id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005197412 Husslein, Joseph, 1873-1952. Christ the King 1926 .txt text/plain 12181 565 77 Then, as Pope Leo XIII so powerfully wrote, “would many wounds be cured, and every right would regain its ancient force, the blessings of peace would re- turn, and swords and weapons would fall to the ground, when all would willingly accept the Empire of Christ and obey Him, when every tongue would proclaim that, ‘Our Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of the Father.’ ” V Cult of Christ the King DEVOTION to Christ as King is no innovation in theliturgy of the Church. The beautiful truth of the Kingship of Christ, which the Church had ever held, her devotion to Jesus Christ as King, which runs like a thread of royal purple through the prayers of the Christian ages, were now to be given a new liturgical significance. cache/_005197412.txt txt/_005197412.txt