Constitution and by-laws — oC AjfY\fi/)‘cC^ A^t:>s59-9./ ?'xe3M i CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Approved by the Junior Commission/ Junior Catholic Daughters of America and the Youth Department/Na- tional Catholic Welfare Conference/January, 1964. COPYRIGHT/1964/Junior Catholic Daughters of America/Youth De- partment/National Catholic Welfare Conference/Washington. D. C. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS - • ' ' - , \ - -J JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA -ii’fco'''. -r?^;' I’ ’I'' jJiS -A . /; ‘ \ : I '^' r: . •: 1. ' .'^ .. "yP-V. " " .>VP , ^ ^ ^ "^'S> """'’ — - P?5: .ri ~r^-< Poy^PyP- A : ;,^vp" -' '^£p^-'"'.;' "p' 'a . -' -p i:-"P4p '^' ; PP;PyrA'pP4^'5sP"c;''P^,^--pP = '^' ""'‘ , P-aP' a ri^' v3-PPP -1^ P^\ -e.^- ^ |.,P. V- /'~-^L'a -• ’X- P 'rX ^ , ' y pT^^X , X .-i- .( V; ya P'/pp'P iPpPPP ' XX^#p^' " PPX ' - ' .p'p'' '“. ‘'-fe - - —-) :^r 7x -'' ' P ptf'-'rpy '' p ^ ' . X "3' ' ^.. . xpP- {^)-<^~i^ ^:'‘f^' xXk-'" '" ;: A A--x.'^p p- A -a;p•:v: V' . Pj’A. ''P':P-CP'X^A w P • -' P ''' X V . . .^ . p; X ynX.-X - vaf ^V<' - - -. y - > A P : pp- Xi-x-. ^x,xX7A '^vx X iix;iP,^x ' ^ 'MyAfX'XP-CY- “ A;p AP/X V yy . X'- i y^,P ’ p:_.. . PP-XX-X- P P.P'V'C -H; A/X p XX P.XP' ;' . SPA •'-X - Ax vaV'-','' P^-r Pa * /• vv > Pi ' ' X ' ' '^ X >i'' -'- t Sx . / :/., A 'v__^ ^ . -P ^ - 'A- vx p . ; XPP' ''.. "--ry . p- 1,- : x .'-Ai. ' - ^ ~ y- - P):,' ^ Px X- xxx / px/P-P x# X- 'V--' • ' . U-Vx r~TN^ V' ' xP> ' . ' s kp -x' 'AA x’rx ' ^ - PA>P 1 'P'A X'^PyX: ' A'-'A 'X^ ' . XX ''-." aX- '' :-X .P ,- i, A.^v'^PyXy-A X'X 'XT X -|P P 7P ',;P A :, 'aP.xM. PA '?P '- XVX X '-^'r Ajsxy A--' ; " y,''XA*.i.3^,- X*XpypX9 x;x' ;p^ Ax- "px ; ': pxpxp^ ' ,, - - -a xpyN._j-y , ^-PX^X-- PXXaxP^P^' '’ >yX' . - ' ‘ ' i X^Xt Xpy; ._j3x V2r^*: P AA‘- >•'. \ a-AX':"'' v" x'xP X'( 'A i' X, A?xaPAxApApa5A§A; c4; ,x^^'PyP^ <> • •-;k'''A- M p :;o^ AX^At( x.r I ' ^ ' ,- -V . y^x “ . . . - - > X X- y . X - Aa'IP \APa|P:;Xaa r-PPX- XP -, . . . A , A-_ . /--x, ‘ ikyX/;— PX''AJ FOREWORD Almost four decades have passed since the Junior Program was adopted as an official part of the total program of the National Catholic Daughters of Amer- ica on February 22, 1926. The intervening years have witnessed the coming of age of this program, as an ef- fective instrument in the development of American Catholic women. Basic principles have given sub- stance to this program, while their application has always recognized the need for change to meet the demands of the changing times. A full decade has passed since the last revision of the Constitution and By-Laws governing this pro- gram. Consequently, it is with pleasure, that I ap- prove this current revision bringing both of these governing instruments up-to-date for the general good of the program. I earnestly pray, that these re- visions will make the Junior Catholic Daughters of America strong and vocal in the work of the Church in the sixties. ' V'’" - ’ \ ^ / ' AAA:; 'AA' ^ . A'- r~ ;!AArAA\ ;:i=^ .A^rAAf; ? O -^.7^-A'V - VAv-.V-.-. ^ >-- A. AvvA>v^?^":i -• ' Ol'A : ', i.Sl-Aj' '<2'' 'Aa ^,Cr :A-^ .^fv^A •^,—^ > /'A" A A ’ -^- "'-faA-- • -V .^ *' r *.v ' The Junior Catholic Daughters of America enjoy the full approval of the American Bishops. They are currently incorporated into the Youth Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. They have been accepted with pleasure by me, as the Episcopal Moderator of their program. It is a full program which is offered to the Juniors. It is designed primarily to develop sound spirituality in its members, making them fully aware of their inheritance and their responsibility by Baptism in Christ. This program does not remain self-centered. It recommends a plan of action, designed to develop a sense of service in its members. This program is rooted in the social philosophy of the Church, and seeks to encourage the Juniors, according to their age and their ability, to become involved in translat- ing this philosophy into a program of action in their community. This program encourages a growing interest in those areas of life, which add to the cultural stature of the members. Young women must be taught to appreciate the best in art, music and literature. Gentle women are always gracious women. This program finally provides recreation according to Catholic ideals, bringing together the members for the simple purpose of encouraging them to know one another and enjoy the company of one another. Wholesome recreation is never foreign to the sound Catholic approach. Recognizing our natural depend- ence upon one another, the program fully provides the opportunity for companionship under the guid- ance of the Church. It is my prayerful hope, that this revision, both of the Constitution and of the By-Laws of the Junior Catholic Daughters of America, will encourage the program in the years ahead. May both the Juniors and their counsellors be helped by this revision, in developing themselves in the pattern of the Sacred Heart, under Whose protection and guidance the program has prospered through the years. Through its use may the Heart of Jesus develop young women, dedicated to the ideal of making themselves thor- oughly Christian, so that they may lead themselves and others eventually to Him. + William G. Connare Bishop of Greensburg February 22, 1964 ' .' sA ; A;,' 'r^icr^'ji-. . '• /*':V4'7y '7fc./ ^ ;:_7 ^Y ^ ^'' Y 'A^^/- x'%J:iYS-'-';i^^ ' '>'--77Y>y- Y?f* >' xxv;; <--'' VI K ' • N/ ^Y-V Y.fY7|^ 7 If. ^7." p:%rp^^.,. • Y Yv^^V ' /Ylv, Wx .>/Y -Y -t dYY\.',^Y‘Y^ 77: -YYry ^ Y ' ,_- Y'- ^ . EEEEEy^^y '5 ' yE- ! ^yEEaEEEE^''E3 4v' Ew%tE>^EE ^ 7-: ".Ey; 7 ^>EEEEyEeEEY^E4^ Y , /YY' 7-7 :'^^Y7'xA7YYxV ' Y A x-'''''Y' ' TYY^^ A 'Y; Y- ^ v > 7 ; Y^Y- ;'7''\(^'' xYV .'‘YYY: 7^ ^V(-Y7\^ .1' —' E' , - ^ ^ V AWY :yi..x,wy- ; Vc'7YY^’ny.y7y E ' 7 >• ' /; > ^ , , ; ^ . ..EE E^EE^aEEEE;E'Iy'E.; Y^‘''E' EyE^/^'''Ey Y" Yyy'aYiY;' / v-yEv ; Y ' /( EE V .*-,' A-xA^-A" -YAY-l A_ V • Yfr . /J 7 ; / Y 'A^a ' Ai7 .<>, vsY'S^ ,. .... .. . Y- T^~—' -.x-Y' t ;• \?Y7^^ " ' YY' XjS::, ^'J .X*yy;;;Y|-' ' ' "-x V- ’*' '' -V’ '--r ,- V A; v>yYv'E‘, Y^‘Yf E-'E “7> .j; y ^7- ^ -YE<-v: ' ,^ EEy- A Y '•<*. 'v/- 'T^Y- -E Y <#; Y Y,, 1 -t^N.-vvE • '< \ -, a .. ^- . •' ,7 '" / j. /y>7vY'YYix:,.7,r|>.v^^Y xi£/ 1,, v( /> - yiYVYi:7-77,'-A7/Y;^xi-n- :7fY,Vva7- y, M v.-.>^ ,,,, , 4 .---^ _.-Y :•;? 77-: XX- 7"'^ ,>Ci^ ,«':- Y'; r V r'-> . —Y’YYyYY-'Y:^. 7 ' Yyv7Y-vY:rY^:y .^^4- A:7Y7Yt’-''"^7''Y777777Yx7' YYxY-77 X" x:: -YyYaaya"tsyyy ~v, Y-v x" ;x'-7 x7 ' ' -.' - -;v, T ' ' ’ C ''“'''Yy V ^'AV-A v-- ^ y' -:x<4 . 7^'':YYc7y x' 7 ^ yEyyyEjS 1 3 3 5 7 13 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 38 39 Foreword Article I Organization Article II Junior Court sponsored by Senior Court Article II A Junior Court sponsored by Parish Organization Article III Program Article IV The Junior Council for a Junior Court sponsored by a Senior Court Article IV A The Junior Council for a Junior Court sponsored by a Parish Organization Article V Membership in Junior Court Article VI Court Officers Article VII Juniors’ Act of Consecration, Pledge, Standards, Motto, Hymn Article VIII Colors, Uniforms, Emblem, Honor Pin Article IX Finances Article X Junior Court Meetings Article XI Court Initiations Article XII Troops Article XIII Troop Meetings Article XIV Troop Officers Article XV Parliamentary Authority Article XVI Juniorettes -:• tJCx ,V j-?, ^'S::T\ c^' . v-^ ^r/'‘. >>rv , V?- ' ^ "t^>- d'-"': '/.' 'r dd /j) 7'-^V - (-^ ; - >- jH h:^-?>' ^ ^ Aa^Z''^A^. A' AVAh AjA, ddd>^^,A- / ^ 7 “^' , -3^-^ \ 4-:^/ 3.< v.j^'-'X '-V -' >~r> 4’-.' 4 X ^ - -^ * V -Aid^'fddAh^ AAA&/fAAi - Xv '7 -r- r.X '^' '" - ^-d\A':^'SA ---.->- T:ac'^K :^4X5Xv44f ' r;4-4X.^- ^>s;^44yxrx; 3: - — < ji.’ '- JA 3 H ti-j'.. ' (. ' A^\. ^ !. V'-^ •,'- s^ . I a'--'' ;:-,^ ',; V 3- Va' \ i -’A A.A A- .AAZ:^ , -. ,,, V-- A'3^p- A ,, ., : -^,[ - Of. "' ^ f -AX>^-A^ r^- t'o . ; q ^'X-r-.,' :' ' 'AvA ,,• ° -vA:v^i~A tc,. J 4^4_.3it^ ^4.. - 4'^ 4V' / “c^.' 3 '" / 4 AdTA l ' X- ^ (^443>4^ ' d'- 'tN '^ a 44 !'4r-,-A4' 335'S/o"X^^^ •^va. > -^ . f '4r'444,'- -443"^- (: A 'AAy,>o-''. A£-,|pcy^ i;:«A- A',A ’^vA'-A'A , ' 7. :| " r A-^aA' 'X^Vy?.'' Y'-^A 44 '-x>ArA*t:— f, ' .rcr-A.:- ' 4 ^ - AXAa ? :^X. V -.^ 4v.4-34;:/4333'' : 44'i Xr,^4- 34-^ / ' ! 1 43 X, 4 433^ /j,^ 44A4^s4--;4 '4^44' / 4a4 -44/^4^'- 43-' ' :'. A-- . Y^aYY- -4'\4-;:4 44/yf^^"' ‘’aaY^- "'Auzt AY - aaY^Y 'YY-Y^^-^ YaYy^^a>’.:— .-Ti ' > 44. .«? 3'' N ;?:xAr,vA'> Y.AAAAAi * A. f 5^3444^. 4''"' 44 , ,;- 4 '4' J/ rX>4 /4‘ K ^"^'7 4l*4'^44i**x^^.jv - - A yy V,; > a-a . . ,44 ., ^^4 ,y_A.4.-4-* 4^^-n ‘ s x< :x :>' <' A // ('.- 4(’'— ' X ••4- ,yf444,^344 ' AY Yi^-AYz' A- 4 X-y4, AAaY^AA:> ,:,(;A. A «- ’ - - '- ^ '>>,.> •; V, -:-- -4; .A r^'A-A— 1 Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5^ Section 6. Constitution and By-Laws Article I — Organization This organization shall be known as the Junior Catholic Daughters of America. National Board Authority shall be vested in the Episcopal Moderator, the National Junior Director and the Supreme Regent to- gether with two members of the Senior Organization appointed by the Supreme Regent and the Executive Secretary of the JCDA. Regional Consultants shall be appointed by the National Junior Director and the Supreme Regent on a geographi- cal basis. State Board—State Junior Chairman, State Regent, State Junior Chaplain, Diocesan Chairmen, Executive Secretary or her representative. (The Supreme Regent is ex officio a member of every State Board). Where there is only one diocese in a State, the Area Chairmen shall replace the Diocesan Chairmen on the Board. Local—The individual Court shall be known as Junior Court No of (The name, number, city and state of the Senior Court or Parish Group sponsoring the Junior Court shall be in- serted in the blank spaces.) The members of the Junior Court shall be called Juniors or Juniorettes. 1 . - --^ Vv' ''i’„'^r ' -1. 'V-. -Y- ^ V ^ "S.^ '^AV, -J 6 ^V. - ^ / Hi •" . ' “X —C -^' ' ; yy . ^ ,y v^"' y<> ^ ^ Ss^bj '^'-J-'-a' 7k Y'>-^w-'Y:£^K7iykk^-b$>k -'^ -b‘' -^: >^-'i /> y '-V j.yyCr>T^v~v~N^ '^ :^ ,- 7 >:>^'^7yf'''7 - -^ '’J^-if ‘ ¥'' /by ,' ' 'ik¥ ky =-b:^ y : b('by >;' yk'b^ 'y-'' -^- "" ‘ ; -b '' A - '^7-r yy — v_ x'' ( C:?- '; ^ -b.| ''*'^ YV>’ > \Y- :'i Y_ Y yY yyY ' ‘V 77,' '' ' -<77'77^ :.,J^:/V,7: 7,>,kb)-"b^b^k b^'- ' ' »:.-<•’ :yr br. • ~y;U;<7 • .a ^_‘/¥d >ti^ : ; Y7»77Y'k Pyy, \' ' 7^ '^ ' :bbb,-b' .yr?' kb. k kP-7 ^-kk/bv> .' b- y bk' "k7 kr-c yb k-^bb:bb/^ /'" '7 7^ try. b-b'k'.,'^ '-'by 3 - 7yb.7by_.^/^ ' . ,b>. '^'.-A b • v' b 'A w > k. 'ty,' 7-. .'^jbl/'"'' A vY/pr. ,-7Y-:^,-;-777-r’,yrS >y '^:Vk7 p7'-k<- -Tty- --Y, ,' r „ - y- V' k ’ '"' kTkkYV -^v -b ,-f ^ k t 7 .-b a; \ '.—tkk-V'A'v/'^ A A -, _ - •.. ^ . , 'A-- Ak A7by^AbAi " > Tt'y - 7 -1,,. Y-'-'r 7 - A'i k- ” 7 k k f.p .' '\^>^ Yp,;-' - . Y 7 7 --7' -'',7 7577 ' ,v ’ ' yA •V ?’ 77': 'kb b- b' "Tkb-T'jk J Abk^Vb f, -'- ,^;,- : ^ir^7 ','- ; k »; ;:;r77i_yY. Y«- Y .v-';.7;-7^-Vy,Y^ ->^-' ' -- - v ,. ~ r77Y t'^e"'- rY77Y; Yy;-''>.y y : hi '-j^^'-^- 'i-^-Y'i Yy7k -y7;.77 '7y'v 7'7y :-'(-t?t3M V'""> V:X':^ W .o ?-. '^V cc:, :- 0- V. ^ /: O-.^ '" ' ; -"''V' '^-i' ? 'V ^ I L "Y - • -><^'>< Y -,=-*-4-r^ " '. '^. ^>; v' Y- : . 'aY-\^'' .:' '"'kN' . / . ' -v > YYf . :<^ Y -'K '-.1 ^ >^ ,| >--t/;r j-^' “N.-^t. r- •:?.: .V''T:fs,2>J . - ^^..7 V. v>. \ ^ ; vfv V- •“ -S3 X ' • xY. v'*^:--^- - .-‘Y..-- . '/•••.>< 'Y., ^-Y ' ?.?rYj ^2y .<- w. Y^. » ''Y . ' .t , YY_ _ . > - V :^' ir-i-/ .'.,_ , ,Y Y:>/VV- ,,- -il f.r^s --'-VJ ^ ' “ " ^ --Y.; SY^- Y-t '.'''<1. Y’.f'Y., •< vHir Y Y1 Y'- Y’ \ 'r';- '^ vi VTC - Yv 'Y ' '.--vir>-- 41- -^'\5T: YY ••Y / : '---Yc-. .,r Y ,v^— ' :\jYr :;> -v.v ~c>'’'-. /' Jyv^'YYw;^:y,.'Y ^^y5-Y'>y f" '' j^ ') f~ • ' ' \ < ^ '1 4,< ^ i 1. r' .^'-...t'j.YY >; ^“ . '7-. C' J?L*c'-',- ' iV'^^ ' Y^_'- _r vv'"''»4r\ " s w'r.-- V-- r-Y).,^. is^:' . Y' yYY-' -Y’ -Y , " ; ”' Yr-YY>Yu.'Y ,'Yi Y0;/':. :p^ -I >%/-<- 4 o< - ^ • -.T> 'YY ^ A '^>*'^^ ~Y ^ - rY-^YY :^^Y v'='-"Y':y P.Y^. V - *^- Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Article IV The Junior Council—for a Junior Court sponsored by a Senior Court. The government and control of the Junior Court shall be vested in the Junior Council. The Junior Council shall be a self-perpetuating committee which shall be established according to the rules here- inafter set forth. The Junior Council shall be composed of the Counselors of the Junior Court. The Chaplain of the Junior Court and the Grand Regent and Vice Regent of the Senior Court shall be ex-officio members of the Junior Council with voice and vote. A report on the Junior Court shall be given at every busi- ness meeting of the Senior Court under “Report of the Committees.” Council Officers The officers of the Junior Council shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers of the Junior Council shall be elected in May of each year and shall take office immediately following Junior Sunday, the second Sunday in June. Counselor Qualifications — A Counselor should be: a good Catholic, outstanding in her parish and com- munity; at least twenty-one years of age (an assistant Counselor must be at least eighteen years of age); one who believes in the Junior ideals and first principles; loyal—to heirarchy, clergy, family and the organization; patient and often have recourse to prayer; persevering, sociable, reliable, enthusiastic and ener- getic; a possessor of initiative and imagination; one who loves people and has the willingness to work WITH them and FOR them; one who wishes to make a special offering of self and service to the Sacred Heart. 7 Section 9. Section 10. Section 11. Section 12. Counselors shall be chosen as follows;^ a. For the institution of a new Junior Court: (1) The Grand Regent of the Senior Court, after con- sultation with the Junior Court Chaplain, shall ap- point a member of the Senior Court to act as Chairman of the Junior Council, such appointment being based upon the qualifications outlined herein. (2) The Grand Regent and the Junior Chairman shall select Counselors to provide a leader for each troop of eight to twelve Juniors. Such selection shall be made after consultation with the Junior Chaplain and the pastors of the parishes in which the pro- posed Counselors live. (3) The Junior Council shall elect its Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for a term of one year or until the first annual election in May. b. After the appointment of the first Chairman and Coun- selors as herein provided, the Junior Council becomes self-perpetuating, that is in May of each year it shall elect its officers and it shall add to its numbers in accordance with its needs. c. New Counselors shall be selected in the following man- ner: (1) The name of the proposed Counselor shall be given to the Chairman of the Junior Council. (2) The Chairman shall confer with the Grand Regent, the Junior Chaplain and the pastor of the parish in which the proposed Counselor lives. (3) The prospective Counselor must be approved by the Grand Regent, the Junior Chaplain and the pastor before she is admitted to the Junior Council. Satisfactory service as a Counselor for one full calendar year shall be necessary before a Counselor is qualified to receive a Counselor’s pin. The Counselors uniform shall consist of a forest green jacket and skirt, a white blouse, and a forest green cap. White gloves and dark shoes should be worn. Uniform shall be worn at all Court and Troop meetings, at all public events where Juniors attend as a body, and whenever the Counselor is representing the Junior Organization. 8 Duties Section 13. The Junior Council a. Shall have full control of all Junior activities. b. Shall be responsible for the affiliation of the Junior Court in the Diocesan Youth Program. c. Shall approve all expenditures of Junior funds. d. Shall be responsible for all money-raising projects of the Junior Court. e. Shall be responsible for the carrying out by the Junior Court of the National Junior Program. f. Shall see that the Juniors conduct at least one initiation each year. g. Shall hold a regularly scheduled Monthly Meeting. Ad- ditional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman. Section 14. The Chairman of the Council a. Shall preside at all meetings of the Junior Council. b. Shall, at every business meeting of the Senior Court, give a report of the Junior Court activities and prog- ress. If unable to be present she shall designate the Vice-Chairman or a Counselor to give this report. c. Shall submit tw'o reports each year to the National Ex- ecutive Secretary, the State Chairman and the Regional Consultant, namely: (IJ Semi-annual Report—due December 1—This report shall give brief statistics; date of installation of Court Officers; report on work on Honors; report on charity work for six months; and any other per- tinent information. (2) Annual Report—due May 15—This report shall in- clude: name, number and location of Junior Court; number of Counselors, Troops and Juniors; Pet Charity—nature and number of hours and amount donated annually r outstanding activities—Spiritual, Charitable, Cultural and Recreational; number of Honor Pins to be awarded for the year’s Honor work; total number of Honor Juniors in Court; spe- cial events; suggestions; difficulties; the name and address of the Junior Chairman and the Junior Chaplain, and any other pertinent information. 9 d. Shall, at the June business meeting of the Senior Court, make a special annual report on the activities and con- dition of the Junior Court. This report may be a dupli- cate of the one submitted to the National and State officers. The report shall be made by the Chairman in office during the year the report covers. e. Shall keep a permanent condensed record of each Jun- ior who is initiated. f. Shall sign orders for the expenditure of money from the Junior treasury. Such money shall be expended only with the approval of the Junior Council. g. Shall countersign all checks drawn by the treasurer of the Junior Council. h. Shall instruct new Counselors in the details of the Junior organization. i. Shall sign all applications and shall assign candidates to troops. j. Shall notify candidates when and where to report for Initiation. k. Shall, immediately after Initiation, send all application blanks to the JCDA National Office, Washington, D.C. l. Shall keep a record of the place and date of all sched- uled troop meetings. m. Shall attend a troop meeting of each troop in the Court at least once a year. Section 15. The Vice-Chairman of the Council a. Shall assist the Chairman in carrying on the duties of her office. b. In the absence or inability of the Chairman, she shall preside and be responsible for the execution of all the duties of the Chairman. 10 Section 16. The Secretary of the Council a. Shall keep in permanent form true and accurate min- utes of the proceedings of the Council. The official min- utes book shall be passed on to her successor. b. Shall carry on the correspondence of the Council. c. Shall supervise the work of the Junior Court Secretary and assist her in fulfilling the duties of her office. d. Shall act as the Publicity Director for the Council and Court. The Junior Court Reporter shall turn publicity items over to her for publication. Section 17. The Treasurer of the Council a. Shall at each meeting of the Council collect from the Counselors all money received from Juniors. b. Shall deposit all money received from any Junior ac- tivity, all dues and all initiation fees in a bank of the Junior Council’s designation. The account shall be in the name of the Junior Catholic Daughters of America. c. Shall pay all orders drawn on her, which are signed by the Chairman and have the approval of the Council. d. Shall remit to the JCDA National Office, Washington, D.C., by December 1st of each year, 50c per member as National per capita dues. e. Shall remit to the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C., immediately after initiation, 50c for each Junior initiated. f. Shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and disbursed. A record should be kept of dues and special returns of each troop. The official account book should be passed on each year to the new treasurer. g. Shall be prepared at all times to report to the Council 11 the exact condition of the Junior Treasury and to sub- mit her books for audit by the State, Diocesan or Area Chairman at least once a year. h. Shall give a brief financial report at each meeting of ; the Junior Court. i. Shall give a complete financial report for the Court year to be included in the Chairman’s annual report in May. j. Shall audit each troop treasurer’s books at least once a year. Section 18. The Counselor a. Shall be the leader of her Troop. b. Shall arrange for at least one Troop meeting each month, in the homes of the Juniors where possible, and inform the Chairman of the place and date of the sched- uled meetings. c. Shall suggest and plan Troop activities and see that her Troop actively participates in Junior Court activities and special National projects. d. Shall supervise and “enrich” the work on Junior Hon- ors and keep an accurate record of each Junior’s achievement. e. Shall recommend Juniors for Honors and for Court Outstanding Junior. f. Shall assist, advise, and inspire her Troop. g. Shall receive from the Troop Treasurer all monies paid by Juniors at each Troop meeting. Such monies shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the Junior Council at the next Council meeting. h. Shall attend the monthly Council meeting, all Court activities and her own troop activities. 12 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Article IV A The Junior Council—for a Junior Court sponsored by a Parish organization. The government and control of the Junior Court shall be vested in the Junior Council. The Junior Council shall be a self-perpetuating committee which shall be established according to the rules here- inafter set forth. The Junior Council shall be composed of the Counselors of the Junior Court. The Chaplain of the Junior Court shall be an ex-officio member of the Junior Council with voice and vote. Council Officers The officers of the Junior Council shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers of the Junior Council shall be elected in May of each year and shall take office immediately fol- lowing Junior Sunday, the second Sunday in June. Counselor Qualifications—A Counselor should be: A good Catholic, outstanding in her parish and commun- ity; At least twenty-one years of age (an assistant Counselor must be at least eighteen years of age); One who believes in the Junior ideals and first principles; Loyal—to heirarchy, clergy, family and the organization; Patient and often have recourse to prayer; Persevering, sociable, reliable, enthusiastic and ener- getic; A possessor of initiative and imagination; One who loves people and has the willingness to work WITH them and FOR them. One who wishes to make a special offering of self and services to the Secret Heart. Counselors shall be chosen as follows: a. For the institution of a new Junior Court: (1) The Junior State Chairman, after consultation with the Junior Court Chaplain and the pastor of the parish in which the Court is established, shall ap- point a member of the sponsoring parish group to act as Chairman of the Junior Council, such appoint- ment being based upon the qualities'outlined herein. 13 A/ (2) The Junior Chairman shall select Counselors to pro- vide a leader for each troop of eight to twelve Jun- iors. Such selection shall be made after consultation with the Junior Chaplain and the pastors of the parishes in which the proposed Counselors live. (3) The Junior Council shall elect its Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for a term of one year or until the first annual election in May. b. After the appointment of the first Chairman and Coun- selors as herein provided, the Junior Council becomes self-perpetuating, that is in May of each year it shall elect its officers and it shall add to its numbers in accordance with its needs. c. New Counselors shall be selected in the following man- ner: (1) The name of the proposed Counselor shall be given to the Chairman of the Junior Council. (2) The Chairman shall confer with the Junior Chaplain and the pastor of the parish in which the proposed Counselor lives. (3) The prospective Counselor must be approved by the Junior Chaplain and the pastor before she is admitted to the Junior Council. Section 9. Satisfactory service as a Counselor for one full calendar year shall be necessary before a Counselor is qualified to receive a Counselor’s pin. Section 10. The Counselor’s uniform shall consist of a forest green jacket and skirt, a white blouse and a forest green, cap. White gloves and dark shoes should be worn. Section 11. Uniform shall be worn at all Court and Troop meetings, at all public events where Juniors attend as a body, and, whenever the Counselor is representing the Junior Or- ganization. 14 Duties Section 12. The Junior Council a. Shall have full control of all Junior activities. b. Shall be responsible for the affiliation of the Junior Court in the Diocesan Youth Program. c. Shall approve all expenditures of Junior funds. d. Shall be responsible for all money-raising projects of the Junior Court. e. Shall be responsible for the carrying out by the Junior Court of the National Junior Program. f. Shall see that the Juniors conduct at least one initiation each year. g. Shall hold a regularly scheduled Monthly Meeting. Ad- ditional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman. Section 13. The Chairman of the Council a. Shall preside at all meetings of the Junior Council. b. Shall, as and when requested by the sponsoring parish group, give a report of the Junior Court activities and progress. If unable to be present she shall designate the Vice-Chairman or a Counselor to give this report. c. Shall submit two reports each year to the National Executive Secretary, the State Junior Chairman and the Regional Consultant, namely: (1) Semi-annual Report—due December 1—This report shall give brief statistics; date of installation of Court officers; report on work on Honors; report on charity work for the six months; and any other pertinent information. (2) Annual Report—due May 15—This report shall in- clude: name and location of Junior Court; number of Counselors, Troops and Juniors; Pet Charity — nature and number of hours and amount donated annually; outstanding activities—Spiritual, Charita- ble, Cultural and Recreational; number of Honor 15 pins to be awarded for the year’s Honors work; total number of Honor Juniors in Court; special events; suggestions; difficulties; the name and address of the Junior Chairman and the Junior Chaplain; and any other pertinent information. d. Shall make an annual report on the activities and con- dition of the Junior Court to the sponsoring parish group. This report may be a duplication of the report submitted to the JCDA National Office. The report shall be made by the Chairman in office during the year the report covers. e. Shall keep a permanent condensed record of each Junior who is initiated. f. Shall sign orders for the expenditure of money from the Junior treasury. Such money shall be expended only with the approval of the Junior Council. g. Shall countersign all checks drawn by the treasurer of the Junior Council. h. Shall instruct new Counselors in the details of the Junior organization. i. Shall sign all applications and shall assign candidates to troops. j. Shall notify candidates when and where to report for Initiation. k. Shall, immediately after Initiation, send all application blanks to the JCDA National Office, Washington, D.C. l. Shall keep a record of the place and date of all sched- uled troop meetings. m. Shall attend a troop meeting of each troop in the Court at least once a year. Section 14. The Vice-Chairman of the Council a. Shall assist the Chairman in carrying on the duties of her office. b. In the absence or inability of the Chairman, she shall preside and be responsible for the execution of all the duties of the Chairman. 16 Section 15. The Secretary of the Council a. Shall keep, in permanent form, true and accurate min- utes of the proceedings of the Council. The official minutes book shall be passed on to her successor. b. Shall carry on the correspondence of the Council. c. Shall supervise the work of the Junior Court Secretary and assist her in fulfilling the duties of her office. d. Shall act as the Publicity Director for the Council and Court. The Junior Court Reporter shall turn publicity items over to her for publication. Section 16. The Treasurer of the Council a. Shall at each meeting of the Council collect from the Counselors all monies received from Juniors. b. Shall deposit all money received from any Junior ac- tivity, all dues and all initiation fees in a bank of the Junior Council’s designation. The account shall be in the name of the Junior Catholic Daughters of America. c. Shall pay all orders drawn on her, which are signed by the Chairman and have approval of the Council. d. Shall remit to the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C. by December 1st of each year, 50c per member as National per capita dues. e. Shall remit to the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C., immediately after initiation, 50c for each Junior Initiated. f. Shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and disbursed. A record should be kept of dues and special returns of each troop. The official account book should be passed on each year to the new treasurer. g. Shall be prepared at all times to report to the Council the exact condition of the Junior Treasury and to sub- - mit her books for audit by the State, Diocesan or Area Chairman at least once a year. h. Shall give a brief financial report at each meeting of the Junior Court. i. Shall give a complete financial report for the Court year to be included in the Chairman’s annual report in May. j. Shall audit each troop treasurer’s books at least once a year. 17 Section 17. The Counselor a. Shall be the leader of her Troop. b. Shall arrange for at least one Troop meeting each month, in the homes of the Juniors where possible, and inform the Chairman of the place and date of the sched- uled meetings. c. Shall suggest and plan Troop activities and see that her Troop actively participates in Junior Court activi- ties and special National projects. d. Shall supervise and “enrich” the work on Junior Hon- ors and keep an accurate record of each Junior’s achievement. e. Shall recommend Juniors for Honors and for Court Outstanding Junior. f. Shall assist, advise and inspire her Troop. g. Shall receive from the Troop Treasurer all money paid by Juniors at each Troop meeting. Such money shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the Junior Council at the next Council meeting. h. Shall attend the monthly Council meeting, all Court activities and her own troop activities. 18 Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Article V Membership in Junior Court Membership in the Junior Catholic Daughters of America shall be open to all Catholic girls from their twelfth birth- day to their eighteenth birthday. Application: a. Candidates for membership shall fill out the official application blank and present it with the Initiation Fee to the Chairman of the Junior Council. b. The application shall be accepted and the Chairman shall assign the prospective Junior to a Troop. September 1 shall be the determining date for completion of Junior membership; however, membership may con- tinue until the 18th birthday. To TRANSFER from one Court to another, the Junior shall obtain a letter from her Chairman, including a re- port from her Counselor on her record in Honors work and Court and Troop activities and requesting that her name be considered in the Court to which she wishes to transfer. 19 ; / p - f- -It . ,>, ,r,-- V4?>^ --'x.'. i ' T'^. ^ '’ V -, S ^.'N - " ' >' ' , ‘ r \' V - ~^4< c-.'-.'^ . ;'T,'' v.y.''?' ^p, v_-^ >, ,V( 1 :-'<, ,,\ 1>-.M-- ;.^.. -vw ' i>}r T- eV^~ f s^ -T X ^ -'^j, - v'- X^", ' X p-<7', _ '. V, y^v^,-.>4 .-^T'^- -y\ -.' V-'^: j 4y-4'IJ: h- <' - ' ' - Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Article VI Court Officers 1. The officers of each Junior Court shall be Chaplain, Presi* dent, Vice-President, Secretary and Reporter. 2. The Junior Chaplain is appointed by the Ordinary of the Diocese. 3. All Officers, except the Chaplain shall be elected an- nually for a term of one year or until the first Annual Election. 4. The Election of Officers shall be held at the regular May Meeting of the Junior Court. 5. Honor Juniors only shall be eligible for office in the Junior Court after the first year of organization. It is recommended that preference be given Juniors who have earned the higher Honors. 6. Voting shall be by ballot. A majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary to elect. Only members in good standing shall be allowed to vote or be eligible for office. The President shall appoint two tellers and a clerk to count the votes cast and report the results to the meeting. 7. The Officers elected in May shall take office immediately following Junior Sunday, the second Sunday in June. 8. The Installation of Junior Court Officers shall take place at the first Junior Court meeting following the election of Officers. This should be in June, but not later than September 15. 9. The Officers of the Junior Court shall be installed by the Diocesan Junior Chairman. If impossible for her to attend, she may assign the Area or Local Chairman to install the Officers. 10. Court Officers shall forfeit their office if they fail to at- tend regularly Court Meetings and Court activities. An Officer absent from three Court functions shall auto- matically forfeit the office (unless excused by vote of Council). 21 ^ - ' ' . , X. ' Duties of Court Officers Section 11. The Junior Chaplain Section 12. a. Shall offer the prayers at the meetings of the Junior Court. b. Shall attend the monthly Council meetings. c. Shall be the spiritual advisor and director for both the Council and the Junior Court. d. Shall assist in every way possible in the promotion of the program. The President a. Shall preside at all Junior Court meetings and at Junior Initiations. h. Shall represent the Juniors at Senior Court functions or Parish functions and at all civic activities. c. Shall perform such other duties as the Council may define. Section 13. The Vice-President Section 14. Shall in the absence or inability of the President perform the duties of the President. The Secretary a. Shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of the Junior Court meetings. A permanent Record book shall be used for this purpose and shall be passed on to her successor. b. Shall carry on the correspondence of the Junior Court. Section 15. The Reporter a. Shall be responsible for submitting publicity articles to the Secretary of the Junior Council immediately after every Junior Court meeting or activity. b. Shall receive publicity regularly from Troop Reporters and be responsible for at least one article monthly on Troop activities. c. Shall keep a Scrapbook of publicity and activities of the Junior Court. This scrapbook shall be passed on to her successor. d. Shall send annually at least two articles of interest to The National Executive Secretary, Washington, D. C., and the State Junior Chairman. 22 Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Article VII Junior's Act of Consecration Pledge—Standards—Motto Act of Consecration, written by Katharine C. Raedy, with the original imprimatur of The Most Rev. William J. Hafey, R.I.P., Bishop of Scranton. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we the Junior Catholic Daughters of America, humbly offer ourselves to Thee. We consecrate our minds, that in Thy loving care they may grow in kindness, simplicity and generosity. We consecrate our hearts that they may be filled with sanctity, purity and a great love of Thee, that will guide us in our work, our studies and our play. Teach us to turn to Thee in our sorrows; to be worthy of any success Thou mayest send us; to cherish Thy love and protection above all things. It is our earnest prayer that Thou wilt accept us as Thy very own and always keep us close to Thy Sacred Heart. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we believe in Thy love for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in Thee. Amen. The Junior Pledge: I promise, on my honor, to be a faithful member of the Junior Catholic Daughters of America. By faith- ful, I mean active in Junior affairs, eager for Junior advancement and keen to uphold Junior standards. As a Junior, I shall strive to love God, to serve others, and to live' nobly. Junior Standards: To love God. To serve othnrs. To live nobly. Junior Motto: Be Useful. Official Junior Hymn: “To Jesus’ Heart All Burning.’’ 23 r^V'; ' -" i''rrV- : ^ " -' - ^V '^•^ '^r- '*~^-. ^:.l'^,'^'''- , ‘.•.V"'jvl .:r- >vS;.,K.v / '•^ • 'i % • • of '-.'^ ( “ •> - '^w5-^i . ^ . 'v\'r • - , , '. ' : .-, / i< ^ ; ''-- 1 •Kv - , " ' • r i’ y ', tA'- > -r, ' -' ^ . ‘".c - V ' ^ . ^. r ,'v7 ' -^ ' -~:-7 7 '-^ -’v :‘>:>s-:l'.7;<#^ -.-^ V / ^ / -.. 7^ : Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Article VIII Colors—Uniforms—Emblem—Honor Pin The official Junior colors shall be forest green and white. The official Junior uniform shall be a forest green skirt, blouse and cap, obtainable only through the JCDA Na- tional Office. The blouse has a large Junior Emblem on the left side over the heart and the cap bears a smaller emblem. Plain black, low heeled shoes and either stock- ings or white socks shall be worn. The Junior uniform may be worn by a Junior only after initiation. The Junior uniform shall be worn by all Juniors at all troop and Court meetings and at all public events when Juniors attend in a body or represent the organization. The Junior uniform shall be worn throughout Junior Week, the second week in June, if possible. The Junior uniform shall not be worn at any other time, without special permission. An Honor Pin shall be awarded to a Junior for the satis- factory completion of one year’s work on Junior Honors. Only the current Honor numerals shall be worn. All previous numerals shall be removed. The Honor pin shall be the goal of all Juniors and may be worn at all times. 25 i A- d Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Article IX Finances Each member shall pay the Initiation Fee when present- ing an application for membership. This fee shall be at least $1.00, 50c being for the JCDA National Office and 50c for the local Court. The dues shall be not less than one dollar a year, starting the first of December following acceptance of the ap- plication. Any Junior who is five months in arrears in dues shall forfeit her membership and rights and privileges thereof. To be reinstated within one year all back dues must be paid. After one year has elapsed she must pay a reinstate- ment fee of at least one dollar. Fifty cents per capita shall be remitted to the JCDA Na- tional Office, Washington, D. C., before December 31, annually. Any Court that shall fail to pay per capita dues to the JCDA National Office by December 31, shall be con- sidered temporarily inactive and suspended from the National Mailing list, etc., until dues are paid. 27 W A. - ^ / '^i^{ - ',. • ^ -'--T . cr^l '->' V fe> — ,?. V f-> A"- ’' •'-'<:•' '"r-i-. ••> ?;->vH. -'y^.-i:-^ /^•;\' - 'S' 4-rU /• X' :", , ^ ^ A>> ^ A V X • ?-' • ^ r 'e;- ."--^'^/a- >, yy ~^' ' ^ " ' ^ ;5^^' ; X.:^ = V - .Aa-"’ ' iS ^ . jr. : V;v^ ’&v- ‘- ^ r.:- 4^^ . r ff', y^. h,. V-'^^ ' ‘^'''-' y,y-AL* -4'r ^A'V '-'-a;.* /T-C y , •y-fy'v ., k:A’4i i^Y T:^*^ is -V . ^ t . ^'- 'PAA\j~ > f'(AH.''J‘''' XiX'\py^t' Ay yj^ ^ - 1" '. ^ ' X' ' ' s-'-,. - A- A . ' -C^ '~^y •• "vvy, • ,; 4 A ' ,C- f^'^.f - '^- - ' . x^j ' '-. xxy-:A.^ -Z ^ y-xA\^/hX- (,mmm:mmy0:0By x_Ar.. xy,xx; V;^-> ^ GtxG y ^ '-X 'y , '4=^ y. • > ' . , -r x~^rif^ 'A )^-y -4Xy •' -v4' * - y --' ^ ^ < X .->^ X X v--w^~y •tr- * ^IS li -f A ' X c. ~ T" ‘ -'' '- 4 ^' ' X :>? '' -/Ar ' X3ut-.s'' A'i y2.;v---yy^yi 'y xysyzyx^y^ .; .. ^ X-yX^4;y--^'i^Ky^ ^y;: X>A^, Na^XX (A 'J .r 4 .: ;v.y: y/X' y'X" - ^X?‘t 'A5 yvy? ?- t ': x^y^' '^j X' V '•I x.y. A '*' Y 'h -'^~ ' Z A"xpu .xys. -pY 'X X, P-XyAx/y-Z'y U^^xxt-'. Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Article X Junior Court Meetings Each Junior Court shall hold at least six general meetings each year. Juniors are expected to attend ail meetings and activities of their Troop and of the Junior Court. Absence from three meetings, ^vithout excuse from the Counselor, shall suspend the Junior for a period of two months from participation in all Junior activities. Order of Business for Meeting of the Junior Court: 1. Call to Order. 2. PRAYER Direct, O Lord, we beseech Thee, all our actions by Thy holy inspiration and carry them on by Thy gracious assistance, that every work and prayer-of ours may begin from Thee and by Thee be happily ended. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Ejaculation to the Sacred Heart. Ejaculation to Our Lady. 3. Official Junior Hymn. 4. Pledge to the Flag. 5. Reading of Minutes. 6. Reading of Communications. 7. Reports of Committees. 8. Financial Report—by Treasurer of the Junior Council. 9. Report from the Chairman of the Junior Council. 10. Unfinished Business. 31. New Business. 12. Junior Song. 13. Adjournment. All regular Junior Court Meetings shall be closed meet- ings, open to Juniors and members of the Junior Council only. It is understood that members of the Clergy and Religious are welcome at all meetings and functions of Juniors. Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Article XI Court Initiations Candidates for membership in the Junior Court shall be initiated at a Junior Court Meeting. The candidate shall be assigned to a Troop. The Junior Initiation shall follow the plan outlined and the^suggestions given in the Book of Official Ceremonies. a. A Report of Initiation, completed application blanks of new Juniors, and the number of new Counselors shall be sent immediately to the Executive Secretary at the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C. The names and addresses of the new Counselors shall be sent immediately to the State Junior Chairman. b. After the Initiation of a new Junior Court, a Request for Registration shall be filled out and sent at once to the Executive Secretary through the Regional Consultant. This request should contain the names and addresses of the Junior Chaplain, and the Junior Chairman, and the number of Juniors and Counselors. There shall be at least one Initiation each year. Parents, Senior CDA members or Parish group members may be invited to the Institution of a new Junior Court. Subsequently, Initiation ceremonies are “closed.” 31 ^ s - A"-- < 5' :ttn *'>* r:frv^i -; ^f:4i4|p5; f gg^ r^sS >^g-^ -? X' Sx. r. . ^ %:; ggggg:ggg-g'g^^£ -XjT;x^ ^"'V -- -~ gXv-y -i^C»-.v'rVS^-Jj.>/;v .-vf'Xii-H ^ > x- . fc:. ~i, \7X. V9^.-^y y-v- • ./ -'^'gg 'W-'X'''?. -< - -< '"- ! .'' >r.: X" :- -a: C- v^.r^ - s - v-^ Clg,X fr' \/,’^ -, 'tg '^ . ^ > "' 1^- ' '^X'' ' '-'X ' /-- J" "- X " - X' ^ -Sr - ' V V?V-, :,^:i'C'- ./TV',- i^v'C*' -^‘’"> -< V v»‘- ' . -I o^:vv^' '^'-^ .vj'>C'v-/^-;'i’SfV>:.-y''^’ ,v -'a?- ..i^'''iyX,v^<7,4A- .-.«- o i .-li\ g.A,^ -: : ;A‘ . gg:'C,' ' "' A 'V v -N?^ s -.i/v--- ;'A-, ’g.igvX -i'^g gy'gX ; 'vg'.^'''''.gT-'''g' «gXg ^ : ^>f-{' .' j;'-y,-- S'l’-^v.; v^!^;?'.'?;'-''^ V i v'-’f ,v ^\^'A X^.)V.-‘94 A, r.X' - A,^' ' V-> -.^> ' -.A.,- '>'-<' ^ , . > . -" ,^- Pggfgggg'fg’ ^g *::g’'Ag/< '4g ^x^g'g.gX AA ;,,^ yA'Y>' J‘ g. '!' :' • AT'''-’b A' -' -r- -X ' (/- ' A'A-/ ' '"^ S', |g=yHX . gg3gL,-^gg' g- "‘g.-g ' g ^g g ^ ' isyg '-g xg’C- -'^gg'g g ggg^g g g '|g' jYX ':y g; y^g' gx' %;-''g '^xTug^ .¥y?g;MA'gc-v g^^-^^g/-^T;'vggy g>:--g^ '^-/gg:gg^A^g^A^^ ^'' '-g^ ' -» .»' '.J\ V -•'.• 'X)T . '' \ "'^S^' / '^^'rxr>W/ ' y^': /'V -'J. J ^ '-'Hie;- '^-^'V 11-' N>; >5 . ^.; r . //l ^ *• ^ *r'-.' , . fee. . -‘- ^4% '/ - 4 -‘: 4 ;. % icss '- J^'^A -^^-,r-.: ^ J’'V .'V^ e-.7^^e/.;>. - .• ., .i>7 \- V.: ^ v -A/ii- S_^/ -, ; :c^ A- t^' "V'-'J:'-''^ \>- ^ vy :^' '^|v t- ' --^ >^;_-m -\r I «:-. 'i A'>K.‘r-p-.''«:' yr : -k ¥• ^ fe^7 - /^'- ' A _;^V/ 7??- 7..1777 . 7-k V i ; ' ^ w . ' -7. - ^V \ 'i. ke ^ ' f »(• C‘ ‘ ' V ''1 :fkiv'kS,'^'' & 'k'S 44-44/. ./• ''ekp-'sekk r>7.77^.7f7?7':7-777< • ; . ' X'''^:-( ^7v-v A \r /i-' A, ' 1 / ^ 7kk;7777-7^7 AA f777l7^7r77'A'7 77'5;; 7'fe •7-. ' y ^ '- v^' ‘''"» 77-;^ 7a-.: • ik 'A->r . ,'; k_k-'-7^k^y-4^77 ! : ;'-7, 7u.p^^77p7':7^-M7 >/S/ t;4^:4 ; J U 7Pa'"' -'"'7 i'7^77- 7/pkv o77/-. //^:w,4- 4 /;' -7 -7sy 7evP'pT-74<7 7 . A 7", t-t:f•' ' 7 v'p e; v' -' 7 7- ^ p / /'//- S^/ 47/4 771 ^ ifcj ^ - S ' ,> 7 V ; .777 : ;; ;:- 'p , .p 7 7 7 7- pp p :P‘ '' tTk’' /fi/( y^ty,/7 p 4 y4 : A>i 'VS , ^ ' h/_ ^ (,-. > :••' l. v77 • .7 ^ . Ph - ' >L Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Article XIII Troop Meetings The Troops shall meet at least once each month in the homes of the Juniors, if possible. Attendance at meetings—see Article X, Section 2. The Order of Business at Troop Meetings: 1. Call to order. 2. Prayer: Direct, O Lord, etc. (See Article X, Sec. 3), Ejaculation to the Sacred Heart. Ejaculation to Our Lady. 3. Roll Call of members. 4. Reading of minutes. 5. Reading of communications. 6. Recess for collection of dues. 7. Reports of Committees. 8. Report of Troop Treasurer. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. New Business. 11. Report of Counselor. 12. Work on Junior Honors. 13. Adjournment of Business meeting. 14. Crafts, games or recreation. 15. Juniors’ Act of Consecration. 16. Juniors’ Official Hymn. Note: The serving of refreshments at Troop Meetings is optional. If served, they should be simple. Troop Business Meetings shall be open to Junior mem- bers and Junior Council members only, unless a guest is invited for a special purpose. 35 ^ or- : - - ,A ' / ’'^ '^,br o . - )^\%- S-is^ ...- J^ ^v, v3 > -<-'-isT^.'“?^' ' '-^ ' ''- fV -:^h-' ;:^C'' v^^ -C *"' >, -'^ ' :/p' kf"' -: - " ^'^^;p^'-.'^-^ -''^ •- i ' "• ' V/i S'^" 'rJ:, (- - ! '. -t - T^'- ^-Ar ‘ / . ^-V: ; ’^-C - - - -- ^ 'iX'i.'sii,' . ' X2-- *;> '- ^.^l»-v,-'-; '.v-i V'l 'i 5-'-V- '-''^-v. ~r --y/T-, . - >i , , . ,, , ,. taaaGa .''y^G G^y3 s" vy. - .G'^ u ;HrG ^y-;l(A. '>.• •A'--' ,>r%'^ -• -.Ty-Mr'y- X r •9^^.,,.- A .A-- 'H ''-y-r';'' - vAvV ‘‘G 4 >G,. ;. vA GA’^' v'^\'^ p ; -x. G-^:GyG fyGYA 'c. y^YAA-yA r'y ??; ..., V ->.:v.^ T^-y- Ak . -7 A--^:,'Y'- 4yy2- Ya ' -A '^^^"YyGGA • 'A- A, -^''" ''^-G' A Y' x4A' U v-A: ' aGAaA aA>' y-: ' ^A''M- • a!a-a-^y4 ^ G yv y-X^GxvAv'A - ''Y4 .iY' :A'-7^7!^^-A.yy-:' ,"A_AA'-^y,-jY -Ay -tr---' yA rv . .; - _,-x y . ,-",yX '^YT ^ txw . Ay.-- Ay"'^ |.y7^'y-yLYyAy:y A'-4a-:a^4g4a:: VArx AAA;'AG5y-'^•"“s^ » r V , ^ AA ' \ > ^ ^ ' -3c -4 y '' I A 4y V yaGya a AA 'A ' ' "'y // ./ A A -•^-Yy All ’’ A A"- - ''^' S". ^-,,-/ , YAGA"' -Gy :'A' . i'y rA YA V A - 'XA, .' GyGy-Y • -y jAY aT - — yAYYyY ’ X 'Y ^5yY'Y A- : XA ^ .--G, 'yV x.yyA.- AY?" . .. - . , -^ IfAArf'A,x2Yl.Y.^Yj ;• *'f" ’" •'' ' •yA'-T.—n- V -Y < A Y r ' «Y-Y'’ 'AA^y-' -• ' , •• ;V'— ' ' K 'A .-3w\ > yA^. Y -• a-y ^ y> >‘ , Y ^ X . Yv < V v" Y-; " Y' - ^ ^ yxYA' ^ y-Y yYY.y ' YxYY:- v-YAYyAY >Y . /v,-.,fesxYY ayg4' Y' a yY.' ., I / . yA-"A' V -^YcAyAAAYY:.' -..Y " Y ''^YY Y ."^-xY ' .'Ay,, ,v-XAyG^A -.Y.^><,. YY^Yxx.Y^ y.^r -J Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Article XIV Troop Officers The Officers of each Troop shall be President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer and Reporter. Troop Officers shall be elected for a term of one year at the first meeting of the Troop in September. A new Troop shall elect Officers to serve until the first Annual Elec- tion in September. Election of Troop Officers shall be by ballot. A majority of votes cast shall elect. Duties of Troop Officers Troop President a. Troop President shall preside at all Troop meetings and shall conduct them according to Parliamentary Law; shall confer with the Counselor about Troop plans and activities; shall appoint all necessary com- mittees and perform such other duties as the Counselor may define. b. At the May Meeting of the Junior Court, the President shall report the progress and activities of her Troop for the previous year. Troop Vice-President shall, in the absence or inability of the President, perform all the duties of the President. Troop Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the pro- ceedings of each Troop meeting; shall keep a record of the attendance at meetings; shall carry on the corre- spondence of her Troop. She shall, at the expiration of her term of office, deliver to her successor all the books and records of her Troop. 37 Section 7. Section 8. Troop Treasurer shall collect dues regularly; shall keep an accurate record of the payment of each member; shall turn over to the Counselor at each meeting all money received; shall be prepared at all times to give an exact statement of the financial condition of her Troop; and shall submit her record book for audit by the Council Treasurer at least once a year. The record book shall be passed on to her successor. Troop Reporter shall be responsible for turning over to the Court Reporter at least one article monthly on Troop activities; shall keep a Scrapbook of Troop meetings and activities. This scrapbook shall be passed on to her successor. Article XV Parliamentary Authority Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, shall be the parlia- mentary authority on all matters not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws and pertaining to the Junior Council, Court and Troop. 38 Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Article XVI Juniorettes 1. The Juniorette program shall be an entirely separate and distinct program from the Junior program. 2. The Juniorette Program shall be for girls of seven through eleven years of age (grade 2 on). 3. It shall be a home-centered ACTIVITIES program built around definite projects which have spiritual, inspira- tional, educational and character training value. 4. Juniorettes shall be dedicated to the Child Jesus. They also shall have special devotion to the Guardian Angels. 5. The Juniorette program shall be under the direct super- vision and control of the Junior Council which shall serve as the sponsoring committee. 6. A Juniorette group may be the beginning of a Junior Court. The same procedure shall be followed as in organizing Juniors with Juniorette personnel forming the Junior Council. 7. Authorization for organizing a Court shall be secured in advance from the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C., through the Regional Consultant. 8. The Chairman of the Juniorettes shall be elected annually and becomes a member of the Junior Council. 9. The Juniorette Chairman shall: a. Serve as the direct link between the Junior Council, the Juniorette Counselors and Juniorettes. b. Hold a monthly meeting of the Juniorette Counselors. c. Keep the official records of the Juniorette troops. d. Report on the activity and progress of the Juniorette troops at the monthly Junior Council meetings. e. Submit two reports each year to the National Execu- tive Secretary, Washington, D. C. (Refer Article IV, Section 14c or Article IV A, Section 13c.) 10. Selection of Juniorette Counselors when sponsored by a Senior court: The Juniorette Chairman shall select the Counselors after conferring with the Grand Regent, the Junior Chairman, the Junior Chaplain and the pastors of the parishes in which the proposed counselors live. 39 Section lOA. Selection of Juniorette Counselors when sponsored by a Section 11. Parish Organization: The Juniorette Chairman shall se- lect the Counselors after conferring with the Junior Chairman, the Junior Chaplain, and the pastor of the parish in which the Junior Court is situated. A Juniorette Counselor shall be an exemplary Catholic, outstanding in her parish and community. She shall be at least eighteen years of age. Section 12. A Junior Catholic Daughter of America, sixteen years of age or over, may serve as an Assistant Juniorette Coun- selor. This service shall be credited toward Junior Ser- vice requirements. Section 13. The official Juniorette Uniform shall be a forest green jumper, a white blouse and a green cap, obtainable only through the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C. Section 14. Section 15. The membership pin shall be worn only after initiation. A Certificate of Achievement shall be awarded after the satisfactory completion of the five year program. This is obtainable from the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C. Section 16. Each Juniorette shall pay an Initiation fee when present- ing an application for membership. This fee shall be at least 50 cents, of which 25 cents shall be paid to the JCDA National Office, Washington, D. C., and the balance retained by the local Court. Section 17. Section 18. The dues shall be at least 10 cents a month. Fifty cents per capita shall be remitted to the JCDA Na- tional Office, Washington, D. C., before December 31 annually. Complete information on the Juniorette Program is con- tained in Juniorettes, Manual for Counselors. 40 -r' i ^ ^ \.y c'-r^^ _ - Sr'" ^-' ' _ V^ r - V''" ^ 7 tr . *» ' •' ' 1. .- r" >—v' , ..-> -DC A -. ^- ,-. D • .- D'Dy^V- :-£‘ C‘ ' " C il'-D "'^^^v ' ' ''- a'^'p. = '---<-r^-''- ''‘' ' - '>r. . '. .o". D • P'-p- p "'P' •• - - . Z. '-• r - ^ - --. p -.'P ~,p ''- ^ " PP ;-) :^y.; X /p-Z P‘-v:: p- ' >S- • zr^S' / 'P ; .p 'p- zr " - A- ' -'-'X- O' '-Piy>- ' O^-Pr- -ppArO--- -- ' "^ 0- , \ O,^ ,'r ^ "P. 7 >. ' P-7 lop 'f-\^<, ' ^ X^X-D^^'O- ~ ' ' ,' I ^ - ' >P^ ^SpO:^ -P'Z :P . "P. SPOOSl; o^^lo c ^ ^ ' > '^ ^70=^ jPP =- ^''o^-'-'Z 'Sr ;Z K-': ’ . PpD- ' c --Oo, oV’ -'i- POc- o. , r ' - ^ ^ ^ ^1 Oo ;Z c pOoPo ; . ' -:^ lo ^ P 'P iO lo?oP/'^ v^'PP'-^ -:0-l- 70 ' ^ZoO':o-'r c O O?' /' . ^ - -07 X . ,P • — ' ^ , ^ o_,v"^.fj :-.-0. O‘.x^-o: O yory:- oo*^.XO-.o-' •P-^'Sp o ---.'^PpP.rX;,C-0l'P7 X P 'vvy A'O'' XO y;0- y7 '- . DO. " 'tP7^4^-A-.-:-' Z^-;X . 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