id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005457070	McNeill, Leon A. (Leon Aloysius), 1902-1980.	The annual cycle of redemption : an explanation of the cycles, seasons, and feasts of the ecclesiastical year	1944		.txt	text/plain	30265	1555	70	The reason why the Holy Father established this feast and ordained its celebration at the close of the cycle, is given in his own words taken from the Encyclical “Quas Primas”: “The last Sunday of October, when the close of the liturgical year is at hand, seemed to Us a most fitting time to order this celebration for the reason that it will so happen that the mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ commemorated during the year will then terminate and be crowned, as it were, by this great solmenity of Christ the King, thus exalting before all men the glory of Him who triumphs in His saints and in His elect.”3 It reads as follows: “0 Lord Jesus Christ, who when Thou wast subject to Mary and Joseph didst sanctify the home life with ineffable virtues: grant that, by their assistance, we may be instructed by the example of Thy Holy Family and become partakers of their eternal happiness.”	cache/_005457070.txt	txt/_005457070.txt