five thousand (John 6:5-13). 2. Doctrine: Jesus chose twelve men to be with Him all the time. They were to be His first priests. Jesus taught these apostles about God. He showed them how to pray. He told them what to do. Jesus taught them to be very kind. The apostles helped Jesus to feed the people. Later on they taught the people about Jesus. Now the priests teach us what to believe and tell us what to do to please 8 Jesus. We learn about Jesus from our catechism, at religion class, in church. Catechism questions 21, 22, 24, 28. 3. Practice: Reverence toward priests. Speaking to priests when meet- ing them on the street. Listen carefully to what pr1ests read and say at Mass. 4. Activities;, Hymn: Continue words from Monday. Liturgy: The priests pray for us every day; what is our return? _ Project: If possible, have each child meet one of the parish priests and talk with him. Paste pictures of priests (from any Catholic magazine, especially Catholic Missions) in Religion Picture Book. WEDNESDAY Jesus Helps Me to Be Good (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: To know that Jesus loves everybody and helps us in many ways. 1. Picture Study and Story: The penitent woman (Luke 7:36-50). 2. Doctrine: Jesus wants everybody to be good. But people are not always good. They are sinners. Jesus helps them to be sorry for their sins. When they are sorry and mean to be good, Jesus forgives them. God's gift of grace helps them to be good, if they try. God's grace gives brightness and beauty to their souls, and strength to be good. Jesus won grace for us, and God always gives it to us through Jesus when we ask for it. Catechism questions 29-32, 44. 3. Practice: Prayer: "Jesus, I am sorry for all my sins. Help me to be \ good." Every night I will try to remember what I have done that was naughty. I will be sorry for these naughty things because they displease God. I will promise Him that I will do better. I will ask God to help me. 4. Activities: Hymn: Start learning melody of "Jesus, Jesus Come to Me." Liturgy: Show the confessional. Project: Dramatize the story. Have children color outline picture of Jesus forgiving the penitent woman. THURSDAY Jesus Stays with Me (Review by children of previous lesson) Aim: Love for Jesus in the tabernacle. Desire to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. 1. Picture Study and Story : Institution of the Holy Eucharist (Matt. 26:26-28; Luke 22:19-20). 9 }, ' 2. Doctrine: Jesus loved to be on earth with children. He