id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005459515	Rumble, Leslie.	The Jehovah witness	1951		.txt	text/plain	9527	432	68	That the doctrines of Russell and Rutherford are but the 7 teachings of men, to be handed down amongst the Wit- nesses of Jehovah by tradition does not seem to have oc- curred to him! Asked to define Christianity he replies, “Christianity means the worship of Almighty God in spirit and in truth, in accord with the commands of God and teachings of Jesus Christ. “For religion,” declared Rutherford, “dishonors and reproaches the name of Jehovah God, whilst Christianity honors and vindicates the name of Almighty God.	cache/_005459515.txt	txt/_005459515.txt