The apparition of Our Lady of La Salette ^he AfMn'4-/fltO 0-fJ-f*'uAv ^ <-« S' a. ffcf+e._U«.ci-V Aeie. 4fa Kl (fjiy.) WADY OF LA SALETTE W„H. MASSACHUSETTS Imprimi potest: FRANCIS P. CRANE, M.S. Provincial Superior Nihil obsat: HUGH F. BLUNT, LL.D. Censor Librorum Imprimatur: *RICHARD J. CUSHING, D.D Archbishop of Boston May 31, 1948 Feast of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces National Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette Ipswich, Mass. ‘Come near y my children , do not be afraidy I am here to tellyon great news. ” THE APPARITION OF OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE On September 19, 1846, the Mother of God appeared high in the Alps of France, near the village of LaSalette. The wit- nesses of the event were Maximin Giraud and Melanie Mathieu, eleven and four- teen years of age respectively. The children first noticed ’the “Beautiful Lady” as she was seated on a stone, weeping. An intense light surrounded her. She arose and came toward the children, saying:; “Come near, my chil- dren, do not be afraid. I am here to tell you great news ” They ran to meet her. Then, she went on: ! .. , “If mf people will not submit, I shall be forced to let go the hand of my Son. It is so strong, so heavy, that I can no longer withhold it. How long a time do I suffer for you! If I would not have my Son abandon you, I am compelled to pray to Him without ceasing. And, as to you, you take no heed of it. However much you pray, however much you do, you will never recompense the pains I have taken for you. 2 “Six days have I given you to labor, the seventh I have kept for myself; but it is not given to me. This is what makes the hand of my Son so heavy. Those who drive the carts cannot swear without in- troducing the name of my Son. These are the two things which make the hand of my Son so heavy If the harvest is spoiled, it is all on your account. I gave you warning last year in the potatoes, but you did not heed it. On the contrary, when you found the potatoes spoiled, you swore, you took the name of my Son in vain. They will continue to decay, so that by Christmas there will be none left. “If you have wheat, it is useless to sow it; all that you sow, the insects will eat. What comes up will fall into dust when you thresh it. “There will come a great famine. Before the famine comes, the children under seven years of age will be seized with trembling and will die in the hands of those who hold them; and others will do penance by the famine. The walnuts will become worm-eaten, the grapes will rot. If people are converted, the stones and the rocks will be changed into heaps of wheat and the potatoes will be self- sown. “Do you say your prayers well, my children ?” she asked. They had to reply: 4 ‘Oh, no, Madame, not very well.” “Now, my children,” she went on, “you must be sure to say them well, morning and evening; when you cannot do better, say at least an Our Father and a Hail Mary. But when you have time, say more. “There are none who go to Mass but a few aged women; the rest work on Sunday all summer, and in the winter, when they do not know what to do, they go to Mass just to mock at religion. During Lent, they go to the market like dogs. “Have you ever seen wheat that is spoiled, my children ?” Maximin replied: “No, Madame, I have never seen any.” “But, my child,” she continued, “you must surely have seen some once, with your father, near Coin. The master of the field told your father to go and see his ruined wheat. You were both together. You took two or three of the ears into your hands and rubbed them and they just fell into dust; and then you returned home. When you were still half an hour’s distance from Corps, your father gave you a piece of bread and said to you; ‘Here, my child, eat some bread this year 4 at least; I don’t know who will eat any next year, if the wheat goes on like that’.” Maximin replied: ‘‘Oh, yes, Madame, I remember now, just this moment; I did not recall.” Having shown through this incident her maternal solicitude for us even in the details of our daily life, Our Blessed Mother concluded her visit with these words: ‘‘Now, my children, you will make this known to all my people.” As she turned and walked a short distance, she repeated these final words. Then she stopped, ascended about a yaj*d in the air and disappeared. That evening, when the children re- turned home, they told what had hap- pened. The first visitors to the scene remarked that a spring had arisen where Our Weeping Mother’s feet had rested. 5 WROTE ARCHBISHOP CUSHING ... on the occasion of the Centenary of the Apparition:— ‘‘On September 19, 1846, at about three o'clock in the afternoon and in full sunlight, two children, wandering in the mountains near LaSalette - Fallavaux, France, beheld a “beautiful lady" whom they later declared with conviction to have been the Blessed Mother of God. The children were peasants, unlettered and unknown, the one a shepherdess of fifteen, the other a shepherdboy of about eleven. Certain details of their story were long the objects of bitter controversy, but their own bishop came to. share their con- victions after careful investigation and the faithful ever since have confirmed his decision by their pilgrimages to the favored shrine and by their devotion to Our Lady of LaSalette. “Two things have always impressed me about the apparitions of Our Blessed Mother, whether at Lourdes, at Fatima, at LaSalette, or elsewhere. The first is that the Queen of Heaven seems almost invariably, at least in our times, to choose little children as the emissaries who bear messages to men. ... It seems strange that in a generation that trusts so much in diplomats, in generals and in those wise in the ways of the worlds, it should be from among little children that the Mother of God shouldchoose,asit were,herconfidants. Yet, this appears to be the repeated fact. “The other point to be noted about 6 these apparitions of the Blessed Mother, so widely apart in time and in place, is the emphasis in all of them on the necessity of penance as a prelude to peace. Christians were warned at LaSalette that dreadful chastisements would befall them if they persevered in the evils so flagrant among men and nations at the time: they were promised the Divine Mercy if they would amend. Other counsels prevailed: free- thinkers mocked the message of the children and endorsed the ‘liberal’ and ‘revolutionary’ formulas of the hour. The harvest is all too familiar. Christians were warned again at Lourdes and again, this time even more specifically, at Fatima. The results of the persistent repudiation of the messages from heaven are still in the fearful making. The mes- sage is always essentially the same: the roots of the evils in the world are moral. They cannot be cured by scheming or science or shallow social reforms; there is needed penance, and penance must be followed by the utter remaking of our souls. Christ alone can accomplish the reformations of our lives and even He cannot work His Will unless we cooperate. His Mother is our Advocate so long as we repent : She is the prophetess of our doom if we remain hard of heart and unheeding. “So I am glad to bless the work of the missionaries and friends of LaSalette. . . . Their spirit of prayer and sacrifice is that whichpervaded the revelations of LaSalette itself; they keep alive the merciful warn- ing of our Blessed Lady to our society. May She guide themand guard them always.” 7 QUOTES FROM ALL THE POPES SINCE THE APPARITION “The Shrine of LaSalette is of great authen- ticity and is destined to have a future. I love this devotion and shall be glad to see it spread.” Pope Pius IX “With all my heart, I bless LaSalette and everything that pertains to LaSalette.” Pope Leo XIII Pope Pius X gave to LaSalette and its bene- factors his most copious blessings. “The devotion of Our Lady of LaSalette ought to spread, for it is a devotion that goes straight to the heart.” Pope Benedict XV “Our Lady of LaSalette is to you a kind Providence.” — Pope Pius XI. Our present Holy Father has written: “It can be easily understood that your Religious Family should particularly take to heart the Centenary celebration of the blessed afternoon, the 19th of September, 1846, when the Madonna in Tears came to adjure her children to enter reso- lutely the path of conversion to her Divine Son, and of reparation for so many sins that offend the August and Eternal Majesty. “Very willingly do we direct our desires and encouragement to the dear Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette, in the easy confidence that the Most Holy Virgin will, in return, be glad to obtain for them a great abundance of graces and consolation for the fruitfulness of their ministry, now so varied and reaching to the most distant fields of the Apostolate.” Pope Pius XII 3 PROGRAM FOR PILGRIMAGES HYMN: O MARY, QUEEN OF LA SALETTE 0, Mary, Queen of LaSalette Draw close my heart to thee, That, near to God for evermore, I may thy beauty see. (Chorus) I long to dry thy tears, And make thy message known, Of penance, prayer and zeal, Until God calls me home O ! tearful Virgin of the Alps, Why are you weeping so? I would that I had never sinned, And made those tears to flow. (Repeat Chorus) HYMN: MOTHER DEAR, O PRAY FOR ME Mother dear, O pray for me! Whilst far from heav’n and thee — I wander in a fragile bark O’er life’s tempestuous sea, — O Virgin Mother, from thy throne, So bright in bliss above, — Protect thy child and cheer my path With thy sweet smile of love. (Chorus) Mother dear, remember me, And never cease thy care, ’Till in heaven eternally, Thy love and bliss I share. 9 HYMN: MOTHER DEAREST, MOTHER FAIREST Mother dearest, Mother fairest, Help of all who call on thee, Virgin purest, brightest, earnest, Help us, help, we cry to thee. (Chorus) Mary, help us, help we pray, Mary, help us, help we pray, Help us in all care and sorrow: Mary, help us, help we pray. 10 NOVENA PRAYERS FIRST DAY In casting myself at thy feet, O loving Mother, to ask thee: (here mention your request), I cannot help remembering that thou earnest on the mountain of LaSalette, first of all, to remind me of my Christian duties. Therefore, there is no surer way for me to have my petition granted, than to return to the friendship of Jesus, by a sincere confession, and to endeavor, with my whole strength, to overcome my besetting sin. O Virgin Reconciler of sinners, obtain for me this most precious of all graces, for, with it all the rest shall be added unto me. The numberless miracles obtained by those who invoke thee under the title of Our Lady of LaSalette, fill my heart with hope that my petition shall prove as fortunate as those addressed to thee, by so many other sup- pliants. Vouchsafe, O Mother, during each day of my novena, to instill into my heart some of the teaching of thy merciful Apparition. Practice: Consecrate yourself to Our Lady of LaSalette (See Page 24). 11 SECOND DAY O sorrowful Mother, why those tears shed in the wild solitude, on the rock which thou madest for a while thy earthly throne? My child, happy would I be, if my grief should inspire you with a heart-felt sor- row for your sins, and with a firm resolu- tion to lead a better life! The land of your heart, as the Prophet says, is made desolate, because of your love for the world and its empty pleasures, because of your forgetfulness to meditate upon the most important truths of faith, i.e., your last end, together with the dreadful con- sequences, both here and hereafter, of your thoughtlessness. Retire into solitude and there my Son will speak to your heart, and will breathe into your soul the proper means of securing* your salvation. O Mother, the motives that urge me to mingle my tears with thine are innumer- able. I will not resist Jesus’ call any longer. Henceforth, with thy powerful aid, my thoughts, words and actions shall correspond to the wishes of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Practice: Recite ten Hail Marys and ten invocations to Our Lady of LaSalette to ask for a deep hatred of sin. 12 THIRD DAY What, O Mother, is the meaning of the bright cross which shines upon thy breast? Why this stream of tears trickling down thy heavenly face and rolling over the golden cross on which they are burnt away as on a fire of love? My child,was your soul never defiled by a mortal sin? Did you never scoff at my Son, thus crucifying anew your Saviour and your God? Is not the cross, that sacred emblem of salvation, scornfully banished from all the places where it used once to stand in honor? Such iniquities should be washed away by tears of blood! Strive, therefore, to appease my Son’s wrath and to mitigate His vengeance. Stand in fear that the Sacred Blood which once flowed on Calvary, should now fall revengefully upon your head, and the heads of those you hold dearest in this world! Dread that you should be deserted by God! Contemplate Jesus on His Cross. Humbly adore Him and pour forth your most heart-felt thanks at His feet. Re- member that, with Him, there is a remedy for every evil. There is no virtue but finds in Him a perfect model. Bear His cross on your breast, but chiefly in your heart. And in return, heaven shall be your reward. Practice: Kneel before a crucifix and say an act of contrition for your sins. 13 FOURTH DAY The witnesses of thy Apparition, O sweet Mother, vie with each other in telling me of the extreme simplicity of thy dress, and the modesty of thy looks. What a lesson for my pride and vanity, to behold thee clothed with a common gown, a simple neckerchief, a humble apron, and a cap completely covering thy ears and thy hair. Who could but admire thy carefulness in concealing thy angelic face from the eyes of the small boy? No, sorrowful Mother, thou couldst not more forcibly reprove pride, luxuriousness and sensuality, the allurements of which make numberless victims, both in this world and in the next. Help me, O Mother, to fly from the world and its distractions ; to lead an interior life in order to become like Saint Paul, “the good odor of Christ unto God.” Help me to understand better that, to keep my heart pure, I must en- deavor to be humble, to love mortification and to shun the sinful pleasures of the world. Practice: Recite the Litany of Our Lady of LaSalette (See Page 20). 14 FIFTH DAY The flood of thy tegr§ at LaSalette, O sorrowful Mother, ceased only with thy words, as the little shepherdess said. And it was also noticed that thou didst weep more abundantly, while speaking of our greatest sins, i.e., blasphemy, profanation of the Lord- s day, ^violation 6£: THE MISSIONARIES OF UR LADY^OF~L/T SALETTE . . . owe their origin to this Apparition of Our^Cadv ancTThey are mspired~by her concluding words: "My children, you will make this known to all my people.” The Fathers are engaged in preaching missions and retreats, m doing parish workTTn laboring m tne mission districts of^the United States ana also m tne foreign missions. Lay-brother members ^ TST'theC fulfill duties which dojnot-demand the priestly office . The Congregation has foundations in Switzerland. Madagascar. Northwest Canada, Italy, Belgium. Poland. Brazil . England, Argentina, Angola. Burma and the Philippines. Here in Ipswich, students of the American Province ot the Missionaries spend the final years of their preparation for the Priesthood. ~~those desirous of being Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette may begin their training by entering the preparatory seminary in."Tlarttord r Connecticut at any time after they finish the eighth grade. Address: Vocational Director, LaSalefite Seminary, 85 New Park Ave., Hartford 6, Conn. 28 LA SALETTE SEMINARY AID SOCIETY You may help ... to support the students here in Ipswich during the years of their training to be- come missionary priests by enrolling as members of the LaSalette Seminary Aid Society. You may also enroll the departed. The benefits of the Society are a remembrance in the daily prayers and good works of the Community, as well as in the Masses said each day during May and September and on each Saturday of the year. Besides this, threeNovenas of Masses are said each month, from the 11th to the 19th, just for the members. “Shrine-Lites,” a paper containing the news of the Shrine in Ipswich, is sent to the members each month of the year. The annual enrollment for a living or departed person is $1.00, to announce which Spiritual Bouquet cards will be sent on request. The Perpetual Enrollment for one person is $25.00. The Perpetual Enrollment of an entire family is $50.00. October 3, 1945 My dear Father: I give my fervent blessing and heartfelt ap- proval to your Seminary Aid Society. Its objective is the support of the young men called by God to train for the missionary life at the LaSalette Seminary, Ipswich, Mass. There is no greater charity. Whoever helps to train missionaries has a share in their apostolic merits and good works. May God be good to all those who become identified as friends or benefactors with this noble work. Devotedly yours in the Lord, * R. J. Cushing Archbishop of Boston 29 ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE DURING THESE DAYS of uncer- tainity, with the very definite dread of dire chastisements from Heaven, as a result of the sins of men, each of us has a clear obligation to heed this warning of Our Lady. It was a realization of the present situation which prompted Arch- bishop Cushing to write in his Easter Message: “I summon all our people to a crusade of penance and prayer for peace.” THE PRESENT PILGRIMAGES are an effort toward a practical response. They offer an excellent occasion for penance and prayer. There is a further opportunity to make the same spirit a part of our daily life. It is the Axchconfraternity of Our Lady of LaSalette — an entirely spiritual or- ganization to offer penance and prayer to Our Lady that she may use it to gain an abundance of Grace for men. The Popes have granted numerous indulgences to the association. AS A MEMBER of our local confra- ternity, you can sanctify your daily routine and make it your contribution “to a crusade of penance and prayer for peace.” Have your name entered in the register of the Confraternity! Use the form on the opposite page. 30 Please enroll me in the local Confraternity, which is affiliated with the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of LaSalette, as explained on the opposite page. Name Street City (Please print and use your own first name.) No offering requfred. hi Please include the following intentions among x those remembered at the Shrine: u Conversion . Thanksgiving Vocation Priests and Religious * Happy Death < Sick Person u Those in Service Souls in Purgatory Parents Children Happy Marriage World Peace Holy Father Personal Intentions This page may be torn off and placed in intention or enrollment box. 31 0|SVT|