id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005196915 Schmiedeler, Edgar, 1892-1963. Prayers for the family 1946 .txt text/plain 2556 104 73 Protect us in Thy mercy, deliver us from all danger, help us in our neces- sities, and impart to us strength to persevere always in the imitation of Thy holy family, so that, by serving Thee and loving Thee faithfully dur- ing this mortal life, we may at length give Thee eternal praise in heaven. 0 * * * * From the Mass of the Holy Family: Let us pray: Lord Jesus Christ, Who was obedient to Mary and Jos- 6 PRAYERS FOR THE FAMILY eph, Who has consecrated family life with inexpressible blessing : make us, with their help, to learn by the exam- ple of Thy holy Family and so to attain to eternal companionship with them : cache/_005196915.txt txt/_005196915.txt