A " . ; .. . No. I The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Publications Department ~~~~~~ 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Copyright, 1941, by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine SUGGESTED CONSTITUTION OF THE CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE FOR PARISH UNITS AFFILIATED WITH THE DIOCESAN CONFRATERNITY "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them; for of such is the Kingdom of God" (Mark 10: 14). Canon 711:2 of the Code of Canon Law, the encyclical letter of Pius XI on The Christian Education of Youth; and the decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Council, On the Better Care and Promotion of Catechetical Educa- tion, constitute the charter of the Confraternity of Chris- tian Doctrine. ARTICLE I- Name The name of this organization shall be the Confrater- nity of Christian Doctrine of .. . ................... . . ' Pansh . . .. ...................................... . > A,RTICLE II- Objectives The objectives of the parish Confraternity shall be: a. Religious education of elementary school children not attending Catholic schools, in vacation school, instruc- tion classes, and correspondence courses. b. Religious instruction of Catholic .youth of high school age not attending Catholic schools, in suitable discus- . ~ol~ [1] / ... ~ ···''i' '! sion clubs and by other successful methods. c. Religious dicussion clubs for adult groups (including students attending secular colleges and universities, and out-of -school youth). d. Religious education of children by parents in the home. e. Instruction of non-Catholics in the teachings of the Catholic faith. f. Participation as a society, and under the direction of the pastor, in sacred functions of public worship ac- cording to the norms of Canon 709:1. Promotion of the annual celebration of the feast of Christian Doc- trine ( Catechetical Day) in each parish, on the day prescribed by the Ordinary of the diocese. Where not cared for by other agencies, the following activities may be undertaken by the Confraternity : · a. Retreats for children, clubs and classes for immigrant parents, religious instruction of Catholics in secular, charitable and penal institutions. b. A religious program in missions on Sundays and holy- days of obligation, when a priest is not present to cele- brate Mass . c. Distribution of Catholic literature, especially papers and magazines; maintenance, at the church or assem- bly hall, of a book rack containing pamphlets on Cath- olic doctrine and practice. ARTICLE III- Membership Section 1. Active Members. Men, women and youth of the parish who are willing to take an active part in the work of the Confraternity, by serving at least one hour a week or fifty hours annually, shall be enrolled in one or more of the following divisions: a. Teachers, who shall assist priests and religious in cate- chetical work, especially in religious vacation schools and in school year instruction classes. b. Fishers (home visitors), who shall make systematic [2} surveys of the parish, to encourage attendance at in- struction classes, membership in discussion clubs, and subscription to the diocesan paper. . c. Helpe_rs, who shall distribute Catholic literature, take charge of the parish Confraternity library, provide facilities for the conduct of classes and clubs, trans- port teachers and pupils, assist with preparation of material for religious vacation schools and instruction classes, and perform other duties as directed. d. Discussion Club Leaders and Members, who shall con- duct or attend religious discussion clubs for adults -and secular high-school students. e. Parent-Educators, who shall promote the practice of religion in the home, and cooperate with the Parent- Educator program of the Confraternity. f. Apostles to Non-Catholics, who shall assist in present- ing the Faith to those outside the fold. Section' 2. Associate Members. Members of the parish who cannot take an active part in the Confraternity pro- gram of religious instruction, but who wish to make a con- tribution toward its support, shall be admitted as Associate Members. They may be classified, according to their an- nual contribution, as Contributing, Special, Supporting, or Sustaining Members. Section 3. Enrollment of active and associate members should be made early in September of each year. Section 4. Both active and associate members shall pray daily for the interests of the Confraternity. They shall receive Holy Coffimunion at least once a month. ARTICLE IV- Officers and Organization Section 1. The Director shall be the pastor, or a priest appointed by him. Section 2. Each September the Director shall appoint or shall arrange for the election of the following officers: [3} president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and a chair- man for each of the several divisions of active membership named in Article III, Sec. 1. Section 3. The Director, the officers and the chairmen of the several divisions of membership shall constitute the Executive Board of the Confraternity. ARTICLE V- Meetings Section 1. The Executive Board of the Confraternity shall meet once a month. Section 2. A minimum of six classes for the prepara- tion of workers shall be held every year by each of the division chairmen, under the supervision of the Director. Section 3. General meetings of the entire Confrater- nity membership shall be held at least semi-annually at the call of the Director. Nihil obstat. Henry J. Zolzer, Censor librorum. Imprimatur. t Thomas H . McLaughl in, Bishop of Paterson . This and other literature issued by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Publications Department, 1312 Massachu- setts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C., may ~e ordered di- rect from the publisher, St. Anthony's Guild, Paterson, N.J. The cost of this leaflet is $1.50 per 100. In ordering, designate form No. 1 883344-001 883344-002 883344-003 883344-004