id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005196721 Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI). General regulation of the Roman Curia. 1968 .txt text/plain 9483 360 47 Article 40 It is forbidden for officials and subalterns: (1) To remove documents and keep personal notes or observations regarding the affairs of the Roman Curia; (2) To be absent without leave from the superior; (3) To make undue use of office letterhead; (4) To discuss office matters with outsiders; (5) To act in any way as agent, procurator or advocate in one’s own or in another dicastery; (6) To retain or take on employment, even of a private nature, or duties, even of an ecclesiastical nature, which are incom- patible with the work of the office without the express authorization of the cardinal in charge; (7) To be a member of a political party or of associa- tions and institutions not conforming with the doctrine and the discipline of the Church; (8) To exercise any activity or to take part in demon- strations which, in the opinion of the superior, are not in keeping with the character of an official of the Holy See. Article 41 Subaltern personnel depend on the competent administra- tion for their juridical status; for their work within the dicastery they depend on the superior prelate and must never be used for private duty during office hours. cache/_005196721.txt txt/_005196721.txt