How communism works AFRICA S-AMEWC, TELLING FACTS Please read this preview and make any suggestions you wish for improving the material it contains. The final edition will not be printed until September 15. OCTOBER, 1938 We propose to print a large edition of this pamphlet to make the cost very low. Please place your order now at the following prices : 1,000 copies - - - $17.50 500 copies - - - 10.00 100 copies ... 2.50 It is our plan to print a regular monthly issue of a pamphlet against Communism. These pamphlets will be edited by people who have made a lifelong study of the subject. Among these editors will be Dr. Igino Giordani of the Vatican Library, who has access to a vast field of Soviet documents. Another editor will he a Russian scholar now living in this country, who will rely upon Soviet authorities for his statements. It is our thought to have these pamphlets distributed by pastors at the church doors. People will be glad to defray the cost by dropping a few pennies in a con- veniently placed basket. Dr. Giordani authorizes us to say that the Holy Father feels that a pamphlet campaign is very im- portant at this time. Please order at once. Catholic Library Service 128 E. Tenth St. : : : St. Paul, Minn. Published monthly. Subscriptions 50c per year. Application for entry as second class matter is pending. Nihil Obstat: R. G. BANDAS Imprimatur: JAMES C. BYRNE, V.G. AMERICA IS RIPE FOR REVOLUTION WARNS JANE ANDERSON His Eminence, Cardinal famous war correspondent and nojfc^H international political authority, at the annual luncheon of the Alliahce of Catholic Women of Philadelphia. Miss Anderson, as guest-speaker, pleaded : “Would that I might see our Protestant and Catholic lurches thronged, our Synagogues filled to overflowing, in the wa/ being waged against God. But, under false banners, anarchy apa lawlessness batten. There is want in the midst of plenty. The virus of Communism has been injected into the veins of the civic body. The Red stranglehold is laid upon our Universities. Atheism pojds forth from our professorial rostra. Spiritual sabotage undermines hourly the invisible cornerstone of our civilization : our Wide-sown is the soil of our nation with the seeds of America is ripe for revolution. I call upon every man, and child who believes in God to rise and arm—not materially morally, intellectually and spiritually. In the name of God and country. To save America for Americans.” The Soviet officials said to Jane Anderson: “It will he impossible for you to tell in America the conditions as they are in Spain, for we (the Communist Propagandists) control 80% of the press in the United States and every Radio Station and Lecture Platform will be closed to you.” 3 Hello! Hello! Workers of the world! The people of Russia are talking to you through me. They want you to know how happy they are under the Soviet regime. 4 PART ONE COMMUNISM AND THE STATE What is the meaning of Communism? In 1848 Karl Marx wrote the Manifesto of the Communist Party. Here are some of the things he says : “. . . the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence : Abolition of private property.” The final words of the Mani- festo are these : “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The prole- tarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. “Workingmen of all countries, unite !” But that was 90 years ago. What about today? Earl Browder, the Communist candidate for the Presidency of the United States, answers this question for you. He says : We industrial unionists are going to take over the industries some day for three very good reasons : 1. Because we need them. 2. Because we want them. 3. Because we have the power to get them. Do most Americans know the truth about Communism? Most Americans know little or nothing about the ruin which the Communist Party is plotting against their peace and hap- piness. Do Communists want us to know how people live in Russia? No. Robert L. (Believe It Or Not) Ripley visited Russia in 1934. He is not allowed to go back for another visit because he made a radio broadcast about living conditions in Russia. Here are some of the things Ripley said, on April 4, 1935, in his broadcast: Believe it or not—Russia is a gigantic poorhouse where millions of people are on the verge of starvation 5 at this moment. Outside of Moscow and Leningrad—the Soviet show places—starvation stalks through squalor and filth. Ragged, raving mobs crowded to the train window begging and crying for bread. In the single year—1932 —four million peasants died of starvation ... in the most fertile part of all Russia. Starvation in Russia is not due to crop failures—it is a man-made famine. The Communists delight in appealing to the unem- ployed of America by telling them that there are no unemployed in Russia. Believe it or not—neither are there any unemployed in a penitentiary. Everybody in Russia is a prisoner of the government. The workingman has no choice about his work, or where he lives, or how much he is paid. He has no religion, no home life and no privacy. What is the meaning of a “man-made” famine? In 1932, Stalin needed foreign credit to stabilize the Soviet regime. The people of the Ukraine had produced $67,000,000 worth of grain. They would need this to sustain life. But Stalin needed the money to keep up his “front” before the world. Since the life of the State means more to Communism than the life of its people, Stalin did not hesitate to sell the grain to other nations.* Who is the originator of Communism? The philosophy of Communism was formulated by Karl Marx, 1818-1883, a German Jew. He belonged to the German middle class and was neither a laborer nor a peasant. He was not a politician but a “parlor philosopher,” whose extremely materialistic philosophy often verges upon absurdity, so much so that ardent Communists and followers of Marx's teachings are often forced to deny Marx, who is their god. Marx taught *“At the recent London Economic Conference, Maxim Litvinov . . . calmly admitted to an European diplomat that the sacrifice of fifteen to twenty million more people will be readily agreed to by the Soviet Government in order to transform Russia into a real Communist State.” (America , Nov. 25, 1933). 6 that only material things are of importance; that there is no such thing as a soul ; that all religions are nothing but myths ; and that death is the total annihilation of all things. He advo- cated the overthrow of all existent orders of society by violent revolution and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat (the common laborer). Who established the Communist government in Russia? Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), the disciple of Karl Marx, established Communism in Russia by putting to practice Marx’s godless doctrines of revolution and violence. Lenin seized control of Russia for the Bolsheviks in 1917 and established the present Communist government in Russia. It was Lenin who realized that if Communism was to reach its ultimate power it must be established in every country in the world. It was Lenin who founded the party of World Communism and who assembled the first Congress of the Comintern (Com- munist International) in Moscow. Lenin’s purpose was to establish Communism in every country in the world. For this purpose he established the International Communist Party, composed of Communist representatives from all the parties in the world, with Moscow as its headquarters. The American Communist Party is an integral part of the Communist Inter- national. / Who is the Communist dictator in Russia at the present time and what are his principles? Jugashvili Stalin is the Communist dictator in Russia at the present time. He is also dictator of the Communist Inter- national. His word is final. To disagree with him, or even to criticize his opinion, is to be guilty of treason and to sign one’s own death warrant. Stalin is also absolute dictator of the Communist Party in America. His representatives in this country are dependent upon his support, moral and financial. As a dictator, Stalin is tyrannical, unscrupulous, and utterly inhuman. His foremost tenet is that “the end justifies the means.” When money was needed to promote the work of revolution in Russia, Stalin had no scruples about robbing a 7 bank to secure the necessary funds. In replying to Lady Astor’s question about the duration of violence in Russia, Stalin said that the violence would continue so long as it was neces- sary. This tyrant threatens the freedom and happiness of America. Earl Browder, secretary of the Communist Party in America, would impose upon America such a government ! How do Communists work in America? Soviet officials are constantly on the lookout for trained young men who will seek to get into every sort of organization and work themselves up to an executive position, so that they can direct the sympathy of the organization towards Com- munism. Communist philosophy is disseminated by columnists and editors of daily papers, by writers of stories and articles for popular magazines, by teachers in the public schools, by professors in the colleges, by the movies, and by numerous societies and organizations with deceitfully patriotic names. The following organizations, despite their misleading names, are more or less Communistic: 1. The American League for Peace and Democracy—“The Hoosier Legionnaire recently declared editorially that nine professed Communists were on the Board of Directors of this League.”* The purpose of this organization is to bring within its influence patriotic Americans opposed to war and Fascism and slowly to instil in them the beguiling phi- losophy of Communism. 2. The American Civil Liberties Union—This organization is the successor of the American Union against Militarism , which, during the World War, opposed military draft and sympathized with those who resisted military service. To the unsuspecting it might seem strange that the Communists, who have no regard whatever for the lives of their citizens at home, should be so strenuously opposed to military draft in this country. The simple explanation is, of course, that *It Is Happening Here, John Francis.—Our Sunday Visitor Press. Note :—Communism is still somewhat opposed to war with other * nations because it does not feel itself strong enough to be victorious; but Communism is not opposed to civil war or revolution. 8 those who escaped the draft through the efforts of the American Union against Militarism would be future sup- porters of Communism. Closely associated with this or- ganization is the International Labor Defense , also created by the Communist Party in the United States. The extent of this organization’s radical activities is revealed by the statement made by this organization itself that 17,000 of its members were jailed in the United States during 1936 because of their violence. 3. The Farmer-Labor Party—The July, 1936, number of the New American , a Communist sheet, quotes two Minnesota Congressmen as saying : “What we must have is fifty disci- plined Farmer-Labor Congressmen who will fight. They must challenge the Supreme Court and strip it of power.”* “A minority, including members of the Communist Party, look on a Farmer-Labor Party as a present defense against Fascism, and as a transition stage to bona fide Communism.” The Nation, March 20, 1937.* 4. The American Federation of Teachers—This organization, formerly nothing more than a teachers’ union, has been impregnated with the ideals of Communism. 5. The American Youth Congress — “It may surprise you to learn that there is a Communist organization designed for elementary grade children in the schools. It is known as the Young Pioneers of America. These little children are used to distribute Communist literature, to oppose honor to the American flag, and are taught to disobey their parents in all matters relating to religion.”* Closely associated with this organization are the Young Communist League (the American section of the Young Communist International at Moscow) and the American Student Union , affiliated with the Communist controlled “ League Against War and Fascism .” In conformity with its new Trojan-horse pol- icy, the name of this last organization has been changed to (i League for Peace and Democracy.” *It Is Happening Here , John Francis. 9 6. National Negro Congress — “Each year a number of Negroes are sent to schools in Russia, where they are educated in Communism and appointed to membership in the Negro Department of the National Office.” It is the purpose of the American Negro Congress to foment race and class hatred. The Revolutionary Way, overthrow of Government by Vio- lence, constitutes the basic-motif of the incendiary Commu- nist propaganda dedicated to this field. Work among the Negroes in the United States of America is one of the main branches of the Communist Party’s activities and one of the most dangerous. Moscow promises to the Negroes of America, in return for revolutionary services, integral and unchallenged possession of the Black Belt territory. “This would mean that the Negro people in the Black Belt will have the right to choose for themselves between federation with or separation from the United States as a whole. The Soviet Power, the Workers and their Government, will guarantee this right.”* 7. Writers’ Congress and Artists’ Congress—Comprised of a number of organizations the purpose of which is to empha- size unemployment and class struggle. Most of these organi- zations are non-Communist in control but tend to be Com- munist in representation. Even the public libraries are being utilized in a clever scheme to get the young people to read Leftist propaganda. In various public libraries throughout the country circulars have been posted, offering $1,000 in prizes for “the best essays, stories, poetry, film and radio scripts.” The subject is: “The antifascist struggle in Spain today , and its relation to the general welfare of the Ameri- can citizen of tomorrozv.” The contest is sponsored by the League of American Writers. The decidedly Communistic bibliography accompanying the announcement, urges all contestants to read the books mentioned to get the necessary material for their articles. The stroke of genius back of this scheme is to get “writers” calling for the recommended books at their public libraries. Prominent on this list are *The Negroes In a Soviet America , James W. Ford. 10 such material as the magazine of the Friends of the Abra- ham Lincoln Brigade,f translations of “Loyalist ballads,” the dispatches of particular newspaper correspondents writ- ing from Spain, and translations of “Loyalist letters.” 8. The A. F. of L. and the C. I. O.—The Communist Party is driving its wedges into these two unions. “In 1936 it claimed 15,000 Communists in the A. F. of L. The A. F. of L. fought Communism but did not consistently fight Communists in the unions. Always backing industrial unionism and fighting the A. F. of L. officials, the [Com- munist] Party switched allegiance to the C. I. O. upon its formation, while still favoring a C. I. O.-A. F. of L. merger. The C. I. O. in turn accepted Communist aid. It was itself non-Communist in full national leadership; many of its officials are Catholics; when not Catholics, the original organizers were normal labor leaders. ... If Communists can keep their desire for revolution separate for a while from their reformist tactics, they can be expected to grow in influence in C. I. O. unions and also, but less so, in A. F. of L. unions.”* 9. Periodicals—To spread the doctrines of Communism, the party publishes an incredible number of pamphlets, study- courses, books, magazines, and newspapers in both English and foreign languages. “One survey reports on sale in tNote: This title—the Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade—is one of the deceptive Communist titles used to lure people to join an or- ganization whose policy is adverse to what its name would imply. This Lincoln organization is definitely opposed to Abraham Lincoln as a great man, as are all Communist organizations. In the February issue of the New Pioneer, a Communist Youth publication, published monthly at 98-4th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, there appeared a cartoon of Lincoln and Washington with several declamatory captions about both men, such as : “He [Lincoln] did not want to free the slaves. He wanted to save the Union so the northern capitalists could go on exploiting the southern states for their own use.” This is said about Washington: “He was one of the biggest drunkards of his day!” And: “The story of the cherry tree was invented by a Virginia priest in 1884!” *Communism in the United States , National Catholic Welfare Con- ference (1937). 11 greater New York 52 magazines and newspapers in 45 foreign languages and 178 in English.”* The following are Communist publications: Daily and Sunday Worker , New Masses , Communist, Fight, Champion of Youth, The Student Advocate, Social Work Today, Woman Today, The Negro Worker, Rural Worker, Farm Holiday News, The Voice of China and China Today, Soviet Russia Today, U. S. S. R. in Construction, Sovietland, International Literature, Art Front, Theatre Workshop, Film Survey, Photo-History, American Arts, Left Review, Science and Society, Marxian Review, Health and Hygiene, The Com- munist International, International Press Correspondence, Economic Notes, The Southern Worker, Western Worker, The Moscow Daily Nezvs, and Moscow News. Besides these there are numerous mimeographed periodicals pub- lished by school, shop, sports, and WPA units, and many foreign language periodicals. 10. Besides the previously mentioned organizations and groups, the Communist Party operates through the instrumentality of radio, movies, forums, theaters, music (The New Singers in New York, the Downtown Music School, and the Ameri- can Music League), the dance (“The New Dance League, a federation of seven dance groups chiefly in New York, held in 1936 a National Dance Congress, has an employ- ment service, conducts a school in the theory and technique of the dance as a means of propaganda for Communism”),* and athletics. 11. The Workers’ Alliance—Communists are organizing the unemployed; they have key men on all WPA projects. The men employed on WPA projects are attending dances and other social affairs, unaware that they are sponsored by Communist organizations. And, 66Judge” Rutherford 12. The International Bible Students’ Association, headed by Mr. Rutherford, has been suspected of being allied with *Communism in the United States, National Catholic Welfare Con- ference. 12 Russian Soviet propaganda. For instance, in a pamphlet entitled Information Respecting the Russian Soviet System and Its Propaganda in North America, issued in 1920 by the Department of Labor, Government of the Dominion of Canada, on pages 13 and 14, we read the following: “Vari- ous organizations in Canada are spreading Socialistic propaganda, the promoters and leaders in most instances knowing full well thcd, they are wilfully misleading many honest-intentioned citizens by the various disguises under which their aims are cloaked. “Among the numerous organizations referred to may be named the following : The Socialist Party of Canada; . . . In- ternational Bible Students; . . .The Jewish Bolsheviki Party; The Anarchist Communists; . . . Their policies differ in de- gree only. Almost all repudiate religion. Each . . . proposes to make over our economic system by forcible means . . Must Communist members contribute to the support of the party? Yes, every member, both employed and unemployed, must pay initiation fees and monthly dues. The initiation fee for an employed member is 50 cents, and for an unemployed member, 10 cents. Monthly dues are paid on a scale regu- lated with income. Those whose monthly earnings are no more than $47 pay 10 cents. Housewives and unemployed members also must pay 10 cents a month. Those earning from $47 to $112 a month must pay monthly dues of 50 cents. Those earning from $112 to $160 a month must pay monthly dues of $1. Members who earn more than $160 must pay $1 every month and additional dues of 50 cents for each $10 of monthly salary over $160. Once every four months every member is required to contribute to the cause of world Communism an amount equal to his monthly dues. Besides his fees and dues every Communist member is expected to take part in the frequent activities and to volunteer for special work. The Communist member surrenders not *The pamphlet from which this is quoted is out of print. We can supply photostat copies of the pages for 25 cents. 13 only his time and money to the party but also his freedom. No member is allowed to leave the country without the formal permission of the national committee. Ordinary furloughs are granted for one month. If one wants to stay away for a longer period he must obtain a higher sanction and his dues must be paid in advance for the entire period of his absence. What progress has the Communist Party made in the United States? The progress that the Communist Party has made in the United States is truly alarming when we realize that there are more Communists in this country today than there were in Russia when the Communists seized control of the government. One must not be misled by the small membership or by the small number of votes cast for Communist candidates.. Five years ago reliable statistics indicated that the total membership of the Communist Party in the United States did not exceed 14,000. Four years ago statistics indicated that the member- ship had grown to 24,000. That means an increase of 10,000 members in a single year. Today there are close to 50,000 duly enrolled members in the American section of the Third Inter- national, and at least 300,000 active Communist workers out- side the enrollment lists. Communism is growing more rapidly in the United States than in any other country in the world including Russia. According to the Moscow newspaper, Pravda, there has been a world-wide increase of Communism of about 100 per cent. From this we may easily calculate that the Com- munist Party in the United States is increasing at a rate superior to that of the party as a whole. The rate of increase of the party as a whole being 100 per cent, it is fully 300 per cent in the United States. Have the Communists attempted to alter the American flag? Earl Browder, secretary of the Communist Party in the United States, has already designed an American Communist Party poster, using as a background the American flag, on which the portraits of Washington, Jefferson, Frederick Douglas, Lincoln, and Marx are superimposed on the Stars 14 and the Stripes. Under this is Comrade Browder’s prized slogan, COMMUNISM IS TWENTIETH CENTURY AMERICANISM. Have any detailed plans been made for a Communist revolution in the United States? “A plan for such a development has been fully elaborated. One of the printed documents, confiscated during the Minne- apolis truck strike a year ago [three years ago] last summer, set forth detailed suggestions for a nation-wide strike, to be transformed into a civil war; for the erection of barricades in the streets of all principal cities ; for the seizure of telephone and telegraph wires, the confiscation of the chief radio stations, and principal air lines; for the occupation of Federal Govern- ment buildings, such as the post offices and internal revenue headquarters; for the arrest of the President of the United States and his cabinet, to be superseded by a ruthless ‘Stalin’ type of dictator.”* Is there any immediate danger that the Communist Party will overthrow the Government of the United States? With increasing unemployment and discontent, with many thousands of students graduating from high schools and col- leges only to sit idle on the park benches, the butt of Com- munist propagandists, and with the pervading attitude of disloyalty and insurrection, violent Communist revolution seems inevitable unless immediate action is taken. Just when the Com- munist Party will feel itself strong enough to attempt to over- throw the present government, is impossible to say. The Com- munist Party does not work openly, and we cannot expect any sincerity in its reports. George Dimitrov, president of the Communist International, in an all-day speech outlined “the Trojan-horse policy”: “We must utilize Fascist mass organizations,” he said, “as the Trojan horse. Whoever does not understand such tactics or finds them degrading is a babbler and no revolutionary.” *Communism in U. S. A., Joseph F. Thorning, Ph.D., America Press. “Every strike is a small revolution and a dress rehearsal for the big one.”—The Labor Defender (I. W. W.), Dec. 15, 1918. 15 The true American swears to uphold the Constitution/ which guarantees: I. To establish justice. II. To insure domestic tranquility. III. To provide for the common defense. IV. To promote the general welfare. V. To secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. VI. To safeguard our Bill of Rights, principally: 1. Freedom of religion, speech and press. 2. The right peaceably to assemble and to peti- tion for a redress of grievances. 3. Protection of life, liberty or property under due process of law. 4. Protection of private property, which may not be taken for public use without just compensation. 5. Preservation of the right of trial by jury in civil cases. 6. Assurance to every citizen of equal protection under the law. 16 The true American forswears Communism, which guarantees: I. To establish injustice. II. To foment domestic distontent. III. To embroil the nations in revolution. IV. To dupe the people by false and extravagant promises. V. To enslave Americans, and their posterity, under the hammer and sickle of the Red tyranny. VI. To deprive Americans of their Bill of Rights, principally: 1 . Freedom of religion, speech and press. 2. The right to assemble and to petition for a redress of grievances. 3. Life, liberty or property without due process of law (Recall Stalinistic purges and mock trials!) 4. Private property, which the State seizes with- out any (let alone just) compensation. 5. Right of trial by jury in civil cases (Commu- nistic trials are travesties!). 6. Assurance to every citizen of equal protection under the law. 17 As to the time when the Communists intend to precipi- tate a revolution, Browder and Stalin quote Lenin in “Foundations of Leninism,” as to the decisive moment: “The time for decisive battle may be deemed to be fully ripe when all the class forces hostile to us have become suffi- ciently confused, are sufficiently at loggerheads with each other, have sufficiently weakened themselves in a struggle beyond their capacities . . . when among the proletariat a mass mood in favour of supporting the most determined, unreservedly bold, revolutionary action against the bourgeoisie has begun to de- velop and gain strength. Then, indeed, the time is ripe for revolution; then, indeed, if we have correctly gauged all the conditions . . . and if we have chosen the right moment, our victory is assured.” Were the above-cited orders promulgated for a subju- gated, defenseless nation of Europe? Were these orders sent secretly to Loyalist-Communist Spain? No, these orders were issued, by command of the Presidium, through the intermediary of the Third International, to the Communist Party of the United States. The document I have been privileged to lay before you, for your judgment, is offered to the people of the United States of America by the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. Report of the Special Commission, May 27, 1938. Shall the Red flag replace the Stars and Stripes? Excerpts from the testimony of William Z. Foster, twice can- didate of the Communist Party for President of the United States, before the House of Representatives' (71st Congress) Committee to Investigate Communist Activities in the United States. The Chairman: Does the Communist Party advocate the confisca- tion of all private property? Mr. Foster: The Communist Party advocates the overthrow of the capitalist system and the confiscation of the social necessities of life. . . . The Chairman: When you refer to the capitalist system, just what do you mean? Mr. Foster: I mean the system under which the industries of society are owned by private individuals The Chairman: Does your party advocate the abolition and destruc- tion of religious beliefs? 18 Mr. Foster : Our party considers religion to be the opium of the people, as Karl Marx has stated, and we carry on propaganda for the liquidation of these prejudices among the workers. The Chairman: Do the Communists in this country advocate world revolution ? Mr. Foster : Yes . . . The Chairman : . . . Now, are the Communists in this country op- posed to our Republican form of government? Mr. Foster: The capitalist democracy—most assuredly. The Chairman: Just what is the Third International? Mr. Foster : The Communist International is the world party of the Communist movement. The Chairman: Is the Communist Party of the United States con- nected with it? Mr. Foster : ... It is the American section. The Chairman : You take your orders from the Third International, do you? Mr. Foster :... The Communist International is a world party, based upon the mass parties in the respective countries. It works out its policy by the mass principles of these parties . . . when a decision is arrived at . . . this decision the workers . . . accept and put into effect. The Chairman: Now, if I understand you, the workers in this country look upon the Soviet Union as their country, is that right? Mr. Foster : ... Yes. The Chairman: They look upon the Soviet flag as their flag? Mr. Foster: The workers of this country and the workers of every country have only one flag and that is the red flag. . . . All capitalist flags are flags of the capitalist class, and we owe no allegiance to them. “Is that part of the Communist Party which exists in the United States a part and parcel of the Communist In- ternational in Moscow, a world-wide organization looking to the teaching of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin?” “That is correct.” This very short and direct answer was given by no less an authority than Earl Browder, the secretary of the Communist Party in the United States. The question was put to him by the McNaboe investigating committee of the New York legis- lature. Further details can be found in the New York Times, June 30, 1938. In other words, the Communist Party of Ameri- ca, which enjoys a place on the ballot in several states, is not a bona fide political party, but an international organization. 19 What must be done to rid America of Communism? The people must demand that editors learn the truth and then publish it about the conditions in Russia and Spain. The people must learn which publications and organizations are Communist and refuse to support them. The people must vote conscientiously in order to keep Communists out of office. The people must seek the truth of Communism so that they can defend themselves when confronted with the statements and questions of Communists. In conclusion. Communism is the philosophy of Marx as interpreted by Lenin and later by Stalin. It was Marx who said : “Religion is the opium of the people.” Lenin altered the statement to: “Religion is the alcohol of the peopled Lunacharsky, head of the Soviet educational system, said: “We hate Christianity and Christians ; even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies. They preach love of one’s neighbor and mercy, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the revolution. Down with love of one’s neighbor! What we need is hatred. We must know how to hate; only thus will we conquer the universe.” “Materialism is at once the philosophy of Lenin and his substitute for religion. There is no reality, no good beyond this world. The Summum Bonum or Highest Good—the Chris- tian description of God—is to work for society. There is no im- mortal soul ; whatever happiness is to be had must be attained in this life ; beyond this life there is nothing. Man’s final destiny is not the beatitude or the perfect happiness of the man of faith, but the organization of earthly society and the economic conditions that control it.”* The introduction of Communism in America would mean the destruction of everything upon which the foundations of this country stand, everything for which our forefathers fought —freedom of religion, of thought, of speech, the right to work and prosper, to have a home and wife who is one’s own, the right to educate one’s children as one wishes, and the right to look upward and thank God for the beauty and peace and freedom of this country—America. *The Communistic Crisis, Joseph A. Vaughan, Ph.D.—O. S. V. Press. 20 PART TWO COMMUNISM AND THE PEOPLE What does Communism say about life? “Communism falsely teaches that man lives for this life alone. According to Communists there is no life after death. Whatever happens, happens here. Nothing happens hereafter. Communists make no attempt to account for the law and order and beauty and design of the universe. They make no attempt to explain the difference between a living man and a dead corpse.”* What does Communism say about the duty of the people to the state? Communism says that man’s sole duty is the perfection of the state, that man lives for the state only. He must give no thought to his family or to the education of his children. The individual is nothing; the state is everything. Man must sac- rifice his loves, his ambitions, his aspirations for the perfection of the state. If he values his life, he will never dare to disobey or even criticize the state. If he is starving and without shelter, if his wife and children are sick, he must not complain to the government—the government owes nothing to the people. Under Communism the man becomes the slave of the state, working blindly and uncomplainingly. What are the living conditions in Russia today? “The average monthly wage is about 190 rubles. In the forced rate of exchange that is maintained by the government — despite the fact that the ruble is absolutely valueless—that wage amounts to about $36 in our money ; but the purchasing power of the wage is less than $15. ... Goods cost staggering sums. A decent pair of shoes costs from $30 to $50. Bread is of three classes : the black bread sells for about 16 cents a kilo ; grey, the second grade, costs about 20 cents for the same amount ; and white bread, which is far from white, costs about 24 cents for two and a half pounds. ... A whole family lives in *Facts About Communism, Edward Lodge Curran, Ph.D.—I. C. T. S. 21 each of six rooms of a seven-room apartment ; the seventh room is the common kitchen and dining room. Yes. Six families in seven rooms. And from two to ten persons in a family! . . . Russia has a few trucks and fewer pleasure cars. All motor vehicles are owned and operated by the government officials. . . . “The children’s health is safeguarded and cared for in expectation of the day when these children will rule Russia. The mental and physical gains of the children are, however, bought at the fearful price of wholesome ideals and the loss of their souls. The children are really godless. . . . The women have suffrage, and the educated ones are encouraged to join the Communist party. But the women are engaged in the hardest toil on the farms and in industry. According to the propagandist, Russia is a paradise for women, but it is a paradise in which they are the drawers of water and hewers of wood.”* What does Communism say about the home? Communism is opposed to the idea of marriage, the family, and the home. There is no such thing as home life in Russia. In America the home is the center of culture, education, and religion. Russia abolishes culture and religion entirely, and it permits only that education which leads the child to believe that Communism is good. A former Communist, Alexei Liberov, says of the home: “The Communists hate the home. They are doing their best to destroy it. Hating God they have tried to wipe out the first Commandment. Hating marriage they have tried to wipe out the sixth and ninth Commandments. Hating the home they have tried to wipe out the fourth Com- mandment. I am not very learned in Biblical matters but from what I have known and seen I would be inclined to believe that Stalin is the anti-Christ. At least, the anti-Christ, when he comes, will take Stalin for his model.” *“I Saw the Soviet/' as told to Daniel S. Lord, S.J., by Frederick Siedenburg, S .J. ; taken from the Catholic Digest (April, 1938) in a condensation of the article published in The Queen’s Work. 22 What about the schools in Russia? “All private institutions of learning are abolished in Russia/’ declared Louise Bryant, an American who became a Bolshevist, in “Six Months in Russia.” Parents are compelled to send their children to the Socialist-Atheist schools where they are taught only that which will promote the cause of Communism. They are taught that there is no God, that God and religion are myths and foolishness, “the opium of the people.” In some of the Soviet schools the children are given two small plots of ground, one of which is labeled “God’s Garden” and the other “The State’s Garden.” The children are taught to weed, cultivate, and water “The State’s Garden,” but to do nothing to “God’s Garden.” As a result “The State’s Garden” flourish- es, while “God’s Garden” is choked by weeds. Because “God’s Garden” yields no fruit the children are made to believe that there is no God. The nursery rhyme “One, two, button my shoe . . has become “One, two, God’s not true . . in Russia. What about religion in Russia? The law of God does not exist in Soviet Russia. Communism is utterly opposed to religions of all denominations. In America religious freedom is guaranteed Catholics, Protestants, and Jews. Religious groups here can build churches, schools, hospitals, and any other institutions, and teach without molestation. Ex- cept for those who will be martyrs before they renounce their religion, Russia is entirely a non-religious country. The Russia of tomorrow will be even more pagan and dissolute than was pagan Rome. The Catholic Digest printed an illuminating article on the subject, named “Religion in Russia,”* by Michael Mlekuz. “Previous to the first Russian Revolution in 1905, Russia was generally regarded as definitely religious. Slavophiles went so far as to speak of a ‘Holy Russia,’ and its people were known as ‘the people of God,’ and ‘Christ-bearers.’ ... As the Soviets seized power toward the end of the year 1917, they hastened to proclaim the separation of Church and State. In the begin- ning this hatred was directed against the Orthodox State *Issue of June, 1938. Condensed from Pax. 23 Church, which was so closely connected with the regime which had been overthrown. The various sects, however, and the Roman Catholics for some time enjoyed a certain freedom in their religious belief, being regarded as comrades who had suf- fered equally with themselves under the old regime. But the civil war and the great famine of 1921 gave the Soviets their long-sought opportunity to wage war against all religion and its adherents. Under the pretext of alleviating the want caused by the famine, the churches, mosques, and synagogues were robbed of their treasures and their holy vessels. Thousands of priests, monks, and nuns were seized in these years and incarcerated into camps, if they were not stood against a wall and shot. . . What about morality in Russia? Any action is moral in Russia if it helps promote the cause of Communism ; if it retards the1 promotion of Communism, it is immoral. Marxism and Leninism are entirely materialistic philosophies. In them there is no recognition of the soul, the conscience, or the power of the will. Without such sanctions there is no more blame for murder, theft, or rape than for. catching cold. Karl Marx, the god of the Communists, wrote : “Law, morality, religion, are to him (the proletarian) so many bourgeois prejudices behind which lurk in ambush just as many bourgeois interests.” (Manifesto, p. 20.) E. Yaroslavsky in his book, Red Virtue , says : “What coin- cides with the interests of the Proletarian Revolution is ethical.” “The Soviet law,” according to Gintsburg, “corresponds to the interests of the proletariat, organized into a ruling class. Hence every problem of the Soviet civil law must be treated from the point of view of the interest of the ruling class, from the point of view of the (Communist) Party (the vanguard of the class) and the government; it must be presented in the Party light and get a Party decision. {Gintsburg, Course 44. Gintsburg is one of the leaders of the Institute of Soviet Law and has been a recognized authority on civil law since 1929. 24 What about marriage in Russia? The first marriage code of Soviet Russia (1918) aimed more at abolishing the sacred vows of marriage than the institu- tion itself. The basic Soviet ideas on mating are best sum- marized in the words of the Communist, Ella Winters : “If two comrades are in love, they go to the home of one of them. If there is no child and either finds the association unsatisfac- tory, they part. It is really a nation-wide system of companion- ate marriage.”* Divorce is even more simple than marriage. The two applicants must appear at the Zags in order to be made mates; but only one need appear to obtain a divorce, the other party being notified by postcard or publication in Izvestia. It is not necessary that there be any specific reason for the divorce. The least dissatisfaction of either party, no matter what the other mate may have to say in his or her defense, is sufficient reason for the divorce. “The care of the children and the pay- ment of alimony to a spouse are regulated in detail, the main point of interest being that the woman as well as the man is equally liable.” What do the Communists think of the American woman? “The so-called freedom of the American woman is a myth. Either she is a gilded butterfly or she is an oppressed slave. . . . The boasted American home, enslaving the woman through her economic inferiority and her children, makes her dependent on her husband. On all sides she confronts medieval sex taboos, assiduously cultivated by the Church, State, and bourgeois mor- alists. . . .” The writer, William Foster, goes on to say that the proletarian revolution will change all this, and the American woman will be freed “economically, politically, and socially.” Like the Russian woman, she will have every field of activity open to her. She will be found even in such occupations as “locomotive engineer, electric crane operator, machinist, factory director, etc. ...” The American woman also will be made free in her sex ^Clashing magnificently with pagan views of marriage is Hattie Horner Louthan’s latest best selling novel : SPANISH EYES THAT SMILE. Library Service Guild, St. Paul, Minn. 259 pp. $2.00. 25 life. “When married life becomes unwelcome for a couple, they are not barbarously compelled to live together. Divorce is to be had for the asking by one or both of the parties. The woman’s children are recognized as legitimate by the State and society, whether born in official wedlock or not. The free American woman, like her Russian sister, will eventually scorn the whole fabric of bourgeois sex hypocrisy and prudery.” We know the American woman is too happy in her home, too much interested in the welfare of her family to be misled by promises so empty. The family is the nucleus of civilization. It is the woman’s duty to preserve it. What does Communism say about free love? Mme. Smidvich, a Communist writer, says : “Our young people have certain principles in affairs of love. All these principles are governed by the belief that the nearer you approach to extreme, and, as it were, animal primitiveness, the more Communistic you become.” Again : “Every student, man or girl, considers it as axiomatic that in affairs of love they should impose the least possible restraint upon themselves.” Such is the psychology of the Communists. What happens to children under Communism? Children become the property of the state, not of the parents. Educated in state schools (there are no private schools in Russia), the children are being taught to oppose their parents and to pledge all their loyalty to the state, blindly and without question. The popularity of birth control in Soviet Russia has already been mentioned. When the Communist State feels in need of more men, child bearing will be encouraged; when it is threatened by an overgrowth of population, it will favor birth control and abortion. At the XVIIth Convention of the Communist Party in 1934, Stalin stated “that equalization in the sphere of demands and personal life is a reactionary petty bourgeois nonsense worthy of a primitive ascetic and not of a socialist society organized in a Marxian way.”* *The Soviet Concept of Law, Fordham Law Review (Jan., 1938). 26 Why does Communism wish to turn the minds of the children away from their parents? Because most of the older generation in Russia are still steeped in religion, even if they are not allowed to practice it. The Communist leaders know that religion and Communism are antagonistic, and that it is easier to train the Russian children to hate religion than to attempt to pervert the beliefs of fervent Christians. A director of a Russian orphanage says : It is too late, if we wait until the school age, to turn away the children from religion. We must get them from the earliest age, to accustom them to irreligion, take them away from the savage influence of the family, prevent their grandmothers from taking the little ones to church, or terrifying them with stories of devils and hell, or poisoning their minds with deviltries like Christmas trees or St. Nicholas Day presents. To instil irreligion at an early age, the government has established the creche (public nurseries), where the infant is sent during the day while the mother works. In order to save time the mother is artificially nursed and the child is fed at the proper time at the creche. This is the freedom that Communism would give the American woman. Is it true that Catholics can become members of the Communist Party? Earl Browder says: “Yes.” The Pope says: “No.” In his pamphlet: A MESSAGE TO CATHOLICS, Mr. Browder moves the Trojan horse of Communism to the front door of millions of Catholic homes throughout America. If your copy has not been received, you can expect it any day. On page 10 you will read these carefully edited words : “We understand that no Catholic can be refused the consolations of his Church on account of affiliation with the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Farmer-Labor Party, or the Socialist Party. We understand that this applies also to the Communist Party. If this understanding is correct, it would be a public service for Catholics to make it clear to everyone.” Mr. Browder’s pamphlet is dated June, 1938. More than a year ago, March 19, 1937, Pope Pius XI, in his Encyclical 27 on ATHEISTIC COMMUNISM, did the public service , as Mr. Browder well knows, of making it clear to everyone. In paragraph 58, the Pope says: “Communism is intrinsically wrong, and no one who would save Christian civilization may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever.” Does Mr. Browder speak the truth in his pamphlet when he says: “Communists scrupulously respect all religious beliefs and avoid all offense against them, firmly uphold- ing complete religious freedom and toleration”? We shall allow Joseph Stalin to answer, since Browder makes no move without Stalin’s approval. Stalin says : “The Party cannot be neutral towards religion and does conduct anti- religious propaganda against all and every religious prejudice. . . . Have we suppressed the reactionary clergy? Yes, we have. The unfortunate thing is that it has not been completely liqui- dated. Anti-religious propaganda is a means by which the complete liquidation of the clergy must be brought about.”* What does Communism say about Fascism?! One of the tricks of the radicals—a trick all too often suc- cessful—a trick accepted by much of the press and by many good citizens—is to make it appear that we have two great dangers in the United States: Fascism and Communism; and that Fascism is vastly the greater of the two. But the fact is that while Communism infests the country, Fascism is almost nowhere to be found. Fascism is merely the epithet applied by Communists and their dupes to all who oppose Communism. Talk against Communism yourself to any pink or red, and within five minutes he will be calling you a Fascist. Lady Astor, when recently in the United States, was asked by a reporter what she thought of Fascism. She replied, in substance, “Fascism!—what is it? Nobody ever heard of it until Communism came along. That is the real danger.” So much for the Fascist bogy. *From an article by Joseph Stalin in the Worker's Voice, March 1, 1933. This is an official Communist paper published in Chicago. fNew York State Economic Council. Is Your Town Red f 28 Do impartial witnesses praise Soviet Russia? Eugene Lyons, a United Press correspondent in Russia for several years, is the latest Marxist to join the company of Wil- liam Chamberlin, Andrew Smith, Walter Citrine, and others in exposing the tyranny of the Soviet. A few excerpts from his book Assignment in Utopia should make it clear that Russia is the opposite of Paradise on earth. “If anyone ever went to Russia with an earnest determina- tion to dig down to the hard, enduring core of a great event in history, it was I. . . . The farewell party given by my friends included the cream of New York’s Communists. They were sending off one of their own to spread the gospel.” In telling the story of his experiences in Russia, Mr. Lyons paints a sad picture of his disillusionment : “I saw a handful of men in the Kremlin dooming millions to extinction and tens of millions to inhuman wretchedness. ... I came to visualize the Russian population as a huge ant-hill, with Stalin poking a stick into its center. Every casual prodding destroyed the contours of life for a few more million of the insects. And I was coming to see the process from the ant’s lowly point of view, rather than from Stalin’s. “On December 27, 1929, Stalin called for the 'liquidation of the kulaks as a class’—an imperious command to smash and disperse between five and ten million peasant men, women and children as quickly and rapaciously as possible. Hell broke loose in 70,000 Russian villages. ... I was aware that this des- truction and suffering which had been artificially whipped up, could be stopped by a word of command from one man. . . . For two years I had been building an intricate structure of justifications for the Soviet regime. Now the color and strength had run out of the symbols of the faith for me; the socialist songs and slogans, the brave revolutionary promises of a better world now seemed touched with mockery.” In 1934 Stalin published a book called: Foundations of Leninism. On page 103 he says : “The revolutionary will accept a reform in order to use it as a means wherewith to link legal work with illegal work, in order to use it as a screen behind which his illegal activities for the revolutionary preparation of the masses for the overthrow of the bour- geois may be intensified. ” 29 Why is Trotsky in Mexico?* Leon Trotsky has transferred his domicile to Mexico for the purpose of initiating the third and final step toward revo- lution in the United States of America. He is determined to overthrow our existing form of Government, by violence. No man is better fitted for the task. No man is more in- timately versed in the multiple intricacies of America’s racial and social stratification, or may estimate more accurately the inner, secret values and the faceted surfaces of the American Commonwealth. Under the direct command of Leon Trotsky, in 1920, the first Communist onslaught was launched on Ameri- can soil. The poison proved to be too tepid and temperate, for it was readily rejected by the very force and vigor of the national blood stream. In 1922, a more determined effort met with less resistance. For this reason, it is frequently main- tained that the first organized advance of Comintern-controlled Communist forces in America dates from the year 1922. This is incorrect. The cornerstone of the subversive edifice was laid in 1920. A detail of some considerable interest to us, as a people, when we bear in mind the oft-repeated assertion of the Iberian Anarchists (the blood-saturated F. A. I. of Loyalist- Communist Spain) that twenty years suffices for the seeds of subversion to flower into the fruits of Revolution. The romantic phraseology of the Anarchists should not subjugate us to the point of forgetting that, hand-in-hand with their Communist brothers in Spain, they have slaughtered, on the execution grounds, 400,000 civilians, 22,000 priests, brothers and nuns, and laid in ruins 20,000 of the world’s most beautiful chapels and churches. Since the outbreak of hostilities in the Iberian Peninsula. Since the seeds of subversion flowered into the fruits of Revolution ! In Christian, Catholic Spain. Do not be misled by the carefully-fostered legend that Trotsky, broken and ruined, in exile from the Soviet Utopia, *The American Commonwealth versus World Revolution. From an address delivered by Jane Anderson to the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Philadelphia, Pa. 30 languishes in the nostalgic shadows of Popocatypetyl. Nothing could be further from the truth. Wherever Leon Trotsky moves, follow the forces of World .Revolution. It so happened that the precipitate demise of Lenin found Trotsky vacationing—vacationing, mind you !—in snowy Siberia. Stalin, disinherited by the political will of Lenin, seized upon the timely absence of Trotsky to form the Triumvirate which paved the way for the Stalin dictatorship of today. The feud lies between two world leaders of equal power, Stalin and Trotsky, and springs from divergent opinions as to the revolutionary means to be employed and not the revolution- ary ends to be achieved. The testimony of a former Russian Commissar synthetizes the incontrovertible documentation brought to the light of day by the Revolution in Spain. I sub- mit, for your consideration, the literal translation from the Russian text: “Trotsky and Stalin, though hating each other, are both being employed in their appointed roles. Trotsky has been exiled from the Executive Board which is to put on the New Deal concocted for Soviet Russia and the Communist Third International. He has been given another, but not less im- portant, duty of directing the Fourth International, and gradual- ly taking over such functions of Communistic Bolshevism as are becoming incompatible with Soviet and 'Popular Front’ policies. . . . Whatever bloodshed may take place in the future will not be provoked by the Soviet Union, or directly by the Third International, but by Trotsky’s Fourth International. Thus, in his new role, Trotsky is again leading the vanguard of World Revolution, supervising and organizing the bloody stages of it. He is past' master in this profession, in which he is not easily replaced. . . . Any violent disorders and bloodshed will not be traced back to Moscow, but to Trotsky, who is now resident in Mexico, in the mansion of his millionaire friend, Muralist Diego Rivera.” Jane Anderson, an eyewitness to the revolution in Spain, wrote a story, “Horror in Spain.” For a free copy send a postcard to Catholic Digest, Chancery Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 31 The Index to American Catholic Pamphlets By Eugene P. Willging Every Catholic pamphlet published up to 1938 is listed and annotated in this Index. The work comprises a brief summary of 1,700 pamphlets. It requires 158 large pages (6x9) to give all this information. There is a complete directory of pamphlet publishers and the price of each pamphlet is given. The price, including latest supplement, is $1.25. ORDER YOUR COPY WITHOUT DELAY We quote from the introduction where Monsignor Wolfe writes : “The pamphlet is the most effective instrument of propa- ganda in the modern world. The reason is evident ; the pamphlet is written for the man in the street. It tells him what he needs to know. Those who would never read a book will read a pamph- let. The pamphlet reader wants others to know about the subject in which he is interested. Therefore, he gets behind the movement and spreads the message which he has read.” Catholic Library Service, 128 E. Tenth St., St. Paul, Minn. The final edition of this pamphlet will have no advertising on this page. Instead it will have an important message. The same is true of the inside front cover.