id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005197410	Catholic Church. Pope (1939-1958 : Pius XII)	On the sacred liturgy. Encyclical letter, Mediator Dei (Nov. 20, 1947) of Pope Pius XII.	1961		.txt	text/plain	41232	1534	61	57 specifically named 57, 176, 177 through deficiency 8 Active participation in mysteries 152, 199 (see also: participation) Additions to liturgy 182 reasons for 50 Advent, liturgy of, 154 Adoration (see: Eucharist, adoration of) Altar of early Church 21 primitive (table) form, 62 Altars and churches, styles 189-191 Amusements on Sunday 150 Ancient rites worthy of veneration 61 exaggerated attachment to 61, 63-64, 203 and the Council of Pistoja 64 Antiquarianism (see: ancient rites) Apostolate, norms for liturgical 186-204 Archaism (see: ancient rites Architecture, influence on liturgy 56, 195 Art adornment of churches and altars 189 architecture, culture and painting 195 influence on liturgy 56 modern 195 realistic 195 symbolic, norms for 195 Artists, to be guided by religion 196 Asceticism not a monopoly of one group 179 no conflict with devotion to liturgy 36 ON THE SACRED LITURGY 97 Authority in in us, we in Him 80, 128, 185 Church 11,39,52,64,177 makes prayer it ceremonies (see also: hierarchy) efficacious 27 obedience to, 12,44,110 as Mediator 1 , 74, 146 over liturgy 44, 57 as present in Sacraments 20 papal 12, 176 in minister 20, 106 regulations 64-65 in Mass 20, 80 supreme 9, 65 as (High) Priest 1,17, 66,68, Baptism 81, 104, 106 “Character” of 88 as Shepherd 17 contrasted with Holy Orders 43 as Teacher 17 distinctive mark of Christians 43 as Victim 81 makes members of Mystical the whole Christ 93, 163 Body 88 Christian Benediction of Blessed Sacrament spirit 12 (see also: Eucharist) spirit harmed by certain added devotion 132 errors 176 attendance, encouraged 150 Christmas cycle, meaning of 155 highly praised 135, 137 Church Bishops (see also: hierarchy) aim, obligation & approbation of 182 function of 3, 19, 22 duties in rites 58 Christ abides in 50 to be kept in proper and death, burial, purgatory 22 contact with 65 and family 22 to protect faithful 176 as guardian of deposit of Blessed Eucharist (see: Eucharislt) faith 64 Canon Law and hierarchical must not be repudiated 63, 109 authority 39, 177 Canonical prayers (see: Vespers) has visible sacrifice 67 Catholic actionists legislation of 63 need special spiritual and liturgical year 165 direction 178 people should pray with 105 to instruct others in the prolongs priestly mission liturgy 202 of Christ 3 Catechumenate, suppression of 53 schools of asceticism in 179 Ceremonies, good to learn and seven Sacraments meaning of 62 (named) 22 Chant (see: music) Churches Choir (see: music) and dignity of House of Christ God 184 aim of (purpose for and their adornment 62, 189, 195 coming) 17 ,19 not used for private as center of Mass & Office 151 experiments 109 desires our frequent should be open to the confession 177 faithful 176 as Head of Mystical Body 84 Clergy in Eucharist 129, 131, 134 encouraged to certain 98 MEDIATOR DEI Clergy (cont’d) Whereas these considerations dealt with public worship in the local and external forum, so to speak, the world- wide encyclical on the Mystical Body two months later handled the whole subject in its deepest context, the mysterious living unity of Christ and Christians, which the Pontiff called the Social Body of Jesus Christ.	cache/_005197410.txt	txt/_005197410.txt