id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005459578	Miller, D. F. (Donald Ferdinand), 1903-	Questions young men and women ask before marriage	1961		.txt	text/plain	22211	907	72	This kind of love is not necessary because there have been thousands of happy marriages without it, from those in which the bridegroom was chosen for the bride (or vice versa) by elders, as was customary for centur- ies, down to the latest marriage of two young people who kept their wits about them all through their company-keeping and en- gagement. Questions young men and women ask before marriage VOUNG MEN AND yi/OMEN ASK BEFORE MARRIAGE QUESTIONS YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN ASK BEFORE MARRIAGE by Donald F. Miller, C.SS.R. COPYRIGHT 1961 LIGUORIAN PAMPHLETS REDEMPTORIST FATHERS Liguori, Missouri Imprimi Potest: John N. McCormick, C.SS.R Provincial, St. Louis Province, Redemptorist Fathers November 20, 1961 Imprimatur: St. Louis, November 24, 1961	cache/_005459578.txt	txt/_005459578.txt