id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005196922 Sheen, Fulton J. (Fulton John), 1895-1979. Whence come wars?. 1940 .txt text/plain 2727 103 70 To those in particular we offer this prayerbook, that by a renewed spirit of prayer and dependence upon Almighty God, all of us—Jews, Protestants, and Catholics—may see our country turned from the catastrophe of war, and made to dwell in brotherly love under the Fatherhood of God. This is the question we shall discuss in this initial broadcast. From God’s point of view (and this is our con- cern, rather than the political or the economic point of view) there are two reasons for wars : War may be either something to be waged in the name of God, or something to be undergone at the hands of God. cache/_005196922.txt txt/_005196922.txt