id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005198002 nan Apostolate to assist dying non-Catholics : or, apostolate of the prayer card ; a means of assisting well-meaning non-Catholics to die a happy death or of leading them to the light of the one true faith. 1944 .txt text/plain 2907 141 75 If it is certain that the patient is a non-Catholic in good faith, to whom there is no use speaking of the Catholic Church, and has really made the Acts, this is what should be done: Thank God for His goodness and mercy and ask Him most sincerely to grant the patient the grace of persever- ance. Thousands of non-Catholics, through our efforts, may acknowledge the supreme Dominion of God and the Divinity of Christ, beg — 9 - pardon for their sins and implore Divine Mercy. cache/_005198002.txt txt/_005198002.txt