id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005459434 Walde, John J. Radio talks 1934 .txt text/plain 11078 480 77 Here once more then as Jesus is passing by, “The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the poor have the Gos- pel preached to them.” A King Forever At Lourdes as at many another place where Christ or His Blessed Mother have deigned to show Themselves in a visible manner, we Catholics find the confirmation that “God remaineth a King forever,” that our old confidence has not been misplaced, that nature is a servant and not a queen, that Jesus Christ is the same always, that we have a more tender Mother than the hard earth from which our bodies came, and that our little sand-castles that we build are not the mightiest things in the universe anymore than is the sea that washes them away at every tide. This was done at the Council of Ephesus which gathered in the year 430 to, con- demn the teachings of Nestorious who had made false statements in regard to the nature of Christ, and claimed that the Blessed Virgin was the Mother of the man Jesus, but not truly the Mother of God. cache/_005459434.txt txt/_005459434.txt