id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005196637	Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops.	Statement on population : Church statements on population.	1973		.txt	text/plain	4501	180	50	The popula- tion discussion must include a recognition of moral and ethical principles, convictions about human rights and the good of society and a determination to preserve the true values of marriage and family life. (NCWC | Administrative Board, November 14, 1966) | b) Policies affecting population—as well as the ad- i ministrative guidelines of government agencies — must always respect the well-being and stability of the family unit, the free and voluntary decision- 1 making power of parents and the good of society, j In point of fact, a population policy may only be a positive part of a broader policy that is calculated to support and strengthen family life.	cache/_005196637.txt	txt/_005196637.txt