id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005196612	Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops.	Behold your Mother, Woman of faith : a pastoral letter on the Blessed Virgin Mary : November 21, 1973.	1973		.txt	text/plain	24491	1155	69	Max Thurian, Mary, Mother of All Christians, Herder and Herder, N.Y., 1964; the American edition is out-of-print, but the book can still be had under the title, Mary Mother of the Lord Figure of the Church, Faith Press, 7 Tufton Street, London SW 1, England. 59 . Karl Rahner, S.J., Mary Mother of the Lord, Herder and Herder, N.Y., 1963. 10.	cache/_005196612.txt	txt/_005196612.txt