id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005456903	McDonald, Milo Francis, 1880-	American education : the old, the modern and the "new. "	1952		.txt	text/plain	22853	975	59	In that year the deputy-superintendent of public schools in the City of New York, Dr. Reese, urged the adoption of a resolution by the Board of Education to compel all public school teachers to read to the children a portion of the Bible daily. Into every Congress since a similar bill providing for the apportionment of $300,000,000 by the federal government to aid the several states in their support of public schools has been introduced, though studies have shown that only two states, North Carolina and New Mexico, have any real problem in the matter of providing proper support for local public schools.	cache/_005456903.txt	txt/_005456903.txt