id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005457260 McManus, William E. A review of the State and sectarian education 1946 .txt text/plain 6727 229 49 If, however, the states were to assume their rightful responsibility, they need not curtail their expenditure for public schools; they would simply be required to levy adequate taxes to cover the cost of educating all school children and not just those at- tending the state-controlled schools. If the average national expenditure of $110.03 per child in average daily attendance of public schools were spent for the education of every child in the Catholic elementary and secondary schools, the cost to the taxpayers would come to $264,061,877.24 (a sum slightly in excess of the federal appropriation requested by the N. E. A. for the equalization of educational op- portunity in the public schools). cache/_005457260.txt txt/_005457260.txt