id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005459469	nan	Novena to Blessed Martin de Porres, O.P.	1935		.txt	text/plain	3528	186	79	Meditations for Boys with Blessed Martin (illustrated) $ .10 ea.; 25 for $2.00 Meet Brother Martin $ .15 ea.; 15 for $2.00 Dark Man of God (replacing Lad of Lima) beautifully illustrated, designed for children but enjoyed by adults $ .75 ea.; 3 for $2.00 Blessed Martin Book of Prayers $ .10 ea.; 25 for $2.00 (In Polish $ .15 ea.) Martin still moves in our midst, healing and comforting, and in gratitude his joyful clients are begging Almighty God to bestow on their loving benefactor the glorification of sainthood for the honor of God and the salvation of Christ’s children.	cache/_005459469.txt	txt/_005459469.txt